The Morning Record, September 19, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 19, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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fmrtra^ATt am




nbdT«t-Ko 7<L

tia««>d Moe time
Thej f«*or,d
{Ux plM. bowmr, bat odviMd that U* {
ap or^ MTir »«st
Their report wn adopted.


The Lucky Numbers

Snp'r»LoBb«r C«V L n« Will de-

WUl Not bo a Can dl data For

eomBceatePaaerBce'v V>om Bear)
Lake to Zoplre.

it Tie pin Distribotioe Wen

by the
relative to a peUUo« of the loet «eet
Boplre etreet fal'BOforcBVBt la b ee
Sr lecretary Of War
lot. that the <
the BBplre LoBber Co'« trala vbb ee
Deflalte:y la Pwaeaal Letter That
of obotneUau froa the
oe Poor Lein to aoet Travaoe Ci-y
etreew be entorord on State elreet.
He WUlBotSaterSeae for KeHaleevirg oe the
Thto oetkw te dnc to a proieet ofaioat
Uab aeat-Hlf Broeoae ore Oieea traiae Tharedey mod rridey Bornliica
> Satan • Larfa
the ode of that atreet for vchtelee in
SeraoBOl oad cf a Soraly Baal- Teoae will be et Lake Abb to Beet the
Aodinee of Tas 1
the violaltj ol livery horoa.
trolBO OB theee Borsian to ooavvy the
Sohile Worha Intneted to Saoer-1 The nae eoaiMlttee fapertgd roloLake Abb to Pearl
Detroit, Sept. If.-Goa. BoteeU A.
Mta Coet ct Matatal for Stomalx | tive te the reeeaaeadatieo of the
Uko. a dietonee of fire Bileo. E*tare.
direr today gave ont the followlor let­
log. the trolB will ma to Pearl Lake in
•polen o»d Beport at Neat ■eet- 'board of peMle workt to Uaprove
L'oIob etreet wlU eroehed etooe. odvie- ter written in New York by bii
l»f~aidemaa lordleb Boeoiotioae
lof that BO peraonaot iatproveaeate aadaddrveeod to William Jadaoa of! to TraverM Cily ob deterday afterAbs Arbor:
j «>«••
Bnflp PMoed.
be Bade oatU after the layiar of
ilrfaiiir Lwdle oeored a vietery watrrBolaa. The
SepL S. teee My Dear Mr.
e woe adopted.
Ladle* ore inviteddtoatUnti tbr fa 1
laei airbt for the Rafter water work*
Staler.-, on Prid.r
I potloe I l is a . After corefnl ceaeideratloe I bare de­
plan aad la the prenaee of a UT«e
new etyl'i 7«l 5i
datloB .for the appoiatment cided Dot to be a oaadldate for the
orowdofepmaton the ooeaeU weal of on oddiUoaol poilee ofkwr to work j (^Blled btaiee eeaate. My
«a neord la taw of the
BOder the dlreetloa of Chief of Police
determlaatloB are peioonal and of
by a vote of 7 to 3. the oppoei- Bennie. The eoBBlltee ennBerated ' •
«>*^«re- 1 fully appreciate
dforeaeb no cffl.»r |
BaOf other
cp^itlirf of AldoTBOB MoQtaand rexiBBended th»t C. W.
i friend* for rgered support, and hope
gwe. poriwr and Oralllek.
be employed lo tb*t eneocUy at a|ta>beahle d the oeor faiare to *bow
It wne a lively nenloo and foil ol
salary of fiso per Boatb- The eoBmlt- ay gratitade for all that bo* been done
tatemk And then were worm argn- tee ncoBmended that the new ofieer for me by tbe people of onr state 1
Bento «poo the mart Imnortaat prob be reqaired to Inspect the streete sod OB. ay. dear eir, oineerely yonr*. E A.
Bb whleh ha* ovor eontronted Trav- wolke and report aeeded repain, see A'ger."
that the ordiaaAra* are enforced, *ei
Uencral Alger licelined to *ay anyanccity. Th* qniiiUoB Involve* tb*
oe a firnaan wlihont pay and to fill tbe ! thug farther oonceming
acpmdiUn of aa nmnat tanging poet of truant caar. The oonnell | drawl than what Is eontoln
betwoea andSIOO.OW. and mogaUed that tbe city Is badly la
whUe AlderBoa Lordl* wo* ooa*ple«- seed of a Poo Boh and at onoe adopt­
O^y determined to eorry hit reeoln- ed the recoBBendation*.
A little Uter in the evenlDg.however.
UCB* favoring the Eofter plan*. AiderIt. Mayor Haatl-

Boy.: 1st. 66; Snd, 178; 3rd 116; 4th, 818;
6th, 844.
Girls; 1st. 886; Snd, 889; 8rd, 778; 4th 786th, 468.

Bittorty OppoMd by Aldor-

The Other Lucky Ones
ere the people who bhy their good* of u* eod
•ATS A dealers profit We «et oar eappUes
right from tbe “oven" where thej are made and
•ell on a close margin—Doee it payP Well—
WAtch as grow!

230-222 Front Street

powenbfraosoniBgtoebow that thU

«an fwlee* npon nsesssary material
oad eosl of eoastrnetloa. pnponlory
to tbe placing of th* :
vote on bonds befon the taxpayers.
The board b to report at the next
r^lor Boeting and the reperl wUl
have a great deal to do with the far­
ther twagrem of tbe project.
The meeting wo* long oad s great
Aaol of other Important bosiae*.
trsimrlr* The nenltoon hen given
UdMoll. Inelndtog tbe water work*
auuse. In ll* proper order.
Mentions Olspsoed Ot
Brsry amber wo* prtoont long befientbe hoar of eonvening. and tbe
.loom was filled with spectaton aoetly
heavy taxpayers. Before the eeesi
omaed then wan not ebalr* enongh
aoooBBodate tbe aadieaee. Tbe fint
BOUer to be eoneidered woe a peUUoe
on ore _
Of their factory to fiocililate Ue bml
BOB of tbe eompaay. The aatwr wo*
nferred to the oomaittee m pnblie
fi. Bradbogen oeked permtaekm to
nlee the roofe of hto bone aUTs U> the
height of Us barn. The rrqnest wo*
nferred to the eoBBtttoe on fin and
A peUUoB wo* preeentod by
noideato la the vldnlty of F-onrteentb
and DbIob slreeU to bava tbe etreet
graveled from Union to Cem and s
ant^sed oo that block. The
wo* etrongly niged by
Aldermau Kenyon, who expUtaed that
there wen aeorly a doses acbool ehUdnaOB tbe etreet who would flod it
dIfieuU to pnm tbroogb the etreet la
winter nslem the eU
Tbe petiUoB lor the walk wo* finally
nfernd to the proper eomaltue with
power to act and the gravellog port of
It to the aome eOBalttoe, to report at
the aext rtgulor meeting.
A petlUoB woe reoelved from M- B
Boekell. J. B. Prioe and A. &. M<Mobbs, asking to be cxtapled froB
not bolog reqolnd to nae the sewer
nesBtly ordered. Tbe petiUoa woe re­
ferred to tbe eoBBlttoe on sewers.
Ferrta A Ckaapoey. the agrienltaral
I gnnUd permieifitalo mere their store bnildlng oa
BtoU etreet five feet farther
Than was eome dienesioa i
whethor then sm a aoesailty tor ooklag tbe eonaell parmlMlaa to aovc a
. hoUdlat from one port of earn lot to
to. aad aty Attaraoy Dodge gave
UasUsopiaioathataaleastha bnlldlag was Bored over tbe lot Uae then
woold ho no vtoUUoB the ordlnaaoe
govenlag the moving of boUdlng*.
Tho potman wm granted anyhow.
Tho BOBO firm ooked ptoBtoalea to
onet a shad on the wefit tide af their
hnlldli« ABd the Battar waa nfto'iad
to the oaeoBlnao ea fin aad watto.
4 that BO watwt^ tooegh

police offieer* wo* a provlnee of the
mayor. BBbject to eonfinnstion by the
oonaeil, admUiing that therefore,
no new poliee oflleer hod been added
to tbe lone. Alderman Montogne
nferred to tbe matter after sdjoarnment and asked tbe mayor why be did
not make the appointment when the
report wo* reeelved. Meyor HemUton
replied with eoae apirtt that be had
not b>ee asked and plainly inUaated
that tbe mayor sbooU be eonenlted by
imben of tbe eoancil upon apwibch eonld only be n
by the exeentlve.
BelaUvr to the grading of Thirteenth
etreet, the oommitlee on streets and
walks noommeDded that the street be
graded west of L'nion oa irqaeited at
a previoos BseUng by resideate In the
City Attorney Dadge nported that
Howard WhiUng bod been anseeeed
twice, oe reported ni a prevloat meet­
ing by hsimeor Thacker, and noomIContlnned on Ubrd page |

of new goods opened up this morning.
3i-. I)ji Spleudiri .Sight Bohee
7S D t Oento* Hosfvvyat from
ISO n I. Fancy HandMcrcbtaVs i
34 D- X Klnganl Windsor Ties
Iflort-x Whit*Unlauu_.._____
10 n.'t Knee Ponte, strong ouea
n alylse.
« Dt, r„fs. link* 01 irsighl
I D^ ^'^••'•abta Rubber collar, ,

Boats 8Aem Bfigsr to Fight
Women nnd Stndoou Arming te March
Agalnat Brltioh. aad They OlUm
to be AbU to Za-it on Army of

Supposed Clues l^illlgentlj

But There 1* Voihiag Tnty^ble 8ng
gntlng the Tele «f
Bot we have ln<ii<-i,
■oTT Budlea.
made like meo'e etioeu -itiey
Tbvayvtery of the dtaappearaaee of
wbat ie c^led
Mlm Mary Bndlen eoatiaaes os deep os
Several new claee have been
looked lato. bui nothing bos developed
of a defioite natare. A tborongh
seoreb was made Sunday on Boardraon
lake, tbe river and the hills to tbe
wsstandtauth-westof the city. wlUdeveloping anything that will
throw light upon th* mystery.
Anotbor theory has been enggnted.
that Ue young lady hoe gone to Uregon
to find a young man to whom she was
stone tlmecngsgid. This Ueory bos
Made of calf akin, witb br-avy
Utile to recommend it, as tbe
broad i»ol--e -jm*! tbe thing
young tody took but little money, end
for wet V eatlier.
would not have gone on such a trip
bOROSI^ ebors are the
wiUout full preparation.
standard of the vurld All
there U aotbiag to show Uat ebe Wok
any train no- f tbe city.
tlie fashionable iadiea wear
Although u.. cine U a very slight
one wiu iiit<r to make it credible, it.
is bfiing follo-'ed np eorefnlly. sad Ue
yonng map hs« been telegraphed.
Oo Sondfi s man was found who
was eonfidrot that be bod heard cries
in the woo>>» > ear the asylum Friday
■venlng. C i r of Police Bennie, wiu
eeveral coir^- :ioo«, visited tbe spot,
and foun-. 'i‘encea of a poesibte
struggle. A • >ra1 hair pin was found.
tbstUUonrn-. to resemble one that
Mta* Badt»i: wore, but in this there (*
nothing cm <in. and the cine seesu s
poor one. It ii being esrefnlly inveetlgsted, however.
Tbe meet plnnubte of all tbe many
thing* BtoWd and suggested is the
stotomept made by syonng man named
Ralph Sickles. He elsimt w bate seen
young woman on Friday evening
about six o'clock, when be ws* return­
ing from hta woik at Miller’s dslty.
sontk of Ue city. He met Ue young
ion just over Ue hill socUeoat of
Fernwood. going south. From hta de­
scription of her. many are coDvlncad
Usi Uta is Ue miming woman, and
you <
that Uta clue should be more dillgen
ly followed than any oUer. If it b* don’t you tbink yoo
say you ‘ don’t need
true Uat it wav she that Mr. Sicklm when you oay
Ij^bone in yonr
met, ll wilt give eredenoe to the Ueory telephone
What Ton have most precious in
that she may have wandered- off in a
the world is there, nod in the event
fit of temporary
Everything that abowa Ue allgbteet
of accident or dan­
cer you won*d
ebonee of helping to clear npUa ■
it even more at yonr
Ury la being eore’nlly followed up
boU by Ue poliee and Ue many
home than at your
frlmada of Ue young lady.
office. .\nd that ia
sayine a go >d deal


<te Oo.

CXotli±xiK. Hats. F-u.xro.lj;>, i -n ga, eto.

Chilly Evenings and Mornings
Call for a Top Coat.
Our New Pall Top Coato meet everv rsmntaeiBMi—WYmj,. weorrecinees of fethlon, perfection of fit aod wearublanmiari^raBt




igent for Sorosis.

Ueilfu TtWHai Co






3 for tSc
Big Bunch of Gloves at..........
Every dav brings new goods w Uta buiy atiim.'

Rough Rider
Sorosis Shoe

CS^Towd. Hept le.—It is believwl
ben that a total of Su.oeo armed Boer*
wtll be pnt la tbe field by tbe Tnn.vsol
goveremont to defend their connuy
against lovnalon in ease of war wiU
Greet Briuin.
The offieen of the South African
republic, however, say that they sbsl!
have an army of M.OOO men. Soeb
an believed to be Impossible
of reaiissUon. Even the Boer women
on arming, bowvvar. and the boys
from ue Transvaal who have been at­
tending school U Caps Town ore retaralng hems with the intention of
taking up arms. Boer yoaths who
have gone to Great Britain to fiatah
tbair ednoaticB on aoUlng book to
Africa with the mme o> jeet in view
Tbe British troops in Caps Town on
vtoy oonBdset that war wUl corns
sboat and that the campaign will re­
sult in OB early victory for Ue qaeea's
army. One Britioh oSeor of high rank
remariied that he expected u eat hta
U England oftor
aBistlng W annex the Transmal
the British emplreLoodoa. Sept. 13.—Tbe Boer answer
I Euglond-s Utest note bo* bwn reeelvnd. It inslats npon tbe seeca ymr J.O. LoogworUy Ukoa Alooka Bat
Woold BtUto Travol by Bail.
franehlBs. aa already lodlealed. and It*
Hta many frtead* have been choking
Woe Is regarded as defiant thronghoat.
Ue kond of y. O. ttongworUy. Ue reSHE nrO HTAH BOLD.
^OT kK* moTteii. i-K vTvbUackttnraed gold buoWr, olnee Suoday. Mr.
Into Ue dty on Ue
Boaght by •wbblna A Tdley of the
Ckorlevoli. eomiag by way of PeWoBeaenr Inlonfio.
vhXVe \\ Ufi\v oivVb Uc.
key. He doe* net reton a naimecalre.
The tog Ryan, owned by Orelllek Uwogh the trip woe a pre^tobte one
Broo.. hna been sold w SMbblm A fer him. OB he eoBto oet of It eoMlderTUley of the Beaver ioloads nod ho* ably bauer than clear.
token to that point to b* ased In
Mr. Ungworthy doea not look oay
their lumbering operatiaao. The eoa- >* wtooa for the hard aaage he hoi
aldsfaUoB a S 11,700.
■en la the gold eonntoy, alne* Fehrsary. ISM. He boa epeat moat of the
r.r. Bofiansfi
time In the Oenmr rtvw eooatry.
has renalved i
petrahaaed fit
Ukae Alaska wall
«moagh.tott he to not so feed of gettiag
It to too hard oe Ue body, and
hereby notified thnt the cloth selected
hmnalvadBBdlsreBdiy^lo he mnde he deeloree that he will not go again pais. ass*. t*l«*» so* —t i
aaloto he eoa leoeh Ua pAoee by lolL
porotta* XM iws* tor m*kto(

Ralph Oonnabls Jr.. Kanagsr.

