The Morning Record, February 03, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 03, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Maj ha Ball«T«d Tram Com
mi« M4 A»tMk M OoMalMvy P»OM ■!> atotsftr
Tlwt X* WUl
W Oawt IUrtl«to« for Viotettat
V«w York. r*b. t.—A WMbla|io«
apwtel to U* Mb
th»l M»)or OmMl X*1«M A. KU« »ai ba MlioTOd
W mmM of tM war
to (M oeaaonA of aM*
fWtMMtortMttr&AWBliorMfm. Tho
wMr it MW boiM
,----------tmAf tor Wo aicMWro. w<t U b proAloud thot be will etpo U ot ooee.
Bttbor M«)or Oooaol yerriu or
ytr Ooporol Bitwko will be pUeed
■naaeii of tbe omr- Ueooro) MerrtUbUempbinroBeor. Ur Pl^lBr
hta l«.eoaaoad ibe preeldeot wUl
obow thot tboro U no deolie U eorer
«p oartblBC in tbe wor deportaeot
. to pUoe o BOO »t tbe beod of tbe bmj
wbobppwtieolw frtopdoftbe
Mrr of wor. Tbe eooalee of tbe odwUltfMlM bore atde aeob of the
•Irolpal reloUew
Altw PI
oooaot well oHUeUe tbe proaoUoe
MorriW to eoaaud.
Tbe atoUBoet wbleb Oeaorol Mllee
gofoot le New Tort tbU week delw
tbe iwwlAoat to tUn eetloa le
Me eoee of Oeoerel Mlltp. la tbot
aiateaeatueowot MUa MTata
to tbe froet U orrolra tbe poyei
Boa wbteh be bold* kke eoamU
■ awiif'rf reoetel of tte Uaited
MaUeerar. Oeaerel Mllee ofoto «><>•
WtM oU tboee relee of aUtUrr died
pUoe, la tbe oheerruee of wbleb be U
pappceed U eet a» exoaplo. br oUoek|p( tbeforenBeol la tbepeblio
A eoart aartlol tor Oeaerel Mllw wee
tietaoMldored oad li eUtl aeder fooUt
Bel tbe preatdoet wlU

I riaeod oa Vallare to
rabUeb Letter Aat

p^ol eeereurr of eUtotbet tbe I'ope'e
letter oa ■■ABerloastea.'' reerbtlr os•oaaeed wUI reaela eepmblUbed. bU
hollaeet preferrlaf to dUueu ibe Bet*
M- rertaallr witb ArebWetaop treleod.
TVe aoB-poblfoelloe of tbe letUr le
taboo ee OB todleetloB Uai tbe Pope
M tirarabU to tbe poller of “AaMtiMBBU OP UQOOB LBAOUB
WUiaope Akroa Mioou for Two
Akm.O.,Pobt.-Utouldtbe Uqoer leore* I* pleeelaA to cloee ell toe
aatooae la Akroa tor a tors of two
reara a# aa aaaaple of tbe eofferlDye
wbleb will be entailed apoo maalelpallUee by tbe clotiar of all liqnorbooeM.
Tbe IU)aor taa«a here fora a blc part
of toe el'}' rereoBee. The ealooa beepart wbu clou up will be. eapported by
toe Nailoeal Llqaor leayae. Akroa
baa beee teleeud ae an object leaegn
beaeuce tba BloUtere bare reooaUy
olartod e erutede acalnat toe ealooae.



^ Oetratt Oeocen I
Detroit, reb. I -Ooa^ A Wanoa
eeapear'e plaao abd erraa faetory at
of UoBfreaa atfoal weal aad
BUtb euajt, wae totailp deatrered br
tra todar- I'be prtodpal Iom to ta
rseral portloa of tba plaat, wbtob
to foot atofira aad a baeeaaot la
belffblaedfaeaeoB aotb OMCreaa aad
Tbe belldlac wae owaed bj tbe
Pert elteet Ueloe BUUoa eoapaar.
rtodaet It adjolee. aedwbooeqelred It ai tbe Ubm tbe Daloa depot
pleat wee retobllebed. Ite eaUBaud
raloe to tloo.000; iaeatod for aboat
oa tba aloek
aad uaeblaery to aboat •, wbleb.
I* to ballerad. will aboat eorar tba loee.
tioa Ora of Lake Sapenor ■
Oalekly Dtopoaed of.
Clerelaad. Feb * —Tbe Marlae Berlew wllltay: ••WltboBllearlof tbelr
oBeee tbe Irea ore ealee aceaU of.
Cleralaad bare, la a alafto waeb. dtopoeed of preettoaUy to# oatlra oatput
of toe Labe Bapertor ataea for toe
eoBlacyear. Tbtotoa baalaeee that
Jly etretebea oror two or tbraa
Tba raeb of foraaee maa to <
ap to tbelr reqalrataeata, iBawdU
to eoeb that It to aew a qaeattoa with
tbe ora eoBpaatoe at to bow far they

what the^ may ezpaet la tbe ootpat
Toe ore baelaeu for the eoBloy year
will be Halted oaly by tbe prodoelar
iltr- Uafortaneuir tor toe lake
I ewaer, bto basteete ia ore bM
aearlr aU oloaed apoa a baeto of
eo ecDto per too for Uke freight '
toe bead of Labe Bapertor to Ohio
porta. Be eorered too eerlrThe ootpat to rxpeeted to baoaat to
lt.000,000 toPB.
obB BomereiUa Bet -rlto aa Aooldaot
Vbleb Beaalud la D«aib.
Boyne City. Peb. t. -Abont three
o'clock tbto afternoon John Bonaerrllle
mat with an aecldent wbleb reealled In
hit death two boar* aftorwarda. Be
WM employed In W. B. Uoo'a Inaber
camp two atlee from tbto plaee and
whUe anyaced In eklddlny loyatbe akid
thrown np with yraat foroe atrtk>
Inc ttoBerrllle on toe bead. Be wte
well known aad bto death briact
row to toe boaee of many frlenda.
WM ts year* of aye and elnyle.

Loba Lntt The V.cum of a Bad Aeol
dent at Interlocbea.
Dr. Martin wm called to Interloeben
yeetordey aftemoon to drew a terrible
rycMUloed by John Late. The
iDjemi man wat enmyMi in nnloadlny
toy* from a car. wbea a loy came dowi
endwlte. elrlklny La<i and eroebiny
of bto leyn aya>o»t nnother lc«.
Tbe try wm not broken, bat toe fl
IlUrally tom^B the boae,
lay a bonibte wotmd and one which
will keep toe Ban from acUre work n
lony time._________________


Mm. B. M. Muteon and two deoyb.
OarrtH tba Pourto and BeveatetJith
tern bare bc«n oonBned to tbelr home
Infantry an BouU to Kenlla.
etreet for toe .paet two
Gibraltar. Peb S -'Hie Uuited HUUe
•rerka with tbe yrlp.
MBtport Grant, boand
Pebora'y Slrd to tbe dato (Ued for
with toe Ponrih Infantry'
ioa of toe Berenteento tafantry oa toe D'Boemtlc Judic
beheld Intotoeltrboard, arrired bera |sMi
Tbe Peoplfo' party eoantye
to to be held in thU elty Marebb 1?^
Tbe City Bookitore to now prtfmed
Howard City, Ktob . Peb.
wit I three are Uybta
Batb, to year* old. wm arreaicd laet
CbariM Roeentoal to fllttny np a
alfbt for deooylaf Mra. Btrealo. need
leryeepaceoa the aeeond fliorottbe
ad. ti n aeifhlwrto booM, where be
Boeion atore for toe parpoae of carryerlBlDally awaalted her. Bbe paailay an extensire elock of wall paper. A
Uvely toenlldad blB la eoart tbto
bly eonelynBeat to on the way.
There wiU be a reynlar eoaroeaUon


OonMBt Wltb ThPM
■KUUoa DolUn.

■ae Ac>oa4 to Dceowa aa Aettva ^ly
«d Valtad Matea aad WOl OfMr D».
baadwaat of Ctobaa Arwy-«to AU

vrtaea of Baata Claia,

Ndw Is Tlie Time
Here Is Tlie Place

army, bee plaoad blBaeU tqMraly In
tbe poaliioa of aa acUte ally of tba
Unitod atatea la tbs wort of too rmooBtraatloB of Oafaa.

Bfo Adella H. Tender and Barry L.
As a raonlt of a eoafareaqa wIMl'
Haat Xarried LMt XtybL
Bobart P. Port«.
A rorj pretty and eery happy aarrlof Preaidaat MelPaley. bad with Oea- aye wm eoleBnlead iMt eeaeiny at toe
aral Ooaet. tba totter hM oabled Preet- boat of too parento of the brlda Mr.
dent McKlBle/^MBriiiy him of bU eo- and Mia. P. Yapdar. eo SUM eti
to tbe dtobaadlny of toe The-prtoelpaU were two yooey pe
. .
Mban army and to dblrlonUny nmoay ,j,om fntoie happinem will be
U,. 0.b...oWto™U..»I.C00,«00I..Uh o, . -Id. .tal.
IKI.M k. k.
.1 .ubUiv
Tbe, .kk Hr. Bbk, I. B...
aadMton Adalla Mand Tender. Ibt
I Mlaa Carrie Millar.
General Braoke. aaytoy that M will Hr. ClarkaoB a Corbqtt. the
nooept tba totlor'e torllatioa to yo to paruerof toayrooB. did the boaom
of beat man. Tbe eereBony wm par
formed by Bar. C. P. Hioal In tbe pro- i
aaea of a larye naBber of tnrlud
ynmto and reUUrea.afur which aaeleHiraod Beeanne dadye MaxwaU yant weddlny anpper wm aerrad. The
>7 and beanUtaLaer* Laalaaan term of nrealt <
oral eomlny from oot of toe city.
Mr. Bant bai baeoaM rery popular
bM baoa adjoaread antU Taeadar.
Merob Itlb. Jedya Mezwelt of Bay la Tnrame City, barlny been a dtotiaCity, who WM to bare preolded
yatobed member of tbe BatUam bate
nnable to do eo oa aoeoent of illae
ball team, of wblei be wm oateber
Tbe dato for tho Antrim ooanty term deriay tba pMi two aueona. Tbe
bM alto toun ehanyed froB Pebraary bride to equally well known and popu14th to Marob SI»L
larandtoelrlaylonotfricDda will rzIt to probable that Jnoye Peter P. teodthe
Tbe eonple wlU be at home at toe
Dodde of Ml PleeaaaL will bold the
levoto term oa Pebraary ttth.
Yaader rcaldenea afur Peborary to

We have from the cheapest grade* in the mar­
ket to the finest made in the largest factories.
No trouble to show yon onr new goods.

