The Morning Record, January 22, 1899

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The Morning Record, January 22, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


PMOod Ta«-Ho 06

Vattad StotM aad Bn^aad
Wm JfliAlB BwioMt

VM IHMlftlB BtoM I
-iTtiiiaii iim «f I

Birtte, Jam. tl.-IW c
k • kl^
-ai Ik*
•tTBM Umtfm oSo*.
**nM fOWSMMl ha* i**t f*—twi
*dM*U*4 raportfroB Hobo*, wktek
tk*7 thlsk r*li*hl«, BOf* *o
Ik* noort diatribot** tk* hl*B* for *rton prettr *VBil7- Tb* roport mja
lk*t M*l**t*. frXor to
•M r**o«*ta*< M *Uflb)* kf Ik* tkr**
***■*1*. b b Ira* that X»tub i*
im w** ho*tib to 0«B*B7, bat tfe*
•ttaaito* i* f UbTMk BOW .Mid QarBUij
»• loBfto obJ*etod to htB. Wh7 CkUf
Jaatfe* OhBBb*** ua«U*d M*t**f*'*
•bMto* W* Am'i kMMT. It WM *«•
tBlsl* Bot udB tb* Una* of U* B*r>
II* iMt/. Tk* daeblM t* »u Ik* n
lB«* b**B toatfML No whit*'* prop>
«r^. bow«TB. ka* k**8 iMbojad, Bad
w* don't kBOw whj to* ekbl )a*tla*
aoofhl r*faf*««lk* Brttlak wanklp
“Ik. BbS«I, tk* 0«rB»B B«Bielp*l
pmbUoi. Bst*d m^Bllf U hcBBkiBf
iato tk* coon kooB*.
•-W* OBB OBlj naplBlB tk**e thtnira bj
B*nk>lnr tkBt «r*r)rbod7 there
yrowB BerroB*. Ik* 0«r«M foraiw
Bant. kowevM. take* the bbubt ealmIf. DoBbUM tt wmb*BdjQ*teddiploBillniltj
OarBBaf Bdk*rB *trteU7
to tb* torn* of tk* Bu'lia tnatf. WhBt
over m*f»l iidib'h tk* Oonaan* is
•BBto BBJ k*r* OOBBlttod w« tkaU
^•wYork. dB^ II.--A Barald W*.htofUa *p*e(Bl *B7* that tkww b *f«TT
»***BB to beletr* that joint repi'Btutottoe will be Bad* to the German for•IfB ofloe b; tk* AmorleBB and Britbb BBfaaatodcnr* in'SerUB.

tripartita traatr ka* bean froaaljrlo.
bind bj tb* BOtloB of Ike UerBBB eoa•nl aadikefoTBar praaldeot of tk* bbntelpa) eoBBBll of Apia. •adlbatltU
to tb* lntor**t of Germanf a* well a*
of tk* other powen alfnatoty to tk*
•Hita net. to withdraw the OorBan
■anlib BB0Uaa*a at obm troa the



BHkHU*. Tmm.. Ju.
i*9. M tk« Um
Lm lOMtttJ.
Vliftelft, »ad Haaeqak eau|). T—aw
M*. U*
k kfttUa iMttar aMnl ko«f*
fMitjr Of Virtfaia aad Um
et Taaamn, A w
bv of BM M kolh dte WM kilUd
Tkoqatfrri w««ot loaf MMdlac.lW
yarttaaiM*«(Uwfl^w«M»v trm-


Blow To 8UTW In Prodpwrt
In Oongraw.
lBb*Uluti of Sur* Bill nxa* St
aid or Taiw to ka the SoM ItoUar
-.Departaaeat of Ibb* aad

to* todap kr^ atrtet par^ vote ordawd
afaeorahla report oo a ■abatitol* for
J»e HUr* kill to As tk*
•UadaH of ealoe la tbe Daitod Statoa
aad for other parpoaea.
bUI proridea U aabataoee that
the ataadard of ralae b* the fold dol­
lar. that all eoatiaeto eslaliaf aad ia
tb* fatora be
to that etaadard: that there b* **ubla the tTMoarp a drparuaeat of

Bbnt PlaaBbl to a* »«lh WkenXarlABd AhrofBU* Trwrtf
Wnahiarte. Jas. tl.-.Tk* ooMtr«eUoa baiBBB of tb* narr dapertmat
will b* raadf to adeertbe for propoaaU
of* B*W BBB^f.
ftorthabb** jaat *a i I a* tb* be retired and fold bill* be m
fe**B*Bt to abfiifBU that *e«UoB
of lb* traatf of im with Great Britain
'kleb prokibiM altb«r

Roi PtRm oap.


Got a Friend
Going Away?

Walk* oa Ail Boaia, b Obvered with
Bair, aad Fifhto Lik* n D«tooa.
Kokomo, lad.. Jna. ll.-OpoatoM*
Bweed MeCraokeo of N«th Brvla
towaaklp kroafbt to jail here ymurday
afaatoepeeiaMof ksBaalty. enpcarad la a ehoreh at Popalar Ureve. Tk*
mas. who waa pr»etfaaUy aad* wkea
tend. I* partially oovered with a tkldt
ftaitf frowtk of frlaly kair from oa*
to fonr laekaa ia I«afth. Ha wa* at
Am tkoarbt to ke aom* wild aalmal.
aa k* waa ereaeblnf aad vralkiBf oa all
fooia betwaae tk* keaebm of tb*
ekarek. Tkaafk evUeatly paat w
7*an of a«a. ka it a kereala* ia phyMqaa, aad wild aad vkloaana atlfer. Be
foafbt like a daBoaoa belaf eaptored.
B* eaa talk bat UtUo. Ba aayi kb
BOB* b JaeobeoB. aad that b all that
eaald be fot oat of kiB. It b aot
known where ke earn* Itob. Tbe oSeet* are at a lem to knew what to do
with him.

Gire them some of Peck’s fine colored views of the
city. Or s birthdAj coming in the family*/ Get
them a book, or a box of stationery, or some fancy
article in^the crest wave ware. Been invited to a
wedding? Send them a framed picture—nothing
nicer for snch a present. We are headquarters at
all times for every occasion.



2B0 Pront St.

a A W. M. Tatd* Straeb bye Broadaide nad Aim Krkoe in Foroed to
Do Seven ■en'a Work.
The C A W. M. yard* la tkb eltr
have bean atrwtA with a whole broad
aid* of tbe frip. A tew day* *fo eevea
men were oblifed to <|alt worii oo
eeaat of It aad aerea more from do
the liae were *eat here a* Mibetltai
Now tk* aebeUtata* are alek with tk*
aaaovlaf dlaeae* aad ao mote Beaar*
arallable. ao Jib Eeboe. toe avast, b
dolDf the work of the whole lot.
diadala* aleep and b oatlaAed If ba feta
eaoafk to cat: and b bappy that he b

TeUfrom From Lm Aafete* ZoM
( the Death of
kordor. Hi*
tkaOldiatSeBefH A- Pertp.
nrj alinUar to tk* Marietta, ratod a*
aa onarmored oompoaite fuabaat, aad
Lo*t areBiaf B. A. Perry reeelred
kailt bjr tb* Uakm iron work* at 8aa
td aewe frt>B Lae Aafaleo. Be raFraarbeo. It wUI be •ebaoaer-rlfrad. rived a UlifraB aaaooaelaf tb*
with a fro** toaaac* of *06. II Iob* aad death of kto eld«*t *oa. Boj W. Parry.
a B*t toaaaf* of 6S7.U. a dbpi
Aboat tk* Arat of September Mr*.
of l.OM toa*. Bean drattfhl twele* P*rt7 aad Boy. tofetbar with tk*
feet, leafth oo toad wator Uae. other three ehUdrea. w«at to OaUwhea failj eqaiped iwadj for eer- foraia In hope* that tk* eliMto woald
*b. 174 feet, aad breadth of thirtf
At Roy** baallk. He wa* tk* vlefeeb Tk* faebaat will be arieeB bj tiB ef emamptloB aad for a leaf
twlaaerewe aad a rertlele triple aa- tiB* every mean* to krlaf back bealth
paaaloa eafine of l.OM aaaiaai
waaezhaaatod. Boy w*a 18 year* of
dMated horae power, capable of de- afe aad waa a brifkt boy wkoae
eeloplaf a apeed of tklrtoea kaoU aa frieodalB tbl* city aad vielaity are Vow DrflalMly Kaown That 8k* Wn*
Wie^ed br Haptba Sxboar. Tbaeeaael will earrj a aoraal lafioa. It U probabl* that the rv
eoal eapplf of IM tona, bat will bare a amla* wiU be buried in U* Anfelea.
oapaoltf of M6 too*.
Molrii*. AU . Jao.
—Tbe t«U of
Tb* arBaaeat will be *ix foar-laeh
tbe laoDch Paol Joan b at laal deAnrapid dr* fa** ia tk* Bala'Wtteif aad
iUlykaowD. Tbe aaptba Uak'of tk*
foar *lx peaad aad two oaa-potwd rap­ M. wfll bold a refalar eoBmamealioa
id flrefaa*. oa* Colt aed oe* threeA* bt^em^
either JdUed at
-----before tkb
iaeb rapid ftr* feld picoe In her aaedrowned. Ike wreck of tbe lanrcb
U deMred.
oodary battoiT. Ber eoaplemeot will
waa foead by oyater Aahrmea. who
beeleeen ofBaeraaod IM
Claa* N'o. 10 of the F>r*t M. B ekareh aay that the esploaloa oecarred a
for I wa* catvulaed by oae of it* acBber*. afo.. Tkb bUhv Am tiBe they have
w *kip, aad Ue aeeretary of tk* > Mar Fiervea. Tk* Urn* waa so*nt lo toeebed at a aettlement alao* they dUf*B«a. lira. Fisraoe aerred a dalifht- eovered the wreck.
ful aapper.
Uraide* three uakaown b«b who
Ia ri*w of tb* reaewed iaterett la eoBpoaed tbe crew of the lanaek there
lb* atraafe etory of Dr. Jekyl and Ur. were on board JoMph KrisbBan.LoDbByd*.
Florence Ibinrart. daashier ef
Tom O Oolllai baa Takes Fletokatb
Rev. C. TJ Stoat wUl
> *o tkb the mayor of Loobvlile; Harfaret
Old Stoad OB Front Streat.
atory thb moralBf.
Wondlaod of Cbleafo. Cni. Harry YoT. C. Oollin* baa token tbe reatonrant'
Another aoclal daaelnf party will be CUB of St. Loaia and Mb* Florence
OB Froot Btreel formerly oondaeted by i riven at Bik Rapid* nest Thuraday {Yoei
W. H. Fletcher of lae Hotel CoInBbia,'


' “City Bookstore."

Quarter Off

We are bound to -close
out every winter Jacket and
Cape in this stock if pr^s
will do it.
l^ies, miss­
es and childr^!"'
Goods that are new, sty­
lish, desirab' —all being of
Which has kept ns rushed
this season's manufacture.
the last two weeks will ecutinoe for the balaoce of the

the way
sell them:

Here’s a few of the maar
good tfarngs we are showingi

Any of the Hannah RIAeaor Company
Xart* «*ak*r of PrlBid* Oae* tk* M r.Ooll In* wa* for year* chef at S
tkb city have bara iavltld to atlead.
M boya wh-. wbh lo make applicalinn
Hotel. Grand Rapid* and bter for a
familr a H*pp; Bnrprbe.
for e*'r* p«v or
will be »opH. Montapne left yraterday mominy
......H the
th. yraed
Mea'a extra heavy Cb«riot Salta, la
LaateraaiBf there WM a bapp7*Br> lanf Gme ooenpied tbe poaiiien aa ckaf for Port Unron to, atteod
a attend the yraed
,k# Hotel Paapborn fr«r of charpe by
black aad fancy mlxturv* A A ^ P
^ fri** npoD Mra. Joe Major. The erent at tbe aejluB. Ue b a culiaary aribt
Be will atop at Ana j applylnp in peraoo to E. PaDr**^^
-extra valuta at SLOO- V J /E
waa a farewell raUerlor prerlotu to
' Arbor over Saaday- to vbit with Mbi:
tkedepartareof tb* f.mUy to Omnd'*»" «**«’’!‘*hed kb Gertrude.
.ColsnA eelltr*
yv*** WvT Mrltoa Suita, in blur and
Baaid*. irker* Mr. Major b*a awiDred a
“ * A™t clam caterer. Mr.
TaeboS'oflze of Steiabery'a Oread j l&e—atS. Benda A Co.'a
browB—extra wril tnadr—and worth of
poalUon. Mr. Major baa bwa la the OolllB* will improve tk*
' which W to be ealled tb* Qaeen Cily opeaad yeaverday for the aal* of aaaUi
nityaeveral year*, formerly lo
for Mr*. W. B. Hartlyaa'a eoyayemeat SnppCT taS Ssao*.
ploy of T. J. Boat, aad lately la tk* Hotel aod Reataorant. Ue vritl aarve
Tneoday evealoy in -Ur. Jekyl aad Mr. i Cr.«c.-ol B»wri v'll bvve •
Fair elothiny and dry pood* atcre.
Meat all wool CTay Weratod Salto, in
Aral clBM -atliwr koaae la
Uyd*." The prodoctlon prombe*{
’ Theevealac waa paaaed la pleaaani eoodoct
black aad bloe. tkorourh- A f| sa sa
beyreeted by a crowded boaae aGd |
ly tailored, aically aold at \ C 7 H
'aoelal vnlertalBB«at. aiavlay and every rmpect. Bb repntatioa a* a chef
tboa* wbblny to attend are nrped
fio. vD,d0
prayer followed by retreokmeata. Mr*. will briny kia ayanerooa trade in the
aeeure Ikrir *eau early.
Major ka* keen a proalnent ekarek city.
Men'* An* ttoarar OvrrManayer Barry of the Hiehlyan teleicoau la bine, brawn and
work*, end the friend* of the family
black—cheap at *s,
wUi b* aocry to-kav* them leave the OUBAVACHRBRFORM’KIVLRT. pk«m exchany, b„ ^pt a record of
. ..W . .'
^ 1
tbe ealia tbroitpb the esebanye dorelty\
Bo*- Kvraey and Bravw
iOrerceato in black and bonwn—wail
Before leavlny tbe roeab prmeated
aye BUBber of ealia per day bM been
Ueir friend with a allver toa pot a* a
Havana, Cuba Jan. II—A detachmaat 1300.
Tk* kiybeat laal Thonday,
token of tbeir repard.
of tUe Cabaa army eatored MaaUn*ai when 13M ealb were reytstered
Oeaeral James Wilaon, Ike
Meo'a rxtm heavy Cbinekllla UbtorwMike Fllapatrick. who wa* jailed for
mUtUry yoveracr of the proviaee, re­ ton aaya for diaonlerly condoct baa
iii«to ti Ts. .i':»i.i;i.'
,i'!? b>y (torm collar*, abtolnl- to A S A
to Pom Law Fatmluint it. ceived a roadny ovalloa. Seven banaervad kb time, wbleb.will csplre tolAnalnr. Jan. 71—ItbadmliMd that dred Cabas* aeder Genarmb Bettn-1 day.
WeliqaorBenof the aute are roiny
Mea'a all wool Ulstora. warranted t<
WMirt. &'ja*aBdClemeaUOomea.p*ra-] Bertha McCoy, the yirl who waa
.. t..j
every etitok
boaak thblarblalore topaaaooe very ded the atreeia aad paaaed tb* city kail ‘ found Intoxicated oa the etrevt tk*
— rvyniar "BUxsard
Black Eeraey Oapea. *’r- A JP A P
iBportant btU, a bill to permit the aeliwestood to* mayor, board of ald«r-;otk«ralrkt and BraWDoed by Jndc*
m «■
Inyof ll4)aor oa Firartk of Jaly. Ne<v
I. Goveracr Dias, aad Geaerai* WU- Rokerb to jail for ton dayaladrfauUof
valBe*7.s6. at .................. IVlIiAV
Tear’* day. Labor Day. Deeoratba Day
— *®d Sanyer, with their *tnffa Th*'8d-t5 An* aad eo*tt. paid op y«*t*r<ray
day I..W..V.
after Ik* hoar for_1,
tbe American,^o-,asio
emdiodUmnao- and
Men'* M*ry]*nd Kcraey ranto - tk*
,___ , I mybt
tk* *l*elion booth* and la fact aU leyal' pie to the klykast plick. and eritk one
fatnoaa “Tlyer” and t>r*r. to * e to
bMlday*.*xe^2^tk* reIlyloB*ra*»Jlk* v*{«a oboervd Oeaeral Wlbon. PreniChrbtBw and ThnnkaylviBy. Tbb ka* <toat McKinley, and the Uaitod StoUa at tb* kotol b BOW dcriep baaiaea* and
|UMd. worth»t to. for.... VAeUw
kadVa (krooyk aon* of th*
Near 0*n*ral Wllaoa was Joan Amao pmpared to aerve aaeab aad laaebea at

: Fin* Plrnh Caper, wabt lenpth.
me»b*r* with whoa qnlet lobbyiay the aidant Oaban patrloL Amao b *0 aU bow
is not proof nffnin*t anything
k**.baw>doaa RepraoMitoUve Sareh year* old. aad ke wn* the Arat aa
UtU* Bdvntrd CarU* b
ao nabtle and nttmetire as
W« won't charge you a cent
*d DatRrit bat the k«nd of tk* leyb'a- *Scd hb blood for Onbaa tmadom froB a aevon attack of lb* maapo.
Mv* fore** of tk* llqaor aa*a. and b* Tka day wa* eelebratod by Ike Cobm
Birger's ( 'alifomia Perfnmen
Mbi Mary Radlaa baa baen ooaAned
: Bxtta Fine S‘*1 Plnah
appear* to b* dolny torn* mrj cSeeUv* aa a holiday.
cape*. eUb>'at«!y iria0 R l|
to ahqw yon these goods-"
to tk* boo** (or a week with tk* yrlp.
One of thrswretMt of three
1 aed. worth*16.00. at....
is called Santa Barbara EelVAT kAIL TOMOVV>W.
week with the yrip batto abl* to b*
Whether yon want to buy
iotrope. Ko monk wohid be
Tkiny-Ftm Viektynn Bm
able to tnm away from anyTbe yraadeat vain** ever pat before
Jnlia Xolby b qoito Mrii with tk*
tkepablb. Every yarment tkb *«a
or not we’ll be glad to post
thing so inviting, to say noth­
Hb Fatthfnl OanbM.
•OB'* make. Prtov*-*»e, *I.19. « ».
-Hnab. Qa., Jaa. 8I.-V
ing of a woman.
*«rtinytoB. Iowa. j*n. »l.-Tb* *1 M. •$ » and ap to M M
Tkirty-Am Mbhiyai arrived FWIDSVT AFFVQTM OBAHOH
yon up oo values.
Valoea are *1.76 to *6.60.
We have in atodc all- the
bar* tkore baa baen aom* doobt aboat
bC, .t
to ll» Itayolay toCaba at an aariydato.beBook to War Oepanaaat.
Bieger the Oalifomia PerSto-kMUtoT, ... tolto, klto, caoae tkeve b oo mnek poveraBont
. ber*. to protoeL
WaahlaytoB. D, C.. Jan. »u—Froalfnmrr.
An order ka* been bBaed for tfao dant McKlaby ka* aiwrmd U* ebarpOttntber^ Cboccdates, and
1W. will tw . ra^nito umUw ml Third Ooanaetleut, now at SaBmer,'** and
«. llwlw. Btotototo «
vfU*. to
• I to do
Bon*—fnab good*—aU
ynard dotyj Briyndbr Goaeral Cbartoa P. Bayaa,
—.It*. A tony IntoI ftit Tkb talraa it off tka hand* of tka and
rotoraad tbam to tka war dopart-, tractive iwckagtA
u. fcT a., U.
to b. Thirw-Arat and Oolonal Oardanr
meat (or tfanamlaiien to m* jady* ad-1
- pnant nad it b d«Mr*d that all IotoI
kb roytBMt wUl anU abkw Sna- vnaatooftbo ooort aad tka oouaol o('
day or Monday.
Traverse City,

ladles' Jackets.


ladies' Clotii Capes.

iWirs'iriTi^ 54.50



The Most
.Esthetic Taste


ladies’Pltsh Capes.


co ci:


Children's Jackets.


Jas. G. Johnson

m Konmio mboobc. 8nvDA*s. javdast n. 18M
m MQMmmo xboosd.