More Cases


BlW.OJa Alfieraan Lordle's rsoolntoons poned. however, oad the board
of pnbUe works on loslrneted to *e-



VftTorvd by a VoU of OouneU,'

^propoollkm wo* too voaUy expeaslve
for the dty to ooaalder ii. arguing that
oa odtqnate snpply and ealtable aya• tarn oBoldbaottobltohed for lea thoa

fDjrairi am

"■|iy you e'lould buy your ehoeu of

The Practical Shoeman.
Be baa been in the bnai) n all of hta life.
Me uedei
Bde^toud* Ue manufacturiag of aboee tborongbly.
He ta: well poated la Ue different kinds of leather
’111 tell yoo wbat grade* of leather will wear Ue long
or jUb
« money that bis e



. ,-----, will charge you for ahoddy good*,
■air* BoaioD Rubber* of all kloda from a i
Price* from lOe up.


s 135 Front St.

Practicsl SboenuiD.
SPSSS to.-m.ssss«jtok.aassm..9m.atoi

We have
Just received
150 pairs of the celebrated

shoe for ladies’. They are all up-to-date
in every respect. Prices $2.00,$2.60,
$8 00, $8-60. We invite tbe ladies
of Traverse City to call and fiTam.n^
them. They will surely please you.

■cluui Itai



TBB vomvora vsoo«i>, v^omuay, bbptxmbes lo. in

«m AUUliau ABOOllD.



AldMmuk Moata^h QItw

fM tn «vm a<*n

HOi. T. B4i» Am i. W. Ramwol. AryneaTbatthe BeHor Flan Wen'd
Oaat the Oltr »*7».000 foe Water
f. «. EAn. BdlMv •»! WiMCT.
Wotka Flani-Beo mmttoda Xhr«oPMue With Pnmpv k •tation at

TD wueU hM dMkl*d apM Ibe
ItafMr twiTFolr pUa for tho w»«w
vartoaTMMMdMxrU to mp u> th*
feew4 ofpoblk worka. wbo u« Is•trwMi U praev« oMitutM apoB tho
fUM dMcHM is btlowto No e of
Kr.B»A«r% raport. Tbo boai^ bM a
kM*7 job OB lU tiBoda la prcparlar
4oMlM<tCMottb«eaat of a bic lot
•( wtooa kind* of aaateiial, aad tbe
fMBltt of tbotr Ubora wUl he watched
frith latoreat. Up to dau tbe reaerfoir plan to ahead asd aUlwarb eeraB
•d «BB aldmeo afree that that to
wtet to beat for the dtp. at leaat two
•d the aldenaen promtoe to eaerctoe
•hair beat eadeaTota to defrat tbe plaa
whaa U ooma to a vote of the peopla
Arm aeeeptlBf ererTthlaf of a
•abite aatore lo alfht for paramoaot
im« in the next oaBoaifn tor. Bipan
^ • oeerloobed the Drerfat iaddeai.
Baithrra,to xUII time to corral tbto.
••fether with eereral other thinm
whleh maj oome In handj after the
N of tboae la hand are dtoeer-

Berbert Joyat wee in Siifbu yeeter«A7Bon. and Mra B. Hatch retemed te
Brand kaiddeymterday.
D. Hobbeof Ei A 'a. wae la
Ae dty on boalnom Teetaroay.
OoL •. A. Smith of Ne^-ta-wanta.
wae in tbe city yaeterday.
▲Mersey B. S. Pratt to la
B. B- Staples of OadUlae, waa In the
Mra. S. Owen arrived in the city
■atnrday. She wlU aeetot in the dram^aklnf department of the Boeton
•torn laabel Oreiliek retemed to her
home la Charlevcls Sonday after a two
fvarta Ttoii with totoe Bdaa Wilhelm
Jallee Stelabecr hae foae to aiteod
the Odd rellowe celebraUoB la Detroit.
Be wae acoompaaled br bto daughter
^Irde Alu, wbo yrlll aiake an ex-


with Meade la that dty.

Mill toargerlte McCUia arrlnd from
CUreland Satnrday to tahe her poeiUoa
•• trimmer la the Boeton Store.
Omar Krtodrtoh will leave today Aw
▲an Arbor t-< oontlaoe hto work la tbe
Dnlveralty of toiehigan.
tore. Oeorre Crltpla aad tore. A. 8.
Boee retemed to their boeiee U Boee
City, a’ter a vtolt with tolm boeah.
William 8. Lee, the blir Chlaaman
pom BetUe Creek, to In the dty vtolt
Inf the proprietor ol the Oblneee laea

JammBoamtof WlUlameberr. w>e
A TtAverae City caller yeeicrday.
Bweod Stanley and famUy were in
•he dty yeeterday.
Uorirao Batm. wbo bne been eprndUf the enmnier here.Nretnmbd to Cbl■nfoUat nifbt.
Mr. aad tore J. AUex Navarre tf
Monroe, who have been rtolUof their
brother. Oeorfe Navarre, of Cl.i Union
Mtoa Day haa takea her pealtioa aa
trimater m tbe millloery store of Mtoe
Tbekabcrry. for the fall aad winur
Lwwna FanBlagton retnraed yeaterAay from a visit with her brother at
^raJuAnoWUlto FeaaiDftoB. agent for tbe Ua^Mataal iMurunce Oo. to la tbe dty.
E. 6. Bull left for Toledo and Cleve
Oengreasmaa Mealck aad wife, who
Ban baaa vialUag Carey BuU. rutumed
Pamo laat rvanlag:
PradSltoby.who haa been city cItm^Mr of tha BsooKO asan than two
•aMB. will leave for Detoolt today,
•rhmu be will enter tbe Detroit Medieal
geU^ to lake a eoniee la medtdnr.
Ms will be eeeoMded as clrcoUtor of
fha Bnoun by bto brother WUlto. who
p anargetic aad fuUy able to tnkr
MOjisr care of the laterests of the
^btarlben and tbe paper.
Mra. Dan HenlM and daeghtw
eraM «f LoutovUle. Kj„ went to
9rMd BaaUt ycaterday. after apendjig two weeks vtolUag her sisters Mrs.
2. W. Banaea aad Mra. Solea. alao her
^ther Mm Blggiaa.
Of Local Isureac
To aU who have fell the evU effeeto


AOd annaralled sneeese lo ti
yieskuehe and aeblcg kidneys are fast
Xmamipi a thing of the pMt where
PtTX w. Obaae’s Eldaey Uver PJ
are knosm.
oent a doaa, M oaai




Bto Optelou.

•tatm the food more defidous and*

iA‘mMy htack. •eOO. Add only H. pipe, whleh. IM to the Aot. tqaato
Ben to the arfnmeat etade b»
woold make It AMO. P'w the momeat fft.txn lha.
the ooancU toot nlcbt by Aldennaa IwUlpnmibeltem><f t.ioo feet of 10
Tbto. added to the diff reace la
toontecae la o^lUoa to BefterV inch force eaala.
1 with to deal .with weifbt between M inch ead lO inch
mein to I.OM.500 poanOe. l.Oli tooe at
the plpee at oae tim--.
Tbto matter to of r«‘ Importance
Itnm No. 10.—Blf bt of way for force i Atuet per toe.......................... A31.109 T4
U to by fttr the moat important eal j*«i
mala. AMO Call It the mom now.ljrw j
Pour acTM leod for reeervotr
s; ‘.00
that ba* erer enoC«i >be atteaUoe of
No. 11 —Poor acre* >-f land fer ,Boad to ra^rvolr.................
tbe pebllc of Trarene City, and eery
reatv dr «,» AW per acre. MJO. Cell it ; Atop ratee.................................. 1.400.00
likely It to tbe meat Impcwtant matter
the eamc boe. ASM
{ Bc^aecriac.............................. it.lTTtt
that wUl evfr enrafc the atteoUoo
Item No- is —Bead to ree<: vo‘r Al«Ooanell and
Total.......................................... A80.M7 so
Oall It the eeme now. AIOO
Deduetinr thto from the ee
the olty effleara of oar lUUe city,
Item Nu. IS.—Aetomatic nlarm bell
Umate of ...............................
tbemlore each
and ererr

____er of the ooencU ahoold fire hto
b«l thoB(hl, naprejeoieed at all timre
by aay prraonanty or any ehoo ol CallOD eapedty, ASo.OOO. Oo a baato of mvlng. and a larfe one. eould be mad.^
petty temper, to tbe etndy of thto rjore- ooki of material aao labor a year afo. by utlar the well syatem, aud locat ur
tleo with OLly oae u. • g In mind, and •h firorHl by two eaf ineen cf loot ex Ihe wells aad pumplnf station on Baa'
thataeteady and l;m determinatlos p rieore. it wonid have eoit. ASO.OCO Bay. at the ead of Beat Front aireci
to do that which, all thinca oooaidercd. Aad It la eafe to my that It

\\ e htT* a Terr Iatr^ stock of rockom, all atotea ana pric*a
from 75c op-bot tber»- is ootHoe quite as nice, large and com­
fortable for the money us this large scroll seat rocker—mahog­
any or anliqne, for $11 .=>0.

J. W. SLATER’S Honse FornisliiDg Store
120 Front Street, Trarerse City.

will be the beet tor enr city and fur
Oplalona differ widely, and ae a role

_ Sueur.amaiD.............................. r. SOU no
thto fact to due to the amouat of In- matPSO.OOO
l em No. IS—bate houae,
, ts„bme'fed cnb........................
8So W
•rmatloo fathared aad carefully etod*
and V would make it AS.000.
) I'omp well, with aereena___ 1 ouu no
Take bydranU next, fur itwa fffcr in B‘tfb» of wey for Main..........
soo 00
Mueh haa been eald about what to
called the Baiter plan. It to the only
par oaat. .<juaUA»,37S
plan to be talked about, really, ae it to
No. IT - Msanlac.i
Total......................... ^■ . A4S Tti ev
the only plan of water worka that we
have had, and for a tact very litUe to water p'pe make three grades or de­ Deduct tbto from the lesea’imate of.............................«ieT MT TT
kaown about It alther by the public ut grees of weight of pipe, called. StaaSevlng oo lati estimate........ ti.Tzs »u
larfeor by many who uedenake to dard. which to tbe lightest weight.
medium, next heavy, t submit
talk wisely about it Aad tn ttau place
1 wdl aak you, ae a basinew propoai that we would certainly not want to
a pipe of lighter weight than the
. Uon to boalaem men. to It wall, or eves
BdUorto Awful Plight
mfe, lo undertake eo mu^ of a job medium. Ikklng Clows’ Ubles of pipe
lea .
whme there to eo larfe an amouat of aad weight per foot of the dlffcrvat
money at ataka upoa the ideae of one six w. aud figuring oa medium pipe wa
be tried Bocklen’s Arsira
man. and he a straaforT MocL Have a total of * S28 toaa.
beet la tbe world. Be wntea.
has boea eald about the woa
A ulegram, aud alao oonfirmiiig wholly cured him. Icfatl'ble for
,ld by A
Iter from Cio* on tbe ISth of thto Cureguaruoieed Ooly SSr. bold
derful abiUty of Mr. Balter wbleu
to oaly talk, and ^anp talk at mo ith, g vm aa a prlee on water pipe J (>. JohasoD and S E. Walt, dr
t lat. There are a food many people del vered to Traverse City. 6 laehea
in the weler works busineaa, wbo re aad upsrarda in aUe. tsoes: tiach.l^
ae yet have iwvar heard of Mr. Bafter. $as et. Aa Uiere U only a little of the
1 •obmit that before thto body should « laeh we wUl figure it all at the lowt price. 4.$i;8S tops at A30.6S. equals
make euy dectotoa, that they ehooid
hear tha ideas, based on aa actual ex |i;».603.n. This to siMply the oost of
perleace from mote than just Mr. ti'S pipe delivered la Truvene City.
Baiter. Would it be business for a There to another (xpease oonneeted
man waaU&f lo buy a sUKk of foods with it called treachiag. which inla aay line, to fo to oae hooae and esy e idta, digging the treacb and placing
to them.'-yoQ are the oaly people’*.ead pipe Id it,^iggiag the man hole
bay. without caavaaeiof the market? a-each j .lat. and calking the je n s
Not oae ol yon would do such a tblof. rrith lead and oottoa. Engineers or
If you were foinf to build a houM or a water wotkt men have f-snad from
brick block, woold you submit the experience the cost of thto part of the
plan to oae party? Hardly, I think, irork. eo that they can make eatimstvi
as a peteoaal matter. Aad it to my oaths werk. close encugh for this
deelrc la thto case to handle It jost ae purpose. I hive a table of ee tmaied
fully aad closely at thoBfh It were coat-ncr fool for each alzc of pipe,
is an ornameot at all times Look over
an nndartakiPf of my own and my {which thows a total coat of layicf u
the beautiful articles on our counters, in
own auoney voing tuto Ik A plan' be 5St.*TV, raakiog au caiimated toul
our show cases, in our china cabinets,
muetbeprodnoedandaubmittedtoile <oat of the pipe laid io the irroued
tax paying rleciora of the city, which aad rea-ly for use, of Al&4.4t-.-.::
and all over our great department.
Tbe next thing i wiii deal with Is
will meet with their approval;
It wUi be voted down, then we tbe SO teas eprria'. castings at A4u per
woold be in trouble.
ten. Intheflrst piacr, instead of 30
In tberepewtor tbe special water t .as of IbeM castings. It will taks 80
poly committee of IMT. eetima’
toss, bat so as M keep welt within
No 6 of Mr. Bsfwr, gives an satimato bouads. 1 have put my figures at TO
coal of a water worka plant, con­ tens which to below what will be re­
templating a leaenoir on tbs Bill- quired. Price Id Bafter eetimate. Ate
property, and a
pemping per tea. At no t'me could special cast
in alt manner of pretty bindings. Just
station on Baat Bay. located
Ing- hare bt'ea bought for that price.
Thom's realdeaee. Thto figures out I wUl aoppoae that now they can ;
tbe thing fora litlle gift. We have over
A160.000. 1 submit, that at oe b nought for AM per ton. Clow quotea !
hundred to select from—sell at J2c.
Ume In the laat five yenre could ^he tr e regular goods in thto line at 3 oeau :
p'aat have beeo pat in and
28c, Mk. All the popular authors. All
foreman i zw. and 3's| cento for larger
for that amount of money. Be that
s z 4: TO tons at MO, A4.:oo.
the best productions.
It may. It to only the prsaent that we
Stop gates. AI.800. add a per cent
have aow to deal with, and 1 wish
Two sprltkllDg bydranto, SeO. say
call your atteatlon to a few facts and
*Bgums, based OB preaent priose, which flOO
.Stop gate boxea. etc . A4M. say A«oo
wilt give you'a fair idea of what it
Two river crossings. Al.OOO. likely a
would coat at preaent to put la a plant oer estimate, aow would be Al.tno
‘n sro-irdanee with the Bapfter plan of
Ballway crossings. «1 uoo. should add ‘
ea mate.
turn No. 1-Oae acre of laad for eVu-ut the same, equals (l.Mn.
D.-livery of pipe to works S3.00U. t^it
pumping stetiOD could Ukely he benghi
IS eaiirely loo low. Cue s- ction of the
wood stoves, heaters, ranges, drums and
Item No- 2—Bouse for Eaglaecr. pipe alone would weigh !TO0 pounds
everything the parlor, the sitting room,
AVOO. We mut at ieast add H. whUdi aid 1 bslieve that an estimate of •! .’&
the (lining room, tbe kitchen warm and
to eoneervetive aad under the actual per ton would be cuoservative. this
advance, which would make the boom would amouut te At.385
pleasant and make life worth living.
tbto expense au even At.uuo
* items—SaeUon main. A4.M0. Thto
a whole page of tbe Record ’o dis­
A I of tbe foregoing amount te A3U.-:
to a blind estimate, aa it does
cribe our stock. Take a day off and
aay bow long, te what size, or la fact
Add te thto the item of eonUageoees |
look it over. You’ll buy before you’re
anything, but it would be aa nndar os esgiaeering as stated by Hr. Bsf- ^
cauaate to add so per cent, to it, mak t-r's piC of about t percent, 11$.thro'.
tag the east AC.SOO.
177 4 4. making a grand total of ASGS..
Item No. 4—Suheearged orlh. $70o
Make only a amall addition and my.
put ia a system of water works in aeitem No. 4—eump weU aad aere^ eordaoos with the Bafter plan aad give
ATM Add H. would equal. Al.OOO.
ua the medium weight of pipe aad a datea Nj.6—Pnmpa taeladiag foo
pllcate set of pumps, e^ble each of |
tkm. etc.. r.OW. Thto to for anly oae pum^ng gallons of waters
pump,aad if itwduld have cost r.OOO la
l»»T, It woeld east now at leaat, AlO.Dare we put hetoru the people of [
000. But we must new figure for two Truverue City a proposiUoo that will |
(Good mixed candy) sells for 5c, same
pomps, as 1 thlak ao oae would be mn us late debt la the aelghbwhood ;
as you pay lOc for any where else. A
eettofied for a moment or would vote Of fSTtoOO, or possibly AMO 000, for
fine cream candy for 10c and the very
for only one pump, for a water works water works that wlU supply pme '
system. Therefore, figure for
tieally only about half of tbe terri- '
best hand made candy tor 30c, Just got
pempe. at a oaek when all set up and tery, aad this, too. oa tbs %of of our
a barrel of it—enough to sweeten every
ready tor srorit. of not leas than AM.- proesat debu of ASJ.WO? Byaom-aas.
0 0.
It woald be voted down and out of >
man. woman, boy and girl in Traverse
Item No. T.—Botlera, A1.M0. Noth
•Ight. We most pot forte aometetag i
ingbasadnoeedaomaeh la the iron
lew expensive, a plan that will meet
and ateel Una as sheet steel, and tbe
with the approval cpf the people.
advance la boUvs to great. But fee
the sake oi keepiag oartainly within
bounds, we wlU add osOy M per cant., with the pamptng ateUan at tbe Taom |
thto woold make the boUer fer one plane asd save eoasideiuhle. la place I
pomp figure et AI.AOO. aad for the of tbe le.MO of M-ineb mala by using ,
differcBee ia wulgbi would I
two pumpt AlJpT.
Iirm No. «.--StMm monertien. AMO be 1.117.400 poumda. W. W. Bmlth wyt
tee~diflereaee la dtoUMS woald be
A't'i I per cent aad call UAtM.
It « No. 8.—Selling of hMlma ^ about u mUei equal te 4,Me feet 14-inch |

