The Morning Record, July 01, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 01, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Will b« th« Blc Ptfttde lu
This Oliy on ths Poorth.






Oifeolt Oaart Ocmplaud ^ Oalaadar
TaatMdar Afiaraeoe. kr piaiwa>

laff of Sarmi Oaam
Tba mlaartar of tka Joaa tara of Iba
Clrmit'cMrt «*aa flalabad pcatardap
Or««r ot ite Tfoemtion OtteUUr Sa> aftaraooaaad aa adjMramaat takaa
Tb« VMtsTM WOl
OoMtdarabla baataaaakaa baao iraaa
aetao dariaff the two bot a Baaber ot
S sbo^u. Val^«-» m4 Wwrat.
eaaaa ka*a atlba' ^a eoaUaaed or
Jut OrmpuT *, »«l «• A- *■aatUad oat^f aoait, tkaa oattinf dowo
SU«7 Bsi^ «r K«te ssd ArtiUic Uaaoan^eplaadaraoaaidanbly Tba
Morgaa'Cbarlavau Laaber Ooapaitp
Tk* gr%ai roanh of Jmlj pocMt aaaa waaoB yaatarday aad araal to tba
wUJ ba tba Mcffaat tkias that amr jgry at *:»0. At 4:M a vardlet waa
WppwiaJ ia oortbm M (ehlfM sad If rdadared alloolar a Jadfaeat ot »IM
tor 8. J. MarffoB. tka plalatlff.
th* pl*u of U*
Tba maa of Altea Nab afalMt Myam tel<7 ewrtod c*%
C» off Ilka cloekoorit. Tha cMawIttM roB 8. aad darab BroaraaOB «aa callad.
>ala( t? a taebaleal dataet In tka
■at Uat aaaalaf aad aomplatad dalaUa
araadtashaad by
aaJ afraarad tka ordar of ibt puada.; papata tbia
. wiri ba lad by tbaiaaatoltkaplalsgffaadborattoraay.W.
Patoakay baad aaeortlaff OoBpaay M. B. UbIot. tba cobta to b.- taxed affalaat
Tba aoldian who aaw aetlra .aarrUa la | tka dafaodaok
Oaba aad who aaalaU4 is tba aaaaolt | la tba fara^*^ «Ma of Uoorfa Lar­
as Baatiaffo. will baad tka UarJdla <a. O. H. BUla aad B. T. Blimrda.
•Mlowlar tka Potoakay baad. aad .f »ralab« iaormaat
teken by daMePkomoa Poat, U. A'B. wlU fol- caoltlow-OoBpaayM. Tka aoldiars of iba
Tba diroraa eaaa of Mabal C. Aar wUI traar tka drrwa va. Wiillaia C- Aadrawa waa
ar wore la Caba Ukaa under adriaaaieat.
^ apaatatore wUI aaa tkaa la flffkt>
Vary A. Koa« wa* traotof o divorce
tsff tri» TbU and tbc elril war «al- from William H. Boar on tba charge of
oraM will aaraa to laaplra tba bearU craelty and ooa-anpport:
of arery apacutor.
.Tbatradaadlaplay arlll ba Baffalisoot and few daa raalUt lu auffaltada
la adraaoa. Tba followtoff U the or­
der of tka paradr:
His lasblUtiss OiTsn as



Two Gate.

U. S. Flags
Chinese Fireworks
at Wholesale Prices.

Four 8«t Frss by '
Vasa efbraodmapida, Coaaietcd
Off Ksrdar! Amaaff the Istcky OaaaPardes Boaad Will Vaat ia Traaaraa
OitylBJslytoOoaBidertheOaaa of
Ckaiiaa T. Vricbt—Alaxtadar VoKaatxle. a Xdfar, Vaau to te ffraa.
Laaalair. Jana SO.—Ooramor Plasraa
I Kaapar. a^rotn
Newayffo la Mai«b. lass, to Jack
for twaaty yoart for crimlaal aaaaoU.
Eaapar'a allaffcd rlcUa «a* hia daafbBay yoor CeleMklioo Shoes
tar, whoaa taatlBony waa eorroboratad
now. Our
by a aalffbaor. with obon Kaapar had
troBbla aboat a llae faaea. 8abaeqnaaUy tbe daogbtar admitted that
are ao low it would bF* a ahame
aba awora talaely aad that tba aeigb
bor tbraateaai bar if aba did aot. Kaa­
par la aa Inralid aad anffering from looomutor ataxia. Be baa bpt a abort
Uma to live.
Tba foilowlag eoorieU warn pardon­
ed: Oaorga W. Graaa. aaat from Caklaad ooaoty la May. im. to Jackaoa
for lea years for nnUwfal marri.g :
JAd De Msan sent from Oraad Btpidt
oo Brpt. IB. itM, to Jselmon for Afu n
yaara for morder >n the aecond degre.;
David Oildner. cent from Montmorecey
x<u4». <-orr.-.-l
i-rwtt tor Ir.. IJ.mi IC-t
la 18B4 to Jackaoa for ten years for.
b'lp r»u rrlrUrutr
mnrder la tbe secood fegree.
Jobo De Msan killed Cbris Blckllag
stsdsaee near Ike 0.. U B AM.
Janctloo at Grand KtpHi ia July aloe
for'r xriT'nil'ia.
years sgo. De Mano and a number of i
other young mn were managing tbc
dance. Blckllng and a gajg of lougbt.
laraded tbe dance ball They bad been |
driaklng and proceeded to make trou­
Ym Ktar (ft Idi
ble. A Agbt tiaried- Bickllag bad a
club and ased it in tbe figbt. De Mann :
crept sp behind him aad tubbed b.m
in tbe back, kUlIng him
Tbe board of pardont will meet July
UatBlgUar^ldaandtbrnat Tmverte
City, aod after that will bold a meet­
ing Joly 24 ti loom aad Jaly ss in
Grand Bspidt.
Borne impbriaat matten are being i
inveaUgated by the pardoa board at
p^at. amerg them tbe eaee o(:
CbarleaT. Wrigkl. a waallby lumber-1
man. wbo bat Mrved acreral years of a
life aenteire for killing two men.
Alexander McKenzie, wbo wat given a
life I
killing hU wife, some yean age. wanta
to be pardoned, and an rffort is being
made by teme of bii friend* lo Ibai
Here are ike price*—

Be Late

Celebratioi Prices

Buy today before the assortment is broken—If we
sell ont before yon get around you may have to pay
more or go without.

8x14 FUes,per doshu.................. .........................280
33 kinds Candy, par ib..............................................
HA-MMOCKS, with stretchers Mad plUow............! .7Sc

City Book Store] nI

Fine Kid Shoes

, UUl conuizrjr., bu0r

220 FRONTieTRCrr



Fine Shoes

Our Famous


Bargain Shoes

▲boat $^,000.
Marshal aod Aldca.
Patoakay Baad.
<30Bpaoy M. Sftb Mich. Vola. Spaabk- Bay Oily Oapttallat Bodoraad Meuo
. Fraaly for O Aar People aad la
WIU tors OB aaat aide l^oloe •treat,
Bolaad FlaaBeially.
right raatlng os Front itreet.
Bay City. Jane so.—A volnaiary pw
Martial Read.
UUoB iB bankiaptey baa baaB filad la
O. A. B. Veiaraoa
Beat aide of Union atmat, foilowlag tkia divteloB of tbc United Bulea coart
bySpen-arO. Fiaber. lu dry daUlU
aBdflgaraa abow betwras tba llnca a
rim D^parHsaat.
Mortb alda Biota otraoi. right rmU^ atrong ttraggle to get oat from aader
Immenae loaaca caaaod by the fall
OS Ualos atmat.
of others. ~
' Xhriaioo a.
Mr. FUher’t persoosl lisblliUet sre
given aa h4.8,4Tr.. Of ibU. Uere
Kiagfley Baad.
It trt.MO aecomd by mortgage on
(Mrpaatara’ Unloa. with laatareal aaUU .and aollatoral. Thera U
Cigar Makars' Ualon.
aboat SSH.OUO of Horst psper oa which
I. with flmtt.
ba U liable, aad oa aome ot which
U B. Boogbay A Co., e Boau; 3. 3.
Jsdgmaau bare been taken. ThU It
Bratlaa, Oily B wb Store. W. J. Bohlalorad except by execcUoa agalnit
ous, Trsvarsa City Moaic Ca. O. P.
pit^ly already
esrrar. W 3. Bobba.
other eraditora.
OiT.e'ae S. ■aettoai 1.
8. Oallowsy la owner of g?4'Will form W aoalh alda of BUU 077 worth of almllar nolea. which be.
aWbet. batwaoB Caaa aad Park, taeiag parebaaad from tba original holders,
presnmtblysl s big dlscoaat.
Plabar U also lUblaaa aadorseroa 837.Craaoeot Baad.
OoOof oDSacared Bontb Bad Bait A
' rioala aad ditplaya at foUuos: Ero- Lambar oompaay'a notaa, and oa abost Tbe Oily Bond* for 87.800 Befundrd
and Mew Bond* at 8 Per oent. for
11*18 inches.....-25c doz
latloBOfOarPag. afliatpreparod by •110,000 of Tamer A Fiaber aotea. tbe
ikaoaslalaaadawployaa of tba Nor. latter being aoeorod by traat deada to
Five Ti.ars Will be laanvd.
tkara Mleklgaa Aayiss;
Modern A. McDmaall aad tba Lambarmaa's
There wa* a vpecial meeting of the
Paper F-slooninK-Red, While
Woodmm of Amarlea. s floata;
Bute bank.
rouncil last nlgbi for tbe pnrpoae of gnd Blue, per roll, 2iV.
T. M..TaatNo t7li Caldwell A Los'
>1.^ »
ton city

refunding lb*
bond*. |
All of Mr. Fitbar>a available
:eros, ^lobe ebap^
das. bomalaai carriage. Bamiltoa
'bl^ fall dne today. The
71>e paymenti..
payment 1,
^ .
•0 acbadalad aa pledged to aaenra tbe wbldifaU
aoUiag Co.. I doau; P. C.
othlmaelfaad TamefA of ibew bond* wa* prorided for la Ue . °
J. W. blalor. t fl lala; P. Kyaalka. S
>l8o keep all sizes of Urge;
Fiaber. ne majority of it U aehadnl. aanaal budget a abort Ume ago.n>ut!
BmV; B. L- Bsnaoaii Bopklaa Brae.
ad for it* "esab valaa. Among aaaeu owing to tbe increaae of taxe*. dnf lo | flags,
SIflaloe A. BacUoa A
aebadalcd aa wortblaaaare of tbe new acboo'. addition*, it wa* drcid- fi u L
^ ^
WUlfotm on eoulk aide of 8uta Bant aotea ana' hin.ouo of Moahtr A ed to defer psj-ment of the band* uaiil I
atroet. l•■twaaa Park aad Bjardman Hob notaa. Of aino.oou dne oa aotea later.

sasaae. f««ag waal.
I.<ut night tbe eonncil received a bid
II .200 are lUlad aagtwd and the remala
of 8I&0 premium from the Bute Beak
dar aa wortbltot.
Korthporl Baad.
Tbe petlUoaer eltoi bit eomaeetioB for tbc bond* aad aa cfT.-r of n prrmBeada’* Twlrlers. iallat Campbell. 2 with tbe trm of Tamer A Fiaber aad lum of tluo from the Fint Kaiional
Boatoi BmIm Htore: J. Partpeb. 3 givaa Iba oompaay'a ladebtadaaaa at Beak, is both capee the Inwreat ta be
flesia; KiaibaU Plaao Co.; Wrigbt •i.ooetst. bU lovMtmaat lo tbeooa- fiveprreent. yt wa* decided lo accept
Brok.S ffmtei W. 8. Aadafsooi N B.
being SliO.fto aod bU UablllU« Ike effer of tbe Bute Bank, tbe bond*
Obaplo; B. Bebombergor.
to run five yean. Tbe mayor aad
at eadoraer oa.lbalr aotaa $124,422.
Dlrioloa 8. tacUoa 8
Ml.bll U clerk were anlfaorized to cAiplete tkc
Will form oa Cast aUoet. aontb of acbadalad aa aotaa and bllU which ranmetioo.
TbU bond matter led To tbe ooaaidongbt
elbthStata. faeiog north, aad esteadlng aaat
lag, two cowa. hortea aad earriagaa
eration ot the bead obligation* in tbe
oa Waablagtpa.
the aoMaat of $2M U claimed aa ex­ fninra and City Clerk Biekerd atAlda.
nooaced bond* rom'ng due a* follop*;
empt. aad ha
Bmplre Baad ■
Bebool Bond*—,per eenU da*
Oval Wood Ditb Factory: Wm lieiP famitora, booka or pletnraa.
Angntt 3. IMI4, S per cent, dne
sar: Wella-HIgmaa Co.. 2 floau: TrarJuly 1. t9M.
■a City Iron Workt; Hannah A Lay
Oily Bonde—87,300. S per cent, dtc
.......................... ..
Jaekaoo: FofOo.;
—•- Eiaa Ballmoat will Make Bar Asais- Jnly-1, 18»: 84.000, 5 per cent, dne
il at A Amutw; VmIot Patortyl. 2
Jiae 1. 1000:821.000. eper neat, dne
aU>a Maar the Ball l^rooBda.
BmU: Barney ADdersoo. 3 fljau: B.
Dwember I. mi. optioa. December 1.
B OIbba; B. Waldotfl; L. Corawali: U.
Ike «-Id weal of the Twelfth atroet
IMI: 814.000, e percent, dne Jane I.
W. Tkomaa. Frank Bllari ff
Madaby' Michigan Telephone Oo.
10:2. bpUon Jane 1. I«R.
XfirialOB 8. faettoa 4.
! Mia* Mabel Ballmoat for bar perllobt
for*iy\riaM of aervloe dnlred.
Will form oa Froai atmat. weal af balloon aaeeoaloo oa the FoarU. -The
boor wlU be S o'elaek in tba aflcabooa,
Ualas. faclag aaat.
wblob will aaabU tba erawdato atAlda.
at end of *lx ^t^ or change
taad tbe bsU gkme and aaa tba balloon, Spaclal Trala on O. M. A I. artll Ba811VWS' Band.
to any elaa* Af eervloe at wilt.
aaoaaaloa at tba aame Uma
able Oalebmtwa to Beaata
Teleabone tbe manager to call
villa Mtlllag Co.; J. M. Lsrlrias; HaaMtaa Balmont will perform a feat
aad explain new nten adopted by
Vatu After Flmworka.
sak A Lay MeroaaUU Ca. A floau that la aaw aod daageroaa. She will
Magar Bawi


Alfred V.
Popular Shoe House.


For Uc-curatiiig.



I'SdYiDgs Bank Bmar.



Are You
Ready For The Fourth?

.lust a few nir,redays -th-re'e ootbms like bain« prepar.
now-SeWlion still
are new-it’s

*t ' ‘

*.,r. t^uaerwear, etc., elsewhere wUen our prices for
new >“‘1 B'ylHh goxls sre n.t bi.5her thaq other dealers ask for
old stock .J Think a inomBat aad you are sure to trade with


S* tie Prlie Billooie Co Dp tl 2 p. m. toCij.

: New Mid-Summer
Ladies' White Waists
Placed OB sale here TODAY—Handsome etylee—dainty

Prices $1.00 to 12.25.
1^11 do yon gcod to see them.


We handle the best
tvhen we sell the Kimball
With ample capital and si.x
great factories.
_We manufacture tbe queen
of pianos.
Everj year 1.800 pianos are
made, and the demand - is

Easy lTe3?3;n_s.

