The Morning Record, July 29, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 29, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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HumtUAU of H«rro Fl«ad«
0«t Jut OMort*.
SumM m Smw SMffJd. Om te
V*i«w •»« U*

Shn* f«r

Or'viMllr AmmaiUmg Lfttw AaaU


■to »«Qt.
M.—Fow MfTXto*.
ConeUM OMto*«r. Job* Mr«n.CMrtM
J*M* 0*4 JoMOb Bry** wort bomf^
IB tbo 1 i» ysrd lod«y.
for eriaU ally mmIU*( UlUt
AbkIo BoIUt. m4 Bit** for Uo
4or of Mary Pack. U»o wo*a* wiU
trbea b«llr*d. Tbo (rap wm oprsar
•( 0:K.
Oaraaor. Jaaot a*4 Hpm wort oo«vl«(04 of aMBlllBlt AdbI* B*i1y. oelllp«r*efar». at bw b«B* oa
flrl ropoaUdly bbaorwoBt oooTBltlon*. Aflor two wookt’
BB0aH*r. 4«rlDC <rblek (bt ohUd wm
Mooaooteu BMtot of (b* Ubm. obo ro
MmolBBUy to appoar *«aUtoi
Brya* w*o ooarlolod of Um mardtr
OB AprU M of bio ootoBoa law wilt,
ilary Pask. oolored Both wora of a
^BamlaoBw dltpoalUoa. Manr flaally
Uft hlia. B* followwl bar.
cUlBod (be womaa (brtataoad to Maid
b(B aad iDOffod at blm wltb a kalfa
Bry^ oreroaBt hor, took (be kalfo
away aad dallbaraUlyoBt bar tbroak
T%a woBaob Ate ^aar old da«cbt«r
vitBoatad bar Bolbar-o daatb.
Bryaa eoaftatad and aaid tbat ba
«a* draak. Tbto waa dtakad by wit-

Proapaet of a Tiotwy for atrlkm b
ClavaUBd. Jalysa -P.>rty atphtbovra
bare all peed aloe* aay riotto«a desooatratloB ha* oecBtradla eoBaartloe with
(be atraat ear atrika- ThaBlpOosaoUdatadoCelaUataiathaioanaaa batap
operated today ob ovary llB*, ovbb
UalcB etnat Us*, wfaloh ntaa tbroapb
a dbtriet thtekly popalatad with Iroa
work era.
At tba epadlai Boetiap of tba aoBaell
laatovasiapitwaadaoldadBet (a appelst a tpaalal oobb«u** to tavaatipatatb* atrika.
Mayor Parley
apalDai (be a^oiatsMBt of the ooBBlttaa, a* be aald that -thU a**B*d .to
ba a pood tlse for everybody to Bled
their owa bariBoa*.'' Tbb wUl laava
tba rsaeativa with fpil power to ervab
oat the lawleanea* that baa ebaraotertaadtba lataatatrik* of tb* atraat


Fifty Tbooeaad Hay be Ordered Oat
OB AoooBat of arlckmakat*'
Oblaapo. Joly ts —Tbe oBelaU of
orpaeittdiabordaclaretbattbp brick
Baker*' atrlkaUlla-de to
a peaeral walklnp o«tof the bnlldiap
aad trade* nploBa with foreea
■iroap. tbe* tylap ap all boUdlsp
A eoBBUiM from tba Brick Maker*'
aUlaaoc bepan work today. Armed
with laetncUoM froB tba BoUdlnp
nod Tradee ooanell, tbpy lovaded
bnlldlnpa to varioo* atapea of oou
tloB where Bon-aaioa brick wm belsp
need aad ordered tbe noion ma
oeiM work.
Tbe brick maker* dtmaad aot oaly
Eac*HtowB,.lld.. Jsly <l-Oa tba an IneraoM la wapea, bot the recopal«T* of lb* day 0* wblob thraa B*»ro** Uon of tbe brick maker*' naioa. Tbe
cBployera preaerve a atolld froat of
paid tba death paaalty at Baltli
fora •'Bllarorise, a aafro 1b
ooBBty aaMBltad E«na K^Hoot. a l<vAPTU THIBTBBM TXAB8
TMr-old whiu irlrl. It be U oap-tarad be wlU doabUoae pay for
OBtraca wltb bb life. A aerro appar- CtoM of *8d Bald a Beueloa la Hoai
of daparlstaadaat Oraw*.
-oatly aaaweriar tba rleUm'* deaerlp•(ioabla Jell awaltlair IdeaUflcatloa.
‘n* Bambera of tBepradaaiinpclaaa
of •» mat tor tba tret time alooe tbe
iBteacameat exercbee thirteas year*
apo, la a bappy rc-nDlon at tbe bom*
«blaf JoBUea Chanbera Bay* Ooadlof Mr*. Emannal Wllbelm. one of tbatr
Uoae are Dtotnrb d aad tbo
mambe.* yeatarday afternoon.
Vulure U Oaib.
Tbe menbara of tbe claaa were Mr*.
8aa PraoeUoo. Jaly v» -The ataam'. Wllbelm. Mr*. O. C. MoSett. Mre. W.
J. Bobb*. U&M Nlaa B. Payae. Jull*
«blp Meaaa bat arrived from Hoaoluia
Hmiap*. Nettle Urey. Mabel Bate* and
aad teBoa. At Baawa tba ooadlUoa*
Mr. Frank M. Hamlla. wbownaao
«ra dtolarbad aad rrea<
panied by bb vrife. Profeaaor and Mr*.
b Baatfaetad oa aU etda*. Thera have
UrawB ware alao praaaat M honored
baa* aavaral aybu aotoBf the aaUvea
aad Bore arc likrly. Chief Jutloa
After aoButUme apent la aortal enjoy■OboBban waa a paweepar oa (be Monaet. an elapant napper w*« nerved,
Baa fia left Bob-b baeaaaa tba klpb
ira Hobb* aad Moffett belap lavttaoBBlBkB wobld aot paaraatee (bat
ad for that part of tba ^opram. Mra.
Ibe daereae of the ooart woald ba aoWllbelm bad prepared a prelUly priatforead. Tba cbUf joatle* aald
edaoavaalroftbeoceaalOD lathe form
••All b aow qalet at daBoa, bat 1
of a poem writtea by Mra. M. B. C.
Wi*( BBawar for tbo fntBra Both
Bataa, “From ’M to •#8." After tb*
Mataafa aad MalleoU a IT wt (a be aatenpper tbe rtaae prcMbtad Mr. and
bled wltb
Mra. Orawn a twc-voluac copy of Rad-Wblak abolbhaa tb* offl.'* of klap aad
yard Kiplinp'* new book. “Prom Sea to
aatU lb* povareBCDt In tb* aon**b of
Sea.-" tbe pathetic part to tkla otherthe Urea powara 1 feel tnra that Mai
wle* bappy meeUop balnp tbe farewell
laota 1 - alBoara, bat Mataafa b amblpaid to tbalr loved and kooored n
For miay year* ba baa tblratad for pewi r aud will Bot be ao eoally
mtbBrd. At the aame ilBe be b a au
otaBMptloBBi ability aad U abrawd.


Pipe Or»*B PuBd OoBoart *aJoyed by
yearly SOO PataoBa.
Tba eoBoart plvep at tb* Coaprap*
Uopalcbarob lait avaolap waa oa* ol
tba moat aojoyabl* of the aaaaoa. not
«aly from *b artbilc aiaadpolnt, bal
flaaBclally a* wall.
Tbcaadlaaoawaa very appraeiaUvt
of lb* do* procTiB plvoa. aavaral port*
balsp vary bearUly aaeorad. Tbara
were aaorly
paopl* praaaot. froB
which Bcorlybfti waa raoUsad.
ptoproB. aa prioiad in yaatardny'a
Bwano. WM carried oat la every deTba proaaada will b«A Osa oddlUoB to tba pipe orpao toad. Mba
(kawford. who WM BOt B*Btl0B#d iB
•ba prapTBB. ployed tba aeeoB|
Beat to aavaral aalaaUoaa.





Thild Teu-No. 697.

MUf. • Oolor«4



rmamn am



WnablaptoB. Jnly ••.'-‘Ik* war daMrtMOBtbM raaalvad tba faUowlsp
^ OaBSTBl Brooke rapardlnp tbe
yeUow fBvar elwatlon:
■pad report* twenty^ c^
*oea dOrt*
reported m
toBeoaordOinrawant amployaa. Tba
!2^J^tbBOttbbol^b asoelUnt. I think wa cna i'lely aaaaUsr

HuOera WUl Oo Acalaat tbe Oolla
Today la Improved OoadlUoa
The Bnatlen wUl try. anotbar
teat vrlia MaaUt«c'* mlllloB dollar b*M
b»ll apprapatloB at tbe Twelfth atraat
proaede tbla efietaoon. Tba BMtlera
are la better ebape to play haU than
they have yet appeared and tba OolU
will today And a harder toam than (bay
have niB apainat alaoe they played
wltb tbe MUwankae leap** toam.
Harry MeCbdl. tbe new accoad baaaaa, arrived yeatarday to jola tbe
BuUera. He oomaa with a pood record
■ooad boMmaa oa the Oolnmbaa
Waatorn leapue toam. Tkla atarnlap
Bay Gear of TWedo. a well known Mt
Aaldar. will oirtve ho atraapthaa
team and wltb Ueae addlUoaa a Aiat
rtam pame may be axpeetad.
Blmca TalOBMtalB ZaTBred.
noa Yalomatala wm badly Injured
by a Crlphtoaed botM bitched to the
Adaau' Kxprem delivery wapoa
terday atiomooa. at tbe O. A A L deSlmoo apraap In front of bU bom
toam to protect It when ba erM knock
down aad trauplad nadar tbo
fripbtaaed barMk boot* Bla Isjarie*
droMod by Dr. Martla. Be MffBred o hod cat 08 tb* back of (bo 'bond
aad palafal bnUom oa bla body aad

Otm tbe I>eBth of FnaiOent

A Buaaway Xiop rteta.
Anaawaylop tralc 6f thirty A*a
,eare. puiar at tbe r«ta of 100 mllaa aa
hoar, mala tbiopa lively tor rMldram
of Oatoatpoa tbe other day.
It wm
flaally dMiUed and tbe ear* war*
aawbedlaio kladUap wool, while tba

320 Indian Baskets.....^ by Uichlgan Indians, were of­

Body ofDMd Frealdcst aarrM to
tba Orava la tba
Bail** Atmiap :

fered ns cbesp^we took tbe wboU
lot snd hsve marksd them at pricM

iaio tba air.
r to oa QrcUu-

Attack 00
ported That Tbara Km Baaa oa

that will close them ont in 30 dsya.

w patlerat

TbU u tbe last lot we will receive tbU

Oopa Odtlaa. Bayti. Jaly *«.—Tbe
tnaaral of Piaaldeat Benraaaan of
baato Oomlnpo. took place Inat evenInpattinnilnpodaltoaOnbaUan. Ike
popnlatloo WM panic atrlekcB. bat
tbara wm bo dbordar.
It b reporlod tbnt tbe ndvanorlc*
of tba povamBOBt nlUdcad Moen Uat
Tbe now* of tbe danlb of Uanraau
iM ennaad rrJ rfeinp omonp
lean csllaa. many of wtaOB
cape BnlUcn. TbCM
ware drives oet of tbelr eoantry by
BearaMS, are praparlap to arm aad
aatM Santo D iBtopo.wher* they ax-,
paet tbeir eblef. Doo Joan taadore Jlalar*. to jola tbam. Tbe DotDlaleaa
poveraoMat b makiap preparation* oa
larpc aoale to matntala itaelf.

Blapaat Orafi BalU for Bditor Z.. B.
BiaMar Made Mar Pint Trip Taaterday aad la a Bnoseaa.

One Dollar
{or tboae eloKant tboes?”
Mid an dstoDiah^ coatoiner
rscooUy. It U anrpriamg to
we tie trim and aiyueh aboes'
(or ladiea and men we are
•ellioK at this price

They ar« all new and cor
TPct shapes; twentr-five dif­
ferent styles to select f-om.
Yon MTc 50c to $1 00 oo each

Yaeterday afieraMB tba baadaome
paaollaeUaaek.‘-Viva."owBod by L.
A SlaMar. editor of the Maaeeloaa
Herald, Am eoceaaafally launebed.
9200 aboes for.............$1.60
TbU la tba baadaomaat pleMorp craft
$1 76 shoes for.............$1.25
la Grand Traverna water* and waa
ll.So eboee for............ 89c
bollt by WiUiam Petlerly. The boat
toMfeatlQ laaptb. aad e foot beam
Children’s Shoes
acdUbnlltforpleMara and dnrablli-'
ty. She la'provid >d with a aix-borae
48c, 65c, 75e, 86o, 88o.
power paMdii^nplne. bnilt by A StarBuys' Shoes
back of Haaealoaa. tba partaer
ta tbe B -lIpM Boat HaildUp Co. with
680, 8Bc, $1.16, $126
Mr. Fatterly. The boat to coMtmetod
of the Aoeet material. wUb nickel
AH onr summer stock and
platod metal trimmiapa and tba dock*
broken lota ar«> being closed
Inlaid with cedar and maple. Ike
ont at big reductions.
aeataare laxnrioaely npbototerad and
The more of these shoes
kfl I* eoverxd with aa attraeCre
von buy and the six ner yon
eaoopy ea r Uate-i to keep emt both eao
ony, the more money you
aadralB. bre’y provtoloa for a lonp
cralM to included In the ontAt and Mr.
SiBMar will at OBoa bopia to enjoy k'e
He will leave tomor.
row 'or tbe Cheaaaox tolaad*
weak'* Atbir.* trip and will be aeeomliedbyC- - eamanW. a. Mealrti.
BapT Wbit--. 1 D. Rodanbaopb. B. R.
Oardaer. E.L J. Mill*. 8 Starbock |
-----------------aad WiU Fili-'iT. Prom the Cbeacaux |
tolaad. 0i.r - Ucratoeto Cbeboypap. JliinQS’
Mocktoee i niaad tiutmpb the Inlaad ranlv. ’■» Ua.
Tbe Ui.l : -p of tb* laaBcb wM
mode Immr •
.-'vatUrtbe Viva wm
icbed r - r ley aftoraoce aad tbe
pretty cr..- r •* overy eettofaeUoa
both t« ibr -a I ler and tb* owner. Mr.
w*. pvr-i«Urly Uvtob to bto
cxpreeslon-. of .dmlrttloa fv bto boat
aad - f tbe bolldor.

Special Bargain
I qnire. kid finish psper, bunch eavelopes to match—
an elegant auiionary, all for.................................
It’s s Job Lot ud won’t lastjong

It ILWiTS ptTi to tnd« hen.

Gate Post

Botoil Olorka BadMvortop to ■***
tb* Boor Ptoed at 7 p. m,Tbe eorly rtortap movement to botap
apltoted earaeetiy and eome of ebr
Bbaata ai« leadlap tbe plao tbeir
enpport. Some favor rtoelnp et eix
overy day except Tueedey and
Aatnrdey eveniape ead other* are willl^p to make oonoemioo* for tbe beaoAt of tbeir employee. The ReUll
Clerk*'orpealxeUoD to eadeevoriep to
etrikeabeppymedtamfortbe mntael
beoeBt of tbe employe* end tbe em­
ployer* end ere rtroaUttop ea apreomoBt providtop for tbe rtoalap of tbe
etoree at T p. m., exeopt ea Tneeday
aad batarday and tea day* precedtop
Blf Bead Beoalon to Detroit.
L. C. JobaeM of Detroit to la the
city to tbeiatoroeu of the #ft**atb
roaaloB of tb* Trl-Sut* Band AaeiwlatloB, Which to to be held to Detroit
Aopnat 1ft aad It. Mr. Jobaeon to
toartop tbo Btalo acoompoalad by bU
wife, oadoavoriap to totoraol the baad*
of varioM towM to behalf of tbe reaaloo. He to bore to toviu the Boy*'
Band and Creoeeot Band to partirtpoto
to tbe patbertop. at which tber* wUl
be aboot 730 band* aad oome of tbe
beet bead leaAere of ibto eoaptoy oud
Cbaada. Wbil* tb* local baai* w
like to attend It to aot llkoly they wUi
do*o,oa seooaat of the O. AR roaalon.

