The Morning Record, September 27, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 27, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



mmuTt am

TUitl Tmt—No 746.


Oaptorotf Sot.
on Filippino Forta.

l*aciA« Soil •taomahlp Oompoap to
■o onteto. tia-UM.

Me«r Tork. Sept. se.-Tbe PeetSc
Sail StMOMkip eonpur ka* ordered
two eteemeklpe ^roas Ik* Newport
SiMtMOth Utwwr
U dM Newa Bklpbaildlsc aad Dry Oaek eoapaaj. foreorrio* bolwaon Sea Traaoi*>
00 aod Orleatal porta Tb* raeaela will
ka tka klrraet aMrehaatoieB, ozeapt
tmt W«u WmbM—S*M hem 1
tkeSk Loala aad- Bt. Peal. a**r oooatraotad la aa dBarican jard. Tkep
e Md Sis Sm or* •eoa to be will ke &M feet loaf. wlU maaaar* 11,MO tooa fToaa aad are ezpaetad to
ekow a ^aed of aifhwea kaota Book
WMklaaWM. 8*pt. t«.-4 iSepelA
wtu earry 141 fti*V«laaa eaWa aad i.uo
hm bem rmltrod Crooi Omml Otta bj
Baek tklp wlU
r that OolOb* will be delh
IMO, apd the other
tkalaaarteataoatka lalaad of 0*ka.|".“
tr* aailaa waat of tka towa of Orke aad
iMSnjiileaeaatoraiaad qaltaa
kar of BMOtb bore oaaaoa. Tk* 1
VaaS war# oltarly roalad aad Ooioael
■aydar rotaraed with hU fora* to 0*k«. Msriba SUsowski't
MstriTkaTaaaaaaaa ra*lo»*8t waa already
monUl PUBS FaiUd.
aboard tka traaaport to eon* bon*,
bat dSenkarkad to teke part la tb*
Baa Away Prom Oraad Bapida u

Olympls Osmo TMterdap
Ban of WaalU Bay Oraetad <Wltk
SaikaeteBBa la Lower Sew York
B*7-*Uc*blp Sot Xoootatae.
Tlrat a* Ska Wat Sot Bacpaoud
Oatll Tbaraday^raiTtbleit
New York. Sapt S«.~S*ok to tk*
aarpriaa-of ararroae bare tkaOlynpla
with Adnlral Daway abaard, airlrad
ofl Saady Hook llrktablp at S:!(S tkl*
. It waa vary mlaty, aad at

U think tkat the vaaaat miylt be Bear
Adnlral Bowieoa'* fltyeklp, the Cl ton
ye. hardly ballaytay that Adnlral
Dewey ould arrive two day* aad a half
ahead of tlna The doobt wu eoaa
rieared away, aad u tka paaaloy vaaul* roeoynisad tk* flayehlp tron Mealia bay there wu a untinuou blow-:
lay aad ulntlay of wbbUe*.
Oo* of the flrat lary* veueU U elyht i
Swry Poaapk Slllar of Wall
Tka toUowlar ia tka tazt of tka naothe Olynpl* wu tk* paauayar auanar
Mfa: “Oa Sapk tt aad M. Ooloaal
Bat Pell Uutk* Baade of SkariS Sandy Hook. Aa aoon u the oane wu
■aydar attacked *lroa« loeaffaot poBlmpua SeoaBB* Ska Waa Too made out tb* Saady Hook'* paauayar*
Stiaaatva nllaa watt of Ceba with
ehurad with kll tkelr nlykt. aad aa
Touaf tc Wad.
BUofloanasdataaoI the raaoMaM
Tka netrinralal aaplraUooa of Mlu auwerlay ohaar un* ovar tka water j
r^inaBlaodfin ofiaaia aad nas of
fron the uUor* oa tka warabip.
tko Nlaataoatk, Sixth aad Twoaty- Martha Silaowakl of Oraad Rapid*,
The Olympia paaead lulde Sandy
third lateBtry, aad Sixth artiUary. Bo kata beoD nlpood la the bad aad bow Book at 7:14 and anehorad In the lower
droTO the OBeny tron tk^ worka aad Martha, afur aa atUnpt U taka a
bay at 7:40 a.m. All tbe nornloy u
•aptarad aarae fort*, laeludlaf tk* haabaad tron oortkera Mleklfaa, to tka tamou eruiur Ity at anchor her
baek la Oraad Btplde. wkera ake wU}
alyaal nan wu kept buy dlppiny ber
loortaaB of wklak are eatraaeked aad thlab tb* saatur oter a litUe loararj
QBttl aka baOBMU of a eulyn In anawar u the weloome of
lorUdtdot the place. Oar loa* waa
paaalny vaauU.
pn«ai* WtlUan S. Baalay. Co. 4. marrlafoable aye —
Ao orderly came ubore from tbe
Od Moadey Coaa-y Clark Nawioa raHUtk lofaatry. killed, aad four wooedOlynpla aoOB afUr aba bad anchored
ad, Tka aaany't la* U atlnatad at calted a nenafe fron Hherlfl Wood- with dUpaUhu aad nuaayu from Ike
worth of Oraad Bapida.iaairaetlnf him
admiral aad kU offiura. Tbay uid
••The laaaifaat* rotraatod to aaw aot U luae a naariaf* lloeau U Mar- Uey had bad a plaaaaai padi%* aerou
tetideaUea* far to the aootkwat. tba baeeou ah* WU eadar aye, , belay tbaAtlanUe, tkat all war* well aad
Tweoonpaafea of the Nlaatoaath la- bet 16 yean old. dark Mawua kept ylad U be home. He Inquired for baek
faatry hold Inportaat poalUoa* la tka ike matur la nlad, u when Martha ■IM of nawapapera. Tbe Olympia wUl
ease here fron WalUo Soaday be wu
yo U TanpklMvlU* tomorrow u await
Tka Niaatoaatk lotHtir la rooralUd oa ike alert. Mertbe. bowetar, did
tkecfltcial tQmmouof the Deoey ulUrraly of Mleklcan nao aad waa ala- apply la paraoa; bat bar prwpao
ebratlon wmnltue.
pretleaad at Fort Wayp*. Detroit, prior to
AtthelnUraectloD of Fifth avenoe
tka Bpaalak war.
< ; uated hintalf and applied for the par aad Broadway Ua yrut arch of
Two BayUahnaa. who aay they ware nit U nak* Martha bU bride. Tb* tnonpb bu ebanyad from a wooden
wraekad la aa opea boat leat July aod rwnlt wu a rafwal. aad Joe aad Mar­ akeleUB u modem alabuur. WbUe
bald aa prSoaer* by tb* laaorfaata at tha were foroed U derlu neaaa elee. ataff workarn aod decoraura
wbere U enable then UeaUr wedlock
Vlcaa. la tk* aortbwaatara part of LaBberiff Slnpeoa ewarmed over It, faordu of carpenura
* aoa. hae* aaurad Ike Aaerloan Uaea
rked 00 tbe etaod* that are U hold
UcaUDkat OllBiore end hi* raea, ee- i4dre!^l!
the mnltitadr. Today the uwn beyan
ao^lar to tbaa* BarlUknaa. ere aUU
■ratlaylD etrneat and Ike yreat
at Tlfaa, bat will be raleeaed Uter oo Hartke. aad delWer her over U
leraur*. the ruldenou aloay Flftk
OUnoFeaad Ut tailor* reaalre -^n al fleer in CedUlac who bed aotkority U
lac. the tenementa and tbe yrut
take her buk u her menna. SberlB
lowaae* of to eaaU a day for food.
Slnpeoa went U WalUo U ezuate the duka are yay wita the national colors
1%a BofllabwaB bront^^* mnaaf*
and the leu warm colora of the navy,
(ronUeaeral PaataleoaOeroU to tk*
and kar friaad* had dtooorerad ibat blae and white.
afoot that foartaaa Anaiioao* who
DewraUra have completed work on
the ylrl wu wanted, aad eke wu eplrare bald by tk* laaarraott aa prlaoaan
lud away. Tbe Sberif ttmek the thebnnti..r o ’raalony Fifth avenoe.
at Ikrlae will b* ralaaaad aazt Wod.
trail, bowerer, bat it wu aot uaUl i They are eapo.-d with brau eaytu and
Maday. la aoeordaao* with a deora* of
o’clock yuterday noroiay, afur .kolny fitted with acolptarad flxuru
tka loaarraat* "ooefran."
Over them la twined the bine
oat all alykt. that he foaad the ylrl at
atatad that other prlaoaare who are
and white Hty hall to nnder a ehadow
aiah woald k* ralaaaad aa aooB at Uair tka bon* of a fanlly aatood Pklllipa. of wavlny
and naval emblema. It
thru milu from Walton.
pkyaloal oooditloa woald jaatify aoek
la flenkod oo all aldu by ulor, aad
Martha le a aeaalkla ylrl aad
a eoaia*. Tka iBaarraal* alao aaai
iw tkat her aiatrlmoalel obeocu had aloay tbe oval eoloaaade atrauhu aa
word tkat tb* oaoaa of tk* deUy la tka
the admiral wUl
reulred a deflalU cheek,
ralaaaa of tk* .
qeielly with the akerlff. who took bar raulve tbr i • nr cap.
they wold mot faralek tk* diaariaaa
Madiaon* yarden, the BqniV
U Oadllleo.wber* be tamed bar
prteaaar* with aalUbU olotklaf.
Deputy SkertffQrunley, who la tarn abl* balldiuy. the World. TribuBe.
Tk* loaa of tk* enall iraaboat Urdaarud bar baek U Oraad Bepida. Suat* and ot'iera are a mu« of bantoU aad t4* oaptar* of kar or*w by the
Sheriff SlupaoB fuaoaed with tka ylrl. Iny and rlvtrie alyna from Up to
raba'a te oootmed. Natim who war*
who afur a wbUa ruUaad that bar botUm. Th.' Penuylvanla aUllon h«a
latarroratad by 4d*uUaaBt rraokltn.
ooaumplaud narriaye woald have an eluirie aiyn with latura thirty fut
ia eomiaaad of the ranboat Lafaaada
bun a nlttake. She beune ckaarfol Inhelyht which heart the |meoaaye:
Bay. told that oficar that the Crdanau
dtoplayad evidaaeu of balay Weloome Oawey " Oa the ceoter of
had bonbardad lb* towa of Orul oo
praiiy wall utlafled with tbe final tbe Brooklyn brldye on the aide overSoaday. Tbe crew bad laodad to Uke
looklny the bay U a alyn wbteh alio
runit of her eecapadcp»i—•— wboa ibay war* aelaad by a
Tklt ia the ylrl whom the ofBean of uya: ' Weleoau Dewey."
Unr* body of laaarrentt. wbo bad laid
Tbeu letUra are tklrty-aix fut a
aa anbMb for tban. Aoeordioir to
eeveral day*. She went u CaHlllu flrat helyht and can be aun for many mllea.
tk* aaUra*. tb* prUoaar* war* raTom of flreworka are belny depuited
moMd to Porac. aad tk# r“»»>oat waa aad wu dlaoovered there e abort Ume on Uovereor'e leland aad at elybi ouer
eke dkuppeared fron bona Her
at OBO* looud aad aaaUled.
notber applied U the ofioei* U ftod plaontntbe elty where the dltplaje
beraBdeuud that eke believed tbe wUl be eua________________



