The Morning Record, January 01, 1899

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The Morning Record, January 01, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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AftTftamcAVB rtnrsftftx..


rotulp obaereed aU the world aitwad
ererp Use two or more Bha are yathXMtftad Altcotii Koaoty «f ftesAtM
erod toTdther to driok a loaet to

^thera. thoee who have rose
ft Trftgte
Weeblactoo. Dee. (t.—The fsaef^
M<Tfeee of the Ute Seutor Marrili
la dbtat pla^ Thle b ao eSeetlar
oeremap aad for the momeDt aO
were held la tbe eeaelc ebasb«
la • Kaa ftbaft u I»hp««niar-»Tftra> Booo. Tbrp were eoodaeted with
Killed a ftoora. Kb Tletlms BMoft Ideaearable votlvee are eat aaide while,
tbe eesUoieot b expteaaed. of good |
preeeive diyi.Up in the prcMiwe of a
W«N ftavad bp Dccpmta XSbrto—
■oMip Toaay Olriw-Boldly Ooa- win to tboae who are not preMoL. but
dletlnreiehod eeaenbUc*. bieiw
feaeed (he Koet 'Atroeaooe Cmoee
..... llvtar. aod a teoder trtbete
Aafol Banilto Twtardap Hotalair. of the eabiael. jaetioee of the C
ipae!«>«Borp of thoee who have paMod |
I awap.
-Tba K« Xtropped 800 ftwt.
• ofBia Aetft
After the to4aU the profTam wont j
amp aad aarp, aod the <
bbpMBlBf. Dm. II^—Tta« «rw«i ae>
Parle, Dee. It—Joaepb Vaeber, tbe 1
d la tba BtaM
mf Ubpasiar or KafaanM ooeumd
Ub somlare!mli
KIm rtalaadoM o( the «trht
Diated leeanltp to the taet-


FraAeh *«Jftek


Everything you want from a ball of
pina to a letter presa

easier ■» K abaft of the Uhe CincInBfttl
Hltldle Wftiftbt^ *•* ”
*“ “**
The prorran. which waa n^p Imrtor alee from work. Wheel
I known to havebretelly mnrdered foar
pronpu. waa ae follow*:
•fteen ieet from tbe earfaee tbe ear
VlCtOP *t Lftkft AlUL
] hope and eia woaen aod rirla. aod an
otepped. On InveaUraUoe It waej
------------j old widow. Moet of the vietliu were
foeed that only three Itjared nee idoho BUekea Pnlird Oat After Vonr iteodinr herd* whro Vaeier oane
that the other
Beoad* and Jia Krera Waa Die- behind Urn end cot theic throau.
afat bad hoM herM to the bottom of
poard oflo
Vaeherb cri»« .oiraieed in nonber
of in *wo
Two Brmeda-Both
and atrocity tboab of • Jack-the-Bip"Anld Lasr Syne"
Oaaep Ooateeta.
The eaoaa of the aeetdeet la eUlI a
per." Hlabomocldal
............... .........
A eoeple of abarp aerapa took place oatiaim. Ue cleined after arrcet!
^aeatioe. It b
that one of tbe
whaele of the oar broke at tbe dfth atUkeAaola*»ev*olDr ie Odd Pel- that at every action ha* an object hU,
.DaS UcDod,].
laral. bet wbetto the mm were hurled lowe-halL A natob had bMD arraor- notlve waa neltber theft or veoreanee.'
.................... 0,rf.»u,
nit or Je^ed, la eaeertota. Bzperi- ed between Jin MeOoy of Cineieeatl. hit IrreaponalbllUy waa eaUblUhed.
eeead nleera eaneot espUie the aeci- tbe well known niddlewelcbl aod T.
O. Morphy of Oeawal Lake. Bnt MarK-dtaft la a vertleal abaft su feet pby did poi cone to the eerateh aad a
match wee arranyeo batweeo McCoy io an Ineane acylam. dod that while HoUawiSk.ich.ln
dadp. Tbe naa all dropped a dial
ad Bon tSO to SOO feet and all were and John Blacken of tbto city, A tarpe dolac millury doty a low affair caoeed
------ . of -------.. ...
hhflr dU8r«^ Ooe of tbe three crowd
Bport* went
bake Ano - iii„joatiemp***if dMtract
Tbe victim* of Vaeher wen
e^etnek by tbe ear ellabed afteea wttaem tbe conieei aad they
Billy Beho.of ComeU Concert 0^
feat to the aerfaee with a broken
rewarded by a snappy exhlMUon for aad ebepherdceeea Bit ran vra* direct­
Tbe non who were eevad clunr to
blood and not for fan. Blacken waa ed particelarly apaleit yonnp yirU. He
Aret eat ^e ibroata of hi* vietlmc and
woodwork of tbe ehafu
ao badly ponUbed la &e fonith
Winter as well as enmnier hotiU
that hi* aecondt oompelled him to with­ afierwarde maUlated them with
days are kodak days.
draw, yivlnf tbe pnrae of 8M) to MeTbe exact nnmberbf Vaeber>a vletlma aod rcMU. 1
A tribntn fe Uepartlnf year
Kodahery is no longer oonAoed to Ue et
' MoOop was etill (reah and ehalleaced will never be known, bat It is aald that
•. B A L Wm Bay SUel Balia, Balld
tweptp-three aeaaaalnalloDS bad been rreetlnr to lAn.
s-deye Is e winter ee well as a eammer
tfaa next beat man la the
a Vew Bridra. aad at OadiUae a
Aath-Ugbt photography haa mad* It to.
Jim Meyere came forward aod alter a broocbt home to him op to October
laav and tbat namber ;waa ^dded to. TO BOBOB LXVOOLB<S MOTBBB,
Vnw Depot.
iramey Irht of two rtmad* waa pat
A Ads amortment of Kodaks and Csmen
d the toteet atyles aad detigM
He nonebalantly Uld ’he etory of i
Grand Bapida, Dee. •!.—The efielaU ■leep. There area no ether Uleet
Banda ior a Konnaeat U Bar I
«f Ue UrandBapleeA lodlaaa have ro araiaat tbe victor eo the exhIbiUoo freah trafcdy from time to time to the
ory Belaft Oolleoted ia Zowa.
daelded npon a ooerae of Improve, cloaed. Tbe etteodance waa larm aad axaminlnK mariatrate aa.ithe dataila
manta for tbe year uw which inelnde
do toward Ue erection of a
bp Lake Aae eportp.
to Ue memory of Abraham Uncola'a
MeC<7 now eomee forward wl^ a
I frame cSallm^ for Skinner, Ue Northern to have kUled merely for Ue aake of loUer will be eoUeeted from Ue vetekUllod.
M* of tbe Seeoed Iowa brigade, by
paeeenyer station at Uedillec aad Ue
Omeral B. V. Ankey of Ul* city.
nraetion of a brick atraetora of ^ tdetapcmaayti mhemapa
Be has reoeivcd letter from Colonel
wad pratcnUon snited to Ue city
aaes^ Wrijbt of Boekport, lad.,
which It late be placed. Tbe bnUdlnr
the tUil of Brigadier General Veach,
nod imprevemenu adjacent will neceaAaaerftd Oen^ Greeted commandlpgUe noted brigade which
nilate an eailay to Ue road of SIO.OOO.
AMabet Xanafeetannc Oe^Valle with
WM cloee to Ue Second Iowa.
Tbe metnriel to beaeed la Ue eonThe New Tekr.
XJabiUUea AaaotuiUnc to
The reglmenta which arc eonlribotMraetlon will be' of brick aad will
Of yours to just drop in and get you a pair
Ue m
monnoieDt fond
Great Bvnnt of Ue Tear and Kqat
and Fifty-Third
of those 14.00 abdes for 13.00. They are
1 which will
Boeton, Dm Sl.-Tbe-Aeeabat Man(ble
Mrs. Lincolat namaln* arc In
I an octlayofn
AaotoHar company, wtU woolen mllle
the finest-ia the city for the mon*
Backport eoanty.
baildinr of Ue j
r at Maynard, haa made an i
ey. Jnst received a shipment of the latest
•Utioa at OadiUae 1* planned la Ue The eon
d by 185 I
way of tbe baUdlng of a bridge over woden
New Year'* eve among Ue order of
styles Ladies* Boots.
the Kalamasco river at a point near oouDtry. Its UabUitlve. aeeordlng to Ue Bike U Ud 8com1od of an extra bank* of Ue WabaU, bat he la enjoy­
Vtalnwell. It will be n steel etraetore Ue Jely Btat«aMn^ amoeot to npward ordinary social demooetratioa and cn- ing bealUtnl recreation on the bank*
of Ue Mimistippl, and writes bom<
wlu alone ebeGnente aad will be in of 83.000.000 ia capital stock.
AU toe world over where Mrs. Moir tbat be do« not yearn jaat
•nvrralennna The cost of ooantmeUere U a lodge of Blln Ue coatom of e
for Ue deep enow of Traverae
Uon will not be far from tU (MO.
social eeealod li rlgoronaly .obeerved.
In addition to tbete ImptwvemenU
It ie tbe one oecealon of tbe ynr when
•JUO ton* of steel rail wm be laid In. Onbara Will Aak Ue ^Ideat u B*.
nembers of Ue order make e epech
drat anneal New Year's dance of
Tbe new eafe; car wbleh Ue ofieials
nova BiaGraMofBavaaa.
el polA to observe the chief element of . theCrcMent band will ukr place Ie
OMtemplated erecting et Ue close of
Foreelera' ball Moadav evening. Ten
Havana, Cuba. Dee; tl.—Tbe UaUo- tbe teneu of tbe orgaalulion and Ue
l>he resort aeaaon of last year Is nnder
PS are permitted
lie prteeu of Cahaa blrU are goiag to
jeonstmetlon now. aod la to be soluble
Now to call at tbe elegant jewelry store of Bernam A
send a petition to Pruldenl McIUaleJr to ahare Ue pleasure* of Ue oeeaaton
. jfor the aocommodetlon of UIrty-two
Mking him to remove Ue Mehop of wlU Ue anUcred gentry.
fdiocre. The ear oaedlaat year provid0»pti]mi-Bmu«iaU.6SQaU
Earl We have a finer stock than ever before, eompriaiac
Ever alnee a lodge of Elks
Havana, who it n Spaniard, and ap­
lad for alfhUen, was bnay all of Ue
tbe latest desi^ in Watobes, Cbaios, Chartns, Blngn ol
point a Coban in his piece. They uy
Ltfle memorlalk left, which
klme doHag mcai boara aad people
UntUe Spuisb ecelealMtical aaUori- tbe eeetom to make New Year's eve
can be bought St Ue City Bookstore
[were aeoally waiting. Tbe ear
variona patterns. In UlnmondB we can show yon mas
for nt eenu esch.
Ues have always treated wiU lajotUce Ue red letter dsU of Ue year. Leal
ran between here and Hneklnaw.
tba Caban prlcaU, who namber only night waa no excwpllan to tbe rsl*
fine stones in sizes to suit. Our stock of Silver and PUtad
UIrty-two in all Ue island, while Ue WiU Ue Traverte City lodge No. SM.
praOosda is very oomVlete. Everything in T^ble Ware and
SpanlU prlesu are counted by Ue
They farther say Upt aeoicd a gala appearance, when IS& |
many articlea in Useful Novelties. Rich Cut Glass. Gold'
I and gneeu eat down to Ua \
Shree Gaertew B. B Club Saw t&nOld Ueaeauthoritieebave abown Ul leel-,^


.'T!! i »•«»

. tb.


*. a JO,™

;S80 Front St.

iS2;,..'Li,a 'a.iV^

“City Bookstore.”

Are Kodak Days






Tell That Husband





Tear Go aad BntertaUed
j .
Justine Verly.
j Last might JmUcc Verly gntertalard
|U« memben of Ue Thrm Q larur B.
^Clab.ln hU court, room, cm Front
Intrant. It has bran Ue aanoal coatom
jpf Ue club to honor tbe birthday analUnary of Joetloe Verlv, which waa
UwMdayeaga Sew Tear’* *eve was
Ity far s triple pm
^ year oat and t

in watch Ue
p year In. as

forbidden tbe Oobsn prleets 1
na at tbe fanerala ot Ct
This prohibition spieled in partlrnlar to UerellglOBB oerci
mory of Maeeo.
A eommlttne
of Ueae prirats ealled on Ue news­
paper oorrespondent to show
pared and to ask Ue help of Ue Amerl
pres* In Ueir eaose. It waa herd

addreaatbe t
1 of Ue Uelted
Slates, bet the Pope, who U the
Uortty by whom the OsUoUe Mshops
(a Oaba wUl be appolatad hareafWr
Tbelr MbMUhment was great wh.
they Iraraad that ander America rale
I traedom win be abM>laU:Uat
Ueblahop ed Havana wOl have
•odo wlU the government than
any other dUaea <d Ue bland, aad
that there will be pratmbly
bbbema of Havaaa. oae fer each Im
pertant deaonieaUon of Cbrbtlana.
ne idea of a cIom nlea between
YhaabarehaedUasteU h so deeply
rooted te the Spanbh mind that notwithnaadlag the exph
deBerried UBiatma.
eUad to eaad Uafr petition to McKlai Mr. Bobert B. Samk. Ua eaparfa- ley.
tandanl of Ue •aorUera dktrtct of
KMbl«ufer Ue Deertag Mewtig aad
Salertained QUae of <06.
■raeeeHag MaUlaeiy. was mMvtei
Mim LUlian Downing eatbrtalned Ue
Bia. M. W. Pack of Bead «ty. TBi
BighaUooldem of fta le«t evening
ftayatKsaietea Mr. ftamle eriU make at bM home on Webater atraet. Avery
ftto home and haadqaarter* U Trarane eeJ^Ue time was had and tbs yoceg
OUy. aad UeIr Meads, of wbomUay
•eoMewatohed the old year oat, Debora haste, will wlU them a jeyoae
m rafcaahmmile ^ aerved bF
•ad happy Ufa.
a hi* protegM and for Uem to make
ft pleasant for him. Ao al^bgrate sap.
per traa served by Mr. Verjy. the mens
•enahiUng of vartoM viande ealealated
Io tempt Ue appetites'of Ue young
Wtes. Tbe *M«lag was devoted to
ftamerona forme of ameeemaatmnd at IS
Veloek praelaely.vrhea U* eld yrar
absorbed by Ue MW,a Steb Ugbt pfeUM
•tUegroep was taken byUejMtlee.
wbotsaakilledamatear photogreplier.
it waa one of Ua many bapoy gaUeelags of tbe dob aad Jaallee Verly will
iraar a pair of baadaoMly emb
SUppeta M a memeato e< Ua «

Pens—all styles. Call and look over onrfitocL
simply, bat Uatcfally' trimmed
wlU Ue satloaal colwn, while potted
pUnUgraaed Ue heavily ladened Ublea. forwiDg a pleasant contrast to
Ue shining eUverwsrs and glUtenlng
china. At Ue toastmaster'* suilop
a metal head of Ue Elk. with
antiera of aUver. Ue emblem of Ue or­
der, ralbved by a draping of AmeHean
‘^S^tever may ta nM of other eoebUc* in Ub eity or any oUer. U.eas
be trnthfnlly stated that Uere it no
lack of ability for ente^nmeat
among Ue local Elk* aad last night's
and eorraetly aerred by aereral ■
bera appointed to see that Ua gi
bekednoUlag to satiety the onaringe
of Ua Inner mam Tbe menu was ae
•eeai Tareay with inasrag
■* SM Dewasde Desk. mcM
<teaas Otiraa
PWete 8*1*4
baetPrseO , . ■

lb. L A Thmarawi. exaltod ralar,
praalded h fnetlmratiwand wHb Ue
•eoodaeted Ueea.

•rae Chu B. Baha. who mBaadhbeaUTtn-T~‘ iTrak Imiiil if

Front Street


New Tears

The Most
.Esthetic Taste
80 enbde *0(1 tttractiTe u
Ctlifomia Perfamw
Ooe of the aweetest of tbeM
UeiUed attitft Barbara Hel.
iotrope. No swok woold be
able to ton away frun ao^tbing ao inyitiiig, to uy nc^h*
iogof a woman.
We have in atod all tiie
faiDon* perhuned made bf
Biegar the OaHfoimia Perfnmer.
Gootber^ Cboeolatee, and
Bon Boom—fresh gooda—at­
tractive paekagsm

Jas. G. Johnson


For your wife that haa beeo
worrying yov. bo ranch of late,
needn’t yon any more—
jnrt give her a pair of

Pingree & Smith
$3 and $3.50 Specials
And start her off into a New Ys«r cm good footing. We ai« ’
drawing a new Uiw-at|S.fiO^BandiiekaVmak«
that are winner*



118 Front Street.

The Old'Reliable fehoeman'


«HS Moumro xaooxD

to ItoftCftittor Mopa

I «. ■*■—. MiMr

W. WtT—•



iMt to pr—I tta «Md ft Bftfpp N-r Ymeftmt
tag. T— hoy» »ui pna—i ftftftk —bMrtiMr wtih iftftlr Bow Yoor
•fti— to ft llttto oookto» ftpfroprlftM
lor —ft Mftft^ ft—
. oonm ire* —ft p— «l Mco. M. K
— Dftrtftf —ft pool yoor —«
*rrt«» hftftft ptoftftA tbft Bft— ftt
rtnr—tftpft — ftU Ida— of «r—thftr.

