The Morning Record, September 30, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 30, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ni^BMrt met




( a riaw of
rtaar waa crowded «1U tka paopla.
arUdlp ekaariag. Proa tka roof of tka
4re PoaltlTfl and Wat Bdemt
appndaar’a atoraa a eaaaaiTa kite waa
down, from wklek flattered a large
Only AltornatlY*.
la X>«w«7% Honor.
Anartean flag. Tka orowU oo Ua
•laraap ahora wara fallp aa lanre aa oo
PoraaaedUaBoamOradaallp Taking
ITavTorknir wd tk* ■•ten tka the New York aide. Hat at Oraat’a
«MM «r Oplaadar •»« aatkwim- tocab waa Ua largaat arer gaUarad tba yield aad Bawa from BonU
tkara. BiTotaida drive waa lined wiU
Afriea Warraata Ua Vorat Taara—
Omum BooMd
Bmadraka «f oarrlagaa
TraMvaU Xamalaa Pirm aad fftm
'«k«MMa 8kmw« a ftoral anMWban Ua admiralh omlacr
Adkarea Striottp to Torau of Loadoe
tog to <k«
of Koaila—Kort oppoaiu Havantp-nlalk atraat tkara
MtUul PMMOt bi Stttory.
Oannoo roared, paopla palled aad flkga
Umdoa. Sapt. ».-Tbe maatiag of
■owYoric. Bopi. M.—Loar bolon aad handkarekiafa waved from atraata.
Ua Britiah eabiaat, oa wboaa daUbaraHsrteo tbo klM iaelrau aboard all tka roofa and window, aad fra
Umawmr or poem In BoaU Africa
varahipa wara waahiag dows Ua daaka la Elvaraida park.
praeOeaUp dapeada, began at 1 o’eloek
After Ua wprahlpa, 81/1
Uia afternoon.
Praaidaat Eragar'a
toa'd^taaB paebt Brin wa
a port. Ika waatbar U pla^
rapip to Ua teat aota-^>t Ua> Imperial ‘
Juat a Minute.
Mtlp aooi. Whoa "at ootoca” «aa bridge^ Ua Brin, wklob waa gaidbad baaa raoaivad aad waa;
tmmita tka Aora of BlaWa tilaad aad lagUaatarboard oolamn. wavlag bto the pivot of todap'a
^ kOla baek of it wara bUak with paebtlng eap la taapoaio to aalataa
The cabinet adjooraod at 6:16.. Iba
paapU. wkoohaatodaa tka a«fa wara aatil attar Ua Bria roaadad Ua tornliaiatacB wara heartllp obaarad bp Ua j
lag poiai off Orant'a tomb. 'There waltiag erowda ontalda. It la atated
Twwftgatk laaraiaatlai Paaoa aad wara maap dUtlagaiabad gaaaU, from B)ar aoaroB j tkat Sacmtarr
▼aatarr, aaaboi-ad at Oraat'a tonb tbla BagliUmaa aad oUan aboard Ua Chaabarlala'a propoaala aaUalttad to
Boraiag. Viatory wm plaaad ka po«t- Bria.
Ua eabiaat laelada Indamnitp for Ua
«oo aorU of Ua toaab bp tka lifktTba parade waa aa boar and a eoat of aaadlng oat troopa, dUarmakoaaa taadar Kaagrora. bat tka a
Tmaavaaa fort, Ue
qiartar pamlag Paltoa atnat.
We are selling in a new
a^ wktU bad Ua oUar la tow waa
pr. Lodp-a legaUoa,
aaaWa to ba^ Uatida. Tka Maagrota
way like this:
id^^ aad leglalative
toallp want to kar aaaiataaoa.
for Uajadgaa. equally of Ua BogllU
obe Bald la Waat aad Dateb laagoagea aad a tall and
Tka ataamw Saadp Book, earTTlog
Tirgiala Beat Tear.
tka mapor aad a a watlltaa aalaeta'
eompiate admlBloB of Ua aapramaep
Knaela, lad.. Sapt. »9.—If Ua pnr^
board the Oljmpla aad weleoM
ritiab latoraata Uroogboat Soatk
Ittwap la Ue aama of tka eltp. with poaa for which a moating, bald la a
apward of a tkoaaaad oUar dkaUa- grove near Ub dtp todap,
gntehad giiaaU aad oSelala aboard, lafi pliahad, Ue largeatfrniUp aBortatloa Ue want faara. Tba Dailp MaU’a war
the Battarp ahortlp »f:or 10 o'clock. in Ue world will be formed. It wai a
It at Cbartaatoa aapa that
Never been able to do that
gaUerlng of Joaeae^ Five
Tka Olpniptab Uaoek pat off to
la going oa la the Waabefore—Now jron can * okr
Saadp Book, aad eirriad Ue taapor delagaiaa wara praaant. aad laid
patent leathers — die bandaloogalda Ua Olpwpka. Tka laapor for aa immanaa meellag next pai
UronghoalUeTraaavaal. Two Uoac
Tapliw eonntp, Waat Virginia.
aomeat ahoea mad>*. and mn
atag^ aboard Ua Olpnpla « a<
and bnrgbara have been ordered to aaJooiaaa or ralaUvea of Joneaaa la Ua aemble tonight or aarlp tomomw at
no risk. 1^ them.
Tka ataamar MoomonU left Ua foot Dnitad Slataa are Invltod to>ttand.
Wakkaratroom Nek. eight mllaaTrom
of Baater atroal ahortlp after, earrpiiig
It waa eatimatad todap that Ua Ue Natal border and alavaa mllaa from
•oawaor Boeaaaalt and ataff. dalagaua roatar wUl eoauta 60,000 naaaa bp Ue Lmiag'a Nek.
tram Ua aaaaU aad aaaasblp, ja
aad not leaa than 10,next 001
ThaSmndertOB borgbara have bean
000 will be praaant next pear,
immaadarad and wlU conoentrate Uia
barbaeaa will be held. Senator Ji
iafternooo at Sand Sproit, Ulrtaea
.oral Boa aad aUfl. mambara of Ua of Nevada, and all oUar men varp mUaa weat of Ua Natal border. Twelve
Bapabtloan aad Danooratleauta i
promlanat la poblle Ufa balonglng
hundred men are to be aent where Uep
Ittaaa, varieoa atata ofloan and rap- Ua tamilp wiU be urged to attend and WiU meet the StaaU arUUarp, which
UwMtaUvaa of the aaval mlUtla. Tba addraaa Ue meeting.
baa been Iplng at Parda. in tbla natgboatered OapUta ^/anbarton'a
borbood, for Ue laat fortalgbt. The
«Ma. la Icaa Una flva ninalaa Uep
Tranavaal's cfflriala nave gone to
ntaraad to U# daek. Dawap wore a
Vrade, where Uep will meet Command^at OB kU left breaat tkat bad not rcratarp Long flap. He Bclaotad Btm aat BarrUmlth of Ue Free Sute Boeta;
for Ua AaiaUe Ssatloa.
baoa tkara provtoaalp. Tkea Ue barge
Laiag'f Nek being the objaeiiva point
WaUlngton. D. C . Sapt. M—Tka
waa^lod aloagaide again. Admiral
The movamaol haa alraadp begua, and
Daw<7 praoadad Ua mapor dowa Ua atorp of Dawap'a aalactlon tor Ua oom- large nnmbeta of Volkamat Boen left
gnngwap. boarded Ua barge wlU klm.
tonight for the maatiag plaoa at Wakaad Uap were tnoablppad to Ua todap kp Saeratarp Liong. in reaponae karatrom Nek.
to qaaaUoaa aa to Ue part plapad la it
•aadp Book.
An offlslal of Ue foreign oflioe Uia
The admiral', vlalt to Ua dandp bp Senator Proctor of Vermont, and
Book waa loagUp. All Ua maporb otbora wboaa namaa have bean man- erenlBg told a rapreaanutlve of t^e
gaaata. vteiUag govoraora aad oUara UwadlaoooaoeUoBwIU Ua matter. Aaaoeiatad Preai Uat parliament wUI
baeallad ahn- iv to conaldar UeTranaworo latrodaead to him. aad tka ad"Itwu Uia wap." laid Mr. Long.
alral ebook baada wiU evarpbodp. It “Uara were vacaaelaa ia two fl kg eom- vaal qaeatlon.
Cape Towd. Sept. 88,—The Trana
waa llrwwbaa ha boarded tka Baadp maoda. tka Aalatlc aUtioa aad Ue
vaal’t rapip to tne laat diapatchat of
8o^. aadM hoar Utar bo ratariod to Beropaaa aUUoa, and after making
Ooloalal Saeiemrp Chamberlain haa
Ue abliitp
It ia the gr^-at time aaver of
kVl o'clock tka aqaadroB got andar ofloare available, it baeama a qaaatioa baaa aent frorn^ratorta.311 la to Ua
wap aad atartad ap tka harbor, aad wkaUcr Dawap or Bowall abonld go to effmt Uat toe republic atricUv adthe age. {and ao inexpeneive
tka great parade baeama a roalHp. Ua AaiaUe atatloa. Dawap waa flaallp harm to the Lon ion eonvealioa and
that nobody can afford to be
pint eama tka police boat Patrol. Ua aalaeied for Utt eommaad, aad Bowall aaka aotblag f>ir-her. The qaeeUoa of
withont one.
apaaoCawadcaaproadooibpUa flra
Ua MteraiB'r of Qraat Bntala over
la amigai d t > Barope.
If yon had a telephone in
koam New Yorker and Vaa Wpek.
"Tba aaliaUia of Dawop waa not Ue Tranavaal «a>t toachad'.apon in
Qyoor offi<-e or home yoo would
whidb followed abraaat Tba ataamar
■Aa. howerar. anUI I kadj made la- Uadlapatcfa.
•aadp Book. wlU Ua mapor aad rep- qnlrlaa abOBi him and Btlaflad mpaelf
save mni li mental and physic,
MaaUUvaa of Ua eitj. ataamad along- tkat ka woe the right man. Tba mat­
al effort, nod DO end of time
aide of tba Olpmpla^ Ue port aide.
ter waa oae of ordlaarp departmaatal
and annoyance.
After tba Olpmpla aama Ua eraUar rontlae; a oommand waa vacant, and a Amerleaa Au.aorlUaa Arraaging for
Vaw York. Sampaon'a flagUlp. bar flag offioer waa needed to tU it. 1
Beleaaa of Amenoaa Prtaoaera
tarrau aod guaa appaariag Ilka a made Ue aeleetlon mpaalf. The qoMHeld bpAgoioaldo.
BOvInt rorlraB aa aba followed tlon wu not referred to aopbodp outManila. Sept 28. American anlbor'Dawap'a flagaklp, Tba Cbioago brought alda Ua dapartmaat. It U true 1 did
ap Ua rear of Uc oolamn. Following reeaive a latter from Senator Proctor, tiea are arraaging Ue detail! for Ua
Ua KaW York wore Ua batUaabIpa UUtag me what a good man for the daliverp of Ua Amarioan prlaonara at
Indiana, yaaaacboaetto and Taaaa, place Dewap waa. Jutaa 1 rm:elved a Angwles tonight or tomorrow. A Fili­
WlU Ua orataar BrtMklpn aatara.
latter from Senator Obandler, meom- pino general wlU hia aide da camp and
In Ua rear of Uaaa BMdarn onrlaaa meadlng Bowall for a flag oommand, aaeretarp will oecompanp them to Man­
of war •ate Ue Uneaatar. a tppa of bat Senator Proetor'a latter eama after ila. The inanrgenta have been instmetUa old navp vaaMla. Uaa Ua ganboat 1 had Btada mp choloa. That la all ad that tbep map aand a repraaenUUve
toeonfarwithOaneralOtU The regilUrUtU WlU Ua aailliarp oraiaar there la to Ua matter."
Soorplon behind.
The aacratarp waa aakad If Ue poaal- manta are reating at Porae.
Abraaat ataamad Ua torpedo boato bllltp of war wlU Spain had had anpDBWBT TO AOOKPT TSB HOKB.
Porter, nupont. Brieoa>n. Wlulow and Ulng to do WlU Ue daelalon to aand
eaiblaf and following Uam Ue rava- Dawap to eommaad Ua tqoadron. Aaalataat Baorstarp A'leo Sapa Ua
Admiral will Take it
ana entura Banniag. Algoaqaia. OrB- which would, la that event, operate
WaabiogtoB. D C.. Sapt 2ft—T) a
bam, Wladom and Onondaga. Next agaiaat Ue PhlUppiaee. aad he eaid
to Ue Dewep home fond
wara Ua traniporU Sadwlek, lloPhar- that that eonalderatloB had donbtleB
nowamiaattoItT.iM. A anbacription
eon aad MeClallan and after Uam Ua
taken Into aeeonnt.
of.12,000 from Collla P. BnaUngton waa
baapitalablp Miaaonri.
baaldaa aaverel smaller
Than began Ua elvle aad maritiaM
onaa, aad It is ezpaetedvthat Ua fond
aapaot of Ue parada Tba Moam jbU.
£w«ry emoker haa hia
flptag Ua Bag of Ua atata of New Terrible BaflbringofOafoKnaala Prao- will be raised to 160,0X1 bp tonight
paetora la tka Bbtalloba fforBta.
Amiiuat Saeretarp Allen of Ue aaown peculiar taate.
York, and aartpiag rapraaaaUUvaa of
Ua aaval aalUtla, beaded Ua dlvlaloo.
DolnU, Sept 86.—Partim from Port vp, who retnmad from New |Y(wk |oWhat every amoker wants,
followed bp oUar boata wlU mambara Arlknr report that B. F. Raadall of dap. said Uat Admiral Dawap wonld
else, is a cigar that is
Cambridge, Baaa.. aad C. B.
in be pleaaad to aoeapt Ua gift of a bonaa
of Ua aaval mUltiaclean, well made, and -reliable.
IVaa followed iwo abraaat alaatp- of Saginaw, Kleb., who have boon loat la Waablngtoa.
Those who have tried
KilUoBalree Appealed To.
dgbt graoaful and mtgatflooaUp ap- la Ua woods naar Ue Napigon Blver
Newport B. I.. Sapt 88.—Newport
poiatod ^vata pacbta, led bp Ua Oor- alaea Sapt. IT, have aow bean foanA
Mlr. Ua flagUlp of Oommodora J.
Tba aaSarlBgaot Ue two Baaa daring mllUoaalrea have beea polntodlp In­
proDoance it the best tbsy ever
PlBpoat Vorgaa. aad Sir Tbomaa Up- Uia Ume haa boea reported aa iado- formed. it la aald, Uat Ue Dawap bona
bonght for five cents. - They are
tna’a paebt Bria. After tba pacbta •eribabla. Tbap ware wiUont matehea, fond la la need of aid from Uam. An
agent baa bean working bare Ursa
to snit the particular smoker.
eama lOO ataaamhip*. wiU Urea flag- g«B or nap abaltor bet blaakete for daps wltboet being ebaarvad. It ia «ld
abipa flnt la alagle flla, Uaa Iva ataam- tea dope, and bed BO food bnt berrtea. that be called apon Mra Potter Palmar
•n abraaat. aad Ua raamladar la fllB bark aad what flab Uap eonld eateb. on tba dap of Ua OantaeaseBO-Ormat
is a gem for 10c,
which were eaUa rew.
of two.
About a doaan milllonalraa, iaclndlng
Tba third aad laat dlvlalon ooaaiaUd
Tbep were la Ua vaat wUdarBeaa Colonel John Jaoob Aator. Cbannoap H For BAla by all daalars.
of more Uaa lOO haadaomalp daaoratod BorU of LUe Snparior aad wBt of the
iw, Mra. Patter Palmer. Oliver U.
MAda by
elmoet Colonel Oaorge Fearing.
Bffc paabta. plaaaara erafl, atc.
Neplgj m Blver. Slnoe laat Fridap tnmi
Tba parade paaaad Ua Battarp at
iiuaad Ua ecowda aaaamblad Uara
snm aboold be eoBtribetod bp a aartala
ibaarad aa Ua wankln panad. Prom
dap. and Uap ware naked to make sp
-»t An Insider aa^ tba call
Ikaaoa aU Ua arap ap Ua rivar aatU •UkilBftewMlr
Ibaea dap's la Boada'a atoce.
Civs them n eaU.
a ebakgn foer Bnras
mmM. of oaUarim.
Bton aap-1 far aa eaa bs li
4B3 N. Elmwood Ato.
cqealnd tk this or la I pUMmeotedlt
UOM have pet