ylrl bad ran away u be narrled. Her
fur* proved U be well founded, bat
fmaarw City'* Weoi Ball Taan Ola- kepplly Ike natrinonlal plau did aot
baada oo neooaat of Poor
Flaaaelal Sapport.
Tka looal foot ball uan ha*a
daoidad to fo oat of oomnlaaleB for tb* Profauor C I. Horat Wedded e Tal—owinc to iba faA tkat tbay
caUd Teany Wonaa to Detroit.
are aot abl* to ataad tk* azpoaaa
Prof.C. B. HaeatvlollBtot of tb* School
br ^
flnaoeial aapport
of Mule, re'taraod yuUrday afuraoea
Ob tk* part of tb* dty. Th* teas tkl* tron DatreUaounpaalod ky kto bride,
yaarkaabaaaby tar tk* faatoat tkat
who wu Mtn Mary Bldwall of tkat
Otar woat oa th* looal rrldlroa,
- elty. Tka narrtaye took plau at tka
tb* faoM kaa aot reealtad tk* patroa' bone of tka brldr'a paraato at klyh
decreed, aad tk*------- BOOB Monday a»d tbe oonple at oeu
kaa PMbakly played Ifa la.t fan*.
un* u Travaru OUy. wkar* they will
Tk* imoraaaloa kaa baaa irltaa that
nab* tkalr pamaaaat kon*. Tkay
aon* of tka player* oo tk* uan war* will be at bon* ti tkelr frienda at IIS
klrad pUyn* tron otkar Uwaa- ThU
Waaklayua atrut afur OeUbar IS.
to ay BO neaaa tbe eaee. 4U who
Profuaor Horat bu baaa a raaldr
pUy^ oa tbe uan bate boea workipf of fravaru City over a yur. axeapt
bare derlBf the aanner. or kata tkatr darlay tka winter noatk* when be
im aiiiit-* laaldeaM bar*. Tkat aay uivM u UaUBiarof Porter J. WhlU'a
“Paut" eonoaoy. Be to pamanenUy
of tka piayon w* paid la otUrly oat located la the elty boo and kk----------.............................. Id did It
talent to kiykly mrulaUd
inliy. Mr*. Horet t* an
Um aver roeelved a u >t for tkelr ^tok^ vo^lU ^
a aad wUl
_____ .ad*
tkat Ikay
I all
tkataaxtaaaao* Ik* uan aup kaa*



A New Hair
If TAiey Crack.

are tbe ideal dma ahoe but
tbeir libility to crack baa
limited Uiair um to a great

aecured a patent leather al a
price witbia tbe reacb of all,
which we warrant against
CTK-king or breaking.

Take a look at them
They are bMuties.




By a Savar* Oal* VkiokfiVtolUd
Soatbara Mleklyaa.
BU Joupb. Mick.. Sapt M.—Baporto
from vartou part* cf tka appU Atotrlet
■ay tkat tb* tarrlbl* aortkwul yala
aarly tkto nomlay atrippad kuBdnda
* warmly eoayratalatad.
of ^pU trau u wall u .maay paaeb
i ta maay lutaaeu aatlra treai
Im Vha Parimlt AxtUiiwmeckadtromtkaytooad. LandworkU WUkaln Barsak A Oe-a.
wiadow. A «l.M crayoa pcrtoalt lay yrowara utlmal* tkat tally om>
liaa. AakBMaof a lOa tint. Ha toartb of Ik* apple erop ku baaa Mewa
will ba bora a abort tine only.
TranutrenM uata ap. A $>.•! U tka yroaad aad tkat bnakato
puul or walM oolor ter ealy fl-W wUl kaa total leu

S gross at S5c each
1 gross at 880 each
ThMc goods just arrived from New York Fac
tory and will be put on sale this afternoon. The
leather is soft and pliable and ia the beat oSering in
pocket books we ever made. See them in our window.

290-223 Front Street

Balph Oonnsbls Jr., Msnsgsr.

Tkl* *ure ataad* the proud e_..,____
In thecln^hiur hualiii

I only
liosieuiiipe .

really first claaa Fumisbinga
'“ Traverse, because onr stock
IS new and always kept complete.
Hew Oolorml Bhlrta—tl.OO. 11.35,31.60.
TmU W,ight Undarwear-strong T.lue«-50, 76c, 11.00
Warm Right Oowna-very long-60, 76c, 31.00, 31.60.
New Hosiery, Olovaa, Tie#, Soapendeta, CoUaxa.

UnSloHISbo ■


I muck bettw oar priou mut be klybar-Uaf* where they aramtoUkea--we onl^ xiy^h^hM qu^t^at
prime otkar* ekam to


S. DENDA & CO.^ lUFratSt

THELUDER io Fine Shoes.

I Children's Underwear.
Some very strong lines of children's
j Underwear ready for you here. One of
the favorites:

Grey Ribbed, Self Fleeced
Starts at 6c the garment
Whatever yon're want* cobm HERB.

STEINBERG’S “'k'JS'-c'LSf^.SSf'aWE''"

It is tbe great time atver uf
tbe aye. and ao inexpenaive
; that nobody can afFord to be
wilhont one.
If you bad a telephone io
yonr office or home you would


aavemn b mental and pbyaical '-iTort. aodfno end of time
and annoyance.


Knit farther than oth­
ers—They are strong,
smooth. ..elastic and
stand wear and erpos-

11-"^ ly

ure. Colors can be duplicated readily, and quality
always the same.
All new shades and staple colors, only at



Sew Fruldaat Diu p*eidu U Stay
at Sana*.
CUyofMulu, Sept M —Pruldeat
Dla* euoot yo u Chleaffo oa aoooaat
of ibe^iUau* of Madam* Dlu. He ku
appolBUd Lie lyaacloa Karlaeal. mlatour of forelya ralallou. U yo u kto


...-------- ... —r—— wmwmmmm OUr

Sur Aaoam
Auburn. N. Y . Sept. »S.-The N\w
York Canlral wut bound paaun|*r
Wain oollldod with ao out bound
fralyht train at Wbular'e brldya jut
oaulda tba city llnlu aarly uday.
Thru nan war* kUlad aad uvaral talarad.




Mvery stnoksr hsa his
own peouUsr tut«.
What every imoker wanU.
above all elee, ta a ci<rar that ia
clean, well made, and raliabl.-.
Thoee who bar* tried

proBonnee it tbe beet they ever
•ught for five cenU. They are
sure to suit the particular amoker.

ia a gem for 10c,

For sals by sU deslers.
Ksds by


to ShOB Bnyors
Our Un* of fall and wlntor shoM !■ now oom>
plot*. Wo aro agonU for the celebrated
Thoa. Bmerson’e Bon’a ahoe*. For gentle*
men’e fine dreee shoe* they are unsarpaasod
in atyle, fit and quality. Prloee, $3.00, $3.60,
$4.00 and $6.00.
For ladle*’ bay the Minor Shoe at $8.00,
$8.60, $8 00 and $3,60.
See onr $8.50 kid Uned shoe for ladlee.

■orsi Bros., Rooso Poiitors
4*S K. Blmwood krt.

■cXiiufa BInL


Moaviiro EMOU>. WXLMtBDAX. •BTTBMMB, 87 1888.

Win umBsin cnomir.


