The Morning Record, April 26, 1899

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The Morning Record, April 26, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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.•.C--r' ~






Trmt oat ol
tom tma
■ An-moUac to t9t 90.

SoDStor Moviii* Talked About

CalBBptt 1

ih« M«re7 e

▲aarleaii Armj.

Liquor Sale*.

_Tht InA TioUUoo ct tb* ■(•(« fUM
thelroof »e.*tor Ooodricb
KolrUor’a Diowtoa Droo* k*b«l» (•••to t* broB«hl U> oBcl.1
.M .Upc-a rfl.
Drfcte! tb. Bn, .tor. II..VroA TroMbM >• rroot o< tb« Tovo eosri rmterd.7 JrAsHacwo^
Trxi of <b. V«v Dbck ObooUog
tftlBn l>M0Orat« B^OlOtMO^. lowMluo •ru.rrBied mj (irpatj SUU
BlU-Two «•« SaproBO imigmt
Traope rooflil All 0.7 To«of*o7- U.BC Wwdeo
may b. ProrMod tor-OMtf.1 fanL«Armf Bm <Mt 09. L*r(« •a «itb b.viB|r tab*. Uoat from tb«
io^kk of th« Hou-dmkS Hver Ufor. tbe { portAAt BIIU PMMd.
9o(»»«#Uo BoeBTFroD Wimit MfepMl.( of thk troat Skblof mmoa I
MmIU. April
~*ieaani MeAr- Tb;.on«a.» bn«b. b.!... Jo.,|bw.!.! .. .................... ...
Uar** dlrUtoo bm« . drlormlMd m- Ur. Iron 7MI..7 ..a lor bU’ U.0.I0,. April »-I. tb. Mo.t.
mlt opo. u* •oamf* Uttchm io ol.... poia.
... ot .10, ua ocu lu.t.l«biooljtbr»bllUolilo»o.a


..' .iv.. —■ ,^.uw » .11»,

pmU IfbUof
th« r.h.1* from
tfeolr pwiUoB .od lb. clir‘

- - -------- *-* •»•«-


MORNINGW«j {>lac*^ CHI sale a lin« of
fhililrea’n and muaes’


the Ladies
And you please the whole family. The grand
rush in our Wall Paper department proves our state­
ment. We please everybody. Better decide to have
that “other room” papered this morning—we've got
just enough to do it. and the price will astonish you.

Made of WiiiUi MuU Nnin.
aookb, IVroaie and Wool Inb*

Special For Today Only; ^ .

Hotue oecupled lu time U (
_ . iBiUeeef Ibewbol* tbe Npein.
Six Pan Muffin Pan................................................................ 6c
liquor Uw bill wbicb tmpoke. . liceoue
Taocbof. of W.i.ef.ltr opon dnicfbu for kelUaf liquor. Mr
Two Quart Tin Pail with Cover................................. 6o
tb« f.0* of . IkTM d'« from tb« epKerlP* cl.lmwl tb.1 Vi per eeoi- of ibe
Betlre la • »bd7 ».d Pm.
Best Leather Watch Chain.......................................... .6c
omj'.fBM spill Iste III* .fiprpoo.
idrofftbtk orrc Tiolstior tbe l*o In tbe |
Tbo Midlors of McAnbur'a srm/
Mle of InteilcpU. Mul iMUwd tb.t
•osld pol W .Ujm), bowe*«f. swl por
Ann Arbor. April t-s-Tbe friction n,e blU khould P»“
troop* BMl* * to.urt.1 Mlrspcp.
batmeen Prof. Clmnee (> Tejior. < birnnkinf up «h.t
kl be died tbe kuloon'i
rime BrbllBf
.11 d*7 eb.rMUrlud' profekPorof mecbuid pBctIce.
. io druf ktore.. Hi* principle |
ibe edrMoe.
JlMer.1 MsAribur
iMlraetore In Ue en-j
Mr. Goodrich of lltll*brought hU force, to. *l.ita pertUllj j gineerinp drp.rl**ni. <»me to . br«l
rarely Ukee the floor or
Till* btyU-, triintiit«d witli lac^
■WToa.dl.( Clumpit end will Uke ;
^^linr of the board of rr«eDte j
bat ibik ebarfe ralber i
only 60 C6DU .
the oily M uno. be tbe .rtlllery o. tbei,^^, prof. T.ylor bM trouble with '
ki. ir> »> he UA drufgl*t bim-'
way reMbrnbim. wbicb will be In a | tn,iruA-tor WllUam H McOoa.ld la*l i „if, *ad he kurprim hi* oolleaduee by
few boniu, Arulaardob ktrourbold U j f«)|, and t^ etudenlA kidmi with Uu-1
blmeelf of a very kironr and
prMlleaily at tbe mercy of. iba Ai
. -•
----------- hobtlle »*'Pr'of. leii
n'Aee. plea io drfeake of ll^
-“P —druf• —•
1. wbleb today met tbe
Ibylor were eurted, but the. mattar j
ta» elolatod tbe law no
daaparauand well dleelplined rMt*t- waa amootbed over before
____ tban any other claea^fboaiaem,
A i>erfect craze—had to telegraph for another
•Boe eiaoe tbe nortbcra campaiO be- rtgeoU oAlcially,
men. and oppolag the bill frM vari5 big lot (our third)—thev'U be here this afternoon—
TbIaBoraIngattbe roadiag of tbe ona alandpolnta.
l-'ven aflw the
Tbe attack oa tbe town will be on. mlnutra of the laat mnetlna It develop- aeealon the flgbt" belweai<;;;^eTink

'em at $9.00. $11.00. $14.00, flbOO, $18 00 —
SAHiietliiDg rwry eliild will
of the U J*i deeperaia of tbe war that the board bad aeerelly ordered an and tbe drnggUU-went on. beveral
? the l>esl that's made, and here you buy from a store
• iij.iy - and wc- aliatl give one
•^alaai the PiHplnoa ae tba rebela are InveaUgatlon at the preaent meeting ouUidedrugglkUUWlngahandln the'
; where all the gootjs are new and quality a
batter n|uipped aad batter drilled tban Uegant iClcfer moved an eaecutive fray, (ioodrlih claimed that tbe taw
with evezy purcliaio- of $1.00
X ceriainiv.
any yet euuouDtarad.
__ kcaelun and tUtod that O H WIHiamt yer* were to blame if tbe law* werf
or OUT, while tbo} iuat.
•Newland” Hats—all the latest shajics—$1.00
WaeblBf boa. Aprlt lit -Tbe follow- of-Cornell university and W A l.ivlng nut lived up to. In that the proaeculing
Ulf cabiccruB waa received from lien- atop ot Detroit. gradualBk of tbe claea altorneva did not do their duty In pat$3.00,
00. Everything in fine' furnishings.
are! mlk todays "liale'k ^rtrade. Mae- of I-'V, were on band to make autv- liog ihrougl, the violateis in any caae
Aribur'a dlelalon, mored dowa the meau to tbe board durinT tbe laveatl- where they got a aide fee ool to da eo.
riCbi bank of the «iani<|ua river v«- gatlon.
Thlk morning the Houae atariod out^
terday totbo-vlelaliyof Caiumplt- It
Profeaaor Tbylor waa cloeeled wilb with a good worklof force. Tae bill*
baa now been JMaod by Wbeatop-* tbe negeau for aome time. Tbe mat- paeklng tbe keaate la*l nigbt were re.
brigade oa the left bank
Hale ea Ur wna cloaad by bU Ubderlog bit eeived. concurred In, and referred to
WMtstared BerceopprwiUea, driving tbe realgnatlon to lake rff.-ct e.t the cl<»e •urollmrnt, from whence they go to
aaemy with heavy Jom aad taking tbe
ot tbe college year. Tbe reatg'nanon the Oovernor fox-aignature
rebel*' enirenohment* In tbe flank. waa a«arp‘.ed, a^ tbe realgnatioDk of
TbeNevinkliquoK^lI wak the only
Hale'a eaaualtle* were ala killed and tbe ioktrucu>r^4l^nd men who work un one on the order of thW reading and
twelve wounded
Tbe d.viaion baa der PrufeaMr Tsylor in tbe abopk. iU author evidently fending from tbr
new tavaktod CalumpiU.wbUta will be
$1.00 a -Muiith
touludlug hmoot. Mcltoaald, PurflrM prewnt te'mpw of ihVHouve that it
Abken today
aloodkliui, chance of /pakkage moved
and Wiuklow,
"Hanerel I.awtoa with part of hU - Tbik will luake a complete rhaoge in that It be pakap.1 brlor the prceai,
I will kuppiT hoc icc for the keMon ,
*t 81.;s per mouui. o> 81 »i per month j
ooamaed reacbc* Nurtararuy tbU tbe drpartuiRAl
Mr. Taylor'k tuc- which wak oairled
if paid in advam-c
•vaaing, where be frill be j .land by * |
itirciv new ktaff
Usprrkeautlve l.uak moveff and the
Oanter oolemo froai Haeate. Tbe r»Tbe regen la have acuepied a liKi.OO" lloukc carried, Ibiifa committee of
UeBebeat, raio. high eueama and ba<|<imt from a l^troii woman wboee three from the Houke and two from the
Call and examine gruKls.
bad roada have Bade tbe march vary name I* auppiCMCd. It will be tbe tepate be appoinlfd VO arrange for tbe
; 1 know jou will find prices ri;ifhl.
nuelcuk of a gu.ouii fund, tbo intercal proper reception of General Alger who
‘■Uaaeral Imwtoa bat not Bel with of which will be uked csclnalvely for oomea to l-aoking the - third of May
Oppeailion alnoe l?avlag N >ral ebre, tbr iBktrucUon of the glrlt ot the uai Spnaker^dam* reminded member*
ibe eaemy -retreetlng In bU front verkivy
•V*r>bkra UlMk
Corner L’nion and Slate Streets.
Trk««r*a<ritT. «U
that tbe program kboLld not
Uoutbofend near Maoila tbe enemy
With one moment of the time of the
Abe a force ot«.»n mas who are mak
Uouke. *k the work had reached the
ing demunttnitloa* dally. They can
kiage BOW where it wa* too urgent for {
be naally taken care of. Tl
They oaaaoi •upramr Oouri Decide, a OaaeXuiport any laterruplieo. although we are
oommuQicate wUb the north " ■’
ant to County Olarka.
plaaaed to. r*>-eive and hoar *o dl*
Manila. Aorll ■rt -AUbongh tbe
loanking. April 'J'. —County trva* lipguikbcid a man a* our Ueneral Alger.
, ailcky eondltloD of the ground, due to
The bou*e went into tbe eomwTtee
ureru who receive aalarlo* will be in
a rain aturm, baa kerluiuiy
of the whole with Hart of lArnawec In
tcrcetod .n tbe <.|itnios of the b
tUprogrem.Ueneral Imwton'a cnluma
the chair aad bilU-oa the followlrg
court reverking Ibe oonvictioe aad
left liaa Joae today and la eipocled to
went through without anv
derlog the dikctmrge ef vx (ktanty
reach .Nor/kgaray Ibia erraing Col­
Treakurer Belgel of Kay. wbe w^ trouble. Aiueaditigtbehlgbway law*;
onel bummer* Ik m*rvbing aenik* from
charged with embecrlrBirnt. and . ob- amending the private corporation act.
Moeave with two batUUwat. each from
vlcted by the order of Circuil Judge amendiog the act relative to life in.
The Remnval Sht»e Sale at the Boston Store is
.the Oregon and Minacaou ragimeaU,
Maxwell, who celled tbe grand jury kgganee compaDiw. alko mutual benefit
' three troopaef cavalry and two gun*.
altractiiiu' «vneral aUention. Thr way our shoes beijin
which indicted Itrlgei and other* and amociai'ODk; alao the county kurvey
' MeaaUma MacArtbur'a dlvialon 1* In
or*: to provide for the comprnkallon of
tbrndtrrrlMl tbe jury to return a
is an evidence tiiat the i>ubtic knows a good
treat of (Alum'pit prepariag to atuck
dlctufgu .ty M*xvia !' held that tbr prUoner* megaily convicted
tliink.' when they see it. Wiien.wie say we arc goinK to
I >e rebel*' .fungboH. and lUle. with
The dock kbooiiog bill rec-nlly
flxing of a aaiary and tbr aoeeptauce
aeveral guat, 1* Uireataalng tbe en
do -somelhiug. we generally do,it; We mu:it have room
Ibereuf made it illegal fur Uetgel to kigoed by liovernor Tmgree ikofkuch
cmy'k lUiik
take a fee of four, per cent, for collect •articular intereot tv hunter*, it U
for our dressjnaking de|)arlmenl ^ the near future and
. All Ik •lulei along Hair* and Orengiven beiow, including other iiuportlag uxck.
ahln#'* line* Tbr army gunboaU. be
a> our shoe de|iartniem
too larve for this locality, we must jict the space reipiired
Tbe -Supreme court *etk tbet there atit portUiik of the game law. It
lug unablr i-i ak.-eu<i tbe eballow liver
ample euthoniy fur receiving tbe would be well for all would Ik- game
out of that deiiarliiiciit. and in order to move our shoes quickly,
lu uo-operaW in tbr auvoBrnt on CV.
money Thl* opinion will rule in *cv i .nughterer* to oa*le ihi* in their
umplt. have reiuTurd to Manila
crai other caae* laktUuied by Judge haU "
Ualr'kiru.>p*e‘.*iui that nearly .>ui
nrndaUiry of *ec»lllll II Maxwell again*t the county uiltciala.
dead naiirm were counted along the,
Not an old shoe in the stoqk, all are clean:-tip-to-date. all solid footwear, gooii
lion* II and l», act ‘> pafcM-xl in I'lft.
i>ouatry iravcrurd Amuag tbr <load i
BS riasT KULXJBD ms doo.
it provide* that no perwn khall lujore,
wear guaranteed. • Kveryonc should lake advantage of these grand ofTcr* to bu> efewa* a Kpauikh capum. Tbr SuulU!
kill or dckWoy. bv-kuy meank what-|
ganl. ne.n. dressy footwear at th^ iince of poor goods, ‘I'his is a chance rarely met;
Dakota regiment the brunt of the j
Augual Bnppaar ^hot ever, any ruifl d grou*e, phcxkant,
ftgbUng. It bad II.e >urD killed and!
liodios' \ ii-i Kid. wth. siivk or patent tip. *3.50 vnhit-.. $2 60
i-bnllnucd to third p le.S
Iile* wounded
Tbr temperature wa*
Ih-uoii. April
—The dead of j
IaRiJu b' \ u-i Kul, haiKl turu.-d. aiVk or patent lip , ..
2 60
»t degreek above trro aud there wen
Augukt Hcppner.oj year*old wax toaad I
hfilid turn. $;t .->0 vnln.-u, 2 60
naveral«a*e><*fkuuklri>kr .
1 in a barn in tbr rear of bi* cottage Ibi*
Lnaifti t ici Kul, Mi-Kny (u-wt:-il, btork or imteiit tip
Tbe rcbeU along ttir llugbag river |
Ueppoer had klUod and
butUm or i u-f. $:i 00 vnluv-a. now............ ....
___ 2 00
eralnfuroed from laiuBipit a* the
burled b:* dc« and then kbol himaclf.
lAaduV Vhi Kul. lacf, Sus-k tip, 4|uaru-r to.*, white ki.l
troop* nnder Uale approached. During
Tbe old mui had lived la the kanre
U>p facing. Ikzvi-1 «igc, value $.150, now.................... 2 60
tb* day iba Americauk -captured Ito
hooae for tbiriy yean, but baa lo*l thi*
Ladiew DongoU,

