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The Morning Record, December 03, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUidYw-No a06
Bom PropariBf^ Diapoto
pMMffo ol BrltUh.
ml Trmn, B>l
OlCTy^ Mow-
matt mn Vet Oleer^Xi^ted Be
k PlMalec t« iBtMMpt OeMMl
9o«toert*« Amr~ More Bnrikb
«rroep« Vaberk.
uroiBvs zzoxsD.
Atdtwt L^lac of •orr^tac Party
Oeloa. Colombia. Dea s —A dapataUaa of ladkaa from Dariloa baa
arrlrad bon to doMad tbo withdrawal
ot the aarroylap party vhkh baa boaa
laadod by the Amarkaa paaboat
Tbo Hoorploa. whkh arrirod at the
latbmaa of Paaana a few daya aptt.bad
oa board tba oommkakm apaolatod by
Ualtao Sutee poremmaat to
aarrey the roale of tba propaaod aew
eanal tbroapb Colombia torrllocy. Tba
root# Hot between Caledonia bay, on
the eait aide of the Utbmaa, Md the
Ualf ot 8m Mlpvel bn the weet aide.
It k cUlmed that a aea leral water,
way ean be eonetmeted by tbU rooi
wltb''4nly twentyala mllee
two Soalh AtrkM Bepabliee.___^
4wWli]tMB*eTiaItto Holland, tbe pa
per wya, meet meM that be bae not
takes each m Inomblc et^
Tbe Llberte talm tbe matter store
Mill AltaruU oa Potatoes Md •erioaely Md arpee Praaee U -seek al.
llaaoee, “in view of a eartaia eerataalWlioat Md Bepta m Latter la Taa Ity la. porbape, tbe near fatnre.
Daya-I qatpmoat Belap ^pletad
LO.O.T. B<s Social.
for tbe Vrw PUa. Which Will BnThe Good TempUn held m opea
able PlMt to Ena tbe Tear Bonad—
meeUap Md bos eoelal lam ereniap.
Vew Pouto Cellar.
QrorfllO wae cleared fortU beaeflt of
TbeMicblpen Starch Oo. bae defl- >belodpo. TheI.O O. T. orabeetra
ntlely arranped to bepln the maanfae- j played a eoleeUoa, aad
XioUgBn BUrota F*otory InerBBPlng Ita Oa^nt.
laoAm. D*c.
diepet^ from,
BwiteetetMthetdaMMC* bM beea
rwetr«ltlwt Ota. Lord VolboM te
tore of wheat etaroha'l once Md
1^* ^bolh of which
•MbU to eroM the Vodda ri««r. mai
aooorad. A laipe
larpe nnmber
C. Benee. preeldeat of tbe oompMy.
tfaet hkrrtrmt k cot off by Coatouidleft Iwt ovoalap for Cbieapoto arraape
Mi Dal»rT»7c, who k epereUaf aeor
for tbo eqnipmeat of the aew ataebiaKoSrmEofv
already parehased for tte aew
Aoida troa tbk tlMre k a e
'nl. eo aatreacinp. ao coi
ataMdO of rMOBt BOWO of tbo * r. Md
napleteaeS. Benda A Co.'
It k tbe purpose of tbe company to
•roa a Iki of the eanalUa oaMalaed
It of meo'e neckwear ani
keep tbe factory maaiap alpbt Md
muffl -rs. at from S»c to tl 60.
brtboBriikli ia TaMday'o dfoi at
day tbe year around. Owiap to
Voddor riror hM dot boon rMivod. It
k loaraod that Ooaaial Lord Motboen
eonld act be doae oa poUtoea alone.
baa baoB re-aaforood br baU a taatulI<Mt Bifftat’* Flffht.
In view of tbk condiUoa It has been
loB of Blrhlaadan. and a reriaanl of
points of
oaralry aad i
Kill Palled tff at Boyne Cliy Md Kc- rtsreh add a weok on poUlo aurch,
ThoooaUnaedfUeaoe '
Ooy Defeated Hk Baa la the
alteraately. Tbe new mecblaery has
forao anf/au tbo poaibUity of a boa'' Beooad Bonad.
beea purchased sad It k expected that
Ula aoroaeet la bk roar.
the factory win be ready to turn ont
Botblac rorardlnf tbo forward
Boyae City. Dee. t.—The priu fipbt wheat etarcb In aboBl ton daye. Tbe
aoroaeat la Batal baa baeo rooelrad
bera tonlpbt waa eometblnp of a anr- maehlaery of tbe plMt k decipned for
Utartban dau of Ho*,
prke .to iboae who lyltnemed It, in tbk pnrpoae. tbe only addilloaal
aoaau, tba Boor bald b6Ut tba rallwaj
more way* thM one. In tbe flnt plaoe. equipmoat needild boiap eome elevaV
aad wayoa bHdfa at Ooloeao.
rary few expected eneb bet work aa
woro abla to dwiroy tboa when tbo/ waa pal np'by both of the men. Tb*a lap apparatus and six otMplop vaU of
arkbed. Pbo Brtilab are atlll at Prore. there wae ao one who thonpbt that a capacity of l.ooo bnsbek each. Tbe
arraapemeat will enable tbe
S-U hu Isli CTeryUlox o» the hlcU<
Ibe Dally Mall \bk aoraloc pnb- tbe boat wonid end ao speedily, after
IMoa tbo followlnf: “Proro Oamp. they eaw how Morphy foapbt la tbo factory to ran tbe entire year with a
force of fifty hands alpbt and day.
Mor. M -Tbo aalB body of tbo ooray. flnt ronad.
eqnal to 100 employes oa day work.
*-il u cui tbe erst Ci
. seiieuuire
wbleb rc tamed troa Willow Oraaye
Jim MeOoy of Trororae City metT. O.
A praln elevator will be bnilt as aooa
la two oolaaaa oa onr rlybi aad loft Mnrpby of Oeatral Lake ^ 160 poaada.
flaaka, apaaan to bara aow J >laad Md Md knocked bin oat la' tbe eeooad aa tke aesaon will permit. In the'
time the prooent potato blaa will be ku* isli^ou bV4
bobare leooeaplad tbair eaap aear >und by a lorrifle Jtb la tbe wind.
need for tbe etorapo of wheat.
Ofoblor^ Klobf. eloae to Ooloaao. aad
Tbe boat opened with work eo bot
A new poteto oellar will be built
to ba proparlay to dkpnte tha paaaaya that tbe epeeuion who bad feared
north of tbe m Un bulldiap with a ca
of TacaU riror.
paaaibletaka. If tboreworo My each. pacity of tOO.OOO bnsbela. which will
'“I%a Boon baro boaa paOty of
» pat at oaae at oneo. Both men caable the company toatoreasnffieieBt
inaal doal of aaalaoa doouaeUoa
foapbt hard Md faat, Md there waa
proportyoa tboir way to aad from lltUe ebofoe betwooa them at Uo end qoMllty to keep the factory buey for
Willow Oraapa. Parot bonaaa hare of tbe ronad. BoUi woro flphttop clean aome Ume after tbe elooe ot tbe poUto
bnyiap aoaaoa, oo poUloea aloaa Tbk
boeo wroekod. (pralMro baa
and faet aad tbo crowd were pleaeod baa been ao experimental etape for
aaaaabad. Md tbo
tbe factory bnt tbe proapecta prompt
aad wrttiapdaakt ba'
Tbeeecoad round opened with tbe the company to make additional im
oat of wtadowa
work as fact as ever, not aooa McCoy
a portrait of Oladatoac bao booa fonod pot la a terrible jtb in the etomaeb, provements. The factory earn
lyiaplatbo balL Apparoatly it ^ Md Murphy went down like a lop. tbe ordenahesd and tbe prodnet baa
been eold a loop Ume in advaaeo of lu
booa a tad aa a door mtt. Tito oaemy Referee Brabaa of Biyne City eon
tbk sorvlap, wbUo atlenpuop to him ou*. aad be was helped to bk feet. manufacture.
Tbe new pouto cellar will be arblow op oono of a iOO-foot bndpo at He claimed a foal on the pronad ibai
ranpod eo that stock can be unloaded
Ooloaoc, woro diirea back by oar ar>
blow was too low. but
from boaU. cars or wapont. and to
Ullory aad monated latMtry.
referee eoold not see It, Md McCoy
fsclUuu the antoadlap of ears a tare
‘ A aatira Boooonror from Malar
at plren tbe dccklon.
table win be bnlU west of tbe factory
Dark of ImporUl Llpbt Hone at
MMy who caw the ftpbt think that
Ladyamltb reparU that Bpfatlap poea the blow that pal ,|Urpby oat wu where care can be mo npon the awiteh
oa lateralnoatly, wllhoot Doeh daa- iMded partially by ^aaeo. and that leadlnp to tbe oellar.
Three are holy a portion of tbe imape; tbattbotok abaadeaeo of food. ifltbadaoiboea for tbia blow,
Md that all la the beloaroorod town flpht would bee been mneb looper. provemenk decided upon. The condllions and raellltloe here have been eo
are la pood boalth Md aplrlU
Otben tbiak that It wae a clear cw
Late tbkafteraooB oaly tbo baro tbe beet man -wlaalnp by superior favorably dcmiattrated that tbe memtotal of the nambor of Britlab killed flpbtinp. aac that if t^k blow had not hern of tba oompMy feel wnrraMM. In
la tbo faaUlo of the Moddor riror waa been Unded, anotker like It would •pariap no psies or ezpenae in mskiop
provemcDt that will lacrease
plreo oat.' The totai loaaea are 418. bara been In a abort Uma
lineaa, which tbns far has been
Of wbOB?l were killed.
beyond thMr antleipaUona
OMOtal ForeeUer-Walkor'e dkpateb
atotae tbal'all reporU of Ueneral Hetb.
aoa'o adraaee after Ue battle of Ue
B>rlasi*ea«eoi for "qarenquallir"
P L . Brown Has 118 LoU 1
Kodder Hrer were prenalare. thoaph.
with Ibe railroad workinp. be abonld
Oak Belpbu Which He Will
Obamberlala'e Triple AlllMce OtterBot be loop eoaatraetinp a temoorary
Mcaa are Tbne Oharactcrised
bridpe. Hk enforeod delay will doabtAn rxtenslre real estate deal waa
ten be of eoaalderable eerriee la piria Praaoa.
oaeummated late Friday aflernooa beIpp the Btea a needfnl net aad allowPark.
Dee. 2.—;n addition to the
were R W. Uaetlnps and W.
lap for the arriral of relDforoenraU.
. .
j-Jrown. The trantactloo larolred tbe storm of protest aroused by J'loepb
of which he most be la need after
Chsmberlsin'a speech, the development
throe eoeh flphtv plaelap hor* d- ora Hark,
- - tbe tract beinp the" rut
of Preach aoper toward Enplsod wu
bat upward of l.ooo men out ot leu
of the 0*k Brlpbls addition.
Mr. marked by the anrpose of fuhioaable
^aa 7.oi«
Hut^Bp* a* apeat. cold the property to society to boycoll the Pipsro for ita
The late«‘.newi from S«tal Indicate*
Mr. Brown for tbe Beebe A Holbrook antl-F'earb attitude and its sympathy
that tbe bu kot the L\dy.mlUi relief Ca
with the Bopl>*b apalatl the Boers. '
force bae arrirel at Prere. thoepb
The Piraro is now barred la fuhioa
The property k located eul of Boae
there k ooniiderable eoujerture at to
street, between Eut Xipbth street and able salons and M. Bodays feel* tbe
tba wbereabjiu* of Ueneral Clery.
In editorial be
Haanab aeenne. aad it Includee aome DeLnynre boycott
whoae moremeoli hare not been ebronuyi: “I will Uke order* from no one.-*'
fine lots
iclec neontly. U >* larmleed la eeme
Mr llrown will Improre the property The boycott would have no slpnificA prominent New York official
•^usruretbat be may resopear in a
and while he wUI sell eome of the lots ance If It dtd not mean an Immeaee
said, tbe Keueral um- of the t.-le-^
toully nnexpecied qotrter oa the flank
be will bepin aext spriap to erect a falliiip oP in Its F-eoeb cirenlation
or rear of Ueneral Jjabcrib lome,
number of aumebee eoftarea.
wbicb i* enppwed to be cono-niraiod
at Urobelaar'. K'oof, north of tbe TueLOST AMO FOUVD.
pla river. Another detaebment of
.rlw Ire- 0.. p—,, ..u™epl.„,„p„
„f B„, ,ct.oM B-it<*b UJOp* eaUed for Sootb Purae ConUioinp over 960 B-iumed BriiLb
1. r«po.,"
cldrat Or borKlary liu l»x«me .
Africa today.
rec<3i.T*=^“d nec.r-*«ity.
to tbe Owner Lett Bveolop
Admiral Fot
repnlatA pocket book beloapiap to Mia. third ela*e ereiter Coemao. at ConstMJOBM OAHPIBLD DEAD.
ed bousebotd has a
WiiUsm Hayden was lost lut eveniap tiaoplc, where tbe loltM will reocive
■.lUoatlre Lnmb.-rmaB of MMkiae
ootbeSonthaideof ProBt Street. It him todey. Tbe reel ot tbe Preaeb
Have you one in
Paaeed Aw*y Tmteiday.
coDUlned over 9«i0. Md wu fonnd fleet ewaila Admiral Ponreier at Bmyryoor bomel' ■'
MMktec. Micb , Dec. f.—John Can- bortly after betnp l«t by Oeorpe
fleld, tbe millionaire InmbermaD. died' bmlih ot Weal Minth atreot. wbo
Tbe malority of the newepapere
tbk moraiap after a lonp lllneM from bronpbt it at oaee to tbe Raooan offi.-e. cbaracterixe certain of Mr. Chamberkidney ironbl*. Be was 69 year* of , in a short Ume tbs lady wbo lost tbe lein’e dceleretloa* u empty tbreeu,,
ape and bad been ckwely Identlflrd ; puree eame la. doairinp to Insert m ad. end reperd tbi enppeeUoa of m alU-1
with tbe bnelaou life of Maaktee, for tbe loet pnme. 8be deeeribed It eooe between Great Britaln.the United
atace lu earllui daya.
jfol’y, aad identlfled it. eo that It _ State* Md GermMy aa simply eeoenWith bk father, in 1«««. be eapaped | retnroed to her eoon after it bad been trie.
TbcMetlnobacrvee that Mr. Cbemla tbe aawmill bnilaea* oa tbe epet look ft *ras a very foriBaate thi«p
BOW ocenpled by tb« bip lomtkr Md tbat It fell Into the bMd* of a perfect berlein eltndea to the elllenoe ea an
We are ai g-ing at yon and onr amwU aunufKiurlap plant of tbo Cm- ly beoeel
aeeomplkhed fac^ Md u belop
nuitioii ia tbe right eoil.
field A
work, Md “leltee on the opportunity
Lest Tnp of tbe
to addreoe tbreeU to Praaee, wbleb
We have all tbe leading branda
••ItW food! •’
Tbe etoem barpe PIcteher
k expected
imovedesdoeetbe famone
of-Coffee, the kinda it paya to
»«cre iod.y to take a carpro of Inmbu
and-Ilk HEBE end HERR ON'LY. toCbieepo from John P Ott A Ca proepeet of a new triple alUMoa.”
buy. and for Saturday only we
The Jonreel dee Debate eeya
where ell tbe Goods ere .SEW. Why
will aeli all Coffee at 10 per cent
ne cbeneee of pteklap tr<m eioeks Tbe Fictehw bae beea eapaped nearly doabu tbe exkieiioc of m Anplo-Oerall aammer uklnp Inmber from here mM epreemeat u Mr. Oemberleln
below regular price.
to Cbteapo.
a>eerted. and adds that It would be
Satnrday will be Coffee Day at
- lar* worth o' Men’* Boye'. Md Ckll--------------------------cruel aad Indeeent apon tbe part of
d'vB'e Clotblax. Bele. Cape Md iMd
ParakhtBPa. aU e< tbk aeaMB'a
iperoc William to aoeept tbe aeelaOUmarOraamy'
maUoBB of tke Dniek and vkit their aafitVoMat.
Story of
An African Farni,”~-28c.
—Bj Schreiner.
The Transvaal war has created a creat
demand for this little booh, as it is the
oolj novel that portrays the characteristics of the people who arc puttinir up such
a stardy fight against the Knglish.
Books for Children
ByLanra E. Ru-bards; Juliana Eirin«. KiDline,
Burnett, Dromifoole and fleveral otber aeli known
autbore. in varioDB bindings, at 48c each
Our Special Sales floodm, (3:00 p. m.)
( an be seen in ibe wiiulowa.
They are Medalion*.
ja0-»2 Front Street
Ralph OonnabU Jr., HmnafAr.
ZEBO 1 s .BBJ2sriD.a. & oo "i ZEBO
<Sc OO.
We have Bold almost 700 ’V/ero" Ul
sters. They are great. Keep not
only yoor back warm, but the enUre
Prices $4.60 to $25 OO.
Just as a special, we otfer.you for to
day only, choice of about a hundred
Men’s Fine Suits
In i>lain and fancy WomUHla, Caaftimeres, etc — aercre clave
etripee, cbeckH. eic.. rcKular $1:1 and
suiU. maojV'wbich
will maU-h tbe M-. suits ebown at other stores
Ttslav he™ >t
J. E. Greilick Co.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Doors, Sash, Mouldings.
-Fine MilOVork
jPttblic guardians
rntm TUepttOBB Co.
Coffee CoffoB
Cold weather is coming,
Novels the time
^ to place your orders for
Grilles made to Order iii;aily;i'inish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 2.
Tr.iverse City, Mich.
We don't want
you to buy shoes of us
Unlesfi we can convince you that you can save mon
ey by so doing. Our store is being ran on a basis of
complete satisfaction to our customers. Our stock
is up-to-date in every detail, and comprises only sudi
classes of goods as we can guarantee to be of the
first quality.
What yon buy here, be it men's, women’s or
.children’s footwear, yot can be certain that yott^are
getting strictly high grade goods at the lowest pos
sible prices.
Front Street
THE Mcminiro sBOomD, stniDAT, sbobmbbas. im
vmATnn oitt. • aocBioAir
flW T. 9Axm AMO 3. W. Babb
I. W. Sum. Utor u<I
•• »
• •> Ti»««l— dv.
d Blimier to the Ufa ed Bonjislm
r Babeoek wbe IMed
Baejamla W. Babeoek died TWtecday
at 1*:M at tba age of 17. after a eontinaou lUoem of orar ^ yean. Tba
ramalM will be taken to BaaiaaU tor
barial tomorrow.
The death of Mr. Babeoek marki the
end to a etory of lire aad hwoiem that
to rarely foaad la fact or taehioa.
Berea yeaca ego, bo wu a proaperom
yoaag phyelelaa U Chicago, aad en
gaged to be married to a yoang lady
who wu at that time a tialaed naiw
U a bcapital thera, aad oaraiag a large
aalary. d long eeeaea of orerwork
hroaght OB a urrre attack of aerrou
axhautioa that ceded in a etroke of
paialyato. The yonag lady to whom
he wu engaged left her poaltioa in the
boepital. to beoome bto w:fe, knowing
that It wu probable that he w ' ■
nerar be able to care forhlmulf again,
thoagb tba bopad tor tba bau.
orar a eU yran ebe cared for bim
erery day. and be- lore bu made
toIarabU a Ufa that woald olharwtoe
hare been anebdarabla
.r three weeke before
death. Mr. Babeoek wu rcry weak,
butyaaterday aiorelng be eeemed to
be rather better. Before noon be
TBEtrlMdlj I
Ualtad SutM. BdcUb4 Md Ocrmuy
Md tba-laerMAtaf dpwaI IaUtmU
Wt«MB tb«m b»?e rpeuiUj bMs th«
NbjMt of BMb toTonW* ooae
Ciw Ufb aoBnoP. Tte rooMl Tlfll
«< tb« Mpmr oi OorsM)' to BofUad
k*a broBfhi 0«i thto •lonml of iai
•atloaal trivadllaaM sore foreiblj
thaa **«r bofora. The dm rood feeltar jBieUBff beiweea the two freet
AapMuoa aatlooc ead the Oernea
■Bplfe. which are ao cloael/ iatereroeea
eaah other
of blood aad
latareate hare r 1 * • >
rt*o *o
«B(aeMloea of rratldeatloe by the BmThe anaaal elcettaa of oBoeia of
fanr. roUowlar c’owly apoa the
BMaraaoeeofBaiperor WUIlam eoiaee tararuOlty Ladge,Mo. 7t,K.of P.,wUl
a apeeob by SaereUry Chamberlain in teke plaea acxt Ibareday erenlng.
erhleh he rolee* the eeaUmeoU of the Brery member to arged to be preeenk
The anaaal meeUag of Trareru City
■maaroroaly in lanehe tronrar toam.
UoBaeU..B. d S. M.. wUI be held Taeethe etronr Uee between Uteae aatlone day ereeing,. December &, for the eleeUoa
of oSeere aad other bulneaa.
and deaeribed bow they are belnf
Ber. Barclay Joaea will preaeh a
r by year.
e three aaUone •ermon to laboring men thto erenlng
aaa pracUeally preaerre thepeeoeoftbe at the Friende ehnreb, earner of Oak
erorld U one which U enUUed to attan- and Fifth alrwta. Working men are
tkw and in whleh there U eoaeidemble ■pactally inrlted.
The Batall-aerke will hold e meeting
Wad them tocetbar. aad their infleeaee Monday ereilng in tha C S. P. & hall
sad power la rarioaa parte of the on Onion etraek
bare McCann, who hu not been in
r of the big Trareru City for nearly fire yeara.
draiaaro eaaal next eprinr bae eaneed came bera yuterday to attend the
OhieeroUloaa eight of the two root opening of •TbaiBab.*’of wbleh Doff
national oonTmtlone to be bald eome- MeDouId to the proprietor. Mr. Metrarelled in tbto aution
where arxt anmmer. Id the meanUme
Hew Tork la at work and If Cbtearo of Miehlgio for 11 tyeara. but thru
dona not watch ont her eanal will ooat. yure aga-elarted in bneineu for himulf
where he to pros
more than the preaent eaUmatee. Jut
stthtotlme Cblearo eannot aBord to pering.
W. C. MUlard. with Maika Brae. Oo .
lau both oonrentlona.
to one of thef most aeoompltohed and
BVBPBIdBO MK8. SXdOBHlBB daring bicycle rideia of the day. Mr.
MUlard perforau the fut of ridlog
SasbereofX^ a B. d: Boaoied Oaa down a ladder from the top of a two
etory bailding.o He alao rode np *be
of Thalr daaoelatee Imet Bight.
of tbe Kalemar.oo court bonu, i:>
■ Lutolcht Bra Moeet Duormler. of
in number, before an audleau of 5.000
Bandolpb ■Ueet, wu happily enmrlaed
people during tbe leompany'a engage
by a la^ number of the mraiberB of
the L. C. B. h and their hubanda The
wrealnrwMdellrhtfallyepeDt in eoBight at Stalnberg'a Grand Onriag the
•ial plaunrea and eereral ntae gifta
ai^ Behacle WUI Maet Old Blwala
dnothergameof foot baU betwaaa
the local aigh eebool taam and their
eld rirale. Kaikukn. will be palled'off
at Katkaeka on Wedaeeday next. The
loeal team hu beoome maeb etronger
elaee the Biat game there, aad e
dlfleraat rualt may ba axputad.
Beeh taam bu woa a game thu tar
thto taaeoB and u tbto to the deeldlag
game of the ewtoe add^toe eeaeoa. both
teame will play hard.
PotlowlDg wiU ba the llaa ap of the
Beff. left ead; Morgaa, left tndkle;
Leighton, left gaard; Mantoah,
oeotari Vogetooag. right gaard:
De^ram, right taoklr; Barley,
right end; Boyar, qnartorbaek; May
aard. left halfbeek; SoBahall. right
halfback, Noratay, fnllbaek.
Ibnatoea BoM Vatariafl Old BlotT
at tha Peak of iha Vow Pols, oa
tha Ooaaty Oconsds Tatowday.
Tba flag pole eaipoda la which Oia
hoard of publle worha thought it adTtoable to daellaa to permit MePharacw
Foal to araet tbs Q. A B. pMa ia the
emuiary, wuoloead yuterday. And
BOW tha pole ctaade proadly oo the
oounty grounds in troatof tha aoldiam'
Mora thpn a aeera of tha uembm of
MePheretw Put gathorad at tbe county
groanda yuterday in eommaad of
Oommanear W. M. Smith aad tba pole
eru ratoed with appropriate earamony,
and at ita pfak tbe stars and atripu
were ratoed to dedtoau the raising of
the pole When tbe flag wu uafnrled
to the brute the relerane gave thru
roaaiag ebeers tor Old Glory and tbe
fnwraotUe new pole wu utUed.
' Tbe Pul bu procured a new flag.
9x14, made of Amer^ean bunting aad
by American girls aad herufter on
Parebaaad Vriday by B. P. Boagb^ erary public oeoaaion tbe emblem will
ware orer tbe eoanty grounds.
of Cedar. Vbo Will OoBtlnbe the
Tba reurt property of Foub on the
chore of Carp Lake wu pnrehaaed Fri
day of the former owner, Joha B.
Foaeb, by B. F. Bongbey of Cedar.
The ooulderatloD of the ule to $2.000
Tbto proparty wu flrat aaad for ra•ort parpoiei alx yeara ago at the time
of the bnUdiag of the reaort hotel by
Mr. Foach. Blau that time it hu deTcloped into qolte a farorlte among
the reuaata of thto loeallty.
U to the latantion of Mr. Bongbey to
oonUnne the reaort bulneu next a<aThe hotel to already rented itil
the Brat of May. at which tlmy Mr.
Boughey will remodel the boadr. aad
attar giring it a thorongh oTerhanllag,
will remore there with hto family. Bi
axpeele to pat a &m plaunre yacht
the lake for the aoeommMlaUon of
gauta and the plau wUl donbUcaa
becoote even ^re popular than' i
Proowtt- _____ __________
Myaoahubeen tronbled for yeara
with chronic diarrhoea. SomeUme ago
I perauaded him to take aome of Chamberlaln'a Colic, Cbolrra and Diarrbou
Bemedy. After naing two botiiu of
ti unt site he wu cared. I glre tbSa
testimonial, hoping eome oar almllarly
afflicted may read Hand be beacflled.
- rbooma C. Bower. Glenooe. O.
OoplM efOu Sally Ada
are peeled Ip our store, to yon will
bare no itrouble In aenuinfng the
fact that we alwaye do u we
adrertiu. S. BeLdadOo.
7o Cun U Aripps lii 2« loin.
■Icand fatal dtoca^. If taken Ibui^
• •ughly and In time, it will cure a ccmin ^ hours, and fo^ Uiu cough that lollove La Grippe V, ..ever fmU to give
-.-lief, i'rioe. 25c und 50c.
J.W. Slater,
120 Front Bt
Will Anderson
House FumUbing Store.
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
Mew Store Started br Zbm oa Soath
UnioB Strut.
Smedley A Woodworth, the young
leo who are jaat atarting tbe new
atore on tbe South eide, are ready tor
tbe trade, the flaithlag tonebu being
pnt on their atore room yuterday
Tbeyooeupy the new building Jut
north of Sulliran'a mut markek Tbe
I room It »ery neat In appearance,
and tbe stock of eontectlonery and
auiiouery elcan and entirely truh
The popularity of tbeyoui.r men and
tbe fine alock of goods will douhtteu
make the new eentnre a anceeuful
s ““r i rrr.
Box Calf
Boys and Girls
Plenae evt-ry one. .411 nre
daiuty bits of home sceaery and
118 Front StTMt
“Ride a BItcl Horse
To Dubirj Cross”
Can have too many ties.
Helikestoehangeofu-n. Christ
mas gixes you the oppjrtunity
of pleasing him, 2.V-. 50e, 75i-.
$1.1)0. $l..50.
Thom* new patent rocking
borm-N at
will take you
Ihern in nn hour, so will thoae
Some more novellifs in sil
verware. Chocolate set of four
piei-rti at
Bon Bon dishand 4.-I.IKI, Ask to see
the rest.
If ;oo Can SpiD a Vara
Photo .AIbnnu -tOc to $3.00:
t<»ilet seta T.5c np; glove boxes
$l 25; cuff and collar Iwiea $1;
manicure seta 2.5c to $1.00.
.As 1 Hsily u yon can some
of our m*w Tojie, lOi- and 25c.
you’d be at it all the time.
Latest fad. Little (-hdiIIiholders iV; lanje ones for thrw
eaudles $2.“G; Jariliniere t<t«ii.U
at $2.00; photo frames *>Uo.
New combiDHtions at 10e>
great big boxes at 2->c for a
whole day's amuaemenl; other
Btylea at lioc sad .50c.
.Vi liK.-, 'big Vase* for?l,.8r;
Japanese vases at 25<-; BubemiHu glau at $1.25; China vases st
2.X-, white Bnvarino at 10c and
glasr. Ill .5Gc.
New shapee aud styles of 20i-.
diyorationa at
larger and
hniidsomer ones at Sl .UO. $1 2.5.
$1.50 up to $S.OO ami #IO.0U.
Table Lamps
“Jaaice leiaditb"
By Paul Lieoester Ford, at
$1.40. is one of tbe popular
booka Make eome friend a
present of "David Harum” at
All ooloia of wood for 25c
IrpD frames for -50c; brau
frames 25c and 50c; leather
frames at l-5c; novelty frames
2.5c to $1 00.
In quarter sawed oak, birch
or mahogany at 75c; ean’t have
too many of then. Nice Use of
ottomans at 30c.
The greatest aellera,' ReprodnetioDB of. famous (uctoree,
eel) from 20c to.50c. Buy them
and frame them. Make a beautifuLpresent.
Frank Friedrich
Bi‘l) from 50c to $10.
tUiiMT lutoi. uud tiy the
German i-avalrj. U a very foruMalde
wara preuntad by John Barry la batr«-a|>nn. ll will kill up to a dleixnee
Balfof the company. Mra Deaor
of Out) yards.
mlu. I
B a prominent member of the b. C. B
A. U^JoyeePtu rauired a fine doe
d- aad aa aetire workar in Bk F^ele
from John Oall-et Manoelona, whou
^areband her birthday annlrereary
ekUlln the woods to amply demooerMthaoeoaeionofthe party in bar
Btrated by tbe deer hto friends have
umpied. Seraral of Mr. Joyu's frlcnU
hare enjoypd TCBtoon in oonacquence.
B. B. Spoon, of Bedlanda, CW,.
The opening play of the Marka Broa.
Srrivad lut nigtak and wUl apend a
Oo. tomorrow Bight wUl be “An Irtob
dew daya In tba city riaiUng old
Bara.’- wbloh wu written upuially
for tbem. Tbe adranee ule opened
Orau Qark of Baet front atrut to
yuterday with a ruah.
gaBering with a eery palatal hand, the
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Vogel,
taealt of a amaU alivar aader the nail
of tba flrat Anger. Blood potooalng a boy.
nere will be a regular muting and
wu at fltat feared, .but It to aow
thoaght that there wlU.be ao farther eleeUoo of oSceta at Court Trareru
ipendent Order of Forutera. toeerere trouble.
Bert Uannett to-conflaad to hto borne morrow ereoing.
Tbe Sydney O. Keff cleared Friday
by illnua.
Mre. Dr. Mnaaon returned yutsr- from tbto pork for Cbloago,
Tkvt 6fMUN I^EDY^
dny from n vtolt with her eon F'red at
Snow to reported along tSe line of
the M. d N. B. Four Inehu oorered 1
Aon Arbor.
Mlea Belen A. Norton, one of the the gronnJ at Sherman.
Owios to the clou of aarigatioe the
Sl|^ Bchool teaebera, retamed lut
aeenlng from a' vtolt to Frankfort, f, eight ratee have bun ratoed and tbe
arbare abe atieaded the wedding of her priu of potatou hu fMlen to 78 mnta.
aoaain, Mim Parker.
Mtoa ElU Shepard, who bu uread
Jennie Bare rataraad lut erenlng. eficlenUy u night operator tor a long '
aClar epen.dlng her Thankagirlng at
la the Bell telephone exehange,
Bammlk and bu gone to Ynba, where will go oa the day toru in a few days
ahe to teaching.
aad Mtoa BaU MareU wiU take bu;
Mtoe BearlettaPaeteref Cbarlerolx. plau u night operator.
wu Xh* gaeet of Mra Ellxabeth Oard'
Gao. W. Bargraeu hu uld hto ealnsarand daughter Beule of SIS Front
able farm ia Blalu towuhip.two mllu
Mra L. O. Saylor who hu beea rto- cut of Moaroe ‘ Outer to Oaorga
tMag triande In the cut and eouU. hu Pieru. aad la the deal Mr. Bargaew
Require no rubbers.
became the owner of eome elty reriratareed.
They are waterproof
B. B. Lewie of Blk BapMa apeat yee- duu property jut cut of the G. B. A
Just the Shoe for
•erday la the eliy.
Mtoa Ethel Slater who bu bew riaOpealagof -The Bab.”
Iting ber anela J- W. Slater, retaraed
**Tba Bnb’ to tbe name of the aew
to her borne la Blk Bepifle yutotiiay.
Mre. Frank ‘Campbell aad ehlldru wloonatartad by Duff McDonald. Tbe
hare retaraed tram Ktagaley, when opan'ng wu held yuterday aad tha
piauwu throagad with friaada of
Made by
Mr. MeDoaald all day long. Joha BJoha P. OU want to '
a ofPateakey. brothar-ln4aw of
day oa baaiaeu.
PbU C Baaar of the Mtoh^a Star^ Duff, aad tormariy of thto iflty. to anOe.. wut to Cfcleago yeatarday oa bae- aoeUtad with him aad Frad Brown hu
Brery Pair Wsmtnted.
I employau to uriat In tha bulImu
A. B. BoagbarW- praeuntor of Aa- eau. Dara MMJun. proprietor of
tolm aonnty. eama orar from Blk Bap- “Blanay OuUe.”lh Oread Bap'.da,
» hare yuterday to help eelabrata
lie yuterday.
Sold by the Old Reliable
Wtoa Ooekwray hu retareed after the grand craning, aeeoupaBtad by a
ipeodbag*(ewdayeln Barker (keek. deligatloB of friends.
JaUu Paige retaraed yuterday to
•■•■•ptiwd Corw —Warms. .
•Ik Bapida. after puttlag in eleetrle White WhM af Tar Byrmp, tbe
UgblflztarMatthereaidaaeuotB. 8. but OMqrh iCBMdy on earth, csiu a cold
Ikatl and Bos. B. C. Darto.
ledayifukaaintima. SaadMcto.'
No. 115”Parlor Table, $2.00.It is a handsome table, 24x26 inches, solid gold
en oak or in mahogany, and only $2.00. We have a
large line of parlor and library tables from fl.OO np
to the very hnest. Goods picked out now, stored un
til Christmas free of charge.
Frett; Glass Noieltias
With eilver trimmings.
Cracker jar $1.00. IL2.5; Pickle
dish $2.50, $3B0; Puff boxes
65c; Syrup cope 85c. $1.25.
Hh fiaomh h Lav HMie (k
I ^tXt i\vm,
> WhMA TaarM 4ho «Re CwrlM* Reaeea Per WbUb a
■oaorPraaltioalKBoUiatArtloRaef ** •*'
Ttmte Wee BMe rnnkM.
Feed OaotaUtat VAealAr
ta tbe rareOrd ataMAbrrr of tba
te New Orirana told aa lotrreatint blch ubh-Roda of Rexiro objrrta that
ate really a loot way off a|>prar to ba
Tba Mlowiat law waa panad at tba I otoiT apr»|>ue of tbr trlbnRUooi of
’ Trntora. "Aboui tlin-r reon ■*«».•■ be
band. Tbia baa M to tnan/ ,
iBOtoaoeloo of tbo MRaoarl L^Rla- oald, **1 to< up a UttR derIce that'
I oikoukes Ob tbe part of lour* i
At B*U1* CkMk. TMt Ro. tS.
tan lak^rffeot Aataat «o, lOM:
Creatlr atciAd*!d tbe worklnc of a ' Rta. and etva oo tbe part of tbowr bar- .
Kkiftttof tlM MMMbeM, lalttetod
Sacnoa l. That it AaU bo ulaw
I took out Ag a knowledge of ibe peruUarltr of I.
th^ CM-thoMudita .embtf Pridft7 (b1 f< r aar poraon or eorporaiiae do
patenta that
ui«- lo tbe oelgbbor- Aecouuirr.
B^bMd.ten «A« UrTMt BMatwr. me batlnaaa in tbU atato to naaafaehood of C3DO, InrluOlng attoni«r'e feeo. j Tbe Rt-xlran CeotiaJ railitwd baa a I
.Alp of Mr lode* la Mj order is Riehi- tore, aall or offer to nil
o>e tbi^ to
tanp-ot iw\-tlun of traik In wblA '
*fM. Tbc creat wm eolobraiod wiik eoatpoond or prrpantloa lor tbo par
of belat aood or wbRb R iataadod < ^
tho attoodaooo of frMd a»ap cffioonT pooo
to ba ued la tbo preparation of food.; BorA. Tbe proprletora at oaee con- kmgeet lo tbe world. It R orer 00
‘ ceded tbe merit of Ae luvefftlon and atiiea In U-ngA. and a loeomottre bead:
At Port Bstm. Lotbor H Root, for In wbleb ariRle. «>mpoaiid or
offered toe KiOO down nod a royaltr of light can be aeen. «if coarae. for a r*rj
«fto«D roan pMt Atof a«tk U tke rntloo tboro R Mr orwntr.
$125 on eaeli oar need. Tbe caab pay- long dUtaoce.
fraat toeord koeper^ efiao of tke
Bent amutinird lo Dotbiag. for tt ready
HleklTM fnat eanp. Zalrhu of tho
fell abort of mverlbg my time and exMaeeakooo. e o n a 11 Vo d ooMde abal) be deewMl rallp of a aiRde- penwa, but tbe royalty wae georrooa,
moaaor Md aball, apoa eoevletloD. ba
FrUar br tbo omom of oarboUe acid, ■ood not Iona than OM bnndred del- and I figured It out that it would ylHd brakre aoddenly b^n to grind. It
of orkteh doadlj drat be took a Urfe Ura, whlA aball bo paid Into Md bo- me a« Acnme of $5,000 or $4,000 for 1 aoon came to a etandatilL and tbe eondnofbk Be frao doopoadoat oror U1 -------a part of tbe road food of Ae eoreral yeara—p<-rbapa longer. It de-1 doctor, fearing that an accidcni bad
>r la wbleb ooebftaeR oelleeted. peDd<-d on bow ouoo Munetblng betiB j betalleo tbe euglBe, hurried forward.
boaltb. aad loft a aoto aaklor for kta
Tbo oporaUon of AU law will be
witotoforvirehimfarbloaek Bo wao
“AccordAslr. I accepted Ae propoel- that waa twAkling and dancing on tbe
laaarod Is the Minfobrn aad aoroni maAIr airalnet alan baklaf powdora. tRn and mtuferred all my right. Now,
tiBck directly abtwA
fBMafaetare or aala of anr
bow much do you tLAk I aetually re“A headlight, euta.- tbe engln**r
^ of food .or article Atoadod to W ceiredl Not a penny! No. I LaTen't Bid. -Rust be an extra and tbe dlaaaed A food wbleb eooAlna My of (iw been chraud; at Iraat. all the accounta ^ pateberv have orerlookcd It. for ordcra
been perfectly atralgbt. Tbe j do not meniAn IL"
ofMtekkrao. Bo baa kotfeod 4.SM bo antatanoB cABOd by Ae Uw aa anSdui'
Araenie to Alnm—R troubb- la tbey nerer put the derice on
*^ueaa you are right** Ae conductor '
abolaof oora Ula falLijAa ooar dar'a
Ac market. Tliey alm|ily Block tbe replied, 'but 1 oever knew tbe dla-1
aboolalely prcMbitod.
work la 100 baabe:R.
patenta and drawAga In a pigeonhole ' patebera to be ao rareleaa before. Any- ,
John Kcaa of 8L JoeoA. acod i».
