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The Morning Record, December 23, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
J>iod«t9:4BTtotoKoraiaf ffroa th*
Vvthara F»o»d ^
Lars* Foree of Bo«r«.
Mark M. Oortto of sb* Poalawda*
um«rftUsBMk H« vsr
VbUI /elBsd hr
Os Vsr—BritUt Amj !■ *<wlk
Alfios to b« iMTMMd 9ltXJ pw
dtod thto aoratow *i t:4». froa tba
t>oit«r >«»
Hssvy VofwSaBMto.
KttUmBBoo Witne**** Before
the Oreaa Jury.
Sffxta Ifada to l>aT*h« tba Prollatl-
affaeto of a ■trok* of parolj^ roooleod
aboot^ wook ato. P»n—« «• •
Trt*raaofth*MTUwaraida aaabar
etMePb***oaPaatNo.lS.O.a.E. B*
aarr TraaaaoUona la tbaOrfaslaattaa of tba XUlsois tupplr Oo. .wbleb
FlCoiod ao PiwBiaaeUr la tba MIUtarr Sapplr Oaal-Boi Book-kMper
aiCara Makaa no XMactosoraa.
LaaalBC. Mleb.. Dea II.—Tba attaaBj rwjoat of Ma. Oortto MePbaraoi
itniif— Dm. is—Thsra U stUl m
Uoa of tba Oraad jarr todaj waa daasws ol ia*orU»M fro* Sooth Atrteo. Post will tab* eba^ of tha toiiaral.
eoiad to tba Kalanasoo atoa wbow
Ths am tUt Lord Methoca h«a roto»l'
i^wai » rod* fOply fro* Ooo«*l
la tha mlllury Invaeilfatloa. BookOreoj«i*DOto(«oeb latrlo^ imporkeeper O'Mera of ib* Boma'Savlnp
twe*. hot it hM sooM iodlrwi *»)o* ProSaot A«*ls*t Aaettaaa BalM < Bank waa oa the aund today. WhU* I
M oboiri^ th»t Goooro) Vetboas'*
Knnitioaa of War to Oraat
the taatimony of the Katomaaoo wit-.'
ooBld be glvin la a ahori time. |
B SBtordBy. The «r*rB«ise to oathe effort* to aaearia evideaee to aab- 1
r M te wbBt dar Lord
auntlala the ebargu made U not rapid i
ipbei tbr foot to Oope roraraaeat of the Sooth Afrleaa re{
poblle baa oomplalaed a tha Uoltad la belag developed
Wbo conceived and aUrtadi tba praStatea roveramant araiaat the sale of
llminariaa that raaaltad in tha forma-j
aoolUoaa of war bj Amarian f
^for of bU ooloBiB belnr eat off
tioo of the niinoto Supply oompaay, to I
eontobed, bowcTer. Be | to the Brlttob
hj no lB*i
tha Important Informatioa that the,
to taead by a aope^r force of Boeta, the aiaU department baa Informed tha Jury to endeavoring to develop, and itj
aad to onable to adeaaea while the Twevaal that aocb aalea are rafo’ar haa alrmdy devoted several day* to
Mawy la Ibto war. aoooer or later, haa and are folly covered by Intamatloni'
thto braneb of the cam Mr. O'Merra
the 11— d tow, which parmlU a naotral nation i
eaid that be waa wanted for the par-,
iltlooaof war to halUitorant
ooBBOQleatkw of the Brlttob oolnmna.
poeeof ebowlng eatriaa. bearing oa
if Matboen lalto back he will be able tMt not to dtoerimlnato acalaai oi
thetraaaaeUoa.onjthe hooka of th*
to wall In eomparallre aecortty for the belllrerantlB favor of aaotbar. Tha
bank, and bto aneward did not throw
wriral of the Sixth dlrtoloa, when the Tranavaal fovemmant baa a* moch
the daaired light npoa the matter.
torward soTemeat mar ha reanmed. rlffht a* the Brtttoh ro*«mm*nt to
The proloagad auy of General Irtob
Tba lataat new* aeaia* to ladlMta
tbateoMnl Wanwab dlTlaioo to be- Onltod Btaua. and U baa bean report- haa given rtoa to a belief that ha to
bar* at tba Icol advlaar .of the
iac oeattar^. aoiae bolaf landed at ad to tba gowmnmut her* that
OaBoIbwaaBd otbar* aaat to other Boom have avaUad tbamaalvea of
membenof which are hereatgraad
■aria, ^wosably Dorbaa. The mUl- privilace.
I bM been mad* Iqr )aiy
Attorney Oaneml Oraa
^ a«p«rt* b«o offToe that the oatlr*
Uraat BriUla la roffard to tba report* II la Kalamasoo today oonfarrlng with
_____ of Oooeial Warroab dlrtelon
DaUa* Boademan. aMtoUatoonaaal tor
-U.0» Btaa aad IS cona-aboold U that Boar aroata are rocrulUaf
appUad dlraeUy to help Oeaaral Heth- la tbto oonatry foraervloe la tbaTraaa- ,tbe eUte. rolatlve to tba com»aace
aea allber to adToaea on tba Boaro at vaalarmy. Tha Cnltod Stota* fovara- meat rt aalta to reoovor the money loot
JaoeboAal frow Or*a»erl»*r or to Iona meat to ooreltaat that mm ara leavlaf by tba mUltary deal. Proeeod lag* will
a Jaoatloo with Oeaeral'Froneb. whoae tba Itoltad SUte* for Soatb Africa probably have to be oommeaced la
oploaa to trylnf to adeanoa to Oolea- wiU tba latoatton of Jolaiac tba Boar
bonr- la any omb oatU tba arrival of army, bat It bat ao aatbority to pre
Oeaaral Warren and bto dlvlaloa no . vent .tbalr departare. anlam they fo
r at oritoBlted bodtoe.
4oeirive move c*a be made oa tba part I ondet
UatloOB have bean ef Tb' Odeb-atad Braataltot Paemd
of Gaaeral Matboen orUeneral Praneh. r
It to not clear what Uaaeral RuUer'a ifected bercT and the Brlttob povetaAway Tcatarday at Hto Horn* in
oaxl move wUl be' bat it to ba»inninc imant to apparaatly aailSad that the rtBaat MjrtbBild^Maaa
to be tboorbt tbav a* a laet reaooroe, .eniiUny uld to be go\-„g on by B cr
Nortbflrid. Maaa. Dae. t3.—
Oentral While will leave Ladfanuto ,
coo>eoiiaoc8 that it to not worthy of Joat at noon today itha famon* wangc
Bnd attempt
to cnl hi* way
Hit. Dwight L. Moody, died after a
^^i^ib whlto Oeneral Bu’ler divirt# Ihe notice.
‘{long mnae*. While Mr. Moody
Bttenlloool the Il3«m by de'.lverlig
I very elek It wa* not faared that death
anoibcr attack at Colenaoj wat *0 near. »niU yesterday wb»D bto
The Brlttob army lo Sooth Africa
‘ANY merch&nts will, on the last daj before
‘ Xmas, work tbe balance of their stock
' way down to “close out” This is prioia
facia evidence that they either got big
4>rofit8 on their previous sales or are loaded with
unpopular goods—in either case they do the early
buyers an injustice.
We nandle our goods on a close margin with one
price to all—and will make no ent in prices today or
Our holiday trade has be^ simply tremendous—
22 of the liveliest clerks we could get have been on
the jump early and late. We appreciate every pnr*
chase you make in our store.
We Wish You
A Merry Christmas .
.Medalton S ile Today.
Toronto. ObL. Dm n.—Brtiaia baa
aooh>tad aa additional 1.0t« mm from
hda. Tba force will ooaatoi of
three aqoadrou of mvalry, 177 man la
aacb. 'laeladiagoffiwca. Ul la all, and
SM oOoara. thraa Svld batUria* of alx
laaeb. with SIO mea. taeladlog
offl;eia.aad n* boraaa. Oaaada will
eqalp tha force In every partlealar,
aad land it in Soatb Africa. The gaaa |
are of the laUataad beet, aad tha oatairy ara belag aalaetod becaaae of tbalr
ability to aeon t.
wlU be Iccreaaed M per eeot within
alx weeka Toree full dlvtotona of rcgin**8 M. B Poriaad to Purchat* tb*/- wbleb oc'xaioned a great breaking
aiar* are now anroou to the Cape or
Property for $4,000
under aailing order* Large drafu of
A deal to praeUcally cloeed whereby ^*Mr Moody wat bom on a farm nvar
men to en vaeanclci la tbp la kt are
herein 1837. Hr had a limited cdocabalog aant out. The volnataem and
O—fm —.d «.td
yeomaary will be oa the wayv la a
17 year* old. In 1856 he went
known ae the fair ground*, will baeoma
to Chicago, engagod la mtodon work
Tne Brlttob available regnlara now the property rt a j ^Int atock company
and aoon built up a Sunday achool of
in Afrtm ara TO.OOO; oolonlal
more than l.ooochlldraa. Daring the
M.OM. The ralnloroemaaU provided
be waa promiaaat la tha work of
The property eoaatou of forty acm
■re; Voluntoara. 7.000; yeomanry. I.the ChrtoUaa eommtoalon. Later ba
000; flftb dlvtolon. ll.OOO; alxlh dlvto- located in tba eaaura portion of the
jMoad by tra D. Sankay aad the
De«iem. n.OOO; aevantb dlvtolon. 11.000;
taaura* avaageltoto hdd revival
BOW regular cavalry. I.IOO; dmfte to Bood npon a formiloaare acme Ume
maadBgi all ovar.^a Unitod Sutaa
eU vaaaaelm ll.OOO; CaoadUaa aad ago. tbe agrienlinral aoetaty being aaabletom^ulaUeaxpanae of bedd- and Grant BriUla. _________
'AaatraUaaa. 1.000.
lag tbe
A movement baa bare
Wauea Ohaagu bi« Ftogabip
oafootfor aoma time to aecar* the
Waahlagton. D. tX. Dec. IS -Bear
property from belag pUtUd aad aold
Admiral J. C. WaUon. commaadlag
offlalouorpawau.a*lt to tba «mly
the A*latk naval aUtion. ha* notified
rormar Poatmaator of Sattoae Bay pi»y.« In the city UmlU or la tba im tha navy dapartmeat that ha ba* traoamediate vlclaUy. wbleb to av^bl* farred hto flag from tba emtoar BalU■ Obargad With MtoappropriaUoa
for picnic*, falra or 'ia>lic fnoctlon*. mura to tha armored eralaer Brooklyn
of Oovemmaat Panda. •
Tba raenU to that twenty dUrea* bav* at Maall*. Thto change waa oaada baB. P. Jehasoa of Sattoaa Bay. .ferm- gotua togatber aad arraagad to bay
tea* It ba* beUaf quartaia for a flag
o- of Uat idaea waa
tha groooda, wh^laclad* a rae# officer than to* Baltimore, aad to a
imUd yeaterday. and arralgaad la U. tnA, baaa
b^diamoad. plaak
larger vaaaal._______________
8. Oommlaaioaer RoharU' eoart. cha^- ground* aad fdr buUdlug. The price
•i with tbaambewlemaai of K4 while wbleb Mr. Daamoad baa agraad to
Bd. Monroe Snrpriaad.
ta tha employ of'the govemmanU Ba take to *4.000. which to a vary low figBd. Moeroe fonad a jdly party of
tamtobad ball la Ua tarn of *300 aad ere a* the property to laeraaalag la
yoaog people at to* bom* of Mr*.
Lyndia Monroe cit 431 Weat Eighth
Jobaam waa appointed to tbd poetAll that ramalm to oomplew the atraat laat avanlag, whan be retamed
tlen of poatmaatar of Saitona Bay trunaaetion to tha flUag of articlea of
borne from Big Rapid*, where be baa
aboat two yearn ago. He bad bean in iDCorpomtiOB and the formal traaafar
baanatuading to* Parrl* JlDdaatrial
tba pualtloo bat llttr* over a year of lb* propartyt which win take place
aabool. Beea-ne home to apend the
whm tba antborittoa became dtoeatto- In a vary few day*, a* tha article* have
holiday* aad aboat fl ftoaa of bto trimda
Sad and donbtful of bto latragrlty. aad already been drawn. Th. act nadar
b* waa removed from oOce- It to wbleb tbe company to to be formed to waloomad him.
A plaaaant avaalag waa apaat la
olalmad that ba bad appropriated that which pcwmlt* tbe
playi^ earoBu and Itotaniag. to aelccaboat S1.400. bat that all Bad been reUon* on toe piano.' Candy w*< aarved
tamed buta few tmair aoooanto far
at wa* alao aa axeellmt tapper of «yatba Bonpaymeat of oBe of wbleb
tot*, eaka aad fruit, aad It w*» a vary
waa arrmtad. Tba trial will oeear at
bowaver, that tbe
UU hour before the lavltod gaaaU rathe March term of tbe DniUd Suua trotting boraw to to be tbe tola objaeu
tamed to tb^ bto** much pleaaad
Ptotrict eoart at Graad Bapida.
with toe eajoyabl* avanlag.
fX*JS«r bare
aaeb for tha puicb***: Thm T. Balm
xuAe nsvBvs dbab
A maa who
toe Barnard
F. H. Fratt. J. B- Marti*. B^. Mofgua.
F. Bamlltoa. B. 8. Pratt. F- C. Dtooaaa, Oruad Bapl^/ Wadaaaday
Bamad Aw*f ^ Boldlar*' Mesa at
Bight a* W. J. Wilbur. Mosertowu.
«mad BapiAa.
PU.. waa fonad dead U hi* had TbuaKawa
day awmlag aad everytoiag ladleato*
Itlng. Pc
by Levi Sonia aanoundag tbe death la baa. B -A. Oaaaat. *
-BC. Uttla to kaowB
the ^idlan'Borne atOrand Bapldrof A. H. Hdllday.
about toe man, except that he
Bnaa A- Suvao*. wbo wmt from tbia
vaay little dnrBwbert Hallead, of Berrim oounty, of work aad b*4
^aea aboat two week* ago. Com*- waamarriadatEcMll^a*-. TbaradaT
gtoaUatwaSi. Jaat
Uonef tba lung* w*. the oaauof aigbt to Mto* Cora Falatar. a young
a w«* fonad la bia-poek
dmtb. Diemiad waa a aaUma of tba ladlM WOMB who waa ajkaiaa at Saa
dvil war. having aarved la On. C. of tba .Juan- Balleadwa* a volantoar ia a
Aftrangarwba rafaaaa to glva bla
irrtb Ohio TOlnatear lafaatry.
'Mlehlgaaragiment. B* waa atri
Ttoe abow window od
mth yellow fever at Saa Jaaa aad Jawalar Hewaomb at Big Bapida
I. $ r. OkzlsUui Ptaaar.
waaaamadbyMtoiPaUUr. tba beaMonday tba atxtb aaBoal CBrtatmaa
caw b* waatod to go to
waa foUowod by
r win b* givaa by Ooart Ttav-
Tblnk.of Benda.
290-222 Front Street
--------Ipadil *ttir***~
Think Of Benda.
0«y IHAiag
BalL 1
Bslpta Ooimabl* Jr., Xsnsfer.
A glance iato our .tore will toll yoa wbo to doiaff
the llwib »hara of tov Xnma ••hi*^
to find soitabiti aad appro
priate prvaeuU here.
Notliing makee eo aiipreciatire a gift as A pair of
Bnil Ton Get..
‘the REll THIRG "
iMUtl m tt I.M
All stvlea, Patent L*-atlier.
Fine Kid. Box Calf. WfU or
Turn fclole.
You’ve Waited
The FRimme SLoriifnr Wo-
I’ati-nt Li-atla-r Slnxn fur
-M-'u. ua rAiili J not to b eak.
Slippers fur K\>?r) budy.
The Leader ia Floe Shoes
Till tlu* IsBt.day to compleUiyimr purchaw of Christmns gifts. Wnatei cr yon havu y«<t to buy. tln> Hat should iD>
cludf useful, practleal articlea.
In this stock of ours then' nre bundr*Mis of diffcrtiDl
tbiiu's BuitabU
preaents—all of tbcm utk-fol—and thvy are
sun* to l>t? ippr. <*>at«l by tbe
Cp-lo-ilslc styles —
right prices.
'Uomo this morning, if }*ou can -if you can't come
this raoruing, come any time•—you'll
—you’ll get proper attention
5 ^
Elegant Silverware
Just received for the Holiday Trade.
Additional supply of Fine Presents
in GOLD PINS with beautiful set
Gold and Silver novelties for Christ
mas. Watch the display window
Friday for biggest line of of Dia
monds ever seen in this city.
a aa 1.. a I
Third Year-No. 823
lamun aa
prominent New York official
A proi___________
said tbe genera! ose of tbe tele
phone had made thutesk of effic
ently prolacnng life and properly
over 50 per cent, easier.
Telephoning in case of fire, ac
cident or burglary ba*
become a
recognixed necessity:
Every well regulat
ed boneebold has a
Have yon one in
your home?
lkU|u WnbCi.
Post Office Bnilding.
lUka *■
(ifMiBI Cor • iMtr- Bare tob mo
•orBtacaUMvUari Xmm> airac Mto Bp«*rd-n*i*. arirv*.
cat Cl*BB.mlncna-^ UB*»-*>d
«• *01 an Ikw mt lawmt tgart
wtaaar o*ar *—Irv4- IWrwV
•ri*ct**v u>m
Wait's Drug Store.
. January let close* nor apeeUl «le on Udiee’ show.
Until that time any of our $3.50 and $4.00 Udiee’
ehoee go at $3.0a
Y’ou can't afford to miaa tfaia sale All new atylee—
np-to-dats in every respect
This sale inolndee the oelebimUd “Velret"
Full line of infanU' ahoea, including those fancy far
tnmmed soft aoUo, at£0c.
voumie moosD.
vmmMactTT ■
•w. r. %*!tm AMB Z. w.
with hk parMta, Dr. and Ma- 3. D.
Mkaea Katia and May me Bbanahan.
retamad trote the BtekMorteal at Mk
Pteaaaat to apand tba bolldaya.
Mr. and Mn. W. J. PafkerwIlH
Chrkuaaa with tba fowly ol ttair
daeghter. Mn. Prad Baaor. In Ornsd
$. «. BAnn. HfMr moA Mamatm.
Mite Maggie Andataos haa ff«oa
Kewark. Ohio, for tba boUdaya.
Dr. Martin waa la Kingaley oa boal.
HMtes the food iPOfedefcSousaMdv
MkaGraoe Morgan arrleadfrote De
Many WOi Spend the BLlMay Taea CbariteNoeak. to~^^kua _______
troit yaatarday. where aba k ataandlng
Plata amngetewta for a retnm te
tlon at Thalr Home*.
Yesterday the aebook eloaad Uw tba
Mr. and Mn. Benjateln Boaghey a
two w^ holiday Taeatioa. Moat of
Tklting In aontbam Mkelgan.
Sanday dinaar. aty Dining
i tboir hemte or.
Prank Boldawtetb arrlead yaatarday
»gathering of teaebem to
from tba Onleanlt* of Miohigna. to
Kwnd tba bolldaya In tba cl^.
Bar. & T. Stoat want to Baat Soma wUl rscaaln to tba city.
MoaoxT wiU W ChrtotBM 4ay, aad
Bnpk C. H. Horn of tba Bigb oAooi
M than wUl tot ao paper prl*t«d to- yerdnn yoatardajN__________
aehool4 marrow tn» tUa ofiee, Uw Bk»kd
Buaterk meeting at Usring. and will
tr*-** thto opportiinl^ to wUh aU
alao pay a eklt to Charlotte; Principal
■MWiBd**«7MR7CtorlMaaM. Tb«
Ryder will goto Imaal^ and Detroit;
pMtytarhMbMn «M of alMttu- w««y FUaannt PrograBa and Traaa
Mka Morton wUl eklt bar parsnta
a*Mod«Btod proiparity la thia eeutry'
In tba Pailoaa < ebook
at Ann Arbor; Miaa Boalfils will apand
••d tVatana City hM ctloyed btrjoM
tba bolldaya at bar borne in Saginaw
itan of this ooBdiUoa. Work haa
Prof. Swift will rsmainin tba city, aa
bMBplsBty aad is eoDaeqaaoea mar- j-If nay proof were Beaded oftbainwill alto ProL Cobb; Mlm McLangblia
pkaala hoTa aojoytd ^proiparoaa tiotea. Sraattakanialbaeltyacboola by tba
fWterlaa kata toaoB roabad wltk ordara pnreota and^anda of tba popUa. it will eklt raUtieoB at Martin and
Kalamaaoa; Mka Downing wllla apand
giean yaatarday by the crowds
•ad labortnr man bate had ttaady
U it i>fivW.tcbFS. Jewelweek bme
Prankwork. The boaafielal raaolta ara ap' that toeked to tba
ry. Silverware or Silver NorAtkina will
IwwtandUia Bafa to »y that tbaaa of(%riatoaa. rlna in tba dlBarant fork Mka
DUmooda or Preciotu
by tba papUa nndar tba imiaad- bar home in 'Patoakay, Mka Jlckllng
wfu toe fotr who do not bata a happy
Stooee ef any kind, in nay
tata diraetioa of tba Indlridnal toaeb* will go to Cbleago to eiait frieoda and
of tba CbriatOMa boUday.
attend the masting of tba PaderaUoa
kind of moanting, that yoo
la tba Oantral aabool. tba Sixth and of Cominereial teaebera; and Mra. Dayl that tba
•re eeekisg, yoo can find ’em
ton wUl go to Mk Plaaaank
lT0.0eD nan haTp baas ralaad tinea tba Saeantb grndaa nnltoi U a eery plaaa■t Gumett’a.
Of tba grade taaebara In tba Central
» ftntafDaaamtoaraonndabff. bnt It la aatprogmte In whiab a pboaofntpb
MoartbalM trna. and a raeord whkb played an iaportant park Mka Dean
Tha total for tba lad in tbk program.
MkaPatoalntbafoartb grade had gone to bar boma in Mk Pleaaanl; Mka
yaar mmX tot vary great at adn
ta room neatly daeoratad. and a Bna Raabaa will remain in tba city; Miaa
kata baaa tanoai
Patoc will leave today for bar boma In
program was giean.
Thia aoodltfon will
Make a nice, preeent—Never
Mka Busbaa of tba fltth grade had a Almont: MlteCryalar wiU go to her
ChrlattoM W werkiBf B»ar> tbronghont
mind the fit, weTl attend to
eery albhorate propraca tbatwaagraal- borne near YpallantI: Mka Smith haa
The aaaond and third grades, tangbt Dsnn will aUy In the city; ao alto will
by Mite Bmitb. Mka Oiyalar and Mka Mka Sbadek; and Mka Bnrd will go to
Bos. 3. W. muikan ratvnad yaatorDana naltod in a eery dallghtfnl pro her tiatar'a bopie la Partland, aooom
«by<mnlA«ter.a»»paiiladhy hit
137 Front Street.
•as Ziaa. They will raaaln nnta gram of alnging and tpaaklBg.
Of the teaebera In the Boardman aeTba Ijlndargartan and ftnt grade
mat nndar Mite Bnrd and Mka aneaohool, Mka Perry went to bar
Bdltb doatort ratnnad yaatarday
Bhadtk, united In a eary tae program. bom U LaoBlng laat nigbt; Mka BarBrntbaMataMonnalat YpaUantl for
im wUl ramaln in the elty; MUa
tpanylng a ObriatBaa tree whets
tba Chrlt tBtaa Taeat< <«i.
Saate Oana pesaldad, Thera wars ao LambwiU accompany Mka Downing
MkBLntySa«ara&aa.wbo waa oommany eialton pmaat that thara waa VO Frankfort; Mka Boleomb will re
aUad by Dln«a to lean the aehool
•earealy room to bisatha.aBd aeao then main hara. aa will alao Mka Oartear;
work ban for a time, will retwn after
tba larger part of them were in tba Hke Adame will go to her home in
Oakwood, and Mka Camp will eiait her
Miaa EdUb Oltoba of Patoakay, will baU.
>me at Laming.
In the Boardman aranne aehool, tba
tba hdOdaya with bar parantt
MlteFliklneof the Oak Park eebool
and dnt gradea, taught
Jm tbb atty.
by Mka Camp and Mka AiUma. OD>oy will go toColdwatei; Mke Biggina will
Bohan Walter wUl laaea for Flla
ad a tea prognm and ttsa. Mka remain in tbe cily:>Iia> Carr will leave
taka today to apend tbeholidaya.
Gardner and Miaa Cleealand of the today for Duodee;Miee Taylor will goto
Oaorga WUloncbhy of Oeoar Bon,
aaooad and third grades bad a aimllar Grand BapidG Mlea Miller wil. eUy in
waa in the city yaatarday.
tbe elty: Mim Vogekong will apend tbe
P. W. Panningtoo arriead in tba oity program.
Miaa Holcomb had a abort program holidaya at Aldeo and Mia* Bliaa atber
iterday for the hcdidaya. '
and Mka Lamb of the fifth grade had home in
_ JooeaelUe.
laat night froB
avenue teacher*.
almllar azerokw and a ehleknn pie. i Of the E m
g btolnea trip to Uiand Bapdda.
Miaa Smith. Mia* Beam. Miaa Gannett
A grab. bag
waa. the,item
intereat U.,*.
Mn. Bragg and eon BlUard yrUl go
in the aixlb grade, tangbt
Mias and MiaaChaae will remain in tbe city
la Wexford today to aprad a weak with
Stilea will go u
Bamnm. The aerentb and eighth
• ckaci
grade room tangbt by Mka Parry did;
Kiaa Qartrnda Montagna baa retamad
tba ragnlar aebotd work.
fma axtendad rialta with frienda In
Miaa Raaaevt of the Moth primary
The room of Mka Bike and Mka
fraad Baidda, 4nn Arbor and Ealawa
Thylor of the Oak Park acbool nnited will eiait in the aonthern paK of tbe
<'ate. and Mite Bozie will remain in
•Otoin a Cbrktmaa tree and exaretaea. Mka
tin. A. L. Mnuy and ebUdran of Vogakong a room bad a aimUar good the elty.
prg*------an TlriUng Mr. and Mra. M.
tiate. aa did alao Mka MUIar'a room.
A a axehauge oi prstanu in Mka Oarr’a
tamaa MaKanna baa cose to New room and alao in tba room tangbt by
- Terk to apand tba holidaya with hk Hite Biggtna Tsanlted is mneh marriIsbUt■enk Miaa PUkin’a room did the regB. B. Bhaw of Grand Ba^da, la In the
alBr work.
#4y on bnalnaaa for the Mleblgan TelaIn tba Elmwood aeenna aehool prophnaOo.
grama were giean In tba rooma of Mka
Mra 3. W. Stranb haa retamad from Adama. Miaa Bataa, MlaaBtUea and
Whoopirtx Cough, Asthma.
Maak^oa. aeeompaaiad by Mr. and Mka Smith. Tba rooma of Miaa CMy
Bronchitis and Inciplant
Kra Wn. Irwin.
and Mka Erana nnited in an elaborate
Mkt Myrtle Btentoo ntnmed laat program. Tbt room of Miaa Oanoet
Bight fiom her aebool at Monroe Cen> did tba regnler work, while in Miaa
iw. She will apend a abon eaeaUoo Chaae’a room there ware no ezerciaea
iB tba city.
batprsaenta weraxiroo by the teacher.
Mra A. V. Priedrieb retamad laat
Appropriate exerciaaa were gieen in
Bight fnuD a rieit to Ann Arbor.
theaonth primary acbool, tanght by
, Miaa Mabel Boyd went to Central Misa Baa»ei<, aod in the Booneeilie
taka laat enniiig to apand the holi- acbool. Ungbt by Miaa Hoxk.
HEMEtYfbya with her father.
f tuwvttirmt ani\\ir» ’ '
P. O. Benmann want to Central Lake
m boalnena laat nigbt.
It Came to tba Ek* and Two Eittle
Mr. and Mia B U. Braeken will
Polka had Their Desires Granted
l»ea today for Grand Baplda
A few days agoalettereama through ,
Mr. and Mra William Morgan will
the mailt addiseeed to Sente Clam. '
Jwea for MllwankM today.
P. Gearing,for aeTeral yean engaged The communication waa unique and j
U the great beat tngar manofactory its'eontenta named aaeeral nqneata l
BtAleando.Oal . Uv'etlingatbia old ealenlated to bring happineaa to two
----------------:ehlldrsn la Klngalar ahould they be.
Mrs. M.J. Wolfe and UtUe grand- granted. The Elks' Santa CUm ra-L
Hanghter wUl leave thk morning for caived the letter which waa aa follows:
Grand Baplda wears they wlU apand
tAerr's a man /n
.. w. w. mu^nmgona totba
pean.m aid pop
OchifiMn vho btean maUng
•naat form eklt and wUl apand aboat
. f„
for Lenzena too. I am fonr
shoes in 1666 and is run at H.
Mro waaka In Tictoria.
. ..
I old
IBs tiame is ^^htgret.
Bt is
taring >
Mia.' Lncaa and daughter, Mka
Cefbemarnota. That’s a toUraiU
Gnea. will apend the hoUdayaat
opM aod abut ite ey«.
fair sign that he is a good shoe
And bring whole loU of rad pretty
maker.- You protaidy hatie heard
ar.rwiA who k nttndlag apples and a nice Chriatmaa use. Clin
of him. Wefustraantlotayoa
bodatetfDochteayabsalaate ooU««a. ton Wanu a watch and Lecaeoa wants
UtUe gold watch and a pratty, pretty
that he snakes m a tadks' shoe
tent to Eiogalay laat night to ^end a
chain and Ctiaton wanta a nice chain
that seOs forts a pair, lahkhis
*a holidaya
on bk watch. Dear old Santa Clana
fast for brat shoe far fAaf price
Barry Kyaalkak fasma Crate Ann have yos got any Pica little plctais
tk^ ewer earnest of any man's
Arbor. Ha arrived yaatarday.
How pleaae bring ne lota of candy
Art Dun wnt to Elngilay laat
and ante
•SetUi^ a pair. Yoa’B Or
•ifht to apand Chriatmaa with hk par- ^awHl try aad^ good ^Udrsn, ao
them, wee know) yoawOl. Three
ntadnOarsfer aHatylka. We’re atia
Mr. and Mrs. JnUna Oamphall left
f^OTox Fiaxx Bbutt,
agents for the T>ingit€ " CempoMat Bight for Grand Baplda to apend
LxxzKHa Bbktt.
tha holidaya with Mra Onapball'a parYaatarday aaexprars package waa
W. C.&B.A.
and Opticians.
No. 2981
Ladies’ Fancy
Jnst a few left bnt while
they last yon can have them
for ll.iS each, nothing like
them ever offered for the
We hare a large line of
sideboards,combination writ
ing desks and book-cases and
are making some very attradive prices on them. A large-line of pretty and
useful presents for children.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Front street.
WiU Anderson
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
W. G. ft B. A. CAMNEn
Both Telephones. No 43.
318 Union Street
Santa Claus
I, Tin Cara dial Cares /
That no one should he overlooked this year—
There are places and places, but none that have
the varied assortment found here.
This is the last day of Christmas shopping of
this great, wonderful century.
From early morn uctil late at night people
will go home with arms full of gifts.
Come early while the stock lasts
nte. Mra. CampbaU wUl ramatn sae- aaot to Kingaley with tba
of Santo Clnna, and it
mabMite Lena Croteer who k aUaadlng atontially what wm namad in tba let4ka high aehool baes, rstarnad to bar
tana in Klaatfop yaatarday.
Prsd Munkm eama «p from Ana
the beat a» OUy Dining
Mar yaaurdny to apand santkm
BeautiftU ties for some friends from 26c to
$1.76. Or umbrellas for others from $100 up.
Hundreds of styles of chairs to select from—
cost $1.16 foraneaey rocker, to $8 00, $10 00,
or those ^eat ‘ care forgetting," ease producing
leather rockers at $26 to $42.
Oreat tables full of beautiful china tor all
manner of uses, from 60c to $4.60.
A wonderful assortment of fancy baskets for
all purposes, from 6c to $1.60.
Elegant cut glass (more sold this year than
over before) sell from $1.00 to $6.00, $8.00 and
$12.00. Bllveiware, always useful, beautiful in
shape and design from little novdlties at 26o to
the full tea set at $10.00 or $12.00.
Don't forget the slippers for mother wife or
sister from $1 38 or tor father, husband or broth
er, made in velvet, felt and leather, sell from 76c
The Christmas tree wants Christmas candles,
a box costs 16c with either 84 or 88 candles!
Christmas candles at 6c, 8c, or 10c. Then nuts,
figs, raisins, oranges, lemons, dates.
Frank Friedrich
TteOMRelutle Shoefiai
ehttdraa will raaatea pnaaMa
Mr.ChaaJohBeaiathaeapcristaBdrat of the Baadaya^oM. bathe belay
Sbe took that aabaaable to atteod, A- O. Uad wfli lead )aet as a farawell talk tor CkritUBae
aad baadledItlabar aaaal eatoruio*
: MiB Baida Herd, A. O. Uad. Oeo. toyatyla
' Bord aad Tob Belaoe will havaehaiye
Ben Geaaett la«t aiybt woa the dlaof the proyraB.
oaood riay dispaaed of at Chris-ciyar
■o adBiBloB. Aa the proyraB wUl store.
beearriadoat both ia dwefleh aad
There will be e reyalar Beetlay
Boylnh we Boot eordiaUy iartte oar
CtelMwt wUl ta otevTcd by all tk« »hkh wae aa oaeroke ^ which aa Swadkb aa well eeloarbkyllah Meade. Moeday Biyht of DoeheB Oaap. No
M«8. If rdeie WoodBea. A faU at- aebar^a ta «b« «i*y, «ritb Bore tbu Meal ChrfatBaa leaeoo wae coodoeted
Oraoe Oharch.
daaee.Is deaired.
wMtly btabente atobnUOM ia auy by tbeteaeberaoddaae- ha aaardee
OhrietBea at Oraoe Bpieeopal efaoreh
of tb«i. 1%eo«MO •rtabeBorettau eottUed ••Little UyhM- wae alao
There wiu be ao frelyht trato oa the
MMUy joyoH. Md la aaay of tbe Ctvaa. aad a Bterioaary cffectay waa wQI be eeUbretod with the aeael yled M.AN. tChrietmaeday.
ororfloir of joy «rlU yo
B. Aapeelalpnycrthatbaa been aad Joyooe eertieca appropriaU to the.
Toay A. Tbocaoe aad Ubbie IrteV,
tothOMwtwaraloB fortBiaae.iB Ito «n^t the ehUdrea had a auBbv of beaatlfal feaUral. PoUowiay le the both of thle city, woe yraatod a 11
farm of Botorial ooBtoru r>*n by tbe aooye ware ateo a part of thle protTram. Baaleal proyraB for Banday School eeoee yeeterday to Barry.
ohai^M aad iholr trloodo
The Prleade baaday aehool wilt have | ChriatBai
Jaa. H. Monroe of Booth BoardBaa.
Tba pablle procraae that hare baa a Bee aad a abort proyraB Moaday ^ **“>
ae parehaeed the hardware baatoeB
orrAitad by (b* nrioin efaarAB aod oraalay. The prlacdpal part of the
of Darid Wyakoop of Klayaley. Mr.
0aaA^ Kbooia peealM to be of «x- proyraa will be -The etory of redaspWyakoop will yo weet.
