The Morning Record, October 14, 1899

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The Morning Record, October 14, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Tbitd Tmt-Ho 7&






Btoto baa Imd a atraoit appeal to bin
vetamne haveno meana for da&ayinp
barren to aaUa aad rartat Bn^tob
aneb axpanaa,
Tba- aeleetioaa ware
ati'iaaaluM. Be todalpaa to a vtolaet
made and approved aa foUowa:
ttoada apatoat what ha daaeritoa aa tba
Acme—W. B. Dnrpa.
BMn BMlrd and Oapmred 'toaaarapatooa aacnip aad treaty
Xbrk OoisplBtion
Btoir-Vorria B. Janntopa.
EMI Bay—C. L. D:>mln«.
BewOoort Hooso.
as AraoMd Train:
Loadoa. Oek U —A dtopatob to tba
Fife Ulm-Wm. B. Velto.
vmt Um 9l UlB MM to SfMt laiaraph from lAdyaedtb. Xatol. OommIttM of Vino Appototod Tae- Oarftald-Bobart Barney.
•aye that a eolesa of Boara, aember*
Orant-^ohn J. Cars.
terday bt Board to Look Aiiar Sadtop S.O00Ma. to BOW at tba Tafnl
OrMB Lake-Wm. M. Bam.
Uff*rwMVBtorSM«tto Xnai* river. Othara are at Mlddladala t
tonuoa ArmBfemanv-Frot W. ALeap Lake-Warren Neal.
below Ttotwa Boentaln.
Wbito Oboeen OonnW Snvtoor, O.
Jedptop from tba Tatopr^b die.. UTbormon.
9. Carver Sireeter ot Poor and A.
pate, the Bearn' toora apparaatly
PenlMBto—Onrtto Fowtor.
S. VeSne, Smto Oommtoete
alma at eattiap oC tba Brittob BortbTravmse City—tot ward. Lorin Bob-,
•pwMMp Tn HaoxM Bmou
Tbe beard of enparvtoon at yeeter- erto: Sad ward. B. B. (tonee: Srd ward. I
They wUl probably be
rd of Ltdyaiaitb’a br a dayb aeaaion decide that the import/ Levi Somr: «tb ward. F. D. Mafvto, Ufa
tostoa. Oei. !>.->Th« pcaltto e< tot
BritMh.Mo^la SoatkAMok to oriw ooIbbb wbieb to ballarad to be ad- anee of tbe eonnty and tba feet that ward. Wm. M. Smith.
tba new eoart noeaa to to be tba dnaai
vaBctop from tba BeCato rli
Unkm-Bdpar F. NewelL
iMl at M*ml polnto. Maftotof to toTba Boer ptoa appeara to be to en­ eonnty belldlnp to nortbem MleUpan.
Whluwnter—Jamaa FoUett.
tetod bf Boaca. »ka. H to aaM. totoad deavor to break tba ^iaa of
mnde it dtUnp thnt aoma damonatrw
Tbe board ndjoorned at S:S0 for oomtoaarrrtoe ptoea bj aMaalfc. Catoa- aaUoB between tba Brittob front and tteaboold tea Btoea«npen tba eom. mitfee work. nntU 8:30 tbto momtop.
platioo of tba bnUdlnp. Inneeordnnet
barf to aeaaeaa, aad aa attaek ea tbalr
Many miUtary aapai
tadpMlth to ataaaatorllp aapaeiad.
ar introdoeed tbe foUowlap raaoln
ballava that the Boar
Tba war oOaer raaalaad tba toUewtoc
which WM adopted:
Katal are only aa etoborate feint,
Town of Ambel. on latoad of Oaram,
{<«■ Oaaatal OaUakaa:
WRuxaa. The new eeort fa
they are eoafirmad to thto belief by rabaUdlnp now belnp erected by
Towm, Oct. lA—Aa anaad trato porU that tba Free State Boara bare oonnty la oeariop eompleUoo, and
i. Oct.. IS - i dtopate to
WBBRSxa, When dnlahad tba
frba Vryboft to MafaUar and eoaiyv eroaaad the Oranpa river, aad
bttUdlnp will be the dnmt eonnty the Handelablad from Batavia. Java,
thmataotop Dti Aar.
wltb twonaraa-poand raaa aeat boa
daab at De Aar woold toolato Klmbak- Btmetnre to-Ue nortbera part of the atnles that a violent aartbqnabe in the
lower panlntula of Mlehipnn. and a aonthem part ot tba totond of Oaram.
. tea. to Mataklac. waa attaekad laat ly. Mafeklnp. and all polnta north.
credit to the eoun^. aad to h
the aeeoad larpMt of tbe Molneea
Bicfat aaar fraat Pan. ApaaraaUp a
The abaenoa of any oSclal dactora- with the imporunee and
raU waa raaerad from tba track. After tlon from the Oranpe Free Stote. de- Grand Traverae oonatj, therefore, be proop. bM anUrely daatroyad the town
of Ambel.
tba trato laft tba toaek. tba Baara flrad
d. Ibat thU board anape
It to eatimated that i.OOO parsons
would etend by tba Tranavall. baa aV
toto It with artUlMT for baU aa boar I traeted mneb noUM bate. The Ttmea for a aolubla dedication of tbe bnlld- ware billad and SOO tojnrad.
inp to take plaoa whan it to ready for
aad aaptarad it.
detolto of the catMtropbe nre piven.
eaye It niow anderetan^ that Preadent ttaa.alao
Baaolved, That a.eommiUee of nine
Mafeklnp to tottr- Bteya. to reapoaee to an laqairy from
> appoloted by the chairman of thla Street Bata
- raptod.AtKraatPaB woBMBkBdeblld- Sir AlfreAM'laer, haaatatod that the
jard. to arrve aa
A new Una of atreet hate for SatnrroB have bean eant to Cape Towa. Tba Oranpa Free State wUl make common
dsy—the flneet i ikea to b'ack on
tone with the Sonlh African RepnbUetbe market, la
to ifact tbe lenders in
pana mfarrad to baloap to the ooliMy.
iree dUr$oc tr«^ Travetaa City, two
Lomnso Marquee. OeU IS.—Ten
fubioo to be fouL____
found only at Temple
members from tbe Minty at tor^ and
Thay are llpbt and old pattoraa.
of Fashion, S38 Front sU
lonmnd KaSra from the Band have the chairman of tbla board, ex-oSeio.
Have no datolla of eaaealtiea. Tba
Be it farther
aatireerawof tba armed train, with
town. Steamera are belnp chartered
the ruep^ of tba drivara, were
to Uke them to tba Limpopo dtotrlet
Mda priaemera by tba Boera.
Xtorban. Oet. II.—The drat and a«e
ate j idieiaiy as
Tba Bvenlap Nawa priata tba foUow- ood battallona of tba Mancbaater rapi* they may oo'sldar best. Be it fnrtber
Beeolved. That the mnniclpslily o
{j^. ->o»po Town. Oet. IS —An armed mem have arrived at Ladvamitb. The
the City of Traverse City be ioviied v
truaport Navaaa arrived today from co-operate with Ibis board In fltttoply
trato baa been daatroyad aonlbof i
dedleatiop the boHdtop.
ktop. Plftaaa BrlUab troopa .were
Beeolved. That tbe people of the en­
UUed. The Boera abellad tba wreck*
tire county be invited to parilcipaie to
the demonstration, and that the dale
ape after tba trato waa derailed. Boara
thereof be left to the discretion of the
In atmnp torea threaten MafeUep. Senae Bop Prewalied Teeterday and committee of armnpemente btein
There Waa no Contoatnt Sew
The oUnatlon there vary eeriona NonTork.
eembatanu have baaa nottflad lb«t
bnsineee in tbe eeriy part ot tbe after­
York, Oet. IS.—An
they are to be taken away at the annoon. Chairman Brown appointed the
fop banp over tbe vlelnity of Sandy
following committee to arrange for the
p«aa of tba impmtol povmmcnt nod

Book which prew worae the totter part dedieiltioa oeiemoaiee and prepare a
henaad at Oapa Town.
oftbe morstop. The wind freshened