Ibi-re they remain to tbIa d.-iy.
! where but on lAa ungeot there would '
OLD tMLaiBR-a TBAirXMITur*. Md
“Why did tbey do It. did you bA? To'bare been a cdUalou and aomebody'l
wfailo oot baatlar ant with a oerlou
aoeidoat Meoi was eliablnc a feaeo Vol^bota of Obaa. J. SbUItm Made Bee money. Tbe puldk- la rery well j killed. WVd belter more abend alowly !
to Aeoext aide track. Wecou't tell Jnit 1
*bao tboraa waa aoeldoadr dlaebanrod
Ao Day a Sanpy One for Bib.
and It i« duuAful If (be; cuuki get any bow near.(hat train ms; be. and we
aad blow off* tbo tbanb of bto loft
CbarlBJ. SnlUeM. M old adldRr more tor It with m; Improvement a<ld will wait for It to pass us tberl."
haad. abattorod tba rlfbt band and
Tbey rvaehA the aide track A Bftly.
tbo Bbot aaterod tbo rifbl aide of bR of BbI Bay topwaabip. roallaod Ae tbe net profit, so tbe; prvfer to let woU and. drawing A oo It. awallA tbe
ealneof tnw frlendAip on ThMkt*
faoa. HJa reooTorr la doabtfaL
ctwugb elone. It wae n.-rewar;, of coming .of tbe otb«T train, tlalf an
giving day. Ob Aat day a nambar of course, to get m; Inveniloo Rsfely hour pasecd. aA the engineer waa
A turner near (Bii«htoa roeoaUr
bR nelgbbora gaAerod and eat a largo aliclred. or It might have been iak«-n fuming, wondering bow much Anger
biUod a paaaaai. wbleb la a earloalir la
qnaaUty of atove wood tor bin and up by some etnerpriKlng rival, and tbe be was In l:e detayA. when tbe conthat part of tbo ooontcrbaaled it to bla boaao from Ae wooda. only eartlil; ix-aHon fur H]M-Dillug $‘iU0 doctor rallA blm to step out lo tbe
erlroaUr Bparko. who R retaraine
on tbe Aing wae to pul it uiii u( tbe main line.
IfOBt tbo PbUippiaca olt^ a dRebarro
way. It was rather roiigb on me. to
“IVUat do ;«u llilnk of that beadbe eure. but the eiperlcnre was valu light. nowT' be askA. when tbe englfron tbo Utb lafaaUr. fot off at
aad I won’t get cair-bi that way
had joioA blm. "Seems to bare
Battle Oook Tbaradar nl^bt and re
■■An IriA Boro" erlll A Ae UUe of
Tlmee-llemofgot clear u]> and off tbe road.'^
ported tbai be »ao robbed oa Ao train Ae opening piece A Marka Broa.^
of 9100 is told.
Ob TbMkaglvlBg day Aa Way aad
TrAk toBUlB of Maraball held Ae
«UeA eoneeenUve reantoo togeAer.
TbR eaetom waa Aangaratod *0 yean
ago by Aa beads of tba lamiUea. who
are dead. Tbey are A no way related,
bnt are firm Crtoada.
Edward Sboll of Alpena, a wallknown And looker, who started for Ae
wooda Taeeday. baa not retarnod and
toan are antertolnod Aat be R dead
Be drove to Bnlledge^s caap A Green
MwnAlp, bitebed bR borae Md left
for a Aort trip afoot, and baa not been
seen aAoe. It R feared that be hae
takes 111 and baa dAd from expoaare
and lank cf aaaRtMoc. Be R anA an
Mpert woodiman Aat Ae Aeory of
bR beAg lost R not accepted.
Mrs. Mary Pergnaon, a jasltroB A
AeBaglaaw city baU, loot her hold
aad craAed Arongh Ae big ekylAbt
over tbe eorrtdor. bat managed to bold
oo aaill help came. 8be bong eaapandod toar atorlB high. 8be eevered
M artery A ber arm.
Aa Ae eieamer lUAoR vrae appoaebtbe does at NorAport, on her eray
norA, a ams who had never witSBeed
a eearA light A operatuo.
ratUed when Ae light waa fiaAed
span him Aat be jomped Ate Ae
water. Be waa reacoec wlAoal any
nnrioaareanlu. ezeept a eool baA—
Charlevoix Democrav
Rear'Prewmtt Mrs. Anna Bell dlaMvared a «lv poand bear trying to loot
bor beggery. tihr grabbed a rifle Md
poored^ rain of lead Ato Ae asRaal'e
body. rBBlcing A bU dBA It wae
Ae largest bear over aeon A AR vioAlty.
gagemeotat Stelnbcrg'a Grand next
Beareely ever kaa aaA
draBBatlc Md vandevUle eompMy ct
to AR city wlA better ondoraeaMsu
from preB and pablA. Am doB
above. Ad ekebange Bye:
"An IrRb Hero" waa Ae play at
NeRoD*a opera hooee Satorday nlgbt
HoeeeB and blu A plenty attended tba
praecniatAa, Ae play iteelf being
voted extremely clever by m andAnee
wbleb crowded tbe honae A every
part. Ranager R. W. ttarka la b
heartily eommended for aamandlnr
bU atara wlA capable aupport and
pcrmltking Aem to dRpIay Aeir talante wiAoat Ae restraint which R too
often Impcaed A tboeelflab mo abort
aigbtod policy of aggrand'aement.
Tbe patnm of Ae Bigb School
Lectare Md'lfaale coaree are expect
iog a rare treat Taeaday evening, or
tbe occasion of Ae Alrd nnmber of
Ae eonrae. Ae-fambne lectare, **rbe
Coming Man." by Bon. G. A. Gear
hart. Speaking of AR loctore. Ae
of Ae Buffalo Y. M. C A.
eonrae hae AR to By:
■■On Tharaday cvestog, March )«d,
Mr. G. A. Ucarbart gave bR fatnou>
lectare on ‘The Coming Man' before a
large audience at oar ball. Tbc lecture
wae nnanor five A oar wAte.*'B enterUAment ooane- We'ye bad maslc par
exeellenee —- Pisav WHeiek and bR
artRt wife, the -'Arion*'’ of Chicago.
■Lutlermao Male Qnistetlc" of
Stockholm. SwAer: but nerer, to ou«
cnowlAge, were Acre aaA entba
of genuine satRfae
Mon and delight ns were beard in e< m
on of Mr. Oeartaarfa lectare.
truly grand and Aspiring’■—
Grrraan T. M. C. A . Buffalo,
At lonR 81. AndrewR acboal toot
ball team playA wiA Ae lonR blgh
Brala WvAht aaO IstvtlvcC
eAool team on Ae borne groanda
It R generally assumed that tbw;
TbMkagivAg afternoon- It-reanlted
_____ __ ^ ........
(oultA Ckl't* a dIsAut. .n-Rtlonshlp
dRaat-onaly to Ae vRitoia. FV»or .
die bruin and intcUoriual '
ibera of Ac loam wore more or laB *»l»*‘'‘t.v- Th.te are not wanting facta. |
Tbe question is often Mked. partk-uRrl; l>; those b-Ih> ran recall tbe cuatonis and ex|N-rlenct-* of 2.*> yean ago.
•■Why do ao many persons nowadaya
wear gRBrnw?" The answer Is easy.
“The iGcreSM- A the number of specAcles worn is oot to be rvgsAA aa
evidence of mAern
of tbe eyes, bm'raiher that a long felt
necessity ims Isn-n met." Kor it should
be r«-iueuil«-iH-d that within tbe imst
quarter of a <enmry much has Se«-n
learuA aiwui the value of gRss<-s. and
Ae range of (heir uppUcatido and usefuAess has Isen enormousl; extendA:.
Of course the c-.ves mA more help now
than tormerlv. as the amount of work
the; are rvsjuIrA to do Is much greater
than at an; pn-rlons perlA A the
world's UlsiorT. Tbe's<-n lug maebinu
and man; other inveniioiis of Its class
BVe the lal-or of the bauds ouly lo
add to that rtHinlred of Ae eyes.
New etuploynH-nts. new aniusenients
and new fasldoos in- ronlluuall; be
Ag iDlnMlntA (o increase tho exa«*
Moos laid uisrn these sensitive and
delk-ate organs. The sii-ady decrease
of llliti-rac.v. tugetber with (be general
c'beaiiness of literature and a sprv-ad
of a taste f<w It. the enormous elrruRtioo of oorel. magazine and newsisiper. the ever Acn-aKlug use of aniilr-ial
IllnmltiailuD. all e*>mbioe to overux
tbe eyes bA (o weaken or possIM; de.atro; the sight uolesa tbe r<s|ulT>sl aid
and protrstlou be supptiA through
every mentis at our dls|M>saL Thus it
hapia-ns that the some time Inzury of
ptt>|>erl; BtRpled glasses has cui^|^o
be racugnixikl and aDd*'rsioo<t by very
hu |in-w
I ficeesi
MB ^paration CM Aow ^
ha, bee. variously put at from 1-500 i fj*'caught
For sale by S..E.
liiuMivoK. DtatfiRls.
goods ar«
quality In respect of Ae p__________
lateliectusl qnsUtles of a high oAer.
A Mack ta RaMaa.
Ao English woman, a visitor. grfevA
aD Boston by Irrerereotly asking a cltBravo Men Pall
Ren. as she walkA tbrougfa tbc Com
Vletima to atom
MdkblBey mon and saw tbe cberiAA glldA
Mdallfsel dome of Ibe staieboiwe. “Beg p^on.
air. but wbat building Is that wtA tbo
in Ae Mood, baekaeba ai
brass topr-New Tirt TImea
beadacbe Md UrA. IRtlaas. mo dowa
B«da R giving a alee Sloigh free ■ •
toys: "Blsetr ~
lag for a a
wheAer be Hvb or dRa It gave m
BOW stroagA aad good appeUte.
OM DOW cat anyAlog aad have a ae
lease oa life.!* Only Wc at Jaa i
- Haeo yea lookA w r&BoadaROo.'a JobasoD'a aad 8. B- Watt's drag store
Geiiystxire is now the mo?rt carefnly
marked hadletlehl In tbe world.
Though (he Dumla-r of men engagA
on tsxh sl.k-K was UkUiNi. tbe posttion of every regiment, battery i
s<|iia<trt>n has iH-en ai-«-uralely kx-ai
In addition to nioniiinents. stones
are s«-t t-.- deflt
letliie actual positions.
l>aM Dear for HR Leg. *
B D Blanton of-Tbschervitln. Tex.,
two yeara paid over $300 00 to doc
tors to core a Banning bore on h a leg.
Then they waniA to cot It rff, boi be
-urA it with one box of Brcklen’a
Arnica Salve. Onarantced core for
P lea <Sc a bex Sold by Jaa. O.
Johnson and S. E. Wait, drngg'ata.
To change from a cold to
a warmer climate. Uc<
derwearaod UlsterB will
make the change for you.
Ulsters are double from the waist np—
almost as thick and warm as a buffalo
robe, and yet very light—being made
of best grade Chinchilla or Irish Frieze
$4.00 to $25il0
I Hamilton |
I Clothing i
,i co.
Esalish oilcan
Mauy •iiheers of i
Brldsb army
w>-arers of armor. As a geueral
role tbc moll Is Inclosed In a l.wthiT
«•*•“$- which Is sew A ln.«lde the
Invisible unl.-ss tlie
to plei-cs. And the
garment Is pi.-k
a simiRr del Ice Is
». viu.
u. i"n
! view. B.ra Tlic UnmanlUrian. One ’!'** Il°>hg. ao as to give addlriba, one a •aiaabA baad, Md one
* I Bllent example R that of tbc Rte j
uf mA. Some
j Preneb sutesniao. tiambetta. wboac
■’'■ *>'” "••o'e wearing mall
brain welghA only IjdO grama on jAeir tunl<-s and perA 8UHB OVRE'rOB O&OUP.
. tbc other hand, the beavk-st brain oo j f*‘<tlj' oldivlous <>r tbeir comrades, who.
»• that of a Ixindon oewapaper ; klAougb (be; may acoff In times of
Tveaty flvoTcara OoaitMt Vm WiA- . boy. whose brain welghA 2.4t>>gn^' I"’*"- »■’"W only be too glad to don
out a Fall^.
A spite of the fact that be i» sutA .
tbemwlr.-s when in tbe middle of
TheflratAdieaiionofcronpRlwmrae Ito hare Iw’co “a bit of t_1 Aloe" A i boatllltles. The majority of the tiiak-anac tbc
of Ai ant^h ofli'itlLri, *"5^,1^^?.^
“* * »‘'«‘<l'n«'-Ro peaMOt. of
retj cipenalve. costing about
mtAectu.! .umra tt may be W guAea. each.-Regiment.
ooogb. If Chamber'-'-_iB-s tough ^
B«-1 ““
"pretions to Ae age of 70 be
A rwHass Battle.
say IS giTBB as boob as Ae child bo-,
Show A signs of any extraorAn Atcrestlug Sfieciaclc waa wftooBca boarae. or aveo after tbe eroupy i 8l«»*ry iotelllgence. a A be bas never
ooMh appears, U wiUprtveatAe at- khown any since." A female lARn nceaA Ac other day on tbc banka of
near Hatbom. by a gen
to^ IiR aaA In many.Aaaaaada of' dwarf had a brain which welghA no
**■'* Md nevor
' Rb than 2J»0 grama beliig 70 grams tleman resident ^tbe district. Being
by -a •--•____
pAullar --V.
cry. ■be inroA
^ppoinls Ae anxious tnoAera. We* bcavler Ihsn Sb.. hmln «f Tm■■luifT artractA
.............. -•
otter and
State street
---------------- _ ..jalngr. Too wlU
learo to waits ewkwostop ta om leoSOB «• BO ehargB asada
lAhi. then. - V.-uus, by Juplterr be
rialniA. ••Billy, we’ve aide trackA to
let a star go by. or my oame'a not
“Lots of tt." said tbe matter of fact
peraon behind tbe conoter. prodncliig a
boz of sBoS. “Bow aadi de yoo
Of a suit, overcoat, or ulster, at $12,00 or above, we will
give an order on our shoe department for choipe of a pair ot any
of our best ladies' or gent's shoes
Free of Charge.
With every purchase of a dress pattern at 60c per yard and
np we will give an order on our lining department for all the
linings necessary, FREE OF OHABQE.
With every purchase of a ladles’ Jacket at $6,00 and up to
$10.00, we will give an order on our Millinery department for
yoiir choice of any of our street hats, FREE OF CHAROE.
With every purchase of a ladles’ Jacket at $10 00 or over
we wrill give an order on our millinery departInenYfor any pat
tern hat FREE OF CHARGE.
The Boston Store,
uoammo MOOBP BXTHDAT PgO»lCBB» 9, I89»
\Vv6 "VDotU.
Balow to B ttot ed Ihe untie BBd «Aifff
of jrjrtiidfylor p.
U Shew For Ble Mmmrj.
by every
A man wltb n German accent and a
Omar Wnnhioftoa etraet aad BoardMcnlac pnyw and eermoB at 10-Ja
Holy Coamnaloa at ll:M a m.
Baaday School at it m.
ffrenlBf eerilee at T p- m.
AU are ecrdlaUy Isvltod to them
It te mU thM Sir BdwM4 KoMM.
»h« BrttM MbMMder to Fimm. wUl
• kortlrftp|«^terftprale«CBd Imt*
•faMMo M » frotoM
taaksauSabx tka rrMch
Vietorto M>4 tke
^ TtBfBeOMj Market.
Serce red mariacbe walked into obe.of
erof tbeeec-
the bBShf the other day and annoaae-
ed that be wanted to open an account. ' unm^ed woman
He vna directed to the proper official at WashlnstoB. on
and frvBi a well worn belt extracted ber.
$50a Thto aam be bonded tbioofh the '
___ ____________ _
11 0$
Mi tz
riven the n«e i
The bank official aboved tbe blf olf- ' ^bb y Park, South Rneka
aalore book toward the deporitor for' the Wand
hli ilfnaiare. JoM tSmn the officlal'o Wycombe.
Bev. aaeh ItaaMdy, PmU
Snnday aervieee
Pranehlnf at lOOOn
m. aod at 7:00
ed around, the man with the red mna-'
ocenrioo the Prince of Walea
I Hindoo ecbool In Madras
___ _
coolly a-olklcif toward l£e ^"Itcd
Theme of momUf dtoeoaree.
7-be yonnnilera bad been drilled into
U the: door with the book, whlc
OBJoe of Power.”'
Power.” the fonrth
the sifnaturee of eli the depoaiton If **"■ Pmrrlriy' of eayluf “Your royal
wiea on "A Chrtoliatt Ufe.”
the hank, locked under bto ann.
I hlfhDcea” rtmuld the prince meek to
Qaw meeUnf at 9:45 a m.
The aoeletaot cashier yelled:
them, and when the helr-appareol acSnnday nehool at 11:45 a. m.
to fait la r«»rd to tka aafa^ of tka
Bpworth Leafoe at 5:45 p. m
“Hold on. therer
< coeted a brlflit-eyed led. and. pulniluf
BrtttokataaaarMarrlaae, arhlak Uft
Mid-week prayer meetlnf, Tharaday
Bm the Teuton puraned bto *ren '
"" ‘'•f
<)aakae. OcV »7. tot BaltMt.
eonrae toward the rirect
I «• tbl»r Che younsaler. all la a flutter.
Ika wUi of Vtoa. PraatoMt Hobart * A eoeSi^lnritattoB to axtanded tn
The ciBcial rushed from behind bto ri |.ll.-d: ••It s a r,|>al t-wmpaes. your
rlor to atelairfOMdowB
waa Uad .Friday.
Batata to aot
stood to ba
counter and caufht the new depositor
Just as be rosefa^ tbr door.
fata $1,000,000 aad half tka
Oarrat A. Hobart, Jr.,
Cbnrvh. Cor. Oob and Fifth atreeU.
Sunday oebool at 9:45.
Public worobip 11:00a. m.
Y. P. a C B. prayer Beetinf 5:45
wbaB a naabar of beqneata are
vata tka otbar
baU OB attainlBc hto majority.
A BMaamoBt to
eaoto -aaeb
will ba
eootribaU M
$<S.OOO fond, to be
praaeatad to the widow of Oapt Chae.
V. Uridlay, who command ad Admiral
Dawar'a Sicakip at the battle of Ma
MlM Helen Oould to eacraatad
for treaanrar of the fond.
Offioare from the Soadan
who have
arriTod at Cairo aay that whan OoBe'al
Wiacata'a force overtook tba khalifa,
the Uttar tried tomatflank the AiifloBcypiiaaa bat Ultad.
SoeUf hU pool-
tlen waa bopelwa the khalifa
told hu
«mira to etay with him
thM epraad a abeepekia on the rronad
and aat down on it, with the emlra on
olthar aide of him
The khalifa waa
foand ekot throach
the head,
arma and le(a oad the emlra wore lyInr dead baride him.
The membera of
hie body r«nrd ware all dead
of him.
Oan. Wlufate'a
U front
toroea ewept
wlthoni reoo(nit'nc
kbalUa aod bla emlra. bat they
Identlled later.
Hear Boekpoct. Teaae. fraat damage
to property and loee ot
salted from a reoent aevere atorm.
namber of email firiilnr eraft are mlaeia$. tovather with
inereaee of
Sunday ecbool at now.
Help the
ehlUren. Yonnf people'e clam U the
Jnalor Christian Endeavor society at
loot monthly record.
Jane SO ibowt that there were SOS dia-
Sunday mo-nlnf 10:30 and Wednes
the day evenlnf 7:30. At 41« Sontb Dntoa
lake* dartnc
year. Involvlnf veaeele
at $S.- etreet.
Suejeet, SuoSa}; motnUf: "Ood the
CM.8S0. aad oarcoee with a total vainIT of Ma^’
atlon of $7S0.St0
There were 1.454
AU are Uriie'l.
peraone'oB tbeee vaeseU when they
cHi'BCH or caauT.
■were wrooked, of whom only three
BVT.X.B. BMa. Pwlor.
loet their Uvea The value of property
Servioeeheld ia Granfc halt
aaved wae $S.«»,SSS, and of property
Snnday school at 9:su a. m.
loetlM.US. N.neof tbedtoMteie nSermon 10:30 a. m. Theme. "The
True Foundation.”
ported involved no loet of veeMla.
Endeavor at C:00 p. -m.
Sermon, at 7Hi0 p. m Theme. "The
g laraatlne oMoUU at New York aay
the coffee canro of the plnyne chip SocUl Drama.”
A cordUl iuviUUon to extended to
Teyldf from Brazil ahall not land.
Lirbten are In the bey loaded with
ataff and In denser from rata Health
Bev. S. Betobcrr. Pmmt.
oOimra eay the rau mden’t Und rither.
Chorcb on corner of Ninth aad Wads
-bat malt be cremated. The problem worth etreete.
ia; "Whet will become of the eoflee
Suoday eervicra arc a» follows:
Sunday ecbool at 11:30.
V>uaf People'e prayer meetlnf, 6:00
Choate. Ulklnc at a
Taankiflviof dey btnqeet in L'sdon
^wfore sT5 faeeu. mje;ly
remarked that the llnitml Suiee
their meetiuf.
All are invited to tbeae meelingo.
tryinf to reciprocate‘dnrinf the Bmr
Bay land and
America elatp bande acroee the aea and
the peace of the ^world
to abeolately
answered the German. ’
cffice 1'
for damages, and tbe <-os« was tried
before a Jury, which, the papers said,
waa cominsed of'n.-prosentBilvo cllltens.
Well, wliat do you supixise they
Jun Saved Bto X.Ifa
Rev A.‘B Cbob* will preach at evenluf oerviceoD hto work among
pauiah-AaerlcBoa In sontbera Call8PU'..............................................................
For two yean a se- ^ foroio.
]. 0..1ately had fi
ae<|ualuiance of
you mentioned got hurt,
lie fell on a
ConaumpUoD. Then be began to bm
A Keua. ClMr Brain.
Dr. EiB^z New Dtooovery and la'Miy
feeling*, yonr eoelol poaiwrote: "It gave loatont relief and ef
fected a permasent cure.” Buefa won Uon or bulneo* boeoeoi depend largely
oetton of your Bto
derful eureb have for
King*# New Life Pill*
Ita pckwer to cure all Throat. Cneat and
Lung ttoublco. Prioe 50c and fl.oo.
Every botUe guaranteed. Trial boLUes i brain, bigb ambition. A >5 cent box
loe atJoa. U. Johnoon'e and 8. £. will make you feel like a new being.
- Joe. U. Joboaon and B S.
TtoJtos yvB MB "}u$ CB It.tns^ n
it, bnt It wtil eoma up amii
tlma* ftolmaua’ Eloatie Floor
AS. Wait.
Ts Om ■ OoM In Om Day.
Tkke WaftKT'* \Miite Wine of Tor Svrup
the best omigta ramedy OB earth.
S5 «n<
Cordially lavltM the lodlsa to vtoit
Strong'* mnato otore aud laopeet tbe
dtoploy of beantlfel art work She ho*
a larger s5oek than ever aad to obew-
We have Buiil over and over that
we have belter ahoee for l«a money than any other ahne
it is oiir doiii>; so. We ssk for year
penefl lb.-n?
the merits of our
ask for them. i«d no the merits of "'
the stntemtfDts in oar ads.
shoes are
Dot as
they are we
If oof
as we ssj
never hold year
We want your trade week
after week and year after year becHuse we lieiieve that we can please
you better and
your more last-
shoe store.
Pa.rhi_______ __________________
In the middle of the sm-el car tnu-k. , TT VOf WfMTIuauru'rr of aoy bled 1b Rfai
It took them nearly an hour to get him
loose, and wluit do you
TOU suplxm
suplHate hap-
trade on
shoes and the low honest price we'
uwated’- _
Ubcokd (Hh r.'^i
this |«ef In Atuie way goWt^ged l>e- TuT’^*''
tween a eouj.le of paving ston.-s right
store, bat
onr sayiiiu so doMiirt make it so—
wall, 1 lisvcd t come to the point at ^ Exc-tAS-.ial
which the real meanni-ss developed, a Taohouaaaai
Being a poor man. he couldn't afford to
" '■
buy a cork leg, so be had to gel along
----------------------with a wtsslen |«*g. and one day while giTfiTios war ’KD—A» rTTkorri rlrrk or
bp. Rrfa. Tbl-ooiov. Wr-tf
he was crtisslug the prlneipal stret-t
•r^S.rr IV, X
UrreaMUr Co Block.Tra«-rar I'lir. «l«4mo
Ouritrest specialty is oar 92.00 and$2.50 Custom Hade
Shoos with our nuiue on them.
them for men and women.
Tuey are excellent shoes.
We have
Buy them aiil get your money's worth.
186 Front Stroet
The Practical Shoo Uan
d If they
didu'l go
and fine hiui 91<> aud costs for obstructiDf traffler’-'H'hicugo TImes-Uorald.
Wkp a Ceoaelerr F-eaeet
Itwai* a 3t:ilui- gravvyaril. and the
femv- ihi'n-.>r wax lb a luoxi i]ixr>-putabl>- <-uii(liili’0.
Runic of the uelgblioni werx- trylDC to
start a iaovt-fii<-ut to pin a ik-w r«-tice
arxiibd the e«-iui-iery. and ii w ns uux-tIbg »vHh gcm-iul Iippruvul till the caiiaPc wli «iX !*ariu» liiiwaril waa ar"ii-«ed.
“WliM f..rr he In-iui!-.--!.
«*f fi-urljig tin- gravi-ynrtl?
There ain't ........ 'in- UislJe ihat watiix to
Tbry DlUered.
Dr. F.mlly Hlacknt-ll. out- of tbe plonet-ra of.>i-r m-z In UKslIcibc. hrani a
young phydclan deliver a tierce dia
ed. she asked:
“Will yon please tell me one rvaaob
why they *bould not practice medielner
‘S'erUlbly. madam. They haven't the
“1 aee. sir.
Tour coneepiloo of a
sliAinon] Is a otonghter bouao. Mine
Is not.”—San Pranrtoco Argonaut.
I up
hto eothiixiasm. When ao old dug with
gray JowU. be only glares at people
who ^11 to him. Hunian brings bare
many caolne traits. includiDg four
teeth of (be sort used by man's best
trieni-New York World.
■ • '• .SSS"
onrA?fTgo-A vi'i todo s'ljerai bou»e-oT«
'» JrS'pbri"'’
ber ami eouhlii'i hone a razor or zbave
a mao with his foot anyway.
,j 'eltr or farm
t'Dderwood* I'mlor. Mll.tt
ur°P>-r»r t ed_________________________
lleve he needed more than one '
hjs business, seelnc that be was
» a
_ liar.
Onr thank* ore due and hereby I
. O
ads asd
bad sidewalk and lost one of his legs.
}^‘i.Te;’u'b“t;;.":u*d"^l!d ‘:!.rr’.?:;J;
He sued tbe city, aud didn't get any- are tro* m-bei «lo». warm'd bj tarea.-' n>
■—--.aefil, eleetrl't lifbta .lo-ererr room. A
I never heard just why.
iiy. tmi
rM -iiT
pruliably iM-eauae the jurors didn't
Idn't U- loozaaabr tu«r be pira
Card of Thanks.
osd Modern Woodmea________
and floweis, and to tbe lodW J
and L O. T. M.. and to all wbo oratot
ed ns in our low beraavemeot.
Mra. Autos Blsoeb.
Fbask Mjuien
ptau^Mr* R
Slaw and
OolaoB'i laurlcf $por to the atM
The Old, Old Story
down there was injured wime time ago
in pretty mbeb die same way the man
tribe Bgalmn u|H-DiDg the dour* of the
profesaiou to women. When be ceao-
worse until It oeemed he mutt die of
freight all wool for $1 agorsaat. e
Fire Insurance
»u.b.. I..i,n h.b,i,j bi. iw.,1 br eell-l>d to acbrlslaao pre'-ei-OD' ablrh
abr will tbs pleased to abaa lo ber trtendv Ei.
didn't amount to aoytblDg.”
. E-atetrar.1
••Yea." the cigar man sal.t 'Ihafs a
pretty mean town. 1 admit, hut 1 know WTTAKTft>-a betr
Call M or adl NiDtb Blre'l.rlt;.
of a worse one. Tills jdao- Is In Penn- ! J" „ <lr.<— neat
So wlial'x the iK-ed of the fi-iiivT*
.ypd till- f. iiiv was uol huill till folk
te a thrllUoR eaeape that Charlee
trouble eoBsiantly
$100 BflWtfd. $100. “
did to him? Brought lu a verdict in ^qKlnrilAS PBe«KtrTS-CTvrvbauaek«va^
favor of tbe Citv. bolding that luas- 0
rriorllrnrc-uuDirvvhovUIrsIIal iri
bad i-i-as-d u> chiiekle ux-r ttie thruut
of Darlud.—Ix-tvlxti>ij Journal.
rere Inog
come out. and I'm daru siin- there ain't
any one outside ihai wants t<> got In.
E*»- W. T. WcwJhouar. Puior.
a frifblful death.
S' , '''''-
^*At 7 p. m. wUl be the monthly eonf
than tS per cent over the larfeet prev-
altera on the rreat
"I* "
-ISS'- ^ SS.':rZS.r.bV„“
of similar shape In an nprlfbt po' sltion while It la dralninf and after it
Ball •lOTv «li!i llTlas r<
r L Browe. tn W lOkh I i-am It has been throttfh the wash water.
E. W. Hastings
eerrice. Symne old and new will be
onnf. Come prepared to Join In all
tbeae. There will be epeelal mneie by
Mr. White, Dr. Soyder ard Prof and
Mra. Borat. OBerUf will be for the
The aunnal report of the life eav- orfaD fund.
inr aerviee for the Sisal year eodinff
wae $t.sis,S00. an
u,bb, b.Ab O, u.. P^cr... .4,.
“Why. I tboufht that was the receipt' ‘P*’
In^medUte oociegr of ChrtoUnn Bnbay. Several tbonaend head of ebeep deavor at 4 p; m.
Youof Peopled eoriety of CbrieUan
aed hnndrede of bead of cattle were
Endeavor at 5:45 p. m. Subject to.
"The Uird'e Supper. What doee It
mean to yon?” Let every member take
froovei eitendinf tn tbe direction of | PomuS,per
been foand in the monlh of SL Obarlee
total fold
u..b..k om.1.1 ... •
tloa. Tbe board la Inclined toward tba
oink, os usnoL
men who have not been IdentlBcd have
....... '•.......
nm » TkATwi wrr
• ■Ui
|*DOaBDINO ROl-PE—riral tUm l<osnl as4
n>cB*a< irprr >r«K at SfT bai Ktaie
Ae a cure for ^eamaiiem Chamber
In tbe ume bank a well dressed wo 'O
will be the i
isiravt. B * Bil»»rm.er»prk»of.
lains Pain. Belm to fainlnf a wide
Laborinf i
man called to depoolt $300.
' reputation. 0 B
Johnston of Rieb■ally
led... baa
_____ i.
willI to
be n plea fo^tbem i
-b aeS appt*
>ir'{that ailmect elace tees
la apeakUif
Inf the dciKksIt.
vaar pari BU or r>.-bar—
levee found anyihlaf :
I for the
Special nUflnc to
n>B. Sl» Wrat
-SlfD your name there.” said the offi-,
^ '
j that would relieve me nntll
JI 1 used:oeeaelon.
---------------------------------------------- I Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It aeU likuL__________________________ ___________ —
The pnblie to cordially Invited to etol. IndlcsilUf the proper place.
illea I that to mtarrah. Halt'* Catarrab Cure
My foot was
Tbe woman took up the pen and
tbeee eervleea. Sermon momUf and
"Stt 1 „d painl^ In* ve/y much.
: to the only positive cure known to tbe
evenlnf by the pastor.
I medical fraternity. Catarrab belnf a
It. ee-io.dai« drvM.' food application of Paiu Balm relieved .____
point never luucbed tbe paper. Aftvr
pomr MunonuT.
eonititutioDal dtoeaae,
dtoeaae. requires a coostmateOt
For sale bv S. E. Wait and F. C. :. eonitltutioDal
a few more fancy flourlshe* la tbe sir _______-*-IL___
asv.3. a. areear. peewr.
sUtulional treatment. Hall'e Catarrab
«TEO-At die Wad*. Tuouraos. Drufflaia
j{ sUlullonal
tbe woman bonded back the pen. say- T Ai
I Cure la uken internally, actinf
Sunday—PreachUf at 10:30 a. m. and
itriltAovinw Otlmoe'i E’uUc <y upon the blood and mu'cuo
f my poamOR wsKTro-^’^Uo jrao
“IkSat sutumer I used
Spar Vamtob
meeUaf at 9:50 a. m.
unukiion of tbe disease, and gtvS^dy pchool at the elooe of mora- name all rifhe but tor ■
can’t do It now ”
ic patient tUeuftb by bnildlag
-arm old. *el*b«
I up Ue eonstUutkm and1 osstotlpr
^"loworU Leafne at 6:45 p. m.
Tbe biek eUKHml dlrmed ber t. F°* S!.".?* .■J.-S.'T.tln.T
I tore in doing jla work. The proprie1
Momlnf oabjeet. ■■Uearlnf and Do- make an “X" in tbe book.—ChlcRfo bovav. wm arii vbnp. iiKiuife
tora have oo mneh faith in its enraUvu
•sthat 1
mer oue t
aubjeet." Safeffuarda .of
Dod Tomloz
-t for an;
that It I
Chrtotlon Society.”
■ BlTr«.v<Ucure. Send for list of td_____________
WfUr. *t»Tharaday—Ueaeral prayer meetlnf
.............. -.-r bad and
AddrMs F. j. Chkrrt A Oo . Tblodo,
at 7:00 p.m.
The ftorlrs TbaS Ike TvmvellB« Hea
You sbouM oec
are eordially Invlied to attend.
Tats Akaad Tkeaa.
Bold by dntfftoto. 75a.
They were talking about had towns.
Ball's Paolly PHIs are tbe beaU
lev. D. Oottlle. peeler.
“Tbe nieanest place I ever was In."
At 10:S0 a. m. Itev. A. B. Caa«.of Cal- paid tbe man wbo iravcid for a Cblcsfo
Ifomto, will apeak upon our Spantoh- house. ”Ik down In Mauaachnsetta Ray.
durable varelsb mode
American popuUtion.
Few men nndo you know what hapix-ned while I ^
Tao Uoe blood'd diT'los
dentand the Spantoh-Ameriean char
waa Slopping then* ouev? A man bad baraea. avigbi.
acter aad lu neede aa wall aa Mr. Ceoe.
Be was for year* a mtoolonary in Mesl- fallen through a hole In a sidewalk and
00 and to now devoUnf hlmoalf.to the sustalni-il Injuries dial resulted In tbe
work of which he wiU epeak. "aU are loos of his right arm. He sued the cljy
twdiee of Jamee Sandora aod two other
“What are yon doinf with that
demanded the-bank official
tor my
foot at Sadalia.
Mo., by whteb 100.000 panona
ClTaa aa opportaalty to
Potatoes, per bin..................a...
to tb« ooecvskloD of bomtu
crcDts. The care* of today are sridom
the care* of tomorrow, aod wbeo we
Ue down at olght we may say to moat
And see the unusual exctllenceTif the ’
Men's Fine Suits we show.
Uerc is'the inducement;
We make ....
_A Great Special Sale
Of ten per cent, discount
On every Suit in Our Stock. 3
Speaking advisedly, we earnestly assure you
$10, $12 and $15, Less ten per cent. 3
And don't overlook
Our Great Overcoat Oisplay.
We have finely made coats from $7.60 to $22 50. and 3,
cheaper coats from $s.60 up. Come in tomorrow. We’re 3
open evenings.
Ten per cent, discount on Overcoats, too.
that they are the best bargains ever offered in
this city. The suits are all hand made and so
perfect in cut. make, detail and fit that your
merchant tailor can suit you no better at
double the sum. Our prices are
The Armored Train In Modern War,
tttBWttat pArt vbldi
anBorarf tz*lB to BcMlDcd lo plar
Is lb* war af tb* f«tar« baa baca
praltr waQ ^iiaii bf tba way in
wbkb Um rallBV Iraaelad baa baaa,
mmO* uaa »t dartaB tba atnicBta aev
tb tba ai'uHnad Irala* which have
anind «B betwara tba Boar* aad tb* bMt> apraadlac coaataraatioa aaBoa*
Brlt^ ta Boelb AMca.
the balllfarcnt burabar* of tba Tran*.
Tb* anaorad trata baa baaa a parUc-
flyiBB battarr- Portbole* arc tnada
tb* amor plat* aid*# of the car tbroacb
which l« epervt* lb* qalck SHbb and
Biachlna runa
eedad hy aa advanc* faatd rr cavalrr.
recorded as naceasary to Insure pro*
ta^no lo tb* roadbed aad to report on
inMTaptioBs Id rail oonasctlaa or ob>
aiacln alone the lln*.
The armored car* w hich Ootonal Bad■n'l*o«elI haatlly liaprovlaad for tb*
pr>.ii-ction of UafeklaB war* i
The new speaker of the house of rapresenlatlves, w hich open* on TueadlA
Dee. &. will be Hon. David Urentner Henderson of luw-a.
Air. Henderson waB
bom In Scotland U year* ayo. Is a fluent speaker, a man of aRalr* and a readp
" has
- the Third
• Iowa
ra dl»trl<
n nine sucrc**lve
▼aal war becaus* of (b* pqalilon of (ha
aontaatant* and (h* Iodb. unprotected
plala* alone (he dlRercnt buundarira.
The Idea of tb* armored train, how.
***r, U bjr DO meant a new one. tor. al
thoueb past cxperlem*! with si
traini In open warfare have
mu* ccncemlne their more
problemaUcal value aa an dlfenslva and
Aefanslve factor, train* covered
armor plate and filled with eharpahnolars bad been u»ed In Ihe nelchborhood
Of Parts even so earlj- a* th* PrancoPruaalan war, DuiinB Ihe Cuban ra>
balllon the armored train was used
fiulU often by the Bpanlardt, thnueh
the moat sucressful recorded operation
of such a train occurred In 1881. when
the Briltab n*cl was bombardlns AlexDurlns the dlRert
I have ukin |
ce aroond ,tAdfw
■mitb It has been found that the bluejacket* from i
erful. which la*
In Durban harbor, played a very Impurtai
part. It I* now well known hoW
these blurjarkol* and thi-lr oRloers rusb.si
<■ afalsfance of General Whitb
WBCD inai commander wa» nrsi snut U]> uy tiie Koer* under Joubert. It was B
novel and unexpected move, executed without orders, and showed that tb* sail*
or boy. when well traint^l. make* ** grMH] a fighter on land at times as ha
does on the sea. The accom|>anylng llluMrstlon will1 give a Igood idea of «*>a
cla*» of men who came to the relief of While and causi.d
consternation In tha
rausi.d cor
rank* of the Hoers on a
It of their aktllful gunnery.
navy, concHvrd the Idea of lakln«
ordinary l<*.omo(lvr and seveiwl c
and coverinr them with B"<k1. heavy
boiler plat*.
