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The Morning Record, November 04, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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•-•■■r^- ~ f.T .
TUM Y«t-Ko 78L
' ONLY mmm
I with
ten. Tbcjr elteek. Sherke/
iftftBe Aoftbie *«ia« M k*ft4 ftftd left OB ,
l)ft.. JrS eoftDtere Oft oftr ftod Uerj
Iftllftek. Bbftrkep Iftsi* oft aioBueb'
DMpumto Bftttia of Twonty. with rtcht ftftd the/ ellft^ BefftTfte
hreftkftMftft ky force ftt the ftftd ft*
' Boftftd lO^e* pftti kftrB Ufift Oft
ft Oft« n»W MOftth ftftd etftMeh. Both UaB «■
Vho Baoa Bobmlttod Thair PraB«t l.Srm BftU BIft Ow»-Co«t«t ct^Moh. ftftd Jeff.pftU herd rl^t hook
Uviftory maport—ffiUplMft tocop.'
VMl ft>4 nrtoftft. —t Uft OftU- Oft Bhftrbey'e ey*.
ft* OoftM Mi Wift-Bota Oora*U
UftOftw{»d.-fts4 fttftfiftcft To* with
ftB Adeeokftnr. Tnbkry
rt-u. fl«n Oft ehlft. thftft baftta rika fto4 ato*Wlu«r-4ui«M 0«»»4 ftftw It. fteh with tan ftftd rirkt. Both mb
ftftd TiMoharooft.
Ha* Vork. »«. » -4*
«• ■aftkanlnf Jefl roahaa. To* clip* ift
WftahlBCtoo. Noe. S—"If wa with^iftd. tkft 4rkt toftifhi b«t-.M Jaffa aor»ar ftad Jeff a«Mb* kftd draw fi!om the PhlUppiftaa ftaarahy
Bhftrkftjftftd 4*«rlft» »•• • fftftt ft»4 ' aye with riffht.
ftftd latafTOBtioB of other powee* will
tftrtoftft kftUIft U wkJah fto
WM j Boftft4 l»-Je«tftftaa Oft aye with follow. AMTleftB oeeepftUoo la tha
tM wlftftftr ftftUl tk« Iftftt roftftd. Botk ! Hckt ftftd CB wtod with Uft. Bkftriray OBly aalefttlOft of tha lalaada. Thh ta
■m» notlrftJ ftft«ftrftpasi»hMal ftod ftt iatftnan JaS with doekU awiftf oe raeeffftlted by mftBy FUlpiftoa. arec
boftd. IftBda three UH awtBffa Oft Jftw. aartoftta. bat three Iftttar w»ot to.
timm U ftpMWftd tkftt tk* ekftspl
left to j»w ftftd Iftftdft terrifte left trol the rwreobaa while we take tha
vmibIomU* IftftW
4«fwt bftfor* Tos Hkftrkftr- B»U» «*.» OB aklft, ftootker left OB jtw. Jeff in reepoaelblimea.
KtUoftftl hoaor for.
wftNlB rood for* ftltbowrk J nnm dtcuraa ftt eloaa.
bldaeny eSort to eacape oar reapi
BoBftd |}—Sbftrkay IftBda lahOB wlod blllUa. Oar aoatrol ta the only thlof
lookfti ftftUow wkftft befMUred U»«
ftBBMftth. J.SpftUiicbtoBdftrheftrt. thfttatftoda for peftoa ftftd order and
oB3«« of th«
were: Bad Shftrbay aiftffffatft J.ia with aolld
It ia the osly gbaraBtaa
O«0TM Biter, rftterw; W. B. Eobertfton. left oo jtw. Bhftrkay aMahaa left to
BemberataBt. Ib the U>.
______ n._.
mtlBBad Oft foftrlh pace)
reege of* promioaat PiHplno. 'Olea
before the tlM- act lor the
erord «( the oommlaftleB’B admlrabla
report. I eaa *y. tMa with perfect
alety for tha reaftOB that I did not
write lb Itwftawritiftft br tha liter-
A Year Ago rourp”cf:?.1Ia^fard?
partment—now two of the best workmen can bardlj
keep np with the orders—That’s a healthy growth
and speaks well for our ability to pleaiM our many
bat Oft. aeery aoBcloaioa reaekad wa!
It U ftft ftkeolaUly|
trftthfel h
ft of aU thftt I
oarer keea
alBee tha tret (BB w«a tied that the
Cftltad Sifttftft ooftld hare wlthdrawa
from tha ktlaade. and tha raaaofta aat
forth la tha report ea to wh« parataMtlftl ftre
lamyopiftlM. a
ia so other alta.
Thffftloa are rcftllslag It tt ahowB by
from AgftlBaldob rftftkft.
•The Iftteet adrloae ahow a rery de
le tha altftfttioo. I
look for aa early tftrftUBfttkm of tha
war. iB fftcb I Brmly bellere that tha
bottom ha. already dropped oat of M
lo.srrectiOD '•
If you have a good frame
that needs a new picture
Look over the lot we have just received, in etchings,
photo-chromes and platino prints, from 16c up. We
will fit one ia yonr frame aod polish the whole thing
up in a neat np-to-date manner for a few centa.
(^me in an I talk with us abont it.
Bniph Oonaabln Jr.. Knnager.
290-2S Front Street
Brp^ That OaBBlbaU to ffiaw Hebr;dm Hare Silled Hr. Mlliaa.
BOatlBff of tha fflftota the elabhoftae
Vaaeourer.B. C , No*. S.—The auameau tbamaalraa ".
to tha doon aod acftta ware
Tbmearea few of tha ezoi
I. froftt dasftftd. WbCB Bbarkay aa
Bard by the Philip
toradtharawaaftyaU. Be waa ftoao*I
Oenena Toabert DoolareB it ia their prallmlnary report, whleh waa Nawe he. raaehad Sydo^ from New !
~.u.i by Tom O’Bobrke ftod Tim Meheaded to the praaidaat (by the four joai.kooU.totlng that a PreabetenaB I
Offtdy. Tka aallor took the ooniar
mambara of the c->mmia»lon laat night. ■ mMUnair. thouaht to be tie E*e. A. ]
which wftft oeeapiad by Pll»«l«moiia
wkOB ha waa defatted by J. ff>-iea. Tbla High Xzploftlae UmO Ib Defeeee of
aabmlt their repwt to the P««Ueft»-1
m the natieee in mctloo. of the I
waa tftkfto ft. fto lU ofttao by Ua aapaf
Lftdywmtth Protaetad AgeiB.t by Itiaa nnaBimont report, aigsed by all, N>w >lcbr<<lce. where Mr. Uilllea w«« I
Boar OommaoAer-kMfttloBftl Bft; thememhere of the eommlaiioD now | posted, are canBlbeU Mr um-eehaa
wft. ft ml»bly ahoBl whaa Jaf
I hi. wife wUh him. and it tt BOt kaowo
whether ehe .nrrlred.
trlaft BBterad the rtB* ftceompftftlad by
pewta of Aftothar Brltieh DUftatar in thte country. U tt
fol perenel. word for word, by eyery -___________________________ ^_________
Brady ftad Billy ftftd Jack Jrffriea. bla
Are OBoem&rmadftBddo Vot Worry
American citiien. No more Important j
•driaatft. Jaftrlea eroftaed the rlaff ftftd
Brit fth War OAea Oaolal.
doenment bearing upon the pclleie.
•hook bftftdB with Bhftrkay- A momaat
LoodoB. Nor. S.—Brlftted dlasateheft and fninre of this oonolry be. eome* to
UterBetarae Bilar aoioiod the ring.
Tha term, of thabfttaa ware t» rooBda. from tha Britlab came ftt Ladyemlth. light in raeuBt yaare. It tt a paper
Marsala of UMa&ftbnry mlaa. for the Natftl. giro »o ftddlUobftl IbformaUoft which wii; occupy a place in httMwy
regardlBg Moodayb ®ght eieapt e.ll- It preaentt factt and eonelnalooe
ebftmploBfthIp of the world.
- Cbaapleftou f at the rlBgalde were mat* of the Bmt Uoaaaa. whleh are which, win it u belieTed. yul ao end to
KW McCoy, who an ftaar Bbarkay. BOW and td be BS kOledaod :oo wonad- the mtttakeB ineurreetton of opinioa to
ftOTBar. ftftd Jftmea J-Corbett, who aat ad. moatly rlctlma of artlllerr ehella thttooontry. whleh tt now the only
•ear the ooaitlea oeeo^ad by Jrffriaa. Thme wrought anck hftroe thftt U U enpport of the eiclou. In.urreetlon of
»i 1I):0» p- .. u.. rlCT« w«. to~J aaid that Oenarftl Joobert. the Boer force againet whichr^meriean nntbority
.Oeoetftl White. tteor tending.
iBt© the rlBf ftftd ft
Brltleh eommander. protaatlag
Thtt eUlemeut of the condition, now
cf»M.«».................... ..
againet the oae of lyddite at lahnmaa. eattUng U the Pfa<Upplne archipelago
of orer kM.OW.
It waa l0:<O whOB Martla JoUao ' Aceordlag to all aoeoentt the praaenee ttoomplete and clear It beare eel0
ahftllaBged the wieoer lo behalf of Bob in Ladyemlth of loBg range gone and deuce that the oommttMner. apd their tack with open mind.
FUMlmmoBft- Jim Corbett alao chal- the eplendid ebooUng of the bluejecketthere meUrtally Improred the and with high porpoeae >= it coBtaia.
leaged tha wlooer.
At 10:10, both eoota.tftUU doBoad pjilliOD of the BritUU. A tamporarr proof that they found tha factt point
armUUee wee daelared_Alooday even- ing so oearwtaelmingly to bat one COBthe glorae. aod the batUe that waa to
It’s Dol the price alon-—
laat the fftU t*ooty-tre rouoda, aod Ib leg to allow the eolleeUoa of the dead clnaioa that they are nnable to Snd
but what you get for the
Ungnage too amphatle for adequate
which Jefirla. malatalBad tha UUa of od woBBdad.
price tbftt niak.*e the bargain
of their aonelciloua The
A dUpalch from KimberUy. dated
•hamploB. begaa In grim earaeab PolV
We are alway# more ttian
___ who sign toU report. It ehould be
lowlBgla tha fttory of the Bght by Oji 59. eald that ^1 the wonaded were
ph a«ed to have you examine
borae lo mind, are BOt poUlicttBaaLBOl
doing well.
the qnality of our abuee aa
While the wires to Ladyemlth are eat arcB partlmot. They an educatore.
Bmwd l-Bharkay throw, lari lo
well as the price.
law »Bd hook, right to chlB. Jeff yet tha optlmiem of war office rSslale aeleaUatt. atudentt of polltloal and e>
clalaeoBomy.oneaneapertln dealing
amlle. and jompa >b with left to atom- U refnelng to bellere that Udyemlth
aeh aad right OB riba Sharkey jedu
Chlldr.-o .
turad. appeera to be jnetlSed. aa this hereof MaoHa Bay. Admiral Dew^.
Jew with left, ftftd Jeff jaba mooth
>11 x-l
A. algnie !»at aa any other part of
with right. Jeff pau right aodar moralag It wae amartad that the rail
CbDJn-B - -.MM.SUPF1
tt the chara-sUr whleh
In M, Ir. ai »ad CH
• heart ftud To* clloehaa. After break road wahetiU open, though treffi: wa.
• — the greateat oantloB. they giee Aeuinaldo. the head and
Sharkey rBftba. Jeff to r^ ftftd
Ynu can
IB add more to yoor b^t>W
ftwlBga with both haoda Jeff block, What, howaear. waa oaly a rumor yeo- front of lb- ioenrrecUoa. In.vead of
areooBl *bro your children wear
oet la middle, aad abooM atralght laft terday aysBing may. U tt claimed, be a being a patri a. a great champion cl
our eelrb-ated
freedom, a wood Ororge Wftehingtoo.
Oft aaek. Poriiaa Tom’a kead back with reality at any moment, aa Oaneral Joube tt pictured aod coneieted ae a mttorleft ftftd aftBda right orw hc*rb Pfttt bart with htt Urge and wondari
ftble. ehllvlog. tricky, ireaeherooa.
•Uff Uft OB jaw. aad they clUeb.
middUBg upstart.
“The orimary
Boftod S—Jeff peu right oo rlha. ftftd eral ibonmad man to make a daab at
ohjetof htt aUufgle." aay the comthey clloch. To* wallope Jaw with tha railroad.
■■r an'i .low t
— Sic* ii
"to not llberly. but oontlnBnmoraof all kind, are In eircnla
lefb Jeff rufti To* lo the rop«e, Md
nanee of hie owe arbitrary power
«boee we are iwll•ugfote him with laft od jaw. Sharkey tioB bare of Oenarnl White heUg com
dropa under a right kook, ftftd tab* 8
eioB wh ch the commttelooere reach as
«ty)e. fit. flanb and q->alfty ba.
•aooBda Whas ha gaU to hi. feat Jeff the Briitth rune appaftr to be m
DC'cr pr«D oblftiOftb.e for thtt
tothecpahilUy of the Pillplnoe for
dropa him with Uft 00 J.w. To* rlaoa than eqnftl to the Boar ftrUUary.
price bpforo.
Londoa. Noe J.-The war office thtt aelf goeeromsnv At the praeant lime
ftBd grin, mockingly ftt Jeffriea- Tom
Jampa ift and .wloga wildly. Jeff jaha •fternooB. replyln* lo Inqnrfte. aald the people are not prepared for It, eay
left OB month. Sharkey hooka to e*p.
The ongb toraiUgatloB. The maiMc are
Jeff pnta two haary rightt on riba. there of fresh Boer moeemenU.
nnedneated. but capable of great deThey rough Hand Sharkey go* to hU offi^ftU are not ftware whether the
t to tlma Bnt tbU can be
railroad to Ladysmith tt atlll Intaek
koeee They ellnck.
.eenred only fiffier an enlightened and
BduBd l-JrSetopenwh with right
«nder h**rt. aad puU left oo jaw. inetractt the proper, anlborlUae t< liberal ijeerelgn power. The maaee.
They clliicb. aad Tom awUga to ear. iotollM> thlrly-tee bfttUlloB. of mUi know Bothtog of eelf goeerBrneBt.
•The moet that can be ezpected of
Jim land. Uft aad right on atoueh. Ua ftt their reepecllea headquariere «
the Pillplnoa.” aay the oommlmloaerm,
left <m mouth and two rlgbu oa earlone dat* after Noe. $0
"tt cooperation with the American, to
ud laft to Booth. Shftricey
MSW n,ACB ffOtt ffOBTXffi.
JodUUl and mnolcipal aflalru. In
eoBBUra ob bead, and they cllBch.
they My beeoM worthy of a
Boftftd «-Jefl peta right oa rlhft. ProaMaat has Offered Rii a Berth U
larger measnie of mH goeemmeBt and
Tom land. Oft wUd.
Bzchanga of
eelf goTemmeqt to the AmerrtghUOB atomacb.. Jeff paw left oo
WaablBgtOB. Noe. a.-Rohert P. Por- Uan ««■««« ahonld ever be kept in rUw
wUd. Jeff amlUa aa ha go* to hla
tor. the apeclpl commUaleew fw Cnha for the futnra." Thtt belief of the
MTU tt well eapporled by the
Boaad a—Sharkay ratU* JrfTa math and Porto BUo.haa handed U htt realg«la loeal calf goremmeBt
arithlaft. Jeff laada OB riba, aad To* Batkm. aa htt work In the West Indus
toy tried to the ttlaada. In Negroa,
replUa oa rlha. .Jeff laada two righu waetbougkttoba
whM lire the moat toUlUgftnt and
CO atemaak. Tam ataggera Jeff with McKtoUy rtetumtad Mr. Porter to .
paroa. of tba trlhaa. aa attaapt at
two UtU oo jaw. Jeff laada oo tlBM to htt precast poaltkm and aaN IAV01
atomacb. and Sharkey hooka Un to ear ■nme charge of the tosBlar hnrean of
tha war departmant. by troops. <raa a taUare; aod not untU
•r TMt
. aa hell aonoda Brady claima foal, hot
Mr Porter aUU
aft* tha leading mon had asked the
It la not allowed.
to Uha eoatrol waa order
Bound a-Thay meat with rightt on lttt*h5uiSl*to1Sl aaeapttha offii.
hroagbtoat of
Jtff Jaha atralght left oo
This report is heard aronnd the
•esuaaata of Dewey.
fcaa Sharkey patt Jeff e head hack
arilkUtt and apparefttt wUh rigkt.
Waakiagtoe, Hoc. A—«1U tba aato world, annihilating time, distance
Olrftftit Ooart BtUl Worktag «e tha
and resistance.
TbriUndaonJawnnd appart
tail ftf HIU VB. Dohm.
The np-to-date bnaineaa man
•stoat at Uberty
Tumnd 7-tb* Joltt Jaw with un. Uwork to tba Olrcalt ao«rt------ to tba Brat time atooa thair aniaal to will keep pace with the times—Ha
Jeff landa on riba. . Tom ewUgB two p^torbytbaday.thw* woaU be a tha Daltad Stot* traaly to dttea* tha will do all in hit power to make
Itftt to Jaw. Jeff BUCfwe hat eom
treat deal of mooay to tba cm of Hill «httM of Ihelr ____ ______ Ad-'^
tiiAt it wiU
arlU riffht oo otomaoh. . Jeff looka ea. Dohm that tt bow ftBcromtog the iriral Dewey
worriedand Ured at the aad odUm attamtUa <ff tha ooftiV TeaUaw ^ laaTtogtho Whlu Bonaa. Groat to^aatlataktagaftothaapor^ oi the
te this
the and weatoatoash* to htt wmffa, baeaft*
'"Iteiad 0-Tbm pota Un oo *Mtk ttSumoByoAthedefaMaad
end — It wilt bring
ttBe^^to Mffht. Ho othm work Biaaa tha toMwa hattU of MaaUa Bay
at Quick
. O'lOD clothing worn thftBa<
*^than aec other •tor*.
The other fellowB fyel u«—We hare no
desire to crowd aDybody out, but we’re
of them....bostJe.. hicb
.. the
_. best
ia a eery good thing for you. It ahoto that Benda does the
right thing by you.
The style of oar tlO 00 men‘a suiU. overcoata and ulaters
is simply irreproachable— It isn't neveotsary to tell you bow
well they are mrle, for everybody knows, ^nda sella nothing
bat the one kind—the real g^. well made kind.
Tbe’re’a a nice lot of Reefers we just got in yesterday tl .75. $2.50. $3.00, tl.OO. $5.00. Moautoina of rnderwear at
2>. 50. 75c. $1.00 np to $5.00.
Eojov yonraelf -by picking from tlie only entire new
stock in Traverae City- at
I This Morning
Will be a good time for yon to drop in here and
superb stock of Gentlemen’s
1 Fine Overedafs, $4.50 to $2M
See onr world be«tBr all woo! Seimay OTorooat at
$6.$0-tbe «{ual of other stores' $10 coats.
You’re wek'ome at all times to look at onr stock —no obligation to bny.
-r iSc
“ 58c
School Shoes.
J. E. Greilick Co. /
Doors. Sash, Mouldings,
Fine Sfill Work
85s ondBI.OD.
It always pays to uade here
r‘----- --------- Jaftlaada oo rfba.
ha hat stoadtoatly refaaod to dttew*
andtbiffoUneb. JaS pata rifkl and
tho aattoaml polto i* ^ FhtUpptaaa:
un on atB*aeh and right on anr. Look- OTitan tX Mmift"Iwtthyoawoftldwythtttor *e.ad on N|Nb at the and of the loftnd.
CIthhm Om. sald tea affmlial. -that I tafiowa syfte?
. Booad»-8hBrk«pBttJoffon np«
. 7W-it t
people to jronr place
Cold weather is coming.
Now is the lime
to place yonr orders *for
(irilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No 2.
Traver,.e City, Mich.
That Boy of Yours
Will soon need a pair of bhoes. Before
making the lelection. just drop in and
see a few of our Boy's Shoes. In pur
chasing our stock of fall shoes for boys
we have bought the most serviceable
shoes possible for the money (style and
fit not forgotten.)
Boyl Leather Llnad
Boy’s Satin Oalf
Boy’s Box Oalf • •
Boy’s Bsaralsaa ....
Baa our ’’Llttla Qants* hi^ out,
boxoatfshoaa at
MeNasura Bktdc.
9 -7»
- 8.00
ram kobsoio
inLATBB4s onr, •
MAVD nAvnas asBAXA.
«Ma 1!. >*» AMB i. W. H«jnw.
t. W HAim.. C'«>^ t»A llM»rn
Laat evenisc'*
lewloB of
tbe board of edneatioo waa a very
abort affair. Tee matur of bnaioera
for wbieb the Bcetlnc waa callrd.
not ready for aetUcBeat. aod It did
not take loop B rtaeb an ad jonroi
Preakdeot Prank UeBilwm callrd tbe
eetinf to order, with a;z of tbe ntemberaprroent Uc bed previonely ac*
nonnoed that be would make appoiatmenu to 1111 the d fferent eoBmifeae.
eeounllDfly . the appolntm-ntr
> made aa follow*: lb tbe place bJamea A- Hoore. W. O. Foote #a*
appointed aa member ut tbe committee
bolldlopa ana d-'ouda. In ib<plaee formerly occj p>0 by tbe' law
Hr. Pybns on to" a-m« oommawe,
Oeorge Hoyt waa acpoinied. To All
tbe vacancy on the^ committee on
aebooU and teaebera, Bev. D. Ooeblk
waa appointed.
Tbe matter of tbe ebangca to be
made by tbe oontraetora In the addi.
tionetothe Bimwood aod Board man
avenge baildlnn not brInK rendy for
flnal adjoetment, tbe chair anoaoneed
that n motiuo to a«‘j>nrn woald be in
order. Aecordlncl). on moUon of Hr.
B nrbem. tbe board adj mroed to b
Wtdoeaday eveninp.
aay way «aeal to Ui^ prea
at Dr. A. W. Cbaae, Amerie
Vbyelelan. Tbiapreat kidney cere ia
aM by ail dealers at 855 oeau a bax.
•ad has proved
- - effectual
• ai
roved moat
•dy for tbe mat
laay ills to which
lOotUap Co..
fmt atreet. 7A0-U_A
Oonranttoa of Hiehlpan Fodoration of
Voman'e Oiaba eo Votcd-Lanalap
Obonan as Vest PUiee of^HMWop
Tbe mott eeceeeafal ecjpveotioD of
tbe Hiebipan Pederaiiou of Woman't
Clebe eloaed iw aes»ion in Jaekw»
Thuredsy oipbl. Toe aiwedance wa
Urpe. tbe pr-ipram ietenaiinp a-<
oractieal. aod the delapatea rotered
into tbe spirit of t1
the palberinc with
L .oeiop wasebaoeo as the place of
boldine tbe nrx: convention.
fallowlop jftij.-s were elected;
Pro* d -at. Hrs. Variba A KraUnc.
of Hoskepoo: vice presideeU Hra. E.
D Wneeler. Haniatee; aecood vice
areaideat, Hn. Alex Cbtter. Hendori
•soordlnp aeereUry. Hra. Oenevieve
HrKinney. Sanit Ste. Harir;
psndlnx secretary, Hra A. Bi'Tbayer.
Bapltiawi treasurer. Hra. Brwle L
Priddy. Adrian; dlrectora. Hra E. L.
B der. Lanaiup. and Mrs O. L Woodley. Henominee: delepatea to the bien
oalatHilwaukee. Hra. Cyfoa B Perkina of Grand Rapjds; Hra. Andrea
B.>weli. of Detroit; Hra Joseph Uoeld
>r. B tea Ho*ber. Ann Arbor: Hra .>
Sharp, ofJaekaor: Mta Jamea G
Haneoek. Hra Helen W zoo. of Cbro,
sad Hra. Be’ie Perry of Cbarlolte.
It will not be a sni.
surprise to _
. . fsm lar with
' 'i tbe
Cbamberlaio's Coopb
Kemedy. to know that-people
• here take pleasure In relatii
------ Inp ibclr
Id the
(he use of that Vplendid
• xperienre In
medTelne and In telilnp of tbe bentfl
they have rrcelved fr. m If, of bad eojdt
it has cored. oT tbreateerd attacks of
oneumoniait has av r ed and of tbe
cblldren it bat aared from attacks of
erouo and wbooplop eonph. It is a
SixFirpb.'u Faiiurra.
S X terrible faiiures of ►;» c! ffetvot
lacioranearlyaeol Wu,. H Huilen cf
bocklaDU, 0-. town ea-Iy pr..re. Al.
aid be bad a fate) luap trcuble aod
that be most aooo die
urped totry Dr. Knps Nrw Discover,
fur Cnckumptlon
After taklr.p fle
bottles be was entirelv cured. U is p ■
-iUvely paaranteed to rare all diae^
•r Tbruat. Cbeat and Laopr. ?T<eladiPir
Coupns. Colds. Ls Grippe. Fneumonls
Kroo'-bitis, Asibc.!. Usy-Fev-r. Croop
Wbcwplnp Conpb. SOc ard A) oo Trial
buttles iOclsat Jas. G Jobi;sr>c's asi
S. E. Wait'a dnt( stores.
CoiiMun^^ Curw-Wanaep's
Wbft* WiM of Tar tymp, tbe
best cough remeiiv on esnh. cun-- a coiu
in one day if taken in time. £> and SO cu
Bverd Fans
Ha ms. Prirarrwea. nirrsantbemews
etc. on sale at F. H Paine's rreeabouse, 810 West E'eveoU atrrov
“ it *r$ajOt sc
iiM •’ Caiman's E astfl: FW V-rJisi?
—all the latest styles aod colors, aod
»-e hare a 6rst claos eiperieoccd mao to
. make the frames. A oice l(>i20 frame,
iocheo wide, io all colors, for 75c—
just the thiog for eolarged photos. A
oice SxlO frame with'glass aod mat for
25c. Briog io your pictores-—We can
save you money.
120 Front St;
Hoosa FiuxlAhisg Htor*.
Both Tolepfaonesp Ko 43.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Inioti Street.
you git holt of a ten dollar note you want to git it into yu or onto
yu jest s qmks you kin.” I he quicker you get into one of our Ten Dollar Overcoats
the quicker you II have some of the best comfort onto you that you ever enjoyed.
A Bedstead
i We Repeat
An Umbrella
full sized, good wood. war- ^^'= staicrnem ma<le about
t„ shrink, o-urp
Butting. 1> r*'" “ '
se!k fnr
^ I •
contains no dirt or*celling it at the same pnee
sells for
the one. h s, rubbish - each roll jS
rain or shine and that
an unheard of price we, wide. 14 feH long, weighs -special drive" at a dollar
know, but were going to i ^rom :: to 4 lbs, sells at f :J4c ,v,e one is most s,ifv^w««f.,l
give you the benefit of a | the pound-one roll cut ,h
•■^nap" we nicked un Bei
^ comforter ; A «««! serge coverand-one
feet long. 0 /cet 4 inches that will shed all kinds ol
tercome early ,f you want a,,,ide.
good thiik "bAl rain unless it rains pitchforks
gooil bed stead.
or grind stones.
Stylisli, Sensible, Serviceable Shoes.
ThalVwhat is said of < In-y Bros Ladies' Fine Shoes. The first word tells why
vvp sell so many. They re made by up to-date workmen, who know their business and
style IS to be considered always. We sell them at $3.00,
and S4.00 the pair.
More News
“Con-di-ments' Soup for dinner
, ^
according to webster "are makes a person feel good,
of the little priced books, somethingused togive relish especially these cold days—
Those little gift books in to food, to gratify the taste' It warms you all through
dainty bindings sell at 22c Read this then: Deviled -If the wife is busy here's
the book-white and gold Olives, with red pepper and something she can usc^and
imitation leather, imitation ; mustard. 30c bottle. Baby keep right on with her work
wood. There are hardly Olives loc; Queen Olives -Soups already prepared
anytwoaliKeindecorations. 25c; Tomato Catsup 25c; an<bsell at joc the can
Splendid opportunity to en- Chow Chow at ijoc; Midget i Boullion soup—Cove Oyster
largethe library-rcmember Pickles 25c: Durkee Salad soup-Mock Turtle sout^a friend and make a wedd- Dressing at .'.ociMixed Pick- Chicken soup- Vegetable
ing or a birthday gift. 49; les loc; Demkley's Celerj- soup—One can makes good
books to select from.
Mustard lOc,
thick soup for six people.
A difference of but one letter, but what a difference in meaning. A Frieze
enemy «o cold weather. F,ach season this style becomes more popular
\\e II Sell^u one of these "cold weather comforts " fpr $5J» or $6.50 or $8.00 or
512.00. They re made to wear and are made by up-to-date workmen.
T* Ohp« • oafld In Om Day.
Tbke Warner’s White Wine of Tar Svnir
the beet ooupb remedy on earth. 35 an.
Fleet of tbe 0:eb Partl.s
Tbe Srat of tbe eertea of club parUes
for tbe winter waa held, at tbe City {
Opera Btaac last <ven>rp, aid waa all ‘
that bad been expected in tbe way of
rare. Aboni forty ecnplee werej
present, and the oeiceaton waa a piea>nt IntrodneiiOB to tbe'O.-ial aeaaon.
A fine concert was rendrred in the
early part
tbe eveninp by Professor
Hnnanpb'a orebaatra. wbicb wa*
preat’y er J >yed by all. Dsi einp eontinned Uli a late boar
Md Apue. Md Typhoid dtaaaae perma
than savage oMtUbaU; but UoucMda
have found Uat Electric Bitters is a
•all malarial diebllls with fever.
__2k Md bead. Md
feellnpa. a trial wlU
oonvlsee yon of Uelr merit. W. A.
Null of Wabb. ni.. WTitea; -Hy eblldren mffferad {oratory Um a year with
ebilUMd fever: U« two botUaa of
Bieetrte Bitters eered Uam." Only
eeau Try Uem. UaafMtaed.
.Jaa. O. J<lobasos aad- 8.
- E.
Mats and Frames
Wilheim Bros.
Picture Mouldings.
W»« are aoIoe^fwiiUfor t e abovrcord
itily taviied to attend Urm. Tbe solo brand of doe t-loibioK. U<>6t de
by M Ink Blanche Haskell was
pendable line on ibe tnaiket render^ and mneb enjoyed.
coata no more to buy aod yon get
- • bos* more wear, atyle and comfort than
In from inferior makes.
oUw plaoM aad bop. la czprtmad
Uataeme plan may
_^Who have trated the merita of D.. a.
V. Chase's EJdney-Llver Pills return
Matter «f AlttratiMa bi »a
Aernaa aad Bnerdmas Aw»aa
Boiiaepa StiJ bastfl Pue—Ap
polatBeomM-deatAnard of Xdn
natton X>t*t V lAt.
fm*A*n Ouy nod Black B«Qlrrela
•od Bohr Uir,ls Shot by Hantem.
The beat ooUeciloo of pame which
hubeen reported by My local bnataea
IhHasMOD waa broapbt to Ue eily
Bsalorday by a party eonalstinp oi
AUermeu Qoorpe Urdle «nd W. J
Varker. John Loranpar and Coasuble
Aabton. They west on Ue peninsula
fiadretarned wlU 17 fiae SAnirreU.
. fray and black. Md four partrldpes.
vovsiuaR 4. taw
So SottlMBMit Btwmn
~RoArd ABd OcntrActors.
AtfBiAiamuoo'a Ooar** Vpb.tld
¥b« *aUexpM«l(w MUmnl reMtrr« a bad; blow wbeo ibe reUrned
ABerican eoDBlBlonert from ' tbe
PblUppUM* preMPUd Uiair prellmi■•17 rrpart W ibe prcaideiL The cod
tMU of the report eriU «et at rcat tbe
doabte of map; »bo bate beea iapreaaed witli tte arptiBeau of the dUfrasUad oppoaltloo to tbe adaiptalra
Hots aod lPt4B»lf7
eooBdeaee in
Ibaeopraeof tbe
lha trladOB of tbe preaMeab Admiral
Dewej. one of Ibe
•Bpbailc in|(bia eodorteaeoi of tbe
' #oUe/ of the admlnUtration and In an
4,Aterrtew aar*»
“I^are baa never bean a time alnee
tba flm r»B
that the Uolied
•ibtM eonld|bate withdrawn from tbe
Wanda. a«d tbe rraaona aet forth la
Ibe report aa to why permanent Aaarlaan eoatrol la eaeential are. In my
opinion. Irrefotable. There la no other
blternatlra. Tbav the Tapaloa are
reallilne it b afaown by the many de- Hchoonar Jehn
•erttona from Aceloaldo'a Anba.
ShiHtw In tbe Bay and la Vow
••Tbe latar adt:eea ahow a decided
in a Dilemna. '
Improrement ia tba altnatlon. and I
Tbe aebooner John Bchnlte, boond
Mpeet an early endinr of tbe war. Id
fact I flrmly -believe that tbe bollom for Bine Lake for lamber. waa overUken by tbe atorm Wedneaday, while
bba dropped out of Ue Isturreetlon."
