The Morning Record, October 01, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 01, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Third T«ar—No 7R2.

Oontliiaed Hoaort to D«w«7
la Vow -York.
OiiO ta a«b*It tt tte OUr-TO* ¥*■
iMaOmMI »IVi a*taa«i«Bnu4
Z>«w«7 aivM a 0»aUaaoa« OtaUoa
—K« »alO a' gMiTTiat TrlOaU to
tboOAomar Bto HaaOroa-Cloalat VwUTltlM LaM Vicht.

nmu4n van


aad the parade tarmU<
Bated with a betar^aaaoM foUowiar]
lofTataraaa aad military aad gaaal-i

coaid be beard oaly oeeaa
tbroBCb tbeebaarioc. Tbeerowdaap.
pleaded with ail tbalr micbt tba
maa from tbe Olympia. It waa a m
orabla profraaa for tba detar from
Oraafa tomb to tbe areb of trlamph la
Madtaoeeqaara. Tba eaptalaa of tba
^IpaiBtbafiyktat MaaUa ware alao
Blobard Crobar aad Saaalor Depew la




B*em» iMTltAbl*.
boerPoroea Preparlor to Attack WaUl

ppoUf Block jo«leo and corponUon jobbary-apprea*.,,. *'“****
“‘•n-iDlereating to all

-aad BarloaaTroabla Oaa Bearoaly be
Avartad—Brttiab Troopa are Btaadl^
ly Appnaebtac tba Proottar aad a
9laah M iBaiaaw-Ai
U Pelt ia teadow Oaer PaUara of
Traaavaal Beply to V^**-


K*W To«%, Bapk to —Tb« Mooad 4v aloBr^*^a. Koblayb dai
Lndoa. Sept. 31—Pretoria di*»a'cbof H«» Tork**
«r«le3si to tioa almoat aqaalad Daway'a
aaaay that tba vrlldeit euelta«>at pre▲daiirai De»»y<ipiod eool aad elMr.
valla. Sic rtna. flald talacrapb aaDe way arrirad at tbe rarlawioc
"• “ “■
la Ifadlaoa iqiara at 1:4S.
paratnv barphara. mnoitlaaa of war
Moa at Ua dty kail of a cold lorlar
are baiaf harried to
aao to tko adotlnl by Mayor Vaa Wyek
> waa tremaadoaa Haaaral Umea Volkwaal. tbe proj tetad baae of Boar
la bokalf of tba dty.
the orowda nearly broke tbroafb tbe operationv acd'ott Natal. ^ liraeral
for every body. Kara your
At 7 o'aloek tha pdioa boat Patrol,
Jonbartroaa to Volkvmat tomorrow.
frrt dry and save doeton
*ymte reeling from cover to cover
Tba taad bat
altk a apodal raeaptloa eoan
e the admiral, but tba police i
We carry A LL the late books.
'^ /
who help the B >«ra will raoaiva tbe
: ol 8L
eaad^ la block at the raah
Wailaa MeAdoo
OhaaseayM. Oapaa, Rkbard Crokar Olympia for Balaa Oould. It la a pair proeiatmad. ouulde poatal aommoalea290-222 Front Street
Balph CozuiAble Jr. Kbbb^.
aad Warm Poatar. alartad for tba of abelU from the Balaa Crlatlaa. anok tloo will be stooped.
Oa tba BriUth aide tba foroaa are
0>aata. Tba admiral boardad tba by Deway May 1. Jamm Hick* raHough Rider,; Wot^Weather
Btaadlly oaarinc tba froutiar. Ail rail­
Patrol. *hleb ttaamad to tba battery eorerrd them from tbe wreak
wbora tba city'a yaaat araa mat by after tbe battle, aad he bM kept them road bridyae are poardad day acd
aaotbar eommlttae. Admiral Dairay, eerr elaea. They are poliibed. aad the niybl. Malle from .Durban for Capa
aeaompaaiad by tba reeepUoe oom- cbaraea here bcea wUbdrawa. Hlekt Town are aow seat by aea iaaiead of
Hrav7 Bol<^ $2. $2.60, $3.
mittaa, aad aaeorted by Sqaadroa A
moBBtad ibrm on marble pedeataU aeroea tbe tbe Traaavaal.
To^ outlandere at CapeJTowo are laaad a daUU of moeatad yolior, prowaea. with a Uoy eiatue of LIbany
dlyDan’. at the .Triaavaal. oonflaeatloe !|
aaaded np Broadway to tba city ball aorrooBdlaf each oae
bhoek Kaagaroo Calf, heavy
All alaac tba auoat tbara wara ^aar“That'a ayood aoarrolr.*' aaid Hieka. law. waieb praetle^y.)placas at tba
c • 1. j
stylish lapels—in fact a garment that's
BC)ie«, 1>Inoe or button 75c, $1
lace>owda The city ball park waa • Tea yetra from now they'll be worth diapoaal of the Trauavaal thair whole
nnished up to the minute in style, and doesn't cost a
eilad to tbe limit. Tba praaeautloo
ilblac aa ralioe. I'm yolay to fire proparty. tba nature and deflailioo of
cent more than the other fellow charges fpr their old
took plaoa oa a platform la froat of tba
I to Miea Belea Oonld. beoaaae t tbe offeaeee belnr eneb ae to embraM
Shoee, Kangaroo ami Nubian
rery poealble coaUnpeaey.
stock, then come to S. Benda & Co'&
city ball.
Admiral Deway almoat thlakebe U the aooet
(.'nif akin, juat what le wauli-d
Tbe Brer reply bad not retebed tbe
baffad Bebley aad patted Captaia' AoMrloaa womaa.
HandMmly finUhed.Top coats at from....................$j».00 to $f3
fur $126. School wear $1.
Oofblaa oa tba back.
Aa Daway
“I don’t tbiak any woman alive baa aoloaial ofiee at Boao,]to tbe aatoolabbplendid fininglDrea« Pants at from ........................ $2,00 to $«.00
created Seblay tba erowd ebaerad both. done aa much for tba aoldlan and meat of tbe oSrlala. who were ezpeetlar it any moment. War preaaraUone
Wbaa tba ^roatloca wora over, tbe aallora aa aha baa."
.SnUmamler L-ntlinr. a-ift.
are mote active than over here
mayor made Ute praaeatatloa of tba
pliable, $1.26. $160. Th.-ee
aboea alwayit wear good.
Daway la bU reply tald; “It would
£91 ih» rijkt
balmpoaalblefor ate to axpraaa how
It pnj;e U> trade here.
Baiwean Bb'^ and <ba Shore.
Beuretary Q ig. t. k <ly to laerefUie
Aaaply 1 am morad by all tbeae boaora,
tkaibaaaUfaleap.tbafraad'tmof tba
Waabloctoa.Bapt. 30 - B«ar Admiral
Stock of Practloaal-OoiB.
dty and tbte ctmI.
Bradford, cbirf of tbe aaval bureau of
Waahlnirtnn. D. C., Sept. SO.—Secraaaptioa. 1 eaaaot aay what I waat to. equipment, reeeiveda dlapatcb thia
bat. apaaktnc for my^f aad tbe yal afteraooD from LleutaBaat John B.
laat aqaadroB I bad tbe booor to oom BlUh at New York, talUaf of the
tborliy of the eecretary of Ue treaaury
maad atlfaDlla. I thaakyoa from iba plate auoceaa of Maroonl'e atumpt to to purchase silver ballioa for Ue purbottom of my heart. ”
imunleata batvraan eblpa aad abore pcae of laereaslog the rolnma of aubolAfter tbe cerofeoalee. Deway ‘called by wlrcleaa tal^rapby. The aaperl- diary coin. The act revn-alag specie
to tba oaral eommaadera: ."Ooma
ivraacondaetod br Maroont from payment preecribed Uat only,hm. all yoa oapUlaa.'' Ha lat
tba Blaamar Pooee aad aaat to abore 000 in Ueae colas eh-.nld be imaed. bat
at $(i, S6.50, $8. $8.50. $10.
a to tbe aadleboa aad Uaa vU the Navaaiok llfbt.
Ue law haa oeee b< rn disregarded.
aaid; “Tbaaa are tba maa who did U. BUah haa bean dmlgaatad by
SecreUrr Polger authorired Ue pnrOthers , up to $18.00.
Tbaaa are the men who tboald be SeoraUry of tbe Navy to obaerve han of 900.000 onoeee of silver at one
tbapk^. Wltboat them I oould do Marooal'a ezparimaaU with a view to time daring hU term of omoe, for tbe
adopUon by the navy.
pnrpoee of laireaslog Ue stock ^
small silver ooma. SeereUry tlage bedoek. where he took tb
lieveaUUmiah-shmeal a praoedeot,
Beady Book for Claramoot.
which be mar -s' -ly follow to meet
. Tba Toyace np tba river waa aaotbar Daway Will Bit With Preaideat aa
Ua preaaai em - gaoey. At Ue cloae
aoatiaaoaa ovaUoa aad avary oraft
•peclal KtUofBoaor.
of bnsloeee y-.t.—day tbe amount of
with a wbiaUa aalatad the admiral.
Waablagioo, SapV 90.—Aa a apaeial
;ioBslai:~-r la Ua traaaary was
Hia bead of Ua parade atartad from aaark of honor, Admiral Deway willOBlyt3.774.l8t
Wraafatomb atn;tt. A pUtooa of ride la tbp prealdaat'a oarriiga by Ua
It is tbei;rt«t timeiatVer of
.foUoa advaaeed ia froot, elaartac tba aide of Ue chief azaenUve 6a Ua way
the age. *and so Ineipensive
way of tba erowda. Baaeral Boa aad to Ua eapltol Tnaaday, wbaa ha will
thnflnobody can afford to be
hhauff followed them.
Neat waa
Dtad wlU Ua award voted bim Hint Given
en Tl^^vl
vba Cnar May Bug
without one. .

Soaaa'a bead aad behind it the battal- by eoogreaa. Tbe local eommlttae baa
gae YrbI
If ymi had n telepiiooe in
loa of aallora from tba OlympU. Than bad mneb to ear about Ua apaeial
sept. 90.—Dleeumlog ^yonr offic-e or home yon would
aama a earrlaara eoatalaiar Admiral rlaga drawn by lour boraaa, with out' Daway aad Mayor Van Wyek. tba form- rldan. whlU wUl be plaoad at Ua dU- Ua aultuda of o- rmnay la regard to
save mn b‘mental and pbyeic- ar bowlny in reaponm to the aoatinnad pooal of Ua admiral I7 Mra. Waablng- Ua TTanavaal cnaia, Ue BooaU aaya:
al •■fforl. and no end of time
“It U atm ao open queallon aa U>
taa McLaae. It baa baaa «anouoeed
An immanse purchase of doe Kid Glovea onder oar oVH
and Annoyance.
wbatber Buet-an diplomacy, oa Ue
TfaU wav followed by tbrM carrlayaa that Ula vabiete vroold be uted
“import brand" enables na to aave you at •leaaC25c 01 every
OOBUUiay Daway'a eaptalaa, tbaa two all ooeaalona darlac Dewey's atoy here, baaia of Ue Hague ooaferenoe. may not
pair. Thia is whit we will do until tLis>tJs exfaaosted:
aarriafee c ntaininr tba admiral'* par- bat at Ua cabinet oaaalon yeaterday make the experiment of roeommendlng
acoalauff Bear Admiral Howlaoa aad Praaldaat McKlalay tails hia adriaara that Great Britain and tbe Tranavaal
Retrular f 1.00 Kid GlovM^at
Piealdant(incr»l>«lbierof tbe muai- that Admiral Daway woald ride with have r«course to a court of arbliratioB.
In view of the hoallle feeliog pgalnat
Mpal oouaell followed, aad after them -bim to Ua Oapjiol. The McLean
Regular $1.25 Kid Gloves'at
Admiral Bowtaoa'a ofieera.
rlaga will be aaad to drive Ua admiral Grant Britain it U very poaaible that
Regular Sl.nO Kid Gloves at
from Europe wlU
Thee came Admiral Bampeoa and to Ua Wbito Bouse, and. after raaialBRegular $1.-6 Kid^lovee at '.
$1.60 '
‘ PrMldaat Wooda of tba board of alder- ing Ucre a few mlantM, be will eater go to tbe aid of tbe Boen, at Bnaaian
If Great
wteu, tollowad by alcbt earriareo ooa- Ue pneldenl'e carriage mod be convey­ ToluDteera aided Servla.
MaiUn Underwear and Undei^BklrtaJat much under
talalay oomnutadlnyoawraoftiamp- ed to Ue Cbpllol, when Ue priaelpal Britain attempu to prevent eneb a
aon** fleet aad tbe admiral'! ataS oS- part of tbe oalebraUon will uke place. movapient Buela. perha m, will epeak
^ value. NowistheUmetobuy.aiitUldiffi,ultto:daplicateon
a deelalve woad.*'
•ara Two earriacaa at
A desirable merrliaodiae this aeason.
tbe Junior eflwre of tba Olympia aad
jaaldroaeara of tba North Atlaatle BigPoar Preight and Paasaegar
Former Ca]
1 of BwindaqnadroB- Oarriagea two abraaat fol­
pot at anelanati Bnrnad.
Ung Ue Ooraromaai.
lowed, oontelnlar vlamac fovaraora,
anclnnatl. Ohio. SapL 9&-At 1;U
tba eommlttae and rucata.
Waablngton. Sept. 90.-Oapk Obarlin
UM morning tba Big Fonr freight de­
Oaaa'rala Mllaa and Merritt with pot and warahoaae. a atruclara oovar- M. carter hue been eenteneed to five
tbair aidaa foUowad, aad than came ing tba entire block, waa dlaeovera
yearn’ imprUonment and to pay a flue
Admiral! Millar aad BobUy. A ioa«
fire. By Ua Um« Ua Are dapartmant of $&.000. TbU aentanoe vraa approved
MW of oarriagea followed vrltb
by Ue praaldant
roMbad Ue aoana tbe flames wi
ben of tba maalelpal aanmUy and
Uraetlug Ue axahooUng high Into tba air, and almoat Ue praaldent'a o
dMUagakbad gaaata. The adval bri­
ecntloa of Ueaa
«.waa Ue followXT«ry emoker baa faia
entire building waa eonsnmad.
gade of the North AtUaUe tqaadioa
The anUra flra dapartmant v
Boot followed, li was la orvea battal“By dlraeUoa of Ue oecrataiy of
oallad out. A high wind v
What dvery smoker wants,
loBtaad made aa
ar. Oapt. Oberlln M. |0arter of Ue
blowing. wbiU made Ua flra born
nbor^ all else, la n cigar that is
A brigade of the regular army marebed
At l;30 o’clock Ue Orand eorpofongtnaonoeaeeatobean ofll- clean, well' made, and reliable.
bablad wUb tba Waat Potet eadaU la
oer in Ua army from Ula daU. and Ua
•anger depot waa ih flama.aa
Tboee who have tried
the land. Pollowlag them aama
waa Ua Cbeapoaka and Oblo’a bridge, United Biataa penltontlary at Fort
sUlUa of tba varioua autaa. with Mew
LaavenwarU.'Kan., la derignatad a(
rblcb apane UaObto river.
York la tba vaa, and eommaadod by
Tba Indleatlona ara Uat .Ua lorn will tba plaoa of bla eonflnemant. where ba
o&onnce it the beet they erer
Our Uno of Ikll and wiab
■ is aow oom.
WlU be aaat by Ua
aaah orar a mlUion doUan.
. .mgbt for five cents. They are
.oral of Ue department of Ua
Plata. We are ageats for the oolebrated
sore to anit the particnlar smoker.
of Oaa. O. O. Howard, i^tb an oaoori
andar pr^ar gnard.
Devay Bol day in WaUlngtoa.
from aarloaa vatorao aoMatlaa, oamo
Oartar ra arraetad {today in Maw
Waablngtoa, Bapt 90.—An order cloamen's fine draaBDahoea they ara nnknrpaaBod
the naamod part of tba parade. It
Torh. takan to Oovarnoria Island and
ia a gem for 10^
waa eompoaad of alavan aommaada, ing Ua anaenUva dapartmantn, Uagov. placed in cl<ma eenflnanmnU ‘Iba __
in Btyla, fit and qoality. FrlosB, $5.00, $3.60.
ml printing oSoa and Ua nary
npraaaattag aa maay anoeUtteoa.
$4.00 and $6.00.
tor wbleb Oaptain.Onrtor ra cowyMtod' Por BBlB by bU demlGra.
ttea came tba tfoaa of Veleraoa. fol­
wae anmmlttad aarar^ yearn ago wboe
For ladiaa’ bny]:the Minor Shoo at $8.00,
lowed by Ua Daioo E> Prtaooara of
$2.60. $3J00 and $3,00.
War aaaofTiiltwi. vatoraM of Ua OvU



UDIES' Wet Weather Shoes



MEN’S Wet Weather Shoes

*'Buy Tour Clothing of Benda, th^ Progressiye Oetfitter."

CHIIDREN'S Wet Weather

1C Vnil
ir iUU

a well 6tiing suit—sleeves

MISSE'S Wet Weather

8DT S Wet Weather Shoes

Rev Blores I ‘.Viy Now Sweaters I
Nee Caps
S Nee MoHlerettiis I V Nee Hesienf IV New Fanct tests

Alfred V. Friebricli

Satlsss S. BENDA & 00.

Popular Shoe House.

Ladies’ Black Kersey Jackets
Colored Jackets at kll prices.



Special SaleJon

Ladies’ Kid Gloves
Muslin Underwear
and Under Skirts.








Of Interest
to SlioB BoyersM.



iW.JAHARUS lonelier BIL

tkma, aad eataraaa of Ua^aaMhl‘TT-‘n~ war. with Ooloael Aator aad
tba Aator battory eoeupyUg.3 premlaaat plaoa. Tbaa foUowdi aavaral
•DuyaaUa of TOlaataan U tba SgaaMh

be govarnmant
why talaaenetr

Morse Bros., Reese Peieiers
Olva Uam a eaU-

4$8 V. Slmwood Atb.

Be# onr $8.60.1dd Unod ahoo Ibr ladlBB.

■cRMua Block



warn mmiMQ
nuvsBasomr. •


Th» Wnm Boom B«n«d to
tho Orooad.

9am. T. B4t» un i. w. Bawo*.
. J. W. SAJun. *dl»or Md H*uc«r-

Tu »Ur <X aadywd K.pllaf h*.
kata chetked la lu aaeeal by hU U»»i
«Caak«. wblek deaU wttb Um Traa.
Is ntm Oraa« Britaia
!• laadad wbila Ooai Paul la dcaeribad
aa“du«ea, amnaa. aaTara.” Wbalawr
tha ■Otu o« tba dlfB .ally bataaaa Ue
Vfaaaraal and Baflaad. KlpHny baa
nlaad aotblaf by tbta laat dVvt.
vbUh to la BO
la line wlU the
•orbs. wWoh mada hlB U»oiia. tUb. r
Is aaatiueat or poaUeal serlk
AptuuLUaaKT to bauor pcotaeUd
*aa wbea ha ns 'the
naatial ol tha prauy girU o'f 4ha
Ositad BUlaa. Taaierday a taald ot
BsdtopatadehaiBia atiaaptcd to tak«
Iks adHlnl by atom wltk the exaretoa
et bar wlUhlar amllaa Bardaalca ana
dtoebaarad la Uota by a liaatcsaal aad



ttoa maid aad tha admlfai rafrattad
sswliy of the p 1 la aafonad.

