The Morning Record, January 31, 1899

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, January 31, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



I of L. "Brnnim
SMt M, BaMBM 0««pw« • TmttM oftkaBwMtac-SoflM «T tha
■wMrtold OoMta •**€«. »■( th*
»MidtoCfc«9ialKW Wf Hw>ii
M«*• a«kU»«■■ XU. m<q«tn«



I AMBtai
Uimxr TtMftfap.
Bdww<d CWOia. A MTTihiAln am.
pte^Ad Ai tbA TrAfACM a%7 Im Iforka.
kAd hk lAfl hABd AATeraly iajAnd pAAlArap AflATAIMA. WkUA At ««>Ht OA A Q
aatar JUoorda BrokaA lA KiA
pMAtAf ■AeAlAAry.ApAUtp faUoAtedi
-X«kA Awtoa Dera Slot
tka IaU». atrtUar apoD CoArtAdat left
Tanibla BUaAtrdA ta BsahlaUtUABAtwl Bm
AAd bTAAklAf tha bOAA
Ba wUI hd
ATAl lAAaA aad Orava Appra
Uld ap A faw waaka with tka lAjarp.
aioa MBBtartataad far Vtatn Vbnt


meatt aoaa

or :

and Make Money.

lABbar TAtAa to OBtaata 9i
Jaa. tai—Tba i
bn parda of J. C. Bapaor. At tba
arofMonraa aad raltaa atraata.
aad tba box taataap of T O. AaaUa.
baraad todap at a lost of $m.OOO. Tba
ftra was dkeorarad ta tbs laabar parda
bp tba watahBaa. Itaprrad fraat tba
tavber parda to a boardtar bona owmad bp Mm. tettb. Tba boaaa WAS daauopad and twaatp-flra lodgatm ware i
ddeaa tato tbaetraatta tbakr nirbt'
rfotbaa with tba tanparatara at aero.'

A few moments joBt now wHl enable yon to
see tbe most ekbormte line of waH papers ever fSiBplayed. Yoa will learn the new stylen, ascertain onr
prices, and when yoor paper hanger is ready to do
your work yoa can order your paper and have it sent
up and no time is lost—see!