-------------------button or latv. sto.-k
.i ,,r
..r pnUADi
patent lip.
liii. $->
property and wa* to h*ve moved today
values, ur.w........................................................................................
1 ,48
- Tb* 8'UlplDO tro«|« engaged were
witu bikkou-ln law to a new bomr.
Ifive, patent tip. v^rv tint-,
well antfuriaed aad driilod
A* tb*
fl.uo value, now.............................................................. '............
jI j28
aampa^ga progr***?* tb* rebel troop*
dAMXS SVANS a&ustsd:
Choc.. Hie Vtci Ki.l, vesting toji, $2 vahu** "
1 48
are improving
They arc adopting


City Book Store,


j Blue Serge Suits

( Puzzle Map of the U. S.

Wilhelm Bros. ir^\r s. BENDA & CO. "-r




C. W.-MeriilU Co.

John K. Santo,
General Insurance.



We are cntiing deeply into our already low prices.

Amariima mitbodk. Tbe •c uracy
thdir khooting u ev.dra-.-ed by Ibe tact |


Mruj, Having‘sold Liquor
Without Faying Oouaty Tax.

MacArthuri dlvuibo aUu advanced,'
without having paid tbe county
but none of the army * flat c
aUbougta be had paid tbe *ute Ux
pnkbed abend on tbe railway
He will be Uken be<i>r* Joktlce Ver.y
Kaaaa* raglineDt advaaow) oo tbe right
tbla morning for «xainiaatloii.
of tb* track aad the MonUna regiiaaat
on tbelafl.
Oblcago IUrk«t Baport.
Tb* r*b«lk ar« already returning to
rbioago. April -Jt - Wheat—May,
Malola* aad beedning Uo«blaaome.
Th*y have driven tbe Onlnwe onv The Tlhc.July. :» «c. Sopieatbar. :ii.c.
Third arUUery palroilad tbe town ia*t Corn-Anril. ta-,,*, May. 3» ,i«jv*c.
July.: u^-o)4tkc; SrptMbar. u\c.
- night.
Tboma* Moulton U buUdtng a bo«B Data^Anrll^ MVdteSc: Maj.
at Solos tar Station AgMt a W. NSc: Jaly. >4l«#*4*kU. Saptambw' Lnafier of that pUea.




Chi’divu'K Vu-i Kid. turn. Uce or hutioii. sir.*t fn.iii s’
: tu ^ $1 value, uow.............................................

75® r

MISSESVici Kid. airkoHd. patent tip.

Tin lesi Contracts



UwA CAoooUM VM UA *>

Made by Michigan Telephone Co.
for any clan* of kervlce desired.

Subsetibers May Caacel
at end ot kix monthk or change
to nay claaa of *«rvtM at wUl.
TalanhOD* the manager (o «nU

Michl{ii TelephoBB Co.

er oeter *ole. inner *oia aM

$* vxtov. BOW

(Ham Block -Ttatotm Ctty« Michl^Aik.

^m4VSMS orrr. •

L. V. Batm



i. w. I

A «. BAmrai. Bditar





ofciiiui laiuisi

Hfo.X>auan SoMed.
Urn a W. Dattoa
A<ad Menidant <J Imac .Imka X>ied anrpriaad yaaterdav aft^aooa at the
tema of Mia. A. Ciar oa Waahiartoa
katoine Martiaak of Ixm^
died atreak by ahoal iwanty-fiva of bar
of raaaral debility aboat aiaa o'clock lady frteada.
Tb« boy* «l tka two pk/aiM oImm* laat niffbt at the home of hk aoa. J. N.
Mia. I>nttoa will laaea tomorrow
of tkt iltfk wkooi Tklud tk« eltctne
■aoraiar for her fntare home In Caiea
Manlaak. oa biala atrcat.
llCht pU»t of a. D. OampbaU 4 tfoM wat 7i> year* of are and baa lived bare ro and the ladiea te x-d thia oppirtn
TM*T* 0» WM «*ll »»• (‘
The after
liar direct to thia re- nitytobdher farew.ll
ps«i»ea lo tboB br a o Jo^st M*r- ‘run
^ from Bohemia.
j noon eraa tpent'in a rood aocitl way
M if ProfMoor Oobk
For many yaara paat ke aad hia wife, and :
HartketiUr atteaUM waa |t*a*
Aa a tokea of tha eatoem and rerard
lived oa their farm at Lone Lake,
tk* ai« djaaMO ao4 tka
butlur the laat few yean he baa lived iBwbicb* Mrs Dattoa ia held by her
oent dynamoa with the enelten eon- a rreat deal with the family nf bU sm friends, Utey praaentud her with a
aeeUsr the fleld maracta. Alae the j lo town. About two yeaia aro bla handaome set of orange apoous aad to


■»p4>p« ty «>»> ■eBootyiMrmtci Olw
M OMipb^** StoMfie


In Bicjcle Sboes.