CM Otd Tftftr ftftd Ttoft Ml

Teioy —ft—ftM«7«v-. ft bogiagiagmkiob prewto* ft ftHtfhtfft—TftftftA
—■•iBftftA oroftfftriv- Awl TftMftft«ft7
ifr-* oM of —ft *M Boubto ftftd
mgooporooofoon of —ft —U—'■ btoton- Dftftpt——ft—et
Mpftfftd — ft Mood/ fttraccto ift —ft
Ib —ft —«M ^ kftWftft Uoftrt/<
fftrtV bftft ft—Uoftftd — ftbo«ftr lift
Wm—fft ftp— —ft U«A Tbft gTOOi
ft-iortoft of A»ft^
bft— bft— IMA Otar oM o—r ftfftla.
kft—1—plred —ft Amftroftft Mprt wt—toftd pear—*. ftftd -ft iwproftft—d—trlftl ftoedltio— M* la*
apiMtf ft —• —ftrf/.ftWl iwMftd ft M«
Itlft la—ear Mftftalftfttortoft ftftd ftwoaf

CM Jftftr fticb— Btofttz-ftlcftl —ft
M— —ft Ifftophi — prftftt
pr—to wfetoh ftftTft Broftfftt —ft Uaitad
Mfttftft Iftio ft
Bftt—of —ftftftr—iftftd WtU* —Tft
M— foftfbl wbtob —OMd —ft (r—I
> look —
• f—Bit of —a— bftUlcft to ft wbUr

I ;

•fUod (Tftftdftftf — —ft ABftricftB
MbUft Todft/—ftftaoft«ift«rtfttoap—
md eior/. ftftd bUUo—of pftoptoberft
totoro toolfttftd «U1 fto— rftftlUft —ft
tomoito ot Amftrtoftft -.Uu—»• ftod
—ft ftftl— of trftftdoB
10—fttf/. Tree, ll will —k«
■Ptft—1 yoott — wtobltob ft/a—B* —
par Bftw poftftftMi—ft wbleb bora owd*
—to —U— fTftftt; bni to ao dto—at
—taie —oftft BUllooft wbtob bora
Mdto- -ft ABftTteftft flftf »1U i—liM
tohftt U to — bft tr— ftftd
pad bow dftftr to -ft Ubertj wbtob
Wbito oor ottoj ftftd oory bo—
—aftdtnp —edftft— koftll of ijtoaoj aad
■toihlap —a dawn of freedoai ia dto—ai Iftftdft. proapftritj ftt boaia baa ot­
Mptad —ft at—aUoD of —e world aad
—tobPftteoMfocift aad relftaae fro* deprft*lnii ft*oaf —oaaaadft, aad —« famo loob* brlcbt ladfttd.
Oa —to' bret day of —• saw year
—•a. wft hare reatoB - be praicfal.
Wo hare reftftOB — be ftftooaracftd la
l—c ftp -ft rcftpoDftlbUlUftft of -ft
H*1bc twftlre *oe—ft While; loporU
Of bettor iadBftblaleoadlUoftftftn onMaaftlly eo*iac fro* abroad we are
|ir»|tofniift bare at boao. la —o ' rood
p—to of Mtoblcaa- ParMr* bare bad
Mod efopa.>Baonfaetaren bara -foaad
fWd/ftad.proAUblaatarkfttft for —cir
aredeftto aad Mrebaato bare ftajo/ad
• ttftdft wbleb baa aeldon beea eseeltod
— yaara paftb There to little porerty
—OWB. ftftd where It to *—Itot —e
pan* of —ft praeperooft ere opca to
—a reltof of —• !•* fortoDa—. There­
to* wa are rratofal for —e blewlao
dbowattd opoa a* la —e paat year aed
to Ibe brlcbt praatoe of —• fawte.
Ttok Moanao BacokD bw beea
HMftC—ft tarored, U any bar* beea
■ere forteaatft —aa otben. aad —e
pabltoben are pratefal for a year of
foodbeataea. A baalaeMwrtatob boa
ppeftB ftUadily aad careiy. While wr
hftftft «rpead(d moaey aad caercy la
CantoblDC —e UlMt ftftwa of the day
gooej Boralac. we are apprrcUUre of

Bauou baft mad* ao ftplerp* la pirlap
—a laUftt Bftwe fro* ibe Boat reliable
paarftia. bat baa left —• poblie —
jBipft Ot lU Bftrit. The reaelt baa
boaa bipbly. lattolac—ry — —• pobHib— Dwiap —ft ooalap y«ar I*weeeBaau will ba nada aad b*w
to—11^*0 *^1 baaoBdae—d
ptoC—ft ftftWft UftCft ftftd *e—edftof
•aqairlap »ad prlaUap —• earreat aad
—tool ftftwa ftft bftft bftftD obftftrrftd la
^ *^Uapw«ft«iU wbftft oeTbftBacoao—kwptftftftarftla wtob—p ter •*«7<»ft ft happy aad proaparWOO ftftW yaar. wi— —• hopa —ftt —a
fatoTo <riU brlap •• B*ay it aot bot*
MooMap* -ftB —ft year wbleb faw jool
toirft Dowadaye. are Bade of eteel;
plool to made ot iroa ore aad eoke aad
ItoW-ar: all ot —«we -lapicztotlft
pr*ftt aataral abBBdftBce ia —toooaa^ . Mys we bare a aarplae of people eapar
— ■lac aad tiaarry —c caeeaUal bb*
totete; we bare the Aamt ikUlftd tobor
la —a world, capable of —rmlap It
Iftto fttftftl. aad ot —ralap —e a—el to—
■Idpft. ftftd Wft bare a p*eat foreipa
Wtoa iror— ftftariy l«ro BLUioaaordetlr» r**"eiiy — carry—wbai.-aa. to
mot - fttop BI tioB toap
eftrrytBpoftOftftrftbftptof We—aUftot
bftftMft - bftpia. boarerar. uUleoafrftMwya—ftweM. .



bfttft - tobor aadftrdta—ltMft ot Um
ftftd U —«/ IftU —an >• aooaliy
lor —ft opparaftl BftCtoot. Tba
Ufa of—ft ftftwftboy u aotftBtftft/c»ft
b/ftft/Bftftftft, ftftd fftw kftowwaftVU
—— to rtoft from ft war* bad
—rao o'eloek 1b —ft BorBlBC ift ooid
wofttbftr, ftftd r> offtf ft iftdto— r—to
ift ftlorta/ w—* — ftftppty lAft
of —0dii/ to —ft p—■■ ••
tlftW. It to ftlWft/ft —ft ftftBftfttorator*/ waft—or, fti.
^ to
nollaed -ftt -• Utti* f«a. w* ft*
tona« Iftto ft Ufa of eaefftiiu* b/ boftppruprla—d Tweaty-Fira Dollar*
*l iftbor—ftlr rfforw wlU ba IftU/ ft»For ObftrttabU Farpoftft*.
praotot^i ftftd U iB raapa—a to —ft
It to—ft *^oal e«ft—B of tb* order
preoUftp —ftlr Irtoftda ebooM - f>*or
wl- ft btftd rftwrmbrftaoft it will of —ft Bibs — *ftt adde a se* c*eb
— ft ftobfttftBliftt ftBOOftracftOMBt Ur*, yaar for charity, aad at —• toat a
•owed cCoru — parlor* —wdftt/ — iap of —ft Trarer— City Lodpe |S»
■oprla—d for ebarl—ble dtotriba—ft *«7 bftftt Of-Mr ftbUlt/.
tk* —roeph a

. Kr. HaBlI-a'ftMftwOat.
Praak HsbII—a has recalred troa
WaUrMlto. Malae. a baadaoae Aapora eat, wkiek rrill ba coBpaay
pood for two o—rr faiiaft peto ot —c
ft ftpeetos. wbleb form a part of —•
ul—a doBftBllo drelft.
Tbft Mr* Iw Ot—pft Oara.
There to no oft« rpfferiep fro* -to
draadfsl aatody. if yoe will <*1/ pet
the ripbt resedy. Yoe are bariop pale
ll) —ronpb year body, yoor Hrer Is out
of order, bare no apprU-, ao life or
aBMttoa. base a bad cold, to fact are
eoaplelely oaed ep. Bleelric Blt-n
to —e oaly resedy —at will pire yoe
proiopl and aere relief. They act di
reetly oa yoor Lirer. H—eaaeta and KMarys. —«r op tbe wbole ey<—o aad
Bake yoa feel like a aew belap. They
are pearaa—rd — core or price refaaded For ealr at tba Drep 8—ree of &
B. Wait aad J. O.. JMiftOD.
* '
‘ t"


.A.XA BxesaxL-b .A^nnni’li 11 loaxt

140 Front Btnet

.TntTerM City, Mich

Foreeten' hall Moodsy ereolap.
Tea-eeat sapper eerred from 4 — 10
o'eloeh. p. b.


P. B. Bartb of Oiaeaa ccbs ——ftj
elty yesterday for a fthort rtoll. ^
Jerry bolllraa of Cedar waft a vtoi—r >
bare ye*—rday.
bool eoBBlBloaer Mia* MatUe C.'
Grey, raleraed
toftt aipbt fre* |


Mn. F. D. MeAfoy to rlMtlap bar retoUrcft to Bobbftidft—a. loato eoseiy.
Dr. Charlftft Bearer,
etoo of MaftOftloaa, to ia —a «Ky rtoiltop frieadft.
BeoJ. Boaeky ofAtaatotoe, arrired la
Wo hftfe ererj'tbing me* and
—ft elty Iftftt aipbt — apead Mftw Ycftr'a
wi—trieods aad retoUrea. BatorBar- oiefol fur the children— deeka,
1y Itred to -to eUy betop to —e ea- dpU cab*, sloo-flyA aleigha, rock­
^oy of Jelio* 8-toberp.
ing horeea, carta, rocker* and high
J W. BebbeU aad wifeof Haa—ft.arnredlait aipbt tor a rUU wl- Mr. riiaiip at the wry loweat pnopa.
Hnbbftll's.pareBta. Mr. aad Mro. B. W.;
Mtoft B-el QIbbft weot - MayAeld
yecterday lor a rtoit wl—
Boose Foratobtop 8—re.
Frank FUber. of OoBpany D. Thirty- ]


OoUftftft Eftftlfftftl retorsed Uat alpbl
fro* Deirolb wbar* ba aoeoap*
P. O. Baaftea — JMa -a recalar ftr*/
bwpUftloarpft He faUad to pa* —•
DC too Ucbl for bto
Dr. A. a. Bolliday. who eniUlaed a
aerere lojaryjo bto left aye Di
t:ad. to BtiU ooaAaed — bto bi
WakbiaftoB ftireel. The doetor to aot
yet able — leare a dark too* aad wUl
aot be able —dofto for »ereral daya.
Ba eapeeto — reaa*e hie praoBoe la —irdk
He waat —
aboata weak. Dr. WUbal* to ftt—od- —to city toat ereaiap.
Kapinaw socm time apo aod wa* meslap bto patiaaU ia —o BoaaUse.
—red oet wl— bto eodspaay. aad slooe
—en has been rtolllep at Cadillac.
8beriS A B. Belllnrer of Maple City
bft bMd at 11 o'clock —to i ralap at
yoaraof ape.
^OoMtft of —ft ftoelal party of —•
—eoai baad Moaday alpbt la Foreator*' hall will be aaUUad — ftopper
tree. TtokeU wUl be Afiy eeau — —e
daaee, Udtoe tree — —e daaee.
OetyoarKow Taarto'dkaaar attar 4
o'eloek la Foreft—ra' hall. Oi—MBt
bftad Kftw Year’* 'eatobratloa ftkad
daaee. Oaly tea eaata tor a tftaat.
Leri Soelft. who baa baea rery alek.
to BOW‘rery macb better apd will ftoes
ba able — retara — bto plaea la P. Ky•elha'ft ft—ra.
A larpe p*riy of todlw aad peatle■oa from tbft city wara pleawntly eaFrlday aipbt at the borne ot
Mort. Bell, oo—e Groat farm. ' A dellphlfel sleipb ride wae a pert if -e
propram eojoyed by —e partp/
BlUy 8weers has pirsa op —e —mb•—ae boetoees aad has eapaped — po
oa—ft road for Wllltom 9el—er for
tbe eartoda poie departmeat of —e
Ike BeUer. —e Pl-her of —e Basttora. baa slpeed f«w aezlsaaeoa wl— —e
Syraeoee. N. Y.. leapae Mob. at a aalary of Also per Boa—.
Praek Parks to ooaAaed - bto rooB
wi— a retera of —o ebllto aad fever.
troB wbleb maay of —s CoBpaay M
beys have aaSered btam —sip n—ra
Tbeladtoeof A*aftda Bleft H0.UI
are re<ia—d — Beet ot —sir baU
Moftday aftaraooft at I lo'elodc sharp
Tbe pM-aes wUl be opoa Moaday
from aerea sotil atoft a. *■ aad fro*
—rae aatU foar p. as. TbarawUlbea
Boratop dallra^ Bade by —• earriart.
Mo frMpbt tnlaft wUl raaoo—eG.
B. A I.-Botrow aad-ft frMpbt oOee
wUl bft ctoftftd Oft a«ee*Btof Mew Yaar-*
day obaervaftoft.
Mtoft Malwsft Daatord of Lftka Areaae wa* bappUy ftarprtoed at her boesa
Friday eveoinp by aboot tweaty of her
lerBftr BaetorB OoH««ft etoaftftutaa.
Ree. M. B. Bameb of -a SdooBd Mfttbedtot ekareh, perfoTBftd a eat
at bto.b0B« Tbaradsy wbleb
Baoeb GftBbto of Bear Lake aad Mlfft
Maty Martto of —to elty *aa asd wlto.
A ftoo wa* bora to Mr. aad Mn. Fred
WelpanA Friday.
C. J. Bbaer of Webster etreet ee—rtalaedbtoBaadayeebooIetoB ot boys
of—e CoaprecaUoaal 8a*day e—oot.
GftBwaad aAae oyster sapper wan
—ompbly sojoyad.



Ml—ard Soaad Sotlrw Cran
CcaTftrM 01(y Iroo Work*.
Tftatftrday —ar* waa a ehaape ta —a
TnrftCftft Cl^- Ifoa Woiba. Ciebard
Boaad ratiriap ^froai —• Ai*. which
WM dMolrcd by BBtaal eoeaeat. B«bjamtoTblrlby aad Wiittow Calklaa.—•
reaiaietap wbBben of —• compapy.
will eoallaac—a boftiftftftft •• bftr*oforw Mr. Boaad bat b*eo eoaa—d
wi— —e Iroa Works Af—ftn y«ar», fter.
eaof wbiebbehai bcMa par—er. Be
has aot yet decided apoa bto ^aaa for
—e fslora.

A. W. Wftit bftft bftftftftwftrdad—fte—
toftot lor fomtoblap -a Utortor work of
___Mftd<|iiftrt«tm of -ft Kortbotft TMe
pboM Oo.. ift -ft Bftw T—Bftltor block,
fift will ooBt*eacft work —tb« dtttspft
—ft Ant ot —to wftftk.
Tbft DftW ft—ft* plftftt of —ft ToftftftUrr block ftftd —« at/ Bookatom
•at la oporfttloii toal ftroetorTbft ooftftt/ (.ffloer* atoetod at —•
Uftt ftlaeiloB will bctrlft tbftlr eew dftttoc
totoorrow. —all' —m brriaftlft( today.
Bob. Bftabcn Ooodrkb waft reported
00 war* Iftftt ftTOftlftp, beiftC very ir-

ing Nicer


«»ATxm«B orrr. - ynoHioAJ


Buying Logs!

If yon have any to sell corrwpond with the ^
Traverae City Lumber Oo. We have nlao 2




Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Haple FIoorioE,
Short Kaple Wood.

lands For Saie-Siiitalile For Farms.
Mill meebinery of *11 descriptions, including two
ginee, eel works, cAtriage sod eaws., A oomp
B*w mill plant fotA^e.


THAttRE cin umiBERgcn.


His way. again, and the fanner is happy.
When the farmer is happy prosperity is
with us.

You will think so when you see

the superior quality, of our''‘BEST” flour—
It can't be equaled for bread, pastry or cake.


HappUy Married TeMftrday.

a ta a ftoa of A. Strieker, a wrU-tofarmer, who Itve* aboat *i* bUm
— of—e city.

0.0. Tamer, member of ibe StaU
Beard of Pardooa, A. J. Davto raeftived
—a appototwBt of paard la —e Datrolt Bovfta of Conaetloa. A 1
eatorypoB wl— —• peattkm.
Davto wae formerly as attwAawtftt —a
Bor—am MleUpaa Aaylam.


I A Happy and Proprous |
New Year

Orasbed by Dopa.
Loato Strlcbar. SI yaan of ap*
r*ftfti**d aertoe* tojary Tberftday eveatop at Cwlar Raa while aaloadlnp lopa.
raft eaapht by a heavy lop bfttwoft*
bto lead aad —e ekid. aad bto blp* borTibly er*ftbftd.Dr.Oaraer waft



Harry Beat re—raed latt atpfat froB

OadllUe. where be baft beea rtolUap , AtOmi/PrS
Uftt Wedoeedsr.I H« -ke*
bto aew posltton'to —e 8— B*ak
Moaday Borali«.
F. C. Goddard ot —• Belllare lade■ We have a hoe assort­
paedeaL was la —c elty oa boatoew
Mtoft Uatca. —• trimmer to Mn. A—•
ment, apd at right prices,
—a'ft mllltoery parlor*, has poas —
with the hoest perfomes
Mlftft Barrows baft poae— Detroit —
•pend a biod—.
Ber. J. G. Neaberof Kmwiek.aeeoBto fill them.
paated by bto fa—rr from Cbaada. to a
pnest of Bft*. 8. batobery.
Traak U—nett baa peas — Qraad
Rapid* oa a ftbort vtolt.
Seaa—r aad Mra. J. W. Mllltkea ba*«
pane — iBostop —eir wa Jamee will
leave Moaday — Jolo bto parcata.
I Beadle Bid.
Ben. W. H. Foster went — Lanstop
9. C. Dwpree 'left yes—rday for a
vUlt to —e fttu'.Sera part of —s s—.
Mr. and Mrs,. Frank 8ml- have pose
— Saptoaw for a vUlt wi— relaUves.
Mrs, D-. Gamer bse rr—med from
Harbor Sprlftps-wbere abe visited—«
pMt week.

Alfred AroM—oap aad Mi* Orae*
Parry, daapbUr of Fraak Perry, both
of Oak Park, were oaltad to Barrtopai
y*—rday by Be*. J. A Bread/at tbel
Miapa. Tbft yoanr eoeple wUI Ilv«
at —a eorver of Webater street aad
GarAeld aveaeft. Bo— have been rcaldeatt of —to elty fte*«ral yean and
have a boat of friend* who will estead



To be prosperous you must hare good things to eat—
Bemember we are headquarters for everything good, and
if you are not trading with us we would be very happy to
have you give us a trial—anyway come in, look our slock
over and get our prices. Everyone is made welcome at our
store, whether you buy or not.
Don't forget when you order your oysters of us to Inelude some crackers. Farina Oyster, Faust Oyster and the
justlyfamous Seymours Crackers. We carry at all times a
fulletockoftheSears’Bakery goods—fresh and good—no old
goods. The place------- '




»y< jfaiaauro <»oo«p. aPTOAT, jakvaht i, ms
«ttte. TtefMrnlwm

rlM* mt

MillfsUhni^OMkoUeekarakUKUv at
|jlfp<«loek. »Wbm m

Sx)CT8xdVvct6 I
mar ta tk« pmtoe. of Pom*. Ow—y. tot»inwBt of hit rMtk
MffhhBfm. bM
yartm eoha ^
wbleh HMdt a fair ehaaot of Wtaf
wMaly ittllaud la agif '
trldt to Wtatora Baropa.
abc»Baoros.aeaaHnt jokti to tte
plow, aad tb« aapwlMt ha* protod
aa«awfal btyoad Um ooaat'
toarad to hatdahlp* aa4 ;_________ _
*^doaW# the trork of a pair of
ktoM*. to esaeadlarly tnelahto. aa4
•M b* kapttorMd ooadlttoa-fdr a
«tty of iafarier tedder.
The old ooartboaee to Talbot eeaaty.
Marylaad. to aadarroliv rrpaifa.