Mavnlfloant Hanl SpMstaelc

will have special attention in all the
thia week.

McClures October
^tion arrived laat night and contains an artielo
by Roosevelt—A Tribute to Dewey—replete with
^ . r .

i. »I1 elrnot Dewe, ediUon. 'Phoo, n iid w,
wUI send up these or any other magarinea yon
want The present onniben are worth preserHng


•’“k'* Book. .1

89d'222 Front Street

Balph Ooaiutblo Jr., MmiiAffOT.

"Better goods and li

Ifthsii craetloi break
we ll {Ire yoe

“I told you”
that if pea go to Uenda, fnr that

■ New Suit and Top Coat'
poa'd do better than at Uat olace where tbev’ve got
noUlng *>nt ebeetaata.

“I told you"
Uat Benda abowe tbe oalp entire new
la Ue eltp.

“I told you”
Uat if yon wont to dreaa right olwaps go to Panda—
now Uat poo know I am right.


Everybody who knows what’s whnt trades at


Popular Shoe House.

: Children’s Fleeced Hosiery


is very popular—that’s because it’s comfortable, durable and not expensive.


Pull new fall lines of it here at
lOo, I60, 18o,2Sc. AUbIem.


Largest assortment of woolen hosiery.





Taste ^



t. W. JtHIRUS ToieeHet RIk.


Special Salelon

I Ladies’ Kid Gloves
Muslin Underwear
and Under Skirts,
.kn immanse purchsM of fine Kid Gloves under our owB
"import brand" enables ue to save ysu at least, 25c on every

Thia is what we will do until this lot is exhausted;
Regular <1.00 Kid Gloveejat
Regular <1.25 Kid Gloves at
Regular <1.50 Kid Gloves at
Regular <1,75 Kid Gloves at


MuflUn Underwear and Under Skirta'at much under
value. Now is tbe time to boy. aa it is difiicult to duplicate on
desirable merchandise this season.



Of Interest
to Shoe Buyers)||||
Oar line of fkll and winter shoM !• now oompleto. We are agenu for the oelebratod
Thoa. Bmeraon’fl Sonia ahoea For gentla*
men’a fine dreaagahoea they are anaarpaaaad
in atyle, fit and quality. Pxioaa, $3,00, $3.60,
$4.00 and $6.00.
For ladiea’ bayi;the Minor Shoe at $9.00,
$9.60, $3.00 and $3.60..
8m our $9.60^d Uned oboe for ladiea

Morse Bros., Hoise Paieters

McNamira Block.


MAYBMnomr. •




OetotMT Ttrrn wm IHspoM of j
Ufht OatosOar.