•‘A railroad train earrylnp tbrra allpbtly at timea aod again died
From Traverae City-Thoa. T. Batea,
Fop borna and atoamer wbUUas '
handrod woman and eblldrea
chairman. Senator J. W. MUlIkcn,
anaoriad by a datodimant of .Colon. 1 blowiop oonateUy. Tbe fop waa
Hon. H. C. Davis.
oftbe denaaat ever known at Sandy
From tbe board of anpervtoore-F. A
PewaU*a foree na far aonth aa Vryborp,
Walker, B. S. Shepard. H. Speer, aad
wbnra toe aapa railway baoomaa raC. eilvor leolla paid a vtolt to tho
Chalrmao Bro ■ a. ex'offieio.
qp^bta for tbe nataty of ita
ebamrock and after a oonaaltation
At large Judge J. O. Bamstoll,
with Sir Tbomaa Lipton aanou
tte-”Lowell Sows
Oapa Town. Ost 18-Oold baloapiap that Ua moa was oB for today.
Each member of the board waa deeIpnated as a committee of
tetbaBnnkof Arftoa. Standard Bapk
licitenbaerlp.ions from hto township
and Atrioan Banktop Oo. haa been
or ward, tode'ray tbe expenM of tbe
aaUadatJobannaabnrpby Oom Panl. Btobop Kicbtar Will Oondnet Sarrioaa
demonelration. At first the reeolntlons
to Which a aaaa of Sixty Toonp
Two other toataa crowded with rafprovided for n<< appropriation, hnl the
ParaoDi Bnter Su Francis Charob.
apaw on tba way from tbto rity
board, is cuns.ceratlon of the expenae
Tomorrow at Hipb Mnai to St. Fima to tbe county involved to tbe new
eolUalon. today at VlebMy. 0^ Col­
court bonee, dteided that the expenM
ony. Nina paaaanpera were killed and
will raealra tba earamooy of eondrma' abonld be borne by popular enbserip.
many Injnred. A dtopate from Colaation. The nannal oon&rmatte will tlon.
bup nnnonnoaa the trato waa armed. tee place with apecial aarvioea aad
Tbesnatterof^aurajMeonthe new
labaWtanU there are wavertop and Btobop Blebtar of Grand Bapida wUl eoart bouse was'^ eubject of dtoena^
nnoartaln whether to preat tba Boera be preaant to conduct the earemoniaa, alon early in tbe day. Tlie chairman
which are always impreaalve and baan- believed that the amount of insurance
with cold land or hot eoPaa.
to be carried should be about tlS.OOO
DaaplU optimtotto reporta of the
High Maaa will be held at 10 a. m. OD the bnUdiap. and when
nbllJty of Mafakinp to repel an attaek. and at 7:10 p. m. there wlU be a spaelal $$0,000 on bulldlnp and fumltnre. The
Nothing eo pood elsewhere

the pnateat anntoty prmlto hare, aa
u There will aleo be a maaa at 8 mslter was referred to the bnUdinp
less than <3.50 to fl.OO.
t. All of tbcM aervieea will be committee to pracere bids for the )wsft to known that tba redonbtable oomInteraatlnp
■andant Krorle. who captured tba
ebureb will not afford anffielwt capa­ bida at the afternoon eeesion from the
JamoMn raaervaa, Itoa tba atronpeat
city to accommodate the large oonpre- apenci«« of O. P. Carver. John R. Saneemmand yet pm uto tba flald with pationa wbleb-mlll attend.
B. W. Haetinps and E. B. Allyn.
tba exeeptton of Commandant Oeoeral
The committee wsh directed by the
Joobart'a foroa. Kropja'a troopa nnm- XABTBQ'JAKB IH OAlAsrOUflA. board to examine the bids aad report
to the board this momtop at S:S0
bar between o.OOOnnd 10,000.
Cape Towa. Oet. IS.—Mafakinp to cot Two Heavy Shocka Oanae Oraet ExSeveral appiieaSoos for the poetticn '
eitoment In Sonoma Oonnty.
oC by t.ooO Boera, who eroaaed the borof jsoltor tor,tbe court bouse were r«San Franelaeo, Cal.. Oev IS.—Two
dw forty mtlea aootb of towo. Tbe
oeived, and m motion of Superviur
heavy shocks of earthquake occurred
Cleveland they were referred to a cemwlioa were cat at noon yeatarday. Colyesterday, at Santa Rosa, the
^ t mitiee for examination. Tbe chairoaei Baden-PoweU aad hit ato bundred east of Soooma eouaty. 6fiy mUeej
appointed as sueb committee. Su­
north of thla city. The first
mnai now fight alonepervisors Clevelaod. Speer and Shepard.
The Boera now occupy Ktanlpan 7:30 to the momiop aad the aeeoad at
‘rte committee on finance, ways and
means reported favorably upon tbe an­
nual report of the eonnty treasurer,
{toihecmeklnpof a few brick walle,
and U was accepted and filed.
Ooloaol Plnmer. with ftOO men on tbe. u,e dropping of ptoeter and the sbakAt tbe afternoon session A. D. Mc­
■ortbemfronUer. MaltoMloff.
’ top of poods from ahelvet. The tost
Rae of Garfield, was elected drain
VryburpandMafektoparenowproi- obock lasted twenty eecooda.
Both commissioner having received 10 votes,
by reporu that
ably~belnp attacked on all sidea.
against 7 for O. D. HolmM of Fife
(fiade tbe pe^ believe a heavy exploIt Is expeetea that tbe Boen will at- aton bad ocenrred. A large crowd at Lake.
o'. P. Carver was chosen director of
laok Kimberley tomorrow. Tbe town i the Atbeneom theater wm thrown into
the poor to snoeeed bimsrit.
to atRmply dotuded and fortified with , n panic, bot quiet waa restored before
The mas who* makes a hit in
Prof. W: A. White of File Uke, wm
any one was aeriouily Injured, utter a
•vwy poMtblo menaa.
eboeen oonnty echool examiner by n bosinea is the man who is
Oapa Town la erowdad with rafi^oea. fewxsomeauof r
vote of 11. apalMl S for Prof. C. H onghly,
If yon don’t have a telephone
Bora omi i for Prof. C B. Dte«vAB are pmytop that tba Brittth troopa
Tba matter of anteitiac oaitoMo people are liable>j think that yon
om tba border wUlbeaUe to eheek aa
peraOM to look aflM tbo burial of are alow.
tovwte by tba Boors nnUl OoMrai toavtotod of ManalatoCbtar t. De­ deeoannd aoldlera. aoeerdlap to

'Itey will probably
Bnltor arrivM from Baptoad.
think that yon Iare
state law. wm eowiderod also at tbo
Detroit. Dot. lA—Joha
aftomoon laisiou
Tba Uw dlreeta
eves alower uan]
&an yon
The Cape Or
today wttbont any lalmemee bavtoc Deaa WM fannd pnilly of maaslan^ that tba anparvtosnabaU appoint om
iobody wants ’ to
beea mada to tbs areaMt war. Mr today aad eMtiaoed to Ittoea
" and ward
wboMdnty U abaU bo to look after
il with people who
Dtbuliiw^ Oabtoat ^totolw hto
behind tinea
■Mirai Fototkm to tbe dtonet ot the ' bto wUa wUb a fiattroa darlap a qaar- and attoad to tbo bariat of deoMiia
raL Tba aeaple had been Uvlap apart tridton. at tba ■xpsini of tbo eeuty,
Brittob etaMMt to the oetey:
niriatlvtoabd Monde el diniMid
FttedeataMpaeC tbe Oraape FWm


An assortment of pictures h


nrriTcd tut night in Odfboi
PrinU. PUtinotype* bid Photofehrooen-totnU nt SOc to 70e
each—Nothing nicer for n preb­
ent tboD b nobtly frmxncd|uctni«
—Weonnfmxnryoonforjroa tt'
from 20c ap, nccording to tht
nsuoldin^ style, otc.

We expect special'
telegraph reports on
the yacht race this

2^228 Front Street

Bniph Oonnablb Jr., Manbffbp.

Bull Tour llDderwesr of S.<]Booila t Co. aod be Comfottablo





tk He





Men’s Shoes

. Rosseis-

Boi Calf-

Velour Calf-


llcl Kid-

tNe Newest

Tie «1.<W



ill oer Underwear is oew-WeTate lo old stock to work off


Overcoat Values—



If yon want a pick from one of the ian
Dart of
nt the
th» btate—goods that are new
this part

and stylish—all
grades, from the cheapest to the .^ne«t-r-«l prices that at
once sump .them the best vainw ever offered in good overcoata.

Come to this store.

We invite yonr carefol
oar soperb stock.



$3.00 a Pair





Are important and we* can strongly’recommend the following popular lines.


The'leader in Fine Shoes.


S. Benda t Co.



Oriental Silk........................................26c
Genuine Near Bilk........................... 26c
Kereerlred Batines............... 40o
Imported TwOl Goat Lining .. 40c
Taffeta Antique........................... 16c
COBDETTE....................... 20 and 2Ec

Beet yet for facinR find interlining—Oennine on^'at

uic-ORICNTAV^iLK ijnini




You gpt a

'When yon buy you




‘•' •-■• -c; Af*• r^gwV


VBATimaorrr. •


gte ^ Bi» A«P i. W. Batw.
9. W. -HAjm. Editor »»d lUkiffW-


Om OncouioB.