235 Front St,ce't

R. E. STRORG, ManugBi

Ten Year Contracts


Suhscri^s May Cghcul

: Michigan Telephoue Co.
to leave b«re at 10 o'clock next Tam: feature of tbe <
1 day Bight, no tiut aU riatton from
that wUl be worth a joarmey from a
Kingsley. Summit City. MayBeld. WalOinsAmd
long diataaee aad b aa act of daring
toa aad otbsr potato rsaebad by that
<]%!• Is tbe CbUdraa'a Dlrinte.
aevw before attempted U tbb port of
llae. Hoa stay ben aaUl afirr tbc fir*.
phUdma orsr eevaa yean old from tka
wurkB la tba e«Mlag aad kave plenty
elty aod sarrcMadlBc
•oaptryanla'lMdtoUkepanln tke
A eebame te 00 foot lo balld a big •f Ume to span.
They win gnikar oa Freat dam aeiWB tke Pine river, near ThUb.
U be given tbb evaa■troet. mmtot Uaioa. oa ik# old Ont$1.00\ Month
Mr let aad adjotalag jroperty, nod for tke parpoeeof eoavwtiag tke water lag ue tba aleamer Oolambla. laariag
sad tkaa eon vey
tbe deeh at 7:to. The boot will remain
1 will sapplr «ae ^ ter the--------«ritl kave a aambar of* oAda---------------‘lellea:
lag tke latwr by wire to COdlUae, to bo
toawiatblm. Bvary child wbo J->lae
steatb. or 81.M per memtb
tbare ter besting. Ugbtlag. or raaU tka parade will be gtvaa a fiag
If poM la advoaea
wUeb may ba kopt aod taken boma alar mscblssiy. A eompoay b being* •natoThmOssU
TU* ImMMi dlvWoa wUl ba bsodad ergaalMd wiU 8M.OOO to paah
by tbc Boya' Band.
pn4oet tbroagb.






Beginning Today
and Continuing Until July 6th.,
Wa will makb ipecUl prloM on LadlM’,
. XlMM’, 0«ntlenien’s nnd Bojr*# Tu SbOM.
H«w ilne of lindlM’ Slippers and Strap
BandBls Joat recnlTpd.
' Try the Julln Marloww Shoe-finegt for th«

Parker Bros.


TSB UOtMa^i mBOOBO.AATU&DAT.ioL'r 1.1^^
«m*TXMK cmr.

fDull'S CLDB inOAL


totMtstlsc ProoMdiBcs mni
BlMtion«f Offleem.

> j. W. BAnn.
$, V. BA>na. Bdlior

TbeWoB ta'eaeb held a law* and
iataraeOac leeelrwi yeaterday afterTbe BeeaalCB Baa Ue aaanal
Baatlay, reporU of ofieara aad alecttoa. . Thoarb tbe eeaetinc wae a Umy
00c of tbe Boat barmonloa*
aad tboroorbly bajeyabte oaaa ia tbe
bietaryeftb# dab aad wltb tbe*neiaat oBlcari ebcaea for ‘
year tbe oaUook for tba aaeoeiatloa ie
a hrifht oaa wltb prapaete for tbof
oaybaad dallfbtfal work d.arlay tbe
ooBlay Boatbe.
Tbe BpatlBC wae calted to order by
Mra. Uortiinrr U. Ueta*. aeUaf preal
deal, wbo bae made a moat capable
aad cfieleat preeidloy ofBoer, aad bae
filled ibe ebatr with yraca aad dlyalty.
laberaddreae Mra Gab a epoke feel
tayly of tba raepooelblllMae aad opporI tbe elab aad
■ryad the BeBbere to take aa area
daeper iataraat la lu welfare tbaa la
the pact, bbe- ©flared maay yood any*
yaeUowe. wbleb wUl doabUeae bear
fruit La tba tatuiB
Tba raporu of tbe dlSaraat ofBoera
ebowad tba yood work of tbe elab dorlay tbe pact year, aad ware Utiaaed te
wltb oloB auaatioeTbe report of tba rdaordiny aeeretary. MUa Uerlrada ttprayae, fare aa
able reanate of tba work of tbe paH
year aad wae foil of yood blau for fa­
in work. It ie ae follow*;
The dob year Jeat doaiay bae beea

Tn diy of til. liovb. Mo., cunto in
tarfortbor dbUodioo bj nM« Of
OlolBlBt tb« fOBBIWl |«>r of lOTm
d !■ UbeoDsi
BU7. -k yoi
fiUul who bod ksowi’■’balMteBoi
■an, wd o uidra of ofai apiilbd to
Ibo oouij eUib tor % UteitM to Borry.
Tte loddeat, howe»«f, *M ohoro of
tiaromootbf eortols BMeraol •Up*
pa^ fWTOly appUad whati tbe pnrpaoe
Of iba pair WM dboortr*!.
T«B old-UM Vcoeiias coralvaU
wora Bol la It with ibc prodael < f MilWMkca. tk« loan mada faBou by oac
PaWl. and olber Bakm of lUiold }oy.
Tbnnday «raa cnmiral day and tbe
laatldUM vara Urnad Into a aori of
“roafb bonaa.” wbicb coaid only be
. aoBparad to tba late D,BoeraUc coofUtUos la lit. Loata.


BptaU OUrka Aak #auvaa Of atom to
Thooyb the year opened with bn—
Snip Barly Olotiac Moaraaat by
proepocU. eorrow eooo entered aad
ib'ouyb tbe wtafartuoe of oor prealBaklor rarchoaaa la DayUsa.
Mlny. ban and
^ * eirenlar banad by
ttbof a
) deprlred
tba B Ull Clrrli'a CTfablMOon. wbleb
'Maalt-................. ToTucBuviSO iVauc—Wa pn
for your careful eoDatderaUOD i
' b irfalcb few bare ylran aBaolaot'
la all tbcdepartBenUcf tberorem■aatabuura ooauliBie a l«ra> day'*
Ubar. Tba
lain of aioatatatead.
owat atatra drc'are
Mt tan boar*, at tbe Boat, ehatl be a
fat day-a w

Tbe boani nee been oonfrunted
oMUelta- *l»ieh perbap* the ncBber.
aloaa kaow, l>«t tbe year doece with

oae<dmt‘fied with pFritr^
of ibe dty wltbont any «* rtne
part, caerpt tbe payaiBt of
of fil
as* Ily.Laat year.a* yon all koo<iw.I __
. proyraB ooBBlttae.
by dlllyeet eoaxtey aad
were able to prorkle
beyyiW that
and many
wltb leader* of tbe
lally yalberwd froB a
of the "fallUfal few." who
rrally abnuld . be allowed te^^t
come of

-------- tia Urly
baaorred la their work by findlllay
Me paper*
BcBber* wllliny to prof
May proeper ©refer
The dab '
a poieat factor la tbe blyber
.defriopmrnt of woa--B with tbl* ezlatlay elate. We bee -me iatereeud in a
tblar onlf whro »e work for It and ae
wp fora la oor miad* *bat we would
wUb tbe ideal of oar dob to be aad
then realiz> that it I* i
fidotl rloh of wbiob we are belpiay t
• • ffereai
10 y. we win ptrt m .re eool an.
ibcuybt into H aod aake daty a pleai
are The
Tbe elab caaaot ealst wliboa
A« a charter BBobrr of the dob I
fpelyreatiy iot-rented and tmettbal
at no lature dey tbl* dob »b*ll be
an-o-wred anooy the Bo*t tboayhUDi
and hdpfal oryanltetlon* of the aute
a* the women who beloay to U.'are *o
vepable of makiny it
It wa* fr>teH. dnritiy tbe boeinre*
■•■eloo. to apply fits of tbe dob’*
money to the club non»e land.
A ouraBlitee aon*l«tiny of Mr*. P.
E TrafU. MlB B la Backa* and Mr».
IV D. Turcer w** appolatod to look
ap -.he Batter S^-x>b, for tbe coBioy
y< ar.
The election of. ffl .’?* »a* by ballot
and rMoUrd a* foilwt;
i're*>dent—Mr*. L. Roberta.
Kimi Vee Pf*» W. ‘ D
.S c >od V ce Pft->idral—Mr*. S. C.
Record iay*e«r«lpry-lli** Ella B*ck-

A iBire JIaaeber Bare Already
Arrived at Sarrcaallay B*aoriB.
Tbe raeon aeaeoa le bow properly
op Blay and raaorten are bcylantey to
ba* already tal
quite a ra*b of rcaartetn aad a^l tbe
eiber rcaorta are qnlekly belay papalatad with eidtora- Dr. A B Coabay
ae beee alao Mra. PetenTad denybter
Of Cbleayo. John Uetca aad family
aal F. 8. Cload aad family of Ciaelnaatl bare arrlred at Ke ab-ta-wante to
^wnd tbe BOBmer. Mi>*ra Marion
aad Ollfe Panoo* of D.-rry. N.dl.. aad
CM Sheldon aad family And Mra B
a Merriea of Topeka. K*a.. are at
Old MlBlon for the eoBBer. Mra. L
A. D llloyh*m-of Coldwaier and Mr*
W. K. PiereoB of Stentoo arc at
Omraa. where Mra. Pieraoa bee a coltaye.
Aa XpidcBle of DiarrbOM.

quite an epidemic of dterrbopa there
itaek aad wa* eareC
He hadaBerereatte.
b^foordoae* of Cb<
< l*ra aod Diarrhoea Remedy,
ay* he al*o roeonmended Itt* olber*
.odtbpy*»y it i* tbn beet medicine
ard F. C. 1


Brll'iast iltpfit**ri'w
Go to the Feinou* and rptpct -Troin
biy atock of fine J*p*ne*e lantern*.

%or SB Editor to EaeoBmend Tatent
■•dlols a«r
mat Bylraa y*lla# K^*. Brevrad,

•u may K k .iue*tlon whether tbe
fefiiiet ol * n#w»peper bae the right to
Ubjkci, r«>.mBeod *ny of lb* f^Iou*
prwpri/tery cerdlclne. wbleb flood the
an^et. yA a* a prr»ettell?e of *oRer-

All details of the profession looked after in a pro-

• lo.S18t)ni(n Strut

■fessional manner.
Botli 'PhMMS

:: >0.13

y^u order your cans. We have the Mason can
in pints, quarts and two quarts—the best can
in the market. If you use those ypu-fiad last
year you'll want new rubbers, or perhaps new
can tops, sendnn your order now-don’t wait.
Then we have ull^theLberries and small fruits





*». law*

mitim ,
tbeo out It



?rxTu.‘f Wheels


KrLro«”;';,l;Henee‘dS'^‘‘e K--wSyTu
the club are




the for-'

eeforced to tte.mi.r
ieiier. e»ery memb^ of Ike elab
of RftSC & Son.

ISiVlOB* which are not Plea*lny they 1


and h

bouses at any time, Couldn’t get a painter
any sooner? Tben-dgure on doing your paintIng right after the FourtU-It'll be quieter
then. We carry Heath * Milligan’s best mixed paints, Shipman’s strictly pure white lead,
Wright & Hills' pure linseed

T^e W. W. K.mbell Go , Hi Froai
aiTMl. bam rreel*fd
celrrd a larye eapply them to oftee t^i

‘ .......... .

In war time—but we sell you paint for your

I1 am
am tlOW
now located
locatvu in
in m\

“?K. «^,»,.nl*Bh*.lclaa «ra^u.layper«.oal
of ar«a*lii£Per*onal imtByoD^^^^
aateyonUm Tbl* _____

as soon as theygare ripe, and always the best


41:? I'uioiV Alrect.

efH.-er i* being
-puaed la him
,in', n.errhoa Remedy were
rad at they do eaforoe the law.
kant an band and aaBioitoema »» laey u«
^— -



your berries are left in your kitchen before

B-lfand ibrougb ‘.ne fUion ol bboee
.wBoBlvblrk capable of juByiny aad. 1
word lor .
have I whoae opinion* 1 here beard expreeaed. _
ani Dlarrboe* Eenicdy.
knovrn and aoed thU mediolne la bur tbouyb i regret to *ay 1 cannot oon•clenUontiy make it flowery.
We all know that that boela*-* prow

tm'i Beki OB the feuth
Oo to tbe •■•lace lUke^ ar
anpply of baked yood* for y
peJ; Tea'll br too bu*y toe


Unless you have the cans to can with. This

Two reception* bare been held durlug the year, lae efenlay anna^ to
which tbe genllcmeo were Inflted. and
I iDform*! afternoon reception J-t- If y'.jii lLl-> trt .-hi
.ally for Ibe member* who bed been
mndt- br.-atl
jV of lUe City ecferml m »nU>*.
The meet important buvaeu of tbe
year b«* been me refl.fO of the hy
lawe. wbteb. beiay of *nek roecat occnrrecce. need, no farther mentloa.
I would almoet retreia
of tbe future of lb* elab but a* 11 1*


14’e'w Stoare-lZO E^rorL’tSt.

is the canning season, and don't wait until

S? b^man coduranae to many tlm*.
end ittelisponi
ltl*lBip«»*fel»^M> ylre y^u Ktiu-'Fedrr*tioa held' In M*nl»i
nnei and
“ 'k, Mr*. Buc'm.x*
{be eerrW we onybt and.dcelrc to


J. W. Slater, Hou^ Fnrnisher


A'l.VltC .., mcetlns* which bafa breu
urid .at* year. Mr*. Gaie* oa* praelded
atV: and in her abeeaoe. Jane V. Mr.
p. J Curtl*. the aerrmpoodiny *ccrc-'
Ury, WM called npjD to prrwide.
.Hfutiid *lDj*t *rrm adfUaMc to pro
fide for elmilar emeryenuy by adaiok
to tbe earp* ot ofilccr*. e third fire
"t Lodo Ueir porcha*loy lo dey preatdent
' i
Dcocneber ii;b. Mr*.Owbett ecnV In'
willrnleafor to doyoar *bopju wiilrnleafo
1 czpreee yoareelf
tbe c.nb lUe
elny" of tbpkioraa,
to accept it.,
■I^ere will be nodout oflbyeo.
' MptcBbcr 16. * paper prep*iircd by
Hr*. B. «t Ladd wa* read by Mr*.
*'*Aod la eaebanye for yenr ae»Utance U Morymo. Mr* Ladl bclqy too *ick
we proBlee prompt, fciu^rteou* *«£ •» to attend mod the followloy mnath tbe

of T*.—k

No Belter Bicyele Made,
and we sell them for $25.0*^, $35.00'and $40.00—We
have the -WORLD“ also.


nly Dadec
reuTlb ef Jaly
PloaMOt danciey'
dancinylaartlet. F.
Boon and <


juld be celled tg fl",



F.nandel eecrelarr-Xr* J. H. Me.
Goayr. I •
toelt crBlIl.
C.jr.-*poadmy *<cfeiarj—Ur* Jwbn
Un. Ikirbett pretidef
I. O. E C
tinmrian-Xr» J V G:lle*nie
prealoeni. prcalded at tbe three lollop
lay neevioy* and waa then called to
H ar^
I> <^ecl..r,-lb.ceye*rf, Mr*
l.ebOBCof her ayed paicote wbne J. l/Ol1,b.-tf-F**™- Mr^J A M-b
liill tba retell clerka of tbbelty
aer aoiber bad set with e paiofs! a«V.
. jolrod to worh IroB i: to 1» b'
('drot aod wbert abe ba* reaala^ ao* ff-ae; ops >
per day. ThU allow* them aollme for til a few dey*
lay* ayo admlnUter'&y
adDloUter'&y U
to „et ••vr-.
contort, la thea>*uCe of tb-.^ two] -'
the proper derrl ipDrat of uffijer* tbe dnt>ee of tbe ekalr defolt.. ,
U|MO tbe rod fioe preuldtai, Mra.
user H. Uetca, who little l*-.ui:snt >>h

Id »leep.
fBfdy U '* erll we take tbe UL.Tp rtBfdj
arty of aiddreBlot 10 yrD tbU let
iblic for wbom
I riqaired W
work aad who*
D aearlT
pirate Id
aearl. all ca*e» ibe. .propi
atore of tbe rarioat ttorre are wiill- r


*IBes tl» food nnre delM(»):a«)

■tea Sprsiroe. Mada Kaay Pte a,
•acKMtteMfer Baatfit of tba Orwaalaatloa, la Bar Aaaaal B»-


If ;n want a first class, good Bicfole to rida the 4th, oaa
that )on cat dapead oa, come la and hup an
Uf- a ,^1


> letter with



and a full

line of colors ground in Oil. These are the
beat paints in the market and are hilly guar­

Kew Tonneller Elock.


pJeme* can be proeured_ JlBt-if.



Yoo'Ubetooba.y toeook



tiM u, I7 o„n
ymliwc *lr*dwim*«f*« ter *teM*W|«l
„lB*te fi
club ateafl*
bat aa
niter mica ta bale atewUebaeakaa ^^.am

The Hannah & Laj Mercantile Co.


fiu nOEXVib SBOOBD. 8ATURBAT, JtJLT-1. 1889.

« ^tiVe



' BrrrilM.
Tbe-prtae«{ wfaMi«Mi»
L»y flov mlU wm nlMd rwMrdft^ t«

^Tv^eTe«^. j




wU. :
Imnatcoafoaa that
faabr. ‘•Imnalco
Mu)Hr» t* F««4 «< om of
parada 9a Aa Foarth.. A ^laadkd drlH baallh aadtbe al_
ymcMM. rr^B«.
waarIraataMeBtntfa ba:i aad <a
fRMi Uva iHt 8*irtc«b«r to B tUm. tkastMk CoarjULiBC aolau to a klf
The •Beat•• Toalo.