Oap OballMpor Starts TaeodsytaUo eevm.
CBmaUla table opvwa at tba fbi
UwdM. Jaly tft.-Tko dopartara of
tor M caata.
tb* oap ehallaapor gbtmmok from tb*
OiatMi.. -------^-------------lot to—■ inwwr fimvan
Oyd* for Mow York bM bo
jr^^at Itc pob. BBBllleto rtoth* TharamowMoaUlVMatoto*. Mria lyAsodtod.Tneodoy.
aaBbavaataaw pattoraeat T naaW
aaaaaympbaRaMAardblaMMB^ bIbm >4 ic 17, oest Me:wfl} alcaaat
- >abB^A AmUtold AAMt. • I idaaa^ Bamilf fllotbl^Oa. 4
tba irt—* •ff**—


First Class Havana Cigar,
Good Size,
Eieallent Quallt)i,
I Haw Tiling Worth Cnitivatiag,
Isk Tour Dealer for Thom.

Tonneller Block.

R aw W

c:ty book store
220 Frontjstreet

Ralph Conaable Jr.. Managar.

UaUt Satardav eveclar we will pivc voa choice of 40 patlera* of
Fancy 811k* and PiaODeto and make U> year 8PB01AL ORDBR

Double Breasted VeeU at

$3.60, $4.60, $6.00

More Money Savers

Alfred ¥_Friedricli


These reots are all the n< Vest fall patterns and I
this offer positively cods this evening. I

S. BENDA &.G0, S

Colored Piques, Dimities, Etc.

all ISScaad IBcquallUcsat

10c a yard

A Valuable
Oonwant of Holy ▲sgals.
Traverse City. Mich. 7-18-‘99.
Mr. N.'E. Strong,
De&b 8ib: We take pleasure in stating^that tbe Kimball Pianos nsed st our
maaicsisfor the psst three years, bar*
given entire satisfaction. We bigliiy re­
commend yoor instmmeoto to any^jiDe
wishing,to purchase,
Very Respectfulyr,


Shaet Muslo and all kinds of KobIobI QoodA

I. B. SrOOItQ, linilB.



Got ’Em....
I Big bnainess eBteffffUe*
sr« msiie poMibte by the fact
that time aad space can now
be piaetically annihilated.
A tdaphone in tbs office or
boine, Bsves tbe one thing,
which if lost can Dewar ba

Biekigio Tologhooo Co.

And when down'our way invite jou to stop
in and seejtbem.

> oorlioo ofliflos' Slqsors,ViMS GSe, $1.00, $1.25
aoO $100. OiratHs, 35c iq.



TH« vosvora msoomD batukdat, juz.t w. isw.



Tnutoof tea Arte aad B. K. Bipte
af St. Lonto, Hieb.
BaeaatanfvatoattiM BoM OelaB|^» 1 BAn An J- W. B>nn Wa are Or. i. Oabn aad wife. Jaebaaat. W. BAnn. Utior Mid Mam«« villa, PU: Carrie Woolon. Bnatlipton.
W. Ve: Miea Leaera Mace. J. B. Jabnaan aad wile. Harry Snyder, Uarleataa. W.
and Mr*. C V- Sajder.
Porflrto Dill. Mesieo.
Mlw »■«— Ftopp retnracd tros Xalkate toat cvealnp, attar ^endtnp a
taw day* with bar part*to.
tore. a. Hlraehbarp. of B.k Baplda.
arrived toot eventop IroB Alpaaa aad
to tha paaat of Mr. aad Mrp. Jellae
SUlaberp. She wlU.poon tober howe





ThA «<nAff« d IB* VorM.
TtotaittasBWofLUvA'* B«(tetar
«< BUpvtar ri*» iB* wUr* MRMBteBAMaftB*«»orUMM.lM mmm0*% taA »m«c ri*»B*. wtut tb« MUl
ii—■f*o<r7.Bn.m (MtcAiMiM.Mi.M0teH7l>of«ieb» per eesl we
jtrtUeB. TbeUekudCiAM* came MSI
la Ike Ikt wUk 1.010 veeeel*. wli
lOBl toaaACe of
baal.»VeMaeU, witBairoaaaceof >.•
Oemaay, with 1.4TS tmmU.
^atoaaaiaof a.«u,»M. »w«dm.
with 1.4M nbmU. bae a toaaare of
palp Mt Ml. Bwala. with t.ilt wm
prii, hae a uaaap* of
Bm l,lMe«MaU and Fraaoe X.IU.
paa baaNl, DesmarhTOfl aad Spain
It to aUtad tn thia report that
DaltadStatM atand* srsi to Oraai
Brllala U ahiptdsr ThUtoaotaaaaMwaslar a* U *«*»•. hreauM the
phaat aary of Oraat Brtiala earrtaa 71
* p« aant of all the coauaaroe eau
Briltoh pona. tt par eont of the.
' iMrca aaUrthp Bmlaa porto, l» ^
paatofthatoaaaro la tiarmaa porto,
#• par east pM eaat of tha trada
Patah porta. «t par eeot of the Irmaa La
fraaeh porta, M per eaat of tha oeaaa
•rada to Portaral, aad, auat fanportaat
p( all. U par aaat of ^ oeaaa trada of
•ha Ualiad ^ua
Oarnany hae ftaaUy laereaeed

pr«»t caUetoelkw that be hae W ^eaed*
ad In wcarinpa th-H^npbly Cnt cIcm
Belropoiltaa euraeUoe for Tieverea'
Ctly ueatra poere la Bel B-M'e to act
and Boat beaoUfel p'ey. ••flearie tf
tbeB>iieBkte"whldiwUlbepr<*cai Uto brJ. a JohawB aad 8. B
ad at tbe City-Gpera Boeae Monday
Mta! N. Chauardaa of Waehlnpton

tba Mtoaae Mary Uwte. the eberinlQP yonap Inpeau- to
t te evellar role. MUe Lewie ha* M->ie'and Tana bawtoof Bead City.
at Foreetere' 1
top. Anp. i. Bitl Me.
Htoew MUlle MarahaU of Old MtoakM ed praat popetorliy in all the prinelpe
ud Lon Ooapbany of B k BaekU d'
to the elty yaawiAay, rWitapi pact three yeere aod in thto, bar letaet —
,____V . _ L.-..____________ __________________________________
baa been aapet^y co\pbt by proa- W
W. r. OPl of OJlto Pier came to tbe towi
have dasiared her to be the only lepftlywtardeytoteaeaci Ittoiatea.
e.ty ywtardeytoteaeeei
Mra.J. W. Oennllett tee reloraed meet enooeeeor to the laBented Aanle
jPUleyand local emMeomt ^tr^
1+0 Fbost Street.’
Smi ot BeUtora
Mr*.w. A. Bate of MUwaokee to! can anueipate a thoronphly erjiynble
vlaittop 8. C Deaprea and laaiay.
j prodaetloe. The eompany to be aeen
Baa Booverof Ttledo to vtoiltop hto ■ 1*»app*rt of Miea LewU toeJapnarannr Snvdcr
teed ataodard of eabellenee and tbe
Baa^Sprtelte waU kaowa dry
that MaaaparSuirof Qraad BapFIRST-CLASS
^ flfiad BayliVi. p-»--llda hnariven hto noqaallfled eodorw
«■ W, ra»> «'U>. fUj Md
_ ______ J
way to vlait hto Mpbew, Lea Sprtop. at
one of the moat noteworthy of the
BUt Baplda
Hetom Beaaett aad wife of BriptaV Travme City eeeaon.

M E A I. S

OB, to to the dty vtoittop the faBlly of
their eoa. L. M. Beaaett.
8. 8. Bute one of the foaadeic of
the Mwthem Mlehlpan Traneponatioa
Oo.. bat aow preeldaat and penaral
aanacar of the Paople’e Traoilt Ca
mnntop a line of boate from Beat*
Barte to MUwankae, to to the dty on

MahloB Board of Toledo, to virittop
tbafteUy of Jea. SeboSeld.
Mra. H. F. Northrap hae poae .
Chieepo to vtoit bar BOlhar aad atoter.
Oo her way hack ahe wUl vtoit trianda
to Grand Baplda.
3. F. Beep of Onadpe. I^iob., to vtoit­
top ralailvea bare.
Barry Boxle of Ann Arbor to vtoittop
iraU detaad pcatey lor the apbnUdlnf
pf her aterebaat nary, aad ehe hae ato eoaato. Alfred Moore.
Gao M. Staarae of Watoet atroat baa
Baaa ralalap oa Great Britala a
aaoepted a poaitton to Baooa Broa. A
paafdly thaa any other aaaatry, wl
Ayera bUI at Aldan, a* aawyer.
Aa yaltad Stalee hae haaa lad^ffei
MBCtotheelty Thoiaday and will
•eher nerehant aaty. Wa oafnt
ha Bot oaly nui to Great Brltlao, hot move bto foBUy there today temy
Piaal to bar. Tbe Ualiad SiatM ehoald
ato tha
E CbandaU of Orawa,
. tern aa tee U an effort to retain what
dty yaetarday m baetoea.
fcae aooM to ne atnoet wlthoot «
Mr. aad Mia. Oea Payne of Waahtoppa tbe Pac Sc. If ao«e meaeert
teballdlnp opofa marebant »arlne
to not aaaetad by the nest oeapreM. U caspinp esplditloa. a*. .'The Wal•wo yean Oamaay will elaad msi to ante.'' —
Mr. and Mn. E. L. Spiepue aad Htoe
Oraat Britton and will be pnebiap
Vay into flelde tUt ebonld batoap to Olive Speaeer want to .Benaoala yaw
terday. They wUl vtoit Mra. T. PetIke UniUd matea.
Ut and Mrt. Jaaapb Soara over BudaT'
Miae Irena CuantophaB poea to MaO'
TBal^ofCbieapole nuinr very
totee thto aftaraoda for a vtoit with
abort tia^ apo a band of pypaiee whleb frlenda.
Mre. Blvto Clark ot Ithaea. Mleb.
toad aaoip^ near town for otany yean
ware ordarad to noate. Mow a bn.l eaaae np on the esearakB fora waekb
tpbt that wae to hare baaa pnUed < IT vtoit wlik trianda.
J. W. Petebto'B atoter. Mre.
today aad lotaorrow hae Inrliad the
pttaaUon ot the poUoe aad order* have CnekBan ot Ann Arte, to vtoittop here
Baaa plven to eiop It at all heserde. lor a week or two.
nate J. W. UUllken and
tolrat tUap we know etepe will be
•akaa to eeppraea tbe aaasAl Tbanka- Baynee will letara today fron a bed
neea Ulp to Qrveland ead New York.
irtrlap football pama
QUade Vaadarvora hae returned
A aooo deal hae been aaid and dimt froa Chieepo.
Peter Warsbeif aad Fred Pratt reIs Travwae City repardlnpa fotbre
iMt ai|^t frora the reoea at
water eapply aad tber* are prava feaf*
•hat the water which we ar« to receive Oraad Baplda._____________
toOB oar new water worke wUL brinp
I. O. «. T. SUotloe.
pa a peatlleocf, nnleee the preataet
At the eleeUoa of efieere to the 1
pare to eseroieed In peitlap a Hold
Which to abeelately pore. Chieepo to O O T. lodpe Uet nipkt the followtop
pot ao partieelar. Only reeeaUy It hae
C. T.—B J. Lavender.
pone to peblle aotiee that a certain
V. T.-Mr*. Mayme Lancaitar.
P. & T.—Jennie Cnrttoe.
pt aataral htotory, the eabtoeto of
F. 8 —0:to Pnrteeh.
whtoh bare ail come wUhont hind'
Seeretory^Cland Polver.
raaae tbroopb the hydrant of the faBAM'teeoretary-Jeanto Bare
fly fciteban. The poltoamaQ to a
Tteaenrer-Uurt Wood.
pf imporau hablto.yei be dectoree that
Manbal-Joe Warner.
pae ptoea df thto water, need to drUk
Depnty Btarvhal-Bertfaa Brown.
pad for other aoneehold porpwae.
Qnard—C. M. Leneaetar.
aeatalae a peaDlne eshiblUaa of deltriSeatlael—Boy Loadinp.
aa trcBMe. Tot thla to the water Chi'
PK«pMpl*or* eepeeted to'drtnk and
Orpantot-Oore V. SaoktU,
Be happy aad healthy. When it to eoniUarad that ^at riiy hae ooMamed tt.fM,fl00.000|aIloaeoftIli barerape in
•ha toet als moatba Ttavwaa Cfty aaad
toM fear for the fatnra.

AOthav Hlaatrd Bhow la Pieepcet.
Oapt John Btraaaek, fomwly
iBaiud of OoBpaay.B of Mutotea, to
to the dty u'daavertop to arseape lor
a mlaetrcl chow to be plvw andw the
Ufa. Mtohaei Cuiala. Ptoiaflrid, lU.. anepleea of tbe Baaaab Blflea toa tbe
■akae tbe etatement that ehe canpbt iTtb of r npual. dnrtap tbe Q. E E aapoU, wbtob eettled oa bar Innpe; a'
mb Tbe ebow vriu todode
telly eeveralUdlaeandltdeddednpo. will
wae treated for a moalta by her faal
t told
_______ ____ a bo^eae vietlB f eon- be a aovvUy ud oae of tha tel evar
plvea bare Tbe laeaben of tba <
jpuyara rivtoftfaa Bettor |avaraWc

It to rarely that u arttot aebtovea eo
inch dtotiaeUoa ud notico to ao abort
a anaee of time aa baa Marie Lemur
to tb t brief period to wbleb abe bu
been-splolted u a lUr. Mlaal*inur
foraevenl aeeiua peel hae been en
Impo.-tant Bembar of Anpcevln D«ly'>
variue eompantea. and nnder that dtotlnpnlahed mauper and aUpe director
forped to the front eo rapidly that bar
Intofe career baa been the food tor
many InureeUnp artlclea to tba New
York preae. Thie eeaau Mtoe Leinonr
ie t • be earn to the tlUe role of Wilfred
Clarke'a preat Ludu comedy trinmph,
"A Wtoe Woman.''ud will play nn
enpapement in tbla dty u Wrdnnday
•vrnlnp at.Stetoberp'i Grand. Frederic
Mnrpfay. ^ eeaeon laadtop mu with
Jolla Marlowe, ud a well aelreted
sompany anrrmnd Mica Immonr. Tlekate are now on eale at tbe bos oS m.

Voaap anaa aboai 17, who taowa t
waaud bp Mark tew.

, WlbiMkiAillatoito.