TW M«ritt WrMkfaw CmwMt%
Mtflttoat work t^iar tba fnrwii

twe Parto aonaapeodeat of Ue Daily {,
wara baraad todaaUito Browa-ahow
whleb oa* daawoyad by «(• whito the Kew«aeer*tbatdetpite^ oSsial dc!
aareau ware at Hetr BoUaa4. n«* aiatoCkptato Drayfa* to already Oh kto ‘
cblUrea were to th* hoaae. of whon •hytoParto.
thiae aaeapcd.
AtOotaaa Da Lae. QM..«rhflaanv
of btoatoea ware at mark oa No. 1 eeetina lloalaBta-aaaaal Prida* Moralua ifUf wae takea «loorcartrtdfe *X|>1
The feoeral earrlea* of the late eeaaally kUUari.I«Bae<iaa. trbOBa head torKarrUl <I*re held to the
biooB eooplalely oS.aBothar naa ebember at aooa Baterday. ■ The re*A Kelley, aad to;arlar toar Pla- etalae wlU be takea to Vermoat today
landare, t«ro of then eanooaly.
ProTtok* IM baaa ude by the aaey
The Ccaadlao (orerameat be* redeedepartswt ter the a
t of a ed ito domeatla letter poetare from
aiaU earrlee betwaea Ifaatle aad Oaaw.
oar aaw aaeal elatloe to the Paelflo.
Admiral Dewey baa beea laatreetad
that after the YoaeaiiU arrirce at matt aeod a mall at leaat oaoe to
“I bare Jnt reeoeerad from the teceTec7t«romootb*,aatoraayTeabel of ood atiaek of Ucrlppe thli rear." t*ys
the aaey araHabla for the
Mr. Jemee A. Joaae. pebUtoer of tte
Mexto. Texa*. -la the Utter.:
Deaa A Shibtey, baokere and broker*
I eeed pkembertola'* Couyb I
ProeMeae* B. I.. bar* takea ekar*. CMC
Bemedy. and I Ulakwilb ooiuiderabl*
of the arraareawat to eoewtlidate the •eeoeoe. only betor la b# a UtUe over
paper maaatactorere of tkto doeatry. too day* araiatt tea day* for the for______
________ m*r *ttack. The *eooad attack I am
deal will ______________
tovelee aboat Pte.OOO.OdO,

obJ«*t* aod rdlct, eoBM of which date
*»• reeolaUooary daya, ware foaad
atorad la oat of the way plaeaa. Amoar
theae objeeu wa* a aeaffoid abed for
aanylat oat the peaalty of the tow by
kaaciar ariwtoau. It* Uaiber* are
■aatlee, with axle* a«rly » foot
.u ™,u ..iu.;
eqeara. the wheeto of which, aad aleo wriltor (dpw. to»ad paper, wrapplar,; remedy, e* I bed to f« lo bad to aboat
ledxer, earek^e. aad aewepaper paper. I
betar 'atnek' with it.
"I**. »«K*UMr with local papare
dattor froM ealoala] daya.
ambe*eador to the Ltoftod Stato*. died ; cetUar -dowa. " For aale by d ~
Lord leeach. wboae BteralOeaBt rift at 4 o'clock Friday moratof of appeadh :
of ci.»M,oeo to the Jmer laeUUte
aad whopropoMB to rxpead a like
aMoaat to iBprorlar a meet aoeaDiUr. ry portioD of Dobfla. to• repotod to be
iha rfa
It to eattmated (hat he to worth CTo.-

Mo.wo. Be ca«« tl.M).ooo to t«8» to
erect d well lari for peopU of the worklar elam to Loadoa aad Dablto.
praeeatacbemetoto> re^M'U
reUM'Uie Bull
Alley dtotrlet of D
i of workoiaa’* dwe
hall, raadlof^m*.
aryiBBattoa. Lord I*Hyb will ex
eeeu the whole eebemeatbtoowB rx


to the baoda of traMee* for the pet^e.

‘SoU 0^ Klvc\vv5aiv.
5\vort,*5T6s\v]KevBsS\oTV6s ||

At Vaaaar tbe marabal ba* picked ap
t^omac Walker, ayed SO yeaia
wae eattaf frosen bread and wa* aaarly Baked. He wa* almoto freua aad
bad llred to tbe wood* (or weetm. Be
to menially aabalanoed. Be waa taken
to tbe eOBBty booM.

aerer kaowa a day of aiekacaa to bto
hfa Mr*. Scott to aUo rery etroof.
Mr. aad Mn Seott went dowa lo tb*
frutt farm of their *oa. Dr. W B. Soolt,
Dear Oraod Rapid*. U*l toll, aad Mr.
doolFpleked fruit aad Mre. Seoli kept
bou»« for the tomlly of three tosto
It to reported tbatth* Staadard Oil that Were oo tbe farm duriac tbe fruit
Oo. I> after ABMria*e copper mto«* aad plektoc eeaeoo estlraly .aantoted.
that tbe emtoaaries of tbe ortopu are
Birmiaxham ba* furoiabed
to thi* rerloD fe.r tbe pnrpoac of yet- anntoUoeleSam. Mtoe Flora Chattine option* oe tbe famoa* Mittolcaa' Oeld to Duratoc eiek aoldlen at MaatU,
liaea. A eorporatios with a capital while her brother Fred to d<^y like
of >1.000.000 win be formed to operate earrlee at MaataDs**, Cuba.

With The Nevii Year Comes New Opportunities I

Sale on our entire stock of


For Menrfor YouthsForBoys-For Children

Will Begin Tomorrow Morolog, Jao. 2ad, 1899, '
And continuer until February let, 1899.

This Is An Extraorilinanf Sale !
It is uaosnal for any concern to make a genuine discount of twenty-five per
cent, from their former lowest prices, on new; stylish and desirable clothing—
Thi reason we have decided to do this is because we find ourselves QYentor.K-edat this time of the season—with goods Iwoght for this season's business. We
bought much heavier than usual, and while our tradejhas lieen good, we now find
we have too many goods to invoice. ThertforejjBo-'bfftr you this opporlunilv, as
,our main desire is to turn the goods into cash

At Paea. Ill. owlar to a report reby Oolooel WelU that oae ^oeChad arsMd miner* from LtfadtOcld.
•imtOB. MoBatoll»e.«prtoraeUaiid
See tbe Boods-Leam the prloM—It'U pay yon.
•th*r aoaibera aod eratral Illaoto mU •
toe lowD* were re route to Paea to
)oln mlaere aad aaatol to drirlac oat
BdwardHarrtooeof Uu*kexoa.ared,iB Oaw eemsty. Tntwday aUbt *5
tb* aacToea. the OaUiac tccUoa to kept
•adatyaodaa aaaaaally beary pro- T8 yean, ba* fallen belr to,,beep were klllad oa tb* (arm of Jew
which wa* left to hi. by bto father. | Elfeobcrr. aear Cony. Tbcdo**wer.
Wat Board to patrolliac Mie clly.
who died qp a farm Dear Walertowe. i tracked to ibelr home* and their owa
The Brittob eteamer Oleaeroa. re- Wto. Mr. Barrtooa left for that place i en will here to eetUa
ported Cwk after etriktor • wck. bead­ to cat hto laberitaace.
ed for Boar Koec. bat .aak rapidly.
Jobe WlllUm. aa old rwaldeat of

>roaod the ciiie* of MeTWO boato reached eafety and two
Manaetie » mpn-pect.
foaad a abort dietaace
are mlueiar. Twoalcemcra have bees from hi* borne frocaa to death. WUl- It will be built by tbe Ann Arbor raillo-iyniKi intiiki.i-mtuctju rtitokae could I
road at a coat of
♦eat 1a eeareb of them. It aow deAmnoemeata.
D'lt l«•ll■.ve be Wrt» e thief Sola hto peetoau wa* aboat 76 yean of afc aod aaWlop* that foer paueeantB. the <ma.ib^xUy hi- iinmounced
Fnak St. Clair, formerly a coadocpb-xity
hU wutniee;
Boone- tbe grraUat Bast lodian hymarried. Be llred alooe. U* wa* a
A »nrr.-b*Bl of C^Mitanilnople wrot to "Thiatl
of Ibe rbarpe
h^.adUof the crew WWW mred.
npUft and mind reader to boohed f
mtocr and bad boarded ep abont >IC..
tbe bull*, a* to Ihe
ihe onatnui
onctnui la Turkey, be- «>l' l>- H. bill
bin limBUMior faton
.......mine pmyors After
rfomilnx lu-'iii* e\rl, vaUinbI* article* he forfeited two night at eiieabeig’* Grand opera
btoab>oiluii>.ou bUwayto tbe mowyu* «be pron
house Monday aod Tneeday January 9
Tbe United aerka of Petoaker bar*
‘^roel _ .... ... .....
11. D-pirUi..., dauuiunctl,.
‘Qie stare mill at Maalon *tartad up b* Ion In ibr utTcei hto |.ut«e DeTnally
and 10. rbr aame phenomenoa who boMended to elcetor all tbe atorea la
be laM hto pnyem. and It wa* mu uiilll Miux i-ini>b-.l nut of hto IU» pul
rf fro. U« UnIM B.«.. mi.ii,, „ town at 0 o'clock p. m. Jaaaary i eatil last week. Tbe company ba* made ar-' be wn> l.iarl'X the iiiwtue that hr twwwme
Aitlito time Iheru lived la Conetantl- ried bto eabjaci. J. D. Wyaiufonr day*,
that the April I. Ttato tosotalkm wa* broacht rBayemnto for the pareha** of,- a«*ni uT liM i(M>. At oam he ant fw the '*"!’■>’ On- oeli-brated Charlull All Panha ■to fert oBder the ground, at Fairriew
town . Hit.
Tbe Mll-r dn-iiled lo |in«Ffit hto oiwe 1u Park. iDdlauapolls. lad . witaroMd by
mlatoterol feruica affaire of Torkey aboat by tb*
of eltlua* and 000 feet of Umber.
“I bi.v* W my vur»."wild ha "It * petlti.iu tu him All I'a.ha, atoiay* will,
ha* tofonaed him that lb* Tarklah bealne** raea.
An elr«Bnt »ummer boardloR boo*e, tontetnr sfuj uulJpt.t.w l>ri i-lalm lur baa lt>X to tilve juetiee to the poor, aummoned over itxj.ono people. The man wbn
»or*rpm*BllMd ao lateatioa to prw
Mr. H. A. Wctsel, eecreUry of Park. eo*iinrS3,noo. wilt be erected at West tbruouhi.ut Hu- i lij, aad Wbia-rer brlnx* the mm-hanl. the cHrr and thSMlIoeto pnxxled doctor*.*cleoilatk aodatodeate.
wat American cUUea*. wbeifacr Jew*
Tbe only mao to America rrprodncipx
Dari* A Co., ba* circa to the. obaerra- requetaariiir for Mr*. C. B. Baton.
i-balf of tl* oonUsnta. "
[ "tVhaiwa* It that tbe n-i -vbaal toU
or Ckrtetma. (oomtoc a. todtoldaaU
tory an tolerecttoc east. It to a hemtoOo aoeoent of tbe lack of fnad*. tbe
Thdirlcr did aa Iw win lild, A mtlor | you Im> had lu*t and Wd you . -y tbroii^
aad BOt ea ma**e> from etolUac ByrU
d mangne tree test or
pbere aboot two aad oae-hClf fe*t io •treet llrbu of Oraad Bareo will be badfouiiil the pun*, and wj..-n to-liiwrd | out tbe town?"he *.k»Ube erter
or PalcaUae a* traeeler. or eUltom. the
uf a maogoe tree eight
.............. ....
Immedtab-ly be U«k ’
P"'*' oonialtiltix tw puMplioac;- tS« growing

•bet down January 1.
diameter. reprmeaUac tbe face
only object of that
It to tlir luen-liari, xltefutly anikl|«Ubx
***•’ l>r'>»"l’« M'lff et high b< fore yonr very eye* la five
he moon aad tb* rarloa* eleratj
Arehltecto Meade A White of Harbor tbe rich ri'Kunl that bi-lli.iuKht Wat to be ' “Inn rru|ii«d Ibemen-hant. that to ton minntrt. Tbe meet mytterloni
*0 preeeot farther eoloaUaUan of Pala.,
......................................... ......................
He palaed udmlttatitie lullirmiT- liUUe; piirt.-ai'lvl did Duttollb
......... ato.ut
Sprier* bare tbe plan* ready for a
aaUae by Jew*, a* theaeUlemcot there
shani'a houar. ImirijlUtely he hiw bins the etuorald«. Irarlnp that If lb.'
piiree exblbiUon ercrglv«a 1a America.
ry hotel to be erected to tbe be pnidiii.o the |>iintr. >*} In*, "linr. la fell
ofrellrlon* bodtoa to preposderatlac
Watch f. r bto perilous carriage drive
Into il,e liamiauf a.
tieefaUicaa la tbe tcaebtof of aams early apriar »**r tbe PeUakey 0. E. A your
por«e with aw roldpton-^ inxiile '
who knew luC the value‘‘of icema. he mind reading teat Monday afternoon .
aumben mlcbt lead to poiIUeal eomomj.
I. depoU Tfale hotel will be bollt la
“Ah. let niewvr ejv-nlaled tnlxlit. pvrcbaiior. under euch a xn«t
plleatloaa The forefrotac official aotemjtatlon, when be dlaouvcrcd thulr val- from the atore where bto eat Ject Ilea to
Bonneement appear* lo hate a direct
h.-re lie rlutb-rrd and >la>nu:crrd— hypnotic bleep flfiy bonra.
oo u.. tbe amuunt be 1
‘•he mil
haartojron the Zlootot Htowarat for idem Edward Fitarerald of tbe Antrim -d>.„ n-o™.
Ihlrfl- wild tlw ni
The next r. golar'meeting of ForeertatcubiUbrnrst of a JewUh natloa Iroa Works of Jlaaoelona. ba* beee re- wrladow* will be of plate xIbm.
Whan You 4
oeired at tbe Charity Oryaaizatloa So­
call me a tblel found.
la Paleulae.
ters will Uke place on Tbnraday eveawhen you Jurt ooniited your
All Paeb* ebiiuk hto bead aatbuniaB
ciety of Urand Bapide: -TbcAAntrim
Ing. Jaaoaxy 6.
front ot me and found there ppeeli
fouihled out tb< M- rliMrulou* rmama
Tbe Dtotrlet of Columbia ‘ Commto; Iron Compiny. located at Haaeelooa.
'•Wn»t do you aay yon fuundi". beaak•‘ooer* propowa to lax all bicycle* tl
I to rmploytor at the precent time
1 Far SO Oeate a Ton. I “Yi>. I «)iall cay tliat you

led the mi lor
por year hereafter. It to feared, bow; *iarulated the merchant
I -A pureu with 800^Idphioeik" WM
larye oumber of wood cboppn*, toy
Kore After Jan. A
aaer. that ao many Coacreeamea rid*
-................................. nlil carrinx*. and'*ihcy tbr utivarylmt/1-pl.r.
cotter* aod tbe like. Tbe pne* (or tbe
Cfaienro. Dee. 61.—An
adraooe of__60 are not (bm now.
Hretnra thim to1 bm
. ____________
. . -.........................
•Tb.-n,-; wftd All Paeiia, 'It 1* very
^ Wheel that the meeeure will be
eotUnc of four-foot cord wood 1* alxty- eeaUaton lathe price of aatbrBeite
have you imprlKmed."
.eridrot that riurt-tbe punr the merchant witbabad cold wbicb'.eltlrdcm
It* per cord, aad '
____( "It to falw; tto-re wm- no fwrriox* la I •<>“ «»'’tolned two eiuemld tarrinx*. a* tone*: cough set to and flnaliy termin­
Basata ebow* her band asoppoeed to per 1,000 feet Icr cotUar hardwood iBBu 1.1 .H...
. .u .
, rof'PUfto!" «houi«l tbeealloraaxrily. well *• aod plceu* of money. tl;« pur« ated in ContamptioB. four doctors
theRraUdeatlonofAmeritoB itopmal lore. At tbto rate rood mm> can make 1899. It la rl**D oat that oa Jaa. 8 ; And what the Malhir aald wa* troa, but lornid wa- not lent by Ibe mnebant. but ^vemenp. laying I could lire but a
boaseholder* erill be obllred to pay tSe merrhani Ihaueht by aerualBK blia 'byaomentMi elaa So It* Ibe luurchant
amutioa. to the PhUlppla*. by eater- apwaid of tt per day.
•e employ.
Id addition lo tbe pnecat ariceof i **
*** frixtaten him ao that he have hi* purwiaied'acaio audapain until
tax a protest aralnet exelaaire Ameri­ lax rerelarly to tbe o
coal and that the new aaato will ^ T""'** f®
«»<1 lu thU bate i •>"' ‘^“1 feariox penoo havlnx found tl with my friend* oa carte, I woold meet
absent oo«* abore My hiubaad
ca ooetrol of the m*ar*r«a caaaL
_________ ____
•» xuldpleoea i "-totv* It to him. and let tbe eallor keep
tSi men. Of ooun* ebaarea
b* rlridly adhered to. Tbe laerense U "You have stolen my emerald earrinxa. . the pur*e be found for 40 dayAand If It to we. adriaed lo g*t Dr. Klng^ New^
Tbe lateat aeasatloa of Parto to a!»tanily betor »ade aad'tbere' to '* said to be doe to tbe low prlcM that,
ap «> me at oace.or I wiu taka ,o<>t claitard within that pwtod Unb let ?*TI7 T* Co«"B«ptlon. Cougba aad
yoaaxSwtosriaat, Ocmauatlaby name ebaae* reaerally lo aeeuio a
Cold*. I gsre it a trial, took to all
••------ ------------- ^ted the mar-jhlm k«p It for hUown."
who to amnaiar Uae aadtoaoe of tb* la the reralar foreaa. If at aay time
told tb* Ua I
"«7. Chorhill All Pasha." mid eight bottlra. It ba* cored me. and
altei to tbe fact that tbe new Spare* *« j
;tbs merehant, bawlnx low; “now I eom* teukflpdlam and am nowa.
FoUee Berreee. He to «r«r • feet tall yooraoplieaats desire work they ea*
dkteted by Baatero coal denlero. Tbe
Apaln tbr sailor stoui /denied thl* ‘ ‘•'‘“k of It. tbeemcmld rtap* were not
•adaowMktotbekiieee that be
dad Hat Maneetoaa. Wedoaotfara- demand for hart
bard coal bn* beeneeperiaJ..*^^"*
been**pe«laJ.(*^^“* *oeuw.ilon, and demanded
tbe la that purae UaUl ibis momeut 1 bad 10 ctA at 8. B. fralfe and"^?^.'^h*
•ooreely walk.