.rf‘rr..v, .r.
-..0 w...,. „







^E 1f
a I


The Hannh & Lay Mercanlile Co,

Gift Books


A Pound
Of Gandy

Knives, forks, spoons, cake dishes,
' brush and crumb trays, tea sct.s, napkin
rings, berry spoons, pickle forks, butter
dishes, drinking cups, bon bon dishes,
syrup cups, cake kniyes—an endless assornment to select from.

New Fall
The largest assortment just received
from the eastern markets -all the new
colorings, new shapes, in plaids, stripes,
and solid colqrs. Wearers of nobby
neckwear buy where they can get the
newest goods Begin the sale at 25c.

is needed to keep you warm in these
changeable days. The styles change,
our stock changes with them. We in­
troduce tbe latest. Our $8.50 suits are
up-to-date goods. The same way with
our fall over coats that sUrt at $10.00.
They’re the swellest goods sold.

Received each week. "The Market
Place" by Harold Frederic: fourteen
different books by Chas. M. Sheldon, in
both cloth and paper; "The Black
Douglas" bv S.R Crockett. $1.40; -Pris­
oners and Captives" by H. S. Merriman,
$1.25: ‘ That Fortune" by C. G. War­
ner, $1.40: others soon as published.

The Hannah A Lay Mercantile Co.

TKM Momnafo skooxx>. tcsbi^at. ssKnuun. le me.

“jlPlMS ^RiFTEE.

SUU dVem«

VVnvnvrvtKrwvt wwrwwir wloFiM.


IomMIiM at Waat taj «ttb vator
Ws><aaU7 »ara far aw tt jmm baafa.
lart&OO yaara tor ttet mattar. aad hr
I Mud toaafal aad ak^aaal vbaa ba
lateUwrrdaayBaaWof Ua eoaaen
frora atbarwtoa. Bat if tba paopto
I wara boaad to fo to Baat baj. tbaa t;

When yon buy und weur

« M»en
who to as ottM U U*
VmiM* nimUn to tb« laawfaet eo^lUoa o4 “*
totm mwolTT w4 tet ta I. Cte ' STw7»lL“
tha IM( jmr. km tau appilsud la- ,*»•,!
-r—Trmmilril that a atae I*
Aldarmaa Moatacaa aaked
»wa«*ar <rf MUMMtka M Ua Waai i,ea alpa ba alaead la ola« of Hi a x
*" **™^V^**J****
Pout aitUtary aeadaay.
When we edvertiM a thoe at $3 00 you wlU set
aad care aa arfanrat
Ear J. a. larlto of Ua Plrat Praaby praaeet aatU tba ImprorrBnt e
▼aloe recelTed. We are no experiment is the ehoe
lariaa abaiab of Pato^. iwdrM oa be*adr. tba aawar ha flatbed fra- j with faeU aad flcnrro wbleb carried
■aacaat of aar?ooi troob;aa lodaaod by ^aaatly to oraracMBo tba d.Sealty an- eoarietioB with tbe*. Be arcaed the
trudr—We do Juet ae we udFertiee or refund you your
araroeca. Ba hM fUad maay laotaia tUtbelmproreaiaatooaldbe aB.etad. Crea*. ImoertaDccof eaoUoa la deeld
lac on each a reat eatoiprtoe and de­
OQgaiwaiuti aad haa atoo «om a aaat The mooMBcdatlon waa adopted.
clared tb t be weald aae erery In
Mooat of litarmry work. Altboayb
I of tba
bceonld eomaiaad to defeat
Vat 10 yran of ofa. bo haa baaa paator
tbepropoalllon paeaed by tbe eonaeil.
tban far alybi yaara aad to Mach lorad
tba nayor and ooaaell for aaflreUac Ha preaantrd flearra which ba bad eo*'bybto paopia.
t3 look ap tba matter of dri qarnt
Mora foraat prodaeta baaa boap ably doCB, exptalalaf tbtt wbaa tba aiatiar pHad from reliable aoaroea. abowinc
pad fro* Boat Jordan tUa year than waa ratarrad to bi* ba thoocbt It all a that tbe ayate* adroeated by Bafter
lid east the city nMr'y P300.000
arar bafora la one aanoo*; yat tba aay joka. Bat after oartoaa dallbart
wnlle a direct prraaare ayatem wmiH
p'ydora not 0^00! tba damaad. All he bad laaraad that It waa a «
coat leu thanplSO.000.Hto arcament iatbaall a ara raaalaf fall tl*a aad raallty aad that ibo 1
awaa of tba* nicbt aad day. Man ara aboald be eUealy loobod atlw. The e ndiac prraoaalcoDBOBta aad detailed
If yon went the brpt S3.60 shoe sold in the city. We
via tbto psaearoe aad wapaa blph. Hm sootbiy aaolocy waa cneetally aeoeplod aad
have it We ehow ell new style toee end lest of *99
pay roll of tba Beat Jordan La*ber be wai allowed more Unto to look ap oer. and is worthy of stody.
Af:rr A drnnaa Moatacae had presCa for wafOB alone to PH.000.
eatad bto Arcament Alderman Lardie
At BaciBaw Satorday aft<raooa
dOBlo ClaiBa Allowed.
with bto next move, which
Aacaat Baehbolr waa plUad at the
A bill of API ao proaeated by C'>y provided for Immediate action by thr
fraanboBBe of Wiitia* Boatka. by
NB*oer»rS-.»oy. waa allowed. $3T.» board of pablie worka to teenre eit
aoMlac la erauet with a lira wlrw. A
aatoDot beiac for aapald
.■tee npon the coaatractloa of a
s aad aa eloetrie Ucbt wire
tbe amouate to be add^ tu
muleie system aeerwdiac to tbe
ereaaiidand aat the eirei oa fra, and
tbe tax roll.
oevvioak reaolntioa. as follosrs:
la aita*pUaf to axtio^aiah It. Boeb
B^lve'.. that Mie board <of pa‘ e
hoItca*c la eootaei with tta wirea
.> k' of thU : ty. be and to faervbj
n HasUacs favored t‘ e n *b. and
aad «aa laaiaaUy kiUad. Oaatara
qa* t -d to proceed with all <
Boiion It was decid'd that th' Pt»S for tbe roller, wt're allowed.
Oraaaewaaaararaly aboebed in dracispatrb. u> determine as to >e parileincll aboald attend. Tbe state fair
The etataaont and pay roll of the nUr kind and qaaeta'T of i iterlal to
Clor the dead *aa away from the
toe nseo ta>-refur. In sn-jh constraetloa. will be oe at the aamr time, tncetnrr
board of pabltc worka called for P1.401
namerous ether iadueomeaU. and
:o which oaa ordered paid.
Two yoaac otaa. aa»ad Wonda aad
oas resolniloa passed at this mreiiar.
The. bUto of Mrs. M. J. Boleomb. sad i*> eet-mste In detail tie nrohable It to likely that Traverae C ty wi'l have
Daly, ofTawaa City, wbllo beatiac
ieo. B. UtUaad Mia N. W. Hill, for expense and cost of snsb works, aad of a dtotioentohed reprvaeatatloa.
tbelr way on a freicht train ware bad­
> Boon aa tbe andlea*e saw that th«
trials tn oe used therein, and
rebate 00 eraent walka, wera allowed.
ly iejarod aa tba train parted and
ree-wd thereof la their rfliee water works cot t owrvy was aetGed.
What a visit to our msn’B de­
BlC Batch af VblM Ordered.
eaaa tocetbar afala. Daly died of bla
ise to be prepared. ai fares oec- they made a sUmprde for the door,
Tbecoaalttaaeaatraeu aad walks essary. place aad speclfleatlooa for aad tbe eooneH soon adj >amed.
partment is likely to present
saeb water works, and report tbeir de. Tba Sontb Ar« Oa aad the O. R. A ptaaealad a bic batch of dea.iripUoM 'ermiaatlon and estimates in this neeaMieCELLAMEOUa WANTS
to your view when you know
I. railroad company baro aboot oonaa- wbara new walka were aeodad and e I at the n»xt recnlar oonacU meeUscBoeoived farther. That
' '
matad a daal by which tba tormrr wUl othaia repaired aad
that such firms aa tbe Steinbe and to hereby directed
cat all of Darld Ward'a hardwood they ba ordered boilt. The raoca:
■rarsmit a copy of these re
landa waat of Alha. aad the Utter will dsUoa was adopted.
Ck*<E OtLa-S
■rrm.H ksaS
aald board of pablie works.
Bloch Co., Hart, Schaffner &
f rvurr. kc-t a j.sir u( livhl aWii
Lliar la tbe aaaaUn Aldarman Baitb
cat tba Ward rallread. Tbto railroad
Aldermrn HoaiectoC and Parker were ' Mra. Krrr. Wr Bmadnl- b-«v
haebaanbaUtiora aawber of yaara. aeked that paratoaion ba cfUM<l The the only ones eaetiac aecatlve voiee,
Harx. Kolb & Son. and others
kM. «<e WalMIrr
bet narar operated Tbto wilt cl*« UaaaabA Cay Co. 10 Uy a ee;
and the reeo'aUon was adopted
are represented in our now
the Bomtb Ar* Co. oootrol of one of walk aloDC tba property of tbe Pak Alderman Moatacne moved that the nret loquirc or to-ivtirr S Xajbure. Til ls*
RAt-a-n.-nor AMt IM St? •• ■•Mrrtr
tbeflaeettracto of hardwood la Mlcbtq lotion of direct prestare or a resei TJkORr»r»st.
Trtracr Lsso blnrk no* or H
la l stock-no old styles-incan. aad will cUe the town raUroad Craatad.
voir ayatem be aobmated to a vote o Sf>*-i Inrktl u ID lb* rlii. » Hb »s».rt»D-* k*
WfE lavalrt kl boDD* o* BstvkD nfll**. Til
The Water Wotkt Oaeatloa
eoaBaaleatioa with tbeoatalde world
ft-r'or goods nr poor fits are
tbe peoole Aidcrmaa Bastlacs moved
Joao^ B Browaiac of LoaiarilU,
aa amendmeat that tbe qaeaiioa of
I r LasisfKs-.
not sent out by the msnufac**«r*.iuir*« Tti tf
rMoral bocchfa maetor of the Unito- of reatUe baainaee Aldermaa Lardte Bast bay or Weal bay be sebmitted
rllla aad NaabTille rmUway. waa foand eaae forward with hto reaolntlaa pn> a vote of tbe people tbete were d
tu ers whom we represent--Tidiac that tbe aaoawary atapa be ia>
easerd with vicer aad flially Alderman
It's tbe latest and best with these firma
moraine at tba
eatiiaate Ko. « of Batier's report. The Moatacae withdrew bto motioa wbea
aeiha* waa tb
CHy Attorney Dodc* explained that
menaara to ee foiiowt:
years of ace.
VVHxaaa*. by raooletlon of this eoooBrantlea.
cll, auopteo at a recnUrDeeUac Uieie aacb proeeedinc.withoo- r««cinciac the
®*'' I""'
Harriet btadera. U« oae-rcar c'.6 of. oo tbei bday of Septc*t>er. A. O action already taken. AlOertaan Moa- *-kr,>o rhjt.
low. It wa> declared axpaaleat to
'BCae indelced in heated dhcakslon in
daacktarofUao. Bandera of Intarloch- euneta •yklcm of water worlu far
co.dladSatardayof stoaaob tronble. use of ttau city, aad tbe inhabit
which he stated that it aopeared that' “
Tae rcmalat wara Ukea to Cedar thereof, with tbe eoeree of water .... toe will of tae taxpayer was to bei™’*
BpriacaforbarUI. Mr. Bandera form­ ply and tae locaUoa of pampiac aia- inrottied. Alderman Lardie replied I
tdOD as toercin Mtted;
erly raaided In thtoeilpvith iqesl vebemeace dec'arinc that!.;.«
It u therefore hereby reeoUitd,
In addition to tbelr aoeial party
Thai all tbe aeoceeary steps be takes ckere was ao ioleciioB oa the-part ofj
Tharaday nicbt.U Poraateim- hall, the Si eu-iy sc praeltcanie for tae coo anyoa- to do otherwise than stady the !
When you buy awheel
IS of t >e ciiy sod i I rflori.
Craaeaat band will ci«e an oyster anp
of water woru. a* sforeeeid. in accord- made to keep sdlAbe facts from pablie
par U tbe dUlnc room. The aapper enoewltb
you want to know who
wUI be in ebarce af the motborn of 4ta. lew. aad tae report, n-coffimeadc- view. After Aidcrmaa ilm.lh calmly W'"“"
tba boya LmI year theae erenu wi
uoak. draoente, plaae.‘ kpecifloetioDk stated that the matter caold not be
the maker Is—wben you
end detaiicJ drawtaca. app.ic.bie U- kanmitlcd to tbe people aat 1 every
rary popolar
'BsUmave Mo.
' referred tu. aadcoaknow that, that tells you
The Craaeant band to praparinc tor tkiDcd thrrem. made by H P. .Vjrto Item ot expeaac of conaU-Dctioa was
tbelr Aral aoeial party «f Ue
rap. city euc-»e<'r. aao W«o W Bafter. Dpecifled. tbe arenmenu sahdded aad i
whether it is up-to-date
baflren in Poroetar'a ball Tbnraday cuakOiUoc rociaeer. to aad for the otner btttinesa of thcaenatua waa taken ! ''""j"'''
arpa^. Itwill baaaoi.ityableaoeUl
and thoroughly reliable.
celled, appoiaied eader a rreoloUan of
More XcBUDC Work.
aranv aad maele will be fnmuhad by thikooaaco. Oeeoaber «ih. icwe. aae
Prof. MarUneb. Piwt Bufleas aad reported by said coBiaiUee to tab
Tbe mayor appoiatod oa tbe board
It's tbe same way with
coonoil. t «ebber with tbelr rwom of school in»pei.tjri, to aaeeeed Prof
Crorce Te mliac.
Tber* will be a meatiac of tbe Uai aseadationk laereeaoA. at a recnlar C. T. Grawa and E O Ladd. P, C.
clothing. Look up any
mrotiBC Ihewif
oa Jbdf
fora Baak. K of P.. Mo. U. this ereo- la»7. aad September lJU. i«»T. auo U ibert aad Prof. C. B. Hornclothing authority and
lac at a o'clock eharp. A fall attaa- Which aald rrporu reouBtarncationt.
Mayor Hamilton also appolated fir danee to dcaired, a> bosiaoM of Impor draapht'. pUat, epeciflcatioai ai
wardens aa follow,: Kirat ward. Fire
see who are the leading
Uiled drawiaca. are a >w on flie
t ace to to be traaeaeted.
odHce of the city eacmeer of said eiiy. Cbirf; Beoond ward. P. P. Greer; Third
then come here and let us
Ber D. Cochlla preached a powerfal
Tbto eetimaie. it to well to aoticc. ward, b tCrataer; Fourth ward. P O- . 1CV< Lt «l
aermoB on tbe Dreyfui affair Sunday
show you their products
• i«biiI
does not coDleoplate tbe nee of any Marvtn: KitUi ward. ward. W M.Cimltbereainc. Be care the latk of borne
Tbr apocihUBrats were confirmed.
of tbe tyatem bow ia nee U leeeity.
llfsiaFraaeeaa tbe eblef rMoa tor
The m-mberahip fee of >10 for rep- sd'i'i
AJdermaa itarriaoo at oace moved to
tbe mtoBaaaceB.ent aad dtoprace of
-ettnoutioa In the leac>r of Miebican
adopt tbe rculaUoo. aad tbe
tbe Dreyfoa trial and tbe crento that
Miaitiptl lies, of wiieh Mayor Bam
enpported by Aidcrmaa Smitta.
lad nptoH.
Aldcrtaan Moatacee wa« oa hto feet iitoe it a member, was ordered paid.
Tbe camplnc party eompoend of
Mayor Utmiltoo explained tbe Imp ir;>
ia aa iaitaat a%d ieq tired bow
Cyatbto K>yoi. AdaMonicoaery and
T9tat erere rrqolred to paie tbe ruolo- saee of tbe meeiiak to be held next I e^-asE-Hr. Msib. a onFranc Uace has reiaraed to tbe city
Uon. City Attorney Dodee stated that week la Grand Bapids and arced the i
fren Lyog Lake.
iH'io .-n-1 k-d*i-oation. Alder
only a maioriiy wai necessary. Fbete
Dr. E L Ashton had tbe mtoforpaae
to iejare bto foot eerarely Sonday by ap^n A'dermaa read aa extract from
; Rwoaeot
ateppiac apoa a aalL Tbe nail pane- the charter which be declared eon
templated a two-lhirde vote to p—*
People who have once worn
tralad tbe foot batweaa tba aaoond aad
tbird toe. infl«Ua^ an ucly woead.
(be celebrated
queUoB Mr.
Tbe racalar aaonal meet Inc of
Trareree City Chapter, No. 140 of tbe Uoppaaincthe naolntlcn. arglnc tbe
Order of tbe Eaetera Star wUl be bald care Beeeeaary to he exerctoed la uk
tbto aranlac. fbe raenUr alectloa for lac the aeeewary steps to cat the
tbcaaeoUc year will take place at water works plant estabitobod. Be
spoke of the eaatloa exerctoed by
tbto meetlBC. A fall
ll«.b.,.,n „k,d U b. pr™—!
o< bond. Ud U,,
rlcMeeratlBCClaaatodetaitoof cre>y
prepared tn pay tbe ttgolor 1
step t^B by the ofieiato aniborirec
Aldermax Cook
Mra Biccadied at »;W last alcbt at the work.
Will wear no other |
A Veunf Sirt’s ExpMl«nM.
the borne of Mra Urorar. near Bdc«- to a point of order aad Mr. Montane
My daacbtWa nerve* wen WvrUdy out ef
kind. It is in t
thia and weak.- in* leeM
vaod. of netbma and heart traabU. was declared to be oat of order, bat wder. s<b(• was
• b*T. and abe was wakeful at