‘■Wa have aold waay dlBereat aonpb
-Exewe me. air. bnt haven't we mat
raBedlaa, botaoaa baa plv^ batter
aatlafaetioa ten Chtebw^'e’' aaya beforel Tov face to amngely famll-,
lar.“ ■
Mr. Cbarlaa Botobenee, Dmpptot,
‘■tea. madam, onr boat totrodticed ■
to each other Jnvt before dinner."
eonpha. oolda or hnarteneea
Sold by
■AE t was poalUve I had aeen yo
EE WaitaadP. C thenpaoa, Dnpnewbere! I Mvvr target a facq.*Pieto________________
Bartein Ufa.
Table eeren.
CbuUto table eovan at the Pteeae
e appUruu for teartuur ewrlB'
tw M orato.
cate* tn Gailowiy cunty were asked
at eitetoatiu to define ‘'brlc^-brae."
Barked fioB St to $1 ti polar at M One teacte aaawavd tltot "brlc*' yw ehelee . BaatUtM^Utof tone to aaoMtbtop to throw u • Bop.’'
-LMdBTlUe CooHargoontoL


Lunches and
Order Cooking.

190 Front Street

! Will s. anderson |

open: day and night
Begiiioiaa Satardny eremog


House Furnlthiug Store


All details of the profession logked after in a professional manner.


I lo. SIS tiiia Smt


r>«ha te a» art ASmI la the Avwttc
0«r pot-emmmt. ai the supst-attoii
of (Ilf (IroimipLU-ai DocU-t.v <if i’blla
dflphto atul will] ihi- c(M>ia-ntloc of
Ihr whaling
n lil iiiaki; cx|>nloirou thU ymr m-iili a virw to <1i>terailnlng IW cum-iiis In tbe Arvtk
w<-ou Dunk of .\an-ric*. Fifiycaak*,
dealgur-tl for the |>uriM«e. eays (btNrw York Sun. trr Iwlng at-oi up u>
Btdng etinli to be an afloat by tite
wbairre In various pans of tbe Arctic
oevao. Ptorb of.tbcM- cask* will con
lain W fvcord of the time «'beo and
ptei-r wbi-rv It I* tbruH-n orerboerd.
and It 1* boja-d later ibai a coD*l<lern
bit- nuulMT of tbem luaj l>c picked up
by oibor vcsaa-ls. ami thus It will be
kamnl In wbai directhma they nncarrletl by tbe ciirrcats.
It li Dot Hkely tbat any of tbear
cask* will be carrltsl char across from
Ih-rinc strait to tbe AlUgtic ocean, for
tbe Intricate chanot-U auiong tbe la
tonds aui] tbe Ire inass<-s would (wob
ably prerent each a drift But It la
.probable that ibv prevsliliig rurrent
acroaa tbe Americu Atcik- ocean 1»
from west to east. iVtty goo-1 proof
of this fan wat faraUbt-d by an abandoued ablp of one of tbe Franklin
svarcb ex|>edItlons. wbleb drifted from
tbe central regions uortb of tips eon
UncDt cast to (JroTDhiod waters and
•ouib luto the Altonilc. Tbe currenta.
however, of the western part of tbit
Arctic domain arc little umlerstood.
and (wrhapa the floatlug caska will
throw mote tight oi>on Un-m.
Of course It «as known long ago
tbat the northwest paasage for which
tnarinen had soogbi for o-niurlea real­
ly exista. Sir John Y'lanklln. on tbe
expedition that cost tbe life Of every i
mail In his lart.r. nearly compU-ied tbe
passage, fur. advancing from the east,
he came vrtthin W> ml lev of tbe point
reached by vessels from Bering oea.
Ud in 18S0 klcClQtc. wbo entered the
Arrtlc ocean through Bering strait,
wns aide to advance from tbe weal till
be reached tbe Oortbtatl exiretnlty of
Banka Land and overlooked tbe walerwaya that 1‘airy. adtanclng from
eaat. had navigated In IblB. It
Uioa coociusivety abown that
there is contlnoona water commnnicaUon iLronghoot the sea north of Atlle^
tea. and klcOure received fron Uw
British parilBment tbe euin of *30.Ouo. which It bad voted to give to the
discoverer of the nonbweat pataape,

.taboUU airtob^^’lpht

____ raelf benrfllad from the drat
-------She eenUnoed lu nee ud afiw
laktop ail botUae found hweelt eonnd
aad welli MW dore her own honaawerk. aad to aa writ ae ehe ever wae
10 el. total botUea ot thto Gveat Iteov
ary at the dmp etorM of & E Wa
aad J. U. Johneoa. Larpe botUae t


Bon Ton Cafe

Large arm rodrer,
bent arms, bolt through
aesA very stylish, for
only $1.67, worth $230
anywhere. We have
cheaper ones-* a large
rocker fw $147
-^mly a few of those
left. We are potting
out the biggest bar­
gains in rockers at this
sale ererrheard of.

yhis is the Big, the Busy Store
j^as been established, of years, two score
£’en from the first it took the lead
£jas always had good advice to heed
;^nd when the store became too small
^ot having room enough for all
^ew goods, that were coming by boat and first train
^11 the firm could dp, was to build again
PJow i^prospered you know full well
^nd each department it’s .goods now sell
^ot only to all parte of our own grwt place
[)own the railroad, up the bay, you can trace


J_^oadsupon loads of groceries and good things to eat
■ ^nd furniture, crockery and clothing, will meet
Yoo. where ever, yon go.

Stoves, hadwa're. glass

J^ay be bought here, so cheaply money will pass
^’er yon know it, thro* fingers familiar with toil
Remember we^re friends of the tillers of soil
QoustanUy looking-for best things to sell
- Qome to the busy store, they'll treat you well
Q’er the whole north region, this ^tory we tell

• '4

V.. '-'G.'..


Ig« MOBMCTO R«0-»BI), SATOaifAT. T&LT »*. 1S9S.



I eivM kr tk* OMtni w. e. t. V.

Th* Omm*1 W. a T. U
piftMlar prafTfts TMUrdftT


ft vary

ift^ parkn of tM rint M. K ekftitk



H.W »»-

>r JI.OOO MTM of hardwood 1»1___
i« wld thftt b« WUI «i«el ft
tM that r Uftffo for the p«rpaft of tantalf oftt hardwood fftrftUor* (row the
roftCkAt thft If .ek«roo pcftto&w there b ft
•tftftdf etrofta of fnUt aad eelarf froi
•rt and ionwbftloo aaea waidsf to t«t
Qilearo Bftrkftt prbM. The Aftterieaa
BxpreMCo. of (hat dty lay that
dreriBd ft Ub boar day. their offise b
pft)riBr oat to the CTO rare daoo a day,
ab mt dl ft tBloata.
Wca!ry rieteher of doUlra lowMhlp
feltftdbtaoeeofia f»et from a aeaffold^arooada bars ia Praltport
towBohlp Wedneadar eecninr. bb aeek

•*''------- --------------

leldwBCfteTcraleelaetieweerp pratti]/. ftftd Muoaft AablOD aad Laapi
thy ease a daeL
Mn. TeapU read aaelaetioftoo Paa i
UyCalUrcaad UadpUBa whi^ «U'
Hr«. P J. Cartb raad a« latratlat’
Oftperoa debotidr
Mfft. Bniheeb pcpbr ob Llterabn*!
wftaaepwiaUy flMftBdaome iHemaeloD
Brerrbody b Idrhad to attaad thMo
aoettori. whihh an bald aeaey tero
waabt. OB Prlday, la the parlor* of
ibe Pir»t M. B. Aftreb.

Most Gratifyiog Results

A Faithful Assistant


And oBtold beBbfiCB did w«

if not flaanciany (M goodfl waro Bold too choap ) It
has brought ns ih closer contact with s coruin qIats
who were predjadloed sgsinst our shoe department.
We, once upon a time, carried a cheap line of ahoos
which waa disposed of and long toxyetten.



to many that the cla«s of footwear we oarxy today is of
an entirely different nature. Not a ahoe enters our

store unless a guarantee accompanies it made to

There will be a frea piwa^bose
cooeert at ibe W. W. Kimball Oo-'e
Prof. KiBbat), of North Adamt.
auca. 1*9 Prost etreet. fioa 7 to 9 toprofeft loa*laa-OBftat.«ftde a taallooe sipht.
aaaeftilou »t the Eeicbie Of t^la*
Bevoral bvthadtbeiirclkUiae takeo
pleab at BllUdale Tboraday. The batycaMRUy. while Is awlBBiap at the
loos drifted over a lahe, into which
-the profreeor fall asd wae drowsad Sa
The alapftst sew wapoo that m
tore aMUuaoa c vid reach btis. Hb
dared fjr Me*. #. Oarey BaU
•body baa Botyai beas recovered.
At Lapeer Urorpe Chabbei* waa Ume apo, arrired yaaterday troB Oolumbat. Onto.
killed Tbnreday oo the oouoty (hrn
The uMBbei* of the Swedbh Lnwhere be bad lived for twelve .yeara.
Be had bpaa is the Sold asd span i«- theras church arc plaoBlcp for a floe
will do more for them than any
tarsiBft«tbeboa.aaUaBoted (opaae eoooert to be p ves Is abjui a loooth.
other tonic they can take or
The tebojuer Barvey Baeft-.m of Sl
tbroopb a yard where a vlclosa ball
other help they can get It
bad brobeo looee. Mo ooe
Is better than an extra servant, for It Increases your
trapady. bet wbes the daao m ta waaf^«
yeaterday for the
own powers. Just try it for yourself.
.tile Op.
toaod ti W»a appareat that tha ball
had Pont apoB bln anldesly; asd af­
■ble work* bulldlsp ot H. D.
ter haoebisp him dows had pnisnelad AUry b belsp paiatad.
^ life oei of him with hb horse.
The plat of rcaarved i
Prof. J. ti Steele, of Ass Arbor, the Kavasaph aod Bosey’e Boyt eoooert
well-kDowoftBlhority oo sataral hb- will be OB Bftle at the City Mews atasd
“snrmBtvo OBA&utr.* j
with the hom-'rist
tory. fire* It aa bb opiclos that the thb moral, p

! “Did >-t>u vver hno* an>-thlnc i
kbaiop bop asd »lr*«aup bop are
Bev. Juaiah Pvabloptoo b havlsp
W-ll Zsowo VrWBpapcr Mss-Who . er ihan thii> vxthtrr' be eked.
Be wyt the aeperetU houae he reeaatiy purchmaed os Fifth
she aorwered, for she bed
irpwtor Bob lopercoll.
OTFthrerd him rcmmunlnp
UoB ooseerslsp Ihas etrosply reaioda street, remodeled.
O-ie of the beat ks>wo
eUiut it: “y.iur c-heri
hioi of the fearft of the FUlplsoa or the
E. M. Moblo'i pbotopTBph pallety b Bieols ihreoustry U Cuae. A. tbvU,
saUvea of Bn aU. They live Is deadly rueelviap a new eost of ptloL
ruur imie boy rather
mare (am liariy koows. a. ••Stutterlop ' ,cuV^t7’i«k-‘- > much iBteresi
tarror of hareaeae wlsped iseaeta, while
they aup about' asoop vesoBook The Oarp Lake eamplap party ooiwbt. Chariey." Mr. Oevb b one of the pnae ae»,p,p.T»?
asahaa without fear.
Be apeak* of iup of the fftBlUaa of Seaauir J. W. apesU ot tbe P'orcpauph-flelb Brea.'. ChlroKo Molbrr-T«-«. be b enly ,
yeeterday Tver. o»d. but be bet the keeiteet eerie
the lasters bap. with a proboeeb two MiUliken, PrB. fiarsea. F. A. Bari, eireu4 and wae is tbe city
* ^
r .f Kiimrt. r A..-. .AA.
u. ■ ■ aa« a-__
isefaea loop, as abeolutely hamlw L._ W. TlokbaB aed C. B. Murray, w-U
sewaDapera for the bip abow. Mr. the Si. L<.uis dally pepere.-Chicaso
tseeei whieb the oaUvee believed rators today ef wr a J >Uy aaaaco of foo
Bd raercatioB.
Davbi faaa
fata had aa letereeUsp career IDa^y Nt»»
troaU kUl by atorely touehisp a sae.
Base Ull today at J:Mi. Twelfth asd for Bftuy yeara waa macaper of ^
Tbeoldaiooe wall at the Jackaon
prbCB.whlob baa atood for flftytiz atrret prousda. Masbtae va, Traverse the leolUTB toon of the late Boberl O.'
City,_____ ■
lopatBoli, ef whom be b fouo of apeak- critically from »
pMt* b to ba rvplfteed by a new ose.
lap and «f whom hr had a very hipb ihe was begloolnc t
After afrslUeea erareh for BrsMt Sle_ ------------tlilnk yvM wji, repard. Lmoat amoantlBp
— to mS cOos. I
«««e of Kareopo. the viilapera have
n*vu ha* been is the oewapaper! How ea«y it l» for vome people m adaoseluded he b burled nodtr as 1bHovaon-Tea I don't feel that we »«*loeeB all hb l.teaad (bare ar« few , TUe oin.rr h-.w to r. nduct their affa
aasae load of wbcav
in aPord to co to the aeaabore thie of the craft who do cot know hits.
a lam BiAblewant
Tha preabytBiao mlsbter at Uaaaa.!
B.aldeabelcpasoiodwriter he haa ^
“i' ‘-•‘h_______________
DanBister-Whai tface do you exprn wideaeqaaintaoce amoop the eelebre-1
fiev-. A- S Z mmermas wlU apeod hb
raeaUoo roaainp through the etaie os to *0 to?
Howaon—I doB*l know. Haven't the
“■ ror»»ai,o,Medlel
a prairie aehooser.
leaat idea. Somewhere hrre IB tbe wot. tended toot* IS hb newanap'v work i
A floe tanltarlom fe to be built at Ot-! thoufth My wife ftlwaye decidee tueb —•< repreaeniinp leadiop circua
' '
From Sylvan Valley Kewa. B-evrad.
aapo thb fall sear the mioaral eprlspt matter*
In C:
Banniaier—la ihe parlbl to the wett
•t that place, the eaisUv* powere of erti rvxiriv?
It mar he a qoeitios whe’her tbe
the water from whieh are eatd
A Curluu* Pkad.
editora new<paper ha* the rich
Howaon—N'fl. but I've been urirlnt
Hy recomraeod any of -b* vui
that we po taihe aea or euroe faahloua.
A aQuad of workmeo
, ietary m<'dirloe« whieh flood
Mr. asd Mre- laaae Koop of Bertraod ble place dovn eact.
conttrurtinc a larse dry d.wk at Cher^
y-t a* a preveotatlve of vaBerboura made a etranye diacovery
hevsahip, Barrleu coosty. oelebraled
'i-H it a do*y' »o *«y a
Tbe enilrp coil-v-imn of coloe usd or two ayo. For aom* time they bed
their poldes weddlsp at tbelr hone
word wcnamberlaiob Cotie. Cholera
BMlab Id Ibe KriiuL ujuaeutu conabta uaed en innnnout
niarrhoea Remedy
We have
Wedseeday. Nearly 9^ child.
91 nvurly
futcrui In movinp about the craslu known and uaed thb medtefoe lo our
blocka One day tbli ioy luddenly buret ’ family for twen'r vean and have alAs Bfl:>ieB'C o( Otarrhoea.
At MeSBBloea Paul, the T-yaar-cld
open under an extra-irdlnary preaeure, • way* found li Teflahle. I" many es*e*
Mr A. Seodere. wriliap from Ooeoardv wouH
aos if Edward Nuhaal, a well to do ButOrove. Fla., aave there baa bees
'e a«bi
a «bv*icl*B la await, waa drowsftd Thuraday ^jaiteanepidrmicof diarrhoea them.
wlleve 1b depeodlnc
. bad ft
sfuraoos while flihlop la the rlter.
____________ impllcttlyo-ary tred^lne fee#ber'•■min’. Ot.l- part of the Cal. t furpncation. and that **nt we do beli'vr
Vli'vr n
i> at If «
* hr.ttle
Tbomaa OcrlsiB. watehmao for the hyt'erdoBM of Cbami
Cb> lera and Diarrhoea. B-i‘Riedy.
Re •1 the Mine of Ihe laym* of the nnt
lint i Chamberlain'*
Diarrhiw B-medy were
Tbeyer Lamberc^BpaBy of Mushapon
> f>ther» el«nc thereof le ulr TMlifpe bad (Oaced .kept
kept on hand and admloUtered at
taat year, waa badly aoaldad by aieam
tbe documecl and culna in the lup,
t the teeepiloo
of ftn attarV mneh
ftsd be sow ft>tee the oempasy for AM,- thev ever oard.
anfferinr mlrht be avoided and in
bee of a phy*icbn
l.'nder a We»i Vintini* law. provid .
- eaaea tbe preaold B-*t
on be
be rrqi
At leait thU
IBS life eeatence on a tb rd canvlcl-on. !
BobUm Mlsp of Baton oonsty, LetS*«*tOftis
I been our erperienee darinr
theSo-pradepolsi'ftl S5sprttoa (er |I patt twentvyemrv. p ,
** ^
Uoiteo BUtea oooeul at Baopkok, Siam
I Walt and F C. Th<
••y* be b trylop to build up » trade for
AtBerlcaa Basufactureru, and b be r •
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Sided by the Biameaa poveromenv
At UuftkBpoB Ueloey A-'-lbwee,
taaBBter, droppeddiftd while n.loadIsp a load of wood. Be wae J7 ;
Of epe ftsd bavee a widow aoi
ahUdreo. Tbe oorener’e Jury read
ft verdict of death by appeplezy.
73 pair Ladies’ Hand Turn 8hoes, ‘ Piugree" make, worth $3 60. now ............ $1 00
At Mv Ciemeoe there b what a
he termed as cpldeafe of bcrsl
132 pair Indies’ Oxfords. "Pinffree” make, worth $8.00, now
Thar* hae bees a b
I than a week.
89 pair Misses' Kid 8hoes Plngree make, worth $2.00. now....................