Tbla ia another bitter pill for thoee makinr that port, bot opon anpronchaabo waltedaoloDpfnrthedUtiBfiiiaii- inp the entranoe to Charlevoix, there
•d admiral to array b'maelf la oppoal- waa a heavy pal* blowinp. Mo top beIn al^t tbe captain decided to ran
lion to the prealdenv
Tbe eSoru made by tbe American ... Urand Traverne Bay for ebe ter.
military antborlUea. before tbe arntal When near Harion ialand they dropped
In about so fathoms of
of tbe eommiaaion at Nanila.lo avert a
OoUieion with tbe FillpLoae are placed vrater. These failed to bold, however,
U tbe aeareet ll<bt. and tbe aelf bod tbe anebore were dranr»d with S''
d by tbe American fatboma of chain to 'each anchor to a
•bUtara In Ibe face of tbe tntulu and point , near Ureillekvllle. where the.,
pontempt of the native troopa ia ahown broufhi np In 30 totboma of water.
Tbnieday tbe crew attempted to
to have beea beyond praiae. In tbU
•onnretiott tbe report of the eommiwlon hiriat tbetr anchora, when they found
makaaiivery plain that at no lime that they were fast. A tackle block
rope lyere then atuebed
eonld the atanndoomeol of the poeliion
ipatan tuaMial the wiodlaaa, bntatiH
lakan when tbe Ameiiean flair waa
ralaed over Hanila have been aeriooaly they stock. 'Tflecaptaio went ashore
UreilickvUle Tburaday evenlnp t
•onalflered aa eompaUb.e with
ir of tbe United dutea or lu dut< wBcnre help to asalsi tbe crew. Yeaie:
murnlop a foroe of men froi
«o tbe vast population of tbe archlprl.]..{day
•CO placed in lubandany the treaty of IV» tbalr aaaiatanee.
but after worklnp all day h»d to plve
-D«aatreml<Iaidon tbe booccm at- it up.
capuln tbioka ha ia fast to <
•eodlnp tbe American arms ia aupprera. . Tbeo
tap tbe rebellion, and tbe review of ex- old wreck and la undocidod waetherto
B a military euod- slip kla ebaiaa or pive it another tr-al.
-potat in tbe varlonHparts of tbe islands
taadalotbe Inference .that tbe memBOPBFOBA BOBPItAXs
hen of the cemmlaaipn are of opinioe
r of w. o. T. V.
Ahat tbe flnal restoration of peace aod Profiubla 1
prdar ia very eloee at bbnd.
Taetetday Afternoon.
The natural weatU and advantapn
Tbe central W. C. T. V. btU a pleas
•f tbe lalanda are passed in review, and
ant nnd profitable ineetiap at tbe borne
• vary hopeful view of tbe future of
of Hra. Fieraon Friday afternoon.
Ike pronp is entertained by tbe oomwas led by Hra.
ib,. p«. “1
Aball have been eatobtlahed asd •ednea-'
many belpfuil tbinps of the conven
tion baa became peneral.
tion. of the inspiration piveo by tbe
onto^ town workera. Tbe time
WBiuchaawninpthroupb Nebraaka than piven to Hrc Wrlpbt. who pave
Aha other day to keep an enpap. m -nt **0, eneonrapiop and belpfull words
10 make a speech. Wm J.'noinpa Bryan j to motbera. Amonp them: -Prayar
am the. vicUm of an accideoL Hi. wuh
our children.- '-paronla
•oeveyance was upset and Hr, Bryan .bould be the natural eompanioui of
^lpbl«l with an utter ditrepard for his Utelr ebiidron and by Ue choice of Ue
dipalty. But the incident was Mmaly. chHdron," •Child confidence must be
Iboupk nntortnoaU It will serve to kept or all U lost." We abonld underAlva Hr. Bryan an lllnsuation of the |.undonrchildren."
fnture of hi. hand wapon,
ExeLSNO U ptvparinp to dlspateb a
fieet-ofblpwarablpatoBonU African
ivatare. Tbe British tales will aot be
•■Uraly un^tected, however; tbe
•kMrock will soon arrive home to
ibe remainder of Ue (flnet which
lanAd to uke Ue Amertea's cap. TMa
fast praralaea in Ume to be.very formMAbla. in point of numberm.
mboosd. baturdait.
If it is up-to-date styles you
wait, we hare them.
Frank Friedrich
'. WMZIwrBloct
118 Fruit St
The HaDDdl & Lay Meramtile Co.
“;{ WMM mi nSMSHITS.
S\«U &VeiM.
lte*Mp aotero Thra lsfi.«tlsc
I AarrteiM
is 1mm DriTtsf «ko
aow amts before asaossterteg the
tacriOc aWiB. Bar talk •«« aU sew.
asd aha «w bssdabaaly raaippad
BchooDarTscht WrM^ and tbroagbooL
Tbe drowsed Bao wan D..8. Way
TIitm Man Drowaad.
aad BtdUa PraalM asdiba gsAt bt
O. 8. Way. Wire aod KoIUb Vftoioa bMged ieCbarlerolx
tkarleaoU. Mkh.. Nor. I—Tbe rr
LattC^rlaeoix Laat Wack for tier.
port of tbe wreck' of tbe aeboeor<
Ida aad Ware Loat is the 810 b—
yacht Cbi^olU Doac Mlllarb 8tatie>
The Travel FoiBWly B»loBc«d loC. baa emtod oOGtlderable eultemet
a. KiM araa cf thla City.
brr* aad a great deal of aadreaa. ar
Chicago, No*. J.—The partial wrack Mr. Way and bktaaUy are well kaowe
of the arbooocr yacht Cfa <4 lita wa» here. Aboard tba yacht were Mr
waabed aabore orar HUler'* autiuo. Way. tala wife aod a yooeg mas oaioed
lod.. today aod to ooa of tbe marU RfiliiP Frailoa Tba yacht left Cbarirwa< laabad tbe body of a mao 1 be rnizabosta week age os a trip to
body of aBotber mao waa waabrrt Pinrida. eia Lake Mi^lgaa aod the
aabore later. Tbe ulothlog of a wom^b rirr roBte iVay waa formerly a *><11
waa fuood la tbe yacbt and there were tiaowp aka aarigator bat latrl* l-a
CDgagn) ib pbniogTaph* tor
: e*tdeiic'w that ar*rral olbrra werrj
laboard aid that ail of the crew aod pi -aiare and ptuord a trip to FioHda
laparaaitof pleaearr aod pn fit.
•eng ra
W«*kls*loo. plo*. ».—Tm foUpwiBC
abbfros frooi UmwsI Otk «m ro>
Tk. .UU «— -rio*. d.sat.
-Ooske mioa U«.
-»«t iormlcMd $» aa. d-rlor
(Leiobar Md
aad pw«B'
proaao'ad. Hi
Ti .
»<«^ Q^et«b«'
t .irlhat k 'ruot. t.u«ek forty or m-tn
ft mmammx «f >•««• m4
lairvne-ad isarfaua Tbey Isnad.
M«}k «M V700 SO.
l.Vy •tMckad aad di*p«ned tbra.
Tto otd odor* oboM lirbialw aoi kiltiar U>t«a aad woaadioK a Baabar.
^ -•Ulklar t»tM ii thOMwe'iriMBdeMBt Waaofferadoo eaaaalttra. Yaterday
oklAlo.la W^zfoM «oaiitf. Pour jr*r%
,09B«ral UwtOD'a adraooa ai AUapa
•CO the lax»ho«M of J. W. OoUj. io atruck ibe eoeay botb wwc aod aoatb
Aoteek MwMhlo, »•» •troek by
oflbrcxy. OaotaiB Bataoo'a MaeaUrkMi«r Md bamod. U >m rebnll*. kaba aeouu ob.la rrcooooiirrlag to
MdaloMtbai tlM hw bneo (trock tbe aoata atrock. tbc ieaarcoBU '
••reo U*w by tba ca«ctrlc flaid
aabaib. Uaateoaot Kjatalfe waa
Dr.J.M Ua'vay of KalaaaMW. ha, killed aod ooe a«out woooded, Capblaeoarbrd aaeaealarly for tba pMtlaiD Bauoo fxMt«d tba rnray.
aU daya 8a h Ml with bowal troohla , uft aerao dead id tba thlckei.
sod tba eaa^b> a w pbyiieiaH.
| '••Ye.t.raay p..looel Bri: of a. ... ....
,.j. „d... ,....
“ne KaiaaiaaM ereaaary, built two , Thirtyi.i»lh ro(aot/H,T* wan bla ragi
I C.PU1.
yaanago a . aewiof hS OOQ, wan aoid <aadt aod a troop of tbe t nrib cara •
at aoetioo for trrs
ry. eiaarad tbr l:o lotry of a:l armed
ItwaamrU jealciriaTmoralbg tbat P'*''*'''^' ““
fl.bermrnlir,..g.n,he bota a!L^
allrer uituais
mtdala roled
Aoo Sr-J,
• ••••••*■
rutew by
oy noD
----- ------------piece wbrra the rnwl atruck aaw tbe
Ibc Uacrab *
bor'aooaaclltothraoldlafaof ibatci'yi®-*®*"*"**'**' dtaiaooe beyoad H,
acnoooer nrceo og hrlpleaalT before
^Ubapreaeoladloihe boya tbe firai;P^™“'“F
c.ptarad biae of their carelry . tie fury of tbc atorm. 8000 the watehTaaaday Is Oeeem>>art
nopgregulonal Association.
Morgas Cloney fell lato
*ouadiBgor capinr- mab io the rigging, and prcecBtlr it
Uon at Kt am ( -aVod ^ad tba :lty fr
I Monday aad Tuesday of .nes
a sambci^ of tbe eoemy. Tbe
A seeu tbst li wss lashed there.
•lu.ooo oamagea A jery am-j ui gireu
week, tbe sv b annual meeting of tb'
iBkurgect ce*all-y is Ibat arciJuo
him tS.OM
l-aicr 00 when tba wind bad drirea .Oraad Trarerae Aatoclation of Congr. ■
Ciward daitb, a watl-kaowp earpao- praetiaaiiy deatroyad. Coloanl Beii'i tbeoo.inea-ertoabore. tba erberm A gational etai
will Uke p’ace
torla Port Hope. Boron eoaaty, waa eaaualiie. were oae killed aad two by the uac uf gleaa<
-illc 8-reraI membenoftb.
larbrd to
ioataatly kUled while brlpiag to ralM •ruandrd.V
rlggiog waa .hurch here will atiend. Mto. M r.
a barn
dead. Hieaeaily the boat auuck, nad o.lati and Prof. C H Horn are no tb.
O. C. Teekar. tbe pnaldeat of oaUa
tne« It ^-mained. pitching aad rolling
,5..^ Hryt and Rrr D.
4.000 FBKtjlBSO At CSAAK.
at tbe Btaie priaoo a Jaekaoo.h a boay
tu the angry aaraa all day long. Tbe (Oochllo will di>« atterd.
mao. Be bat to read arery letter re ■artbtiua^ asd TiOal Wave beraa- b-gb aea made tbe laufcblng . I a astall^ •
eelred by tbe eoprieU la tbc prkoa. a#
biat «o danecrouk that U
Uie Hplueca l«laad
wall aa all thoae aeai oat by tbeaiu In
oigbt before an aiiempi was made to
Viclorb. H. C. Nor. 1 -Nawa b get to tbe wreck.
tba peat year ibera were H pss letter*
br. ugbi by loe ateemar Mioweib.
Tbe b-idy laabed to tbe rlggiog
repaired aad K.vas aeat oat.
wh.caarrt*edy«aterday. of an appal that of tbe cepUin. There was
At Cedar Sprlaga boodloau bad
ling aait^iakiaUeL lola tbe aouth- Agly gaah In bla forehead Be wa
tbioge all tbelr owo rraj Taetdty
ern portliiu of the iaiaad of Ceram (br man erideotiy S5 ycara - f age.
•raalog and moeh damage to proparty direiJt I one
taa :aigaet of tbe Bair Ik alirery aad be wore a mnataebe
waadooe. C<iU*aa aad bbalacat mm
Molucca archipelago, part of the Duftb tiLgid with gray- Hia clnbm were
sregraatlylBoaaaad orar tba on'ragra
po.-aaeelo«a It’b aaoood in olae of tbe
aommlUad aod bare mtMid • fend of ^roup, located batweaa Kurnao atd the conreaUoDal blue and rery aeat
tUtiug. He was ertdeotly aa amateur
more tbaa tioo 10 proaaealc tba guilty
Hepua and noribaMt of Amnoyna.'
uhobgrapbr ; his well-equipped j»raparaosa.
Aboat 4 ouo Malaya end Papuaoa Ohernalla was found on board.
Mim Lida Moore, a aebool girl of
ereklllao. I%e <*rii.|aaka oiurly
Ltwraaee, aged 16 yeare,
deatroyed the town of Umbai and
A Cure for CenstipAtion.
ttaaa-nmifnl attempt to c'lmmil anielde opcoea .taege creraaMa, tome of them
Among other articles found was a| 1 have lieefi irouMed with ronnipslton for
Taaaday. Tbe attampt waa made
boedreda of yards in width. In ti e wrmao's wardreib*. wime parte rf rrwrs. II sas ruInlUK
biwJUi. ui> ruiutbe aebool room. 8be took a doae of
fort and tny eoBiolrxiun, aod I sm clod to
alopca reaebisg from the mouataina which were costly fabriea and of the ! urUislCelenr K1o(boarsciocrd oirilirra,
Mae rltrlol aad sooo became eoeoaood Uil* aftee trylBC msny other mnllrinaa
Id the cdnt<r of tbe blano to tbe aiest
aeloiu Ooetora pampad her out at-d
eoasu Aralanctaee of rocks, aplii from eapiai
aay abe will lira 8be will gly* 00 reaI irUr>m aultrrlDir
ouman wbal<'<Hrr.< Kinx
tne rnuuntaln aidco by the terr>6c cut • ship with biin. add that aba. too. lost nwidooeforuis-.Vellle.«>uld.M«JlWliio
aoo for bar aet. aad ooiie la koowb.
IVIerTKInC'-nrea (-oooUrwtIon otirtKlIdlocuaalun, relied down tbe range, bury- her life.
8be baa ooafeaae^ that aba made a aimra-|-nnli-- ------------- '•
sThe' hlqulta *ru er'denUy a band- neya
lug many aetUemaau. and
Hold l.y druxaUiu. -A<-stid6oc. H
Uar attampt to ead ber life a month
some bundrids' of' Hapuaua, whu inago. which a:
fatbit t le ioteiior.
Tbe Malaya along tbe ooaai auff .-red
laat apriog for ralalag praa tor ouiaide
ereu worM. Far out to aea tbe aeUmic
Bblgrrdisturbance waa felt, ana huge tidal
>. but forgot I
wares were eauk^ which swamptd
pat tbe guaraaieea into tbe contra-'a
aoreral coaat rUla^ and cialmtd
wbleb were made with each farmer
large oumneru of Tletan». ft wai
The raiarsaarc coolDg io oow. bat »o
toe rlclDlly of Ombei that tbe diaastrr
maagerly that tbe farmeta will g1*.
was moat aeriook'y felt. There dwdtbe-pearineUiecildaboulder another
iiogB ooUapaed lik> aucuh of eardaeaaon and try aome ot^er way to gei
burying'unfortuoatr townsmen, an
tbe«anh opeoed and swallowed-ibe
When, the new wall - at tbe eule
rnlaa. Orer C.wxi people Ijat tbrlr
prlaon at Jaclnoo b dabbed priaoaerr
Urea luare. aiM tba esiiata'e of will hare to eaoape by tome other way
dead and SOU injured will be found coo(ban tanaeling 001. Tbe a all b dre
feet tblck. made of granite blocki laid
To allow bow tbc eea swept In eborc
in eemeat, and la laid on aolld bedrock
"'Whether it's psnta for workingmen, buslw len Abeoiamibanfe was orrr a Dumaereral feet below the'aurfaee.
bar li piauna ihai lay anchored off tl e
ness men or prufessional men, each wsnts
Uwb Heekev 10 years old. of Lakr
fftbing rlllagee in Unramcdel bay werv
Odeaaa. a farmer'aaor. waa ahot la the
the beet article for hit epeeial nee -Noth
foQud 00 tbe failltopa some uoDdreds of
aakic by thr accldeotpl diaefatigr of a
fMt abore tb4 aea. Tbeolo Uuicb fcit
ing better than
abotgnn la tbe baada of a eniapaaloa
yceterday. The abot saatlered tbe at Kamoalie waa deatroyed. Tbe pop
ulation id Ibe Orratted Uland ia 1
ankle booea and tore tfae'deeh awa*.
. ISie eebooner. llanbem of Holland SOU OUO, of whom one-third Inbabit the
aoutb -ide, wfaicb was risiied by
went agroBBd near Aral Tboiaday
Tbe reaael b a total wreck, with nt
laanranee. Tbe crew aarrowly eacaped
C. O.'Oerbeit baa token a ppsitioi
Lbt of Latteta.
with tbe Bdlaon American Co. and
.• It* 1..I u( IM
thr ^«»rr»»
■ePtIr Port
lOB.-r unrtUed fur It- hoa gone to tbe upper penlnaala^ to ar
t Ke> a |n^lliB«
In <
for Irllrrt range dales for the entartolumaaub giren by the company tbit aaaa
Be went ftrst to Cbeboy'gao, and from
^ Pants for good honest wear—No battens
there will gti to 8t. Igoaoe. Be will
Barra Joo
Leabur ail»-rt
begone unUl the bolidays, aod
I'anteot Mr a Hr* Jou Unod} } t>
come off no ripe to sew up. In the
baps longer.
" -wratriiM*i-t t»- 8
The Boston Store
The bsekwardnssa of th« sesson has esuasd ub
to wonder how we could get rid of our enormous stock
of men's elc thing.
We must unload—must couTert this msmmoth
stock into cash. Nothing but a
Crash In Prices
wi.l do it—A far reaching cut is our remedy - We have
the glory of quick selling—yOu all the profic
Saturday, November 4th
1 vsi
Solil lijuis are sHIUbHii mJ irtistically
sliapeil. npi simpl)i cm out afieta panern.
or “Berkshire”
finer grades we can ahow some hand-
A meeting of tbe‘mi-iUt*ra of the
city la called to be bold on Monday!
■wroiog. No*. 6th at 10 o'clock, in tbc '
study of tbe Coagre^Uonal church.
Deputy Grand Chief Templar W. W.
iroble will instoli ..Seers of Traverre
City lodge 4tJ. I. O G T. this erealag.
I cent due oa each adrertlaad letter.
Oflleera aad members are nrged to be
UhoHoe W. RAry.
prompt'ln atteudsnee.
Re*. Father Bauer performed tbe
For eome time 1
ceremony ygatarday that made John 8 '
baea la progreat in Wathington leakBrice and Mlm Joe Dwyer of Neaaan I
ing toward eaublbhiag treaty rela- City busbaad aad wife
Moot belweea ^ina and Mrzloo. *I be
Will 8. Anderson will build m greensegotlaUooa are bow ao tar along that
elguiag of tbe iaatnatent b eapected bouar In tbe rear of hia' undertaking
to occur early aezl week
It U the a MbUrbrneat on Obion street.
tome atrtpee In Worsteds.
patteme at prices to ]^leaae aU - $2 60,
irat treaty beteean tbe two uatioua.
Prorblos ia made by which bf-zies
Will raeelee Urn beaedu of the -favor
ed aaUoB elaW and tbe right of ax
t»S terHtorlaliiy la Ofalaa. A UBlque
faatan U that Boglbb la baleeted aa
tbe- '‘ctBaial language'' Inalead
Fraaeb, tbe aaireraal laagoage of
Startltug Coi
Show that ;s per cent of women 1
far Ibelorturre of Itching Mlea. Intlgatioa proree that Dr A. W. Chaaeb
OlnlBeat baa aerrr yet failed to cure
itebtag pUee, and all of tbeae men aad
woBCB could md tbelr eufferiagn at
onee by naing it. Seorea of tbouaanda
bare been cured by Ibb tr
Krarybody eaa be car
New inyoice
juet in containing many dosena of new
$8,00. $3 80. $4 00, $4.60, $6.00.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
r“afc'ro™“‘S;;;:r:;iHere You Have an
* Opportunity To Make Big Money
tbe fuaJu of George L Crawford
ageut -of the Fun. Otgar Co., who hat I
Last evealbg when Joe Ximmermxn
started to drire borne be awt a rig oa
Frost etreet No oae knew bow it bap.
peaad, but there waa a eratb, aad the
horse of tba other rig broke from lu
fas aalnga aiad dashed bowa the atraet
leaving the buggy beaiad. The owner
Jumped troia tbe rig and baetoaed
aftaruefieeiag horse. Soon tbe horse
ainbllag up to the plaou of stort
ing. bsriag token a h» around the
block. The driver oaene along aoac Ume
aflerwatda. ZimmonBaa'e rig waa un
harmed bat Um other was damaged.
We aball knife clothing In a manner never before
known to the people of Traverse City and vicinity
When w« adverUee a 8LAUOU fn.A MALE (as
our recent sucoeesfol cloak sale) th-< people know that
we mean businesa, and everyhing goes just as we ad
vertise. Advertising costs too much to make any fake
about it.
We had a good busianAs ae'aaon for our^eat
cloAk sale We have, if pc»aible, a better one here in
the clothing, for it is our rule never to carry this sea
son’s goods over ’till next.
It is not what you pay for clothing, but what you
get for money expended.
Bring this ad in--compare price for price, the
former with the slashed one. firing your pocketbook,
too, for you're sure to buy.
One lot of 50 men’s suits, in Uue and black cheviots,
our rctjular $5.50 suit—q^bading price g ^0
50 then's suits <>( all
sjjecialsale.......................................................... *X«CfV/
?=r.50. for this sale................................
. U.UU
00 men’s suits of all wool blue serges, brown aivf gray
110 men’s s-nits of all wool gray and black httavy clay
wprstetls. serges and fancy aall wool cabsi- *y fiO
meres, our regular •■^lo suits, this special
150 men’s suits of fine Melton, double breasted, raw
etiged; extra heavy all wool fine serges, up-toaiate
checks and strii>es in fancy cassimeres and worst
eds, our regular prices 5=ir and $i?,for Q Oft
this special sale..................................
75 men's ulsters in all wool chinchilla and all wool
black Frie/e, well lined, high storm collar and good
length: bought under value and sold regRO
larly for SS.50, for this special................... D.OU
4(> men’s all wu«»l fine Irish Friers I’Istsrs, all wool
cassimere lined, sold regularly at 5io.oo. ^
this special....................................................
f■ 4 U
25 Beaver Overcoats in blue and Wack, sold O QQ
regularly for S5 c«.\ this special................. tJ.570
50 overcoats, all wool Kersey in blue, black and
brown, our regular $q.oo coat, - for this £i
' special sale.......................................y............ D. / O
75 extra fine all wool Kersey, extra heavy all wool
Herringbone and Oxford cheviots—all swell top
coats; our regular $12 and $15 values, for .Q OQ
this special sale................... ..........................
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted an
offer, as they must be sold by Eiecember 15.
Also No. 431 Washington street, 44 foot lot, good
No. 542 Webster street, house built about fouryeats
-in good condition, modern improreinents.
Look these over at once and see
Johisoi Block, 'PiiON 73. .
Real Estate EiehiDee
Give This A(J. a Test.
The Boston Store,
line of Fur Coats Just Received.
\\ve '\DotV&.
vebcrtpfiMjewatsfrMBJeC. Md
Tdb «teMaft«iHar> ke plroia Md it
Sany Noble at Elk Baplde ande the
YalaaMe te rmwa,^«. Dmii-
Mr. nod Mn. Oeakve B. Babbola- of
Lakn Ana worn at tte Oalmabla r«aior>'
Itk. Ikrajete *r« witk left.
roar Sow Yorkwo. aoabm of the
A.B .i*orta««<NdlCBakMla In tbo
XOMtlMd IM IrM p^>
Me arrlTvO Boatv Taa aaoa aaO
---------iuwTiii. In- no hU luwio.-w. iHj..
Myrtle Btaatoo catM In Inal erenior
rtwllnc flUw and uuNmuUorti. Mve tue
Baud ii—Toa jwpaiBud eiriatn. froa ba a^ool at Monroe Ceotor.
Ho»tou T^niwcripi. Tl.ew «-ti>rc4iun>ta
tbolr •loMor Mor Bt. Micbool*
teft to ur. J«S cilaekM. Shorkej
Mralt&n.en,Mretnrwdlaatplcht!,*,;;SLe*^t-u!;[ »W««r ri^lnt.a K.
at bore OMOfod. Om of tba dead warn
Ki .Jt»
lafu JeS Urowe two froa ibeofeehni of th. MioktMo'^M *
unlrenilty. nurrea.-r.
;• WOM*.
rroa ibeareelOD of the MiebMaa Fad|•n,fe.»or ll«l*e e dra et,wrllotte ud « rlrht m wiad. Tha saDChea
oreMon of Woaun'a Qaba. Jut doted | meat «a> with the toad.
. ____________
Tberoaroaevu four wnwii ooo- •book abvkoj. bat bo abooU two !•»•
! ed a email |n>« iu my *anlen." br eald
.Boetora o« tb« olMrte Umo »t ObiUl- to the bwd
J*S nu loft oo ehlo.
“and In ■
in a lieu Ml wai«f. laeutlnl
Umad It-Tooi Uad> on bom ud
male and frtuair toad. To aiimrt
■OMioltetlbofOorSM, Ky . otoiM }•« ud J.ffriM»ti««n, bat lud« day vlaiUnc tbo apylBB barn, ratnrn- i
*k«u 1 p.Urrd wUblo ihr Int*o own ibe looB oo whkb Nuer Hdbtoo Jew ood Uft oo mnatb. Toa in* laat niptav
kite of food and boiw. Tbr rrtfUake. tbo aotbor of Abrohoa L'a- oMobw atotb. bom ud oar. JrSrlM
Mta. L. Seoia wut toT'HcwfhBart'
" Mtlaranory a» ibry were
aaod lodo WMvIoc fd** oeicbbor* Uoda hard on ear and «Va
The flfat-
>or 1* foriuw and tbo aportt are nr-
s.li>ba<>; MU ol KuoialU »lru
tjnta ware ___ oo
^od 10—Both land oo face. Bbar
abe AUaotle ooeaa.
off Sew
Ultoo oar and dooble ewlac
TboureliMt prored that «• »*e^
■orithlaarallatof M
alia aM»tce>
Laodt oo ear and hre.r on
Jeff land. oO wind and Sharkej
I by wiralow thlo<«t«9ky with all the aocarety and proKaUaO'Brinn. iTaoM ofana.
Iwowtnockaad one oo
after J** I***
'TllJ yoo eooM..i hriu* .
«na|.|«l th,- mnjr
** l~ aui.wettt| th,Wbafa tbe '
They say bi. manner of IDaa.
of uiaklu siH-b a re.-ket?
We | •"'ton «be tniih was a Uttte kx.**;*
don't waul anythme today." .vod she
llcln Inrakr.
ib<> door
dnor In a way that stuiw.
mineil Ibe
I*’* mqietwll} tbe ui.tn wlto protaaa
ed ehr didn't qiied n<iliw if nbt-mailr it.
“t>|wn dial doorr aWuird th.- nuarr loiHlcMi ayalnst *oimcs. corporeileu
• bo *.-atler. hi. ltw|» over two areta
-«o on. now. We doo'i buy ootbln of In Ibe .-ar.-New Vorl Teleyrem.
:lal ..pat eait abroad
.Fruit for aootb. on the Mae plaou^
oonatruetlon <*f
,and Jtw.
the proJtcMd
-dbarkey l<
Jeff bita riba.
B .uad n-Sbarltey landi on kldneta
uBnaaianreilroadln Ponln U anaorod. andjtw.
Jeff auccere. but paU
JffroneboapiuUaU are forniihtar tba lafu to noM aad wloa.
peddiere. we don't.
Sharkey landa
on bead ud Jeff oo aouih and jaw.
1 Uai my ordetw.
war.e now
ilr was tea tinwa
be la If. y«m. 'older
Coraall returned lo Umwn
Bondarwan of tnat place.
j Inc a toad li. It .... niljihi..
iddcr. becaiue
him but Icm.iutnlou. nisht.
He waa
Mr. W. Wifbtman. wbohoi been In
the city on tmaineea for the post few
Wk> worth ..f t«id. «i nu ex|s-u«c of not
tkan ». .vni.,
smib-the akk
wl«-u he saw
u.c new senaut « u.ldir.a ibroueh the
daya, retnrood to bU kome at Monr..a
Center loat evaeinf.
'■^anlle^. lu Kusleud boy them, pay*®* ■*
■" •'*' l»r
f‘»r u»e In
lack gate. In-n.li fp.c iv-a«
MU. M.bU w.r.Uk ot U.U oH,
Uli to TOolo, to, S.01. worn .0,
It I. liiier.»iii.K iu tbe liuhi „r «be
aclilewmeut. of ,uir naty In n>.ejit
iallj iIiom-of the aid.-n.lid
fluhiiuK jiinehlni-. iir..|H-lbRi at tbe raic
of ») uHh-. iiu hour, to read tlie follciwlug P-iairt made diirine He- war of 1HI2
«n a |m>ja».|ll.iu inaib- In UoIhti KuIton to build a .team
l fur the lifxv
............... of
' our lurWra and aealawrd cltti.-tiou
.Civethe poUoeaea b.If a day off on andcuurye open
with rl«hi
:SandayloenaUetbaalocoM cbureh landa >wo uppdreaU on
-or indolce in aueh mat or roereatlon Sbarkey la daard.
..-pool maab bonae while bb family wat
S^ued U -Sbarkey laadaoc atomaeta
wlllTlaitatewdera with M...
J.ff landttwleeon ear
Hie Yckon river UprecUcellyeloeod {'I
i«o uriemtioa. d rntlDt .ce mekioy
twice on
*»kartc»y »ilb rlybl book
oojtw. aod
right on
land, left on moulb.
The lecdtog stage of Ike WacnUnd
raUrood terry host at Antwerp
Skorkryamatha. eye with rijhi
taoaate for eteemaia.
luiereatliiK and |in>iial>ly lu.iu- ou.n>
' valuable and i-iTtalnly
TtalHly nodele.. under-
D blater.
Md J*« on riba. Clinebea are frequent.
lo two tbla morning on tne arrival of
t»uaj a.
Fifteen or twenty were drowned.
( loea. the Ini u alimad .■
*® "P»*« It « Jer. bond
It toeatlauted Uiat more than 30.000
Shoricey sunds looking psuled
were followed by tuoilous and ebangea
lo the matter about him. thought of
•liuiUr pun>ose and will bebiod all tbe
luollous and changes which
‘Cdbaoinoe January, oa against 4 non ’ Xbe ref. roe step, batwoerthem
—'•'"•‘-d o( the Sponlab treopo.
ito.ai-e.Vton-.. a .a
** l«ff to P«t OD Jaffa glove. Tom triaa
teve left tor Spain during tbe Inb re' ta punch him. Jeff tbrowa bit right
.Moat of Ibosa whn ato a—(.1— k___ ...
•OttSTinthe Uand.
hbS * -aldca
9abbage.«e]ery.meIooe and all kinds'
The mo,l
to Iha
to «■«
h..a p,-to to s,v'.r,
tod ototo Eto ,1.
TiT Z 7Z!u u
1‘ar.Ily a mile away. I fo.u.d only four ri«a ...r
<>f ike grnlo. iu an hour's M-an-b There
<’■ »" "i<l «wr«
by, in whb-lrllve a j
»"y «U»
ibrrmx pn-.Tre.
Jn tba deportment of Santiago. Calm.!
ibecauae of tbe ^dly attltnde of tbe'
0«y Leonard, tbe y
Btoat^'^lg youd of bia firat experience
How'fl ndfl.
We offer One Bnndard Bollore BoMord tor any reae ot Qatarrh that conMOt be cu^ by Ball-e Catarrh Cure.
F. J.CMmntr ACo.. Prop.. Toledo. O.
It i* «-ns-
Ktriiei.-,l *0 thnt when foblial it oevu-
**“' Hriiial. a«auei:Hi.>n on tbe
‘Ybvan ll.a.r - stir John Murray said
' Pw-l'a acvle* to toewa Mva.
Sleoial di~-i|.linc, Ilie e».-r. i..- of the
fa.-lllMc* of the mind, the flUi'-kenlUg ! •A'v work
of yeur a|>|in>h.-ii>loU. Ibe alreiigHien-(
,____ ^ tSirTre'
Ing <.f your niemorr. the fortning of a j------•ALE-Fotit.
bii<I disyriiuloatlng'^Jiidg I
aoimd, rapid
tn»re luiiMirtitbee
nesa as w•.^| no of low temiwrature, for
ami ,jf faiiM- liav.- taa-n laid. Extract
Kr..iu Sir Kola-rt
.\ddrcas lo the
StiiU-iii* 0/ the I niveraity of
K--A-: Kn.m I'harl.-* Stuart I’s
••Lift- of Sir Kulmn I’.vl "
A n- w aud \cnlaiii |«>-.tmn«icr In a
sumll rural t..w-n huil n-viv.-l msiruc-
<■ >4
tton aotblng Cb.,
Front street. TSO-i
>-U s
Journal, a
vlgortMis peoaont with
abundant hair, not yet abowing gray.