Bcr. load flaiBrtwA
Mr. A. a Usd. obo ha* had akoff*
a(lb***r«iea*la tb* •««dM akarak
«AATBmas orrr. • acostOAii ast Botat With Blatton Fna dariag tb* •*M*r ■oath*. «** glraa
A nrp plaaaaat aarprtoe at tka koM af
AbasU la Auoadaaas.
Mr. Baadriakaaa Moadap araatag.
Tb* ■cBbar* ad |k* Matara fllv OamMABdare'AlabatMCda tbc a*aa- Of BflckflOicfl and Hsadacbca, aod
lag pa*a rvT a>co«Astlp. IV* ladlM
Remove It ky Using
A«a J. W. BAnn-tpoa^oe
A* >A
W. BAavn. Cdlior Md Mamcw- ecaloB of tbalr aasaal laclAllatloa of i .Hdraa* of tb.- coomkaitoe rf tbc
Aod v« bflve Juflt tbfl atoT* you n«nd to ninkfl 1 in—
argp cad work of tbc poaag •ledcc,
OBfl of thOM
Tba nrlp part of tb* I
tbo Bcwbor* of tbr ebaroh proaeaud
doootodtotba 1
blB altb A •abaiaatlcl gift.
Mra. Joamlo Woedoa el
Mr. Uad win resala la tba clip till
M laataUlag offleor, Dcaaabar. H* U waeb oAeoaragod
Tbc error of tb* da* in medical treetWtUJiMtMT.
AB oBa* Wbiab *ba flllad ^
orar tba proaprcia Iv tb* ebatch bara. ment U tbc ‘'doctoring" of eflcetx laRead of gcttiag *t tbc caaae. A powder
Biad tb Oetoa Clip.
Yon throw in a few kindlings aod a chunk of
Tba oBoen laetAllcd wara M follow*:
Ublet for iadigeatioa.
Wortbp MAtraa-Ura. Aaala Soata
A. D. BanMi r*e*lr«d A ulvraa and • plaetci for backacbc. Thee* mar
wood aod let it get sUrted, then turn the damper
Wartbp pAtraa-W. W. Staitb.
pwtordap Aamoamelag tba daatfa of bU eflord ellgbt icmporarp relief, bat aexi
»»»«■«■ M Vr«««(« CWj.
have just t''e'h>at you want.
AMoalaU HAtroB-Hra. MargArat motbor. Mri^ M. M. D*bdIoob At ber dar the old troabie U back again. BebonuAtUaloA Cltp.
Ur*. DcbaI-^a •Idea, think of tb* eflect of a drag
We always have a full line of Peninsular Heat­
flaaraiArp-Mr*. MartbA Cook.
bMatadaCrtqaaairlUWbtr* aod b*i tUoDg eaoegb to stop beedeebea almoei
ers. Cook Stoves and St<el Ranges—all guaianteed
IWAniTftl «t Adalnl Dt»«7 Asd
TtoMarv—Mra flaeoA Bwltb.
■cap fri ad* »bo will ragret to leora immedUtclp.
Bit tAfAhla U M*w York iUrbor r*Backacbc It kidaev acb*. A cart in
Oeadaetroae-Mre. AaaU Utaap.
of ber dcaU.
Bar dea^bter. Mro
to be first-class and to give satisfaction.
»lm Ik* mtmorj oi ht* *apr*e*J*Bt*d
AnoelAU Coadaetraao-Uf*. Uul* NoiaCaplar. wbo baa otto nciiiag dicaiioa ^bei tbe kldnep* arc bedip dit
MkiavMMat, ud tk« reeepUoA k* «li1 Wood.
bare. WM CAlled bon* iMt week oa alarm to wara people that tb* xidae*.
h* xaBriii wUi aclip** wp AimllAr
oocoaot of bor lllaceA
ere ao longer >btc to perform tbelr doiv
CbaplAlA—Mr*. •■■* Ballof flliering tbc blood
Aed ibi* mean.
«vnt la U*’ mUob'* bUtorj. Tbc
MAr*b*ll-Ur*. Oora Dgrig.
Ibal tbe foal impurltlet wbicb would
blAtorj do aol ooauia » rcc
Adak-Mra Laaa Abbott.
etberwiK be carried of! bv tbe kidney*
«rd »t mck dsrtaf a*rv* aad bnvAry.
Batb—Mia. Bllubttb Data.
TboM wbo bev lb* Pre* Tamperaaoe remain in tbr blood, and find their
«• 41apUr*d At lb* bAtU* of MaaUa
btbtr-Uia. till* dBitb.
Leotare la tb* Cltp Opera Boom tomor­ to ererv org*s of ibc bodp. wber* ibry
kAJ. of wkleb AdMiiAl D*ir*7 wm Ik*
Martba—Mr* Boeall* lli<}oegh.
row arealag bp OoL Jao. Bobleekt will act a* ora-lly poicona
Or. Cbate't Kidner-Uver Pill* arc tbe
Bars, ksd k* ka* *cm hsM to hA?«
Blcou-Mr*. Bwbia Csaalagbaw
be pat la cxeelteal kamor aad kept world'* greateat kiancp cure, bec*u*r
tspraMod spoA bis tk« rmiiod* f*U
Wardar-Mr*. LUsla Daaprta.
iber* bp a aoeeeMlca of v*j9*-«pBrop^- they BCi directly oo tbe kidney* and reiar hlBi bp as tdalrlAf pw>pl*.
Seatleel—Mra. Praaaw Vaa Opk*
ate aad wall told Indlcron* etorlM. bp ilorc Ibeni in taealtb, •trccglh and vigor.
BrM rMord of tb* frMt boUl* «U1 b*
Orgaalet- Mra. Mprtw Ooadrlob.
wblob be will tarn tbe ebafu of rtdl- They remorc (be c*a»e ol bradeebe*.
backacbc* and an cndle** cbaio of mo*(
eal* agalaet tbe Itqaor traffic. Be g *• fatal and compliqflcd diacuct. At tba aoaolaaiaa of tba aarawaa
Tk* ftf bUBf kacAA At » a. b. oa tb* ralraabMBU wara •oread U tba dla- to the verp fonndetloo of lb* math r
Dr. Cb*M'* Kidncy.Livrr Pill* arc
■srslsc of iUy l. lieiaad tb* SpAsItb
and eall* oa poa to help right tl^e partly *eg*t*ble, tad act plraaaallp and
One pill adoae;*S'
PMTwiinil Atlt:*o. Twt SpoBteb tbip*
wronga of iBWmperaaae. and tolle vpa aatarally.
box. at all dealer*, or Dr. A. W.
wan d«*(rop*d *sd *lpbt tApiarwI. oMba Btv.
Mcdlcioe Co.. Buflalo, N. V.
Bov *borc bAtlorta* At OatIU w«e d*Dorlag tba vaalag W. W. Snlth oa
Cblldroa from tb* ago of Are pear*
MOllabed Aod tbro* forto os Corr*f idv bokalf of tbo lodga praaeatad a baanU.
WAkdndoood. Tbr** bnodred Sp*»- fal 8tv pla to tba ratlrlag Wortbp np eaa eoe Morrap aad Mack la tbeir
Ivda wor* kiUad Asd eoo woondod. The Matraa wboao falthfal aod asoollAoi plap ‘ Plaaegaa'* Ball," aad ae)op evorp awmaat of It. Plantgaa 1* tbelr
OAls* of tb* SpooUb *appU«* loot or work dariag tbe poet two pear*
apoelal dellp bw TbU fuaap lUU* fat
aspiand WA* •a.ooa.oeo. Tlt*AA*rkAB
IrUbmaa I »• created m mack talk
lev •*• *lffbt IMS tllpbUp wooodcd
a}l.*r*.,*W.^.^^WrrrM.. Pw. ■
Among tbe Star member* pre
amoog tbe luUc folk* m Ppek't Bed
•■d $1,000 dAsar* doM to ahlpA.
from other oitlM were Mr*. Jennie
Maw CMBn*. Warkbam Block.
0*«*p'* float ooMtoud *f tb* Wooden. Wartbp Matron of tb* Cal* Bop. He danoe*. tamblea, ■lag*, boxe*.
and bM alwap* eome aew thing to
mp^lA. BaIUmt*. Boom, BAl*lrh, kMka lodge. Mr*. Bproa Bobb*. wardpleoM tbe obUdron. The maaagemeat
Oasecr0.-tP*tr*l. Tbe toioi touogA
Mn. AldU Clark^eeretorp aod Mr*.
bM often boon oomprlled to give extra
ter aale esc built to order Brpolr work I
Newport. Ratb. of tb* aamc lodga,Mr*.
ta^l:r>a*. M
Dwtlaaca to aooomotodat* tb* little prompU} olMtidrd lo. Sboc boot dork. B«] : •
U Mosb jo's float «*n: Tbc BoIa* Oarrle B. Sematreot. wortbp motroa of
-oae*. BodoD'tfall to bring tbom to .1—1.
ChrlaUsA, OootUlA, Dos flstoolo do tk* Bellalr* lodge aad Mra. Blaamn,
Bteiaberg'a Uiaa
UilOA.I*lA-d* L.okh>. McrqaU dc Dn*ro.
>torp: Mra Um of Mvlep. Mra Taa*dap •vening, Oet. i.
V*lAM«, Ulcd* MuidAn*o. Dos Joes Crawford of Ithaca and Ml*. Bohartof
4*fl**irlA. PArogAA. OAlcpo. tiorAea. Boldlag.
Aid flooUtp ABBual.
BoapAgA*. Awpet, Mwlfclc*. MasMrerltiea.
Tk*L*die*'Ald*ocl*tv of tbc Con­
llav, B1 8*00. Uio. Total tosoage.
AU membon of Amaada Blre are ro- gregation eharcb, will meet la the
M.OIIi gow. u.
qacetod to faraleh aemetblag for dla- ebarcb parlor* ibU AfteraooB at t:S0
Bor aad eappv rndap. 8rpt. M. Mom o'cloek. ThU U the AaaaAl mecUng at
At tn qaest loterraUw* rcadof ae«
MtarBrtac* oUrted la tb* *oatb*rA bar* are argoB to eobd to tb* ball bo* wbieh time tbe offioor* for the
coming pear ar* to bo *l*eted AH tbe
Mato* Asd •Ask'of tb«w loprcaosU a for* BOOB.
J. L. fltaatOB aad famllp bar* ro* tedie* la tbe cbnrcb or Intereelcd in
kaAltkfal bslldisg op of that portloa
Bread for health-not the hard, unwhole­ The crack wheel. Ten different makes
0t Ik* oooBirp. Nortbora etplal I* moTOd to tbelr aew bom* ob Wool tbc woik are rtqaceted 40 be pr«Mat
Oomc prepared to t fler com* eaggusome kind some make-that made from to select from. The kinds the crack
nptdlpdctcloplagarlcboooslrp obleb fleventb •Met.
Owlag to A tppograpbloAl error io ilon* for fninre work.
"H.L. &Co’s Best." Order up a-vack riders use. There's been a big crack” in
Ba* oalp b«ea waltlag for the *sercl*e
0t •aurpric* aad eooditlov ob'ob pMterdap'* Rbcukii tb* onrollmaot
prices. $20 buys a good wheel.
Aaauel K chmopB Xxcaralon.
woald warraat bearp InvMtnaaU Tb* iDibeeebool* wm girea m 1401. It
'n* aann*! excorclon to RIebmond
pMtb Aoo •ccmi to b« keepiag pace ahould be** been levs
Benda'* Twlrlar* wUI go to Ktagal«p tad., bp tbe O. B A I rallrced left|,
vlU tbc r**t of bi Natloo la Ut* ccI Batardap to plar the ClagUep tbie city peeierdxp. 0.te baadredand'
psaaloaonutadiuirlcA la *i*w of
Fall suits from $6.00 up; l*all overcoafs—
m* ball team. A hot gam* U expeet. twentv-alx tieketi were aold to people
Ikla feet tbero 1* lee* r—ioa thaa erar
from tkU eecUoc going to variou*
t)ig line at $10.00. F'all trousers—latest
whp it chooia dcolrc to go back to tbc
ImproremenU will b* began at onoe point* In ladlaaa and aontbem Michi­
jyilllIrBi that rxUtod befor* I6V7.
patterns. I'all top coals—quality consideron tb* dtp Opara Boate. Tae raae gan. A nnmber of cxearalonUle are
cd,we have the cheapest line in the city.
eeau on the mala floor will be raleod. Kriend* wbo go to attend the ladlana
Tb* lambor for tbo work m alroakdp Vaarip Meeting now laccMioa at RichMWACt frira duu Law Begardlag arrlrod,
Oepntp llame Warden Mvk Craw exMr*, •oodapeed Honored.
As Iwporuat law tffeeUag all peouto plAO* ooplM of tbe r**l*ed
Correctly built, easy riding, good springs, If you buy our creams you’ll take I"her" a
m Trap Wnrzburg antertained
pnattelag pbpdeleo* wm paeeed at game law* la all tbe bardwaro *torei
roomy, comfortable, durable. That's the box of all around satisfaction. Sells at 30c
iMt night la honor of Mr*. K. Lr (* laet eeeeloa if tb* legteletare. (*ee la the n«tr fntaroclaim we back up. Kali weather, fall in —good as any 50c elsewhere. Other
tri. Uwe IIW.) Tbe *UU board of
Mr*. Carrie B. Bempelreet of speed of Grand Rapid*. A deiiciout
stores "loc a pound”, we sell^for 5c.
fegtctratloa will hold tbelr flret neet- Bellalr*. Dleirlct Inepecior of tb* W. lunch and a.rova) good time woo for
At lAaelogiOet. 10. Tbe lew reed*, R. C„ med* an cBclal *lelt to tbe oorp* UUa Warsborg manp oompllment* m a
charming hoctcea.
la tbUciip Moadap.
Oa bad after the eeooad Tuetdep of
Tb* Petoraoa eUtar* will oonlrlbnte
Ta* Brararp of Worn
Oaaober. cigbteea baadred alactp la the eatortainment to be given la
Tla-eare’s a. reasoax fox' ±t—
•la*. All laea aad wowea eagaged la
g'* Oraad bp Jobn 9 . Boebe
tbc praetie* of wedlelae cod eargerp
tier. Pa., la a three
for its the season for them. They help you
la aap of It* braaebe*. aad all wbo Yrldap eVealog. Tbtp wUl gire Ibclr year*' struggle with a mallgant atomkeep your health and help you enjoy your
wlek to begin tbe ■»■* la tbe ktatc cx- oeUbralod oak* walk.
acb trouble that cauced dUtrcaalog
sapt H bcrelaefter ^orided. ***11
Tbe Nortbport baM ball team plaped attacks of oauava and iodigeation. All
■wealth. Our line of collarettes the largest
■akceppllcstion to eold board to be a retara game at Builon* Bep peetor- remedies felled to relieve ber nnill *be
shown. Prices from S2.50 to S45.00.
ragUurrd aod for e oert:fieAte of earb
tried Bleetrie Billers. AfUr taking It
Tbl* regUiratioa and dap aod defeated tbeSalton* Bap team two month*. *ne wrote: "1 am oom
eonifleeie tball be granted to eacb tb* loeond time b* a aeore of U to 7.
wbollp cured aod can eat aopCblng. It
appllaaote m eball gir* ■etistactorp
Laadlord Ueorge Bontbard bM cloood U troip a grand tonic for tbe whole
proof* of belog tweotp-onc pear* of
«y»tem m I gained In weight aod feel
Ago ABd of good moral cbaracter. bat ibe bowl at Yoaeb for tbe leoioa afWr mueb strunger aiooe using It" It aid*
Styles to—“your queen's taste”—she'd be The kind that keep t he rain off —the kind
oalp apoa one eooplitace wlUi at an exoeodiaglp •ueoceiful and predw- digmtiuo. cures dykpepelt, improve*
lOMt OB* of tbc following coadltione:
ble tammer. He will lire la Travaree apatite, give* new life. Only 50c
awfully pleased to see our wagon drive that lakes p>c of yc•iir money. .A well
Ouarranteed at J. U. Jobneon and B.
AU pracUelng pbp*icl*o* are re cup daring tbc wiator.
up. Why not suprise her with a new satisfied customer is satisfied to pay a litgalrod to prceeot to the *iote board
Tbeadtanee aale of aeate for tbe en­
wttbla *lx Boatb* trow tbe paaeage of gagement of Morrap and Mack, will be aem* Bak*d Oeedi
dresser or a cabinet for muic or china or tie more. If you warIt real swell goods,
tk* ae^ (Jan* U. i*»».) •nfisleat open at tb* box iffioe of Steinberg'*
a combination bookcase? .A few dollars we can relieve you 0 f $10.00. All kinds
proof of baring alreadp beta ragletoied Uraad Upera Boneetomoriow moralltg.
ziDs'k grocery
for all people^
covers a big piece of furniture.
store, S4ti Proot Ml Mrs. Nettie
M pw law. and errrp pracueiag pbpit
Jo*epb R. Bloklep of tbl* eltp aod
Man ebwald *eear* »from tbe eoaatj Anal* Cooper of Old Muoloa bare boca
alw-k a eortifled eopp of bU or bei tioeaeed to wed.
fttnrir* *worD •totemeat aad forward
Ada A fergaeon bM flled proceed- Sytten la aap Btplt1 have reoelven a Mnalgameal
It I* tk* *uu ;board of rogietf*
lag* for diroroe from ber haobaad,
up-to-date shoes—corn-preventing' shoes
oyster* and am prepared to a
with tko ctot* to* of 4»e dollar.
of tbU ol^, oa the
them In aer *iyle at mp rcatamat
—shoes for $1,48 and shoes for $4.00—
ground* of cmellp. They
near the Hotel Vbliiag.
More flcbool,
shoes that please.
Jous MacDox*l.D.
tbl* eltp ta im, aad bav* am* obUd.
While tbc acbool* arc all verp fall at . a daughter of three paAra?t«rl*m0eaau
pioaeat. too ^fell In) maap rotm* tor
LleeaM bM beeo lasaad for tk* mar­
OMroBleoee and eomtori. it U act trae riage of WUllam A. Bapaeq. of Qraat
tkataU tb* room avallebl* U being towaablp aad MIm Aadrep Map Hoyt
Those special lines tl[lat your wife likes to
■Md at preeeat. Tbera. are two
of Beatlc eoaa^p.
to tk* Boardman aveoae balldlag aod
trunks to travel witV1—trunks to save your show her company, Little odd pieces, at
Amelia Atsaa, to* fonr-montba-old
two to tbe Blmwood avcaa* *ebool daughter of Mr. ao$ Mr*. Joka Aiaaa,
Trunks, valises, grips, teie- odd prices—that's wllat sells them. You
jkoaaa not pet *eated. and on* room la of l»-RMt BigbUt
died Monday
scopes, dress suit caises 45c buys a tele- want some—come an d look, that means—
tko OMtral bnUdlbg. BoaldM thU the evealng of cbolora iafantum. Tbe fu­
scope. $iJ.oo buys a dress suit case.
•aniia balldlag oa ib*|WMt Bid* neral wUl bo bold from Ba Jraael*
sovto k* vod If aboolaUIp aeoeeearp.
cknrcb tbl* foronoon at e o'clock.
Vtflut tttuw hetTv
Tb* Sewing elrela of Tnvero* Bap
Vtv \.V\s taatVb\.
Htee met pMtordap aftoraooa with
anything in tht notion line, you take a
Mn. T. O. Bblleon at bar borne oa
notion to. may be found here. Pins. need,
Union Btreoa and *p«at a tew boar*