220 Front St.

“City Book*tora»

. 118 Union StreeL

TeUidioee Mo. 4A

I The Finesto Stock Funeral Goods

TO ixniro Hid BnxMStt.


L Ledorle Will Bare a laryar
B. Loderle bM leaeed the CaUer
bBlldioy OB 9oath Ualon aUwel and to
morlay bto bicycle repair chop to that
^aoe from bto tcroMr location In Oaldwell A London-a batidiny.
Be bM ceeared tbe qei^lM* of * ‘
petont bicycle man. who will bare
oharye of toe baainem dnrlny Mr. Lederle'e ebaenea.
Tbe latur bM raUlned bto poaliloe
M decorator and Bouher of wayoM nnd
buyyica for Caldwell A Londoo.

. X. Mob^e Bicrivad a Diploma
Prom Hloblyan AaaoelaUcm.
B N. Moblo. toe Dalon atreei photoyrapber, relamed Uat a>ybt from
Grand Eapida, where be auended tbe
eonrsnUon and czhlbit nf the MIcbl
Ataoelation of Pboioyrapbera
There wm a larye alUndaooe from all
orcr the elate and tbe Bueat eztalbit
erer'abowQ In tbe atau. Mr. Moblo
bad a file ditplay of oabloet work
aadwMb >nored by bariny eonferred
upoa biw a dIploBa for "work of auperlor merit *' Qe wm one oot of ilz to
reeeire tbe diploma, which apeak* well
Bepreaentotlre W. B. Poeter came of Trarerte City'* rapre*eaUllre and
npfroB Lanalny Wedneaday nlybl to bto work.
remain until nezt Monday.
MUa Vera Hetera bM retnrned to
Ti-arme City after apendloyaoBetlma Oniear BuBklo Mae Joined Dewry'e
with bar blend* at Lcland.
C H. B««k. a loBberman of Mllw.nkM to in toe city.
Mand Bantolayerof Ktn*.ley-w«.

WMblapton. Peb. l.-Thr Buffalo
bn.lny mad. .
breaklny run from New York to
In Bf.y four day*. She Hm 7oo
aallomt-5 mtcre tbe wea of Dewey *
Inee* trlptoiVtoakey.
Beau wboae lime hM rzpired. .Sbe will
Boa. C. U. Turner left yeetordey for be u*ed a* e irantport for men
Ionia, wbrre bo will attend a meetlny OBTal ,*torrt. uakloy Ulp* btlweea
of tbe StoU Board of Pardoaa
Mablla and Sao Pmneiaso crery ibrte
John Woodward and wife relnraed aoDtba
yeatorday from KeozTlIle.Tenn. where
Mr. Woodward wm taken eery elck.
Tbe family left here Uat fall for SL
Andrew* Bay, Fla.
BcbaU Manat CommiUre to Beport in
Prank ArBetrony. eeereury of
Fanor of BeTiriny Grade.
Nurtbem Telephone CoBpaay.retnmed
WMbinyWn, O. C. Feb. :.-Tbe ecbiMt nlyht from a bnainaM tnp to Bat pu eommittoe on aaral eflalm bM de­
Uo Creek.
cided to rrport favorably tbe joint ree*
olation rcvlvltur the rank of admiral ia
Ohlef Pokayosb Snec«a*or.
toe latercet of Bear Admiral Dewey.
Kitee. Mlcb.. Peb. I.-At a meetlny
of tbe *nrTiriay Bamnem of (be Potu- Will Paper.
waWBle tribe of Indiana, bald at Ba.nSeveral carloada of brand new etyl.
tob wall paper on the way Look
ford. Charlee Poknyon wm aeleeud m
oat for IL
Bonox S-ronn.
chief of toe tribe to eneeeed the Ute
Simon Poknyon. ‘7barl*a to tbe only
of Simon. Chief Cl
be will Uke np nnd paab toe elnim t rr
cnlnable property In Cbicnyo wbleb bto
fatoer baliomd toa Pounwatomiaa

Peb A—ParalM C
Oarda-a Body to OabaMtoePilklna, principal of toe Oak Gilbert of Traeana City. Mlcb.. bM
WatAlaytoo Peb. i
Park ecbool to qalU rich With the yrlp. been admitud te pmetlee before the
ka*e been made with tbe war aad naey
Mtoe Wllee/ ortnclpal of the Board- inierior departmenL Tbe noatoOea
Aapartmenu by Ooloaal Oareto. aoa of
bne renewed toe leaao of
ateaae ecbool. to back to bar datlee
fbe tolp Uea CblUto Oareto of
at Lediatten,
: ayaln afur belay elek.
Oabaa army. wbo> died here aboat a
Mlcb., for ton yearn at #600 a year.
The Bay View Beadlny Oirete wUl
aMatoayo, for aeadlay bto tetkarb
body to Haeaaa.
eeenlay at eevaa o'clock. Leaeon;j ClanfMyoa. Onbn, Pbb. l.-T»a IVt"Srnntob Vutna.” prafaee and eb ^
Tbto to a Xicb Mtoa
L "Spala-a yrnal-11
Prmentt. Arl., Peb. t.—The atribe at
to# Grown Kl|y mine aseeedeaUaa- MtwrlUr-and -LMtdayn of Oervanton."
Goorye C. Burlairton.
ktolory and edWaat
ml at car tor the eompany. to aatborlty
Wheat Kaaptny Btendy.
lor toe etaumeat toil toe reto baa ennm.
tbe eboraa eboir will meat at toa
Cblenyo. Pab. A-Tba wheat ^t to­
been deeatoped for twelee (eat and tba
at T.u day ahbwed a daeidad imirtmmmni In
era baa arerayM |i m, ton.
mbare are reqnMUd to be

w nn«l n ftoed Tto.

today nt T. C OoUIh' (

Otowad for XaaiU with Qure. •«Ppltae ter Dowry.
Mew Tort. Peb. *:-Tbe eapply eblp
Solaoe Mtlad today for ttaatlv baelay ,
aboard Mean anayoBiera. afuca eadata froB Anaapolto aad a torya earyo
of aoppltta for Admiral Otway aad too
army. Aaony tooeappUtawMe torye
aaoaat of aBBoaltloa of all htoda.
two taa-iaeh ridee. twaaty-dra deelaeb rapid dre yone. two eaeta of torI beada. dyoamlte, powder, refrly.
eratlay aad eoadenelay aneeblaery. too
ebeep,eU eown. MO barreto of doar.
nalforaw aad material for elotblay.

tadty at T. a OdUM* Qaiin Cfoy

Tei Tmi CoBiricts
Made by Mltolynn Tali
for any elaoi ed eerrlaa dmirad.

Zb 3a-oz-c2xo3rza bCioHimmzi..
Bat kept ont of aiybt natU etwh n time M wanted.

mA.Ogro.AJJ.-gJi XlAJtX'A


<‘Diamond J’
or “Traverse Belle”

all denier*

A.WtJahRAUS. Tomelier eiock.



1-4 OFF
Gome While Assortment Is Good
Also Special Lots
Less Than 1-4 Off I

Sibscribirs May Caictl
at end of cU montb* or ehnnya
to nay elem of emvkn at wllL
Tetopheae toa Mnaym to aaU
and explain new raUaUnpliil by
toa eompany.


> Hamilton dotbing Go.



k V Bum a»

V. 1

kwwa t»4ho Ttdaltj la wUekAo lived
M tko “b^ M-dlad WodMidar la
>tr boapltal ed a rara dJawa
wktek tha ybjalelaai kava oaUod a«1.^,. .nllUi d •« h~ »•
baadaaad (aatara aadly atroOaa a»d
laartA Tbo diataaaa (m tka trootal
koM to tka ohlB la tka ordlaary awB <a
oickl to taa laekaa aad la Bagan tkla
kad givwa to twaatj laakaa.
a~ katUfiag
IkaCbaa. tka tkird i
eltr la Ika grovtoea ol Aakoal. OklaaU
aorikara aad
;jot ik* iiiMUoa i»
of Aakoal wDl ka at
W taVaa mpom t)M kray tkaMrcTCrftkarabala. Aa ti
1, wblla tT7lar to raeart^M Aa
t~'“ •- iap«
m dateatad oa faaaazj ». loa
amu «bo«u rt«*
to tho MMBT
tte Bo<mo. M Ua
ptMVMWt M7 amar* tu procr**
•i «• tk« MtMriot Mtof tbo *0>'

Sagaaa ▼. Oaba* i aotaia.
OwMofabta latMt la kalag ■
’ (aatad a»oa( workiBf aaa aad a(h«n
, latkaeomiBCVtaUtalklB dij at
a rfdaV 1. aonaatioa fraaoertlr ad- n-a V. Deka. wfco to to teotara la tka


troUap tppa for m la tka dtp of (tolro
Tkto lloa wlU ka tka fttai la tkaoooa
try. bat It to prtMaad tofcoUd awiikar
Una to tka pyraslda. aa aooa aa tka aa
artOMdto tka opera
iiipfcMM ta* <
likMVnB. aad Mata tka doMad of the ttoooftka cara, aad latar to aoaaaei
aadCtobpky troUay. Tkb
pPMWtariato U aUliatT aOaln wlU
ggt^lBgaatoa largo sUltarp ea> to tka aaaohd Ispirtaat order rabdead'
tokUakMBtla Uaaa of paaca. Tka
Baaalo tolfkt do wotaa tkaa paw tka
PraawdStaa!0».to to boDd 400 ataal
•oaM kOI aa It ataada.
aara tor tka Soadaa railway.
Vow OOM tka tidlaga that Oaaaral
a Ooaaty Oaaeaattoa.
0omm kaa tkoagkt batiar of It aad kaa
> Bapak
AMidad to aoaapt (rote Ua UalWd
foaaraBNBt tka $1,000,000 to ealleid tor Fakraary «ltt. at wble)
^Nod to ky Oaaaral Oaroia aad to da- wUl be aoBtaatad deadalagataa to Up
ika tooaay to paylag off tka Oo- a<aU eoBvaatloB. twaaty-two dele
^ dray. Tka gaaaral kaa alao da
gtorrlt kto wUllagaea to dtokaad the toadldala aoBlaaiad (or <
WayatOMaaadtobaeoBatha aoUea
glly pf tka Daltaa Butaa la the raeoa
gtraatootOoba. Tbto to aa it akoald
Ooltaga LieaamBlaatloa. :
Ba aM tka wUUagaaa of Oaaaral
Tba Traearaa City Boatoaea Cdtogr
•aaa to aoeapt Uie iaarilabla
LyceoB hare elected tka followtoy
pood gtaaawlUaaka tka taak of tka oBoata (or tbe eaealDf Urea bobU :
^gtogtoiratioe oaalrr to aoo----Has Waa at drat learad.
Vioe Prealdant-aareaea Blalar.
itM7*n«ar*forlb« fttmt•Ml ooMpkUaa kj r^alan at Oite.
tiao, Md tbo PkUl^M. Tbo
- U M It (OM to Uo Sci



