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The Morning Record, December 31, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Third Yeir*-No. 829
•Maty Platt VfU Sot OowMtt ■!■
aoltM toTteo PnVdoBoy.
in Bovol Skroaytk.
‘British Bspolssd te Hard
OsoTfs asBs^ ators Dsmsf.
Bow fork. Doe. a».>T£o Breeklya
Porto, Dee. »0.—Promiv Woldook<fiffht s» lUfbUsc.
sd bp Firs This Moraine. Boommo. Ooaorol OoUifat. Miatetor of
BacUhv prlatod tko toUewii«;
>»*• OMk M • Bov POfC
Voto Drivw BMfe Vlth X«v
«( IM Hm-OosBiV wm OorrM
OB M tiw Volte o« tto SaoVT'o
•■SoMtor Tkovooa Platt vada tkte
otatovoat tor tko barlo today:
**Tboroport that 1 tooer or karo
oowltwd ayoolt to oayoBO tor rim
pr—Idoat. V tkat tko
I bam aaBooaord tor ao am. dlnetly
V iBdlrootly. 1 balioro It te OBtlioly
toeaeoB totakobptkte qovttOB. aad
aU tkte dteviM te pr«mtBro. 1 Ubo
Mr. WeedraB. 1 kaUaoo ko-k a aolld
hapnbUoaa. bat 1 karo Bot mU tkat I
faterod klw tv rim proaldoab. Nattbv
ham 1 Mid that 1 kallarad Hr. Boot
wmtkovaB.vthatMr. Blkte ahoald
ki okoooa.
“At tba pfopv Urn I wlU lot my
I ko kaowB. UatU tkM I okall
Boi My OBythUwr dofialta. BBd all
porta plodiridf mo to aayoBO aro aad
Wv, oad M. LOBOVOB. Mlatetor of
Mariao. hold o oMfarMm today oad
opprdrod tbo BBTol voyiom. wktek te
bollOTod to iBclodo tko boUdlay of
twriv of tko mmt poworfal battle
tko Bztmt of BSM and tbo BoUd ehipo BSmt. Aa oapoBditaro ot 400.lay Abaot bb Bqoal Amouk
000.000 fioam^ the iinrvii of the,
At 1;M tkte moralay tbo okrtU ootm nary teoontompUtod.
of tko moekiay bird wktetU eaUodtko DoBt mlm
ftro doparimoat oot la doablo qolok
time, u tbo baUdiay oooaptod by tko
PoUm Btkory. oo thoeimw of Oaloa
aad Soveatk oiroeio. doada ot omoko
were teoalay from tko book port of tko
koildlay. oad aooa tko klaoo wm tomtod la the boormML
Tbo ekomlml aad two Uiyo, atrooso
of wotor wm oooa pooriny ob tko
floamibaitko Arc bod o yeodoUrt,
and it rrqolred o oUbboro fiyht boforo
WM flDoUy oaUayoteked.
The appv port of tko boUdiay te oeeaptod 00 o rvidoam by tko Mlam
Sector, who oro 0 way oa o rioU, te
tkot the feoro fv tkalr mtety tkot vill 6ad a pecaliar
e foil by 00 moay ot flroi, wore pl«Mur« in
Tbo bUie wm ot fint ooppoaod to
boro epriBy from tbo boko oroa la
tbo booomeat; bat It wm Imrood Utor
tkat tkm bod bme oo Are tkm olaeo
I o'eloeh ymurdoy BMralay. Oa oa*
omiBoUoB ofiv tkoflrowMoxtioynUbod. it rppeorod tbot tko ooarm of the
blow WM the olmtrle llykt wlroo, la
watbwmt eorav of Oho bommoat aboee. To walkVn abom that are
The port of tko baUdlay wbm the beaottful, atyliah and parfei'Uy
oven WM lemtod lOBOl boroad at all. eomfortable ia a yratifyiM experwkUo ia tbo ooTB wkm the owltoh- ienor. Thr UUEEN OrALITT
board of tbo rioetriee wlrm wm lom»d MODERN WALKING BOOT
the tro bod borood throoyh tko flov. ia abown bare, eiitbt in. top, madoad bod roofed olmoot to tbo roof.
inm beel. medinm sola, very amart
Ike toUl daman te oatlmotod at looking, very comforlBble, very
oboBtyno, tkoayk It te hard to aukoo dnrable. "Queen Quality" pnoa
rioM mlmloUcm. Tkm wm TS barrote of floor la tbo booomoBV oad if it
te foBBd that tkte te domoyod maak,
Ike tom «B tbo otoek may yo hlykv
tkoB tko mUooaU. The btlldlay te
^waod by Boa. Perry Boaaab.
The Polam Bakery te tko prop
erty of Ooorn OoBO. oad otoek
oad flxtarm are fally oorond by la>
LooSob.Do*. I
|>f«Mtte.«o«odOM.n, Mr* tkot o4.
oteMkOMtoM tootefM teov MoM.
iBt rijBmit» teovot* bottlo. wkUk
«M iMiforiMil br tho Brittok. wko
o bold MTtte frev tko olty oo
Dm ti. ovooltfM OBO ol Uo Bov
fevte with BBtloiOi OOBBOB BBd OB
anoWteola. Tko«skUaff «m evrM «B rtrkt
to ika volte of tb«
•Mckote OBi tko Briltek aoBortd
' kw*Ur< tko dtepotok oUtlBC tkol I0»
Brittek wm kUted v wooBdod. whUe
tko Bov lev voo olli^U Tk# mmt
dteMtoh ototod tbot OoploiBo OmtoU ond K»rkwood wm ooptorod by
tko Booro BOOT Ooloaao BBd wm ooat
to Proirorio.
' U. B. Bogsi* ot Oimnd Baplds
Ob DMOVkv tl tko Britteh oovmoeod o koooy eoBBOBOdta( of tko
KiUed Ulmsslf
Bov peolUoB ot Moddv Blov OBd ob
orUltory ohsofowoot oonod, teoUBf Aodltor a dk V. ■. aad D..
BMC« tkM OB koor.
Booty oOBBOBodlBC koB boos koord V. By. Oommittod BaMdo TmIbtToooaUy ot Mofoklaf sad yvtordoy ot day U OroBd Bopid»-lll Baoltk
^ Udyovttk torrUk bspIooIobo wm aad Barreaa Btrotn Bald to Mara
koord. It te bolteood tkot tko Bom Promptad tko Dood.
VkooooooooododlBblowtofop oom of Ofoad Bapldo, Dm. M. - BollroBd
1 WklWo rw- No IvportoBt eireloo. oad la tart tkte oatlre eom0 m roportod. kowoov, maaity. wm okockod ooon oftor boob
*• oltkv'frovLBdyovltk V tko Tu*lo today wkM It WM oaoouoed tkot U.
rtoor.olBM tko bottloofOoloBM Booth B. Banto. OBditor of tko C. A iS. M.
K olCiflibvteyoBdOolvborroaddtorv oad U. O. B A W. BoUwoy oyotom kad
^ korrotvytklBcteqoiot.
pot a bollot tkreork kte brola.
do dlipotobv My tkot tko ttiiifffK Mr. Bi«m took kte own life by a
dtlBBtioB, OB orrltiav ot Oopo Itewa okot tkroBCk tko kood while oluiait at
yvtordoy wttk two Uttolleai ot Bold kte dook la tko Mlekins Troot Oa.
orttUory oad tea oMaalttaB ootova boDdtiM. tko WMpoa mod WM a M
fv tko nttk dirteiOB. woo dtepolekiil eollhro Smith A Wooaoa rorolrv oad
to DvbOB. OoBorol Bollork ooit bot- tko bollm toft aa Bfly n*k. povlac
tlo te Uko’y to bo dotopod oatU tko mplotoly ikroork tko hood,
mlddlo of Boxtwooh
tko dood oMt o okmk Ikroork tbo
Bo will rlrtBoUy kov oodv kte eityv It wm aot kaowa that Mr.
dlroot eovmod tkrv oat. of tko Bro Borm «TM la 0 ooedlUoB to roadv
dlTtotoM Boot to tko Oopo, with
him dvpoadoBl. oltboork ko boo not
foortk dlriiloB lockod op oodv Ooo- bmn wall tor oomo time oad ot timm
oro) Wblto la Lodymltk. Tko nnolo wm oBoblo u alt v iload. It wm tnt
Ib( dlrteloB to dtetrtbotod oloBt tb< tbcarbt tkot Ue dond wm prompted Tbo lav OB the baUdiay te e«Umatod
wvtaro OBd nortken trooUero.
by dteoopoiatmoDt bomoM ot tbo al obOBi SSto. aad the 4pamn to tbo
With 4.000 BOB of tko vlfflBol rv- roooat cboorv in tbo roilrtmd oom otoek oad flztaroo, aa oqoal auoaai.
rlwo OBd ooMltorohte eorolry oddod. pony; bat tkte ooold not hore boon tko
bo kv ooUod tkrv dtvtelou lolo NoUl ck«M, 00 he WM only o day or two oye OBVBBAL I.AWTOM'S PITBBBAL
' tor tko rollof of o foortk. tootood
appointed eodttor of the eotlm new
oorrylBi tkon loto tko Prv Stoto
ayoMm of the eonoolldotod oomponlm.
oeoordoBM wito kte owb pIob fortood Dr. O. K. Joknaon, the fomlly pkyoiTmurday.
kotero bo loft Loodoo.
elan of Mr Bocore. yore M kte oplnioa
FkUov to follov LodyoBilth ot|v tbot the deed wm the reedlt of tom- Maalla. Dec. 90—The faoerol of U- a
Moovploto on ObOBdOBMBt ot kte porery iaaoalty. dM to ill kooltk
orlirlnol pUn of wpolfa will
MBtlaood eoffo'iay. Ike oomu
rnlaoM te kte ropototleo. Bo te otI- airala. wo. tkat Mr. Boym km baea moMtory to the Lnooto. to PMly and |
' doBtly otronrtkoalBC kte orvy by
etyoiay oo omMal of tbe porteo- tkoam to Uo tcoaoport TkomH. wbleb I
WltodthteaftomooB. Tbo preooooloa I
MOBBO IB kte poorv. oad will moko o tloo ot the dotoite of the tooaaolidi
•odor tbe band of tko TWon!
dtovvlBod oflort to emok uoaorol oflhotkrMMleklyoa raodo late tka
JoBborfo torv oad rooeoo tko (ontoOB Pm MarqMUe te oteo baltomd to kora
balm tko orrlrol ot Ooaorol Beborto. eoatrlbatod to the atoto of mind tkot
wke orlU bo dM In Oopo Town la rmaltod to Mr. Baym Uklay kte Ufe. battery of artUtoiy; a anabor of eloryyaaa; tko poroooal oUff of tko yoatwtovdoyoMr. Boym wm 48 yoon old.
Be roport ka* yol bov roeolood ot Imvvo widow aad o doayhtor. the oral ofoot: Oaaarolo Wboalv. Botm.
tko dtopviteoB of tko vlfo trola wkiek lotavoobildof Hyoon. Be kod llrod Poraytk. Kokbe oadSekwoa oadAimlro\ Wotaoa; Oenrrol Otte oad otalf: Ue
orrlTod ot Ctepo Town ob Toaodoy,
la Ofoad Bopida tv tka paat too ymn.
thOBOWo voy kov bosa ooppr
All of kte life hod boon dovotod to tka twain ooMBle and mombm of tko
tor milHory raaaoao Tbov twolv roUrood bwiaev la im bo oatmd Pailip^o Sapromo eiMri. NaUm dolhMoy ffoao wlU bo a jpool addition to tko ofleo Ot AwteUot Tromarv How' oyatlOM from towm wbm Ooaerol
Britteh Itao of ottoek It tkm ord von ordVtkoaAW. M. oadD-.O. E. A Ltwtos kod mubltekod oiril nrvammto proiiBtad vrootka. Women
trolBod ia tkolr veAt that pw tbo oAv wm lomtod
MfMidw Rt*v. Dm. M —Tko way tko ia Detroit, aad wm tkat of tko Detroit, from tbo oomo towao proaented to Mro.
Bom kept op tkoir ovlm fooUlodo Laaalay A Uko Mleklyoa. Tba yoaia Ltwtoa yMtorday aondoloaev oad
• eworo. Crowdo of aatlrm aid Amerit loot alrbt okowo ayo. wkaa tko oflem wm romi
km from Detroit a^ Maekoyoi
kmde BBOormd.
aaadn • by Lord Motkoaa. It to the Umo ot tbe aaloa
tbo O. A W.
oridoBt tkkt tkoy liTO lo tkoir
M. aad Uo D O. R. A W. iatormta. ka Poor OBltetod pall k
a to the Uaitod SUtoa.
Notlfv from tko Bov laofw oay WM made aaditor hors. Oa Tbaraday
prominent New York official
tkat tko oaomy to boeomlac hoBfriv
rm made auditor of tko oow ayoaaid the eeuenl use of tbe tele
dally. Ikoy oro oUowod oaly
pbone bad made tbe taak of efficpoBBlklM ot moal dolly botvom toar Dooeoood WM klykly oetoomod U
Protecting life and properly
mM. Tbt BOtlov Bdd that tkm te roUrood oirelm and popalv ooriaUy GrooiDvtraottoeof Property ia Oti_ over 50 per cent, eaaier.
moah oMtooioa la tko Boor
Hit dmtk will bo a Mow to tko rolleoyc TeiAerday—Miac Piremoa
Telephoning in caA of fire, ac^
Tko Proe SUM Bom eomplola tkot road eompoay m well m to kte hmt of
Irjarod. Two BoriOMly.
cident or burglary baa become a
tko Trutevoalm ore betur trootod
Okwayo. Doe. 80-A Wy btow v recognixcd’nM^tyr
tboa tkoy. oad tkot tkoir kordMlpo
eojrred la tkte city today that oaaaod
oro aabooroblo. Tko
Every well regulat
qioUodtkorrombaas. bat tko Prm Am to bb Vora By Britteh Soldlm la alov of tt.000.000 boaldv tnjariay
ed booaebold baa a
Bine men. two ol tkam avlonaly.
SulUto m dtepofolac la rrootor anntelephone.
wm dteeownd oorly la
bmtkaa kmiotoro
Have you one in
thomoraiiiylatbe ooroa otory bnlldWorevtor. Maao, Ooo to.—A
Tka Bav orUllery wao woU ao:
yonr borne?
yMtorday- la tko moroiaf the oBomy afoetorv of eorterldn balte la tkte alty lay at no aad ttS Moaroo otroot.which
complotoly dvtroyod. Tko two
yorBAKU T*|ik«iCh
toBBd tko roan
dmppad a a
orammt yootoeday tor 48.000 donblo adjolatay boUdiaya, fleo aad oevoa
kv of okalte doonrooaly aoor
otoriv la kolybt, wm ateo damayod.
Brtttek Borol COM Boom of tkm foil kOBdollv mrtrtdn bolto It te mid
Wllktatwoaty yordt of tboao foBO. that tbo ordv te a raU OBO, aad aort- Tbe wvk of tka Sromoa wm yrMtly
rtdn balte wttl bo ohlppod to tko kladecwl by the lauaM eoU. all tko
uotM belay tklokly eooUd with
Traaotool to tote of M«ml
Tko priaelpal1 loom havo baaa ca
ttamtad m foltowa:
Bon' BBBd will
>*•- P. * P. K. PermoUr Paraod Orv to Waolqy A On.. wooloB yoodo. SIM.000: Bdwmrda Staawood A Oo.. oaccM
qoat ot Pork Plom Motol
■ow Pm MorqoMta My. Oe.
te Pbolpo. Dodn d Palmv. wkolo-l
fkte BroBlaff.
Boylaow. Doe. 80.-A dmd troMtor- eUo boote aad abooa, SMO.OOO: 3. W.
It hoo koM tka eostom of tka Boyo' rlay iko r. A P. M. BoUicad eompoay BaUv Papv Co. ftoo.000; Boary a
boBd to flv a baaqaot oaeh yov. oad to tko- "
SbooBTd Prtatisy Oo., •Itl.OOO; lev oa! oaUl^ what wo kaoo ob haad mt
X o«-aatfl Job. tot, only—New
«hteynvtkoevoBtwill bo mmtkaa tkte moralay.
bandtoya.SUOjn. AU tow are eev-'
te tko tlam te bay a yood Camm
n|l*.lU. ovd by iaoBraad^
terdlBorily OBjoyokto. Tbo tvot wtu yiooa, bat tko
koavTodby UBdlord BoUtea ot Pork 8Jla
Oi^ Bebt. OVammor aad Jaw; OT Kodak ekoap.
Bvarythlay yev at tkOM
PteMo Bad tka kaad wtU make It tko PatMaktam
WeeUn wm oartoMly tojarad. WUprtov. latormattoB ekoortaUy
knot Bow TavkdUav la Ittktetoiy.
Uam PaddOB, Mtohaal O'BarB, O^k
IwiUbaotBoaaah A I«y MmaB*
■i. at
I BvBas, 0^ Wllltom Oaiqy.l
Mto Oeb. Vm OB BaOBrdpy. doa.Ikew VOmmor, Imha Bayto,
aary aik. to rmatvo tana tor
Itealaaali toorMklp. W. K. Pratt,
^dryanidotootoM flow Mat ,
$3 00
'^—'-“ALFRED V.
mimwEW Tars dinieii
Wait’s Drug Store.
The Long
Winter Evenings
Are upon us and call for some kind of home amuse
ments for ourseivos and friends. We have a few new
games that are popular.
Our “Crown Boards" are the best thing in the
Flag BimMf Carts for ISctBts
RililB Gana af Carts for $0 caats
Will refund money if yon don't lik5 thorn.
wm sxohange ths new 80-game Oarom Boards tor
you your old ons If yon wuh.
Spacial Sale Moodarai “Booita Ware."
290-223 Front Street
Balph Oonnable Jr., Manageif.
*niiB voetbor ia beautifnl for o
‘Zero” Ulsters
They are selling fast—16.50 to IIS.OO.
Men’s Orarooats. $5.00, $6.50, $t?.00, $10.00 to $19.00.
Reefers for men and boys-Sweatera, Ondervear, Cap*,
boeier^, duck coata, kersey panti, etc.
Boy's BBd ekUdroa*! LOTyiaa. ole.
We wish you all
A Very, Very
Happy New Year!
, and may It be a pmpcruua oi
Here Are Some Prices
Used PiaDOR and Organs
That Will Interest You.
piano, Ts; ocuve, line mw. with otool
... Boi Orgaas From $10.00 ig...
AU theae gooda are all in fiue condition and wiU please yon.
Call Early—Easy Terms
111 kiiils of Masical Gooils.
Talkiog Madiiaas aad Sappllas.
Sheet Sueic e. H.„
129 Front Hire *t.
H. S ST&OVQ. Manager
It’s a Feat
To Fit The Feet
But we can do it. Our customers will not have to
break in the footwear we sell them.
Well made shoe^ 6tting perfecUj. will be com
fortable from the first. This !s worth Bomething
but we charge only for the value of the leather.
Our $4.00 Box and Velour Calf Shoes for g^tlemen are the finest ever sold at the price. Tliey re
tain their shape and look well until worn ont.
Front Street
mm MOMTOiq Mooyp
mm. T. BAf *» J- W. Sa«»
f, «. ■>■—. Mte Md I
tort OcwuvM.
Twt«dA7'> nvUw of tir*d« la tk«
pallod SUM
«k»»lBr*^nBSF**^ ladMtrUoMAfHoMoftUT^ to kOM Nrto*'«d
i^iafTto rwiordod. Tbaytorim
feM kOM tk« teaMT 7wr la
pwriil Wctoir. Ui* ««1bm of dowo«ta aadiorolr«tndebota«to«hlcbMt
afar raaebod. d reoocd toaaklac pto$w$%kom to toeordto la oMrlj all UaM
ad tadaaUT aad to* oaBilaaaBM of toto
aOBdlUoa ka* kora pkracMaaltU (ooerd of tottaial ako«* bato•MidtoaMt* V-bato k**B to* *Ml
>*at la **fMl*M 7*ata. la lada«(rlal
)laa* oaortooa* *xtoMloa* and adraae*
of warn »ark to* 7*ar. Tk« wpoA*
tro« toto eoaatoy r*aek*d to*
mam taa of r .no.«KCo^ aa laenaa*
aftortoparoMlowlwe. tto* fraat
dapaad for dB*rtoaa arodaeto a
HOtotooi to waUaa* to lapranai Tk*
katldlBC of raUroad* ka* b**a baartor
toaa la toa a*ara. Bai to* kalldlaf oi
raUroad* aa* k**a d*aaad*d bj latotoilar kmliUM WhU* to* jaar
a to a krlcbtpn
YWiorT'nw will Mark to* dawn of
aaatoar jaar of (T*al proaparUj la to*
Didtoditoatoa W*ar* at p*ao* wito
aU aauoa* aad to*M U a fair proapeet
Itet to* tooBbto la to* PhUIpplM* wUl
MM b* aatUed aad ordar b* «iilabltob
ad la ov peaaaatoa* ll to* oriaak
Tb* do** of to* old 7MT flad* oar
fipnrto* nihii wito order*, oar work
lac Moa aanuBC laeraaaed wac«* and
badaiM fanwall; toroockoat
aoutry OB a aoaadar haaU toaa la
paajTaar*. IVareti* OU7 ba* b*en
a*p*Blally favored aad oar tbrivtar
aoMBanity to rrowiac la waaltb and
aoBMwalal iMporlaae*. Wito to***
aoadlUoa* toey*v laoowlU b* a*k«red
la BBdar to* brlfblaat aaaple**. aad
to* •aaUaMBt wbieb proMpto to* Hap
py Hew Year rrMtiac wUl b* r*ar*>d
U tto fnllaat dcnldc*a**. Tb* Becobd
aordlally eatoade a Happy New Y«ar
ko rrerfoa* «ltb toe bop* aad toll*f
toat to* *ad of IWO win *bow toat 11
ka* lad**d b**p aaotoar
year for Mtoblfaa and f <r toe aailoa.
Ml t» MM kli fW«V«« B HM to W
XTwnxu sLAXoaA’n:
SbaS taXektorMraat I
IM way toto btofalMbow
■ •ftonXMH and It wfil b* an .
• meathata of Trav***a Cl(y
I blM to fatara
Pferram Wtm Inst X>ctob
lodta. No. »U. E. P. O. Blka. ara MktfalBMa aad M*rcy. wUab to
atootatatytoaoMaarylaa toodara «ar.
A eary p)£mt opan maaMar and tar ataboMt* prapnratlw tor tha
rtor boy.
MtotolnMdM of too UnaolnUlmiy Udtoi' Hodnl Bmdim to ha flvan to
aortoty wat bdd laat aeaalar la benar to* aty Opma Bom* Monday armUntr.
«f Bdwta Obapmas. iarmariy prMtdaU TbtowUbeaa Inaovatloa tot^ THvUty and Mm mombar* propoM to
of toa aeeialy. whole la thadtytrem
(ha Btnt* Hcrmal aebool at Ypdlaatl. mnka It a rad Wttor ovaat to to* htoA pambar of etaiiar* w«r* prmiat aad toey of to* lode*.
Bnak Star* oa Yrtoorlto rrapwty
M eoeadon wa* a ddlcbtfd ona.
boM troabt I tor yania
Ad)*lalac »ra*eb BloMt.
Tb* IntdOaomd aim* of to* errant- riStSM.
tMpartaat iMpeova- aatloa warn not loat drbt at kow<
a*Bt to abMt to b* mada m Tnat aad aa axealleot pracna was clvan. barlala'B Oolie, C^olan aad nairhom
atiMt wbar* tk* oM rrMtetoMl
olamatlen by Ways* L. Watora Bamedy. Afmr ariar tare boUlmM
■tood b«fot* to* bit ftr* tore* year*
tb* dial aasbar, whleb wa* fol
a o Prank Prtodrteb
lowed by a qaaetlM boa. A roadtar. a fltot^iuy'nmdH^Sr ^brntoBto^Z
deal with to* Praldrleh «*«i* wh*r*by Tb* Oar** of Llqaor.” by Ctoarlo*
k* •aoam lor a a*w baUdiaf twenty BobbI* wa* maeh ^preelatod.
taat adjolalac tb* Brotob bloek. w**l,
Two very Imtraetlva wiay* w
aad apes wbleh b* wm«r*rt a modara r ad, ••MtehlfaB." by Harray TWpp.
twootory hrtok baUdln*. Tb* •irac
“Ut* la a Lambar Clamp.’* by Latore wUl b* aapadally dadiradi tor a land Tripp.
modan *bo* ator* aad CVtod wito
Tba aabjaet tor dtooamkiri was. *'
•eaiy eoaraatoM* for a .arfo and ap •olvad.-That Ilf* to what w* mak* Ik”
la dau atoekTb* *flfmkUe* wm ably
Tb* front of to* ball ’Irr wlU b* aa- Lpato Blrdadl aad ObmUa Elton. whUa
Ilk* aaythlBC m Front >tra*t at pre*' Harvey Tripp and AUnoa Ba^ lookad
oat bat will b* aevai aad attraeUve. after to* lat*ra*i* of to* aafativ*.
Tk* balldlar «U1 ba aUlCMd with to* Tb* }adre* rav* ton rlotory (o tha
Braaeb bloek. bat b*t<
Armatlva, aad Mr. Blrdaall wa* ylvea
aa* a deep bay window wUl rstaad all to* honor* a* tb* beat apeaker la toe
tb* way to to* top of th* balldlar pro- debato.
(•etlac oat two ai»d eao-balf faat. Tb*
froat wUl ba atiraoUvly oraama
It McNamara to vtolUar hi* old bom*
Tb* balldlar wU 1
la Chdaaa. Mioh.
HI** Bd* Kaha arrivMl laat eeMlac
Mr. Prtodrtob mil not *t one* oom- from Mantote* for a tow day* *tay la
pl*t*to*app*r *tory. Tbat part of tola city.
tha balldl^ wlU ba bald antU tom*
Prank Oardaar airivad la' tb* el(y
Urn* la to* tatnr*. wbaa, aboald to* yettorday to epead Saaday.
Pitodrieb e*tot« band oa to* van
Prank Prtederlek wa* la Ctodi^
proparty Praak'* baUdlBff eoaU b*
arraafad abova a* to eoatorm to tb*
Ealpb Oonaabl*. Jr., left l**t
etoar balldlaf. Tb* laUrlor of the lac tor Petoakey.
ator* will b* dttad ap la th* latoat
Mr*. E N PraU ntaraed laM
Please Call..
•tyl*. with aailf* n*w Aatara* aad will Inr from a vtoh la Uraad Eapldt.
baadaomaly tarekhad. Work 00
B P. MeAlvay of Maatotoa was la
And Get It.
■traetar* wUl b*atart*d thto
toe elty yeatarday.
aad wkM eosplatod toa ooat wlU apJohn Soott of Maple Clip to at to*
proalmat* tt.ooo. Haaapaetato hava Cotambla.
th* baUdlar raady tor eeeapaney by
U. U. Nlekwmw of
Mareh 1* ______________
Traven* City vtoltor jt
187 State St.
J. W. Beaaltor of Aldan to at toa Oo
Tb* *MM*t far naw maBbaib by
Joba OampMy of MaatotM to at th*
Travnra* Oily Tbat Mo. m. K. O. T- M.
wUl oad oa PridaJi Jan. te. lastoad
A. D. Oreoa. adverttolor Baaacer of
to* Uth, a* alatad y**torday.
the Uraad Eapldt Bvaalac Prta*. pam
la to* deal by waleh W. L. Brewa ad toroayb toe elty yaalerday oo bit
w*y to loierloebeo to vtoll bl* aoo.wBo
•old to* Oolambla bold property
Mwba*: Watob. a dwaiUar on Taato 1* rmplo.ved on the railroad.
FttiK mmm m bvild
Am- At pwfaint. Aftw I
you 30 per ceaL ioor«.
my stock ledoced they -will east
Hoae Oak. • aeod rouad onk 89.75, ngokr
price 111.75.
No. 16 Pei
No. 18 Peoiualar Bom* Onk. a rood roond onk $lfi.75.ngnInr price $18.0a
Na 514 Onk Pomimlnr S13.50. ragolnr price $17 50.
No. 141 Onk PeDiitooInr 814.50, rngoUr priea 818.75.
No. 35 kfnple Peobunlar, a nice Inive banter 89.75, regnlnr
price 811.75.
I bare n Urge line of snu^e consuning bot Uaat PaminnaUrn.
one of tbo very beat nnk most ecooooiiofa bentera made. Box
stems from 8'i.75 op. Doabl* nbeet steel, air tight,
top and front do.ar |o 75 and op. We ham a large oompUte
lioa (d ftoms and ranges.
Slaters House Furnishing Store
190 Front Stroat.
:t YOU...
•Ueat wa* ladaded. Into* ded U.
MOwaalavolvad. of whleb toe tana
of Mr. Watoh. valatd at pt.ooo waapart
Saa Benda will leave Tereday for a
Tbar* wUl b* a apedal coaveaUM of trie to New York nod Cbiearoafur
Travora* City Uedco. K. of P. oa Moa,day •eealar.
Tbelr Plrat OnTtalo Pole*.
to* tolrd raab. A baetolaak aappw
Tb* Michyao Uaoafaetarioir Oo.
wUt loUow to* taadoa.
yeatorday taroec oai the flr*t flolabed
Tb* Naw Yearb dlaaar rivea by to* enruia polr* to be mede by the lew
ladlM of tb* Piiat M. B. obareb wUl be factory. The p.ant U now In ycod
h*la la Oiaar* haU toMorrow froai tl worklry order and a ahipmeot of lu
prodeel* will be made early io toe
a. M. to * p. M. Prlo* It caatn ^ AU week. Tbr company baa order* ahead
to keep them yoiny antil March.
Two book* ar* mtodar from thi
Aa a core for rheamatlam Obambortmdl**' Llbiary. No. l«*», ‘'Bolany©.' lalna Pain Balm to yainlar a wide
aad N» ins. “Th* W*Ur* of Oaaay rrpeUtion D. H. Jobnaton of Biebid, led., baa been trembled wUb
havTbat FUI^bo Jaata wkiek came to
to*D»ltod8Ula*tolrMt with Preal- lof tb*m ar« nqaaawd to ratarn toea that allm italneelM:. InI aprakins
o' It be i*y%; ”1 never femnd anytblny
«*M McKinley for to* aarrender of at to* aaat b**ubc.
that would r*Hw mv nnUl I nwd
dcalnaldo for a eonalderatioa bav*
» iB*iaa»Uen will b* hdd to Cbambrrlatn'a P*lD Balm. It *eu like
irricwiihmc My foot w** Barollra
doabclM* l*aro*d by toto Ume tbat morrow avwUar for th* OompaaloB*
.Dd palciay atv vny nueb. but one
whM UM*ral Oi* lald: “Oaoeodl' aad Per«*tsr*of Oonrt Ttanr**, No.
rood application of Kin Balm rcHewd
kiaaal •arrandar.'' toat wa* wbat be aadOoartTrav*r**No. us.aKo'clodt. m* For aalf- by S B. Wan and P. C.
MMtot. and that to wbat the adnlato- All
and For«*t*ia and TaoKPanx Dmr«rl*<*
toatton reqolr** bln to acxMpltoh.
famUto* an lariied to b* preaeav
Aftar to* iMtailation. * banqoet and
TBX OdKBlBB HOT bdl WlU follow. Card caaw
ptovided lor tooM who do aoi daaee.
Th* advaao* aale of **ai* fur W. M.
■•Will Wlak Beaord •abaenb.-t*
Morra la “Tb* Advantore of Imdy
X >ppy BeW Year ToMorrow.
Ureal*’’ OpwtoO ap very brtokly yntorOa Monday awralar. New Year'*, toe day moralar *t to* boa oAIm In *pi *
aarrlar boy* of Tnc Uukmuo H*u>ai> Of to* catrem* oold wMto*.
wUleall apon toe *atoerlber* oa toelr ' Tb* loea! bx>k daalore have aold oat
mpeeilv* roato* to preaeav iheoaoj- t ie>r eappiy of Aathooy Uope'e tBCthere's 4 man fn
pllaMt* of toe aeaeon and e*t«ad eeaatai novel. “Ta* Adventareof Lady
bappy rre^t^V* of the new year. Ike V raala.” owlac to to* rreat iot«re*t toKc*<if»n mAe fayan maltny
boya who ban been taitbfal darlaf toe
$hM* In !M mtd U ttai *t H.
to* oomlar prodoetloo of toto
paat year, ia *011* of to* weather,
Hi fumr it
j£t it
play Beat W«do«*day •vesiar- A daw
wb*to*r cold, wet or Btonny, wlU take •ewaapply Ueapwstod. however. *lto<Mrmor noln. 7\a/ 'a a taUr*S<
planear* la wtoblaf Kkoobo •abeerlbei* *r to morrow or TaeMay.
ftir *>yn ttul he is a good shotaad wbea
• •ardlal Happy New Y.
At CharlavoU' to* earemoay wa* per-'
win five
rfhi^ WefustatAnttot^you
formed Taawlay that mad* Kraak BaitM *ndi a pr*tiy *omvm»lr d«*lrn*d uthAt ht mAhtt Its A l^ks' $t»t
a*r of ton elty aad Mw* Marina Kirby
prmilT for tbe ooeaaloo. Tb* eover of of CharlavoU bnnbaad aad wUa Aftor
thAt stUsfotSSA pAb> fafacA a
Iharrocllop ^ * *peeiaUy Mrraeid th*o*rem>oyad*lMioMW*ddlar dls-,
fust the bett shot for thAt price
toataro datlfn*d b* Mr. T. B. A- TrothAt rorr camr ouf ofAt^ man’a
aw wa* •arvad, aad to* happy aoapl*
^ and U to •atraatlv* of the
left tor thto wty. wbar* to*y wlU mak*
•*wa of to* poet year aad of
better try a pAir.
Yoo'tt Uht
torir boma
tb* fatar* parpo*** of to* Bsoean
them.amhtiam)yoamSL Vtm
UerlaatBC with tomarraw *v*alar.
Yb* mmm w«r« writtoJ by Mia. M. E
doBAMforAlItlyUs. Wt’rimU
to* whnu* of th* walsr work* wUl
*e. Bat**, aad toe •*aUm*at wUl apayento/or Mr
*’Chnvoblow at 7 o’eleek, to* boor that hM
pMl to oe*ry paiaoa wbo raedve* oa*
k*ea adoptod lor th* eknlaf at to*
Pkw r**d*m of a meralar *••*■
fapar rodto* tb* werk •nlaUad apo* ■tor**.