.11 cmld trampled under a
borae'a boofs and wma overcome by
He tremtded
and bod palpltaA aa. feeUng
V—II —— of
Bona and
cold and .__ r_. . _
In tbe face and beaA On tbe frilowJV day the balra of tbe bead, bear^
Jte MWUU 4«*t w Oil>ufi’i SlAMk qoanUUM. ao that after eight daya be
was atmohitely hold. In a few weefca
growth of hair put in an op-
WoLOUc. Kutgon A Manvu, WbolaCura if tokan IntoraolBy. oeUng directly npeS tba blood and
Mooeos surfoca of tbe ayaUm.
toaoU on,
BnU-a FbmUy Pliu nn tbo beat.
qjrtn M 8ab«rtF<a.
npgcrtti Bomlltea
CMhl^. On..
T«0^ S
Polna'a a
Koda Toong Agolnt
I8.-Ing sus.'cpiibic of ornamcui3i,..i. to
form a m-ai ami atira.-ilvtof
Lrea wf Bair Trem iretaht.
The expreaalou
U regarding the effwte : k<.uaelmld furniture. To
• ud the
ef trouble that "It _________
Is enough
to make
ae.-iiuu* aone's hair turn gray" has. It is com- 1
e«ii«>B of the l•ed*lnld
and faul disesSe.** If'^UkM thor•u^v and in tine. It will cure a cMe
monly claimed, been often verifled.
.n 24 houre, and fu» tbe cough that tolNow It apitears that extreme menul
luws La Grippe I', never fSla to give
MPotioo may completely scare out the
Mid. Price. 25c and OOc.
According to s Paris medical
------- Kimball Piaaos ail Oreaas
Mbla to Mere oat ^roWT^Mto._______.1 i
»T U-rTS.
MTaarA TnoAX. Wbolcaolc Draggteto.
(g-OM ftnia-lsa. VullT^Sevaa
M.toJ l.ioarr. *al«tal
B.} .Inra,, bay aia—.
O IMHinS*;
— •-« •ansa. wwiaH
e -wit
lion* i„ advcHlec all i.-n.-r* uncalled : D
for at tbe cu.l c.f a rt-rtaiu Irugtb of
BoaT- ivwtrs
He olM-yi-l nnb-r* lie InM-rUug BalJ-pbMc IIS.
BUjUn*'*- U‘'ntvtliercnalu*of organlaina
B«klen-a'which lived lo tropkwl supK “u
lo rec^v equal- W arse^sJ^’hitl
to «tocu,i,i to.RK
m p cwi
Kstaldlab I
. — - . .. _______
mind*, iiraetlie
practice , "
th.'*'*R.U.Hjiy uf IIU,
ise ail unre- '
■ luitl.iii: vIpiMKv i.v
of t.al.li. Tlr.-~- ai
. _____
Ihc iiancut and InlM.riouB priM-eiu. by j
0, ,„i,,;v„r,s p,., ™ ,",u.
6wt U
rjaplojarai .itk uoar,--’---------■•aal opvonoat.
It II. I’erry. I. Warringtotf
and J. Ix-wi* - U'aabiugton Siar.
the following a<lv«Ttl-.incnt in Ibe vil
lage Weekly )«|M-r at the end of the
fln*i w«.k of 111* t.-i HI of oflf.-e,
.Fbrtmaat that feway troops ore oeadad;
wr la ISeir ,
Mammoth Cbre,»kallow cr waters n.wr the <vjaat
>ka e
the dinf-i ray* of the *uu arc wbully
iTenn.. in exploring
A w Mehan.
c- ,1 __________ _
••“I'Mi.v of lielw-«ii r.aiid |ia. luita. The
ia all done by hand.
Be trundles bia aword.d te Moron,
dc-p-oea fnuua w hich cov.ts the o.van
floor U^nuiaiely de|K-ndeut for foid
upon oftAnie matter aaaimllatid by
ing on average of three trips a day the
Mditor Sees Wondere.
Editor W
____ _ ___________
—., plants near the aurfare of the
...................Mvan or
yeararoand. In the thirty years John-‘.w
________ _______
-haw., t-ur. .< nt .-,.,-11,oc m «r
“►v" «" *r»” o-n
nv. ih-rriRfr.
w|,li-h la sir.iiiu nii.l tliiraMc.
iry,"" "■
erope to town in a wheelbarrow, mak-1
I'C”'r by soriyier w Dr
"AI.v aiicnilnn w-a« iiinn-d'tu the twt
Uirongh Ibe .-.wihn niotli. tbe lltscci to
Wanie for m...t wofn. .at.ti apples, in
*“ «»»* adUrers to the g.a.Braphy aec,
1 .*.'*T>as Ibr 01—9 wr..., m- „n,<. c:.« M.y I
an on-liapl m-ar my timm-1 found nine
"7 Ibe prui.e. of the
Iti a minute
t'hai.Hng to g.. into anotl.er orchard
away in ii,.. tini.-*i elo*,-t.
of ob-
Jeffries U etill tbo
-ofv«geUblea,aUlbeIand being ondrr 'big fight of the evening
rolai.a Be4 That S'.Ua.
The U.i -I,own in the .ml d..-.'not
Sharkey woe a1«> cheered for
bbroegbont tbe section os ’the borsa- baavyweight champion of the world
leaa former.’' Be rolaea corn, peutoeo. I
iraii-forui li««-lf iutoa Tvfrit.Taior or a
AVMil l.ln ..................... III use. biu.oollaimcs
so eff.s-iu.lj II,ai I, .-j„ I,. p„Mhe0
Sbarkey waaUieairoarer^”'*"'''’"'"'""'"''"^
He > known his greet ehowing.
bunt Inring, be
afoot, a* well as
* of la-havior. bbi
R.-a I.
Ir-Also of aonie value f«ir larvae that do
not fly.
» fov- from woriiu«-"
‘-"tftnaud. given to
Pair of a*-lS
^ .1 'W-Ccl-.rea ,
.1. a de-
pi'nwse and the rraulilng ...natauey «tf
It wsa a retnsrkablv feat and fnriona
William John*«.'onslanghta
horse M
Taking this aiilhp.pou;
plilc. or psy.hical, view. Ilic lawa
«»«<lereble deelorM Jeffriea tbe winner.
Niue bnndred
self aufAcinc covertmra o nature was a siirvt.
vnl of a
•r <v>mv{Ulon of the
- .
know-ttig ttmt bit punaaw amf will
.......................... ...
Lews er Xosare.
In bia adJrv
lo the uiafbenintiea
and phyal.-. aivti •" of jIh- Hrittah aa•ochiihm I
Mild that
•4 Vl.Hl,
Do.t |K>Ktif«Tlike moaquiaolc dejicni]-
------------------------------------,etne. and a. he I* kno
; pnte left to OMntb
Jeff poU right on
MtdetaOdofa D Spensklo.a fsrmorot hs.
ondeP'ltMrt. Jeff lands oo
Ulllholm. To*m
The ant bill, on T
cvhleb tbe child e
p«n.i-iv ^
i--i « ».«,
abiiacl than tbe bat. It
•■a.lly taimal.
.1. aliaoitii
alamlutely |«rml.H.a
Jeff land, ibro; ‘u«J“ieI^M
Inf a few daya eieianr in tba city re- «>f‘'■f*'<>> wlri-a foot ivtde and
tnrnod to ber hyine at Intorlooben last,
top of wbieli la k<iit
OUT PIM. Uiuo.
Roood !J.J,|| Uod. oo .lomui.
oja-n. It I. null mi-emry b. imi'ln two
Rrttkb torpedo boata have bean tent cbMk and note. Sbarkey landa twice
Ur. and Mra K D Wicaie of Nreb- or ihrc- toad., provide ibein with abcltera. a diah of water iu obe .-..rucr end
tM Woo Seay. China, to prerent Chin, on ear.
Jeff baeka Torn Into a oornar
ville. orrired in the city loat erenlng.
Unti keeii it .uppllcti with bits of raw
-Me from aearcblof the ateataer Bn- nod aeada left to eye and Jiw. «and
Tbey will
vlait a tow weeks Vitb mi-al and any other n-fuae metier calipreatof India for Kany Yu-Wel. tbe richttoear. Beil rinca and Ton hooka
Mrw. B. Brens of tbla place.
cuhlled to attrnii tllca."
<Cbiaeaa reforner.
ri|*l to oar. Crlaa of ■■Pouir are
Clereneo Slater went to Blk Bepide
Ill ata-nkluc of the tall IVofesaor
Fifty eata took poetecaion of a Urer- krard. but not allowed,
yeeurday to rUit with bia uncle. J.
Hi.lce said: "We have no Biiimal wore
Bound SJ-Ji-ff landa rich* on
Mr. M. Oefreeae of Bendon, retnrned ' „ ''' ■"'K'*'
“*•.* •I.'.iroy over Just well under way wl«-i» hi. wife apiota. w..riii. diirlnc the um.uiIu. of |hoiv.I f«.m .U.wu i..«u and called a
■ May. Juue r.u.I July, and <■
lull. Of .-..urar be uII.h] Into her for
Mr. M. B Wetmorc returned to hla iu.rtrii.«
>cne in IntarloeheD vreterd*. wft..w
‘nature, may well do a ear- liavluc such a nlrl. yave flu- uiahl flv#
u. *«»^«»oeo yeatercay aiui. dim.T servKv to the am.mni of
rfxcm rbrnnsh
apendt^ s few days in Uila e.ty.
; each sresmi. ami y.d be can mis,, rjji.. bu„M. nice a' M..rui and'^•mild onlr
lo bU home loat eeaniny.
■”*' «ee.w,».e«aa,|», •• the
erewe.l a.a.ed b, WeO «»..
arw'Why Mot Too?
for a lame abonlder that baa oaiaad bar
oootioeally tor nioe yrerm. We bare
tried all kImU of meJSnre and dJ^
we witboul
receiving any benedt
hi. pretty
o» any of them. One day we eaw
'**' kn*' ‘*kcn nny- *1^. an.l Juiii|w.l up and .lown on tbe
» odretiiseaieat of thia taadlctna oad
moyht of tryloy «. wbleb we did
* klb- b- almut.sl. war«l blc
Uwd e.,milly nm-d, for r.-ie l«.tbw. rellee and rew.d all kind, of reo*,- with tbr beet otsa.btocUQa
She boa
.-ai.’ ..rw,.ru... aui.,caterpillar*, moiba. am-c.
^ need only roe bottle and ber abouidar
well -Adolph
June bum.. w« vtu. «>ali. kud mm,r
Bcf.wr be wr. pUHd emnudi to aee
For Mil
other iiiM-<‘is tMi. too. lo a houw a room •tralKlii tbe Vlracn was ui.m him with
Wall and P C Tboo^
«*■> kc '-l.wr.'d .'f .-ockr.*. b.» by lear. a dailrou. kii.t there wu« mrtbluc for
food. I etarted to count. WIten 1 bad
Mlaa L. Baaeaof Bendoa, baa return-1 eouuiedoverSO bush and tbo loa.fahow-
‘ ^
in the day
MUa Ere Bell, who boa boan apend-^ (key <-ould kill ilhHt. 1 have built a »»n
baBberUinb Pain Bala Oarw Otb-
ole rnm.|. a. you arT^ MMe yomw-lf
‘“’®**'" *“ “
At ntcM the t.a.I. could IW
There la a aoreaut la
Tbe mlnl*.w l.-.n rtebt in Ha way.
hat-n-ben a fellow cei* wet In a atom
ft'. coM consolation to bla.—Atlanta
tor of ibU place, tbr bmdwnd of jonr
adtobartaoBtaafiarUelncBpentafew «> o" «l«b* of • *>‘biii* to conclude hit
daya abopniac In the citj.
‘ P*"' *'<* kliu up. l*revi..us to oiy
•rcalnc for t»rawn wtanre Me
apend a f«w dayi eiaitinc Mr. and Mr*..
i.oad a aaaU patch will aupnly ‘ Uaily
tdabla a whole aoMan.
Tkr tuada eprnt moat of
~i^“r day I eatbered a quanOty of
at eeaninc afiv barlnc apant a few
oaya in the dv'
Miu. L HaU of tbla city, left last
linral deaartaant In aeareb
‘ **»^*P*»-'*«1-
trio to Petodcay.
Miw. W.
Mba Ayrl
inaoML Jju
Eellaf OoTM tharn
«»► Q“‘»
kin that door, or hi telepbo&e
i“>e baa and killlnc tbe fliea for ilM- ,wdire.
iWt yon tb^ron
W. W. Wboaloek wont to Kalkaaka aUraoted by It.
| waubed-one t.wd kin akeet me. Oil a ebaor on ronr.
oo bnaiaaaa yMUrday.
I ntup up fidftouM-dtea in leea than ten aeif.*'
J. A. Moore baa foae on a boalneaa mloutea.
la tba city ftalttnc ^rionda and rela- j not count; but. andlnc hit appetite ao
ere and a bard rlfht
V., thcuilu .b. muud
dn>.. kuMlf.
-____ —___
tb# ahtebet.
‘Tbey ivniluo.- lo Ond freeh defertn
«“ «—Wnrion« ehararter"
••.kiiytblns particularly new?"
aau. t I B
.** •
ko« *«»1 hesan to mlaCmuL"
MlM Jc^ Baoj tnio ot Cedar Bon, la [ f„.d Ibe Imya to a toad, .tt Onit 1 did
-Thai'a a likely etotr. akb a lookln
17-Sbnrkey Innda oaa
<ciaion of an ordinary Und Una.
Ilr had ble"^lae i
•" bU ha»d and raii„-ibi.-Ooortwa with '
a rtm,
the aayina at S
tiaC (aaOiM la bar Toolb.
' nroond brbiud and crab bold of the
i«Maient and bold ibrm e
T ev«-o a ntumunliy .
eltj a call jaatardny.
Atuks Prw|wrtlf Co ■ wore loM with
no mo* that Wheorrrr be eppetund co
the Ktrm hr wonM he obllpid M leacb
Tlli. rvia.li-ul .If .\lfn.d
!»•«•«•» ‘vuuecred
each other by dlacuual .-roaslwruccled by Unn:l<- Joluu after the i____
tier of lax.r ivugn. the oeveral sU-thna
l■•lug dcuc-halil.r oonnecu-d lo order
that each ludep.-DdcDt acclloo may l-e
folded within the aeveral aevtlons. ban
died together or carried aeparetel.r.
There or* anxllinry leg* onder tbe bot
tom of tbe bed to suppon the middle.
■elare Orodg Tei
The Jotmial of Edocatton .luoles rtofeoaor L. II. Bailey of CoroeU unlver•Ity as aaying. "Wben tbe teacher
tbinka cbiefly of Us aubject. be trachea
•cience: when be tbinka chiefly of bia
pupil, be teaches nature study." And
when the two are taerged into Mte—
that la. tbe pupil Is bb own teoriter—la
tbe dtelnctton mill tree? Perhaps it U
tbe aplrit of Tborren In writing of the
ferns that a matter of sort and Indnal-
•Th.-rt- an- i.-n letters in the poSolB<-e t;.4i u ,l*«l.r lias .-ailed for. If
ih. m Iliey iN-l..n« 1.1 don't take notlre
and .-all by lb,:- end of the month, tbe
ietteni will l«. sent to the dead letter
.Any Iwdy expecting ieiiera they
ain't g..t ran cme and aee If any of
tb.-*e b-iier* Iwloug te them. All Uke
To Dairymen, <
Farmers and Cattle
Peeple Who Sliarpea Tkeir Tretb.
tieceut stmlb-s of tbe Ksdera. a race
ef sbon. dark skluued, cuHy haired
natu-ea living In tbe Auamalal bin*
poaseaa a remarkable coatom not elaewhere known lo lodla-vit. the abarp-’
balng of tbe Incimw loetb. ThU tbey
•ccomplUh by ebtpplog the teeth to a
point, giving them the form of cooaa
Tbe flrot Atu
Sydney Gaaette. was pohtUbed k^h
S, 1808. IS years after the rise of tba
eoloay. Tte delay wma retwed tbrengh
there being no priotera among tbe ceevlcta. who reprreented every profM
1. iododlng the le^
’-One «»f Dr. Klnffa Kaw Life PlUa
v«eb nigbt for two we^ tea pot me
in my ’teem’ again" wrltoa D. B. Tarcomwnl cd wbnt waa tormarly known Mof DampaeytowB. Po. Tbay’retbe,
The an of aelf defeoae la tncolcnteff
0 la.almple. but a broadening cte ennatbaBoatan Danrel Porkm. Alan
tentlnUe^worid Cor tbe tivar. Stom-! richtof of tbe life la another andlmoro early among ooma of tbe wilder ertbaa
tootntaaU oU
- - - Ttant affair. Nature atody la non of the Caocoaua who Inatrect tbrir
wflibo tahM
than arleoee aa bkdagy la man tea '
tea as Boon aa they can wollk li
cte aae of te dagger.
•ootcer and botaay.
oPalp. which ia
by coula. tenaa
and bogs and white wa
will olwaya
faremb ta a awMt atata. to now
cale at our factory.
Tba prtea for white wa wU| aoU (hto
fowl in order to latrodoea it wlU te
caaalfiarably laaa ttea half tba ate at
tteaoaM omoBBt of ted atafla osmtolnodlnnU
whant bran
la erdar te tatrodaaa thto
faad wa
«iU aMl it In a praaaad aiate at 1» CMta
Thto faad to fhUoaiag aad
atehoraaa prate thto
ted te
polatoaaandothMfaada. and it to In
•ate ahnpa that it con
ha honte ta
barreto. tea wngoaa. tea-, and can te
ahippad la car load tote.
Baha: aam-
Tin Kdiigii Stuck Gi.
liwi^ M ^
Win ll» I
U tbo ao^VitJ i* e3t • - . hot all iDo*iiulto*t are tota^ brtth
tbo^rflliM Ibai cacnel ttlttaata. and
I*"" Uituk‘“
”■ to or- dlOamt kind* of U4aqiilto*o prodne*
Cn-man »nl door h»- Wra«S
t** I
br »“'
w*» made
dlffemii eartettoa of inalartal fcvar.
old uiD tuud “deoa«r—po«»d aw»y | i^.-_oiilo 8iai«> Jonnsal.
ro oannol •tpp bo dlan-ot aod inVIn the iiUbt.
I -if» a »n«ot mirtakr to do anylWB*
raaWe to o*t tbo atoamlBS «« ' by halrf*." mM ibf Jtarouoa phlk»«. ntMToploaUy oxamlno tbo mcMquIto
rmnp and tioroarfna «tni •(<«««■ al lOirtit
-ym.- aiuwoml itx- kloc. "and liiat I* biting a* Ho mu*t bo excecnil-1
nf tbo stHOk of tia«*ti curtrd «P U* ; wb«« It romp to runnlnc • gorommoot oatod TbU I* now tKMwIbb- Ho bmda i
on mui • ■■-’ I
iVa oron «-or»o to try t > do It by In atagoani owior Minnow* And tboir ^
SiM*« 4«ma b)
, of Htm. third*.••—Wabblngton »«r.
Tbo loToTti had nuarurrtod. “YouTe food In 111* larrao. IHtt •mail flab In .
^d KplDOluK. Runt aiartid
not eratybody- abo oarUlined. boHy.
'bark toward tbo ofllco.
•hoiiM ilio Ho)K>bon and Hackon
“No.- bo agrowL odjrtni; tdoaor. “»“•
1H.*-n tho atrwt a group of
And at ■•■4 Dioadow* tadanu all Ibo- moMluilo
-«’ho kl>M« r<« fhr»a»h (be d
wiTf «Hnias. A imio nra»*» and bo tbio
'■ik •dnon'Hlto. aUMir> A llulo fceroaeao
»ado out tbor wrrr darkkr* oarrjliis Booord.
—CUnbMb Barrotl lir<i*al:
f «rat tbo proiioT tin»o d*»pi>od on tbo
a corpao. Tbo odor «f dl«mro.-«.t.i*
Pniantiling atloruoy tKmaoo I»ogU -kurfaco of a |«ol that baa no minnow*
roaoliod tnin. and tbo rtarkW .boui.-.L “Tour honor, the aherKTa bnU-po^ a III kill tbo larrao a* they riao to tbo
for It l» doadiT to !»» a r"na» tin- baa gooo and cbawod up tbo ogun «nTta«-e. Till* K a manor not fc*r Indl
-•a-Hl that baa dlod of tbo pbfuo. He bIWe." -Judge: ••Well, make the -■•
idinl ontorpriM- aloDo. but wr «hal
Tboro waa tbo kooaoat oxHiomont. , iiiruod-iiiio a «tdo atrrei that »»* nnoi klaa ibo bull-pup. tbou.
nnd It a fain of ilw duty of our auio
i«|b- toand doaonod. tbo hot woaib<T : can't aitjonm court for a work
M If^' keen and
pawl .................... tv dmiruy tbo
to boot up a now bibte.--ruck.
canw anppraaard. and an ano«>la>o«
arowiiu; rank and Itndi aaalixt
dofairtmont* of agHoulTbo Judp-; ".Vow. tbon. uiy good
that tbroaioood to brtiat bound* at ilio foooo* and by tbo road«ldo. ‘»
lure, through ibelr enioaialogl.-sl
ab>ng tbo *trool l>ocau>o
any nomont. cnoaing tbe tnon In tbo
ilia will IHI ns jiMi bow- aod when
findUar to libi faat numbing ar;!***^
a;’'Tdlau^t got Into the alii-reatlon.
peww,-ule this war .uTextermination
brad dWrtot offloo of tbo BU Torun
d only got a* far a* tbo
again*! one of tie- worn nuisances
nat Ti
^ ‘ "
tagc aot far lack In a lawn and a. n-Hi- what dsl I
cbalr."—Chiiwgo Tlniia- (rom which men »«irer.—Ibdefwodent
«l from prying oyo. by bo-lgoa of bit mo wit
giant .-anna* and huso drooping ral- Herald.
rsial KmwII W > Bath.
-X«. *lr." *ald the IndlgBani oltlxon;
Tne death Is reported of a noted
*Tni not going to hare anything to .lo
with him. I U.OU to enjoy arguing, but itcoicb cbara.uer named Micbaid
be go.w to.1 far." -What bs* b.- Iwou Itrown. wbu for years made a bgre llrdoing nowT* "Ur came aroon.t and '■ig as a profenelonal angler on' ibo
asked uo to aulaHTlbe to a fund 10 purr ,fly.|.-. and died in a poorbonae. H»
cha*o a prirato box at tb-- flrowork*.
S«nu.nwouldbo<H>oroodtoso.V,.l. ;.'-n> ho ..r,..cbodb1m«-lf upon U-o to be piwmed a* a »o*iluiuiiial to' iiated lb.' sight of soap and w-ater, and
Samp«*n. ao that be wuld .-x.-ept wh«*o t»y arrtdeni be Ml or
nntHon oAly were dealrod. but th-y
wnm- Admiral
aee how tbo battle of Sauilago look s-as pnshisl Inio tbe river when abgling 0.-1-1 mu wa«b«l for year* AVheii
ed."—U‘a«hlngu*n Star.
remeceil I", the workiiwuse be protest
The .-anuilwl cblof stood with
band abadlug iiU o>e». A nolltary
•■d Kial it the :.m<-lals washed him ho
nro wa* timidly crt'«i»ing towardV him n-.idd .lie in a .iioirtel .'f an boor.
from the Jungle. Suddenly ibe■ old They *iiansl him the ordeal of an orohlef *larle<t. He to.>k a «iuh-k M. p dlnaiy luiih hut. a» In-^as a* Wa.-k a*
forwanl. “It la." bo cried, "it U my
uegro. sp"iige.| liiin g.-nily. In fu^
•Hiu; He I* coming homo againr Tlien
w ith bl* eve* *tUl Bxod on Ibe *lou. b- ly mli]ui.w b- di.Hl in.tu iwonvblUa.
ing flguro hr •hrllly .ailed to bl* head
JO.™, f....«~r.- biiiil.T: -MUnigwa. tbe prodigal l» reOnj SwM.
Und. crack oi-raiota of the aouib.-m
‘ «« I'
turning; Kill the fatted KalBr;"dl.in.1. but oach lumod UU oyoa fr..in : «••■“Ul:l■ bill |N>ol.a|ai If ho ^d
Mow I* a Ustof tboMTtagaadaaliClevoland PlaUl Healer.
j..,..“m, w«.
tne City:
-yy '-on'''
The People’s Shoe StMe
whan ia
- SHOES goce a loD|{ vaju aod yon can aare more than tfaia b]r
bojiBB of oa. aa oar expeoam are oue-fourtb ieoa than
tbuar of other atoreaaad the benefit we give-to oar coatoaera.
Oar $1.48 Shoe# for Men aod Womea are vorth $2.00.
Try a pair uf them aod you «riU ackootrledge tbe gtiod valoe
we offer.
Ckeiust flact
ll Tin Cit;...
f-En.?-!?, linE «. EE .b." E ;
l-f -iw »"■'■ •'«'
A Mra. as good a* a mile of old
Tbe flzzlo of tbo soda fountain l« a
„ver him Bnan.'lsl kuc.-.w*.
ll take* a Ntriko to make Uborlng
,^0^,.. .
men *taud around.
Kuuuiug a •ew-log maetaln* might lie
properly ienne.1 a' home run.
.^man alway* .draw* a good band
'or-^ing.bU fov.-r. but there wa. lu. wheu be l*ii't playing f«.r cbi|W.
Wor.1* of »yui|uilhy are w..r»e than
TTie I1.HO- Of ni-rufta for itae eart.mr ]
el*.-. Ab.«it »und..wn the *un «
•t>tluniE aiiioug ibe bettor .lai.« of wj*. <-<Hder tmw. fell athwart the uaelr** to a man wbu 1* viun lug.
-i«w-*irl. ken man. dellrlou*
andoff iiolil lienauTow that
opemiora Iwlng rloaod. ap]>eal
whi.-h *h..nld imr Is- .|»iie
done loMlay.
made lu the men new in the btolue-a. _ •iii<«u>h-Iihik: Konic one el»o came
There will
n pro»«1.ly
prokwl.ly 1he a g«>.l <h-al
but with Mllb* reoull. No one offen-.!. ' thn>Ugb the aJk-.I-.ltok.al yard.
Of watered *lo.-k in the umhrelU tni-U
Tbu* luattora ntoiM) for tbr»>«- ilayv
S-uii.- I.S.I* rt.-li: ;illy go hiiiigri il
when a year'* <r»utrai1 wn* addial to 1
th.-y m-Hv gratify their d.~ire for t
the *H> |wr day. A glittering «iffer. balf-»ad. half-**a.r»ful cxf.ro»*lou on c|..|h.‘*
but liTaih 1 III nilraci all but one .......... her r..ng.-.l fa.-.-- . She wa* going.
It mi
aw-ar that night -If the plague dhl not leuipensl
ga-l 'her bof.iro Hial lliuo-aml «h.- bustiaiid. n.lght take one l«tk. there wa* no otnl«r»*-r ha* a right 10 rbsreth. n- to H.e. Kv.-H-lhlng wa* .l-.-ol,
in .-III. for opinions thai he
r*. I.ir.^llie few .h..rl
ph«si.-uiii -sy* ihe ..uiy «lh>lethe •m.-o* in the ltif.H ie.1 dl*tH. l. liu; month* lUat *Iie h.ndTv.*I Iw^ in tlii*
* |inrt »r th.- .dd-fa*hi»ii.>d dougb
aerrlcw w-.-A- Iti.m.allaiely ac,-epie.l. : pla.-e. iIh- only -i-.l .m
Ibo ootiira.1 atgiH-d and Hum atarie.1 «*nh w here *1..- had r.-.tl y ktmw n nut I* tbe hole
Men wlK. live on little are e«l1.-.l
«n hta >.un.ey •mtbwanl. acHulugly • w!:aiJ..ve and i*:rf.H i happii.e.^ .-.mid
w lio live on no«l pea.v Willi btiiHHir. tbe world, ile-lb.-.
^ .C...,
ri„.n .
Kill b.w -mall »o»i.- «>f the g.-«1 of
UIBU spi-u-1* .-Ii-.ugli lime w.ibdcr* Aa II Jitmi-d amt. Ilnni waa u«i i..! >lfo liad l«-n .|iil. kl> "v. r. H.- had ing why hi* u>->£hls>r* ill.like him lo
trsTol alone. Half a d.wen ymin.' lofi her «-i.h..m w..r.l ..r »u:u. h.ti tuaki- h*liit*.-lf .agr.s-uble ti> llietn.
“bama- from aniall .vnutry atatl.ni*. . nheii .me l.a* larii f.N.ll*h. gir.
.An Irishman *!H* that love set* the
I f.ir Just a few mouths' b.-an w. hlnt *0 d.-ll.-l..u*1.v there Is no
' w bol.- I
pining to raise in tbo ruale, wo
p-well. II I* jM*t a* well gelling a w ink of *h-e|i f.*r tbe pl.*asgoing to tempt fate, throe of n
r f.w«ssl lis.-lf U4r*i:y I*- nr.-'»f tin- pain.
, («. line Hmnll
P'lsh Is-iug rl.-h lu phoaphoni* ami
Iwiug tbe esM-titial iblug
w^y dur.™,,
...b-r .;y.-«— pbiwpliorus
lu making uiai.-h.**. it ib.-iwore siati.l*
to reason that girls abouM Iw jiartlal
- They 1
10 a tlsh dlci^____________
train and with Ih.- fretF-inaaonry •
: tu.ir*t- «u.l W..IT.IW and evgn agony
> tb.- prurwlub. bad Moun *
or .conlrlbt . o-ir.. .bd ib. ...i. -r;
.b»l. b.u. lllib,. r.ri.J. Mb. Ix-iue -|»- T’--. •"J '•
raiod from bU future riilor for any j ••'Slonger Umo tUan It required for l.ii.i
On mtn
Don't fotyyet the plac-e
136 Front 8c
Pmetienl Bho^ ]
GjKitItatjol ui Eiamiiatioi Frea aid StrictIr CBifiiaiinl
DRS. B. S. & CO.
'.rSK' "nzr.tjet.."sr,;r
<rf nay
Tas Cswbraiod MssUUua. Pormsrbrtof bow Voifc. aM ae« af Ww
Uuericiii Medicil ul Sirgicil lusQtiU tf lustcgMi, UA
WipL Kg AT
ao-badl. ~W±uLtlTig, Tarn-^or-so Oity,
Nov. 10. 1899.
OBoe Honra from 0 a. a to 8 p. m
;t«»r>'arkperbbl.Mw........ fll
:icwr Pork per ft... ...................
- Of
H «i
Ibort Cut Pork per ft................
nonr. U L. ft Co. Beal............
Bye Plonr. H. L. ftOo.Be«....
K«l. U. U ft Oo. Best...............
. I »t
reed. H. L. ft Oo. BeaV..............
'.^flsL per ft......... . ........ :....
Butter per ft Dulre............................
Creamery Bntler.m....................
Cheese per ft................................. ' , «
Oauper bn (new.)........................
Corn per bn . old.........................
Poutoea, per bd........................... . >“
Salt per bbl....................................
. «■'
Bran per too...................................
Buckwheat Ploor oer bbl..........
*• **
tome KaTnorTnaVKMnmtT OBai>
urb'eal. old, per tm..............
Wheal, per bo. mewl................
OaU. No. l.pertm iue». ,
Cora, per bu..............................
Potatoes, per bn. . . -....................
Eye. oer bn..
•utter. {MO ft..............
geiia per doxea..........
IADp’e*_(kilN and windfall*. «<>e per
...... ...... ..
PoUtoea. colls. (Mtcbigan Btareb
Jo.laccordinetoonalUr. 10 ise.
Oeed by HriUeb Boldiera In
tbat ren'n'sd tbe f-mooa rebel
Jsl.te Under date of Navember 4.
layT. from V vbnrg. BnehaanaUnd. be
Be'ore start-ng OB tbe Inii n>. Miiat Bu e c waM and Sdanttfle Treataaat of AU Oi
eamr-*<gTi I H.'n*bl a .jaantby of'
of Raokind PoaaibU to Obtain,
oerlain'ss Colic, <>oler* a-d Diarrhoea
, . I used myself whrD
A small .-o.lh-iJ 'bAs shattered many Ermsov. which
ibled wHh bow-1
the man
great exi>e.-iat1.>n».
exchanging news of their various
Blew asd e»UU». tiw ic i*» foil rooBMocs- M Uw a«le.su cr-sj-..