»?. to
anoaiaCtoa aoUkafa for tba eala* foadioK (be child waaaocb
«e» Iba UfbMl taward of Mrtt. be- aattoa.
at flrat that I bacaSM nerroua
aad exUuaud. -BoM" Toalc
tae yrwtoit b7 UwBaroaiw DotoaMMotokan of tka OM^tor*a Caioa
ahy wlU a baMtlfal wroato of laarrl.
ra actMad tkal (bar ton pro
to bqlld at oaea. Babr
««rUNd wlUyardief nd. »klM aad
ebow the adeeu wHbia a
Waa sUk rttoboaa. wlto toa Morraat C. 8. B. « hall Moodar avaalaf aad oonUnaed He aae lor mootha. oa
■adeoMafanM «f to* baraaato on froai a to If rarodar tooralac. prapai til 1 waat oot into tba eoumry
aa^actad to take my toole
aM aida «ad tba aoaar^aai of Mr. atorr to joialac la tba parade oe ttp aad
' I me. 1 loot fifteeo pound!
BaarMa «a tha 9tbar.
. Siore
Jeaiab Maitla of tfoatb Btaao will
Apr’ct wlllbarf«nto
alana‘I>aDhafd ooloaj aaar Jitaatoa torfar Ua baat aakemp for the oall- lareag^ b
Tkroii^ aanebanca ka W aona iato tbampiaa parade oa (be roartk..
Beatr Tonic..............
gainod aix ponndi ud
yoaaeaaloajr a I.WKt-aara tract of load
V.. frladrieb raoooUr aialUd Ihtleona la apain pmpn
fkart. In^u a* ika (wopartr of tka
;B7aahlaftoB aad waa tbova at tba blp top. JnBtArnk.belioi
lala Jadf« Poaa. Mr. Martka baa a
daeoratkoa dar dew jaatraOoo. B( Him monUa old. wcdpbe
aatobarofaoaawaaahittlaaad U It broarkt hack aowe artkalle Idaaa re B pound*, and ! bare not
ratoorad that a ekarafa for lha 'Bto of rardlac deeoratloaa aad 4hU Boralai weaned him yet "
Let erery moAer apply
lUa rnligtoaa aaet arttl ka arreud
j be will aei tba paee dar aztorlor trim- Alatoberownezperiejaoo
AaoddeaaaofaBlcidabaajBBioaear'jBiaca.on tba froet of tba Friedrich and at least glee Ae -Baat" Tonk a
trial, if oot lor bar own eake. for that of
biock. fbr'Aa Feartb.
ber child Let her pporide tor baby aa
ilreda of children arr puny. alow, with
Mra Paald Qaaat. beeanaa of tll-bcalth
Mlaa Jeaale MiWbeU. Aa mew ktodcrneiTOiem eopitir tnoiioua and unintelUto(^ a doae of laodaaaw. bat tba tlwa- partaa toaebar oapapad by Prof. C R
_.ja. liecauae ibe mother W
Ir arrleal of m pbralataa eared her Ufa. Doekarayfor AeBulneaa eolla|^. ar a anpreme aim amonp the Greek*, tboae wa» forced
pm all her energica into
toean of parfeetlon in tboae tipid athBbo told bar boebaad It waa of ao tired in Ae et(y yeaterday afuraooa Jalle eiandaaa wbM--------- ■*=“'
tiear them, without Aa
the power 1
ibem the-------rttal
ttrenptb be^dre to glee tbe------aae. aba woold repeat (be operatloa from Grand RapUa and will tUrt work pteryoltbebody. For wulwnt apart.
flow of antrrlT health. HahUnal aaa ol
aatll aba had ahakee <fl tbU awrta: Monday, alAo^’tbeaebool doca not
Pabrt Malt F.*iraci. The Beal" Tonic,
fight A*Imule oTeiiMeaoe w'S*«
With rfaaCaolldtade be Me­ eommence aatC Wedneaday.
Mlaa quering energy, or how derire thoaelmal
ted her to peatpoDB (be
......... .................. _ d» toll
Mlieball it an aooompllabed toaebar elemenuof bai^iotoa. pure I.I00.I. calm , the
It of tbe perfect form, a glot. be rot tbraarb with bU eom-plaat- aad will be a ralnable acqulalUon to Borre* and bright ipind. B the mother i«^r
Ulity in the mother, which akla
tar. bal abe Inakated that aba eoold not
>•Bnalama otOlava.
to bear, but faulU
0 great weaLneu. giren the
pn( (be oeaat off later than tbr followChief of Pullec. Jithn Rennie. ai
tor Frida), (ban (ha fanaral ^opld be ad Albert Whliten and'Bertrand Wbltt aam area mr r»G raantu
held ilaoaap. tbaa aaeloi one day.
loo for dr«akeoo>t Ttannday atanler.
uk^ * gtUt
U deaJ-------------GeaJ uf
>f mall aad
gaanl arraad to tbU. bat for aowa raa- They were boA brnepfat before Judge
'hlnv« laal. «o ta* wbeda,
. B*B>urha»li I
aoe (be aokaoodld not work raotdiy. ae Roberta and «ncd R ft ynterdey.
l>*twratitarti>«ttsrMmTae ,
tba faaeral had to be bald Mnaday.
Tbe otcom barpe F. W. kletcber ar.
exuur. H ^
DMial T. MrSla<. a wealthy noalacaa rleed at tfaie port laat nipbt from Cbl.I'.iwi Hart t:zi -L and It liidirale.1. a.W.HUnC.H.O.
eO««d b*r i (h<r>'bMlw. Maaa.
toaa llTlar at Ana Arbor baa Jnat r«- capo. Bbe will load IrlA lumber to­
taraed frotn a boatnrea (rip tbrourh day and ratnrn to Chieapo tooigbt.
parti of ftuaala aos FlnlanA He aaya
Tbettood Tamplan held an enj y[fluttobd Bay Welct-me on the-Yonrib 1;
ibadbaFlBpaara leaelnr-tbekr eonn
John Orukter. proprietor of fieutier 11
W7 uahkpkoada for AmerkeaopaecoaBi ablenod lotereetmp bcakioo Uet ateoUmidrr
Of Ae perteenUon of (be Kuatkaoa inp in Montapne BaU. After a maaiWbow olUairto wa7*be fonod without a eal and literary prupram lipht refre*brit| M
pr. parat OB* for Ae Fourth o» July
waa In ibew. all Of the wen fa..r.or
al Dotora on the F.>br h
. ^.
left the oosniry to walre new boawt cream, waraaerrrd by Ae genliemao.
The local iii-rchaut* ha*.« already
ha* been larpely patron'aert
bad for Aalr faniliw to } do tbem^ Ut A debate win proAbly by piren at Ae
mmeneedtorte with ea.-n other in the Fourth . f Julv. but VM* year 8nlar ia aowe other ccuatry. aaaally'' (be Bent meaiinp. Friday ereoinp.
About dayllpbton Aa mornlnp of *e matter of interior d.-Araiion* for 100* Bar a rew’ri will be cloaed so that
UaltodHtotea. He apeaaa very htphly
Of (be eobrietT and kodastry of tbeee Ac FoorA a Ck;mpany M flap will la the Fourth of Jolr and almaoy many „er»brily can come to Traerrs- C.iy
FiBbi aad thrir worth aa <(«iM praec- raiaed on Ae lawn of Ae borne of of tbe aterea are makinp Roe display! vnjubn,.rt The town will be deaerud
Captain Holntoab. on 8Ute atreeL T1 a in their bi^ window* and iotlde Ae *nd the gate* will Wclosed aod lo-k.d
eapialn baa aecured n flne pole and a store*. la In prirai dewnd ^hUe the iahsbiubu eome here‘to
Mlaa BAa A. H-yoe and Bar. B cba>d
bp flap to po wiA |t, and a (<i<iad of and there iaao question but that Aere brlp u* cel.-bra e.
■Idabotbaw. a Korean
will he more color dlaplayed here neat;
---------------------- -—•
|Ae company will oftleiato •
vara warriad at Atpeer Wedareday
Torfcday than ha* e*er been shown In- "We hswesold msnp d-fferent t?ms
. Gooil hardtvooiJ in stove Ibntiths.
lap with due cereiuoar.
oreaiarThe coople will aail tor
Also four
maple slabs and edfsini^s.
Korao on Anpuat U
KrerthodyU filled wiA the tpir.tof j,r rnarW Hr lihsoes. nn.ggiaV NeH L Carter, who baa been at Ae the neeaaion and Traverse City will be ; ara. N J ■ I- <s perfect y safe ind'
ALBay City. Aleaaadr- H. AaderioB,.
a prominrnt liquor dealer, aped tO. Gmud Rapid* <^ltariuni for the paat deek.^ In ber gayeat holiday attire, can W relied un-.o in ail c^ o
(00k carbolic aeld by mkataV" and dl<d month. Uking elecuie bath* and
rod.v work -ni be aurted on some of
jaape treatment for rhemualikln acd the r^lerior decoration* knd it l» ei- •" fia afew mioutcs.
Terreoee Uulllran. a farwer Mrlar \be > <l -cia of a relapse of leal winter'*
lay on
aaar I'alwyra. war drirlap alooc Ae prip. reinrned yeaterday m-ieb improeIV fin<
road wl>aa a etroka of Ikpfatatnr killed, ed in bealA.
•it nc«
-er- u* naKonal olor < h the F.
both horeeaaud badly ehoeked the in
that 0 il Gloif ir pivt-n
Flini are In tbe city. Ae pueata of Mr
watea of the wapoa.
post of horror.
The rawalne of Hobart Uarr. a aol- aad Mr*. Will Abbott
Me Right I UptideM
dtar of tba Thirty-third Mkehlpaa. bare
is lovely
boon lohalod IG Caba and will be dle- in Ae city.
FrofcMOr Townsend of tbr Manialee
temper will dl*ny*
Intorrad aad aeat to bla fomer bowe
reujd be ralacbool* and family, and C W. Lewis mends, but one who weujd
of Mamba! . left on Aa steamer Oolnm- -nctive must keep her be*ltb. If sYmMyeierlob! diawiad robberiaa bare bia for Cbarle*Qi« yesterday. They s.weak, Biekly and a>l run down, she
«lll benervuu* and Irritable. Ifabebs*
oeeamd fa Kalamitr >0. Throe women
July 3rd acd4th|
will make a tour • .! tbe lakes and In wioal'psllou or kidney trouble, ber im
bare euffired Ae tom ctdlamoad rtope Aeea>l>'lall M'. Townsend will take aure biu-d will cause pimple-.blolcbes.
la t^e wuel laeinllsable lunner.
«kle empiiona and a wrfcu-bed comhi* pok.t '-ro a* WuperiDleadent of Ae plezioe. Electric Bitter* U Ae beat
At I'oallac.Tlllle WerU. Ae 1C yearbool* at N.'wark, Ohio, barlep but meaicine in tbe world to repulauold plrl wbo wa« eo terribly borned by recently been elected to Ae plaee.
( itomach^ liver and kidney* and '
araaotlneezploeioo, died Tberaday.
Urn McOoy returned to bei\ purify .(he blood. It gives
iD 8 new and refined
nh. velvety,
btale etreel yeaterday after nerves, bright eye*, smooth,
Ayonap man itrlapona farm near
akin, rich complextoo. It will make a
BaUle <^k wa» kioked by a hone Aa
woman of a I
l••>d looking, ebarminp
Mr. Andrew IVteraon went (u l*etoa-' run-down Invalid. Only Sue at JoLn-!
oAer day eo weerely that bi« ripbl lep
•on'* and Wait * drug stores.

betweea the knee aad ankle wa* key yesterday.
Mr*. J R Jeokifu aad Miia Ruth Vec Al BaUceai pc &pbroken la twenty plaoee.
Ro/ar* of Manoelooa are pueaU ol Mre.
‘ Aid CriDi) NOSlCll EDlCfUlDinUL
OM fruit prower la Berrien county
upsis boiair balluoDt from the topW. Carey Bull.
baa *B*t barraaiad iblrty.<^e crata> of
of Ae Friedrich building at ;’o'i lv<k |
EftfjtliiDA Kei iDdijpnrditB.
Mlaa Bake of the oormal acbool at
ebeiTlea from one tree, or flfleoa and VpBilanUUto Ae city fiaitinp wl.b
Bicycle Saddle—Guaranteed for three years—
a half buabela
L<M)k at them 'whether you need one or noL.
brr father.
. _ locating the balloopa
^Autifiilly nia 'mteil gongs, elTaa prowan of aupar beeU le Ac
Repreaeautire J. B. Anderton and
have descended and aecnringtbe tap* ei:aatly-p(>rlrat-(i liv tiue st-reop$8 00 or $10.00 will buy a 'good second-hand bi­
eiclaity of Hqchai
wife of Ur*nd Rapid*, are in Ae^ciiy
- $*J5 will buy tbe best new wheel on the:
Mr. Benda
•a by drouth. auippinp at tbe Uotol Columbia.
Marv--lot38 .\< rol>mic
1- 1-Vfit
market—Come and see my display before.poinp
About 400 aeraa are belnp grown there
K F Baldwin of Brown City, tota X*«f yrar BPtey ufe
Higgesi Show
triven for tlie
tor tba new factory at Benton Uarbor.
iwn oD-bnalaea*.
1 lo-ordrr to do it po to Ae Pamou* prill-.
Cbarle* .Sumpfi
>r of Walton, is
and bny a pocket book for five ccoU.
la in
Bay City capltallau bnre uuen
rojiular pr''---« will prevgll
A bettor one tor more money.
Aeaact of lan^ near Atlanta and will Ae eily lor* few day*' stay.
Judge Aldrteb andjwife have pone w
aeptora for coal; Iron and gaa.' There
are aaearal plaoea In a larpa awamp
two mllaa eatt of that place wbera-paa neonple of days In Ala city. Judge
ateapm ooaaAoUy. and when Ipnltrd Aldrieb bnafd a ease in the rtrcnli
bjmawlAaatendyflame. Oparatlona cjnrl Thursday abd Friday.
Judge Mayne has pone to hU homo
will beplb aboot Joly
In Cbarlevols aftor adj >amlap court
Tbe dead body of Frod Uebrader, a iu thU eily laal evening.
peominent fmlt prawer llelap (wo
George Moir retarnod yoatorday
An oRlinance relative »o th«mllea eouib of DaeUburp, waa fonnd from Mllwankee.
congimcliou, repair, and preaer,
badly manpled la front of tba dapot
T. Edward*, wbo has been at ChovatiOQ of aidewalka.
by tbaaldaof Aa D,G. B-A M. track
Part uf Sec L
Tbnrtday mornlnp. it i* auppoaed ha
“Every citizen of tbe aaid city
^MrJ ^r«d Culver and non have pone
foil noder a train tTednaaday alpbt.
Old .Mlaalon
to spend a monA
fihall oonstruct and keep in repair
Oiir shoe trade was not built up on cheap made
Saldom doaa a brlda traeel ao tar'to “TbeS;“to“,'^meetlag<»f A. L L bU aidewalka adjacent tp premiaee
footwear—we don't spring FAKE sales on our custom­
take Ae marr-apr eawa aa did Mlaa A. wilsbe beld^Bi* aftomoon ia Ae' ownwl bv him in aoccrdance with
ers—When we advertise anything voa will get value
Bather Btod. who, waa married Thnm Aellbrary room* at t;l0 e-clnck
tlie'proviMons uf ibto Dribnam-t-.
day aeaoinptoU J. Jaannetto. Tba
Court' Eepofier J B. Uendemon. |
Eap,<-ianv in view of the comreceived -You can't get something f9r nothing.
waddlap oeenrred at Ae home of T B.
We want your inspection, and vill name prices at
1. U.U
-i,l be Bol inc
Altro, on Ae Whitmore Lake road. .r»r
our store that down any so-called snap sales in this
BMT Ann Arbor. Mlaa ^aed'a borne ia ‘‘‘^ro(. G. R. Oatton if Beoconla. I* In along oar aidewalka, it ia nece«city—Wc have served our trade in reliable shoes for 16
is Lot Anpelaa. Gal., wbhoea
ary that all defeota in waike
years, and the people ought to be convinced by this
arrietop Aem laat Monday. Hr. Jean.
M(to laomployod at Ae I'oleonliy
time who the Old Reliable Shoe Man is.
Foray Stanley of Map’o City, wore Inicauae of much trouble «>u exMake no mistake.


hV&cV Vow, ^at
qoo&a, SI \-Sc au4 50c, ^oir \5e vaVr

* 'Kitaws' Ytac nbbei tk-aVrei
VAe, bOc aai SOe, ^br . .. .Z5c ^aVt

C-VuVirea'a VtaVW aVoeVAaq,
Sbe ^a.\T
^wboqa aaA qtAa.......