We Place

Tba OMar ■Ukofa' Oaloa an worb.
b^'hard ia the iatararti ed tba laetan
to bo flna ban by BofMa V. Daba. ia
tba €Hp Open booao oa tba Mb of FobV***- ^ «*«» *«P *•
B*™» raaiywadartbrtraaaplam.
A W. gAKMM. Mtar —a Ifafr.
Mr. EbbaiaBorombarmadaa fiylaF
trip nram tba Bortbon Paataaala,
,taottrtairialUrq«MtaaBdoaa«r tm
otbw oitba Ha prcwbail at tba Uma
Itbat lomr Mloblpaa ahoald ban a Braady pnaabiap aad iba M. E. «Aolr!
Mr. W. B. Bardpaa b aa aeter of raplaea oa bb ealaadar Utor U iba aeabtlap la tba aarrloa of 4
AtikaBapibtahareb. Paator Ooeb-'oopaba abUl^. Ba ataoda wliboat a
lio proaebiap. tba OoaprapaHoaal Iriral la Ua proat prodoetioa of “Dr
cbMr iaadlap tba eoap ewrloa. '
>Mylaad Mr. Byda" Bb woadmfol
Tbaaarrlcii for-UHvyraak'aaMmlBia daUaaatieaaof tba twooppoaltacbaraefiaftaaw. Bay Oty. Alpaaa. Ladia
Tnaana atp aad Maabacoa. Wbaa wUI ba bold at 7;M b’.;loekSfi tba'tmodJakyl aad Hyde, tba atardiap
ba baa ftabbad tbb Hbbifaa toor ba Pubyterlaa bbarM. BrAybody will qolekau with wbleh ba chaapoa from
be weloeaa.
•' - ia to tba other, aad back apaia
toaeloThaaa. firbaaia aad CbUfi
•ban aoraral moatba work an i
j Tha4oaMr.tka|mlUa.polbbadpntla. WlMH tk« WBCIM* Of tho ObM afbim.
of tba world; bb otbar oalt. l^.
Tbacwat Ubn aratarb tdaaa aaaaot
a poalUn rnaalae. lataat «a
STwH pUdor ikm oMnooM m* of batednoMd biraa.^7 batblmaalt
, bedUy rkfiaaee aad arorythlop of bar•ftp mUUom of doUm la ttM bMdo of battba latarriawa appaariaf U Iba Dod baadahaka bafora loarlap.
nr. Caa two abaraetera ba Imaplaad
HMfMMMfc of th« DaiUd MMm, ••for
PleaeeaaaUai the dbUfirtmoouoa mon diSeroni? yat| Mr. Bartlpaa'i
■MtOMl dofMM.- Um potdoUc oplril
tima bat aot too early.
ahaapa takaa lu ttaaa a mlaota.
If'tbo pMTpUrMCoatiB tb« BBtlOO
With a ficat^Um eomaanr u 'bb !
Joaiorfioeiavy of CBrbUaa
•Moot Md tra*. Md from «ad to «ad
at I p. m.
ttpmt rrmioom^e^tomSmmM opo*
MotifliorofporttaMMritww oaoiadearor at l:4S p. m> tbka part
U tb« ptoH. «po« tb« platform
prompUy ao that (ba Bkoatlap aaa «
•■d ta tbo pddL Kotblar that tfc#


|JS£Hk ■ • ■ • •.I’S

OaitodStalaa. aa a aatiaa. orar 414
•w moM ImpraMtra allbar of tba
gwaraaltj of aa arooaad aa4 4at«r^ad paopla, thaa UM poMOfa of that
ktawrk aad remarkabla aet. Wiaaljr.
fWidtiy.aadwtth a aaradnl tagwd
Mr Iha aatcaadmof U>a coMdoa, aa
«aU«triiiia4aaapprae)atiaa of tka
Mat aad laMarfaf aaadrtaaaa «hM
rapeaad ta him. Ua praaMaat of tba
traltad StotoB haa admtalatarad that
Aobt tiaat. aad thora la aoaa U tba
Ibad wbo baa a«ar «alt tiba qaaoMoalac
Mo dtapoolttaa of that «aat aao> of
m—T bat. aa tba aoatiarp. a aaaal.
moaa foallac that, bad ararp tboafbt
that aatarad the praaldeat'a mlod,
Mir moUra-that laaplrad aaarj aet
•bat lad to iu diapoalUoa. baaa vrrltM bold aad larga batore tba aoaatrr.
•ba aatt woald -bara baaa |tba aama.
•ba dUpcaiUoa of tba faad BedUrcreat
far tbaaaUoaaldafaaii farthawal.
Mra of tba aatlra aatioa—it ta aoMatUl
•hat eoarrtaa tboald la tba MmaapItU
M apmaab Iba aabjact of daaliiijr
Vttb tba raal«al,of biaarkao ablpplaf
talha foraica trada. Tbia la aot a
paHtaaa, aor a party. qottUoa: It ii aa•MUallyaad •holly a aaibaai qaaa
Hoa—a qaeatloo of aatloaal aad eoa•araUl devalopoiaau For that raaaoa
)t il to ba bopad -that aeltber of Ue
graat partlaa ta aoaffTaaa, aor aay or
•balr rapraaaaUtirra. will ba dtapoaad
•d attampt to maba party or partbaa
pqpiiBl. 0i*acr svr ww
papi^>-------------m____ ■ for iw.
the Mlntloa of tbIa Taxed
Let the
*•4 aomplleaiadj............................

Pingree & Smith.
Selz, Schwab'& Co.,
Nettleton and Rindge
Make of foot- | H
yon get your monej'b
wear at........ A«r* VFAA
Hot old fitock—not old atylM.

The Old Reliable Shoe Man

Cboroi choir wUl ateet la tbo Bap^^ pMap to bare a baaoUy bawd wiatah.
Mm. Toot GorUod of Aretab b rblteborcb parlora fire mlaotaa baton 7
l^ at Mra. Sam Oarlaad-a
p. BL AU areraqaaetad to ba then' Ml* Coolnp—Ho: I'm
M. barlaa wUi pe toCbarloTob
tobelpMapattbaaaloa meetlap.
- kaow. BotVbyanyabM
i narrow to rbil relatlrea.
j Sefiletph—Hacaam I—ai
* \ Martia Stack .ad wife of Lake Aon
B*T a aaubrrrr Paaer
' ^ booaa
•l! won la tba city ymteiday.
-n.Hl .1.■awita
you were •a belierar
belicrM to tba old! Oept^a O. K WUbar of Oim-leroto b
'I the city reaawtop old acqaalab
, toon boa. .hnry.-Obl.wpoltowa

Blame Your

* aad BioaOer.
p q ugbert b la
Saaday aeboel at 11:10 a. m.
| Tiiitm un jail, to pruoaari—Wbat'
Thera will be ao praaebtop to the are yoa bare fnr Nra. Frank Goodiieb rataraed yeaeraetop beeaaw of aaloa meettop at
Prboaer—Jor Mcaliap.
If ther ache—get a bot­
tarday from Patoakey. aeaupaaled by
Tliiior—Wbai did yoa Maalf
BpeakUc of kb laetare toar, Mr. tba Prtaad. ebareb.
her baabaad. who baa bean laokiap ap
Primer—1 Role a plrraaffaetloba
tle of Rose‘8 Corn Cure
Daba aald a few dayi a«o that tba
Yblttir—Well, tbn to ao totraettoe bU timber iatomto la that locaUty.
moaay ba obtalaad for kb work waa go— ISc — and take them
td tbo law
lac to pay of a debt wbiMi ba eoatneV Xlata toTtord (or Wadaaoday, Fab.' Primer—H'la! I carried *am cd
out—It don't make the
ad aftar Iba rnat railroad atrike la
; witb bar taiber'a bone and cart.—Tit- DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
Cbloaro a few yaara afo. It took
foot sore.
Tba aaaaal patberlap of tba Ooo- ^
lafpe aaoaat of moaay to pat hb eai
To tbr Fubl'e
ebareb will take place oa '
law the aapnan eoart. la order to
briar It to that polat aoma oae had to
bottle of Cnaoberlaio-a Oraph Bemady
for the moaay aaadad.
aad Ifo rafnnd tba
The bnthrrftooda dU all tbay ooald. the ebareb look forward to erery year mraey^ i
There ia no
.die Bid. .
bat tba roqaind aaoaat woa aot rabad with put pleaaara. The bbioty of bettor medicine made W la prippe. I
ooldaand wfcoipiep enoph. Price.
wltbta aareral Ibooaaad dollara Daba tbe ebareb will be rerfewod aad n
^Tatid 50e per botUr. Try it. S. E{
bad frlaada at bb borne la ladbaa aad
tbayoamato-hb rAeoa. baoktarblai piraa by ibe older meabera. Braldm
tnulM AlrwtottottlW^lwabwdau .*■«.
for qalia a aaa. ba fan bb aotaa tor tbeae foaUraa. tbere will ba aaltablc MppMabi SabM.
ct i»e« wnaeoi Fortboroagh leaaoiu—Addme
It and a aappar aerred.
Cucant Hand willI bare
another aothaaaoaatt rabad aad b aow paylap
party Jan Sti to Foutora hall, |.Sn,u,»
tor ••khar mrvUnerMT
tbam off''rradaaUy. Hb frtoada at
B. CbamberlbiD. Box 187.
ala> a fli,* ton cent tapper.
borne are aet arplac bin to pay. bat
IMadto Artaoaa.
with aacb nooeoe aa iba b aioaUac ba
aayaltwlll aot ba tear barere ba b
attend (he faneral of hla eooaln. Mrt.
traa from debt
Edwin Cornall. Hra. Oornell died to
Mr. Debt baa baaa oat oa bb
oat toar for aaroral woaka. Doriap Pboenlx. Arixraa. Janoary inb and
ba baa bna talkler to paek- ber body waa bronpbt b.«k to hm old
ed boaaea la many of the Urpai citiaa. borne tor bnrial. The faaaral will taka
ta plaeaa It kM beca aacetiary to daay plaea today at Wexford.

B. H. ROSE 1 sot.


i.: «i. I I

V^ei? you are ready 1o

to tba ball, aolarpa
• ouwd.
plaalad fifty mlUtoM of dollara la tba
iBlty aboDid be aai
' piaaldtat'a baoda. for blB todlapoaaof
I poaalbla far >l
pabbadafaaaaof tba aatioa raqolrad.
Ptaia aaitaata that body la rarlTior
•ba Aa.arioaa maroaBtile aiartaa, for
ladiec for orer alx moatba. and waa
MUoaal dofadaa. aad tba fatorarrowtb a«T. ChM. T. tUMI. Bbewr.
tutod by aou of tba beat phyaieUi,. i
••d paraaaaat proapartiy of oar aUp-------1- Md all to oa arall Dr. i
raor WeaUartoa ainet aad BoardpMip irtU ba dafiattely aaaared.
trie Bitton: aad after taktop two botUaa 1 waa entirely eared. I___ _____
OamnaaT latiwaica that tba aeta of
put pleaaore in reoommaadinp them
Horalap aarrloa aad aanaoa at
)Mr raprmeatatlTm la fiamoa Biipht
to any peraoa aaBerlnp frooa tbia terri­
to*a baaa Ulacal aad daelaraa that if
ble Mlady. I am pratofnily yoiiia.
A. Hotrarty, Lexiapton, Ky." Sold
A i■foBad^bata«ehll tba «aa aacb
Braalap aarrloa aad aarmoa at 7 p. m by S. B. Wait aad'J. U. Jobnaon. drop- I
Jost DOW OO Bedroom Suite
•ab wU badbaTowrd. Parbapa tba
Tba anbiaet la the meralap will ba.
and Chain. We can furDiah your
fiabanalaatioa of Urtat Brtuta aad
■■Tbaitraapaeaaaof Dr. Jakyll aad
tba Ualtad fiutaa to desaad the
honae complete on easy payroeuU.
At BaaAi'i
OBoall of the Oanaaa aoMol may Mr. Syda. Wbat U iU taaeblaprLataat Fad. aotond ooltaia. li
A cordial waleou to aU.
bare aomatblar to do with Oernaor anaoDCir.
■aay'B atUtnda apoa tba qaaBUea.Aad
at.J. ABrrBar. paworfwbapa tba BlbM aeaa wbdom ia aot
boaday—Prooeblapat 10:wLm.
•ooemiactoo ra^laaawlU two Kac
HonaeJornishine Store.
Sobjaet: -Atiaebmeat to ti^a Booai
Ibbapiaklar aatlooe.
New Store. 120 Front Street.
Claaa meatiap at»:tO a m.
BpworU LaapaaatS:4S p. m.
Work of tba Dopartaaat of Morey
Aad Belp.
Itaaday aarrioaa:
lOKK) ^ m., clam omatlap.
lOJOA. m. Prcaefaiap.
ItiM m., Saaday aebotd.
MaAletaa aad 4
Than wUl ba ao aarrieea U the aroe4 to tbia or aay other at
lap owlap to tba aalra aorrlea to ba
baU at the Frteadt lAansb.
Meaiaapaatwiib bek...................
mar aamor
Moaay apoat la Morey aad Help
Or*, t. C Carwaa. Paner.
10:U pabllc wolabl^
Sormoa Mbjaet: ■'fba Prayn A
A tbriniap aaaratloo from bMto.
Fallb.atop to aad—a pUy oaea wltaoMpapn”
aoti w«n dbtrtbotod at
il:«S BibbSebodL
ad to ba ramnabared forerar.
Chrbtmaa tlen. bad throe famUiaa
ft^t&YoaapPaofda’a maatlap
von torabbad Cbrtaimaa dlaaara.
7: p. at. oBloo rmrlral orfriaa



H. ( L Co's. BEST FLOUR.

___ _____ We can Save You
A Lot of Money

Steinberg’s Grand


Banjo Instruction.



Best in name and quality on the market. -


Opera House.



Larpa qoaaUtiaa of raadlap utter
Thera will be ao pnyor maeUap
ban baoo dbtfiboted.
Tharoday arealopoo aoeeaat of the
Lotnaa BoawMrta.
rtrlral maetlapi.
Tba aormal elaM wm meat at the
bou oi Mrt. Bboer oo Wabator otraet
MradayatlfLm. AUfioaday aMool
Tomor TraToiaa OUt Haa Aaptroa to
That FoMUoa ta Bavasa.
Barlrol Maott^ (or Xea.
W. D C. Oarulaa b la neaipt of
At I o’eloek tbb aftnaooa U tba
tbo HoTaaa AdTortioer. aa Amerloaa
Pubyterlaa ekarcb will be bald a
papvprtatod la HaTaaa Tba aapar
omtlap for am of all the cborabaa
•oataiw a balt-toM portrait of Boben
aad of Boeboreb. Tba moral aad nA Bodpua. ora of S. C. Bodpmaa. a
painyer formerly of tbb elty aad Toty iipioaa welfare of tba mea aad boya of
«M1 kaowB. Tba era b a caadidata the elty b tba object of tba maatlop.
Mr tba poaltloB of poiaaater of Ba- fiaeb.aerrleea bare baaa preatly askol
eaaa aad tba paper eoaU<aa a leap I oeaay plaoea la the peat, aad aaal ba
^ftattarlap arttela aboot the yooap m*. A Uyaaa wiU Irad the maatifip.
Toalptafa Patoa BmTioaa '
mb. obo haa tor* a leap tiu baaa a
pramlalarkaa tba Plaat Uaa ateamAt tba Frieoda cboreb. Paator SaleM f^rlw
Baaaba aad Tampa.
At tbaPn

W. H. Rirtieu
Saa ao nportor to tba portrayal
of tbia put pan. Hto traaatoruUooa are weird, atanllap aad

TVs StisafiDul Drama
mu be oaea at tba Opera boaaa
for oaaaipbt only, oir-

Tuesday, Jan. 24
PrtoMi: 86.86.600.

^ Onyx Tables
and Jardiniepes. I

We are hairing a special sale on Onyx
^ Tables and Jardinieres forthe next two weeks ^
^ —some of them going at cost. Nothing beauti- ^
^ hes a room more than a handsome Onyx Table ^
^ and a pretty Jardiniere, and now is your op- 3
portunity to secure one or both at prices un- 3
heard of before.
New lot of iron beds, just received, prices ^
firom $2.60 up.


ML *'”"'***^1
K^ms S\w\®6 j

(‘r^a'janeatea tW
Uwri«r tbelr barrw of p«ch. Pajtka MORE PRECIOUS THAN OOLO
to «Wt Hkm froM •» d*«r'OM>
------amhmi *a« of !*• rtau to «oJ 7 tb«

a%a frtaot
■riaurfiisifr tbrr«^ Um toe. Uto
of pMpH »h"
BM USa^.fbr ooo laberMo
____ Ila *®
praelool aietal* aaam o««or4l' haadr^
baodrod pereb
pereb ia
^ mnUtm cold at flnc plattaaB at
abaUdoj-aftabior. Tbo Aib an. akh).
......... aad tllter aa ttlrt" aald the

TW Mri b^ ia o*. vidaity «(|eaiMar dMfw MrMte. Tba
WUU PlgaMaMla mat
--------------- ia Kev Tort.
a a aiaiiar aaoM bare
a^kau vko tatN« M aiart
a^ad to aasc otben aoiaa ■ICbi a
d 08 tba river tbia viator, aad
Blekal aad a few ahiaiDiam otbeU
TWr* anH
rrif udiaaa • efdlpUarialaUfaad wuooBsatt/.
baa baaa eat off aad »atl aasaotba »oald be. Gold U worth aboot IBM
Oovaflae. B-bart
B'bart Melop. a tlBoar WaDvpnrted naUI the lea braaka away, f" to
At Ooaraflae.
Baaj.Wlaaor UadM. aaarbt a U«a lathoMapiopofG B Siabop. vaa ter-,Tba penpio apoa tbo,>laBda
CBHar Mka «■ bia far* Tbaraday aad riUp baraedaboai tha laoa aad ar«a 'able toraa<A tbaulala^oeeaMa^p
aaUMtadltoatbaatraMa U wat ra bytbe raploaloa ofa faaolhio ■rapet!ac.<mthelea.adlaU8«aof'abotftal«y
!•»»<wed for baatiar aoldarliir iroaa Tba mlira to Cbarinolx, bet *vee Uilila'
compare thrae prieeaUealy for a JaaaaiT aaaka.
aeeidaat vUl aadoobtodlj diaOfara aot aara Ueaeae the —.w------—
Boe. W. L. Maafar. »bo baa baaa
| viada
riada bratf
brart ap tbi
tbe lx iatkeebaaael
pbabatlcal order, barium, tba metal
PMIvoftba Bapttet ahanA ia BaldTba pravaUiar plaawat waathar la
danreroaa. Tba Raaver which Davy laolatad from lu ore.j
lar for tha pMt tea paan. baa rathe aorthera part of the ataU ia cona- j J»la»deiw
^ are^ able local to tha
baryta, ia 180S. aelia tor |*M a pound
<tMdtaaanpt;« patoraU ia Jaabiar ao tiiUa i
aadaortbahoraa.aed tomakatrmy wbaa it aold at all. aad ealrium la
,{(7meMaer4or aleda to the Soo, but wort tl.SDO a poaad. Clriea la a abade
laoibormea. la Baoaia eoaaty
tlL Ua.
•od of Boat Dap- thow of laat weak look all tha 4
riittoatooKjeoTBey. aadfiomthiatlme blgber: iti eon la tlM as osace. or
. off i ■otfl aprinr tbe Maadere are prwtiealP*r POuaA Tbeae becln to look
theleaboUomi of tba
like tahnloua prices, but they do not
the rroaad. MlUloaa of fact ot bard, Ij cut off from the reel of the world.
--------------- 1 of hoaar tba wood Ion an piled ep ea tklda U the
reach the hlsbeet-polat. chromium be>
Cobalt talU to about aatt
Mr. Uadanrood’a ajatata
>, awaitiar
vaitloff mA alelfhlar to
la to koap tmwtp or thirty_________ ^ ^ them1 to tha MU aad rtoen. eared the a
i pov Boat.
dldfhiluJB. the
metal iaolated by Maaaader. U the same
•Mb aptary aad be baa thorn MeUerto j UMally at thU
tbh time «^the year there otteala Eallraaka eouaty v, benjlml pHea a. ealciuia. Th« comae calllum.
Speptvr. with Hr.. Sarafa Orecory at which U worth WJM an ounce. Wilt
WWW >b.nU_w»I,.ww
□ealaoreqaretadtbeM- 'bU metal the hlgbcn price U reacbed.
t to bU dirw ia
pipe**. Many of the bawU | uWlahineat
. ___ of
»f iaaotber HWoe ia the
rvmt and
are of aeversi miloe. where trucking aose eooaty to be called Clearwater
precloui meuU.
mM Iw.
••O.U..I----n^i»i O-Dall of (
raeolved | nwwwl.)
would not
be praetloablc, awwJ
aad a l._lw
lack sad _n
ml of
U worth 9260 ------------------per ouscu,:.■
•d t^y wBOpd the other toy by betag
will mean tkeotaada of doUaie tl«
•Mffbtbyaavamp bopk whOe bonk- lorn tathe lambermra.
!addUk» ba
WhilafaUlaga trwe la tke woods
a. Jay CutUr
of tkat------plaea|r«iiideBmof thcaammerruaiwttowB of by her baabaad «bo dUd reoeaily.
------------------|130. |n aad tSIS per pound. Strontium
bad kU face badly eat
j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ooeUAtllao oasce, uataum fltf. UloThara are irty-thTw farm —---------- [T“>
^g~e g-b -ii umT-ki t.^i n-h a8mp-»
tTi g-u g-b orupToo rlom 9>. tborlnm $sn. raaadlnm 9220.
wltkla a tew mllm of WlUiamatoo
yttorlum 9H4