VfeM; T

AP 3. W. H*m«.

f. V. Sunn. Klltor ud Snkfv-


• ^

S«v AdainU* at tb« a**/.
' Om afcmlAont fnisn at tta* D*w«t
••lahcAtlw »t Maw 7«rk i« «ka pm«BM «f diaUncvlabad aanl oSocn, la
•iAltloato AdBlnl Dawap. AaoBf
•Maa balas Rear AdmiraU Bowiaoa.
•aanoB aad Sablej. Tala oalU w
•tod raeaat cbaaraa of iotaraav Tbara
•f* aow «o«r raar adalrala on active
•aa dity:
Baar Admiral Sampaoa, Is eomwaoil
at tba Mcrth Atlaatte aqaadroa. la^adlaf tha battla aUpa Indiau, Maa^akaaaUa aad Taxaa, tba eralaera Mew
fork. Brdbklpn aad Datroll. Ua r>okoala Idariatta. MaabvlUa. Vlxan. and
•Uar amaUar TaaaaU; Bear Admiral
Bowiaoa. In OMnmaad of tha Soatb
AtUatie aqnadron. laelndlaf the eraUara 0hlav«> ud Sobwob r.-, aad tba
faaboat Wllmlartooi BMr Admiral
Saa'z. In oommand or tba Paelfc
aqudron. Ineiodinf tba batUeabip
Iowa, tba ernlaara Pblladalpbla. New­
ark aad Uarblabaad. aad tba rnaboat
Padrar; iUar Admiral WalaMt. In earn
•and of tba Aalatie tqaadrcm. laelodtnf tba batUeablp Orefooi Ute eralaera
Paltltnora. Oharleaton aad Ooneord. the
■oalloea Monadaoek and Mooterey,
dka fonboaia Wbaallnf. Yorktown.
B^oaa, Prlneatoa. and Petrel, aad a
■ambar of other amaller boata.
IUar Admiral Howlaoa will retire
|rom tba aeUva llat October , le. aad
ViU be eaeoeaded la oommaad of tba
Peeth Atlantic >qoadron bj Rear Ad
^IralBabley. Bear Admiral Parqehar.
Wpo nal» WaUon and Seble;, will,
aeoaead aampeon In oommaad of tha
SertbAtlantleaqnadroa. Sampaon. at
pla awB rrqamv will be aaalaned to the
jpmtoa nav/jard.
Tn biftaat lltUa town la Mlehifan
lodaj >e Three Oaka Mot content
With bavinr aoenrad om of thf oan
^oa oaptored at Manila b; Dewe;, the
town with lu cbareclerUtlc “retdbera" and eaerpj aeade a rapreaenia«|fa to Mew York to eee Admiral
Dewaj. B7 the eaerelae of the Throe
Oake antaroriae and peialetenoe. wblob
Baa BOW aualned a national Ume, the
fafcmaptnUea obtained an andianoe
with the dotlngnlehad admiral and
aroald not Ut ap on him nnUl he dn
0U7 promiaad to tUIi Three 0*ke aad
partlalpatc in the demonetratloo ieclPant to tbe-reoeption .of the cannon.
Tha antboeiaam in tba town when it
WM annonnoed that the cannon bad
Baaa aaeurad wae a mere eoAKeallon to
tba dUtnrbanoa Tbnndep nidbt when
word came that Dawep wonid be there.
Three Oalu U a rreat town and bar
people are fraat. bbe deaarraa Dawep.
tba oannon and eTerpthinf elae ebe
aanfaL Cbicafo, Boaton and aome
' other bid citlee are back nombere.
Tbap'ranotlnltwiibTbreaUeke. beaanee tbep lack tbe pneb and enerdp
whleb brinfi Mlcblcao to tbe front.

• Oily SOI

« Attended tbe

Pair and TraTorae Oiip Horeae
Won Good Sonap.
•evaral of tbe local boreemen were
In Ballalre peeterdapand wltneeeed tbe
^fneaa. In wbieb eereral local boraca
portleipaiad. Tbe raoee were rsciOnd.
Md Ua local horeee made jrood ebowinga. Tbe track wAe very betvp, and
daat time wat an impoaelbilUp.
Tbe f:3Q-claae trot waa won handily
>f Prank M . E a Compton'* trotter,
the faateai time made beinf 3:10^.
Tbe bc^ wa* driven by Cbarlee Ktn«aBarth.
tn tbe <:f7 trot. C. B.. a home oa
at Premont. took ^Brat money. Dan
BaUep of ihU dtp. aeoond. Dorwood
third aad Uuem tonnb. Dan Bailey
wa* driven bp Cbarlep Germaine.
c B. aleo took Bret money in tbe
(raa tor all. with l>aa Bailey eeeond.
Tornado, tbe boree owned by Mr
Bank of Harbor dprlnya wa* third, and
the mneb talked of Bell, owned by M
Praacb of East Jordan, fol fourth
Tammy M.. B H SalUbery'* pnideIma wonder pare a fine exhibition on
•ha track.
Tba Belmont iUtcra were to bava
plras a baloon aaornaion. but conld
not miAa tbe aaaaat owinc to the bad

> Curw-WarMT'a
WMto WfciB Bf T«r Syr«p» tbe
beat cottitb remrdv on earth, core* • cold
UopedByiftakeointinw. fibandfiOcta

Sl^t Orimlnal Oanaa

and Sleran

Oiaotaa aUta-Sha OompUta.
The Octobar ten* od tba drenlt conrt
opam Moaday. Oetobar ». with Jndfa
Mayna on ttah baneb. Yba docket for
tUe twm laeladea debt erlaalnal eaaee,
of them of a very awloo* ‘ebaraatm. fonr taewaa of fact, aaron eaaaa
ebaneary pro eoefeeao aad alavaa U
17 wblcb include eievaa dlvorea
enlta, and n*a emit to
Tba (nU docket la aa follow*:
Tbepaopl* V* Praak Halllday. lareany tram atora In tbe nlrbttima. Prad



-—That is what jou are lookiag for this weather.
We have them aod the kind that'will please yon is
our air tight stoves. You can start a fire and have
the room warm while you wonkl be poking around to
get a fire started in some others.
A full line of heaters from a box stove at $2.75
to a nice Peninsular heater.
Bed Blankets from 45c to a strictly all wool one
at $4.00.

SIwoodOoK of Z«npXAkeAbe ▼.etim
of aa Aboeaa.
Blwood Cox dUd yeeUrday at hU
Lent S’pbt.
home at Loop Laka, after aa iUnem of
The tamQy of A. F CAmaron wae
but a few day*. He had bean euHerpreatiy aboekad Inat evaalap by tba
Up from aa abeeaa on hi* aide, from
andden and nnenpeetad death of Mra.
which blood ptiaonlap rcanlted. Mr.
C. N . DonUay, Mra. Oameron'e motVer.
Mra Don‘Ut bad not bean f<cllop well Ooz wa* about flf^ yean old and
___ ^; leave*
leavee a wife
wiie and
ana **ven
Mvea children,
oaimraa. two
■ra. C. S. Duniley. SoUmr .ofSi#,
A. P. Camaror. Died Saddcnly