Uh traasportatkm."
ly kMT* and tMwrlv all retail Aaalaw :
reward. Tb* Bierrbant. aealBt : forirotten. but
r that (or
8*°^ . B*r»'nr »l*e 60e
a Tl' TZ
WM WA a mtia to be /Tlghtenad bettor wwurfty I hid tbem away la a pteo*
Owen Merphy, a Mew Tork patoter
The Lire Slock Sanitary Cot
admit that tbe price will be raised on | into sltoDoe. aad ferllnx ererr nomest . bnowa only w.------ •
bad K6.000 left him by aa aari*. Tbe ba* Ktaraed from Mariette. where he Jaa 8. It 1* cUimed by tb* dealaib that that be dotoyed kea and Irm tnelliMd to
Yuu speak loo fate." said tbe tasba.
of hto rood fortane made him la- foaad oaeof tbe worst ee*e*of swlBe tbeaewprioeUeotlrelylociUmateand
____ ______ ____ __ ___
bi* nioaty **ld: "Oofoe.yoQ
■torn. At Bellerae bo*|dte3 be eeid be placn* a*M tbU eeaaoe. Pic* that that had tha wrir.
wLi w. t.i.rV^ *»* * thief, and you *hall go wUh in* be- Xo about to Awlva othur* oftonUme* deThe fiist ananal Mew Year'*
^t had tee prite of eoal been hixher,
^e will juwly pcnlah
termaclvr*. and eomeilme* ona f.lto
^ a Bockfeller. aad rare away pieee* bad died were left on tbe xrooad aod
tee Crescent fanad wUl take nlaee to
,‘<»**eer»la»onte* past tee predicted yoaforeteallnxmyratoableemeraldAwad .‘Ototeeillioh teot be hlmaelf Bted*."—
«*«tormr that they were dof* bad free acccte to diaeaeed re- ebarp ralae woeW not now be neoe*-~“e 1 wW have yoa draxied Anne C. Hyatt-Woolf In CtocianaU Pom.
For^r. bBllMondayereal^. 7W
cent sapper serred-lrom 4 to lOo'cloek
mair*. ft U i
ider tel*terrible !*ary. There ba* been asharuge of latex."
(ffiarie* SewtoB of Bradford. Pa . aa disease spread* to any locality when some B'se* of bard eoel. notably tbe *p,••1 an iBoeoi-nt. and quite wIIIIdr'
ipaar bofore tbe cwll, ao that be m
Merelr a Feeler. *
ell driller, wa* blown to pteem near tee dog* are almost as attmeroM a* ebeetoat rariety, aad tee terentened , Joi
--------- --------- ,JoJ«ebf4weaotu. " replied tbe MUor.
••Mo. I thank yon. I pn-fer to »UDd."
Bablo wbUe tbawtor oliio ^yoertoe. tee bog* aad wander witboat rsatratot sdranee ba* been ramorod fw some!
teerMber they went to tee cadi’s

.xaere atated bto
bl* ' ■_ The
,, stout wuiiiui wbu waa standing up
Onffioo to bring hack tbe Amarieaa i
lo Wtotber. A rigid •Ime. Tbe iacreaeed oonsnmptioa of ------■
tee crowded car looked
let bto puiw. bow tbe
coal to said to be doe to tee gaaeral' aaiior bad foand ftt and rMoTXMri It wltb t her a* *he made thU reniark.

___ _____
___ a
Tbe inaa altUug down gUnerf furtively
r of tha.eooBtry, aad
coal aU tee momTln;
t two
teto ooontry about Jaa. «. RelaUre*
us.tvtiiieated 13 noUfy u*,
Postal eietks anite to caytog that dealers nj teat eoaeamm can well,*» ttelted.’dodbl* tee
lug men
maater-general aa to^ber* Um* •
tbeCArlsima* mall* Ibis year were by
d cvldoitJy by
tee bodte ablpptellS^
far tb* benrlcBt eenr carried on tbe tee preaenl cold aaapihorel* likely to, tea aalkw. awing 1
Ibe tnaa «bo tbe troat end of lbe«aV "buf7te>k Jl

I la this eonatry.
be a brisk bo«ia«M for tb* eoal dealers., acknoshdxeil having picked It up.
Six Riun tlewiy rvM Dp. '
**“ «tll<w denM having rtolca
Oarid a. Soon nnd Suann Beotu of nnd they stated yeetardny teat for tea I
TheSret battalion of tee TbM Me“So. 1 thank yon." tee eald. without
kKAInxstaiiyofteoia. "I'Te
break* Ootooal Btraa'isUrerraglmeat St. Loois. have been married ex yearn
lag for 16kBlBUfM.
BlBUfM. It won't hart me to
Mr. Scott li a bale aad hearty old
I ha* •ailed tor fiaraaa.
keep It ep
>pa littlekMger.
I..' <t» t I
■ to It. Jnat a* tl________________
•6 year* old. who dbmo oo foot to have tbpy been coming to.
(Mry Boby aad Freak Brown, eon* of town, a distaaoe ;of a mllo or more,
Tbea ttx bmb «at gown cteria, a
AlbartBromi aad Wm. Boby. Uriax andlbiak*i.gthtag ^ . toar tg S,,.I aaarVfaabtogtoa Chart Howte. nate,
•hUi. and U* beast 1* teat ha ba*





THK UtS'J' [>l liSK.

ss.'s'r xi-tois





Ool|i new, choice, iip-to-date clothiiig Is what you'll get at this store.

ReUiMi Dry Coodi, Cirptl n« ClotUoi Hoist Trmrse CItj, llch.

to to.


,h.«itarlnM .OW


TBS MOBBiBOMpoBD. BtnrDXT.jjjnjiBT i,uae.

$6.50 ZERO
$7.50 ZERO
$10.00 ZERO
$15.00 ZERO





WE N^Our Clearing Sale of all Winter Goods fioing Full Blast.


(He cxcludv* sal* of the

Real Good Things X124 Front st.

oei 01 (DafftiuAKU ot oij^oeH
that we mar Rtit a “fair cokte
Oonrier .

Vrea Tmerr* «••!« CHeela Boi

ar All ■


lev. CfceaT. Burnt, nertor.


■tbe troth, io ila commetiU on Mr. HanM'a aulemeota ot bit opinion with recard to wbai may to dooe io th^ way
<lf rereooe leglelatloB Tbe Rearld ayi
Mr. Banoa tbroae (be old proieotianlK
-gbeory of a free breakfaal ubie to tbe
WiDdiwbea be saggette dstiei oo lea
amdeoffep. Well, rappoee he doea? Tbe
free hrrokfatt UbIe wae poaeible by a
1 lota of imported tnaDofac.
dnrea. and that wai dne Io tbe fact that
WB hadn't then got aoaa to abnt obi
foreign oompHiiion. Mr. Hanna does

prooontrary. It Ii a moat brilliant andI pro
I. aud If any R<-pebIioao
11 ia
U a fall•dmili that "a* a ty»iem“ it
Mte we (lave not ai yet bappeoed to tee
idmledm. Tbe primary idea of He-


Corner WaablBgtonatitotnnd Board-

lU lady baa many i
noor, U L. A Co. beet........................

« at 1I;W a
in tbe iinn inoe of Oloncu fcff enibeixlingt U0.1
Bandar aehool at ISdO m.
After Uw proceeding in oourt bed eome
Svnniagaervieaaad eermonatTp m.
to an cod and after the noble Udy bad
AU are eordially invited to tbeae aer.
land'a frM abip policy, bot in (be lotel- retired to tbe ooootry tor ber eomewbat rleea.
Ilgen«a wiib wbicb ber oonmendal at- prolonged real from niton gnyetiea and
agooBD nrmoDigr.
rine baa beeo eyataojatioally protaoied temptaticeia a too earefnl official diaoovby tbe goTeiameot in every way Deeded end that autimg tbe papen in tbe esM Bev.K.B.BeBMk.Paaw.
Sunday aervioet:
certificate ca
of oapam.
for iu development. England did not WBB tbe priuceaa' cemncaie
lOdQ a. B.. ciaaa meeting.
adopt a f»« ebip policy nnili tbe copretnaoy ot ber afaipbnildiog inlereeta)
inlereeta from IMTto IM7.. InatanUyt^i grave
J0:}0 a. B Preaching.
eriine wae brought tn tbe notice of tbe
wee aaeorad.—BoMn Borne Market mme
tSiOO m., Sondey echool.
aotboritiea. aud tbe ooovictad
e:00 p m., Epwortb Leegne. '
waa anmmemed to meet tbe charge cf
» nATHormATnn
7 p m.. Goepel aervlee.
falsifying au ufficial docniuent. T1
evening, prayer aceUng.
coriona fact waa diaclcaed. and a
Yon are welcome to aU
pruing amdbnt of light was thrown on
ilowiaii aoi'U'ty.
Oau. No. i^o?U. <»ew)..
SnrTlving Confederatea.
Tbe Frinoc- Eagniytcbeff. who wit
__________ ___ wltnraa by tbe
■bv.D OeebUa.eeuer.
atma ««
no maltor bow they may dlffai
dlffei «ud
aaid that
that whether bi« bride was 20 ydeie
Morolog aerviee at 10:30 a. m.
from Major MoMloley
MoKlnley on qnoationi
qneationi of,older
of, older or younger tbau ber
bw certified age ject, praapecloa of tbe New Year. Tbe
of govern^
| waa a nintter of abtolnie iudiffetence to
the priiclicalltlaa
policyr and tbe
inelonr Lord's anpper wUl
regard him ‘ *>ini. AU be umld my waa that be re- <»t
meot. will
ruble* for glv- Ibe
frieodabip aod gratitode lor the
that itnmodiate.'
The offering will be tor Home Aliew to Pruwniii PnunmoBia.


their dtodoe«ntode.inlrt,;j'a;

i*** 8»*®f* aeoaoaaliam—SL |
, e.-punitr paaaporl, and
I T" 7
---------------------- ------- ;
**" •
pnaaporl, and.
gooday aehool at 1* o'clock, get a
The neat Idm le that it aball so ooBepnblie (Uem.).
Ik- ha* known nothing
menly and patrl- ja<ae at hi* wife <fr her priv
Ir*. - ”


thaToarlvH a* to make them eucec**ful
mipeillor. in foreign marketa
aeia If
u there
I anytbiug aiaeverable of
the preaeot
lafactoren it ii
of oor manufi
that on both tbeae point* tbe Oingley
tariff 1* a mo*t temarkable and c«opklo intrrm
Th* Herald
Hmid Ito-lf
Itarlf bears
wltoem to tbe fact. Bnt The Herald’s

t:;:. ofri’

Sale ot Unclaimed Freight and


Bol w. newied the tev^tto. -nd tbe
prefcDl tariff isxee wngar. To provide

b«« .«>..*"» »t geoe^e Mtimente
ei^eimii that the pMpla

Tbe revival servioea wiU oonUnncall
uSU, paekagea aod Otoea of freight
and baggage, which have been a^ re- next week.
idaed u> iU paeeaselou for upwartto of
one year, onelaiaed and rtfotod. at
tha plaefB to wbicb the same were oonDidn’t ffurprlse Ohnrlle.
algned and ehecked. and upon wbicb
the owners hsve failed aod refused, for
Tbe youbg people of the Friends' C.
oncytorand mors, to pay Ihecarrler'e B. aoeiety plannad a aarprtoe party for
---------- ------------ andtoelahna
Friday evening on Charlet Belm


West Seventh sweet, ffbo ia eoon


lesTOfor Valpar^ao. InA, k%h. attend
to aold, (each arUele. ptokage and cMe oollege.
eepsrately) at public anelion. to the
According to previoue nrrangem.
•djoitad. Tbe work WM done ina burry
bigbaat bidder, for cMk. at tbe freight
-and may have to to tsefsed. But thou
honae of said railway company, on ^arlee wee Invited to supper wi
T oer-A larev black Me
They tdl • etory t<
Island Btrtot. In the city of Grand Bap- friend, aod when be arrived home he
- urill to no change of
ida. the ooaoty of Kent, aod in the treated hto goeeU wrlth candy and othi
T* oUl
Biaio of Mtchigaa. on the line of the
“etiftod by pnjtertlon” U the mere*
he had'jast purefaaeed
rattroad of oaid railway oompany. oomfor tbe people who had
nriMilnf on Wednesday, thelithday
jwoduci of ««r lerm* and cur laovortea. ■ .d tha propotoi and oBaaitaMA* ot eaonary. it**, at 10 o'eloek in tha tried to eeipriee hi n
fiwamraa. and oonUhnlng nnlil
^atq) In the direction tndlosted by grsnd bullfight at onos to fsalMi tba
nM artIclaB shall to aold.
Tbe Herald In order to find onr rersone tuBau.—Troy Tunea
r indnetriee to 1

eiah. andTthe'^Sivery .
Tn Bnr Balys in the world for
I'a coneidere..
Ae ««ly ai leifi the Fi^ b^m tn proygrqr to him, to to tahm away imOrta, BrnlMa, Borea,
Olosn, Salt
.......... ................... .............. ...
.^nomliBportt, . ndvwtiee tn a paper died the Perita
Tn Qaaxp KariPa A IgotanA HailnoA na a tnnmiBTff-T. ciBilimii revaona ASchea, and too years late tha fir^
At the OiBsley tariff. Wedidltlntsn- bona fids attempt u priatiag a oewepaBy E C Lkavrgxwottt*.
filonally. And by unch rrtnctfc* w* per was made ip
Oentool Frrigbt AgunV
C L. Locvwoop, Oae. Piiiingor A#mV
weTil la a conpla of hBndrnd niUln to appeisr in England waa cm
Dated at Ofto>d BapMa. Mlehiga^
r a low*; liw the mto (ff om.
It nppwNd
h«( goods
- Th*
* B.raatehar U'„ IMA
Theywfnot well





her advice.


aU affairs lo life both private and biialand against
should call and




give this medium a

trial, to know the future Is snceesa,
aU strictly eoDfidentiai.

Ttaoac living

out at tbe city, send stamped eovelopeu
for terms, readings can be given with
lock of hair aod Ume ot birth.


most primioent people eonsnlt ber In
all cities on businces. etc.

Here for m

AU invited to call and get
Comes here from Maoistee

where abe bas been fm- tbe past eleven
weeks aod where she met witb won­
derful eueeeus.
p. m.


» a.



CaUoTsr 113doetbUoioastreet.-

All eiUee she vlslu to ber reliable re­
liable referenee.

SatisfaetioB ur mon­

ey refunded.
Ask to see Msdeme'a developers and

k of U grippe.
During loUet artlelea.
a few years
.. resulted iu
when ao a
cbverved that the
pDenmonla. H v
fallowed by that
xmberaiD’e C




Cream lor removing wrinkles.

Mie worde of Piealdeul McKlalay. vi-1 The jury gallantly declined t
iviali Junior Socltiy of Cbrlsttao Baf
— — • »«“» p—. lellowahip and
~ princro* on the
or »t S p m«loe>>‘ w'th ei»rr«y. aboold bare beto charge aUwt u woman * ajw
Yonng People's Society ot CbrUOin
tpoien io Atlanta, where thirty odd was auot heck lo bvr provincial exile.
to deadly ocofik-l,
PtIdom evidenUy mme cheap In
<>e faced
tendenWofa colder U grippe to rebe very men
who were gather- Bnmua. and ibi* i* puriiaps tbe mot in- ' Be among that
eolt iu «>at dangerous disease'
It is
•«“* o* ‘lie

(d Witb
with bilD
bim left :night arooud (be fee-' tervsting bit
oewtin tbe whole Kory,
th-brat remedy io tbs world for bad
rinst iirruopiaT.
colds and ta grippe. Every bolUa wartal banqoet board.—Augusta Ohtonlole —Now York Time*.
Sev.7.A.Brveer. aWMor.
1. For sale by S B. WalV
oorollsry. **tbat if Ibe govenunent is to
----------------------------------Sunday—Preaching at lO:Wa. m. and
rweive-afair return from onstomi It'
Whaievor the primary tntaning rfbU ;•
rei..MM.-. 3<a..
mnat uoi probibil but lo some extent -‘b* loterpreiaiion that will ho
In iSfll tbe repeal of tbe paper duty 7:00 p. m.
enoonrage trade bye rcaFonable scale Pe» *iP“ *>'• mteranee everywberu.
tbn pilitiaal wncld. Tha
first unnnal New Yrarie daooe of
- Ciaaa meeUng at 0:30 a- m.
TheI fl------------------------througbont Ibe aooib vrili to tbeir Irue
apecob wa» prooeded by a rnmrg
d <will take place ia
tbs Crseent band
duilp*." 1* bot U
Suuday aehool at eloae of morning
raid tw
bsll Mlooduyevcniug. Ten­
cent Bupper nerved from * lolOo'clock
Imply ibat tbe gov!, ptopJe of tbe di.lied Stales in loyalty 1 J^V^l'^bto't^duiyr aud tbit this
Bpworth League at S;43 p. m.
Jnstbeanmebl aball ao redoce tbe rales
. to tbe cooniry.—Uiurleslon News *»d
pp*, ,be gorerum
Uomlng->Sabjeet: “The CbrietlaaB'e
0 make hU
eleel. f(» instance, tbit half.
‘fore Mr. GUd»loi.« roee
B Lotd Work.'
le by
Ttas not uoly a ^n^ speech to us | (tatement there was banded
tba bosloem now done
by oor
oor iteelmakiteelmak-'‘
Bveoi^ Sobjeet. “The CkOl of Gos­
to the pnicnwtOD on tbe truasnry bench tbe
ewihall bedooebTforvIgnatoelmakHA
N' •*. »» P*‘d/^
“ tbe ' joiio„jng note from Lord Derby: “My pel Vo Sioners.''
in ordrr. fonootb, ibal ^
and 'koDsand grind- {
Pmm— What is to to Ibe great pcoThe Week of Prayer will beohaerred Bsuir Black.
andturn commencing next Monday ni^t and
Duly an tdioi would adopt a poIic,v like
J p l^CPOX.tootlw.OiicvklD
wbati* true of .U.J1.1...
.te.a u true dead, bot it wa. a sigultlcant speech.-| ont?"
pn,.- -My dear Derby." wrote tbe
u»t. A.a.b.t......rf
aolng Ull Friday nigbv
orvotber«apIsmabnfeciorB: WilmiBRW"
, premier in reply, “it U not tee ud
«m the list- We beve So omrly everv I
McKinley will *nU to a gainer, for ^ ton, ont. It is to be paper and eUUan
rmffT uarnuT
tbing wbicb ws make driven tbe fur- »>• *>ai pat a lymputbrtlo fl^onu ery.”—GuoU Typugrapbia.
0 tbu LuatU of
ter.J. aCsTwsa. Psklor
rigncT <mi «if our own merket, end we »«• »I“‘
To tbe Pnb'ie.
doing iso bsiUid
lu:30 Mornlog-"New
in addition -usbled many ilnc of end wnimra. and by doing
ia.iiwMim«- Co. Bloc*
We are autboriced to guarautee every lage.” Pa los and 1*.
, illon 10 wbicb they
ricau QiaDufactare to go
bottle of Cbsmbcrlain'a Cough Bcmedy
gTAlt-fol r11:43
and If not eattofactory, to refund tbe
on— I.m.,
3:lj Young People's meeting.
mooey to tbe pnrehaver. There to no
better medlcloe made for la grippe.
Evening Subject: “BapUslm, "Acte
colds and wbovplog eoogb.
Priee, »
u™. .OT .1... 1. I» pnnra mm... I. Kl"!.)-. ■™ ..S .. ..-Ud... and SOc per bottle.
Try It.
8. E.
l» ,.OT.,OT,ol.. -rfd.rn. 1. ....orii.llv. 1.
Bev. a Sslsberrr, Paaler. 1
lX>DOK. AUeracr
Church on corner of'Ninth and Wads­
worth Blreoto.
________ -KB. aaoTBSV Si
Sunday aervieca aa foUowa:
■ sn«etioe to tax tltto*.
Preaching st IO-.30a m.
NoUee to heroby given
that tbe
Sunday school at 11:30 a. m.
G-S£d &a;ULt A ladlau SaUtreyCea
Preaching at 7 p. m.
PUT bas la ito pusacsalon oirors sr-

s'z ‘u;.7s

OeLamar a truthfnl and **•

liable mndiorn, U oosr la yonr dig.

tan avenne.
Uwvlag aerrito «od aeroMa at ituw

a ta oav ' the free trade preaa in favor c< a free
, ebip policy, wbicb. be aaya wonid to
I rnioDoi to oor abipbolldlog iotererla fn
thwr growing efficiency and proeperity
Tfa* real oiaw of tbe rxpaosioo of Blitidi ibippiog ii not to to fonod in Eng-

II would be an , i
BoMon Henld’i iDleKigenoe to admit
«hal it telle tbe Uoth. ai it oodertteode

- istn ?Q-mt ItdioB.