‘■5'rp;a”.:'ss£^ S™ --


Voaa, ^OT........
..... .........\0c vaVt

hV&cV Voaa.
atiwvaV...................... .



S ^or 25c



i' .v^iosssisAsssisssssssiSHtssstssssRs*f-





-rCity Opera House

and Tuesday,' j


Silver Brothers

.1 b.'vfi.mvvwtTv.
Specialty Show

An Ordinance.



.ca-—MR& H.E. GIBBS

We Meet Any Prices Named
on Footwear In This City......

_lf quality cuts aoy figure

■fl bocanae
baeanae a ooo-oant poatape
poatarc t{
bU bead off
it waa mtaslap. That was all-Ae rowafd ho pot for U* hoaaoty in retnmA* parM aad Ua euh odHtoau.

avoid amacciWaitor Grobbea of HorA Manltoa »-od condition will avoid
I In town yea- Jtinto, and aave both money and
reputation for the city.
Fbikk Ha:

life S'xorLt St3?eet

•W-RXM'b'a.arar Bloolfc



TH< Moumro &BOOBO, BATUSIlAT. JT7LT 1. 18M


I ^erveraX ^Umt

o5 Wvt'yaoAd.
,«iU«ir b««« wbteh

kh« llpaor

trtMiVBriartalka h«T«
’k«l la PatUraos. V. J.. to ibcfrcal
1 ^laKiroM aaaoyuaa of dram;
B aad
4laa oebaUBto are bet oa Ua iraU of
A« «BlU lor uar ymn tor doaXor
la Oeraiaar. Prof. Viator Vob ABaiMTf diad at PottaailU. Pa., acad 70
After Ova raan of eoUaeUal;. Prof.
WoMhaw bat broocbt ao alsaat ^lac
SaMbaaeh of bMaklaa froa Bairali
«er«beaaU»al bmobb
■ tabor Joba H. Viaoeat opasad tba
■•MtafeUtb aeasal Cba«uai«a aaMBblj raalardar aod.
if ^000
bad bm reateaadotrBMtiof
aaaHwd. oaa-kalf frea Mtaa Baloo GbaU.
WilUaa Braod, a forarr law atadoat
«C tba aairofaltr. Urlaf at Cbleaco.
Aaa Joat boaa aada tba balr toBI.UOO.-

Paartaaa aew mom of pallow farar
■Mmo booo oAalallr. roportal durlof
•eaUattWodaraat HasUaro da Cuba^Btatarateoa tbo totoi aamber ofeaaaa
AaUtr. of wblob twalea hara protad

Btanad odt to break* tba e«aU boj
ord far a half stia daab.
Bit a
artdaaUr dlauaaad bia ia tbe^naalar
for altar tba as^loa aba waa foead
eadar bar aeibar^ bad. Tba bop waa
ptakad op aaeooMtoaa ia.tha rtelaitr
bj.tha aaldbbara. bat waa aot aartooal/lajorad.
A. Altouta. efarb U a laadlac ^
roedabooaeat Raelaa. Wit., a weak
a re raaalrad ao Ataartaaa ailrar
io. pbrBoet for
that broorbt biB
•1.000. Tba eolaia dated ItM. aod la
rarr raloabla. tHare bekof oolr
of that daMBiaatioa ia ccittaooa. 41tttbe aolo to Ubiearo. ezparta
eed U reaiiloa. and It waa told
far •1.000. Thapriaoe who fa** tba
dollar ^or fooda la not kaowo.
Artbor W. B)aaall, of Brooklra.
boot too bad baraatraek witb aa aa>
bralla br a T-raar^^d boj, tocA U Dooa
blBoalf to apabk tba of aadlof roaofator. tbo laUor'lrtaroaU kaviaf rofeaod
to adaioUlw .tbo ahaoUaeaant tbcBthareopra aoad
for dasatea br the fothor of tb* spank
ad boy. and the jury decided that he
Boat pay •I0?».
of a ()aaBtUr of Jewelry
lakeo troB Mn. Pbylll* E. Dodfe. of
New York, a paeaanarer on tbe eteamer
8V Pa«l. etaowa that It te worth •lOO,000. tbo ralueof aoiodle-Beeklaco belor
•M.00U. Tbo doty oo Ue Jeweliy Mixed
w^d bare beOB •to.uou. Toe oontanu
of lira. Oidee’e truok alone are worth
•I0.UU0. TbleMixoreof Jewelry U the
larreot aror made la New York.
Harrlad at Kaaton;
Tbe many frleodiof Uaorye J. Wood,
.fttrmerly of ihto city- bot aow of ManAoo. will be flad to hear of ble mar­
riage ta hHwSiiaa Uerbyablre of that
place 00 Toureday eraoln(.
Bar. J.
Vinaaffo oSclatod. .The oouplo rrUl
make Mantoa ibelr bone aad will be
rlad to welcome tbeir frtaod*.
Wood ta well koowo to tbli eUy ae a
railroad mao who formerly oxade thU
city bta borne, wnrie Mu* Derbytblrc
ta weU koewD in Manion.

■tiWiioBpHWi hara boooaa a froat
^rl««Ba In «pola. Inradlnf **an tbo
it daatrU 0 poo aold Ian worn
.MioMd to aaalat In doatrojlnr than
CtalU P. BuoUarton of New York.
Aae bouckt a tract of load of l.sto
«atwt la flanorar eoootr. Va:. wbara at
■aa aapraaee wall aqolppad bnlldlor
<Biab lataat Bodem ImproraBaoU ia to
Aa aaactad for tba eoavaaiaaca of ]o*eo«
dia odPeadara of tba ntfro race.
C<vlea of Fillploo papan raealrad
eaitain tba Aowloan llaaa at MaoUa
adkaw that tba laaorraala' bopaa of tne'Xinpluyaa Batertainod.
- BOB aie kept altre oolj by tba tfita
Tbe Wilhelm Broa and Ibelr em-'
aua la ibalr behalf in tba United
ployoi enjoyed a detifbtfo! early mornotaua
Inrrtde yeetarday. artainc at 4:30 and
iftiwaon-Uaaaral Btarnbarr U la tba •Ocor lo Blyenood where amoMaenU
BWat ta laapect boapltala and aalaot a of rarloiu kind* were enjoyed, Upon
«Ba ia New Maaioo for tba oara of oon- rotnmtnK to tbU city they participated
aaBpaiva aoldUn.
In a kumptnoo* breakfaai at tbe hose
Pwbablr tba rlobaat paieon In Cuba ofMr. aadMra. B. WilbelB on Weet
ta * weaan. tiaaora Eoae dbiaa. Btaa BigbUt •treat. Eaco guest wa* preowM allUoM ^ raat aaiataa. bot la aentad with a paunoilc auu^olr tan by
A^aearatlc In Aaala, and ftrera tba tbe boeu
riaited dtalaa.
^Toang lAdia*'P.C01C
Ar.'joha'MitclAll. of Clerelaad. Q ,
A number ol young ladiea of tbia city
• euaalB of ipieaidani ■elClalar. «U1
enjxyeda picnic at Neabuwanuy«»<dia aa a r«liof ^oairoke.
tanuy morning and afternoon. About
Tba bni bbU In too Bonlba re- aduxeo yonog ladioa aroae In the
wtared from tba Yukon at Beattie. morning early anungb to catch tbe
Waeb. eoaatated of leiUn
Calnmbia. wail aoppUed with kodak*
[■ra. Jaaee Platt of Union MUle. aad
1 ad . rBT* blrib to four danrbura Iona.Tbe day wa* ipcni eery pieaaanUy.
Wadaaadar cveoinf. Three bare alnoa Among tboM praoent wore: Plorenoo
Aied. bat tba foortb will probablp lira. RawtoD. Urau Smith, Margaret LdnTbia ia aadoubladlr the erat lima that doo. Ml** Lardie. B. Klom Cold.•^aartai bae been nahered into the well. S. Grace BaoUngo. B. Wui•Budd In Uporu oonntr. and probablj nltrod Follor, Lootae Calklo*. Blloo■dlwdmtUMla nortbara Indiana. A garde Ur*wo.
Ueorgetu Morgan.
eensfal inraatlraUon of Bodloal roo- Btbellade Glbbo.
tfAaaed iatou-r amour Badleal maa
twibta eiip falla to brtnf to Urbta
ta rarer of Marly Oloolsg.
■inJlar Inaiaaee—the blrtb of tour faNoUeiogaelrcolar from tbe Retail
Mtaa at one Uae. Aeeonnu orrery Clorka'^orgaoixatlao «f Trarerae City,
rare oocorrtmoM of tbe blrtb of four, relalire to early cloalng. we wlab to
Aareadlooac aaae eis, oblldrebala •ay that wa bare alwaya baoo in faror
Bxaae wore found, bat to ererj iaeunee of early cloalng and will be glad If
•be aambor eoDfiated of both Balo and
harmony of action can be ■acorfaaalao. He ooeurrroer ia Bade more ed. whereby our *iore* will be close at
.•.BieraeUBr by tbe fact that tbe mother an early hour, at leaat four etenlnga a
ia bet in yMra old and wrirbaonly ilo
Uai(ii]tok Ci»Tauo Cu
^an^a Tbe father of the <|aartat 1a
I »W-pr aboot )u yean old and weirhe
Two B g Balloono.
taet I ItUa more than hU wtfe.
Tbe City BookitoreMnl up a largo
Ai 'Waablnrtoo. • preity atory U told M foot Dal'looo leal night from tbeir
mboat ArefabUhopMarUoalll. apoatolie •torr.
t they rrill Mnlupan*
dtaeraXa to tba I'altad BUtaa. U.a other • .1) .. M'N^lua ticket att<t-brd.
«ook. a« tuUan named HarrarBl. bee
'•Ill •» I'f ti'c c-rck '1
m paaity danfbter, Bleoorc. who i» to
a'* aua Was Bared.
aa marri^ OB July 11.
Btae deolrod
Mr. J. U. Lilly, a proraioeoi eltisen
abore all to be Barriad by Arebblebop
of HannlbaU Bo . lately had a wooderSarUnoiU. Her father told her her
raranee from airlgktfol death.
4l»lre wM anreaaoBbble. out aba in- ----------- ig of it be aay»: "1 wa* takeo
alaim and called on MarUnelli. Be with Typhoid f'l-rrr, that ran Into
My luoga barrieood. 1
lA OB felly ooMntadAnd tbe aeramony
M ao weak I ooulda't ait up la bed.
erib be performed at tbe arobblabopV Boibing helped me, I expected to boob
die of ConaumpiioD, when 1 beard of
Dr. King'a New Dlacotery. One bolUe
.'deeonliat to lata adrieaa. brieoul ■are great relief. I eontloued to uta
CbJM eoatlnoee lo a htala of aneonaln- U and now am well and atrong. 1 can't
ay which border* oo' rerololloa. It is ar too much in lu ptaiae.”--ThU mare'ioui medicine ta tbe aoresl aod
anid the Cbinese empreti dowacor baa ^lekaai cure lo tbe world for all
piaandbertaUbtoJoar Lo. who for Tbraat and Ivung Tronble. B^lareaany yean bo* hod hi* heart eoatared •iacaftoeanu and Bl.«0. Trial bolUe
•a neurplnr tbe tbronaj . Be ba* a free at Jobnaoo'e aod Walt'a Drug
i. erery botUe naraniaedt
Crlesd atooort in the penon of ono of
Abenldeblef conneb* throafb whom
Aa hMaaoeaedad lo flatterlnr tbe empraaedowofartoaoeb an eataot that
aba troc^ bare bees Increaied aad be
Baa baea placed In ooBaaad. Be now
«>ta tares bknealf inrulnerabla. Tba
Mpren dowarar ba* bean bU tool and
lAr ranatal faellnr bow preralla that
^ aaat BOro rrUl Ba to eaai bar aside
Md ptaoa blmaalf on' tba tbroaa.
■ira baadred pooadt of draaatta
jpheaBpaytaa Doyrel. N. T.. a jolt tba
aiMiv day that wUl be told to fvUtra
^eaneatloae by »ba aldaat lababiti
A aawU ladaad hi* alatar opaaod tba
rnnnbaf ^aly taaUrlUai a waa
Bdfaaeaia aa open let near aa old
Awe le wblcb tbe dyaaBlM waa
^^iT< Cbelr parasta bainf away, tba
^ proceedod rapidly aalll tbe dry
praa* oaarbt lia. The lad ramaa
«d Um dyaastw aad with ble aietar

Srwd for Tbm OanU
The Palace Bakery_____
broad at three oente a loaf.
LtWrary Mole.

rta««aaQHg Martm.
below ta a llaipf tbe naylag aad aMl
lag prioaa of yMtwday ter gronoiiM
prarWoaa aad farm prodasta la Tmy



10 60





________ land, lotof
good wood tlBbar. paalnanla in
Long Lake: floaroaott gronnd. Prior
FOB SALB-6W-Boiioe aod two lou
at Old MiasioB, IS reda from dock.
Booao letti. wing 18«». large bam
Fh«perty renta tor •« per moatk.
Price yrsn
FOB ftALE—eoo-Oood amsll booae.
tS acres grouad. Garfield avaaba.
Price »400.
FOR 8b LE-60O—Five acre lot on OarHeld asenpo. Price *500.
FOBSALB-Lou Ik and M. block I.
Perry Haonah-a aeooad add. oonmr
Baheais and lllb atreet. Price
P^’bALE-dot-itOacre farm fonr
Biles north of eiUaga of Aldeo on C.
AW M. B. E wJl Improead. Price,