('Irena bill* promise more tban any
fle^'telling wonderful Muriewur Mitprov-d moat ben* fle a’ ”* For
leniv*. !«he llst.-ni'd. her lieiiri bunmn can itorform.
of apeed on the k.-y and lodnlgtng 'n
M E Wait and P.C rhompaon.
flUR wildly. It was b.-r iiaaie hf
peraeveranee often auc
«rrb m-1— —•*- »TX"—
asC Lsog*. Djigii
a few gamrs of -bean*." a rivy u. ;u
«..gldo»},U«»r.Bl»dJe«.C«roolr Pcwale aod Bevual Dl**am
lock has made a failure.
and Bpissly game for gelling pbn.sl earn'd
nt tbat baa oerer tailvd'In tbetuaaod* of rbsrb Ibat bad bpem
The reason i»eople Itecome Innne la
M^nj^eoplr «--ei deaib rr-’j }--»» «bo wlgbl bare bsea rvatored i
because of their lack of reason.
^^MPOBTAirr TO LftDIBS-tm orruaK, after rvanM
No man ever turn* a deaf ear to ad
..... . '“Sm.,,. .™. .... ... -0 n™.-.r
vice that .-olnclde* with his view*.
Ud U>.
1.11.-. Hdoi .nd ti...
aron bsnd* are never ohjeetlonabl.-;
barmlawiaad'asUrapr’Ied Oonaoltatla* FT
thnw Toung men began to nieculai.- hailed over and rtosp-d the bnniing.
^ rtirfnces of a eomforUhh-rsving man lu her wm* iw.-*.1ng. ter there I* no excuse for wearing soiled
c:.!** last wwKt
l^ 'la. a rea-onaWy clean pUce .0 ll|- i-> the micon*.loii. fan- and the
r PruWI wlUsweni. cai«m! i
U isn't *0 Bueh whether a :
Uve. The fewer btllelted logeihor. ..f una.'elng eye.
f«rtb**»hJo(r»cuotrarlj rlor asd tbe c*-,
goUlv as bow- much be can afford 1
cwurae Uie smsUer tbe chance of Im
knew- ibnt It wa* liw late now, pay bla lawyers.
(cctiun and Uuot. who knew ibe Nothing ecmld Ik* done: th.*re ww no
Hood Judgment I__ diamonds
!:;rwell. pn!S-ed .bat they rent an
I any one can buy
iMdated vvlisge. nse camp-aiool* and thing, be .v.uld only rove a little while diamonds w'Ti'h money.
*1 icpruaip'iy Pkooe*. B.
i^ and w-Uh . Uberal awoun. ..f and then
.And ^* who wa* not
A inarrled man aay* tbat be goo* to
the club tss-aus.* he and hi* wife being
whitewash ami qnlckllme. would I- g«*d wrnnao
■ very- nnroittf
oue he get* lonely at borne.
——naWy secure from tnfecUon f.w and loeliig .»iie. e.>ul.l die with him
_ _j_______;_____
n Ume
a tew
w-x two Tsslb- -----Any fool with a slight knowledge of I iviephose Wo *». __
e at leesL
leaaL They could aecun-an
aecuro an
few nay*
day. Ut.-r
la ^moi? to cook and rtean (or• found In the
of ihe empty ci- bnman nature can make mom-y hy
thy plaxsa
ba^V!ffe'*Sm. enfvaclng ,wtfecl vleanlln-s* tige. Tlmt
It of the
H man was ldentlflc.1 j op.*nlng a fake show and cbarg.i.g lu
-and ataudlng a cham-e of having. |s»1 sweep Into 1
Some S
albly. welltvoked food. wHboui a *11- «*ne arfn-d r cared '
with Myle
Ire 0**T» H0U.W Blocb.
___________ d«V. . ir. an rd .11 Cr r. r—- c.T.KiiU-jpTvb I-OSK. i—ntr^
pecflnlty of germs.
z out a room—W-.
coioew to *
Everything w-grbed weU for a ttiin-.
tluil’s another atory.'
SScitlBS: c—.
A *clenti*i sa.v* a wasp may
n!. k<<d np in the Imre hand If It I* do
d perwaoMitlr cured bv tbr l»'.w« agg.OTed Kaar «•*“ cured ta-oo* trealmmu
geiirlv. or .-oiirse it can; If* when t
lr^lij._p»rej^' uowjaBld*. -pbaa _^arecptM |areved ojlaadlag .tweiailm et itiycaaKSINO ■»»*eared « awy aaa*
DR. OTTKAN r^:;ri"u::"'£S.?J'2SS!^
P.V ?roWo
Ing hater* of Inirmlucikui.
hookKivi>er and deltvery <
Mr*. Norton a*ked a ainall party of
«ul of 1h<- five operator* fuUoweil. .tml ra*hh.nahlc |»Kjplr to meet her at dlnHunt badgio fill the earaiicles ln.i>i* '
' ner. among whom was lewd Norman- . ATe would Lit trade
n ptrson Ihr beat be reuld. T» ag- '
other ixyiple'i
\ii me g.-u...--o-M
- - - deal.
wiube wbeela. but Ibe
wl'ib "be l^"utlful Mrangcr. and all the HdVt^ iwd»* 'em hni
|hor two daj-s she was de*j>erBi.-ly.
rt-awj i». -f- .u
COtty:«nys office wa* reduced lo two
-Huni and one of tbe young couMlry
ln>a who had Journeyed south willi
biiUT bnt the latter, in a very iiad
*tojn»ed, t,y qnantnone.
t:. MOTPaiT. 1
\J» KwMsa^lkwv
■ Bk**-
nro- • aftl y***
-“-f talk*." hut "
•*husb money— ihai doea It.
..j^ritaMv d.-cided that they were nnl
„wu-alt ex.vpt .Mr* Norton, who
rt..Har.sl that ib.-y w.-re. saying. “Tbe
wAiuan I* lieauilful all .»ver. to ibe
we Maxim 'em. a
I. PoerxB.. attoro.
attoTM *t
U'' Pl*rr8
Taonp*b>w;o«k». f»»v
ao Mrf ag w«M-.
M * •svcialU'.____
"K'.iiTS ”S"—
l.efi alone.
■i..ne Nontianl.y
lanl.y pxpr.-»*c.l
pxprviuM-.l hi* admiration of
Wr tl.i..el the Iteaullfia hair, and iuiluiat.vl
iuiluiat.M In.w
^ affwr*
f w ”" much
lou'-h he wvf.ibl Ilk.. 10 w- 1- down.
■tnl.Megraihed the aiate of
"t»ln< .
Id Ibe main office. They would *.'nd Ibe ladv. an.l fortliwiih ahe nnplitltet}
reltef aa eaily as poaalhle. lueanitm.- oue nUKsIve roll afic another, while
tb.- oIImw ladle* looketl on wKh i n.-y.
beliaat bold 00. which be did.
Oip- faoi. misty day Hunt locked th*
"I am doing 1for you. my lord, tiiai
I do for aiiylsMy
door of Itae office and started toward «hi<4> I would
a restaurant where be now took w-h*T- f*"*’-”v..r„.«rKr
and reeled with dIsxIoeM.
He knew very weO that the thing
Which *tarlUng annowneeraeiil
started that way, but thinking, jx-i- aome measure eonrol.^ tbe lftt;rilah
taps, be was orertAletm. aod a l-.:.ir damea far tbair mtOat laelm, tjm
mU*s*»-«hV W>Ur k> erWrMir
lUig 1that a man alnmld Im>
“wet to Ibe akin" by
. a “pelting rain."
ed" wife
.A “«ironc minded"
her bii*l«nd in a benpeck of tronide.
The goaslp who can repeal a 1
exactlT a* she bear* It Isn't half
Kitting a *klrt Is. like nany .other
thing*, easy aftw yon on r “get
•-—45 of It"
there won't be anything
ITetly *
left for Ihe trost* t do bnt to or.
ganixe a irnat trust.
Fire Insurance.
L. li.A.Biitldtnff.
M,r$t nres.. Hws< PaUtws
' Xri."***
4*sa aiw«o4av*
wiureerlv****rrhil rSewt-rel aad wiereroepteal oaalaauaw. aM u iWfnaaMa
a vTturaaaalrMtwLU begtrea- P«reao« rnlrrd la b*alU ty aai«y*d srebS^ia^^y Say
otmaj^Mta tarw^eo-b
•avib.gnia* potaaae** aaa lajansaa ■■xnaii.saMja rew
itaMaa&.«sMyfaM*f c-ft.
SldewftUc Loinbir in til tlBBff
MMHra t. XnvwM Olty lAmbw Oa.
ini' iiiiiiiiitlli
m mjaiata mo8^, gnatelt
fiEMiE QUIT, WOffllST.
neni mm.
k Ttminmd M «• rtummgt. PM>
PMiaki oW •
- .
„ .
I kaew the treat DOrellat who ealM
ketaelf Oeorfe Biot, aad went occa*
aionally to ber Sttnday after
- •
- .
tbF mldrata of ibr dUfrr- )
MH boroopiik of Uootconery cuoaty ;
----------------- --------------1- “T* tbe Pblladelphia ReconL .
Tbe trained pet* perfonn tbeir antliW
on a amaU uhle.
After tn-ii^ lined ap. >
erlaiB at llte Priory. In tbe reflc
Eefcata Park.
Td bi> aumy for aa bonr tiiW oaa
ibao a "rwk’a bard wort
lyrr is natanial: neo mar n«w
untidy apd •« of H. hui ibry Dt-r«r wow Inio ii.
atorenly to took at ouuhk but a ntaM
Loyally i. like tore. U <«b be perof -wana featbera wiihib. Tbe bedici-* *<^neil: aail aobliwt ibloc* Had rlWi
make* a D«*t little De«t aud “»in«.
fer* borwhalr to aaytblop for ,
---------------- --------------------»*' Ualnit: abe like* old aoft rootle!* If J"
'* l■oaM* to other profile.
U»e same are at band.
I are ui«- for It.
A rbaffln.-b buUd* * ne« a* dainty a*
a lady'* togue-nrat plum
r-gray to matMi the I
■any other
boi^halr aud aaaU soft fniber* genI do not bellere that a man ran
crally appear, and the fabric Ir in<^ deadiieai his way la tbe old oorM
Tbero la a legend that Oeorge
dosHy wrouybi-lDdeed. It palled to
plerea It will amaxe tbe aaiatenr uiur*
alirt to Hod wUat an enomiona mas.
*luff baa he<-n
he.-n twisted Into such
au<-L a
of •luff
antall romiMsa.
•erer liked to talk abont ber norMa. 1
can only aay that abe atarted tbe anbjKt with ate one day.
It was. to be
oora. abom a pictnr* aome painter bad
ond In tbe new world, and la tbe world
*® «'«uie.
»*.'njlw'hy and
*»* PO« «*Without exerrlpe they ' ahrlak and
ala-aya made alih a dome and I fsTba|« till- rouieet of all
blnU' Dnls.
likes plenty of straw or grass for the
I reotured to disagree with ber. and
to aay that The Mill on ibe Flooa"
was ay farurlie. She eotereil Into tbe
r. itist as If abe ,
e talking aboM the works of aome |
atranger. wblrb 1 think la tbe rery per- •
torOoB of tbe manner asibora ought to
ttieir master
ad^t In talking aKrat tbeir book*.
I waa at her house one day when
obe was in perfectly childlike delight
oeer a box of blsculla abe bad reeelred
from aoHU nnknown admirer In Hoa-
bnt to her
with “Man htng Through CeorgU" .m ••IT ihler.oi and
eagahondm Jmlgiug
«he banjo and gires dlffetent mlllury ‘'titer birds by bis knowholpe of
which the innle. rest.
The song Is-lna
nulshed. the ..Id negro again brings his
pet* forth and ibey Indulge » In foot
ber that box of blsculuV It moat bare I raves aruunil the table. Tlie s|Hs-thion>
been. 1 think, In the year IK72 that abe •j are then asked to give
rive whatever ih...
abowed it to me. Would it be powiible
the -sliow" U worth,.............................
and. after
. . --Identify the giver? Now don't |
hia lull aroimil and ihaiiklng
you. Boatonlana. apeak all at once! ‘he people for rts-lr pairunage tbe old
a puts b
Too can't all have given ber lat parId a I
tlcular box of bisculta I
and then- wa. only one box,
_i tberr,
folds his laUle.
fected in manner. Sbe had a Uoguld.
monotone voice, and apoke nanally In ..
minor key. There waa a aenUmenul
tone about ber that made newromeiw
fancy abe was purpooely going In for
languorous wa.va; but one yery _____
tMiAd that It wa* quite her natural way
of talking, dhe waa utterly free from
affectatloa of languor r of anything
She waa an admiral
did not talk
- beraelf. but abe
talked ettougb to keep tbe conreraatlon
going. If any pauM occurred, abe eaally and naiuraUy filled It up, and
quietly atarted aometblng new. Sbe
alwaya kept tbe converaatloo general,
and at all evenu did her beat to prerent U from degenmilog Into little
broken |>acfcwatera of Ulk.-Juailn Mc
.**rbe true adrlre to give a young,
re*Ueaa housekeeper la to put
nisd into ber work: to find In her dativ
ac«ipaOonatudle*lniere.ilnBaBd toportant, which will surely conduce to
A . n.Ws nest, blown down by rr»etit ?,
wlti.ls. lately eame within notice of a <
.. ...............
l..D«.Jito. .r ................ I,UI
ed by
idly l>itl
Adrl.-u<- Flli-nne. i
year's . xhlbliioo hy ibt- I'bamp de
Mats salon. Farl*.
The i-l.iio-Hu .b- Matencha* «»t M
le,iils-l gvi.aii, a fan whl.b U taken
I- iiidli-Hl.' Ihat tbe FT.-n.-b I»resiaenl'»
l-rlvat.- m.-iins an- greater than
gen.-mlly siip|ioM-<t.
over In a f.s.ilMsIl niaii-h. and noilriiig
more." A far worse a<a-ldeni was ihat
which la-fell l.b-uteusDt Vanrt.-x.a- in
the wxme year near Beira
The ll.m
cluarge.1 him down lu the usual wav
Pr lH-a««l.T .-t. Jam.-*no. who led the
raid Into the Transvaal In the latier
[uin of |i.-<',-iiilM-r.
IHkV tins salb-l
fr.im Kngluud for SouiL Afriea. Tibi
Is ilrsi \ It to Soiilh Afr,.-* siiii .raid.
and mangln] Ills thighs and rmriiin-il
one of his anus. • Iiurlng the time the
needs'bMb-to the high o».-e attack on me by the Hon wa* lu prog1h- writes, "I fell no pain w baiabe accepts.
Let Iter noi t>e anxious i
alihpiigh ihi-re waa
a dlsilnel
but cheerful, striving evi-rj- day
of >"'lae
ts-iug hliien-lhat
make her wort more complete, more.
I*. I waa
perfect and to win from the daily care
the refreshment which sbe Dee.|s.
WbUe «ie may be often weary sbe will
•■onsrtou*. IndeiM-iidently
■“‘‘‘'“S the |Hrfommnce. that the lion
*'*• Hbawlng at me. but there waq no
•ot then be reetleaa nor dlawntented
naOxIng that abe baa secured Id ber
P"‘“- ‘
““’“""O ‘hat while my
“"bI'" wre b.'ing gnawed I took two
borne aome of tbe things beat
"“l "f
atrlrlng for. And ber friend* will *ee
In ber own lotcUectusI life and character a richot
wbl(«t abe
For In tbe quiet of ber borne, with
thinking and pUnniog and' working
tbe bearing of many care*, and loving
®T‘cr*. I
which will prove her best re
tlon 10 Germany It ber Inatru.tlon
breast pts-ket of
a few yards away.
CetMog t-J...
him ...
to I,...I
loadI my ritie. ami Immedlai.-iy the Hon dl.-d aud rolb-il off
iblnl up au.l look
rtfioaudfin-dat thi- lanass."
..—A___ ___
y of i:i.
erioe and drowning Hu- otberx.
I- ,s^ kindermlm«"il!r*Hribi is ..on
that Ibe motor areas an- eonai.nilv
..........................- .
urally exervised.
la fre|qu.-utly ataii-d In peilagogb-al Hlera'lupe. the differelirH- betw.-H
D'vpiisl child I
u., M„. un,™..
M UUfbl bow to knit and dam atm-k- motor amts. In the normal hrain HmiBgi. and bow to repair towels and bed »»•«>•
moior *n-as ara- ri.-bly auppHed with
nerve .-ells,
the*,Uol avail •—
Md table Ilneo-akUlfully.
abe erw-het*
but do
• makes all • « they
1*CT and otber things
'"'cn developed b>
d ‘•*‘T
tlM-y ‘
kinds of craoa-Mltcb work. Must g.t- ■“'*
■•"Rslant ex.-rr-lae.
man glrta of the u|H>cr rlasae. haw '
Tl>» !>«>•• >hiW who enter* tbe
•one musical •duosUon.
Aa a mic.
they play bettcroo the ptsno than they
sing. After fbc glH baa Onlabed her
PCbool course she go«* to a bourxllna
>«ine preHmluarj-trainluk-»uch as the kiud.-rgartencanafford.
‘he t.-a. lt.-r’s faee in
briidcs* siupldliy
f«r weeks
toDtUw Of Up-bettor cta*a to learn bow
to «Mk and keep honsc. nnd to m-qulre
*nd even mouths. AH this Implies a
P*lofui dwartlag procma tbe .>pp.wite
tbe ways Of refined society ontside of
bw-owo borne. Here abe r.-m*la. for
Mvml monib* ud watebe* tbe _____
ceoa of tbe cooking and other work, often lending a tkaod beraelf.
................. ......
"It will be Men that ber
bi education
•he begin* to prepare ber tronaaean.
Sbe eracbet* Uce. makes table roveta
WDtka long tidlM la craaa-otlicb and by
.a___________ ..__ _ _ .____ .
Eeffteea collect* a targe supply of tow
el* and bed and table Jlaen. Rvery. tklnff that b available 1a put away in
tte chHt bftMi^ Imr tnawirM "
b-h. fonuunlely, doe* not o.-cur
. as It means enonuuu* .-xpi-nses.
■ left In a basket u
Ihe stiH-ets must In- made siraiglii
any Iiuus.-* ini«-rf«-r>- they
,.„uple look In ....
pr<impil.v sw.-pt -awr
little ruundllng and reared It a* tb.-ir -drii'.l-up wai.-r eom
’ la- SjuiD
with a lirblg.-.
tU bi-r luanima had lain .luwn for
aftertusm ua|., she Uid a bnskei ou
du.irNl.-p of .-acli of five bouses whose
ok'uew sbe r.-gar,led oa charitable.
ladlaa H'lwtaBs.
.Some curi.niNly IHiiniluative exaiupi,-a of
of .\#iall<.\#iail, subtb-ly
«ubtleiv and suisrstlpb-s
tiuns atv set down lu tin--Dairv" k. pi
ebb-fiy \iu aoutberu' India. wl,i.-b rbe
Kigbl lion. Kir U. K. Gnmi-Huff has
published. One follows-the
Karh.-rlne riemmoua, t|,- a.-tn,*, h*s
au unrival.sl i-uH.-<-tl<>u of itlaim.iidN
and s.) ha* Mrs. George Gould. forPi
i-rly F.liih Kingdon.
Ill Ka> Teliiplei.io's J,-wel Iwx tiailong n-p<i>u-<l a fauinu* n—kla,-.-. JamFiiglisl, aud fterome Jldwardv have
giKNl (v>Hi-.-tionN and Mrs. Hruwu I*ter I* aldaxe wllb diamond*.
BUUi l>nn-uport’B dianionds
tel they «Were Bold
iiMie. >1-1
d afier li
•lealb i» Rianeb.- 'Walsh for gln.ikNi
and ev.-ry .
cnnalders Mia* WaM,
•eciired n remarkable bargain
^tella Fox baa aoine fine dlamon.K
• in.ing ihi-ni a necklace of fortv-ti
May Yohe
baa ibe fanin
Ho|m- diamond and
«>wna some alone* tbat are brlllfaui
and beautiful.
Lily Latigiry’a dlamonda were nosalbly the most notable array ever worn
Preiiif tear time
ID think about hailne put
Y< D might atso •«« meabnatatorlnr
your wbee’ PRBBf'-rths winter
No better earn-elifig tnai rnia
hlepinand Ulk Hover.
Its Onion fftreet.
John K. Santpl
Ganeril lasiraan.
John F. Ott & Co. «nw K-..’ -i« V ladiiQt «
Successors to
Trsrtrse Ciy Umber Co.
Trarerse City, -
eeSSS CSi«»-S 2S«-:
a wilds,
t .ti.
•a parlor ear la Orwa*
. ear a«d eoark arwa*
■r a> I V- s n b.
cd Kapida aed m
woods with new d. coratiors
Sapi.,. u Petaskry
Kcenthesein mind wbtn
•down town and call in our
Jewelerj store to hxik thtm
We have many new
f.hicago-• «-<. »
West Michigan.
things m jewtlry also.
HIINUM & EAm:»if£i5l
it w
oowo NnttTS.
Nolice! Notice!
AT Crd RsplS.
t O-d
n-H Hapid*
Ttatsfw ~r ••* W> i: Wv a,
•M-p I dOpa,
: AT ait RspidH
I «D
i cs
i rs
The building which Mr. L. 'l. gikiupid. :
j •.»
Warsowsky has leased. 225
Front Street, one door west;
„ j T”’
Steinl>ert'’s will be opent d •
/ orioa ***!*»
by him Nov. lOlh with
I First Class fariei)
of Merchandise.
TPtAkv efleel
Wait for the opening.
4 If L*
r.*F _
4 »Ar OMkABA J-«|-r
It •«. f«
■r tir.ild
New designs
. .
1 ae
of My Inie edm-atlon.
‘ ^"V^iir honor mav
be right." said llie
kln.lergartei. •» ‘ uaHve. -I may be wrong; I way tw
■mveMirul in leami
nlug lo do •
. hou..r wrong. 1-et honor giv.- ms
with *•'*
hi* fliij
His delba.-y
lok the fine. atMl tfaeJi at day of resur*• l*I":»ve.l, tbe
clinn. when all hearts w|B be o|>eii
avMtw auMtkieUM, prion AM yosrsas^ lOOrj t»i
“l» •■ye follows bis bands II I am wn'iig. I will moat gladly, sir.
return your honor the money."
It la periiaiMi needle** to state that
oT a milhU honor did not agme to tbb exi.-ulue aud itinst
Btun of merry.
her gorgeous
■ From the sane soarce comes an 11- n.s'klan- of mrqui
paln'er befoM be la S years of age At lusiration of the peculbr bias of Jus
Tbrougboui ber stag^ career Li
^ •rHl bare ao
tice In the Aabtlc atat—
tllaaer bq* lqye«ed a tvruln per c
Uw- dement* of
Mtlve Judge. In tbe district
of ber earning* la diamond* and i
of these
tbcM flne
flne arra
ana. TM.
TbU 1.
U .no .xaggerainjsm. used, when tbe time to give
. chaps tbe Sttest coUn-tlon
bon. but U os aeiioualy true as tbe bl*I Judgment came, count ibe Bho on
tbe stage.
Lotta CnbUea owned
an wsvk M UfMsk P*MU* gtaia
BUlemepl that a child may lean to tbe
_r pnnfca. If tbe number wa* even.
compute lo numbers below un la
EM yaar of kta acbod Ufa.
le-j.rr' te I trwir* si t
-ffee e. . .b,,--.,*. OU»
*’*‘*‘“ Katherine dei.-nuined to thwart
,S,'. .nm" ^
lejiand*. In the Idiors brain
Ihi-re are tigt few nerve ivll* In the
Bird lo tbe UdIea- Home Journal. -Sh,
Ing qne«T1on waa; "tVhal shall we do
with tbeml^;
|i,.r nioiliW'and father advocated iliv
usiul mrlb.Kl of keeping one for Katb
rn-sl.b-nis Hoi,roe and Tyler w.-r.Iiurlell III lloll.T Wooil C.U1U1.TV. Hi, ,,
moild. Vii . and It I* pn>|s>sei| to
move Ibe r.-niaiiis ..f CM.-f
Jiisii.-.Marshall from the n.-gl.-<ird Sb.H-kue
hill e.-us-iery lo ibis s|n.i. Tbe gravor Ji-ff.pxiu Havis is u.-ar by.
Til.' name of ihi- guvemur of \ew
Vork and ibe i-olouel of ibe piiigl, rl.l•■rs Is pmiimiDceil In various wavs b>
dlffen-nt Is-Ople. but Ibe uue ami -il
•-orr.'.'i iiroDiineialiuii l.«. a....... ..
tbe governors explauatiun In ausw.-r
Ion rec-in iminlry. --K.» v
of Ihre.' syliahle-. '
Til- rbin.-se .-miM-ror i
Bicycle Enameled
*" 'he end and a plots- of
*“ 'h“ side w-hh h Imparts
tbe Is.lKiennis winds of spring, and
for interewta ouialde of-honie. l.s.t a
woman gird up her Iniellett and oour-
happily failed of ii« obJe<-t-was almost
irvly Uinile
•.-.■le of
-r lough ash
twig- .J_______ ■ ..
............. shad* i» foi,i..,i through
most Of w hl.-li were dead whshL Not a | iIh-o nler to wind up double with a
full few. however. Weiv gtveu
------- 1 pulls ..
siHcd, galloping low. and di.sh.-s a Iiiaij b.s-n ton. off il..- ti>-.-toi.s tl.ev
>f the win.tnw when anrulled.
studlng upright to the gtt>..u.l by il..gtt-ail.t sirvuglh.-ned tin- sa
• .-ud falling to the Iwuloni.
full impact or Its iKsly. aa.vs the Si»s- ture. Wllt.lu tlu-se ash foundstinus
To bold (be .-.uii sbH-ve while put
Major I.iverarlty slaltw
that ,,„e wissl of siu.-tll.-r slxe a.el ........... ting on an ..ver.sw. a New Vork wom
a di-rlc- .-oniis.HMl of
"the claws and l.-elh entering Ih.- Ili-sl. pn,ut l.-uorv; li.ls w«s twH,.-,| n....i,|
do not hurt as mu<h as y..u
w.i.l.l *„,! n,un,|. „nd plalt.-d H.okl. t.. s.ip- a spring . lasp. .-nrrisit t.v a ilexn.l.ebain HI tbe o|,|s.slte mil.
Ihlnk. I.il! that the squ.-exc given l.y
the Inner lining.
A uu-.||. v
of strip, win,
lioving a laili m I.- ins.-n.-d beiwc-n
thejaw.ou ibels.neisivalI.vp,.lufu1. thing* n.-xt ams-...r.sl- s.fa,o- of .,M
till- hlic.-rs and ptill the sleeve down.
W b.-n kumke.1 over he was still k.s-u- r..!-, a' .uonoLef .-.s-oaunt
I sill, has Is-eo paii-ni.-d
ty COQS.-IOUS and felt none of
ii.e „,u. |, si..-.-|r- w.s.i «ud .«« ami l.-rs.- Whb-h
Is- sllpiu-,1 over a mail’s or
dreaniy seusailuo experleuve.1 by l.lv- ju,ir. au.l .iianv feaihers of ...s ks a..-l dlnary v thing, vonslsilug of a
lugstonr. Major Swalue. siruck dot... bem-. g«il..-r.-.l. d..ul.il,-ss, fp.n. th- wtfli * .
‘ nv.Hi on Ibe ,-oiiar and a
i llom-ss going fall gail»|.. was ui.- fowl-nii. or var.1 of m.i..,. a-lja.-.-... pair of l.-ggingv these tw.i artl<-b-«
K-lons for some ...ji.nl.-s and did farm.
The ...ass
lutve wVl«l..-.1 •'Oliiplelet. .-..wring the tssty and Isknow what had hap|s-i..sl .111 he ,u or Hgh. ,....nds, aud d-spil- u. Uig hi‘bl III I.law by oinveiil.-Di strap-.
Ill a newly dralgui-d bb-yvle laiii).
Ibe oil bolder Is <if tubular shape will,
I fell no paiu. In- wrii.-s. w'uix-for wear
clamiis.lo Sllaeh It to tbe lower luU"not. 1 IM-Ileve, oijiug Co aop siuvial In____ ___________________
of the frame. Just Inek of the head,
lbs wiek tula- >-xh-udlug oni ai rigl.)
that the sho.-k and loss of blou.1 ii.a.le
angli-s to .-iirry Hie l.uroi-r and
me ln<-w|uil>b- of feeling H. TI.erv was
A little lady of
wl... dwells In I'lirk
whteli .-an ta- lined at any desired
no iMlU for a few days, till
iSbIge lu.s an anlr.it syii.p:ilby
bronglii on by ilo- swelling of uiv arm
kittens-Ruii l». kittenon the twelve days- ride to tin- coasl."
PEOPLE talked about.
whleli have to Is- iIIm>w'|i.-.I |
captain X..yes, a.wek.-d In the,a...e
Inills ... ,..r o,
Henrj >Va|t.-ra of Baliiuiure baa giv.
tiuil city (o provide two
. .
. iiroti.
ably_ becBiis.- iberv was no tiiue. lint
felt exactly as if be lud laa-ii howl.al
, time, by ayatemattiing her- work,
almpllfylng her manner of Ilf,- and l.j'
ramaaiely selxlng ber opportunities sluwill find lime for favorite siudiea and
Taaeltor Block
A ladder has Im-cu des
ol'en nook or cranny If In bla'judg'
OR sialnvays and other
‘"‘•ft ihe pluiv lawuturally rocilBe<l .facew having the binge
Hawks are also cliff- Ibe
**"e l>ra.-e«
l>raceii at
‘ the rear fastetuM
lovers. th..iigli wnie of tbe smaller *Mys« that they ^ iL rals4-d or i.w
hawks often bnlld on lonely Hr ir.sw cnsl on the ladder aeropllng to the
slMnilliig In waste plai-es or overtopon which lUey rest.
bltiK their
their neighbota at tbet^ges of |
Slates .an |m> quiekly eleaned hv a
.-..inprising a water tillsagainst assault.
"She may easily
fill her mind with anno.vanrea. the dis
----------------------------------RECENJ’ INVENTIONS-
pn-ferw a cliff-face, and,
Hxn.MOi diop boles If the spor be ae-1
‘s-sslble. bin is i-onieni with
la ihs g.«..f. Li^
saw. .r a LIM.
A Hon <-omes at It* enemy at
betag of her household." Mys tbe Iji-
confinement, the Interruptions of tbe
fially life, but by lolelligeDt use of her
for the next show grouml.
ber own benefit aa weU aa to the well-
agreeable and monojonoua details, the
pi*ople of T-sverac ( tty.aulgear.
lumjo swung over bis ba.-k stan> oir
Ocorge Kilui seemed at drat, to peopie wbo did not know ber. to be af
dies* Home Journal.
Auk yuur dealer for then.
sertous. If uv all sakToisTni;";-".::.
most HearLr think we rtonlii n^t TJ!
comnunds by taigilDg on the table «*«n rbararti r Jays build Ufsu rwBer T«r <iut of the way. God doe* not uer
*Hb Ids rtclii baud at incerrsia during like a l>ls>-kblrd. hut a little larger; t“'‘ Inpnesi-mlnded people to make fathe selection.
At e*ib up the lltile while another |>ciaeliiug rascal, the *•' nil.takes.
drill thf darky alugs a song,
It was a tribute of sympathy—of ad'
alradon—frumu country where sbe
waa appreciated. 1 wonder wbo sent
I Becauac we pot into tiiem tbet beat hutae aatiafnedoo.
A loviuK tbougbi balls at
ller-ii Deed, no paaapon.......................
dness |toha<vo. and wc do D< t uhc ary
U not denominational.
artificial flaaorHu-t clean: pur; I
M panlsan
Tbe great bean or.
This ffivea you a whole* specialty.
Everyihit»K in
rides all re.iraints that It may ser
buman needs.
|aoine. enjnyable BtDoli# at an econ- "O"- Open day and night.
miral piic
ton. Sbe waa proud of the gift, and 1 . suldiefs <-luinge their maneuvers Inwas boDOtod with a apeclmen blocult. I stsDlly. The aceompaDylng picture
I. ao far aa rcould ace or usie. ohOws them obeying tbe •-oniniand of
tte ordinal
'•twi. right." At thee
of the
Wp solicit tbe pairoDaeaof tbe
Bell., 5. Cif.t
framewt.rk and nukes geoetoos use of
. Omas within.
1 k
•' magpie huU.ls a Urge neat and
oftc-n surrounds It with a funnldaUle
the i ertoraianee femv of ibtwiis. This be doio to ke.-p
Yon.Kel a tint! civs emoU
aeat ber. repreoeatinir a aceoe In *«IUa
Maraerr and abe railed ay attenUon
to It. and said that of all ber norela.
“SUaa Mamer" wsa ber farorlte.
onder the finn name of
The robin Ilk<>a a bole in a bank
ia Ihe;....................
I Restaurant
One of the unpleasant' features ,if
■y old apple boueh whereon b
Berben Spencer
I have boBKht a half ibteregt
«• * protoratlon. We
tbe new and better tbiny
or we itj to pull It down.
^ a fraqseat rlaltor there, and 1‘Ttrfeaaor
Hnxt^. and
I Notice!
tnilBrd tnrUm «od ■
4, tw
Tl«* ait> *ome who 4« dm llkr any
libmy pirfpt tbrir ©wn.
* la
STORY wRrrcfi.
m Baa TtMoabtfaHj
»S is
uSia.LAkc Abb
immrla* a
•-•■■r^- ~ f.T .