When thi* was done, the
train «a* e<iul|>ped with field Kuna,
manned aitb bluejacket* from hi* ship.
n ttarted alon* th* railway line
that aklrted tb* coa»t where Ihe enemy
lay in tore*. When the I£«ypUan tmopa
ware *udd*niy confronted by ihfai un*xpacted rnBln* of war. ihay airalBbiway
took to their heal*.
Armored train* mountlnx fleldplece*
aad machlbe pun* have been, and for
that matter are even now belnB uaed
by the American troopa engaBcd In the
roundlBB up of ABtUnaldo and hi* men.
Tba successful ia*ue of the enBaitemenl
theniBelves are simply box cant, cover.
ed by steel boiler plating three-quarter*
e frequent of
of an Inch In thUkne**. Thl* 1* firmly
« of the armored train In I I* advance riv
riveted on a *te*l framework, while the
locomotive Itself I* well Incased In the
same plating, particular can- being takprotect RScurely aJI vital parts of
--I the machinery. Instead of haulli
lllng the
i rifle barrel. It require* a very st.
{ aim to send Us bullet home from a
moving train, no the deadliest markamen are always selected. A powerful
railway crane and a Rtrung ■earchllghi
| are aiRo URUally Included In the equipi ment of such a train
When In »|>era
I tion.
the armored- train Is usually i
. gether. Vt'hen (he (own was Jnvevlrd.
IthiR officer, It wlU !«■ remembered. »ur■ mumled his
with a
aiM.ui which circled his train, t
' ed with machine
' ers. and held tia
length of time a sui-erlor force of the
i enemy.
THR \Al.l.RV OF OOl.lt.
Here ls the fami-u* I’mtall waterfall
In Khoderla. which runs over some of
Ihe rtchest gold bearing rock In the
world A few years ago this partlc^r
part of South Africa was thoughrttr
be nothing bettar than a barren wilder-
Nearly all the women who are
Inenl today tn literature began b
original comtHmlllon* of some k
another as aoon as (hey could hold a
pen. Mrs, Meade has produced ovi-r 100
work! of fiction and is still a lady In bei
Mrs. Hndgium Bumcil began
her career in earnest at the early age
of lA Ueverwe# had come to her family
by reason of the cotton famine, and she
wa* anxious to help the family funds.
Kdna Lyall began to w rite Rtorles- w ben
she was aboul $ years old. She wrote,
as she says, "for the Joy of ArltlDg"
and becaUR* she could not rewlst the
craving to describe the heroes ond heroines who filled her young tmaginatiun.
I.ady Delamera la the beauhful yoBBC
Knglleh tUM-lety woman who I* now la
>■ lit'art of Africa with her husband
shooting, or trying toghoot. Ilona. Lard
Ociamcrc. wim js still a young tree tad
mcirlcd hu( -nr yar ago Is weQ
kiiMWi. lo In- an lmr. pl.l Ihm h .^1** and
I.I.S ahead} nm.l- ihr.v trlpsl^.. the
.lilrrlor ..f th. .l.i.k ........tin -lit afiTr big
HIS H-'l..,., ..„„..}uiwn t.-giin .1
111,., sgo .111.1 II wia
In' s.'i'i*iiil ii.>'nili'.
Ills lli.tt hunt*
■ r am! l.i« fair . ..ii.i..ini..ii will again b«
h.'arO “I l-y ih- i; In-n ls,
That the Kngllsh otTleer* wbij
Now It Is realised that when
once this country, which Ithodes criJ
hIs company first opened up. I* properly
axpluittd It w III prove one of the world's
new £1 Doradoa
Is cl.arly rh..«n l.y the pr,'pa.at...iir
f. re going I.V the field
Kwry bit .
n.eh.I IS ca|efully caM aside. Tic
Icipating a
lied by the
•ughof tbe preparations for war which the covmmeni
It of the erafty Com
Paul has be« making tor some time past. The same might
be said of tbs
gire a very good Idea of th* Boer fort at 2
af T«cent cvenU. has aa especial Inteiast b
gt* between th* Boen aad th* Brlttoh.
A l•OI^TO «M•A^ lli:i.l.R.
Porto ItUo. III.' miin> ..tlicr ixiunlrlw
f ihr s..ui». Is i.McI for the t♦*uIy ed
* Vouiig klirh.'tli.iUKh il mbit be cod-
lancers liuHly engagid'll
Oaa ot the :
and romantic citlco In Prance Is the Uttl* old
provancal town of La* Bai
laux. now a mere ahadow of th* great center of art
aad nutlc it one* wi
During medlwvai time* Le# Baux held a once famous
Cony D-Amour. and
.little renaissance
temple with the umbrella shapad roof, shown in the sect
-ylng Illustration, was the eenter of this sixUenth century court.
ortglnally courts held by ladle* of high rank
tn which the rule* <
-------- laid down. Tb
an tb* quanflcatloDs of a candidaie. dictated the subjeeu upon whi^ trauba'
doon were lo compoae their Uya. Judged the dlRerenl alnger^ martto ai'pnnisbad by disgrace or exelnslen thoac who violated tbe law# of the eourt. In th*
twelfth contttTT theoe courts of Iot* even went furtbar. and. bwldM larlhg
down ntla* of grammar and dialect, weal ft> far as to fdra ntla* for loa* and
; aad dlrwrtad all tba ayapioia* which th* dlaelBlea ot Brea W«a
tg dShlMt Oh tlM proper <
4 Mora th* proper prfbn.
fightlnv III S..01II Africa liavr
i.iny n ••haMoli.mi. r In their ninks
I- J;t
j;nirii‘h I
l.r.elu e.,l.,r ami every irucc of ^hip-ril.g
An ofllclal who .iccuple* a somewhat
unique if not precarious position Just
at the present time to Sir Walter Hely
Hulchlnsun. tbi
governor of Na
When ibi
fully Invaded
that colony
few week* ago.
they declared It
to be annexed
African RepubUc. and so. for a
time. Sir Walter
seems offltlally
out of a joU
by. the
way. has had a governor of tta own
since ItC. this official being asslsled In
the manageroem of the affairs of tb*
aute by an executive and a icgislaUr* quickly lekvei her. la their yeutK
however, many of the young womc%
especially those In whom the Spanl^
blood Is strong, are very comely pat*
eons to look upon. The accompanyltf
The oldest tree on earth with as as* IllusiraUon If from the photogntph <i
thentlcated hlatory Is th* great bhoe one of the best known and most pepvtet
tree of Burma. For » centuries It ha* belles of. Ban Juan.
been held sacred to the Buddha, aad no
person If allowed lo touch the trunk, i
Tbe Wagner club ferwMd at WMli* When- tb* leaves tall they are canted
away as reltes by pUgrtma.
ly to study tbe compoaer's worii tags %
I tembeeahip cC M.
* bebj^btot.
bl» Vm M J
teUf bU Mden
•rdiaaij wliale bas a Uiruai ao amall
. A arlU bardl>- take a aiuaU flab, tbe
i Sflcbalot rvald avallov Jonab wlib
f1—*j- of room all arousd to apare.
r tt«i
whale has
•Wjcq.u.alte3:.meoe^rpaaIsreo3c-w-B.>i^ arx<± MvufJlgi
The rnnkllB life hooy. a BBlqoe IBTeOiloB of BeBrwAdmlnil Hk-bbom. la
now la one. not only oa all Te*wrta of
the United Sutes navy, but also to A
TTben James & Hogg, fermerty go»
of Tesaa. lumbered Into town
Uat week and went to tbe WaMorf-Aa
torlA, hit frh-nda hardly knew blm. H»
great extent on tbe veaaeU of aU conilderable naval poarera. aaya the SclCBilflc Amehcan. Like aU other use-
waa Juet a> big. Jnal aa bre<«y. Jnai
ai opes-faean.-d and eomitanlonaldc at
oanaL bnt ibere waa a change.
ke that of old time.
In ibai
ulk area Hi.tii
It waa full of jovial obw
obeervatloui ar.d
ful toTentlona. It la almple In prindidt
being a hollow, air-tight, metallic ring.
providM with two autoinaUc torcbea
A beard liiat rambled all over bla face
and compM.-ly eonreaW the bnd.liiii
good hnuior itiat It uuirked In every
lino around bla month. It waa a wild
VbatebciDt- wblrb tinea lu -moutb for
Iftat axprt«> purpoae, and tben avalIBVIBC thr'ui at lia lltaure.
But tbla
VOlUd neviT do wltb tbe cacbalot. It
erratic eon of a beard, and aeenued ic
be govemtxl by no law.
Now be
clean aliaven. and bit faee beams tiki
a fnU. round tuoun. and hit eyea twin
tea ao wbalf-bune for one thlnf. and
Itt eapacluuK Kullet tbowa that It tuu»t
Makt Ita rii>iumar7 meat off aome
kle with merriment.
Saeoted d.-ep-M-a eaplotvr, waa near a
•aebalot in lt» death agonj once. It la
tbe euatottJ of the animal to eaiplg lit
•tatnadi in it* dj-lgg ajmnlea. and In
Iba conleiiU Ibua auminarll}’ cjt-cied
were found liuge plecea of one of ibeee
•Bonnous ten-armed ihlnga.
So tbe
■Mttar reath upon IndlaimUMe aeienMe autbom.r. at well at u|k>u Mr. BuiIn'e ran.
It la believed that tbeae
•Qtiid live at a conaiderable depth be1^ the surface of tbe tea. aulwiailog
SPM amaller membera of tbelr owb
teadca and ujion aquatic planu of one
•net or another. At] of tbem. from
MaUMt to lat^L have tbe Ink hag
ftpB wblcb Ibe pigment aepla la tak••. In tbe flgbt meoiione<l tbe water
waa quite bla.-k all around.
There la auotber aori of devllflah. alWOTt aa bad to look at but by no mcana
m aril to en.x>unier Title la a-great
Str- a tnie flab with the Kid.-a eapand•d Into m>n of winga inetead or tbe
•WtMnar.v tlmt. a large blunt bead.wltb
Mg eyes and a mouth full of ap|>alllng
•aeth. a nilwr long tall with a liaiin-d
lasee of fime. very abar|i. proj.x'iiug
•Bder It. tbeaklu Im-Iiie wllbout acalea
•Bd leotbiTj. ru»-»e are to t»e found
M the ttuir of .Mexlixi and along ibe
•oaat of 4-allforuU. Tliey gixjw to have
IB expanM- of ten to fourteen f«x-l.'
. Ur. Kulleu but a gn-ai .l. al i» say
•bent aluirie. It ma.e Dot be g.-n.-ralIf known, bill aome men of •-.•iiNl.I.-raMe experlru.-i- deny that tbe abark ever
•ttacka a human U-lng. aud eay ibai
•11 the Kiorl.w 4)f Ku.ldeti .leatli from
•he ebarVe jawa wen- due eiiber to
iBjBriee Inflli^ed by aoiiieiblng eba- or
•e imagination.
Mr. iliill.-n dope not
go aa far aa that, hut hed,M-a gige some
tog. etniegliug iua«> of abarka whl.-b
fltber aa lea.n aa the killing U made,
•ml not lie injured lu the Ivaal by
them, it iiiB.v Ih- i>err.x-il.v true that a
•allor will ti.ii niair b.kWI eating, vet
•• Mr. tliiu-n ale.w.xl iq bla Iwtlad of
tte Stu.y l.rig, tie eaii l>e .-ateu. and
M the Bllnrk were ever g.>iug to eat him
•he time woul.l Im- when lie was biingry and waiilng for bla doubtful diu•er about'n»- whale. Mauy ilmea. 1m>Wdea. the niuili-latala WH' .tverlunied
•Bd the en w left with ih.-lr |.-i.-a In tbe
- Water for luiura at a .......... wiihoiii IkWlg bamied. though there are abarka
•U alavul. But Ibe quealloii is n.ii one
This barber waa a rren. h
apuVe little English.
governor made him undersund what
Tke t’BibrwIla's BCory.
Xtnae Tie, tbe brat cheiioe be gets, he
bear in
1( that name ia e{M-lled:
the Hng tluil they will He In the aanie
plane and mow neatly against tbe aide
of tbe ship when tbe buoy la not in
he wanted more by algna than worda.
He aald afterward that be wasAn Idloi
to trust a lairt'er who couldn't api-nk
uee; but vvh.-u It 1« drupjMd they akaume. by vlnue of the weight of their
EngUah. but In tbla eaae be did.
climbed beavlly into the eh.tir. strei
lower euda. a vertical poaltlon In tbe
water, lima mMog Ibe algnala above
ed out bla bulky frtme. and pnimp 'y
went to al.s-|.. The barber dii-ped ti. l
the surface. 1-hich torch ataff la flUixl
with a chnmUT at tbe lower end conUioing calcium pbuapblde, a cbemlcontact with the
cal which Igiiitiw
a by c«
nipped and ib- m-laaor* tang a lullaby tbat mmle the goveinor aluniber -di
the auuDdi.r
When ne woke up tV
barbif was griuoing and amlrkiug an..
p buoy
water. Wb.-n
ny uI dropped the
acala of ihe-.a i-haiuln-ra an- broken
aii^matlcallv. and admlonlon of water
la permlttixl. nud the gas<« of combuiHon aaci-ud and produce a Urge flare
INiiDiing wiih pride ib bla iandlwo'k.j
Tbe gov.-ni.ir gave, me li*vk
In lU. I
top. the combiwtlon
no danger of uverfaeating.
The flo
taiion of the buoy Is aufflclem to auatain Ibive men. Ibe central apace ac-
Ion. with a tine. ahan> iM.tut and with
all the d. ialU of a Parisian daudv. The Cause of Exhausted Nerves !
The gorcm.-r ihuo.I.-n-d hla aiiser^ »-ui '
and All the HU of a Weak
the poor luirls-r did not
ened Body.
The damage was done, however, and
commialailng one In a sKiIng ptaliluo.
aupported hy a chain which crosaea the
there waa uo getting arouml It.
that could Is- done was to aliare hi-
oftCnlng. Ceiicrally Iwo of tbeae buoys
are hung near Ibe tteni. where titey
can be. moat easily dropped entirely
clear. The most wirlklng teal of tbelr
fa<v cleau. and he has dispciis-;i wltb
a l>eard ever aloiw.
In-splle the racUiitat Mr. Hogg la a
deuioiTai. Is-ll.-v.-s in free sIIvh'. and MAKE RICH. RED. HE ALTHV BLOOD
la a follower of William J. Bryan. I.c
la aonn-ihlng of an'cpicuiv and '-kes lu
live well. - I stay at ibe Wahh-rf-Aa
Let tbe blood get Ibln, weak sad
lorU.” be aald. •be-ause I Ilk.- it .li. i*
rt of Ibe
and 1 can afford to. I have doiiv hard
^ j,
ghisa aud gna|»-d wHb astoulKhm-iii '
The twriM-r had taken hia l«mrd a ><l
trlinme.1 it in rhe labwt lUHalan faah-
eScleBry In our aervlce occurred ou
the IU-fat<Hl • Maine.” about a year before the waa Mown up la Havana
On the nH.mlng of Peh. fl. 189T. In
latitude at degrees north and longlHide Tb degt>x« 42 minutes we«t. a potrftioD a im^ BUiitb of Cape Hailenia.
the Maine waa breasting a
atrfmv sucti aa would liave tried the
aixiwt>rrhiu>-«a of the staD«-heat ahip.
In cjyx-iii
ciitiug an ofih-r. Gimuer Mate
a il.ia-.-l and Si-amaD Kog.-I
Tbe two
Br-Rntifol Smookiiig-JnekeU, Pretty Night Robee,
Swell Jewelery and
Bpw French Kid Gloves in Tan and Pearl. If you wish to purchase Xmas Gifts that please buy of
S. BEND^ ^ Co. orKfosn
Poorness cf Blood Coisultation ui Eiamiaanoa Free aad Stricili Coafideatial
Dr. A. «. ChasB’s
■•m antf Blood Pills
DRS. B. S.&CO.
inerican Hedicil tod Snrgictl iRstitnte of Integon, llch.
Sotitsl ^Ay
Trekverao 0±^7~,
Dec. 7, 1899.
Oaoe Hours Dos Os.Bk. to Sp.s
biioya w.-r. liiinio.|istely dropped, aud
llaxa.-! waa a.a-li to n-ach oue of ........... .
ihi- eist.ihlf.Nl.mr Welsh Bards' .tsso-
but Kogel s.a-ma to have lieen almined. for lx- uinde no apparent effon to
anve blniwlf.
Seeing this. LAndaiiiiiii
William J. t'nx-Iman
board ainl made a futile alletupl to
r>>a>-ue him. and after falling auiiml.il ill michiiig ihe aaine buoy to vvhh-h
Haaael slti-adv clung.
In tbe mean
while Ihe la.rt lifeboat, manned hv a
volnnt.-er .n-w. un.b-r command
t'adet Walter Gberardl. waa lo«-er>-<l.
bnt It waa found that In the teirlti.
had U-cn . k.-pt. and wh.-n the ahip'
aieHni«*d lu their dins-iiou. ibc l<>n-h.-«
wen- ito»n aiglit.d through the hllml-,
lug miat of i^piti. aud by the moat akill ,
riation of Mitviclana.
At-UAik 'hr-*
ful baiHlIiiig the two men were anfe
diiyV mual.-al fi-«tiV.-il. whhh lnkv«
Iv iuiulni over ihe U-w aud land.-d
Iltilc hijun-.l bv'tlu-rr Bdv. u"
hi Wal.-a. the harfwr or aliiucr
who wlii‘ th.- jirlxe ia a.-al-xl In the
tbnl 1a>ib rvlitriHil l» duty
dniM'a chair, with au lm|H»lng .vr»a
next .la.i. uiic of them, llaaai-l. only i
IM-ri-li lu the i.-i-rible <-iitasir»|>Ii.' .
the following \.-ar rrva-lman ia no
a gunufr'a miit.- -m th.- Iowa.
he knows that he has received a Tie tbat no other firm can mab-h - not even “tie” as to...........................
work In my life, and
I la-lU-ve iImi meot.Tbe diaeative ayatra fails to
every one whuiild get all tbe good he its dntv. and there isindigestion and
can out ol lUc world.“-N.-w
tbe liver aod kidueyi
^loggM and inactive; there are peins ia
be back, iidei and limbi; beadocbc
■ ■' ■
biusted. I
------------------------Tlie higlo-t ..l.j.-i ,.r >■ W.-Iah bird's
, lassitude and '
auililth>n la
In- <-li..a.-n an-hdruid h.v
To nd tbe aysteoi of these dlstrcaaieg
HIn caused
d by weak
aad impure
ure blood,
DO prepiralton ao effective as
W. Chase's Nerve aod Blood
Pills, tbe
piwrit-tion of A
giealeat pbvaician. Dr. A. W.
'. CbaM.
Nerve and Blood
la tbe blood, and
vigorale the whole s.vtteDi. They gently
regulate tbe bowels.'mske Ibe kidneys
d liver active, tone Ibc stomach and
digestive system, sod give new energy
and vitality to every organ ol tbe body.
Bmloeat phvaicians who have preacribed Dr. A. W Chase's Nerve and
Blood Pills proDODOce them tbe greslest
ol realorstivcs for wesk and impure
blood; so ccoD ■ box. al all dealcra, or
by mail on receipt of price, bv Dr. A.
W. Chase Medicine Company. Baffalo.
N. Y..
On every box of tbe geunine
will he found portrait and fac-similc
•igaalure of Dr. A. W. Chase.
To Dairymen,
Farmers, and Cattle
iiw.ny aud ih.- til.-wiug of mimpi'ta.
India and tla- <<iiiiuiri.-a to tbe eaai
of the B.iy of IP-tignl form (be bwue of
TWO groDini of d.-cr quite dlatlnrt ftuffl
any of ih.ac iuhahltiug rootv uortbern
vliim-w or om- group n n-pn-iM-ntaiiibaa lavn aln-.-idv dcpl<i,->l lu ibla (la
per In the ahslw of the chluL or axis,
and In another group ibc aiiih-t>
acarvcly dlajd.iy th.-ir chief iKK-uHar-'
p.-ri.-. liou; hut It la pioialblc lu
Urmw »a a Trolla, Car.
It wa-< -ii .1 irotii-.i oir co’ng
Midlan.1 ll.-s.-h to B.-rg.-n iv.lni> Well fltl.-d with }w-.ip|c
The '
had In- ii atM-iidliig liic day al the Nticti
andwi-r.- on tli.-lrwny home When il."
car waa sN>iii half way to ila d.-aili.;i-
forma s
•i>iiiiauoua curve with tl..
iM-gan t
tine proj-xilug over the faw. and ben--ti-mied the hrow-tlue.
Such a coutl- ;
nulty of curve I- met with in no other ^
living deer. aud. therefore, at oii«v i
anSii-F* to distinguish the tbamvog ns;
this apfH-U-s U called in Bnrmai from |
all lia kitidred
Tbanieng are fcm.l
We are now prepared to aell onr ex
cellent feed-P^TATO PULP, which
lion the .-urrcin gave oui -and the .mi- we have on band at all timea la a aweet
ducior ch.-erfflllj aaaiir.il the pa-ai-u- „j
g.tw that the car would
j-r-.cixHl in '
laorder to inirodneeonr feed to tbe
alh.iii half an h«ur.
feeders we have redneed oar price to
Th.-IlcUt. led gone out and th-a 10c per 100. wblcb compared with tbk
wnecra ain for a few i dtiuii-a Id
•hat any man wiU care about witling
Tbe utnhrvlla is of cm- au<-i.-nt ortpA. aays the tV.mian'a lliffuo t-ompautna. It Is rmiiid in doaigiat on liiii-k
Etriiwan vaaoa. and Is irao-d
teck to auclvui Egypt, the mniln-r of
•no. Its first use waa uudoutKmIly io
protect fnmi the bundug rays of the
•ropU-al aim; lu Latin dortvation lx
from ouibra, a aliade. Tbe PlugllNh gi>l
•be nmhtvila fmm KraDce. aud the first
Rian who carried this ralu prou-cilon
to England w-aa Joaopb Hanway. who
Megan the pracil.-e wln-n
«un aud couiiuued It until bit dealb,
tB 17B4.
ILuiwty was famous In bla
4ay ai a phllanthropiat. but be is i\•lembcn-d now quite as much for his
^nlsteux- lu i-airyiiig an miihrella.
la-ailiig down tbe
agatmi the uaenif It. at for any of bis
putvly lM-Dcfiti-m dn-da.
When Uiinway dicii all tbe people In England
were carrying umbrellas, and they
have laa-n carrying tbem ever aln<v.
Indeed, nowadays. England would not
■eem Englaipl without the ever-pres•Ot umbrella.
Ttaoiigh the umbrella came from the
bat. reaching first Italy, then Spain
and Prance, and afterward tJngland
and Germany, tbe pendulum now is
•Winging iiack again, and late comneirial atailstle* abow tbat the city of
pari* is exi-ortlng 600,000 umbrellaa
annually to Turkey, while In England
to one year 81B.000 smbrellaa werv
•aBSfactnred tor ablpBunt ta Borsia.
mind tbat when R centh mun receirea a
‘'NHoie'* in tbe in-ckbHiid
place" be could find. He m d the bar
ber that he wanted to bare bli beaid
tbla tins- the twix^u^D on (he hnoy lisd
b^n hist eight ofT btJt tbelr ta-aringa
Whale, after It I- illbxl aud nuH.roil l>e•Ide Ibe vi-««.-r down lnt<» the mx-IU-
(iver 300 dot new Puff —I in HandB—Bows—Clubs
De Joinvillee’ French LavnllierB—Tecke ai.t! Full Dnns at fn-m .oc lo 2,-VI.
tlie lm|k-rilc.l men with ihw lawi. and
llte cti-w were hauled alaianl b.v lif.linea. ibe laui
•ten aallor* van poa-li.ly oiak.-. m he
we only charge ?1.00
NEW NECSWB AS just from Chicago.
which make It pomlWe to locate the
buoy at night.
Tbe torch etaffa are ao pivoted to
waa when be waa wlial.-tlabiug. ami
te ea.va' ibai all wbal.-ra have an Idea
•battbeeUprk kiiowa be la to have U-t-
Jgta them al.>n>-.
That aounda a little
•no Int.-Uigeni for tbe flab; yet it la a
•ertalniy tlmt a atll-.r may fall off ilie
Let’s Re-cover Your Umbrella
gfDUinv Uniyii Twilled Silk Cover
beard trloimol, Toqnotebls ownwonla :
be *^mbl<Hl Into tbe flneat tonaorlal
■Betanixw where men In the uaier
were not ealiW by aliarka. Ihougli they
ted the Ihhh chanix- lu the world. It
Jpf ftxal whenever tber make a alrlke
How be came it
part wltb bla beard U an lutereaiiut
After long neglect Ibcvgoremor one
day decldixl that be would Lave bu
larfar fom> of aulntal life. Once Mr.
BnUafl aa}-a be aaw one of tbeae big
teaato makiuB a dinner from a glganik
•Bttlaflab, ujir tritta anna tnanf yard*
; bide with lu aurkgra that tbe Mllon fontid ibe maria
But Ibe wbale wa* talileg great bJf<« out of tbe aquld for all
lliat abd devouring It guile at lelanre,
Wltb a sunilH-r of amaller wluitea about
waiting for tbe frairniettU wlilcb ibe
•Id fellow nilgbt cbauce to b-ave. Tbe
prince of il.<iuK-u. who bappeua to be a
TO $6.50
ene calls hits—and be la known ny
hardly any mher name—formerly aron-
§t tbam. tiralulDf out ttu* accumpao;Iflf aca aaior tbroosb tb« frluirr of
Tte big M|uid, Victor Hugo'a deellBab. a cnodi-l of wblcb la In the neld
OalDDbUn.mii»-um. waa dolt« iia beat
Ip Agbt tbt^iacbakit, tbraablug around
nth Ita
_ jt on in
One minute.
No Sewing
punctuatwl with quaint
The .-liange waa In bla fa.-lal '
adorameiit. Tbe governor, aa every
n* eeiDBioa wbale. aa U trell-kDovii.
teito for tb« luott part ou wrr aoiatl
■arlBc aattuala uklo's in a bnxr rulp
tetf, eight of them wltb ancken all
teWB Jbvlr entire length, and two
*lMV<r oiu-» like feeleta. with onlg a
tiW Buckcfs at the Up end
Jones Umbrella “Roof “|i
"ir.....■............. .
Tb* Hu*t SnoesMfid and Bctoatlflc TrMtmmtof All XHseaoas sad Wflfasssf
of Hnnklnd Possibto to Obtaia.
.1 *rW«l> *04 t*»»r»l.lj koeva
lo t*»*ro1te< Slave*. 8U Ioo« experience.
tvw*'k*blr akill sod uolrersei •urcesa 10 Ike larxesi bospuel* lo Ibr world eneble* bla to
treaiehCURONIC.NgBVOl-8, RUIN aod Blxart) U:*e*ae* opoo the taio» ocleovlSe prtnetple*.
e*. bad
eovlUe* bln
blm to the full
fuil ccoSdeoce
cooSdeoce c(
cl tbe
ireoUac due*— sj
b^Sen^al D
Ceterrb, Dlbeobe* of the gte. Ear. k
4 Secobl Dimrmarm epeedllr eared by t _
beta*. Bldoer. Ueer. medJer.Cbroi
.e-kblrd of say other Boot tObi be* oeeer failed Ic tbousa
itecMt abont
s vbbl bad beeo pronooBced berond bop*,
re be«b restored Vo pertset be*lU bad VbO*
Meo} people meei deatb every rear w
P.»«e<l.belre*be. to «be hbod*«reip
Bonw of tbe moat Inflnntlal feeders
-oliar VO tbe *es. Ttmi
have given tblaprodoeta-tborongb test
•air. hut an ohl h.TRiii.
i«l l«-fi.r.- tbev kti-vv II half
tpo ]>.Ni|>1e
e on
the ear bad jolii.-d In.
ill front, the last )M>r.
a tiil ti'"*--<l
ho would have Iai-n and report tbat it is dealrable in every
ann In'the n
ncqiinlniasm- wlib sa reaped and rqaal to all that is cUlmed
auNPeeici of
il for 'Thniw Out
‘•r.'.l n'Usle .-nihil
and Jolmd in w ith gn-a,
-We have wmpleted an ideal ar-
OBBOWIO BOAS srss and gr*BblM*d,
from Mautpiir and Burma to Shim au-I' gu-io. and hymn followed hymn unill ,
I" loading into wagoni tor Ibe bsful oSeeu ot e*rlr rior bOd the ab- '
the Miday |H-iiiuaula. and are also mci
tbe car suni-<1.
etc., and wereaprctfnlly Invite all feedwltb in Ih.' island of liainan.
When thw--ar ainried and the Hcbfs
BBS .peodllr. cowpleioD nod peranneaU/
Burma, where they wciv first disi-ovhad been fnmnl on again, one pa'sen- I
ciiit atvom the year-IMP, they an
generally of It uniformly
-miy foxy-nil
foxy-ni] oul-|siannl
the hvmn. and flnallv _
or: Imr 'n ilnwe from1 OauilK.eta.
____ Slam ; sMt next to him. It waa evident that
pheastl al the result of
and Hainan, tbe -coat Is more or liw-l )>e
and a little queailonlue
Traverse City, Hicb
di.itluctly apiitl.-d with yellowish an.l
d.-v-1o|Hl tiiRt he ia * .
tnonand works in a priming ofliee on Wal
linnch.-d. These deer an- met with in
Btreel. Me la-lleve* that !l Is S part o
large herds in the Interior of Bunns, hi‘ miaalnn on earth to alnr hvmni
Dm OmgAW ooemM bseewobmUr aod ; WC ei AKaBTSB TO CniB norrow An
wbvne they fn-d largely on growing
a .oar da« *«J all otoor
o,se- ^ CATABBU OP W BOSE. bmneblU. and
rv-l>oat*. He aald that he m-nrlv gl..n.t™b.-.cao-drr-ea..ee. Po-Ueat,
■ tind the people responsive and
that h somtlmes did a litAlMvnrS year ago a little Imy btongbi
DmAffamSS 1 rare 10 por ennt nf aU tnaaa
Chnoer. PUeo aod DIM*** of Wo«eo .jol
a very strange patient to the Sundcr■aoj caM eorod la on* traaUMaV
Dnd pnbllc iiiilrinary. England. In Un
I DUCBASaina EAKSoaradtn eewry OM*
Tabls. te HerwheL
UIS.-Eacb pofM apnlylag tor MdScsl trsM8lr Bol-erl Ball recently onvelled a
brine (Uai poboed Snv Is the Boramg yewawsv bhoBld Md or bring _____________________f
bronze taHci at lf> Ne^^ King sirti-t.
tereod). wblcb wlU reeoir* bsarafcl eheiolcal mad Blcrooeoptenl bsnalnstlon, lafl 1f rbnntiind
to get a fish book
Both. KuclaniL recording the fact tliat
Peraon* ralood lo boaltb M nnloamod pmandera. wbc k*M
a wruten analyal* wUI bet gireo.
lisfvaw. As |wss
allow any William llcn-i-l'cl. the great astrono
a«i tng polanoosb nnd tolartonn cMpoanda, nboato appip
orlAlBg wUh UvCB Bcolfe •fwr
tavodlavep. Dtlar* are <
touch him an operation mer. re/ldid there. Herachel dla<-overv.|
IDIII tbe happy the phiDi-i T'ninns fmm the luitw gar
vugge*ii<VD that
Stop la BBd toU
cat Bbogld ta- den of that bouse. Sometime* be fonud
BnleoMBltatUala^olatend. ”—•-■------------ s---------7inl
I nnniaimibl Tibaiwwl n*al O a B. M n«r pM *4 O.W.
chloniforuicd wo
ide. ITse anae*- It necessary to hrtdg hi*
iln-llr was Biiplled lo
» the novel sui- Into Ibe street opposite tl
The Michigan Starch Co.
; ^U'.“.A'5'ASSrsSSS',rN^
Pretty gear lime
m ihiok aboel haviig yoai
Bicycle Enameled
Ject wltb tbe greateet soccee*. tbs
book drawn and the paw bandBccd.
many of tbe dltcoveriea
toe ftp ‘
NS. B. s. t CD. niuTE loi iti Hsucoi. nci.
TBM Kournia
: down bar
s:?™ »
then the aiepped out
after ber.
fnielope atood N Me «oar. with am
atuueed anille ontaa dp*, aad watched
k..«; «l.h .ree. Ihenob.
of • life eooi|.lrt»t» ft-ed
-Kjfr OaltofJ.
hatie. iben ahe oaid good-by and went
«b» pi3i*e of pe»r, rerMied >■ Mormleta
Mn. Skloarf’ looked bUok for a
B>em. tbfO ohe roue to her feet.
-n-. awful Ute. Uln dyni be expectlng toe.** She put on ber ihlog* la
AM M ihroB«b rifled rtood* a auB w 1
rau UsuUj
“Ml.- su.,.,." A. «u«i
h!r». SkUuier pauaed ataJ waited Im-
They aai togeiher in Ulaa Peoelopa
» altilnf.toom.
PeiH-lope a
e answered:
“1 al
e black strip she was going to |
•rosnd the edge of ber rug. but lira.
Skinner was trying to Ihluk of aome
way to lead up to the aubject of Job
UfcoDib. Sbe was on from tbe West
Tlaltlng ber sister. Mrs. Simeon <lur-
blm propose, snd so t dhls't let blm
She turned and went swiftly back to
the bouse.
btta. Skinner stood ttIU. ‘'YVell." sbe
tal<L ••! don't Bee's I've found oui
mdbb. afer all.- and she walked slow.
Ij _____
along, ,defeated and dejected.—Boa(gg <jlobe
rtower cwtrbM nie*.
aey, 4pd sbe bad cboecn Ibis sfiemoou '
Ftytrsps an- well kouwo in the anP
to spend witb reneloi>e Rankin.
mal kingdom to erery one who baa
•Base you .ever found out why abe ty«a. or. ai leaet, who uw» them, aa.rs
*ntiltin*l tnairy Job LlacombT’ lira, tbw l•bllad.•lpbla Trcaa.
Amoa bad asked wben they were talk- j
Tbe delbale Web of tbe spider and
Ing about I*rnelope that torenonn.
tbe deejily cOt and broad mouib of >he
•No, we LsTco'l," lira. SlmeuU bsd awallow at once suggi-ai tbeiuselrea.
1 believe ni find out tb1« afternoon,
br We*, a. a. Dari*.
Tune.-"t'.m H. ««.- Th, u*e-t
»w.-i cv»: li. 0B.
In this pasngs of Scripture we bare’
Be bad nut been lewot
lastitnUsL Ee had not reerired it from
Christ a dlaciplee. bat from Oiriat B.mself
How or where be receired tbe ordintnee from Christ we do not know,
but we do bare bU explicit sUtemenV
‘-I bare receired of tbe Lord that wbiefa
also I delivered note yon."
1 The Lord’s supper is a divine ordinknee.
It was Instituted
by Christ
Ritan If in tbe copikt room in JerasaItan at the close of tbe Feast of tbs
It was the Lord Jesus Him
self wba the nicbt He was beuavtd.
Ulgbt aay.
Yes. I'd Jusi-as lief ask ber j
But tUaf a vcgwablt sliuuld have
exquisitely cuustrucb-d and ]>erfitt
oubBut now. at she looked at IVnelope
•be hesiut.-d.
Bbe decldA not to ask
ber right out. but to lead
question csutl.msly.
up to the ;
“You seen] to la- real comfortably sit- '
h j,.
you've done better than
,hen. unlikely, that a fly could
su|>i>Iy a plant with food and yet a
p„ef„., ,rap ilmu the leaves of
tbe Uh«ea' . iinnot be Imaglu.-d.
The little plant Is a native of tbe
barrens of Car.
est'and importance to this feast
3 Tbe Lord's supper is a memcwial"Thifi do in remeiuhnneeof Me." said
It is not only a memorial of
Christ, but a memorial
orial of that crown
ing act In His life by which the world
was ri-deeuied from sin—tbe death of
"As often os ye eat this bread
and drink this cup ye do show the
Lord’s death till Be cunm " The neces
sity of such a memorial ia due to lbs
fart that tbe bnman heart is so prune
to for.:el
We forget even oor greatest
benefsetora witb amazing ease
a bb-ssed thing it ia tberc-fure. that
Jesns insiitnted. this ordinance to beep
ns in roustani remerabrance at least <4
tbe UK«t sinpa-ndons event In tbe bia-
changed into the lady and blood of
TransnbeUDtiation is superBtilioD :.ud absurdity
Tbe • letneois
>D ore but syml
material tyiiea of spirit!
menta Christ ia Bjiiriinally received by
faith by tbuae who |>aruke of ibis or
dinpnee in aceordanca witb Christ'a apIt grows to a UeigUi of from pqii
The Holv Spirit applies to
d in
ii this
tw elve
Inches, prudixiug a I our souls the bleoaing"
bead of large wbUlsb fiowera, i Christian f><stiral
And thus alone can
the owu.q- of the Udy's We be blesM-d in partaking of tbess aaThe flower stalk rUes m>m a (Ted
(■red eiubleiDa
eiubleiDa TTiere is nothing efficaeffica
tbat'a married."
I rooelta
of yellowish
leaviw. cious in tbe elements or in him wbo
She laugbid a little nerrously.
It apn-adlng on'the ground.
Each b-af adiuinisters ibiun. hot w%eu (cuptTly
wmm't OS easy as abe expected. She [, divided by a deep Incision Into two received tbe Holy Spirit Ueseos them
wondered If that waa^too abrupt a be- 1 portions, the lower being a broadly to the good of our Boula .
4 The Lord s supper is a onmmsnd
' winged fool stalk and the upper the
renelope smiled placidly. "I'm great- '
or mie leaf Itself. This iiin»T ''This do.
said Christ
Be left no al
ly favored." sbe said, "and I don’t feel
•ay reason for comidalni w ith my lot,-
portion is the fly-ira|»-lbe most CO,jou* ,,an of the pUnt--aud demands
Mrs. Skinner went on with more con. i , ,.*reful dew-rtiiUoiL
fldencc. "I guess you didn’t make any I
j, ,, f„„u.|lsh and divided Into iw^o
there was silence.
"No." »lo- wi'tit on hastily, fearing
Bintlect or ignore tt T
that IVncp.p.’ would cliaiigc the
Ject. -no. I guess you knew- what
Ww a»s.ul."
. Sbe wains] till the pause' was
tbe rjghl lelirth for the pffe.1
f,Vniisli.d wTili ibrie sh inier brlsih-s. | institntt.m ' Till H.-niiue. ' ssvs Paul
you ' ti,,. ^.u»iH.cn.io. of Ho- baf clil.-By totbet’orinthians Christ has not come
'll,.. In th,-,,- iiriMiles.