Tte hotel OolamWa to maklaf *labothoMrrlm boy. B* ma*t tone* hU
bod at»:» la to* mor*lar.wbll* *verj- rat* prapantloM tor toa aeeemmodabody to ooand la damb«r and no mat- tloD Of aa aaaaaaUy larfa arewd at
tor what to* w*ath«r h* matt r*t the tbalr Naw T«arb dlanw toaMrrrow.
a. Eillbb*. *caat for to* World Wm^pm to the doeea of the •ubaeribon
•yet* r*et*v*d a (arc* ahlpmMt yesurrnMm*. Somotlmw It woald be a
di^. aad wito toM*. “• bteyei* baut |
ba«^<P rrr'b *o m**' bard«aed by eatorfiva” Tb* whealooatdKN, pat bn'
no.«a. to rat oal M early la toe
pat la by Mr. Btokb tor tb* M* of ;
tar aad bMtU aboai town la to* aaow
tb* paaua
•r T*—” a* toa ea*e mif ht b*. bat the
CaarU* K Ooaala* and Viola Snyder;
I Now >» toe tioM to hav* yonr Bicycle
BacdBP bey* arrM Blneb. altboorh
at K**i bay wan rmntod a 1m*bm to rwonax*lU(And cleaned *p ready foi
pamMlm** eoadtUoa* have tatort*rr*d
marry y**t«rd*y.
frith prompt delivery of to* pnprc- **»
Ta* ooya babo orebaatra wlU ga to
Free Storage All Winter.
toto koldoa oeear*. WhM to* r*ad«r
Bailain Moaday to play far a Now
My work can not b* boat and prlcK
•f to* papoc Po*** it for th* UtMt a*w»
yaar-a par(y
IbclowMt. Will call tor year wb**l
b* aatooiB thloka of th* trial* of to*
Tb* ranc of *Ma who hav* boM. call aad ret my prlcM
aarrlar hoy. b«t o*m a year U to qalt*
bw* at work M th* Ua«* of th* Mkhl- I Ball 'pbonc Na IVt. Nonhera ‘phoar
propm- that th* earriar boy to>dd be >**• Tatepboa* Co. hav* retohad taoir
cvaaldw^ aad la prmMtl*r hi* Oroai- part of to* werk and hnaa ran* to
Frank Friedrich
The Old Relitble Shoe Mu
I will show you prices
that you can buy some
i”'" H. !. GIBUS, Prep.
Didn't bring every'boy and girl a sled, here’s a chance
for some one else to get them one. We're going to
help the young phcople enjoy this nice snow.
Remarkably low regular prices have been
reduced just an even twenty per cent.
Boy’s OoMtar, former price 25c, now
sellinRat................................................. $ .90
■itrm Long OoMMr, fimDer price
Steel Coaster, former price 81.S5,now
Boy's Sleds, former price 23c now
selling at...............................
Oooae neck Sleds, former price G5c
now..mnK.t.......................................................... M
Sleds, half rooiid rumiera, former price
75c. now m^linK at.................................................60
Sleds, half round ruiineru, former
price <1.-50 now selling at..................
Boy’s Bobs, former price <1.15, now
sflHnKat..................................................................... 69
Boy's Stesl Coaster, former p ue
fl.5U. now selling at..............................
Boy’s Steel Sleds, fouser price ll.-'jU
now selling at.................................. $ 1.80
Bxtrs Long Sleighs, former price
<1.70 now aelling at.........................
Bsll Besrlng Bobs, former price
<1.25. nowselliDgat........................
Ball Bearing Bobs, former price
<l.r>.5, now selling at........................
Baby Oatters. former price $2.85 now
selling Ht............................................
Baby Cattars, former price 83,7o4iow
Sleigh Boxes, former^price $140 now
peWiuKat...-...................................... ^ 1 18
Sleigh Banners to fit bnhy cabs,
forme*- price $1.00, now tu tling at.
more than ever before.
It is much cheaper than butter and answers- the same
purpose. Nothing injurious used in its manulactnre. Consists of creamery but
ler. oleo oilfneutral lard, milk, cream, salt and annette color. One grade sells for
18c a pound. The Fancy Special sells at 22c.
Ever Go Hunting
In The Winter?
No sport like it. Our stock of Hunter's
Supplies Has never more ccnipleu-. Wbst
sbont yonr guns—got ooe^—may want to trade
it off and get a better one. Have yuuAeen onr
Winchester Repeaters or tbe ttarlin RepeatenV
You may want one of tbs femons 28 Spencer
Rifles, sell at Ki2-5. Want a new canvass gnu
case for 76c» or a cartridge belt for oCk-y Make
. y^r first-call here and yen'll find everything
needed for yonr outfit.
Schools Will
Open Again
from tbe holiday vacation and the time for
Tablets and School Supplies will be here. We
are prepared for'it with School Books, Tablets,
(a great stock of both pencil ai^ ink tableta at
5c and 10c.) Pencils, Erasers, vkoa, PenboUeim,
rulers and all ^e little necessities that go to
make up the school life.
Tbonaaods of scholars mean thonsands of
articles for their work. 'We have anticipated
these demands.
«».L«P «T O^aatSALS.
I SUVt Memt
tf Stv\ereft. >
Mmr ailM. ft.d«r telMflsf to Mtebbol Ckryoator Is ■■obtooi towMbl^ Is
' SSPS0M4 to bo «s4 ssd bss Wttes
mamr osis. bonst ssd osMls. ao«o of
tbosslJBSkspfMrtobotflMod trltfe
Wb^to M won bertsc te wsur
OS tho Wb of rrssk buurv la Osstoo
»#wasbl>, Wsrso oosat7. U07 strsob
a bow of satarsl gt». Tbs drttl woo
dowB oal; SO fool wboo tbo |m bofsa
to flow. A BStob WM otrsek sad Ibo
CM IfsHod. tho floM of wblob ssa bo
soaaaqosrtorodo BlU swsc AtswsrtbMbooBoCorod.sfood prtM for
Uot Wodaoadsr tbo Pohofsa bsad
leffbooaoutf. roproooatlac Uo PottswstoBloi. qoitHoUlBod to Khwta
Mark sad s Mr. Blddloes. both of Obloafo, thslr latSTMt ta a traot of sbost
wsorosof Isadoa tho Isko frost to
that Ota. aafl toelodlac toad ooeoplod
by Pottv PalBor^ sad othor Am rootdoaoos. TboUdlasotbsa-sloeWd tbo
obtofsadTopMhsad Mopp to fo to
Wsobtocwa wtth Stork sad BMdtooa
aoat Tsoodsp, at too Isttorb oapoBM.
to top tho pspor bolon tbo ooorotsrj
of tho totortor, whoa. If siarond. tho
OSB Of lit.ooo wUl bo paid tbo boad,
orabostflioo oseh. If a ooeiaioa to
Bsdo to taror of tbo laXiaao oalio will
bo ooBBoao^ to raoorw lasdt arooad
MsektoM. Ulo «apa) aad otbor plaooo,
tobleb.ifoaoaaoofal. wUl atoko ororp
BSBbor of tbo bsad wosllbj.
J. W. Ooedwto, Urtoc ooatbwoat of
OsBdaa. WM oawtof Umbar. aad
foaad a doad ooea to a hollow lo*.
Tbiabtoc tbo aalBSi bad boos otaac
todosthbjr boM ho took tho
boMo. sad WbM SJBBlaod b7---------aatckksaa tho 000a akto wm foaad to
bo AIM with obcdM wbtto Mow
Utataldofoaoof OvoMob rooaat
hridn that wboa lafomod bp tho
blrod Ctrl that tbora «rao so br^ to
thoboiaafor brosktoat, oho atfslcbtwap rsoa too ardor, ••MskoooBO toMt.
Tbo Traoeott Boat Oo. of Hk Jaoepb
to flUtoc as ordar for foar bosto to bo
ablppod to Johaaaooborir.tloatb Afrloa.
sad a Uaaob d«Uaod for daotoaUa.
At too ArrtoBltaral OolU«o, a opoetol
ato woobo'boot oacar ooarM bM beoo
arraacod bp too oolUro satoarlUoo It
wUl Msotot of tootraeiloB to too
obcBtotrp of boot OBvmr prodoetloo.
aad to too taro aad ealtlraUoa of tbo
oafar boot crop. ‘ Moo oaporioBood to
tboBaaafBOtoreof bootkocar wUI bo
eboooa m iaatraetora.
Iwuon roeoltcd at Uadoa aaaoooeo
toat JasMSboiwalloftoatplas wm
kUlad to a Kloadlko cold bIbo s.boot
two Boatoo aco. Yob&c Sboiwoll loft
Uadoa to too foil of im to 000k kto
fortaao to too Atookaa fold nlnoa. He
otraek U rtob from too otsrt aad It to
oald that ho bod oororal well paplof
elalBaaitoo iiatt of bU doaui. 80
BOtbto death bp aa raploaloo of cm
Hbot^l WM atwat to roan of aca.
aad h ooa of A. Sbotwell. oeo of
I todaab bMt kaowa tarsora
09i. HacrM bM ooBBotod tbo ooa
toaooofMrk Mato Aaktok, eootiood at
Praakfort of too Border
doacktor. 00 toot obo will orrve bor Uf«
•oaUooo in tot Detroit honae of oao-^
rrwUon iMload of Jackooo prtooa.
A torco toad owaor to 0:ac«o doantp
to coln« to piaat an aw aero orebard oa
catormicDbcr laoda. Tboro will U
oear to.tno uow, Boot of toes apple,
and tbo toot pear.
WbUo Cbarlot Urahsin of Parattoftoa waa eotortainiDi eu paooio 'fa bio
Bra bonao. bo waa atrlcken wlto
paiplpato. doctoofcrworb UotoatU
Wmi»m»n M tmkm U1m« AM
Om* -M»wmgwA
BhM ««ika».
TMarte.».Ct.DM. M—rarUMton
tov* bmm nta-ni «r u «Mnc* wbM
WM fMMtlj «M«UI«4 m Tuu* !•>
Im4, H«w Babrlte. om sMiv* stohUM. ud lb* B«v.
f^aah Pattos, a Pra
ary, o
Tba aatina of tboM tolaade praeltoo
oaaaibaUaB wboa toop cot too opportaaitj. sad ossM ooMldeTablo troabto
to tbo BtoMosartoa aad trsdois.aoTo*al
of Uo Uttar harlac bSM shot dartoc
Ua .toot few aosths All tba Boa
sanycaMoraposra.sadtoo atookB
aria* sad irsdoto sro oosatsatip to
Tbs Bor. Mr. Pattos aad tbo aatle*
proaebw wore Soldtoc a prspor BMt
lac wboa flrod apos. Adalrsl Pearaoa dtopatohod B. M. 8. Waltoroa to
Tsasaa. sad too blsriaokoto bamod
tbo nltoao wbaro too Bardw wm <
Bitted. TboaatlMO, bowonr. h
of tbo ooBtoc of tbo warablp, aad dU
New Year’s
Bpt iho Mat VIU a Boobs AaoMtost
VhUoTkytocMBaoo a BsUdtoc
Pmsi tlis,
OBMa. Mieb . Doe to-Mra. WalMa
StobblMol-UtoptoM Bot arlUaoeip
eortoM seeldaat
While otoltlac bv asicbber.
Oaarca Siaoto.it a
the eblBaop of tba bosM wm oa AreThe todies, balac oloso to the boMe.
aad Mi« AtabWaa
btsralp ollBbad apes tho root aad
Badaaa sMompt to fsttocaleb tbo
fltBM to tbo eblBsap Wboa oa Ue
roof ebe boesBo dto«p aad alli^ed tff
to Ue rrwaad. etriktoc apos bor bead
aad raeoirtoc eorare bratoae. aad isJartoa to owe of bar opea. Abe atoo
trsotarod bor ooltor boao aad apralaod
a wrtot. Dr. P. J. Praltok of NorUport WM aooB oa the eoooe aad oa«oaadad to redactoc tbo trsotaro aad
BBlttac Ue patleat m oeafortable m
poMlbto aader the oIreaBBtsaeos
Oood Mew Tear’. BoadtocOso of tbo bMt toatarM pabltobod to
Maribsar*t for oobo Ubo aad om wblob
to alraadp attraettoc aoro tbaa paaotoc
attasttos, to aa antele oaUUod ••Ollecr
OroBwoU." bp Ooraraor Tboodora
Booaarolk Tbo artloid to
Ulsotiatod aad li
to OtoBwoU'o btotory aoi borsiotora
Ciroa poblldtp to toto eoaatry.
otbor Ado aod oacaclac arttolo to
“Tobbp aad Ortool.’’ oao of ). M.
Ba'rloto asoalloat prodaetlosa. Thto
alooto rarp
ktolp lllaktratod
•■Now AaiareUe Dtoeorerl^,” to a
BOW artlelo to tbo Ooatary, wbleb
partlenlarlp oatortatotof and afforde
BBob laainieuoa aad oafaftof raadtoc- Thto arttolo totrodaooo naap
baaaUtallp oolored maotfatlou wblob
OBool aaptbtocpot ciroa to tbo aedwa
auCMlaos Tbo Ooatary Now Yosr
aastoor to so oaoopttoBallp flat aanbor.
“Tbo VaadorbUto aad Uo VaadorbOtllfUtoBa.” to aa srttoto to Tbo
Maaup for Jaaaary wblob jMt bow to
parUestorly applloablo. It to wall
lllaotrstod “la tba PaWle Bpo" ri«M
ODBO BOW fMtarok aad ohow* portratIloo of Baap aoiod poroooa. aloo wrilc■p of a ralaablo aatara.
-■TtaoBlcbiBaadof tba OoBttooaf'
to the loader fa Barper'e for Jaaaarp,
It to a work of Cbae. P LoBBto and to
worthp of osTBMt poraaal. ObalBota
lotomtlac ertloal
oaUUod “Wboro Bmi aad Won Meet “
litoaa arttolo wbleb will be earo in
oocafo tbo attoatloB 00 tboM wtotor
itoc* aad afforde ^iMearo end laeuaettooTbk Chp Book Sum eoatolM all tbo
latoat macatiaee lor Jaaaarp and all
of tbea are woaderfoUp totereeUar.
■M- STtWIW Wit MltE
Brttlsk VeoMl Wteokad to a Biotb
Near VtoBoad Bboala.
Norfolk. Va . Dae. lO-TViMi at bm
ofatotcaUrae aiotod eobooaor.aad
arebsblp bor oatirr eraw, wm reported
bora Uot aicbt bp Oaptoto W. D. LewU.
of Uo Brttieb otoaBor Aebtosds /^o
Aeblsado. boaad from Oalrwtta itor
MarMllloe. toeebod here for baakor
aoal. Oaptato Lowto raportod that
pooterdap be oBBod abogi twaatT-Ara
milea aorUeeet of UleBond Shoal*
(Ctope UattoTM) Hrbteblp, a Urao
OMtod aebooaor. on wblob all Mra brr
topmMIe were *abmerced. The wraek
Ua* to Ua track of ooMtwtoo ataaaora.
aod Oapiato Lowto ballerM It a raoaat
oaa. Notraeeaof Uaaebooaar'aerow.
wbicb probablp eooetowd of aboat
alckt BOB. wara rtolbls
Bobbara tried to bold up a atrMt ear
la Uo heart of Uo dtp of AmMIo.
Waak., Tbsradap nlcbt- PsaBacaro
I Ualr rarolrara fraalp sad ooa
robbar WM klllad._________ _
BoQoa'BtasadbMboaadaalcsaUd M
tba ofielal ABorlesa bsad to ptop at
Brteral of Uir aeiltv ts|M-r* in Bombap are oaa urclaa ib<-lr raatlm to
rraort to liiortiUtloo M a prerantloa
acalnn the plomM.
A Xaaa. OlMr Brato.
Tonr boot fMltofa. poor eodal pealties or bodnoae aaecoM depend lerrolp
« Uo parfeet aetioo of poor Stotnael
«ad Urer Dr. Etar** New Lite PUU
rlre toereeeod etreaitb. a kMB. deer
brato. bleb ambilfoB A tfi eent bos
vUl make poo feel like e new b*1or
toU bp Je« U. Jq^oeoD end 8 B
Welt, drorcteto.
The Adventure of Lady Ursula.
The rMldrou of Trarer** OUp and | eonadp rela. H >we»er, (earioe deu>«
parUralarIp U* eBarteel bare baron t jo. abe had bar Inrer dlaaptwar. Soalto am«r« tbrlr Uentra parilM tor lb 1; m*aUnr to the ynard room
ooBlar aacarainaat of Mr. Willtoa I ur-* lodfo. On 1 aratoc of ibto. Lord
Morrto and bto tieoilent eoopaap 1 Uaaaaadrn. Ladp I'nula'a braiber.
endar ibe dlrretlon of Uaalel V Artbor ' promptlp abaUenfM Sir Oaor(a to nor
aiStatobert'aUraad neat Wadnawlap ; Ul eoBWt Lvip Uraola. alarmrt bp
erealor. Jab I. to Ua cbarBlar new | tba reaolt of bar prank and to bops of
oooBndp bp AnUaop Hope. ooUtlad I amorinr a raeoneniatlon. dinrnlaaa
"Tba Advaalora of Lodp I'reola.'’ herarlf m a pooor and abaent brother,
with Mr WitllaB MonU and MUa and leea Sir (leorce to n acene in the
Fraaee* Draba to Ue leadinr rolea, ‘
The plap will be prodneed bp apeeial ]
arranreBaoi wtU Mr. Daniel Prohaaa aod with m eaneptlonallp alronr
Al Ma qapUa. Bob Fl ifafald to
wadar amat ebarffad wUb amaou
with toieai to Barter. FiUxarald to
loreBaaofB. ' J. Uoodmao'k lofrtot
aaBeaear Champioa. He aad some
aoBpaotoM look a atrmafar aamad
Moaa* I’eieraoB, wbo waMarad loio
eamp, and *lroa|r hlB ap bp a ropa till
ba WM black to Ua face. FlUfarald
oapatbe affair WM a Jw,-bat
—• Paur-'.cMtaadasoaaaary
Mwtoto a bad at
>*4>y M a M ara rartlp M<
fwaalt of the *cara.
OaorveKep of Am Arbor. Am a
Tba aiorp to dellrhUaUp told aad
proaaa* of maktor atoel wiUoot «otor ladrtof from tba bifh pratoa that ba*
Urt«rb all Ue aopaiiM -followad kp baaa abowarad npM It bp boU erittoa
M ise sense oi ane
Ua BB**Bar paopto. Jet* of atoam Md poUto a iraat to to atora tor plap to laid In the daalltor era. doaltuit
art Uewa tkroavh Ue Boltaa iroo m Travorn* Cup Uaatrnroara.
to Ue chief BoUva of aetioo. Mlaa
U mo froa Ue foruaa. and at Ua U.
Tbaaeanaaare laid to ITM and Ua Drake to brr d;aeoU took of crMttor
of M. Uto WM Irtad and a varp food andl'eaoa U traaaplaolad. to laBur'charaetar. aaw, freak and brilliant.
qaaUtp of atoltoabia aMt.alaat rMolt- nntlooatUaat.totothatatranfn.qaatotjbM drawn on all the fenlntoa raaonro
old world to wbtoh Popa.Addtooa.DoId-! m of iM ato(a. Tba
aalU. Lord ChaatarSald. and a boat of , aad IrrMponalhllUp of Ua Ant nek In
jMt Baaed Sto Ufa.
->a)or aad alaor oalebriilM. tba aad prank of Inradtoc a wall
h,.tr kMlnv
Aft Ikmftjnft
kAfeApW* kMftaft
It WM a UrlUiar Boape that Cbartoa
» aod bad tbrtr
bainr- A*
tba UDa
borne, m
Daato of Bowaratoo, U .latalp bad from of Ua plap Imtl a. a prtooipal aart to portrapad bp Mtoa Draba. to aald to ba
a frlrbtfnl daaU. Par two poara a aaawra lane Uoabla eooatantlp yrai aarirnad,to a noaan, aad Mia* Pmaaa oaaofUablUof Ua ptop. Mr. Morwn*M aaUl it aaemad be BMt dra o Drake m Ladp Urnnia Barrinrtoo, rU M Sir Oeorre. Ua aalabralad dealOnoNBptioa. Tbea ha befu 10 ns aehtoeao a daddad wioaph. In Ua ttoV wboB tbfjdapfnf of a triesd bM
Dr. Euir'a Naw Dtiaorarp and totelp flat act, ladp Uraalatbtak* it
driraa U a bait's life, makaa a pro
wrgM: “lirara iMtoot reliaf and afbit, and bto snbaaqnent prototoad a parBamt anm-- Saab woo- ba rrMi •port to rbloWalttOMe toio
4Mrfol anraa bare for It peara, proeea UeboaMofa ponaf "woiaan baler,*• taeUca of Lodp
to Ua rototartof
, Ma powar to onm all Throat. CoMt aad StrUaerye SlIsMtar (Mr. Morri*) In raart room, ealU for that to neb of
VlmactoonblM. Prtoa »«e and Si W. bar madeop prank aba daelden te r»lb
barotoB wlU wblob that baadaoBa
'^l•e■ybDtUanarMltand. Trial boUlM
line btdaa «. JabaaM’o aad A A oolrtOM bp a wau ttmed fatoV aad to a«tac,.Mr. Morrto,oldthMntof Ua
rtwardadbybatoffrtlarrtdtoUa por-
A Car* for NanrooA
January lst,||
1900 •" •»
and Cameras
Bemember this offer ia good only
oiitil jAQoary 1st.
The larKest Hue in the city to
select from.
Full line of Eastman soppliM
TboipsoD’8 Drug Stoic
ronnallar Block.
We take these columns to express our sincere grati
tude to our friends and patrons for their liberal patron
age extended to us in the past year.
Oer business relationship has been most cordial
and most gratifying te ourselves.
Our aim for the year iqcx> will be to surpass our
former endeavors to serve you in dealing out merchan
dise of an honest character at just and legitimate prices.
Believing the principle of a one-priced institution is
being appreciated more daily we will not deviate from
our established custqm to trejt all. alike—equality being
the most fundameaul principle of the American people.
Thanking you in advance for your good intentions
toward us for the coming year, we remain.
Sincerely yours,
The Boston Store,
we a&k for the odd sizes in men's
aod women's shoes--A glance at
our show windows will show
yon the styies-The Valqe of the
Aboea 18 doable the price we ask for them.
We sell meii’a woolen sox for 10c a pair, and women’a atoekioga for 18o. Boy now and yon will save money.
19S mroA.t atf«M
! 6«MTaX'M«Q>t
Ttamraa a^. Dw. M
Ma. CaLaavn A BoaumtAv,
Ktod Btr.-U babaU of Ladtea' Aid
9mm rraiiUKi ti t4klM rifU qwr*mUmm pmmmUm»%c pnwi UaiaWV'
4wUm at Um taVMte pUffM by
1lto«Utteil«lh*«rut«t Bhtal*
tepplf lha M»7 o< M *1* Lmimmmm
lh« Bom wUl tvAaMlba
fMtoM of BriiUb piw— la PMorU
n« oUmI kM U Bapotla.
;j. P. Mathar. aad ba la a 41«aat
-------- ------ ^
MaUMT, tka Ba*
B^rtaailw who waaMI lha abareb b>
rate Om atata aa4 wba aaU tka( iba
«raalM»aarTtea ba aoate Aobla Ood
•waa to toaob oB lha tra «hteb baraad
lawltak. Tba Biaaorte Matbar la u
ymn old. bat oaocr day ba r^a ta a
«y«aaateB aad worhaoo tba ban.
Maa Yaarb Day tba Irat A»arteaa
I baab mt ^*aU baytea baalMaa la
Tba AMrtoaa ooh«y to Parla wUI
vaaavBlaa Maw Taar'a to ABorieaa
Ualtad biataa d«baaaad<r
iPortar aad Mra. Portar wUI raoalra oa
Maaday. aad aay AaMrteaa to Parla,
<«1tb or wilboat toniaUoa. wUl ba
AMTtUy walaoMad Valtad dtataa Ooaaal Oaoaral Oowdy »U1 raaaira oa
Taaoday to ordar aot to ooaflket wltb
Oaaaral Portar'a raoapttoe.
Maar Ardatora. I. T.. Cbarlaa ,Ohaya>Q attoBplad to drtoa throvh a
-awaUaaatraaa witb bU (aatUr. with
Aba raaalt that Mm. (Aapaaan aad tbair
AaarbUr #ara drowaad. Upoa b»to(
aildol tbaaaatdaot tba motbarolMr.
“CbapMa dted.
AHrad Morrteoa, a profaaaDr ol laa«aafoa. sUtook bU wtfa tor a bantUr
Ibaraday alykt aad abot bar. at tbair
Aoma to XV Vmoa. M. V. TbabaUat
■aatorad bar Utt aboaldor aad la todffod
«aar tba loaf- Sbaataydla.
t to tba (
tar a( war. Qaaatal PaUdo. ara baab at
Boly Oemm—lcd at t:4
HoiAtar Mrr*t* ^
i^toy dobaol at it b.
to tbaah yoo tar yoarktod aad rawaroM
Braatoc aarvloa at; p. mAU ara oordiaUy larltad to Ibaaa lift, whiah tbay raoairad tala maratof.
It araa at oaoa ptoaad to oar baaaTOlaat
faad aad will ba‘aaad to aaatetai
■. We^l wtah yoa a Happy
I Haw Taar, aad 'may tba ooattoi yaar
ba tba Boat proaparoaa CM to yoa.
CU« BaaUac at tott a ■.
•oaday aaboto at 11:U a «v
Mm. c. L.O0MCR.
Saa L. A. A of Ooay. abarah.
pMoaaif roa oatoi itwnm.
• aaratea.
Tba Udtea’Aid aoate^ ol tba Wat
. a. W. Saltb.
RyBBoatoB: -ObrlattoBUty to yoatb" M. B. abarak axtaito Mr. BoMotbal a
—KcU Kaltaar; •<Bwlatla^ty to baaP aola of tbaaka tor bte laaaroM doaa•aaa llfa.’'Okaaey (kdwoUfafli ‘*ChrtaV ttoa to tba aaady. aa It wabM it poatV
iaalo to aoelal Ufa,”—W. B. Saottt Ma tor M to warm aad brl|btoa tba
‘<autetfMHy to tba boBa."-Mra I a
Bobba: “ObrlaUaBUy to oU oca.”— bomaa of maay wbo apply to oa tor
J. B Baroay
Lauiu' Aia Suwtt.
iHtaltotioa of Bpo
Plmt M. B. ^arob.
Tabtai of tba pladfo .
MlB MaOey Batartotoad.
AddroM. by tba paator.
Oaaaaaratioa aarrtea.
Lwat Bight MIb Oaa MeOoy aBtertala*
ad a eospany of friaada at bar hose
oa Stole atraaV to honor of MlB Ida
Pickard of UOaad. Tba’evaaiag waa
kappUy paaaad with appropriate gasM
and frail waa aarvad.
Ha'. AmtIa/ JoMb. roMr.
Clay CleB‘^av Uatalaaiad aetor who
Chareb. Cor. Oak aad Plftb atraata.
te so wall kaowB to Ute elty. baa act
Baadayacbool at«:4t
Pablle worablp 11:00 a. m.
aall for AoatmliA »bara ba wUl paw
Y. P. ti. a B pnyar maatlai B:4t
taonortwo, If Inek followa him,
to Ua Uaalraa playing leglUBste
* Pablle womblp, 1:00 p. B. . *
New Year's aa a boBa aoBtoc” wUI
^^SMtol taatoraa of Uaae a
Tba poblie ara a
C A V M. Obaaga Tlsa.
y tot train No. e.
tba aooU booad train oa Ue C. A W.
M. will leave hare at 4:is p. b- toauad
of S:ll aa at paaaaaV
PaM Dear for Bfa Leg.
A D. Blanton of TbiekarvillA Tax.
fiiaaa BaaUap at »:U a b.
to two yaata paid < I SSOO.OO to doe^Jl^to# aabjaet ‘ThaP rvm'aa of tba
It off,
^{rLwabari nffi A ara raqaaatod to
_________ ___of Bu________
ba Mtaat at Boralaf aarrloa.
Amtea SalvA OaaraaUad eara for
K^^raabool at tba ateaa of m
PUm. toe a box. Bold by Jda 0
Johaaoa aad B. A
L WalV
■arrtea to tba Wat M. A abareb
tbto oTaaiBf. Bar. W. T. WoodX*.. Htraad to tba watarb adcaaad boaaa. paator of tba Ptrat BapUat
•aak off VaaoarUU oa tba Bad rtrar. obarab, wlU dallrar tba aanaao. Brief
ba ylvaa by allot
TbaoMNraaad araw wora oomyaUad
vto taka ta tba wAar aad awlw tor "tba~B^^' wlii b«toat 0:M o’eteak
obora aa It waa tapoaalbla to roa th: apdaooUsaa uUl ll:Mo'olodi.
Tbaraday-Oaoaral prayer Moattof
AoataBbarowboatbaSra waa dlaaoaat 1:»0 p. B.
wrad. riva aafro roaataboata from
"U torUattoB te astaodad to
Mhraraport wara aitbar boraad or
drowaad. Tba eaaaa of tba flra la oaaa». ftnwaiia.aaiAr.
PraaaklDi at 10:M a b.
A BrtUto aapedltloB baa boraad tomm
Baaday Bcbool at docb
•atlra *m«c« to Ua aaw Uabrldaa to
jDBMr Cbrlattoo Badaaw aooiety at
VootebBootfoc tba mordar of aoaw
to*MrBadtou aoetoty of OhrlaUaa Bo
daaror at 4 p. b.
Uar. Wood, of Crba. la rapwtad daYoaoi Paopla'a Boelaly of Cbr4atlaa
larad with applIeatloBi tor Oobaaa Badaaror at t:4& p b.
rbare will be do araolao aarrleo oa
who waot Dior, fav ottelai poatUoaa.
MaUrea to BoBoa ara raportad to aMoeai of tbr aoton waub aarvloa at
tor First M- E eborcb
Aava plottad a orMoacra of focatfoaro
A cordial ^oviutloo'axtandad to all.
•whieb waa dlaoororad to Ubo to praCHvai-u or i HsiKt.
waat Bora aarloot raaalta tbaa tba Be«. i. » SAes, Peauir.
morder of Praok Oorawall. a rlah
Brrrtaaa bald to Otmmf ball.
Saaday icbool at 9;to a b. .
BrltUh ptootar.
Bamoo I0:M a b. ThaBA "Tba
Tbafaaooa Ttobbaraa eoaa. wblab
•at BorlAtto offoff aOB* yaarn afo, la
00 p. B.'
aarlaod by a raport tbata ama mo to
op.B TbaBA'*
•a iMaoa aayloB to ParraBatta. Naw It Pay
la axtawdad to
aioatb Wateo. ta baUarad to badlr Waltar TIebborM. tba bair to tba diapotad
BMOtoeinruMr cia . aeyoiau
oMBofyoba P. OuAOo,.
UdlH- laekato
at greatly radoaad prlas at Ua Bet
too Store.
M^y>ed aa tba beat at City Dlnlag
Notary PaUV
I Oatarrb O
' aad aete
far teallBrtalalii trcA
P. y. OHBNBY A Ca. TaladA C
•eld by DrspcMtA Tto.
Ballb PaBUy PUla ara Up baoV
The MtebifU Btoiab Oa M atlU to
tbo sarbottar eoll aad Bold tw
Sdita^ wbM bo^ lar wbiU
Thafs; practical
question I Are you paWng ‘
too much.^ If you’re paying a nigh
price, you’re probaWy paying as much
for a name as for the coffee.
Arbuckles’ Coffee is a plain, substantial
coffee with an excellent aroma and delicate
flavor, ..sold in a substantial way at an honest
price. You don’t want better than good coffee,
do you ? You can’t afford to pay twice the *
price that’s necessary, can you ? Then why not
get Arbuckles’? Get Tight down to the c»ffee
question and settle it now.
By buying many
millions of pounds we buy the best of many large.
plantations at a low price. We sell it to you at a low
price because we Would rather sell millions of pounds at
a low profit than a thousand pounds at a big profit.
S^oasted Coffee
is the daily beverage on millions of tables. Why not on yours?
There’s an additional consideration in the many substantial and
useful articles that go with the coffee.
Ask your grocer for it
He’ll tell you all about it If he endeavors to substitute an imitation, insist on getting the genuine Arbuckles'—or go elsewhere.
Motloii Oepartment.
New Vorti City, N. T.
‘ gn
in n
raith. care* a cx>ld
beat cough min.-<ly
la (BC day if uken to time.
Smoke Up!
5 cent
Pig Tails
New Taar la near.
New Oaotary too:
Advertise Your Wants
In The Morning Record
You Need An
Oda NtoA NaegbV Maagbt.
Tba leaooM taagbt
la Blaaty-atoa.
Pig IblU are ehlaf;
Tbay have gatoad fliat alaaa.
Wa aaa SntMT BroA Loaf,
And are to Ua racA
Has held its own for the past year, atthoagh
it itil ou‘. over f200.0u0 to its members for acci
dent and sickness. Yoa will always find os just as
represented, and with pleasure we wish you all
A Happy
New Year.
—the weather emphasizes this very emphatically.
The protection of your health demands that
you be warmly clad.
Dist. Supt.
Johnson Blk.
PROPER fashions
* at this store is the place for yon to buy sneb a garment, for our stock is new— I
I styles up-to-date, and materials are desirable.
Prices Thatll Save Yen Money
10 per cent. Off i
—$4.00'to $22.50
If you are in need oi accident and sickness in
surance take no other. We have been with you for
one and one-half years and wish to remain many
more. We will always endeavor to deal fairly with^
yon,«nd we earnestly solicit jonr,^tTOna^.
Call for a pretty callsnder.
WMU Wbw •« Tar •ynio,
Chareb 00 eorw of NtoU aadWadato patrol tba AtUatte to ebaak Boar
worth Btooota
•apply ablpt aad tkat two arabam wUl
Booday aorviara ara aa tollawa:
•a aBlfaad to watch the aoaat of tko
ProMbtaf at 10:»0 a B.
Baaday acbool atII:M.
I'oltod BtataA
Praaeblac at
p b.
JsBB UreahaB. of Brooklya. N- Y
Yoaat Paopla'a prayer Beating. «dM
«a abont to axpIoU a -oorkacrew bjav*'
wbteh ba otolBS will aboot tbroafb ^Hld weak ^yar Baattog Wadas
Aba water at tba rata of M sites aa dayati:WAB.
All ara InvUad to Uaaa saattogA boar.
aaaMU vi'maaAB.
uBtolaUoftbc Maalla BaUway Oa.
la Loadoa. aay Ibey will atk tba UelP IU> Vat.Wr.pMM'P'
0:00 A B.. Saaday aebool.