’The people ra Praak Halllday, lareonr from »tore In the nldht time Krad
H. Pratt, proaaentor.
Tbe people r%. Aan ■ emro^iaiwoy
durheld al the church at
from elora In the day i me.
Pred H. Up the evenlnp. SbewUy after eeven L-»np Lake Sunday ^rnlap
o'clock. Mr. CAmeron
Tbe people v*. Aaron Memro. laroeny home suddenly, only to find that Mr*.
fromeioreln the day Ume. Fred H. Dondley waa dead. It waa a terrible
A Word to Hothera.
Pratt, proaaentor.
lly to Mra Oameroe, who
Mother* of cbildran iff. eted with
The people va. Paul Vanderboof. lar U alznoet proetratad with prief.
croup or a aevere cold need not bMltaie
Cbamberiain'a Coupb
oency from etora in tbe niebt time,
Mra. Oamaroo bad been npatalra a
Rcmrdy. It coataioa 00 opUla nor
prad a PratV proaientor.
few mUntae before Mr. Oameron waa narcotic in any form aad may be plveo
The people v*. Herman Maoa. lar- Cklled boma Her mother wa* lyUp »o aa confident]? to tbe babe a* to the
eeney from a etore In tbe nl»ht lime. quietly that Mra. Cameron tbonpht *be adult- Tbe preat eueceee that baa atPred H- Pratt, proaecnlor. P. C. Gil­ wa* aalaep. Betnrnlnp U a few mSn- leaded lU uh U tbe Ueatn.rntof cold*
and eronp baa won for It tbe approval
bert for tbe defeoM
1. li wa* dlaoovered tbaaeake wa* and pralae It baa received throupbonTbe people ve. Herbert Partrlda. dla- dead. Dr. Holliday waaeummoned at tbe United Statee aed man? foretpi.
ooaal of chattel mortoffa property. onoe bnt be *aw that death bad occur­ lands For sale by S. E. Walt and F.
Prad H. PraU. proaaentor.
red from heart dteaaee -eome time be­ C Thompaon.
Tha people ra. B:bert 0 Bill*, vio­ fore.
oira Tooipbt
lation of tbe Hqnor Uw. Prad H.
Mre. Duntley'e home la U Plymouth,
ToDlpbtwill be ladlee wood eawUr'
Prall, proeeculOT.
Mich., but ahe alway* •panda her anm- c mteet and ladle* (oavenir niptit. Tbe
laanae of Pact.
U thA city She waa tzpaetinp first 21 ladle* bnyUp tieketa hoall eaci;
Blrmund. Bofman at al. vt. Lonia 10 ratnrn to her borne U the near receive handeome lUver •oaveoln. to '
peiber with a apailal double concert
Waraovsky. amnmpelw Oilbart A Uataa. fulnreUiroducinp for the first time in Trav­
Prand Darla.
ipemanta for the funeral are not erse City. Eaaeot Bonphlona Bar of
Aoftut Anoe v». Eoaa Bapbaal. re­
ipletad. and the Ume eannot be mnsle at the Kickapoo Concert Co'* b‘p
plevin appeal. PraU A Dari*, John A. piven owUp to tbe deUy In recelvlnp tent, oooer of Park aso Front aireau.
repllee from the relaUvea
Oaetra Joyoa va. WcaUra Union TelMr*. DnnUeywae?! yrara old. and Telepbofifi 112
for aaats for Murray and Mack.
nffraph Oo. treapam on tba eaaa.
le mother of three children, Mre. Dr.
Cbarlee O. Tnrnar for tbe plainUfl.
Miller of PUnt, A. S Duntiey of OlanBdwia^. Hatob va Cbarla* W. Mer­ doD. N. D ..and Mra. A. P Gameroe of!
rill. trover. Oaorf* ■ Orom for tha ibia city.
Ohanoery pra Ooafaaao.
Lola Oarpantarva. HamUnOarfantar.
dlvorea P. C. OUbart.
BobMrd H. ImvenU ve. AUda M. HHd.. Bonder. H... BU.M1 Ko,.
Thnn Tbalr Pledpe—Thank Off. rLaavall. divorce. P. C. OUbart.
Jasnia M- 800U v*. teandar Scott.
^irp Meetli p LmI M pht.
dlToroa P.C. OUbart.
Tbe thank offcrinp mieUnp last
Watia PatUnffU va. OrantPatUDdiU. aUhtof'^e Brldpe Builders at tbe
dlvorea, Pratt A Davl*.
e of Mia* Hammond last evenlnp.
B. Baeba va. Nora M. Beabo, was a pleaaant and profiutle event.
dlvorea. 8. M. Browm.
Nearly forty were prveenl and a por
Ooy T. Johnaon. v*. Cora Johnaoo, tion of tbe evenlnp wa* devoted to tbe
divorce. CbarleaO. Turner.
eijiyment of a p’eaeapl ni’fcvlonary
Allen Pbillipa. ve. Anna B. Phillip*, propram Tbe member* of tbe aocieiy
dlvoroa. P. C. Gilbert.
particularly prailfieu over the fact
that tbe amount of tbeir pledpe. tIMi,
Anna Barbara Xneae F. Daw.
not only been rAiaed but the tbank
divorce. Pratt A DavU. Gilbert A offerlnpat thia m^etinp broupbt tbr
Oatae. _
amount up to con*iderable more.
Etta M. VanFleet ve. Elmer B VanAfter the propram lev* were eerved
Pleat, divorce- Gaorfe H. Croai. John
id pleaaant couveraation wm in
A. Loranaer.
dulped In fbe decorationa were very
Prank C. Hill re. Jokn A. Dobm. bill pretty, the dlninp room beUp trimmed
toeetaaldecoDveyenee- Pratt A Dart*. with yellow 11,/wers and the parlor
Paichia A Crotaer.
with pink aod white aeiera and roae*.
Ida M. Woodward va. John M. Woodward.damnrrarand motion for eecnrily WATSH tUFrLT INADEODATE.
of coeiB. PraU A D*vl*, M. C. Dod»e.
Fire at Marin* City Burned a Bip Salt
U. J. Diekama of eonnael.
Ida M. Woodward v*. Jokn M. Wood­
ward. bUl to aet aalde aaeldnment of
Fort Huron. Sept. 29.—Davidson A:
property. Pratt A Davl*. M. C. Dodfe. Wonsey'a aalt block at MaHne City, the
Sntannab larpaal U St. Clair county, waa burned
/.ellnekl. bUI to annul marrla-de, C. G. tbia mornUp. Tbe loaa will be more
tbanfiloo.ouo. Tbe Uadt quale water
In the matUr of petition of Georpe supply prevented aavinp the property,
Barlow to ebuln releaae
aa It waa Impoetible t^i aceure pressure
mortcafe. l*ratl A Darla
eoouph to throw water any dlatance
In tbe matter of petition of Catherine The fl .mea encircled tbe buildinp* and
B. F. Ludpate pnardlan. for the *aleof spread to a wbai f oa which wa* a loop
land. Pratt A Davl*.
shed conulcinp several thousand
In tbe matter of petition of Emm* empty barrels.
Lisedey tar eale of real ealate of
minor and appointment of apeelal
Mrrvona Busineaa Ken
f aardian. Georpe W. Cnrtit
ttvercome by tbe work and 'worry of
Mapdalio* Claik va Cbarle* A. modern bnainees UN find new strenpth
by uvinp Ur. A. W, Chase's
Clark, dlvoroa P- C. Gllberv
Ntrve apd Blood Fills. They feed tbe
Belle Wood va Morrit Wood, divorce. Olood. create new nerve fluid, and fully
L- B. Uapa .______________
restore vitality to tbe exhaoaied ner­
vous aysum. FAee cut and fac-aimile
Pick For the Axyluia.
•Unaiure of Dr. A. W Chase on every
The people at the aiylom wUl feed box of tbe penoine.
upon fiah today, on aaoonnt of a viola­
F. W. Bvaas, repreaentlnp tbe "On
tion of the fiab Uw. Whan tb* Orea- the Snwanee Blver " company. U In the
eenl came U ycaterday. Depnty Oame city arranplnp (or tbe prodnetlon of
Warden Craw fonnd on beard
that pUy here next week.
pound* of flah aoaaipned to one of tb*
Ar* Ton BGloosP
local dralna The flah wan nnder
else, and Deputy draw aonpbt some! a elnpptab li>er falls to filter tbe bile
vray in which to loforoe the Saw. Bnt from the blood, and when the poiaon-


120 Front Street.







“A certain amount of fleas is
good for a dog. to keep him from
thinking he is just dog ”
We are giving you some bar­
gains that will keep you from
thinking you're just human,
and make you glad you’re liv­
ing. Just DOW it is Gent's Un­
derwear. from a6c the article to
$6 00 the suit. Fleeced lined
cotton, fleeced lined wool, med­
icated ewiteconde.geisha union
suits, Lansing union suits. The
flnest article eold is the Jersey
ribbed full suits, in blue or grey
at $6 00 the suit .

had not even aeon them, and thara waa {
deranped. This la called
no way to pnnAh him (or the viola-i biiionsneaa and can be completely
tloa of the law wbeo tbe flab bad newer cur<«d by Dr. A. W. Chsae't Eidoeybeen In bU pomMtao.
Mr. Craw ! L’v. r Pills, which aet nlreetly on the.
Ulepboned to the state pame warden. ; liver, makinp It healthy and acUve I'
who ordered the dab to be eoaflaeated One a doee. is venu a b..x Tbe |

House Furnlslijne Store

there were twelve books print­
ed for every day of the year
(figure it out for yourself) of
just fiction alone, to say noth­
ing of those along scientific,
religiouB, educational and other
lines. This is a reading age and
tbe people of Traverse City read
more than any two cities of it’s
size in the state. Tbe lines of
books that we have carried for
the past years is being con­
stantly added to. It’s refresh­
ing tn read a review of a new
book and be able to find it on
our shelves. The first time you
are down town, you’ll find
these on the second floor.



goes a great ways on our sec­
ond floor. Ever , been there?
You'll spend some money every
time you come and get big val­
ue with each purchase. Watch
tbe list. Square glass dishes
decorated plates match holders,
colored vases, Jardinieres, salt
and peppers, pocket mirrors,
celluloid trames, pin trays, pap­
er weights tooth pick holders,
decorated spoons, fancy dishes,
bon bon boxes, juvenile books,
rubber balls, children's games,
glass vases.'tberry dishes, can­
dle sticks, sauce dishes, pickle
disbeB. Tumblers, Bowls, Car­
melite ware snd hundreds of
other articles just as valuable.

we have a line of overcoats, top
coats, and ulsters second to
none in Michigan. A swell gar­
ment is the Montanic, a new
article is the Satinee. for some­
thing heavy buy chinchilla. The
■•Novelty” is a fast seller. The
Beaver is a fabric in great de­
mand. A most dressy coat is
the Kersey, have them in black,
blue, brown and tan. Tbe
"Vicuna" we sell in tan and ox­
ford. The Helton is a good sel­
ler. Those top coats in the Cov­
ert We've had to already re­
order ulslers in Montanic. Irish
frieze, the same in the fur lined
Beaver and Kersey. Don’t buy
before looking over our goods.


rBCaraUSrlppttaMaMn. ruvOut
for that chilly

Nonimt-dy equal* Warner's Whitk
Vine of Tar Syri'p fur this terrl•Icand fatal disease. If Uken tbor.uiphly and in llmu, it will cune a oats'
in 24 boars, and lor Uie oqugh that foli.iwsLaiirimto it never
to pive
■vUef. Price, a&e and aoei

Tfiltphonfi 112
(or seaU for Murray aad Mack.

Preab Baltimore oretera
OTsUra just reeelv-1 F'rssh
ad. Oaerfe MeLellaa.
JTraBt and


jnst re-

feellnp. Try om
Benda A CoA "teto" uUtera.
men •• 50 to 12.5. For boys ape i
19 at $4.50 to <10.



OvwHeRsMS's BkMaawe.

Ler, <w ssueetlos el tsM* wttk
velo BM-e LelMl ss* iee« sa-tsfaelerv f
yarettaa »v‘ s—dfor ■**»«« *»trae*i~ as

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


TH» MOMmcO BkOOSO B4T17RIIAT. BBt*TUasX 80 1888.


&n\CTW\. »

Get Them

Rot vUhtB tfe* klMry e( fVM
eooMdjr- Wm tkm* bMS r—or4ed tbe
m of two MO wko kov* kod uek
m. betk ortiMUoU/ Md