OKA.» iu-iacioi-ki.1 cauncH.

Even in Bo«ia. it awaua deapoUasi
does not ro tbu li'offtb of turcing a
Tribgoe wane Aa>«l<»Di not to be In-' wconan toI U'U her age or of pnnijdiiiig
floeooed iij the apeciooa anrameata of, ber for etaUng it ioaccaniidT.



Cmt Trial That IM.rlaaid a Q
rinaa or Ka«!aB aMMy.


Gores fitboot Hedicioe
aDd with New Wethods

Mad* plain sod commoa sense like Vo
sll. First, I use tbe germs of dtoess.
from all parts of the system at one
time, that arc causleg auSering aud
pain aod esllug up the vltaliiy of
’ of people dally,
Next, set
t St
at liberty tbe contracted
lUK-Ics and other obslructlrms aod
iske good tbe circulation.
We have
then pet all the system into a cleansed
Iherst^ eooditioB.
litioB. and
in s.
medicine can be given
I help to enrich the blood, aod; tone i
weak organ* quicker.
Thouwod* have been enred after all
else used tailed.
My wav of ueatuent all aee at l
It to the only real method Vo take ...
germr: of dtot aae first: then apply rekUjratlve* If needed and not drench the
with mpdiclnc.
■ not whet you' sllmenta are. or
ig standi
staoding. If poeaible stall
bow long
ibemsdc a’rong sod bealtiiy.
to rheouaii-a. paralysw,
paralysis, a
inev tronbles. h
oervookocea ana kidney
head•c*>c», cattarrb. deafnec*.
' '
■in fact eevery
-nl too nnocrona to mcotion, i
aiKl w.
suffer from can to cured in

f,V.7 ‘

ck* In Maoistee. Cases can be treat.
bv wrilieg: send letter wlthpartlcas. Entirely new nuilbod of diagnosing
sr ease, orrecliy^av-iiHt
orrecilyubouing weakm
newes, loesUoD aod dnraiien of dtoeaae
Every person I trost can have privsta
iuKtruetioDB free, bow to to their own
doctor, mod keep tbemselveaand fam­
ily lo good bralth for few oentp per
H ssttofied with ;
MDlinue witb bim. if a.
my circular and free edrii
Iriee. 1 have
little Ume for talks with
-rkers. Everybody ca
irm dally.
Private dtoeesee of n
tlally trvmted.
cored,end wasted orgaosude atrooger
tbao ever io s ^ort Jl^ipe. ever^ooe

mood Tlmee < Dam.).

____. ...


kla nd. appears evei
lebte*. fWleariy.

John R. Santo,
Beiuil l■Mraln.
W. Etek
has a full line of boUduy goods,
oranges, lemitet. dates, flfs unta.
candy, tohaeeoapd Ogata (toll s^


j ■ r



^tOoprntbt. iM.)
W«^f«d U»t dlptomaUe reUUoni' e«i»ld*red by n«v«l «fDt€»l«D • trt-iDlnictJDni wei* jo laod wlthlB a «wH
Tlw rlMliis rvmls «t tu; Id tbe Bpui- irtlh lb* United fUelM were at an end. | llaot move in liaelf. bat one likely to I fled distance of ButloTo and In^
ruftod bM
Mi-AwencDD Dltuatlon alt indlewad This was before OenenJ Woodford; and In disaster because of tbe lack of!operation wlU. the n«vy>. into a po,
jalgned by that official on >e part*?
Ultltnelnm ]I coal
rMl and
mnil other navaiI sopplles e—
o____ I _i.,____
iuiu a
>old deliver tbe p
•a ultimatnm.
for ^oI slUon* on
Oeoeral Llnarea the commander of : Spain and Secrvlr
Dsy for the Dnlts4,
Mm M Em- I M VMels on this side of the water, the capture the i^ee and aaatst In destroy- the Spaalafa forces at Santiago, having Suies^ This
Spain W
PtatM and Spain. The elevnlton of 8a. I U*h and communicated
the BpanJsb «>aBlsb porta
sea be- , Ing
Inc Cervcru-8
Tbe first
flrst landing
landin* of been wounded during the attack of Jnly , i
. . .In tbe Caribbean
-----------------------Occl. The
mala li> tbe olllre of prime minister ! kO' erhnJmt In advance. President He. Ing blockaded by American sbipa Cer- I tbe espedllien was made at Dalgi
«ded by General
2. had been succeeded
cede Porto Rico s^'other Spamah t§^
arns followed by the remll of Weyler i KInley promptly declared a blockade at vera’a fleet waa discovered In Santiago | tbe £2d of June. By Use 2Sth tbe i
and the appointment of Rlanco as cap. ‘Msvsna end ordered Barapson's
harbor on the »th of May. anj on the lof the corps were
- smrrendar. and a truce waa declared : uf the to the United ‘
tain and coyeTaor reneral of Cnba. Tbe | “'I from «ey Weet to Cuban waters,
reelln* of the ipanlsh populace lb Cuba
eon«rsas declared that
oS the Sth
of tbe
ihe month
monS. tbe
the ii
“| bent
'**“• upon detay. General Bbafter
Isb Island. In the
I.idlS ----------—
be SSt
was very bitter scainst the Amefimna !
*"“» ‘“t® Wun on tbe 2lsl by (he a doW.
aoN, On
28tb of
t.«s Guasli
American^ troop*
or-Idlately----------------------................ .
. evacuated by Spain and that Ik*
no account of the lone of I'rcsideiit Me•f*
Spain, nnd that
president madv tbe second esil for vol-1 enraged a
dered a bombardment, which *as con- ''United Stales hold aiU
Mlnloy's meamrr. which reflected se- j sustained by Endand la bar .
unteers. asking for TS.OW additional | brjeade of u» ravatry. .
eluded on ibe nth. A wedt was spent bay s
bartrar of
Manila pending t
werely upon WcyleCa adminteimtioa linn of neutrality. On the 24th of April trwva.
. . _
I Ing about SOO Rough Riders undei
further negoliationa.- General
of the
o peerv. T
---------------, :cooelualon
and took a favoraUe view of Olanco’a the president called for 12S.OOO voluncommanding
tbe r
leer troops The first act of the war
- plans of reform.

forces afles a h
In view of tbe demonstrations la tU- was the capture of the SponUh steamer
army all
waaa. the AUnnilc squadron was placed Buena Ventura off Havana by the Unit­
upon the trenches.
In rscdlncm and earty In January ren- ed Slates, gnnboat Nashville. Several
During September the mlllUrr c
dssvotiaed off Key West. CapUIn Blcs- days later Admiral Barapoon’s vessels
baa of ths Maine was in cnoslant con. bombarded the Spanish foru at Ha.
evarnatlon of the Islands In Ibe Went
mnnIcaUon with Consul OenemI Fits- Unsas. Meanwhile Spain had been
IndlA were appointed by both govsni.
Huffb L«e ar Hatann. On the nifftat active.-bating called out tS.OOO reserves
--------------------- also the ro
of Jan. 24. In oonaequenre of a eommu- on April 21. and on tbe Mth Cervera's
preIdeation recelvrO from Oenera* lee,
from escb oouotry to meet tn Parts
liter then Get. 1, The American eOB«
mission waa completed on tbe tth
September, and it consisted of BenatMB
tomary ceremonlsa of a Teasel slsIUns
Gru>- of Delsware, Frye of Maine and
A foreign pore
Davis of Minnesota. ex-Secretary i|
Early In Kebrusry CapUIn BIgsbee
made a special effort to entertain the
Spanlsb people on board the lUlne,

------ - ---------




to all appearances Havana was as
4arly as sfy cliy In the most peaceful
tlmea Tbe political air. however, was
•et clear. On tbe Tth off February
Febmai the
tamous or rather Infamous De
letter was made puMlc. In this
the Spanish n
aoaly to President McKinley. Benor de
Lome cunfemsd thiil be had written tl
SJid rsBlgned. On tbe IlUt of thednonib
BShor PolOg^mabe took the poiifnlln
aa Bpaolah minister In place of De
On tbe nen night the battleship
Mains was blown up at her moorlngr
tn tbe harbor of Hsvann. and 2« of
tbs officers and crew lost their liven In
WMlsequenre. The uunclUslon
■trurtlon of U
lab trearbery.
Early In March the Hpanlards objc
ad to the transport of supiilles for
atarrlng ivounceniradoa In govenimeni
warships and at the same time asked
■ consol
died Riaies govfws pErc»,c
anunenl frankly informed l|paln
Osnetal Lee would not l>e recalled, but
agreed to send relief suprllee to Cubs
la other vessels ihsn srmed n-arships.
Bpala's sctUiiy In buying wnrshlia to
AMea«aN PXace
Eurotiean sblpysMs was an Imiurtsnl
' MOTABbC Augc.
sii^V®P •
Item- of news con(lrm<>d
; early
r roa
part of the month. On
)th the
V voted o place »ic,.
I tor unquallflol dimsieal
I McKinley as an cencrcei
r nallonaJ defense. Tile v
■ext day the a______
ad the measure. On
•noDUi the tiijslery i
•Offerings of the native inhuhitsi
Cuba In consequence of the rpr«i
trwtioD orders was effectually <leared
up by the evidence of Senator Proci.vr
«f Vermont l<rforv Ibe senate commutes
■n foreign stlalrs. Senstor Prix-lor bsd
vuitcd Cuba on hi. own respooslblllly.
and the trend of his testimony was tu
tbe effect that tbe worst bad not been
told even In tbe highly emiH-lIisbed ac.
counts that had npt<esr<-d from time In
Ume In various putiUvutions Ills1 story
made a promund impryssiOn in Wash.
Ington and upon the .wuniry at larpe
and secm<d to give Amcr'ca full Justlflratlon Idr lnlerfercn<e m .loo the
war In <-uKa as a m.w.urv- of humanity.
On the rxib lUe v.-Mid
.he u„ine
court of Inqulrrto tbs effe,-t that the
Maine's drsiruclloa was due tn aa out*
aide exph>einp was comniunlcwied ' 10
the Spanish govrnuneot by President
McKinley and Uiree days later
Almost evary day to April had lU devalopmenu In tbe matter of the war .
with BpMn. On tbs U of tbe month I “'•‘"Wad -the Bpanlab naval force
PreMdem McKinley held a council with !
rtlUppines by a brilUant
.na -r. 1[ r““
?" “•
American side six mei^ were aligbily
eana committee on e
wvaeded and boas UUmI Tbe Spanish
loss reported was two commaadere^
meal ordered
lllary cruisers, and naxt day Consul
General Lee was ordered to retnm from
Havana, which be did four days Utar ed coolness and skill. Immedlaisiy aft. jn company with all tbe American con- or the battle Osmmodote Dewey cut tbs
wuIslnCuba. OathsTtb of April 8e«or eabla sod it was many days before o».
reports of tbe engagetaeat were reGullun, Bpanlah foreign minister, notl- rial
. fled ths powem that Spain had reached eclred at Washington.
K«arty the whole of Hay had raaaed The month opened with tbs tarimaat cx- It bad Important reaalu In bringio. ....
the ■ limit of IntemaUoMi policy In the
the ITth the surrender was completed
•lirocUoB of eonoedlng the demanda and before any dsamic steps were taken to ................. tenant Richmond Pearoea vanguards of the corps Into positlen at and the American (log hoisted over the
sank the collier Merrimae Sevilla. The troops were conevntroicd
aih.aing the pretcaaloas of the United re-vnforce Dewey. First t.OM.tben lO.Otdt
r at Baatlsgo. On July
then 11.000 at«] Anally M.QOO men were la Uw mala channel of Baatlagn barter there and on the XMh started forward
BUI.S.- The aam d.
H General Mllee landed
assigned to aa expedition tmder tbe for Ut purpose of tetUlag up Owem's for the attack on FanOago.
aitvee In Washington _
In Port® Rico,____________
wmiund of OensrU Wesley Merritt. fleet. The navy In atrong ftecn waa off
France, Oermany. Rusala
Desperate fighting began early on the day General Merritt, commander of the
On the 22d several thousand of these the sooth oosat of the Island aafl block­ lomlng of tte 1st of July. Bbafter. dlpr-aemed a Joint note to t
troops embarked’ for Manila. Spain aded the principal porta 8lx bundrod recung tala corps tn two oulamns fdr a vxpcdlUon to the Philippines, reached
cxpr.aalpx tht
Manila- On U»e ftst of July the Span­
Spain mlsht be.......................................... also made an attempt to rwover ground martnea. In oommaad of Colonel Hunt­ combj0s<at>ack upon tbe Bsmnlte po* iards were repulsed la an attack upon
ington. landed at Guantanamo hoy. jMfSas 0t*BI Caaey and Ban Juan ridgr. the American lines at Malfile. and the
Ibe note the prealdsnl empbaUeally strong Intimations
east of Baailagp. and boMed the stars
attack at El Carrey wa.> deUvered
era might take an aoUve hud HT the and suipcs on Cuban soli. This Uad- Tte
first hot tailed Jn iu ImmedUte ob^ct.
-------- by t
It was at this time that tbe mneb
rus made on the iKh. and on the The divlaions of Oencsots Kent and OO th. UtTlO ■“.^r affair.
Urns far would ramilt In .
talked about Anglo-American «in«w~
tbe Bpoalsb made an attack on Wheeler, la front of Baa Juan ridge,
In August th- i-foblem of peace
sprung Into being. If being It actually Colosei HunUagten'B forte. Ulllag three after
orosalng the Baa Juan river nndcr virtnally eetUi^ by agreement best .
bad. 11 Is now generally accepted that marines and also Dr. John Blair Olbbn.
tte Ul-lrervni'.. IteaghI about thivnte
England threw her Inflnewe in the a iwted physician of New Tork rity.
ridge, getUng a poslUoa overlooUni
the Disndly ctBces of nstea rmtii
scale in favor of America and the plo­
Two days after the skirralsfa at Onan- - of Bantlagtk. Bnbeeqmatly El
los that her land and naval foreea with­ tted tnterfereece byJEartpsan txnran
wpotels were already (nada ee Jnly
snamo'tjsy tte flrot formidable ex­
draw from Cuba and requiring as an.
. SOS captured by Lewton^ dlvl
br Bputo thruteb tte FTSM mtals.
pedition to^Cnba aeiled from Tampa for and tte enure corps on July t sea__
pwer before nnon on April U. As soon
r. M. Camtea. Ob tte MOBtte psoBOihrr naval eveots of Kay were tbe 8sntti^.Tbt force ooaatotadfof abeat
as Ibe Spanish mlnUtcr learned ta.» bombardnient
gave MlnlMir CBmbow s ttoteBan Juan, Porto Rlee,
l^hs.presldr nt had signed tbe resolollona by SamiMKiD's ofwarsUpo,
the Fifth aw from white a eouater aaonslt hy tte
tbe affair at jorw nate comprising
.^rcjudsIM andy^ived Us passport. Cardenas. Cuba, where the srot UUtThe asiae dsy the qaenn regent rmd a ad Btatsa officer lo tbe war fWI—Bnd tte gnrvttetr of
warlike speech 'from the throne On
tbe Id at Atgtet Ibe terms camBagley et Ibe torpedo bogt Wln»ecwld easily captBro Bnnfla- BaaUtea -More tte a
■iBBkwted to k.n-tlfter Cambon were
Ihe 21st Kpslo vtHnally dsclatod wv Mga
>«»—ohd the aMvM Of Cervnt^ ffe and fores Oerrsot to oosbs mat sad
! Cervera’s fleet bsd
announcfl and on Ihe 1th they
ntMarttUBw. IMplMtwas ffgbt or destroy kla sUps. BhalUrt to- t hnteor ate M kSM ImUimK I publicly
seespite at Madrid. Ob W Sth











_ w


Copyrirlit, I8M

state W. R. Day vte WhltMaw ffU'd.
They sailed for P» la on Um ITtfe oC ted
lean and Bpanli .................. ...................
were beld at Pr ils during the -liMte
days of Bepieir' r and ou the 1st of Om '
tober tte flrr! julat eanferaaoe
t k'te montb the mlUIStr
ocoupaUon of :>Dtto Rico by tte Arnarte
can forces n s completed by tte (OlB>
lag over tl-- public buildings of BaB
Joan of tbe un-viesn flag. On tte MtB
■ tte raoi .fa ter evacuatlou by tBd
Dunag .’-lovcmber the military oeea*
psiloD of Cuba, eutsiae of ths 'conquer*,
ed prorlnc-e of BaatJago. was tegun. ate the pea<e negotlaUasa piogfsamd M* '
vcrably to the United BtaiM. On tbs
Sst of tee month tee Amerteaa psmm
d to jte B
fate that the United Butee would de­
mand a tgsatr of oasMoa of tte sMltB
PfalllMilBe arefalpelago np» tbe pay
Blest to Spain uf tXCAM.SOO. To this denand tbs oommlasioaen on tte Mth aC ..
tbe mmite ssemted. aot, bowevsr. wUh* :'
tyiminitli ,
Uefa tea apaaisb.AiiMrtcaD Maty
actually coecludsd. On 2B* WB
te tte monte tte tmaty was ^mai at
Faria, fee. U Major General Broted '
mffle. governor of Cnba. ate 1 ’
tbe ICth General I,ee returned 1. .
eana as governor of Havana prurina^

Ifal' ' i


TBM Koumro nooBD. suvuat. javtiabt i. ism.
iMdy erer rblpped
may net hare Bean neneeanry tor all (be
rrw 10aerify tbe eaptala'a «adal<m.,<
‘*«alL*‘mtdttaoBplatA. *‘H. Plam


mam drink tbe tamal'a bmlth. "
Bat U Pierre wAa not U be mm. >2
We rtubed to tbe turn wbeto tba titUe; i



I riip^Awar '
tbroogb tbe night.
VBaltr cbAtlcsged
'Balt 'here, or we flier
A rifle rirat or two rang net oi
mid niybl air Then a maokiag eolee ,
me tjoefcaomaa tba water "Anreenlr, j
eirori. and a happy new year i
yuo all I' And tbe amootbfat Httl.,
an.ngglw on tbe di Lowrentie allppnd <
away tn tbe darknaae.
ARYHcn J. e


Also Upholstered Rockers in Corduroy, ^
Plush Brocatel and Imitation Leather, and a ^
fine line of I^arlor Suites, Bed Lounges and ^
Couches. Leather Gloods, 20 per cent. ofiF.