3^ Bariaal •arelOto.
Tka maloa rarieal aarrlaea a
HBalig with aaakatad lataraat Tba
teat Bight ia Ua Bapttoi
gkaiak waa largaly attaadad aad aieeb
totmat waa maaUaatad. Bar. dato
Bity' praaakad aa aloqaeat aerttoc
pwm tka taat. *-Wbat Uy kaad dad to
Aa, ^ with thy Bight. For tlwra to
•a work. Borkaowladga. aor darioe.
•ar wtodoB. la tka Braea, wkitkar
Bar. J. W. MlUar wUl praaA UU
gflag U ika Bapttot ekarok. aad
Bar. t- OoakllB to tka Frlaada.


tin will tbendon prohablj bTSf^
toMt to aaa7 nadoa Tbera ara aw
«r>] nwtkuda Mjra Anar and Mot7 Dhwtntod. tbecomaK«<Bt aadiaoMnueipnt belax ky the aae of tte -k«.Tkto Inatratueal eoa^au uf tkme parta
—tka kwahlp. tka bae pad the Bia^
Tka t<«ikip
. to a
- piece
half oa lack thick aad ikaped Hka a
----- w.,.. with a piece of to«l tot la
to make it doat


temporarily (aoten it Urm rtM uw
pedataf iwtoaf tke three Uaea a
aaldcdaBt kBg« to BMMired. geaeraUy
aboot UKI feet, to take the togahip wall
dear of Ue ahip'i waah This to called
Ue "elray line" ud U marked with a
tiny Faom Ue hunting to
feet S inchee and the Uaa
marked here wiU a piece .* leather.
Then anottor 41 feet $ iuchee to meaaared off aad marked with two kaote.
then another qwe* the aame length
and marked wiU three knot*, and ao on
aa far aa aeren knute. Half way between
PB-b bab-h of knots one eingle knea to
The log line u Urn ready fur

» Meo p»4 ar r

^0U$ VekiftA. CUU.

$3t& Kl^\




iSKisAOeeiV.Z^z a



kotUa aad u> >>rr debirtat
beaedled 'mu Ue Brel .
bootowork, aad to aa wtll aa ahe eTerataa.
loet. trial kotUae of Uto Ureat Dtoeorety at Ue drag ttoraa of B. B- Walt
>. Jobaaom
iBrg* kettlaa M
aad J. Q.
oeata aad $1.

g«ce between the knota to foond
te ainiple little mleof Unwaom
Ae 8.H00 aecund* inoiubw of aoranda ia
an boor).
••>vnds (length <rf- aandglam). •.Oho feet (namber of feet in a
aantical mile), k-ngtb vt line rpqQired
—which w.wfci. ont to 4* feet 9 ihefaca.
Tu oae Ur log fonr pnwBa are reqniled—twv um-d to hold the reel <B
which Ue line to wound, the qnari
muter to bold Ur gtoav and the mid-.
eliipumn Of Ue waU-h to beare the lugThe laat named pnts Ur peg dnnly in1
the logship and Uen gatbrra three or
f.Kir cito of line in hi* band. anfBcient
to admit of (hr l-gUip bring thrown
well cl«r .* th. ship Heaet*. •Cioar
;toa*. qnarwnuarterT" "Clrar glam.

Buying Logs! I


If yon hAT« «ny to sell oorrenpoDd with th» ^5
TnTerM City Lnmb«r Co. We hAwe alee ^

We bare about 100 mmples of
Ingrain. Tapestry and Bmaael*—
(aome rery pretty patterns)—
fn>iu .] yarn «p to 3 yards, that
will make [nice
We will
[mce mga
done tbem unt from 2Sc to $1.00
each. Here to • chance to get
aome cheap loce.


Sound Hemloc^Lum1)er,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Lanits For Sale—Suitable For Farms.


Still maibinery of all dtwcripUona, including two ngim t,aet vorka, carriage and hw$.i:A oompMe
aaw aill plant for aale.






giwe the logabip nnd Utie. the isvl rapidly
reroMng rrwutly the middy (i-eb the
piece of bnuting pawang Urvugb bto
Hotiae Fttrntobing Store.
hand, and he given Ue order. - Tuni "
The qaartennastp* taros the glaM and
New Store. 120 Front Street.
watches the mnd. while one "reeler"
bolds weU orer hi* head.
Ue line (air play When the mod haa '
roBoot. "SW"
ter. The
•miided by tbeothn- "reeler" and looks
fur the nearest knot, finding a single one
ekswtobUbaBd. Then the line is hanl«d In. and (ov knot* appear, which sig­
nify that Ue abip to going 4 Si knoU
tbrongh tkesrater. The Jerk of the Une
draw* the peg from the logshij.. which
nuw tioaU on
m iufUt
iu flat sideanducMUy
side and is emily PfirnA
bsoled in
funr knots, a 14 aecond glam
Ur qwed being doable that abown by
tba knots on the Une

adrantagea a* wi ll The newly married
yonng man. whnne wife delights to dab­
ble in CO Unary aSaira. has no chance of
sscape He may be putting on'bis cost
in his office tweparaiory to going ont
hr hi* noonday meal when. Ue pnetiBBtictnhebeU rings. Opening the slida
he take* cat a package containing some
choice cooking school aamples. more fit
fer parks brir-B-brac than bninan food.
An accompanying note from hto wife
mys Ue lanch to “intcDded Lw a snrpriae" and the hopes be'U-eat erery bit
Of it" Unkas he wtobes to Ml a Ue
when be gem boBM. b» does aa AnoUW danger to that Ue rariona tanebes
may get mixed
wiU each otter whito
■dying Urotigh U* 'tnba. and a 1S&
poandman gel Ue Inneh of a fellow
srsigking au. and vice versa 6«l er
■7 new iovention haa ita dimdranta^ which are eradicated wiU am.
and Mr. EeUey'a to probably ao axcapItomtotkenila

"‘-"'•‘“Tc: Don t

Blame Your


Biggest Four--


The bHt.*iev of Ue yew hare kiUed
many perMnw. and it is p
known nowad*
Among the gord.n plant* com­
monly in vogne which pomev* a poisonons nature botanist* uientkin the fiowen
jonquil, white hyaeinU and
snowdrop. Ue narcissus being atoo par

If they ache—get" a bot­
tle of Rose's Coro Core
— 15c — and take them
ont—It don't make the
foot sore.

b.;h. rose & SON,

IhsI lO cue* a luiiau c-.s,. o. w.. v.. —

ball* mavresnlt faull.v. whilethe juice RtoMl© Bla.
he leavi-B Is an emetic There is ,
igh opium iu red popjiievto do mis­
chief. and the sntortn crocus, if the ,
bl<M>m* are chewed, caoses illneaa
The lobelias are aU dsnrreraas. their t
red. producinggiddin
Modut. „
with |uine in the b.wd Ledy sislipp* -!
nner aa* dot* (
poisons in Ue same munner
poisnu iry The bolb iKseou to be Ua j
TO—t harmful Lilies of the valley an
also a* pmaunons. The leaves and flowcn of Uc oleander are drodly, and Ua ,
hark of Ue oaUlpa tree is very mia- ,
chievoaa The water dropwort when (
not in flower. Tssembka ntoty and 1





Portland or Old Comfort Cutter

aUadelphia. waa Ue
1 by blB as follows:

_____ . ...b!u Cn«aOk.'irIar

slvaly that this remedy ii a oeruluj
...... .

issat flour


My akin waa almoet yellow, eyev sunk­
en. toegue uoated. p^ eoatinnBlIy Iu
back aad aides, ao appMito-gradually
growing iveaVer day by d^. Three
physicians had gieew me ap. Fortaaataly, a friend advised trying -Ble«trie lUttMa.' aod to my great joy and
aurpriae. the flrst bottle made a deodtd
Tba daaee givaa by tka CrnMet >mprovein. at. I eontlaaed Uelr uae
for Uree weeks, and am non a well
band last evsnlag was w«U aus
miB. I know Uey saved my life, aad
and a peasant aeelal eresL
robbed tbo grave of aaotber victim."
Re ooa ahould fall to try tbeai. Only
toreauper bottle at 8 E. Walt's and
Da gaea of tka hrip
Tba greatest danger from LaOripp* i. G. Joboaosi'a Drug Storua.
to of its reatiltlng la poeoBoata. It
reasonable ear*
« to oaed. however, aad j tteXdMBBib
(%aBberlais'a Cough Retnedy takes,
aUilgeevaB.fullVaatat Ue Boaum
all daagar will be avoided. Aatoegi Stoee Ooma Uto wwk. m we
_________ who
ruttiagqa Ue last
Ue tone of Uooaaads
have as-d
Uto ramedy
lor lagri|M
lagri^ •we base
medy for
- yet | many aambera.
« of a alag la ease having n


Bwdniggtot >arg>«ird

tecarrly ftiid to rte'ahirE. and

Ihe "VDoAd. j


Mim. Micbaal Cartala. PUIafteld. IlL.
tke atataataet that aka eaegkt
•cW--kteh.artUad OB her loaga: aka

fa^na juiaad Uigethar abuot two feet care her.