Backlsaa Arnioa Balaa.
Txn Banr 8ai.tb la tbe world for
OnU, Bmleoe, Soros. Uleare, Balt
Rbanm. rarer Soroa, Tettar. Chapped
Haada. ChUblaina, Corna. and all Skin
■mptiona, and p^tlralr earea PUaa.
or no par required. It la gaarantead
rafandaoT Prlee is cents narboa. for
4Ma by J-O. Johraop and 8. B Wait

rourtb of July Baua.
FOR 8 tLE-ilOA—West tSQ ft ae comer
Eighth St aod Garfield are-, large
C. A W. M. and
6. A W. agemU
house, brick foauesUoD, new. all
will aell oo July 3<-d and 4th at one
fluiahed. Price
war rate for roond trip to all autipoa
8ALB-60T Gr.«ecy slock ttau
in Michigan, to ToUoo aod Chicago,
rity larnieeabout •>100.
andtoalloolDUin Indiana aod Ohio
not mon than Son mile* from aelllBg FOB SALE-SUii^Bouae and lot oo
kt. bereo rooms aleely finPtallon. Return limit of all tiekeu.
Isbed. good well water, fruit and \orJuly Mb.
m. Dial treea. large lot, (jtlxSOO, small
Cnlffias'i City Bakery .
Jacob wril known baker, FOR SALE—Ska-ioaere*on Penlnsnl.
2H miles from city. l«Ooapple, ploui.
today take* charge of the G ty Bak­
tree*, a’l bearing
ery after a abort rteaiion lo bB*ln>«a
Carpenter Uili. floeal lomUon on PenAll orriera will be dlled promptly
io*ol*; will take part elty property
and special patos to fill Fourth nf
Joly order* will be made.
M8 M
hXlR SALE—Span black marea eight
year* old. konne*. welgnt about 2200
Setp-ym menty lafe
coll about * month* old. Price eiso
lo order to do U go to the Famou* FOR SALK—.503-116 feet ou Wes;
a pocket book for fire cento.
Front kireet, 300 feet deep earmni,
A belter ooe for more Boney.
gneo building *pot. P.-ice •430.
FOESALE-sks-sa acre* eigbi mile*
8«t Bread Mad*.
east of rity. lOO.OM feel hemlock.
S->td at three eenu a leaf at the ' eoatlderable good bardwqod, necono
euttisg. Priee gSU.
1*»1 use Bakery. Full line of grocerieo.
Ft)R SALE—aqi-Houke aad lot. Garti rid avenue. »a50.
Unfnrl Old OlOTT
8ALB—567—UweHlog. Webster
A large eon«'gament of fiaga hare
iin«t. lorooma •! 600. Easy pnybe«D reeelred at The Famoua for the
POB 8ALE—56k—Forty acre farm,
good bu-Hin>*. orchard. «3.50n
FUR SALK-:57I—Forty acfie farm,
good bnlldlpg*. e*ery eeayaoieace.
• 1.600.
FOR SALE—573—Nlniy acre farm,
good batldlaga. »3.<50.
FUR SALE-S73-Good frame boo*e
and eight acre* of land, aituated
about one mile froB ceoiar of city.
bnu*e 14x34, ■in room* in hoaae.
.........TyimheC room*. A4dm.BsrOBi.ollu-,..
FOR SALE—675—Hoo*e and lot comer
R-tpe and State *u«eu, lot 64 x 166
FOB 8ALE-.S76—Ooe hundred sixty
aer** Umber, soft elm. Iho.ouo
roriielm. 100.(too bnaowood. 1,000,000
maple, di-soo
FOB 8ALE-5kO—aoa*eandlot. UaloD
•irdet.' UD rooma stone foondatioB and Btooe tmaement. ooBpleta
. ^
tiorr SI ins Frasl s
FOR 8ALE-TWO hondrod vacant lota,
to PurW a Rotbu
p ol Jullu, stelebrrg.
tl dowD. $1 a Booth.
FOR 8ALE—6«4-Elghty acre farm,
•rrSD-AroBM nro lrT.r. » to It),
good bolldlDg*. one mile from good
boigkt Irow -t lu
Crot f.r pm,
tlkot Ji
town. •1.500.
lulr. 0.11 Wocooo4*>-a«-iilii«rraai
■k HuailtoeClo(afn«ro
■OR SALE-5ki—Nintay acre farm.'
four mileo south nf city. aeTpoly
aeree uoder culUvaUon. frame bouse,
mu l( lakoD .loner. reU I,.boot obr-^IM|.
•evenroima, atooe toundatiop. atone
cellar, good well srater. framd- Um,
34x46. Slone basemeot for cattle,
C^>KOALn—LoiNo M>.«.UirkX Oak Park, d
horse stable, boggy crib,
pooltry booae aod yard. 60 heariog
apple treea. several cherry treea
small fruit, binder, ploughs, wagoas,
iJ' tfSk^rfoVn
bugglea. rleigb*. cutler, oae *pan
borsea. two seta barne**, two cow*,
two eilee*. eight sheep, thirty five
elerce bay. eeeea acre* eom. five acre*
potatoes, three acres wheat, four
ecui >o
acre* cat*, balaaee cultivated land
river bottom black muck. Price it
Uken aooa. •3 006.




gRioBLAtA^ '"a




•TOnsAtn-Orraeh.hgr for .bo. cm-, s
r rood .-Mbler * desk, good eobdlilon. Ap
1.1/ at RsixisB oBee.____________________ eW tfTNINilio~Bi>MI tlIRL WAl€Ttt>-UI«b«%l
XJ oMrsvmd iDitsIre.l RaroUvdKee.
T?>OR KBKT-A Isrgr. furolUtnd front reuw
X* ooe
oew-b.H •'
-----‘ -------Addrr.>:i7BiMeM

...teJTr -

<BU—Tn loan op hou^ekoU
ksi~-«. rsutp.atl kleds prnoa*: (.mia-i.

Tbe above are all bargain*, and can
br bought on easy term*. We have
tbonaand* of dollars worth of ether
'barga'ns In farm aad city property.
Come aad see us if yoo want to buy.
List ^onr property with n* if yon want

Brilliant lUnalnatfon

yard is « short story : A Jobber had tbo muip snd ws
got them St s prioe. This price nHU's^ them ia s
few dsyE

Ws bsTS lots of new
mo stuff to show-----

si-'r.'-.s.s;;'"'-""”' “-rtss:'


i*o’t.g We are, figoratlvely speakiug.
Sofak aa having tbe lorgMi list and

Big bar-

SecoBd Floor.




Xeduoad Mntao O. M dfc I. M. B.
. Marie ToMbega’ Aanorintloa. Cinrisnatl. O.
Rnlgbto of 8t. John. Clovolnad. O.
Unitad Roriety C. E OcmvwUe*.
DetarivMleb. »
Bpworth Loagnn Matkmnl Oimvmvwtion. Indlaoapolta. Ind.
Worldb Blcyola Moot. MoatmaL
XxtnTrniw. Jnly i far OiUtantUi »X
tUnm at Mbs
446 Baat Front atront.

PiuR, Blue, and
Black Dimities.
Blue BsUeste, white flared, the 860 kiod, bought
iu tbe same way white goods were—we esn sell it at—

'16c yard.
White Welts and Piques are amon^
the new arrivals

J. W. Milliken,
24 pairs of those &ne vici kid, hand
turned shoes, on a back order given by
McNamara for the celebrated $4 00 lace
shoes that was his finest and leading line.
WS will close them out at $2.75 -they are

The Greatest Bargains
We hsTS about &0 psir of the floe chocolate Tici
hid $3 60 shoes that we have been seUiug at $8 60the balance we will sell at $8J&5. Qet in line and get a
pair for the Fourth.
The balance of the McNamara stock at half price
and In some cases even lower.
We are receiving lots ^f new goods daily and
seUing them at very close flgures.
Every shoe sold In the stoc^^ a genuine bar­
gain All men's fine shoes at lo^Ter prioss than ever.

208 Front Street

Bargain Shoe Store


^ Our office ia at Sll Front atreet. up
ctalra. You wl.I eee ofir elgn at the
Suoday. July 8. Ttulu will Imv*
bottom of etalrwuy. Go upeuire, turn Traverse City at S:00 a. m. Leave Bay
to left, take fl>st door to right: t
View 6:60 p. m. Bate. •1.00.

big sign at bottom of sMlra.

____M laaaeb, t* IpM
goedskkiM. oltboui
r oToraU.rfooiWsw.«
<irlih rsti.
rsttopr top, eosbtoos.
CtigtiM Pnxided
0*0 H Bpin.*p. Tf*,*ps* Clt/.

ythilMiMiowoot^ lb ta*

Btat Bread KOa
bsld at three eanta
Palaae Bakery. FnlUl

W« placed-ut aUe yMterdBy 10 pl*cM white drees
goodE foUy worth 16c s y«rd ot 8e s ysrd-at 8e a


FOB RALE—«0S-(u>«ere farm, good
frame bouM, good bam, good or.
chard, welt water, '.m le from Pil­
lage af UrawB. Price. •!
FOR RALE—WHfKS of»w V ore S4.
ab.m at aerca auiid tlm
her. hardwood. taaUsm.eedar swamp.
Some cedar t tkeo ooL
FOB 8ALB—AOS—rM of art. aod aw**'bec dS. Towa 74.Perth, 17
west S Bile rillaige bbermaa. e>eh' rge IVarerM City property. Price

211 froptSl.
I now
opoD a Mrloa of foar abort
etoriea deollag w
_____ ___
Ue dua of tbe graet gold forer.
"ATroaaareOf the Redwooda” tba
fleet of tbaM eberaetarteUc talH. wiU
appMT in The Saiorday Branlng pMt
oFjnly A The aeri^along tbe linee
njM^bleb Mr. Barts made bta trat

15c Value for Be yard

Via. Chicago A We*t Michigao raUToad.
July 4 to 6 at oae fare rate.
July IS. Ettaoalon to Auroat isif de• red. Bate from Truverae City *7 ©0.
Trulaa leave 6:10 a. m., 18:40 p. m. 4:M
, m.. k:50 p. m.
Arrive Detroit 4« p m.. 10:05 p. m..
7:16a. m.. Il;40a. m.
Speetal low rate* te polaU lo Oaoada
aad New York bare been made from
Detaoli. A^ageatafor full UformaOeo DxBA5'*ki G. P. A.

6goiI Bas$
anil PicUrel FisliiRg


Hre Insurance.
L. L. A. BuUdlng.


-eare no good a* jollier*, but if you
are looking for airielly high gradg work
la every and all lieea of the tmaortal
profesrioayoa will surely beASmi^
with tbe work yon will ■‘eeelbe from
either of the three expert weekmen
that yon will find at 144 Frost elreet.

Ve Gin lU EMi Of BUM.
Pricee from SSc to •1.00-Wfih or «rlth- '

rF'pXi S-A-X.B

Hew Bt Carp lake. *l#»t ■>»•« t«nh ^
weM e> Trm**.-** Cii/. TrslB arrlr** Irdtl
Ttc'o'n^ *'**

Barber Shop

A J. MORGAN. Proprietor.

Ml ^uHira uMto. uftyi6AT. imjt i \m
ooNeiaNiMt woiUN,


tlWT tad IM talktw tl»«t tiTp^
MIM A»d the •ab)« tlTr ntod. TIh«
tW CMiVMWthM ’ tfrmM) to drMiB*.
Md Wof the poo^ told tbU *1017:
”1 hare w> tfwbt that thU it • (me
m»rj. The veman herself told It to
Ar u the lltenU trath. and abe ft a
trathfol womao. Aad Ann. 1 waot to
«i>»at tha WMBaa. Kbe It
hMHhr aad laletUfeot hod eapable. a
•eud wife: mother, and houaekeeper.
■Rbe la aeiWIde aad rather malier-of>
fart Ibe la ncM In the laaM anperatlUaoa. ibe hat no objection to aeelnt
the nnr moon over her left abunlder.
A brokfC mirror doeo not mean a
death la the fatuUf hefure the year It
ML Thirteen at the table hat no lar>
imn for her. And UaL bat not leaaL
aba Bleapa well at nlKbt and aeldon
baa dnama.
■^ta woman waa all rrad; lo aurt
«B a vaeatluo trip. 'Her rfalldren wetv
gotSf with ber. and ber>biiabBnd waa
to follow In a week or ao. Tbe tranks
were packed, tbe tickeu Boufbt. and
tbe Bl^lD(-car bertba aernml. Hbe
went to tied Ibe nlsbt before fcellnit
- that ererrtblnK waa dene, and well
done. Bui that nlgurtbl* aenaible.
, haallhr. normal woman dreamed a
dream. It waa tbia: 8be waa aurtlbf
cn a Jounie;. Tbe ewniagr came lo
tbe door. Kbe put In the cbliaivo. At
ahr pul ber foot on Ibe carriage aicp
nbe looked np at the drircr lb glee
him eome dlivctlona. To ber.enrprtar'
be waa Ibr mao wbo bad bn>D ci«i.
lag ereiT morning to Ukr ber grocery
and markel-urdera. Kbe gut lu tbe
carriage, and It turned lohi a beatne
almoet loitauilr. Then abc awoke.
*Tbe dnain waa ao real and virld
that It frightened ber. It came back
to ber tbe tnatant abe awoke tn tbe
tbatnlog. Kbe could nut abake It off.
Bo worked np did abe gel orer It that
abe made up her mind abe would not
gi> on the racallon trip. Kbe told ber
buahaod ao at tbe breakfast table and
nearly drove tbe worth) man out of
bla wit*.
enough to fu lu work
Jual the rlglit way to talk her out of
lion. Hr aympaibised
wltb ber. dwelt on tbe great diaap
polnlmtnt It would be to the c-blldp-b.
and ended pp with tbe old aaw about
drrami going by coDlrarlea. Tbe reaull waa that abe Anally came lo ber
arnwa and agroed that abe waa foollab to be loAuenred by a dn-am.
^ bereupou her bu*btnd told her abe
waa a acnalUe woman and lu due
eonrae of time took biuiM-lf off to bla
oAlce. congntulatiBg bimaelf that be
had done a goud job.
“By and by tb«- .wprtage rame In
take them to tbe depot. Add tbe
drleer waa tbe Identical giucer’a man
abe had aeen In ber dream.
•• 'B Ui d«ea ibla ojeanT aaked tbe
Woman, brvalhleaa wltb aMnnlabment.
•U her fears returning. -Why atv you
dtlvlug this carrlaget Base you left
tbe grueeryT
Bum. Tbla Is my Ant Irtp.. Tbe If*nrymtn offered m« more wages, and
I Hbe the work-^tter. 80 1 took tie
“•Ton eaa drive back to tbe atable:
1 am not gulag to tbe de|s>L' nbe
“And abe did not. Tbe fuiDllment of
♦be Arst pan of ber dream was too
pueb for her nereea. Kbe went bark
lln tbe b-ii»e. took off her wtsim. telegtboiied tier busliaod. and aat down 10
rnkit devrlopiueota Kv«i her bua.hand was too much Impressed to
Mame her. The neat murulug tbe
(papers bad an an-ount of a drrniUi^
esilroad ai-ctdent an tbe Aral pi^.
car In which nbe and ber chUdtvn
would bavf iravelril had lieen dashed
baadluttg tbmugli a iHiralug lulUge.
and nearly every paaaenger In It bad
hnen wither killed or injured. Then.
Ilka a aeiulble woman, alie got ready
and want on her trip with her rblldtsn. Aud abe baa not bad a tnd
dfwam' fn>ui that nJgbi to ibla."

™’ .ThI.'

IB and iiroTided them with bus
taiads. Now a des-ree has lawn made l-y
tbe mikado, and wotueii may. r<-luaiu
of tbeif days. iC that

caused L
’■r 1a <Tnsi«> syslrs
treated- onder
Ibn- ■ I. ear*.aiid tbe su
irts of tthe 'bead, advis-sted b
Kwfdicd snrgtsrti.

m*w rnmm Por tbeTeiM.
Bhoaa form no Iwporiani part In
tba up-to-date young woman’s outAt
Abe who enn afford to follow tba
wblBBs of faahlon as t» her footwear
baa ample opportunity to dis|>lay an
laAaltn variety. Ties for bouse wear
Bade of aoede to match tbe gown and
nrnbmdersd In^ heavy aewlng silk to
cortsapond with tbe trimming atv tbe
lataat thing In woman’s pedal belongInga.
The baete are high, though not birit
anongb to be called nrach beeU. The
toes ars pointed and Ote Ians are of
Btriped ribbon. In which tbe disaa cslBringa are obaarred.'
Tbe toe. around tbe Instep and along
Oa nppar adga of tba tie. u embrsMAPsA la mik.
Balaa Prey Pigs


l-bryonug dui-farsa of jjarlls-rough
(nec VaudertdlM has been giving tutiings.

Gate Post

Lu tbe meAuliiw come to my

First Class Hataaa Cigar. ' Store Ati-1 j-et the
Best Ice Cream'
Eoiiil Size.
aid Ice Cream Soda.
Eieelleat Oualitf,
I lew Thing Wortli Caltlvatlng, H - your urdere . brly for the
IskToar Dealer for Them.
Geo. B. McLellan,

Itofl’l ioiBgine a guod appetite la always
a good ibiug.
Ik.n’t rat pie wllb your fingers.
with your month.

Eat It

op|ioiiite Hotel ('oliiDihU

non'l neglect yonr family to poae Us
a piiWic l■eo.'farfor.
Ik.n't think target practice will enable
you to shoot folly as it Airs.
Don't trust your future happinroa arilb
a womao'Woi never buigba.
Don't tell all your irmitdes to a fsillce’man: gl> e a irt«>fter a elian.v.
Don't tender adrire nuMI you find out.
wbal parth-ular kind In wanted.
tkoo'l talk too frreir when you don't
know whfll y>iii are talking aU>ut.
Ikiu'l think the world wlll ask where
yon gi.t, the money to iwy yioir way.
- 1>»n't all down and wall for a g>sHl
Job lo cnie ahmg and hnni ytui np.
IVni'l I'\|S>>'| to tnniiilalu a a-lfe oo
“lafry- t.ernnae roll Won hef wltb It.
Ikin't et|N-<-i tis> fnn<-ii of the inan who
in wearing bis fir-t hono- made shirt.
►ou t *i
diui'i «j'tai
Ik«'i leiiiiplain. Tho qnlniiie pUI maker
never mskes a kh-k against his l.itler lot
Iton’l Inrn orer a new leaf too often
or you will Msm rrauirr an additional
IKin’l think all amnlnir plioiograpberare |>ens|iniala Us-auae they take issir
vleww of life,
llou’l neghcl to keep your shoos p-dishe.1. Yon can always stilne at one end
If yon rnti'l at the other.
Ikiu'l cast yoUT lircad U|»n the water,
today and cx|s-c| It to come Iwek in the
form i»f sis.nge cake tomorrow.