You Need a Little Fire
These Chilly Mornings....
Air Tight Stoves.



120 Front Street.

House Furnishinj Sttn







KUP5E lora ud BOIT CO. JftSS } ■

A Medley That Pleases.



CLOTHING- Fall Attractions






Shoes, Wearable Shoes


China Wart*

"KloTe 0^ Uvose


Notions— Name it.


Ik* bMt qaalltp of %
•aed la tbe Kimball.

bar* a beaatlfal aeale. a partoot eoaodlog board and action made
bp machlaerp poateeaed bp no other
tostorp in the world- Tbe* hare v
Itotie ***** drawn oa aiMitecte
Iteaa. 'IVaee geode or* eold la all i
■rto^l clCea. Paeterr priee*
Kot^ braneb atore. 1W Proal
•tnot. a Z. Btnmg. mabager.

▲ Bovder MUl Bxploolaa
One UeNswar*-* flboe Koia
la *lghi; ao
edrastic mineral
mite]yovBodp wbea Ur. &iar* aew
Life Pills do tbe *vork eo eaaUp aad
rttaUsM air •dwlaunre* U
enrweUen e( wib.
parfect^y.^ Onto* Headecho. .ConeUp^ tan
AbM^aln. Ol__ _________________ ____ .
peraUn ye* uaed (er maklM msrecUee *

les. ribbons, laces, ties, combs,


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


TBM UOaMtaO MMOOUiy, W»P»»>DAY. B»PT«MB«m 87. 18H8
trWttnp tba family of bar biMbrr.
bns raanraed to Beniy Ibnnallar, baa rataraad tn bar
bnaM ta BaplMW alMr an an- bonm la Daaatar, lad.
aaoded vWI bwe with bar alBMr.
Mra. Jamm Dartnr h apMdlap tbe
Joe BaalpMl aadOeUloa Smith leave weAiaQfoad Baptde.
today for a abort vWt at Kalkaaka.
Mtee Ula Peart bae poM «• Battte
C ty Attorooy Maaly C. Dope wUI po Ordak ter aa esteodod rteft «rttb rateIn Mapln dtj today, to dallver tba
aldrtMatthn eoan^ ^ aow balMf
■onohItMAnd Inoim
bald at that p'as.
iey 'rom ManU City, wkare be eonConoumptloet. In
Waller N. Pack will laare today at deeted a dedlcotten aarriee la the
11:15 (or Ana Arbor. wbMe be wUl Priende ebareb of that place.
A. J. Tbornburp of MapU City, went
Mter the madleal ooaraa U tbe
Ualvarelty of Mloblpaa.
te Indiana oa tbe exeuraloo yesterday.
Mia. B. WbiUap aod eblldtM have
Bev. BareUy JoMa weal M B-obfOM to Orand Bapida. to attaod tbe mond yeaterday. aa adalapaia from tba
(air aad vialt (riceda.
Prlanda ebereh o( tbia city te tbe
Mra. aintoo Bl^arda loavaa tbia Isdlaaa Yearly Meetinp.
soralnp for aisibara Mieblpaa for a
Jamaa Tharp of Neal, baa peas te J tk, *IMUUI
tew waeka vialt
Indiana te vialt relaUvaa.
J B Bowen left for the aouih yoaMlaaOaoaia Bredbapea IkftlbMmorDlap bn tba C. A W. M. (or Orand Bapida terday on tbe ti. B. A 1. ex uraioa.
to vialt bar alater, aad alao attaad tba
Prank Priedrlcb reMmad laat evena ate (air,
inp (torn Ollii Plar.
rvsBt • PiwmA PMat uf Ttew.
Mlaa Clara Brnam of Ualoa City. lad.,
Landlord McDonald of tte Wcotem
The Bnglieh are undoubtedly to Inrataraad to bar bonaa yeetarday aeeom- Hotel at Empire 'a in tka city.
tereating people. Th«y have, (or Inpanted by her (rteod. M tea Joate Trnv la.
Beery Tonneller kae pone on a but!- aunee a number of complaUits wbl<-b
wbo will make a abort vUlt Mine ncea trip to ClnclanaU, Deeater. Ind., give them a cenaln originality. Tfaey
Baaa* baa been la tbia city over e year, and other polnu.
, have spleeu, alcobollim and a furious
aad bxtpea to vialt bara apala In tbe (e{ kind of kleptomania, and atucks of
I tbcec maladies are frequent and danFOINTEO PARAGRARHS.
;erous li I* not meant to Inslouaie
Mr. aad Mra. W. B. UlbbeandcteupbTbe r}-nlc probably weara leatl
tbe English walk about In tbe
lor Maed. of Waal Tontb atreot^'left ap«-tat-le*.
large shops approprisilng all they can
yeaterday morelap (or Orand Bapld*.
Tbe cuilauf might be properly termed lay hands on. yet although of a higher
ebere they will attend tbe etas teK.
orderihelrklepiuBuinU is none the lew
reel. It generally takea tbe form of
Mr. and Mr* I J Natch Itft yeater­
annexing weaker tountrlee wbleb It
day 'or a vteli in ladlaoa.
appear* easy and natural to Join lo tb*
' A BjeoerlaftonthaeaenralonyeeterBrliteb empire.
temporary Insanity.
day (or vialt In tbe eouth part of tbe
A man it dubbed a crank when olbetate
era are unaulc to share hU enthusiasm.
Mra. fl. B UIbba te In Unnd Bapida
Anyway his aaianic majesty never
attandinp tba aiata (air.
eonduited the businesa In hi* wife's
No remedyequal* WaRNEN's Whitk
Mra. A. Straub u vlaiUnp (riaada in name.
______Tar Syrvp (or this terriand fatal dteeaec. H Ukeo iburPjrt Wayaa.
It Ik easier to wish ti-an It te to work
:,;hly and in tlnn.-, it will i-ure a t-ai-v
Mra. Lmoa of Morlay, te tba paaet of •-aod more peoj^ are In tbe bualnean
SuurH, and (o;
A spinaier •<■>'■: "Marriage may b«
Mra. J. H. McOonpb.
KIrippe it
Mr. and Mr*. Joaapb Morrow have a seriou* thing but It can’t be more
IMce. iV
pone (or a vialt to tbalr old borne te
Tb> man who finds hi* level Is aura
Marlon, ind.
of euccees. If one gets too high or too
JadpaandMia. J. B. Monroe have low be te bound to fsll.
pona to attend the atau fair at Orand
There are times wfaen a man would
be appre.-Uted more If he would keep
Mr and Mra. A. J. Helm are eater- hte mouth shut and let bte money talk.
Ao extravagant person te one wbo
telalnp Mr. and Mt|^. Campbell and
exchangea money that be doesn't want
aon. of Montpelter. Ind.
for a lot of fool things be doeen't know
Arcbte McPbail baa raalpnad bte what to do with.
poalUon te tbe atore of B^n J. W.
Hill ben. and will attend eollepe te know which ( Us parents 1s most e
Inoianapolte diityaar.
Icago Daily Newa,
Ivan Dnnn and family left yaater.
day OB tba esonieks for Indlaaepolte.
They wUl retnm to Orand tUnide
are sympaiblsing with
nndMba'te tbe etate fair.
Mtenie Cbampney te In Orand Bapida. Lord Roberts on the loea of hi* favor­
ite while charger. Colonel, (or twentyDr J. B. MarUn left laat nlpbt on a
two yean hte friend and compobion
bnrtnem trip to Brand BapUte. Ha wUl Thle wee tbe borae, U will be remem­ The Famous Original Irish
Uke In tbe fair teeldantally.
bered, which the general rode In the
Mra. Talbot, wbo baa been vlalttep diamond Jubilee proceaslon
tbe (amity of SdwuiB B Praaklio. of
Colonel waa a famous war horse, and
Weat Seventh atreat (or aoma Uma. bed tbe unique dieUnctlon of a medal
retumad to her borne in Cartbape, lad., specially bestowed upon him by her
mejtety the queen after the Afghan
teat Blpbt.
Uke tbuee given to the
Mra. B A Duke of Blebmond. Ind . toldlera. the medal bore on the obverse
wbo ba* bean vtelUnp tbe family of tbe queen'a effigy. wUh the Imperial
Alva Welborn foraome time. reUroed crown, as empress of India, and tbe
• Viclcrla Kcglna et Imperato her borne yeeuirday.
trlx:" the revetwe bud s squadron of
Pivet-ntinn their roeriuK
Mtee Praac Puller te tbe pueat of N. Indian borae emerging from a pass,
W. flerrlnptoa tf Solon. Sba te one of beaded by an elepbsoi vairying a
Alove Is tbe word
the oonuataota te tbe oratorienl mountain gun.
conteat to be bald at Maple City thi. 'Afghanistan." and In tbe exergue
"lk<l>-Tl>-au " It was fastened to (be
borae'B bridle by the Afghan ribbon,
Mr. and Mra. Anpua MeCcll are te green witb red edges.
Orand Rapid* ep joylnp tbe fair.
Mte»Ailir Wilkin* ba* puna te Mu*kapon (or a vialt with frleoda
I—A fan-e ao full of fun that you
Brae*. tVeiooro U viaitmp hte broth­ Ik- Iwsl oougb renirdy on c-rili
I don’t liniah one biy laugh before
er at Kal*m»>x>.
jyou begin another.
Mtee C*mp baa returaed te bar borne
in Uanalag. after a vuii with her alater.
>cd In anv atvie at Jackson's (
Mto* Jemic Camp, at tbia city.
Mlaa Martha Raroey left (or Elel.Comediennes
mood, Ind , yeaterday. She wi I atlena
tbe Prlonda yearly meettep before polup on te Teaaa to epend tbe winter.
Stedman WbIteomb baa pone te In­
diana te vialt friend*. Hi* wife, wbo
ba* bean vivltinp in Blebmond (or aome
time, will accompany him oa bte re
4UATA(v\tld. 60c ATtd
Mra Jack Bennie te 111 at bar bom*
Prices—;^. .'>0. 7^-;boT S ti.-k.-ia,
00 JiffcreoD avenue.
Mte* Myra Pliuiore ba*pone te BicbiV. S Bte on sale at the b..l ortire
mond. lod . (or a vt*ii with frleo<^*
ThurMlay moruing.
Mra Della Bttep baa pone to Rich­
mond for a vlait.
Mr* A. Scuoder* left on the »»aurBion yeaterday (or a tr'p to tbe south
ern part of the state.
Mr. and Mra. Arthur Barnard, who
have beeo vUltlng relative* in the city
(or aome Ume. returoed to their borne
to Ureenfield. lod.. yeaterday.
Howard WblUap and family have
puna te tbe etate (air at Urand Rapid*.
Mra. P. C. Oilbert weal te Blebmond
yeaterday. te attend tbe meetinp of
We have about 150 pairs ot Gent'a fine up-to-date shoes, bjr
Priend* at that place, and alao te vteii
tbe l>eat maker*, that we will sell this week at price* never be­
fore attempted in tbU city.
Mr aod Mte. Benjamin Boupbey left
yeaterday fora vtelt with frlanda at
their old borne la KeadallvHle, Ind.
Mtee Btbel IRomaa te etteadinp the
Men's Winter Tan Rnaaiwl'alf, 3 soleo, kid lined, hand
Prleada yearly meetinp at Riebmoad.
welta. woith Bo.OO, for....................................................................$3 60
tkte waek.
Burton P. Peek of MoHne, one of tbe '
Men’i winter tan, Rnaaia calf, 3 aoles, heavy drill lining,
principal* lo tbe Peek-Crawford wed-'
worth Jt.OO, fur..................................................................................$2.60
dlop this cvenlap, arrtved In the city |
Men's box calf, D M. golf patterna, hand sewed welt, are
'yeaterday. Ha waa aoeompaaied by
worth $4.60. for..................................................................................$300
Obarlea B. Uarpe, of Dixon, HI., wbu
Men’* box calf, 3 aolea, golf pattoms, heavy drill lined,
will be beet man.
worth $4 50. for.................................................................................. $2 60
! Mra. Uanrpa O'Neal left on tbe ex-


^ JtAercA. J

Fine clothing
for men,


At pimmt ih«r« kn ••vaUrB HerMM klAM »t wo>k la lft«al.<Mu Tk#;
priaik «4tkMt Hlary. iwklaf iMr
[. acad t(,
( klMalf wUU baaviac
at BaaibaUl. la tki Upaar
fMlaaala. Ba dUd U M slaataaOvar »M atadMU ka»a ao tar kaaa
aar^ladattka aslTaiaity at AaaArbar, wblab baaaln tba raawd. Tba atiMdaaat wUl probabljr ba vary baaav
tbia yaar.
At Oalasat thara
a allfhi (all el
tmtm am Moaday. Tba waatbar baa
baM ao aold tbla (all that tba eroM
ban baaa fraaUy daMcad.
Praak Wrifbl. ac#d »i. aauniad.
waa (oaad dead la hta borne at MoibapM Moaday aioniia(. praausaably froai
baart (allara.
At Jaekaoa. WllUaia Billa. ap-d a?.
arMt Into tba abaft of ae old eealMlaa
•aaday aad sat oaatb fr<M air damp.
It look a loaf Use lo aaeara tba bedp.
aa BO ooa ooaH I(t» ie the foal air at
tba boUoM of tba abaft No saric of
Tlolaaoa waa foaad Be waa aadoubtMr-. B la btoat died at Ka’beaafo
Moaday soralaf. apod sa. 8ba bad
baaa afflletad witb a paeallar dlaaaaa
(orliyaan, wbleh baa attraetad tba
attaatloD of phpatolaat all oear tba
Btata. Mba had rapaated traaoe eoodlUoaa wblob laaiad aareral daya Oaa
of tbaoa aama oroo bar taa daya afo.
Praak Mallette. ae asploye of J. J.
Aslotta'a llrary aubla at Moakefop,
waa btekad to death by a horaa la tba
bara Saaday. Mallet ab Jaw wa« bi«kaa aod ba a>ao eoaulead a kl«k orar
tba b-'art. wbleb oaeaed bU death.
enty Martbal Crap of Mtarfla waa
serdarad Moedey olpht by trampa
who ware ateallof a ride oe a aonlhboead U. A A I. trala.
Poor boja
ware alao ataallof a ride aed la aa a<laroatioo faatweae tbes aad tbe
lraspa.oMaf tbe boye (all, or wat
tbrowe off tba trato while it waa at a
ataadetill at tba depot. Oaa of the boya
aallad Matabal Orep, who bappaaed to
baaaar, aad tba latter ordered the
trampa to clear oat. loatead ofobeylap.oaaoflba sea drew a rerolnr
aad fired two abota at Crep. one of
wbleb looped under bia baart. eaualap
daatb In a few slontaa
Newaypo llhee bar Base o( -'CaseBi
Olty'. vary Buob. aad olalsa no town
batter deeervra It. Tba new indoatry
promleea a boos for Newaypo.
Ms BapPM Casp baa tbe larpeat
prIcaiaeollecUon o'oaetl Id tbe comb
try. and It will be eiblblted at the Toe,
oolaeouoty fair. There are o?er 7wi
dlfarentrarletiae. oose of them verr
PreparatloM (or ChrUtmaa bare al­
ready bopna la tba upper pealoaula—
poaalbly beeauae ItpaU oold ao much
oarllar In tba aateoo tbao It doee with
aa. B C Keealer of Merluette. baa al­
ready made arranpemaaU to ablp 50.OOO Chrlatmae treaa to tbe eaat. Only
twenty cart aren<(Dired. aaS SUOanrnea
treaa ean be packed on one oar. Tbouaaada of dollara' worth of Cbrlatmaa
treaa are eeoi from tbe north every
Bmanuel Lauer, a farmer llrinp near
Peteraburpb. wet eaodbapped Monday
Blpbt. He waa found lylnp In tbe road
la an uecontcioui oondlUon. TbeebarIP U iDvretlpatlnp.
Near Phot ten b >pa took refupe un­
der a tree durinp'a bravy ralnatorm
finnday aftarnooe. Tbe trea waa ktruck
by llpbtnloa ard every one of the porkera ware klUrd
Tbe Indiana who live at Indian*
Town, eeven mile* from Hapiovw. bare
boon boldinp a oanpmaatlop. Tba hon­
ored flpure of tbe prvup of worabiper*
wea Kay-pay-yar-new'-'e-pe abl pwaby, a pairterebal old womao. 8be u
a yonnp w,.roan when tbe war of lait
waa being fought





Aaothar Portuae.
Benton Harbor. Sept S« —Preak
Pbteeator ha* returned to Haride from
bte third vialt to the Klondike, havlnp
dtecover.d claim* aatonotlnp to fi»o.OM. Be alao aold elaim* dteoovered
derlnp bit(orm<rv*t(or»5o.>.u.K'. (
Hit—TouDg Dr. Plllubury doesn’t

”What I* a aocfallat, papeT”
-Cbtcego Po*t

enraUm yeaterday (or a eteit witb relatleaa In Indiana.
MIm Lucy Tbompaoa te vtelUnp
(rlanda In Indiana.
B. C. Stllaa wett te Battle Creek yea­
terday te rlrti retatlvaa. Ha waa aooompaniad by bte brathar, a SUlawof
OsMfiMMpttnM Oura-«»pne?a Inland.
Wb«t« WNm *f Tar tyniii, the Mr. aad Mra. C V. Wripbi left yeebeat cough remeOy on cenh. cure* a cold terday (or Biebaapad. lad.
Uoaedayifukenlntliiie. MaadMcia.
MeaAmelUTeaaaller. wbobaabean

We wish to oUI your perUenUr ettMitiOB to our
. Ifew Fall ehowlog in


ft e«ra U

24 iMre.

Men’s Fine Pants.
We ere eole acests tor Boeenwald 4t WeilB famooa

“They fit perfectly, hold
their shape ahd satisfy.”
BT«ry pair thli eeaeoa* approved cot. Come in high
dUfi* weavee in the neweet effeou, rich etripee, nobby
checkafloe over plaids, tailored equal to costom work.
Onr fUl openiDE prieee raoRe $S 00, $S 60, $4 00, $4 60
U}, No matter whether yoQ are prepared to buy now
or not 4rop in and let ui show you this magnificent




tnee m

C\0M A




Steinberg’s Grand •SiSSiSKSiSK AAAAAAs.'iD.mww.TO.
Opera House

in Footwear

|Tuesday,-Oct 3.|

and MACK i



’wt M

Frank Friedrich.

Smss "Wlviis\\,Tv
to’tW nAVtTvctivTvtA Uet VTvhtTVvnq ^ot dTtti
Vrtmtb ATtd ^oVVa, 75c,
*iAkes hut

on Sinsjers
£U Dancers •)

but A's ttvi mhVVuq

$2 25.
a iftih.


Rare Chance For Gentlemen
Fashionable Dressers
Specials For This Week.

Great Bargains!

Men's Ruaaian Colt Skin, 3 aolea, kid lined, worth «3 00.
for...................... .......................................................................................$2 00
Men’s vici kid, heavy aolea, kid liBatl, worth $4.00. for.. .$260
These aboee are all the latest toee and pattern*, new good*
this fall and genniae bargains. Come in aod see them.

Bargain 8ho« Stor*.



EterftlHng Mew and Up-To-Daie ^

b. 'VO. ■WtWVWert.

167 Front Btroet

~You get it of u

(^ur reputat-ion for good g’oods and
latest styles iS no qaestkm—With tbe
lines we carry we can fit yon proper
and satisfy jou. As to the prices, we
are nevtr undersold if quality cuts any J
We are. as ever, the OM Reliable
Shoe HouSe. '




Qood HArdwood in Stove Leng-ths.
Also Four Foot Mnple Slabs And Edging.



T raversB City LumberCo.

Is pecogui/.ed by ail bargain Btvk<-rs a
tbe cheaiiest and beat place
to buy

Fine Footwear.
Ladies' tine French vici kid. button and laoe. cloth silk
tope, alt leather shoes, made on the latest laat#. sold
elisewhere at J3 'O, our price.................................................... $1 98
Ladies' genuine Goodyear welt laaa sbuea. in tan and
black, vici kid. on tbe mannish toe with military
heel—this is equal to any $3.60 shoe, sold here at.. $8.60
Men'* black and tan. vici bals. on tbe latest lasts, regular
12 50 shoe, our price......................................................................$1.48
Ladies' tan aod black kid oxfords, on tbe English and
Cornell toe*, a shoe which is worth 11.60, oor spec­
ial price.................................................................................................


We studv to please. Try a pair.

13S Front St.

Practical Shoeman.

I MO«nMO BSilOBD. W«0—l>A»,


&trv«raX 1l(emk
\Vve \0oi\&.
9TMMI «Bptariar 0mu«1 Awtriw
Tha CkIciMMw LarWatan haa
yaaaad Ua bUl nWag Ua lOtmm far
«( Mrriacaa aostraataA eaMida «ba
meatnaalM to •1,000.
ntuaa firia aaployad la a Uaadry
aaa WUIcaaham. Pa. hava volutoarad
«a taralah akU to
<>• «ba am of
CaUa Wvf. a toawirr trM. wko waa
l^farad la aa aaaidaat raaaat'y.
Tka Urfaat watomatoa (ataad la
«aMaa tbU 7aar walfhad 10« pouda.
Tkla kaa Waa tka fraatoot ymr for
vaa*a aad atoall fralt Uat toa Naw
Jataay tarmn ha«a kad la a daaada.
A aatoa of alUka pollttoal parUaa la
Caba la kaUf adroaatod la Karaaa.
Got Jekaaoa of AUbaaaa. kaa rraattod patola to a aafro iMpriaooad for
•Uallaf akiekaaa. oa ooadlUoa tkat ka
aakall Bot aual. taaj or oat ektokao or
mmj portioe tkaraof fw toolra Boakka.
aarro tklaka Ua eoadiUoM
^■po«r*fal kard.”
foay aad oata UU year Uaa Boclaad.
•Tka MO raaall oomrrad laat year.
Sararal aaw mUltary aoaka hare bean
toaubliakadkyUaa. Bataa la tka dalu
Imdoo kaa aaoretbaa 1.000 koaaaa
MaaaaUtoa kaeaoaa they ara aatd lo ba
I'art of Ua Qiaaa'a bloek oa 8t.
Mootraal. Qitebae.

Some defMt in Ue work of

eneonetmotiOB. wbleb waa going on at
RkaUMe, wai rtopoailaU j Fka lou
■Ul be tlM.OOO.

Forwnatoly no one

wane lajared.
Tke esslUBeal of ■etUag ku eblld
,WM kme prodneed a aorloae reaetioa la
Ska ooBdttloB



Faarad tbat It Biy






■and hlB to Malu or Madrrta.