SencraV sCe\»s oVanvs
SVaaivaii ^rm SxiCTgojWe |

calved opinlou ai to what are ihr
’ predotu mrtali U quite erroseoue. Bar­
ium it more than four times at valu­
able at gold, aod galltuB more than
'^#'*-•1 162 (Jaet at cotll). while many of the

OvepcoatsUlstersOor aaonal ule is looked forward to bj naBy ,
who are ecoortmic^iy inclined—eaves yon money, aad
give* you large interest on the inveatmeiit.
Yon will need an overcoat or nleter for the bal­
ance of the winter, not only that bnt yon want one
for severaCyears to come—pore are the kind that '
yon cant wear oat io one year.
Now! An nlflter that will cost you fifteen to
twenty dollars in season next fall yon can bny of ue
now at a price that will bo'th astonish and please
We are not in the habit of bnblUbing sensation­
al ads. but we do invi^'yon to call and get prices--Every price makes a sale.
Our famous “Warmbacks" and alt best grades

ty, la all probabUlty will die from the
* •“*
included io2tbis special offer.
Adltooa C Harris, the new mintoler doeed aad the lock of I
•ffaeta of driakiag ambolie add. Mn.
Opdley was abaaot from tbe bouse, aed to Auetrla, to aald to be one of tbe bmt | Ue child bring allowed to baadlt tbe!
Many bargains in Child's Short Pants at HALF r
thsefaild.fot bold of tka bottle aad
dr*ak tke polsoe.
PRICE. One lot Men's Caps, regular 50c grades at
d and copper."
Lord Moont-Stephaa. the Caaadiaa
A healthy ramoreomm from Detroit
that tbe Thlrty-lftk Miabiffaa b about mUUoaaire. who now Uvea in Boglaod. la Ctalaa. TbU to dearly abown by
a# DedplMe ll..
25c each. Come earjV.
baa handed over the uum of 92.soo.000 CoBsal-Ueaeral Goodaow. in a report
to ba teaI heme uad
Electricity seeks tbe eartf aol In
to Uree iruateee to be uiad for the : «• the state department, made
ane stream, bai. io a wm ri •tiower.
Tba wboat crop to aald to be suffer- toarti of relaUvet aad triead*. with * ply to an inquire of an export
Other^u^tUygood bargains.
The tree absorb* it at every twig point,
lug budly ull over eeatbem Kieblgao.
tbe Idas that hit bain aaed tbs mosey I tion In Xrw York
;Tbf ebeapnt aad I* only sbstiered because of tbe
Uek of aaow permlu it to trurua aad while atill yooBg.
, thing beru to a tovn." be atya "Thare condensing of the electricity st
Mr Gear efferto v Joint naoIatlOB la to more labor than cun dad emplov. iruok, which ranaot carry the
Lydaa Trumble of fmlaibarg. vrw
the senate PndayappniDtlag OtoarW 'meat. A eonlU carrying din willre- xtamiy Increasing bulk to the groood.
skatlag OB IHamoad lake p«mr where
Odgnan of Iowa a cadet at tbe Unltod eelve from 7 to 10 eenrt gold per day Tbs theory ^ avoiding curreuu of
some mas were eaUiog lea Tba Ice
Stotot Naval ueadasy. Oefgoac was
muat work from sunrUe toaoawt. during an elecirlrsl storm la plauaible
brokeaad be weat down. Wbea rm- oae of the Merrimac berost.
There are morn roolira wllllag to work because of the varying dampness of
eaed he wue uaeoaeloua.
tbe air. The air paaslns ibniugb a
Lappoal. the pbyilelaa of tbe
window will, owing to Us moisture,
Bear DeekarvllU a ebtld of Mr. aud
pope. tty. the pontiff, who hat
which renders It a better conductor
Mrs. Uaotga Bayam. emptlad a hottle
than otherwise carry Into the room any
to mrev.leeriog aod that he
The^rbcery ..tore -f B. R Sbaok A vtray chip of lightning that may be at
will learehtibedbuodey aad raeeire !c«.. of Mortb Lantloe. was damaged haad. and It la alsaya well to avoid
aeriUoal eoaditirm.
te Roman patrlclaot ut> Janeary t«. ■ Friday Boraiag by a Ire. caused by these airay chips., So Car as any proBmigraat Intpeetor B. S.Petilof Port
Tbe oommiUee repraseaUag the jrhw>>iue. to tbe rxtent uf neveral bun
Baroo beaded off foBrGanadiaaaTbura
grand lodge Katghu of Pytbtoa of-*>red dollar*. During tbe blatr E. N. perch on a feather bed Insulated on
day who were bound for tbe lumber
pane* of glass. It Is considered by auIf usoori. Arkaosaa. lUinoto aad ladh ■ Bstelatyn wa> quite badly baraedabnut iborlilrs to be of little momeui. The
aampu oHIbsrmaa.vheru they bad eoaaaa. wbleh have been at Hot Spriag*.' (Be fane aadhaade.
Itghiolng 1* Jest as likely to Jump from
trueta to work tor 91 per day aad board. Ark..
_ _________ 1
Ark., InNMllVft.lns
ioreatigatiug ,k..____
ooe side of the room scross tbe bed to
At Outeaburg Alban Uanon, a atn ■Ite for a uaUeaal Py thiat
tltt other side as ll Is to go eiralgbt
deaL fall from tbe trapeae ia the high
the eaunltohmeat of* '‘Doyoabritovetkatpoettarebnre?- do'wn tbe wall. Electricity, although It
aehool gymaaalam Friday BtarDiagaod theiasuiBuoa Id tbaidly Tbe loea- aM the caller,
has already revoluUoptxed the life of
wat aertoualy Injured. Be may die.
tion there maana an iuv
mankind, la yet bet little onderstood,
and is furnishing a fertile Held for «nThe eUla veierlaary aargeoe aad •too,000.
The gorerament troop* eamakatHltd ***''“**’ * belitre a few erwo hoe* ia Iboslastic acieAisia.
members of tbe eute board of bMltb
oentorin.--C-hifago Nevn.
wars la FllatTbareday tor the parpoee by Prince Maraai. bare defeated ibc'
The r.sM.
oftaapeeUag tbe oowt at the SUU Tafllel rebels in a big batUe. Tbe I
To borseless catrlagee aad smokeleas
School for the Deaf. Oat of a herd of ehtof rebel * soa aad l« otbecu were dr-! Brow*e_onlT a *b(wt tine
powder add i-bimneyiess facUirles as
SO. IT wure touad to be affaetod with eaplUtod aad their beads were axpmrd "
I tbe newest in Domenclscure, Herecotabarmttouia Four were killed .Tbure- at Rabat. This U expeetad to flatoh
I fore it has been necessary in order to
le—He aegUcted his bnritMm b aerrre pleaty of draft for a furnace to
doy aad the rest were destroyed yew tbs Tafllet rebellioe.
« bis wicowa -Br.a»klya lAfu
build an immensely- uli chimney. .Sow
Ban Fraaelsoo ooatractor* employed
it is found that ijsiosd of pulling the
-nction work ob I
At Aan Arbor Mary C WbiUag haa
draft by a cbtmoey you can push it
oeameneed aolUpr 9W.«» agalaM tbe Goat ialaad Frioay UBaarttaMl sight j
from below with a fan. A plant runDetroit. Oraod Ba^ A Wettera rail­ -■ tatoBS. Ills a myalcry hoi they
nlng l-iee boltora of 260 horse power
>e there aod there are ae^l wild;
road for Injunm reeelved while a fleet
I trie<l ml* experiment wl-h a fan shorn
tea eflout. Ooe la that Gout tolaud
elaau past eager oa a calabooae or way
I wheel bsd a dlaxnHer bl Ofiv-four
oarbeiweea Howard City aad tibUoh
{.Inches. Tbe drsfl was so much belJ lered (bat ihe Orm saved nearly 91.000
Several can backed into the way car. was the nauhV of plraWa sod that
moeb bartod iraaeure to blddeo on tbe
a year by using a cheaper grade ol rosl.
threwiag her to tbe floor.
Laat Saturday Willtam Mtrahall. liv- tolaod Aaotber to that tba tolmid was
lag at tbe Kapidt Jutt eait of Charlotte OBoe need by tbe Spaalarda ia early i
atbad a hovee dtotw bit baodt. aa be enp
Western lUlluuysutloo. near lAiadoo.
iptobsvrbeeh made to loeau
posed. Ue hitched a ctaaia ahoat lu
/ : died under remarkable dreumstaoew. ,yOU tO COIHe aUd SOO theSR. TheCO 8X8 the hSSt
aaek aad hauled It about tony rods tnr taUdea Uwaaurr. bat without SBoceaa. |
ekelat.a» aaearthed Friday are :
burial. Betoralagaabonrortwolat•Tbv ac»t of bexse I want mbs b*
,ar, with tools with which to bury tbe of eaoriBwas proportloaa, few .being
aalgihl. what was btoMrprtoe to fled It lean thao als feet, eix taeha long.
t«anpm)/a^ v
being eiamlaed. six pennies, eleven
aa Its feat aad quietly grusiag. Aloag
A big mUitary eoBatmetioa camp ob
balt-peanlee. and several eionm ware
came a man who dida't sospaot tba ia- tbe eplaads above Uoaoiaia to the lat­
found la bli momach. He had boeo
sldc faeu aad a bargain wat atraek up. est pcppoeal by tbe military authontiee
In tbe bablt of ruaulug after tbe money
twodoUaru for the bene—fifty
aad eorrmpoadeBoe with tba war dethrown lo him and had acddcntally
dowB and tbe balanee, mm doUar aud purtmeat to BOW uadar wpy. The idea
And ihry msrrlMNl fatm lo th*
swallowed tbe colae.
fbvr plsyv., slons «h* w*y le 8
flfty oeatu. la quai
to to have a permaseat eamp to
th* flrW trip Im- B "
four ebllllaga sack.
modaie at lea.t 11 OM mea aad to oueupy
Tm Rai-e the Wlitd.
Fora f< -tiilght b- «rs« laid
with Ibc lumtasgo-tbv lumIa Persia the shah has a most eoaAtLaaaiagHn. Barrlet A. TuBay, as much apace aepoaalMe for eartylBg
venlent method of adding to his taads
aas of the bwt kanwa woman U tbe out eauaaivo asaaeavetw: la fact, to
In seodlag some rich noble
VMd For Rethtak.
aiatc. died Friday after a two waeka' bavuBaUaaladrtillBggroaadaa poaUe had'tisjNi.O threughatrklyJupev
B—always moro in aemw tbaa to
a doak llaod with for. Whenever the
"What did you do with yuar pumto
. niaeaa with poenmoala. Sbe wau si
md lived to fbeef hW oeautry's gtorieos ebab give* one to a snbjrd the recipe
adiiur?" atked tbe friaod of to* editor
Btebard Harding Oavla to vaij 111 at
llbtanaa from 1H71 to 1801 aad for
lent I* in duty bound to return tbe romI tUt feeds «* a cl tbe new niaitBilDe.
ymn previous to the flnt aamud date bit home la New York. Be has beau
Aud be ibouclii he was In slaver
pllment by ibe donaUoa of a large sum workiw's time
Is bad sUleefi vevka of fwer Is Havaus’ of money.
was amistaat to ksr busbaad, who was auaeked by a return of tbe fever coaInrlMhle-tbo line that
touotod ia Ue eampalgs at haatlago.
Ubrarian of tbe sute. She was .
renned rtety rvurs. .
tbe tooader. of the Untlag W,
The ateamitaip Lake Buroa wiU ___ Weeing pe.rwt'e <o
of xtofy
Tbe lonsesl courtship ot reqird wat
mrol-an.v ktod «f a tree
elub aad at ooe time wat etau prvtl- of Ue &.V0U Ramiea Qnaluira who While o'er ih- rsnk.
ThaBavagea oCOrip.
that of Rot-rri Taylor, poximufter at
«*> IWt
BUI be-e ni -lismuuv" bdwvsr.
demtaf tbeVVomen-tBritofeorpa. She are emigrating to the Oaaadlaa worU.Scarva. Tro. He courted bto lady love J «lT»W»-alnKi« invariably tbo «gU(be messhv rhllto *i«1 fevsr.
That atodern eooorge. the Grip, polerae «l yeen of age. Sbewaaawam«B
haa arrired at Halifax. Tbe AndWtih
be e eaakni* eat the
rpw to b* for 60 yesr* aad married bor to 1872 •“
of tbe aeUBOB.
MM tbe sir with Its fatal griM. to
of rare atuiemeou ia aa edaeatioaal atoaoMr wlU proceed to Nt. John. S. B..
When his age was 108.
He rocanUy
Lova-tbe dream of AUdbood. tiie that BO bomr Is safe from its ravi«ra.
way. uad durlag bur admlaatruthrn the where tbe pamimirm will lyea to mke
died, to bto mth year.
life of yunib sad tbe baaknptcy of bnt mulUtade* have found a ouro proUbrury grew from volamas
teetira ugalBit tbta dsogaraua malady
vail to tbelr faturc boma.
----------------—---------: bid age.
to Dr. Ktog^ New Dhaoeery. Wbea
6D.SM and of high ataodlog thraagb
Old ewarie, syu.e-.
] H*etio-a man who doma-t bdivre yoBftola
At L*fsyetto. fad., phyuielaaa
aoreaeasto year tames aad
the aoaauy aad with the legal protm- arieatisu are iutorvated la tbe esc
A r^uUrly organized system ofra.a,reod„^i,to. trathfal to toe ------ bava toUla ^ feesr.
tha child of Jamm (htmBMrviUc. w^
China tor more than 2.000 year*. It la
aad aatabI man who tokm aQ the i
At Bagiauw a warrant WM sworn___ died Uic other day from eearlet fever?
said that an orfmalsed symem of chare
>. . •_..i I oora cBUga yoa ms
tor«ku*Rtmi of James Aodermw. an dlxtoen yaara ago Mr. and Mra. dnot.
------------- you aeed Dr. Etagb Kei
toutiahtor who to ullagwi v> have cut morville loot two cblldrae from tbe aamc
Dbrwety. It will prempUy cure tbe
6M yaaia B. C.
woret eo^. heal the trflamed memthu huto lau which Fruak hlmoua akat- dtoeaaa. From tbe baud of oue
at. a...,.
kjtow* twice aa much a* a fwofta- braaea. kill tbe dtosaaagenm and aro•A uMl laat hia Ufa Tbe waeruBt la of ibum a look of kalr was
vaottke dreaded after eff-ets of tbe
Tbe tank ebarha paariag thremgk the ^
tauad 08 tha verdict of the carouar’a tokuB attor doatk. ptaoud to aaou-^
ilMriag boose to Loadoa aad New ' BcaUstto—lbs draiBB embof
Jury thnt BBetieu kllS.BowuU's etatolm vatop* aad bB0 aa a acmvMr. A
I. A trial tattle froo
York to one maBtb exceed tbe ualue of
aalmaU. 90 stage Mfeets
« the drag M aoffi.awqtt aadJ.
wwvlalutodby tha sbiiim <ff burriaO tbs fluid aad eUw to Ike wnriC | abnal actors-Chtoagb News

Hanion|ClothiDg Co.

I Will have a carload of Horses here on

January 25th, .


1 viv /■ j

Which I have purchased in Toronto, Canada
These horses will weigh from 1800 to 1800
ch.n.>. th, do, .1 windwr tirwii pounds. If you want a nice horse It will nav
’* '<'*”• iiors^s that have been brought here for years.
............ ' They can be seen at Brodhagen’e European
Horse Hotel.
Inquire forCH. Hymen.








TW Tv«lik PWMU U tkiir ««•


MM *■■—« *T
Wmr m. Kaa.

OtM WU tbot or • CeDUOBU
_____ poUoosu toend ttecWBI «•
tbo up of tb« atarp tpiku of aa eim
raflUa. Bate, the ua«ialnu oa tba aetariMe of tbte flab U laalaeaa
loaowins Bonlaf ba ataud that ho i vUUac U axart ItaaU oTanaurb i------- noer. a.
uo. a
- U bla Ufa ipvaaltoffood. Ithaa darelopedaa at- ]^H.t.AOD.But..
uait whara ranKanant oa tba back of lu head ax- pmI. B. L. A Oo. But..
vboB ha avoke to ftnd btuaalf
Oaa of tba apUeaa bad antared 1 aeUp Bka tba o
vttboet, boo- nU ahoa. and aa artlftrtal la

k*r* pMiitr «( koMr vlt.
Thw tk« Mj:
Tor U» tMa ex tken It m kmft.”
■Mulnc thmt Ik* voor. kard-«rorkle(:
pceaut U 100 poor to b* panoeotoA
1o taJrfnx 0« pUu of Mch mbmt*htm
m wood, brtek eod tree la rartow ^
4htAioal trate. For laaUM. boarda
«f aU alaaa aad ahapw are oow maea*
tt to ruMbUjba uma
avarr kind of «ood. Tba woarlal eoaU

~U»*ybatl«orlt*apbe amrem. bot
Wbere out bM U •
„.ber AUab ordaloa.“
cItu ba doib
Tbara are aararal antbantle uaaa od uaa.
■« aak wboaa aoa ibo* an.” Of a Uka
’ * ,H«d baa on. aliDiUt u | lepdiaU BlaapUik vhUa ridinx tbolr
Wboa the eoekar flndt Itadf la the drtaimrtw U tb. aartBK. Tba band that y,,, **d ^
a ab-ll orar U-a throe . BaebUM. and pedioa oonatahlu on daitp of anp larxe floatinc bodp. aneb
>arad place that nakaa a aMaai^ i
known to tall aalaap aa a ablp. a tbarfc or a pace of Botaau.
a place of br1e-a-teac
m- ^
----------------------- ....
artlda. and la oaad bp earpaatau. aabi- ^
^ prorerba. '
aopport of anp kind. Races U
p a an abundance of food. It attaches Itself
•at-uakara. pt«orc
Ueuiti fraue
fra»a nakara and •Tba donkap i.
U itMUUtOa." h
h it
tt Mid.
u»A Tali
"Pd |
man —r«r~t to pick appm was caught Smtp thereto bp means of tbU enriona
boat bUMara for panaiUac. walasertlad ba taada eanatt." Tbnp -terttad tba
Udulgiag in a aurrapOtlous nap astride contrlTance. which permiu it to eaC
and daeoratiaa
donkep to a waddla«.“ upa aaotbar|
a btmneb, and It to «mte a common breathe and perfom all nacaasary fnneMlhinan and dnrabUUp ara rakolrad.
ba aald. *U It prwetlea of tba man who bring garden tkins wblle being carried about wUbeut
Two axeallaat gaabtla. that tba paper »^^y««tad.'"
orodoca Into London for tba aarlp anp exertion on lu part. It can attach
poantt poaM ara that tbap are not , ©f fall*loo. prerarb. Komnle Uletn-;
moralng markeu to tall aalaap while and deucb liself Inmanianeooslp. «nd
anWaa U warping and drp roc Tbara
y „ fan
cbrttUan. “Do what to!
on tba shafts of tbe can. tnst- holds so flrmlp tbst a direct backward
ara no bad kaou u nar tba appearanea klad apd good.“
- - up* ona.^ ------and—
lag to tbcU boraes In order to arrian pull cannot dUlodge K without Inlorp
or tba anrfaM. and as tba naurlal to itlnUibeeaa; If tba flU do not taeog-1
aafelp at ibelr dmUnaUoa.
; to tba Bsb.
UBOoth and1 deea
doaa not reqalra
radalra plai
planing. •
y ©u Grantor will.|
A hotel aerrant once doted off while
Serwral good sited ipectmeni of tbe
kad can bo analip mt wltb a ftna . '•, Worldlp pmdance. bowapu. lnapl««
siitlitg outalda clesnlng tba top row ftsb bsri&g bean caught the Cblneae
tbara aaami etarp reason w »««• , ,oeb nasiiM as tbaaa: Tba wonad bp
of windows In a scren-storp building. fUhermen du smuU iron ring* to thair
Ueaa Ihn It win u Una ba mad evan ^
basis; tba woond bp tba
' Bal Ibis feat was eclipsed bp a ateepla- ulU. to which be MUrbas long, slabnoratbaaltls.

uwa Is Incorabla;" •■Oat of tba trip.
' lack, who toond the distance between der. but rerp stout tinea. Thus aqojpTalagrapb and tntopboaa polan. Bagcoatth no allk bro-,
tbe lop of tba church steeple on ablch ped tbe Ashermaa a*U out. aud when
ataSs and epars fo« snail saiUng
„p«a tba pap-:
be wai at work and the ground below a buking turtle to seen two or three
aali ara tbr laiael derelopnani la tba p^rr part of the auw: “ Tbap who bantoo far to go for hU dlonar. ao he par- of tbe sucker* are pui overboard,
lln# of manofaeiiiro from paper. Tbap
uck in«ir angars "—
took of tbe meal up aloft, and then Should they turn and stick to the boiare nada of pulp In wbicb a anall
Tnrkap than of
lay down on the eolltaiy pUnk. lace tom of the raft they are carefully deanonnl of borex. l»llow. and etbar Inprobablp,
Tba faibar
downward. with bU arms banging In taefacd sod by being pushed forward
gradlanis ara mixed, i beaa ara cast
^ vmepnrd to tbe son, bnl the son
tba air. and fell asleep.
' «1lh the inrrltsble bumbuo. are siartU a nouid In tba form of a hollow rod
,,,, ,
y, ttia
; At Hackney a man tlept nightly for ed on tbe search again. At last they
of .tba daalrod dlametar and langtb.
- „ * ^rmon of IngraUluda.
ten peara Inside a four-wheeled cab. A attach themselves to the supine turue.
Tba polM and apsr. ara clalinad U ba
p„p, pro„rb. ara; “A nan
Then the flshermai. hauls in tbe lines.
llgbtar and strongw than wood. Tbap ,j,pn,g
i|,,en »uh ooa of bU ears."
qaesOon. but hU comforts were few. agsinet which gentle saaston tba bapdo not crack or aplit. sod it U aald that
•■ikore to no fUend u> a man Ilka
and a few Mcks did duty for bedclothes. less Cfaeloo strugglaB In rain.
whan tbap ara Tartsisbed or painted _ yy notbar “
on board the raft tbe useful remora l»
tba wtaibar does trfil sffacl them. Ba- ,
detached and U at once ready fo^ use
■idea pomoulng tbosr adrantagw. tba ,
war <-.p «wp>ir.