•ood PUm for AdaBlroI »«v«y.
A totTMpoodral to tbc tblcAffo Tri■tUOBtlwt AiS«lT*l Dewej bo nodr
tIm pmident.
To tfaU tbo Tribnae
«ff«« oerlou obleetioM, oao la partie■Itf bolagthat Adsiral D»wor I* too
fe^ A •"»■» to ooa&ae bio ability to
tralldlac a ga^l tbo ocaateebaaber.
cr «o bo -rloo anytblag." la tbto ooo.
^cetlOB tbo Tnboae makca a good tag
fwttoa aa followo;
“Tboro lo oae thlag wbleb may be
djso with propriety, bowever, If Preel4fnt If oElaley It re^eetod aad A^gal Dowry eboaom togoai tbe reUrod
llat Tbat la for tbo foraor to makr
tbo Uttar Socrotary of the Kavy. Ibea
ier fow yoaia tboro will bo at tbe bead
•( tbat dopartaieat a maa wbo aader.
ataado bio baoUem. aad will eoodact
lU affaire to the aatUfaetloa of tbe
poopU-aadof the aary offl.en Ibat
Aapartaeat did aot bare each a bead
Aartag tbe laet two wart. It U qoite
MMible that Admiral Dewey will aot
eager to ebala bimaelf to a detk for
lotr yean, bat If tbe Prealdeat tboald
laeUt tbat It wat tbe Admiral’t daty to
laba ebarge of tbe maaagemeat of
■Aral aff^ tbe Utter iroald eabmit.
Bealwpya doee hUdaty."
Tn long feared war betweea tbe
SagUtb aad tbe Boeio le bow on aad
ia grave earant. WbUe tbe Traatml U a email npablle, it U plaeby

aad baa I

Omaaa wfilbaOaaatlrBeaatifleA ir<
Tear aad Vaay Vew Oouagea
Sreeted br teorten.
Abal T. Page af Qraad B^lde. «
la tbe
yaeteiday aa Ut way to
OdMaa. where be bae report Utereate.
aad where be weat to lock after matten ter tbe wiater aad make anaageitafor aext aprlagb work U the
way of improTomeata. Bermrtat^t
tbe eeaeoB thU year wae ooe of tin
aatiefaetary U tbe bittory eg tbe
■w Tbwe wen gaeeu at tbe laa
alm-wterery part of the Uolted
StatM. aad alt whp eame weat away de­
lighted with tbe laeatloa. Maay are
plaaaUg to bay and batld. aad
ber of real eetaw traaefen war
daring tbe eeaeon. Among tboae wbo
expect to baild aad oeeepy eottagee
next year U John E- Saato of Traveree
City, wbo bae bU pUae prepared for a
prefy aammer borne. Ur. Weium of
Detroit U aaotbar wbo bae bongbt aad
wUl boild U the epriag. C E Richmoad; of tbe Oraod *a|dde firm of
Richmond A Perkloe. will aleo baild
oottage. Coatraeu ere now being let
by Rct. Cleraaee dwifi of Laaalng, for
cottage on tbe polat near tbat
of Ber. Dab Y. Bradley. Many other
lorn have baea eold. and tbe reeort U
ea)oyiag a
ttilagi for it U tbe future.
Among eotum completed daring
tbe peat eeaeoa'waa one for Hr. Piertoo of StanioB and oae oa the pofat,
owned by Mlsa Emma Dean. and. oempled tbla enmmer by Mr. Blair of
Grand Ranlda. SubaUatUI Improremeata were auke oa tbe Inn by It*
owner, Abel T. Page, during tbe
eon, aad otben will be made U tbe
•future. BoaUag U
■ement. aad a numeer of new sail
b wte are being bnilt by tbe oottagen
for next eummer’a aae. Mr. Gnrea U
aleo baviag a aaptha Uaneb butlv aa
well aa a aamber of row boau for tbe
beneAt of tbe gneau at tbe reeort.
Cbe-mU-wah-be oottage. aader tbe
laaagameat of Mn. Ellen Oarltale of
Qraad Raplda waa AUed to orerAowlag
aU summer, and wTen tbebara had to
bo fitted up for oeenpaoey part of the
time. Tbe boaee was flUed with Ckieago teaebera nearly all tbe
Among the
tboeemads by Leonard WbetUr,
wbo aome Ome ago porebaaed property
on tbe bill near tbe dock, aad bai
made a aumnaeund winter home for
blmeelf there, expending between
r.OOO and 18.000 on the Impraram

leOraat BriUln. Beeldae. the Bean
an -foeeemed of a deiemUatlon to
ffghl to the bltur ead for ihalr rlgbte.
AUilgse polat to a long aad deter»lacd war andltlood will flow freely
before many daya bare paeeed. Yeeteedgy the fint blood wae dnwa and
tbe Bonn bare preelpluted tbe loce of
of tbe Lad lee
^aman life by kmiur fifteen BritUb
Ubrary AaeoeUtloa will be held U tbe
•OldUn. U tbe Ant real aggreaelfe
Ubrarr rooma tbla afternoon.
morament The trouble U to be dct to te
Tickets for the entei
pUrad. bat the oateome will be watcL
given for tbe pipe organ fund next
.pd with iatereet by the whole world.
Wedneeday evening are on tale at J.
J. W.
Bow that war U on between Great
AritaU and tbe TraneTaal it wUl be Ullliken's etorea.
amlaantly proper f>r tbe Brltinb war
Sapervisor J. L. Warner, wbo was In
•fiae to call -oat Richard Harding attendance here upon tbe meeting of
)ba board, waa caUed yesterday mortlag to Milan. Monroe county, to tbe
bedside of his mother, who Is very low.

o'clock, and tbe

lor tbe trial ofjBnEB TWBMTY-blVB

' “—"■

birthday aanlearsary. Bia MenA
profited by tbe erenl.
Tne steamer Colombia arrived here
rom Manistee yesterday, where the
as been to receive repaln. She
brought a load of freight from ManUtve to Empire and enttons Bay.

There aeema to have bean an Im
reealon among tbe Udlee. wbleb
happily U belpg dissipated, that the
antomaUe art exhibition at SIS Front
street waa not aniuble for ladles to
wiueea. Tbla la a mlauke. It la one
of tbe meet marvelons pieces of artlitle
meebanlelara and Ingennliy that baa
ever been seen in this elty. Tl^e acenee
r preaent real Hie U miniature, abowing ooean views, with great ablM past­
ing to and fro, aoenea U the polar
rvgiona and reprodnetlona of Grecian
mythological cbaraeieie. Tbe charac­
ters are tiny examplee repreeeniing
real Hfe. aoenralely peotrayed and
wooderfaUy arranged. It U a display
of tbe wor'k dt a^genlna, wbleb la so
marvelloni tbat It can icaroely be exp'alned; yet the whole U the handi­
work of man, and tbe leetaiee by
mlnntelT the various transformations
In a manner which U wonderfally
cDtertolnlng and instmeUve. Few wbo
have seen the exhiblGon ean refrain

T> Verdict Beach*d >n tbe Oau
Aneeva Bapbael.
The replevin appeal eult of Anee vs.
Raphael occnpled tbe attention of tbe
elrenit eourt all day yesterday. The
morning they bad not yet i me In.
I'ftcy were »iill In the court n m. and
no vrrdici rould be reached.


Tbe Good TemoUte wiU give a popu
Caoaeil Committee of Whole Will
tar oyster tapper in Uonlague BpU
Bol Olre Eaeluelee Bight of
tbla evening from 5 to T:3h o'clock. All
8tnet« to Bailroad Oo.
are oordUlly Invited. Good muaie fareonncll met laet night la com nlsbed. and good program will bo giv­
What l> CalerjF Klnft
en. TickeU are on aalrat 16' cents.
^tee of tbe whole, for tbe diaeiiaali
-eftbadrattof an ordlnanoe reported
The game ^ ball tbat was to have
by the ordlaanee eommlttee. relatiee been played yesterday between
to Iba electric railroad. The ordnaace Asylnms and the High Seboola wat
pommlttee bad prepared an ordinance poetponed on account of tbe abeenec of
•unr«wr>l>- nu-tlrme,«nd ureeomBiended by
tbat wat reaaoaably aatUUctory to the several of tbe atylnm playerm. Tbe |.l.y.l. luii» icclii-rwljy. Kciueiutrr, II cure*
committee of the whole. aJUongh game will be palled off some time
end 60c. peekl ek-rv Kinc U xilU I 1
pome ebaage* were anggeeted la tome 'eek.
ten b> dru.;i;>iu* kud i
of tbe minor delalU. Tbla ordlnaaee
Caldwell A London haw Just flnisbed
will bo oonaldered at aome later meet­ a fine wagon for the use of the Northern
ing of tbe eonaeU, though j^at when
eaaaot now be told, aa tbe committee
George W. Daniels paid $1 in Judge
oftbe whole ia-BOt yet ready to niake BoberU' court yeelerdsy for riding
y p>r totbccouDcU.
tbe aonth aidewalk of West Seventh
Borne of the conditions of tbe friO'
It between Union and Oak.
chUe bare not yet been definitely Rlaya paid tbe eame amonnt for a aim. determined npoa. ^oogb tbe miaor liar offense on tbe weet aide of Caa*
local deUUa wUl be readily arranged. etreei between Front street and the
The •ommltted' feel favonbly toward
pyaatUf all tbat U reaaooabie,
The Pearl Gatberan. a society of
oxelnalre grant la favored by the Cok*
people In the BapUsiehnreb will
mittee. The matter will be left open
{or other llaea tbat might apply to obeerve their fiiai blrtbbay annlOomeUUter. It U anggeeted tbat tbe vereaty Tueaday evening. October K.
OM of tbe itreeu by tbe ooBipMy be la the BaptUt church. Everybody U
aadwtbedltwcUon and permlmloa of Invitnd to go aad partake of tbo birth­
eomaeil. Ordlnaacee paeaed by oU
day cake aad laam tbe myiWrici of
eitiea ban Wen oonaldered. aad the Wonderland.
elty will demaad tbat a Ant clam lUe
iT-'___ 1_____ l.k .11 - ---------------, aniiliUB«Bt
The club party *» k»v« been given
be pot U.wlth all I
The thirty yev laet evening in Hurtnagbh academy.
of first a class ordi
firanehlae ail
uaUl Friday evealnr.
October a;, oa necount of the wMther.;
c way of a I— .
The Michigan Starch Co. baa bought'
fara than five oeeU a mlU after a cer­ two carloads of potatoes at Kalkaska,
tain period and tbe right of tbe City to
BUXibaae tbe line ef ter a eeruln length to be shipped immediately. The com-!
paay baa 'arranged tor conaldemble'
of time yet to be deelded npon.
qnnntiUea to be abipped to tbelr fac­
Bevuralng Xxearsiontsta.
tory from variooe loealltlee.
Five packed ooachea came In laat
Judge Mayne reeeived a talepnoae
algbt ea the C. A W. M. Many excur- iMeage ymterday from Clrenlt Oonri
alonUU were returning, ef whom about tenewranber Bendereon. atoUng tbat
■ IOC got off at tbla city. The root went
rae much better apd «kpeetod to be
on to Charlevoix aad Petoekey.
be abU to attwd the Leelanau term
of eourt at Leland Monday.
▲ Strange Wm.
Our eboea have s reputation
The local ioege of Blku era talking
Waa that of Dr. A. ‘W. Chaee. by
wbleb be set tbe prioe ef Dr. A. W. of a special liHUation of a large eU •
for good wear.
Ckaae'e Kidney-Liver PiUs at as eenta a abotft the middle of November, to be
box. tbo* making it poaelble for snffer- followed
Mclal leeslan.
iu maa and women to obtain tbe
The ease against John Barry,
ebaiged with handling flab below tbe
duriat eficleney it you bavs baeknebe. Mae required by tow. wUl be token up
In Jadga Bobwto' eeart today at »