•d Htaua to pay tbaa tno.ooo for Ua
. Praaebtog aarvloa.
aaa of tbair railway deriBf Ua war to
•arviaaa wtU ba k^ today, and ara
Ua PbUlpptoaa
bald ever oUar Saaday.
It la MW •ottBatad Uat tba BoaU
AMcaa war will abat Uraat Brltaia
«»o.«ao,uu0. aad It ii aocpaated Uat Ua
•laktoir toad of tba aatkwal debt ba
TUE ....
•aapaaded for Bra or aix yaaia to daAraaa or Oai«, »jTt or .oucao /
Li’cac Courrr,
Auaa J CKBKsr aaaks oath Uat
Ma la Ue aaaiar paxtoar of Ua Bna •mt
> W- >■ Cbuir a Ou., dotof beatoaB to
tba Olty of Toledo. Ooaaiy aad Stela
Aforaaelil. aad Ug mid drB will »y
dor oaab aad arary
■ary oaaa of Q_________
Catarrh Uat
It be eared by Ua aaa of Baix'cs
CaraaM Ouda
What Do You Pay
Tor Coffe
we give you a discount of
I Besides, which puts prices far below what other stores will '
I sell yon same qualities for.
Come aad see the greatest Overcoat Sto^ in town*at
Reli>ble Dry Good., Carpet and Cbthiag Honae '
Ob« e< the extmordlunr reatur«* 9t the battle of I'arqubar'a Farm in tba
Affio-Boar war «aa the uae gt a cai>li«e balivon attached to an annorad
train. Thla balloon »aa utlllsetl as a sort of movable
toaar. and
durlns the encasement an oBlcer took otnwrvatlons of* the enemy's potftloa
and movemenu and slcnaled the same tu hie forces beloa. ^tb train and
baUoon on this otvaslon were under fire, but the darlns aeronaut eoraped unln.
Jured. The sucres* with which the balloon detachment of the en»lne«- corp*
has been operatinc durinc the srar seems to point to the fact that the baltouB
wlU certaini} be a fixture In all warfare of the future, unless, of course, tba
world crows Ured of all the bloodshed that is now taUnc pUce and asks fa#
another and mare effective Hacue peace conference.
L ^
>ptaln Samuel Beo Ukc place al Washinston
Jsnusry. Tba recent announcemeui ei tnis impendlnc timrnace haf
hai rnade a sbr not only in army clrclea.
•bare Uls* )lllee nas
has lone
lonp been S
lasdinr ticure.
a tasdlny
n«ure. but also throuchc
throu«hout tba
ln< to Ibe populaniy of the amanced roupit. Miss Ml
al favorite In social circle* that her name baa frequentl
basn Coupled with those of well known srmy offleers who have paid her atari
•d attention., a^her menace bad baen frequently propbealsd by supposedi
bMwiar onaa Captain Jteber. however, la the fortunau man. He U seven
raare the senior of bis Asncee. and her seeond couiin. The two have know
each oib0( from ehlldbood. and the atllanoe la terined an out and out lor
Capuin lieber la one of the most talented and-promlalnr of the youm
army oBlcers. He was bora In Missouri U years aim and aradusied with i
class Of IM from West Point, ttoon ofter be was appointed a secoud'Ueutenant of the Fourth cavalry, and In UTK was msde a first lleulensht of the
Ninth cavalry. Later be became chief signal officer with the army corjw and
of the department of HaUniaa sod Santa Clara, and also acting auiwrimeodent of the telegraph lloea of Ibe Island of Cuba. In ISM be was made chief sig
nal officer of the department of the east, with headquarters at Oovernors I*,
land, which is his present sutlon.
Captain Keber was also a member of the lotercontlneniai railway cemmisalon. and during the UUpano-Amertean war was on duly with the American
.army la Porto Rico, accorapanyingyfleaeral UMes In his campaign across the
War. It has been aald. neve
way* the Tommy Atkinses, recruited fiom the lowest stratum of society, and
nffleer*. from among the arlstucracy. w huaulfer. Not only the sona of the belt
earl, but also bis proud daughters, have responded to the call of Engiaad ted
aasittatH-e. and today there are a numb-r of tilled KogUsh women aetlac tt
different rapacities In Poulh Africa. T.tc accompanying lllUBtrallon for
stance, shows Lady Sarah Wilson acting as a nurse during the alege at
Mafeklng. This pbolugrapb was taken just a few day* before the news cam*
from South Africa that Lady Wilson bad been Uken prisoDcr by the Boera.
A manufacturing jeweler In London
WTUle It Is a fashion at present U !
veema to take the Cape to Cairo railj«r al evcrj-tnlng French. U Is worth
Bi a pretty well established fart, while remembering
1ng that IL___
In many UUngfi
one of his most popuUr metal Paris today stands ahead of our mask ,
advanced Amerkan cities. One of «Jm *
evidences of the progreasIvenAs of tbd '
Parisian Is tbe reveut adoption In tbO !
French capital of the aut----- —*• ‘
Tha aecompanyliig illaatratloa shows ths general hospital at Johannes
burg, a building which Jnst at tha preoent time Is crowded from basement to
roof with wounded Boara., Johannesburg hospital U a Urge, handsome bund
ing. with well laid out grounds surrottniilng It. and capable of aceommodatUis
Mvsral hundred patlenta So great has bean tbe number of wounded recent
brongbt into Johanneaburg. bowavar, that a great number of tbe ultlandar
houses had to ba taken over and fitted up with beds for tbe wounded, and la
that city today ons may behold ths sorrowful aftermath of all war.
groups of tbe season Is made up of two
figures standing on a profile map of
Africa and holding bands across
united continent. One of these fig
reprerenn a Brlilab soldier and the
other a ultlander In frontier cootume.
raa BicTCXM n wab.
One of Ibe orders
1 by the
BriUsh war offiee was
lOd to an
SngUsh firm to supply a large number
carrier, the general character ad whM
may be appreciated from tha irrii—i
psoylng llluitfutlon. This new pooM
carrier la a lightly ctmstructed ant09»
cle able to run about the boulawM
of the city In a very speedy fashion.
WlM Carman, tha reoocnlasd laadar of t
<>*■**»*" PMta. has made Ua nama famUlar to Amarlcana by I
Mt and delicacy of hU work., which tor the last tew yaars has ba
a Fredericton. Naw Bninawtck.
rart aM has baen eonnactad adltortalty aith arsqnl
Hla Brat Tolum# of vsraa was pubUabad la l|n aad
aaaOad -Low TMa o« Oraad Fra." Thla was soon Mlewad by ——r Fran
da.- a dabghtful UtUa rataa of lyrics In tha pradratoTTwuS
.. ---------------- --------— •
- Altbongh -hla lataM ihotagraph.
Mc^lea are stoutly built, pnaumatle
Ured uafeUea u>d ura enaBtalad In
They are already aealng aeUva
at tba froaL and tha oceaslBn
Is ntOque owing to tba tact that this is
tba STM iastaMa Is whMi bteyelaa
bar* bean uasd by tba British r^tUar
ermy to oatual wartbra.
^ ^
for aettro eampalgnlag la Bogl^itrlea Is tba moun
tain battery. Such a battery M made op of field guns that can be taken to
Macao and transported ovea rough and broken eouBtry ott tba ba^ eg moiro
or oomaUnMO boiwaa. aa abowa la tba aeoompan|ing iltaatrattoB. ^Ich Is bM
a raosat pbotegrapb of a meoatala battery tei^ arighborbood of Ladyumfth.
ssTiHSw rissEir* "• ——
A barroi organ In etanreh oeema aK
most an .Irnpoaalbmty In these days,
but one still survive* al TrotUscUff. •
within M mllea oi
don. The a
of Tratllacllfr to ancient cuetoms M
rotnarfcable. but then their etaurob "—*f
la remarkable. It was Mandl^ In tbd
Umc of Domesday Book, and Its axistIng chancel U over Mt yean old. ltd
pulpit la the one wbleb stood U Westmlnsur abbey UD 104. Tbd organ bad
SIX harreu. e*th supplylag STuiS
so that the con^TogmUou baa a ^oIm
fMwnr Hsrnin
tHI mtsiocNrs ANNUAL nee«p>
- hr am
•M tm T»Hr 0*«w t Wl» ■■■«.
d reeptoB Koa Boca AmagU
Vw Tw» Sapa. Tebtawp
7 aad B.
Tbaaaaaal fwmu^
Ulaaoutp wUlbahaldlaOraafabaU.
mrrnrn Otp. aa Wadaaadaj
Thafadap. rabewarp T aad t. IMO
•paakan faimlakad Vp too SUta
Board of Aprloaitare: Prof. J. D. Tow
ar, AfTtoaltaral OaUafc; Baa Potoe
Voorbalt. OakUad aoaaip: Jadfa A. V
MaAlrap. lUalatao aaaatp; Mn. Bbbi
A. toBBbaU, Watotasaw aoaatp.
Poltowtaf W Ika prepraB aa far aa h
A* eoBfwn^ to tb* briUlaBt <«art
.^•nrOoM »f Europe ttam U »«7 HoW
li the Mclal roDrikm* of oBetal UTe
to tbt> 4rDMtt«U« oMUtto *blcb
VmM b* rasETdod M «rtkliifl7 ^bpnia or^fpWKMB. Tb* matmI apppMfb to (be eoropMB eooft foaeWadaaafay. Pak 7ik.
Kbm la ooqDcMIoubIr Ibr Kew Taar'a
fBCBptios Bt tM Wblta HotMA iB
MtBt of briniBiKT and fonnal diaplar 10«0 >**aau (ortUitp.bow aada aad hew
It prrraiopa all the actrtal cvoBta at
Batatalaad. " ProL J. p. Towar.
|ba aadonal raplul. Oa tbia daj ibt
Dkoatatoagblaf «»wBllw of lb* aatloa roealraa Ui60-*'Tte Appla. Ortoard." Pator
to aute (be rire preeldeoL (be mbktn of bu offlrlal booaebold. tba
toilcf Juatke and (be aaaDckale JoatlcM
pf (be aupiTBie court of (be Vsltad
i Italea. (be foratcB le«aUoas. aebaton tiOfr-QaaMlaa Boa.
pad repceaeBlatleea lo cougrraa. oO- liW^'-Growtac aad Paol t f tka Oorp
pBB of tbe ant>7 and saej. oOetala of
Ckop.*3. D.Tom, .
too IMotrtd of (Mooiblo Bad aaeb of
too fHlow etUaraa aa Hmooo to pa7
toab’/aapotla to tbe praaOdeat oa that «:»0-^^>Pa>arV(MlBla
•eaaaloA To tbe preoideBt It la ao
iMlMay taak. as be moat bo UwDfb f.u->-‘8BaU Pnito.* —
.too ardMi or aboklag bauds wub 8M0
•r lO-OUU peoplA
AttbOUBb tbe New Year'o reeeptloo
todiba aa boor before Dooa. raaton T:00-IatorBal aoalal boar for faM*T
•eibaada tbe weariBB of aften»oee
As there Is la (hit eonatrr bO
pBk-lallr preonilied eourl dreoo, tban Tiib—*'Tka flakool aad tka Bobo." Pala aothlBE la tbe apparel of tbe diplotar Voorhak.
tootle aud nrll orttrlala of the Boeerw- •:ia—"A balaaaad ratlaa <er Maa."
pMwl to (llatlBBulab tbeoi fron otbor
Mra Basa A. OampbalL
•reo Brooi^ aiea on tormal oc«a- a;«t»‘-aoaw ttaaltatloa,* Jadpa A. T.
ploaa Tbr uiBn-ro of tbe^arrar aad
e.parr. ~bowerer. appear la Tall draaa
Tkaradap. Bok. B
palfortaa Bad preoeot a brwiaat aajP:QO-“PDaltrp Balatap,'*MfB.BB«a
DiaaaMUia. P. J. dieear.
»;tt—-Clorar." Prat J. I>. Tawar.
paaaTMDiT tr'amjcr
pembla. Oae of (be eblef auraetloao
pr (be dor wbielj Ibr Breat tbrr
faibi-n-d (a (be oi-lBbborboud of
pBiiilal baa au v|>iKir(unlt; of aeela . la
tbe dlapla; made b>’ ibeee uidceia aa
Ibelt autrrb in lh<- tVblle llouae.
The moal pleture<u)ue f«<aiaiv of (bo
pee»deot'a New Year's rerepiloo la (bt
•ptiMrmBee of. (be forelBD dlpkiouKtC
torps la (beir BaiHllesi and best droM
pr slate. Tbey asM-iuble In (tie red
parlur uf Ibe WbltY lluuae. wlib (be
dewii of (be (<or|>i ai (beIr bead. Tbia
dlalliKiluu baa for a number of yeata
faiirn lo Rlr Julian {‘aunrefixe. tbe
Biittah eRibaaaador. who will.doubtIrea mnllaite lo bold ibe plaoe as tbe
pld<-al In polBl of eoutlouous aerrlre
pf aa> uf tbe forelBii rvpreaM-nialIrM.
Tber furni a brllllaul pruresaloD as
(bef prts-eed to (be presldeiil's recep
tion runni. (be eml>Bsaaduni Is-lug ilie
' Aral lu line. r<>U.iwe<l (>f (lie niluistora
la order of senlorii.v. each aileuded (>/
kla suit, inriudlui: seereiaiiea. aitnchea
•Ddaurb ladles of (be lesaltuus as de
alre lu BlleUd Ttie Kuutii Amrrlrao
- diploinais. Id arcurdsiH-e with Ibeir
pwu perullar custoui. appear In full
arealDB dr<-ss li la tbe nrh-utals wbo
ptre (be ph-inn- Ms cajest «-olorlas.
Tbr Cbloese (ululsief auil bis vasi auK
Wear rarteolurts] bowds of rk-b and
Caaii; fabrlea. (boiiab «be Japnitroe
poi so show; In llielr stair Milre. Tbe
Turks B|HH-4r in (beir real feut'* aud
tbe Koreans lo ibrlr dowerisx baia
tuore f
uus (ban (be
aad I
After Uie dIsilUBvUbed and hrlUlant
■asi utl>l« of uinrlsU aiau-. jutlklaL
dl|>k>iuailr and k-Bislailve-has passed
. thnniBb tbe n-<i-|iti.>ii ruuiii and rerelraraa. and tbe i-lik-f eie<-u(lve reoelrea
pad abakwt bauds la Qulle deoMK-ratlc
(Bshtoa wiib as man.r of bis fellow
COUBtr;n)en as ran rearb him durtap
tkr tllse allotted to (be rereptlnp
■A Jak. ■■ th. IWSar.
l:l»..-«kat tka fmlt prewar kaa to
aaataad wttb la dlapoabw of kU
(ralt aad wkat aaa ba doaa
akoat UT- Jadfa J. O. Baai
. daU.
DiaeaBloa. A. P. Pnj.
t40-“Ura Btoek oa tka dlraialAad
tarB.'* PatB Voorkan.
l:ia->'-Iaciaaala bp tka wajalda.’
Jodga H. D. Caapball.
Uanotal dioenasloa and farawaU
BoaUarTba WoBaa'a BaaUoa will ba bald la
the Baptlat ehareh'rhaiadap pftarMoa,
Pabraarp t Mta. B. d. Orap. ekairaaaa- At ikU aaaatlBB rarlopa toplot
otlaUraatte tka ladlaa wUl ba dWMra. Caspbell will flea aa
aadrcai oa tka anb^eot. “Wbat la baoL”
Udiaa of Trareraa Cltp art eordlallp
inrltad to attoad tkla BeatlBBMuale wlU ba faralakad bp tkaArokle.
Orebaatra with piano aeMBpaafBeBt
Tbe oaa of a flat piano baa bean klndlp
famlabad bp N. B. Siroaf. maaafcr
-tor thb W. W. KlmbaU Muale Oo.'
It la daalrod that farsers r«nerallp
become mcBbara of the laatltoia soelo
tj. Tbs annual tea of ts oenu la uaad
eallralp lor local capenaaa. All ■
bars wiU raaolra the anaaat laaUtuU
Bailatla and balleUna laaaed bp ibe
elate caparlBent eUUoa.
Tba laauiate U orBPaiaed aadar a
•tele law. WfaUe tbe proBrama an
rsDBod capoelallp fv farmera, i
eoBialn eabjeeta of latoraat to__
raaaral pablie pad all are oordlallp
Bobcbt BABaar, Praa.
B. O. Ladu. (tea.
Tbe flmt IndloaUon of croup la boaruencB, and In a child subject to ibai
auHoae It map be taken aa a sure aipn
I of tbe approach of aa attack. Pullow.
' inp this noaraeacaa is a pocailar ronpb
ooupb. KCbamberlaia'e Ooach Bcmedp la riven as aoon aa tba child booumea hoarse, or even after tbe crc.i
coupb appCAxs, It will prvT<nilhe
lack. U IS used in maup tboaaaadaof
homca in this broad laad and navw dla.
appolau the anatoua motherahave pel to learn of a elaple lnaua«
• bleb It baa not proven efloetual.
other preparatlob can show i
•n-«» •
n't latartto Ipar ta tka bsM
Suit Sale
Brerp nation baa Its partlenlar fcaat
dapa and bolklaya some m.rlnr creat
or Bt(«*nilon 10 ooe and some to an
other. bat aU peoplea oa (be fac* of
tbe earth wbo irrkoB Un>e at all la
•ooie maoser preet Ibe New Year.
We have ao ahnflied oar caleadar
that (MW tbe oecnirenee of tbe New
Tearaa tbe lot of Jaauarp baa loet Ita
BpillBmKW. Aoiooi iwuumvv
however, tbe New Year lovaiit
marked tbr openlnf of one of tba
•rai dtrtaloea of (be aeasoos.
One of the oldeet of New Year
boaia la that prardred bp tbe Alaoa of.
Japan. Por a tbooMnd yearu tbcae
people bare atood atlll In tt>elr HtIIIniloa. toUowlBC all tbeir prIalUrr
cnatoma and ceremonlcA New Year
with then la a aeaeoa of aaerrpniaklnc
which wtada op with tbe preai bear
frasL railed Oniala. la wbleb a bopc
bear la aaniflrad.
la MootUsd. where Chteatroaa la not
observed as a rrneral holiday, becatmt
ao ouiny Presbyterians k>ok upon Ita
obeerraace as a spectea of lupeiteltke New Year's dry la a Joyooa ooe.
and a atrance way of eelebrutlac tba
dptnr of toe old year baa tone bcaa,
ewatnmary there. Tbe Ian nlptat of
tbe y«tr la called "HeCBeaaye otcht"
aad la celtoraied by dnaklap. alnfinc
f^r men nnd boys
Hals, Caps.
UnderwcBr. Fancy
Hosier^', “Zero*'
» for tbeir
oat coDicnt with one day. bat take
a whole niontb to eeiebraie tbe appraacb of the New Tear. Cbloeae laote^ Brerracfcera fcaatlnc and the
p^iiw np of Ohl Ilebta pUy (be major
part to the ceremoDlea
^ atraocr custom In many parte of
Btoope la that of bavlac a meiDber of
tba family, ettber the cldeat or yean*
peat, open tbr family Bible at raadom
aad itUice hit
oa tbe open pace without ctol
IL Tbe rerae thus aiflrked la reiarded
aa a sort of teat for the eosutoc 12
A veep poetical old ceremony U that
of tlie so called tleoae dee Aolmaut. or
animals' mum. wbleb Ukea place oa
Nep Year's eve la tbe Pirncb departmeot of Ibe Orranea. a country la
wbleb the celebration of tbe New Tear
almost entirely aupemrdea that of
Cbhsitnaa. This truly iiastoral feoUval
la cl'cn In behalf of tbe faerdt of cCttJr
which cooslUule (be chief wealtb of
tbe hardy moiiDtalw-era Hefora the
ceremony Im-cIdk benls of rows and
abeep and coats are driven to ao open
spate iiefore ibe church. Inside tbe
bulldlni Is pailmred a crowd of aulwan men anil amicn In featlve rnlmeoi. rat-b buhllDg a llciiied candla
while Ibe cure ceb-hraies ruaas.
Mtmie of till' atKirliluia of our own
laud bare New Y<-ar customs that are
exceedlndy luierestlni. poialdy (bat
of (be tto<]Dl Indians. <all<<d Mo-ya-noa. which It a sluiular and eUborate
mythical drama. dlvid<-d Into two
parts. Id wbleb oRerlutrs are made to
efllcles of the gn-at plume beaded aer-.
pelil. the enemy ef (he sun This Is foll«»i«.l by a sun daiMv lo which the confllci iN-iweeo the orb of day aud tba
Inferior buatlle c>mIh Is (tonrayrtl
Te Omn a COM In One Day.
rake Warner's White Wine of Tar Kvru;
.be beat coupb mnedy on earth. »
Fire Insurance.
Coisgititiu aBd Eiiaiiaiioi Free ud Siricilr Coafideitial
DRS. B.S. &CO.
T of Sew Voak.andwowoftha
ineicu Mol ud Sugicil Indtite it Inli^i, lek.
cp AT
SottodX •^ynaltri-ng, Tx'awtortow 0±Uy,
Is. Is. ▲. Building.
Can You be Convinced
Jan. 4, 1800.
Ofliee Soun frnw 0 a. te. to h to a
TBst Dr. Chaw's OtntmeDt to «■
Absolute Cura for
radcd to cure piles, sad ao many that
become discouraged tad despair of eve*
bciug cured.
It It juat iDcb peonlc who, when onea
cured, most -stroogly recommend Or.
Chase's Qiaiiueat. because Ibey r«c«p.
Dise in it tbe one sboolnte cure lor lienioK piles.
e evideocc
evidence pnbliabsd
here is cooviaclni; the onUV better proof la a trial
Tbe fittt appliraliou> ol Dr.
Ur. Chase’s
Oiatmeui will convince Ibe ntosi skep*
i>cbI by stopping tbeirtrihle tlrbiogaad
tiummi. «( '» *vrT sridom that mon
tbao one bos is revnirod to absolutely
core any oMr of b:iaA iirbing. faleediag
Of prolru'ling piles.
Rrv. W. N. E-lwardt. Baptist miatelcr,
uo Trinity I'lscc. Baflsio. N. Y.. srntt*:
‘1 can m<Mt heartily rccommeod Ur. A.
W. Cbtec't Oialturnt as a pcwiiive cun
:of itrbiDg piles, for over 15 years
lbs pile* have besa a source of coastant
annoyance to me. and frc^neully tbs
.uflrring bas been meat ialente. Tbs
heurfita derived from tbe UM ol Dr. A.
W. Chaw.'* Ointment have been magical
and laaiieg, and 1 feel li a duty to my
lrIlow--beiags to recommend it and aas
inv lunuence to make iu woaderfal
mrtiu knowD."
Tba Moat SuoosiBfw: and Setendfle Troatnioat of AH Dtaeapw and WaaknMaiB
Dr. A. W. Chase's Oioinseat. 50c a
bos. at all dsaJert, or Dr. A. W. CbBs
of Mankind PoaMbte to Obtala.
Medicine Co.. BuOalo. N
TW OMt arMoly sot fa*vrotilr SaowB apavtaUm 1g tba ratatd Oiaaao. Plat
ColftBel r>Biile]-1(. Aathnnp. brother
pr Musas It Aniboor and ibe test nf
tor flabtlnp editors of* Kansap It <b
pounl as the ou4 uuio who has bad
kls aoru severed and lived, lo a
•rwspaper feud With a rambler nann-d
Peoalsun. AniiivU} w as slioi. The due^
tor (old hlui I
wounded luau did not sa> aupthlar. Sttbar SkeFi U Oe«
V'-t luide his sister roo>l'b
Ua New Yaaiu dap tba local barbae
to sleep. When be awuke be asked -ahopa will doaa at 1 p b.
the nutwe: "What Ume la tir Hi
ol the dap. P
■p'ldork," Implied the nurse. 'The mldapa IS oeate.
pnH rbackivd fur a niuuietu. theu said:
•tlBp. (baCs a rood jokv on Hoe KtaLs,
km‘( Ilf Ue aald I'd be a diwd man n<MMt9taufiuKt^ 7a^.
pt atol."
l>roieaabr Pilvtn atd aoa Prof.
He fall aaleep a«ala. and when be
tVaak bilvatu have secured Prof•woke (be (kuHor avkuuuledsed bU
easor Martaupb't academp lor two
mpbiscach week tor tba aait flva
asuBtlis to ooiae, and wiU pl*o «*>*"•
Id toe Bonthem portion of the aaall
npaaiDp p*rtp aeii Thatuoap aeonInp- Januarp«. All are eordtaUp
TtUnpe of Bhot. Ve.. tberr are Urlnp
Inviteo vw atvond aad baea a jslip
•lavaa peruonv elsbt of them tnep,
rood Ume. Ucm'l mlBi U. BUi ter
prko are over Pu yeers of are. tbe oldpaate. SSo. Lsusss treo.
' pat brine (ft- Nearly all of them wera
kora there, and several of them have
Paomaoaa K. tt aao r/M Bu.v
pitvate bssoaa la danonp
sail at r itoaaoe. m ptate atrML
^tmetloa has followed the esaupte
pf iraMti la fartilddiBC the weariac
^nvrwte bp acbool ftrla.
3t. tM^:
•TVIt yesr
(taael sM ri*U
Ssd I «s< Is • tin.
•si <[cr. IBU 19I0N sss'i CVS
tsu'r* Sruin si* a mim."
rvwa'kableaklU sad uairvrsaJ aaeeeaa li ibe larcMt koapitau iB.tke world
.. Dla
. .eoaaa apoa tka latool s
iwal all CBBOMIC. KKBrOCB. SKIN aad BUX>1)
stra. aoU raUllea Slw to tea full coeSdeorr ol tka
IS* alltated
alUetvd eiarywkare.
(WtarTa.P<aaaaaa s> tas 1^, Bar, Koae. Ttruat a»4 Laura.
tM4a.KJdB«y. Uvrv. BiadJrr.Chraak- lewala aaJ Beaeat Dtaeaaea
•*■»MBl Utat kaa oarer laUst) la ikeoaaada ol raaaa Ual ka4 beea poMsiicea twraate baoa.
Maay poepW Atvt Sastk vrary year abo wtrSt ka*v bssa reolored M paftset kaohk bad lOav
glare a iWlr soars Is tks haod* vt aaprraa.
A good (Wl CAD bo boQKbt with a
lYufivwor KrvdeH. k, von Uartewt. dollar and a ball if yon grt into
who bolds till- ebalr of ihtemsUuual
law in the Mt. IViiTshurc tinlveraltj
OBAOMIOPOR:_________ __ .
and U i; fii-jiteut represeu
the ctar In l«-eal counrlls of UHunent.
“aISI^a^ajio ropxTiTP aupp!*”'
I (srUasstsloasrisotsasly vtss sad iba on-1
lliisslau clilEcn.
[ starsaa ertu Uat follow isTm Uota.
' TQ
Itu-euaii siilijeci. but a phllosoptab
Is a iuilsblc
le llrimflst ao<
author, aud at
it ihi‘
the yvovai.
._ ........
•etfee la
ttoB 'onreretfe*'
In 'lrarls. where
read (be deeixiou
decision uf
of (be evniiutaal
« Barnum & Earl’s^3ssa”^Jf'ianf.reifi!.^4a‘=a'E-“^
. uw. »t
Fancy Articlep. incladiog
ao naoy
Tii.- profeoaor ivTilted: “It Is aMfflcfcBw. You SCO. to rwac I luM ay
chair I wish to he prepared for any
r you fordenera nay mBke."
SllTpr KoTPltiM
Al dkn^n^ffin^
rsaiktsl till-i kagsyti(s.sws
kspgy lils.aws s ol gkroleal
ood j
Bohemia War*
P^per and Balt Beta
“Why so pcoBivc. nwaldineT"
“t was just tbinktoi about what toe
Oat Olaae PiaoM
pnaebte said KumUy morwlng.
there U to In- uu marrylni; uor glvtag
to oiarri^ la heaven, wbst will tbs
young msp wbo are always actlsg as PBd'doie&p of other niee tbiafto
asbere have to talk about or keep narked dows to one third tfaw
them busyr_______________
vmlop to dope tbpa oat.
Golf has heea Introdaced lata New !
ZoalBOd. Tbe Maori mm and woBeo j
I Block.
____ ..vsTatkCls'VSSI of v/v Imkm
ataaarss tear doci aad oU etksr w
Oywp. .tete J
OT/toSICTflto TO <CTP o<
IBBI (iBiklis. coasad tram eatorrk.
tot I. *.» to. tolWTf m isn. nnFcn. ma.
■^Timii m st« c a a s* tmiSiuv.*.
I f«r ibe ptaner to dry.
t«lo*r7. ttioorb
I Mattirony wbn tb* dryloc praooM
rrpeotMJ ottr ud ' Poe yenra there had been a -bitter
rivalry between tbe town# of John
UUl nbf IMC t'reek. and aurb a ttalna
na aa oAclal rialt between town oalordly. Tben aoM OM Iw clalo bad not been dreamed of. Somepouudio* oo thr dooT. Mytlk
Ueu,eo«.t Henry Coaell who wa.; ^rulnly. Tb^-re r»t io «.e.t
„ gnJte pttlnly. 8be Mt iVTto*jitaHllT2l.Wk:flt*.'n*il*l
over to Juba Hill
^k allre. a^ tjoiiu-*-. aid dnrin* Ibe Cuban war. blm a. a mere matter of aelf.pratoc«prt*h« awl ItMMMd. Now befoco inatauoee could be cited where a Juba : j,. ^ow . .tudent tn Boetoo nnlvemlty- ^
” eontroIBne bw^
been awake at nl»bt an) nK Hin man bad »ot out of I>o« Creek 1
„^rtn* 8be mlaaed without being ahot a
illon of Dublin mltod
that reoaeurlng anore very much,
.aytbliic have happened to btm?
perbapa tbe bouae waa oo die’ Yea;
tbe Haruell tuemortol fund. .
K^e wa. ante that abe
Cnlrt. BaMwln of Newark. N. J,‘i
.celled amoke.
celebrated Thankagivtng by atnrtlug)
on bU aeifwM t-euinry of life, aa ba,—------------ —---------------Ginof uay a tretuendoua abaka
wa. ino yanr. M ibr day beforo.
nllpped out of Ud. lUtow go a
Cbartoa J. t -per. who In hto youth saSaaa>a».aBeug.
*own and bnrrted dowo to the
pounting Mill
, n«wwot abe had tbe door
ymr aa teneber tn the Boston Lntin ^
wpeMap-Jy. Pbaaa^k^ M; Msnhm„ead of a aulwart Bre^
bTtTSir^sif^/'hrdmwdi.ou pTTiJ^ til
l«h« «»>• boB. p,p„
to d«MTlb«- tbelr ent
•MtMUoM u ButM OMt w«o MMO
-... .- .K-., «. ;
^ rooprctt »t tho
bad breo
fa)o. had accept- j ^ojlnt tb*®»lTee to tbe parior Mr.
Ibe larluilon
Mra llaicb bad been in tbe allJoba
aad ttac room, be with bla taper nod aba
Myrtle Hatrt to with brr knltllng. U waa Iba wife
COBM or«e for a who looked up aod aald:
Nr» Yror’a ere
-yaebartah. doa’l yon iblnk it would
■ippcr nod euy be a rood idati to tel aome of that
Nr tbe Bl(ht. II waa a Jolly pany plaafcr and aee If It wouldu t help yon
o< aU. iMtadlag Mr. aod Un. Zaeba- awfor off aoorlnc for tb-- Sew YearT
rtab natch, tbai eodrcted tbe able at It'a dreadful! If yon couki only benr
yourMdt anore. you wooWnl atop at
trpobie or eipenae.”
Batch, aad bU yoaac wife bad prom-|>erbapa aome llnte." replied Mr.
Ind to be borne for tbe holiday, la- Batch. maaUke, wlttaoui taking bla
beodlag to come «p frum iloeheater oa eye* off hl« paper.
Ne ereolBf train.
-Bui thm-t yon think yon ^ b^cr
I tbe only doud that bung
---- ---------------------------- ---- ;--------- ---------------------- V------rifllt t
MM M...-« MM
n W.M.
;l iLatnereryreunlonofoldrriebda.lt
Mr aod Mine Loreroy to go boma
«ro«U be eaaler to leU what they didn't
aay that they eouidu't alvep bewbal they did tnU about, twi it
^ niowd >*o k»Mf
-t auppMe a<i IKtn'l l.>ihev me ftetd
Myrtle after aoue- if yo« Itke." replied
tbe rather gouty tempei.-d Mr llaPb
“BMC you went awny I've loat my
,,M. .
^ I will go inyaeir and
Yoke. I cannot Mag for any'iengtb of not hi ibe glrla know aiiylbing about
ttme wltbout becoulng boarae."
It." And bla good wife I.M .lowu ber
"Ditto here." added John.
work and started for tbe drug Mure
“You abooM try our I'rofeoaoj DoThe dnigglmi'a aurprl-e gave way to
.bean'a preaciipilon." ndriaed George.
aatontobuent as Mrs Haub deiwmded
- -Which li". aay:
-almoai entirely from a pemou'a bfvaiblag tbrougb bla mouib. eo|iecUUy when
-Did be auggeet a reuMdyr
**Tea He aaya that lire liect remedy
la to Uke a wide atrip of laiogUaa
pUater and to faaten the ll|ia lugeiber
With II and hnve It on all nlgbL tf
Ton boy a yard of the pUaieffnnd uaa
'h erery nigbl. before It'a guoe your
voice la all right, ti'a anre d«wib to
WMrtng loa: -DM you ever try Itr waa Jobn'a
**No-o.- adtniited George, “but aev.
•ml of Ibe Iioj’v al college thought It
j«arfd Ibeir b.iaraeiMWB. and ai>ra
itroan. loo. at Uiurai. and one tblng to
certain—tt will k««p a peraon from
' The ptoaaau evening enjoyed by tbe
,sniberlng baa nothing k> do with onr
,glery. fhifllee It to nay that an bonr
lOr oo after the |wr1y roar froiu tbe
•npfier table the yonng nieo exeuwM
tbeiueelvea and Wi Maj ami Myrtle
ta an eicbauge of confltlew.-. whlhtbey oei out fur a airull. Hardly bad
tb<- dour clumd u|hui tbeir dcjiartliic
lortua when Myrth- exchilmitl: "Uay.
1 have pruiiilw.1 to aUtg at an e«lertalmueni next w.-ek and have lw»
(drendiog it for day.. Huppooe we buy
•ome of tliai plaatcr and uae It to
Blghi.May bad been lliinking of Inat tbe
■ante tbiug.