ah* ted taken oe* pai sag*
class by itseif.
Deeeaeed came with ber baabaad U not not antil after be bad expressed Dtcttt. Btfore eh*
himself with considerable fore*, ex
■enrabof health, aboat three
'tbat ^'ebaid be^y ht'Utu !Or (he
ato'Cc'aiock^^t.TO Cuj** *
The best made, the
SCO ' Tbe body. wUi betaken to tbe|F^^^
Ee bad looked ap the
j WOB RtLX-CaDk or .nsiaUewcta. S fise leu ' i
best fitting, the
wBiere^nlSbl—Mr*. LocyMcSatt.
X ic Oak BnybU. oe EwSib. Oraet. Bslee \
eld borne U Leasinc.
Uyal aUtns of the ease aad beUered
I Valter,
I aod a«e sir**i. ae« HaDUak a*niB«. noae #
A cemeot w^k to beiac IaW ndjtceBi be knew as mach as aay Uwyer abont
most comfoitable
l•o•*sl leu
lou ic ik*-Sol*
lb* wbal* pim.
plu LJbI
--- ------------------- *lT«lot.andaIldia , ot tb*
h.U,*raiidKtd- .
btfo*ail ra*b. laaBlr* bt Beri
to the reeideoee beiac oceapled by J. some tbiaca. Tbe vote sras takes and CM**^lb*S*rv
be andKtc. 4
<aT Bam
neys. SoidbyA
durable under­
Q Jobsaon.
tbe reaoletlon pnaeed by a sou of T to
wear on tbe market. It gives
A oemeat walk to beiac baUt en 1. Alderman Momiacae. Parker aad
flute atreel adjacent to tba Pare Place GreUick toObc !■ tbe attire.
universal satisfaction and we
Aldermen UasUace voted for the
recommend it to all our trade.
reeoUUoa. bnt arter it was adopted
Bemoeee everytblac in alcbt: eo
diaetk Biaeral pUto. bat both
- are - Ml «hPt to block (be bastaM U tbe
aai^ty daaceroas Ko need to draaiBril. bat be .was opposed to Eut
Biw yoar body when Dr. Kiac'e Kew bay es a soaree aad he
Sole a^&ts for Trev^rco City
uuk—tK \e
And dTAtsATfl, tbe UAVue. \9c.
Life PUto do tbe work eo easUy aad
I Beadaobe^^
eada^ OoMtipa- wca'd exerctoe every effort to defrat
Mon. (iulyWaaema
at J. Q. Jokttsoa'a
torfllW.bad&B. Walt's drac

..The Cyrano Shoe,.

Don't Overlook
The National Sltoa


liaFroit Street

The Olil Reliable Shoetnag

I You Can Anticipate




Top tots in Latest Patterns and Colors.



Hamilton Clotliing Co.


^OT ttie bo^6.


Wilhelm Bros.


19, IBB>.

^buckles’ Coffee

&«iv«T8.V tCeesk

I* the Standard of Coffee Excellence by which all Coffee Quality Ie Compared.'

of ,ihe« •« wUboot
I—-* Altfaoock aMTly all we ChM4laMtt«7»Ulb« aklpM ^
•oead at the espeaae of tba (’sited
•UMB fovarawesv
AM adobe boaee dre atllw from If ora.
«. M.. eiiiapeed Ian Satarder airbt,
fcUUaf Maooel Oerdera. bit wife aad
alxatUdres. It bad been lalalaf la
dbat TielBiV for eereral da/e aad tbc
4irt raof of the boaee, bariaf boeeme
oatarawd. fell oa tb« iaoiatei eraeblsf

WhiU WkM •« T«r Srnv.

best es»Kh remedy <m eanb. t-ure* m cold
1C dev if taken in time. S>*nd50cu.

wbo was in our city last season, will
once more favor tbe cilisSne of Trav­
erse City with tbe superb production
Borysn bas a
of -Camille" Bite Bory
_ . toat tbe 1
dotal performanoee that tbb city bae
bad this season. Numerous epeclalUee will be ictroduerd. Don't (all
to bear Hr. Buswl in tbe yrand and
Uiostrated Bonyt. "Robt^'* Rayyed
Shoe." "Moth and the Flame." and
"Tbe Storlee Bother Told Me."
Don't furxet tbe dpte. Seiorder. SepUmber S3, at the City Opera aonse.
Popular prices. 15. 35 and a oentn. 8

FaU Opening.
. hew and -baminy dcaiya* in taU
and winur baU at Wood SUteiu'.
Openiny Friday and Saturday. 741 »t


Sadarad l>aatb‘a Agooiea.

Real Estate, loctiooears,
'Tradeis, Moaer loaaers.

I ofteo ao yreai
- Cooeoaiptlos wholly cored bim.
TtaU marreiooe medicine it tbe only
knows cure (or Aatbma aa well ai
-Canaomptioa. Cooyhs aad Colds, and
•U Throat. Chest aad Lane trooblea.
PrleetOcaDdfl.OO. Gnarantaed. Trial
MtUm iOe at S. B Walt and J. O.
Johaao Pro* Storea.
Bad Bo Bicbt to Ball l.iqaor.
Jamea C. Braai is now is Oraad
.Bapids. awnUac trial on tbe ebarse of
aellinf llqnor wtthoot a lieeaee. Be
wae arreeied In Boyse Falls, and
broaybitotbU city by U. d. depoty
narmsstl, sod arrsyaed betora a H.
Commiaaloser Lorin Bobene yastar4*y. Id dalsolt 0(4300 he was bound
over to the L'siiad dtatca dbirict
irenca Is Grand
rae fl<
>n arreaied

Womaa'e Tronbiaa
Ara ttaoal'y tbe reenlu uf aa esbaostad oerroasayetea which can be
fully reetored by tbe mee of Dr. A
Chaw's Sarea and Blood PtUs. Wc
made aereow and Irritable by
weeUny dweawe wbieb drain tbeir
eystem Cod new life, new viyor.
eoenry. in Or A. W Cbeee'e 5eree aad
Blood Pllla. tbe wwld't yr*ateat blood
aad noree boUder.
Bmma bardie la Daad.
The trieads of Miea Emma I, Lardie,
daorbter of P. F. Imrdie of Uapleton.
will be yriered to learn of her death
' which oocnrred on Satarday artamoan
Bbe bad been 111 fora lony time with
coaBumptioD bcl wae (oil of eonraye
and would not yire op until within a
day or two of bor doatb. Doceaaed
wae 70 yean old. Tbe funeral wiU
held today at the Catbolie etanreh
Hapieton. Father Baser cfidatlay.

’a«aaid*y After
y the hotal at Bwah-UOaWet
wania wUI dose after the amt erneeesefnl eeaeon In the history of the
popular resort. The summer has bM
ll<wly aad p'eseaat for the elelioee aad
tba hotel and eottaye* bare been -dUed
all tbe eeasoa. Over oue baadred ap- .
pUeanm tor acoommodatioa at tbe horetoaod boeauM of it* crowd­
ed eaadltioe. althoayb Ooloael Smith exerted every effjrt to make ruom for
Kelt year Ineiuaeed teeillUee wlU
be added aad sevorwl new eottayee wiU
be built, plans havinc already been
etartad tor aeeeeeery Improvemeaia.

____ minptem Curw-WnnMTs

nal for the "roayb
tbe reecee Bat tbe.
and tbe wind blew tbe bUte eca'ut
Jerry. aetUac arc to eb eloibea Be
era* aorcamiBC in afoor wbeo the
-roarb ridart" arrtred aad kicked tbe
boroTBr brand* away. Then Jerry
raleaeed and tnkep borne.


BoM at Vc-eb-ta-«*ata WUlOloaa

Bew Btehlyan' Fhenoe.
Tbe followiny phone* have boas
added by the Miriilyaa Telepboao Oe.
aod not tHe Korthem aa aanonaeod la
tbe Bneoan reeenily:
161. SrinysW. GtuUlak. etora, Uralllekvlllk
I8t. Victor Petertyl. realdenee.
riS. Cba* B Petenoo, realdenee.
t«t. W. J. Moryan. rueldeaee.
t&o. M B. Eenaey A Soa. aeed trarehoDse.
351. Anyue MeCol), reaideaes.
«sr. Wnrxbury. earnplc rtwma.
tts. CapL J V. Mclnuwh. reeldonm.
334. William Foste, realdenoe.
301. John Gmnd. realdenee.

At Drarar. Col., f
people crowded the ctatc eapiiol
ffroaade basdar to attead a memorial
oerrlee is boaor of Colorado rolasloera
who died is tbe Pblllppisea Ae tbe
«ol* of Ibe torn baaner were asfarled
ibe r^imratal bead played -‘Mwrar
My Ood to Tbee." while womeo wept
•sd atea bared aad bowed tbelr beada
U rerareaUal bomaca
A bead of t'Uub ladiaae bare left
thdr rwetratioB la U ab witboot perwlaaloB to beat in Colorado, ie rlolatloB
of Um note came laws It ie feaied
that tbe CiBUHa will be j Jlaed by tbe
Oorayt a»d raeompabgree, aod tbe
latter will aerk to be areared oo tbe
•etUen (or tbe klllisf of tfarre of their
«ribe is a battle with rame wardeoe
two yearm ayo. Tbe yoreremeot bae
appealed to the aathoritlee at Waab
leytOB for a detail of I'eited dtatea
troopa to eS>rd protection.
At Cbieeco little Jerry O'tfeil.
yeara old. played be wae e ••pa'e-faoe
acoot” Soedey and teo oUter boyi aa
bloodlblraty Iodlaoa.bBracd bin at tbe
atake in tbe prairie at PorUeth and Ro­
bey etteeta. Tbe doctor aald after tbe
p^ormance waeorer aod litUe Jerry
bad been carried borne, that with prop­
er care be woald reeorer. Tbe bo^
wbo were plariBf tbe part of lodlaoi
eaarbt Jerry CrNeU and be wae lied to
baea drireo Into t
a poet that bad

shad loloceSiOO bail.


FOB SALE—658-80 acre farm See
mileeoaton pdniosaia. 50 acree un­
der enltlvaUoe. 8 acre* orebard. yood
bonee and bam, doe epriny water,
about 1.300 eorde of stove wood on
the 66 Tbit la a barya<n aad about
one half what it ie worth at price
riven Prl<-e »I 600
FOBSALE-e»7—ne W see 3139 13
about 40 aeree eeoar, tmlanee second
euttiny hardwood. Lay* about two
and ooe-belf mils* from Good Bartaor,
Leelanau county. Pries S3 anaow.
Price MM.
t)E SALE-651—Far

1 O. F^ InitiauoaW. A- Croneb, deputy eupreme cb'ef
rssyer of-th« I. O F. has bees is tbe
city (or tbe past two weeks. Dnrlsy '
that time be bat lakes 3t) appUotiooe
aembenblp lo tbe lodye. with an .
ayyreyatc Ineurasoe of |A3 ooo.
Tbe I'yml nouri ie arranylny (or tba]
initia’i''" ' tie a-w raembenat tbe >
boM O a t. !• la •soeel '
ed that »
' H.or
Donald «... b« Lere fruis Bu>UTyoa. a*
well aa otbar biyh I O F. ofisera. Tba |
Jaekenn deyrec team will conduct tbe '
IslUatii n


Baby Scaem*.
Ber. M F R»e. of 133 Slzteestb
atreet. BuSaln. K Y , eaye^ “Our baby
boy suffered yreatly with itehlny ee»ems. A few apslleattose of Dr A W.
Cbeee'eolstmest stopped tbe Kehiny
and healed tba sores and a briyfat nat­
ural skis sew takee tbelr plaoa." Dr.
Chase's'C^aUneul is an absolute care
(or atllilcblny, bnrniny skis diseases,
aad is ih^world's yreateat tkin beasU-

atv4 txcWwt dtbV^Tii
'^UcVi 'Drt&s
h\.%h Vo
&0 otT 'it.ri..

i.yn. 'w.i.v.uw.
Morse Bros. House Fainters
Glee them a csll-

483 N. Elmwood Ata

Good tor 15 Days
The Best on earth.
Goaranteed for 10 fears.