>ryDAY. OOTOB»B I. mw


Vau* ika FroprteMT vm la Travwc
9~Um Abeat M.OOO. With
no Zavaraaee.
A blatant Torab Laba aariy yaaW
day aomlnr rotnltad la the eomplv
daatreaUca of tbe Wllaon Boaaa. U
)f^i-y boial if that lean, and tta
aarloavlrjery of John Brant, one of
tba buardera at tbe hotel
The lea to iboafbtto bt
la tba room la wbtob mecA of tba
baddisf waa atond. A larfe ebimsiy
pnaad tbronfb tbto room, and It la
tbo^ttbat tba baddiaf aaafbi An
from tba ohlmaay.
Tba botel waa oecoplad by aboat 4<i
paopla. moat of them balaf employed
iatbayarda of tbe Oamaroa Lomber
All of tbaaa aaeapad without
aerlMB Injury axaapi John Brant, .mho
M aaveraly bamed in daacendlnf bj
_ rope Are eacape.nnd * bo when ntoat
twaaiy feet from tba aroend, looaad
bto bold nnd/fall. It eaa tboufbt ni
Am that be ooold oot live, hot ni
It ba to batter, aad wUl probably
Tba baltdlBf eaa a ecmplete -wreck
It waa foar atorica In blfbt. 4« foot
front and lt& feat In depth. I
frame atraetara, aad burnt vary faat.
owaad by J. H. mikrnaa of
Mllwaokaa. and It to tboufbt vraa
iovurad. It wat vnlaad at aboat At.

lABdlord Frank Blakaly waa lt>
lYaveiaa OUy In oempaay with hU
wife at tba time of tba Are. Tbe aewa
telephoned to him I9 bto
pUoea bto laaaM famltareandAeUrea
at AS.OOO. with DO
Mr. Blakely waatowna
and bad Aeoo in a Uank In tbe betel.
auoeeedtd In lamovlnf tbb
trank. Very lllUe of tbe furaltur.

to T««ttrfa Traai 1
BkBapI^aadOld Kimioa.
Tba ladlm ot tba Blk B.pMaaad OldJ.«loa bleaa. U 0 f M. raiaraad.
ym^arday to thalr bomaa, aftoe baiaf '
•be raaawot Amaada B va of tbto oHy.,
tta oeoaaloB
waa aa aeuaeally
•awnioea. and the * alUnf ladlea
.vefnatlypUaead with tba eaterInmaat fooalead wbila in tba euy.
Toe ladlrn arrived Friday momlaf.
ndwaranatartnlaad daring ^ day.
Oinaar and aupper ware aarved by tba
local hive, ana ibe day pamed eery
pleaaautly. Tbr w -rk of tba bivea'wac
d Is tbe afierooonAfter iba maeUng ot ibe lent In tba
•ranlDg. tba ladlea aaiered the bal‘.
and a moat enj ^able time followtd.
A Ane program waa given, aod muvlc a^^j
boar.________________ _


kTbsOaalnIBnt J


, Whooping Cough. Aothm
Oonoumptlon. la


Amul MMonr

IncMin. •

BaaidcceaofCbarla^FaliTotally D -

airoyed W *»«•
MoiborofKra W.CBull Died Xmat
Tba farm toaldeoaa of Cbarlaa Felt,
ft milea down tba wm bay oborr
Xeenlng at tbe Borne of Her
; horned Tburaday nifbi. with its eiiilr>
- Daegbtnt.
oontenta. Mr. Frltiaud family wer>
Mra Adeline Ftckbam. mother ot avray from borne at tbe V"'
B e
Mra. W. Ctorey Ball, died at tbe reallurred. They badigopeto K>ag»l<y
M.. E..n».
- oW«k. lln. P~kb«. — !.
ye«ra of age. She baa been apending left no Are la tba bonie > ben they
tbd aammer with tbe family 'of bar
went away.
daughter, and baa been paUe U1 tor
The blase Was dinoorervd by E. M.
abont ibiwe montba. Sba baa not to-vo Franklin, who lives DKl d>v>r to tbe
well for a long Uma. altbongb ter
Be waa uesble to eave
death was not ehpaetad so soon. B> r bnytbing from tbe toiadlsg aa tbe Are
borne to in Sooth Bavan. Sba levvrs bad made great bead^ before It
ibreacblldroniHra Boll of tbto city.
Mr* Cbarlaa Rogera of Sontb Bavan
Tbe lorn toato>u> ASM. vvltb noinsuiMlddlaioi Peckbam of S^utb
m. Tbe Tnnml will be b Id
T> Ov* ■ IMS ta On* Da..
I tbe teridence of W. C. Hull TueaJay morning at 10 o'clock, and the Take Waracr-* White Wine of Tar Svt
.he l•cst cuugb tvuKily on earth. £'■ a.
burial will be Id Oakwood eeamlery.
-V rent*. __

Wuu tba itraat roller to not aa atKlBbaUpdasnanAe |Ui
dsaUaa aa would be deainbU for baaay
arc n ed and end-rved by tbe lead;
Street work, the preaeat aoadltlos ot
muac ansets>y«bere K" IM Fe->
ywslatnat, batwaao Park aod UbIob
lew Ackedalmon 0. A W. B a«d O
street. N E Firo-r, ma^a^er. T$:
S^satatoaaaaldeBoa onta naafalaaaa.
B. A I. Oo Into Effect Today.
Tka atraat kaa not baaa U tach food
Tralna will begin to ran on tbe new
soaditloa is yean and U to a laitofaetor s. nU for Murray end Mark.
There will be a rarelar meeUof ot thedele today, on the U R A I ard
'»* V^'C.
Ms «kas tbe eity to ready to make
ilooa provided are esoellenl conaldcr_____ ___ _ Inproeemanu with ernabMl Moaday evaalaf. in Moatofna ball,
eg tbe number of treina on''(Iv roads
tail attandanoa to dealrad.
There are two traira each way 00
Tbe Anal date in iba Blfh School
Lecture and Marie Oovaa baa baan the O. R. A I. The Aral train leavea at
aa to bare baca adjuaUd Azed. Boyt L. Oonary wUl five bto n;lfta. m. andibeacoondatsiftop. m.
of thane train* make eonnections
sad aow a btf fcaUnl to aaanred.
Inmant. "Tba Man Around
fksaldaat HcKlnlay to to be there. al»a I\>wn." Jan. «. Tbto eompliMd the wi-h trains 00 tbe main line, going
Mr Wilfrid Lauriar of Oaoada. Tbr eon^ of eight numbara. Tleketo will 1 Tin aod aonth. Tbe traina arrive at
atW ^ proeeadlofio float oror the beonaalatna few days, and eao to - :3u p. m. and t>:00 p m . nneb connect
^Mpaet and esdrarora (b every poaai- purebaaed from tbe High acbool pupUa. og afWnit'jn with trains fr< m norUMe way to eover her dtoappolotment Tbia to nE<|uaatiosably tha beat
tnd -outb. Ti e braneb local a-iivea I
atar the tanura ffi aaeore Adm:ral that waa ever given In tbto city, and -becity at U:ftOandleavMat l:ftO p.m.
Excellent aerriee it also given on tbe
Oaway and bar jealooay of Thro* Oak». will doubilata reoalre tbe liberal pk
A W. M Trsioy leave tor fie sou lb
Touage that U deaervea.
at ti;uo a. m.. o'm a m. and ft;»s p
reoeplleo waa given Tbnredas
.da aeoDcluplve anrament of uopieand fbrtbenorthatTkOOa. m.. l:'«> p
' aadanted protuarlty Chleairo advanrta
m. and Drift p.ta. Tra'os arrive from
Ma Information that aeveral earloada Ua Scoond Metbodtoi church, at tbe th -Booth ni i;:40p. m.. 4;S0p m. ard
Of yonof womeo have recently been home of R. Fuller on Randolph ati
ft:l->p m . and trum tbe nurtb nt
A very jleaaant time «aa ei Jayed.
^^ad to the eaatern eollefea.
o o., 4:4ft p m. and ftrlft o. m.
Archie Smith cf tbto city and Bertb*
OsoauK iikuKT. of Manllb. p«
Hatea ot l.ake Aon. were married, ycaTO BB OOKi'UTBD TVBADAY.
ikroafb New York yeaWrday ot
urday by Juatloe Veriy.
WSytoWaahlofton. »• C - aed Three
A wildcat weighing
pouoda wa- loulb Union Sueet Bridgn to-Netorly
Oaka, Mlcb. Ho waa cordially f reeled kllled Tburaday in a awamp io ih.
by a iarfc number bt frlrnd*.
part of ihe'couDty.
Ls-t evening tbe span of tbe nrw
Tba membera of tbe Swedish Lathe:- UnifinTtreel bridge wsbcomplrlrd to.-Ip reply to ibe ijurry: • Who made
an church will enteriain pleasantly iwera tbd;>toBe abatmenU si flieieri
Pawayf ' tbe Obw-ago Timea-H« raid
a he^UUnfly anawera: --Senator Hilly tbto evening at the Sutc street seboo. ui al'nw passage nccroaa.
buise. A good program and pleasant • .ntraclor expects u> have me urn nurr
" And add.: -Ifyiu don't Wacclal lime.
Intohed Tuesday The time i:mil ft r
llseai^aak K.Ily."
W. N. Kelley to having an ntlrar- i-:e c>mp>lit>n <•! tbe bridge wxe
Acrui tbto liiUe matter of greeting tlve porch builiaround tbe front and WptembcrV’-. m d but for tbe drlay
Onwey bat been attended to we may ridve of bto residence on Slate street.
eakrd by the Sjuib aide merchanu
J. A. Montague and J. U. Jobns-m until a(i.-r tbe cireui, me bridge wonicl
endeavor to ascertain wbal baa oc-me of
will tiuikd cement walks in front of here be,-n oomFleted about.on lime. |
Captain Hreyfua
tbslr buildings on Ktoul atreet.
; Tbe eonlroclor exp >rici:ct>d great difli-;
Tbe last a.i-rper to go south on tbe C -ulty in isying tbe foubdations for tbe ^
Tan Empire lArader glnefnlly aaaerta
that tbe big atreet fair was a hummer. A W. M. on Sundays thta season wil Slone nbutmeaw. but rrgardleaa of that,
paaa ibrougb here tbto morning aboat eunoyanee has lusoe very good time |
ti.JO o’clock.
In a few dnve the wood portion of the;
Tbe regular meeting of tbecity eoan slrnctare will be completed and Sucet
Commtskioner Kelley will purb the
Baplevln H&it » Justioria Browe'a cll will Uke place Monday evening.
Undertaker Andersen erj >ya tbe dto- workoftl.Ucg in tbe atprfaebe*. so
Ocutt Laat Night.
that in a abort rime trifli; to he SoniU
A replevin suit occupied tbea-.teo- Unctlonot having been tbe Aral to
bjaway 11 the new bridge w 11 be
ttea et Josilee Hrown's court vesterday cross tbe new Uuien atreet bridge.
Tbe i-ltvuit court will convene Mon- roaumed. whub.w:,l be pariicul-iriy
•fureoon and last evening until al
gralHying to th> South Side urrcbaD'.s
mooteleveu c'cli>ek. The case waa dsy morning.
brought by B C Uora. to obtain
Uaorge boabaw left Inat night tor
Lmcoin Literary Club.
pemeealue nt n borae that bad been ElUwurib. after working Id tbto city
The Lneo'n Literary Club held a
aold to B. C Van Alstloe. Tha horse tor Ibe past year. Ue bad with him a
ji eold for STft. Mr. tlore also loaning
carerd cane that
be betobed tbto »rrj iuiei-wtiiig meeting at the clnb
Hr. Van Alatiae fJft- In part payment!
............o--------. ..-------- I
for tbto. Mr. Van AUline gave Mr.Gore nad animal Agurra. esmd on tbe body - h a Sue declatcai-on, "The Mad
H u-," fallowed by a pariiamenln cow and a calf, valued at >ftS. This of the e:
The work »aa admirably
Inft tes atm doe Ur. U>re. AaaeourHy done, and Mr. Hoshaw used only o»e|*' 7 driU in which Moace, Ui.b-rt
for tbto. Mr. Van Alatiqe gave a ebaia. 1.
-™ •""'i, •**“'
Vt .u».,...a ii.n... rf.pp. Tt.
Ml mortgage on the horse bought.^an- ... «.J.
etbar borae and a pair of alelgha
One of tbeae boraca waaaold. and Mr.
Btomaick's Iroo Nerve
Sobbao the Orave.
Oora bi«an to fee! a lilUe nervoua aa
tVaa tl.e result of rito tplendid heaUb
to bto aeeurUy, and brought replevin
idomitsb e will and tremendous ei.
toll for the re iovery of Ibe borae. The John Oliver .
not found abere Svouiacn
to the Jury, and they gave a -1 was in au awful conaiUoD My sk
Urer. Ktditet s. aud Bjvttto are, out ol
was almost yeliow. eytssonken, toogi
rerAlclof >43'for tbe plaint ff.
Mr cwwd. pslu coBtioua ly in bsck
or er if you want these qislt-eOore thus get* the borae. with a letn of sibrs, 00 appetite.growing weaker day ,ai.d.i).v suJos-as tiu-y bring, use D-,
•l» and «IU eoata to be paid by Mr. Vau by dsy. ■i-nree physic.ans bad girec 1 K • ON-‘w Ll'e l*ma Only xft centJjhi soli's sed S E toaiti
A'rilne »i bn wtobm to again obtain tbe me up Then I was advtoed to ose;s
Hitters; to mv great jay, the ditto sv-ics
Electric llttl
ie made a devUed improve- .
--------------------------p. C. Qllbert appeared nx attorney for
Itinond ibetr u
?nf SUrm
Un plnlntlff. and J. W I’ntcbin tor Ue
VVI1' giee another of those pleasant
know they robbed tbe gra<
T c;im. " No ous should toll to Uy
Job'Donidn't Nave Stood It.
Johnson s and b E Walt's drug storm,
If be'd bad iti-hibg Piles. They’re
Mrribly annoying, but Bneklen'e Ar■tea Halve will cure tbe event ra*e of
pilen oo earlb. It baa cored tbouaaKto.
Tor Injune*. I'aloa or Bodily Bruptiona
'n.oa« .a*.
Ife tbe beat salve in tbe world. Price
Front and P


—That is what yoa are lookiog^ for thiA breather.
We have them and the kind that will please you is
our air tight stoves. You can start a 6re and have
the room warm while you would be poking around to
got a fire starU-d in some others.
A full line of beaters from a box stove at,12.75
to a nice Penicsular heater.
Bed Blankets from 4Sc to a strictly all wool one
at $4.00.

120 Front Street.





HOUSC fumisllillg StOrt



“A certain amount of fleaa is
good tor a dog. to keep him from
tr inking be is just dog "
We are giving you some bar­
gains that will keep you from
thinking you're just human,
gnd make you glad you’re liv­
ing. Just now it is Geht's Un­
derwear. from s6c the article to
$6 00 the suit Fleeced lined
cotton, fleeced lined wool, med­
icated twjits cende geisha union
suits. Lansing union suits The
fluest article .old is the Jersey
rlbbad full suits, in blue or grey
at $6 00 tbe suit.

there were twelve books print­
ed for every dSy of the year
(flgure it cut for yourself) ot
just Action alone, to say noth­
ing of those along scientific,
religious, educational and other
lines. This is a reading age and
the people of Traverse Cit y read
more than any two cities rf it's
size in the state. Tbe lines of
books that we have carried for
the past years is being con­
stantly added to. It's refresh­
ing to read a review of a new
hook and be able to find it on
our f helves. Tbe first time you
are down town, you'll find
these on the second floor.



goes a great ways on our sec­
ond floor. Ever been there?
You'll spend some money every
time you come and get big val­
ue with ejach purchase. Watch
tlie list. ' square glass dishes
decorated plates match holders,
colored viases. Jardinieres, salt
and peppers, pocket mirrors,
celluloid trames. pin trays, pap
er weights tooth pick holders,
decorated spoons, fancy dishes,
bon bon boxes. juYenlle hooks,
rubber balls, children's games,
glass vases.tberry dishes, can­
dle sticks, sauce dishes, pickle
dishes. Tumblers, Bowls, Car­
melite were end hundreds of
other articles just as valuable.

we have a line of overcoats, top
coats, and ulsters second to
none In Michigan. A swell gar­
ment is the Montanic, a new
article is the Batinee, for some­
thing heavy buy chiochilla. The
-N ovelty " is a fast seller. The
Beaver is a fabric in great de­
mand. A most dressy coat is
the Kers'ey, have them in black,
blue, brown and tan. The
-Vicuna” we sell in tan and ox­
ford. The Melton is a good sel­
ler. Those top coats in the Cov­
ert We've had to already re­
order u sters in Montanic. Irish
frieze, the same i^"the fur lined
Beaver and Kersey. Don't buy
before looking over our goods.

raiB DXKTAI, woxa


As exMrieneed aaldnlady. Apply i
JInw Twk Btora.

______ jual Asa Arbo' enaraien «o
>hio. which leavm os tbs M. A N. B.
g at 9:M o‘nla*b.

.^IWerad fat stotolinc palssf leetS vtUoai
asiM^i^lr loe '•xtraeUoe

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.





&tAem\. H

3«n«n«r «nr ^ «i ^i«rm Wk
At OrMd fapMa. Bbw C^udU.
M. WM ru o««r
* Bridfa «trMt «v
•Bd «rwh«d w Mijr tb»tk*di«d.
' POUle dlfflac la Om*c1» eovotj b«s
j«U*UrMd.»Bd Ute ovUook for tho
«ep t» TCT7 poor. . Hoadrod* of omo
will sot bo dsf. M ‘tbcj sro oo omU
M^BUlsotpo/ tho diniac
domiitldl.W por .dv Md sro vorr
• sreo.
Msr^ootto oosot^'o fair osdod is s
tsUsro Fridsp. T%oo«>«Morte ohleh
biCSB Tbsrodsy ooaUsBodsIl day 1db(
asd port of tbe Ubo s rorslsr bUuord
praosllod. Tbo rrassd woo corer.d
throo iseboo doop witb ooow. The sfri•sltorsl ooeiotj bso s bcsrp dolelt oo
kssd. ooUnslod St sboot »l.»00.
Qonoooo eoosty-o base crop to roUJMlod St 400 000 bubels. Tslood St SB
oqosl ssnbor of doUsis.
A rstbor asDiBsl
OTtbeblfbwspbrtwoeo Ml CleBess
•bd Mew BslUBoro Ue other sl(l|L It
was rslslop bard sad was rorp dark.
Two poasf Brs, J jbo bislth uf K»p
Oeotor. sad WUl stron of-Mt CiSBeos.
Arlrloc Is oppeslte dlroetkws Bet
••bead oe,- aeltber belop aware . f tbe
Ohhers spproseb. The tbl U of Strso's
bscgp strsek Salto's borss la toe
breast, kllliap it alatoet loeiaoUp.
Btroa was ibrowa troB bis bocCT ud
qalto badlp barL

Os TSMdsp OTWlSf of tbli«ocV.«t
Mr. ssd Mrs. C a Fisaeo of Joms▼lUe sro rWtlsr Mr*. rrsseo-B olstsr.
■ »w.
Mrs. B. W. Hotter, of WoM SorooU prosoatod tbc ooeoeMrol «a«dp. ‘-nss icssb BslL" Momp SM MsA bsoo
W A. Croo^ Jr.. aaproM Dopotp
oftboLO. T: wbo bs» r
Mi* MstUc 8«OM te Is tbo dtp tnm
I Is tbo
tbio poor tbst win oBdoobicdlp bo Ibo'dtp s obort Amo. wUl oteoo bte work
W. BsUor.
l^ooLtsMO ooModpofsa tttteo os tho boro Hoodsp slrbissdO>onTrs*or««
Mrs. Mlsste Ots«pMp hso lotsrood i «»d, Tb»p bsro opsrcd soltber tis o 1 will IsUlsto s olsao <»t «S os s psrttsl
trim Oroed BsplteIsorMorpio oukior U ss'olsborsto >roosUof hw workst tbte liso.
Col. JvboUoblo.hi.tboPwlUhorotor.
T^o oooUboo sro of P.r-; B. J MoeDoosld.a>«h Chief Kssrrr.
loft pootordop for B« Bopids
olsa doolfo sod sro oorp Frosebp. sad |of Moskrcoo: M. U. Csllofhsa. H«h
AsM«ds/.i<siBmBSoio«W7 otek stl*^ ^l***^®*
Ci^; »od Usd
her boiM Is Forswood.
js lot of prottp eborso irtrlo. wlU ■sko ,bloooi,Ps.t HipoChlef Boaifer.of Mss-t
J. A. Posslsctooef Uke Aoa, te is !• dollcbifsl sod pIcsols( pUtore to U o tetoossd A. 1. AbM. B«h Asditor, of
I^*' Urost esro bos boos soed'is tbr' KoIbsxm rill be |a sttesdssoo. Tbe
Ororpe Littlrfldd ws» csUod to Bt. 1 soItcUoo of the prlseipsU of tbe oob
L->olo proierdop bp the mwo of the; P“> ^
»• ps"»eulorlp *»ltefl eertooeillsroBof bUtotber.
: to his or her Use of bosisrot osd V* I mioos for ibs ereot. Absiqortmll
Jobs VosBlois bss scocptod s pool-bsown tooili(bt terorftes- If os ' follow tbe crrcBoalrs.
Itoo la s Ofsod Bspidselotblsf boose,' Kittle Beck, tbst cboraior lltUe rep ;
--------------------------ssd left for tbe sew poslUoo peslerdsp., «>l sonsblse, oesiiiDos tbc role of KsUe Ojt m
Served le sap stple at J«ehsne's e^oHe bsa beco wlib J. Btelnberf for tbe j
fectioarrp, 106 Froot St —746—tf—3