TUM Y«t-Ko 78L
' ONLY mmm
I with
ten. Tbcjr elteek. Sherke/
iftftBe Aoftbie *«ia« M k*ft4 ftftd left OB ,
l)ft.. JrS eoftDtere Oft oftr ftod Uerj
Iftllftek. Bbftrkep Iftsi* oft aioBueb'
DMpumto Bftttia of Twonty. with rtcht ftftd the/ ellft^ BefftTfte
hreftkftMftft ky force ftt the ftftd ft*
' Boftftd lO^e* pftti kftrB Ufift Oft
ft Oft« n»W MOftth ftftd etftMeh. Both UaB «■
Vho Baoa Bobmlttod Thair PraB«t l.Srm BftU BIft Ow»-Co«t«t ct^Moh. ftftd Jeff.pftU herd rl^t hook
Uviftory maport—ffiUplMft tocop.'
VMl ft>4 nrtoftft. —t Uft OftU- Oft Bhftrbey'e ey*.
ft* OoftM Mi Wift-Bota Oora*U
UftOftw{»d.-fts4 fttftfiftcft To* with
ftB Adeeokftnr. Tnbkry
rt-u. fl«n Oft ehlft. thftft baftta rika fto4 ato*Wlu«r-4ui«M 0«»»4 ftftw It. fteh with tan ftftd rirkt. Both mb
ftftd TiMoharooft.
Ha* Vork. »«. » -4*
«• ■aftkanlnf Jefl roahaa. To* clip* ift
WftahlBCtoo. Noe. S—"If wa with^iftd. tkft 4rkt toftifhi b«t-.M Jaffa aor»ar ftad Jeff a«Mb* kftd draw fi!om the PhlUppiftaa ftaarahy
Bhftrkftjftftd 4*«rlft» »•• • fftftt ft»4 ' aye with riffht.
ftftd latafTOBtioB of other powee* will
tftrtoftft kftUIft U wkJah fto
WM j Boftft4 l»-Je«tftftaa Oft aye with follow. AMTleftB oeeepftUoo la tha
tM wlftftftr ftftUl tk« Iftftt roftftd. Botk ! Hckt ftftd CB wtod with Uft. Bkftriray OBly aalefttlOft of tha lalaada. Thh ta
■m» notlrftJ ftft«ftrftpasi»hMal ftod ftt iatftnan JaS with doekU awiftf oe raeeffftlted by mftBy FUlpiftoa. arec
boftd. IftBda three UH awtBffa Oft Jftw. aartoftta. bat three Iftttar w»ot to.
timm U ftpMWftd tkftt tk* ekftspl
left to j»w ftftd Iftftdft terrifte left trol the rwreobaa while we take tha
vmibIomU* IftftW
4«fwt bftfor* Tos Hkftrkftr- B»U» «*.» OB aklft, ftootker left OB jtw. Jeff in reepoaelblimea.
KtUoftftl hoaor for.
wftNlB rood for* ftltbowrk J nnm dtcuraa ftt eloaa.
bldaeny eSort to eacape oar reapi
BoBftd |}—Sbftrkay IftBda lahOB wlod blllUa. Oar aoatrol ta the only thlof
lookfti ftftUow wkftft befMUred U»«
ftBBMftth. J.SpftUiicbtoBdftrheftrt. thfttatftoda for peftoa ftftd order and
oB3«« of th«
were: Bad Shftrbay aiftffffatft J.ia with aolld
It ia the osly gbaraBtaa
O«0TM Biter, rftterw; W. B. Eobertfton. left oo jtw. Bhftrkay aMahaa left to
BemberataBt. Ib the U>.
______ n._.
mtlBBad Oft foftrlh pace)
reege of* promioaat PiHplno. 'Olea
before the tlM- act lor the
erord «( the oommlaftleB’B admlrabla
report. I eaa *y. tMa with perfect
alety for tha reaftOB that I did not
write lb Itwftawritiftft br tha liter-
A Year Ago rourp”cf:?.1Ia^fard?
partment—now two of the best workmen can bardlj
keep np with the orders—That’s a healthy growth
and speaks well for our ability to pleaiM our many
bat Oft. aeery aoBcloaioa reaekad wa!
It U ftft ftkeolaUly|
trftthfel h
ft of aU thftt I
oarer keea
alBee tha tret (BB w«a tied that the
Cftltad Sifttftft ooftld hare wlthdrawa
from tha ktlaade. and tha raaaofta aat
forth la tha report ea to wh« parataMtlftl ftre
lamyopiftlM. a
ia so other alta.
Thffftloa are rcftllslag It tt ahowB by
from AgftlBaldob rftftkft.
•The Iftteet adrloae ahow a rery de
le tha altftfttioo. I
look for aa early tftrftUBfttkm of tha
war. iB fftcb I Brmly bellere that tha
bottom ha. already dropped oat of M
lo.srrectiOD '•
If you have a good frame
that needs a new picture
Look over the lot we have just received, in etchings,
photo-chromes and platino prints, from 16c up. We
will fit one ia yonr frame aod polish the whole thing
up in a neat np-to-date manner for a few centa.
(^me in an I talk with us abont it.
Bniph Oonaabln Jr.. Knnager.
290-2S Front Street
Brp^ That OaBBlbaU to ffiaw Hebr;dm Hare Silled Hr. Mlliaa.
BOatlBff of tha fflftota the elabhoftae
Vaaeourer.B. C , No*. S.—The auameau tbamaalraa ".
to tha doon aod acftta ware
Tbmearea few of tha ezoi
I. froftt dasftftd. WbCB Bbarkay aa
Bard by the Philip
toradtharawaaftyaU. Be waa ftoao*I
Oenena Toabert DoolareB it ia their prallmlnary report, whleh waa Nawe he. raaehad Sydo^ from New !
~.u.i by Tom O’Bobrke ftod Tim Meheaded to the praaidaat (by the four joai.kooU.totlng that a PreabetenaB I
Offtdy. Tka aallor took the ooniar
mambara of the c->mmia»lon laat night. ■ mMUnair. thouaht to be tie E*e. A. ]
which wftft oeeapiad by Pll»«l«moiia
wkOB ha waa defatted by J. ff>-iea. Tbla High Xzploftlae UmO Ib Defeeee of
aabmlt their repwt to the P««Ueft»-1
m the natieee in mctloo. of the I
waa tftkfto ft. fto lU ofttao by Ua aapaf
Lftdywmtth Protaetad AgeiB.t by Itiaa nnaBimont report, aigsed by all, N>w >lcbr<<lce. where Mr. Uilllea w«« I
Boar OommaoAer-kMfttloBftl Bft; thememhere of the eommlaiioD now | posted, are canBlbeU Mr um-eehaa
wft. ft ml»bly ahoBl whaa Jaf
I hi. wife wUh him. and it tt BOt kaowo
whether ehe .nrrlred.
trlaft BBterad the rtB* ftceompftftlad by
pewta of Aftothar Brltieh DUftatar in thte country. U tt
fol perenel. word for word, by eyery -___________________________ ^_________
Brady ftad Billy ftftd Jack Jrffriea. bla
Are OBoem&rmadftBddo Vot Worry
American citiien. No more Important j
•driaatft. Jaftrlea eroftaed the rlaff ftftd
Brit fth War OAea Oaolal.
doenment bearing upon the pclleie.
•hook bftftdB with Bhftrkay- A momaat
LoodoB. Nor. S.—Brlftted dlasateheft and fninre of this oonolry be. eome* to
UterBetarae Bilar aoioiod the ring.
Tha term, of thabfttaa ware t» rooBda. from tha Britlab came ftt Ladyemlth. light in raeuBt yaare. It tt a paper
Marsala of UMa&ftbnry mlaa. for the Natftl. giro »o ftddlUobftl IbformaUoft which wii; occupy a place in httMwy
regardlBg Moodayb ®ght eieapt e.ll- It preaentt factt and eonelnalooe
ebftmploBfthIp of the world.
- Cbaapleftou f at the rlBgalde were mat* of the Bmt Uoaaaa. whleh are which, win it u belieTed. yul ao end to
KW McCoy, who an ftaar Bbarkay. BOW and td be BS kOledaod :oo wonad- the mtttakeB ineurreetton of opinioa to
ftOTBar. ftftd Jftmea J-Corbett, who aat ad. moatly rlctlma of artlllerr ehella thttooontry. whleh tt now the only
•ear the ooaitlea oeeo^ad by Jrffriaa. Thme wrought anck hftroe thftt U U enpport of the eiclou. In.urreetlon of
»i 1I):0» p- .. u.. rlCT« w«. to~J aaid that Oenarftl Joobert. the Boer force againet whichr^meriean nntbority
.Oeoetftl White. tteor tending.
iBt© the rlBf ftftd ft
Brltleh eommander. protaatlag
Thtt eUlemeut of the condition, now
cf»M.«».................... ..
againet the oae of lyddite at lahnmaa. eattUng U the Pfa<Upplne archipelago
of orer kM.OW.
It waa l0:<O whOB Martla JoUao ' Aceordlag to all aoeoentt the praaenee ttoomplete and clear It beare eel0
ahftllaBged the wieoer lo behalf of Bob in Ladyemlth of loBg range gone and deuce that the oommttMner. apd their tack with open mind.
FUMlmmoBft- Jim Corbett alao chal- the eplendid ebooUng of the bluejecketthere meUrtally Improred the and with high porpoeae >= it coBtaia.
leaged tha wlooer.
At 10:10, both eoota.tftUU doBoad pjilliOD of the BritUU. A tamporarr proof that they found tha factt point
armUUee wee daelared_Alooday even- ing so oearwtaelmingly to bat one COBthe glorae. aod the batUe that waa to
It’s Dol the price alon-—
laat the fftU t*ooty-tre rouoda, aod Ib leg to allow the eolleeUoa of the dead clnaioa that they are nnable to Snd
but what you get for the
Ungnage too amphatle for adequate
which Jefirla. malatalBad tha UUa of od woBBdad.
price tbftt niak.*e the bargain
of their aonelciloua The
A dUpalch from KimberUy. dated
•hamploB. begaa In grim earaeab PolV
We are alway# more ttian
___ who sign toU report. It ehould be
lowlBgla tha fttory of the Bght by Oji 59. eald that ^1 the wonaded were
ph a«ed to have you examine
borae lo mind, are BOt poUlicttBaaLBOl
doing well.
the qnality of our abuee aa
While the wires to Ladyemlth are eat arcB partlmot. They an educatore.
Bmwd l-Bharkay throw, lari lo
well as the price.
law »Bd hook, right to chlB. Jeff yet tha optlmiem of war office rSslale aeleaUatt. atudentt of polltloal and e>
clalaeoBomy.oneaneapertln dealing
amlle. and jompa >b with left to atom- U refnelng to bellere that Udyemlth
aeh aad right OB riba Sharkey jedu
Chlldr.-o .
turad. appeera to be jnetlSed. aa this hereof MaoHa Bay. Admiral Dew^.
Jew with left, ftftd Jeff jaba mooth
>11 x-l
A. algnie !»at aa any other part of
with right. Jeff pau right aodar moralag It wae amartad that the rail
CbDJn-B - -.MM.SUPF1
tt the chara-sUr whleh
In M, Ir. ai »ad CH
• heart ftud To* clloehaa. After break road wahetiU open, though treffi: wa.
• — the greateat oantloB. they giee Aeuinaldo. the head and
Sharkey rBftba. Jeff to r^ ftftd
Ynu can
IB add more to yoor b^t>W
ftwlBga with both haoda Jeff block, What, howaear. waa oaly a rumor yeo- front of lb- ioenrrecUoa. In.vead of
areooBl *bro your children wear
oet la middle, aad abooM atralght laft terday aysBing may. U tt claimed, be a being a patri a. a great champion cl
our eelrb-ated
freedom, a wood Ororge Wftehingtoo.
Oft aaek. Poriiaa Tom’a kead back with reality at any moment, aa Oaneral Joube tt pictured aod coneieted ae a mttorleft ftftd aftBda right orw hc*rb Pfttt bart with htt Urge and wondari
ftble. ehllvlog. tricky, ireaeherooa.
•Uff Uft OB jaw. aad they clUeb.
middUBg upstart.
“The orimary
Boftod S—Jeff peu right oo rlha. ftftd eral ibonmad man to make a daab at
ohjetof htt aUufgle." aay the comthey clloch. To* wallope Jaw with tha railroad.
■■r an'i .low t
— Sic* ii
"to not llberly. but oontlnBnmoraof all kind, are In eircnla
lefb Jeff rufti To* lo the rop«e, Md
nanee of hie owe arbitrary power
«boee we are iwll•ugfote him with laft od jaw. Sharkey tioB bare of Oenarnl White heUg com
dropa under a right kook, ftftd tab* 8
eioB wh ch the commttelooere reach as
«ty)e. fit. flanb and q->alfty ba.
•aooBda Whas ha gaU to hi. feat Jeff the Briitth rune appaftr to be m
DC'cr pr«D oblftiOftb.e for thtt
tothecpahilUy of the Pillplnoe for
dropa him with Uft 00 J.w. To* rlaoa than eqnftl to the Boar ftrUUary.
price bpforo.
Londoa. Noe J.-The war office thtt aelf goeeromsnv At the praeant lime
ftBd grin, mockingly ftt Jeffriea- Tom
Jampa ift and .wloga wildly. Jeff jaha •fternooB. replyln* lo Inqnrfte. aald the people are not prepared for It, eay
left OB month. Sharkey hooka to e*p.
The ongb toraiUgatloB. The maiMc are
Jeff pnta two haary rightt on riba. there of fresh Boer moeemenU.
nnedneated. but capable of great deThey rough Hand Sharkey go* to hU offi^ftU are not ftware whether the
t to tlma Bnt tbU can be
railroad to Ladysmith tt atlll Intaek
koeee They ellnck.
.eenred only fiffier an enlightened and
BduBd l-JrSetopenwh with right
«nder h**rt. aad puU left oo jaw. inetractt the proper, anlborlUae t< liberal ijeerelgn power. The maaee.
They clliicb. aad Tom awUga to ear. iotollM> thlrly-tee bfttUlloB. of mUi know Bothtog of eelf goeerBrneBt.
•The moet that can be ezpected of
Jim land. Uft aad right on atoueh. Ua ftt their reepecllea headquariere «
the Pillplnoa.” aay the oommlmloaerm,
left <m mouth and two rlgbu oa earlone dat* after Noe. $0
"tt cooperation with the American, to
ud laft to Booth. Shftricey
MSW n,ACB ffOtt ffOBTXffi.
JodUUl and mnolcipal aflalru. In
eoBBUra ob bead, and they cllBch.
they My beeoM worthy of a
Boftftd «-Jefl peta right oa rlhft. ProaMaat has Offered Rii a Berth U
larger measnie of mH goeemmeBt and
Tom land. Oft wUd.
Bzchanga of
eelf goTemmeqt to the AmerrtghUOB atomacb.. Jeff paw left oo
WaablBgtOB. Noe. a.-Rohert P. Por- Uan ««■««« ahonld ever be kept in rUw
wUd. Jeff amlUa aa ha go* to hla
tor. the apeclpl commUaleew fw Cnha for the futnra." Thtt belief of the
MTU tt well eapporled by the
Boaad a—Sharkay ratU* JrfTa math and Porto BUo.haa handed U htt realg«la loeal calf goremmeBt
arithlaft. Jeff laada OB riba, aad To* Batkm. aa htt work In the West Indus
toy tried to the ttlaada. In Negroa,
replUa oa rlha. .Jeff laada two righu waetbougkttoba
whM lire the moat toUlUgftnt and
CO atemaak. Tam ataggera Jeff with McKtoUy rtetumtad Mr. Porter to .
paroa. of tba trlhaa. aa attaapt at
two UtU oo jaw. Jeff laada oo tlBM to htt precast poaltkm and aaN IAV01
atomacb. and Sharkey hooka Un to ear ■nme charge of the tosBlar hnrean of
tha war departmant. by troops. <raa a taUare; aod not untU
•r TMt
. aa hell aonoda Brady claima foal, hot
Mr Porter aUU
aft* tha leading mon had asked the
It la not allowed.
to Uha eoatrol waa order
Bound a-Thay meat with rightt on lttt*h5uiSl*to1Sl aaeapttha offii.
hroagbtoat of
Jtff Jaha atralght left oo
This report is heard aronnd the
•esuaaata of Dewey.
fcaa Sharkey patt Jeff e head hack
arilkUtt and apparefttt wUh rigkt.
Waakiagtoe, Hoc. A—«1U tba aato world, annihilating time, distance
Olrftftit Ooart BtUl Worktag «e tha
and resistance.
TbriUndaonJawnnd appart
tail ftf HIU VB. Dohm.
The np-to-date bnaineaa man
•stoat at Uberty
Tumnd 7-tb* Joltt Jaw with un. Uwork to tba Olrcalt ao«rt------ to tba Brat time atooa thair aniaal to will keep pace with the times—Ha
Jeff landa on riba. . Tom ewUgB two p^torbytbaday.thw* woaU be a tha Daltad Stot* traaly to dttea* tha will do all in hit power to make
Itftt to Jaw. Jeff BUCfwe hat eom
treat deal of mooay to tba cm of Hill «httM of Ihelr ____ ______ Ad-'^
tiiAt it wiU
arlU riffht oo otomaoh. . Jeff looka ea. Dohm that tt bow ftBcromtog the iriral Dewey
worriedand Ured at the aad odUm attamtUa <ff tha ooftiV TeaUaw ^ laaTtogtho Whlu Bonaa. Groat to^aatlataktagaftothaapor^ oi the
te this
the and weatoatoash* to htt wmffa, baeaft*
'"Iteiad 0-Tbm pota Un oo *Mtk ttSumoByoAthedefaMaad
end — It wilt bring
ttBe^^to Mffht. Ho othm work Biaaa tha toMwa hattU of MaaUa Bay
at Quick
. O'lOD clothing worn thftBa<
*^than aec other •tor*.
The other fellowB fyel u«—We hare no
desire to crowd aDybody out, but we’re
of them....bostJe.. hicb
.. the
_. best
ia a eery good thing for you. It ahoto that Benda does the
right thing by you.
The style of oar tlO 00 men‘a suiU. overcoata and ulaters
is simply irreproachable— It isn't neveotsary to tell you bow
well they are mrle, for everybody knows, ^nda sella nothing
bat the one kind—the real g^. well made kind.
Tbe’re’a a nice lot of Reefers we just got in yesterday tl .75. $2.50. $3.00, tl.OO. $5.00. Moautoina of rnderwear at
2>. 50. 75c. $1.00 np to $5.00.
Eojov yonraelf -by picking from tlie only entire new
stock in Traverae City- at
I This Morning
Will be a good time for yon to drop in here and
superb stock of Gentlemen’s
1 Fine Overedafs, $4.50 to $2M
See onr world be«tBr all woo! Seimay OTorooat at
$6.$0-tbe «{ual of other stores' $10 coats.
You’re wek'ome at all times to look at onr stock —no obligation to bny.
-r iSc
“ 58c
School Shoes.
J. E. Greilick Co. /
Doors. Sash, Mouldings,
Fine Sfill Work
85s ondBI.OD.
It always pays to uade here
r‘----- --------- Jaftlaada oo rfba.
ha hat stoadtoatly refaaod to dttew*
andtbiffoUneb. JaS pata rifkl and
tho aattoaml polto i* ^ FhtUpptaaa:
un on atB*aeh and right on anr. Look- OTitan tX Mmift"Iwtthyoawoftldwythtttor *e.ad on N|Nb at the and of the loftnd.
CIthhm Om. sald tea affmlial. -that I tafiowa syfte?
. Booad»-8hBrk«pBttJoffon np«
. 7W-it t
people to jronr place
Cold weather is coming.
Now is the lime
to place yonr orders *for
(irilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No 2.
Traver,.e City, Mich.
That Boy of Yours
Will soon need a pair of bhoes. Before
making the lelection. just drop in and
see a few of our Boy's Shoes. In pur
chasing our stock of fall shoes for boys
we have bought the most serviceable
shoes possible for the money (style and
fit not forgotten.)
Boyl Leather Llnad
Boy’s Satin Oalf
Boy’s Box Oalf • •
Boy’s Bsaralsaa ....
Baa our ’’Llttla Qants* hi^ out,
boxoatfshoaa at
MeNasura Bktdc.
9 -7»
- 8.00
ram kobsoio
inLATBB4s onr, •
MAVD nAvnas asBAXA.
«Ma 1!. >*» AMB i. W. H«jnw.
t. W HAim.. C'«>^ t»A llM»rn
Laat evenisc'*
lewloB of
tbe board of edneatioo waa a very
abort affair. Tee matur of bnaioera
for wbieb the Bcetlnc waa callrd.
not ready for aetUcBeat. aod It did
not take loop B rtaeb an ad jonroi
Preakdeot Prank UeBilwm callrd tbe
eetinf to order, with a;z of tbe ntemberaprroent Uc bed previonely ac*
nonnoed that be would make appoiatmenu to 1111 the d fferent eoBmifeae.
eeounllDfly . the appolntm-ntr
> made aa follow*: lb tbe place bJamea A- Hoore. W. O. Foote #a*
appointed aa member ut tbe committee
bolldlopa ana d-'ouda. In ib<plaee formerly occj p>0 by tbe' law
Hr. Pybns on to" a-m« oommawe,
Oeorge Hoyt waa acpoinied. To All
tbe vacancy on the^ committee on
aebooU and teaebera, Bev. D. Ooeblk
waa appointed.
Tbe matter of tbe ebangca to be
made by tbe oontraetora In the addi.
tionetothe Bimwood aod Board man
avenge baildlnn not brInK rendy for
flnal adjoetment, tbe chair anoaoneed
that n motiuo to a«‘j>nrn woald be in
order. Aecordlncl). on moUon of Hr.
B nrbem. tbe board adj mroed to b
Wtdoeaday eveninp.
aay way «aeal to Ui^ prea
at Dr. A. W. Cbaae, Amerie
Vbyelelan. Tbiapreat kidney cere ia
aM by ail dealers at 855 oeau a bax.
•ad has proved
- - effectual
• ai
roved moat
•dy for tbe mat
laay ills to which
lOotUap Co..
fmt atreet. 7A0-U_A
Oonranttoa of Hiehlpan Fodoration of
Voman'e Oiaba eo Votcd-Lanalap
Obonan as Vest PUiee of^HMWop
Tbe mott eeceeeafal ecjpveotioD of
tbe Hiebipan Pederaiiou of Woman't
Clebe eloaed iw aes»ion in Jaekw»
Thuredsy oipbl. Toe aiwedance wa
Urpe. tbe pr-ipram ietenaiinp a-<
oractieal. aod the delapatea rotered
into tbe spirit of t1
the palberinc with
L .oeiop wasebaoeo as the place of
boldine tbe nrx: convention.
fallowlop jftij.-s were elected;
Pro* d -at. Hrs. Variba A KraUnc.
of Hoskepoo: vice presideeU Hra. E.
D Wneeler. Haniatee; aecood vice
areaideat, Hn. Alex Cbtter. Hendori
•soordlnp aeereUry. Hra. Oenevieve
HrKinney. Sanit Ste. Harir;
psndlnx secretary, Hra A. Bi'Tbayer.
Bapltiawi treasurer. Hra. Brwle L
Priddy. Adrian; dlrectora. Hra E. L.
B der. Lanaiup. and Mrs O. L Woodley. Henominee: delepatea to the bien
oalatHilwaukee. Hra. Cyfoa B Perkina of Grand Rapjds; Hra. Andrea
B.>weli. of Detroit; Hra Joseph Uoeld
>r. B tea Ho*ber. Ann Arbor: Hra .>
Sharp, ofJaekaor: Mta Jamea G
Haneoek. Hra Helen W zoo. of Cbro,
sad Hra. Be’ie Perry of Cbarlolte.
It will not be a sni.
surprise to _
. . fsm lar with
' 'i tbe
Cbamberlaio's Coopb
Kemedy. to know that-people
• here take pleasure In relatii
------ Inp ibclr
Id the
(he use of that Vplendid
• xperienre In
medTelne and In telilnp of tbe bentfl
they have rrcelved fr. m If, of bad eojdt
it has cored. oT tbreateerd attacks of
oneumoniait has av r ed and of tbe
cblldren it bat aared from attacks of
erouo and wbooplop eonph. It is a
SixFirpb.'u Faiiurra.
S X terrible faiiures of ►;» c! ffetvot
lacioranearlyaeol Wu,. H Huilen cf
bocklaDU, 0-. town ea-Iy pr..re. Al.
aid be bad a fate) luap trcuble aod
that be most aooo die
urped totry Dr. Knps Nrw Discover,
fur Cnckumptlon
After taklr.p fle
bottles be was entirelv cured. U is p ■
-iUvely paaranteed to rare all diae^
•r Tbruat. Cbeat and Laopr. ?T<eladiPir
Coupns. Colds. Ls Grippe. Fneumonls
Kroo'-bitis, Asibc.!. Usy-Fev-r. Croop
Wbcwplnp Conpb. SOc ard A) oo Trial
buttles iOclsat Jas. G Jobi;sr>c's asi
S. E. Wait'a dnt( stores.
CoiiMun^^ Curw-Wanaep's
Wbft* WiM of Tar tymp, tbe
best cough remeiiv on esnh. cun-- a coiu
in one day if taken in time. £> and SO cu
Bverd Fans
Ha ms. Prirarrwea. nirrsantbemews
etc. on sale at F. H Paine's rreeabouse, 810 West E'eveoU atrrov
“ it *r$ajOt sc
iiM •’ Caiman's E astfl: FW V-rJisi?
—all the latest styles aod colors, aod
»-e hare a 6rst claos eiperieoccd mao to
. make the frames. A oice l(>i20 frame,
iocheo wide, io all colors, for 75c—
just the thiog for eolarged photos. A
oice SxlO frame with'glass aod mat for
25c. Briog io your pictores-—We can
save you money.
120 Front St;
Hoosa FiuxlAhisg Htor*.
Both Tolepfaonesp Ko 43.
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors
318 Inioti Street.
you git holt of a ten dollar note you want to git it into yu or onto
yu jest s qmks you kin.” I he quicker you get into one of our Ten Dollar Overcoats
the quicker you II have some of the best comfort onto you that you ever enjoyed.
A Bedstead
i We Repeat
An Umbrella
full sized, good wood. war- ^^'= staicrnem ma<le about
t„ shrink, o-urp
Butting. 1> r*'" “ '
se!k fnr
^ I •
contains no dirt or*celling it at the same pnee
sells for
the one. h s, rubbish - each roll jS
rain or shine and that
an unheard of price we, wide. 14 feH long, weighs -special drive" at a dollar
know, but were going to i ^rom :: to 4 lbs, sells at f :J4c ,v,e one is most s,ifv^w««f.,l
give you the benefit of a | the pound-one roll cut ,h
•■^nap" we nicked un Bei
^ comforter ; A «««! serge coverand-one
feet long. 0 /cet 4 inches that will shed all kinds ol
tercome early ,f you want a,,,ide.
good thiik "bAl rain unless it rains pitchforks
gooil bed stead.
or grind stones.
Stylisli, Sensible, Serviceable Shoes.
ThalVwhat is said of < In-y Bros Ladies' Fine Shoes. The first word tells why
vvp sell so many. They re made by up to-date workmen, who know their business and
style IS to be considered always. We sell them at $3.00,
and S4.00 the pair.
More News
“Con-di-ments' Soup for dinner
, ^
according to webster "are makes a person feel good,
of the little priced books, somethingused togive relish especially these cold days—
Those little gift books in to food, to gratify the taste' It warms you all through
dainty bindings sell at 22c Read this then: Deviled -If the wife is busy here's
the book-white and gold Olives, with red pepper and something she can usc^and
imitation leather, imitation ; mustard. 30c bottle. Baby keep right on with her work
wood. There are hardly Olives loc; Queen Olives -Soups already prepared
anytwoaliKeindecorations. 25c; Tomato Catsup 25c; an<bsell at joc the can
Splendid opportunity to en- Chow Chow at ijoc; Midget i Boullion soup—Cove Oyster
largethe library-rcmember Pickles 25c: Durkee Salad soup-Mock Turtle sout^a friend and make a wedd- Dressing at .'.ociMixed Pick- Chicken soup- Vegetable
ing or a birthday gift. 49; les loc; Demkley's Celerj- soup—One can makes good
books to select from.
Mustard lOc,
thick soup for six people.
A difference of but one letter, but what a difference in meaning. A Frieze
enemy «o cold weather. F,ach season this style becomes more popular
\\e II Sell^u one of these "cold weather comforts " fpr $5J» or $6.50 or $8.00 or
512.00. They re made to wear and are made by up-to-date workmen.
T* Ohp« • oafld In Om Day.
Tbke Warner’s White Wine of Tar Svnir
the beet ooupb remedy on earth. 35 an.
Fleet of tbe 0:eb Partl.s
Tbe Srat of tbe eertea of club parUes
for tbe winter waa held, at tbe City {
Opera Btaac last <ven>rp, aid waa all ‘
that bad been expected in tbe way of
rare. Aboni forty ecnplee werej
present, and the oeiceaton waa a piea>nt IntrodneiiOB to tbe'O.-ial aeaaon.
A fine concert was rendrred in the
early part
tbe eveninp by Professor
Hnnanpb'a orebaatra. wbicb wa*
preat’y er J >yed by all. Dsi einp eontinned Uli a late boar
Md Apue. Md Typhoid dtaaaae perma
than savage oMtUbaU; but UoucMda
have found Uat Electric Bitters is a
•all malarial diebllls with fever.
__2k Md bead. Md
feellnpa. a trial wlU
oonvlsee yon of Uelr merit. W. A.
Null of Wabb. ni.. WTitea; -Hy eblldren mffferad {oratory Um a year with
ebilUMd fever: U« two botUaa of
Bieetrte Bitters eered Uam." Only
eeau Try Uem. UaafMtaed.
.Jaa. O. J<lobasos aad- 8.
- E.
Mats and Frames
Wilheim Bros.
Picture Mouldings.
W»« are aoIoe^fwiiUfor t e abovrcord
itily taviied to attend Urm. Tbe solo brand of doe t-loibioK. U<>6t de
by M Ink Blanche Haskell was
pendable line on ibe tnaiket render^ and mneb enjoyed.
coata no more to buy aod yon get
- • bos* more wear, atyle and comfort than
In from inferior makes.
oUw plaoM aad bop. la czprtmad
Uataeme plan may
_^Who have trated the merita of D.. a.
V. Chase's EJdney-Llver Pills return
Matter «f AlttratiMa bi »a
Aernaa aad Bnerdmas Aw»aa
Boiiaepa StiJ bastfl Pue—Ap
polatBeomM-deatAnard of Xdn
natton X>t*t V lAt.
fm*A*n Ouy nod Black B«Qlrrela
•od Bohr Uir,ls Shot by Hantem.
The beat ooUeciloo of pame which
hubeen reported by My local bnataea
IhHasMOD waa broapbt to Ue eily
Bsalorday by a party eonalstinp oi
AUermeu Qoorpe Urdle «nd W. J
Varker. John Loranpar and Coasuble
Aabton. They west on Ue peninsula
fiadretarned wlU 17 fiae SAnirreU.
. fray and black. Md four partrldpes.
vovsiuaR 4. taw
So SottlMBMit Btwmn
~RoArd ABd OcntrActors.
AtfBiAiamuoo'a Ooar** Vpb.tld
¥b« *aUexpM«l(w MUmnl reMtrr« a bad; blow wbeo ibe reUrned
ABerican eoDBlBlonert from ' tbe
PblUppUM* preMPUd Uiair prellmi■•17 rrpart W ibe prcaideiL The cod
tMU of the report eriU «et at rcat tbe
doabte of map; »bo bate beea iapreaaed witli tte arptiBeau of the dUfrasUad oppoaltloo to tbe adaiptalra
Hots aod lPt4B»lf7
eooBdeaee in
Ibaeopraeof tbe
lha trladOB of tbe preaMeab Admiral
Dewej. one of Ibe
•Bpbailc in|(bia eodorteaeoi of tbe
' #oUe/ of the admlnUtration and In an
4,Aterrtew aar*»
“I^are baa never bean a time alnee
tba flm r»B
that the Uolied
•ibtM eonld|bate withdrawn from tbe
Wanda. a«d tbe rraaona aet forth la
Ibe report aa to why permanent Aaarlaan eoatrol la eaeential are. In my
opinion. Irrefotable. There la no other
blternatlra. Tbav the Tapaloa are
reallilne it b afaown by the many de- Hchoonar Jehn
•erttona from Aceloaldo'a Anba.
ShiHtw In tbe Bay and la Vow
••Tbe latar adt:eea ahow a decided
in a Dilemna. '
Improrement ia tba altnatlon. and I
Tbe aebooner John Bchnlte, boond
Mpeet an early endinr of tbe war. Id
fact I flrmly -believe that tbe bollom for Bine Lake for lamber. waa overUken by tbe atorm Wedneaday, while
bba dropped out of Ue Isturreetlon."