4as«rlba Ua altsstloa la VaaenaU

Tba r«folnlloaUto

groaeblag VUtorU.


batUa wUl ka foaght.





aat In wan* e 4)niet Kama tosetber. aad :

to wo
m too,, ato too ,wo UOM • cmn w

" to-toOk i« moo. e Hr—
..rt.loj; for tl., pon**, of Blirrio*

mntod for on tba hypotbaaia ^tbat Iba
S^ tJTtDlA^ Sd

“®‘ ••>"*

*'‘***‘^ “**
A. aooo a. any IlfluM la

________ _

erty. bat aUo rlU foor Urga but not



Oaal Mlar at Pori* BxpoeMleo.
.lui- »i iliv aiimciKiuK <ii iix- I'urta
rxpuoltiuD U in be a iv«utar <tial mine

gaiua went alonx qnletly roongh

Tba luajuT waa out WOO or S400. bot.
ea botb pUym ramarkad. tbr game waa

Thrrr will l>r a ehaft
fn-i lo diamrirr
KIgbty rialtara

'runng yet. ' At laal a jack pul lurWO

wlU br let iIuwd at a ilto^te'tbr oatao anil nelgbonoilia uodi-r the
horlng avenoea. which will Iw lined

:ianie and reniaioed
Back abd forU
M the table went Ue deck. Neitbex
Each lima Ua

and atiiditeil wIili i-iial and oibar mln-

deal pamed the (<ut waa awretened SiO
Ua1 tbara waa •8m0 on Ua tobla
Tba major dealt
Hnntley looked ovar

mla. Artual inlntDE w'lil l>e dona. 1nrinding rock driven power urllla, coal
rolling aod hauling
------------------------------------n«aa.». wue o« c*ra H-.U.

bia card* and funnd four jacka
Aa bu been uld. tba major wu a '
slick dralrr. and when a big pool waa
lUka and il wa» bia dml ba genet-

A milliner in a la mak>
Ing two bonnets from coni hoaki. one

ally luanaired to give bli opponent n
good alls band, while Uking care Uat

of which la to go to Quean Victoria
and tbe oUer to Helen Gould.

ba kiiBMlf bad one jnat ■ abade batter,
So, when Unbtley found tba four

one dulgned for Mlu Gould will ba
the prettier, of the two, u bar youth

jacka in bia band it aeeiued to bim that
tbe lima bad come to predpitata bia

will permit of more color than could ba
worn by the agao queen acroM (ba aea.

font acac into action

Tbe jack# were

A almllar boiinel made by

tvtlred QDoatantationaly. aod with a
faint—a very faint—abada of dluppointwent In

bU voka

Hnntley an- j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"I can't break it."

the ume

milliner two year* ago ia now In pooaeaalon of Mrs. Mi Klnlay.

people alwave believe meauv “stodying
cni a straight.'
Finally ba uid:
I'll have to break it forlblH) It's n

•. Ciiy Oyw

Hatley looked monmfn) and uld
stay UitnuMf a card.''

te for me.


Ska ataamar Oattaga aty that a ralUf

mxpediUon ku baau unt by Ua mountInntley

md polloa to Ua UaakeasU rleer trali
erhare great luffanng

U eald to


troia Ue Mac-

Tba lut airiral


Kaaila river wu aa Autrallaa named
Sdwardaoa. who, after loalag bln anp-


rt'h* in?*



Only a roaring dr« enabled J. MOarretaatt, of San Antonio. Tea., to
lla down when attaead by AaUma.
from whieb be aoSsreid for yesxn. He
wrltaabU mUerr wu often no great
tbst It seemed be eadnred Ue sgontw
of destb: bnt Dr. King's New DUeovuy
tm ConsamptioB wholly nr^ him.

from Ua rauntBuopleal
a to at


laut gS.OOO.

Forty daaUt aad orar MO


iounly wouadad ara raportad from var>
.loui partoof Ue Uland.

Tka city U


aaau of wrukaga. while Ua harbor
front b Hand wlUUedabrU af Urga
mad email boau.
Bdward Balwar Olekaai. a aoa


OkarlM OUkaai. hu Utoly baaa apHa bu

Ru removed ber cfice to Park Place
Hotel. Booms W
Si. Abb*x
OfBeehonrsOto II a m..X to 4 and
Aasnal Obis ExeutiBa.

t D
lar Valley, and W. A L. B. line.
•&.00 to Toledo and return. One fare
plot imnafer to aoinU bayonA
Baton limit 10 days.
Special through train from Traversa
S^SO a m. Wadneaday. October
nh. H W runnlngbam. AgL
MlUbell. G P ArL


•Iraady aarvad U Ua aolouUl parlU-

An Inuolty aura of latoraattoaal Im• partaooa bu jml bun effseiad.
lar Ruth of JolUt.
JCtakakae aiyium


Uit SMarcb



wu uat





ahrough trutmaal wiU lymph 'from
YUadaof goau.

Bub U borne


kU family oomplatoly rutorad la mind
mad body.

Tba lymph wat

by Dr. Bobarto. a
Oily. Mo.


pliyeieUu of Orroa

Tba ireatmut U eaid to ar-

<*Uranoa G Ward of Dayion. O.. ku
palmed GSI ataaplee.
Multrr ImtioTj U on* of
mmaieur atbirtee In Parii.



liord da Gray, aldrat eon of Iwrd
Ripon. te Aald to be ibe beat abot In
Orrat Bfluln.
Thr Prince
of Waira mlaaaa tba
gmuer abooting, Oov In a«Aaon. but
mbtrb hit tllnaae prrvrnta bU enjoying.
Charlra J. Stllle, who baa brquaatbrd
fTCjlOO to YAla. wu prraidenl of the
Unlvanliy of PennaylvAnla until 1880.
Banal or Quay U bow on bU way to
Cnaada to ftah. Ha pat already angled
la Florida and at AtUntle City tbU
Tba Cburrb Rrvtrw baa an rxrallent
sad cbtrarirrUMr
about tba
Arcbbltbop of ranterbury. It U atoutly denied by the rlluallat preu tbat
tba clergy aoucbt a fudgmem on tba
gtMatlua of llghtt and lurenae from
the archblthopa One of them on be­
lli! carpeted by the primate uld: “But
i have not aaked yout grare tor a da.alaloB "
"No." wu Archblibop TampU'a grim reapooba; "but you'll have
•aa " He had It_______________
Bdftork Bwfol-Plight

skat BO doctor or ramady kelpad uatll
,ka triad Baeklaa'a Amlea lUlra. tka
I but la the world. Ba wHtaa, two koxu
latalllbla fur PtUa.
Osra gnarnatoad. Only ste.
Sold te
J. Q. i^tnaon nnd B. B. Walt, drw-


dead for years now
Abont two years after tbe famoni
pokiT giiiiie Bilwarda wu vlait


elUlaety aiorv i^Beal relaivDcea rr,iu

game bring e'.raiKbt
Unt there’s one
thing Uat’s been pouliug me fur two


years and I want l» a>k yun abont it. ’
“Go abwad. mayor. ' uid Bnutlsg.

Irblldroo-* dlaea*** a ■pactallr.'

QrAHTgrk-OM dieiae-toow r
aocl rook . pernaaeat posit
vagas paid. Apply at iBIa oBee.


tbnnder didl yon
refaae to open
>«n tb
tbat last Jsck pot WlM
yon bad fonr jacks in yuoi
yuor band I'
UyOr." retnmed Honitley tbi

Q,1BL WARTgl>-l^^e4B«ral
laqultv of Mra g E MIU»r to.


f^R aAl.g-Ca*ap for ra*k. oer





duN that Uat bandT"
-1 did. Suolcy. ' Nfd tbe major.
• Well. then, major, since ^fonr aces
won tbs pot. bow in ibunder conld (t
have been n straight gameT"
■■Tbat'a no. " mid tbe major


Becuvely > “Let's gel s cab and go to
some tbeator. "—New York Frees
wr the Hnale Kell.



WAHTKO- per tvaaral beaaev

“1 wUb to look

at mnaii

ao-l repairtac l>lcy>-l*«. A bustwvasIkai pa>*
trow tit u ■) per day. WiU d** tlw* oo ran.
a y reatos ter B*lUac-to>* otSor betlotoa.
Wlsehaoc* U eurta year uw* to luroatlaat*.
PI-BI row*, Srai •cned CUU or wrltr to XIX
eouib foloe .tr*«t. opposw C A W H. d*B^
B g Ulbtw. Prop._________________________ ns-lt

'CVOBaALX-Tve lAip* 4>
of ear el

“Wagnarsniee that 1
Uroagb it ao u to abow on Ua

Yas tba babit of aaUng




does gel people into awkward litnatlona
BOW aad Uaa —Deirult Journal.


lit Dnloa Straav


ba mppad bank.-*

MUdalpbli NarU American

Wehavejuat received ao
elegant etock of the most
besntiful srt work in Dsioty
China ever displayed in the
Xiiere are aeveral
haodsome and new deeigns,
^ which we invite the ladiet
Our st4>ck of jewelry is the
finest in this part of the state.

Barnum & Earl.

■ ;
■«=S= ;=
Trolto arrt** trow Oraad

Neighbors, Join the
MoOern Woodmen of ImericaIt to snfif, sure, reliable.

ill aad Oraad Eapldo. at 7 ■ p. w.
la l*a*lac at M ik a w kaa ebair car to Oraad aaplda
TralB IradDt A
apoli. aad 8». to«u, -Inlag car ta Ormag
O. L- tOOaWOOD O. * * T. A- rtraad a***-*

Chicago •"
West Michigan.
i“ fj 'r»
(w 44S
ArOrdKapIda. 4 9Qp w.
L*Ord BaplA*.J 4 Wpw
• *>lrolv......... Mtopw;

paaa rhlldr*B. laat ytor. We re gel 4XS0U
How* Jnat ua* yoa-bl* crowd.






I '"u'T




•Ml tiAo tsooo m.n»

*5 *13
Iff .« iff
s 5 :s


Tff 1

i '

ii L ' 12-

B*au—for tb* lad tt

3. KEBOB. Agoav

unit in MemmiMio.


IH oil tD*d tl a itlMI 11.
You ...

M ,el. >ltb n.

a«, Cu.ul. T'v

Eggs, I4t a dozen.
Good Dairy Butter, 17-18c.
mx Coffee-11 lbs for $1.

Hiram Cook,

Fire iDsurance.

TetakeaSaet S
aUiKe'eloak a.w.



4 lOiLr
Ari D W
4 It
r. A P If Drpm
I It «

is is'


IIS; !!

____ Lak*
KanlttM Xiac


IlH - if!

•le Aj •* V

TviD MeuBCalB

rrwaa'4 HU)

I W|

e in


10 10





1 H


•b*rw^4 Mill twio«-AlJ^

•nag Siailiaa.
Tktc Oowpany roaci
^aaplax tto Us4 of

L. X.. A Building
Annual Excursions
... Via G. R. & 1. ColUDibiaaDd Loni CimuiiiDp

Tl RidiiiKiKl, Septmbtf till.
14 Mnit im Cbloio, Od. 1.
. .. teU. and to Detroit and Chisago om
Tickets will
Mk later. Oetoter i

ColAf Monk every day eaeepi Si
toar* TrawrtoCliy..................................



CharUveii......................................... imps ,
CkarlvTtox a. S. Dock................. iKSpa ,
Oolac South e»e»» day exeept Soaday.

.. nmpa

tfta*»iae CUy ..
>p wbaa PUgid.

Votloe to Taxparara.

________le Oraad Trank syatem.

*aiTuSJ2 For time of tr^ and forUer toforItoaUptoA dwr^ OtoKer mattw^^^jn O. B. * L ttotet

to-i-si'Sto teSiSiJS
(tore vui to toargeA A


MitDRon Block.