Bere ate a fdw maacnable proTmte *
iniereatiQg pw^pi to iboitwlSc)«- ‘
tbemHl^ abont tbe weather:


y be eoiai Eaaiet.
Oeeamlmr cbangeaLla and mUd. tb*
bole winter will nmain a ebilA
Tbe niowib that comae in good erill
go out lad
Jancery warm, tbe Lord bare merey.
If It mnwi ca Onnntaa algbL we
:pert a good bnp Crop neat year
Tbe flm three daye of Janonry rale

iStmtw rwr-TMT Uct,
AbadrtlMtri H«ruusw
A vrritt Aavot. Mi m M
AAd M ov bOAM «r1IA Jcf W)if«
Aa^Ujkl «« iMM Wllk htn

§ J. W. Slater, House Furnisher i

T^Tcdaytoommenoing Dao. U and
ending inn. 6 era mid to be tba keya to
tbe wnMber of (be year.
If ibe eno eblnea tbroogb tbe apple (
trea on ilbrietmae day. there will be an I
abODdaol crop tbe following ymr.


I -:s^™,


Heddqnutdrs for Ohiiatmu Prwnt|f*
Friedrich Block.

New Store—120 Front St.

itable OB Obrirtmat day than tbe eon. ’*


Aon* rtf Montn Wbil do fOA cmll
blm — pilm.
D'(ie«rt, And lombrnnae."
Again (he obMprfoI liltle nan bowed.
Fbe captain atariMt at (be name and
(flok a looe'fratn bit grcAtoaal pocket
He Wfoi np li tb* li((le Freocbmas.
lA KlAw
WM* A^><y C«(I*V
“And «mag<twr, Piene BapUale De­
lorme." aairt tbe oaptaln. Tbc idea waa
abmnL Tbe iUUe fellnw langbed nptoarioaal7, tonk a flaak from bit oooo•kfoeoat porkev and Rallantip paaaed
■ dpePrencb
. iS mtl) OOAM of Aoilo
he aaid. taking
- to RW-^
A diwp drink. "X bare my wife and (be
i»n AteK Cbe court a
tittle Pierre and Baptiate at taotae, and
I all told) cbearfAlly onmed tbe
onoa more tbroogb tbe fog tbe algnal
r. wbo had gab ««oded. followed by tbe wblatlA
^tntnzydiFpatofaAptoQnebee'wIth) •'"Wfaatabipla
Wfaat abip la tbatr*
tbatl nrted tbecapgMM nonaenae aboet a wnncgled cargo tilD.
ft Freitrh brandy..
"Ob. tbAV<a tbe Rtnalie P., la'rlmr.
Bat the inland revMiie denartmant' ariib oodflab fm Xbrae Blrera.”


U.d.—nMS i>f •Bin*, amt ok cum."
"And bow long bare you tM m

Tbe womah had euM ber
waeawell giiwped wouiaB abd ber face
twepuke her a> <rt ibe enclally elect. Tbe lag.
ah..rtiTriH> leprmmMil we. la daat-n ' “And for 8# ymre you baregnnedowa !
ncwfl-rcmai-^a^Wforoueot tbe » eee bln. «my nlghfI ll o'clock ...d I
ombnll<<) lb, Udie.'Aid melcty hare gom away at S la the moralagr |
bad oadertaken to <-ollect loe muacy bom |
tunc wa. Ibc^uIom
tbc ehariublr lnclln<d.
"lodocd 1 have, .be mid pmodly. i
Tlw man )l«cn«l .juldly aad Uma told i “F" *hofr . notaw-ber to the rrorld Ilka |
tbeworoao bewould mcwhal he eould;hlm.
do. Ho e'twe and went Into tbe Inner of-i Behalf
floe H)tnKl|ng
linglt« aead out a crlq> tS bill. ; bemuen .be y
but on «p-i og• , ,
, .
And when .he bade
• hy e plllterliig array of new * IwnlcuUr corner And
and 10 R-ntipieom
pieoea Audibea tblitbougbt him aebm^aotri olsht be liriMi me bat
abd liowul low to her w i«b a dvfareoae and
mme upon blni:
'-loewml of girint S» to thie chwlty fm rrttenoB tbel wa. b«r dua.
For abe bad Ipred tbe mme man tor 46
aflrceai'a|«. wbyrxil ti.ku gdln dlmac
nickel, and gn out on (be ■tm* and i
toevefT| pereon wbo aeke you'
Hit 63 te gone?"
I «eloN> he ba
Bt thundering and olanglng
eo he told
hi. Clerk
to Infcnn the
eld hl«
ting 111 tbe outer of* ■-.................
floe Uei unfort, naiily , oirntrinutioB ' eharal.rnnt *rt •Igbiraobteke f^bor np,
' "1 nunder.'’h« aeld to hliuacK, "I wonenuld
nuld mil he .|iar
.|«rrd loday.
to hero gl «i«i tboee $6 fat
ll wa. a o'oln.mtreoUwi-rv
tal>-|a weee HI. I

Ibe 11.01 old lady Who bad tbe lltWith life, ihe air wee kw-ti. And
<ki-i and wl>o Iml
bullonrrt hi. oci-n-nal. put IS in-----it |.at bltu and nodolu.Kgelii.meof 1.1. p<|.ailliig WonlurW y.wr.

I4i amdrin. Bo «b» lb. Cw It ! Tb.t.pu.t.™.loU...bSj, "Do
jj Voebee Captain ‘ ,»
,0b ta...
know ----------tbaae waiere
--- well, M. D..
DaArmrirong wa* eent down witba tbtm lonDoT"
A lliile girt, with aehawl pinnedorer —R»cliei4C«
■owad gna to look Into tbe uiailu. I, "Know tliem I" A amllo epriwd orer I her Ke.1. *-tb a .ircr «Ik-b ananiy, kmw
Keeplaa tbe t-himerw Waillag.
Ciwned tola apendlng my Cbrlrima. the Freoebman'e bmrdod lipa. "Vea i blghlrugih rtiowcd a pair <>f pitifully ibln
Tbe Mand* of Uarsalu am IndIreeUy re•wnailcmwlth tbe motaio. ao be told' m'rteor. from a boy."
tegw. ^.luiih a hall M «|.r«j^
-Aodtewa gire Ibi. gmtleman ,be ' • ri«rmi nnmnrtIfurhnk—OBlIc
farl.«k-miMoo. in iponrtble fur ibU: Kalbi-r, iiiutber and
ig ae there might
be, •‘Aodtewa
«a to (
kUlchec, Bir—two boziw family
" wen
were aluul ||ihrfwra|ibed by
I eicilimenL Bot Mew Vear'e oa wbwl."mid tbe oapial
of tl
tlw Itiocrant brach Cena.wbun one
to knrer bL Lawrenoe, 1 foood. wai'take na tn'tbU Bomlie
■rtoiifad. and. girtng ber 6 eeaia. of tbe ..lire liTwm h.a. In fear perhape of
fidlatbiDg to be loogfd for. and we;
to look tirw that oodfleh." The mok u„,
boir.of matebea.
tbe luarhlnp, fled eway. with mtnber
hot purmult Tbe ebaw waxed king, for
toh Willed tbe inland rrrenoe depart- capuin ibtew opm bt. brntekin coal f ■ itu y»a k»i|> all you maker".
« eery hed naraee aa we paced ’ and ebowed bU ttoifvm. "On ber tnaj
tnaj-I "No; I unit-k<«ii balf-Ute. Jobnien ibc urebtn wae Uimed with .undy lega.
and muiber'i eklru impeded'■ Iher. At
• cap-miy’rerrricei”
................................Tbeoapbe added d
rignlflcantly gem the.
length ctph father, who wa. Irnlul
Mra. Jobnaonrkeeping bli
Tbe little Frenobi
again itarngged
toa. aemibelem. '
(line, Icwt iwti.-iw
at htOidny Him
I blnck ing with , bli ebimldetii. tbra langl
Bgbed. "With
liy the |-h<
Tbe Iran dliiddowDlDlahtaiaekMsnd pcrfaap. be wai remind'd liylhei-hotog■*
> plmnire. m'licarf'
11 Blepped lightly flrin-d upadlnie.' "Uete'e 10 oenuextm rapber that tfali delay would email nn
! for you. mlml—not fur Hra. JuhiiM.n." { expi'Riiiture ol igtra eoppera. " 'I'rry bp
Tbocap-. “tib, I can't do rt.nt." an.w.-rud tim wUb the nl| jar, U>
g fmeb brandy <m board.
Ullleglri "Vou era ilia moUirr lole me a-wallln with the. oblHK»a!"-*3orBhlll
tain (toed beclde him wateblng.
,■ ' aIa... ..... himI rh.t n(. •■i.ri,.. hrw 1 w'n. kfagarino
fhlyting .
tbeebart. '”
. thm. Mra Johnwn eiartod mu In bu.
ireb (or
ia (act. no kind of craft cared to pim
The Frenchman Uogbad niwarily. I
•itor np or riown tb. gnU In mmb ..Mview. i wa. bora on tbmc w.t«’ I
ycu'k^tollp Ual7"“”‘“
Between 1850 aud I8T& it i. certain
. „
he mid limply
"Tbat * tru.. " mid the
ll waa on tbo afltwaoca of How.. 1 «ai on tbe bow beride Ibe lookoni. —faan-v in cenu fur Ur..
.rough Mrraind
newt non
Taar'i day that a fiebing amack ran op Enddrsly tbe wind came np and tbe fog there darted through
Me rabid ibetbought
i be thought bewt
and ie«iiguut uiu« uav.- new oo.
in llu! Trulirvaal and Ornngej
•loBgride and reporiod tba( a blaok tng Hft«i There. tOO yarde away. towaraiJ! that Ikm
- - IUUe child wbu Nold j Free Stale. Tbo hlauphti-rwar ao prodi-,
with a|red fnancl bad been ee«i com- thu grat rocky abore of tbe lower SI.
.wild animula!
tonp tbe golf So we riippi^aWBy XAtm-noa Onr pilot war delibeislely,

' on gxwit In (hmr wild .u-giona of tk>utb .
tom Amiru*ti aud wrut eburuiagweat- nuuiiug or npoo tbc rock*!
•gODdKlgni" to did raiarthlKB^..rare, Airiva lba( tbp rucalt made a M'liailiK-!
vard for tbe auntb mainland lierennej Tbe cspinin
od rig- forward and
for a loan of thewnrid In do—to
madv t<*
c loafiug. and d.IhI "KeterM engiaea." Half a mile bla hat wi the waif of (to itrarta
{' diffprwre in tbfrdcatbpr indoriry of Bn-!
to Dotniolna
inino war making berUknoii
berU knoie op u„, rlrer
rer lay a-black tog wl;b a red
••Ik) yon WB-» liiiy p«>r1la. rirV'
rape. Tbe niarki-t* were filkd widi'
Re turrari to (to old wuwan-a kindly lAktu. which, wbw tanned, gate leatbi-r
an boor until a fug blew np
op tbe golf fuuurl. aud
w* plying
lud a tit oared boat
fMd Old.woraaa, wrinkled. Iient. Kto of a <)Daliiy and pxpcllwcu ucvcrkno«-n
■ad oanmd n* to abnt down to<]oart«r*'be,,
brr and tbc abora.
carried a UTtilr Ihtki-t on her arm
| befdrc. but tbc origin <it wbicb. ax tbe
The iptain aod tbe Ft
••Yea.’ he anewered—"I'did want a'nmtrrixl wax atill wild nudernld nnuim
Wa wen flbtrering on deck tn that
each oi
paadl. WbMclxe hare yon gritlm-r" -1 porebaw nf nerer ruxpirred. Hidiwof
log late in tbo after- • nomeoi.
aoM. whra firan tbo aoothweri wc Uugbod nm
a quirk lormtory— Setditw. p ox. aoap.
aod sood ax bum-bidc i* for
fbi* war followed by Ibree itaort blaeU gi(n
puu^^aing. euuiiia. mawiiai ano wuui
gf a rireu. Tbe Dooiinioo
fnU rimm. aodI wo forgt
forgot ibol Tbo eaptain'o band oral on bU piH«d
Two mon flood in tbo U»w aud Tot bo ooold net bolp .tailing.
______d ibclr eye. tbroogb tbe whit.
."why. hiM your h-wrt. xlr, 1 don't ari^ j ^ emnxbofcdiritniecd
to« (bat bung OTor or like a blanket.
tbaa tbo black tug plokod i
r patent lanthatn.—Loodoo
tm taloatm later tbc loekont oriad. boat and aeniriedaway. intwomladla. ■Irgir Dn-dkr—nobody dom >'on buy
era tir
boat abrndl" Uader oar ^o; we wet* after bee. Snow began to (UL
|«%!m ahead a otnal) boat
and tbe early mldwiniar twilight nt
I'd heirirg .I'gie
mg down on tbo waroa
Thai wiakfwMix
in. bat aiill tbe cham kept
. *PFinally wa pullaballaernaitbobUek
a ball aer
HegBAe berkO ceota. and waa abontta
tag', bow Bor caly retort wa. a rifle
BMte awoyalur xhe bad Umnfced him, qtaken to yoo before of yonr cazalera
auildcLiybe hriboogbt him to axk matuicr of xmoking in tbe otbea. Yon
made tba FreAcfaman aay tomaibiog an wbrn
hcTihiw old k-ho wiw
threw a lights mau-b in tbe warieitt bU krmth. Onr next .bot wa. ii
'■nixiy-fonroo Uia Sdot April next," baakri a little while agu and it eat a lot
••rad bio band to a. aa we lunged pari aaraeri aad cangbt ber jarl abore tba atoamd
of iripm on Are. 8ocb work ax that
mA lori him la tbe fog Be cartalnly] water line. Wa ooald am tbe
■-Mkty-fonr.' to mH4 ibougbtfnlly.
might rinrt %«b<8 klaM nme day.”
wa. not trying to oacapa
aing barriedly ^«nL while tbe lag ’-and no one to talocare at yont”
“U wax beedlem” replied tbe book"Uh. ye*, Uidnd. tbere ix," abe annnwWe lay to. and ioaconple of aUs- tarardandran faeadon for land. Aabot
•to. tba boat pulled up alongride.
| or iworiingorer onr brad. Tbeaabcat ed brtgbiiy -kly bmbaod. I only do keeper. ”1 ^11 oca that tbe offloa boy
kucpe that wanpiMkot emptied bareIbU
Tba era* of mte ellmbad nimbly oo. pot ont tram ber and rande fm tbe
kosrd. Ba waa a little dark akinned: ifaore.
oUoek la the aftcraouo and xmyx os on- j
------------------------fnoebman. with twlnkllog black mn \
Wbra we came alongride tbe BoriUle tn 7 In Ibe morning I don't know wbM
gadatnraed np naia. Be doffed
U wai almon dark. Wefonodonly
kmrr tgoMkio cap with great giBM^^^d fa^el rirowiog abore Ibe watm.
^ craundofeo gato Mepped on deck aod boned.
VBjmf auk Boated pari ni with tbe from being luncly. I piy tbe rent every ®**®,**
raoaib jum tram ibara iiu). tnlngx. " ebe <ert>y bnued.
••Ah. m'rirank it I. tbe flm o( thTtlR^^^
She—But ri
•oodyaar. Paraiii me towiab yonall,
"Aft tb^rawala m'rirarr
■'rianra tbe eomplimraie «f tbaam- tbeJIlUa Fri-nctamaa. "Iii.a
aes." Again tba little man bowed, oaekl"
yon do at n o' at nigbri"
It is to onMom in lAa. Para, to
wUed and riwwad a raw of good white
Tbe captain Uagbod. Ba bad d<ma
"Vhy. yon aaa. Jaba M watchman In a
gntb. HeapokaEiiglirt wUbarioiind- fail work and cosid afferd to laugh. A Ugplxtetii) UrixWBrxBtccur. and orery ) keep anItnaU <m ibaroeffa eff tbe botuei.
taf flMBcy for a baldlaaL
bnat'waa lowered, and half a doaan men nlgbtat M o'ciuck 1 godowc tbtrowitb' A calf makax ita flrtt appaanutee ai to
Our raptaiD catncaad bi« mlstatiori. need merally after tba dinigimriBg a enifiw foe hbu—for ibx man'i haagry roof and nerer draeradt aUl itaoraaa
with him talk
talk- dorm ak bae^.
•',Wb.i I. yosr MM. sir. and FOB aa^. Oarkoam bad fallen by Ibe time
toy g« bock, 'ato to bnrdoB waa yoo ana. tbai’. the oely time xra‘bm to
tolFT* baaM
»Ah.«y«uMt Ito'flMma.mtoMa. hasMwpMdriik. It ieolwiyt to di­ am each other aad hare kmguika. Ue'x
ed a ramgp gOeer tn anmals
Hl6 Ham Bapttos Mean fll M
^ aotUd nsridMUlFWOaiUaaMbcmt.

- We
Desire to Thank
The Fublie


For their liberal patronage during the pant year.
Our business has been very ^tisfactory daring that

Hoping toj^i?eive a fair share of your pat­

ronage in

Front Street


N E. STRONG, Manager



lOc a quart
248 Frout StTMl


“Diamond T’
or “Traverse Belle”
Sold by all daalara.


Made by

A. W. JAHRAUS, T«Meliw,Blocl

Dr. J. W. Ganntlett,



WiU pay apot caak for eralar aad bamlook tiaaan^Mpla abtpplag wood de■irerad oa Bannab Lay A Oo. doak or any
good banking gronnd on Grand Itareraa Bay. Oorfmpondanae aollettad.
L ki. wnfKiB,
OOee. Boom 11. Mare. Oo. Blk., TrarCity. Mteb.

xckwfhlr^lM^^^e. naeraU

SsS s;r.."ssLI “trST,"


future, and wishing alt a happy and |

prosperot^"New Year, we remain.


That my wife. Mila BeU Chaae. baa
left my bad aod board wltboat jut
I eaum or preroeatioa.
f hereby forbid
all peraao. from harboring or traatlng
bar oa my aceoanv
Dated tbb ttod day ci Daarmber
1696. Straad.


or balk.

I bar* tbU day takes to barber
ahop aa North Uokm akreat of Hr.
tbogbora to ran and I ba*a It fnrabbad ia Aral elaan order; and baTing
had leu of expartoaea in to bariaaaa
1 aoltoit a ebara af to paMte patnw
Bga. Batiafarttoa gaaraalaad or ao



taObUWd bOVE

two NToln, a kado
o and
dPd a mord
nr* mordero aad ibm plaia kilUt«h
Bed ta bad ten in town manr taaxa

MT.alpWrufHI ■MrarrM]

ta let it be known that ta wm butiat
tnobk. nnd tta bor« taelded that ta
tactoM Ml to 1«B( flndind it
Ji WM alwari beitared that Bob

Lott bmppfcr M dows to tooth. 1 Hb
fcw<MtotpA.Md4m«te<ta toBtO.