aAdXdaa Btoek.
TW FtAldiAAB At L. BArrla.U4 Saat
Cbteato. Jaa.
dmrt BtfAAt. tAAt Af Bartoar atraai, wiA
atreeb toairbt V • «b>d
teuUp dMtfopad bp Ara At Mldaifht Amf BiU Ameiulmeata Ad- tar ta aaaaritp Miat wbieb 'rWiad tbs
Nortbwaat F»dap aad.Satard^. .Tba
optAd TastArday.
TiHAlArm«aAgtaAaAtUkO a'tfAek
ware eorentlia aatlra take r«r^ bbd tbs Partp Who Beal ta tba Pit#
«AdtaaptM<rftba taat Uat Ua Aur.,
IT yAAA*4 bp BoaAA It wm rroAida baUattaatraAanpotatata tba KortbAlarm T siscdap Ptapod n
ABrp waa B*A d^raaa balow aaro tbara
veaisbow ibat tba fr)r<<l •ealber ia
Omni Jobs.
100.000 Maa, But yrtaMAAl Kap
MAA a prcHBpt raapaaaa bp tba mea at
CAMral. WIkouMb. niiaok and MiebSadAM VorMto eO.OOO. at KIb Sk. iraa irefa rUltad bp a fraaaar Satordap
A talse Alarm rooted oat the Are da-;
tba'dcA dapArtMAt. Tba book aad
At 6 a. m. rutardap.
. lAdar AppAfataa aad tba <
wbleb was oalp a sarraaUon of wbat
Alarm wuaent from box aambar IS*.'
atada aatrAordiBArllp (aat
liar aad toalpbt tba aararitp
I. M.—At tba
QarAeld arenae aod when tba Ara•Uu, Vat tba tra bad palM^ food far of tba bone (odap Mr. Bepkiu of of tba weatbar tadintea aBSeriar at
>B arHred ibep foand that there sru
Wadarap before tba aIatib «aa toraed lUlaMa. raportad tba eaean bUl. aad
rp poieta. while tarriSe blisnrda
The tbemomater replatered a
ta. Tbab»aalai*b aamad itoo faat ________________
lid call it ap prarall at Bianp plaeaa
■ j
rare aotiaa that ba
darreM below sero and when it
Moodap. Tba boaaa ibaa re- The coaditioea ibroofboat tba 5ortbtoraaab IroB tba bpdraat aoew
coeatdefAtloD of Ue armp ra- waat abow a blrh baroiD*tar and low sru dlaaorered that there sru ao Are .
teBoa waat of BArtow airaakto tba pard , ^
tberBocBatrr. at Winatpar tba aar-; tba Aremaa were srreibp. Brx nam-1
bar i:« U one of tbe new ones witb a
Altba aarolAf baUdlpr.batDotaooapb
carp rmbtar tbirtp derma below
I tba boaaa
taro. Down tbroorbCaetrol Colorado flam froot wbieb is rrqaired to be!
brokea ta order to (ire an alarm, aad
iPbU and tba tact that oalp one atraain
aad Wpomtar the raporUabow tadleanow CbUr Braaie U lookiap for tba {
eraa posaiUe swda tba work of tba flretkM of hard waatbar.
partp wbo wu reapoaslble for briar-1
Maa axtraMlj difieaU
eflccilra adopted aa tbs mdiar of tba biU proeaeenlra cold all tbroorb tba
incttaadepartmantooL IfbalstoDad
arork.’belartaipoMU’l*- Bmp affjrt rraaaad. so that tba bill
prorlda "Intar wheat bait, torbtber with tba
that* will ba a fam wbieb wlU not be
waa Bade to aara tba baUd'lDT. bat to for an a^p of 100.000 men with tba
of haarp anoi^, eaaaaa rreat
plaount for tbe raUtr.p -'tp.
aa'parpna: Ibarafore attaatloa waa da
Uoo in the prasldect to radaee It
eotad to ramortar the faraitare.
Indthia store mesas s greater saving than it would in moot
Tba npper atorp was oocaplad bp L.
Harris, tba owaer. whUa tba town
the b'ortbwMt for tbe past two days Botat SottlAi PAAOAfallp Betweba
stores. If you seed an OweroMt, Ulatsr, Suit or s pair of
Boor waaoccnpiad bptbaUabrewBabbl
bu done rraat dscnare to the wbmt.
Bartand and Pranoo.