of US-r i

» nM»r »ipr » ntfc
OMor Jokoioo of fUo
WUad ia o eow ooor tko rllti^ «kUo
tiTlar to blew OBt ■ •tonp wiib
drOMllc. Tko f«M did BOt work
woll aed Jobom wool book to la>
OMUfOM loot M tko ehonro *x,>ladod.
Dofttk WM tuiMtooroBO. It W Md
tkol Mr. JokoBoo bod koodlod dfoo■Ito for iklrt/ yooro.
Unto toilk of JoekooB, » fooro
Old, kM booa proBOBOcod lanao OBd
kn booa Beat to on nploM. It te not
•non ikot 00 yonof'o pwnon te od}ndcnd lanao.
OndUloc folk! ore pro
ObdIUae Mplo floorl^ te rapidly
Boklac lU .way. oeon to iko effoto
■ of ibe eld world. Oobbo *
Mitoboll oklpped a carload of fljorinr
to DoBBork ikU week and
oorroopoadlaf with a Lteerpool
porter reloUeo to liaporuot obipMoto
to Bafflood'* ladueUiol ooBlor. It k
it tko Oeaurk trial
ordor wUl bo iko ieoBCitraUoa of
poTBuoat kMlDooi la ikat direciioa.
C. C. Oelder of dl. JoMpb, omployid
onaoeow. kado narrow eoeope.froB
drowalBf BBdor' peculiar oirennOtaBow Iko oikor day. He woe Ukrn
111 while at Bark and went Into
kold of Ike ecow to He down. Tko
otkor Bon forfot ko woe Ikero. When
d ko woenoeODeciow korlng
tollon Into a faint, and tbe «aur
OBtoMnf tkroarh the lenke in
OMol WM alroody erooplnc up to hU
At Otooro ooearod nn aeetdeot In wklek
A. W. SortBaB, o
trly loetbU life. He wae isaldea
■BpeckiBff eruekory wboa
tkootraw Irnlwd froB kU aitor-dlaac^
olnr. Before be oould ko ri'.raetod
from tko baralnr bom hU elothlrf
woo badly bnraod and tbe rietlB
At BaloB a fatal dleoan oallod epeV
tod fOTOr bae Bade lu appearaaeo aad
Mveral eblldron hare died wUb .
The rlcUBe are attaekod one day aad
Ate the next, aad after doatt the body
kaeonM oororod witn black epou.
Tko lonl pkyaictaa eayo tko dlooa»
aoa-ooatactouo. bat tko oonlrary oe
Royal Oak farmoro are kot keca
the D . R R A L L. oloetric road peo­
ple bare built tbolr traeko in the Bid­
dle of tko road. They fare their aotoo
for •« and upward If tne concom
would build It on tbe elde. nnd eay
they will not pay. Tbe Oompaoy will
probably foroe tboB to wb«.ck up.
Prof. Roelderof Ape Arbor, bae ap
piled lor a board of pbyaiclana to ex
.BBlao Into the aaniiy of kle brother.
Bane, who etole :s blcy'clM nnd uied
to.kill biBaoif when eurrounded by
It to reporlod from BUr Raplda that
Ike exeoullTe eoBBittoe of the eoldiore’ renolon reeently held in that
oUy will lack about •l.SOO of barlnc
fneda enott«b to meet expeuaea created
by tke blf RStbariiMr. the total eoat of
wbieb waa nearly bt.ixn.
The Washtenaw Coucty Medioal aoClety will bold a meellnR at the pathuloRleal laboratory at Ann Arbor next
Monday ereninf. nnd will atari an mgItbUon for the asublisbBeni ot a
branch ol tbe auta Inenne asrlum
tbero Tbe erooded eondiiion uf the
proaent Insiltuilone. and tbe fact that
tha unlreraliy ia located there, with U<
BMlieal deparimeni. will be tbe arru
A little boy from Porto Rioo, by the
same of I'edro ColUia Mauro, arrlred
at Battle CrMk Tburaday to become a
Bomber of the family of Dr. J. B Reltotrof tbe saniurlum- Dr. Keilo^f
bne ao children ot ble own.
le^lly adopted etreoteen. two of
whom are Mexican boya
Oeoeula county's eheriS baan't aa
Bucb faith in human nature as be bad
a few days ago Be allowed
-irasty" priaoner a litUe llbert/ tbe
wtbnrday, aad he has bean baatlar
for the man crery aince.
R. P. McMaatere. who was forBerly
n V of M. atudeD^ bne been appointed
a proteaaor la tha neoly eatabUabad
ootlafeof Bkagway. in tbe Klondike
ngioa McMasten left Ann Arbor for
Ibe Klondike In tha saBmar of 1897.

ol StoUkoryt GroBd Oporn
TioBdiy errolsr, Oet 3
Tbe/ boro frodnoUy ioerooMd Ikolr
bold opon Ike pa')l-e food wUt by
koopioc up witk tko tlnoo. till lodoy
ikoy ore eionod with iko boot ployier
Btoro to AiBorioo. Bock
HbAdAoh* for Forty Yoaia.
tkoD ploylnr loBfor •
Porlorly yean 1 euSOted (raw Wek Md
ike lorf««t eiltok, OBd OBoblo to oteopt douo from osoollor oooo, oreo
arb« Mrd Vo mom • wy wreatb day. Iwt
BorBlAooBt In offs<
UwekatoCelerT kiBK, IBeve Btd buv one
bwvdwbelDtbrWtelerro ovoDibe. Ikoov
Tklo aooaoB they proaoDt a throe act
taroo eoBody, oBiltlod "PInaifati'e
BaU." The piay U b.larlooa. ebutk
full of wboloeoM awrrlBonlaad rldleMany eprelalUre aad barleoque aoroltlM will bo
introdoeod by tac eospany. which it
opoelally aotod ae beinf oao of ibo
larf^t Ob tao toad. Bpoelal attention Froreau Mew Boaporntor From Munbae bMa paid to the elnfiag dopari- BlDgtcIu Fall Oajvneity—Only 195
iDt. IlUBnaauanyetroDr.baadlinf
Bu-holt a Day Mow Bnadiod.
with eaee all tbe popular and ra^ tiBe
Tbe apple eraoorntor ol Brown A

.iT'^TURE's r t'R


d«d. .
doidpdol lT»« do-... I ..p,.a bj td. ddnLt; wort™, k .»>. I>
Barebea. TkU le a new aad norel {,
.UOD, tkoneb they are oonalderdlo.ldd,b.lddori,ld.l-llklb.ll«rr.,',p,pp.„;^pp,p,,„p
aodMackCo Ojulde o* Mxrray and the eouQty. - Tbe fall apoica are not
Mack are euoh wrll-known talent le ooaloir in taai enoneb to keep the
Cbne. Urrry,' Jasee Dvolinf. F^nk plaot workloK to half lu eapacUy. Tbe
Wattore. d.w Conlan. MeyBe Tbylor, winter applea will be^tn to come la
RlUlrBrok. Uulda Halren. Rllla Ward. eo >e. bowtror. and tbe Banarere hope
Loulee Ldtroy. Annie O-Jodwln; Kate to be mnnloc to their fnil capaeJiy
Oabl. Maude Giornoa. Flomnee Oleroon within two wooln.
and eibere.
Two dry klloe bare boon ooaetruetod
"Oo tbe duwanae Blrar" wblob td- In addition to the lat«« baildlny for> BWlabo(f’a|B-trlT
d by tbe norolty workr.
Orand Opera Huum will appear boro a id tbe plant baa a capaHiy at prtooot
neat Batnrony oTaniaf. Tbe ploeo h of 300 buebele a day. Owlnr to tbe lack
a dramaUc foa with deTOilon, loyaliy ot appleo they are baadliaf at proaent
and oooraffo. ae tbe rnidlnr jaetlee. only Its bn^oU.
Tbero le plenty of Incident, (juiekneee
“nio proetiM by wblob tbo frail ia
of aettoa. and an mboedaaoe of tbe old nroparod for tbrinarket ii an
tlBO healthy morality. Tbe ebaraeuit lag one- The npplm are am sorted,
are trae to life aad roproaoat tbe boae- only the beat of them being iwed for
ly typoa of a claM that U fM( dtep- the dried fruit. Mmble Bogered girl*
paakoK before tbe oaerard march of
the Bnebfnen. c*ub ot wbieb onn
tbe pew eontb. Doro. the bitpd rirl in
I and core so btwbele In a day. Oth­
“Oo tbeSuwaaee Riyer'' le tbe Boel er gfrle cut ont tbe imperfeetioDi nnd
pathetic character eeen on tbe Mace iliee tbe fruit, which Is then run
elnee tko IntrodacAlen of -LouIm'
through a blenebcr under which brls‘•TbeTwoOrpknnk-'whileAunl Undy tone to burned. This bleMbea tbe trait,
baa no oouuterpart in tbo aanale of which is as wbiw after being dried as
tbe draan. “On tbe Bawaneo Rieer" U to iBBedihiely after being pnrM
dollrbB with lu melody, aeonlc anvirAftM bMng^lloed and bimebed. tbe
onment, ewoetnoM and wk
fruit is Uken to tbe dry kilnsMthe
of toBr;I\ awakens all that U bMt in U eubiwted to bent that aakea It raady
eenUment. ^nlokoae that wbieb
for packing In from 18 to 34 honra.
noblest In Inetinct and mnkee one bet­ is then packed ia boxes, each ot wbieb
ter for beboidlnc iL “On tbe Buwanee oontafos so pounds, and Is >esdy for
Rtrar" has keen allnded to ae tbe sne- tbe market.
eeeaorto “Unete Toa'a Cabin,
The poorer applee snd tbe parings are
will afford yreal relief from the rapid dried sad preaerred, to be sent to mai
vaporinc* of tbe uenal run of Bodern nfacturera of wines and apple butter.
dramaa.The enoiia an excellent one and
The maaagrre of the factory expect
Includes Btella Maybew, Willie BIbbs. ti employ 4u or SO hands in October, if
Cfaea W. Foner, Fred Trueadelle. Bar they can get apples to glveemployBeoi
rleon Bieadman. Allen U Bradley, and tieo many.
tbe famoui Fountain Ctt; Jubilee
M't*. of tbe dried fruit U shipped b
Me» Voru. Baltimore and Chicago.
Owinr in part to tbe inclemency of
tbe weather and partly to tbe other
tkloffs that attracted atieetloo
niRbt. tbe audience tbet rreeted Col.
John BoMeeki at the ^ity Opera Bouse
wwB Bu:b sBiller tbsn tbe excellenee of tb*- lecture deserred.
Tbe eioqaenl sod witty Pole deecri-ted witb rluwlnR words tbe long
strngale of bis countrymen for liberty
Thesnijectof the lecture wne “Tbe
Rise and Fall ot the Polleh Republic-'
Tbe father < f the colonel eas tbe lead­
er o* tbe last oprialoR for Pedtob Inde­
pendence. and tbe Wordi of tbe speak­
er were nataranlly full of life. Bis
word pictnree were die. and bla wit
trrreUUble. Ae ke deecrlbed tbe exe­
cution of ble fatber. tbe audie
rrently moved. Tbe lecture
that was expected of It by tb
beard tbe exccUeot addrcM tbal
Colonel Bonieaki ga*e Tburaday evenIng.