onr>peclal order by some of the beet houses in the
land. Our footwear goes dirr ct from tbe manufiseturer
to tbe consumer. All mads upon the latest lasts
end toes._
Our prices are the only peculiar characteristic
from any of the best shoe dealers
in tbe
Bteta. Ury goods proflu w placed upon our footwear
which means e saving of 26^per cent to the consumer.
On our Factory Bemnant 8ale*we aave Von big
money. The prices we offer are not for cheap, ancient
footwear; on the contrary, every pair Is warranted
freah, new, up-to-date, and to give satisfaction or a
new pair replaced.

Sacrifice Prices on Shoes.
100 pairs Ivfl of LadiiV Oxforda and Slippers, strictly lit*
grade aod up-to-date footwear, value* 12 00 and $2.50.

Sale Price 79c, 83c eed 98c
30 pairs left of Ladies' finest Viri Kid date aboee tn
tnma, velta and McKays, rslues (3.50,

Sele Price SI.48
75 pairs left of Ladies'Vid Kid up-to-date aboes, every iMir
warmnted, (250,

Sale Price SI.2S
Men's solid grain sboea, sale price ................................. eoc
Men’s satin calf, up to-daU shoes, sale price..

la there any wonder onr sales are teu-foldy We conid not
afford it otherwise aa the ol>j*«t in this department ia todi*pnae
of our surplus summer stock- l5ocb reductions oo good, fresh, upto-date clothing are being made only in extreme cases- fo keep
faith with tbe public we mean to do always just as we advertise.
rMJge of men’s all-wool. good, snbstautial ' clothing.
Suite suitable fur budneae men. Many would consider iheoi
good enough for Sunday—

Dcr Factorii Aemoant Price $4.98
Choice of a nice lot of worstedrs tine an.wo>>l caseimeres.
in all the up-to-date stvlee, extra well made and finished
cludiug all of onr
and $12 00 suits-

DurFacioriiReinaant Price S7.2S
The beet of onr tailor-made clothiug. warranted in every
respect as good as any in the city a'>Id for the highest grade of
clothing, mcludiug our (15.60 and $15 (0 suits—

Our Faciory Remnant Price $9^5
Deep cols tnade on the remaining stock of edmmer
pantaloons. ”
Children's clothing goes at a big aacrifice.
Our entire stock of gents’neckwear at a—

Factory Remnaci Price of 19c acd 39c
Men’s French flannel negligee shirts, including neckties,
this season's make, worth $1.50—


Factory Reimiant Price 73c
Men', .ilk boMtn .him, worth 76 cot.—

Factory Remnact Price 48c
C luet A- Peabody's collars—

Factory Remnant Prica iOc


All-wool aad silk mixed novelty drees goods, values 5D
d 75 cents—

Factory Remnait Price 35c

110 pair Ladles' Odords,aU kinds, worth $1.50, now.............................

All. wool novelty dress goods, valne SO cents—

40 pair Men's NatUeton Patent Calf Bale, worth $6 00. now ...
82 pair Men's N«ttletoh Tan Kid Bala, worth $6 00 now.............


$8 76


$1 00

Factory Remnact Price 23c
Novelty dress goods, rdns 90 cents—

74 p^r Yen's ‘'PinKres" Shoes, small sixes, worth $4.00, now.................

Factory Remnact Price 15c

60 pair Ladies* ‘‘Pingree’’ Juliets, small sUea. worth $3.00. now ..
by a bup. Mr*. MliebaU fonna it
amry to pull the bop tram her Up. aad
wllblB a abort time the tip bc^ U
awaU. Bar heart waa aeriouily affari
ad, eltlm by a (ilnp or aeare. Ashy
ateias^ called.
JoMph Ytmap*. a teametcr at Keelah'* aklsple Bill, til mllea sorthweat
of Lake City, waa eariouilylujvrel by
btisp atrsek with a faUiup tree dqriap
. the hlpk wind Wedseeday aftorseon.
- b Btill In as
ssd the chanoea are eamll (w hbreeov
«7. VounpabnyvarBofapeasdliaa
bMB Barried iMa thaa a most

96 pair IClaeea Tan Shoes, worth $1.76 and $200. now
300 pair Misses’ and OhUd's, all sixes, at;...................................................

Yard wide heavy Madiss. value 10 cents—

Factory Ramniit Price 5c

60 pair Infhnts' Shoes, all sixes, now...........................
Women'. BUpirtnwat..............................................................................18, SSc. S6c. 60o. mid 76c
Boye-Shoe, et......................................................................... ............ eOo, 76c. *1 (X). and *186
Mann Shoas at.........................................................................86c, *1.00. *1.16. *1.48 and 81 89
Women’s Bicycle Leggings. aU styles, now...........................................
Youth's Shoes from............................................. ..............................
. 60c to $1 40


rg9 Turkish tewels, worth 20c, FVtory Bemnant Price 12Jc
mmeroorsets ..t,.............................................................. jpo
t t of dress braida, nine 35 and 50 cents, Factory Rem*
nant Price............ ...........................................................
T I ot dress braida, valne from 5 to 25 oasts, Factory
Bemnant Price................................................................


See them—Inspect them -Buy tb em of

0. A W. M.
new S«i^
uty flt
At 9:10 a. Bi.t«tsnlBpat7iWp.B.




Factory Remiiaol Price 98c

Fine imported Madras negligee shirts, worth $1 25 —



out of Uio

Factory Remnant Sale

Onlv !fie housewife, who has a family to look after,
Ac household duties to perfonn, the servants to
direct, the planning of the meals, the marking,
and a hundred and one other things to occupy -her
mind and demand her attention during the day,
knows what a tenttle
strain all thisistmodiid
and body, and what an
' immense amount en«
P eigy and vitality a suc^ ccssful performance of
g these duties
Ire. Is
it any wonder, then, that
many good wives nave
more woii ttfdo than
they have stretinh to
peitorm? They find It
impossible to give their
eboki the attention that it
should have. Tfiey must have
assistance, and



AU Goods Advertised Previously Oo In This 8s1a






l{ 4s Iswet is plsyisf tosoe with
I wWt cross is »OB»b Dstols
opinkMi thns try
term* lost s CH* of II* serss ssd oss e< i4« H( fsswros d
^o**toil the thlnp to
psBgb Sons Bros. tNrcssdeldw
This Is tree of a terps
othscs report siMilsr lassos.
ansber cd other cUnablop plents. Mtt
1 WbdsFsiwiHes.
4 4ispuA roselvod (n>« K:jol-»o»DM of Icy. fur It renders the sraUs of
raed reports thst s esrfo esd * |esLest'Merck, et M wveel.
nlBMM erery boose to vblce ti dlBps
•MrsUsMreoUUM os U>r Ki«er
sfcweBtof tbp Adsst Forspsefb-bdls oaUrely free from damp, exiractlnp ev­
1 thsl <.«O0^OM Volffs eed thet »hs letterte><> *«>*»* Brotbm' drone pcrcbeeode forwldr ery panicle of noianue from wood.
Ixii-fc or none tor Its own soetenance.
.step hsee died Is Jlew bcmib Wsles iac Its poreoB*. The espteSs of the eUs Bemfl tWer. which bed
teeMosoftl»4feet)i tkls }eer. The eenrosbiphM been errested fjr ^ tcred only e few wontbs predobe end This It doe» by menos of iu.tlny roocs.
bsdbccBbroofbttoihsOstelen ws- whlcb COD worit Ua-ir way even ln»
HHwher of sheep U ttasteolov !•>< The E*d Crow sodety of Philedel- tropolto one ship f row Cskotte. Tbs ibe harden'none. When ihe walla are
tejim iiii linn
r------ r*
wen covered with Ivy the overlapplBp j
Aestiete eolooles here bed slaosl ->.i« w rwoieed to sddress e ooews. neUTss In Bsncsl suts tbet bit Mfw tcavea wUl condoct wnter tanisp upon ‘
he seeretery of wer. tbs skip twd destroyed end deeoBTsd more tbem from poist to point nmil tbe
«gesUr dtetfoss experteeess.
>1 FeassylvsBU end the tbsa slcbty people, iDclodlnf loor co­ proond Is reacbed witboot allowlnp
The sew pettem works of the Wootof Pittoborp.-offrrlaj tbs ser- urt fs—iitee wbs llTsd seer his tseo- tbe wsU* 10 rccHve any molsinre:
~ eifie eonpesr la eoeree of
eleeof BDlfotaed trslsed sorees to r> rite jsnfle-Bs seswtd to beer s ebemf whaiever from (be twntlnp rein. U
^ owl kin ei Best mitsberp, Pe.,^ sol
to lien iVsnclBOO to reoelee tbs dek ed hfs. end eonld not be enicrmlneted there shonU be an eseeptlooaJ case of
- Ispisd lete Tbsrsdey efieroooe horj*
Ivy covcfwiJ wsUs sbowlnp sipits of
end eaenlweeet of tbs Tenth Penney1* with eUbsr spsnr or bollst.
IWC e euBiter of worIneM lo tbs rsise.
dsmpoew. tbst wlU be found to nrtss ,
eenle Tolontser Infsntry. rstnmbif
Finelly, with tbs eld of s ooIom of
.•feseph Mslerwes killed oelrtcbteed
trow thrlr csotpelcn In the PtaUlpplntn, Brittab cevelry ^ wet ron into e bntr from ihrir bavtnp been erecud n s
w« end Improperly drtOoed sits.-Bxothers were serloeslp Isjsred.
' e trsla os proridsA
tinp, bound «Htb-«»pw end tboan end -fcviue.
MISS Ids forked deofhter of Hr. sod
Tbs soon Bsrshsl of Cstteln Drey- loresd Into e stroBf cere. In which he
41ex. Forbes, of Bea&ibel. Mo.,
•me Flanh ■aeeh.
toe wUl bMin et ftsnM oo Anfost 10 wssnesTeyodostbeeblpto MonuenL
*«(ooewall died.*- ran one
tes bees ssUepsloee Mosdsy *
We place oo spetial sale today. Saturday, and
CoL Peter Sells, ccneml Bwaenr of most popular Tables, ‘and twi
with tbs sKcsptioe of ten or tfthe 4 Pew.8eIU OowMne. beppsnod In came down from benveo to take him |
«see nlBSts tstervsis, eKtostlsf U
for this day only. 10 pieces fine Black Serge, regu­
, Montroel et tbs time of tbs errlrel of bsi-k wlib them They weni 1
to eboot Biss boors. Ai drst lbs EFFECTS OF CHLOROFORM.
1 tbs tijer. eed, efter throe deys. nepo- tent- Ur wt.s not there They went
•l^lens ihoefht thet she hed'
lar 75c quality.
He was not ibere. i
jlietloas. perebessd tbs enitsd frow to tbe bospitsJ
1, hot they BOW bsllsTs thet
They went to the ooiposts Be was ,
TUst ttorpleis oflibr niwv sdrsneed , tbs eeoteln of tbs eewel. It
Mte ooodltlon ta dns to B Bsfsoos dieDoi there. They went to Ibe prayer
tyiT-srnd do u^hlmofom. U. lb. ' wntly steir. howerer. s. the troessry
r<.u>tii;K»lob of iheir i nnjee U e belief dcpertwsnt of lbs bip spprcpeUoe
scrr«CBth>h "»*
Andrew Oerscfls. throefb bis pri •ribe'.j hdd snC rsrelj fontrsdiciwl. obliped to seperete from sersn iboas- bad lo mum without him. but when,;
I they reported that be bad disappeared
•WMS oscrotery, Pertrew.bss wMtks
tber* u. corlou.lj. Uitl. fooopood Amsrkwn dollars, an nnpar-,
^ bad made a Bank
d )(•( It
Mwt Worth Llbrery Assodetloo. donetttoc for
aUsdflrnrc, asUe "Fnl«
^ 1 march
marcb snd resebt
reached b<wveD before i
a.t«so.oeoui tbs nssodetioo for tbs
i spot cash —and we positively will not lay away
of s bnlldlnp. Tbs dUt-ns .-.J
hold s msw wseUnp to phw rsno- (Lere M no fotmdatlun at all for li ez- ^
any of these jroods at this price. •
%mUoM In oosmsmorstioB of this fbU' cept 10 the imapiMtlsn of senssiionsl ,sler.
Dnrlnp lbs loapeoraps from Oaleulwriters end In tbe needs of people
The cctier. of tbe pivat glove hcaaaa
sBwtbrcple plfw
wbovc tosses eniuot safely be esplsln- ta. tbs pssienpsrs. oSeers and crew nt Itrusaela and in Franw «nrn even
lm»s ■rVlor. » w* *lw **
®‘“' «d by •uiemetjts of fact Tbe ques­ were Id mortal fear of tne baa A. Uoe btpber wage.'(ban tbe cutters of tbe
Mhw Will, ssys tbs Phllsdelpbla Times, tion Us been raised teevndy by sev­ day he to.-eod tbe bars of bis caps most fartilouable Uilors lo le>odoo
tbs victim ofsfrtphtfal nosldent eral robberies Id wbk-h eblorofortn '•np^rimid rushed wildly about lbs and New York So dilDcnlt '.e ilil* art
^ of culling glove, tbst most of iLepriu«BdoarTOwly ssenped wtth bis Ufs satd to bawbeeu employed, and opio-1
■iTsyior Is *0 yssrt old and wears s loop
cipsi cutter, are known to Uie trade
__________ .Ulrstate•iwrd. Rswsssnps^ in sdJosUnp tbVpossll.llliJ nr.ucb use. One of »he ,
by name aod by fame, and die |«cullar knives wbicb tbey um- In tl>- i-uidMoBcnp when bU beard eanpht In ^by^clau. interviewed U quoted ^
. . -_a i-octnnatcly the mate was a cool-hsMl- new ere so talghiy iwlzed ibai they are
banded down from generation U gen­
Moweod to Wind.
etber bevc never uken ell.>« on a sd fellow wbo bad bad some ekpsrisnoe eration ns belriooma
«pnlasl a rapidly rseolvlnp s«^ b«iihy sUi-plug person wlUwnt that lo bsndUnp wild baaata. Ha ordered
wnbaaL which ent sstoral loop pasbw . p,.p^n knowinp It. Uotb of tbcee a couple of aailMS to btinp out the ffroThe Loan UveC Blepha.i.
SCb'lA'Ebb C.AKDS.
An bis teW tbs bone. With s mlphty '
,n. „ fjm nimoUiing boss and while tbe Uper was maklnp
According U> Aristotle. Kuffon and
Tsylor tors loose, t«av np s
lovieoVstlne la tbelr effect end terrific laap. toward tha hatchway, Covler. the eb-phaui may live for two
ccotdrics. After til. vklory over l*ortlonof bU benrd sfnebsd W lbs will arouse a sh-eplnp pemm The en­ which be bad thus far been unable
tire syslem Is eiclied. snd (be heart
niw Alexander cuuM-crau-d ts tbe sun
clear, a stream of water was turned
. .
,u . . ,„rihu
violently and fast. The use of
an elephant that bad fought for Uie
. rOBlal>tt« I
cArtantal advlow say ,^t »
; euber eblorofortn or ether or any oib- upon him. Drenched wlU water. In- Indian motuiivli aod gave it tbe tMimv _
-(•M-e eta ao.
. B P Bufa*
temeane swept tbe Jtpaness
„ snscstbetic by buntlar. Is .absurd. stanUy be Jumped about in abject ter- of Ajax. Then naviug stUcUedan inaatHvUlsa.i
July I tb II- In UsWjlmamnra,, „ frequently ukes physicians with
Nsvsr was an animal more tor- acrtptlon. lie S.-I It at liberty The anl- l»“Aistfiot. Kusblms prsfeetnre,
tbdr various spidUkoces from 10 to IS (wlMd. He defied bullett and steel.
found Uu year. Uter. making
fasMW ware washed away and SO psr- mimties to J.H1 a petioo under the loUs age ea«Hf aomewbere between three
Qt soeeumbed to cold water.
•MS wore klUsd and SO are mtssinp. In llusnce of eliber of these snaeslbetlcs.
CompUiely cowed end es meskastbe and four wuiunea.
iMd emnry. I innn dlsiriet. the ms pro- and ofien a pancot will become
tel II U
.11(001810(1 snd aedve lH*rorc tbe ef
It is terribly bard tor a boy to be­
^WpSonv Be M
ft-ct Is secured tliar K requires several cape. While tbe as lore eovered
,sM and many people are mlsslnp.
opaclng in tbe -cape with a powerful lieve In tbe veracity of nla facber wt»-n
airoop men to bold kUu."
Alcnmum. Klumoredlstrkt. Mlyo preTbe Idea tUi tbe mere Introduction amam of wnter. nod tbs Upsr lay be bears Him declare Ibal oo one t»
liMUlivufW. l-Bn
Rsttve- a landslMe occurred on tbs ! of cbloroforin Into a rootu would enuw trembUnp In one oornsr, the mate bold­ truly bappy and cuoieoiot UQleaa be
______________ —
mlpktdl July 10. owlnp tokbs heavy I -UDcooscwu.ncss
was Ovridt-d as ab­ ly approhcbcd sad repslrsd tbe twisted ba* work tu do.—AicUlson Globe.
rale. Five houses were crushed under surd. Even If door, and window# fania. As soon na Ue eailora stopped
Tbe best evident^ of mertl Is the cor­
air tl(t1u It would take several
nksfiebrisandSI persons were either
playing on tbe Uper he became ss farl- dial recoBnttloD of It wbeoerer snd
•A»irg^l-.-lT or_S
y^vkn. B. Cl
pallon. of either anaestheilc to *o fill
IrilUd or Injured.
u>a e»-rTibiP« a'Sv ‘J
a room with (be heavy fume. n« to af- out as ever snd made deapersts effortt wberevor U may be found.-Bovee.
-Tbe Bawaiian UUuds have been vio- fkct a sleeper on a bed of avcrai
n«ai»ul*»*a«'ttw« »v
to esc^,bnl tbe barn bad been ssenre:,«»BM« PSaa
XMUyabakMi by an earthquake, and beipbl. And tbe Brat effoci sqoulJ be. ly adjusted.
Brain -fag Is largriy tbe nwalt of peo­
M aena Loa. on Hawaii, contlnuea. In noi deep sleep, but ezriled AnkefulSince belnp piveed In Forspaukb ple nut wlsbiiic to admit that ibey ent
tnr s osTBs. avu
on. Dssaapa by tbe earthquake ncM Tbe cbantva arc. (ben. that and Sells- menaperie, where bela con­ too muett—iHtruli Journal.
lue w Probww ptBi
Women Mi’. -n are employed la rvea- BP •u)n>
Belli* Co BWW
mmocaied probably to The when anybody claims to have been fined la a apeclaUy atronp cape, be baa
Mws was bcDupbl by tbs tleamer Port by burflar. tbere
torn Ibe arou and abouldora of two mark. Norway and F.niar.d. and tf.ey
. ^ feert. ttins days fram Booolulu. The aometblap queer about tbe cnac.—New
throupb tbe steel bars of his are ofirr. found lo t* roost ezccUant and lof. «tS Wem«»v<w.v.
delightful marrners._________
Iwra flaw Is from an elevation of be- York Tlmea
lair, and no man can -be found amonp