-Agreed, but we ft
luUHto'i h-i the hoya
knoa anything alvvi It." «ax Ibe IV
AhaU at Mta.
>Do yon think coBfma will raallF unaeat tbu Ur. Boberta of Vtahr abanaked.
-Cerulnly It wUL" be replied.
that uiUva.
**It would be dtaBmcofnl If It waaT
i-ey M. Depew paya *50,000 aa UoTe." abe aaaeried.
«r^ reota) for ibe Onreoraa- • in*«racefuir bt
a la wueb ma. VIM&C caiece aa a flonrmUl l
, .d .»a tppiw tt .wl Ml dowa h^ u^ rtjoek to her tt«T« wmmJwd. Jl« ,
“Why. It’a Myrtler crletl Edward.
„ uwujm
I at the ixiblle gyn'unatnui every d.ny
you were ncwi' gulag to let i
bat Kunday.
XPm’rm BMrl* tmu-B >ud hUDB
IVormor Caltiu B. Rmltta of tbe
College of tbe City of New York baa
body) Why. whara the maUert Why ,
made a spe«-toliy of eollectlDg waieta
don't you apeak r'
nmvementa and poascaaes ov« 2d0o
Par obvious reaanna Myrtle rrmatned
Colonel B'iiford of the Biittob army.
slleoL A momitil later a second silent
figure crept down tbe ballway and- YWgt tor lALr wat nwagt the wwn. Who waa killed, reeeutly at UletfoBlelti. had l»eu In the aervke for thirty __ .
,,, Myrtle, and then .-atoe Ur.
ceptlonal eaaea. however, and t&eca yearK hut bad not seen active war- ' U
„ ^ blmatlf. hastily polllug ou a
was no guide to go by. When Pete
tin tbe IwtUe eame In wbicb be ss.eaM
.. ^
Mahoney waa elected mayor of Dog dM
m^i., |,ere'. falber! He will expUla."
Creek. It was ou bis }dedge to make
a • to Prstiww sew
t.|,ar.l ae the third
HsreseiUe Oe btock.
It stUI boner fur Juba HIU. That
groping alhiilly down the
same fall Joe Drake was elected
iwlllghr of tlM-long hall, "flood lewv mayor of Jul« Hill
ena. Kva! )'aibcr'a dumb too!" Koi tu
thi- nililille of the ball aloud the paler
nai Hatch, uttering not oi% word of
wearing llM-lf away aod both
welroiue III bla la-loveil wiU
towns weie whooping It up when
A iiioiueitt taler Mra. Haleb came .Mayor Mnhooey Ix-ard Hiat Mayor
dowu. vlaililr n-liale<l aiW) mutely Drake aald he was uo gititleman.
waving her arm. IU-IhirI her tame thv
".Vu gemleiuau. eh )" be aald to aome | gbrnt Cut Ptwk
two vouru: l»en. uue suoed with a
liawlalt iMt ami the olltrT »-llh a
1 uo ' vn^R<'sk>rt-a*LTfloMPaON; Ofikv
, „ I IVX Park Plae. Hotel. Rooms K anS *t. Wstinker ' Itui net niw word did they
• ^ Mre's aBdeblldreo'sdlseaaMaM“«IM». 0<a|aak lalliclaaa planter baa some very
»9 ace hour. lUioKa M.;t to4 aad t was■dhiMilve prop>-rth-m. and «lieu one's
tniiuth haa la.-u <lilial ahul ftw three
r Is aea Toesailsr
liilii; hour* i>Wi' iSiilHI la- eXiaHed tO
irtk.rs 'SV W.
on an i-ili-uih-il eoiiteraallua For
*K- t,g-«MOS«
,ai-ti-nil nilniiiea tbe atrange group
-rwh-r or Pu»
'usao o»d OrxsB.
ga»vl at cne anoib«.
-'PelWard. itu-y'rr nil eraxy! l.efa go
lumie. aiivwlwre. hut do ncH May In
tl.la houai-"' i-riifl Xlra Hatch Juuior.
with alroug algna of hyaterla.
^ poroesM
"8peak, BomeluMly. <-ao'l you) For
tii-aven't aake. »i»h u« a bs|>l>y -Sew
nnemnw wsKTIP Ii> Siuroor drhivrtac.
Win eroh-OB irisi lor boSA.. deolro
Yesrr crletl y>lH-anl. lakiug hi. ftight
adtiro*. «• nirhih stmi
m I____ ____ pat nu....................
eortt wife in bla nnua
•f him a yard of tolagtooa pUater. Ha
T?OK SALl CHRAP-tload BoMrlx telI.roM
Rut not a word did any oim' api>ak.,
ie«lhroo}rsrsoM.g L RsM>M glUs
br P^- ip^ ailent group ahuMi-l alii-.-|ii»hly'
ty badly cut up over at the lUicben'.
i^akUxK------------------------fki-lril antf iiH-xptleBhIe
WVl'KKm'KR pon SALg-moTM. ardroOM
tliclr plans. When New Year's day | Pntatoea. per bn............................
By n o'clock Mr. aod Urw Hatch
aod im.re eotiMi.eed
came, both ttioiinied their niulea at Eye. per bn..............................
were sleeping Mmmlly, each with lipa ii:dw,r,j
,|i tie- raiuily of Haleb
aliouT th«- same hour and set out and Buckwheat......................................
glued togelber. tbe w ife fixing b.-rs
de|«r1.sl wllL IbeIr aev- as a cou-us|ueuee ibey mei half way bnkter. per Ib....................
IB ^^Abril# SsJCMCB^H^ rol.
llke ber busliand'a wbeo be touiptoined
,,^1 mdlvhlual w-nse.
betw.s-n the towns, l-toeh had a fol-! *<7*-”S?“-'■; .... .
WuM* eiib os asar r
of tbe ludlTous figure be wcwld cut -Molber' ►'atber! Has It come to I..I.C of .1. ... .
CrU. »4wtodl.lU,».
-S'l->n. P. O.. ixri. Nro York.
Wbeo the plaster iiad been apidled.
‘this) tVIll you turn tour owu mm
■two mayors <wme to a bait Mayor Ua-1 pptatofw,
mUa. (Mieblffwn Starch IpciR ftAl.g~A «rM floio tVDivx Is Rom
-In the mesuilUH- Geoeg" and Joba .w‘av from your dm., at ■..idulghi with honey graciously ohsen t-d;
BanvoT hjM lieeB uooO • Ilf)#. sUt scU’
fv. ' JX^ioerioooAliiy,
|<> q,
made the .irruii,..r famlltor o«i one word of wel.-...,.. ) Wlmilmve
"Win the gcnMemah from Juba RHI
streeiK. and inltlM-r bad .rcwllx.i^rcwliusl
I dum-v R'liBl has ■■aiHH-ncd) I'au no return lo tx>g Creek with the olber
.tvtrge. to as
laleneas i>f the hour iiulll 1<>tvfrge.
Bravo Men trail '
gemlemanrcertain the nine of olgbl. Imd «.i.|N-rf
,oswcr to the tost qucstlOD bad
"The geolicniao from Juba Hill waa
Victims to alomacb.-liver and kidney owT«.
to tbe wlndoH of a well tlgl.t.sl store. |o he a dtotloct hnt Inaril, ulaic oega about to ask liic otlier gi-nileuaii to troubles as well at wrmrn, aod ad feel
none olber than tbe drug store wUb „ve, Eva <v.vered h.-r fs.e with her
the reaalu Id looaof appetite, polaont
which we arc all»ady a.-unsliil.-d It hauj,
“Tbey accept of bis hospitality." waa tbe re- in tbe blood, baekacbe, nervonaneaa.
ply of Mayor Drake.
II o'. l.s-k Tbe druggisi was pr»
torricd you away, Etlw‘-".ts a gcntleinan and knowing wbal headache and tired, llatleas. r
Lg-9r-ei» s so* mM
paring lo eloep op for tbe ulghl
!s-.-ans.- they IMnlik'l h
ise* SI »» Pitib uro
belongs to good manuers"lic-hu
A VAiorssA M*or cost
B.-fore he could do so Joltu pushed honored Ibe luom of Half.. ......... ..........
"As auolhiT g>-ntlrmao and kaowlng Ind.. save: "Electric BItterw are just Aolrr of M- b«n«.rioBrMUJ.
bla way Into Ibr Mitre "Wall till I gel haaiow ibcui ahoul ibe-tbc applc all abom ethimiic"»
•eWSR «ALR -<JooA et«kl e_
some plaster." be ealh-d out to bis com pj,,. Tell them. Edward. It waa not
"1 must say that l>og Creek baa tbe whether be Uvea or dlea. It gave me X*
BO* oo East EUrh-k •
paokm -I'tn g.dpg to try your plan;", niy fault, nut my fault! l-l -dMo'i
Birt-si'. B a Lr« i^h
UggeM graveyard."
new atrength and good appetlta. 1
they lo tbe druggist “A yattl of ptaa mean-l -oh I can't go oo! 1 can't go
"Rut Juba Hill baa tbe moat sa ean now eat anything and have a new
ler. phwsc."
' «o!" And again poor Eva broke Inin loons.
lease on life." Only Ue at /u. G
"Thsi's the tost roU t have." laM tbe
".And that you are a duffer and a Jobnaon'a and R. E. Walt's dmg atorea
tradesatau In' bcw-lldenncnt as be,
jj,,, p^,^( Myrtle slipped away' ttor:
Beeiy bottle naranteed.
banded out Ibe ibltd yard of plaster ^nd came down atairw again with a' ".And tbat you are a nnltter and a
‘ - ‘ sold to tbe Hatch family ibat tnge pair of srisMwm In }ier
Tbraa or nra Onto
eveoiag He Is-gao lo tblok tbsi aome without one w.o-,1 of warning aod be- j Tben tbe i
BatforBoenta I can sell yon a loaf ITOBSAIX-BiillSisr
A (-ksapocy. le
was playing a Joke ou him. and forr FMwapI could throw htmaeir be-1 ,
of best b
after t.corre awl John bad de|«ned „reen then, abe aavag.dy suldied bit Tbe rrtti"-iive gxntlemca on either
P w 8 oenta
'-Pbn>k«ho<) or
be hurriedly cloaed bis store.
i fatbcf-at tooM so It sccmcl In tbe on aide followed suit and for half ao boor
The ls.ys found tbe Hatch reaidcDce e*rtaln Ugbl-ln tbe face wUb tbe mur- tbe most cheerful Industry prevailed.
IQ darkucss when they arrived there, detwis wtwpon.
Tbe gentlemanly abootlng «-onilotied
except for one sollta/y light that abone ,
llannv N'ew fWr everv- vmil everybody bad run abort of car
for aaifota boo& with-Mra. Itaotnar
Irqaira at Lantner Broa'. Shoe Store
bodyr gaMvM Mr Haul, acnlor. catch- tridges or got Hred of dodging bullets,
__________________________ __________
SM tl*
TOM, „,.„pw pj u,. ,„d ^ I,,. „„ TO pTO .TO,. .Ad .L.klA. bU jnd (ben Ma.vor Mabmey came out
ro LOAX ox
Ur. II.U*. A .ITO-P., bAbTOTOAld Ad.
A.J aaAtoI. -«Vto All AlATOl from betalDd a tree aad said:
Ps-rkls a Cl
“Tbe mayor of I>og Creek, who to Twhl finnHwi
i"“> •».—A. - »h-d »p
Otvon to sappltoa for partlea aad
etlll a gentleman and no bog. wlU
Na IIia. aa. lA.t I" -^Nl
banqaeto at City 9^tbg Ball. S
bid yon a poUie good day aod retire."
Bps logvlber. and
Allb IbA
Tbeo Mayor Drake rose up from bclamp followed, en.liug only when John loose. Sbe'a alwaya bMt at exptalnblud tbe stump wbicb bad sbciterad ft CVS U Mmm Ie 14 IMTS.
a~a-w- » r
turtkcd Ibe wick s» low tlMt the dame Ing.bln tbroDgb tbe fray and replied:
flickered a few imieo and tbrii died
No remedy equals Waeneb'* WhlT*
Tbe welkin rang witb Bdvrard'a
-Tbe mayor of Juba tlitl. who to
out Left In alienee and darkneaa. tbe langbler when bto motbM- did explaliL
also a gentleman aad knows wbeo be'a I’lKE OP ‘Tab Sykcp for tbto terrl- TaessetMTfiatsidsr al^ J. O. JswMa.
boys were aooa alceping aonodly.
tborgot enough, prwnts bto compUmesta •ugblyand in time, it willenre a cose
All was qnlet and MIU by mMoIgtat
TOP and best wlabea and mwtx that tbto 11» bourn, and fu-tbe cough tbat lolausplelona btsinnlng of tbe New Tenr owe La Grippe I* never laiia to give
folka totting up
Then Myrtle auddcnly awoke with tbe Uln^aaa plaster. But ibere waa a aec- may atrvngtben tbe bond of love bn- YlleL Prion. Sc and 50c.
tweeo the two towaa."
End then anrii tods loaded np tm Thy
mam of eoura^ww boMlng bto h^ ^ tiuit nigbt and. aa every one conJaMd. tima aad rttnmad borne la a gentlorrorov.s£
•mr tarn mnMb. Thnto
n waa tbe JoBtar of tbe two.
aaaly way.
A. & Lews.
■ ir
-a «am> or ruenea. putag««t the knawledge of tbcir brotbera.
Wrapa were borrlcd on. and Ibe ^rto
Wen- aooa on tbcir way to tbe ntnrut
*dmg More.
Harpig aecnted tbcir treaanre. MyrBe and Uay bnrried back and wmn
•oon la tbe privacy of Myrtle's room.
Ub ^r or ao later they decided, as
•lay expreasH it. to "wuialr them
•Hvea" and retire for tbe B1^ May
^d Wt a Bckling tn her tbront that
^jfn» doobilem of an imaginary or aymJ^hlhaWc antare nnd bnd dacMed to
■T''E::;3TSgisssrir .v-;
*n a« to tbr Ml wWa ttoOif
JM (to fkn «t OMM u Mr;
tW M » Ito l«hl tor tot kilttoai *
ta »lBi II tor p<«t>rl;| r-to.
Another Happy Patient! togs
,»aala Pm thr
aa«ta»lac poo.
ai COBMral a* *a«. •. H. Mrk.
I Itoic.-Tte
tTrrrt.t. Si Wc.
IB. 1-a U Bf* TM. totoiiB l
^ w,
The nJaraatw ia ibeae paangaa at«
: to tba'-cook
^ ^ iM to harM ud hm.
Ufa" aa axpnatoeaoe
Mr. Fred BehoM, of
Mich., after thtM torribla yean
airfIMiig, with BO help from aaj aonroe, do ^od» aaemtng to Oder,
stand fawcasa,ootwalted
j la ItolkKnratiTe aaa la tba Old Taatameat it U tba reiristar <d tba coTcnaat
a aic^p la vtctlwa
WY IBMUDU !■ aa lotrrwlac atadf
t b; « «>*l! kaova
t»r. WUtr U a'apecttUai
apTTotw diiiMM aad
la a
tkat «ni|>hail^ aiaaarr arorei hti |»va ror tbalr fra^^admlBJatnUOD St aairaiic
-tba pra^r«K» aa
AB4 «r M to Itor r<
aad irh. OtooM •, «ch tor tor mmnmg^ MlaM
Vbra riar tor tor atox aaT pmca ^ tor apwr
«la paileau la maar caaea.
la bla
■«VB rxpvrlMK'v taa baa ToaDd a almpla
■ vHlMmt
.Bftar cfferu likeix I* pradaca lacttaa*Tbraurb a atud/ baatd aa tba^wa
-«C ^aMaKX la bomaa aaatoox <utaadlaa orar a period of a doara or
aaorc xuara I bare learned tbat oiadar
^enalD pbxalcal mak-oadUioa^" aald
(tbe ptaysl<.iaa. ‘*ibe subject may m*.
gttleea relief l>y snuKnluy poeltloas at I
<9bM that will from ibe ease afforded
dbe affected perte-aerve a* a natural
a omKiralitod posltioo
will tend to pivTcui oatural repose,
irbfle a cttouforu>4«’ <Aie will Woo It.
Sot wbai uiu> lb auoM cases an-iu to
.be a poaltloo of ease may to nwlify be
tbe reverse.
“For lUAtauee. a dyepepile anil rest
.' more eaully lyiur ou llir rlclii ia<le for
d oaioratly yravlian-ti out of «li«
<atonai-b and iom the IntestlDes. ablle
' rr tyloc 00 Uiv oppusiU- sl.le tbai or
ana. to lis veakeurd state, bas to |)eiv
gom aa npblll proot-ss of dlxestlon.
Tbls U amidy sufflcteat to prodoce la-
-l.ylny flat on tbe back, wltb' tbe
Mlmba relaxed, woald seem to secure
tbe crcaieat amount of rest for tbe
aaoscular system, whether la good
.tonltb or tllnraa. Bucfa ta tbe pMitloo
adroraUd l<y pbysliiau generally la
the moat eibaustiOK diseaaea. and It.
.. Mittot to. . .itoto to# -toiH
la baNed as a sign of rapid recorery
R t
;tn tbe ouplue poalnre which Impair
' .rabarraas sleep, whether In case of
V Hines, or ordinary IteoKb. Thus
giTia* tboB a titU .to atonal
n.lif* ••IteoBtaiBaalialartbatichtoOM
to torn.
Aaauralx} •»____________
iflrard Com* of tbe
,. .toto .to.,
John F. On & Co.
to tboaa rrbeae
____ _________
»to toa. written tbarelB life before Ood teat ia
Mtttdoto <d Ood aad tbm
It iatboreoHd book'
•>«a tbr dlavrgaatakd «}at«-Bia of
Tbera aad ekevbera it alao to-
«■ to tba liat wKi<± Ood kaapa ia
ot Utuae trbo are Bia wfaoee
aaiifa aa It wart^ ara writtea ia a
1M ax totor toil ato
Vtoa tnctoi. •'« ua :
, peopla
immediatly diagnoeed
bia c e aa 8FIKAL IRRITATTON. The
“? ™ to who
-------------------wb. „ ft.ST
^.1 ^
g reflex and caoaad by ibe im" torf' towel ajtti
P^rgi- tycGoto..!
pi.-d jtoH. ..-ton. H. h-»p.d.Il/rN..NA
Aa old lawrer. apeafciox of dramatic »<►
The retonaice aanteaU that— ,
Dr.,-------too* bna awda
DcMenu la court. wM:-JeteClemeBs.
I « <w «>»»«• are wtittan la tbo!
"I amgUdto
----------. i_
OBCe famoua Called 8utca senator »»okof Ufa it tbonld canoe u
11-« ben to
pw ^»b to «b^ jMin
. Xo tba 70 OB their
a^d enme a«ar Jaat aa I had aatoa li. Ttaore waa am
with bad
Barr appeared for the defeose of a Nivra from tbeii mi-aonaiy
, ton ^.
„yrtla«. and ererTtblnr pare me preat dk
My heart
man cbarg.d srtib murder. My eecoi- tbeir report of their great power—that
ampcd and beat at times eery tot Me back wsa eery bad aad (bm waa a
iertlua > that tbe trial waa la tba area d^to were tobject to them—ieaoa good
Saal of pain iharo. My Umba woald
.. Jerk
. . and. twitoh.-ond tbay fall numb
taid. "botwithstandiiig. in ibia rajoica and no faallag mucBln them by apalla My aorees were
bad aad I ooald
“H'beo Burr addreaaed tbe Jury. It not that tbe apints ara subject onto notsttatill or slean.aod eonid not read orthlok waif. Bat this U allebaoged aw.
traa aigbl. Tbe gviliy mas was In tbe T<>°rejoice rather becauaa yoar I esnaoi gat oaoagb to eat. baea gaiaad IS poaada ia a moatb. I cat avary*
bad^bean tbe ortoHnl wit. Balnea are writtra in bearen ’’ To tblag now aod it ^rae me no dietreaa. My Imek
baek Is all rirhi
lirht. No---------------*iSB. I have treatod wnb a good maay
but Burr bad
®»«* eTil.apiriU to tba »»*•<«• talteWng I feeing ana______________
-a graatiday wbeo I aalled pa Dr. Snow.
.to,octo c^,. to
learned tbat ibis
aeodt a doetor to eall
Icing, bat bow much ,
sassin. and In closing bit address for
>him. It if the b
bis clicni be picked up two lighted g*«atm cat
I of woeandiea from ibe
natnea are writteei ia tUa
Dr Snow makee a Bpecialty of all chronic diaeaaea, dii
tbe table.'
table. au<L buMlDg
them In Ibe face of the wiiuras refer l^b's book of Ufa That record Mia, men. the eye, ear. noee and thmat. He ia eapecially aocceoafol in
red to. be exclaimed; 'Gentlemen of o» that we are aaeed—oared to time treating conger, asthma and consQmptjoD.
thejury. there la nature'arerdiri. .Sow and eternity, It tells Os that we are lbs
» .■ a ^
. j c
write yours.' At that moment ibe wit- cbildrenof Ood and thatOod is special-,
Tflflth EltTSCtfll FOF 2SC
Iranise Chf lambei Ca.
S Tfwwst City.
r ',r
,Z" .'■'sr
«“>«“» *
torkal Borel called The itliata; or. Tbe the world can emOM tu joy. this fact ■■
Times of namllton and Burr.' In tbat abould. and a joy that will mi '
book be wore tbe Inddent loio ooe of
Kratitnde to God and
tbe chapters. Tbe book Is out of print
^___ _____
names are srritteo In tbe
aod bas been for tpaoy
years. ___
“ '*
great sale. panlct.larty In ibe hook oflife. oar one aim iaUfeabonld
eouth. before tbe dvll war. for Gb-m- be to see tost tl^ey are not blotttid o«t
cos was a typiral aoutlipru orator and
“‘•J' be blottedont Muarajmyed
a man of wooderfot peraonal mag- *bal hU nauie be Uotted ont for tbe
The object of tbe-oocel waa
bsraeL '^‘chy ««*•• ««M
to make Burr a hero and to besmirch •»* be done In Rer. iii. 5. Jeans tsya
“He that OTercumeUi. tbe asiiDe shall
“Id one cbapier wbeie Burr was falgb be clothed is while raiment, and 1 srtU
'a tbf e*«eem of tVasbl>on tbe latter
blot ont hit name out of tbe book
"Tra^nted aa raidltig a letter from ^ bfw ’ This staU-meut shows tbat it
namllton In whieb UntDllton o •tailed la
iWe to onr namea to be blotted
.tou, Ban-. oatofCM .btoloriil. Vfto, .
Burr was siaudlng behind Washington estaatr^ anch a fate would bel U
during ilM- reading of tbe letter. Wasb-**be chief Joy of earth ia in haring oar
Inrtou. ln.t-o«>il at the contents of tbe »•“«» »rrtUeB »» bearen. wbo can de- SttpeeMorg
lelter. lurn.-d gnlekl.r and saw Burr, to •‘^ba tbe rctow of having them blot-
..................... ..
G«t Your Bicycle
t work. I
n of colon
A'ao aay kind of ropair worii Matty
»i-*- o*~
to Treworee Olty Lumbar Oo
iSt celebrated Dtarwriaht bad boM* V 2 T**n oU and 11100*1 learned to, «f» eiufB^Wt Adnty neglectod has
.wa talk yet
tbe mine eftact. worUag directly to ing flaws to tbe aetorto
Mr. Henpeckke-DonT let tb: t worry!
to doty and tberefora to a
Aramn nntll tbe good utnred Barry
you. My wife aaya ahe dtdnt begla to
yritnal aieitibiUty.—Poitod
“Oh. come. Gos.“ be tatempted.
'*T>oe't be qnlte so hard If It's aoC an
“Alabama.’ Jatt remember tbat
wrote It U a week.Tbcrc le caon^ coal ia New Mexleo «« bee eocttfh to pat aa edge of aw“TOd yon. Barryr ntarted Tbomaa
aa oar Urea-ChrMaa la*
to aopply tbe whole af tbe OaMed
ittatee fur EOOD yrazA
«ag City ladepeadMN.
t tadlw Rj.
CopvmnHTa Ac.
sstas ;88SBiisfle8i8S
I Calendars
..oa. ..ch.
7 - eps BV.-rs. was tbe cauw of llie break
HwUxik (d Ufe
wlio babltuiDy rlor^Jn
Washington aod Bnrr.“-New
Hms only can we enter hanven.
York Sun
"Tlieii sliall in nowise enter into itanv, ■---------------------------I tbiugtbatdetllcth** * • lint tbev wbi^
-lion nr fram tin- eourae of their physl-;
Ballest Per mps.
are writu-u in the LaTubs b...k life." ]
cal developun-ut. there must oecusaarlTo solve ilie question of liallast many
Bible Readings.__Ex. xxx.i. 3b-83:i
l.v be Aonie* distress coUM-qui-ui la exptslii nts are rvM>ri<-d to. and the re- £<vt xii. 18. M; Isa. iv. 8; Dan. xii. |
eatralgliU'Ulng tlw spine. It may not aulls oluulnt'd oft.-n are sinculat. 'llte i.«; Math. xii. 86. 87: Act- xvii. 8«. j
be KUflIrleni to cauM- iwln and yet be most |«i|iuL-ir lialhist Is stone or rock. 81: Rom. ii. 12-16; I C<ir. iv. 6; Phil
aurb a strain as to proreni perfect and every shipmaster w ho Imlls from iv. 1-8: HeU xii. iZ-H; 1 Pet iv. I-S; ^
Tlie n»ull Is uiu'ousi-lous rest- the
e jiort of -New
.New York knows, or Is snpsup- Rev. xUi. 6: ivii. 6; ri. lS.l&:xxi 87 I
. Vasnesa. whitHi la the prwlucer of In- poM-d to know at least, (be relative
|1 value
grides of
------ of
-- pertain
T-------- ------------ topks
la tbe abwaow.
•gVstple Who liave coniraeted rbesta various (rorts besides the metropolis
W« must all g»there aometimm. Tha
cannot she-p well lying niton thelt He ran dls|iase of a earg*> of atone to gi*r* ©f tbe daylight ia too trilliant
•Ttaeks. This rule ntml'et eapeclnlly to eomrart.ws here w hk-h wlU more tbnn Onr er« become injored and nnable to
ghone who have auffetwd with pleurisy rHmbuiw him for the expense of lend- discern tbe delicmte sbadra of color or
toBd retain ndbeoioos of tbe Inngs. They big and unloadlDg. and If tbe abipmna- appreoate nantra] linta—tbe xbadowed
win find It easier to gel to sleep upon i^r Is alert Ik- will arrange for such chamber of sicknem, tbe abadowed
'Tbe right side and (lutl tbeir somnolent d|s|iosal many montba before his re- bonae of mutirning. tbe abadowed life
* out of the way corner, bum which tbe sunlight has gone. But
-obaerte this advice. Furthermore, tbe of the world.
f*»i- avX. Ills the ahadow'of God's
.Mablt of lying on ibe back la ibe ereEvery time n aalling veoari relurna band. He is Jrwdiag tbee. Tbera ara
totiw of sovring. whkb mneb l>etaI>ors from s foreign port ohe usnally Is via- laMons wbi^ can be Irarncd only there,
•mieeii and prevents the tabject from tie.1 by cootraotora or tbeir ngenta. The photograph of His Uco cm be «ily
eeeviving the full benefit of Its recuper w ho make compeUllve bids to bar Exed in tbe dark chamber. Bnt do not
-«tloc effects
hnllsst cargo of stone. If she carries sappow- tbatvr bas <au« tbes asids
“It Is desirable, therefore, ia all caaet one. This stone is used mostly for Tbon art lUH in Uis quiver He bas
\to Hr on (Ih-side, and In Ibe alweoce of macadsmixiug and |wvlng streets, l-'re- mB Haag thee'away as a worthl««s
topecial diseases rrudcrlng It mure de- qoeJtily mairrtal is brought over which thing He is onlv keeping tbeeckaa tUl
mirable to Ur on tbe weak shir, which b good enongti for bnllding pnrposen.- the moment
when Be can aend
leaves the strong lung free itocxpaitd. b>w York Press.
\ tbee nnwt swiftly and rarely on
^ right side should Iw eleswa. A.-------------------------- errand in which He wiU be glorified^
MbDce at any plate of (be visceral
Pm Pisb ttatt.
shadowed aoliUry one. rememberT bow
-uaioniy will show that when tbe l»ody:g© evconiric hermit named UllUam
It tbe
quivi is bound to tbele war‘
Ja thus pbi-ed the food in the----- '
wbo lives at Franklin. Mich:, rior. within easj
seb of tbe band and
«f dig<>stion is gn-ally aid<-<! in i(s b said
be one of the most successful guarded jt«k>mdyl—R«v F B Meyer
paasage from the stomacb into tbe In- flabermen In hli-pari of the country, i
*ealln.-s. Here the prioclple of gravl- ^
,-i,|ni» to call the flsb to him |
Tbe EaglUb Prsrer Mek.
tntkm directly apidlea. Th.-n the fad hy singing •'Old Hun(lrc-.Iib - .......
He goes
The EngUsb Prayer Book u wbat it
that tbe stomach doeso'i compress tbe ©ot
In bis
a station la b to tbe English because it grew with
»PP« |M>tlloo of tbe lotesilm-s U attU fairfy de,q* water. Then be slags, at that people, and it could ingrain Itself
nnotbiT advaniagr.lo lie g-ilued from the mme time keeping his eves oo the in national character U-ranse it was in
tying on llie right side when sleep water In sran-h of Bsh. Gradually tbe Itself in some arjui« a iwodW»“of- o.■woolng case to the entire hnmaa meeb- fl,t rr„wd about Ills boat, he fblma..................................
ff Anglo-SaxADlsm Is under serious conshlera I Ion.
.©d when enough are gathered togelbThe hutory of tbe Pnyce
iD .ouduslen. 1 wish to refer to
the wily tlshennan casts a net and
' ond tbe First Book
L or fnita. eMclKW doxeo« st n alngle haul. Tbe uf Edward VI
t ancient parti of
la sleeping which T have olMcrved. A
the Utorgy are witacsscs and. os it
•wenMby woman
«-omae once came to me for w,
^Is nHghbors
are iDcUned to belle
were, title deeds of the birtoric coo-1
^lm«H for bad dirama of tbe or-_bi, ^nate stosT.-Cbicago Record,
tianity ^ otrr catbulicity aad of Engdnr commonly called nlgbiniare. Ep■
Uab cbaracta. —Cbnrchraaa
-«a timkhig Inquiry 1 diacorerad tbat;
-ahe was to tbe babit of lying at rest! in |gTo j
with ber arms tbtoara
Setflabaeas i» a vice. seif love b e
head, a poslUnn graaily to be depn
virtae Salfiahaew U the root uf aO
-«d. although It will Induce sleep in
Are In 187u scattered only S7 death vice:
■ who have weak Inags. Tbe fif* I denting mlssUew Now it aratten 84a and r
«nlatJon is thereby made wronger la a t^wib welgbtng nboot 70 pounds 80 »ora and granter view Belfishnem aad
tbeextrrmlties. and tbe bend and neck
ago would have burst tow 42 «n net aad react one apon tbe otheg
And minclcs of tbe cheat are drawn fragmenta. Today, when It
Is charg-1 Self lore, c Ibe contrary. Is a virtna
•np and n-Uxed by tbe abouldera."-, «d with peroxUeoe. tt brenka
np Into and tbe f<
ot all virtue, of all
J’hUadelphia Tlmea.
hW) is bnrtod religion, of all opttltuality —Christiaa
L2U0 plecea. sarti of
with much grrater velocity than tbe Standard.
I.weMle u4 CWwaila.
Mrger lumpa which arere acattered by
The Baili at Sin.
Maurice Barrymorv's wit :
Tbera Mionld be praoent to os tbe
tlnBwd, bat i
tbongfat that there ia a poattMUty
Mla expenae was Angustna ThomM*j
_ _ ---------- —
In ain A sitt raof one of Barrymoee’e
^ra^r Mods to tbe farmattoa
Mm OOm. Markbam »loA.
SldawBlk Lumber in ell bIbm.
sin. ' overcoma
<'l''ntens roftrofienta. stung to tbe quick. ‘
'tote to the Isiek t^tl111
tue oeaa ann to ae. .
.n I
and --..ii.j
replU-d >.■>».
with all
overcome nDbclief-lbey shall not
•e in
be And Jestu will help ns so that we
13 believe tliat much of that weakencan
uvtsmmf Tha
maje«iy s
tng delirium whivli the physician baa me In the u.autn'r you have, tbe only
•“’i »brongh Uim wo may overXo conteod with in ireailug seriona
,r.z ss.,;';r;;;^.TnV.r.rT;vnr
E. W. Hastings’
, Fire lisuiaace Office
• s «sxrt»»wa Orsi*>tt«s.i b>«t
>Hir oeiDM-B frs* sgmWt so
•1-if |.ue^le. (.«.nssM-
Jobnaon Block .
John R. Santo,
Geieril lisiraice.
:r.- "- - ^
The H:Us.a.iraUkss parlor car ISO
Bvpl4>.SBSsiscpcf OrsaJ RspMs Is Oil
Steinberg’s Grand Opera House
•Wednesday, Jan. 3rd
The Society Event | 100 M,h^
Dukaof York
Mr Daoial V. Arthar
The Toueg Romantic Actor
In tbe auecessftU comedy.
“The Adventure
of Lady Ursula.’
Miss Frances Drake
■Id 1 SqsMr Cwpu;-
Bncsi. crisp sW taU »( rssaaec.~N. T. -mbOM.
Pric«a-35c, SOc. 7.5c, Sl-QO.
Bale at the box office
Teleptione 112 for eeate.
*VBats anivlag at s an p. a. has etatr car rv
Waras Is Or^ BapM* aaS ckalr ear Oraan
----------O, F..T.1.. 0«.. ..AN
Chicago — ~ ” «
West Michigan.
oonro eooTB
Mr. William Morris
Supported by
*^ (»p B tralB Sm parlsrearss Orato
RaplSA. ss4 sisepisc ssr aad caaA OtaaS
TralBarrtTtsca> ttop ■. has slssw OW
elBBSil IS nraaS Bastoa aa4 eoack aas tlasp
^car^Oi|^ IS Oraae KapMa aaS skab «sr
Bdk seato, fll.50.
SeeU on
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
And none are poew Block. Soap u joa know m bettor alter
boii^BRed. Eveiybody wbo omb Boap knowftbe atondard mokM
^wiaBi^ We will give yoQ good val*
JAS. a JOHNSON, biRist
Ar Old________
[.< Ord BapMs..