Moilr* U brraby civwi ibai Ito lu rolls tar clnaive. good for return on rrgntor
tto colWntoa to •eVael u« eiv tax** aad eU- tmfns for ten dnyn.
«r laxto, Itoladlac apcelat aaseeawtsau |rFor Detroit, ehoiee of twokontoswUl
tto y*a- urn. baWtoaa alatod la >y baada Ibeglvwi OnevtoF. A P,iM. B. R.
-a. aU Uat 1 wlirtolB wy oSc* •
Wrw caU OO KB Aliya. reMa T aad s Uereufrom Bead C ty; the oUer. vto D.._G.
lUaOe Sleek,TiaroraaCity._________ >l«-t»a

MT^lSJS.'SrS.rr" *SC2’-

■kv,ia *eMy*iyika.ias.


Cbildrra ondsr

■ '“‘■£77.-

law la (to wbelo pla*. Uhauh. laqalra at Baoeu

Gnid KijlB k bllua 11


a aad irwatott

epos saLB-Otob sr iBleUwaaka. IS Sm lew
) yon know Uat yon talk In ]
•leap, Benryr naked Mrs Pack.
“Wall, do yoa bagradga me Uom


Quick work.

'^t'SfE-lAerlruJrHlaor* esa
found al
talk *'*:

Smiles tba ekrk aSaWy
“Hera U aomelhlng *ei


Price Rednced to Close Oct Lol

Enter girl wltb ibgl subUe air of raant wbic ‘
aan tbair living and a

Gas Lamp-Best workmanship money

^ ICVCLl ABOP POR aiLg—To aojr ooc

TiuvraeCttP RbaA


New Store, New Mnneon Blk.

larwe: alddla-agad lady pwn Waoblapoa kt
T4I If



^R. Rt>tJMTHALTH01(IW0N.^>«^. Park

reb-Two apgraoiw rirla^

Giitril lisiriMi.

Bendlr BloU.

(o«p. ei. ■folepboao. Tl

..X H04.- and lol. 4W «
. WjiJ lake eood lu IV pai
Hire ol Bu(b*4 A Roiburg.

like yon and I play imker together
tbrre'a never any qneatiuu aliout tbe

pnfBng bU cigar
“Sianley. why in


Atotraew of TlUa,

■nale Hloek.

iuK Ni tt V,iik. aud be l»>ked
dupHnntup ilnnt
Tlif.t lime,* mi-ellirr..............................
tlieA'ti.r' —
Huoie- 4; 1 . 1 •. 4iud n b-1. Hiecigera Jl*'

fow words aUor
•MS Union ntraat—Til—kf-tog.


one after anutber
Then ba Uid down ,
bia band and naid briefly
/-^IRL waHtTXD-Por (ran
\y U».i u( vacra Call ai ...rv. Kra w
"You win. Hlaoley
All 1 bad wu Carey Bull, rororr Slai* aod Wi,'rUlnaioo.
7*ft-t( ee. o«ce im, rtotdeace U>4._________
foor qaeone.

Tbe next day tbe major redeemed bU , poB s*ti
,i-r|a»’ae ily b.-r
MefeaotUe Oo B
bill of ule and Uuntlry came to New *ririn«t..r
lD*|ulre at otti« - o! HawlltoB
at Law. SpeAaJ
744 If
York and began to write tbe "SpoopenI —tide h> tax
dyke Papers " which wereflret publiobUe'a b4>en
ed In tbe Brooklyn Bugle

bad In-cb li^uletl Ule mayor auld
“Stanley, of conrae wbm gentlemen

rut untllty or old age.

a ctMBMaaUuB vkrcl for utlr
tl WaahlagtoB aira*i.

John R. Santo,

OcwMr Frost and CUm Streets.

Tb* papular, pragr***!** SquIWbl* 8
a*rol*ui BearSi Prawrtuly or vto pa< lod.

«^te I


Ha examined tbe aces , wo

H. L * Oo. Bloek

Sr. BcMthal rbempsos

never flinched.

«f proparty

TM lit


UThrokt. <»eat Sod_____. . ..
Price JOc and tl CXJ. Onsrsntoad. Trial
boUlu 10c at fi, E. Walt aad J. U
Johaaon Drur Strree__________

poiatad a rabbit Uapaetor by Ua gov-

partmaat from Ouadalapa tbat Ua lou


C. C. Lester, Mansger.

■ramaat of Naw SouU Walaa.

OoaiBl Ayma raporw to Ua aUta da-

8Uth. STTkO; one on Weet fvoni, RMOOi
rne oa Fifth, larra konae
•roo»a. lot I0*m»4 ft. wi'b TJ baofto*

rvtvninaSSet^rootnniASMT evenb:

Rye. per bn.................................................

■roe. por doaob....................................1*
Applee-C«lU kod windtalU. toe pmr
100 Iba.

band If 1 loae. I'm broke. '
I ijion itgi(T-Ler«« dweiiie« oe giawoed •'
fpiRR imCSANCR-aaiM lover thaa
Tbe major look anotbar look nt bit -F »ur. muiubU tor ose or «*<, loieiiie*
I food tom oe pr*ml«e*. AorlytoJ UMuttot. r Prawpi ■eitlraeal. cwivful aueetloe.
band and replltd
^ J I Jr., Hotel Wblilea-*>’M‘> Eoo« oirrel.
T« oaly rallabi* stock PO«onai^. Ha*» a policy
^IMO at oDc*
I. W awtlBg'* agvaey.
m l got aa
t biU <
bnilding and plant newtpapar
■par and all. !| quiM
^uim eoialit
eouriiborhood. ne»r i-u•B." rooe
and pul tbat in tba put
If yon win. | KoBiiive Racoao.
;«r It
can bold it till tomorrow, wbaa I'll I
yon cj
-CiraNTBD-KiperleBrtd MleeUdr. Opplr
,, Sen York Btore
OAeas aev Toaeallcr block. X14 froav O'
"Oo abmd,
TalcpSou Mo. «B0.
Tbe major wrote ont Ua bill of uta
,r» o'll.
ud eeassalaad threw tbe alip of paper into tba pot . ^keseabi* end .^uie. «ooa
. i-eU
ira Soaaa Blk.
OB top of tba big pile of greenbacks or Udr*.. R D. White, wmiu
-kR W S A W. a. Mooa. gearral ptarilr*
Ueir pockets
J •aerialutacyc, ear, Boae and r*alto
“Now I'll call.
' uid tbe major
arydlaoaaea. Old pboae.»i He*. 107.
■r Opera Bouee Block .
I It. rtoder plreae Irarr
“Foars''uid Rontlay. snd ba Uid tiona rODBra
ei *
nC rniBI
Fred O CurtU.
747 tl*
down bia fonr one apota The major •'

. ptiaa. wu a wuk wiUout food.




“When I Ut down.' uid Huntley.
untley. ,O.DeremIl.UlSNonbCeO*r
II raiu
•I bad
in my pocket
eAtr-ne—eri-.. .boi rue 'ta.u.-e '
yon tbe foil anioont of that on tbia one
ie,iuire ettti Wr.i rroui«wrei.

. .

.. $1.00 up
« Gold FiUingn....
........ 7&C up
f^jPlationm Fillings
........ 60c up
15 Silver Filling........
.2.50 to 3-00
JJ White crowns....
AO 22 ksrst gold crowns .3.00 to 3 60
Bridge woA............3.00 per tooth
Painless extrscting snd filling
cbloform or ether
Terms cssh.

Try tba Niw BatUttrsnt.
Regular meals, SS eenw; Innebea. It
unu. BvaryUlng Uat should be
served in a drat-elam reataurant can
be had at Ue ‘ I>e Maes" Parker
building. U. Dill A Son. Everybod;
Invited to call.

l^nrH^UIRt WANTID- Api-b .l

The l«s.t n uitk.
Giiraitief for IC»Mts.

Parebaaen for tke following
■any ■ore too nnwerone to —nt .
Ho«M at *1* Weet r»mt
' ow rtfUa etr^i wiU all

tnetortea. Urge lot. S600

wbat tba Boston Dental Parlorn offer
yon UU weak, Read tbair ad in UU

The gorarnment U rery na-

Hewa ku laaebad VietorU. B. C.

I Tl


Paapla dealr-

popular aod very eupleloua.

10 7S


major waa atill axaiulning bit .
t boliatlngairtbel Boma '

Good for 15 Days


RBdueo DtotkO ARoalee.

hlmaelf for UU farewell

conld get opeuera

lac mUm of yaptordoy w ftoo^
pfwrWoM kod fim woduto ua Tm


Sr.irtototoo’it'f-'r r«;r^toT^

dag to proeead to Faarto Caballo. on




Ska gulf of TrUto, ara not allowed to

_ A0W M »IM «< U« kwytoc Md tot'

Ur rrrvat laraotlcaUoM of Dr. Balm A FAMOUS OAMC OF DRAW POKtR
o' Oxford focardlox tbr canar of
deatb la mlalac accMwia Rr fooad
that at tl Tylonttova cauatropbr 02
ST werr kitted by gaa and
«%• Ooator ear* aio Rlrai Kodr cmlj IJrr by tbr
jMba Md MiBMlt roar ••oroa. j,,, ^
owin* to tbia and lb*
Wboa tbo abor. Po»o c«o.r. (bo (»..t UuH 1 ,*r <voc «f It lo thr air oufdaofco Mod Tormod lo Aooo.
, ^laa. It U rUrrmrly dauiBtbeoorthoaalfbryrtiilUlkabool fw^ia. tl baa brro found, hoarrrr
Ike Uat
Kane that Majot Ed- »»“» »'<»
vanla mod Htanfey Bantlry plorrd to bj It tbaa ineii. abowla* Ur ayiuptoaia
Xrlbar Tkey wm pioorr; Wlitor. of
« hour aoonrr-.o
aeoapapna In DakoU lo tbo, old trrri- *ila»rtra. It la tbrrrfore aureretrd that
lorlaldara Bnntlrv bad Joat aold hla tnlurra akoold taka aloa* aotur mice In
paper fa Biaaiarck f.* M.WO caah aod a «ifr and hrrp tbair ryae aa tbm—
«aa coinlBp eaat Re aod Iba major bad



C L. LecKweoo.
e. P.BT. A

7 iss:

Otoag Sonik .very day exeapi SaaSap.

: S2SSJSS.,JiS:s
city....................... ISteam
Otoag Merav
tn«eTB*iMaO|w -'

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