tka Pittobarg Newa.
of a PkiUdelphla geaioa
npply bat Innrhsa by p
doea or d.>ea aot dU a loag felt want
Tke qiieeti<a. will probably hare to be
deoUed be inlieidoal prufrreaoe. Wil
b«»" J. k«4by pmceodi opoo the ae
that fuea wboae work Uea far
away frosi their bamea wonM laater a
toBch prepared by the toria* haada of
arlfa or notbw to oae coocorted by a
IKr. ■ayt'k Oto« Bawrutoad.
taatoBTaat chef. Ccddtoactwa carried to
Oa WadMiday eeaatog Mr. aad Mra tke' pocket to the oOce are
faerga Boyt aatortalaad Mr. Boyt'a
of tka OoagragaUoaal Baaday
fakeel. The boya ware dallghttaliy liimMif at the bead of a concera which
will shoot hot loBchm made at home
ppailT-* aad bcaidaa a p'.aaaant ao- Urosgh tmeoaiatic tabta of a new d
llal pn^iBB dalleata refraahBeato sign Koch speed wIB be twed that U*
••n aomd- Tka alaaa oOocn ware domestic innebes srill not have time to
^aotad aa (ollowa;
get cold- This scheme pomeesm raanr
PtoMdaat-Carroll Bala
adranttgea When Ue system to per
fectod. Uconld be extended oTW a wide
Vlao praaMaaV-Balpk BbIU.
etretcb of wetilory. eo as to esnbeace
■aeraiary- Barky Aodaraoa.
aeeeral ritira. Thn* a Pitteborg ntan
tPaaaaiw Ftaakto Taatok.
who to in Harrlehtirg on bnsinew and
domn't like hi* hotel tare might hare a
hot bewkfasi or lanch fired to him direct
tram home In reeponee to a teteimm
ke wooM not hare long to wait fiw a
hiacoits like moUer
Bsed to make nr a slab.* apple pie from

Bdttow J<d>B Malrooaey of Ue Ma
r(aa Beriaw at Ctoealaad. Utaka Ua<
«ka Iroa era oatpat tro«a tba Laka daparlor Blaaa at Ua head o( Ua great
labaa will laaeh the aaormoaa aBoaat
of 11,000.000 toaa Utoyaar. Tkeae dgaraa by ao Baaaa repreaaat Ue espeet^desaada of tht faraaoa Bea.Uat
katogoaly a Battak of ooajeetur# at
dhht tlBa la (act, ba baUaraa the
oatpat will ba Italtad oaly by Ua aapaMtyotUa Biaaa aad UaaklUlyot
IkaBtoaowaera to gat tkaoreoakot
Ika Okatoa. Wbethar doektog faolllItoa at tka tower lake porta wtU ka
lorga Moagh to aara tor tke large
awiaatoforatotaa bcoa^tdowatoa
aaaattoa that to aot oaly troabltog Ue
aaaail *ea. bat Ua ora maa aa well,
raUaa toaa of en
ka oared for at Ue doeke orea If they
arawwkad algkt aad day. Mr. MalI lauaay Mya laka toaaaga wQl ka able
la aara (or all Ue era to ka ablppad.
Tbata are aaarly a Bllltoa akaap kOlad arary year by d"ga to tbto eoaatry.
aad aeary akaap that waa Uaa killed
orat worth mot* Uaa the dog that killad It. for aaary akaop-itUltog dog to
aaorU a great maay doUara laaa tkaa
A Are Wadae^yalght to the rlUagr
if Magyprokaoea, la tka Uptta dtotrtol
wt Baagary daatrayad see koaaaa. Maay
artodaadatMaaao|araiaaUof 1
Jwatoteya. Ba UtaraUy ktowoagkad

hor aad UharV-" Tka aiairkaft o( tka
Ogar Makark Daloa are kaatllag tka
aala of tlekata aad tkaca to a
^ • large aodtoaoa.



viday at T. C Onlllat*

At a Very Low Price.

We have a few of these cutters left over, wbfob we have
been seUlng at $29.00. and rather than to carry them over
until ntxt winter we will close them out at $28.00 eachThle is a rare opportunity to get a nice cutter for a little
We have an assortment of Heating Stoves, for both
wood and coal, on which during the month of February we
will make a liberal dlscotmt from present prices—Now ia
your chance to get a good stove for lees money , then ever
before. The place-




A MdaxniB BZPBBnorvB.

-Aod tec aur' be aakad. dryly.
-la Macm.*-1 «ld.
Be pa** It to BC aad 1 raabed oat
Aattetef doon awaar tehtod bc 1 j
toa/bt tea coho e( a roared Uafbtor! ThU U tte ator/o( a roac Baa whe
teatoaataptateccMIlafoUbabaak. w«at te a Bacquaradc way ocar oa tbi
Wtea 1 CO toio a baak 1 fM latUad. Btoccteca 1 baak ae Bore. 1 baap B*
*keia bla uadto ■ueeptb
tte tecrin rattia bc; tea wUhato rat ■cBCTletaeh le Mr tju-nmkUlUaa Oare scaUr awafcaaad. aw
*■ *•“ *■
treawra pocket
rnnkn c( a
Ua Ba. tte aifU of momaj imtUat tad ■/ aartape to all car d
to a tel i*)«cA tra*f
SU» te^
■a. TteBoatoatleroMtectbiaaboIr
. ad aad baatac pp laca aa a
ofabaablaa a teaitaitof }t/. 1( ’
^ .^mm at aa«aMbad -■n—r'
^ OD# CTCatBf.
He waa a alee roaa p
ecoBC aa liMcpeaatblc idloc
kl*b-aUDdta* collar, abitc ebtear aad
1 kwaw tela betora baad. bat my m
(•aaacaoia DUMrarea al iBot.
^ OaeOBTortablc dreto aait «a.» ^
------ .
H/oa doot poaite that bo/ pnrad to St all Htet at a oteU boi
Bowte.aad I fait that teahaakaraa I willi' The worda (Ml attrsl/fK>B wboae mmpoaaat pama obattoaicl/
tea oat/»Ueo (or it.
| the Upa of Mra. Oooaa wbo vat raednl- paralctad to parlajc a aort at ae»oHnlahaabUdlB acd Ucilird MmMI« IT mwcrtof tte sTeck «d ter baat Mad- totoc-ihc-Biailar-wUb-tt look (hat rale