- "S
0(KM0 VOBItt.
aVc«. ,
ssss:] l!S*‘
uniB m HinunBi LL
Third Yeir*-No. 829
•Maty Platt VfU Sot OowMtt ■!■
aoltM toTteo PnVdoBoy.
in Bovol Skroaytk.
‘British Bspolssd te Hard
OsoTfs asBs^ ators Dsmsf.
Bow fork. Doe. a».>T£o Breeklya
Porto, Dee. »0.—Promiv Woldook<fiffht s» lUfbUsc.
sd bp Firs This Moraine. Boommo. Ooaorol OoUifat. Miatetor of
BacUhv prlatod tko toUewii«;
>»*• OMk M • Bov POfC
Voto Drivw BMfe Vlth X«v
«( IM Hm-OosBiV wm OorrM
OB M tiw Volte o« tto SaoVT'o
•■SoMtor Tkovooa Platt vada tkte
otatovoat tor tko barlo today:
**Tboroport that 1 tooer or karo
oowltwd ayoolt to oayoBO tor rim
pr—Idoat. V tkat tko
I bam aaBooaord tor ao am. dlnetly
V iBdlrootly. 1 balioro It te OBtlioly
toeaeoB totakobptkte qovttOB. aad
aU tkte dteviM te pr«mtBro. 1 Ubo
Mr. WeedraB. 1 kaUaoo ko-k a aolld
hapnbUoaa. bat 1 karo Bot mU tkat I
faterod klw tv rim proaldoab. Nattbv
ham 1 Mid that 1 kallarad Hr. Boot
wmtkovaB.vthatMr. Blkte ahoald
ki okoooa.
“At tba pfopv Urn I wlU lot my
I ko kaowB. UatU tkM I okall
Boi My OBythUwr dofialta. BBd all
porta plodiridf mo to aayoBO aro aad
Wv, oad M. LOBOVOB. Mlatetor of
Mariao. hold o oMfarMm today oad
opprdrod tbo BBTol voyiom. wktek te
bollOTod to iBclodo tko boUdlay of
twriv of tko mmt poworfal battle
tko Bztmt of BSM and tbo BoUd ehipo BSmt. Aa oapoBditaro ot 400.lay Abaot bb Bqoal Amouk
000.000 fioam^ the iinrvii of the,
At 1;M tkte moralay tbo okrtU ootm nary teoontompUtod.
of tko moekiay bird wktetU eaUodtko DoBt mlm
ftro doparimoat oot la doablo qolok
time, u tbo baUdiay oooaptod by tko
PoUm Btkory. oo thoeimw of Oaloa
aad Soveatk oiroeio. doada ot omoko
were teoalay from tko book port of tko
koildlay. oad aooa tko klaoo wm tomtod la the boormML
Tbo ekomlml aad two Uiyo, atrooso
of wotor wm oooa pooriny ob tko
floamibaitko Arc bod o yeodoUrt,
and it rrqolred o oUbboro fiyht boforo
WM flDoUy oaUayoteked.
The appv port of tko boUdiay te oeeaptod 00 o rvidoam by tko Mlam
Sector, who oro 0 way oa o rioU, te
tkot the feoro fv tkalr mtety tkot vill 6ad a pecaliar
e foil by 00 moay ot flroi, wore pl«Mur« in
Tbo bUie wm ot fint ooppoaod to
boro epriBy from tbo boko oroa la
tbo booomeat; bat It wm Imrood Utor
tkat tkm bod bme oo Are tkm olaeo
I o'eloeh ymurdoy BMralay. Oa oa*
omiBoUoB ofiv tkoflrowMoxtioynUbod. it rppeorod tbot tko ooarm of the
blow WM the olmtrle llykt wlroo, la
watbwmt eorav of Oho bommoat aboee. To walkVn abom that are
The port of tko baUdlay wbm the beaottful, atyliah and parfei'Uy
oven WM lemtod lOBOl boroad at all. eomfortable ia a yratifyiM experwkUo ia tbo ooTB wkm the owltoh- ienor. Thr UUEEN OrALITT
board of tbo rioetriee wlrm wm lom»d MODERN WALKING BOOT
the tro bod borood throoyh tko flov. ia abown bare, eiitbt in. top, madoad bod roofed olmoot to tbo roof.
inm beel. medinm sola, very amart
Ike toUl daman te oatlmotod at looking, very comforlBble, very
oboBtyno, tkoayk It te hard to aukoo dnrable. "Queen Quality" pnoa
rioM mlmloUcm. Tkm wm TS barrote of floor la tbo booomoBV oad if it
te foBBd that tkte te domoyod maak,
Ike tom «B tbo otoek may yo hlykv
tkoB tko mUooaU. The btlldlay te
^waod by Boa. Perry Boaaab.
The Polam Bakery te tko prop
erty of Ooorn OoBO. oad otoek
oad flxtarm are fally oorond by la>
LooSob.Do*. I
|>f«Mtte.«o«odOM.n, Mr* tkot o4.
oteMkOMtoM tootefM teov MoM.
iBt rijBmit» teovot* bottlo. wkUk
«M iMiforiMil br tho Brittok. wko
o bold MTtte frev tko olty oo
Dm ti. ovooltfM OBO ol Uo Bov
fevte with BBtloiOi OOBBOB BBd OB
anoWteola. Tko«skUaff «m evrM «B rtrkt
to ika volte of tb«
•Mckote OBi tko Briltek aoBortd
' kw*Ur< tko dtepotok oUtlBC tkol I0»
Brittek wm kUted v wooBdod. whUe
tko Bov lev voo olli^U Tk# mmt
dteMtoh ototod tbot OoploiBo OmtoU ond K»rkwood wm ooptorod by
tko Booro BOOT Ooloaao BBd wm ooat
to Proirorio.
' U. B. Bogsi* ot Oimnd Baplds
Ob DMOVkv tl tko Britteh oovmoeod o koooy eoBBOBOdta( of tko
KiUed Ulmsslf
Bov peolUoB ot Moddv Blov OBd ob
orUltory ohsofowoot oonod, teoUBf Aodltor a dk V. ■. aad D..
BMC« tkM OB koor.
Booty oOBBOBodlBC koB boos koord V. By. Oommittod BaMdo TmIbtToooaUy ot Mofoklaf sad yvtordoy ot day U OroBd Bopid»-lll Baoltk
^ Udyovttk torrUk bspIooIobo wm aad Barreaa Btrotn Bald to Mara
koord. It te bolteood tkot tko Bom Promptad tko Dood.
VkooooooooododlBblowtofop oom of Ofoad Bapldo, Dm. M. - BollroBd
1 WklWo rw- No IvportoBt eireloo. oad la tart tkte oatlre eom0 m roportod. kowoov, maaity. wm okockod ooon oftor boob
*• oltkv'frovLBdyovltk V tko Tu*lo today wkM It WM oaoouoed tkot U.
rtoor.olBM tko bottloofOoloBM Booth B. Banto. OBditor of tko C. A iS. M.
K olCiflibvteyoBdOolvborroaddtorv oad U. O. B A W. BoUwoy oyotom kad
^ korrotvytklBcteqoiot.
pot a bollot tkreork kte brola.
do dlipotobv My tkot tko ttiiifffK Mr. Bi«m took kte own life by a
dtlBBtioB, OB orrltiav ot Oopo Itewa okot tkroBCk tko kood while oluiait at
yvtordoy wttk two Uttolleai ot Bold kte dook la tko Mlekins Troot Oa.
orttUory oad tea oMaalttaB ootova boDdtiM. tko WMpoa mod WM a M
fv tko nttk dirteiOB. woo dtepolekiil eollhro Smith A Wooaoa rorolrv oad
to DvbOB. OoBorol Bollork ooit bot- tko bollm toft aa Bfly n*k. povlac
tlo te Uko’y to bo dotopod oatU tko mplotoly ikroork tko hood,
mlddlo of Boxtwooh
tko dood oMt o okmk Ikroork tbo
Bo will rlrtBoUy kov oodv kte eityv It wm aot kaowa that Mr.
dlroot eovmod tkrv oat. of tko Bro Borm «TM la 0 ooedlUoB to roadv
dlTtotoM Boot to tko Oopo, with
him dvpoadoBl. oltboork ko boo not
foortk dlriiloB lockod op oodv Ooo- bmn wall tor oomo time oad ot timm
oro) Wblto la Lodymltk. Tko nnolo wm oBoblo u alt v iload. It wm tnt
Ib( dlrteloB to dtetrtbotod oloBt tb< tbcarbt tkot Ue dond wm prompted Tbo lav OB the baUdiay te e«Umatod
wvtaro OBd nortken trooUero.
by dteoopoiatmoDt bomoM ot tbo al obOBi SSto. aad the 4pamn to tbo
With 4.000 BOB of tko vlfflBol rv- roooat cboorv in tbo roilrtmd oom otoek oad flztaroo, aa oqoal auoaai.
rlwo OBd ooMltorohte eorolry oddod. pony; bat tkte ooold not hore boon tko
bo kv ooUod tkrv dtvtelou lolo NoUl ck«M, 00 he WM only o day or two oye OBVBBAL I.AWTOM'S PITBBBAL
' tor tko rollof of o foortk. tootood
appointed eodttor of the eotlm new
oorrylBi tkon loto tko Prv Stoto
ayoMm of the eonoolldotod oomponlm.
oeoordoBM wito kte owb pIob fortood Dr. O. K. Joknaon, the fomlly pkyoiTmurday.
kotero bo loft Loodoo.
elan of Mr Bocore. yore M kte oplnioa
FkUov to follov LodyoBilth ot|v tbot the deed wm the reedlt of tom- Maalla. Dec. 90—The faoerol of U- a
Moovploto on ObOBdOBMBt ot kte porery iaaoalty. dM to ill kooltk
orlirlnol pUn of wpolfa will
MBtlaood eoffo'iay. Ike oomu
rnlaoM te kte ropototleo. Bo te otI- airala. wo. tkat Mr. Boym km baea moMtory to the Lnooto. to PMly and |
' doBtly otronrtkoalBC kte orvy by
etyoiay oo omMal of tbe porteo- tkoam to Uo tcoaoport TkomH. wbleb I
WltodthteaftomooB. Tbo preooooloa I
MOBBO IB kte poorv. oad will moko o tloo ot the dotoite of the tooaaolidi
•odor tbe band of tko TWon!
dtovvlBod oflort to emok uoaorol oflhotkrMMleklyoa raodo late tka
JoBborfo torv oad rooeoo tko (ontoOB Pm MarqMUe te oteo baltomd to kora
balm tko orrlrol ot Ooaorol Beborto. eoatrlbatod to the atoto of mind tkot
wke orlU bo dM In Oopo Town la rmaltod to Mr. Baym Uklay kte Ufe. battery of artUtoiy; a anabor of eloryyaaa; tko poroooal oUff of tko yoatwtovdoyoMr. Boym wm 48 yoon old.
Be roport ka* yol bov roeolood ot Imvvo widow aad o doayhtor. the oral ofoot: Oaaarolo Wboalv. Botm.
tko dtopviteoB of tko vlfo trola wkiek lotavoobildof Hyoon. Be kod llrod Poraytk. Kokbe oadSekwoa oadAimlro\ Wotaoa; Oenrrol Otte oad otalf: Ue
orrlTod ot Ctepo Town ob Toaodoy,
la Ofoad Bopida tv tka paat too ymn.
thOBOWo voy kov bosa ooppr
All of kte life hod boon dovotod to tka twain ooMBle and mombm of tko
tor milHory raaaoao Tbov twolv roUrood bwiaev la im bo oatmd Pailip^o Sapromo eiMri. NaUm dolhMoy ffoao wlU bo a jpool addition to tko ofleo Ot AwteUot Tromarv How' oyatlOM from towm wbm Ooaerol
Britteh Itao of ottoek It tkm ord von ordVtkoaAW. M. oadD-.O. E. A Ltwtos kod mubltekod oiril nrvammto proiiBtad vrootka. Women
trolBod ia tkolr veAt that pw tbo oAv wm lomtod
MfMidw Rt*v. Dm. M —Tko way tko ia Detroit, aad wm tkat of tko Detroit, from tbo oomo towao proaented to Mro.
Bom kept op tkoir ovlm fooUlodo Laaalay A Uko Mleklyoa. Tba yoaia Ltwtoa yMtorday aondoloaev oad
• eworo. Crowdo of aatlrm aid Amerit loot alrbt okowo ayo. wkaa tko oflem wm romi
km from Detroit a^ Maekoyoi
kmde BBOormd.
aaadn • by Lord Motkoaa. It to the Umo ot tbe aaloa
tbo O. A W.
oridoBt tkkt tkoy liTO lo tkoir
M. aad Uo D O. R. A W. iatormta. ka Poor OBltetod pall k
a to the Uaitod SUtoa.
Notlfv from tko Bov laofw oay WM made aaditor hors. Oa Tbaraday
prominent New York official
tkat tko oaomy to boeomlac hoBfriv
rm made auditor of tko oow ayoaaid the eeuenl use of tbe tele
dally. Ikoy oro oUowod oaly
pbone bad made tbe taak of efficpoBBlklM ot moal dolly botvom toar Dooeoood WM klykly oetoomod U
Protecting life and properly
mM. Tbt BOtlov Bdd that tkm te roUrood oirelm and popalv ooriaUy GrooiDvtraottoeof Property ia Oti_ over 50 per cent, eaaier.
moah oMtooioa la tko Boor
Hit dmtk will bo a Mow to tko rolleoyc TeiAerday—Miac Piremoa
Telephoning in caA of fire, ac^
Tko Proe SUM Bom eomplola tkot road eompoay m well m to kte hmt of
Irjarod. Two BoriOMly.
cident or burglary baa become a
tko Trutevoalm ore betur trootod
Okwayo. Doe. 80-A Wy btow v recognixcd’nM^tyr
tboa tkoy. oad tkot tkoir kordMlpo
eojrred la tkte city today that oaaaod
oro aabooroblo. Tko
Every well regulat
qioUodtkorrombaas. bat tko Prm Am to bb Vora By Britteh Soldlm la alov of tt.000.000 boaldv tnjariay
ed booaebold baa a
Bine men. two ol tkam avlonaly.
SulUto m dtepofolac la rrootor anntelephone.
wm dteeownd oorly la
bmtkaa kmiotoro
Have you one in
thomoraiiiylatbe ooroa otory bnlldWorevtor. Maao, Ooo to.—A
Tka Bav orUllery wao woU ao:
yonr borne?
yMtorday- la tko moroiaf the oBomy afoetorv of eorterldn balte la tkte alty lay at no aad ttS Moaroo otroot.which
complotoly dvtroyod. Tko two
yorBAKU T*|ik«iCh
toBBd tko roan
dmppad a a
orammt yootoeday tor 48.000 donblo adjolatay boUdiaya, fleo aad oevoa
kv of okalte doonrooaly aoor
otoriv la kolybt, wm ateo damayod.
Brtttek Borol COM Boom of tkm foil kOBdollv mrtrtdn bolto It te mid
Wllktatwoaty yordt of tboao foBO. that tbo ordv te a raU OBO, aad aort- Tbe wvk of tka Sromoa wm yrMtly
rtdn balte wttl bo ohlppod to tko kladecwl by the lauaM eoU. all tko
uotM belay tklokly eooUd with
Traaotool to tote of M«ml
Tko priaelpal1 loom havo baaa ca
ttamtad m foltowa:
Bon' BBBd will
>*•- P. * P. K. PermoUr Paraod Orv to Waolqy A On.. wooloB yoodo. SIM.000: Bdwmrda Staawood A Oo.. oaccM
qoat ot Pork Plom Motol
■ow Pm MorqoMta My. Oe.
te Pbolpo. Dodn d Palmv. wkolo-l
fkte BroBlaff.
Boylaow. Doe. 80.-A dmd troMtor- eUo boote aad abooa, SMO.OOO: 3. W.
It hoo koM tka eostom of tka Boyo' rlay iko r. A P. M. BoUicad eompoay BaUv Papv Co. ftoo.000; Boary a
boBd to flv a baaqaot oaeh yov. oad to tko- "
SbooBTd Prtatisy Oo., •Itl.OOO; lev oa! oaUl^ what wo kaoo ob haad mt
X o«-aatfl Job. tot, only—New
«hteynvtkoevoBtwill bo mmtkaa tkte moralay.
bandtoya.SUOjn. AU tow are eev-'
te tko tlam te bay a yood Camm
n|l*.lU. ovd by iaoBraad^
terdlBorily OBjoyokto. Tbo tvot wtu yiooa, bat tko
koavTodby UBdlord BoUtea ot Pork 8Jla
Oi^ Bebt. OVammor aad Jaw; OT Kodak ekoap.
Bvarythlay yev at tkOM
PteMo Bad tka kaad wtU make It tko PatMaktam
WeeUn wm oartoMly tojarad. WUprtov. latormattoB ekoortaUy
knot Bow TavkdUav la Ittktetoiy.
Uam PaddOB, Mtohaal O'BarB, O^k
IwiUbaotBoaaah A I«y MmaB*
■i. at
I BvBas, 0^ Wllltom Oaiqy.l
Mto Oeb. Vm OB BaOBrdpy. doa.Ikew VOmmor, Imha Bayto,
aary aik. to rmatvo tana tor
Itealaaali toorMklp. W. K. Pratt,
^dryanidotootoM flow Mat ,
$3 00
'^—'-“ALFRED V.
mimwEW Tars dinieii
Wait’s Drug Store.
The Long
Winter Evenings
Are upon us and call for some kind of home amuse
ments for ourseivos and friends. We have a few new
games that are popular.
Our “Crown Boards" are the best thing in the
Flag BimMf Carts for ISctBts
RililB Gana af Carts for $0 caats
Will refund money if yon don't lik5 thorn.
wm sxohange ths new 80-game Oarom Boards tor
you your old ons If yon wuh.
Spacial Sale Moodarai “Booita Ware."
290-223 Front Street
Balph Oonnable Jr., Manageif.
*niiB voetbor ia beautifnl for o
‘Zero” Ulsters
They are selling fast—16.50 to IIS.OO.
Men’s Orarooats. $5.00, $6.50, $t?.00, $10.00 to $19.00.
Reefers for men and boys-Sweatera, Ondervear, Cap*,
boeier^, duck coata, kersey panti, etc.
Boy's BBd ekUdroa*! LOTyiaa. ole.
We wish you all
A Very, Very
Happy New Year!
, and may It be a pmpcruua oi
Here Are Some Prices
Used PiaDOR and Organs
That Will Interest You.
piano, Ts; ocuve, line mw. with otool
... Boi Orgaas From $10.00 ig...
AU theae gooda are all in fiue condition and wiU please yon.
Call Early—Easy Terms
111 kiiils of Masical Gooils.
Talkiog Madiiaas aad Sappllas.
Sheet Sueic e. H.„
129 Front Hire *t.
H. S ST&OVQ. Manager
It’s a Feat
To Fit The Feet
But we can do it. Our customers will not have to
break in the footwear we sell them.
Well made shoe^ 6tting perfecUj. will be com
fortable from the first. This !s worth Bomething
but we charge only for the value of the leather.
Our $4.00 Box and Velour Calf Shoes for g^tlemen are the finest ever sold at the price. Tliey re
tain their shape and look well until worn ont.
Front Street
mm MOMTOiq Mooyp
mm. T. BAf *» J- W. Sa«»
f, «. ■>■—. Mte Md I
tort OcwuvM.
Twt«dA7'> nvUw of tir*d« la tk«
pallod SUM
«k»»lBr*^nBSF**^ ladMtrUoMAfHoMoftUT^ to kOM Nrto*'«d
i^iafTto rwiordod. Tbaytorim
feM kOM tk« teaMT 7wr la
pwriil Wctoir. Ui* ««1bm of dowo«ta aadiorolr«tndebota«to«hlcbMt
afar raaebod. d reoocd toaaklac pto$w$%kom to toeordto la oMrlj all UaM
ad tadaaUT aad to* oaBilaaaBM of toto
aOBdlUoa ka* kora pkracMaaltU (ooerd of tottaial ako«* bato•MidtoaMt* V-bato k**B to* *Ml
>*at la **fMl*M 7*ata. la lada«(rlal
)laa* oaortooa* *xtoMloa* and adraae*
of warn »ark to* 7*ar. Tk« wpoA*
tro« toto eoaatoy r*aek*d to*
mam taa of r .no.«KCo^ aa laenaa*
aftortoparoMlowlwe. tto* fraat
dapaad for dB*rtoaa arodaeto a
HOtotooi to waUaa* to lapranai Tk*
katldlBC of raUroad* ka* b**a baartor
toaa la toa a*ara. Bai to* kalldlaf oi
raUroad* aa* k**a d*aaad*d bj latotoilar kmliUM WhU* to* jaar
a to a krlcbtpn
YWiorT'nw will Mark to* dawn of
aaatoar jaar of (T*al proaparUj la to*
Didtoditoatoa W*ar* at p*ao* wito
aU aauoa* aad to*M U a fair proapeet
Itet to* tooBbto la to* PhUIpplM* wUl
MM b* aatUed aad ordar b* «iilabltob
ad la ov peaaaatoa* ll to* oriaak
Tb* do** of to* old 7MT flad* oar
fipnrto* nihii wito order*, oar work
lac Moa aanuBC laeraaaed wac«* and
badaiM fanwall; toroockoat
aoutry OB a aoaadar haaU toaa la
paajTaar*. IVareti* OU7 ba* b*en
a*p*Blally favored aad oar tbrivtar
aoMBanity to rrowiac la waaltb and
aoBMwalal iMporlaae*. Wito to***
aoadlUoa* toey*v laoowlU b* a*k«red
la BBdar to* brlfblaat aaaple**. aad
to* •aaUaMBt wbieb proMpto to* Hap
py Hew Year rrMtiac wUl b* r*ar*>d
U tto fnllaat dcnldc*a**. Tb* Becobd
aordlally eatoade a Happy New Y«ar
ko rrerfoa* «ltb toe bop* aad toll*f
toat to* *ad of IWO win *bow toat 11
ka* lad**d b**p aaotoar
year for Mtoblfaa and f <r toe aailoa.
Ml t» MM kli fW«V«« B HM to W
XTwnxu sLAXoaA’n:
SbaS taXektorMraat I
IM way toto btofalMbow
■ •ftonXMH and It wfil b* an .
• meathata of Trav***a Cl(y
I blM to fatara
Pferram Wtm Inst X>ctob
lodta. No. »U. E. P. O. Blka. ara MktfalBMa aad M*rcy. wUab to
atootatatytoaoMaarylaa toodara «ar.
A eary p)£mt opan maaMar and tar ataboMt* prapnratlw tor tha
rtor boy.
MtotolnMdM of too UnaolnUlmiy Udtoi' Hodnl Bmdim to ha flvan to
aortoty wat bdd laat aeaalar la benar to* aty Opma Bom* Monday armUntr.
«f Bdwta Obapmas. iarmariy prMtdaU TbtowUbeaa Inaovatloa tot^ THvUty and Mm mombar* propoM to
of toa aeeialy. whole la thadtytrem
(ha Btnt* Hcrmal aebool at Ypdlaatl. mnka It a rad Wttor ovaat to to* htoA pambar of etaiiar* w«r* prmiat aad toey of to* lode*.
Bnak Star* oa Yrtoorlto rrapwty
M eoeadon wa* a ddlcbtfd ona.
boM troabt I tor yania
Ad)*lalac »ra*eb BloMt.
Tb* IntdOaomd aim* of to* errant- riStSM.
tMpartaat iMpeova- aatloa warn not loat drbt at kow<
a*Bt to abMt to b* mada m Tnat aad aa axealleot pracna was clvan. barlala'B Oolie, C^olan aad nairhom
atiMt wbar* tk* oM rrMtetoMl
olamatlen by Ways* L. Watora Bamedy. Afmr ariar tare boUlmM
■tood b«fot* to* bit ftr* tore* year*
tb* dial aasbar, whleb wa* fol
a o Prank Prtodrteb
lowed by a qaaetlM boa. A roadtar. a fltot^iuy'nmdH^Sr ^brntoBto^Z
deal with to* Praldrleh «*«i* wh*r*by Tb* Oar** of Llqaor.” by Ctoarlo*
k* •aoam lor a a*w baUdiaf twenty BobbI* wa* maeh ^preelatod.
taat adjolalac tb* Brotob bloek. w**l,
Two very Imtraetlva wiay* w
aad apes wbleh b* wm«r*rt a modara r ad, ••MtehlfaB." by Harray TWpp.
twootory hrtok baUdln*. Tb* •irac
“Ut* la a Lambar Clamp.’* by Latore wUl b* aapadally dadiradi tor a land Tripp.
modan *bo* ator* aad CVtod wito
Tba aabjaet tor dtooamkiri was. *'
•eaiy eoaraatoM* for a .arfo and ap •olvad.-That Ilf* to what w* mak* Ik”
la dau atoekTb* *flfmkUe* wm ably
Tb* front of to* ball ’Irr wlU b* aa- Lpato Blrdadl aad ObmUa Elton. whUa
Ilk* aaythlBC m Front >tra*t at pre*' Harvey Tripp and AUnoa Ba^ lookad
oat bat will b* aevai aad attraeUve. after to* lat*ra*i* of to* aafativ*.
Tk* balldlar «U1 ba aUlCMd with to* Tb* }adre* rav* ton rlotory (o tha
Braaeb bloek. bat b*t<
Armatlva, aad Mr. Blrdaall wa* ylvea
aa* a deep bay window wUl rstaad all to* honor* a* tb* beat apeaker la toe
tb* way to to* top of th* balldlar pro- debato.
(•etlac oat two ai»d eao-balf faat. Tb*
froat wUl ba atiraoUvly oraama
It McNamara to vtolUar hi* old bom*
Tb* balldlar wU 1
la Chdaaa. Mioh.
HI** Bd* Kaha arrivMl laat eeMlac
Mr. Prtodrtob mil not *t one* oom- from Mantote* for a tow day* *tay la
pl*t*to*app*r *tory. Tbat part of tola city.
tha balldl^ wlU ba bald antU tom*
Prank Oardaar airivad la' tb* el(y
Urn* la to* tatnr*. wbaa, aboald to* yettorday to epead Saaday.
Pitodrieb e*tot« band oa to* van
Prank Prtederlek wa* la Ctodi^
proparty Praak'* baUdlBff eoaU b*
arraafad abova a* to eoatorm to tb*
Ealpb Oonaabl*. Jr., left l**t
etoar balldlaf. Tb* laUrlor of the lac tor Petoakey.
ator* will b* dttad ap la th* latoat
Mr*. E N PraU ntaraed laM
Please Call..
•tyl*. with aailf* n*w Aatara* aad will Inr from a vtoh la Uraad Eapldt.
baadaomaly tarekhad. Work 00
B P. MeAlvay of Maatotoa was la
And Get It.
■traetar* wUl b*atart*d thto
toe elty yeatarday.
aad wkM eosplatod toa ooat wlU apJohn Soott of Maple Clip to at to*
proalmat* tt.ooo. Haaapaetato hava Cotambla.
th* baUdlar raady tor eeeapaney by
U. U. Nlekwmw of
Mareh 1* ______________
Traven* City vtoltor jt
187 State St.
J. W. Beaaltor of Aldan to at toa Oo
Tb* *MM*t far naw maBbaib by
Joba OampMy of MaatotM to at th*
Travnra* Oily Tbat Mo. m. K. O. T- M.
wUl oad oa PridaJi Jan. te. lastoad
A. D. Oreoa. adverttolor Baaacer of
to* Uth, a* alatad y**torday.
the Uraad Eapldt Bvaalac Prta*. pam
la to* deal by waleh W. L. Brewa ad toroayb toe elty yaalerday oo bit
w*y to loierloebeo to vtoll bl* aoo.wBo
•old to* Oolambla bold property
Mwba*: Watob. a dwaiUar on Taato 1* rmplo.ved on the railroad.
FttiK mmm m bvild
Am- At pwfaint. Aftw I
you 30 per ceaL ioor«.
my stock ledoced they -will east
Hoae Oak. • aeod rouad onk 89.75, ngokr
price 111.75.
No. 16 Pei
No. 18 Peoiualar Bom* Onk. a rood roond onk $lfi.75.ngnInr price $18.0a
Na 514 Onk Pomimlnr S13.50. ragolnr price $17 50.
No. 141 Onk PeDiitooInr 814.50, rngoUr priea 818.75.
No. 35 kfnple Peobunlar, a nice Inive banter 89.75, regnlnr
price 811.75.
I bare n Urge line of snu^e consuning bot Uaat PaminnaUrn.
one of tbo very beat nnk most ecooooiiofa bentera made. Box
stems from 8'i.75 op. Doabl* nbeet steel, air tight,
top and front do.ar |o 75 and op. We ham a large oompUte
lioa (d ftoms and ranges.
Slaters House Furnishing Store
190 Front Stroat.
:t YOU...
•Ueat wa* ladaded. Into* ded U.
MOwaalavolvad. of whleb toe tana
of Mr. Watoh. valatd at pt.ooo waapart
Saa Benda will leave Tereday for a
Tbar* wUl b* a apedal coaveaUM of trie to New York nod Cbiearoafur
Travora* City Uedco. K. of P. oa Moa,day •eealar.
Tbelr Plrat OnTtalo Pole*.
to* tolrd raab. A baetolaak aappw
Tb* Michyao Uaoafaetarioir Oo.
wUt loUow to* taadoa.
yeatorday taroec oai the flr*t flolabed
Tb* Naw Yearb dlaaar rivea by to* enruia polr* to be mede by the lew
ladlM of tb* Piiat M. B. obareb wUl be factory. The p.ant U now In ycod
h*la la Oiaar* haU toMorrow froai tl worklry order and a ahipmeot of lu
prodeel* will be made early io toe
a. M. to * p. M. Prlo* It caatn ^ AU week. Tbr company baa order* ahead
to keep them yoiny antil March.
Two book* ar* mtodar from thi
Aa a core for rheamatlam Obambortmdl**' Llbiary. No. l«*», ‘'Bolany©.' lalna Pain Balm to yainlar a wide
aad N» ins. “Th* W*Ur* of Oaaay rrpeUtion D. H. Jobnaton of Biebid, led., baa been trembled wUb
havTbat FUI^bo Jaata wkiek came to
to*D»ltod8Ula*tolrMt with Preal- lof tb*m ar« nqaaawd to ratarn toea that allm italneelM:. InI aprakins
o' It be i*y%; ”1 never femnd anytblny
«*M McKinley for to* aarrender of at to* aaat b**ubc.
that would r*Hw mv nnUl I nwd
dcalnaldo for a eonalderatioa bav*
» iB*iaa»Uen will b* hdd to Cbambrrlatn'a P*lD Balm. It *eu like
irricwiihmc My foot w** Barollra
doabclM* l*aro*d by toto Ume tbat morrow avwUar for th* OompaaloB*
.Dd palciay atv vny nueb. but one
whM UM*ral Oi* lald: “Oaoeodl' aad Per«*tsr*of Oonrt Ttanr**, No.
rood application of Kin Balm rcHewd
kiaaal •arrandar.'' toat wa* wbat be aadOoartTrav*r**No. us.aKo'clodt. m* For aalf- by S B. Wan and P. C.
MMtot. and that to wbat the adnlato- All
and For«*t*ia and TaoKPanx Dmr«rl*<*
toatton reqolr** bln to acxMpltoh.
famUto* an lariied to b* preaeav
Aftar to* iMtailation. * banqoet and
TBX OdKBlBB HOT bdl WlU follow. Card caaw
ptovided lor tooM who do aoi daaee.
Th* advaao* aale of **ai* fur W. M.
■•Will Wlak Beaord •abaenb.-t*
Morra la “Tb* Advantore of Imdy
X >ppy BeW Year ToMorrow.
Ureal*’’ OpwtoO ap very brtokly yntorOa Monday awralar. New Year'*, toe day moralar *t to* boa oAIm In *pi *
aarrlar boy* of Tnc Uukmuo H*u>ai> Of to* catrem* oold wMto*.
wUleall apon toe *atoerlber* oa toelr ' Tb* loea! bx>k daalore have aold oat
mpeeilv* roato* to preaeav iheoaoj- t ie>r eappiy of Aathooy Uope'e tBCthere's 4 man fn
pllaMt* of toe aeaeon and e*t«ad eeaatai novel. “Ta* Adventareof Lady
bappy rre^t^V* of the new year. Ike V raala.” owlac to to* rreat iot«re*t toKc*<if»n mAe fayan maltny
boya who ban been taitbfal darlaf toe
$hM* In !M mtd U ttai *t H.
to* oomlar prodoetloo of toto
paat year, ia *011* of to* weather,
Hi fumr it
j£t it
play Beat W«do«*day •vesiar- A daw
wb*to*r cold, wet or Btonny, wlU take •ewaapply Ueapwstod. however. *lto<Mrmor noln. 7\a/ 'a a taUr*S<
planear* la wtoblaf Kkoobo •abeerlbei* *r to morrow or TaeMay.
ftir *>yn ttul he is a good shotaad wbea
• •ardlal Happy New Y.
At CharlavoU' to* earemoay wa* per-'
win five
rfhi^ WefustatAnttot^you
formed Taawlay that mad* Kraak BaitM *ndi a pr*tiy *omvm»lr d«*lrn*d uthAt ht mAhtt Its A l^ks' $t»t
a*r of ton elty aad Mw* Marina Kirby
prmilT for tbe ooeaaloo. Tb* eover of of CharlavoU bnnbaad aad wUa Aftor
thAt stUsfotSSA pAb> fafacA a
Iharrocllop ^ * *peeiaUy Mrraeid th*o*rem>oyad*lMioMW*ddlar dls-,
fust the bett shot for thAt price
toataro datlfn*d b* Mr. T. B. A- TrothAt rorr camr ouf ofAt^ man’a
aw wa* •arvad, aad to* happy aoapl*
^ and U to •atraatlv* of the
left tor thto wty. wbar* to*y wlU mak*
•*wa of to* poet year aad of
better try a pAir.
Yoo'tt Uht
torir boma
tb* fatar* parpo*** of to* Bsoean
them.amhtiam)yoamSL Vtm
UerlaatBC with tomarraw *v*alar.
Yb* mmm w«r« writtoJ by Mia. M. E
doBAMforAlItlyUs. Wt’rimU
to* whnu* of th* walsr work* wUl
*e. Bat**, aad toe •*aUm*at wUl apayento/or Mr
*’Chnvoblow at 7 o’eleek, to* boor that hM
pMl to oe*ry paiaoa wbo raedve* oa*
k*ea adoptod lor th* eknlaf at to*
Pkw r**d*m of a meralar *••*■
fapar rodto* tb* werk •nlaUad apo* ■tor**.