'kaN^lat. ■---------V/a I>(l »ifl ha x.Waaa^

awiteb ayatem with all ita nomplica'
Uoaa. proved an iaiareaUar atudy for
Vlaiaar thane difleraat planu of machanieal nmadara gir» the ntadaDta
Mos law hM baeo nuaiaf wild ia an inalrht into the actual facta of life
Oaorfia^ad tka borrata of tka erlaiaa that cannot ha dprlved from book
irUak kbTa racaolly baaa »ada pablte kaowladga.
art axelUaf aalmatad dlaetuaioo b;
fnm. paWc and praacbera.
Jalina Campbell haa jaa' received a,
tka visa which invited the lofliclion
It of twcaty-alrht i leyolaa. and
af aupMiT paolahmeat at the kaa ’
another larre ooaairnmant will arrive
•f a aok U one which brinca a »aock
aaalaty. yal Ihor* U no e*cn»e for, today­
lynahini: in thia aonntry'll laat refular meellnr of the
kaw Bncb a criniaal say daaerve the bbard of edneatloa for the flacal year
^ which the aiaa tloea and the endlar April 30 will he held thia ’eecnjraarhar tliricklaod met. the lyaehlny iarkkWt Imparlla life and liberty and
AlondoB Urey, an old aelller^f thia
attarly faiU in the pnrpoae which the r^ion who livea near Lake Ann U very
law eoatamplalaa. It enlUvataa brnand altr^l bopaa hre antcrUined
taUly and drap thi baman race down­ for bla recbvery.
ward inalaad of U> the hlfher plane of
C. A.'Hammoad waa taken aick yetalvUUaUoo and developMont which U
tarday and waa unable to ro op hia io-'
faaahed by a ttrict obeerrasce of the
tended trip to Muakeron.
lawa of the ownntry. The irraaieet
Clinton Miller paid Judre Koberu a
tanor U> the criminal it Vh« reienUeae
and teevluble proerm and operation of dollar Inat nirht broauia be rode hia
bicycle upon the Waablnrton btrerl
tkafawt compiled fo^ the punithc
for mime- tSoclety I* thereby proleel- aldewalk after » a m. laat BundarMiaa Arric Umra^ of Weat^venih
^ aad crime it < rgtbed, wbereaa lynch
•law U a menace to
r>'«n»Beni atreeliwaa taken wotae arain yealcr*
aad daaferane to eoelety.
llalph Coanable of the Oily Book
Tu city of Urand HapfaU bae been atore ia aufferinr with malaria fever.
Ualpk BaaUnra waa Uken with a
atrarrllnr with her walersupply prob
lamforeereral-yaara and the esperl•anU triad have coat aa mach at an
actantlva plant. Now, however, the
Mka Barab I<ee ia havinr her rmidaity baa awakened to her thorlcvminst enca at the i-jrnar of Ninth and I'nlon
aad haa appropriated
to be
•treata remodeled and other attractive
pended in the empl 'yueut of an expert Improvrioenta medc- .
(e make invettiptiout and preeent a
B. C. Ufwprea la-tiavinr bin reaidenct
pitw for a tourcc aad tyttem of a pure oa Bouth Uolon street repaired.
water lupply. In thia rcKaid Travel
Jamee J. I>una of the rrocery departOUy la a 1ob< atap In advance of Urand
men t of the Mercantile Company'a store
Bap'da. We have bad our retourcrt
baa a new Ivanboe bicycle.
Inllj- Invettipted by a noted expert
Some attractive improvementa are hiana of the beat in.--heoomnuy. and wr
know thecondiUont tboronfbly. It n- iortaadr to Orace KpiM.-i>pal church. A
aowalcnplya matter of deUII, money, trewb coat of paint tk beinr added and
and a queatlon aa lo when acit how a new aide window la oeii r placed in
the chancel A new top lirikaiur ii. beW fet down to butlneat.
inf added to the lawn.
Thr aure line betweea thia city and
Peter B. BiMark reprcwenutive of Old. UiMioo, -operated by S. Kellurr
Ike Bmfad He^uir and VeniUlatinr haa been purubaaeJ by W. J. Weiae.
<iu Account of. ibe funeral of R »y
ayatam, U in the city 1 lohit g after hi*
new hcbool buildinr t'adhaJn there will be no rrrular
aaaionin the Hifb aehool thia after
Aabort at-aaion will be held
B. B. Faxtoa ef the Mlchlran I’otato
March Co. went to Ch>v.-aro yealerday fr< in 1 o;clot.-k lo 1 .ii>
, Prank Friedrich went to liood Har­
Thr L idiea A d So 1 ly of the Baptiat
bor and Lcland yeatarda.v.
«.-iurcb will mee at the home of Mra.
Alik Anna )<'lleit baa brea quite J. MoMichael.
tVeat B'irhtb atreet
tbU afterfauoD. A'l are invited.
Dan Dake retoraed laat nirht from
Lonia Webber entelUined a few
0 btwlheaa tnp to Tbompaonvliie.
frienda laat eveninr at ui> borne
A party cotopoaed of Fred 4V. AaleU,)
Lmke Ave. in honor of MUt lieaair
Hra. y. VV. AaleU. Mlaa Aalett. Mia*,
Liodaly who will ralurh thia -morniDr
itrall and N laa Kva ,A«let(. came over
to her boioe in tirand lUpida.
from Bik lUpWa yeatarday to apencl
There is not much fuva beinr made
lha day.

Mra. Kred;rirH.mll of ilrand JUpida. in the
.la, vlaitlne
vlaitlnr r.
tbe vllv.
oily. ’


A- M'

“ “ “e»«Tineleaa true
Ihr I' voter. e( Iberodarr makinr

.^ tbe trout hshinr aMson. next Monday


much from rbeumaiiam He auSered
re dnrliK tbe laat '^aar and failed
rapidly that hia family hoaw tha
ead waa very hear, and ware quite
Mnoktona Antca Balva
Tan Hmt Saltb in the world for
faUmrofe^bt cblldrem. Sve OoU. Brniaoa Soreo, Olcmre. Bait
Fever Born. Tatter. Chapped
Buys a pretty |>air.
h> y* and throe RirU, aevoa of whom
Baade, Chilblains. Coma, and all
are livinf.
■rapUona. and poalUvely cures PUea
One of ihedaachlera. Mca. Berrer. ia or no par required. It la guarantaed
Aow living in Hobemla. aad the other 'logive narfoet aatiafaetion or money
two live in thia city. They are Mlaa ■afaadaa. Price St cenu per hex Foi
Tens Martlnek aad Mra Frank Krap
Jardlbiarsi u ei<
1 he boys are: J. Nk Maninek of BUU
Below coat. 50 cent klli'l for-.• rnml Stn t-cl '
atreet, Joaeph and Frank, of Baal Jor­
>1 ou. SI :.o kind toplnr at
-rots •
dan and Antoine. Jr.', of'Chicago. Tbe
at thee Huau.n
••••••nnnnnhnnnnAnnnnnnnadnnannnmOMunnne •••••••••••
non Juiiua died soam Ume ago
Mrs MarUnek, wife of the
is living on tbe farm at Ldng Lake aad
•iiyoya good health. Tbe funeral wllii^
be held tomorrow afternoon at two ^
o'clock from the home of < v
Untk.r.'j State atreel.


Poiiular Shoe House


The Sidney O MelT Hea SaHedaF^
•ood Orew
Tbe steam barge Sidney
cl'-ared from Hreilivk Brothers pie r ^
veaterday for Bast Jordan, to take a
load of bard wood lumber for Muvkegon i ^
Tbe crew eonalata of tbe following:
Uforge KoberUuB, captain; Thomaa
I. mate: Benry Ureilick. cbief en ^
-r; Frank illicit, aaaiatant engi- , W*
Cha^. Markham, fireman; Anton
K.ulfe^. fireman; tVm. Johnson. |
wbeelaiuab; Peter L Uangeu wbeelamat.; Wm. 1) it, cook: Wft. Rosie deck :
hand and Ihcwia McUurr. d<M.kband.
lArg-l-, of
-Four hot
lies of Kiectric Bii.era hay cuicd Mra.
.Ilrewer of scrofula. wbiBn bad caused
her great sudi-riug foriears
bie surra would break'Cul on her beao
Slid face, and tbe best docui'a cuuld
give no help; but ber cure i^*rampi t aud ber beaUb ia rxcelleut." I'liu,
►hows what tfaousandk have ptoved —
ibsl Ble.-tric Bitlera la tbe best blood
purifier known, it's tbe supreme rtm<-dy' for ei7“DV tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and ruouitig sores.
stiDiiilsK^tJiver. kidm-ya and U>wels,
|-X,>ela putf^s. helps tllgesliuD, builds
up the trerglb. Only 3U cenU Sold
br .lobnaon and Wait, aruggiata iimaraitleetl i

A and children of
tH^op atreet are viatting Mra. Urc
wald's parenu at Keswick.

Grace McMichael. Grace
Grace Wrlgbt,
SIhtorlaa for the High School.
j Wc^bL Kbea Martin. Bessie McMicnirty-iwo volumce of new hiatories Bhrl-AicMiehael, Lsswr Simptran raoeivsd for tbe Plgh aeboolleoe.
Ufemr yfolenUy. They are "Naliona I The principal actors are; Fraddie
Martin. NeU WrigbU
of tbe World." Ramboad'e Knasla, : Rutner. iibea
voln; GaUoit' France, d v^; Haw* Lester Simpson. Grace McMlcbaei:
tSan<a V. s.. 3 voU; Prescott's Pam, t
Oaly a Stigfat Accident
POl; PmeeoU's Mexico, t voU; Green'a
Norrlsvllle, Mich.. April S3 —Frank
Kagtaad tivola; MesiM'. Gwmany,
voUi Abbot's jlUly. AbboU's Anatrta’t
tgypi, McCoan; Turkey; Clarke; Japan. t«»«- •»>«« repniring hU yacht, the
Diehnon: Spain. SalUa; China, Boolger. -eixen S. Pingre*. Jr.. ' tied up at
Grtilick Brothers’ pier, anffered a
Fay|TturTaxea Mow!
alight accident today by falling overLands sold from the tax record of hoard. not. however, followed by either
IIM at the sale ia May of that year, paint-pot OrbolUe but by a pair of
tor taxes of.iau or prior years, may be Pingree aboea of fair dlmeaaiona. He
MdMmcd from each sale to aad laelud. waa rewned by Frank OrelUck aad
lag May 1,..]•«•. but not thareattv. WUUam JobasoD. who happened to be
I mads held aa aute tax landa are not near, noae Uc worse os aeeouai of bis'
Bnh>et to redemptiem.


Union Street *



Ttie Hannali & Lay Mercantile Co.