•WiTaf tka flat Pi»mM atm «

SKort, "STefiVv 'Keoas Stories

I tte •terttot paapto^

BaUa Uiy-«toa lakhaa. laoMlto Mm*
Th* ■Mlt*. »bUk h»T* w.
■dtcHw aad awmy Udfa la praaaat
•1) wimtm w« maw uetUlf Md«^ tte lodfaa arc aU told «a te to a-Boartabtof acaditloa.
At SL toala Mra doha 8ha«ar.
at/ear old widow, toot bar raaidaaea
TMOkIwWrr tUppan INMU7 «Mk b/ Sra ate Head alCM aad Mirlad
Mtti«to B.«^w4 ■o laaanacr. Lcn abcat Bl.WO
Owing to many ■nreaaooablc cob•llteaiM at tka tml »gfad0mi.%
Mltead Ptoa at Bpaaoek.U tte bold
pialetft. a poat oOea oOlcial hto IpaaM:
k naccatary grardy (o aaBouaet that,
oroCaroeerd wblcb eaaaot probate/
I’Blied SuiB Ball k iadilBtot l»
At tmd aif, Jam^ btrap* Md terqaaUdb/aa/oooatoatoteo Mato
toren. aad teal delayed leUcca are aoA
kkAurkMr »t* M*rul|r o<|M«k« Ba baa baaa towaabto claHc. rlUcfa
altebaid oai ol malice.
«aTMid«7. . lb tetter ftlek«oed ud atorkaadjaMlaaod tea ptmaa am
Tbe eKperimenia to iobatcr CBltarwa
AM tefara •tMtef. whlta tte rlrl U Boaal/for telfi/-tbrae/aara 0( Uu
at Prevtoce-oan will be araicbcd wkh:. '
imereai. Money and tame awatt thwr
«MT ill It <■ raamUy tellmd te: t /aara bit ra-aJaetloa to tea odieaB a
Loot ap tea otobet Barbed ••Ac-*
aboi thrdrx* to k*n><«m?hqmd
nan tbo can larent eutae meteod t*>
yateM «M pUMri ia tte p*Mte« e Mr. ■■nil ol coorac, aad aaab a tbtof aa Mataat- Tte aBWaata.i w..»lait .mod. if potebU Wteek. whack, t^u/^
BOM popslar u( New teiglaateaitloa w bla oa a'-aetloa da/ Ueot aooldaril. Tte ««r/alpbt of bla raV, whack, (rom tte Bajor "Wow. oh. out rapuronal/(nun bahtoribc*^o^ ■hell the
AaMftt7*lial tte Amt Uarion >• b*
ttab from eaitociioa.
UadBC. M/voica waa arpolehrat
wool I won’t doit entol" (tun the top cniicancnt of a ■«■«> o( Klartn«
U WeaipbalU iwelva beea wan re->
Sbalb/taarfotUilBf wttb a Uffa
•Oaa I aaa tte ■iBap»r' 1 aakad. j
whack, whackl
Petite to (toora. ate faaral/ leatod at a distenea of three BUew*
Tte Armamt Patelar Co. at (UMfo.
teMfoOMtepwltk KilM pvtlMWltb aaaatof (actor/ ia Hew Jmaay tar tec
1 dost kaow wk/ 1 Bdd I "how wiU TOD hnok Unp ahadea roaa to hla aboulder, aad. o«ak- (ron teelr hivea at the eama n->y aaapato. .yoo»yo'
yonug aoonndrcl?"
tog ter out. be asked. (or a daaca.
twelve carrier piseou. to teat whlcM
• rtew at pu^MoteR m Urn telldUf cractloBola brmaeb catobllabatcat to
/"Kwol Noro-or eobted Boh Whack,
^*>e readily anenied aad Unghad. m «<»id cover the dietance to the ebonWhite «M IWMiy «Md M • fait teot tte ccator at tec OoMBa (ralt bait, aad
ehanplnglr teal each ripple Ml tUne. The beee came to first.
’ha^ whack
teMOtp. It U aoM ttet tte proapaeUaa
m Domo'
. «•§ ire wae by thti tiiae “ “•*•«»« reflected glow upon bli
An abandoned ctu.rh to a Weetars.
noMM. q^to
CMwratrd. Again ttel dreadful
tepvB Utaad tc Msateetara a car- tag tee eacctleo e( a caaacf/ to ase op
•nirance ite B>
teU kUd «f (alt teta Md waalA flra teaao(t(ralto(tte8telb/rcctoa aad
heldB/A(to^ dollaia elaicted to I tfipp*
(dt aad again
agnto tte air waa rent
ipper fell,
'*'*** acribtlon: “Thl# U tte lUte at Haard had to ■/ poekat.
topataptoautoacaDdeora. Tte UV
•teploy—t to • boadrad
"Arayoa^Baaapwr'Ieted. God
Tteaotanof UaaoaU aout; ora to ter Halt If tea aebcBa foea teroaph,
“Oh. mator atonf
' “2?; “®'!v**“
der «d tea American Loan Coapany. *
tera » ebaaaa ot tte aprUf alaetloe to •rill bare a capaeit/ at M.OOO «aac par aowt I dide't donht it
“Not^^TilSli We-w haviapa.bSh^dJ^* eoaceailag maak with
On« npon a time a man who paadad ’
"Y«a.-te told.
teow wtetter tea/ teiUra la food da/.
/ "Well now thafa mean.-he aatd.
*>d o( Ftelenelle went to tea great
"C»B 1 eat/ea?~ I aaked. ■•aloaeri Jendid time ia here. ••
Martia B. Brows, aaeratat/ of ite
naAtteabi. ThanparrlaMte*adaWhB*.
•ItedtoaabMttat tbat Uawtteprop- Mlablpaa ABoeUtod Daillaa. kaaad a 1 dMat waat to my "atoea- apato, hat ■ OMdd aland it no btoger. "Stt^lt. you Hto among tea daneare who trop^
. wltkwlag^
•aHkM ID adopt tea ooaatf road an* aall (or a mcatiop o( tbat awMeUUoo. wlteoat Iv tee tetop eacBad aeU-e*>- big .brutal- ateaBUlBad-nuhlnpln.
t. "Sir. ihla U tte ftrat ttotw
te te bold la Uulap Pah. H aad it.,
-<« nr
-mnil«%Xi.’«tS^ 1 have heard
of It
Tbe maaapar looked at Be to aowa
Am ItoM la foUf araoad tte papan at tte Ub# at tea Bactlap at thaSuu
PlMfonn. watch id
paamotr/ of Oonagnl Rin.
alam. Ba felt that I bad an awfal aeI AaaocUtkB. Tfia lorsar ataoclinmoo Ite handtnnd keen waa tte
••you tea “ ke aaid-“Ifa ttaie (or ua. keUeva firmly to witchcrnti. and 1
atelUf teat tte crip aaa te wardad of
to reveal.
B^.jgHUpiiwyonnd on tte carpet.
poaa teat tea wliehi. take tte (or.
b/ baapiac tte laat dr/, bot tea Boat atloa ia aoapoaad o( tea dall/ paprra
•Oome to brra,’* he aaid. aad led the while Bobby wai Urrnjdng him with a
-Un^k^ came tbe aharv com.
«*“ ®“>y ** •**« Hy
Tbwaaaaaatta doabta tea
' wa/to a private room. Ha turned the j Mipperand lairing
giving vent to VwnAedmi
tonified mm Mand. with accompanying
o( ▼(•“''mllcia They hold It a bad o
». it aa/a. ttera ia a maa la tbat
a—Lnndcin Telegraph.
'key to tte lock
o( woe—Lnndcm
tewB arte tea teas attaeted hy tte
ic evil eye.THE HORSES.
Ale’aclnpe. tte SM-/car-oid soa of
Wben you plain your . bicycle ault, .
inber wbat TbroiAille tlaa- •
JohnBtoby twaUowadaato-toeh braaa
Wa bote eat and looked at am
Ufa. tkoraaa Wbltaa/.a waalte/ wid­ abata that had baeo on tba eollar o( an
rttaer. 1 found no volee to apeak.
records of »:80 or below are owned aad «•<> l»>nt between them.
ow M/. aarro.l/ aaoapad e>aa>aUoa ovareent. Tbe pbralelan ealladadviaad
aiviiw, ms!"
ua; he
uc said,
hiq, grabbing
gmooing her
net sren. I could underaiaod tte wtoh to •
“You are uoe of Pinkerton's m<
firiTvn to San FranciKtt
at dlrUB MoDdaj aroriac. Mra. toglvetheebtld no medlctoa. tbat
by lbs am. "You couldn-t fool m»-l te a boa-conalrlctor. a lion or an e)a>
rk. Phitodriphia. 1. talk- kaew you aU • right!"
Whltor/-a elotblPf eaafbt «*a. bat bar aoune wna token, and to two da/s tba MwenBe." be eald.
phanv but M mas—that surpasses my '
— .. . toils'
•arraat catlBfa>*bcd tte bUsa. bara- Uttie<ma waeall right. Tbe little ehep
And tee young man with tte high
ta« bar owa baada badi/.
Tte last touches will pios be pal to could not talk plainly, bat ehowed bia Wbat te wa* tetoktop, and It Bade nu
the BODumnni pt Sirphea Girard M
Loraat Ulalafor, aa old aod ra- B>tharwbara te had pnllad cS tte WOT**.
and ak-k at heart.
Pblladelphln. which U to be rormail/
Ooaatad Oarawa (ara« Utlpf aw ebato aad pHoted down hb throat,
Star was aboot 40 years old and look­
"No. set (tool PtokertoB’j.- 1 e*ld to 1 :dl Hv will be dne tfaii year.
ed tike tbe quintessence of a •eaaou'a
AdrUa. oiatarlOBalj UJarad U a
'apparently did no harm.
V Tryou of San Pranciico ha* a tour crab-apple crop, aod the young
•aemtog1/ to Imply teat 1 csb* from a
a«*a/ aeoidaot.
gMFB 8-ycar-oId pswr. by Diablo. Ban gave a bean rending groan, (adeii
As a rnault of buna reealvad to aoBt rival agency.
Tte abicaaa/ (actor/ la Port Baroo Banner nnknowa to hU paraaU. John
"To tall tbe trate.'* I went on. ae If t ld)8i*. teat recently trialud to 8 13»4. tots tbee (crowd and went borne.—Chi-1«(the n
wlU te a taalit/.. B. B MaUar. o( tea
t. tte S year^ld ^on of had beenproBptsd to Uc about It. "I
Br«c(B B. Mallar A Oa.. at Naw Jobs A.'Ura/, of mi Oongma atreet
not a detective at all. 1 have C'lme Jolin Rt Ornt
Hb rirM TtMv t'Ha«r niw.
Torfc. la la tea dt/ arraaflaf (or tee eaat, died at an eerl/ boor
I woe tee menn* of uviog my life dur>
to open an aoeoaai. I totand to keep ter. N. J
De Starr—-ii
niy (lr« engsg*. tog tee Bcod to our loan a ftw yeai
. tare
Uaatlaa aad eoaelraatloa at tte plaat. Bonlop. Mr*. Ora/ left her beb/ all B/ Done/ In teU bank.’"How was tbsiT' asked tbe
Directum Kelly (4).
tte nnHww wa* ago."
tea oeUoiatod eoat of wbieb wilt te alone In tea boan for a abort Ume. and
The mtoager looked relieved, but
less, i*
is r^tsTt^
reiK^ted fine
tins a«