Tte hotel OolamWa to maklaf *labothoMrrlm boy. B* ma*t tone* hU
bod at»:» la to* mor*lar.wbll* *verj- rat* prapantloM tor toa aeeemmodabody to ooand la damb«r and no mat- tloD Of aa aaaaaaUy larfa arewd at
tor what to* w*ath«r h* matt r*t the tbalr Naw T«arb dlanw toaMrrrow.
a. Eillbb*. *caat for to* World Wm^pm to the doeea of the •ubaeribon
•yet* r*et*v*d a (arc* ahlpmMt yesurrnMm*. Somotlmw It woald be a
di^. aad wito toM*. “• bteyei* baut |
ba«^<P rrr'b *o m**' bard«aed by eatorfiva” Tb* whealooatdKN, pat bn'
no.«a. to rat oal M early la toe
pat la by Mr. Btokb tor tb* M* of ;
tar aad bMtU aboai town la to* aaow
tb* paaua
•r T*—” a* toa ea*e mif ht b*. bat the
CaarU* K Ooaala* and Viola Snyder;
I Now >» toe tioM to hav* yonr Bicycle
BacdBP bey* arrM Blneb. altboorh
at K**i bay wan rmntod a 1m*bm to rwonax*lU(And cleaned *p ready foi
pamMlm** eoadtUoa* have tatort*rr*d
marry y**t«rd*y.
frith prompt delivery of to* pnprc- **»
Ta* ooya babo orebaatra wlU ga to
Free Storage All Winter.
toto koldoa oeear*. WhM to* r*ad«r
Bailain Moaday to play far a Now
My work can not b* boat and prlcK
•f to* papoc Po*** it for th* UtMt a*w»
yaar-a par(y
IbclowMt. Will call tor year wb**l
b* aatooiB thloka of th* trial* of to*
Tb* ranc of *Ma who hav* boM. call aad ret my prlcM
aarrlar hoy. b«t o*m a year U to qalt*
bw* at work M th* Ua«* of th* Mkhl- I Ball 'pbonc Na IVt. Nonhera ‘phoar
propm- that th* earriar boy to>dd be >**• Tatepboa* Co. hav* retohad taoir
cvaaldw^ aad la prmMtl*r hi* Oroai- part of to* werk and hnaa ran* to
Frank Friedrich
The Old Relitble Shoe Mu
I will show you prices
that you can buy some
i”'" H. !. GIBUS, Prep.
Didn't bring every'boy and girl a sled, here’s a chance
for some one else to get them one. We're going to
help the young phcople enjoy this nice snow.
Remarkably low regular prices have been
reduced just an even twenty per cent.
Boy’s OoMtar, former price 25c, now
sellinRat................................................. $ .90
■itrm Long OoMMr, fimDer price
Steel Coaster, former price 81.S5,now
Boy's Sleds, former price 23c now
selling at...............................
Oooae neck Sleds, former price G5c
now..mnK.t.......................................................... M
Sleds, half rooiid rumiera, former price
75c. now m^linK at.................................................60
Sleds, half round ruiineru, former
price <1.-50 now selling at..................
Boy’s Bobs, former price <1.15, now
sflHnKat..................................................................... 69
Boy's Stesl Coaster, former p ue
fl.5U. now selling at..............................
Boy’s Steel Sleds, fouser price ll.-'jU
now selling at.................................. $ 1.80
Bxtrs Long Sleighs, former price
<1.70 now aelling at.........................
Bsll Besrlng Bobs, former price
<1.25. nowselliDgat........................
Ball Bearing Bobs, former price
<l.r>.5, now selling at........................
Baby Oatters. former price $2.85 now
selling Ht............................................
Baby Cattars, former price 83,7o4iow
Sleigh Boxes, former^price $140 now
peWiuKat...-...................................... ^ 1 18
Sleigh Banners to fit bnhy cabs,
forme*- price $1.00, now tu tling at.
more than ever before.
It is much cheaper than butter and answers- the same
purpose. Nothing injurious used in its manulactnre. Consists of creamery but
ler. oleo oilfneutral lard, milk, cream, salt and annette color. One grade sells for
18c a pound. The Fancy Special sells at 22c.
Ever Go Hunting
In The Winter?
No sport like it. Our stock of Hunter's
Supplies Has never more ccnipleu-. Wbst
sbont yonr guns—got ooe^—may want to trade
it off and get a better one. Have yuuAeen onr
Winchester Repeaters or tbe ttarlin RepeatenV
You may want one of tbs femons 28 Spencer
Rifles, sell at Ki2-5. Want a new canvass gnu
case for 76c» or a cartridge belt for oCk-y Make
. y^r first-call here and yen'll find everything
needed for yonr outfit.
Schools Will
Open Again
from tbe holiday vacation and the time for
Tablets and School Supplies will be here. We
are prepared for'it with School Books, Tablets,
(a great stock of both pencil ai^ ink tableta at
5c and 10c.) Pencils, Erasers, vkoa, PenboUeim,
rulers and all ^e little necessities that go to
make up the school life.
Tbonaaods of scholars mean thonsands of
articles for their work. 'We have anticipated
these demands.
«».L«P «T O^aatSALS.
I SUVt Memt
tf Stv\ereft. >
Mmr ailM. ft.d«r telMflsf to Mtebbol Ckryoator Is ■■obtooi towMbl^ Is
' SSPS0M4 to bo «s4 ssd bss Wttes
mamr osis. bonst ssd osMls. ao«o of
tbosslJBSkspfMrtobotflMod trltfe
Wb^to M won bertsc te wsur
OS tho Wb of rrssk buurv la Osstoo
»#wasbl>, Wsrso oosat7. U07 strsob
a bow of satarsl gt». Tbs drttl woo
dowB oal; SO fool wboo tbo |m bofsa
to flow. A BStob WM otrsek sad Ibo
CM IfsHod. tho floM of wblob ssa bo
soaaaqosrtorodo BlU swsc AtswsrtbMbooBoCorod.sfood prtM for
Uot Wodaoadsr tbo Pohofsa bsad
leffbooaoutf. roproooatlac Uo PottswstoBloi. qoitHoUlBod to Khwta
Mark sad s Mr. Blddloes. both of Obloafo, thslr latSTMt ta a traot of sbost
wsorosof Isadoa tho Isko frost to
that Ota. aafl toelodlac toad ooeoplod
by Pottv PalBor^ sad othor Am rootdoaoos. TboUdlasotbsa-sloeWd tbo
obtofsadTopMhsad Mopp to fo to
Wsobtocwa wtth Stork sad BMdtooa
aoat Tsoodsp, at too Isttorb oapoBM.
to top tho pspor bolon tbo ooorotsrj
of tho totortor, whoa. If siarond. tho
OSB Of lit.ooo wUl bo paid tbo boad,
orabostflioo oseh. If a ooeiaioa to
Bsdo to taror of tbo laXiaao oalio will
bo ooBBoao^ to raoorw lasdt arooad
MsektoM. Ulo «apa) aad otbor plaooo,
tobleb.ifoaoaaoofal. wUl atoko ororp
BSBbor of tbo bsad wosllbj.
J. W. Ooedwto, Urtoc ooatbwoat of
OsBdaa. WM oawtof Umbar. aad
foaad a doad ooea to a hollow lo*.
Tbiabtoc tbo aalBSi bad boos otaac
todosthbjr boM ho took tho
boMo. sad WbM SJBBlaod b7---------aatckksaa tho 000a akto wm foaad to
bo AIM with obcdM wbtto Mow
Utataldofoaoof OvoMob rooaat
hridn that wboa lafomod bp tho
blrod Ctrl that tbora «rao so br^ to
thoboiaafor brosktoat, oho atfslcbtwap rsoa too ardor, ••MskoooBO toMt.
Tbo Traoeott Boat Oo. of Hk Jaoepb
to flUtoc as ordar for foar bosto to bo
ablppod to Johaaaooborir.tloatb Afrloa.
sad a Uaaob d«Uaod for daotoaUa.
At too ArrtoBltaral OolU«o, a opoetol
ato woobo'boot oacar ooarM bM beoo
arraacod bp too oolUro satoarlUoo It
wUl Msotot of tootraeiloB to too
obcBtotrp of boot OBvmr prodoetloo.
aad to too taro aad ealtlraUoa of tbo
oafar boot crop. ‘ Moo oaporioBood to
tboBaaafBOtoreof bootkocar wUI bo
eboooa m iaatraetora.
Iwuon roeoltcd at Uadoa aaaoooeo
toat JasMSboiwalloftoatplas wm
kUlad to a Kloadlko cold bIbo s.boot
two Boatoo aco. Yob&c Sboiwoll loft
Uadoa to too foil of im to 000k kto
fortaao to too Atookaa fold nlnoa. He
otraek U rtob from too otsrt aad It to
oald that ho bod oororal well paplof
elalBaaitoo iiatt of bU doaui. 80
BOtbto death bp aa raploaloo of cm
Hbot^l WM atwat to roan of aca.
aad h ooa of A. Sbotwell. oeo of
I todaab bMt kaowa tarsora
09i. HacrM bM ooBBotod tbo ooa
toaooofMrk Mato Aaktok, eootiood at
Praakfort of too Border
doacktor. 00 toot obo will orrve bor Uf«
•oaUooo in tot Detroit honae of oao-^
rrwUon iMload of Jackooo prtooa.
A torco toad owaor to 0:ac«o doantp
to coln« to piaat an aw aero orebard oa
catormicDbcr laoda. Tboro will U
oear to.tno uow, Boot of toes apple,
and tbo toot pear.
WbUo Cbarlot Urahsin of Parattoftoa waa eotortainiDi eu paooio 'fa bio
Bra bonao. bo waa atrlcken wlto
paiplpato. doctoofcrworb UotoatU
Wmi»m»n M tmkm U1m« AM
Om* -M»wmgwA
BhM ««ika».
TMarte.».Ct.DM. M—rarUMton
tov* bmm nta-ni «r u «Mnc* wbM
WM fMMtlj «M«UI«4 m Tuu* !•>
Im4, H«w Babrlte. om sMiv* stohUM. ud lb* B«v.
f^aah Pattos, a Pra
ary, o
Tba aatina of tboM tolaade praeltoo
oaaaibaUaB wboa toop cot too opportaaitj. sad ossM ooMldeTablo troabto
to tbo BtoMosartoa aad trsdois.aoTo*al
of Uo Uttar harlac bSM shot dartoc
Ua .toot few aosths All tba Boa
sanycaMoraposra.sadtoo atookB
aria* sad irsdoto sro oosatsatip to
Tbs Bor. Mr. Pattos aad tbo aatle*
proaebw wore Soldtoc a prspor BMt
lac wboa flrod apos. Adalrsl Pearaoa dtopatohod B. M. 8. Waltoroa to
Tsasaa. sad too blsriaokoto bamod
tbo nltoao wbaro too Bardw wm <
Bitted. TboaatlMO, bowonr. h
of tbo ooBtoc of tbo warablp, aad dU
New Year’s
Bpt iho Mat VIU a Boobs AaoMtost
VhUoTkytocMBaoo a BsUdtoc
Pmsi tlis,
OBMa. Mieb . Doe to-Mra. WalMa
StobblMol-UtoptoM Bot arlUaoeip
eortoM seeldaat
While otoltlac bv asicbber.
Oaarca Siaoto.it a
the eblBaop of tba bosM wm oa AreThe todies, balac oloso to the boMe.
aad Mi« AtabWaa
btsralp ollBbad apes tho root aad
Badaaa sMompt to fsttocaleb tbo
fltBM to tbo eblBsap Wboa oa Ue
roof ebe boesBo dto«p aad alli^ed tff
to Ue rrwaad. etriktoc apos bor bead
aad raeoirtoc eorare bratoae. aad isJartoa to owe of bar opea. Abe atoo
trsotarod bor ooltor boao aad apralaod
a wrtot. Dr. P. J. Praltok of NorUport WM aooB oa the eoooe aad oa«oaadad to redactoc tbo trsotaro aad
BBlttac Ue patleat m oeafortable m
poMlbto aader the oIreaBBtsaeos
Oood Mew Tear’. BoadtocOso of tbo bMt toatarM pabltobod to
Maribsar*t for oobo Ubo aad om wblob
to alraadp attraettoc aoro tbaa paaotoc
attasttos, to aa antele oaUUod ••Ollecr
OroBwoU." bp Ooraraor Tboodora
Booaarolk Tbo artloid to
Ulsotiatod aad li
to OtoBwoU'o btotory aoi borsiotora
Ciroa poblldtp to toto eoaatry.
otbor Ado aod oacaclac arttolo to
“Tobbp aad Ortool.’’ oao of ). M.
Ba'rloto asoalloat prodaetlosa. Thto
alooto rarp
ktolp lllaktratod
•■Now AaiareUe Dtoeorerl^,” to a
BOW artlelo to tbo Ooatary, wbleb
partlenlarlp oatortatotof and afforde
BBob laainieuoa aad oafaftof raadtoc- Thto arttolo totrodaooo naap
baaaUtallp oolored maotfatlou wblob
OBool aaptbtocpot ciroa to tbo aedwa
auCMlaos Tbo Ooatary Now Yosr
aastoor to so oaoopttoBallp flat aanbor.
“Tbo VaadorbUto aad Uo VaadorbOtllfUtoBa.” to aa srttoto to Tbo
Maaup for Jaaaary wblob jMt bow to
parUestorly applloablo. It to wall
lllaotrstod “la tba PaWle Bpo" ri«M
ODBO BOW fMtarok aad ohow* portratIloo of Baap aoiod poroooa. aloo wrilc■p of a ralaablo aatara.
-■TtaoBlcbiBaadof tba OoBttooaf'
to the loader fa Barper'e for Jaaaarp,
It to a work of Cbae. P LoBBto and to
worthp of osTBMt poraaal. ObalBota
lotomtlac ertloal
oaUUod “Wboro Bmi aad Won Meet “
litoaa arttolo wbleb will be earo in
oocafo tbo attoatloB 00 tboM wtotor
itoc* aad afforde ^iMearo end laeuaettooTbk Chp Book Sum eoatolM all tbo
latoat macatiaee lor Jaaaarp and all
of tbea are woaderfoUp totereeUar.
■M- STtWIW Wit MltE
Brttlsk VeoMl Wteokad to a Biotb
Near VtoBoad Bboala.
Norfolk. Va . Dae. lO-TViMi at bm
ofatotcaUrae aiotod eobooaor.aad
arebsblp bor oatirr eraw, wm reported
bora Uot aicbt bp Oaptoto W. D. LewU.
of Uo Brttieb otoaBor Aebtosds /^o
Aeblsado. boaad from Oalrwtta itor
MarMllloe. toeebod here for baakor
aoal. Oaptato Lowto raportod that
pooterdap be oBBod abogi twaatT-Ara
milea aorUeeet of UleBond Shoal*
(Ctope UattoTM) Hrbteblp, a Urao
OMtod aebooaor. on wblob all Mra brr
topmMIe were *abmerced. The wraek
Ua* to Ua track of ooMtwtoo ataaaora.
aod Oapiato Lowto ballerM It a raoaat
oaa. Notraeeaof Uaaebooaar'aerow.
wbicb probablp eooetowd of aboat
alckt BOB. wara rtolbls
Bobbara tried to bold up a atrMt ear
la Uo heart of Uo dtp of AmMIo.
Waak., Tbsradap nlcbt- PsaBacaro
I Ualr rarolrara fraalp sad ooa
robbar WM klllad._________ _
BoQoa'BtasadbMboaadaalcsaUd M
tba ofielal ABorlesa bsad to ptop at
Brteral of Uir aeiltv ts|M-r* in Bombap are oaa urclaa ib<-lr raatlm to
rraort to liiortiUtloo M a prerantloa
acalnn the plomM.
A Xaaa. OlMr Brato.
Tonr boot fMltofa. poor eodal pealties or bodnoae aaecoM depend lerrolp
« Uo parfeet aetioo of poor Stotnael
«ad Urer Dr. Etar** New Lite PUU
rlre toereeeod etreaitb. a kMB. deer
brato. bleb ambilfoB A tfi eent bos
vUl make poo feel like e new b*1or
toU bp Je« U. Jq^oeoD end 8 B
Welt, drorcteto.
The Adventure of Lady Ursula.
The rMldrou of Trarer** OUp and | eonadp rela. H >we»er, (earioe deu>«
parUralarIp U* eBarteel bare baron t jo. abe had bar Inrer dlaaptwar. Soalto am«r« tbrlr Uentra parilM tor lb 1; m*aUnr to the ynard room
ooBlar aacarainaat of Mr. Willtoa I ur-* lodfo. On 1 aratoc of ibto. Lord
Morrto and bto tieoilent eoopaap 1 Uaaaaadrn. Ladp I'nula'a braiber.
endar ibe dlrretlon of Uaalel V Artbor ' promptlp abaUenfM Sir Oaor(a to nor
aiStatobert'aUraad neat Wadnawlap ; Ul eoBWt Lvip Uraola. alarmrt bp
erealor. Jab I. to Ua cbarBlar new | tba reaolt of bar prank and to bops of
oooBndp bp AnUaop Hope. ooUtlad I amorinr a raeoneniatlon. dinrnlaaa
"Tba Advaalora of Lodp I'reola.'’ herarlf m a pooor and abaent brother,
with Mr WitllaB MonU and MUa and leea Sir (leorce to n acene in the
Fraaee* Draba to Ue leadinr rolea, ‘
The plap will be prodneed bp apeeial ]
arranreBaoi wtU Mr. Daniel Prohaaa aod with m eaneptlonallp alronr
Al Ma qapUa. Bob Fl ifafald to
wadar amat ebarffad wUb amaou
with toieai to Barter. FiUxarald to
loreBaaofB. ' J. Uoodmao'k lofrtot
aaBeaear Champioa. He aad some
aoBpaotoM look a atrmafar aamad
Moaa* I’eieraoB, wbo waMarad loio
eamp, and *lroa|r hlB ap bp a ropa till
ba WM black to Ua face. FlUfarald
oapatbe affair WM a Jw,-bat
—• Paur-'.cMtaadasoaaaary
Mwtoto a bad at
>*4>y M a M ara rartlp M<
fwaalt of the *cara.
OaorveKep of Am Arbor. Am a
Tba aiorp to dellrhUaUp told aad
proaaa* of maktor atoel wiUoot «otor ladrtof from tba bifh pratoa that ba*
Urt«rb all Ue aopaiiM -followad kp baaa abowarad npM It bp boU erittoa
M ise sense oi ane
Ua BB**Bar paopto. Jet* of atoam Md poUto a iraat to to atora tor plap to laid In the daalltor era. doaltuit
art Uewa tkroavh Ue Boltaa iroo m Travorn* Cup Uaatrnroara.
to Ue chief BoUva of aetioo. Mlaa
U mo froa Ue foruaa. and at Ua U.
Tbaaeanaaare laid to ITM and Ua Drake to brr d;aeoU took of crMttor
of M. Uto WM Irtad and a varp food andl'eaoa U traaaplaolad. to laBur'charaetar. aaw, freak and brilliant.
qaaUtp of atoltoabia aMt.alaat rMolt- nntlooatUaat.totothatatranfn.qaatotjbM drawn on all the fenlntoa raaonro
old world to wbtoh Popa.Addtooa.DoId-! m of iM ato(a. Tba
aalU. Lord ChaatarSald. and a boat of , aad IrrMponalhllUp of Ua Ant nek In
jMt Baaed Sto Ufa.
->a)or aad alaor oalebriilM. tba aad prank of Inradtoc a wall
h,.tr kMlnv
Aft Ikmftjnft
kAfeApW* kMftaft
It WM a UrlUiar Boape that Cbartoa
» aod bad tbrtr
bainr- A*
tba UDa
borne, m
Daato of Bowaratoo, U .latalp bad from of Ua plap Imtl a. a prtooipal aart to portrapad bp Mtoa Draba. to aald to ba
a frlrbtfnl daaU. Par two poara a aaawra lane Uoabla eooatantlp yrai aarirnad,to a noaan, aad Mia* Pmaaa oaaofUablUof Ua ptop. Mr. Morwn*M aaUl it aaemad be BMt dra o Drake m Ladp Urnnia Barrinrtoo, rU M Sir Oeorre. Ua aalabralad dealOnoNBptioa. Tbea ha befu 10 ns aehtoeao a daddad wioaph. In Ua ttoV wboB tbfjdapfnf of a triesd bM
Dr. Euir'a Naw Dtiaorarp and totelp flat act, ladp Uraalatbtak* it
driraa U a bait's life, makaa a pro
wrgM: “lirara iMtoot reliaf and afbit, and bto snbaaqnent prototoad a parBamt anm-- Saab woo- ba rrMi •port to rbloWalttOMe toio
4Mrfol anraa bare for It peara, proeea UeboaMofa ponaf "woiaan baler,*• taeUca of Lodp
to Ua rototartof
, Ma powar to onm all Throat. CoMt aad StrUaerye SlIsMtar (Mr. Morri*) In raart room, ealU for that to neb of
VlmactoonblM. Prtoa »«e and Si W. bar madeop prank aba daelden te r»lb
barotoB wlU wblob that baadaoBa
'^l•e■ybDtUanarMltand. Trial boUlM
line btdaa «. JabaaM’o aad A A oolrtOM bp a wau ttmed fatoV aad to a«tac,.Mr. Morrto,oldthMntof Ua
rtwardadbybatoffrtlarrtdtoUa por-
A Car* for NanrooA
January lst,||
1900 •" •»
and Cameras
Bemember this offer ia good only
oiitil jAQoary 1st.
The larKest Hue in the city to
select from.
Full line of Eastman soppliM
TboipsoD’8 Drug Stoic
ronnallar Block.
We take these columns to express our sincere grati
tude to our friends and patrons for their liberal patron
age extended to us in the past year.
Oer business relationship has been most cordial
and most gratifying te ourselves.
Our aim for the year iqcx> will be to surpass our
former endeavors to serve you in dealing out merchan
dise of an honest character at just and legitimate prices.
Believing the principle of a one-priced institution is
being appreciated more daily we will not deviate from
our established custqm to trejt all. alike—equality being
the most fundameaul principle of the American people.
Thanking you in advance for your good intentions
toward us for the coming year, we remain.
Sincerely yours,
The Boston Store,
we a&k for the odd sizes in men's
aod women's shoes--A glance at
our show windows will show
yon the styies-The Valqe of the
Aboea 18 doable the price we ask for them.
We sell meii’a woolen sox for 10c a pair, and women’a atoekioga for 18o. Boy now and yon will save money.
19S mroA.t atf«M
! 6«MTaX'M«Q>t
Ttamraa a^. Dw. M
Ma. CaLaavn A BoaumtAv,
Ktod Btr.-U babaU of Ladtea' Aid
9mm rraiiUKi ti t4klM rifU qwr*mUmm pmmmUm»%c pnwi UaiaWV'
4wUm at Um taVMte pUffM by
1lto«Utteil«lh*«rut«t Bhtal*
tepplf lha M»7 o< M *1* Lmimmmm
lh« Bom wUl tvAaMlba
fMtoM of BriiUb piw— la PMorU
n« oUmI kM U Bapotla.
;j. P. Mathar. aad ba la a 41«aat
-------- ------ ^
MaUMT, tka Ba*
B^rtaailw who waaMI lha abareb b>
rate Om atata aa4 wba aaU tka( iba
«raalM»aarTtea ba aoate Aobla Ood
•waa to toaob oB lha tra «hteb baraad
lawltak. Tba Biaaorte Matbar la u
ymn old. bat oaocr day ba r^a ta a
«y«aaateB aad worhaoo tba ban.
Maa Yaarb Day tba Irat A»arteaa
I baab mt ^*aU baytea baalMaa la
Tba AMrtoaa ooh«y to Parla wUI
vaaavBlaa Maw Taar'a to ABorieaa
Ualtad biataa d«baaaad<r
iPortar aad Mra. Portar wUI raoalra oa
Maaday. aad aay AaMrteaa to Parla,
<«1tb or wilboat toniaUoa. wUl ba
AMTtUy walaoMad Valtad dtataa Ooaaal Oaoaral Oowdy »U1 raaaira oa
Taaoday to ordar aot to ooaflket wltb
Oaaaral Portar'a raoapttoe.
Maar Ardatora. I. T.. Cbarlaa ,Ohaya>Q attoBplad to drtoa throvh a
-awaUaaatraaa witb bU (aatUr. with
Aba raaalt that Mm. (Aapaaan aad tbair
AaarbUr #ara drowaad. Upoa b»to(
aildol tbaaaatdaot tba motbarolMr.
“CbapMa dted.
AHrad Morrteoa, a profaaaDr ol laa«aafoa. sUtook bU wtfa tor a bantUr
Ibaraday alykt aad abot bar. at tbair
Aoma to XV Vmoa. M. V. TbabaUat
■aatorad bar Utt aboaldor aad la todffod
«aar tba loaf- Sbaataydla.
t to tba (
tar a( war. Qaaatal PaUdo. ara baab at
Boly Oemm—lcd at t:4
HoiAtar Mrr*t* ^
i^toy dobaol at it b.
to tbaah yoo tar yoarktod aad rawaroM
Braatoc aarvloa at; p. mAU ara oordiaUy larltad to Ibaaa lift, whiah tbay raoairad tala maratof.
It araa at oaoa ptoaad to oar baaaTOlaat
faad aad will ba‘aaad to aaatetai
■. We^l wtah yoa a Happy
I Haw Taar, aad 'may tba ooattoi yaar
ba tba Boat proaparoaa CM to yoa.
CU« BaaUac at tott a ■.
•oaday aaboto at 11:U a «v
Mm. c. L.O0MCR.
Saa L. A. A of Ooay. abarah.
pMoaaif roa oatoi itwnm.
• aaratea.
Tba Udtea’Aid aoate^ ol tba Wat
. a. W. Saltb.
RyBBoatoB: -ObrlattoBUty to yoatb" M. B. abarak axtaito Mr. BoMotbal a
—KcU Kaltaar; •<Bwlatla^ty to baaP aola of tbaaka tor bte laaaroM doaa•aaa llfa.’'Okaaey (kdwoUfafli ‘*ChrtaV ttoa to tba aaady. aa It wabM it poatV
iaalo to aoelal Ufa,”—W. B. Saottt Ma tor M to warm aad brl|btoa tba
‘<autetfMHy to tba boBa."-Mra I a
Bobba: “ObrlaUaBUy to oU oca.”— bomaa of maay wbo apply to oa tor
J. B Baroay
Lauiu' Aia Suwtt.
iHtaltotioa of Bpo
Plmt M. B. ^arob.
Tabtai of tba pladfo .
MlB MaOey Batartotoad.
AddroM. by tba paator.
Oaaaaaratioa aarrtea.
Lwat Bight MIb Oaa MeOoy aBtertala*
ad a eospany of friaada at bar hose
oa Stole atraaV to honor of MlB Ida
Pickard of UOaad. Tba’evaaiag waa
kappUy paaaad with appropriate gasM
and frail waa aarvad.
Ha'. AmtIa/ JoMb. roMr.
Clay CleB‘^av Uatalaaiad aetor who
Chareb. Cor. Oak aad Plftb atraata.
te so wall kaowB to Ute elty. baa act
Baadayacbool at«:4t
Pablle worablp 11:00 a. m.
aall for AoatmliA »bara ba wUl paw
Y. P. ti. a B pnyar maatlai B:4t
taonortwo, If Inek followa him,
to Ua Uaalraa playing leglUBste
* Pablle womblp, 1:00 p. B. . *
New Year's aa a boBa aoBtoc” wUI
^^SMtol taatoraa of Uaae a
Tba poblie ara a
C A V M. Obaaga Tlsa.
y tot train No. e.
tba aooU booad train oa Ue C. A W.
M. will leave hare at 4:is p. b- toauad
of S:ll aa at paaaaaV
PaM Dear for Bfa Leg.
A D. Blanton of TbiekarvillA Tax.
fiiaaa BaaUap at »:U a b.
to two yaata paid < I SSOO.OO to doe^Jl^to# aabjaet ‘ThaP rvm'aa of tba
It off,
^{rLwabari nffi A ara raqaaatod to
_________ ___of Bu________
ba Mtaat at Boralaf aarrloa.
Amtea SalvA OaaraaUad eara for
K^^raabool at tba ateaa of m
PUm. toe a box. Bold by Jda 0
Johaaoa aad B. A
L WalV
■arrtea to tba Wat M. A abareb
tbto oTaaiBf. Bar. W. T. WoodX*.. Htraad to tba watarb adcaaad boaaa. paator of tba Ptrat BapUat
•aak off VaaoarUU oa tba Bad rtrar. obarab, wlU dallrar tba aanaao. Brief
ba ylvaa by allot
TbaoMNraaad araw wora oomyaUad
vto taka ta tba wAar aad awlw tor "tba~B^^' wlii b«toat 0:M o’eteak
obora aa It waa tapoaalbla to roa th: apdaooUsaa uUl ll:Mo'olodi.
Tbaraday-Oaoaral prayer Moattof
AoataBbarowboatbaSra waa dlaaoaat 1:»0 p. B.
wrad. riva aafro roaataboata from
"U torUattoB te astaodad to
Mhraraport wara aitbar boraad or
drowaad. Tba eaaaa of tba flra la oaaa». ftnwaiia.aaiAr.
PraaaklDi at 10:M a b.
A BrtUto aapedltloB baa boraad tomm
Baaday Bcbool at docb
•atlra *m«c« to Ua aaw Uabrldaa to
jDBMr Cbrlattoo Badaaw aooiety at
VootebBootfoc tba mordar of aoaw
to*MrBadtou aoetoty of OhrlaUaa Bo
daaror at 4 p. b.
Uar. Wood, of Crba. la rapwtad daYoaoi Paopla'a Boelaly of Cbr4atlaa
larad with applIeatloBi tor Oobaaa Badaaror at t:4& p b.
rbare will be do araolao aarrleo oa
who waot Dior, fav ottelai poatUoaa.
MaUrea to BoBoa ara raportad to aMoeai of tbr aoton waub aarvloa at
tor First M- E eborcb
Aava plottad a orMoacra of focatfoaro
A cordial ^oviutloo'axtandad to all.
•whieb waa dlaoororad to Ubo to praCHvai-u or i HsiKt.
waat Bora aarloot raaalta tbaa tba Be«. i. » SAes, Peauir.
morder of Praok Oorawall. a rlah
Brrrtaaa bald to Otmmf ball.
Saaday icbool at 9;to a b. .
BrltUh ptootar.
Bamoo I0:M a b. ThaBA "Tba
Tbafaaooa Ttobbaraa eoaa. wblab
•at BorlAtto offoff aOB* yaarn afo, la
00 p. B.'
aarlaod by a raport tbata ama mo to
op.B TbaBA'*
•a iMaoa aayloB to ParraBatta. Naw It Pay
la axtawdad to
aioatb Wateo. ta baUarad to badlr Waltar TIebborM. tba bair to tba diapotad
BMOtoeinruMr cia . aeyoiau
oMBofyoba P. OuAOo,.
UdlH- laekato
at greatly radoaad prlas at Ua Bet
too Store.
M^y>ed aa tba beat at City Dlnlag
Notary PaUV
I Oatarrb O
' aad aete
far teallBrtalalii trcA
P. y. OHBNBY A Ca. TaladA C
•eld by DrspcMtA Tto.
Ballb PaBUy PUla ara Up baoV
The MtebifU Btoiab Oa M atlU to
tbo sarbottar eoll aad Bold tw
Sdita^ wbM bo^ lar wbiU
Thafs; practical
question I Are you paWng ‘
too much.^ If you’re paying a nigh
price, you’re probaWy paying as much
for a name as for the coffee.
Arbuckles’ Coffee is a plain, substantial
coffee with an excellent aroma and delicate
flavor, ..sold in a substantial way at an honest
price. You don’t want better than good coffee,
do you ? You can’t afford to pay twice the *
price that’s necessary, can you ? Then why not
get Arbuckles’? Get Tight down to the c»ffee
question and settle it now.
By buying many
millions of pounds we buy the best of many large.
plantations at a low price. We sell it to you at a low
price because we Would rather sell millions of pounds at
a low profit than a thousand pounds at a big profit.
S^oasted Coffee
is the daily beverage on millions of tables. Why not on yours?
There’s an additional consideration in the many substantial and
useful articles that go with the coffee.
Ask your grocer for it
He’ll tell you all about it If he endeavors to substitute an imitation, insist on getting the genuine Arbuckles'—or go elsewhere.
Motloii Oepartment.
New Vorti City, N. T.
‘ gn
in n
raith. care* a cx>ld
beat cough min.-<ly
la (BC day if uken to time.
Smoke Up!
5 cent
Pig Tails
New Taar la near.
New Oaotary too:
Advertise Your Wants
In The Morning Record
You Need An
Oda NtoA NaegbV Maagbt.
Tba leaooM taagbt
la Blaaty-atoa.
Pig IblU are ehlaf;
Tbay have gatoad fliat alaaa.
Wa aaa SntMT BroA Loaf,
And are to Ua racA
Has held its own for the past year, atthoagh
it itil ou‘. over f200.0u0 to its members for acci
dent and sickness. Yoa will always find os just as
represented, and with pleasure we wish you all
A Happy
New Year.
—the weather emphasizes this very emphatically.
The protection of your health demands that
you be warmly clad.
Dist. Supt.
Johnson Blk.
PROPER fashions
* at this store is the place for yon to buy sneb a garment, for our stock is new— I
I styles up-to-date, and materials are desirable.
Prices Thatll Save Yen Money
10 per cent. Off i
—$4.00'to $22.50
If you are in need oi accident and sickness in
surance take no other. We have been with you for
one and one-half years and wish to remain many
more. We will always endeavor to deal fairly with^
yon,«nd we earnestly solicit jonr,^tTOna^.
Call for a pretty callsnder.
WMU Wbw •« Tar •ynio,
Chareb 00 eorw of NtoU aadWadato patrol tba AtUatte to ebaak Boar
worth Btooota
•apply ablpt aad tkat two arabam wUl
Booday aorviara ara aa tollawa:
•a aBlfaad to watch the aoaat of tko
ProMbtaf at 10:»0 a B.
Baaday acbool atII:M.
I'oltod BtataA
Praaeblac at
p b.
JsBB UreahaB. of Brooklya. N- Y
Yoaat Paopla'a prayer Beating. «dM
«a abont to axpIoU a -oorkacrew bjav*'
wbteh ba otolBS will aboot tbroafb ^Hld weak ^yar Baattog Wadas
Aba water at tba rata of M sites aa dayati:WAB.
All ara InvUad to Uaaa saattogA boar.
aaaMU vi'maaAB.
uBtolaUoftbc Maalla BaUway Oa.
la Loadoa. aay Ibey will atk tba UelP IU> Vat.Wr.pMM'P'
0:00 A B.. Saaday aebool.
•d Htaua to pay tbaa tno.ooo for Ua
. Praaebtog aarvloa.
aaa of tbair railway deriBf Ua war to
•arviaaa wtU ba k^ today, and ara
Ua PbUlpptoaa
bald ever oUar Saaday.
It la MW •ottBatad Uat tba BoaU
AMcaa war will abat Uraat Brltaia
«»o.«ao,uu0. aad It ii aocpaated Uat Ua
•laktoir toad of tba aatkwal debt ba
TUE ....
•aapaaded for Bra or aix yaaia to daAraaa or Oai«, »jTt or .oucao /
Li’cac Courrr,
Auaa J CKBKsr aaaks oath Uat
Ma la Ue aaaiar paxtoar of Ua Bna •mt
> W- >■ Cbuir a Ou., dotof beatoaB to
tba Olty of Toledo. Ooaaiy aad Stela
Aforaaelil. aad Ug mid drB will »y
dor oaab aad arary
■ary oaaa of Q_________
Catarrh Uat
It be eared by Ua aaa of Baix'cs
CaraaM Ouda
What Do You Pay
Tor Coffe
we give you a discount of
I Besides, which puts prices far below what other stores will '
I sell yon same qualities for.
Come aad see the greatest Overcoat Sto^ in town*at
Reli>ble Dry Good., Carpet and Cbthiag Honae '
Ob« e< the extmordlunr reatur«* 9t the battle of I'arqubar'a Farm in tba
Affio-Boar war «aa the uae gt a cai>li«e balivon attached to an annorad
train. Thla balloon »aa utlllsetl as a sort of movable
toaar. and
durlns the encasement an oBlcer took otnwrvatlons of* the enemy's potftloa
and movemenu and slcnaled the same tu hie forces beloa. ^tb train and
baUoon on this otvaslon were under fire, but the darlns aeronaut eoraped unln.
Jured. The sucres* with which the balloon detachment of the en»lne«- corp*
has been operatinc durinc the srar seems to point to the fact that the baltouB
wlU certaini} be a fixture In all warfare of the future, unless, of course, tba
world crows Ured of all the bloodshed that is now taUnc pUce and asks fa#
another and mare effective Hacue peace conference.
L ^
>ptaln Samuel Beo Ukc place al Washinston
Jsnusry. Tba recent announcemeui ei tnis impendlnc timrnace haf
hai rnade a sbr not only in army clrclea.
•bare Uls* )lllee nas
has lone
lonp been S
lasdinr ticure.
a tasdlny
n«ure. but also throuchc
throu«hout tba
ln< to Ibe populaniy of the amanced roupit. Miss Ml
al favorite In social circle* that her name baa frequentl
basn Coupled with those of well known srmy offleers who have paid her atari
•d attention., a^her menace bad baen frequently propbealsd by supposedi
bMwiar onaa Captain Jteber. however, la the fortunau man. He U seven
raare the senior of bis Asncee. and her seeond couiin. The two have know
each oib0( from ehlldbood. and the atllanoe la terined an out and out lor
Capuin lieber la one of the most talented and-promlalnr of the youm
army oBlcers. He was bora In Missouri U years aim and aradusied with i
class Of IM from West Point, ttoon ofter be was appointed a secoud'Ueutenant of the Fourth cavalry, and In UTK was msde a first lleulensht of the
Ninth cavalry. Later be became chief signal officer with the army corjw and
of the department of HaUniaa sod Santa Clara, and also acting auiwrimeodent of the telegraph lloea of Ibe Island of Cuba. In ISM be was made chief sig
nal officer of the department of the east, with headquarters at Oovernors I*,
land, which is his present sutlon.
Captain Keber was also a member of the lotercontlneniai railway cemmisalon. and during the UUpano-Amertean war was on duly with the American
.army la Porto Rico, accorapanyingyfleaeral UMes In his campaign across the
War. It has been aald. neve
way* the Tommy Atkinses, recruited fiom the lowest stratum of society, and
nffleer*. from among the arlstucracy. w huaulfer. Not only the sona of the belt
earl, but also bis proud daughters, have responded to the call of Engiaad ted
aasittatH-e. and today there are a numb-r of tilled KogUsh women aetlac tt
different rapacities In Poulh Africa. T.tc accompanying lllUBtrallon for
stance, shows Lady Sarah Wilson acting as a nurse during the alege at
Mafeklng. This pbolugrapb was taken just a few day* before the news cam*
from South Africa that Lady Wilson bad been Uken prisoDcr by the Boera.
A manufacturing jeweler In London
WTUle It Is a fashion at present U !
veema to take the Cape to Cairo railj«r al evcrj-tnlng French. U Is worth
Bi a pretty well established fart, while remembering
1ng that IL___
In many UUngfi
one of his most popuUr metal Paris today stands ahead of our mask ,
advanced Amerkan cities. One of «Jm *
evidences of the progreasIvenAs of tbd '
Parisian Is tbe reveut adoption In tbO !
French capital of the aut----- —*• ‘
Tha aecompanyliig illaatratloa shows ths general hospital at Johannes
burg, a building which Jnst at tha preoent time Is crowded from basement to
roof with wounded Boara., Johannesburg hospital U a Urge, handsome bund
ing. with well laid out grounds surrottniilng It. and capable of aceommodatUis
Mvsral hundred patlenta So great has bean tbe number of wounded recent
brongbt into Johanneaburg. bowavar, that a great number of tbe ultlandar
houses had to ba taken over and fitted up with beds for tbe wounded, and la
that city today ons may behold ths sorrowful aftermath of all war.
groups of tbe season Is made up of two
figures standing on a profile map of
Africa and holding bands across
united continent. One of these fig
reprerenn a Brlilab soldier and the
other a ultlander In frontier cootume.
raa BicTCXM n wab.
One of Ibe orders
1 by the
BriUsh war offiee was
lOd to an
SngUsh firm to supply a large number
carrier, the general character ad whM
may be appreciated from tha irrii—i
psoylng llluitfutlon. This new pooM
carrier la a lightly ctmstructed ant09»
cle able to run about the boulawM
of the city In a very speedy fashion.
WlM Carman, tha reoocnlasd laadar of t
<>*■**»*" PMta. has made Ua nama famUlar to Amarlcana by I
Mt and delicacy of hU work., which tor the last tew yaars has ba
a Fredericton. Naw Bninawtck.
rart aM has baen eonnactad adltortalty aith arsqnl
Hla Brat Tolum# of vsraa was pubUabad la l|n aad
aaaOad -Low TMa o« Oraad Fra." Thla was soon Mlewad by ——r Fran
da.- a dabghtful UtUa rataa of lyrics In tha pradratoTTwuS
.. ---------------- --------— •
- Altbongh -hla lataM ihotagraph.
Mc^lea are stoutly built, pnaumatle
Ured uafeUea u>d ura enaBtalad In
They are already aealng aeUva
at tba froaL and tha oceaslBn
Is ntOque owing to tba tact that this is
tba STM iastaMa Is whMi bteyelaa
bar* bean uasd by tba British r^tUar
ermy to oatual wartbra.
^ ^
for aettro eampalgnlag la Bogl^itrlea Is tba moun
tain battery. Such a battery M made op of field guns that can be taken to
Macao and transported ovea rough and broken eouBtry ott tba ba^ eg moiro
or oomaUnMO boiwaa. aa abowa la tba aeoompan|ing iltaatrattoB. ^Ich Is bM
a raosat pbotegrapb of a meoatala battery tei^ arighborbood of Ladyumfth.
ssTiHSw rissEir* "• ——
A barroi organ In etanreh oeema aK
most an .Irnpoaalbmty In these days,
but one still survive* al TrotUscUff. •
within M mllea oi
don. The a
of Tratllacllfr to ancient cuetoms M
rotnarfcable. but then their etaurob "—*f
la remarkable. It was Mandl^ In tbd
Umc of Domesday Book, and Its axistIng chancel U over Mt yean old. ltd
pulpit la the one wbleb stood U Westmlnsur abbey UD 104. Tbd organ bad
SIX harreu. e*th supplylag STuiS
so that the con^TogmUou baa a ^oIm
fMwnr Hsrnin
tHI mtsiocNrs ANNUAL nee«p>
- hr am
•M tm T»Hr 0*«w t Wl» ■■■«.
d reeptoB Koa Boca AmagU
Vw Tw» Sapa. Tebtawp
7 aad B.
Tbaaaaaal fwmu^
Ulaaoutp wUlbahaldlaOraafabaU.
mrrnrn Otp. aa Wadaaadaj
Thafadap. rabewarp T aad t. IMO
•paakan faimlakad Vp too SUta
Board of Aprloaitare: Prof. J. D. Tow
ar, AfTtoaltaral OaUafc; Baa Potoe
Voorbalt. OakUad aoaaip: Jadfa A. V
MaAlrap. lUalatao aaaatp; Mn. Bbbi
A. toBBbaU, Watotasaw aoaatp.
Poltowtaf W Ika prepraB aa far aa h
A* eoBfwn^ to tb* briUlaBt <«art
.^•nrOoM »f Europe ttam U »«7 HoW
li the Mclal roDrikm* of oBetal UTe
to tbt> 4rDMtt«U« oMUtto *blcb
VmM b* rasETdod M «rtkliifl7 ^bpnia or^fpWKMB. Tb* matmI apppMfb to (be eoropMB eooft foaeWadaaafay. Pak 7ik.
Kbm la ooqDcMIoubIr Ibr Kew Taar'a
fBCBptios Bt tM Wblta HotMA iB
MtBt of briniBiKT and fonnal diaplar 10«0 >**aau (ortUitp.bow aada aad hew
It prrraiopa all the actrtal cvoBta at
Batatalaad. " ProL J. p. Towar.
|ba aadonal raplul. Oa tbia daj ibt
Dkoatatoagblaf «»wBllw of lb* aatloa roealraa Ui60-*'Tte Appla. Ortoard." Pator
to aute (be rire preeldeoL (be mbktn of bu offlrlal booaebold. tba
toilcf Juatke and (be aaaDckale JoatlcM
pf (be aupiTBie court of (be Vsltad
i Italea. (be foratcB le«aUoas. aebaton tiOfr-QaaMlaa Boa.
pad repceaeBlatleea lo cougrraa. oO- liW^'-Growtac aad Paol t f tka Oorp
pBB of tbe ant>7 and saej. oOetala of
Ckop.*3. D.Tom, .
too IMotrtd of (Mooiblo Bad aaeb of
too fHlow etUaraa aa Hmooo to pa7
toab’/aapotla to tbe praaOdeat oa that «:»0-^^>Pa>arV(MlBla
•eaaaloA To tbe preoideBt It la ao
iMlMay taak. as be moat bo UwDfb f.u->-‘8BaU Pnito.* —
.too ardMi or aboklag bauds wub 8M0
•r lO-OUU peoplA
AttbOUBb tbe New Year'o reeeptloo
todiba aa boor before Dooa. raaton T:00-IatorBal aoalal boar for faM*T
•eibaada tbe weariBB of aften»oee
As there Is la (hit eonatrr bO
pBk-lallr preonilied eourl dreoo, tban Tiib—*'Tka flakool aad tka Bobo." Pala aothlBE la tbe apparel of tbe diplotar Voorhak.
tootle aud nrll orttrlala of the Boeerw- •:ia—"A balaaaad ratlaa <er Maa."
pMwl to (llatlBBulab tbeoi fron otbor
Mra Basa A. OampbalL
•reo Brooi^ aiea on tormal oc«a- a;«t»‘-aoaw ttaaltatloa,* Jadpa A. T.
ploaa Tbr uiBn-ro of tbe^arrar aad
e.parr. ~bowerer. appear la Tall draaa
Tkaradap. Bok. B
palfortaa Bad preoeot a brwiaat aajP:QO-“PDaltrp Balatap,'*MfB.BB«a
DiaaaMUia. P. J. dieear.
»;tt—-Clorar." Prat J. I>. Tawar.
paaaTMDiT tr'amjcr
pembla. Oae of (be eblef auraetloao
pr (be dor wbielj Ibr Breat tbrr
faibi-n-d (a (be oi-lBbborboud of
pBiiilal baa au v|>iKir(unlt; of aeela . la
tbe dlapla; made b>’ ibeee uidceia aa
Ibelt autrrb in lh<- tVblle llouae.
The moal pleture<u)ue f«<aiaiv of (bo
pee»deot'a New Year's rerepiloo la (bt
•ptiMrmBee of. (be forelBD dlpkiouKtC
torps la (beir BaiHllesi and best droM
pr slate. Tbey asM-iuble In (tie red
parlur uf Ibe WbltY lluuae. wlib (be
dewii of (be (<or|>i ai (beIr bead. Tbia
dlalliKiluu baa for a number of yeata
faiirn lo Rlr Julian {‘aunrefixe. tbe
Biittah eRibaaaador. who will.doubtIrea mnllaite lo bold ibe plaoe as tbe
pld<-al In polBl of eoutlouous aerrlre
pf aa> uf tbe forelBii rvpreaM-nialIrM.
Tber furni a brllllaul pruresaloD as
(bef prts-eed to (be presldeiil's recep
tion runni. (be eml>Bsaaduni Is-lug ilie
' Aral lu line. r<>U.iwe<l (>f (lie niluistora
la order of senlorii.v. each aileuded (>/
kla suit, inriudlui: seereiaiiea. aitnchea
•Ddaurb ladles of (be lesaltuus as de
alre lu BlleUd Ttie Kuutii Amrrlrao
- diploinais. Id arcurdsiH-e with Ibeir
pwu perullar custoui. appear In full
arealDB dr<-ss li la tbe nrh-utals wbo
ptre (be ph-inn- Ms cajest «-olorlas.
Tbr Cbloese (ululsief auil bis vasi auK
Wear rarteolurts] bowds of rk-b and
Caaii; fabrlea. (boiiab «be Japnitroe
poi so show; In llielr stair Milre. Tbe
Turks B|HH-4r in (beir real feut'* aud
tbe Koreans lo ibrlr dowerisx baia
tuore f
uus (ban (be
aad I
After Uie dIsilUBvUbed and hrlUlant
■asi utl>l« of uinrlsU aiau-. jutlklaL
dl|>k>iuailr and k-Bislailve-has passed
. thnniBb tbe n-<i-|iti.>ii ruuiii and rerelraraa. and tbe i-lik-f eie<-u(lve reoelrea
pad abakwt bauds la Qulle deoMK-ratlc
(Bshtoa wiib as man.r of bis fellow
COUBtr;n)en as ran rearb him durtap
tkr tllse allotted to (be rereptlnp
■A Jak. ■■ th. IWSar.
l:l»..-«kat tka fmlt prewar kaa to
aaataad wttb la dlapoabw of kU
(ralt aad wkat aaa ba doaa
akoat UT- Jadfa J. O. Baai
. daU.
DiaeaBloa. A. P. Pnj.
t40-“Ura Btoek oa tka dlraialAad
tarB.'* PatB Voorkan.
l:ia->'-Iaciaaala bp tka wajalda.’
Jodga H. D. Caapball.
Uanotal dioenasloa and farawaU
BoaUarTba WoBaa'a BaaUoa will ba bald la
the Baptlat ehareh'rhaiadap pftarMoa,
Pabraarp t Mta. B. d. Orap. ekairaaaa- At ikU aaaatlBB rarlopa toplot
otlaUraatte tka ladlaa wUl ba dWMra. Caspbell will flea aa
aadrcai oa tka anb^eot. “Wbat la baoL”
Udiaa of Trareraa Cltp art eordlallp
inrltad to attoad tkla BeatlBBMuale wlU ba faralakad bp tkaArokle.
Orebaatra with piano aeMBpaafBeBt
Tbe oaa of a flat piano baa bean klndlp
famlabad bp N. B. Siroaf. maaafcr
-tor thb W. W. KlmbaU Muale Oo.'
It la daalrod that farsers r«nerallp
become mcBbara of the laatltoia soelo
tj. Tbs annual tea of ts oenu la uaad
eallralp lor local capenaaa. All ■
bars wiU raaolra the anaaat laaUtuU
Bailatla and balleUna laaaed bp ibe
elate caparlBent eUUoa.
Tba laauiate U orBPaiaed aadar a
•tele law. WfaUe tbe proBrama an
rsDBod capoelallp fv farmera, i
eoBialn eabjeeta of latoraat to__
raaaral pablie pad all are oordlallp
Bobcbt BABaar, Praa.
B. O. Ladu. (tea.
Tbe flmt IndloaUon of croup la boaruencB, and In a child subject to ibai
auHoae It map be taken aa a sure aipn
I of tbe approach of aa attack. Pullow.
' inp this noaraeacaa is a pocailar ronpb
ooupb. KCbamberlaia'e Ooach Bcmedp la riven as aoon aa tba child booumea hoarse, or even after tbe crc.i
coupb appCAxs, It will prvT<nilhe
lack. U IS used in maup tboaaaadaof
homca in this broad laad and navw dla.
appolau the anatoua motherahave pel to learn of a elaple lnaua«
• bleb It baa not proven efloetual.
other preparatlob can show i
•n-«» •
n't latartto Ipar ta tka bsM
Suit Sale
Brerp nation baa Its partlenlar fcaat
dapa and bolklaya some m.rlnr creat
or Bt(«*nilon 10 ooe and some to an
other. bat aU peoplea oa (be fac* of
tbe earth wbo irrkoB Un>e at all la
•ooie maoser preet Ibe New Year.
We have ao ahnflied oar caleadar
that (MW tbe oecnirenee of tbe New
Tearaa tbe lot of Jaauarp baa loet Ita
BpillBmKW. Aoiooi iwuumvv
however, tbe New Year lovaiit
marked tbr openlnf of one of tba
•rai dtrtaloea of (be aeasoos.
One of the oldeet of New Year
boaia la that prardred bp tbe Alaoa of.
Japan. Por a tbooMnd yearu tbcae
people bare atood atlll In tt>elr HtIIIniloa. toUowlBC all tbeir prIalUrr
cnatoma and ceremonlcA New Year
with then la a aeaeoa of aaerrpniaklnc
which wtada op with tbe preai bear
frasL railed Oniala. la wbleb a bopc
bear la aaniflrad.
la MootUsd. where Chteatroaa la not
observed as a rrneral holiday, becatmt
ao ouiny Presbyterians k>ok upon Ita
obeerraace as a spectea of lupeiteltke New Year's dry la a Joyooa ooe.
and a atrance way of eelebrutlac tba
dptnr of toe old year baa tone bcaa,
ewatnmary there. Tbe Ian nlptat of
tbe y«tr la called "HeCBeaaye otcht"
aad la celtoraied by dnaklap. alnfinc
f^r men nnd boys
Hals, Caps.
UnderwcBr. Fancy
Hosier^', “Zero*'
» for tbeir
oat coDicnt with one day. bat take
a whole niontb to eeiebraie tbe appraacb of the New Tear. Cbloeae laote^ Brerracfcera fcaatlnc and the
p^iiw np of Ohl Ilebta pUy (be major
part to the ceremoDlea
^ atraocr custom In many parte of
Btoope la that of bavlac a meiDber of
tba family, ettber the cldeat or yean*
peat, open tbr family Bible at raadom
aad itUice hit
oa tbe open pace without ctol
IL Tbe rerae thus aiflrked la reiarded
aa a sort of teat for the eosutoc 12
A veep poetical old ceremony U that
of tlie so called tleoae dee Aolmaut. or
animals' mum. wbleb Ukea place oa
Nep Year's eve la tbe Pirncb departmeot of Ibe Orranea. a country la
wbleb the celebration of tbe New Tear
almost entirely aupemrdea that of
Cbhsitnaa. This truly iiastoral feoUval
la cl'cn In behalf of tbe faerdt of cCttJr
which cooslUule (be chief wealtb of
tbe hardy moiiDtalw-era Hefora the
ceremony Im-cIdk benls of rows and
abeep and coats are driven to ao open
spate iiefore ibe church. Inside tbe
bulldlni Is pailmred a crowd of aulwan men anil amicn In featlve rnlmeoi. rat-b buhllDg a llciiied candla
while Ibe cure ceb-hraies ruaas.
Mtmie of till' atKirliluia of our own
laud bare New Y<-ar customs that are
exceedlndy luierestlni. poialdy (bat
of (be tto<]Dl Indians. <all<<d Mo-ya-noa. which It a sluiular and eUborate
mythical drama. dlvid<-d Into two
parts. Id wbleb oRerlutrs are made to
efllcles of the gn-at plume beaded aer-.
pelil. the enemy ef (he sun This Is foll«»i«.l by a sun daiMv lo which the confllci iN-iweeo the orb of day aud tba
Inferior buatlle c>mIh Is (tonrayrtl
Te Omn a COM In One Day.
rake Warner's White Wine of Tar Kvru;
.be beat coupb mnedy on earth. »
Fire Insurance.
Coisgititiu aBd Eiiaiiaiioi Free ud Siricilr Coafideitial
DRS. B.S. &CO.
T of Sew Voak.andwowoftha
ineicu Mol ud Sugicil Indtite it Inli^i, lek.
cp AT
SottodX •^ynaltri-ng, Tx'awtortow 0±Uy,
Is. Is. ▲. Building.
Can You be Convinced
Jan. 4, 1800.
Ofliee Soun frnw 0 a. te. to h to a
TBst Dr. Chaw's OtntmeDt to «■
Absolute Cura for
radcd to cure piles, sad ao many that
become discouraged tad despair of eve*
bciug cured.
It It juat iDcb peonlc who, when onea
cured, most -stroogly recommend Or.
Chase's Qiaiiueat. because Ibey r«c«p.
Dise in it tbe one sboolnte cure lor lienioK piles.
e evideocc
evidence pnbliabsd
here is cooviaclni; the onUV better proof la a trial
Tbe fittt appliraliou> ol Dr.
Ur. Chase’s
Oiatmeui will convince Ibe ntosi skep*
i>cbI by stopping tbeirtrihle tlrbiogaad
tiummi. «( '» *vrT sridom that mon
tbao one bos is revnirod to absolutely
core any oMr of b:iaA iirbing. faleediag
Of prolru'ling piles.
Rrv. W. N. E-lwardt. Baptist miatelcr,
uo Trinity I'lscc. Baflsio. N. Y.. srntt*:
‘1 can m<Mt heartily rccommeod Ur. A.
W. Cbtec't Oialturnt as a pcwiiive cun
:of itrbiDg piles, for over 15 years
lbs pile* have besa a source of coastant
annoyance to me. and frc^neully tbs
.uflrring bas been meat ialente. Tbs
heurfita derived from tbe UM ol Dr. A.
W. Chaw.'* Ointment have been magical
and laaiieg, and 1 feel li a duty to my
lrIlow--beiags to recommend it and aas
inv lunuence to make iu woaderfal
mrtiu knowD."
Tba Moat SuoosiBfw: and Setendfle Troatnioat of AH Dtaeapw and WaaknMaiB
Dr. A. W. Chase's Oioinseat. 50c a
bos. at all dsaJert, or Dr. A. W. CbBs
of Mankind PoaMbte to Obtala.
Medicine Co.. BuOalo. N
TW OMt arMoly sot fa*vrotilr SaowB apavtaUm 1g tba ratatd Oiaaao. Plat
ColftBel r>Biile]-1(. Aathnnp. brother
pr Musas It Aniboor and ibe test nf
tor flabtlnp editors of* Kansap It <b
pounl as the ou4 uuio who has bad
kls aoru severed and lived, lo a
•rwspaper feud With a rambler nann-d
Peoalsun. AniiivU} w as slioi. The due^
tor (old hlui I
wounded luau did not sa> aupthlar. Sttbar SkeFi U Oe«
V'-t luide his sister roo>l'b
Ua New Yaaiu dap tba local barbae
to sleep. When be awuke be asked -ahopa will doaa at 1 p b.
the nutwe: "What Ume la tir Hi
ol the dap. P
■p'ldork," Implied the nurse. 'The mldapa IS oeate.
pnH rbackivd fur a niuuietu. theu said:
•tlBp. (baCs a rood jokv on Hoe KtaLs,
km‘( Ilf Ue aald I'd be a diwd man n<MMt9taufiuKt^ 7a^.
pt atol."
l>roieaabr Pilvtn atd aoa Prof.
He fall aaleep a«ala. and when be
tVaak bilvatu have secured Prof•woke (be (kuHor avkuuuledsed bU
easor Martaupb't academp lor two
mpbiscach week tor tba aait flva
asuBtlis to ooiae, and wiU pl*o «*>*"•
Id toe Bonthem portion of the aaall
npaaiDp p*rtp aeii Thatuoap aeonInp- Januarp«. All are eordtaUp
TtUnpe of Bhot. Ve.. tberr are Urlnp
Inviteo vw atvond aad baea a jslip
•lavaa peruonv elsbt of them tnep,
rood Ume. Ucm'l mlBi U. BUi ter
prko are over Pu yeers of are. tbe oldpaate. SSo. Lsusss treo.
' pat brine (ft- Nearly all of them wera
kora there, and several of them have
Paomaoaa K. tt aao r/M Bu.v
pitvate bssoaa la danonp
sail at r itoaaoe. m ptate atrML
^tmetloa has followed the esaupte
pf iraMti la fartilddiBC the weariac
^nvrwte bp acbool ftrla.
3t. tM^:
•TVIt yesr
(taael sM ri*U
Ssd I «s< Is • tin.
•si <[cr. IBU 19I0N sss'i CVS
tsu'r* Sruin si* a mim."
rvwa'kableaklU sad uairvrsaJ aaeeeaa li ibe larcMt koapitau iB.tke world
.. Dla
. .eoaaa apoa tka latool s
iwal all CBBOMIC. KKBrOCB. SKIN aad BUX>1)
stra. aoU raUllea Slw to tea full coeSdeorr ol tka
IS* alltated
alUetvd eiarywkare.
(WtarTa.P<aaaaaa s> tas 1^, Bar, Koae. Ttruat a»4 Laura.
tM4a.KJdB«y. Uvrv. BiadJrr.Chraak- lewala aaJ Beaeat Dtaeaaea
•*■»MBl Utat kaa oarer laUst) la ikeoaaada ol raaaa Ual ka4 beea poMsiicea twraate baoa.
Maay poepW Atvt Sastk vrary year abo wtrSt ka*v bssa reolored M paftset kaohk bad lOav
glare a iWlr soars Is tks haod* vt aaprraa.
A good (Wl CAD bo boQKbt with a
lYufivwor KrvdeH. k, von Uartewt. dollar and a ball if yon grt into
who bolds till- ebalr of ihtemsUuual
law in the Mt. IViiTshurc tinlveraltj
OBAOMIOPOR:_________ __ .
and U i; fii-jiteut represeu
the ctar In l«-eal counrlls of UHunent.
“aISI^a^ajio ropxTiTP aupp!*”'
I (srUasstsloasrisotsasly vtss sad iba on-1
lliisslau clilEcn.
[ starsaa ertu Uat follow isTm Uota.
' TQ
Itu-euaii siilijeci. but a phllosoptab
Is a iuilsblc
le llrimflst ao<
author, aud at
it ihi‘
the yvovai.
._ ........
•etfee la
ttoB 'onreretfe*'
In 'lrarls. where
read (be deeixiou
decision uf
of (be evniiutaal
« Barnum & Earl’s^3ssa”^Jf'ianf.reifi!.^4a‘=a'E-“^
. uw. »t
Fancy Articlep. incladiog
ao naoy
Tii.- profeoaor ivTilted: “It Is aMfflcfcBw. You SCO. to rwac I luM ay
chair I wish to he prepared for any
r you fordenera nay mBke."
SllTpr KoTPltiM
Al dkn^n^ffin^
rsaiktsl till-i kagsyti(s.sws
kspgy lils.aws s ol gkroleal
ood j
Bohemia War*
P^per and Balt Beta
“Why so pcoBivc. nwaldineT"
“t was just tbinktoi about what toe
Oat Olaae PiaoM
pnaebte said KumUy morwlng.
there U to In- uu marrylni; uor glvtag
to oiarri^ la heaven, wbst will tbs
young msp wbo are always actlsg as PBd'doie&p of other niee tbiafto
asbere have to talk about or keep narked dows to one third tfaw
them busyr_______________
vmlop to dope tbpa oat.
Golf has heea Introdaced lata New !
ZoalBOd. Tbe Maori mm and woBeo j
I Block.
____ ..vsTatkCls'VSSI of v/v Imkm
ataaarss tear doci aad oU etksr w
Oywp. .tete J
OT/toSICTflto TO <CTP o<
IBBI (iBiklis. coasad tram eatorrk.
tot I. *.» to. tolWTf m isn. nnFcn. ma.
■^Timii m st« c a a s* tmiSiuv.*.
I f«r ibe ptaner to dry.
t«lo*r7. ttioorb
I Mattirony wbn tb* dryloc praooM
rrpeotMJ ottr ud ' Poe yenra there had been a -bitter
rivalry between tbe town# of John
UUl nbf IMC t'reek. and aurb a ttalna
na aa oAclal rialt between town oalordly. Tben aoM OM Iw clalo bad not been dreamed of. Somepouudio* oo thr dooT. Mytlk
Ueu,eo«.t Henry Coaell who wa.; ^rulnly. Tb^-re r»t io «.e.t
„ gnJte pttlnly. 8be Mt iVTto*jitaHllT2l.Wk:flt*.'n*il*l
over to Juba Hill
^k allre. a^ tjoiiu-*-. aid dnrin* Ibe Cuban war. blm a. a mere matter of aelf.pratoc«prt*h« awl ItMMMd. Now befoco inatauoee could be cited where a Juba : j,. ^ow . .tudent tn Boetoo nnlvemlty- ^
” eontroIBne bw^
been awake at nl»bt an) nK Hin man bad »ot out of I>o« Creek 1
„^rtn* 8be mlaaed without being ahot a
illon of Dublin mltod
that reoaeurlng anore very much,
.aytbliic have happened to btm?
perbapa tbe bouae waa oo die’ Yea;
tbe Haruell tuemortol fund. .
K^e wa. ante that abe
Cnlrt. BaMwln of Newark. N. J,‘i
.celled amoke.
celebrated Thankagivtng by atnrtlug)
on bU aeifwM t-euinry of life, aa ba,—------------ —---------------Ginof uay a tretuendoua abaka
wa. ino yanr. M ibr day beforo.
nllpped out of Ud. lUtow go a
Cbartoa J. t -per. who In hto youth saSaaa>a».aBeug.
*own and bnrrted dowo to the
pounting Mill
, n«wwot abe had tbe door
ymr aa teneber tn the Boston Lntin ^
wpeMap-Jy. Pbaaa^k^ M; Msnhm„ead of a aulwart Bre^
bTtTSir^sif^/'hrdmwdi.ou pTTiJ^ til
l«h« «»>• boB. p,p„
to d«MTlb«- tbelr ent
•MtMUoM u ButM OMt w«o MMO
-... .- .K-., «. ;
^ rooprctt »t tho
bad breo
fa)o. had accept- j ^ojlnt tb*®»lTee to tbe parior Mr.
Ibe larluilon
Mra llaicb bad been in tbe allJoba
aad ttac room, be with bla taper nod aba
Myrtle Hatrt to with brr knltllng. U waa Iba wife
COBM or«e for a who looked up aod aald:
Nr» Yror’a ere
-yaebartah. doa’l yon iblnk it would
■ippcr nod euy be a rood idati to tel aome of that
Nr tbe Bl(ht. II waa a Jolly pany plaafcr and aee If It wouldu t help yon
o< aU. iMtadlag Mr. aod Un. Zaeba- awfor off aoorlnc for tb-- Sew YearT
rtab natch, tbai eodrcted tbe able at It'a dreadful! If yon couki only benr
yourMdt anore. you wooWnl atop at
trpobie or eipenae.”
Batch, aad bU yoaac wife bad prom-|>erbapa aome llnte." replied Mr.
Ind to be borne for tbe holiday, la- Batch. maaUke, wlttaoui taking bla
beodlag to come «p frum iloeheater oa eye* off hl« paper.
Ne ereolBf train.
-Bui thm-t yon think yon ^ b^cr
I tbe only doud that bung
---- ---------------------------- ---- ;--------- ---------------------- V------rifllt t
MM M...-« MM
n W.M.
;l iLatnereryreunlonofoldrriebda.lt
Mr aod Mine Loreroy to go boma
«ro«U be eaaler to leU what they didn't
aay that they eouidu't alvep bewbal they did tnU about, twi it
^ niowd >*o k»Mf
-t auppMe a<i IKtn'l l.>ihev me ftetd
Myrtle after aoue- if yo« Itke." replied
tbe rather gouty tempei.-d Mr llaPb
“BMC you went awny I've loat my
,,M. .
^ I will go inyaeir and
Yoke. I cannot Mag for any'iengtb of not hi ibe glrla know aiiylbing about
ttme wltbout becoulng boarae."
It." And bla good wife I.M .lowu ber
"Ditto here." added John.
work and started for tbe drug Mure
“You abooM try our I'rofeoaoj DoThe dnigglmi'a aurprl-e gave way to
.bean'a preaciipilon." ndriaed George.
aatontobuent as Mrs Haub deiwmded
- -Which li". aay:
-almoai entirely from a pemou'a bfvaiblag tbrougb bla mouib. eo|iecUUy when
-Did be auggeet a reuMdyr
**Tea He aaya that lire liect remedy
la to Uke a wide atrip of laiogUaa
pUater and to faaten the ll|ia lugeiber
With II and hnve It on all nlgbL tf
Ton boy a yard of the pUaieffnnd uaa
'h erery nigbl. before It'a guoe your
voice la all right, ti'a anre d«wib to
WMrtng loa: -DM you ever try Itr waa Jobn'a
**No-o.- adtniited George, “but aev.
•ml of Ibe Iioj’v al college thought It
j«arfd Ibeir b.iaraeiMWB. and ai>ra
itroan. loo. at Uiurai. and one tblng to
certain—tt will k««p a peraon from
' The ptoaaau evening enjoyed by tbe
,sniberlng baa nothing k> do with onr
,glery. fhifllee It to nay that an bonr
lOr oo after the |wr1y roar froiu tbe
•npfier table the yonng nieo exeuwM
tbeiueelvea and Wi Maj ami Myrtle
ta an eicbauge of confltlew.-. whlhtbey oei out fur a airull. Hardly bad
tb<- dour clumd u|hui tbeir dcjiartliic
lortua when Myrth- exchilmitl: "Uay.
1 have pruiiilw.1 to aUtg at an e«lertalmueni next w.-ek and have lw»
(drendiog it for day.. Huppooe we buy
•ome of tliai plaatcr and uae It to
Blghi.May bad been lliinking of Inat tbe
■ante tbiug.
-Agreed, but we ft
luUHto'i h-i the hoya
knoa anything alvvi It." «ax Ibe IV
AhaU at Mta.
>Do yon think coBfma will raallF unaeat tbu Ur. Boberta of Vtahr abanaked.
-Cerulnly It wUL" be replied.
that uiUva.
**It would be dtaBmcofnl If It waaT
i-ey M. Depew paya *50,000 aa UoTe." abe aaaeried.
«r^ reota) for ibe Onreoraa- • in*«racefuir bt
a la wueb ma. VIM&C caiece aa a flonrmUl l
, .d .»a tppiw tt .wl Ml dowa h^ u^ rtjoek to her tt«T« wmmJwd. Jl« ,
“Why. It’a Myrtler crletl Edward.
„ uwujm
I at the ixiblle gyn'unatnui every d.ny
you were ncwi' gulag to let i
bat Kunday.
XPm’rm BMrl* tmu-B >ud hUDB
IVormor Caltiu B. Rmltta of tbe
College of tbe City of New York baa
body) Why. whara the maUert Why ,
made a spe«-toliy of eollectlDg waieta
don't you apeak r'
nmvementa and poascaaes ov« 2d0o
Par obvious reaanna Myrtle rrmatned
Colonel B'iiford of the Biittob army.
slleoL A momitil later a second silent
figure crept down tbe ballway and- YWgt tor lALr wat nwagt the wwn. Who waa killed, reeeutly at UletfoBlelti. had l»eu In the aervke for thirty __ .
,,, Myrtle, and then .-atoe Ur.
ceptlonal eaaea. however, and t&eca yearK hut bad not seen active war- ' U
„ ^ blmatlf. hastily polllug ou a
was no guide to go by. When Pete
tin tbe IwtUe eame In wbicb be ss.eaM
.. ^
Mahoney waa elected mayor of Dog dM
m^i., |,ere'. falber! He will expUla."
Creek. It was ou bis }dedge to make
a • to Prstiww sew
t.|,ar.l ae the third
HsreseiUe Oe btock.
It stUI boner fur Juba HIU. That
groping alhiilly down the
same fall Joe Drake was elected
iwlllghr of tlM-long hall, "flood lewv mayor of Jul« Hill
ena. Kva! )'aibcr'a dumb too!" Koi tu
thi- nililille of the ball aloud the paler
nai Hatch, uttering not oi% word of
wearing llM-lf away aod both
welroiue III bla la-loveil wiU
towns weie whooping It up when
A iiioiueitt taler Mra. Haleb came .Mayor Mnhooey Ix-ard Hiat Mayor
dowu. vlaililr n-liale<l aiW) mutely Drake aald he was uo gititleman.
waving her arm. IU-IhirI her tame thv
".Vu gemleiuau. eh )" be aald to aome | gbrnt Cut Ptwk
two vouru: l»en. uue suoed with a
liawlalt iMt ami the olltrT »-llh a
1 uo ' vn^R<'sk>rt-a*LTfloMPaON; Ofikv
, „ I IVX Park Plae. Hotel. Rooms K anS *t. Wstinker ' Itui net niw word did they
• ^ Mre's aBdeblldreo'sdlseaaMaM“«IM». 0<a|aak lalliclaaa planter baa some very
»9 ace hour. lUioKa M.;t to4 aad t was■dhiMilve prop>-rth-m. and «lieu one's
tniiuth haa la.-u <lilial ahul ftw three
r Is aea Toesailsr
liilii; hour* i>Wi' iSiilHI la- eXiaHed tO
irtk.rs 'SV W.
on an i-ili-uih-il eoiiteraallua For
*K- t,g-«MOS«
,ai-ti-nil nilniiiea tbe atrange group
-rwh-r or Pu»
'usao o»d OrxsB.
ga»vl at cne anoib«.
-'PelWard. itu-y'rr nil eraxy! l.efa go
lumie. aiivwlwre. hut do ncH May In
tl.la houai-"' i-riifl Xlra Hatch Juuior.
with alroug algna of hyaterla.
^ poroesM
"8peak, BomeluMly. <-ao'l you) For
tii-aven't aake. »i»h u« a bs|>l>y -Sew
nnemnw wsKTIP Ii> Siuroor drhivrtac.
Win eroh-OB irisi lor boSA.. deolro
Yesrr crletl y>lH-anl. lakiug hi. ftight
adtiro*. «• nirhih stmi
m I____ ____ pat nu....................
eortt wife in bla nnua
•f him a yard of tolagtooa pUater. Ha
T?OK SALl CHRAP-tload BoMrlx telI.roM
Rut not a word did any oim' api>ak.,
ie«lhroo}rsrsoM.g L RsM>M glUs
br P^- ip^ ailent group ahuMi-l alii-.-|ii»hly'
ty badly cut up over at the lUicben'.
i^akUxK------------------------fki-lril antf iiH-xptleBhIe
WVl'KKm'KR pon SALg-moTM. ardroOM
tliclr plans. When New Year's day | Pntatoea. per bn............................
By n o'clock Mr. aod Urw Hatch
aod im.re eotiMi.eed
came, both ttioiinied their niulea at Eye. per bn..............................
were sleeping Mmmlly, each with lipa ii:dw,r,j
,|i tie- raiuily of Haleb
aliouT th«- same hour and set out and Buckwheat......................................
glued togelber. tbe w ife fixing b.-rs
de|«r1.sl wllL IbeIr aev- as a cou-us|ueuee ibey mei half way bnkter. per Ib....................
IB ^^Abril# SsJCMCB^H^ rol.
llke ber busliand'a wbeo be touiptoined
,,^1 mdlvhlual w-nse.
betw.s-n the towns, l-toeh had a fol-! *<7*-”S?“-'■; .... .
WuM* eiib os asar r
of tbe ludlTous figure be wcwld cut -Molber' ►'atber! Has It come to I..I.C of .1. ... .
CrU. »4wtodl.lU,».
-S'l->n. P. O.. ixri. Nro York.
Wbeo the plaster iiad been apidled.
‘this) tVIll you turn tour owu mm
■two mayors <wme to a bait Mayor Ua-1 pptatofw,
mUa. (Mieblffwn Starch IpciR ftAl.g~A «rM floio tVDivx Is Rom
-In the mesuilUH- Geoeg" and Joba .w‘av from your dm., at ■..idulghi with honey graciously ohsen t-d;
BanvoT hjM lieeB uooO • Ilf)#. sUt scU’
fv. ' JX^ioerioooAliiy,
|<> q,
made the .irruii,..r famlltor o«i one word of wel.-...,.. ) Wlmilmve
"Win the gcnMemah from Juba RHI
streeiK. and inltlM-r bad .rcwllx.i^rcwliusl
I dum-v R'liBl has ■■aiHH-ncd) I'au no return lo tx>g Creek with the olber
.tvtrge. to as
laleneas i>f the hour iiulll 1<>tvfrge.
Bravo Men trail '
gemlemanrcertain the nine of olgbl. Imd «.i.|N-rf
,oswcr to the tost qucstlOD bad
"The geolicniao from Juba Hill waa
Victims to alomacb.-liver and kidney owT«.
to tbe wlndoH of a well tlgl.t.sl store. |o he a dtotloct hnt Inaril, ulaic oega about to ask liic otlier gi-nileuaii to troubles as well at wrmrn, aod ad feel
none olber than tbe drug store wUb „ve, Eva <v.vered h.-r fs.e with her
the reaalu Id looaof appetite, polaont
which we arc all»ady a.-unsliil.-d It hauj,
“Tbey accept of bis hospitality." waa tbe re- in tbe blood, baekacbe, nervonaneaa.
ply of Mayor Drake.
II o'. l.s-k Tbe druggisi was pr»
torricd you away, Etlw‘-".ts a gcntleinan and knowing wbal headache and tired, llatleas. r
Lg-9r-ei» s so* mM
paring lo eloep op for tbe ulghl
!s-.-ans.- they IMnlik'l h
ise* SI »» Pitib uro
belongs to good manuers"lic-hu
A VAiorssA M*or cost
B.-fore he could do so Joltu pushed honored Ibe luom of Half.. ......... ..........
"As auolhiT g>-ntlrmao and kaowlng Ind.. save: "Electric BItterw are just Aolrr of M- b«n«.rioBrMUJ.
bla way Into Ibr Mitre "Wall till I gel haaiow ibcui ahoul ibe-tbc applc all abom ethimiic"»
•eWSR «ALR -<JooA et«kl e_
some plaster." be ealh-d out to bis com pj,,. Tell them. Edward. It waa not
"1 must say that l>og Creek baa tbe whether be Uvea or dlea. It gave me X*
BO* oo East EUrh-k •
paokm -I'tn g.dpg to try your plan;", niy fault, nut my fault! l-l -dMo'i
Birt-si'. B a Lr« i^h
UggeM graveyard."
new atrength and good appetlta. 1
they lo tbe druggist “A yattl of ptaa mean-l -oh I can't go oo! 1 can't go
"Rut Juba Hill baa tbe moat sa ean now eat anything and have a new
ler. phwsc."
' «o!" And again poor Eva broke Inin loons.
lease on life." Only Ue at /u. G
"Thsi's the tost roU t have." laM tbe
".And that you are a duffer and a Jobnaon'a and R. E. Walt's dmg atorea
tradesatau In' bcw-lldenncnt as be,
jj,,, p^,^( Myrtle slipped away' ttor:
Beeiy bottle naranteed.
banded out Ibe ibltd yard of plaster ^nd came down atairw again with a' ".And tbat you are a nnltter and a
‘ - ‘ sold to tbe Hatch family ibat tnge pair of srisMwm In }ier
Tbraa or nra Onto
eveoiag He Is-gao lo tblok tbsi aome without one w.o-,1 of warning aod be- j Tben tbe i
BatforBoenta I can sell yon a loaf ITOBSAIX-BiillSisr
A (-ksapocy. le
was playing a Joke ou him. and forr FMwapI could throw htmaeir be-1 ,
of best b
after t.corre awl John bad de|«ned „reen then, abe aavag.dy suldied bit Tbe rrtti"-iive gxntlemca on either
P w 8 oenta
'-Pbn>k«ho<) or
be hurriedly cloaed bis store.
i fatbcf-at tooM so It sccmcl In tbe on aide followed suit and for half ao boor
The ls.ys found tbe Hatch reaidcDce e*rtaln Ugbl-ln tbe face wUb tbe mur- tbe most cheerful Industry prevailed.
IQ darkucss when they arrived there, detwis wtwpon.
Tbe gentlemanly abootlng «-onilotied
except for one sollta/y light that abone ,
llannv N'ew fWr everv- vmil everybody bad run abort of car
for aaifota boo& with-Mra. Itaotnar
Irqaira at Lantner Broa'. Shoe Store
bodyr gaMvM Mr Haul, acnlor. catch- tridges or got Hred of dodging bullets,
__________________________ __________
SM tl*
TOM, „,.„pw pj u,. ,„d ^ I,,. „„ TO pTO .TO,. .Ad .L.klA. bU jnd (ben Ma.vor Mabmey came out
ro LOAX ox
Ur. II.U*. A .ITO-P., bAbTOTOAld Ad.
A.J aaAtoI. -«Vto All AlATOl from betalDd a tree aad said:
Ps-rkls a Cl
“Tbe mayor of I>og Creek, who to Twhl finnHwi
i"“> •».—A. - »h-d »p
Otvon to sappltoa for partlea aad
etlll a gentleman and no bog. wlU
Na IIia. aa. lA.t I" -^Nl
banqaeto at City 9^tbg Ball. S
bid yon a poUie good day aod retire."
Bps logvlber. and
Allb IbA
Tbeo Mayor Drake rose up from bclamp followed, en.liug only when John loose. Sbe'a alwaya bMt at exptalnblud tbe stump wbicb bad sbciterad ft CVS U Mmm Ie 14 IMTS.
a~a-w- » r
turtkcd Ibe wick s» low tlMt the dame Ing.bln tbroDgb tbe fray and replied:
flickered a few imieo and tbrii died
No remedy equals Waeneb'* WhlT*
Tbe welkin rang witb Bdvrard'a
-Tbe mayor of Juba tlitl. who to
out Left In alienee and darkneaa. tbe langbler when bto motbM- did explaliL
also a gentleman aad knows wbeo be'a I’lKE OP ‘Tab Sykcp for tbto terrl- TaessetMTfiatsidsr al^ J. O. JswMa.
boys were aooa alceping aonodly.
tborgot enough, prwnts bto compUmesta •ugblyand in time, it willenre a cose
All was qnlet and MIU by mMoIgtat
TOP and best wlabea and mwtx that tbto 11» bourn, and fu-tbe cough tbat lolausplelona btsinnlng of tbe New Tenr owe La Grippe I* never laiia to give
folka totting up
Then Myrtle auddcnly awoke with tbe Uln^aaa plaster. But ibere waa a aec- may atrvngtben tbe bond of love bn- YlleL Prion. Sc and 50c.
tweeo the two towaa."
End then anrii tods loaded np tm Thy
mam of eoura^ww boMlng bto h^ ^ tiuit nigbt and. aa every one conJaMd. tima aad rttnmad borne la a gentlorrorov.s£
•mr tarn mnMb. Thnto
n waa tbe JoBtar of tbe two.
aaaly way.
A. & Lews.
■ ir
-a «am> or ruenea. putag««t the knawledge of tbcir brotbera.
Wrapa were borrlcd on. and Ibe ^rto
Wen- aooa on tbcir way to tbe ntnrut
*dmg More.
Harpig aecnted tbcir treaanre. MyrBe and Uay bnrried back and wmn
•oon la tbe privacy of Myrtle's room.
Ub ^r or ao later they decided, as
•lay expreasH it. to "wuialr them
•Hvea" and retire for tbe B1^ May
^d Wt a Bckling tn her tbront that
^jfn» doobilem of an imaginary or aymJ^hlhaWc antare nnd bnd dacMed to
■T''E::;3TSgisssrir .v-;
*n a« to tbr Ml wWa ttoOif
JM (to fkn «t OMM u Mr;
tW M » Ito l«hl tor tot kilttoai *
ta »lBi II tor p<«t>rl;| r-to.
Another Happy Patient! togs
,»aala Pm thr
aa«ta»lac poo.
ai COBMral a* *a«. •. H. Mrk.
I Itoic.-Tte
tTrrrt.t. Si Wc.
IB. 1-a U Bf* TM. totoiiB l
^ w,
The nJaraatw ia ibeae paangaa at«
: to tba'-cook
^ ^ iM to harM ud hm.
Ufa" aa axpnatoeaoe
Mr. Fred BehoM, of
Mich., after thtM torribla yean
airfIMiig, with BO help from aaj aonroe, do ^od» aaemtng to Oder,
stand fawcasa,ootwalted
j la ItolkKnratiTe aaa la tba Old Taatameat it U tba reiristar <d tba coTcnaat
a aic^p la vtctlwa
WY IBMUDU !■ aa lotrrwlac atadf
t b; « «>*l! kaova
t»r. WUtr U a'apecttUai
apTTotw diiiMM aad
la a
tkat «ni|>hail^ aiaaarr arorei hti |»va ror tbalr fra^^admlBJatnUOD St aairaiic
-tba pra^r«K» aa
AB4 «r M to Itor r<
aad irh. OtooM •, «ch tor tor mmnmg^ MlaM
Vbra riar tor tor atox aaT pmca ^ tor apwr
«la paileau la maar caaea.
la bla
■«VB rxpvrlMK'v taa baa ToaDd a almpla
■ vHlMmt
.Bftar cfferu likeix I* pradaca lacttaa*Tbraurb a atud/ baatd aa tba^wa
-«C ^aMaKX la bomaa aaatoox <utaadlaa orar a period of a doara or
aaorc xuara I bare learned tbat oiadar
^enalD pbxalcal mak-oadUioa^" aald
(tbe ptaysl<.iaa. ‘*ibe subject may m*.
gttleea relief l>y snuKnluy poeltloas at I
<9bM that will from ibe ease afforded
dbe affected perte-aerve a* a natural
a omKiralitod posltioo
will tend to pivTcui oatural repose,
irbfle a cttouforu>4«’ <Aie will Woo It.
Sot wbai uiu> lb auoM cases an-iu to
.be a poaltloo of ease may to nwlify be
tbe reverse.
“For lUAtauee. a dyepepile anil rest
.' more eaully lyiur ou llir rlclii ia<le for
d oaioratly yravlian-ti out of «li«
<atonai-b and iom the IntestlDes. ablle
' rr tyloc 00 Uiv oppusiU- sl.le tbai or
ana. to lis veakeurd state, bas to |)eiv
gom aa npblll proot-ss of dlxestlon.
Tbls U amidy sufflcteat to prodoce la-
-l.ylny flat on tbe back, wltb' tbe
Mlmba relaxed, woald seem to secure
tbe crcaieat amount of rest for tbe
aaoscular system, whether la good
.tonltb or tllnraa. Bucfa ta tbe pMitloo
adroraUd l<y pbysliiau generally la
the moat eibaustiOK diseaaea. and It.
.. Mittot to. . .itoto to# -toiH
la baNed as a sign of rapid recorery
R t
;tn tbe ouplue poalnre which Impair
' .rabarraas sleep, whether In case of
V Hines, or ordinary IteoKb. Thus
giTia* tboB a titU .to atonal
n.lif* ••IteoBtaiBaalialartbatichtoOM
to torn.
Aaauralx} •»____________
iflrard Com* of tbe
,. .toto .to.,
John F. On & Co.
to tboaa rrbeae
____ _________
»to toa. written tbarelB life before Ood teat ia
Mtttdoto <d Ood aad tbm
It iatboreoHd book'
•>«a tbr dlavrgaatakd «}at«-Bia of
Tbera aad ekevbera it alao to-
«■ to tba liat wKi<± Ood kaapa ia
ot Utuae trbo are Bia wfaoee
aaiifa aa It wart^ ara writtea ia a
1M ax totor toil ato
Vtoa tnctoi. •'« ua :
, peopla
immediatly diagnoeed
bia c e aa 8FIKAL IRRITATTON. The
“? ™ to who
-------------------wb. „ ft.ST
^.1 ^
g reflex and caoaad by ibe im" torf' towel ajtti
P^rgi- tycGoto..!
pi.-d jtoH. ..-ton. H. h-»p.d.Il/rN..NA
Aa old lawrer. apeafciox of dramatic »<►
The retonaice aanteaU that— ,
Dr.,-------too* bna awda
DcMenu la court. wM:-JeteClemeBs.
I « <w «>»»«• are wtittan la tbo!
"I amgUdto
----------. i_
OBCe famoua Called 8utca senator »»okof Ufa it tbonld canoe u
11-« ben to
pw ^»b to «b^ jMin
. Xo tba 70 OB their
a^d enme a«ar Jaat aa I had aatoa li. Ttaore waa am
with bad
Barr appeared for the defeose of a Nivra from tbeii mi-aonaiy
, ton ^.
„yrtla«. and ererTtblnr pare me preat dk
My heart
man cbarg.d srtib murder. My eecoi- tbeir report of their great power—that
ampcd and beat at times eery tot Me back wsa eery bad aad (bm waa a
iertlua > that tbe trial waa la tba area d^to were tobject to them—ieaoa good
Saal of pain iharo. My Umba woald
.. Jerk
. . and. twitoh.-ond tbay fall numb
taid. "botwithstandiiig. in ibia rajoica and no faallag mucBln them by apalla My aorees were
bad aad I ooald
“H'beo Burr addreaaed tbe Jury. It not that tbe apints ara subject onto notsttatill or slean.aod eonid not read orthlok waif. Bat this U allebaoged aw.
traa aigbl. Tbe gviliy mas was In tbe T<>°rejoice rather becauaa yoar I esnaoi gat oaoagb to eat. baea gaiaad IS poaada ia a moatb. I cat avary*
bad^bean tbe ortoHnl wit. Balnea are writtra in bearen ’’ To tblag now aod it ^rae me no dietreaa. My Imek
baek Is all rirhi
lirht. No---------------*iSB. I have treatod wnb a good maay
but Burr bad
®»«* eTil.apiriU to tba »»*•<«• talteWng I feeing ana______________
-a graatiday wbeo I aalled pa Dr. Snow.
.to,octo c^,. to
learned tbat ibis
aeodt a doetor to eall
Icing, bat bow much ,
sassin. and In closing bit address for
>him. It if the b
bis clicni be picked up two lighted g*«atm cat
I of woeandiea from ibe
natnea are writteei ia tUa
Dr Snow makee a Bpecialty of all chronic diaeaaea, dii
tbe table.'
table. au<L buMlDg
them In Ibe face of the wiiuras refer l^b's book of Ufa That record Mia, men. the eye, ear. noee and thmat. He ia eapecially aocceoafol in
red to. be exclaimed; 'Gentlemen of o» that we are aaeed—oared to time treating conger, asthma and consQmptjoD.
thejury. there la nature'arerdiri. .Sow and eternity, It tells Os that we are lbs
» .■ a ^
. j c
write yours.' At that moment ibe wit- cbildrenof Ood and thatOod is special-,
Tflflth EltTSCtfll FOF 2SC
Iranise Chf lambei Ca.
S Tfwwst City.
r ',r
,Z" .'■'sr
«“>«“» *
torkal Borel called The itliata; or. Tbe the world can emOM tu joy. this fact ■■
Times of namllton and Burr.' In tbat abould. and a joy that will mi '
book be wore tbe Inddent loio ooe of
Kratitnde to God and
tbe chapters. Tbe book Is out of print
^___ _____
names are srritteo In tbe
aod bas been for tpaoy
years. ___
“ '*
great sale. panlct.larty In ibe hook oflife. oar one aim iaUfeabonld
eouth. before tbe dvll war. for Gb-m- be to see tost tl^ey are not blotttid o«t
cos was a typiral aoutlipru orator and
“‘•J' be blottedont Muarajmyed
a man of wooderfot peraonal mag- *bal hU nauie be Uotted ont for tbe
The object of tbe-oocel waa
bsraeL '^‘chy ««*•• ««M
to make Burr a hero and to besmirch •»* be done In Rer. iii. 5. Jeans tsya
“He that OTercumeUi. tbe asiiDe shall
“Id one cbapier wbeie Burr was falgb be clothed is while raiment, and 1 srtU
'a tbf e*«eem of tVasbl>on tbe latter
blot ont hit name out of tbe book
"Tra^nted aa raidltig a letter from ^ bfw ’ This staU-meut shows tbat it
namllton In whieb UntDllton o •tailed la
iWe to onr namea to be blotted
.tou, Ban-. oatofCM .btoloriil. Vfto, .
Burr was siaudlng behind Washington estaatr^ anch a fate would bel U
during ilM- reading of tbe letter. Wasb-**be chief Joy of earth ia in haring oar
Inrtou. ln.t-o«>il at the contents of tbe »•“«» »rrtUeB »» bearen. wbo can de- SttpeeMorg
lelter. lurn.-d gnlekl.r and saw Burr, to •‘^ba tbe rctow of having them blot-
..................... ..
G«t Your Bicycle
t work. I
n of colon
A'ao aay kind of ropair worii Matty
»i-*- o*~
to Treworee Olty Lumbar Oo
iSt celebrated Dtarwriaht bad boM* V 2 T**n oU and 11100*1 learned to, «f» eiufB^Wt Adnty neglectod has
.wa talk yet
tbe mine eftact. worUag directly to ing flaws to tbe aetorto
Mr. Henpeckke-DonT let tb: t worry!
to doty and tberefora to a
Aramn nntll tbe good utnred Barry
you. My wife aaya ahe dtdnt begla to
yritnal aieitibiUty.—Poitod
“Oh. come. Gos.“ be tatempted.
'*T>oe't be qnlte so hard If It's aoC an
“Alabama.’ Jatt remember tbat
wrote It U a week.Tbcrc le caon^ coal ia New Mexleo «« bee eocttfh to pat aa edge of aw“TOd yon. Barryr ntarted Tbomaa
aa oar Urea-ChrMaa la*
to aopply tbe whole af tbe OaMed
ittatee fur EOOD yrazA
«ag City ladepeadMN.
t tadlw Rj.
CopvmnHTa Ac.
sstas ;88SBiisfle8i8S
I Calendars
..oa. ..ch.
7 - eps BV.-rs. was tbe cauw of llie break
HwUxik (d Ufe
wlio babltuiDy rlor^Jn
Washington aod Bnrr.“-New
Hms only can we enter hanven.
York Sun
"Tlieii sliall in nowise enter into itanv, ■---------------------------I tbiugtbatdetllcth** * • lint tbev wbi^
-lion nr fram tin- eourae of their physl-;
Ballest Per mps.
are writu-u in the LaTubs b...k life." ]
cal developun-ut. there must oecusaarlTo solve ilie question of liallast many
Bible Readings.__Ex. xxx.i. 3b-83:i
l.v be Aonie* distress coUM-qui-ui la exptslii nts are rvM>ri<-d to. and the re- £<vt xii. 18. M; Isa. iv. 8; Dan. xii. |
eatralgliU'Ulng tlw spine. It may not aulls oluulnt'd oft.-n are sinculat. 'llte i.«; Math. xii. 86. 87: Act- xvii. 8«. j
be KUflIrleni to cauM- iwln and yet be most |«i|iuL-ir lialhist Is stone or rock. 81: Rom. ii. 12-16; I C<ir. iv. 6; Phil
aurb a strain as to proreni perfect and every shipmaster w ho Imlls from iv. 1-8: HeU xii. iZ-H; 1 Pet iv. I-S; ^
Tlie n»ull Is uiu'ousi-lous rest- the
e jiort of -New
.New York knows, or Is snpsup- Rev. xUi. 6: ivii. 6; ri. lS.l&:xxi 87 I
. Vasnesa. whitHi la the prwlucer of In- poM-d to know at least, (be relative
|1 value
grides of
------ of
-- pertain
T-------- ------------ topks
la tbe abwaow.
•gVstple Who liave coniraeted rbesta various (rorts besides the metropolis
W« must all g»there aometimm. Tha
cannot she-p well lying niton thelt He ran dls|iase of a earg*> of atone to gi*r* ©f tbe daylight ia too trilliant
•Ttaeks. This rule ntml'et eapeclnlly to eomrart.ws here w hk-h wlU more tbnn Onr er« become injored and nnable to
ghone who have auffetwd with pleurisy rHmbuiw him for the expense of lend- discern tbe delicmte sbadra of color or
toBd retain ndbeoioos of tbe Inngs. They big and unloadlDg. and If tbe abipmna- appreoate nantra] linta—tbe xbadowed
win find It easier to gel to sleep upon i^r Is alert Ik- will arrange for such chamber of sicknem, tbe abadowed
'Tbe right side and (lutl tbeir somnolent d|s|iosal many montba before his re- bonae of mutirning. tbe abadowed life
* out of the way corner, bum which tbe sunlight has gone. But
-obaerte this advice. Furthermore, tbe of the world.
f*»i- avX. Ills the ahadow'of God's
.Mablt of lying on ibe back la ibe ereEvery time n aalling veoari relurna band. He is Jrwdiag tbee. Tbera ara
totiw of sovring. whkb mneb l>etaI>ors from s foreign port ohe usnally Is via- laMons wbi^ can be Irarncd only there,
•mieeii and prevents the tabject from tie.1 by cootraotora or tbeir ngenta. The photograph of His Uco cm be «ily
eeeviving the full benefit of Its recuper w ho make compeUllve bids to bar Exed in tbe dark chamber. Bnt do not
-«tloc effects
hnllsst cargo of stone. If she carries sappow- tbatvr bas <au« tbes asids
“It Is desirable, therefore, ia all caaet one. This stone is used mostly for Tbon art lUH in Uis quiver He bas
\to Hr on (Ih-side, and In Ibe alweoce of macadsmixiug and |wvlng streets, l-'re- mB Haag thee'away as a worthl««s
topecial diseases rrudcrlng It mure de- qoeJtily mairrtal is brought over which thing He is onlv keeping tbeeckaa tUl
mirable to Ur on tbe weak shir, which b good enongti for bnllding pnrposen.- the moment
when Be can aend
leaves the strong lung free itocxpaitd. b>w York Press.
\ tbee nnwt swiftly and rarely on
^ right side should Iw eleswa. A.-------------------------- errand in which He wiU be glorified^
MbDce at any plate of (be visceral
Pm Pisb ttatt.
shadowed aoliUry one. rememberT bow
-uaioniy will show that when tbe l»ody:g© evconiric hermit named UllUam
It tbe
quivi is bound to tbele war‘
Ja thus pbi-ed the food in the----- '
wbo lives at Franklin. Mich:, rior. within easj
seb of tbe band and
«f dig<>stion is gn-ally aid<-<! in i(s b said
be one of the most successful guarded jt«k>mdyl—R«v F B Meyer
paasage from the stomacb into tbe In- flabermen In hli-pari of the country, i
*ealln.-s. Here the prioclple of gravl- ^
,-i,|ni» to call the flsb to him |
Tbe EaglUb Prsrer Mek.
tntkm directly apidlea. Th.-n the fad hy singing •'Old Hun(lrc-.Iib - .......
He goes
The EngUsb Prayer Book u wbat it
that tbe stomach doeso'i compress tbe ©ot
In bis
a station la b to tbe English because it grew with
»PP« |M>tlloo of tbe lotesilm-s U attU fairfy de,q* water. Then be slags, at that people, and it could ingrain Itself
nnotbiT advaniagr.lo lie g-ilued from the mme time keeping his eves oo the in national character U-ranse it was in
tying on llie right side when sleep water In sran-h of Bsh. Gradually tbe Itself in some arjui« a iwodW»“of- o.■woolng case to the entire hnmaa meeb- fl,t rr„wd about Ills boat, he fblma..................................
ff Anglo-SaxADlsm Is under serious conshlera I Ion.
.©d when enough are gathered togelbThe hutory of tbe Pnyce
iD .ouduslen. 1 wish to refer to
the wily tlshennan casts a net and
' ond tbe First Book
L or fnita. eMclKW doxeo« st n alngle haul. Tbe uf Edward VI
t ancient parti of
la sleeping which T have olMcrved. A
the Utorgy are witacsscs and. os it
•wenMby woman
«-omae once came to me for w,
^Is nHghbors
are iDcUned to belle
were, title deeds of the birtoric coo-1
^lm«H for bad dirama of tbe or-_bi, ^nate stosT.-Cbicago Record,
tianity ^ otrr catbulicity aad of Engdnr commonly called nlgbiniare. Ep■
Uab cbaracta. —Cbnrchraaa
-«a timkhig Inquiry 1 diacorerad tbat;
-ahe was to tbe babit of lying at rest! in |gTo j
with ber arms tbtoara
Setflabaeas i» a vice. seif love b e
head, a poslUnn graaily to be depn
virtae Salfiahaew U the root uf aO
-«d. although It will Induce sleep in
Are In 187u scattered only S7 death vice:
■ who have weak Inags. Tbe fif* I denting mlssUew Now it aratten 84a and r
«nlatJon is thereby made wronger la a t^wib welgbtng nboot 70 pounds 80 »ora and granter view Belfishnem aad
tbeextrrmlties. and tbe bend and neck
ago would have burst tow 42 «n net aad react one apon tbe otheg
And minclcs of tbe cheat are drawn fragmenta. Today, when It
Is charg-1 Self lore, c Ibe contrary. Is a virtna
•np and n-Uxed by tbe abouldera."-, «d with peroxUeoe. tt brenka
np Into and tbe f<
ot all virtue, of all
J’hUadelphia Tlmea.
hW) is bnrtod religion, of all opttltuality —Christiaa
L2U0 plecea. sarti of
with much grrater velocity than tbe Standard.
I.weMle u4 CWwaila.
Mrger lumpa which arere acattered by
The Baili at Sin.
Maurice Barrymorv's wit :
Tbera Mionld be praoent to os tbe
tlnBwd, bat i
tbongfat that there ia a poattMUty
Mla expenae was Angustna ThomM*j
_ _ ---------- —
In ain A sitt raof one of Barrymoee’e
^ra^r Mods to tbe farmattoa
Mm OOm. Markbam »loA.
SldawBlk Lumber in ell bIbm.
sin. ' overcoma
<'l''ntens roftrofienta. stung to tbe quick. ‘
'tote to the Isiek t^tl111
tue oeaa ann to ae. .
.n I
and --..ii.j
replU-d >.■>».
with all
overcome nDbclief-lbey shall not
•e in
be And Jestu will help ns so that we
13 believe tliat much of that weakencan
uvtsmmf Tha
maje«iy s
tng delirium whivli the physician baa me In the u.autn'r you have, tbe only
•“’i »brongh Uim wo may overXo conteod with in ireailug seriona
,r.z ss.,;';r;;;^.TnV.r.rT;vnr
E. W. Hastings’
, Fire lisuiaace Office
• s «sxrt»»wa Orsi*>tt«s.i b>«t
>Hir oeiDM-B frs* sgmWt so
•1-if |.ue^le. (.«.nssM-
Jobnaon Block .
John R. Santo,
Geieril lisiraice.
:r.- "- - ^
The H:Us.a.iraUkss parlor car ISO
Bvpl4>.SBSsiscpcf OrsaJ RspMs Is Oil
Steinberg’s Grand Opera House
•Wednesday, Jan. 3rd
The Society Event | 100 M,h^
Dukaof York
Mr Daoial V. Arthar
The Toueg Romantic Actor
In tbe auecessftU comedy.
“The Adventure
of Lady Ursula.’
Miss Frances Drake
■Id 1 SqsMr Cwpu;-
Bncsi. crisp sW taU »( rssaaec.~N. T. -mbOM.
Pric«a-35c, SOc. 7.5c, Sl-QO.
Bale at the box office
Teleptione 112 for eeate.
*VBats anivlag at s an p. a. has etatr car rv
Waras Is Or^ BapM* aaS ckalr ear Oraan
----------O, F..T.1.. 0«.. ..AN
Chicago — ~ ” «
West Michigan.
oonro eooTB
Mr. William Morris
Supported by
*^ (»p B tralB Sm parlsrearss Orato
RaplSA. ss4 sisepisc ssr aad caaA OtaaS
TralBarrtTtsca> ttop ■. has slssw OW
elBBSil IS nraaS Bastoa aa4 eoack aas tlasp
^car^Oi|^ IS Oraae KapMa aaS skab «sr
Bdk seato, fll.50.
SeeU on
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
And none are poew Block. Soap u joa know m bettor alter
boii^BRed. Eveiybody wbo omb Boap knowftbe atondard mokM
^wiaBi^ We will give yoQ good val*
JAS. a JOHNSON, biRist
Ar Old________
[.< Ord BapMs..
- "S
0(KM0 VOBItt.
aVc«. ,
ssss:] l!S*‘
uniB m HinunBi LL
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