Tbla ia another bitter pill for thoee makinr that port, bot opon anpronchaabo waltedaoloDpfnrthedUtiBfiiiaii- inp the entranoe to Charlevoix, there
•d admiral to array b'maelf la oppoal- waa a heavy pal* blowinp. Mo top beIn al^t tbe captain decided to ran
lion to the prealdenv
Tbe eSoru made by tbe American ... Urand Traverne Bay for ebe ter.
military antborlUea. before tbe arntal When near Harion ialand they dropped
In about so fathoms of
of tbe eommiaaion at Nanila.lo avert a
OoUieion with tbe FillpLoae are placed vrater. These failed to bold, however,
U tbe aeareet ll<bt. and tbe aelf bod tbe anebore were dranr»d with S''
d by tbe American fatboma of chain to 'each anchor to a
•bUtara In Ibe face of tbe tntulu and point , near Ureillekvllle. where the.,
pontempt of the native troopa ia ahown broufhi np In 30 totboma of water.
Tbnieday tbe crew attempted to
to have beea beyond praiae. In tbU
•onnretiott tbe report of the eommiwlon hiriat tbetr anchora, when they found
makaaiivery plain that at no lime that they were fast. A tackle block
rope lyere then atuebed
eonld the atanndoomeol of the poeliion
ipatan tuaMial the wiodlaaa, bntatiH
lakan when tbe Ameiiean flair waa
ralaed over Hanila have been aeriooaly they stock. 'Tflecaptaio went ashore
UreilickvUle Tburaday evenlnp t
•onalflered aa eompaUb.e with
ir of tbe United dutea or lu dut< wBcnre help to asalsi tbe crew. Yeaie:
murnlop a foroe of men froi
«o tbe vast population of tbe archlprl.]..{day
•CO placed in lubandany the treaty of IV» tbalr aaaiatanee.
but after worklnp all day h»d to plve
-D«aatreml<Iaidon tbe booccm at- it up.
capuln tbioka ha ia fast to <
•eodlnp tbe American arms ia aupprera. . Tbeo
tap tbe rebellion, and tbe review of ex- old wreck and la undocidod waetherto
B a military euod- slip kla ebaiaa or pive it another tr-al.
-potat in tbe varlonHparts of tbe islands
taadalotbe Inference .that tbe memBOPBFOBA BOBPItAXs
hen of the cemmlaaipn are of opinioe
r of w. o. T. V.
Ahat tbe flnal restoration of peace aod Profiubla 1
prdar ia very eloee at bbnd.
Taetetday Afternoon.
The natural weatU and advantapn
Tbe central W. C. T. V. btU a pleas
•f tbe lalanda are passed in review, and
ant nnd profitable ineetiap at tbe borne
• vary hopeful view of tbe future of
of Hra. Fieraon Friday afternoon.
Ike pronp is entertained by tbe oomwas led by Hra.
ib,. p«. “1
Aball have been eatobtlahed asd •ednea-'
many belpfuil tbinps of the conven
tion baa became peneral.
tion. of the inspiration piveo by tbe
onto^ town workera. Tbe time
WBiuchaawninpthroupb Nebraaka than piven to Hrc Wrlpbt. who pave
Aha other day to keep an enpap. m -nt **0, eneonrapiop and belpfull words
10 make a speech. Wm J.'noinpa Bryan j to motbera. Amonp them: -Prayar
am the. vicUm of an accideoL Hi. wuh
our children.- '-paronla
•oeveyance was upset and Hr, Bryan .bould be the natural eompanioui of
^lpbl«l with an utter ditrepard for his Utelr ebiidron and by Ue choice of Ue
dipalty. But the incident was Mmaly. chHdron," •Child confidence must be
Iboupk nntortnoaU It will serve to kept or all U lost." We abonld underAlva Hr. Bryan an lllnsuation of the |.undonrchildren."
fnture of hi. hand wapon,
ExeLSNO U ptvparinp to dlspateb a
fieet-ofblpwarablpatoBonU African
ivatare. Tbe British tales will aot be
•■Uraly un^tected, however; tbe
•kMrock will soon arrive home to
ibe remainder of Ue (flnet which
lanAd to uke Ue Amertea's cap. TMa
fast praralaea in Ume to be.very formMAbla. in point of numberm.
mboosd. baturdait.
If it is up-to-date styles you
wait, we hare them.
Frank Friedrich
'. WMZIwrBloct
118 Fruit St
The HaDDdl & Lay Meramtile Co.
“;{ WMM mi nSMSHITS.
S\«U &VeiM.
lte*Mp aotero Thra lsfi.«tlsc
I AarrteiM
is 1mm DriTtsf «ko
aow amts before asaossterteg the
tacriOc aWiB. Bar talk •«« aU sew.
asd aha «w bssdabaaly raaippad
BchooDarTscht WrM^ and tbroagbooL
Tbe drowsed Bao wan D..8. Way
TIitm Man Drowaad.
aad BtdUa PraalM asdiba gsAt bt
O. 8. Way. Wire aod KoIUb Vftoioa bMged ieCbarlerolx
tkarleaoU. Mkh.. Nor. I—Tbe rr
LattC^rlaeoix Laat Wack for tier.
port of tbe wreck' of tbe aeboeor<
Ida aad Ware Loat is the 810 b—
yacht Cbi^olU Doac Mlllarb 8tatie>
The Travel FoiBWly B»loBc«d loC. baa emtod oOGtlderable eultemet
a. KiM araa cf thla City.
brr* aad a great deal of aadreaa. ar
Chicago, No*. J.—The partial wrack Mr. Way and bktaaUy are well kaowe
of the arbooocr yacht Cfa <4 lita wa» here. Aboard tba yacht were Mr
waabed aabore orar HUler'* autiuo. Way. tala wife aod a yooeg mas oaioed
lod.. today aod to ooa of tbe marU RfiliiP Frailoa Tba yacht left Cbarirwa< laabad tbe body of a mao 1 be rnizabosta week age os a trip to
body of aBotber mao waa waabrrt Pinrida. eia Lake Mi^lgaa aod the
aabore later. Tbe ulothlog of a wom^b rirr roBte iVay waa formerly a *><11
waa fuood la tbe yacbt and there were tiaowp aka aarigator bat latrl* l-a
CDgagn) ib pbniogTaph* tor
: e*tdeiic'w that ar*rral olbrra werrj
laboard aid that ail of the crew aod pi -aiare and ptuord a trip to FioHda
laparaaitof pleaearr aod pn fit.
•eng ra
W«*kls*loo. plo*. ».—Tm foUpwiBC
abbfros frooi UmwsI Otk «m ro>
Tk. .UU «— -rio*. d.sat.
-Ooske mioa U«.
-»«t iormlcMd $» aa. d-rlor
(Leiobar Md
aad pw«B'
proaao'ad. Hi
Ti .
»<«^ Q^et«b«'
t .irlhat k 'ruot. t.u«ek forty or m-tn
ft mmammx «f >•««• m4
lairvne-ad isarfaua Tbey Isnad.
M«}k «M V700 SO.
l.Vy •tMckad aad di*p«ned tbra.
Tto otd odor* oboM lirbialw aoi kiltiar U>t«a aad woaadioK a Baabar.
^ -•Ulklar t»tM ii thOMwe'iriMBdeMBt Waaofferadoo eaaaalttra. Yaterday
oklAlo.la W^zfoM «oaiitf. Pour jr*r%
,09B«ral UwtOD'a adraooa ai AUapa
•CO the lax»ho«M of J. W. OoUj. io atruck ibe eoeay botb wwc aod aoatb
Aoteek MwMhlo, »•» •troek by
oflbrcxy. OaotaiB Bataoo'a MaeaUrkMi«r Md bamod. U >m rebnll*. kaba aeouu ob.la rrcooooiirrlag to
MdaloMtbai tlM hw bneo (trock tbe aoata atrock. tbc ieaarcoBU '
••reo U*w by tba ca«ctrlc flaid
aabaib. Uaateoaot Kjatalfe waa
Dr.J.M Ua'vay of KalaaaMW. ha, killed aod ooe a«out woooded, Capblaeoarbrd aaeaealarly for tba pMtlaiD Bauoo fxMt«d tba rnray.
aU daya 8a h Ml with bowal troohla , uft aerao dead id tba thlckei.
sod tba eaa^b> a w pbyiieiaH.
| '••Ye.t.raay p..looel Bri: of a. ... ....
,.j. „d... ,....
“ne KaiaaiaaM ereaaary, built two , Thirtyi.i»lh ro(aot/H,T* wan bla ragi
I C.PU1.
yaanago a . aewiof hS OOQ, wan aoid <aadt aod a troop of tbe t nrib cara •
at aoetioo for trrs
ry. eiaarad tbr l:o lotry of a:l armed
ItwaamrU jealciriaTmoralbg tbat P'*''*'''^' ““
fl.bermrnlir,..g.n,he bota a!L^
allrer uituais
mtdala roled
Aoo Sr-J,
• ••••••*■
rutew by
oy noD
----- ------------piece wbrra the rnwl atruck aaw tbe
Ibc Uacrab *
bor'aooaaclltothraoldlafaof ibatci'yi®-*®*"*"**'**' dtaiaooe beyoad H,
acnoooer nrceo og hrlpleaalT before
^Ubapreaeoladloihe boya tbe firai;P^™“'“F
c.ptarad biae of their carelry . tie fury of tbc atorm. 8000 the watehTaaaday Is Oeeem>>art
nopgregulonal Association.
Morgas Cloney fell lato
*ouadiBgor capinr- mab io the rigging, and prcecBtlr it
Uon at Kt am ( -aVod ^ad tba :lty fr
I Monday aad Tuesday of .nes
a sambci^ of tbe eoemy. Tbe
A seeu tbst li wss lashed there.
•lu.ooo oamagea A jery am-j ui gireu
week, tbe sv b annual meeting of tb'
iBkurgect ce*all-y is Ibat arciJuo
him tS.OM
l-aicr 00 when tba wind bad drirea .Oraad Trarerae Aatoclation of Congr. ■
Ciward daitb, a watl-kaowp earpao- praetiaaiiy deatroyad. Coloanl Beii'i tbeoo.inea-ertoabore. tba erberm A gational etai
will Uke p’ace
torla Port Hope. Boron eoaaty, waa eaaualiie. were oae killed aad two by the uac uf gleaa<
-illc 8-reraI membenoftb.
larbrd to
ioataatly kUled while brlpiag to ralM •ruandrd.V
rlggiog waa .hurch here will atiend. Mto. M r.
a barn
dead. Hieaeaily the boat auuck, nad o.lati and Prof. C H Horn are no tb.
O. C. Teekar. tbe pnaldeat of oaUa
tne« It ^-mained. pitching aad rolling
,5..^ Hryt and Rrr D.
4.000 FBKtjlBSO At CSAAK.
at tbe Btaie priaoo a Jaekaoo.h a boay
tu the angry aaraa all day long. Tbe (Oochllo will di>« atterd.
mao. Be bat to read arery letter re ■artbtiua^ asd TiOal Wave beraa- b-gb aea made tbe laufcblng . I a astall^ •
eelred by tbe eoprieU la tbc prkoa. a#
biat «o danecrouk that U
Uie Hplueca l«laad
wall aa all thoae aeai oat by tbeaiu In
oigbt before an aiiempi was made to
Viclorb. H. C. Nor. 1 -Nawa b get to tbe wreck.
tba peat year ibera were H pss letter*
br. ugbi by loe ateemar Mioweib.
Tbe b-idy laabed to tbe rlggiog
repaired aad K.vas aeat oat.
wh.caarrt*edy«aterday. of an appal that of tbe cepUin. There was
At Cedar Sprlaga boodloau bad
ling aait^iakiaUeL lola tbe aouth- Agly gaah In bla forehead Be wa
tbioge all tbelr owo rraj Taetdty
ern portliiu of the iaiaad of Ceram (br man erideotiy S5 ycara - f age.
•raalog and moeh damage to proparty direiJt I one
taa :aigaet of tbe Bair Ik alirery aad be wore a mnataebe
waadooe. C<iU*aa aad bbalacat mm
Molucca archipelago, part of the Duftb tiLgid with gray- Hia clnbm were
sregraatlylBoaaaad orar tba on'ragra
po.-aaeelo«a It’b aaoood in olae of tbe
aommlUad aod bare mtMid • fend of ^roup, located batweaa Kurnao atd the conreaUoDal blue and rery aeat
tUtiug. He was ertdeotly aa amateur
more tbaa tioo 10 proaaealc tba guilty
Hepua and noribaMt of Amnoyna.'
uhobgrapbr ; his well-equipped j»raparaosa.
Aboat 4 ouo Malaya end Papuaoa Ohernalla was found on board.
Mim Lida Moore, a aebool girl of
ereklllao. I%e <*rii.|aaka oiurly
Ltwraaee, aged 16 yeare,
deatroyed the town of Umbai and
A Cure for CenstipAtion.
ttaaa-nmifnl attempt to c'lmmil anielde opcoea .taege creraaMa, tome of them
Among other articles found was a| 1 have lieefi irouMed with ronnipslton for
Taaaday. Tbe attampt waa made
boedreda of yards in width. In ti e wrmao's wardreib*. wime parte rf rrwrs. II sas ruInlUK
biwJUi. ui> ruiutbe aebool room. 8be took a doae of
fort and tny eoBiolrxiun, aod I sm clod to
alopca reaebisg from the mouataina which were costly fabriea and of the ! urUislCelenr K1o(boarsciocrd oirilirra,
Mae rltrlol aad sooo became eoeoaood Uil* aftee trylBC msny other mnllrinaa
Id the cdnt<r of tbe blano to tbe aiest
aeloiu Ooetora pampad her out at-d
eoasu Aralanctaee of rocks, aplii from eapiai
aay abe will lira 8be will gly* 00 reaI irUr>m aultrrlDir
ouman wbal<'<Hrr.< Kinx
tne rnuuntaln aidco by the terr>6c cut • ship with biin. add that aba. too. lost nwidooeforuis-.Vellle.«>uld.M«JlWliio
aoo for bar aet. aad ooiie la koowb.
IVIerTKInC'-nrea (-oooUrwtIon otirtKlIdlocuaalun, relied down tbe range, bury- her life.
8be baa ooafeaae^ that aba made a aimra-|-nnli-- ------------- '•
sThe' hlqulta *ru er'denUy a band- neya
lug many aetUemaau. and
Hold l.y druxaUiu. -A<-stid6oc. H
Uar attampt to ead ber life a month
some bundrids' of' Hapuaua, whu inago. which a:
fatbit t le ioteiior.
Tbe Malaya along tbe ooaai auff .-red
laat apriog for ralalag praa tor ouiaide
ereu worM. Far out to aea tbe aeUmic
Bblgrrdisturbance waa felt, ana huge tidal
>. but forgot I
wares were eauk^ which swamptd
pat tbe guaraaieea into tbe contra-'a
aoreral coaat rUla^ and cialmtd
wbleb were made with each farmer
large oumneru of Tletan». ft wai
The raiarsaarc coolDg io oow. bat »o
toe rlclDlly of Ombei that tbe diaastrr
maagerly that tbe farmeta will g1*.
was moat aeriook'y felt. There dwdtbe-pearineUiecildaboulder another
iiogB ooUapaed lik> aucuh of eardaeaaon and try aome ot^er way to gei
burying'unfortuoatr townsmen, an
tbe«anh opeoed and swallowed-ibe
When, the new wall - at tbe eule
rnlaa. Orer C.wxi people Ijat tbrlr
prlaon at Jaclnoo b dabbed priaoaerr
Urea luare. aiM tba esiiata'e of will hare to eaoape by tome other way
dead and SOU injured will be found coo(ban tanaeling 001. Tbe a all b dre
feet tblck. made of granite blocki laid
To allow bow tbc eea swept In eborc
in eemeat, and la laid on aolld bedrock
"'Whether it's psnta for workingmen, buslw len Abeoiamibanfe was orrr a Dumaereral feet below the'aurfaee.
bar li piauna ihai lay anchored off tl e
ness men or prufessional men, each wsnts
Uwb Heekev 10 years old. of Lakr
fftbing rlllagee in Unramcdel bay werv
Odeaaa. a farmer'aaor. waa ahot la the
the beet article for hit epeeial nee -Noth
foQud 00 tbe failltopa some uoDdreds of
aakic by thr accldeotpl diaefatigr of a
fMt abore tb4 aea. Tbeolo Uuicb fcit
ing better than
abotgnn la tbe baada of a eniapaaloa
yceterday. The abot saatlered tbe at Kamoalie waa deatroyed. Tbe pop
ulation id Ibe Orratted Uland ia 1
ankle booea and tore tfae'deeh awa*.
. ISie eebooner. llanbem of Holland SOU OUO, of whom one-third Inbabit the
aoutb -ide, wfaicb was risiied by
went agroBBd near Aral Tboiaday
Tbe reaael b a total wreck, with nt
laanranee. Tbe crew aarrowly eacaped
C. O.'Oerbeit baa token a ppsitioi
Lbt of Latteta.
with tbe Bdlaon American Co. and
.• It* 1..I u( IM
thr ^«»rr»»
■ePtIr Port
lOB.-r unrtUed fur It- hoa gone to tbe upper penlnaala^ to ar
t Ke> a |n^lliB«
In <
for Irllrrt range dales for the entartolumaaub giren by the company tbit aaaa
Be went ftrst to Cbeboy'gao, and from
^ Pants for good honest wear—No battens
there will gti to 8t. Igoaoe. Be will
Barra Joo
Leabur ail»-rt
begone unUl the bolidays, aod
I'anteot Mr a Hr* Jou Unod} } t>
come off no ripe to sew up. In the
baps longer.
" -wratriiM*i-t t»- 8
The Boston Store
The bsekwardnssa of th« sesson has esuasd ub
to wonder how we could get rid of our enormous stock
of men's elc thing.
We must unload—must couTert this msmmoth
stock into cash. Nothing but a
Crash In Prices
wi.l do it—A far reaching cut is our remedy - We have
the glory of quick selling—yOu all the profic
Saturday, November 4th
1 vsi
Solil lijuis are sHIUbHii mJ irtistically
sliapeil. npi simpl)i cm out afieta panern.
or “Berkshire”
finer grades we can ahow some hand-
A meeting of tbe‘mi-iUt*ra of the
city la called to be bold on Monday!
■wroiog. No*. 6th at 10 o'clock, in tbc '
study of tbe Coagre^Uonal church.
Deputy Grand Chief Templar W. W.
iroble will instoli ..Seers of Traverre
City lodge 4tJ. I. O G T. this erealag.
I cent due oa each adrertlaad letter.
Oflleera aad members are nrged to be
UhoHoe W. RAry.
prompt'ln atteudsnee.
Re*. Father Bauer performed tbe
For eome time 1
ceremony ygatarday that made John 8 '
baea la progreat in Wathington leakBrice and Mlm Joe Dwyer of Neaaan I
ing toward eaublbhiag treaty rela- City busbaad aad wife
Moot belweea ^ina and Mrzloo. *I be
Will 8. Anderson will build m greensegotlaUooa are bow ao tar along that
elguiag of tbe iaatnatent b eapected bouar In tbe rear of hia' undertaking
to occur early aezl week
It U the a MbUrbrneat on Obion street.
tome atrtpee In Worsteds.
patteme at prices to ]^leaae aU - $2 60,
irat treaty beteean tbe two uatioua.
Prorblos ia made by which bf-zies
Will raeelee Urn beaedu of the -favor
ed aaUoB elaW and tbe right of ax
t»S terHtorlaliiy la Ofalaa. A UBlque
faatan U that Boglbb la baleeted aa
tbe- '‘ctBaial language'' Inalead
Fraaeb, tbe aaireraal laagoage of
Startltug Coi
Show that ;s per cent of women 1
far Ibelorturre of Itching Mlea. Intlgatioa proree that Dr A. W. Chaaeb
OlnlBeat baa aerrr yet failed to cure
itebtag pUee, and all of tbeae men aad
woBCB could md tbelr eufferiagn at
onee by naing it. Seorea of tbouaanda
bare been cured by Ibb tr
Krarybody eaa be car
New inyoice
juet in containing many dosena of new
$8,00. $3 80. $4 00, $4.60, $6.00.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
r“afc'ro™“‘S;;;:r:;iHere You Have an
* Opportunity To Make Big Money
tbe fuaJu of George L Crawford
ageut -of the Fun. Otgar Co., who hat I
Last evealbg when Joe Ximmermxn
started to drire borne be awt a rig oa
Frost etreet No oae knew bow it bap.
peaad, but there waa a eratb, aad the
horse of tba other rig broke from lu
fas aalnga aiad dashed bowa the atraet
leaving the buggy beaiad. The owner
Jumped troia tbe rig and baetoaed
aftaruefieeiag horse. Soon tbe horse
ainbllag up to the plaou of stort
ing. bsriag token a h» around the
block. The driver oaene along aoac Ume
aflerwatda. ZimmonBaa'e rig waa un
harmed bat Um other was damaged.
We aball knife clothing In a manner never before
known to the people of Traverse City and vicinity
When w« adverUee a 8LAUOU fn.A MALE (as
our recent sucoeesfol cloak sale) th-< people know that
we mean businesa, and everyhing goes just as we ad
vertise. Advertising costs too much to make any fake
about it.
We had a good busianAs ae'aaon for our^eat
cloAk sale We have, if pc»aible, a better one here in
the clothing, for it is our rule never to carry this sea
son’s goods over ’till next.
It is not what you pay for clothing, but what you
get for money expended.
Bring this ad in--compare price for price, the
former with the slashed one. firing your pocketbook,
too, for you're sure to buy.
One lot of 50 men’s suits, in Uue and black cheviots,
our rctjular $5.50 suit—q^bading price g ^0
50 then's suits <>( all
sjjecialsale.......................................................... *X«CfV/
?=r.50. for this sale................................
. U.UU
00 men’s suits of all wool blue serges, brown aivf gray
110 men’s s-nits of all wool gray and black httavy clay
wprstetls. serges and fancy aall wool cabsi- *y fiO
meres, our regular •■^lo suits, this special
150 men’s suits of fine Melton, double breasted, raw
etiged; extra heavy all wool fine serges, up-toaiate
checks and strii>es in fancy cassimeres and worst
eds, our regular prices 5=ir and $i?,for Q Oft
this special sale..................................
75 men's ulsters in all wool chinchilla and all wool
black Frie/e, well lined, high storm collar and good
length: bought under value and sold regRO
larly for SS.50, for this special................... D.OU
4(> men’s all wu«»l fine Irish Friers I’Istsrs, all wool
cassimere lined, sold regularly at 5io.oo. ^
this special....................................................
f■ 4 U
25 Beaver Overcoats in blue and Wack, sold O QQ
regularly for S5 c«.\ this special................. tJ.570
50 overcoats, all wool Kersey in blue, black and
brown, our regular $q.oo coat, - for this £i
' special sale.......................................y............ D. / O
75 extra fine all wool Kersey, extra heavy all wool
Herringbone and Oxford cheviots—all swell top
coats; our regular $12 and $15 values, for .Q OQ
this special sale................... ..........................
112 Lots in Oak Heights Addition. Wanted an
offer, as they must be sold by Eiecember 15.
Also No. 431 Washington street, 44 foot lot, good
No. 542 Webster street, house built about fouryeats
-in good condition, modern improreinents.
Look these over at once and see
Johisoi Block, 'PiiON 73. .
Real Estate EiehiDee
Give This A(J. a Test.
The Boston Store,
line of Fur Coats Just Received.
\\ve '\DotV&.
vebcrtpfiMjewatsfrMBJeC. Md
Tdb «teMaft«iHar> ke plroia Md it
Sany Noble at Elk Baplde ande the
YalaaMe te rmwa,^«. Dmii-
Mr. nod Mn. Oeakve B. Babbola- of
Lakn Ana worn at tte Oalmabla r«aior>'
Itk. Ikrajete *r« witk left.
roar Sow Yorkwo. aoabm of the
A.B .i*orta««<NdlCBakMla In tbo
XOMtlMd IM IrM p^>
Me arrlTvO Boatv Taa aaoa aaO
---------iuwTiii. In- no hU luwio.-w. iHj..
Myrtle Btaatoo catM In Inal erenior
rtwllnc flUw and uuNmuUorti. Mve tue
Baud ii—Toa jwpaiBud eiriatn. froa ba a^ool at Monroe Ceotor.
Ho»tou T^niwcripi. Tl.ew «-ti>rc4iun>ta
tbolr •loMor Mor Bt. Micbool*
teft to ur. J«S cilaekM. Shorkej
Mralt&n.en,Mretnrwdlaatplcht!,*,;;SLe*^t-u!;[ »W««r ri^lnt.a K.
at bore OMOfod. Om of tba dead warn
Ki .Jt»
lafu JeS Urowe two froa ibeofeehni of th. MioktMo'^M *
unlrenilty. nurrea.-r.
;• WOM*.
rroa ibeareelOD of the MiebMaa Fad|•n,fe.»or ll«l*e e dra et,wrllotte ud « rlrht m wiad. Tha saDChea
oreMon of Woaun'a Qaba. Jut doted | meat «a> with the toad.
. ____________
Tberoaroaevu four wnwii ooo- •book abvkoj. bat bo abooU two !•»•
! ed a email |n>« iu my *anlen." br eald
.Boetora o« tb« olMrte Umo »t ObiUl- to the bwd
J*S nu loft oo ehlo.
“and In ■
in a lieu Ml wai«f. laeutlnl
Umad It-Tooi Uad> on bom ud
male and frtuair toad. To aiimrt
■OMioltetlbofOorSM, Ky . otoiM }•« ud J.ffriM»ti««n, bat lud« day vlaiUnc tbo apylBB barn, ratnrn- i
*k«u 1 p.Urrd wUblo ihr Int*o own ibe looB oo whkb Nuer Hdbtoo Jew ood Uft oo mnatb. Toa in* laat niptav
kite of food and boiw. Tbr rrtfUake. tbo aotbor of Abrohoa L'a- oMobw atotb. bom ud oar. JrSrlM
Mta. L. Seoia wut toT'HcwfhBart'
" Mtlaranory a» ibry were
aaod lodo WMvIoc fd** oeicbbor* Uoda hard on ear and «Va
The flfat-
>or 1* foriuw and tbo aportt are nr-
s.li>ba<>; MU ol KuoialU »lru
tjnta ware ___ oo
^od 10—Both land oo face. Bbar
abe AUaotle ooeaa.
off Sew
Ultoo oar and dooble ewlac
TboureliMt prored that «• »*e^
■orithlaarallatof M
alia aM»tce>
Laodt oo ear and hre.r on
Jeff land. oO wind and Sharkej
I by wiralow thlo<«t«9ky with all the aocarety and proKaUaO'Brinn. iTaoM ofana.
Iwowtnockaad one oo
after J** I***
'TllJ yoo eooM..i hriu* .
«na|.|«l th,- mnjr
** l~ aui.wettt| th,Wbafa tbe '
They say bi. manner of IDaa.
of uiaklu siH-b a re.-ket?
We | •"'ton «be tniih was a Uttte kx.**;*
don't waul anythme today." .vod she
llcln Inrakr.
ib<> door
dnor In a way that stuiw.
mineil Ibe
I*’* mqietwll} tbe ui.tn wlto protaaa
ed ehr didn't qiied n<iliw if nbt-mailr it.
“t>|wn dial doorr aWuird th.- nuarr loiHlcMi ayalnst *oimcs. corporeileu
• bo *.-atler. hi. ltw|» over two areta
-«o on. now. We doo'i buy ootbln of In Ibe .-ar.-New Vorl Teleyrem.
:lal ..pat eait abroad
.Fruit for aootb. on the Mae plaou^
oonatruetlon <*f
,and Jtw.
the proJtcMd
-dbarkey l<
Jeff bita riba.
B .uad n-Sbarltey landi on kldneta
uBnaaianreilroadln Ponln U anaorod. andjtw.
Jeff auccere. but paU
JffroneboapiuUaU are forniihtar tba lafu to noM aad wloa.
peddiere. we don't.
Sharkey landa
on bead ud Jeff oo aouih and jaw.
1 Uai my ordetw.
war.e now
ilr was tea tinwa
be la If. y«m. 'older
Coraall returned lo Umwn
Bondarwan of tnat place.
j Inc a toad li. It .... niljihi..
iddcr. becaiue
him but Icm.iutnlou. nisht.
He waa
Mr. W. Wifbtman. wbohoi been In
the city on tmaineea for the post few
Wk> worth ..f t«id. «i nu ex|s-u«c of not
tkan ». .vni.,
smib-the akk
wl«-u he saw
u.c new senaut « u.ldir.a ibroueh the
daya, retnrood to bU kome at Monr..a
Center loat evaeinf.
'■^anlle^. lu Kusleud boy them, pay*®* ■*
■" •'*' l»r
f‘»r u»e In
lack gate. In-n.li fp.c iv-a«
MU. M.bU w.r.Uk ot U.U oH,
Uli to TOolo, to, S.01. worn .0,
It I. liiier.»iii.K iu tbe liuhi „r «be
aclilewmeut. of ,uir naty In n>.ejit
iallj iIiom-of the aid.-n.lid
fluhiiuK jiinehlni-. iir..|H-lbRi at tbe raic
of ») uHh-. iiu hour, to read tlie follciwlug P-iairt made diirine He- war of 1HI2
«n a |m>ja».|ll.iu inaib- In UoIhti KuIton to build a .team
l fur the lifxv
............... of
' our lurWra and aealawrd cltti.-tiou
.Civethe poUoeaea b.If a day off on andcuurye open
with rl«hi
:SandayloenaUetbaalocoM cbureh landa >wo uppdreaU on
-or indolce in aueh mat or roereatlon Sbarkey la daard.
..-pool maab bonae while bb family wat
S^ued U -Sbarkey laadaoc atomaeta
wlllTlaitatewdera with M...
J.ff landttwleeon ear
Hie Yckon river UprecUcellyeloeod {'I
i«o uriemtioa. d rntlDt .ce mekioy
twice on
*»kartc»y »ilb rlybl book
oojtw. aod
right on
land, left on moulb.
The lecdtog stage of Ike WacnUnd
raUrood terry host at Antwerp
Skorkryamatha. eye with rijhi
taoaate for eteemaia.
luiereatliiK and |in>iial>ly lu.iu- ou.n>
' valuable and i-iTtalnly
TtalHly nodele.. under-
D blater.
Md J*« on riba. Clinebea are frequent.
lo two tbla morning on tne arrival of
t»uaj a.
Fifteen or twenty were drowned.
( loea. the Ini u alimad .■
*® "P»*« It « Jer. bond
It toeatlauted Uiat more than 30.000
Shoricey sunds looking psuled
were followed by tuoilous and ebangea
lo the matter about him. thought of
•liuiUr pun>ose and will bebiod all tbe
luollous and changes which
‘Cdbaoinoe January, oa against 4 non ’ Xbe ref. roe step, batwoerthem
—'•'"•‘-d o( the Sponlab treopo.
ito.ai-e.Vton-.. a .a
** l«ff to P«t OD Jaffa glove. Tom triaa
teve left tor Spain during tbe Inb re' ta punch him. Jeff tbrowa bit right
.Moat of Ibosa whn ato a—(.1— k___ ...
•OttSTinthe Uand.
hbS * -aldca
9abbage.«e]ery.meIooe and all kinds'
The mo,l
to Iha
to «■«
h..a p,-to to s,v'.r,
tod ototo Eto ,1.
TiT Z 7Z!u u
1‘ar.Ily a mile away. I fo.u.d only four ri«a ...r
<>f ike grnlo. iu an hour's M-an-b There
<’■ »" "i<l «wr«
by, in whb-lrllve a j
»"y «U»
ibrrmx pn-.Tre.
Jn tba deportment of Santiago. Calm.!
ibecauae of tbe ^dly attltnde of tbe'
0«y Leonard, tbe y
Btoat^'^lg youd of bia firat experience
How'fl ndfl.
We offer One Bnndard Bollore BoMord tor any reae ot Qatarrh that conMOt be cu^ by Ball-e Catarrh Cure.
F. J.CMmntr ACo.. Prop.. Toledo. O.
It i* «-ns-
Ktriiei.-,l *0 thnt when foblial it oevu-
**“' Hriiial. a«auei:Hi.>n on tbe
‘Ybvan ll.a.r - stir John Murray said
' Pw-l'a acvle* to toewa Mva.
Sleoial di~-i|.linc, Ilie e».-r. i..- of the
fa.-lllMc* of the mind, the flUi'-kenlUg ! •A'v work
of yeur a|>|in>h.-ii>loU. Ibe alreiigHien-(
,____ ^ tSirTre'
Ing <.f your niemorr. the fortning of a j------•ALE-Fotit.
bii<I disyriiuloatlng'^Jiidg I
aoimd, rapid
tn»re luiiMirtitbee
nesa as w•.^| no of low temiwrature, for
ami ,jf faiiM- liav.- taa-n laid. Extract
Kr..iu Sir Kola-rt
.\ddrcas lo the
StiiU-iii* 0/ the I niveraity of
K--A-: Kn.m I'harl.-* Stuart I’s
••Lift- of Sir Kulmn I’.vl "
A n- w aud \cnlaiii |«>-.tmn«icr In a
sumll rural t..w-n huil n-viv.-l msiruc-
<■ >4
tton aotblng Cb.,
Front street. TSO-i
>-U s
Journal, a
vlgortMis peoaont with
abundant hair, not yet abowing gray.