If nn insect j.^, „nd tliercfin- until He doe* this
alights ou ijic leaf uud loucli.-s
is binding niun His
ahe wore of them Hie shl.-s sii.tdculy Hose pen
apprtviate this high
Wished to iiPsliH-e. tlieii said: "Hut
Tve alwavs wond>-tvit liuw you bap. I
1W<U|H' Ibc trUigc of and
I all Its
iipiaisiie side of the deatl
Hicn-’s a psvl many ' brlslh-s ....
-I SH|.|H.S.'........................................
BibU- Kemling*-El xii. 1-14: Pa
e the Huger*, of the
would Ilk- to know Ihsl.” silld IVne. ,
sal t'lg' ihcr. or like xxiii l-e.c. I'.%.cxvi. iS lO. Isa Uii.
s'l iriiji.
1-14. .Mark xiv 13 :13. John xiii. 1-15
the teelli .»f
not crusiusi or siul- slv 1031. Korn V. Q-tSsAelH. ii 41
looked Si Iht frh'ml with bright, plerc
dcul; ilcsinii'sl. Inti Is reluiu'sl Hrm- 47 XX. « 7 -Heb vii -3.-. 39. 1 Pel u.
ly liuprlMOiisl until it is.as.T> to move,
Ing eyes.' Inn at Hits answer a dlsap81-2.1. I John ii I 8 Rev ii. It)
potiited c\|>r«->s|oii cinne over her fn<-e. which w.iuhl mean tiuill it was dcn l.
and then
the leJif sh.wly . xpiin.l-*.
"Well, you mu’! ili'iiy ‘tw-n* curlous."
,ilfol.hsl al lilgM.
The two.lots'* a
•be sahl: u'lHi the slightivt
the dii>.
aiKlk(s-i--B sHi...l bg His children
ritallon in her vobv. "Tlii-rv he’d li.s-ii
here on earth and one of His Uvt
going with .i'«l Sh«.ly Hint Mpriiig and
leaf nuh kii i-l.-siTi. (vmalii* .-h.snl for teachers is dUup|a>intinem My fri.-nd.
d s
then all at oiii*-'he *lop|ied
B Shi»rt lime, then alowly expaii.K wben von and 1 reach onr Fath.-r's
•either pf you gave any reason for H. r,.„.|v «„
agulu If newly irrlbonse. we shall l.xk ).srk and see that
Itaat I ever heard «f."
tbs slmrp Voiced, r.mgii visaged n-acber.
"No." said I'.-b.-lope. "I'm surf
1 j
Itiit if U Iw ■■*iia>s! lo make r.p.-at•ever have." ,
' e.1 .froris al short InlcrvaU Its im.v^ disapisnuiment was ..ne of the ^guj
guid<s to train ns for it
He gave ns
A tinge of .vdor flameil up In Mrs.
nicnis ls.c.uuc Unguhl, -.........................
nllotf'lher exlunisli-*! and i* hanl lessons: h.- ..fteii ns<d the r.«l; he
nils, was rather dK. blliiy
old} by a |sTiod of ri-]>osc. •ifn-ii h-d ns inic thoniy paths: he
She w.ntrolled her vokv
■s.ui.'titm*. led US down into the v:
With an eff..n and went on patiently.
WKhnnt TwtrtUs.
of the (b-atb shadow, bnt nev.-r did
id tbe
"It was awjul strange. My! I r.,n j
. ........... ...
unsClBsil girt. WtM pTotniarar.-ad si.sw.s-He as when epi lled
rememls-r, jnsi how yon hink...! tiut '
rself as n iiiarksbl* ont by the eye of faith in that very
•prtag. Ym. had a lavendet delaine ««'**'"»""
apiM-nraiiee. or niamier.
• in. yilii
Talley Nowberedhl he lead ns so often
•nd It was tiTrll»1y iH-eouilng. and evhert! Is iloTe a pbice for a or teach us such Kiered h-ss.iiis as at the
•rylsHly said llmt you and Job were
girl tmlai who Is not iH-amlfiit’or tal cross lyf Christ Ih-ar old rough handed
the beet b<>>l.1irg collide In lown. Tliai
ented. wim .-an not play, '-r pniiii. -r teacher' We will Imibla im.untueui to
t me. fiit Hint <
tiug. («n ....... is-niili li.-nnlf to writ* thee yet and crown it with garlands
an essay for a tlli-rary Hull, and hn< and inscribe on it. "Bliwi'd be tbe
no ability Tor leadi rsblpr’
For suet memuTvtd diaappointmeuL
Rev. Dr
a one the liMorj of an everv-day pit T L CaybT
who met fiilttllment and wroiigbi fp u
"W>IU everylMijly
Ibuiob rstruck
romtiion maii-rlnl a w-omh-rfut life
When It eatm- to an end wi sudib-u. and
fabrle imiv >»■ offen-d.
Sh>- was Hi.
Ministers oft>-n lU-.-acb (<>r the saks
everybody gtw«wJ a illffereni fi-asoo
plaimwi of a ramily. antTas she graw
of preaching, not for the purpose of boSume thought It was Ids mother made
• gave nn sign of pc
mg heard
tbv iroubh.. and some oald yon bated ____ ___
tblug that would
tbomler Men heard Him altiioogb
•mokin' so liBd. hut 1 always tlmughl *"* ,, ,*
they fail<-d lo catch the luvwning
g of
h was UiT be married afterwards."
what Re said There is a force in being
She i«osed aud lut'kod at I'cuHope. <
••gift." Bill nolwily exp.s-t.-d nn.vthlng
Great preachers have osnslly
trying to decide If she was going too '
gp-ai from "Mist
Margaivt. ” and
gr««t voiccw
John tbe Baptist must
were gissi |.s>kiug
Hmi year." she
•Bld-geu>r«'usly. gliinHilg al l••'U^doJ«'
e the ••fr.'ci of her w onis.'
. -YOU kw.w. he began ,0 go Wltb.her
and wss rall.sT tc
“Wrtl." sahl rem-lope. sud.lenly.’-do
gun bUme a girl for Iwlng mad under
•nch clrenmsism’es?”
Mrs. Skinner eanght ber breath. It
-waa coming oat now.
“So that was tl«- reas.mr she said,
bar Toll*- shrill witb exHtemetn. "So
that was the n-a»ot. You don't sayr'
“No, 1 don't say." aald penHoiw.
There was a misi hlevous gleam In her
•yea. "I don't *ay to. and that wasn’t
the rvaaon. I was Ju^ fooling
Mra. Fkinm-r knit fast.
•pe looked
- “They say Job’s fat now." sbe said,
•dldly. --SU.I Iwld ^oo."
Mr*. Skiuner pkKed op courage for
•Be more trial. "Yes." sbe said, "be Is.
I iLOrw be-d Iw bald: It runs In tbe fanBy. Bay. Penelope." sbe pleaded, "i
wm." said Penelope, relent.
tell you tbe real rewson"
Big. "I'll
■ ................
Sbe psDsed. aad Mrs.. Skinner ItM
sist and to fill gaps
lo »be home
vice. She leanie.1 through all ih
e cotild J ri-epi t
•lie was IK. longer a lonely girl. I
Imagined that sbe had
l of part
Ip In Huaehlrvemenls of tlioM
whom she helpi-d. 1,-et It not be Imac
In.sl llini she bad ever experlencil
rcgn-l lliMt she bad h.-rsclf l»<Hm ove
distribution of glf:i
wben sii
wholly to ih.- piirpoMe of forg.-ttliig b>loss and helping otbera.
As soon ai
this ts-csnir a fact sbe began to nc-lve .rf the blcasedness of giving, an.l
the mental and spiritual eularg.'ni.-n^
of h.T ii.mis'nsaHve worki-d Itself out
wardiv. sc that ahe Veame a very
e iwrson.
iM-rwoD. Pinal’ully the
came. and tbe s
r fitted Ibe sti
eras bef(
_ ........ ...
in the slneetewf rvrereoce.-Woi
Is the amount paid to members from January 1st, 1899, to Nov
ember 1st, 1899. $4.886.78 of the above sum was-paid to mem
bers In Traverse City and vicinity during the above period.
This record should couirince all that in orderitolbe safely
protected it is best for you to carry your
Accident i Sickness Insurance
Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse City
Bines January 1st, 1899.
It Is aa direct a command os
can he found in the word of God
indiflerence of multitudes to it who
profeos to believe in tTirist is inexplain-
ttlsiake Ihu time you give Job I.ls-*'equal parts by a AtriWg mld-rlb. The, .able
Many never observe it. refusing
------- ------------------------.e.-------------«l»’y’rt-«i
niargins arc frlogetl with a row of
to identify theinselvtv with (nyd's js-opoor as pl'T) . and
' •**"’ *" KO strong spiny hristles. «• that It uint ple in the cbnrcb where alone it is ob
•nd break his leg. nn<i. well,
be llk»-losl l» two upp<T eyelids Joined served
Other* who nnite with tbe
to be In a peck of trouble all the iti<ie."
at their t>a>o.
The b-iif is a Hide cbnrcb are often car<-li-*s and lodiflerent
Mn. SkUiDi-r walled a moiueui. iiui
hollow oil cilher side of the lulj-rib. to this great command
How can we
pratty^... after yoy«t ,hr..ugh with
Blm. VkeU. I Hmtighl primp, hedld.
It. attaching to it ibe same comioabd
This fart abvnid attach peculiar inter
•aled." abe said al last. "And you »ix
•In't grown old like me. Tour house U '
|oat as preily as can be. and. well. I
Paid For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
commanded it to be eaten in remembrame of Him, and tbe cup and blessed
I don’t m-llere you’d want to." ' markabb'. wbeu It is r.-memb.-rea that tory of the world' Though we forget
"fet. I would.
8bc and I used to plants differ inarkeilly from animals all •else of tbe ages past, we abonid nesbe goods friends, and It’s so many in regard to ibelr food.
For. while er forget tbe doalb of Christ
8 The Lord's supper ia a symbol
years since I've seen ber that she'll be animals live on organb- kUlwiHUces—
teellv like telling me things that obe that Is. on plaois or other anlmals- The bread and wine are not artnally
trouldn'i tell thi: n-st of yog that bare
Bred tight alMig with her. as you
took bread and tBakeond blessed it and
•Bd Ura. Amos gglnoVr was knUtlbg :
ttocklog. A saeore bad faUfu b^wveo
tbeta after ibe first balf-boor of ebat.
•ad each seemed occupied with ber
•wa work.
Penelope wss. la fact, tblaklng
mboobd bjhua^.dbobmbx: s. ishv'
have bad a marr. loas opeech |s.wer to
have lieen heard by the voat tnnltitndes
that thronged bis ministry The "stia
small voice" dould reach a tingle andihir aluDe in tbe m^ntain. bnt tbe mul
titudes are Dot
that way —Prmbyurian Journal
Secute a good iiaiu.' i.> thyself by liv
ing virtuoUHly and hnmbly but let tbit
good name he nnrted abroad and never
be bronrbi boute.to look opun it
ntbers use it fiw their own ad.antage—
let them spewk of it if they pl.-aoe—but
do not thou use i! at oU bot as sn instmment to do God gl..ry aitd thy
neighbor more advantage L« thy facn.
shine tootben. but maks
like M<
DO looking gla* for thyself —Jeremy
Ballalr4 For • Cowfliet.
Oonvening grace ts a free gift, bnt
it ia not a crows
Just as atom as you
give your faeait to Jems you are enlia*•«1 for a cotiflicT that will continue ontil tbe last blow is struck You will not
got to bMvsa before yonr time. —Latbens.
: ii
i^bk*lK'^a»D r
Pei-f rooDtslu
Jacob Hecirr
AuioD Top.iika .
FralS WVU........
tv.rr K.1.I-! ...
1.. a. Val. iJJfce
Hen H.ii.e..............
».eo n.'lr . . .
W. A Wllliswa .
W e. DvW'lu
biraroi.. Jr
' M
gaon Hpody
S D Ullic
K (> Palarr .
Willard M. Acker
Bert Hare
J W Weew
Cba* 1. Col
li » aiearn.. Jr
WlllUa H Arker
Arthur L (Irrllk-k
Ed Defer..............
r N l.'rbly
14 (10
Ueo. VairDyke
A A Miller .
J A Pea-r
Ben UflXte....................
•‘4.1 Krsrzcr. .
W. a. Tbayrr
iiro A Ely ..
Ur u
f 4i
T hi
IS iA>
MoJIBDil lilddlogs
v: to
H. »rr Knapp
Kri.j Krtnpuf.
t> UrLarblao .
J>. H.-Uonlgll .
K n Yorke.........
( «' Merkle
I.Ull.er l'»M*
(iuy LeVsUe; .. .
.. .
Thoe td«-ke . .
K .ialli*bav ....
K Jobtwo
W illre KtH.p
Mr—e* lj*rT«I->
JohkW w»-hi...rti
U'ul* B«r«ril..- .
S J PmVi.o H IjtValley
W'ur Dtmgla.
(ieo Poll-r
Lcler Pol er
<iu< King
Tbo* W'a>htiiirn
Msi Pricket
Tbeo Ze»,................
Jn.. tvKnrd
: .-ki
I* r*’>
» A!
's S
U !•!
Jbo SelMJO
Cieo ('•oaet
B Sierer .
H W MrlcblbS
,E. C. Iri.h
Frank Barlrj
< •«
IS ki
k as
i S*
1' i\l
"r iu
Prank Mivoey . .
(baa. Bad. ..
tiro <(vt~-lle............
F. V Verarlja ..
Fred KM-ert. . ....
Oeo Rai-Min
Jro llutler..........
Prank HUney .. .
in TV
RAPID errv.
C. M TI,acker
Wa. VouKbt........
PrrUII MaoolBg
W. A naodrra
ii kj
4 HI
lieo Biraddilig. .
Odrer Bubta ...
: ; : JS
(• B M.-Hanun ....
Henry Tn^nkle*
W K Puner
Elmer Taylor
Wa. l.a'aiBao
Jrrava Hoar
K A Ucst. , .
Wn M. Kay
Alfred y arrabt
*i B Kor-lMO
j’ae ••rlBkla* i,'!
bl Fft/OeraJd...
fafayri.e Cou«
Alle-n HBaJp
1* »
Anr.’*i Lara.*).......... 1 efi Un
C. E Keatberly
T to
Alfretl R l-.dv .
n p Hareeae ..
In »
Jnn FrrdrrI-k...........
Tb(>* Povera ...
Jlo Frederick
IS ol
»> W (iordon
* »■
g lla.linge .
IS or
Mike Wei.b
P. D Black .................. 1 8 W -■
cieo. Peiiii ...................... tt lir
L Knlen.
W 3 Hanford........
L Ki-le-rt-.
PeierHbnidneau .
P Haekect
Inel.. U >trerva ..
Wm D Freer
' II
: if
■ •eorsr Hull
H K.rrboer
S J.ibu>«a. ..
J.ld P'le.1 ....
J A Wnsbt
Atbrn Mbarp .
W a- fVlire
( bar. R.alH.
C T MK Bi. boon
N r Kauedrra
J.K Hirkard*
R. l'. la-caofe.
TI «!
'll TT
Oeo MosUoD
. • ; soF V
J K CaJliba
.s*- ;
P .i Tlioanaon ..
Irrln Wollr..
i: w
Prain-leCor ..
Jno leader..........
C, T Myer.
Frank WetJer
r A Jneea
N TbrrUult
treo LaFoublaln ..
( bao Kincleicti.. .
O M. let-alley
Kiir IarM>n
Ms> Frn-ber
Alien B«tg*ee
D E He-lU
E.laar,I Denbo
Ben Barb*
Cbm* U. Oar
Wr*lcl Kirs ..
■» TI
W' L S*»b , .
J.M Kwln*
W L Hro.n........
J. C3 Kupprri
Jo>. Diob ...
Ja> Moody .
Fraok Sasoo
O U Araairoaa
A. Nash..............
Dviirr l>BOb7 .
Birbard I'aler..
Jobo BoyS
bu-baid Ucaidsll...
Ja> l.a>iabray
1. A
• rr.Ul -.
- Mrrilll
A. Usu-lo'.l) ...
W Di Hrimtorib
Arlbur Krev.
AI'Tc.1 Writ
Ale I Mr’ aurblli
r N UrbI}......—
J J HUkr ..
A Dabrokolb
. H
Jm Kopscch
N O. Palmer
V. E C'saple-ll... .
A Tram-
rr! Kr.p.«
. Wrurbiaan
JlK>. POrflj .
C. J.LHboa....
Ji» K Ulbtirj
t'bba Ullmu . .
Ju... K. Kura
Jaa Mont; . ...
Wn. HfUiIIh
A X. WUiioo.
I Arkrr...
Alllc Hantb
Wa T Bright
Klley k TibPey
JeoaeJaar* ..
» » CO
1 l> so
Frank Ban....................ISM
Praok W Lasioer
«b On
ft Baaa .
| 10 TV
Fred Kataev..................
11 rt
Frab* Halllirti .
I < CO
After reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that ■* OU should carry accident and sickness insurance. call at
my oflce over Johnson’s drug store, and information will be
furnished by competent clerks.
Send a postal card and welwill mail you particulars.
Do not wait for some one to call on you—take the insurance
before you are hurt or got'sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
apply to .
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent.
Blanch Office, Roem I, Johisoa BlocL
Ttafersn City, ■ichigaa
I ud «• tb» Br«t daj of p
lac. la i^u of bla brothel's reiDoa.:.
■tnaceo. Bor Ml ham for Urn crcal ,
Two <U7* lalor Albert foOowed him —wr.o«t««- tiiFr-»at.
, a towa. li was bm a toriMB hope, mtaOMt.tow
TW S»v*n «• ftr«« >«tj
bnt It oecarred to hln that be nlcbt £,. '3HL
Id vaf^
the clH-«or a coaHderatlon
M* t* *^***Vy
*■ ■■X 0«d Hr.
TMlM L«4 ma
of contae-to be merclfiil aad release ^.»«wbtoct
■ '”•1 »“ W.. J« W. „
M.. _d. his brother from maj fooUah'i
max bare made.
IS Albert did act know moea aboat'2S^
MAk. (rrU bnpa .ptlBC tnm (nr.W
■^a reoonied In lllasttatloo of the organ- $t (m *'*Sns(«< «ai
Torcbcater. but «B hU arrival at Tor- gmcre
Hem. tu Xtret •
I uaOc In bomaa belacs which Tboi^'*i^^
cbeatter House he found tUt a gardea ^
pailT was In fun swing.
*'"* -<«oato* Chsaaier IfMtItDa.
Ladx Torcbester greeted him wli
Cbroncb wbicb (be Loluact) rtrcr pass- ^
na. W. a. a W. a. Krea. treml pnrtto. atoe
few kind words of welcome an<
•«B This rtrer. which coosUliites a con- '.
passed on to his nneie.
-•Marabte affluent' of the Kongo, enp-!
"HeUor exrUltt>rid*tbe Utter, "what
■«lea Into the Utter river, on ibe aouih ] “The a
» X«u bare been ex- has brought xoo up to town f*
“Whx. to tell xou the truth. Ro<
u at a point aome 800 miles from
:. mx daar Box.”
Ube AUaotle eoairt. Wihln a abort dU- ttn Lastrance with the natronUlar been inrelgled bx some txpewrl(]ng
glri, aad rre come op to see If l ean
get him ODI of the meu and as I
■apresenUnc ibe beadqoartera of tha
to • «><>»• Ibonght xou would be able to help me.
Vcombl. wherein ntunhers of sUres are **• "
'«■ • «*V I-"Cerlelnlx. rerUlnlx.~ Interrupted
ampflsooed peudinc the periodIcaJ rUiU
thex are quite laappUcable
bis uncle; "Imt here comes Miss Car-at traders from the Lhangl coontrx. *®
B. rO0TBB, SOonre at he*. 8p«ta)
wrblcb u Bituaied 00 the opposite side
“Whx sor Inquired tha /ouncer rick. the famous acireas; shall t Iniro-tof the Kongo.
A visit to one ot there sUre deiwU , "Because rank and wealth bare du-ai the dioutb of the l-ulnngu river re Ues as well as prIrUegea." repUed At- read BO much or her that- What! Mias
wo^ a rendltioo of aavap-17 and suf- pert. “And foretnost among them I.
•Tbe same. Mr. Lesirange." ana
wered tbe smiling glri. •'And perhaps _• _________ ______ ____ —-----------------dretrlption. At the period to which
alllance, and nut—“
will permit me to presitft iny'f j- I. *i MnoiiJpiV' b
there mnarks htwr refereore. ft was
bosbaud. Mr. Roy Lesirenge! By,losp.«. r* '
so uocutuiDoo u|>eiieDre to witneHs at
«nc time upward of a hundred oepilres.
“A auliaWe matrimonial alllM~_______
of both aeXM and of all ages, including anCe! roof! the sound of It makes one
BCs's sb4 rbllitieB'sOlssBssM
b sperlsUr. Of.
AnfanU In (bclr wretched mutlHifa' feel UL“
- Hbw ChtokBM tma.
arms. Ixing In groufu; mssses of uitcr-l "You are xouag. mx dear Box.** said
It la a language that human ear*
s» ToaBsItcr
Ax fortora humaniix. with ej>,-s down- hU brother, plixlnglx. "Walt until x»u learn n-adlty to romprefaend, aaya tbe , X/ mors usUs Mswsrv
caat'ln a stoux sure, wltb bodies at^x age and xon wUl look dlffereni., Boetwi Glolv. For tbe most pan It I* ,
Cenuated bx survatlon. and with akin j_ „
Inatioctlve. A fiizxy toddler six hours | —
out of the shell baa seven dlatlnrt
sLxsIcal dlattvas.
polot. that * eertaln." answered the calla. Tbe first and loud.-st of them Is
In eases when s suspicion existed of T«“a«er'«“«o. “for Ifs mx opinion and the lost note, uttered when be loa.o
sn indlrldual captive's Intention or biwaj* ^lU be tUi a man who mur- eight of bis mother or finds btmarlf out
sbllitx to escape, aucb unfortunaie iM a woman lUi be doesn't love tn the cold, h Is load and very aUrUL
creature was'doomed to He bobhied ought to he kicked."
Tbe neeond. tbe hunger note, to as
with one foot forced through a hole
“Tbere Is dlsplsxfd the rashness of ■brill, but more plsInllVe. As toon
cut in the aect^n of s log. while a youth." remarked Albert, seoteniious as eating iM-glns It cbangi-s to a bor
Vaw Offlos. Xarkham Block
'‘Ab** believe me. my dear Rof-" of ■atlstl<-<l i-iiliierlnf.
After eniiiig they grow slef^y aod
or l.™r.Uoo. 0.1... mco. u. ^
lor .1 iLot .oom.oi . cry to be •v>vered. The note la oomeliMut- 11.. i.rl«Mi.r-. ur. cu.io.ly con^
*««" ■ wbat like tliut of hunger, wltb a pecoaUted In hludlng both bands above the “‘•■'low on Ibe oiber side of the hedge liar tremolo breaking It .In Ibe middle.
Bead to the king |>oBt of a hunt, or In iithat skirled the lane down which the Very rarely do the moibers dlsn-gard
Studio at 3»5 WitabioKton Street
binding the anus and plaiting the hair brothers were walking,
It. though they may be eager lo go for
^EICAN CA.\m*>aL8.
«0«|IU Pii»cnc£s Of TOt MW S?ilSjSv!s!d“r*I^
LIJ"’ I’Jk^se; fir'ffirf‘ffi'v.'as;
•«->"-“ -
s: ■
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
John R. Santo,
( GeDeial Itsaraica
Nare ntnafe
tvsvrereCity ••-
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
Dec. 4 to 16th
John F. On & Go.
Svccessors to
Supporting the Joint Stars.
Iranise Cii| Uimber Co.
Plays Changed Every Night
Trarerse City,
Eire Insurance.
In the show
case you
will know
that dealer
keeps tbe
Jewelery store to look them
•r. We have many new
things in jewelry also.
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
loto a f«ld. which »as made laal to
“Cpme along. B.-nie.“ cried Boy. aging over ihe«rass plou or down
a hratu-h OT.fh.a'd.
“tbi-r. -# a sille a few yanlt higher up." hedgerows.
At internals these vilUges were rlsll,wo inJnmes the young man bad
Tbe flfih note, tbe cbir-r-r of fright
or aeioDisliment. Is tbe qualnteot of alL
?ogoIt. waf S,’‘ ':nd'*X
Tbe cbieks tbeiuM-lvre a|>|M-«r to flinl
«r bartor cominen«-d. el.-j.hanr tusks
being the milium of currency i«ed
were standing on either side of •oroethliig In ti dlsilDcilvely bumoreus.
When they are a few days old. if a btg
In the pun-base of the slgves. L'pon » well-dressed young Udy.
the conclusion of this unnatural traus“Yoa take the little one. Hoy." ex- wriggling worm, or a fai. Juicy bug be
ai-tlon, the vtslturs n-tln-d. inking wltb gUltued AlN-ri, "rfl tackle the other." threw n lo them with their usual food,
them as many of the Individuals aa
The talU-r iratup lifted Ihr'atk-k be they will first dniw away fn-m H, elylrliad he»-n irnnsferTwl to their posses- was tarry lug. hm iM-forv he could u»- r-riUK In ts.neert, then, affer eying tl
•ion In the fedions pro»>as of largaln- H AllM-rTo Ost caught bltu uud<-r the a minute, seise U|M>D It and lows it
chin, and be fuuud hluiscir sluing In alwiit wlih faint liiimatiire chiu-klliig
Cpon rearbing ibiHr destluatlon the the hedge, while a tuuuii-ut iaier Uo.t
esekhw. Tlilsebir-r.|e\el..|>.al last Iti
aaplltes were. In moat rases. sitl>- knocked Ids tvuipsuiou tutu s l«-il of
tbe grating •-all or warning, at Kouiids
Jected to many further ordeals. Iielnii nettl.-s close by .
•exchanged Into oilier bands, nnill
"How can I thank yonf* ohservol of which fnmj their moitx-ra even the
^reniually. after having U-en dellU-r- Ibe girt, wbnm the young men n<>«r ynungevi sealU-r and scuttle to.cover.
Auythlitg. a bird, a kite, eveo a very
alely faiienetl. they inH iliclr tragti bad time to notice was nncommoiily
<ate. and their bodlea were mnsuuied. pretty. "I bad no Idea that traiupM small luMsIng eloitd. tailing In the aky
There Is a prevalent Is-llef aiiioiig •••re so dangcrons."
overhead, will e« <>ke this warulitg cry.
many of tbe riverloe Irlltes of the up"ITay don't mention It.” replied Ai l^-t one hen iM.iiiid It. every other will
per Kongo Ibst tbe flavor of buman Iwri as be wI|hmI bis knuckles. "It was lake It up ‘ifieu. oflem-r than not, In
flesh U Improved by submerging the really nothing."
deed, the aigpui to a false one, t>ut venprospective victim up to the net'k In
“H wss a gn-at deal to me I can sh lurlei of hawks have lm|>reased ujsin
die water for two or three days pre- snre you." said the girl, with a merr.t. each feaihcr.-<l mind that "dang-r
-vloastotbcaarrlllce. Indeed. u|>oi] two rippling langb. "for uuforiuuaiely I cumcib out of the air." and they gov-aeparatc occasions It was my privilege wtis catrylug all uiy worldly wealth
to release aeversl poor creatnrea wito with me."
Every ImmIj know s btiw bent Cluck to
were Iwuntl band ano foot to aiakeo
"Are you returning to Tormoullir' their IipmmIs. but tt may Ite news to
In the river
. | lu<|Uired .Albert, without nothing tlx many Uiai. ibuugb a hundred betia may
In rertain native market places, not- latter jtart of her speech. *d.'an «c be clucking to the tame luelosure. the
ably la ibe vicinity of the riumgl. It have the pleasure of seeing you home''' voW of •fK'li will be Individual and
la an onllnary (wcurreoce for («|>Hvea J “1 shall Ih- g|;^efiil Indeed If you n ill uumbiiaksbip to her Immediate family.
to l>e exposed for sale. In most raw-s accompany De as far as the Anchor A cbNk jusi out of tbe nest may not
with the sinister fsle In view of ts-lug Hotel." wa» the rejdy, and then a> be able lo disc Hmluaie. but In blm fol. killed and eaten. ITo|>ortlouBtely. a they walked across the fields she fur low for s day and be la jiast makiu,i
yrrealer number of men than women tlier explained that she bad Iteen or ffltoukea.
Cal! victims to eannlballsiu. the reason dered down to the llitlc seaside town
Even more wonderful is the hen's
Itoluf that wom<-o who an* still yuuug by her dcN-ior for tbs rc overy of h*-r •bltliy to djITerenilate bef^irood from
•re ••stwiniHl as Ivlug of gowier value. h.-allh: "not that iherv a much'the mat •11 Ibe rest. With qtlieful. Ill-teml.y rtwaun of iheir utility In gr.>wl»g Id with me. ouly overwork, you pt-tvd fouls tlila often leads to pitifitl
baraysnl irag*-dles.
An intruder,
and ciMiklng fmid. This rule does not. . knew."
however, bold gmsl ilirousloml. for In
I'urlng the ilir.>e-inllc walk AMsri fFctlliig |"•nc■eflIlly antoiig chicks of
fhc vicinity of the Arulml river our oh l»e«-aine more and more rellivut, whil. his OWL size, shiii^- and cxtlor. has of
to'vrailons n-\eal.*<l a contrary ord.-r of **"J- »■*«* •>
bud Is-cn quite over ten bec-ti ehillt ullb one single blow
conic by ih<- uu-xixs-u-d vlshm of wac of a klisn> uixl ntigty is ak.
A oM-k. esiM-c lally a game coclt or
fjoliaUx the fliost Inhuman prnctl.-e «T. gradu.iliy ihnwed out under the hiof all Is to Is- m.-1'wlHi a...... . Ho- fluence of her smiles until wh.-n they one t)| (tjiatiish br<-<s), Las a wonder
trdssi who .h•lils•^ll.■ly l.ank ihc vie l*rU-d oin-lde ilii- hot,.I he had jim.ir ful varlei.v of crews. By means of
Ibelii, Indeed, to- runs the whole ga
while Siil'l allM- liM-n-tll «“ ai’ls'lii'mciit for the following
blc as It may ai«|«.-ar. the fa.-t n-inalus pi'irulng to show her the laoi.m- mut of exiina-siou—hopt:.- fi-ar. tl<~
lltuice. irjl1(ii|-li. loVI>. bnie. mue, VdUl-liistltiisl l.v an oitiv too ahumUnt Smuggler , rave.
jins.f l apiiM-s ar-*hsl from j.lacg- jo ' Yd • f-w m-inites AHiert waa sih-iit ly. aud a tige. lii.-ff.-ible comvli.
It Is the hens wiilmat fnmIUes.
place In ..r.l.T iliai Imlii hluaU imiv oiid tlnn hr ..h..-rv.-d pravi-ly. "If joi
- Lave U,e ..,.i...rtoMlt.v of luiH.aung. l.y ’-ikc my advl.,. Boy. you will nut s.-. thottab. who are the true barnyard
ext. rilil umf 1.K .............. ls«Iv, the jmr «bal young i-ivon again. I do imt .1.1. gossips. Any line day, outside ........
l...n iL} d.-^tr- t.. a.njuire The dis aKl'Tjbai she Is a dcsinildc acquaint Jug lime, you itiay see them slaiidlu.:
In groups. Ilic-ir heads close loffiiln-r,
tioiiiisllJiis niiirl.- an- g.-ui-relly oaih'
by m.-ai. ............. .
.-h.y or strips of , ""byimi - asked Roy. asloulshc.1 rhuekllng and c-haiierliig like so iiiiiny
hlackblnls. or eto«. wallowing In lig'ii
cress th-il in a jwrth iilar fashhin.
1 “^bc l» evhh 1.1I, a Udy.'
The a.u.undlr.g .loi.-ism of the ric‘be has U-cu well .•ducatcl I eatib. |teeking lightly ss they serat. ti
tim. who thus wltue..-.. the targalnlng
•«>*»cr«'d • All- rt and wallow, and cvidcuily finding it
good sjKin to throw -din well over
f.» his
is only isjuahvl by the
callousncto. w ith «l.lch he wstka for- *'‘<1
»"Y ‘bat-ahe wa> each other.
A ben. save when sitting, will nev
overworkinl. and that she carrh-d all
u m<s-l biB fate- to ex|<lana
er wallow alone. .And when silting she
-or tl.. o„r,orOlu«n- lDdliroro...o U.U. •'■r -ori.Hv o.-.lib lo Sor pookoi
-di0.1.rod .. .»o oolj bo >.4P,0,0 lUt'
“ > ofnolo,
r,-.on.,l la not normal, hut a ragged, unkeaipl
and eery ill-tempered shadow of her
Ooiib I. od.i.-d „r .1, ,.,ro7lir.. ood.-, B«.
'» >««
. ■ ‘ . at whatever
-cudl.Ooi. ol ,Mv..rr olTorlot «. IJI.M nionow lo ...It, ot ,oo or .oj o.L.r old •elf. sewing nud■ pecta&g
•itnctlun.—Herbert Ward In Casreil'a
I Thla ret>ly hurt Albert's feellnga and ,
x.are* WVtob Peemisttoa.
.I - —
canted a ■'•Hilneas between tbe broth-1
There,to In I.ondon a targe Welsh
are oispwtiBg tl.
ere. bnt Roy kept hit word, and every
-Anyt-ody wbo knows eoongh." mid day for thnw- weeks be aecompanh-d Colony. It has been stated that the
Mr. ^.Ifflna, -can learn aomeiblng yiaa Lefroy fo one or other of ih. Welah-spcaklDg Londoners number
from anylNsly Hse. however Ignoimut many natu™il>eautl« of the neighbor 40.000, and If children are Includ.x!
the latter may l>e.’'
that to not loo high a figure, •^'bf
That Is true.” aswmtPd Mrs. flptfflns
ai length ettroe tbe fatal day of U-t adults numlM-r about 25.000. There to
Chcerfullx- “Now. I can oec-aslouallx departnn-, and after teeing her off Ro> DO organizaih ii among them and they
learn aumetblng from xon."-rituborg returned borne more depressed than are acatten-.! thro'iigbont the metropo
Us brother bad ever teen blm.
lis with Diich iK-iids of union as ate af
................ •
I "So yoor fair friend haa gone away
--------w.- --- -------------forded by ihclr cinba. their cburchci.
••Wha* to the greairet mystery pf Thank bravro that she did not anuiu and chapels, and their cbolra. Aa they
do not affect any partlcnlar tocaltth-s
glc xoB IB a ‘matrlmmial alllaaer.’ *'
"It to wjix • hat that looked stylish
"It wssn't her fault. 1 can aasub- their presence 1« not noticeable,, but
toot xrer dunm'l look atyUah thto you." ret^ Boy. "Sba vonklu'i tbe WeUh art- a deddedly exclusive
year."—Chicago Becord.
have me.”
people and In all parts of London tbelr
I “You
InsUUilioDs are lo be found. ThenThe proportion of grains to tbe vtih < “Tea. I did. and the baa put me oO are. for Jnstance. five Welsh cbnrrhes
car to like one to a minion: but genius tor a month, as the aays the does not
wtthovt tyratmy. without pn-irask*. believe I know my own mind, but I'vv anfi DO fewer tlian twenty Welsh noneonformtst chapels—not to count misthat Judges the wrak with equity, the r>t bex addiess In London and pennie
■ton moms. Kiebt yean ago there was
Rtpertor with humanlix and cqnato Mon lo ^ on her the first week la
ewix one WeUh cleixx“BA
Tbe bona dnesod UtmMlfw nwny, and there an BOW six.
jPig Tail I
New designs .and fancj
-i -n"*.
jr,r?o' r.ri
finitl Ripilt t Inilliu R. R
Atlvance sale of eeata oppos at
till- Ixix office this morttiiii'. Telephone 11'^ for seate.
It. Lt. A. Bnildlag.
sssns :8SSefi£fiflSRBSSB : :
' a oceem ;■ •{.•»•«;
: ;l ; ■
; a
88Rk«£«flsses •' -sa- -m-fmsssas
M. .1. Olaviii of Grawii, Micb.,
would like to stAle wliat
G. H. SNOW, M. 0., Specialist
all dortered ar
• rtf I rallfd
troobir Hr
. IbBt I am
iTtot aaxoor ubo
• tio rBlIoo.bBd
■ Aiilterlrs sad UmS W
«.W *iid b «
BCM. «1lh MV»»r» hrM4B.- r>,towrli
and had a -«d bladJ-r f
• pouB.UIn r- -
;I8I : ; : : : :
' ■aa : : ■ - ■ -
1 8S8SB isseses flg* : ; 'i:;
1 1 :i
Ur.D W.PtvIdof WolroiUrllla.lBd., «bt>U
rnvagfd at lb.-nr» rouri bou>'. Bakrs kno«8
III- ..plBloa o» I»r. >*.—••a»nr»tcMBr
I Ibst
ban-bad catarrh fnr
r»- Miorri. ij-i arr mx wtiar <.lia«tr
r> II bare »« a .inrrly lo.| Ujbralib'
Ilai' ba- 1. rii afimi-d frtMB f l> irW '
>r •> li
far Itralad mronr
in rr-rj ii.u.-h 1.-tier, am) am p ra-rd to
□irtfl Blm to BUjoar trocblr.l a- I -ha.r Lt P..:c»V»7 ..
D. W. rltl-D.
Chicago —
■West Michigan.
Ur. Si
tiink-'S <i H(>-cinlty of .til Cbruiiu- DiawAS<»B. DiHearx-s of Wo- ;*
m-ii.Hic Eye. E%r. N-.** ai. l T
Tt'etli fstr»ctcd fi>i: J-)<-
Cass St. EDlrance.
Cfflce IB Ui HboHIod ud MilKhn Biocl
Just The Thing '
For A Chilly Day
» X. >4 ttpa
tiOlSii NoRTa.
: A ■
,:is :
*’ I>.-lT<.if*...
Ar tied II»r..U
Lt <ir4 Rapid.
TT»TTr-T -:> • hiBii: 4«p a
At PrUirkTj .
I.T Trarerw- t'j
AT XU Rapid* i
Lt Klk Ksplda ;
Ar TrBtrnrCf , _
At our soda counter
We dispense
pw • a H
3 Z!.r«inaa
Hot Cboeolale.
Beef Tea.
Bot Lemonade, beside* tbe m-nal I
ling Hot.............
otlHot Sodas. Our renatatioc for a floe ebooalate flavor <
cboe^U to the public.
To iskB «fi«i Wtrtp^ar. ^au
JAS. G. JOHNSON, Druggist. -1S 4<|'
4 10.L* '
s 4t 4 ir
Bidewalk Lumber in all fliaea.
aaora to Trawerae City Lumber Oo.
r.a p m d*pm
s t;, 4 » At OevkamB J’vtto I
»W 4 40
» 1»: 4 to,
toBBlnTV XlBg
k 46 k It;
Ktbbvb C>V
•• M. t tkl
Twie Mouatata
•• U •• »;
10% t«;
to B » is!
Lake aaa
!Si “sar
Id 4S • Itl
10 47 *«B.
11 ODi • Bl
Travaras Ow
srearra.’SSi'rfta,gkwriaa »
a. w. wJMOTMai^^sa^J
TUidYw-No a06
Bom PropariBf^ Diapoto
pMMffo ol BrltUh.
ml Trmn, B>l
OlCTy^ Mow-
matt mn Vet Oleer^Xi^ted Be
k PlMalec t« iBtMMpt OeMMl
9o«toert*« Amr~ More Bnrikb
«rroep« Vaberk.
uroiBvs zzoxsD.