Nature’s cuR^


When you buy your
footwear of



Barry expects
Tbe Raonaii U Uformed that
Elmer ESiaabury and Beaaic Bone
of Bellalre were lleeoaed to marry yea-. Prank H. Oravea. wbo has been with
Poeter A Stereaa of Grand Bapida for
y-fi*e yeaia. baa decided to
A marriage llceuae waa granted yes­
terday I
a and Grace E Br-lgrare ol tbb eiiy.
art property at Omeaa- Several

The Old,
Shoe Man

Frank Friedrich

Is-a good, thing to have
in aaj room and yon can afford one inerery room if you buy from us. We have
them in aU styles and prices from a full
springy, 8prin£ edge couch at $5.75 to a
00 Davenport sofa.


tbe LeeUaau Bewrl AaaoeUtioo
aereeof tl
Uelading the heavUy wooded point
•eparatlng Omena Bay from tbe large
bay. Be baa extended ronslderable
■.and many I<
money In ii
have been pnrebated by wealthy
people from different- parts of tbe
country, IneladlngaBBmberof college
' profeeaore. clergymen, etc. Mr Gravet
la mneh Interested iu tbe future of the
resort, aad wUl spend much of bit
Ume there in tbe future.

120 Front 8t

Bismarck’s Iron Mervp


House Furnishing Store.

318 UNION Street

Waa the result of bit eplerdid bea
ladomltable will and tremrudous
ergy are not found wheri- Stomaeo.
Liver. Kidneys, and Bowel* : re out of
order. If you want
be aucceea they bring, nse Dr
nod tbe
UNewUfe Klla. Ooiy ?.t ceau
mes G. Johaeon's aad S. E. Walt'*:
at Jami


BilUaelllngat S centsaloaf at Prank

Kimball Pianos and Organs


are used and endorted bv tne leading i
muaielanB everywhere. No. IM Front •
•eeu N. E. Strong, manager. T88 ft • •

Reasons Why

Made, Laid

ladies should wear


Gray Bros

the Carpet paper



They are fashionable.
Th«'y fit perfectly.
. 3—They, comfortable.
4—They ^on^ine elegance
with durability.'*
5 They are of superior con­
6 They are made in the new­
est shapes.
- -They cost no more than
other shoes.
We have them in all sizes and
sell them for 5‘3’.oo, $3.50 and
Sj.oothe pair.

is what is included when you
buy otir Ingrain carpels at 65c.
the Brussels at Sj.oo. or any
of the better grades. “You
buy the carpet and we do the
rest." Have yon bought your
fall carpet? Better select it
early—These are our busy
days in that department—Car­
pels selling, fast—buy while
you can get the pattern you’
want. Remember the tirst

Light on a
Dark Subject

was the Illinois search litfht
turned on a colored man. Another black matter is polishing
your stove, setting it up, fixing
the pipe and all those little
things. We do all these and
save your hands—and your
temper—for a small remuner­
ation. H you buy.a new stove,
these are all included free of
charge. Have you seen our
great stock of Stoves, Heaters
and Ranges? $6.50 to $55-co.

“Pies Like
Mother used
To Make”
U you use None Such New
England Prepared Pumpkin
or Monarch Condensed Mince
Meat. Sell at 10c the package
and will make two good big
pies. <you can make three but
two’s better, you don’t get so
much crustil The Pumpkin
contains all the ingredients—
requires no cooking—just add
the milk. The mince meat re­
quires apint of water for each
pie and stew until the meat
becomes of the desired con­
sistency—say fifteen minutes—
It is then ready for the crust.

The Hanoali & Lay Mercantile Co




I iMvt Mena


» ei<w FwW SJbtmt TUk Z«n u4
Mt VmcMWd
JofeB BMiy.


■mm tnx»BB;—&% ibm b «ot»IdWiir'
tbe U«
raHblpp— M tmrm m«mm W
Cw^ to lb* ntle of wblu
Um to>hi|» tbrir two pmatU la wolcbt. I
Uto to
«ww.oa Meoa»of Ui« amrtdty nf rKpUio it SI It ii lotarprotodto ss
»« Tbt locftl •Imw mDd «r*r« Porfasm Mout sr« sot iwsre tbst tbore
koWMWcfMU, wlihoo i*U»t *etin I b
s ek«e4 usm »d act itblac m well

-MOB oibcr blod*.
■ ■-* •*_^_**
— - ^wwiMi
•• oi
**^oa T«
of toe
the If'eblffsa
Pbb 4
M prcCl fKom
(rsU of a alarb Game law* for J»W read* . -Itihsll b«
o> bll U.b.bU muirhltor..,
l« fiib with
’*“■ ^ >~r
-r ki-J oI -u -hbU^r is the wstK
b.l» U a-. .tUcbkd «.rt,bl..U»lr».
of tbb lUte from U..
the »Oih diy of
October till the nth diy of Droomber ”
leis ia aorth'wBMM Ookbad
tbetioo 7i of tbe isme bw nsdi;
rbtaotto hmre saj uoabb “Tbst It ihsll be nnbwfal to'^msri
ladbpoalnrof all tba|r applea. Tb* or bare b
any white fi.b
eldar faetop at Holly b oaior Are oar- wel«bin»
tbaa two poaodior aay
load* a*oi7 day b tba -waak, or oear troot welyblne In* than m poaod'a
d.eao baAala
each la the rooad.”
Tbare b a aartab farmer b Oakbad
Aereioiore tbe Abarmea e
aeaaty, who aaa afford to ke^ bb aot eell or *blp darter the cloead
baUdlayawellpabtad-witboat baTlaf •on-b»t Utb year tbe bw proebee.
tp Afarp oa the coat. He bat toaad a
*ball be bwfal to tranaport or
larya bed of atberal pabl oa hb farm.
*<>7 «f the lald dreeribrd kiade of
; ■ and all that b needed to make It raady ^
caarbt, darby any
« b tomb libwltb liaeeed oil.
Tbleenableatbe A^hermaa t
The actremely eold father of bat .
^ aod freest tbelr Ath and eell them dnrwbm aeema to hare heea a bleesiar b"r thrclMxd“ i aeon. Home of tbe
la dbr-be b the fmit rrowere "f
> tbb ebaee differOoiaaa eoaaty who.-It beald. bare ,
And oat that

CST C^d^lJ ir.*^ r

by Mr. Birry

. veacbee emd ploaillbe
*'*”“' P*«eeot«l him -to the
mtentthalhehae had to remor, bb
frmabr weaber iaealiJ S’aTir*
Konbpon." I tbb1i it
» V -b.,^^
Wyearfc and rea^at H^taaw. wbo w.. arrmted
while ranalaff away from a ban which be on Are early b
tha. weak, hae m

C.ab ^mt naamat Aftae*
At Um laaetlBt of tha Womaa'i slab
yeatardsy aflaraooa a Ana nroffiam bn
''-Amriaaa Aaihon" wm rlres BB«ar
tha able laadetship of Btm. N. H. Oaii*
aalt. who (sea the opaalnf paper of

C. Qetee of Meatoa b b tbe el«y.
Freak Votmba rataraed bht ai(ht
Bra.d. a
^t at Lekcaida bet aiffbL
' Mbe Mbab Beltaw i
ffbbt from Grani Bapl^
W. C Xa»». editor of ^[
Baterprbe^ b ia tbe city on 1
by Mre.-Meboa.

earn of Amrieaa
formed a AtUar
papera which followed. Mrs C.
with the famUy of
Beedore a btoffrapMeal aketeb of ‘ her daiffbier. Mta. Duff McDonald, baa
Waebinrioa Iretaff. one of tbe best (one to Cbbaffo to apepd the wbter.
kaowa aad bred of Amertea’B earlier aceompaabd hr bar daaffbter. Mn.
The life and worke of jCooner wer«
welldreeribed by Mrs. Slater E. Wbita.
and Parkmao. one of tbe moet famtu*
bbioriaae of tbe United Staiea wae
Dr. J. M. LoadoB of Banlt St. Marie.