The Btyiny Fires of Bcaema
Are quickly qo«ebed by Dr. A. W.
Cbeac'e OintmeoV the world-famcua
TbeBly Bew Dock.
..$j.00 up
remedy for Itehlny skis dleeaeee. A
Gold Fillings..
Work on tbe new dock of tbe Oeal |
pemeei of tbe yratefnl letten reeaired
from eared ones would eooTiaee tbe Wood Dish Ca bm been eomm'efiad. | Platinom Fillings....................75c op
il that Dr. A. W. Chaae’e
lb pile
..........50c up
“ I Filling.
U eiucweeful when aU other
lare bees tried lo eala. It wlU at srork drlriay the piles, aod tbe work White CIOWB8.
.250to 3.00
only coat you y eat* (or a larye box. srUllepoabad. It U axpectad that tba
atrseture will be i
I In aboot J 22 karat gold crowna. .3.00 to 3.50
three weeks if tbe
4o» ■« I Bridge work............3.00 per tooth
Borray and Back-* <
Paialean extracting and filling
ulyaoi’ Qall’ eomedy company trill ba
Taa Brauuey of Woman
tbe naxt attractiod at Btaiabaryb
witbont gaa, cbloform or ether.
Graad Opera Bouea. it wUl ba praWas yrandly shown by Mrv John
Terma caab.
aeaiadUtbU city Twaday anniay.
owtlny of BoUer, Pa., in a three
yania’ atmyl* *tite a mallyant stom­
Oct ».
ach tronbte that cnasad distrcaelny
aad lad^ttM.
Oonar Ftoat and Cam Baneta,
d to reliese her until ebe
aara-on Friday trM Baetrie Bitten. Aftar takiny It
Bendlc Block.
mt tall to aaa two montha. she wrote: "I am now
wboay eaiud and can eat aaythlay. It C. C. Ledtor, Manager.
tbn.- __________
to tnuy a yrand tonic for tbe whole
eyetam asl yained to walybt end te«l
1» «o «tjk.
yer einoe ariny it" It aide
I baea rueatrad a oOMln
•yaters and am pe^awd
Asm la any a»la at aty laMaaraat
tta BoMl )TbM«|.
K. Walt's dray etocaa
Jon BirTbuutA.

A Good Move
When we changed from tbe old McNamara store
to the larger and better lighted store in tbe Beadle
Block. 167 Front street
Leaa rent. leas expense means blner bargains for
all purchasers of footwear
We were lucky in getting a email stock of nearly
all up-to-date aboes at a price that enables us to sell
them St a saviiig of 85 to 36 per cent
Men’s box calf h
eavy eole 64 00 eboe for ........... $2 76
Ueu'e tan Boaeian calf, winter weight 14.00 eboe
................................................................. $8 76
Men’s RoaeiaD colt skin, leather lined, 3 eol«e.
♦4.00 eboe for................................................. $8.60
Men’e rid kid. leather lined. hett7 sole $4 00
ehoe for.............................................................$2.60
A lot of men's fine shoes that ws arlU sell st 98c,
$1.86, $1.36, $1.48 and $l98-«aod valoe# from 60c to
$1.00 a pair more.
Tbeee are all specials for this week The balance
of the McNamara stock at less than half price.
Boy’s and girl's school shoes at very low prices,
and all good and solid.

Bargain Shoe Store

Bealls Blook

boose. 3 larye barns, all necessary
sheds and oot-bonaca. all (arm tool*,
reapera, mowetv. binder, plonybs.
drIUa. barrows, farm brweea. 3 eowa,
a poftioo of tbe crorw, farm wdll wa­
tarm at abc
three end on
FOB SALE-A46 10-acre farm 1H miles
west of Monroe Centre. Good eevea .
room bonse, small bam. aix aerea
under eulUvatlon. Price, >500.
FOR SALE—643-95acre 'arm one
mile from Old Mlarien. 33 acres of
bearlny orebard. larye modem bonam
two bams, stone basement, wind
mill. Bulldiny* east nearly wbai
we aak for (arm. Owner bae other
buslnew. benee very low prioa.
Prlee, M '.oo.
FOB SALB-M2-53 acree 3l4 mllea
southwest of tbe city, 33 acre* under
enluvaiioo. yood frame bam, land
clay loam, well watered. Land no
better wltkin 6U reds sold lee* than
a month ayo for$5S per acre. Price
ofthepieoeleesihan 417 pw acre.
Price. M40.
ance timber land mostly eeeond enltlny. wm ezebanye (or city property
and yive yood deal. Owner has bunines* In ibe city.
‘OB SALE—635—13 acres Just onUlda
the city limiu. Two acre* fruit,
balance unimproved. Price. 4600.
Tbe above are s few of the baryaloa
that we have in improved and unim­
proved farm and (arminy land Every
ooeareharyalnsandcan be bouyht
suit you. B
le to un>
about all the bnslneae
Fair treatment, rlybt
srill triftlte
tell t) riybt way te
tbe lony run. Call oa m for anything

OoroSecU at 3il rrewi Mrsvt. ej
will swear sir* SI the bon« <





1 in 8tor« Ldngthn.

Also Four Foot Mopl* Blnba and Edgings.

'Wade Bros.

Traverse City Lumber Co. n i Fran Si

Op Snlri

taa aoMTOo ttooiB, toiitiAY. savtaitsiB, it iite,
I AOiMBimoi Do^~

Miff l> jUii|i
•MO TO M Tout or ALL TMt

PndHTvUlfKMBJrNUXclEhM' w* f«u4 tbe



ilch hafflad
la “

rotoM «bl
aaya 1
tha Bl.-IIob. EaHja Aablra la iba Na- |
Itoaal Bartow, ladard. bot onlr Ototr. I



AMMtlac to tha o
rev —
be psrdtotsd.
Vbtch MjyroTO
approrm u
to uia
tha Cao
--------------^ aamg
-------- • ocher ------•—
toUicawa. tha tto paMad by iba EnaTtoita.1ati of tt>a ptofiia to Cakvtta


IM twtoiiw to thfwa drcaoarwa day* and tha daatb of a fnat prina mtota«itototoa at toaai 2D par rant at aand. tar


In Enmpa.


yrar tha



ibe RrlUob Hon. and ba a acme of perprtoaJ warfan-.''
Aa for Lady Carson: 'flbe la pnaarmed of greater good omens.

pay one penny or eren one-balf penny prirmte
a pound mure for lb wboleoale. you can :thanka of U>ni CursMi and Intimating
prt exeelleM lea. Cblim or tiidlnn.
'at the aanie tlnxdeep Intereai
“Chins tea u nut aotd now to tbe ' witb «rbl<-b tbe |•mll^ona t ■IV pe•newt M owed Vo be. 1 can rememlier I ttued. Zadkb-I'a great ambition,
I. If b«

•ay that tbe tea merebants have l>een
deceived Is sliaunt—tlM-y always Imy
Witb dteir eyre often.
When a merMant bays l.UW pouotto ofUea wiita
•bout aiu itonnds of earthy matter and
•and. be knows perfectly weU what lie

mute rdmatbiii In the year ITfki, and
It Is most appniprlalely a meet In the

It U


food la bought up.


article of

Tbe batchers eome

tn. perhaps, for tbe largest share of '
roatom. as flesh, eoperially smoked
Bam. Is to univertal demand.
among ail rlaases of tbe cornmnnliy Is
todlspenaahle for tbs breaking of tbe
fast and tbe due celebration of the
Oyed eggs a

Hwm to n-ad and write;


pri-a.-blug the gospel.


The paska is made of curds, pyram­
idal to abs|ie. and roatalns a few
rmialaa, and. like tbe former, has alae
• paper ruse inserted pn the top. Tb.-se
are Bine qua non for Ibe di^ obM-nr- ■

per* by tbe bwding deaf Bi0l<-a of dlf eliaru.HT was. Hie ottoe dav. deliver,
fervnt nailunalKlea -ntist.urg .Sews, lug IU» usual le.-tiir.Into tin- bs-ture

I riaKii preweiith tvBlki<d RIciKir ll.-rtiel,
r«ek righUas.
I, wril luMiwu lluuuui dipiiM. aiul UABhongb Parts has taken w> kindly gan b. llaieu and to stare at tbe poet

enck flghttng. and a Parisian has with its- m<ao luli‘iis>- liitenwt
I'ar•ACP Of I'lualer. bat what rrlatlou they 1^.
lled a tottlve Irird that fled from Its duccl., eirtaim.-d that he d<may I

*7 tbe dislingutsbed rtlUe«l to la- |.la.-*al on a |uir w-lHi fa«f tto
•llbouab to maur oilier nwuecis there I
'*”■ *■
«“**“» tenors and dam-tog girls,
to a striking le^mblaiiie to tbe serafTsitto ** >» banlly to te exm-cted o>uW lx* aland at with iniioinlty.
Vice of Ibe temple to Jerusalem to tbe t
ritual of the KtM»o-Hr.ek cburcb.

»b-a.- In vogue «,„ib of tbe

•'ihlenta n> tnm the tmiubi
lllve d(1«Hv out »f the lecture ball, a

conttolf and the bes, flgbHjig corks to
bigj Eanqie. for great <are la taken to the

n-<iu.« which was cxecaled with (lxgn-ste« promptness and ■ - -

Dlemeni on Ibe subject of Rhakeopeare
and hta recent addreat to tbe boys of


iBe aty of Umdou arbotri was no egPDMIan tu this rnto
In .

«vild-abouldeiv,l tn


Because a siud) of bU pages *s
•e Beip. for Instann-. to ibr cxicnstoo

iralnlng of the birds.
■Im-wt wiiboot ex'BHr fight-

to nev.-r a qm-siliHi of running away;



gardens, i

tbertatog gaesreBmi

hr msy

4em and tbe setril sf Jasttrr: tt metie-

--- -----

.j opened area Inclodea «be pictntvsque Queen's conage. oo*e naed for picckn by the ro>-al family,
amid that beaaiiful Informal portion of
. known aa “tbe wildir^.
Vlaiiurs may
qmt tbe more formal walks of the b*>-

• tbe

A. W. Jahraus

City Opera House
0»I1 NiauT.


Northern Mich.
Transportation Co.

' sippl. Tbe cbati-.’e 10 the riv.-r systotn
I will
II Ibegin in sboat l.uuu yrwrs’ tim

Supported by a troupe
of phenomeDal
actors in

Pri«8-I6c, 25c bod 35c. IU•erved aMla om Me TJiundty

Wh; Dent T«o

Tbwy rami for IJXO raa.llm. or absal SASS
orpaau .'blldrwa, la» ywar. Wr'n got
‘•llux.jiu.1 like you. hlarruwd.

ruB n.*rw y«w«


mS *m«^ ^

5 ;S .5 IS

: sH?

I 5 :l

MtoW’. “

Meals and berth extra.

'"•‘flencs addoo-d by 1‘r.ifemcw (illsupport of ihi- propba. y i« of

Berths $1.00 each way



We ba>r M-wrr •aon. <haa elewa------ Tl
■Sul—(or tbe laul tdraytara trw’wr bad —«y

Aflordit! OfCMneyNfiu.
Tis eut iOin] u k ettkeii tt.
lully li,*IM la )ola witb wa.
I s-al raap. or to:
Headllos.ul. rra-

rchasers for ibe followlag and
■natif more too nnmeroua to tneatlon:
lloase St Hit West Fmat
I'tKi. one on Fiftti sirer-i witb all
linnrovemente tlHOO: one oa
Sixth. 8JT50; one on West Front, tSOOU;
•" Fifth, large b mse Sliwii: honae
ms. lot liHvriH ft. wi'b 7& bearing
mil treea. vest end south of Front
tn-t. IIOOO; one on East Eighth, imot
aetories. large lot. IDOO.

A Ttokitob QiMwUew.


O. H. writes toTbe Jimnikl: "Sbonid
yon aay, ' 1 made bim oungh $5.' or‘I
made biia cuDgb ap toV "
This 1s a ticklish qaestiem.

Tickets on sale Thors. Sept. 14.

Stesmer leaves Trsveme Citj- rver>

tnnatrly the slsng diciir uarioa. evaa
Farmer and Henley's, do not know tba

Honda}- and Thursds}-

slang pbntm. Nnr is there any allnidan
to it in tbe great Oxford dictioBury.


Throeceiiiuricssgotberewasi pbniss
"In coogb i Biiy onei w daw, fool, morao."
mcatJlog "tn uiske a fool of." sisu "to
prove oneself a fool. " bat this "eongh '*
may have been tbe <ibselele verb "ooogb"
or "cuff." lo pnrobase. soqnire, get.
And five centuries ago "to auogb" also
meant "to aii<r." "to diwduse," as in
tbt.-.ntwiee ■■'Tn make her

714 i:t

H. L A Co. Block


Fire Insurance.
li. D A. BnUdlnff.

Gas Lamp-- 4X COFFEE
11 Ibe for $1.00.

Price Bednced le Close Out Lot
Beat workmsosbip money
cen employ for bicycle
Bepeiring. Qiiick work.

Comyiesatieg AavnMwss.
Perry—That iw't moob of a tailor


In a >-raw. Banda; umratocs In Spain formed to I7flu by tbe mother of oau't reoogulxe a man tea fees away.—'
ate devot.'d to cwk-flgfatltig. Tbe re- Georg*- III., and to IMO were made a .OutetntiaUEuqaira.
moval of the m-ck fealbers and pf naHaoal InstHotlom Since then Hm-v
Tba rtfiawmeiniTodooed Into tbw Brit.
ntnriy all bat tb*- primary fi-atbers of beve slTonltd IxuuloDem_______________
sad eiaitnM
the wing* gives the b'rlw
I strange to Luodun a favorite n*>n. Tin- newbngioaing iff tbe

D can not Indicate wto-

Mad. by


popularity of

Ma&eoD Block.

Is becomiig popular, too. Jell tbe Woodmeo?
Ilia oarc.aure, ralUbls.
Biggest aod best 10 ceel clear
for tbe price.