If you want a st-wiog machine that is a bargain in every respect

JarilBleret U cbw

Try Our “Eldredge”

Fur tliruu'dnjo, Muiidky.
ilay Btjd W^uewjiay. «v will wli
yiiij H hii-yt le for #:20 7.> U'Ht in
fully gunrenti’itl hiuI will giv.- yuii
iuHt mig'onl.e.-n-irtr ai« Hiiy wlir«*l
iiiHili-, or I mil (M'll you II

^ National


aalseak in Summit 'Jlty
Hon. (i. li Covell haa reiurnol fwi ,| I'nifraaor Silvera. tbe dancinr yracb
er. haa been lyinr »ery ill for a looK
P. Eiybold of Cadillac aad A. 1. ; lime and on next Saturday it la piirloyee Uansacted baainraa at Suttona j P»rd to ^ive a rraod dance In ForestBay jraUiday
;*r>' ball, the proceeds to be devoted en'^'W. B. Siimson and 11. f. leaven-} Urely to the benefll of Hrofeaaor Sll
worth, uliolalk of thr II K a 1. rail-^vrrs Thia will be a pleaaani event
yohd. returned to Brand Rapids yrater- Jand should be well patroolird.
day morning in their private car after
juht HK liigli grndc'uIll-elk ak- ever
ukuic lliu
. .ho,.
,l.lh I
were iiiHilti for
B. C. Murphy, rrrii-ler efdeedsof, Amaiimr theatricals amonr the jiveEhlkaaka^ounty. waa In the city yes-' ailes of Washinrton street in the eicin$37.60
] Uy of the court house, are beoomiar a
Mrs. B. K- Wall aad Mrs. Aldrich !
PM»t>nnun..l «. U.h.d E.pld.
»“> ■' ■>“>"
IWt....C.UIor..h.-h,™ih,, h.., I
Th,T .,o«rr«hW «poh U.,
■pM.hT.rj d,i.*hUul PlirtTr M.h :> tTdldepc hnd pr.MDt
Whif. MB. ;Sid W»lt. .pBB.,1 i PPP'PB* lo,o» oPdrBm»Hc« ol dreBl.nWMh. wlU.4.T,U.«rT.
“ P“>“
trians wbo chance to Interest themOolorado for some time.
Jttllna Campbell U in Detroit this selves in tbe doings of tbe Utile folks
Those who engage in this
WMk on huainaaa.

No 43



They batv never luwn Sold for
IcHH lhau IM

iNcw Sinre.i;i> Front Street


Style Ho. 4, Fine, fliily $22.00. Style Ho. 4, Superfine, Only $24.00.
Style Ho. 4, Orop Keep, Only $26.00.
We also have other makes and it will pay you to see oars before buying.

and th« i>Hc<—

S3I.O0 to S40.00.

It is a perteot model of Bimplicitjr—nothing about tbe mach­
ine that is complicated, that puzzles you before you you can re­
sume your work. Our prices are the lowest


Are noted for their excellent fitting and wearing qualities, also
lor their styles and fine finish. When you buy a pair of Gray
Bros, shoes you get everything that is desirable in a shoe, and
they do not cost any more than other shoes of the same grade.
Prices are from $3 00 to $6.00.




; BtneraV 'Kea«
0^ ttve ■\9<nV4.

I tor th«
Xifce l-hm ia Tn«*rw
Pity i»a* 7i^.

yreed of othant fiad a traitfal fiidd. j
howevar. la the rmUIhQiiy aa wall a* i
tbe pabUe m to tMl
•» tbe lyaoraaee

Yntcr4ar afie-rsoos a Mctiar
Uom Auu»!U git ibccMcauve ocaosiuce of the
fVtiMlv* ofUc UrribU bsrricw
tetUan AaMdatka of tke Unad Ttatroe Beyloa took p'aoe ia the -• tGce of
Wbleb »»«pt tbC •OTtbMM <M»t r
gat—Iliad m-.j la March. m4 I
boa. T. Vaua Arra^yetneBU were
vkieb fo«rt«M while aad ahcaV «<.. .aide for the Beat aoaaal BaeUay.
wtond «*« were
re drcwtwd. t
wafeb wi.'i be beld la tbit city Jaae
lotym aad cis a^hooBera were wrerk•d. The ^daaage a«OBBied lo a-wui
wbrcaaoad aad yieea aathorfty to
The yordrsMBt teleyrapk cable- aaaa othen to aaeUt tbea. '
•bip Haakcr m belay loaded at New
The folibwiaf appoIalaeaU were
York wlibtMJailc* of cable to be
tfhatported toMaaila. The rable b
ace of aeeUoy-Tbe
I a^plM
iateadodtoeoaoaeitbe laportaot bJ H. Moaroe.
iaato of the PblUppiae yroap.
| o„ priatiny-Tbe preaideat aad
Atareeeateleeiioa ia H.>et City reiary.
‘ 1 of buya wa»l Traaeponailoa—T. T. Batea.
raa araiact the old aea. aod the boye
• WM by a baedeonr Prjorny. Krod
Baffaaler. the aayor. b tarely Si.ud
KaiertaiameoV tea, eofle etc —H; li.
chly oae oftbe eouacllnea U older Cbiopbeil.
tbaa 81. Twoooaaeilmee weaprlvatea
Toe preeideat reported Uat be bad
ia the flat Kaaaae
aecared Ue refaial of Foreaten Hall
The wood eawyere of Atlaeia, (la.. for tbe place of meetiof.
MO la aaaber. ba« « form'd a t.rae',
The iateaiioa U to make (hi* oae of
aad baeeralaed the p<^.w of eawiay the moat to.vmkfal'acetyica of the AtBlovc wood from Tt eeou to «l 00 per;
day. Every
oryaaieaA rrkideuce of flfteeo year* lo the re
UOB U bUad or erippled.
yioB i* all that ik neceuary to make a
The eeaate of Wiaooaeio bat official­ petaoa eligible to membertblp.
ly ^aoked MiM Helab tloald for ,ber
eerelcee io eariay for ki.-k Wleceaela
Tba farm oo wbieta Abrabam tie|(kniiDai
>aed/frum flrar page |
ooln waa boro, two loilca eotitb of HodII or any aprnce hen. kb^
rearjiiv. Ky. hae beea eold to David onlin or iiutil
UM^af New York.
only frciia <«>-Uiber :<) to November 3'i,
‘■ratbar aaaa” f Dlckiatoa cjoaly. both laelDkive. earn year; prorided
ie believed to be tbe
CaMae. He ha* paaeed hU 1 Itib birtb- <aay be k
t»;Uibrr I to Notday, aad i* ktlll able uj waik tw.> mile* embei
inulxkire. each year.
'bMliOD M providet forkprleykbouito tbe p i k to vole.
la ftflOlliaent of a waye.ri Samuel tny a* f'i i»w-; .Vo peraon or peraoo*
Hahtiker. uf Mobeim. H*.. bat "et cot kha'u ii jurr. kill or dratruy oy-any
hi* beard *ta te Blalae wak defeated for mcaok whatevrr. any kind of eiid
tbe prwldeocy Id 1im.
dock, wil 1 yrKwe, brant or olbrr wi'd
Colooel Yaaitoa of tbe Twealletb water fowl, kkveoriy from September
Kaaaaa regimeat. now gybtldg in the | > to January 31. both iai luaii
Pblllpplaea, although one of the brar- ''then
' then oolr from one.half an hour
boui beforr
«t men in tbe aerr. M. weight, clothe* | aunriae to one and one half an boar
had all. oaly kS poundk.
jafler kunw-t rach'day; provided Uow.
The war departmeol bak decided to ever, tbal it ahall t<e lawful to hnni
aapply the aoldiera io (be tr(ip,<.s with aad kii: jack anlpe. blue b‘l', caarav
log of light jeaL* material { back, pigeon, pin tall. whl»Uer. apo<m
Oae hundred thoataoJ kuli* will be | bill, butter hall and saw bill duck* and
ablpaed b> Cuba aad the Fhilipp.aea aa'wild yeew: betwreivy
•twreih eicj
__ a aa powihlo.
each year,
I the ^t
r. a Drkat.-ir. of Cn.lforpia. who oral follow joy.
a reeaatlj a eand
foi- railed
“Aed prml1<-d further, that in I
HtaUp aeoator before tju- l•igiala(u^.- upper peniuvuU any kind o! wild
that atale. iaaa exact
ci.jinb-rp>n g.>o*e. w1>ii duck, bram or any other
l cr.ial
of hi* illlikirloa* fatbey. not: only li. w.ld wafer fowl iMy be killed fr«)-i,
face aad form, but lo voice, manaer* Si picmber i. to January 1.*., inclukivr
and peculiar trail* of ubara>
for l acn year. That it ahall be unia'w.
Hoakiny rain haa been failiny In f"'injure, kill or deatrr-y any wild
Texas during the paei four
Mongolian or Kngiuh pbeas
daya, which will be wortb a great deal !
to the abicu aad farming iniiriwata
from «ht »)to N -v. in. of each year,
that aMlioo Many fclockmfu werr|<^
»nlp>-. woodouck or
peaparlay w move then- cattle to ipe i P>«'er fr< ui ■•-i ;o tu Nov m. both ioladlaa Territory on sc.-ount of the
'o ow-h year " of water and g avk if Teaas. j Asilik row krtil- ri that the amend
bat it will nut now bo aeccakary Ui do’ ',meat Pj the eoukiitut.i.n nrovid.iig for


M e.v

r~v. lor PO..U,™. Pjjiils Wnrtli Conslderlog by

. were laadad
were place
It *hipm««t



large |

lam I
prepared to eell
■eem la any <inaaUiy from a dve
rat dish to It gail'-n lot. at a price
I* right __________
lat It
Remember.__I _______
. aothiag but the ■.hoioeat eream. aa
Baa aa -there is made................
I MichlgaE
or by tbe pint. c|oart or gall'r,
dalleered toyournome. Try tome
»f it aud be eOBvlBced
Aliocoofev-l'onery. fruit and v*getablak Myaiockureoataetloaery la
Anyihlag from penar
Mdia* to the dnni choooiatca aad
hoa book, orange*, lemoaa. baaaaaa
aad apple*. a)i cbolea IralL
Anyth^^an wM
Nm^h dellvarad.
(All Nortb^---------M R. TaiMD. 4A
h Ualeaatroat.

Intending Purchasers
o1 Pianos.

While it is impoMlble by aay am
of warning orexpoanre te protect Ibeae
gamble pouple who w.ll ln*Ul oa
lieving that, ia tbik world, acmeihing
caa be Pbuined fortothlng. and there
fore fall easy viclima to the ueserupoloBk, kliil ibire are kume -frauds" la
the piano busiarm that msj be laid
hare for the protection of reputable
maker* and dealers‘aa wyll aa of the
If all pianos war* aold '-«m tholr
merits,’* thte book aovar woal^Vavo
becBwrIitoa. It woald not hav* hoaa
tW aMcropalooMom of aema, the


Best In tbe woi hi

Tbi* k nd of fraud i« the most fre- i
tj.ieel *• well as the tnr*t daugerout'
and difficult to deal with
Jn all iheMieww, however, t .e bekl,
on lk*ffoided
by dealing'
J^iuiry.—Piano t'urcbaser'k <iu

Kawt \iAi bomt
Wtm—tjou hNi(mV&
moTt. w Katie a \iA
^Wente Vtv.

out of-date
shoe* when you caa buv the ad­
vanced Style* for apiing and tern.
ater wear thjr nor* it stocked
w th the laleki Uyl- a. the product
of oar eiclukire mskerm. aid caa>
not be bought elsewhere.
Oar shoe* are made to eonform ra the shape of the foot.
coDM<iuenl.r are eaxy aril 6i per.
feet'y The wcarera of thr W
I. I)3neU> aboeaare not troeblad
w llh coral and bunioaa
We carry
stock brown wll.
low and tan wTlIow. ca'f. vlcl kid
In black aad tan with cloth kkilk
with rnstom bench work
c-wtlpg from S.t to ST.
We carrr other s'vle* and
leathcrk 1a kteck—black, brown
and tao.