____ PMolsrtoB of Mople Citp le la
toU dtp tor o few dope before lesrlac
forlediasa. He boo aeeepted o pool
tlM is lodiasspolU.
PowlB OettBti
A finv
*. JtehsoB'f. 1« FroBt
Ueorte J Jeaae of Lake Abb was Is
bo dtp peolerdop.
K. T LUlle bss foae to Maalstee.
J W. Slater west to Elk Bspld. peetrrdsp to opesd Saadop wito bis broth­
er. J D Ms-er.
Mrs C. F. Beed sad dsapbter retaraod last alfbt from toe slsie fstr at
Urmad Bspida
Mrs. Bobert Boraep sad Harp Moot-;
wierp retarard last rrealop froBa.
week at tbe state fair.
WllllsB W. Krllep has retaroed froB
a boslDSM trip to FraakforL Bessoaia
sad other polow.
Fres rsnU delirorp io to be IssmcaKraak Uoodrlea baa rotorsod froB o
IStod at osee froB Adrlas throopb a
*4.00 buys • Viwolitrti O. t
bootaeso trip to Mew York.
POeUas of eOBBtrp aoatb of toe dip
Bal, If solee to shank, PinDr.
B. «aruB
MorUo sas
bos reiuroeo
returaed iroB
froB ___ .-j
w. J. ».
. j-n
wbleb Iscladee a Mkidersble part of
gre»- & i^mitb vioter sbi^r.
(ha towQsblpe of Msdteoa asd Palapra
where bs alteoded the fair.
00 buys a Valour (i«lf
If soeoessfal toe dtlirerp will beeoae
Btafe. Miss Mspme Tapi, r, for maap
W. N. Eellep has
Bal. band sewrd. kid lined.
psora'leodiac eoBedioBae of
baolseae trip to Fetoekep.
plops the role of Mrs.
Pingrec & Smith shoe.
Sdward Bebdea, Aatrlm oouaip sarVers Wood wUl learo for Chleo«0, o^n Cbaep UieUo sad ossai
the part
*«por, died at bis acne ia Bcbo Tbots$4 00 bu>-s an Enamel WarT.»d.,. o. bL. ... u oib„ ciu.. ^
Asp after abosi a weeks IiIbob tsssUranted hand sewed P. A' S.
«b.r. b. .Ill IbUCKlbn D E. 0»l«..
„„ o,.,
iBp from aa lojarp to bts bead reoelred
-Vtctorp" reeliaier chair.
tppleel old Irish wobsb. Chas.
bp talllap;froa a loft U bts bars.
--------------------------'Barrr. too of toe Isto Barrp.
$3 00 buys a P..i Talf P. &
Jobs Steeb. Jr . died at bis boas la
Oeucb Oauebt Fire.
; pUp. Wesrp Wslker. and esa be said
S make, baud s»-we4l.
A«b Arbor Pridsp. Alnost SU poaro
Yeoterdap aftrroooa, toe BOck ar- to be oar of toe best sta^e tramaa la
$300 bnye a bigfa lip Win*
Sfo, wbUs ei'paved is Ssiap toe bsbird called tor Ore drpartmrai out in : the baslarsa There are toirtp memdhlalsrp Is tbe Delal Bihs bis two arms
t^r Tan Shoe, S. S. A Co.
qoiek tise. Tbe slrasl was eoefosed,; ber« ia tbc oempaap. a ebonn-MC»«l'
wareeanpbl sad Jwkod oalof tbdr
•o that while the mats departmeat i traioed roLdee. .The aiefiap departsockets, (n tois ooadlUos he wss o m
weat to nunber M on Kifth strerL O-e ineat it said to be eepeeiallp flae. A
$2 &0 bni 6 tlte (‘ast;>iii made
polled to (otbroBdh life.
Sooth Side deparlDcal went to aoBber ;
Md no*e! flnUb at tbe elosiar ot
Kiiidge >Shuew»|be bt-st on
Fire baadrod eblekeor. bclooplDr to
'on tbt ooraer of Catos sod Sixtoeato the performaace is a medlep coapoaed
, earth.
difleroBl (teloaet people, bore beco •treeL
,of Sousa’s msrt-bco. tois beinf orUtissl
$200 bays a shot- for dress
kUlod witola toe poet two weeks bp
The osuse of toe aism was a sllrbt ,itb this oonpaap.
oeaMrakaows aaiiaol. Tbe aolBsl bisse 1s toe boose nt Chsrlm Vao
or iHTvice that i-an't be
oridrsilp catered the eoope bp difKlnf Brockrts on Fifth streeL A couch i -Ob toe Suwaoee Blrer," whi b
‘ lirsti-n
ssdor tbe rooadotioo. osd Is ererp bad eaorht ttre. sad eansed «ore alarm co»es to Stela berg’s Ursad Op«s BouU
We show the
akiled 0.1 tbe
ibsadsasre. It was said that tls nett Ssturdap erraing. OcL T. is a new
bp breokioc tbelr bocks.
Owoeis of bUt« orlrlaatrd frr'B a lighted Btteb ^ -partare ia toe Hoe ot sootoera
ehickens aow staod al«hUp fuord bp which set flr. to toe frioge of tor
While it iatooduce. Bime eo>their eoops.
Or*d people la the plsatatioi scrare.'t
f 'Tbeeailptrosubsre killed all toe
dorsaot in sop wsp depcod apon them
X O. O X. MeetlBK
Uts^tstiesia tiriapstoa coaatp end
tos'irart atteatioa
A ™.j eblb«.l.«k
ol .Iv-l
ohorteaed toe crop to sucb jsa exieat
^t tbep will bb a luxurp arzt wioter Templsra was held Isel night ia their auoieter. Ti.e ecrDe ia which '< r
lodge rooBk/aod eeip esrnrtt a epa- e<>lo:^>-d po-ple appesr it a p< astir
Tbs Duleloa borne, for a«ed sod la
ralloos are heiogmsdc fir E.-1U- ectire
Alreat womeo, is bdop built at
__ A ,
b_,. , the soars. dspc*» apd oa«tiaie» of ihr
work io toe aesr fu ure. S-w bsi ot
bsed, ThU 1. «s ii shoo <1
Maroball sad wUl cost Aio.uuo
Cog drills and initistorr .-ere-ninr br; thU Liid of lairot in all wd
■ Toe Foatlac Jouraal asps there is s were prsciii-ed. which w| | help 'make .en-.ugh -a its alsce. and when aol
total of Mwarres of tobaoeo prowa la the work m..muior.ssl»e.
ore'd-re s l-iu-r..«tiog stid stuuslag
Oaklsad couatp ibU fall

They Don’t
Do It....

Oar piices are lot met oe
seme grade S goods.

Biggest .$1.OS lioe
o| Misses shoes
on earth.

Frank Friedrich
The Old Reliable
' Shoe Mae.

Two Metamora men U-son Lewis and
J K. Thomas, cat doi*a a b>w tree i
toe wood* and secured sbjul ti'ip
pound* of hoarp. Mr. Thomas arcuied
a bee, which crawled into bt* ear. and
he was comprllrd to call upon a
pbpciclsB to get rid
The seTinih dap adeeotisu lard
decided to withdraw their ch>ldr..
from toe pal>lic*cnool* wherever thep
«aa, and place them in parochial
schools nnder their own aisosgei
. ,Tbrp beUeve the public school* are
laekiag in moral ahd religious teachlaga.
The Calumet A Uecla Baaagement
Will spend wer 6l.ttou.iwu during
eomliig pear tv ooachiorrp for
oewshafi that i» b-log coo»tTuc*.ed.
Bome'of the poudervu* msebinerp is
belsg received auw.
lAfalle Brawn ct Beading, dug a bill
Of potatoee which eoaUiaed right
tubers, wbesr weight sggregaurd niae
and a half pounds
. The Forllsml observer saps John
Fedewa u building one of the large*;
farm* hbuse* in tbst seetioa ur the
stair. It has tweaip seven rooms, and
will be supplied throughout with hot
and cold water.
Tbe'Mormsl school at Ypvitsnti is a
••girlbeolicge” to such an eiient ihst
It U d.fiicalt to rase the funds'
neoeMsry to support an athletic
soclatioD. Mow toe studenu are
lag to ask toe state board of edocatioB
to ado twePlp-Mve cents toeach tu'lion.
(be fund thus raised to go to the
support of ttie cause of slhlellc*' ip the
sabool It is rsUmsted sbiui fT.tO *r‘U
Ihos to provided.
John -Breedoa. a machlnisL of
Adrian, felUa a faint while lillog a
gOAl Stove and aarrowlp escaped

in. of Beanmoat. Texas.

Do not fail to V« oor
Taai display of pattgm hats
ai$2.00 op.

Ladies Underskirts.

We are ehoviug tbo most complote asHortmoot of DPW fall atyI*m iu petlicoaU puddible In find outside thp
lart!** dtiee-Elahnnttel.t flnuiKxl aud finUhe<l'"iti tailorr-d
atyle. We
mention a f-w I

fl .ui.i*. elr.-i.l.uiy «ood al Jo.OO, but fhe Boatoa
blore prief.........................................................:............................$3 76

im h .'..rtlKl tlouD. e - Yon «y . it was cheap at »3 50
-we Ksy............................................................................................. $226

isb flouboe.............................................................. $3.26
Lower Wlwd Skfru in pUtn Mereeriwd Sateena,
b ark, rordn-fl Houni 12 im-i. deep, Uu.-d all tkrouK’b^
• ilbiolofed i^rraliue
Ineauty. and only pric^
Nobby Hifli Colored Stripe*, deep Houoce 3} yanla
aweerv flnnure lined
Cheap al $1 2-5. we aay............
Fan y 'si: Ip s m ri. b VMloriui.’*^. 12 iueb corded fioonce
- You'd-ay a #21*0 skirt -marked her* at................. $1.48

"'1'd*pi41f fioT'’ Top Coats and Suits
|r this torvn IS -V are -bowing at preeeat. Who dare boast of cnsbrni
tailor’s work wh-a ineb trluaeli- of shaping are *h>wo We have
T'.p . os’s for this sets - tb»i hs»v never b*cn cfjisl'-’^ oot only at the
price* q <oied bat at auT price They areglvlUn.sboald -rs *-1 a* thnugb
lb*’'w-rv m -u rtr -the e -'a-v hog tke aeck- 'hednipof tbr c at »
•.a.i In o .n» of p-i 1 -^ut whv dwell on that. When d.d th»
*-0'«- -Vrr h»vy rts-igcroi s roiupetil oi

C7 Rn
Coat th*at is worth $10.50 from
dftvU il'scolat to it s sleeve lininK—the doth it- '
Ci'vtrf. the cdlar velvet -bangs without loncbing
ihv persop. save at the n* ck, aod shoulders ai-d there
it .-^els as tho' nj< u dvd.

C I/I nn

W I UiUU . it of brin^in^. fur there is a top coat
of line all winol Knglish Covert-'-a swatfper bit of
taitt>rin«;. with its hrf)a<i shoulders aod lull back -in
all n-hades that fashion demands.

Men’s Suits forST.SD
That .nre fully worth $10."0. If
tve were not .--uch larjje purchas« rs. ard buvinjf as we do for s{>ot
cash we con’d p<ri make this price
on such yomls. Th. v come In all
wool Cheviots io d<’zt nf- of differ­
ent iffects. some in .plain blues
an<i blacks, are double breasted.
This store does not charge extra<
for extra sizes—one price to the
man who weigh.s 20o Ihs and the
wearer of a normal- suit --that

l.rice.................................. $7.50


Our Suits for SI2.00

amt KDie S SDNS

Our $3 00 unequalled Derby Hat
Our fifty cent fine Neckwear
Our immense lines fine Underwear-19c to $2.00
Our new lines fine Pants at low prices
Our Child's Department full of good things.


much as $l.>.o0 is in the bab-




Tbe J^or«lcii B»ts are
paragoas of beanty. and
mor erately priced, bat oor
especial pride are the baU
wr credit to t£« 'gsains o<
oor own artista
Yon can come to nnr
midinery rooms and giee
an outline of .what yon require and oor trimmcrwill
get np a bat or toqne sub­
ject to yoor spprorai - tbe
price lowness will caa«e
yon to marrel.

Coolalreil In our (loo Noes of




I MORE elegance!

'“.f~ For ooe thitilless nuilafof mauoii than any cnstoai tailor can offer yon. To see ont
floe display is to hs pleased-.-! pleased custditier alwayt boys.

•f dpMterp and cholera Infaeti
teiM alee feel thankful, iris______
bp B. B. Wait and F. C Thompson,


Mijrhl be matched for $1.^. mfSre
likely liu>‘ f«.r $1\ Keen wire
ipaalitivs diip'icated you would
n« ver yi-t such pait -rns or >uv h
ir<K>d miik}n<;
ojx*ns up
acres of ch'K.sinjj.

Swell Neckwear

F>ir iii'hbv drt-sff-rs i'orm t slyl- s jiisi out in New York lepos’-nUil l;iT«- by biii'dreilg.
Rieh eolorinirf^
lOi ftnti
ftiitl "uinbiitsTions in »he
»h»- nii- w H-pi
Puff, r mII-to
. «tt Ta<'..
Tae,. Ik>*iuii
Ik>*luii .'St.-f
ist..r.. <|iiiiiiii' k orii'e
; 7_ of ii-''w T-eks. K.-ur Tn Hnnls with wide
EHr>»- selfction
Mowiijo fiids embitiiJA-n-<l in silk. oru'i’ml ii- >-ico8
- from
................50c to $100

Fashion's Latest Creations
Lanies Jacksts, Sults, Chlf Capes

- P>r.A.
fficturcre of bieb enui

from on I* of tbc lurecgrmanuiKids. Wc cau only meutiun iu ibis
ik room is crowded with ebuie* goods.

Notltlog Newer in
In Swell Jackets, ladles Salts
and Golf Capes.Many of iht-m
Imported Sample* and caruot be
dupticaiittd. Watcb for oor wiudow display aud further annouDcemcnU.

The Boston Store,



! &men.V 'tUmt
^ ^HeADoAii.

»Pin>AY. oonlOBjm 1.1»88.




rrmttj 4^wirr.
T •

. A* «n« of Cl r coimiiTiDOfi waa go.
• . the
«r in triTvnik I--*** JVonj Uw toune to the fuolen,
I tkM «.<no pvMM rma4 so amateur ibeattiraU ,
^ .
the ADtericuo embeeaf. abe met thrve

Jli ®r ^uar fOBn* alUrbea of forelgo le.
taCUmOcMmkMlfaitiUTUat ••
iS fhe’-'t- mihuia. »1hi a
Uj »•
Thepfo- ,,nrated ,oluti<* ma cit,wn
or mvuFr
aowe v«uvi
u w
«e»aa trill be rtves to (he boaolUia of hLaped form made of wire and cor-/™'-,


:»«Mu oKiur tv( -uei IV fjeat. bui their

Courte*f did not prereui ibelr maklag
' BucHble personal cunimenta.
aeemed to take It for sranted that
^'rrtK■h waa an nnknoirn tvortie* to
“Louk at her yeUow drcM; Itb T«tr
preMy," aald Xo. 1.
"Yea. tiQl abe haa oh while JrfoTca,"
■nnoonced No. 2.
She has kckmI teeth." said No. 3.
"And an eounfhma monili," added.
No. 4.
"And she uodetaiands Ktvncb per­
fectly." aald the owner of the enurmuue niouib. turning anddenly upon
ibMn. "and would like to say that her
ears are eren hinter than her mouth."
This Id French and with auch an air
of glrlDg ' iio|>ersonal InrumuiUon to
I nobody in partlct
ileolar. that It waa quite
as if iOh- had bees kiDdly helping
Information ni of n

At lliMUeA rowa. Wdl F. Me..^^UlSmSiSSitS
eMCbcp.oatudaBt in (be Mnaeatina
■Ifb aebool. and aos of Sheriff &■ O.
NeUanghey. dlad Friday fawn
Jartea OMtained whUa playinf (otihnil Inat lumday. aftar rnfferbig tn•nMangosy.
. A basd of abont Mo Yaqel Indiana,
aanr tba Tettcaablai. nunekad the
CMoh of t/oofOido ffenntt. kilUng ete«ml eowboya.
W. C.
ftrat eennin of Preeldeat
ttcfialoy. waa klUod Friday in bla cab­
in la tba Galana minlag district, nine
yptif aonthwmt of Deadwood by an
eaplosion of giant powder, which ha
bad placed beeide the etoee to thaw
----•toot. SawaekBOwn ea the telleel ered with atrip, of flaDuel t.---------



»<ila Ik. kUI.. Mv « to« to.,

n. W
m. .
to .Its
.11. tosa
.bd t_n
... •"*“


I. Ob-

reeulta it Is neoea-

ualess we can please jon aad sare you money as well
We make no^false claims for our goods but tell yon
what we bellerff to be .honest facts, inviting yon to
call and inspect the garments we show—learn the
prices and be your own judge as to the merits of
our offerings.

by critical judges of clothing values
—up-to-date Traverse City dressers
that our line of


W 8* aluufBi uulK-ard
‘ ti.Kmg. a apeeUtor,-who wore ahot[««»
faring the ahnm fanttia In •wbiehUloMi tlivd thl*. and a* I gr«'w aiuliitliiua
•d enrtrldgaa were naed in the tpeoU- laicnd ui> l)u*lu«»», 1 alau uuiiivd
oHi. r iUlui.'|,.
enUrprodaedoB. "Tne bntUe of Son
-one of III..*.- waa that ili.- man whe
Anna Hill." at (he aUte Inlrigroandaon WH* «i u|.u-d alwayi. i-rm.-d to waul
to hav.. aonirihing to . nr« ou. If h«
At BarUa the laternntioiial Ueu- UM-d toba.v-o ai, a i-haw, the dtwiiv wa»
trnmbienl eongrem eleetbd Ow. A- VI. aatlafled. but If hr did not. hrr would
r eutuiK-tliliig t-lar. t 1 K the ranupi
eanly. the Amerieon nretle explorer,
wiKp of hay: I aa.w the
Md Mr. Bryant, to be bonomry vlee __ n at thr ihroBbi-r
wing a chrw
gmeidenu. Mr. Bryant moved that j , mV tliri.wyerVi hli desk
drak cl
cL. «lu|
t^next held in At^oa. . pen. tbe ..dlior nibbling at a iH-ncll.
TbemoUon wae Uken under adviM-i ibr mm-huui i-hewing on a wad of—
The eoagrem diactiaaad Uie/xt up frum
Owmaa expMIUona to the aonth pole, i
<’» “=«
Or. Maoaen. wno wae groetM with |
■uny and Amerina Mtonld act In nnl•DA.
MIm Eliiabetb WoMtor, who lived in '
■flrtMBte. N. Y . waa deenlr attack'd
ah. t...blr vhto
«WC«Mtthat a mother take, of bee'
child. When Mlaa Wotaator b*e«top IU
recently ahe a«k«d eoaaiantly for her
dog. and grieved when her pet waa not

------ .• — ----- !• oentiT of the eutlrr
body and ihat cbewlng waa not a
habit tbai meant uoihlng but bahli:
»" «
«« » demand of im“*
*“•“'1 «1'1’ •'•"•'^*“8 *““•
manufucture of the gum aud devlaed
new thing*, not only in tbe material,
but In IIhi method* of it* making, and
»> time had something ou the market

New Fall Top Coats
and Overcoats
is ahead| of all other clothing stocks
in town ^8 to values off red and as
regards!correctness in styles. Our
own conihdenceinthegoodsprompts
us to ask your inspection of our line-

Prices are;$5.00 to $20.00.
SEE OUR suns.