BxcuniOD BtotM to Chicago

net pm of plan-even to a oommerrlBl
career, tbai "all the leoHins
osake for tbe finest manhood arv rawkrtoed In blm." 'iTile (-rAriaa goee
l« tbe root of tbe matter: aanllness la



cbarglng from tbe sutitburo end of Lake
Uithigsu mill the husiu of the Jkliasis-

aeeo fbe ticior fall dead tii. r Ibe dead cent throwing open to the public of a yon ve pstrooiung now.
body uf bis opputo-ni wbib anemptlog _part wbb-h tbe cruwn bad bitbeno reHargreavee—I know be Imt rnnoh
to rxprvwei tale dcarty boogtat trtompb aerved s> private. Tbe ganlena were
* fitter, bat be is eo abortaigfated be


Ttag Traverse Belle
The Favorite Sc Cigar

Some slow disugei
now taking place over Ibe whole
lake r^iob. The ea-tcru ontlet wilt be
closed, and the lakes drained by dla-

Df o«r trade with Cblne. lint Rlr
Henry claimed with Jnstlre that tbe
tMOMS tncalcaied by Rhakvapearc sr«

tbe iperial vinne wblcb It abonld b* appearan.e. made y.i uu.iv wirange by
Ibe ttooiie of every ooriety to calilratt tbe removal of tbe comb.
to tbe bnddlng cHlseA. and tbe panic- ,


at long l>efMr<- tbla (lIsaBU-r Is dne Ni

things tevtifled against ber. and also to
ooGgh ont tbe rest."
Wsdunotfiud anywhere alhision to
this moderti slang We oorselves regsrd
cl. wbo teturu.-.} it. how.-ver Canine "onugb
•‘onugb op'
op" a* tbe proper exprasnea.
cl being too okl to fight a duel tbe dels
and we use it when we are moving in
’tbe first and gilded drclea.—BoatoA
I Jonraal.

tb«-y fight it* the death. Travelers have EngUnd, has been Increased by tbe le-

Barnum & Earl.


to tbe .couttooed recession of Niagara
^rnfcNsrirG. H. Clllbeirt now tells ns

ie|"va*-ntaiive ..f tbe nation linm« sent an lusuhlng efiistle m Carduc.


well-.rained figbilng .*wks meet, there

1 Uva reeelvrd a anpply of the ln«eloM Petmkey Ueto melooi of wblcb
I have tbe eulnslve local agency

Tornnui and tlic rl< vastatiounf auutbcni
Unurio and (Quebec by a flood lu bsise
when (be great takes sreaiu{Ttiod owing

that w hich bad l»a-ti assumed for It hy
Kltzroy and Darwin. 233*1 feet, mol
l.isai fe.-t mote titan was elsliin'd

schools to America and Knro|HTlie
<:<iVenim<-Dt College for the Denf 1


Geology was o
deUned by
Rallsbt-ry ai "(be
lOca of tbe what
might have bcu.
Some Amcrii
gfiilogiris prefer to regard 11 aa tbe
UDce of (be what may be. I*i
often been drawn iif (be destmoticiu of

altitude of Aroo>-agua
(M-rliaps. still In doiihi.

c R|*Biil-h engtueer I'lssls. c22..
422 pel I
1'iw- Somta and llllmau'
now- Dot inipo—lhly also vield te<-ond
gins or exchange. The ••ko.dllrh' and I
•’**” "*

oa a numto-r of summiu. l-il,
and In BoMrta. arc
' have also to be bonght. Tbe
French metropoHa Is at work mak Hose cm.p. titers aud have
kuoHich Is a sweet kind of wbesien
I h>ast the
for the Cimgn-sa advsulagc of to-lug reputed
bread, circular to form, to wblcb there
Balerommltteea have brea appointed jof,.
arv ratBins.
It is omamebted witb
In other ixiuntnea.
candled augnr and uaually has (be
A meeting has been held to dls<tiw
W» Kt n KsMbliiaa.
Aister aalutaitoa on U:
plans eulimltte.1 by the elialrtnan. Ar
Tlie Italian imet Inutvnlc. Carduccl.
riMkresa.” <“Cbrist
U riaeti.’') tbe
Important feslnre of tbla toieruaiional is also pn>r>-siu>r of Kalian meraturi- In
erhele turevonDted with a large, gaudy.
roogreas will le tbe -resdlug'' »f jia tbe Tnlvcrsll.v of Hologua. ami In this
yv4-pa|>er new.
Tbe cxrltange Of eggs,

No romo^ equals Waknkr'8 Whitf.
• tSE OK tAU SVKL-p for Ibis tcrriicand fatal di*^ai.e. If taken ihor..:'blv and to lime., it will euro a .
.(JJ4 hours, anti for the cough that
•wa La tlrjjipo It never (alia lo give
•li.'f. Price. 35c and Me.

of bts wife.—Cbioago Timea-Horald.

j j^,. mountain a Iwigbi fully equal to

nillon hss grown with |
t rapMliy.
tbore taring at ibis day


d Cart U SripH >■ 24 Gun.

KuCisfactory for tbe
bucM- lo (lu the jiiarkvIlDg. He will gel
vu bis orders promptly
attntided to aud mw about Xo p-r cent
In the transarOnn. as well aa tbe bcallh

!, Dieasuri-niriils of KKzgenld and /.urplaloer to Ibe eye of Ibe deaf Diiile ; priggeu. made during their late sue
(ban tip signs, and Ifaiis more readily ;
u„.„..„.,aful attemids to
conteyed to him the Ideas existent to «„n|„ ,he smmlis. would ~s-m to glv
the hearing world.

Buimr.por to...............................
Brn nerdf^en................
j^PP‘«-CdlU and windfalls.

■tilsfsction if sb» duea. Soma wtwltby
familiea allow their cbef to lake charge
of tbe boDsebold, and be collocu a large
perreotage fruiii (be trsdaomeD. which,
of courw. i< added lo tbe mootfaly bill.
Reputable slnrcko pcn will not do this
kind of bosiui-its. however, and tbe ebaf
"patronage" Is oontrullud entirely by a
few men
on the wbole,

fi<e( for the Roraia and 21.145 fe<-( for

He also ,

Our stock of jewelry ' in the
finest in tbis put of tbe sUte.

-Rrouklyw LUs.

ing boors lo anything else bot Um
nursery, nor sboold she let botebers'
and grocers' buys call for and deliver
ordt-rs, because there is sore lo ba dis-

21.47ft and 'J^‘4
Pa-l - ami als.m
etpiail.v «-.irr-s|«.ii,l.-nl with that dorived hy thi- Knglish geidoglsi. l\-nt
laud, fmiii hi- ri-vlsed triaiigulalhms
oliililric<l In isris. which gave

inirieatlng lo watch the sbopa, espe- : er espnesion of all oni-ducated deaf
•vldlty with


er troobled witb the worries of boosebold pnrebaung, for tbe head of tba
bonae did tbe entire baying.
"Jatuea” earned tbe pMvals and was
not Bshsmed to do it.
No mother wbo has the eare of little
cbildren sbonid give tbe preciont morn­

pi-ak of (he Rornia or illampui and
21.oir> Pel. a neult strlkingl:
ngly III
••ord with Huh id.talned
, Mliich

dally to tbe public markets, to ae>- the i mutes, was a facile means of telling

80 I coo lies la av«4 cooumk wlthoot tlis
•ughii-w r<w
That truMblr tc cnlSBUiy m dl war toner aasr.
Aisl Wtoei I mM luy uiisht Isas It's asan rvluf
to kB»e
That I'D oathvs ILS besotHa by a bn^sed C«. per bn................................

well as tbe murkctlng and ibs
and tab
and candlnittck maker." sboold feel
tbs need of rest for ber tired oervas
Tbe man of tbe booae sboold always
do tbe marketiug
In tbe old dsya
wban tbe bailer was not tbe sutely
pers.«Bge be is unw , women were Uev

IM.tSk) feel, and even quite ris-ently to
applvixlmalc lliese heights, have h-fl
l|ll•■sti<>u an o|s-D one-. The pres­
ent olsu-rvatloiis rediici- ibi-s.' elcva
tions to ”1.711) f.s-t ifor Hie highest

that universal sign languagi-. the moth,

Caupe^d w)::::;:::
PoUioaa.pv bm..
Bot that her ryes srv “Umptf- end tor boots enhpvbbl.................
Bma porioa...............

ling witb tbe "butober

claims of III-- \evado do Rorwta nlid
Illimani, which In the older g's^gniphles wer«- r-pn-si-iii.-d in have ahi.
tud«-s ri-spiH-ilvely i'.Jigi and neurit

birthplace of the melb'td of eduialloii
that has bts-n |trove.l niiwt natural and
la dotog-lt's a mere quoMton of prite."
tiripfal to ibowsauds of this alTlUied
e-Loodoo licader
elass. Tills lutllKtd found Ha wat iu
America not long afterward, at the
Shopping, abt^tplng. shopping goes liands of lialtoiidet and CTerc. bouse
bold names among Amerliac denf
•B wlihunt Intennlsaion. Those who
mutes. Tbe latter was a highly edu
can prejisre to adorn their bodies with
rated drsf niiile. tn Ibe year uameit a
^ or more artlrie. of new dothlng. .
ls>nevoIeui and Ingenloua Freui-b ablMBat aU make preparations for a aumie |
p.u, „,l
tnooB feast, oays Uood Words.

sw««a baton

wonder tbst tbe woman wbo does (ba
tbnppiug forberwelf sudberrmlrr (am

Alibmigh this was the g.-nerwl naBumptlou of gi-ographcrs. the rivol

whicb imeia In 1‘arls
during the
world's fair. It will he the tlrsi galberiligof the kind sltiee the rls>- of deaf

We h>n jna reclrad u
•l-ssnl itock ol U» aamt
Issottfnl «rt vork in Dninlf
Chin. ,«r dinplnjid in Ui.
Them nre M*«rn]
liandnnine nnd nnw deOgns
whicb wn inrix tbe Indix lo

at ptstol tor Imi gfly «sois

and bs mentally vows never to do U
Tbe onmtor of mtiro traversed Is
really wbal tires one, and It is little

The r.-sulls of the hypsoiiietric mesa.
nrenii-Dts r.«.s-ully uuide by Rlr WU
Ham Martin rmiway of the high .An­
des of todivla. «sin to determine defl
nllely (hat A<sin<agua. in Argentina.
Is the loftiest sninmll of the Aiiierlnin
ronlllleras, aud a.-<'onIliiBly the cul
nilnattng point »f the entire wiwicrn
hemisphere, says the Nation.

they used to be.
I <an
leinemis-r ! mirtli ami atuueemeui
ami si-r\e to
whra we always bad a tog magnet to t briglthti up tbe cml of a liot day.
drive Into a imckagc or I'best of tea
see bow tnaiiy fliinga would tdbeiv
nie deaf mutes of tbe rlTlIlswl
It—we don't gel tbem now.
'Boi Bloring Uoe may he left to world are looktog forward with niu. b
inienal to llie Inlemalloual <-ougresa.
take rale of Itaelf In Ibe mailer. To


troUsyewr.or owrvladtas

tbeae aboprtog eipediiltmi be gaea
borne, sfuir bis patltmoa bos been all
haofted. with a differeoi belief Us
Iannis, mo. tbsl a'womsn <00 endare
veialioaa and dlaap|sdutm-u(a «ub
mnob more oquiuilnilty tbau ho

pear Into the ibrong. I shall never
forget tbe expresshui of his fact—hla
belpleos rage was nlMoliitely comical.

be cheap, and the cuoms|ueoee la—un> j Tartul Is In great rei|iHM at Kuruiswn
aic arid and adolieniiton.
evening parties In Calcuits. where hla
'Bat. at all ereois. teas are not ' deUmtitloos and onastonal happy hits
•dnlleraled to the exutit nnw lliat an- the causi' of a great amount of


10 7S


caught lln-lr eyes. When «e rescb<il
the end of the main stnel my (iarlluldlaus unbound bIm. sod, taking off
their bats. tliMtiki-d him most prqyiju>

when i(Nj.0nu,0n0 pound* were seat ' ran Sod a <s|ilialla( to finani'e him and
Orer as agalnm the ao.twi.ono of today. , go Tmif Huir.-. to the reiiture. la to



t ts~tovHy

iugs that exbantt a
Tbe avenge man looks npon 1
“pnrobasing day" as one of plaasQi«.
ber on ana of

••Rl si. Italia ooar All his remon­
strances and struggles wen- drowmsl
to tbe apronr. and were mistaken for
the sym|uilw>tle gesUcuInilons of an
cb«-cred even
Vociferously (if possiblci. than iM-fore when tbe presence
of a priest to the llU-raior's •■orti-g-

tbla talk of aand and mineral Impart- ; htm«t4r. wut a co|>y of bis forecast for
tlm to tea only appllea to tba vity '
U> tba
ami Is tb<- prood
Chcapeni teas to tbe market.
If you ;pnaaeanor<if a courteous reply from il>a

and boruwu|n« and reading tbaraeter
and destiny aa be Bnda tbem grant)
ou the i«lius of the faamto.
In the
painiMry liraDch of bU prufiwston


tit to

AnrtOat Pork pwb....
~ ir.H L. A On. Bom
A On.
r, B. L. AOmB
■ U A0n.B«L..


tbe bark all along tbe Tob-do las If
was then calb-Ol. (be main street of
Naples—following In tbe line of car­
riages tx-blnd Gartbaldrs. Tb#
be shouted and protested
tIte.T kept patting: the more expletives
be Induig'tl In the more they reiH-oii-d

lax tba mka arr. Not that I lUnk Iba eyta are toauilfal and bright and inpabllc
be neat by a cenaln diiatlrr of greauiewa and royal attrl•undard being mforced.
It would , butoa. Kbe w III be fauiuua baraelf and
eaitatoly bainpar trade and tbe patoir ' cauae fame 10 ber faiwltaiid.'
woald be no better off.
Aa It la. all '
Tlia IndUn Zadklrl. aa be atylen


1^ ootimd ^ tb>fli«.a.


•teamed Into (be station and
tbe crowd a burly priest standing and
staring at ns with his bands behind
bis hack, a bright Idea aelsed my
They qnlckly slipped ont of the
train, and. tying tbe padre's bands l>ebind blm. In a (winkle bundled bim
Into one of the carriages that were
waiting for us. and. placing him l>etwecD tbeuiselres, kept tutting him on

**l^taalna|iadorw'*trainlng' la. I be- prewenca of mind be will bacotua anBara, a mere
matter of
form, and paraltod tn EugUnd. Ha baa a ebance
When they do drop on a paefcage ihafa of liacoiniBg prime mliilatar In tba ratoo bad
Ifs ouMa a mare mole foinra,
Inidog liia adnilnlMrafhanaa; they aan't esamloe erary tiuii TTUt will be annexed wlib great
pacfeaga that eo
•B Into Iba durka. ,
eaae 10 tbe Brlilab territory. She will
“II remember
ocm- time I paid
(be tx- tbe third foreign bonDdary Hue of

Tannic arid. TTrere’s nothing, or bardly aaytblug. of that in China teas. But
tbe pabite won't have tfaetu: they must
base euatae. pangeoi tea. and It must


taut that tbe populace should think
that tbe priests were more or less favoluble tn onr action, so as we slowly

and tha remit la thai tba tea dealers aa of tba ■a.-tviary of slat.- for Indlahara to bay op any rabbtab they ran Ha will, to luauy .-aBaa, pour oil on tba
lay ibHr handa on.
alnwdy oiled bead. By rtnua of bis

t-lait tbe Paris esiioiiitioD of Him.
wt»erv he w<mM alt to a gt*rgeou» orleatal tent re<wlrlag rtoltora of all natluua. dtot-twlng oraelnt and omens


maddening scene.
Two yoong Garibaldlana. In their red sblrta. took ad­
vantage of tbis turmoil to carry oat a
very numlcai piece of bnalm-sa. which
I wlraeaaed wlib both amaxemeni and
amosemenb It was held to be im{x>r-

H>ra<twa will hr fnH of poailr tbonebU
and baan-tafclnc rounorie. Ha will acrapt bis own ouunaH after (aklny (boar
of faU nilsMera. Ha will act. to one
or two toaianraa. aonirary <0 the wieb-

B« l*blna tea la mncb better to drink,
“Jn* took at tbeae taatlng eu|ia. Vou
aec bow tbe very material of tbe cup
ia eaten away ^ that brown atalul



waahb<tf h


of nnlreraal genUculatloea. Only coald a aostlicrn and es>'
citable people bave_pr&luced tncb a Ortisrs^tp.

boaaa, and am aotd to Loadoa. tbcHicb arotmd Lord, and Lady Carson.
Char paptaMy aontaln nrinaral naitar
Bacardlnr tatatordaUp be aaya: 'Ha
vaiTtac froat 10 tn » par eaat or aand will tnU wall «iib tha people.
■r to 14.
ba aweru

Baiy 00 oome Ira seM bare fn>m t'blna.
and tt waa foond to be ‘falar packixl'—
Jam a layer of tea on rtte lop and aloe
bares nodemeatb! That obowa bow


^ aiato

“Vlra OarltnUdir
Vittore Emmannaler -Indepandensar I
air„ In an nnraaslng roar and an ae.

Chaata of taa roTnaad hy Bmbrr Joo- rtorroy.natnrally ronaa to for a abarr
athan and our eonAna-arnnan paaa of hla attootloB and a larpr proponioa
tha Imperton of tha Eoyltefa coHom- «r
bU paopbrtJa ottarancaa drcle

'Bat*' aatd a tana wholtwala tea
latri ham to a LMdar rapraaeotatira,
*lba faalt really hw wlib the BrHlafa
pobUe. They will toalat on
aheap taa-ahaap. mrtfog. coaraa tea—


foraflngar, nlaed op a.



V fmt tkt paiMn w

msOob at Mp>« ’'“SSU'iSr*"*'
ID br u utntocfT or BP Bfu Tvpata. crowdod-naj. park»d-«tid • dla of ra tbd >7 •‘k>u w o<

, tBa Taw hr r~r ha pobiWMo to tha Oal^

Kmvanfl Otiff Auftw.
Mew la • im ottba boTlaff



am now settled in my fine new store.