.<BcllrlaM)......... CUrbata
Uaordtea^ laloreot, whlU tnnSeblay Un,” prepared eepecialiy for thie
Thcfiaaof Lot
the Wbrht tor the ehUdren that theoe
reeeaUy for oMoalt aad batteiy. hae
OBWieoealwayt .do. hU of the efaareb
beea paid at the )aU aad the prteoaer
The foUowlay la the BoyraB for the OtortoPetH............... .....................J. BeadaU
M have arraored for eoBe opeeial ehileaaed.
aemaoe of the day.
While ridiay a WeyeU yesterday.
Maeatfcat..................................... C. A RmUc
fier^Oiayaaaawaaraadowa by a
awAwM itaWtaMtew^cMroI) aialMr horee aad bayyy aad hie whral badly
■•Arele.OIed carwiaee BdlidaBayed. Heeaeaped laiary.
arata daya. 'nmurrow thara will be
OMmy CblatacOhri.iwBBeU*.
OLeBdefJadaa. .
a^o «o the day. ha i
i theatrical
pcoyiaBbae beea ananyed
JaaaaOeraenor ...(Oaral)......B«*. AakcUU offeriay U one of mnch :
Borhl^ aorriaa aa foUowe:
aetareaterUBaralat <Ceral>.0«raae
••Hie Beehelor't Baby,” writteo by
The Baale for tbia prayram hae beea Ooyoe rietehar. and prodaeed aader
■»«—erraayed ^ Prof. Stefleae tbediraettOBof Mr. Alfred Lee, bee
euBa. -VW» WarU a eat
for Maarteayb'a oroheetra which pUye beea one of the aeeeoa^i notable ane^
.............................. irmuaiatea ttaroayboat the eerrice.
OOB la the larye cities, or la fact,
wboerer, the pUy hae been preeeoted.
ChrletBea Dey. Dee. »s.
It is to be here next Batardar atoht
rear two
Maniac Ftayar
Dee. 10, whea It wUl be eeen at BtelaVoloaterr
bery's Grand.
e.*««aeTMlac*’' .
-------W Bayca
The OlnriBBatL Ohio. Hibnne nye:
. Diplar.
•■To all thoae who ea}oy a hearty,
wboleeoihe Uayh, Uactared here and
.Botam I BeMteUee, -OaTbl uw earpart." Praak Oar.
then with Jaet enfficieBt pathos to
Bake aa awre aporeelate fen.wc woo'd
Parwe. Bela■ ptaOaetaMaa-........ ..la-B.
reeoBBead a riait to ■The Baehelor'e
Lord U My Bbapbard-..................9aanat
Oe«d aad Pnym
.Lola Lata ei
dart Bared HM Xdfe.
C\vT\sWas^esVv\>V\v«is »
2 SValWr^lt pToqrtm 'pTcpvrei Vs
Sunday SckooU.
«»»«»««»»«««» ««»»«»
Holiday Wants
You Won’t Need
To Stand In Line
Long—We Have
People Here Paid To
Give You
Best Attention— ,
Ask For
What You Want—
If It’s An^hing
Pertaining To
Gentlemen’s Or
Children’s Furnishings
We Can Produce
TtaeSey afteraoea fR>Bi t:So to s
oMlilfc. the ktadaiyartdn and the flnt
prtiCary deparlBeat of the Soaday
aeb4el wiU oajoy a tree
Mra. milikaa wUl hare ebarye ot thh
profraB. aad the ahildraa will aot be
dtaa^poiated la their expeetaUca of a
•*Ura»..............I . ... ...o.J.BiNv
e friybtfol death. For two yaera e aeI OlariaPalH........... ..i..................... W.Mayn ------Inay troable oouuatly rnw
8 naUl U eeeaed be mart die of
Then he beyaa be
■eeoad MethodUt.
O Merry, Cbloiac Xaee Belle........a. P.,LoaC
feeted a pertnaarat eon." Boeb wonderfnl cam have for IS years, proren
its power to care all Throat, Cneet and
Lnoy troBblea Price Me and $1 00
OJaria te teceUU.............................Old Chaai Brery bottle yaarenteed. Trial botUea
lOc atJaa. o. Jobnwn'a aad 8. E.
Obnreh of Obriet (OtaeiploB)
ThU eronlny the eaBcleB of the Wait's dray •
Cbnreh of Chriet (Olaclplee) will ocenr.
The ptoolpal peri oa the proyrem
will be e talk on the Bobjeet of Ohriatmaa by the oaator. A Cbrieimaa tree
........... Sr-:.::::.
the aralD body of the eebool will bare Prayar ........................................................
their eelebcaUoB Wedaeedey erealay
t to toe fora of a ehlekaa pic eapper. at
whleb the foUowtoy proyraa will
jlllrei tho^
BapUel Oriebration.
A apeeli^ eboreb eerrice will be held
Bwedieb La hcraa.
looi^rTow moratsy in the Baptiet
TbeSwedlab LaOnaan ehnreb will ebanh. and ibe Snnday ecbool cclebra............... BanHaetacaa
-I M a panar en ihM I ten mai."
bold lu Banday School Feetlral Ban-. tioB will occur Hoaday crealny.
-Ow Paptta-............................. MU. OawalBC day nlybu Dee S4. at 7 o-clock. Pol-,«« proyram each cIsb will bare
TteynmOodwcn ^am
lowiay to the proyraa;
i toke a pan. tbonyb what the part to
siecUie. BndiBc'>tuuacrtpcarcAB4 preyrr. be yirea by each is not known by the
WrlroueBynrb .............
BlMa Johoeos! olbcr clesMe. A Dutch windmill
................... - Mr. Wblva
u wanfeal wui
M aaa4 br t« hi
creniny, end
Delevoe. -Why DeWeOeiebrMe Xaee'
otemtiny feetureof the cn
.be Browniee will dtotribnte the pm...........V ____ Buoi AteTiMeBi-eii
.cn Mo A i niu to the cbildree.
•’**....... ......... .........................................!
German Lnthcreo.
The German LatEeran cbnreh will
Spom. WIIHt Llad^nn ate
hare a eoecial aerriee on Banday* at
10;90^pbd also on Monday at the eeme
honr. '^be f<atirel aad ChrKtmaa tree
will be Snndey ereniny. et wbleb
*®"r.......................................... BmuCartao. j ftoe proyrem will be ylren.
Di.larur.-Th*8iTt)i.(Chrl.l ................. .[
Mienie ter^sa. Eally Bporrr. Roby
elaborate prqyrmm wilt take
AaC<-rw>D aad < I'a^ Uedfiuiai
Bteitauoe.-ThaBiaroc Bctbeibam.- ......
plsoe-of the cveBlny eerrice in
B<-wir Cari.ee aad cor. Joha«>e.
Pint Methodist : chttrch
•L Fraacle Cba oh aad Bohoal
OhrieteuB will be made aach of
rary eUborately trioihied. aad
aeUebehoUfal eppraraocc.
* '•“t'
ofaaelc wUl be readered;
TteAacrl-. Uana*. ................J.
KwUy Opom |
**** these will
Rrriiaitaa. Xda Br.rukna'ate Wiiiu ute-| bc Intcropcrmcd with reciUUoni and
Boo3“'*'.'..................r. ................. Cri Sort i*P**'’*’ tnuile. Blanche Barnumwrtpd
tiw^iauMiaa............................... ,Edn» bvino * Beeair Fulyhnm will render e rlolin
Duiotfur ,,.rr.ak*te.mpaadcaa. Lama ■ doet, and Moeellr Bennett, Roy Blmme
' tuMuiuo
Asnu ^rdinad I Moodsy the membere of the school
............. Chair [ will meet in the perlon of the efanrch
i*'"■ • P^ne**'
The weelher
EM-tiatioe..'............. ..................ju^ a„,ite|’'■'I
Boar vithciuitar ArrooipaBiB»Bi.A. o Uad. Vide that was oriyinally planned, bnt e
out* UtecuiM ate Xda HranrkMa.
1 j,Hy u**
certainly be enjored.
. .BUdaJi
aeowePidita........... ....................
Pairwel) 8pM<
nso Chriatmee ereniny. The toUowiBy
aneieel peoyram will be yirea;
.......... MteBuldaKorC
.....................A O. Lite
.......Mlu Ida P«Irma
............. ei4rar BaUud
...Oaoday Bel
Think of Benda.
wmtopi.T ta t>»
ywiin w the
For A nice iUBKBT.OtllOK£N or BOABT of fiSSP or
AU Oheep.
iLast Chance
I Gentleman...
To buy your wife an Elegant Oamask Table Cloth, i
Tt wcVvM \nvie, ^om The to $t.00 v®7 ■aavi.
"Ka\iYdws So "Ktai\c\v.
J Somethvivq obOTij ^ooi Wse\B\.^e \bvVV awreeva^e aai eoev^ *
oae Va •goo.T ^araW^ \»vW eaioij.
SWvwwov SaVvw ADoXs\s
CAora—YVaek, l^o Shades YM, Yutonvoh'Ie aa& YVae
|Wa.«eMaeaAJ Bacterate L Badl-
Presbytwiea Saadey BehooL
TtoBfollewiay to the proyaa yirra
hy toe Pnebyterian Banday Btoool
•rHiterr KoaAlac, Paata M.
laaMttiSM tetUe, the prlMry deyarhBaat y»ra a raqr laeaBwt pro«< the prtoefpel parte of
You can’t
avoid the rus^
but come anyhow
Holiday yoode
In abundance—Plenty
of help to wait bn yoii.
en& oe
^ VVi« rt«\—see,
; &eiveraX tlUmt
Atm. mmmm^
ovsof Tu Ban.
Tte AMiMt Orri«r of fllb«rstM of
L9mi» prapoM MrUar » (ud of
•IJM.OOO for Ua wmiMportottoi
«oop> to oU Uo
0. a Bloior. prwUMlof Uo Uoitod
Sl»t« OlM Oo. »t PiUatovf. ouooBo
«d Tbwadar that Uo wafot of Woo
on Md gmtMtrmm ta thWr •mpioj
weWd te odraaeod t »or oMt oo Ju.
1. TholooroM vlUofloototeoi 1.000
D«tltalo.oad«lUaMOMn *UU
no to eoro for, Krt. A.llo* Booltor U M
•hoorsorj polleo atottoo ooooo.
Chtaofo. owaiUof tha oadatowna
•eaa po)m «rko wUl poj kar fora to
Moahat^ Kiok-. toa Wna of har
tootkor. Mn. SooUar orrirad to CU«a«o Wadaoadop oifht fraa Mobartp.
Mo.wUhMtaoaetlB bv pewaalBB.
witboat 007 food for taoraalf or tte
cWUlrao, and wlUi oot a Maod In tba
citj. A polloeBian took bar to tba atoUoB and aha waa placed to eba'ra of
Watroa BeUaad. Tbe famllj wUl to
bWd at tba aaaa aatU aoma oaa offera
to po7 Ibelr fan to Maakacaa.
At Park ioM LaaKraraaa. tba ealatoattonoaleal ooDdaetor. died Thanda/afiaratwodaTt'lUaeaa Be tolredoeadBaadel, Back and Waraar to
TbaAmaricaa Polftieal laafaa baa
aaaud a call for a aaUoaal ooaraattoo
lor tba oABtoatloB of eaadidataa for
praaUaa't aad rtoa prasldaat of tba
Ualtod Statoa to to bald to Boatoo.
Maaa.: Joljf, 1000. Tba ooaaeUa of
«acb atata ara dlroetad to appoint two
dalacbtoa at larva.
W. P. T. Baahaell. of Atordaaa. 8
D„ ia to raeaipt of a taitor treat bla
alator. Dr. Eatboriaa BaabaoU. who >
pcaaaat to India dolav mlaaioaarp
‘worb. 8ba la la oaa of tba placaa
atrlokaa diatrleta, oo tba rarfa ol tba
famiaa dl%triet. a«d aaja that tba anffortoffa of tba aaUraa ara alraadp tarrlMa,altboovbtbalaBina baa Jntt tocan. Tba mtolonariat ara doinff tbalr
boat to ailcTlato a«ff«rtor aad ara
tfirtoc ataplOTMit to Ua paopla, pajlac toaat tor tbatr labor at tba rata of
«fieeoatoa dap. wbleh U aaSslaat
la that ooBOtrp to enpplp food.
lataNMltor Pabata aad Prt«idto bp
took part to tba Saalor Lpeaaa pr»
alMt alchb Tbla waa tba' laat BWBM1WIWIW1W IW^TWWC ttownr
■aatlac of tbo aoelatp bafora tba boU
A S. Btaaraa a Kalamasao. tmlt
dapa, bat it waa bp BO moana tba laaai
grower, mt* that tbe recent warm
raabaf.' Oa tba antrarp. tba baat
weather baa aot tojnred trait Ueaa to
tbat-part of tba atata
At Port Baron. Mm. Storria anad tba
Otaad Trank Elarator Oa tor MS,MM
a at tbalr toat. Oadamagaa tor tba death of har bwhaad,
ipoaathlac. a to to rafrattad, oaa of
b«t tba Jnrp dUagiead.
tba apoabora oa aBramUra of tha daB. A. SaiTa.awaaltoplraBl(e«nltUB
toto ww aaabU to to praaant aad bla
tambarmaa. fall oS n irato ob tba
part waa not firaa.
Too datoto waa: '-RaaoWad. That aioafo A Hertbwaatora read aad waa
tba wblta ataab traalmaBt of tba la- kUIad.
Mr. aad Mm. Alton T. Preatiee. of
dlaa laBatoiUflabte.'' TbaafttmaUva
alamaiao. warn praawlad 'with a
waa aaaicaad to NaltU Grant aad Id.
Bosla. tba Uttar, bowanr. waa ab pema <a rdd. aontatotog ttM, on tba
aaab Praak Waltoa aad Llaxla Perm oeeailBB of tbalr golden aaniraraarp.
At Ann Arbor, fire atadanta paid
alaa took tba aafaUra. In tba caaoral diaanaalaa Moaaa Ollbart took part flnaa aggragnUng fts tor throwing
tor tba n^Ura aad ObarlU Norak water orar tbe banaUtam and ratotog
the dreaa of a ponng lad) who p«a go
aad Edward Kpaalka apoka in dati
of tbeafirataUra. Tbe jodCM decided ing ont to a partp.
At Battle Creek, a akattog partp of
to favor of tbo BagaUre.
Tba program waa opened wltb a ma M narrowlp eacapad drownli^ Wadalaal aoleeUon. a pUoo aolo, bp Hand noMUp night wbaa tba tee'on like mUl
gave awap. Three peraona wem
Mono. A daeUmaUoe aaUUad “Borne
of tba People," bp Maud Broomboad.- reaenad bp tplng orarcoala togatber,
waa toan enjopad, and waa followed bp and hanll^ them ootof peril.
Prank Beard, tbe ebalk-laik eoteraaaapoa "Bomaa of Manp Lauda,'
bp Joa Rnaakp. “A Ubrlatmaa Partp*' toiner, aanonneed at Benton Harbor
waa tba aubjcet of an intareattog re- Wedneadap night that be bad appear
prodaeUoa earafallp prepared bp Belle ed for tbe toat time on tbe etage aa..a
Balveraon. Vera Oarter neat vara an public antaruinar. He baa been on
aaaap oa tba “InRaaooa of tba Boma.
Aa erigtoal etorp. written bp Margaret
LaPbntae. w«a raad bp Nettle Oleaaon.
Stapbea Lardle, a former alndant aad
gradoata of tba Blgb acbool. now a
nnlraraitp atodaai, gave aa Impromptu
talk apon “Atiraetloaa at Ann Arbor."
Mr. LardU eboaa tba campat for bla
aabjeel and bandied it to an aaap manlar. Blbal Tbomaa foUowea wltb an
aaap upon ••Boma Toplca." Next en■pad waa a dacUmaUon, "Tha Oonrtlar." bp Oora Sebofiald.
Born fare tbe oritie'a report aad tbaa
gave an anooarmflag talk to tba
Mp eon baa been tronbled for paaie
with chronic diarrhoea: 8omr*'
I peranadad him to Uke
• of C
barlato'B Oolie. Cholera
CboUn and IDlan
Ramadp. After
Afur naiag two -botUaaof
UMt alia be waa cored. 1 girathU
aUmoaUl. hoping aoma one almtlarlp
Bietad map read It and to baaaflud.
■Tbomaa C. Bower, Oleneoe, O. Rbr
aaU bp 8. B Wait aad P. C. Ti
Btatk or Oaib, Citt or Toledo (
PoATE J. Cheeev makaa oath that
ha la ibr aaDlor partner of tba firm of ■aUpWraatha.
P. J. Cauar A Co., dotog bnatoeaa to
boUp branekaa for Obrk
tha OU7 of Toledo, Conntj and State
tloaa at P. M. Patoa'a i
aforeaald. and that Mid firm will pap
for earb aid ererp oaae of Calbirh Ibat
p^nIl • t. eoreJ bp tbe iiae of Baij.'o R tiea to Ptmara.
Pnrmera are rrqueated to bringatraw
to mp bam for bedding, uklng maPRANK J CBENEY.
nnra to csshanga J. O. Janaen.
bwam to before me and tub*
. oft fDecernto mp preMoer. tbU eth dap
Bor. A. DI 188*
Odw'i Uiuna apt, u Uu isc«
A. V.-------------darnbta ramlab made.
Nolarp I
>ire la
'taraallp aad aeU dlreetlp
iDoenoiUBDrtaeaa of tbaapauat. dead
lor UattotcB a'a. froaP. J. CBENEY A Oo.. Tolado. O.
Bold bp D.ncriiu, 7&C.
Ballb Vaullp PlIU ara tba baat-
t Siato Menvt
5n.\tTtt\. a
ThlnE of Benda.
T* Oar* • uoM In On* Dav.
rake WaniCT'* While Wino of Tar S\ ru
be beat ouugb remedy on rank.
A oare-to oeaaned la tbe Ugbtaar
atlaa at Aagalaa, Oal. Poor miaara are
barUd aad it li faand tbap ara loat
*rba eava-to waa to tba lOC foot laral.
, There must be a
good reason why the coffee
lovers of America buy millions of
pounds of ARBUCKLES' COFFEE in preferto any other kind.
The quality never changes.
Think Of Benda.
T« tan U Srippt ta 24 Imti.
Nor\'D«>d\-equal* WAKKCRfi White
Wont or TAB SVBLT lor thl» toiTihleand fatal dUeaae. If takan Utoruughto and in time, It will cure a cam
to M botue, and fo> tbe coogb that lolIowa La Grippe U perer
to give
•eUeL Price. 85c and 50c.
niinkof Benda*
Tha Mtobigaa Starto Oa U atUl to
tha market for cell aad field ran
bajtag wheat for wblab tbep ara
tbap wUl pap aaaordlag to qnaUtp.
. .
iie-tl 8
toonaaUHatardap aad Mom^ at
( F. M. Palaa’a O-eaa Booaa »tl itf
Think of Benda
Mar Obt ftewan Itilp
aad get tba beat. A lacga abipMit
of toedaa eartattra no aatoBatarAaj
and Maadap at r. M. Pataa'8 «Ma
Bom. 8li Waat Boeadb atraai.
' around the comer, you get 'the same coffee, the same go
' ness, the same value for your money.
You can’1
r deceived if you buy
Roasted Coffee
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
■ many years experience and utmost reliability. lt,is not ground
H because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reaching the consumer. It is pot sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
aUse it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at
small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit'
A rotnantlc atorp of tba gold ftalda of
Alaaka developed Tbnradap at Cbleago
Dr. Lnalla Dap. who two peam
ago left for the Klondike, and whoae
death to a anowalid
ad. entered the Am
wma ragiatared bp Edward MoOonnell,
ala» a Kioadlker, at hUJwifa Mra
MeOoanall "atniek It rich” near Daw
aad hto knabaad. who mat and
married bar tfaare, owaa aareral rich
rooetor flgnrad promtoanUp la a
which waa triad to tba Ooaap
Utoad poUoa ooarttba other dapr - Tba
fowl bad baaa atolaa. ao tba plaintiff
ctotmad, and to proof of bia nwartioa
Ever)' package of Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee coobaeaUad it>pBama-"OaorgaDewep.
taias information about many valuable, articles
the rooatar erowad and
flapped lu artoga. aad It waa forthwith
that the consumer is entitled to receive.
InrDodovor to lt*rigblfnl owner.
Ask your grocer for Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee.
Theodora Baatb, a ponng CMtbcari.
Obl. man. awallowad bU fatoa toaU
while eating hU dinner tba other dap.
Doc’om removed the toelb by opemtlon. bnt Baatb died from eboek.
LI HnogjCbaog baa been appolatod
acting vicerop of Canton. It ia believed
tbit ie prrparatorp
sea wltb tbe Preneh delaada.
Tbe poaeibilitlra of a Kefllr nprUlng
Sor> bob w u Ibr Salt
re juat now coaenming a large abara
Thfoawof-W*. Iloowding
of the Britlfb eabloel’a attenUon.
ttoloBuso, brooirbt ur-oa an allfigid
breach of warranty to a hor*e deal,
Balm te gaining a wide wa* decided In favor of S 'lombo pea
D B. Jobneton of Rich Urday by a jary to Jaatiee Browa'a
mond. lod.. baa been tronbled with eoart.
neat ainceises
that ailment
In apeaking
of it he eapa: "I never fonnd anvthlng
that would relieve me until I n '
• • - •lalnb
Balm. Jt acU like
magic with BM. Mp foot waa awoUen
and patolngjae very macb. bnt one JML a. a BrAwa. ni rrael at.
d appliaatlon of Pain Balm relieved etOt'ND-Aa ariHvntTalar ee plaltnrwat
Pot aale bv S. E. Wait and P. C, f
C* W HOaKoi. WIA». ]u.i hrtorv de-;
nanurroltp m train <>•■>•- ran r-rorer
TBOMPeoE. Onigglata
P^otion Departmentp
New Vork CU>,
N. Y.
The Boston Store
Think ot Benda.
All Day
There will be a rueh
for Xmaa goods
at ourstore—Come and
find out the reason
of our blur days
50c A PAIR
.‘t.CJ’iriSS"’ « » ——
From the Following Specials:
TTOB RAl.E-BullAlar atoa*. Appli M Ferrla
a4*haMpaci, l-fAtalCatrvet
Our $22.00 Kuppenbeimer best suitor 010 flfl
overcoat for....................................... wlOtUU
Oi n^largp atraai.
«l lf
rXlRLWANTCD-.M Orawa Hotel, aa weeIKBBALB-Oae new Aral Orada Oraphaf
rbaeeaBdaaUiiandOiwMaDdoIln aad
Wb. Wlaaat. (Df Valea airaav
*l» tl
TOR REirr-Wrea room bonae. I'oraar
EJerealbaod 1'BlfMiB-npat. Ba^utre at
BE Wwt Ekercalb atreet
TtsoUiml Sho. Hu
Our $15.00 Kappeobeimer best snit or 0 IQ All
overcoat for....................................... V I 4 a U U
Our $1200 Kuppenbeimer best snit or 0 I A Afl
overcoat for.......................^............. W I U*UU
Ad eoai made b, Btraw * ElUwartb. Hll
waakaa. nia aawe la aa coat. WUl wboaver
baa coat plaaaa rwinra loB. J. Morwaa. nH-tl
mEUITT-Sreow booaa. Good locatiaa. |
Baqutre Ova) Wood DIabOa.
XU-U !
TpOK BALE-Oood bouaa ata^ aew. two kata..
ebaap. Eaauira Oval Wood Dtab Oa 1
m-tf. 1
m any Pa-rkle * Croiaar.
aiMf j
You well know onr prices are of a standard val
ue. and not ficticious. The reductions are genuine
and jour investment is a matter of economy in deal
ing with ns.'
■. B.
08MT- 1
OB tbo ontire oboo otpok for todiy only,
Our $18.00 Kuppenbeimer best suit or 0 I C fl fl
overcoat for................................ ^
ry>Wa-Tbrea aoad eowa lor aalv. all dr>aw
V___wUk. B. J.llergaa.
QTRAW WAWTEn-Twaaijr toat of ateaw
0 waniod iBaedlatati- B. J. Hvraa kId-U
P’«n5i!is?L.s- trr^ i
A Special Sale . . .
Make Yourself
a Christmas Present
abep. Mtlaal ElFbUi .irvel AwFOlne
tolvavarlu BoaDlre at abep V. A. I^lti.
Bteward, Itr Eaat math atrwet.
Tour ohoioe la oar Meo^ Vrlvot SUppors
iss Vront SL
Whether you buy^
of a big coffee dealer or at a little grocery Stc
TTTAlTPaD-FourwUrhro-a EiKinlreofC.
OnWodnaadap *M >qnara mUea of
F. Bunier. HaattUM rintbiac On.'a :
---------------------------timber llmito to Ontario oaraaoUat ^I^eer e« Aeku e( Em «Mirwnlea efier lEto
faraa. Aapamgna. a flee aaaortment T7OK AALB -Good elebl reaw huuae nearlj [
Tareato tor gnt mb There ware no
0w> H«b«
ne« OB Eaat Elchth atreel EnqtilTv J.
^traMivedatP. M. Paiaa'a Oman r
LOe block
OK tt <
fi marl ran bopan baeaeaa of tba regnBonae.
tatlea raqalring toga to to aawad to
win rrat cbMp. Baqnlte J * Blrdaall
Oatarie. Tba IleaMea ara good for
A Soon, dear Brain.
Tear toat taeUaga, poar aoelal pbalUoB or boatoaaa aaeeaaa depend largalp
parfaet action of poor Bioibm
na«.Uw: Dr. Klag'a.IUw Ufa PUU
* •
to. a keen, elaar
A 8S oaat boE
Bold bp Jaa.
Wait, drnggiai
The reason is found in
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent good- '
aiii-sr ■" ““
s j-
TTTANTBt)—Two wvoC caltara. Mcwaia a'
W card tor I* lack wood Boardtt par waak. 1
Wagea aaary Batarday alcBt. J. O. Jaaaea. 1
VASTXRII MOMEY^loaaalApareatdaa!
■sassuw.z. as
look well at out 16.00, IT.SO anO VI 0.00
Slits, Otforcoats Old ttlstera.
A judicious comparison and yoa will decide in
our favor.
What is a more substantial and appropriate
present than a child's snit, reefer or mannish box
coat for yonr boy. Here you can find them from 7Sc
up to SS.00.
We guarantee a substantial saving on your pur*
eba^ when made of ns.
The Boston Store,
s5,>Ma»swT»rii'. ,■(
T IBlHvairCVa BB3jttD75iTlTttDAT, DEOBHBBB. i.8. 18e9.-FABT TWO
l.fHlI.R ChrlPtin*J> In. of rour»A | •UrllHllM Of IhHr or»irtn«l kimIo «Ba
YV ■UI1 primarily ihuucbl of mm (hc by an dolnc eventually drtbrone tbem
** birthday of Chrlal, eome t>f Hhe I from popular favor. Ho Ute pHmtllve
■Mdera mrCboda of celebrallna the day , alanIBvancv of Odin wa» loat. But
W not atrietly Uiooe of Ute tend and < imagine Ibe peraon of tbla *od aa he
ceaninaa in which Ha lived. Tbeaa apfwaiad to the Teuitm akald « old!
BClboda are rather aa ouurowib of the He la deacnbed aa aa bid »a» wlU a
caetoma and traditlona of the U»ny>
kalred northern raeea of Europe. thcHM
^road bn IB mod bat la preaaed down l of the early TeuCona and did net coma
over tala «>e«. Oa ibe al(ht before from ellber the aoutb or the eaat, beCbrlatmaa he ridea about ovei' the^ cauae no encta cualom or emblem waa
land. Thefe you aie! Odin and etir ever known In tboae-parta «f the wot Id.
Baata CUi4 are one and the aame per* The flrat Chrlaintaa tree. In fact.
a medium
To the I
without end. but few Indeed are aacta
contrivancea wbicb have really abown any abllliy to anar oO Itato the clotida.
The accomnanvlaa llluatratiun. however, ahowa Pllcher'a cUdlnc macblna
before ttad
com paralUve Buccem dsrinc eaperlmenta carried
ly death of Ha Inventor. The principle
iciple of the clldlnc
Clldlnc n
macblne-a AKfel
wtncB of the
contrival .
that that the wln*B
la that of (hr aeroplane,
the Idea belnf
he operator, autpended
would keep Iti body, locelher with tew •l*hl of■ the_operator.
re bad a ruffleleot velocity In a foe*
the preaaure of the air ao Ion* aa ije wln*»
ward direction.
Plli: "■* '
a^^ralhfully on the ic y f«e aho bad fol*
lowed him. dru\e tbr uaurper bach to
tala palart i.f l.-e. Then the daya grew
tracer and the nt«hla ataorler. and beat
and warmth returned to thr earth, and
ttae Am prcmoniiiona pf the dtataat
aprtnca Bfilled the earth. It waa no wen*
of the north then crew lichi heaned
and rejoiced.
Ttala a-later aolallce waa auppeaed to
take place about the ttth of DM-embM. lone white beard and a vlcocraa frame., Ctartetmaa tree, tacpiendent with tta
bad flam the orenlnc of the 24th day of A dark ctoak beapancled with cold colon and eandlea It U nothin* more
pecamber to ttae 4th day of January aiare hanet over tala ataooldar, and a | «r laae than a reUa at ttae ana worablp
Mtendod the period known of aa
Twalvo Kicbta. durlnc which the
etaanc* in the aodlac war celebrated
with all manner of featlval and merry*
—..--------- .A odd and vreteeque
Creatlona and camea many of whicb
. have come down to ua tbou^ atranye*
ly aitered.
Jt war durlnc the Twelve NIchIa that '
ttao Bplrlt Hunter rode threucb the air.
wakenlnc all ttae life alumbertnc In
aature by hit made ctorra tone. Odin,
aa tba Bpiril Hunter. It the moei an*
ctant conception of ttala deny amoac
ttao dUferenc Teutonic trlbea and la
nrw—to all of them. In w-d«THI
Om Wild Hunt maaycentuHea later waa
1 Heriettainc. and tba
______ Je for all Ume ra ttae wlnda
Mow. It waa a ooaaa
Bianra tba aarty ChitaUaa
wtaan ttaay found the b
a taaacaicy tba ■
Tommy—Hey. kir. Santa Claua are you coin back to tbe north polaf
Santa Claua tallaa Philip Ooodboy)-Tf-y.yew. my imie man.
you'd let my.^ caii-fa vn tu ydur alelcb. BcB •
11 never cet there If you don't take bim.
One of ttae aecrMa of Great Brltaia’a auceeee aa a eokmlaln* power to her
prtaelple of alwaye takinc tbe native bom, after hJa termory baa been ay
baaed, and coBvertlng tatm Into a ActaUn* maetalne tor the protcetkm and
patrolUn* of bU own land. Tba aoeonpanyinc tiluatreUon. for Inatance,
abowa ttae Matabale peUee force at Bttlawaye. a body of weU drtUad aoMlara.
drawn antirely from tba naUra popaUUoa. Tbeae men net only police Mautaaleland darln* Umae of peace, taut tons a reaarve ewd to ba callad oa whan
tba bo*......................... ...........................-*^--
of benevolence to ttae younc. but an
•zpreealoB of adoration for that creat
cod of the Norttamen. ttae eun.
Tbe revival of tbe miniature emae
baa broucht Into prominence many old
and Inlereetlnc apeclmena of thla del*
■cate handiwork, of which a number
are owned by wealthy Americana One
of the
vatoable and at
the tame lima
-unique minia*
lurea owned in
America U an
old one of
Queen Anne of
Encland. Ibe
property of a
collector In
New Tork. Al*
thoucb tbe
work oa thla
partralt U not
00 delKau aa that of tbe oaual tnlnla*
tore of ttae period, tbe Uttle Ubiet baa
munerotta blatorieal aaaocUUoH that
Ctve It a value of ita eem. Tba Aar*
actar at tbe amaU palntmc may he
raallMd from tba aooaapanylac IHae-
In that
cTwtaat of I
play an ever crcaier and
............ .
due hie trenebea with a apade Myonct. and tedloua ara dUAcult work It
In up to date warfare all thie U etaancad, for hereafter prorreaalve
wUl aae tbe ateaa trench ihafcer. a picture of which la abown la tbai
------- ■— .....
■ — Tbb buce ataam plow tor cnitlnc trenAw ww
e BHo: •
ed by Coleael Templar a( tbe
» and- -la -beta*
made oee eC M
larsB ttbcUon aaslM and caa tarm m MV«al Mttaa «( tt
■ ha VMT a
m m UML
Hlkw W »«MI HkABtr. or »br lawu
Ok. tr ito
tm make him
ftovbM WM •» klad, M ptevaut m
1. Hut r. Bum.
rdl H fn. » Uc. ~ wn^U.: ■!>
*1fi tmt my toctr mM So«bc« vm m taad •( kirn.
Van rntf lack] Kmr
Bai oo tlw otbor kud. ko «u ao
taov H la (an. ira aiwaTi hut oa.' kraaolata. ao aaaQf dlaaatlrtad *1U>
*Wtat It yaar laekr aakad MclltH thtaca abeat kts. 1( ha did aot at«|>
PM. ta whoa tbia vauk vm ad prmy aooa aad lar« a«aai« raoad
iraaaad. VI'M da yaa aaaa ky lack, aad try ta aOck ta aag>nhla». b.
aay vayr
,''Vaald cnna ic be Jaai aothlac at aU.
nrhy. iaai vkat t aay.- raipiadeil! Be woaid be )an Ilka kla (alkar. aid
Paafaia. hit ckta a Mde haa ta ibr
•Ir tkaa n hod baaa dartv hit iw
MaNoH ceold bo* bear the prtek af
ipaaek. The eiiap. latMUeat way U Ibkl tkaaskt
Ube apraaf op aad
VhM MmaM bad apakiw war dm walkad oa (mat aotl) ibe (at lao the
VtCkaat Hi ladaeaca. Her ealee waa •T'tlkrd. 8be panaed ta wipe away aU
■laaaait. bar apwUe waa pttaaaal; yK.
•( ker mmn before aka west K>
feay ande kla (ael that aka Maai a Bw Mltle path, half hlddea la the uU
food d«L
, Craaa. op la the back doar. Poor girlt
«l waa—why. I aaaa jn« thla**-*** *^^*^ ** *** *^ ^*'Beabea that
______ _
_ ______
_____ ___
a wa* cryiay. baraoae bo waa letUac
olace the dm dM aot aeon to WtaafU dowa becaoae be waa
a be Blcbl hare beeu.
BDch- **1 waa (tet. whataooM at
of iv
It. too,
toa waa
for nar
bar owo
laa aaen la eo ***' aaow
wa* uw
•vor 1 try to da (hlofa
VWpla Par IW Wrrk •a«t>ada« Daa
»« coMwot hr wrr. a. ■. laaria
T«*«.-C«r r«nl
I. lOi ■. a
U CMttaoi M«<air.>
The Utaat aad parpoae <d the hook
0( Behrawa are to potat eat Iba nlatioa betwaea the Old Tmtaiiwit dteptMaUMi and the Hew aad to thaw the
aapcriarlty of ^ Ktw oeer the Old.
Thla k done by prortaf the aaperiority
of Chrlat. the niakter of the Now diepenaatioA. orer the ttinktefa of the
CNd—aagek. Uoaca Aanw aad tba
Aareaic prlMthood la thU drat chapt« the writer annies the aapwiorlty of
Chriet orer anKrk Hli mpeelonty ia
abawa to tie ia the (act IhaL while tba
■Bicelt of God are mlaliteiias epirita or
attcodaat woreUpenat the Soe'e adreal. Chiin k aemiated with Oed la
lajeny. a abarer oT Hi* ee«rtaitlB(
tbroDa TbaaapakaraaerraaU Cbrkt
, cw«
I bora KiB(.
