The Morning Record, September 28, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 28, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



1.1 IT



nmuAri am



XoevMMd VmUsc of Oloom
Owr Proap«ou of War.
Aiwlig M»plr lo Cloiiwl ■■CK4irj
ttmwuu Mar Orafua-Ws
AiSalwaovcaiaat Vaunt la Ooa■liirii-aowra Sava Saraa Lootlaf
tka Vaaiata BorOar ef Ua Traaaaaa)-'Tvoa»i Baa4f lo Kora.
Laa4oa. Baav t? —ThoTraaaaaalrit> nirtUmTlba faSlaTrf
I. u aapMiM. W WMiaf of
Brolorla aad Oape Towa abow that Ibe
fiairal Impraeeloa tbara U tbat Ue
Bsara hare aot reeoded from tboir poMttoo. aad that tbe foalLac of aareat at
letaaelled. . Tbe aaeeaUre
ooaaall of tbe Traaeraal bad a prokvod alttiav peatordap aad baa beaa

«0 «BLB4«I VO^ tOVB.


Arp’lestlaa Oaalad »r BUU Board
' |
Bv«rythiOB PromloM a Bril*
Uaalar. Mart. t7.—Taa tellowirf
liBBt SDOoeaa.
parolaa vara r>^i«d lodaj: WaUaca
Lobdall. aaai tnm Seat eoaoty la
Hotaatbar. im. to ImU for Uraa nacahip Olympia 01«<
raara. barrlarr: Frad Barlla, aaat
OaaUoa at Tmpkiaarilla Wbea Bba
fro« Braaab ooaat; la llarali. im. to
Dropped Her Bacbor TeaUrdap
JaolMa for Uiraa jmn. lareaar;
Koraiar—Bdmlral Rowtaoa'b Flar*
Bdwla Sebalta, aaat tros Wajoa
abipttioato Joiaed ibe Fleet la
eoiBlj la Jaanarj. lft»7, to MarquatU
Bew York Bap.
for Ira jraara. lareaar.
* pardoe waa doniad Oao. W. Lore
New York.
»7.-The cnitaar
of aatrl« aoeatj. wbo waa ooarletad Cbleaco, tbe flacablp of Bear ddmiral
^ Daoamher IMS. Be klUad ' Howtaoa. *rrl»*l todap from a ««»
*b ladlaa aad tbe trial eacUlod a r>od , enlee. derlar wkieh abe tooched ihr
deal of lateraet.
ooaatof Afrlea, aad rialted Port l^ld.
Tbe erolwr proeeeded Immediatclp to
tbe fOTeramoBl aacborara off Tempkiaerilla 8 1. and look a poaltloa |
aatora of tbr old ebip Laneaei
TrSYSroa City. JUoinbar Oo. tow momeou Uter the; blue flac OB'
an'e Oeffebip, Mew York
Hm Changod Hands.
wat lowered aod a rod Sec ■’
iadleatiap that 8amne


Good Nows
for Corroct Dressers



You Can
Patent Leather

2 Xross at 25c each
IK gross at 38c each

And run no risk -as we
can sell you

These goods just arrived from New York Factoryaodwillbe put on sale this afternoon. . The
leather is soft aod pliable and is the best offering in
pocket books we ever made. See them in our window.

■oo s Patoot
Leotlier Shoes that we


If their ctaci or hreak

entb tbe Oraafe rroe dlata. Mo doeieI u Oru» <. u.
lea. It b aaU. ratardlac tbe attitude
Aa Ua Cblcapo Beared tbe WympU
•t tea Ofaar* Free State kae pet beaa
Deal Wae OoadiUaaal Upon a Car- bar rapid Ire rnaa beicbed forU Ue
tala Frail, wbleh baa beaa More admlral'a ealaie. wbleb Ue Olpmpla
Tbe Traaeraal'e raplp to the dbpateb
retnrned with Ulnaaa r»na- Ue m .
Tbaa Bealised.
9t Ootoabl Seeratarp Obamborlata will
lute of B rear admlraL Tbe Olpmpla’a '
be drafted todap aad enbmittoid eoeratYeetardap Jjba F. Ott of the Tiar- crew maaord Ue tall aad retnraed Ue
Iptatbe read. The
taa dtp Lumber Co. aaramed peraoaal ebeera of Ue Chiearo'a crew.
aoariaoad tbatOraat B'Uala le doter- ebarpe. aad aiaaacemeai ot tbe plant
PatdDt ]fatbf>r U the moat
The ealute wm Ue eiranl for a reomlaodoB war. Tbe feoert will uke and bneiaeee of tbe oompanp, barlar
eral demoaetratloaj aloer tbe aborr.
...11 Ik. a~tl oI .h.l,
elegant of all ieatbem—Al­
Oaanoaa were fired and email armi dlePOplp b eoaaldered. The Oraafe Free leaaBaohaafe National baakot Chlcbarrod. whlla ferrp boaie- 'aad rail­
ways looks bright and cobby.
caro. which baa operated tbe mill aim
road earinaa eiarted a daafenlar
The Cbpe Town eorraepoadeat of tbe a mortcate bald bp tba bank apataat
Yon can Buy these ahuea
eboroaof «bbUM. ■
DallpMewa: -The Boere hate bepan C. A. Barker wea toreelaaed eereral
Tbe Ulpmpb etarbd at e o'clock for
with ■ feeling of pride aod
leotlai oo tbe weetera border ef tbe paamajro.
tbererernmaDt aneboraro off TompTraMvaal.. A bona* at Llebtosborp,
Mr. Oit aeeurod aa opUon on Ue klnrrlUe all eorta of craft. Inelndiar
b'lwf'off o a Brltbb >ab>eet,waa loet- baeiaeae aad p'aat iaet Deoember and
Ua dbpateb boat Dolphia. with Amlatad la hb abeaaee. ererpUlaff po.table Ue pnrcbaae waa oeadlUooed apoa a
antBreretarp of tBa Narp •Allen oa
baiar earrlad aS
oertaia profit for Ub pear. Owloc to board, aoeompaiaed Ue Olpmpb op
Tbe Carrie liar baa jaat reeeited aa
aad a rblay lorn. Ue Up.
ardar from the admlraltp to prepare Ue bar market Ue boalaaea baa realised a
eaplained todap that while
otaamer Braomar OaeUe to e il for the profit of Uroe Usee aa maeh aa the flpbeU Dawep aad Bowiaon outrank
aaaoOjl. O, with MoeoBaaraaad moa. nreflsedapoabp Ue partlee latareatSampaoD, Uere will USno cbaare in
Tbb b an oaUrolp froth batch of
Mr. on baa made a rood larealarraaramaeb ffl'toff Admiral
tooepe aad tba oompoaltloa ot It b aa- saat, aa. aceordlaff te Ue terme of Ue
Sampeon full eontrol of Ue naral
leat. tbe prolb of Ue pear are partlonof ibe Djwep demonetratioe.
DmplU the warlike •preparatloaa. toapplp oa tU purebaae price. The
Admiral Uowiaoa will be a rnaat at i
P Booth Afriean elrelee la Loadon eilll option WM to bare eapired on DeeamUco«remonp'>^d will aot Interfere
J^levo there will t»a no war and that bor let, bat Mtbe mill kM made aoeh
wlU Admiral Sampaon.
B>era will laallr eeaoede tbe Brit
toed abowlBf aad aaMr. Ott daalrod
Aa Ue Olpmpla aaared forU Wadabh demaoda
to rot Bbtiarn eleeed ap before Ueler- worU and BnmiUon.Ue Milan maMed
rlar eeaaoa beraa. Ue deal
Uemaalree forward and Ue marlaM
la Obleace on Moadap. aad Mr. Ou baa were paraded on Ue qnarier deck la
taken obarra. Tke formal traoafer fall dreaa nniferm. The CMlfe wm
Tbeafbt U Waa Stoloa la Detroit. will be made aa aooo m Ue aec«
lowered from the m'ssen faff u Ue
papeim one be prepared.
Bat It Wm Foood la Tbe DreoMr
monkey faff, and Ue Uip'a namber
J. Kearaep, wbo baa been
dbplaeod. At Ue Olpmpla entered
la bb Boom at Tbe Oadlllae.
aeeud wlU tbe bnainem eereral peara Ue cbanael, Ue alfnal corpe at Ue
Yeaterdap • Detroit paper* eaa‘alBbad Ue manaromont tor Ue bank. torb wlf-wafced a welcome, which
taw a etorp ot a dlamood rapeterp in
wbUe Mr. Oirbatalae been bare leok
inewerU bp the ahlp. The alopee
wbloh Martin Oraae. tbe well koowa
lar afbr hb own latereeb aad rotUar ot Ue forte ware crowded with aoldierv.
Fraaktort lambermaa. and wbo b well familiar wtU
and M Ue fir. -on reared lu weleomr,
kaowa la Trateree Clip
Kearaep wUl ro b Cbleero In abont Uey caearM) aetilp. Dewep'e toee
•aa Omaemieeed hb |soo dlamobd
el* week* and tram Uere be will ro lo WM wreatba.1 a amilee m Ue ebip
atad while at tba Cadillac hotel, and
tbe Peellle ooaat to eorar* >■> Umber- anawerod fan ' .r.fua. A little later Ua
roporlod bU loaa to tbe poUoa.
lar For Bobart Starat and TboatM erolter J>laa.t Umpeoa'a fleet c«
laUauiod that a patrollmaa waa tbe Wal
It ia the great time aaver uf
VaUe. of Ue Uak i
Tempktnavlllr. •klUalao^lnted.
foUtP parlF
a riforona laraatlfa- U*e uieaetfe latereeb on Ue Pacific
tbe atre. and ao inexpenaive
Tae adm:rsi arrived at Ue Brooklpa
tloo followed. After a lot of
eoMi and la wboM iatereeti Titeodo** navy yard at } ,'cloek thb aftarsooa
:tbatOnobody can affonl h> l>e
aad worry, tba atod wae flaallp found
Imdrata, formerip la ebarre of Ub onan cffljbl *>« t to Bear Admiral
withont one.
M tbe dreaaer to Craae'e room.
___ ^__________
mill, bworklar at
-If you had a telephone in
Mr. OU and familp wUl aaake TraaTBBFaAI*B OF DXWBT.
yonr office or home you would
srMOitpUolr permanent home and
nave inn h mental and pliysiowill porebBM a reeldaaee here. Be b Leadoa Fresa 0>mmaaia.toa Admiral
Daijeoilac Diotrlot of tadb DeraiUtIreMnrerof tbe Ou Lamber Co.
al efT.>rt, nod do emi of time
aad Pbliipplae SitaaUoa.
o4 bp Flood! aad LaadelMoe
Obleefo, whicb operatee aa eatenelTe
and annoyance
L-sndoa, Hduk 77.—The Mornipf
Oaleatt-. Sept. *7.-A eaoeamlon of aaiaenaln Uatoatp.
aaribquakeaboclu at Darjaillac, one
Tbe mill will fiabh lu cat aboot tbe Puet Mp*:J k We eoafraiolatc
the principal anmmar reeoru, eltu- lalddle of October. The tout cat wlIJ United Sutoa on havlaf. at a time of
atad about tweatp fonr boar* bp rail U aboat feet, of wbleh half national awakeninf t> power and
from tbb dtp, bare eaueod r^Mt loae wUl U hardwood aad Ue oUer half reeponalblllty. ao worthy an exponent
of the combined IdcM of patriotLm
of Ufa and immenee damafe to hemlock Tbe maple, nearly ae<
imperalbm to whom to tender
mlllloa feel, wm aold to The T. Wllea
• propartp.
Nine Baropoaa ebUdren are reported Lumber Co. ot Cbloaro and Ua oUer homofe."
The Osllp .S'ewa. deallof with Ue
|obare been killed. It b known that hardwood, abont a million, feet waa
maap fiuropeaa ebUdraa had beae aaat tahea by tba Kelley Sbinple Oa Of Ue Pblllpplna eliaailon. aayk: "Admiral
to tba bilb for tbe hot eeaeon and the bemloek fi.OOO.OOO feet waa aold to Un- Dewey oaf bl lo be able to five preeloua
loaa of lito amoaf Uem may U atUl derwood. Ball A MePereon of CbieaKO oonaMl to bbfovernment In a difileally
which b rapidly deprlvlnf It of all tke
aad Menomlaae, and feet
rooorved by Mr. Ott trr Ue Ott Lamber credit won by Ue war with Spain "
lowed'by a remarkable ralofall aad Oo
The Dally Chronicle Mya: "Preeident
••me terrible landaidea Twaaty-elrbt
Mr. OU bM aoearod a anmber of ac- McKinley and hb fiienda will probably
laebm of rain toll in Ulrtp-elght taaalve tracb of land Ue prodnet of refard Ue popular weleome extanded
. koara. TU lUd to Ub elty
• bleb will U broapbt to Ue mill here to Admiral Dawep wlU not a little
Uooked aad
aedeat m amdad. Ha ballevea that anxiety, owlof to the conlrMt of Dew­
damaffad. Paclijhora and maap other Ue cepply of Umber la Ub locality ey'* eBoeem with! ue floaaderlnf of
placae wore partbllp wroebod.
will be oaBclent to kMp Ue pleat la Otb. If Ue Damocrau oie wlae Uey
Aboat l.«» bofss of Ua rvdaae oparatioa abont nine pean loafer, "nie will make Dawey Ueir champion,
wore deetfoped from

OU Lamber Oa b not latoreeUd la tU wonld U a formidable candidate tot T-jct..
BlrebbUl. Part of Ue au^ elopee •Utedeal.Ue
bokn Ue Preoldaaoy. Oeaeial Alfor had to
ellpped feet. Tbe water aopplp
be drafted from Preddeat McKinley
Rwsry smoker has his
bp Mr. OU peraoaallp.
pipe tor BirebbiU wm daetrorad aad
like aa eye tooth.
Wai nap dental
own peculiar taste.
tU aloetrb plant damacU, laavlaf Ue
rperatien ladnce him to five np Ue laALL MUST HBFOBT
What every nmoker
town la darkaem.
ffeetaal OUar*
else, la a cigar that ia
A talMTow From Jallpalrnrl etotaa CkrbUaa BoleaibU Haal aetOouMl
BBBCVID BY tHDXAN SBBZBBB. clean, well made, and reliable.
naUrea and Urea Xaropeaae
OoataflOM Oaeea
Tboee who have tried
wwe oroealnc Ue ri?er TeaeU wbu
ImaalBf, Sept. t7.~AUoraep Oeaeial
wo AmorioaM Xmst U Ue 1
tbelr boat wm ewampad.
Ou boat­
OrMBdrioeeUaeute board of baalU
Bronfkt to Fort ArUar, Oak
man WM aa*ed attar aolaff swept fonr.
Ual CbrbUaa Selantbw and oUor perIMS tollos down tba riw.
Port ArUor, Ook. Sepk »7—Two pronounce it tbe beet they eve
fiadeno Knator aad Wblttoa. tU aoaaaotlaf M phyalelau mast report Amerieaae wbo worn loot (a tba boab at Dooght for five cents. They ar
tkrao Baropaaae, jumped overboard. to Ua loeal bealU efieora eaeee of ooa- Nlpifoa. ware bronfkt back Into towa sure to suit tbe psrticular amokei
Baaiok partlee are trplap to find Uom.
pMtordap. Tbelr aamee ara B
A dbpaub from AllaUbad etalea tut Cbrbtiaa Beiootbtt era Ml phpot- Keesdall. Oambrldfa, Maaa., and & B.
is a gem for 10c«
that a ferryboat of Ue Oaara laUwap olaM wlUl^ Ue meaalaf of Ua layv.
anasaa. Saflaaw. Mieb.
waa eapaisU peatardap.
Kaeter. Ue QpptonlOFftan!
Tkep wen foaad bp iadlaae eabt oat For SAle by sU deslors.
miauer «t tbe milwap. Aodaraon. tbe
rtaa, larffo aad aolld at JaekaeaH
toeeareblorUam. Port ArUar b 400
Made by
Frowt St—74S-tf-».
ahlef aa«laaer, and Whiuoa. a taa
mUes.from Wlaalpcf.
re drowaad.
Mr. BMtmaa bae beaa a raaidaat af
T%» TompU of Feabkm wlU five a
and >00 peMoas. moatlp aaMvaa. were
fiaad mlfu^ nprnilaff. Tharedap. kaowa aa a lambermaa aad v«
Friday and Satardap of Ub weak.
TweatpAwo bodlea have al—-oaud la Sae mUUaerp an
M Tka««f l>
TbaTto '

290-222 Front Street

you gel a new pair

B»lph Oonnable Jr, Hanss«r.