Traihxi; Place.



“ji Here I Am Again

eRACB ixnacui'Ai.1
T swat. Rector^
Comer Waablngion dtreel and Board- j
man avenue.
HorniDg prwyer and teraon at 10;X0
h*mi. rwiir.
Holy CornmnnloB at ll:>Da. m.
Sunday School at IS ia.
Evening eervioe and eermoB at 7:10.
All are eordlally Invited to tbeae aer.-me, l-iray an aaionlahlng Ignor.„ee of anatomy." mpIlrU hk mrdk-al
•wnwaa t,vT«R«AB cHi-ni'ii.

Kev. J.i Uaek^ixl. P»u»r.
“But thr.Vrv not >
0 be aciMotblng tervlee at Ki:S0 o'clock.
Sunday achool at IS |m.
y tir the caw*, but. It afEvening aerrler at 7iW,
i-xcuao for .vonr Mying the.v
V.Hne"fmn. an .. hina i.e.n • w».-n
„ „
„,,.,pent that thry procf^ Bar. D. ObcBUb. pBBWr.
Cernmnnion Berviee and reeeption of
- "
liver."-The Rival.
mrmben at 10:» a. m.
SuDd-y oebool at noon.
-Wb, u ,
.,p E,b«. w„b ,

dreamy. iuinglDailvv look. “I'm going
Foung People's Boe%ty of Chrietlan
. • la- a Wli<«dt<-arbi‘r."
Endeavor at »:45 p B.
-Wi-II. I'm going to be a mama and
Kundaj evening goapel mooting at 7
.lx vldl.ln.n," mild Iklna.
p m.
-w.-ll. whi-n il« v oome to wohotd to ,PieaM notice that the evMlng, ,hlp 'em." »•«»• »*>w begin a half boar earlier.
"Yt.ii mean ihingr exclaimed Mta, '
a* the tear* came into luT evek “What nrv.naelebety.PMiot.
h"Ve «iy {amr chlldai n ever done to
Church on oomer of Ninth and Wadw
worth etreete.
Bundey aerviem ere ea follows:
Preeehing et lOiiO a. m.
'■ talk a* If you had a . Bundav school atllito.
Pv-wehing at 7:30 p taIto <k.
Ctol Ito- I'
I ----MM-weeic prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m.
I All are Inrited to these a •t.ngt.
“I have. 1 h' lpoil make him what be
FBlBJIDe CBtlM-'nK. With I
Rev. Barela
Chorcb, Oor- Oak a
Sunday school atv;43.
“Ytey I ask yoqr buxineB*. sir?"
Fnbllc worahlp lliooa. m.
“f't^alnly. I am Rev. Hr. Kylea of
Poblic wor»hlp7:SU e m.
.. ..........................................
chun-h.”Pr*yer meeting Wednesday evenl
c'leTelaad Plain I
eordlally invlM to ttaeae e



ohumb bbbyiom todat.

maaWekatef.'elllneaa woeld fc
•be aaked that after her death the dog |!to,7„Vi
li»'rlUuled frc-. tltoiibe killed in tbe moet aeleotiae and
iry iinlc-liv mit'.l
painleaa manner and be planed In her j iiad t'l-, • i .......Iit* .',ly il:
mrBiln the ooSlt, Bar requeet wa*. a good tli.iig. Ttu-n > Irt it do iu own
faliUad. and whea tbe dead woman! work, aud ui, bmdncu has for several

e borne to her grave
• not!
a year, and
.aeparatad fr>o) her-pet.
I tlx-great wa)orhj- of <
On tbe lOtb of Deoember. 'ie«7. Rev.
Ooring the winter o* !«y7 Ur. Ji
8 A.Dmnboe, pastor M B Cnnreb.
|lBn-ri««illnc la FrwBr*.
ooe of the leading cltiMoa
'Sooth, Pt. Pleatant, W. Va.. eontraetFrench iegUlBtU'ii agaiual bull-flghted a severe ©old which wee attended I Ing U rli-arly iiiken a« n Joke In aeuihriBBT MXTUODWr.
(ram tbe beginolng by violent
' rm Frau'-e. any* the laindnn Chmnl- "“Vr
Milieu, as we have
ly It
0 difference In !
T>n% ‘ - JO p. m. Clasa moeUng at »:30 a m.
k„. to to. bto... to^ p,top-.
He I flanday Bebool at the cloae of morning
pwrefaaeed a botUe of •Cbambwlain'e I
Areme, I* the
t«»ud by pbvaleieea. aU
I''d I aerrioe. Bpwortk League at 6;l& p. mRemedy, wkleb acted like a Roman
•barm. I most ebeerfoUy reeommead acs-nr*
ecs-nr* a*
i v.Tal time* a year, and that aeveral k'nd* eninim, st and two
•* ■ Morning tuVJeel: "At Baae ta 2ion "
ilch ont> witm
wltnewee* In Spain.
Spain, wbIbwbib- e
a half gelloea
gallons cf whlaki
whiskey in bathing it
Eranlnganbj'Ci: "Bible Doctri:
Beak-iw. Hayonne and
IVrpignan ibe
tbe bat nothing gav* eiy
aey relief on U be
I ureday—Geoeral prwyer meeting
Palo Balm at 7:»^ m. ,
bull* are klll<-d after a mild pn>te«i. began ■elngChew'^
aarorlng of <vmlc opera, hy tbe lo«-al TbH bronghl aln
aad hr bellcvea
Ecv. W.T. WooShiraM. PBHar
Has removed her offiee to Park Place amboriflM.
!“ ••••
need this remedy bia leg
t0:» a- m. prwaehlng aervlee. SnV
Botel, Rooma M and At, *«>■««»
At Mniw-llW (acconjlng to our Part#
---------------------------- Pain
„ I weald have had
to be i
Offieebo«rs»toUn.B.. I to 4 and' eotwepondewi the ecene on Aacenalon
Uee the
° ! Balm is unequalcd for ap^ain*. bruiee.
7to8p. m.
7i7-lw day wae uuu*ually lively. Two <^le-,
For eele by 8. R

Sondey eebool.
1 brated maiadora. Cuerrita and Cone- 1 w^t and F C. Th
3:4S B. y. P. V
JIIO. were «|HH-ially engaged. Out of
7:30 p. m. Bvaalag eervloe. SabJeet:
et Tntman'e. the elx hull* killed oneirnd been rather
"An Onlertunete MerrUge."
unfairly liwaied. Tbe audience de­
Prayer meellag, Thuraday erealog.
manded a eeveinb. but Guerrita re­
Vte M. A M. B. ead A. A. Uata to
fused. An affruy followed, during
Wgbt BehMlatBsMBNi OaUage.
Toledo. 0 H. A D.. L N. 0 C. Bodi
A Tbouannd Tongaen.
abaUopen nlght^a^l an
lag Valley, aed W. A U B. Haa.
Could not expFOM the laptara of An*
M It er«ore are reedy tor work. We and fooutooU at the heads of the bntl$3 00 to To edo aad reinrm Oae fare Die B. SpriDger, of PbUedelphle. when
tiuoafar to pfrinta beyond,
have neariy (hat many----- —"and fighter*. In (be eud the police eleered :
Dr. Eleg’e New Diaeavery eared her of
would be pleaaed to have thoee
daelr- the erens aud errerted « handful of
a^^ra limit tO deye.
e backing ooagk that for many yema
ing evoAlBg work to let nr know Ue rioterm.
| Special tbrongb train from Tret___ had made life e bordM. She eaya; "Af­
vwiwg wmk. a R. Oockeray. 7U-tt
Monover. there seeun very good • Oity. S:tO a aa. Wednonday, October ter ell other remediee aad doetma
lemeon to believe the plearure (^terera 14tb. B W. Cnnnlwgbawi. A^ F. ^ faUed It aeon relieved the pain la my
(or tbe RrittBh viallum at Boulogne MltcfaaU. O. P. Agt.
Tiltphna US
oheet end 1 ean now eleep eoandly,
Intend tbi* summer, with tbe co-opera- _
eomethlng I oea eearenly mawmber do­
■ Mr SMle tor Marray end Made.
ing before. I Mel like eonadlng
tloD of the rivic nnthorlUca, * endue “
- rboutlteC^Tane."
that town with buB fights on a full
Ryttm IB any Style.
'j have reenived n aoMlgnaont of acnle. It may be hoped that French
©are ell tronblna of the threat.___
OTWtww and am prtqm^ to aarwe oplaha. which In tbe a«lh at )eo«.
Innga Price Ue and «1. Trial bottle
•hamlaawnWU at my rentnmat u, we bdieve. Urgely nntagoulatlc to
llbete at Jaa. O. Johanoab aad 8. B.
mMT tbe Hotal ffhlUiig.
bullfighting, will protcM Mergetlenlly
Waive drug
Jbu MacDoialo. ' g^iaat thle propel



We’ve been told

“*’k- ...

ercD. hlshly tsiMsbod Inside surface.
*•» premlaeaSeeee.parw)M were killed la Metric© ahlHi must temalo undlai«rl>ed fvr
uui.i w-...
OttybycoUialoa bctween traloe. and lwe,,i,-f«ur h..urs in a quh-i pta.-e af'
Mnmnimt iheir liTct at Cardetaa
-•lotion-of alnui liaa Is^b-n [
whan a freight traia Jamped the track
*__ .
.* . I » tl‘ < rja.nU has Iss-u siuqs-n.led. m ,
Md asaot oeer a predpiee-.
solution wlihl»rof. Jack R-ynoldf, aaranant. was out tou.-hlni: on any aide.
•dllad at BerUagtoo, la., by breabit # j A <«ul n>om la ]>n-feral>lc. for the
«f aaetlau which he made a high ‘•'Tstiils roc. rlng the wir«- will iht-n
Im' targiir and iu<m- l>rllll»iit. .trier,
„ _ .
remaiiiloi: fur iweutj-four h»«irs In
\}ey B- Mable. i» yeare old, of Bldo-, ,t„. Mlutifu tip- artlrle u»w .livenHl
rado. Kaa.. baa woo the aeholarahlp in ^ with erysiaU <-an Is- wlil>dm«u and
Unleeral'^, of Mew York of will kisq> ludetlnlu>ly lu a dry plate.
— r iBdaillou of some . lieiiiicala will
fwnd by Miat Ooald as a ntemorial to, 1'he
in very t
e «>f irvD'
iruD-alnni will hriug forth
I eery flue tdiie .erj slals and eUrouie' alum eqmill.t tine yellow ones.
TboVreneb aleetrle wagon JeanUod simpleat additloW for coloring the
recently .mado a trip of algbty-«*e 1 crysiala. while not hrliia'lns sis.ut
Biles In aeean and oae-qaarlar boom, sueh flue r- sults. are a few dn>|is of,
"I say. UiU aleak la as bad as tbe
ordinary t.lue-hlaek writing Ink « f one 1 had yestenla.v"
erilhoat rwharging the battery.
a eoluilou of litmus, which <
Is It. slrV Oh. bow stupid of ibem;
OrertM.OOO photograph4 of Dearey be'ui
«i at
eny drug store.
Tm afraid they've given yoB^hv same
wre now ready lor aale, and more are
1 Vm."-AUy SlttiMT. nwwlwg ©aw.
btlngtaraadontMlnataathaycaa be
tl)c,e4||Ul ehewiug gUDl
'aeiurer in
was - Uurli.g a "dlciitllon" lesson a schoolCooqniriiig Btar. Slonz chlet,'fnoi doing a Utile shop talk by
r,*a.l out the fo lowing a.-oPlea Ridge agency, wMalanatlnateutly kflled Friday In Omaha, by fal­
: lim> ihv huHi• Hi* .-I...I1T r
« brlgfal
ling from a etreat mtr. ]
a rbiHmri with < hildr>-n'« r»nr>-<-tlon‘
At Oolumbna, ;Ohio, -Coitmer «Bnr"‘1.
cry, and «a>* m>I<I iIhi.mi «-ntlre!
tlrely by ,
Bln^am has rendered a rardlct bold
lu»l vhlllag the Payne Show compMy responel- drvn. .. ,
.....J I, ,a
ble for the death df R. R.J Smllhaoo.J he got It froni the n and aiK-b
n 8u«-h a h.•lBla
private of the Fourth Ohio, and Charles a thi----• —- -..... '

to bl)*y©<> ab-««t the lateet atylee
in footwear In atodylng the
w.dU of onr cnalnoere.
grawdoea not grow In our path­
way; Every day la a day of nov. 1tv or Beerrh for new shoe Idraia.
•'uat DOW we have aome of Oeae
Faebiraa leteat produetlora In
Udiee' tee ehr^. which were
made •■peelaliy to our order by
Pient A MerkB-Shoe Mfg. Co. of
Ladles wao want tbe ahaolntely Jatcsl etyire are invited to eall *
for tke new ahoea. Yon have a
wide scope In variety and range
of nricea from St. IS to U U.
We atady to please.

You will find these goods only here.


135 Front St.

Practical Shoeman.

Mew Berber Boeine...
J. O. Leogvorthy. who has recently
ilaska ' F”*
returned from thr goldfi*Idaof Alaska,
has just entered ln*o pertnerwblp^ -i,b
George Celklni in tbe toneoriel
To rsO lose *i Bk Rapids
oiBrv ef «be Trsvotwr
ne*B. end e fine barber shop will ht po. speir'
fitted up in tbe east side of Cavl*’ cigar
Too auprcBtlre glrU w.
•tore Mr. Cslicln* will go to Chicago W
■If SI Mr* M. P La
•: hr-i rrfrretiree i*.joir
eooD to porehsae the fernllor* and fix^ANTRI>-<:|M dlolor-KM ri
vaerep^. Appeal tkl*on^'
Q-I^ WA^XP- Pw graenU

rpo RgItT-ri,n





7S0B aALE-O* siaall parweei. ooe i*ar oe

Gl-SIiT? _


I povrr. pla'lDf plaei.ta__
lo am per day. Will rtw^UoM *e

Tbl/rslwv u -on*:
rirM row*, eeiit -ct*
eoutb VBioeaitM. •
B g. Olbb*. Prop


j^iraXN OIBL WAKTED-applyai


•zebaage far •
^ desk, good ee

TrTOCWAXTlMuweeefangktodla Oiet





Um« or tha
n*»«- «nd lh» •nUoslMB) and _
4 akpadlllon. dlapalcbad by
Alutrr •1U> wbicti ha absorba (errtiorT i
•acoBd adolRiatrailun tor
te fWrhaiM flvnf tltc«rthrr unrrlaled v4Vh
vllh ‘ Iba purpuae of kaaplns tha obatraparnua
m tr» ot (boaa Ultle bousdarr dIapaUa Boar* within tha Hmlla of tba South
whicb b* at preaeat baa on bU banda.
AfriraR Itapgbllr. Mora ambtcnourly
To foMr raatlaa Eocllah arilviuea in dallMd. but far rraalar in axtaoi. tbrra
thla dwaetioB com hau onlp to eonaldar
throurb tba t-ora of Atrtca a
tba manarr In »birh tha ampin of -fba j
-atch or larrltury whicb la now
tlchi liuia laland" baa aapaodad dur-1 waH under tha paw of tba Biitiah lion

b Bteady and eatenalve. Sclnde and
the Punlab have fallen under the I’nlon
Jack and Ibe peaceful abaon>lion of the
0 Whole of Beluchlatan haa taken place.
~ Xaiir In Ibe century AuatraJla waa dot•
tad with a few acatlered BncIlab aelUenanu. moally of convlcta. hot now
^^vtbal CTMt continent atanda a acif porB
arnln* but loyal colony of the repacluua
Britlaher In Canada a mere dlRputvd
. papar control haa during the reign of

lah authorltyThe largeat Britlah terrllorUI acqulaltlon. however, to be accompanied by
any mnalderable Increaae of population
In recent yeara haa been on the we*t
coact of Africa, where the tentaclea of
Britlah «-ommerc« have clnaed abcut the
Niger dlctHct ao lightly .that a vaal
Mohammedan population la now noth­
ing more than a colony of the queen.
One of the moat tnlereallng and at
the aame time valuable acqulallloua i
the crown of recent tlmea waa that o

Jnbrior of a Pifipino Residenca

One of the moat InterecUpg taaturw of tbc eoloolal exhibit of the Or«at«r
Amenew exportUou n«« going on at the city of Omaha la the Plllplno vlUag*
abowing the methoda of Ilf* and cuatoraa of the saUvea of tbe PhlUpptac UUi>da. The arcompanylng t---------- on, „
■a an actual gllmpae „„
bau.<« of tbe n^mo. with tbe ettatomarr furniture and a numbM- of genuine
^Uve* Inside. Tbe board of dliwclore of the Omaha exposlUoa at gnat troqto and egroBM have Imported a Bumber of the naUns of Luob and have bad
tlwm entiatruei daretlinga which arc exact roMkaa of their prtmltln bouse* in
lb* east. Ttoeae bouse*, as a rule, are very atmply constructed affair* the
roof* being mad* of thatch and the walb of matted atnw. They art altraya
rnoMy and airy aad well suited M the climate of the Philippine*.

i; ■


abi^ waa flni ln>viad tba vaccine of
Borilab commarca. That inurulaUnc
vtrtia alnick deep and Hoockons haa
bacon.a tha dtatrlbotlnr baoiar of a
vaat Cbinaaa trade. And w^er* EnkUab
trade once (oaa Ensltab anna arr not
alow te follow. To Juat what actant the
emplrr will continue to anlarce durins
rear or two It

Jaata of bar ma>a*ty. wblla In other
paKa mt Aala there are bearl}- «.««.•«
more. In the Sudan the “little widow
at WIndaorbaa
ducky aklnnad aybiecia. In KHtlab North Amer­
ica ab* hac over S.tMIu.OOt upholder* of
the dmplre. with almuai S.OtMi.OM at her
beck inVd call in AuctralaalB. In Cen­
tral Vnd South America.' Inrludinc the

creaaed armameniB of the Imperial • th> .u«aiid watiered about Iri o
forcea, there may be a little map Chang- < of the globe. Bo. taking the h
porllona of Africa which' pire aa a whole. It ta a rather i
erfluouB to point out.
pendoua aggregation of colanlea and detheae facta any flgurea pendrnelea. The populalioB of II
I and populatk
. of
0- menae empire 1* eeiimaled l>
thla gigantic empire at the preaeni
It tlrfe
j w here In Ihe nelghbo
are ofr eapecial Intereat. The approx-I
|>eople, while lie tot
Imale population of the fnlted King- | mile* ta ll.W.SOk
la only 40.IOO.OOO. while It* j energetlr old genllemon. He
------... _ ...ere Itl.SW aquare mile*, but • kind hearted and grnervua old chap
In the Mediterranean the queen of Eng- ; who like* nothing better than taking
land ha* 420,000 faithful aub]e<-t* and ' up the white man * burden and lifting
J.T02 *quare mile* of territory. In India i remote aborigine* out <>' ' '
and Baluchtatan It t* eatimaled that lightened aavagery. But a land grabthere are no Ira* than 21S.500.000 aub-i ber. never'

A Pair of Promising Babies.

OuHag the civil war tbb *<^ was written and act to music, tbe piaoa
being taken up aad sung ail over the country. Soldier* on tbe march and b*>
for* tbe campfire sang it to lighten-tbwr weary hour*. Little cblldrea on tba
strseu aad atnger* In the conceft ball* gave the aong wide fame.
CapUlb JenkA the author, b oow a rrsldenl of Ratcn. N. H. JodgtU
■om outward appearances, he muft be very poor, for bb ciotbea are Ilk* himBoif. old and ahabby. Only a few train* each day p*~ through tbb place bb4
tbs esputa make* bit lirlag by sHUng popcorn ahd chewing gum to tbc tt«v«
Mere b a picture of a pnwd mother of two bchltby and fleurtsbiag bt
eiepbaata. It b very ram that an elephant, and eapecblly aa Indian .
pbant. baa twin calve*, bql there are axeepllonal time* when tbe mother elespeetabb and bardwortUag abpbani ampleysd by tbe BHtitfi mllltair pollee
at that station. The family sMmed quite wtuing to pose for the pboti«raph
from which Ihe accompanying cut we* made. A newborn sbphanL by the
My. weigh* about W posbds. and has a moat oomiewi 4lub trunk about U

n pretty old n
think tbe air here, however. I
years, and I am tbc oldest Masoa In the territory, having been ■
the organisation over M year*.
“1 was bora In Rhode Istend over ?S years ago. and early In Uf*
• }
railroad sngloeer. When the civil war broke ouL I Joined tbe UnioB f-.reaa t I
wrote my song In Horton. Va.. U miles north of Manasfks. I oerlbbbd off tba
word* in
•" hour ■»«
became popular. I aever mad* any money froni
the song, a* I could not get away from tbe army. If 1 had secured ray rdeaM
I snppos* I Bight have Bade a fortuae.’*


r*»v -^Awwnt'

K ira DB(£8 LAIiNCH -



An Mth mt **(*

Wanton B. Webb, reeently retnrnrd ^4fB/imn'tsr*BU^'aaa*lar.