Bar. A Rablaara. The faraltora frwa WoA OB Xxobaafa BMnr Eoabad Aod with the eonUnaed and iaerMsiar
Fonts.riA saving to yon ol S3 cents on every dollar's worth of
Paria. Jan. M —Tba Piraro todap
Iba lower rooaia waa aaarlp all aarad,
cold comlnr oa thoasands of aorcs of
nnd Spates to ba Baadp terBoUclothing bought of ns means money in your poeket ‘
declares that the aeroUatiou between
Oat lliUa could be takan lixwiAba upper
wheat wUt ba raiaad.
Area Before Bad ofrabroarp.
Boor, where tbrBiakaappoaadiohaTe
KAAiaaCltp. Mo.. Jan. U.—4 bi^ tbaBriibb aad PreachroTerameais c.o
Bole lasts nntU Febroary 15th.
Tba cable tor tba Mortbara Tale- aortberlp triad todap pi’al tbe enow not eonearn. u wu i
. Krw
1 aad Hsdsru . bat tbe:
Toe BabM aad Mia. Barrla. both ea- sboee Co. waa abipped from Traatao, badlp.b
with railroad traffi
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
with dtasltp. Mra. Barrla wu N- J.. daaaarp 9d aad la aipreted bare The tsmperetarethroarboAt the Sootb- Bthr-El l^bsssl district of tbs Kils
arerp dap. Ait additional Uneawa ara weal STerares from two to Are below eallep.
and Clothing Bouse.
tba TlctlB of a naldtar aaeidaai taat
waab aad whan the Are broke oat It expaetad bare from Cbiearo WadataBAGS GOT OPP BABT.
arp to earrp bar from tba dap and tba work of eompletinc the
Psal, Jaa. M —It wu tblrtp(Of
thanballdlBC- The BabbI
elrhi bslow sero at BalUeford and ten
__ _rHp
I of a bis will be peebad. Tbe switchboard below at Marqaette. ibe ofBelal ex- Paid A Pine (br r.rinrABifis WUhta
and woe aader tba
Oitp Limiu.
, pbp^le«a. He alao bad to ba naateud and tastrameau wQI be shipped from tremeeia tsmperatare la the Nortbtabtinnpa. Both fooad raadp abal Obteaco Pebraarp ttb and tba
Bermaa Msu wu arrested peaterdap
todap. Tbe local reeord of iweaplaUarof tbe apelam will ba raebrd.
tor with oairbbora
ip-eis below U tba ooideai ia peara bp Chief of Police Beaale oa a aharrs
Telepboae Mo. 4S.
Tbara waa A weal wind hlowtar And Tbs new rxehanre wlU atari srlth SSS L'aofBeial reports fare Umparatarea o(. I taa-rior firearms wUblB tbe clip
taatrnmanU. at leuV and tbe anebaoro
lor A time It aaemad tbAt tbara
iBiardcwnto aixtp-two below at limits. He «ru cbanrrd with ebootlnr
is Axoratod to be ta worklne order be­ Rat Portara.
dnnrar of iba balldlnff Adjoinlnr
at a msrk with a 44-ealibre r Se
taa SAst side laktar Are. bat prompt fore tba end of Pebrnsrp.
Deneer. Jaa Sa-Spow beraa falUae from vbe pard of the Trareree Cite lam-1
sanom bp the Aramen obrlalad lb#
on tbe moBBtAiu aborUp after mid- bee Co. acroe^ tbe rirer. Uewssttven ^
V ■
-xa X7ox-eTa«]rxi.
;Bat kept oat of airbt aatll each a
Ataarman Gretlick U down with tbe nirUt lut-bicbt. and tbe etorm wbieb | before Judtre'BoberU who imp>aeda ^
Tba balldinr waa rained At Abont
bu been rmrtar aiace a week aro.' Aae of tl aod eosu amoeniior to SI :s
Bl.OOO, with cue maranoa. Mr. Barrla
with ao oeeuiooel let up, I. araln in i He wu Ukea to jtil ia of pap
bAdAotaaanneaoa bla faraiura aad
fallblut. Breckenridre. fortp „ll„!«n't>tof U>e dee. which howerer wu
hk kas OB boaaebold roods Will be iu
fru* L-ad»ille. U eomplelelp tsoUted ; P****