Atdtwt L^lac of •orr^tac Party
Oeloa. Colombia. Dea s —A dapataUaa of ladkaa from Dariloa baa
arrlrad bon to doMad tbo withdrawal
ot the aarroylap party vhkh baa boaa
laadod by the Amarkaa paaboat
Tbo Hoorploa. whkh arrirod at the
latbmaa of Paaana a few daya aptt.bad
oa board tba oommkakm apaolatod by
Ualtao Sutee poremmaat to
aarrey the roale of tba propaaod aew
eanal tbroapb Colombia torrllocy. Tba
root# Hot between Caledonia bay, on
the eait aide of the Utbmaa, Md the
Ualf ot 8m Mlpvel bn the weet aide.
It k cUlmed that a aea leral water,
way ean be eonetmeted by tbU rooi
wltb''4nly twentyala mllee
two Soalh AtrkM Bepabliee.___^
4wWli]tMB*eTiaItto Holland, tbe pa
per wya, meet meM that be bae not
takes each m Inomblc et^
Tbe Llberte talm tbe matter store
Mill AltaruU oa Potatoes Md •erioaely Md arpee Praaee U -seek al.
llaaoee, “in view of a eartaia eerataalWlioat Md Bepta m Latter la Taa Ity la. porbape, tbe near fatnre.
Daya-I qatpmoat Belap ^pletad
LO.O.T. B<s Social.
for tbe Vrw PUa. Which Will BnThe Good TempUn held m opea
able PlMt to Ena tbe Tear Bonad—
meeUap Md bos eoelal lam ereniap.
Vew Pouto Cellar.
QrorfllO wae cleared fortU beaeflt of
TbeMicblpen Starch Oo. bae defl- >belodpo. TheI.O O. T. orabeetra
ntlely arranped to bepln the maanfae- j played a eoleeUoa, aad
XioUgBn BUrota F*otory InerBBPlng Ita Oa^nt.
laoAm. D*c.
diepet^ from,
BwiteetetMthetdaMMC* bM beea
rwetr«ltlwt Ota. Lord VolboM te
tore of wheat etaroha'l once Md
1^* ^bolh of which
•MbU to eroM the Vodda ri««r. mai
aooorad. A laipe
larpe nnmber
C. Benee. preeldeat of tbe oompMy.
tfaet hkrrtrmt k cot off by Coatouidleft Iwt ovoalap for Cbieapoto arraape
Mi Dal»rT»7c, who k epereUaf aeor
for tbo eqnipmeat of the aew ataebiaKoSrmEofv
already parehased for tte aew
Aoida troa tbk tlMre k a e
'nl. eo aatreacinp. ao coi
ataMdO of rMOBt BOWO of tbo * r. Md
napleteaeS. Benda A Co.'
It k tbe purpose of tbe company to
•roa a Iki of the eanalUa oaMalaed
It of meo'e neckwear ani
keep tbe factory maaiap alpbt Md
muffl -rs. at from S»c to tl 60.
brtboBriikli ia TaMday'o dfoi at
day tbe year around. Owiap to
Voddor riror hM dot boon rMivod. It
k loaraod that Ooaaial Lord Motboen
eonld act be doae oa poUtoea alone.
baa baoB re-aaforood br baU a taatulI<Mt Bifftat’* Flffht.
In view of tbk condiUoa It has been
loB of Blrhlaadan. and a reriaanl of
points of
oaralry aad i
Kill Palled tff at Boyne Cliy Md Kc- rtsreh add a weok on poUlo aurch,
ThoooaUnaedfUeaoe '
Ooy Defeated Hk Baa la the
alteraately. Tbe new mecblaery has
forao anf/au tbo poaibUity of a boa'' Beooad Bonad.
beea purchased sad It k expected that
Ula aoroaeet la bk roar.
the factory win be ready to turn ont
Botblac rorardlnf tbo forward
Boyae City. Dee. t.—The priu fipbt wheat etarcb In aboBl ton daye. Tbe
aoroaeat la Batal baa baeo rooelrad
bera tonlpbt waa eometblnp of a anr- maehlaery of tbe plMt k decipned for
Utartban dau of Ho*,
prke .to iboae who lyltnemed It, in tbk pnrpoae. tbe only addilloaal
aoaau, tba Boor bald b6Ut tba rallwaj
more way* thM one. In tbe flnt plaoe. equipmoat needild boiap eome elevaV
aad wayoa bHdfa at Ooloeao.
rary few expected eneb bet work aa
woro abla to dwiroy tboa when tbo/ waa pal np'by both of the men. Tb*a lap apparatus and six otMplop vaU of
arkbed. Pbo Brtilab are atlll at Prore. there wae ao one who thonpbt that a capacity of l.ooo bnsbek each. Tbe
arraapemeat will enable tbe
S-U hu Isli CTeryUlox o» the hlcU<
Ibe Dally Mall \bk aoraloc pnb- tbe boat wonid end ao speedily, after
IMoa tbo followlnf: “Proro Oamp. they eaw how Morphy foapbt la tbo factory to ran tbe entire year with a
force of fifty hands alpbt and day.
Mor. M -Tbo aalB body of tbo ooray. flnt ronad.
eqnal to 100 employes oa day work.
*-il u cui tbe erst Ci
. seiieuuire
wbleb rc tamed troa Willow Oraaye
Jim MeOoy of Trororae City metT. O.
A praln elevator will be bnilt as aooa
la two oolaaaa oa onr rlybi aad loft Mnrpby of Oeatral Lake ^ 160 poaada.
flaaka, apaaan to bara aow J >laad Md Md knocked bin oat la' tbe eeooad aa tke aesaon will permit. In the'
time the prooent potato blaa will be ku* isli^ou bV4
bobare leooeaplad tbair eaap aear >und by a lorrifle Jtb la tbe wind.
need for tbe etorapo of wheat.
Ofoblor^ Klobf. eloae to Ooloaao. aad
Tbe boat opened with work eo bot
A new poteto oellar will be built
to ba proparlay to dkpnte tha paaaaya that tbe epeeuion who bad feared
north of tbe m Un bulldiap with a ca
of TacaU riror.
paaaibletaka. If tboreworo My each. pacity of tOO.OOO bnsbela. which will
'“I%a Boon baro boaa paOty of
» pat at oaae at oneo. Both men caable the company toatoreasnffieieBt
inaal doal of aaalaoa doouaeUoa
foapbt hard Md faat, Md there waa
proportyoa tboir way to aad from lltUe ebofoe betwooa them at Uo end qoMllty to keep the factory buey for
Willow Oraapa. Parot bonaaa hare of tbe ronad. BoUi woro flphttop clean aome Ume after tbe elooe ot tbe poUto
bnyiap aoaaoa, oo poUloea aloaa Tbk
boeo wroekod. (pralMro baa
and faet aad tbo crowd were pleaeod baa been ao experimental etape for
aaaaabad. Md tbo
tbe factory bnt tbe proapecta prompt
aad wrttiapdaakt ba'
Tbeeecoad round opened with tbe the company to make additional im
oat of wtadowa
work as fact as ever, not aooa McCoy
a portrait of Oladatoac bao booa fonod pot la a terrible jtb in the etomaeb, provements. The factory earn
lyiaplatbo balL Apparoatly it ^ Md Murphy went down like a lop. tbe ordenahesd and tbe prodnet baa
been eold a loop Ume in advaaeo of lu
booa a tad aa a door mtt. Tito oaemy Referee Brabaa of Biyne City eon
tbk sorvlap, wbUo atlenpuop to him ou*. aad be was helped to bk feet. manufacture.
Tbe new pouto cellar will be arblow op oono of a iOO-foot bndpo at He claimed a foal on the pronad ibai
ranpod eo that stock can be unloaded
Ooloaoc, woro diirea back by oar ar>
blow was too low. but
from boaU. cars or wapont. and to
Ullory aad monated latMtry.
referee eoold not see It, Md McCoy
fsclUuu the antoadlap of ears a tare
‘ A aatira Boooonror from Malar
at plren tbe dccklon.
table win be bnlU west of tbe factory
Dark of ImporUl Llpbt Hone at
MMy who caw the ftpbt think that
Ladyamltb reparU that Bpfatlap poea the blow that pal ,|Urpby oat wu where care can be mo npon the awiteh
oa lateralnoatly, wllhoot Doeh daa- iMded partially by ^aaeo. and that leadlnp to tbe oellar.
Three are holy a portion of tbe imape; tbattbotok abaadeaeo of food. ifltbadaoiboea for tbia blow,
Md that all la the beloaroorod town flpht would bee been mneb looper. provemenk decided upon. The condllions and raellltloe here have been eo
are la pood boalth Md aplrlU
Otben tbiak that It wae a clear cw
Late tbkafteraooB oaly tbo baro tbe beet man -wlaalnp by superior favorably dcmiattrated that tbe memtotal of the nambor of Britlab killed flpbtinp. aac that if t^k blow had not hern of tba oompMy feel wnrraMM. In
la tbo faaUlo of the Moddor riror waa been Unded, anotker like It would •pariap no psies or ezpenae in mskiop
provemcDt that will lacrease
plreo oat.' The totai loaaea are 418. bara been In a abort Uma
lineaa, which tbns far has been
Of wbOB?l were killed.
beyond thMr antleipaUona
OMOtal ForeeUer-Walkor'e dkpateb
atotae tbal'all reporU of Ueneral Hetb.
aoa'o adraaee after Ue battle of Ue
B>rlasi*ea«eoi for "qarenquallir"
P L . Brown Has 118 LoU 1
Kodder Hrer were prenalare. thoaph.
with Ibe railroad workinp. be abonld
Oak Belpbu Which He Will
Obamberlala'e Triple AlllMce OtterBot be loop eoaatraetinp a temoorary
Mcaa are Tbne Oharactcrised
bridpe. Hk enforeod delay will doabtAn rxtenslre real estate deal waa
ten be of eoaalderable eerriee la piria Praaoa.
oaeummated late Friday aflernooa beIpp the Btea a needfnl net aad allowPark.
Dee. 2.—;n addition to the
were R W. Uaetlnps and W.
lap for the arriral of relDforoenraU.
. .
j-Jrown. The trantactloo larolred tbe storm of protest aroused by J'loepb
of which he most be la need after
Chsmberlsin'a speech, the development
throe eoeh flphtv plaelap hor* d- ora Hark,
- - tbe tract beinp the" rut
of Preach aoper toward Enplsod wu
bat upward of l.ooo men out ot leu
of the 0*k Brlpbls addition.
Mr. marked by the anrpose of fuhioaable
^aa 7.oi«
Hut^Bp* a* apeat. cold the property to society to boycoll the Pipsro for ita
The late«‘.newi from S«tal Indicate*
Mr. Brown for tbe Beebe A Holbrook antl-F'earb attitude and its sympathy
that tbe bu kot the L\dy.mlUi relief Ca
with the Bopl>*b apalatl the Boers. '
force bae arrirel at Prere. thoepb
The Piraro is now barred la fuhioa
The property k located eul of Boae
there k ooniiderable eoujerture at to
street, between Eut Xipbth street and able salons and M. Bodays feel* tbe
tba wbereabjiu* of Ueneral Clery.
In editorial be
Haanab aeenne. aad it Includee aome DeLnynre boycott
whoae moremeoli hare not been ebronuyi: “I will Uke order* from no one.-*'
fine lots
iclec neontly. U >* larmleed la eeme
Mr llrown will Improre the property The boycott would have no slpnificA prominent New York official
•^usruretbat be may resopear in a
and while he wUI sell eome of the lots ance If It dtd not mean an Immeaee
said, tbe Keueral um- of the t.-le-^
toully nnexpecied qotrter oa the flank
be will bepin aext spriap to erect a falliiip oP in Its F-eoeb cirenlation
or rear of Ueneral Jjabcrib lome,
number of aumebee eoftarea.
wbicb i* enppwed to be cono-niraiod
at Urobelaar'. K'oof, north of tbe TueLOST AMO FOUVD.
pla river. Another detaebment of
.rlw Ire- 0.. p—,, ..u™epl.„,„p„
„f B„, ,ct.oM B-it<*b UJOp* eaUed for Sootb Purae ConUioinp over 960 B-iumed BriiLb
1. r«po.,"
cldrat Or borKlary liu l»x«me .
Africa today.
rec<3i.T*=^“d nec.r-*«ity.
to tbe Owner Lett Bveolop
Admiral Fot
repnlatA pocket book beloapiap to Mia. third ela*e ereiter Coemao. at ConstMJOBM OAHPIBLD DEAD.
ed bousebotd has a
WiiUsm Hayden was lost lut eveniap tiaoplc, where tbe loltM will reocive
■.lUoatlre Lnmb.-rmaB of MMkiae
ootbeSonthaideof ProBt Street. It him todey. Tbe reel ot tbe Preaeb
Have you one in
Paaeed Aw*y Tmteiday.
coDUlned over 9«i0. Md wu fonnd fleet ewaila Admiral Ponreier at Bmyryoor bomel' ■'
MMktec. Micb , Dec. f.—John Can- bortly after betnp l«t by Oeorpe
fleld, tbe millionaire InmbermaD. died' bmlih ot Weal Minth atreot. wbo
Tbe malority of the newepapere
tbk moraiap after a lonp lllneM from bronpbt it at oaee to tbe Raooan offi.-e. cbaracterixe certain of Mr. Chamberkidney ironbl*. Be was 69 year* of , in a short Ume tbs lady wbo lost tbe lein’e dceleretloa* u empty tbreeu,,
ape and bad been ckwely Identlflrd ; puree eame la. doairinp to Insert m ad. end reperd tbi enppeeUoa of m alU-1
with tbe bnelaou life of Maaktee, for tbe loet pnme. 8be deeeribed It eooe between Great Britaln.the United
atace lu earllui daya.
jfol’y, aad identlfled it. eo that It _ State* Md GermMy aa simply eeoenWith bk father, in 1«««. be eapaped | retnroed to her eoon after it bad been trie.
TbcMetlnobacrvee that Mr. Cbemla tbe aawmill bnilaea* oa tbe epet look ft *ras a very foriBaate thi«p
BOW ocenpled by tb« bip lomtkr Md tbat It fell Into the bMd* of a perfect berlein eltndea to the elllenoe ea an
We are ai g-ing at yon and onr amwU aunufKiurlap plant of tbo Cm- ly beoeel
aeeomplkhed fac^ Md u belop
nuitioii ia tbe right eoil.
field A
work, Md “leltee on the opportunity
Lest Tnp of tbe
to addreoe tbreeU to Praaee, wbleb
We have all tbe leading branda
••ItW food! •’
Tbe etoem barpe PIcteher
k expected
imovedesdoeetbe famone
of-Coffee, the kinda it paya to
»«cre iod.y to take a carpro of Inmbu
and-Ilk HEBE end HERR ON'LY. toCbieepo from John P Ott A Ca proepeet of a new triple alUMoa.”
buy. and for Saturday only we
The Jonreel dee Debate eeya
where ell tbe Goods ere .SEW. Why
will aeli all Coffee at 10 per cent
ne cbeneee of pteklap tr<m eioeks Tbe Fictehw bae beea eapaped nearly doabu tbe exkieiioc of m Anplo-Oerall aammer uklnp Inmber from here mM epreemeat u Mr. Oemberleln
below regular price.
to Cbteapo.
a>eerted. and adds that It would be
Satnrday will be Coffee Day at
- lar* worth o' Men’* Boye'. Md Ckll--------------------------cruel aad Indeeent apon tbe part of
d'vB'e Clotblax. Bele. Cape Md iMd
ParakhtBPa. aU e< tbk aeaMB'a
iperoc William to aoeept tbe aeelaOUmarOraamy'
maUoBB of tke Dniek and vkit their aafitVoMat.
Story of
An African Farni,”~-28c.
—Bj Schreiner.
The Transvaal war has created a creat
demand for this little booh, as it is the
oolj novel that portrays the characteristics of the people who arc puttinir up such
a stardy fight against the Knglish.
Books for Children
ByLanra E. Ru-bards; Juliana Eirin«. KiDline,
Burnett, Dromifoole and fleveral otber aeli known
autbore. in varioDB bindings, at 48c each
Our Special Sales floodm, (3:00 p. m.)
( an be seen in ibe wiiulowa.
They are Medalion*.
ja0-»2 Front Street
Ralph OonnabU Jr., HmnafAr.
ZEBO 1 s .BBJ2sriD.a. & oo "i ZEBO
<Sc OO.
We have Bold almost 700 ’V/ero" Ul
sters. They are great. Keep not
only yoor back warm, but the enUre
Prices $4.60 to $25 OO.
Just as a special, we otfer.you for to
day only, choice of about a hundred
Men’s Fine Suits
In i>lain and fancy WomUHla, Caaftimeres, etc — aercre clave
etripee, cbeckH. eic.. rcKular $1:1 and
suiU. maojV'wbich
will maU-h tbe M-. suits ebown at other stores
Ttslav he™ >t
J. E. Greilick Co.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Doors, Sash, Mouldings.
-Fine MilOVork
jPttblic guardians
rntm TUepttOBB Co.
Coffee CoffoB
Cold weather is coming,
Novels the time
^ to place your orders for
Grilles made to Order iii;aily;i'inish Desired.
J. E. Greilick Co.
Telephone No. 2.
Tr.iverse City, Mich.
We don't want
you to buy shoes of us
Unlesfi we can convince you that you can save mon
ey by so doing. Our store is being ran on a basis of
complete satisfaction to our customers. Our stock
is up-to-date in every detail, and comprises only sudi
classes of goods as we can guarantee to be of the
first quality.
What yon buy here, be it men's, women’s or
.children’s footwear, yot can be certain that yott^are
getting strictly high grade goods at the lowest pos
sible prices.
Front Street
THE Mcminiro sBOomD, stniDAT, sbobmbbas. im
vmATnn oitt. • aocBioAir
flW T. 9Axm AMO 3. W. Babb
I. W. Sum. Utor u<I
•• »
• •> Ti»««l— dv.
d Blimier to the Ufa ed Bonjislm
r Babeoek wbe IMed
Baejamla W. Babeoek died TWtecday
at 1*:M at tba age of 17. after a eontinaou lUoem of orar ^ yean. Tba
ramalM will be taken to BaaiaaU tor
barial tomorrow.
The death of Mr. Babeoek marki the
end to a etory of lire aad hwoiem that
to rarely foaad la fact or taehioa.
Berea yeaca ego, bo wu a proaperom
yoaag phyelelaa U Chicago, aad en
gaged to be married to a yoang lady
who wu at that time a tialaed naiw
U a bcapital thera, aad oaraiag a large
aalary. d long eeeaea of orerwork
hroaght OB a urrre attack of aerrou
axhautioa that ceded in a etroke of
paialyato. The yonag lady to whom
he wu engaged left her poaltioa in the
boepital. to beoome bto w:fe, knowing
that It wu probable that he w ' ■
nerar be able to care forhlmulf again,
thoagb tba bopad tor tba bau.
orar a eU yran ebe cared for bim
erery day. and be- lore bu made
toIarabU a Ufa that woald olharwtoe
hare been anebdarabla
.r three weeke before
death. Mr. Babeoek wu rcry weak,
butyaaterday aiorelng be eeemed to
be rather better. Before noon be
TBEtrlMdlj I
Ualtad SutM. BdcUb4 Md Ocrmuy
Md tba-laerMAtaf dpwaI IaUtmU
Wt«MB tb«m b»?e rpeuiUj bMs th«
NbjMt of BMb toTonW* ooae
Ciw Ufb aoBnoP. Tte rooMl Tlfll
«< tb« Mpmr oi OorsM)' to BofUad
k*a broBfhi 0«i thto •lonml of iai
•atloaal trivadllaaM sore foreiblj
thaa **«r bofora. The dm rood feeltar jBieUBff beiweea the two freet
AapMuoa aatlooc ead the Oernea
■Bplfe. which are ao cloael/ iatereroeea
eaah other
of blood aad
latareate hare r 1 * • >
rt*o *o
«B(aeMloea of rratldeatloe by the BmThe anaaal elcettaa of oBoeia of
fanr. roUowlar c’owly apoa the
BMaraaoeeofBaiperor WUIlam eoiaee tararuOlty Ladge,Mo. 7t,K.of P.,wUl
a apeeob by SaereUry Chamberlain in teke plaea acxt Ibareday erenlng.
erhleh he rolee* the eeaUmeoU of the Brery member to arged to be preeenk
The anaaal meeUag of Trareru City
■maaroroaly in lanehe tronrar toam.
UoBaeU..B. d S. M.. wUI be held Taeethe etronr Uee between Uteae aatlone day ereeing,. December &, for the eleeUoa
of oSeere aad other bulneaa.
and deaeribed bow they are belnf
Ber. Barclay Joaea will preaeh a
r by year.
e three aaUone •ermon to laboring men thto erenlng
aaa pracUeally preaerre thepeeoeoftbe at the Friende ehnreb, earner of Oak
erorld U one which U enUUed to attan- and Fifth alrwta. Working men are
tkw and in whleh there U eoaeidemble ■pactally inrlted.
The Batall-aerke will hold e meeting
Wad them tocetbar. aad their infleeaee Monday ereilng in tha C S. P. & hall
sad power la rarioaa parte of the on Onion etraek
bare McCann, who hu not been in
r of the big Trareru City for nearly fire yeara.
draiaaro eaaal next eprinr bae eaneed came bera yuterday to attend the
OhieeroUloaa eight of the two root opening of •TbaiBab.*’of wbleh Doff
national oonTmtlone to be bald eome- MeDouId to the proprietor. Mr. Metrarelled in tbto aution
where arxt anmmer. Id the meanUme
Hew Tork la at work and If Cbtearo of Miehlgio for 11 tyeara. but thru
dona not watch ont her eanal will ooat. yure aga-elarted in bneineu for himulf
where he to pros
more than the preaent eaUmatee. Jut
stthtotlme Cblearo eannot aBord to pering.
W. C. MUlard. with Maika Brae. Oo .
lau both oonrentlona.
to one of thef most aeoompltohed and
BVBPBIdBO MK8. SXdOBHlBB daring bicycle rideia of the day. Mr.
MUlard perforau the fut of ridlog
SasbereofX^ a B. d: Boaoied Oaa down a ladder from the top of a two
etory bailding.o He alao rode np *be
of Thalr daaoelatee Imet Bight.
of tbe Kalemar.oo court bonu, i:>
■ Lutolcht Bra Moeet Duormler. of
in number, before an audleau of 5.000
Bandolpb ■Ueet, wu happily enmrlaed
people during tbe leompany'a engage
by a la^ number of the mraiberB of
the L. C. B. h and their hubanda The
wrealnrwMdellrhtfallyepeDt in eoBight at Stalnberg'a Grand Onriag the
•ial plaunrea and eereral ntae gifta
ai^ Behacle WUI Maet Old Blwala
dnothergameof foot baU betwaaa
the local aigh eebool taam and their
eld rirale. Kaikukn. will be palled'off
at Katkaeka on Wedaeeday next. The
loeal team hu beoome maeb etronger
elaee the Biat game there, aad e
dlfleraat rualt may ba axputad.
Beeh taam bu woa a game thu tar
thto taaeoB and u tbto to the deeldlag
game of the ewtoe add^toe eeaeoa. both
teame will play hard.
PotlowlDg wiU ba the llaa ap of the
Beff. left ead; Morgaa, left tndkle;
Leighton, left gaard; Mantoah,
oeotari Vogetooag. right gaard:
De^ram, right taoklr; Barley,
right end; Boyar, qnartorbaek; May
aard. left halfbeek; SoBahall. right
halfback, Noratay, fnllbaek.
Ibnatoea BoM Vatariafl Old BlotT
at tha Peak of iha Vow Pols, oa
tha Ooaaty Oconsds Tatowday.
Tba flag pole eaipoda la which Oia
hoard of publle worha thought it adTtoable to daellaa to permit MePharacw
Foal to araet tbs Q. A B. pMa ia the
emuiary, wuoloead yuterday. And
BOW tha pole ctaade proadly oo the
oounty grounds in troatof tha aoldiam'
Mora thpn a aeera of tha uembm of
MePheretw Put gathorad at tbe county
groanda yuterday in eommaad of
Oommanear W. M. Smith aad tba pole
eru ratoed with appropriate earamony,
and at ita pfak tbe stars and atripu
were ratoed to dedtoau the raising of
the pole When tbe flag wu uafnrled
to the brute the relerane gave thru
roaaiag ebeers tor Old Glory and tbe
fnwraotUe new pole wu utUed.
' Tbe Pul bu procured a new flag.
9x14, made of Amer^ean bunting aad
by American girls aad herufter on
Parebaaad Vriday by B. P. Boagb^ erary public oeoaaion tbe emblem will
ware orer tbe eoanty grounds.
of Cedar. Vbo Will OoBtlnbe the
Tba reurt property of Foub on the
chore of Carp Lake wu pnrehaaed Fri
day of the former owner, Joha B.
Foaeb, by B. F. Bongbey of Cedar.
The ooulderatloD of the ule to $2.000
Tbto proparty wu flrat aaad for ra•ort parpoiei alx yeara ago at the time
of the bnUdiag of the reaort hotel by
Mr. Foach. Blau that time it hu deTcloped into qolte a farorlte among
the reuaata of thto loeallty.
U to the latantion of Mr. Bongbey to
oonUnne the reaort bulneu next a<aThe hotel to already rented itil
the Brat of May. at which tlmy Mr.
Boughey will remodel the boadr. aad
attar giring it a thorongh oTerhanllag,
will remore there with hto family. Bi
axpeele to pat a &m plaunre yacht
the lake for the aoeommMlaUon of
gauta and the plau wUl donbUcaa
becoote even ^re popular than' i
Proowtt- _____ __________
Myaoahubeen tronbled for yeara
with chronic diarrhoea. SomeUme ago
I perauaded him to take aome of Chamberlaln'a Colic, Cbolrra and Diarrbou
Bemedy. After naing two botiiu of
ti unt site he wu cared. I glre tbSa
testimonial, hoping eome oar almllarly
afflicted may read Hand be beacflled.
- rbooma C. Bower. Glenooe. O.
OoplM efOu Sally Ada
are peeled Ip our store, to yon will
bare no itrouble In aenuinfng the
fact that we alwaye do u we
adrertiu. S. BeLdadOo.
7o Cun U Aripps lii 2« loin.
■Icand fatal dtoca^. If taken Ibui^
• •ughly and In time, it will cure a ccmin ^ hours, and fo^ Uiu cough that lollove La Grippe V, ..ever fmU to give
-.-lief, i'rioe. 25c und 50c.
J.W. Slater,
120 Front Bt
Will Anderson
House FumUbing Store.
Ralph Anderson
and Embalmers
Both Telephones, No 43.
318 Union Street
Mew Store Started br Zbm oa Soath
UnioB Strut.
Smedley A Woodworth, the young
leo who are jaat atarting tbe new
atore on tbe South eide, are ready tor
tbe trade, the flaithlag tonebu being
pnt on their atore room yuterday
Tbeyooeupy the new building Jut
north of Sulliran'a mut markek Tbe
I room It »ery neat In appearance,
and tbe stock of eontectlonery and
auiiouery elcan and entirely truh
The popularity of tbeyoui.r men and
tbe fine alock of goods will douhtteu
make the new eentnre a anceeuful
s ““r i rrr.
Box Calf
Boys and Girls
Plenae evt-ry one. .411 nre
daiuty bits of home sceaery and
118 Front StTMt
“Ride a BItcl Horse
To Dubirj Cross”
Can have too many ties.
Helikestoehangeofu-n. Christ
mas gixes you the oppjrtunity
of pleasing him, 2.V-. 50e, 75i-.
$1.1)0. $l..50.
Thom* new patent rocking
borm-N at
will take you
Ihern in nn hour, so will thoae
Some more novellifs in sil
verware. Chocolate set of four
piei-rti at
Bon Bon dishand 4.-I.IKI, Ask to see
the rest.
If ;oo Can SpiD a Vara
Photo .AIbnnu -tOc to $3.00:
t<»ilet seta T.5c np; glove boxes
$l 25; cuff and collar Iwiea $1;
manicure seta 2.5c to $1.00.
.As 1 Hsily u yon can some
of our m*w Tojie, lOi- and 25c.
you’d be at it all the time.
Latest fad. Little (-hdiIIiholders iV; lanje ones for thrw
eaudles $2.“G; Jariliniere t<t«ii.U
at $2.00; photo frames *>Uo.
New combiDHtions at 10e>
great big boxes at 2->c for a
whole day's amuaemenl; other
Btylea at lioc sad .50c.
.Vi liK.-, 'big Vase* for?l,.8r;
Japanese vases at 25<-; BubemiHu glau at $1.25; China vases st
2.X-, white Bnvarino at 10c and
glasr. Ill .5Gc.
New shapee aud styles of 20i-.
diyorationa at
larger and
hniidsomer ones at Sl .UO. $1 2.5.
$1.50 up to $S.OO ami #IO.0U.
Table Lamps
“Jaaice leiaditb"
By Paul Lieoester Ford, at
$1.40. is one of tbe popular
booka Make eome friend a
present of "David Harum” at
All ooloia of wood for 25c
IrpD frames for -50c; brau
frames 25c and 50c; leather
frames at l-5c; novelty frames
2.5c to $1 00.
In quarter sawed oak, birch
or mahogany at 75c; ean’t have
too many of then. Nice Use of
ottomans at 30c.
The greatest aellera,' ReprodnetioDB of. famous (uctoree,
eel) from 20c to.50c. Buy them
and frame them. Make a beautifuLpresent.
Frank Friedrich
Bi‘l) from 50c to $10.
tUiiMT lutoi. uud tiy the
German i-avalrj. U a very foruMalde
wara preuntad by John Barry la batr«-a|>nn. ll will kill up to a dleixnee
Balfof the company. Mra Deaor
of Out) yards.
mlu. I
B a prominent member of the b. C. B
A. U^JoyeePtu rauired a fine doe
d- aad aa aetire workar in Bk F^ele
from John Oall-et Manoelona, whou
^areband her birthday annlrereary
ekUlln the woods to amply demooerMthaoeoaeionofthe party in bar
Btrated by tbe deer hto friends have
umpied. Seraral of Mr. Joyu's frlcnU
hare enjoypd TCBtoon in oonacquence.
B. B. Spoon, of Bedlanda, CW,.
The opening play of the Marka Broa.
Srrivad lut nigtak and wUl apend a
Oo. tomorrow Bight wUl be “An Irtob
dew daya In tba city riaiUng old
Bara.’- wbloh wu written upuially
for tbem. Tbe adranee ule opened
Orau Qark of Baet front atrut to
yuterday with a ruah.
gaBering with a eery palatal hand, the
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Vogel,
taealt of a amaU alivar aader the nail
of tba flrat Anger. Blood potooalng a boy.
nere will be a regular muting and
wu at fltat feared, .but It to aow
thoaght that there wlU.be ao farther eleeUoo of oSceta at Court Trareru
ipendent Order of Forutera. toeerere trouble.
Bert Uannett to-conflaad to hto borne morrow ereoing.
Tbe Sydney O. Keff cleared Friday
by illnua.
Mre. Dr. Mnaaon returned yutsr- from tbto pork for Cbloago,
Tkvt 6fMUN I^EDY^
dny from n vtolt with her eon F'red at
Snow to reported along tSe line of
the M. d N. B. Four Inehu oorered 1
Aon Arbor.
Mlea Belen A. Norton, one of the the gronnJ at Sherman.
Owios to the clou of aarigatioe the
Sl|^ Bchool teaebera, retamed lut
aeenlng from a' vtolt to Frankfort, f, eight ratee have bun ratoed and tbe
arbare abe atieaded the wedding of her priu of potatou hu fMlen to 78 mnta.
aoaain, Mim Parker.
Mtoa ElU Shepard, who bu uread
Jennie Bare rataraad lut erenlng. eficlenUy u night operator tor a long '
aClar epen.dlng her Thankagirlng at
la the Bell telephone exehange,
Bammlk and bu gone to Ynba, where will go oa the day toru in a few days
ahe to teaching.
aad Mtoa BaU MareU wiU take bu;
Mtoe BearlettaPaeteref Cbarlerolx. plau u night operator.
wu Xh* gaeet of Mra Ellxabeth Oard'
Gao. W. Bargraeu hu uld hto ealnsarand daughter Beule of SIS Front
able farm ia Blalu towuhip.two mllu
Mra L. O. Saylor who hu beea rto- cut of Moaroe ‘ Outer to Oaorga
tMag triande In the cut and eouU. hu Pieru. aad la the deal Mr. Bargaew
Require no rubbers.
became the owner of eome elty reriratareed.
They are waterproof
B. B. Lewie of Blk BapMa apeat yee- duu property jut cut of the G. B. A
Just the Shoe for
•erday la the eliy.
Mtoa Ethel Slater who bu bew riaOpealagof -The Bab.”
Iting ber anela J- W. Slater, retaraed
**Tba Bnb’ to tbe name of the aew
to her borne la Blk Bepifle yutotiiay.
Mre. Frank ‘Campbell aad ehlldru wloonatartad by Duff McDonald. Tbe
hare retaraed tram Ktagaley, when opan'ng wu held yuterday aad tha
piauwu throagad with friaada of
Made by
Mr. MeDoaald all day long. Joha BJoha P. OU want to '
a ofPateakey. brothar-ln4aw of
day oa baaiaeu.
PbU C Baaar of the Mtoh^a Star^ Duff, aad tormariy of thto iflty. to anOe.. wut to Cfcleago yeatarday oa bae- aoeUtad with him aad Frad Brown hu
Brery Pair Wsmtnted.
I employau to uriat In tha bulImu
A. B. BoagbarW- praeuntor of Aa- eau. Dara MMJun. proprietor of
tolm aonnty. eama orar from Blk Bap- “Blanay OuUe.”lh Oread Bap'.da,
» hare yuterday to help eelabrata
lie yuterday.
Sold by the Old Reliable
Wtoa Ooekwray hu retareed after the grand craning, aeeoupaBtad by a
ipeodbag*(ewdayeln Barker (keek. deligatloB of friends.
JaUu Paige retaraed yuterday to
•■•■•ptiwd Corw —Warms. .
•Ik Bapida. after puttlag in eleetrle White WhM af Tar Byrmp, tbe
UgblflztarMatthereaidaaeuotB. 8. but OMqrh iCBMdy on earth, csiu a cold
Ikatl and Bos. B. C. Darto.
ledayifukaaintima. SaadMcto.'
No. 115”Parlor Table, $2.00.It is a handsome table, 24x26 inches, solid gold
en oak or in mahogany, and only $2.00. We have a
large line of parlor and library tables from fl.OO np
to the very hnest. Goods picked out now, stored un
til Christmas free of charge.
Frett; Glass Noieltias
With eilver trimmings.
Cracker jar $1.00. IL2.5; Pickle
dish $2.50, $3B0; Puff boxes
65c; Syrup cope 85c. $1.25.
Hh fiaomh h Lav HMie (k
I ^tXt i\vm,
> WhMA TaarM 4ho «Re CwrlM* Reaeea Per WbUb a
■oaorPraaltioalKBoUiatArtloRaef ** •*'
Ttmte Wee BMe rnnkM.
Feed OaotaUtat VAealAr
ta tbe rareOrd ataMAbrrr of tba
te New Orirana told aa lotrreatint blch ubh-Roda of Rexiro objrrta that
ate really a loot way off a|>prar to ba
Tba Mlowiat law waa panad at tba I otoiT apr»|>ue of tbr trlbnRUooi of
’ Trntora. "Aboui tlin-r reon ■*«».•■ be
band. Tbia baa M to tnan/ ,
iBOtoaoeloo of tbo MRaoarl L^Rla- oald, **1 to< up a UttR derIce that'
I oikoukes Ob tbe part of lour* i
At B*U1* CkMk. TMt Ro. tS.
tan lak^rffeot Aataat «o, lOM:
Creatlr atciAd*!d tbe worklnc of a ' Rta. and etva oo tbe part of tbowr bar- .
Kkiftttof tlM MMMbeM, lalttetod
Sacnoa l. That it AaU bo ulaw
I took out Ag a knowledge of ibe peruUarltr of I.
th^ CM-thoMudita .embtf Pridft7 (b1 f< r aar poraon or eorporaiiae do
patenta that
ui«- lo tbe oelgbbor- Aecouuirr.
B^bMd.ten «A« UrTMt BMatwr. me batlnaaa in tbU atato to naaafaehood of C3DO, InrluOlng attoni«r'e feeo. j Tbe Rt-xlran CeotiaJ railitwd baa a I
.Alp of Mr lode* la Mj order is Riehi- tore, aall or offer to nil
o>e tbi^ to
tanp-ot iw\-tlun of traik In wblA '
*fM. Tbc creat wm eolobraiod wiik eoatpoond or prrpantloa lor tbo par
of belat aood or wbRb R iataadod < ^
tho attoodaooo of frMd a»ap cffioonT pooo
to ba ued la tbo preparation of food.; BorA. Tbe proprletora at oaee con- kmgeet lo tbe world. It R orer 00
‘ ceded tbe merit of Ae luvefftlon and atiiea In U-ngA. and a loeomottre bead:
At Port Bstm. Lotbor H Root, for In wbleb ariRle. «>mpoaiid or
offered toe KiOO down nod a royaltr of light can be aeen. «if coarae. for a r*rj
«fto«D roan pMt Atof a«tk U tke rntloo tboro R Mr orwntr.
$125 on eaeli oar need. Tbe caab pay- long dUtaoce.
fraat toeord koeper^ efiao of tke
Bent amutinird lo Dotbiag. for tt ready
HleklTM fnat eanp. Zalrhu of tho
fell abort of mverlbg my time and exMaeeakooo. e o n a 11 Vo d ooMde abal) be deewMl rallp of a aiRde- penwa, but tbe royalty wae georrooa,
moaaor Md aball, apoa eoevletloD. ba
FrUar br tbo omom of oarboUe acid, ■ood not Iona than OM bnndred del- and I figured It out that it would ylHd brakre aoddenly b^n to grind. It
of orkteh doadlj drat be took a Urfe Ura, whlA aball bo paid Into Md bo- me a« Acnme of $5,000 or $4,000 for 1 aoon came to a etandatilL and tbe eondnofbk Be frao doopoadoat oror U1 -------a part of tbe road food of Ae eoreral yeara—p<-rbapa longer. It de-1 doctor, fearing that an accidcni bad
>r la wbleb ooebftaeR oelleeted. peDd<-d on bow ouoo Munetblng betiB j betalleo tbe euglBe, hurried forward.
boaltb. aad loft a aoto aaklor for kta
Tbo oporaUon of AU law will be
witotoforvirehimfarbloaek Bo wao
“AccordAslr. I accepted Ae propoel- that waa twAkling and dancing on tbe
laaarod Is the Minfobrn aad aoroni maAIr airalnet alan baklaf powdora. tRn and mtuferred all my right. Now,
tiBck directly abtwA
fBMafaetare or aala of anr
bow much do you tLAk I aetually re“A headlight, euta.- tbe engln**r
^ of food .or article Atoadod to W ceiredl Not a penny! No. I LaTen't Bid. -Rust be an extra and tbe dlaaaed A food wbleb eooAlna My of (iw been chraud; at Iraat. all the accounta ^ pateberv have orerlookcd It. for ordcra
been perfectly atralgbt. Tbe j do not meniAn IL"
ofMtekkrao. Bo baa kotfeod 4.SM bo antatanoB cABOd by Ae Uw aa anSdui'
Araenie to Alnm—R troubb- la tbey nerer put the derice on
*^ueaa you are right** Ae conductor '
abolaof oora Ula falLijAa ooar dar'a
Ac market. Tliey alm|ily Block tbe replied, 'but 1 oever knew tbe dla-1
aboolalely prcMbitod.
work la 100 baabe:R.
patenta and drawAga In a pigeonhole ' patebera to be ao rareleaa before. Any- ,
John Kcaa of 8L JoeoA. acod i».