H .t I,, Meroa-tdeUo.. J W. Hilli
ken aad A V. Fnedt'ob Favor­
ably M.-a'l«oed for AdeertislDg.
T»« sdvrriiting of lb« Hennnh
Ley Mrrrantilr Co which U in charge
of M B. Holley, u nttructing eome
rtnioring mratlon
advertieemepU are reproduced snd
favorably '^mmenud
' Braint. '
Use noted sdvertuinR
journxi. mt fswiuent intervals. »ome
good noteie* being made in tbe last
iMue W.
Bsmbarg. s well known
sdvertiKoeot suthority, apeskt of
Ibe isdvertiMBMnu of the cempeoy la
the last iune of tbe Michigan Trsdramen. as follows, reprodneing oi
the sdrerlixeascDts tsken from

tried Bleetrte Bitters. After taking It
two Boniba. the wrote: “I am now
iy COared
to truly n grand tonic lor tbe whole
as I gained in weight end feel
" It aids
digestion, enree dyepensla, improvt
appetite, gives new life. Only M
Guarranieed stJ. 0. Jobneoo and S.
B Walt's drag etorra.


BU U Fnyileate Thilr Ordret
AfJjjc'^ln^^llU.^b^boib® ^;llUll»iryfMbleBs.
It's plain ae day that Benda is doing
L*dM* of Traeerae City arc Invited
tbe clothing baslnsas of tbe city.
to attend tne tall openUf at Mim
Tbe jaaran baan't quite opened as
Taekaberryto mlUinery parlora Fn
Lite Pins’
do tbe work so easily and
yet. bnttbey have bad lo dnplleate
and Batnrday.
Latest fashUnt
(tores Baadncbe. OonsUpaday a-----------.
many lines af eniU and top eaau
ily S3 canto at J
U bonneta and i
W^'b draff ato
beantUnl cflacta.


For boy’s and girls —
Will not rip - Get them

Frank Friedrich

JF you tkiak of bny^ •
top coat this
woaU like to iko« yoe
Tke new ftrkt


Tde Old Rsliable
Shoe House.

Englkk Covert Ootke lad
Wkipcordi, Ckeviba, Vie*.
silk ileevc liaisge, ttrsp
H, kon bnttoos: tleo
Bade of tkeetyltok AonbU.
faccdi good* «sk fancy plaid

Steinberg’s Grand



Just One >

Saturday, Oct. 7.
The beautiful boothv'u piny;

On The
Suwanee Rivei”
A piny. HLe the eong, will
live forever.


The Boston Store


Shoe Newness

All New Special Scenery!

-Lots of it here—Another big shipment just tn. of
goods made for o«r special trade.

Stella Vlayhow
as Aunt Lindy

letroducjne Latest 'Coen' Sengs
Hear the Jubilee Slngera.


that ht well
that wear well
that look well
I hat pay you well

Ther«'s a perfect style about al) of


A Taried'enteruinmeot of aa athlet­ of Traveree Cl y. doee eome of the most
I uniformly good adveniHag in the eiate
ic aad musical cbaracUr was gieen in lu
f^; adve-rtieemenu are slwaye bm-tv
btelnberg's Grand last evealog under snd inieresiij
tling snd tbe lypogrspbicsl
Uk-direction of John li Roche. There srrsnyemt mt ix nesrly siwsys sUrscwere eeveral eparriog coniceu for live. It b I s liberal adverliaer. and
quote prices tbe price*
polnu, beg-pnoebing exnlbitlon by Mr. sre slwaye to
iatereetingiy low. lu lat­
I Uoi-be. also an exhibition of the exer­ est aanouncemeut, wbieb I uke plese____ in bU pbyelesl culture....
syetes. ore In producing Ittle week, ehould eell
One of tbe lalerestiog featurei was tbe lo“ of *ool»un:que oake walk by Utile Ualtke and
...L. -_..e
metbode of Senator JW.Mii:.LUs
Petanoe. Arthur
8b1U. I............using
late of
very favorable coamest.
Mabara'e minstrels, now defunct, met
FHdrieb is another local ad­
s frost in tbe opening ot tbe program,
vertiser wboae up
bat retrieved hlBMlf In s enke walk
methods are noUoed favorably and
sod some good buA dsneing Inter
often reprodoeed in ■■Bralaa.'' Allot
Miss Masd Oomploa gave a very pretty
wbieb indicates thst Travane City is
Al CkluBet Ore early Tburaday exhibition ot the aerpenUne dance.
a in bulncM BCtbods.
I the bttUdlag aad Profeseor Murtnugb’s orchestra fur
stock of tbe CArltoa Uanfware Co. to nUbed tbe music
Tbe Bravery ol Woman
tke extent of »4.Ma devernl yoonk
women wko nc.-upled rooms over tbe
SMre bsd a narrow escape from death.
years' struggle witb a maliganl atomtrouble tbal caused distressing
An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. o' cents.
Oeorgs Stanley, living on the Reynolds fatenetlBg U UAltS

rackaberry has an elea la Franklin, fell Into a Urge ctoMis* Pearl Tackaberi
gant array of beantiful effecu ia
tara- Mra. Stanley jemped Inlo tke
mlMUerr. 1;
ktotars snd attempted to save the
loos. LsdlM are invited to attend
ekUd. but both were drowned before
fall opening Friday and Satorthe fi
kelp arrived. Mr. Stanley left borne
at 4 o’clock and returned borne an konr
later aad discovered the tragedy.
_____ LliDore oysters just received
CUorge MeLelUn. eorser Front nnd
A Fowder Mill Rxploaloa
iUrk street.


r ahoH that c

pv-rfecl portrayal of'
»oiitbv*rn lift* fvvr Btagcd.
Sent an]*- starts Wt-doefiday
I'ru'VKi, T-Sc. 50c. 3'>r; some a^nta
for vliil.lren. 2».V;box
Is $100.

be found elsewhere in thin vicinity. Bat k of this they are
priced right—lo.wer
‘ • ’----- •'than
- ’ other
dealer* can sell Baiue qualities.
Among tbe nev things opened up today we note the fuU


Men's Black Velour Calf Bala rid lined. Tonraine last,
fsht color, hookeandeveleta—If yon want >'>nr mon­
ey's worth in leather, style and comfort see tfai* eboe $4,60

Mens Viwv ixed Calf Bala, 3eolra to heels.Tonraine last
— walerproof winter shoe-best wraring eboe your
money will buy................................. ...........................................$6.00

Meu'e Patent t'alf Bals. Kangaroo top. Touraine laet—a
seneible aboe and a wearer...................................................... $3 76

October 3rd.
The Fnmiiiie Orijfiual Irish
1. ODitKiiaus.
OH t.S.

and MACK
Pivet-nliD^; th«-ir roaritig

—A fared so full of fuu that

Men's Uuaaet ('alf Bale, calf lined well, beiniont last—
the shoe for nobby dresscia,................................................. $4 00
Men's B.JX L'alf lials. calf lined welt, Belmont last............ $4.00
Aten’s High Cut Sport Bala, leather lined, Klondike
top..........................................................................................................$3 60
Drop in an<l let us ixjst you on the neweot style* and the
lowest priceYi.
We positively save you from one dollar t6 a dollar and t
half from city pric-s



Special Shoe Sale
For one day only

Saturday September 30
we offer W. L. Douglas shoes in colored or black all
fine dressy shoes at '4 off regular price for one day

you (loo t dnish our bit; lau^h

Sample Shoes

before you begin another.

211 Comedians
2Jj Singers

EYerything New
atd Ih-To-Dare
Price«-C-«. 50. 75c: boy'e
tickets, 2.5c, Srate'on sale at
tbe box office.

for men. women, boys and girls at
one-half off regular price, for
one day only.'

just double.

RUBBERS for 15c. 19c.
They are worth
For one day only, Saturday, Sept. 30.

135 Front St.

Practicml Shoeman.


^ ttvfc"\Dot\A.
UmMimmm !•
Wat Im aCvlBr
nipMly tnm
y«Uo« itrv aftt««t WMk ftB iM ud alaUie
■KhllMlM «M tkfMltMd by.
Bf tbe blrU of m im to Prisoo Ckria«MO( Owaark, tho Urud DoeboM

TW Owtm WmI b ti

otter ooModttlM botafarrlod by
«tte *10.000 towmnl evMrmiutisc o

It tea b(«B Hoouete Is Psrlt tbst
riioM Jobs. SMOsd SOB of tb« Osc d«
Ctertfoa, b sbost to wte bb ooMis.
Mmh Issbslls of Orlttes.
Tte wporor ssd ssyrm ofOsr1 *8,000 to tte
Aod OroM aoe:«ty for tte rolbf of tbo
«odaren by tte rooost floods Is Bs«SAS.
Ksssss hss ators peuloasis is proVortios (o the popalsUoa Itass My
tebsr atste Is the Oakos. Md ttey
Mor« nosey os tbs sws«« tbss tbs
psasiossnof say olbsr stats.
Mn. dsrsb TsTty selsbrstod bar
»Mth blrisdty at PbUsdslpbla by ridtey Is as aotonjbUs.
Tte ispansM stssmsr K ibd Mam
^Msosk dorlas a typbooo wS lbs Jaonssss ooibl. and of ter flfty passesysrs
a*^ vs.*« SrowDsd and t»o faUlly
lajired B r>>kof tbs crsir also psrIsbsd.
' ^ta an of tte two yean and a half
>tet( bare sat at tbs esblost table,“
■aid dsoretary Lony tas otter day. “I
bass MTsr assn Pnatdsnt McUnlsy
ptvs tbs aliytiMl slya of IniUUoa or
InfaUsDcc, erea when he wm under
yrnst stress and In tryiay etrenmteinose Ob tbs contrary, be has alersys been paUanu and ersn ebserful.
■ e is tbs most amiable of men.''
fa tte old anlretalty town of Upsals,
• weden. a speelal iBStilntloo has been

wotrlny and other donesUc duties, ss
sscU as aurtlny and sanitary scleneeKuek. of Portland. Me., a yenblsnan
yean of'aye. has jssl complessd tte feat of waJkiny to the samMit of Mount Wsshlnyton, N. H.. and
teeb ayaiB.
Bosa Bonbenr'e wUl learee her entire
Bortkne. caUntated at seseral mllUos
fmnca. to Mbs Anna Elunpke. an
dtnerban yirl. who was a tasorlte p«pflof the yroat artbU
TteOreck yosemment has been, in*
daiDSd that the sesere abook of earth^ (ke aronnd Smyrna killed a thoasMd pereoBS. Injured soo Md deaolleb«d S.OOt) taousM Md two Tlllayea
A UfMd Porks. N. D.. dbpaiob sny
tte Sercest September blissard In many
paaia tat the Bad rlrsr ralley U now
si«tny. Bain beyM to fall early WediHBday and aboat dark It turned to
MOW. Tte yronnd b now eere
Bdow It talUny. drirea by a sereie