Bweeocr jm* ‘be etranger np to piekiac
a row with Hnle Johanr Keeler, bta
(brromldn't prore it at (to laqnad. It
wai lata at niffbt. and Kaeler wm ta
tbe faro bank plartag tta bicta odd and

Mdo 1 mrantoPtbtofcUh tam*

Kor ter an do Oi* Uot dm m ta
tat for tor toro «p oodh. «ho aapno (or ■
~Gnrd taint, tot B» 000 tor toTT odte
rrtm (l(M immmmtUl


4«7 bM tan nsvM Ip SeoUndtu
tta BMW BottU* tar «< tta wtat* ytm.

kBiBg rigbi aJrag. M aeoal Be tamed i
to tuiTe faiih chnt bielaok would obaaga i
that aigbt aad keptoleaa walcb of tta ,
game. Be bad o^et bit iMdoUar for
eUpa a»d bad Mafced bit leM -atark
Vbn Ariaooa Jaka eateiod tta plan

DOPP ton hOPT of tor pOBlMtotolt.”

pnrIoM to the tetrodBeiiae of Obri*tiPBltr U itand ip liBportBBM PBOBf
tta D^ta trilb Itar tar. ksowp pm Cb. to* too ooulfco hla ifc hto btUto wool”
»<nr po&Df taettita OpIii m ‘Muta

c( BeJ'afln.

ererr am in tta pla« got otrt of t
way. bat JoLnur Xwbr did not er
took op from tta card tabla Jaka waa |
, big.
bi^ airoog
otroBA fellow,
<eUo*. aad
««i wbn
wtan h.


..I.—t to- V. .to

., :

peoplu wbo mtardad tboM gift#
with : Mamtod^tothtal'
oaad atiribinad oocait

ta» wool: “Sow tot air Tmtatooal tPCta.

ObrWiaiiiir wm eatabiiahad tta Droid- t tow (pM fopd mod tooUob. U* too to
loaJ otadrasoM fall gtoMeally law die- 1» »Ho nr aocmr aad ar ala.“
toa. and tta eldgj tornad tta dar into Tto oatel MWiiid! “lUr. md aoal. go
t CbrtftlaD faettrai. iba fMit of tta «drhlsbeel
aniaelfieB. lii oaiafenllaa wm bow- To t» .WtTTd la rear Woo toorfo doPro

Voo UlUNt tfcaa o Iboaaoad r<m »< «'*•*'


Ur bolitar
. Ttar bkd buns talking of aerrr
vbca OMOf tbegroopnaked if tb^ had

» after tta i
am banwo of Jobonr Nealry, who
rblle ip daata Ft in
ia Ita earir
boaSTM aa Km VaaV'eaTa'^At?!^
Hewaao'l a “bad
daya of Ita town
Ull aacb booatbold would light a fire,
tin. amoalh farad etaap,
aadliwai tbongbt of ita atmoat insigbing parbita'pt 1(6 pOQDda
Bot be
•______ _
a tigbloiag.
■ br aad by (be bora

I ItariKd that ta________ ... ________

<«lbt ricbi of tta liltlA dpowb fpMd
■ cUopfciniog theroplfcriafforoUreeiPad
to art bio wild. He w.lke---------------walked orer. aad.
eatrbintt bold of Ita back of Noaley'e
ebair. lifted both fore fewt from tta floor
aad let go. Tta yoang gambler got quite
a Jail by tta fall, and at taatnlgbiBaad
hit taair be looked la mild antpriM at
tta big deeporado wbo lowered tbrM
feet abore blia.
“Ged oat. you white (emd Iddt Go
boasctoyoarmel Ton are a niee looklag tfaipg to be tiiimg down to a game
like a man! Get ootl Wboapr
Wlib a fearful atrinb^if oattaAriaooa
data bcaodiotad a pietol over Neeley '*
bead and ordered bin to Imre tta gem
and get out of tta boaaa
Jbe boye held tbeir bteatta t<* a mlaBte, but to their aurprim Neeley merely
Mid to the big bully, “PhnM go away
aad do aot annoy mei.'’
-‘Go Bxvayl Ba. bat I like tbatl Say.
yoang Mlow. dnyou know m!'*
••Don't want to.
Let me flolab tbU
dewl,” replied tbe young gambler.
Tta big bully ieeiaed a little noopluaed benacee Neel

, of aerre wstb bin at all tirntd.
One night Keeler, etrollcd into tta
' White Booe aalooa. and eittlpg down by
, a nniall Uble aume diitancr away from
legaug b-gau amuking a *011^: blnrk !
time of tbe DroidA U •till general in
leslcan cigar while reading a iwwtpaWalM. I do aot think H baa 'been ob"
asm) amoag tta Soottitb Oeli* tor
:lgar un­
maur ototorlea. tboagb other feaiure.
til half an inch of aiixabungattbeead.
af tta oeJebratioe of tbe day wbieh mil
Tta young fellow wu tilled back la
r nl tbe an
bii chair pointing Bp at an ugie of 46
I whfeb 1
Ibe aabea made a apleadid
regatdad by tta prlmiUee ilriiiah pao
target, and Idg Bob Sweeney caniloiialy
drew bia goa and gave tbe boye tbe
Tta Beotilib tefrvBiatloa reatored
Nrw-Vear'aday to (ta Hootiiab
Tbm waa a flaib. a load repots, and
H tta ecdo bollday of tbe year,
the bullet from Bob'e piolnl flocked tta
taea regarded, bowwrer. at a parely
aahMir« Nerley'erigar Joet ai light and
•eeaUr one. tbougb at tbe opening day
amontb a* If Iw^had braebed tbi-m away
af a new year ita oooatioa wm eoneidwith bi« flng<y. Totberarphaoof erery
ered appttspriate for rellgloai tereloa*.
one prcwai the young fellow did not
la aom of (be cbnrcbe* tta oioaiiig mo>niup and yell M they had expi'cted. In■tead be riowly folded tbe uewapaper,
laid it down cm the table and tbeu lam-'
ed and looked at tbe gang with a ciacetioabig exprreeioa on bie face.
He did '
I aot ereu wmore (be cigar from bia
Vbea be raw the amofcliigrTTOlm in
I Bweeaey'i baud. 1k> g<« op and. walk­
ing nn-r toward I bo table where tbe
rere aaieri. aiki-d in the initdcwt
tnie. “Didynaebout at bm or.
myoigarrTbe gang wa* completely taketi abaek
at tbe oooluewMtf tbe
“1 jOTt tiiuDght I'd flip tta Ml.ea («

itly. or I
wobM I




“Tbutik TOO rery nia^. Ijuxt want­
nted to know wliat you were obuMltig at.
Ttare’i uo bald
It was a gtawl sboL
Have uoewitb uic
! "
A*Nr.1< Tsp.'k"hepotlMoBtai»othrr
loiig oigar and banded it to Sweeney.
The.big Irllow toUd oat bi* baud for
tta cigar, fcnt to was (airly damd by
I —p WU014I tl'*' arliiin I't ibn ycuug
fl. v weul tmek to bis own table and
do'wu agaiu. Aa
Aa nuu
iaa» as
as hwiemey
year and (be npeuiag

mw of tbe old
es of tbe aew are spool lu devutloMl had rtmivnrud from ins aurprise ba
wiukrd at tbeotmd. ami. jiuli'inj up
I. but tbe great uiajorliy nf fb
hi* gim. wrork a uwi. h to light tea ci-

"»**>“»« »»
“«>• «aBdiag a few
<«■« ■»■?. »» Uga^g oarae and abaae
••“young fellow. Byihiati
l<4h Ilia
1 cblpL
‘■ni uy
mure deal. Giremegb
worth of cbipa
gambler ae ta took oat bi< rerolTor and
paired it orer to tbe desirr. Tta cbipa
we n. pn-hed acr.w (be table and Neeley
etaked them all oa one torn of the cards.
Ariaoua Jake bad aera (be yootig man
pam orer bte piiiol. and with a yell be
Joaipi^ end eeiaed Keeieybyrbe collar,
lifting him clear orer bi« liead.
eiraug iilai eroand two or throe timet
ai.d ttau lot him drop ou Uw flour.
Nec-ley landed on bii foot and Ibere
waa fire 14 liie ey«a Quick aa a fbub be
tc-aclied the taro table and match­
ed up bi" pietol from the cqien drawer
where tbe dealer bad pot it.
Jake raw
tta uiuTement and roarbed for bia owo

lyunilaw lomblod cner, abst ibroogb j
Um- heart
Ni-eley intiiod book to tta :
faro table Ja»t m quiot m it not blag ta
baptaiied, and. Iiaudmg hie piiwd back !
to I bo denier, ho mid:
“Uouuwiib tbe dnaL
He laat fire |
oo itacjuoi'ii.''—Buffalo Cspniw.
Tto Sam Arnma Calm.

Tta verr tarj.wi coinage (list can ba
eallrdAiiMTicau was ordered by the Vircuiiipuuy and was niiutrd ia tbe
ia the rour ISIS.'At that
] »'“*«• •““>
" ‘‘'"K limn afior, tohaeco
“>rt. ncy
jI »*"•
ney in Virgiuia
bov.'tTfT. tta Virginia
efWT.rwUmg that it “bad niatare! *-»
aud c«eisid.T,d taw advaaiI-»« “•!*

' ^ rmudas

. ..


oto*".’’- a“d *hf great
■‘•d «*•»»'
li do daily happen u

““'''y d^tai'diDR «m inbaoro.” provided
»»» “‘s iame cf tojjp.t tx.ini of tto de­
I of twopeaoi-. tfateepeace.


“Did yoB do tbatr* tagaaped at laM.
aold m bigb
Ouas ibiBk Itol we err togaare
**¥m. but 1 BMMt no "a*-Hm i **
T^'* W'F °>>»t cocHBard
Aad to seek oar boneuaey
Bob picked op hi* cigar. W when be ' "‘‘B" ^
TanoafPzpiBDBiioae bare been'gl’
lismint f<
went to light it (be bey* raw that hi* | JT*" ««'•*■• “•u
of Itatinn''bogmaaty" Uneoftta
claim* Ibai U U a oorraptltm of tta band WM abaktng a infle.
cigar burulug. aad then

Itariag tta

the red of whiob time ta giA np, anl
glancing at tbe half boraed laatob lying

“Well! rilta-^—r
Swceory marched op to tta bar and
to>A a drink, witboot a word to tta
gang Tbeu be atartud ODL To reaeN
tta door be bad to paw the table w]
a* It ansi be, and bomcdly, would.
, , jroadiog tta
tbe new*cotmd aluion the rame a* tta word to Keekyaal qnieily i»«l»og
paper. Ae ta walked paei tbe young felfsmi liar *u all the boy* and girU in tta P“P“low the big haUy .i.«* off 'hi* bat and
lowinudtrif ta-olltad
Aunug'the U'luc pupalatioo of 8cot- went out at ito itour Bu Uptoe. Frotty
soon tbe otb. t* vd tta gang followed.
labd ■ aoiuber of yeat* ago it wa* oaalomary ,!.« group* .if boy* on New •ud beforo marniog every man in Saato
Neeley wa*
Tear'* ave to gu aroand fr^ boasa Ic fe knew that IiRIb Jobtuiy Neclev
tta 'ternt with1 1the •'!
“iTctct.inD collalna' tbe qaickeet and beet ihut ii
1 that bi* BvTve'
a tbe pore
tliieiwliy. skiuof ibcteacU. b twglike tory
BTraageawni .d m tberpskin. One of tb*
namber would rap at the dm*, and oo

• telBR adoiiiied would walk throe time. Joke* m him. N.s ley eoatinutd oo tbe
in front of tbe fire, orarooad it if D0*- ^'“ lennr td bu»ay. m rur boasting of
anything and pUyiDg in hard lock most
of (be time, ft* six monUu petard before
•'* gift (■» bim*clf aod
Tbe pi*
whicb invariably
; lseed la Ibe bag.
tay*w..t.:l iben all yoin in and more all (ta time pud wu BSBalJy
a New y-ar'»atrtd, in wfaicb teukc.
One day tbero drifted into tta tows s
ly and bravealy htetoian would
.jgBlarprofitonalbBdmaB. Ba wua
fUsboitlqagaBdoBtM bimMUArinM'

Everything'Goes Regardless of Price
Must be Sold Within 30 Days I
Don't miss this chance to get your ftirniture at the prices
I am compelled to sell for. Just think of a nice 6 ft. Extension
Ash Tab’s for $2.98. and everything else at the same low price.
Look over thu list of artirlee and see if there isn't some­
thing you want:

Bedroom Suits,
Extension Tables,
Center Tables,
Kitchen Tables,
Combinat’nBook Oases, Organs,
Book Cases,
Rocking Chairs,
Dining Chairs,
Screen Frames,
Kitchen Chairs,
Carpet^ Sweepers,
High Chairs,
Iron^ds, Wood Beds.
Havejustmentlooedafew^^thihgs to remind you of some
I have iu stock.

Everything Offered for Sale is New Stock,
Gome early to have the best selection. Remember tbe place
and don't forget the many bargains 1 have.

Watch for the Sign dn Building.

Geo. W. Thomas,
201 Cor. State and Union.



One day a
arrosH one of
np to Mtowebead'eame
UtoMebeud. cam
‘•ua'to'ii'f. bat nutbibg, tnpio
‘'«t daw lovrard cartying oat tta the old n-b'-'I Usliermwi. He wu ap off
tbe uioatb uf Tomb.gau atrcaiu and
wa. fishing unt “Sr a Imiibenuan'e batI.WU. IldevcIop.dUua'tbatbewu tta
f.u'a itvw id riverdrfvors. On tbe
&nk near at Laud eto.»l tbe conkee, or
bis helper. The <v«k bail llinm-B atoiot
tl.ckrf tolil.-tvfuseini.> tb- lake in
ordor to "t.ile" tbe flsb. ami over that
Ittre be wa.- ba\ iug great lu-k. Hi* pile '
wai.ifthe Jill Isvini Tariety. and when
a fish hit he would derrick it over hi*
beadiulo tta bashes whore tbe Mokea
was ■teti'airvL
Ttie Boston men from their oanoca
watched with all.thedi^nw
of the troo spertsmtoL

gar. A* b“ rai-wd tbe tmming^Btob . *•**•
toward Ins niootb llitye wa*. .
a dRarp .v>- I
F**"* *■'"• *"
fW*. ‘to
It cf
port, atio It wa-. ki cs-k>d
• bis
■ ■ fla-tcoBit”

igJiihuiiTNivleT !•»»•'<* * Jaw which onsahd a "nflut
bad til iwuaeimbd.iTii4!.r ^ bad taw's." ill Ibwtuu.'amt which ditectad
a r-srlar eeinage U< ■siabli*li>«1.
ib»t tbeluateboDl of Ktr<< to y's fiugrnu
•'Nent Jigbta rigor wiih a raolrbi Ttavvu!e<pniv(J<tl fnr.hycbl* Uwwviv,
towiu grnQ|M u( theuiaak f»r cifi* from
tbe people they «e«i uu Ibeetreets and Tim fun.) e iif liiu gnlpbtir may *$»),] tta ' tn the qUHilil language «:( ibn old slats “loU
iVor of Ita wetdl Allow ate to uffer
aort >
ID ahops auit boas-a
They rarely meat
’''••» 1“
with a n-loul. abd tliore who would y.«H light. " *,id Net*.y,*u-ppliig over
never tbiuk of makiag prereau at any euaeii-iidiogbie lighted rigarwitta hie ««»'“<1 siamred on nae side with N.
Mtar time give with appsruui ubeerfalil»l.e)neTwy-afto» waeaAQdy. Be '
*od ii.i, arcidhig to tbe valae
BMeoa tbiinuoaiiou
Uoiuing to the
•'•h P>t«-'' This Btoi.n. mint wm
door of a bmiwi the chlldreo ory. “Bog- Mh,.r,g.r«rop«iihetable.aad.wttb
'*‘‘*'* P«»»oeod the famoot
manay. bogmanoyr and one of ibtox bisbaiidfOBlnsktaMtaJasiBatibciT^^^*
for amuMiteaioLAtaivd at tta yoang ‘inv ' aed “ptiw tree ehilliaga,''
faTortie rbymrs is
I wliiub are liicbly vuluivi byridUctpntcf
tose op. rude wife >ad mete y
A a very illffi real mauner
The rveulUR preoediog 1
Jatioary. kanwa aa bognia
■poeial oeratioa for rejoloit

miHleioet. a cry wbiota ia
aie part* of Franoc tta boys that,M
,j u(
aroand necking gifia oo tbe last d«y
Oavauitar are uid tu aw
Plaaaiblc a*
tfaii tpay bfi. 1 Uimk tbe word
likely to be a onrroptiaa of tbe Gaelic
okpnietioa. "Thug do mi" (gtreto meh
whirb, prooooactd with the "1“ mala.

.. ..OP....

Tta brom dto* rmW oaJtoslr olor.

i 5s uS S^^iSSb^tSSSw'tSttiPi

I wttb OdtaaiM I
Good Rrlddr, tboagb it aerer oaaaad to
bepoptaaramcogita pneplaMai


Traverse City, Mich

t-n. 'ijn-h
d «lii'U <<'((.viTnur Ucuerui UtsuiuU.
tlifu of (be island, tried to oomplMe
this rvginiibt Im found tbe task diffi­
cult uf a.w.niplb'biucut .«i auninnt of


t»m im vBiUi.g mmillmgu.ei. to.nlwt.,
JO*' k* tlii*iin>e most iToriilemiah
ly for tin- tvlicf uf llm dili-mnia aoma
tmku.iwu baud c.’V.-tv-d tbe wnll* .of
Maian»>s u.'or Havsua. with bnga,
pt»4. r» javiuitring .■a. b Sp-niard bU:
li«<Ke b.ini.' and tta- privilege of car- '
ryitiK ««»? w'th him wbatevor bu
po''k.i could coDiain ia
tbe event ..f bi» mlistunait—
The eC.'.-t .if ibis stunulas to the flaggihg pul«-.if tbe potUe was el.v-tri.wl,
*ud the nimdlment of eo.OOOBicn folb'wed wilhiu 48 huara Tbe voiunteen
tbns eama into t-xistt-nee wi^ ibrir
majority. Bat tiw rained
mm-bauTsof tbe rityof Havana eotm
foaiid out and objected to tbo newly

"Got eiiongh for sapper yet?" ebOBP ' risen power. Tin* opinsiliw iacroaaed
ta the fisbinuan over bia shoulder m '
arrival in Caba of tbe new
ta eel another great Croat flaoiping into , g«*cnior
tbe bosbea
as r«
•‘No;bMter«»toh*i*oreight»o(e.",*ryRor««“u“‘ “ Spain. He wu a'
•hrilled tos.fc tbe oonkre.
1^ nood faith, easpowerta by Ita
“toy, how many flab do yoa^two tel-’' goremnwtit to grant Cuba all tbe re­
low* nrimlly rat fw eapper?” taontta a iorm ata coretta and that bad lately
BoetM «"««' wbo didn't
»—-< (be beta offend. Re would imdoBbtedly
ive pat a term to
ig all tbe rain a
"Wbra ybo'Te raukta for U river

driven u long u 1 batw “ yelled tbe
cook, denicking another flab, *'yoa'U
wbiob faced incTitaUe flaanoal rain u|
knew mate shoot empty BaUkwn.” •
Bardly wu this enigmatic ntUranee a cuueqoeaoe of rneb spoHey.—
ont when ibere came a tag at bl* liae Pnaciaoo Cbrtaicla
that wu uoibiug abort 61 nfemendoBs.
jdeto-en^ towaril the qoecu----------------- ... Be twitebta. Tta fish didn't eome. Ha
Over inooutains has abe come, boetile braced, set bi* Jaw* and pned.
H'cipJc* ha«sb.-snbduta, iieaiiMbasata
» (till uoefa in tta
j toado and tr.'aiuk bki abe torn op.
| annic* bu shcrttsed and naviee built,
“PUy your graadmotherl" bellowed! Toekshue eociaUa wu explaining b
l'“* »b« wag; d and eoantrlM bu I
i| *be
*ta abnorUd in b«r march. On tta rnr- ! tta cook, “laia t hew to play. I'm friend tbe priuciplu of bu belief, a
oftm I; bereiofidi."
here to fidi. “ And u ta tptae
(ptae ta bout- that hraadethv
he made thv siatamtatM
siatemtal at tbe 08t_
! itf* her policy bu changed i
tapet- I til OTW
a 16
pooad laku.—.•
iAay -----------I that ^1 pu*a»d(iB* taonld be taared
that tbe story o( them would ta - —--------------------------- ,---------------------try fvr varicgatiuo. - At bean it bu i
Boston crowd would barn, aq»Hy.
Beveralieted one i«*. tthaiacenning to *»Tta flO to have pUyed blmaiiboarj
“If yi I bad two bom" Mid tta
'Bttbeeodofaneigbtonnaarod. 'Twu friend. mid you give me enoT'
tbe Uadii<-rraneaii.
aud the i
w." aid tbe fooialist.

Tbe New

tient u I'TOVi'tonce ID ita aaocmiplltbmetiL Bat to ioag a* tbeexituata will
If by bit Ttukay I
bM rottod; step fay step
'p tta Cguaok.
witfa hit Croat, bu advaaoed.
umeA Today
1* alMuat wiUuB tirikiag ditouM— yMSB to Gate haMa. no volMlea
Bawy XaruaB ta 9otoa(«oHa

JfltaAUWTtotta nf totas



Fiir nnjierior to oatmea] o
It is {

the ideal moraidg food.




snide of 1

diet snd s fall line of

For sale st tbe store of

Jacob Furtsch, |
Oysters! Oysters!
*wl« w ra»T tfce crrMcr

F*mms BaltimorjrComts.'ir "
Selects eiil Steitarfs.
t Tuilro

ruottt d
■tta kaowi Pva
itb'a OPupasiM


other breakfast foods.


fata, and tbe u propared to be u pa­



uteiMc.M<l.7>.lk« lannd'«
•laar ftr
1 **■ tt> fe« im> kteHiiK w WtlBg i» sa«f

*!!?!;! -Ok. *-rr--n
'tit Mt M h« the ««• Mr Ibeeiperl- Mi^i. Ike viM7«w Umx loekiiwi^^”
Moe W Ktre edrtM 10 »tUr rm «I*N>. Uk»»ao»l. Tb.e«e.«»rftj,*‘2;“;S#
UHi jeet M«e
Uke yeratt'
SorteMimcMUiMynkedB’l »be fiyhtta* laRU - .--------------------


r5T,? SSr.^;r. r


be VM » ct-lMlT Mb. f«t M bee® tbJnkin* fbe wm wJd Me-1 ^ ?•"*?"



. I arooBd. tM xoanylaft.
lerUa. fttrkk
•• * Tto » iud«le. a*» Lbil«hlli«|»™tweltl*ot
«»>•»»■ "P • l‘l‘k clow.
- '•
,. *Brt
.^ 'mtbbt
ye’d be
be |rt«tac
irtvtac »e' V~^
aebbe ye’d
a], u a wcuel. 'rn » wldny wid m
w>a te look oet for rae. aod J’b that
laoeaDae. Ikt. yea wooldo'l belieret I
bare tbna aa daafditbMbadeaa
I 00 a eoid wlDier’a,
kep* a
BtXbt. a roeuid doMo o’ ailyer apnasa. I
flee (dca. ai dookey and a oow lo tbej
yard aad
•• ‘WeJI.’ aoye I. poMlof »aar-r-B. mTl-l-jg
aroand b*f walrt by way of eaeouraga- U
« Mike Molllgaa. iBBDL'feoa. widdy. darilat Wbatad- ^
-Onadad. teltoila Iba atctyof tbeUa^'i yleeareyaa watHioR. a«nr
dbonasd bow yda waiypar Wife with; ”'I'n alaeri ye’d be ao^.
y« batora. ■-»'«»»
»>« ■
... I
**Ti«ib«bla Itoldil te '
abe. parrlDf like
Oad. Ttaaaoldlaiel Tie ao old talel" _ rat, ’Temoe HcOanby waa in hare
rapHad tba olh man. while tba now UM flight, aod ba'a vaty gioteaL'
beat opn tbe wlbdow paoea. tbe bell
aatUed to tbe tbaieii and tbe wiad B)sn know, geaaoont. (bat .
tba <Bly man (bat oonid baodle a borly
atlok or ahaka tbe foot with im at a
dtrlataniBg. Beaidca. bebsd a Date way
of mrikiflg with a allrk
"Wtafl tba widdy mlDiicmed bla |
blm aae flrafllaawiSaeraok i
1 took-------- ~ away
■— »~.™
I.a» *
. .
. _
f~» b«'
blm t-top of- tbabaad.
Tbacrowd |
walatandgotootnefoai. Ithoogbttba
,„rtad oo to greateadteBant. aod i'.S
widdy wat tuaklng a fool o’tna Jr* imt. I- . .
I a"*
... week. tBideiid edt* ao)eyab)e by
Ung McCarthy orer ag'
•HnnoofortbaMoUtganar ’Doatb | „tldj«iJon. paimd. TbtceoainealeMw
" 'Did beat yoa.’aayai. whliaai tba W tbeMoOartbyaV ’That‘aa good ooa.; trou uoTber brlOKlng bcwa of brodtae
wall and tiling my li|> with r«»
Mao!’ ‘tieeak taia booaa, Fall'
I Frank'* ratoro bume after........................
0.' mya dia. di
”Wa bad been flgbtlog for neariy tin I f»"> Har*«nl unlvorelty.
e told me be «
mlBotae when McCarthy made n mad------------w night to my aomething Important
g,. tbe door ga*a way
me. Now. Fat. darlloi,' aaya abe-^
bu feat, and be fell* tbrongb
through up
, ] bU
‘•?*f.^'*“'arBplte. Beoould
laeonld oeitber
rty him. aball I aay
„a Ibere
ibere be hi
bong in midair like
when *be raoarrredfrora tbeezettm;«nt
woodeock <m a apit. A roarroflangb'l
of langb-------------- ary for tna to ull ye*. | rp^went
^ _ on ______
_ Bot'twaa of b«r moJbrr’* baaer *be baaan i>< await
ohllder. that all that tbe widdy ... *« »«5«P"«“ «"
telling Beaboot McOartby wai
--ba» mother would -y" and k bdf
op oot of her own porty be»d. 1 ewaa
only telling H to Be ao Ibal I'd
I and aak ber to marry
t roared, ahaking
tbe poor foul 1 wea 1 didn't ten tbrongb Baaiekalbi
ber little game, and 'tem only tbrongb
’Faltb. I do.' aaya be, '<
the Lurd'e klndnem to me tbat I didn't
throogb tbe floor.’
"DID M aa rtxr " aara i.
atrike ber down where eho ateod 1 wai^“Thin be
" ’ op oof of tbej
wwooped down tbe efaimney of waitlea, tbat angry with jnilooay; hot I waa Sole, tbe wid..,
.Forer but tbe treating
aebdlDg a atream cf tparka actom tbe terribU cold to ber.** cold
that bang on the sort beat i .'n-- .*
wlddy’a bar. Bot abe nlver told me; l, " •
**^Wtb. ’da that.” raid Mike, “bot Diana'■ lempleww the frr.aus *•«»«
,j,er the wedding that it wm her-, xh* to oAw htoke®, l» wm eaaler to
to b«. and ber poor 1:: .e beart ^j,
y,, board in tbe Hoc* ao tbat
•da like aome nibar jtbinga—all tba betS tbedar- MoOartby woold fall tbroogb.’’
lint! ■
Solli_ >yea. Widdy
nd aicb
'Ite. iaad aetliag
“DotellMaboot van.' aaya L mighty polite,
Palh^ TUne, r^r patlenc*. MM' Grerx n«i a Utile.
waaa tog of
aide, aa if abe «
Bat one day. when neariy three
1 with
male. 'Good aeeuing to yet.
Why ebouid 1 turn another leaf
bad |A**ed. rather a ttarUIng leiuir from
It you atlU uae the oU one?
le Ml a New Vear'
je» joy. Jyu and yer McCi
her "uukDovn" eniue. He waa reaping
tbe old mao aa be oareand tl>* abillaJab with' that 1 wai oS boi foot op tba
weal linuiedtately: in faet. bU boiueWH
Ksrb year I lake a epoltea* pan
atreei in aeaiob of McOartby.
•which bad bnin in bit pi
tbmi. and b<> wnnid call on berwhroba
Drink deep cf P»'» amhUioo,
But every Chrirtma* Bndi It tn
" 'What talk bare yv« wid the Widarrived In bir luntllty. Mia* rinro turned
mil did yet tooeb
«Oyear*. “Manyaakol
qulle |ail* at the thonght. Why. wbat
. ' be eonllDued. roo- dy SolJiraa?' aaya L whin I tnet him
la fTkindly eport,”
' I* Udi ra orw tbe atii k oareadog- coming down the atrect aa p'aoeable ai
PoIHhlriylllime* I V* aliened frommea. elionltl abe dul SIxiuld ahe allow him lo
Bven Aunt Jane might obtot >o >
Home rirfi
d inrTeTing tbe wood wlib tbe eye a abeep going to a abeaiiog. aod 1 fair­
•ivlng a atrange genileioan. "Ob. '
B^.iuae you've
ly frothing at tbe .mnoib
For (be Orat time the repemed
The aaoa old
Now. If rd aaked bira polite
•• 'Twaaeot fr
ber iitth- romauoe and a wild dvelre erlted
sruwlug pieee of Uac
biwtn run away (rtim home AmiyelJ
«U year* ago It mart lie root growing, MoCariby bad no eye for tbe widdy.
WiuiM-~.vr«. ai<r wouki like to oiei't fal
Pcrhaji* ab.' had better
boyi, for if not. 1 oonld not tbiuk 'twaa But 1 waa tbat ogly that be io« bit
bmtof It. Then aW
worth outtiiis A tuera branch. DO mat­ limptrand jaid:
do hope." the timuKhV
“ ‘Wbat'atbat to yea. Pal Malllgan?
ter now atniKbt and fait It might look,
beftirv h>ant.' Tbat
t’pon Ihe lip* of beouiy
woold be apt lo warp and iwiat iu tba I’ll talk to anny woman I likel’ be
t know ni Urk the airengih to walk
find It all dut.
tog o' war. Whin 1 bad it cot and tlw my*.
Th* lonely path* of duty.
Sbe found bteaoir tna fever of esrito
•• ’1 date ye« lo meet me InMorpby’a
.beanobea lopped off. 1 pot it op .tbe
menl. walling, hut ailU be did not caMiia
And white th* twitted'irar oOtilalBl
oblmney to acarnn. Wbin 'twaa well tarn loll tomarrow bight wid Kickal'
Day* langtinmed Im.. w«-k», and at laid
Kwwiilbe for my’aoregV
abe ctolOrd that the might aafrlj letuzn
dried. 1 look it iluwo and wrapped it Id 1 roared. ’And bring a doctorwid yoa.
»ly,rrent raform* wll|The poetpoood
bnine. There waa «nme lulatake.
brown paper, well maked in hog'a lard for I’ll break yer beadl'
Tf^socna Uhtnni tomorrow.
It woa on tbe ere o! Unce'i
*' 'And ye bring a new jaw wttb yea.
’thin 1 borled it in erarm forth, taking
•d! Father Ttm*. H real* with you!
it out «•*«.* day In bind it acroaa me yo dirtr ibafc!' roared Mao. now a*
For my part. I'»« eoiwluded
mil and kdl liar iiletic;
knee till all ibe Iwiauaud tnrna WM« mad aa roBnU. ’for I’ll ^k Ibe wan
To eo unjarjured on my way.
' .«uddmly a fuoinep
No mora i'll be deludrd
oot ol II After I bad it aitalKbl. 1 tub­ yt* have in throe halvear ’’
By tbit ijtue Ibe rueullection of tbe
bed it Weill with a wooino rbub corned
with blaoW.-sd aod grrorn. to give it a meat aiirrinik period in hr* biaKwy #n"who do yoo aoi.
poliab Twaa all ready now for a abto- livwind tbe living fire* of tbe old man’*
and’'— But Gi
Tou t! haw to
mv* a cl
dy. only for tt betag a little ton light enerKy Kuing to bit full bright and
' ^“krABTHU;
tbeatalr* Intn the anting ..
atwau iod. So 1 bianl a bulein it with bidding tbe aliillaUb on high, be aboothruliMir'* arcin In a aeconJ.
a rudbui iron rpladle. tutu wbiob 1 ed tbe old Mnlligeu warcry:
'abe eglad. "I am to
••Whoot V« aowll Hnrrool BncROSARY BEADS.
poomd anme melii'd ind for Uie pure yoo' VhcB did yoo mine’
(caa to Ibe MnllicaDi! TntbedlvvU
o' giving it ibefcnoekdown w
e jretf Bet iff .
Iced, we cbilder."
old man in bemgnnnt faebiem. ••gave
theailck a widow and orphan niakiog
ijoallly. a cblld brreariuK toneb. at tbe
poet By*. aUopoiher very deelroble. to
« ay thy cro
aay ootlilng of- the balanm io tbe band
uda aud we
Now. If (be tlick aboold aplK wbm yea
are making tbe hole, ye* may pnt on
I .... i/.r__,n.»
looeaoDM. Hue did you meet hlmf
of the MuniT. fof li 1*
the t«n- BbolabrV
an iron Ittrolu and drive a few oalU
*bina and Japan tbat the
pli» of India. X*hh
Frank * atero faro relaxed, and Itogbimoit. t’avingtbr nalla atiok oot on
Iv be bowed
bowi4 low
and anawaaud.
Fltber fid^ both for anuuuint and naa
Ancient picamv* of Ibe Hiadob gnd* de-1 .*Vour bomhiAMnant.
Tbefortmiee of tbeMuJligane. me ehilplot iboin with dmpleta td broda in I “It waw t you. FmokF’
bare depimlad mere nor wane! on
*7 *. band*,
■ .A. and
__ I X.
<. believed
i_•War fi.(«
1 Oil*
“Uawn't I aaM anf"
«be jodiciuoa ate of a nail in a atiok.
“But bow did yoa know tl wm
metbod of keeping oount of tbeir many
pniycn waa in ate aunoag (he Hindoo! ed ytM from tbe ffm.
“Bali tbooebt yoo were going to
before the eta of Buddha, or at leatt B. Ueo*. yoo know." b* fopllad.
eell u abont grandma. ’’ broke in a ITC 600.
had." aba poomd.
yMt-old Baiden with panay eytw
Tbenaeof (be waary »em* aapeoi^ yon'lrWJ motbro“So 1 am. mavovnaea. bot yen moat
ly anited to aa eaatern clime aod to iMe
"Will yoo!"
let me tall it to me own way Wbin I
GneaUngbed. 8b* began loaa* biM
repom of aa miental mind. Tbe BodWM of yer agw Mika." be taromed.
dbiata are food eff naing very mnootb oMm ef the data. OaatalBlyabawMM*
“1 waa M tidy a Ud aa ye’d BMt in a
tmda eff gUts pollriied jade or ocral. tba^ealptA
aonib of Boodaya—well ael op aboM
and it bM bcmi iBougbt that (be emeotb.
*ba Mraoldere and at bandeome aa a aolcool bead* gHding throogb their fingera
ftler. Manny a girl erould tarn ber bead
M tbn narmortbe holy same fortbonao look at me thim dayt and 1 paaing.
mad* «timM belp them to arrire at
And among ttaia tbat gar# me a bit o'
^ of holy abattaeticB. from
tlarney oow and tbla waa tbe Wld<
Oeoaervilng Tbeeketay.
____ Oiing*wbiob UaoBoehibtaad
Swne, tbe EngUab arUat. ba* thl* to-aay:
Ballirao. .Bbe wM left wldoot Ai>
•wranooi toecMTo wwouiaanT’^
“I lemamber going teviall him joat wbtn
mebiUlaitbeAienf M. and a mag. wid tba MoCarthyet When'# tU* among tbe foUowcra of Boddba.
WM about to to tooogb* ool
farorite Japeoece romilM art, Ocnihm
porty woman tbe waa. wid a warm blaggaid dan nead cm tba tall of nad
lined W
hit ankla and be .
ooapleiloa and a warm bmrt Wbin
eoatr' .'
and ehaarf Mirer, and tbe
J*d ba working baid all day on
Hen tbe eye Iff tbe old maa oaagbt Baddbim* ropaat In mxUem devoti®
farm. I'd atroH down to ber liqoor
Ibe look of alarm os tba facet of bit “Namn A^to BoWo” (“Bare «.
UM avwiB Tbmewaialirayaa
lincncn asd be mt down with a fooliak
while their OblBCMhrotbceo
o’ pan* to be bad. and mebte
wbin tba
•’ baooa and a cop o' tayr whin
'■ Mid ba. -TU long fegerer oo tbelr Up* Anmrr<d^
atMlngwtmWbawaatingaway. Twm
g r]ffrit waa In ma Tba great gin waa iwmitly breast fitn a
yvw know what tbat meanar
•01 in tba taproom we mt at alL i
tempi* 'in Kioto. J^mo. Tba Ui«e« baaakrf.andMlpaaaad.asd be wanted
bot in tba kitchen, wheee tbe
to apar* aa* tto faumlimtloti eff aaylog
j M.W,
* •*” *® *^-.*‘* bead taaboolals ItKMeeindlaBetm.ABd
ptrhapt the wrong tbuig. be added Immetbe rotary entire ti abont M feet kmg. dlataly,
^^f^blTwid ite fMi^t
’I cmd they aroMl muff*’ Asd
Tbe boge bead* are eff dark brown polIn
>b. .1.. oo Ih.
„ „ u»
II. »til, awn-t labcdwood. They are hollow and bnta tbenbe paid man pretty eompUmawt In
teearteoelylronkal way. Ba naked me
Mcb a fignt* of a god inMdt tba Utda
• meUa •Mrproelladon’l
Uke. • tU time yea wen tl_
be mid. wttk - - • *
■hiliia, wbiob eu ba aemi throogb *
latticaof bnw work.—Otoctiuma Bs-

:Mdn|M. eel ap* ■ ewmm
"™ (to(>e|
,et«er)ob.i, h> tU l<«t. Mok. Fo«|
«d bbdar ttae tbaldi thei aigbt. It wm
tbe yB~i catbertac of tbe (MtioB
’Tbey iaoloded all
traa (bbfaaby,
r tba border of ,
1 to tbe atalwan■ tbatarTbedaaUtbtdaaoadapoa



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