.11 cmld trampled under a
borae'a boofs and wma overcome by
He tremtded
and bod palpltaA aa. feeUng
V—II —— of
Bona and
cold and .__ r_. . _
In tbe face and beaA On tbe frilowJV day the balra of tbe bead, bear^
Jte MWUU 4«*t w Oil>ufi’i SlAMk qoanUUM. ao that after eight daya be
was atmohitely hold. In a few weefca
growth of hair put in an op-
WoLOUc. Kutgon A Manvu, WbolaCura if tokan IntoraolBy. oeUng directly npeS tba blood and
Mooeos surfoca of tbe ayaUm.
toaoU on,
BnU-a FbmUy Pliu nn tbo beat.
qjrtn M 8ab«rtF<a.
npgcrtti Bomlltea
CMhl^. On..
T«0^ S
Polna'a a
Koda Toong Agolnt
I8.-Ing sus.'cpiibic of ornamcui3i,..i. to
form a m-ai ami atira.-ilvtof
Lrea wf Bair Trem iretaht.
The expreaalou
U regarding the effwte : k<.uaelmld furniture. To
• ud the
ef trouble that "It _________
Is enough
to make
ae.-iiuu* aone's hair turn gray" has. It is com- 1
e«ii«>B of the l•ed*lnld
and faul disesSe.** If'^UkM thor•u^v and in tine. It will cure a cMe
monly claimed, been often verifled.
.n 24 houre, and fu» tbe cough that tolNow It apitears that extreme menul
luws La Grippe I', never fSla to give
MPotioo may completely scare out the
Mid. Price. 25c and OOc.
According to s Paris medical
------- Kimball Piaaos ail Oreaas
Mbla to Mere oat ^roWT^Mto._______.1 i
»T U-rTS.
MTaarA TnoAX. Wbolcaolc Draggteto.
(g-OM ftnia-lsa. VullT^Sevaa
M.toJ l.ioarr. *al«tal
B.} .Inra,, bay aia—.
O IMHinS*;
— •-« •ansa. wwiaH
e -wit
lion* i„ advcHlec all i.-n.-r* uncalled : D
for at tbe cu.l c.f a rt-rtaiu Irugtb of
BoaT- ivwtrs
He olM-yi-l nnb-r* lie InM-rUug BalJ-pbMc IIS.
BUjUn*'*- U‘'ntvtliercnalu*of organlaina
B«klen-a'which lived lo tropkwl supK “u
lo rec^v equal- W arse^sJ^’hitl
to «tocu,i,i to.RK
m p cwi
Kstaldlab I
. — - . .. _______
mind*, iiraetlie
practice , "
th.'*'*R.U.Hjiy uf IIU,
ise ail unre- '
■ luitl.iii: vIpiMKv i.v
of t.al.li. Tlr.-~- ai
. _____
Ihc iiancut and InlM.riouB priM-eiu. by j
0, ,„i,,;v„r,s p,., ™ ,",u.
6wt U
rjaplojarai .itk uoar,--’---------■•aal opvonoat.
It II. I’erry. I. Warringtotf
and J. Ix-wi* - U'aabiugton Siar.
the following a<lv«Ttl-.incnt in Ibe vil
lage Weekly )«|M-r at the end of the
fln*i w«.k of 111* t.-i HI of oflf.-e,
.Fbrtmaat that feway troops ore oeadad;
wr la ISeir ,
Mammoth Cbre,»kallow cr waters n.wr the <vjaat
>ka e
the dinf-i ray* of the *uu arc wbully
iTenn.. in exploring
A w Mehan.
c- ,1 __________ _
••“I'Mi.v of lielw-«ii r.aiid |ia. luita. The
ia all done by hand.
Be trundles bia aword.d te Moron,
dc-p-oea fnuua w hich cov.ts the o.van
floor U^nuiaiely de|K-ndeut for foid
upon oftAnie matter aaaimllatid by
ing on average of three trips a day the
Mditor Sees Wondere.
Editor W
____ _ ___________
—., plants near the aurfare of the
...................Mvan or
yeararoand. In the thirty years John-‘.w
________ _______
-haw., t-ur. .< nt .-,.,-11,oc m «r
“►v" «" *r»” o-n
nv. ih-rriRfr.
w|,li-h la sir.iiiu nii.l tliiraMc.
iry,"" "■
erope to town in a wheelbarrow, mak-1
I'C”'r by soriyier w Dr
"AI.v aiicnilnn w-a« iiinn-d'tu the twt
Uirongh Ibe .-.wihn niotli. tbe lltscci to
Wanie for m...t wofn. .at.ti apples, in
*“ «»»* adUrers to the g.a.Braphy aec,
1 .*.'*T>as Ibr 01—9 wr..., m- „n,<. c:.« M.y I
an on-liapl m-ar my timm-1 found nine
"7 Ibe prui.e. of the
Iti a minute
t'hai.Hng to g.. into anotl.er orchard
away in ii,.. tini.-*i elo*,-t.
of ob-
Jeffries U etill tbo
-ofv«geUblea,aUlbeIand being ondrr 'big fight of the evening
rolai.a Be4 That S'.Ua.
The U.i -I,own in the .ml d..-.'not
Sharkey woe a1«> cheered for
bbroegbont tbe section os ’the borsa- baavyweight champion of the world
leaa former.’' Be rolaea corn, peutoeo. I
iraii-forui li««-lf iutoa Tvfrit.Taior or a
AVMil l.ln ..................... III use. biu.oollaimcs
so eff.s-iu.lj II,ai I, .-j„ I,. p„Mhe0
Sbarkey waaUieairoarer^”'*"'''’"'"'""'"''"^
He > known his greet ehowing.
bunt Inring, be
afoot, a* well as
* of la-havior. bbi
R.-a I.
Ir-Also of aonie value f«ir larvae that do
not fly.
» fov- from woriiu«-"
‘-"tftnaud. given to
Pair of a*-lS
^ .1 'W-Ccl-.rea ,
.1. a de-
pi'nwse and the rraulilng ...natauey «tf
It wsa a retnsrkablv feat and fnriona
William John*«.'onslanghta
horse M
Taking this aiilhp.pou;
plilc. or psy.hical, view. Ilic lawa
«»«<lereble deelorM Jeffriea tbe winner.
Niue bnndred
self aufAcinc covertmra o nature was a siirvt.
vnl of a
•r <v>mv{Ulon of the
- .
know-ttig ttmt bit punaaw amf will
.......................... ...
Lews er Xosare.
In bia adJrv
lo the uiafbenintiea
and phyal.-. aivti •" of jIh- Hrittah aa•ochiihm I
Mild that
•4 Vl.Hl,
Do.t |K>Ktif«Tlike moaquiaolc dejicni]-
------------------------------------,etne. and a. he I* kno
; pnte left to OMntb
Jeff poU right on
MtdetaOdofa D Spensklo.a fsrmorot hs.
ondeP'ltMrt. Jeff lands oo
Ulllholm. To*m
The ant bill, on T
cvhleb tbe child e
p«n.i-iv ^
i--i « ».«,
abiiacl than tbe bat. It
•■a.lly taimal.
.1. aliaoitii
alamlutely |«rml.H.a
Jeff land, ibro; ‘u«J“ieI^M
Inf a few daya eieianr in tba city re- «>f‘'■f*'<>> wlri-a foot ivtde and
tnrnod to ber hyine at Intorlooben last,
top of wbieli la k<iit
OUT PIM. Uiuo.
Roood !J.J,|| Uod. oo .lomui.
oja-n. It I. null mi-emry b. imi'ln two
Rrttkb torpedo boata have bean tent cbMk and note. Sbarkey landa twice
Ur. and Mra K D Wicaie of Nreb- or ihrc- toad., provide ibein with abcltera. a diah of water iu obe .-..rucr end
tM Woo Seay. China, to prerent Chin, on ear.
Jeff baeka Torn Into a oornar
ville. orrired in the city loat erenlng.
Unti keeii it .uppllcti with bits of raw
-Me from aearcblof the ateataer Bn- nod aeada left to eye and Jiw. «and
Tbey will
vlait a tow weeks Vitb mi-al and any other n-fuae metier calipreatof India for Kany Yu-Wel. tbe richttoear. Beil rinca and Ton hooka
Mrw. B. Brens of tbla place.
cuhlled to attrnii tllca."
<Cbiaeaa reforner.
ri|*l to oar. Crlaa of ■■Pouir are
Clereneo Slater went to Blk Bepide
Ill ata-nkluc of the tall IVofesaor
Fifty eata took poetecaion of a Urer- krard. but not allowed,
yeeurday to rUit with bia uncle. J.
Hi.lce said: "We have no Biiimal wore
Bound SJ-Ji-ff landa rich* on
Mr. M. Oefreeae of Bendon, retnrned ' „ ''' ■"'K'*'
“*•.* •I.'.iroy over Just well under way wl«-i» hi. wife apiota. w..riii. diirlnc the um.uiIu. of |hoiv.I f«.m .U.wu i..«u and called a
■ May. Juue r.u.I July, and <■
lull. Of .-..urar be uII.h] Into her for
Mr. M. B Wetmorc returned to hla iu.rtrii.«
>cne in IntarloeheD vreterd*. wft..w
‘nature, may well do a ear- liavluc such a nlrl. yave flu- uiahl flv#
u. *«»^«»oeo yeatercay aiui. dim.T servKv to the am.mni of
rfxcm rbrnnsh
apendt^ s few days in Uila e.ty.
; each sresmi. ami y.d be can mis,, rjji.. bu„M. nice a' M..rui and'^•mild onlr
lo bU home loat eeaniny.
■”*' «ee.w,».e«aa,|», •• the
erewe.l a.a.ed b, WeO «»..
arw'Why Mot Too?
for a lame abonlder that baa oaiaad bar
oootioeally tor nioe yrerm. We bare
tried all kImU of meJSnre and dJ^
we witboul
receiving any benedt
hi. pretty
o» any of them. One day we eaw
'**' kn*' ‘*kcn nny- *1^. an.l Juiii|w.l up and .lown on tbe
» odretiiseaieat of thia taadlctna oad
moyht of tryloy «. wbleb we did
* klb- b- almut.sl. war«l blc
Uwd e.,milly nm-d, for r.-ie l«.tbw. rellee and rew.d all kind, of reo*,- with tbr beet otsa.btocUQa
She boa
.-ai.’ ..rw,.ru... aui.,caterpillar*, moiba. am-c.
^ need only roe bottle and ber abouidar
well -Adolph
June bum.. w« vtu. «>ali. kud mm,r
Bcf.wr be wr. pUHd emnudi to aee
For Mil
other iiiM-<‘is tMi. too. lo a houw a room •tralKlii tbe Vlracn was ui.m him with
Wall and P C Tboo^
«*■> kc '-l.wr.'d .'f .-ockr.*. b.» by lear. a dailrou. kii.t there wu« mrtbluc for
food. I etarted to count. WIten 1 bad
Mlaa L. Baaeaof Bendoa, baa return-1 eouuiedoverSO bush and tbo loa.fahow-
‘ ^
in the day
MUa Ere Bell, who boa boan apend-^ (key <-ould kill ilhHt. 1 have built a »»n
baBberUinb Pain Bala Oarw Otb-
ole rnm.|. a. you arT^ MMe yomw-lf
‘“’®**'" *“ “
At ntcM the t.a.I. could IW
There la a aoreaut la
Tbe mlnl*.w l.-.n rtebt in Ha way.
hat-n-ben a fellow cei* wet In a atom
ft'. coM consolation to bla.—Atlanta
tor of ibU place, tbr bmdwnd of jonr
adtobartaoBtaafiarUelncBpentafew «> o" «l«b* of • *>‘biii* to conclude hit
daya abopniac In the citj.
‘ P*"' *'<* kliu up. l*revi..us to oiy
•rcalnc for t»rawn wtanre Me
apend a f«w dayi eiaitinc Mr. and Mr*..
i.oad a aaaU patch will aupnly ‘ Uaily
tdabla a whole aoMan.
Tkr tuada eprnt moat of
~i^“r day I eatbered a quanOty of
at eeaninc afiv barlnc apant a few
oaya in the dv'
Miu. L HaU of tbla city, left last
linral deaartaant In aeareb
‘ **»^*P*»-'*«1-
trio to Petodcay.
Miw. W.
Mba Ayrl
inaoML Jju
Eellaf OoTM tharn
«»► Q“‘»
kin that door, or hi telepbo&e
i“>e baa and killlnc tbe fliea for ilM- ,wdire.
iWt yon tb^ron
W. W. Wboaloek wont to Kalkaaka aUraoted by It.
| waubed-one t.wd kin akeet me. Oil a ebaor on ronr.
oo bnaiaaaa yMUrday.
I ntup up fidftouM-dtea in leea than ten aeif.*'
J. A. Moore baa foae on a boalneaa mloutea.
la tba city ftalttnc ^rionda and rela- j not count; but. andlnc hit appetite ao
ere and a bard rlfht
V., thcuilu .b. muud
dn>.. kuMlf.
-____ —___
tb# ahtebet.
‘Tbey ivniluo.- lo Ond freeh defertn
«“ «—Wnrion« ehararter"
••.kiiytblns particularly new?"
aau. t I B
.** •
ko« *«»1 hesan to mlaCmuL"
MlM Jc^ Baoj tnio ot Cedar Bon, la [ f„.d Ibe Imya to a toad, .tt Onit 1 did
-Thai'a a likely etotr. akb a lookln
17-Sbnrkey Innda oaa
<ciaion of an ordinary Und Una.
Ilr had ble"^lae i
•" bU ha»d and raii„-ibi.-Ooortwa with '
a rtm,
the aayina at S
tiaC (aaOiM la bar Toolb.
' nroond brbiud and crab bold of the
i«Maient and bold ibrm e
T ev«-o a ntumunliy .
eltj a call jaatardny.
Atuks Prw|wrtlf Co ■ wore loM with
no mo* that Wheorrrr be eppetund co
the Ktrm hr wonM he obllpid M leacb
Tlli. rvia.li-ul .If .\lfn.d
!»•«•«•» ‘vuuecred
each other by dlacuual .-roaslwruccled by Unn:l<- Joluu after the i____
tier of lax.r ivugn. the oeveral sU-thna
l■•lug dcuc-halil.r oonnecu-d lo order
that each ludep.-DdcDt acclloo may l-e
folded within the aeveral aevtlons. ban
died together or carried aeparetel.r.
There or* anxllinry leg* onder tbe bot
tom of tbe bed to suppon the middle.
■elare Orodg Tei
The Jotmial of Edocatton .luoles rtofeoaor L. II. Bailey of CoroeU unlver•Ity as aaying. "Wben tbe teacher
tbinka cbiefly of Us aubject. be trachea
•cience: when be tbinka chiefly of bia
pupil, be teaches nature study." And
when the two are taerged into Mte—
that la. tbe pupil Is bb own teoriter—la
tbe dtelnctton mill tree? Perhaps it U
tbe aplrit of Tborren In writing of the
ferns that a matter of sort and Indnal-
•Th.-rt- an- i.-n letters in the poSolB<-e t;.4i u ,l*«l.r lias .-ailed for. If
ih. m Iliey iN-l..n« 1.1 don't take notlre
and .-all by lb,:- end of the month, tbe
ietteni will l«. sent to the dead letter
.Any Iwdy expecting ieiiera they
ain't g..t ran cme and aee If any of
tb.-*e b-iier* Iwloug te them. All Uke
To Dairymen, <
Farmers and Cattle
Peeple Who Sliarpea Tkeir Tretb.
tieceut stmlb-s of tbe Ksdera. a race
ef sbon. dark skluued, cuHy haired
natu-ea living In tbe Auamalal bin*
poaseaa a remarkable coatom not elaewhere known lo lodla-vit. the abarp-’
balng of tbe Incimw loetb. ThU tbey
•ccomplUh by ebtpplog the teeth to a
point, giving them the form of cooaa
Tbe flrot Atu
Sydney Gaaette. was pohtUbed k^h
S, 1808. IS years after the rise of tba
eoloay. Tte delay wma retwed tbrengh
there being no priotera among tbe ceevlcta. who reprreented every profM
1. iododlng the le^
’-One «»f Dr. Klnffa Kaw Life PlUa
v«eb nigbt for two we^ tea pot me
in my ’teem’ again" wrltoa D. B. Tarcomwnl cd wbnt waa tormarly known Mof DampaeytowB. Po. Tbay’retbe,
The an of aelf defeoae la tncolcnteff
0 la.almple. but a broadening cte ennatbaBoatan Danrel Porkm. Alan
tentlnUe^worid Cor tbe tivar. Stom-! richtof of tbe life la another andlmoro early among ooma of tbe wilder ertbaa
tootntaaU oU
- - - Ttant affair. Nature atody la non of the Caocoaua who Inatrect tbrir
wflibo tahM
than arleoee aa bkdagy la man tea '
tea as Boon aa they can wollk li
cte aae of te dagger.
•ootcer and botaay.
oPalp. which ia
by coula. tenaa
and bogs and white wa
will olwaya
faremb ta a awMt atata. to now
cale at our factory.
Tba prtea for white wa wU| aoU (hto
fowl in order to latrodoea it wlU te
caaalfiarably laaa ttea half tba ate at
tteaoaM omoBBt of ted atafla osmtolnodlnnU
whant bran
la erdar te tatrodaaa thto
faad wa
«iU aMl it In a praaaad aiate at 1» CMta
Thto faad to fhUoaiag aad
atehoraaa prate thto
ted te
polatoaaandothMfaada. and it to In
•ate ahnpa that it con
ha honte ta
barreto. tea wngoaa. tea-, and can te
ahippad la car load tote.
Baha: aam-
Tin Kdiigii Stuck Gi.
liwi^ M ^
Win ll» I
U tbo ao^VitJ i* e3t • - . hot all iDo*iiulto*t are tota^ brtth
tbo^rflliM Ibai cacnel ttlttaata. and
I*"" Uituk‘“
”■ to or- dlOamt kind* of U4aqiilto*o prodne*
Cn-man »nl door h»- Wra«S
t** I
br »“'
w*» made
dlffemii eartettoa of inalartal fcvar.
old uiD tuud “deoa«r—po«»d aw»y | i^.-_oiilo 8iai«> Jonnsal.
ro oannol •tpp bo dlan-ot aod inVIn the iiUbt.
I -if» a »n«ot mirtakr to do anylWB*
raaWe to o*t tbo atoamlBS «« ' by halrf*." mM ibf Jtarouoa phlk»«. ntMToploaUy oxamlno tbo mcMquIto
rmnp and tioroarfna «tni •(<«««■ al lOirtit
-ym.- aiuwoml itx- kloc. "and liiat I* biting a* Ho mu*t bo excecnil-1
nf tbo stHOk of tia«*ti curtrd «P U* ; wb«« It romp to runnlnc • gorommoot oatod TbU I* now tKMwIbb- Ho bmda i
on mui • ■■-’ I
iVa oron «-or»o to try t > do It by In atagoani owior Minnow* And tboir ^
SiM*« 4«ma b)
, of Htm. third*.••—Wabblngton »«r.
Tbo loToTti had nuarurrtod. “YouTe food In 111* larrao. IHtt •mail flab In .
^d KplDOluK. Runt aiartid
not eratybody- abo oarUlined. boHy.
'bark toward tbo ofllco.
•hoiiM ilio Ho)K>bon and Hackon
“No.- bo agrowL odjrtni; tdoaor. “»“•
1H.*-n tho atrwt a group of
And at ■•■4 Dioadow* tadanu all Ibo- moMluilo
-«’ho kl>M« r<« fhr»a»h (be d
wiTf «Hnias. A imio nra»*» and bo tbio
'■ik •dnon'Hlto. aUMir> A llulo fceroaeao
»ado out tbor wrrr darkkr* oarrjliis Booord.
—CUnbMb Barrotl lir<i*al:
f «rat tbo proiioT tin»o d*»pi>od on tbo
a corpao. Tbo odor «f dl«mro.-«.t.i*
Pniantiling atloruoy tKmaoo I»ogU -kurfaco of a |«ol that baa no minnow*
roaoliod tnin. and tbo rtarkW .boui.-.L “Tour honor, the aherKTa bnU-po^ a III kill tbo larrao a* they riao to tbo
for It l» doadiT to !»» a r"na» tin- baa gooo and cbawod up tbo ogun «nTta«-e. Till* K a manor not fc*r Indl
-•a-Hl that baa dlod of tbo pbfuo. He bIWe." -Judge: ••Well, make the -■•
idinl ontorpriM- aloDo. but wr «hal
Tboro waa tbo kooaoat oxHiomont. , iiiruod-iiiio a «tdo atrrei that »»* nnoi klaa ibo bull-pup. tbou.
nnd It a fain of ilw duty of our auio
i«|b- toand doaonod. tbo hot woaib<T : can't aitjonm court for a work
M If^' keen and
pawl .................... tv dmiruy tbo
to boot up a now bibte.--ruck.
canw anppraaard. and an ano«>la>o«
arowiiu; rank and Itndi aaalixt
dofairtmont* of agHoulTbo Judp-; ".Vow. tbon. uiy good
that tbroaioood to brtiat bound* at ilio foooo* and by tbo road«ldo. ‘»
lure, through ibelr enioaialogl.-sl
ab>ng tbo *trool l>ocau>o
any nomont. cnoaing tbe tnon In tbo
ilia will IHI ns jiMi bow- aod when
findUar to libi faat numbing ar;!***^
a;’'Tdlau^t got Into the alii-reatlon.
peww,-ule this war .uTextermination
brad dWrtot offloo of tbo BU Torun
d only got a* far a* tbo
again*! one of tie- worn nuisances
nat Ti
^ ‘ "
tagc aot far lack In a lawn and a. n-Hi- what dsl I
cbalr."—Chiiwgo Tlniia- (rom which men »«irer.—Ibdefwodent
«l from prying oyo. by bo-lgoa of bit mo wit
giant .-anna* and huso drooping ral- Herald.
rsial KmwII W > Bath.
-X«. *lr." *ald the IndlgBani oltlxon;
Tne death Is reported of a noted
*Tni not going to hare anything to .lo
with him. I U.OU to enjoy arguing, but itcoicb cbara.uer named Micbaid
be go.w to.1 far." -What bs* b.- Iwou Itrown. wbu for years made a bgre llrdoing nowT* "Ur came aroon.t and '■ig as a profenelonal angler on' ibo
asked uo to aulaHTlbe to a fund 10 purr ,fly.|.-. and died in a poorbonae. H»
cha*o a prirato box at tb-- flrowork*.
S«nu.nwouldbo<H>oroodtoso.V,.l. ;.'-n> ho ..r,..cbodb1m«-lf upon U-o to be piwmed a* a »o*iluiuiiial to' iiated lb.' sight of soap and w-ater, and
Samp«*n. ao that be wuld .-x.-ept wh«*o t»y arrtdeni be Ml or
nntHon oAly were dealrod. but th-y
wnm- Admiral
aee how tbo battle of Sauilago look s-as pnshisl Inio tbe river when abgling 0.-1-1 mu wa«b«l for year* AVheii
ed."—U‘a«hlngu*n Star.
remeceil I", the workiiwuse be protest
The .-anuilwl cblof stood with
band abadlug iiU o>e». A nolltary
•■d Kial it the :.m<-lals washed him ho
nro wa* timidly crt'«i»ing towardV him n-.idd .lie in a .iioirtel .'f an boor.
from the Jungle. Suddenly ibe■ old They *iiansl him the ordeal of an orohlef *larle<t. He to.>k a «iuh-k M. p dlnaiy luiih hut. a» In-^as a* Wa.-k a*
forwanl. “It la." bo cried, "it U my
uegro. sp"iige.| liiin g.-nily. In fu^
•Hiu; He I* coming homo againr Tlien
w ith bl* eve* *tUl Bxod on Ibe *lou. b- ly mli]ui.w b- di.Hl in.tu iwonvblUa.
ing flguro hr •hrllly .ailed to bl* head
JO.™, f....«~r.- biiiil.T: -MUnigwa. tbe prodigal l» reOnj SwM.
Und. crack oi-raiota of the aouib.-m
‘ «« I'
turning; Kill the fatted KalBr;"dl.in.1. but oach lumod UU oyoa fr..in : «••■“Ul:l■ bill |N>ol.a|ai If ho ^d
Mow I* a Ustof tboMTtagaadaaliClevoland PlaUl Healer.
j..,..“m, w«.
tne City:
-yy '-on'''
The People’s Shoe StMe
whan ia
- SHOES goce a loD|{ vaju aod yon can aare more than tfaia b]r
bojiBB of oa. aa oar expeoam are oue-fourtb ieoa than
tbuar of other atoreaaad the benefit we give-to oar coatoaera.
Oar $1.48 Shoe# for Men aod Womea are vorth $2.00.
Try a pair uf them aod you «riU ackootrledge tbe gtiod valoe
we offer.
Ckeiust flact
ll Tin Cit;...
f-En.?-!?, linE «. EE .b." E ;
l-f -iw »"■'■ •'«'
A Mra. as good a* a mile of old
Tbe flzzlo of tbo soda fountain l« a
„ver him Bnan.'lsl kuc.-.w*.
ll take* a Ntriko to make Uborlng
,^0^,.. .
men *taud around.
Kuuuiug a •ew-log maetaln* might lie
properly ienne.1 a' home run.
.^man alway* .draw* a good band
'or-^ing.bU fov.-r. but there wa. lu. wheu be l*ii't playing f«.r cbi|W.
Wor.1* of »yui|uilhy are w..r»e than
TTie I1.HO- Of ni-rufta for itae eart.mr ]
el*.-. Ab.«it »und..wn the *un «
•t>tluniE aiiioug ibe bettor .lai.« of wj*. <-<Hder tmw. fell athwart the uaelr** to a man wbu 1* viun lug.
-i«w-*irl. ken man. dellrlou*
andoff iiolil lienauTow that
opemiora Iwlng rloaod. ap]>eal
whi.-h *h..nld imr Is- .|»iie
done loMlay.
made lu the men new in the btolue-a. _ •iii<«u>h-Iihik: Konic one el»o came
There will
n pro»«1.ly
prokwl.ly 1he a g«>.l <h-al
but with Mllb* reoull. No one offen-.!. ' thn>Ugb the aJk-.I-.ltok.al yard.
Of watered *lo.-k in the umhrelU tni-U
Tbu* luattora ntoiM) for tbr»>«- ilayv
S-uii.- I.S.I* rt.-li: ;illy go hiiiigri il
when a year'* <r»utrai1 wn* addial to 1
th.-y m-Hv gratify their d.~ire for t
the *H> |wr day. A glittering «iffer. balf-»ad. half-**a.r»ful cxf.ro»*lou on c|..|h.‘*
but liTaih 1 III nilraci all but one .......... her r..ng.-.l fa.-.-- . She wa* going.
It mi
aw-ar that night -If the plague dhl not leuipensl
ga-l 'her bof.iro Hial lliuo-aml «h.- bustiaiid. n.lght take one l«tk. there wa* no otnl«r»*-r ha* a right 10 rbsreth. n- to H.e. Kv.-H-lhlng wa* .l-.-ol,
in .-III. for opinions thai he
r*. I.ir.^llie few .h..rl
ph«si.-uiii -sy* ihe ..uiy «lh>lethe •m.-o* in the ltif.H ie.1 dl*tH. l. liu; month* lUat *Iie h.ndTv.*I Iw^ in tlii*
* |inrt »r th.- .dd-fa*hi»ii.>d dougb
aerrlcw w-.-A- Iti.m.allaiely ac,-epie.l. : pla.-e. iIh- only -i-.l .m
Ibo ootiira.1 atgiH-d and Hum atarie.1 «*nh w here *1..- had r.-.tl y ktmw n nut I* tbe hole
Men wlK. live on little are e«l1.-.l
«n hta >.un.ey •mtbwanl. acHulugly • w!:aiJ..ve and i*:rf.H i happii.e.^ .-.mid
w lio live on no«l pea.v Willi btiiHHir. tbe world, ile-lb.-.
^ .C...,
ri„.n .
Kill b.w -mall »o»i.- «>f the g.-«1 of
UIBU spi-u-1* .-Ii-.ugli lime w.ibdcr* Aa II Jitmi-d amt. Ilnni waa u«i i..! >lfo liad l«-n .|iil. kl> "v. r. H.- had ing why hi* u>->£hls>r* ill.like him lo
trsTol alone. Half a d.wen ymin.' lofi her «-i.h..m w..r.l ..r »u:u. h.ti tuaki- h*liit*.-lf .agr.s-uble ti> llietn.
“bama- from aniall .vnutry atatl.ni*. . nheii .me l.a* larii f.N.ll*h. gir.
.An Irishman *!H* that love set* the
I f.ir Just a few mouths' b.-an w. hlnt *0 d.-ll.-l..u*1.v there Is no
' w bol.- I
pining to raise in tbo ruale, wo
p-well. II I* jM*t a* well gelling a w ink of *h-e|i f.*r tbe pl.*asgoing to tempt fate, throe of n
r f.w«ssl lis.-lf U4r*i:y I*- nr.-'»f tin- pain.
, («. line Hmnll
P'lsh Is-iug rl.-h lu phoaphoni* ami
Iwiug tbe esM-titial iblug
w^y dur.™,,
...b-r .;y.-«— pbiwpliorus
lu making uiai.-h.**. it ib.-iwore siati.l*
to reason that girls abouM Iw jiartlal
- They 1
10 a tlsh dlci^____________
train and with Ih.- fretF-inaaonry •
: tu.ir*t- «u.l W..IT.IW and evgn agony
> tb.- prurwlub. bad Moun *
or .conlrlbt . o-ir.. .bd ib. ...i. -r;
.b»l. b.u. lllib,. r.ri.J. Mb. Ix-iue -|»- T’--. •"J '•
raiod from bU future riilor for any j ••'Slonger Umo tUan It required for l.ii.i
On mtn
Don't fotyyet the plac-e
136 Front 8c
Pmetienl Bho^ ]
GjKitItatjol ui Eiamiiatioi Frea aid StrictIr CBifiiaiinl
DRS. B. S. & CO.
'.rSK' "nzr.tjet.."sr,;r
<rf nay
Tas Cswbraiod MssUUua. Pormsrbrtof bow Voifc. aM ae« af Ww
Uuericiii Medicil ul Sirgicil lusQtiU tf lustcgMi, UA
WipL Kg AT
ao-badl. ~W±uLtlTig, Tarn-^or-so Oity,
Nov. 10. 1899.
OBoe Honra from 0 a. a to 8 p. m
;t«»r>'arkperbbl.Mw........ fll
:icwr Pork per ft... ...................
- Of
H «i
Ibort Cut Pork per ft................
nonr. U L. ft Co. Beal............
Bye Plonr. H. L. ftOo.Be«....
K«l. U. U ft Oo. Best...............
. I »t
reed. H. L. ft Oo. BeaV..............
'.^flsL per ft......... . ........ :....
Butter per ft Dulre............................
Creamery Bntler.m....................
Cheese per ft................................. ' , «
Oauper bn (new.)........................
Corn per bn . old.........................
Poutoea, per bd........................... . >“
Salt per bbl....................................
. «■'
Bran per too...................................
Buckwheat Ploor oer bbl..........
*• **
tome KaTnorTnaVKMnmtT OBai>
urb'eal. old, per tm..............
Wheal, per bo. mewl................
OaU. No. l.pertm iue». ,
Cora, per bu..............................
Potatoes, per bn. . . -....................
Eye. oer bn..
•utter. {MO ft..............
geiia per doxea..........
IADp’e*_(kilN and windfall*. «<>e per
...... ...... ..
PoUtoea. colls. (Mtcbigan Btareb
Jo.laccordinetoonalUr. 10 ise.
Oeed by HriUeb Boldiera In
tbat ren'n'sd tbe f-mooa rebel
Jsl.te Under date of Navember 4.
layT. from V vbnrg. BnehaanaUnd. be
Be'ore start-ng OB tbe Inii n>. Miiat Bu e c waM and Sdanttfle Treataaat of AU Oi
eamr-*<gTi I H.'n*bl a .jaantby of'
of Raokind PoaaibU to Obtain,
oerlain'ss Colic, <>oler* a-d Diarrhoea
, . I used myself whrD
A small .-o.lh-iJ 'bAs shattered many Ermsov. which
ibled wHh bow-1
the man
great exi>e.-iat1.>n».
exchanging news of their various
Blew asd e»UU». tiw ic i*» foil rooBMocs- M Uw a«le.su cr-sj-..