------- •,
' again.
paper-made arUcla can ba nada Ora- . “gpaaklnx about smart anlmala.“ aald . -r
aiFM'k Im Ueu>B»S »«• Tt»«.
-------------------------- _
proof bp aainratlng It In a strong sotu- i tbe real estau man. "I want to go on ' ^
. » ...I
rw»a 1. .U..brf a
on«. .. .m.« »i.-.
tlon of alum water. Wben tboroughlp record aa aaplng that tbaie 4a no ani-1
a deserted and nilnad bouse at Dart- I Thie favorite ej^ c
drr tba paper poira and tpara thus' mal that can bold a candle to tbe copota |
moor. England.
It was built bp a '■ yontta It of Freniik
u«ua .111 r»Ut.b.«llo.oI
Wl>«. I Bnl wnt o.i ^
wejJibp landowner, with the Intention antlQUItp. bavin
Tbe manufarture of enamellad paper ; to western Katmta 1 bad aa ambition and a pboiograph or two mat neip
brickt. whteh eommancad In im. has I *o kill encM«b copotes to maka a lap ms"ke ae'riTrne'r sitraeUve as well as of making It his country residence: bot ' England la tbe Train



now becoms a dcflniia ladosirp. as : robe U sand bsrk to mp friends In tbe useful.

Xrd," was that of s brave warrior,

' to drive out In mp buggy and hide tbe which are suspended the gnrmeaU that mantled.
The- damage
No I gmoux its vsllxnt chiefs one Jean
tba boliow prlDcIpla 1* a marked fas- , gun under tba seat, but It dldnt make ara most lUble to wrinkla
and the bouse quickly Bnlabed.
sooner did tbe owner uke up his retl- I Colln. He acquired the name Malllard
ture In tbelr form, the object being i anp difference. Not 4 coyote ever got,
------------------denes In It than asotbar violaot aiorm j trom his chosen weapon# being a mal-




Tkx Bawr Salt* la the world te
Outs. Brutoaa. Soraa, Oleera.----Olnea*. Bali
anaem, saver
Parer ooraa.
Boras, Tetter.
Banda, Chilblain*. Ooma. end all Bktn
perfeet satlefartlon or mocep
rwfusdaT PrlMMeanuparb^ Par
mlabrJ.O JohaaoaandB.B Wmt.

Sonpaer K XsasTislA flB onto.
There are a few of the bal
Hannah BiBe meatoriala left,
cao be bought at the City Boc
for es eenta aaeh.

Ladies Aid Society Seeoad U. B.
cKureh will give Ma cant sapper U
Pormurrs' ball Wedneoday evealBg.
Jan. t&. BeaeSt of tba ebareh.

bollow forged steel ‘ reached wltb sspiblng abort of a longetaa oant supper.
cblmnep-stack. doing, besides, consid- to crush bis oppenenta In one cf tbe
cooked bp slasmli g.
__ jl only Is a defaeUra center range cannon.
meat Wipe arable damage. This msdr the owner ' leud# which wire of perpetual recur»ved. but It la possible to put a ‘ “One day 1 tUrted out in a horry
Nerer wash poultry
nervous, end be left the house. It was : rcnce in those limes be
- 'ap-! and• forgot
“hay gun.
- - I1 hadn't gone
them clean with
wltb a
• damp tow^
mandraltoto the
hollow, imd. by
,00. a uiam
^ot«. «u -^ "r^:“„,‘5rix,:;:rn In a pr«r«i uTSiw
eg K. V-A B. 1.1-laplylng pmisnte the walls ara operated mile from town before 1 w onto a
jo ramova all the grease
^ groundless for In^nearly every thunder- ' Ue «d so runs the story. Ip the Biwt
lag BfiMt 7a&. Utb.
•poa f»m both inside and oatslda
of four Wotea p»a ^lem
„f s^p after
th.t’pas««l orar the district the 1 og^ ciim Us.llsrd loat both bis eyea
I. b-»i lb.
. Sia., .... Ub. lb. uobbi. u,...
.... u., <u..n« u..:
b« b..b bi.
Wb« .'.o,»
?s«enger tralot leave Trawerse Cl^

Souse has ^n ««ck. and a frmh t He ordered hi. esquire to take him InS a. m. and 1:40 p. m. PtMeoger
pwaturs of the intarior always varies ' ooi of sigbL They just wall
porUoD of It destroyed. Altogether tt I to the thickest of the flgbt. and. furiLinsarriveat TravereeCIly 11:00 a.
from tbst of lbs outer portion, at first 1 two or three rods from the road and
i*ly brandishing his mallet, did euch
r 200 Umes.
end «;2S p- m. Making eonnectlOBa
often resulting in tbr expansion of one j ast down, and looked at me and pawn- j Boning
- , -ovot abnsad branch ^ bean_^^
fearful execution that victory soon de­ St bhermen's Mill twloe each week day
or iba other that causes tbe dafacu, U ad. It made me bot to aea tbelr In-'cookery; the average cook bolU
to and from Bonor on tbe Platte Blv«r
clared Itself for him.
U for these reasons that tbs plan of, femsl Impudence, and I made a dive
q,,i ,hould be prepared other.
aouseeau* advice for tbe composlWhen Robert of Prance heard of Brancb
Jaralng tbe bricks upon tbe bellow < as if 1 were going to gat tbe gun out ^1,0 jgit through '.sxincss. It Is too ©on of a lore Inter no preacher should tbcae fesu of arme be lavished thvors
UjcsI freight trsles leave at «;00 a.
.priBcipIs and plugging tbem after- • from under the seat I tboagbt sure I
trouble to leant bow to cook anyfollow In tbe compoelilon of bis serand honors upon Colin, and so great m. each week day aodou Toeedsy and
«ard U of advantage.
Sawdust Is ' would scare them away. Well, maybe
^.,y_ >jever boU anything fagt.
-Begin wlibout knowing what was tbe fame of the exploit that It was Friday will run to Cedar City on lbs
goods to be
,rbor Branch1
AU goodi
*,igr as possible.
y^u are going to say, and ending wltb- commemoreted in the pantomimic
found to be a good Bllar for tbla pur- Uey wouldn't believe K, but tboae cusa.. dellvere
delivered’ not later
shipped must be
poae. It to Brsi Creprooted. as Is also' ad coyotea never moved.
They Just 1
quaiers are only for omm- out knowing what you have eaid.” The reprenetitstions ihu formed part of tbe than
before and biUp m. tbe day bei
the paper pulp used In the bricks, aod I aat up there and aeiuslly pinned.!
Never use i tem. Use soft, old germon which is made after tbe Roua- rode dramatic perftrmsnce* of the age.
out or they will be left
Is mixed with cement and prees-1 They said Just u plain aa If they bad
f„f dusters, and begin at the ,egu psticm will merit notblog better By tegtees tbe children learned to act
the hollow of tbe brlcki and ' used tbe words; 'Ob. you needn't try
„{ furniture and Oust tn,n Cieopstrs'a sneer, “He words me, it for themselve*. and It took tbe form
sd and enamelled over.
I to run any bluff on us! Wo are strictly
,^.^1 j^o
jro will permit use .iru,
girls, be words me."
of tbe familiar ^>ort.
! onto our job.' How they knew I bsdnT , ololh slightly da.-p. A cl h w ith
No one to more certain to be imprcasThe blindfolded pursuer, as. with
for aU «d with the UmiiaUoas of language bandaged ey« and extended hands, be
than Is the preAber. "A hindrance to gropes for a victim to pounce upon,
thought, though the neceaesry Instru­ teems In some degree to repeat the acMeudon. (ha tnldara have now to spin aver since."
for Uis benaSt^ the ballMns. which ,
So «kr Hawse eer<
ment of It." as Herbert Spencar says. Uon of Colin Halliard, the tradition of
wUb vinegar will
at* used for aclentlflc and mlliurt re- <
which Is.also irsceabla In tbe '
aearcbes. Tba spiders ara grouped In | An old man-of-war’st medTook a smt
blind man's buff.
c»r W...
one —4.
day. —
■ paasenger —•
------------- -o—---------doaaiH before a reel, which withdraws in a
isldersble atteatloD by his dress and >«*
,1,* eirev*lve use of «lt. It Is Hr« of
tba dellcste threads. One spider can '
T* UipaMIM • tWIeliM.
xv . thread from 20
^ ^ g|i , i»ervcf*loa of taste, tbe condlto to 40 yard,
yards manner. An Indl^reet neighbor ven-, irons
SlMgth i!?l^*Kp^for^c.llU,(«red tbe quemlon, "In tbe -w iron,
will maka t >.» smooth
There are many Interesting tricks
the a..,.,
flavor «^.e
of delicate
or. V.i.r
I dean.
dishes If too pronounced. Kurtbermore. children cen do with IliUe trouble end
released. The threads ara of a pink- •


The sailor nodded affirmatively.
tab bus. and are washed to ramore Ihe
salt seriously
overtaxes tbe kidneys to of sclentlOc prlDclplm, but wben prop■ Well." went on the other mat •T silk ribbons that are spolted wltb .........
atlcby surface isjer. Bight ibreads
It. and that many case# of de- erly dose look Ilk- megic.
am not exactly In tbe navy rnysc
bate to be combi.icd. Tbs resulting am
a contrsctor-ibat to. I furnlsb restore them to the.r treenn^ ^
roBR..»eni aud dlaf.e.»c are due to
to thie
For the first thing they might hypnotenure li much llgliier than ordinary cheese to tbe navy."
i That paste for hanging paper Should
-Jbe salt hsbit. U
se B chicken. To do this have a dark
allk «'T the same hulk, and strong cord*
tsbieAod draw a while chalk line
••Ob.yonare.areyeT-ssldthessllor. be made thin
' added. U easily acquired, and
for oillltsiy hallwbs can no doubt ba
chip 1I've
lopk- tlon
of a ........
little y
give• will
-you are juei the
>uc camp
»c been iwa>iuu u.
, _improve It. Irdulging themselvee. eoon
• ----- ^uli, beginning from dliwcily unObtained In tbla way.
Ing for." and accordingly he knocked and a little powde ed alum will b p
abere nothing Is petauble that
a tu. rtu. I
(be aapirant for naval honore over the U to dry.
^ U not siroaely impregnated with salt.
’ Beaeai ar reerwwe.
Tbst an excellent teaie for all bousa^
Brery ona may not know srbat tbe car sMt and added si he looked
The Olgereaco.
Hrnher Bnsfd cd PmuScw
term ' bcrelit of peerage" Impllee. A
MHWufuI of
of Sour
pour g dually mixed with
yi,j, j, » baby. It U a girl baby.
<>«««. Pnedrleh blacks. 'Pbook hi
gun that furnishes tbe butter."
, half a pint of w: er. a small pinch
»Wppy lu chin to! How red lu
------------Ill L
gf powdered Slum, and rotlB aod
What horrid contortloos It
riesh roo#
rood ana
and v^eeiartanUia.
milters of tmUlc «ira^
esUmsted that twenty- .
minuter: the addition of
»i,b lu face. See bow aavagely
H PngTEk. Anarver at Lev. BpMUl
Tundra he taVt^t^o^TuwS
twoarre. of land i»needed to austaln a . ,mie brown sup . aod a few graltu uhuba. How Uke a demon It yells!
bis p«ra. be xswoi he o«u M
g,»aonfhwh.wblleIbat emoutt ofUnd f i.grroslve subllm-ie will preserve It
y« In s,few short years some man
any c.vll
.own with wheat will feed forty-iwo ,p4,ng„clv.
will be half cramd with wild 'suspense.
UBlemforanlnd!rub eoffe^«dbe
,0 osU. elghty-cigbt. ,_1_--------------------- -worehlpplng the very air this being
to exempt t
ervlng on juries. H
poUtoe#, UdUn corn or rice. iTd j
Ta Iran nphiwe.
bresibe*. devoutly kneeling at her feet tbit It must look at the line. A rooster I ——t-..:.— ___Jwill become ecnselese and nmurelee* by iQ.
may sit with hie Let on la eourts of persons, and plumed with the bread- | Tha aUff napkin, which cannot be
frantically beggtng tor one »ord«^ the lime the Ijne Is two few long, and israfa-Biafk.___________________________
jDSilce, end should be be liable t
frail tree over 6.000 people would be kept on tbe lap sn' whlrt to tbe Ipi
p-emure ol the band, even a look, remain with hU beak glued to the line ly *-TTO*I«K. K. UOMU
last veoalt:
1 to
* board, is hardly more
g^jil give him hope.
sometimes over a mlnute-and that* MUMkgmgk^HM, ti
j meeable than tbe d-uap. soft rag with
a Sew Xenland chtef.
rntlon She FWrt.
'which aomeUbl«*.re fumUhed. Tbe
•**“* **’“*'
1 'TVkACvlmHVnsK-ltlM g»>aU» Bnlaaiah. a
The Maori Chief Rewl. ot whom
-Suppose 1 pbould call you any bard
laundress avoids either ex— ... M.,.
______ .
.Ate Sir George Grey
..^oes up" ubl«_napklns ute
Urey made stKi
a to reported ccttM, " asked the lliei ary chap from
Teasing Friend—Wbat makes that x M.utrt Msu
.J. "is...--. »her. *t»e«ms to con- Ihe East, who was down In Mexico.
, ,„hioD ol her own. 'When mbe friend on his visit to New Zestobd. will
from France, where s««lM to^ mudylng human nature, "what would
uem and they be distressed when he hears hU master new baby at your botma cry so muck.
StU ^ tavl r>« do?"
i« reSy to Iron, they are gnlltless of was buried In msu In St. Panl'e Ca- Tommy?
Tommy (indignantly)—It don't try ------------------------------------------------------•Iriag inettymenu^U 1^
meaUo* the fart to the ^
th«n gloas and tbodraJ last week,
been entirely
coroner the Brat time I met him." care- -body " she dips tbem Into boiling
Rtwl dug e grave In the wilds of bis ao very much: all your ,
aeiisu. id oanaiMw. .m«
that these
lesriy repHwl tbe gringo.

k^J’.gd itgbtly wrings tbem out be- utar«Ung country that was to «m- teeth were out. and your hair off. and
«r aound than those manataitti^^ot ^
------- -----------------|aw iu»w
^ Ojn blmself and hU English "fsther." your legs ao week you couldn't sund a^iiowUr- tegwirvai ooesef JmBosju^ta.
““ I .■•T «bv
la Vhe
iurched. They are Ironed rapidly as the Maoris called tbe EngUsbman on tbem. I fancy you'd I4el like crying ;
• wltb higher notes.
fn certain paru of Africa It
be used who did so much for them,
** *”* with as ot an Iron aa can .............................................................
.. “
-------------------------^ WltbODt t orcblng. They are then Jasl
The ahah'e Bsebe«aee.
; rlght-belther stiff nor flabby.
Tbe Sandwlcb ItUndera are no food 4» •# by UeaMeg at the oearaat. MU Mr
__________________ In Persia tbe Sbab has a most con________ W—wsllnwr*^ ta ha ireateO m suco
book, sra ^
“ t! The boaorod dead are buried under tbe
w..^ Bolt
venlem method of eddlng to his funds. of tbe aea that they actually teach tbair
a^d. slmpiT on arconnt ot a few on^ .
that When K conslsu of sending eome rich noble efalldren to swim long before they are
)ertlon.ble tines. But if any one needs Boar « ute^ooum---------------able to walk.
bowk be
can «>i~
send a ~4«..
latter, with a ,
Aw itewwaed.
Tbe tlnleat mitet play games In wa­
i.d nowa
ne c»o
wi »
bw.i. vwm nne rn a anbtect the re«rtaln Bxed enm of money, and gel ! * „w of New Zeeland awarda
it .bould be
Sd«t to In duty bound to rrturn tba ter well ont of tbelr depth.
apMdal permtoslon to order a copy.
mon oT |1W annually to every raspeeta- before It to
In tb*
^ ^ donaUon ot a largi
•------- --------------------bia
Me Dcreoo
pereon who baa atuined the age otherwise It
H will harden Into a lump.
■aw Drat
ol lUty-Bre. and baa resided twenty u is a lest of good housekeepiBi that
Tbe Crown Prince of BUm U among
____n the Dyaks of Borneo kave to
In the ooloty.
aonatr Cblldsva »OT» a m»mtrn.
tbe boy autbon of tbe world; be has
drtaa which of two parllea tt In tbe ^
It to computed the death rate of tba written eevenl stortee for-EnglUb ^1Bavay OoTieo.
rtgbl, they bar# Iwe Inm^ of mlt of
world It sixty-mven and tbe birth rata dren'a magaxines. and can write fluent,
Dtahra Wo-hed hr toaohloe.
aqnal sIm given tbem to drop Into waminute, and this seemingly ly in three European languagea.
(ar. and be wbooednmp first dissolves to Utem-lolui iabtp-e-..«.c.tolbUulbd«..u.
deemed to be In the wrong.
__ _____
____ _______
^ dropped Into a bole ta ni^
Fire wUl frighten almost any
pan. wbicb has a
- ---rrhiiabts.
tk, «nd ot the poat wben not In nse.
pan.tore, but U has no terror for the driver
i! drain the water ln» pump cylinder.
Acetylene to nsed In a new Frweb
Among the Koto ot Caniral India a ant, ablcb will dash at ghiwtag coal,
toforced to the top of tbe
<wbea It
aaval eearebllgbi. which to designed to
_ Its jaws ta tbe burning
.fc.w sfbt alvrsre sccompanlca a wad. fix
dtoeb^rged against
The yearly output ot cigara from tba and dtocbkrged
Ue dtobea jo- ding ceramony.
ban tbs gsoentlng appqratos moamshrivel op ta tbe beat.
. «d below the deck, with a pipe ren*
ntag op by tbe mast to the buraer.