\V arm

Oeo. Oane, Proprr


IS ceats

ProptTly served ia a m-at tliuitii: ruotii.
* •

..■;^ ps^
sd nrofrstiniia] aama
ID IB lbs
wnrW: a pfansfm
,___ .
ssesuJ >1
y-i ..rt s»a dl.
Sge<f Mrgiirama
tesU for UWWIKW II


Also a full lice of Coniectionery OB. SPINNEI
Cl^rs of Every Kind
ti' LTu*
lot -slr-si-i l-u-li ... .ir.'rr
H-.-sIr -work

proai|dly Bll-sded lu. Shop erar .lerli. par
h rCTAUHri'S

'iraDil gipldi A liKlitM R. R.
Paeamsalaad deparureeftraisaa. T avetwa
Cliv.ia |.wb. IAS

Th* Celebrated speclalista.lurracrti t.f <*e» tort, wad new .if in*

T—e-»-i-------- ^,1

American Medical and Snrgicil Institute of Mnskegon, Hicli

5 '

Wla.±t;iia.g, Tr*a'^reir«o Ci1:y,


?ifi 't -582S E-'** A .


July 7. 1899

sSTfiSn*; 55<5r


Office Hours from 8 a. m. b> B p. a


«£S*S=5.T ft



Ilk.' b.' an .\ii>trall:iii
hr.uid to uarc
alin'IniJ to ih
paleuL tbc-wbm-ls Is-iug allm'b
Mri'u ihn-ad>. sev.-ril lurneilher dircriion drawing the wh.i-lg.-lher or -pff-a.lilig Iheui. with i.-»eraud ratchets In luck Ib.-iu iu either |B>.i
• Motnni.ea are given ant...... ti.- signal.
b> a m-W ci.a-k Iu eiialil.- (Ip-oi t.. stun
llielr cars ni fixeil interval, at «4tb.-r .-nd
wf ibeipma. a la.ihlei la-lug arrange.1 on
the dilil to ibruiigh a is.rtion uf
the i ir.1.-. ringing a In-lJ • ni.d lu-.viug
lia.-L 1« g<'p. aa eaiHi lulvrtsl^^is euDi




r *5 i

***.hu Iowa w.rtpaii has inrenled a laini.
alln.-bm.'Ul f.w sewing iiia.Uin.-s. a siuj
led plate Is-iug^M-j-uivd <u lUi ri-jr ..f
hold a pial.- «ni the IIJ*P*T shfe ..I lb.s|..l. lb. plate slnling luin .coUV.|.i.-nt
iB.sIti.m aii.l having spring ariua. wtii.-b
hold the lamp. •

Tr»ms arrlse tr.Ha rtrasdTtWtds. Cttwisns
.s i.<'blcs.i
i.t'bl.'Bge. l.«Us. at s jOa m.
Train* an
smte tnsB Ha.'Unas aiel Peloskey.
at l-kup m
Train* an
frooi k I I.wen'. Pent Wsyae.
.nd llst-i
prl'Oll BI.J
TralB Ira .me SI •! i w w. bas rbair est
Irsed Kapldc
Vsll.'n toi.r
Train b-srl
a m baa rbair ear
« a linn to '
Ingkt w h**
h*. >lrerlne-ars Watisll. toul-.lllr. lodtae.
dialm- car -to Uraad

hark of Ih. Iratne iu I'la.v an- alTn.h.-d
lu tbe si.l.-s .if th.' frum.- h.v ailt.’iualie
i-ai.biw, of ail l.-sb'aisil la.i-c >tt
neisl p1ioi.1l in Ih.' frame s.. ihul pi.—
lurr «u the shun end swings the li-n(
•nd ever the end of tin- -pjing arm.



Dnga that l»rk at nUht uftru lijle the
A rale uiay w..rk bulb ways and allll
be a

Kyrie Bi-llew is-regariled there aa an
ex<v|ili<inalty goo.1 uHor and leading
man. Pail) .\nhur nod Anlifey Bouci
rniilt sron-tl hits iu "Trelawny.”
Ttie Itusaell l*r*ithers are go
rots- and many other Anierlean
lights have thi-lr ey.w turned in that dtrrriion
Ii |. a eas<- of rec4pr»-lty th>.
EngU.h actors ernp barTt-sta otit h. re
aiel our stage peo|de gi-t the money hnek

unmE UD lOBiiEismi 1.1.
efln-l WrdoesOay, Jaa.
at ] JPo'cloek a at.

l ivasa-s
w- lueu .-an ke«-|i Ihl-if g..
s BUilV dairy ul the same
nieli are u


l.y.lia Yrnman-Titna. who liilh.l her
self I.ydiB Tilii*. Is now doing a aiswisllv
Oder the name of I.vdi, Yeaunu*. Tinlawihortie sisters wcr>- |•^•mi1>et>l'<lnr
ig the |■Blllomime aeaaon and Conaa
and Doyle, who wore kuoM ti h.-ee as Klip
Kl-qt. are In the
tbe cast of ••Bal—

Yuti c

I always li-ll a turkey'*
-vuiir iii'th. not the lurk.-y
I. ch.H-k their e
:i IU.-1
» tb.-y 1
re a bank l.s


*«m; «bCk

.e^.rksIJrsdm ai-.l t»imrrs*l,siir.i-.s le tbs Isrgssl b.~u-i.sls tn Ibr wo-l.l cuatUrs b.B 1.
- Ibnl iR-at all t'UR.rWC. KKKV. <L'k, hKIS' anil HUs.Ii D.srwsr. npoe ibr tales, scirnilflr prlnel
»if Uie pies. wuS ramlr-aisi i.. tbr lull i-oiindro.-r of Ibr sSle-ir.t e.erjsbrrr
' Ibr gyr, br. NosTZTbroai and Lsags. Uispr,w.a. Rnebl's oisrasr. I>a
ii.-uiy w>- havi- wurwtrd
BladJrr.Cbrunir Pew,a]r aoJ Knuwl I>lsrw«-. spenim rure-1 by tnwi
has wursird Us.
went that bs
lallrO la Ibousamls wf rasrs Ujs. bad brrti pr.-nont la-.obd bo.w
el draia
•aia e.rry
s.rry yrar ss-bn siigbi bavr breo rvstered to pe.
i brallb bad tbrr
WLai a jollt world this wmiild tie If
rs|o (he bar-i--o«e*p

l*PO*TA»T TO bADIBA -DK <vmi«.-an,r yewraol e.-crc-e.h.. du-..............

to ». b 4»,
me. bw.,


any other aelor for rears. Bols-rt Ti
her. .fiilis blsrlnse's hqstuind, w.-nt into
•Kir Henry Irviac's eonipany
conipany *and mad.- a
Hi. Ma-luff
Ms--<luff in K-ir
aeu-rh" was n.nsidere.

S <U 4 II Lv
S4X: 4 It
r.A P M Itrpot
skT: * IV Ar Uarhawa y It'S I
.. _. . „
Chlel L^br
■anlsire Xing
a IV 4 k>
a » bOb
Kesses City
V (S' b u

VuAlSnccsasfkJ sod ScieotificTrestmentof All DlSfSdss and WMkaessss
of XAokmd Poasible to Obtsin.
be Bosibelri) nso farnrabl) juewn upc-ialtst le ibr I'niuil Wtairs. Bis lone eg rtfnee

A'.-opV w..uU have fewer ttx>iiU<-s
thi-y s|s-ul h-rs.linn- in talking abui

fatnt is the Ami-riran act<ir and actI. hama Hay and I'h.yllis Ratihin
have made a great hit In la-ndon Bii<rthe
illnstraled paper, hare ls-<n lt!le<l n-ith
their picfnees and account, of them.
llilleltr. when be apin-an.l in Doiidoo
In ".'L.-ret K.-rvice~ <-*<'itetT more lalk

IU »

« «.

::i :s:
II w am


•beCwaa's MlU
Laar Ana

make a cable car aigs-ar.
, OHBOBIO 80AB HT8A ami eraoulatad ,
Trav.-liiig oficu tak.-s th.- runreit out iiAooirkl. curel
r a mau. but vumiug puta twin- "A^Sfil^iUB^AJID
for ibeasfuJ oRrcia ut rari) rkee ai
. Brroas srlls ttiai 'olios lb Its Icala



•! U- wUliug to fail

fur half




-----------------------If. woman i. patrlolio .he never d.s
serta her «id.>rs.
- .
If iira had only leg* they wuuldp't be
able tu travel giiile

If luw tmid.' tbr w.irld
w.rttid■ Ur fewer revdtnlioas,
If a man i> given his daily hrewil be
it isn't timt.Ti-d.
“a'■ b't
they have eause f^ rejoicing.

^ JrV'biUZ?o*d''
Weak- ao-t a^y, .noSul

re rwlaed boU a
I far aMdy. sac


DAOTTBUka .ne-raies soreessrallT and ' Kg Ot'AHaNTPE TO Ct'MB Berveos dr
palBlnssly to> sgoint sje^ ptrryr>uw. Irtdee | bU.ty. vanrwrolr, slrtrlurr'elerl. weak pari*

^SPEys^E^^^^^tairk, y.

eyr epsea
CATsKKU OP THE SotiK. biWoehlUa aad
tuaeases.! ^»i^uw"bls..cawaed traw'eatafT*. paalUswIy

Aweriraaod Wra

NS. I. s. t CO. niuTE in in, iisofioi, im.


l« lb, « It

Tra»«» CHj__

torn' « le
»u < m
»bii lb’
•a A n M


. ,

r h a iiriBg^b<^&e7ar'abeTa**teafra^st^hM
a. V. oTMiiniOBAii.
ise niT. Kiel

West Michigan.


Lr tied
L» Del
Lr Cbt

TTiT-aii pk‘ p bTa a
* -a «' » t «bj a «s

seCy.i «A t:;pi -.*m »M SCO
pUs. II If (.4S IU A S(X>
«Ms..i It <ai b «t
t lb| '
b b hi lb

bcu II lb


.? is isTa'"

m«««ld,e.-4or brli^t,w«lt*(onmferrrd),
sdi. whirb
vbirb sill rscelrsadarafalcbewl
rscelrsadarafalrbeaitral asd wl


say _ma» tlim to

It A

!!5j !5

MM 4 M
•IS4t H 4V
•to a; *4 44
ri»M •« A

<K»mo Kl>RTH.
A H MOPR P a .

ItlSCUAHaiMi EARSenrvd la every wane.' Ar < rd RarAds
^b peraaw yplytae for

marrisgr to a mss awruteaaui......................
•il»ea analysis
wiU ^ irivrB. Presoas rnlaed Is I
make a aamr fur tnfiiaesrttb i
Delays ^"dl^ra
U s man is as honest ss the
is is soim-limes well to turn
aa his night reenrd.
Tf a girt Tell, a

wl am! BL I-ntriek. the taa kaUte te U tfii
a battirai at tha «y.^
raat mwenaA.

c: :c

at Obrrasaa-a IHII twieadaUy,

eras acMl all rtrUrat# Ji«.edai» u-eultap to or loaerlaga
rilbsr set. |Ws:.l.r1j rured.!as well as tua.MSKKIEII MCyt. or Ibase aaterlag oa tba.
►kmal dlsnrU^tW^u^ fpM fwuibtul tat- bappy life, aware at pbysk-al debUlty. guicki*

■ i.'


rr-Cbsrs and .orrcuunili n..''iunilJs..iI.f

um se -

Batch's Orwaatag

Tlag uiatiaos.

rriasf "Why. 1’ai. ctnieuf again
fr-wn the Innr Dtt; •■t>f--..|irae. y....r
rivernnci-. 1 ranii..t always elay tbrie."
"1 cwal r< t.. Jail." aaid a funny vag­
rant. "1 have mi lime." •'TFie cim pr..
vhle* Ibat," said the magistrale. "I give
run ten
I. day*."
tn hb. audience: "I am
Kir aaM in
apeaUM f..r the• Ih.-D.4l i.f pusicrily.*'
when anme one abnuied.
•bnuted. "Yee:
"Yra: an.l if
ynu don't get d.utc ao»n they'll be b<-rvr
, “Suloaii.B. I fear y..u an- fiirgelling
me." aaid a brigbt-eye.1 girl tu ber lover
tbg other day. ."Yes. Koe.'"' said ah.w
. Kol. rseusing himself. "1 have heen fur
■Vftlag you for these tw? years “
Kear-bighird Old Uenilrn
“ Can
o that
'yon tell m. what lnserliili..u
•bnsrd'or.v tben-r Irish Hustle;-Knee.
O'lm in tbe aainr boat, bnrri It was
moichly little .aefaoolin' tH had whin Oi
was s Idioy mesllf. sarr."
Tbe servant of a navsl commander, an
Irishman, une day let a teakettle fall
Into the aea. tip>n which be fas lo bia
maaler: "Arran, an' plaae yonr honor,
can anything be aaM to be lust wbea
yos knew where it i*T' "Oertninij

Palace Bakery
or 7lb ami I'nion Sta.

DRS. 13. S. cS: CO.

the aruiA w.-sii-ni-r has pab-nl-d a i-omhiiii.l
uiiinniw hurkei and trap for tisti.-rnien'.
r>lii..!-r. w-Ih
a bale ut the lop whhh
a tin recvplnrle, Iwo'aonh'al
Is-ing forti.ll in lb.- .-tllinf.i-r.
tt> a twit.
cBM.y .-ti.iug.'d lioin
Itailway .in

Do awAy vitb all bakioK on the
Fuortb and buy bakwd
of ua.
We aeil llie beat and Mliafy our

Coriwr Fnmt Ami -I’erk Streetn,

Consultaikin and Eiammatioi Free aad Strictlii Confldeetlai.

listsI and wri
writers iu draw­
ing bile lim-a with their in.trumenis a
new peiii-il and |s-u atlactiiDi-ut tS.lisisis
of an ela-ile hngi-r nrning'-il t" P-st -mi
■ he ^|s-r under the drawing insiriimeiit
andnsvive a |s.rlioii of the wrigbt uf

2 Loaves
for 5 cents.

! to ptvpAfc A proper Uemoantratioo.

Provident Life
and Trust Compan\

A resideut of Oklahoma has |iatenl-d
h'-ad euii<i>y for protii-ting the lead
from lbiF-ro.vs <if the sun ulilk- al wurk,
a light frame ts-ing atlst-ln.l to Ibe isal.t
.trails tw^piB.rt un adjustable c»\Hby Sira
n IHd sun
II (irwof
firwuf II
lug of I

8tm AAlUng

I p»d068 Asd everytluD^''«ritL vhk'li


I meUioHil of Ibr d

3 cent loaves
of bread
are unequalled.