! &euir&\ Aliens

Black Serge

For 38c Yard

J. W. Miluken



. nweett 1I.0W and 14,000 leetlbe earth­
quake ebook was only allpMly felt In
Uenololu. People rosldlnp within e
wadMaof SOmUea of tbe voleano are
a sMop to safer parte, aod the country
mronod Manna U» U practically dsmer^
An IrrlpuUon tsssrvrir
TOa acTM at an avsracs depth of 4U
teV eentelnlnp 1.»4,&!R.OOOcable feet
ml water, reqntrlnp s dam tSS feet
M%b. Is to be eenttructed oo the Platts
cjvsr near Frusost. Neb.
.-A»drswC..aspUbaaofrsrsd V> ^
StMOO for a public library In San
DiAfo. Cal.. .If a all. be dosated and
Abe library maintained as at pisaani
qJirU-clubs Inssesralsoulhsm Kentowns have resolved never to merry
m joonp man nolsaa be served WlU the
famous sou Eanaaareplment. Rstbar
Ate marry a man wbo suyed at home
.Aliey will romsla Maple.
.4 eenatpnment«(RW tons of copper
at Indie, sold as copper scrap.
•sMaJaodsd at New York. U be msllsd
Aor ocmTserclsI purpsssa The oolns
mn wDrtbraora as copper than as eolaa.

The Womee MS the Cat.
It’aa airaupe tbinc about women and
cable cars when the time wmea for
Ibemiopart. A mau nr a boy will Just
baiurally drop off (be car and
akinp tbe atreet at if oolblnp bad hap­
pened, but let a woman attempt to
emulate bis example aod aad work
does sbe make of It Even a raloy
day costume doean't help ber out mueb.
for skirts bate little to do wltb ber
buopUas method of leuvinp the cnr.
It is a msiter Hist eaDuut be explained
BO easily as ran ber laabliity lo (brow
a ball, for In ibe latter esae anatomy
Is at fault.
fiumeilntys abe puzzles over it beraeir. but In tbe majority of cnae. abe
pivea Ibe matter no lUouphi. but almplv rises, praaps (be railinp. nod.
wbeiber tbe car Is at a suodstlll
to motion. «ei'« off backward Some
one ►iK-uU U- able to (»ffer a rcsaontble .'XpUi-.-i'en of tbe »ecT epjwreot
Iferlii^Tt : ; 1-1.H-to .
ts to
do the Ui.UK Ewu wbeushe

tbe several exporisnead and coorapeoua
below la a list of tbe burlnp hard mH
wild bcMt Uroers with tbe show wbo
lop prices of ycetertUy for preset
U darlnp enouph to enter hU dan and pi^ons nod farm products in Tnv
faoabim. They believsbe can never eras City:
be tubdued. The elrens people have
named him-daths."
If any amblUoat youth of Ybe city
10 M
would like to attempt tbe aubj -ction
of tbU famoua bsaaL and thereby ©braaown—a prise so
dear to the JavonUe heart—the
npemeot of tbe Blp Dual Show may be
Induced to fnrniah them an opportu­
nity on tbe oeenaton of Uetr viaitbere
Aupust S.

WUl gJfrMIM aU b»s».

wade B»j


Vbu StUe Urocer.

«p.n. T»l»pt><ic».n



Potato^ per bn,........ ............... -^«0
Salt per bb’
Bran per J 0...

nnalrreU F«reUh I----------Tbe eamei'a half brasli used \3j art­
ists lia> nothing »f Iwctrls In It. There fp^eat. old. per bu......................

Hotie* to Tsxpaywrn.

proKity ol I s*r rrev I . .
tzxra nsiie'4 twv. Ui kbJ yeiJ 4
k*r tS*T» »U1 br cSsrgvd a pvtiBl
Boik pboov. Its______________________


Steinberg’s Grand

n W.


Opera Housa

coatiy. but II U belter, softer, more
plublo and more durable. At tbe prea- gpyia# Beach EeUl
ent day It Is doubtful If you could And
Is prep*red lo serve mvata at any ■ajrnNgr—To
-------al prop-r•• BeCortlaB l»t»«4e4.
a busbvl of camera balr In all the
time to parUca from the city, at an Ha
aSli BoralDS oaUlSIarv*.Ij.OB** opvefrtiw
OencralSbaftsr, acUnp on tbs advlcs
This was uvrrbvard on a cable car bniM) factories lo the land. However.
hour-. DOtioe. E thsr 6 o'clt^ ^or
or Ins. Wa4»B“ •
(Sftimisral Otis, bat decided that no tbe otUiM- uiumlng. An ovyralvader
nr«t vorUhv
gmore wobten and ehUdrsn ahail be aldaya Bell Ulspbons li
I •»

E.n.1... ...iml U*1
«wed tepo. V, MuU*

' ........... . . ____ _


WedDEsday, lapisi 2d.

Marie Lamour -»

.tiener^ C

department. .1
of U.,
tbe »nu«
aantBS .1
of u»
tbe B.-o«r b. .O.B O. ,
- Idpht AlpacaVmta. worth SSe to 7Se. to
furry and soft for tbr puriwxe. | ^^
n of the seutmindediy.
van wltb 1.SS7 offiowit and men
BamUtsa Ootblnp
D '• somewhat
s««««'bst the
the same way wltb ^
*-Ye.. and don't try to be fntmy,"
CaUfomia rcpimsal aad »» dlsebnrpwl
tbe ooaracr I.n.ah**
bnishss. *The bristles mo« .
aasn. topetker wltb some elvtUana and snapped.-'^t* V»«-h bun.
prised come from Bussls sod lodla.
1 (Of vsiveewomsn. a total of l.&ee persona.
Story of a Slave
end tbe wild bops of Oennsny fnrolab
™ «
si s*
To be bound hand aad loot f^ years Ibrtr ...I* Tb. (mi Ab.en«b bo,
Dr.J.l.GUUltlttt ^ *S*ma «4BBas»*rTO»ril?
i has appro■'Si.-S
fat end puts forth practlcslly
•' •
■Vriatad pesos to rslIsTS tbe by the claims of disease is the wont
elsvery. OMjrpe
Oeorpe D. Williams DO brUUe*. In tbe couotries sbovs •
form of slavery.
Alram of tbs people wbo srsrs drit
of Manehmter. MIcb.. tells how such a meottoned tbe collecting of brUtles U
irom tbelr inundated bomM by the __
• free.
says: -My quite an Imporuot Industry among the
•meeatfiooda Fariocsstones on the wife baa beeo no bel|deas for fivc^yrara peasantry of certain districts, locom_____________ -J bed
msrtbsre coast of CbUi are now dMnp ____
uslnp two botUaa of paratively few esses ate tbey strip­
Blwtric Bittera. she is wonderfully ped from tbe dead body of the bop.
Tim famous Mariposa aatnte, tsrritor- improved and able to do bar. own Tbe osusl method Is to discover tbe
banntt of tbe animals snd to pstber
Apny one of the lanrset pold mialnp wortt.- TkU supreme remedy for fe­
male dlaeaasa quickly cures nerwe- tbe bristles from lbs tress apsinst
ipmpsetlsa In tbs United Btaus aad Msa. alesplesanem. mclanobery. kead- wbicb they rub tbsmaelvea-h
^oflratqoarta proparty dsvalopsd la aebe, backache, ^1%.
dl^ York 80D.
mlraele wM«lnf msdlMno
CwNianila. M to be raopaosd and work- iPtfu
U a podsend to aU weak. Mekly. run
md ntter a auspanakm of opsratiani fm dowB paopla. Best '
6pr«*«-B*l bW 01.
v«« OAos. Markham Kook.
teed. O^Hosat
At CnlonrUls, Mo., tba twain yaar A Walt, Drapytotn
son ef John Monrea fiUad a plats bepBaths nla
tt • ■0*«*
can employ lot Bic^
|dps 4vitb powder aad ton^ad a
try»^« apalnat US fbrto of n toaA
Bluing. Qfil^
amaMh lo Iv It AM not axplods as
wmm ms lbs boy tbo^t it aboalA- and
n Ms utetraM tf InaBSMa^limsssantenMcte_________ _
Ma todkad Into tk Ba was aWnsk In
dUs skirts.
ThsMwUl bt popak^tm of Us s«U wlU
^ fnea aad badly bnmad, loalnp both
atUeaneh. Hamllkm QoU- iZif MMsslA In idO y.
^ Us—TstussBlwmakmg





Gas Lamp--







Men 25c, 36c, 50c, aid 75c.
Bu Seats $1.00.

Mftou& noraBDUfM
wmLi mm

mitt— am MwM» aa*

w ra-

. bf fmrtaMaa ot tbMOoM
ttwambtt«. u»7. the o—.
_____ amala—*ar laaewardioarte} Sa t <—■ dal7 aatbortaM apda
Weilf - at—at.
-------- aad proalal—
- .....................
mada«baratafmda<—7iM tba aaU' ‘ oakaad up— ibwacd; aad


r—. SaMliM. Oook. »mhk. I—#!■.
Ky. Jqirrtt— Md Mafw Am-

________ -Maarr-Mtt^

tv— aw. i«i7 >s. iwt
rt m SmmmtU, m jrott>rm»d OUw
th» cut
Tr— CUp.

tka ■mMfiloM,

MspbTM*. «« «k* ll-M
7—r M—mbU
Ml—— IMMMbbrWrc- it h

___________________ ■•!-•«

Wftittr c. p—17, a. r.

wt—LP. r ‘ '
u «.«■ o—. P— ilmUh. 1—.
L. DmA.-L. Oor»<**U.