Buar loierrotlnc InrMent* of that
Bad antoDc ihepi teito a new Dewey
Btary that wHl be appreelatod. It win
kr rwalM that Anatotaot Ewdneef
Pna. one of tbefotteera on Oewe/'a


by rbe *ay-an

ran M MV Us slncmpalpluat
the •kj.

•*" *•*


Baya: “Dunn had^hore lea re at Ma•alL and aa hU time waa nearly op. ba
I bow —
be was
- „

This new store is a progressiTe store—every day abreast
in newness end fashion with the beet stores of Cbiesgo and Bos­
ton—Sterling value the trade winner—Upright, honest, fair and
aquare dealing every day in tbe year—Be sure and see us before
you make your final selection.

belrmy ward,


I Bearord to her coupe l..ydll faritphed
er’a hand
berertf out of th>-

mas'^s^Vto the most.


pan tWak „ moph of himitter of fart, the WeateHy
At a mai___A
■__ I____________ \___


that yoor enrriafe. Mt*. Baarort?
I*»ay. allow me the pleoanrr."

Aslbeconneonamajor enortrd Mra.

riih (hr ,.rt-s
Isit's rou*
iroUe sask*


and ran up to tbe neat mirror.
•They are rijrtit." abe aald lo herheir
after a momentarT aurvey.
“t am
upty. I do look tUe tbe w<ui idrl Of the
wiHwto. and I wlflb I was dead-so

0u(h ansa


For Young Men.

there r
And abe silently went back lo lira.
Thrcadncedle. wbo aat In a aort «f
mild amaacmeni^waltlnc her erraU.,

kn«k to tbe Olympia In time, aa dlartnUnr to atrlci In aneb matiera. anj

Tl»e alow ami glitter of a troplml
mldnlgbi was orer ibe looety ietil
wbcie Ud. Temple lay dylng-tbc tno-

«pta aa white as while paint conld
rake her. and her brass work abone
JkeiDollen gold. Dunn didn't be.l
lata, for be bad to be hack. Ke walk-

struck 12.
. ..i.. - ..m
-i h«n.
-jKirTrtl. yonll nol forget.- wM tie '
rtr 1,!^ \
,vk moo. suddenly mWnghImaelf on
nxvlvc r,uanerty
rjimriecty reports
reports of
of yoo.
yon. and
bis elbow.,
,, n^r-lrc

ad aboard of her and aald: *Take me
karfc to the ship.' Aa be was an oftBar and a member of tbe ahlp'a com-

-ni not forgM. I.eopold.‘’
Darhliigly.' -Lij'down
ret] reapooded. aootfalngly.
-lAe down
amp be at real; yonr
„ H., w,..,, H..U

Mny. tbe men obeyed.
^••Wbeo he was congtninlating

ralthfully he carried oni,*
--i goo,. |, j, „,kiDg ■ good deal of 1after tdm. with givai. fllltering


pneaaage that the admiral would like to
- Bee Mr. I>unn to the cabin.
"Pniin aald it was an awkward mo'
■Mtt for him. The admiral looked him
qulxzlrally. and ihcii asked. ‘Mr.
^nn. how long Is It since you have
kam an admiral In tbe rmted Rules

•• toal Dar

kgrrnaaed that be fell meaner than the
^Mkey that tasd swallowed the eanarj

The lurlaoed Kast Itnliau servaui ady«nced.

•uMlii.lnl at the do.»r.
••(• In - said I.lonell

ywo bones trier the orderly presenied
Mmaeir wnk the mniaage that the ad
•Irtl would like to see Mr. Dane in
tU nihlo. Again be didn’t know wliai




$1.00. $2.00. $3.00.

wartet .wabmerr a.'arf


Qf • Btoty Y>rofessiongl Ul« W«B
Diaoovery of
Of. *-

of B feast io snooth, rich


•!!< BlOOd PlIlS,
-------------gge New TrantMcnt Whicb lUs Rcv
old Method nl


«D<1 fine
tmr ioe
i< crt«ni durian




g m,ir H,

moiitba, Wa


x...t «. mirsavia of the



Of lb« private pttacript.ona ol Dr.
i. W. Cbsw. none have l a I such 1
aide inA(»eoce OB Ibe mrd cal proleeMod at bis U»l great discovery. Ui.
L base's Nerve aed Jilood Pilia.
"Klirgaa|wd me
the tuaioi.
major: ••y..u ->..n
r.o; sss|s-o
p,.r msnv vesri Dr Chase’s Olatmeat
ii.-ver mile I.ydla. the Wild glil of
u, cos4'» Kidtjej-tiw Pills have ,
renedirs.iBnWb for lU days on shorc.~-l*rovl. bare used li-aa abe prolMb'./bad-for . the woods.*'
.^.0...... ----------------: been sundsrd
jBBce Journal.
"Bm 1 shl''she mUI. laugliliiu. »hak ' used in nesm-every home. Dr Ch«se s
----------------------------------- ,
"B.Hber the aurtllQg. R. A. Ba-K E Ing lia. k her . nrls."Time s..rks won- Serve and Blood Pills have had gtwier,

arms, and gb-at Irtn.-k e.ven. gt'U.-ra.Iy
half v.-lle.l by langt.Hl balr. a akin as
brown as c lawrv. and a Mleaj.rou so
jiny tliat
ka.ked as If she might


two and three pleeee, to nnequaled
in tbe euta. 'Tbe prettlaet Idcna ot
tbe eaat are here In pleaidng fsU-

The Crowning Trinmp'i

MS coming.
n table, her tbumlw In ber ears, her
—-------"H.hhI cv.-Ding. guapllnn.- M‘d -he.
tlma Admiral ivwey
Dewey had g Angers Ihraei tbrongb her nucnols'd
• rve come io welcome
•me y n
■. ‘Mr.
-Mr. Dash.' tresaes. ainl her elboss among the un- j gaylj
IpgrTT twinkle In his .-ye,
I «aw y..ur arrival Id tbe
hg Mid. ‘I htre.aome ver.v inporianl waaticd dlshea.
iwiMT. BUd M I .■bnuc.Hl to liC
^Ineos aslmre that J waul aom.- one gmwu girl of IS. with loin: tlnib*. Ion.!

IB atteDd to f..r (he oe*i Id days, and
I tblnk-y.m cmild do It.’ At the n.-gt
)BH>rrtlon Ibe Bs;ont was reiitnu-d and
pgin was a.nt aslmre In Hie admiral's

New abirtt, tire, oollara.
m«''-S to 19.



enrisk lm>l>ed lHi<-k fitHu a low. broad
brow, anil eyea of a niaHABf noleiIdai-k.
Rlie.wnre a shiiide gray -Ilk.
ex.intolfely made and In eicell.-ut
taste. Hiid

Ume. bearealy a day' that mew
goodeareaotrvrelTed. We’re tlrim■ing tbe New York marketa erery
week, keepinc tbla iwally a new
Btore all tbe time. We're alwaye
trmn two we<k* to a month abend
of eJl otbera with tbe new teebioM
—and all tbe Umc quality ii aerar

Take it all in all there's but one store here where the nobby
dreseer epende his money—at Benda's.

Cful giri. slewler as a reed and gra.-e- I
ful as a Illy sulk, with purple-Na.-k

on earth am I to •v.nimit mywtw.ting
leas^ If you luakr sm-b a racket aa
I.ynttRemt.dehlaal beforeibe kll.b-

Bare to (be only really firetdlaM
fwstoblag aiore la tbe oty. becaree

Zero Ulsters for mee sed Newleed Nets-Stiff or Soft-

Eaicf Siltaml naDoel Vests
Iron $3.00 to SS.OO.

tl,hiking ouly of his slippers or the
i.cssimper. an.1 lu s-alked a laB. toau-

B«t Bf the raliln,
yiast nr
-Of TOurac all Ibe ward room mesa
iiburtini Jasbee was right. At ai
Bald. -1 told yon an.' and at Inspection mlnutca past 12 (Vd. U-.HH.ld Temple
■ the fnlrnalily of taking away lUinn'a 41^].
Bwnrd wae gone tbrongb wllb and Ite
----------------iraa place.1 under arrest In his cabin.
*milldreD. will y.ui keep atlllT How

$10 00, $14.00, $is.oo, $16 so.
$iaoo-BMlMM enito $S 00 Bo

The uUiret etorle and doable
breaeUa OoaU and Veete. ibe ^ ly
rigbx taabton U TronaeTe-aad a fit
tbatTlwerey tbe beet iflorteof the

alone by the hntrt Are tbe Brat nlgbl
of his arrival on .kmerliwn aboics.
And as tbe reluctant sense of dnty
fon-cd llseir on his mind a oofl lap

BBd hadnoibii'gloaar. 'That will do.’ ' -{ io)d you ao." be algnalcl to Ui«
Btld tbe admiral.‘If* da.vs Iwlow decks.' master's frU-ud. •‘He Is going out witli
>Bd then Dnt.n wesrt nway idad to grt
of ! ike tide-at min>.i<a


New Use all bere-Newenteffeeto In wcarea, trimmed ae
rood ae can be—Prloae la 00,


"I saiHH'S'- I moat c» and see the
inile wihl girt,- he tbonght. as lie sat

.\Dd <’«l Temple laughed a huarae.
"Poor ruino Mid that he was never i.ittcr langb that rbauged lo a groan.
Bilakeiibacklo hie life. He was ao cm- Jurretl tan over him lu-oiue dismay,


Tba Snito we effer the Tonag
iMea tbto fall are last a UtUe tbe
beet we're bad Bpooax tbetr trede.
cure faebtoa.prtTalU, teib m

ym,.- mmu>ed r<d. Temple, -bni she *•■''7
u ,11 Ac rrlaikin I bare lo Ibe world I
stroked my hair." she thought.
nnly cbild of my only ali
don't care for me; nobody <gres for a
poor l.ilTl-I
p,,,.Q , in,t, kinder to her sli« wild girl of tbe woods! Why •■ouhtn't
they have l*-fl me atone In the kll.-h«x>iildirt bare ruu away with ibe vilUlo' who married ber. TlQi that's all
past and gone-past and gune! They
M.nt her to an orphan asylum suuiewbere-tbe -lilkl. I uear
And she 4
„ M-rvbe i -w -U:y TempU-'s cUlldmr niei-e anlbeltcss; il.i! lul ba!-

Top Goats and

of drw are the Yonng Men S io l»
They want iheir CSolblng to ba
•JnaX rigbu" Wo *lUly the da-

a'rkneaa or any naffasliy
«P« “*• •» yo" *««« "P-*

1 ro-


Tbto to a particnlar anbjoet with

Tbe ocit (toy *be weni to hoardlnr
mdke It a polBl of honor to poloonw chirp of some Eaal Indian
u.n hwp .. iu,»
*. liw.l. Maj. ItortHl left her at Bcaureport promptly. Jnsi then he aaw Ad- nlgln bird filled the air with m.mrtfnl
' ' ^
iniral Dewey*. l««anilful Unnob.
Rbe „,^.H|y. and tbe lllile clo.-k had J...I
• >''««>

B«lf In tbe ward room meas for gelling
|«rk on time, aome one auggealed that
kr bad heller wait to see how tbe adjilral would take It. At this Jnociiire
BB orderly eame lo. and delivered the

ootob«» i,

TCricc the goodness yon find elsewhere.
opr Of lin *rr*i
or Ibo (irr be poor Lrdla 10 hr *M»uopd for • rt«B and <»«*•« ••*»» «f
lAKk* llkp it. doMoi’t abtr UigM
Ar major. “I thli* rnfartf alw to
Mtbrr an BnpiwnMn* oiHK-lmm."
-Wtini an »cl7 fatv." «aM Mta. DmroW-r. -VThO 44

SV' "“ *”



III (own suit -Mrs. Heaii.-luiuip. I look
advaiilnge of IIh- iij>|H.rtUi;lty.~




you necnrea frexzer from
oar ptock.

We have them

- in all (iizee at d all pricea.


and money invealed io one will retarn you more plenati^


and coDifnrt daring the heated term than the same amount
inveated iii anything else. ,

«^_who_ stoh
the .li.kcs. Aral, l.vddy. or I'll tell «u."
B( inauuers and I fe from the, be^
ping of the thrisHan era 10 (be prw
fS^dav;^ ^
"first rcntnry--I.asi Daya of Pomfgir and




on Hu-iH «r:b.

and ,H.«r tea ami coIf.H. for .vonl And
oUearing down Hij,
„., ideas.': I .le,,, j^e use ol auoog. poisooom
light h. ihe «.«."
' drugs' has lsile.1 to care.

.-roake.! • Phi »p '
was niaW
"Mav-av. she

Tblr.1 .'.-ntury -"MarlnH tbe Eplcur- ^


140 Front Street

Traverse City, Hicb

'll »lutM !»• wher.-Ver aay.^
- MnJ. Danvll. fairly iH-wltdeied

and, sarsapaTillas weaken instead
hidy. ' Dr“^Cbase*.
l.y ll„- 1-s.ntifnl vision.
Neve and Blood Hlls core bv making
.. and e
The house was taken and furnished

^tf.., ,-..a.ner--iiv™tia"
fIftJi I. mnry

ach.K.I hQslit.'HS f..i-I.yddy. MB'. CO,.,* *r.-cali> : a vln,.gar-vt«g«l old
to uke in shin* and act Uyd.J} at the k.-.-per and ibtv.- maids eagag.-.!. he

Wtke" and -'llanild.*'
Oiitury- 'IvnnluH-"
T»tu..oin- ■

bullonlH.l.-H. '
"TeH ns a sb.ry. t.v.I.lvr .vwvrd
MecRV, rt,e yoniigest and l(«at l.icr-

,hia greai lood cure haa no
u> medical science.


sl.h-s (he maJiw'K .•.HHHT-.'uluivdMalay
as a rraloralive lor psle, weak, nerv
valet. Awl l.ydia. the Im neleHa. .•aino on» men and women at any •e»»o» o*
bouH-t ^
tbe year. Dr. Cbase s Serv-e and


^^urteewh feoinry •' of tb-k.l. Vllea-: Just O.K-law
"My Unlula.v. guard
maU ST feflfi.H.nih t'.-ntnr}
Due- foiv I gu to h.-I,«oI:''
Inn,' «.t.l sIh-. with j.reitj lm|H-rt..u«a
»Brd." •-K..moIa. ' -Uet of fbe Ba"Well, tla-n. llHtci.r said l.ydia. and . >'•-«
''Vlml .11.1 y..n bring me a
Ltl.lo S V. On even
deuly tuml.rg around.
Ko.k,lpbc .le ' Pn-e.i't I .lar.- say you f.irg.d a'J
-ill l« foua . po,^^
klgte, nth
Century- Tlic
Monaw acvn.l.vt fnmi 1,1* a-rhH beiglit, phil'p bIh,ui It.
: i,„i m.rt la.-stmile siKnature ol Di, A.


'■ •erci.ieeuib t>ninrv
"l••o^noes of
k'lfrt.'' "I’eviwil of Hie l*.-ak.” "Did
........ - "*•----------•"
I'.-uinry - "Fknooml.**
H.fiirl ..f
"Rob ll««."
•The I
• llipu Hi.'n'
. rlod*.
r.'vu{bll»|] and
gnet a* n,.- P'n-n.h r.'vutblUi|]
tb* Nap
• 'III -s." ''The

Anit'iHin* li ft Ilia pic* 1.. ih.- mcr.-j of J
'Xu. 1 did n..i," *ahl rta- major, val • «• cha*
Hie i-al, wl... fit om- pnM-.H-.bvMo ro'l b-nt!y. "I lull.- brongUt y.m a 1ms- —



®vcr in thein. an.l M.-ggy b-aii.-d In-r Iwml. little girt.”
. „ .
. , I
ells-w* on l.ydia'* iii.H
|Hvi I W rn|i|if|af| I
••<;.. on, l.y,bly: w.-'re J.I1 rvady.Myscir Will ■>..n marry ih.- tait
tbi-y iTli-d In .-bonis.
. ti-r.*! .ild .wiiii-algiu-T. l.y.lia'r"


uiH.11 a time.;.-hlMnm.-then--Xml ik'-n. aii.l-ian illl Hi.'ii. ptviiy.
ic.' <•
■puhi-H-. nil .If gold, w-th liln-Uiiiig lATilla-whiK|».n,| J, «s-ivi

wlu.low* of «-li-ar .litimou.l.. suit


he gtiBnllaii.


to. .. r«.0 <e sraasCK. LWl»

llm the imctp<*'t.Hl oi“-iiiiig i'f the
kit<-liiii .liH>r kiio«-l(c.l till- .a*!!.-* of

"Di-nri-*t. I bare U.vcl yon >"
*lnce ih.-it <la.\.wl),-n you Aral saw
jbe 'hri
.111 md .lust of Mr*. Joii.-a'
gobi and into Hu- dim rcultn* I" Jh,',"
n n.-i.-r tobl me.”
Hmim-i-d HUibleiily In. wIilIc a tali gci'i- pt.- a,
I* y.m to am-nk llrat.” *he
ih-liinn ■••H-kt-d np the ll•H>rn'ay. ha
Hswatlaa l•Bntas.
«a* l.yilia's f.-nim.-. le-tii-r
l|i the n h«!,' scene at a glamv.
CaiCAG*) fcX.l BSION
firm of all. that among white In-1
-Tb.-r-r cried Mr*. J»m-*. -qiltefully.
' cnSlb- ..f t^>l<l niid diamond'.
kaHtants there I* r,-ally no «ei
N.-w Y..rk New*.
’“• /'If yon want to ae.- mv kli.-bco klrl.
Irulon of opIuloD-pollih-al-ln
■ here ahe I*, and uia>'l> g'HMl may Hu- '
all lni|Hinant matters
- Oo aeeouD. of she Psil Pestival and
Bight do yon! But she's Is.und legal
cf Opvemment Bnildlng.'the
Inm-bing ihe w.-lfare of tbe lalands
and hwfiil
to me till kIic'b is. and I'm
W N. Bkllwsy will sell
|ha npInloDs ot those, white and nasjsH-iea of alone.
as well......
a __
i> kiM.a-a my ..»......
from all auttona to Chicago. October
wboae .|iUil»n*
really carry
''aemukulr.” which actuallr
other; N... aud alu'i to lo- .-heated out |i«'*wn
at one wire fare.- Return
weight Biv uuiie.1.
Hut human naa Id the
know Itr
P^'**'**; '■•“'•“'I
limit October it'b. 'TiekeU must be
g tn Hawaii Is the same aa elae- of 'em. o.-lther-no—nol
In dry. fine weather the 1
age-t In Cbieagc. snb
erc. and Ih-lH-fore iherc la mild
sl.xie Is It
Jecl to a ebarge o' so cents additional.
dlaagrecnieiu thal satlsA.-* tlsclf with
Bi H.e H-Inb.
■nlh- dlscn*
help nH-olllDg in sj.lrii from tk.- nIHi while sikxs. but ap|.rnai-b- Ask arents for tall partienlars.
DgHaru. O P. A.
hm*. BO doubt. Hawaii wilt ba
nnlnvltiiig taldeau.
cousplcnously. of
••'run and d.-uiu.-raUc parties,
Lydlf -illriy. grvwsy. and nAcomji-d nil over - most
kni at pr.-aeoi the only party divlalon —the* .-blldren. the reeking .-ouree. a( the apace* wbicb were pre­
Bl all dbH-nrerablc Is one baaed oS
Aud l.ydln'a great dusky viously white, and gradually return*
pro and auti uila*luiiar} Inningi.
again tn Its former state as 'tbe wcaWfvbr «.ire iVsl the. ui W-IN ter
And this Is so ibdcAoliv It can hardly eyee saw il all. Hua- she wished site
>n ot srhuoi sod vif tssrv set >.ib• a little monae. t.. run away ao.1
kf dignlAcd with name, and ao mlaIts iiropbetlc warnings nr.- regard
Uadtng as to rc«ulrc eaptanailon to hide from sight at that insUni!
by many as hnriuc a sapenuitlons o
tbe onii-Hawallaa read.-r.
"KxB.-lly.” aald MsJ. Darrell, slow­ gic, hill a recent aiuilyal* of'the no
Tbe aotl-mlsilctiary elimient may ly.
"Of .-o'nree. your lii.-nnrenl.-u.H- •■ypisins Hie cause aud shows
ba deacrlbed as whlipa who more re- altl be pecuniarily cHtsIdeml. Mra.- tl-.-r. I* iH.thliig whatever
(•ntly Immigrated to Hawaii and are
!;: Its ai-1i»i>. It Is conip
anrtona of th.- i-ollilcal
- I cvmmcrSU1«(4 or- Jcaavnowto-vibue wtllbevkavavda s peasl.y
ground -mass of clay and fossllin^
Q all laws
rlal pre.emlu.-ncv of Hie «. riy »rttli-r
r. with a Hull- rock Mil
Tt-e major'!,
of ibta
scalt.-n-d ibroiichont
in Ibele'vm ^cbsrredapnsh] cl 2%rr
BBtl element .Hinprise*
-. n of me *nn-. sir-I inigbl bare knnwed ,
tins and small paicbcs. There salts tor eob-citm
would ba' done Ibe .-orrect thing. And
amaRer IhisIBcs* lnier»-s'* -shopV-- k Herald BnildiB*.
..j, derka feo oT whom tuiv.- etrong * a very g.ssl girl, when she <-n-a*cs lu amount, and dissolve tn it,
preJodliH- ou Die snt.Je.-, ' The ml- ain't m.MKilng orer li.-r Us.k*.”
forming black surface Alms, w-blle
B^ty kntls. Ihc agtu.or*. vtw. do the
•' will .-orac with nu- ol .in.H-. mv Hn-y n-gnln their while color —■
talking at bore.- and supply tbe newa- chiia.” *nid Mi'J- Danvll. "I am
papen abroad, ar- p-.ilib-ai aspirants
gnardlan-ibe r»-ptv*.-i,taliv.- of ihh«ni the mali.lBij'l. and a f.-« half*
wishes of your dcH-nsed mi<4e. t'.-l
eaatea of rbcrab lo Chib- answ.-rs H.e same pur- •