■ gPSs>, liiii




Tn^ioiuraro B»xaii>. rsAvirai^ <'rnr. sunda^t. jahvabtss

A Cubaij Mioios ‘ pwro*


n of BoKUmd hoa had hu or bar r
rt do UarmloD.lord of Fonlotuij'o. In Normant

n (b« 2Sd of June. m«. wbUa bla ehamploa that U to h
hrrlvclahr Court, thr homo o

n the snORtlet to tat« In the aprlnc of the «

j of Oraat Britain, It la tbo Llndw}' diainct of Um

eamir B mile* from

The picture aboa* ihc rounx prlm-o On board ea« of bee majeatp’a ahlpa, and tbe-hor wbe wlU act at bit cftanplea et bea thr line eomea for him to
rule over oar of the moat pnwrrful aotiuna Id the world.
Tbe rhamplona of the kinca of Bnxlaad have not all had a amooth read to trareL and oa asore than one occasion ibejr have had to seek plarea of ret*
'••a ta order to aave their hroda ThU la irur of Sir Thomas, thr twelfth chazaptoa. wbo beM the office under Kins Ketiry VI. Hr aided with Warwick '
ta an cSert to restore Hear)- to the tbrooe. Tbe effort proved futile, and be Oed to tbe aanetuarr in Wcstinlnaler aM»>- f::dwar«l IV dared aoi enter the
^aetoary. b« lured the cbamploa out by specious prumisea of a full pardon and very aooa anerwatd broke these pledcea by cauainc hlia to be beheaded
It la tha duty of the champion to Issue a eballenae. In behalf of tbe kinit on tbe day of bla coronation. He Is surrounded by a number of trvmpel*
era. eagultaa. mambala paxes and a xnnd xaard of honor. He must be ic.tdy at all times Co uphold the himor of the klnx
It had been tbe rtatoni up to the time of the coronation of William IV for the champion to appear In full armor. At this time, hoasrer. he was
•M Buitunoned to appear In armor, as the mlnlslera were anxious «o keep expmaeo down to the minimum. This precedent was also followed at tbe ooronatiae of Obeeo VIrlorla. l«t no act of parliament has been passed abollshinx the offiee, and until this Is done the champion. If he no desires, may demand his
Brivilexe. Tbe future champinn, be I tut a youth of considerable dsiertnihatlon. has already sanounred his unalterable TvSblve to nde Into Westminster s'. *y
* - 1 bead to foot and mounted on the tallest home In the BcrlvHsby stables whenever It cornea to bla turn to uphold tbe royal honur. It U a
' Hkaly auppodlloa that tbe Ultle prince v
A them- lofty aaptratlona

Cocoaout Milk For Water.


LisMolOs's shapes,

1 l.k...!....



Handsome Prince.



I,...___ _____ a...

thapes. It IS different from the conven- i of Iluesla. cnh>}-s the dlstiacllon of betlonal reprrsentalloha In pictures or on J Ins tbe handsomest prince In Europe,
the slaxe. and. altbouxb the human e>e Judxtnx from their )■', lurvs. princes
> quick. :i la unable to catch (be true j and princesses are nirt usually t-eiei broled for Ihelr facial charms, but
Prince Max seems to be an exception.
He is very fond of music and Is said
to be well autmlled With this world's
xnods. I.lke many other, princes, he
; iT-tKes a sliow of bclnx a fnlPlary man
and hold! a commlmlon as captain.
' Tbe tSmnd Duchess HeP ne ir ih- only
dauxhter of the Oraad Duke and Duch*

form of (he flashes as they dart or
the sky or abuol dlm-Uy toward ibrj
earth. One looklnx at them Imuninrsi
they are composed of siralxhl or fo-8ed lines. In ihe majority of rases this !
U a mistake, as the accompanylnx pic­
ture will show.

Thr illusirallon la a reproduednn of
a photograph taken durinx a atormriast
summer. As will be seen, (here are '
few alralahl lines. The lighlnlux has |
taken a peculiar form and looks like a '■
Well knotted slrlnx- This, however, is
only one of tbe many queer shapes into
which this deaiructlre phenomenon of
aature Is In the bnbit of forminx Itself
before U spenda Ita forces.
dual as QelKy.
After a teriiV* fsi tion flchi in thr
county of UiP’rirk the whole country­
side was ams'.rd. An alibi was clearly
proved la thr case of one of the j.risi.Bera. but aevertheleBS be was found guilty
with the otherw. <m being directed ■ eaa Vladimir and U IT years old (bit
10 stand up la the dock to receive aeo- ' month. She Is some U years younger
tence, hr icudly proieslrd. Waan'l It aa ' than her future huaband. As she Is
clear as noonday that he waa at home ' said lo be the prettiest of tbe ItuiislaR
ed wt the lime of tbe fight T ‘Hold i princesses, she asd her huaband w ill be
■ '-ongue. «tr.“ said the Judge stem- ] a ven' attractive appearing royal cou-Tou-tu Just as cuUty as any of | pie. Th< duebesa. ber mother, bus been
theM. Ton bow you would have been | ordering gov^u galore from Taiii. and
Three yean’ im- j the wedding day la not far distauit. acWhat Uotlaad Urka la load Cuba Ueka la'water. ta fact there are few
IswBs or Tlllaxee In the tnterior of tbe Island (hat ran boast of a well or a
flood staed apHafl. Heat of tbe water la taken from tbe streaiaa and tbeee tb
eammer lime dry up. ao that there U a creat acarrtiy of this aeVasary article.
Tbe nattvee have to travel a lone distance in order tu xtt ■ aapply. and tbMr
■aethoda of carryllix It- while pIctureaqUA ate crude. A lai»e cask la used.
A pair of Bhanaarraofltted to It as to allow It to revolve. It U drawn by oxea.
aod It U not an uaeommon elxbt to
aevetwl of tbeee queer looklax rehlelw
flolafl over tbe rouflh roada with the bumlnx rays of the ir^lc sun beatlnc
down on them, In quest of water. Pome ut thg native# make a business of
•Bpplrlnx tbe towaapsople with water. They peddle It as one would v^eU.
blea or other produce. Tbe price vartea acconKac to tbe demand and tbe
aearclty. it raaxee from 10 to B cents a xaJlon.
WTille water U scarce the asUves do^ suffer for eometbtnc with which
to qaeacb ibelr ibliul. TO be sure, there are no atorct er half/way bouses
wbare ear can slop to real and partake of a refresbliiK drink, whether It be
f somsihinx atronxer. There we. bowerrr. places where* only
ir with all be E
buadaaee. Tbclr ____ ___________
- k which «row biflb above tbe xruand. are always to be
foued in larxe numbers,
in these, nature bae eertalaly been Bad to tbe tslaad. Tbe water, or milk,
la them ts deUclutu and ref^^lnx- They are used a xmat deal by tbe aativea
when water becomm aoaroe and are oMo recommended by phyalelaas for IhHr
medirlnal propertlcA Ukr icoet of the fniUs In tbe taland. they xrow w>&
mtle cultivation and atv to be had for tbe plcklnx. They cllax In dualeto un­
der tbe xreat leavea. As 'hey become ripe they tall to tbe srouad. The watar.
ar milk. In them U always cool owlax te tbexmat wad of oaler covert^. It'ta
eald that eae becomes ripe oa earh it«c at the qaarteto Of the a«oa. so «hU
1lb each chaaxe there are four au'.s ready for use. Tbe ’•alee la tbe S>«W
. .;U Is oftea BBsd by tbe aativea. wbe drtak Bffle quaallUss of IL.

isoa-pabt two.

there ara many iniersatlax stxbta to be fnued In and about the elty of Baas
n, Cuba. None, however, atiratia so much atlentloo as the little mintnf
■ of IHrmesa. which li not unlike some of the emaller places to be foua4
X the mineral bell In nur own country. The little Iowa, for there are scaross
he place. U situated oo the aide of tbe bill oB
of the famous Srmalah blockbousew Moat e(
the bouses ate on tbe line of tbe rmllruad which ruse Into Santlaao. They ar«
picturepque little places, with wide ieraadaa roofed over to keep tbe heat of
the tropic sun frdm eniertax the room*. They are bulR on a steep lacllise and
are surfouaded by palm trees and century plaata. which bear at the end of B
hlxh bare slalk a yellow flower sltDoet aa bix as a cabbaxe.
These are the homes of the men who work to the mines cron tbe railroad.
Farther down the road and almost at the outskirts uf the town are tbe mine*
proper, with their mtle enxlnes and Ihe peculiar ore cars walllnx for tbe me«
to return to work. Duiiox tbe war many of these poor fellows were driven 1»lo the recoBcentrado vltlaxea, where they starved (o death.

engagement Ring

Cromwell's Watch.

Here ts tbe picture of a queer laaBs
lax watch which uadUion says waB
once the prvperly of Ollter Cromw^
the Jew- ] How old tl
tbrt mile t
4leea. There haa be told, as there arv no dates on It.

rllKible yoURX
bachi'lora prefer­
red Ibelr ainxie
stale to enlerlnc
Into the mrtrlmnnlal meshes, to whh-h
the rouna men replied that married life
B0Wada>s was too expensive alloselher
and the life of a fairly well lo do alnxIc
man too Jolly lo relinquish for an un­
tried state.
And now. to make tbeae conditions
still worse. Mme, Fashion, who In this
case ts the fraternity of Jewelers, has
decreed that the fashionable eneaxvmeni rinx shall be a fleur-de-lis of dia­
Thai :in lisrif la aU very well until
one cumvs to iMirrhaae one the tn-j
amorala. Then It la found tha* they i
are very expensive and beyond (tae|
purse of most young fellows.
SoineVxirls. however, prefer an ein- ■
ksly to find aBythlng frela •
blematlc cnKaxement riax. In dctervace l>ainlin; by a f.-imoua artlai of a Umfl
lo the prea-nt
long -l.ic, |«st P» the Ulest novelty tt
rax« for <’harnia
lb* prts.-ni day. The wali h Is called A
and. suchlike
■•.Vurvm1»e« egg." This was an eariF
gauds. These
name given to wai'^es. which originals
again afford the
ly bad an oval shape and were UrgelX
Blender pursed
made^t Nuremberg.
.awaln no relief.
Th^ra.e of this queer timepiece ■
They, loo, are .very coetly. f
pinchbeck, i
of containing
a single dlaarind.' wond'-rfully strange.
inx but
such is rant^nted our mothers, they
arc bond,
hand, wbleb marks
tUc boun- and qu%r>
d'ainonds. emeralds and rt
It hat nu ivntcr wheel, aod ibt
Thv diamond lyplfl'w faith, tbe | works are v-ry different from tbB
emerald hup-' and Ih* ruby love.
wat. hes of Ihe present day. A piece ct
gut lakes the place of a chain sroua4
A Nurthlleld vMc.l hin which makes the fusee, u would not do for a maB
fansincss of producing eggs with two who haa to depend on trains aitd boatB
• three yolk" broke th" record recenUy to carry one of ihese timepieces, foty
hrn she laid ci rxiilnliig flvia dU- .from all n•■^aunIs. abiy seem lo run afl
111 1 and Be|-iiair yulks.
. they choose—at least this one does.

Where Beecber First Preached.

Tbe Toatera Lizard.

tad Is tbe
.. . . - -------- ---------------------,-------------------- -....... _wleat ferns
Pt aaliaal life aew la existence. They have traced It to tbe time wh'ea Egypt
for iu kinks. According to tbe teamed i^o. It baa usderflone

parts of tbe wotid are coatlnually oa their truck. They are now to be found
la OBly tare ptaeee la tbe ooloay, Tbv are about U iadiea In leagtH. Many
•traage stories are Md about them. It Is dalmed by acieeUsta that they are
aUe to rwtsee partkiM of thetr Umbo, epc- wMcb have beea detroyod. Owe
owned by a geattemaa of AWaaal bad tbe BUsTertaae to toee aa eye aotae time
axo. and ttow a eompMe aew owe an peffect as that which R Mot has groura
to place of the damaged «ya. The tmh of thta atory la vuaehad tor by sas of
tha JofigsB eg tha dMrtgt.

at first appeanaoe would only a
its dilapidated eoadlUee. •
ebaich ta which oac at tbe meet eeieerated aivuce of aw day peuached Id*
Brat aunaea. Ttalo. bewever. to tbe case, and It to with prMc that tba owner nfl
the buUdtox teas tbe story. Tha bnUdlaX to now used as a bom. IU cbntvhly
oppeamsce passed away many ywa ogu. when a wave of improeemeat overtook tbe odxhberbeod sad a new boast of worship was erected.
II waa la tfaU little edifice that the Rev. Henry Ward Beecber praachefl
bla fimt aermoB to the people who arere Urtng oa srhat was then tbe traotMr.
This was eaay years ago. and It was act Imagloed at At time that the yuunfl '
preacher wh* war itaeo about to eater «a hto iKs sreeh woBld become oM

--------- Ttar Mada taiMd la Wa chair.
la raa aad what 4a JOB «aatr
BMV M M Mp la «IMf.
)t talk top load.” aaU tha aMtWkM Aim ai«
Iter hac* tM eavl tma Ua
ITba am IT See far roandL”
Pa AaMfat aad^w b«« aad ttMn
A taadi «f coBftCt barriFw;
■fbHBorM* Wiu bt rtMf and faiiw
Mte vui
vlU aiuar
ablar t«ern.w.
“IAhw la
lo am.
aM. wawr.
na aue
aad m tffl )«a
fNt CMN wtti. mmt '



^ Here Are Two
of the Prettiest and Best Rcckers 2

1 bare aaaa a paol maay ratUaaaakm
—perhaps a baadrad or mora—te U«
Serrm Hoaaiatea. Iwt I bare arrer lataaUaaaliy diatartMd. ibam. aor bar*
ibej diatorbed me to aay praat exteat.
Kmn iad aa brip la wMplac.
arhai 1 want. Tee hare eSerrd HO.- , area by aeeideai. taoaph they were c€Saaaaae 70a tread thla taora
^ I bare braasbt j teciiatee la daarer of betap atepped as.
aad ctaitD tha BBOoey.
Oar*. While oa my kaaaa kladUap a
. th: each faUiir war
Bemw atepped earrr aad draw
______ ia aaatber thara.
frem Ire. oae pUdad aader tba arch madt
vadet bl« cteak a Iob« kalfe.
pa chwi'fBt. hepKel aad make free
by myarmi.
Taw ated fren tbaarhtaaiathaiT<
Tbe teat tteM I aauterad tbitmpb
pamarriiWa paih wlU aaiootfeer ha
--------tbe blp caaoa I mw aboot two a day.
the aea wOI ablae toaorrew.
Oae was aot colled, hat aaatly folded
te a harrow space batweeatwo cobblaatoam oa tbe aide of tbe rtrer. bU
fba Sliheat day erth^ away' ”*■
ctarartrr of
B be waa dwW with. Froa
bead below the Itrel Of them, rc^^
The aaa win aniae tMaamw.
riiooi ap bbe h Jack-{k^tbe-hd£..e-^
---TTT^ . wv
Ho'oOO lb
aeU^2d haad-. fropi or birds. Mr foot apaboad the
A REBEL S HEAD. *4 the« w the rebn Wder,
apace abora i^tbla aa lacb or two of

raa to back taward tbe door. *«ood
hte bead. boTba oaly held It lower, la
thla h a« really ay ewa atary-tt
^ Biaklap ntpway tbroopb a parUcularty
H ay rraadfatbefa HHIL ainre It i*
Mn, w
tedious taaple of buektbora. 1 parted
tbe braaebaa oa tbe side of aa opaa
Srewlnr air ble aoBk'a part., be apoi aad threw my bnadle of bread la­
____ _^ple __________
90W. wb<
wb« .O auy
la tbU laad
«iwt aad made gpod tab te it, aad wbea, with my arms free. I
•ta loekinr and lonrlu arruae tbe I>ame^ where aor flar fidau w Naa- • Thai urae apbt crabdfather aat waa poablap tbrouph after It. I saw a
sasall nutlswake drwpplBp lu tail
an bU wide reraada. which
42 ay crabdi
crabdratber. a amokinc
looked em apoD the bay. Ooe or twa tron beocatb my bundle. When be
fptar mao of----an,---Mpf>^
a* .wDiaoB aequalDlalKv* from tbe Belffbbnrttip caapbi sjpbt of me he eyed me aaprlly.
pallor bo the tfarre-iuaeled eblj) Foliy
and with an air of rlphteons Indipna-a

fraa New
Uoa seemed te be aaklag wby I bad
tbrovo that stuff on bim. He was so
•rsti I OSS laellned to sUpht him. bat
b« struck out so aaprily I drew back
approached tbe opeatep from tbe
orders reetiTe oor best attention sodl sattsfsetion pnarmateed. We
«rer. UaalU.
•erraai. fteoa. bowerrr, a fataDorlaa tbe abip'a atay there rumdWber
Bat be bad been llstea- gw- have »lot trfodd chslrs -1, fl. S «nd 4 of a kind that we are closing st leas thsn
Totee apoke:
fetber. wbo wat of an lareatlaiites Ular
lap. and wbn 1 looked tbroupb tbs
-iteBer. eicoiw the tntnialoa.**
SlaMaitVMi. looked orer tbe city pretty
lie tamed aroaad aad there ataed Us bmsb I found him confrOBtlop aw still
VaU. aad beUertne ihere wrte ebaaow fara>er
Merfc. inan Apaado.
with a eome-te-ir-yon-darc expressloa.
far » wide-awake Yaaker to, make a
Ia TBlB I tried to explain that 1 oaly
........................1. be floilied
dowa wanted my bread: be stouUr held the
^ aad took aerrh-e
proued 1a front of It. and I waa afraid
t flriD oD tbe barinr rninL la 10
Apoado amiled. "Arr we qalta
tbabas be came nearer be mlpbt cloae
In OB me sad strike before I could pet
the for. lpi. tnub-r-. Tbe Hiwalardii.
uilrely no; IM aerraata bare away in surh n tenple; so 1 jus? wen*,
g^iaokwi tip to biiD -ad re«p..ted
bark a deten rods and kept Kill ter
half an boor, and wbea \ 1 returned rwMe KaeJhe «>ek Sr«lBBlac Jaw. ,
- - bl. ha.lmwa prew he wa. unaNe .tijSi'm,
s-caiameal ki her. a. H. Dart*. |
ta maiinpe all tl>e detalU of tbe IBTUrsr.—A ■tBib-xi:'. prm.rrr.—IV xtx, l-ls |
crraaloa traib-. aad au i-albd
(A BMVitDe for ttw' d>r •.■I orar-T tur n41>'X<w. > .
HeMawd aa4 Star Calaai
-BUY A BOX OPThe (ter of piwrer for co!l<Bt« may
It is nut the flercMt nsiloat that
te >Ua<-rr>wl I'.r tbe Cbristian £bS^^bL^ uly who lllld fo^
*“ ‘
of ‘be hare bpen tbe
^ au aMlMaut te ‘be PaekiD, bo.^
colOBtefnp sad petUnp rlob.out of pealolL - Sen K. Knslsnd. l«0e an te oolles’c eubyi-rt
^ rain- iRDpIStl'VU of cx>ll ««
pblepmatk Hollaad has tbe moat
a prwsible colonJe. la
u the auriu.
world. buv
bmii i “? ,
•T Ibis
2SOMOOO neo-'*"‘
I’uHui,.mq*ercrwuilyaBr«t*wularJ.* opr
holds Java, .ntalBlap
pie. and althcngb
liaiou. rooc-meDi b» tecu tegun te
lays they i
Sold by all dealers.
Made by
th . ^ . !oaro»lle«wsodouivel>iliv< Tbelrcarl
oUer rich
tbe esK, tbs
ihougbl aud life today as
a flptat with tbelr Spanlab pnarda.
id lonE knowv what Hpanlata rule Island of Sumatra beina four limes as : newer b^ore i» toward n-ligiou. and tbe
large as Cuba, and tbe Island of Cele­ : CbriKlan rrliginu. It U aouof the mnK
•ruoi liiuiiliiwoneda* *"
Pterinrew-hut. steal
bes being larger (ban all New Eap- ' bojreful eignw of tbe limes tbwf tbe edoblw rwrolullon did not auocerd.
tend. to say nothing of her tlx Islands fcated young uu-u of our country are^
la tbe Wen
and. ber
. , Indies
laroiUKUare and more iowaidrelipnn '.
2awaierl».l. up..i..l..-o. Th.-y iKrth a^ wmi.j^ruw him tbe
IB south America and. Africa.
fl.,uri.hteg ooltege
pood nafured Netherlanders, like ‘be
"By ibe prar^of «od. I eaemped: but O.I.laU
I.4 nn
|C. I- n—.flt.
Brliisb, bare V
t ...> tbelr
_______ more-1
pront- ,
.todent.’ yoJnuteor
fSTaSd ?Wotw ".^vute rim 1.U H
able terrltery by keeping the splrli of ^,*01 aad groat iuletw.1 on Ibe part of
trade aUve rather than tbe .plrlt of ttemsande ct Kud. ut. te peowal reltaulorra.-y. and avoiding the levy of p,on. wwciiv.«ud work. Th.i*fact, are
, murderous laxew. with nothing te ro- , njati.r. of gn ut t. j.iiciug and thankntarn to rot———' giriup