M'uiUllo. M 0» wit. .f U> «1U,. ;
(*«a la klantt. ta
< b. radm a Ub.’______ _
bat ba did oat w hit way
iPWWda naklaf ft aay batter.
Ba ataod rather awkwardly bnofa
^ yat BPeb tbdlaad ta bald hia
•ne acalaat bk a watt heart.
*What bare yaa ban tryla# U daP'
IMlaoa weM aet. with tba Ban ea-
ZTh^ ^ by blnh'tTrbirSrwiw'SlU'
> of
^ ^
JL ^
It waa nartlr
fA tKaa* WiHt hKu WHHit* t.fit riLjj
bo^.B»cbI-for her wT^e^blcb waa ko
( blB
No; abe nan put
r foidad orer each other. “Wrll. It aa the aalld foaUay of raa«>a aoci
i" tealaace.
ddw. 1 oBrtad tbk atora
If tbaaa peerallixl
to# ta («( aa that aereD-thiny train
bepa that Beubea Bight
far New Tart. IWre'a the wblatk,
, .
worth krlag aad nur
aad hata-B I. a (aad half aUlr sway."
•ImUkr aald MaUaaa. “I WoMo-t prrftapa .ft *
Alak tact
lack aaa
had Bara
Bueb to aa
da wxa
wftb that
' _v b, ,
m V!*iTr
aay. or badr*
a ill
i« ^
w «... k
i beralaea
m. >...
- - oartiar,■' ■■P*
.... >
•* faat.r-beia she atoppad. and Baa”aner’'nr 8be BewH tTbe“a
brrMna: but na aoffeiad Juallika any
1 ho«r aat Mapped la aaa you. *tber waenan.
Aat la." Bieepoaad Baobea. eager in
gha aiMe B nalaalaaMr and ahnt bar
drat adraatagr which br ha<l
m her awa roaiB “fthe bad a
MU abta ta get la tba wbala canre- haadaeba." and that waa the Ism of
—her far that dar. The alrbt waa lone
^naoahaalda'l Meaatapped fer ear and alaeplan. Next Baralng ahe eamv
totag." rmrtad toeilaaa. arrerely.
_ I train ihta meniing. yaa ahonlil
haro bean there wttbeai any regard
iaiaythli«elae. Did tor. Trarla
rarla aend
PW ta bay gBodar
*Va. aa: I'm going ah other
«ther bail
•aaa. race ta. UMian." b«I aald.
aald. ea
^Taring to pat n aa air of anperior
•tr. In that aspiring, tneffectaal (
in which waa aa...
cMiacterlatlr of
Mb aat
Bather, *>au
-Mt n> down
atare befon^ and
If tboae thlnga camv
ymiafday: apireaaa'ihlaga. yaa know.
•,.* » cook with the tm thing
_ foteaoom"
^ 'nn’t "gar falierad MaUaaa. *T
•evar alept at all aad I hare each a
headaobe. 1 don't bellere 1 eanr
Bhe dhlrerrd at the rery tbooght,
Ood. who k KUif of kiag* aad Urd of
^ Aocaetry. aad aot nrToaadio«e
' -i Wrtb. makee royalty Tba child of a
matlerwhat-----“*"* "
be the octward
trappla*. woaid make the child of aay
On a bicycle will deliver purchases on or before
Christmas, to any part of the city.
All who love the beautiful make holiday pur
chases of
Ciay alB apoa a throm
Bk throne k the throae of Ood. It ia
■■ rrwUating throat •Tby throae. O
God-focerwandrrw - It Uathrooa
ter of Thy kiBRdom '
■■ Chrlit a* a Riag poWMBca a k
He k not a King witboat a k
a King with one of nnirt
■P*'^ -Wngdoin k an erarlaatlnjc kingdom It
k a omreri*l kingdom Be rrlgnaln
hearen and npun earth "God bath
^‘kWy eulted Him and given H‘m a
**’■* *• a^* ««fy Bant*, that at
Dame of Jeana every kn«« ebuold
'‘Wag* in heeren and ihtng* in
. earth and tbingi nader the earth, and
' that rrery loagna 'abuald confem that
i» Chriat ii Lord, to the glory of the
' Pali** " >» tbU kingdom fhriat exer^***
praugatlrea He rolet. He
rewarde and pnnUhee. and
gu»«n»a Be rewardi
*“• aheolnie control of the Uvea and,
. dmlnlea of Hi. aobi*«te
< <Arta* »• *wt only o«r King, bet
«•» brother. o«r royal
' htother • C’hriM (waa falihfnl) aa a
| hunovar Hi* own booaa. of wboae bonaa
124 Front Street
Mellan held her weU-aba|>e.t. nya Juat a^ Mr. Trarla which maw and the re>oriDg of
•afiy raandrd cbla ailgbtly iarUn.-; »,’* the heat"
We mar
ffT*T*r* T“
«ha stood aiUl for a mameBt: threi
0»e boa.'bold
rmttrrd af a country atore.
Ton Ue took down her bar and weal out. hrethm. "heir* of God aad joint heira
get ahead any; drudge all yom onc* on her wav. shf walked with, with OiriM if»ol».tbatweimfferwiUi
>eaily all n medusa ami preerriistir ua in general om- Kimph give
Mfe. and nerer gel anywhere. Noe feverUh haite.
U would soon be «•«»- that we may bo alau glorified tot.-niporarv relief. In acut. ai< kii. wt tla-y often mask the Mniptcnii
^ew Tm* Jnet aee what lock a fei ,„r bow. The SrM gUnce bebind tb. «viher '
evUcoeaBftha People to Badoraa and may aurpeed i bid. r*-dpcc fev. r. contrcl nr-voua diaturUnccs, argeU IDIO aometlmee. Look at all coonier would leU Jbe story for her. • Hnih a reUtlomihlp to Oirirt la woeEvery CUim Mads (or
; rt^t abnormal aci retioDB and exenstiona, and int dify the iwrvcrtrd
rich aid Chapa who went there
Oh. sight of Joy! There atnod Beti thy of oar b»t
aad onrdiigb«t
ibc lateni tilal foroea
ba conMry without a doUa> bra. In bt* blue preralk.1. bVuUy
o|ieii ■iubiti««a and iu anch a relation to a Hr rMAC^’TkiivrrMcajT
Or. CnA5E S OllVTiVlENT " hm »bc leecnc stock of t-ntrgy Lae let nd’awn uikid tinltl ixliauat**“ **
*“* •
Bolaaae. aad drawint: King we,ah..pM keep Hi. name and Hia
etl there is little hope of ncovert. Often tbeor .very r. untlies tkem.
off two gallons for old NIm HymoniU. buoM onrulhed and nntamiahed I<et
the Oady OoaraateBd Cura' lor
aelvea tend to Weaken
the retuj>,
recujH lalive
lative powi
poa fa.
' copedallv ahcsi given
aken ihe
Pp wut Rroha Pbln. higher and wbo ttond'by. with a Khaktr on. in ”• I* worthy in tbongbt. word and
in maaaive doa> a. Jn
In chronic
chn>nic <ita.ua.a
dia, na>a tbia |.*l alive eiatlm of tempotolfher, as be fdt hlraaelf llfiod ujuin teatly lnat>e. ilng the opersiloa
de.d of the confideuce and lure of our
rary io'pro
9t bis own elMiDrac* and am
The .ml,ten relief wa. too much for f«>Hl brulher
rovenicni ia fr«<]nenil} a dianial fa
,wili tell yoi
^ ^ .
her. Nhe felt aa If .be abuuM hare to
Bitle EeaOinga—Gen Hi. 13; !»a
that he haairi
laatri d a^vrai
aev.-ral |,iijai<ianB
•u tint
and lem.di.a,* They
“?'* '?" haren i.- ,it down on the at.-u of the More.
K: xl I-UI: Z«-b ix. 0; Math
E.». d.io o,.d. ,o. n,
"L'T ’’■'■“'I'""'')' li'lii-'. Wl.ilr Ii'- -IU. uikioc ih. m, didn„'h;
MU UMIaaa. with that borrlhle. n- Pbe put her tiaihl on 5fce of ibe woo«l *»>- I'll- Lake i. S«3.t. ii. 1-81);
iBfttlaao direcIBew of qweeb which al m pillar* which suppled ihe pUcu J”hn Hi. Id. xriU. 88 «t«. 1 Tim vi Ointnient i* besHilv endorsed by »w*»t‘T. J ut after they weie atopp. d be aaa no In-tUr. bot
tbonaandi of cured men sad women
Worse tbuii before,
'"®‘*** '■
«® auwdy heiwelf.
Bvcryihlng wa* 1» ««: Her xr. 1-8; xvii. M
who write moil gratefully of the won«
"they bad what noma folk. swaying a)»ut her eye*; »M Ja.-oi.
*-------------------------dcrial curative propert
•opertica of this great M
Ml ntIckatirroMa. and yea bareu't: rarkln*. in the tilled lack chair by !
*he %>ll aaa Been Lltved.
I raaady.
If me deaino to uDdimiaud the Ufa
To say that Dr. Chase'* Ointment it
Ihe mMy. KrMeaa *iove. was datn-iiiB
”Npw took bm. bold aa. Mciiakar up and down, and the hollows and of the Itert character, be ninel trace it “ ab*oloie cure for blind, itebing.
(Mad Rrvhtn. ImBenariy aggriered ridgra of the uneven goer kept corn
iway from ih.- Kytwt citim. cruming hlanling or protruding pile* U bnt to
■Bara art yon aad 1. that bar. been lag up
the soores of i
np to Beet her llkr the deck of a UHOotonou. pUiuk^ntil be ranrn to f"“
Vhat you Bay call conning ibeae two ship.
t..melanelv*;.d am.mg tb.cvcrU.ting
t. A CroMman. who repretent* !
and tbi* i* ibr way you utk
Mr. Travis came down frvwn hi*
It 1. there he will tind the spring
Vo.Uurvh.nd Wl ting. Bnflalo. I
wme. ■ ' I ma* troubled with pro- !
. and asylni that a* di.Ta. be will i
after what
iu-bing pile* for ten year*, and
J” “
be didn't'aupiaii^ f'-'-'en the umn lHdtev<w. b..p.». Wurt. in^ .7l knuwn%ra'edi«
Hi.a adopted from all the rvhorlv of Midi, ine and MciI.rTir t U *r
to try and be soaiebody. and get abe wouM want to disturb bkmt
*nd rcMK.n. N» doubt the atnwui will ndt even rel.ri. Before u>ing alt of onc «i, ideal Kvaictw w l.i.d, U v,.t 1>.1I «•*
^ ano Melhoda .if Hebliii]
G. H. SNOW, M. D.
MNisaa * owT» biwn wa. aore: but
Me dared not give way to weakne.
■aw. Bbe felt that tbe qrlttcai m..
•«M bad come for both of lb««n. ii
•anben siowly, •>rhap*
*T'ffi trying to lake a vommon
.alaw of It." relumed ktellsaa.
fcUly choking down a rislag
•OoBinon aenae u ibeaureat thing i,
Mpend on in tbl* world. Ton bare
food place here, neulwa and yon wj!
■at lose H. nnle*. you loae it by yoe
town fauH.
klr. Travi* baa a good
tomda. and be U growing eld an<t g,«teg Urod of Ibe buaInrM. - Tou mlgli
|ut a* wall barn ft aa anytiody. B,i
Bbn-la tbece that you know In Net.
TarkT Where could yon gn a placeBo yon know anyiblng aboot tbe wav
paople do tblngn ibereT'
■ -I auppeae I'b not aucb a foM bm
«kat I could laurw.* aald lUnbea. win
toBtb digbiiy.
Be lifted bla bat; be turned awaj
Mallaaa-* bean fell like lead wltbi.
ftar bmaat
Bo, .0. bad Amw be
iuty; abe had delleerM) b*r anal. Tb.
toana lay in the bands of Providence
Bba wa* a devout hellerar la ProvI
Aaoce: abe traaiod that “Provideiv.v
would oTMTUIa everything far good."
torn in aplie of all her faftb. a b<wrtb|.
unlH-lief kept blaUng. *'Bai anp
^ Reub abould b. let 1. go, af.e.
V aat
Bba wna very Btaenbla .aa abe
tbay did not apeak; to My the Iruut
ahe'eouM not.
li was at) that abe conM Aoto walk
ateadlly along tbe road, and answer
tbe Ignorant. UMvmwloaa people wh"
bddreaard her. They did n« know
that anvtklng had bai^ned.
did SM dream that ahe had Uvod her
" threngb Binre yesterday morn
i lu. and to the Very
.b itw.meof ll.e tn
r.-ut hvt* nave Uiiwtiy
•" gun »n
— ....... >................... —tUcvcflw
fl WB> lilted. r.'ViialiuK the
wliich arenniH*<-uand rtcruiil
wuil na>
ha> ihvu
Ihvu lift>d
mn-a Aud
nud the
tbe uum
uum ha*
-vn j..n .wn trust tU.l .. h.. future
life nothimj cjiu diT.viurage liiat lonn
a^Hin. for nutiiiug can ..vro.iiie him
whobasunce *r<-uU..d —Ian MacUrm
given n? everything In'^irSl e"ve^ ' It 1* gratifying to uoU that ao many
ahe wanted; but now here It waa aU ‘*urcl»o. are ..|»-n audcar.ful^woriin.in
before her again, to do just aa abe ' iimde/tv Bixvj.uble i^vachiug. Imt ho
pleased with II.
: vund this there i* neetl of past.aw) pro
And thfve waa Reuben. lack again' vision ftv the Hick and the affiicted. and
tb bla place. wHh fau blue overalls on. ;
through tou general ao
JtiM aa If BAihlng had happened. It j caodu* id |M,»u»a -d w..nld be a dwir
Waa nothing to the real of the worid. 1 »Wo innovati..a could wjuje agreement
but it
„ made aiiiung pastor* hi alternate in
great deal to thcB.
„» hs«.t
iTil-li-—-------- plrM Ih A*" W
ment,docents a Inii tf^n^dealer*, °w
Or. A. tV. Chaw Me<iiciDe Co Buffalo
N. V.
—. .
We will have on rxHb'iion at S
i Ifinrn nnAG
"''lIlfiK SKUA
“That won't An.- nalA tbe bereaved I
“kase they don't uae cob
TWa (i.e itf U* ewi.] iw
jm i«i%
aa* tht M wUt
b..* w
MW. Take anolber whir] at ILTba poet squared tala Jaws and |
Br* lees.
lessif row Uk Hli] tM,
tally produced tba toUkwlng:
1. r»a MBHM as«t '
n»s* Mia. SMI • aver »l bf*iu «U1 Mv
t,. *,
whb fan and bnifw
tMr MB Is na v«r* Md 4m4.
It Ibe
* gas
of Ufe.a rtlW vtD a* paid la kM,
, Wl Death blowoA out
-AtBMn Con
Tbome-Bcribblat Med to coll blBaelf a Jonmallai. bat now ha aay» ba >*
a new*|>aper
. .
' , Braold*^ Well ba'a got • Job bow.
Kaw Tork JonraaL
Ols. aH7 aad wov.
Te* *t;l fsikri. I.
tW trstisrsd Wi-k ti
-M4 I
Coisultatitn Free.
OfBea In Hamfltcn
V.,i. will e*.aH.«
Teetli Fitrected For 25c
Cbm Street BntTftllC*
Sim Stwe. Indii,
lassij Ik IriMsIij iniHa
<i*< Il Bigai .1 lmc
Gm Oei>«rator”
A farBer who bad loot a non la tbe Istera in Brooklyn who an at home and
war. em^oyed Ue .viUago poet to r«uly to re.j.md to calls for pastoral
1111 ia the lalaat oo tbe Barket.
writ# an obituary, which ran aa fo1 aervicea Tni. ia well and. whether
fully adeiinate to tbe demand <« not. Is
aaiepintbengbldirei.TioB.-OmBtUo tlOMES-BENTY Acctylanc GnsCo
«|u (M- hi*
A. B.Somora, Agt.
a*d ■ MkOs ihsi u tvsM
vtil swW; tM
•V farther. Tbe NOT. began to nil
Mirk^nd fast into the gny eyea. All
«be Cn wa* goM out of tbea now.
WouM Reuben ge^ or woaid be not?
Tbat was tb* only thing wOJeft made
any dlatloct Unpre^oa upaa bar Bind.'
i.at qoeaHoa
,jC» that
bong brv wboW fu
•nn. Hhe h.
had ael her foot down, and
^ BBM b« Urn. Loag 4
cure, nnp'rai.ciro In tbe history of HiHKc no mistake ID pliiciOK yonr cbae in hia «re
n.cdtci»» ft
• n/w.ii.. »....
For a Giiristmas Gift
What is prettier or more appropriate than
aa article of Jewelrr frt m oar assortment.
The tame'old prices prevail—as”iow; aa ever. Very £ae
Solid Gold Ringa. Watches, clocks, Silveiware, Opti
cal Goods, Pins, Opera Glaatea.
AUwenatkirMasgaMibtograd*. PtatiM
verb a »reclab|.
toewOSee VerkbaB Bioek.
New Goods and New Fiztnrea
la mj store
Fire Insurance.
11. A. BoDdlB..
... .217 Front Street. ■
locENTRic um Minom.,'
A New Tort bnalaeaa man. known \
. . na.. .J.v I—
>h« Kaa-ai Hrw
*------------DMlk aiTM aw mMU laa aaai *"*
1“*,™ "I*
aa Iba
>ia la
la tho
tba RaalnB
Baalaa mn- ^wwiMaw.
far aw jaaa> laawiat u laalaa Ua
,airh It a plajhaiiaa Tlla aiai
U#» aabltloA.
| |« (he proofl parent of a aon ■ w«H
I Barrie Sima, af Cbkaca. aav aa
rtm w»>»f»ua
aww—«■< or tav okL and U toch a BoaionUn. al
Men la a aevapaper ibrae |raara aca
Wim^ m
j ibonsfa a New Torker, that be already SSrtOui ^
a IVanaei^ Wa*~ aab
' baa becvB to eatlmate the lad'a *x- aieetOBtPuihparB............
Bow I
I b «•
te Dm effect that a BiDrfa-needed la.
peaaaa al llarrard. Bat theMOaon he Ploar a L. ACb-lMt .......
(be OwM
eeatiM «a* an earetope which eoald
Plaeaa of worablp hare alwaya baea
amllea at Bteniloa of the nuaeun be PyaPlour.B IwAOmP ak..
betox deatroyed.'
•iToHta bnlldinc plaeea (or birda. b«i
I teUa
Maul. H I. AOe Brnt .......
WW RFFW-' —— w«—™ -------- --------------- ---------M la aot often that a Beat ta fonDd la
t cleecr mall tblera*. At that word dlfllcnlt-not exceedingly! **t pmpoaed to my wife In the Boaton rt«a, B. L.« oo. BWt .......
• pew, aaji the (.imkIuo Ball One
diaeult. bnl iuai dlOleull. nothing muaeum. It waa at one of Hoelu«
QTbe Urgent line of amataar pho
•aatey. howerer. when the (anlly of
Ttte playt Oh.
tograph gooda ever ahowa hi Tra?Vjrfcesaa Boacrare were euterinf
to add to that-Juat dlfflcnll-to reIbair pew at Thame Part chape), Oiapoad properly. In tba right phraacolThen, Iniereated. yon atk: *^d you
erne Citj-.
lUre, they foaad a half-made rob,0C7. when compHmenta
___ , _
. are paid " propoae between the acta or while the
A rompleU line «l EMtunUi
la'a WM oa Iba booklcdce between a
ate, but It la more than dlfflcnlt when ptey wat oar
rate par ba (now.).......,
iyaa book and a prayer book. They
tba eotnpUmaau ara paid to a better
Utinklng you an not well potted Cunpwkn.. old..
dortdod to retire to another aeal in
than 1-aty wlfa. And while 1 am not about .propoaate, be repUea exidlritly
Botntoaa. nor ba................
'aeer of the
I'hy. a*U the aftern^ between the Salt per hr:.........................
1 10
here to testify agalnat myaelf — 1 can'
1 by the fUlowinc Sunday tba beat
' he oxpected to do ao: a prteoaer tn ' aru and the whole time. We hare the Brunpmioe........................
jnu net only ftaiabed, but flee ecn
. with the Boekwhaut flour p« bW.
your own country la not admitted to ' programme at home
r It. I had
do oo-aa to which niemlwr of the fam- messagea wa wrote all
hatf t**n Uid In It
nvTUta as Tutor Ti
I>iii1a« the whole of the next Snageneral that really I wrote the booka \ to come to New
iay*a acrrlee the nbla aat In ibe a<-at,
Wheat. oU.i
myaelf. My wife putetbe (acta la and I waated to make ereryttalag anr* i
aad K waa Babneqneatly found that
Wheuii perbr (aewi..
Onto,-------they make It reupecuble. la Mr. Croa. J (ore 1 left towa."-New York Press,
Ko. 1,--par ba. (n«<
tour yonnc onea bad been hati-fard. Pur
Cora, per be
amlth'a remarks there wat a rtbite!
two or three Cuadaya afterward the at
•omMhlag auggaatlug
my (aeorlta
_ _
‘•'Jf “■
tentlee taoi her could be a
I flyinc la
Bye. pee bi .
•arrtee conreylng food for ber offBnekwhoat..
mlrul morals and practical morate. I when :»ui hare a cold In the head?
Dor1(iC-Weli madam. I aneexe matt gUer^ pei^ B
try to lastlU practical morala la tba
Tbo extraordlaary Bltna|toni In
place o( tbnairical - I mcaa theoretl- ^ of the tlme.-TIU BIU.
Vfcirt araia are occaalonally diocerApplea-CuUe and wlndtaUa. Me par
cal. Bnt as an addendum - an annex,
arad almoat c>re one the
A r»Ksk essMiM T
aometblng added to ibeoreiiral monite.
Potatoea. enlte, (Mtehlgun fftarek
-lhal birda mnai be endowed with a
When your chairman aald It was the ' There Is one liiMancc o( a woman On.,)aeeordli<g'oq«All-y. It-ite. .
•raae ef bnaior. For Inalance. when a
C«ll and fibe obr line—our pricrt.
hrkt lime he had erer taken the chair Aghiing on Imard an Kuglllk man-ofbird eelecta a acarrcrow wbareon to
Radd Dear for Bto X.eg.
he did not mean that he had not Uken war. she was the wife of a gunner
build a habitation and a home ^ really
ar« right.
of other iblngt. He aitcnded my on .vduilral IbKlnej-'a flagship doiini t B. D. Blanton of Thaekrieilln. Tea..
aaeati to be poking foa at Ibe farmer
doewiwT aa ToaM to onca.
Brat Ie<-iure and look note*. Tbte la- the «ac.l>etween Rugtend and Prance. '
gr gardener who hat reaonrd to ihia
I When Ibslney had t-emmand of the ton to run n Bnnoing Sore on b a leg
4ertca to frlcbiea off the winged rur- that time be waa 17 years old and em dlcattd the man'a dte|KislUon.
’Tbeuretltal morala are the aori yon channel fle.-i. and she followed the Then they wanted to ent It ^ff. bnt he
ployed BB an attendant In the publlv
ggera of tala rropa.
enrod It with one box of Bucklen'a
It aiffower ahew he'd at WbliaUble. llbrary. He toiled during his apare get on your mother't knee. In good boat>. hurlng the height of an en- Arnlen Snlee Onnnnteed cnee
ir» ifor
ron&ftUar Block.
books. and from the pulpit.
You gagemetit IbHiney. to hla Immeuie PilM. m a box Bold be Jaa.
Kaat. teat year an exhibit wbich atgather iheiu In your head and not In etirpi>Se. saw a woman serving one of Johaaon and 8. B. Wait. dmgglxU.
tiurted a great deal of attention arua a
Bcareerow from a :geld of growing
paua. la ibe head uf which a eery con- rery thin aleel. One barbed strip tits practits-. Without Ibe asalaiance of In the lieat of the flgbl theadmiral Why net
Bny aometblng In the mule line for
■ ffdtng bird baa eonaimcted Ita noRt Into another Inalde Ibe euvekqte. et- pmcilce to |iruie«-t them It Is dltllcult oeerlookedthebn-at-b uf dlnc-lpliue and
don't let the woman <-uuiluue. When the
a CbrUtmu preeeni. Ptenoa, organs.
Bot a atUl more curtona kind of arare- fectuatly preTenilBg opening wliboui to teach a child, 'be honest,
An exprem
comimny ateair I w 111 teach you bow it should flght waa won Hoducy asked the womcrow which had been mtllicd for the destroying.
adopi the device prorlding be dune, h-ad yon Into leuiptailon.
popular sheet mule, n oenU a copy. A good tien) can bo bought with w
«me pnrpooe waa prearnted in the
« for XS eenta. for ten Caye only. W dollar and a half if yoo get into
teach you how to aleal, ao that yon
. , “
Cheater, a abort a i*ateni waa aecured and arrange
"Klghllng the Kn-n.h." ahe
KimhaU Co.. X. E. Strong, maxmenta made to manufacture the en- may recugidse when you hare atolen ..j^
Bme aflerurard. A gamekeeper
By liiislmud Is wounded and dos
. '8t*-St •
and feel the proja-r panga
the .-o. kpli. ». I Us.k hU place. Do you
Cardea Part eauie In that county one »elo(ic.
- long
first tUue
time II ever
ev.-r stole
stole na water.w,..,
day ahot a aparrow-bawk. which he
hnag upon a tree aa a warning to
Klortet fatne hu to offer for
s sent &bore with lU
atber rcathered depredatora.
Which ia
Chrhtmaa. Palms ferae, aapnngos.
The iDlereailBg dlacorcry waa aub- young lorenior. Not lung ago be died, aomewin iv 1 Mole It out of a farmer's guineasfisj^
TstK •( «k. Tki
gp^neally made that a wren had in the Jnst as be expired the door bell tang. »agon uhlle he was walling on an
>r fern dl
1 early.
■H»at lagcBloua manner' concelrablr il was (be poaunan with the long-de. . ether cnsioiuer. Stole la a harsh term.
The .«n1tan of Turkey rise
balll Ita neat b|>od the acammw. flxWe barb a table of
Blg II OB the under aide ut the dead
>trd‘a bndy between the wlni^ and
Fancr Articles ioclading
He Is of
' miow* an
T am free to aay 1 don't repoae ' melon ralaed In the valley that year, lepOon to affalts of state.
BllTcr MoTaltioa
la aneiber cane a wren choae an alsliglit figure. A i<ale brown orercoat , O. Law ap*^
much cuundeuce In bank clerks as ex-. The mluiile I saw It was gn-en 1 was
moat Minally airange place for a neni.
• CABi-eals any decorations Itc might ha»
BohemU Waro
perts In baudwrillng." aald an exp*'ri aoiry and begnu to refleet, Reflection
b a ahcepyard on Br. HodtuO-a farm
wearing, ao thai the attention of tboae
_ _ _ _
. pkrstciss seS serga
enrsd paying teller of this city. "I te the l«egltinliix of reform. If you
at Iford. (luaaex. there bapiwned to lit
day In aeren V
9^vo piomy-ry.
mean, of (,-uurae. experta la Iba broad don't relli-<-t uln-n yon conmdl a crime ' who eee hit
laal year an old Jailnu^hauxlux from
Pepper and ttalt^Sota-’
a beam. In one of the p<M-ketN <>f ilila aeceptanca of the term The average then itut crime lx of no use: It miglil people• IS
is ue<
iruui uia Jisw, , ——————
teller be.v.mra familiar with the sign*- )nsi aa well hare been comiulfted b;
the gentle little bird 'lad made Ha neat,
uid earewT.ru fare. half-cOTere.1
tures of the i-nsiomers of bU l•#llk. Mine one i-Im-. You must mie<-l or th
thill hrowii tH-arrl. tinged wl-*- ^
arbirh. when it waa dlarorered, cw3Twaaellsi Moek, til rrset street.
es a
and In time he a<qnlres
value l« let; yon are not vaccinate
Cot OlaM Plocea
niid suriiKninieal !•« f plain r
talaad Are egga.
farllll.i foi
X th/ cluirj
against ■R>tiimitllng It Again i Isaai
The .tiliai. Iia. Ihn-u the i
.It waa a yiren. too. Ibal made Ita Islles of any smiFxraph "u slgbi;
to reH«-ci. I .aid to ui.\m-1I; Wl.iit
Boom In an ntd cannon ai Kiel liarUu-. doesn't make blui a •H-h-ulltle ex|>erl t
(inghl a Ih.> i„ do who has stolen a
Into the iMire of ihla am-li-nt plin-e of
MuoB, general rcBTore else and dou-iia of other nic«> things
\Vhat would for girl. ..1.0 i. .irlkliig de|«i
'. ear. oese ud geslto ari- mnrkcd dtiwo to one third their
ardniare aome lulachlecou. iir. h ni
tSeorge Washiugloii do. the father of fruin the wa-l^tiiiwii traditional v
Bad ottered I quautlly uf ruhhiili. and
value to i lonv' them out.
wiiiti-ii by bis 'aMintry. the only Aiiterli-an who of hi.
aa Ha i»iii|
dug cleaned out a wivu’s ne«l 1 the ssuie man. woiil-1 bare up si-e.-lnl <i<uld not tell a |le> What would li<
anil foniid. at the extivme end of the value, ami for that ^ea».m a xn-ai deal #..> Thetv 1. only one right, hlgl.
Brnra Mrn Fall
I Sole, tmmedlalely la-low the touch of the sOH-allrd el|M-rl evideuee r.H-elT- n-ddt tiling fur any la>y to d<> whu li.i>
Vlet'ma tosloirxcb. llTcrtnd kidney ■®»‘
ed In <-«mrT U really worthless.
lunk «oh-n a wali-iuiehm of that elass - hr ‘gonbUs as well aa w. men. andall feel lyig ^ ^ boujday grsdssta
t'ui.e»u,. uAot ta v
The nelghlinriiuod at lhal time waa teller or eashh-r U a si>ei-l!il|.i In -is niiisi inake ns>iliuih>ii: he must re- iberann'Uinloasof nppextw. poisons
. ra«ldrsM IOC.
much infeaied by the procUlury fellue. naiunw. l•ul e\a<i|y Ih>m he hleuuiler siort- that stolen |>ro|N-riy to its Hghi <n the blond, backtehie. nereonsneaa.
and It was dnuhileaa Instinct which them and deie.-is toigeries with al ful owner ' I said 1 would do It when, heodaeba and tired. lUtlaas. ran down
'eoHnr Hut there's no nred to f'el
Muuhi. HU'I,.
prompted the wren to make Ita w«i In imisi unfalllug ai euraey
M.u.eihiog I made that gcHsl reisdutlou. 1 felt u <lka that 3 W. Gardner. Idavi'le.
the cannun. w ln-n- It muld bring U|> ita that very le•w of them are aide I.. e» |o he a lu.'ile. ii|i|lflliig olillgi
' •
Kleetric BHtcTS are ju.t ’ VTT B. PtW-J Kk. Atuirarf u La*. Upeeisl |
pnnng without the rlak of muleatnilou jilalu. It I- eery dimetill. lu fart
blog for a man wben he don’
■ Up sIlllllJI
,n.l re '_bf^'>»l
VY . atiBUue to tax Ullse.
. nearly a. I
TTu- nbl(|tinoiis aiwrrow aecnis lu pul It Into Mortis.
iber be lives nr dies
rh-d thill
/"IHAB U. TL'XNBILanovweaat L**. Ban ’
vKUlio a six
Wee a great panlallly (or the railway e(|>r<'s> It. a lelle
.tr.orth and
.Dd go.
.™d .r^Ut.
Iw.-k what was left .rf It and r*-si,.rUb« A MilUkMiBlo^TrnrKwOitt.
lie way lhal
n now rst w lytHrg ,
have A nr
A few at-aaous ago <iue built a nest be
, • it In the farmer ami made hliu
r“V 1. MOrkAlT. Xbswweu uf TitU. lUil
llie Weslloghonst- brake of one nH-ogiil«-s a frlciMl on the a.rei-t
give me u rllu- out- In IIh plai-o. S..W
t^^^ltemusiid liurersketk* Hw* I.
by ally single feauire. hut l.y the
«( the ^.oiwlori. Tilbury A Soailwn t
. ,
you see thHi this coiistani Impact oi
Bnllway eum{ian>'* euachea and the all fals clinracterlsiles He would kne-r crime u|h<ii . rime proiecis you against
hMiuin of Ibe isiacb. The eairlagc was him lu spile of < haug.-s In attire, n- i funher cummlMih.n cffcrliue. It builds
Movloe to Taxpayer
lo«p.u. TeleiAeoe.n
lani UM-. fomilug |>ari of even ehni.ge. In il«- mauner nf w...;ir you up. .\ man .-au'i'&come mnriiHy
Tfcr isi rolls fur lb' .-t-llmlM o
lysr.I dFll.(urMt
eoS Cll
the liK-al train running Ih-Iwih-u Kreu toe i.u i,„ir or iM-ard. and l.y a «lmil..r
si.-ii|lng .1
,lgua.u„.H wTit. .gnen WHi.-nn-loiis.
gfanrrh street aiol Dageubam. The m-si prola>rti-s
BDd.'bildrt-b'sdiKksr. .-(H-rlsU]. Of«aa not disturls-.! and the eggs wen ten uiidi-j- vary lug .-••udiiloiii
XV« IrrsITs s«.a airs ulUI K'I> Isl 1IM> on rirrj
Snty hatched h« the c-oumg'suia bird. are dissimilar, hut IlN-y hiivc...........
By choosing any other
■ sS'b ,Uj Iron, s oVlorb lo II an .. clock s. m
tagal«.u.l- liliim-r
l■n.llt;.r l.s.k .\ forg. ry
: St d fro*. I II cliTk <c < <'rlo>-k e bi.
A signal poet at llraiupion Juu-tioo band Is altiMisi ccrtuhi it
ri.'H.Li. on.' tu u.s Touful.'F
-Hs him
, —n aieic SI..1 CouBiT is.ts tbrrr srill b>
Calls kiisssrWI i-rooii Uy Ssj or
■tatton swas the que-r
queer pte'
pteie In wbli
cigar than
chsrircA s fee of I |icr cce> for ,-o Icrilos uoll ' U Hlo.'k
as stiwiigr M.- .-au't i.-n
pair of common wood owU eRlabllsbeil |M-rlieiis Imi h.- ku»» R it 'diM-au'l !.
'J.«u(1's Ishimt. on Ih.- coa.t of Maine, .fsuusc} 10 llaik OBU OB eud stlcr 3stusrr l( ' Blabi Norlbsro-pk.>a>-. S. U'll. SBI
; isen «bcrr s il! Ijc .-hsrgrd • tre <it I per rest
(heir quaiiers teat mwllng at-asuu.
right' A iiiislF-ni cxjM-it 111 hamlwi
near historic IVinaquld, lu the I.lu- for.ollrct'oo. A penaltf ef tear prFecol *11: a/rt'!<IC LKseoXt. Nrs Pr*b"s f> raltb
In aerersl lii^tautei a letter Uu haa
..uwtalu exacf
,o».n of Bristol, is one ..7 I
los-.OB sirrrl.
s|l Sfe
IVWl Wur.l-ufB.
isl iirilvU. hut
been used as a neailog place.
• places on earth wlu-n
Bpnuhllng a season or two ago ■ bird
built Its^nesi aiHl iucn-wfiiiiv n-nr>-.l
1. time wise known as Buscongus. i
Ita young in a rariucr*a leiicr-lux.
I Cur«~ Warner'w
lo«k<-d wh.-n Maine iM-canir
aeder that It ahontd not Is- dl.i
and was put Into no town o
the fanner wei^ to the trouble of hav
■rary lH.i Uii,h1 up f«r the
H la said that during the war. the |m-o ,iaooe»lsyii
in time ^'> aod.St'cU
pic ca.l ihclr votes fnr a lime In tb.-i
ni t. u s v ..-n
4eKl •• AUstec.
■------of UrMolu.m„
•tVoicvcr yi.ii .to, ma'am." shi
. . I On Tuesday. Jaruaty r-y. » special
la China llie tun and
or III. |,*,iibulfdtratDolRul men palace Mrs.
hcMher uii.l sisi.-r. 'The t.sm Is III. .1,1.1, 1. |.,- l«l, ..... O', w..
’■l... I.Uod S'. Br.1 «.1,M hr
drawing room, library.
It’e iTp To-Date.
alder hpoiUr. who luoki after his wlsd..m. fur Us easier to get a new v-a
• <le«-ner fern a British
raihcr silly sUicr, the sim TMs la . |N>i ihaii a.satlsfai iiin husband nii. man-of-war. and bis ,great grandi-lill
JobtiBoa Block.
actly the rcv.Tse of our legeiuls. wbh-ii
lincnt ciiiee of lit B
day. iw)KHuiily If you lu>urr Ibe t*a- dren afv iii.w prominent Inhahiiaiiis.
make the aun the day king and ih
Ing via New Orlrai
pot, says Hie Ismibm iRolw. Je.si, Ry vcduuiary eootrlbuilona tchw.l U making the
geaite m.H.n ladv of the uighi.
• of all "
One day In China a., ih.- legeud ouee liv.-.! with aa old lady whom -h- nuiluinli..-d. the parents paving >4 for pieie The
.Jins- the sim askiNl the u»m>d If sb. r.-gar.U a* . nuslel of wl-ulom. Rverf each -lill.l. Tlie a<-bnol term areragea itrd and absolntcly Aral elxae
aoultin'i go out at night. ' Tlic m<s>u Dlghi ,.f h.-r Ilf- the puie »«aket. her wgl.t imuith. in each vear. and iher. TICKETS INrLCDB ALL E.NPENSBS
--------I rer> stenily ; ".Vo. You s
earn.,. h^r.HH h her earring, her wai.-h
,a ..-erace atteu.tence of IS acholEVkRYWHBBB
a powng lady, and It would he Ituprt
Cai.-hiox halt for the fl.hermen
The toor wUl be under the- peraonal
ei for you to go out After «Utt." Th.
"" b aud ki^s atkl her hair Iwelet wi-h
.said; "But the |>eo|de ke.- r-hi clssp. were de|N-lted tm Ibe ball of Ibistuo. tJl.meesfer and P..rtland I. eeeorl and dlreciicn of Mr Biso CompUMc wuh. m.tv lu the burglar m this the nmst proniable l.nstoe*. of th.- > 11. general manager of tbe^Amcriean
leokiUg at me when I go out In Ih
iriat Amoelatloa.
inacbirM of all kiodn.
dnyUmc" Ko the moon told her t ^.Hi. Ilu-se are all the valuables th- ,„,,pie. but when halt Is .lack In run
r tnapa. booke cf i
lonr, tickets,
bouw- cmtalu., \ou are welcome
am, ,b..y ,nm their attention to lob
take the golden B»-dl>-e that site wor
agfou of
e Chleago A Piaoon, otvxne mod all on- f___
hem. and there re Bteai ami xterlnc, mackerel ll»hlng. and caichini,- rtc.. call on agfOU
la her liair and siU-k them into ih
aical mert'baudiae.
Wcet Mlehlgnn By. or write to tbc
lieer lb the |iantry.
of iicofile when they starad
Ais,..c, .1 •.«„
fertllirini geocTwl pwtacngnr t|
at Grand Bnp Sheet Mneio, ISo copy.
This la the reaaon why no q.
diMurt. 1^
tectory opposite the Island In Brlslol
ean kMk at the ana wlihont Mia.
Tlun lM.sk.-i Ik yet wnitlng for the e-hnoahurg Dispatch.
lefT-rtsluc butter
of h.H
.li-ssie kn..wi
<t another -pla.-. '- white flag tk holated on
N. S. STaONQ. Mrr. dlfl
Throe tonra of the bennUful telti
------- ai a parndik.- fnechednl
method of PMktnx photo
■ly. The bunse has a deep, bomb-'
to lea
roll Jaronry 11th, Pebioary isth
h. .u MluMw slu lb-r Ibe |>ubeeiiiar
rrwpha w bieh Show the colora of na
It to sea. w hen come the Grand Bank
Special Pnllmta
tare has been Ineented by ITof R R klepi every night all uight Ihng. II- ers and other, like bnxaardB nttrsciel and March Bib.
tag and dining enra BUI
‘U1 convey
Wood, of lbs rnlTeiwIiy of Wtaconsln ft!?,'?
s? imi^lmenia every by the rasiialtlew of batHe. The
party to Krw York, thenee on bu
pictures ar* made on a tranapar
the splendid new atcamibipe
icamibipa "Ronce
film dcpoalicd oa glasx nod con
and "Ban Jean’ tonnd aroond th* iai
lalalng eery fine llnca, ahoni tOOO |.
^nd by rail. aatomobUe, carriage and
Iba tech, oi^tbr aTcrtge. and ao no- an the dour
for their akin aa aallora.—Ponten-1
iWblc 10
r unaided eye. No cohm ra|>e In the
MW rtailde until the plrtores arc plae inure, loo
ir you'll take my
A XMlewto Matter.
B in a apectal ytewlag apparatus,
Tbiw* select limited pnrttea will bean"Aren't yon going to denonne- that der the anectel cMort of Mr. Walter
iattag of 1 roneax lens on n light alwaya like tbria to sleep In."
InlqnHoai eomidner asked the frlma. Toweaend nnder the manegement -of
Bnaw. Tba lau and the llnaa on the
A (Wwriaelae Kagieeetaw.
glaia, acting together, form orartnp
“Not yet." answered Senator ftor- Tha American Tonriat Ataociaklrtf
‘on are truly potlic, Wickma
Mg npectrt which affect tha aya In
that homely woman yonr neat^ ghnm. "m do It before the rampalgn
■(* n maiaae that tba aatmal boet pave
gets under way. but I'm afraid the
the atreet car.**
Itiierarir*. mapa and tickete may be
enough on in feet to
8idewmJk Ltunber In all slaea.
"WeU. abe looked
looted aa If ah* wa* deni lan't
“* ' aecure ™
had on applleatirn to the agent* of the
pniteUS te color apM i folag to slick that hairpin ta p* If I *^*>7X01 me In making any grandeie.nd Chicago A West Michigan By. or to the
UffnX"—Detroit Prtwa.
pteyi at prraent I mightt apoll It."
General Ratacxger Agent at Grand
for Christmas
Bolio Paper ■
Saks Paper
Velox Paper
Artiato Paper
Platea, etc.
Ennrlliiie ibtlmatHiReqiirak
Tbompson’s Drug Stoit
$ 1.50.
Barnum & Earl’s-
; Rare Bargains
For Christmas...
p.v'KS.' f.'SK teS'rrT.
You Will Make
A Mistake
I. ‘iKussia.-
... .... '.'."T
•"« -....
«E. W. Hastings’
Fire lesuiance Otfice
.”,rV;; s.'.-jr.'is"'sit
hardwood; sues
^ NEilOCK edgings
I#-** *
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
gncoaaiora ta.lTaTtr** Oltjr Lumber Co.
THE OYMWilTE OMWMER mmo■emcuhiegolaily
• fW
AmMMI •!
r^DvnoiAX. rmo judivda.
Moaad by AtdarBaa ll<Bta«tM Shat |>naa to b* Sxad
Vr«T«aa ^ 'TbdiBt^* °‘******** ^ Ms^vI with tbr report aod r
Mollon earriad.
Yaao-AldarBoa Parkar. MooUfaa. Beadalkia of aeio oomBiUae, prcaeato
Otalliek. Haatiace. Oook. teUh. Lar< ad to aod adootad by tbta ooaocii, at a
Baatloy tharauf beid Oeoa«ber 4>h.
dOarrlaoa. :
18M; aad for bar, that aatd ooBBittca
N tha «puai «r lAa tfi«7
TV aATAatwr of roruUrtty la laklag oiMlU-lBr to uM b; pb^alcUM lo
ho of u pv«t impMtaaco a> tbo dni(«
tiMweIrn. btti vbm thia Batter Is
aom«arllr tort to poraona wboae aitratlos U dtoirartoA bjr other duilea.
the adsilolKintkw of (be nedictaa Is
•flecied or fot*ol-
_______ __________ J.Parker. Moata
^oa. OroUlek. HaaUiArs. Oook. bmilb.
ol. Iw U»lr taatioatioa aod apptoaai.
£00700 and• Garr
Garriaaa aad B»
BoBor Major HaBlIUB.
Mlsauo of last r««nlar nMellat, anH permlaalon ^ yoar booorabla b^y to ' ih«*DDda'ataidio« aod oo'tidoaloaa ar
of apaetol Boatiar bald Dae sib. ISM. baud ao addlUon 00 th« w»»t al^of rt»«l at Vtoaaa a«lo oommlttoaaod
Ml Baal Ftoot aardB
CaapVII A bona or tba
to ba lba»4 feet owner or oworr* of said piaut afore
Ka« York, that be spi-lled out aoioa.
...... blrh.
abd V V said. V reported to tUis eoBockl. with
OoiiMtU itf U* Ottv e
wbst U>»rtoo*ly. lie U.re al»o as
aoeered with
_ iron ai
and to ba bnlli all CJnveoiaat dlapaicb. for such aoMtobiaaa.
laloo of year dra :htof
taaacooiu oppearaoee for be wa« ool
Uon aa tbto aoobeU may deem adfiaWo.
■sore tbao T> fret 4 Inrbet la btdsbt.
roaidooto bad taxpayaia reapaetfully To tv aimorobto. the Mayor, and Otty
loead by Alderman Gr-tliok that
■rltb alln fraioe. tuirtov sbouMert.
paUUonyoar koboimbla body>ooan*e
('ouMoii o/tV CUyo/ TVurena City. the reaolation be adopted and paaaad.
•bd eye* of tv fotldeai abd Bxot ato
to ba aatablisbad on oleetrla ore ll*bt
MoUoa carried
MicMpaw.^aaltbc blue. liU ^>lrit iFss tUnkd *t t><ero-nar of lotb nod CaaaaWMU
4Tor, In fsn. irbeo be «o* addre*a«d he
Oook. BsKth. Ltrdle and Oar(see a Ihtle sian of frhrbi
Pa,bar banar, Joaaph Parroa. Pat- wbi.B wa* refarrad tba abo*a petitloa
yraatrtek Bnrdan, L F. Perbett. Job* Ba^.
Not«lib*iabdlOf all ibit riok Klrklo
> a^ K«cBaspeetfnUy.
Ba a danferoot man. Tbl* daoterona.
W W. 8Mrm.
boB GaarnoB.
Baaa rises not froa the Inaard mab,
0r» P. Oaaaisos,
kalda, Fraak KLoy. Thootaa Dyar.
t»ot from hia. occupation. tVbeo he
AIlM BaVpoeak. J. M BVrt. OOu BolioB of AidarmMaitb dsly
••tappad up to tv de«k lo pal hla oaoie
Provancbar. JobwEaoar, B E Tonoelthe appoiniu ■at was OOL-«b the rectsier It was with the
Moead by Alderman Laidle that the carried,
tor. B. U.play. NtcVUa BnellBame',
^Ibataktns t-are that V plated npoa
eommtttea ba aooapted
Arror DuBsncballa. M Brachin. Geo. report of the eom
The I'qocr bond of 0«le M Garry
«V BUrhto enuotor a llllto black i^e
ard adopted.
with Al'red Oampaao ai d Jnlins Bnall.
Motloa earriad.
♦ hich be ratrled'ln hto torrvuil. It
mantel pa sureties waa presented and
.bcbolyen. B. h. Monle. MarUn Btole.
____Alderman Parker. Montajrne.
•bra* a Unto Ha*. Mack. nwty. lonocnion
m .lion of Alderman lissUors. duly
: James Pafarak. Banry MelUaas. Paul Gre.ll.:k. Bsatlnc*- Cook* bmlth Lsrdle.
‘BOa-lookln*. like Ha ovoer. l•e•rtas Ibe
earried. was referred to the eja*mltt*e
WeUler. JohnS adky. John Btaams. L Kenyon and Garriaon.
aalllala, P. V., S. T. Rut rink Plron I'.erosea
Panek. Stephan PoBaaal. Mike Ksms.
Ain Vodled tl as If It were Ibe aouat
by Aldermen Smith that tba
Paulck Boollbao, M.
*' J.
* Holm-a. Ja*., TrareraeCitr.
Mleb.. D<« It. IKW.
Baloable thin* tn iV vorld. Carefully.
Are chief be aotborla *d to proenre matj Varrean, Mole* P nret. Frank Schwal-, tv the n"nur,ibte. ih>
Ung for the eayina. bouM Amt at a
Her. JVn Da*al‘key. Mvala Oy^-\ v.,uhcU »J the CUu ctT
Mt to raeeed gSS.OO,
....................., ........ T he wrote lie
aky. Napolaan Larahe. Pater
Motion carried
leaked out or- ibe comer of hto eye ml
I Gentlaibeo:—Wa bmwitb snbmlt
Yea*. A (lerman Psrkar. Moatarna.
tv little black V* to s.-e If II Were profesetonal nurse
UreOiek- Uasi'on. Oook. Amltb, Lar- for a Christmas present for yoar
I which rertird* uf lUe .aw
Teally there. As be wn.ie “N. T." he
Keeyt>n_and GsrrisoD.
over-lBlit of rills,iisVcor.F.nnkMlctaUkl.BmaitD.y. 1^*??
- pot ant bis toft Vnd and rested It up
littie ones—it boats siiytbimr yet
An ln.lh.,lniUI»l,Al^ 0.,^ph L^kn, A^n T»«n, Ao.VSrirli,. ,,
•n (he aaichel lo make sure ihsi (I bad fclud Is precluded.........
produced to amuse the cbilurea
for medIHne ViUea. n..
•M Ven mored.
council ac j omed.
with. To be had at
by Frvderh-k W. Ralea. of .Mil
-Dynamlle." said Mr. Firkin, with
W. J. R->blnaoD.
R-sblnaoD. C. Mloslaa. Noah I ^
rfaini amito. '‘My Bnu In New York
u__ .
t SI
o__ I* [r*U1
City Clerk.
Vrt Wllbatm,
:auMtas the bw* dybawlie In tV worl*1
T. A. Cbwia J. UiUki. Cbaa
4.199 IS
— goes oB ai iVsIlyUleat shoc-k—e»p««Utly to bM w<-atvr.
Cn-al . boi tv tn.i-Hiloo of Ibe physiclau. *buw. ' |ooHDi"B"6Vw. F^S Wnmbnnr. Filling aod gravalliBC ap
*«eaibFr stuB. Want lo see aomvV’ Ill* just bow many doses and at what Tbaador* Dean. P. Bichard. Georg* B. Moving Marvin bolldlng.. ..
___ _
,liH]ulred ilir drummer, hit pmfi-aslon time Ibe medicine was lakeo. TV ICeorUde. MarUn Sheridan. Fred tern Bnlldlag walk*, labor and
: wars Mowwmvst Wss Krv«ma Over t>s
Iralnln* ■ndn* the npjwr band, lie UVl la much (V sane as thoae now lo paau, John Nemrara. B. C. Bnma.
154 S6
Oawt-s BMtIwg Ptoss.
" I John' Graham', 'm, a7 Brarya. Adlow MtocalUaeoa* capeaaa..
took the sai-'bel In hU baud with some
. *1.U|
-------Oaala) Bbaaaban.
Monghneae aud Hie profestkmal lonurer
Bcccntly sI report came to the ear*
Alderman BaaUnga that
Bet biBseir Id posliloD fur a quick
of tbe day. wlib imall blsnk
Buriat. Noiblu* happened and tv sjia.e slMire or Vlow each Agure. The I tba petition V refarrad to iba
grave of a British naval offleer exItaaon pahlto UghUag to report at nest
Wsrvtat* •toefed any Intereai upper row of siuicea Is for ibr m<*m .ragnlar Baattng.
___ toted oesr s village on the UUnd of
-An Ayunriie.
In* Ilnurs and tbe oiVr for afiemoonI I Motion earriad.
5 459 16 ! Niroahims. ip iV Inland sea of
•■tea. Ji to n ItokMah pmfeasloa.’ or evenings. Ai each time
place rarely rtotted by any foreign.
BBiled Ibe irareltn* gentlemso. s, hi atitolDtoiered a cbo-k la made of It lo
*r-*nd that, for aome rvasou. It wai
CouncU uf IV t’Uy of TVa.
ahured (he satchel undue Ibe lounge the apm-e opposite tV prove Vur. a*.
caremUy kept in order by the peasants
A. W. Bicaaau,
W. F. Cauciss.
where be tad Inallnl ibe lOteirogaior ibM only a glanea at tba ' Villa to
In-tbe neIgbVrtaood. Mys the Iioodou
Gaotlamen: I would napeetfally
>( (Tatos at Trav*
fto ah aod chat will. him. “A Htile nei-essary to show when tbe neat dote
The consul accordingly comtoommand that tba warraat for tbe
ei OetMbernia.l
'4an«erona and lncoaTeuiei)l
yea abould V taken. When the s|mces are
statemaat be rmived and otdared ‘ nmnicaied with tbe governor
• 4euced InranreutoDi ai iltuca. We hare Ailed tbe mariti may ba rubbed —_________
prefecture In wbicb the tolsnd to situ
_ ___
Motto* earriad.
•a V .•arefnl," end his eyes wore a wlili an eraser. In one form of this lOetobar I. 1809, ba agtaodad nnUl
ated. Inquiries were made, and th<
Tbnnied Icwk.
derire a row of vrfonHlnna parutia ! ^fhrefa 1. lOOCL Tbara baa htan a con- eTATuntcr or aosno or publil- wruagi ‘ goreroor was able to send lo 1V con
••But we gel paid for ll we *e| paid tbto vrt of tbe talK-l to V lorn oB aod
vHaetad. bnt aa
Travaraa City. Mtoblgan, Deo. t 1899., *ul a history of tbe lonely grave. Tha
Mar tl. k'ou woubi not Vltore iVi I
We do harrby oartlfy to the eoaneir story w as spitcodcd by tbe guvemqr
gel the hicgi-ai salary <if any man .m
r said city that tba following to aa to a formal ritopaicb of hi* own. and
ilaasantti Ua neat gaBoral aaaoa: aoenrata acoonot of the coat of rapaira was obviouslv drawn up by tbe village
-■tv rofld. I•MI I ds II to a IMB rl.k.,
manti tTolto I tbink It would ba of on straeu aod tbe eonstractloa tbara headman or *«in« equally buml.le offl
Bad we bare u. lay up Mimeihln*. Tbe
of. tbe amoont of
■Isl. and it to worth giving In full. Tbe
tbeaxpeoaetVraof. and (be street or. Kylvla. Ibe vegsef tneDiloDed.
He nrs>|M-.1 a ihiii Lu.-,* In U.ih east of liklen cn.ek. there to a natural cannty taSe*.
plaoa where aoeh material wa* used or
j«r* respwtfnlly.
cave of quite large dlnu-siskins. relates j
labor performed; alao tbe nambar of many y-an- eiigag<-d in survej lug
pKTfcti Wrnr.at'w.
days labor performed on aaid street. ih>- <-oakU (>r Japan:
a Nevpda iuiimt. It l« In ih,- llm<-sii*»i- '
City Treaann
• In the flrst vear of Meljl. corre-1
. doe the
and tbe aa
fornuiiloii ami in
: Moved by Alderman Smith tbst the perwons hereuia
«eoe*UI ‘Irs
siMudiug 10 A. it. IMW. il. R. M.' K.
an old
i<l>ca. I recommendation v adopted and tbe bead of pay roll:
amn .V1H.S.*. Us to all s.wis or .11*F.vlvla WHS proreeilitig on a vnyagBixl uV>a<-> It to I
■1"'*' ' msTcr be autb-w aad u> sign the
* from hf.i.*l* ........................
the iutoml sea wli-o an oltiki-r
■i tlnil III.- eiitratup-. as il is i—T- (loo of tbl warrant.
: .;2 i.
*-..|.*-i.uie, we ,-airi g.-l r<H.ui> 111 t|.-r,.d v nil a gronili of iHiih-rbnisli.^
iKkHrtl. :i:iui«h1 Ijikp. Ml III. He
2 wj
Motion carried.
-towu lor lot,- or iiKiiii-v. (or te-.>|.k- j q |„. Brsi It,ills* that a le-rs-.n noHc.**
toixlt'il on Thi- toland of tlirx'li
7- thf .. ..... .
llir M.J1CT .md CU|/ Hbo.rliss sue. .
Bon'1 Irtve III.- -i.iir It. tl..- bouse and : 1. a suiail <n
-Nuka. im-vln.-*- of Sun' ' g a
the dl«l
1.U-.I •..< !ht CUU-f Trui-e-.. City.
Abe gue.u
I., „ ,«.,j
aud |.r..f lur-of KngHwa.
TV ;g f-«il‘.SSSSSeASS Ae«
. till- cr.-«ii-c I.U luiiuto
kk„kksatk s.-ro.u'CeOsr«
tdaln wlicu Ilo-y iln.l out that one »f „,„i k,,,.,.* j„ IIikU IIi:.i ll widens a«
vvivto imss(laallemen;
____ _ — We- the nadertign
ajston-clsl.-i.il. Tl..-re nr.-mil, 1hr.-e h. g.iesdoun -tumi ir. f.-ei it,*iii till* freabolders and cit'emt of said city
iln-shlma a
at my 111..-, >0.1 kut>w. |•I.l1l•r lli.»e -iiii-au--.-a iiu II can stsi.il u|> aud n alk
aiiaving it to be for the beat mteraats
ba.v. 10 await th- oltl’-er'a ret-kiv-ry
*:S£EE2A«ASS»2gSt« £SiA8
.«lr.-linislau--.-s. a* we .inn- liol 1
a f.-w- .lavk. 1.0W-VT, be die.!.
John F. On & Go.
Stenssors to
liaterse Ciif limber Co.
Traverse Citji, • - Micbieae
John R. Santo,
Gentil lisirain.
Gnnf Mpih «lnUni 1
-aur sampl.-s. ilM-t«.1i.e siutlm. 1.
«l»- „t...unardegr.i-s.
t'j-'r"■ •••■
.1 . ,
Tie pau-Mil a minute for tbl. siatv^
■Bmonol#VeBe<-i.-TVi. iVre are the
rallraaV to Imci np agatn.i. Some of
«Vm lutvc rule, aaalti.i --arryiiie ex
J.I.WIM-S. Kouieilm.-. I CM csnalil. sn.l
Aben oir I
... .
«arn n ««-.-! Is soii.elliliic
*af. Kx u ilie tarrine of M«
- ■VMigh roail iiiiike.
-• •« iiii.-onir-r
ta.- Ibal I h.-.te I.. tllke .1,1 ,
Bud pare the aisle In re<tiire
thing tl
,*vrr,-k If 1 ever gel
g<Mid-i>y I- riuL t'Irt
, ghat siiitr rnliig <dT iin-l--tne«iti y ■'
ttulh men i.n tl.r scat slmd<ler---l Th>
pr6ap.'<'t dtotiirlMii the htungci. wh<
ibes' a tasty rcirvai. - Itonver ll••put>ll'
At a |da.-e »* f.-el
......... .. ■ -«■ -0 r„., ....A
,T1„. .1.111 .1,1.1,
11... ,
/ f,-. caw at this ihiImi is mo.i Im-iiuiI.
f„i on ..........
birge si:.ln. tii.>.
,,„„p m .-luM.-r. »,„t ,|,e walls are
r|e-'nratc.l wiiti sli«i-'nliic cryisl. of
li„„- luiermli.cl.sl w ith dr..ps nf wa-
W, t.rei,,r«p«««ll7ekUi.ir™il
Puller V reapvintod to tba poviUon
of n-gbt-watchman which he formerly
N ttrCraenongh Jibo Carrol, Well*
Hlgmao Oo . The Oval Wood Dlah Co.
,';.r .:'s:rr,;;'
fc-t hlgli.
I'b'ere a r Qmu.-n-iis ..tbrr |ulssag.-s or
cim-rtis. and ou ihr l.-ft Him- to a
iuissag.\4>ig .-iKHigb lu admit tbe ImmIv.
ihoi ..pen. Into (V semnd chsmts-r.
w hlr h to alMuti 20 fret armst and 10
Drake. Nelson Fraaaer. Mr* Lottie
aoriey.A P. HenllBantai.Ueo Dipley.
C.. DIpiev. W. L Jopee. Mrs. C. to
Gbmar. B F PerrU, W. J B egins.
H- B*™"®
** HoH'AaT. Mr*. M. N. Bammood.
oiM.-mug ..f auoiber rbamlisr. hut as
ihere is DO limber near to make lad
der. Ih.- upper eavern
Ui-n eaplnred. TVre are. no dnuUl.,
nili.-r Isrgy ebamhers which eonld be
found were rhiMT esploratlous to
Bade. Kialaclites and stalagmite*
In all dlreciloDs Water
Uanten. W
J iwu.wrw,
Millard. wsv
■wu. Taoer
ivuei osuswAA,
kk 1
. ^^'by Aidant Smith that the
I1 petition b* refarrad to tbe oommlttaa
Motion carried.
7\> (Ar H-nombU. IV M.ipor and Ctop
ouiicUuf IheCUifof Traperw* CUy.
MinUpoti. .
UanlleaiaD:—I hereby report that BE-UlbVdldon OoVber <7. 1899. pay
to the city treaaarar aodar prataat tba
im of »!( 03 on paraonal property.
eUlBlog that (ha iiaaaaad valnation
was placed norsaaonaWy klgb aad that
It iDeIndedallhUworktBgtoola.aDd Mr.
OlbV has hereby rcqnestad b* to
DoUfy yoar boaorabla body that ba
------ Idar* this i-trrr-iTnl nDjoal aad
yon to mmlt a portioo of aaid
*■ I reBain
Yonra truly.
A. W. Bicaam..
City Clark.
I. rV Mayor and CUy
CouacU «f the City of TVanerae Clfy.
ud moan* to whom was refarrad
the above oaattar for invaaUgatloa
•eonld report aa follows: Tbe cosBiltM And that the ralnatlon placed
z,r s-rp';..!: z t£"£ ,
in Ihee* crystal*
-world. Kiir-iteai
gives the cave a
'fcahlt* thoroughly d)igu>te.l th
very enira<-iDg apie-aranre. Tbto cave
•«V ke>-ll eS|wn In u«ne> RiaklUE. Is ilic. bnmr of Ibe wood rat. and there
JiBd In- |M>i.r-d forth hi* srom i>an- indl'-ailons iliai there might toTrlemls h<- n*ei In Pari*. One oY them
>r Ibe llllto animals whirli
Unowlug IV IgDoramw of IV .dd gen,^1. uaiural womler their borne.
■ toman on •nhje.-is wliboui the cirri- -tu.iab* Bee
an which V bad lived, ventamt
nesgat ■
**1 agree with yon.'* be said. “I agn-e
to anb■Btfh you tboroughl.T.
Why. do yon acrlV anything to the aid of tbe Bodkaaw. sir. I wa. tost week tn a rtty
for tV Kuppresslon of Crtme?
"1 I wa*. Man
n>. yon
a AV they
Madn t a livery aiahle in iV city."
' ,•“-»»»'««
-No-yon don’t tell mef answered '
The .ocieiy
ty victim itonitomen. see tVret Vya «to * eoBBlaalon on all I collect.
Just consider thair Then jntnping lu
Nan of the Monae—Tben il to to tirr
hi* feel as iV tbnughi strorfc him: for you that t abonld not subaorlbe
"Why. geuitomen. a fortune’s awaltinr aBytbing.
some one th-re; Where’s ihepUeef. ranvasser-Wby M?
IVVI’s Ibe name of lir
| Man of tbe nonee-Wby. if I should
-Vanl.*:- said tbe joker.
anbscrIV and crime sVnld V aup♦Hlood’ I’m tired of thU place, any- pressed.'yoo would V out of a Jobgray. ni go right down there to-mor- Tld-Blts.
tow and pot a little
■ U Iwaerlleass.
tv town. Oenitomen. you’re In tbto
«aod thing with me. If yen ebooaer
"Rrlinble aeom* to bare a good deal
TVy were all In It. and they Invest tuore money than bralua.”
Bd tbeir friend with power* plehipo. | “Yea; nU V inherited from hM fatb
Aeattary. Tba story baa no dramail-- rr was tV money.'’—ctercUnd PIsId
^tat. save that it to a hliloric fa<i Dealer,
that Venire was vUlted. No OM ever
heaed an icconBI of that vUU. tat for
B Of more eondd
^t’a Bather aU ri^it. Why. V
- leu ehtaeww.—Hartar's Botad Ta-.ttw bilNTBi lUa «wa Uoa.*—ladlas*
right, bat (bat tV .
hlB for fall valm. la plana of M per
Mta* In other oaaaa Wa alao Aad
It (hare to u aaaBPtkm of taOO
V dadoetad from tha aaaaaaaaant which
woald leave A«00. M paroant of which
woald V »»«.00
wall aa the
) think the latMr 1
afwr paylac hto faU ata wtoMr taxaa
M at pruaBi Mcuad. Mr. Oibba ba rafnsdad tba amout paid by Ua la aaof what ha aboald tave paid, aa
■ of tewor M pw
A - B.0M
W. J. Pv
Os)k-., iJJuluiKsJtoy
kiliwi lur aiUes wad
swlk OB rreilatreei
llrwklrswad torrU
■sprvtioe luoiU-r
Raapeetfotlr submiuri
A. W. Rii-Kcap
Moved by Alderman Iand claim! V,
ordered paid aa raoommended.
Motion earried.
Yeas—Aldermen Parker. Montague,
Ureliiek. aasUng*. Coak, bmlth. Lsrdie. Kenyon and Uarrtooa.
Beaolved. By tbe Council of the city
of Travaraa City, that the Bmrdman
Elver Bleetric Light and Power Co. V
Italy ordered to remove the
3,000 candle power are light now altn
atad at the corner of Washington street
and OarAtod avenne. from iU preaant
ooatioD and aaUbltob and maintain
(ha same at tba corner of Caaaand
with oMitraet baratofora
city of Traverse City aad aaid
River Blaetrie Light aad
St. J.-lin b11rl.1l hto remiilii-ground iM-l.mging in ilic icmi<l.>
Raei.ts.sod •!-«*
Ikw-oji *to.rr Knour* shrliip. so-l. I
lug set up a w-o.*iton cross 10 mark
> nraod
Tbr I :S p. w trw.o bas pwrlw e
RapMk. woO kto-i-tag ear and e
grave, departiii. S.-vcral y.-ars af
uio-t di-cav)il from Ihe cgtits of wlrt»
Bn.lrain.fr.iht ami .now. Aw-aburl Tok t^e^rChie.
mill. hU|M-rli.r of Ikwoji aeiupto. ami Tawm am,li>f wt ssaip w Sasrki
......... sal.l: Trulv it would be too sa.l ysyy to
awpid. aad chair r
1' the grave of our solitary gm-si fn.ra
"^c g. nmRay. A**
UXiKWOOD. U P a T.A.. Orsj
who has become • spirit in
.■range land, wi re aug.-r-d to V** ot»
ol all koowbilge.’
“Tliereup.'ti ■ Terawakl
Ii.-ad of the village guild, and otVr
h«iiipaihtoers. such aw Uka Kyobakii.
«n foot a s.-hrme for IV creciku.
of a stone ninnuroent. and. the ahor.folk all w-Iili one a«-c«rd. tondlng th-lr'____________
bftp, the w.irk was Anally brought to LiPMostv/
1 *•
eompl.-tioti. This was on tt.e ..-vcmti _
day of the eleventh monlh
fourth year of Melji-iliat to. IKTl.j
Slm-e then nesri.v thirty wIiht* Inve'
ootMO wowra.
passed, during tvhicli tlim- th - ishiii.t
not negln-ted to late good
care of lhe lonil* In luiniruia
tbe tenth 10 the aliteemh day of th
seventh monili. old st.vle. ih-pA ar
Bill] |,ersuus round who eve^ vea
.'lean and sweep tbe grave, and. olfet
Ing up dow ers and IneeuM-. njouru fo
anl cooBOto the spirit of Hie deaJ.-
Moved by Alderman Montagna that
.Aeraaolntlon ba adopted and paaaad
Motioa lost.
In the biography of I»r. Hawtrey,
Taka—Alderman Parker. Montague,
famoo* Kngllsh schoolmaster, there I
Cook. Smith and Lardie.
Nayv—Aldermaa Uraillek. HaaOngs.
descripil.in of hla nnkrmpt appear^
Kenyon and Garriaonance. with a comment wfali-b'haa to-en
Bcaolvad. By tha Oonaell of tbe City greatly quoted. It to said tbat.he was
of’Traverae City. Mtehigaa,. That tAe aoolding. for being late at morning
lesson, some boy. wbo replied that be
appoint a deputy POL- ______
____ had no tin* to dreaa.
dnty than ba to proceed forthwith to
’•But 1 can dreaa In Ume,” onld the
eaforoa tha ordlnaaea relative to the
ooUeeUM aad p^ment of dog Ucea- doctor.
aaa. That said deputy pound master'
ba paid fl.OO each, for all dogs klUed —Exebange.
aeecrdiag to tha provlstoa* of tbe ordlaaaea aad 15 par................... ..............
aaa toedod from aad aftai tali data and
daring tha term of employment of aaid rwenty-AvaTaara’OonstaatDaa With
December la. 1999.
ont a Fallora.
Moved by Alderman Emlth that tba
reaolntloa be adapted and paaaad.
child onbjeet to that
MoUoa earriad.
Bay be taken as a sara alga
of the approach of aa attack. FollowlaUiaga, Oook. Saitb,
lag this boaraaoeas to a peeaMar rmgh
congh. If (%aaharlala'a Cough Roblay*—Nom.
edy to riven a* soon aa tbe child beBaaolesd, That the water ivorks com- oomaa hoatae. or even attar tba eronpy
■ ihta eough appeal*, it will prevent the atoouacU to eonfor wISTh!
taok. It to aaed la Bany 'ktBBWiIa of
rolaUe* to the pareheae by aaid ni^ of bOBaa to this Boad land and nmr Ato(ta «atoM^ wetar works plant atal appotota tba anztona aeothan. We
— -i,*w*dbyhlB or B.D.CtoB^ have yM to toam Ota eto0e toauaoe to
tan. or eCtata, be aad to hacaby whlta it hta not pram aSaetml. So
to writtog. ■ ottar ptoftatton can ihow erah ainlotBia coatnet with bOA B. P- OaBp-, cced-twMto-Avc jmn' eowtaat im
taa*fltaa.cr th* owNroc owmr witheta»M)Bra. Vbr Mto by &T
thewM. to MbaU thn qrantaa of the War nai r a TMeRwn. DntfMto
West Michigan.
Id •
11 W;
I I A ■
, r H
li it
Tsavwrse OUg.
lUBiEE UD mmunu li
J>iod«t9:4BTtotoKoraiaf ffroa th*
Vvthara F»o»d ^
Lars* Foree of Bo«r«.
Mark M. Oortto of sb* Poalawda*
um«rftUsBMk H« vsr
VbUI /elBsd hr
Os Vsr—BritUt Amj !■ *<wlk
Alfios to b« iMTMMd 9ltXJ pw
dtod thto aoratow *i t:4». froa tba
t>oit«r >«»
Hssvy VofwSaBMto.
KttUmBBoo Witne**** Before
the Oreaa Jury.
Sffxta Ifada to l>aT*h« tba Prollatl-
affaeto of a ■trok* of parolj^ roooleod
aboot^ wook ato. P»n—« «• •
Trt*raaofth*MTUwaraida aaabar
etMePb***oaPaatNo.lS.O.a.E. B*
aarr TraaaaoUona la tbaOrfaslaattaa of tba XUlsois tupplr Oo. .wbleb
FlCoiod ao PiwBiaaeUr la tba MIUtarr Sapplr Oaal-Boi Book-kMper
aiCara Makaa no XMactosoraa.
LaaalBC. Mleb.. Dea II.—Tba attaaBj rwjoat of Ma. Oortto MePbaraoi
itniif— Dm. is—Thsra U stUl m
Uoa of tba Oraad jarr todaj waa daasws ol ia*orU»M fro* Sooth Atrteo. Post will tab* eba^ of tha toiiaral.
eoiad to tba Kalanasoo atoa wbow
Ths am tUt Lord Methoca h«a roto»l'
i^wai » rod* fOply fro* Ooo«*l
la tha mlllury Invaeilfatloa. BookOreoj«i*DOto(«oeb latrlo^ imporkeeper O'Mera of ib* Boma'Savlnp
twe*. hot it hM sooM iodlrwi *»)o* ProSaot A«*ls*t Aaettaaa BalM < Bank waa oa the aund today. WhU* I
M oboiri^ th»t Goooro) Vetboas'*
Knnitioaa of War to Oraat
the taatimony of the Katomaaoo wit-.'
ooBld be glvin la a ahori time. |
B SBtordBy. The «r*rB«ise to oathe effort* to aaearia evideaee to aab- 1
r M te wbBt dar Lord
auntlala the ebargu made U not rapid i
ipbei tbr foot to Oope roraraaeat of the Sooth Afrleaa re{
poblle baa oomplalaed a tha Uoltad la belag developed
Wbo conceived and aUrtadi tba praStatea roveramant araiaat the sale of
llminariaa that raaaltad in tha forma-j
aoolUoaa of war bj Amarian f
^for of bU ooloBiB belnr eat off
tioo of the niinoto Supply oompaay, to I
eontobed, bowcTer. Be | to the Brlttob
hj no lB*i
tha Important Informatioa that the,
to taead by a aope^r force of Boeta, the aiaU department baa Informed tha Jury to endeavoring to develop, and itj
aad to onable to adeaaea while the Twevaal that aocb aalea are rafo’ar haa alrmdy devoted several day* to
Mawy la Ibto war. aoooer or later, haa and are folly covered by Intamatloni'
thto braneb of the cam Mr. O'Merra
the 11— d tow, which parmlU a naotral nation i
eaid that be waa wanted for the par-,
iltlooaof war to halUitorant
ooBBOQleatkw of the Brlttob oolnmna.
poeeof ebowlng eatriaa. bearing oa
if Matboen lalto back he will be able tMt not to dtoerimlnato acalaai oi
thetraaaaeUoa.onjthe hooka of th*
to wall In eomparallre aecortty for the belllrerantlB favor of aaotbar. Tha
bank, and bto aneward did not throw
wriral of the Sixth dlrtoloa, when the Tranavaal fovemmant baa a* moch
the daaired light npoa the matter.
torward soTemeat mar ha reanmed. rlffht a* the Brtttoh ro*«mm*nt to
The proloagad auy of General Irtob
Tba lataat new* aeaia* to ladlMta
tbateoMnl Wanwab dlTlaioo to be- Onltod Btaua. and U baa bean report- haa given rtoa to a belief that ha to
bar* at tba Icol advlaar .of the
iac oeattar^. aoiae bolaf landed at ad to tba gowmnmut her* that
OaBoIbwaaBd otbar* aaat to other Boom have avaUad tbamaalvea of
membenof which are hereatgraad
■aria, ^wosably Dorbaa. The mUl- privilace.
I bM been mad* Iqr )aiy
Attorney Oaneml Oraa
^ a«p«rt* b«o offToe that the oatlr*
Uraat BriUla la roffard to tba report* II la Kalamasoo today oonfarrlng with
_____ of Oooeial Warroab dlrtelon
DaUa* Boademan. aMtoUatoonaaal tor
-U.0» Btaa aad IS cona-aboold U that Boar aroata are rocrulUaf
appUad dlraeUy to help Oeaaral Heth- la tbto oonatry foraervloe la tbaTraaa- ,tbe eUte. rolatlve to tba com»aace
aea allber to adToaea on tba Boaro at vaalarmy. Tha Cnltod Stota* fovara- meat rt aalta to reoovor the money loot
JaoeboAal frow Or*a»erl»*r or to Iona meat to ooreltaat that mm ara leavlaf by tba mUltary deal. Proeeod lag* will
a Jaoatloo with Oeaeral'Froneb. whoae tba Itoltad SUte* for Soatb Africa probably have to be oommeaced la
oploaa to trylnf to adeanoa to Oolea- wiU tba latoatton of Jolaiac tba Boar
bonr- la any omb oatU tba arrival of army, bat It bat ao aatbority to pre
Oeaaral Warren and bto dlvlaloa no . vent .tbalr departare. anlam they fo
r at oritoBlted bodtoe.
4oeirive move c*a be made oa tba part I ondet
UatloOB have bean ef Tb' Odeb-atad Braataltot Paemd
of Gaaeral Matboen orUeneral Praneh. r
It to not clear what Uaaeral RuUer'a ifected bercT and the Brlttob povetaAway Tcatarday at Hto Horn* in
oaxl move wUl be' bat it to ba»inninc imant to apparaatly aailSad that the rtBaat MjrtbBild^Maaa
to be tboorbt tbav a* a laet reaooroe, .eniiUny uld to be go\-„g on by B cr
Nortbflrid. Maaa. Dae. t3.—
Oentral While will leave Ladfanuto ,
coo>eoiiaoc8 that it to not worthy of Joat at noon today itha famon* wangc
Bnd attempt
to cnl hi* way
Hit. Dwight L. Moody, died after a
^^i^ib whlto Oeneral Bu’ler divirt# Ihe notice.
‘{long mnae*. While Mr. Moody
Bttenlloool the Il3«m by de'.lverlig
I very elek It wa* not faared that death
anoibcr attack at Colenaoj wat *0 near. »niU yesterday wb»D bto
The Brlttob army lo Sooth Africa
‘ANY merch&nts will, on the last daj before
‘ Xmas, work tbe balance of their stock
' way down to “close out” This is prioia
facia evidence that they either got big
4>rofit8 on their previous sales or are loaded with
unpopular goods—in either case they do the early
buyers an injustice.
We nandle our goods on a close margin with one
price to all—and will make no ent in prices today or
Our holiday trade has be^ simply tremendous—
22 of the liveliest clerks we could get have been on
the jump early and late. We appreciate every pnr*
chase you make in our store.
We Wish You
A Merry Christmas .
.Medalton S ile Today.
Toronto. ObL. Dm n.—Brtiaia baa
aooh>tad aa additional 1.0t« mm from
hda. Tba force will ooaatoi of
three aqoadrou of mvalry, 177 man la
aacb. 'laeladiagoffiwca. Ul la all, and
SM oOoara. thraa Svld batUria* of alx
laaeb. with SIO mea. taeladlog
offl;eia.aad n* boraaa. Oaaada will
eqalp tha force In every partlealar,
aad land it in Soatb Africa. The gaaa |
are of the laUataad beet, aad tha oatairy ara belag aalaetod becaaae of tbalr
ability to aeon t.
wlU be Iccreaaed M per eeot within
alx weeka Toree full dlvtotona of rcgin**8 M. B Poriaad to Purchat* tb*/- wbleb oc'xaioned a great breaking
aiar* are now anroou to the Cape or
Property for $4,000
under aailing order* Large drafu of
A deal to praeUcally cloeed whereby ^*Mr Moody wat bom on a farm nvar
men to en vaeanclci la tbp la kt are
herein 1837. Hr had a limited cdocabalog aant out. The volnataem and
O—fm —.d «.td
yeomaary will be oa the wayv la a
17 year* old. In 1856 he went
known ae the fair ground*, will baeoma
to Chicago, engagod la mtodon work
Tne Brlttob available regnlara now the property rt a j ^Int atock company
and aoon built up a Sunday achool of
in Afrtm ara TO.OOO; oolonlal
more than l.ooochlldraa. Daring the
M.OM. The ralnloroemaaU provided
be waa promiaaat la tha work of
The property eoaatou of forty acm
■re; Voluntoara. 7.000; yeomanry. I.the ChrtoUaa eommtoalon. Later ba
000; flftb dlvtolon. ll.OOO; alxlh dlvto- located in tba eaaura portion of the
jMoad by tra D. Sankay aad the
De«iem. n.OOO; aevantb dlvtolon. 11.000;
taaura* avaageltoto hdd revival
BOW regular cavalry. I.IOO; dmfte to Bood npon a formiloaare acme Ume
maadBgi all ovar.^a Unitod Sutaa
eU vaaaaelm ll.OOO; CaoadUaa aad ago. tbe agrienlinral aoetaty being aaabletom^ulaUeaxpanae of bedd- and Grant BriUla. _________
'AaatraUaaa. 1.000.
lag tbe
A movement baa bare
Wauea Ohaagu bi« Ftogabip
oafootfor aoma time to aecar* the
Waahlagton. D. tX. Dec. IS -Bear
property from belag pUtUd aad aold
Admiral J. C. WaUon. commaadlag
offlalouorpawau.a*lt to tba «mly
the A*latk naval aUtion. ha* notified
rormar Poatmaator of Sattoae Bay pi»y.« In the city UmlU or la tba im tha navy dapartmeat that ha ba* traoamediate vlclaUy. wbleb to av^bl* farred hto flag from tba emtoar BalU■ Obargad With MtoappropriaUoa
for picnic*, falra or 'ia>lic fnoctlon*. mura to tha armored eralaer Brooklyn
of Oovemmaat Panda. •
Tba raenU to that twenty dUrea* bav* at Maall*. Thto change waa oaada baB. P. Jehasoa of Sattoaa Bay. .ferm- gotua togatber aad arraagad to bay
tea* It ba* beUaf quartaia for a flag
o- of Uat idaea waa
tha groooda, wh^laclad* a rae# officer than to* Baltimore, aad to a
imUd yeaterday. and arralgaad la U. tnA, baaa
b^diamoad. plaak
larger vaaaal._______________
8. Oommlaaioaer RoharU' eoart. cha^- ground* aad fdr buUdlug. The price
•i with tbaambewlemaai of K4 while wbleb Mr. Daamoad baa agraad to
Bd. Monroe Snrpriaad.
ta tha employ of'the govemmanU Ba take to *4.000. which to a vary low figBd. Moeroe fonad a jdly party of
tamtobad ball la Ua tarn of *300 aad ere a* the property to laeraaalag la
yoaog people at to* bom* of Mr*.
Lyndia Monroe cit 431 Weat Eighth
Jobaam waa appointed to tbd poetAll that ramalm to oomplew the atraat laat avanlag, whan be retamed
tlen of poatmaatar of Saitona Bay trunaaetion to tha flUag of articlea of
borne from Big Rapid*, where be baa
aboat two yearn ago. He bad bean in iDCorpomtiOB and the formal traaafar
baanatuading to* Parrl* JlDdaatrial
tba pualtloo bat llttr* over a year of lb* propartyt which win take place
aabool. Beea-ne home to apend the
whm tba antborittoa became dtoeatto- In a vary few day*, a* tha article* have
holiday* aad aboat fl ftoaa of bto trimda
Sad and donbtful of bto latragrlty. aad already been drawn. Th. act nadar
b* waa removed from oOce- It to wbleb tbe company to to be formed to waloomad him.
A plaaaant avaalag waa apaat la
olalmad that ba bad appropriated that which pcwmlt* tbe
playi^ earoBu and Itotaniag. to aelccaboat S1.400. bat that all Bad been reUon* on toe piano.' Candy w*< aarved
tamed buta few tmair aoooanto far
at wa* alao aa axeellmt tapper of «yatba Bonpaymeat of oBe of wbleb
tot*, eaka aad fruit, aad It w*» a vary
waa arrmtad. Tba trial will oeear at
bowaver, that tbe
UU hour before the lavltod gaaaU rathe March term of tbe DniUd Suua trotting boraw to to be tbe tola objaeu
tamed to tb^ bto** much pleaaad
Ptotrict eoart at Graad Bapida.
with toe eajoyabl* avanlag.
fX*JS«r bare
aaeb for tha puicb***: Thm T. Balm
xuAe nsvBvs dbab
A maa who
toe Barnard
F. H. Fratt. J. B- Marti*. B^. Mofgua.
F. Bamlltoa. B. 8. Pratt. F- C. Dtooaaa, Oruad Bapl^/ Wadaaaday
Bamad Aw*f ^ Boldlar*' Mesa at
Bight a* W. J. Wilbur. Mosertowu.
«mad BapiAa.
PU.. waa fonad dead U hi* had TbuaKawa
day awmlag aad everytoiag ladleato*
Itlng. Pc
by Levi Sonia aanoundag tbe death la baa. B -A. Oaaaat. *
-BC. Uttla to kaowB
the ^idlan'Borne atOrand Bapldrof A. H. Hdllday.
about toe man, except that he
Bnaa A- Suvao*. wbo wmt from tbia
vaay little dnrBwbert Hallead, of Berrim oounty, of work aad b*4
^aea aboat two week* ago. Com*- waamarriadatEcMll^a*-. TbaradaT
gtoaUatwaSi. Jaat
Uonef tba lung* w*. the oaauof aigbt to Mto* Cora Falatar. a young
a w«* fonad la bia-poek
dmtb. Diemiad waa a aaUma of tba ladlM WOMB who waa ajkaiaa at Saa
dvil war. having aarved la On. C. of tba .Juan- Balleadwa* a volantoar ia a
Aftrangarwba rafaaaa to glva bla
irrtb Ohio TOlnatear lafaatry.
'Mlehlgaaragiment. B* waa atri
Ttoe abow window od
mth yellow fever at Saa Jaaa aad Jawalar Hewaomb at Big Bapida
I. $ r. OkzlsUui Ptaaar.
waaaamadbyMtoiPaUUr. tba beaMonday tba atxtb aaBoal CBrtatmaa
caw b* waatod to go to
waa foUowod by
r win b* givaa by Ooart Ttav-
Tblnk.of Benda.
290-222 Front Street
--------Ipadil *ttir***~
Think Of Benda.
0«y IHAiag
BalL 1
Bslpta Ooimabl* Jr., Xsnsfer.
A glance iato our .tore will toll yoa wbo to doiaff
the llwib »hara of tov Xnma ••hi*^
to find soitabiti aad appro
priate prvaeuU here.
Notliing makee eo aiipreciatire a gift as A pair of
Bnil Ton Get..
‘the REll THIRG "
iMUtl m tt I.M
All stvlea, Patent L*-atlier.
Fine Kid. Box Calf. WfU or
Turn fclole.
You’ve Waited
The FRimme SLoriifnr Wo-
I’ati-nt Li-atla-r Slnxn fur
-M-'u. ua rAiili J not to b eak.
Slippers fur K\>?r) budy.
The Leader ia Floe Shoes
Till tlu* IsBt.day to compleUiyimr purchaw of Christmns gifts. Wnatei cr yon havu y«<t to buy. tln> Hat should iD>
cludf useful, practleal articlea.
In this stock of ours then' nre bundr*Mis of diffcrtiDl
tbiiu's BuitabU
preaents—all of tbcm utk-fol—and thvy are
sun* to l>t? ippr. <*>at«l by tbe
Cp-lo-ilslc styles —
right prices.
'Uomo this morning, if }*ou can -if you can't come
this raoruing, come any time•—you'll
—you’ll get proper attention
5 ^
Elegant Silverware
Just received for the Holiday Trade.
Additional supply of Fine Presents
in GOLD PINS with beautiful set
Gold and Silver novelties for Christ
mas. Watch the display window
Friday for biggest line of of Dia
monds ever seen in this city.
a aa 1.. a I
Third Year-No. 823
lamun aa
prominent New York official
A proi___________
said tbe genera! ose of tbe tele
phone had made thutesk of effic
ently prolacnng life and properly
over 50 per cent, easier.
Telephoning in case of fire, ac
cident or burglary ba*
become a
recognixed necessity:
Every well regulat
ed boneebold has a
Have yon one in
your home?
lkU|u WnbCi.
Post Office Bnilding.
lUka *■
(ifMiBI Cor • iMtr- Bare tob mo
•orBtacaUMvUari Xmm> airac Mto Bp«*rd-n*i*. arirv*.
cat Cl*BB.mlncna-^ UB*»-*>d
«• *01 an Ikw mt lawmt tgart
wtaaar o*ar *—Irv4- IWrwV
•ri*ct**v u>m
Wait's Drug Store.
. January let close* nor apeeUl «le on Udiee’ show.
Until that time any of our $3.50 and $4.00 Udiee’
ehoee go at $3.0a
Y’ou can't afford to miaa tfaia sale All new atylee—
np-to-dats in every respect
This sale inolndee the oelebimUd “Velret"
Full line of infanU' ahoea, including those fancy far
tnmmed soft aoUo, at£0c.
voumie moosD.
vmmMactTT ■
•w. r. %*!tm AMB Z. w.
with hk parMta, Dr. and Ma- 3. D.
Mkaea Katia and May me Bbanahan.
retamad trote the BtekMorteal at Mk
Pteaaaat to apand tba bolldaya.
Mr. and Mn. W. J. PafkerwIlH
Chrkuaaa with tba fowly ol ttair
daeghter. Mn. Prad Baaor. In Ornsd
$. «. BAnn. HfMr moA Mamatm.
Mite Maggie Andataos haa ff«oa
Kewark. Ohio, for tba boUdaya.
Dr. Martin waa la Kingaley oa boal.
HMtes the food iPOfedefcSousaMdv
MkaGraoe Morgan arrleadfrote De
Many WOi Spend the BLlMay Taea CbariteNoeak. to~^^kua _______
troit yaatarday. where aba k ataandlng
Plata amngetewta for a retnm te
tlon at Thalr Home*.
Yesterday the aebook eloaad Uw tba
Mr. and Mn. Benjateln Boaghey a
two w^ holiday Taeatioa. Moat of
Tklting In aontbam Mkelgan.
Sanday dinaar. aty Dining
i tboir hemte or.
Prank Boldawtetb arrlead yaatarday
»gathering of teaebem to
from tba Onleanlt* of Miohigna. to
Kwnd tba bolldaya In tba cl^.
Bar. & T. Stoat want to Baat Soma wUl rscaaln to tba city.
MoaoxT wiU W ChrtotBM 4ay, aad
Bnpk C. H. Horn of tba Bigb oAooi
M than wUl tot ao paper prl*t«d to- yerdnn yoatardajN__________
aehool4 marrow tn» tUa ofiee, Uw Bk»kd
Buaterk meeting at Usring. and will
tr*-** thto opportiinl^ to wUh aU
alao pay a eklt to Charlotte; Principal
■MWiBd**«7MR7CtorlMaaM. Tb«
Ryder will goto Imaal^ and Detroit;
pMtytarhMbMn «M of alMttu- w««y FUaannt PrograBa and Traaa
Mka Morton wUl eklt bar parsnta
a*Mod«Btod proiparity la thia eeutry'
In tba Pailoaa < ebook
at Ann Arbor; Miaa Boalfils will apand
••d tVatana City hM ctloyed btrjoM
tba bolldaya at bar borne in Saginaw
itan of this ooBdiUoa. Work haa
Prof. Swift will rsmainin tba city, aa
bMBplsBty aad is eoDaeqaaoea mar- j-If nay proof were Beaded oftbainwill alto ProL Cobb; Mlm McLangblia
pkaala hoTa aojoytd ^proiparoaa tiotea. Sraattakanialbaeltyacboola by tba
fWterlaa kata toaoB roabad wltk ordara pnreota and^anda of tba popUa. it will eklt raUtieoB at Martin and
Kalamaaoa; Mka Downing wllla apand
giean yaatarday by the crowds
•ad labortnr man bate had ttaady
U it i>fivW.tcbFS. Jewelweek bme
Prankwork. The boaafielal raaolta ara ap' that toeked to tba
ry. Silverware or Silver NorAtkina will
IwwtandUia Bafa to »y that tbaaa of(%riatoaa. rlna in tba dlBarant fork Mka
DUmooda or Preciotu
by tba papUa nndar tba imiaad- bar home in 'Patoakay, Mka Jlckllng
wfu toe fotr who do not bata a happy
Stooee ef any kind, in nay
tata diraetioa of tba Indlridnal toaeb* will go to Cbleago to eiait frieoda and
of tba CbriatOMa boUday.
attend the masting of tba PaderaUoa
kind of moanting, that yoo
la tba Oantral aabool. tba Sixth and of Cominereial teaebera; and Mra. Dayl that tba
•re eeekisg, yoo can find ’em
ton wUl go to Mk Plaaaank
lT0.0eD nan haTp baas ralaad tinea tba Saeantb grndaa nnltoi U a eery plaaa■t Gumett’a.
Of tba grade taaebara In tba Central
» ftntafDaaamtoaraonndabff. bnt It la aatprogmte In whiab a pboaofntpb
MoartbalM trna. and a raeord whkb played an iaportant park Mka Dean
Tha total for tba lad in tbk program.
MkaPatoalntbafoartb grade had gone to bar boma in Mk Pleaaanl; Mka
yaar mmX tot vary great at adn
ta room neatly daeoratad. and a Bna Raabaa will remain in tba city; Miaa
kata baaa tanoai
Patoc will leave today for bar boma In
program was giean.
Thia aoodltfon will
Make a nice, preeent—Never
Mka Busbaa of tba fltth grade had a Almont: MlteCryalar wiU go to her
ChrlattoM W werkiBf B»ar> tbronghont
mind the fit, weTl attend to
eery albhorate propraca tbatwaagraal- borne near YpallantI: Mka Smith haa
The aaaond and third grades, tangbt Dsnn will aUy In the city; ao alto will
by Mite Bmitb. Mka Oiyalar and Mka Mka Sbadek; and Mka Bnrd will go to
Bos. 3. W. muikan ratvnad yaatorDana naltod in a eery dallghtfnl pro her tiatar'a bopie la Partland, aooom
«by<mnlA«ter.a»»paiiladhy hit
137 Front Street.
•as Ziaa. They will raaaln nnta gram of alnging and tpaaklBg.
Of the teaebera In the Boardman aeTba Ijlndargartan and ftnt grade
mat nndar Mite Bnrd and Mka aneaohool, Mka Perry went to bar
Bdltb doatort ratnnad yaatarday
Bhadtk, united In a eary tae program. bom U LaoBlng laat nigbt; Mka BarBrntbaMataMonnalat YpaUantl for
im wUl ramaln in the elty; MUa
tpanylng a ObriatBaa tree whets
tba Chrlt tBtaa Taeat< <«i.
Saate Oana pesaldad, Thera wars ao LambwiU accompany Mka Downing
MkBLntySa«ara&aa.wbo waa oommany eialton pmaat that thara waa VO Frankfort; Mka Boleomb will re
aUad by Dln«a to lean the aehool
•earealy room to bisatha.aBd aeao then main hara. aa will alao Mka Oartear;
work ban for a time, will retwn after
tba larger part of them were in tba Hke Adame will go to her home in
Oakwood, and Mka Camp will eiait her
Miaa EdUb Oltoba of Patoakay, will baU.
>me at Laming.
In the Boardman aranne aehool, tba
tba hdOdaya with bar parantt
MlteFliklneof the Oak Park eebool
and dnt gradea, taught
Jm tbb atty.
by Mka Camp and Mka AiUma. OD>oy will go toColdwatei; Mke Biggina will
Bohan Walter wUl laaea for Flla
ad a tea prognm and ttsa. Mka remain in tbe cily:>Iia> Carr will leave
taka today to apend tbeholidaya.
Gardner and Miaa Cleealand of the today for Duodee;Miee Taylor will goto
Oaorga WUloncbhy of Oeoar Bon,
aaooad and third grades bad a aimllar Grand BapidG Mlea Miller wil. eUy in
waa in the city yaatarday.
tbe elty: Mim Vogekong will apend tbe
P. W. Panningtoo arriead in tba oity program.
Miaa Holcomb had a abort program holidaya at Aldeo and Mia* Bliaa atber
iterday for the hcdidaya. '
and Mka Lamb of the fifth grade had home in
_ JooeaelUe.
laat night froB
avenue teacher*.
almllar azerokw and a ehleknn pie. i Of the E m
g btolnea trip to Uiand Bapdda.
Miaa Smith. Mia* Beam. Miaa Gannett
A grab. bag
waa. the,item
intereat U.,*.
Mn. Bragg and eon BlUard yrUl go
in the aixlb grade, tangbt
Mias and MiaaChaae will remain in tbe city
la Wexford today to aprad a weak with
Stilea will go u
Bamnm. The aerentb and eighth
• ckaci
grade room tangbt by Mka Parry did;
Kiaa Qartrnda Montagna baa retamad
tba ragnlar aebotd work.
fma axtendad rialta with frienda In
Miaa Raaaevt of the Moth primary
The room of Mka Bike and Mka
fraad Baidda, 4nn Arbor and Ealawa
Thylor of the Oak Park acbool nnited will eiait in the aonthern paK of tbe
<'ate. and Mite Bozie will remain in
•Otoin a Cbrktmaa tree and exaretaea. Mka
tin. A. L. Mnuy and ebUdran of Vogakong a room bad a aimUar good the elty.
prg*------an TlriUng Mr. and Mra. M.
tiate. aa did alao Mka MUIar'a room.
A a axehauge oi prstanu in Mka Oarr’a
tamaa MaKanna baa cose to New room and alao in tba room tangbt by
- Terk to apand tba holidaya with hk Hite Biggtna Tsanlted is mneh marriIsbUt■enk Miaa PUkin’a room did the regB. B. Bhaw of Grand Ba^da, la In the
alBr work.
#4y on bnalnaaa for the Mleblgan TelaIn tba Elmwood aeenna aehool prophnaOo.
grama were giean In tba rooma of Mka
Mra 3. W. Stranb haa retamad from Adama. Miaa Bataa, MlaaBtUea and
Whoopirtx Cough, Asthma.
Maak^oa. aeeompaaiad by Mr. and Mka Smith. Tba rooma of Miaa CMy
Bronchitis and Inciplant
Kra Wn. Irwin.
and Mka Erana nnited in an elaborate
Mkt Myrtle Btentoo ntnmed laat program. Tbt room of Miaa Oanoet
Bight fiom her aebool at Monroe Cen> did tba regnler work, while in Miaa
iw. She will apend a abon eaeaUoo Chaae’a room there ware no ezerciaea
iB tba city.
batprsaenta weraxiroo by the teacher.
Mra A. V. Priedrieb retamad laat
Appropriate exerciaaa were gieen in
Bight fnuD a rieit to Ann Arbor.
theaonth primary acbool, tanght by
, Miaa Mabel Boyd went to Central Misa Baa»ei<, aod in the Booneeilie
taka laat enniiig to apand the holi- acbool. Ungbt by Miaa Hoxk.
HEMEtYfbya with her father.
f tuwvttirmt ani\\ir» ’ '
P. O. Benmann want to Central Lake
m boalnena laat nigbt.
It Came to tba Ek* and Two Eittle
Mr. and Mia B U. Braeken will
Polka had Their Desires Granted
l»ea today for Grand Baplda
A few days agoalettereama through ,
Mr. and Mra William Morgan will
the mailt addiseeed to Sente Clam. '
Jwea for MllwankM today.
P. Gearing,for aeTeral yean engaged The communication waa unique and j
U the great beat tngar manofactory its'eontenta named aaeeral nqneata l
BtAleando.Oal . Uv'etlingatbia old ealenlated to bring happineaa to two
----------------:ehlldrsn la Klngalar ahould they be.
Mrs. M.J. Wolfe and UtUe grand- granted. The Elks' Santa CUm ra-L
Hanghter wUl leave thk morning for caived the letter which waa aa follows:
Grand Baplda wears they wlU apand
tAerr's a man /n
.. w. w. mu^nmgona totba
pean.m aid pop
OchifiMn vho btean maUng
•naat form eklt and wUl apand aboat
. f„
for Lenzena too. I am fonr
shoes in 1666 and is run at H.
Mro waaka In Tictoria.
. ..
I old
IBs tiame is ^^htgret.
Bt is
taring >
Mia.' Lncaa and daughter, Mka
Cefbemarnota. That’s a toUraiU
Gnea. will apend the hoUdayaat
opM aod abut ite ey«.
fair sign that he is a good shoe
And bring whole loU of rad pretty
maker.- You protaidy hatie heard
ar.rwiA who k nttndlag apples and a nice Chriatmaa use. Clin
of him. Wefustraantlotayoa
bodatetfDochteayabsalaate ooU««a. ton Wanu a watch and Lecaeoa wants
UtUe gold watch and a pratty, pretty
that he snakes m a tadks' shoe
tent to Eiogalay laat night to ^end a
chain and Ctiaton wanta a nice chain
that seOs forts a pair, lahkhis
*a holidaya
on bk watch. Dear old Santa Clana
fast for brat shoe far fAaf price
Barry Kyaalkak fasma Crate Ann have yos got any Pica little plctais
tk^ ewer earnest of any man's
Arbor. Ha arrived yaatarday.
How pleaae bring ne lota of candy
Art Dun wnt to Elngilay laat
and ante
•SetUi^ a pair. Yoa’B Or
•ifht to apand Chriatmaa with hk par- ^awHl try aad^ good ^Udrsn, ao
them, wee know) yoawOl. Three
ntadnOarsfer aHatylka. We’re atia
Mr. and Mrs. JnUna Oamphall left
f^OTox Fiaxx Bbutt,
agents for the T>ingit€ " CempoMat Bight for Grand Baplda to apend
LxxzKHa Bbktt.
tha holidaya with Mra Onapball'a parYaatarday aaexprars package waa
W. C.&B.A.
and Opticians.
No. 2981
Ladies’ Fancy
Jnst a few left bnt while
they last yon can have them
for ll.iS each, nothing like
them ever offered for the
We hare a large line of
sideboards,combination writ
ing desks and book-cases and
are making some very attradive prices on them. A large-line of pretty and
useful presents for children.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Front street.
WiU Anderson
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
W. G. ft B. A. CAMNEn
Both Telephones. No 43.
318 Union Street
Santa Claus
I, Tin Cara dial Cares /
That no one should he overlooked this year—
There are places and places, but none that have
the varied assortment found here.
This is the last day of Christmas shopping of
this great, wonderful century.
From early morn uctil late at night people
will go home with arms full of gifts.
Come early while the stock lasts
nte. Mra. CampbaU wUl ramatn sae- aaot to Kingaley with tba
of Santo Clnna, and it
mabMite Lena Croteer who k aUaadlng atontially what wm namad in tba let4ka high aehool baes, rstarnad to bar
tana in Klaatfop yaatarday.
Prsd Munkm eama «p from Ana
the beat a» OUy Dining
Mar yaaurdny to apand santkm
BeautiftU ties for some friends from 26c to
$1.76. Or umbrellas for others from $100 up.
Hundreds of styles of chairs to select from—
cost $1.16 foraneaey rocker, to $8 00, $10 00,
or those ^eat ‘ care forgetting," ease producing
leather rockers at $26 to $42.
Oreat tables full of beautiful china tor all
manner of uses, from 60c to $4.60.
A wonderful assortment of fancy baskets for
all purposes, from 6c to $1.60.
Elegant cut glass (more sold this year than
over before) sell from $1.00 to $6.00, $8.00 and
$12.00. Bllveiware, always useful, beautiful in
shape and design from little novdlties at 26o to
the full tea set at $10.00 or $12.00.
Don't forget the slippers for mother wife or
sister from $1 38 or tor father, husband or broth
er, made in velvet, felt and leather, sell from 76c
The Christmas tree wants Christmas candles,
a box costs 16c with either 84 or 88 candles!
Christmas candles at 6c, 8c, or 10c. Then nuts,
figs, raisins, oranges, lemons, dates.
Frank Friedrich
TteOMRelutle Shoefiai
ehttdraa will raaatea pnaaMa
Mr.ChaaJohBeaiathaeapcristaBdrat of the Baadaya^oM. bathe belay
Sbe took that aabaaable to atteod, A- O. Uad wfli lead )aet as a farawell talk tor CkritUBae
aad baadledItlabar aaaal eatoruio*
: MiB Baida Herd, A. O. Uad. Oeo. toyatyla
' Bord aad Tob Belaoe will havaehaiye
Ben Geaaett la«t aiybt woa the dlaof the proyraB.
oaood riay dispaaed of at Chris-ciyar
■o adBiBloB. Aa the proyraB wUl store.
beearriadoat both ia dwefleh aad
There will be e reyalar Beetlay
Boylnh we Boot eordiaUy iartte oar
CtelMwt wUl ta otevTcd by all tk« »hkh wae aa oaeroke ^ which aa Swadkb aa well eeloarbkyllah Meade. Moeday Biyht of DoeheB Oaap. No
M«8. If rdeie WoodBea. A faU at- aebar^a ta «b« «i*y, «ritb Bore tbu Meal ChrfatBaa leaeoo wae coodoeted
Oraoe Oharch.
daaee.Is deaired.
wMtly btabente atobnUOM ia auy by tbeteaeberaoddaae- ha aaardee
OhrietBea at Oraoe Bpieeopal efaoreh
of tb«i. 1%eo«MO •rtabeBorettau eottUed ••Little UyhM- wae alao
There wiu be ao frelyht trato oa the
MMUy joyoH. Md la aaay of tbe Ctvaa. aad a Bterioaary cffectay waa wQI be eeUbretod with the aeael yled M.AN. tChrietmaeday.
ororfloir of joy «rlU yo
B. Aapeelalpnycrthatbaa been aad Joyooe eertieca appropriaU to the.
Toay A. Tbocaoe aad Ubbie IrteV,
tothOMwtwaraloB fortBiaae.iB Ito «n^t the ehUdrea had a auBbv of beaatlfal feaUral. PoUowiay le the both of thle city, woe yraatod a 11
farm of Botorial ooBtoru r>*n by tbe aooye ware ateo a part of thle protTram. Baaleal proyraB for Banday School eeoee yeeterday to Barry.
ohai^M aad iholr trloodo
The Prleade baaday aehool wilt have | ChriatBai
Jaa. H. Monroe of Booth BoardBaa.
Tba pablle procraae that hare baa a Bee aad a abort proyraB Moaday ^ **“>
ae parehaeed the hardware baatoeB
orrAitad by (b* nrioin efaarAB aod oraalay. The prlacdpal part of the
of Darid Wyakoop of Klayaley. Mr.
0aaA^ Kbooia peealM to be of «x- proyraa will be -The etory of redaspWyakoop will yo weet.
.<BcllrlaM)......... CUrbata
Uaordtea^ laloreot, whlU tnnSeblay Un,” prepared eepecialiy for thie
Thcfiaaof Lot
the Wbrht tor the ehUdren that theoe
reeeaUy for oMoalt aad batteiy. hae
OBWieoealwayt .do. hU of the efaareb
beea paid at the )aU aad the prteoaer
The foUowlay la the BoyraB for the OtortoPetH............... .....................J. BeadaU
M have arraored for eoBe opeeial ehileaaed.
aemaoe of the day.
While ridiay a WeyeU yesterday.
Maeatfcat..................................... C. A RmUc
fier^Oiayaaaawaaraadowa by a
awAwM itaWtaMtew^cMroI) aialMr horee aad bayyy aad hie whral badly
■•Arele.OIed carwiaee BdlidaBayed. Heeaeaped laiary.
arata daya. 'nmurrow thara will be
OMmy CblatacOhri.iwBBeU*.
OLeBdefJadaa. .
a^o «o the day. ha i
i theatrical
pcoyiaBbae beea ananyed
JaaaaOeraenor ...(Oaral)......B«*. AakcUU offeriay U one of mnch :
Borhl^ aorriaa aa foUowe:
aetareaterUBaralat <Ceral>.0«raae
••Hie Beehelor't Baby,” writteo by
The Baale for tbia prayram hae beea Ooyoe rietehar. and prodaeed aader
■»«—erraayed ^ Prof. Stefleae tbediraettOBof Mr. Alfred Lee, bee
euBa. -VW» WarU a eat
for Maarteayb'a oroheetra which pUye beea one of the aeeeoa^i notable ane^
.............................. irmuaiatea ttaroayboat the eerrice.
OOB la the larye cities, or la fact,
wboerer, the pUy hae been preeeoted.
ChrletBea Dey. Dee. »s.
It is to be here next Batardar atoht
rear two
Maniac Ftayar
Dee. 10, whea It wUl be eeen at BtelaVoloaterr
bery's Grand.
e.*««aeTMlac*’' .
-------W Bayca
The OlnriBBatL Ohio. Hibnne nye:
. Diplar.
•■To all thoae who ea}oy a hearty,
wboleeoihe Uayh, Uactared here and
.Botam I BeMteUee, -OaTbl uw earpart." Praak Oar.
then with Jaet enfficieBt pathos to
Bake aa awre aporeelate fen.wc woo'd
Parwe. Bela■ ptaOaetaMaa-........ ..la-B.
reeoBBead a riait to ■The Baehelor'e
Lord U My Bbapbard-..................9aanat
Oe«d aad Pnym
.Lola Lata ei
dart Bared HM Xdfe.
C\vT\sWas^esVv\>V\v«is »
2 SValWr^lt pToqrtm 'pTcpvrei Vs
Sunday SckooU.
«»»«»««»»«««» ««»»«»
Holiday Wants
You Won’t Need
To Stand In Line
Long—We Have
People Here Paid To
Give You
Best Attention— ,
Ask For
What You Want—
If It’s An^hing
Pertaining To
Gentlemen’s Or
Children’s Furnishings
We Can Produce
TtaeSey afteraoea fR>Bi t:So to s
oMlilfc. the ktadaiyartdn and the flnt
prtiCary deparlBeat of the Soaday
aeb4el wiU oajoy a tree
Mra. milikaa wUl hare ebarye ot thh
profraB. aad the ahildraa will aot be
dtaa^poiated la their expeetaUca of a
•*Ura»..............I . ... ...o.J.BiNv
e friybtfol death. For two yaera e aeI OlariaPalH........... ..i..................... W.Mayn ------Inay troable oouuatly rnw
8 naUl U eeeaed be mart die of
Then he beyaa be
■eeoad MethodUt.
O Merry, Cbloiac Xaee Belle........a. P.,LoaC
feeted a pertnaarat eon." Boeb wonderfnl cam have for IS years, proren
its power to care all Throat, Cneet and
Lnoy troBblea Price Me and $1 00
OJaria te teceUU.............................Old Chaai Brery bottle yaarenteed. Trial botUea
lOc atJaa. o. Jobnwn'a aad 8. E.
Obnreh of Obriet (OtaeiploB)
ThU eronlny the eaBcleB of the Wait's dray •
Cbnreh of Chriet (Olaclplee) will ocenr.
The ptoolpal peri oa the proyrem
will be e talk on the Bobjeet of Ohriatmaa by the oaator. A Cbrieimaa tree
........... Sr-:.::::.
the aralD body of the eebool will bare Prayar ........................................................
their eelebcaUoB Wedaeedey erealay
t to toe fora of a ehlekaa pic eapper. at
whleb the foUowtoy proyraa will
jlllrei tho^
BapUel Oriebration.
A apeeli^ eboreb eerrice will be held
Bwedieb La hcraa.
looi^rTow moratsy in the Baptiet
TbeSwedlab LaOnaan ehnreb will ebanh. and ibe Snnday ecbool cclebra............... BanHaetacaa
-I M a panar en ihM I ten mai."
bold lu Banday School Feetlral Ban-. tioB will occur Hoaday crealny.
-Ow Paptta-............................. MU. OawalBC day nlybu Dee S4. at 7 o-clock. Pol-,«« proyram each cIsb will bare
TteynmOodwcn ^am
lowiay to the proyraa;
i toke a pan. tbonyb what the part to
siecUie. BndiBc'>tuuacrtpcarcAB4 preyrr. be yirea by each is not known by the
WrlroueBynrb .............
BlMa Johoeos! olbcr clesMe. A Dutch windmill
................... - Mr. Wblva
u wanfeal wui
M aaa4 br t« hi
creniny, end
Delevoe. -Why DeWeOeiebrMe Xaee'
otemtiny feetureof the cn
.be Browniee will dtotribnte the pm...........V ____ Buoi AteTiMeBi-eii
.cn Mo A i niu to the cbildree.
•’**....... ......... .........................................!
German Lnthcreo.
The German LatEeran cbnreh will
Spom. WIIHt Llad^nn ate
hare a eoecial aerriee on Banday* at
10;90^pbd also on Monday at the eeme
honr. '^be f<atirel aad ChrKtmaa tree
will be Snndey ereniny. et wbleb
*®"r.......................................... BmuCartao. j ftoe proyrem will be ylren.
Di.larur.-Th*8iTt)i.(Chrl.l ................. .[
Mienie ter^sa. Eally Bporrr. Roby
elaborate prqyrmm wilt take
AaC<-rw>D aad < I'a^ Uedfiuiai
Bteitauoe.-ThaBiaroc Bctbeibam.- ......
plsoe-of the cveBlny eerrice in
B<-wir Cari.ee aad cor. Joha«>e.
Pint Methodist : chttrch
•L Fraacle Cba oh aad Bohoal
OhrieteuB will be made aach of
rary eUborately trioihied. aad
aeUebehoUfal eppraraocc.
* '•“t'
ofaaelc wUl be readered;
TteAacrl-. Uana*. ................J.
KwUy Opom |
**** these will
Rrriiaitaa. Xda Br.rukna'ate Wiiiu ute-| bc Intcropcrmcd with reciUUoni and
Boo3“'*'.'..................r. ................. Cri Sort i*P**'’*’ tnuile. Blanche Barnumwrtpd
tiw^iauMiaa............................... ,Edn» bvino * Beeair Fulyhnm will render e rlolin
Duiotfur ,,.rr.ak*te.mpaadcaa. Lama ■ doet, and Moeellr Bennett, Roy Blmme
' tuMuiuo
Asnu ^rdinad I Moodsy the membere of the school
............. Chair [ will meet in the perlon of the efanrch
i*'"■ • P^ne**'
The weelher
EM-tiatioe..'............. ..................ju^ a„,ite|’'■'I
Boar vithciuitar ArrooipaBiB»Bi.A. o Uad. Vide that was oriyinally planned, bnt e
out* UtecuiM ate Xda HranrkMa.
1 j,Hy u**
certainly be enjored.
. .BUdaJi
aeowePidita........... ....................
Pairwel) 8pM<
nso Chriatmee ereniny. The toUowiBy
aneieel peoyram will be yirea;
.......... MteBuldaKorC
.....................A O. Lite
.......Mlu Ida P«Irma
............. ei4rar BaUud
...Oaoday Bel
Think of Benda.
wmtopi.T ta t>»
ywiin w the
For A nice iUBKBT.OtllOK£N or BOABT of fiSSP or
AU Oheep.
iLast Chance
I Gentleman...
To buy your wife an Elegant Oamask Table Cloth, i
Tt wcVvM \nvie, ^om The to $t.00 v®7 ■aavi.
"Ka\iYdws So "Ktai\c\v.
J Somethvivq obOTij ^ooi Wse\B\.^e \bvVV awreeva^e aai eoev^ *
oae Va •goo.T ^araW^ \»vW eaioij.
SWvwwov SaVvw ADoXs\s
CAora—YVaek, l^o Shades YM, Yutonvoh'Ie aa& YVae
|Wa.«eMaeaAJ Bacterate L Badl-
Presbytwiea Saadey BehooL
TtoBfollewiay to the proyaa yirra
hy toe Pnebyterian Banday Btoool
•rHiterr KoaAlac, Paata M.
laaMttiSM tetUe, the prlMry deyarhBaat y»ra a raqr laeaBwt pro«< the prtoefpel parte of
You can’t
avoid the rus^
but come anyhow
Holiday yoode
In abundance—Plenty
of help to wait bn yoii.
en& oe
^ VVi« rt«\—see,
; &eiveraX tlUmt
Atm. mmmm^
ovsof Tu Ban.
Tte AMiMt Orri«r of fllb«rstM of
L9mi» prapoM MrUar » (ud of
•IJM.OOO for Ua wmiMportottoi
«oop> to oU Uo
0. a Bloior. prwUMlof Uo Uoitod
Sl»t« OlM Oo. »t PiUatovf. ouooBo
«d Tbwadar that Uo wafot of Woo
on Md gmtMtrmm ta thWr •mpioj
weWd te odraaeod t »or oMt oo Ju.
1. TholooroM vlUofloototeoi 1.000
D«tltalo.oad«lUaMOMn *UU
no to eoro for, Krt. A.llo* Booltor U M
•hoorsorj polleo atottoo ooooo.
Chtaofo. owaiUof tha oadatowna
•eaa po)m «rko wUl poj kar fora to
Moahat^ Kiok-. toa Wna of har
tootkor. Mn. SooUar orrirad to CU«a«o Wadaoadop oifht fraa Mobartp.
Mo.wUhMtaoaetlB bv pewaalBB.
witboat 007 food for taoraalf or tte
cWUlrao, and wlUi oot a Maod In tba
citj. A polloeBian took bar to tba atoUoB and aha waa placed to eba'ra of
Watroa BeUaad. Tbe famllj wUl to
bWd at tba aaaa aatU aoma oaa offera
to po7 Ibelr fan to Maakacaa.
At Park ioM LaaKraraaa. tba ealatoattonoaleal ooDdaetor. died Thanda/afiaratwodaTt'lUaeaa Be tolredoeadBaadel, Back and Waraar to
TbaAmaricaa Polftieal laafaa baa
aaaud a call for a aaUoaal ooaraattoo
lor tba oABtoatloB of eaadidataa for
praaUaa't aad rtoa prasldaat of tba
Ualtod Statoa to to bald to Boatoo.
Maaa.: Joljf, 1000. Tba ooaaeUa of
«acb atata ara dlroetad to appoint two
dalacbtoa at larva.
W. P. T. Baahaell. of Atordaaa. 8
D„ ia to raeaipt of a taitor treat bla
alator. Dr. Eatboriaa BaabaoU. who >
pcaaaat to India dolav mlaaioaarp
‘worb. 8ba la la oaa of tba placaa
atrlokaa diatrleta, oo tba rarfa ol tba
famiaa dl%triet. a«d aaja that tba anffortoffa of tba aaUraa ara alraadp tarrlMa,altboovbtbalaBina baa Jntt tocan. Tba mtolonariat ara doinff tbalr
boat to ailcTlato a«ff«rtor aad ara
tfirtoc ataplOTMit to Ua paopla, pajlac toaat tor tbatr labor at tba rata of
«fieeoatoa dap. wbleh U aaSslaat
la that ooBOtrp to enpplp food.
lataNMltor Pabata aad Prt«idto bp
took part to tba Saalor Lpeaaa pr»
alMt alchb Tbla waa tba' laat BWBM1WIWIW1W IW^TWWC ttownr
■aatlac of tbo aoelatp bafora tba boU
A S. Btaaraa a Kalamasao. tmlt
dapa, bat it waa bp BO moana tba laaai
grower, mt* that tbe recent warm
raabaf.' Oa tba antrarp. tba baat
weather baa aot tojnred trait Ueaa to
tbat-part of tba atata
At Port Baron. Mm. Storria anad tba
Otaad Trank Elarator Oa tor MS,MM
a at tbalr toat. Oadamagaa tor tba death of har bwhaad,
ipoaathlac. a to to rafrattad, oaa of
b«t tba Jnrp dUagiead.
tba apoabora oa aBramUra of tha daB. A. SaiTa.awaaltoplraBl(e«nltUB
toto ww aaabU to to praaant aad bla
tambarmaa. fall oS n irato ob tba
part waa not firaa.
Too datoto waa: '-RaaoWad. That aioafo A Hertbwaatora read aad waa
tba wblta ataab traalmaBt of tba la- kUIad.
Mr. aad Mm. Alton T. Preatiee. of
dlaa laBatoiUflabte.'' TbaafttmaUva
alamaiao. warn praawlad 'with a
waa aaaicaad to NaltU Grant aad Id.
Bosla. tba Uttar, bowanr. waa ab pema <a rdd. aontatotog ttM, on tba
aaab Praak Waltoa aad Llaxla Perm oeeailBB of tbalr golden aaniraraarp.
At Ann Arbor, fire atadanta paid
alaa took tba aafaUra. In tba caaoral diaanaalaa Moaaa Ollbart took part flnaa aggragnUng fts tor throwing
tor tba n^Ura aad ObarlU Norak water orar tbe banaUtam and ratotog
the dreaa of a ponng lad) who p«a go
aad Edward Kpaalka apoka in dati
of tbeafirataUra. Tbe jodCM decided ing ont to a partp.
At Battle Creek, a akattog partp of
to favor of tbo BagaUre.
Tba program waa opened wltb a ma M narrowlp eacapad drownli^ Wadalaal aoleeUon. a pUoo aolo, bp Hand noMUp night wbaa tba tee'on like mUl
gave awap. Three peraona wem
Mono. A daeUmaUoe aaUUad “Borne
of tba People," bp Maud Broomboad.- reaenad bp tplng orarcoala togatber,
waa toan enjopad, and waa followed bp and hanll^ them ootof peril.
Prank Beard, tbe ebalk-laik eoteraaaapoa "Bomaa of Manp Lauda,'
bp Joa Rnaakp. “A Ubrlatmaa Partp*' toiner, aanonneed at Benton Harbor
waa tba aubjcet of an intareattog re- Wedneadap night that be bad appear
prodaeUoa earafallp prepared bp Belle ed for tbe toat time on tbe etage aa..a
Balveraon. Vera Oarter neat vara an public antaruinar. He baa been on
aaaap oa tba “InRaaooa of tba Boma.
Aa erigtoal etorp. written bp Margaret
LaPbntae. w«a raad bp Nettle Oleaaon.
Stapbea Lardle, a former alndant aad
gradoata of tba Blgb acbool. now a
nnlraraitp atodaai, gave aa Impromptu
talk apon “Atiraetloaa at Ann Arbor."
Mr. LardU eboaa tba campat for bla
aabjeel and bandied it to an aaap manlar. Blbal Tbomaa foUowea wltb an
aaap upon ••Boma Toplca." Next en■pad waa a dacUmaUon, "Tha Oonrtlar." bp Oora Sebofiald.
Born fare tbe oritie'a report aad tbaa
gave an anooarmflag talk to tba
Mp eon baa been tronbled for paaie
with chronic diarrhoea: 8omr*'
I peranadad him to Uke
• of C
barlato'B Oolie. Cholera
CboUn and IDlan
Ramadp. After
Afur naiag two -botUaaof
UMt alia be waa cored. 1 girathU
aUmoaUl. hoping aoma one almtlarlp
Bietad map read It and to baaaflud.
■Tbomaa C. Bower, Oleneoe, O. Rbr
aaU bp 8. B Wait aad P. C. Ti
Btatk or Oaib, Citt or Toledo (
PoATE J. Cheeev makaa oath that
ha la ibr aaDlor partner of tba firm of ■aUpWraatha.
P. J. Cauar A Co., dotog bnatoeaa to
boUp branekaa for Obrk
tha OU7 of Toledo, Conntj and State
tloaa at P. M. Patoa'a i
aforeaald. and that Mid firm will pap
for earb aid ererp oaae of Calbirh Ibat
p^nIl • t. eoreJ bp tbe iiae of Baij.'o R tiea to Ptmara.
Pnrmera are rrqueated to bringatraw
to mp bam for bedding, uklng maPRANK J CBENEY.
nnra to csshanga J. O. Janaen.
bwam to before me and tub*
. oft fDecernto mp preMoer. tbU eth dap
Bor. A. DI 188*
Odw'i Uiuna apt, u Uu isc«
A. V.-------------darnbta ramlab made.
Nolarp I
>ire la
'taraallp aad aeU dlreetlp
iDoenoiUBDrtaeaa of tbaapauat. dead
lor UattotcB a'a. froaP. J. CBENEY A Oo.. Tolado. O.
Bold bp D.ncriiu, 7&C.
Ballb Vaullp PlIU ara tba baat-
t Siato Menvt
5n.\tTtt\. a
ThlnE of Benda.
T* Oar* • uoM In On* Dav.
rake WaniCT'* While Wino of Tar S\ ru
be beat ouugb remedy on rank.
A oare-to oeaaned la tbe Ugbtaar
atlaa at Aagalaa, Oal. Poor miaara are
barUd aad it li faand tbap ara loat
*rba eava-to waa to tba lOC foot laral.
, There must be a
good reason why the coffee
lovers of America buy millions of
pounds of ARBUCKLES' COFFEE in preferto any other kind.
The quality never changes.
Think Of Benda.
T« tan U Srippt ta 24 Imti.
Nor\'D«>d\-equal* WAKKCRfi White
Wont or TAB SVBLT lor thl» toiTihleand fatal dUeaae. If takan Utoruughto and in time, It will cure a cam
to M botue, and fo> tbe coogb that lolIowa La Grippe U perer
to give
•eUeL Price. 85c and 50c.
niinkof Benda*
Tha Mtobigaa Starto Oa U atUl to
tha market for cell aad field ran
bajtag wheat for wblab tbep ara
tbap wUl pap aaaordlag to qnaUtp.
. .
iie-tl 8
toonaaUHatardap aad Mom^ at
( F. M. Palaa’a O-eaa Booaa »tl itf
Think of Benda
Mar Obt ftewan Itilp
aad get tba beat. A lacga abipMit
of toedaa eartattra no aatoBatarAaj
and Maadap at r. M. Pataa'8 «Ma
Bom. 8li Waat Boeadb atraai.
' around the comer, you get 'the same coffee, the same go
' ness, the same value for your money.
You can’1
r deceived if you buy
Roasted Coffee
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packages by people of
■ many years experience and utmost reliability. lt,is not ground
H because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reaching the consumer. It is pot sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
aUse it is better to sell millions of pounds of coffee at
small profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit'
A rotnantlc atorp of tba gold ftalda of
Alaaka developed Tbnradap at Cbleago
Dr. Lnalla Dap. who two peam
ago left for the Klondike, and whoae
death to a anowalid
ad. entered the Am
wma ragiatared bp Edward MoOonnell,
ala» a Kioadlker, at hUJwifa Mra
MeOoanall "atniek It rich” near Daw
aad hto knabaad. who mat and
married bar tfaare, owaa aareral rich
rooetor flgnrad promtoanUp la a
which waa triad to tba Ooaap
Utoad poUoa ooarttba other dapr - Tba
fowl bad baaa atolaa. ao tba plaintiff
ctotmad, and to proof of bia nwartioa
Ever)' package of Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee coobaeaUad it>pBama-"OaorgaDewep.
taias information about many valuable, articles
the rooatar erowad and
flapped lu artoga. aad It waa forthwith
that the consumer is entitled to receive.
InrDodovor to lt*rigblfnl owner.
Ask your grocer for Arbuckles’ Roasted Coffee.
Theodora Baatb, a ponng CMtbcari.
Obl. man. awallowad bU fatoa toaU
while eating hU dinner tba other dap.
Doc’om removed the toelb by opemtlon. bnt Baatb died from eboek.
LI HnogjCbaog baa been appolatod
acting vicerop of Canton. It ia believed
tbit ie prrparatorp
sea wltb tbe Preneh delaada.
Tbe poaeibilitlra of a Kefllr nprUlng
Sor> bob w u Ibr Salt
re juat now coaenming a large abara
Thfoawof-W*. Iloowding
of the Britlfb eabloel’a attenUon.
ttoloBuso, brooirbt ur-oa an allfigid
breach of warranty to a hor*e deal,
Balm te gaining a wide wa* decided In favor of S 'lombo pea
D B. Jobneton of Rich Urday by a jary to Jaatiee Browa'a
mond. lod.. baa been tronbled with eoart.
neat ainceises
that ailment
In apeaking
of it he eapa: "I never fonnd anvthlng
that would relieve me until I n '
• • - •lalnb
Balm. Jt acU like
magic with BM. Mp foot waa awoUen
and patolngjae very macb. bnt one JML a. a BrAwa. ni rrael at.
d appliaatlon of Pain Balm relieved etOt'ND-Aa ariHvntTalar ee plaltnrwat
Pot aale bv S. E. Wait and P. C, f
C* W HOaKoi. WIA». ]u.i hrtorv de-;
nanurroltp m train <>•■>•- ran r-rorer
TBOMPeoE. Onigglata
P^otion Departmentp
New Vork CU>,
N. Y.
The Boston Store
Think ot Benda.
All Day
There will be a rueh
for Xmaa goods
at ourstore—Come and
find out the reason
of our blur days
50c A PAIR
.‘t.CJ’iriSS"’ « » ——
From the Following Specials:
TTOB RAl.E-BullAlar atoa*. Appli M Ferrla
a4*haMpaci, l-fAtalCatrvet
Our $22.00 Kuppenbeimer best suitor 010 flfl
overcoat for....................................... wlOtUU
Oi n^largp atraai.
«l lf
rXlRLWANTCD-.M Orawa Hotel, aa weeIKBBALB-Oae new Aral Orada Oraphaf
rbaeeaBdaaUiiandOiwMaDdoIln aad
Wb. Wlaaat. (Df Valea airaav
*l» tl
TOR REirr-Wrea room bonae. I'oraar
EJerealbaod 1'BlfMiB-npat. Ba^utre at
BE Wwt Ekercalb atreet
TtsoUiml Sho. Hu
Our $15.00 Kappeobeimer best snit or 0 IQ All
overcoat for....................................... V I 4 a U U
Our $1200 Kuppenbeimer best snit or 0 I A Afl
overcoat for.......................^............. W I U*UU
Ad eoai made b, Btraw * ElUwartb. Hll
waakaa. nia aawe la aa coat. WUl wboaver
baa coat plaaaa rwinra loB. J. Morwaa. nH-tl
mEUITT-Sreow booaa. Good locatiaa. |
Baqutre Ova) Wood DIabOa.
XU-U !
TpOK BALE-Oood bouaa ata^ aew. two kata..
ebaap. Eaauira Oval Wood Dtab Oa 1
m-tf. 1
m any Pa-rkle * Croiaar.
aiMf j
You well know onr prices are of a standard val
ue. and not ficticious. The reductions are genuine
and jour investment is a matter of economy in deal
ing with ns.'
■. B.
08MT- 1
OB tbo ontire oboo otpok for todiy only,
Our $18.00 Kuppenbeimer best suit or 0 I C fl fl
overcoat for................................ ^
ry>Wa-Tbrea aoad eowa lor aalv. all dr>aw
V___wUk. B. J.llergaa.
QTRAW WAWTEn-Twaaijr toat of ateaw
0 waniod iBaedlatati- B. J. Hvraa kId-U
P’«n5i!is?L.s- trr^ i
A Special Sale . . .
Make Yourself
a Christmas Present
abep. Mtlaal ElFbUi .irvel AwFOlne
tolvavarlu BoaDlre at abep V. A. I^lti.
Bteward, Itr Eaat math atrwet.
Tour ohoioe la oar Meo^ Vrlvot SUppors
iss Vront SL
Whether you buy^
of a big coffee dealer or at a little grocery Stc
TTTAlTPaD-FourwUrhro-a EiKinlreofC.
OnWodnaadap *M >qnara mUea of
F. Bunier. HaattUM rintbiac On.'a :
---------------------------timber llmito to Ontario oaraaoUat ^I^eer e« Aeku e( Em «Mirwnlea efier lEto
faraa. Aapamgna. a flee aaaortment T7OK AALB -Good elebl reaw huuae nearlj [
Tareato tor gnt mb There ware no
0w> H«b«
ne« OB Eaat Elchth atreel EnqtilTv J.
^traMivedatP. M. Paiaa'a Oman r
LOe block
OK tt <
fi marl ran bopan baeaeaa of tba regnBonae.
tatlea raqalring toga to to aawad to
win rrat cbMp. Baqnlte J * Blrdaall
Oatarie. Tba IleaMea ara good for
A Soon, dear Brain.
Tear toat taeUaga, poar aoelal pbalUoB or boatoaaa aaeeaaa depend largalp
parfaet action of poor Bioibm
na«.Uw: Dr. Klag'a.IUw Ufa PUU
* •
to. a keen, elaar
A 8S oaat boE
Bold bp Jaa.
Wait, drnggiai
The reason is found in
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent good- '
aiii-sr ■" ““
s j-
TTTANTBt)—Two wvoC caltara. Mcwaia a'
W card tor I* lack wood Boardtt par waak. 1
Wagea aaary Batarday alcBt. J. O. Jaaaea. 1
VASTXRII MOMEY^loaaalApareatdaa!
■sassuw.z. as
look well at out 16.00, IT.SO anO VI 0.00
Slits, Otforcoats Old ttlstera.
A judicious comparison and yoa will decide in
our favor.
What is a more substantial and appropriate
present than a child's snit, reefer or mannish box
coat for yonr boy. Here you can find them from 7Sc
up to SS.00.
We guarantee a substantial saving on your pur*
eba^ when made of ns.
The Boston Store,
s5,>Ma»swT»rii'. ,■(
T IBlHvairCVa BB3jttD75iTlTttDAT, DEOBHBBB. i.8. 18e9.-FABT TWO
l.fHlI.R ChrlPtin*J> In. of rour»A | •UrllHllM Of IhHr or»irtn«l kimIo «Ba
YV ■UI1 primarily ihuucbl of mm (hc by an dolnc eventually drtbrone tbem
** birthday of Chrlal, eome t>f Hhe I from popular favor. Ho Ute pHmtllve
■Mdera mrCboda of celebrallna the day , alanIBvancv of Odin wa» loat. But
W not atrietly Uiooe of Ute tend and < imagine Ibe peraon of tbla *od aa he
ceaninaa in which Ha lived. Tbeaa apfwaiad to the Teuitm akald « old!
BClboda are rather aa ouurowib of the He la deacnbed aa aa bid »a» wlU a
caetoma and traditlona of the U»ny>
kalred northern raeea of Europe. thcHM
^road bn IB mod bat la preaaed down l of the early TeuCona and did net coma
over tala «>e«. Oa ibe al(ht before from ellber the aoutb or the eaat, beCbrlatmaa he ridea about ovei' the^ cauae no encta cualom or emblem waa
land. Thefe you aie! Odin and etir ever known In tboae-parta «f the wot Id.
Baata CUi4 are one and the aame per* The flrat Chrlaintaa tree. In fact.
a medium
To the I
without end. but few Indeed are aacta
contrivancea wbicb have really abown any abllliy to anar oO Itato the clotida.
The accomnanvlaa llluatratiun. however, ahowa Pllcher'a cUdlnc macblna
before ttad
com paralUve Buccem dsrinc eaperlmenta carried
ly death of Ha Inventor. The principle
iciple of the clldlnc
Clldlnc n
macblne-a AKfel
wtncB of the
contrival .
that that the wln*B
la that of (hr aeroplane,
the Idea belnf
he operator, autpended
would keep Iti body, locelher with tew •l*hl of■ the_operator.
re bad a ruffleleot velocity In a foe*
the preaaure of the air ao Ion* aa ije wln*»
ward direction.
Plli: "■* '
a^^ralhfully on the ic y f«e aho bad fol*
lowed him. dru\e tbr uaurper bach to
tala palart i.f l.-e. Then the daya grew
tracer and the nt«hla ataorler. and beat
and warmth returned to thr earth, and
ttae Am prcmoniiiona pf the dtataat
aprtnca Bfilled the earth. It waa no wen*
of the north then crew lichi heaned
and rejoiced.
Ttala a-later aolallce waa auppeaed to
take place about the ttth of DM-embM. lone white beard and a vlcocraa frame., Ctartetmaa tree, tacpiendent with tta
bad flam the orenlnc of the 24th day of A dark ctoak beapancled with cold colon and eandlea It U nothin* more
pecamber to ttae 4th day of January aiare hanet over tala ataooldar, and a | «r laae than a reUa at ttae ana worablp
Mtendod the period known of aa
Twalvo Kicbta. durlnc which the
etaanc* in the aodlac war celebrated
with all manner of featlval and merry*
—..--------- .A odd and vreteeque
Creatlona and camea many of whicb
. have come down to ua tbou^ atranye*
ly aitered.
Jt war durlnc the Twelve NIchIa that '
ttao Bplrlt Hunter rode threucb the air.
wakenlnc all ttae life alumbertnc In
aature by hit made ctorra tone. Odin,
aa tba Bpiril Hunter. It the moei an*
ctant conception of ttala deny amoac
ttao dUferenc Teutonic trlbea and la
nrw—to all of them. In w-d«THI
Om Wild Hunt maaycentuHea later waa
1 Heriettainc. and tba
______ Je for all Ume ra ttae wlnda
Mow. It waa a ooaaa
Bianra tba aarty ChitaUaa
wtaan ttaay found the b
a taaacaicy tba ■
Tommy—Hey. kir. Santa Claua are you coin back to tbe north polaf
Santa Claua tallaa Philip Ooodboy)-Tf-y.yew. my imie man.
you'd let my.^ caii-fa vn tu ydur alelcb. BcB •
11 never cet there If you don't take bim.
One of ttae aecrMa of Great Brltaia’a auceeee aa a eokmlaln* power to her
prtaelple of alwaye takinc tbe native bom, after hJa termory baa been ay
baaed, and coBvertlng tatm Into a ActaUn* maetalne tor the protcetkm and
patrolUn* of bU own land. Tba aoeonpanyinc tiluatreUon. for Inatance,
abowa ttae Matabale peUee force at Bttlawaye. a body of weU drtUad aoMlara.
drawn antirely from tba naUra popaUUoa. Tbeae men net only police Mautaaleland darln* Umae of peace, taut tons a reaarve ewd to ba callad oa whan
tba bo*......................... ...........................-*^--
of benevolence to ttae younc. but an
•zpreealoB of adoration for that creat
cod of the Norttamen. ttae eun.
Tbe revival of tbe miniature emae
baa broucht Into prominence many old
and Inlereetlnc apeclmena of thla del*
■cate handiwork, of which a number
are owned by wealthy Americana One
of the
vatoable and at
the tame lima
-unique minia*
lurea owned in
America U an
old one of
Queen Anne of
Encland. Ibe
property of a
collector In
New Tork. Al*
thoucb tbe
work oa thla
partralt U not
00 delKau aa that of tbe oaual tnlnla*
tore of ttae period, tbe Uttle Ubiet baa
munerotta blatorieal aaaocUUoH that
Ctve It a value of ita eem. Tba Aar*
actar at tbe amaU palntmc may he
raallMd from tba aooaapanylac IHae-
In that
cTwtaat of I
play an ever crcaier and
............ .
due hie trenebea with a apade Myonct. and tedloua ara dUAcult work It
In up to date warfare all thie U etaancad, for hereafter prorreaalve
wUl aae tbe ateaa trench ihafcer. a picture of which la abown la tbai
------- ■— .....
■ — Tbb buce ataam plow tor cnitlnc trenAw ww
e BHo: •
ed by Coleael Templar a( tbe
» and- -la -beta*
made oee eC M
larsB ttbcUon aaslM and caa tarm m MV«al Mttaa «( tt
■ ha VMT a
m m UML
Hlkw W »«MI HkABtr. or »br lawu
Ok. tr ito
tm make him
ftovbM WM •» klad, M ptevaut m
1. Hut r. Bum.
rdl H fn. » Uc. ~ wn^U.: ■!>
*1fi tmt my toctr mM So«bc« vm m taad •( kirn.
Van rntf lack] Kmr
Bai oo tlw otbor kud. ko «u ao
taov H la (an. ira aiwaTi hut oa.' kraaolata. ao aaaQf dlaaatlrtad *1U>
*Wtat It yaar laekr aakad MclltH thtaca abeat kts. 1( ha did aot at«|>
PM. ta whoa tbia vauk vm ad prmy aooa aad lar« a«aai« raoad
iraaaad. VI'M da yaa aaaa ky lack, aad try ta aOck ta aag>nhla». b.
aay vayr
,''Vaald cnna ic be Jaai aothlac at aU.
nrhy. iaai vkat t aay.- raipiadeil! Be woaid be )an Ilka kla (alkar. aid
Paafaia. hit ckta a Mde haa ta ibr
•Ir tkaa n hod baaa dartv hit iw
MaNoH ceold bo* bear the prtek af
ipaaek. The eiiap. latMUeat way U Ibkl tkaaskt
Ube apraaf op aad
VhM MmaM bad apakiw war dm walkad oa (mat aotl) ibe (at lao the
VtCkaat Hi ladaeaca. Her ealee waa •T'tlkrd. 8be panaed ta wipe away aU
■laaaait. bar apwUe waa pttaaaal; yK.
•( ker mmn before aka west K>
feay ande kla (ael that aka Maai a Bw Mltle path, half hlddea la the uU
food d«L
, Craaa. op la the back doar. Poor girlt
«l waa—why. I aaaa jn« thla**-*** *^^*^ ** *** *^ ^*'Beabea that
______ _
_ ______
_____ ___
a wa* cryiay. baraoae bo waa letUac
olace the dm dM aot aeon to WtaafU dowa becaoae be waa
a be Blcbl hare beeu.
BDch- **1 waa (tet. whataooM at
of iv
It. too,
toa waa
for nar
bar owo
laa aaen la eo ***' aaow
wa* uw
•vor 1 try to da (hlofa
VWpla Par IW Wrrk •a«t>ada« Daa
»« coMwot hr wrr. a. ■. laaria
T«*«.-C«r r«nl
I. lOi ■. a
U CMttaoi M«<air.>
The Utaat aad parpoae <d the hook
0( Behrawa are to potat eat Iba nlatioa betwaea the Old Tmtaiiwit dteptMaUMi and the Hew aad to thaw the
aapcriarlty of ^ Ktw oeer the Old.
Thla k done by prortaf the aaperiority
of Chrlat. the niakter of the Now diepenaatioA. orer the ttinktefa of the
CNd—aagek. Uoaca Aanw aad tba
Aareaic prlMthood la thU drat chapt« the writer annies the aapwiorlty of
Chriet orer anKrk Hli mpeelonty ia
abawa to tie ia the (act IhaL while tba
■Bicelt of God are mlaliteiias epirita or
attcodaat woreUpenat the Soe'e adreal. Chiin k aemiated with Oed la
lajeny. a abarer oT Hi* ee«rtaitlB(
tbroDa TbaaapakaraaerraaU Cbrkt
, cw«
I bora KiB(.
M'uiUllo. M 0» wit. .f U> «1U,. ;
(*«a la klantt. ta
< b. radm a Ub.’______ _
bat ba did oat w hit way
iPWWda naklaf ft aay batter.
Ba ataod rather awkwardly bnofa
^ yat BPeb tbdlaad ta bald hia
•ne acalaat bk a watt heart.
*What bare yaa ban tryla# U daP'
IMlaoa weM aet. with tba Ban ea-
ZTh^ ^ by blnh'tTrbirSrwiw'SlU'
> of
^ ^
JL ^
It waa nartlr
fA tKaa* WiHt hKu WHHit* t.fit riLjj
bo^.B»cbI-for her wT^e^blcb waa ko
( blB
No; abe nan put
r foidad orer each other. “Wrll. It aa the aalld foaUay of raa«>a aoci
i" tealaace.
ddw. 1 oBrtad tbk atora
If tbaaa peerallixl
to# ta («( aa that aereD-thiny train
bepa that Beubea Bight
far New Tart. IWre'a the wblatk,
, .
worth krlag aad nur
aad hata-B I. a (aad half aUlr sway."
•ImUkr aald MaUaaa. “I WoMo-t prrftapa .ft *
Alak tact
lack aaa
had Bara
Bueb to aa
da wxa
wftb that
' _v b, ,
m V!*iTr
aay. or badr*
a ill
i« ^
w «... k
i beralaea
m. >...
- - oartiar,■' ■■P*
.... >
•* faat.r-beia she atoppad. and Baa”aner’'nr 8be BewH tTbe“a
brrMna: but na aoffeiad Juallika any
1 ho«r aat Mapped la aaa you. *tber waenan.
Aat la." Bieepoaad Baobea. eager in
gha aiMe B nalaalaaMr and ahnt bar
drat adraatagr which br ha<l
m her awa roaiB “fthe bad a
MU abta ta get la tba wbala canre- haadaeba." and that waa the Ism of
—her far that dar. The alrbt waa lone
^naoahaalda'l Meaatapped fer ear and alaeplan. Next Baralng ahe eamv
totag." rmrtad toeilaaa. arrerely.
_ I train ihta meniing. yaa ahonlil
haro bean there wttbeai any regard
iaiaythli«elae. Did tor. Trarla
rarla aend
PW ta bay gBodar
*Va. aa: I'm going ah other
«ther bail
•aaa. race ta. UMian." b«I aald.
aald. ea
^Taring to pat n aa air of anperior
•tr. In that aspiring, tneffectaal (
in which waa aa...
cMiacterlatlr of
Mb aat
Bather, *>au
-Mt n> down
atare befon^ and
If tboae thlnga camv
ymiafday: apireaaa'ihlaga. yaa know.
•,.* » cook with the tm thing
_ foteaoom"
^ 'nn’t "gar falierad MaUaaa. *T
•evar alept at all aad I hare each a
headaobe. 1 don't bellere 1 eanr
Bhe dhlrerrd at the rery tbooght,
Ood. who k KUif of kiag* aad Urd of
^ Aocaetry. aad aot nrToaadio«e
' -i Wrtb. makee royalty Tba child of a
matlerwhat-----“*"* "
be the octward
trappla*. woaid make the child of aay
On a bicycle will deliver purchases on or before
Christmas, to any part of the city.
All who love the beautiful make holiday pur
chases of
Ciay alB apoa a throm
Bk throne k the throae of Ood. It ia
■■ rrwUating throat •Tby throae. O
God-focerwandrrw - It Uathrooa
ter of Thy kiBRdom '
■■ Chrlit a* a Riag poWMBca a k
He k not a King witboat a k
a King with one of nnirt
■P*'^ -Wngdoin k an erarlaatlnjc kingdom It
k a omreri*l kingdom Be rrlgnaln
hearen and npun earth "God bath
^‘kWy eulted Him and given H‘m a
**’■* *• a^* ««fy Bant*, that at
Dame of Jeana every kn«« ebuold
'‘Wag* in heeren and ihtng* in
. earth and tbingi nader the earth, and
' that rrery loagna 'abuald confem that
i» Chriat ii Lord, to the glory of the
' Pali** " >» tbU kingdom fhriat exer^***
praugatlrea He rolet. He
rewarde and pnnUhee. and
gu»«n»a Be rewardi
*“• aheolnie control of the Uvea and,
. dmlnlea of Hi. aobi*«te
< <Arta* »• *wt only o«r King, bet
«•» brother. o«r royal
' htother • C’hriM (waa falihfnl) aa a
| hunovar Hi* own booaa. of wboae bonaa
124 Front Street
Mellan held her weU-aba|>e.t. nya Juat a^ Mr. Trarla which maw and the re>oriDg of
•afiy raandrd cbla ailgbtly iarUn.-; »,’* the heat"
We mar
ffT*T*r* T“
«ha stood aiUl for a mameBt: threi
0»e boa.'bold
rmttrrd af a country atore.
Ton Ue took down her bar and weal out. hrethm. "heir* of God aad joint heira
get ahead any; drudge all yom onc* on her wav. shf walked with, with OiriM if»ol».tbatweimfferwiUi
>eaily all n medusa ami preerriistir ua in general om- Kimph give
Mfe. and nerer gel anywhere. Noe feverUh haite.
U would soon be «•«»- that we may bo alau glorified tot.-niporarv relief. In acut. ai< kii. wt tla-y often mask the Mniptcnii
^ew Tm* Jnet aee what lock a fei ,„r bow. The SrM gUnce bebind tb. «viher '
evUcoeaBftha People to Badoraa and may aurpeed i bid. r*-dpcc fev. r. contrcl nr-voua diaturUnccs, argeU IDIO aometlmee. Look at all coonier would leU Jbe story for her. • Hnih a reUtlomihlp to Oirirt la woeEvery CUim Mads (or
; rt^t abnormal aci retioDB and exenstiona, and int dify the iwrvcrtrd
rich aid Chapa who went there
Oh. sight of Joy! There atnod Beti thy of oar b»t
aad onrdiigb«t
ibc lateni tilal foroea
ba conMry without a doUa> bra. In bt* blue preralk.1. bVuUy
o|ieii ■iubiti««a and iu anch a relation to a Hr rMAC^’TkiivrrMcajT
Or. CnA5E S OllVTiVlENT " hm »bc leecnc stock of t-ntrgy Lae let nd’awn uikid tinltl ixliauat**“ **
*“* •
Bolaaae. aad drawint: King we,ah..pM keep Hi. name and Hia
etl there is little hope of ncovert. Often tbeor .very r. untlies tkem.
off two gallons for old NIm HymoniU. buoM onrulhed and nntamiahed I<et
the Oady OoaraateBd Cura' lor
aelvea tend to Weaken
the retuj>,
recujH lalive
lative powi
poa fa.
' copedallv ahcsi given
aken ihe
Pp wut Rroha Pbln. higher and wbo ttond'by. with a Khaktr on. in ”• I* worthy in tbongbt. word and
in maaaive doa> a. Jn
In chronic
chn>nic <ita.ua.a
dia, na>a tbia |.*l alive eiatlm of tempotolfher, as be fdt hlraaelf llfiod ujuin teatly lnat>e. ilng the opersiloa
de.d of the confideuce and lure of our
rary io'pro
9t bis own elMiDrac* and am
The .ml,ten relief wa. too much for f«>Hl brulher
rovenicni ia fr«<]nenil} a dianial fa
,wili tell yoi
^ ^ .
her. Nhe felt aa If .be abuuM hare to
Bitle EeaOinga—Gen Hi. 13; !»a
that he haairi
laatri d a^vrai
aev.-ral |,iijai<ianB
•u tint
and lem.di.a,* They
“?'* '?" haren i.- ,it down on the at.-u of the More.
K: xl I-UI: Z«-b ix. 0; Math
E.». d.io o,.d. ,o. n,
"L'T ’’■'■“'I'""'')' li'lii-'. Wl.ilr Ii'- -IU. uikioc ih. m, didn„'h;
MU UMIaaa. with that borrlhle. n- Pbe put her tiaihl on 5fce of ibe woo«l *»>- I'll- Lake i. S«3.t. ii. 1-81);
iBfttlaao direcIBew of qweeb which al m pillar* which suppled ihe pUcu J”hn Hi. Id. xriU. 88 «t«. 1 Tim vi Ointnient i* besHilv endorsed by »w*»t‘T. J ut after they weie atopp. d be aaa no In-tUr. bot
tbonaandi of cured men sad women
Worse tbuii before,
'"®‘*** '■
«® auwdy heiwelf.
Bvcryihlng wa* 1» ««: Her xr. 1-8; xvii. M
who write moil gratefully of the won«
"they bad what noma folk. swaying a)»ut her eye*; »M Ja.-oi.
*-------------------------dcrial curative propert
•opertica of this great M
Ml ntIckatirroMa. and yea bareu't: rarkln*. in the tilled lack chair by !
*he %>ll aaa Been Lltved.
I raaady.
If me deaino to uDdimiaud the Ufa
To say that Dr. Chase'* Ointment it
Ihe mMy. KrMeaa *iove. was datn-iiiB
”Npw took bm. bold aa. Mciiakar up and down, and the hollows and of the Itert character, be ninel trace it “ ab*oloie cure for blind, itebing.
(Mad Rrvhtn. ImBenariy aggriered ridgra of the uneven goer kept corn
iway from ih.- Kytwt citim. cruming hlanling or protruding pile* U bnt to
■Bara art yon aad 1. that bar. been lag up
the soores of i
np to Beet her llkr the deck of a UHOotonou. pUiuk^ntil be ranrn to f"“
Vhat you Bay call conning ibeae two ship.
t..melanelv*;.d am.mg tb.cvcrU.ting
t. A CroMman. who repretent* !
and tbi* i* ibr way you utk
Mr. Travis came down frvwn hi*
It 1. there he will tind the spring
Vo.Uurvh.nd Wl ting. Bnflalo. I
wme. ■ ' I ma* troubled with pro- !
. and asylni that a* di.Ta. be will i
after what
iu-bing pile* for ten year*, and
J” “
be didn't'aupiaii^ f'-'-'en the umn lHdtev<w. b..p.». Wurt. in^ .7l knuwn%ra'edi«
Hi.a adopted from all the rvhorlv of Midi, ine and MciI.rTir t U *r
to try and be soaiebody. and get abe wouM want to disturb bkmt
*nd rcMK.n. N» doubt the atnwui will ndt even rel.ri. Before u>ing alt of onc «i, ideal Kvaictw w l.i.d, U v,.t 1>.1I «•*
^ ano Melhoda .if Hebliii]
G. H. SNOW, M. D.
MNisaa * owT» biwn wa. aore: but
Me dared not give way to weakne.
■aw. Bbe felt that tbe qrlttcai m..
•«M bad come for both of lb««n. ii
•anben siowly, •>rhap*
*T'ffi trying to lake a vommon
.alaw of It." relumed ktellsaa.
fcUly choking down a rislag
•OoBinon aenae u ibeaureat thing i,
Mpend on in tbl* world. Ton bare
food place here, neulwa and yon wj!
■at lose H. nnle*. you loae it by yoe
town fauH.
klr. Travi* baa a good
tomda. and be U growing eld an<t g,«teg Urod of Ibe buaInrM. - Tou mlgli
|ut a* wall barn ft aa anytiody. B,i
Bbn-la tbece that you know In Net.
TarkT Where could yon gn a placeBo yon know anyiblng aboot tbe wav
paople do tblngn ibereT'
■ -I auppeae I'b not aucb a foM bm
«kat I could laurw.* aald lUnbea. win
toBtb digbiiy.
Be lifted bla bat; be turned awaj
Mallaaa-* bean fell like lead wltbi.
ftar bmaat
Bo, .0. bad Amw be
iuty; abe had delleerM) b*r anal. Tb.
toana lay in the bands of Providence
Bba wa* a devout hellerar la ProvI
Aaoce: abe traaiod that “Provideiv.v
would oTMTUIa everything far good."
torn in aplie of all her faftb. a b<wrtb|.
unlH-lief kept blaUng. *'Bai anp
^ Reub abould b. let 1. go, af.e.
V aat
Bba wna very Btaenbla .aa abe
tbay did not apeak; to My the Iruut
ahe'eouM not.
li was at) that abe conM Aoto walk
ateadlly along tbe road, and answer
tbe Ignorant. UMvmwloaa people wh"
bddreaard her. They did n« know
that anvtklng had bai^ned.
did SM dream that ahe had Uvod her
" threngb Binre yesterday morn
i lu. and to the Very
.b itw.meof ll.e tn
r.-ut hvt* nave Uiiwtiy
•" gun »n
— ....... >................... —tUcvcflw
fl WB> lilted. r.'ViialiuK the
wliich arenniH*<-uand rtcruiil
wuil na>
ha> ihvu
Ihvu lift>d
mn-a Aud
nud the
tbe uum
uum ha*
-vn j..n .wn trust tU.l .. h.. future
life nothimj cjiu diT.viurage liiat lonn
a^Hin. for nutiiiug can ..vro.iiie him
whobasunce *r<-uU..d —Ian MacUrm
given n? everything In'^irSl e"ve^ ' It 1* gratifying to uoU that ao many
ahe wanted; but now here It waa aU ‘*urcl»o. are ..|»-n audcar.ful^woriin.in
before her again, to do just aa abe ' iimde/tv Bixvj.uble i^vachiug. Imt ho
pleased with II.
: vund this there i* neetl of past.aw) pro
And thfve waa Reuben. lack again' vision ftv the Hick and the affiicted. and
tb bla place. wHh fau blue overalls on. ;
through tou general ao
JtiM aa If BAihlng had happened. It j caodu* id |M,»u»a -d w..nld be a dwir
Waa nothing to the real of the worid. 1 »Wo innovati..a could wjuje agreement
but it
„ made aiiiung pastor* hi alternate in
great deal to thcB.
„» hs«.t
iTil-li-—-------- plrM Ih A*" W
ment,docents a Inii tf^n^dealer*, °w
Or. A. tV. Chaw Me<iiciDe Co Buffalo
N. V.
—. .
We will have on rxHb'iion at S
i Ifinrn nnAG
"''lIlfiK SKUA
“That won't An.- nalA tbe bereaved I
“kase they don't uae cob
TWa (i.e itf U* ewi.] iw
jm i«i%
aa* tht M wUt
b..* w
MW. Take anolber whir] at ILTba poet squared tala Jaws and |
Br* lees.
lessif row Uk Hli] tM,
tally produced tba toUkwlng:
1. r»a MBHM as«t '
n»s* Mia. SMI • aver »l bf*iu «U1 Mv
t,. *,
whb fan and bnifw
tMr MB Is na v«r* Md 4m4.
It Ibe
* gas
of Ufe.a rtlW vtD a* paid la kM,
, Wl Death blowoA out
-AtBMn Con
Tbome-Bcribblat Med to coll blBaelf a Jonmallai. bat now ha aay» ba >*
a new*|>aper
. .
' , Braold*^ Well ba'a got • Job bow.
Kaw Tork JonraaL
Ols. aH7 aad wov.
Te* *t;l fsikri. I.
tW trstisrsd Wi-k ti
-M4 I
Coisultatitn Free.
OfBea In Hamfltcn
V.,i. will e*.aH.«
Teetli Fitrected For 25c
Cbm Street BntTftllC*
Sim Stwe. Indii,
lassij Ik IriMsIij iniHa
<i*< Il Bigai .1 lmc
Gm Oei>«rator”
A farBer who bad loot a non la tbe Istera in Brooklyn who an at home and
war. em^oyed Ue .viUago poet to r«uly to re.j.md to calls for pastoral
1111 ia the lalaat oo tbe Barket.
writ# an obituary, which ran aa fo1 aervicea Tni. ia well and. whether
fully adeiinate to tbe demand <« not. Is
aaiepintbengbldirei.TioB.-OmBtUo tlOMES-BENTY Acctylanc GnsCo
«|u (M- hi*
A. B.Somora, Agt.
a*d ■ MkOs ihsi u tvsM
vtil swW; tM
•V farther. Tbe NOT. began to nil
Mirk^nd fast into the gny eyea. All
«be Cn wa* goM out of tbea now.
WouM Reuben ge^ or woaid be not?
Tbat was tb* only thing wOJeft made
any dlatloct Unpre^oa upaa bar Bind.'
i.at qoeaHoa
,jC» that
bong brv wboW fu
•nn. Hhe h.
had ael her foot down, and
^ BBM b« Urn. Loag 4
cure, nnp'rai.ciro In tbe history of HiHKc no mistake ID pliiciOK yonr cbae in hia «re
n.cdtci»» ft
• n/w.ii.. »....
For a Giiristmas Gift
What is prettier or more appropriate than
aa article of Jewelrr frt m oar assortment.
The tame'old prices prevail—as”iow; aa ever. Very £ae
Solid Gold Ringa. Watches, clocks, Silveiware, Opti
cal Goods, Pins, Opera Glaatea.
AUwenatkirMasgaMibtograd*. PtatiM
verb a »reclab|.
toewOSee VerkbaB Bioek.
New Goods and New Fiztnrea
la mj store
Fire Insurance.
11. A. BoDdlB..
... .217 Front Street. ■
locENTRic um Minom.,'
A New Tort bnalaeaa man. known \
. . na.. .J.v I—
>h« Kaa-ai Hrw
*------------DMlk aiTM aw mMU laa aaai *"*
1“*,™ "I*
aa Iba
>ia la
la tho
tba RaalnB
Baalaa mn- ^wwiMaw.
far aw jaaa> laawiat u laalaa Ua
,airh It a plajhaiiaa Tlla aiai
U#» aabltloA.
| |« (he proofl parent of a aon ■ w«H
I Barrie Sima, af Cbkaca. aav aa
rtm w»>»f»ua
aww—«■< or tav okL and U toch a BoaionUn. al
Men la a aevapaper ibrae |raara aca
Wim^ m
j ibonsfa a New Torker, that be already SSrtOui ^
a IVanaei^ Wa*~ aab
' baa becvB to eatlmate the lad'a *x- aieetOBtPuihparB............
Bow I
I b «•
te Dm effect that a BiDrfa-needed la.
peaaaa al llarrard. Bat theMOaon he Ploar a L. ACb-lMt .......
(be OwM
eeatiM «a* an earetope which eoald
Plaeaa of worablp hare alwaya baea
amllea at Bteniloa of the nuaeun be PyaPlour.B IwAOmP ak..
betox deatroyed.'
•iToHta bnlldinc plaeea (or birda. b«i
I teUa
Maul. H I. AOe Brnt .......
WW RFFW-' —— w«—™ -------- --------------- ---------M la aot often that a Beat ta fonDd la
t cleecr mall tblera*. At that word dlfllcnlt-not exceedingly! **t pmpoaed to my wife In the Boaton rt«a, B. L.« oo. BWt .......
• pew, aaji the (.imkIuo Ball One
diaeult. bnl iuai dlOleull. nothing muaeum. It waa at one of Hoelu«
QTbe Urgent line of amataar pho
•aatey. howerer. when the (anlly of
Ttte playt Oh.
tograph gooda ever ahowa hi Tra?Vjrfcesaa Boacrare were euterinf
to add to that-Juat dlfflcnll-to reIbair pew at Thame Part chape), Oiapoad properly. In tba right phraacolThen, Iniereated. yon atk: *^d you
erne Citj-.
lUre, they foaad a half-made rob,0C7. when compHmenta
___ , _
. are paid " propoae between the acta or while the
A rompleU line «l EMtunUi
la'a WM oa Iba booklcdce between a
ate, but It la more than dlfflcnlt when ptey wat oar
rate par ba (now.).......,
iyaa book and a prayer book. They
tba eotnpUmaau ara paid to a better
Utinklng you an not well potted Cunpwkn.. old..
dortdod to retire to another aeal in
than 1-aty wlfa. And while 1 am not about .propoaate, be repUea exidlritly
Botntoaa. nor ba................
'aeer of the
I'hy. a*U the aftern^ between the Salt per hr:.........................
1 10
here to testify agalnat myaelf — 1 can'
1 by the fUlowinc Sunday tba beat
' he oxpected to do ao: a prteoaer tn ' aru and the whole time. We hare the Brunpmioe........................
jnu net only ftaiabed, but flee ecn
. with the Boekwhaut flour p« bW.
your own country la not admitted to ' programme at home
r It. I had
do oo-aa to which niemlwr of the fam- messagea wa wrote all
hatf t**n Uid In It
nvTUta as Tutor Ti
I>iii1a« the whole of the next Snageneral that really I wrote the booka \ to come to New
iay*a acrrlee the nbla aat In ibe a<-at,
Wheat. oU.i
myaelf. My wife putetbe (acta la and I waated to make ereryttalag anr* i
aad K waa Babneqneatly found that
Wheuii perbr (aewi..
Onto,-------they make It reupecuble. la Mr. Croa. J (ore 1 left towa."-New York Press,
Ko. 1,--par ba. (n«<
tour yonnc onea bad been hati-fard. Pur
Cora, per be
amlth'a remarks there wat a rtbite!
two or three Cuadaya afterward the at
•omMhlag auggaatlug
my (aeorlta
_ _
‘•'Jf “■
tentlee taoi her could be a
I flyinc la
Bye. pee bi .
•arrtee conreylng food for ber offBnekwhoat..
mlrul morals and practical morate. I when :»ui hare a cold In the head?
Dor1(iC-Weli madam. I aneexe matt gUer^ pei^ B
try to lastlU practical morala la tba
Tbo extraordlaary Bltna|toni In
place o( tbnairical - I mcaa theoretl- ^ of the tlme.-TIU BIU.
Vfcirt araia are occaalonally diocerApplea-CuUe and wlndtaUa. Me par
cal. Bnt as an addendum - an annex,
arad almoat c>re one the
A r»Ksk essMiM T
aometblng added to ibeoreiiral monite.
Potatoea. enlte, (Mtehlgun fftarek
-lhal birda mnai be endowed with a
When your chairman aald It was the ' There Is one liiMancc o( a woman On.,)aeeordli<g'oq«All-y. It-ite. .
•raae ef bnaior. For Inalance. when a
C«ll and fibe obr line—our pricrt.
hrkt lime he had erer taken the chair Aghiing on Imard an Kuglllk man-ofbird eelecta a acarrcrow wbareon to
Radd Dear for Bto X.eg.
he did not mean that he had not Uken war. she was the wife of a gunner
build a habitation and a home ^ really
ar« right.
of other iblngt. He aitcnded my on .vduilral IbKlnej-'a flagship doiini t B. D. Blanton of Thaekrieilln. Tea..
aaeati to be poking foa at Ibe farmer
doewiwT aa ToaM to onca.
Brat Ie<-iure and look note*. Tbte la- the «ac.l>etween Rugtend and Prance. '
gr gardener who hat reaonrd to ihia
I When Ibslney had t-emmand of the ton to run n Bnnoing Sore on b a leg
4ertca to frlcbiea off the winged rur- that time be waa 17 years old and em dlcattd the man'a dte|KislUon.
’Tbeuretltal morala are the aori yon channel fle.-i. and she followed the Then they wanted to ent It ^ff. bnt he
ployed BB an attendant In the publlv
ggera of tala rropa.
enrod It with one box of Bucklen'a
It aiffower ahew he'd at WbliaUble. llbrary. He toiled during his apare get on your mother't knee. In good boat>. hurlng the height of an en- Arnlen Snlee Onnnnteed cnee
ir» ifor
ron&ftUar Block.
books. and from the pulpit.
You gagemetit IbHiney. to hla Immeuie PilM. m a box Bold be Jaa.
Kaat. teat year an exhibit wbich atgather iheiu In your head and not In etirpi>Se. saw a woman serving one of Johaaon and 8. B. Wait. dmgglxU.
tiurted a great deal of attention arua a
Bcareerow from a :geld of growing
paua. la ibe head uf which a eery con- rery thin aleel. One barbed strip tits practits-. Without Ibe asalaiance of In the lieat of the flgbl theadmiral Why net
Bny aometblng In the mule line for
■ ffdtng bird baa eonaimcted Ita noRt Into another Inalde Ibe euvekqte. et- pmcilce to |iruie«-t them It Is dltllcult oeerlookedthebn-at-b uf dlnc-lpliue and
don't let the woman <-uuiluue. When the
a CbrUtmu preeeni. Ptenoa, organs.
Bot a atUl more curtona kind of arare- fectuatly preTenilBg opening wliboui to teach a child, 'be honest,
An exprem
comimny ateair I w 111 teach you bow it should flght waa won Hoducy asked the womcrow which had been mtllicd for the destroying.
adopi the device prorlding be dune, h-ad yon Into leuiptailon.
popular sheet mule, n oenU a copy. A good tien) can bo bought with w
«me pnrpooe waa prearnted in the
« for XS eenta. for ten Caye only. W dollar and a half if yoo get into
teach you how to aleal, ao that yon
. , “
Cheater, a abort a i*ateni waa aecured and arrange
"Klghllng the Kn-n.h." ahe
KimhaU Co.. X. E. Strong, maxmenta made to manufacture the en- may recugidse when you hare atolen ..j^
Bme aflerurard. A gamekeeper
By liiislmud Is wounded and dos
. '8t*-St •
and feel the proja-r panga
the .-o. kpli. ». I Us.k hU place. Do you
Cardea Part eauie In that county one »elo(ic.
- long
first tUue
time II ever
ev.-r stole
stole na water.w,..,
day ahot a aparrow-bawk. which he
hnag upon a tree aa a warning to
Klortet fatne hu to offer for
s sent &bore with lU
atber rcathered depredatora.
Which ia
Chrhtmaa. Palms ferae, aapnngos.
The iDlereailBg dlacorcry waa aub- young lorenior. Not lung ago be died, aomewin iv 1 Mole It out of a farmer's guineasfisj^
TstK •( «k. Tki
gp^neally made that a wren had in the Jnst as be expired the door bell tang. »agon uhlle he was walling on an
>r fern dl
1 early.
■H»at lagcBloua manner' concelrablr il was (be poaunan with the long-de. . ether cnsioiuer. Stole la a harsh term.
The .«n1tan of Turkey rise
balll Ita neat b|>od the acammw. flxWe barb a table of
Blg II OB the under aide ut the dead
>trd‘a bndy between the wlni^ and
Fancr Articles ioclading
He Is of
' miow* an
T am free to aay 1 don't repoae ' melon ralaed In the valley that year, lepOon to affalts of state.
BllTcr MoTaltioa
la aneiber cane a wren choae an alsliglit figure. A i<ale brown orercoat , O. Law ap*^
much cuundeuce In bank clerks as ex-. The mluiile I saw It was gn-en 1 was
moat Minally airange place for a neni.
• CABi-eals any decorations Itc might ha»
BohemU Waro
perts In baudwrillng." aald an exp*'ri aoiry and begnu to refleet, Reflection
b a ahcepyard on Br. HodtuO-a farm
wearing, ao thai the attention of tboae
_ _ _ _
. pkrstciss seS serga
enrsd paying teller of this city. "I te the l«egltinliix of reform. If you
at Iford. (luaaex. there bapiwned to lit
day In aeren V
9^vo piomy-ry.
mean, of (,-uurae. experta la Iba broad don't relli-<-t uln-n yon conmdl a crime ' who eee hit
laal year an old Jailnu^hauxlux from
Pepper and ttalt^Sota-’
a beam. In one of the p<M-ketN <>f ilila aeceptanca of the term The average then itut crime lx of no use: It miglil people• IS
is ue<
iruui uia Jisw, , ——————
teller be.v.mra familiar with the sign*- )nsi aa well hare been comiulfted b;
the gentle little bird 'lad made Ha neat,
uid earewT.ru fare. half-cOTere.1
tures of the i-nsiomers of bU l•#llk. Mine one i-Im-. You must mie<-l or th
thill hrowii tH-arrl. tinged wl-*- ^
arbirh. when it waa dlarorered, cw3Twaaellsi Moek, til rrset street.
es a
and In time he a<qnlres
value l« let; yon are not vaccinate
Cot OlaM Plocea
niid suriiKninieal !•« f plain r
talaad Are egga.
farllll.i foi
X th/ cluirj
against ■R>tiimitllng It Again i Isaai
The .tiliai. Iia. Ihn-u the i
.It waa a yiren. too. Ibal made Ita Islles of any smiFxraph "u slgbi;
to reH«-ci. I .aid to ui.\m-1I; Wl.iit
Boom In an ntd cannon ai Kiel liarUu-. doesn't make blui a •H-h-ulltle ex|>erl t
(inghl a Ih.> i„ do who has stolen a
Into the iMire of ihla am-li-nt plin-e of
MuoB, general rcBTore else and dou-iia of other nic«> things
\Vhat would for girl. ..1.0 i. .irlkliig de|«i
'. ear. oese ud geslto ari- mnrkcd dtiwo to one third their
ardniare aome lulachlecou. iir. h ni
tSeorge Washiugloii do. the father of fruin the wa-l^tiiiwii traditional v
Bad ottered I quautlly uf ruhhiili. and
value to i lonv' them out.
wiiiti-ii by bis 'aMintry. the only Aiiterli-an who of hi.
aa Ha i»iii|
dug cleaned out a wivu’s ne«l 1 the ssuie man. woiil-1 bare up si-e.-lnl <i<uld not tell a |le> What would li<
anil foniid. at the extivme end of the value, ami for that ^ea».m a xn-ai deal #..> Thetv 1. only one right, hlgl.
Brnra Mrn Fall
I Sole, tmmedlalely la-low the touch of the sOH-allrd el|M-rl evideuee r.H-elT- n-ddt tiling fur any la>y to d<> whu li.i>
Vlet'ma tosloirxcb. llTcrtnd kidney ■®»‘
ed In <-«mrT U really worthless.
lunk «oh-n a wali-iuiehm of that elass - hr ‘gonbUs as well aa w. men. andall feel lyig ^ ^ boujday grsdssta
t'ui.e»u,. uAot ta v
The nelghlinriiuod at lhal time waa teller or eashh-r U a si>ei-l!il|.i In -is niiisi inake ns>iliuih>ii: he must re- iberann'Uinloasof nppextw. poisons
. ra«ldrsM IOC.
much infeaied by the procUlury fellue. naiunw. l•ul e\a<i|y Ih>m he hleuuiler siort- that stolen |>ro|N-riy to its Hghi <n the blond, backtehie. nereonsneaa.
and It was dnuhileaa Instinct which them and deie.-is toigeries with al ful owner ' I said 1 would do It when, heodaeba and tired. lUtlaas. ran down
'eoHnr Hut there's no nred to f'el
Muuhi. HU'I,.
prompted the wren to make Ita w«i In imisi unfalllug ai euraey
M.u.eihiog I made that gcHsl reisdutlou. 1 felt u <lka that 3 W. Gardner. Idavi'le.
the cannun. w ln-n- It muld bring U|> ita that very le•w of them are aide I.. e» |o he a lu.'ile. ii|i|lflliig olillgi
' •
Kleetric BHtcTS are ju.t ’ VTT B. PtW-J Kk. Atuirarf u La*. Upeeisl |
pnnng without the rlak of muleatnilou jilalu. It I- eery dimetill. lu fart
blog for a man wben he don’
■ Up sIlllllJI
,n.l re '_bf^'>»l
VY . atiBUue to tax Ullse.
. nearly a. I
TTu- nbl(|tinoiis aiwrrow aecnis lu pul It Into Mortis.
iber be lives nr dies
rh-d thill
/"IHAB U. TL'XNBILanovweaat L**. Ban ’
vKUlio a six
Wee a great panlallly (or the railway e(|>r<'s> It. a lelle
.tr.orth and
.Dd go.
.™d .r^Ut.
Iw.-k what was left .rf It and r*-si,.rUb« A MilUkMiBlo^TrnrKwOitt.
lie way lhal
n now rst w lytHrg ,
have A nr
A few at-aaous ago <iue built a nest be
, • it In the farmer ami made hliu
r“V 1. MOrkAlT. Xbswweu uf TitU. lUil
llie Weslloghonst- brake of one nH-ogiil«-s a frlciMl on the a.rei-t
give me u rllu- out- In IIh plai-o. S..W
t^^^ltemusiid liurersketk* Hw* I.
by ally single feauire. hut l.y the
«( the ^.oiwlori. Tilbury A Soailwn t
. ,
you see thHi this coiistani Impact oi
Bnllway eum{ian>'* euachea and the all fals clinracterlsiles He would kne-r crime u|h<ii . rime proiecis you against
hMiuin of Ibe isiacb. The eairlagc was him lu spile of < haug.-s In attire, n- i funher cummlMih.n cffcrliue. It builds
Movloe to Taxpayer
lo«p.u. TeleiAeoe.n
lani UM-. fomilug |>ari of even ehni.ge. In il«- mauner nf w...;ir you up. .\ man .-au'i'&come mnriiHy
Tfcr isi rolls fur lb' .-t-llmlM o
lysr.I dFll.(urMt
eoS Cll
the liK-al train running Ih-Iwih-u Kreu toe i.u i,„ir or iM-ard. and l.y a «lmil..r
si.-ii|lng .1
,lgua.u„.H wTit. .gnen WHi.-nn-loiis.
gfanrrh street aiol Dageubam. The m-si prola>rti-s
BDd.'bildrt-b'sdiKksr. .-(H-rlsU]. Of«aa not disturls-.! and the eggs wen ten uiidi-j- vary lug .-••udiiloiii
XV« IrrsITs s«.a airs ulUI K'I> Isl 1IM> on rirrj
Snty hatched h« the c-oumg'suia bird. are dissimilar, hut IlN-y hiivc...........
By choosing any other
■ sS'b ,Uj Iron, s oVlorb lo II an .. clock s. m
tagal«.u.l- liliim-r
l■n.llt;.r l.s.k .\ forg. ry
: St d fro*. I II cliTk <c < <'rlo>-k e bi.
A signal poet at llraiupion Juu-tioo band Is altiMisi ccrtuhi it
ri.'H.Li. on.' tu u.s Touful.'F
-Hs him
, —n aieic SI..1 CouBiT is.ts tbrrr srill b>
Calls kiisssrWI i-rooii Uy Ssj or
■tatton swas the que-r
queer pte'
pteie In wbli
cigar than
chsrircA s fee of I |icr cce> for ,-o Icrilos uoll ' U Hlo.'k
as stiwiigr M.- .-au't i.-n
pair of common wood owU eRlabllsbeil |M-rlieiis Imi h.- ku»» R it 'diM-au'l !.
'J.«u(1's Ishimt. on Ih.- coa.t of Maine, .fsuusc} 10 llaik OBU OB eud stlcr 3stusrr l( ' Blabi Norlbsro-pk.>a>-. S. U'll. SBI
; isen «bcrr s il! Ijc .-hsrgrd • tre <it I per rest
(heir quaiiers teat mwllng at-asuu.
right' A iiiislF-ni cxjM-it 111 hamlwi
near historic IVinaquld, lu the I.lu- for.ollrct'oo. A penaltf ef tear prFecol *11: a/rt'!<IC LKseoXt. Nrs Pr*b"s f> raltb
In aerersl lii^tautei a letter Uu haa
..uwtalu exacf
,o».n of Bristol, is one ..7 I
los-.OB sirrrl.
s|l Sfe
IVWl Wur.l-ufB.
isl iirilvU. hut
been used as a neailog place.
• places on earth wlu-n
Bpnuhllng a season or two ago ■ bird
built Its^nesi aiHl iucn-wfiiiiv n-nr>-.l
1. time wise known as Buscongus. i
Ita young in a rariucr*a leiicr-lux.
I Cur«~ Warner'w
lo«k<-d wh.-n Maine iM-canir
aeder that It ahontd not Is- dl.i
and was put Into no town o
the fanner wei^ to the trouble of hav
■rary lH.i Uii,h1 up f«r the
H la said that during the war. the |m-o ,iaooe»lsyii
in time ^'> aod.St'cU
pic ca.l ihclr votes fnr a lime In tb.-i
ni t. u s v ..-n
4eKl •• AUstec.
■------of UrMolu.m„
•tVoicvcr yi.ii .to, ma'am." shi
. . I On Tuesday. Jaruaty r-y. » special
la China llie tun and
or III. |,*,iibulfdtratDolRul men palace Mrs.
hcMher uii.l sisi.-r. 'The t.sm Is III. .1,1.1, 1. |.,- l«l, ..... O', w..
’■l... I.Uod S'. Br.1 «.1,M hr
drawing room, library.
It’e iTp To-Date.
alder hpoiUr. who luoki after his wlsd..m. fur Us easier to get a new v-a
• <le«-ner fern a British
raihcr silly sUicr, the sim TMs la . |N>i ihaii a.satlsfai iiin husband nii. man-of-war. and bis ,great grandi-lill
JobtiBoa Block.
actly the rcv.Tse of our legeiuls. wbh-ii
lincnt ciiiee of lit B
day. iw)KHuiily If you lu>urr Ibe t*a- dren afv iii.w prominent Inhahiiaiiis.
make the aun the day king and ih
Ing via New Orlrai
pot, says Hie Ismibm iRolw. Je.si, Ry vcduuiary eootrlbuilona tchw.l U making the
geaite m.H.n ladv of the uighi.
• of all "
One day In China a., ih.- legeud ouee liv.-.! with aa old lady whom -h- nuiluinli..-d. the parents paving >4 for pieie The
.Jins- the sim askiNl the u»m>d If sb. r.-gar.U a* . nuslel of wl-ulom. Rverf each -lill.l. Tlie a<-bnol term areragea itrd and absolntcly Aral elxae
aoultin'i go out at night. ' Tlic m<s>u Dlghi ,.f h.-r Ilf- the puie »«aket. her wgl.t imuith. in each vear. and iher. TICKETS INrLCDB ALL E.NPENSBS
--------I rer> stenily ; ".Vo. You s
earn.,. h^r.HH h her earring, her wai.-h
,a ..-erace atteu.tence of IS acholEVkRYWHBBB
a powng lady, and It would he Ituprt
Cai.-hiox halt for the fl.hermen
The toor wUl be under the- peraonal
ei for you to go out After «Utt." Th.
"" b aud ki^s atkl her hair Iwelet wi-h
.said; "But the |>eo|de ke.- r-hi clssp. were de|N-lted tm Ibe ball of Ibistuo. tJl.meesfer and P..rtland I. eeeorl and dlreciicn of Mr Biso CompUMc wuh. m.tv lu the burglar m this the nmst proniable l.nstoe*. of th.- > 11. general manager of tbe^Amcriean
leokiUg at me when I go out In Ih
iriat Amoelatloa.
inacbirM of all kiodn.
dnyUmc" Ko the moon told her t ^.Hi. Ilu-se are all the valuables th- ,„,,pie. but when halt Is .lack In run
r tnapa. booke cf i
lonr, tickets,
bouw- cmtalu., \ou are welcome
am, ,b..y ,nm their attention to lob
take the golden B»-dl>-e that site wor
agfou of
e Chleago A Piaoon, otvxne mod all on- f___
hem. and there re Bteai ami xterlnc, mackerel ll»hlng. and caichini,- rtc.. call on agfOU
la her liair and siU-k them into ih
aical mert'baudiae.
Wcet Mlehlgnn By. or write to tbc
lieer lb the |iantry.
of iicofile when they starad
Ais,..c, .1 •.«„
fertllirini geocTwl pwtacngnr t|
at Grand Bnp Sheet Mneio, ISo copy.
This la the reaaon why no q.
diMurt. 1^
tectory opposite the Island In Brlslol
ean kMk at the ana wlihont Mia.
Tlun lM.sk.-i Ik yet wnitlng for the e-hnoahurg Dispatch.
lefT-rtsluc butter
of h.H
.li-ssie kn..wi
<t another -pla.-. '- white flag tk holated on
N. S. STaONQ. Mrr. dlfl
Throe tonra of the bennUful telti
------- ai a parndik.- fnechednl
method of PMktnx photo
■ly. The bunse has a deep, bomb-'
to lea
roll Jaronry 11th, Pebioary isth
h. .u MluMw slu lb-r Ibe |>ubeeiiiar
rrwpha w bieh Show the colora of na
It to sea. w hen come the Grand Bank
Special Pnllmta
tare has been Ineented by ITof R R klepi every night all uight Ihng. II- ers and other, like bnxaardB nttrsciel and March Bib.
tag and dining enra BUI
‘U1 convey
Wood, of lbs rnlTeiwIiy of Wtaconsln ft!?,'?
s? imi^lmenia every by the rasiialtlew of batHe. The
party to Krw York, thenee on bu
pictures ar* made on a tranapar
the splendid new atcamibipe
icamibipa "Ronce
film dcpoalicd oa glasx nod con
and "Ban Jean’ tonnd aroond th* iai
lalalng eery fine llnca, ahoni tOOO |.
^nd by rail. aatomobUe, carriage and
Iba tech, oi^tbr aTcrtge. and ao no- an the dour
for their akin aa aallora.—Ponten-1
iWblc 10
r unaided eye. No cohm ra|>e In the
MW rtailde until the plrtores arc plae inure, loo
ir you'll take my
A XMlewto Matter.
B in a apectal ytewlag apparatus,
Tbiw* select limited pnrttea will bean"Aren't yon going to denonne- that der the anectel cMort of Mr. Walter
iattag of 1 roneax lens on n light alwaya like tbria to sleep In."
InlqnHoai eomidner asked the frlma. Toweaend nnder the manegement -of
Bnaw. Tba lau and the llnaa on the
A (Wwriaelae Kagieeetaw.
glaia, acting together, form orartnp
“Not yet." answered Senator ftor- Tha American Tonriat Ataociaklrtf
‘on are truly potlic, Wickma
Mg npectrt which affect tha aya In
that homely woman yonr neat^ ghnm. "m do It before the rampalgn
■(* n maiaae that tba aatmal boet pave
gets under way. but I'm afraid the
the atreet car.**
Itiierarir*. mapa and tickete may be
enough on in feet to
8idewmJk Ltunber In all slaea.
"WeU. abe looked
looted aa If ah* wa* deni lan't
“* ' aecure ™
had on applleatirn to the agent* of the
pniteUS te color apM i folag to slick that hairpin ta p* If I *^*>7X01 me In making any grandeie.nd Chicago A West Michigan By. or to the
UffnX"—Detroit Prtwa.
pteyi at prraent I mightt apoll It."
General Ratacxger Agent at Grand
for Christmas
Bolio Paper ■
Saks Paper
Velox Paper
Artiato Paper
Platea, etc.
Ennrlliiie ibtlmatHiReqiirak
Tbompson’s Drug Stoit
$ 1.50.
Barnum & Earl’s-
; Rare Bargains
For Christmas...
p.v'KS.' f.'SK teS'rrT.
You Will Make
A Mistake
I. ‘iKussia.-
... .... '.'."T
•"« -....
«E. W. Hastings’
Fire lesuiance Otfice
.”,rV;; s.'.-jr.'is"'sit
hardwood; sues
^ NEilOCK edgings
I#-** *
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
gncoaaiora ta.lTaTtr** Oltjr Lumber Co.
THE OYMWilTE OMWMER mmo■emcuhiegolaily
• fW
AmMMI •!
r^DvnoiAX. rmo judivda.
Moaad by AtdarBaa ll<Bta«tM Shat |>naa to b* Sxad
Vr«T«aa ^ 'TbdiBt^* °‘******** ^ Ms^vI with tbr report aod r
Mollon earriad.
Yaao-AldarBoa Parkar. MooUfaa. Beadalkia of aeio oomBiUae, prcaeato
Otalliek. Haatiace. Oook. teUh. Lar< ad to aod adootad by tbta ooaocii, at a
Baatloy tharauf beid Oeoa«ber 4>h.
dOarrlaoa. :
18M; aad for bar, that aatd ooBBittca
N tha «puai «r lAa tfi«7
TV aATAatwr of roruUrtty la laklag oiMlU-lBr to uM b; pb^alcUM lo
ho of u pv«t impMtaaco a> tbo dni(«
tiMweIrn. btti vbm thia Batter Is
aom«arllr tort to poraona wboae aitratlos U dtoirartoA bjr other duilea.
the adsilolKintkw of (be nedictaa Is
•flecied or fot*ol-
_______ __________ J.Parker. Moata
^oa. OroUlek. HaaUiArs. Oook. bmilb.
ol. Iw U»lr taatioatioa aod apptoaai.
£00700 and• Garr
Garriaaa aad B»
BoBor Major HaBlIUB.
Mlsauo of last r««nlar nMellat, anH permlaalon ^ yoar booorabla b^y to ' ih«*DDda'ataidio« aod oo'tidoaloaa ar
of apaetol Boatiar bald Dae sib. ISM. baud ao addlUon 00 th« w»»t al^of rt»«l at Vtoaaa a«lo oommlttoaaod
Ml Baal Ftoot aardB
CaapVII A bona or tba
to ba lba»4 feet owner or oworr* of said piaut afore
Ka« York, that be spi-lled out aoioa.
...... blrh.
abd V V said. V reported to tUis eoBockl. with
OoiiMtU itf U* Ottv e
wbst U>»rtoo*ly. lie U.re al»o as
aoeered with
_ iron ai
and to ba bnlli all CJnveoiaat dlapaicb. for such aoMtobiaaa.
laloo of year dra :htof
taaacooiu oppearaoee for be wa« ool
Uon aa tbto aoobeU may deem adfiaWo.
■sore tbao T> fret 4 Inrbet la btdsbt.
roaidooto bad taxpayaia reapaetfully To tv aimorobto. the Mayor, and Otty
loead by Alderman Gr-tliok that
■rltb alln fraioe. tuirtov sbouMert.
paUUonyoar koboimbla body>ooan*e
('ouMoii o/tV CUyo/ TVurena City. the reaolation be adopted and paaaad.
•bd eye* of tv fotldeai abd Bxot ato
to ba aatablisbad on oleetrla ore ll*bt
MoUoa carried
MicMpaw.^aaltbc blue. liU ^>lrit iFss tUnkd *t t><ero-nar of lotb nod CaaaaWMU
4Tor, In fsn. irbeo be «o* addre*a«d he
Oook. BsKth. Ltrdle and Oar(see a Ihtle sian of frhrbi
Pa,bar banar, Joaaph Parroa. Pat- wbi.B wa* refarrad tba abo*a petitloa
yraatrtek Bnrdan, L F. Perbett. Job* Ba^.
Not«lib*iabdlOf all ibit riok Klrklo
> a^ K«cBaspeetfnUy.
Ba a danferoot man. Tbl* daoterona.
W W. 8Mrm.
boB GaarnoB.
Baaa rises not froa the Inaard mab,
0r» P. Oaaaisos,
kalda, Fraak KLoy. Thootaa Dyar.
t»ot from hia. occupation. tVbeo he
AIlM BaVpoeak. J. M BVrt. OOu BolioB of AidarmMaitb dsly
••tappad up to tv de«k lo pal hla oaoie
Provancbar. JobwEaoar, B E Tonoelthe appoiniu ■at was OOL-«b the rectsier It was with the
Moead by Alderman Laidle that the carried,
tor. B. U.play. NtcVUa BnellBame',
^Ibataktns t-are that V plated npoa
eommtttea ba aooapted
Arror DuBsncballa. M Brachin. Geo. report of the eom
The I'qocr bond of 0«le M Garry
«V BUrhto enuotor a llllto black i^e
ard adopted.
with Al'red Oampaao ai d Jnlins Bnall.
Motloa earriad.
♦ hich be ratrled'ln hto torrvuil. It
mantel pa sureties waa presented and
.bcbolyen. B. h. Monle. MarUn Btole.
____Alderman Parker. Montajrne.
•bra* a Unto Ha*. Mack. nwty. lonocnion
m .lion of Alderman lissUors. duly
: James Pafarak. Banry MelUaas. Paul Gre.ll.:k. Bsatlnc*- Cook* bmlth Lsrdle.
‘BOa-lookln*. like Ha ovoer. l•e•rtas Ibe
earried. was referred to the eja*mltt*e
WeUler. JohnS adky. John Btaams. L Kenyon and Garriaon.
aalllala, P. V., S. T. Rut rink Plron I'.erosea
Panek. Stephan PoBaaal. Mike Ksms.
Ain Vodled tl as If It were Ibe aouat
by Aldermen Smith that tba
Paulck Boollbao, M.
*' J.
* Holm-a. Ja*., TrareraeCitr.
Mleb.. D<« It. IKW.
Baloable thin* tn iV vorld. Carefully.
Are chief be aotborla *d to proenre matj Varrean, Mole* P nret. Frank Schwal-, tv the n"nur,ibte. ih>
Ung for the eayina. bouM Amt at a
Her. JVn Da*al‘key. Mvala Oy^-\ v.,uhcU »J the CUu ctT
Mt to raeeed gSS.OO,
....................., ........ T he wrote lie
aky. Napolaan Larahe. Pater
Motion carried
leaked out or- ibe comer of hto eye ml
I Gentlaibeo:—Wa bmwitb snbmlt
Yea*. A (lerman Psrkar. Moatarna.
tv little black V* to s.-e If II Were profesetonal nurse
UreOiek- Uasi'on. Oook. Amltb, Lar- for a Christmas present for yoar
I which rertird* uf lUe .aw
Teally there. As be wn.ie “N. T." he
Keeyt>n_and GsrrisoD.
over-lBlit of rills,iisVcor.F.nnkMlctaUkl.BmaitD.y. 1^*??
- pot ant bis toft Vnd and rested It up
littie ones—it boats siiytbimr yet
An ln.lh.,lniUI»l,Al^ 0.,^ph L^kn, A^n T»«n, Ao.VSrirli,. ,,
•n (he aaichel lo make sure ihsi (I bad fclud Is precluded.........
produced to amuse the cbilurea
for medIHne ViUea. n..
•M Ven mored.
council ac j omed.
with. To be had at
by Frvderh-k W. Ralea. of .Mil
-Dynamlle." said Mr. Firkin, with
W. J. R->blnaoD.
R-sblnaoD. C. Mloslaa. Noah I ^
rfaini amito. '‘My Bnu In New York
u__ .
t SI
o__ I* [r*U1
City Clerk.
Vrt Wllbatm,
:auMtas the bw* dybawlie In tV worl*1
T. A. Cbwia J. UiUki. Cbaa
4.199 IS
— goes oB ai iVsIlyUleat shoc-k—e»p««Utly to bM w<-atvr.
Cn-al . boi tv tn.i-Hiloo of Ibe physiclau. *buw. ' |ooHDi"B"6Vw. F^S Wnmbnnr. Filling aod gravalliBC ap
*«eaibFr stuB. Want lo see aomvV’ Ill* just bow many doses and at what Tbaador* Dean. P. Bichard. Georg* B. Moving Marvin bolldlng.. ..
___ _
,liH]ulred ilir drummer, hit pmfi-aslon time Ibe medicine was lakeo. TV ICeorUde. MarUn Sheridan. Fred tern Bnlldlag walk*, labor and
: wars Mowwmvst Wss Krv«ma Over t>s
Iralnln* ■ndn* the npjwr band, lie UVl la much (V sane as thoae now lo paau, John Nemrara. B. C. Bnma.
154 S6
Oawt-s BMtIwg Ptoss.
" I John' Graham', 'm, a7 Brarya. Adlow MtocalUaeoa* capeaaa..
took the sai-'bel In hU baud with some
. *1.U|
-------Oaala) Bbaaaban.
Monghneae aud Hie profestkmal lonurer
Bcccntly sI report came to the ear*
Alderman BaaUnga that
Bet biBseir Id posliloD fur a quick
of tbe day. wlib imall blsnk
Buriat. Noiblu* happened and tv sjia.e slMire or Vlow each Agure. The I tba petition V refarrad to iba
grave of a British naval offleer exItaaon pahlto UghUag to report at nest
Wsrvtat* •toefed any Intereai upper row of siuicea Is for ibr m<*m .ragnlar Baattng.
___ toted oesr s village on the UUnd of
-An Ayunriie.
In* Ilnurs and tbe oiVr for afiemoonI I Motion earriad.
5 459 16 ! Niroahims. ip iV Inland sea of
•■tea. Ji to n ItokMah pmfeasloa.’ or evenings. Ai each time
place rarely rtotted by any foreign.
BBiled Ibe irareltn* gentlemso. s, hi atitolDtoiered a cbo-k la made of It lo
*r-*nd that, for aome rvasou. It wai
CouncU uf IV t’Uy of TVa.
ahured (he satchel undue Ibe lounge the apm-e opposite tV prove Vur. a*.
caremUy kept in order by the peasants
A. W. Bicaaau,
W. F. Cauciss.
where be tad Inallnl ibe lOteirogaior ibM only a glanea at tba ' Villa to
In-tbe neIgbVrtaood. Mys the Iioodou
Gaotlamen: I would napeetfally
>( (Tatos at Trav*
fto ah aod chat will. him. “A Htile nei-essary to show when tbe neat dote
The consul accordingly comtoommand that tba warraat for tbe
ei OetMbernia.l
'4an«erona and lncoaTeuiei)l
yea abould V taken. When the s|mces are
statemaat be rmived and otdared ‘ nmnicaied with tbe governor
• 4euced InranreutoDi ai iltuca. We hare Ailed tbe mariti may ba rubbed —_________
prefecture In wbicb the tolsnd to situ
_ ___
Motto* earriad.
•a V .•arefnl," end his eyes wore a wlili an eraser. In one form of this lOetobar I. 1809, ba agtaodad nnUl
ated. Inquiries were made, and th<
Tbnnied Icwk.
derire a row of vrfonHlnna parutia ! ^fhrefa 1. lOOCL Tbara baa htan a con- eTATuntcr or aosno or publil- wruagi ‘ goreroor was able to send lo 1V con
••But we gel paid for ll we *e| paid tbto vrt of tbe talK-l to V lorn oB aod
vHaetad. bnt aa
Travaraa City. Mtoblgan, Deo. t 1899., *ul a history of tbe lonely grave. Tha
Mar tl. k'ou woubi not Vltore iVi I
We do harrby oartlfy to the eoaneir story w as spitcodcd by tbe guvemqr
gel the hicgi-ai salary <if any man .m
r said city that tba following to aa to a formal ritopaicb of hi* own. and
ilaasantti Ua neat gaBoral aaaoa: aoenrata acoonot of the coat of rapaira was obviouslv drawn up by tbe village
-■tv rofld. I•MI I ds II to a IMB rl.k.,
manti tTolto I tbink It would ba of on straeu aod tbe eonstractloa tbara headman or *«in« equally buml.le offl
Bad we bare u. lay up Mimeihln*. Tbe
of. tbe amoont of
■Isl. and it to worth giving In full. Tbe
tbeaxpeoaetVraof. and (be street or. Kylvla. Ibe vegsef tneDiloDed.
He nrs>|M-.1 a ihiii Lu.-,* In U.ih east of liklen cn.ek. there to a natural cannty taSe*.
plaoa where aoeh material wa* used or
j«r* respwtfnlly.
cave of quite large dlnu-siskins. relates j
labor performed; alao tbe nambar of many y-an- eiigag<-d in survej lug
pKTfcti Wrnr.at'w.
days labor performed on aaid street. ih>- <-oakU (>r Japan:
a Nevpda iuiimt. It l« In ih,- llm<-sii*»i- '
City Treaann
• In the flrst vear of Meljl. corre-1
. doe the
and tbe aa
fornuiiloii ami in
: Moved by Alderman Smith tbst the perwons hereuia
«eoe*UI ‘Irs
siMudiug 10 A. it. IMW. il. R. M.' K.
an old
i<l>ca. I recommendation v adopted and tbe bead of pay roll:
amn .V1H.S.*. Us to all s.wis or .11*F.vlvla WHS proreeilitig on a vnyagBixl uV>a<-> It to I
■1"'*' ' msTcr be autb-w aad u> sign the
* from hf.i.*l* ........................
the iutoml sea wli-o an oltiki-r
■i tlnil III.- eiitratup-. as il is i—T- (loo of tbl warrant.
: .;2 i.
*-..|.*-i.uie, we ,-airi g.-l r<H.ui> 111 t|.-r,.d v nil a gronili of iHiih-rbnisli.^
iKkHrtl. :i:iui«h1 Ijikp. Ml III. He
2 wj
Motion carried.
-towu lor lot,- or iiKiiii-v. (or te-.>|.k- j q |„. Brsi It,ills* that a le-rs-.n noHc.**
toixlt'il on Thi- toland of tlirx'li
7- thf .. ..... .
llir M.J1CT .md CU|/ Hbo.rliss sue. .
Bon'1 Irtve III.- -i.iir It. tl..- bouse and : 1. a suiail <n
-Nuka. im-vln.-*- of Sun' ' g a
the dl«l
1.U-.I •..< !ht CUU-f Trui-e-.. City.
Abe gue.u
I., „ ,«.,j
aud |.r..f lur-of KngHwa.
TV ;g f-«il‘.SSSSSeASS Ae«
. till- cr.-«ii-c I.U luiiuto
kk„kksatk s.-ro.u'CeOsr«
tdaln wlicu Ilo-y iln.l out that one »f „,„i k,,,.,.* j„ IIikU IIi:.i ll widens a«
vvivto imss(laallemen;
____ _ — We- the nadertign
ajston-clsl.-i.il. Tl..-re nr.-mil, 1hr.-e h. g.iesdoun -tumi ir. f.-ei it,*iii till* freabolders and cit'emt of said city
iln-shlma a
at my 111..-, >0.1 kut>w. |•I.l1l•r lli.»e -iiii-au--.-a iiu II can stsi.il u|> aud n alk
aiiaving it to be for the beat mteraats
ba.v. 10 await th- oltl’-er'a ret-kiv-ry
*:S£EE2A«ASS»2gSt« £SiA8
.«lr.-linislau--.-s. a* we .inn- liol 1
a f.-w- .lavk. 1.0W-VT, be die.!.
John F. On & Go.
Stenssors to
liaterse Ciif limber Co.
Traverse Citji, • - Micbieae
John R. Santo,
Gentil lisirain.
Gnnf Mpih «lnUni 1
-aur sampl.-s. ilM-t«.1i.e siutlm. 1.
«l»- „t...unardegr.i-s.
t'j-'r"■ •••■
.1 . ,
Tie pau-Mil a minute for tbl. siatv^
■Bmonol#VeBe<-i.-TVi. iVre are the
rallraaV to Imci np agatn.i. Some of
«Vm lutvc rule, aaalti.i --arryiiie ex
J.I.WIM-S. Kouieilm.-. I CM csnalil. sn.l
Aben oir I
... .
«arn n ««-.-! Is soii.elliliic
*af. Kx u ilie tarrine of M«
- ■VMigh roail iiiiike.
-• •« iiii.-onir-r
ta.- Ibal I h.-.te I.. tllke .1,1 ,
Bud pare the aisle In re<tiire
thing tl
,*vrr,-k If 1 ever gel
g<Mid-i>y I- riuL t'Irt
, ghat siiitr rnliig <dT iin-l--tne«iti y ■'
ttulh men i.n tl.r scat slmd<ler---l Th>
pr6ap.'<'t dtotiirlMii the htungci. wh<
ibes' a tasty rcirvai. - Itonver ll••put>ll'
At a |da.-e »* f.-el
......... .. ■ -«■ -0 r„., ....A
,T1„. .1.111 .1,1.1,
11... ,
/ f,-. caw at this ihiImi is mo.i Im-iiuiI.
f„i on ..........
birge si:.ln. tii.>.
,,„„p m .-luM.-r. »,„t ,|,e walls are
r|e-'nratc.l wiiti sli«i-'nliic cryisl. of
li„„- luiermli.cl.sl w ith dr..ps nf wa-
W, t.rei,,r«p«««ll7ekUi.ir™il
Puller V reapvintod to tba poviUon
of n-gbt-watchman which he formerly
N ttrCraenongh Jibo Carrol, Well*
Hlgmao Oo . The Oval Wood Dlah Co.
,';.r .:'s:rr,;;'
fc-t hlgli.
I'b'ere a r Qmu.-n-iis ..tbrr |ulssag.-s or
cim-rtis. and ou ihr l.-ft Him- to a
iuissag.\4>ig .-iKHigb lu admit tbe ImmIv.
ihoi ..pen. Into (V semnd chsmts-r.
w hlr h to alMuti 20 fret armst and 10
Drake. Nelson Fraaaer. Mr* Lottie
aoriey.A P. HenllBantai.Ueo Dipley.
C.. DIpiev. W. L Jopee. Mrs. C. to
Gbmar. B F PerrU, W. J B egins.
H- B*™"®
** HoH'AaT. Mr*. M. N. Bammood.
oiM.-mug ..f auoiber rbamlisr. hut as
ihere is DO limber near to make lad
der. Ih.- upper eavern
Ui-n eaplnred. TVre are. no dnuUl.,
nili.-r Isrgy ebamhers which eonld be
found were rhiMT esploratlous to
Bade. Kialaclites and stalagmite*
In all dlreciloDs Water
Uanten. W
J iwu.wrw,
Millard. wsv
■wu. Taoer
ivuei osuswAA,
kk 1
. ^^'by Aidant Smith that the
I1 petition b* refarrad to tbe oommlttaa
Motion carried.
7\> (Ar H-nombU. IV M.ipor and Ctop
ouiicUuf IheCUifof Traperw* CUy.
MinUpoti. .
UanlleaiaD:—I hereby report that BE-UlbVdldon OoVber <7. 1899. pay
to the city treaaarar aodar prataat tba
im of »!( 03 on paraonal property.
eUlBlog that (ha iiaaaaad valnation
was placed norsaaonaWy klgb aad that
It iDeIndedallhUworktBgtoola.aDd Mr.
OlbV has hereby rcqnestad b* to
DoUfy yoar boaorabla body that ba
------ Idar* this i-trrr-iTnl nDjoal aad
yon to mmlt a portioo of aaid
*■ I reBain
Yonra truly.
A. W. Bicaam..
City Clark.
I. rV Mayor and CUy
CouacU «f the City of TVanerae Clfy.
ud moan* to whom was refarrad
the above oaattar for invaaUgatloa
•eonld report aa follows: Tbe cosBiltM And that the ralnatlon placed
z,r s-rp';..!: z t£"£ ,
in Ihee* crystal*
-world. Kiir-iteai
gives the cave a
'fcahlt* thoroughly d)igu>te.l th
very enira<-iDg apie-aranre. Tbto cave
•«V ke>-ll eS|wn In u«ne> RiaklUE. Is ilic. bnmr of Ibe wood rat. and there
JiBd In- |M>i.r-d forth hi* srom i>an- indl'-ailons iliai there might toTrlemls h<- n*ei In Pari*. One oY them
>r Ibe llllto animals whirli
Unowlug IV IgDoramw of IV .dd gen,^1. uaiural womler their borne.
■ toman on •nhje.-is wliboui the cirri- -tu.iab* Bee
an which V bad lived, ventamt
nesgat ■
**1 agree with yon.'* be said. “I agn-e
to anb■Btfh you tboroughl.T.
Why. do yon acrlV anything to the aid of tbe Bodkaaw. sir. I wa. tost week tn a rtty
for tV Kuppresslon of Crtme?
"1 I wa*. Man
n>. yon
a AV they
Madn t a livery aiahle in iV city."
' ,•“-»»»'««
-No-yon don’t tell mef answered '
The .ocieiy
ty victim itonitomen. see tVret Vya «to * eoBBlaalon on all I collect.
Just consider thair Then jntnping lu
Nan of the Monae—Tben il to to tirr
hi* feel as iV tbnughi strorfc him: for you that t abonld not subaorlbe
"Why. geuitomen. a fortune’s awaltinr aBytbing.
some one th-re; Where’s ihepUeef. ranvasser-Wby M?
IVVI’s Ibe name of lir
| Man of tbe nonee-Wby. if I should
-Vanl.*:- said tbe joker.
anbscrIV and crime sVnld V aup♦Hlood’ I’m tired of thU place, any- pressed.'yoo would V out of a Jobgray. ni go right down there to-mor- Tld-Blts.
tow and pot a little
■ U Iwaerlleass.
tv town. Oenitomen. you’re In tbto
«aod thing with me. If yen ebooaer
"Rrlinble aeom* to bare a good deal
TVy were all In It. and they Invest tuore money than bralua.”
Bd tbeir friend with power* plehipo. | “Yea; nU V inherited from hM fatb
Aeattary. Tba story baa no dramail-- rr was tV money.'’—ctercUnd PIsId
^tat. save that it to a hliloric fa<i Dealer,
that Venire was vUlted. No OM ever
heaed an icconBI of that vUU. tat for
B Of more eondd
^t’a Bather aU ri^it. Why. V
- leu ehtaeww.—Hartar's Botad Ta-.ttw bilNTBi lUa «wa Uoa.*—ladlas*
right, bat (bat tV .
hlB for fall valm. la plana of M per
Mta* In other oaaaa Wa alao Aad
It (hare to u aaaBPtkm of taOO
V dadoetad from tha aaaaaaaaant which
woald leave A«00. M paroant of which
woald V »»«.00
wall aa the
) think the latMr 1
afwr paylac hto faU ata wtoMr taxaa
M at pruaBi Mcuad. Mr. Oibba ba rafnsdad tba amout paid by Ua la aaof what ha aboald tave paid, aa
■ of tewor M pw
A - B.0M
W. J. Pv
Os)k-., iJJuluiKsJtoy
kiliwi lur aiUes wad
swlk OB rreilatreei
llrwklrswad torrU
■sprvtioe luoiU-r
Raapeetfotlr submiuri
A. W. Rii-Kcap
Moved by Alderman Iand claim! V,
ordered paid aa raoommended.
Motion earried.
Yeas—Aldermen Parker. Montague,
Ureliiek. aasUng*. Coak, bmlth. Lsrdie. Kenyon and Uarrtooa.
Beaolved. By tbe Council of the city
of Travaraa City, that the Bmrdman
Elver Bleetric Light and Power Co. V
Italy ordered to remove the
3,000 candle power are light now altn
atad at the corner of Washington street
and OarAtod avenne. from iU preaant
ooatioD and aaUbltob and maintain
(ha same at tba corner of Caaaand
with oMitraet baratofora
city of Traverse City aad aaid
River Blaetrie Light aad
St. J.-lin b11rl.1l hto remiilii-ground iM-l.mging in ilic icmi<l.>
Raei.ts.sod •!-«*
Ikw-oji *to.rr Knour* shrliip. so-l. I
lug set up a w-o.*iton cross 10 mark
> nraod
Tbr I :S p. w trw.o bas pwrlw e
RapMk. woO kto-i-tag ear and e
grave, departiii. S.-vcral y.-ars af
uio-t di-cav)il from Ihe cgtits of wlrt»
Bn.lrain.fr.iht ami .now. Aw-aburl Tok t^e^rChie.
mill. hU|M-rli.r of Ikwoji aeiupto. ami Tawm am,li>f wt ssaip w Sasrki
......... sal.l: Trulv it would be too sa.l ysyy to
awpid. aad chair r
1' the grave of our solitary gm-si fn.ra
"^c g. nmRay. A**
UXiKWOOD. U P a T.A.. Orsj
who has become • spirit in
.■range land, wi re aug.-r-d to V** ot»
ol all koowbilge.’
“Tliereup.'ti ■ Terawakl
Ii.-ad of the village guild, and otVr
h«iiipaihtoers. such aw Uka Kyobakii.
«n foot a s.-hrme for IV creciku.
of a stone ninnuroent. and. the ahor.folk all w-Iili one a«-c«rd. tondlng th-lr'____________
bftp, the w.irk was Anally brought to LiPMostv/
1 *•
eompl.-tioti. This was on tt.e ..-vcmti _
day of the eleventh monlh
fourth year of Melji-iliat to. IKTl.j
Slm-e then nesri.v thirty wIiht* Inve'
ootMO wowra.
passed, during tvhicli tlim- th - ishiii.t
not negln-ted to late good
care of lhe lonil* In luiniruia
tbe tenth 10 the aliteemh day of th
seventh monili. old st.vle. ih-pA ar
Bill] |,ersuus round who eve^ vea
.'lean and sweep tbe grave, and. olfet
Ing up dow ers and IneeuM-. njouru fo
anl cooBOto the spirit of Hie deaJ.-
Moved by Alderman Montagna that
.Aeraaolntlon ba adopted and paaaad
Motioa lost.
In the biography of I»r. Hawtrey,
Taka—Alderman Parker. Montague,
famoo* Kngllsh schoolmaster, there I
Cook. Smith and Lardie.
Nayv—Aldermaa Uraillek. HaaOngs.
descripil.in of hla nnkrmpt appear^
Kenyon and Garriaonance. with a comment wfali-b'haa to-en
Bcaolvad. By tha Oonaell of tbe City greatly quoted. It to said tbat.he was
of’Traverae City. Mtehigaa,. That tAe aoolding. for being late at morning
lesson, some boy. wbo replied that be
appoint a deputy POL- ______
____ had no tin* to dreaa.
dnty than ba to proceed forthwith to
’•But 1 can dreaa In Ume,” onld the
eaforoa tha ordlnaaea relative to the
ooUeeUM aad p^ment of dog Ucea- doctor.
aaa. That said deputy pound master'
ba paid fl.OO each, for all dogs klUed —Exebange.
aeecrdiag to tha provlstoa* of tbe ordlaaaea aad 15 par................... ..............
aaa toedod from aad aftai tali data and
daring tha term of employment of aaid rwenty-AvaTaara’OonstaatDaa With
December la. 1999.
ont a Fallora.
Moved by Alderman Emlth that tba
reaolntloa be adapted and paaaad.
child onbjeet to that
MoUoa earriad.
Bay be taken as a sara alga
of the approach of aa attack. FollowlaUiaga, Oook. Saitb,
lag this boaraaoeas to a peeaMar rmgh
congh. If (%aaharlala'a Cough Roblay*—Nom.
edy to riven a* soon aa tbe child beBaaolesd, That the water ivorks com- oomaa hoatae. or even attar tba eronpy
■ ihta eough appeal*, it will prevent the atoouacU to eonfor wISTh!
taok. It to aaed la Bany 'ktBBWiIa of
rolaUe* to the pareheae by aaid ni^ of bOBaa to this Boad land and nmr Ato(ta «atoM^ wetar works plant atal appotota tba anztona aeothan. We
— -i,*w*dbyhlB or B.D.CtoB^ have yM to toam Ota eto0e toauaoe to
tan. or eCtata, be aad to hacaby whlta it hta not pram aSaetml. So
to writtog. ■ ottar ptoftatton can ihow erah ainlotBia coatnet with bOA B. P- OaBp-, cced-twMto-Avc jmn' eowtaat im
taa*fltaa.cr th* owNroc owmr witheta»M)Bra. Vbr Mto by &T
thewM. to MbaU thn qrantaa of the War nai r a TMeRwn. DntfMto
West Michigan.
Id •
11 W;
I I A ■
, r H
li it
Tsavwrse OUg.
lUBiEE UD mmunu li
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