—VtvtKts ibv4t.

25c a Yard.i

A. S. Fryman,
155 fT«Bl SI

Prwtlttl Stie riB
j K

Complete p<aan copies of latest
imivf-. vf. cent*.
V.rt-al or ini'niinental.
Sit cheap m cent olitlon. but
la*r and popular ph-ces. t piece
Id I-. p.k
cioinit. ciTv wore ro, W..S

Vl«»n»«l *tr aCortiiiiervC Icr


tjtra tKeav Afvi ici^TaiVe—^ou m\,V
esa^ \\ ^ou ^c\


\Kve Vo\ I

—\Ke\^ Ate st\XtT&.


Paper Hanging MEN
House aoii Sign Painting
Glazing and Oil Finish.



.« iwa /

K&tie \o come

■ ill Ms) k.'
< Uoun 1< ui II. I
sb'ti b> s-ill br a.

iNiandgl-.'t nfpu'i >traw bau ‘
rwe at 4tc Ct: aad 7‘,; klodb go L
■ .'.'ic i-rdkh bata goer at I’f..-, craib
ipxai Ibe
Koaion Store




Xait year t




e of •*«* dlkUayaitbed makers

of ilreir :


For 5c Yard.

AmOBy tbe many “dodyce"
yoll tbepoblieare the mock
sale, the owekieale
the forr
- ___ of_______
irrlture of
prleate bou*e ioe'adtay "a pitoo of
reaowB." the -‘aaertfleer which a lady
••ahonno yo to Eorope” U »l>ay* m
willioy to make, the “woBderfol bargain" to be obU'oed by addreeelay
aoase "privete" perww
At thcae “cheau" are adeertl*ed ie
dally pepeva. aad their’
show* that it pay*
very piaaoof
evea deeert
repoIloa ha*
a fair vsloe
ia ib*
_ ____
*eif. It l**elf-evldeat that It i* Bot
likely to be kedd at “a •aeriRce!"

bai y<»e *o far a* to have the
korb a maker, plaatered onto the iron
frame aad rild<-d o\rr.
An ilber kpeci.'k of frwaii ik
petmted hr Mime peramhulatiny ulek- ‘
man or'uoer. who tll-rt. an Inklrn-j
men* made in kooie cheap fartnrr. and j
ik careful to yet out of town a* wwo aa *
le purchtM It made, and, ^e'-ire I'a
ae cbaract-r can be diec- vered
Many iDHirumenu are sold out nf



Praad* are po«*lblc largely owlay to'
the blyh repate aad ataadloc of tbe
ak^ority of thcae eayayed in tbe macafactarc aad *ale of piaaofortea
There Mao yreatar Irjjttiae ihaa
the claim of eoae that tbe p aoo b<mi
oeM I* boney-combed with roiieooe**.
Tbe yeDerai-ktaadlay i

(;iiod hardwoiiil in >totc: Unaths.
Alsu four foot imipK: siiths and «.-dtLinLi*>.
Itell an.l.1 >N.'rllifi
i«-den.1e»t at t!i
pre iiipc iltention.


.S T. G. Nicholson

8!I Front Street

Telephone lh'2

Is Your Bicy cle
In Need of Repairs?
fi.i.-pUc-In u'l it <luiic ritflit Hiul |>riuij|illy
Kiihiiutliutr and
Tiiriiiinr of hII kiitdn. (’ali inI mid
mid w-e my Dew
c i)f all.-i ls
\ iT'Kvl line of wll-flrt in li llt


MRS. 11.1-:, (.miis


A curlouk thing ocenrred wfc.;e Cl
‘■"■rt has been de
fnaled, there .will be a kirong ■ g >r;
firyaa waa beluy lutrodeu.-i to hii
I paM the b II iocreakiry the
Hcb«ne.-Udy I .V y . audience the oth-T
.."iBpremeconrt J >dyeirC|io to Bine oieir
—-w—— Juvt a* tbe chairman of the
an increase to seren. and ibi*
amend) <i i<
. U) be
pCMent when t ■ lifbl . * >rur H.u
cracy might be temporanly ohkcure'.
'bai H-» »« :.wr,y.
all the eleclrit ligbui went out thu* creaiiag two new .m -e* f.u^the
TheOiaard be, l »uy.r fa lory
’ Efo.erbnr to «(_ by appolaim-nt U. TU
3<M.acrr*oMaad In V.-mura Ompty..
”‘*Cal. Ure bcin trankferr-d to
'«*r >»>.• Supr. m.-,s „rt exprnrr foot •
American ilnet Sugartam,-at y.of New ^
York, for al.frtki.oiN>
' U ik hiuted tliatoiir reasrin why no
--------------------------iamioa w*» ukeii I i.tcDg toward Uoal
Odd FrJiPwa We a flurprmrd.
■afjM.rnmenl ‘k that ih-y a-e wkitiag
LAat Bigbl thv«.1d Fei.oWk were : fo-the dec kHHi of the Wio. r. iiu' vourt
favored with * double surprike Sk they n, refer, uce to the Alkilk -u law 1>ie
were about b> cloke their .eyuiar *et. ‘ rai road cviamiitrc .* also waHiUg for
kion. Tbe memberk of .the recebtly . this decisioo before,rrpor'iay out (he
orgaalrfHl Caabm came in 4rekp.r'.ed Mul. gat Centra, repc . b 1 ki.dolherj
ly. arrayed lu fud uniform and khortly ! imp.jr’.*nt malbrs.
ly afterward tbe ladlea of the Urbekah i
________ _Su.'Ki.i>
lodge madeakaddea inrasmn of the I
Avus. menu.
lodge roomv A jdiy time Wa» tbe: Manager Su-itibcrg h*k arranged j
raaalt and the ladlr* kerred warm with Klehard Umbert, manager if]
sugar aad other umpUng vkUble*.
t. bring hu great
^Bdgmeatuf$lA8 (orM rgan.
elecu.c*. arCWuctioo here ue Friday.
Acaaeiawhicb a H<>aot><y of lug, Hay .Mb. with i^ierJ. White in the
waa involved waa u-ied >n JBkUc«j»^.»‘f‘>f
ThikUaaid to be
Brown'* e uri yeatorday.
Th* cant*
waa thitot li. J Morgan vk The
Charlevoix Dumber Co
Krod l4ait ha attended by all who enjoy a dramaibrougbc
I Mr. Morgan and A l».iUei-e*l The prekk. ibrougbtMil
Cmlckkhaah of Charlevoix tbe defend'j ^'**>^'7 hak pmaouacvil ihu
aat. A judgment was giten in favor produciloB of a very aigh order, Tbe
of Mr Morgaafar lir.:
loompanj. which ik an excelienl oae.
'ahonid be greeted
□ uverahelmTen uayloada of Fuiatoaa
J‘« »“>“*_____
Yaaierday wM * banner day i____


tVt lutvv lilt lJud into

• u'l.’


Two Lots To Close
Worth from $2-00 to
jit roKular prices.


. Kgteai

Then- buypie* are aD ib youd repairhsre been repaired and painted.
TwbycM'd I.uiiiber Wayont.

U, J. MnRG.AX.

Hamilton Clothing Co. |500

"Sov 6\)ev
'SoT^^ '^eavs
«« Khvt ntA&t a

0^ VTvhYrvtmtTvXAV \<mt

At once, to enaoieL clean, repai’
t and pat lo proMr shape. This ia Uit I
{only place Ina the city where
meling properly done.
. liahed, atrlpexl and daeor
iatad. All work properly and prompt
I ly done. SatlsfacUon guaraaieed. a

Lederle’s New Shop.

0^ \Kt tDorUh

So^4 0Tv't&sfi\cTmh.

We are again prepared to dallrarlor
in all part* of the ettg. Oar priaaa wQI'


vVeait \Ke mo>\ enWeaV e«9«TU.

N. £. STRONG. Manager.
23S Front Strent.


leel jFranV:ii«?n

\Kt tattivi cnlltvam *sv4

. *


lie Uaioo aireei


TvvmbaVV qoq4s


tAvA\ tot

Kavt UhTfvt& Vh &em(mh\TA\t& \tv TvvmWaVV 'Pvaivo&,
&TqATv&. >Dt Kaw vToVvUi


Top Carri'




Ki * Office Matkb m B r<k

Sopklns Bros.

Moth ’Phooek. ■ ‘i.


Ever Burned Oat

o. P. CJtftVXR. AgMi

&cner«X T^xxn
«jAt* ^ri«M Irom AmmIU ri*
9»rti«>l»r« oftto tarriliU b»rriew.
which kwcft lb« MTtbcMt etiMV •
goMMlMd mr>f U MBTch. »o4 1
wbieh <o«rtm while Md »hrsi 4>,
•olartd B*«i were dn>«i»*d. K«hty
laffvk Md •<> •ehooBen were wrarb} ft-KNIt



rroed ofethor*.fl*d » froitf*! SM. j
howeror. i* the rBllIkiliij M well m.
I for the OothociBf to the iroorooee of the pohlie •• to rc*l
<ohe 1-loe* la Troeoro*
Prmiidi are poMihle lorfwly o
Oitp JmMt 7ih.
the blfb repcle and etoadioc of the
yn*Urd»y ofteroocs » SMtipf cf Btjority of ihoee eorored in the saciheeMcntiec eossiuoe of the Old ■feetore *od e*le of pibsofone*Tbere I* no (r<*0«r Irjcatiee th«o
ietUm heeoelaUoa of Ue Uiud Tr*«- tbeelolBO
rec B<^io* took p *oe 1* the c^fflee of
The (ener*l tiandioir end OBser
hoe. T Beta*. Arfa^ceseou were
^edefur. the next osaul seetiof. et*l iotecTltr of Use lodutry le very
b!|rb •D'l *0 U the ietelHrraee of tbooe
wakfa w;.. be held lo tbit city JuQc «or*«ed la it.
7l8. "•
Aoioor tbemuy '-dodos'' need
Cbdirsrb oftbed eeresteomBiUeet
•fkroobsed and rivea bnthotity to
• private bone* Ine'ndiDf "• pita
OOBe other* to oeeUt them.'
the "eeirriece: which »
The foUowlof »ppolntBeau
aboot to CO to 8
>oyr to moke, the ''-wonderful horraio" to be obu-ned by oddrasinr
To eecer* * place of meetUf—Tbe
>Be --privete" pereoo.
. J U. Mooroe.
AI tbeee--cbeate" are *dver(l»ed In
onr dally pepes. and their pereietcnce
Ou printinf-Tb* preoldeotaad
ehow* that It pay*.
At every piano of even deoeet repuTraoeporutioa-T. T. Bate*.
Utlob baeafalrvalnela
in lb"
lb* ttrade U
UaUo-~W J Uobb*.
eeir. it ieerlf evideat that it U oot
Beceptiuo—Hon W. W hmltb.
Itbely to be eold at -a eaeriflre!"
err nameroue ineUncee where
Enuruiotneat. tee. eoflecu-—II. li.
Use name of eotoe dltUnroiebed make/*