M. I

BUU..J. a'. Bf—d—k. W. B. V
. tha»t«r«r.
Mir Co . J Ju______
PrM flMbJl M-BUM. Jr.Oao. W.Tbom—. B. MttI—T7. Prod WTarsbKnr. CUot
BMMtd. L—l—r Br—. Tom 8h—a.
T—7 Mantm/. Jaha B—hum. ■ M
D4&7. a.4 L>d«rlc.A.
L. 4. IM0O07.
_____ _ - ____^ O—. Ui
..JlOwr. Ktelurd Bio—U, Cam.

p—a o' taklsf tba aam at Tmo Hai
rod aad Birb9-«Mo doUoro aad tm
•7foare—to. batar t«o-Mirdo of t
a—tb M Btcbtb at—at, aad that aaeh

pro laia acal—t
tba lota aad premia• ta
dtttriet Bo-I. aaoordlar to tba beaadla. ami to ba aama—d apoa aa— let
—ab ralatlre porti— of tba - wboU
—B w be lariad — aboil ba praportloaoU to the mUnotad baaedt r—alUap
> a—h tot from tba 1

AwiBux. nooBkoaM

t>a»irtlibtb4A M-k an babalf

ird ad ________
.............. , — —Had MaM— by tba
Pi iMIiit,rrookBamUtim.
Pn—tot, Jfamhan MaCi


el toot
wa-read aad approrad.
TbiM -

M-adbyMt.MaaaHMM thp t
I — tbs Oak rtortt
• aaMpA
Morad by Mr. Maflatt that tba 1
■iw—abt—afarnnandtbe —pm
—t ba aatborisad ib employ a M
or tba TbM c—da ad tba Bom
dbytbe. malC*Mkm of Ua

dmeo aad
report toot, la j-------m
waaoUalMd k&lortan


6 Bo. I raara.

16 Ko. I rearo.
i Me. 4 raara,
6 No. ,1. It foat loettolk
SNa S, II fsatrsettatk
t Ho. 4. UfonraelMtk

iMl'Esm) tieiiuwi,



Hopkins Bros.


haicda. Prtaa.«MQ.

to aaspMr a Saaohar Ur the

Mo—d by Mr. Pyb— that tba me
of patebM—c tba —a—ry ampply of
MU books lor tba aeboola ba rafm—d
to tba eommiu— — Mat boohs ami
tba—pmMtoiM—twitbp-rar m aek

If No-Saiartodaata.
M Na I alacto a—ha.
« Bo. 1 rears.

&80& ■I:


id—t laitioa coll—tod. smeaaUac to
IK 00. WM 00 mottos of Mr. Pyoas.

odoptod ood paaaod.
fraSCtat p—paid and breakafa^oarasMotioe corriad.
Mored by Mr. Boyt tost tba _____
toad. BMtoforeamewacaop—ad July
Teoa-4ldaram Par*-. M—tone. 10, im. aad o—toaot w— awarded to am' InsUMto ba craatod tbs a— of tba
.OrMc. daitb, Imrdio. K—- tba Uraod Baplda Bebool Faraltua Co.. Bich aebool room — per nqem; of tba
ImwroMo. H L. v—ter. J U. Mom..
yirn. Oorrtooa aad Wrl^i
Oraad Baplda. Miebicaa.
Count/School Or-------- ■'
P. B—77. H. V. Holm— 41Mrt Movoi,
of toelasUtate to —lUa witb
W« berawitb —bout a bat «d bids —
■7. O. C. Uriir< Tb— D/er. fruk
Tro—f— CltT. Miab . iair 17. 1W9
tbs Jsalur for Uta eik- of tba baUdiac.
D«m. Amm B—or. M. C Bora— a »
7to the WmnrabU. th* Mayor aad CUy Ota— Bapto• pekoai paraiwta OO......I W •
MoUcto earriad.
MaMr, Ueoffo Tortp—k. W. T—rta.
Cr.uneU of the CUy 0
of JVwtP
Mo—d by Mr. Boned that tba blUa ad
BiIi7 4b—U, (Mrl M. Pi—. H. B.
Jail—Ttompball of S98 M for b —ale.
ilar—r. A. V. rriodridb. JdIuw CompUkim.Kkca;—We. yo
aad James 4 Moore of CM.OO lor one
Wi. 4llwrtO. P—tjl. Jobo Pfiruck.
r. 1). BtU a Oo..............
bar— mow— ba paid from tba loddatotW P, Km««7. J. B. Potter—a. B. W.
Uopioc tba wUl m—t witb foot tmif Proel otr—t to tba axtoat of
-1 axpoa— faad.
B—ad. EoMrt VoUorell, B. Thlrlb/.
CTO—line—topdre—lar with araohad or, we a—
MoUod carried.
Jobo Vorl7. Jooeph Beam. Oorid J—•
■tooe. rottara le—lad op aad otbarklM. J iha nnUor. U— B B07L J. M
Morod by Mr. Pyb- that the d-k
wtoa laproTad — oaad bo. from Ualoa
t4rk<— Pred J. B—hteU P. w. Ko—.
aaibonsad to pay tdlls f— labor boBardi
Pot Bard—. T. U Bbllacw. M 4. Wmt
aay two m—tinea of tba board,
would ol— ra—aa-ad tba
nlo. WUI B 4>der—o. V. B. Oooper.
of a aal satoont aot cseaedlac tti 00
parehoalacof the ledtoat BwarMbla
Mr. MoSatt that Me r
W. D. Bolhour. W A. Nawiaa. A. P
and ooly wb— appro-d by
Btr—i roller. — par bid of g B BourbHoUnoBMl. J. H. MoO—rb. Mol—Im
mitt— M balldl^ and crosada
aad tbiak for c—»—1 perpoara of
M. B IbuDOS.
W. H-k.
M—toa carried
« 0 alt toe rolli ' WIU be
Moll— aarrled.
Bqolero 4 B—a—. C 4. Cboolo. W
Mo—d by Hr. Pyb— that tba ooa—e
To the HimorabU Buord of Bdueatton of
bPorMob. Prank Partkw of tba -w- from the B—rdm—
TraoerotCUy. MieWyaH.t—b. BBC
_ . .
C17M J
UasTi.KMcsi:—Wa. yoar ooaiattt—oa
I. M
B Uat— Prod
W. Boaod.
ways ood
o. IV. W. 0«M. Jomm B.
Uma and that tba bUM f— lab— oa
107, Cb— Btoaftald. B U. Papa.
be paid by Uia dark apoa the
sDi^li—BrttoRuied by tba aaperlntoB
ad b7 dldaraooa Moatacaa tbol
wCity Mieb..Ji
deal ood reeal—d propoaltuau troB
tba patltioo be raterrad to tba oommit
ad c—nads.
rnWe. rb< Mayoi
fayor and CUy tba fullowlnf
partim^ —m^y.
too oa brtdcm «Ub power to ofL MoMottoe carried.
eViUMrU of the CBy of Tnmru CUy. Oloott 4 Oo. Atkla—n 4 Moatsar. CaoUoa 1—t b/ 7— ood D07 rota.
Ua moUoD of Mr. Hoyt daly earriad.
iral SCO—1 Boppiy danse. Lyon. Be—bYa——41darm— Porkar. Moai
[>kok bin - Wa raapaatfelly aobait ar. KyotarA Palmer Oo.. £. W.4. Bow.
bad ilBitb.
A. W. KkwbU).
las. Batpb Conaable. Jr. aad the daadark.
— ood
Tba ladloBo road aoebtoa at SKS.OO awarded —atraet for —me to tba UasMorad p7 dldariaaa Bailb tbot tba
Blirerad la the city.
piUU— be refarrad to tba Board
Tba ledlooo Bolt— eltb— style at bill baloc VMt; they balnc tba let
Poblto Worka with pow— to oatMo•M.00 p— toB P O. B footory.
and t—t blddei.
^ —TTlod b7 7— Odd noy
—to —
411 a—biaary bouebtof — tea.
Wa hare al— ordered of tba dannab
roBMd to be well aoda, of fint clam A Lay MereanUla Oo.. tba bill of Jaa■a. W.ra H. O*. Km..
aotorlol.sDbJeet to tba appro—I of
Tkere Was Trsabl*.
tba boorCof poblie workt.
Afier a iSB^daot"*“*’^‘**to^rt*'



WAY uw y>

Properly ■—red im m nett din-

OISATB of Xcery KiDCl


8ful liflili» tadoi L L

90B 84LB-«fl^M beraa Ibb «l^.
Way—air—t. exmd
Mwltb -*-T 1—-----------^ aa^. aa-ll baa.
FOB BALR-m-dg tv «• Bm Pi—t
atraev w-t of WaUiagM
4 tea
lawn, —a modora eJl-ra, • Mega
—oma. AMo — —me i— eS

Frtaa r*nbb

nehY Add..


k ,«lMd tor

AM—Two so-ft. lom eora— MiIItb
4MDPUB BAL»-ei»-Lot M bik H. Kalkask^ good bMlaam peo—rtj, o—•
Alw^' P—ta
Ita 1for
rood Igura. oow laaaad for I yt_
with pHTilage t jaata. —bj-t to
aala B—H forgWpar—«|b. Low

■a—u. u. w Cl'

POR84LB-6SO-Kkol mHM BWlf
— ». as. a. Mao—a aU aad— eaitUOD.
4QT baaring

' - bum. good
I. 400
booaa aad barn, goM iprti— 1
4Si milea from city. p£b.'|SOO.
FOB BALE—6:1-10
aer— os
shore : a.flm aorth of BapUst S
aorv 40 rods aloof tbe ehora. gg«.oo
par aore. Will aaU 6 or 10 aer—
rOB84LB-«j-Lot» bloek 9. WaM
Proot atr—V bmwo— Oadar aad
Bprnoe. tmya la—1 with aliodt; Mg
180. Prioa 44».


FOB B4LB-«t_Par« 100 am- IK
of city. M t
ealU—tloa.»M baarlag apyda. pa—


time bad—ok port la
To Uw tLnuirabU, Uu Mayor and Clip
Cuuartl of the OHy of TmrerM CUy.
Wo. tba oadecalraed
of your
...,pctfall7—k pe
bOBorobla body to molntolb O ralraab
m—i aUbd oe Boat Praal otr—t aaar
tba Brotea block tor o period of Use
bot azoaodUir W doyo.
4. 4. MeOoy A Boa.
■Morad b

paUUoo b« rafarrad to the t
Ob pallor witb power to Oct.
~ Trorar— City. Joly t«. tm.
tb (be HonomMr. the Muv"' ond CUtf
CiwtictlafUrf fUy of Tiaoene VU\i.
^or o aldewalk a
a padUoB —kiap
■ortbalda nfmatoatr—t aatwaaa Bo—
atr—load Uilbartatr—t '
mpU'dap pauinff a —taaot walk
roald tbartfore oak yoa to defer
B — the foraer patli
patltioo oatll -we;
wide OD which klad of! o walk we
W. W. PalrebUd. L. O. Hryoat.

Maradby 41
tba paUtioo
0 be
referred to>tba —aa
ua DO otr—u aad aide wol kawitb
ka witb po

loir aad la—rtUI trial If the aoeblaery to rejected we ocr— to refoad
r—iebt and reoelTa the maehln—y
Boolar to be fa—rad witb yo— order
wbicb aball ra—Ira proapt altaottoa. 1
Vary trqly yoaio.

). ^^MorrAn,
> B. dorr.
Mo—d by by Mr. Pyb— that the —•
^t of the —mmitt— M aeceptod aad
MoUoo carried;

tba portloD .of the report ralaU— to
- of Proat atr—tba a—aptnd^d'adoptod.
MoUod carried.
Ye-. Aldarmea Parker................................
HmUicb. C—k. BDlib. Lardle. Kan
yoB.UarrlaoB aad Wrlcbt.

poreba—. o
4aslio 4 \\
er. —me to be
City, frelcbt prepaid, to t

—BBittoa OD atr—to and the bill for
aaoe del; aaditod by tba —oadl.
Price. SIAU: «1— to porcka— a —Teatoo AusUt 4 W—tora
_______ _____
rareraibla road
roller at M& per ton P. O
b—t. Cbicaco. to ba paid tor la
— ibe atr—i entdar.
Motion earrtad by Y— and aay
Yea>. Alderman Parker. Montona.
H—tinea. 0—k. Brnlib. Utdie. K—•
yoo. Usrrlaoa and Wrifkt.

YpalUotl. Mlcb., Joiy II, 18M.
to the UotioniLU a-tnl 0/ £.Ju<xUi<.R of
Tror - •
borne oa ac—uat of my fatba
tr'a paor
to resicn tba p-ii
lib. I wish tor—ICO
aiiioc —

Uaebar of the third c—da

the Board'

-lan **6008 abb—1.

Tr—Uac that I may b—r an aarly
- rpl’^'Umala.

Mo—d by Hr. Boyt that Uw raalraa.
tloB be ae—ptad.
MoU— earned.
TVa—raa City, Mleb- Jnly >6, tSW
u the U-nonUde Bo>inl of BduooHon

Trarent ruy,
Wa. yonr
orr—i. wonld
It — follows:



—war eomBaoeiiur at or aaar tba «
aary of II lordmao a*eBO
U HOCAO.W deri*! Uto
DB— a Lar Mm. Oo . bsuMkI
UtnrLeMKH—Wa tba ODdaraiyaad Websiar atraet and ruoalnc tbi
potiuoayoar koamable body ookloc a—t 00 Webator air—t to WallloctoB
ucanifHTAj. Kxivses ri'wp.
atr—i —wer mala be paid from tba
0 to defer oetwo la record to the payoD
B.J. Nurv—. IK*
Caoarai—war food of the city,
tittoaoaklar tor o aldewolk
balaaca of tba ax—o— to be boi
Bortk aide of Bute atmt b
the taapayera who— property
JO obdUlIbart atr—to for the pre—et
OB OB—oot of eerialB road raoao—. open —Id laural —war.
Motion —fried.
yoar cj—idaroti— we raipeetfo lly—k.
Yeas, Alderman Parker. M—Ucm,
Ob— Bryoat. M B Br.y«Bt. L. B. Bry
H—tlnca, 0—k. dmitb. LarM. Kaayoo. Uarri—D and Wrtebt.
Mot— by Aldora— Moator— tbot
Naya. pom.
tba patlUoB be refarrad to tba —aalt-'
t— oe atraato ami aldawolka witb pow-, Mo—d by Alderman Omit that* tba
b—rd i I pobllc works be Ipstraetod to
— to oot.
pm—ed — sooo — pomible to —t—et
MoUoo corriad.
Tro—r—CUT MIeh.. Joly Utb. 1—9. aaik-lDch lateral aawer oa Webator
Btr—t from B—rdmsn a—oaa a—t to of tbe eemw_____ „ _
Walllnctoo atr—t —wer mala.
claims be ordeiwd paid as ro
MoUoa carried.
-MoUod carried.
Aidernao Pal-ker. MoatbCM.
aty Tre—nr—<e —port f— m—tb of
Tba Uraod Baplda Blda-Walk Oo pot
tb —Iderable tar conerate walka la H-tlnca. C—k. Bmltb. Lardle, K—- Jnae l«w wae pm—Bled aad on x
Uoa of Hr. Hoffatt, duly carried. «
Ubelty tott t^l and It b— r>—a good y—. Uarri—a aad Wrlcbt.
Nays. none.
accepted and ordeyad pla—d — film
3 of tbU
71. the Honomhie. (lie Ma^w tUoi^Uy
woam—t walka. ooa b— a aamao
CuuneU of the CUy of Traterwe CUy.
UKirTt.KUKX-t. tba aadermi^Dad ree—to a —ry d—irsbl* walk- for tbia
1—tfuliy p>
-------------- *-----------I ordarad placed on
city. All caasol afford to pet la a
la CO—irnelloo of 1
—m—I walk, but Uir o—t of
tbla tar aldawalk od the wntb aide of Btato
t tbto
walk will- the —ow •"I*'- '
'Btr—tadjseeat to lot I. block 11. orto tba « aktbat U rl—• (be
Ik Iclaal plakTrsTer—ra-, Said walk
• of SU.
will aaabir
eoabir maaj >0 i-u. ...« »
a to br 6 (—I wide aad oc (—• l<mc and
walk la. Tba c—t of ibja tar <
—H, aad
TraTerse aty. Mich.. May M. WW.
walk to 4& —aU par e^rara yard
to be boilt In a
a orTbtoe Bonoro
reap—Uoiiy aakfora I to par at
>B of
o/TVoneme tCUy, jrtoMpon;
yard —bate.
Mrs N. W UraUio^
Wa tauad
tau. to pat tW* klad of a walk
Jmiter M
tbe 1
balldlnn on B—tb aide for
MorCM. W. W. Patrehlld. L. U. BryMo^ by lUdermaa M—ttc*e tbat
tbe piUlioo M craatod.
Mo-d by Mr. Pyb- tbat tbe appU
Mo—d by Atdarm ta Wrlcbt Mat tba
MoU— —rrM.
ea^o^ rec *itM aad placed — fila.
a beWd«n
tba table.
Mo—d by Aldarmaa BasUac that
Mottoa carried
tbe eommlu—00 ordle—e-s prepare
Baaol-d. That aaeh p-t'
rtio— of tba aad a—e—t d—ftetaa ordiSTS— dieMo—d by Mr. Boyt that Them—Paraarma) st—ata lylacadja—otto or oat- IfnaUac tbe klMcbt to trim ahada tf—a ker bo employed ae jaalior of tbe
aUa of tba aoamaoly tra—lad part
B—th Bide Primary -bool baUdlac «
la tbe (rtty.
tbm—f.—deemed Biarwaiy aad p—eof M.OD par IB—th.
M>Hl— carried.
tt—Ua. than ba Imp—d,
tin motion of Aideraaii K -nr—.dnly
It and kept la each —adlttoa —
Proa—iUom tor aebool bon—alM to
earriod. a—anil adj mraM
' —itobla aad —fa
be loeaMd near BooatUlo wa— p—4. W. Bipnnnit.
for trsrei and .
aaaaahALoyOo . bbd &c.
Otty Clark.
W—bMi that Uc bcaM et pabUe
i. BerL .
Mr. MetfaU mo—d tMt aella ba ammrana—Ma—Moa




Utbtolac—Btod. C E Mor—y. B. J.