('Irena bill* promise more tban any
fle^'telling wonderful Muriewur Mitprov-d moat ben* fle a’ ”* For
leniv*. !«he llst.-ni'd. her lieiiri bunmn can itorform.
of apeed on the k.-y and lodnlgtng 'n
M E Wait and P.C rhompaon.
flUR wildly. It was b.-r iiaaie hf
peraeveranee often auc
«rrb m-1— —•*- »TX"—
asC Lsog*. Djigii
a few gamrs of -bean*." a rivy u. ;u
«..gldo»},U«»r.Bl»dJe«.C«roolr Pcwale aod Bevual Dl**am
lock has made a failure.
and Bpissly game for gelling pbn.sl earn'd
nt tbat baa oerer tailvd'In tbetuaaod* of rbsrb Ibat bad bpem
The reason i»eople Itecome Innne la
M^nj^eoplr «--ei deaib rr-’j }--»» «bo wlgbl bare bsea rvatored i
because of their lack of reason.
^^MPOBTAirr TO LftDIBS-tm orruaK, after rvanM
No man ever turn* a deaf ear to ad
..... . '“Sm.,,. .™. .... ... -0 n™.-.r
vice that .-olnclde* with his view*.
Ud U>.
1.11.-. Hdoi .nd ti...
aron bsnd* are never ohjeetlonabl.-;
barmlawiaad'asUrapr’Ied Oonaoltatla* FT
thnw Toung men began to nieculai.- hailed over and rtosp-d the bnniing.
^ rtirfnces of a eomforUhh-rsving man lu her wm* iw.-*.1ng. ter there I* no excuse for wearing soiled
c:.!** last wwKt
l^ 'la. a rea-onaWy clean pUce .0 ll|- i-> the micon*.loii. fan- and the
r PruWI wlUsweni. cai«m! i
U isn't *0 Bueh whether a :
Uve. The fewer btllelted logeihor. ..f una.'elng eye.
f«rtb**»hJo(r»cuotrarlj rlor asd tbe c*-,
goUlv as bow- much be can afford 1
cwurae Uie smsUer tbe chance of Im
knew- ibnt It wa* liw late now, pay bla lawyers.
(cctiun and Uuot. who knew ibe Nothing ecmld Ik* done: th.*re ww no
Hood Judgment I__ diamonds
!:;rwell. pn!S-ed .bat they rent an
I any one can buy
iMdated vvlisge. nse camp-aiool* and thing, be .v.uld only rove a little while diamonds w'Ti'h money.
*1 icpruaip'iy Pkooe*. B.
i^ and w-Uh . Uberal awoun. ..f and then
.And ^* who wa* not
A inarrled man aay* tbat be goo* to
the club tss-aus.* he and hi* wife being
whitewash ami qnlckllme. would I- g«*d wrnnao
■ very- nnroittf
oue he get* lonely at borne.
——naWy secure from tnfecUon f.w and loeliig .»iie. e.>ul.l die with him
_ _j_______;_____
n Ume
a tew
w-x two Tsslb- -----Any fool with a slight knowledge of I iviephose Wo *». __
e at leesL
leaaL They could aecun-an
aecuro an
few nay*
day. Ut.-r
la ^moi? to cook and rtean (or• found In the
of ihe empty ci- bnman nature can make mom-y hy
thy plaxsa
ba^V!ffe'*Sm. enfvaclng ,wtfecl vleanlln-s* tige. Tlmt
It of the
H man was ldentlflc.1 j op.*nlng a fake show and cbarg.i.g lu
-and ataudlng a cham-e of having. |s»1 sweep Into 1
Some S
albly. welltvoked food. wHboui a *11- «*ne arfn-d r cared '
with Myle
Ire 0**T» H0U.W Blocb.
___________ d«V. . ir. an rd .11 Cr r. r—- c.T.KiiU-jpTvb I-OSK. i—ntr^
pecflnlty of germs.
z out a room—W-.
coioew to *
Everything w-grbed weU for a ttiin-.
tluil’s another atory.'
SScitlBS: c—.
A *clenti*i sa.v* a wasp may
n!. k<<d np in the Imre hand If It I* do
d perwaoMitlr cured bv tbr l»'.w« agg.OTed Kaar «•*“ cured ta-oo* trealmmu
geiirlv. or .-oiirse it can; If* when t
lr^lij._p»rej^' uowjaBld*. -pbaa _^arecptM |areved ojlaadlag .tweiailm et itiycaaKSINO ■»»*eared « awy aaa*
DR. OTTKAN r^:;ri"u::"'£S.?J'2SS!^
P.V ?roWo
Ing hater* of Inirmlucikui.
hookKivi>er and deltvery <
Mr*. Norton a*ked a ainall party of
«ul of 1h<- five operator* fuUoweil. .tml ra*hh.nahlc |»Kjplr to meet her at dlnHunt badgio fill the earaiicles ln.i>i* '
' ner. among whom was lewd Norman- . ATe would Lit trade
n ptrson Ihr beat be reuld. T» ag- '
other ixyiple'i
\ii me g.-u...--o-M
- - - deal.
wiube wbeela. but Ibe
wl'ib "be l^"utlful Mrangcr. and all the HdVt^ iwd»* 'em hni
|hor two daj-s she was de*j>erBi.-ly.
rt-awj i». -f- .u
COtty:«nys office wa* reduced lo two
-Huni and one of tbe young couMlry
ln>a who had Journeyed south willi
biiUT bnt the latter, in a very iiad
*tojn»ed, t,y qnantnone.
t:. MOTPaiT. 1
\J» KwMsa^lkwv
■ Bk**-
nro- • aftl y***
-“-f talk*." hut "
•*husb money— ihai doea It.
..j^ritaMv d.-cided that they were nnl
„wu-alt ex.vpt .Mr* Norton, who
rt..Har.sl that ib.-y w.-re. saying. “Tbe
wAiuan I* lieauilful all .»ver. to ibe
we Maxim 'em. a
I. PoerxB.. attoro.
attoTM *t
U'' Pl*rr8
Taonp*b>w;o«k». f»»v
ao Mrf ag w«M-.
M * •svcialU'.____
"K'.iiTS ”S"—
l.efi alone.
■i..ne Nontianl.y
lanl.y pxpr.-»*c.l
pxprviuM-.l hi* admiration of
Wr tl.i..el the Iteaullfia hair, and iuiluiat.vl
iuiluiat.M In.w
^ affwr*
f w ”" much
lou'-h he wvf.ibl Ilk.. 10 w- 1- down.
■tnl.Megraihed the aiate of
"t»ln< .
Id Ibe main office. They would *.'nd Ibe ladv. an.l fortliwiih ahe nnplitltet}
reltef aa eaily as poaalhle. lueanitm.- oue nUKsIve roll afic another, while
tb.- oIImw ladle* looketl on wKh i n.-y.
beliaat bold 00. which be did.
Oip- faoi. misty day Hunt locked th*
"I am doing 1for you. my lord, tiiai
I do for aiiylsMy
door of Itae office and started toward «hi<4> I would
a restaurant where be now took w-h*T- f*"*’-”v..r„.«rKr
and reeled with dIsxIoeM.
He knew very weO that the thing
Which *tarlUng annowneeraeiil
started that way, but thinking, jx-i- aome measure eonrol.^ tbe lftt;rilah
taps, be was orertAletm. aod a l-.:.ir damea far tbair mtOat laelm, tjm
mU*s*»-«hV W>Ur k> erWrMir
lUig 1that a man alnmld Im>
“wet to Ibe akin" by
. a “pelting rain."
ed" wife
.A “«ironc minded"
her bii*l«nd in a benpeck of tronide.
The goaslp who can repeal a 1
exactlT a* she bear* It Isn't half
Kitting a *klrt Is. like nany .other
thing*, easy aftw yon on r “get
•-—45 of It"
there won't be anything
ITetly *
left for Ihe trost* t do bnt to or.
ganixe a irnat trust.
Fire Insurance.
L. li.A.Biitldtnff.
M,r$t nres.. Hws< PaUtws
' Xri."***
4*sa aiw«o4av*
wiureerlv****rrhil rSewt-rel aad wiereroepteal oaalaauaw. aM u iWfnaaMa
a vTturaaaalrMtwLU begtrea- P«reao« rnlrrd la b*alU ty aai«y*d srebS^ia^^y Say
otmaj^Mta tarw^eo-b
•avib.gnia* potaaae** aaa lajansaa ■■xnaii.saMja rew
itaMaa&.«sMyfaM*f c-ft.
SldewftUc Loinbir in til tlBBff
MMHra t. XnvwM Olty lAmbw Oa.
ini' iiiiiiiiitlli
m mjaiata mo8^, gnatelt
fiEMiE QUIT, WOffllST.
neni mm.
k Ttminmd M «• rtummgt. PM>
PMiaki oW •
- .
„ .
I kaew the treat DOrellat who ealM
ketaelf Oeorfe Biot, aad went occa*
aionally to ber Sttnday after
- •
- .
tbF mldrata of ibr dUfrr- )
MH boroopiik of Uootconery cuoaty ;
----------------- --------------1- “T* tbe Pblladelphia ReconL .
Tbe trained pet* perfonn tbeir antliW
on a amaU uhle.
After tn-ii^ lined ap. >
erlaiB at llte Priory. In tbe reflc
Eefcata Park.
Td bi> aumy for aa bonr tiiW oaa
ibao a "rwk’a bard wort
lyrr is natanial: neo mar n«w
untidy apd •« of H. hui ibry Dt-r«r wow Inio ii.
atorenly to took at ouuhk but a ntaM
Loyally i. like tore. U <«b be perof -wana featbera wiihib. Tbe bedici-* *<^neil: aail aobliwt ibloc* Had rlWi
make* a D«*t little De«t aud “»in«.
fer* borwhalr to aaytblop for ,
---------------- --------------------»*' Ualnit: abe like* old aoft rootle!* If J"
'* l■oaM* to other profile.
U»e same are at band.
I are ui«- for It.
A rbaffln.-b buUd* * ne« a* dainty a*
a lady'* togue-nrat plum
r-gray to matMi the I
■any other
boi^halr aud aaaU soft fniber* genI do not bellere that a man ran
crally appear, and the fabric Ir in<^ deadiieai his way la tbe old oorM
Tbero la a legend that Oeorge
dosHy wrouybi-lDdeed. It palled to
plerea It will amaxe tbe aaiatenr uiur*
alirt to Hod wUat an enomiona mas.
*luff baa he<-n
he.-n twisted Into such
au<-L a
of •luff
antall romiMsa.
•erer liked to talk abont ber norMa. 1
can only aay that abe atarted tbe anbjKt with ate one day.
It was. to be
oora. abom a pictnr* aome painter bad
ond In tbe new world, and la tbe world
*® «'«uie.
»*.'njlw'hy and
*»* PO« «*Without exerrlpe they ' ahrlak and
ala-aya made alih a dome and I fsTba|« till- rouieet of all
blnU' Dnls.
likes plenty of straw or grass for the
I reotured to disagree with ber. and
to aay that The Mill on ibe Flooa"
was ay farurlie. She eotereil Into tbe
r. itist as If abe ,
e talking aboM the works of aome |
atranger. wblrb 1 think la tbe rery per- •
torOoB of tbe manner asibora ought to
ttieir master
ad^t In talking aKrat tbeir book*.
I waa at her house one day when
obe was in perfectly childlike delight
oeer a box of blsculla abe bad reeelred
from aoHU nnknown admirer In Hoa-
bnt to her
with “Man htng Through CeorgU" .m ••IT ihler.oi and
eagahondm Jmlgiug
«he banjo and gires dlffetent mlllury ‘'titer birds by bis knowholpe of
which the innle. rest.
The song Is-lna
nulshed. the ..Id negro again brings his
pet* forth and ibey Indulge » In foot
ber that box of blsculuV It moat bare I raves aruunil the table. Tlie s|Hs-thion>
been. 1 think, In the year IK72 that abe •j are then asked to give
rive whatever ih...
abowed it to me. Would it be powiible
the -sliow" U worth,.............................
and. after
. . --Identify the giver? Now don't |
hia lull aroimil and ihaiiklng
you. Boatonlana. apeak all at once! ‘he people for rts-lr pairunage tbe old
a puts b
Too can't all have given ber lat parId a I
tlcular box of bisculta I
and then- wa. only one box,
_i tberr,
folds his laUle.
fected in manner. Sbe had a Uoguld.
monotone voice, and apoke nanally In ..
minor key. There waa a aenUmenul
tone about ber that made newromeiw
fancy abe was purpooely going In for
languorous wa.va; but one yery _____
tMiAd that It wa* quite her natural way
of talking, dhe waa utterly free from
affectatloa of languor r of anything
She waa an admiral
did not talk
- beraelf. but abe
talked ettougb to keep tbe conreraatlon
going. If any pauM occurred, abe eaally and naiuraUy filled It up, and
quietly atarted aometblng new. Sbe
alwaya kept tbe converaatloo general,
and at all evenu did her beat to prerent U from degenmilog Into little
broken |>acfcwatera of Ulk.-Juailn Mc
.**rbe true adrlre to give a young,
re*Ueaa housekeeper la to put
nisd into ber work: to find In her dativ
ac«ipaOonatudle*lniere.ilnBaBd toportant, which will surely conduce to
A . n.Ws nest, blown down by rr»etit ?,
wlti.ls. lately eame within notice of a <
.. ...............
l..D«.Jito. .r ................ I,UI
ed by
idly l>itl
Adrl.-u<- Flli-nne. i
year's . xhlbliioo hy ibt- I'bamp de
Mats salon. Farl*.
The i-l.iio-Hu .b- Matencha* «»t M
le,iils-l gvi.aii, a fan whl.b U taken
I- iiidli-Hl.' Ihat tbe FT.-n.-b I»resiaenl'»
l-rlvat.- m.-iins an- greater than
gen.-mlly siip|ioM-<t.
over In a f.s.ilMsIl niaii-h. and noilriiig
more." A far worse a<a-ldeni was ihat
which la-fell l.b-uteusDt Vanrt.-x.a- in
the wxme year near Beira
The ll.m
cluarge.1 him down lu the usual wav
Pr lH-a««l.T .-t. Jam.-*no. who led the
raid Into the Transvaal In the latier
[uin of |i.-<',-iiilM-r.
IHkV tins salb-l
fr.im Kngluud for SouiL Afriea. Tibi
Is ilrsi \ It to Soiilh Afr,.-* siiii .raid.
and mangln] Ills thighs and rmriiin-il
one of his anus. • Iiurlng the time the
needs'bMb-to the high o».-e attack on me by the Hon wa* lu prog1h- writes, "I fell no pain w baiabe accepts.
Let Iter noi t>e anxious i
alihpiigh ihi-re waa
a dlsilnel
but cheerful, striving evi-rj- day
of >"'lae
ts-iug hliien-lhat
make her wort more complete, more.
I*. I waa
perfect and to win from the daily care
the refreshment which sbe Dee.|s.
WbUe «ie may be often weary sbe will
•■onsrtou*. IndeiM-iidently
■“‘‘‘'“S the |Hrfommnce. that the lion
*'*• Hbawlng at me. but there waq no
•ot then be reetleaa nor dlawntented
naOxIng that abe baa secured Id ber
P"‘“- ‘
““’“""O ‘hat while my
“"bI'" wre b.'ing gnawed I took two
borne aome of tbe things beat
"“l "f
atrlrlng for. And ber friend* will *ee
In ber own lotcUectusI life and character a richot
wbl(«t abe
For In tbe quiet of ber borne, with
thinking and pUnniog and' working
tbe bearing of many care*, and loving
®T‘cr*. I
which will prove her best re
tlon 10 Germany It ber Inatru.tlon
breast pts-ket of
a few yards away.
CetMog t-J...
him ...
to I,...I
loadI my ritie. ami Immedlai.-iy the Hon dl.-d aud rolb-il off
iblnl up au.l look
rtfioaudfin-dat thi- lanass."
..—A___ ___
y of i:i.
erioe and drowning Hu- otberx.
I- ,s^ kindermlm«"il!r*Hribi is ..on
that Ibe motor areas an- eonai.nilv
..........................- .
urally exervised.
la fre|qu.-utly ataii-d In peilagogb-al Hlera'lupe. the differelirH- betw.-H
D'vpiisl child I
u., M„. un,™..
M UUfbl bow to knit and dam atm-k- motor amts. In the normal hrain HmiBgi. and bow to repair towels and bed »»•«>•
moior *n-as ara- ri.-bly auppHed with
nerve .-ells,
the*,Uol avail •—
Md table Ilneo-akUlfully.
abe erw-het*
but do
• makes all • « they
1*CT and otber things
'"'cn developed b>
d ‘•*‘T
tlM-y ‘
kinds of craoa-Mltcb work. Must g.t- ■“'*
■•"Rslant ex.-rr-lae.
man glrta of the u|H>cr rlasae. haw '
Tl>» !>«>•• >hiW who enter* tbe
•one musical •duosUon.
Aa a mic.
they play bettcroo the ptsno than they
sing. After fbc glH baa Onlabed her
PCbool course she go«* to a bourxllna
>«ine preHmluarj-trainluk-»uch as the kiud.-rgartencanafford.
‘he t.-a. lt.-r’s faee in
briidcs* siupldliy
f«r weeks
toDtUw Of Up-bettor cta*a to learn bow
to «Mk and keep honsc. nnd to m-qulre
*nd even mouths. AH this Implies a
P*lofui dwartlag procma tbe .>pp.wite
tbe ways Of refined society ontside of
bw-owo borne. Here abe r.-m*la. for
Mvml monib* ud watebe* tbe _____
ceoa of tbe cooking and other work, often lending a tkaod beraelf.
................. ......
"It will be Men that ber
bi education
•he begin* to prepare ber tronaaean.
Sbe eracbet* Uce. makes table roveta
WDtka long tidlM la craaa-otlicb and by
.a___________ ..__ _ _ .____ .
Eeffteea collect* a targe supply of tow
el* and bed and table Jlaen. Rvery. tklnff that b available 1a put away in
tte chHt bftMi^ Imr tnawirM "
b-h. fonuunlely, doe* not o.-cur
. as It means enonuuu* .-xpi-nses.
■ left In a basket u
Ihe stiH-ets must In- made siraiglii
any Iiuus.-* ini«-rf«-r>- they
,.„uple look In ....
pr<impil.v sw.-pt -awr
little ruundllng and reared It a* tb.-ir -drii'.l-up wai.-r eom
’ la- SjuiD
with a lirblg.-.
tU bi-r luanima had lain .luwn for
aftertusm ua|., she Uid a bnskei ou
du.irNl.-p of .-acli of five bouses whose
ok'uew sbe r.-gar,led oa charitable.
ladlaa H'lwtaBs.
.Some curi.niNly IHiiniluative exaiupi,-a of
of .\#iall<.\#iail, subtb-ly
«ubtleiv and suisrstlpb-s
tiuns atv set down lu tin--Dairv" k. pi
ebb-fiy \iu aoutberu' India. wl,i.-b rbe
Kigbl lion. Kir U. K. Gnmi-Huff has
published. One follows-the
Karh.-rlne riemmoua, t|,- a.-tn,*, h*s
au unrival.sl i-uH.-<-tl<>u of itlaim.iidN
and s.) ha* Mrs. George Gould. forPi
i-rly F.liih Kingdon.
Ill Ka> Teliiplei.io's J,-wel Iwx tiailong n-p<i>u-<l a fauinu* n—kla,-.-. JamFiiglisl, aud fterome Jldwardv have
giKNl (v>Hi-.-tionN and Mrs. Hruwu I*ter I* aldaxe wllb diamond*.
BUUi l>nn-uport’B dianionds
tel they «Were Bold
iiMie. >1-1
d afier li
•lealb i» Rianeb.- 'Walsh for gln.ikNi
and ev.-ry .
cnnalders Mia* WaM,
•eciired n remarkable bargain
^tella Fox baa aoine fine dlamon.K
• in.ing ihi-ni a necklace of fortv-ti
May Yohe
baa ibe fanin
Ho|m- diamond and
«>wna some alone* tbat are brlllfaui
and beautiful.
Lily Latigiry’a dlamonda were nosalbly the most notable array ever worn
Preiiif tear time
ID think about hailne put
Y< D might atso •«« meabnatatorlnr
your wbee’ PRBBf'-rths winter
No better earn-elifig tnai rnia
hlepinand Ulk Hover.
Its Onion fftreet.
John K. Santpl
Ganeril lasiraan.
John F. Ott & Co. «nw K-..’ -i« V ladiiQt «
Successors to
Trsrtrse Ciy Umber Co.
Trarerse City, -
eeSSS CSi«»-S 2S«-:
a wilds,
t .ti.
•a parlor ear la Orwa*
. ear a«d eoark arwa*
■r a> I V- s n b.
cd Kapida aed m
woods with new d. coratiors
Sapi.,. u Petaskry
Kcenthesein mind wbtn
•down town and call in our
Jewelerj store to hxik thtm
We have many new
f.hicago-• «-<. »
West Michigan.
things m jewtlry also.
HIINUM & EAm:»if£i5l
it w
oowo NnttTS.
Nolice! Notice!
AT Crd RsplS.
t O-d
n-H Hapid*
Ttatsfw ~r ••* W> i: Wv a,
•M-p I dOpa,
: AT ait RspidH
I «D
i cs
i rs
The building which Mr. L. 'l. gikiupid. :
j •.»
Warsowsky has leased. 225
Front Street, one door west;
„ j T”’
Steinl>ert'’s will be opent d •
/ orioa ***!*»
by him Nov. lOlh with
I First Class fariei)
of Merchandise.
TPtAkv efleel
Wait for the opening.
4 If L*
r.*F _
4 »Ar OMkABA J-«|-r
It •«. f«
■r tir.ild
New designs
. .
1 ae
of My Inie edm-atlon.
‘ ^"V^iir honor mav
be right." said llie
kln.lergartei. •» ‘ uaHve. -I may be wrong; I way tw
■mveMirul in leami
nlug lo do •
. hou..r wrong. 1-et honor giv.- ms
with *•'*
hi* fliij
His delba.-y
lok the fine. atMl tfaeJi at day of resur*• l*I":»ve.l, tbe
clinn. when all hearts w|B be o|>eii
avMtw auMtkieUM, prion AM yosrsas^ lOOrj t»i
“l» •■ye follows bis bands II I am wn'iig. I will moat gladly, sir.
return your honor the money."
It la periiaiMi needle** to state that
oT a milhU honor did not agme to tbb exi.-ulue aud itinst
Btun of merry.
her gorgeous
■ From the sane soarce comes an 11- n.s'klan- of mrqui
paln'er befoM be la S years of age At lusiration of the peculbr bias of Jus
Tbrougboui ber stag^ career Li
^ •rHl bare ao
tice In the Aabtlc atat—
tllaaer bq* lqye«ed a tvruln per c
Uw- dement* of
Mtlve Judge. In tbe district
of ber earning* la diamond* and i
of these
tbcM flne
flne arra
ana. TM.
TbU 1.
U .no .xaggerainjsm. used, when tbe time to give
. chaps tbe Sttest coUn-tlon
bon. but U os aeiioualy true as tbe bl*I Judgment came, count ibe Bho on
tbe stage.
Lotta CnbUea owned
an wsvk M UfMsk P*MU* gtaia
BUlemepl that a child may lean to tbe
_r pnnfca. If tbe number wa* even.
compute lo numbers below un la
EM yaar of kta acbod Ufa.
le-j.rr' te I trwir* si t
-ffee e. . .b,,--.,*. OU»
*’*‘*‘“ Katherine dei.-nuined to thwart
,S,'. .nm" ^
lejiand*. In the Idiors brain
Ihi-re are tigt few nerve ivll* In the
Bird lo tbe UdIea- Home Journal. -Sh,
Ing qne«T1on waa; "tVhal shall we do
with tbeml^;
|i,.r nioiliW'and father advocated iliv
usiul mrlb.Kl of keeping one for Katb
rn-sl.b-nis Hoi,roe and Tyler w.-r.Iiurlell III lloll.T Wooil C.U1U1.TV. Hi, ,,
moild. Vii . and It I* pn>|s>sei| to
move Ibe r.-niaiiis ..f CM.-f
Jiisii.-.Marshall from the n.-gl.-<ird Sb.H-kue
hill e.-us-iery lo ibis s|n.i. Tbe gravor Ji-ff.pxiu Havis is u.-ar by.
Til.' name of ihi- guvemur of \ew
Vork and ibe i-olouel of ibe piiigl, rl.l•■rs Is pmiimiDceil In various wavs b>
dlffen-nt Is-Ople. but Ibe uue ami -il
•-orr.'.'i iiroDiineialiuii l.«. a....... ..
tbe governors explauatiun In ausw.-r
Ion rec-in iminlry. --K.» v
of Ihre.' syliahle-. '
Til- rbin.-se .-miM-ror i
Bicycle Enameled
*" 'he end and a plots- of
*“ 'h“ side w-hh h Imparts
tbe Is.lKiennis winds of spring, and
for interewta ouialde of-honie. l.s.t a
woman gird up her Iniellett and oour-
happily failed of ii« obJe<-t-was almost
irvly Uinile
•.-.■le of
-r lough ash
twig- .J_______ ■ ..
............. shad* i» foi,i..,i through
most Of w hl.-li were dead whshL Not a | iIh-o nler to wind up double with a
full few. however. Weiv gtveu
------- 1 pulls ..
siHcd, galloping low. and di.sh.-s a Iiiaij b.s-n ton. off il..- ti>-.-toi.s tl.ev
>f the win.tnw when anrulled.
studlng upright to the gtt>..u.l by il..gtt-ail.t sirvuglh.-ned tin- sa
• .-ud falling to the Iwuloni.
full impact or Its iKsly. aa.vs the Si»s- ture. Wllt.lu tlu-se ash foundstinus
To bold (be .-.uii sbH-ve while put
Major I.iverarlty slaltw
that ,,„e wissl of siu.-tll.-r slxe a.el ........... ting on an ..ver.sw. a New Vork wom
a di-rlc- .-oniis.HMl of
"the claws and l.-elh entering Ih.- Ili-sl. pn,ut l.-uorv; li.ls w«s twH,.-,| n....i,|
do not hurt as mu<h as y..u
w.i.l.l *„,! n,un,|. „nd plalt.-d H.okl. t.. s.ip- a spring . lasp. .-nrrisit t.v a ilexn.l.ebain HI tbe o|,|s.slte mil.
Ihlnk. I.il! that the squ.-exc given l.y
the Inner lining.
A uu-.||. v
of strip, win,
lioving a laili m I.- ins.-n.-d beiwc-n
thejaw.ou ibels.neisivalI.vp,.lufu1. thing* n.-xt ams-...r.sl- s.fa,o- of .,M
till- hlic.-rs and ptill the sleeve down.
W b.-n kumke.1 over he was still k.s-u- r..!-, a' .uonoLef .-.s-oaunt
I sill, has Is-eo paii-ni.-d
ty COQS.-IOUS and felt none of
ii.e „,u. |, si..-.-|r- w.s.i «ud .«« ami l.-rs.- Whb-h
Is- sllpiu-,1 over a mail’s or
dreaniy seusailuo experleuve.1 by l.lv- ju,ir. au.l .iianv feaihers of ...s ks a..-l dlnary v thing, vonslsilug of a
lugstonr. Major Swalue. siruck dot... bem-. g«il..-r.-.l. d..ul.il,-ss, fp.n. th- wtfli * .
‘ nv.Hi on Ibe ,-oiiar and a
i llom-ss going fall gail»|.. was ui.- fowl-nii. or var.1 of m.i..,. a-lja.-.-... pair of l.-ggingv these tw.i artl<-b-«
K-lons for some ...ji.nl.-s and did farm.
The ...ass
lutve wVl«l..-.1 •'Oliiplelet. .-..wring the tssty and Isknow what had hap|s-i..sl .111 he ,u or Hgh. ,....nds, aud d-spil- u. Uig hi‘bl III I.law by oinveiil.-Di strap-.
Ill a newly dralgui-d bb-yvle laiii).
Ibe oil bolder Is <if tubular shape will,
I fell no paiu. In- wrii.-s. w'uix-for wear
clamiis.lo Sllaeh It to tbe lower luU"not. 1 IM-Ileve, oijiug Co aop siuvial In____ ___________________
of the frame. Just Inek of the head,
lbs wiek tula- >-xh-udlug oni ai rigl.)
that the sho.-k and loss of blou.1 ii.a.le
angli-s to .-iirry Hie l.uroi-r and
me ln<-w|uil>b- of feeling H. TI.erv was
A little lady of
wl... dwells In I'lirk
whteli .-an ta- lined at any desired
no iMlU for a few days, till
iSbIge lu.s an anlr.it syii.p:ilby
bronglii on by ilo- swelling of uiv arm
kittens-Ruii l». kittenon the twelve days- ride to tin- coasl."
PEOPLE talked about.
whleli have to Is- iIIm>w'|i.-.I |
captain X..yes, a.wek.-d In the,a...e
Inills ... ,..r o,
Henrj >Va|t.-ra of Baliiuiure baa giv.
tiuil city (o provide two
. .
. iiroti.
ably_ becBiis.- iberv was no tiiue. lint
felt exactly as if be lud laa-ii howl.al
, time, by ayatemattiing her- work,
almpllfylng her manner of Ilf,- and l.j'
ramaaiely selxlng ber opportunities sluwill find lime for favorite siudiea and
Taaeltor Block
A ladder has Im-cu des
ol'en nook or cranny If In bla'judg'
OR sialnvays and other
‘"‘•ft ihe pluiv lawuturally rocilBe<l .facew having the binge
Hawks are also cliff- Ibe
**"e l>ra.-e«
l>raceii at
‘ the rear fastetuM
lovers. th..iigli wnie of tbe smaller *Mys« that they ^ iL rals4-d or i.w
hawks often bnlld on lonely Hr ir.sw cnsl on the ladder aeropllng to the
slMnilliig In waste plai-es or overtopon which lUey rest.
bltiK their
their neighbota at tbet^ges of |
Slates .an |m> quiekly eleaned hv a
.-..inprising a water tillsagainst assault.
"She may easily
fill her mind with anno.vanrea. the dis
----------------------------------RECENJ’ INVENTIONS-
pn-ferw a cliff-face, and,
Hxn.MOi diop boles If the spor be ae-1
‘s-sslble. bin is i-onieni with
la ihs g.«..f. Li^
saw. .r a LIM.
A Hon <-omes at It* enemy at
betag of her household." Mys tbe Iji-
confinement, the Interruptions of tbe
fially life, but by lolelligeDt use of her
for the next show grouml.
ber own benefit aa weU aa to the well-
agreeable and monojonoua details, the
pi*ople of T-sverac ( tty.aulgear.
lumjo swung over bis ba.-k stan> oir
Ocorge Kilui seemed at drat, to peopie wbo did not know ber. to be af
dies* Home Journal.
Auk yuur dealer for then.
sertous. If uv all sakToisTni;";-".::.
most HearLr think we rtonlii n^t TJ!
comnunds by taigilDg on the table «*«n rbararti r Jays build Ufsu rwBer T«r <iut of the way. God doe* not uer
*Hb Ids rtclii baud at incerrsia during like a l>ls>-kblrd. hut a little larger; t“'‘ Inpnesi-mlnded people to make fathe selection.
At e*ib up the lltile while another |>ciaeliiug rascal, the *•' nil.takes.
drill thf darky alugs a song,
It was a tribute of sympathy—of ad'
alradon—frumu country where sbe
waa appreciated. 1 wonder wbo sent
I Becauac we pot into tiiem tbet beat hutae aatiafnedoo.
A loviuK tbougbi balls at
ller-ii Deed, no paaapon.......................
dness |toha<vo. and wc do D< t uhc ary
U not denominational.
artificial flaaorHu-t clean: pur; I
M panlsan
Tbe great bean or.
This ffivea you a whole* specialty.
Everyihit»K in
rides all re.iraints that It may ser
buman needs.
|aoine. enjnyable BtDoli# at an econ- "O"- Open day and night.
miral piic
ton. Sbe waa proud of the gift, and 1 . suldiefs <-luinge their maneuvers Inwas boDOtod with a apeclmen blocult. I stsDlly. The aceompaDylng picture
I. ao far aa rcould ace or usie. ohOws them obeying tbe •-oniniand of
tte ordinal
'•twi. right." At thee
of the
Wp solicit tbe pairoDaeaof tbe
Bell., 5. Cif.t
framewt.rk and nukes geoetoos use of
. Omas within.
1 k
•' magpie huU.ls a Urge neat and
oftc-n surrounds It with a funnldaUle
the i ertoraianee femv of ibtwiis. This be doio to ke.-p
Yon.Kel a tint! civs emoU
aeat ber. repreoeatinir a aceoe In *«IUa
Maraerr and abe railed ay attenUon
to It. and said that of all ber norela.
“SUaa Mamer" wsa ber farorlte.
onder the finn name of
The robin Ilk<>a a bole in a bank
ia Ihe;....................
I Restaurant
One of the unpleasant' features ,if
■y old apple boueh whereon b
Berben Spencer
I have boBKht a half ibteregt
«• * protoratlon. We
tbe new and better tbiny
or we itj to pull It down.
^ a fraqseat rlaltor there, and 1‘Ttrfeaaor
Hnxt^. and
I Notice!
tnilBrd tnrUm «od ■
4, tw
Tl«* ait> *ome who 4« dm llkr any
libmy pirfpt tbrir ©wn.
* la
STORY wRrrcfi.
m Baa TtMoabtfaHj
»S is
uSia.LAkc Abb
immrla* a
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