Attby coaeluiian to an afternoo^
epeni wlUt aom of the yreat men of a
half eeatury ayo. Tbemeetiny wae preelded over by
tbreeoond viee preeident, Hia. A. -C
Deepree. and Mrs W. Jf. Tnninr acted
ae accretary pro tern.

|a Ml*. Sheldon of Sand iieaeb. letarned borne yeeierday. after epeadby tbe
eommer with her dnayhier. Mrs. lea
Woeaion. Mn Wheaton aeoompaoied
her mother, and will vlait for com
Um at Sand Beech.
Mr. aad Mn. John O. Brant of
Calkaaka, are !a tbe elty.
F. E Baynca and Oeorye Miller
went to hortbport yeetvday.
tee Cbemberlab, nlybt operator
be C A tv. M. roun^ bouae, will leave

a aa operator at Sparta. Abont yenaaiy let.
Tbe Mlcbiyao Sbreb Co. will aot j
B'bbed the Grave.
cooAiie lea work to tbe maBufaet
A etarUby ‘oeldeat ie narrated by
potato aUreh exeluaively
The plant
' " '
r PbUadelpbb. aa'followa:
equipped to prodnoe wheat and co a
awful condition. My ckin
atareb aad ayrab elevator will be
■nken. toi____
bled, pain <
ily b back and
bnUt to faniliute that portbn of tbe
eidra, no appeUte, yrow:
»iny weaker day
boebcee of the company. A larye* ele­
Three pbyiieiane bad yl
vator will be erected oa the chore
Then 1 wae advlaed to
north of the factory. Work will be be............
yun ou tbie ■traetura abont the Arat of I Ant bou

Mr. Barry ha. been ebippbr Aah
throaeh bore all aemaer. and darbff
tbb Um I bare aot been belde hb Aeh
January to be raady for buebee. whan
and am now . well :
bouee nor opened or ezimlned
ezambed anw
aoy «f
of pnatoee coaae to oome b b quanUtlee | know they robbed tbe yraveof;
the Aab
bb 1tbi>ai be bae reoeired or ahlppad. eeffieient to keep tbe plant yoiny fall I
Ko one ebould fall

d S. £. Walt'a drny s
^ mon «r». m »j. b. ala » m«nJy bl. biulra.^ bat taaabU, na^aaaa.
Webb^bbloob pln„„ lb ««|a, tb. aaatalalbU b... bmt a»a. to .171^1



rntbably tbb Uirast bppla eipp Ip wpota ta Mr. Moraa. tba atata paaia
Cam ocmnty. b *( yaara. baew beby w^*«. aekby hb adrbe ae to what I
ffMharad. One dealer bee parebeaed
Ao. and b reply wae directed to
«MT twoaty tbooaand bnebeb and man*11 lUeffal Aab aad eemmenoe proafaetarad for ebipment orer eerea baa- Medlnce at oaoe. An extract from Hr.
And barreb of eider, which they hare
bttracUone bade: ‘-Tbb bw.
.abipped. HealAea tbaae tbe applh dryer
hppllee to one and all.”
M QMaopelb b nalnf orer three ban-' 1 t^aa rbited Mr. Berry'e plaee for
dndbaebebperdey. Then baboon the Arat time.abont three weeka ayo.
appb dry«r at ffaadalb and a elder >
bb man eafared la packby
■m b Dolby. It b aot probable that Aab for ebipment. 1 examined them
there will be Um. tbaa Afty
and found about loo pouade of ill^l
haabebofapplmnurkeledaKbaaope- vAlteAhh. BCNaeoftbemreryemall. I
bed Mr. Berry e^m end took at them.
At Battle Creek tba deed tram tbe
prombed me he would ablp
oUttaakarharybr ffteaad era w.., ‘ke^backat onee to tbe men who
ramoredtoOak HUl eemeterr. Tbie
»brm not to
whe oae of tbe Aral ee^teriea b that ***‘^
nore. aod that he would
elty and tbe popalatlm hae' «■»—fuccl
the otben be wae buybr
to eaeb an extent that It b BOW b the *”““** “**• Thta waa on Wedneaheart of tbe beat realdeui portba of Any. aad on Friday I learned from bb
tbe elty. Tbe city baa leaned It from
I*® *>»A not seat them back
titeaareifbr gaakera fjr a term of “ **®
ayreed. bulbed aent thrm
Biaety-nbe yeara for a fUbUe park.
I aaked Mr.
aa.d tbe rronade bare been eleaaed Ud
W be had aeat them back aad be
tha removior of tbe bodba _________ _ tltieA that be w»s roior to uke them
Tharadaythenoxiday to Ko--ihpon and ahow
Fr™ bn.. ... baafkac tba panpl. a>


“ *!"


" “-“raarb:™,! 7rp)^.7

pad aaWI b> MJabmp.



BaaAald Bronrbtoa of MiddlerllU, found illeyal 6th. (apout lOO pomda b
owaa a ebeep that baa two beade. One a ebipment of tso pounoal three I
of the beadarrowa oatof one aboaldw aelxed and turned orer to tbe aeylnm
aad la petrlAed.
pad acab took M-. Barrya promlac
. Oxford people are excited over -a
would not handle any au>re
Btraaira pheBomenon. Cobble atonee awall Aah aod that if any were eeat to
myalerlonaly tall from tbe aeilioff over Aba that be wMud tore' them over to
J. r. U Jear a candy alore
«« > ibea leiepboaed Mr Morae aad
Tommy Tyaon. a hunter mV Beaver.
«> -»« U»e matter
ton, lay wounded b Ue woode 4* **•*■
Aae received eeveral
boun before briny f juod by a eearch. •‘>»P«»vn«a eince ana baa not reported
lay party. He will probably pull “T
«“«*• “A on WedaeidaT 1
.examined a ■hipmeat which be wai.
A elraaye accident haDDcned at th- P~P“>»A » *bip to Cbieayo. and ou
Tiaitl. PFap.!. idb.>Fb<B...
P * ©fCTSnound* I found 2J1 pounda <
^lUeCraek poatoace. A man from. jUryal use which 1 eeUed,^ com
Baraball mlat4X>k a plate ylaaa window maced
for an open door aad walked riybi No* i* I have •men too mv^ with Mr.
tbrouyb It. AUbouyt tbe yleei wee
*® •***
abattermt b a bundred plecee. tbe man
aevar reeeived a eorateb.
At WarrmtOeory* Bxatbe held a
lanlera down an old will back of bM
■awmlU to aee how blyb the water [ Could not eapreaa tbe rapture of Anwae. Ab exploBloB of yaa followed >>‘e
Sprbyer. of Philadelphia, when
wbbb eeveraly boraed both
and '
Diaesvery cured her of
a backby oouyb that for many


Tbe batwry of four
which wae taken from Orobard
Obard Lake jUUMi
!t»iled itaoon
It aoon relieved the pab
b my
I can now aleep aoundlr.
by tbe rorarnmeat at tbe1 beybnlarl***"'
--------- -------------------------.hi^ ^inomiblnyl can acarcely remember do^ UeSpanUb war and ahlppad
•blppaA toji.,
to la, befo^.
before. ,1 ,ein,Ve
fMl like w,undb*
eouadba lU
Cuba, wae retoraed Thniaday from the prateee tbronyboui tbe Univerae." Dr.
Bock Iclaad aracBal. to wbleh plane Klny'e New Dieeovery ie ynaranteed i
•the yun. were chipped from the eoutk.;
<b tte lOtb of Deoember. 18#7. Rev. W-il’edruy emee
S. A. Dosuboe. paatcr M. K. Cburab.

—ww.. ...