. Our asml—- young tody who sang. "When tee ws'
•M.OOO Oootraeta ware Boda with a when she ratarned ebe found tee ehild atm eenoo*; be eonetoded now tbat I heaunstarof
ter atruek our bouse, my hoaband got
Bj^^nd perfseUy «mnd at £nat
outnumbered n.
Urfa aasbar at (arotara todaj (or the writetopto pal> mad lu elptbae In
their sup- oa tea (otolng-bed aod fioaied dow»
nof Baron Bothachllda.
tte eirMmv unitl he wa* rem^ued,—
rrowUp •( b eertala oarnbar o( 1
Dra. Lea aad NowBan were young Ooold.
A. K. Ware annuniK-ea that te will sheila were bursting all'round
at tUaery. It la tboapht tbat (te callad. but tee born, proved fataL It
"A torpa aenonat, I aoppoar.-be never dieiuee of AlcanUra and that was strurk several itmea. My cx
aoMpaa/ win diabarae rt.000am<mr la teengbt teat tte child wm pla/ing •aid.
tfter this year tbe burae will be kept aa pany. w
which bad stood by me gsllanttea fanoara e( tec eooal/ each /ear.
ly UU
till now.
. turned and llvd. it Van XaHi Pm SatM U Hev Qriaau asA
"Fair)/large.’'1 whisperad. "I prowith tte fir* to tee atova and that bis
O r. Bngglee of Jegensm. Q-. well more than |fieah and blond
Aboot 100 ladUaa aad tbeir aqaawa eremaaugbl fir*.
pcaa to depoalted (Ift/Hto dol'ais now
known as tbe driver of Ocuvto. S:11','. dare. The—"
fateorod at a apo*. waat e( Harbor
>at apeeUele was ob- aad fifty dollars a Booth ragnlsrly."
Colonel Bludsoe idecpl/lniereeted)—
On aceresl of Mardl Gr*. eelehs-inrs
•prlafB aad oaMd a dc« rillafe, call- served to Baldwin M-ioda/, when Thl"Hr. MoDtpomar/." be aatd, Bsktod- afid other onua will not be-a
did ytm »aji it waa?"
the r. * W H Ry and D . IJ, R * W.
to Uu- aniky this year.
lar it Madallac aftar tea aqaao wbo B/ BUI pnesad terongb town an ronw 1/ load, "thla geaUemsa I* opening an
B H will sell mnad (Hn (ieketa oaPeb'svryOto lo ix.h Irclu.ivelo New
arlflaall/ owead aolS boMtaadad
lo the Saoble river on a bsnUnp trip. nceoaot; te wUl depualt fifty ato dol­ 4./(or-vld pacing filly, is b*-ing jogged acrtblsg tny flnt lippearsaeeI as
.0.. MoHle and B rn
Uad. Scalp aad fbnt daaaaa <
OBba^ed to ahonneoorniiovrs lar*. Uaod Borntop."
on tbe road, at AUxiieda. CkiL. by Dr leu"-Judge.
I rose.
todalfodlo. Kowbltacwcra allowed It wad fitted no wlte a aiove. chair,
Ball, whose wife owns her
--------------te paitlclpata.
table, ax. mw. gnu. traps, dtobea, aad
Monterey. 8;09.i|. the stallion that
Two raaawa/ ladUa bo/a bare ar> cvar/telag teat la required for a t/pi- aide of tee raoB.
performed so grandly in California lari ,
"'an 1
"Good Borning,-' I aaid. aad stepped •eaPM. is a niagnificwnt boTM-indiridu
rfrod at Baatoe Harbor (root tba la- anl fauntar’a cabin. TsIb/ aa/* that
,r. ...U...UUban. t
Cub# had
ally, and doe
‘ "
his sir* Sid***'>
“PPoaed h*
dUa acfacol at Barber Spriaft aad
while his mala oijeelU to boot wild Into tbe cafe.
roracred. but they did not DR. HIGGINS. DENTIST
■CoBc out,** aaid tee Banaper eoldly, nev « IB*. ■
tea/waraatrippad aad baatoe croall/ cats tor tte bonni/ be raealvas. te lan't
l~~ ..
„ .
hno* how r*aourtt(ul he was. He ted
aad abowed me tec otber way.
booaaai tea/ eoald aet laara. lad
Tbe New Englsnd breeders have been dsred 10 bvck un hie pretensions
potop to let otter pave pet awa/.
to tbat nalall/ wiU tavaatlfato.
It U a foMgone eooelselOB tbat Lad"Ana 1 ve uuue It.' hr declared tee
Pnrw- fmm A'.OOO to tlO.Ooo and lowi t Watarrltat Mra. Sarab Bali aUlsa inptoo wui have at least bait a doun aod poked tee ball of money at blm ered ite tin-e limiL It Is now for 8:18. ***' day. "I don’t IoTvmj that anyone
aha waa cared of rteamaUMa b/ tea Icaa saloon* after neat eprtop than ar* wlte a quick. COS'
inriead of 8 IG. trotter*
*hall quchiIoo my Ji-toilon lo tee
• doings
The eelooa
Mv (sea was pbasUy pals
d projret to on (cot aaoap tte 1
"Bere." I said "depoali It." The i ertited with a imperil eleigh by aevera!
"1, telegrepbrd to San h-rancisco
being Ban/ beeper* who have out
ban o( ibs-UdlM* llbrar/ aaaoeti
appreciain any <x>inpau> that they
on* of tea words aaemed to menn. “let
at Albion to praoant tu Ubrar/ to tea Bade enooph Booe/ tel* year l« aSorfi
lion of hu effort* for ^ braiAt of bar- niighi be organising there and f would
ns do this painfnl tetog w*hU* tee fit I* ----- racing to tee Bibb City.—Botm join li ao> litt-e they sent Be trailsalt/. ThaUbear/naBbaraabout hOM to nav te* llcenaa fee of sun ItU InBeview
<*hleago Po»i.
tamttog to note to thl* eoneeetion oa ns."
votoBaa, moatl/ fictlaB.
Be took tee money mad pave it to
A large ban ownad b/ D, Derhacn. that tea eboreha* arc *ti}->yinp ae ern another clerk. Be made mr write the
•aalwcoa Aewasra.
IVsr Neav
adalr/maB.iMldtogtoBt Bllae north of nnpraevieoted proaparll/. Bver/
slip of paper aad sipn try
Fir« North Pole Expl.srr (eUted“Got a 'Kofs Hook of Martyr**
at Holland, ww deatro/dd b/ fire, to*» Lodlopton la prowlpp aod j
a book. 1 no longer knew ly)—Hnmh! We beve lut to push on around the plaie?" asked the Havana. lewi>nr*etl«eo<iM
SBilSelar. far en
fMbar with ala cows, two tead of
fi***!In •
wbat I was doing- The baak swam be- Iw« days tunreand tbe poll-is reached< '
Hey West, eoi.u-pondent of tbe
/onne catUa. and one borne, and all *<>»““ hudiapton will preaent tbe forsMy eyea.
Second Explorer itbonclilfnllv)—
hi* bay and grain and farming Inple- nnnaoal epeclaele of a cit/ of 1,000 In' " ‘I*'
ur asked
"It Is deposited?" I asknd to a hollow Tee. but time i. prwiotu. W.- had betBcnta. bcB. fil.MOi toiBrnooa. fTOO. bablUDia In which tee namber
vibrating vnie*.
«nXm;tf teedTJcriir'";^
^v^■*g?^o wrue a deacrlptlon of'
chnrobca eacMd*considerably teen
"It b." aaid the aeoonatant.
trealtog patriots,
Ths Battle Orsek aanltarinm bae bar of aaloopa.
, ,,, tip. -todliMpo..^
"Tbrn I want lo draw a cheek.'' ' tng tour - Nugget,.
My Idea was to draw out aiz dollar*


Eupne If. Debs

of It for present nea. Seme cma psve
fsalaa called
-ONDaBalnd. Uletteooiy oa* printed
terongb a wicket, aad me out of . hurvbjfter ihe weddtogl- •
ScrIbber- ’Wben 1 came lo New
r. aBnadanctetnlsL an* '
brgae ulltog me bow So now we are each other , forever. York J dldn’have a erni la my pocket.’In tea Spanish tongnsge. They especl nouuous in Invunticns
______ tte discovtwy of''
Mr. Murray Hill .
_ ............
The pMiple to tee
todomach eanlud^ mualoMry work'»>lBtw«i.-iiaUng liquid for incnsdaacent, to *
Wife-Yoa Ferdinaod. but yon bad than tbat wDcn I came to New Yorl
nmonp tee Ssantah aWklag people.
.. mantlea which
cAects n^olor___ _________________eaatoB
teat 1 era.
lag of tee
it ortoay bs Mil
an invalW Billionaire. I wrote aotae- better make a na'te <i( it. or else you’U I didn’t even bsve a pockeb'-----light,
- -varying
- • f itnrSij^
ioba Keep was arrastod at Imsaliig i----------Blatter.
1 Serlbber-"How was tbatr’
by which this is!
on tte ebock asd thrust It (orgei ib-Fliwnde
------------------------( Murray HH1-"I was born there.’•■
Wsdneaday night far fisUnr* to support deatord- pieBat^
. of 18 , ^ ^ I to at tee clerk. Be looked aUb
> Tammany Times.
his mai* lO/aarold aen. Tte bay weight of n
Oea«er la R»4 tlgaalm.
|__________________________ _
• Wboi: arayoo drawing it all out
alatou he has bean lad quite alon* for
For a namber of years it baa been tte '
w...—,’ 1
Tim efi" Mked to eurprie*. Then 1
days at a Use in n tembla-down shan­
oaovletioa of come railroad meo that I 'Mariv
raallsed teat I bad wrttteo fifty-alz
ty to tee untaUrte *( tte town, aad h* parti uf «
tee see of awhile light at night at a girl was sweet-iemperwL
has a (amUhad appMMDee. Tte tod aolved in from SO telOOpartacp dis- instead of sis I hadaloeltog that it ligDsI for a clear treck is dsogrrooi, tog pretty sonr Just now."
City Opera House,
fernte nqtUto te* tbtop. inasmoeb at a red danger sigual may ’ No wonder. John, she haa beea
I* ahargad wlte trnaney ao ttet
od ar* added .otiie drop, oi a aUver ni­ Ail tte ctorte had stepped wnUsp te cnaily be broken, aad Ibos gite in “all working by that hot kitchen atove."
taay bs aant to tte ladnatrial aohou
trate. In this liquid tee BeaUeo are lookatma.
olear" sigDal. Oo, of (be most ^nt: And it wasn't nnttl tee next day that
At Jackson Ohartos BtereroB. a tod dipped and dried, anch a mantle imBwklete trite mtoci/, I 'made a obangee to rignatn dne tp tbat opiniou, 1 H occurred to Mr. Blllos tbat the girl
If yaai* old. fell terongb a bole to tea parUng la the light a pale red cedor. ploof*.
it that wbieb tb« New York. New Ha-1 “““
fermented.—Cb.cago Trlvan and Hartford road bat deeideri M ,
fioor is tee bsra of C C. Balling Wrd- which can be intensified by tte addi­
"Ym. tee whole tetog."
tion of a small qaantity of stannic ni­
----------------------------------Gnieral admiaeion
aaada/ aftemoos. etriklnp oe tte Ban- trate to the impregnating liquid.
"Yno wltedmw /our mamay (romtte maka. On tfau line, lo tbe near (atom I
Piwr~.i«fi«i lauiBet.
par 1s frost of a horM. Tte (ri^teapd platinum tetrachloride is aufastitoted
ed aeato, 25 nod 35c
white will nob Tbe tonovaiioo bss '

1" “"«>»
"Eeer/ cent of lb"
Mimal kicked asd pawad tbe tod an- for Um silver nitrate, tte light wUI
beeo bronxbi aboni 10 a Itrae meawm
They eeem 10 have
' "Are yon nut going te depoalt any
tu te wa. uneuOBloM. He was terrl- have a (glden yeiluw color.
by an acclJeni wbiub rem.ted frmi'tei
cotornmed t t burg.
mor*? 'asked tea ^k. aatenisted.
W/r ant about the head aad buck but
deception of ao eogtoeer by a tanoer's •'____
straapa te say no bones ware bcokon. An Boniwt ModlotoatorlMOripp*.
tonterasetco a post near tte track. ' fienc* aa Immauirial ^1
There was no intent to make mlschi^ —Tlt-Blix.
Oaatol Baldwto'sretldaaos In W«t
OeorpeW. Walttof South Oardtoer.
OoioB* waa burned.c«atog a too* at\ Mo., mys; "I have had tee worsteougb might tetok aometelng had intuited hut tee eSert was jnrt at dlBatrw
tlM. Mra. Baldwin, wno wna Ul. eold, teill aad grip aad have token loto me while I wa* writlnp the ebadt and
For La Or pp.
had cbasf(4 my mind. 1 ms
wne fwaoned aad carried u> tte benaa
Thomas Wbitefield A Oo.tiO Wsbaih
wrciehed attempt to look like a
^arifhhorw rads away to a bton- to tec OB'y tetog thst ..
emu*, corner Jackson etnreb one o*!
with a fearfully quick temper.
pood whatever. I have nsed on*
Dkteten's oldest and moet pmmtomt .
Tbederk prepared tepaytesm
bottle and tee ebilla. eold and
. drog»<l«. reeemneed Chamberlain's I
Tte'waBan'e aoetot/of tte n«wt
Congb a*mte*y for to grippe, aa it sot have all left me. I eongratnlaw
"How trill yoM tev* It?"
OoaprapaUcBal ohorch of
- only pivtwa p-wmbiaad complete re­
.. maoufactorre* of an boueat medl"What?"
has *o*od to remove their tets dnrtop elna" For anl* b/ B. B. Walt, dror
lief, tel a)*o conoteraete an/ tendetimy
"Bow trill yoB have it?”
r to prip»> to rmuu to pnmmcBtoer sale by R. K. Walb Amretou
“Oh." I eungbt hto manatop
aaawered triu


Wednesday, Feb. ft


-♦ h:. B3. o-ibbs -a-

i Tk Practical Bicycle Boiider and Repainr i



bank OB La BaOe atraei.