Where I will be r 'eaaed to see all my
old eosioraers anJ many new naew. |neresaed grocery stock aod tx-tlcr faetllUew.



m Dntoe Stroat


tb^t mall
«1 optwitb each riSs toram tbs balleu


Jolin R. Santo,
Eeieial lisiraict.

Tsesesowctsv. tole



Bafore 1886 tbe avmgs namtor of '
Ubor strikM of all binds la tbU a
_ ^
yasr. tUneaihei ‘




Ifiggy Eye
“"sEUiissirss.JBrWII,—..II... w


> Uk*l/ to Bm«

Aawd«MTlaMlda( • jmwitewmUUuoln.

Ph^stv «*d Ibr punull of It arr sot

osacrf blaflnt^Moo

tV atst

^ KToad to W oovtsia utooM









afu^r dui)


moin*-to oo


^irr w<.rk .-an nut bu pootpoucd. and
• ibc a>'ruiuplbd>iDral of li br.-«u*o a
baMt of tifr. w> tnaitfr tww tar ivj ntuTod iht- ponaai trainnj in it lua.r hr
i from ibr OrW la WW.-li It wa«
la-aHy aTorjtbln*

For a BwmasI tba yooni lawyw waa >a braJtbj and «UoIm«kim- Ittdlridualitj.
•aoalnrly alaroMd. Ha bod beard that lrh..r.. i, ■
of rvcular «riA iliut
tbaeracda RtotJeniaB waa a dead ab(d j
ouatitn Ihm iown do. TLU work,
asd aqaally fatal with t^ awoM. Ha
mu, I.'alwaja oui ..f d—m. InMited to avoid ironbla but did not
ubaito ltiilu«lrl»iia atal rvtiular b«l>faa) that tba clroamataDMa ioatifiad faim Itak Willie It lOUlIibUtea
U plMdloa pruliwtuBal prtTll>«a wbao drealu|«H-Di wtiii-b Id after. ><*ntv le
be bad virttMlIy <wUad a man ^ beat. Juat aa valuaiile aa an)' athletu- iraluTbaw tbM came to bia nstsd that bo inc Ibal <WI] lie liad. He i-ao u<« run
M aeawwbar* read that a KeaUauas
■ ■rrlioiie. a* tboe.- tnittieiKliy a
eoald but itrast a deal to aay caia wbo ayetea; be may not U- aide lu Jniiip
owed blD mcjoey. and be baa«buly Mid
lilpb or Ml far or ex<*d In au) of i Ih-




ar«)la fUa—n t7«oUisg to roniL TbU HarUu of dui; Bntt la tb<> cn-at
Ttao Toosa lafrj* waiiad snaral dart. dlwiplli>ar<r advasiaco la tbr (ralolua
•ad tbas wroto a Utcao. It bad osevlr- ,t1kat rooDir<r b»}-» ma^lvr. litr ruuo


Tbe BOB on tbe nrret car nbaently
pat bU band In an unuaed coat pock«


wberr two or more


of ainmc

prrBooBlIly lire In innaiant aud Hom>
(xuiUi-t refwire Jual am careful ronmlderatkm? It la aft.y the wbooldpym
that tbe iruuldee la-tln. The moClier
wbo baa Huur to her lllllt- |t>rl fall*
to reenKnlse tbe □e.-dm of llw itmwlui:
woman, and U hurt by any ludeiieud'
eut aetlou on Hie fian of Ibe daup'bter: while (be daiialiler. In ber ea«erneaa to cramp at the beat In the new
life, furcetm the defrremm- wbb ii im due
to Ibe miillier. oul of llieee colidllioiia
amatl claehlnem eumiie. (u end loo often
Id couiplele dlMunl. It U }ual at tbla
time that the mother luumi lirluc all
ber lore aud dl|iUiumi-y to liear. Slie
muat endia«<ir to kuow ber dauchier'm
nature, aud lu uudennapd iim |»maildllilea and llmtiatlona.
Kbe will and
that ber prolilemm are not the i<robleotm uf ber luotlier uor of lor erand

■h>a radtrsla le Carmanj k«i' ToUlof

evidence of mueb wear.

Tlie •ntaJi-Kiy of the lawimi.* ""-re
than « name, nay* ftm New Y.»rk fommerelal .^d»-eni».-r Two < hlhln ii hohnI

•letik—Wotiiau a Hume (Utiuiaulun.
Ta«a H—ptlala.

ftod to Be.
In tba old tUvy. wben Unllad‘SUte«
ihtpawere oetoally *«?• wub.yarda.
tba Ua'B'a luata'a call. "All banda
otaaeO afalpV’waa fulloarod be a mueb

vUlage Ih too small for
puldle hulldincm fur .mlui-atlon. for tluadmlubiinithin «f the law. for ndlcluuH loHiru-ih.u. and for aiiiu<>enient;
hot bow mau.i are the lnwiu> tluil <1111
rnliAw a bompital? Matier« are r<-ry
well for lle-alek In cwfortahh' lioi.^.,

B.ire p»rtore«,o« than it potOlble (KIW, wheu tbe eaawit of tbe ni
ara atted wiib bat a tiuKle yard and

where the Invalhl la given a nann. la
niitwed li> Ho- nKH.1 ettli-lenl iueuilw*r

that only uwal fur aitiuaUnR. At tbe
word of coiuiiiand "Mau tbe yardi

of tiie family,





tbere waa au auiouat
aondiali,-airylnii ou ib'-iiiaiudiiktuf tbe <1(1 abipa
that Waa raliiulab d In make tbu »blp

l.«i |*i>«l.hiuH
But bow Ih It with
Hie IciHtruiii |HH.r who live lu . n«w,led

Vlallor bold bit breatb, tbe IliioK luok
od «■ dauperuoa Tite meu fi^ward It
blur)a«-l(ct ouifomi would futrly leap
np tbe rope laddora. aud aluiind ty Uio
tnsa tbe eclHiea of tbe iximmaud bad

uolbliig of hygh-ne. and who wall t.-o
d.«-lor, rtr.ii.linx Hie exiH-iime Ib.-r.eifV
-n*—■ are the JH-Opu- Mhoni ll I* a deUghl le help auil wbo.-n tbe lio«pii;il
nnuo beiietliH
T1u-re Ih. however, a

died away av.-ry yard <oi <aob luaat
wuoid aupp-wt aciiriw of men aud bnya.
all atandiuc emt. moat of tbi tu only
bald up by tba ct,<aaed arma of tin men
bond# them. Tbia repreariitutinu of
oruaa waa held by alt ut tbe men. aud
It waa Ibelr bualueaa to ataud tbua wUb
tbaolule fUluea<|a«ueB. Tbnu








iHH.ple to BM-k
for »iirgerr and c«-naln

kliirt. of Him—. VhlH mak--a It advi*able to m lip eiM- nr two private p>»iih
for eui h palleiitH a* wimh to oii-iipT
l*»lleiiiH of rtiU kind may aii.l

maud "Cbaer ablp’" would lie Uawled
out uu daok by tbe chief bua'u'a male,

generally d<i. provide lh<-1r own pri­
vate uiiiw.' but In ■•hllMon |wy gen

and tbere would be a yell fiom nalbead
U that ouuldD’l help
a blood of evwybiidr wubiu baaiiug
It. When Ibe men luauuMl tbe yat.U
With all Bail oxiH-lUPipHalU aud HlaumaiU
Bat. auob a picture waa rtwlly bnaullful,

erotiHl.v. aiMl ar., a weleouu- Mitinv of
tnn.tiH- to n leeipltal.
It 1* re<-kone«t

tluil •Jli |H-r i-.-nt of the eip..inlrtiir-a
are t.i !«• galu-il from |Mith-ui«. for the
Iniapltnl .1111 Ih- fP-.- only to lliOHe w ho
arv al—rtniely tiniilde to pay. The rv-

Um uiaa'a anitijriuHut blaeataodiog net ; malorter luiiM la- raba-d. ami ilib. Ih
in BppbirwJike ouatraat lo the camro | when- <li.- r.-.-llug of public eplrlt
wbllMieB Iff Ibeabrouda Tuih waa a bleuili w llli ih- f.-.-llng of univ.-ivni
OtWMmsiy DU all formal ouca-loUH. aaofa : l.rotbertKHHl. end Hie hiMpItal will
M tbe nail abumi tboold Hbip* of dlH-'rotne to U- Hupimru^ iH-caiiar Hi<tlMPiiidtadmeU. And "Man tbe.rard*V i tuwg |. prowl of It.
Slid "Chror Hblp! ’ wero mmi uauiU al-1
Tltero-iH one point In favor of
wayHgirtiD wbeu ueeof tlie .ild idlppen ' n,,. b-wpIlHl In email towns. tl« h.-n. o( tbe Uoiled SHflt.-H ua.y waHciiber de- ()(
(|„. ,,|,yHh'laUH.
.kliheiigli their
pamog for <u ariiTiug fr.wi a lorotgu a,.rTl.vM an-fre-to Ibc iiMtli«iiioii-.-xatsUorn—WsabiBgtun 8iar.
j „.p,
.im.- of path-niH in pHvat,: rtHtutH. w ho an- abl<juiy for tr
,re heliwd by enUrged
Wbaa tbe uew boy g.t iuto tba |ierleD,i-. ID.1 by aMOdallon with imOBbuulruum. ba waa >4 courre p.-ilered ramoiiH <1 .*.« wbo from time to tlimWUb namaruas itDoatioui by Ibe uUicr ar>-<iilki fr.»ii large <-lliee for BD opaDbulari aa to ble uame. bii pareula' eralkiti
Uea« to I

on Dm- (-onu-r of i-.rtumhtiH aveiitie awl
XTlh Slr>-.-t Ihe olloT day giiarihil hy
twrA burly
.V knot of
llilep-wled npattutelil-hf.iia.- halll-XH.
Biirae ttiahW ami tl»-lr ••liar-.---« amt a
few i«iBHerw-ti> hI.hhI liy ami di~-ii.~-.l
tbe altuailon. Th., two .1iiMr.-ii w-r«nmler arr.-,!. Tlu-tr ui!»»I--m--.iii-'r .-011sIhi.h]

In U ing tery Hniatl

v.-r< .liny

and ragged ami n..t knowing •wli.-ro
Ihry wen- al “ They w)tuilP->l -n the
aleiat of lie- In-mi.- .-.-liar :in,|
looked up. romidw v.lI ami an.-Htn k

reaeuted nitwl dImtrbHe aeem to bar*
Wgun. I. .•anuotbeduul-edlh-llhl.

„.rmno.J» tbr

litre date to wlu a majorlit. awl tlien
the liMlanl remuh will Ih- a reap|W>Idium-ui of Mut* wbli-li will wake a
n-eenwl of ilieir «ti*.iry wellulgb Im]naiiuie.

TV«- .•onM-nat i re

baug uii

to Ibelr uniicbieou* a<lvau-


'tecta tbeui from the ileetn-yln* BoihI,


: mlrallou al a reo-nt oiii-of toa

it wa* tall and ah-oder. ami ber iitiri


tt. ftmtttbkl Tbaapme
Ha. reie.irod I er . Hi -e lo Barb I
Hotel. Roomannam' C.'.knaex 7(


BcmSKaa VAHits

' T

r.. a.|- --i

) Je»u-






linSRB UD lOBTBUSmi L k.
x»Bi* OA-aao

W R a W. H, S<H,H.**l-HJwI^I—-ltr»aI-o

Tatokeeflrel Wadasadar. Jaa. I

Hoi-unav, rrH.i,i«w^yWBM
a «i
a UV:

r <eatl«awPn>towprM-Ur«
« at Laa

a It
r.a p J* imimi
4 k. Ar IWM-kaMA J et'B Ih
4 «■
t’bwl bake
MauOHW Xjaa .

4u •»»



IV »*: » 4V
task A to
jam «<e
4- MB
» •* m

; rr

liUrra aa - Mill
iMkH kn,
QreUlekrime, at Hberaaia a I
. to ard treai «

afniul I |<lll U,.T
Rheii I WBH taiy
ike M.liie pn-lexl

Annual Excursions
... via g. r. &

i. ..


____ _ West AlichiKan.

n>-H R A I. w

....1 00 Sep ......
.nd rhS lago ,
<u- ohlig.-.l lo aik Itot.'ii I
V. TkVelk .
I Rich..,
' "1 "« wheu .............. .
-o baaoHatraw. of t
.1 to f-hW . Ar...ek
•1-k .i.uhli.'l Im- ru.h- y..U,aod He’rwlt. aud
,ra, hail rote
.htii't w;iut him
you'Chtldreo iiwdei
...It ,.r It HMiiM-liow ••
(TickeU W'll bI Hi.ti \,..i w,..ihl go tti.l •'•wckinaw Ctir b. K g K,|..(ik.
m•M.isi. Noimi.
r.row-n au.l tie Ihe acre.rekurii on regular
. I . .......... .
ira T>. f >r let. day«
ror Dctrt.'l. choice o'•■enrwitHww II
'•'■''If" rilaim.,.
<i„, ,j* K a 1- M
R. K
II w-e III.I-I k-i-p on gn-Hl f„„n
i u: (be 01, er, e,a II . 'i
- ”'•<
.. . It U.r,-"
She 1-. proh HAM R'v l-.-cn Hroti^ KteiH.
K r
r IMi—k,-> '
I.iit If Helen v.'iiiure. I h',.-ak"' he route will be rm V ebaburg
d Trauh
II. h Hiid I He. lo .hlrk .he Sod Ibe ti rood
Trauh ayo>-,-in
k. Trarerwrl'j
iroio«*n- fu ,h.
Ar glk Kae->'
oiati I apple to u
k, Bi> tlav-». .
r addi
; Ar«-» x

k; iSi'


HOUUded 4>^he B-.I>hnl1
on daHleiniow I, Hh- «t
lip o|-|He,1li- iIh- 1W-I IIO-I
honHw w.-n- hbo k iiml |



To RlclHi»gil. SeptwbM 16it. i-hicaao ...
To Oolnrtl 104 CM0I80, Oa.“"*80

■ ltd h-a.| the
. Ih.' point ■ ml ex1 will .-aally <]o l>
mm ., ... .

I le-



tie . 1........... 1, owfut l-rcH. litii (J
.|,-»r wr.te ene of your p.Hte
. g..«! !


pn t U WILng^.phy«lciw_aMlHuram.
Mo—TCuurilerTlOTk'! tl« rm’t

liiHi a,ii-mpllHliim'iii. ami y.-i It


*S28 :


iKig a g-Hwl many In bin ateart.
w ».-r
l-.-lue tying ro.V.i|n an



U-» u.tmi-aire.niH-ieDH
iHHil.tim-. laBiaa....U. aed rt. t-eiH. dmiH« ea. to UraaB

of -nua gaal
, K.HMI I. Ha

IMlIg like it. I' What the) le-»r
.l:iyx „r llieir liv.-H. -VuufollU-l




roiiTi-H roiiud I,. hiT d.HU. hut he
ally lOHi-t- niH.ii her dlr.i-ily .«

so ;.i.d


Tr.i... am.'
KaHUi. Daela
i.a'i ■ i...-ae”. l.-to»i-H<-ei.. », • S-a m
T'a,.i- arri.. (n— Harlieaa and Pat—kef.
all ai|. ai
trew meba—Feri Waraa.