Ibi-re they remain to tbIa d.-iy.
! where but on lAa ungeot there would '
OLD tMLaiBR-a TBAirXMITur*. Md
“Why did tbey do It. did you bA? To'bare been a cdUalou and aomebody'l
wfailo oot baatlar ant with a oerlou
aoeidoat Meoi was eliablnc a feaeo Vol^bota of Obaa. J. SbUItm Made Bee money. Tbe puldk- la rery well j killed. WVd belter more abend alowly !
to Aeoext aide track. Wecou't tell Jnit 1
*bao tboraa waa aoeldoadr dlaebanrod
Ao Day a Sanpy One for Bib.
and It i« duuAful If (be; cuuki get any bow near.(hat train ms; be. and we
aad blow off* tbo tbanb of bto loft
CbarlBJ. SnlUeM. M old adldRr more tor It with m; Improvement a<ld will wait for It to pass us tberl."
haad. abattorod tba rlfbt band and
Tbey rvaehA the aide track A Bftly.
tbo Bbot aaterod tbo rifbl aide of bR of BbI Bay topwaabip. roallaod Ae tbe net profit, so tbe; prvfer to let woU and. drawing A oo It. awallA tbe
ealneof tnw frlendAip on ThMkt*
faoa. HJa reooTorr la doabtfaL
ctwugb elone. It wae n.-rewar;, of coming .of tbe otb«T train, tlalf an
giving day. Ob Aat day a nambar of course, to get m; Inveniloo Rsfely hour pasecd. aA the engineer waa
A turner near (Bii«htoa roeoaUr
bR nelgbbora gaAerod and eat a largo aliclred. or It might have been iak«-n fuming, wondering bow much Anger
biUod a paaaaai. wbleb la a earloalir la
qnaaUty of atove wood tor bin and up by some etnerpriKlng rival, and tbe be was In l:e detayA. when tbe conthat part of tbo ooontcrbaaled it to bla boaao from Ae wooda. only eartlil; ix-aHon fur H]M-Dillug $‘iU0 doctor rallA blm to step out lo tbe
erlroaUr Bparko. who R retaraine
on tbe Aing wae to pul it uiii u( tbe main line.
IfOBt tbo PbUippiaca olt^ a dRebarro
way. It was rather roiigb on me. to
“IVUat do ;«u llilnk of that beadbe eure. but the eiperlcnre was valu light. nowT' be askA. when tbe englfron tbo Utb lafaaUr. fot off at
aad I won’t get cair-bi that way
had joioA blm. "Seems to bare
Battle Oook Tbaradar nl^bt and re
■■An IriA Boro" erlll A Ae UUe of
Tlmee-llemofgot clear u]> and off tbe road.'^
ported tbai be »ao robbed oa Ao train Ae opening piece A Marka Broa.^
of 9100 is told.
Ob TbMkaglvlBg day Aa Way aad
TrAk toBUlB of Maraball held Ae
«UeA eoneeenUve reantoo togeAer.
TbR eaetom waa Aangaratod *0 yean
ago by Aa beads of tba lamiUea. who
are dead. Tbey are A no way related,
bnt are firm Crtoada.
Edward Sboll of Alpena, a wallknown And looker, who started for Ae
wooda Taeeday. baa not retarnod and
toan are antertolnod Aat be R dead
Be drove to Bnlledge^s caap A Green
MwnAlp, bitebed bR borae Md left
for a Aort trip afoot, and baa not been
seen aAoe. It R feared that be hae
takes 111 and baa dAd from expoaare
and lank cf aaaRtMoc. Be R anA an
Mpert woodiman Aat Ae Aeory of
bR beAg lost R not accepted.
Mrs. Mary Pergnaon, a jasltroB A
AeBaglaaw city baU, loot her hold
aad craAed Arongh Ae big ekylAbt
over tbe eorrtdor. bat managed to bold
oo aaill help came. 8be bong eaapandod toar atorlB high. 8be eevered
M artery A ber arm.
Aa Ae eieamer lUAoR vrae appoaebtbe does at NorAport, on her eray
norA, a ams who had never witSBeed
a eearA light A operatuo.
ratUed when Ae light waa fiaAed
span him Aat be jomped Ate Ae
water. Be waa reacoec wlAoal any
nnrioaareanlu. ezeept a eool baA—
Charlevoix Democrav
Rear'Prewmtt Mrs. Anna Bell dlaMvared a «lv poand bear trying to loot
bor beggery. tihr grabbed a rifle Md
poored^ rain of lead Ato Ae asRaal'e
body. rBBlcing A bU dBA It wae
Ae largest bear over aeon A AR vioAlty.
gagemeotat Stelnbcrg'a Grand next
Beareely ever kaa aaA
draBBatlc Md vandevUle eompMy ct
to AR city wlA better ondoraeaMsu
from preB and pablA. Am doB
above. Ad ekebange Bye:
"An IrRb Hero" waa Ae play at
NeRoD*a opera hooee Satorday nlgbt
HoeeeB and blu A plenty attended tba
praecniatAa, Ae play iteelf being
voted extremely clever by m andAnee
wbleb crowded tbe honae A every
part. Ranager R. W. ttarka la b
heartily eommended for aamandlnr
bU atara wlA capable aupport and
pcrmltking Aem to dRpIay Aeir talante wiAoat Ae restraint which R too
often Impcaed A tboeelflab mo abort
aigbtod policy of aggrand'aement.
Tbe patnm of Ae Bigb School
Lectare Md'lfaale coaree are expect
iog a rare treat Taeaday evening, or
tbe occasion of Ae Alrd nnmber of
Ae eonrae. Ae-fambne lectare, **rbe
Coming Man." by Bon. G. A. Gear
hart. Speaking of AR loctore. Ae
of Ae Buffalo Y. M. C A.
eonrae hae AR to By:
■■On Tharaday cvestog, March )«d,
Mr. G. A. Ucarbart gave bR fatnou>
lectare on ‘The Coming Man' before a
large audience at oar ball. Tbc lecture
wae nnanor five A oar wAte.*'B enterUAment ooane- We'ye bad maslc par
exeellenee —- Pisav WHeiek and bR
artRt wife, the -'Arion*'’ of Chicago.
■Lutlermao Male Qnistetlc" of
Stockholm. SwAer: but nerer, to ou«
cnowlAge, were Acre aaA entba
of genuine satRfae
Mon and delight ns were beard in e< m
on of Mr. Oeartaarfa lectare.
truly grand and Aspiring’■—
Grrraan T. M. C. A . Buffalo,
At lonR 81. AndrewR acboal toot
ball team playA wiA Ae lonR blgh
Brala WvAht aaO IstvtlvcC
eAool team on Ae borne groanda
It R generally assumed that tbw;
TbMkagivAg afternoon- It-reanlted
_____ __ ^ ........
(oultA Ckl't* a dIsAut. .n-Rtlonshlp
dRaat-onaly to Ae vRitoia. FV»or .
die bruin and intcUoriual '
ibera of Ac loam wore more or laB *»l»*‘'‘t.v- Th.te are not wanting facta. |
Tbe question is often Mked. partk-uRrl; l>; those b-Ih> ran recall tbe cuatonis and ex|N-rlenct-* of 2.*> yean ago.
•■Why do ao many persons nowadaya
wear gRBrnw?" The answer Is easy.
“The iGcreSM- A the number of specAcles worn is oot to be rvgsAA aa
evidence of mAern
of tbe eyes, bm'raiher that a long felt
necessity ims Isn-n met." Kor it should
be r«-iueuil«-iH-d that within tbe imst
quarter of a <enmry much has Se«-n
learuA aiwui the value of gRss<-s. and
Ae range of (heir uppUcatido and usefuAess has Isen enormousl; extendA:.
Of course the c-.ves mA more help now
than tormerlv. as the amount of work
the; are rvsjuIrA to do Is much greater
than at an; pn-rlons perlA A the
world's UlsiorT. Tbe's<-n lug maebinu
and man; other inveniioiis of Its class
BVe the lal-or of the bauds ouly lo
add to that rtHinlred of Ae eyes.
New etuploynH-nts. new aniusenients
and new fasldoos in- ronlluuall; be
Ag iDlnMlntA (o increase tho exa«*
Moos laid uisrn these sensitive and
delk-ate organs. The sii-ady decrease
of llliti-rac.v. tugetber with (be general
c'beaiiness of literature and a sprv-ad
of a taste f<w It. the enormous elrruRtioo of oorel. magazine and newsisiper. the ever Acn-aKlug use of aniilr-ial
IllnmltiailuD. all e*>mbioe to overux
tbe eyes bA (o weaken or possIM; de.atro; the sight uolesa tbe r<s|ulT>sl aid
and protrstlou be supptiA through
every mentis at our dls|M>saL Thus it
hapia-ns that the some time Inzury of
ptt>|>erl; BtRpled glasses has cui^|^o
be racugnixikl and aDd*'rsioo<t by very
hu |in-w
I ficeesi
MB ^paration CM Aow ^
ha, bee. variously put at from 1-500 i fj*'caught
For sale by S..E.
liiuMivoK. DtatfiRls.
goods ar«
quality In respect of Ae p__________
lateliectusl qnsUtles of a high oAer.
A Mack ta RaMaa.
Ao English woman, a visitor. grfevA
aD Boston by Irrerereotly asking a cltBravo Men Pall
Ren. as she walkA tbrougfa tbc Com
Vletima to atom
MdkblBey mon and saw tbe cberiAA glldA
Mdallfsel dome of Ibe staieboiwe. “Beg p^on.
air. but wbat building Is that wtA tbo
in Ae Mood, baekaeba ai
brass topr-New Tirt TImea
beadacbe Md UrA. IRtlaas. mo dowa
B«da R giving a alee Sloigh free ■ •
toys: "Blsetr ~
lag for a a
wheAer be Hvb or dRa It gave m
BOW stroagA aad good appeUte.
OM DOW cat anyAlog aad have a ae
lease oa life.!* Only Wc at Jaa i
- Haeo yea lookA w r&BoadaROo.'a JobasoD'a aad 8. B- Watt's drag store
Geiiystxire is now the mo?rt carefnly
marked hadletlehl In tbe world.
Though (he Dumla-r of men engagA
on tsxh sl.k-K was UkUiNi. tbe posttion of every regiment, battery i
s<|iia<trt>n has iH-en ai-«-uralely kx-ai
In addition to nioniiinents. stones
are s«-t t-.- deflt
letliie actual positions.
l>aM Dear for HR Leg. *
B D Blanton of-Tbschervitln. Tex.,
two yeara paid over $300 00 to doc
tors to core a Banning bore on h a leg.
Then they waniA to cot It rff, boi be
-urA it with one box of Brcklen’a
Arnica Salve. Onarantced core for
P lea <Sc a bex Sold by Jaa. O.
Johnson and S. E. Wait, drngg'ata.
To change from a cold to
a warmer climate. Uc<
derwearaod UlsterB will
make the change for you.
Ulsters are double from the waist np—
almost as thick and warm as a buffalo
robe, and yet very light—being made
of best grade Chinchilla or Irish Frieze
$4.00 to $25il0
I Hamilton |
I Clothing i
,i co.
Esalish oilcan
Mauy •iiheers of i
Brldsb army
w>-arers of armor. As a geueral
role tbc moll Is Inclosed In a l.wthiT
«•*•“$- which Is sew A ln.«lde the
Invisible unl.-ss tlie
to plei-cs. And the
garment Is pi.-k
a simiRr del Ice Is
». viu.
u. i"n
! view. B.ra Tlic UnmanlUrian. One ’!'** Il°>hg. ao as to give addlriba, one a •aiaabA baad, Md one
* I Bllent example R that of tbc Rte j
uf mA. Some
j Preneb sutesniao. tiambetta. wboac
■’'■ *>'” "••o'e wearing mall
brain welghA only IjdO grama on jAeir tunl<-s and perA 8UHB OVRE'rOB O&OUP.
. tbc other hand, the beavk-st brain oo j f*‘<tlj' oldivlous <>r tbeir comrades, who.
»• that of a Ixindon oewapaper ; klAougb (be; may acoff In times of
Tveaty flvoTcara OoaitMt Vm WiA- . boy. whose brain welghA 2.4t>>gn^' I"’*"- »■’"W only be too glad to don
out a Fall^.
A spite of the fact that be i» sutA .
tbemwlr.-s when in tbe middle of
TheflratAdieaiionofcronpRlwmrae Ito hare Iw’co “a bit of t_1 Aloe" A i boatllltles. The majority of the tiiak-anac tbc
of Ai ant^h ofli'itlLri, *"5^,1^^?.^
“* * »‘'«‘<l'n«'-Ro peaMOt. of
retj cipenalve. costing about
mtAectu.! .umra tt may be W guAea. each.-Regiment.
ooogb. If Chamber'-'-_iB-s tough ^
B«-1 ““
"pretions to Ae age of 70 be
A rwHass Battle.
say IS giTBB as boob as Ae child bo-,
Show A signs of any extraorAn Atcrestlug Sfieciaclc waa wftooBca boarae. or aveo after tbe eroupy i 8l«»*ry iotelllgence. a A be bas never
ooMh appears, U wiUprtveatAe at- khown any since." A female lARn nceaA Ac other day on tbc banka of
near Hatbom. by a gen
to^ IiR aaA In many.Aaaaaada of' dwarf had a brain which welghA no
**■'* Md nevor
' Rb than 2J»0 grama beliig 70 grams tleman resident ^tbe district. Being
by -a •--•____
pAullar --V.
cry. ■be inroA
^ppoinls Ae anxious tnoAera. We* bcavler Ihsn Sb.. hmln «f Tm■■luifT artractA
.............. -•
otter and
State street
---------------- _ ..jalngr. Too wlU
learo to waits ewkwostop ta om leoSOB «• BO ehargB asada
lAhi. then. - V.-uus, by Juplterr be
rialniA. ••Billy, we’ve aide trackA to
let a star go by. or my oame'a not
“Lots of tt." said tbe matter of fact
peraon behind tbe conoter. prodncliig a
boz of sBoS. “Bow aadi de yoo
Of a suit, overcoat, or ulster, at $12,00 or above, we will
give an order on our shoe department for choipe of a pair ot any
of our best ladies' or gent's shoes
Free of Charge.
With every purchase of a dress pattern at 60c per yard and
np we will give an order on our lining department for all the
linings necessary, FREE OF OHABQE.
With every purchase of a ladles’ Jacket at $6,00 and up to
$10.00, we will give an order on our Millinery department for
yoiir choice of any of our street hats, FREE OF CHAROE.
With every purchase of a ladles’ Jacket at $10 00 or over
we wrill give an order on our millinery departInenYfor any pat
tern hat FREE OF CHARGE.
The Boston Store,
uoammo MOOBP BXTHDAT PgO»lCBB» 9, I89»
\Vv6 "VDotU.
Balow to B ttot ed Ihe untie BBd «Aifff
of jrjrtiidfylor p.
U Shew For Ble Mmmrj.
by every
A man wltb n German accent and a
Omar Wnnhioftoa etraet aad BoardMcnlac pnyw and eermoB at 10-Ja
Holy Coamnaloa at ll:M a m.
Baaday School at it m.
ffrenlBf eerilee at T p- m.
AU are ecrdlaUy Isvltod to them
It te mU thM Sir BdwM4 KoMM.
»h« BrttM MbMMder to Fimm. wUl
• kortlrftp|«^terftprale«CBd Imt*
•faMMo M » frotoM
taaksauSabx tka rrMch
Vietorto M>4 tke
^ TtBfBeOMj Market.
Serce red mariacbe walked into obe.of
erof tbeeec-
the bBShf the other day and annoaae-
ed that be wanted to open an account. ' unm^ed woman
He vna directed to the proper official at WashlnstoB. on
and frvBi a well worn belt extracted ber.
$50a Thto aam be bonded tbioofh the '
___ ____________ _
11 0$
Mi tz
riven the n«e i
The bank official aboved tbe blf olf- ' ^bb y Park, South Rneka
aalore book toward the deporitor for' the Wand
hli ilfnaiare. JoM tSmn the officlal'o Wycombe.
Bev. aaeh ItaaMdy, PmU
Snnday aervieee
Pranehlnf at lOOOn
m. aod at 7:00
ed around, the man with the red mna-'
ocenrioo the Prince of Walea
I Hindoo ecbool In Madras
___ _
coolly a-olklcif toward l£e ^"Itcd
Theme of momUf dtoeoaree.
7-be yonnnilera bad been drilled into
U the: door with the book, whlc
OBJoe of Power.”'
Power.” the fonrth
the sifnaturee of eli the depoaiton If **"■ Pmrrlriy' of eayluf “Your royal
wiea on "A Chrtoliatt Ufe.”
the hank, locked under bto ann.
I hlfhDcea” rtmuld the prince meek to
Qaw meeUnf at 9:45 a m.
The aoeletaot cashier yelled:
them, and when the helr-appareol acSnnday nehool at 11:45 a. m.
to fait la r«»rd to tka aafa^ of tka
Bpworth Leafoe at 5:45 p. m
“Hold on. therer
< coeted a brlflit-eyed led. and. pulniluf
BrtttokataaaarMarrlaae, arhlak Uft
Mid-week prayer meetlnf, Tharaday
Bm the Teuton puraned bto *ren '
"" ‘'•f
<)aakae. OcV »7. tot BaltMt.
eonrae toward the rirect
I «• tbl»r Che younsaler. all la a flutter.
Ika wUi of Vtoa. PraatoMt Hobart * A eoeSi^lnritattoB to axtanded tn
The ciBcial rushed from behind bto ri |.ll.-d: ••It s a r,|>al t-wmpaes. your
rlor to atelairfOMdowB
waa Uad .Friday.
Batata to aot
stood to ba
counter and caufht the new depositor
Just as be rosefa^ tbr door.
fata $1,000,000 aad half tka
Oarrat A. Hobart, Jr.,
Cbnrvh. Cor. Oob and Fifth atreeU.
Sunday oebool at 9:45.
Public worobip 11:00a. m.
Y. P. a C B. prayer Beetinf 5:45
wbaB a naabar of beqneata are
vata tka otbar
baU OB attainlBc hto majority.
A BMaamoBt to
eaoto -aaeb
will ba
eootribaU M
$<S.OOO fond, to be
praaeatad to the widow of Oapt Chae.
V. Uridlay, who command ad Admiral
Dawar'a Sicakip at the battle of Ma
MlM Helen Oould to eacraatad
for treaanrar of the fond.
Offioare from the Soadan
who have
arriTod at Cairo aay that whan OoBe'al
Wiacata'a force overtook tba khalifa,
the Uttar tried tomatflank the AiifloBcypiiaaa bat Ultad.
SoeUf hU pool-
tlen waa bopelwa the khalifa
told hu
«mira to etay with him
thM epraad a abeepekia on the rronad
and aat down on it, with the emlra on
olthar aide of him
The khalifa waa
foand ekot throach
the head,
arma and le(a oad the emlra wore lyInr dead baride him.
The membera of
hie body r«nrd ware all dead
of him.
Oan. Wlufate'a
U front
toroea ewept
wlthoni reoo(nit'nc
kbalUa aod bla emlra. bat they
Identlled later.
Hear Boekpoct. Teaae. fraat damage
to property and loee ot
salted from a reoent aevere atorm.
namber of email firiilnr eraft are mlaeia$. tovather with
inereaee of
Sunday ecbool at now.
Help the
ehlUren. Yonnf people'e clam U the
Jnalor Christian Endeavor society at
loot monthly record.
Jane SO ibowt that there were SOS dia-
Sunday mo-nlnf 10:30 and Wednes
the day evenlnf 7:30. At 41« Sontb Dntoa
lake* dartnc
year. Involvlnf veaeele
at $S.- etreet.
Suejeet, SuoSa}; motnUf: "Ood the
CM.8S0. aad oarcoee with a total vainIT of Ma^’
atlon of $7S0.St0
There were 1.454
AU are Uriie'l.
peraone'oB tbeee vaeseU when they
cHi'BCH or caauT.
■were wrooked, of whom only three
BVT.X.B. BMa. Pwlor.
loet their Uvea The value of property
Servioeeheld ia Granfc halt
aaved wae $S.«»,SSS, and of property
Snnday school at 9:su a. m.
loetlM.US. N.neof tbedtoMteie nSermon 10:30 a. m. Theme. "The
True Foundation.”
ported involved no loet of veeMla.
Endeavor at C:00 p. -m.
Sermon, at 7Hi0 p. m Theme. "The
g laraatlne oMoUU at New York aay
the coffee canro of the plnyne chip SocUl Drama.”
A cordUl iuviUUon to extended to
Teyldf from Brazil ahall not land.
Lirbten are In the bey loaded with
ataff and In denser from rata Health
Bev. S. Betobcrr. Pmmt.
oOimra eay the rau mden’t Und rither.
Chorcb on corner of Ninth aad Wads
-bat malt be cremated. The problem worth etreete.
ia; "Whet will become of the eoflee
Suoday eervicra arc a» follows:
Sunday ecbool at 11:30.
V>uaf People'e prayer meetlnf, 6:00
Choate. Ulklnc at a
Taankiflviof dey btnqeet in L'sdon
^wfore sT5 faeeu. mje;ly
remarked that the llnitml Suiee
their meetiuf.
All are invited to tbeae meelingo.
tryinf to reciprocate‘dnrinf the Bmr
Bay land and
America elatp bande acroee the aea and
the peace of the ^world
to abeolately
answered the German. ’
cffice 1'
for damages, and tbe <-os« was tried
before a Jury, which, the papers said,
waa cominsed of'n.-prosentBilvo cllltens.
Well, wliat do you supixise they
Jun Saved Bto X.Ifa
Rev A.‘B Cbob* will preach at evenluf oerviceoD hto work among
pauiah-AaerlcBoa In sontbera Call8PU'..............................................................
For two yean a se- ^ foroio.
]. 0..1ately had fi
ae<|ualuiance of
you mentioned got hurt,
lie fell on a
ConaumpUoD. Then be began to bm
A Keua. ClMr Brain.
Dr. EiB^z New Dtooovery and la'Miy
feeling*, yonr eoelol poaiwrote: "It gave loatont relief and ef
fected a permasent cure.” Buefa won Uon or bulneo* boeoeoi depend largely
oetton of your Bto
derful eureb have for
King*# New Life Pill*
Ita pckwer to cure all Throat. Cneat and
Lung ttoublco. Prioe 50c and fl.oo.
Every botUe guaranteed. Trial boLUes i brain, bigb ambition. A >5 cent box
loe atJoa. U. Johnoon'e and 8. £. will make you feel like a new being.
- Joe. U. Joboaon and B S.
TtoJtos yvB MB "}u$ CB It.tns^ n
it, bnt It wtil eoma up amii
tlma* ftolmaua’ Eloatie Floor
AS. Wait.
Ts Om ■ OoM In Om Day.
Tkke WaftKT'* \Miite Wine of Tor Svrup
the best omigta ramedy OB earth.
S5 «n<
Cordially lavltM the lodlsa to vtoit
Strong'* mnato otore aud laopeet tbe
dtoploy of beantlfel art work She ho*
a larger s5oek than ever aad to obew-
We have Buiil over and over that
we have belter ahoee for l«a money than any other ahne
it is oiir doiii>; so. We ssk for year
penefl lb.-n?
the merits of our
ask for them. i«d no the merits of "'
the stntemtfDts in oar ads.
shoes are
Dot as
they are we
If oof
as we ssj
never hold year
We want your trade week
after week and year after year becHuse we lieiieve that we can please
you better and
your more last-
shoe store.
Pa.rhi_______ __________________
In the middle of the sm-el car tnu-k. , TT VOf WfMTIuauru'rr of aoy bled 1b Rfai
It took them nearly an hour to get him
loose, and wluit do you
TOU suplxm
suplHate hap-
trade on
shoes and the low honest price we'
uwated’- _
Ubcokd (Hh r.'^i
this |«ef In Atuie way goWt^ged l>e- TuT’^*''
tween a eouj.le of paving ston.-s right
store, bat
onr sayiiiu so doMiirt make it so—
wall, 1 lisvcd t come to the point at ^ Exc-tAS-.ial
which the real meanni-ss developed, a Taohouaaaai
Being a poor man. he couldn't afford to
" '■
buy a cork leg, so be had to gel along
----------------------with a wtsslen |«*g. and one day while giTfiTios war ’KD—A» rTTkorri rlrrk or
bp. Rrfa. Tbl-ooiov. Wr-tf
he was crtisslug the prlneipal stret-t
•r^S.rr IV, X
UrreaMUr Co Block.Tra«-rar I'lir. «l«4mo
Ouritrest specialty is oar 92.00 and$2.50 Custom Hade
Shoos with our nuiue on them.
them for men and women.
Tuey are excellent shoes.
We have
Buy them aiil get your money's worth.
186 Front Stroet
The Practical Shoo Uan
d If they
didu'l go
and fine hiui 91<> aud costs for obstructiDf traffler’-'H'hicugo TImes-Uorald.
Wkp a Ceoaelerr F-eaeet
Itwai* a 3t:ilui- gravvyaril. and the
femv- ihi'n-.>r wax lb a luoxi i]ixr>-putabl>- <-uii(liili’0.
Runic of the uelgblioni werx- trylDC to
start a iaovt-fii<-ut to pin a ik-w r«-tice
arxiibd the e«-iui-iery. and ii w ns uux-tIbg »vHh gcm-iul Iippruvul till the caiiaPc wli «iX !*ariu» liiiwaril waa ar"ii-«ed.
“WliM f..rr he In-iui!-.--!.
«*f fi-urljig tin- gravi-ynrtl?
There ain't ........ 'in- UislJe ihat watiix to
Tbry DlUered.
Dr. F.mlly Hlacknt-ll. out- of tbe plonet-ra of.>i-r m-z In UKslIcibc. hrani a
young phydclan deliver a tierce dia
ed. she asked:
“Will yon please tell me one rvaaob
why they *bould not practice medielner
‘S'erUlbly. madam. They haven't the
“1 aee. sir.
Tour coneepiloo of a
sliAinon] Is a otonghter bouao. Mine
Is not.”—San Pranrtoco Argonaut.
I up
hto eothiixiasm. When ao old dug with
gray JowU. be only glares at people
who ^11 to him. Hunian brings bare
many caolne traits. includiDg four
teeth of (be sort used by man's best
trieni-New York World.
■ • '• .SSS"
onrA?fTgo-A vi'i todo s'ljerai bou»e-oT«
'» JrS'pbri"'’
ber ami eouhlii'i hone a razor or zbave
a mao with his foot anyway.
,j 'eltr or farm
t'Dderwood* I'mlor. Mll.tt
ur°P>-r»r t ed_________________________
lleve he needed more than one '
hjs business, seelnc that be was
» a
_ liar.
Onr thank* ore due and hereby I
. O
ads asd
bad sidewalk and lost one of his legs.
}^‘i.Te;’u'b“t;;.":u*d"^l!d ‘:!.rr’.?:;J;
He sued tbe city, aud didn't get any- are tro* m-bei «lo». warm'd bj tarea.-' n>
■—--.aefil, eleetrl't lifbta .lo-ererr room. A
I never heard just why.
iiy. tmi
rM -iiT
pruliably iM-eauae the jurors didn't
Idn't U- loozaaabr tu«r be pira
Card of Thanks.
osd Modern Woodmea________
and floweis, and to tbe lodW J
and L O. T. M.. and to all wbo oratot
ed ns in our low beraavemeot.
Mra. Autos Blsoeb.
Fbask Mjuien
ptau^Mr* R
Slaw and
OolaoB'i laurlcf $por to the atM
The Old, Old Story
down there was injured wime time ago
in pretty mbeb die same way the man
tribe Bgalmn u|H-DiDg the dour* of the
profesaiou to women. When be ceao-
worse until It oeemed he mutt die of
freight all wool for $1 agorsaat. e
Fire Insurance
»u.b.. I..i,n h.b,i,j bi. iw.,1 br eell-l>d to acbrlslaao pre'-ei-OD' ablrh
abr will tbs pleased to abaa lo ber trtendv Ei.
didn't amount to aoytblDg.”
. E-atetrar.1
••Yea." the cigar man sal.t 'Ihafs a
pretty mean town. 1 admit, hut 1 know WTTAKTft>-a betr
Call M or adl NiDtb Blre'l.rlt;.
of a worse one. Tills jdao- Is In Penn- ! J" „ <lr.<— neat
So wlial'x the iK-ed of the fi-iiivT*
.ypd till- f. iiiv was uol huill till folk
te a thrllUoR eaeape that Charlee
trouble eoBsiantly
$100 BflWtfd. $100. “
did to him? Brought lu a verdict in ^qKlnrilAS PBe«KtrTS-CTvrvbauaek«va^
favor of tbe Citv. bolding that luas- 0
rriorllrnrc-uuDirvvhovUIrsIIal iri
bad i-i-as-d u> chiiekle ux-r ttie thruut
of Darlud.—Ix-tvlxti>ij Journal.
rere Inog
come out. and I'm daru siin- there ain't
any one outside ihai wants t<> got In.
E*»- W. T. WcwJhouar. Puior.
a frifblful death.
S' , '''''-
^*At 7 p. m. wUl be the monthly eonf
than tS per cent over the larfeet prev-
altera on the rreat
"I* "
-ISS'- ^ SS.':rZS.r.bV„“
of similar shape In an nprlfbt po' sltion while It la dralninf and after it
Ball •lOTv «li!i llTlas r<
r L Browe. tn W lOkh I i-am It has been throttfh the wash water.
E. W. Hastings
eerrice. Symne old and new will be
onnf. Come prepared to Join In all
tbeae. There will be epeelal mneie by
Mr. White, Dr. Soyder ard Prof and
Mra. Borat. OBerUf will be for the
The aunnal report of the life eav- orfaD fund.
inr aerviee for the Sisal year eodinff
wae $t.sis,S00. an
u,bb, b.Ab O, u.. P^cr... .4,.
“Why. I tboufht that was the receipt' ‘P*’
In^medUte oociegr of ChrtoUnn Bnbay. Several tbonaend head of ebeep deavor at 4 p; m.
Youof Peopled eoriety of CbrieUan
aed hnndrede of bead of cattle were
Endeavor at 5:45 p. m. Subject to.
"The Uird'e Supper. What doee It
mean to yon?” Let every member take
froovei eitendinf tn tbe direction of | PomuS,per
been foand in the monlh of SL Obarlee
total fold
u..b..k om.1.1 ... •
tloa. Tbe board la Inclined toward tba
oink, os usnoL
men who have not been IdentlBcd have
....... '•.......
nm » TkATwi wrr
• ■Ui
|*DOaBDINO ROl-PE—riral tUm l<osnl as4
n>cB*a< irprr >r«K at SfT bai Ktaie
Ae a cure for ^eamaiiem Chamber
In tbe ume bank a well dressed wo 'O
will be the i
isiravt. B * Bil»»rm.er»prk»of.
lains Pain. Belm to fainlnf a wide
Laborinf i
man called to depoolt $300.
' reputation. 0 B
Johnston of Rieb■ally
led... baa
_____ i.
willI to
be n plea fo^tbem i
-b aeS appt*
>ir'{that ailmect elace tees
la apeakUif
Inf the dciKksIt.
vaar pari BU or r>.-bar—
levee found anyihlaf :
I for the
Special nUflnc to
n>B. Sl» Wrat
-SlfD your name there.” said the offi-,
^ '
j that would relieve me nntll
JI 1 used:oeeaelon.
---------------------------------------------- I Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It aeU likuL__________________________ ___________ —
The pnblie to cordially Invited to etol. IndlcsilUf the proper place.
illea I that to mtarrah. Halt'* Catarrab Cure
My foot was
Tbe woman took up the pen and
tbeee eervleea. Sermon momUf and
"Stt 1 „d painl^ In* ve/y much.
: to the only positive cure known to tbe
evenlnf by the pastor.
I medical fraternity. Catarrab belnf a
It. ee-io.dai« drvM.' food application of Paiu Balm relieved .____
point never luucbed tbe paper. Aftvr
pomr MunonuT.
eonititutioDal dtoeaae,
dtoeaae. requires a coostmateOt
For sale bv S. E. Wait and F. C. :. eonitltutioDal
a few more fancy flourlshe* la tbe sir _______-*-IL___
asv.3. a. areear. peewr.
sUtulional treatment. Hall'e Catarrab
«TEO-At die Wad*. Tuouraos. Drufflaia
j{ sUlullonal
tbe woman bonded back the pen. say- T Ai
I Cure la uken internally, actinf
Sunday—PreachUf at 10:30 a. m. and
itriltAovinw Otlmoe'i E’uUc <y upon the blood and mu'cuo
f my poamOR wsKTro-^’^Uo jrao
“IkSat sutumer I used
Spar Vamtob
meeUaf at 9:50 a. m.
unukiion of tbe disease, and gtvS^dy pchool at the elooe of mora- name all rifhe but tor ■
can’t do It now ”
ic patient tUeuftb by bnildlag
-arm old. *el*b«
I up Ue eonstUutkm and1 osstotlpr
^"loworU Leafne at 6:45 p. m.
Tbe biek eUKHml dlrmed ber t. F°* S!.".?* .■J.-S.'T.tln.T
I tore in doing jla work. The proprie1
Momlnf oabjeet. ■■Uearlnf and Do- make an “X" in tbe book.—ChlcRfo bovav. wm arii vbnp. iiKiuife
tora have oo mneh faith in its enraUvu
•sthat 1
mer oue t
aubjeet." Safeffuarda .of
Dod Tomloz
-t for an;
that It I
Chrtotlon Society.”
■ BlTr«.v<Ucure. Send for list of td_____________
WfUr. *t»Tharaday—Ueaeral prayer meetlnf
.............. -.-r bad and
AddrMs F. j. Chkrrt A Oo . Tblodo,
at 7:00 p.m.
The ftorlrs TbaS Ike TvmvellB« Hea
You sbouM oec
are eordially Invlied to attend.
Tats Akaad Tkeaa.
Bold by dntfftoto. 75a.
They were talking about had towns.
Ball's Paolly PHIs are tbe beaU
lev. D. Oottlle. peeler.
“Tbe nieanest place I ever was In."
At 10:S0 a. m. Itev. A. B. Caa«.of Cal- paid tbe man wbo iravcid for a Cblcsfo
Ifomto, will apeak upon our Spantoh- house. ”Ik down In Mauaachnsetta Ray.
durable varelsb mode
American popuUtion.
Few men nndo you know what hapix-ned while I ^
Tao Uoe blood'd diT'los
dentand the Spantoh-Ameriean char
waa Slopping then* ouev? A man bad baraea. avigbi.
acter aad lu neede aa wall aa Mr. Ceoe.
Be was for year* a mtoolonary in Mesl- fallen through a hole In a sidewalk and
00 and to now devoUnf hlmoalf.to the sustalni-il Injuries dial resulted In tbe
work of which he wiU epeak. "aU are loos of his right arm. He sued the cljy
twdiee of Jamee Sandora aod two other
“What are yon doinf with that
demanded the-bank official
tor my
foot at Sadalia.
Mo., by whteb 100.000 panona
ClTaa aa opportaalty to
Potatoes, per bin..................a...
to tb« ooecvskloD of bomtu
crcDts. The care* of today are sridom
the care* of tomorrow, aod wbeo we
Ue down at olght we may say to moat
And see the unusual exctllenceTif the ’
Men's Fine Suits we show.
Uerc is'the inducement;
We make ....
_A Great Special Sale
Of ten per cent, discount
On every Suit in Our Stock. 3
Speaking advisedly, we earnestly assure you
$10, $12 and $15, Less ten per cent. 3
And don't overlook
Our Great Overcoat Oisplay.
We have finely made coats from $7.60 to $22 50. and 3,
cheaper coats from $s.60 up. Come in tomorrow. We’re 3
open evenings.
Ten per cent, discount on Overcoats, too.
that they are the best bargains ever offered in
this city. The suits are all hand made and so
perfect in cut. make, detail and fit that your
merchant tailor can suit you no better at
double the sum. Our prices are
The Armored Train In Modern War,
tttBWttat pArt vbldi
anBorarf tz*lB to BcMlDcd lo plar
Is lb* war af tb* f«tar« baa baca
praltr waQ ^iiaii bf tba way in
wbkb Um rallBV Iraaelad baa baaa,
mmO* uaa »t dartaB tba atnicBta aev
tb tba ai'uHnad Irala* which have
anind «B betwara tba Boar* aad tb* bMt> apraadlac coaataraatioa aaBoa*
Brlt^ ta Boelb AMca.
the balllfarcnt burabar* of tba Tran*.
Tb* anaorad trata baa baaa a parUc-
flyiBB battarr- Portbole* arc tnada
tb* amor plat* aid*# of the car tbroacb
which l« epervt* lb* qalck SHbb and
Biachlna runa
eedad hy aa advanc* faatd rr cavalrr.
recorded as naceasary to Insure pro*
ta^no lo tb* roadbed aad to report on
inMTaptioBs Id rail oonasctlaa or ob>
aiacln alone the lln*.
The armored car* w hich Ootonal Bad■n'l*o«elI haatlly liaprovlaad for tb*
pr>.ii-ction of UafeklaB war* i
The new speaker of the house of rapresenlatlves, w hich open* on TueadlA
Dee. &. will be Hon. David Urentner Henderson of luw-a.
Air. Henderson waB
bom In Scotland U year* ayo. Is a fluent speaker, a man of aRalr* and a readp
" has
- the Third
• Iowa
ra dl»trl<
n nine sucrc**lve
▼aal war becaus* of (b* pqalilon of (ha
aontaatant* and (h* Iodb. unprotected
plala* alone (he dlRercnt buundarira.
The Idea of tb* armored train, how.
***r, U bjr DO meant a new one. tor. al
thoueb past cxperlem*! with si
traini In open warfare have
mu* ccncemlne their more
problemaUcal value aa an dlfenslva and
Aefanslve factor, train* covered
armor plate and filled with eharpahnolars bad been u»ed In Ihe nelchborhood
Of Parts even so earlj- a* th* PrancoPruaalan war, DuiinB Ihe Cuban ra>
balllon the armored train was used
fiulU often by the Bpanlardt, thnueh
the moat sucressful recorded operation
of such a train occurred In 1881. when
the Briltab n*cl was bombardlns AlexDurlns the dlRert
I have ukin |
ce aroond ,tAdfw
■mitb It has been found that the bluejacket* from i
erful. which la*
In Durban harbor, played a very Impurtai
part. It I* now well known hoW
these blurjarkol* and thi-lr oRloers rusb.si
<■ afalsfance of General Whitb
WBCD inai commander wa» nrsi snut U]> uy tiie Koer* under Joubert. It was B
novel and unexpected move, executed without orders, and showed that tb* sail*
or boy. when well traint^l. make* ** grMH] a fighter on land at times as ha
does on the sea. The accom|>anylng llluMrstlon will1 give a Igood idea of «*>a
cla*» of men who came to the relief of While and causi.d
consternation In tha
rausi.d cor
rank* of the Hoers on a
It of their aktllful gunnery.
navy, concHvrd the Idea of lakln«
ordinary l<*.omo(lvr and seveiwl c
and coverinr them with B"<k1. heavy
boiler plat*.