Tba nradeni ““Wag to aee a new mas wav n»u

water froca bemg miaeo. imt to

r. rji-

»*« «*<»” ‘®


utter ermy dey. and Bnally the UtU*
«lUlng on-a iniek on the platform
inaplr- ydUng. me the train waa behind.
vpcnui WM MlMd «itb m _
1 noUced ai.t*ry handmme young lady
•Uon: tb* would ulk it oror vlilw’ib* '
drive up to tbe platform and gal oat
bukCT. But abt nid moUlac to b« '
buibund about tbU r««)I»a
Brigbt «1 ■ •WlUh TlUa*e «■
and uarly Mooday morblDC abe repair-',
of my CQSiomlaavihg. and I
amllm at I
•d boma ndlaat and happy. When bat

*7 vaa oiM or (boat taekr Mlova
4o*a at Catap Tboaaa «bo draa' a
VrtM la a bn a( food tkiaca aaai to
■cm Iraa a tova U Otalo. about tbrae
rkuadrad atllaa trom mr base aad oa
;«ba «ay to it. Hr prisa paekaaa eoaof a rerj aleely worded aota to
4be cOaet that the writar waa tweatr.
.Twa old and wanted a aoldlar bean.
«aad tbat tbe reciptcat o< Ue pie which
ioarrled tbe note placd on top of It. the
'Vbola tblnc tied up In many wrappera,
-«Bald picaaa Italak of tbe ntaker and
-mdej aa be ate it. and anawer her
3ltUe mliBiTc U he didn't beta a wUa
•AT aweaibeart at borne. U waa aucb
sn ^eaaaat. Innoecnt plad-of a rerdant
SHtdea aoie that I aniwared It. aeelnc
-tbat I hadn't aay wife aad waa baaing
« aermp adth mr bant glH. wbicb mada
M all tbe readier to aaak aolaee alao•urbart. Wall, we got oat of Tbomaa
«ad down to Tantpa. and I got orar to
Cafaa oa a apeaal call, aad all tba Uma
J kapt op a kind of a bop-atap-aad-

bnaband ratnrved to dlanar abe aaaouaeed that aba bad detarminad u
leave the money In tbe
“Wdl. what .Aa eama orar you te
uanae thia ehaage of miadr be naked
"Ob. I'm ear* tbe money U quite
aafe ibere. and t do sot want to loaa

bad a talk with tbe cashier aad
n» they wure not going to faU."Oh. be did. did her'
"Yea be did. and be was so sire sboft
It. I Just asked him Hght to bU face
If tbe bank waa going to fall and he
laughed at me and said It bad no such
InienUdn."Bo you did aot draw oat your mon­
ey T"
"Why errtnlaly noL I did not even
uke my paat-bi^'Tm mighty glad of «>■«« If yon bad
drawn tbe awaey you might have
bought a gold brUk on the aray home,
providing tba vender had nasured you
tbat It was all rtgbL"Oeorga, you talk like one poeaested.
Wbat In the world do I want ol a gold
brick, aicbougb 1 read In tbe papera
that gold waa atwaya good and—now
wbat arc yon laughing at—yon are al­
ways poking fun nt me."
ut eiBut GMrge did not explain wbat
cited bis mlnb. aad tbe poorf Utils
u aneplclon that be ta
tny all
irong Mgara.—CU-


Tbe parpom &ort Oat

■ ■



----------• n ‘rii:::::

Bicycle Riders.

■ •born tbe groond, tbo« <■
aerted a anoond narrowvVp*
dMWttlam laaA whid) le

*Un Sb^am li.............

^f<» inrt^ £S«r«

- ----------------ae mb^.
affected by tbe ordinary iremura.
If tbe water abonld
Ottld be froaen by


Bamambar Ibnt I do nU ktoda cd tm
pairing and anainallBg. aad that X ana .
and do glva you tbe beat work of U* one la tba city for tbe money.
TiSn .
be daeelvad by wbat others tell yon M
tbo ocotrmiy, b«t uoma and aae far

preuaad by ao maA set tbe volnme of
i, incraamd by tbe freetlng. I'S^’Zr
tbe cceMng____________
cf tbethaw tbe inacr-

all my work to be rliAi
and U It dom not prove ao I make tt
la tm • o-olo^ avmy wraaiav
ana^ Sanday. ta tba Cbldwall * Lorn
doa boUdlBg. at aortb and of Onlea

bm. (BOW)..
• When ebe got out of her cart." tat W P‘P» provided with neb an in—
................................... **-o havcwli

raped. 1 ou know papa I. ex-!
pelting you out to supper, and I

enongh. 1 tmcc had an/mjtst a rst's . teadencr wm to


U tba (rouble

John R. Santo,
Geaeiil lisirain.



I looked opOB a rat as a iigbming con- \ iSr-u
» a«««»
«» .»•
dortor on a amaU acale. and that ac-1
ocading to ita tamiHUstnre. negative or'
Thaab* ta the OyWar.
pnaitire. did U face north or south cr^
Sba-Ob. Aack. hara'a a pearl U tbb
jujt aa tbe puinta of lie fnr were atoyater.
trart«5»>y the negative or poaitlvepolmi‘’^Sri„rtlad1y)-WbeJ. may-maT 1
las th. ^e .a >t.a
tbeeariL I was led Co tbit by aoma ‘ nave ft bm In aa engagemant rtngt-

time enough to have my baggage look•d after till I goi back. If I ever got
back. for 1 didn't know wbM waa up.
But there waan t any sign of danger a*
we drove skmg a beautiful turnpike
through a rolling, blue gross landsespe
a slice
out of the protsUwas de■ rminelv

f noticed that the cam of that p^etilar d^rt Imd a teo^ey to w.lkfa«
toward tbe nortb rather than to walk
on walls tbat ran t«st and went Aa to
tbe Idea thst cita are good weather
■I do

not credit that 1 beUeve ,
_ „
that tbe reason a oat waibm itarU over
n.. —<»v *Wa '


The Bht BahTP in the world for
QnU. Bntiaaa, Soraa, Olcan. Salt
Ebaam. Fever Soraa. Tetter. Chapped
Bands. Cbilblalna. Corns, and all EHria
Eruptions, and positively oaraa PUca.
or no parroquirad. It to gnaraat* '
qj mcm

ebauy that 1 concluded there
intsperbox. T
mtoUke aad that some of mr
mis hr J- O. Johnson and 8. X Wait
were plerlng an eleam )oke on me.
Soma glrla aeem to iblnk that whi
"ArrlvlDK at last at a fine old place
they walk along tbe atreet all the mi
about a quarter of a mile beck from j
, ,,_._i_ k«.,
h 'r^f.LrxL^
todsT at T. C OolUaa' <
tbe Bike mv fair driver turned In tba
h"** ^
ought Vo wear blinkers, like boiwee.
A woman can never underaiemd why wide gate and bowled up to tbe great plcmslnK aenaetion in its fnr.-CaawJl'a
ber buaband hat to wurk ao mucb hard­ old pillared portico with a flourish ©f MagMSiiie-______________________
er than other men lu get along wben trumpets, so to tpesk
A colored ^,
i*«ree«lea tbe flee •( Prelt.
be It so mucb smarter iban they are.
At ibe gueen City Baauaraal. T. C.
Wbee tbe devil met'Bve In Ibe aar- Into
ColUna to the proprietor.
fstber. wbci seemed glad to see me and
tbe day sbe ate the apple be
, Tonraine is Ibid t-i iirodoce magnificent
imwlldered me that mucb more by sayt
buiUad you ve got!"
lug be bad been expecting me and that
wbeu you meet a man of a ahy. rewas sfrsld bis daughter would __ I aal|diatc of iron in UK) liters of water
Hannah Rifle memoctola left, which
be able to recognise me and a ' It more and sprinklro it on the leaviw and
can bebongblaltbe Oly Bookatroa
{ bunches of the vines The fint applieso recite pieces a
of tbe same kind.
for 6& eeaU each.

Ever Bamed 0«tf

BeBMlIeas ef s Iterhelvr.


to a lunatic asylum or was a twin
' oDp-lhird uf their foU sise. tbe aecoad
When a girl picks s thread off yoor
— . —______ __ ___________
lapel sbe alwaye looks tideways and the other one,
tuts her bead ba^.
my wits well into bearl^ng the young
,hstcorro*poudiiwr«sulUare obtainIf women were engeli they would alworried lor fear the men
foau liV o
As soon ss a man bts ibrougb fixIng tbe lurnace be baa to begin to take
up tbe carpets.
When a girl deetdea that she has
dyspepsia abe llmlu her dinner to a

EngUib Bbttofl ebaia
(terved e-meeily at the Qaaaa Oty

«f books Oiai sbe waa a iltUe n«lectiul. I am atiald. and I had to let ber
^ 1 shall be very glad to recommeng
JMT U you want to know anytbtag
mbeot ber character,
-I didn't need u> ask any more qucatloBs after tbai. and l didn't Hut to
IM myself down gracefully 1 took a

tay.Iaa. 11.11
k aw-

guartti.,- the succ^rf tbe
Ileal, nicest way a man could possibly: treatment In sll chm*.-I»ti<Joa Tunes


TrsTWa* City


Astro Psy-CUc ledlon.



having.a good cry.-Ue-

rutnaitT a «aT». atu»»*r*- ape*^*‘

' " I"'

a tbe stand.'

aa early at pootible.


vealed to them.


DMFCIt ...................

At they will mitt

eo good


Tbetsadsme baa glv-

satlsfaclisn for


weeks sbe bss been here.

past 6

She will

lesve for Lodington on Hnndsy. Krb'y

C^l over Xlt South Union street.

Bourn 9 a. m. to y p. m.


wale Blok.