*• «.vw uiv


Be imra: '%tor iraorUny^a j


®* Sayinaw. The ebbyle

charm. I moei ebearf ally racommand *>f*>o,ooo feet of Inmber n«ra deetroyJob Do«Idn*t Bav* Stood lb
If te’d bad Itc^ Pilaa


tcrrl'^ I

Blyb Sebool Pupil b Detroit Found
Deed wiUt PUto) by Hie SMe.
Tbe ereat Aatomatic BxpnaiUoa -at
Detroit. Oet. U.—Fmdband Behan,
SIS Frant Street.
ayed so. a Uiyh erbool pupil, vrac found
Every 'lover of the beenUfal aed
woaderfal ebould cee tbe yreeteet of deed early today in front of tbe borne
of Mn. Patrick Drouillard. wbo lived
all worka of
with her pareou In Delray. A bullet
toour many rcedeia tbe arllatic aklll bad penetrated tbe yonlb'e lem^e aod
aod beauty of deeiyn of tbU marvelooa a revolver lay by bia aide. Tbe
pon ii one Reban1 borrowed
from a
By it we learn wMom and behold friend.
Uon Mra.
power with which God After II
lard wae ai eted on euepiclon of bavItafforde be eleo yrand leeeoue of inyaome < minal knowledye of tbe
that true preaervmaaoe that will ever ahootlny.
develop a
and 1
and eler*
Every me
Weary of Bxpaebteatiartveree City a
With aalvea, auppoaltonea and ointproAtabl
aro dreadby a anryieal opera•pent to render u» mental aod morti Tnents
iDatruotion It can be teen fo- a diy ^ hnndrada have turned to Dr. A. W.
or two.lonyer at Sll Froet atreeL
nlieatlon brinya r<
ble livblny^and It la very aeldom
more than one box i» rvqulred
'({ulred to0 effect
ly so eentee a box
at all dea'era.


I Furs! Furs!


Friday, Saturday
and Monday! |

Everybody Knows
Uneeda Biscuit
Ml. <MUT by MTnui Msm CMMMn.

The Boston Store

Phenomenal Values

Men's Business^uits.

A Three Day’s Suit Selling
at Half Price.
While eacL our buyer get “the iaside" on R spot
cash deal closing a big tot of this season's goods at
50c on the dollar.
This lot has just been unpacked and placed on
Sftt buFinee* aulfai mirked m do leeb ytMde were ever offered before b
Traverac City—Wond-'rfnllr bnodeome itylee. e‘o**ntly made. rare,
fully toUored, dUUnclive ityle, tone and vlyonmi ehnractcr u. every
715 lull*. Id ill wool ebrviou. new piiidi end ebnln. coaU calb Hoed.
' eilk piped, tailored etrictly up-to-dete, leteet eat on ebealder end
back, eollnr bnyi the Deck—• D»Uy tlo uo intt—m we b-o-e'’’
at * eacriAce price we yive ym tbe bcDfSt and
the ridicaloBily low price of.....................................

$6 60

GO men's all wool eiiitn—blirk blue end b.-ewn -rbed
'■ .Uco
yreyi. drraiy, well leilorec end up-to-»i*b every reepecl—onJlBBfily thw luito would br’ny f7.r.u without eay pub- AO QQ
intr—our money levby orioe Ie......................................... ^O.l/O
«4buHineKHPUill!.—runr*B'.eedmilwool, ell color*, in cheek*, pleidi,
■tripei end p'eib bleek end bloe ebevloti nod woriWi. welt toUor­
ed. Fench feced. ratio plpley*—Id feet teilorAl fi|uel ffe>| ■:/%
to eoy
rr S' «niti- rar 50 per cent, tovby price... ^ »-Ov/
178 himlncK» kull»-lbe baoeer lot. e line which we ere proud ioihow
eepeeieUy to men t»bc ere pertleuler eboet beby we 1 dremed—they
ereelt wool.yueraateed. medelD leteet etylr—toliored tbi* eraeon.
coDirqneBtlr err-brand new jn everc detotl—e Ibe tbet would meke
eny competitor -nvioui. Soiueb re'ieble clothbr bei ever been
p.sree before thr publh- b ibii vklrity w ecy other et tbe price we
beve hbeed od ttii meypiflciBl lot. Ali kiedi of yoodi era repre ’
eented of tbe Bcwcit deelyci end weevei. cbevtot*. ceulmerM. met- '
tone, twevdt. tr1cou—Coeu ere iqaerc cuu, frorki end lecqura
Feou in preveiliny width. We beve mirked tbrie witbb reecb of
. everyone, rrren'lrs* of ectuel ralue. which would under ordb.
erj- conditieni be eis.'io or 8l5.0C-»nr outlet price

Wo invite a close aod critical inspection. Yon
hare nev«r had such an opportunity before to get re­
liable goods at such a saving in price.



They Are! |

'All the latest creations in Furs
consisting of

Scarfs, Collarettes,
Stoles, Gapes, Jackets
and all small furs from one of the best
and largest fUr houses In America. Do
not forget the days' and dates—
Fridaif, Sauirdaf, Soadair, Oct. 13,14.16.

Have you ever seen factory
sample shoes sold at thejse
\\ e have placed on sale the
following goods at these low

Svarybody bvitad

isu s

—.jTiee. Pabe or Bodily BrapUmie
. . tbe
the bbeat lalve b tbe world. Prlee
Ue a box. Cun yxtarantoed. Sold ^
^ aaUiay at A caala a teaf at Frank Jaa 0. Jobaaon aad & B. Wait, dray-


iHPiJ (

ms-m f

Children’* robbera........................16c

or arvereer^tiod.



Ready made clothing as we sell is as good ab enstom
. -


We .Jl, be p,e«a .o |

J. W. A4illiken.
iwiWii»woinnnnRBK8iitssAiaiva A. S. FRYMAN, Tha Piactical Shoe Mm. I
■saaewsasi--------------f-T-TtrutiMssnaa------------------ *


iHa MOBioio maooMo, batusday. uuiosn lA taw

I &ifMiraX'KeQ)t
T«Lo«r fmr hM
^kaiiiee. Ifnioo.
Aadf*« Ovsacto wtU irt** » pvWle
to 0uMO■^ O.

Tbmdo7. Oetobw it. «riU bo oboorr4»T to ton

Klnoortlioblpvto(«m*n« ttoekHO br too cor tood «o' Oobo, Alotoo
lor. Bofftood. Tbio hVHt bMlot -bM oU booo boUt up
HtthtotoopoMaTOTMn&ooboa br totoo porooto to too boon
'MO oidlAroB of OUflord B. BoUo, oi
^KTO BMM.lad..poritood to too boro

IIAOM M Bitot Cjtt^biytoB and aarSmiXtr___________


fully au gr.. .
graving In a gard««. tbe ealy.eniraMt«
to vbl<-b wu toroogb a bole la the
wan. It we* *o small that hb had to
U M fut three days Iwforr be ranld ctuvl
throngb it. ■ Aft«*r be had got Inidde
and tilled hlmiwir be vraa too large to
I 71 cruvl beck ibrougb the bole, and was |
IK comitelled to fuM another three
before be could make hU cecepe from

....... :....

Man. *-bul why didn’t the fool
take a lot of grapes to the bole
push them out Ibrougb it? Titer
onild ban* <-anied an-ay eooagt
k«ti> him fat fora tuonth.’'

Wktt» Whw «f Tar Srr,*,
beat cough remedy on earth, cure* a cold
inoaedayUtslrenintinie. SSondfiOcta

( wtAeoi uMi IN tolUroo oad
o ouoodod too toBCfOl <a
CH^oortar Boor.-oo ladtoo kUlod hj
H Hoot cor olOtbo. Sob.
■fTO- per doaaa....................
Aaplu-OnU* oad wtodtollo. toe por
WhUotoo troto wo* rmootof forlT
adlot oo boor. BOOT Womco. Mtoo.. o
Pototoeo enlU. (Ifieldcoa fitorto
II------- 1 ' WOMB loopod OBt of too Oo,) ooeordlat to qBAlliy. 10 ito.
wtodoo ood wo* OBbort.
Dnrlne toe wintor of im Mr.' Ji
A crdooto •torn ocoonpoatod by ood. one of too leodlar eitlMot oad
BHow. SoBdaj Birbt da*troy*d tolo- imbont* of Cloy,
. Ooy
.- Co... W. V..
.^oph ood teiopbOB* wire* osd IM •traek hi* let *C*tost o coke of loe to
MoUec of to* Ho*eow loUwoy^ eottloe •Bcb o aoaner B* to bml*e It ecvero*
It bbctm aoeh twollen
ooBunBBkotloB betweoB Sb PoMt*-