TIm fo*«raM«l U)iVr»ph «»blr•blp ye«h«r M baittr loMicd *l New
T«rk with 2&0 slice of eeble to be
-tnsefortwl to MenlU. Toe obie le:
IstMded loeo«i>W!t the isportoOt itiMde of tbe'Phdlp^M rroap
At* reeeot eleeUo* Id Uev^i City
Km , * ticket oospoMd ot h.'jri w*e
PU aniokt the old se*. *nd the h^e
woo hj'* bABdeose'iiujon^. Kred
B*ff*sler. the seyor. ie bwrei; 2i, *od
flOir OM of the eOBOclIses it older
tbM ». Two eonocUseo were print**
u... p. u.a
to the tut iCt
•eenred tbe refnval of Foreatera Hall
The wood eawyer* of Atlaata. <>*.. foe tbe place of wcetlng.
tMi ia naober, have form'd a tmat.
The IntcnUoo ia.tu make tbU one of
had U*er*l*ed tbe price of eawinr tbe sDuettucceaafui Beelj^feof tbeAaHove wood from 7S oente to Al on per;'ucla\ioB.
day- Every Betuber of Use oryaoixa-• A reeiclcoce ofUfteen yeare in tbe re
Um U Ulad or eriopted
|«U>n ie all tMt le aecesary to make a
Tlie OMate of WunOMin bH oBiuial- peraon eligible to BeBbeiabip.
ly thanked Him Helen liuuld foe ber
■orvioM in ooriov for al-k WIeonoeia
Tbe fars on which Abeoham UaIContinu^ from brat pofe |
dota woe born, two bIIm aoulh of UudCwnelile. Ky.. ho* been aold to Itarld Golin or ijuall or any apruce hen, 'asve
only froih iH-tobcri'o us November 3u.
Oear of New Vork.
‘-rather iiunn" f ilicklnoon o^joaty. both inclukivr. each ycer: protided
h believed to be the oldst perwa da that Intbenpper penlnaii a aartridire
- Kaaeo*. Be bo* poaaed kU iHtb birth­ may be k i'ed froa <ku>ber I lo Novday, and >• ktm able to ara<k tw^ Bile* ember :i>i, both inclukive. eacn year.
to Use p I k to vole.
•'Mecuon H pmvidet forkprlnykboQlIn fulfillBeni of a woirer. Kasu'ie’l Inff aa,^> I10W7: Nu peraon or peraon*
Basakcr, of Mobelm, I'm . hat not cut kball It jure, kill or deatroy cy any
hi* beard kioce Hlalnr woa dHfemled fur ■nrank jthaU-ver. any kind of wild
the prealdnacy In
duck, wil 1 iroiase, brant or other wi'd
Ooloaei FunaUsa uf the TwenlleUs - water fowl. ktvi< orly front Septembr.r
KaaoM rrcimeat. BOW-tlfhitnfr In Uio;lui Januar3 31, both Imluiive. and
nUlpples. althoitffh one of tbe brat 'then oi>lv fromoor-half an hour before
•tt Ben in tueoerv ■■«, tvelyba. cIoUsm 'aunriae to one and one-half an hour
*ad all. only M itouudk.
jafle* aunaet lacb day. protided howTbe war department boa de.iided to eeer. tbai itaballbe lawful to bunt
Mpply tbe kuldlrra in [be tropica witulandkill jv-k Knipe, blue b‘l', canvm«
■ •adorclatbiDc of lirbt j-ana material | back, pureun. pin tall. wbikUer, a^bon
Ooe hundred thoaaauj aulu will be j.bUI, butler ball and aaw blliduckaand
•hipned to Cu*ta and the l'bMi|>p.uee a* ’ wild iroeoe: twtwe'eb Srptembi-r
n Ok i^aalble.
1 ibjK^tl.icat day of Bay
f, d. Uranl. .Ii-. of California, wito next fuilowinr.
wo* receuUy a eand da « for t uiUad
- Aurt pro«i-l..4l furlber, that in lUI aenalor before tii<- iegialalur-- iiplier peoiukula any kind of wild
«f that aUte. iaan l aKot <-<suat<-rp.rt'g<s^. wild duck, brant or any other
of bt* iliuktrloua fatbtir. uoi only in - wildwater fuel, may be killed fru-u
toeeand foim. but in'vuiuei BaiMsera I Sipu-mbrr I Us January 1.'. -nclutire.
and peculiar trail* of character.
| for . acii year. That it aball be unlaw- (icMtklng rain.haa been falling j,, | ful to injure, kill or deatn-y any wild
•enUs Texa* during ihe pa»l four;.
Mongolian or KngiUb pbi-aa4ayo. which will be worth a great deal 1*“^
Fear Itmt. and then only
lo Ihe-aiock and.1 >______
farimng ________
IniereaU- isl '1 Tn.n. II..I
**‘T. rilty,
sii vs N
Ju. of r*ch year.
that aecUoo. Many alockmeu were!*’''*"/
*oip*-. woodcK-k 01
preparing to move ibetr caitle to the ' P*°"^
b-illi in
ladlan IVrriUjry on accmiol of u„. ■
•“ ea*-ti v<ar "
- ^re.iy of w.ti, and g «u .0 Tesok. ,
but it will nuloow W ueceakkry to do meet-U> the >-■■uali(ulion i.mvid.lig for

- encond. hand" at --a-cUon." Caeeel
heve been knowe where tbe deception !
s' irone
aa to have name cf i
■ MS far
■b a maker plattered oi
tbe ironf
frame and Kilde<i oser.
An.'ilber kpeci a of ffhad ik lh»t per- |
petmied by aorae perambulating kalek- '
B*n oMuner. who ffff-rfc an io»tru ,
men> rakde In kome cheap factorr. and '

HIT THE DRUGGlSTS.i%v^~~.iiJLr^^

an Intel ui-ijl*te ci.ui l haa been de. A uusiouk Iblog uncurrrd <rbiieC>l
Erynn :'«aa being lutro^ucel u> hii fek'.rd. tberr will be * alrorg rffsr:
jfehnnectady i.V. V , audiem-e tbe ovh.v ^ made to para the b II tocreaalrg the
BlgliL Ju-t Ok the cbaiivnao uf the! Supreme rour' j-idgea lie to n
li«*i. The or gioki hi! t-oiitemplale<i
meeting oakeriedthat mere noaslwaya
oa abundant auppiy of :«fx-bbearera u increaketii keeen. and -tbia wi I
preaeni when tbe light i f iirue n. ipo- ueisdid to' n ne I'bere keem^ U>
ktroiig opiiii-n that tU'k wi l.-aTiy,
migbt be leniparardy ; obacure
Oil the electric llgbia went'
^ “““ '»►’The Oxnard beet ,ugar factory *nd
^ appulntmeclto i.i
9600 oerea of land in V.-tlur. tcuuty. '•"■‘k-j
Ckl.'bare been tr,n*r.rr,d to u.e ‘"‘“P"*”''‘P ’
ABerlda.1 lU ei SngerComjwt y.of New
r'* “.
York. ft>r kl.MHi.uH)
'■ it la binteO that i-ix- rra-wsp why no I
action wa* taken I ok mg toward .dnat’ j
Md Feliowe Ve • Su'prmid
iiOat Blghl the Ihld Kec.owa were 1 fi>-the dc'- aion of the Siii.rt me cimrl
fa*«»rd wlik * double aurprUe aa they j in refen oi-r to tbe A'.kicauts law The
L' aek- ': rai rood >-.>mtni tee la also wa'lmg for
were about Ul cUiae their .egu:ar
aloB. The cnembem ot tbe recrutly tbia dwi.ion before reptiriing cut the
swgoniseii Caousn came In j*e*prt-:.-d u,,.), gan Onira. cepe i h f and other !
ly. arrayed in full uniform apd abortly impeirtatsi malltra
ly afterward the lodlt-a uf the Kebikahi
___ „___________sio-m.-s
lodge ntadraeuilden inrakiuii of the'
Steinberg b.a artanged
roMiU and tbe^ladlea M-rve.l worm 1 wiui Ki.-hard Lambert, utnnagir
,r and oth'r lempHng eatahlea
| -j-.u,,, -j ,_bring Lia great acei.ic
eleeiriea, pruduoliuu here un Kridmv,
Jttdrmeatuf$168 u
eiawbicb a quantity of toga M*y-Hh. with l‘..tfter J. White to ibe
w»* Invulved woa tried us Juaitne IU> be
Browns .'.luriye.terday.
Th* «ute Uw ««« iaMr-cUe* and ra'ertamlag
wo* that of H. J. Morgan ea The'P'*'on tbe Auterlcan ktoge.and abuuld
CboHevoU Lumber Co
lOfirenanied Mr. Morgan and A 1). |»le» '*at Tbe presa Urongtaout the
CntirkkhanV of Charlevoix Use defend-1
baa pronounced thi* to be a
nai. A judgment wo* given in (ator
* "'F
of Hr Morgan for ki:.:
jcouipaoy. which ia an exaelieol one.
‘•bduld be greeted with an overwhelmTen varloadeofPotatoea.
Y«*t«rday woa a banner dav iDlbeP^ o«.e ___-----------------------

M »X E

tor pou^ Pgjgts ggiih Considering

IbB cor* were loaded and a large
quMtity were placed in the warehouse
to await abipuieoi.
iOB now prepared to acll you
. cream In auy quantity from a
cost dish to It gall m lot. at a prioe
that U right aemember, I handle
•otblog butihe choioe*t cream, os
•b* oa there ia made in Michigan
without any exoeption. We aerve
ln*i^as lu r. wmi«r ici oeni diabte
or by the pint, quart or gall-r
. delivered to your home. Try »om«
•f it and be convinced
Aitcoonfecl'finery, fmiiaod vegethbla* My atock -oi ooofectlonery i*

Intending Porcliisers
oi Pianos.

WhUe H it impoesible by any omouBt
ot warning orexpusurr le protect theae
gullible people who w ill InsUt on be­
lieving that, in tb.a world, •cmetking
can be obtained for nothing, and there­
fore tail easy victims to the ucacrupnlout, still thirc arc aume "Xxauda" ia
the piano buainee* that may be
bare for the proieciion of reputable
maker* and dealer* os well a* ot the
If ail piano* were aold **<« their
ho* bon*, orange,. i,mona. honana* ntariu," this book never weald haee
W4 apple*, ail obtsice fruit.
Aay- beeawritlee. 4t would not haw '
^n^y-oB wl^ deliv^^CWl Norti-







Beat in the world


For 5e Yard, i
y»!0t VhA wmt
mare, «t Vw a Vrt
Da not pnrebaoe out nf-da<e
■hoe* when you eoa bnv tbe odvaneed atyha for apt inf and Sum­
mer wear. Oura'cra la ktocked
w ththelatstatyl-a. tfae'prodoct
of OUT ei cl naive maker*, aid can­
not be bought e!*ewbere.
Our khoe* are made lo centbe shape of the foot,
conw queintlr are easy *rd Bt perfecs’y Tbe' wearers of the W
1. l)3U(rlB«tboe*areD0l
with roroa knd bunion*
.in black and tan w
lop*. Tbeae *boea i*nmpar«
*re f*v
orably with eostom-'bcoch work
c'wtlne from ».•• lo IT
tVe earrv other atviea and
leather* in *t»ck—tsiack, brown

—hA vtttKts w'vAt.

25c a Yard.

A. S. Fryman,.
1S5 FroBt SI

PnciltAl Fbot rw
2 ^

tvtXD ^Itcis.



IS men'* elraw bala U>
••..t .-.nncl T V- kinds go *i
• reah hkU (oee at v5c. croab
cap* at 1‘ic
Hoavos Store

Ipv.i ciNTMai CITY MU*'C ro
t.ckMk. «Kh

Otet Hebamafuk Uh..-ioi.rv
law lta»|

CINE dbnta

\VtVB VoV j


Paper HangingjMEN
House and Sign Painting
Glaring and Oil Finish.
fitioil harJMdod in st*nc Icnaths.
Also four f«)ot iii.iplc sliths and cd^iinps.

Shop up-ktaira in rear of tv W. Mill
er’a (Irorery Store. '|•horfca No IMiIWl am! N'-rlhi-rn.


ViialiM *'r aCwii
ul tee



J. w. aiiluki:n

iHourk b to II. 1 to 4 :iu I
.morw..rr .'...r.n, .......i


Comnleie p
a of 1atra\
.V..rai O' ins-rtimental.
Xci c-liehp lii.t-cnt »-iii«lon. bill
late and p.>pi|lar pin-ea. I pi'or

cHeap htv4 itswabU—t»\\V

VtB.Pt \0 comt T\^Vt\ BTSB^
- -Wvtia att &tVVtrt.

J-"’ «ai'xti.i;tt
| —.....
Lait ynr'i

«a«.V MVTi j
Tve« i^V\ent« Vn.


and un.

Uieir clou, and at prieck far in excpM
of \l elr real value.
Thlk k nd of fraud i* the mott fre­
quent at well ae the mf*l daererouk
art) dlflic-ult U> deal with.
In all Mieae ek»»a, however, t ie beat



G. Nicholson Telephone lil-2
Sll Fnmt street^
Is Your Bicycle
III Need of R^pairs'.^
Ilfms.tbuiklhi'vlHi- to :.'<l it liciiii-j'ii'lit Hiid iivoiiijitly
I KiiHinoliut.'andj.iillio Ttiniim: of hH kimU. Call in Huti tu-f iny new
111.- of Villi'elll
.\ li-Mkl lill- Ilf whi'i'l* t'l I-Ilt

Tin: l-KICKS

MKS. II. 1-:. CilHHS

M'v Imvv divided int.I

Two Lots To Close

00 to .S3 So

at rcK^iinr prices.



K- a on ,-e Markb m B erk

il Canopy Tr*r
It Kxtentiwu Top Carri
I Two iipea lluggirk .
.uoand rJ’. i«. I
line Hnail Wagon with b
]‘>iie Kuail Carl
jiiiie i'haeusu.
m ik.
j Thrae bugg^e* are *U in good repair have been repairt-<) and painted.
' Two good Lumber Wagon*.

H J. MoR(]AN.


Hamilton ClotMng Co.



500 liicyclcs


At once, to enamel, clean, rep
I put In proper ahopc. Tki* U t
y pies* in the city where yon «
your enametlng properly done.
Hand polMbed.
... etrined
..riped and dee
eled All work pn^iy^
lydone. SetiafnA^gtUianV

“Sot Gv)eT

lederlo's New Shop.
118 Union eireei

vt VhBt mh&t A

0^ IwhVwamtTtVaV Vonte.

Vvaw \*ATtvai t*

wAta\ tw

^^aas. >Dt Vtat>t

Va VVtt caTv&^ enVUvama afv&

auq^taVVoiaa o\ VVve tDorV&'a


'VlvTitlbaVV ^oo&a aVcoa\ja aVtaat VVvt maa\ cvVWcaV «*t**Va- ,-k,
SoU oa taaift Xatma.

23S Front Stmtt


YvaTtoh. awi •

t/. £. sm/tO, Manager

et tbsiit 'if


We are again prepared todeUverM
in all part* of the sUy.
be a* low he any oMhBw*-

Sopklns Bros.
»oth*PhoBet. >4|.


iTcr Burned Out
If eo you know
th* value of

. .


and Too* Out

CO les







Horse Anciion Sale!

Ai4 •oetoty X*Mlm« w4 •«pH*
Tb« Lm>m' aw Hoetoty «t tAe Om*. ^nibSa.* i>^S
rr*r»ti««Ml cA«rck wiU AoW ttoir
p : ..i-i-i— —.Mi» ••F o'clock thU ofl-riirwl*«(vnl.lko<
(Md Ulll«uc>.
n 1 Wrooo* ood will fi*o 0 too-cut oof- J*
(o i
CmO-OT^I It dr
aWeTM\. J i
S „ . .'dock 1. ti. ...Iitor



I of tkc ooeiotf or* r«^«coted to be pieo-1____
«l»ttO0 Wbleb te worklof hord to is- n»,rk
«rowtk*ett;'o Booafocturlac iotoi-’


r.dkt'-troT ciVt



t»r >

------“T------------- r.c


I ‘-‘-^r^s.'srs;


I noCItj

• I

AtOioo.Ctt,. « «,. W«.
«ld lody woo dopocUot f~« lAo. I aooT Pocket......................
Motkodtol cLoreh oi lAoi pl»i« dondop ; Abort C«t Pork.........................

. »-•» )


B* W« M Emi
’•IR. He



Iw torarallue
iWOooid lodjr ber iojarm mmy cnp-,
y L
lo borfor Hte
I Peed. H. L. A Co Boot...........
Tbereorom cooor, bird. it> the |
" i "i!!::
•rtoto prlMO oWock.00 ood the IKero |
la aaop com* A; Ua little bird. * Botwr per S> Uoln................ .
groat otteaUoD»ra or«^llowed , Cfoomory Sottof.X..................
---------- bird the odoer -l-'re. | J-

Saturday, May 6,

oxl*. t e»

-r* tiJ.iij »l»rt lu Iip«
____— ■•libii • Ouuar, Wl or
IFrirdrirk Blert Tra>
. lu^gl'T d> Sb" P.rh
•l«» -

» W*"“ '


One Choice Sheiland Pony, Harness and Cart,
Heavy end Lig:ht


ubuuu Tbb iirwu...I -riSSbihU”;;;'.'.


A cosy room, good olgara,
and trieBdwclr a book—ah,
tbatifl laxuriouA. '•

Choice Farm Mares,

. 16 r%U-.l. r-^xM^aUr
Bb : A.UIrraa
lull BBrtlcuUra O U. r.<-Af»u

oioU wearlog the oaifons of pooUb- Poiatoo*. per bo...
moat ood there ore *mj oonrlcu bohlad 1^‘t per bbl........

Ah! This
Is Lu\uriuus!

BO^J^a^kO-At ue<» <
• t*';i»kB."'»rb .1^' “
ANTBD« (W /-ooaPBTasiT .
'Vy .uuM.mvr% IMtokr

Draft and Driving Horses,

fr«B prlvU^eo .ooh A. bookt, ottwd amvo OATU o
ICin PBAl, ;-------- ----------------- ----------------fag locturrf. etc.
A —*«— cow boo beoB killed aabr Wheat, old. per bo............
Wheat, oew, per bo..........
Four fo ei^t y«ara old, weighing from.900
'Kodpord. obOBt to mileo from liAult Oau. No 1. perba. (new)
CNldrib-iMi k>
-MM Morle. Bko Moeorodoeer In feet Cbm. per bu
to 1600 pound#.
taUagth oad wo* oao of the peir 1 Poiatoeo. per
** OOTANTKHTO OKifr -« *or : room e««i»rr|
-orbleh eroooed oeer from Conodo loot j
to tw ,.|L • larer k>i lb «v»i Bel(kO«e»ood Ad
> killed Mrero!' II!Botlor. per lb..........
Jl'ilrraaR H K><bAU«>ft..r
»Mth. ago.
{Bgn, per ^OMB....
• rpmn T h*it pvKaAL8- *i
: X
Orloado Ilroper. o weoltbjr forwer of'
Mt Oeo. CUIM'barUv ‘IHhHlb- I'ltrk IMm-e H-l’'}. Tmv.-rt»e (.'ity.
cboie 0 flock of
* former aeor smlib'o Creek,
Keeler, .tlempicd
rl lui eou-fxl .uu-x-” ."k MK'it.
h) t-iiii»iH<-in-<- at 1;-W p. ui.
abeep oat' of tbe dooryord liondey cou.lT, »x . «1< Ikul
alghtf ond hi. aeck caught on the
clotheolioc tbrowiog him bock neorly
>0 feet. He atraek «a hU beod. dlkloAuolher sruut ,i.i-o.urr bu bun
ru.sribu "uo,.i.t
voUog bl. collor boae ood cutting bl. lade. and that, too, by a lady in tbi. X ia>u aminiiir Work aoBv wnt<u't.pM
f iipdrlR
eunntry. --niMiaae laatened iu cluuhseek. It U thought ke win die.
« H Kaxkt A
ea upea her and for aever year, ake
K,-v«-n Miinlha' rtru-- will b* ijivi'U ou .Vpin,. :«<i Baikk S-»lea, Ufa*
B«ory Wright of CbelMo c.ugbi wilhkiood ite aevervat tcu. but her
Eatat# or Cl-atlel .\Ii>« at > jw-r i-.-ot. iiilfr.nt. or
unto a train Buadoy and wo* throwo viul uigan. were uadarmioed and TJ^ANTao- , ildpxo l*iie • >ell