When thi* was done, the
train «a* e<iul|>ped with field Kuna,
manned aitb bluejacket* from hi* ship.
n ttarted alon* th* railway line
that aklrted tb* coa»t where Ihe enemy
lay in tore*. When the I£«ypUan tmopa
ware *udd*niy confronted by ihfai un*xpacted rnBln* of war. ihay airalBbiway
took to their heal*.
Armored train* mountlnx fleldplece*
aad machlbe pun* have been, and for
that matter are even now belnB uaed
by the American troopa engaBcd In the
roundlBB up of ABtUnaldo and hi* men.
Tba successful ia*ue of the enBaitemenl
theniBelves are simply box cant, cover.
ed by steel boiler plating three-quarter*
e frequent of
of an Inch In thUkne**. Thl* 1* firmly
« of the armored train In I I* advance riv
riveted on a *te*l framework, while the
locomotive Itself I* well Incased In the
same plating, particular can- being takprotect RScurely aJI vital parts of
--I the machinery. Instead of haulli
lllng the
i rifle barrel. It require* a very st.
{ aim to send Us bullet home from a
moving train, no the deadliest markamen are always selected. A powerful
railway crane and a Rtrung ■earchllghi
| are aiRo URUally Included In the equipi ment of such a train
When In »|>era
I tion.
the armored- train Is usually i
. gether. Vt'hen (he (own was Jnvevlrd.
IthiR officer, It wlU !«■ remembered. »ur■ mumled his
with a
aiM.ui which circled his train, t
' ed with machine
' ers. and held tia
length of time a sui-erlor force of the
i enemy.
THR \Al.l.RV OF OOl.lt.
Here ls the fami-u* I’mtall waterfall
In Khoderla. which runs over some of
Ihe rtchest gold bearing rock In the
world A few years ago this partlc^r
part of South Africa was thoughrttr
be nothing bettar than a barren wilder-
Nearly all the women who are
Inenl today tn literature began b
original comtHmlllon* of some k
another as aoon as (hey could hold a
pen. Mrs, Meade has produced ovi-r 100
work! of fiction and is still a lady In bei
Mrs. Hndgium Bumcil began
her career in earnest at the early age
of lA Ueverwe# had come to her family
by reason of the cotton famine, and she
wa* anxious to help the family funds.
Kdna Lyall began to w rite Rtorles- w ben
she was aboul $ years old. She wrote,
as she says, "for the Joy of ArltlDg"
and becaUR* she could not rewlst the
craving to describe the heroes ond heroines who filled her young tmaginatiun.
I.ady Delamera la the beauhful yoBBC
Knglleh tUM-lety woman who I* now la
>■ lit'art of Africa with her husband
shooting, or trying toghoot. Ilona. Lard
Ociamcrc. wim js still a young tree tad
mcirlcd hu( -nr yar ago Is weQ
kiiMWi. lo In- an lmr. pl.l Ihm h .^1** and
I.I.S ahead} nm.l- ihr.v trlpsl^.. the
.lilrrlor ..f th. .l.i.k ........tin -lit afiTr big
HIS H-'l..,., ..„„..}uiwn t.-giin .1
111,., sgo .111.1 II wia
In' s.'i'i*iiil ii.>'nili'.
Ills lli.tt hunt*
■ r am! l.i« fair . ..ii.i..ini..ii will again b«
h.'arO “I l-y ih- i; In-n ls,
That the Kngllsh otTleer* wbij
Now It Is realised that when
once this country, which Ithodes criJ
hIs company first opened up. I* properly
axpluittd It w III prove one of the world's
new £1 Doradoa
Is cl.arly rh..«n l.y the pr,'pa.at...iir
f. re going I.V the field
Kwry bit .
n.eh.I IS ca|efully caM aside. Tic
Icipating a
lied by the
•ughof tbe preparations for war which the covmmeni
It of the erafty Com
Paul has be« making tor some time past. The same might
be said of tbs
gire a very good Idea of th* Boer fort at 2
af T«cent cvenU. has aa especial Inteiast b
gt* between th* Boen aad th* Brlttoh.
A l•OI^TO «M•A^ lli:i.l.R.
Porto ItUo. III.' miin> ..tlicr ixiunlrlw
f ihr s..ui». Is i.McI for the t♦*uIy ed
* Vouiig klirh.'tli.iUKh il mbit be cod-
lancers liuHly engagid'll
Oaa ot the :
and romantic citlco In Prance Is the Uttl* old
provancal town of La* Bai
laux. now a mere ahadow of th* great center of art
aad nutlc it one* wi
During medlwvai time* Le# Baux held a once famous
Cony D-Amour. and
.little renaissance
temple with the umbrella shapad roof, shown in the sect
-ylng Illustration, was the eenter of this sixUenth century court.
ortglnally courts held by ladle* of high rank
tn which the rule* <
-------- laid down. Tb
an tb* quanflcatloDs of a candidaie. dictated the subjeeu upon whi^ trauba'
doon were lo compoae their Uya. Judged the dlRerenl alnger^ martto ai'pnnisbad by disgrace or exelnslen thoac who violated tbe law# of the eourt. In th*
twelfth contttTT theoe courts of Iot* even went furtbar. and. bwldM larlhg
down ntla* of grammar and dialect, weal ft> far as to fdra ntla* for loa* and
; aad dlrwrtad all tba ayapioia* which th* dlaelBlea ot Brea W«a
tg dShlMt Oh tlM proper <
4 Mora th* proper prfbn.
fightlnv III S..01II Africa liavr
i.iny n ••haMoli.mi. r In their ninks
I- J;t
j;nirii‘h I
l.r.elu e.,l.,r ami every irucc of ^hip-ril.g
An ofllclal who .iccuple* a somewhat
unique if not precarious position Just
at the present time to Sir Walter Hely
Hulchlnsun. tbi
governor of Na
When ibi
fully Invaded
that colony
few week* ago.
they declared It
to be annexed
African RepubUc. and so. for a
time. Sir Walter
seems offltlally
out of a joU
by. the
way. has had a governor of tta own
since ItC. this official being asslsled In
the manageroem of the affairs of tb*
aute by an executive and a icgislaUr* quickly lekvei her. la their yeutK
however, many of the young womc%
especially those In whom the Spanl^
blood Is strong, are very comely pat*
eons to look upon. The accompanyltf
The oldest tree on earth with as as* IllusiraUon If from the photogntph <i
thentlcated hlatory Is th* great bhoe one of the best known and most pepvtet
tree of Burma. For » centuries It ha* belles of. Ban Juan.
been held sacred to the Buddha, aad no
person If allowed lo touch the trunk, i
Tbe Wagner club ferwMd at WMli* When- tb* leaves tall they are canted
away as reltes by pUgrtma.
ly to study tbe compoaer's worii tags %
I tembeeahip cC M.
* bebj^btot.
bl» Vm M J
teUf bU Mden
•rdiaaij wliale bas a Uiruai ao amall
. A arlU bardl>- take a aiuaU flab, tbe
i Sflcbalot rvald avallov Jonab wlib
f1—*j- of room all arousd to apare.
r tt«i
whale has
•Wjcq.u.alte3:.meoe^rpaaIsreo3c-w-B.>i^ arx<± MvufJlgi
The rnnkllB life hooy. a BBlqoe IBTeOiloB of BeBrwAdmlnil Hk-bbom. la
now la one. not only oa all Te*wrta of
the United Sutes navy, but also to A
TTben James & Hogg, fermerty go»
of Tesaa. lumbered Into town
Uat week and went to tbe WaMorf-Aa
torlA, hit frh-nda hardly knew blm. H»
great extent on tbe veaaeU of aU conilderable naval poarera. aaya the SclCBilflc Amehcan. Like aU other use-
waa Juet a> big. Jnal aa bre<«y. Jnai
ai opes-faean.-d and eomitanlonaldc at
oanaL bnt ibere waa a change.
ke that of old time.
In ibai
ulk area Hi.tii
It waa full of jovial obw
obeervatloui ar.d
ful toTentlona. It la almple In prindidt
being a hollow, air-tight, metallic ring.
providM with two autoinaUc torcbea
A beard liiat rambled all over bla face
and compM.-ly eonreaW the bnd.liiii
good hnuior itiat It uuirked In every
lino around bla month. It waa a wild
VbatebciDt- wblrb tinea lu -moutb for
Iftat axprt«> purpoae, and tben avalIBVIBC thr'ui at lia lltaure.
But tbla
VOlUd neviT do wltb tbe cacbalot. It
erratic eon of a beard, and aeenued ic
be govemtxl by no law.
Now be
clean aliaven. and bit faee beams tiki
a fnU. round tuoun. and hit eyea twin
tea ao wbalf-bune for one thlnf. and
Itt eapacluuK Kullet tbowa that It tuu»t
Makt Ita rii>iumar7 meat off aome
kle with merriment.
Saeoted d.-ep-M-a eaplotvr, waa near a
•aebalot in lt» death agonj once. It la
tbe euatottJ of the animal to eaiplg lit
•tatnadi in it* dj-lgg ajmnlea. and In
Iba conleiiU Ibua auminarll}’ cjt-cied
were found liuge plecea of one of ibeee
•Bonnous ten-armed ihlnga.
So tbe
■Mttar reath upon IndlaimUMe aeienMe autbom.r. at well at u|k>u Mr. BuiIn'e ran.
It la believed that tbeae
•Qtiid live at a conaiderable depth be1^ the surface of tbe tea. aulwiailog
SPM amaller membera of tbelr owb
teadca and ujion aquatic planu of one
•net or another. At] of tbem. from
MaUMt to lat^L have tbe Ink hag
ftpB wblcb Ibe pigment aepla la tak••. In tbe flgbt meoiione<l tbe water
waa quite bla.-k all around.
There la auotber aori of devllflah. alWOTt aa bad to look at but by no mcana
m aril to en.x>unier Title la a-great
Str- a tnie flab with the Kid.-a eapand•d Into m>n of winga inetead or tbe
•WtMnar.v tlmt. a large blunt bead.wltb
Mg eyes and a mouth full of ap|>alllng
•aeth. a nilwr long tall with a liaiin-d
lasee of fime. very abar|i. proj.x'iiug
•Bder It. tbeaklu Im-Iiie wllbout acalea
•Bd leotbiTj. ru»-»e are to t»e found
M the ttuir of .Mexlixi and along ibe
•oaat of 4-allforuU. Tliey gixjw to have
IB expanM- of ten to fourteen f«x-l.'
. Ur. Kulleu but a gn-ai .l. al i» say
•bent aluirie. It ma.e Dot be g.-n.-ralIf known, bill aome men of •-.•iiNl.I.-raMe experlru.-i- deny that tbe abark ever
•ttacka a human U-lng. aud eay ibai
•11 the Kiorl.w 4)f Ku.ldeti .leatli from
•he ebarVe jawa wen- due eiiber to
iBjBriee Inflli^ed by aoiiieiblng eba- or
•e imagination.
Mr. iliill.-n dope not
go aa far aa that, hut hed,M-a gige some
tog. etniegliug iua«> of abarka whl.-b
fltber aa lea.n aa the killing U made,
•ml not lie injured lu the Ivaal by
them, it iiiB.v Ih- i>err.x-il.v true that a
•allor will ti.ii niair b.kWI eating, vet
•• Mr. tliiu-n ale.w.xl iq bla Iwtlad of
tte Stu.y l.rig, tie eaii l>e .-ateu. and
M the Bllnrk were ever g.>iug to eat him
•he time woul.l Im- when lie was biingry and waiilng for bla doubtful diu•er about'n»- whale. Mauy ilmea. 1m>Wdea. the niuili-latala WH' .tverlunied
•Bd the en w left with ih.-lr |.-i.-a In tbe
- Water for luiura at a .......... wiihoiii IkWlg bamied. though there are abarka
•U alavul. But Ibe quealloii is n.ii one
This barber waa a rren. h
apuVe little English.
governor made him undersund what
Tke t’BibrwIla's BCory.
Xtnae Tie, tbe brat cheiioe be gets, he
bear in
1( that name ia e{M-lled:
the Hng tluil they will He In the aanie
plane and mow neatly against tbe aide
of tbe ship when tbe buoy la not in
he wanted more by algna than worda.
He aald afterward that be wasAn Idloi
to trust a lairt'er who couldn't api-nk
uee; but vvh.-u It 1« drupjMd they akaume. by vlnue of the weight of their
EngUah. but In tbla eaae be did.
climbed beavlly into the eh.tir. strei
lower euda. a vertical poaltlon In tbe
water, lima mMog Ibe algnala above
ed out bla bulky frtme. and pnimp 'y
went to al.s-|.. The barber dii-ped ti. l
the surface. 1-hich torch ataff la flUixl
with a chnmUT at tbe lower end conUioing calcium pbuapblde, a cbemlcontact with the
cal which Igiiitiw
a by c«
nipped and ib- m-laaor* tang a lullaby tbat mmle the goveinor aluniber -di
the auuDdi.r
When ne woke up tV
barbif was griuoing and amlrkiug an..
p buoy
water. Wb.-n
ny uI dropped the
acala of ihe-.a i-haiuln-ra an- broken
aii^matlcallv. and admlonlon of water
la permlttixl. nud the gas<« of combuiHon aaci-ud and produce a Urge flare
INiiDiing wiih pride ib bla iandlwo'k.j
Tbe gov.-ni.ir gave, me li*vk
In lU. I
top. the combiwtlon
no danger of uverfaeating.
The flo
taiion of the buoy Is aufflclem to auatain Ibive men. Ibe central apace ac-
Ion. with a tine. ahan> iM.tut and with
all the d. ialU of a Parisian daudv. The Cause of Exhausted Nerves !
The gorcm.-r ihuo.I.-n-d hla aiiser^ »-ui '
and All the HU of a Weak
the poor luirls-r did not
ened Body.
The damage was done, however, and
commialailng one In a sKiIng ptaliluo.
aupported hy a chain which crosaea the
there waa uo getting arouml It.
that could Is- done was to aliare hi-
oftCnlng. Ceiicrally Iwo of tbeae buoys
are hung near Ibe tteni. where titey
can be. moat easily dropped entirely
clear. The most wirlklng teal of tbelr
fa<v cleau. and he has dispciis-;i wltb
a l>eard ever aloiw.
In-splle the racUiitat Mr. Hogg la a
deuioiTai. Is-ll.-v.-s in free sIIvh'. and MAKE RICH. RED. HE ALTHV BLOOD
la a follower of William J. Bryan. I.c
la aonn-ihlng of an'cpicuiv and '-kes lu
live well. - I stay at ibe Wahh-rf-Aa
Let tbe blood get Ibln, weak sad
lorU.” be aald. •be-ause I Ilk.- it .li. i*
rt of Ibe
and 1 can afford to. I have doiiv hard
^ j,
ghisa aud gna|»-d wHb astoulKhm-iii '
The twriM-r had taken hia l«mrd a ><l
trlinme.1 it in rhe labwt lUHalan faah-
eScleBry In our aervlce occurred ou
the IU-fat<Hl • Maine.” about a year before the waa Mown up la Havana
On the nH.mlng of Peh. fl. 189T. In
latitude at degrees north and longlHide Tb degt>x« 42 minutes we«t. a potrftioD a im^ BUiitb of Cape Hailenia.
the Maine waa breasting a
atrfmv sucti aa would liave tried the
aixiwt>rrhiu>-«a of the staD«-heat ahip.
In cjyx-iii
ciitiug an ofih-r. Gimuer Mate
a il.ia-.-l and Si-amaD Kog.-I
Tbe two
Br-Rntifol Smookiiig-JnekeU, Pretty Night Robee,
Swell Jewelery and
Bpw French Kid Gloves in Tan and Pearl. If you wish to purchase Xmas Gifts that please buy of
S. BEND^ ^ Co. orKfosn
Poorness cf Blood Coisultation ui Eiamiaanoa Free aad Stricili Coafideatial
Dr. A. «. ChasB’s
■•m antf Blood Pills
DRS. B. S.&CO.
inerican Hedicil tod Snrgictl iRstitnte of Integon, llch.
Sotitsl ^Ay
Trekverao 0±^7~,
Dec. 7, 1899.
Oaoe Hours Dos Os.Bk. to Sp.s
biioya w.-r. liiinio.|istely dropped, aud
llaxa.-! waa a.a-li to n-ach oue of ........... .
ihi- eist.ihlf.Nl.mr Welsh Bards' .tsso-
but Kogel s.a-ma to have lieen almined. for lx- uinde no apparent effon to
anve blniwlf.
Seeing this. LAndaiiiiiii
William J. t'nx-Iman
board ainl made a futile alletupl to
r>>a>-ue him. and after falling auiiml.il ill michiiig ihe aaine buoy to vvhh-h
Haaael slti-adv clung.
In tbe mean
while Ihe la.rt lifeboat, manned hv a
volnnt.-er .n-w. un.b-r command
t'adet Walter Gberardl. waa lo«-er>-<l.
bnt It waa found that In the teirlti.
had U-cn . k.-pt. and wh.-n the ahip'
aieHni«*d lu their dins-iiou. ibc l<>n-h.-«
wen- ito»n aiglit.d through the hllml-,
lug miat of i^piti. aud by the moat akill ,
riation of Mitviclana.
At-UAik 'hr-*
ful baiHlIiiig the two men were anfe
diiyV mual.-al fi-«tiV.-il. whhh lnkv«
Iv iuiulni over ihe U-w aud land.-d
Iltilc hijun-.l bv'tlu-rr Bdv. u"
hi Wal.-a. the harfwr or aliiucr
who wlii‘ th.- jirlxe ia a.-al-xl In the
tbnl 1a>ib rvlitriHil l» duty
dniM'a chair, with au lm|H»lng .vr»a
next .la.i. uiic of them, llaaai-l. only i
IM-ri-li lu the i.-i-rible <-iitasir»|>Ii.' .
the following \.-ar rrva-lman ia no
a gunufr'a miit.- -m th.- Iowa.
he knows that he has received a Tie tbat no other firm can mab-h - not even “tie” as to...........................
work In my life, and
I la-lU-ve iImi meot.Tbe diaeative ayatra fails to
every one whuiild get all tbe good he its dntv. and there isindigestion and
can out ol lUc world.“-N.-w
tbe liver aod kidueyi
^loggM and inactive; there are peins ia
be back, iidei and limbi; beadocbc
■ ■' ■
biusted. I
------------------------Tlie higlo-t ..l.j.-i ,.r >■ W.-Iah bird's
, lassitude and '
auililth>n la
In- <-li..a.-n an-hdruid h.v
To nd tbe aysteoi of these dlstrcaaieg
HIn caused
d by weak
aad impure
ure blood,
DO prepiralton ao effective as
W. Chase's Nerve aod Blood
Pills, tbe
piwrit-tion of A
giealeat pbvaician. Dr. A. W.
'. CbaM.
Nerve and Blood
la tbe blood, and
vigorale the whole s.vtteDi. They gently
regulate tbe bowels.'mske Ibe kidneys
d liver active, tone Ibc stomach and
digestive system, sod give new energy
and vitality to every organ ol tbe body.
Bmloeat phvaicians who have preacribed Dr. A. W Chase's Nerve and
Blood Pills proDODOce them tbe greslest
ol realorstivcs for wesk and impure
blood; so ccoD ■ box. al all dealcra, or
by mail on receipt of price, bv Dr. A.
W. Chase Medicine Company. Baffalo.
N. Y..
On every box of tbe geunine
will he found portrait and fac-similc
•igaalure of Dr. A. W. Chase.
To Dairymen,
Farmers, and Cattle
iiw.ny aud ih.- til.-wiug of mimpi'ta.
India and tla- <<iiiiuiri.-a to tbe eaai
of the B.iy of IP-tignl form (be bwue of
TWO groDini of d.-cr quite dlatlnrt ftuffl
any of ih.ac iuhahltiug rootv uortbern
vliim-w or om- group n n-pn-iM-ntaiiibaa lavn aln-.-idv dcpl<i,->l lu ibla (la
per In the ahslw of the chluL or axis,
and In another group ibc aiiih-t>
acarvcly dlajd.iy th.-ir chief iKK-uHar-'
p.-ri.-. liou; hut It la pioialblc lu
Urmw »a a Trolla, Car.
It wa-< -ii .1 irotii-.i oir co’ng
Midlan.1 ll.-s.-h to B.-rg.-n iv.lni> Well fltl.-d with }w-.ip|c
The '
had In- ii atM-iidliig liic day al the Nticti
andwi-r.- on tli.-lrwny home When il."
car waa sN>iii half way to ila d.-aili.;i-
forma s
•i>iiiiauoua curve with tl..
iM-gan t
tine proj-xilug over the faw. and ben--ti-mied the hrow-tlue.
Such a coutl- ;
nulty of curve I- met with in no other ^
living deer. aud. therefore, at oii«v i
anSii-F* to distinguish the tbamvog ns;
this apfH-U-s U called in Bnrmai from |
all lia kitidred
Tbanieng are fcm.l
We are now prepared to aell onr ex
cellent feed-P^TATO PULP, which
lion the .-urrcin gave oui -and the .mi- we have on band at all timea la a aweet
ducior ch.-erfflllj aaaiir.il the pa-ai-u- „j
g.tw that the car would
j-r-.cixHl in '
laorder to inirodneeonr feed to tbe
alh.iii half an h«ur.
feeders we have redneed oar price to
Th.-IlcUt. led gone out and th-a 10c per 100. wblcb compared with tbk
wnecra ain for a few i dtiuii-a Id
•hat any man wiU care about witling
Tbe utnhrvlla is of cm- au<-i.-nt ortpA. aays the tV.mian'a lliffuo t-ompautna. It Is rmiiid in doaigiat on liiii-k
Etriiwan vaaoa. and Is irao-d
teck to auclvui Egypt, the mniln-r of
•no. Its first use waa uudoutKmIly io
protect fnmi the bundug rays of the
•ropU-al aim; lu Latin dortvation lx
from ouibra, a aliade. Tbe PlugllNh gi>l
•be nmhtvila fmm KraDce. aud the first
Rian who carried this ralu prou-cilon
to England w-aa Joaopb Hanway. who
Megan the pracil.-e wln-n
«un aud couiiuued It until bit dealb,
tB 17B4.
ILuiwty was famous In bla
4ay ai a phllanthropiat. but be is i\•lembcn-d now quite as much for his
^nlsteux- lu i-airyiiig an miihrella.
la-ailiig down tbe
agatmi the uaenif It. at for any of bis
putvly lM-Dcfiti-m dn-da.
When Uiinway dicii all tbe people In England
were carrying umbrellas, and they
have laa-n carrying tbem ever aln<v.
Indeed, nowadays. England would not
■eem Englaipl without the ever-pres•Ot umbrella.
Ttaoiigh the umbrella came from the
bat. reaching first Italy, then Spain
and Prance, and afterward tJngland
and Germany, tbe pendulum now is
•Winging iiack again, and late comneirial atailstle* abow tbat the city of
pari* is exi-ortlng 600,000 umbrellaa
annually to Turkey, while In England
to one year 81B.000 smbrellaa werv
•aBSfactnred tor ablpBunt ta Borsia.
mind tbat when R centh mun receirea a
‘'NHoie'* in tbe in-ckbHiid
place" be could find. He m d the bar
ber that he wanted to bare bli beaid
tbla tins- the twix^u^D on (he hnoy lisd
b^n hist eight ofT btJt tbelr ta-aringa
Whale, after It I- illbxl aud nuH.roil l>e•Ide Ibe vi-««.-r down lnt<» the mx-IU-
(iver 300 dot new Puff —I in HandB—Bows—Clubs
De Joinvillee’ French LavnllierB—Tecke ai.t! Full Dnns at fn-m .oc lo 2,-VI.
tlie lm|k-rilc.l men with ihw lawi. and
llte cti-w were hauled alaianl b.v lif.linea. ibe laui
•ten aallor* van poa-li.ly oiak.-. m he
we only charge ?1.00
NEW NECSWB AS just from Chicago.
which make It pomlWe to locate the
buoy at night.
Tbe torch etaffa are ao pivoted to
waa when be waa wlial.-tlabiug. ami
te ea.va' ibai all wbal.-ra have an Idea
•battbeeUprk kiiowa be la to have U-t-
Jgta them al.>n>-.
That aounda a little
•no Int.-Uigeni for tbe flab; yet it la a
•ertalniy tlmt a atll-.r may fall off ilie
Let’s Re-cover Your Umbrella
gfDUinv Uniyii Twilled Silk Cover
beard trloimol, Toqnotebls ownwonla :
be *^mbl<Hl Into tbe flneat tonaorlal
■Betanixw where men In the uaier
were not ealiW by aliarka. Ihougli they
ted the Ihhh chanix- lu the world. It
Jpf ftxal whenever tber make a alrlke
How be came it
part wltb bla beard U an lutereaiiut
After long neglect Ibcvgoremor one
day decldixl that be would Lave bu
larfar fom> of aulntal life. Once Mr.
BnUafl aa}-a be aaw one of tbeae big
teaato makiuB a dinner from a glganik
•Bttlaflab, ujir tritta anna tnanf yard*
; bide with lu aurkgra that tbe Mllon fontid ibe maria
But Ibe wbale wa* talileg great bJf<« out of tbe aquld for all
lliat abd devouring It guile at lelanre,
Wltb a sunilH-r of amaller wluitea about
waiting for tbe frairniettU wlilcb ibe
•Id fellow nilgbt cbauce to b-ave. Tbe
prince of il.<iuK-u. who bappeua to be a
TO $6.50
ene calls hits—and be la known ny
hardly any mher name—formerly aron-
§t tbam. tiralulDf out ttu* accumpao;Iflf aca aaior tbroosb tb« frluirr of
Tte big M|uid, Victor Hugo'a deellBab. a cnodi-l of wblcb la In the neld
OalDDbUn.mii»-um. waa dolt« iia beat
Ip Agbt tbt^iacbakit, tbraablug around
nth Ita
_ jt on in
One minute.
No Sewing
punctuatwl with quaint
The .-liange waa In bla fa.-lal '
adorameiit. Tbe governor, aa every
n* eeiDBioa wbale. aa U trell-kDovii.
teito for tb« luott part ou wrr aoiatl
■arlBc aattuala uklo's in a bnxr rulp
tetf, eight of them wltb ancken all
teWB Jbvlr entire length, and two
*lMV<r oiu-» like feeleta. with onlg a
tiW Buckcfs at the Up end
Jones Umbrella “Roof “|i
"ir.....■............. .
Tb* Hu*t SnoesMfid and Bctoatlflc TrMtmmtof All XHseaoas sad Wflfasssf
of Hnnklnd Possibto to Obtaia.
.1 *rW«l> *04 t*»»r»l.lj koeva
lo t*»*ro1te< Slave*. 8U Ioo« experience.
tvw*'k*blr akill sod uolrersei •urcesa 10 Ike larxesi bospuel* lo Ibr world eneble* bla to
treaiehCURONIC.NgBVOl-8, RUIN aod Blxart) U:*e*ae* opoo the taio» ocleovlSe prtnetple*.
e*. bad
eovlUe* bln
blm to the full
fuil ccoSdeoce
cooSdeoce c(
cl tbe
ireoUac due*— sj
b^Sen^al D
Ceterrb, Dlbeobe* of the gte. Ear. k
4 Secobl Dimrmarm epeedllr eared by t _
beta*. Bldoer. Ueer. medJer.Cbroi
.e-kblrd of say other Boot tObi be* oeeer failed Ic tbousa
itecMt abont
s vbbl bad beeo pronooBced berond bop*,
re be«b restored Vo pertset be*lU bad VbO*
Meo} people meei deatb every rear w
P.»«e<l.belre*be. to «be hbod*«reip
Bonw of tbe moat Inflnntlal feeders
-oliar VO tbe *es. Ttmi
have given tblaprodoeta-tborongb test
•air. hut an ohl h.TRiii.
i«l l«-fi.r.- tbev kti-vv II half
tpo ]>.Ni|>1e
e on
the ear bad jolii.-d In.
ill front, the last )M>r.
a tiil ti'"*--<l
ho would have Iai-n and report tbat it is dealrable in every
ann In'the n
ncqiinlniasm- wlib sa reaped and rqaal to all that is cUlmed
auNPeeici of
il for 'Thniw Out
‘•r.'.l n'Usle .-nihil
and Jolmd in w ith gn-a,
-We have wmpleted an ideal ar-
OBBOWIO BOAS srss and gr*BblM*d,
from Mautpiir and Burma to Shim au-I' gu-io. and hymn followed hymn unill ,
I" loading into wagoni tor Ibe bsful oSeeu ot e*rlr rior bOd the ab- '
the Miday |H-iiiuaula. and are also mci
tbe car suni-<1.
etc., and wereaprctfnlly Invite all feedwltb in Ih.' island of liainan.
When thw--ar ainried and the Hcbfs
BBS .peodllr. cowpleioD nod peranneaU/
Burma, where they wciv first disi-ovhad been fnmnl on again, one pa'sen- I
ciiit atvom the year-IMP, they an
generally of It uniformly
-miy foxy-nil
foxy-ni] oul-|siannl
the hvmn. and flnallv _
or: Imr 'n ilnwe from1 OauilK.eta.
____ Slam ; sMt next to him. It waa evident that
pheastl al the result of
and Hainan, tbe -coat Is more or liw-l )>e
and a little queailonlue
Traverse City, Hicb
di.itluctly apiitl.-d with yellowish an.l
d.-v-1o|Hl tiiRt he ia * .
tnonand works in a priming ofliee on Wal
linnch.-d. These deer an- met with in
Btreel. Me la-lleve* that !l Is S part o
large herds in the Interior of Bunns, hi‘ miaalnn on earth to alnr hvmni
Dm OmgAW ooemM bseewobmUr aod ; WC ei AKaBTSB TO CniB norrow An
wbvne they fn-d largely on growing
a .oar da« *«J all otoor
o,se- ^ CATABBU OP W BOSE. bmneblU. and
rv-l>oat*. He aald that he m-nrlv gl..n.t™b.-.cao-drr-ea..ee. Po-Ueat,
■ tind the people responsive and
that h somtlmes did a litAlMvnrS year ago a little Imy btongbi
DmAffamSS 1 rare 10 por ennt nf aU tnaaa
Chnoer. PUeo aod DIM*** of Wo«eo .jol
a very strange patient to the Sundcr■aoj caM eorod la on* traaUMaV
Dnd pnbllc iiiilrinary. England. In Un
I DUCBASaina EAKSoaradtn eewry OM*
Tabls. te HerwheL
UIS.-Eacb pofM apnlylag tor MdScsl trsM8lr Bol-erl Ball recently onvelled a
brine (Uai poboed Snv Is the Boramg yewawsv bhoBld Md or bring _____________________f
bronze taHci at lf> Ne^^ King sirti-t.
tereod). wblcb wlU reeoir* bsarafcl eheiolcal mad Blcrooeoptenl bsnalnstlon, lafl 1f rbnntiind
to get a fish book
Both. KuclaniL recording the fact tliat
Peraon* ralood lo boaltb M nnloamod pmandera. wbc k*M
a wruten analyal* wUI bet gireo.
lisfvaw. As |wss
allow any William llcn-i-l'cl. the great astrono
a«i tng polanoosb nnd tolartonn cMpoanda, nboato appip
orlAlBg wUh UvCB Bcolfe •fwr
tavodlavep. Dtlar* are <
touch him an operation mer. re/ldid there. Herachel dla<-overv.|
IDIII tbe happy the phiDi-i T'ninns fmm the luitw gar
vugge*ii<VD that
Stop la BBd toU
cat Bbogld ta- den of that bouse. Sometime* be fonud
BnleoMBltatUala^olatend. ”—•-■------------ s---------7inl
I nnniaimibl Tibaiwwl n*al O a B. M n«r pM *4 O.W.
chloniforuicd wo
ide. ITse anae*- It necessary to hrtdg hi*
iln-llr was Biiplled lo
» the novel sui- Into Ibe street opposite tl
The Michigan Starch Co.
; ^U'.“.A'5'ASSrsSSS',rN^
Pretty gear lime
m ihiok aboel haviig yoai
Bicycle Enameled
Ject wltb tbe greateet soccee*. tbs
book drawn and the paw bandBccd.
many of tbe dltcoveriea
toe ftp ‘
NS. B. s. t CD. niuTE loi iti Hsucoi. nci.
TBM Kournia
: down bar
s:?™ »
then the aiepped out
after ber.
fnielope atood N Me «oar. with am
atuueed anille ontaa dp*, aad watched
k..«; «l.h .ree. Ihenob.
of • life eooi|.lrt»t» ft-ed
-Kjfr OaltofJ.
hatie. iben ahe oaid good-by and went
«b» pi3i*e of pe»r, rerMied >■ Mormleta
Mn. Skloarf’ looked bUok for a
B>em. tbfO ohe roue to her feet.
-n-. awful Ute. Uln dyni be expectlng toe.** She put on ber ihlog* la
AM M ihroB«b rifled rtood* a auB w 1
rau UsuUj
“Ml.- su.,.,." A. «u«i
h!r». SkUuier pauaed ataJ waited Im-
They aai togeiher in Ulaa Peoelopa
» altilnf.toom.
PeiH-lope a
e answered:
“1 al
e black strip she was going to |
•rosnd the edge of ber rug. but lira.
Skinner was trying to Ihluk of aome
way to lead up to the aubject of Job
UfcoDib. Sbe was on from tbe West
Tlaltlng ber sister. Mrs. Simeon <lur-
blm propose, snd so t dhls't let blm
She turned and went swiftly back to
the bouse.
btta. Skinner stood ttIU. ‘'YVell." sbe
tal<L ••! don't Bee's I've found oui
mdbb. afer all.- and she walked slow.
Ij _____
along, ,defeated and dejected.—Boa(gg <jlobe
rtower cwtrbM nie*.
aey, 4pd sbe bad cboecn Ibis sfiemoou '
Ftytrsps an- well kouwo in the anP
to spend witb reneloi>e Rankin.
mal kingdom to erery one who baa
•Base you .ever found out why abe ty«a. or. ai leaet, who uw» them, aa.rs
*ntiltin*l tnairy Job LlacombT’ lira, tbw l•bllad.•lpbla Trcaa.
Amoa bad asked wben they were talk- j
Tbe delbale Web of tbe spider and
Ing about I*rnelope that torenonn.
tbe deejily cOt and broad mouib of >he
•No, we LsTco'l," lira. SlmeuU bsd awallow at once suggi-ai tbeiuselrea.
1 believe ni find out tb1« afternoon,
br We*, a. a. Dari*.
Tune.-"t'.m H. ««.- Th, u*e-t
»w.-i cv»: li. 0B.
In this pasngs of Scripture we bare’
Be bad nut been lewot
lastitnUsL Ee had not reerired it from
Christ a dlaciplee. bat from Oiriat B.mself
How or where be receired tbe ordintnee from Christ we do not know,
but we do bare bU explicit sUtemenV
‘-I bare receired of tbe Lord that wbiefa
also I delivered note yon."
1 The Lord’s supper is a divine ordinknee.
It was Instituted
by Christ
Ritan If in tbe copikt room in JerasaItan at the close of tbe Feast of tbs
It was the Lord Jesus Him
self wba the nicbt He was beuavtd.
Ulgbt aay.
Yes. I'd Jusi-as lief ask ber j
But tUaf a vcgwablt sliuuld have
exquisitely cuustrucb-d and ]>erfitt
oubBut now. at she looked at IVnelope
•be hesiut.-d.
Bbe decldA not to ask
ber right out. but to lead
question csutl.msly.
up to the ;
“You seen] to la- real comfortably sit- '
h j,.
you've done better than
,hen. unlikely, that a fly could
su|>i>Iy a plant with food and yet a
p„ef„., ,rap ilmu the leaves of
tbe Uh«ea' . iinnot be Imaglu.-d.
The little plant Is a native of tbe
barrens of Car.
est'and importance to this feast
3 Tbe Lord's supper is a memcwial"Thifi do in remeiuhnneeof Me." said
It is not only a memorial of
Christ, but a memorial
orial of that crown
ing act In His life by which the world
was ri-deeuied from sin—tbe death of
"As often os ye eat this bread
and drink this cup ye do show the
Lord’s death till Be cunm " The neces
sity of such a memorial ia due to lbs
fart that tbe bnman heart is so prune
to for.:el
We forget even oor greatest
benefsetora witb amazing ease
a bb-ssed thing it ia tberc-fure. that
Jesns insiitnted. this ordinance to beep
ns in roustani remerabrance at least <4
tbe UK«t sinpa-ndons event In tbe bia-
changed into the lady and blood of
TransnbeUDtiation is superBtilioD :.ud absurdity
Tbe • letneois
>D ore but syml
material tyiiea of spirit!
menta Christ ia Bjiiriinally received by
faith by tbuae who |>aruke of ibis or
dinpnee in aceordanca witb Christ'a apIt grows to a UeigUi of from pqii
The Holv Spirit applies to
d in
ii this
tw elve
Inches, prudixiug a I our souls the bleoaing"
bead of large wbUlsb fiowera, i Christian f><stiral
And thus alone can
the owu.q- of the Udy's We be blesM-d in partaking of tbess aaThe flower stalk rUes m>m a (Ted
(■red eiubleiDa
eiubleiDa TTiere is nothing efficaeffica
tbat'a married."
I rooelta
of yellowish
leaviw. cious in tbe elements or in him wbo
She laugbid a little nerrously.
It apn-adlng on'the ground.
Each b-af adiuinisters ibiun. hot w%eu (cuptTly
wmm't OS easy as abe expected. She [, divided by a deep Incision Into two received tbe Holy Spirit Ueseos them
wondered If that waa^too abrupt a be- 1 portions, the lower being a broadly to the good of our Boula .
4 The Lord s supper is a onmmsnd
' winged fool stalk and the upper the
renelope smiled placidly. "I'm great- '
or mie leaf Itself. This iiin»T ''This do.
said Christ
Be left no al
ly favored." sbe said, "and I don’t feel
•ay reason for comidalni w ith my lot,-
portion is the fly-ira|»-lbe most CO,jou* ,,an of the pUnt--aud demands
Mrs. Skinner went on with more con. i , ,.*reful dew-rtiiUoiL
fldencc. "I guess you didn’t make any I
j, ,, f„„u.|lsh and divided Into iw^o
there was silence.
"No." »lo- wi'tit on hastily, fearing
Bintlect or ignore tt T
that IVncp.p.’ would cliaiigc the
Ject. -no. I guess you knew- what
Ww a»s.ul."
. Sbe wains] till the pause' was
tbe rjghl lelirth for the pffe.1
f,Vniisli.d wTili ibrie sh inier brlsih-s. | institntt.m ' Till H.-niiue. ' ssvs Paul
you ' ti,,. ^.u»iH.cn.io. of Ho- baf clil.-By totbet’orinthians Christ has not come
'll,.. In th,-,,- iiriMiles.