Tb* woteh BootoB U to preoMit to
Oowcy OB Sotordoy ho* b oMBOfna
D” with tl dtoaood ud ruby
JomU oad two poln of dioatood cop*.
<t* tbe dtol i* • pleutre ct on Axorioon
Htpto boldifif to it* tolon* the lUn ond
IrjpoiOBdo oeroU wlto toe biatorie
widor. “Oridloy. yoo tnoy fire wbcB
At Mnoeie. Ind.. BomI MoIobo. oged
m, wo* ottotood wlto o ton^isf
apoMB oad for fonr boon oaoUoBed to
BBtU ooaplotoly ezhtoAod. Brr
lifo i* deopoired of froa BorroiiB pm*
AdrioM from too Mew Hebridoo aoy
»«n> Btan*of*wor. OU QritUh ood one
^roBob, oetiBf IB eooeert, bore boon
aoBprnalny bond* of briffonda wbieb
toBoobeearobbtor ond looitof Bttifc
-vUiore* oad Btorei of trodera to too
WMtboia Pooide oreblpelopo. Oo one

yftooaari wore roccnod by tboj wor*
At CoBateotiaople. oa Imperiol Irode
mrm toot pretonted tbe fro* aoremeom of Armealono It olao orden
«fco rebaUdiat Md roparint. with
ewreraaent oaatotoaee, of tbe ebarcb«o.*dbool*oad aoueterle* datroyed
^arinttoetroBblM, oad toe poyaent
«e( oam* due of&clol* or the faalllM of
ctf eloU who were upeUed or kUlod la
Aohn O. Bortoa, o farmer *oae alia
Uaeola, Neb., wse kUled ond tbe
toedy btdiy Boatled by bofi to their
poo. Tweire year* *tr> Bortoa. wbtl*
atelot to Chioi^, WM *bot by butirlora
-who triad to rob o store la wbleh be
auoloe^at. He aerer fully reoorered
truBtoe wouado. ond ia hi*, feeble
•^t toe onoek of toe b^. HI* body
BMO loud by 0 dootbier, ond the eoi*
At Mew York the ooaalttoo tor tbe
parpetootioB of toe Dewey rletory breb
to aorble bore iweeired pladce* of
•IBO.0M toward eorrytof oat tbe purpo*o.
' PooM Bart, the female atoee robber
'ZBeoreeroted at Tuocob. Arizoat. awaitlot trial oa on ladlctaent la toe
IJaltod State* oourt, broke Jail Tbun^y acwalng by euttlor a is-lneb openAac toroorb tbe wall lo feet abore the
tevelof bar ecU door. It 1* suppaecd
who bad'aoonfederate and U attired la
neaie elotbiny. A few day* ago ebe
Aoelared abe would aerer *nbffllt to bo
«rled uader toe l»wa aeitber; toe nor
.Wr MX had a roio* la maklnf.

7$ Cm U Sripptli 24 Houn.
Non-modTetqnaU WaRXER's Whitk
Wi.XE OK TAK SYHl-p for IhU UtKl-truud latal cll^caM!. If taken toor«»u ’lily and in timiv U wiij cure a viu*.'
in :!4 taourv, and to*- tliu coufh that lullouh LollrlpjA- 1; i.ever tails to gi\c
Price. iV and Mo.
Mew Stock for B. L Oarier.
B.L. Carter ha* jo*t rocelred a
lanre eonibnment of Sue cloth* for
iuo uohkat factory, laeludlng EnrU*b
UBpea. omboeaed yetreta, alubea.
mtlaa, pl^nea. etc. Tbe rood* .were
tooucht la New York at jobber's pricM.
Many of toew were imported.

Thli brourbt BlBtoet o complete core
loo week'* time »od be bellerw thot
d he
be not
sot oeed
med tol* remedy hL
hie ...
luld bare had to be ampuUted. Pato
Im it uoequaled for en^n*. bmlam

tl* rroci vK**!.

T^B. W X.OW.S. He a. xearral wvrUee olM
U <^iallu« w.,v< . aeve aad erelw nriee.W: New. I«7. OR*
Opera Honre Bloc*


AY, rr*CM*v Torosw

—■ bBc* Kiy rvAldeot*


B. roeriB. Xtunar SI U*. Spaelal
sitaaBoo to toz tltlw.

Oftho Board of Bdi
TreuerM City.
or^^Tm*.^ tel
Beralar BMbtlnc of Board of Bdaea- O. boM wd
tion bold la oouneil room, October, 11
• lyv.
MoeUag WM called to order by
to*p.B. T*Upbaoa.n.
PtAiik Hamilion. PAoident.
rHOlfpSON: Of
Prooeot. Member* Moore. Biagham.
60 sad s:.
Boyt. Pope. .R>und. Siearni. and
•« a «p erlaUr.
Ooeblui aad toe PreMdant, Praak
W .
T ADIB) dralrtcz drraamsklBf dOBr s’ tl
Bill* of Arm* A Cole for lebor and AJ
lo<iulre si or Merr*> Nu> a
mauirlal amouailag to SSl-lf were ■rid » Or«M Hsklaf Parlors Ml *l«& Pml
preoeatod. Mored by Mr. Pope that
-he om* be allowed and ordered peld
oa tbe baildlag fund.
Motion carried
Mored by Mr. Moore that the prealOALC-Lalb. ml oa* will. >11 wUr* vrat
deai andclerk be aoihoriMi to pay to VOR
E otnuwsit. L. tC. Qlbba a SOB. Ipplt Iv
Georges. Berio<r »luo for toe oew
elite, riir
■ebool bouee eite 4o UooBerllle upon
VgACTBP—Rou*« to rvBl bvtwmi DOW sod
proper coareyoace of-tbe Utle to oeid
oiu to toe board of edneaUon.
dtwMOro R BoTYrr, rarr grllrf Hbliplr 0«.
Motion carried.
Mored by Mr. Coeblla that the eom*
Ute on boUdUigo aad grouada be *nSurdoB.SailoOD bouoe.
lorlzed to pnrebaae window ahodee
}d toe mometen. pul in pleturo ■y^orsR' WAXTy-ror »
tdiag, and
. _
aar i___
’■— . .
ehool buUdlngo according to
la toe eehool
-idatiou of toe euperla- F'^aaeM^re^ oCrap* App^ *l‘nl l.*Xl«
MoUoB carried.
Beeolred.By the Boe^ of Bdueation
. of rrari le City, that i
of toe elty
>n and Inipec
ial ^____________________
of toe witork dou by Meear* WiUod A
Blm<.wood orenne aehool buUdlilog* in
tola elty. aneh work oot oooforaning to
toe Blau and •pccifisatioa* tun
by K. B. Moore, arcblteet, we deny any
andaU llabUlty, claim or claim*, on
of inch work, or any materlaU
uod la ooanecUoa toerewitb. oad her*
direct that no order* kboll be drawn
mooey paid toerefor, either to them
or oa toeir aeoooi
nnl*** bereefter
oidared by tbU boerd.
no order *h^l
Ired furtber,
- be orowu, or mooey paid to aaid P.
Moore, architect, on aceouni of a
r by bit
•aid work. noUl I
tbl* 'Mard.

New designs and fancy
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call, in our
Jewelery store to look them
OFer. We have many t
things in jewelry also.



Ta ramars aiil Potato SMypirs


««r Uiai
ttal otb

».OBM».cair Opera B:

mttrcotcd by phyeloioa*. otoo Bted
earerol kladcof UoiaentODd two oad
BbolfrolloDiofwhltocyiiibototnt it
bet notoint fore ooy relief oo’U be


■•t prr•rrrol b.-lfhl and
rptworot u> a* B
»rra lo
Ihl. and door l>j o.
d tiproar*.
tiprooM. Straicai.
booa-Bdr. no wofw.
. - iMa oalary PooUlon porwaarnl Our rrfrrt-orwa-aop hank Is aor lowu- It l« BOloIr
oBkr work roDdurtml at konc. Brfrmxw
Racloa»arlf addroMOd alawprd csrrlopr Tbr
n,_i...n. r.».„>..T^p^^lilraro.
JpOB BA^-Porty oerM otePd In araKlOM

1. WANYRD—Por (VorrU k<
>olrroapriret brip wasted.
[eHoBir. Hr*. J. R.Oowdr.
fTTAXTXP—tiood rook wsaird at oacr at
BurllBiasir] Hou*r. Ml R. *lk *1. JMtf
pWlU-HALX-AI a barrio. BstIbs riosrd
sarr 10 Irf^ tor Cblroao Isa Vw days. I tell!
~ LS
-rsi-r lo tbrlr wrlpbl. a
<br< arr oousd id re.



kr a
t ITS dars. lor dSTiiO. Alwi
rra rood surrrr aod douUr b*mr>-: « .U
I rr.lirr ng. tsarr«. barsras. asd'sorrrr. lor
S.0U Tsi» ouim le osflirapar was
, rd Id tliir rteustrj osd wUl brar Is*
' you orr louklnp for a twal banrals re
pood poprr •


The Btslsa tanli.


MT.’S',";::;', "S s? ■A.‘SA.-?.r,

Hoyt, Po "
Un and P
Kays, none.

^ .. . . . * ^

Gaaraataad for 10 years.
GoidF.m.g.:..,.........*1.00 .p
Silver Filling........................60c np
While cronn...............
22 karat gold crosma. ,3j00 to 3.50
PainltH vxtracting and filling
without gae, chloform or ether.
. Terms caah.

Corner Frost ood Cbs* Street*,
Beadle Block.
C. C. Leeter. Manager.