-- earue.!.
----- -- —-and- ........
invite oor
rr Ml.
“> ‘5«
.. I^ WIH. wa. a y«n
a.e cl.lnk,"
pnyrrs lor tbi-ir exunnnauoe. under tbe
ttlc tebtnd him. niwde a bap
a while, pramlfallier said:
t-IKIe aill. flat trmam.
m hin
him: Iml he wa* Dot Ibllik- . After
a|4a to pea*
ricbeet bWiUK of <Fod.
drawiag of ssvlug I
I Tbe pr.yerof Ihr N'inetmitb F*all_
a K""t
Kon.. "« 'I1.1H, ..... .....uJ, ....rt
t»r Jl.™
curling Iren la the bands of bis fair
If you huvo any to aell cMiroapond with the
tip bis krt*. wL.........
ID 1^1 yon OS hoard rHendsWltb disdain will do wen to try may well te rallM) a .tudeui's prayer. \ £**
K tbe Malay In him. be ruate.llwrkup ‘“k h^'Wi
It I* the ptaver of ooe who was himself 1
Traverse City Lumber Co. We have also ^5
safe. Come, put on
M tbe huffabi BUil ulaldar] II tbroupb »<■ •"I*
and let them forget hU aeom. far there aUDdeul. and the petitions onalBinad |
f my elotiHii. I don't think
a handy little Iron now for wblrh be in It are parlirDlarly sppllrable 10 .to- ;
fcS^:‘;Xm2 ?2.'.mw’‘TS^^
tX^le.- wm he looklog fir you Is
will And u»e him.elf. This is a mln- dnuta Tbe writer I. n sludmt both <if |
Rtefell dead te lia ira.-k. aad grandg«r ^Wled away wlM. a brokm ^
^,1 Qle illk hat iron which conform, to nainre and of tbe revealed word of Ood.
the shape of the carious psru of bis Ur WWW the glory of Uod recraird in !
latest and mdst fashionable tile. Like ibe temrena the flrmauieot. day and
From That lime on tb» two men were
tbe curling trao. It. t&>. has a handle nigtat and in tbe son. Tbit knowledge
ks brolherw. Juan i>.-eu>.-.l glad tlial
bad had an ofiponuiilty u. wimw quMl^io
by w birb It la held over the gas }M 10 haatnuiefr<im .tody. Uebaealwndudied |
ltd for hi. .-CBpliiyer and bene- • aata^n They I.K*ed like
be heated tefore telng psuwil ever tbe tbe revealed law of Uod. aud bn* seen '
mnrta teied Huglhib «-apiatea pvtep out u
------------and pmiidfaih<T wa. too
silk surface of the hat, I'd audden it. teauty aud ua utility.
*bl|**a man to te iMiytlilng but gete-mns tbelr eblp
tbl* Iron, which ran be
The ]N-tm<ii» of tIbis pnlm areateo!
In tbe hay lay tbe
,11 mailiinery of all dewcripliona. includioR two anwbo bad Mv.«l bl* life.
A •■■If ‘“••f
"BVi « wathe end ..f Ibeir Jo’-h
gini u net works, carriaKs and aawa. A oomfJete
M«nid*lilp. (tee day a native from >(■' grandfather bailr
saw mill plant for aale.
r~—. —
„ I
1. heHimhed oa Imard
meat and sace mu'h vexaiion te wait- borne nrmuiidiugt and teflororra and
teg for Ibe bat m.i.'io perfora) an op- ooliivaiiDgiUe teielleriul ndr<if man. 1 ^
__ ■file) n-llird
t of the building and
erauon which abm.ld take buf a few
'•>«« ihmgrwe may well pray for | ^
qnleily tngi-lli<T. TYien the atrangmliitea.
i ••• Knd.jit*.
lU. and what Im- wanted.
I 1. Tbe lit.t peiiiiiin Is forcleanring
I’apl. IIIekIii* of (lie John Itorart
' from secret fault, ••tllewii.e Thun me
’’That night, when It rame time for wa. an old a-a dog of the geonlne
Blsllstlcs show I'lat in Russia only <fun,
fanlt. " tviir«- til. College
HMlDg. .\puarto aald- •Kem.r 1 mu.t Yaiik«-lyp.- lie IIU.^ a man wlio had S47.2CG families oi l nf a population of ]Ue alaiund* in tempUiKm to-i*u:r.<l
Sace y„i. I am wai.i.*l ai home, and what be .wll«l "aand /or ballaK." ai
about IM.OOO.OOO s. -Is have au Income tanll*. " Tbe boy wlm at home baa kept
i^rlll te iiaeirw. l» fry lx detain lue." Lute Here.-.-••vi.l. iiilj had.
flrandfaibS wa. uniaiw-.! beyond
''Shlv.-r ii-y luainmadl. hut I U take of over 100 pounds year, or that prar. uoU,iUR fmm p^ni. Ilud. it ro eary to
MIrf. almo.i: ha. be did n..i ir, to him." -Id fapi. lllgpliu. "lU ran tically more ihr.i M per cenu of the do many thiug. which he would not
li^de hill. TU paid bt* arrear* of have n.y .wldu till we are wr^dl past whole populatloa air <v)0«ianl1y In a bare them kumv. Tb--rei.a lor-putixti
aatery. add.-d a A.udw.iue hoou*. and Cotvgldor and out te a.-m
siutr of aliiect po-'-riy and pauperism to deo-ire pr-iirmrs in ret itaiiuos and
laid r.««l I.V to the only man te the
ThI* te ateW the end ol^e wory. te tbelr mrloiis ilTrtes.
iu examinationH Ix-c n« pray eaiatudly ;
•asl of whom te wa. inily fond.
Apiudo rw<-ape.1 aafelj to Hong Kong.
The figures be- -me sppaillbp when that oar ytmug men nt nillege aisy he!
Two year. |«.««l ami not a word A ywr or two afterward. Ju.i tefore one considers 0>c en*e of tbe pessirntri^ dclirerad from "iwcret faulla "
came from Apuadx: hut tliat. wa. not praudfather ..dd out hi. ■bu.lnea. and which forms the urerwbelmlng mUorS- Tbe woond pelition I. for deliver-1
rtry strange, for lb<' prorln.-e where .larted teuue. hi- rerelced a |>^k^
Tbe avefsge sbob fr>im premmiptoxn. .nu.. "Keepl
be «T«1 had l<een in ojwn tvroii for from a fhln.-a.- port. It eoniBin.-d a Ity of the populailOB.
aome tun.. and aa the fighting on both beauilfoUy lewetel ^alay kria. with
Mdee wa.4-on.iani and releuih-a.. ...m- «lw name ‘ Juan Apuado upon ibe •teling of six meroberw ranees between o»" «'»•• Ul them nut have dmumiini
, IS pounds and 15 pounds a year, out of «vk me." C..ll«gelife breeds preeouip 1
eiUDlraltoD with Muuila wa. pranlral- Made.
; wtalrb between u and 7 pounda has to inoornsM Wbst ibenudi-rgructeatcd-ies |
w rot oft.
* ■
Bewrerc. a. time weot on Ibe rebel- 1
* hKa.K r.« Beew.
be paid the Goremment te dlre« taxes. »« know, in bis «- u opiuion. 1. ma 1
948 Front 8ti«««
worth kuowinp. It u a whol*«ic pre- [ Fnone 107.
BM wa. --m.te-d. and the te.urcenl*
At (te Farallone. tbe eroctee apenta
frrre s'-atieri.l or eapinml Tte lead- bare worki.l with queer rai>rl<-e. Thla ]
aweepiBB. wt r:.wi«.dv Mt-i.
• Kimptuooinn* that Iteds te skcp..v.-4.
n aided op- I Tbe Bweeplan of tbe Engtlsb Mint and erv« te aibei.m. Fray that our iiu-1
tr ot 111-- ei-r<ilallon. o»e Lute llerreo. rtn-k tx-llig gcwulie, (1
ind tbrouph- an. not to be de«plsed. There is a 4«>te be dellrwvd from sins of pr«-j
long i.q-kKl wb<m U has te-es
___ _ out of the water de]>ths. gold •Wweep" and a silver ’bwe^"
time. Tbrough a long, narrow bole, alantlng Tbe Isst sweep from tbe pold coinage
ppalnK tbe Biianlard. fdi
luxng mud ninununl.-atlng with tbe orean. has beeo acriimutsting since Aupusi.
and bad intrignM) aun*__hln tbeiw <stne» st tetervals a terrific
It wat dlspoepd of te March.
Ibe nailvi- mwqia sent 1
- and be -Kream <-f air. foreed l<y tbe apaamodic lai. ud bra.rt, in l!J3S.
Tl— »» ,»d.i™ a Ibi^^d ijp-l | j,
But be could not hold f..........................
wus a fugitive^
heaving of the wavee Ml
Tben.ll wa. iliai the Oovemmeni re- -r
Tte pove^
u, Ih. d.u 01 II., r-pon. boi .-.our- ■
— .«». t..a .rr
Th.r. I. we‘«bt beewute of tbelr Isomteg. and
ported te an exp
fpanlab rounirlM
fwi.-hlnp I
peUDoixh- T a fog horn, and every few a lorn by wa*te on the gold coinage
• a prtcr
PK 0*1 t-nl. Berree'. h.-a.l PUcardi •econds Iherr wa. Wown an ear-apUt- which the sweep doe. not make pood. ““
but tbe Mint made a net proBt
vcvw postid te Manila ami ibmopbeot
silver bullion pUKbssMl for eolnaps
last yasr of <l.»0kj60.
that ll wnnld^nly aound
r.te.e Triple AHteMfi.

A triple matrimonial alllaure tif a
U Pel. ». B.
ither' might _te v^
aiy grai..i.ainev nso irequemiy mwo
irkable character has Juii
ihoee qp- eompleted U Blacktmru. EnpUnd. A .
wbai sort of a man 11 wa* who caused
„ s It was vMow as/l widower bad two sons and ,
tbs «pte.u r'»«i>l~ «>>•'»• ■Btey I h,, ,be-.vernmcDl atend.
two dauffbtert respectively, and tbe'
blnseir were iBNia to kr >w.
es, psbll
10 tbe double wedding of these broihOne aft'-moon Ibe <-si>taio-praeral
css. "In the tetter
era and alsieri. The mother and fa­
pat akuM- la bis office.
>■ ease I oaed Oamberlain's Oougb
..riju4 the ti-d-«w»ary w-rvloe.
t- ' RMoedy. Md I think with eoosiderwble
ther also became engaged, and on a re­
.A.XL su.eeasxl: A.Beaj:tn7ioa3.ti
cent Saturday were married te a Black-;. saeeeaa, only being te bed a little over I
pastlton of itie an
bnru rburcb te the |de«ecce ot a con- t«o da^
*aeowaJ* tterV**!
ti-BdU Wlm bad I
stderablc number ct friends to whom
tbe alncalar eircnmsuncea
lad aa the ir»V but lor the ose of this
opened Iwbted
' ; remedy, as t bad te go to bed te aboat
<eJi howiw after belor wtraek' sH'b It.
atepped qoickly Into the ruom. at tbe i
Travena 0it7» Mioh
Ares "f 'te t»i-.w*.
Haae mowSwalMioM.
tot ease 1 iraa able te atMS* time sIlpplDf Ibe I.di again Into i
to bnatnem aboat tsro day* before
He ww. drroa. d like a_______
priest.i 1
>sea ptaai atowteg ^tcPlnea. which
“ap •dowa. ” fbr mOa by 4> E______ _ btB4-k r*TB aad bad a bood •«•' ire tuft-.. t*i- Allaulir 2S.Ofi0.OOtk
prev Us baad.
,*» ibn Mcdiu-riar-an aeq LHNkOOO.
at a autp of
| WaU.



Ro. ini in (juartei Sawed
Golden 0sl.14.S0.


No. IS3G ie Mahoganr,
■ $4.00.

J.W. SLATER, HnuseFnrnishine Store. New Store, 120 Front St.



rcDiamond J ’

or “Traverse elle”

A. Wi JAHRAUS, Tonneliei Olock.

E'i.s:«'rrj;'r zrx.vz



t WE.^E


I Buying Logs! I

• P

Bound Hemlock Lumber.
Uaple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.


Itnils For Sale-Suitable Foi Farms.





lOc a quart



Nothing Nicer







THs HoamHa aaooki,. suvoa's. javoabt as. issa
The Havana Lottery Which for
Years Has Been a Curse
to Cuba.
Tickets 9o:d *>vos4cur Over tbc Uand, M ViDoen Few and
Pv Betweea

»mmm4 •
la PenU. wBm « «r«dlt« fan. U>


BM Us MMf IftjBar ocher war. be
tvma IB the BaUor'a koMc asd eiu
icfwm. TbtD. be teM aoi nove awar
UU tba deUaqocBt w* np- He’ to-

«m Wmmi hm c«r«r •>■«» •*
Vh—owtWW-'«w r—a la eh-w«.Wi
• •mt ^ umt awien That
Iwm m Sak* bm. r«r • Km Mt

ten tbe debtor’a alteplos a|MrttteoU.
If poaelble. aod haa hie aeals broafiii
U. A few r^n OKO a Pentao belt

-Tfboi bec«an of wIM aolroata that
die to tbe woodar aaM the natoraUat.
~1 nwaa wild anlotala ibat dir a sat-

aa tDtatJftM elalm acalaai the Brtilah KoreroB t. aod he p


wasp as



viWed CwmMaatiMO.

hare to pla.T akat da.T aad aigfat for M
years bafsre ezbaastiax tbe comUaatiosa. prorided bo bands wm repeated.

workinl. One of tbelr nnmbcr ftnnd
a bine groiwd wisp dragglnx along the
ground a dead swamp spider one-quar­
ter the site of a fall-srown uraniuU.
Whether the wasp killed tbe apMer or
found it dead fe a cnaatiM beyond aoIntloa. He waa baeiag a hard time

The BsIniatM^ did not aw ihe )oke. and . bear nr dm ^fo?'or*wil<lcal Is tbe
ecDi for a pollrenao. That made a \ wood* that had died from natural


AOermaa ariUuBetimas bat eakm• VTa*“, feted tbe aamber t£ w»ts in wU<^ tba
ti cards can he dealt at akat. aad Bate
of tba CalMd I <t«.&44.0t«.S«»».444)
To gtre
mates eagineer corps were latereatcd >d«a of what this fijnre
wHsesaet of a feat of laaeet aagiaaer- eat tlmi U.OOO.OOU pm
lag oev tbe raad on wUeb they were whole poimlatiua of O_______.

■no oirr, moHMAM.

Arm/ *

drajxlBg ble prey aloag. and preaantly
lefiU to go proapeeUng for hU a^e.
r of tbe wasp railed bU


JtBMwR SsasMismldiobvtlMmiat
BHAbodteal man is Mew York
He bai
bis whole day laid wi m tbe mtawfe
long betiwebead end a
^ oiwiuut aod cloaiaa. biabeai

rare atook for any day of a weak
(ompaaioaa. aad one of them in‘burn­• pteeKKla
ing stepped upon the wasp's ground
od» Ibat Aid norEhow
bad bole, emsbing down aorae blades of | Cwwlrael'aerwrwu l* Bwklaag.
hi-iv tha ihj
' Moat
n^, Its death
draiU through
lUrouxb rioleD.'e.
dried grass acToaa It. This eauaed no i
The «ari.-«.ti. .if the wdHrnfeand tbe
,an anlnjuw^ akeIrtuD
ly of a [ time troubla to tbe insect, who. npon lodge doct'<r« in Dnrbani bare insagaI wild anliqA-wUbunt a wvnnd. 1 bare locaUng tba bole, nipped away at iba rated a nK-mnent to obtain better pay
. beret. beai^ of. .
, ..
iobetmeting sUlks wUb his strung for tbeir -erv-icM Tbe pieweat fee of


kK of aotee and troable. and tbe Roe- !

aUo repreeentatlee lb Teberao erldtat. .

It mmed a letMo from U, tor be maoaxed a eaee nr the tame kiod much
dlflarratlr -a taw weeks ago.
Tba Baradgn who damanded Booay
Tbe Serai Lotterr of Cuba, with
baodqoarten In lUrana. U atlll dotag ' from tbe Ruialaa (Count KolomelBow)
I wt ““dlWes until he had cleared a paa:, tbe oollierr sniwm is a sbUUng a
bfiaaaa -tl a tt<4iet. aad the king of I »a» a holy man. a dervlah. and whoa i KeiB^CvuntT
... tbe of iwe
^ each «dU«. aad lor this
! he aat down In tha Ruaalan-s anw room
. to wait Ull tba UUor paU hia disputed i,M-ked toBotiw'^ li*wM puSo UMMto t “P *•>* spider, walking around the big aait he u espivied to treat tbe entire
' m. Count KolotnclMw knew that (wo aiolniela had engaged in mortal; body and aurraylng It from all aides. feBul.v and to fnraiA all needed madi••He's iwckonlng that tbe bole Isn't cine. —Medical Rccoed.
per-ptodadtig canwr in Cuba.
d It bel
mucb toss and ecpIanaUoa.
It U
Rare for naay yeore this eorpoiae In break tbe iwk thus made.
against tbs Uws. t-r at least the ettsI'S all right:
ttoa. eiiadag by royal grant and under
lx It. said
a^ porhip. aware that pneu1 bucks suecuiulMKl to ezbausiion
tom, which Is lust as firm, to touch a
royal favur, baa raodneird a tburongb. as tbe l«t
t back aod !
a «,Td or
slarvatlou. Aiwlhcr time I found
ly honorable ewlodllng bualoeae. Ita
i-redlior who takas this means of eollittle red tldu^a have spread over tbe
lecitag money, so the count did not
laiand. Irrtuilngly. like the aigna of
throw bllD out. He Ibougbl over tba a big rattii-sbake. Tbe story of tbe
Again be returned to the spider. ] AT*»»»»« «
. BUletloa
that tbe
maiter, and one morning he sent tor a two bodies was idaln to me. 'file deer,■
»«l»ed It and dragged it to within a ' poeumonsa.
a monib,
attacked Hie
at II each. AJmI twesty-Ore per cent.' lot of masona Then he ordered them

r,S 'ZK “f

of tbia |l,OQbMW has been paid ntouibly to tbe royal ruler of M|ialu. But now
that tbe aald royal ruler Is uo longer to
rule Cuba, aloi'v his royal anny Is to
rvadair the island, tali royal lotiery la
In danger of evh-yi ii.
Hence. Ibe vortHiralion's prmideDt
And all Its rli-e prvsldi.ui> have put
tbrlr beads together nud com-ui ted a
gcbewie. by the oi>eratlMi of wbh-b (bey
bupe u> nmtluui' bualuem at the old
stand. They haVv pUnni>d to i-ul loose
frum tbc royal hi-ad hi Binla. lo drop
from tlH-lr i-omem's uatuc Ibe word
Ibe H.wd


oral of thr itniM mvljita
ed aud ivt'<HT<>d lij rcpaulnli ro>n
WlU In- om-rinl u> tbe riilwii gov.
■leDI. Tbi- <|Ufi>lloD tH>W U. Will
Cutiab K»Tmiiii.-nl. or ralb.r.
ibe t-'uluio gowriiiiM-ai.
uruir.Tij^ Ixilir m il I>erililt the kiti
to etnminti- ItimliK
In ill
Maianai. .
............................ .... .
lotterr ll^■kelB an' wdd l>r e»iry a
W« man. wnman or < blli1. wla r«
itruker truau tb<- p^tiler «l(b tbe
UckeCa. aud Ibe |■■ddk•r m-lla llirm fur
a rrnalu eutniiiliulou, TTiiu far. (be
fetter}- oeiienM- li RfM It fumlelive
rlulilurnieiit for Ibe neetlr anil tbe
be'erdn-well. 1'hw iwddleni Infiot tbe
aireeiii, wbarvea.i aial ■lu>t>K. Wblle
fou alt III a 4-Bf.'. r*Mi aiv cifrered iweiitr bllleuw by twenty (IlirerrUI rend.-ra
to a> many DUimee
In Ibe ■•Id pn>«pi-r>u« Uimw. tbe tieketa null fl (■arh, In t<iniiil«li‘ Hllver.
Uuj alnee iIh- liexlnnlng <>r tbe I'nlian
war.' iiKire than tbre.- yearn axu. tbe
prlre tiaa lieeti fl in paper. Two hundreil and fifty ■lM■•l>xl>■l IJi kii* arv laaurd and there la a dmwlix every leD
daya. .M ibi* la«i drawliix »n the
toonilux of Oii. in. ibe bait nff.Te<l to
tbe r'i»r |ie<i|>le of Piiiiu •-ntialaled of
tbe uaual cnind prlie nf grai.uai and,
in addliloD, one lUTtriluni of $>ane
of g.V«»»'. tour or M.iau eaeli. two of
Meet •■ai-lu l«» of >::i«i e«<-b and w-ven
hundred and nloet; h-IkIi( of SI'ai ■■aeb.
maklDir a tutal of '"O |•n•lnlllma. nmnmunllng to $ir.n,(iail. Two buiiilnal
god fifty ilKXMand tickna w.-tv taamaL


mlUluii iilii-ea of worihleaa |u>|mt
auld at fi I'ai'li. mlwry ivleued ii
I’eoiile wen> ntarvins to dinlh.
Eight .-eiit* a day would bare aavi<d
and atlll amp a life.
rual l•pron• iIm- war. when llw I'nlled
Rialea iH-xaU Ihe work of ruhiui n-lier. muuey waa ai>nt to roiiaiil lieiieml
Le«'. Tlie Ketlrral lilalrtbUlial tla- mn-eaaary k la-nta a da., to Uhm< of the remuiemtnnliaw wb'- wen- toiuid wonby.
Rtlll tbe atnrrlng Wbat .lid
IIhw laaiiile do v. .«h their S .elita?
Oeu. lae luv.wtliptlvd. He fimnil that
tile iironey went t- want Ibi* piuvb.aae
»r lotlery tiekela; a;..1 be HI »l|ii‘ <-Rhb-d
IVaablliKloii “l^tr: aen<l raeb. Send
rommenl and i«rtl>eh."
Klnie Ibe mialnijV.f lb.- htoeka.Ie rhe
piaipb- Beii'Tall.v nave hail auim- of
Ihelr rotuldeiio', f- r the h.inwy offleinla.
have Ua'ii de|...-i..i imaaiiii; out eomilerf.dt .aiiii will! S'ia| i-urrener. Still
• drawlDEa ittv held tea dava.
An olwi.rv.T
i« ihdiietl
' •
thouaalida nr
•a luewiii at .•a.'h
Iraaliis. nottone, t.tiai
on. bi-ld
a wtunins nmuoer
T«o linon after eaeh drawlnx tbe
naniea of the w inioTa are iniMMoil In
the Havono •exiroa and uied In all
Ibe atm-la. The nani.-a are lelesrapb•d to the uewtpapera In Kantlaso, Ma
tanuR. and other eltlea. Bat aa no addniouw an' x1ri*n. It la otivlonaly UapoRHlIile to meet wlnni'ra fare to face.
The Koyal ietllery »melala poaltlrely
fvfuii.- to sire an.v inrormation whatW-Ver Their pb« la that they ninat
Pwf i t. -k-ep aarpiid." the prlvaey of
(heir luilrong AflT tbe drawlns of
Si'I'l. It*, one ot tb" Tire preahb-ute wai
a»ked a very .is-dlt-ary .xn
renilus the .xBdupt of the Imtier. nia
re|>ly was- -Seiwr. tlilt la our bualneaa
pane of pirkporketa,
n haVe to walk i^tan.