IsxHN.lal Teioplr- Tb.- carriage to at pose. iM-ing ex(n-meiy
•ponalMIity.y fsensilln- to atthe door.”
lospherlc ,-liange*. 'It remains qijlie
Bv TheMhi He Knew.
.Xed so Iiydla Kempfleld vanished
bile Id fair, dry 1 eath. r. while ate
■*I gucaa. my you don't osdcii- frtnu rbe domestic aiagc of* the Utile pr.ui. hlng rain
ptand the oaiure o^n oath."
i. of





R’ ."

-rs"-: --“SH


... u„






-b Uiai tbe wild girl of the wood*

julature of tbe a


_____ T fHAT^iinprpdi



kIWWV T90MA. t, a M


ANOEUNE IIANUFACnjlBNOCO..Of«dkwiA.*‘h. *<‘»'Ssl»l.yAIOn«#ds.

The Pickling Season
is now at hand
Weiare in position to forniah Turtnoric Pore Muatard
BBt^ Spicrtk such aa White and Black Pepwr. Allspice.
etc. Wp make a apwial effort in crouml apices and
the Rent
heat aelection the markcla afford at no
yon the
higher pricea than epi.

“Jolmsoii’s Drug Store."

Your winter's wood
at once to insure de­
livery. WE Have


Hemlock lumber in aU slSM.


miT. oil HAS HOiET.


A OMTrr nporter bu tbe foUowlD<
cb»i la a mvat l>eBT«« papar «rtU aa
AmafoM wwBias arbo bad Jast ra'■iobaBDcabtuic.- a)» mI& “to laad^
ap ar Anahcao bralu aad EscitoL
capluL Toa kw>*. Thai to «alf oabara ao rich a mlaloc coaotrr ku>«
■B<b iMra aboat allfar and cold min
lag, tba laduatry of tba TraasTaal
Ibaa do tba Eagltoh. «bo barr 00I7 t
raw lltUa miMa la CornwaU.
“tk’bal do Esgltohown know abom
Kaologrt Tbay ara Iqaaly paopto and
aaianaiu baaotiroll; and giacloasl^'.
bm gaologkal mloliig I* not a (aToritr
atod; vlifa tbaan d^'bal abuot Joliaunaaburgr* aba want oa. la bar prvn;
war of talking faat and low. “Joban
nnbarg to lo»*4r- ' li to B.K unitka
In manr raapacv—claan.
ato^ and baaniirollr boUt. and laa
aaJda, "roo narar aaw no manr_______
onaly waalihy paopla togaihar In j..ur
Ufa. And tlHYc ara not manr P*>or
Boars aran. Ktary one lias monar id
tba TraniTaat
Ju«l think, a good
cook gal* $7U a montb and a maid gai*
»ao. Pnwldanl Knigar ba» an tnroiua
of $40.0U) a raar.
*'Lat na laU rtiu aomaibltig a lltila
odd about bim. Ila alwar* bas an o-.
larpralar; soy* ba rao'l tutdandand ^
word of BoglUb. Tbi* to a quaKtioiT
of prida wlib falDi.
Ills woodarfull}
intalllgaDt aya* glaa him away.
t bal|> ItolanlUR a
r bafora tba lotai
tariiratpr asr* a
I c aUad on bb llttto wlfa ona
day- Hba to fat and 40 and Jollr- U\
walird *0ina lltlla llnia for bar. aitJ
Ibab aba. aama in witb a llitla btoes
Iintab mp on bar band, a bUu-k aljutra
draw and apron, and rubbing bar 111
-ito cbnbby band* lofaihar
•You Biuat axc-uaa lui' aba raid.
bad to knaad my brand a llllla mora.
I'm aorry.' Rlia igaka* all tba brand
(or tba iMiuwbuid. On A4U.UUI a ytwr;

iwwiM *M.
to. Bwrto.

b»t-r» »**u. Id,

w «ww to-

■StanTtaWa In Iba wnrntT «x- '
a amlla tmaeto mneb (gfttnr tbti
cUlmad tto* Bootogtai. aa ba saw tbn n nlgb.'
^ay waita tu tnB ttod la
wblpprd rrenm tar

Tbto pMlm to a pngrtm Mg. It wm
ndosbtedly compotod witb rcteaM

-j nottoa «boto woman Of tba'intiratkmal a..rgraw
moat of thrU
tima rnonU.g down tba man." “Tek.
Tba tronbto witb tbam to ibnt Ibey

to IBM <d tbe crat yawrly fartirato.
wb«n Uw cnraTann of nilgrima went an
loibabolf iHta
Tha^mtot a^«i

*•«:• «'fU any."
>''><'0 >-** >*'«*> aMant aHlua may Iw oMaiuad from pigs*
weak now." «aUl Mrs. tjolfar. “Wtiat faat and .ngar from a bi«*-baad.

to imma and go np to tba bensa of tbo
M Tba pr«w«<« m^ forward.
I--------- j, randied. ••Onr feat are

Iba oece*alty of mandlDg tala way*.
Tba wiirklngman prorlda tba lairriaga for Ilia walking deJagaie lo ride

■UndiDg witbin tby gate*. O Jamwiiaml” Ha dawTibrs tbe city of Jerana
tern and borat* ieto prayer for bar peace

ba waa Iba »-art.-ai notUo l■umpalvd to
iboaa aiinuoar iHjirl-ki-apars now that

and pitaperiiy. Tbi* psalm and ito tar-

I'm u man."
numy; -I don'l eara. 1 ipink Ja>k

1. Weabcnild bp dasoird to on own

^itka a dona month If
‘ ^ tooWb-W
tVPoHta aax.
pw kWnpna jrf a danUl -sign wUl

Pototbly be to In tba L'aks.’
old ttoifer. baudlablyAomarsH: -T au^gnaa yitu

A little authority or a few dried ap­
ple* will puff a amail man ui> aatonMlngly.

•Ha wrote
«»yltig: ba :

What daaotiun for dermtoa
and tba (ample txtowaaat tbe heart df

A man alwaya wonders what bis
wife will *B> afiar-ibe cumimny ha*
Tbe average man apend* a lot of
time aenn-hing for wbai he
r far
falopas ba
won't Ilud.

ia^sl-SS ■S-i-sStSSB
bar early grandahr. and hi> heart
•weJIed witb pride's* be racslled Iba
fact that JM-naalaxo bad been tbegatbaring place of tbe tribes i f torsd; that
here they bad giacn teaiituuny unto the
Lord and rendered tbank* ante hit
name Eeere Endiwvorer abonld be tbor-


Joiae in It. He abonld he faioiliar witb
bi^ preaent greater* and atomld joy in
tbiit abw. A/spirit of Ideal, true hearted
darotioD to'tba chon-b will put na in
tba pTiper frame «.f mind to do all we
can for her tout inttotata and advancetuent.
t. We abonld place a high twtimata
npoD tbe aareierJof our owa church
Tbe poet wae glad whan the .all oma
to go op to tbe booea of the Lord. He
waa raadyand anxioca tugn. Heprited

tVbai man need* to a longue that
wtH *top wagging «-bau bis brain
ato|e< ihUiklug.
It'* a waste of time lo explain y<mr
aetli.u*. r.s.ple prefer to fortii itodr
own «*m<-lu«li>u*.
The pmiMtoNt moment In ibeaveragi'
man'* life I* wbet< be I* telling i>ow It
hap|M-Ded afterward

gppeti,.. t..r .ii.-ug diiuk will uud.Tnilna your ukiIiu and bring you to
death'* doorT' t>e Tsni|ur: "TbataU
all right, old hoy.
I wan ha able to
<b1i ) Ilud xlie k-ybob-r
>**>»■: "Wbeu ary yon going to glee
"> ‘“'Y


When a Imebidor doHare* thgi be to
n»Mml n. b!* pn>f.-*»lon the right
Wouian enu uiaki- him t-oomili bigaui.v.
tfalog si.y| w<n-k.*'
All ililug* inine lo the man who
wait*-with the poaalble ezt*-piivii of
she: - "Im you reowmilier bow you
ulil. when you ware evunlng me. tbnf tlH- waiter with the ihlug* »M- is nwllif I w-mbi tnairy .eon I whuld bar.- lug f..r
While a woman i»--iy u«i he aid.- to
nothing to do all luy itay* but alt
•muml an.; |iM>k iwidiy?
And lm« «liart».n a i»-ii.'ll«r pn.ii.-l a «lotii- wllii
accuracy, she .-au (w.-k mure tbiuga
«'»»•'»'«< '• I»‘"ell. It
Into a tniuk than a man can pile on
;|,“r',"‘.ie" ““
a wagon.
j ,'m'i (fa,,


* man who
,nj ,notb.T



a pleafure and not an
Perf.»r»liHl pltiUPK are oni' of the'
IrfcHome tank tu attend tbeo. Would noeelllea.
tbal tbis-Npirit prerailed moraintbci
Tbe blue* witb bHlutmiia and white inist? 4'lcveiaiid la-ader.
The kiaalng bug can never lio|». to
ttHidiT |*.pnlar among the girl* the
e imerul tiinnle** kl**.- riltsburg Ncna.
IVrhapft tile *.'leiillsl* will to- aide
"Anoibar ' barariar down Ibara wa>
to trai-c the kloing bug to IIh- late
Natursi w»Mr hanille* are tba fat
tlia mulilmillloualra Bamaiu. No ona forth that would iiuicken into new life
llolamn eplileuik'.- Washluginu PcMt.
arar did know bow murb innnay Ur and vigor all form* of cburcli work. It
The ktoftliig img having made tl* apl»VMh-Q will In- iiwnt.
bad. Ila was tiborl and railiar g<md to jaat aa piwaibto fur n* to find joy in
r.iund favor m '
propabillij 1* that the
('orgl ha*
looking and wora glaiuan.
ilt. Wow Uod'a boDta aa it wa* for tba iMlmlat.
Hatiie rashbrn. fora! ' hugging l-ar will Iw bearti of agaln.Lain* cullivala tbie apiril more and
dlnad wItb bliu iba sight bafora ba
haias anit ue.-kla.-ea are very fasbtoo-1 i’hltodel|dila Kuquirer.
lafi on tba aaaniful trip ibal audad more. Let nt learn to proparlv prise and ■Me
Tbe bug ulib-b ba* to-i-ii .liiUlgUli:
tba mvlcca of to.d'a booae.
bto llfa. lib wlfa to rary swaai and
The ni-w4-*i stiM-kings are liHglil. iwople'a .-uiinl4-m<iH-e> In Wa*hlugt4>u.
8. We fthonld pr*y fuc '
Bl<-a. and avary ona Ilka* bar. Juliauvery biigbi. and of many <-otor*. Tlu-y while ib.-y slept, lui* Itrvn Id.-litincd a*
naaburg iiaupla drama T4Ty wall. spaDil cbnrcb. "Pray furibe peace of Jarona- are atri|>ed.
fa*blou. aixl are llie ''mellam>lc>t.-* plclpe*" an.l la aald
to deserve even a worse name than
M graal daal of monay on gorgauu*
gown* anal Jawad*.
1.H ma tall you Pesca be witbin thy walla and pruaperI>r.*.rsi.-.l iiiiin* are a *iriklng feat- tliat.- 1‘lilludelphla I'ublb- to-dg.-r.
N'ainre lias prudiu-cl an IniMH-t rival
ity witbin thy palacsw " Tba peai-e and
lillluery. They have bluaaomaomatblDg fuDuy. A bill wa> paaaaad
••Jack the Kl«aer."
prbqwrity of_ onr chorcb lAoald buve eti 4iUt In iM.Ika dot .. gulf *
-. ..-nnl*
by tba Volkaraad last ynar by tpblafa
■live de- I 'vinlitig to ctiiouiologtot*. In the melanarm* aud lag* will ba-furubdiad by lUa Mutant place in onr prsyara. and wa ra.-keia. and all *oi
:ob-«le« pleli*-*. or "klsaing Ung." Ho*gorammani to ail aaiarau* of Tnns- tbogid atoo pmy for tba wliole cbnrcb
*Tnew au.l j.reity ides la the collar f'*"‘
•"«ae*l that It to ml*raal want. Tliay did ararriblng ac- of Obrift. tbe cbnrcb nnivefnal.
aap. It to r»-ally a amall Im-1i buckle.
. •* «hi*uld Iw known a* Ihe
bibla RaadiDipi.-P«.
aordlttg to tba Whla 1 ba^ia—axcapt iu
■ml'h.ddVrhe D'.w%’riW^^^
"himig bug." for Jbe eff.-<-l of i{* ..-a
IxzxvH. l-;:c. l-.1:cse>
pni ihalr band* 1*^1141 ibam. Uonaa- Ixxxi*.
the- belt buckle hold* tbe l*-lt.
l7-m:cxxxv. 1-6;cigxvll. lA; Malk
kaaplug 1* aa-rj aXpanaUa. No waabidiouhl iiial.’li III.- latter
ahiM.rmal *iZ4-. ridlndelphto t*reM.
Ing to nlluwad in iba botua* undar s
VWei |H-rfuiue. alwiir. p..puhtr. to
.........«I'" <hri.den.-,l the melan
pHtolt) of $S>.
I«n'l tbal gnaarY'
more*ougl.i for m.w liiau at anv
the "kto-ing bug' nuwt
lime. Udi.o.|>av.-taken to iwrfumlng '‘"''e '»v >i a h.-artle.a ,..».iml*i. M
aa* ar OMiaam.
tlirir iimb-rwear. e«i»-<-iallv miicli tw- 'ery'«'.ly knew* tber.-ar.-few more e»
Ing iMi*t
and I. b^ l>aau d alia.
Tba lime will
laee.1 |*-Ml.-oaM. With Ihl* delh-sle
i«*time. in tbto worid
kl«.lug.. Why lli.-n .UniiUl this
of tcfultb Uf<vK
>. ibi- Itoll MaI: Tba a
The siiDiim-r girt'*
...., ,
, , .
, ■Ile
, 1* |Mil*oii»n
:be jireaiint r
and l*-H|.|.
tJanalla. Ila. w
no iKilIlkw] aeon
apriug proml*e* lo he a* mm-h to-irlm'V,’’ Jer*.-.
wbat tbe fiwar>«
ngiire* a.
viutoi. look Ilia aowniouptoi-a tiaw <>1
were to the Im.JUe* when riM-aiii]>ed m«l a* her Knst.-r hat.
Kow-ku..t* known a.
- -kllsinniug'-f i‘
• a uillUoO lo uUa'> rraAlll^Bi iba Uauk ot
a^ biiiierflk-r'apidlqmsl on paraxols
Engtoiiil. I iu turn tniitoiiil u]wu iL.* bamatb thesavagacliSaur .Sinai Th. ir
gluoiu and lerrur and luyatery were all
pti**a*»luii oI,*i b-axl «iua
gone when beheld at tbe far dietaixf la
iwai or llifi-a Tumar* JUid ■ Holto-iu
tbe flnah of esaniug. So. to... will y«mt
UpedMiT war p«T«-iT»a. and arguaal-tlii
«lrnglil' iiuikea
gtiaaillou witb >iii>ra uaUaa than raaaxiu. ezprrieoci!). ut trial be wbenneeU Iwlh
nhllr I would nut rrilnajDtob oiy Hoi
-d in tbaghiry.if UBtotUngenwu What
Tb.- mightlif-d |Biw<TS by deeiicKi palb.. V.-W i»r:.-.iiii> n.-aviiiie.
ba-lu. kladlnda. audaiiVoring la> dlvl-|i. .MW to like tbe loUina .d funeral iielto Calm* ar>- fed.
Tin- av. rage ninii get* full to-muiuba^ atlaullou l>a|«a-a'li llw laa-atwaii iwill then appear rather tu bave lafU
It 1* to-thS- to wear «iu Hum r«*t he it.a-*n't ki.ow b.iw t» have a g<M>d
aud our iliwuMluu. dMppa>d o aui-ar
V.-w York 1'tv*».
j.rrparatory and preparatium cbiuiiw. out. f.jui»wrl.iud■ ml bruka II. To .-..var ba*r confuaduii
S.iini' uicii * iib-B of b.-nveii to a good
llnb-b-iii*- and
Piagirar llia ltail bar aqila'lnn* lljMUl 11— ringing iu |l.e f..*ti.l w.^-bipec* t.. tbe
df^AI Ilk'- their favorlli- •uloun. wnlv a
IIKti-ol. the glorifiisl. No pnrj^oee if 4-..n-i—
*Ut>)a<-t aif.uur BrgUloatll.
lltlle bigg.-r. New T^uk ,l*rv*a.
Sod reguriliDK too will remain unful­
It to n.u *nfc to Jo»h a drunken man.
f..ll. o
I *ui paa-ullariy llnal aif MHIndaV filled. III. fl<jwer nncn.wued wilb bk»
pot 1111I.-I.S ytiii have a club h.tnd' with
yvnir Imputoe* I
bluBha*. Mora or la**dln<nly ihay jr •
a.-J. B. Ma.'dnR. b. O
wl.lrh lo .-i-f.rtT.- tbe humor oT .vniir
thill iliey nia.r 1*- dir.-.-ied by
. ..
alway* ulllmnlady aatunaalaal Wllb lb>Tt-tnarkIb-rlln
That life\ t* truly r^■l■ wpl.-b
(Kwltuaii. .\* I anili-lpaiail. har an*war
rub-* ainl^k|(ti.'.-K for llaelf.-Kulwei.
bail M>UM-Tblug to alo witb a marrla:*
Perha|MOo cry in Cairo i. hmwc «trik
fheor.v. |H-rhii|w. llini the re.-1)nc .if
Adv.-i>ity* li. shan>e«' *Hui:
aartin<«la ami a ha*«l0ailr.
In urdiT ing than that of tbe wnti* i-sr
brick in tbe hal offM-t* tin- fn-llng
frwm our iinpatlen.e. Htoliop llo-n-.
Iu I'oliliuua llu- alla<'U**ku> I agtaaal *a
e g..e>
a l.rli'k in ibe >loiiia.-b. - lu-t roil J»ii
•Thegill..l tJ.»ir*be«-r..-*a«be
■I'i-ompan} lark to hi* roomA|>pli<-ull.Mi I* the prhv- f.. b
<> ual
along witb the waicrtAin i.u lit* ebonlAft «a raaa-loil Hm- uudargroimd rail
for mu-iilal a.*iutolib>D.
Tn ha
IM Tau.|«l.--'
■-* Ousal.T put
ikely that water. *nln- luir\.-i w.- min-l *»w ilie wt-d.
way aliilloii Iba wlaalxtl lllfb- man.
■■ .m ib-.ft.- gn-4-n
when b.- t.
wUo arrlvi-ft Hi. iv avary wa>-k-ilay. > sn .Irlnk V
I- «Lm<|ile “lie pr.mi
aapi Kninnlay, at f> o'clia-k with liia CiMUtrie*. wa* in Cbriat'a day*|K>k<n
ikiv the |ia«l or fii-i