•wed ah Ohereh BniaL
kelew b a IM dCthe
eed eel'*
a of tte Bwedbb Uth* lay a^ of ynfiayfcr yeewtss.
Wbl BMk was swy pleswaUy
ebaroh are planalay for a piaew prevfieteaedtnyceteem ta Tneprbsd Tharaday areoiay by abosit tblrMteoclalattteeeboel boeeeee State eraoClty:
of bb trtoada, who oallad U
te wUeb tte
of hh thirty-saemd birthday.
tte srsa- yeaeral pnblb b lavltad. An admblay pass rsry plaawatly. DsMdous re* sioafaeoftaaoaan' wm be ebaryed.
me tte aureetisM of tte evMiay
sarsloB wUl areaflae mesleal Md literary proTtersynlar Ssnday
hsrsaoathsM. A S. B tow
M eatertaialny Idea belay carried oat
Tbs fare to Mtebtss wlU be «l.
la tte naan which wUl yive thoas
ThsmssUay of tbs WomMh Onb
present n 6bM«e te do sens yaeselB
raa postpoMd ysstsrdsy.oa aeeoast of
e mean will also be served.
tbs tsaeral of tbs lafMt sen of Mr.
aad Mra J. W. Patebla Tte nsstlay
• perb
will be b^ asxt Prtdsy aftsraooa.
aad tbs preyrem already anaonaesd
wUl be carried ont.
Jdr.aed Mte. Vieior Pslaiiyl ere re* L Premlaent Ttrylala Bdlter Bad
Joleiay orsr the Mrtb of a danybtsr.
bivM Vp, but Vaa Hrooyht Back
JMspblas Andres dbd Thersda^
to Teifcet Beeltb by Obenberlaia's
•lybt at her boBM at Bast Bay. eyed
Ootle. Ohelera Md Dlerrheee Beae- _____
dy-Beed Bb BditorlaL
Pam C. Gilbert bss bees eppolatcd
From the Tinw, BlUedale, Ve.
1 elrcelt soBd
I suffered with dUrrhoee for e tony Batter, per
Ooramor Playras. He takes tbs place
USM aad tbeuybt 1 wee pest belny cur­
otM. B. Ustss. wboieslyoed Md left ed. J bed spent so nueb tine Md
tbs olty for b» health some Urns ayo.
sy aad enffered so note nbery
. I bad alawet decided to yive up aU
Serstel liybt snow flurrlss which octhe Affoalse.
hope of recovery aod await tte reault.
eurred yesterday and last crealay but noticlny the advert'eemrni of
ire enabled J.
srrre as s rsmladsr that wlaiar bon
____ - --J Aotonlo. Trx..
rboea Bemedy and also some teetl-1 Ue dowp when attaced hy Asthn
tbs road.
monlaU sUUny bow eonc wonderfnl I From which be euflerrd for yeeiu.
J. W S'atsrbas 'jait rsoslred a full cores bad been wronybt by tbb remedy
- earlosd ol drssssre and eblftoolsre.
I decided to try It. After teklny a few that It seemed be endi
I was' sBtlrely wsU of that of death: but Dr. Kina ...................
V/jik has been eommsnosdon tte reMd I wish tosUte further to for Consumption wholly cored bio.
bulIilDtortteroof of the portico of my readers and fellow sufferu that lam___ ___________
—-“-‘ne l« the only
---------.— ___________
>e MercantilrCob block.
a We Md hearty nM todMMO feel I nowo cure for Asthma as well ee
James U. Johnson b bnriny plana as weU SB I ever did inmyUfl!^. B. onsnnipUoa. Couyte Md Colds, and
Moore. Sold by 6. B. Walt and C. T. U Throat. Chest aed Luar troubles.
prepervd tor a One residence to be Tbompaoe.
Price 80c aod Sl.OO. Doaranteed. Trial
erected OS tbs corner of Sixth Md
bottles IOC at S. E Walt Md J. UOpsttoyAanoMosnsat
Jobaeon Druy Storsas
Wsdswortb streets, next sprtny.
Owtsy to tbs ted wesiber the yams
ymad mllliBerr
Uliaerr openlay. Tborsday,
of tell that was to bare been played
Friday aad Saturday of IhU week. XUlinsry Tathisu
LadlM of Trewtee City are iavlted ,
belwMn the Ulyb eobooU and tte psy
All Interested iu flee mUIlnery ere
loattend tbe fall opealay at M«ss,
Invited. The Temple of Faahloa. :i»
lums bss been postponed.
Taekaberry's mUllaerv parlors
psrioru Fri j;
Beet Front eireet. New Munson



E. & Pratt bss returned from a boalleaa trip to Prankfort.
J. W. Maibewaoa b 1b tte elty from

direct from BalUmors at Tataau'a
404 Unlooswest.-748-tf-S.

U taj BtyiA
2 bars rsBslrsd a eonsl^
a Md nn, prepared

as iLIJS’tJliS

Jon liacDoxau


for eeau for Murray Md Mack

Puretesetu fee tte foDowB^ aad
mnay metu too BumereBa to meatioat
BeasB Bt IU West Froat bWbbC.
•800; sae «a Fifth etiwi with all
Bodw Immmtmmite *1800: ops oa
Mxtb. »nM; eas oa West Fro^L flMeO;
«aa oa Fifth, larye bOBse liooo: beaaa
Broome, lot lo4x804 ft. wi-hT8 beartny
iruit treeu. wret eed south of Float
• 3wt.*looo; oae Oft Bust Blybtb. Bsnr
feetorlee, large let. flsoa

We hare joat

734 lU


elegant atock of

the moat

beantifnl art work in




GnanI Imtiics.

aeveral WsrtvRBuB'eeB


bandnome and new

B. L A Co Blote

John R. Santo,

China ever di^ilayed in the

TiaMree C4tv. M4s(


which we invite the ladies to
Oar atoek of jewelryO i> the

GfiM Eijhb t bfiiu L I
w sevtvio esc esfenoFR of weiasM*: avases MaeiJulytU.UW.

finest in this part of tbe state.

Barnum & Earl.
^==* ‘ = 2_ •

Mannoo Block.

j:!!!!!; : :

Good for IS Days
The Best on earth.
Giaraeteed for If) feats.
Plntinom .Fillinga...................Toe
----Silver Filling............................. 50c up
White crowns.................... 2 50 to 3-00
22 karat gold crowns. .3.00 to 3JO
Bridge work............... 3.00 per tooth
PniolesB extracting and filling
witbont gu, chioforin or eUier.



ifliBS II s ; SSS8

TrolDs arvlTv trow Oroad R»dld>. ClMte

*Vralnmarrl»v frow Blrhweo^. Port Wa/BS,
DBiroltudOFOBdUatIdR.airm p. ft
Trojo leorto. al U ft o. w. hao chair aar
Woliao to Oraod Rapids.
TrslR WoriBC at 11 1* o- a. has ehalrsar
WolioB to TVIsde Tta Rcod Cliv

C. L LOONWOOP o. » e T A- BroRd BORtdR

----------1 M'g,''.', £.°ssa.O!rs!Jt.sgai:

Neishhors, Joio the
West Michigan.
a-;..* '.".r, .jrrysis-s.'jsss Modem Woodmen of ImeiiceOOINU BOVT


isar. ir
oontG Noen.


I. ‘ifuSSSKU*

The yreetsnooMS of


"WEST Michigan R’y."

\jns WAS'TBII -To raft lor* o< R>k Roptdo.
JXL Apply ottbeoareof ibe TreeerRe Oty

nrAKTBD-ORe dloloy roow rirl oed


/■XIKtL WAKTKl>-rRr ceRerol bORRework.
O' eOfMiRtewl
-|70B SALX-Chrop (or caob. oee ubrU beree
J7 Rod 1,^ boffry. oeerly pew. leeolieofS.

U YCLt “HOP n>R BALB-To Roy pse j

here 1. » rbonce. I bare tbe br«l ciuipped ,
• bup IU Ibe <-iiy wiib power. plRiloc ploet.loiR* <
(row Ift to ms per day

Will r'e' »>“• on r»e«

Tbls rbooeele woeib your liwe to iBteelisoie.
n*ei eowe.ftrut Rcrred. Qoll or write to 317
Aoulb VoloB atreet. oppootr C. S W M. depot
K B OIbbo. Prop.
m tf

iiss -

Gas Lamp-S2.00....
Price Reduced to Close Out Lot
Best workmanship money
can employ for Bicycle
Repairing. (Joick work.


118 Union Street.



an worb of btfOut poaoltole crada Plaa ca
worb R apaeloUy.
Now OfBee. Morkhem Block

" if-??."
P«OB BSUa-^^ekr^cv (or ahow^



TTTOC WAteriBsorB-caotRiiyklnd IR SrRI

M“1V£ >.‘£T£.r.T“'

Votlee to TbxpByeiB.


Notice li beroby »trau thot the loi roU. for
the ronortloo of Reboot ood rlly loxu ood oth­
er toxoo. lorlRdtoc apeciol RaaeusaerBU for
theyooT lOSB. hoaatetn plocod Ib wyhoadafor
ronaetloB, ote Uol I wUTte la ny oace oalU
Noeawber Iw. IWS. trow « o'etoek to It o'cloek
R. ■. oad trow I o'cloek to 4 R'clock
^UteRO^ru^husMIbr*eSteM. b^M
all tesaa Bsp4as SRpiowboi lot oad poM durlseaRs4owharlhRia «U1 hacharcod h paaoli





Your winter's wood
at onoe to insure de­
livery. 'WE Have

£ £ l»

Ym cutiOirtubeffnbMtn.