Tbb at^ ataada Ue oruod vscepiion t eommoa meUoda
lo the elntblDr t.nalnv<

at this new atore- see with your own eyes the
difference between a Block of f'lolhiag. Hath, Furmahinga. etc tbsi’s all bran’ new and the atock
^antique pattems offered by the other fellow.
Why, It Btanda to reason that the ftitelligeot and
_____ ah rewd buyer inaist on getting Benda’s ‘-Kloae”.


If it did act pap to trade here
NfflUd bu

H. I*. H,

d we de each a fine bnaloi

S. BENDA & C0.““irr.“

THE lElDER in Fine Shoes.






wc received a new lot uf

Ineloding D .dies. Scarfs, Spreada, Laundry Baga, etc.

New Sofa Pillow Covers.
See these goods, at





EMTHflllllKt mis MINT.


Knit farther than oth­
ers—They are strong,
smooth, elastic and
stacd wear and eapos*
ure. Colors can be i^oplicated readily, and quality
always the same.
All new shades and staple colors, only at







Of Interest
to Shoe Buyers
Oar line of &11 end winter ehoes le now com­
plete. We Are Affent* for the oelebrAted
ThOA Bmereon’e Son’e ehoes. For gentle­
men’s One drecs]ehoee they ere nnsorpAseed
In style, fit end qusllty. Prioee. $8.00, $3.60,
$4.00 And $6.00.
For lAdies'^ bnyCthe Minor Shoe At $8.00,
$8.60. $3.00 And $3.60.
See onr $8.60 kid lined shoe for Udies.

Morse Bras., Rease Paiinra


483 H aiKWOMl Atu

HeNaniri BlocL


VftATBMS omr,

Ob« of OOP PopoJ» liOdlM
thoBrldoof B. P. Book.


>8. 18W>

You Need a Little Fire
These Ohiily Mornings....


. Ka«w Ain 3. W. lUniaL Tra»«w
« «*W* XMtl»C^ t»
»»< !•»»•€« WAeb 'KM* AUc* 0«wtord Ba­
And we hRve ja«t th« Btov*
need to rnnka i inms* *».■ »Mk-»*prMrt*« OM- ,
one of thoae
CMMr ia 9nn 9k*ttk WoOow*i by;-------Imdlaa
BUbora'c B*MpUe» — BMaUtal! Mn- BaabAD CnwfurO of
North Caroline, and Jadge'anfi Mra.
At tba annual meatlng of tba Ooo•ifia and Tasdcr TribotaaEdward C. CbhUI cf lAnalng. Micbl- gragutional Lad'aa AM Boalaty bald In
A ear; notabla aoelat; aeaat wm tba gSD.
Mia eburcb parlora yaataaday aftarMoe
waddiBf wbleb took i^aoa laat a?anWhUa
tba (ollowtag efimta ware alaetad for
You throw' in a few kindlings acd a chunk of
inc. b; whlab oeramoo; Mlw Alloa ba acan oo ever; aide aome worth; of
tbe coming yearCrawford, oea of Traearaa Cit;-a beat atpeclal noUca ware ihnav of Mra Luc;
wood and tel it get started, then lorn tbe damper
Praaldenl—Mra J. A MonUgna
ka^B and beat loerd yonnf Mlea M. Arnold, grandmotbrr of tbe brldv,
M M «M
M 1
let Vice Praaldeot—Mra. R. J. Blgaod you hare just f’^e h- at voh want.
became Mra. Barton F. Faak of Molina. wbieb waa black tai.n relieved b;
wblta aatlD/aod poiot lace; Mra U i-r;
We always hare a full line of Peninsular Heat­
—Mra J. C. Mor<od Vice Pr«
Tbe waddldf aa;. whleb bad been Peak, black'Btin; Mra. Eiw f hill.
Oor Mb* BAtUMhti»»
ers. Cook Stores and Site! Ranges—all guaianteed
Tb« Mceat IrUl krtp of lb* oew b*l- looked forward to b; boau of loelnf brllotropa crepe da cheoa; Mra R*n'*en
Bacratary—Mra. C L Oooaer.
ttMbtp Kmmrw eaUa U> mlai ibc
Crawford, oanar; aatln wl'h black apto
first-class aod to gire satisfaction.
Troaaurar-Mra J. V Meintrab.
iMtUaita aeilbcr pollUeal i>*nj U
plicjua laoe and MUa Bea^ Peck, wbita
-M-a O. P. Oarvar.
th«« opfoolUos to ib« enlkrgomMi of
Od tbo eoBtroi? U«r* bmb* brilliant beaut; of a loeal; autumn,
k; gowe of tbe bride waa a tailor
A Powder Kill Rzplnalnn
I aolt of dove gray broadcloth.
«»b»»«auul iolerMl iB Ibe derolop da;.
Ramoveeavaryibing In aigb-:
At nine o'clock in tbe mornlnf tbe , Lining thaaldeaof tba mnaic room, draatic micaral pill>. bat boil
SMt Of Oor dbtbI po"«rbridal
ThO ■noPisfiil trial trip of the K«arand overOfwlng Into tba pa>lon waa a mighty dangarona. No need u> dvnaaaotbar fir*t eUM batUe froom. tba ft*a..5pide'i malda and tea wonderful dUpIay of wadding glfu. mita vonr bxly when Dr. Kicg'a New
Life Pilla do tbe work »o auily and
•kipto'ODf forea. Tbo, Kf*rkarc« U frooiBkman. ware g een a ebarmtuf
Arabian Nighu dream of baaatifal cerfeetly. Curaa Haadarb*. Cooatlpa•M bMrlwl of o«r batUe khipa to act- wadd ne breakfaat b; ibe mUd of tblnga to gold aod allver, cat glnaa tloo. 0> ly St cacU at J. <>. Jabneon'r
-tMaarfiae. baaiaf a HlaplaMBaat of boBor. Mlaa Alloa RobarU. at bar and Calna. picturea and blta of rare and B. E. Wall
Tbe (arnUora. aod bondreduff tokau
H.U0 toaa. The lodlasa. HaaaaehB- boma on > Waablnetoo aUMt.
MWa aad Or«foo ba«e aacb a dlaplaea- Ubla waa beanttfull; apraad and waa from loving frlanda of both bride and XUl^enyraahieBa.
Ladlea of Traveraa City a*e Invited
SMt Of lu.rbo V>na, aod iba Iowa a awMt with an abundance of ;allow and, tba gift of tbe Intiar to lii*
to attend tbe (nil opecirg at Mira
to Wife being an rlagant diamond brooch
dUtplMABMt of 11.140 toM, wbUa tbe
Taekaban-v'a millinery narlore. Fri
Moeod ela* Uiuaablp Taaaa baa a dU thoae preaent one to be alwa;a Tbaae from the frieada of Mr. Peck
da; and RatuAa;. Laiaat fashions
In bocnat* end moat ariu c aad
yltr——» af obIt 'i.lii tona Whlla remembarad for tie pood ebcer and teailfy to the reaped in which be U
beau*lfnl <lT'eU.
(ha Kaaraarce la a UUla loafer than pood fallowkblp Ba.lda aacb plate bald to nU owe boma. Telegramt of
the Iowa aod of ibc aama breadth, abv
congratulationa werv received daring
baa a saao draft elx iDcbaa Ilia. Sbc flfu of the bride to bar malda and. tba tbe evening from diatant frianda•arriaa four more fBaa thao tbe Iowa proom to tba bait man. belnf a act of
Mr. and Mra Peek left on tba l>:tu
and of tba otbara prau;
la bar mato battanaa aod tba aana
trslo lor Chicago aod Malice. Latar
asta pine, while tba brlda'a maid> ibay will lake a trip to tbe eaat.
pasbar la bar aaaoodarp.
At tba buildara' trial aoma waaba war^ racipienu of b
all wark ofklgtesi poMlbJr grak*. glat
. Peraonal.
•fo. tba Kaarearfa made orar aavas- of out flaaa.
work aspeelaitj.
Lonf before the Uma aat for tbe
lau baoia and at tba offloial trial oa
Frank Bmith baa gone to Marqnrt'a.
Vew Office. Karkbam Block
' Idopdaj for tba drat tblrip tbraa sllaa
Mra Tbomaa Uunton baa gone to
Ma sada a raoord of Mvantaao asd o'clock, Grace cbarch waa hrillianll; Old MUtlou to apant tba raat of tba
lblrt/-two bttBdradtba kboia an boor. tirblad and befianlnr to ba filled to week with her pavaoU. Mr. aod Mra.
(or wl, aad butU U> ordvr
Tba Kaaraaifa. atasda oaia of tba OTCifi>wlnf with Traearaa CUy'a "fair Homer Gore.
■ • to-' bbop _»'5V
bear Owk.
WM rrrrsaLY.
B. F. Farrla U In Grand Bap.da on
tprfaat and dnaat battlaabipa adjat women and brave man.'’ and at iba
me boar from man; frlanda iarawa;
jainma. Ha will Uke in the aUW
Bw Blatar ahtp. tba Kcatnett;. and tba
ma lovlnfi tbonfibu and baanfelt fair incldanuU;.
lUlboB. AUbaM and Wlaao&alB, all
Judge P. F. Swing, who bM bean
pf tba aama alM aa tbe Kaaraarfa, are wlabaa for tba bapplneaa of tbe ;ouof
couple atUl twain but aoon to be made ■pandiog ibe cummer in tbU cit; re­
approactalBC oomplaUon.
turned to hU home in Cincinnati leal
Wlib tba Alabama. llUaoU. aad
i bcanUfull; deco evening.
Tba ebureh
BastMky raady for aaj *loa, the Uallad
Q In toncaof green,
Gup L. Cbampoa; U in Oiand Rapida.
fUtaa will bar# elfbt &nt claaa batUa- rated for tba oei
bblpa and ooa aaooDd-r-iaaa. Wbaa tbe pink and wbita. Ovar the ebanoal waa W lb Mt^errU he will purebaae gooda
' WlaaoaaiBi now bulldlof at Ban Fran- a ball of pink roaaa and amllax. from (or tbel^toraoD State atreet. He will |
plaeo. la eomplatad we will btra ala which ware featooaad ropea of avar- attend the etate fair before hU reMUla-ablpa of tbe Iowa elata, and graaa. Fama. palma and white natara
•Charley" baa arr ved *rjm New
wban the Halna, Mlaaouri mid Onto, ware gracafnlly airaugad at tbe aide#
An enormous new line just
MabWba*aa dUnlaeamant of it.MU of the abancal and In front of tbe al- York, and taken bU place In the
placed on sale, in autumn aod
and cold evenings mean only
lOM. are oompletad tba rotted Biatee Ur. aod on tba cbolr ralllnga were Chlneae laundry.
frill bare thirteen battle atalpi aa
winter w'eights. Wool, merino
one thing, a fur collar or a new
>uoly, la in the city, haviog ya«i
parfaet in a*erj appointment and aa Tba alala down which the wadding
and fleeced linetl, in plain
cape. Not a day passes but
lorslbla In armament aa an; la the party paaaad waa apraad with white fur cloaed a deal (or all the caiile oo
North Maoitou ialand.
and ribbed texture. These
•rerld. In addition to tbaae are tbe ruga.
Promptly at taven o'clock, aa Prof.
Juliui P.lge of RJk Rapida U in ibe
•brM batUa-sblpe and tbraa armored
start at the remarkable low
to .show them in our newly fit­
W. U. Jluffuna commanoad tba wed- city, uklng treatment of Dr Rneelatd
Mplaara, aa baav; aod aa tormibable aa
Bav. C fora lame knee. Idjured In putting In
price of 20c. Can please those
ted Cloak Parlors. The great­
battlaabi*. antbori/>d b; tba laat
T. Btool entered from tbe veatr.v fol­ tie BIk E»[.ida Iron Worka' electric
who want‘better, up to S2.60.
est assortment to choose from
lowed by the groom. Burton K- Peek, p'ant.
Union suits make cold weather
aod bU boat man. bla brother. George
A. A. McCoy baa gone to Grand
Pavapnolan Anti tapauloalatPeak of Mianeapal.a Preceding Rapid! on biulncaa.
He will alao
seem like summer. Begin at
larette for
to the finest
Tba antl-axpanalonlau hoped great
tba brldaamaida came tba nabara. attan^ tbe auu (air.
tUbga when Admiral Uewe; arrived. Cbarlm Barge of Ulzon. 111.. Howard
B- R. McOoy. baa gone to HelUlre. i
Tba admiral baa bean quoted time auo Irlah and LeonTttoa of Traveraa City
where Dao Bailev U entered In the
•Mlb aa being oppoaad to tba couraa of
aod William Uortoc of Mollaa. 111.
•ha admlniatration and la tlatad to
a parUcuiarly pretty picture
Mma. M:Inuab. trimmer for tbe
bavasld that the FUtplnoa arc lull;
aa tba brldaamaida came alowly down Temple of taabion. arrived in the city
oi aalf-govammant. Tbaae
tba aUla. holding a long ropa otever- laat evening
•iptamaata aaam to have been a little
graan. which (all In graceful fcatoouk
John F Olt of tbe Traveraa City
' praaature and tba antia moat look
and waa caught up with olaatara of Lumber Co, baa returned from Chicago.
•laarvbara for mktarial to bring dlawhite aatera.
J. T. Hannah left yeaurday (or
atafilt upon the admlnUlmUon. What
Flrat came Mlaa Marlon RobarU In a Grand Rapid!, where be will attend |
tba adatlral real); doaa aa; la that tba gownof white crvpe da chane, with
the racea. From there be will go to |
FUlplSOaarauttarl; Incapable of aalf- laae ovar plab ribbon.
MUa Uraea
Tho e double faced suitings
govaramant. aad Ual’ba bellevaa iSat Morgan followed In pale green crape Chicago and thence to tihio. to be gone
about un daya.
jjanaml Gila, with the ra>ntoree&>enU da obana. MUa MionU Wait la white
are all the rage. "Home spun"
Yes. !)lankets are what we are
Mlaa Kate Mocre haa gone to Ypal-|
•• tba wa; will aoon ba able to kubdoa
da aola and MUa Joiafa lanti to enter tbe Bute Normal acbool. ;
grey, just the thing for skirt­
talkinjr ahout. Great big nice
tba Inaurgenu and bring order out of Wilhelm In blue crape da obana.
Mlaa Helen Moore baa gone to Held- j
ings. New patterns in coverts.
Ue alao pralaee Uila for bi»
warm, wool blankets.
Pracadiiig tba bride came the maid of
Morg; and patnataklng metbode and honor, MUa Alloa RobarU. wbo waa log to vUit trienda.
veneliaD, plaids. (Have a good
I'DderaberllT Martin Brown of Lr-1
"wotily” kind that keep out the
fiaelnraa that be baa too much to do aa gowned In pink crepe do cbeoa- The
land come to tbe city laav evening ^
plaid at 15c.) SLimething new
cold. Come in grey, white,
fovamor ganrral aad commander of brideaiuaida all carried bovijoeu of La
with a patient (or the aaylum.
tba arm;. Ur baa faith In the oouraa Franca roaaa
in black crepohs and in golf
scarlet and plaids. S2 75 the
Mr. and Mra Henry Peek and Miaa I
od Praaloanl UcKInie; aod believea tbe
Following ware a dainty pair. Mlat Peck left on tbe
train laat even-1
plaids. All the popular and
pair up 10
Got some
outlook to be vat; cheering.
Laeilla Holliday. In wbita. »c*ti«ring j j "
novel fabrics. Most attractive
colloo blankets at 50c. Thev
aweat peas before tbe bride, aod Maa
Mlaa UclvD Moora wilt Imtc thU
APMiaaL Ulvict rldlculra tbe idea of tar Holliday baarlng Ua while aalln
black gootls shown.
tnurniog fur oi uihcrn Miebignn. where
buMmiag a candidate (or preatdant pillow.
.tie will attend the wedding of a
pad DOW Kr;an aaeist to ba tba onl;
Laat to eater waa tbe bride wbo waa a
avallabla democratic candidate. Tbe dream of beauty ;n bar aaquUlU gown
The Bravery ot Woman
great poaalblllilaa centered In Dawa; of wklU aatln and point lace with laea
ahown by Mra John
Waa grandly
Bave been abaitarad aod tba hero of W veil and wblu bride foaoa
liurlng the Impraaalve c-remoey lha DowlingI of ButUr. Pa., is a three
« to be all that la left of a forlorn
yrara' atri
alow notea ot a "reverie" eoonded aofb
ly from the organ and at the ooncln- atiacki of nauaea aod indigeatioo. All
Tn arrival of tba Ui;mpla two da;a aloB, to tbe jayona aonod of tba Men- rriordiea (ailed to relieve her until abe
abfrA of time diaarrnnfiad man; of the dela«>bo wedding march,U»a *party left tried Electric Biltera. After taking it
itba, abe wrote: "1 am now
plana for the pralinlnar; raoaplioo la tbeebureb.
ured and can eat anything. It
From algbt o'clock
New York ba;, but tba 01;mpia baa a
KK unUl
uoku Mn. a !»vruiy a grand tonic for the whole
tbe bridal -pair at! ,;tiem aa I gained In weight and feel
habit of praclpllailng aurprlaaa. which
ce on Wnablngtonl much tironger ainoe ualag it." It aide
Mra. Peek'a rcaldence
Uebaarfull; forgiven.
Craw. UwealioO' curea dyapeptia, Improve!
■treet. "Woodiawn " tbe dear
______ appetite, givea new life. Only 5i)c
That's .[uickly written, brief
ford home. »o full of tender memoriea Goarraoteed at J. G. Jobnsoo and S.
and to the point. But it's only
of tboee gone, ao (nil of tbe heart love
WMM Whw of Tor Wrap.
faaM oongb tnne>ly oo earth, rum a cold of thoae left'behind, waa never ao
especially if you want a hat.
part of the story. To learn the
ig oma day if taken in time.
and hi) eta. beanuful aa wbei dreaaed gall; In Ofrthw IB any fitylaThe "worn all summer" hat
balance you must see tbe suits.
booew. of Itt mUtreaa, wbo waa to leave | I have received a ooniignment of
(.v,-.«rk and am prepared to eerve
We're not looking for medals,
Mr. Birong. of lUe W. W. Kimball U tbla night for a new home under Uk
-.lam in any aiyie at my reauurant
"Longley” for $1.50, Want a
Mualc Houae. la in receipt of the fol­ effakiea. both borne, nil wuhV. no le*
near the Hotel Wnltlng.
but if superior workmanship,
lowing letur from Prof. C. K. Horat, full of the love Ibht makee a borne a
T3: If
John M*cDo5*U>.
dandy stiff hatV Buy the
Mpreaeing bla cwavicUon*:
linings and fit count for any­
N. B Htroog. S q.,
"Longley” at f.^.OO.
Tbe deooraliona were oU amlla* and
My Dear Sir:—Let me thank yon
thing we’ll take first prize.
A floe oyater at Jackaon'a. lUr. Front
for tbe prompt delivery cf the Elui- ground pine, feroa and palma with
bnll piano bought of yoa tbla morn­ pink and whiw aatert aad oarnationa
ing While 1 alwayk wna tmpree»ed
For more than as hour the frieoda of
very favorably wUh the tone and ac
liooof theKimbnii ptnaaa we have tbe bride came to ihronga to lender
tonnn and are uaing at our Tmverae their love and good wiahea. which
'Ruttw xt*e.
Oil; aehucl. 1 cannot brlpapeaking i f were never more heartfelt oo any
tbe ehoelleauc and high ataodard ot
almilar oeenalM.
the one delivered to me
Among tbe frieada from away were
Ve y truly fourr.
I Air aUwlBUivrvC tor aboolul* MUi
tbe father and mother of the groom,
■lion o> wwib
iirecUoe e( tmth vllhoai
Mr. and Mra. Bear; C. Peck of Oregon.
TilfiphoBfi 118
tU.. and hU Mter. Mlaa Beiala Peak.
ter Mata for Murray and Hack.