Rh CMlata
■•MVM. 1

Apropos of Dutbinc la partl'cnlsr—oatees It Im- arrotrlcliy—t brcr<l a dnic
Clsi tell of a UtUe occurivuca In bis
abep the oiber day.
Be was alooe sad paitlnc up a pre—riptton tiehlod bis lante lorttUon
wbeo a stylUlily di
rntensl and oskrO a-lik a—M

Trsisa arrim froM Orsid Ka«ld>. CteelB
isU.Cbleseo. IsdIsaspelU. M S—s-w.
Titom ^TS trow Ms<aii»* awl pmasks/.
‘rmlum^TTfrow Blrbwes<<. Von W
txwoli —4 Urs— Beot-l*. »t ? m p m
I—tIu si
. bM
Tslioo le laleSe tIs Rned CUr.
TrsInkaHasSp B ha* nleeelmrs .
M leCkbeai^Claclaiis
^Laelarille. leSI^

cliruieBI for tbr tek-pbune.

••UI7J------ atrvrt. Yea. yes. Mr. Beary Weaker.
Yea. yea.
He’s at -No.
Beekman street.


Oh. la that

West Michigan.

“Henry, why did you tell im yon
Wbatl Ko. you did not. I know betDon't you aund tbera and He fo
like tlmt: No. 1 won't! What do
I care for the ciri In tbe talepbons of­
fice: Von Jim attend to me and'ict
ber alone! I'm In a drac store. They're
It llstcDlne al all. 1 want an explaition.
No. Indeed. I will not wait
till you (Sime borne tonlybt! By that


AH PM ril , A M
» to 1 » t 4fc e so
9) >2 x> « mi • to 1 OB
l& 4 4t 16« t W,




wagooa. siaigba. eattara. aU
imptomanta. aU aropa of which tba—

F'OtsLt OrdBapU*

Price for all, ts.OOO.
Wa ba— a p
.. - .. for raaU__________
Tween P—k and Franklin oa Wash- '
IngliOoorBttteat—eta. M—tbemodaad S( raaaonabla priea.
FOB BALE—618—Bo—e aad lot. ooruar
of Elmwood STeo—aad Siztb-atraot.
le. ^ood baTS.«-U. aae-

BBiaii pnoe—mee srtuii.


FOB*BALE-4W-Bwi« of—li *— tl.
town U-a.4 good frame ho—a 16x04
witb wing all flolahad. Wind mlU
and well, a
r ploea from wall to

1^ ti; ist J


tiior yoo'U hare hatched up a fine atoaud bronebt up a couple of brates LrTS5^<5~6
ArZIkr................ to swear to It. Mrs. Wallace aays ber

od. lays .In mltm north o.
borg — &ik Baplda road. Priea.91.U0.


bnsband saw you at the club Tharaday night and tbat yon were colng

F0BB4LE-ei7-WaMWam—.lot i,
a— 7. tt. 10. lays on aba— —ad.
Peal—ala, orchard U a—lo t—oa. 40
eberry t—oa. lu p—r, i^Bxaa,-p—eb.
Pries 91100.

uorh obliged to' blm.
You wouldn't
dare do anything of tbe kind! WbatT
You won't, ebi WrU. you'U talk wbi
you get borne! Uere. wait
Don't abut oF'-

pipm to barns, all aiiiimfy aboda,
poaltry hoaaa, yards and rood drainage.
floe aew modora hoaaa. lb

lidoafi farm orb

Ue rnscuured bar In.froai of It
—turned to bis work.
She took oir ber Clones. «nc np
"cvDlrnr and befan:

Hoa—St 41700;'lot Wwm

*^..«U1 baaoldataaoriAiir^S


Perry Baaoab'a eeoood add. e______
nth atraet. Price


But tbe e—nre was orer. and sbe
paid ber IS cents and stalked out wltta

Ft)BS4LE-604-Nkafc« I
95—U—ab—t 65 t
ber. b
Boaw —dar Ukat

flashing eyes Uist boded 111 for tb^
Urely U<
Uenry.-Chiclnnatl Bnunlrer.


Wbst astowes's Temple Oast.
la cl
city." ssyi
“4 Biblical stodent In tbla
mdeni. “dectot— tbat If the descriptions of Solo­
mon's Temple are accurately gl’

to Oas—n J'Ws L>

tbe Bible and by aecnlv authorities,
tbe toul ralne of tbat edlBce aad Ita
coatenta mutt hare exceeded *50.000..

IlS !
'.IS !



lii; ::

to tbe Brat place, tbe valoe
of tlie materials In tbe rough Is —dmated at (IZSOO.OOO.OOO. and the Ubor
at CS.OOO.ODO.OUO. According to ViUal-

ttti tm

pandlB 10.000 men were, eagaged In
dreuing erdar lumber. 80.000 we—o»Cagrd In cutting stone and 00.000 la
bearing bnrdens for ■ period of ——a
yeark. who. In addition to tbeir wagsa,
recelred 60 cents a day for fooA Ac­
cording to tbe same antbority. wbtoh U
corroborated by Jooepbaa. tbe rmoMa
of gold we— rained at 140.000 tal—ta,
which, reduced to American money, la
eqabl toy2A2B.4Sl.0IS. Tbe —eU of
anrer arr calculated at 0231.715/100.
tbe Testments of tbe priesta aad Uw
robes of tbe slngen at $10,050,000.
and tbe ralue of tbe trumpets of gaid
was yiA00.000."-Cblcaco Bocord.

Steamer Onekama
Oapt. /. n. amory.

L—T«Uld MMoa..
Arri— BIkSaMda...
batspeeded (ba bwatlow.
A nralluw Is coosldered om of Me Lea— BikBaptde...
•wiftest of flying birds, aad It w—
thought until a afiort time age tMt bo
laaeci could escape It.
A naturalM MU of an aartU^ Airl—Old Mtmt—................ a 7:40 a. m.
^a— be sbw between a awallow aad
•B—will 1—tbe MaraanUla 0o.a'
a dragon fly. which U aoioag the swift- Uoek. Botal WblUng aad Park Ple­
at MM p. m. -Bm will aUo eooa—t
•Itbbeatattl40a._ _____________
The Insect flew arlth li
Jttd wheeled aad dodged with____
that Uw swallow, da-dta — —.


w asd -tot «■
r.fraitmd ar-

barn. PrieePeU
FOR 84LE-M7-DfraUiar.' HabeMr
atreeklO—eaw. gUNO. Bwy payFOB 8ALE-S7>-Qoed f—me 1
and eigbi ac—e «f land. Mt>_____
ab—to—mile from o—ter «f elly.
boa— It a M, elk rooem lb, boat*.
FOB BALE-sw-HoMasdloA Onl—
etr—k ton rooms, etoss
adatlon aad at—e baaom—i. f»iy pitta
WE want a lew bmdrad AnUara to
p)a— — ps—al prepmty, loanm
Will gaaraat—aU 4eMa.
Tbe abe—are all bargalaa, aad eaa
be boagtat — —ay torm. Wm ha—
tboaaande of dollara wertb-«< other
b^kw in farm aad oily property.
Oome aad e— — If y—waatto bay.
U^Mr prop—ty -witb — If yon waat
' OaroSee la at til Fr—t eU—t, ap
atalra. Y— will a— ear alrc at Uw
bottom of stairway. Oo «p Btaba, a
-- door to r- ■
— tber—Bod floor, at la—t«arol
l-N. Wa are. flgaraMaety MteUag.
80 far as haring tbe Ui«m4 Me(ate
b—t baival—; we a— attiaUg tB IL
We work all tbe Uma. wa —a mdl ye—
wMs aw mlilake le oflea. woe—wo—,
big elga at bottom of etabu.' Hvb—•>
gal— at top of atalra. trat teW te
tbe right afur y— tara tadblltetemfl




Ttfft USiimto
ttdt QutBirs im.

%ut EU n n amt
I 9m »m 9mr mmtr

mrnm - —I «Mr Oafc aa
«aar Am xiMt «a>

Am to a md «C (Mr IMM tfeat
Mte a iM«w plaM to Ita aSMUaaa
ar toa ■aacanaa vacM. Tkara la a
ward ar tkiaa lattan (kat auaato axaeOr lito IL kat It la rcrr dlSamt.
«ka word a( tktaa lattan _ _
aaalaaaciMttala. Tka word wItt tka
am lattar la aaad wkaa tklafa toaak

wkkk kaa fast baaa palled dawa. to
«aid kr tka Bloedr Tawar. U4a .^
tkto ttwt tkat tka vmlat aad aatteat
cataamr of lattlac ap tba tower la
lityfcftr petfamed. aa It kaa ban t»
eaatiBtM. A (aw ntootM kafon U
wkrtar. or yiBwaa portar. aa
^ylad. dotkad la a tad


First TiiM Hem, The Wefld's Twe Largest, Rtetiest Shews United
Cnlid with Burn Ftjlig Direct Inn Serpusiijlj Splendid Triuphs it lidison Squre Giidei,la TcrL
**Forepaugh and Sells have got together a great circus. There is no question about that.**—