a|m-lal a,|iii«na. gara nia bb isi'ioin
..IV. a* "the gill id «S.d." I.. de­
nilliule e\.-r lb.- pno*-nt. exa
ary gra.-tltic of A), ay. •■apialnr* tba note it* itfvriooeiitvt. if *.., Jeena' ex
Ihl- *.'010 of ihiuking Udu^*
rbll.-id.-lpbla n.-eor.1:
only word* he or.llnarll> uner*
premion Iu ilie w uiDan wonid ^
The «:.-*l Man "Sir. dr. vou know
>1.. I. .11
I"; I
LII. 1. Etfi*.
•n^da.v;- ■ut It 1* a wcik- that v.hi are going f.n-war.1 to' a ii-rrl.
pnillri have a greati-r
ij l.s-1.1 to evil. I.I.. piii,tobm.nir Til.- In.-briat.- Xol
i-a ll.aii I ‘ While I fi
Headlaa lUe Bible.
bill Iti.i.-llvli.v
lead to g.»d..„ v 1 .Ibln't know I b. aib-d
a |>eUDy be exlended the nuigasli*-.
(live Uu-ItiMe a chauct^I It appear*
Mtnh blig.--. ol' man. Tr
"Iwn't Iiay
now." be
t-ielnlRM-.l. niWbltig but p,,it|ag roe ..n “ I'.-oHa Siar
"Pa) Mime ollu-r tltne. I'vi- liaeked a very often that ininieler* are of the
if the old tody who .'alledall wbM tbey i-onipreb-nd; and tberv a - - -Hut." *ai.l tbe .-ourt, -Ihto genlbwinder."
iig* that «ueh are abb- to
say* Hint In- wa. jH-rfoi-tly *..|*-r
"WUai wa* ibc aianitig prb-er f tbe idinrrb isn iins the "irtuiuiin> to
wlii-n you arr.-sted litm.“
"T«-i .-an
tbeseriDuu" audof "nuaiv-uaui." Hi* l-OUlp'n-lli
Tlo- gn ul.-Kt i.r all linmi
Is-iK-m*. Jndgi- v.-rM-lf. ver H.mor
He wa*
“Yery alKirt. Only a sUilUng at «to 4 *orpri*iug l. hear !k>w liadly auiue inintlut. at
witliiini ulil.-h ti»
founi- agalnai"
totti* can an<l At *ead the HiTi}>lori».
V-neI»I 4-nii to- truly enjoy.*!, la lu'te
Indian t..l<».-.'.. *lgn*. I•.■1<II> d.-mm
|kmde.i<A.- I’lirke CmIwIii.
III* uii.-.-n>illii.i.nt anrrlii.ler. «iir."—Ile-

’■e.d,u, B,u,


Uoit Kr<v rn-**.

Lauded the wan bl* <-oin. and paiwsl

Busaruff CAJUW.


fmpte FWa tton 1

Wtet Cawatwl Raaew wt «W Wawthaa
BBiaaa TBImka mt tt.
We find tbe “v«rty- and tbe IgtR^
min today in raleatine prectoHy aa deacrlbid SflOO years ago: “Jordan everfiows mil ha bank*". In February to­
day exactly aa it dhl In Joabna'a time.
a ceBOirtoa ago.
I'lanu token from
mummy caaiv tn Egypt, aays W. B.
Uascu In I'opular Kctence, which mnat
bare lieee grrhered mure ibmn b.uuo
yran. idini-. arc practksiUy of Ibe aatue
else and have tbe mtoe appcmimsn- aa
iboae growing today. Becurd* of vtnurea in Fraoi-c for over 7U0 year*
<liow pmcilealty the game dates aa to­
Actnal olwerrmtlaaa of rmlnfall
for oter JUU yemra Is France ataow nc
Obaervatlona of r4-mper*tn^- for al(DO*i »«> years In 8i. Hrlrraburg ahow
no change aintreclable to us. ibougb of
cuunu- tbe carUcsi obaerrmUons were
exiiviueiy crude and aomewhat unre­
liable. h'acu of tbto Aiod inigbi be ad­
duced tu fill a auiaU tolutuc. Uo tbe
otbec band, ae have m-urda of moat
exininrdtuarily <-old weather in anvieut
tlmi-H. ODi- wluu-r Ibe light wlm- in
Ftani-e fra*!. Anoibci'winter the rtvar I'o fruxe ov«-r so as lo bear ttauia
an unbtard «»f plienomenon twlay.
It to entirely proiiaitic that dewrlp-.
Uou* of tbe cold in anck-ut Hum-* were
ila.vs. when prole<-tk>D ag-jlnal the
cold and *iK>w was nitu-h h-sa Uian
now. a little Bu.iw would go a long
Tlie 4Wiiier \oyagi-r* from Icelaud more than l.ttKi yean* ag4>. leavlug a biD.I of iiluiost p*-r|h-iui.) I.*- and
ftuna aud rea.'Mug a land Iu iIm- sUmuier with it* to-nutifiil greeu i-ulor. to
their un8i-c4i*t.>in«l e}-.-e.-«-ould very
naturally give the usme of\>'ivcnUnil
to tt. la autmuer time It I* *atd Hist
iin-enland pivoent* a mn*t toauiifnl
green near tbe Hanisb aeuk-mi-uia to
Ihia day.
Our old<-*t InhaldUota who have
to*-ii wiiut In dcw-rlto- the tt-rritde cold
aud dc4-|. allow* of tbclr boyhotwl lU.v*
a* Incoiuiuirabty greater limn anyihliig which doe* «.r lao o<x-ur today,
completely lout tliHr retkonlng the
last wluler w hen rt-adlngof a whip tliBl
bad «iiuk In Ni-w York liari*ur by
• eight of tlie i<*- U|un It; also llial
WaahIngtoD liad bad 34 hiche* of snow
on a level and tbe lowest tcuii>erature

»• ^awra H tib All Bpirtiaal Warlu
A pastor rbo’ild be in tomb witb ev«T? part ,rf the congtCKational work, an
*«r a* lo know that all to biHog iwrried

road, the totter will ao doubt, to- at
a disadvantage, hut In er.sw-couutrv
road* tbe motor will have no r-hanei-.

«*be abonld ban. direct part In
•'< ‘Lc rpiriinal work.
If be to a
atranger in tbe ttobbatb school and

March y.iii will have a fnau in Msr.
If the tbn-sil knot* while aewlag the .
sewer will live to see Ibr gartneal worn ■
If ................. *.*of ctonda on FrW
ilTilh-.jwatvjck fi-*fber» i

If a niotor-i-ar get* Iwgged. the cffe,-i ,7«o»lC propiv'* aiectlnK. be will find
of acitlng the engine at work to niuibetween bim and bin
ply to make Ibe wheels’bury them- p^tplr are mit increasing in strength <r
aelvea mnn- deeply,



odlv ' Iwirratv-- t

cLanr*- of gelllug the vehicle
tu own efforts is to take a Une from
tbe (-ar tu mime aneliorage and wind
Bp. Falling facitittc* for Ihl*. re*oun-e
must be bad >6 the drepifted bur*.-,
who. at a pinch, ran."yank a ain-ei
(«r out of a coal cellar."
This lltiillaliui, IU Ibe power* of tlia
motor var ha* been cl.-srty apparent
in aoiuc of tlie many exc-eiient te«i»
mbk-b wen- iiiadi- under Ihe au*|>l-4s
•r the l,iv.-n*H*l to-lM'r..pelied Irsfilc ,
In view of the eO-inn..n* '
amount of heary 1haub
ibashlrv. It 1* nan
Ihnt it 1*
!.) :
lai the t!Uerpoul iruU babe*-n I
mainly directed. Th*> ii-*i* abouutt ,
be made in cbnneiTiun with the lUrh-'j
mood show may give m .xjually vali. 1
able bint* with lespert tu tbe lighter j
«Usa uf vrbiri^ for wbk-h tbete ' '

IlkHy lo the end to be a rety
Urge de- !

If * r*-ti dr»|i* and stick* in the fl.*.
the iia-ner'- hiv»-v live* in .the ditwticr
lowanl wlii.'b it Incline*.
If -iM- mend* a garment whUe iwai


»ol *(ral4.
mVi. .-er >.w
K B*n|-> •BBlirtl
.* *«*u« .e«*r|,.

> lolurr'* gudftiw.

in l-«g* to fid fs*
• He <loU> ka*«

JW He nrt**,.


*. w.l loart. t» <r«Mi tita,
All UW. ...*.,;
AM iMd Wlorr ■ lowb «f IK
K. a.vr <■* <«i ibdr <1
“tot »u* jvur h«r4 bt Wn
X« bl tl to AtaW.“


ligtiih.-* that yi>u will mhiu
have a new one of the aanic snri.r
If a person'* two fiv.nt teeth *n- wide
enrmgh apart I.. ).Iace a gold coin be­
tween tbeu- he will alway*
ly* to- rti-h.
u ludlc.1.., tad
A ring *400114 the
a* many d.y.
d in tb.- circle.
If ■ hairpin «th-k* out hut doc* n..l
fall the w..*rer will have a dlsatmoim.
BMTOt: if It fall* her luver la tblnkinx of
If a silver coin or fre«h-lAid egg it
pUi-cd in Ihe hand of a new-born take, life and pro^tg will be assure.!
lo It.
If a peabes call*, a donkey brays, pig*
carry straw, geeiw flap tbeir wii
boUft *lry or tbe rtoiida.inove v
k srili raU.

A stump *|*-e«-h *>11x111 I


the fntbi-r

Curie tloj*-*. which .•:<wig.-» have been
e*tal>llHb(*l to-yond giH-stlon.



Tbe muaiscbe I* merely a bang on
Tbe lawyer faelpa tnoae who are able
to help him. .
rblldren mho cry (or the moon want
the earth later-on.
Fame Is so short-lived that it’s real­
ly nui worth striving for.
Every man l.ellevee in the total de­
pravity oi ftutuc other man.
Two-tbird* of the atcating iJone now­
adays goes under another name.
A man lan t alwiiys cool when he
shivera In the. hour of danger.
It's I pity the aett-madc man Isn't
permitted in select his own material.
Lots of pivtple are poor lieranae they
.buy too many things they don't need.
Tbe man who thinks be knowa tt all
doean'l know what other people think
of him. ,
Even the optimist who ei-i** nothing
but Bunsbitx- to shy.about lending hit
umbrella to a friend.
The wblcW* mile to the favorite
form CT clisrlty with eomc people who
have plenty—Thlcegcj Il.Hly News


TraeotM Oity Raikot.
balow U a Hat of the buying and aeV


OBMft MW fWaaetlM Msek. Xl( r

T\a w g- aw.a.i

aa* CeabftaUiw ai


BOLUDAT. gvadaaia Tnimia

*».*■*• ICV.I

Baisaaule Oc-Bl»eX.
m R. POffTCB. Attoraw ai La*. •gaBal
W . awacdoe to lax dtlaa.

g ^asi,ii:aa.-'.js\'!g;
rl. Ucow* (D sod «



October 3rd.
The Famong Origioai Irieb

and MACK
PreBealinK their roariag

—A farce so foil of fan that
jOD don't finish one bi|; Un|{h
before you begin another.

[ Comedlacs
I CuniEdiennes

20 &
ftEfiihing New
aid Up.Tn-Dtie
Pricre-:®. 50,; boj'«
ticketo, 'i.'n. Scato on aole at
tbeh<4 offii-e.

Steinberg’s Grand

aaor Pork per bbl. new...........
C9 cor Pork per B>.......................
Short Cnt Pork............................
Short Cnt Pork per fc................
Floor, H L. A Co. Beat............
Bye Flour, B. L. A Oo, Bobl..
Meal. H. L. A Oo. BwL............
Fitod. B. L-ACo-BesL............

The bcantiful Boath^vQ play:

Lord perB>....................................
Butler p#r_lb Dal^....................

Corn per bu.. 1____
Potolooa. per bo...
Salt per bbl.............
Bran per IM............
aimaa OATit or nAvnn art soAto

mnn-4>r the »i
The erttoliw-r I* n|il to Tind the proaeculing attorney caiw-liariiencil.
A man always sa.v* nppenninc*-* are
dei-clifDl when they are ngalnal him.
The race tol.'t alway* to lln- *w|flWt. AomHlmes it is.tu the liookinak, era.
A man may liavi- hi* pri>-c. but be Is
np1 lo W- shy Ato.iil •howinc hl* -<^
A lionu-rloa- ov*-r Ihl- *l..or may lie
Incky. bill If It fall* on vnur head it's
lwr*1 Inck.It * <-a*i>-r for au old bai-belur to nay
Ihnt he I* |M-rf.-. tly happy titan It to
*<'r him to prove It.
"h*'n <i
I«>m.-lhiug mi-an of another »he refers
'•that woman."
Man* s vat.-at rc*|H.ii*niimy on tbi*
tuuuJain- ■pln-rc to w.«iaur-aod abe
ucviT l*-li
him shirk ft. eltlicr.
Wbeu a man l*eglu* to argue with
his ixiUm-I ric4. n* to whi-tber a ibing l»
rigl.l or » mog Ihe cbanciw are tt It
Manilagnldcd candidate who
linself a Ctoy before tbe
.electloo now resHges tbal bla name la
limply Mud.

D*,Vwasi ^;^.a;;s3t


a .-nreful study w ill ato.w no apprwla
i.»- cliuuge in the clliualc of tbto earth
ftlDce Ito- early litotortc time*. Ofcoiirar
nolldUK here addiH*-d louche* clliiiatl.
.-tiauge* in glacial tlon-s or in |»relile

B.- «iire th*i f..r every ft« y«o g>-i in
e* aa* (b* ■•mv.
d purpiwe Ihe ninior car
to never likely lo dtopU.v Ihe boMM-.
uya Briitoh Koglneerlng.

IHgUBAMCm-Kaasl town tt*o r

aom, per ba..............;.................
Potatooa. per bn-: (oew)..............
Bye. per bo....;..........................


Butter, per t>......................................

ApplM-CnllA oed wUdtalto. »0e pn
100 Ibi.

ro Care U Ortpiitia 24 iMin.
h'o reme^-equal* WaRNEH'S Whitk
Vine ok ’Tak svrcp for ihi* u-rriicaiid total dii-ea.-^:. If taken tlim-Jghlr and In time, it will euro a cas.
< St hour*, and fiM- the cough that fulwaLatirlpjX- tt nev«ir (alia to give
IIH. I*rinc. fiScAod SOc.

Telepbosfl 112

‘On The

Suwanee River”

A play, like the eoog, will
Jive forever.

All New Special Sceneryl

kfi Aunt Llndy.

iDtrodiicine Utest'Cooa'Seigs

for oaaU (or If array and Mock.

Hear the Jubilee Slsgen.
The most perfect portrayal of
Bonthern life ever otaged.
8eet oa}« atorta We^eeday.
Freob BalUmore iraten joel re­
Priceo, 75c, 60c, 35c; oome oeatga
ceived. Ooorira KcLellaa.
for children, 25c; bog eeeU $1.00.
Frost oad Fork otroota



sms rot THB winui&M.


nlar fMoe. and an the tanrted tmpef
(iMtloM of ber face ntattered little: for
my eyea were aoTt agd foil, ■aw aa fWatM a Oaa* u ■aadia I
her large gtn;
«. ber akin wna like felrel.
■ for tta loU«*ri^ ata
^ hff flgni* and
and carriage perfect.
perfect.' Tni,
: wootao-nke. abe could only dwrit rpon
>«M M <ts Woat rrrat atowk
. OM on nrth airaet with all
j ber facial defeeta. and^a fall of apwlibont
are* Impeowmcnta tlSOO; OM «■
day hU
PM fWiec bare I era* tbr fa^n
aaya tbe 1. A. W. BoUetln.
SIgth, amo; oaa on We«t Prpei. «»a00:
Nioidd be rrtrtotcd and. aedog her
ox Plftr. large honae tl'^i bo«m
The Srat picture ahowa (be mi
(urea, be ataonld lontbe ber.
ThfM«h Hm* TIM
«rae. lot iptsSM ft. wi a 74 beartac
Her couain Kate, a alater nnine. a--o- aprend ont BBd tbe bniioas and bnii
treea. w«al end wmlh nf ^nnt
aiMi iboB ll•eat la a badi
ing bow iblnga tended. ciiaSed ber nn. (K aai-h csaicbtlr (era.
•t. aiooot one on Beat Blgbtb. Mar
Thin heel Bot aa> oeed iu blaabmerrtfnlly.
laetortoa, large lot. SSoa
AM M (iJ'a^5^Siw.‘(d'ah«r- “■
ngo aacrifleed your Ufe to nnralng: aud
The IroB ceed. eo Wnlabt abd gac.
B L A Co. Bleak
yd the SrM good-looking young lieu­
W« b*re jngt Tsceired to TMItt
um5" ’
Atnee tbr bead one rter.
tenant—wlib nnn^r1<vl ■
nniDf caat ABd all la aWr parple ablae:
Bal W B«y mnlal erea
"He will alwaya want Dircln:.
•Ml *«i. •Dd ■irrvi* BO« aod aoutb, It ecB OM barw tbee-lbea baat Mill
Kate." abe faltefcd. In escuae.
Sat altbotvij fbr nrw bbb I atv prom* A plaee aa aarr aover foa all.
bMotifal Art woA in Dniotf
".\b! hot auppoae Dr. Hacgerty la
teMIly p<wl«id OB aU tbr o
___ el. >be la roened al
rigbu and bU atgbt eomm back: be
Cbiok ever diapikTed in th«
« *'
perrh al4e aa4 (he Omtttor arr nvror tia«S pitrpi la oOrlal The
- ‘ • Bu
o lerera.
larera. aa4 (Or ll
won't want any bnratag ibe-..'
OMW Uw old
Vvawatwa raw. Stm
I tore (bee all (he aiefe;
There are aeveraJ wa(wvae«g<9iak
I Staler May did not anawei
Maaj' of tbaoa arc place Oalf (be Vlad aad rala (a be
Thr rrteoda. ib4 keep (bee
leponI A werti later Hamltton left the
haadaome and new dsaigna,
or aineu arc named for oome
tee or tradUlon. or for the rliarwhich we invite the ladiee to
Bight prerliina to bU
- tltry
of the tradm that formef■ndng
rd la them. The dubinflect,
nod ibough abe would not gire an tinTii^ bdd atTb^ itfotTlIS
i« IhflBluHr mnltipUed
IB ogaaWalyM. !■•.
Oar atoek of jeweirfO ia the
qttalMed anawer to bla pleadipga. ale
Une 4. 4. eo that
1 a a :i
e. WbeB
The alleni alane looked dnvn tbeeaK. bad not Ibe contuse to atop blni alto- .the Intlom will c
in thia paJt of the aUte.
: a ■ :a
e of a ai^ coailauea Ibe a Hear. «!in nlabt npoa a bo« of bVctv getbee. In ireckleoaneaa abe allowed 2. 2. Tbe aemnd mention U lo take
r«8£8 8-8 :i
•ome throoeb pon- (baa one blMdu ; >nx meo. The brigade bad adraocerf beartf to drink . In .tbe
bold of kwv
Ibe «W|#
top WMU
and fdd i«
ll orer WU
on «tf«
lb» wouM « >D7 lui. 2. 2, bmulb, II o.« Ik douUe
the carhNBi aqoarea are deotgnaied aa • b; foned marcbea, and how lt>' wltbla
*•(. aerood. (bird. elr.
two mtW of the derrlob ranip.' ToIbough on bla return Aie abould caat
Man; of (bem oireet namea teem | norrow'B dawn wonid oee Ibe aeiienli.
ber off.
«ea odd 10 forelgnera. Tboae named j
logeiber. (alkltia la
operation waa
Mttosos Block.
btwKv and
Bwt -n ---------------------------'
Hjlj.nm iiBrannB
jue «^iwMiinru
w bb aucceaaful
€ar (he dellr
whSiwra. for It waa of tbe uinioat gi, bopea, and In a few weeka he waa !
I Ian, m!
a iT t ti ■ I
A»*«» «•»•“
«"* ruabll.g hark lo hla atia.lrd.
II i» tiiMMi- Ace Marla ‘
aun»riae. and Ibe otdipm aa If |a true, Imi with Ibe certainty Jiiat
mtreei of
'L'k of (be
..L Idtrr
!«.. ™ •'*
Inaahort iltueblaalghl wouldhefolj j
■(reel and Arenite
you'll cme (colored.
Aod. Otbria are tbe Street of
"1 want l» aee
tbiekpeaa reauKlng fion (be Oral fold
.Snini of Ibe Trne I'rowi, tbe Arrbea of ihmngti all right. And If not. wb .t
<hiea It anintinl lo* You're uul no aald to tbe orderly at tbe buapnal
Adblebcm and ibe (Inirea of Si. Sun
wnitien-folk lo lietber alatttl."
Tite reault la tbai the coat la folded
^y Btreci: tbe Htidfe of Si. IVier
"No. tliank faearenl ll la* In timea
loio three iblrkueoaea. and niakea a
. mnd Si. I'auL and tbe Street of ibe like Ibla iliai one la glad uecer lo have
long, naraw paekage. aa abown lu tbe
d^roaeea of Somiw. Noi only are tbe married-like imnr eld Harcuurt.**
ibem.mamce of airaeia nnuanal. tnii ilte.r are
-Why poorT'
"Well-er-*he'a rery good-bioklng.
■fieu found In tbe moei Inouigruona
> ibluklug of hla wife. I I did not know ibera were iwo.'
>>.-aihma. For Inaiaure. If y.m walk ’
• a
■ : rg
IS be tied to an ugly
'•Ob. yea. air: ibere'a two. But I
!a a
a 1