BmoIoHod aa amended was adopted
oa patted by yea and nay vote at fol­
Yaoa, Members Moore, Bingbsm.
Boyt^INw. ^n^Steams. and Coch-

The Moilera Waiiilmeo
of linericaCheape*l io»ur*nce in the wo-ld—
*4 &0 per ei.oon tat iheaveroge age of
Youaig« uw.

fT»Ol-WAXTlB.ur*e>crol*ayklod lo *ret
A rlaeecttwpaslre or Ui buy a bouer. lot or
totwirall oo B-ll AllyB.roowaTasda.MrrraatlirOo Bloe-k.TraevrorOiy.
*m« -

•rsldloeoust foroU COoh. IbqbIiV OI RMOD
eOer of Tboa T. Bawo.

I piwgrnf.


Gata Post straielit IBc .
Diamaid J. 3 for—35c
Tiamse Balia—B5c
Sold by all deaU-re.

Tnnrllm^ Bkek

Gas Lamp-S2.00....
Price RedDced ta Cto« Oat Lot
Best workmaoabip money
can employ for Bicycle
Repairing. Qojek work.


Thar care^ for I.OtDfaalUr*. or about'l/UO
orpaoscbildroD. last roar. Wr're got tdS,aM
(rllow* Juot like rou-Uie rrowd.

*»toS ••
»4to»T -


mioa» ■

^ ’ioSS






wCIty.Otlobwr. IW.
MoUm to Taxpayer*.






Wo bay Eggs, 16c a liczM.
OcDd Dairy Butter, 17-180.
We soil

Hirann Gook,
New Store, New Manoon Blk.

Oxen For Sale.
I bare two good ^okf of oxen
for sale, weight 3'200 and :iM)0

B. J. MORGAN, Prop.

Now is Your Time to Get Bargains.






' w«e«: > i.. u;.:: “ SS

10 00

L. Id.A. BoUdlng.-

John R. Santo,
Gaaaril lasaraaca.
wursba'g Bioek,



One tnegray more.'7 years old. weight 1130. good for all work, double.
Price. $133.
One extra good black horse, Bve yean old. bloeky built, weight iw». Price
One pair hrevrn mere*. 5 years old. weight 7300, good worken and good
roodsten. a No. l pair. Price. $783.
One neat pair of bay driven. 5 ynrs old,. weight Jou-). can step clou to $
minute*, very stylish and prompt. Prioc. W>o
One extn good bay more, bloeky built. a»e year* old. weight 1400.
0*e bloeky buUt brawn more. 5 year* old. weight I loo. good, form more.
Priee. $100.
tee nice round boilu dapple gray msre, 7 year* old. weight 1*00. has a
bunch on hind leg but not lame, sn extra good single worker. Priee. $100.
A pair of pony mares, weight 1700, extra good driven. C yean old.
Kindly give me a calL All kind* of flock Ukeo in exchange for horse*.



Mew OOoa, Ibrkhaaa Blodc.

1CUP8E lom lH BOAT GO.
tor mle oBd buUt w ortor.

Bepolr wwrk



iorse BroSe, Hiisa Paiitirs
Mira them a eoU.
BeemABsnU BBiUlag.

Treferee City, Mich.

One spoB of good block bones, *11 sound, good werkaru, weight SMO. Price
5^ ^
tee good, Wocky built, brown more. » years old. weight UffHi. Wortoatad
not to kick. Priee. t?S.
Uortltr OlewHiMcu.
tee pair gray.guiding*, weight 8400; me hu a spavin and tb« other ou
•UB In front feet, they ore * good form teem. • and 7 yeoi* old. Prtoe wlto eel
^Tm cut iflirt U kt lUhNl tt.
Vo* are- cordlaUy levliwl to Jols wUb u*.
lornei*. S18S.
Hokr anpUrailos to aar of tb* wrwbars of tbr
local rawp. or loT.B' klteblr. DWtrtrt Drptiiy
tet good brown is re. weight noo. bllod iaeueye, good drivM^ondgood
Brad CoDsul. Trsrrrwr r‘tr.
to work. Frloe. $30.
Ou pair block borse*. fiv* yoora old. weight *600. btoeky boUt. Ou form
m. Price. SS30.
tee p^r bay gelding*, 5 years old. rangy hnUt. good, kind worken and
A. R. Srrevrr. M. II. Pror r. R. « . SrtVTTT good driven. Price. $873.
H. U-. Brtid*si PbyticIsB. wilb
One pair of ex tn good black geldings.* ytenold. wMght *700, I hen
--J ••irr'''n»- »Dd rrul
worked toe*e bocses sll summer: they ere one of the beet all-oraund teams I
.... tt>|rtr*«ai wtaH'__________ ________< ever owned. Priee. WOO.
br^ tor cBMiloe liu, pHert ood )oiUsai*
One fine brown gelding. 6 yean old. weight iSOO. extra good draft horn.
Priee. $173.
One dapple gray borse. 7 yean old. weight 1300, boa a email blemUl^^en one
bind leg, g^ worker. Priee, 175.
Wagons for Sale
One whit* mere. 10 yeen old. bloeky built, good term man. weight 1*00.
At Pioneer hfvery Stoble, B. J. MorgUDd. Praprielor;
Price, aioo.
One 3 spring wagon wilb S seal* SM 00
tee pair brown gelding*, bloeky built, heavy bone, weiebt 7V0O.C yean old.
One Platform Wagon. 8 acaU,
a No. 1 draft team, worked 00 my farm all summer. Price. W3«J ,

g-pay^puate m ^


TtiMtcliigai Starch Co.

at Pioneer Livery Stable

jo*« pairroas.

Oaring to the a'niuiul large per*
oentage of cnlla and immerchanU
able poUtoc* this season, we hAve
decided in order to make a nurket
for oane, to ran oor factory on u
many of this grade of potatoes os
we con obtain.
Oar factory, which has a cap­
acity of 10,000 bnsfaels of potatoea
Iper day. is now complete and we
iare reedy to take oH the. coll po>
itstoes that are offered no. for
,which we will pey their foil raloe.
Sere all yoor onmerchontable
I»l«toe* kml *nte v I™

Horses for Sale

Per capita cost of monogemeBt, S6
eent*-Ctaeape*i la tbe wm-ld.
Loweet average death rate, being In
189S but 4.31 per 1,000 member*.

IFire Insurance.

ply bl tIkreiBii ufilrr.

Oor stock ia clean, finely cor
ed and fragrant.
Oor workmen ore neat, skill.
fol and efificient, osiDg the best of
These things make oor cigars
tie brorit* bruidt with » mui,

n I On!M Street.


JpOB ^LE-<>r e-icttaopr

Where It’s Made
Where a cigar is nude ia a
matter of coosidenible weight to
furticnlar amokera, ukI it ia to
them we apeak.
Oor work room* are clean,

It Sueet

otify tbe city treasurer forthwlto,
to pey any order or order* that
luy be presented to him made payable
lo either or any of said persons.
Moved by Mr Moore that the reeoIntioo b« alo] t d sad piiird
741 If
Moved uy U' Biagbsm mat tbe res­ aor ofRawlIiosOlniblocro
olution m smvudod by adding toe fol­ ^^ANTRD—Oood plrl for (e
lowing elauee:
Baao'.vod tui toer. That s committee
of thm memU r* of tbU board be appoloted by tor prealdent, to confer aad LnisbrrOo
t«»f ^ One Light Wagon
. ...................
negotiate wiv, asld Mcooiu WIlMin A TpOB *»LK-Cbrap l« e»ah. extr •atoll borer ; One
rwlB and F. K Moore to toe end, if
wh filetree
■oesible tost on amicable adjustm*
w mode of'he matter* la differeni
I Two Tnie Buggies, each
lire fbbrlLv'}
aad tost said committee report to
o tol* JN
' lOne rt-H-ton .
Beth phonre. H.k. •
boerd one week from this eveniog.
Amendment wot adopted and pateed TpeWRAUR^
f j^uat takru.
by yea and nay roicaadollowa;
Ytu*. Members Moore Bingbsm.

Nays, BOna
Moved by Mr. Pope that when we
aljjura, weadjjum to meet petober
IB. i»«9; at 6 o'clock p. m.,
ell room.
MoUoo carried.
Tbe.kleoocUooaaty fralt exhibit at
-Sb* Bute fair wot pat la an exhibit
war and u belar carried toroofb la*
Of toe Bowd.
Atoaa, tUinoU and other atotea u an ^omely.^. A. Moorat B. W. Round and
atoabratian of toe poaeibUlUee of Me- A. B. Bingham.
Moved by Mr. Obehlln that the Clerk
a lutnieWd to deUver toe plan*.
mrlSratlrtni and outraeta for toe
toe two oddltloBC to
to toe
OmUbb and Diarrhoea Boaedy.
Brnetof >ul on toe Market aaeb a
AmM ■odtotoe,’' m W. W. Mi

A M. WbM BBi r. a ThoA)






4»n BmwoodATA

Your winter's wood
at onoe to Insure de­
livery. WE hate


HanOockltuDlMrlli sU,


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