I bnve A fall line of Sockets
I nrecraokers. 8«t PieoM, Tor-

lo birs Alum-Tadrma for a glass portrait,
and ran near.
Tbe Arrh.lnchrss Talrrtr. younreat aiaiilar in ••oii-tructioii i.i that of her
in the.huge window ofULr»dsnebter of the Etni"er<*r r ranels Jos- motber
rnb. abn retenaluid brf fatlirr at Wsll- Oiout's New York bouse. TCJs glass
asF durios (he holidays, has afrlvrd In tsirtrall is desliuesl for Bh-nbeim |•alu.v
and will Is- a maguilii.wii atfair. ‘J^e
Vienna nith brr husUnd. tbe Arebdukr young
dneb>-ss is n-|>resrulesl iu ber prvBrsnai Ksiraior. sod they will Inke np senlaliob
t.'Urt cusiuinr. with aph-udl-l
tMr ivaideiirc at the tails
l•rnnn. where a large suite of apnrl jew 1-ta.
t.'armrn Kyiva. gins-u •( lluumania.
tnenta Has Im-h redecorated atel n-fiir.
profes.i>r's diphnna
Disbed for Ihna. The Aribduriii-sa Val­
miiiisliT of iii.irueii.'>u aerie Is to live coDSlBUlIy with tbe em­
is probably the only Vuyal lady thus so
peror in fntnre.
to h.nure,
Her uiajest} bai
AecnnPns to Ibr Etoilr Beige, the tborUi-d
Toonelier Block.
ell giviug private lectlin-s
lectiin-s In lbstbs- |ul.ov
kesith of IVintess Isiulse of r-d>org. Iss-n
ladles Is-Ioiiglng to Ibe <bief
daurhier of the King of the Belgians,
lU familh-s
Kbe ohlailx-d Ibe profi-s
wbo fena linii for many mntitbs abut
ho hstiin- in the bigb
lb- asylum 1
giuiiing In derlioe. Iliv tnemor 1. U^»
As Bssuu us tbe ilaughlei
said, mmpiriely gone, and abe p. •r asks farmer
enn rim aluue si le B uro> i.h-d I
-I bar
for any news of brr parents
walk- with a stout linen luic, oiarkej in h-r .
reUfirrs. Kbe passes ber time
d w hich is inteialed for ihel
• -f PhilBdcIphiH
Itig up and down ber apartment, where
all the feaib.-r* she wan]
abe la altraya alriclly watebed. nad In
I a dowu> bit e~-ap>-s her,
rnltlng little pa|s-r paWerna.
ju«-r the Ug is full iToBy the dcalre of Oueen Vlrioria two iiore |iruis<- du<-s she nnvi
fp.m •
..................... ,e Ualbolisie
%nu-ii the lag h Ijuiie“filil'ajLevi T. Peniiinffton, Distrirt Airi
the earl of
family ai a recent sale
s eutpiied into a luri&- one
h hangs I
Traverse Riir MirMrsr
Dalboasle's t-utlos at «dinl.urgb, Otie i|i iu the garret, aml-tbe f
S whnb]
was a mliilnlttre
• p>iriraii
it of the
the «joe«rti.
wbirb she bad given In tbe rouiiicsa of luatin-sses, or eusiei^.
nallisiimie lu tH!U; tbe other was a g..1d
nawiiPst arenl isitile. wbleh ber tnaje«ry
had rm-iris] from the duehees of Kent

England llkea most .kmerican pnslm ts.
nd the
ii|B.rtsnon wtih-h sfrtb«>s

often reuall* cutidiUons that iiaivuis
would fain couival. Une Chlcag<i wo­
man rWales an tnrkdeni which oc­
curred yraierday wlille she was call­
ing on a frieo.1. The maid usberod
her Into tbe lutrior aud aniiouurni that
“Mra. —----- would tw la in just a tu»
BieoL" Seating hemelf In a chair that
chanced to be by tbe curtain sefiaratIng tba parlor from tbe next room, tba
alaltor walled. The adjoining room at­
tracted ber aiienilon. Tbeiv were
aounda of a struggle, then fbe voice of
the hitle daughter of tbe lady of tba
hoBSc waa beard saying, lo a tone 0/
Arm daterminatlon:
‘Tompany of no lompany. mamma,
t will aol have my fatbe watbed with
B rag made w.t on your tongue."

HttlM Cl^lt

Abnfit SCkiWO wna«B are Employed by
be pemtofire of EngUod. abd unt of this
number tbere am Itiu bend-pnalinis 1
Queen Tletoria la cimaervatJaa In the tiwwaea and over A.iUU snb-pMtaisUVBaca. '
matter af csrrlagaa. Her tsvrUlle ve­
TV "day-in-Vd" core ia coming iuu>
hicle la of a shape In vogitf **'T**^ vagne among women of fasbioe and I
narvea. lu chief eecuoimciKiati.ia ia iia i
atoiplirity, for H means nothiui
hiuf t
for several years
lews than liaaslug a v
day in bed at
liar inlervala.
gsal i'elrre..r. 4rf tVs*hlogtou*ln
eolo- jewola worth .
• . fossdl
In America.
she lakes tio-m about wijb her a .h-tecnlra of bis enoutryi
I om leave Tsr- Uve It gniemllr in anendaocr lUl they
Kaiser Wllbrlm
are oniv more W>tbe ufe keeniug of a
g bU ----skin -as
try wltbuol rXbiU..M*
jrtlat. Hr sent l.> the soUsn two dl Is.ixlwB Unk. Another Amervewn lady
paialings repr.-M-alin« type* of Tarklsh whose jewels have made guile a wens:,.
suldiets seeo l.y him liamasciu. He did Don ia lamdon ia the branUful hirs.
Artbor Paget.
all tbe work hlaisrlf.
L'siU me.
King Osrar of Kwedeo and Xorway.
r lives iu Singh-.
>t allowed l» spend
always ready with bl. |mrsr In -the pro
hud if I
• a ct-riaiu age
motba of sclrstibr mwarrb. ap»«ests to
Tied tbe
bivr rendi
- - -

TiTUD «ewx ;

OBO. tmArBii.a.p.A,

till M6M»«a

lit hev tty lut had


wil 1. jgjg.

TmttidM.nasi) to be ldckt
«U* feuBWr «

MIM; at th> 4auf« U Ml.

I Initb if I had bf^ to bfT pUc«.



>■ Urdr rviMitiikMi. ibcmxh."
“Dk*. xluil U your •tint'* nnaipr



It wpiPbta amid tbp awlrt aad airif*
I Bknrty alcMia. ra.-b a Mr.
Toaopd oa Ibp aptaar of tha ntpa.

’daaaad.^d.'a'ltli'a'^nt'ilaf nan
Triasabaat on-au gone lo abon
Bla braPre ylartbtao of ibi- alrhi.
K)dor) llalMla.

'-Noiblne.*’ Kbp aald at but. maklnc
, an pffon to rwcoppr b*-r artf-poa«p«aioa.


**Ii U dlaimi'pral.’’
Poatpr. paaalonaiHy.


! Uarkm ytoor aiaptuolbpr:' It caoDot bp

0«tpnda ; —and-yrt-l



kupw bpr

‘ ntme. urrrr beard It.





**Tbat la g fgrt." rrtncspd bpi4>n>tb- ' baatr- <>pnip. arp yoo aurpT'
* pr; pouUy. "bal wiMt aiw- you going to !
.'•Hetv !• Ibr letipr. yoo ran read for
^ aboui Itr
I youfurtf." lUiP aoawprw) talntly. He
J ' Tl>p yoong quid «. Jylng In a bam- i mw tbeiv wa< do mUtakp and wonmoi-li. •vupg at tbp ptKl of Ibp pbutaa: i dpred bow In tbp world bf*couW m-all
bln nlitpr waa apainf upar bim. in a i bl> worda.
,rt»pkln* .-hair, whk b »hp kppt H> Tigitf- ;
"I am aoryy. Opnlp." bP gab) at la*t.
ou* moikiii. aa tb.rngb tbpfrby trying [ “«f nmn*. yoo koow I o.-rpr would
lo arcpDioatp.hpr remarka ruorprulDg barp inUI y»o baiM divaiupd of aurb
tbp Witpr abp brW lo brr Uaod.
. ja thing:. I darwagy I pxaggprated, I
A Iwy aboot 10 yptra of agp waa dpvpp bward .t«nt Marlon aay aoyililng
lounglug on tbp aippa. with a dovpI 1*p- i •!«"> It.
All my- Ipfotmailon
fofp bIm. boi ihp fymipou of tbai rl'l*- • from bpr alatpra, who did . not
tip ba.1 api«rpDlly taken a«-ay bia to- > yotir-hpr fripud. Jo«t forgrt all aboot
tpfwat In tb*- glory, for br wgg not read- j l«. tSprtW'
tipnrudp waa wppplng
.’‘^'flii aurHy giv






Opt- : baart woold break: boi aa Up flolaUrd

. tmdp." pooilDOpd l}ip MTopam ot Ibp
hammook. "I bavp Itaao ootlrlDg,for
Bump tiuip thacurp falbartook In maklug bb> lollpi. wlh-u bp wpiit out on
- bualDpgd. Bnalnpaar laugtaiug derlalra-

: aiipuklug alip baodi?! bim bar riog.
wllbool J<»klug itp.
“Wbai la that forr aakpd UP hard.
. agbaai. -'did not mpon to bun yon:
• aurely you arc not going to puuUb lag

. ly. "lay gierri .iiarput uprer fooled me I like lUal. wltpu 1 olfpudpd ao uulntpiipiurb.




going ; thmany."
-No." aoldiad llprirudp. "It ian’4 ibat

••ypa," rpiuroad r.arlrtida. "Boi bow j only I ahouldp'l .lUlok yon woold want
nu a mao *«-ltb a hpart fall lo lov< to marry tbp daughter of aui-b a
I BHriber."
Rk-bard Uiiglietl aa be Iwik tbe ring
whom be p-aa aatMiwieil hy a tulauu- j and pbord
dpratatidlng," aald Harold, iiultitig bla
band over bli lir«'rt •euiliiipnially.
"Hello! tbp‘ralD lia« atopiH-d - and
thorr cvniPM a livery atablp rarrlegc.
Uuw dramatic!
Ualii atopt. euier






-\Vbat a ailly Hilld yoo an-r ho aald
fondly. "It wouldn't uiakr any dllfereor.: to me If erery relailvp you bad
waa UTlhe penUeiilbiry.
You would

hero! Come along, Jim. we would not i not be r<a>]>o»aUdp for ibelr aloa. Ikla- here to eiuluirniw the greelluga oK; aldpa. 1 aiippuafi your uioiIht llioiigIK
two yuimg^nd loving bearia." Hp dl- | blip bad every
•very rlghl lo iry and win your
•rtl llm.ugb
lUrougb the
lUe door, while
wbilp - Jim
akiwiy followed iD bla lazy, languid
wwy. Miytiig. "TcIHil.-k I wUl aee
at aupper."

father. He wa» uol engageil
aum. you know, and tb<-y *ay all li>
fair in love ami war. So tjiink no more


aiioui II—and we will ncrer lueniion It

Hy tbla time IIh- carriage bad. euterpel the gate* DiMl «a» eomiug rapidly
op the long avenoe ttial led to tbe

tSertrode never did mention ll again,
bill *be iliougbi alioiit It many time*;

and when Mr. Koater broogbi bl* wife
oo tbelr well-kept groiioda. PAixH-ially jbuun- he found everything arranged jo
tbe drive frooi tbe b>dge gale
bl* liking.
. ItoOBc. wlilcb waa bonW-red
aide by maple tree*.




He bod aald to her. 'Tbe boy* will

, be all right., aud If tJerfnide dia-»
They gave.a dellgblfoal abade dur- ' treat yoo well, let liie kuow."
log Ibe auHiniiT moutli* and tbelr
"Never. Jami-*." replied Mr*. Fo«age. In tbe fall, made
might ta- leinpteal
Foalt-r plaiv the glorj of tbe n.-lgbl«or- i her the
ry of the y
goup. and c-hlldren ahoiild peveren--p
Itul nelth.-r Richard aor Hearude ' Tbelr rooilo-r'i. memory, wlik-li I ikiuUi
tbiHigbt of the luaides a" be wa* driv. ir ai,p .-..uld do. knowing all."
lug under them that aftenioou. He bad
been aliniad
two year*. bU only
tbougbt waa ibaL at laat. be waa real-

|tm ttier.- wu* no trouble. OertruAe
treated bcr'alcpmuilier with
the uituoii iv*|a-<-t and <t>urteay. and la-hav-

ly to be wltb hi. daon-e on.-e more,
While abe forgot her father'* Mixiud

ed lo aueh a way iliai Mr*. F.wier actually dn-ad.-d the giri'a w.-ddlng .lay.

mairUge. In iuy of Bcelug

her loter

X* abe waicbed the



v'Tvmtalu.'.I her nephew and hi* Itride
But afn4- they bad Wn mgetber ad drive ilowii Ibe iiiaple avenue,
hour or two O-rtrude re
d' the
in .It* autumnal
letter and her face fell.
abe ■Ighe.l—then tamed toward
"O. I*lekr abe aald. “Kalbcr la mar-ttod again. 1 received a note Joai a
few minute* befotv you came, telling
me about Ik
He aald be abould iw
bump In a few day* aud wanted me to
have everything dour .to make her
bomeHwmlng pleaiuint.
looked grave—then
**M'pll. II will be only for a IllUe lime,
but." eh. erfully. "J will Uke you away
right off. If you Ufcp."
• UormnK- laughed. -Oh. 1 gam. I
can aupiHirt her pivjteiu*- a fe« week*,

mlnated looking like ciT«alllaed MgUvT\«- ■ »■ uiaom phraM^a. aed

MMtlOil wbpB

u oi„ „„ 1. nu,i.». 1.
and donWleaa will aoon be tbe rage in — -






"Aunt Marion wa* prouti and aeucl_
tlVP. aougbl no .-zpUaatlon frum her
wbUom admirer, t^ed bpr”frt«m^
•od loat her lover.
"In • year or tap abe beard of ib.-lr
BMUTlag.-. whh-h o|> lu-r eve* a litOp aud <-an*.il the glriUh frieodiblp to
be brakeii off. Two yp«n. ggo abe reCpivpd a iHh-r fn>Di tbI* woman, who.
It •Ppm*, wa* dying, roDf.-KMng
........ .................................................................
tnitb. Kb<- al-u left au...vxpUnatioD for her buabawl. wbicb he found
Wbpn abe wa* dpad. After awbUa
Aunt Marion acceded to tbe wldowpr*a
repealed pnireaih-, to In- allowed to
all and In a few montba they were
•ngaged. I guea* my proaiwctivp uncle
made tbe other woman a good bn*band, hut be did oot really lore her,
(or bU wife wrote that be bad never
(orgotiPB bis firat tovp, and only martled her tn gnUtude
^ to-ndpfka aba •

oibera. and aoch men harp formed the
Thlrtpeo WulM of thirteen wemliera
who on.ibp ISih of a moMe partlcoUHy If tbla dale bapiwoa to fall on a
Friday, •■at a neal of Iblrteen conm.^
I Hie tldrtpPDtb boof of tbe day.
Tbi* U done, of ctiwrae. 'io break the
uperailHon attaching to 13. bin tbU
BUperallllon will noi down.
For the
lore’of tbe marvelone and myatir wID
not down. Were not Kolia. Ck-lplo.
gr. Wallenaieln.
otbKN ailpetalitinui? la ll Dut blaiortrmi fact tbat they all were oixler a
apetl and iiudmook do great action
wlUiout baring firat cunaulied aome
Alminict aclPDce baa not only done
inch for buQianliy In the am^ tbe
reaaiona and iodoNMiPa. tt baa alao
in hruahlng away tbe cole
done mneli
wpIm of popular auperalitloii. anal ale
alrart acleuiv ealaldiahea Ibe fact tbbt
ir. In ancient llmea bad quite a dlffi-rt oiegulng front tbe 1.3 of Iceday.

Tboii In tbe folklore of the IVralaoi.
Ibe iDdlesi* and tbe Hindoo*.
Old Te«famemary Jew* wen- of tbe
agme opinion, ae biblical aindente well
kiHiwr Tblrteen eltlea-Were Pf|ieelnlly
dedlcaledUt the prieelly tribe: 13 high
piipAt* nMeodeil from .Varon: 13.
king* «ai In'tlie high council of the an­
cient*: on tbe 1.3tb day of Uie month
Mmiii tbe preparation* for Pa*«>v.«r
were lieguu. and the holy luceUae imUalpted of 1IJ dllferent odor*. •
It 1* weirknowo that all the nation*
of the <i!d world Were In Inure or I--**
Intellei-iiul rapiairt. Th.- Iden* of one
IrlliP defended to tbe otlo-r,
l« certainly Inteniaiing to leaiu ilin.i
e 13 bad'Ira *aeivd giid dlvkie
tbP llgitre
meauing ,al--o
.\iiiprlea of yore
among the ailDc- eziluct tril*^ of
the ln>W* and the Azin *. 3'!i.- IllhabI;
tani* of TVru connie«l aer.-n day*,
without any iMni.-uIar nam.-. In titp
week. Their year bad *«-v.ii tlm'.-* tlfly.iw-« day*, or f.uir lime* 13 w.-.'k«.
The fnlh.-r waa to «up|M>ri
hi* Ub-gltlmate --hlld lo Ibe Ibln.-enlb
Tl.t- Aztec* bad «vii-k*
-.i.-h with a *|*H-ial nain.-.
-V had fifty


of clr.-ular form, with a *iiii in i
Ilf <-aeh of the 13 |iart«. and
wore their tril*e«.
- ‘
Tbn* the brief ancient hlMory of
and It may'lH- uid of m.Hl.-ni tim.-* it'
l••rn.any tiuit even loilay a *l.ak.-r'dozen'
I* 13. Hint I*, the .iriglual
tw.-lve. with hm- ihririvn In f..r lu.-k.
rcrc (■ Sro Verb.
A llltb- group In a Hgar aioit- wa*
dl*cu«alng peoph- and tlilitt*.



Klngular," one of ibe party,
"how- folk* will gniiul.h- over prt-'e*
at Iiomi-. and then
twl.-e the ttuiney for l.lelitl.-ally



Lunch Counter

Biggegt and Beat
Lunch Counter..