1. m. Oi»ra.

Makes tke food more deSdous aad


Air Tight Stoves.


120 Front Street.

I s



Nouse Furnishiiig Store









that suit



Deposited tvith us


jau WkrtU tu thi XlsbaU


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co,

tom MOjumrO Kl>COBS>,^T«TrS8IfAy. UlcrTBMBBm. fts IMH.


4t tba athlatia

■ «^ inXerert. I


Hoa. Joba S^Waakl ta eaa of aatara'a

tttalaWrg'a Oiud rrtdaj Blfbl a fObd


profra* of aporta


aladlac aiarelea



pa fivaa,




Ha la aa aatbaalaat, yat
Ha aa

tafea attMtioa hj

LadiaaaawaUaa«*atlaia*o wUI Bad

worth aiady.

« Wi^ i«n«n«c HM«r MM«r w Wk
ru OkrtlOT LaabtrOo. of Lodtsftoo, bM poatod Bot'c a Maoeaeiar ae
iMraaaa of 10 par Mat la the «ac«a

H iaiaraatlar.

daoia wbleh

C. T U . will pira tba addroM

y wa to tba rery fooodatioa of tba mat-

•U iBatr aUl operaUvaa. to taka aff >

dUwici c^t«at>o« to ba brld ia ibia

tar, aad cal-a oa yea to balp liyfat tba

OatoWr I.


wronfi of lota»-'“'««>ra. aad te'.la yoa

tba eltj ara JebUaat.

Mra C. C. r.xtaof Waat



Tbaoa ia

Ii aad






Be im-

pttuiei aarorataaaa on a*aryoae.



the diatriet raeordiay





Hi of tke R. & 6 M.


overcMti. to widely ad-

o'clock at tbclrbal ia tba Broaeb block,
for laltiatioe of a Urya elaaa lato Ua

1^ 6- yaar-old aoa of HaBiy Oreatt
watroa Taaaday,



I badly emtbad




witl'iUtea to apaacbea from B. C B
McDjoald. H. 8 Callabao. D b

ba diad la a faw Blootaa.



Two foedpada beU ap a

bUad. daat



Dlsoodala, aod robbed bar


bell took


friybt at the C





bard ran dowa the atraat. laodloy at


Nobody waa hurt

coats ta iH sbes sad styles
aad It prices to swt emy
psfse. .
Tkey IK good to look at,
good to wetr tai easy to b«y.

rolloa-ioc t> tar lui of Irttm r-B-lalaa
, tar T'-rrr»tClt' Po-i Ofirt uarallrd tor II
I vrrk rO'Slar M-i-i > In
for krttr
' r ‘Adronord Mpl. f.


MIebiyaa’a «loa- dem< liebed, but tba borea waa uoio-


2dat Of Lacttam.

frelrbiaheda .yraterday. am made a

dike klay. appeared oo tba atraau of


C. B

A bank.-owaad by H^a. H. O. Camp­



Bba ■^aaallTlar aalliac ooori pUa-


anj .y


barquei. »'

wtbed a all -tbe —

Uly. BemciDtiar, it
ivirry Klot u -old in »r and ipc. packCM by drucc»u aad deaiera.

myatarin i f Kureaify .after wbieb ibty

•f Ooaway. wpa raa oaar by a loaded

St. Joaepb


It la an berfa diick, and te a poUUra ei

All Foraatara arc upected to meat


•aoB by Uataraa



What U C«l«ry Klitf f


MaU crowd waa la attoBdaaoa. aad It
laft la daaaa darkeaaa,




by lacl


aeeraiary of tba W F. M. S of Oeirolt

Thaatata fair wA ^«Ua4 Taaaday
by tba barslaf oat of aa araatara-

Ba; Citj,

at larfe of tba ataia W.

Ha lilattrataa


til* oaoavoinBce. philaotbrony.

, b--t»io«r a j
a-kr c o

bia yrand manhood oo'ue out iu e*ary ,j


look and utteraooe. and we with that



The oriflaal g jeea (^ly g lartei bare a*«ry roadar of tba Herald cooM ha*a P-r.-raMr
froat biadalou la tba Kloadlka H»
beard bim—Herald, ^iybmora. I>»V \
arraDgi d lo tri*r a rracert
waa formerly a farmer Otar Si Jnaapb. 1?"“'*'.

bat ba. broom. ImmaOMl, waaliby L I
m of bit rieta aulkea la



Cat^orioa 0 >*'« died at ber home on

Mr.. Sarah D okeraoo baa aoed the

Bey eouaty for

aye of M


the 8t. Franelt ebarc'*.

break lay







lon ia aaoeuncad for today,


If there waa any





a Bar Kimhail

Atthladata. a rary oonarrTalIre



N. F.


they claim




Wallie Perry




baa patio aa appaaraaoa aaar Baoovar
She aaetloa mea bariay arcorad a apaclUken to





that tbty are 00


almoet unknown to tbe American aiage
but aince Murray and Mack'a eoormout

lock for the Oit Lumber Co. ia Cbicayo.


The aebooDer Naray*a«at took a earyo

aevcral citlee which

of the aaiae atock tor PraDcii

ptnieaaeem to be incubator* for not


Ha We- SaeraC.


different playa, tbe



io three



Tbe tinging depart­






Tiie coatt m Qg of tbe ladlee ia

Thru ba put faiiiaATtutba pstirBt'e

of Second



Friday evening at tbe



borne <f



and femiiy.
K-nnAy tbe new'y appointed

pa-tor of tbe 2ud M. K eburcb.


highly recommended.

DOGS. con-iubla- wiu-d a due for
drill, but tba aolmal bit a pU-va out of
approecblny each other ata epeed of | ^^^1** of'ouaTMham.”

aies wbeD two frelybu were obaerved

on a lony carve


tbey were

Thn-a dii.vr aft.-r ha bed

the enyineer* ' (ux a PHlsdi Ipbln



i... to,

S< ui< b larrb r

when the

Ibe meetlny.

i» no*



At Mnakeyon Bodnay gulch bad blt|
I>u«. a Stoivli larriar ovoatl
oollar-bone broken while In a'aertm ] PhllH'Irlphla luun. run tall ilu-


of cunference by

8-v. Kennedy ba* ewen very

.eaves to ecmee to Traver**



City, bav

log served b'e time limit there.


Count. ibuT-dniKKl-'

received the de

wat ordained elder at tbe


popular at Sherman,


to„. . I ,.;r'z°ZnZ7Ssr‘-

oontoalOD of ordera waa the cauaeof^ttau .luaii Hill,

tor bis werk. I av'.ng



Ism-ocu'z-H by all bar. ain uv' kereaa
the cheai>t*<t

October 3rd.







church are cordially invited lo attend
tbe rrccpilou and gel acquainted.


per Aaaociatlon
Cel lu aod U.


l> “‘ ra found.


meet at Owoara,

Ilia expoeted that It

Both Lad -urved

aton McHIllaD and Burrow*. Oen.
reri Railroad



At SpriDgport the 3 .year-old ebild of Intemtlng U UAiu
Mr. ank Mr*. Owen McMannla pulled

MlM Prarl Tackaberr
err* t
baa aa elagant array of b.autiful effeeu in
mi’linrry. ioclodi ig tbe lateat faebloDt
Ladieeare iovited to attend
the fall opeolDC Friday and Saturday.-74i*-3i-S

bettla of boiling coup freua atove and
waa ao frightfally aoalded that It died
in a few hoara.
Mooae oontlnue to



hoorH. -iHl for th.- cimgb that (ol-

It Baked am«

Tueadvy. Thuraday and


reab Baltimore oyaterajaatreoelrad
Oeorge McCialiao. eoroer Front and
Park atraat

Cbaee 8

Oabora and other |
expected toaUend.

pearanee around Sault Su Maria.


B-vTbom— A. Catlo. a Mrlfaodi.i

will ba one of the atronMlBepublican '
Oiberlno ever held InTeaUte San- r»on al St ^.aa^H M^d„ Mgbl.


and MACK

*' .|ua


— A fane a-, full of fun that
you don't tliiieh one bii; laugh

Oiay«s Peitraltt Fte#


Freab Baltimore oyeier* ;
oelved. Heorge McClellan.
Front and l-ark aueeu.


Tslsphoae 112

jonng mooae have f rtsueolly been
the aummar

fur aeata f !r Mnrray and Maek.

and wd uodoubtedly rcoialn and inerem if left alone.


Are Ton BUlotuI’

A aluffglah liver taUa lo Biter tbe bile
from the bltxi^. and when tbe po'aonone matter goea throagb the bodv lo
the circulatloD, the whole lyatem la
tainted and deranged. Thla ie called
LOW RATBS AND UtJJQ LI MI tleoe and ean be oompletely
enred by Dr. A. W. Chaae’a KidneyOd aceoant
... mt of tbe Fall Featival and
Llpcr PUle. which act oIrveUy on the dediratioo of U -vernment
liver, making it bealtfay and aeti*e. C. A W M. Railway wlU
rlU cell <ickn
iic’‘ '
Onepilladoae. S6 ceoU.a box. The from all
II ataUona
atAUona to Chicago.
2nd to lUlb. atone «a;

“West Michigan R'y."

Freab BalUmore oyatere Jaat reeeiv,

depoelted with agent in Chica^. aob
Jeet to a eharge of 30 i
A*k agent, for full partieulaia,
MM SO 4 WBO. Dx lAVU, Q. P. A.

aod laot*. t-lutli »ilk

tu ketis, i'-c.



S.-at* on sal.- at

tbe box otfit-e.

pleie. kU f'.r U« centv (forthr fi



i‘hoc«. in Ian and



with ii.ili'arv

bcfl-thia is tniual to any |:i.50 sbo^. aold hce at.'. $8.50

.................................................. $1.48

$2 50 sh.Te, our price....................................
Ladiee' tan and



C'orucll luce, a elioe
ial price

oxfords, on

tbe Engliali and

which is wodh $1.90. our epe..--

...................................................................................... .......................................

We study to please.


Try. a pair.

Pructidal Shocman.

j ftn
fts Fron
Front St.

- — •••• - ~ •••••



Good Hardwood in Stove Len^hs.
Also Four Foot Maple Slabs and Edgings.

Traverse City Lumber Co.


Dress Goods Department!

Enerirthliie New
and Up-To-Date

A novel exhibit. See tbe arlUt wo:k
in Ihe wiiolow
If yon will trade SI
W'lbrlm, B—'ali A Co. a flue fll Oe


kid. on the


A New Arrival ot Ladies’ Waists!
All wool ladies’ cloth waists—new cihudee end blackblouse front (inside doee
med with rows

where it reotelned for tt boora, when


a'l U-ath-r »-ho< n. made on ihe ialefet iasU>. uolil

Men's black and tan. vici bale, on tbe iatr-at taate. it-Kular

Pr»>e«-btiug iLeir ro&riug


Judge Sieere'alaland to tbe malnltod.

on Sugar laland during

Fine Footwear.

black, vii-i

other aveDlag one waa tracbed acroaa

' It returned over the aame path.

l>e-i pla- e

Ladiv^' ueiiuine (*<>odyear

<;h \«.

befort* you Is-gin another.

moiiiiiaina and ihrt-.- monih- laiar lu
daad U><1« and ibai uf tba doe «bo waa

Bepablieaa Newapa-i


to buy

l.adi-e' riiiH I'r- m-h vi«-i kid

« Cm U 8rlppt In 24 Hnirt.
tor a line poeltloo on tbe Muakegron
blfb aoboo! fool ball Uam.



He I* well Bited

g/ee of Hn. H from the Norihwcetern

eoold eee each other and tbey brouyhll*®" etob ii. and ba la now tryini;
their tralna to a iundetlll


Fuller or Randolph ctre-t. will be g v-





en e receptiv/O to Rt-v

l OB tba



Sa'vd in anv «tvV at JncV«r.n'a eoo
f-ctlODary. U'l; FroDt St —Tie—If—3.

eliu'whrrv at $3 <>U, uur price.................................................


She will reeo*er.

40 m lea an hour.

for aaata for Murray aod Mack.


aumeinlDg wonderful

Wi'l Oree; Their Naw Patter


e . O B A M. at (oola for a few ml •


TslsplieBe 112

company aome excellent

gorgeou*. and tbe blending of color* i*



lie ba« CMU^b rcTiioly v.i t-anh.




nearly euffooalcd when the bed waa



only Iriab farce* but truh oomedlana.

Tba d.M-lor bukad at biio
“You era a dyH|>apti<'. " faaeaid.

Tbe bed euddan’y

I cent due on aweb ad*eniaad alter.
Obobok W. Bapp,


City Lumber Co., with a earyo of hem

kaeee In a^k a manner that abe
pried apart.

the right

alaarad yceterda* from the Travarar


rowly eaoaptd deAb Tuaaday ala the


bot in

few abort veara ago Irlab fareea were

e» uu ullii«i«m to lb- fai-i that be iii iotelly bald
WatbiuKtou Slur

placed upon ber ae abe waa eltUoy upon


The aiaam barye Oaorye Burabam

I cvtiipli"I vi-lo-t aiiolhi-r frlaud
nianit-i bim t>n l>-iux tbe UHKt «\<i]
beadr-l |ht-ou I ivar-uw
Ha took it feat.

bead down


only In praiaa,

good apecialtie*.

ibe aalt airatum at a leaa depth than

^*il, forciay bar


WaalTeiy irnitatm, apaaka volume, not


put a rajiuiatiou fi>r miyiDic mrixHtie
raiiiHrkail tba-ad i-.vad uiau
-Wbat'a lb- irunbl^r'


drill baa already atulaed the depth of



toyathar .ever

The alte

4S0 feet, but It la aolazpeeted to atrike


Tbey have already te-

raeoyn fd aa

"Finolgan'a Ball" ia a

Wept NeakUb, a tr Ba caer a mlia - be

Mra. C. A. Braytop

farce comedy.

ac'A, an intercaiing story, chuck full of

•elretad to make tba Brat' teat ia at tbr

foldiay bed ronu.

preteatioaa company


Near Bauli Hu Marla. Ue Amarlc a

low tba rapid., oa tbe malalaod.


inaepar- come lea-lara in their aiyle of entertain*
Caba. and meet, and tba fact that tbey ^ ao ex-

Alkali Co. U proapeeUay la tba hope of
a depoait of aalL


aide apecialtiea, and they alao eaaa;

of Cbicayo.




bare coollDurd
All the


City are wail.

tamatle atepa will ba

plaualble comedy !

ery rarely ever aeen on a tour with a

Barradtfa. Han Fraoelaeo,

able darlny tkecemeetyo Id

laeir J >e. They Bod the work too hard

out tba oatt ia lu early atayaa to

Btll,"a brlyhl aod

tram the pan of Uao. a Bmerlck.

with a party of reeruiU aome time ayo


OleValaad to work to tba wood. Id Mar-

. Jaauia
■f Ml—MlLt

rlJer. Jcle
err. U.cioe
Irleh Comedlanv will appear in tbU , i. -.1- Ur. Maria



9Mtie eomaty, arc already ylaioy up

■ea Bcarly four feat in diameter.

M lMlUrrNr-B-n
H-;. Hl*«
bouaall u—
IJlraa. ■He­
rr.! Ur. Ham
H'lllMu.. Mu—ie
YvuEf. Mr. P-Kip

and Mack, tbe palt-kDOwo aad fa*orlia I

and talent, and wi'fa a diiplay of acen-

bound for the

Maay of the too mea imported from


At SieiDbery'a liraoa Opera Houaeon '

letter from Wcllla Perry, who left bare
for Prealdio


•oaiac year would be 3 SOU atudenta.

Tba mueb-draadad


Uadar au'^l aaot tbe 1. O U.T. 'tti
t>u W

Duff McDonald baa reoelvad another ;tbey have y> I carried, both in nomUr

beyoad the bopea of ibe moei optlmletie.


the City Opria!
Admi—Idd ' "ri -Hub ■ H

manayar of tba braoeb .tore


But erery

^ayle departmaat ataowa a bly advaaee

paUmate of


city Id tbelr lateataacoe>a "Fianlyaii'a .

Prof. C. B Herat baa juat purchaaad


tba lu-

tborlUaa would be alow to make the
predlctiona that they do.


aod Halurday.

Uie year U aara to be a record breaker


Tba fuaeral will ba held at

Tba opaolay for tba Trmpla of Faab-

bridye o*ar which aba waa ridlay.

will lecture on "Tl e

P«r.>nU a*e uryed

Watt B r*ratb atraat yeaUrday, at the

flO.UOU damayaa for allied Irjorlea re
by Ue

Mr. Hib'aak^

N.loo'a Hbama."

U luae urniybt at H o'clock

will proaabl* OMU' la Ojiober.

■iaehi make tacky airikad.

towaablp of

““ '■*“* “
*^“*~*‘tlooal oryao foi d
Tbr cjsoari -III
Uke place io Siainbare't u-aod. aod

Ueaayaaot one oai of




SonUebe and




pinitrd bacL......................................................................................................... $1 50 Up

in Footwear

Ivadies Black Sateen Waists, b'ouae froios





fvria^. black............................................................................

.................... 96c up

back, blue
..................................$3 50

Special Silk Purchase
Our reputation for ^oetj ^oods and
latest styles is no question—With the
lines we carry we can fit you proper
and satisfy you. As to the prices, we
are never undersold if quality cuts any
We are, as ever, the Old Reliable
Shoe House.

Frank Friedrich.

.4n elegant variety of late ehades, in Taffetas, suitable for

.\leoa very choice


line of

These litter are the new


colors in limited

corded and puffed effects.



Morning Record Want Ads Pay.

TWie vo&mwo MOOE© 111^ II
Wkteh U b Claimed Baateea ■- Keor C.rWM mm* OU
Cmm M aioh..
PUuv «f W.^ftip.

&tiv«rtV ^lemt

ta II poaalblr to bolld aa unalokaU* Bhlpt Many bmh bava tried it.
Tbe lateat Important attempt at ao rlap tbe problem la betnc »»de by tbe
Uainborp-Ainerlean llnei That •i-m

teplotioB of i^MoUs* Iajm4 siM
PWMU Is ft todfivir bMM la BoUm.
mmi Mtft. B*aft Batl**. mko wt tillag
m lftM» vllh tkft ft*S. wiU prabaMy
It U rsBorsd ibftt AbdknmkBua.
•wav ot AtarbftBiaifta. to dead, aad
•hat ft «*at al lavtwiea baa alraadj
Thraa «*aak*
Mn. Kmiu a
aUUM at WMbiaftoa CU7. Mabraaka.
wlM la ft laadowaar la Dawaa eoaalj.
ad a pataat aa tka aoU a( bar
Car* (ordviiriac aod paritjlar
•IL Tba Ba?. T. J WUaon baa raealvtd
•a ardar for aftp barrala o( Ua acHt to
ka abiapad to Ckioi«o. Baraiuf >ra tha
cMCid Dfttora of Uia oU prohibited it
^•OfdlaarT aaa, bat the M«br*akft btUMmof Haiimburp/or a fwln-aerew
men ae iUndaa aad partdaa U aa to
•d«iiiuer wfalrb will einliod.r
Inirudiieed In tb# s-ouaBftkeitaliDSt tqiial lo olive oil (or
tebla aaft. At tb# lime of pafanUiw
I.. «>U Bn. Stoll- d-l-sSBi. -o« d
b.d», l-4ld.- di
•ooft haaaopjyiftd Ilia ear loU toeaet,1,^
«-ei,.r.iijfhi Imlk•ranUlart. Tbia U tbe «r»t order.
l.oadK ami dmiUU- |Tori<M
The H'olvortaa Meter Wo. k«o( 0-aod for .louW,. .kW
maalda dipped a Iftuaoh Tueao^ to
'l»- «•"««'■ ‘U«»
aba capUftl of the repablla of uoiom
M4a for tba aaa of ibal C®**ffb**t**
„nij. u,,.
imii will lUI
ewaua boat In tbe barw of Ptaaaoa. | ^
learlup tl.e real InUri.
IPbialttboam of aqaartoiof lannohoe
jbe new v.w-.-l
rs<a»-l will 1«- the larueat
Isir'rare.s earrler
swrrier In the
llm w..H.|.-Hlin
made by the aamo ooBOoro doatlns d f«>r|oarpt>
world-«iO fos-l
the aamo cjontfy. tba lltUe Oentrai luup. 00 fes-i beam, and ill feel ds-ep.
ABorlUPropublle aoemlrf to bav. a Her .-arp.. .-aiMelit will U-auvai tuna.
UklMtv tba Urand B.p.da ayrle i-f There will Ih- ,aeouim<al8il..UK f»r .W



(THiniC flERT.



EnpUad baa amor «*urioua pla.T« f1
wdt«ht^ On nelpaie Heaih la tUnd
»1« ehnn-b. Tbe peojOe of tbe fteltbborbood aranied a .-hureh near al ba-jd
and aoiuebmly »u*pe«ted tnmlpp tbe
- iudmill In n
and artTb-e.
are behl ibera every Haiurday after­
Tbe moat Iniereetlnp of tlje "bftnr
Inc" ebnrebea la Kl. gwitbln'a. In
former tlniea It waa like' any other
flutrrb. but when Kloe Cbarlea w<hiI
til lire at Wln< h.arter he attended!^rrife at the i-atbedlnil and tbe SI.
Switbln rburrh bulldinc «•* H> tbe
»ay and pre\-ented bU lakluc a abort
eui. ao be bad a road cut tbrunch the
fbun-b railed Klnc'* ‘late. The ebiirrli
vras not demotltolcHl altoeetber ai d
■ervlrna are bIIII held In the |«irt over
tbe cate.
. llfraromlie baa a ehureh biillt on a
pier and aharee tbe dlatlnflkin Wtb
U<> other town lo tbe wortd. .t ebllieb
that may he reaebed by a ellmbof 1th>
ateiut mar he aald to l>e <i‘»eerly «llnaied- WIrithy. tbe Yorkshire aeaa de
restart, baa Ita parlab fhim-b on a
Bleep fllff ami the . limb ti|* to It on a
Siindav niori.ine la ni«at plflure-qin-.
III! on a Iwitlefield
Ised fbiireb I
In aU Ita iicl'ne-a.
r It lie the lam.-a of ma.ur who
killed In tbe Italtle of Towlou.
will bold only thirty |teoIt 1after tbe hatind was huili rlphi

no man who driaka ta aa poM aa be
Jobs ■ XMbe 'Haa U-wlebd A-- would be if be never drank. Time
tfts K BoftU for a M-pht of Sp m
nh •leinbvrp'to O fttad
Tba prafraB »or tba N-pbl of Sport
who do not drink
, SMtnberp'a Umad baa 1
AU the fairy taW-about
nad preparations are aS evBpIeio lor tblspa
do when under the In
tba«oestftUilet«eeveBiot tbe aaaaoo fluence of liquor bare been exploibsil
R-et KcOoy la to be saatur of eere The orator who mn>i hi- lni<uileats-.l
■aalaa, and tbe pro( am rlU bo aa tel- In order to make a a(«s-h la 00 lontd-i
here and be baa never been here,
lawyer wbo cannot plead a caa<> nr cl
’'hl^c—MartaBcbb mobeotra
an nuihi.rity wltboni aiM-ndlnp tl.
'Bo<* t dtrara rtaverae City"—Ar nlpbl la*fon- In a harrs>om ha< pone to
tbar BardeniLtto uf Mtharab Mie- rUlt the |iale ptlmisaea of the mo n
ansi be has been pone. The
I dmta'a apairinr maUh-Motarr. writer who producea a prswt poem or
a preat
while maudlin, remorel
from tbia planet before the sMmniai'd
‘Tset Ibere tw llpbi" aa^pisvn. Tti.
tiookkeeper. clerk,
man. artUan. ynnnp
bU Iseat while he U nndrr tbe Inflnence of liquor and he la nr I aa valoaide to blnuwir. hla ediplo.vs
ety. In the ra«-e of life tbe temperate
man has tbe heat of It; tbe drinklop
man Is handicapiwd. Oteai thlntra
hare b*H-u done while the brain wa-<
excited by ■ allmulania. but preat. r
llilnpa would have been done had
there been no artificial sMmulation.
The aolser man la always an Impnivesit



_.toto 1. lb. toto to P.I.. ,-q.ito. I


•uly tbrM boors.
„ther preat lalnter.
D;apatebaa froB Ogdenabarg. N. Y'.. Ilia early work Is often exquisitely
•ay that Ivg* numbers of doer aro, minute
Aacscmt.tol. With tfri-iii•wimmlBg tkedt. Uwarsnoe river to
1- came RreiHcr f.i.-illty
•aeape the forsat flraa.
ap,) ,-iimiip-.TbaMobaBBadaaaiudenuatOamb- atid
• work
. call..! a
ridge nnlyaralty have formed at be enl.T.Hl ...... —
land, "lb---------- lUon which naeU for prayer and .erm.'d !.> work, aa Coiiu„......
aide ...........
aba Btady oi tba Koran.
. “wlib cul»iv.l steam." ao full of vapxr
; and ftpht are the .-anvaacs. Mounta'n.
UD.I.-r hl» magic,



Tba aigb aebool baaa ball kaam. lyy apMik. a n,.w language. ItUdlf■Uved a game with a plek-np nlae yea- ficult to r*>.Hini-llp the fa.-i of his al-

wtobto* Ob. toto..-.

0. ."[“iritoir,'‘s.:;:.

aha alath Inning, with a aeore of 8 to 7
lodgings, ami left to posTba haltertea ware Soaien and Dunn mrity Inmiortal auusets. inimortal son.
tor tea Blgh School, and Langwibaugh rises.
»nd Dewitt (or tea plet-np tenm. ^
••The Devil’s Flint MUl."
The curious freaks Ih.- Mattaer bill.
Litot 4to
*>"* I'erfemip.l In Its cuunlngs
Bav. Barclay Jonca of tec rticnoc
»y,tems of flghilug Aoier•hnroh haa bean requested to give bis
j,„ve reculted
•bU nddrcM on -The Devil's Flint m some queer tales. The laiest Is tbe
MIU" at tee llte Diatriol W, C. T. D experience of Privale H. E. Re.liuond.
■ to ba held In thia city Oct. Comuauy C. First Colura.l.i Volunteer
I And II.
off the
rrivatr Redmond iras wounded
F. M. BlggtnE Editor Senaoa (Ilia..) h, ,),p patile of Marlqulna on March
Mewa. waaafBiOteO forvaara wlte PUia 3, t,ow. bis wound
Is healed and be
teaiaodoctvar rem^he^^tinUl ctuttera
„m,er. no
m> more.
A Mauser bullet struck him In the
sldered a frlghtfol wwnnd by tbe turcover faai«.
faster than patleota with teas
-- *■
Airaet (rote BaiUteOtw at TaUaaa'a,' painful Injuries. ....................
Now. all that
401 Uotoaulwat—748-tf-l.
'seen of tbe wound la a amall. Hvld
t to tbe left of the noae qnd al»r«
Jh^ unoeMlD Rrilmon^
orraicM arat and tells
-•ran tety nra Invited . hUSTh
JUAlMod Tmvnran
oMElng at Hlaa SoJLT’hs
Um taU
atoricn ne hra
naa not
not been^le
nem aoie to
w finish
■UUaary narlota Fri^y and 8atex«ay. Lateat faablona




Foteteaa.par ba.........................
Hall par ..........................................
Bran par .......................................
KtroM nano or TBAvsBB or

Oont. par ba..
Potetoaa.parba. inew)...............