You ore cordlolty iR'lvrd to


TrorvnwCyAr BU Baplds. .
Lt Blk Baplds
Ar TroTvrRC Cy




Baod CoBiul. Trorarwe C-ty


Eges, I4c e dozen.
Good Daitf Bnttei, 17-18c.
mx Coffee-ll Ihs for SI.

Hiram Cook,
w Store, New Munaon Blk.

I 4A

4 ICLt

» os;
» ft'

4 40
4 10



I U.

Neasra Clly


Bkerwos's Mill


10 SD;


"iSS I
II s! !.
II mi t
lift; »
W H 4




ISS. !


I * I? I


: 10 W, 4

W ft, *1


Firs InsurancB.
L. Is. A Building.

Trolhs cooRKi at Bkormae s MIU i vice dolly.
cxvvpt eoRdoy. lo and tr«ft Boeor ea Plsifta
Rlrrr Broorb
rrtoc StatiooB.
r A MlTCniLL.

TrawtM aty. Miek

i Dr.J.f.GiiuiUett

A cloueowRonMR Rr loboy r bouae, lai or
tarw coll u UH Stlya. roewa 7 oad XMarrOBSpecialist.
PhoM tu. IITOou Rtroet. oppcRlta «a
riot Hotue. Troeeroe dly. Sleh.
v^B BALK-Cub or lUtAllWBBtR. B> Boa lou
KOb aceouobof tbe Fall FeeUval and X U> Ook Batrbio. OR Rfcbth. Oroal. Batw
dedlcaUon of Oovemmant Bnlldinr.tbe oed Boar atraau ood HoBBoh oeaBM. Sowa
C. A W. M. Railway will sell UckrU of the hoBdiBwaat lou In the wbola plot- Ubfrom aU etaUons to Cbicayo. October
tad to lOlb. at one way tara. Return
llcpit October Htb. TlckeU must be
deposited with eyeat In CtaieeyD. sub­
ject to e eburire of so Mnu eddltlMal.
Ask ayenU for full partieularu.
t8» ao*6 Gao DKSavRX. 0 P. A.

•leat gpsdalMte
• If yo
bk d
DaflMy, tbs portrait artbt
wake yon a fine fll.M emyes (f**AnelecMt 4 Ineb frame eomplets.
only 08 osnia teynlar S3.0I pastel
•I Oo sxi


TdlepllOM U2


Try Uu Hiw SasUaraat.
meals. 88eenu;
88 eenu; luncbes. 18'<3 a. BROWM. atMnwr s
Min Marion Boberu left yeeterdny

fur Abb Arbor, where ate will take a
eerfvd la a flrat<elen imtsurMt cm |
coatee in the uaiTerelty.
be bad at tbe “De Maea." Parker cuaa mrRANca
V Prewpt eelilra
buUdiDy. M. Dill A Son. Everybody enlT
Mra. John Black has retamed from
rsUsMe siork MWpaBT. Bs c R policy
746-lf wniir'o
eor« 87 X. W BmUb: ’> sevney.
M extaoded rbil In the east.
Je»Bsoa btoct, Pboee n.__________
Mrs. W. O. Lawreaoe b la Gtaad
: a. MINOR pSyRlolsn sod *RI
Mies Alice Boberu bae ycee to her
twOuRce: eoaplete bsterr »Bd rvMurSBt
Corner Front Md Case Streeu.
mnnlcal work In Ueinyeioae. Ala.
e Blk URpId*. SddrMa Boi te. Xlk Rs^O*.
Rt« ol L'air
Mrs- Dr. Boeentbal-TbompeoD went
Beedlr Block.
ToODrller I
JpoR U!«T~RMld«^
to Grand Baplds yeaterday.
C. C. Iiteter. Manager.
Edward Hartak left yesterday for
New York.
SW.B. Kor D. raurrolpraciu-r olao
Mbs Nellie SUlee of Barker Creek, is Rtroei PmrtlRR U«»lRC tS« fKy
.li.ia CTc. ao . Door ood Cc^lo
UlUny Mias Bate Dockery.
Mie. J. C. Avery bae returned from
Bden. Inybam county, where.she was y ITCHRS OIRL W4NTXO Si-plyolHbWD
caUed on aocoopt of the Illness of her
Hour Bloeb.
__________ _______________________
' Tbapopuloc. profiaaalra RquIloWa Be
rtD -PorrvRVFRibc
aaroleol BeoeBi ProiarRit} of ibe pei lod.
. N W ror«erRfCi
Id is SBf«. sure. relisMe.
Mrs. Anyas MeOoll Md Mrs Boward
Wbitiny have returned from Uiand Vpor«D-0« Nortb DItUiro ■
V BSB'* cold rit.f. RBfFR*
.d tar l.OUDfoBlUu. o
Owoer oaU R( Sit Monk ORidkr
HareootllF Oo Block.
Mra C. B. Docksray Md Mra Manly ipoR RKKT-LRnrR dwell
I wood R'
frllewa joal Uka you -blc crowd
C. Oodyejeere amony tbs Traverse X RORe. RulioUa lor ooe or two I
rood hero rr premlRn Spyly (o J L.
City vbiloie at Ue Maple City fair thU Jr.. Hoiel WhlilB(. or M) Roar Rtreal
swo ti.-»i> I2.M0 e."»
S0» ID4U *'.w> »B>
B l^fy*
>R SSLIt-CbRRR for cub. oSR drt«.o«Bora. dorb boy. blocb inm ali yaota old.
F'O* ;
K. C. Compton, Charles Qermalne
ft) l.'ft
* double
ood alaylc. rood roadatcr. Coll
,------Md B. B. McCoy returned last nlybt or sddr«R«
Idraa* R. D. Wbile. WlIUoBobarc. MIeb.
from the Antrim county felr et Bellelre.
V30R BAU**A rowblaatlno wheel fur coir
Meyor FrMk Hemlltoo bee returned
to«p.B. TolaphoBo.Tt____________________
a> baee oareT bod more ihoo elcros ooRcawfrom tbe eemlons of tbs Leeyos of ^tOR 8*LB—Orc Ar«l*-lo» Jersey <-oo . AIM ■VR. BnHXNTUS(.T K>MPer>N: <M
■eotA—far tbe low Iwo yasra we'ea hod ooly
>• SO osd S^
MleblyM MnnidpellUes held In CrMd r ynt-l am-elooefoelly borse ao<J o rood J Plora Holal. Boo .oapaclolty.
odrbUdreo-i diaaoot
liiTlny boree. lo<julr* ol oflire ol HoBjUob
kBtti It? 01 tMM JM «*.

At Cnieutia. Ueat-Uor. Sir John
made it stMdard over tbe yreeter pert
Mroodbom Mnoaneed to the eouaeU oa of the civilised world. Foe eale by 8.
Thwaday that «00 liree were lost B. Wait and F. C. Tbompeon.
Chrotiyh floods at Uarjsollny, eapltal of
abs dbutct of that name, In addition to Sr. BoMstbal rbampsa
.atetedrow«d«lontte plains.
Hm TWDOved ber office to Park Place
Hotel. Booms OO and 88. Annex
Tte inhabltMU of CMderavs apd
Office hours « lo 11 a. m.. S to 4 and
f^llata. aboQi l&O mllss southeast of
7to8p.jB. •
Areqnipa, Pern, bare been kept la al*
aaoat constant alarm since Auyust IS Ttlflphcne 112
by aebmie dbtnrbanees In that district
for eesis r >* Murray s-«l Menh.
Xa a territory abontaleayue In eirenm*
flarenee the crust of the earth U ainkiny. 8es
At Btany points there are wide cracks
what tbe Boston OsnUl Parlcwu offer
you ible week. Bead their »d lo thU
iUd it b feared that the bill on the aide
747 tl
nr which CMdararebeitnated will colflapae.
ZBtsnrtisy td LbAici.
Mlea Pearl tbekeberry has ao eleThe am formal eeeelon of the
awenty-serentb biennial oonferenoe of
miiuarry. uciuuuix roe iBb'RV laRO*
the Lutheran yeneral councU was bald
Ions. Ladles are Invited to atund
■t Cbiesyo Tuesday. One hundred Md
tbe fall openlnr Friday Md Batur*
niaety-flrebeleyatss. repieasntlny 400,•so communieaou In erery part of tbs
teniiaeat. wars present.
Bdiiorb Awful rilybC
V. M. Blyylcs, Editor Senses (Ilia.)
Hews, wassfflietsd for rears with PUes
•bat no doctor or temsu helped until
te tried Boeklen's Ar^ea Salra the
test in tte world. Be writea two boxes
wholly cured him. Infallible for Piles.
Cure ynarantsed. Only Ite Sold by
J. O. Johnson Md & B. Wait, drey«Mla
_____ ____________





r In all aina.


Annual Excursions
.. . Via G. R. & I.
T« Btctmiil. Siptsniw UU.
Ti Mnit ul CUcUo. CcL S.
Tbs a. B. A L wUl yive their annuhl
exenrtloa to Blobwond on September
Mlh, Md to Detroit end Chlceyo one
WMk later, October 3d. Tlteets will
be sold »t rate ol ys 00 to Blebmond
aud Detroit, end fl6 00 to Chlceyo.
Children under i: yeere. telf ruts.
TickeU will be sold from ell sialiona,
Maeklnew City to Bly Baplda. Inelualve, yood for return on rcyuler
trulne for ten deyu.
For Detroit, choice of two rontee will
be (riven: One vU F. A P. M B. B.
from Bead C ty: tbe other, vie D.. 6.
H. A M. B’y f*om Grund -Anplda. For
Obleeyo ibe route will be vie Viokabnyff
end tbe Orusd Trunk system.
For time of tiulsa and further inforrneUon. apply to G. B. A L ticket
lyeBUer sAdrste
A. P. AT. A


Coloinbii and Lon 4. CuBibi|s
OolB, Nona rrory.da, ..cop. Bateay.





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