It waa M Ptata atraat. aad tba baraa
^ aeec^Mnlad br awMbar
attiaaad the area a( crarrMe wko bad ^»rtar catirtn* a laatMii. appaaia at
aa ora (or tba baaadfaL Be waa a j
bar. wtth dark potota. aad ba waa ^ I
All New York Charmed. Conquered and Completely Captivated! Greatest Arenic Viaory of all Time!--The
toekad to tk* daUaarr wafon of owe of i
oBt ^tb aonaa
Forepaugh and Sells Brothers combined, with the peerless Paris Hippodrome
Iba kda drr fooda boaaaa. Tba wa«M «f
bob and doUowa tba raoeaaa to End of the Century's Grandest Climax!
wad a wark of art bat toa boraa wm ^
^hola partr brtac added, and fresh from signal successes in New York, Brooklyn and Philadelphia.
}0R aa nark ------------------baadaoBiar aa aaiara If ' ---------- ,—
tba aantrtaa
ttararertbaa naa. Tba baaa^a^ , -wbo goM tbarer and tba aaawer la
------------------ Jowa tba atiaot wlib ^ nmpir “Kara* Tba fatea bela* SENSATIONAL EXPLO.TAT.ON^JN
dtoattr of a klBf and the doeOltx of a
broncbt back to
taMhfto MTMaL Hla drtvor poDod bis tbo ■"«»- fttard. Bm tbr acatrr
■p abort at the cnwttac. aad tbe par- nampa aad nan oat. “Wbo foca
(aetlr tnOaad aalmal otoppad to bio tbenr
tmefca. Bat bla abooo altopad on tbo
•‘Xcra* to tbo nplr■naatb aebWa otoon. bla blad (aot
•Wboao krrtr
wau eat froa aador blai. aad ba aat
"Qotm YieUMla’a km-”
tewa hard wttb a dattar. Bvoa la tblo
-Advance. Qmm Vlctorta*t kora
awkwned aad oadtoalbad poattloa tba And aU-f wriL•aUa aatoal abowad hlB good braadtag
LEWIS SELLS, W. W. COLE. General offices-Medison Square Garden, New York.
-Ood UCM Qaoa YKtoriar eitaa dw
mi tnlalng. laataad «t ataklag n
(aaa aal branklag tblaga ba aat per.
-ABrnr rcMonda tbe BuOa cMrd.
(aeltr MOt a mouML Tbaa be gatb.
-Pwnat anaar
aT erica tbe oScer
and blmiiTf tagetbw. got bla feet na- daty. and aadd daTratOe
^ '
of tbe nia
dar blB. -gar# btmadf a UttU ababa. be ktcM Tbe bOt of blc aword. T1
aad trottad off dowa tbe atraat. with aa ,*omaa porter laarcbao off with tbe A Real Live. Viul. Gilt-edged i8-Karat. Up-to-Date. 20th Century Circus! More wild animals, more horses, more railroad cars
more tents, more performers, more feats and features, more new ideas, mere innovations and revelations, and more
jjr that aald aa plalaly
ken and depoalta them to tbe linteo‘tNda't I get oat of that aJeelrr
aad from that tlrna
processional resoitfc?^ ‘han all other American Shqws combined.
U tbe Baaattaw bla drirae-ba bad tproogboot tba Ureloag nigbt yon caa SOH£ OF- THE BIG CENTRE-SHOT NEW YORK HITS! Woodward's Seal and Sea-Lion Orchestra! The Marvel­
tba abape aad aenblanca of a naa->
......................................................... ..........
ous Hanlons—Gymnastic Comets’ The Furiously Funny 5>ousa Clown Band! Gorman s Heroic Thirty-Five Horae
waa boar getUag oW bla wblp. Wbea
tba borae waa flfly (aat or non fron
Act! Forepaugh's Famous Dancing Eleq^iants! The Double-Somersault Leaping Tournamenil
tba Bpot of tba aeddaat aad tbe tblog
Tremendous Marshalling of the Wonders of the Orient and the Occident—1.000 Rare and Costly Trained and W'ild Ani­
waa all over, tbe driver awoag tbe lajvoeral oebetno
mals—ao Ponderous Marching Elephants—200 Marvelous Animal Actors—International Gongres.s of Double Somer­
atraneat of torton ai blgta aa bla ara
______U aboot tbo came In
sault Leaping Experts—Prodigious Museum. Aviary and Aquarium—3 Brilliant Circus Cilmpanies in 3 Star Rings--300
waM reach aad wosnd tba lash with trioa. Oar own bOl provIdeo for one
aU bla Blgbt arooad tba boraa-a bally.
Phenomenal Mid-Air and Arenic Champions—GreatesCGathering of Circus Meteors Ever Seen m any Age or Country—
dlroctor. SOO onperrlaora. aad oae
TbewopM every man'wbo aaw tba
The Famous-Original Paris Hippodrome, with all its Daring and Dashing lockeys. Charioteers. Racing Cars and fe
merator for every 4.000 inhabit
wblp fall alBialtaaeoony ottarad tba Tbo director and tbe oaporvloori aro
Thoroughbred Flyers; a Classic Revival of .the Races and Revels of Aucient Rome; Exactly as when Julius Ca»ar Rode
weed of foar tottara. ioow added
appotttrd by the prealdettt Tbe dlat the Head of His Legions; a Stupendous Mirror of Departed Ages—All the Glittering Equestrian Stars of 1 wo
-tear to It. mad woat on to add that t*«or. though under tbe Immedlaio
tbe bene kaew oore tbaa tba driver.
Hemispheres. Including the Autocratic Champions. William DeMott. •'Stick” Davenport and Oscar Lowandr -lhe
direction of tbe oecretary of lb.'
• aad waa a graac deal laoie of a geaImperial Trio, the Laurel-Crowned May Davenport. Marietta Cornea and Emma Stickney Ride. Pose.
tcrlor. lo tbe bead of a censoo offlee
tteana. Bverybody wlabed bis an created for tbe time oecesoary for hU
Somersault Simuluneously in Three Separate Arenas-An Imposing and Impressive Centsalization of all Earths
. aaru of dlaagteeabia tblaga: tbe laaM .-ock.' Bio oalary. according to tbo
Rarest Most Renowned and Remarkable Human and Animal Arenic Prodigies--S300.000 Lavishly extended in
waa tbe loaa of bla )ob.
twMftb conono bill, la only 15.000 per
Radiantly Perfecting this Royally Resplendent Circus.Federjtion for the Present lour—i he Apex and Summit of
Tba woeean dtdat aay tba word with
inm. Tbe salary of tbo 1800 dlrr< t
foar lettara—at loaat o«t load. Bat
Arenic Possibilities and Perfection Absolutely Atuined by 4-Paw and Sells.
iTBa$0.O0a Why tbe new WU gtveo
wboa tt bntoe to oalaM freai tbe men tbe 1*00 director a smoller salary for
Tho Orobt lUditom Bqubro Oarden Programmb to ba Oivon Here Intactl-rNot an Act, Feat or FfatnwjriU 1* Omitted The
moro work, la not known.
O^d and Ooi^eone Dreaa Barade of Adam Forepaogb and Sells Brothers’ United Shows takes place at 9:-« a. in. daily. udI^Wh^
1 mnid whanged tba ahSewalk
Tbe ouperrlooro are apportioned
with bar ambralla. aa U to damnad an
to Doblic view free as air to everybody, all the senMtional. pictnreeqne, historical and aamptuons prooflaaional reeoortses of the Titanic
.aong the varloao otateo aad teniioancaca. aad a pretty girt foond beraeU rleo. aad take tbeir orders from the dlDoal-.AgiirregttioD. Increased in Bverything except in the Price of Admtaelon.
bMtowtog oocb a warm dance of com.
Bacb oopervlaor coctroU a
MbdntloB on a yoong man who bad district He a^rateo taU dUtrict tote
'T‘Tr*irUT‘ Admila to all the Aggregated and Variegated AttracUons of the World’s GreatMl Powible Tent«!^hibiti<»
Mid It real lend that abe didn't gat
nbdlvlBloiia or blocko of 4.000 pereno t i l^Lr^ XXL^JVl^l.
presented under the gmteot spreed of canvss ever erected on this or any other conUnent. l-i.OOO splendid
avar btoUitog for a.whole block.
saeb, and appototo an enumerator for
ITa a gnat vrord—in to place.
each subdlvtokm. Wttb Hawaii Porte seats Admission 60 cents: c' Ildren under nine. 26 cents. Reserved numbered seats, with back and fort rests, and with majmifiivnt riew of
Displays anJ
An-.^.d Aerial
.nd start
.l.rt and
.»d finish
Bni.h of Hippodrome Races, extra. Two complete exhiWtioDS daily-ra
BIco aad the PhlUpplneo todudod to .11I Ari-n^nd
Tbo AeoMoo Wnriiii
ilntely Waterproof Tento. Door open at I and 7 p. m.—Performanoes at 2 aad 8. Day and mjfht abows exactly alik'
Aa amastog anecdote la told of tba tbe IMO census. 40.000 ennmeraiora
pcUa tba KmprMa of Anat^a took In win be needed. Each nnmerator U al­
lowed a maxlmttm of Id a day. TbU
' wbltt (ell down to bar anktoa. Sba wUI mean about $240X100 a day for so
For the
oaad to have bar faalr brtubad tor days, or a cost of perhaps r.OOO.WO CoMnll Statioo Ageol. lor J«rlicoUr. i.8.nliiiB«ie lime of de,4rt«re ind n-lnrn of orcorai,^
vroold avoid tbe crowds at tW ticket wtofon on the ffround, tickets and reserved seats onn be obtained at tbe City Book Stor®, 220 Front
bean ovary day. Bar auUeaty waa Jnst for tbe men igbo
parUcolarty aulooa that tbr dreaaer
bm**pr^d^for everyU^ BtroeA^ A^d^of^xhiWio
Railroad Equipment of any show in the world, Bovonty-Four Doablo-Slffod Cam being mjnirwbe bTMbcd bar loag brnlda abould
to the census
from the director
avoid poUtog oat a atogla hair. Tbla.
to tbe char-woman. There Is an ao- ed to transport the Great Combination.
of eoom. ImpooribUlty. and
alatant director at $4,000. Are chief
tba oBfortpaatr mnid coocaalad Iq tba
BtatlsUclans at $8,000 each, one chief
pocket of bar apron aay balr which
derk aritMO. one otepograpber at
bienmi rataaded la tba braab. One
^ tbe Bmpma, happanlag to gUnra I3JI00.46 dertti averaging $^l^^wto
lata tba laoklnc.claaa baton wbicb
each, a caputo of tbe watch at $»!«.
too Mt. caogbt eight of tba maid con- and a number of bdper* cUaoed as
caollag a aman raU of hair Is tbe skilled laborer* and unskilled Uborer*.
nboo*4«Mribed faabloo. Jnmptog ap toe first at $400 and tbe Utter at $240
(MB bar totttog-ehalr. bar majeoty
Tbe toUl of tbesa figures shows
gtnapad bar attandaart baad. axdalm- that tbe borne ofice of tbe c^u»—the
beadqnartero—will coat atwut $100,000
bava caogbt y«a at last! Too am per annum. For the purpose of ourtBicydc Saddle—Guaranteed for three yearstalBlng ov balrr
tog this office congress baa placed at
Witt a pnoeace of mind that would tbr dUpoaal of the secretary of Uie In­
Look at them whether you need one or not.
bare done booor to an expert dlplo- terior tbe sum of $300,000. Tbe vrboU
$8.00 or Sl’hOO will buy a good second-hand bi­
l^t tba omM repUad.
cost of taking tbe census of ItoO was
cycle—$25.00 will buy the best new wheel on
$8,400,000. The consui of 1900. bowa'henevvr tbe dog felt a craving for
the market—Come and see my display before
•rer. wlU coot fuUy twice a* uimb- to wait for the poesiblf dcaib of the crackers be hunted up a piece ofiiaper
wtobad to have aome of my aover- for there are more questions to ask
and UuUed off to tbe groveiy atom.—
going elsewhere.
aiga'a batr to pat to tba locket wtalcb and more people lo answer, anil a
AUanu ConsiJiutlou.
toy Uttle dri waan aroaad bar aeck mneb greater aiM to cover-LeaUes
aaatallamaa.Wotoly. ____________
unt matter, altbougb ae a KeutuckUn.
Amarica Faealar AheaS.
Wbatbw tbo Bmpnaa balleved gito
bariu- tbe confidence of most of tbe
Every day bring* news of some Imtaau* TraSer-*
deear IneaaUoa m not. 1 do not know,
Among‘tbe famoua Indian traders of soutbern leader*, be felt that bU ad- ponant order being wrested from the
bak abraggtng her abapaly aboolden
aba roeumad bar oaat. tooghlng beatt- tbe past was George Qalpbln. wlume rice mtgbt at times have been valuable alow uiorlng EaglUfamau by tbe
In ttr early fall of ;rm Yankee. American talU Ai
Uy. aad tba BMt day abe proarotrd trading statloo at SUrcr Bluff. &. c..
bar maid with a lodiat anricbed wltb was freqoented by Indians fresn far 1880. when Buebauan's term waa near- I eu>el pUles and American locomotives
toamoBda. Mying. wltb a mlacUa
Carolina a characteristic anecdote U
Good Hardwood la Stove LeasthSA..
gwtoda to bar eyaa:
wttb Ameriraa coal, wbkb U being
-1 tbtofc tbla la tbe ktod of UUaman rdated of Mr. Galpbln and aa ludUn
Also Four Foot Hsple SUba
ahliHtcd to Europe to competlUou with
poor UtUa daogbter deaervea for bar- ebUt. Chief Mogolpeb. from beyond
tbe Savannah river, spent tbe night at' thinking that at last tbe president oufAiwn. But our cup of sorrow It not
tog each a elever ootbrr.Mr Oalphto'a. In the momlng tbe In- I wanted his advke on tbe momeotoua yet filled, for today It Is announced
<!.'■ uld. -He dTMm last nl^t" i qoeetloos then pending. When be ar- that a BanderUod ablpbuthUng firm
B« U S S*U Wf«
.A prisMir la tbs Marshall eenaty. •Ati - eeM Oalphln. “what did my red rived be was abown into tbe presl- ba* Jnst placed an order wltb the Penn
otter dreamr “Me dream yon give
Steel Canting company of tVnnsylra•. D.. toll wrou tt* foUowtog Isttw to
nlone. called bla private-sccreUry nla for a patent steel rudder,
too sbsrtS tbo ottor day:
e a fine big rtfle“—to Oalptn's pueaeeand Instructed bim to see that they one piece, wbicb U U intended to fit to
•Dost tor: Inasaneta sa I may _____ ___
ksaid wltb yoa a cenplo of weoko. 1 passed tbe rtfle to tbe chief, saying: were not dtsturbed by anybody daring a Wear butlt *hlp.-«blpptog Oasette.
vUl foopictfoDy saggoot a tow potota “It yon dreamed It. you must have IL** the Important conference which was to
arnae Pnlt as a Heaieiae.
Oboat my tdll of tare. First tbero are Next morning . Oalpbto said to the foUow.
For the past five year* grape frnK
toaay tbtogo I can not cat wttboat oer1 dreamed last nlgtatl “Wbat
When tbe prirats secretary bad wttttoM IntoiT to nr boaltb. Tbo foUow­ you dreamr asked Mogioch. "I drawn, tbe president unlocked tt*
the pelprt- ba* been steadily galutog to popularity
tog tttogo I obosld not oat at aU: 1. drMmed yon gave me tbe Chickasaw rate drawer to ble desk, took out a In ttle city and nlao In cbeapneea
■ - • 00: *. aonghnots: 4. froab bom"—which tbe chief was then rid- mnnoaeript. rat down with great m am told." aald a wholesale fruit dealer
X3ra~wer»BO 0±*by, AA±o'h i gaxa..
“if you dream urn you moat have ' lemnlty. aad raid to Vice Prcaldant recently, “that the reason for tbla la
potatooo: A pto; «. egko; 10. no rico
Mid tbe chief, and the borae vrat Breckinridge, to bU most impmsive that tbe fruit eonialn* eod» medical
pnUlii of aay kind.
rred to tbe trader. I manner. “ I want to read you tte draft quallUea and U
Newly painted papered, aad carpeted^-Rtioms with
W.. Indian ..BrnApfe.
,-1.— .App
. •Boom of tbo eblef thlngo 1 may cat: TtM next morning tbe
pnnicnlnrir for pereon* of
remaik- 1' ..____
of my Thanfcagivlng
day prod
___ to get your opinloo of It"
rbenmatlc tendenclea. It being Mid private baths have been added, making it one of the most
A fyo broad, grabam broaA or gtabam ad. “I dcram last night" “Wbal did and
- waa tte
OsMo and eotvbroad {broad two or my red...
btutter dreamT'
tbe to-1
to- | The vice'president cootroUed bis to- ' that tbe dally use of tte nape fruit comfortable hotels in Northern Michigan.
Address for
toroo days oU); t mvats. fUb. nonage. anlry. "1 dream." answered Mogx>-' tu moacle*. listened respectfnUy and materlnUy mldgaiee tbe ellttenti to
etc.: 4. any ktod of porri that
loch, “yoo gave mo red coat you wear, anioualy made aome comptlmencary the blood that give rtee to rheumnUem. rates and other information
to w«0 eookad; 4. soaps of’ vartoos and mneb calico." “If yon dreamed it maarka about tbe Important docn- Tbe be« grape fruit comes from FlorW.O. HOLDEN.
ktoda. nlwoyt good; 5. baked poutoee. yea nuat have It" said Oalpbto. and meot and. wttb bis customary c«
tbe Indian received (be red cent and tety.bowed and amUed bUwayouttrom also from
calico. Next mototog It waa Oalpbto's tte only interriew to which be waa New Tork Post
torn. He said to tbe chief. **i dreamed or*r tovlted by Pi
or* nM too.dear: 8. a good dlah
last nigbt" “Wbat yoo dream f was
MMt Mtbcr tor breakfast er rapper: MegoWCD'B.uiqoiryMngotocb'B.lnqnlry. “i
“1 oreaaiwi,
dreamed." *1?-.
-------------------------Tbe largest projectile tor tbe 1$ toca
•. a gaod coffee, bat ao tea; 10. a little rtled OalphBt “yon gave me ten rnUra
Wsrked the Ovmm.
the largest gun moonted oa tbe war\
of PhAndelphta.
pnrtety to tbe bOl of tare, so a (eUow af laad around tbe Ogeeefaee old
A trne story of a dog found goOty ' nhipe of tbe Onltcd States onvy. Is 8H
oan nat MU six aaontts ahead Just town.* "Wagb.“ Mid tbe lsaian-**t( «r obtaining goods nndor totoe pro- feet long nod weighs 1.100 pounda
what he la grtag to have tor sapper or you dtMB you must have am: bat X tensea has bora rocratly told. Tbe I'he projectile travels W feet before
Dktriet Agt.
tosikfaat yyaw Tork Tribnna.
L L. A. BalMliig.
dream with yon no moi«r
| .Wm.! m very fond of etnekan. and It leaves tbe muixlc of tbe gun. and to
bos been tnaght by bis owner to go that distance U set revolving at tbe
A VMal aenH.
- -after them hlmsMt eairytog a wHttra epeed of 75 revolution* per aeeond.
••Jha avsfig* Ufa of a* eogtoe only
totatty rmnr aald an
ig tag paOstoi with tba ntaetant wtt- oppaarad at the groceria. brtagl^ ^ 0(68 spiral
••Why, onto a t
? Ii W
m. "»Mk traaly '
maalnr^ asd» tor esMfean ootO the
,IWm ooght to Uva Mogor ttaa that"
•^Thatt Xtafft I Bst iMfwr mM etarta I






Cheap Round-Trip Excursions on all Lines of Travel.

Traverse City, Wednesday, August 2,1899

T™ r.t


East Froat Street.



Traverse City Lumber Co.

Park Place Hotel!

Provident Life
. and Trust Company



Fire Insurance.
John R. Santo,

rlljpmu a.

-rmimr,' ^



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