dsr. Chief Reaaie
tba aalrhborbood of Aun. Tba loaa on 'Gme aiase Chnsimaa, hartar bad a Poel and pmrUioDs are re'ftar lowj** delermla-d to atop tbe recklets
Babbl Bablnera’a hoosebold r»da will Imr arire of the rri^
aod mncheoffartarfromalackof neo-i**>'’"’‘”«"^ Aretrms wltbio tbe ctip,
ba mach laea. bealdM. ha earriad
rulties mosi earely result. T^e miaea i I'm'is. acocrdlar loan ordiaaneearain-1
rlMB of W. F. Wolootl. Ab experieaerd abont Uadriile bare been forced to
omtU amoaot of inaaranea.
rarrisre aad slpa painter of Nuhriile. dote down, u no ore eaa be moeed.
BBUTAL riLiruroB.
Mieb.. who will arrire the lut of the
Uuadredsof mea have ivoraed almost
week. Beler a pramlaeol srorker la
-BUY A BOX OFacemaaily at different puiats oa tbe
Beparu of Bbamrfal Tmtsaat of tbe K. O T M . hie brother Mseea
South Park line between Como aad
Lseture ofibs Toung Men's |
‘esoommemorated taUdepartare with
Ludvilie to ooea the raad. but hare j Couree T •night, bp TB9S. T. Bates, ^
farewell partp and prcaratad bim
Saw York. Jaa. M.-A dlapatab to
Tba Benld tram Maaila amps that fl<a witb a K. 0. T. M. cbarm.
mrals TheaaowlsptokcdlnlhecuU t ~liet»f..r the eourae of lec‘or.s for
SpaaUb airll prlaoaera bare not
Profrasor Martaurb's Moedap nlrbt aod tbe wind olles it io u futu the y ,jax mro U erlled to tb • lecture of
baaa raleaeed.
Taira of safferlrr. ■ianclor class wu reorraa'sMl Ust
, ...eight. Th-w. T. BttoV. editor of tbs
hAorar aaddlabonor coma from
eraoior for tbe—'ater aad An eejjp-' Saoer slides are frrqut-Bt aod daogrr lO-sod Trsveree Hera'd. will Ulk to •
Y>aor 8p«>l»b
able partp sru rl*ra.
Sold bp all dealera
Made bp
of dutraetion tbi
tbe lownofjihe young men ubiut the work of|
fortml M lire la opea ebame with loa
Leonard GrapMm who bu beer
<C.koair Sbooldtbest
keep DO iu:Be»^plper making, lit •ilffl-aUies. adbora oallrra Women hare, aolfrred tbs emplop of llermslne Itraa. f,ir useprueal farp, grut suff;riagaad
J lou
ita^jesaad di^enuregemeaia.
dlsboaor b> care their faosbaade from tal rears m<l. hu areen-dhis enenec- of Ufa win ruult.
cml treatmeot. t'lra prireU died la tioa with thst A -re and acoeptiH) a p*«<.
Clevelaud, Jaa. 3d.-Tbc worst < I iA Boaday Wrddiag.
. ooe proTiooe from boarer and erneltp, •loo with S. B K'rnar, maoarer ol
rsrd of tbe winter is rogiog ia t^
Althoorh $>vi 000 was sent bp (bs cor- W. W. Kieibill C..mpaep's branch Viiribeast tod*p. The-, mercurp
Edward Cs'oeater of this dtp aad
pnratloafor tbe Bsialraanes of sof- •Basic store In this Clip. Pe will act u
:MiMADBie H’J'kb.rn of Long Lske
-.eeD hovsriug aroand tbe zero a
'h tbe E-angrliCil chcrrh j
tor tbe put fortp-elght hoara.
An appnsl Is made to tbe Ameriear
Sncd.y‘-y R-». S _^.Uh*rp. Both tt A
MBrqante,Jan Sa—lee la tbe
Wot en't Pot
ABlIon iB tbe name of ttod to stop tbe
e-.atra i:<ig parties are very well
ioUkepipe eaaud a vrro d-.T«' w
;keowB and their friend* will be piou
lt« revBlar monfhle mretiar la the 'aiDinebere, wh'cb Is josl Do* oter.
ed toAvtAid totbem aittcere eODgratBBT. A. J. BLOBBO MABBtBO. ebareh parlnra Wedaeadsp nfmiuvin rboradspb storm csrnr-d a«ap tba
crib wbieb protecta the old intake aad j
S'.vt -Koae Phaus of the work
The PopalAT gieirpmeo Hu Obous a nilos.- will he the iB*-J-el for the
hour. Then«B»» lO-eent mpoer will
Tore# Rivera. Mieb.. Jan. M-Tb# I s-vrd la toe Wt manner at Ue
Bride ta Onnd Bspida
lereary wu eight degrera brio* wn..
e Ciiv Bre
Oraad Bapldr. Mieb.. Jan M.-Amour herereed fenm 5 to 7. to wbieb every
tba maniafe lloecisM ‘asaad todap U hneip B-ill be made -e'eoaee. wbelber ‘uteveatagABdAtsero tbis mnrniug. I
A sharp, eaUtag nor.h*e»teriy wiad
aae to Andrew J. B died and Marloa lember* of tbe ao-lelT nr aoL
Bash. Mlm Bash Urea At It A'ploe
SilsA, Mieb, Jnn. »a—T%a mereary
Aeraae. while Mr. Bldrod la a Metho­ ebareb will bold th'lr moatblp mla■tanarp apeetlao at tb* resMenu of lut night dropped to toe below ura.
dist mlnlstar. now a snperABa
Tbe AOldut wutber ot the pur U prewbMsbome'lA la Trararu CtWvnlliag. Todap A rogaler blisurd M
WAS tormertp A mtaislorta Grand Bsprteaded to all the ladle* of the poriab
>Ss StmJi s 9T«t\ msfvig
^t.Va «ut
fds. aad was tbe Aral w oeeapp t^r
> he preeeat.
palplt of tbe preaaat Dirisloo etrort
siti Vs»> ynit s yrvce os
\o &e\X Vktm ^sUlk'
Satardap sftoreorm a Are wu nirMetbodUt ebareb. Ba Is 71 pear
rewlp averted ta tbereBldaaraof Prank
A«d bss bera marrlad onoe bs
.•S« SRsmyVb'.
Maitoe. Someibiarhad been left lyMlae Besb Is ST.
TrATome Ot^ Oomu ta for a Bbare of
lAV on tbe top of the otove.' oreeaanhly
Wbut ReBAtas Vina.
dtp hu come ta for tbe I
Before thebleto wu diuoverrd tbe Are
OblaUB. Jaa. M.—Psat of damaea
had eowmantuted to tba urpet and sold WAVS which peevAile throvboat
tatbs tall erop fntm tba sold wave
Nertbweet aad elBee Sstsrdap
the baaeboard and wu we'l vader wap
Startsd wbtM atraer- Map opened
Time’v artion. bow- night tbe muearp bueloulp erowded
\ot.................... .
MHMeblchar. Urerpwd and otmttaI tbe aero anrk and mut of tbe Gme
asiaI markeU wote wuk AOd lewar,
I several degrees below. