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The Morning Record, November 07, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUi4Teu-No 783
HsaArt an
OM«ral Whlu Is BtiU SoUiaff th» City.
OMOt (
«tbe Uktoc
tb« Boer wmo ot Beatorto UU to aaeh
taakwo aa «oa)d aaoB. If ft were traa.
« dtottoot aback V tb* Praa Stoto
Tba otoar two, toatodtoff as oftelal
pifaoB-paat dtopatob, do not todioato
a« %\g» Pt IwltBtstkw uS tk«
n*M to «Bpprfd «M Bo Virbtir
A*'Ba^rwMtod - B«l»- aeaatp. rafara to tba aaoremaata of
ioitpmmu 9vw*
Hv« Ctoieay Praa BtoW Basra to tba aortbera part
Vot PtaUnuriiatotts iii • Wmtoip
Wttb *11 ■>•»•
Ctov* Tbwb. Mo*.‘ 4—Tka Brittoh qaartw that ariU <
era on
t PoMTfBl kM toft tbto port wd tor-aaorpa.
Inaorgont Staamor Hami^od
by Coiombian Warabip.
Tbe Bareatoa Peatioyad Big Vraael
With 860 OB Beard-OC rtaa laaargwt ytoaeto
Maaad roar Vera
Oaptored—Tentbto Dtoaator to tba
naatog Bebetoaod MoJUrop Shova
Bt tba Big Oratoar.
Tyro Onto.
i <
Bbopa to Clooa at S p. m. Rzoapt Tn<sday and Satarday.
Tbe Barbara Unlao la oow eom
plately orgaolted. and alsMat every
barber to toe elty b ia It. It b likelr.
^t before toe week boat. toon will,
not be a eb^ ontot tbe anioa.
gianlag with Monday of nut
work too ahopa will all elnaa at a
o'eloek. exoept Tneeday and SatnHa*
ling*. Tb* seat moating of the
nnioa will oeear in tbe abop of Mr.
Cooper, under tbe Bstel V^kitihg. Moaday evening.
Ktogaton,JaBa{ea. Mo*, a—A report
bai baae racelrad bore from parfeeUy
r^iable aoareea. that tbe toeargeat
ataaoMT Drago Romowa baa baaa sask
OB board a torfe Dawbar of maa who It:
with tw ao ooard by the Oolonbiao
Ooadlttoa of Tice Prenident Hobart
eratoer aereolea. Tbe latter *e«el
Still Proearioan.
waa to eomatand of OeoaTaliBodrigBrsl.
OB 'AfniBBldo.
' togetoar with tba traoeport Colombia, Pattore-jn. N. J.. Nov. t-The w*ibarf.
Uoo of Vice Prealdent Hobart b bnt
b-logiog troops.
' Loodoo. Mo*. 4.->be
Poor smaller tororgaot veaaato were little changed today, eaeept that be ia
wal^t waallftad troaa tba pablto nlad
Porea of Tblrty Tbcaaaad Hortog to
eapuired. after a loogaod bloody flg^t. aligbtly weaker. He apent a fairly
bf a briaf ottrial diapatab. pabUtbad
OoBoartod Aetloa to X.vaaa aad
comfortable oUrkt and alept a good
Oaly ooe of the '
tbto moralBf.OoBttoeDtal atoriaa of dtaImaoitasi Baaatta are Expectod.
ad. toe Cisoeroa. wbleb pot io to Bio partof tbe night. Be takoa so solid
aatar at Udyawlto are piwd to be
food, and eomparatlvely litGe nooriabi Blaoeo with tbe aorrirora.
tatoe, altboafbtbe dlapateb ItaoJf reMew York. No* o.-i \
Bb vitality, upon wbleb be b
Uarad aoclety froa toe Umid to ao- opeotol to too Herald aayt; ‘■With’.. „
, « a ioog stero ebato before
living, b rrm irkable and bb eheerfa:
, aa U todteatod that foreea aggtagattog more toao K.ooo
opeowl dre.
ba atrong factor in
«j*»e« While, losteadof sltttog tight i-hiiey-ieo. OeaeraU Lawtoo.’liac-i
_ _1
flm wu Min
iber* of hi* family in tbeir
aad aeUog wbotly oo the
i Irtbo'r\od WbitM M closing to «a
**« eooUooed ooUt toe aercule*
aaltlsbeldtomaoyHOdrtors that be J
army. Oaoeral OUaaei ’*'®^
ram^ tba toaorgeo. i nirtion. He fully reoliaae that tab
I ead ia'sear.
oaght to do, peraUU lo making aorti-a i No*. 5 and r, aa toe dale for cameoc-'
**"“ **-®"**
Mr. Hobart iereaUng qnictly tob
oad riaktog another Ntebotoon's Nob j tog a campaign all along tb^Jtoe. aad j--------------------------eveoing.
, fiHiERii
Indian Pictur.., in colon,................................... .. SStoSOo
QU~MorTnmblM,.«.v,™l peUe™,...........8Ibr lOo
Bmm Plctnm PmmM, oral niidroond...........................SOo
Hand Mirron. oxadized. patent cuel handle.................. 88e
"JSrndiontor - clean plorea and grenae apota
............ lOo
Our Picture Frame
ronbwi, bat caa do yoar woA now much better than nearer
theholidaya. tiring down your {uctnres ud we will freme
them and hold till you are ready for them.
290-288 Frwit Street
Bmlph Oonunble Jr. Mannffnr.
_ _
ohaery tone ol toe dboateb. showing
Oyttan at Debtrty'a.
•oannialy at Lmdyamito aa regard* General Otia' dlapatcbca an opUmlatie 1 Oopoalte Hamilton '.Clotbiag Co.,
toe ability of the beleagowd garrbon to tbe bigbeat degree and tba cfliAiaU COBOOrB C0mpO66d of Men
Pronittreat Tto tf s
to bold lb own. baa had an exnUent predict toat the rebellioo will be crubof
e«*ct os toe conntry. Prom tbe fact ed before tbe end of toe oreaeot mooth,
toatOrneral White was able to Uke abd toat (mporUot vl^riea will be
Uicbigaa Xanuf-cnnng Oa Will
toe oSnnsIve aad abell toe Boer u
annonnoed within a tew^aya."
- It aeeau that Lddyamith cannot be
Washington, No*. 7 —The war de
Xatabileh a Plant to Prodnee Bardaloeely beoelgod aa was aeppoeed.
partmentbaa received the following
w.-od Movslties, Onrtain Pole*,
Tbe movement of the Boer* loto cablegram from General Otis at
Trinm ng*. Stc —John P O it and
OapaOolooy b bogtooinf to awaken in Manila:
B. J. MacDonald Principal 10b■ toe BHlbb a fear that they have great
“General Wheaton's expedition. S soa
bete of toe* Oompsny.
ly ander atimatod the force* they atrong. oa toe tranaporu Sheridan and
Traverae C tr U to have another fac
vrll) have to meet and that even Ueo Artec and two e<
«al Ballar** toak may not be *0 eaay a* voyod by three war < ■elt. left for tory wboae extepicusooi now be menswas aotlcipatod. it b beeomlng ap Ungayea gnU tola morning. General »««« kol which will employ a cooalderpanot that all Brltbb ealcalaUona MacA nhor'a troop* advanced to Magi-1 •“*
baaed on toy»Hy «f pspntotbP are langyertprday. clearing toe country >«Portont inaUlnllon. The condttlooanrrouadlng tbe entorprlse aud tor
kopeleaaly at aea or that there baa between Angeles and Arayat. They
bean a vary rerion* leakage of Dnteh eaeonntcred abort a thousand of the yonng bnsines* energy Infused loto It
aympatobera from Natal and- Oapr enrmy at different point*. O'Brien, promise* ancceas and a large volnme of
Tbe new c-meern is kuown
Colony. Oiberwbe, there b noacoonnt with a batollion of the Bevesueatb
tog lor toe large foroea of burgher* re infantry, two cjrpa of toe Poorto cav aa tbe Miebigao MaonfaeturingCo and
Cao you epart- a fi-w spcooda
portbd from all dlrecUona. .The »rar alry aad Slavin'* eeonu. moving os the its object I* to mannfaetnre on an ex
of lime — t-noutiL to rend
offioe. eoatcqnetiUy. b being urged to road from Balnlnv eaet of Aogelet. tensive acale. woodraware novelUr*
whet we hate to any':'
have more troops to raadloew for a>l eoooontcrad and drove toe enemy in
Tlien a few uiinntrs at our.
The new company apring* from
ponalble demands. 111* evacuation of
of Magalang. They left
alore to nee the ahuea we
Oolaoao and tba reported wUhdrawl of forty-nine dead on tbe deld. O'Brien was onUl reeenUy toe Traverae City
t 11 about V
toe Britbb foroe from Stormberg are eaptnred twentr-elgbi prieoaara and Lnmber Co., bnt which i* now changed
to John P. Ott A Ca John P. Oit U
fonrtoea riflea.
Oolosel Smith, with twoother battal- toe treasurer of toe coocern, and R
Tbe former may be doe either to to*
Boar artlllary rendering toe pinna
looa of toe Sereatoesto. Bnmilton’e -J: Maedooald. who baa bad charge
You'll i^Imb the oppurtuuity
toaabledr to toe. fact toat pramnre battery of tbe Pint artiUery, and toe of tbe ca>'.ir* of tbe Icmber eim
of aatiug a half a dollar.
•laewbar*. poaalbly atPletormariUbarg onginean and algnal detachment, puy a year, irlll be tbe aeereUry
MOMltaied a eoBcenbattoc at toe moved on toe direct road from Angelea of toe enterpriae. Mr. Macdonald wUI
toraatesed point of all availabla troop*. to Magalang, capturing toe latter plaee have direct charge of the offise end
It b eald that It to* objeoUve of the and InllleUnc a loa* oa toe enemy in of the bn«iars^ and other entorpriaiag
NVe bonttht recently .5U0 pairs
1 of abort 100. be- petpl will be late
. Boara’farae travomlng Znlnland was kUledaadv
ka aw facto^ will be located at
of ladies’ iihoea.
Pbtarmartaborg, they ongbtahortly to aldea eaptnrlag fifty priaooen and
It waa all the factory had of
toe nortbeart corner of Bar atreet and
be beard from. That the paalUon b larga amonat of iaaargefA
toe atreet 'eating to toe lateamboat
this kiad.
ragardeda* aetiona b apparent from Uoa.
tot ’em cheap.
ton tact toat Britbb embeiBate bnrry
Our eaualUea are reportad to be
We’re sailing ’em cheajx
twelve wonnded. A severe, heavy rain of the old Btores of Haaoab. Lay A Co.
lag to tbe Cape station.
They are very ewell ahues
With regard to Stormberg. It b in toe last three daya kas rendered de Blood. The latter bnUding has been
Tht-y fit well, look well, wear
«i.i—Ml tbat if it turae out to be trae cisive movamentt by General Lawton's removed to make room for tbe more
toat toe plaoe baa been evacasted. It troop* impoaaible. Be baa now abuod modern atractnre. Tbe new. buildiog
Till')' Jiould ubuhII)’ cost you
may eitoer be dne to tbe imponalbility- art snpplies at San Isidro and farther will be 5UXIOO feet in dimension* aed
a t-onple of dollars a pair.
at present of provkHog an adequate oortb, aad wUI operate to the north provided wito toe laieat' improvid
We are selling them for
garria^AD to defend such important sup- and westward when the coantry. now wood machinery and ao eqaipraeot
calcalated to tnra out rapidly toe
plie* against tbe Boer raid* or to a sobmerged. pemiU.
ebange in General Bauer's plan*,
Manila. Nov. 6,-Magalang. a
Tbe land ba* been leased
wbareby Oeneval Metbun's divialon taken yesterday by two ootnmi
from tbe Northern Michigan Tranawill be landed at 'Dnrban to relieve General McArtonr'e division, i
A little price.hut here ii buys
General White. It tbe latter has,been strong town situated midway between porUtioD Co. fora term of ton year*.
modi goodneas,
new airnetnre will be
decided oe. tbe nearest available stores Angelea and Arayat.
•re these at Stormberg and the quick
Tbe movement ie part of a plan tor aurteil a* aoo^ a* tbe city conncil shall
oat method of making neeeeaary pro- toe Americane to poteeae all the oonn- act npon a petition sent in last night
vbioa for the advance woold be to aeod Uy to tbe eontbeast of Tarlae a* toe aikiag perniieeioa to bnild. Tbe buildby railroad* tbeae store* to Baal U>n- troops eloae io on tbe caplUl. catting iog will be frame wltn iron eoverlog.
don. whence they would reach Durban toe line of tbe enemy's retreat in tbat Tbe Umber ia all ready for tu erection.
Tbe aaw mill of John P. Ott
bafote toe Brat troopablp. A dbpatoh
from PoriUnd aaya tbat a-.peaoefnl aerGeneral Wheeler'* brigade baa form baa large qnartitiee of slabs and cutvie* rquadron baa bees inatracted
ed at Angeles In order to be prepared tlnga of hardwood which ia either ao'd
wood or allowed to go to waai
coal for a voyage and that no one o
for a general engagement.
la the pnrpoae of toe new company to
■eelad with tbe eqnadrOBb to be perwork these np Into varions ktoda ct
mitud to sleep onuide tbe port
wood novelUea for which there U a
Anoffi:ial noUee posted at tbe Landgrowing demand aad a atoady market,
WiU ba Held is Twelve BtoUS.
roal'a office at Vrybnrg, Oct- St. raferrlngtotoe bombardmet of Mafeklng.
Chicago. Nov. A-Suta election* it 1* expected toat toe bnlldlng will
aaya: “A big victoria fun wrongbt will b* beM is twelve tUte* tomorrow. ber^y toooenpy by tbe l&tbof Deegreat daatraetlon, bnt the enemy obOhla Iowa, Mlasiaaippl. Maryland embw aad that tbe company will
■kipping early in Jannary.
atlnatoir held tbeir own. Other ad-, aad Mnaiaehaaatu wUl elect govarncr
viea* from Trybarg any tbat toe firitlab and otoer state offieera; Nabraeks. a After tbe faetoy gala weU aurted a
Bag sUn floato over Karcman. bet toat jndge of toe Ssprema eonrt and two force of abort 40 band* wUI be employ
a Boer focee wea eboat to proeead ngeatsof tbe i
lityi Pawn- ed and probably more later oa. Ttaerq.
ayralala. a traasnrer aad a judge of i* an opportonlty In this enterpriae for
kaa bean rclsforeed by t.ooo Been aad toe Bnperior coart: Sooth Oakota,toree to* aaubliabment of a large and proaparoBB bnatneas and with the energy
Maa gone to Kimberley.’'
josUctoof toe Sopremeoonrt. aad New toe prrjeetor* are known to poaaeas its
London. Nov. e-Tbe correepondant York, New Jeraaj and Vtrgiaa tbeir aneoees ia
la practically atom
of toe Standard at Ladyamito, tale- legisla tnrea There are five UckeU in
ThiB report is beard aroand the
graphing under date of Tbnraday, min Ohio, five io Iowa, aix in Keatncky,
world, aDDihilatiog time, diatasce
mlsaa toe reanlt of toe Agbilng which two In MMalMlppI, tor«e in Nebraska,
bTbeOaaeofPtaakO. BUIvs. Jeton and —'■*----------took plaee toare Wednesdaytwo In Sortb Dedcota, tbraa in MaryA. Dobm, Teaterday.
The up-to-date bnnneee man
Besays toe Bi^tisb scored n sUgkt .land, fiveio Ponniylvanla and five la
Mon teaUmoay was taken In toe caa* will keep pace with the timea—He
laeafidenttoahowtoe Maaaaebaaata.
aoamy^i they are atUi equal to UkIn Kano* and Oolneado cowetf of BUI Ta.Dobm Intbaeirenftcoiirtyea- will do all in hia power to make
hia gcore
store eo
eo Iattractive tbat it will
tog tka oSenUv*.
offiean wUl ba elactad aad manlelpal
was Dr. J. H. Svaaa. who waa invite
inriU the att
attention of the bnyer.
U* adds toat tk* Fifth laiMacs and
ba baldln Baa Praaeiaeo.
aoma fl^d artilery drove a command of Salt Laka City. New Orleaaa wad De aeq sainted with the ease and who t»
The telephone ia one
Ufied toat aeoording to hia jodgmest
rrne State Boers from tbeir eqmp. fire troit
•. Mr. HUl. tbe totbar of toe plainUff.
of tbe meana te tbw
milm to tbe eoethwmt of town. Only
'end — It will, bring
Isaddittoatotbsitooiaaof a abarifl died es a nanlt of aanOe panaM.
' tomn of tba Britlab a Idien won bit.
Dr.Oaraar was on toe stand also as aa
people to yonr plaoe
»d aome jadkial oHaan la greater
Nawn from Natal iaatUl aeasly and
of bsainew.
wUl axpart witaaaa, aad be tosUfiad to tb*
ItAvairs pays to trade here
I'larlurr jmrr.Uj
lots of Ne* Shirts,
Neckwear aid Gloves.
Prince Albert Soils E€;-s
tbew Ii4t our prls^
a IkOt'u sro ID Hot-, l-op., O urm
We’ve just opened up
a Mg ncM- line of stylish
0 In the correct shapes, and they will be placed on sale
J tHIS‘morning.
AH the desirable materials.
Prices 25c to
Boston Shoe
The latest Collar for ,
Read This.
$1.50 a pair
H Not
01COUM BaHi SIm ttee nm
OAmohS'uvnd. I
The daily peoar* an tslkleg ao mod
abort ian't worrying n* In the least—In
fact wr have an fdv* tort onr raatern
friends find '
s of lesiber.
In lb* n
the Istrstt piodnct
_ of file foot'
We ixiught
•hi them esrly lhi» fall for
...................... ...
vsloe. sod they sre pieced on •*!* SDd marked in plain firiarm at the old
tow price*, It would be wise on yoir pert if in need of soy footwear to
csil snd exstniiine onr lice of men'*, women'*, boy'* and rirl'* tooee
which we offer'St tbe old low prices,
Here sre s few of our msny bergslnf
Women'* fine vici kid *boes. Isce snd botton. wortb to 00 for.
Women'* tr-x csif khoee. Uce snd button, wmtb to.00 for. .
Women's worm lined shoe*. Isce snd button, worth to 0» f
Besvier shoe* sod tiipper* for....................................... W. 87c, 'JSe and f
Tou'll be money ahead If you buy shoes and rubbers of us
1S5 Front 8tre«t
The Practical Shoe Man
what bos koearaaaivad M mixoA, tbe
» otbar atttaa la New
toaMmoiiy will b* la today.
Making a Mistake
If yoQ are not purchasing your f^l and winter
footwear at onr store.
Having .carried over a very small amount of
these goods we can give you fresh, new goods in all
Women's Felt Shoes.........$1.00. $1.60, $8.00
Women's Felt Slippere............ .........60c, fl.OO
Men’s Felt Shoes............ ............... $&60.$3 00
Men's Pelt Slippers..........................................76o
Gomplete Hoe Ladies', Misses aad Children's Oyergaiters.
Front Street
McNamara block
^ r&Amsk onr. • ■MIOBiaAll WAtwPlABt BirtimtoU From
mAvnas BCBBU),
I T. ;^na *«
Bosrd FabUe Worka
Umrr UrtatofBonttnaBnninea.Sto.
t. m. tUmM. Sdiui
7. 1999
Mate the food more defidoos aDd((
Befarmd to Oobb tUea—Ano'b-•
AUMEKKAS BAm><.aiAk<Aesceptlcit!A
•• tkc editorUl tn HBodkj'A Bbcuku Ib
wklohiW*pAper«ooaDt*Aa t*e «
ittMtloa KSArdiofOBr tatarc «AUr
work*. The Bkcuki> bw m> escttM*
«smAk( for iUuoaUJoii. Tb« aUoaNon wbleb oonfrocU lb« city boaI
••t, Aitd If tber« it mtj oiber •olaiioo
Ifeu tbAtAogfMUd b7 the Broofiti It
to parfretlj proper to bare U nede
■Mireat- Ak yl tbe Bux>iu> falli to
haw asy other faMibte plan to help
Iba dtp to a better kpates of water
worbi than wa now bare. It U
that wa cannot --bord
|v Bare
thai^ •les.ooo.
Baf~f tba eaaa we moat take other
•tape than tboae prcflonalp planned
Alderman Baatlnfa belieree that tbe
Bto^nu bpd BO rifbt to *oiee-iU eenU^niA nntil tbe report of tbe board of
piblfe worka wai -^cied npen bp tbe
aoniifil In tbUooBDeetloB. it b wall
known that tbe work of the board of
imbtle wotka baa not been aaeerat
naaa and it baa been known for dapa
Ihnttbeir aatiBBie woald approximate
ftOO.OOO No one believed it oonld be
nalowaaUe lisit provided. In anp
aMe it WBB perfccilp proper for tl e
Pkvwn to take the matter op at thU
tome and expre» lU viewa
lAft (be Ottp Tcatardap to be Baadp
kor tbe cfpeniBC of tbe
Aa aapnl in tbe dtp. tbe opentoc of
«ba dear hnnUrf aaaaon baa bean
Avant asoof the local buptera, and
- BU>p have atreadp left f<w tbe wooda,
|0 be readp for banUnf on tbe drat
4np of the open araaon. Otbera will
lanva todap, and aome few will pat off
Ika trip nntU next week.
•everal parilnk left peaterdap,
0t them Koinc to (avoritn apoU of
J. N. Martlnek and aon Jame*. with
Apanp'of frtenda.went toTroot'Uke
/■netioo, on ibe npper peninanla.
Oondnetor Ulnlna of tbe M. A N. B.
Into with n partp of three, tor MnnI-
ftef. .
•nnford Psiier and Cbarlce lUnrllle
iaade tbdr rernlar trip to lfaaittl<ioa
O. B- Mnrrap nnd Tbaron Morenn
vast to Lnoe nonntp.
. 0.,C. Soover nnd O. B. Vandervort'
•rtll Uava todap for itbe nppw penlnIWban tbe caaaoa -opcaa Wedacedap
wooda will be well aprinkled with
kulMn. U all dtlea eand aa food delaAfatlona aa will fd from Travene Cttp.
Bdaff Bandied bp tha^tramwm Citp
of Obnrlevoix I and
. Ullnota.
Tba ataaaer lUinoli atopped at ibis
pertSnndap on her trip to Cfalenfo.
pad left lome freight here, ttadnfb abe
Waa ao loaded that abe oould not take
«B anp of tbe frdfbt that waa wniUnf
ae tba doeka. She left tbe bap with a
fnllearfo. bavlng Uken all Ue add!tfonal frclfbt abe oonld carrp at other
bap polnta. She baa a eapaelip of more
than twice tbe load of tbe Charlevoix.
Tbe Charlevoix reached tbe dock pwlardap afternoon at « o'elrek. Sbe nnlaadad dnrtnf Uia evenlnf. and left
for tbe north on a apeetall trip at 1
•'nloek tbU Bornlnf. Sne will go flrat
ID North Manlton lalaad. where
•ba wiU faring a lond of oo oattlfc reMoUp pembaeed there bp*Brap A Bnagall of Ueneaea oonntp, for L. Comto‘" A Ott.
Whdtbar (be CbarlevolM wUl eonllnue OB tbe nreeent ronte longer baa
•Ot pet bean datennlned.
At tba Beating of tba Blntotara of
(ba dtp paiterdap. It waa decided to
boldannioD Tbaakagivlng aervloe in
Iba HaptUt ebveb. at lo:»o o’clock.
Bav. 3. A. Braadp wtachotea to deliver
|bo aarson. with Rev. BarcUp Jon«
na altamata The offering to ba tnkan
VlU be earn to tbe Bed Orcaa aocletv, to
ha need In tbe Porto Blean relief fnnd.
' Sr. A. W. Baiea
Picture Mouldings.
Mats and Frames
■eeting V xt Kandap ViBbt to
Oonaidar dldewalba
tobnlld a one and one half atorp bcild- people wonld probabip proiBt agninM
papier for them wfaee ao placed. Be
Th- f*wn\mr meetinr of tba eoanell
•* ^
laatntobt proBlaa^ be nneventfnl
The eormlttre on l-cen*ea reported added that if tbe eempaatoa eonld be
iTdoilnadatricUy to twntlna work. »» W of the anrolntment d a .nit- made to pap tba exscoae there were
other pUeee «bn« llrbu eaMd b™ U,V...ft-ork.
U. ~ S, p-r
cl tb, placed to ndrantage wUbont laereaaieg the expenaa lo.tfae eitp. I'poa
.h.i »«►-»». “'‘''““b <•">
acuen r—
f bu Miw. .10. •'I
th.i u,,., ... . .ub- motion of Alderman ilAitooo ibe matter
refened to tbr -eoBicUiee on
-bleb -u dccUbC tc
Pib-iaiCb f»- u.. ccll.cloc Pt .
.Ucril.5c.lcbU.. a.....™ Bux...., ao,U,..lc.ll.riclUc,c.lUcc.JcU,p erfiue^
M. Smitb of the
Wb.c U.; ..pel
ri-b AWcrmcc CU. crblcc.-pc-rclcj .... H-P^.- ...f*1"““
rifth wmnl report'd that be bad Icapeeted 3Tij rekldeocev and that (be reicuri. pr.«.pu, .end u„, l.M
”'•"»> “ “» aldeau readilp comoli'd with ibe or,.«b ~ U..u..un hul Ic. pcU.- .l'T .~r..r >..l..~U«-ilo..
R'letlvew the croB walks aaked for dlnance. Warden Greer reported that
in tbe Second ward be mat with arai*moti
IhecotaraUtoe on atreeu and walka j
““““r ‘I*® properip owrere in
Eicc-OKi> Tbli enatbHl a diveraion and
^ w. i .j
! having the proviaion of the ordinance
m,.«!'”brUirLi‘«. U.°'*'
.“. •'
—all the latest styles and colors, aod • *
we have a first class experienced mao to
make the frames. A mce 16x20 frame.
4 >4 inches wide, in all colors, for 75c—
just the thing for enlarged photos. A
nice 8x10 frame with glass aod mat for
25c. Bring in your pictures--We can
sare you money.
“b M.pl. .u....,|;b ‘b.Sri..b ...b b.
"Tb““uuL‘.rVmi. i Cbu.p..,;»bu..rf.w.rb..li.,ri. .ttcrenh
u™"^~r.b.bir..:.' “ —'• -b-bo. u,.Ub..11
ISO Front 8t
.bc..r.ll.q.lU.l.,.lUb..~p».Ubll. lb.1. b.llbl.l —r.p™.ul cpc.
Brave Exp orers.
II, ub ibri.-l.i U.. .nUi. ..Ipht .t «~bl, ..b th. ..put U..PIU ub
--------^-------- TiegktoDe.
------------------------ pTcblcu .POP U..
It harder to overcome Malarfa, Fever
and Agne, and Tppfacid dUcaae genor
ExMiKU. Alderma’i Smith flnallp moved
than kavage cannlbali.; hot tbonkandi-
alarial diA mUMri^lT^lhe MBlon Alder- « “ddUion to hik bni.diog. known aa
man Baating. movrf that .hen the
on State aueet.
id. and
eonndl arjinmed ltdoao lomeetnexi
pelitlot be tired, wom-oat feellngk. atria’ wli;
convioee you of their merit W. A
Mondap nigbt. to conaider the matter
committee on etreeta and waika , a
Null I f Webb. III., wnlev; "lip ehU
than a yeir
ofaidewalkaoideredbuUt Hr. BaaV wa* referred the maUer of the a eep'
» ■’••red for more
Ing. aeired the ppportnnit, to Are ..^p,
..reet near Slate atreel. ehilla-and fever: then two b..i lew ef
B.eetric Bitten cured them " Oilv sn
another hot ebot at the Brooko and beInveailgAilon irat other e-nta Trp them. Guaranteed. Sole
fore taking hia eeat be added that it .ireeU were In a flmilar « nditlon. bni. be Jk> U. Johi
}hnaon and S. E Wait
might a<a> be well to take np tbe there waa no danger to vebiclea bj droi
report nnd eaUmate of tbe board of reaaon of the c ooUirn named. They
I Cur«-WB
pnblic Aorka at that Gme. if Ihx ther. fore recommended that no work WMta Wins of Tar Syru|i, tbe
Mun-Hiku BxcoM> wonld give tta coo- be pot open tbe ttreci until after the licst cuugh rciuedy on earth, cons a cold
aeau No objection waa manlteaud by oeeeaBry improvt ment of Uping water in one (tiy if Uilceti in time. B.i and .')0 eta
the BrxoM.. bat nldermaa Moatagne p,p„
Awompliahed Their repo.t
aapportedtka motion ao far aa tbe
ndonlert.. Alderman Moniagoe Opitm at Dehartp'atime of mbeting waa concern^, bat v„>iBg ••no.”
tbe oUieranggeetiona of Alderman Boa- □ It wu reeoameadrd bp tfae eommitt nga be coaaldered far fetched. The tee on waya and meant tbai the •OormotloD to nejonm to next. Monday pnratlon Oaae-. ann tated. be tubceribalgbi floallp prevailed.
ed for bp the city Ti eree^mmendatl n
Hie matter waa dlaenaaed again waa adopted,
after the meeting by eevernl of tbe
The aame committee re<x mmeoded
aldermen and Mr. BaaUaga declared that M.ooo be tranaferred fr-m the con
that tbe Rccono waa too precipitate in Uogent fond to ri picoikh tbe depleted I
tu editorial of Sandap. in anggeaUng fond ot Street D kirtci No. I ontll tuefa j
tbattbe only thing left for the oooDcll time ae tbe amonot wonld be Deeded
todowna to pnrebaae the CampbeU for other puipckca. then that tbe i
plant. Tbere were dlScreneaa ot amonni be borrowed us>l' vneb time
opinion and It waa deeUred by other aa tax*, vfer* received auffieient toUke
alderaen that the Bccokti had a per- np tbe loan. 'The rctfi mmeodailon war
feet right to voice ib own opinlooa.
ad-p ed.
Tb. UjuAlu cf Hr. EuU.p «u
p'*!™ .u""..!.! U. f 1,..« .3
U».U.^.bc.lb b... bup .. ri),.,.
p. bcip... ":,;tv^p‘Ltu.:T.“!.”'lp,”»
n petition for a walk on Lake avtnne
to do ao. Be alao Hated itai the lampa
between OMn and Beveatb kireet wan
at tbe crockiaga were ki placed aa to be
referred to tbe committee on ntreeU
at intoraeetiotie of ktreeta rather than
b“b--"I'b.t a:.
Tbe Michigan Manntnetairing Oo.
naked pwm Blon to ereela boUdlng SO
X 100 feet in cine, oovered with iron, to
oe oned an a tactorp.on Bap atreet near
tbe dock. Tbe petition wne referrid
todbe committee on Are nnd water.
A petition for n croBwalk at the
eomerof I'oioo and Bleveatb cUeeia
waa granted.
S. M. Brown arked permlaaion lo
bttUd an addlUon to bin bnilding, fOO
Front aueet to ba covered vrlih Iron
and improve tbe preeent aireeture.
nia waa alao referred. A peUtlon
tram Stranb Bree A Amiotle to erect a
abed on (be cast aide cf their factory
Ukewlae referred.
Jofan nlibelB,
WabelB. manager of tbe
U>e city
Opera Uonae. called attentloc to. tbe
fact that bin theatre had paid into
tbe dtp treasnrp as lli
fe«a.. about
S3:s. Beaeked a retai
paid similar Ilceoaea daring the aame
period of time. Clerk Biekerd sUted
oo being naked abont tbe matter that
tbe aBonnts given ware prineipallp
wbat ware paid before tbe preeent orthe tbealrea went Ui10 effect. Beatoted that Mr. Stein
berg bad paid Ub lleeaae for tbe past
six months nnder tbe new ordlnaaee.
The eommnnlcaUoa was referred to tbe
dtp attorney.
Jokin Terbeide naked permtaMon lo
repair Us hotel. Sl« Fraat atreet and
pnt upon it an iron roof. The mat
ter waa'Teferrad to the eommiuoe on
Are and water with power to act.
City Treaanrer Warrhorg cent la b
Mamnaleation aaklag tbe oonaeU to
Monelder lu action upon bit reqeaat
for aa aeeUlaat lnl;:t oTlee. Beetatod
that be did not think the conaeil gave
bto reqneat propnr eonaUeratloe. Be
therefore aeked that it be rnferrod to
tbe proper committee. Alderman Imrdie movod to reoetve and Ale tbe oommnnicaUea. Alderman Baaltho>jeeted
Urln Newberry naked parmleekm to
lay a eemant walk on bin pramleae on
Verve andmood Pilla contain tbe-verv
•lenMntanqoired toonata pnra. rien Nutbetieot. Vlaitqneet wea grnntblood and new nerva fceee. and 1 imn A
r. A- VezlanwMcmnlndb poB
MH '
Practical Embalmers
Is a line of pants WK’re selling. The wool
was grown on the backs of Grand Trav
erse sheep--was woven into doth at-the
Acme Knitting Mills—made into pants by
our taflor and sold exclusively by us at
$1.00. 1.50 to 2.00 the pair. They are
made to see hard service and are guaran
teed to give perfect satisfaction.
Trousers wear
A Young Girl’s Experience.
>It <UuetjU-r'>ui-rv.« ecf* tonlLly o.ii of
dur. SIH, «>■ Uilu and Wf»k: II.' li-«n
h'f.kna »b' w»« wak'fiil m
nlcbt. fVfon___ fUr tUbd Ut'n on' (•...l.aKk
uf feliw ■■
King Hr- rlubiii:' In lit-r vk" 'o
creelIbai ■b' cuulct hardly bn Isk'n for i lie
aun'cirt nb.-uraiediy
rilR. II ra|4dly rruvmc»•
rrowine >■
” >»nd
Hrvvb Vaiirr. iW
I’aster than the rest of your suit, \’ou'll
need an extra pair. There’s where we’re
strong. Got some new goods that please
on sight--can satisfy all demands. The
first pile are to sell at $2.50—another pile
ajt .voo—still others at 50, 4 00. 5.00 and
if qualitr cuts
as|i fijara.
We hATO built up our
tnjAe on good relUbie
footweAr-T-We give yon
▼elae roodTed in every
eue, try ne end yon
meke no mlatnke.
The Old Oeliable
Frank Friedrich
118 Front Street
an Hxtra \ est?
These we arc selling from $1.00 to
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street.
Yes. Sir, We've got lots of them. Those
Full size. tfiat were selling at 2.2s-'- s6mething you can't find anywhere else. Then
- didn’t think wed have to buy anymore,
but ourenornysus sales demanded it—now
we can fill all orders—1.75. 2.35. $2.75.
3.25 are some of our prices. We have
better grades if you want them.
Another great«invoice of springS'-we
had to have ihem--r.45. 2.25. 2.75. 4.25
are the prices—and Chairs and Rockers,
well,—we’ve had big stocks before, but
nothing like this.
We re closing out a dandy dining
room chair at 3.25 the set.
The cheapest and best bedroom suit
ever offered in these days is our Golden
A big line to select from. Sale starts
at 50c. You can go higher and stop at
any price along the line. 75c, 1.00. 1.25.
1.50. 2.00 and 2.50. Our big seller is theall wool at 75c.
Klon^ke Shirts
Sell at 2.50 and the Klondike Jackets for
Boose FuraUhise Store.
Both Telephones, No 4;i:'
OfOorfn, N. T., writae aa foliowa;
*>Aa aoon aa 1 aaw tbe formnla of Dr.
A- W. Cbaae'a Nerve and Blood MUa 1
"laded that it wonld be aa excalleni
•paafffe for weak, waierp blood and aa ae Mr. Warxbnrg bad naked to have ble
axkaneted nervone apataa.
Daring rc^ecst referred (one
(ba pact rear I have praaerlbad tham
aboald be doaa. Tbe moUen ot Alder-
Oak, finely finished—three pieces—dress
er. commode and bedstead for S16.75. Go
where you will you can’t find it’s equal.
Have you seen those new wood seats
in Oak. Mahogany and Birch—they sell
at 75c the one. They’re handy to have
around—use them at all times and in all
If you have an hour to spare just look
at our enormous furniture display—nothItke it ever seen before.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Dalifhital Binkdap Partr.
9 I C. B. BMW oC B*M. •«• (■ tka
*Mahalds4araeaiaalrhcatMl bar 1S<h
I fmuri»j.
blnbdap laat e*eata«. bj a dalUbUal
I' Pnak B. Vlatoa of wnUMStaiv.
llltilapartx. la waieh aba aatrrtatord
tk»«ffc tb« «ity TMtcrdar «•
rapprwd lb»t b« M
ahoat isetbar Toanr tr ead* Ike da^
« fcii*.7»oO»»»dE.iiMi »kcr« Im k *» hoiM« aod had mat with aialiar wa* al e tba hirtbday aaatrcnaryat
o. »h*cw»d J«»».
!•««*» »* *11 *»» repom wapieu bar rraadMoUMT. Mra.'Broeh**)'. *bTTT:
• »TT
J. W. ais. taft laat alffbt far l^alalla *ara,»l*a«.
waralwattba part/. »tth a aasWr
Lavpar M. M. Athertaa '•-! iiparta
B«itb Qffi cr Aahtoa r»*« aa iafar ef bar eld frtaadi U-wa* ditt-aU ta
Md MiwSaMo
Wahh of Cawopplla
. ^
8t,-n«iB*r»d<»ef «fa Lake. lertiw'tdd^ponrtbUTteUatibecenrra aay who rr j >pad ibr ryaiiiiia the more.
I S^ftVe SVeiM
• ar of 7S
^waa tba rraod »ary.
Batodfc hot be •»»•< th*i tb* aaoreq*
----------------w. C. K»l*oa aed wife of Ulaad, ' Ooa wa* aot what he.ao^ed U woald i The Daraad B»p»w* rwaUy *pob* i
a at IbefMaiabta raaiardaj.
»■» “>
«T Traretae C.ijr ^
«dd «alf.- aad a bro'h-'
la tba ' “>* pter«« wooW hare Wra lateie«t. -r edliar waau ui kaew wbea. la tba
|lMbeoaaaea fo°i deal of atUnilon
' opinkM. a meaibar df the
p, BaMit wa* la tba: wa*»«rea to the water work* qaeati' a bovine family reach
which UaowtroabhbfOrwd EapWa
at hk far« rcaldaaoe aaar New tkatM ^ ^ ^ Leal*i.fB'k Rapid*, wa* at DrA»btOB»a*e*omelOtere*tlrrtiiforSix Fr Fbtful Pnllaraa.
•ader«..r.o.*l,leJ«r-.Ui.^fTl^%'’^,J;'^“;;*^^^^ *’
-atlob opob whe. hr b«ro and learrd
B s teiTibiv fallnrr* of »ts d fferent
j j.g B<^^^,Pi,eLake.waalatbe'«i. U..reportw**aec*pieo*t.dp»*.^d' doctor* rearly sent Wm H Mullen
A fltlabarr. Pa.. *r«>dl«aU
>oa bieODdarotoof ttaaok. estebdrd
Bd.O.teen early
n^ad Monday for the abaft
a ooal |
w., la Rapid OUy «« the doctor.
>*id be bad * fatal lonF uonblv aad
that he moat k^on die . Bat he was
irF<d toUy Dr. RirF-*
New Dboovrry
After UklKF flvr
back ud .v.ll«.k.j 11 ~ r«.l«d ..d died .Itboui botUe* hr wu entirely cured. It b p; larforeoalandhaalooaieda aatUfae '
farther• dl*«uw..0B ©the* ttaaa that vlllvriy raarantet-d to cure al* diuu-r*
tor> reio. The arndlcate haa 3 ooo
referred to at tbe tK-grinalDv of thi* re nf Throat, Cbrwl and Lni>F«- IneladiSF;
aerea aader leaaa. aad will pal down | Ot 3 M- Uadoe weat to Uraad port. The docamcat it one of cosaidrr- CouFb*. Cold*. L* Orippe. Pneomonia. I
Wronehilla, Attnms, Bay Prver, Croup.'
what wUl be tbe larffwt coal abaft In B«Hd* yeaierday for a »l»it.
ablc InieruUuy detail, kbowlny Binirc* fhoopii'F l-oayb. 30c ard $1 00 T ta'
Mlehltaa wlihoot an eaoeptlob.
; Mr O Ca*lc. who ha* bean rie-tla# onaiplete frirlny tbe total eatiBate for oiUe* 10 eto at Jaa. O Jobnwm'* aad
Tba wetaarle ehower, wbleta I* a. JiUad* In the eHy for tba pa*t week, a pUet under tbe Rafter K,tl»*ie No.
. B Waif* dmr storea
paetad to oreor daHar the nlRbt of >f‘7r»«e^*'«7 <« *«»^klDac. wbare be
FrllewioK the ii-urr*
Moraaibar ll wlll be aidde tbeeobj-et will apend tbe winter.
! rapWlory deUil la *l»en In which
of apeofal obMrraitnnnl yM'Ualr<.r»:iy f Mr* O. B Aldrteb of Orawa. wl.o ;4i,r board atrou(Iy com Dead* Baat'bay
ohear**wry. Tba owteor. are eapeckd ..a* been rtoitinar her daurbter. Mr* 8 I„d the Rafter rwrrolr plan The
to jut appear la the bearent in the ^ B. Howard, of tbU city, retarard tojroAplete rrp.n wUl appear ia the
aoMteliatloa of Idsa The obwrratina her beat* la*t evenlnr
< ftirlal prt c-edinsa.
Win bahlb two Blftitt before the I Mra. R l>. ekbeee of Torch Uke. ar-! The autdio^ol of the board of public
aehnduled date ef tbe aoower. Tbt* rived in the city last evenl&B, wber* work* called for «7B *7.
partlcalsr sfaower 1* suppBad to oooar |*he will make a few week* visit with
Tba ordlnanee prcvidlaR to- a aldb
OPoa dB every 33 year*. '
j bar dsoybter, Mr* C Clark.
wslk iBBpeelor aud repairer- and
At 8*alth-j> MS'!* a lift 000 Brej Ml** Delplae Day of this city, who i»Kuiatiny tbe matter of
weearrw ttaturdsy afieraooB la the | hu.beoa vtoltlny ia BIk Rapid* for tb* I OTcik* In rood shape wu adopted
dry iroodt atoreorW K Ferereoa A past week, returaad hoiaa last evea- pr'ua ed at I
previou taeeilar.
Aa arraad boy itrhud a luUib i tar
ealled attention
tad a ton cent piece he bad dropped,
Mra. P J .aro** of Mayfield, left IwL to the fact that the walk oa tbe north
aad aatHretoabaadleof oottoa bat- •»Mlar Itu- Newsyro where ahe will aide of Front s reet from t'lioa to
Uar. The fl.B*a qciekly sp'ead to reatala a few week* vialUar frloBd* Blmwood avenue bad not been comai'jaeealrood*. aadthnlatoriorof tbe aad relatlveu.
niefed. He moved that' the hoard of
alorawuiooa abl*M Peer ttrwin*
Hr*. H B. Warrea of Nelnoa. pnblle work* be Inetrocted to complete
Of water eoBtpleted the dambre. bat Nebrwka. who hL besa vblUnfi Mrv it wlthla tea day*. Bl* motion proaiUaralebwl the Are. ft U aoi aiatod W. H. D*rrow of tbb city for the put vailed.
wbather or not tbe boy touad tbe tea weak, rutaraed to ker home lut cvea*
Alderman BuUar* alao ealled aiteaaaatplaaa.
inrtlon to tbe fut Uiat ao report had yet
Aa order for fifty toa* prepared varMr«. A. B OurU*. who hu beea la been made relaUve -o the petition, of
atobla aonpe for the Barliat) army bu the city I
r for tbe *ui few the Mlcblraa Btarcb Oo. for are llrbte
beam reealvud by tbe Naik>aal MUliar
d to her heme at latar- He had beea uked by the c
Oe«paay-a. ButTaww whioh will ra- loohea lut aveaiar.
rrquut that one llyhi be uiabUsbrd
«alra tbe raaBlar of the Bill alrbt and
Hr* M. C Ov’att left last eveatoc at the cut end uf their factory. Aldday. aiao Bnadaya
for Thompuavllle where ehe will at
Dtacue ot-jeetad to plaeiar
Thema* Oralr. of Oaarfteld towaahlp. tend the 'CoBcreraUoaal aasoelatlnn. any more llshu Aldermaa Oarrlaoa
rapeeroonaty. weal with hla family which will M,held at that place k- drelared that there were other rrqoeel*
to vklt b>* aelrhbor. W.lliaai Hack. airbt and tOBOrr'w.
on file ahead of
Baaday. Jaat u Cralr. wa* ready to
Rev. tv. A. Rookoven of Norlbport. wMcb shoel'd beFraoted firei.
aatar bb harry to ratara home he and Rev A, A. Wail of thb cily. left
Theu remark* made Alderman Hudropped dead.
to ak t‘eF* warm aad be declared that np
A.J. Bmtihwhlledrlvtnr out to ha
tbb timh no member of the eoaunlttev
farm near Wiluaiaeioa, aaw a aalrbUeorre Myer of Battoa* Bay made OB public IlFbtlBF bad had the cour.
bor trylnr to toad a aawlotf, and he tbe city a eai. yeaierday.
tr*y to even call noon the Biareh Co.
latibU burry to aulat bin. The lor
way or the other
K. T Edward* left lut alrht tor
rolled OB tlalib. anaihiar hb left ler CharlevoiB. Petoekey and Cbeboyran. whether they were lo have the H»ht,
laafrlchtful maDaer.
la the lateruU of N. M Keeay A Boa. wbieb wu needed badly. He added
A HMr«' '<*mM' haa a ehaaee to HereporU*ple-'*td b^nevt at theu that thb 1* one of our best futorle*
Bake aoma moo'y east *euan wUbont polaie. with a Ur larrer aereafie than which had uked llUle of the cU.t and
avnano «ucb rfTort a* tnmlar hia ever before pUated for the seed boase It wu due to them that eome attenUon
baad Aver. Bb farm b made up of that he-repreuaU.
should be paid lo so trid.oF a rrquwt
pure Buck laad, aud eurar beeU rrowa
Wm Kelley left, lut alffbt for There wu a dbpwltion to leave, the
We an> sule agpnU fur tbe above
apoa it tbb yaar tutod ao rich la i
(%*ilevols. to the latarwii of the matur In tbe hand* of the committee.
thatbu hp* baea.offered »aaa
Clerk Riekerd re^mmebded that the brood of fine t-lothinif. M«et domtrble works.
alBply for the aseof IMj aeru of It
Rsiph ABdertoa returaad lut aiebt city purchase two direciorie* of the
Best aeaaoa
from Ulna Bsven.
eolume now beloF oompll.-d by the peodable iii.« on tbe market -e
CbarliB Rariy of NortI teld. MfaMitaJ aeph XlmmermaD left lut niRhi oa Polk Co. Hb request wu cranted. cooto DO more to biij and j-on get
aaw ooapty. wa* eutruoantly by a ear. a hulauk trip to Bellalre.
There belnF no more bu*li
but tbe wound eeem to heal aleely aamure wear, style anil ttmifort tban
Alec Miller left lut eiffht for RapM couauil adjourned.
^tUatewday*arowhee'blood polaoa- Otty to attead tbe funeral of bb nnele.
frotb inferior makes.
tor aet ia. reaultiar to death '^ou Sutnr- Ckst D. B. W»y. who wu drowned la
adtot jn can --jasp on it tnmpb 08
I the miorm nesr Culcaffo a tew dsye
t>ui It Mill com- np kmiiirr every
Jaoob Rotarael hu a flue boUteia ar>.
e " <blmaa'* BluKc Plou Varabh.
aow. Rocontiy vhe wa* dteoovered aaiJamea Fearaley left ycatarday for s
lar ewaet apple* oat of a barrel ta ber taa d*y*' vbit la Lake Vbw.
aelrnbor'syard. bal aol uutil ahe had
C 8 Oavb made a trip to Blk Rapids
aatea Marly three busbela. The acst yesterday.
time that Mia. R.>iamel did the uburnMlm-Rcu Lardleof Oid Mlmlon, la
iar Imartoe her eufprbe on opcnlor vl*lito«>«H*k Caoltol* Vader.
tha eburo to d id It half full of a Une
M|0fi dyUb MePsU U vbUlar la
^■alUy of apple batter—-Uraaa Lake Drabd Raldd*.
Osnlel aiko hu fob* on a bulBau
Tleir Oold «a‘.ar. Nat BoIomu. a Bron trip te ManUtoe and Chloaffa
aontowDablp youaretar. aald be did
J. H Thomu hu Roae oa a bulaeia
aoia'e bow anyone eoold lutkealiV' trip down tba U. A N. B
tor raU ar -'fifty eear wheat, and be
Frank Uannett of BattoM Bay. apeat
would try soBeiiilarel'e Bebu Jut
ahlpped 4.tuobtt*bel» of vucumber* at a Huaday lo tbe city.
haartwme peoflt, but b
Mra. F aaoea Avery aad A. Mra.
I anid an
to tba daarbt^ pf Oa^la J. BWabb, ofTiiar of a Uaa of •ua»ei*t
rwaiac beti
. <^leeoii MUa Webb I* ifeil keowa
uTtarrrae dtp .
Jaar^ Itoapbell a« old raeMaat of ^
Wilhelm Bros.
:*ttioinw»ttwn» wwwwww wwwwwwwwtn*
Eiribday Bnipitae.
Mb* blanche Joyes, Id year* old
dauebtar of A. U Joyce, wu dellFht'
fully *urprbed lut avenlaf at hbr
borne. 114 Front strut. A very pleaaaul Ume wu et.joyed. aredatorFeBum•at: Marten BcuhslI. Cba*ie Whitiny. Chsrletu Prledrleb. Bmm* Friadrich. Maud Oompinn. Martha UIcmb.
Bemie sncl HrtUe Dunn, Tootsy Wars
bury. Biella Barry. Meltb WarsburF.
Willard Warsbaffi. Oharll* Usek. But
Bllb jr. Teddle & uthard. Pruk Beallmantel. Oeorfle WhlUng. Hafh Marchb. Earl Soya*.
Mtu. Itechul aad Men P. Dana anMntod Mra. Joyoe In praparlBF aa alefant enpper for the yooBF tolW
Bablte Turtniwd
By flamlnF. UchlnF ecrema find cm
tortABd pumaneat eure la Dr. A. T
Ckau'aOlBUaenl.apraparaUoB whh
T* Obm • OsM in Om Day.
take Warocr'* White Wiitr oi Tar S>-rU|.
the heat couFb remedy oo euth. »
MubI Jfitorito ^ U «kt Mrt
duabla varabh mad*.
AeokSu Miller b in Alden oa bulaeu
for the BaibilUHi CtothioF Ca.
Mru.Chaadl«rof BuMab. b vblV
1&F her eon. Aldermaa W. W. Smith.
BdUaraetbu fane lo Inurloehaa.
where ha bu mtarad tbe amoloy of
the Wylb Ooopware Oa
B. W. Beymour. mauacor of the
Northern MbhlFua Transponatloa Oo.
b at Park Place.
B. OoveiTot WhluhaU. b la the
Pies like fiotlKtllsiil to Hole.
. S'
will be at the atorc*
i5 Per Cent.
on a clean, nice desirable lot of
Dress Lengths,
Skirt Lengths
When We
Tell A Customer
That the pants we are showing him is a
or “Berkshire’
make, it’s enough said—he knows there
is a perfect guarantee behind these
makes that Insures him against loss. •
Cannot l>e sidetrack' cd onto any make but
These pants as well as Overalls are es
pecially adapted to the use of railroad
men—Union made, and only very best
material and work allowed to pass out
of the Carhartt factory, ^o^ need of
an introducticn to those who hare once
worn them. All sizes—all grades.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
The lioston Stoi:e
........ OF OCR.........
Great Cut Price
Clothing Sale!
Profits bftv» b^n acraped bo Thin tb«t tbe coat shows
Tbiet aaie bo fnr bos b^n emin^ntljr Mtitifac-tory to
uft Ui lowering Btofk. an<l to our cofttomer* in the Rrewt Mving
effeeted by
$fi 00 men’s blue ami b’ftek ■ heviot eoitu for......................... $3 60
3d 26 all wool men’s Boits in b'ne cheviots, hair Hues and
and caseimeres................. ...............................................................
$7 50 all wool nien’B Buits iu casaimeres, io darka and
fancieft........................... ............................ ........r........................
$10 00 meu’s all wool suits in grty and black. Iiesvy
clay worsteds, serges and fancy all wo*! casaimeres..
$12 and $16 men's snita in fim Jdelton. double
breasted, raw etlge. extra heavy all wool fine eergeB.
up-to-dftte r-hecks and slriix-a io fancy cassimervs
and W01 ftteds............................................................................ • - • •
W,.*bai) have sotuetbing intereatiag to aay about men's over
t-oats tomorrow-In the meantime yoo can save big mcmey
by getting oar sleehed pzioee.
See east window for display.
Prioes and goods sre alike at
Boy's school snits.....................................
...................................$1-48 «P
Tooth’s 3.piece puits, » to I«....................................................$3.50 np
Uea Gaae. P. Btepan. Moaday. Tne*
day aad Wodnenday. Novembm- ft. 7
and a. BaaaahA Lay Mercantile Oo..
CbinchilU Reefers, high storm collar, dooble brewted
................................................................... .................... $1.48, $2.48 up
r 9. >0
prepared pumpkin. She wUl
putry that wlU make tbe
h^wlfe the equl trf her mothar-lalaw lathe UM of tbe moat futldlou
hashanA What *he know* everybody
can t«ara by watehtof bar deft hand*
do tbe wbrh, Drop lato tbe above
uloru aad eee for yonmelf.
are tree. 7«o-oiv ft
OTtosn St Bftkwtp'ft
Oppoalte Bamlltoa CtotUaff Go..
Proatatreet. Tfib-tf ft
and Remnants
AU wool
Worambp Chinchilla
Reefera, bloe, Mark,
brown, 10 to 16...........................................................
Picked out of our own stock. Nothing more de>
sirabie In the market. This is a
GO QUICK price.
J. W. Milliken.
?wtaaw8 baaaaa i
We are sole agents for Deefs Kid Sieves,
for ladies' and mee-Xoie bettei.
The Boston Store,
TH> mammma waooao, irmoAir, wovsifBaii t. lawi
! &mcr«V 'tUnit
(A tt^e\DoA\. I
AdviSMfKMI 1
PriTM. «l»pftnaaal^ Ai*»ki flood* hove eeTh* Rhooe i* rUisc npidiy
^Md ho* oUcod; oveifl-jived ot Avif
Wrtohoe r«htlod «ot Ap!M*A bp A»*ri0M* Bofo
DoOo. lelMd of Phosy.. P. L
The eMhellk* W
hept M .IOW
tovh* II* VIrtIa
>. RhooKO—Yov letter f«heh
Cr**b ThM to «i ■Itap mm* Watth*
;»1 OM 0 few (tayeego. Md I tek* thi*
la« Trotovir-.
I. opportulty to writ*. 1 have been !■
________ ____
B-lp^lo) eisee
tbrwiujm*. Ti-" ...Tfil .rf *>^".K* Aagwt 10. hovlog Uft MaBUa oo tKe
tbe etnoge 8th of that mooth.lUoUi. to the chh f
fla^be. of .xa..r, il.r git^ „H,..rii»g :«‘Vy «f »be tolaod of Paaay. aad U to
ej«. erv ell f«.«un-. iU«l eruiuc a »ot much of a city at that Before the
of everekw oo the part oaptare by par toree* oo rebraary lltb
of tbe oWrur Itare bad uod.r ob- the popalaUoa w probably ISOM
•er.atlou eereral o.t«pJ at tbe Santa !
to oo taore than half theCetallti* atiuariuoi. aad It be. been In- ;aa«h*r.Th*aaUv*eatlhatti«aat^
len-.i)UK t.. aute tbe . barac iertolk fea-1»
tore, of tbe vartou* iutlMduaU. I# a ,« POP**®"
‘t. There are a aataber
eoiall tank «reiy r-otiDued three iDdb'| Of Other towaa la walking dtotaaoe of
vidual* Laving a radial *i>r<a<l of per- , here, hat ^y don’t amoaot to Boebba|w IK iui-bea t>iie aEfi-<-te<l a light
The Anertonn foree cn the toUhd to
p’llow hue end aa. ttaid »ulklng be.
preaenl over *,S00 *bat we
It Unueel Uot the vreeh* of the
< raehlip ot Ad*lr»i Cetveeo'* tqoodroB
.«htehrt(oolBher*orebotM< theog lJ
. «1M for tae oreeken. A party ot the
;loMerheo Je*i begu to explore the
orreek of the ton
: Platon and the ftrat diver.lt to reported.
; foand flt.uoo in the pancrk cahla.
Tbo gold fovar baa again brokea oat
: in Walea ft to oow eonfldently eCrai-.
.«d that MMtgoaeryabire tochanncled
- erUtoamrUetoa* ora Tha Uteetreporto
■ r«.t.
.J. a...
u»..b.n™. 1.IU.UJ
. araae troB dtooc vertoa Bad# while alnk- cairt. wa* coilnoaUj flourtoblug ice ____
-------------,, jw.
. lag a wall on the eetate of bard Powlg. teuuch*. rilling and fsUiug «o the aide
“* ------"
' .
<~ ~.P«, of
It to anM that all Indtoatinn* point to of 11.0 (!.« oofll .o ol«T.« oki.
infantrr. foor eoBpanlee of
i a oonl taBinc In the northweet tkto WUDI^I It tl»e ••*!£« dancer." A third , **»»
are* aiiiKMt tdack. aod wa* a vludlc- the Nineteenth infaotry. aad
>wlatw. Pi«B tbe preaeotOgaree there
live fellow, ready
au.T time tu make {tery of light artlUerr. The Niaeteenkh
tonotballthaBsaalaBoantofeoal lo
an atiai-k. Wbeu I lutrwlut-eii
tf»lu..«l my
iny baud arrived
arrieed aboataweak
aboat a weak ago to reltbvr
rihe aiwthweel aad wiU the eloaeof |g,„ . .
oi ioim. wonid
Tenaeaee .volanteere m
who were
r-.aavigatiM in eight and a cnj famine j u uuir'. a* e flasb m-ud
east borne. Tbe troopa now here are
in cxtotanee thoreroepecto of a fall *up | loox •lt< iii>a«^i t>-iiia.'l«- aud
dlapoaed of aa follows: Oompanlae 1
^y tf ooal are pw** indeed| et>»ui it: iIm-u If *u ad.iiiu<v nan made i
Arthar Agaew. of the
lUaited State* Intnnuy. who pclUd
dowa ^dphntoh flag at San Joan hUl
*er«lag with hie regiment In the
RaBlln Oarland. ncvelitl. to reporli d
•bout to we<< UlH ZuIelBv Tafv.of Elwo.•ver, Km
-plea for rur^ free delivery
.« made in tbe anuoai report of Fuat I
Amtolant Pocunatter General Perry S.'
.,ut..Uy ...,.>„uiia*» my , W»‘«* « and K in Molo. abooV»e and
,.,1^ i,.. ^i^|„ gni.- |,r,-«*iuc lUe one-half we*t aad the other companie*
the rt.~b I at Jare (pronounced Haro, two mile*
ablle a m-iuuioii» -uioiiim would Iw j aorth. with tbe regimental headqoar
i tere. Tbe fonr oompaniee of the Nine
At the nr*i ei.a-k of fhl- k:nd
quartered In barracir. *.
Bt-DMttliiu wa* c.iir Ilf bficnir Tin- bid i .
_• .w »* i
* i
What Do You Pay
Tor Coffei
That’s a practical
question! Arc ydu jiaying
too much.^ If you’re paying a high
price, you’re probably paying as much
for a name as for the coffee.
Arbuckl^’ Coffee is a plain, substantial
coffee with an excellent aroma and delicate
flavor, sold in a substantial way at an honest
price. Voii don’t want better than good coffee,
do you ? You can’t afford to pay twice the
price that's necessary, can you? Then why not
get Arbuckles’? Get right down to the coffee
question and settle it now.
Hy buying many
millions of jKumds we buy the best of man)' large
plantations at a low jirice. We sell it to you at a low
price bccauscAvc would rather sell millions of jiounds at
a low profit than a thousand {>ounds at a big profit.
iheB and
lug tlir «dur Ilf lb. U.-L III uiaibid:"**** The battery 1*
degree aud rvl.l,-uili cud.-ui ui iiiK to [ »be company of the Sixth to atoo at
•u,„ti,er ibe band wlib li. foldv uh tbe dare.
tebtavliv. wvtv iIImi-iiiImI u. tb. ir ui-1 The Kbaklcks tea they are called
iiHiM llinii
To hulil tifp baud tl:in ' hen i are in unknown force at Santa
uniW »u.-li i-in-uniMHUf-c* rvqitlrcd' lurbara. eight mile* northweet. A
U.Iil 1I iv.nfi-** . 1,™ II
—fl d.j. Tb, lul
oelpte. enbaaceBcnt in tbe value of ...m,
. •^1ll a I
fane land* reached by nir^ delivery
bad here wm on thr moro
frcB SI to S3 per acre: better price for trvai; bur in tbe biti.r
I waited
Teaneaaee. were to be relieved
farm produce, tbe producers being to »n. It the aiilmara objcit waf to Oo. F of that regiment wer* |dolng
broagat Into dally tooota wltb^the aUte blTc. kniin lUK Hum ibi- l.itl-of »o nuiaU outpoet duty at "ouipoei Ko, 6 'at La»
. jf the markeu. - breidea odueatoona]
cuiilil ui-i ui.nk'e a n-rluue , Pm. (near the juncUon of tbe reade 1
. oeoeflu coaferred by relieving tbe moc- a-ouufi. Hut till- ik'Kijiu* ni.-rely (mwiu-d ] mentioDed. and oo the river ' It wav
0 stonv of farm life ihroogb readyACocea it* nioutli on tbe Kn-k of my hand, ap- h^kla*l Ume and tbe boy* were eone to Lutliuldate
lutlulflate tb.iln- *iip«m>- iL .
j ^
to wholeeomihterature and knowledge laniitly tr> Ing
. *f caireet evenla. Oi S ive nber 1. ru poMsl i-ncuiy Wbilc favtcned to tbe
baiul. II *tm hcbl to the rock, and it,
. cal free delivery waa in auooesefal ope: vm*
will, difficulty rrireMtl. When | •«"** the river, which la only ab«>ui!
.aUon in over isj aervlee*. radlailcg tviuaim-d guict. the etilmal U-gao to, »«>
is the daily beverage on millions of tables. Why not on yours?
. ovM «0 etatre and one territory. Idaho. cretii'alieii; lll'A
like • h'lgv ..,.1.1..KpIdiT. I...*
Iwi at ’’ k.
boy* quickly maraud their Are.
Wyoming, ItiBlBippi aad Montana be Ibc Unit
riicre’s an additional consuleration in the many substantial and
t i.f my ilug.-n. It ' with intereat. from behind au impro
ing the only atatea anreprceented.
pouiKv-d ii|Hin iii> !..iuJ
l-.iud atiiiii. i-avclupi-avriop-:,i*6d braaekwork One of ikeir namUseful
articles that go with the Coffee.
.Ask your grocer for it.
A dtopatcb from Pratorto. nsder date lug It lu till' t-lglil Hiiakvllkc ai;u*. 1 : ber U> get a belter *boi clambered to
He'll tell you all about it. If he endeavors to sub.stitute an imita
.of Tneaday.aayaOol MeeUar.-whoeom- filially iwtoii-il voi of it* gra*ii and tbe top of tbe thrlter aad fired at tome
Lu j
.maoded tbe BmUb Hoaanra. eaptnrid eelt.ll It flnuly by the b«*ly. wh.-n Itai,..
go elsewhere.
tbe jingle. An
(by the Boma. doeiioed on being inter race iMiauii-lu'cuM-. KtuilH>. »f i-ulnr exeUBaUon ot •attofaetloa. t >ld bto
|>a*m-d over 11 tu
viewed, to give tbe detail* of the mw rcil. tiUi'k. ycliiiw nud wlifo ai tbe oomradee that hi* shot had probably
-fortuee. bet nraieed the trenunent be hHcht of U»aug.-r it wae luuUlnl and taken vfiret- Poor Batllogton; (that
Skew Vork City, !>l. Xg
.jkod hi* men had received at tbe baud* *pla>Ot«<d witb bhi.k- a frigbiful i-roa- waa hi* name, never bad achanuJ to
tbe Brere. The Brituab priaonera tutv. U nisiV a il<-»iH*r»ii- «-ff..n to es- tell how it WM f ir ju*i a* be luroed to
-wen* playing foot ball at tbe Ume their <n|it'. but M lik|!_rPlre»nl rJocU-d a i-luud go back, a well directed ■hot. or
•Mien Wheel Recovered.
ChlqulU. pM*ed throngb the city yeeof luk. itorllug off rtiplJly umler it* cov
rather one of a vollry. took him in
.•odwD CumeroD bM recovered bi* Mrday on it* way to Rapid City, where
Mian Arria Uuntiagton. daughter ot er. TbU CH-iiipu* n-m-iiitil nuy lumink.a theeide aad went entirely throngb
Wi>\KVlv>U).!« On v.r~M
wheel wbicb w*% etoleb from him a brother ot the deeeatMl rreldea.
' Uttohop Uununginn. taae been nomlnat- tnd nitvnainl to ibv uiia.-k at nboc. him
iXL * M Brn.o ?ll rrMI .1
He died 15 m aniee later while
When a Ktrauge octopus w a* placed In
thd by tha Republioana and DemoeraU
There will be eiectioe* Is twelve
tbe tauk.-nlUitiugb luucb larger. It came being plneed In an aabulance. Tbe Be found Ihet a wheel
t Syraease. N out of Its comer, a-itbuut breitallun. Ben
^{•Ute* todar. ao'l the return* will be
wbo carried Wb to
, the deeeriplion of hi* Wuverly I
raee.vedby the Kr..-<.nnMfMtM they
eyed the oewi-onier a mumetil. tbeu la
« * reuilemM
-f “*1 _
’Thera wa* a’moet a riot in
eome iDnimprebcDulMe way hurli-d It- ley*, but luckily
Kinguler end •kcerieiued that
:-SanUago 4e Cuba prtoon Saturday eelf at tbe eueuiy. aii«t lu a aecoud the
M. B. Gulley received a letter from
twhen tha order wM 1 nforced nepcct two were rolling over aud over In a
Boooluln, yeeterday in which
conteet that wa* amazing to witneea.
lag the uae of tbe
cioeed a email ailk Uawailao flagIntira.ile'ir' T ««T a*tur**»
**eoreerol Eee-eatforBot etrlpea. with clipped hair Tbe 16 lentacha wuutid almut «acb trouud a*. I underataDd the order pro-'
eight Incbre io eize
__________ _______
lateraevpg i_, *oipti *m Mmim
* Wm* ere other with tbe raiiidKy of light, and
.Mdelannahnventnoee. The-prtooaere
relic beeauae it will
Tbe Death toon.
be but a. -.“J.
*buth auliuaU ejected tbe luky fluid hibitlug our men from firing ou them
. taUy refaaed to comply and
toened by General Otto. It
fnim tbelr riphoua. They re*.-uibled
Cieorge Baa*, ooe of the plooeer. eet Bemory. a* Old Glory will hweafler
: orlaott ottelals were cpBpeUed to
a ball of euakes rolling along aud me, and to everyone here, m U a more tier* OD SouU Mtoitou tolead. died float over the tolaud*.
tforee Id eeeeral inatnneee prton
•irikiug at each other more tbau auypolicy would lead to .better Tbureday night after eu illuee* of *1*
It hM beee •taied that Calkin* aad
MIUl-.V*-. ejMV
' wore hoond during the ehenriog thing i-1k«-. .t clow exaiutuaitoii of tbe reeull*. Tb# way of the enlivted
m >otb*. at-tbe age of 71. Funeral *er- j Laogwortby were oppoaed
the bar- L‘
■ Mpk* riHU?
All oonaider the ne* wriiblng Ilia** *bownl that tl..- object would be to kill the native* wherever
Tice* were held oo Sunday. .Nov 5.
! her*' uoion. and refo**d to join It. Thto
r. X» WMbiretee
regalatlon impoeee the lowest degrade^ apiiaivarly wa* to mukuIkt the oppo found, and to a man right oo the
nent l-'inally. tl.e Dewconn-r Iwal a j
- *300.
expreu their wiUingnt** to join the
rvtnat: Il w-n* twilly wounded aud *uc- ground It i* certain that that I* tbe
Near Maboaoy PUne. Pu . four
way to.save good Aaericao live* io the
ciiuilied a few bouni later.
•erek Ued. twoMtrionaly mjared
Tb.„i,b -b^ ...b.,1
Tbe oi-iopu* l» a faVoilie *ubj«vt long nio- They wooT r«*pect a mao
Jue bad a aarrew eecape ffom death witli iKiputor writer* on t.utura! his ('•rarmy eitheri of whom they are ooi dulged
)t oracliee game cf foot- '
by a ruab of dirt la a Blue.
tory. aud imiiir aiiiumn ba.e Ikh-u afraid If tome of tbe kvmpalhetic I
t:*t church had a U3*t enjoyable aocial , bit-1
iM. v-inbi lOpuBoUa. rulnr tea
UDbanada. who poeed a* tbe King ot wrilloii of Hi f.-ro.-li>. wlu.-li an- al- ••poor FUipino” howler* would exploit i
»°d Boardmau aveooe last ,
1 -.sail yvliee blrtpe HbiIi-v
III p>ib-r !-a
UIOHI lUiKiialily diiilctl by ua^iiralliilK: ,b„-.r.w.b.™..b.„
*t Brr»:e eftre »r K*«* M-k.
b...,|»<b, Tb.
»..bUdol„ —...-b.
o,.b..b,,o,a Kafir tribe in 8i nth Alricej
. JPorld'e fair, and who aay* be bad lb. n .vet I .110 luH nut to ibtuk lliat io mmic cb...T .OKI ,b. “poor.- .b... .. bl.|«»t'J. “b bid. 1.1, u, III ..11 U,. ! T....™, B., HI.. S,.lw C.l.-Ill
____ „
Rtt.UM) worth of dlamonda‘belosg-Dg liii-i:iii<i-ii <i-i-talii liidivitliiaU are more
heath, I am much afraid that it'P'*®* formerly occupied by Berole 'oeet.wiih Mr*. C W. Aabton thto af-• 1 -oi.-,
j t Nnr^ay-Jr..
I liaio ban.lied
o,toternoon. TTiere
"niere wilH
will be work aod the
to tbe royal family, to now n bout* H-OI1-X of 11,.-Ill fi..iti ill.- gulf ,if M.-ii would beahoitahrift for him. Soldiere ;
**“>*>»d‘he mufortuoe
•eivant In n hotel at Lontovtlle Ky
to atrnnal election of ofiiom will alto a PPtxr rnK**lktcv
and i':il:fjiii;B aud obn-i.nl ouly have no reepeet for “long dtoUnce , hreak hi* leg recently Tbe team
•* i-.iwp* .v_..
m apj*. *i_.ay
waa robbed of bis dlaatoodaeooD afur on.-luiiauii- iliciiuecli.ll wU.-r.- ibi- opinion*’’or ••long dtotance" fighter* P^vcticing coo*taoily aod to getting take place. A ful: attendance i-‘ —— .
me fair cloced, he aaya.
■ iiiiiuil doliU-ralcly rueli.il tu tb<- at- eltb«-. , A great many of the *torio* ! '“«> tip-top uim for the game
much dewirad
at Mra. T. K. Reevea. for maov year* i
The George Weeblngton Memortol lai-k. ibougb I kuow of two nibcr*. printed regard to tbe iroatBent ot ^ barker Feoningtoe wm bootiog
inreaideot of tbi* city, but whoae home^AVrKr>-^»b.uoci*..-<i>keri.*o*k<.pw.
TKI •-Jill - «uoo *. .II* er huuMevew.
■ aaaociation la endeavoring to procure a tin.- wa* oI~.-rj.ll t.y Mr Ualpb .kr- aoldieru may be Ukee with a grain of Lake Aon VMterday. aud brought
J pi-l««0bj <ia[1-<--0< vruvsn.
uoM. a gii.logiit of pBKH.U-ua. lie wa* •alv I’hekickoraaremretiy-rooker*’ three partridge and a duck m tbe re-: i» at preaeot lo Florida, to id tbe city ,
• gsamal obtervance of Dec. 14. proxiBO,
J. L..........
Lo-'l Boi *1. Cvt.tr*! (.**-. Xl.-k.
wading among tbe p<wl* at l-.w tide
___________________________________ n»*i«
■nit of the day’* aport.
, on boslneo* onoected with valuable!__________________
the . one hundredth nnniveraary mf
f'oiut Kan I’.ilro wbcD suddenly be ireeraitr). Tlie food 1* fir*i-rate ooder
igNT-D«eni*:i boiot* WeMuiztre
The meeting of the Forlia Club wUl property in thto locality.
.Wnehlngtoo'e death. ExercUee will be beard a Cry. aud. turning. *aw *oiue tbe circumttaneee. A* to the general
•VI Appto V.I.VO. B. Cti~*.
ueld to many of the autee nnder tbe children in a |hmL wading, aud luuviug heaUh. tbe recoad of only three death* be held tbto afternoon with Mr* C. B. j’' The fooeral of Mra. Mary Green cc- QT..~,.>i;rTri^'»j herbvrMop .o bi.-j-iv'
«apervision of the euie c
toward tb.-ui a large octopus, ii* loug from dleeaae in thto hotpital in leven McMaon*.
| curved at tbe reeidenee oo Bay *ireet O * iilw*id •!» i--i»i4 rw
v4vr. J.K<.'*avroe
raiMd aliive the water. WbctbiT month* loan average of fifty pattonto
.the aaeociation. but It
The Order of tbe EMtern Star will ' yreterday Rev D. Cochlin ooodueud ,!
itLX-OBv Uir*~--v*p-.')l« Urialw
snUnenUy fitting that a eommemore- tbe animal would have aiteiupied to every day, *how* It M healthy m any meet tbi* evening at 7 o clock for ,‘he *ervu-e.
ir »or-r Appl) u. J. V.
f of
tton of eepe<^ aoleoalty and import- atuck them I* a quewtlon. a* It waa average <
epeelal bu
cl«.iu OK..IO. -u U.. r-c- .
. anee should take place at tbe natteoal int.-rnipted in a more or Icm violent mean* eoldiert only, of conrae
Miae Myrtle SauchaU ■* clerking in nlar monthly *oag eervice at the Con- : ” a. v Beucer* u> tow
oiauner. A re*ldeot of tVaxblngtoo in a few day*.
. -apl nl. and the chief ofieere oi tbe aa- told me that ouce wbeu Ttalilng tbe
the City New* Stand in the place of gregational cborcb Sunday evening.
*M> MxUvvrektr Dm
Tonr* M ever.
..AOciaUan are now actively at work—by •bore be was advbad by tbe fiHbcrmao
• lib u*u«w*] epportBalin addition to the chora tinging of
Nto* Kittle Cutter wbo to 1-1.
F. O. BasNxx.
meaoe of oorreapoadenoe and pmaooal with blni to avoid tbe i>oots and when
utniwd vbrelepp.e A Pmrk.akH'M
A’large number of magazinre have the good old hymnv pleaeing eolce Ow
Brigade Boepital. Iloilo. Paaay. P. T.
lag. I b.ree*.____________________nnm*
interviews with Bany public meo—la ft became oece*anry to croM tbvm to
were euag by Mru. Dayton, epecial
pas* over a* quickly a* possible, n*
ukapiag arraagemenu to tbe aod.
•ie teaeber in the public eehool*. E E. j
departmeoi by Fiaak Curtto.
Urge octupl frequeoied them. Ue conHow-i ThU.
At Bavai . divere at .
j Whit* and Dr. G. H. Snow.
‘*‘7 vbpvMcv.
' '“v Birmlgki. l
akleivd thl* tbe exaggeration of a flibMtoc Irene Weim, *toter of Mra. A.
bmtbor have dtooovered tbe wreck ot entuin and paid but lltUe attention to ward tor any eaee of Ctotarrh that can
tained that v“
.tka Atocha. a SpantohtrigaU sank dur It; but once la crossing a pool stepping not be cored by Ball'* Catarrh Core.
w. ter- ______ ___________________
F J.Chxsxi a Co.. Prop.. Toledo. O.
ling the last oeatary to preveut It* from etone to ctooe, loddenly a long,
We. the underaigned. have known F. WMbingtoa. to Marlin Jarrett. former-. r*hy kicked by a eolt recently, will lone D<»wu.tot. CoBp**r. i»p*. z.
ralllog Into the hnnde of tbe Bngltob. bvid arm shot out of tbe water and
J. Cheney for the iMt IS year*, and be lyotlniaad.
[ the eight of bto right eye Tbe *w*llbai.x-~^. ec'rMol'te^e .n o.
- The frigate mounted SI gana. eome of reacbed inslnuaUngly for Ed* legs, tbe lieve hlB perfeeUy honorable la all
lar«»i-.Q,->r willviekeM, |*r rlij
The employea of the a^lna wiU give , Ing
^ hM eabeided. aad M yet Mr.
•whlebbave been recovered. One has
baaliiaai traaaactioaa aad finanelaUy m..,**—
lable to dtoGagutoh the !.
of .V-<their A—ll..*.v_l
dellghUal partlM . i *VI
been given to Oan. Adnn R. Cbaflee, blm. Uc. however, reacbed tbe rock* able to cerry oat any
..'lb. iUav
. rhlef of etoB of the governor ganeral. safely and bombarded tbe Anlmxi with by tboirfirm
eye may yet clear up, but Dr. Garner, |!
■ume*. Ue estimated Its atoe at 25 WnrA Tki-ax, Whol«alo Druggtote.
who island* to present U to bto nauve feet acraea. Judging tbe teotaclee to Toledo. O.
wbo hM charge of tbe caee. fear* that IT’££
Duff McDonald, who hM hoan amaowB of Orwell. O.
have been 12 feet la length. Again, It Wauiisu, Kixsxx A MAXrui. Wholothe alght to permanenUy deaut^ed.
ployed by Phil Shermer a long time
.Trerervv City.
cannot be determined from this wheth •ale Druggtate. Toledo. O.
Ball’e Catarrh Care to tekea Internal hM leaeed tbe weet etore ot the Broech
Bditor Beee Wondara.
er tbe animal would have eelzed blm.
dllor W. V. Baiyy of Lexington. though tbe obeerver was con&drot that ly. acting directly upon tbe blood aad bloek and will epMi a new Mloon with
Made Tonng «gau>.
jT 'M
* U*«
o*k anpeie.
re Beau.
Kichtk. uraoK HeiM
iS., In axpiorlng Mammotb Ctove, ft would and that It was Urge eaoogta mnoon* eurfaoe of the ayeteB. Price
75c. per bottle Bold by all Drnggtoto.
t> ItoT* brid blm tinder water bad be TMtlmoalato are Crea.
ru eteam barge Ftoteher to loading in my t*en*' again"
throngb aaing Baddan’e
HaU** Family Pill* are the beat.
^nlaa Salve
' led him It to an- bwa (fulled ln.-C t>\ Holder tn Selcnlumber for Chicago from JofanF.' Ott
Bihar world’e
Oaree Pllta. la- tlfle Amcrloaa.
heat in the world l___________
OyiUn at BibMty’a.
aeh and Bow^ Purely vei
n>e Pineeu expore tbcM dead te te
TU body of OapA D. B. Wi^. who Never gri^ Only X8e at Jae. C
dcTowed by btrda
bmt hto life II tho wreck of the yMht
Hfiasted Coffee
PS:"-" —
jjo... .11>. Ki.,-. K— UI, pu^jsi£ic!23:t;s-7rs:*.;is-’t5
>i6«kaio;»^ob«B, tttliaWT, MoVMtMm ir, ii>i
' ■„ I
»u«o tB.
-----------------• MW* fcr rw»»*
d Notice!
, Wm mm tmmmmmm mm* W^tmmt Mm m Am4 mm
«*M I
1 -tinve tioaifhl a bull iotereot
n* MW fwMa
tte HM«I Wek^
TW Britlab BBaean i* ofM «B Sob. bar la a loot Ufr aprat ta minlar. aald knows arm baa juai tetoTBed from a
■m « rmk avwM aad One Hsadn^ day* from 2:20 to 7. aad It U aoi >H>M aa oU nlorr wbo waa at tbe Beadle* *ix uiontba' bnclneva trip ttroojrb tta
in ibe.................
ud rowtMMb CUM
tte pMM- to TBto. aay* tta LoadoB Ne»-*- Om dl**:a»a la tbe dftJr*. 1* tta atory ol weM. Laai Bldbt he Vaa iBvIlcd ta
WbttaaBday tta attrodaaer waa 1.785 tta Oodliuc of tta Xaplrr Banrt. pndv
• tlM attar ter a
aad 00 tta Sooday before IJM. .Wy tta lartm and parr.t bum ta )olB aome ol bl* frleada. aad dnrlnd
r Mta mt mSrr*
“Aboat ljuo 00 aa aerrare." *•« aa
toni la tta hlatoryof fold the «<«mind told of many toetdenu
that had bappMcd to him dartod hla
attradant addlac. -tta Suaday opea. n.toinc.
Ttar ta« Vtrhr ateaaa. flarateca | Uw la a* yreat a •o<'ceMt a* tta ereaNapier was aecoad mate oa a boat
vatM abavea. Huaradl ahavea. aafl, tod opeoJarbo wert day* wa* a fall- plyiog betweea SlelbourBe aad LJveraiala aeda ataraa. TtaJ dais to be nre." He took ttat failure to heart pool, wtan tta cold freer *ot iato bit 1 ever beard of.- «aid the anleaman.
tta WI7 Men la tta Ualted State* and meoaiucd it la mooey. “Oa aoioe blood, aud be left tbe aea for tbe dU “was a hotelkeeper In Jolian. Neb. He
kept a uuail place, bat ttare eertaiuly
vta tare am doM thia. and ttay at*' eeealac* ao few pe««»
•*“* '•. «ln«* la T.7. .He came to Beudlya. but
WbMiaMf haaebty about n. aad bold 1 woBld ta*e be«i a aaela* to flee tbeai i&rt wttb no auece**. and ttaa atak.-d bad been a number of stnnse toriAnd the bimiBwa' will be» ran
ttalr MiBMaUj aharad (ace* *ety Ugb 5 tUlUnra (Bcb to keep away."
« elalin at Klaruwer. wo tta Loddeu denu within lu wall*. U you were to
Tta atietHtoocetwrlte* a eorre^ad- river.
, believe tta proprietor. I don’t aay
la tta air Isdcod.
under the firm name of
Tta-rwioa for aB tMa waa. prtMar- *«) torlBdcd many ebUdrem -Moat of
He worked hard at Klnrower. la : tta man lied, but ta cenatoly did *ome
Or. ttat a water tadnat oatalta tta | them were weU.dreeaed. wUb clean company with hi* brother aad a man remarkaUe tricks with tta truth. Tta
taM waa foaad to ba *0 nt^i«c*<d > tooaa. Bat a few nrchla* from ita called Ambroae. bat for *la ttontta flret ttlfbt I met him ta nesriy knoricttat BO Sr*
coaid hare coopM alanu bad ploeked op courafe to ea- tb.-j acarcely *aw tbe «>lor ^ *«ld. ctl U.V eye out. his talk beta* somsI’haprietops. what as follow*:
M It How tbto diaeoWT
Mtao ter. I came aero*, two diminutive, dl- Wbea luck did come. It .-ame la'a way
You K*-' *
-’lioteUeeplu* Is a stran** to'm*
wttboot ttaf* briar aay lire bo one Upldated Birere* eaxtod op at tta caat ealcuUted to turn the brain of aa or.
and we have iv put up with a *i*at from oor .
We sotii-it tbe patruDace of tbe
dinary niau
imm, tat tt la aiiM«ctad ttat a tyax- of tbe (okaiaal bead of Raiueae* 11.
oyad SraiaaB paaaad that way asd
■ere come from a forrln conn.
Od« day. .tusnat 14 It waa. tbe three
peopiv- uf Trnrerre* l 'ity. ami ^foar*
” aald one of tta boy*. -Conte It men were Jin.t ou the point of leavlns reuieu-ber ..ue nirht an old Mlow with
ttaad it oat
autee aatisfaction.
L" Ireplied tbe other; “we don't ihelr work at the bottom of a »4-foo« a l.roosed •■omplrxlon came Into tbs Because w'e put into them tbe l-eel
A Ive* «f «• ncM arMod ^ with 'did.riadgetamatrrA aawa. axaa. naiBera. make oor lombotone* ao bloomin’ bid " abaft, when Stam Xapler. In pnttlos butrj jud a-ked for a room. Hr wae tobaccn. and we do Dot use at y j
actMOiDiodainl. bnt stayed upstRra
Aaa. laotma. <^pptiig biorka. aad 20
arlifioial flavor—joR cbai*. purej
A s|Hfialty. K\erylbittt: io aeaI waa very popular, ’tlreat
ar M «
r. more la Idle curio*
tobacco. Thtoffivcoyou a whole.:
Scottr a mechanic exclaimed, “ao thl* py than anyihlnc elae. and the llyht came down and
b. Open ilay oikI ni»flit.
1 tte hydraai 1
ol aad i
ctpiain and could nut Reep in snch n ts-ine. enjoyable atuoke at au ecou*^
Vridtk «• tta MBiBtod
They took off ttalr coaU and ttaa got ChrlaL- -Whatr one of bla compan. to ta vltxla r>W. almow heavier than quiet room Don't you kuun that I omiral pi ice,
.\sk your deajer for them.
tola a haatad arfomeat aa to what to Ion* Baked, and when tbe amaxlod he. etrond man a* ta waa conld Tift liad to put him Into a room next ts
etatemeni waa repeated, he quietly re- The three men taw at a dlsoce that the bathroom and keep the water turn
ed «n ail nlxbt so that he eould alrep?
Aftor two taonf dltf—lrm tte any marked; “WeH. 1 don’t believe tt- their fortune* were made, and •
decided ttat tta SrM thtod to db waa ttat'a all.atmoR frantic with delisht. * How<
1 had on day when an Indian medi t 4 Froet Stros
to tom off the wa«r. and they did that
Audible comment waa tare: for tbe they covered up their ttvaaure
Hne show struck tbit tovm. They bad
ttlBC- The Hotel Elttellea waa left most part of the people Rood apee«rh- earth and went to tbelr tei
a irouiio i-f perfenuen. some animals,
wKheoi a eolttary pint of drlaklod leas in tta pnwpqcv of the dead. But tbinc bad happened
and a real, live Eskimo. That fellow
•old OB tta premtaa. A* ao notice two women were very nutaiwkcu.
to the dead of nlybt thev
was a l-Ird. They said ta waa from
tad been dleen to tte maoader of the One aald. ’ Well. It Is. of .-oitrw. to their claim, carried off'tta nueev
Greenlbtid. but he wa*o't ae'xreen. I
eaglMrlta opamioae tte amttor wae a matter of laeie bat 1 abouldn’t care and for eafcir bvirle,! It alx feet dee|.
for thur and. ata imlnted to under tbe table In tbe renter of tlii-ir can tell .vou. He wa« all wrapped up
decidedly awkward.
fur« Hiouch the weather was warm.
about slorin*
tta mortal , remaina of a prleat tcui. Fi.r three uiontba thev bad tbelr
Havtod dM thlB far. tta t
ycor wheel FKBi: for -he wioler
of the TheU-a Temple of Amen- meala ov.-r tlie*e buried thouasiida am! 1 put him Into a nice comfortable room
No ‘eiter ersmeHox tnsn our*.
Ba. ^Icr friend did not quite under never breathed a word to a livlu« k..u1 ami he kept tta bell rinxIuK continnoukIv orderlnx absinthe frappe every
aund. ”1
not.” Mie aald. "I..-- ^-iipn tlielr .-Uim waa exhausted'
aide* ttare wouldn’t be room for It in about the middle of Novemtar. thej few niinute* riD^l.T. the manaxer of
tbe «h..w who went np to see why the
. . Ibelr neit move waa to det Into your pa^r. iinlesa you mured the *«■- faired a home and cart, due up tbelr
K*kliiio w.-i.. drinkinc so much, cam*
lit Gnlo" Street.
another debate on tbe plan of cam* to upa'alm-'' "Have that thlneHs the nnexet. and placed it. loeeiher wlil>
down sikI told me that the lltt|e feb
paldk- b'c aatlarerterv aetilement wae botSer oxolalmi-d the woman wbo bad tbelr dust. In a box amonc a tot of oM
torn- wax tryiii:: t<> xet cold and couldn't
reached ea to what they abeold do. SrR apoken. "wby 1 abouldn't alts-p a cloihea. ami started on a four
■le.-p In that hot room. Don't yon
every time they «ot as far a* a vote wink all nidbi. I meant that
i abooldnl like to be done tike
like that to
Here tliey consiened It. thmunh tbe know that U-fore a-e could ceiJMtat
there was some eort of a deadlock.
f.’Uow fv.niferlable we had to put him
Suddenly ail opetailona were pot to be made Into a mummy, you know” Bank of Vl.-i.iria, to Enclaod. pa>i«u
to lxs| in tlic rerrieeralnr!
-BYan end ta tta cry from one of tta men: “Of- courae you wouldo’1-not'while aonieiBInt; like $1.ino export duty atul
w-A-syfp e--.«s
rre'AM.ttre <st«
••••niai wa* a fearfu! .rilxht. and HI
“Say. fellerv. today Is wayva day. If you’re allv.-.- "Nor when I’m .bud. ta.V> for InMirance.
never fnruei b. They had a tralnod
we dMi't do downtown, ridht off we eUber." -Why not?" “Wby. fan.? lieWhen lo.n.lon wa» reached the fame
i tor kept all that time and fben. per- of thl* woiidi-rful nupcet had koui.sa« iralncL b-i tm- tell .roll. .Mmnt an
bap* l.fldli.tRO years afterward a lot bow'pre<-<-.b-d them, and-the;in*n an.I
hc.Dr after
cthe l.eaT ate In ll»e
Of people yon didn't know’d ta siarinc their mck »f cold were a seven da.\V
<I=I1;|IE room jii'l like the ..iher folka
at yon under a class case. Oh! I .-all wonder. .Ml ito- fasbionabi- w.-rl.l
■tittlnery 1
ill .1 eiiairi. the hear np* and
. It borrid!" "Well." aald the .otlo-r crowded to xe.' it. and ev.-n the .]ne.-i>
•r- ttltRf r<
walk* In to the liar. Tta -roan who
la the D
li -told u* to tire the hear aoros
Hotel Bi<4>elteu had dlacovMBd that would lake the trouble ib miiiimir marrelou* nnceet and the men who lailtl.xl l»—r Well, the Uarteixler
ttere waa no kratrr G> be bad from any me? and they luisaed out of bearing, had found li
nnide II tiii'lake and put up xlnxer ale.
of tta ftncetB-ta fact, there was not
----------------------------------Tt was «ol.l to tta Rnnk of Riicljn.1
.HI e.vr hy Id* r.mll*bii<-ss You
tl*w RarvpMas Vr***l.
p turt).-«l (he xcab- .-.I
• drop In tta hoaan. To one of them.
The Oermans are hetrinniiie To form jy pnun.U ..r.-r a humlredwelabt It soilldtl'l IH-Iieve It. hut the hear drank
• Btwap^ man. ttm came tbe Idea
27 I>■IH•~< »f tieer without turnlux a
*.„f,in Vx lcMh of a carat of I«f ahavtod with hto bottle of apoltl- •Be of tbe larrost elemeut* In the ihivh-i'r.
didn’t even make him Ulka,ta.,i.,t, iv pure c«M. For ao......
aarta that ta happ«sed to have la hla eTlnc world of Eun.pe. Tp HIT a short
time ado *veo Switxerian.l wa. ti. v.-r
Vihihlt.Hl at M..- Rriii-h tlve.
A* I -aid iH-fore. that wa« a fear
much patrrfntaR by the chiHrei. <.f mm-um. at..l a .-ast ..f H w*h taken for
Tte new* «f tte h
ful nl-.-'.i The other (biuxx w.-re had
non *pre«a all tbrwidb tbe bnUdlBd. the fatherland, hut that ha« .-hniic.-.l preHerraV»i< at the mu»e,mi. .tn.l
etii.til'll. Nil shcu one of tfad umall
and It waa sat kind before taUboy* —r and It la said that tb.- Bevl.-ra ,t,|» w..udei I diseovery
suakcA x«t hsete-and crawleil up tta
war* briBcInc np mineral w-ater ^ tta would have been a .ximpl.-ie fsihtn- hnne nothinu but misfortune
xp.'.ak'ni' iiiN- we were nearly out of
taOBt* for ahavtod puipuaia.
s. ii’-w 'I'll, tails kept riuviiic aad
Tta Bupfdy of mineral waters aoou Oermsns. wliu s|wui mneh time ih.-r.-. Mven*K.l, au.l qul.-klv ).»i all hi. the tuU-s nhUihoe. but no mau bad
taemme eataosted. and aome of tta And tt was not time alone that Hw m„n..y .here He returu.-d to the die the nerve III aii'wer tbe call. A man
v.-ar« Iti
lot* ahaver* had i* t»e beer. Thl* forelsnera *|»‘Dkj>-hlIe In the beautiful sinss; but. ih.uich he
pul hi*, •'nr to one of ibo*e tube*
^ £ '
made a pleaaaat. aoTt caay lather, with district ' Th.-y w.-rv fre.- wlHi their hunlilic for ni-re cold h.- u.-v.-r foun.l wa* Uahle to hare tbe snake come out
a deildhtfnl foam. Some of the abav. money atad It I* said tlmt thl* artvamv au.tK.kI-.ii Tr.nv.-h-r.
and bile him. We never did use tbe
-------------------------afterward docUrad that In the fu ynard of tleruian* who are tieclDiiluE
tuN's nut ni»re but put in electric
Hfce W*bW aad WenMaV.
me ttey will ocvaf mix ttalr lather
S.XIII1 .\fr..a Is ”the Isnd «>f snr- N'll. the next week.’"-New York
Witt anythtod but .baar.-N'ew Tork
I Bos<‘yvri«e».’' and ihet»-. mure MBmi siiv- Teleuraiih.. .
^ SSVSiSe.^S^'iSfidVB 2SS8S
I The lUgli-h. who have ytt>wn Into ' h'’";
r^e w..rld. II ho-.
ltr«. tiM-IM'A r..rtsreI tte habit uf cnslderinx themselves « •> »K the umxiHHi.,1 that uxuall,
Of the liiiiiicuse foriDue left by Oxi>r oar le Oraad
tta best and most nnttrlns travRen. of
..orr was told „f s den aio'lct, who ffkvf un hi. ya<4it.-tb«
UK) .1
tobla to ta laid tor ten and then for the wurid. have .-ume ln for no .-nd of yminr Tad., wl.u had arranse.] her pa«
i-ii.li;irke.1 at S'.iiibamplon to Mayflower. In Enxiand. on Aux. 27.
U> Ura
Thr > ^ r B 1'w‘s >». rerl"
11«:. hi. widow. Msry R C.s-l.-t. wni
m1 I
receive an anuiilty ..f yiSO.iRO. This
wv* ready for emerfeocle*. asys Tannua-WaM was beani to say that ‘«.-uly cluiiic.-.l tar mlu.1 au.l w,.lk.<! amount Jn*tlce Beach. In Ita Supreme
,d K*«nU..«lcb.lrrer
Oaod Wtads. To sdy what Is (be ■be wanted no bUclIah RueM*. f.,r
n court, drv'idi'd the widow shall rer-i'inr «S s> b«.c-kAlr<-*r P\.
kind of bosioess that U.transacted at -they tararaln.” This has l*.en de- ,^^j;;“!;.rh"r wn'm* tta erran.- oelvc, et.-ii (houch tli.- property set woods with new decorations
W»n.' <..<.rAi.d R.yOl- »e.l >- sir or ItrsaS
Oraoto Bchnur in a fouxh-and-reacl.v eUred aB the more peculiar fn.m the ,,^,.1^ ^„i., n„, pj! ,„.rs'„i„l.'d io mII a.iilc t.ir h>-r f.-ill* Id bivlf to yh-M that
KaHo. ic rei.^i-T
way woQld he to anfold tbe affairs of fact that the Ensllsh hotels at home
marry the man w.niins with the amount annually. The sum must ho
Keep these io mind when
__ ®
SoBtt Africa. Some prise cattle are art- famous for tbelr blxh prices and a rine .-ii the oHjer side TTie lluer sall- paid ovi'f ea.-ti year to Mr*. Gtwh't retaliic landed to ImPEPv.- the hraeds in maa who will emseut to exiravasant ed wlihoiii tta bri.b.. and all the pn-ity Xardlre. of Hi.- pn.perty sUpulated In 'riown tOWn aod Call
tta country and ereryihlns U tains charpe* at home Is a trifle unreasuu- we.lillui: .-I..ih.-s and the present* w.-m her hli.lutud'K will.
'•ottM for tbelr landlnd and iranspon. aMe wbtm be pacgle* over a nlsht'a
'" the ship,
Month- tico Mr. Goelet desinxi to ; Jewelcrj store to look them I^h-^CHgO
few week* later this maiden ot
A BOW beast or bird or creeplnc thins lodylnc altmad.
have a Judicial <v>n*t™cHon placxl ni>A. .. ...M ....*» «r
i„ li-de.-M.in acaln chansed her mind an.l on the wilt of her late husband, aud a
li talac eent down eonotiy f.>r tlie
over. We have many new
- ■■■• •*.>.»
BDlqoe meoadcrle which U »Be of tbe tta German travelera there
with h.-r fi.rclvInB lover, the steam fripiidlv suit wns imititutal bv hop.
featuro* of Oraete Sedinur. and Its 8M people .>r that nationality at La- ship line allowtnx her to use the pas- which ended with tbe declalos by Justhings in jewtlry also.
traaalt has to be arraoded so tliai no come from June 18 to 30 this year, to aase tleket f.ir ahotber steamer.
tU-c Beach.
■ AB I
hitch oeMfB. “It la for Mr. Bbndea” 2d9« fur.tb.- Kame period lasL In the
Foixivene«s was asked all round atul
Oxden Gotilet left his xrcat wealth
la qnlte oBoudh to aecor* expedition.
■H and
tame time I.KII BnyUsh were ia Ln extetidiyl nilli
Artir.:|[*v)«.. ;*>e«i
It w
emotion, and the hapi
.ipy and
L> Ur* tal-Ulv « s piD
An artist has called with a picture
• tatroit . i> «v ■
condition of’ affairs which superve
supervened Wilson (?o..h-t. The furtiiio' ha* N.'
ta mean*'to dedicate to Mr. Bbodes
and tta BCfortunate. but always cheer* vAsiiors St toe same place ano nine trouble
estimnied at a* much ax *.*i0.onn.ou0.
y has to BSKotlale tbe busl. for tta present yearv w»* over 1.200.
in due .wirse the bluahln* bride was By her bushniid's will. In addition to
to hU Chief, abowli
rlns'lbat BwliserUnd to bavin* lu safelr-landcd
a Xatal. where tbe cal the SlMi.tim aiiDuliy. she has the use i
•Iv-liindcd at
r‘«“ •
Mr. PUnU«e»et Jon««. tbe wnRer of
abai* of tourists.
lant 'and
and d.-votd>-vn(ed swain Rood waliini: for life of the xrcat Goelet manxiuu. I
Ar •In) tUsU.
4 m\M
kt* fbrtvne, brtnfs letteri fenm tbe
The wealthy Ruaalans are aald to he on the
to receive her. I->ery ar tbe run* at Newport, the use of tta
Lr OrC K«{.l4a
T S'
dnke of Beren Dials and vranl* em- extremely profitable to hotel mod shop ranrement was then made for the Goelet tvsidelwe. flOS Fifth avenue: a
Tr.rrrM•• ta i: tuv s>
ArPruwkrr. «44'< p a *>p <s
ploymant In Mr. Bbodes’ country. Or. keeper* to tta
to which they ere v-ldlue The follovrini: noreln* the trust fund of *300.0ni>. and all tbe
to ram to more sertona matters, some trnvetln*. A Rwlas authority Inalsta
paiotlnBH. furnlshiuE..
mAns la thillBK. ami tta lirideer.¥»m With Hie
politician hat bnalnesa of nryent Im- that Wn Riunisna will
X"ld and River ware In the two man
ponaac* to communicate and. a* Mr.
*ioriA and the staldes of horses, of
^The building which Mr. L.
Bbode* Mid UR asMlon, T bear most women for the same period of time.
Amid the nsual rejolcinc* the bride ,w hich Mr. Grtel.'i was so proud
thtoaa-''' The party whip bna n Unie
--------------------- ;—
started f»r the church. whcn-1o. ar.l
His son and daucbter.are also aa Warsowsky has leased, 225'*^^^
actame for ctrcnmvcntlnx tbe bond
HMveasral 0»-*ser*tlvw.
f„r ,f,p fickleness of maidenly equally exiravaeantlj provided for.
Street, one door west
and pnttini: everythin* rt*hi. or what
In toe hills aloax toe Ohio river Is resolves-once acatn she chanced her their lnten>*i In tbe will talnx
OrasiS Bapta
to ant InfreqnenUy tta etae, aome one the only ti>.oi».TatlTe city which tta mind Rh. slopped the carriace w h-n mbted ______
_ ..
Steiohere's will
at aa much
experience of years has shown to ta l«an way Hut-. liuriRed on the coa. h which win ta enhanced coimid-ral.ly , by him Nov. lOlh With
liiaMilii* or undeatfrln*. food, bad
Founded for- ‘i'**’ drirlnc h.T tack, and retunie.1 on tbe death of tbelr mother.—Buffalo '
todWoraot wnnta a le» overr the stile tlkoroucbly successful
•. Rhodes
air. .tin- lb*
T>1L It
t Wadaradai.Jae
MW ba. « popaUtloa ^ AOOO and
„„„ .p* bnd *hown,
A LasSsa NvrrlirI iM e dee* a m
boans of the fact that 83 per cent of
The hrtile of nianv mind* I* retnrnThe little American duchcA* of Marl• c
tta families within Ita limit* own Inc to Cncland. to her fopd parents.— boronxb has atoned another fad which ' Wait tor the opening
fiaa Dnteh pnlntM, Mr. Joaef laraeU. ttalr own,boniM Whbto the limits of London Mali
promises to rape with xreat fervor ,
win ta tntemted to bear of his Ust the city are twenty-els co-operative
-------------------------ntttorement. He has Just flnUtad a factories, employin* Sta workmen.* '
ruHsus- a*.........
Tta*m«niitnent of tta Madonna ded
hoc* pletnre-twelvt feet In learth -Th^ meo meet once a year and fix
a fan ca*e it look* like an exaxxer. .reTr, ^TrTT* *
and Bfnpmtlonately bl*h—of “David ttalr own waee* by a poimlar vote. icated on Tnroday In Italy resebes ated speciacie case covered with *emt
ttttO CITT, MrCHIOAH._____
n#W Btftwc BauL^ It haa been a They also elect tbelr own foremen and n'*arer heavcD than any other t'krU
b. .ah.,ln,nl b,
otoBMMa wndariakliiA and one that offloers. In tta history of toe town (Ian mnnnment In the world. Tt stands Jewelry, such as cut steel, etc . an<l *ktaa* sad vstewsA ssd M(iM>aaR s<irw*
MftjMprto ha« wotkad at for many tbH* has i never been a failure amoue on one of Hie loftien peaks of the Ttal hunx from tta belt like a cbateUlne.
yaan. Tta world to toe acenatomed to tile factories, test year tbe earulmn Ian -Ml**- Itnown as tta Roccismolom- A case of this kind which will xu moJmSmit
RB b<
seadtauiKsucaUei. jata****
Of tte workmen and tta surplus pruf- over ll.SOO feet above the level of the nicely with aa aftetnoon or evenla*
d amone ti.en.
thew .o»unud
aniouated »*’*• The money for toe mounmeuf
waaltty Dutchmen have already
•saom. Of tta toSanTi.wo
koB^ tta picture and are to pnaent are fiwlM. 1.2tt) are Gertu.ms and tta
MreiSrf ^hJiore
Tranrse Belle, 5c Cigar
Preilt near time
ID ihink atiDDi hating par
Bicycle Enameled
John K. Santo.
Geaeral tasaraaoa.
John F. on & Co.l™!
Successors to
Trarerse Ci'j lomber Co.
Tranrse Citi,
.... .
... .
We.st Michigan.
‘-a'SS B ."5 .
rr.s» e™”!:!"
Notice! Notice!
I First Class Varleti
of Metchaoillse.
» ,U
. [1,^ spiiiff
tt to a pBbllc ydtoiT.
Its people are. on the
e av««*e.
annwaead tta tootonr. -1 ar
lt*a« tatottiy taM* yMtocdty aBd-*
CestSsN Ts^r*
*Ttat> where yon’re
Mid Tuffold Knr
It c
The Misaionary-My friend, it is
*n'en years axo." ■aM tte bollow- wriUen that tbe wicked ahaU sot live
' sold yon some books.”
oat half their day*.
ildT' replied tta vicUm. Rrue.
The Miaoreant—Yea. bnt that waa
written In tbe day* wb» the wicked auwmkai
didn't have so food a chance t<
np ttMr ttes At
aa If aavBUltwtoaSally.
aaS trsM ■.*. refUa*
~i-«-. ^r. «iuSao.
BtiMr M Of* tbr cry
JS‘^£.'^r.“S K,rr:£".f„r2
■ Ahnium (\iwitj.
“Rtrty. jvn •rt ■lUI^ wr?
Hrrf wp’Tf-UrH U» w«-’r» ffittiic w.-H
oa Tai« ilip SW. sad aJwux bpru ufr
CMgh.••Vw,~ ptnl«*l»d Mfm> HItty. - J.m
tberr iM-rrr wm Hix-b d..lti-i> untJl Ulrly. Thiati e" old Mrm. nw.-im tnunl«^H H*bi la brr .»wo b«D«-. anit not a
half oiik away. It itlrw roi* the cr«*-|>a
aad I ran « alrrp qlitUU."
*‘Aa (or tnr. I truat In l^>rM<>D>>r.’'
Want OB MIm lU. I.el: -and l■••ld.•».“
•ba aiblad. with liH-rmatoc ••••nilitiou.
1K>» «MJld au) our k« Ui Mm- Ihbw.-?
1 al«nt tar to It tbai tba •t-Uar door
Ud tiir fn«t door ta Iwm^L aii<l
lbai»-- a I>1( uali orar . v.-rj iw«- ..I
tba duwoaiaini wiiHlara."
"It a|i|>aan ic. na." rapll.-d
“Ibat wa lulcbl aa »all atral«-li out
truat In |•^••vl<lann■ a la«-tla mlia furtbar and luakr It tako Kt a mala pro.
WVd ortar hire a boy.
WutiM afford It."
•Tm Dot uodartakln' to work for a
boy." aaid lUaUaL oliandy; "you na»
or cau fit am: nilad up. T|«.|r lasa
ia hollar ^Ii-au u. ibaTr--lSaal».
OwMia bad that $2.UW to ■•■} <« tb«»ort*a*r. BUd Tom wat •« tdad baM
foi It lika n« not ba d i..M aoiua .ma.
Tbait!’# ooiblD' In ibb btmiw i« tauipt
any une." .\ud Mla> Haabal. wbo bad
barn luoklUK aaltna ovar bar Klaaaa*
at Ula> lluty, raiaad bar liaad
loukad tbn.ucb tbam, rarafully larlm:
luratbrr tba uaxt row of omnca and
aaarlH blo.-k, in bar
nuarlaa <|nili
wiib tba air of barluy M-tiW tba mat-:
Unt If* didi
atay aatiiaa.
Rarhar. roiirTiea waa wpldl.r uodarmluad. Mar i ilMafa ofl-tvinalad fanr>
-bar aar\'ou«. wakaful IiIkHIx. tba «'oii
Biani talk It ..
aal*bl«.rb.«al of il,.
burrtlila iiiurdai
ha futlla w-arob f.o
tba murdarar. all addad
I tba affw-i
of tba ■iKi' k of bar ualElilair'a aad
deaib and burial, and i.|ia war ratli. i
glad wbau a «Uj or two lalar Hliir
urtrad itmi thay aak Vnlamlna Cba.btra to abvp at llialr Itnuaa.
-So jour.- a.-arv.l," Uiit;t«>d Valan
tlna. g<HMl-DBturodly;
I .b.iii
bbtioa you Yas. I'll roma. <iua nxMi'a
08 g.«al aa alioibar to ina. lly Imit.a
alu'l orar and almra "
lla diatl. and yonru' 1 uaar auoiitb f
ma 1o I.N.k aftar wj
Rxcapl for tba iMoifort
ba waa Ibi-ra at nlsM. blx a.aulm: aial
rank umila no dlffan-u<i
■a ^livii.
of Ihr aUlara for n waak
raiiia a mornlim wlian |{ifl.bal
down IIII.I ll.a .-..l.l. .iai . kitaliai
Oud 11 Harm and l•rji;}ll
It iiutthiK
lili en^ai <iai ].r>-|iani
. ..u
>u Ilia
) lu
to goiiut
goiiyt ai-nnc
ai-roKM ilia
to ti .
wn bom-.
"I Hsa nil aarly," ha t \pUlned. "and ti a.-ima.1 .r. .-.dd aIow.1
bi-re 1 Just biilll up Ilia lira."
Of ruur*.- .Miss liitabal wa* pmfii*.'
In tbaiik* and Im
Ill Itial braakf:i*t
wa* aa aaay goltan few llin-a aa Iho
ao,Vab*nlloa .layM.
.\fiar ibai
raiua to !*• aodaraiiKxI iliat ba wonM
light Iba nra and rat with ihiMii la-for.'
aiartlug for work. Tbaii It
that ofb
whru It dldiil
I worth whll- i.i
atari up a tin- |i
>wn fclK-heu. Val
riitlua H'iiuM rt
early and *ii
at Ibp K^l*‘ Itraalda Hhlla ...
fluttartxl around and got ibi
avaolnk uiaal.
Owens' munier'a made
Igbbor. who liad
Ing Jiisi aa the tbnv liad
cnu-lf III
Otralgbi. Khe wanted no
''eildllllg III
Beebe .affnira. "Valentine
pnsb blnwlf forward." abr aald aiiff
ly; Tie doe* no end o’ chores for lliity and me. and ir* diilv liei-oinluc w
Should want to faror bim a llitl-'
•a othar oten'a."
It was true llaebel and lllii
ii.t did
faw Valentine ('beahlnhe loek
Icindly and <iiiieilr to tbe faroring. )>•
Ing atrifily isreful
•* 1 ru*a dfdD't*^r*tlVl**slhe got boine
how you beared the ,t -lls and reme
la-rtug Tom H aa off with Uu- milk a
•>my all I here yourated to t
J.u*t In time to are tbe raacal
Into the woial*. Well, she aays tt
tuuitilu' as she wux going along sbe
gut as fur a* that Ug bowlder wb
she seen a man scoot outer the woods
list abore Inter Ibe road. It was kinder
duaky yei. and.she bein' old and not
spry, she Jl»t stepped Udtlnd tbe bowl
der 10 let bllll
“And tbar* the .eani. la Itf aald
Valentine, sueerlogly.
"Ve*. and It looks coBTlndn'.'' saM
klUs Raeliel.
"Mind you. ibeie Has
only one set o' iraeks through
siKtn- In tbe woiMlB. and It went fmio
Wldder (iHeD*Ma<4 door to ibo nwd
d then they eouldn'i tnice 'em
tlH- niBd waa so <-ut up b.r tbe
lurkin', bin Truaa saw'tbe man i-oiu*
and six- aaya be didn't rub loI* loH'ii, ait we ail tbougbi. but
lowarils I WIdihT OwvUs'
take an alfldds
iiinied till.* tlHCDB' gate,
bitiublo' ut , herself to think she'd
l-sni fool emiugb to be sisn-d of Tom
Hilllliat site; (orent all atsmi
III) she mine {hark to Falrellle and.
sreil all Ibe talk, and that It was
ai very iiionitii' Ibo murder wu*.
and Toui off trt the siail'in witb tbe
Well. Ibr eonslable gut bold of
story and be gare ber.onlera
paorUM sad term indnsls in Tys*
lx-'* ...mli
d.i Is-llev.
lonesome Thi-re! Tli
And ai
at.m|> sbe
ball d<*<r.
Bill il
d cit here If
le. fr. tted. "I ilecbire I
It .....ms
I'm’ad a-irei
Betty. *Tor I aba o i breathe real ri.*fill he’s i-aughl and poMshed.
I a|.
".'I! have
to git some one to Slav her.- with ua.
I'm too n.TV,.na to slav akuie
Doors, Sash. Mouldings.
-Fine Mill Work
t'alifumls." aald a genUeman wbo la Bggsnwdox
ioK-nvtcd in a flower farm Id Um An- Codfish pm- B..
gele* to tlx- Atlanta chmsUtution.
per B.................,,
"Howers espec ially ioiended for dlspor fc Dnlrt,
tillailuD hate only beeu eiteualTeU , f?*™**T Batter.B,
gruHo on tbe I’arifie slope since IiMi.
when a iYen.bii.ao went to
foUto^ bop bw.
SaJt pe, bNV..
Rron per
leat Flonrper tobi..............
. a o
pv bo. (new)......................
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
and gwhi-taiii atmoally.
ndusirle* of ibis sort are now | butter per B larai.-d in .Ufferent iwrta of
. ■fm per doMs
niA. nu.l all an- iwylng aa well;
Appl«H—ColU Md wipd&lla. SOe per
i'reiii-limau's (ann.
1 ■■■• "e•Tbe
inad for .UatUbnion. i <»>>». (Bieblrao
>. violets, miea and Oo.lneeordfawtnouAllir. 10 l*e
■ rdy in t'alifomU
yield r1.-li iiarresu lo geueroua
.'ulilvatloii. Kvts-Hni.-nta have alao retviitly lieen mad.- In growing niuak imd
damask ruses, ami an abnn.lBDce of
anar of the finest <|iiality there ia good
for believlug that Oallfornla
lUpply a* tine a mateiial for
making |•e^rum.-ry as now .vmes from
south of l-YnDce.
lliat la rvgulml to make thia Industry
rent* at tilbniltar and elM-wbcrt- were
■lat.sl to Is. due )<S' lilt- sauu- cause.
Tlx- admiral also aiiggesu-d tbat the
givai rivllUtsI uatiuus of the world
abould underlain- Jointly au lavesUgailuu of Mu- i.-mts-raiun- of tlu- surface
HUti-i all ..vci il.e Horld.
•bxiild take Okoisk n-a. |{■'ring wa or
tbe M-a of Ja|>aii. Itla.-k s<-M. White aco.
Kara v-a nixl th.- i'lnulsli gulf: Eng
land take the .Ailanilt-. t'nlu-d Suiea
the uurtberu ra. iliv. lierniuuy tbe In■ liau 0.-.-UU. Kniu.v the •oulli I’aciflc.
Sw«Jcu and Norway tbe .Norlb a.«.
ibolilaJtIt- and Artiie s.-a
tiaU..U slimild tTttin. i the luf..rmailon In
regnr.1 u» tlx- i.mirs-raiurv from sbipa'
l.igiHH.ks, put iiMb tnld.-s and w-ail It
lo tlx- .v.m-*ihni-ling untlxu*.
In tbia
way we tvuhi .-a.-Ii year Ks-ome richer
In tbe ku»wb-.lte ..f tbe teiii|x>ratur«
uf Ib.- surfui-.- water aud Would be enabl-d lo study mauy ileiails wblcb up
to the prvsMit time art- unknown."
Apple, a* Medlclae.
. willsoi. Buys that the apple la
n fruit that. feH (wruui*
eat-lous uiedlelnal pro|x-nies.
-agbt to know tbat the very be«
tiling be t-an do I* to t-ai au apple Jnat
befoee going to bed. Tbe apjde la ex-
•V.. r.-tne^- equals WABh'ra'fi White
l.s'E .>»•' Tak SVKI'P for this u-rri■aixi futal aiw.a.-wi. If Uken thoi*
.'My and in lime, it will cure a cos.E-t hours, and fo- tbe ouugb tliat lul-
------ . . . •
*» *arg.^y carried on In Ruaala.
"s!;‘n". .
Ascrmany and Italy amA
a profiiabto
-For^sHytef S*w Yo>t.aaa —e.e«a^
Sotifeil 'Wikd.tiaig, T^Ta-rr-er’se 0±ty,
Nov. 10, 1899.
are used and eadpiHed bv the Irodipf
•n»lc an*-Trrywhere. No ISW Fr-ot
•ireet. N B Strong; maoMKr «9 ft
nrsixuss i ARita.
O M. B.:0WN. Auenwr ar' l
O; ba« BpselAl *u*aUa>D M a
oaTAjeaelaa. IlirroatP..
Mtj.'-:,*i l*i>. Ofle«*.CI
r\K H ■ ap'.«.M»uB.r*b-r*ip«rtkw«i.*
, .a.. U.l'HtiOB. AttoraeysJ^d'coiiaM-lk.rai
OPee*. Oita Opw.
TYa_ A
BOUlDAvTaradnaW Tomui
ill^LBtBT.Atwroey. apwlAlAlwaltua
sssfivrKAiitv"Abstraeis of Tti
TIieKuai Bueceaafbi and Scientific Treataast of All Slacope* aad
of Xaukind Foeolhl* to Obtain.
•*■ mod esmiFjJurn to tb* m.l ru(iB.!FOFF at t»F.-*aw|F* FTFrfwkm--------- r—
Bell -phooF XA
*F^ DKBt'iiy°d*y"er
To (^airymen,
Farrhers and Cattle
Onrogeellent Potato Pnlp. wblcb
entirely dlgesublr by eatUa. b
andboeiaod which
famish in a aweei stata. '|a
• bOBlgktkSFFtMll n
^HSONIO SORB XTas sod trsuolAWd ,
..... .........................
^RBS gu'svaoiifd rurrd
rcslF WF*kOM sod all dcllrsiF dlsordsr* pMullsr to
eiikw *»s. tsMltltsly Fsrsd.i*. .
UetiAldUordw*ik*itFsn1i frtm
tsrr h»Wu sad ricFs h
*t>iIbod2, uaetuag tb.
ter *tady. eecaaip
•ale at our factory.
The price for which we will aell th<*
toed in order to loirodaee it will
eon^dermbly leu than half tbe ccet o1
(be same amouat of feed atairt
In order to iatroduee Ibia
i^roaWM.cnaB*aCtsaeelsnk. p
Ctoie*V. ^Nsad^iiwM^'
sad pFroisXFailjrun
0 qulrklri
iSAFnSM. 1 ear* W gr wptef nil a
of i **“
DlACaABOlMO EABJ eared U e
will »ell it In a preeeed auto et 15 e._ _
TbU feed la fattening aad
barrels, box wagon*. eW. aod con be
an- s|>I.-udM food for ponlimlx-r of eggs.
Kimball Piatos agb OreaK
catUe ana horece prater thU
ml u|dimi lialdt.-k’o|.ular Kc-lcnca.
DRS. 13. S. & CO.
AmericaB Medical ud Sni^cil Instltote of Inskegn, IldL
ocorerdlog t
T?i-a «
origloal eontraoi
ietk>o of the Uver.
moles Bouud.aud bc-aliby sleep ^
dlsli -
t I* also tlx- twsi amblote for tbe era?ng of |x-r.M,i,s addli-icsl to Hi* aleobol
Traverse City. Mich.^
Dr ft 0 Lmar
ivMoni braiu f.xul, ts-cau*e it has mor*
|>b.M).lx>rlc- Bt-UI lu an easily tllgeated
simis- tliaunny olber fruit kuown. It
b. hell*, tbe kl.luey •ecretlon
ami obviates ludigtvtbm and is one uf
Hie Iwit prcveotlves of dl*eane* of tbe
.Next It, lemon aud orange tt
J. E. Greilick Co.
Te^ne .NV 1,
Coasiiltatjoi and Eiaminatioa free and Strictlf CoafidHtial
. j Care La (ripsa ta 24 laan.
wlabrs to aoooaaee tbat h* aow bat
oootrol of what waa formerly kaowa
a* the Boston Deotal Parian. Also
te*ut«all old unflolabod ooutwt
In ( allfornlB ere tbe cBpltal
m-eded and the Yankee goabradattveness. B.itli of :i.eM- seem about to be
fumlKiiiHl In tbe n.-ar future.
Now is the time
to place yonr orders for
irc pru.ed a aui .-eaa almoat fiom
tbe surt. and llie.
tracts aud esM-oces
|UISl fl'
Cold weather t, roming.
, '
lea. wbere be puixbaan] Jli acm hf ;
land on which to grow orangea.
Instead of idauting bla proiwny wttb
Frvpehiuan d.a-ld.-d to devote bla co- f
orgies to raising flowera. aueb aa could
be useil f..r making perfumery. T^ '
It I* aai.l Hull lUi- siiurtiiwcr 1* vain*
ix-w-roaiid ■l.lv for kis-itlng off malarial fevera.
r won't di
abe said. s..leii l>. "I knoH v.iii ain’t
iiard.-n-r, and you know 1 ain’t. Imt
We ilon’i knoH ji
. ____
It ahout
aar <m>- eUwHer.- we'v.- beep and hnuse.1 and f.sj
a criminal
We hel|wd hlai to gli red
of Ms (dais-, and we mad.- an ease wav
r lilm to fly from Jnsti.v
................... .... ................ — cutHvailun of tbe «»•■«ime. and 1 nl«Y iiu’ to 5^‘to lUfore et "—-Amm "tt -rxiri-^ —■-'
a bmm.*
J. E. fireiiick Hn
It Ark..
It Farit
I L.*
u. H. I
"lUIslng flower* for tbe manorMturc
of |•e^ful»e^y is an Industry tbat U
ytisi gHUng a fuutbuld lo aoutbara
are thinking of .-iilargiug tbelr businraa
s-TBps b. the »-iiliig beus.’roiiud
by r..ll..Hiug 111.- FIVU.-1. method of
lie, tier own tri-iier. standing ban
■si at the wag<m-honse door.
utUI/lag the wnsli-of orange orvbarda
otioln' away; Valenilner sbe
So far tli.-rC has ^n no all.-uipl to
ui-e anytbliig from the iiraiice grovi-a
to see I hat
1 wbo’a buyln’ ..r tbl* stat.- ei.vpi lb.- fnili. and the
inyplai e pninllx-d
Ibe molicrrcs- |H-rfMiiie. makers ibliik. ibai do liuiiorier.lay,
Was golu'
WBlt a day or
UUI wuiris* of w.-altli has U-eii neglectiwo ts-fore
HI ana then I beard
you any Klitb-’d ouctil to g.-t oiii :iii<i .*1. The pruning* ..f .•range aud l<-uiu6
you isMildii'i o» lo-day. ao I thought lives and luirti*- fruit ar.- disiilb-d In
1 Wollldll’l d-l(l<
Kron.-e to proiliKs- a sulKlamv worth
Ra.-b-l h.-l|s-d itm Into Ma coat and fnan
to g^ a isuiiid ami all of Kuran-fiiilv pi-k.sl
few sin
off of It
r..|s-'s Hiipid.i of ibl* I. not large
Baying, as she ill -o:\yie
e and Hr .-tioogb to ui.s-1 the .leiiiaod of tbe
Kill... lor six- >v li t *I:itl.l." And
soapiiiak.-r* .t gissl d.-ul of uniuge oil
le Wat-bi-d lilii ■Irive away and abut
ilr.-a.ly uia.b- in I'aliroriila aud shipabl
n- Iniii- gall* afl.................
II was grouliii: dusk when an aiixf.»-d from
iis wbtim.. iitir.-i,-i,.,i ih.' air-ml.>n of oiaiig.- llow.-r. bate (
the *M,-r« ns ib.-y sni waliloc for tbe tnsv In oisler I.. i
Vnb-iilin. -* p-iiini to siipj-er,
Rachel fum.- il* uiaii.lfai (.11
iiii.-rf.-rt-s H-lib
-nt lo Ml.- klt.-tx-n .1-*.. and bn-ke.! the orange lmlii*iry ''
KIlTle siMsI at tlx- gale, but u.>
rK.-V HUS III Mgbt.
arlea.-e o( the *ea.
"Wal. 1 <bs-|aiv.
Uliur she Cla |«i*-r i-it iiu.. rt-ad at Edlo•■latimsl; •'Ib.-r.- Valentin.- has b-fl llmi
h by Admiral .Mukaivff of tba
bor*.- uiiibst. after all. and bom.- al..-’*
tiau navy ..u "Huul.h- t'urreuu In
We lulclii e
well tend the llu*|K.ni. Hlid Kisi-wix-tv" Ibe
II Cll S.I|.|ST."
cause of th.v.- n-viTN- i-unvou was
4s.ks as irrsli.- .s.tiie borne pr.-tty siaitsl to lx- tliffen-utv lu salliiiiy. Tlu-M." *ai.l Mis* Hilly
Hla.-k w-ti. f..r .-vamid.-. lias half tlxo; »ii.-* tipsi and b.-r coat's
<lUBUIIIy t.r salt f.mud In iIh- water of j
led with liersplnillon,
Ibi- .\lt->lil.-rraix-aii
Tlx- r.-v.
II.- Iiniln’l
drlv b.-r s..
I- u«b.-r.-.l in Instead
ntxl lli.-ii -dll- s.-)t
to H-oiid.r
vaguely a list T.uii t-otild warn at tbat
tliiii- of night.
The surprise
is.miift: *ouii-how w.Hgh.si ii|*i
spirit* and Ibiw itidftT a«k I
iiivs aii.1 even foixm to lu-pilre al«m
the 1sl«.*i n.-w*v«r the tniirii.-n-r. which
he. as .-..nstalde. micht Is- *iixi*
talk.-d of weaibcr. cr..p*
I. ...lav- ii.-ws and then asked audIlly:
-Wliere's Valenrln.-r
II. s.-lx i *r«n...l to explaiu bis visit
,Io ic.Hn ami Kittle’* trick of leaving
, hli II. bin rlglit^ln thi- midst of her
, laik
he', got wind of It ami lit
< ouir'
.kiiil ih.-n to tbe ab).-ci astonish
meiii of the slaters, he lold of the deti-ctlve's work and how all the t
.um.taiirvs is.liiled in Valeiillne fli
-Irtnas the
«w.“n*. aixl tb.-y
w.-b- thert- that
ulglii to
his arii>*i.
Tber.- was little h»is- of cal.-hli
him. still ii.-t um*t make tbe attempt
and tbev 'tiasi.>Bcd awav.
Ra. lx-l saw tbein go and th.-a wlp.*l
Ibe tear* from ber ey«-s. Tf. t.m had•he griNUM.I: "It d.m'l seem aa If It
dwim wnx, and
lursf when he'.i a mind n.
............ ibluY a iH-Ib-v.-.! ii If K*
-It oaP-a" Mid
That th*
votT morning bin. Ow*b* wna muri^TMoa Ftamkv MuM Bom
fuuH-ry Is maklbg an luvestlgatton of
tbe sultabllliy of Isui Anc.-l.-s for bla
her.- was a' scraping of cha^.r .
biialiiess Hiib the ■'t|wH-latlun of aoalong tile Ian-’H.Nsb ii it.s.r and 1
laldlsbliig a ptaiii ibere. Oib.-ra wbo
e.itine aroM' fnim tbe table.
alreaily In business ib.-ry- .m a snail
• Ain't bud lui pie. Viib-utlne." .
seal.- esp<-<-i lo i-iilarge ibeir planta
nitty. w>b<-ii<>ilsl.v.
"ir* iiiolas
all bi-lfeve that wliblu a f.-w yean
l-nion. i<Mi. and I bad uneoioniou goml
hiH. H ill II." ,
t'aliruniia will furulsb a large part of
"\n I :iM- (Of pie......................... .....................
the raw luaiiTlai iis.sl lu ibis i-ouutry
nln'i kMi uiy winter apj*-ilte and the .In iiiaiitifa.turliig is-rfuux-ry and ew
ploHii.' :u the *,nih lo't ain’t doin’ IfIHs-ially that used iu 'iiuiklog violet
II was antne twenty inlnut<-s later
’•Sum.- I^ Angi-I.xi maniifacturm
IliBl llaebFl. gtdiig to mm the table
help U alonit
as In Ibe finn ]da>s- hy kindl.v IlcM
Ing tbe fltv, who shall Ms
b pleaaauter to sWp to a
comfortable ismiu, to eat of savor.,
well-cook-d f.md and have one's eloiblog carefully liH.ked afier than lo li.e
. along Ifl tlx- bapbaannl
fashion ilmt
had bis-n hi* so long. I.if.- had not
' been easy witb Valentine, ev.-u Id*
tnarrtage had iiinxsl ..iii
and be wa* known aa grumpy among
the aelghls.e*. Imi with tlx- Ibs-lm *t-.
ter* be Mviucd to he getilug on v.-rr
well, IndissI
In appearaix- he hc-*i,i'..
oa sleek and well-kept a* a fav.wlie
cat. and t» Raebel and
llittv livn.g
Wfl* wo ......... Il uioiv worlh whlb- h i;.
oome one s|>erial ii. bs.k afi.-r iiml
care alMUii. It was ihev wh-> pnrpomsl
fhat he should rent I,It ohm ,Kx.r p.-tie farm aud undertake ib.- «iip.-r..
•loD of Ibl- Ibs-lm ulare. and b.- a.v
td with a mnnner wbb-b gar.- ib
the lmpiv*sluii .if hat-tiiK r.-.vlred
- givai
- -- '
bU hands
One fine i
Miss Ra.-hel
fnll of new*. IHnner was on tlxObd only sl..ppltig lo put Imouel ax.l
wrap In the ball sbe oat down su.l
commence.1 to talk.
Tbey nay Uwy've got tra.-k of Mr*
Owetit' murderer at last."
Valmtlne gave a *hon bineb
*bo«t tbe'tentb lime, ain't 11?" be a*k.
give jix- ni.-in
kM ’•lead of manlDf for bclp for
when sbe. poor aotk
B beyoml■
'alentlne bad bo'ehaace to repiv,
r Ra<-bel talked right oe: Indrvd. i'm
I far too much Ian
iereaie.1 lo
park and t
Bolsw Ig • UM «(tha b«Mw IM nti >.
bloa a’od'^lr aaoarr wttb atKS «orv«
ibat the rofftw slopped itpoo the aaowy
“Kbr'a a tIrrriB
Ur»T IB FolrTfOr. Bbe gora
■wtoual ai
iBd was sent fur to
;.uaa old Mn. _
w*ib rbrntnatla.; Srth Towae toM brr
U waa giOBg out to tbe Uwyer pla.-r;
ir* a good irn nUea (tom FalrrUk-.
and l( abr rwuld manage to grt as far
8« HhwprMge hy'd give ber a lift ibr
r«-*i ot ibe way. so sbe suried good
and early.
Tta« aoow toadr It aotufliard walklli-.. She's been, abet up at
tlw Dwyera reor OtW-e UU Ual w«k
Hbini old Mrs. Dwyrf died.
jSb. M
1:. ai>*1 of .Mrs, Owen's death, but Ibry
diHi'i get i>a|>eni or dews muc«. Tb.'Rioted man does tbe
Slu-'il U.S .I wani. masb and
Id a g.
rub d.>un. au.t we'd
r do It I
III wall f..r him."
The luini work was flni*h<-d. aupiwr
•lei. an.l siiirvalentln.- di.1 not ai
Raclwl ildg.-psi alm.il un.-aslly. tr
lug lb.- kiti-beii disir lat.-h anil rva..
Jusiim; tlx- liad* iliai se.-ur.sl all the
■lownsiair* wlmb.H-a.
kiio6li>, Ifeliialt.
D«!kr. SR dsii*»rou.
irb shape that it can
shipped In ear load lot..
hauled ia
ple* fareiabed free of charge.
poiaioee and other feeds, nod it la In
Inlet et ae oeFettoB* tres.
. whlekh*T*b<
FPU OF tsUsrw
AddroM, withp
m I. s. * on e»i*nf «oy iro. miirkfror. ■im.
Tlin Michienn Stirth Co.
Traveme City, Mich.
Fire Insurance.
L. Is A. BuUdlBf.
■orsn Bras., Honsn PnintMS
Give them a eoU.
4S8H Slmvood Ata
WE hXve
61d«w«lk Lumbar in aU atM.
FUSS tSlFSTM.* city tosbwOtt.
TUi4Teu-No 783
HsaArt an
OM«ral Whlu Is BtiU SoUiaff th» City.
OMOt (
«tbe Uktoc
tb« Boer wmo ot Beatorto UU to aaeh
taakwo aa «oa)d aaoB. If ft were traa.
« dtottoot aback V tb* Praa Stoto
Tba otoar two, toatodtoff as oftelal
pifaoB-paat dtopatob, do not todioato
a« %\g» Pt IwltBtstkw uS tk«
n*M to «Bpprfd «M Bo Virbtir
A*'Ba^rwMtod - B«l»- aeaatp. rafara to tba aaoremaata of
ioitpmmu 9vw*
Hv« Ctoieay Praa BtoW Basra to tba aortbera part
Vot PtaUnuriiatotts iii • Wmtoip
Wttb *11 ■>•»•
Ctov* Tbwb. Mo*.‘ 4—Tka Brittoh qaartw that ariU <
era on
t PoMTfBl kM toft tbto port wd tor-aaorpa.
Inaorgont Staamor Hami^od
by Coiombian Warabip.
Tbe Bareatoa Peatioyad Big Vraael
With 860 OB Beard-OC rtaa laaargwt ytoaeto
Maaad roar Vera
Oaptored—Tentbto Dtoaator to tba
naatog Bebetoaod MoJUrop Shova
Bt tba Big Oratoar.
Tyro Onto.
i <
Bbopa to Clooa at S p. m. Rzoapt Tn<sday and Satarday.
Tbe Barbara Unlao la oow eom
plately orgaolted. and alsMat every
barber to toe elty b ia It. It b likelr.
^t before toe week boat. toon will,
not be a eb^ ontot tbe anioa.
gianlag with Monday of nut
work too ahopa will all elnaa at a
o'eloek. exoept Tneeday and SatnHa*
ling*. Tb* seat moating of the
nnioa will oeear in tbe abop of Mr.
Cooper, under tbe Bstel V^kitihg. Moaday evening.
Ktogaton,JaBa{ea. Mo*, a—A report
bai baae racelrad bore from parfeeUy
r^iable aoareea. that tbe toeargeat
ataaoMT Drago Romowa baa baaa sask
OB board a torfe Dawbar of maa who It:
with tw ao ooard by the Oolonbiao
Ooadlttoa of Tice Prenident Hobart
eratoer aereolea. Tbe latter *e«el
Still Proearioan.
waa to eomatand of OeoaTaliBodrigBrsl.
OB 'AfniBBldo.
' togetoar with tba traoeport Colombia, Pattore-jn. N. J.. Nov. t-The w*ibarf.
Uoo of Vice Prealdent Hobart b bnt
b-logiog troops.
' Loodoo. Mo*. 4.->be
Poor smaller tororgaot veaaato were little changed today, eaeept that be ia
wal^t waallftad troaa tba pablto nlad
Porea of Tblrty Tbcaaaad Hortog to
eapuired. after a loogaod bloody flg^t. aligbtly weaker. He apent a fairly
bf a briaf ottrial diapatab. pabUtbad
OoBoartod Aetloa to X.vaaa aad
comfortable oUrkt and alept a good
Oaly ooe of the '
tbto moralBf.OoBttoeDtal atoriaa of dtaImaoitasi Baaatta are Expectod.
ad. toe Cisoeroa. wbleb pot io to Bio partof tbe night. Be takoa so solid
aatar at Udyawlto are piwd to be
food, and eomparatlvely litGe nooriabi Blaoeo with tbe aorrirora.
tatoe, altboafbtbe dlapateb ItaoJf reMew York. No* o.-i \
Bb vitality, upon wbleb be b
Uarad aoclety froa toe Umid to ao- opeotol to too Herald aayt; ‘■With’.. „
, « a ioog stero ebato before
living, b rrm irkable and bb eheerfa:
, aa U todteatod that foreea aggtagattog more toao K.ooo
opeowl dre.
ba atrong factor in
«j*»e« While, losteadof sltttog tight i-hiiey-ieo. OeaeraU Lawtoo.’liac-i
_ _1
flm wu Min
iber* of hi* family in tbeir
aad aeUog wbotly oo the
i Irtbo'r\od WbitM M closing to «a
**« eooUooed ooUt toe aercule*
aaltlsbeldtomaoyHOdrtors that be J
army. Oaoeral OUaaei ’*'®^
ram^ tba toaorgeo. i nirtion. He fully reoliaae that tab
I ead ia'sear.
oaght to do, peraUU lo making aorti-a i No*. 5 and r, aa toe dale for cameoc-'
**"“ **-®"**
Mr. Hobart iereaUng qnictly tob
oad riaktog another Ntebotoon's Nob j tog a campaign all along tb^Jtoe. aad j--------------------------eveoing.
, fiHiERii
Indian Pictur.., in colon,................................... .. SStoSOo
QU~MorTnmblM,.«.v,™l peUe™,...........8Ibr lOo
Bmm Plctnm PmmM, oral niidroond...........................SOo
Hand Mirron. oxadized. patent cuel handle.................. 88e
"JSrndiontor - clean plorea and grenae apota
............ lOo
Our Picture Frame
ronbwi, bat caa do yoar woA now much better than nearer
theholidaya. tiring down your {uctnres ud we will freme
them and hold till you are ready for them.
290-288 Frwit Street
Bmlph Oonunble Jr. Mannffnr.
_ _
ohaery tone ol toe dboateb. showing
Oyttan at Debtrty'a.
•oannialy at Lmdyamito aa regard* General Otia' dlapatcbca an opUmlatie 1 Oopoalte Hamilton '.Clotbiag Co.,
toe ability of the beleagowd garrbon to tbe bigbeat degree and tba cfliAiaU COBOOrB C0mpO66d of Men
Pronittreat Tto tf s
to bold lb own. baa had an exnUent predict toat the rebellioo will be crubof
e«*ct os toe conntry. Prom tbe fact ed before tbe end of toe oreaeot mooth,
toatOrneral White was able to Uke abd toat (mporUot vl^riea will be
Uicbigaa Xanuf-cnnng Oa Will
toe oSnnsIve aad abell toe Boer u
annonnoed within a tew^aya."
- It aeeau that Lddyamith cannot be
Washington, No*. 7 —The war de
Xatabileh a Plant to Prodnee Bardaloeely beoelgod aa was aeppoeed.
partmentbaa received the following
w.-od Movslties, Onrtain Pole*,
Tbe movement of the Boer* loto cablegram from General Otis at
Trinm ng*. Stc —John P O it and
OapaOolooy b bogtooinf to awaken in Manila:
B. J. MacDonald Principal 10b■ toe BHlbb a fear that they have great
“General Wheaton's expedition. S soa
bete of toe* Oompsny.
ly ander atimatod the force* they atrong. oa toe tranaporu Sheridan and
Traverae C tr U to have another fac
vrll) have to meet and that even Ueo Artec and two e<
«al Ballar** toak may not be *0 eaay a* voyod by three war < ■elt. left for tory wboae extepicusooi now be menswas aotlcipatod. it b beeomlng ap Ungayea gnU tola morning. General »««« kol which will employ a cooalderpanot that all Brltbb ealcalaUona MacA nhor'a troop* advanced to Magi-1 •“*
baaed on toy»Hy «f pspntotbP are langyertprday. clearing toe country >«Portont inaUlnllon. The condttlooanrrouadlng tbe entorprlse aud tor
kopeleaaly at aea or that there baa between Angeles and Arayat. They
bean a vary rerion* leakage of Dnteh eaeonntcred abort a thousand of the yonng bnsines* energy Infused loto It
aympatobera from Natal and- Oapr enrmy at different point*. O'Brien, promise* ancceas and a large volnme of
Tbe new c-meern is kuown
Colony. Oiberwbe, there b noacoonnt with a batollion of the Bevesueatb
tog lor toe large foroea of burgher* re infantry, two cjrpa of toe Poorto cav aa tbe Miebigao MaonfaeturingCo and
Cao you epart- a fi-w spcooda
portbd from all dlrecUona. .The »rar alry aad Slavin'* eeonu. moving os the its object I* to mannfaetnre on an ex
of lime — t-noutiL to rend
offioe. eoatcqnetiUy. b being urged to road from Balnlnv eaet of Aogelet. tensive acale. woodraware novelUr*
whet we hate to any':'
have more troops to raadloew for a>l eoooontcrad and drove toe enemy in
Tlien a few uiinntrs at our.
The new company apring* from
ponalble demands. 111* evacuation of
of Magalang. They left
alore to nee the ahuea we
Oolaoao and tba reported wUhdrawl of forty-nine dead on tbe deld. O'Brien was onUl reeenUy toe Traverae City
t 11 about V
toe Britbb foroe from Stormberg are eaptnred twentr-elgbi prieoaara and Lnmber Co., bnt which i* now changed
to John P. Ott A Ca John P. Oit U
fonrtoea riflea.
Oolosel Smith, with twoother battal- toe treasurer of toe coocern, and R
Tbe former may be doe either to to*
Boar artlllary rendering toe pinna
looa of toe Sereatoesto. Bnmilton’e -J: Maedooald. who baa bad charge
You'll i^Imb the oppurtuuity
toaabledr to toe. fact toat pramnre battery of tbe Pint artiUery, and toe of tbe ca>'.ir* of tbe Icmber eim
of aatiug a half a dollar.
•laewbar*. poaalbly atPletormariUbarg onginean and algnal detachment, puy a year, irlll be tbe aeereUry
MOMltaied a eoBcenbattoc at toe moved on toe direct road from Angelea of toe enterpriae. Mr. Macdonald wUI
toraatesed point of all availabla troop*. to Magalang, capturing toe latter plaee have direct charge of the offise end
It b eald that It to* objeoUve of the and InllleUnc a loa* oa toe enemy in of the bn«iars^ and other entorpriaiag
NVe bonttht recently .5U0 pairs
1 of abort 100. be- petpl will be late
. Boara’farae travomlng Znlnland was kUledaadv
ka aw facto^ will be located at
of ladies’ iihoea.
Pbtarmartaborg, they ongbtahortly to aldea eaptnrlag fifty priaooen and
It waa all the factory had of
toe nortbeart corner of Bar atreet and
be beard from. That the paalUon b larga amonat of iaaargefA
toe atreet 'eating to toe lateamboat
this kiad.
ragardeda* aetiona b apparent from Uoa.
tot ’em cheap.
ton tact toat Britbb embeiBate bnrry
Our eaualUea are reportad to be
We’re sailing ’em cheajx
twelve wonnded. A severe, heavy rain of the old Btores of Haaoab. Lay A Co.
lag to tbe Cape station.
They are very ewell ahues
With regard to Stormberg. It b in toe last three daya kas rendered de Blood. The latter bnUding has been
Tht-y fit well, look well, wear
«i.i—Ml tbat if it turae out to be trae cisive movamentt by General Lawton's removed to make room for tbe more
toat toe plaoe baa been evacasted. It troop* impoaaible. Be baa now abuod modern atractnre. Tbe new. buildiog
Till')' Jiould ubuhII)’ cost you
may eitoer be dne to tbe imponalbility- art snpplies at San Isidro and farther will be 5UXIOO feet in dimension* aed
a t-onple of dollars a pair.
at present of provkHog an adequate oortb, aad wUI operate to the north provided wito toe laieat' improvid
We are selling them for
garria^AD to defend such important sup- and westward when the coantry. now wood machinery and ao eqaipraeot
calcalated to tnra out rapidly toe
plie* against tbe Boer raid* or to a sobmerged. pemiU.
ebange in General Bauer's plan*,
Manila. Nov. 6,-Magalang. a
Tbe land ba* been leased
wbareby Oeneval Metbun's divialon taken yesterday by two ootnmi
from tbe Northern Michigan Tranawill be landed at 'Dnrban to relieve General McArtonr'e division, i
A little price.hut here ii buys
General White. It tbe latter has,been strong town situated midway between porUtioD Co. fora term of ton year*.
modi goodneas,
new airnetnre will be
decided oe. tbe nearest available stores Angelea and Arayat.
•re these at Stormberg and the quick
Tbe movement ie part of a plan tor aurteil a* aoo^ a* tbe city conncil shall
oat method of making neeeeaary pro- toe Americane to poteeae all the oonn- act npon a petition sent in last night
vbioa for the advance woold be to aeod Uy to tbe eontbeast of Tarlae a* toe aikiag perniieeioa to bnild. Tbe buildby railroad* tbeae store* to Baal U>n- troops eloae io on tbe caplUl. catting iog will be frame wltn iron eoverlog.
don. whence they would reach Durban toe line of tbe enemy's retreat in tbat Tbe Umber ia all ready for tu erection.
Tbe aaw mill of John P. Ott
bafote toe Brat troopablp. A dbpatoh
from PoriUnd aaya tbat a-.peaoefnl aerGeneral Wheeler'* brigade baa form baa large qnartitiee of slabs and cutvie* rquadron baa bees inatracted
ed at Angeles In order to be prepared tlnga of hardwood which ia either ao'd
wood or allowed to go to waai
coal for a voyage and that no one o
for a general engagement.
la the pnrpoae of toe new company to
■eelad with tbe eqnadrOBb to be perwork these np Into varions ktoda ct
mitud to sleep onuide tbe port
wood novelUea for which there U a
Anoffi:ial noUee posted at tbe Landgrowing demand aad a atoady market,
WiU ba Held is Twelve BtoUS.
roal'a office at Vrybnrg, Oct- St. raferrlngtotoe bombardmet of Mafeklng.
Chicago. Nov. A-Suta election* it 1* expected toat toe bnlldlng will
aaya: “A big victoria fun wrongbt will b* beM is twelve tUte* tomorrow. ber^y toooenpy by tbe l&tbof Deegreat daatraetlon, bnt the enemy obOhla Iowa, Mlasiaaippl. Maryland embw aad that tbe company will
■kipping early in Jannary.
atlnatoir held tbeir own. Other ad-, aad Mnaiaehaaatu wUl elect govarncr
viea* from Trybarg any tbat toe firitlab and otoer state offieera; Nabraeks. a After tbe faetoy gala weU aurted a
Bag sUn floato over Karcman. bet toat jndge of toe Ssprema eonrt and two force of abort 40 band* wUI be employ
a Boer focee wea eboat to proeead ngeatsof tbe i
lityi Pawn- ed and probably more later oa. Ttaerq.
ayralala. a traasnrer aad a judge of i* an opportonlty In this enterpriae for
kaa bean rclsforeed by t.ooo Been aad toe Bnperior coart: Sooth Oakota,toree to* aaubliabment of a large and proaparoBB bnatneas and with the energy
Maa gone to Kimberley.’'
josUctoof toe Sopremeoonrt. aad New toe prrjeetor* are known to poaaeas its
London. Nov. e-Tbe correepondant York, New Jeraaj and Vtrgiaa tbeir aneoees ia
la practically atom
of toe Standard at Ladyamito, tale- legisla tnrea There are five UckeU in
ThiB report is beard aroand the
graphing under date of Tbnraday, min Ohio, five io Iowa, aix in Keatncky,
world, aDDihilatiog time, diatasce
mlsaa toe reanlt of toe Agbilng which two In MMalMlppI, tor«e in Nebraska,
bTbeOaaeofPtaakO. BUIvs. Jeton and —'■*----------took plaee toare Wednesdaytwo In Sortb Dedcota, tbraa in MaryA. Dobm, Teaterday.
The up-to-date bnnneee man
Besays toe Bi^tisb scored n sUgkt .land, fiveio Ponniylvanla and five la
Mon teaUmoay was taken In toe caa* will keep pace with the timea—He
laeafidenttoahowtoe Maaaaebaaata.
aoamy^i they are atUi equal to UkIn Kano* and Oolneado cowetf of BUI Ta.Dobm Intbaeirenftcoiirtyea- will do all in hia power to make
hia gcore
store eo
eo Iattractive tbat it will
tog tka oSenUv*.
offiean wUl ba elactad aad manlelpal
was Dr. J. H. Svaaa. who waa invite
inriU the att
attention of the bnyer.
U* adds toat tk* Fifth laiMacs and
ba baldln Baa Praaeiaeo.
aoma fl^d artilery drove a command of Salt Laka City. New Orleaaa wad De aeq sainted with the ease and who t»
The telephone ia one
Ufied toat aeoording to hia jodgmest
rrne State Boers from tbeir eqmp. fire troit
•. Mr. HUl. tbe totbar of toe plainUff.
of tbe meana te tbw
milm to tbe eoethwmt of town. Only
'end — It will, bring
Isaddittoatotbsitooiaaof a abarifl died es a nanlt of aanOe panaM.
' tomn of tba Britlab a Idien won bit.
Dr.Oaraar was on toe stand also as aa
people to yonr plaoe
»d aome jadkial oHaan la greater
Nawn from Natal iaatUl aeasly and
of bsainew.
wUl axpart witaaaa, aad be tosUfiad to tb*
ItAvairs pays to trade here
I'larlurr jmrr.Uj
lots of Ne* Shirts,
Neckwear aid Gloves.
Prince Albert Soils E€;-s
tbew Ii4t our prls^
a IkOt'u sro ID Hot-, l-op., O urm
We’ve just opened up
a Mg ncM- line of stylish
0 In the correct shapes, and they will be placed on sale
J tHIS‘morning.
AH the desirable materials.
Prices 25c to
Boston Shoe
The latest Collar for ,
Read This.
$1.50 a pair
H Not
01COUM BaHi SIm ttee nm
OAmohS'uvnd. I
The daily peoar* an tslkleg ao mod
abort ian't worrying n* In the least—In
fact wr have an fdv* tort onr raatern
friends find '
s of lesiber.
In lb* n
the Istrstt piodnct
_ of file foot'
We ixiught
•hi them esrly lhi» fall for
...................... ...
vsloe. sod they sre pieced on •*!* SDd marked in plain firiarm at the old
tow price*, It would be wise on yoir pert if in need of soy footwear to
csil snd exstniiine onr lice of men'*, women'*, boy'* and rirl'* tooee
which we offer'St tbe old low prices,
Here sre s few of our msny bergslnf
Women'* fine vici kid *boes. Isce snd botton. wortb to 00 for.
Women'* tr-x csif khoee. Uce snd button, wmtb to.00 for. .
Women's worm lined shoe*. Isce snd button, worth to 0» f
Besvier shoe* sod tiipper* for....................................... W. 87c, 'JSe and f
Tou'll be money ahead If you buy shoes and rubbers of us
1S5 Front 8tre«t
The Practical Shoe Man
what bos koearaaaivad M mixoA, tbe
» otbar atttaa la New
toaMmoiiy will b* la today.
Making a Mistake
If yoQ are not purchasing your f^l and winter
footwear at onr store.
Having .carried over a very small amount of
these goods we can give you fresh, new goods in all
Women's Felt Shoes.........$1.00. $1.60, $8.00
Women's Felt Slippere............ .........60c, fl.OO
Men’s Felt Shoes............ ............... $&60.$3 00
Men's Pelt Slippers..........................................76o
Gomplete Hoe Ladies', Misses aad Children's Oyergaiters.
Front Street
McNamara block
^ r&Amsk onr. • ■MIOBiaAll WAtwPlABt BirtimtoU From
mAvnas BCBBU),
I T. ;^na *«
Bosrd FabUe Worka
Umrr UrtatofBonttnaBnninea.Sto.
t. m. tUmM. Sdiui
7. 1999
Mate the food more defidoos aDd((
Befarmd to Oobb tUea—Ano'b-•
AUMEKKAS BAm><.aiAk<Aesceptlcit!A
•• tkc editorUl tn HBodkj'A Bbcuku Ib
wklohiW*pAper«ooaDt*Aa t*e «
ittMtloa KSArdiofOBr tatarc «AUr
work*. The Bkcuki> bw m> escttM*
«smAk( for iUuoaUJoii. Tb« aUoaNon wbleb oonfrocU lb« city boaI
••t, Aitd If tber« it mtj oiber •olaiioo
Ifeu tbAtAogfMUd b7 the Broofiti It
to parfretlj proper to bare U nede
■Mireat- Ak yl tbe Bux>iu> falli to
haw asy other faMibte plan to help
Iba dtp to a better kpates of water
worbi than wa now bare. It U
that wa cannot --bord
|v Bare
thai^ •les.ooo.
Baf~f tba eaaa we moat take other
•tape than tboae prcflonalp planned
Alderman Baatlnfa belieree that tbe
Bto^nu bpd BO rifbt to *oiee-iU eenU^niA nntil tbe report of tbe board of
piblfe worka wai -^cied npen bp tbe
aoniifil In tbUooBDeetloB. it b wall
known that tbe work of the board of
imbtle wotka baa not been aaeerat
naaa and it baa been known for dapa
Ihnttbeir aatiBBie woald approximate
ftOO.OOO No one believed it oonld be
nalowaaUe lisit provided. In anp
aMe it WBB perfccilp proper for tl e
Pkvwn to take the matter op at thU
tome and expre» lU viewa
lAft (be Ottp Tcatardap to be Baadp
kor tbe cfpeniBC of tbe
Aa aapnl in tbe dtp. tbe opentoc of
«ba dear hnnUrf aaaaon baa bean
Avant asoof the local buptera, and
- BU>p have atreadp left f<w tbe wooda,
|0 be readp for banUnf on tbe drat
4np of the open araaon. Otbera will
lanva todap, and aome few will pat off
Ika trip nntU next week.
•everal parilnk left peaterdap,
0t them Koinc to (avoritn apoU of
J. N. Martlnek and aon Jame*. with
Apanp'of frtenda.went toTroot'Uke
/■netioo, on ibe npper peninanla.
Oondnetor Ulnlna of tbe M. A N. B.
Into with n partp of three, tor MnnI-
ftef. .
•nnford Psiier and Cbarlce lUnrllle
iaade tbdr rernlar trip to lfaaittl<ioa
O. B- Mnrrap nnd Tbaron Morenn
vast to Lnoe nonntp.
. 0.,C. Soover nnd O. B. Vandervort'
•rtll Uava todap for itbe nppw penlnIWban tbe caaaoa -opcaa Wedacedap
wooda will be well aprinkled with
kulMn. U all dtlea eand aa food delaAfatlona aa will fd from Travene Cttp.
Bdaff Bandied bp tha^tramwm Citp
of Obnrlevoix I and
. Ullnota.
Tba ataaaer lUinoli atopped at ibis
pertSnndap on her trip to Cfalenfo.
pad left lome freight here, ttadnfb abe
Waa ao loaded that abe oould not take
«B anp of tbe frdfbt that waa wniUnf
ae tba doeka. She left tbe bap with a
fnllearfo. bavlng Uken all Ue add!tfonal frclfbt abe oonld carrp at other
bap polnta. She baa a eapaelip of more
than twice tbe load of tbe Charlevoix.
Tbe Charlevoix reached tbe dock pwlardap afternoon at « o'elrek. Sbe nnlaadad dnrtnf Uia evenlnf. and left
for tbe north on a apeetall trip at 1
•'nloek tbU Bornlnf. Sne will go flrat
ID North Manlton lalaad. where
•ba wiU faring a lond of oo oattlfc reMoUp pembaeed there bp*Brap A Bnagall of Ueneaea oonntp, for L. Comto‘" A Ott.
Whdtbar (be CbarlevolM wUl eonllnue OB tbe nreeent ronte longer baa
•Ot pet bean datennlned.
At tba Beating of tba Blntotara of
(ba dtp paiterdap. It waa decided to
boldannioD Tbaakagivlng aervloe in
Iba HaptUt ebveb. at lo:»o o’clock.
Bav. 3. A. Braadp wtachotea to deliver
|bo aarson. with Rev. BarcUp Jon«
na altamata The offering to ba tnkan
VlU be earn to tbe Bed Orcaa aocletv, to
ha need In tbe Porto Blean relief fnnd.
' Sr. A. W. Baiea
Picture Mouldings.
Mats and Frames
■eeting V xt Kandap ViBbt to
Oonaidar dldewalba
tobnlld a one and one half atorp bcild- people wonld probabip proiBt agninM
papier for them wfaee ao placed. Be
Th- f*wn\mr meetinr of tba eoanell
•* ^
laatntobt proBlaa^ be nneventfnl
The eormlttre on l-cen*ea reported added that if tbe eempaatoa eonld be
iTdoilnadatricUy to twntlna work. »» W of the anrolntment d a .nit- made to pap tba exscoae there were
other pUeee «bn« llrbu eaMd b™ U,V...ft-ork.
U. ~ S, p-r
cl tb, placed to ndrantage wUbont laereaaieg the expenaa lo.tfae eitp. I'poa
.h.i »«►-»». “'‘''““b <•">
acuen r—
f bu Miw. .10. •'I
th.i u,,., ... . .ub- motion of Alderman ilAitooo ibe matter
refened to tbr -eoBicUiee on
-bleb -u dccUbC tc
Pib-iaiCb f»- u.. ccll.cloc Pt .
.Ucril.5c.lcbU.. a.....™ Bux...., ao,U,..lc.ll.riclUc,c.lUcc.JcU,p erfiue^
M. Smitb of the
Wb.c U.; ..pel
ri-b AWcrmcc CU. crblcc.-pc-rclcj .... H-P^.- ...f*1"““
rifth wmnl report'd that be bad Icapeeted 3Tij rekldeocev and that (be reicuri. pr.«.pu, .end u„, l.M
”'•"»> “ “» aldeau readilp comoli'd with ibe or,.«b ~ U..u..un hul Ic. pcU.- .l'T .~r..r >..l..~U«-ilo..
R'letlvew the croB walks aaked for dlnance. Warden Greer reported that
in tbe Second ward be mat with arai*moti
IhecotaraUtoe on atreeu and walka j
““““r ‘I*® properip owrere in
Eicc-OKi> Tbli enatbHl a diveraion and
^ w. i .j
! having the proviaion of the ordinance
m,.«!'”brUirLi‘«. U.°'*'
.“. •'
—all the latest styles and colors, aod • *
we have a first class experienced mao to
make the frames. A mce 16x20 frame.
4 >4 inches wide, in all colors, for 75c—
just the thing for enlarged photos. A
nice 8x10 frame with glass aod mat for
25c. Bring in your pictures--We can
sare you money.
“b M.pl. .u....,|;b ‘b.Sri..b ...b b.
"Tb““uuL‘.rVmi. i Cbu.p..,;»bu..rf.w.rb..li.,ri. .ttcrenh
u™"^~r.b.bir..:.' “ —'• -b-bo. u,.Ub..11
ISO Front 8t
.bc..r.ll.q.lU.l.,.lUb..~p».Ubll. lb.1. b.llbl.l —r.p™.ul cpc.
Brave Exp orers.
II, ub ibri.-l.i U.. .nUi. ..Ipht .t «~bl, ..b th. ..put U..PIU ub
--------^-------- TiegktoDe.
------------------------ pTcblcu .POP U..
It harder to overcome Malarfa, Fever
and Agne, and Tppfacid dUcaae genor
ExMiKU. Alderma’i Smith flnallp moved
than kavage cannlbali.; hot tbonkandi-
alarial diA mUMri^lT^lhe MBlon Alder- « “ddUion to hik bni.diog. known aa
man Baating. movrf that .hen the
on State aueet.
id. and
eonndl arjinmed ltdoao lomeetnexi
pelitlot be tired, wom-oat feellngk. atria’ wli;
convioee you of their merit W. A
Mondap nigbt. to conaider the matter
committee on etreeta and waika , a
Null I f Webb. III., wnlev; "lip ehU
than a yeir
ofaidewalkaoideredbuUt Hr. BaaV wa* referred the maUer of the a eep'
» ■’••red for more
Ing. aeired the ppportnnit, to Are ..^p,
..reet near Slate atreel. ehilla-and fever: then two b..i lew ef
B.eetric Bitten cured them " Oilv sn
another hot ebot at the Brooko and beInveailgAilon irat other e-nta Trp them. Guaranteed. Sole
fore taking hia eeat be added that it .ireeU were In a flmilar « nditlon. bni. be Jk> U. Johi
}hnaon and S. E Wait
might a<a> be well to take np tbe there waa no danger to vebiclea bj droi
report nnd eaUmate of tbe board of reaaon of the c ooUirn named. They
I Cur«-WB
pnblic Aorka at that Gme. if Ihx ther. fore recommended that no work WMta Wins of Tar Syru|i, tbe
Mun-Hiku BxcoM> wonld give tta coo- be pot open tbe ttreci until after the licst cuugh rciuedy on earth, cons a cold
aeau No objection waa manlteaud by oeeeaBry improvt ment of Uping water in one (tiy if Uilceti in time. B.i and .')0 eta
the BrxoM.. bat nldermaa Moatagne p,p„
Awompliahed Their repo.t
aapportedtka motion ao far aa tbe
ndonlert.. Alderman Moniagoe Opitm at Dehartp'atime of mbeting waa concern^, bat v„>iBg ••no.”
tbe oUieranggeetiona of Alderman Boa- □ It wu reeoameadrd bp tfae eommitt nga be coaaldered far fetched. The tee on waya and meant tbai the •OormotloD to nejonm to next. Monday pnratlon Oaae-. ann tated. be tubceribalgbi floallp prevailed.
ed for bp the city Ti eree^mmendatl n
Hie matter waa dlaenaaed again waa adopted,
after the meeting by eevernl of tbe
The aame committee re<x mmeoded
aldermen and Mr. BaaUaga declared that M.ooo be tranaferred fr-m the con
that tbe Rccono waa too precipitate in Uogent fond to ri picoikh tbe depleted I
tu editorial of Sandap. in anggeaUng fond ot Street D kirtci No. I ontll tuefa j
tbattbe only thing left for the oooDcll time ae tbe amonot wonld be Deeded
todowna to pnrebaae the CampbeU for other puipckca. then that tbe i
plant. Tbere were dlScreneaa ot amonni be borrowed us>l' vneb time
opinion and It waa deeUred by other aa tax*, vfer* received auffieient toUke
alderaen that the Bccokti had a per- np tbe loan. 'The rctfi mmeodailon war
feet right to voice ib own opinlooa.
ad-p ed.
Tb. UjuAlu cf Hr. EuU.p «u
p'*!™ .u""..!.! U. f 1,..« .3
U».U.^.bc.lb b... bup .. ri),.,.
p. bcip... ":,;tv^p‘Ltu.:T.“!.”'lp,”»
n petition for a walk on Lake avtnne
to do ao. Be alao Hated itai the lampa
between OMn and Beveatb kireet wan
at tbe crockiaga were ki placed aa to be
referred to tbe committee on ntreeU
at intoraeetiotie of ktreeta rather than
b“b--"I'b.t a:.
Tbe Michigan Manntnetairing Oo.
naked pwm Blon to ereela boUdlng SO
X 100 feet in cine, oovered with iron, to
oe oned an a tactorp.on Bap atreet near
tbe dock. Tbe petition wne referrid
todbe committee on Are nnd water.
A petition for n croBwalk at the
eomerof I'oioo and Bleveatb cUeeia
waa granted.
S. M. Brown arked permlaaion lo
bttUd an addlUon to bin bnilding, fOO
Front aueet to ba covered vrlih Iron
and improve tbe preeent aireeture.
nia waa alao referred. A peUtlon
tram Stranb Bree A Amiotle to erect a
abed on (be cast aide cf their factory
Ukewlae referred.
Jofan nlibelB,
WabelB. manager of tbe
U>e city
Opera Uonae. called attentloc to. tbe
fact that bin theatre had paid into
tbe dtp treasnrp as lli
fe«a.. about
S3:s. Beaeked a retai
paid similar Ilceoaea daring the aame
period of time. Clerk Biekerd sUted
oo being naked abont tbe matter that
tbe aBonnts given ware prineipallp
wbat ware paid before tbe preeent orthe tbealrea went Ui10 effect. Beatoted that Mr. Stein
berg bad paid Ub lleeaae for tbe past
six months nnder tbe new ordlnaaee.
The eommnnlcaUoa was referred to tbe
dtp attorney.
Jokin Terbeide naked permtaMon lo
repair Us hotel. Sl« Fraat atreet and
pnt upon it an iron roof. The mat
ter waa'Teferrad to the eommiuoe on
Are and water with power to act.
City Treaanrer Warrhorg cent la b
Mamnaleation aaklag tbe oonaeU to
Monelder lu action upon bit reqeaat
for aa aeeUlaat lnl;:t oTlee. Beetatod
that be did not think the conaeil gave
bto reqneat propnr eonaUeratloe. Be
therefore aeked that it be rnferrod to
tbe proper committee. Alderman Imrdie movod to reoetve and Ale tbe oommnnicaUea. Alderman Baaltho>jeeted
Urln Newberry naked parmleekm to
lay a eemant walk on bin pramleae on
Verve andmood Pilla contain tbe-verv
•lenMntanqoired toonata pnra. rien Nutbetieot. Vlaitqneet wea grnntblood and new nerva fceee. and 1 imn A
r. A- VezlanwMcmnlndb poB
MH '
Practical Embalmers
Is a line of pants WK’re selling. The wool
was grown on the backs of Grand Trav
erse sheep--was woven into doth at-the
Acme Knitting Mills—made into pants by
our taflor and sold exclusively by us at
$1.00. 1.50 to 2.00 the pair. They are
made to see hard service and are guaran
teed to give perfect satisfaction.
Trousers wear
A Young Girl’s Experience.
>It <UuetjU-r'>ui-rv.« ecf* tonlLly o.ii of
dur. SIH, «>■ Uilu and Wf»k: II.' li-«n
h'f.kna »b' w»« wak'fiil m
nlcbt. fVfon___ fUr tUbd Ut'n on' (•...l.aKk
uf feliw ■■
King Hr- rlubiii:' In lit-r vk" 'o
creelIbai ■b' cuulct hardly bn Isk'n for i lie
aun'cirt nb.-uraiediy
rilR. II ra|4dly rruvmc»•
rrowine >■
” >»nd
Hrvvb Vaiirr. iW
I’aster than the rest of your suit, \’ou'll
need an extra pair. There’s where we’re
strong. Got some new goods that please
on sight--can satisfy all demands. The
first pile are to sell at $2.50—another pile
ajt .voo—still others at 50, 4 00. 5.00 and
if qualitr cuts
as|i fijara.
We hATO built up our
tnjAe on good relUbie
footweAr-T-We give yon
▼elae roodTed in every
eue, try ne end yon
meke no mlatnke.
The Old Oeliable
Frank Friedrich
118 Front Street
an Hxtra \ est?
These we arc selling from $1.00 to
and Funeral Directors
318 Union Street.
Yes. Sir, We've got lots of them. Those
Full size. tfiat were selling at 2.2s-'- s6mething you can't find anywhere else. Then
- didn’t think wed have to buy anymore,
but ourenornysus sales demanded it—now
we can fill all orders—1.75. 2.35. $2.75.
3.25 are some of our prices. We have
better grades if you want them.
Another great«invoice of springS'-we
had to have ihem--r.45. 2.25. 2.75. 4.25
are the prices—and Chairs and Rockers,
well,—we’ve had big stocks before, but
nothing like this.
We re closing out a dandy dining
room chair at 3.25 the set.
The cheapest and best bedroom suit
ever offered in these days is our Golden
A big line to select from. Sale starts
at 50c. You can go higher and stop at
any price along the line. 75c, 1.00. 1.25.
1.50. 2.00 and 2.50. Our big seller is theall wool at 75c.
Klon^ke Shirts
Sell at 2.50 and the Klondike Jackets for
Boose FuraUhise Store.
Both Telephones, No 4;i:'
OfOorfn, N. T., writae aa foliowa;
*>Aa aoon aa 1 aaw tbe formnla of Dr.
A- W. Cbaae'a Nerve and Blood MUa 1
"laded that it wonld be aa excalleni
•paafffe for weak, waierp blood and aa ae Mr. Warxbnrg bad naked to have ble
axkaneted nervone apataa.
Daring rc^ecst referred (one
(ba pact rear I have praaerlbad tham
aboald be doaa. Tbe moUen ot Alder-
Oak, finely finished—three pieces—dress
er. commode and bedstead for S16.75. Go
where you will you can’t find it’s equal.
Have you seen those new wood seats
in Oak. Mahogany and Birch—they sell
at 75c the one. They’re handy to have
around—use them at all times and in all
If you have an hour to spare just look
at our enormous furniture display—nothItke it ever seen before.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
Dalifhital Binkdap Partr.
9 I C. B. BMW oC B*M. •«• (■ tka
*Mahalds4araeaiaalrhcatMl bar 1S<h
I fmuri»j.
blnbdap laat e*eata«. bj a dalUbUal
I' Pnak B. Vlatoa of wnUMStaiv.
llltilapartx. la waieh aba aatrrtatord
tk»«ffc tb« «ity TMtcrdar «•
rapprwd lb»t b« M
ahoat isetbar Toanr tr ead* Ike da^
« fcii*.7»oO»»»dE.iiMi »kcr« Im k *» hoiM« aod had mat with aialiar wa* al e tba hirtbday aaatrcnaryat
o. »h*cw»d J«»».
!•««*» »* *11 *»» repom wapieu bar rraadMoUMT. Mra.'Broeh**)'. *bTTT:
• »TT
J. W. ais. taft laat alffbt far l^alalla *ara,»l*a«.
waralwattba part/. »tth a aasWr
Lavpar M. M. Athertaa '•-! iiparta
B«itb Qffi cr Aahtoa r»*« aa iafar ef bar eld frtaadi U-wa* ditt-aU ta
Md MiwSaMo
Wahh of Cawopplla
. ^
8t,-n«iB*r»d<»ef «fa Lake. lertiw'tdd^ponrtbUTteUatibecenrra aay who rr j >pad ibr ryaiiiiia the more.
I S^ftVe SVeiM
• ar of 7S
^waa tba rraod »ary.
Batodfc hot be •»»•< th*i tb* aaoreq*
----------------w. C. K»l*oa aed wife of Ulaad, ' Ooa wa* aot what he.ao^ed U woald i The Daraad B»p»w* rwaUy *pob* i
a at IbefMaiabta raaiardaj.
»■» “>
«T Traretae C.ijr ^
«dd «alf.- aad a bro'h-'
la tba ' “>* pter«« wooW hare Wra lateie«t. -r edliar waau ui kaew wbea. la tba
|lMbeoaaaea fo°i deal of atUnilon
' opinkM. a meaibar df the
p, BaMit wa* la tba: wa*»«rea to the water work* qaeati' a bovine family reach
which UaowtroabhbfOrwd EapWa
at hk far« rcaldaaoe aaar New tkatM ^ ^ ^ Leal*i.fB'k Rapid*, wa* at DrA»btOB»a*e*omelOtere*tlrrtiiforSix Fr Fbtful Pnllaraa.
•ader«..r.o.*l,leJ«r-.Ui.^fTl^%'’^,J;'^“;;*^^^^ *’
-atlob opob whe. hr b«ro and learrd
B s teiTibiv fallnrr* of »ts d fferent
j j.g B<^^^,Pi,eLake.waalatbe'«i. U..reportw**aec*pieo*t.dp»*.^d' doctor* rearly sent Wm H Mullen
A fltlabarr. Pa.. *r«>dl«aU
>oa bieODdarotoof ttaaok. estebdrd
Bd.O.teen early
n^ad Monday for the abaft
a ooal |
w., la Rapid OUy «« the doctor.
>*id be bad * fatal lonF uonblv aad
that he moat k^on die . Bat he was
irF<d toUy Dr. RirF-*
New Dboovrry
After UklKF flvr
back ud .v.ll«.k.j 11 ~ r«.l«d ..d died .Itboui botUe* hr wu entirely cured. It b p; larforeoalandhaalooaieda aatUfae '
farther• dl*«uw..0B ©the* ttaaa that vlllvriy raarantet-d to cure al* diuu-r*
tor> reio. The arndlcate haa 3 ooo
referred to at tbe tK-grinalDv of thi* re nf Throat, Cbrwl and Lni>F«- IneladiSF;
aerea aader leaaa. aad will pal down | Ot 3 M- Uadoe weat to Uraad port. The docamcat it one of cosaidrr- CouFb*. Cold*. L* Orippe. Pneomonia. I
Wronehilla, Attnms, Bay Prver, Croup.'
what wUl be tbe larffwt coal abaft In B«Hd* yeaierday for a »l»it.
ablc InieruUuy detail, kbowlny Binirc* fhoopii'F l-oayb. 30c ard $1 00 T ta'
Mlehltaa wlihoot an eaoeptlob.
; Mr O Ca*lc. who ha* bean rie-tla# onaiplete frirlny tbe total eatiBate for oiUe* 10 eto at Jaa. O Jobnwm'* aad
Tba wetaarle ehower, wbleta I* a. JiUad* In the eHy for tba pa*t week, a pUet under tbe Rafter K,tl»*ie No.
. B Waif* dmr storea
paetad to oreor daHar the nlRbt of >f‘7r»«e^*'«7 <« *«»^klDac. wbare be
FrllewioK the ii-urr*
Moraaibar ll wlll be aidde tbeeobj-et will apend tbe winter.
! rapWlory deUil la *l»en In which
of apeofal obMrraitnnnl yM'Ualr<.r»:iy f Mr* O. B Aldrteb of Orawa. wl.o ;4i,r board atrou(Iy com Dead* Baat'bay
ohear**wry. Tba owteor. are eapeckd ..a* been rtoitinar her daurbter. Mr* 8 I„d the Rafter rwrrolr plan The
to jut appear la the bearent in the ^ B. Howard, of tbU city, retarard tojroAplete rrp.n wUl appear ia the
aoMteliatloa of Idsa The obwrratina her beat* la*t evenlnr
< ftirlal prt c-edinsa.
Win bahlb two Blftitt before the I Mra. R l>. ekbeee of Torch Uke. ar-! The autdio^ol of the board of public
aehnduled date ef tbe aoower. Tbt* rived in the city last evenl&B, wber* work* called for «7B *7.
partlcalsr sfaower 1* suppBad to oooar |*he will make a few week* visit with
Tba ordlnanee prcvidlaR to- a aldb
OPoa dB every 33 year*. '
j bar dsoybter, Mr* C Clark.
wslk iBBpeelor aud repairer- and
At 8*alth-j> MS'!* a lift 000 Brej Ml** Delplae Day of this city, who i»Kuiatiny tbe matter of
weearrw ttaturdsy afieraooB la the | hu.beoa vtoltlny ia BIk Rapid* for tb* I OTcik* In rood shape wu adopted
dry iroodt atoreorW K Ferereoa A past week, returaad hoiaa last evea- pr'ua ed at I
previou taeeilar.
Aa arraad boy itrhud a luUib i tar
ealled attention
tad a ton cent piece he bad dropped,
Mra. P J .aro** of Mayfield, left IwL to the fact that the walk oa tbe north
aad aatHretoabaadleof oottoa bat- •»Mlar Itu- Newsyro where ahe will aide of Front s reet from t'lioa to
Uar. The fl.B*a qciekly sp'ead to reatala a few week* vialUar frloBd* Blmwood avenue bad not been comai'jaeealrood*. aadthnlatoriorof tbe aad relatlveu.
niefed. He moved that' the hoard of
alorawuiooa abl*M Peer ttrwin*
Hr*. H B. Warrea of Nelnoa. pnblle work* be Inetrocted to complete
Of water eoBtpleted the dambre. bat Nebrwka. who hL besa vblUnfi Mrv it wlthla tea day*. Bl* motion proaiUaralebwl the Are. ft U aoi aiatod W. H. D*rrow of tbb city for the put vailed.
wbather or not tbe boy touad tbe tea weak, rutaraed to ker home lut cvea*
Alderman BuUar* alao ealled aiteaaaatplaaa.
inrtlon to tbe fut Uiat ao report had yet
Aa order for fifty toa* prepared varMr«. A. B OurU*. who hu beea la been made relaUve -o the petition, of
atobla aonpe for the Barliat) army bu the city I
r for tbe *ui few the Mlcblraa Btarcb Oo. for are llrbte
beam reealvud by tbe Naik>aal MUliar
d to her heme at latar- He had beea uked by the c
Oe«paay-a. ButTaww whioh will ra- loohea lut aveaiar.
rrquut that one llyhi be uiabUsbrd
«alra tbe raaBlar of the Bill alrbt and
Hr* M. C Ov’att left last eveatoc at the cut end uf their factory. Aldday. aiao Bnadaya
for Thompuavllle where ehe will at
Dtacue ot-jeetad to plaeiar
Thema* Oralr. of Oaarfteld towaahlp. tend the 'CoBcreraUoaal aasoelatlnn. any more llshu Aldermaa Oarrlaoa
rapeeroonaty. weal with hla family which will M,held at that place k- drelared that there were other rrqoeel*
to vklt b>* aelrhbor. W.lliaai Hack. airbt and tOBOrr'w.
on file ahead of
Baaday. Jaat u Cralr. wa* ready to
Rev. tv. A. Rookoven of Norlbport. wMcb shoel'd beFraoted firei.
aatar bb harry to ratara home he and Rev A, A. Wail of thb cily. left
Theu remark* made Alderman Hudropped dead.
to ak t‘eF* warm aad be declared that np
A.J. Bmtihwhlledrlvtnr out to ha
tbb timh no member of the eoaunlttev
farm near Wiluaiaeioa, aaw a aalrbUeorre Myer of Battoa* Bay made OB public IlFbtlBF bad had the cour.
bor trylnr to toad a aawlotf, and he tbe city a eai. yeaierday.
tr*y to even call noon the Biareh Co.
latibU burry to aulat bin. The lor
way or the other
K. T Edward* left lut alrht tor
rolled OB tlalib. anaihiar hb left ler CharlevoiB. Petoekey and Cbeboyran. whether they were lo have the H»ht,
laafrlchtful maDaer.
la the lateruU of N. M Keeay A Boa. wbieb wu needed badly. He added
A HMr«' '<*mM' haa a ehaaee to HereporU*ple-'*td b^nevt at theu that thb 1* one of our best futorle*
Bake aoma moo'y east *euan wUbont polaie. with a Ur larrer aereafie than which had uked llUle of the cU.t and
avnano «ucb rfTort a* tnmlar hia ever before pUated for the seed boase It wu due to them that eome attenUon
baad Aver. Bb farm b made up of that he-repreuaU.
should be paid lo so trid.oF a rrquwt
pure Buck laad, aud eurar beeU rrowa
Wm Kelley left, lut alffbt for There wu a dbpwltion to leave, the
We an> sule agpnU fur tbe above
apoa it tbb yaar tutod ao rich la i
(%*ilevols. to the latarwii of the matur In tbe hand* of the committee.
thatbu hp* baea.offered »aaa
Clerk Riekerd re^mmebded that the brood of fine t-lothinif. M«et domtrble works.
alBply for the aseof IMj aeru of It
Rsiph ABdertoa returaad lut aiebt city purchase two direciorie* of the
Best aeaaoa
from Ulna Bsven.
eolume now beloF oompll.-d by the peodable iii.« on tbe market -e
CbarliB Rariy of NortI teld. MfaMitaJ aeph XlmmermaD left lut niRhi oa Polk Co. Hb request wu cranted. cooto DO more to biij and j-on get
aaw ooapty. wa* eutruoantly by a ear. a hulauk trip to Bellalre.
There belnF no more bu*li
but tbe wound eeem to heal aleely aamure wear, style anil ttmifort tban
Alec Miller left lut eiffht for RapM couauil adjourned.
^tUatewday*arowhee'blood polaoa- Otty to attead tbe funeral of bb nnele.
frotb inferior makes.
tor aet ia. reaultiar to death '^ou Sutnr- Ckst D. B. W»y. who wu drowned la
adtot jn can --jasp on it tnmpb 08
I the miorm nesr Culcaffo a tew dsye
t>ui It Mill com- np kmiiirr every
Jaoob Rotarael hu a flue boUteia ar>.
e " <blmaa'* BluKc Plou Varabh.
aow. Rocontiy vhe wa* dteoovered aaiJamea Fearaley left ycatarday for s
lar ewaet apple* oat of a barrel ta ber taa d*y*' vbit la Lake Vbw.
aelrnbor'syard. bal aol uutil ahe had
C 8 Oavb made a trip to Blk Rapids
aatea Marly three busbela. The acst yesterday.
time that Mia. R.>iamel did the uburnMlm-Rcu Lardleof Oid Mlmlon, la
iar Imartoe her eufprbe on opcnlor vl*lito«>«H*k Caoltol* Vader.
tha eburo to d id It half full of a Une
M|0fi dyUb MePsU U vbUlar la
^■alUy of apple batter—-Uraaa Lake Drabd Raldd*.
Osnlel aiko hu fob* on a bulBau
Tleir Oold «a‘.ar. Nat BoIomu. a Bron trip te ManUtoe and Chloaffa
aontowDablp youaretar. aald be did
J. H Thomu hu Roae oa a bulaeia
aoia'e bow anyone eoold lutkealiV' trip down tba U. A N. B
tor raU ar -'fifty eear wheat, and be
Frank Uannett of BattoM Bay. apeat
would try soBeiiilarel'e Bebu Jut
ahlpped 4.tuobtt*bel» of vucumber* at a Huaday lo tbe city.
haartwme peoflt, but b
Mra. F aaoea Avery aad A. Mra.
I anid an
to tba daarbt^ pf Oa^la J. BWabb, ofTiiar of a Uaa of •ua»ei*t
rwaiac beti
. <^leeoii MUa Webb I* ifeil keowa
uTtarrrae dtp .
Jaar^ Itoapbell a« old raeMaat of ^
Wilhelm Bros.
:*ttioinw»ttwn» wwwwww wwwwwwwwtn*
Eiribday Bnipitae.
Mb* blanche Joyes, Id year* old
dauebtar of A. U Joyce, wu dellFht'
fully *urprbed lut avenlaf at hbr
borne. 114 Front strut. A very pleaaaul Ume wu et.joyed. aredatorFeBum•at: Marten BcuhslI. Cba*ie Whitiny. Chsrletu Prledrleb. Bmm* Friadrich. Maud Oompinn. Martha UIcmb.
Bemie sncl HrtUe Dunn, Tootsy Wars
bury. Biella Barry. Meltb WarsburF.
Willard Warsbaffi. Oharll* Usek. But
Bllb jr. Teddle & uthard. Pruk Beallmantel. Oeorfle WhlUng. Hafh Marchb. Earl Soya*.
Mtu. Itechul aad Men P. Dana anMntod Mra. Joyoe In praparlBF aa alefant enpper for the yooBF tolW
Bablte Turtniwd
By flamlnF. UchlnF ecrema find cm
tortABd pumaneat eure la Dr. A. T
Ckau'aOlBUaenl.apraparaUoB whh
T* Obm • OsM in Om Day.
take Warocr'* White Wiitr oi Tar S>-rU|.
the heat couFb remedy oo euth. »
MubI Jfitorito ^ U «kt Mrt
duabla varabh mad*.
AeokSu Miller b in Alden oa bulaeu
for the BaibilUHi CtothioF Ca.
Mru.Chaadl«rof BuMab. b vblV
1&F her eon. Aldermaa W. W. Smith.
BdUaraetbu fane lo Inurloehaa.
where ha bu mtarad tbe amoloy of
the Wylb Ooopware Oa
B. W. Beymour. mauacor of the
Northern MbhlFua Transponatloa Oo.
b at Park Place.
B. OoveiTot WhluhaU. b la the
Pies like fiotlKtllsiil to Hole.
. S'
will be at the atorc*
i5 Per Cent.
on a clean, nice desirable lot of
Dress Lengths,
Skirt Lengths
When We
Tell A Customer
That the pants we are showing him is a
or “Berkshire’
make, it’s enough said—he knows there
is a perfect guarantee behind these
makes that Insures him against loss. •
Cannot l>e sidetrack' cd onto any make but
These pants as well as Overalls are es
pecially adapted to the use of railroad
men—Union made, and only very best
material and work allowed to pass out
of the Carhartt factory, ^o^ need of
an introducticn to those who hare once
worn them. All sizes—all grades.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
The lioston Stoi:e
........ OF OCR.........
Great Cut Price
Clothing Sale!
Profits bftv» b^n acraped bo Thin tb«t tbe coat shows
Tbiet aaie bo fnr bos b^n emin^ntljr Mtitifac-tory to
uft Ui lowering Btofk. an<l to our cofttomer* in the Rrewt Mving
effeeted by
$fi 00 men’s blue ami b’ftek ■ heviot eoitu for......................... $3 60
3d 26 all wool men’s Boits in b'ne cheviots, hair Hues and
and caseimeres................. ...............................................................
$7 50 all wool nien’B Buits iu casaimeres, io darka and
fancieft........................... ............................ ........r........................
$10 00 meu’s all wool suits in grty and black. Iiesvy
clay worsteds, serges and fancy all wo*! casaimeres..
$12 and $16 men's snita in fim Jdelton. double
breasted, raw etlge. extra heavy all wool fine eergeB.
up-to-dftte r-hecks and slriix-a io fancy cassimervs
and W01 ftteds............................................................................ • - • •
W,.*bai) have sotuetbing intereatiag to aay about men's over
t-oats tomorrow-In the meantime yoo can save big mcmey
by getting oar sleehed pzioee.
See east window for display.
Prioes and goods sre alike at
Boy's school snits.....................................
...................................$1-48 «P
Tooth’s 3.piece puits, » to I«....................................................$3.50 np
Uea Gaae. P. Btepan. Moaday. Tne*
day aad Wodnenday. Novembm- ft. 7
and a. BaaaahA Lay Mercantile Oo..
CbinchilU Reefers, high storm collar, dooble brewted
................................................................... .................... $1.48, $2.48 up
r 9. >0
prepared pumpkin. She wUl
putry that wlU make tbe
h^wlfe the equl trf her mothar-lalaw lathe UM of tbe moat futldlou
hashanA What *he know* everybody
can t«ara by watehtof bar deft hand*
do tbe wbrh, Drop lato tbe above
uloru aad eee for yonmelf.
are tree. 7«o-oiv ft
OTtosn St Bftkwtp'ft
Oppoalte Bamlltoa CtotUaff Go..
Proatatreet. Tfib-tf ft
and Remnants
AU wool
Worambp Chinchilla
Reefera, bloe, Mark,
brown, 10 to 16...........................................................
Picked out of our own stock. Nothing more de>
sirabie In the market. This is a
GO QUICK price.
J. W. Milliken.
?wtaaw8 baaaaa i
We are sole agents for Deefs Kid Sieves,
for ladies' and mee-Xoie bettei.
The Boston Store,
TH> mammma waooao, irmoAir, wovsifBaii t. lawi
! &mcr«V 'tUnit
(A tt^e\DoA\. I
AdviSMfKMI 1
PriTM. «l»pftnaaal^ Ai*»ki flood* hove eeTh* Rhooe i* rUisc npidiy
^Md ho* oUcod; oveifl-jived ot Avif
Wrtohoe r«htlod «ot Ap!M*A bp A»*ri0M* Bofo
DoOo. lelMd of Phosy.. P. L
The eMhellk* W
hept M .IOW
tovh* II* VIrtIa
>. RhooKO—Yov letter f«heh
Cr**b ThM to «i ■Itap mm* Watth*
;»1 OM 0 few (tayeego. Md I tek* thi*
la« Trotovir-.
I. opportulty to writ*. 1 have been !■
________ ____
B-lp^lo) eisee
tbrwiujm*. Ti-" ...Tfil .rf *>^".K* Aagwt 10. hovlog Uft MaBUa oo tKe
tbe etnoge 8th of that mooth.lUoUi. to the chh f
fla^be. of .xa..r, il.r git^ „H,..rii»g :«‘Vy «f »be tolaod of Paaay. aad U to
ej«. erv ell f«.«un-. iU«l eruiuc a »ot much of a city at that Before the
of everekw oo the part oaptare by par toree* oo rebraary lltb
of tbe oWrur Itare bad uod.r ob- the popalaUoa w probably ISOM
•er.atlou eereral o.t«pJ at tbe Santa !
to oo taore than half theCetallti* atiuariuoi. aad It be. been In- ;aa«h*r.Th*aaUv*eatlhatti«aat^
len-.i)UK t.. aute tbe . barac iertolk fea-1»
tore, of tbe vartou* iutlMduaU. I# a ,« POP**®"
‘t. There are a aataber
eoiall tank «reiy r-otiDued three iDdb'| Of Other towaa la walking dtotaaoe of
vidual* Laving a radial *i>r<a<l of per- , here, hat ^y don’t amoaot to Boebba|w IK iui-bea t>iie aEfi-<-te<l a light
The Anertonn foree cn the toUhd to
p’llow hue end aa. ttaid »ulklng be.
preaenl over *,S00 *bat we
It Unueel Uot the vreeh* of the
< raehlip ot Ad*lr»i Cetveeo'* tqoodroB
.«htehrt(oolBher*orebotM< theog lJ
. «1M for tae oreeken. A party ot the
;loMerheo Je*i begu to explore the
orreek of the ton
: Platon and the ftrat diver.lt to reported.
; foand flt.uoo in the pancrk cahla.
Tbo gold fovar baa again brokea oat
: in Walea ft to oow eonfldently eCrai-.
.«d that MMtgoaeryabire tochanncled
- erUtoamrUetoa* ora Tha Uteetreporto
■ r«.t.
.J. a...
u»..b.n™. 1.IU.UJ
. araae troB dtooc vertoa Bad# while alnk- cairt. wa* coilnoaUj flourtoblug ice ____
-------------,, jw.
. lag a wall on the eetate of bard Powlg. teuuch*. rilling and fsUiug «o the aide
“* ------"
' .
<~ ~.P«, of
It to anM that all Indtoatinn* point to of 11.0 (!.« oofll .o ol«T.« oki.
infantrr. foor eoBpanlee of
i a oonl taBinc In the northweet tkto WUDI^I It tl»e ••*!£« dancer." A third , **»»
are* aiiiKMt tdack. aod wa* a vludlc- the Nineteenth infaotry. aad
>wlatw. Pi«B tbe preaeotOgaree there
live fellow, ready
au.T time tu make {tery of light artlUerr. The Niaeteenkh
tonotballthaBsaalaBoantofeoal lo
an atiai-k. Wbeu I lutrwlut-eii
tf»lu..«l my
iny baud arrived
arrieed aboataweak
aboat a weak ago to reltbvr
rihe aiwthweel aad wiU the eloaeof |g,„ . .
oi ioim. wonid
Tenaeaee .volanteere m
who were
r-.aavigatiM in eight and a cnj famine j u uuir'. a* e flasb m-ud
east borne. Tbe troopa now here are
in cxtotanee thoreroepecto of a fall *up | loox •lt< iii>a«^i t>-iiia.'l«- aud
dlapoaed of aa follows: Oompanlae 1
^y tf ooal are pw** indeed| et>»ui it: iIm-u If *u ad.iiiu<v nan made i
Arthar Agaew. of the
lUaited State* Intnnuy. who pclUd
dowa ^dphntoh flag at San Joan hUl
*er«lag with hie regiment In the
RaBlln Oarland. ncvelitl. to reporli d
•bout to we<< UlH ZuIelBv Tafv.of Elwo.•ver, Km
-plea for rur^ free delivery
.« made in tbe anuoai report of Fuat I
Amtolant Pocunatter General Perry S.'
.,ut..Uy ...,.>„uiia*» my , W»‘«* « and K in Molo. abooV»e and
,.,1^ i,.. ^i^|„ gni.- |,r,-«*iuc lUe one-half we*t aad the other companie*
the rt.~b I at Jare (pronounced Haro, two mile*
ablle a m-iuuioii» -uioiiim would Iw j aorth. with tbe regimental headqoar
i tere. Tbe fonr oompaniee of the Nine
At the nr*i ei.a-k of fhl- k:nd
quartered In barracir. *.
Bt-DMttliiu wa* c.iir Ilf bficnir Tin- bid i .
_• .w »* i
* i
What Do You Pay
Tor Coffei
That’s a practical
question! Arc ydu jiaying
too much.^ If you’re paying a high
price, you’re probably paying as much
for a name as for the coffee.
Arbuckl^’ Coffee is a plain, substantial
coffee with an excellent aroma and delicate
flavor, sold in a substantial way at an honest
price. Voii don’t want better than good coffee,
do you ? You can’t afford to pay twice the
price that's necessary, can you? Then why not
get Arbuckles’? Get right down to the coffee
question and settle it now.
Hy buying many
millions of jKumds we buy the best of man)' large
plantations at a low jirice. We sell it to you at a low
price bccauscAvc would rather sell millions of jiounds at
a low profit than a thousand {>ounds at a big profit.
iheB and
lug tlir «dur Ilf lb. U.-L III uiaibid:"**** The battery 1*
degree aud rvl.l,-uili cud.-ui ui iiiK to [ »be company of the Sixth to atoo at
•u,„ti,er ibe band wlib li. foldv uh tbe dare.
tebtavliv. wvtv iIImi-iiiImI u. tb. ir ui-1 The Kbaklcks tea they are called
iiHiM llinii
To hulil tifp baud tl:in ' hen i are in unknown force at Santa
uniW »u.-li i-in-uniMHUf-c* rvqitlrcd' lurbara. eight mile* northweet. A
U.Iil 1I iv.nfi-** . 1,™ II
—fl d.j. Tb, lul
oelpte. enbaaceBcnt in tbe value of ...m,
. •^1ll a I
fane land* reached by nir^ delivery
bad here wm on thr moro
frcB SI to S3 per acre: better price for trvai; bur in tbe biti.r
I waited
Teaneaaee. were to be relieved
farm produce, tbe producers being to »n. It the aiilmara objcit waf to Oo. F of that regiment wer* |dolng
broagat Into dally tooota wltb^the aUte blTc. kniin lUK Hum ibi- l.itl-of »o nuiaU outpoet duty at "ouipoei Ko, 6 'at La»
. jf the markeu. - breidea odueatoona]
cuiilil ui-i ui.nk'e a n-rluue , Pm. (near the juncUon of tbe reade 1
. oeoeflu coaferred by relieving tbe moc- a-ouufi. Hut till- ik'Kijiu* ni.-rely (mwiu-d ] mentioDed. and oo the river ' It wav
0 stonv of farm life ihroogb readyACocea it* nioutli on tbe Kn-k of my hand, ap- h^kla*l Ume and tbe boy* were eone to Lutliuldate
lutlulflate tb.iln- *iip«m>- iL .
j ^
to wholeeomihterature and knowledge laniitly tr> Ing
. *f caireet evenla. Oi S ive nber 1. ru poMsl i-ncuiy Wbilc favtcned to tbe
baiul. II *tm hcbl to the rock, and it,
. cal free delivery waa in auooesefal ope: vm*
will, difficulty rrireMtl. When | •«"** the river, which la only ab«>ui!
.aUon in over isj aervlee*. radlailcg tviuaim-d guict. the etilmal U-gao to, »«>
is the daily beverage on millions of tables. Why not on yours?
. ovM «0 etatre and one territory. Idaho. cretii'alieii; lll'A
like • h'lgv ..,.1.1..KpIdiT. I...*
Iwi at ’’ k.
boy* quickly maraud their Are.
Wyoming, ItiBlBippi aad Montana be Ibc Unit
riicre’s an additional consuleration in the many substantial and
t i.f my ilug.-n. It ' with intereat. from behind au impro
ing the only atatea anreprceented.
pouiKv-d ii|Hin iii> !..iuJ
l-.iud atiiiii. i-avclupi-avriop-:,i*6d braaekwork One of ikeir namUseful
articles that go with the Coffee.
.Ask your grocer for it.
A dtopatcb from Pratorto. nsder date lug It lu till' t-lglil Hiiakvllkc ai;u*. 1 : ber U> get a belter *boi clambered to
He'll tell you all about it. If he endeavors to sub.stitute an imita
.of Tneaday.aayaOol MeeUar.-whoeom- filially iwtoii-il voi of it* gra*ii and tbe top of tbe thrlter aad fired at tome
Lu j
.maoded tbe BmUb Hoaanra. eaptnrid eelt.ll It flnuly by the b«*ly. wh.-n Itai,..
go elsewhere.
tbe jingle. An
(by the Boma. doeiioed on being inter race iMiauii-lu'cuM-. KtuilH>. »f i-ulnr exeUBaUon ot •attofaetloa. t >ld bto
|>a*m-d over 11 tu
viewed, to give tbe detail* of the mw rcil. tiUi'k. ycliiiw nud wlifo ai tbe oomradee that hi* shot had probably
-fortuee. bet nraieed the trenunent be hHcht of U»aug.-r it wae luuUlnl and taken vfiret- Poor Batllogton; (that
Skew Vork City, !>l. Xg
.jkod hi* men had received at tbe baud* *pla>Ot«<d witb bhi.k- a frigbiful i-roa- waa hi* name, never bad achanuJ to
tbe Brere. The Brituab priaonera tutv. U nisiV a il<-»iH*r»ii- «-ff..n to es- tell how it WM f ir ju*i a* be luroed to
-wen* playing foot ball at tbe Ume their <n|it'. but M lik|!_rPlre»nl rJocU-d a i-luud go back, a well directed ■hot. or
•Mien Wheel Recovered.
ChlqulU. pM*ed throngb the city yeeof luk. itorllug off rtiplJly umler it* cov
rather one of a vollry. took him in
.•odwD CumeroD bM recovered bi* Mrday on it* way to Rapid City, where
Mian Arria Uuntiagton. daughter ot er. TbU CH-iiipu* n-m-iiitil nuy lumink.a theeide aad went entirely throngb
Wi>\KVlv>U).!« On v.r~M
wheel wbicb w*% etoleb from him a brother ot the deeeatMl rreldea.
' Uttohop Uununginn. taae been nomlnat- tnd nitvnainl to ibv uiia.-k at nboc. him
iXL * M Brn.o ?ll rrMI .1
He died 15 m aniee later while
When a Ktrauge octopus w a* placed In
thd by tha Republioana and DemoeraU
There will be eiectioe* Is twelve
tbe tauk.-nlUitiugb luucb larger. It came being plneed In an aabulance. Tbe Be found Ihet a wheel
t Syraease. N out of Its comer, a-itbuut breitallun. Ben
^{•Ute* todar. ao'l the return* will be
wbo carried Wb to
, the deeeriplion of hi* Wuverly I
raee.vedby the Kr..-<.nnMfMtM they
eyed the oewi-onier a mumetil. tbeu la
« * reuilemM
-f “*1 _
’Thera wa* a’moet a riot in
eome iDnimprebcDulMe way hurli-d It- ley*, but luckily
Kinguler end •kcerieiued that
:-SanUago 4e Cuba prtoon Saturday eelf at tbe eueuiy. aii«t lu a aecoud the
M. B. Gulley received a letter from
twhen tha order wM 1 nforced nepcct two were rolling over aud over In a
Boooluln, yeeterday in which
conteet that wa* amazing to witneea.
lag the uae of tbe
cioeed a email ailk Uawailao flagIntira.ile'ir' T ««T a*tur**»
**eoreerol Eee-eatforBot etrlpea. with clipped hair Tbe 16 lentacha wuutid almut «acb trouud a*. I underataDd the order pro-'
eight Incbre io eize
__________ _______
lateraevpg i_, *oipti *m Mmim
* Wm* ere other with tbe raiiidKy of light, and
.Mdelannahnventnoee. The-prtooaere
relic beeauae it will
Tbe Death toon.
be but a. -.“J.
*buth auliuaU ejected tbe luky fluid hibitlug our men from firing ou them
. taUy refaaed to comply and
toened by General Otto. It
fnim tbelr riphoua. They re*.-uibled
Cieorge Baa*, ooe of the plooeer. eet Bemory. a* Old Glory will hweafler
: orlaott ottelals were cpBpeUed to
a ball of euakes rolling along aud me, and to everyone here, m U a more tier* OD SouU Mtoitou tolead. died float over the tolaud*.
tforee Id eeeeral inatnneee prton
•irikiug at each other more tbau auypolicy would lead to .better Tbureday night after eu illuee* of *1*
It hM beee •taied that Calkin* aad
MIUl-.V*-. ejMV
' wore hoond during the ehenriog thing i-1k«-. .t clow exaiutuaitoii of tbe reeull*. Tb# way of the enlivted
m >otb*. at-tbe age of 71. Funeral *er- j Laogwortby were oppoaed
the bar- L‘
■ Mpk* riHU?
All oonaider the ne* wriiblng Ilia** *bownl that tl..- object would be to kill the native* wherever
Tice* were held oo Sunday. .Nov 5.
! her*' uoion. and refo**d to join It. Thto
r. X» WMbiretee
regalatlon impoeee the lowest degrade^ apiiaivarly wa* to mukuIkt the oppo found, and to a man right oo the
nent l-'inally. tl.e Dewconn-r Iwal a j
- *300.
expreu their wiUingnt** to join the
rvtnat: Il w-n* twilly wounded aud *uc- ground It i* certain that that I* tbe
Near Maboaoy PUne. Pu . four
way to.save good Aaericao live* io the
ciiuilied a few bouni later.
•erek Ued. twoMtrionaly mjared
Tb.„i,b -b^ ...b.,1
Tbe oi-iopu* l» a faVoilie *ubj«vt long nio- They wooT r«*pect a mao
Jue bad a aarrew eecape ffom death witli iKiputor writer* on t.utura! his ('•rarmy eitheri of whom they are ooi dulged
)t oracliee game cf foot- '
by a ruab of dirt la a Blue.
tory. aud imiiir aiiiumn ba.e Ikh-u afraid If tome of tbe kvmpalhetic I
t:*t church had a U3*t enjoyable aocial , bit-1
iM. v-inbi lOpuBoUa. rulnr tea
UDbanada. who poeed a* tbe King ot wrilloii of Hi f.-ro.-li>. wlu.-li an- al- ••poor FUipino” howler* would exploit i
»°d Boardmau aveooe last ,
1 -.sail yvliee blrtpe HbiIi-v
III p>ib-r !-a
UIOHI lUiKiialily diiilctl by ua^iiralliilK: ,b„-.r.w.b.™..b.„
*t Brr»:e eftre »r K*«* M-k.
b...,|»<b, Tb.
»..bUdol„ —...-b.
o,.b..b,,o,a Kafir tribe in 8i nth Alricej
. JPorld'e fair, and who aay* be bad lb. n .vet I .110 luH nut to ibtuk lliat io mmic cb...T .OKI ,b. “poor.- .b... .. bl.|«»t'J. “b bid. 1.1, u, III ..11 U,. ! T....™, B., HI.. S,.lw C.l.-Ill
____ „
Rtt.UM) worth of dlamonda‘belosg-Dg liii-i:iii<i-ii <i-i-talii liidivitliiaU are more
heath, I am much afraid that it'P'*®* formerly occupied by Berole 'oeet.wiih Mr*. C W. Aabton thto af-• 1 -oi.-,
j t Nnr^ay-Jr..
I liaio ban.lied
o,toternoon. TTiere
"niere wilH
will be work aod the
to tbe royal family, to now n bout* H-OI1-X of 11,.-Ill fi..iti ill.- gulf ,if M.-ii would beahoitahrift for him. Soldiere ;
**“>*>»d‘he mufortuoe
•eivant In n hotel at Lontovtlle Ky
to atrnnal election of ofiiom will alto a PPtxr rnK**lktcv
and i':il:fjiii;B aud obn-i.nl ouly have no reepeet for “long dtoUnce , hreak hi* leg recently Tbe team
•* i-.iwp* .v_..
m apj*. *i_.ay
waa robbed of bis dlaatoodaeooD afur on.-luiiauii- iliciiuecli.ll wU.-r.- ibi- opinion*’’or ••long dtotance" fighter* P^vcticing coo*taoily aod to getting take place. A ful: attendance i-‘ —— .
me fair cloced, he aaya.
■ iiiiiuil doliU-ralcly rueli.il tu tb<- at- eltb«-. , A great many of the *torio* ! '“«> tip-top uim for the game
much dewirad
at Mra. T. K. Reevea. for maov year* i
The George Weeblngton Memortol lai-k. ibougb I kuow of two nibcr*. printed regard to tbe iroatBent ot ^ barker Feoningtoe wm bootiog
inreaideot of tbi* city, but whoae home^AVrKr>-^»b.uoci*..-<i>keri.*o*k<.pw.
TKI •-Jill - «uoo *. .II* er huuMevew.
■ aaaociation la endeavoring to procure a tin.- wa* oI~.-rj.ll t.y Mr Ualpb .kr- aoldieru may be Ukee with a grain of Lake Aon VMterday. aud brought
J pi-l««0bj <ia[1-<--0< vruvsn.
uoM. a gii.logiit of pBKH.U-ua. lie wa* •alv I’hekickoraaremretiy-rooker*’ three partridge and a duck m tbe re-: i» at preaeot lo Florida, to id tbe city ,
• gsamal obtervance of Dec. 14. proxiBO,
J. L..........
Lo-'l Boi *1. Cvt.tr*! (.**-. Xl.-k.
wading among tbe p<wl* at l-.w tide
___________________________________ n»*i«
■nit of the day’* aport.
, on boslneo* onoected with valuable!__________________
the . one hundredth nnniveraary mf
f'oiut Kan I’.ilro wbcD suddenly be ireeraitr). Tlie food 1* fir*i-rate ooder
igNT-D«eni*:i boiot* WeMuiztre
The meeting of the Forlia Club wUl property in thto locality.
.Wnehlngtoo'e death. ExercUee will be beard a Cry. aud. turning. *aw *oiue tbe circumttaneee. A* to the general
•VI Appto V.I.VO. B. Cti~*.
ueld to many of the autee nnder tbe children in a |hmL wading, aud luuviug heaUh. tbe recoad of only three death* be held tbto afternoon with Mr* C. B. j’' The fooeral of Mra. Mary Green cc- QT..~,.>i;rTri^'»j herbvrMop .o bi.-j-iv'
«apervision of the euie c
toward tb.-ui a large octopus, ii* loug from dleeaae in thto hotpital in leven McMaon*.
| curved at tbe reeidenee oo Bay *ireet O * iilw*id •!» i--i»i4 rw
v4vr. J.K<.'*avroe
raiMd aliive the water. WbctbiT month* loan average of fifty pattonto
.the aaeociation. but It
The Order of tbe EMtern Star will ' yreterday Rev D. Cochlin ooodueud ,!
itLX-OBv Uir*~--v*p-.')l« Urialw
snUnenUy fitting that a eommemore- tbe animal would have aiteiupied to every day, *how* It M healthy m any meet tbi* evening at 7 o clock for ,‘he *ervu-e.
ir »or-r Appl) u. J. V.
f of
tton of eepe<^ aoleoalty and import- atuck them I* a quewtlon. a* It waa average <
epeelal bu
cl«.iu OK..IO. -u U.. r-c- .
. anee should take place at tbe natteoal int.-rnipted in a more or Icm violent mean* eoldiert only, of conrae
Miae Myrtle SauchaU ■* clerking in nlar monthly *oag eervice at the Con- : ” a. v Beucer* u> tow
oiauner. A re*ldeot of tVaxblngtoo in a few day*.
. -apl nl. and the chief ofieere oi tbe aa- told me that ouce wbeu Ttalilng tbe
the City New* Stand in the place of gregational cborcb Sunday evening.
*M> MxUvvrektr Dm
Tonr* M ever.
..AOciaUan are now actively at work—by •bore be was advbad by tbe fiHbcrmao
• lib u*u«w*] epportBalin addition to the chora tinging of
Nto* Kittle Cutter wbo to 1-1.
F. O. BasNxx.
meaoe of oorreapoadenoe and pmaooal with blni to avoid tbe i>oots and when
utniwd vbrelepp.e A Pmrk.akH'M
A’large number of magazinre have the good old hymnv pleaeing eolce Ow
Brigade Boepital. Iloilo. Paaay. P. T.
lag. I b.ree*.____________________nnm*
interviews with Bany public meo—la ft became oece*anry to croM tbvm to
were euag by Mru. Dayton, epecial
pas* over a* quickly a* possible, n*
ukapiag arraagemenu to tbe aod.
•ie teaeber in the public eehool*. E E. j
departmeoi by Fiaak Curtto.
Urge octupl frequeoied them. Ue conHow-i ThU.
At Bavai . divere at .
j Whit* and Dr. G. H. Snow.
‘*‘7 vbpvMcv.
' '“v Birmlgki. l
akleivd thl* tbe exaggeration of a flibMtoc Irene Weim, *toter of Mra. A.
bmtbor have dtooovered tbe wreck ot entuin and paid but lltUe attention to ward tor any eaee of Ctotarrh that can
tained that v“
.tka Atocha. a SpantohtrigaU sank dur It; but once la crossing a pool stepping not be cored by Ball'* Catarrh Core.
w. ter- ______ ___________________
F J.Chxsxi a Co.. Prop.. Toledo. O.
ling the last oeatary to preveut It* from etone to ctooe, loddenly a long,
We. the underaigned. have known F. WMbingtoa. to Marlin Jarrett. former-. r*hy kicked by a eolt recently, will lone D<»wu.tot. CoBp**r. i»p*. z.
ralllog Into the hnnde of tbe Bngltob. bvid arm shot out of tbe water and
J. Cheney for the iMt IS year*, and be lyotlniaad.
[ the eight of bto right eye Tbe *w*llbai.x-~^. ec'rMol'te^e .n o.
- The frigate mounted SI gana. eome of reacbed inslnuaUngly for Ed* legs, tbe lieve hlB perfeeUy honorable la all
lar«»i-.Q,->r willviekeM, |*r rlij
The employea of the a^lna wiU give , Ing
^ hM eabeided. aad M yet Mr.
•whlebbave been recovered. One has
baaliiaai traaaactioaa aad finanelaUy m..,**—
lable to dtoGagutoh the !.
of .V-<their A—ll..*.v_l
dellghUal partlM . i *VI
been given to Oan. Adnn R. Cbaflee, blm. Uc. however, reacbed tbe rock* able to cerry oat any
..'lb. iUav
. rhlef of etoB of the governor ganeral. safely and bombarded tbe Anlmxi with by tboirfirm
eye may yet clear up, but Dr. Garner, |!
■ume*. Ue estimated Its atoe at 25 WnrA Tki-ax, Whol«alo Druggtote.
who island* to present U to bto nauve feet acraea. Judging tbe teotaclee to Toledo. O.
wbo hM charge of tbe caee. fear* that IT’££
Duff McDonald, who hM hoan amaowB of Orwell. O.
have been 12 feet la length. Again, It Wauiisu, Kixsxx A MAXrui. Wholothe alght to permanenUy deaut^ed.
ployed by Phil Shermer a long time
.Trerervv City.
cannot be determined from this wheth •ale Druggtate. Toledo. O.
Ball’e Catarrh Care to tekea Internal hM leaeed tbe weet etore ot the Broech
Bditor Beee Wondara.
er tbe animal would have eelzed blm.
dllor W. V. Baiyy of Lexington. though tbe obeerver was con&drot that ly. acting directly upon tbe blood aad bloek and will epMi a new Mloon with
Made Tonng «gau>.
jT 'M
* U*«
o*k anpeie.
re Beau.
Kichtk. uraoK HeiM
iS., In axpiorlng Mammotb Ctove, ft would and that It was Urge eaoogta mnoon* eurfaoe of the ayeteB. Price
75c. per bottle Bold by all Drnggtoto.
t> ItoT* brid blm tinder water bad be TMtlmoalato are Crea.
ru eteam barge Ftoteher to loading in my t*en*' again"
throngb aaing Baddan’e
HaU** Family Pill* are the beat.
^nlaa Salve
' led him It to an- bwa (fulled ln.-C t>\ Holder tn Selcnlumber for Chicago from JofanF.' Ott
Bihar world’e
Oaree Pllta. la- tlfle Amcrloaa.
heat in the world l___________
OyiUn at BibMty’a.
aeh and Bow^ Purely vei
n>e Pineeu expore tbcM dead te te
TU body of OapA D. B. Wi^. who Never gri^ Only X8e at Jae. C
dcTowed by btrda
bmt hto life II tho wreck of the yMht
Hfiasted Coffee
PS:"-" —
jjo... .11>. Ki.,-. K— UI, pu^jsi£ic!23:t;s-7rs:*.;is-’t5
>i6«kaio;»^ob«B, tttliaWT, MoVMtMm ir, ii>i
' ■„ I
»u«o tB.
-----------------• MW* fcr rw»»*
d Notice!
, Wm mm tmmmmmm mm* W^tmmt Mm m Am4 mm
«*M I
1 -tinve tioaifhl a bull iotereot
n* MW fwMa
tte HM«I Wek^
TW Britlab BBaean i* ofM «B Sob. bar la a loot Ufr aprat ta minlar. aald knows arm baa juai tetoTBed from a
■m « rmk avwM aad One Hsadn^ day* from 2:20 to 7. aad It U aoi >H>M aa oU nlorr wbo waa at tbe Beadle* *ix uiontba' bnclneva trip ttroojrb tta
in ibe.................
ud rowtMMb CUM
tte pMM- to TBto. aay* tta LoadoB Ne»-*- Om dl**:a»a la tbe dftJr*. 1* tta atory ol weM. Laai Bldbt he Vaa iBvIlcd ta
WbttaaBday tta attrodaaer waa 1.785 tta Oodliuc of tta Xaplrr Banrt. pndv
• tlM attar ter a
aad 00 tta Sooday before IJM. .Wy tta lartm and parr.t bum ta )olB aome ol bl* frleada. aad dnrlnd
r Mta mt mSrr*
“Aboat ljuo 00 aa aerrare." *•« aa
toni la tta hlatoryof fold the «<«mind told of many toetdenu
that had bappMcd to him dartod hla
attradant addlac. -tta Suaday opea. n.toinc.
Ttar ta« Vtrhr ateaaa. flarateca | Uw la a* yreat a •o<'ceMt a* tta ereaNapier was aecoad mate oa a boat
vatM abavea. Huaradl ahavea. aafl, tod opeoJarbo wert day* wa* a fall- plyiog betweea SlelbourBe aad LJveraiala aeda ataraa. TtaJ dais to be nre." He took ttat failure to heart pool, wtan tta cold freer *ot iato bit 1 ever beard of.- «aid the anleaman.
tta WI7 Men la tta Ualted State* and meoaiucd it la mooey. “Oa aoioe blood, aud be left tbe aea for tbe dU “was a hotelkeeper In Jolian. Neb. He
kept a uuail place, bat ttare eertaiuly
vta tare am doM thia. and ttay at*' eeealac* ao few pe««»
•*“* '•. «ln«* la T.7. .He came to Beudlya. but
WbMiaMf haaebty about n. aad bold 1 woBld ta*e be«i a aaela* to flee tbeai i&rt wttb no auece**. and ttaa atak.-d bad been a number of stnnse toriAnd the bimiBwa' will be» ran
ttalr MiBMaUj aharad (ace* *ety Ugb 5 tUlUnra (Bcb to keep away."
« elalin at Klaruwer. wo tta Loddeu denu within lu wall*. U you were to
Tta atietHtoocetwrlte* a eorre^ad- river.
, believe tta proprietor. I don’t aay
la tta air Isdcod.
under the firm name of
Tta-rwioa for aB tMa waa. prtMar- *«) torlBdcd many ebUdrem -Moat of
He worked hard at Klnrower. la : tta man lied, but ta cenatoly did *ome
Or. ttat a water tadnat oatalta tta | them were weU.dreeaed. wUb clean company with hi* brother aad a man remarkaUe tricks with tta truth. Tta
taM waa foaad to ba *0 nt^i«c*<d > tooaa. Bat a few nrchla* from ita called Ambroae. bat for *la ttontta flret ttlfbt I met him ta nesriy knoricttat BO Sr*
coaid hare coopM alanu bad ploeked op courafe to ea- tb.-j acarcely *aw tbe «>lor ^ *«ld. ctl U.V eye out. his talk beta* somsI’haprietops. what as follow*:
M It How tbto diaeoWT
Mtao ter. I came aero*, two diminutive, dl- Wbea luck did come. It .-ame la'a way
You K*-' *
-’lioteUeeplu* Is a stran** to'm*
wttboot ttaf* briar aay lire bo one Upldated Birere* eaxtod op at tta caat ealcuUted to turn the brain of aa or.
and we have iv put up with a *i*at from oor .
We sotii-it tbe patruDace of tbe
dinary niau
imm, tat tt la aiiM«ctad ttat a tyax- of tbe (okaiaal bead of Raiueae* 11.
oyad SraiaaB paaaad that way asd
■ere come from a forrln conn.
Od« day. .tusnat 14 It waa. tbe three
peopiv- uf Trnrerre* l 'ity. ami ^foar*
” aald one of tta boy*. -Conte It men were Jin.t ou the point of leavlns reuieu-ber ..ue nirht an old Mlow with
ttaad it oat
autee aatisfaction.
L" Ireplied tbe other; “we don't ihelr work at the bottom of a »4-foo« a l.roosed •■omplrxlon came Into tbs Because w'e put into them tbe l-eel
A Ive* «f «• ncM arMod ^ with 'did.riadgetamatrrA aawa. axaa. naiBera. make oor lombotone* ao bloomin’ bid " abaft, when Stam Xapler. In pnttlos butrj jud a-ked for a room. Hr wae tobaccn. and we do Dot use at y j
actMOiDiodainl. bnt stayed upstRra
Aaa. laotma. <^pptiig biorka. aad 20
arlifioial flavor—joR cbai*. purej
A s|Hfialty. K\erylbittt: io aeaI waa very popular, ’tlreat
ar M «
r. more la Idle curio*
tobacco. Thtoffivcoyou a whole.:
Scottr a mechanic exclaimed, “ao thl* py than anyihlnc elae. and the llyht came down and
b. Open ilay oikI ni»flit.
1 tte hydraai 1
ol aad i
ctpiain and could nut Reep in snch n ts-ine. enjoyable atuoke at au ecou*^
Vridtk «• tta MBiBtod
They took off ttalr coaU and ttaa got ChrlaL- -Whatr one of bla compan. to ta vltxla r>W. almow heavier than quiet room Don't you kuun that I omiral pi ice,
.\sk your deajer for them.
tola a haatad arfomeat aa to what to Ion* Baked, and when tbe amaxlod he. etrond man a* ta waa conld Tift liad to put him Into a room next ts
etatemeni waa repeated, he quietly re- The three men taw at a dlsoce that the bathroom and keep the water turn
ed «n ail nlxbt so that he eould alrep?
Aftor two taonf dltf—lrm tte any marked; “WeH. 1 don’t believe tt- their fortune* were made, and •
decided ttat tta SrM thtod to db waa ttat'a all.atmoR frantic with delisht. * How<
1 had on day when an Indian medi t 4 Froet Stros
to tom off the wa«r. and they did that
Audible comment waa tare: for tbe they covered up their ttvaaure
Hne show struck tbit tovm. They bad
ttlBC- The Hotel Elttellea waa left most part of the people Rood apee«rh- earth and went to tbelr tei
a irouiio i-f perfenuen. some animals,
wKheoi a eolttary pint of drlaklod leas in tta pnwpqcv of the dead. But tbinc bad happened
and a real, live Eskimo. That fellow
•old OB tta premtaa. A* ao notice two women were very nutaiwkcu.
to the dead of nlybt thev
was a l-Ird. They said ta waa from
tad been dleen to tte maoader of the One aald. ’ Well. It Is. of .-oitrw. to their claim, carried off'tta nueev
Greenlbtid. but he wa*o't ae'xreen. I
eaglMrlta opamioae tte amttor wae a matter of laeie bat 1 abouldn’t care and for eafcir bvirle,! It alx feet dee|.
for thur and. ata imlnted to under tbe table In tbe renter of tlii-ir can tell .vou. He wa« all wrapped up
decidedly awkward.
fur« Hiouch the weather was warm.
about slorin*
tta mortal , remaina of a prleat tcui. Fi.r three uiontba thev bad tbelr
Havtod dM thlB far. tta t
ycor wheel FKBi: for -he wioler
of the TheU-a Temple of Amen- meala ov.-r tlie*e buried thouasiida am! 1 put him Into a nice comfortable room
No ‘eiter ersmeHox tnsn our*.
Ba. ^Icr friend did not quite under never breathed a word to a livlu« k..u1 ami he kept tta bell rinxIuK continnoukIv orderlnx absinthe frappe every
aund. ”1
not.” Mie aald. "I..-- ^-iipn tlielr .-Uim waa exhausted'
aide* ttare wouldn’t be room for It in about the middle of Novemtar. thej few niinute* riD^l.T. the manaxer of
tbe «h..w who went np to see why the
. . Ibelr neit move waa to det Into your pa^r. iinlesa you mured the *«■- faired a home and cart, due up tbelr
K*kliiio w.-i.. drinkinc so much, cam*
lit Gnlo" Street.
another debate on tbe plan of cam* to upa'alm-'' "Have that thlneHs the nnexet. and placed it. loeeiher wlil>
down sikI told me that the lltt|e feb
paldk- b'c aatlarerterv aetilement wae botSer oxolalmi-d the woman wbo bad tbelr dust. In a box amonc a tot of oM
torn- wax tryiii:: t<> xet cold and couldn't
reached ea to what they abeold do. SrR apoken. "wby 1 abouldn't alts-p a cloihea. ami started on a four
■le.-p In that hot room. Don't yon
every time they «ot as far a* a vote wink all nidbi. I meant that
i abooldnl like to be done tike
like that to
Here tliey consiened It. thmunh tbe know that U-fore a-e could ceiJMtat
there was some eort of a deadlock.
f.’Uow fv.niferlable we had to put him
Suddenly ail opetailona were pot to be made Into a mummy, you know” Bank of Vl.-i.iria, to Enclaod. pa>i«u
to lxs| in tlic rerrieeralnr!
-BYan end ta tta cry from one of tta men: “Of- courae you wouldo’1-not'while aonieiBInt; like $1.ino export duty atul
w-A-syfp e--.«s
rre'AM.ttre <st«
••••niai wa* a fearfu! .rilxht. and HI
“Say. fellerv. today Is wayva day. If you’re allv.-.- "Nor when I’m .bud. ta.V> for InMirance.
never fnruei b. They had a tralnod
we dMi't do downtown, ridht off we eUber." -Why not?" “Wby. fan.? lieWhen lo.n.lon wa» reached the fame
i tor kept all that time and fben. per- of thl* woiidi-rful nupcet had koui.sa« iralncL b-i tm- tell .roll. .Mmnt an
bap* l.fldli.tRO years afterward a lot bow'pre<-<-.b-d them, and-the;in*n an.I
hc.Dr after
cthe l.eaT ate In ll»e
Of people yon didn't know’d ta siarinc their mck »f cold were a seven da.\V
<I=I1;|IE room jii'l like the ..iher folka
at yon under a class case. Oh! I .-all wonder. .Ml ito- fasbionabi- w.-rl.l
■tittlnery 1
ill .1 eiiairi. the hear np* and
. It borrid!" "Well." aald the .otlo-r crowded to xe.' it. and ev.-n the .]ne.-i>
•r- ttltRf r<
walk* In to the liar. Tta -roan who
la the D
li -told u* to tire the hear aoros
Hotel Bi<4>elteu had dlacovMBd that would lake the trouble ib miiiimir marrelou* nnceet and the men who lailtl.xl l»—r Well, the Uarteixler
ttere waa no kratrr G> be bad from any me? and they luisaed out of bearing, had found li
nnide II tiii'lake and put up xlnxer ale.
of tta ftncetB-ta fact, there was not
----------------------------------Tt was «ol.l to tta Rnnk of Riicljn.1
.HI e.vr hy Id* r.mll*bii<-ss You
tl*w RarvpMas Vr***l.
p turt).-«l (he xcab- .-.I
• drop In tta hoaan. To one of them.
The Oermans are hetrinniiie To form jy pnun.U ..r.-r a humlredwelabt It soilldtl'l IH-Iieve It. hut the hear drank
• Btwap^ man. ttm came tbe Idea
27 I>■IH•~< »f tieer without turnlux a
*.„f,in Vx lcMh of a carat of I«f ahavtod with hto bottle of apoltl- •Be of tbe larrost elemeut* In the ihivh-i'r.
didn’t even make him Ulka,ta.,i.,t, iv pure c«M. For ao......
aarta that ta happ«sed to have la hla eTlnc world of Eun.pe. Tp HIT a short
time ado *veo Switxerian.l wa. ti. v.-r
Vihihlt.Hl at M..- Rriii-h tlve.
A* I -aid iH-fore. that wa« a fear
much patrrfntaR by the chiHrei. <.f mm-um. at..l a .-ast ..f H w*h taken for
Tte new* «f tte h
ful nl-.-'.i The other (biuxx w.-re had
non *pre«a all tbrwidb tbe bnUdlBd. the fatherland, hut that ha« .-hniic.-.l preHerraV»i< at the mu»e,mi. .tn.l
etii.til'll. Nil shcu one of tfad umall
and It waa sat kind before taUboy* —r and It la said that tb.- Bevl.-ra ,t,|» w..udei I diseovery
suakcA x«t hsete-and crawleil up tta
war* briBcInc np mineral w-ater ^ tta would have been a .ximpl.-ie fsihtn- hnne nothinu but misfortune
xp.'.ak'ni' iiiN- we were nearly out of
taOBt* for ahavtod puipuaia.
s. ii’-w 'I'll, tails kept riuviiic aad
Tta Bupfdy of mineral waters aoou Oermsns. wliu s|wui mneh time ih.-r.-. Mven*K.l, au.l qul.-klv ).»i all hi. the tuU-s nhUihoe. but no mau bad
taemme eataosted. and aome of tta And tt was not time alone that Hw m„n..y .here He returu.-d to the die the nerve III aii'wer tbe call. A man
v.-ar« Iti
lot* ahaver* had i* t»e beer. Thl* forelsnera *|»‘Dkj>-hlIe In the beautiful sinss; but. ih.uich he
pul hi*, •'nr to one of ibo*e tube*
^ £ '
made a pleaaaat. aoTt caay lather, with district ' Th.-y w.-rv fre.- wlHi their hunlilic for ni-re cold h.- u.-v.-r foun.l wa* Uahle to hare tbe snake come out
a deildhtfnl foam. Some of the abav. money atad It I* said tlmt thl* artvamv au.tK.kI-.ii Tr.nv.-h-r.
and bile him. We never did use tbe
-------------------------afterward docUrad that In the fu ynard of tleruian* who are tieclDiiluE
tuN's nut ni»re but put in electric
Hfce W*bW aad WenMaV.
me ttey will ocvaf mix ttalr lather
S.XIII1 .\fr..a Is ”the Isnd «>f snr- N'll. the next week.’"-New York
Witt anythtod but .baar.-N'ew Tork
I Bos<‘yvri«e».’' and ihet»-. mure MBmi siiv- Teleuraiih.. .
^ SSVSiSe.^S^'iSfidVB 2SS8S
I The lUgli-h. who have ytt>wn Into ' h'’";
r^e w..rld. II ho-.
ltr«. tiM-IM'A r..rtsreI tte habit uf cnslderinx themselves « •> »K the umxiHHi.,1 that uxuall,
Of the liiiiiicuse foriDue left by Oxi>r oar le Oraad
tta best and most nnttrlns travRen. of
..orr was told „f s den aio'lct, who ffkvf un hi. ya<4it.-tb«
UK) .1
tobla to ta laid tor ten and then for the wurid. have .-ume ln for no .-nd of yminr Tad., wl.u had arranse.] her pa«
i-ii.li;irke.1 at S'.iiibamplon to Mayflower. In Enxiand. on Aux. 27.
U> Ura
Thr > ^ r B 1'w‘s >». rerl"
11«:. hi. widow. Msry R C.s-l.-t. wni
m1 I
receive an anuiilty ..f yiSO.iRO. This
wv* ready for emerfeocle*. asys Tannua-WaM was beani to say that ‘«.-uly cluiiic.-.l tar mlu.1 au.l w,.lk.<! amount Jn*tlce Beach. In Ita Supreme
,d K*«nU..«lcb.lrrer
Oaod Wtads. To sdy what Is (be ■be wanted no bUclIah RueM*. f.,r
n court, drv'idi'd the widow shall rer-i'inr «S s> b«.c-kAlr<-*r P\.
kind of bosioess that U.transacted at -they tararaln.” This has l*.en de- ,^^j;;“!;.rh"r wn'm* tta erran.- oelvc, et.-ii (houch tli.- property set woods with new decorations
W»n.' <..<.rAi.d R.yOl- »e.l >- sir or ItrsaS
Oraoto Bchnur in a fouxh-and-reacl.v eUred aB the more peculiar fn.m the ,,^,.1^ ^„i., n„, pj! ,„.rs'„i„l.'d io mII a.iilc t.ir h>-r f.-ill* Id bivlf to yh-M that
KaHo. ic rei.^i-T
way woQld he to anfold tbe affairs of fact that the Ensllsh hotels at home
marry the man w.niins with the amount annually. The sum must ho
Keep these io mind when
__ ®
SoBtt Africa. Some prise cattle are art- famous for tbelr blxh prices and a rine .-ii the oHjer side TTie lluer sall- paid ovi'f ea.-ti year to Mr*. Gtwh't retaliic landed to ImPEPv.- the hraeds in maa who will emseut to exiravasant ed wlihoiii tta bri.b.. and all the pn-ity Xardlre. of Hi.- pn.perty sUpulated In 'riown tOWn aod Call
tta country and ereryihlns U tains charpe* at home Is a trifle unreasuu- we.lillui: .-I..ih.-s and the present* w.-m her hli.lutud'K will.
'•ottM for tbelr landlnd and iranspon. aMe wbtm be pacgle* over a nlsht'a
'" the ship,
Month- tico Mr. Goelet desinxi to ; Jewelcrj store to look them I^h-^CHgO
few week* later this maiden ot
A BOW beast or bird or creeplnc thins lodylnc altmad.
have a Judicial <v>n*t™cHon placxl ni>A. .. ...M ....*» «r
i„ li-de.-M.in acaln chansed her mind an.l on the wilt of her late husband, aud a
li talac eent down eonotiy f.>r tlie
over. We have many new
- ■■■• •*.>.»
BDlqoe meoadcrle which U »Be of tbe tta German travelera there
with h.-r fi.rclvInB lover, the steam fripiidlv suit wns imititutal bv hop.
featuro* of Oraete Sedinur. and Its 8M people .>r that nationality at La- ship line allowtnx her to use the pas- which ended with tbe declalos by Justhings in jewtlry also.
traaalt has to be arraoded so tliai no come from June 18 to 30 this year, to aase tleket f.ir ahotber steamer.
tU-c Beach.
■ AB I
hitch oeMfB. “It la for Mr. Bbndea” 2d9« fur.tb.- Kame period lasL In the
Foixivene«s was asked all round atul
Oxden Gotilet left his xrcat wealth
la qnlte oBoudh to aecor* expedition.
■H and
tame time I.KII BnyUsh were ia Ln extetidiyl nilli
Artir.:|[*v)«.. ;*>e«i
It w
emotion, and the hapi
.ipy and
L> Ur* tal-Ulv « s piD
An artist has called with a picture
• tatroit . i> «v ■
condition of’ affairs which superve
supervened Wilson (?o..h-t. The furtiiio' ha* N.'
ta mean*'to dedicate to Mr. Bbodes
and tta BCfortunate. but always cheer* vAsiiors St toe same place ano nine trouble
estimnied at a* much ax *.*i0.onn.ou0.
y has to BSKotlale tbe busl. for tta present yearv w»* over 1.200.
in due .wirse the bluahln* bride was By her bushniid's will. In addition to
to hU Chief, abowli
rlns'lbat BwliserUnd to bavin* lu safelr-landcd
a Xatal. where tbe cal the SlMi.tim aiiDuliy. she has the use i
•Iv-liindcd at
r‘«“ •
Mr. PUnU«e»et Jon««. tbe wnRer of
abai* of tourists.
lant 'and
and d.-votd>-vn(ed swain Rood waliini: for life of the xrcat Goelet manxiuu. I
Ar •In) tUsU.
4 m\M
kt* fbrtvne, brtnfs letteri fenm tbe
The wealthy Ruaalans are aald to he on the
to receive her. I->ery ar tbe run* at Newport, the use of tta
Lr OrC K«{.l4a
T S'
dnke of Beren Dials and vranl* em- extremely profitable to hotel mod shop ranrement was then made for the Goelet tvsidelwe. flOS Fifth avenue: a
Tr.rrrM•• ta i: tuv s>
ArPruwkrr. «44'< p a *>p <s
ploymant In Mr. Bbodes’ country. Or. keeper* to tta
to which they ere v-ldlue The follovrini: noreln* the trust fund of *300.0ni>. and all tbe
to ram to more sertona matters, some trnvetln*. A Rwlas authority Inalsta
paiotlnBH. furnlshiuE..
mAns la thillBK. ami tta lirideer.¥»m With Hie
politician hat bnalnesa of nryent Im- that Wn Riunisna will
X"ld and River ware In the two man
ponaac* to communicate and. a* Mr.
*ioriA and the staldes of horses, of
^The building which Mr. L.
Bbode* Mid UR asMlon, T bear most women for the same period of time.
Amid the nsual rejolcinc* the bride ,w hich Mr. Grtel.'i was so proud
thtoaa-''' The party whip bna n Unie
--------------------- ;—
started f»r the church. whcn-1o. ar.l
His son and daucbter.are also aa Warsowsky has leased, 225'*^^^
actame for ctrcnmvcntlnx tbe bond
HMveasral 0»-*ser*tlvw.
f„r ,f,p fickleness of maidenly equally exiravaeantlj provided for.
Street, one door west
and pnttini: everythin* rt*hi. or what
In toe hills aloax toe Ohio river Is resolves-once acatn she chanced her their lnten>*i In tbe will talnx
OrasiS Bapta
to ant InfreqnenUy tta etae, aome one the only ti>.oi».TatlTe city which tta mind Rh. slopped the carriace w h-n mbted ______
_ ..
Steiohere's will
at aa much
experience of years has shown to ta l«an way Hut-. liuriRed on the coa. h which win ta enhanced coimid-ral.ly , by him Nov. lOlh With
liiaMilii* or undeatfrln*. food, bad
Founded for- ‘i'**’ drirlnc h.T tack, and retunie.1 on tbe death of tbelr mother.—Buffalo '
todWoraot wnnta a le» overr the stile tlkoroucbly successful
•. Rhodes
air. .tin- lb*
T>1L It
t Wadaradai.Jae
MW ba. « popaUtloa ^ AOOO and
„„„ .p* bnd *hown,
A LasSsa NvrrlirI iM e dee* a m
boans of the fact that 83 per cent of
The hrtile of nianv mind* I* retnrnThe little American duchcA* of Marl• c
tta families within Ita limit* own Inc to Cncland. to her fopd parents.— boronxb has atoned another fad which ' Wait tor the opening
fiaa Dnteh pnlntM, Mr. Joaef laraeU. ttalr own,boniM Whbto the limits of London Mali
promises to rape with xreat fervor ,
win ta tntemted to bear of his Ust the city are twenty-els co-operative
-------------------------ntttorement. He has Just flnUtad a factories, employin* Sta workmen.* '
ruHsus- a*.........
Tta*m«niitnent of tta Madonna ded
hoc* pletnre-twelvt feet In learth -Th^ meo meet once a year and fix
a fan ca*e it look* like an exaxxer. .reTr, ^TrTT* *
and Bfnpmtlonately bl*h—of “David ttalr own waee* by a poimlar vote. icated on Tnroday In Italy resebes ated speciacie case covered with *emt
ttttO CITT, MrCHIOAH._____
n#W Btftwc BauL^ It haa been a They also elect tbelr own foremen and n'*arer heavcD than any other t'krU
b. .ah.,ln,nl b,
otoBMMa wndariakliiA and one that offloers. In tta history of toe town (Ian mnnnment In the world. Tt stands Jewelry, such as cut steel, etc . an<l *ktaa* sad vstewsA ssd M(iM>aaR s<irw*
MftjMprto ha« wotkad at for many tbH* has i never been a failure amoue on one of Hie loftien peaks of the Ttal hunx from tta belt like a cbateUlne.
yaan. Tta world to toe acenatomed to tile factories, test year tbe earulmn Ian -Ml**- Itnown as tta Roccismolom- A case of this kind which will xu moJmSmit
RB b<
seadtauiKsucaUei. jata****
Of tte workmen and tta surplus pruf- over ll.SOO feet above the level of the nicely with aa aftetnoon or evenla*
d amone ti.en.
thew .o»unud
aniouated »*’*• The money for toe mounmeuf
waaltty Dutchmen have already
•saom. Of tta toSanTi.wo
koB^ tta picture and are to pnaent are fiwlM. 1.2tt) are Gertu.ms and tta
MreiSrf ^hJiore
Tranrse Belle, 5c Cigar
Preilt near time
ID ihink atiDDi hating par
Bicycle Enameled
John K. Santo.
Geaeral tasaraaoa.
John F. on & Co.l™!
Successors to
Trarerse Ci'j lomber Co.
Tranrse Citi,
.... .
... .
We.st Michigan.
‘-a'SS B ."5 .
rr.s» e™”!:!"
Notice! Notice!
I First Class Varleti
of Metchaoillse.
» ,U
. [1,^ spiiiff
tt to a pBbllc ydtoiT.
Its people are. on the
e av««*e.
annwaead tta tootonr. -1 ar
lt*a« tatottiy taM* yMtocdty aBd-*
CestSsN Ts^r*
*Ttat> where yon’re
Mid Tuffold Knr
It c
The Misaionary-My friend, it is
*n'en years axo." ■aM tte bollow- wriUen that tbe wicked ahaU sot live
' sold yon some books.”
oat half their day*.
ildT' replied tta vicUm. Rrue.
The Miaoreant—Yea. bnt that waa
written In tbe day* wb» the wicked auwmkai
didn't have so food a chance t<
np ttMr ttes At
aa If aavBUltwtoaSally.
aaS trsM ■.*. refUa*
~i-«-. ^r. «iuSao.
BtiMr M Of* tbr cry
JS‘^£.'^r.“S K,rr:£".f„r2
■ Ahnium (\iwitj.
“Rtrty. jvn •rt ■lUI^ wr?
Hrrf wp’Tf-UrH U» w«-’r» ffittiic w.-H
oa Tai« ilip SW. sad aJwux bpru ufr
CMgh.••Vw,~ ptnl«*l»d Mfm> HItty. - J.m
tberr iM-rrr wm Hix-b d..lti-i> untJl Ulrly. Thiati e" old Mrm. nw.-im tnunl«^H H*bi la brr .»wo b«D«-. anit not a
half oiik away. It itlrw roi* the cr«*-|>a
aad I ran « alrrp qlitUU."
*‘Aa (or tnr. I truat In l^>rM<>D>>r.’'
Want OB MIm lU. I.el: -and l■••ld.•».“
•ba aiblad. with liH-rmatoc ••••nilitiou.
1K>» «MJld au) our k« Ui Mm- Ihbw.-?
1 al«nt tar to It tbai tba •t-Uar door
Ud tiir fn«t door ta Iwm^L aii<l
lbai»-- a I>1( uali orar . v.-rj iw«- ..I
tba duwoaiaini wiiHlara."
"It a|i|>aan ic. na." rapll.-d
“Ibat wa lulcbl aa »all atral«-li out
truat In |•^••vl<lann■ a la«-tla mlia furtbar and luakr It tako Kt a mala pro.
WVd ortar hire a boy.
WutiM afford It."
•Tm Dot uodartakln' to work for a
boy." aaid lUaUaL oliandy; "you na»
or cau fit am: nilad up. T|«.|r lasa
ia hollar ^Ii-au u. ibaTr--lSaal».
OwMia bad that $2.UW to ■•■} <« tb«»ort*a*r. BUd Tom wat •« tdad baM
foi It lika n« not ba d i..M aoiua .ma.
Tbait!’# ooiblD' In ibb btmiw i« tauipt
any une." .\ud Mla> Haabal. wbo bad
barn luoklUK aaltna ovar bar Klaaaa*
at Ula> lluty, raiaad bar liaad
loukad tbn.ucb tbam, rarafully larlm:
luratbrr tba uaxt row of omnca and
aaarlH blo.-k, in bar
nuarlaa <|nili
wiib tba air of barluy M-tiW tba mat-:
Unt If* didi
atay aatiiaa.
Rarhar. roiirTiea waa wpldl.r uodarmluad. Mar i ilMafa ofl-tvinalad fanr>
-bar aar\'ou«. wakaful IiIkHIx. tba «'oii
Biani talk It ..
aal*bl«.rb.«al of il,.
burrtlila iiiurdai
ha futlla w-arob f.o
tba murdarar. all addad
I tba affw-i
of tba ■iKi' k of bar ualElilair'a aad
deaib and burial, and i.|ia war ratli. i
glad wbau a «Uj or two lalar Hliir
urtrad itmi thay aak Vnlamlna Cba.btra to abvp at llialr Itnuaa.
-So jour.- a.-arv.l," Uiit;t«>d Valan
tlna. g<HMl-DBturodly;
I .b.iii
bbtioa you Yas. I'll roma. <iua nxMi'a
08 g.«al aa alioibar to ina. lly Imit.a
alu'l orar and almra "
lla diatl. and yonru' 1 uaar auoiitb f
ma 1o I.N.k aftar wj
Rxcapl for tba iMoifort
ba waa Ibi-ra at nlsM. blx a.aulm: aial
rank umila no dlffan-u<i
■a ^livii.
of Ihr aUlara for n waak
raiiia a mornlim wlian |{ifl.bal
down IIII.I ll.a .-..l.l. .iai . kitaliai
Oud 11 Harm and l•rji;}ll
It iiutthiK
lili en^ai <iai ].r>-|iani
. ..u
>u Ilia
) lu
to goiiut
goiiyt ai-nnc
ai-roKM ilia
to ti .
wn bom-.
"I Hsa nil aarly," ha t \pUlned. "and ti a.-ima.1 .r. .-.dd aIow.1
bi-re 1 Just biilll up Ilia lira."
Of ruur*.- .Miss liitabal wa* pmfii*.'
In tbaiik* and Im
Ill Itial braakf:i*t
wa* aa aaay goltan few llin-a aa Iho
ao,Vab*nlloa .layM.
.\fiar ibai
raiua to !*• aodaraiiKxI iliat ba wonM
light Iba nra and rat with ihiMii la-for.'
aiartlug for work. Tbaii It
that ofb
whru It dldiil
I worth whll- i.i
atari up a tin- |i
>wn fclK-heu. Val
riitlua H'iiuM rt
early and *ii
at Ibp K^l*‘ Itraalda Hhlla ...
fluttartxl around and got ibi
avaolnk uiaal.
Owens' munier'a made
Igbbor. who liad
Ing Jiisi aa the tbnv liad
cnu-lf III
Otralgbi. Khe wanted no
''eildllllg III
Beebe .affnira. "Valentine
pnsb blnwlf forward." abr aald aiiff
ly; Tie doe* no end o’ chores for lliity and me. and ir* diilv liei-oinluc w
Should want to faror bim a llitl-'
•a othar oten'a."
It was true llaebel and lllii
ii.t did
faw Valentine ('beahlnhe loek
Icindly and <iiiieilr to tbe faroring. )>•
Ing atrifily isreful
•* 1 ru*a dfdD't*^r*tlVl**slhe got boine
how you beared the ,t -lls and reme
la-rtug Tom H aa off with Uu- milk a
•>my all I here yourated to t
J.u*t In time to are tbe raacal
Into the woial*. Well, she aays tt
tuuitilu' as she wux going along sbe
gut as fur a* that Ug bowlder wb
she seen a man scoot outer the woods
list abore Inter Ibe road. It was kinder
duaky yei. and.she bein' old and not
spry, she Jl»t stepped Udtlnd tbe bowl
der 10 let bllll
“And tbar* the .eani. la Itf aald
Valentine, sueerlogly.
"Ve*. and It looks coBTlndn'.'' saM
klUs Raeliel.
"Mind you. ibeie Has
only one set o' iraeks through
siKtn- In tbe woiMlB. and It went fmio
Wldder (iHeD*Ma<4 door to ibo nwd
d then they eouldn'i tnice 'em
tlH- niBd waa so <-ut up b.r tbe
lurkin', bin Truaa saw'tbe man i-oiu*
and six- aaya be didn't rub loI* loH'ii, ait we ail tbougbi. but
lowarils I WIdihT OwvUs'
take an alfldds
iiinied till.* tlHCDB' gate,
bitiublo' ut , herself to think she'd
l-sni fool emiugb to be sisn-d of Tom
Hilllliat site; (orent all atsmi
III) she mine {hark to Falrellle and.
sreil all Ibe talk, and that It was
ai very iiionitii' Ibo murder wu*.
and Toui off trt the siail'in witb tbe
Well. Ibr eonslable gut bold of
story and be gare ber.onlera
paorUM sad term indnsls in Tys*
lx-'* ...mli
d.i Is-llev.
lonesome Thi-re! Tli
And ai
at.m|> sbe
ball d<*<r.
Bill il
d cit here If
le. fr. tted. "I ilecbire I
It .....ms
I'm’ad a-irei
Betty. *Tor I aba o i breathe real ri.*fill he’s i-aughl and poMshed.
I a|.
".'I! have
to git some one to Slav her.- with ua.
I'm too n.TV,.na to slav akuie
Doors, Sash. Mouldings.
-Fine Mill Work
t'alifumls." aald a genUeman wbo la Bggsnwdox
ioK-nvtcd in a flower farm Id Um An- Codfish pm- B..
gele* to tlx- Atlanta chmsUtution.
per B.................,,
"Howers espec ially ioiended for dlspor fc Dnlrt,
tillailuD hate only beeu eiteualTeU , f?*™**T Batter.B,
gruHo on tbe I’arifie slope since IiMi.
when a iYen.bii.ao went to
foUto^ bop bw.
SaJt pe, bNV..
Rron per
leat Flonrper tobi..............
. a o
pv bo. (new)......................
Grilles made to Order in any Finish Desired.
and gwhi-taiii atmoally.
ndusirle* of ibis sort are now | butter per B larai.-d in .Ufferent iwrta of
. ■fm per doMs
niA. nu.l all an- iwylng aa well;
Appl«H—ColU Md wipd&lla. SOe per
i'reiii-limau's (ann.
1 ■■■• "e•Tbe
inad for .UatUbnion. i <»>>». (Bieblrao
>. violets, miea and Oo.lneeordfawtnouAllir. 10 l*e
■ rdy in t'alifomU
yield r1.-li iiarresu lo geueroua
.'ulilvatloii. Kvts-Hni.-nta have alao retviitly lieen mad.- In growing niuak imd
damask ruses, ami an abnn.lBDce of
anar of the finest <|iiality there ia good
for believlug that Oallfornla
lUpply a* tine a mateiial for
making |•e^rum.-ry as now .vmes from
south of l-YnDce.
lliat la rvgulml to make thia Industry
rent* at tilbniltar and elM-wbcrt- were
■lat.sl to Is. due )<S' lilt- sauu- cause.
Tlx- admiral also aiiggesu-d tbat the
givai rivllUtsI uatiuus of the world
abould underlain- Jointly au lavesUgailuu of Mu- i.-mts-raiun- of tlu- surface
HUti-i all ..vci il.e Horld.
•bxiild take Okoisk n-a. |{■'ring wa or
tbe M-a of Ja|>aii. Itla.-k s<-M. White aco.
Kara v-a nixl th.- i'lnulsli gulf: Eng
land take the .Ailanilt-. t'nlu-d Suiea
the uurtberu ra. iliv. lierniuuy tbe In■ liau 0.-.-UU. Kniu.v the •oulli I’aciflc.
Sw«Jcu and Norway tbe .Norlb a.«.
ibolilaJtIt- and Artiie s.-a
tiaU..U slimild tTttin. i the luf..rmailon In
regnr.1 u» tlx- i.mirs-raiurv from sbipa'
l.igiHH.ks, put iiMb tnld.-s and w-ail It
lo tlx- .v.m-*ihni-ling untlxu*.
In tbia
way we tvuhi .-a.-Ii year Ks-ome richer
In tbe ku»wb-.lte ..f tbe teiii|x>ratur«
uf Ib.- surfui-.- water aud Would be enabl-d lo study mauy ileiails wblcb up
to the prvsMit time art- unknown."
Apple, a* Medlclae.
. willsoi. Buys that the apple la
n fruit that. feH (wruui*
eat-lous uiedlelnal pro|x-nies.
-agbt to know tbat the very be«
tiling be t-an do I* to t-ai au apple Jnat
befoee going to bed. Tbe apjde la ex-
•V.. r.-tne^- equals WABh'ra'fi White
l.s'E .>»•' Tak SVKI'P for this u-rri■aixi futal aiw.a.-wi. If Uken thoi*
.'My and in lime, it will cure a cos.E-t hours, and fo- tbe ouugb tliat lul-
------ . . . •
*» *arg.^y carried on In Ruaala.
"s!;‘n". .
Ascrmany and Italy amA
a profiiabto
-For^sHytef S*w Yo>t.aaa —e.e«a^
Sotifeil 'Wikd.tiaig, T^Ta-rr-er’se 0±ty,
Nov. 10, 1899.
are used and eadpiHed bv the Irodipf
•n»lc an*-Trrywhere. No ISW Fr-ot
•ireet. N B Strong; maoMKr «9 ft
nrsixuss i ARita.
O M. B.:0WN. Auenwr ar' l
O; ba« BpselAl *u*aUa>D M a
oaTAjeaelaa. IlirroatP..
Mtj.'-:,*i l*i>. Ofle«*.CI
r\K H ■ ap'.«.M»uB.r*b-r*ip«rtkw«i.*
, .a.. U.l'HtiOB. AttoraeysJ^d'coiiaM-lk.rai
OPee*. Oita Opw.
TYa_ A
BOUlDAvTaradnaW Tomui
ill^LBtBT.Atwroey. apwlAlAlwaltua
sssfivrKAiitv"Abstraeis of Tti
TIieKuai Bueceaafbi and Scientific Treataast of All Slacope* aad
of Xaukind Foeolhl* to Obtain.
•*■ mod esmiFjJurn to tb* m.l ru(iB.!FOFF at t»F.-*aw|F* FTFrfwkm--------- r—
Bell -phooF XA
*F^ DKBt'iiy°d*y"er
To (^airymen,
Farrhers and Cattle
Onrogeellent Potato Pnlp. wblcb
entirely dlgesublr by eatUa. b
andboeiaod which
famish in a aweei stata. '|a
• bOBlgktkSFFtMll n
^HSONIO SORB XTas sod trsuolAWd ,
..... .........................
^RBS gu'svaoiifd rurrd
rcslF WF*kOM sod all dcllrsiF dlsordsr* pMullsr to
eiikw *»s. tsMltltsly Fsrsd.i*. .
UetiAldUordw*ik*itFsn1i frtm
tsrr h»Wu sad ricFs h
*t>iIbod2, uaetuag tb.
ter *tady. eecaaip
•ale at our factory.
The price for which we will aell th<*
toed in order to loirodaee it will
eon^dermbly leu than half tbe ccet o1
(be same amouat of feed atairt
In order to iatroduee Ibia
i^roaWM.cnaB*aCtsaeelsnk. p
Ctoie*V. ^Nsad^iiwM^'
sad pFroisXFailjrun
0 qulrklri
iSAFnSM. 1 ear* W gr wptef nil a
of i **“
DlACaABOlMO EABJ eared U e
will »ell it In a preeeed auto et 15 e._ _
TbU feed la fattening aad
barrels, box wagon*. eW. aod con be
an- s|>I.-udM food for ponlimlx-r of eggs.
Kimball Piatos agb OreaK
catUe ana horece prater thU
ml u|dimi lialdt.-k’o|.ular Kc-lcnca.
DRS. 13. S. & CO.
AmericaB Medical ud Sni^cil Instltote of Inskegn, IldL
ocorerdlog t
T?i-a «
origloal eontraoi
ietk>o of the Uver.
moles Bouud.aud bc-aliby sleep ^
dlsli -
t I* also tlx- twsi amblote for tbe era?ng of |x-r.M,i,s addli-icsl to Hi* aleobol
Traverse City. Mich.^
Dr ft 0 Lmar
ivMoni braiu f.xul, ts-cau*e it has mor*
|>b.M).lx>rlc- Bt-UI lu an easily tllgeated
simis- tliaunny olber fruit kuown. It
b. hell*, tbe kl.luey •ecretlon
ami obviates ludigtvtbm and is one uf
Hie Iwit prcveotlves of dl*eane* of tbe
.Next It, lemon aud orange tt
J. E. Greilick Co.
Te^ne .NV 1,
Coasiiltatjoi and Eiaminatioa free and Strictlf CoafidHtial
. j Care La (ripsa ta 24 laan.
wlabrs to aoooaaee tbat h* aow bat
oootrol of what waa formerly kaowa
a* the Boston Deotal Parian. Also
te*ut«all old unflolabod ooutwt
In ( allfornlB ere tbe cBpltal
m-eded and the Yankee goabradattveness. B.itli of :i.eM- seem about to be
fumlKiiiHl In tbe n.-ar future.
Now is the time
to place yonr orders for
irc pru.ed a aui .-eaa almoat fiom
tbe surt. and llie.
tracts aud esM-oces
|UISl fl'
Cold weather t, roming.
, '
lea. wbere be puixbaan] Jli acm hf ;
land on which to grow orangea.
Instead of idauting bla proiwny wttb
Frvpehiuan d.a-ld.-d to devote bla co- f
orgies to raising flowera. aueb aa could
be useil f..r making perfumery. T^ '
It I* aai.l Hull lUi- siiurtiiwcr 1* vain*
ix-w-roaiid ■l.lv for kis-itlng off malarial fevera.
r won't di
abe said. s..leii l>. "I knoH v.iii ain’t
iiard.-n-r, and you know 1 ain’t. Imt
We ilon’i knoH ji
. ____
It ahout
aar <m>- eUwHer.- we'v.- beep and hnuse.1 and f.sj
a criminal
We hel|wd hlai to gli red
of Ms (dais-, and we mad.- an ease wav
r lilm to fly from Jnsti.v
................... .... ................ — cutHvailun of tbe «»•■«ime. and 1 nl«Y iiu’ to 5^‘to lUfore et "—-Amm "tt -rxiri-^ —■-'
a bmm.*
J. E. fireiiick Hn
It Ark..
It Farit
I L.*
u. H. I
"lUIslng flower* for tbe manorMturc
of |•e^ful»e^y is an Industry tbat U
ytisi gHUng a fuutbuld lo aoutbara
are thinking of .-iilargiug tbelr businraa
s-TBps b. the »-iiliig beus.’roiiud
by r..ll..Hiug 111.- FIVU.-1. method of
lie, tier own tri-iier. standing ban
■si at the wag<m-honse door.
utUI/lag the wnsli-of orange orvbarda
otioln' away; Valenilner sbe
So far tli.-rC has ^n no all.-uipl to
ui-e anytbliig from the iiraiice grovi-a
to see I hat
1 wbo’a buyln’ ..r tbl* stat.- ei.vpi lb.- fnili. and the
inyplai e pninllx-d
Ibe molicrrcs- |H-rfMiiie. makers ibliik. ibai do liuiiorier.lay,
Was golu'
WBlt a day or
UUI wuiris* of w.-altli has U-eii neglectiwo ts-fore
HI ana then I beard
you any Klitb-’d ouctil to g.-t oiii :iii<i .*1. The pruning* ..f .•range aud l<-uiu6
you isMildii'i o» lo-day. ao I thought lives and luirti*- fruit ar.- disiilb-d In
1 Wollldll’l d-l(l<
Kron.-e to proiliKs- a sulKlamv worth
Ra.-b-l h.-l|s-d itm Into Ma coat and fnan
to g^ a isuiiid ami all of Kuran-fiiilv pi-k.sl
few sin
off of It
r..|s-'s Hiipid.i of ibl* I. not large
Baying, as she ill -o:\yie
e and Hr .-tioogb to ui.s-1 the .leiiiaod of tbe
Kill... lor six- >v li t *I:itl.l." And
soapiiiak.-r* .t gissl d.-ul of uniuge oil
le Wat-bi-d lilii ■Irive away and abut
ilr.-a.ly uia.b- in I'aliroriila aud shipabl
n- Iniii- gall* afl.................
II was grouliii: dusk when an aiixf.»-d from
iis wbtim.. iitir.-i,-i,.,i ih.' air-ml.>n of oiaiig.- llow.-r. bate (
the *M,-r« ns ib.-y sni waliloc for tbe tnsv In oisler I.. i
Vnb-iilin. -* p-iiini to siipj-er,
Rachel fum.- il* uiaii.lfai (.11
iiii.-rf.-rt-s H-lib
-nt lo Ml.- klt.-tx-n .1-*.. and bn-ke.! the orange lmlii*iry ''
KIlTle siMsI at tlx- gale, but u.>
rK.-V HUS III Mgbt.
arlea.-e o( the *ea.
"Wal. 1 <bs-|aiv.
Uliur she Cla |«i*-r i-it iiu.. rt-ad at Edlo•■latimsl; •'Ib.-r.- Valentin.- has b-fl llmi
h by Admiral .Mukaivff of tba
bor*.- uiiibst. after all. and bom.- al..-’*
tiau navy ..u "Huul.h- t'urreuu In
We lulclii e
well tend the llu*|K.ni. Hlid Kisi-wix-tv" Ibe
II Cll S.I|.|ST."
cause of th.v.- n-viTN- i-unvou was
4s.ks as irrsli.- .s.tiie borne pr.-tty siaitsl to lx- tliffen-utv lu salliiiiy. Tlu-M." *ai.l Mis* Hilly
Hla.-k w-ti. f..r .-vamid.-. lias half tlxo; »ii.-* tipsi and b.-r coat's
<lUBUIIIy t.r salt f.mud In iIh- water of j
led with liersplnillon,
Ibi- .\lt->lil.-rraix-aii
Tlx- r.-v.
II.- Iiniln’l
drlv b.-r s..
I- u«b.-r.-.l in Instead
ntxl lli.-ii -dll- s.-)t
to H-oiid.r
vaguely a list T.uii t-otild warn at tbat
tliiii- of night.
The surprise
is.miift: *ouii-how w.Hgh.si ii|*i
spirit* and Ibiw itidftT a«k I
iiivs aii.1 even foixm to lu-pilre al«m
the 1sl«.*i n.-w*v«r the tniirii.-n-r. which
he. as .-..nstalde. micht Is- *iixi*
talk.-d of weaibcr. cr..p*
I. ...lav- ii.-ws and then asked audIlly:
-Wliere's Valenrln.-r
II. s.-lx i *r«n...l to explaiu bis visit
,Io ic.Hn ami Kittle’* trick of leaving
, hli II. bin rlglit^ln thi- midst of her
, laik
he', got wind of It ami lit
< ouir'
.kiiil ih.-n to tbe ab).-ci astonish
meiii of the slaters, he lold of the deti-ctlve's work and how all the t
.um.taiirvs is.liiled in Valeiillne fli
-Irtnas the
«w.“n*. aixl tb.-y
w.-b- thert- that
ulglii to
his arii>*i.
Tber.- was little h»is- of cal.-hli
him. still ii.-t um*t make tbe attempt
and tbev 'tiasi.>Bcd awav.
Ra. lx-l saw tbein go and th.-a wlp.*l
Ibe tear* from ber ey«-s. Tf. t.m had•he griNUM.I: "It d.m'l seem aa If It
dwim wnx, and
lursf when he'.i a mind n.
............ ibluY a iH-Ib-v.-.! ii If K*
-It oaP-a" Mid
That th*
votT morning bin. Ow*b* wna muri^TMoa Ftamkv MuM Bom
fuuH-ry Is maklbg an luvestlgatton of
tbe sultabllliy of Isui Anc.-l.-s for bla
her.- was a' scraping of cha^.r .
biialiiess Hiib the ■'t|wH-latlun of aoalong tile Ian-’H.Nsb ii it.s.r and 1
laldlsbliig a ptaiii ibere. Oib.-ra wbo
e.itine aroM' fnim tbe table.
alreaily In business ib.-ry- .m a snail
• Ain't bud lui pie. Viib-utlne." .
seal.- esp<-<-i lo i-iilarge ibeir planta
nitty. w>b<-ii<>ilsl.v.
"ir* iiiolas
all bi-lfeve that wliblu a f.-w yean
l-nion. i<Mi. and I bad uneoioniou goml
hiH. H ill II." ,
t'aliruniia will furulsb a large part of
"\n I :iM- (Of pie......................... .....................
the raw luaiiTlai iis.sl lu ibis i-ouutry
nln'i kMi uiy winter apj*-ilte and the .In iiiaiitifa.turliig is-rfuux-ry and ew
ploHii.' :u the *,nih lo't ain’t doin’ IfIHs-ially that used iu 'iiuiklog violet
II was antne twenty inlnut<-s later
’•Sum.- I^ Angi-I.xi maniifacturm
IliBl llaebFl. gtdiig to mm the table
help U alonit
as In Ibe finn ]da>s- hy kindl.v IlcM
Ing tbe fltv, who shall Ms
b pleaaauter to sWp to a
comfortable ismiu, to eat of savor.,
well-cook-d f.md and have one's eloiblog carefully liH.ked afier than lo li.e
. along Ifl tlx- bapbaannl
fashion ilmt
had bis-n hi* so long. I.if.- had not
' been easy witb Valentine, ev.-u Id*
tnarrtage had iiinxsl ..iii
and be wa* known aa grumpy among
the aelghls.e*. Imi with tlx- Ibs-lm *t-.
ter* be Mviucd to he getilug on v.-rr
well, IndissI
In appearaix- he hc-*i,i'..
oa sleek and well-kept a* a fav.wlie
cat. and t» Raebel and
llittv livn.g
Wfl* wo ......... Il uioiv worlh whlb- h i;.
oome one s|>erial ii. bs.k afi.-r iiml
care alMUii. It was ihev wh-> pnrpomsl
fhat he should rent I,It ohm ,Kx.r p.-tie farm aud undertake ib.- «iip.-r..
•loD of Ibl- Ibs-lm ulare. and b.- a.v
td with a mnnner wbb-b gar.- ib
the lmpiv*sluii .if hat-tiiK r.-.vlred
- givai
- -- '
bU hands
One fine i
Miss Ra.-hel
fnll of new*. IHnner was on tlxObd only sl..ppltig lo put Imouel ax.l
wrap In the ball sbe oat down su.l
commence.1 to talk.
Tbey nay Uwy've got tra.-k of Mr*
Owetit' murderer at last."
Valmtlne gave a *hon bineb
*bo«t tbe'tentb lime, ain't 11?" be a*k.
give jix- ni.-in
kM ’•lead of manlDf for bclp for
when sbe. poor aotk
B beyoml■
'alentlne bad bo'ehaace to repiv,
r Ra<-bel talked right oe: Indrvd. i'm
I far too much Ian
iereaie.1 lo
park and t
Bolsw Ig • UM «(tha b«Mw IM nti >.
bloa a’od'^lr aaoarr wttb atKS «orv«
ibat the rofftw slopped itpoo the aaowy
“Kbr'a a tIrrriB
Ur»T IB FolrTfOr. Bbe gora
■wtoual ai
iBd was sent fur to
;.uaa old Mn. _
w*ib rbrntnatla.; Srth Towae toM brr
U waa giOBg out to tbe Uwyer pla.-r;
ir* a good irn nUea (tom FalrrUk-.
and l( abr rwuld manage to grt as far
8« HhwprMge hy'd give ber a lift ibr
r«-*i ot ibe way. so sbe suried good
and early.
Tta« aoow toadr It aotufliard walklli-.. She's been, abet up at
tlw Dwyera reor OtW-e UU Ual w«k
Hbini old Mrs. Dwyrf died.
jSb. M
1:. ai>*1 of .Mrs, Owen's death, but Ibry
diHi'i get i>a|>eni or dews muc«. Tb.'Rioted man does tbe
Slu-'il U.S .I wani. masb and
Id a g.
rub d.>un. au.t we'd
r do It I
III wall f..r him."
The luini work was flni*h<-d. aupiwr
•lei. an.l siiirvalentln.- di.1 not ai
Raclwl ildg.-psi alm.il un.-aslly. tr
lug lb.- kiti-beii disir lat.-h anil rva..
Jusiim; tlx- liad* iliai se.-ur.sl all the
■lownsiair* wlmb.H-a.
kiio6li>, Ifeliialt.
D«!kr. SR dsii*»rou.
irb shape that it can
shipped In ear load lot..
hauled ia
ple* fareiabed free of charge.
poiaioee and other feeds, nod it la In
Inlet et ae oeFettoB* tres.
. whlekh*T*b<
FPU OF tsUsrw
AddroM, withp
m I. s. * on e»i*nf «oy iro. miirkfror. ■im.
Tlin Michienn Stirth Co.
Traveme City, Mich.
Fire Insurance.
L. Is A. BuUdlBf.
■orsn Bras., Honsn PnintMS
Give them a eoU.
4S8H Slmvood Ata
WE hXve
61d«w«lk Lumbar in aU atM.
FUSS tSlFSTM.* city tosbwOtt.
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