■ppa, par doaas..........
Applea-CuUa and wiadfalla. SOe par
100 Ibe.

Barjv aolo and aoupa—Dan Cope.
KstUe roysl—hour Traterse City
L*teat cake walk—Peterson Sisters.
Three- roDod sparrinp atlch for
poinl»-W. E. Wilson end H. B. Spieor.
dkirt dance—Corinnr Silvers.
Fhyalcal en'torq^and hreathlpp.exarctsa-J. B Ewbeand sou Emmet.
try tbaH8»Eartas*ast.
sparring ma ca for
■ Begnlar meals. S5 cents; lunches. IS
polnu—Cba*. Koenig sun E. Stock a
cents. Evervtblng that should b#
Serpeotioe daoeo—Mand Compton.
aarved la a «rat class rentaura^ m
Bag nuncblDg art-Boehe. S-jieer and
be had at tbe -‘Ds Mara." Parkra
Bube Jones
building. M. Dll! 4 Son. BverytwAy
InTltod to call.
Seotioenlal and pomie aoaga—BonarcK g lactei.
/niBLWAKTtn <isn*r4l»0«sewtrk Spply
Sparring mitth It r u da—John T. kj »«en ntib .treetSDSINENA CARDS.
B chaand H E. 8 I.e .
Ttekeu are now a tala at the box



only rrllsW
.. PhoseTE________________


forwlv On S-Rh Din

SEEN FROM SHORE WHICH IS T^lR 84La-nssi-rrlc<W.J.e
r iBCUlw St *Jl West rvss.

su*a4s4 ts proapily Pfcoa*-. Bell txl; HarU.
r\E J U WtLHEl.ll.phys»elaas»Casrasra.
Telephcae We lOO. ____ ^____________ _

■ vVr^"irtrVb?j!'w5^s:^;






cruise counie<l 2» Iceberfs Is sight at . Tft«VAitT laaira^ of say kio4
elraaeoMsalMorlobay -----e time, aiD.l most of (bene were 2?0
DUrae. a well, tsnica
It U. n( conrae.
>t high.
known fact that about one-elghtb or
one-Dlnih of the berg projects ah
water. Aa might be !m«tond.
Ima^taMd. the Irwperg. containing aa It d*a at Its baae
of rock carried


“^ra-Houa* Block.__________________



Dr. Sedley, who has Just died In
" ' o(BDublin, was at one time medical
cer of tbe Dublin metnjpoUlan poll.-e.
.wd was
One Bunday afternoon
public house liefore
Ihe psyJboloclcal moment arrived. Dr
Nedlsy appronclted. was recogulned hy
•o»« of tee crowd, which opened

Ckaanery Batter. A....................

ABBual Ohio beurioa.

t«OB AO.B-Ctisss for cssh. oo*
It Is uoi unusual at ihe proper sea- r Bsr*. <tsrk bsy. blsck irin. sli ;
■ou of the Tear vcsaelt to sight b-Olls-rpa whll.- iitakinp the traiiMilamle
passage. .-sito-.-lally If the v.-ssels ha|e
|s-u lo be Inking a northerly course,
but It la soldoin llial an Iceberg ao that It .-an Iw a«-n by those
uD shun-, rats the S<‘l<-iiUdc F^^brsV.'.-:?. ys~.S'i°o‘xr.:rtT'
This was n-.vntl.v ib.- cane at St
Juhn's. N. r. where au ♦•uorin.iua l.-o‘.sw“:i.‘dV*?
IsTg. irs> f.s t high au.l ueurl.v a .)Uiir Osrey Hull.*
■*• roto Alno
tiT of a iiiUe long, grouu.lod off the
F sod s food
south sl.le eiitranc.i to the harlK»r,
• of HsuillUMi
Orlvioa h-r«-. Imiulr* si ■
where It tvos. of .-otirsc. s>*<'n by mniiy
7M If
Ibeiisaiids of sp.vln1ors.
aralde edges of the ahocs an
Mosi b-.-U-rgs am prodm-cl from
with 0 s.-ii.-a «if w-ln- .•iiK«i!i whU-li move down from .'le
.l.'rs. f..ruilng a srooolb iiu<!
, heights In the lut.-rlor of «ome
»UB guide or runway for
illilliig ,
ar.'ili' n-ghnis. Tbe gla
.'liitop .M<-hih> an- pruvI.W lio' Into
llig I lie .-bi.p ID |)lui-e wli.-li ll Is di ll* 11 .U-.-p wni.-rs .if the s.-a. ninl from time LulsbrrCo.
ui> and also fur amwiliig Us tuutiuii to Hill.- fragiii.-lils l.r.-iik .iff fn»ni thi ■CWtB etUt-Hoin* sod lot. 4M WFbnter
drawn duwu for the pun*u»*' "f A.Ivau.-e Ninl.-r au.l ll.bMl nwn.v. form
(K-.-H«l..milly wbo'e
removing tli shoe'. Tbe cbiaps are lug h-elH-ig».
iu|ile Id their
..f Ic. i.r.-nk off at .m.-c, n-a1ly

said to he comfortable lo us.-, as ib.-y (..ruilng U-wtiug Mauds.
bratrrlrreticesr*.iu'red. 7l|.if
lotiuu of Ibe ire bImi ius.I.' r Ibe br.-aklui
r the ar.'Mc
the gr.-Hi Ill-Illn-gK»n. InI 111.*
ilu- .tllaiitlc 0.1-IID iii<» if i - ,VrtD-<'P* dlelDg-ro«« rirl sod
M*slsl sad rhysIssL
:> (time from Crevulauil ami
rood cook: perobSOFOt po.ltn>s: SI
I'li.M.ilogUls iMVe ofieu dis.-uaaed
ipsld. Appl> sttbUoBc*_________
Icelaml. be greaic»l uuuilier being
Ibe .|u.-sii.m <if ivtailve rise of tein- pritolim-d on tbe w.-sl sl.le of Oiveo
. WANTED- Per r*ocrsl
In tbe buuiHti ls>dy<-i>d
luiiu y im Ijibra.l.T the loe Is flimt
m.*utBl and physical .-x.-nloii. Drs.
1 past Newfo ml i
ry^lttbery and Xlcol hat.- slmnii Hi Mi.- land, an.1 keeping near the great bank
Journal of rbysluluRy that Ul•■I1::■l the warming liifinences of the gulf
w.irk has little or m> eff«i ou tue stream mnse It i.> dlhap|>ear. I'sinlly
deep-sealed u-niperaiure of the laxly. the limit of invel of ieehergs Is 40
Mental work Involves mus<-ular
degrees north latitude, but b» the
and Ibis In tun vanaea a fall In lemBoulb AllaDile <M-ean they have been
south I:
X » rtototoos lor ••lUM-ksv* other huilBess.
any rise dui
ThU Chase* U -ortV
tl«* .0
portion of the aerrous syai
Nothing Is more Imposing than the
authors further show that
.•oioaMso.v oppoau C.A
moD test of temiKwature of tbe n
„f one .if these Immense IcetxTgx,
Is IMVI au exact iieasure of the tembleb might send the flnest ocean
)«eraiufv of the I .ly. It
steamship'to tl..- ixittom In
few moreliable after ----of the
“ •«’*
------weather, owing to“ThTcoollnE
tbe cooling ^
mouth. Ahogether.
Ahogether. mental
mental vrork
work ha.
has tenae bluish white; they are real floatHltte influence, and teat and sleep are log mountains of ice. Tbe sun melts Boih p;
Ibe most potent faranrs In producing them unevenly, causing rugged and T70B BA 1.1—TIbe fall In temperature when tbe body picturesiiue peaks lo Jot Into tbe air.
la Inactive.
and In northern laUiodes, where who'
Was W«U Kaoww.

t n
1 10

Asanraa llcatb'a Acoa'ca.
bnly a roarlsp fire anabled J. MOanataon. of Smu Antonio. Tex., to
Carssepie'v K»w Hesse.
He dowB when sttaced by AltbM
Andrew Oaruode's new home In fro® which be suflarad for yeaia. Ba
Rsviland l« In tbe district caUed the writea bia rolaerT wna often ao ptmI
irden »i>oi
of the couuirv. Tbe bouse ! that U awmed be eodured ibe_ apontaa
of I12A.-' of det th. bnt Dr. Klnp'a New Diacoeery
is tu lie renovai.-d at

for Consumption wholly cured bl>.
000 aud will be the finest .'.|ulpp.>1
niansimi Id the iiorili. To the notes .•( Tbia marveiout modlelne U ibe.oply
for Asthma aa wall aa
lwg|>l|H-s and the )ilpe-orpAD tbe In­ sown .
CoDgbs and Ooi-..
Oolds, ^
mates of the house are awak.-ued rach
avd Lang teooblea.
liiomlne Mr. Camegle is very parl'al II Throat. Chest and
' Trial
to the mUKii- .if these Instruments. Il­ Price SOe and Sl.OO. 9
ls also a deriited angler and haa l-enocked all the lakes on hla hew estate.
Sr- Btekstbal Themiaa
Ks> eemored he- offl -a te *^rk Flsoa
•■k and worry of
Hotel. B-toma 60 and «l. Aa«*
find D«w b-treogth
Offiew hours 0 to II ft te-. S te 1 ftM
id energy by using Dr. A W. Chase's
? to 8 p. te_______________ ’*?■»»
rvaaod Blood Pilia Tber feed tbe
ulond, create new nerve floid. end folly
reetore vitality «o the -xhausied nerViaM A N B. and 4. A. llnra te
voDsayslem Ksec cut aed faeelmile Toledo. & a. A D . L. y O C.. Bocksignature of Dr. A W Chase <m every log Valley, and W. A L. E. line
■X of thegeooiDe
*S.oo to Toledo and raw™. Oaa (ai«
i.lus transfer te noials bayopd.
EUWra Uall » day*.
IntamtiBg to LadiHSpecial through train from Traverra
Mats P an Taekaherrv has an ele­
gant array of beantifol effec’a ia City 1»;S0 a m. Wedneeday. Octobv
BilUn.ry. including the let st fash- 4th. H W. Cunningham, Agt- F.
tecs. toadies are Invited to attend Mitchell. <? P .Agk
the fall oeeoiaw Friday and Satur­
what the Bocten Dental Parlora ofra
TOO teU week. ~ ... -4. . U18CELlbAJ4SUU8 WANTS.

An Old Rnrlal Place.

There waa eepe<-la1 oppoaltlon to the
diaturlwiies- .if the ,.ld Cnmary bnrlnl
pround. adjssininp the eominnn. In BoaIon. ibrtmph a portion of which tbe
new aitliway fiina. Onv elderly man
of Seoti h ilearent made a ptval fuaa
orer what he terms.*! “the enorailty of
niiileaiinp the Imnea of bla aoeeaiom."
After miu-h ;serauaalon the venerable
Si«t waa Induced to aprs« iliai If tbe
city would eonairiiet a tomb aec-erdinp
to bla Ideas bs- would cmWft to the
removal. On the .lay ihe vanll waa
completed the cuar<Han of bia propenllora waa taken over to inai*e.-t tbIa
! new rrtKialtory
"Now.” uid Or.
(■reen. n former mayor, who liad
leharpe of tbe work of removlnp the
Isodliw. ".reu ran art a day and the remalna can hr bronpbt «vrr and dei.wlls-d herv.” “Whair' rirlalius-d the old
penils-uian. "hare that nlrr ovw tomb
litiervsl up with tboar old Isonva^ :
rrl rioae up the old tomb and let
M. q.totoU ol «sH.b. >Oto.l. .n tow |
.'is mi”.', to her' Tbua did hr accura wilbotii
new family tomb
kerf tfl iheatralttof -BaUelale. alnk |
Kormeriv bla p‘eUtp almoat ImiPediaUly.
The crew
mlauDderaimal. The Itoy•laaaped to cooepe, bnl were three deya al amslemy of Kiipland hnnp one upla tb« beau before they were rcecued. | aide down, aud a piildlc pallery anperif shoe-fasienlnp wlilch
Pimbyteriant from all over tbe ; < lli»wdy Tefn«-,1 to a..<ei.t one. While
'p.saaV Vo, , win diapUre the ahoesirlUK and but-world are arrlrin* et WaBblnpton to | a ^I'r one.-failed
each of a plnrl.sua (iwiaa ••1. tbe ham- •«“
worked out bj iU-orps. K.
•uond the Pam-Creabylerlaa eonoc'l. ,
•hriaile s recenlly knocked 'Vebbs-r of Obicago. wbareby the as p-^.p»»i»
.„s toi„. to„»
down lb.
Tprtc ...... Praabjinto. .h.tok
Ttototo.,. -U.-toS. .1 .00 Srito.i»
i,,b,to.,.tol.. Sl.j.b. pmtoP.,
•M dppeeted to be IB attendanee upon . ^ murmur of applauae waa heard
lAla. tha aeveatlelb paaeral oounai.
when the Iwaiitlful “lAke of Semi'
A “Oburb Army" tea aalooa haa baen waa bald up and the hlddlnp ruse from
S2.M0 to tl.VkiO Then the Hiilldhali
ppiaed at Atlantic City. N. J
J spring collection was almost eatlre’y
•taay of the eharaetertaUe dte
I a Turner show. One la amaxed at the
•( tea ordinary liquor naloon.
I plnwlag wealth of color ami the powr IdM (ar tee bill <
' erfnt luiagiiuitiou. He palntesl aa no
•Meafrom LonlavUle. where Manuel other man evs>r painted. He aiauds a
Ocraloo. a teUrad orpan f rinder. beiar‘«>*“‘ *ni«og all others. The swriy
u.Sto to wlto.1 tom to.i pln«i».k I»lni.. w... b. ... to.
UtoVto, .b-totoA .toA .___ to . twesm a> and
years old. are rl.-b
l.....btoto. b. ..brf ...
-lU l„ Tli, to.l.r
wtobl.ltoto.iu.ito to. ib.
to .1..,. ........... . m„... r..v.
.plapod it iteadily until the »*»*■(■ y..|iow and a brilliant tom h of vermll•aalstad by aufTiriac nelgbbara. raised Hon make ut> bia palette. His power
abeBoney owed and paid it. ThU new lay In tratisfornilnp the utterly com-

Ml M
. M
10 Tl


Floailne rhorelu-* are n
mon a« they iibs's! to Imv Tbe moat Inlere«ilUK In Ktiplam! la the ebnrrh on
the f.-na at Holme,
y by nine fs*et.
tl la a boum-lsoat,
tbe bftThih Uvea more than a
None bf tb
mile ffom ilie riser mill the (liurrh
iiitflps- of Im'Idp luuvalde.
haa (he advaiitei

•TO now under eonalrncijon and w‘» be
^.^iiui.r ayeiegu of ahipl.ulld na
•hipped .UhlD tbe peel three wvka. 1
„ „
Another order bna been reoelved fm*» i-Ulmed lhat It make. ahJim pracil.ailly
Awaterdain. Holland, and the launch nDKiuiuihle. iboupb s-zpeiienee tir part
•ntbearnya Anetbverafl Intended for dtHprurtv ibla Claliir. Tbe plan.ia to
forelffn vaterala one that la bnlldlng ; bare from l» iu'« water-tlplit UulkIB the tame ahop for a party In Copen- boada dlvldlup the ablp. .An ordlanry
tomii. Dtnn..rk,«»
to- , ~Utotos will w-« WH wn- »r i»» -m
aapoh «cu
^ ^
isartiueuta- It <an not pt> further than

I late the hqlkbeada that have l««en
porium of the work dona by tba Woiv-1I o]iened. If DHsat of rbeoe are |sei.e•rtae worka.
trated 00 one tide of the ablp tbe «-aAt Oolasbaa, Ohio, it la annonneed ' ter will make her Hat to that able and
(be Mubattan Oil Oo. haa been ' prulsalil.T sink ht>r.--Olut‘luuktl Com•aivkaaed by the Siandard Oil Co. The , mervlal-Trlbune.
Manhattan Oo.. the Urpeal OftBpeUlor j
^ Ih. SUsduS to U» Uto., Ssd I
•a iBiaattae reftnerj at Welker, and
bs-fore be ran Ih- iborsiupbly ap
•eotrollad eptenalre pipe aod Uok ^preeiated. Rtirb la tbe caae with Turllow.
I ner. Sepleeted In Ida own day. Ida
T.SLllj si to.W-1. Iroto."- to »»- '» lb. .w.u,l,»,
a .ftradiw withtOnapaoM aboard and i
**f Mr. Iluakln.

____________ bbLwaw...
Sbert Oat Fork pv»................
riov. H L.A0n.Baat............
Byanoar. B. L. dt On. Baak...
Maal. B.le AOn-Baak.............

-Luos Bldg. ’T%rm.
O c OU-BEET.Atwraey. Bpaetala u
r. M Prohs** prsetlos. Booms • s
■sraaaUle Oe. Block-__________

O. |^2fSi!!SSgi''dr',,'!S

Gas Lamp-S2.00....

Price Reduced to Close Oct Lot
Beat workmaoabip mooey
, employ for Bicyclu
- - • -I®
B«pairiog. Quick work.

U« Union BtreaV

; Dr.J.W.6tmM
JleUM te TaEpayaf*-

nersmbiTlal.lfW.frswta'cloekw.ll s-ak^
s •. kB« tram t s'elsck W 4 e-eksck
aU trass paM aeferansyaarahar lat- iitelbsra

Sn to -.Tiito?-!"



tKs Momraro mwobo. ctpbbdat, BxrraitBaB. e« iwb.
night to cntch tb* ffist glimpae of tb* ! be in New Turk to welnae the aA
admiral** flagship and to carry tbedr ^ miraL It b
t^at ao tern than
maoaage of ••wetaom* to j«f * to tb* l.tXW.OUO viaitora will awm^ down on
retnmlng ^ fighter trho has made New Y’<rk during tbe two Dewey daya
gh>riona bb conntry and bb coonttr'a Thb will be an unprecedented incurflag on tb>- other dde oTtbe wurVl ^ aion. even for tbe metrupuha
Every one of the exennnon craft, ev- ' f—m
ery private
aa ixi
irate yacht, every tug and lifter I|
ixnatB crowd.
will make ft* showing, mure or lea
brilliant in the white ligbte <rf tbe elec“Hie citix* and towns within 100
trie bmp And on tbe private yachts mil** rrf Gotham will empty a large
capecially the iUuminatiun will be dec- portion of their people into tbe n
orative. with flag dmign* in red. white oli* by
eicurriona while from
and blue Umpa and message* nf wrirge Wit. > ctrung beta-'

• + How the Nation WHI Receive the Home Coming Here
of. Manila Bay.

t4*ai 1111 rm
Wbat? hereatlast! Come in, come to.
Well« Admiral, hew b: yer 1
Yer're welcome home Irom 'cross tbe foMO«
We're mighty glad ter see yer.
It does seem good ttr bare yer back
With us, yer blood relations,
Yer;'ve been away so long, ter stay
Amongst them furren nations.

P p«.pp^l*a Mhlrb afralt* 4e«lral It^wpr
^pm a* «
las aa •• «kp emit paalpra mmtrmmf aC (hp aailaa
tk* bisi
• Ma«a( (bP blaa p«pp a>aaap4. ^pm tarkpra arp aalaa <a al«p I
tbp bpat wplpaBP (hp» kaax baa> la pslpa4.aa4 piprp Aaipripaa
Ispa aha p«a apl IkPPP alll bp aa haa4 la app aa4 abaal bta a»al
: ak Taa wtll aa4 thp 4ptalla af Ibr atalr balaa.

For .eMrtj 18 niontb* the- paopl* of
thii Mtioa bare bww fauttlioK ap tin
they DUD Um aidw and wat^ the flaK1 hr
ad admintbaifurtba mao wbo auuidtad •bip •tpam Iwtwpen tb« biK battlaibipa
thloKa au brndcany on that mamorabla and rrniiwnL
Wbru tbp brad of tbe line ia narhad.
May tnomitiK in Manila ba; Now that
tb« UlriDpia will aiK-bcir again. Tb4n
man ia comlnx boaip. and wp bape ar- Utar Admiral SHiupsoD will go on
ra&iced to onoork aaid potbnnann.
board and extend the official welroiue
of tbi-iim^and tbe fpieemuest Tb
, will be little titne'for chatting betw< ._
By rigfat of |ctc« bical aitnation | the two effirera.
an early hour
and patience dne
aia« the deuila I the fleet will get under way for tba
tbe nation-a ; n^eal parade.
Am ffreetiiiK to |
in thia tbe Olrmpla will have aa an
Admiral Dewey ;
(be whole, north Atlantic aqiiad.mbia borne com- I
Tbe coarae will be np tbe Hodaon
ing have been '
Granf. tomb. The Olympia will Are
left tol..V)0rep- U»e prweribed aaluto and aorbttfa abort
reaenUlive citi- dboance le-l.iw the great while marble
bigTbe taming of all tb<ae
geet city. Tbeee big wandiipn in (be narrow river, led
Yorkera by the
tbe gallant Olympia, will be a vary
know—at leaat l»vtty
■ttv naval evolution.
they onght—that
In the evening the fleet will be li­
IndividuM inmliiated. atringa of nJored eiectric
AxnmcBD would Ughu being hung all about tba grim
Ilika to take an v^paiotM.
[active and perdgy. Sept 8
part in ex- Admiral Dewev ntid bin ufficera, wi
[tending Uiie welfrom tbe erthar «hi]ia. will laud
Bat it ia and got*, the Hot«-l CUiretuont at tba
practical ini- bead of Rivemide drive, where an eUb■ponribility
for urate breakfaet will Iw aerred. the
W.IHKI.WK) people to eland at anyone m^vor of New York and hu official
qiot on tbe Atlantic eeabuard even on ntellitee acting ax bueta.
Bdch an .acaaion ai ihi* Ho a favored
„,u,^ ,i,^ Ug land parade,
few. comparatively eiwaklng. will be Then Admiral D.-wey will have a
there b> exprvan what the mrt of iu feel, chamv to aee ckiee at band me of t
TbU expreaeionof admiration, regard
.Ulillloua of good
and aateeiu will lie made in tbe goid
Auiericatw whom
old Amerlcen way There will be pa­
he will have obrade* on land and eea - There will be
*er\'ed the day
fireworki and tbe thunder of big gnmi.
b.;f.»e merely aa
There will be decoratiunaaod ilia
black uiawee of
bodit* fringing
Ae thia la i
the wharfa and
fact tbe moot nnuenal occaaiou of the
Imildinga of tbe
kind which tiaa ever conrronted a« —
river front
everything will lie on an nnmmal ocale.
Tbe peradea will lie anaaaally big and
eometbing like
tnagnlflccnt- tbe Areworka will be nnaii.imii nddiiT*
nanally elaborate, theguna will tbundcr
and a great naval
ennanally load and long, the decorabrigade from the
tiuna will be tmnimally elalxgate and
M|UB<lroii. tbeudtbe illntninationa nnoaually exteneive
imrul will drive
and brilliant
for mile* thrungb
N>lld uiOatM of
clKxring. bandfcetvbief
The tirogramme for tbe rei-eption of
ing, liuud clap­
oar borne cuming admiral conb-inplaii-s
ping hinuBuity.
two daya and three nighte of fiwtival.
AUive him and
Tbe fnn will begin on the evming of
on all »id<» be
nts AbHiBAL i: «*»>“ will aee a maaa
down of that day it ia expected that the
nf waving flaga.
white m»e of tbe Olympia will be
Then he will g.v tbrnogb tbe great
wave* <iS
<ifl Sandy
^wing (brongliI the wavea
Hr<-bea which have been erected in hie
Hook. The flagabip will anchor off tbe honor
Hook and wait for nnwiiing. accoint>f conree there will be a banqnet t»>
wind thingx up. with an euiertainmvut
for *‘tbe men liebind the guna."
Before Admiral Dewey left tbe Medi
. honor of the borne coming of tbe
(erranean be fo«nd ont jnat exactly boo of Manila tbe city of New York ia


We'se heard from yer quite frequent since
Yer took our Eastern tUleri
We read it yit that note yer writ
So plain upon Manila
message ttMt yer seat
Them folks who riz yer dander,
It showed direct, we'd git respect
Where you was our comznander.
We sent yer o£La commodore.
Few knowed or cared about it|
But now yer name is bright with fame
A .d all tlie world can shout it
Yer went away an unknown man,
Yer puSUc praise was -zeroi
But now it's Dung from every tongue,
You're back agin, a hero.
Yer actions show us what yer be—
A plain man, though a Iwld oncf
They shew us (bat yer wear a hat
No bigger than yer old one.
We love yer, not alone because
Yer fought a fight and won it(
It seems ter me lots more ter be
The manly way yer done it

East river will he• ligbtM. and their
elej tric doxigux will
II V varied, acvxirding to tbe tanie of tb, ir .'Heignen and
N<wth river, wh'-re the larger rnilroad
ami Kteaiuxhip liue* have their irruiinalx. tbe display
ispUy will >x- even more lirilliani. Tbe Pennsylvania raihoad wa»
the Ar»t to Hul.iiiit a plan of it* illnminationof tbeJ'-rxey fity tmiiilulvitbe
couimittee. On the great train nhedt
facing the water will tie the wtcdi
"Welrome. Dewey.” in ciinriiMins h-tter* of electric Ikiiiix.. with Ih,^facade
of tbe atatioD picktxl out in el.xtricity
Tbe Delaware. Lackawanna and
Weetem railroad aUo has reported Ito
plans to the iximmittee They were de­
signed by Paul H Braug*. the rotnpany's chief ehx'trician. and they show
elaborate dixphiy
kll tbe other railroad com|>anin> hare
made plan* a* eUlionttc and tximpiete
as tbxoe two Private and corporate
owDPrtof piemon l■•Ul river* have been
aeen individually and have given their
plan* txinAdeiitially to General Howard
Carridl. wLoi* chftiriiiau of a *nb(x>mniittev* on river and barlxir decoration*,
and the promixe of a txintinnoiix blace
at electric light for mile* along each
hank of the two river* may he exjiected
oonfldenily t<> lie fnlAlled.
.11 itself, u
as ,vrfl
well ..
a* ,b.
the hm.nrt
borungh h.11
in Bnaiklyn, will he illnuiiUAted under ^
tbe dilx'ction nf the anlicnmmittve of ^
which l,ewb Nixon i* chairman Mr. IwJ"


____ , n-c...
,-,.,,1,. whn
Dewev reCa


greatcHtillummation that .ddOty Hall
park ever baa Been, binnga of olectno

No use, we Yankees like a man
W ho's there all kinds er weathers—
Who doesn't shirk, but docs his work
W.'thoMt tlis fuss and feathers.
-That's why, George Dewey, we're here terday,
.■Xcr clasp yer hand and shake it
^^h tios address, “The hull U. &
Is yourn i step in and take it.”

1* .c<x.mmodat«l
Ilnnug tbe Colunihiau celebration
of wveral year* ago New York took car*
of at lenxt-l.iMiu.uuu viaitora and aince
then her (aciliiie* lu>v« been greatly increaxed.

Duriiig the Columbian celebratioo
jbe New York bot,-l men worked tog> tliiT Hiid baudhx] the emergency withuntdifflcolty Weeks befire tbe event
they bad. through adrenbementa com­
piled * Hxi of hunaebddera in tbe vicinitira <-liwe to tlie rnriuus hot«b wtoo
wiidied to rent r»>ms without board,
and they communicated with tbea*
Tb.-u- Ui aave h.»t<l clerks the bother
of loukintf aft,T untride detaib. they
u]H-nrd a reuiral haieoD in Union
qnare. where |ier*(Hix crowded ont of
hotel* were xent and qoaiten ae-

affair, altbiingh not of mirh laating matrnnl. Stafl'. wbirli glixirua whiter limn
any uiarblt- anil l.Mikx jnxi aa buImUbtial ax gratiitv. will lie iimxI
A double line of ornate rolnmna ex*
teniliitg >« either ei<h- of the aix-h will
make a maguiiirciit ami impueing ap­
proach to tbe alutely |ii|e
Tbe arcb ia to Ih- adomtxl with aculp- [
tore ayuibulixiug tbe ixiwer of tb* i
l.' Siatw ns a maritime nation
The lunin id.'» of tbe acalpttirat wlorti-1
!t will be t have the four great!
piera one contiiinous wries. pi-rauDify-1
ing the four anhjecta t.f
PatriotUin lor the call to amit>>. war
(the Aght). the return (tlie vulora retnming totbeir native bud), peace Ub*
Volunteeiv ^in taking op their peace- .
fnl orcuiHiti.ins}
Thene xnhpx i«-are being treatsxl in
an aliegurical
with reulistir groups
•ical way.
the iiiitnediate foivgronud
Above th<-ee. a<-t'
inK I a Anial* t*<
muiu. on eacli
aide of tbe great
group, will Uportrait Agnr>«
of admirala and
re prmeutativee
<if the navy, aueh
ax Paul 'Jouea.
Decatur. Perry
Farragut. Foote.
andP<mer Hbu h
thnie■ pie,
will be la f.
high There will
l>e medalliona of
other naval be-

on tbx.bcighta al»ve Wall street ferry
teriiiinaL and tliv vxilnuins. which will
be l.Vl feet high, ran be aaen fruui all lamps are t« be feetooned among the
|uirti> of thx harbor
treea aman tbe wulkx. nri>nnd-tbe f,a>titain and eretywhi-re that there ix a |
or a liranch I,, hang a lump n|xin.
These ligbu will lx- ci hired a* well'
a* white, and the liig a: light* which
But. tbe moat praimnent feature of will lie bung in arclnx, et a greater
tbe dixxiratioux will Ir tbe elertncal beit^it also will show a variety of colors,
welc>.me which will hlazeonton Brook- Tbe park will look like the a
Ini bridge
The words ••Welcome,
Dewey " will ahine I letten 86 feet
bigli. nml when Aivt ligbiid. Tharaday
night, the returning admiral can easily
read them from the deck of tbe Olympia
even Nhonid be det-ide to amduir tan

putting on arch a gala drow< aa it baa
never worn before. The mutiiripal governmciit ban approiiriat..xi 8ISU.O0U
»•>'■» the exiwnaee of the reception, and
‘'•'t'K •!>«•« with a mewe or Im
jndiciuu* band
I ,
fore the ■
>• VORK^w i.M.K DRKM.
on tbe Weather, hut tliereix linlecbau,* I
I ■
M&t abe will be Ix.hioil haml

The four apandrelx over tbe
mam entrance
be AIM
witbAgoreaBTuilivlixing tbe
,ue AiUntieoceoD and
PaciAc M-ean ..u

: hay. the admiral wehxoue will be the triuinpbal arcb
will get bUfirxt aurimxe It laeirivuie- which is Ix-ing built on Madinrm aqnfir*
ly nnlikely that Ibr tuodeat sea Aghier at the iutenavtion of Fifth avenue and
haa any idea of tile extent of the di-m- Twenty-fourth *tr«-t Tliix apot is in
y heart of the im-tu\xj]ia Tb*
oadi that

North river and
Eaat riveron tbe
other, tbna empbaxiring New
York'* position
aa tb* moat im- o« or TMi coLciotn

garden partr oi a lawn fextival i« an Brealiu Uiink* tbe city bvieb. re-sDto U-arwill )>e rejieateddoaensof tini,
imnienee scale. The b*tl it-x'lf will lie forced Ly a|>urtment huasBa and buardia letters
lett>T9 from 8
6 to 80 feet high,
all abbie with light*, whu-b will abow its ing bouse* that would be temporarily
along tbe water frunu of tbe two
tw. rivfxa decorations of ttugx amt hunting by pnswwl into*«Tvu-e onderbotel geneealAll the Kteamabip compaueo. hig and ntgbt aa well aa hy iby. Siiuibr ilia- ship, omld handle mu h a inultitnde.
bttle. trom tbe Ocean liner* to the craft miturion-x
t lie n-meiiiiiered that every
■* a:
are |iru]ect«d fur tbe burongh '
that ply
jioru on the. aound hall in Bruoklvn
day in the year IOii.ikm) people arrive ia
the Hndeun. have
ana me
nave made prepan-[
prepan- I It b
ia im|uaaiUe
iin|uaiUe tv tell all the wonders and h-eve
h-avc Sew
New V,<rk
V,>rk without creaUng
tiim* for illuniinating their sbipa to an that will be accomplished in tbe way of a ruffle on the xurface uf thing*,
extent never liefore dmmed of except edectricnl Ulnmiuation hv private inBut the riaiior to Gotham must eswh.iee life Study
. I diridnala
dividuala Every elec-tri,
electrician in
n the city pect to be isomewhat c
tbe poaaibilitiw of eJectricity.
U working on plan* for__ __ ____ Dewey dayt
day*. He moat nut kxik for
The effect of thme on tbe water at bcildinga. and all the electrical shop* elbow room on tbe streeta and moM b*
night will Iw on a Urge scale what the are crowded with order*, which moat pretiared to hang on tv cable <nn
can by
illuiuinated trolley can abow when be tamed out befure Dewev dav
bu eyelid*. He will aee sights worth
they dash through the dimly lighted
On Und them will be a daylight di»- hxiking at. however, and when be finds
euhnrh* like bUxmg meteura Every pUy which baa never been equaled in biiiiM-lf in the center of oerMof densely
ship that carries ,ine or more aearcb- New York or any other city. Tbe great packed hnmanitT
packed two blockshnmanity
from tb*twoblocksfrom
light* wlU go down tbe bay on Thun- metropolix will be fairly swathed in line
; Hne of
day night and focuB
focus tbe brilliant tsys
rays ted.
ted. white
banting. From
Fromerer- : by : tbe
by tbe
reflection that
be ia doing bia
part toward making Dewey's u
of tbe lampe on tbe deck of ‘Dewey'e ary point where a stafl can bestuck
. a flag will be flung to tbe breaae. Bach j home tbe nnot imprtnaive ^wctncle
Etllectricity. which will {day
of tbe big mffcantile boose* is planning ;
inent a part in the (lublic and privste ita own scheme uf decoration, and the '
>e dty I
that Thorsday night Never before tUgo woe astooiabed at tbe Uriah disiwohably h.ive been seen ao many craft pUy of banting, but thU diqiUy U to
hUaing with Ugfats frun atato to ourm W acilpMd wbaa Dtorey oobm* boaa.
M«Ultokona«iM4Bsmtbahi9tkM| A tc4 w to 8ba (mM* wkkk wd

when be waa wannxl •o apiiear. and
then be initmeted hi* navigating offi.vr
It b> po*ilde that the
Olympu may be obliged to i-rnihe liack
and forth oat there in tbe ocean for


D eitbw

v«y aty Ux.'lf tamed
playground for Uiotuanda uf bisaing.
boratiag rocket* be will bepn
that a whole lot of cntbnstaett
oana or* glad to aee him bock.
Early Friday morning tbe CMympU
will get op her anchor and ateam in
throogb the Narrow* nnder tbe wcl1 bellowing gun* of Fan* Wad»vrurtb and Hutlltom np to a point off
TompkineTUle. wber* tb* Mtipn of the
< tn two

A very Hne an-h it i* to Iv toa
actnal cost will )■> but t86..'>iHl. but it'
mnxt he rrmeiuliered that 87 of the bert
aculptiiTf in tbe
giving Ibeir
a>Tviix« and ary W|g*ing like- beavers
' its runatrncllyia If Uulhaiu bad to
itrfeMc •rtixtx
P«.v theee patrfeMc
artirt* of
,d tbe
the mallet
sod ctiari, the bill would foot np Klineilptcr
thin* Uke #20U,00«. for each
aatioaal repnUTioa.
Tb* OKb will reaemUe tbe arcb at
Titus in Bmiisl bat it will b* biggar
tMT to
ut thu IMM k

eagle Tbe apex uf tbe arch will be surmounted by a ejaadriga erf tea benea.
dnwing a ship at wbuoe prow, with
uplifted wing*, will rtand a triumphal
figure suggaative <rf ricUiry. Ttaisetuadrigsia being made by J Q A Ward.
preiddent of tbe National 'Scnlptnr*
aociety Other noted acnlptora have
variooa porta of tbe work in band.
In addition to tbis grand arch two
larg* oolumna will be erected in Mou«[^ bmes. Brablym. Tbk Mm

The legend w ill he SOU feet long,
more than N uuu eltx-tric lamp* of high
candle power will Iw U!>ed to form tbu
oiidiiir aignal of welcntue to tbe adzuinil. The device will be strung
central jiart of tbe span between tbe
towiTB and above tbe railroad Cracka.
90 that it can be seen and read up and
down the Eaat river aa well as f<v mile*
down tbe bay
Tbe Hgbta forming the letters will be
pure white, and at ea,h end of the de-''
nigs will be appropriate embelliabuienta Tbe reflected light from this
display, which Warren W Foet«. *ecrvtary of the-couimittee. aaya will be
the greatest display <rf electrical illnuiination tbe world ever ha* eeen. can
be neon in every direction within 80
The bridge will t« decorated by day
with hunting and flaga it* entire length.
but iu greateet glory will be aex*! by
night In addition tv tbe great central
illumination there will be many other
ligbta. and from tbe tow.*, four great
iTcblighte will play their piercing

The ,«me pbn i* to be carried out at
the IWry (x-Wl rHiiun. It b tbe oplnion of flame* 11 BrtvUn that if l.OM.Ooo peraunx have to remain in New
Y<wk uveniigfat during tbe Dewey feetivitiea New York can take car* at
them. There would neceeaarily be a
good deal of "donhling np.” hot Mr.



caa aeaituicrlonoio. ranBiMy, aiwaitaaim, tan
< „ Ik, Hm w • Wv

to more adeantagr than wben
watklnc aboDt tbe Bngl
Uateaer. aaya tbe Hon. J.
London Triearapb. Dariag tbe
American dm war 1 returned for a
OwUto JnAt»7. » Briflut. bu Id- abort time to London In Janoary. 1S64.
v«Mt ».-tofpedb- MC7<^ wbV* le- Sunnlttf tbe blockade of tbe Potomae.
a littl* Hkore tbaa a mite
made my way from Vlrrlnla. where
a mlaata. arcMtftas m» BagUab asd
bad been actinic for two yeara aa
iiaailraa auadarda.
Meararad b; aperlalwareomapondeDtof tbe TImeA
«ha adflaa ataadafd. 1.0M yarda to to New York, whence I aaUed for I.l*Um mite, tba “torpedo” corered tbe erpooL Shortly after arlvlnf In Boraattb at tba nt* of 9724 mltea an land I waa requeaied by Ur. John Debaw.
lane to ran down to Hugbenden. aa
Tba mateblM la polatad fore and aft
Dlaraell bad expreaaed a wiata lo
lUa a «lsar. wlUt potlabad aMea and aee me. Ai that time tbe American
apanaiM at tba top ttaroagb wbteb dell war bad been in full blaat for
tba baada of tke crrv poke aa If rUlBc neariy three yeara. durlnc tbe wbolc
•at «f a MAa. Tbe ataa) cone te for of wbicb tbe aoutbera elate* bad been
the parpoae «f protwrtibc tbe men wbo rat off trofu Europe'by a more or leea
fOlde tbe macblne ftw tbe roab of flgorooa blockade.
air, wktcti at tbe pare tbe macblne U
Before I went to Hogbenden I had
capable of, la not only tentfrlni. bot already oeen I,ord PaUnereion. Lord
Tbe pointed front plercea Bhafteabary. Mr. Gladatone. Ur. W. E.
Ponter. Ur. Bobert Lowe and aereral
atber eminent and dteUngulabed men.
adMlag of Ita wtdtb conaidetnhiy
eager for I
•aalnc tbe enormona wind reaiat- that “terra IncognlU” tbe aoutb. and
« aa well.
^ ,
all of them piled me plentifully with
Tba motora are entirely concealed 1^ more or baa ^rtlnent qoe.ilon«. Bm
Ad* of the cigar, only the lower i^rt:
walking ont with Ur. Dlaraell. af?5?***^
lont-beoa at HngbcDdeo. I found
» Aectrlc. bat what contrlraoce I*
amployod to oecore tbe neceaaary
power for tbe fearfnl apeed at which
the bicyele traeete la not made pabllc.
Tbe i»c«t teat wa» made on a
alralgbt^way terel highway from 8l
Oermalb to Conauna.
On* kilometer equate S280.8 feet, or
41 of a mite. Two knometera are
7481.8 feet, or 124 mtteA or a amall
fraction tena than a mile and a anar•er.
The Ineentor crawled Into bte novel
- etnft and aUned off. For aeveral
yarda tbe motor crawled along. Aa
tbe motor increnaed Ita power tbe pace
' boeamie faater.
Before » yarda bad been gone It
areot aaillng tike tbe wind.
Tbo Umera wbo clicked 47 4-« aeo
a«da for tbe flrti kilometer rabbod
tbUr oyoa lb aatonlahment.
Bat tbe watch boldera on tbe otber
OM af tbe line were even more bevOdofM.
The qoeer-looklng abaft of ateel
ibabed by arlth snch rapidity that they
araro almeat too frightened to anap
Wban they dM nil timepiece* agreed
«s 17 aaoonda for the aecond kilometer.
Thla wan making two kUometera
fTMLS foetl 10 848 aecooda. or
foot a aecond.
4t thte rate. In Bngiteh mtlea. tbe
■torpedo" would trav*! 6.S.V) feet a
mlnato-70 feet more than a mlli^r
01400 fert-an.76 mllee-ln one hour.
Only tbe fear of encountering an•tbor vahicle and tbe borrible reanlt
of aneh m accident prevented lenatany
Bom proceeding faner. He declared
that tbe maximum apeed bad not been
toacbed when be alowed down, and If
be ao deelred be could have gone on
Cor an bear at tbe aame ahnoat InO^lbte fali.-ClDdonatl Enquirer.
Tba pomibmty of aaaoclatlng the
varying chart aounda wHb dlaeoaed
OMdlOeoa of tbe organa wltbln appanted to tbe fertile mind of Laennec
M opaolng new vletaa in therapeutlca.
•Ktent practicable, oaya Marprr’A Ilia
ctloD wftb tbe boepUal* of I'aria
iMy hi tbladlrvcpave him fuK ot
tte*. and bte■ Ilabora of the next few
yaora oMred not merely to rotnbllab
_• voloe of tbe
ko dteRuarta. but bUd Ibe fonndation
otoo tor tbe adeoce of morbid anat-

,tmo.pb,r, .LI, 1 L.d W, behM .
In Virginia. He told me that be bad
irer wIinenNed a banle. and bad nerer beard a bullet wblatle In anger.
Nerenbeleat. In liatenlng to bla <)uea
tiona and remarka I coold bare abut
my e.
had J
confedetnie araiy a* they
fought lo Ibe tangled “Nackjack"
thickeia of Spottaylvanla. ao iborougb1y bad bi* cre^ve Imagloatlon maatered alt the Kigbta, tbe aoundA the
>dea and Incidenla with
wbicb war on a large acale U rife. In
like manner I can remember tbai laabeL ibe late Lady Burton, widow nf
Richard Burton. remarke<l thai
Ix>rd Beaeonafleld. wbo bad only iiaaae we,-ka In the deaeri Ip
bla early youth, bad taken up all that
tbe deaert could auggeat to tboae wbo
bad apent a lifetime among lia df«otet* waaU>*.
wmie WlablugloD wa* aunding 1b
peoalvp allente. obaerveo tbe Washing­
ton Sur.
“Btopld world, lan't ItT' remarked
tbe amiable man wbo alwayn endeavon to adjust bte converaation to the
mood of the llatener.
“No." answere.1 WUlle. "Il'a too excttlog."
"Been playing tbe racear
"No: «o<k market."
“Ah. tbaf* Intereatlng. Which were
yoA a bull or a bearT'
A far. sad look came Into tbe young
apecutelor's eye and be spoke In the
bnrried inanuer of one wbo would
fain change the topic of conVerMiloii.
"Were you ever crael to aulmnla
when you were b boyT' WUlle In­
"Why. not that I remember." ans­
wered the friend.
“But you remember bow the other
boys need to brhave. Ton caa riH-aU
tbe flPDdlsh glee with wbk-fa they
would take a atray dog who bad no
friends and cnax him to a quiet cnrtser
and pat hi* head and feed him wlilh
they tied a ttn can to hi* taU. Y’ou
can picture In your mind'* i
sweet, trusting look of the animal
be shoved bis bead np to be potted and
the Inane expre«aioD of aalisfaciion
that came into bl* eye* a* be flaiiered
hfmaetf that he sras foreordained for
notblug hut good luck and afTectlou.
And you have witnesKed the mad ellwhen he went down the sin-ct. as

mmm mt.

Tbe lilac came Into Bnglaod la tb«
days of King Harry. In tbe Inveutory
of .Nonsuch Palace gardeoa made'by
CromwHr* order* we find "six IIIr*bu* otes* As iThM ■*
lacbeA trees wbicb have no fralt b«R
a pleaaani smelle." The inac was
known as the plpe-bnah. tbe pipe and
One eanae of tbe respect tbaf waa | Wuoplp* tree, the plpe-prlTet aa well
felt for btm by all pantes was that be i
•“‘1 HlUcbe.
Gerard's experience witb tbe white
bad left power aa poor as wben be
r waa to l>e nearly smothered in
tered It. says tbe London News. He
went back frum Ibe patece to tbe mod- aweetA He found it “of a n»o*t pteaaand sweeie smelle. bnt in my
eat fiat wbk-b be shared witb bis sla­
ter. and to bla cblir of pblloeopby and Judgment too aweete. trtMibUng aad
tbe bead In a very strange
of bteiory la tbe University of Madrid.
1 once gaibervd the flower*
For more than fifteen yearA sayi
another writer Don Emilio Casle'ar and laid them In my chamber wlnbaa been living In the aame bouse lo dowe. wbicbe smelled more strongly
tbe CaUe Serrano which was bte borne after they had been together a few
even wbeb be wa* prealdent. In aome boura. with such a pintloke til and un­
sort, of rtae tedaral republic In 1873. acquainted savour that they awaked
He occupied the whole of tbe setuiul me from aleepe, so that I could not
asd port of tbe third floor. Hte own take real till I bad cast them out
qnartera are on tbe third floor, where fnioi my chamber.''
Tbe lilac variety be also found of
^ baa bte bed-room, bis toilet room,
in eXceedlugiy aweete savonr and
bte secretary’s office and bte own
study, tbe last two being filled wlib aeut. t>ut mn ad strongly as tbe formThe flowere," he goe* oa "are of
hooka and piles of documetfis not ar­
excwdlngly Wewe colour. c»)mp*ciranged tn rery good order, but sioweil
away tn comer* and against the walls ed of maoy amall flowerA In Ibe forme
on long abelve* of plain ptne wood. of a bonc-b of grapes."
That tbe lilac came aolate Into Eng­
Hte sanctum is a small room with a
fireplace, a few pictureA a sofa, three land expteln* lu absence from tbe
four chair* piled with hooks and garden of Engiteh poetry. Probably It
pamphleiA a table on which He pcU. was long before It came from being a
mell foreign and borne {lapevA re- dente<-u of palace gardens to being Ibe
rtewA b*liere. card* and maLiiscrlpia dear, homely cottage lilac we know
Caateter aiiT'aod write* at his taiile lo-da.v.
If tbe old poets bad known tbe Iliac
In bis Inow. straggling baudwrltlng.
aquare «he.-ts of paper, which »el- as we know It. they muat surely have
dom contain more than eight Hoes of aomeilmes given their mtetresae# Iliac
But Id the days when tbe gardea
bte autograph <-ampoBlttona.
made, tbe color lilac bail hard­
In winter he rises before the sun.
and ia very seldom In bed after tl or ly emerged from the purple, and It wa#
the eighteenth rentury to garb
In summer he U frequently
writing at r.::ii< lo the moralug. If he lu is-amy lu tbe deUclou* freab “Uyfeels a llllle tired on week days he kH-L" which must have wonderfully
•omeilmes goes out for a Miroll iiefore framed ituwdered bair and brilltent
midday meal, aud on Sunday chei-ks.
Au old uauie for the liter waa Illy
moralugs you always meet him tak­
ing bis sttvdl between 11:3U and 1. or oak. a mteproDouoclatlon evidently. Ia
es<«rtlug his sister to mass, to the Devoushlre aud Coruwall It was
as Mayflower, and bas been
diHir of the Ualairava cbU^.
ttestelar ts much devoted to this sls- beard of as May-lily. In Cornwall the
•r. Khe 1s a few years older than white mac Is soraetliues ITInce'#
her brother, I* s ladylike persou. very Feather, aud Id Somi-rselsblre 8olwell reail and Informed on all the top­ dier'K Feather—8ti aswx-tetlou wHh Its
ics of the da.v. She plays her i>ari of aumeH’hat.|>luuie-llke form. It sliatva
hostess adiulnildy. wbl<-h Is uo easy with hawthoru tbe name of May. ano
task, as her brother Is hospllulile. No ei-ceulric iltU-e for It are ducks' hilli
foreigner roui*-* to hi* hmiw with a aud oyaier*. these corruptlouA no
letter of lutnKliictlou. no dlsllligiilsln-d doubt, of some sweet title.
The oaui,- of pipe-tree derive* ' be­
visitor enters this city, uoue <>f Ills )>otltlcal frietiils ]>as* through the i-uiiltnl. cause bte stalkes. wben tbe pith <■
without rts-,-niiig au liivii*il.,n i,> din- taken out thereof, are boUow like a
hrenkrasi. Nothing more HmiisIng can Im>- luiitglnetl ihuii ills iside
when he has r^iiind It some rnreiguers
with whom he <-aii keep up a running
Ore ••f <-« on .-very Imagin­
able qm-stlon of the hour, at holu<- and
He generally converses In Kreu<-li.
whirl) language he stH-aks Itneiilly,
aud. wlieli he gi'ts exrllisl, nl•ul]erfIl1iy Weil, lie op|H-srs at bis le-st. Ii»wlieu his guests are S|iaulsh |K>1lllcaiis ainl literary <-elel>rllli-s s-lth
wlioiu be can fenee and dls|>iiie In his
native tongue. Aud. as hte lioiioe is
coDrideivtl ueiitral grouud. he <-nu eutertalQ^.ai <>ue aud the same lime, raliId rnnd^’nilwK. dynasiic- lils-nils. repuMU-ans. radk-al* aud skepti,-* ao
—all of whirh adds a chanii and r.,-st
coiiimou Dowadays In Casliliau society
the couvenuitlou at hU lulde.


bl. bto. In . wort rtIM “W"
■’"‘•"b ■“
Trotea d'AiMcoitadon UedUiA" a
««fk vrbJcb forma owe of tbe lasdMika ot acteotlSe medldne. By medlate AMcnltatloo la meaitt. of courw>. I your
Itea talemgattea of tbe cbest witb tba
aM afalMttelBrtrameat wbicb Us orig- I "Well. I wasn’t any bull no
laatae tbooebt hardly worth namlne bear. I was simply tbe dog."
Mkll vartODi borttoraqa appeUation
R* Tmmk Pto.
I gppbad t» It by etb«r>.. after
He Is good-looking and brlgbi. bnt Ia
unfortunately, afflicted with a
"ITaSbSS^t yeara tbe fora of tbe
MettMcope. aa naually empteyed. waa
■b^ws^ns gjK] lu value augmented by
a htiMurtmlar attaebmeot: and In very
vacaot years a farther Impruremeat
bofi boaa made thnfagta applicaiiou of

' ’“’“‘■-'f

manage to
• oioDnet
that few ebamv acquatnunces would
notice bte affliction, but some words he
finds It almost Impossible to niter,
pral eveninga ago be waa seated

foil or flabnol. About half way down
tbe hat 1s a gause ncttlog. wbicb oim>ds
like a door. With each hat is provtdeil
a mass of fine textured vegetable
Tbla last te kept for an bonr or os
In a refrigerator, where It bas the pe­
culiar property of abaorblng rold.
Then It Is placM In tbe prlsjiared cell
tbe toogrot atagle otepa by wbicb practlra) medicine baa In our century ao I'll bare
-------- some dessert. Wbat have you In tbe bat.
Tbe result 1s that tbe head of tba
tbe right to be cooaldered a ra- in tbe line of puddings. wailerT'
wear«>r remains cool for hour*.
J octenre. Laennec's efforts coat
Tbe waiter looked over bis slock
_B bte kfe. for he dM In 1R26 of a displayed on Ibe counter.
bmg dlaaaae acquired In tbe course of
"Bread pudding." waa hte reply.“*nd
Ha bMplmt prarUce; but even before tapioc*."
Tbe Busalan government bas adopt­
ttia bla fame was onlversal. and tbe
•■Give me some Is-b-b—b—b—con- ed a somewhat drastic uicaaure In
vain* of bla method bad been recogdev to snppivM drunkenness In Ft.
•load aS over tbe wurid. Not long af- foay tbe luck. I can't say It. Wtaal lerahurg It bas taken away froui
tar. te ISas. yet anotbrr Fre"-* on—i. was the other klndT"
“Tapioca." answered tbe waiter, 000 Bhops the right tn sell alcobolle
claa, Plotry. perfected the
liquor*, and hat (placed these by S,
prttamlop by Introducing t
wttb a grin.
•f tapping. Mt the chert dl
“Well, give me tome l—t—I—t—darn­ 000 estahlishments placed anoer tbe
ed If 1 can aay that, either. Got any­ control of the sUle and located
equal distance* apart. There estalithing cteeT'
Ilsboreni* are directed by rulic
"No, sir: that Is tbe entire Hot.’
"Humph! I Uk* a piece of apple en. Tbe liquor i* delirered iu bnttleA
pie. then. I don't want apple pie; I've lo wbleb la affixed a gnrerniueni
got to have someiblng. tbongh. And , mark. Tbe eonsiimer ran ol>t*ln only
aee here, if yon want to keep me for one bottle in each ahop. and If. wU«-o
Tut my mSSy on a hone named a caatomer yon’D have to g« aome he vteli* another eeubltebment.
Oaa Mater; 1 tboogbt there wasn't a other pudding In stock. ‘ The only show* tbe least signs of intoxication,
ttdg ttviag coold beat a gas meter." word* I can’t get oat are those com- no liquor will be served out to bim.
mendag with 'b' and f Underatandr
---*Tm a fool to soppoee ter a minTbe waiter grinned once more and
Crawu i* raareA
•to that I onold toD wbat a gai mHer pnwed hver tbe chunk of apple pie.A California woman made a vow 18
to fotog to do.“-Yookera Suteamaa. Phiudelphla Enquirer.
year* ago that If her btuhand. wbo
had become bllod. should regain bte
aigbl. abe wonld crawl on her bands
and knee* tn a neighboring rbur<-b
once a year, to ataow her gratitude.
bl* sight, and

laoUth aan of MoUaO.

«arty Rsssro •( This Fr^sMS 1

* ^ Isiib 1-bictend and Bcotteud it I*
thought iiului-ky to bring tbe liter, es­
pecially white lilac, into the boum-. It
presages death, and 1* often laid ii|>ou
comus. If a loTvr *houId give bte las*
lllar. it te of luid oiiten for tbe eugOgemeul.-l'all Mall tiasette.
Aa*e>« c*r*egto-s 8.w Hoasa.
Andrew t'aniegle has tw« lost much
time lu aisiuriug bl* twdiiiis ibat bte
family has ••miie to stay at Skllw for
uwav geuerntion*. and tbe Nurthein
pres* bas alr,-ady ai-corded him the
Baroulal di-slguatiou of ••J*lte>."
which for i-eniories pertained
family of tiray. The magistrate* of
the royal brnr of Imraock. iu memory
of rhe aucicM kindness between the
udiubitaiits of this lutnlaiiuv city aud
Its oelghtLotw, rhe Baroua of Kkil
have baslenni to bestow the freedom
of the burg «u ilie new l*lnl- Already
tbe .\oierlrau mllllonatre ha* worke,!
wondt-rs Vast achtlllona to the cast e
arc lu progrewt, and before h»ng It will
.ourpasw every other uurtheru resldeiue
in It* magtiUli-eoi and prlis-ely proportloQK. But one <-anuol readily forgive
blui for i-utilng dtiwn au maoy of the
huge tnH-s which for generation- have
t«een tts- Iirlile aud glory of Ibe .-stole,
.A w.-Ird ban ha* for tbe last reuiurv
aisl a hair to the laiKis of
Skilsi. and it reiiinlite to
wUellier the evil sja-ll will
It is a taJe of cm
done to the original po«*e**or—the
Murrays of Ibilrnstsle and tbe Grays
of Skibo. who for ceoiuries owned Uie
laixte now liw-orporated Into one e<
■ ate. 13105 were Itofh deprived of the
aiH-estral iiilieritance by foul means,
and thus a <-urse was brought
ight iiiK>n
the pla.-e. The Douls. who >usted the
liraya. gave ]>te<-e to the Mackats.
ntei In turti were succeeded by Ihf
Gordons. Demp-teiw. Fnpper-Dem|w
let-A rblrtteldes. and Bniberiaud*.
Agatnrt tbe latter's protests the estate
IMased into the hands of Mr. raraegle.
jV>r tbe hist ivi years no family ha*
the tends for more ihan
gcneralluu. —MulDlr .tbout I’sopli-.

Tht Best 01 oittli.
Gnraitied for IDIjoars.

. for the foilowii
lowiaff and
to raantioa:
rase at fit Want FroRt attwat.
; OM oa nnb atreet srtth all
an* *aaro«*meala 11800; owa ow
Sixth. 8i7»: one
Wcat FrosA •»000:
n* oo Fifth, teres bssae atoeA boas*
» roc«A lot UrtafOt ft. with 7t faaarloff
rail tresA weal rad aoutb of Proat
resA 810CU: one on East Eighth, itaar
faelorlaA Urge lot. 8000

7X4 lit

.. $1.00 op

Gold FillioKa..........
PUti&am FilliuKi.

.......... Ifwop
.......... 50c op
Silver FiiliuK..........
.250 to 3.00
White crowna..........
^ karat tfold crowos. .3.00 to.'1.50
Bridite work.............3 00 per tooth

B L A Oa Bloek

John R, Santo,
Gmrai lisiraice.

kararv** —-wt

t*fuoleoa fitrartinK and BULok
withoot goo, cltluform or ether.
Terms cosh.

ungd lipiili t liilku L I
F*ranlt»Saaa«,rar>' '••-■rwiwat»*«•*•*
Oil*, .a •SmOuI; M. in*.

Omwar Frost and Cteaa Btreett.

S* i :S8£fi »«8 •« ,


Bctedle Block.
C. 0. Lester. ManaRer.

We have just


eleRSUt stock of

:8 :ffff«SS8CS«



the raoel

beantifol art work in


('hioa ever displayed in the





:■ ;S ; '89S8 :

handsome and nieaF-il. siKDs.
Tndes arrive Iruw «raaJ kaSIJ*. n^*.’
Bail.Cblcago. iB.UaDsrelta. stsODa-w.
~ Urearrlvr rrwa WarktesB as* Fnaakay.

which we invite the Indie* to
Onr stoi'k of jewelry

.alul arrlrr fn>B aichBAa-*. r«rt WaySA
OrlroU awl OrsoJ Ka|ld., alTS* p. m.
Tvaia IravlDg a> 'I te a s,. ba« ckair car
WaJUMi la (4r*pd Kapte*.
II:» a m. ha* rbairrer
> Km-I I-Uv.

is tl^

Rueet in tuis part of the etote.

loo loc^lvoav. I'ltM-ln**
a|»ll- aod Ml. LauIa. *1*

Barnum & Earl.
HnosoD Block.

Chicago — -rt. »—
West Michigan

Neighbors. Join the
Modern Woodoinn of Imerica-

uoiKii Borra.
r AM ,pti “pi TiT
" W * to U
f Su PR**

Trs'rrw- Cj
_. OA R*Mte>.
J.tOr* KapU*.
Lr llAirvU
Lv ChlAar-u_ _

Thrpoi.uter pnYrrasl's Equt.abkB
OSTOIriu Bsut-B« rralerultv ot iSs pr.UM.

Jt la Kafc Slice, reliable.
lAsrcane lor 1.4UUfaaiUI..«. or ahoot .VV:
ornaserbltersB. iMt >mr Wr n go) e*.ie.
frllov* )o» llks.roo teg rawi

t- Cblraao
Sr (U.rtopUl*







• >mO NOKTH.

(I te
! 7u
A «

: • It

7m !«w
a b> i: ww u m
xtu taywiswoMi
, PM,

l.v (lr* Pap'J-


« TtavArw-Cy.
rKlkaopMA .


T KIk Rspld*
r TraverorC/

AnortItT OlcNtwNatu.
You an iRort le be vltbrat li.
Yoo a,r cofUlailj loviiw! i/> ioln


1 neaavgN.o i


Teiakvc«M| WcSimatej.JaB. II tM.

Eggs, t4c a dozen.

Good Dairy Butter. IT-18c.
XXXX Coffee--ll lbs lor $l
f U

4 l(: Lv



Hiram Cook,


New Store, New Munson Blk.



TrsTsrsr • i*


L. L. A. BoUdin?.
•'It wa* mich a good Joke on me."
aald tbe girl In tbe gray veln-t toque
to Ibe gin In the lilui- vslvst abouldev
rape; at they stirred tbelr bot cboco
late. "Ibat I must tell you.
"You know bow John bas been proposlug to me at regular Interval* ever
since he wa* mil of kolckerbockerw
Well, be (lid It again tbe other olgbi
(•mIik Nsnb AVArr ds.v aiaaim asaSag.
. *«SB
and. with bte usual facility, chore aa
HAs&<sfr»ut«.............................................. f:«0a*>
occaslun wben I was very croaa.
"He did It a little more awkwardly
Honhport ...
than usual, too. deliberately cbooalng
Tba0 B A I. win give their ann-J*!
tbe old-fashkioed method of offering
rsAriA.oiia. a. DoAk .
conraion to Richmond on September
Uolog (toute AVAAI a*r AtrA|>l Bart
me 'bla band aud heart.' '
Lasva Ckarteveli K. A Do,k .... .... ttoam
,L. p.u„d
Cb^vWl................... ........... *1^**
chocolate, and tbe girl In blue asked be sold at rata of Ss oo to Blehmood
breatbleraly what she oald;
DetrolA and K 00 to Chi
■N)br remarked the otber. In tbe Cbndrmi under i: yeara, half
lone of __
Unporiance. "1 told him that 1 Iw-; Mackinaw City to Big BapidA In- •step -besnatae*.
llered I was already provided with the
®" regalar

Annual Excursions


/ siEiMEa ^

... Via G- R. & I. Colabbia and Loa A. Caoiiiiti
To aimmoid, Soptmbv »ik.
To Detna ud CUoto, Od 1.


rolA choice of two route* wUl
Por DetrolA
I wouldn't deprive him."
begivan: *Vi*
via P. & P. M. B. R.
"And wbat dhl be s*yr
' from Be«
EewJCty; the otaar. via D .
"Wen. BellA ibat'B tbe funny thing. H. 8 M. B y from Grand Esnid* For
He aeemed to brace np, and said, po-he mU will be via Vtekaborg
lltely. that at any rate there wa* oo and tbe Oro&d TrasL ____
doubt about my having my full abare
Iter time of tialaa aad farther lafor
of Choek; And I wa* so delighted to eraln*. apoly to Q. B. A I. ticket
find a man capable of even that much, affast
repartee oe being re}ecled-chat I ae-1

---- .... ..................



Clolog aoBtb every Say cteep*
Lmv* Northpen :..................................

Buiio-* Ray.''........ ..................


Sica-;:;::.:;;:;;.;-: !S;:
-■«......... ..... !«?¥

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