they luu.t I- I..1, r..r
ro«rb only
la bewtee
bewt^ Til
Tliey tre ,bp
^inc tboe. we have wroBsed. aoij of
brine eti't-li.l C..r Ihe Ideealnga Ibat
have been v itlrfieM from ue
Om- tut,
hu bread upoa tba
water, hot N' l.pi on wnrkina. and

to build a wall around

the dervish.


who was sltila* In lbs middle of tbe

Z. to,i VJ.Vi3l,i' S

r LT c/-r.rr r." r.s

a«I by lb.- Marqols^toto: i


•lor Iscrl]
be dragged In. This struck the wssp. jsnit In ibi
too, for «f«ie he ran around tbe body, the beat remedv
dning it carelull.v. and reiurned |
tbe bole to uke measi remenu. He
went to digging a aerond time. Hay­
ing dog tor two minutes be brought

n the world for had
*. Beery bottle war­
ty S B. Walt.

jicvcie Riders.
r (bat I do all klada of l*poiring aad enameling, and Umt I «gar
and do give vou tbe beat work of
one la tbe city for the moaey.
be deceived by wfaatotbemwUyoa «•
tbe^^raUwry, bot eome aad aas te

GDre» Witboat Hedicioe


John R. Santo,
Gneral Insgraice.

«■ rely tbe skill that has kept hU name
In remenibranus for the thousands of
years mutt have been gained by the
use of aeme sur«r weapon ihsn tbe
clubs or atone kolvcaor prlmltl'
Without doubt man
ID ^rly learned how
miicji vierutlOD
b. a™, b, .
aimed siune. and attempts to hurl II
fores and act-nnicy probably led lo tlie Invention of the sUag.
one of Ibe sliBpleit as welt as most



tor tbe Jonquil,


tortnlriable of these rsrly wespou*. It
... ton, on. Of .lie prim ip-i insmi-


mrau of war among (be sni-ienls. and
the story of IJavid snd Qollaib is a
gOi>d lllusiratiun of aliat could be done
•killed In iU CSC. This skill,
buwrver. could be attiulred only by
osriy aad careful training.
In tbe
HaUerlc islands. Il ti said. In ancient
iimm the parents si'spended the diiincr
of (heir iioys upon pules, and required
s before the) s

Africa oerras lo be tbe great i-ountry
for Insert wsilng. taige qiismiUei of

r a. wrrcNgLL.

locusts, caierplllan. #nd heetlr gnibs
are coesnmed by the nsilvi*. .And in
certain i»rt» ishite aui». or tc.niiies,
■re Mlremed a wrli-ome adalllnn lo Ibr
fare. Thes* ants may be prepared In
thern do<

Chicago ■« 1M.1W

West Michigan.

of itorildge.
(>r tbry may lie
simply dried over the fire.
with lieaton up eggs they make a not
iiusapory on-rlet. oi they may ta used
In m«i-il pies liisirad of fivsh. A Gurul«ean traveler In Aftli-u remarks that
ahlie snis Itste sonieiblng like meat
VII (hDa. lie reielved about fifty losdi
c of bl*
* peopleI

'■iialliHii cbiirvb Iti l-biclnnd bas | try the geese are bred In
Tlic KiiialliHit
geese ^ bred oo
_- .. lIlKlK
iliiiu.rHil 111 I.'-lliHgt..P. lu 8u«- |
illnge liaei
•ex. Tbe vvillage
liseir Is on so Mniall a ' f^rms

marches he used small aitu' nesto,
■broom Kbaped. and about Ihe sloe
, roan's bend, ns hearih siim/s, three
ibem being arranged lo'T triangie

Immense '

I The raw quIUs. after being sorted.
ched." wMcb makes them bard
nil] tratniiiarenL 'fbe quills are beld
ingly for a few aeconds in a hollow

firaewl* >f Vh* HlSe-aadille.
Some Sriie brain ■-eiilurles ago de- ;
vised the slde—vddle for a lame prln- .

Ire ami (hen pressed with a sharp Inurumenl on a heatad steel plate. Each
•CIV Is cut by huid. a eluglr-blsded
inlfe being used.
A good workman
ao cut 1.200 pensB dgy.

ces* who could nut ride astride as otta- >
vr wpmen did in (hose rbarming dsya. |
Incldcntsllv. ihi* show* (bat the rood-

OGee bonrs.
days, 10 a.
any made well and happy dorlng
4 weeks by profeaaor’s teeataeoi
remain here unlll Jon. 25 ,Cal


•lyITiia od. appears esery other day.

istro Pej-CUc ledlna.

; i

arale lliai ibi- mlliUture rfaurcb. snme
f«'» »<l''«iv. tt i|oih- large
enough to ntiqil.v Its n*ert«. Tbe
cbarch bold« almiii thirty vroraklnni.
H.4p'r*e iWpi* lOfM AllM.

A ItiiSslan Invcutiir baa ronsmicted
ippsRitos «-hli-b I* to eoaUr {H-vpIe
bvriili-d alive to eotnniunlrale w ith ibe
oni'-r w.-rld rhuubl tbc-y airnk-- from
’'"•‘("v In the grave Th-' InvenOoD e«MBil*ta
a t°
In Ibv
the main of a bmion
s and food supplied ,
tlie Inside
de of
‘ l‘
ire exeellenl. and tbc charges are very j
.'ly ove* tbe bressi n
imrvurl.T dead person. If the anforinnatc i>-iw-u ixiue* to life and beglM
«as feotler.
to luvatbi- the flrst n<-lion* »f tbe body
Tbe boiler ol I cteverly-t-on inicted is tbc cxiiaiisloD uf ibi- chi-st; this
small, wot king rngine. !« a



4r. Trsvetoe <hty.

OBO. DB BArn‘om>trPM^A^tf'^

6nid Ripid! S iidiioi 8. B

eiUes ^ aronnd yoa of boslarss and

••parts r* of kroi sea* TI
* •Bar’ Bnv. 11. |*er.

on ki As of important matters and oc
earreBoee peenllar la lives of p«>plc





leacsB 8ss=s8sss s<

all affairs to life both private and boal-

l«we ssasessaeassas wwaa

nssB and





sbonld coll aad

berse-power to every' square foot of

lo^of balr and Urns of blrUt.


give tbb medium a

trial, to know tbe fntore la saceeso,.
oil atrirUy eeaSdeaUal.


Tkoae Uviag

oBl of the dty. aead atomped eavelopes
for terms, readings cam be given with

most prymineat people eoasalt bar in
oU dUea on bosiaess. ete.

Here tor a j

The deepesi *bafl lu Uie TJnltod
State* Ik tbc llrj iackei. Calumet aod
Hada. Uke S-pertor. whirji U a litila
over*4.*no feci in depth. The shaft

short Um.

of tha -Tamarack Mine, in tbc Ame
district. Is 4.50f feet deep Tbe deepest

derfnl tweesso.

kbaft In CaJiforola Is the Kennedy.
Amador Coonr. wbirfa tr down 2.2M

Ail e'Um shevfelu is her reliaWe i»-

feet. Lbongb (be Idaho. Nevada County,
and (he Sierra Buuea. Plums* Connty.

cy refandsd.


All invited to call aad get'
Comes bore from Moolstee

where she bas been .for tbe post eleven
weeks mad whore she met with
p. m.




m. toV

Call r>ver 1|2 booth Union otrert

liable rwferenee.

ii.uu: III



||i'fi«B«8S8fiS8S|gKB 8S8S9

botiofactioa tir moS'

bnadsy's. lo a. m to 4 p

as. Daring tbe post Cwwks the madams
bto bsM la TkBverse Oitysbs bssdMs
aa rn«insl-n bwslBrss, aod wrtU
ban wadi dam 85UoU.

. felw fere* liBvw aiarki miedo.
Ths eye* of tBs birds that Oy by
night are geaeiaGy aboai duobis tbc
Bfea 0t Iboas «< Bay birds

• OroaS KapiSt
TesvansCity.-.r (taask**..............
Bay flew... ..

Oroad Staples. Bisk.

yoor city.

This lady bo* raaoy teakimonials from

bent could be foented it would meb
at tbe rate of three b indred mllliom
of miles of aolld ie« per second, and
Ibe beat Is cstlmatad to genaraie e
ergy at tbe rate of abooi ten 'tbousai

are almost tbe same depth. The deep­
en sbaf: In Colorado is tbe Calllorsla.
:.1» feet:
the Geyser, flilrar Cliff
Dlstricl. Colorado. It almost as deep.


UeUamar a irutbfal and re­

liable medium, it now la
II Is emimstod thst tbe eaVib re­
ceive* Boi more than one iboiisand
mllliontb part of the tout radiation
Ilf Ibe tun's rays. If any ronstderable
proportion of this best were ronccnuwied upon the raitb It would not only
become uninhabitable, but be speedily
consumed. If the gre.I sccnmulaUi
of uv at the North T le were placed
at a point on which -hi* tromeodos'


•tiwiid ItotM*

.Traverse City.


I ji lice
on IxiTh «ii>e« of ih* borne ii
ern a; all. Pir« nine tbe nildltlnual
pommel.-and (ben. only sixty or *er.

poi nd coffee tin:
tbe SDperliiti-ndeDl of tbc eemHi-ry.
md bair-pouad tin Hds: tbe cji
in atnbrella top; Ihe nesm pi
a Ike Rws
India rubber tube; snd ether
'nffmati ■•cuUm says that cobcor.ais: of a ktiltiing needle, a
spoke, a piece of braaa lamp, acme gi^ “••• ua- »r tbi' tnaguliytng gfeoa la
.ii-ll-ui i>n>ieciioo again I
i-ve* ol land at Cbarttkg Croto.
piping, a cartridge end aad the aerw^
lie iHiacs this atalrmeal
hat ont o'
eve tanght STiO yearn JT^by i ttoppH^ of an ol’ tie.
POTpuoto at
tbe aw-ser werr, ohUd !•« wf «3 aa oct* far MB ‘

came tad. In hia ii
nuddy. and b
amdH was-J.»t bisloi-k.-

T. .I,

It was evident that more work would ! Routed, was used



strument for ibrowlng missiles, and
}ls( when It was laveniad. we have no
ccnaln knowlrdge. but. It mutt have
been st an early dale, fur we read la
Genesis x. V. ibst "Nimrod was a
nilghiy hunter before Ibe Uord,~ and

•wpelled •• Take IlMraeni.
lere Is a .capUa! hotel system lo
ague in oerAin parts of Norway, In
Tlllaa<-s where no hotel exists one of
'•re promtueoi Inhabitants is
ibtldiied ^ (he Norwegian governsubtil
in rc;urn is l<ound lo pro*•1.1.
not toss than
be m«y take in fou;- it
I* Ibe minimum
he ebousea. I


Ne-w Methods

As to tbe rharacM- o( the flrat In­

ndi a fieeplechavo on a side-saddle
found btmseir compelled, tor gaivtj, to
add .another pommel.
Many English
• uarti of tills dvy use' two ssiMies.
and sit alternaiely nn ^ibe right and
lefi side.'of Ibe huiK.

ETcr Burned OuV

I guorratoe all my work to be -riffhk
aad if it does not prove ao I maka Ikright.
wjw anliiiali
fnitn itaiural , bis prey up to the edge of (he bole.
dtop la tfll 8 o'clock every evealBg '
rsiiu-s rvnmli
f Sanday.
------------------la --A Lobnipp^ out a pleco of dirt here, cut
tbe CkldwoU
"ni.Hi. Im-iv Is anoih>T niystecy of awiy
Item there, and after flfb end of Uataa
lb.- w.«n1«. WIm. ever tlll.ll a buck
>f bard and skilful labor
m> iMinis. and w bu en-r
dragging (be
a wd of d.vr aullim lu llw X .-odsiplder after him, dpubUess to form the Made plain sad common sense like lo
anilcrs liial liad b>i>u .
I? t bare ruaiucd piece de resistance in a winter store, all. Firwu I take (he germs of ■"
r.«ini for a newmy .rears
wisris w licn- d.vr bouse.
The engineers then resumed from all parts of the s.ystoo i
lag sufferi
Buffering a
aUMind aud I li
•llher kllli-d tbelr work, axcbanglug commenta of
tbe yitaliiy
a lu>nibiui I
pair uf admiration
I liave wrer In-aitl1 of any
Nrxl, set at liberty the
orcles and other obstructions and
The berries of the yew
killed ' make ecod tbe ctrealatton.
We bave
hr la
ty well then put all the sysum Into a «le)
auil (bat every bu.-k that
many persons, and it Is pretty
to liberated condition, and in sooiboms B»tS
tbrlD off esrti Spring
% tbriD
known nowadays that It is
k^^L^«>Uble medicine , can be. glee (
•• do
eat many peacb pits or rberry kerneis
lb.- buck' undi-r S .
aelvi>a. J,**
Tbc caalH>ff auib-ni as eviTy
TKtotreffkO W*<lB*wlay.3*a. 1
i. an- cairn by field
else used failed.
111-; lull tnal fact
My way of troauaenl tir'd at <
tlii- fiiyslrrlr* of the
.ui.r tym-loih and'“ >» tfceomv real meil^ to take—.
r W-OIIM tell me. aliur.
snowdroii, the ns
»hy It I. lliat ii uk, rvrn Uir saiallcst
ticulurly dradly- » much so. indeed, |
V **y“»■' sl’h-to
.»«i locue. o small scrap of one of the ;
, cate not wbai^on- ailmenu ore. or
* A- 4 mar Osekawa yct'a
bulbs may result fatslly, wblle the , how long standir.g. If possible atwll
» >*| 4 4S.
Vblvf take
,h„ Uwt tiilm-d .Jeer^
Juice uf tbe.len
youeanbomsdr suong and healthy,
bntiiwl n> snip Hii.ldculy on a trsll to
lei it be rbanmalirs.
There U
gh opium in red pop-......................
_ ........
hscr a fight with • po^'upiae. allliougb
nervousneos ano
aoe kyJoey
k-dney ironbleo,
ironblro. headpie* to do Bist-hlrf, and the autumn , necrou.neas
avbfw. cattarrh. deafness, lo fact
be may bare Just gut in sl»pr frum bis
crocus. If Ibe bloseoms are chewed, i V^.*'**hist ruii.dnti-r uini ..Or. Of .xurs.-.
ailment too numerous to mention.
cause* nineos.
isiully kill- his gnme. Uni
- snd womeri suffer from on ta rnred in
X are all dangerous, tbelr , , .^ort time and p-rmanenily by l»rof.
<.r 1.1. w.-or at
o lilinsrlf.
Ik l»m»l 111 bat
illowed. pntduclng glddl-| n-Le«ar. upwUirs 312. S itpioo street
lomb ami
mii-d with tl
ueas. with paint
ilni In the head.
^ Tnv-r»e '*ltv.
Herr aofaile after 11
cud It t* this lluU
; weeks in Maaistre. Cose* i-an be treatJ^vdy's slipper poisoi It in tbe
Seems to •■gg tin- d'-g nn with ’'-’’ctra-d
! ed bv writing: send letter with porticuTrs'ersri-'U
tnsnner as does the p>;son Ivy.
a]>lril. The IMlU liii-y
>’ It
ln(li<-t nmlilrnu
i Urs.Entirely new method of diogaoslng
bnih seems to be the miwl harn
bioi. ainl be |>ll«.-lin It I llrrcer
(your eu*. i-irreeUy showing weakL-ilies of the valley are also aa poll
ever. oMi.r 1i> tiivivc uiii.iIht quiVi
I neasefe. location and doratlon of disease U,ir»fBrdh'
ful of llic klmri) aud |M-n<-lrallDC Uti
Gerry person I treat cau have pri
>|K»is. Many a valmiblc Ininilug
Tbe leaves aad fiowei-k of the olean­ ! instruction* free, how to be tbelr
dog Ibas Imvii rulmii h.r guills der arc deadly, aed the bsrk u( tbe I doctor, aad keep tbemselvs and
such umiilu-rs of
i-niiTlng bis
caulpa tree is very mi-chlrvou*. ITt* ily in good health tor few centa per
iroy bis sci-ntyear.
If satitfled with yoor doctor,
Ing iiualllr. TIk <1111111 Slnk SI. deep
eoDtinue with faim. it not call and get
reaembles celery, aod It virulent.
into (be n.->ili tha I. Is nil
imiu'sslmy circular sod free adviee. I have
tde to P'Uiore them ullb
■ flngi-n.
little time tor Ulks with curiosity
* (leeai Tnelare Knelarg.
seeker*. Gvegybody call
Does anybody konw unyibing more cures dally.
ib-m>H-lv.-s. ,\ny
pan of the gtilll b-fl In ii dun'* fl.ih.
calrulsicd to give one cold shivers (ban
Prlva'-e diseases of mei
w lU nmtlnu.- ..* jniinii-y Into the
to be ciiDfioed in a room where several eonfideotiaily tresUd,
Slid will lu time tv*jll
u*ly If not
r«ople are wiiilog with quill pensT cured.snd wasted organs made stronger
falully. \vl ihc dug •*
lo hsve an
People wbo suffer from nerves will be than ever in a sb'.rt time, eviky one
lulmrn pmllbiTlnu for figbilng
can treat lliem*el»e» p'-ivately. Have
h“^p.hiiig: In fa<-i. It I1*
rejolied to bear Ibat tbe quill
s alin>isl
alin>isi lni|M>«alinip
reliable refereticus and stan'
ble <n
gradually u,.uaum.
Addreto' Prof,
Ibat alnpiIar,Jowhere (be greater ■----------- -----------Jiogicwl
A.lrologicwl Medicine C
dialHillral weeponi of tor- Sth
sih slrret.
street. Uc'roltUc»rait.
msDufaciured. In that toun- ^
LaUrippe cured in t or three treat

is tbe first Asn In Tehertn wbo has
beaten a creditor of this kind wuhout
recount to the police.
-- _ -____________ __

i.f them for t



ipf. ‘
d U. I bavi- tx/Qie upun many
other dead Iwdles and skeletons of
aniiuals at differeui times In (be
woods, but never one that did not show
‘<bU«'"uable evldi-ui-e that tbe Iwaat

placidly at first, but when the wall
grew, and il beiamt apparent that It
would be corapletod soon be lumped
,J __


Gtvcsi satlsfacttoc


-•"I---- *------ ^---- --

This ad oppsM every other day.
Aak to ass MadaaM’aAavofepen
team tor roMvtmr wxtakfea.