a« x-Rork Rillk
' under the wheel*.
Be wo* badly death fcoemed iamlneat. Fer three
lonlk. hba coughed locewantly, and
tw-----------------------MODfled and may die.
>uld Bol sleep She flaallv dlwoverod
e**r«^e«-' ''""S'
A bond of greoay gyptle* .track JockEv.-ry lu.rtw; will i*- warwiitetl ae r.-pn-ai-iili*ii when
*f>»l >«1boUleof Hr. 5^agA*New Itiki-ovrr.v ' *;»y.Nreli
ion. e<»»-l-xUrf
•oa Monday oad pretended lo bfl for­
implion, and wa. — much re- W wurr-l*k» tv-Heuw, Eik Km|IUr ihfat-tioD
"b*! »t*l
to Ibf liii;'»-»t awl wilt
tune teller* They uolcbed money
,l.u Am, .*----- ,k-> fth*
av at tli.away from one vlellm but tbe police alept all Bight: and with
(\ime and
for yoonn-lf Ivfor,-'1-uyim: .'laewhfn.
aude tbcm gire it bock ond fired them ha* been sl»oluiely cured. Her name nrul liug---a.l,.IS-.rJiB.u A,r x-boul.
Mrs. l.ulher L.uU " TbU» write* W,
out of towo.
Hm- ia wher,- yoa i^-t 'wri.’niba. and itn I iiiiy lb- horvw ilir.-.-t fnHii
lick A Co . of Shelby, '
W. T. Whitney, juktiee of tbe peooe
tbf oifii tliHt rikitw llifin I i-an aavf you liie uii<l(U> thhu s pi\*ril
I Imy

ood oa old veUron. dropped deed on
tlo-iu iDyth-lf ami know lle-y niv woilii tli-- moii. > l‘ fv nr- la.ii_'*it f.»r.
tbeelreyt at Ml PleMoot Monday. He
tor that r.-Haoii .-nii sc-li tlvin »
lo yon. .So (na.l .u:.' w»H
bod Ivred there fur 3>i year*.

.mrike in Mirb^f.D. A box of throe
whether . eea belii-ee id flee ceol
Eoodk O’ 'ooi will «w*ioce eou that
this cigor U the .weeuat ird beet you ,
have rei eojoyed.


Four to Six Cows, and Stock Hog REEDCinsAiiiTAfiiDi





A 8 i.r.N»it tt. I. l-a.i-r 1. V nmm '
TtK- .-ibb-i>.,! -ubaMaFiuiK IB iS* -.-rlU. a fbla'-M



F’KJ'-i.r™-;; 'i

1 CAD give you ibr be-l tu >><- (>a-.i
’p... -li., »..«... r
i- i.i.u ,iu .

CHir OfM-r.

Oula-iwlVi-riuaf, Cb'ilaer Trraib —
XX itki’g' OubarigV
•! all 4,



. pun.uu

4bar«ali> l-r |wrt> •i.i..
•uU nar.i.n-i-ri}

ligjanO muei > all* pr-wui

K PUdTgR. .tu-ra» at be*. Spwla

Provident Life
ami Trust Company
of 1‘hnudelphia.

.■'b."i-.,‘a Hloek

Practical Bicycle Builder ;
and Repairer.


ibtil Kobc wr-ri> an* Hi

Ike baiul-.w'--!
gXltSkaT A (lATaa.'Auorn*/* dpveial a* : '•‘T
Ajr lecilea W Probau-pracUov. Beew,»..e '21'"
10. McrrauUl’tli>
______ ________________________________
.AL* -e«»H .-oUae-. <ia«-l -^.-u •*.
m’rttr. V.
V-wrii.arjaur»»ui, lirad Ji'’“ UI} u< bUiuV. W-l part ■■I ,-il} . < kwr lu
rvM A j.m’cvTT

SaCoaa.rul i<il.. ir«* apavlaHy.
Wflli-lot t«rw.-

Igfti T. Pfnuitiirtou, Dintrict A«t.
Tra—rx Cl». MIVkiraa

Beneilt Dancei
Attend Silver's beneflvdance in '
Forratera' ball neat Saturday
night and have a good time.

; ~‘;ESWant AdsS.



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The very pr<-<eiue of ttieEncycTo*
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A library of thousands of v.>kim<-^ does not offer such an oppor*
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r A Hm:HKLL.




West Aiichigan.
^ixe 6»5»*____ » > *.

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,ii is-ij
• w II •]
r». ktf^—

X.,, OrM«9



l.rwdte^^ .

A pS*'

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: V.-l:
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J KEBOB.A>*»i Trawr»»«V
0*0 D8 BAVaM. 0»vr7pR»r’A«v«V
OrARiS Eaitl^k.lCtBak

6rud RiiiidE i lodiui R. ».
for arriial a.C 4vaanxn*riraiB.airvav*fa


fBEEsS'lStESie bvEMillfl
xbas.xs.a«a«««« xaaAaaaAA

-tf = = S_-j:g'


No. ,-NeaHigh
MaJiloe Finikh 8ouk PA'er, Mv«>'
. ^ ^p.ymenl.. One AoJat (»Ii.»)
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h tlieiett
8-U^%w^!o^vbled'EdceA, Extra Quality High Madilnt FInUh

Dollais (libo) and Foiff DaUais <94.00} per

No. ,-SlSS^T2i^^.MarW*d Edges, Eirtrt Quality High Machine FtoUh
Dollars (Is-oq) and Five Dollars ffc-oo) p«”


•I «l *< *4
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Lake Aaa
( Vdar tUa

fnonlhlv payments. Remember,
j pat’ing the balance in small fnonlhly
that the entire Thirty
irty V
Volumei .
with a Guide aOkt an elegant Oak
Book Case, will be delivered w hen the fir-t payment is made.
You will be surprised when you K-arn the

The k-vN

80 convincing as tho?e which point to the

*« S




Here hist

But wc do believe in isigns when they are



H. lU-r faril -tin* L'n

n. 1-:. r.iims.

1. ■« Ao.I.....U.r.e> A«rrj?^[w«i

Bb-UM- Block

M, MlW.-r I.I ., l-,JVCor_IOr___________

▼ A. THOMPaoN. H. U UOUaui UamllkuL
Thus far the cxperluient that ha. X. A MillikM. Hlcex Hoata.eiu II a.».. I
been coadurted by the blevelaad-Fliffk fTlRAINin NVaMB-Mix a«irll- B-lrual.. *
Company in 4heep raiklng nr.r J Segau- X xraiuaw ot uir L'i>i’rr«i,, Bu«F'a:. Adi.
ArUir. a,::
Ui ralla (ur sur.ine 0:
aee hat turned oqt very wel: and if the
name kuceew 1* met with In ihr. future
Abe pcrinaneni-r of tbe U a«aured. The 11 A-k of kheep which was
brought-there .In tbe fall nuubertd
tw« h^Bdre/ and baa been locreaM'd to
three bnndred by'the lamb* ih.lhave: Ai.tea—»
been dropped. Tbe .beep have polled
throngh the aevere weather in fine
atyle. Knimeraai-e watefalug ihr rxperliueni doaely -and will go into tbe
baalnesk (i .beep raUing.
Ur. H. H. Baker, secretary of the
«4iat« ooard of health, think, ke can i
Aaggvai mean* tor greatly reduviag tne i
, number of kuxidea wbiob anaua It
«ur. He ba. made a ktudy (or aewr.;
yean cf tbe auF.i-et and wUl shortly ,
prepaid a paper aeltlag forth bU idesk. I



1 ;;s la




1:3 55

KJ ;s

___________________ i,u ltuu^.w
Trt-mu blub, .pimu., buu ud

At Taws* City, kurprlw parlle* arej
all the go and oneof the mraneal men;
xc town .urfwWd tbe ladies la a clever i
way tbe other day. He ealledon all I
«h« wamaa and told them to bake a 1
cake or a pie and ke would eolleei at s
c'v .ixk when they were to go to Mr*.
A'sbouM. Hr ooileeted an degant
aaaorunaat and several of tbe bubbles
who were oa tbr laaide went flkblng.
while the ladle. wer« left to find out
tbe bowk.
John ODyl*. a Wabater fanner, bad a
-a o'clock curfew on hi. blred mrnJuaepk tireen .Uld out one night later
boar and had to Bleep in tbe
bam Tbe next morning Coyle and be
Itad some wordA Coyle hit him over
ataebeadwitba pitebferk X j<>r7
fid fanacr* and two Aea of other vooa«lMe Tbeaday eight gave Ureea a judgnaamt ter fllM liamagaa.

le e#--l W’Ui..( } A'u rl.

Jas. 0. Jenson & Co. Hll



Ti-i III • lo suit i»u'fha->--r at jirivaie hAlb-a

mu. .ClUeacu.

*lr»t. i,. »ur<-ri

l.'ar .fu'k. Bar
wii rdrmdi-v. ^

Wood and aU kiads oi Stock taken in exchange.



BOUSE wmt IHl BOUT C* if




DR. SPiHwrWd',rtr,T.s;

5 Per Cent. Off for Cash.

be tillow.-il

brivik wo.

terribly irjured by iheoolUpMof vsine
tramway .upporU which were in proeeM of repair at the Buckley A liougia* min. Be wo* , pinned under <llie
heary Umber* oad »u«t*laed a Irarlure
. of tbe hip and pelei. bone*, a cru.bed
aeoe and eeriou. Inlcrnat Injuriek. He
iba* a fair cbanoc to recorcr. however.
An lalereetlng mciaI event eecurred
Monday of leraoen at the reoldenve of
Mr*. Hattie Hunt of Saginaw, when
hllM Blla liora Joaea and Jamee K.
Hall, both deaf mutea. were married.
Bev. A W. MauB; of Uaubier. O . a
note, ofaciatiag ' The bride and groom
were educated at tne alave aeliool at
•Fllat. They will reiide in Imn.lng.
• Danean Stewarl, who WA» Injured on
the local yard track* of ttae-«Funt a
Tere Marquette rallroad-la.l week at
IgodtBgWB died Monday ogbl (roui the
afleotaothU lojurie*. Bailroad men
' claim that Stewart had no buklue,
Abe trackA
. la Bau'.t SU Marie laai week Franci.
nobraro dug a Dior crop of polo toe. M'.
Sobraro neglected to harveat h» acre
- of poUtoe* laat fall, Imt they aately
weathered uc k.-vere winter, few
them bring dealroycd.-tl In fact the
■ potatoee in every way i^mble a

A redutti.iii of lo^ Is Efanted by p*ying cash within }0 days after tbe
receipt of the »-ork.

Far tinter inlamatiOB call oa Holler I CoaaatilB,
civp Boobatora. agnate tor Noribww Mlabigaa.



s Aa.-A^ »aas.a.Aa
|gSZSfi BbeiSSS 8S«g

;!t a*'miti'a*imi SSa”*^
|x,s{iseflsa*86a£iig«sii RSflgal
laoA^raiirASral. arrlaaa al ISAO AW
V!54?a.T)^« Om rataakas, Maaktaaw
CtMlaBaii.OlesM o


kaa parlor.
Train iM-


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