^ SB.IWM, auaram; •
apaetol auai - 1 androatojaaciar- tun

* TTT H.PUargK
: W ._iMito«i<i€i If

hl« H.-utH-gcwl. Not only d,H-H he
111. lu.-d.i-dH hy aU-HoriH ,.f .-Ir,-

iS '


.WL Tie- wagHl.lcwalk n. •
w'aa lHi**k.**l
.le>nH-a Hwuiig

d Kapida

ilm <birku>-«« of tW
Hh- whip. .lull.T.
h.Mfa itml H»- |«ii

.-lll.T the boroeHw III, 111 Kh-.iailiig
mi.-hil ii.liM nihl

I Whieb h.- tlHH

Ih ptBU. iii
,w.-,rt awii
lied, w-iiH II

JA' Ksil

on oil Wbieji 11
Ih really i.m
made . ,

If only 1


Th.- iwmi.

dtoa' aubulanca uurpa groudfatbor ba- I tb<- wbIhI wan a hand of aiarlne him- anm-d wanh
liersa ku
— ur Unuls daudr'a a from wbl, h f.-ll l.larV ribbon* iMUtrlug round the 1
b<» doot^^md "-with a uatbsuo »“
different . bue.l.-al. Tl- ,-rf.-nt.erw an- all
III.Me who are le Ih1,1 are dmoMiil lu



iiii|H-rH and whl.-




Tl B>liAy, i.-'imiKR 3

___ Dual low rote excorai .0 in abonpoiuia -»lth better a.* ce Hu* year
|^pec‘a irs-D will lea* • Trorerw* Cilr
a< y:4u a. (u. and run li, Orond Uanidk
I witbenit a BlAip BOnlb of Ha., alee Cr s
. sing. • xcf pi at Whip Ch.utl for lun, ',
Spo^-i.l rlforu wlil be made to forniHh
* imaglue that the ou
tmpie aealitig room In rOBL-tie*. and b,
of Ibe ).wet are fluwli • make the ropoDO.-hedu M tune Ti. h
tud .'iotbing uud moral*
ber I.Uh, Ibal I* lo»»lng ........................... ,-n ,
tl earii other 11
ihvl dale. Ask C A W M sgrlola '--r
full particular* or are bills adrertmu-g .
the eacuroioO0»... l)0:H**kS. t; P A


aouM h.ov
or d.-o--nlHil ll
auti Hh B.tur.-.HOtbor of Ml.- .
ward. U-'kn,lni


Ticket* wlli be sold by alt agents on
Sort ?5 to tv at ooe way fare ».lh Hi
. Hs-nta addefi for admiaaion to tbe K»ir
,ol ll
1-m.ttlect *<->h
I .-r-uliitv. aHhiiliied
.tl ti
Um. liKllAVa.i <f y A

Picnic Parties,
Flshleg Parties,
anil Fnnernis.

cariDR <or umma
Drivers faroiabed if deaired.
Everything in tiratriiUaa shape.


adurteg hmcMtacr

: rrr:




State Fair at uroad Sap d>

ilou ..xo-pi ihiit i.f making rerw.-H Mr.
I fasteued In front by a
huge .liver geuerally yuU.- Huoall. W 11...Atiallu r.-u„u.i.-.l l.i. audieu.-e ihai ib'e
I am-h»r. n.e de.-ullo-lage Wan floiHlHsI gromuM- 1u»h Imh-U ,-,,tupleled. tbogrestcHi ot (HH-t. but.' lai-jj m--u of afind front by hla.-k ribbon* tswr- el.-t. are mornbaled up lu Hue by
Toong Uaukiu B tmaklim a oall>—
fain., whe l•••k an a.-tlve aud mnueunatioes of waiwhliiH.
plaer-,1 wardera ami map-bo-d <df.
You bare bad that pstrrot a l<mg tHno. 1 e..--a... AcptoH from ami to arm
------------------- ---------: tialtnirl lu <li>- lail.II,- life of th.-lr tllii,-.
Him Laura?
; aixtukler airaiia wero braaa navy boiAotoml Mia Creaavr.
\ irgil iB- ,-ollrd "ttH- prime miuiHier of
Mias Laora—Vm. wa hare had him tour, airang loceiher. and a in-n naty
A t-ertalu W.-lnti iiieiul--r of iwirlla- Aitgu-Iua " t'hnii.-r wa* einpioi.-d In
mvoral yaorw
I cap with Hh rla..r tipped raklHlily ..v. r Dieut. wbo WUH of huuihh |■areu1llge.
K.lwant 111.
"Wuila Inialligaat. ta b« notr’
j ber eye« <i.ui)deted the coaluiue of the
wa< rather f»ml of leiltug the boue. ..r hluiseir was exiled fur the pan be
“f I
-0 .Mr, ... ■ -otBOMms llist 'l.e hail ma.Ie hL on 11 playnl in KtorenHne |biIIiI,-k.
I hare joat added a tine ha.-k,
I big iHvitH. who .-arrlea his shovel lii'o way In Ub- world, aixl bail rtM-o by his wua ('roniwell's .H-.'rvtar> and a wrlier '
They have a rstBarimbly clarar pnrA« tbe p.a-1 *evppal roouiT tw<»-Biid 111ri-e aeat, the l■l!-PH>a1 with bIm. and a y.,uih uH'u unaided >-fforts. Uo one occasiuu of laollHcai lamphleia.
rot over at tbs Chstorlioa. Mia '
arrared to ropivoB-ni a cattBWi. wuh while Ihe Webiliinan was mafclug a Uurvaie iDHiHteil. Hu-s.- .xamph-H eo- ^ tiga. lArduea ao iiicrpas--d uumIt eon 1mlmu tha aoimd of a kiaa la I uli« llko wlDgH spriuglug from h > »)H—-b. Mr loUroeb quietly romarfce.1
I.^H tbe inith. It Is uol ue.-e.aacy 10
carriagM1 am mow
Borfaetkai. It that amoog the aoeom- ; riM-ulob-r*.. rlgglug twined a^und lil« TO lAord Harrington, wh- wa* alinug
poetry for tbe
U. *«■* bimHelf p.^p^red tb do an extsnaive livery
Ih4t ami a Hleeriag wloesd for a Ih-Ii
t fsHherod trlasid b«ca
pllabmaBU of
bv him on Ihe treasury ' I
ind.tferout W tbe towlal
lo feroling Shd
Irui-kle. were m-veltleH that sI.hhI out
ill tbs ourtMir?'
think. I'owtrge. that Mr. BUnk ma>*
iiDutig tbe usual ihrcmg of Juliets ami
Mlm L*di* OBdigMSHyl—Mo. Hr.
Carmens. .HepbUio* and otouka anu U- a deeidy religious nmn"
Be duns not anempl am imitatioB << •
makes think bo?” inquired Isird
A.4 IM n rvoau.
“Wlial do you think of Ibe Tbreah■aiber
to vahe.
prime mlulateT. "be ss-Uom make* a I
Tbs Pairot—Wait Gaorge, *mx. till
■Jim. tbe bta* of that IS la like • apee«-h wttb>wit trUlag ua that be Is a Ing Mactalae trust?” asked Hojack.
1 taka khla Urd OM c< <ha tutm—Lanharbed-wiro
------------■df.made wan: aad ba M coaatanUy f
“it win go agalBR the grala.” ro*
Arno TM tilla
“Itow'B thstr
----------------------------------._________.____ ______ _



Ib.-) do like a lltUc grail

Hero. au<] Is Hurroumh->l I




'■r ]‘s'
,:s, i is

t IV

joHe iDgeuuliy »ave.l ber many dolUre
"Uon't ir WBi Iba mrc»mlo roply. I whh-h might bare Ihh-d njaiit upon *
"That's all yo* know
Why. my fa- ' far lea. .-ff.-.-ilve eoHiiim.- A lull dro«« am-.* take
ihof'H a bomeupaUi. motbar'a an alio
of white tnlle ov.f wblle altk wa« the TbunaLiyH a
{■tb. my aiswr Haggis's yoiuad tba U-I fonmlailon ..f Hi.- coBimne.
Arwuml at-I ;;!<> |i. m



T* Omt« ■ DM in On* Day.

are not Ml atroiig in our <tay rtatt they
ean ilam u|. tb.- forciw of auclal erolu-

"Aiu t gut iMHia." waa tlw prompt if quetade liall the mmrammaiicai ranly
laava tbe \ew York r,.mmer.-ial .kiJ
'tee* ami mime in-rerllM-r. The y.Htng woman
flowers, wl.l. h gtv.
mqaeatuoii- rerllH......................
- who
- e- wore
- —.
"How Jodly! "
“Wiij you duu'l bara no DtaJicid*

^SSSfieSs A s

long - long ago

iwoltitloiinr} *eal.
Aud what rrill come of It all? BrobaMy SMblug very tragic or mtrlklng to
Munarcblal iDMliuiioiw

1 -.ff tlic

h- ,1,
.-onvhi Idiud of Noiinu-a -V
Um amouul of bin tMk-kot Uume Comp-iiiuon.
I'ah-doula. .tmunibiHla. Is hUP|hih.iI
mutwy uud rsnooi uUw* matlan about ,
• h.*
' '"'“"7,
"Wbo'i yont family doctor' ' nakod I
A tamy dre.. which w.m much adT,- khwL In wl)„l, h .
• big lad.


by long lujuaiice and ultimately in
overw belmlUB majority, will rtol lu Ita

TIh- hall-l«-.H «■ in l«o k t- 'li- lr l-Hbc.


’-------... T

tbui waa wrltum lo be

Bui tbe hicher ll«-y build lb.- dfk,
more awful will be tbe fl.a*! wbeu It
bivaka. The nulh-sl oppualtlou. aluug

ernw.l'a nMl-wlit
hut huv-hx ll•,1l,lIlg.
One h< -41- tiM- .|H1 t-i'-m .lo.|.l...l olT.

llmlr diHi-w

; I

I from aliibl like

f Imaglued all tbe
rlr eyem on bim and
D Ibe car at the tirat opportunity
When he »ai
feu gflhe be locked the door bebtud
him- Then be litok out ibe letter and
burned It to aabee In the ilove.
Ab bar' he exclaimed, irlaniplwnt-Sbe will find DO evldeocw agalnal

party or MHiie utber upon wbleb lia
mantle will faU la demiued at aouw fu-

•-n. at the men In Idn.'
TIh- im-n la
ldw--4.m- for .-ii.h
liny .. .................
wall.-.! lu «Henl diguit. . mmHIiu; -m <•••■

lursuil .HlpIleH.' .111,1 HtugSi ■
M-rvaiitH iiii.l Kho|>k.i-|H-r-. r


«n In the mau'a po


utber for tbe c>rl of lu-da.i Im uol tion to the jailni wlieiw tb«-y ran lav-ak
ao to taiisliaia.
Biwn* u|M>u w bii-h a-e l■•atl•w a« iuik Ii j ||k< Ibe k'lrl uf yetterda;
f..nb lu devnKtatUig flood. While WllThey iuaUuUy withdraw. An bcw;.
iiuidi muat be miudle<l fnuu adlffervol mtaiidfoud W.
of telling
... ...U,.
.......p. b1* aoklh-ra
poMBd. It war as boor of aagniib to of pleaeure. iKIt bU deVelu|ilU.-OI .-llpolni.
Tbe moat unpleamaui of all
Ibal ibey1 muat Iw |«vtHlP-d to *ho.-t
tba yuaa« lawyer. Tbea tbeia aaiue
bka bliu to iiui-kle down tu tbe bard Ihinga Auierlcau I* tbe duiiiliuinl
•Ir cvHintrvuieu
countryuiei If Ue«d U- at
acotn tbaoardaot tba two ttloadi of
turfe lu w’liieb bouiB an- i-uuNumed danebter. |{rlllluDt. P-all.-m and dim.
la little Ilkrllte.Kl
tba (tfandad rraoU (aatleakaa. A Bin
and friMu wtilih eery llitlr or auj lui
i-unieuie.!. hbe (l-'maudm all iliiuL'm a* that tb. v will .-r.-r be ralle.1 «|»>u to
Bta iaitf tb«y were la Ibo lawyor'a
mediate {ikeyinre la ektrai
her right rather tbau nm a privilege. do Ml. William ..r Ula an-mwM.r will
«ai«B, and be bad writtaa oot a reoeipt
like till
atrenmh any Im- aulncdblnK; IH
Tile time liiiuori-d tale of the mol tier at iH-ar lb,- ln.-vliable bumlUatiou wb<-n
ti# tbefnll aBuout of Ibeolalui agaluat
the wamliMili and tb.- dauchier at the the lime .-..luem with aiK-h g.aal or erll
tba areola aestiauiaa.
gra.m- nm he enli niu-der.
H ia to Ih*
"And now. nr." Bid tbe chl«d bola rei^ulnml.
Ilie tbonmglihretl ra.mof many
■liold*. 'nietv an- two bo|H-d Hiai itH- tieniiBU la-ople niiii not
esd of tba creole itenileiDan to tba yooug
bona- bam a flw- flight of H|H-.-d awl be tlilngK II
e niolher of auHi a U- •■alhmi u|Hin to alinn- In Hint liniiilllawyer, -wbal ia yoiu abawar to oor
caraivhw alili deHgbiful llgbineiiii ami daughter
I •-iilllvate a .|ulei illsiHtlou and Hull ilielr niubliloum nionprtooipal'a demabdr'
gra<-e along lite luirk
nlly «h;,h -hall f..r<-e the girim r.areli may iiiake UM- of the lut.'lllg--u,v
••Hy ao«war, BentletDoo. ta thir; I
a|M-i-l. and 11 .(iiiialby will, li mbatl win
irk la Ibe work ll
fmtad tbe baaty eoaclnalub that ytair
wbh-h b.- ipiuiviiily I
lu <h-iiinml. and fur tbut w>
her been. Klie mumi la- iuii-tvat.-il iu m-llv rolltuBle hl» |«wer ami Hm couprioolpal did not lolaud to pay wbat I
ibat whh-h liiiereaiM the .vounger mind
Ibe draft aiilHuila •-very time.
dllhuac umler wbU-b be cau i-outlnue
oouaidanel a juel debt, and 1 eo asTile i-boreH that a c«Hiuiry boy do<-a And abr
preatod myarlt. He bai paid tbe debt
to boh] ll.
Hclf-ant-niun nee.1 u<>i au.l .Iiould ll
re nut alwaym pleaiuiDi: they are
TIh- dlviiH- right of klng»? Well. y<-s
1 reDORDlB tba aeriouiiuea of luy luUirulDlBg for I"- radical, hut hIh- iuuhI Ih
In a M-tau- .i-noluly. TIm- ulnettviiih
JttdKiuent <’f bini ae a KooUeman. aud 1
*11 gaiiie: lu her own liou~-holrt. yh-hltu,
•■eutnry lia> m-1 .iuim- to d.wiroy. hut
V la wi ro- ter lo none, niut •
I wUliUKly offer bito any apo1<«y
to fulflll
No .1-niury
daughter. wbiob a Kentletuan may aaa til to re- ward of Bpplnuw: It la all buiiidruu
tl tb
Home C.imiMiiilon.
golreof a Kabtleiuau.”~-New Otleoui Work, wlih-h uaiiallr IbtcIu* wIiIi Hkonlalne.1 <.f «!.h1
But the '
lay and w hh-b diaw not end till dark­
voi-v of
TWa Waytota ar the Law.
le— baa W-IU.-.I down and It U tim.- lo



and brouebt fortb a leiier. Tbe atamp
bad been worn off lor mume lime and
the anreiope waa crumpled and gave

•*» ■"? J'^blwaa In tb^i

TboSiotUtoftr«»osUi'l»«. <looe. asd ttwy ai* ras.rd. t-* ,

• tT*• WM aoipbahe. It waa DOtM
^ita aa it waa anpbatle. bowaaar. and
wiCbta as boar of lu daliai^ to tba
oraola gustlaiaat twiiid bbtrlawda <mU>
ad apoa tba yoaa« lawrar with a aam•aa, wbiob. fw*Iy tranalaiad. BMaal




IV it a ■

. \ziz
■ isE:

steamer Ouekama
Cftpt <r. U. ^inory.

. t:40a.m.
11:40 a. SB.
LcwrcUld Htaloa........................ >«l p. m.
Arrire Bk Rapids.....................
*;40 p. at.
Lroee Bh EapW........................
7.00 p.m.
Arrive Old Mowioa....................... 7:40 p m.
■Bus wllUasre the HaresnUU Oma’
block. Hotel Whiliag and Kark Plaaa
attrko p. B. -Bm wlli alao OMaaet
w.tb bnatat 11:10 a. m
be St Bast Head 00 TuroiUy*. Thwrodayaand 8aU
trait will ba t

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