THk jiixmso Mo6ia>, sthtpat, /AyVAHT aa, ia».
»»*. guandrt the bodj at hlo oldo.
M the Mlb bMwe bln. He (OM
At «rMtu* t»
It •
ft low VlLa.. wM tMMi^lo
I Ato PPckK w4
-U. bat « fbM7 boTB U ^ “Dorn Web «i ikoaptao I weuier*'
Aner nlalj OMreUac hlfta ud low
Mr MW bon aoal bvood'tho Mim
dor the oUek.
Ue prMeocc of which
bo bad
Aba. tM
gathered logetber tbe anldeo be had
0 U tVOlB.
The life WroBA <*•!> OMk. Mid Ml takeu Tnin tbe pecfcett ot Captalu
Bpeuder, threw Uo coot over tbe dead,
» «o».
white taco, and otrode bwar la the
Aad Night, dark Might, oholl cone to dlreeUoa of Venreaer.
M at Uat.
{ After a lliUe more thoa aa hour’!
Aad eod the etoalag of tbe aettlag «ar. atlS walklag Caableg leaebed tbe Hotel Lartre. where he i
a Dntb. the g
bU aet ohall coat.
Aai. Don thio eale. aban aoMoa
Swlaa 'bateUeepcr. came forward.
ae away
-Captain Spender - began Caaidag,
To loU the throng o( tbeoe who
-Re alept here laat night. «hr
west before.
-He hae beeo auylag here eone
And. la the aakaowa world, to Un
wnka- waa tha reply. -Bat 1 an
for eeomere.
afraid yoa eaaam aee bin aa he hd
—Iloraeo Wyndban.
gODc to Braaa."
.To Braaa. eb? For what parpoM.
do you know?"
"It Uluaay. He baa gone to aee hli
brother, who haa come here to the blm,
and ti MW awaiting hU retora. fear­
It wae while Joba Canalag wao la ing to again laiaa him If be retorni to
~8wttaerlaod. la 1U—. tahlag a well Braaa."
earned roet after the tretoeadooe labor
“Hgo wa. U they did not meet la
iarolved by hit brilllaat Inresilcoiiont tbe Ceotella Paaa?" be asked.
la eoanectloa with what baa cone to
-Sir Rkhard Spencer, tbe brother,
be known ae tbe Groat Blue Pearl rob­ you know." maid tbe manager, amlllng.
bery. that be cbamad to hid into tbe and rubbing his noae. "came down the
anas of tbe trayedy of tbe Ceotolla Cestella Pass only as.far aa Hamers
Paso, and it la highly probable ibai. . Peak, aad then climbed up to tbe Bcrbad the, ehanee not befallea him. the = lelUa
and came__orer tbe rest of the
yaaaer in wbkb Capuln Spender!
qq (Mt path
while he especu
caa^e by Ua death would aever hare Captain Spender must bsTO continued
baeo kaowa.
al^og tbe Cestella Paaa."
One of Canolag'a atoppleg plaree-r-he
"Captaln Spender has met with aa
1 walking tour, alone—waa aeddeni. Inform Sir Richard of tbe
heutlfut Verrener. He reached there i t^t aad atk blm b
lata one night with tbe latentloa of
With an esrUmatJon of horror, tbe
leanag next morning and croaaing tbe manager hurried from tha room, to re­
OeotolU Pam to Braas. But Braos did turn a moment later, followed by a tall,
not recelre him tor the following rea- handeome man of between SS and 40;

al«M bo atoioB Mi K bn n Inpor- AUSTRALIAN' CORAL REEF.
tMibMrtof MM ^
------Tbejr onjalto w-' - - ---------------------------------- Uto 7MT UtebM, Ob?
WHl. thb
tM WarUe WmOm*.
lias iBkkodM OB tbe upper potb
nat great harrier reef wbkb Maseo
tweut? ruWU CroB where rourbroibei
of Oeitailind aoKb of Brtenot hU death, thl* Batch.’'
haae. to the dlfeeUoa of Toffta etralla.
of mry brother’t. orldni nnt alwapw rank antng tbe wcndera
af tha wwtd. For lAM nUeo the coral
*T>rtalBlr. And tbeoe two maubaa
MlM B«t«f
which 1 foQBd &ftg pardo farther atoag Oon
the rage of the oeeea awril
----- --------------- Arotheraot
— - .
at a diataace Tarylng from twenty to
Tiloasly like thoM la the box yon have jgo bQss (tom the shore, tearing a
In your pocket at this momentr'
| eomparaUrety cafe and calm Inner paaffir Rkhard turned pale in elknt
soluble for urigatloB by the
acknowledgment of the tart, and took-: jugM glMmcra on their royages aorth
«d &m at Canning and then at Pr.
^aat. Sundry channels penetrate
Sherman, oa If ealeutatlng tbeir,
rerf at InterraU, and whole BeeU
strength and hU chances of. bcaUM
tiding schooners are reguUrly enthem.
gaged emld the Intricau labyrinth of
^A^erA^^ potot,- ealA^Bfiln*. coral ialeta.
•mtUng an Icy smile,'-!» ^retd
Thoec wbo have seen the akeleton
plpe-flU wUcb 1 fnnnd where I diacovladrepores and branching oorala M
ered the-TDa^as so like your o..^. the ahelves
a moaeum can form no
Note, if^ur brother had only atralghi
of the surpassing beanly of
col TtSklah tobacco for clgarevies -e
organlsiai. vigorous at or
hli pouch, and carrl^ no pipe, wb-.e aeaf the nirfaee of the tnnaluMt
this coane-cut CavendUh, exactly sim­
On tbe ebbing tide we And
ilar to ttaat which la In your pouch an-1 every deecrlptlon of animated coral
to that which yon turned out Into tb'.s growth expued, from the rounded
ash tray a few momenta sines. Mo:c. maasea of brain coral to the stag's bora
over, this plug of tobacco I foird madrepores, those of corymbose form,
would exactly fit the very pipe you ar* and a variety too numerous to mention.
now smoking. Bot still more stranr*' Tbe brilliant coloration of the myriads
This bark I found near the scere < ’ of polyps Includes every shade, from
the tragedy. You aee. It appeirs tj the more somber brown of tbe fungla
have been picked Off a walkinx-stl.k’ tribe to delicate lemon yellows. liUr.
See the vamlihedor polished side? And pink, rich green Interapersed with
Isn't U queer that your sil.k. wlt..n golden hues, apple greens tipped with
you carried thU mornlnf, and which violet, bright red. chocolate, purple and
U noa- under careful eyes In tbe clock, even blue. Tbe various aggregations
room, haa just auch bark missing, ar.d Of mlnuu vivacious animals possess
that were tbeee shreds caref-.;l!y gli;cd alt modifications of ridlcaied Infioresupon your stick they would patch tbe renre; some have rlub-headed tentadamage perfectly?
vlee. others expand In a feathery fringe,
-Don't you think." be continued, while the number of rays to each ormore stemly, "looking at all tbii. and
10 the tamtllea
considering all tbe faete as they lend aad gener . of coral rial
lo prove—your knowledge of a tragedy
These gardens of tbe
of which you professed lo be entirely beautiful for words. By subtle IrassliIgnorant—that I ahould be Justified In loos tbs llme-seereting coralss paaa li
having you arreemd for the murder of to tbe uncovered eca
nes of P
It kinds, and the reefs swarm
your brotherr'
Sir Richard staggered to hts feet, with
mberleaa ecblnodenna. nudl. partl-colored
then sank into hla chair again aad branch molli
answered nothing. But Canning eouM Aahes of most extraordinary shai>e and
nature of the sccldentTslxe. Everything In the tropics] seat
opon tha mangled body
"I am sorry to be the bearer of such bear blm mnCter below his bmtb:
"Too are irrecoverably lost to ms aasuraea a nrlkiug brilliancy of color,
was well dressed, strongly made, of in news." Canning said, gently, eyeing
and tba twenty or more kinds of holonow. Blanche."
about 36 yeura. and but for tbe horrl- tbe baronet keenly as be epoke.
FOr eome mwnents tbe three men ssl thurla are not the least interesting
. My damaged rundliloc of bU face, set out along the CeMelU Pass tbU
would doBbtlsM hare
remarkably morning on my way to Braaa, when I In alienee. Then the doctor rose and among the organiams which jabound.
came acroM. eomeMve mllea along tbs drew Canning on one side. As the 1st Aa the heche de m«. or irepang. these
With tbe Idea of dlaoorering some lower path, tbe body of CapUin Spen­ ter tuned be fancied be beard a sharp marine animals constitute esteemed
ellck, and Instantly threw a quick, gastronomic dainties In tbe celestial
ladlcatlona of tbe manner in wbicb tbe der. He was dead."
tall occurred. Canning began to look
Sir Richard flung himself Into s searching glaaee at Sir Richard, wli'u naru, tbe Imporuncc of the export
chair and burled his face In bis hands, however, did not appear to have moved trade to tbe governmeni of Queensland
being proved by siatistles. Over a
Presently be stopped, bent down and In which position be remained wrapped i but sat with bis taoe in bis hands.
pteked up a wax resia. which be
In grief for some minutes.
In tbej The doctor had been entirely egn- hundred vessels are engaged In the in­
The value of tbe prepared
fully put Into an empty tnuB box mMntlme Canning called together a' vlnced by the strange evidence of Sir dustry.
la quoted from £30 to £160 per
sshlch he earned. A few steps farther rescuing party, and. In company with
uu be came upon another resu. the the bereaved brother, set out once more arrest shonld be made without delay. too. according to Its quality and kind,
returns have exceedBut Canning, wbo bAd thrown frequent
latter having evidently blown out Im­ tor the_paas.
ad aSO.OM for the beebe de mer alone.
mediately on being Ignited. Ooec be­
Three boort later the body of Cap­ glances at the baronet while convers­
side this was a third match of similar uln Spender lay on tbe beat bed tbe ing with the doctor, was against It and
dimeuaioos. but uaignlied. Both these hotel afforded, while Sir Richard, wbo spent some time in explaining hi. naA Kansas City tbester was thrown
Canning put away with the drsl match. bad recovered most of bU usual calm-Bealdes," be concluded. 'If I am not open to tbe public for tbe Initial per­
Still farther along be came upon
esM, ut In conversation with Canning
formance of the season the other day
.few ahredc of tobacco, tbe nlcoUne- and Dr. Sberman. another vialior at mtsukec the man has Bought a Higher before tbe
•soaked eod of a ^tpe-eu. and three tbe hotel, In tbe smoking-room.
•n'ou knew ibla?" he cried to Can- become thoroughly dry. It was a warm
Two of tbe matches bad
-Can you oblige me with a match?*
day and the consequence was that
been struck and ImmedUtely blow: Canning asked, ouletly. "Thank you.* nlng. angrily. '
"How could 1?" replied Canning. “I when the play-goers prepared to de­
oat—by tbe blgfa wind doubtless•Canning opened Sir Richard's match­
part at the cOBcluslon of the show tbey
wblle the third bad been burnt down box clumsily, upsetting iJI tbe matche* might have suspected, but then all the found themselves stuck lo tbeir seata
cause for suspicion 1 toad was hearing
to the eod.
upon tbe table. As be gathered them
Eacb man and woman upon gaining
Halt way back, on the way to tha together be noticed tbey were all of tbe the click of the ring in wbi. h he kept freedom by force, bore the Imprint of
pUoe where be bad climbed up tba same lengib. similar to the last two uc- the poison. Besides, wbo will denr that
opera chair design, finely executed
steim. be knelt down and. with the aid burnt matches be had picked up that Ills better thus?"
The manai
And he turned OB bis beel and left In red painu
of a pocket lens carefully examined morning along the pass, and as differ­
bouse told aU tbe people to send their
the ground.
ent from those In Captain Spender's
decorated clothing to him. wltli n
-tlumV M .muttered. "What's be- pocket as two vesus could well be.
Hew Me- Wetle TWetP Sss-es. • and address attached, and that
eome of the walking eUck? t hate
lie struck one and tbeo found to
'it's curious About bow men sign would have the garments cleaned and
oeeo BMblng of it. Whal'a this? That|
surprise that hU pipe their names." said Mr. S'dixleby. "One returned to thele owneiw at bla own
CMUialy look. a. If the owner of :be; ^
";;,.’«d'Vb.r M W rt
__ ____
may write a letter that seems a. < les' exjmnse.___

‘path In tbe of tboi;gbiIuI oi
^gluied men. Ve». and also abseoi
^Ededli' pi. bed off tbe bruited bark

“hiriuck' tor

his pctkeii. and guessing the
son. Ur. Sherman offered blm a cigar.

^k; BuM°il hs»V 'flU UoTy^r pouc?. H

Mve bliL
throne Sid. i '
M tstrr t^u. t’aunlfiR retracod his' «P «he iMrouef. pouch from the ti^la ,
me. until be re-„.l,ed the body, wbuhj
»eana. Have anoUtar bran^
E a. he had left U. With MIposs.-M''*'
'jL . , ^ u J
E iwapect he rifled the pocket, of the
The brand, C-n^g deelln«l. but be
ErfolMacheluja-ntbet^yandpro. filled hi. Mtw from the bsroaei . pouch
daewd froB^e
from^e piaket
lanket a
. aliver
.Uw matcumatcu- •“<» aettled. down to enjoy the smoke. |
^ ‘
' He wairhed with enconcyaled Interest
^er*^kw he dr*ew*a^i^pou” *
Richard empty hla-f/pe to refill U
.M . parkei
wben the pooch toad been handrtbsek. I
In Which
which WM
lp„ed in
a parket ol clg
aretie |.a|eis. In tbe Inalde pocket of
It Canning diew- the ash tray to blm j
Ike Jai-kei be found a pocket-book and
smoking pipe-•
•ome letters addressed lb Cspuia |
- some momenu.
uanulng. as It was The botti at wbio ! once snore, be fixed bla eyes sternly
HI up
uiT- night before. How.
barouti's face ano said. In a
ke bad pul
up the
ever, iiom tbe letters he tumid his at-i
lenlloa to the smoking mMters. luj
mined the tohscco.

a«.!I^t^" he\!S‘'"L nn^e
^red. and the p'^-flll e^d
V*. po.Bc, we woe. mao
smoked a pipe. Now to the matches!
Ha emptied the maicbes Into his
head, mmsured them against the first _
unhiimt matches he had picked up. and!
found that they were all of the same;
mnka and else, very different
matches he had MbwqoenUy picked
*'*“Ae I aospected." he said nndcr bla
faroath. 'Two makes of matches, two
brands of lolMrco. equal, in this case
si les«, two men.Examlnstlim of tbe lettars snd pock«l,book demonstrated that Capuln
Spender bad been some aU weeks In
SwluerUnd tor the benefit of faU
health; that be was not wanting tor
toads: that bt had left in Baglsnd
lady wbo waa a cbarmlng leuer-wriier
asd tubscrlbed beraelf "Ever your only
Blancbe;" that she had civea him i
lock of kalr. and that be wore U on ■
—sti lockot OB bia watcbcbalB.
■*Qt[Us correct.' aald Canalng. grim­
ly aa be dosed tha locket.
abest tbU Mttar from tbe aide pocket?
POTla, ehf Tbtwe days old postmark;
M daU OB letter. *Diar George.’ be
read, ‘my party wlU reach Bram TnesAay. Win walk over next day to Me


Tbr llerM -f ttirlly.
sad dlsUnci as print all the »a>
Sicily abounds in aromaUc herbs;
through, and then wind up by wHiinc
his tame lodlstlnrtly. 1 suppoee ib»<n the peppermint, the true mint, and the
brought sboua by
large coarse mint, which is'very hsndrrthe'fl*'’^ru«.'we’are helped aomC: the sage, the thyme, tbe ver­
in the body of the letter by tbe word mouth. the rosemary, the me. and
by the rortext; Id's faml!- doxen of high mciUrinal value grew
w.nd l«ter doe^o t wild In profasloo In the south of Sicily,
»-lt US at all: and we slide right over aad every poor Sicilian connected with
connecting word. In the «.m. tbe country understands how to make
Ttoer. as for the man . .ig- decoctions from
nslure. 1 suppoee that be Is so familiar the dreaded fever, which Is. however,
himself that It does —------- not prevalent in most parts of Sicily
wn, ,h,t n ypsy not be so to others. except Ifi^e marshes. Tbe towns, if
,he Btut that In an their sanitation waa better', would be
leuci Tuay very healthy.
ihp 'whole name so far as mukBena-r W-rah •saaq.cmo.
mg It out is eoncemwl."
The wealibiest living professional

beggar. Rlmon Oppasteb. was In 1S93
sentenced to seven years’ hard labor
There has been D important wbole- for perjury.
He was born without
] tbe ranks of tbe
sale aecessio
Tbe entire Domlnicar. fe« or arms, and bis physical defecu
brought him exgepUonsl sympathy and


day . a’wU°’**TbH
etrange." iBportani decision haa been arrtved
at after the closest medical’ and official’
laid Cunlng
eeratlnr as to the effscU of perrMoal
"la what W4T?“.
“In so much t!k*t i could almost abMiaence from meat. In a variable
swear that you met yoar brother thU cUmaU like that of England. Tbe re­
morning four mllea along tbe paaa. sult is that vegeUrlaolsB has been
talking with blm. tmoklng with him. declared Incompatible with good work.

hr bad by speculation Increased bis for­
tune to >136.000 In cash and some >200,
OOO In Trieste and 1‘arenso rest esute.
Since then be has quadrupled
wealth by trading on the Bourse.

Spectacles tor horses have been pat­
ented by an inventor, and are being
used with conaiderable aucceaa. Tbeir
object Is not so much to magnify obJecu aa to make tbe ground In front of
3ot be did not flalah. Sir Richard
tbe horse appear nearer to bla bead
iprang op from hla seat and gUred
than U really Is. The result is eondown at blm to a passion of anger and
Unnsl high atepping, which, after a
board ahip. marines do not have to dO|
becoams natural and gives ..
•Tou are probably unacqnalnted so. Tbe royal marines do sot uncover.
an aristocratic gall, which he
beads aa a msik
of respect- —artll
with tbe usages of polite ooeiety. snd tbeir
---------------------------------------reuln tor many yesra.
msy.'lherelore. be Igaoiani that It Is In the presence ol rovalty or at divine
Insulting to doubt a gaatlcman'a word, service;
cepedally without any exenae or
One of the most beautiful slghu In
the world U tbe annual mfkratloa of
Tbe world's record for kiie-fiylng has butterfUca across the Isthmus of Pana­
"Let me explain. Here U
baa been beaten at Boston, where an ma. Toward ths end of June a few
brtNber's matchbox. Look at
matches." said Canning, bot a^n Sir plUtnde of 13.124 feet was reached by leauered apscli
_ _ out to sea. snd
tbe days go by
the upper of two kites flown taodam ; _
Richard iotermpted him.
"I decUne to dlscoas tha ma^ with tsshlon. This U *77 feet higher tbar tbe nnmber InereasM. nstil aboot July
tat ever been attained betore.
14 or 16 tbe aky Is ocraslonally almost
yoa.- be said aiemly.
these frail laTb sure." aald Canning, sweeOr.
Oriwis of-«aa*a•nhat I had BO Intention ol\harUng
Bpala ezpreosM tbe English V
1 made no )«patnSuicide
Tery com­
Bispsnta. a word founded upon ths
mon among tbe Rrabmins of India,
"Tbia U yenr brother's match-box. Punic "span." a rabbit, owing to the wbo Held tbe bod. In contempt, regardSir Richard." he mH. banding It over. nnmber of wild rabbiu found in the ing ’* nerel, as a wrrinf for the sonL
•1 took tt from hid pocket, thlnUag tt peslniola by the Onrtbigtwlina.

of a Year.
During 1898 the total number
of copies of

The Morning Record

An average for the entire year of

1,049 Daily.
This tffill be interesting for
advertisers to consider.
These figures argue that ad­
vertising in the Morning Becoid
is valuable.
This also jjroves that

The Want Department
Is a good thing.

Try It.

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