..... :
a-S„_...... : !

of cake and cream mine up In the
benvy .-ut-gbiM. dlHb.-a. Some of tli.iuI- set In *llv.-r *(an.h> and
Into (be »lui|H* of Dower*: tbeiK- *lainl«

often liiiil cr.vKtal p
wa* Ifii.ugbt round tn a tall,
«-ut pylind.-r. on a gtem.
gla*» JUL- held water, nof’. l.aiiiiiacieand alway* *iond .m the table, wttb
VO big ‘Tumnieni" fiauklng It.
When tbe .-loib wa* n-iuor.ll



*uud*. wltb boxwood U.lloni*.
tl.iiM- iM iiiK <i>venil .« Ibc outer whir
wltb ch-lb. do tbat 1b1-.4MiUsh.1l
iM.gnuy i.ilgbt not Im- mudicIhiI. The
nng<-r gla»-e* were ctii. hut the iM-ri
aiul *ln-tT> gla**c* w.-r»- ofi.-u plain.
Ill the .1-nter nf the laUe

work «t k igaroi po**ll>lr rraor.
Mew Oficp. Msrbbam Bit

hii of light' aud color, aud with
whole cif tilt* e.|ul|iage
(he ilark mahogauy. with whli
uhl gn-en di-*M-rt k.tvI<-p« we

«f '“U’"


-Hbany one find* mo*«4x>v.
tieurge Ml.
" ---------------------Further we«l iiuiimen-liil
enter|>ri>e ba* done what IiM-al authorItle* bavi- falh-d to do. On tbe r.«dable .VOII run..- t.-rc*.* a wtu.V bun.-h
of buditl* anuouo. Ing -T.-n nithKI.K-nm'* Iwug Si..r.-" and "Ten mllea
aud a .piarti-r |.i Xiiokaur* liry-tiiKMl*
Ki'ore." Tbe wiiiili- way h. pum-tuated

lad.h-r lu nhlWi another vn*
i'llugli.g. ul>-w4i(ti-ly
(uin.lj-ztil -will,
.\fi<-r .-iilllng to (tie terrtll-il
ereainn- in vain for a fflli
III.- Ur*( iad.t (ai>|Mil h.-r with h.-r fo
.iiivr.ll b;
the head, wlil.-ll bn*/'
lurgi- “pi.-iun." lull.'';rfou
atv v.-iy
ru.le: you iiri' 'niluitig my lutt." *uld


fiiW 51

John K. Santo,
Geaaral lasaraiM.
Tvavere* Cttp. Mlet


the u'uiiiait |M-I.>tv. and lii.m-ili.ii-’ly
rcauiiail her d.-xi-ut. 3'o Ihl* .lay kImI* ludlgnaiit. iillliough h.-r hat wnk ou
nqr-wbeii *1..- 1va.-h.1l ii-rTa-finua.

At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. MORGAN, Propr.


■ A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,600, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.
Some arriving every week.

H'm the aame with hotel*

il^ark l^lace Hotel!
Ti?a-v-©3?so Citar, Miol3.3.g6kaa„

in -New Y.irk 1* oe.-e**arll.v U-it.-r than
It would be If obiaiued at h.mi.-. It
run* ihrougli tbe .-Diln- gamut, from a

Newt)- painic.t j>a|K‘red. and carpeted—Rooms witli
privalv baths have been atldtd. makiojf it oqe of the most
comfortable holds in Northern Michigan. .Addresg for
rales and other information
Proprii-lor.-.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Manager.

draiiM to a In-erKi.-ak, an.1 I* not v.-ry
creditable to the public geiiorally."New orb-atu Tlme*-I>.-mo.'rat.

man who wa# innilug n comer *om.'
dUtar i- away. Tin- en.'ete'pr.>in|itly

Arch and Bert

Hopkins Bros.
Roth 'I'honr*. hi

Wp are doing buainw at the mb*
old aund with new fiztarce—

Wp Will gtpe roQ oor elw attMlm
and domir beet u> p.eaae you.

Wp are again prepare.! tr> deliver le
n all pa-ia of the e::y. our price* wil
be aa low aa any ( ffered.

who wouldn't dream of paying that
much to aee tlu- aame In tln-ii

bad Iweli a*«anlled.
"Wbrti- I*
bUckguard wbo did Itr he,
and a |*>llte little l*iy |H>int.i] out a



i Her R.. .
A lad.v wh-. lauie .lowu oui- of the

foollHh thiirry that wltati-rer .me g.-l*



a Phoa* 21- MtCax- -Oi-e. ooi.*.iu Ko
alar Uou..*. Trarrrw .1l>. ||irB

meant to mniniii.iMiiple ih.-lr
■Iliuo-r In Kiiiupiuou* If

and restaurant^ and.
In fact', .-v.-ry
li.*m of ••xii-nilltiiiv.
It lu-.-m* lo me

While a •irong curate In lb<- mmihea«tem dl«irt.-i. who ran u*.- hi* tl*i«
when requlivd. WBB making a |iar>*
cblal rl*1i, be heard lu-fvani* friiiu
■Ide street and learned'that a woman



would l»p n-gmtled a* v»-ry ezorhliniii
here for any aiira.-iluii. and 827i» aimply out'of tbe giK-Rlinn. yet wheu fllir

Athletic parwon*. *ay« the I/.ndoa
Te)pgni|>h. are Dot alway* hi.-ky
(heir atteni|>t* ttf i.Iki« their prwwe**.


The Viegaa Bakery,
-.-i iSOrrMlSnci


ativ four larg.- .-gg-MliaiMil va*.-*. with
ever* .'itt In dianiou.U and fillul w ith
calHlle.1 fruit*. Tliiwe gave a Iwautiru1



gla«a uuiv more dl*|>layiil liw-lf. Tl.e
brilliantly i-nt de>-anier» were net

aame aril.-le in N.-w York, ^ab- the
thi-aler*. for Inaian.v. Two .lollar*

own town*.


Price Mind It Cltie Dot UL

rxg J m wilbelm. paymuias *»a *BmM.
Bpgt.wbrkjn»aabip money
. . J* *e» To.... ........ ............. . .
CM emptoy for Bicyele
^ick work.
titvly confined to the tahlea of the
Wealthy elanee. wbu lOli yeaiw ag.>
were Mt a Tieeorieth of tbelr preH-Dt
IK Foiaa Htreot
I'ltllk.- i'bt|.peoda|p .-lialr*
and bookcaae*. tbi* good glam wa*
not pnrehaeed in
n any guanilty
by (be
radefa. «
U. U.I
Ml CouMrlbe *<
My bio
The brilliaatly cut #|>e.-lmen* of old
gla«# now luHng bn>oght out of .imii. bouu- *tun-ru.>ui* were rui-aui to -*.Oa«- l/., MBl>
go with tbe fine labU «<|Ul|age ..f rXILBEgr'a ilATBB.AuarMya. SpmlaJai'
e wonderful dltmen. at whl.'h 17 ipBUc« uJ^Mw^prwUcp. ttooMsfaac
-aide dl*b.«" wen- n-«l aide dl«he».
pot down with Ibe ruaat and lH.lle.1
gntne fowl*.'iimg^ und bam* ou tie- timmri or all 4oMe*.ir aniaal* to Vto
aide* of ll.e talilh. Willie tbe jHilnl* .aunt ao.t «M->. anaoJa.
tt|«rat a(w-a>k>u
■ at I'be tig. and liuttoiii.
Tli.-w- <lT*o >e**rri-j Ua> aaUeVLt raU* prvap.
were all on Bla-mehl plat.- dl*he*. with
er* to match and bot water t»-low
m- H. F«n-u. *1..,™.. ■
keep Ih.-m
growing oil.l W . wun,l.«
lu HUM.
whlh- the joint wa*
Tbe gla** now au k.-enly aongbt fj>t
ai>|.eaivd mainly Im the tbinl au.l
f.rnnh .-uunu-K. Tin- varluo* -.i.miM.t.-*

flr.--.-e.-uiM-* .-n tin- 11-ar of the win-l
Ui.r huti-l n-lal.-* how- *Iie*.il
rephlly .-arihWanl until *bg n-a.-I.rd


Gas Lamp--

Amertrn. Strong ibongb ll waa. iberc
U very link- of It WL It wa# origin-

(bat the wiiol.' tiling ha* lt*.r>Nii in
the ranki-*t kind of *u.>bher.v—In th-

You kimw." be ,iinilnu.-d

numl^rle*. falwbood* h. both ..T
them, aud managed, in a abort •piiy
of time, to piuToke a quam>l bciwren


to take tbe nud. Tliey can *lay at
bom.- BD.I play to a third more money,
and (he funnv part of it I* that (ourfifth* of their

I idmirh.Vra"ll'il«uriVITili/tbU^wb™

tipman. aud to-,gab. to ibluk biw she
could aui>|ilBBl my aunt In lila mrinia
Uon. Bill- bad iveoulwp to atraiegy:


tfnp of Ibe oldecl tnllecionea la to hi
aeeu in the inuaeiio) at l.clc«-aliT. Kog
laud. It I* a cylludrieal bl.x-k of Hand
alone nmghly ln*<Tll»^ with an ale
brevlate.1 atatpinetii to
ll waa ere«-leil during tbe <>m|iemrKhl|i
'‘near Hadrian, mid of Tralnii. on-

"The ►/to.-." be anawcnil. “ ^'e!!.
■»olb.•r^^1.le me aome Urn.- ago Ibat
ulw wa* g.>hig i« be wanietl. I aupp

coubiry at the time and. alli.ougb be
rrclliriM-Bled her affection, they
Ml .i>ur.-«*«il tbelr uiuiual atta.'bmeni
wben her oeur.-,i friend earn.- to buaril
•t the anme pU.-.-, T1.I# young lady
alao wa* fax luai.i! )>y the eame geh


Md figure, like 17 and 10 and mapy

iiwgde go u.irih Ih.-y bau.l over that
am.Kini wilfaoiil a mimiiiir. Tluii
what tuak'-* eenalu «iar* *o reUn-tabt

"Awful." be n-lurui-d, with coovlc* .
tion. Tlien. after a «e.-..n.l’a
"I ^1'''"

mean a* a rule: of .iiura.-, there
optional .wap*. That renilud* m.-.“
Tbougli a .luipu- of Tboiiastmt year*
be add.ll . -you bar.- beard me apeak
obi Ibe Hadrinii alone 1* more d.i-lpbof my aunt Martour
•TIm- auut who. you a^y. ha* re. eraUb- than ninny of the mlle«ton.-s of
4<wmed Ho- rare of old ma^t In your noHleru day*' iu-anere.t
Mtimaihmr aaked Hertruffe.

-aVea. many year. a*... Aunt llariM
‘ tpU to lo.v. She wa* luanliug In tbe

lona company-tbal 18

bo*land. who wa* atandlnK near
never ibungbt to have loved*a’a
" *h.**ald.-K*ebange,
* •.•11."

but lan't a dreadfu^tor a man to get
married a aecuwl timer

1 go borne.

harp Ml aoiop kind of an nnpleoaant

teat londly-and naually in aoipp bllar-


•fal .aiMO


There are probaMy lew roeo who lu
tbp taoefiMut rereaara of ttiPlr bearta

poorap. ibPre are aome roen who pro­

I mark.


j pigg mciuNn-Ki

"Why. ibp av>p ai «ny moihwr'*." hp

pertly III rfaanep. I ibink. Wby. <Jrttfk wbal 1* tbp mattprr
For tbp Rfrl had grown dratbiy trbitp
and dM Dut aewni to bear bl> |aat nv

W. BKOWM. AUaraar arr O

_ «hk B^tiral TMI* WaPP AMtu Um {

' aanwtfwd. aomwf^t ««toal>bed at tho
' VUMUun: -Moor.rMarton Moofw. I*ivtj ty natnp. Un'i Itr lip a<ld«l- ’Tw

li mpi l^ad a ataad. aad dirt.
«Wa Ibr Uapt alcbl waa try raid.



IM anal
ml ably'*
.ku.-. <«7lw tbfw.
' ‘ *4*P-«- «bf
«f coumHcdit r*«»
It MW tbp
4. W.,
-W M. kiod In tbP prw-cnrw of
It »•»
Aa« May BM brtp. tad


luiltniioD floiio.v*. the ii.iwage with
rvvera. orDain.-nted with white enibmitleri.-n. o|N-nliig .HI a .h-tiiut
muusM-llne lie aele aud lace.-New


York H.-raM.

I.UI1an Ku**cll I* fund of *m.>kliig. !
H.-r fiy»i .-Igaivrte wa* gllvu her by |
the prion-** uf Wale* and of oonnu-1
Ibe uiM-ratl.'
Mlpk’pr bad to #iu»kp
« hellier <>r un. Rni *hc liked tbe ex- i

ran after him. aetzed him by tin- coat.
collar. :.o.l dragged him bd.-k to the I
. amuker of daluty rigerett.-*. V.-mOua i
place of «l*f •««t'lt. an.W the applau#.,be mu.u granful ,1.
of a .i.n*ldpralde rn,wd.
„f ,uy
ain't tbe party that did U.",j.ahl the
bill ab.- pref.-ra
Vuuuin wbea ib.- vh tlm wa* mIk.wu iu smoke tbeiu.
bpr-"Chai ain't my busKand Ami. bpBCarapp-* HtalMM CliBtrtt.
OlgaNeilieraolpadmlt* smoking and
■me blgbe»i .-bur.-b In Kurope—In' •hte*. wbai atv you
Itaera w ho on-aslona
otbiT jMiipte'#
raliw furr- Th.- tollla Marl.>w.- and Kla
aituaiton. MI riiiial-l* cald by Ibe En.
Marj Maniieriug ami Viola .Mien do
be bad •
giwtuap- .■h*p«-l of R. Maria de Zlteli.
duF* au.l .liN« uol .iiuivnl IIh- fact.
abuvj- Kalux. In the Kwl#« canton of
Annie Rusm-U bad to rnauage a big

It lip*
climr factory In ^The Mysu-rioo* kir.
alwvp the iwnt lev.-l-nearly K.00i» fee!
I In Pari*
Biwii-" aad Heorgla Caytun In a.Mue
high ■lM»ve the forct near tbp limit* nnmlM-r at preM-ni 2-"dlT. of which 1H8 "•X '
*l»oke.1 (-Ighrettea. Ib-nil.of |>erpptual #now. ^1 U'only o|M-n mad.- tb.-lr dr*i ap|iearaD.v U«l yenr.
during lb.-»uinm.-r limp of that region In till* pnonnou* maa, politic*. pro|>erby ber manner of *ffluklng
. tbp folk thcT
. ni-kon. ly *|M-aklng. I* repreapuied by ofily 144
f^KU Kt. John tbe RapilM'* day i.. m. Oigan*. Ktrauge to *ay. It t* medicinp
Mlchapl * da.v-aniM* ow-d .mly by iIm- that ahaorha the large*t quantity
A ii*t of womeu aztruoowptw. com­
piled from Riblere'a 1>-* Femni.-a dan#
Alp berd.-rw wbo n-maln there tbmugb namely—, awl Financial maitpr* are
la Keten.v. contain* ib<- name* of l~
the *unimpr with (lu'lr cow* aii.l g.Ni.«.
AmeriMSU WoniPU of today wbo bare
and occaabmally by h9Dtpr* ln -#earrh
taken i>sri In* or are ea
of the ebamol* and nmnnot. All the
67 and lodu*iriaI matter* |n M. Tbere
gaged Id teaching aiirunumy. and 12
Inhabitant* of fialux climb up ibliber
are fit! jOurnaU on gn# and etectriclty.
wbo are working In astroMmlcal pboon Mldanmmer day to a*al»i at tbe
lography. Among theM-. Min Ida C.
W on Inaurance, lo on rockery, 6 on
Ar«I tnau and bear tbe Aral aermoB of
„bo- Martin, Min Hr. Oorotbea Klnmpke
of the year, and there la «l*o a evowd%|M
ohaefTamrl. and
^ kra. M. P. FtsalO! have aitniMd

>0 Ihp be»t lo bp bac
rk: belter meebanla
ter price* than *aywhere elae.

II. R. GIBBS, I ^■sSTLT.rr
Practical Bicycle Builder | ***
and Repairer.



Will have on sale Saturday, a
lot of choice family drivers, heavy
draft horses, and splendid hropd
I and fine farm mares, weighing from
11,000 to 1,600 Ihs.
We can- save you from $16 to
$26 per head.
Remember the date—SaturdAy
July 1st.

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