Sown Jeau» alreel. and coutluue In (be
know Ibe one you mean now,"
’sssaasssdb '8 .e8CS8S*st
aorosd trfork. you will be aianled (o : ••xhaiv aii aio liamiu.ui
And be waa abowB into the wnltiogSad Ibai you are ihen on «»»*• Sirert
,HleCe‘lt ewnem
«f tbr New SUugbler Houae, The AI- ,
„ i„_,
... $i:00 ap
"tti-nlleniaD wanta me> Who CJB
Gold FtliiaRS.........
It—•’ Then the door opened, fir
............ 75c up
I^latioom FiUiuga
...........fiOc ap
Silver Filling... ..
tereil. -I km-w





John R. Santo,
toMnl ■•simn.

enid KsMi 0 tafiut 1.1


Barnum & Eari.


Good for 15 Days

The Best oi eiith.
Giaraaind for 10 (Mrs.



prtmeu may a., loug.-r be lubebiied by ,

•erand pleturc. wlih butlon. Ju.i •'«
der the IWO .Mwner» of ...... end. -Uil 22 knrat gold crowns-.d.00 to SA0
i>toe<Hi at Ibe Bridge work...............3.00 per tooth
Ibla man wllb Ibe alMile »>ibla eji-a
«tm-l of Ibe iTual Child derived tta
Painless extrscliog tod SUing
. .-..-.Ue
(.«< ,
‘f '
BO» lb •
moB«*i.l abe eoul.1 nm Iniagoo wbo
For Ibe ililnl n|>enilou. take bold of
fmm • iwimtar UadliloD. 1-Ot ' route: we've , gc«d chance of Iwlng .-oold he. lu ihai u.omeut he bad
■be Aveune of the Hftb of May waa
le coal, aa Kbowtuln ibe aeeoiid pic withoat gas, chlufurm or ether.
tore, at tbe eud haring ibe Uuiluna.
Terms cash.
■wed for a fanioiw battle wlib tbe
..„-c will give you a race for « «0T- i pouring »ni bl. tore
... I
*•7 »"*' Bci a 1
iiai nHstuciil alao tbe dew aLrala
’• •"
■ Iktae number of Ibe
f„r ibia awful heal take*. i( ( Ut ' oiseued an Slater Mar looklnc In. **"'
i""* tvaehea the (viiier of Huwnplial'a eireeia nanii-d for living of a fellow."'aawall
Then fold over tir«
Ibelr aeparate
•ep"”*'!| ^h^falten-d.
She faltervd. and droppedTS
dropped*bT k. .he
-he donide ••“■
till. ‘‘U.W
kn.W at line 2.
2. lo bring ll
Comer FrootwBd Cbaa SlrMls,
lAllb- Bird. Slivel of the M-b. Bun p„.„. *nd «a he toy aleepIewK,
aleepIeaV the touting
(kwHo* of
„f !, .ff l.earl rboking
eb.^ng to-r f.w ‘®
to Hue ^
3. au.l fold over llie tri|de tbl. k
wireel and iloal iirecl, and airecta of Ibouglit
lUouglit came to tiamllion
tlamilinn that
ihai It w:.«
w:i« , n,e mlnnminn'e
Beadle Bloek.
**'"* I'to'iu'f'l.
I'f-iu.-cd. »' Hue ."U ao ihai
Abe l-Uee. Rata and Booaicra.
One «>n»ewlial
tooe«.tne to
!•> tliink Ihai
thai ■«
in Ii “Slop,
“piop, alrr
airr Mid KMc. rcgs.lning
regstining h.-r »be coai to now
oomewhal tone^.tiie
C. C. Lester, Manager.
■bun block gl..riea in tbe oatue of tbe w„niao', eyeaWould Oil at the iienu ' aeua.-T"You
niiKI Iw
lie Mr
Mr. Iln.nmoi.'IlniiilUi
"You mu«l
Street of the Falae Bmraoee of St. •
death, and Iw looked iipwatd M I
hr anawered. aroaaed. rcleaa
folding liaa hreo a.i imitel.v
Andrew, the Ail y ot
of (he UlUe
UlOe CaaCan- ij,,. «tara afwve him. • wonderlue j tng |ht.

ll■•Mly done, two Imiionholes will
dUe Shop, the Htroel of Ileada. Street ; wlierc
lop. aud dlreiil.v
wto-tc bla aonhl wnuH Iw I.kukstow.
Till, frtr.dima Ullle vole - w.i«
Me to the edge.. |
a Tbouaaiid Wondera and ibe
Vhe ahadow of death lay npoti him ‘ that ,.t hla lore, -nda«1
.«g“»re of the Thief are-olher oddlllet. aa. al tlmra. It d-a- u|»u Ibe bmve.1 < j,,„.
.|^„ow eve. were i.ol lewu
it to not>1 ret-urded
ret-urJed exarlly
exarily aa
aa lo wbelb. . .a<ddler:
. . . . he would
- - - ..
:>an<.aa al
To aiiaeh
I .- - .
flgtil Itone the worae j tlful at rite ae..iud rfancc. MTm liad
(To- Sin-ei of (gr r in the D><u-iilng.
•wr Had ludlaii aio.-i andll (Tie
rer frobi v
be done?
and hold the
“Ate not yon >
It Is ante. sure, rvllnblc.
The aun had rjwn.
-Yea. Kate Johuaione."
tbe comer. Jiiat to the mige' of thr
In (lie prevtoua abort half-hour nf
"Kale* Abd to your alatcrpackage. l•e)llI>d ihe bara. and (be t>at
■ull bad been dHlvered:
tar after
ll yuucael
* inilbolea over tlie liara ID front, faaieu
(he dervleh forcea luid Iwen driven
"ta .be nol hcrer
•boiitd ttnii go ot r (o Devil I
(Alan mat tike y«e - M« et««d
fn>n> ibelr ImreneUmenta. and now lit"Yea." raid Kate, wllk B sml>. (he bnrimia Into the buiionboire and
Modem MrAbAL
tbe paekage r 111 bang In place.
htoek. griunltig 'tSyppya'' wrre frater "Slay liere, I will fetch her.
Biting and iriiin>|>hlDg with ihetr
"Why, May. you ihecer' aiie wli'aaaoH la tW BaaL
. laughiog and cbaffllng while ■mm pered. on flmllDg her at tbe threahoid.
It ia pmiMide that IndU'a "utm<e.t
and wondering If abe bad aeiui or laic. Taprotaue." will forever nialtiSiai* ■'
Raektrard. aernoa the lialf mlle-of beard. "Here to Mr. Hamilton. Oome.”
laln ^iuii reputation aa a aimnlns
Incaa. of aliHly. of dlplomaey. eogagi
fdaln. tlie aiirgeona were buay. Away
"No. never! I will never ace him!"
bla aileuiluii. asd aa a reault be b
lo Ite- noiiihwaftl could Iw haanl th- ^oe pani«l. Iwitreen her heart heale. rouuir} wbli-b waa flnu eatabitobed
CMBr (Uie of Ibe beat ...
BaaouDda of iiiiraull. a. the Briltoh Un • -sonoenae! He ha. romr l-rk on
•ffglra. lu ao all-arvDOd aeow. lu tbe
punuMe for you. and bla eyoa are all ker'a a-orka. Ceylon ha. alwaya been
couotry. Bileualrv travel brought a n-ra ehaaed tlM flvlng^Bagirara. ^
noted for three hranehea of aport—lit
UMtl? «NUU|N«I.
>e-up. aud eouanipe
A Arid boapltal at tbe fnmt to not a (he expectii to aee a pretiv
raart with men In every degree of life
Tn cutiMtoktvHMIt.
Ita elk hunting.
loen-aaed bla boriaon
«o loiTcaaed
boriton aa'io
a. to give Ma picaaam plu-e. neither ran It be d..
r reiorted
retoried Mav.
Ma.v. uilcriv.
■ The tvNv.rd for Ceylon an1|>e-«booi. • Yea ar* eardlallr to-riwd u> )oia with ao.
■Clive |M>wera of oboervalluu uuuaual acribed In •wbl black and w-bhe. War
____ ___ Ma.v. don't .von he
Ing Mill reuialna (hat of the mtuxlc
u develop bla lualbuia of cor,T,,H,uuro.,. aa rhidera of Ibe dal- ooluihel. waiting."
loader- 1«> eonplea In one da.v. Tlila ■aad Coaaal. Tramw r>ty.
id Juattee lo a rare ••Melif. Ilea hare no douhl noilerd. j j,ui ilamllioD
bad already groe bnuideai klud of a mau. the avoid than the mereat mention of ; |o,p,n,.o,, llioD
record waa made by a Ceylon civil
Tbe door opened and
aervant •■ailed Tramhet) early In (hla
‘aaw ihcui Iwth.
century, .iverage gunnera get thirty
There were aoitie gbaatly eaa.-m. and j -Hen- ahe
aald Kate,
Jarring iuicrcata. He bruugib about
forty <x>upled a day.
- cundliloa
if peace among tbe people both aurgeoiia and awdatania had lieen
'Tbe clejihant ahootlng of Oeyton to
tbeataelvea O
tl mU they Ucwr rx|H-ri- wortted haM. But Ihe preaanre wa. 1
tbe beial in the world atid tbe eaaleat
-vDivd iN-fore. and
id It
ll w
over, and al toat there waa ilrue to at |
j.„„ j,|,y j<r,
The retaon all tbe Ceylon
tec that the iwople of Ibe leM to rite wounda which were i.oi ' nunu-r'be aeked. bla
rovloee aluioal Idolbu-d bllD.
• ®
■ elefibanta have not been exiepmlnate.1
demeea and love!
Hen- to 0
, to that they bare been careriUly pie".Sow. Hamllion. let'a oeer aahl
ig ibli
■ aer\ed by Ihe gnvwrnnienl. whlih regRtirc'-or Major Murphy, api-macblng
Kate had dloappeared: they
e proi
tney were
abiaitlng arconling lo the
u aud ....
if I hey an iid'i^-e-'v'io’ lay iuoilonlee. on a alone.
numtar of .auimato. The Idea to to
have aVleltrMU.ii''lu‘bonor
....... »•"■> •" la'M helf an
• Mv diiriing. I -bapej-ome for yon,”
'hour :il ! -i Tin- d'"'l«tr baik-d hN taadld.
«r the eveni.
itortalulyf Mid Cetu-ral Wllaon.
,. “But-you can aeenowr'
number the aboeiing la forbidden sir
I She. looked up reekhfwly. and their aolutriy.
at lliat moment turned bla bead.
New Store, New KanaoD Blk.
eyea met.
-ap your daga aud taiiucr> and have
Aa a rule the Ceylon elephanla do
"liook. M.-. Itawfclna. here't a bad
"Yea. riuink Cod: I ean aee niy lover not i-arry inaka and the hunter get*
^uur paradea astd dat>i-<-x. aud when caae! He niiiai go tack to boaplial!"
Then^hc «iirrmd(-(rd herwdf.
you get ibiuugb I will order uui my
______ ,_________
little In itii- way of a oouvenir. To tie
aa that, iloctorr' aaked tbe niut of ir...|oi 10 .how . "Rad a>
Hrtp*b Drum ■■trra.
he <-an bring home (he feet and
ran aoldlera are llk<- ttonlea. n
In 111. nni.. of Oi-«t Briinin lb*
-b“2- ‘nio Ib|inir ninuU.
- lUrper'.
"Tla ao! Now yon keep quiet."
IJeui. Hamilton had tarn loUlly nnbd. of ,, ni* monn.-a. .nb lb.. ' »">;n-lbi ...-L. .ml ,.|»r .nbln..,.
Winded by the es|d-a>lon of a aliell n
bob»r.f. I..m.n 1. ih~ mn.ln.1 i
?' IT ! '
A Clavar MllUarr.
an eanbwurk aa. wvH In front, he wa«
............a«sue aklriplahlng bei«e<-n leading hla coiu|iauy. He waa aeui
_ _
_, ahotgun. The h.-*t
kenle-druma. The borne
hnrae aelecled for |
i.lmit .22
aud l-™b...r
I'eabawar lb.tbe ™.mr ,,,
I*. L. A. BoUdlac.
took to IlH- top of a hill, whence they May waa glwu charge of him
blghi-wltlon to oft.-n td.dwhi. j
u gri-.-n.4lraU drin.^TrawV.w^^^^
could roll PH-to- down and from
He tad IK.I miKit pain, only he wa. bnX thto partleutor coloring to eoi e«- ; bout* .m! h Urge pith hit. Th'e .-wt
• hieh Ibelr dtolodgeuieut wa* difBcult OB)* "l.iimwleu of (be tiuldea." blind. Treniment appeared to have no aenibil to the office: tbe animal -oity ■ of a trip In the Junglea I* muglily e*tlAt laat a illtoger came In and4«4d uh- eff.-.'i on thto; It M-ctned likely to he a , be pure while. At any rate, hto ap- mated at a.', a day apie.-e.
--------- ;--------------that allbougb (be enen^- oivtipted tbe long hnalneoH. The day* lu-gan to pearanee mutt Ire eonalateni with tlie ‘,.
lop of Ibe auouDiBln all day they bang heavily. Then •■ame tbe ed abow-pU-ee he la In the hand. Hto edwere IB lb.- Iiabli of ■■oralug * to aiory; ”l-ove in Idlentwa."
neatloD I* •••v«-re and peeatoteni. bring- .| Red-hea<lcd peufde. a* to well known.
■pHnga halfway down to cook ami
leaa xulijecl to Inldnetw (baa
- ' Ing him at laat up to ibai |«>lnt where i
tvat at idglil. Acting on thto mforlAindon doctor* eknlain*
Hoalpial atotcra do not ceaae to be bto pride and Inienigenee make him a j elberw.
matloii. I a.-ni for aome h. nlauien of
tbe iU|Uer Ihna: Tb>-bair of thcv^lwnnien when they take op their work. ,dlgnia.-d and graceful hedrer of
(be dlotrlei. and. abowlng them
e trapplnga Ibai HiirT<iuiHl bto beaded to relotlrri.v thick, one red h.ilr
a a iTy
ealling. Ilia nervea an- aevetely being almoxt aa thick aa dve fair or
^ a iHigb-r anil aome wld* aud enda young thing of IR. tbongh. In fact, o' e trte.1 by the booming nf the en^irmona three brown balm. Whh .10.000 p-d
that they, juuai .-arry wllb Ibeiu lo
u, yeara older. And he* riiy druma be to deotined to bear, bni In haira tbe pcatp la well thatebed,
tbe lop of the bill after (be enemy
,gi|, to lofe. Ibe re<'li>l«nt of lilir , Omc be beeomea a* indllferent to Ibe wbervaa wllb tta oame uumber of fair
tad retired from the top of the
donble rtok’ Her voire wa,
•• <1*
"‘"If*"* balm one la comparatively tald.
buUeit. In tbe parade tala rider ba* takea Itm.iaii fair and lOfi.000 brown
Best workmsostiip money
bto band* full In the nae of tbe atlrkw baira to cover adeqnsiely an ordinary
csD employ for Bicycle
waa^dy for atartlng; The
ai%^ mean* of the hed
ta.rde wa. dtoa^laed as a abepberd. eriy.
then Materiy. then—
He control, the ateed by mean* of (be btad.

fSfiis is S i i««S8 :.
•=ES 'z ■-

1 :

>4 tto'—la.

Tralat arrlr*

trow S'ackli it«*aito‘F!i«.


•eraia^arrlwtraai Bk-kwee'. Ton Wayar,
aoroH aadOraDd Ba| Id*, alt■ p-«.
•mie toavtac at M;to a ■. kaa cBAlr ear
Waitoa w Qraad Rapid*
Trala toanac at ll:lt a. ■- ba* ebatrear
"^SSaleari^kirw^^ rwilMeara Wal-

THE BOSTON OENTAl MHIOBS. ^i*7,'"Kr...i7‘37i'SSS

w o—
Neighbors, Join the
West Michigan.
Modorii Woodinon of Imorico1 AM. PM PM
Lr Ord a

i*m ;t»
r II ■ • k 15


ra'- l’llia ^

i S”sii

a ll>. 4 «>


L< OeiTO

Lt BU RapMe


t SI

' 1:

I eUpja.KMIaw

! [:!



' is


oao. oBBAvm.o.p.d


Ers, I4« a Bzea.

Goot Dai7 Butter, IT-IBc.


Hiram Cook,


1. ibm n, ,b.

Fire Insurance.

.1 ib. ^”";'.;r“.;;r,rfi;:i

Gas Lamp-

r. A mraasu.




Price Reduced to Clo» Ont Lot.

and the villager* ithrae In number!
Ro It Vw. rlmi by eaay .tagra <h. y , «vln*. whi.-h are
«o tbe atlr--------------carried each half a doien poia fllled drifted
inlo that strange
attnetl ■
"Bw *«"• ^be tame ortbe*■*■■■■«'*
wllb powder, with fuM otuebed. ^,rt, tlw world call* ^te."
«»or»e to often won on the Seld of | -Rndyard Kipling.
Tbeae ih<y were to Uke to tbe top of
tallie. Hto doty cbiMe* him with the i gregailonaltot, "ooce ------------------------

r ^i;^
apuin-nay. I’

I5!£:r iss^.

Mas ted In « panic mi tta yoMbfnl
^ reglmeaUl bud.> Mmat."
Siffistaier ektaM s bkradlaaa vta WWI* ud e«2lM2t iMth, b, lfT«. Wtunsn's Home Companion.


Bepstring. Qoick vori.




1 onr Ucka.'


“ssissar- ~



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