Gores Without Medicine Lr^srr,y?i;M!sjas. *is



TIRAINgD Nrima-Mra* a>ulke Bnleosb. a

"It to purely from a boalneai point ol
s- that I took at It. I have weighed
you know. Jack, I wai laket
wators are devoted to bualuraa and prciy'feaiL
t carefully and ba-.-e
or iwen'y-flve to-day, and I'm only
sen walk about the Boors and corri- oe. ided that'It’to” worth ’li.OOO
dors aa If In the sinvu They never tu avoid answering questions as
Jack—n-bat de you expect to be Ukthink of removing thi-lr hats If they a,;e
We will dismiss the case and lei
n lor wben you really are tweniyflve,
Meet a woman unleae they know her. the money gu."—Wasbingion Star.
Yet these same men w-bea as soon aa
—, ■ - ■
Sbe—For better or worwe. 1 hope.—
Owing to several aew cases sdded
tbsy enter an elevator, remove their
itu uuie xiaiah*.
bsu aolematiLda If they were perBriggs—"kllgbty pretty bonnet your
your city
JoTBifag a rei^oB rile
Oblecxloaa wile bad on tost Ennday. Al i^t. my
Kur Tliur.
Ibe past six waekt, be to requested for
are advanced to Vh* custom not bo- wile said It waa."
They had »
furtber prlvelege by i
ennaa of Ita abaardliy hut beeauaa
Bragga-'-Yea. and It all-1^ from
of town people taking tbe benefit of
man and women, and tbe litUe fellow thoriaghcnrabietreatmeat. Allbaveae
for tba bat. Then. too. tbere to uis
, —
borne the with tbe rwl balr bad listened scon
fully to tbe various views expressed.
Ur wbat ailmenu_____
olbeT^ealng. thinking vary Intently
"Ton all don't know eothtn' about
Should Uke oB his hat In aa elevator
bnsinaaa. as I often do. I found
snfferiBg trom. rbcumabe aaia.
said. tum. paralysto, dropsy, eonsomnUon.
any more than In a trolley ear. merekitchen. Now. wbat barin' a good, easy tima"
to speak, "if oMtarrh.
liver. kide<
ly beennae woman are prteent. wa de
not band the bird t bad
. BM udatataad.
i brodght bcaae to my wUe aad ktoi tbe we want to gel along (bout workin' ot j trnbl'a.' batidacbe.'ptl^ nervona dl, ;cook! Of eouraa. she knew It was a doin' anything except Jusi lakln' tba seases, caaerr. lost manhood, sklo

Snid mpidi t tadtiiii K. B

New Methods
Here nstU Feb. 6th.

c~i IKL WAKTBD- A i-oBpctcet rtrlfarecaU «e>l hraw w"rk Inqulra ol Kra B C.
Darin. 441 WarhlBglosMiaoi.





^jjpjo^wawTBD-a^wtitr^ a^urw
HawUtoe CkoihlBX Co.




VpoB fltLX-ltcw Swvltlor bouao, rosSr w
r oecuor. Brao'l uoywooi Soiro. baisaeo


orralef ib* Clc»*lao«.aUI» tmo Oo. 8»aS

it glaas varniab. which may

JtoJ^ » to, to,.
a bonereambed.

OUT. la aflaet W<»». It, II
aaaaa swaaBssaa

WrraKTgD- l ci.b «aoW at qatva Ot»
W Reauaraal.tlXPRHitaircrt.

Tsrwtoa Ttovi Wssrs.
mistake, bnt—Ob. wait, yon know bow
Tba PeraUns In 61C B. C. Invented a women are."—-m-Blu.

xaem iram uie wtatner

Chicago -• -p-i,.-*
West Michigan.

B rwre ebaee of haviog tbe future re­

«oman ''



h*s raoerllcd other eogagemeotv to rt-

about heroes and lovely damsels and
"i m afraid uoU"
those. I Chink aboBi ITise ttockage
Tt, -np, woman" looked tbouxbifut.
Kitty, aad never aay a word."—Wash"a dectolon In my favor would
lagtou Star.
, wo. tn IJ.OOC to me. as 1 uaderaiaud it."
---------------------------------------- —
tabc Slid..
"JOBi ihst sun."
A Tria* aWM.
"Wen, let It go. I'll charge It np to
Tbs emtou that consiraiaa a
-a ra.... bl. to, ,b to ,i.,.,or -bto
there are Women aboard, seems a trifle
Bbaurd for several raasoue.
buildings supplied with pasMoger Ole-


malo in yoor city one week longer. All

» fv««-___________

wishing to eonsolt her had better do to

mow wb«i 1 road Morica and hear Ulea


u. BBOWM. Auonray aae Uece»i|Uct ai

bavc done, told me thai his daughter,
.“ITTT--------- 7^. _
waa suffering wlih a peculiar form of
• Hetafci oad Welgfet.
dementia and that she bad on one or |
A perfectly proportioned luan weight
two oiber ocraslop- hiuncb' s’rsngera tfi poouds fur every foot cd nu height
: wlin her as sbe bad brought ma,'
----------------------------------•' “»*•»«
tb'iugh as * nilc sbe was always ac-, Bllto P^t t>*l*l*
eompanled by au aiieudaut. who man^rved in the heat masBor at tbe
goeen Ciy G
aged to evpiain riie sUuatlon In soma
way ao as to pretcoi embarrassment.
?„ him.
In Ibis InbiiiDce sbe had esesped from
wbm a woman cries at a pathetic hei aiiendsnu—WachingtoD Star.
O't^UcauPTObaicpracUec. BaassBaaS
ehUd scene In a play It U a sign that
le. Bercaatlle Oc BlocV- _____________________
abe made the cblluren g<
su sbe could go and see
A g>rl can
never decide which
Bv special reqaeat Madame DjI^uiar
•*>' «nJoya moat—uklng a baby out

-lauer «l recommend from tbe tody.
wad ibeu look the next train out of
towa II was not going my way. but 1
took it Juat till- aubie aUd doubled back.
That wae m> IHtie war ron^ca. and


il !2i;-«STsis^



«in. and tbe eblldreo were very fond

imsTEE ui loniEunii l l



- -Tea.’ I tbid her: ‘Isn't abe berer
r*Ko; abe left yesterday.'
'“•indeedr mid 1. and beslUlwl. for
Vlaa -------- bad not told me anythlag
'tobaat going away, and abould have
known I was coming for I bad wntiea
ghat I should be there.
•' Taa, yon see.' she went on, rather
kuniedly, and as If I mlgni iblak sba
Satmided to reflect upon tbe young lady
is some way, 'Kitty was a very nice

TMvsiae City, turn

*' -You af^Mr. AUIla. of New York,
nreo'l yon?'
•• -Yee—Cf^-er—nm—but------ '
“ Then, of ODuree. tbere can't be two

."J? .‘"I'd™

^ atickad up a bit I aem up tny card.
0 tbe parlor to
aae ma. Wben. abe did aea me abe ioobad Mae tuanler than tbe clerk dto.
--T btg your pardon.' sbe aald, awk­
wardly; 'did you want to aaa Kitty


-Bat IbBAddeat eiparlanoe 1 e
^•*^'Wa»e in tba wb^ »urae of aiy long
and ereatful career." ha waa taylag af. water pipa. whidi wUl aare aa ineaic^j ctonr Pork p^ bbt,
ter mying aaoogh to Ml a book.''bap- laMe anmnt of annoyance aad pro- Oaar Pork per li..

a good bill. I wae at lb* atailon to
e«ieh a train at S o'doek.

*1 dost waat aar Bora et roar w
VOMaeaa la ntaa. with tba bare aad
■«be pruUf «m. aad aU that aort o(
vat,” aald a fta»-iookl^ tobbb UaoiaaMt«r rolaataara la a partr <t Maada
mt aa aptoara boM.
AiAad l« esplala. be did ao. •• tal-

«hat Miaa------- llred with Mra. --------- .
■ur&o occupied tbe third Boor suite, and
abe -could tell lae about ber. I anp-


tadmicn] ahtO. hare inoerpeeated into

bS^eSSauS^ f^ taio^'dSh

• mtm AM

.^av corrtapondeooe with mr prlia
‘ VatAaga.
’-After tbe battle, notber. I came
«ack. aad. after bauJinc around awhlie
te and out of tbe boaplUl. I got a
<baace to go borne, and oa tbe way 1
^oaeluded to atop aad ace tbe unkMwn.
Sbe badat told ma nneh
«boat bar family, but «ld abe waa
airtag at a hotel la tba cxrw*. wbleb t
IMad oa arrlTal at tbe place waa the
*aai there. I didn't know anybody,
and 1 didn't know tbe drl. aad I bad
■enae enougb to go a little elow. but
«ben I rcMbed tbe hotel and aaked tbe
alarw-lt Mlea-------- need there, and be
maM abe did. I thought h wan't altosotber tooled, anyhow. He looked at
*e in a gueer kind of faabion. aad aaig


r did



.. .

lha Ommani^ ara m far abnd
at maaj gaticna la aonain dam

______ lUAm .o™.«>«M







U. rtoto
Iwtndow)—-■Uoodneaa ma!

Wbat do«a
"No. air. 1 am thankful (o aay I «e

n« aii«**i rtoh
Mob Bpokaaman—Too motwt die!
Tbaabevel Bah tosocBlledbaeannall r« hear yon Invent almachlae vnt do
IH Bees u> tarn over the mod a* d« work off von hoondret men. Yon
tka boiioa of tba aea In qaaat of tba daka braat o«t off dalr mouiha; you—"
—..II -h.iis.s OA Which ft
Inventor—Tbit anebina of mine it
aa atlaehmanl for brewerlai. aad wtu
bring beer down to one cant a glasa."
k Tnrmocib maa waa amoking a Mpa
VboB a
4>«PP^ l«o Uto l»ek ol
bto tTOBaarfl and banted a hoia Ha
Mdt a Uaim to toee under bto Are tsveBce potto BBd tba cempaBy paM .


FlrM Cat—•’^ht to ro«r wplnloa

SBI Bill

reqnest the profeaaor to here nnti’ Feb­
ruary 6th. Monday, afur which bs
for LodtagtM for a few weeka



Tbaa yon can afford to watt,’ waa^
be answer, as tba ctutomec walked day.
Ones BlUas. TwUa Shy.
Owner—So yon think yon have a enatomer for my farm?
Agant^'vc been negotiating with n I
■lan who says be naed to own aoS.
Ownar-Don’t have anything to 4c
with bln. Ba's n fraud. No ou wbn

Oaara soceeaafalty
Be'idpBrtirolara. Addre*
- *-----------------------------

11;=!; f!:!
F’t.'i,‘S;Ss;.*"vrisfJ:'a5 ^|fj
T°.KY.i-E'2'!?-KK X-ISiS

Permctteat addrem. Prnfeaaor Da Lev
mar. AstrologWml Mcdiana On.. «W
Fifth elrort- Detroit Mteh.
Ofiee benra 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
SoDihOalOD street.
Nona Deed have QRIP la a life time
they aae profwor a metbodaot treatLmt that U
banlahes the gM-ww
toenaa. Cmra ORIP

___________..aura Miroi. last


BaaoBd Oat-^OanY i

Ittatoflflar Itok


» i::;:

Local braa;2 testa SfvIVBS at UM a-a.


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