If nn insect j.^, „nd tliercfin- until He doe* this
alights ou ijic leaf uud loucli.-s
is binding niun His
ahe wore of them Hie shl.-s sii.tdculy Hose pen
apprtviate this high
Wished to iiPsliH-e. tlieii said: "Hut
Tve alwavs wond>-tvit liuw you bap. I
1W<U|H' Ibc trUigc of and
I all Its
iipiaisiie side of the deatl
Hicn-’s a psvl many ' brlslh-s ....
-I SH|.|H.S.'........................................
BibU- Kemling*-El xii. 1-14: Pa
e the Huger*, of the
would Ilk- to know Ihsl.” silld IVne. ,
sal t'lg' ihcr. or like xxiii l-e.c. I'.%.cxvi. iS lO. Isa Uii.
s'l iriiji.
1-14. .Mark xiv 13 :13. John xiii. 1-15
the teelli .»f
not crusiusi or siul- slv 1031. Korn V. Q-tSsAelH. ii 41
looked Si Iht frh'ml with bright, plerc
dcul; ilcsinii'sl. Inti Is reluiu'sl Hrm- 47 XX. « 7 -Heb vii -3.-. 39. 1 Pel u.
ly liuprlMOiisl until it is.as.T> to move,
Ing eyes.' Inn at Hits answer a dlsap81-2.1. I John ii I 8 Rev ii. It)
potiited c\|>r«->s|oii cinne over her fn<-e. which w.iuhl mean tiuill it was dcn l.
and then
the leJif sh.wly . xpiin.l-*.
"Well, you mu’! ili'iiy ‘tw-n* curlous."
,ilfol.hsl al lilgM.
The two.lots'* a
•be sahl: u'lHi the slightivt
the dii>.
aiKlk(s-i--B sHi...l bg His children
ritallon in her vobv. "Tlii-rv he’d li.s-ii
here on earth and one of His Uvt
going with .i'«l Sh«.ly Hint Mpriiig and
leaf nuh kii i-l.-siTi. (vmalii* .-h.snl for teachers is dUup|a>intinem My fri.-nd.
d s
then all at oiii*-'he *lop|ied
B Shi»rt lime, then alowly expaii.K wben von and 1 reach onr Fath.-r's
•either pf you gave any reason for H. r,.„.|v «„
agulu If newly irrlbonse. we shall l.xk ).srk and see that
Itaat I ever heard «f."
tbs slmrp Voiced, r.mgii visaged n-acber.
"No." said I'.-b.-lope. "I'm surf
1 j
Itiit if U Iw ■■*iia>s! lo make r.p.-at•ever have." ,
' e.1 .froris al short InlcrvaU Its im.v^ disapisnuiment was ..ne of the ^guj
guid<s to train ns for it
He gave ns
A tinge of .vdor flameil up In Mrs.
nicnis ls.c.uuc Unguhl, -.........................
nllotf'lher exlunisli-*! and i* hanl lessons: h.- ..fteii ns<d the r.«l; he
nils, was rather dK. blliiy
old} by a |sTiod of ri-]>osc. •ifn-ii h-d ns inic thoniy paths: he
She w.ntrolled her vokv
■s.ui.'titm*. led US down into the v:
With an eff..n and went on patiently.
WKhnnt TwtrtUs.
of the (b-atb shadow, bnt nev.-r did
id tbe
"It was awjul strange. My! I r.,n j
. ........... ...
unsClBsil girt. WtM pTotniarar.-ad si.sw.s-He as when epi lled
rememls-r, jnsi how yon hink...! tiut '
rself as n iiiarksbl* ont by the eye of faith in that very
•prtag. Ym. had a lavendet delaine ««'**'"»""
apiM-nraiiee. or niamier.
• in. yilii
Talley Nowberedhl he lead ns so often
•nd It was tiTrll»1y iH-eouilng. and evhert! Is iloTe a pbice for a or teach us such Kiered h-ss.iiis as at the
•rylsHly said llmt you and Job were
girl tmlai who Is not iH-amlfiit’or tal cross lyf Christ Ih-ar old rough handed
the beet b<>>l.1irg collide In lown. Tliai
ented. wim .-an not play, '-r pniiii. -r teacher' We will Imibla im.untueui to
t me. fiit Hint <
tiug. («n ....... is-niili li.-nnlf to writ* thee yet and crown it with garlands
an essay for a tlli-rary Hull, and hn< and inscribe on it. "Bliwi'd be tbe
no ability Tor leadi rsblpr’
For suet memuTvtd diaappointmeuL
Rev. Dr
a one the liMorj of an everv-day pit T L CaybT
who met fiilttllment and wroiigbi fp u
"W>IU everylMijly
Ibuiob rstruck
romtiion maii-rlnl a w-omh-rfut life
When It eatm- to an end wi sudib-u. and
fabrle imiv >»■ offen-d.
Sh>- was Hi.
Ministers oft>-n lU-.-acb (<>r the saks
everybody gtw«wJ a illffereni fi-asoo
plaimwi of a ramily. antTas she graw
of preaching, not for the purpose of boSume thought It was Ids mother made
• gave nn sign of pc
mg heard
tbv iroubh.. and some oald yon bated ____ ___
tblug that would
tbomler Men heard Him altiioogb
•mokin' so liBd. hut 1 always tlmughl *"* ,, ,*
they fail<-d lo catch the luvwning
g of
h was UiT be married afterwards."
what Re said There is a force in being
She i«osed aud lut'kod at I'cuHope. <
••gift." Bill nolwily exp.s-t.-d nn.vthlng
Great preachers have osnslly
trying to decide If she was going too '
gp-ai from "Mist
Margaivt. ” and
gr««t voiccw
John tbe Baptist must
were gissi |.s>kiug
Hmi year." she
•Bld-geu>r«'usly. gliinHilg al l••'U^doJ«'
e the ••fr.'ci of her w onis.'
. -YOU kw.w. he began ,0 go Wltb.her
and wss rall.sT tc
“Wrtl." sahl rem-lope. sud.lenly.’-do
gun bUme a girl for Iwlng mad under
•nch clrenmsism’es?”
Mrs. Skinner eanght ber breath. It
-waa coming oat now.
“So that was tl«- reas.mr she said,
bar Toll*- shrill witb exHtemetn. "So
that was the n-a»ot. You don't sayr'
“No, 1 don't say." aald penHoiw.
There was a misi hlevous gleam In her
•yea. "I don't *ay to. and that wasn’t
the rvaaon. I was Ju^ fooling
Mra. Fkinm-r knit fast.
•pe looked
- “They say Job’s fat now." sbe said,
•dldly. --SU.I Iwld ^oo."
Mr*. Skiuner pkKed op courage for
•Be more trial. "Yes." sbe said, "be Is.
I iLOrw be-d Iw bald: It runs In tbe fanBy. Bay. Penelope." sbe pleaded, "i
wm." said Penelope, relent.
tell you tbe real rewson"
Big. "I'll
■ ................
Sbe psDsed. aad Mrs.. Skinner ItM
sist and to fill gaps
lo »be home
vice. She leanie.1 through all ih
e cotild J ri-epi t
•lie was IK. longer a lonely girl. I
Imagined that sbe had
l of part
Ip In Huaehlrvemenls of tlioM
whom she helpi-d. 1,-et It not be Imac
In.sl llini she bad ever experlencil
rcgn-l lliMt she bad h.-rsclf l»<Hm ove
distribution of glf:i
wben sii
wholly to ih.- piirpoMe of forg.-ttliig b>loss and helping otbera.
As soon ai
this ts-csnir a fact sbe began to nc-lve .rf the blcasedness of giving, an.l
the mental and spiritual eularg.'ni.-n^
of h.T ii.mis'nsaHve worki-d Itself out
wardiv. sc that ahe Veame a very
e iwrson.
iM-rwoD. Pinal’ully the
came. and tbe s
r fitted Ibe sti
eras bef(
_ ........ ...
in the slneetewf rvrereoce.-Woi
Is the amount paid to members from January 1st, 1899, to Nov
ember 1st, 1899. $4.886.78 of the above sum was-paid to mem
bers In Traverse City and vicinity during the above period.
This record should couirince all that in orderitolbe safely
protected it is best for you to carry your
Accident i Sickness Insurance
Claims Paid From Branch Office at Traverse City
Bines January 1st, 1899.
It Is aa direct a command os
can he found in the word of God
indiflerence of multitudes to it who
profeos to believe in tTirist is inexplain-
ttlsiake Ihu time you give Job I.ls-*'equal parts by a AtriWg mld-rlb. The, .able
Many never observe it. refusing
------- ------------------------.e.-------------«l»’y’rt-«i
niargins arc frlogetl with a row of
to identify theinselvtv with (nyd's js-opoor as pl'T) . and
' •**"’ *" KO strong spiny hristles. «• that It uint ple in the cbnrcb where alone it is ob
•nd break his leg. nn<i. well,
be llk»-losl l» two upp<T eyelids Joined served
Other* who nnite with tbe
to be In a peck of trouble all the iti<ie."
at their t>a>o.
The b-iif is a Hide cbnrcb are often car<-li-*s and lodiflerent
Mn. SkUiDi-r walled a moiueui. iiui
hollow oil cilher side of the lulj-rib. to this great command
How can we
pratty^... after yoy«t ,hr..ugh with
Blm. VkeU. I Hmtighl primp, hedld.
It. attaching to it ibe same comioabd
This fart abvnid attach peculiar inter
•aled." abe said al last. "And you »ix
•In't grown old like me. Tour house U '
|oat as preily as can be. and. well. I
Paid For Accident and Sickness Claims
Since Organization.
commanded it to be eaten in remembrame of Him, and tbe cup and blessed
I don’t m-llere you’d want to." ' markabb'. wbeu It is r.-memb.-rea that tory of the world' Though we forget
"fet. I would.
8bc and I used to plants differ inarkeilly from animals all •else of tbe ages past, we abonid nesbe goods friends, and It’s so many in regard to ibelr food.
For. while er forget tbe doalb of Christ
8 The Lord's supper ia a symbol
years since I've seen ber that she'll be animals live on organb- kUlwiHUces—
teellv like telling me things that obe that Is. on plaois or other anlmals- The bread and wine are not artnally
trouldn'i tell thi: n-st of yog that bare
Bred tight alMig with her. as you
took bread and tBakeond blessed it and
•Bd Ura. Amos gglnoVr was knUtlbg :
ttocklog. A saeore bad faUfu b^wveo
tbeta after ibe first balf-boor of ebat.
•ad each seemed occupied with ber
•wa work.
Penelope wss. la fact, tblaklng
mboobd bjhua^.dbobmbx: s. ishv'
have bad a marr. loas opeech |s.wer to
have lieen heard by the voat tnnltitndes
that thronged bis ministry The "stia
small voice" dould reach a tingle andihir aluDe in tbe m^ntain. bnt tbe mul
titudes are Dot
that way —Prmbyurian Journal
Secute a good iiaiu.' i.> thyself by liv
ing virtuoUHly and hnmbly but let tbit
good name he nnrted abroad and never
be bronrbi boute.to look opun it
ntbers use it fiw their own ad.antage—
let them spewk of it if they pl.-aoe—but
do not thou use i! at oU bot as sn instmment to do God gl..ry aitd thy
neighbor more advantage L« thy facn.
shine tootben. but maks
like M<
DO looking gla* for thyself —Jeremy
Ballalr4 For • Cowfliet.
Oonvening grace ts a free gift, bnt
it ia not a crows
Just as atom as you
give your faeait to Jems you are enlia*•«1 for a cotiflicT that will continue ontil tbe last blow is struck You will not
got to bMvsa before yonr time. —Latbens.
: ii
i^bk*lK'^a»D r
Pei-f rooDtslu
Jacob Hecirr
AuioD Top.iika .
FralS WVU........
tv.rr K.1.I-! ...
1.. a. Val. iJJfce
Hen H.ii.e..............
».eo n.'lr . . .
W. A Wllliswa .
W e. DvW'lu
biraroi.. Jr
' M
gaon Hpody
S D Ullic
K (> Palarr .
Willard M. Acker
Bert Hare
J W Weew
Cba* 1. Col
li » aiearn.. Jr
WlllUa H Arker
Arthur L (Irrllk-k
Ed Defer..............
r N l.'rbly
14 (10
Ueo. VairDyke
A A Miller .
J A Pea-r
Ben UflXte....................
•‘4.1 Krsrzcr. .
W. a. Tbayrr
iiro A Ely ..
Ur u
f 4i
T hi
IS iA>
MoJIBDil lilddlogs
v: to
H. »rr Knapp
Kri.j Krtnpuf.
t> UrLarblao .
J>. H.-Uonlgll .
K n Yorke.........
( «' Merkle
I.Ull.er l'»M*
(iuy LeVsUe; .. .
.. .
Thoe td«-ke . .
K .ialli*bav ....
K Jobtwo
W illre KtH.p
Mr—e* lj*rT«I->
JohkW w»-hi...rti
U'ul* B«r«ril..- .
S J PmVi.o H IjtValley
W'ur Dtmgla.
(ieo Poll-r
Lcler Pol er
<iu< King
Tbo* W'a>htiiirn
Msi Pricket
Tbeo Ze»,................
Jn.. tvKnrd
: .-ki
I* r*’>
» A!
's S
U !•!
Jbo SelMJO
Cieo ('•oaet
B Sierer .
H W MrlcblbS
,E. C. Iri.h
Frank Barlrj
< •«
IS ki
k as
i S*
1' i\l
"r iu
Prank Mivoey . .
(baa. Bad. ..
tiro <(vt~-lle............
F. V Verarlja ..
Fred KM-ert. . ....
Oeo Rai-Min
Jro llutler..........
Prank HUney .. .
in TV
RAPID errv.
C. M TI,acker
Wa. VouKbt........
PrrUII MaoolBg
W. A naodrra
ii kj
4 HI
lieo Biraddilig. .
Odrer Bubta ...
: ; : JS
(• B M.-Hanun ....
Henry Tn^nkle*
W K Puner
Elmer Taylor
Wa. l.a'aiBao
Jrrava Hoar
K A Ucst. , .
Wn M. Kay
Alfred y arrabt
*i B Kor-lMO
j’ae ••rlBkla* i,'!
bl Fft/OeraJd...
fafayri.e Cou«
Alle-n HBaJp
1* »
Anr.’*i Lara.*).......... 1 efi Un
C. E Keatberly
T to
Alfretl R l-.dv .
n p Hareeae ..
In »
Jnn FrrdrrI-k...........
Tb(>* Povera ...
Jlo Frederick
IS ol
»> W (iordon
* »■
g lla.linge .
IS or
Mike Wei.b
P. D Black .................. 1 8 W -■
cieo. Peiiii ...................... tt lir
L Knlen.
W 3 Hanford........
L Ki-le-rt-.
PeierHbnidneau .
P Haekect
Inel.. U >trerva ..
Wm D Freer
' II
: if
■ •eorsr Hull
H K.rrboer
S J.ibu>«a. ..
J.ld P'le.1 ....
J A Wnsbt
Atbrn Mbarp .
W a- fVlire
( bar. R.alH.
C T MK Bi. boon
N r Kauedrra
J.K Hirkard*
R. l'. la-caofe.
TI «!
'll TT
Oeo MosUoD
. • ; soF V
J K CaJliba
.s*- ;
P .i Tlioanaon ..
Irrln Wollr..
i: w
Prain-leCor ..
Jno leader..........
C, T Myer.
Frank WetJer
r A Jneea
N TbrrUult
treo LaFoublaln ..
( bao Kincleicti.. .
O M. let-alley
Kiir IarM>n
Ms> Frn-ber
Alien B«tg*ee
D E He-lU
E.laar,I Denbo
Ben Barb*
Cbm* U. Oar
Wr*lcl Kirs ..
■» TI
W' L S*»b , .
J.M Kwln*
W L Hro.n........
J. C3 Kupprri
Jo>. Diob ...
Ja> Moody .
Fraok Sasoo
O U Araairoaa
A. Nash..............
Dviirr l>BOb7 .
Birbard I'aler..
Jobo BoyS
bu-baid Ucaidsll...
Ja> l.a>iabray
1. A
• rr.Ul -.
- Mrrilll
A. Usu-lo'.l) ...
W Di Hrimtorib
Arlbur Krev.
AI'Tc.1 Writ
Ale I Mr’ aurblli
r N UrbI}......—
J J HUkr ..
A Dabrokolb
. H
Jm Kopscch
N O. Palmer
V. E C'saple-ll... .
A Tram-
rr! Kr.p.«
. Wrurbiaan
JlK>. POrflj .
C. J.LHboa....
Ji» K Ulbtirj
t'bba Ullmu . .
Ju... K. Kura
Jaa Mont; . ...
Wn. HfUiIIh
A X. WUiioo.
I Arkrr...
Alllc Hantb
Wa T Bright
Klley k TibPey
JeoaeJaar* ..
» » CO
1 l> so
Frank Ban....................ISM
Praok W Lasioer
«b On
ft Baaa .
| 10 TV
Fred Kataev..................
11 rt
Frab* Halllirti .
I < CO
After reading this advertisement, and you are convinced
that ■* OU should carry accident and sickness insurance. call at
my oflce over Johnson’s drug store, and information will be
furnished by competent clerks.
Send a postal card and welwill mail you particulars.
Do not wait for some one to call on you—take the insurance
before you are hurt or got'sick.
This Protection Costs but $1.00 per Month.
apply to .
J. M. Blakeslee
District Superintendent.
Blanch Office, Roem I, Johisoa BlocL
Ttafersn City, ■ichigaa
I ud «• tb» Br«t daj of p
lac. la i^u of bla brothel's reiDoa.:.
■tnaceo. Bor Ml ham for Urn crcal ,
Two <U7* lalor Albert foOowed him —wr.o«t««- tiiFr-»at.
, a towa. li was bm a toriMB hope, mtaOMt.tow
TW S»v*n «• ftr«« >«tj
bnt It oecarred to hln that be nlcbt £,. '3HL
Id vaf^
the clH-«or a coaHderatlon
M* t* *^***Vy
*■ ■■X 0«d Hr.
TMlM L«4 ma
of contae-to be merclfiil aad release ^.»«wbtoct
■ '”•1 »“ W.. J« W. „
M.. _d. his brother from maj fooUah'i
max bare made.
IS Albert did act know moea aboat'2S^
MAk. (rrU bnpa .ptlBC tnm (nr.W
■^a reoonied In lllasttatloo of the organ- $t (m *'*Sns(«< «ai
Torcbcater. but «B hU arrival at Tor- gmcre
Hem. tu Xtret •
I uaOc In bomaa belacs which Tboi^'*i^^
cbeatter House he found tUt a gardea ^
pailT was In fun swing.
*'"* -<«oato* Chsaaier IfMtItDa.
Ladx Torcbester greeted him wli
Cbroncb wbicb (be Loluact) rtrcr pass- ^
na. W. a. a W. a. Krea. treml pnrtto. atoe
few kind words of welcome an<
•«B This rtrer. which coosUliites a con- '.
passed on to his nneie.
-•Marabte affluent' of the Kongo, enp-!
"HeUor exrUltt>rid*tbe Utter, "what
■«lea Into the Utter river, on ibe aouih ] “The a
» X«u bare been ex- has brought xoo up to town f*
“Whx. to tell xou the truth. Ro<
u at a point aome 800 miles from
:. mx daar Box.”
Ube AUaotle eoairt. Wihln a abort dU- ttn Lastrance with the natronUlar been inrelgled bx some txpewrl(]ng
glri, aad rre come op to see If l ean
get him ODI of the meu and as I
■apresenUnc ibe beadqoartera of tha
to • «><>»• Ibonght xou would be able to help me.
Vcombl. wherein ntunhers of sUres are **• "
'«■ • «*V I-"Cerlelnlx. rerUlnlx.~ Interrupted
ampflsooed peudinc the periodIcaJ rUiU
thex are quite laappUcable
bis uncle; "Imt here comes Miss Car-at traders from the Lhangl coontrx. *®
B. rO0TBB, SOonre at he*. 8p«ta)
wrblcb u Bituaied 00 the opposite side
“Whx sor Inquired tha /ouncer rick. the famous acireas; shall t Iniro-tof the Kongo.
A visit to one ot there sUre deiwU , "Because rank and wealth bare du-ai the dioutb of the l-ulnngu river re Ues as well as prIrUegea." repUed At- read BO much or her that- What! Mias
wo^ a rendltioo of aavap-17 and suf- pert. “And foretnost among them I.
•Tbe same. Mr. Lesirange." ana
wered tbe smiling glri. •'And perhaps _• _________ ______ ____ —-----------------dretrlption. At the period to which
alllance, and nut—“
will permit me to presitft iny'f j- I. *i MnoiiJpiV' b
there mnarks htwr refereore. ft was
bosbaud. Mr. Roy Lesirenge! By,losp.«. r* '
so uocutuiDoo u|>eiieDre to witneHs at
«nc time upward of a hundred oepilres.
“A auliaWe matrimonial alllM~_______
of both aeXM and of all ages, including anCe! roof! the sound of It makes one
BCs's sb4 rbllitieB'sOlssBssM
b sperlsUr. Of.
AnfanU In (bclr wretched mutlHifa' feel UL“
- Hbw ChtokBM tma.
arms. Ixing In groufu; mssses of uitcr-l "You are xouag. mx dear Box.** said
It la a language that human ear*
s» ToaBsItcr
Ax fortora humaniix. with ej>,-s down- hU brother, plixlnglx. "Walt until x»u learn n-adlty to romprefaend, aaya tbe , X/ mors usUs Mswsrv
caat'ln a stoux sure, wltb bodies at^x age and xon wUl look dlffereni., Boetwi Glolv. For tbe most pan It I* ,
Cenuated bx survatlon. and with akin j_ „
Inatioctlve. A fiizxy toddler six hours | —
out of the shell baa seven dlatlnrt
sLxsIcal dlattvas.
polot. that * eertaln." answered the calla. Tbe first and loud.-st of them Is
In eases when s suspicion existed of T«“a«er'«“«o. “for Ifs mx opinion and the lost note, uttered when be loa.o
sn indlrldual captive's Intention or biwaj* ^lU be tUi a man who mur- eight of bis mother or finds btmarlf out
sbllitx to escape, aucb unfortunaie iM a woman lUi be doesn't love tn the cold, h Is load and very aUrUL
creature was'doomed to He bobhied ought to he kicked."
Tbe neeond. tbe hunger note, to as
with one foot forced through a hole
“Tbere Is dlsplsxfd the rashness of ■brill, but more plsInllVe. As toon
cut in the aect^n of s log. while a youth." remarked Albert, seoteniious as eating iM-glns It cbangi-s to a bor
Vaw Offlos. Xarkham Block
'‘Ab** believe me. my dear Rof-" of ■atlstl<-<l i-iiliierlnf.
After eniiiig they grow slef^y aod
or l.™r.Uoo. 0.1... mco. u. ^
lor .1 iLot .oom.oi . cry to be •v>vered. The note la oomeliMut- 11.. i.rl«Mi.r-. ur. cu.io.ly con^
*««" ■ wbat like tliut of hunger, wltb a pecoaUted In hludlng both bands above the “‘•■'low on Ibe oiber side of the hedge liar tremolo breaking It .In Ibe middle.
Bead to the king |>oBt of a hunt, or In iithat skirled the lane down which the Very rarely do the moibers dlsn-gard
Studio at 3»5 WitabioKton Street
binding the anus and plaiting the hair brothers were walking,
It. though they may be eager lo go for
^EICAN CA.\m*>aL8.
«0«|IU Pii»cnc£s Of TOt MW S?ilSjSv!s!d“r*I^
LIJ"’ I’Jk^se; fir'ffirf‘ffi'v.'as;
•«->"-“ -
s: ■
woods with new decorations
Keep these in mind when
down town and call in onr
John R. Santo,
( GeDeial Itsaraica
Nare ntnafe
tvsvrereCity ••-
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
Dec. 4 to 16th
John F. On & Go.
Svccessors to
Supporting the Joint Stars.
Iranise Cii| Uimber Co.
Plays Changed Every Night
Trarerse City,
Eire Insurance.
In the show
case you
will know
that dealer
keeps tbe
Jewelery store to look them
•r. We have many new
things in jewelry also.
Mrs. C. E. Horst,
loto a f«ld. which »as made laal to
“Cpme along. B.-nie.“ cried Boy. aging over ihe«rass plou or down
a hratu-h OT.fh.a'd.
“tbi-r. -# a sille a few yanlt higher up." hedgerows.
At internals these vilUges were rlsll,wo inJnmes the young man bad
Tbe flfih note, tbe cbir-r-r of fright
or aeioDisliment. Is tbe qualnteot of alL
?ogoIt. waf S,’‘ ':nd'*X
Tbe cbieks tbeiuM-lvre a|>|M-«r to flinl
«r bartor cominen«-d. el.-j.hanr tusks
being the milium of currency i«ed
were standing on either side of •oroethliig In ti dlsilDcilvely bumoreus.
When they are a few days old. if a btg
In the pun-base of the slgves. L'pon » well-dressed young Udy.
the conclusion of this unnatural traus“Yoa take the little one. Hoy." ex- wriggling worm, or a fai. Juicy bug be
ai-tlon, the vtslturs n-tln-d. inking wltb gUltued AlN-ri, "rfl tackle the other." threw n lo them with their usual food,
them as many of the Individuals aa
The talU-r iratup lifted Ihr'atk-k be they will first dniw away fn-m H, elylrliad he»-n irnnsferTwl to their posses- was tarry lug. hm iM-forv he could u»- r-riUK In ts.neert, then, affer eying tl
•ion In the fedions pro»>as of largaln- H AllM-rTo Ost caught bltu uud<-r the a minute, seise U|M>D It and lows it
chin, and be fuuud hluiscir sluing In alwiit wlih faint liiimatiire chiu-klliig
Cpon rearbing ibiHr destluatlon the the hedge, while a tuuuii-ut iaier Uo.t
esekhw. Tlilsebir-r.|e\el..|>.al last Iti
aaplltes were. In moat rases. sitl>- knocked Ids tvuipsuiou tutu s l«-il of
tbe grating •-all or warning, at Kouiids
Jected to many further ordeals. Iielnii nettl.-s close by .
•exchanged Into oilier bands, nnill
"How can I thank yonf* ohservol of which fnmj their moitx-ra even the
^reniually. after having U-en dellU-r- Ibe girt, wbnm the young men n<>«r ynungevi sealU-r and scuttle to.cover.
Auythlitg. a bird, a kite, eveo a very
alely faiienetl. they inH iliclr tragti bad time to notice was nncommoiily
<ate. and their bodlea were mnsuuied. pretty. "I bad no Idea that traiupM small luMsIng eloitd. tailing In the aky
There Is a prevalent Is-llef aiiioiig •••re so dangcrons."
overhead, will e« <>ke this warulitg cry.
many of tbe riverloe Irlltes of the up"ITay don't mention It.” replied Ai l^-t one hen iM.iiiid It. every other will
per Kongo Ibst tbe flavor of buman Iwri as be wI|hmI bis knuckles. "It was lake It up ‘ifieu. oflem-r than not, In
flesh U Improved by submerging the really nothing."
deed, the aigpui to a false one, t>ut venprospective victim up to the net'k In
“H wss a gn-at deal to me I can sh lurlei of hawks have lm|>reased ujsin
die water for two or three days pre- snre you." said the girl, with a merr.t. each feaihcr.-<l mind that "dang-r
-vloastotbcaarrlllce. Indeed. u|>oi] two rippling langb. "for uuforiuuaiely I cumcib out of the air." and they gov-aeparatc occasions It was my privilege wtis catrylug all uiy worldly wealth
to release aeversl poor creatnrea wito with me."
Every ImmIj know s btiw bent Cluck to
were Iwuntl band ano foot to aiakeo
"Are you returning to Tormoullir' their IipmmIs. but tt may Ite news to
In the river
. | lu<|Uired .Albert, without nothing tlx many Uiai. ibuugb a hundred betia may
In rertain native market places, not- latter jtart of her speech. *d.'an «c be clucking to the tame luelosure. the
ably la ibe vicinity of the riumgl. It have the pleasure of seeing you home''' voW of •fK'li will be Individual and
la an onllnary (wcurreoce for («|>Hvea J “1 shall Ih- g|;^efiil Indeed If you n ill uumbiiaksbip to her Immediate family.
to l>e exposed for sale. In most raw-s accompany De as far as the Anchor A cbNk jusi out of tbe nest may not
with the sinister fsle In view of ts-lug Hotel." wa» the rejdy, and then a> be able lo disc Hmluaie. but In blm fol. killed and eaten. ITo|>ortlouBtely. a they walked across the fields she fur low for s day and be la jiast makiu,i
yrrealer number of men than women tlier explained that she bad Iteen or ffltoukea.
Cal! victims to eannlballsiu. the reason dered down to the llitlc seaside town
Even more wonderful is the hen's
Itoluf that wom<-o who an* still yuuug by her dcN-ior for tbs rc overy of h*-r •bltliy to djITerenilate bef^irood from
•re ••stwiniHl as Ivlug of gowier value. h.-allh: "not that iherv a much'the mat •11 Ibe rest. With qtlieful. Ill-teml.y rtwaun of iheir utility In gr.>wl»g Id with me. ouly overwork, you pt-tvd fouls tlila often leads to pitifitl
baraysnl irag*-dles.
An intruder,
and ciMiklng fmid. This rule does not. . knew."
however, bold gmsl ilirousloml. for In
I'urlng the ilir.>e-inllc walk AMsri fFctlliig |"•nc■eflIlly antoiig chicks of
fhc vicinity of the Arulml river our oh l»e«-aine more and more rellivut, whil. his OWL size, shiii^- and cxtlor. has of
to'vrailons n-\eal.*<l a contrary ord.-r of **"J- »■*«* •>
bud Is-cn quite over ten bec-ti ehillt ullb one single blow
conic by ih<- uu-xixs-u-d vlshm of wac of a klisn> uixl ntigty is ak.
A oM-k. esiM-c lally a game coclt or
fjoliaUx the fliost Inhuman prnctl.-e «T. gradu.iliy ihnwed out under the hiof all Is to Is- m.-1'wlHi a...... . Ho- fluence of her smiles until wh.-n they one t)| (tjiatiish br<-<s), Las a wonder
trdssi who .h•lils•^ll.■ly l.ank ihc vie l*rU-d oin-lde ilii- hot,.I he had jim.ir ful varlei.v of crews. By means of
Ibelii, Indeed, to- runs the whole ga
while Siil'l allM- liM-n-tll «“ ai’ls'lii'mciit for the following
blc as It may ai«|«.-ar. the fa.-t n-inalus pi'irulng to show her the laoi.m- mut of exiina-siou—hopt:.- fi-ar. tl<~
lltuice. irjl1(ii|-li. loVI>. bnie. mue, VdUl-liistltiisl l.v an oitiv too ahumUnt Smuggler , rave.
jins.f l apiiM-s ar-*hsl from j.lacg- jo ' Yd • f-w m-inites AHiert waa sih-iit ly. aud a tige. lii.-ff.-ible comvli.
It Is the hens wiilmat fnmIUes.
place In ..r.l.T iliai Imlii hluaU imiv oiid tlnn hr ..h..-rv.-d pravi-ly. "If joi
- Lave U,e ..,.i...rtoMlt.v of luiH.aung. l.y ’-ikc my advl.,. Boy. you will nut s.-. thottab. who are the true barnyard
ext. rilil umf 1.K .............. ls«Iv, the jmr «bal young i-ivon again. I do imt .1.1. gossips. Any line day, outside ........
l...n iL} d.-^tr- t.. a.njuire The dis aKl'Tjbai she Is a dcsinildc acquaint Jug lime, you itiay see them slaiidlu.:
In groups. Ilic-ir heads close loffiiln-r,
tioiiiisllJiis niiirl.- an- g.-ui-relly oaih'
by m.-ai. ............. .
.-h.y or strips of , ""byimi - asked Roy. asloulshc.1 rhuekllng and c-haiierliig like so iiiiiny
hlackblnls. or eto«. wallowing In lig'ii
cress th-il in a jwrth iilar fashhin.
1 “^bc l» evhh 1.1I, a Udy.'
The a.u.undlr.g .loi.-ism of the ric‘be has U-cu well .•ducatcl I eatib. |teeking lightly ss they serat. ti
tim. who thus wltue..-.. the targalnlng
•«>*»cr«'d • All- rt and wallow, and cvidcuily finding it
good sjKin to throw -din well over
f.» his
is only isjuahvl by the
callousncto. w ith «l.lch he wstka for- *'‘<1
»"Y ‘bat-ahe wa> each other.
A ben. save when sitting, will nev
overworkinl. and that she carrh-d all
u m<s-l biB fate- to ex|<lana
er wallow alone. .And when silting she
-or tl.. o„r,orOlu«n- lDdliroro...o U.U. •'■r -ori.Hv o.-.lib lo Sor pookoi
-di0.1.rod .. .»o oolj bo >.4P,0,0 lUt'
“ > ofnolo,
r,-.on.,l la not normal, hut a ragged, unkeaipl
and eery ill-tempered shadow of her
Ooiib I. od.i.-d „r .1, ,.,ro7lir.. ood.-, B«.
'» >««
. ■ ‘ . at whatever
-cudl.Ooi. ol ,Mv..rr olTorlot «. IJI.M nionow lo ...It, ot ,oo or .oj o.L.r old •elf. sewing nud■ pecta&g
•itnctlun.—Herbert Ward In Casreil'a
I Thla ret>ly hurt Albert's feellnga and ,
x.are* WVtob Peemisttoa.
.I - —
canted a ■'•Hilneas between tbe broth-1
There,to In I.ondon a targe Welsh
are oispwtiBg tl.
ere. bnt Roy kept hit word, and every
-Anyt-ody wbo knows eoongh." mid day for thnw- weeks be aecompanh-d Colony. It has been stated that the
Mr. ^.Ifflna, -can learn aomeiblng yiaa Lefroy fo one or other of ih. Welah-spcaklDg Londoners number
from anylNsly Hse. however Ignoimut many natu™il>eautl« of the neighbor 40.000, and If children are Includ.x!
the latter may l>e.’'
that to not loo high a figure, •^'bf
That Is true.” aswmtPd Mrs. flptfflns
ai length ettroe tbe fatal day of U-t adults numlM-r about 25.000. There to
Chcerfullx- “Now. I can oec-aslouallx departnn-, and after teeing her off Ro> DO organizaih ii among them and they
learn aumetblng from xon."-rituborg returned borne more depressed than are acatten-.! thro'iigbont the metropo
Us brother bad ever teen blm.
lis with Diich iK-iids of union as ate af
................ •
I "So yoor fair friend haa gone away
--------w.- --- -------------forded by ihclr cinba. their cburchci.
••Wha* to the greairet mystery pf Thank bravro that she did not anuiu and chapels, and their cbolra. Aa they
do not affect any partlcnlar tocaltth-s
glc xoB IB a ‘matrlmmial alllaaer.’ *'
"It to wjix • hat that looked stylish
"It wssn't her fault. 1 can aasub- their presence 1« not noticeable,, but
toot xrer dunm'l look atyUah thto you." ret^ Boy. "Sba vonklu'i tbe WeUh art- a deddedly exclusive
year."—Chicago Becord.
have me.”
people and In all parts of London tbelr
I “You
InsUUilioDs are lo be found. ThenThe proportion of grains to tbe vtih < “Tea. I did. and the baa put me oO are. for Jnstance. five Welsh cbnrrhes
car to like one to a minion: but genius tor a month, as the aays the does not
wtthovt tyratmy. without pn-irask*. believe I know my own mind, but I'vv anfi DO fewer tlian twenty Welsh noneonformtst chapels—not to count misthat Judges the wrak with equity, the r>t bex addiess In London and pennie
■ton moms. Kiebt yean ago there was
Rtpertor with humanlix and cqnato Mon lo ^ on her the first week la
ewix one WeUh cleixx“BA
Tbe bona dnesod UtmMlfw nwny, and there an BOW six.
jPig Tail I
New designs .and fancj
-i -n"*.
jr,r?o' r.ri
finitl Ripilt t Inilliu R. R
Atlvance sale of eeata oppos at
till- Ixix office this morttiiii'. Telephone 11'^ for seate.
It. Lt. A. Bnildlag.
sssns :8SSefi£fiflSRBSSB : :
' a oceem ;■ •{.•»•«;
: ;l ; ■
; a
88Rk«£«flsses •' -sa- -m-fmsssas
M. .1. Olaviii of Grawii, Micb.,
would like to stAle wliat
G. H. SNOW, M. 0., Specialist
all dortered ar
• rtf I rallfd
troobir Hr
. IbBt I am
iTtot aaxoor ubo
• tio rBlIoo.bBd
■ Aiilterlrs sad UmS W
«.W *iid b «
BCM. «1lh MV»»r» hrM4B.- r>,towrli
and had a -«d bladJ-r f
• pouB.UIn r- -
;I8I : ; : : : :
' ■aa : : ■ - ■ -
1 8S8SB isseses flg* : ; 'i:;
1 1 :i
Ur.D W.PtvIdof WolroiUrllla.lBd., «bt>U
rnvagfd at lb.-nr» rouri bou>'. Bakrs kno«8
III- ..plBloa o» I»r. >*.—••a»nr»tcMBr
I Ibst
ban-bad catarrh fnr
r»- Miorri. ij-i arr mx wtiar <.lia«tr
r> II bare »« a .inrrly lo.| Ujbralib'
Ilai' ba- 1. rii afimi-d frtMB f l> irW '
>r •> li
far Itralad mronr
in rr-rj ii.u.-h 1.-tier, am) am p ra-rd to
□irtfl Blm to BUjoar trocblr.l a- I -ha.r Lt P..:c»V»7 ..
D. W. rltl-D.
Chicago —
■West Michigan.
Ur. Si
tiink-'S <i H(>-cinlty of .til Cbruiiu- DiawAS<»B. DiHearx-s of Wo- ;*
m-ii.Hic Eye. E%r. N-.** ai. l T
Tt'etli fstr»ctcd fi>i: J-)<-
Cass St. EDlrance.
Cfflce IB Ui HboHIod ud MilKhn Biocl
Just The Thing '
For A Chilly Day
» X. >4 ttpa
tiOlSii NoRTa.
: A ■
,:is :
*’ I>.-lT<.if*...
Ar tied II»r..U
Lt <ir4 Rapid.
TT»TTr-T -:> • hiBii: 4«p a
At PrUirkTj .
I.T Trarerw- t'j
AT XU Rapid* i
Lt Klk Ksplda ;
Ar TrBtrnrCf , _
At our soda counter
We dispense
pw • a H
3 Z!.r«inaa
Hot Cboeolale.
Beef Tea.
Bot Lemonade, beside* tbe m-nal I
ling Hot.............
otlHot Sodas. Our renatatioc for a floe ebooalate flavor <
cboe^U to the public.
To iskB «fi«i Wtrtp^ar. ^au
JAS. G. JOHNSON, Druggist. -1S 4<|'
4 10.L* '
s 4t 4 ir
Bidewalk Lumber in all fliaea.
aaora to Trawerae City Lumber Oo.
r.a p m d*pm
s t;, 4 » At OevkamB J’vtto I
»W 4 40
» 1»: 4 to,
toBBlnTV XlBg
k 46 k It;
Ktbbvb C>V
•• M. t tkl
Twie Mouatata
•• U •• »;
10% t«;
to B » is!
Lake aaa
!Si “sar
Id 4S • Itl
10 47 *«B.
11 ODi • Bl
Travaras Ow
srearra.’SSi'rfta,gkwriaa »
a. w. wJMOTMai^^sa^J
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.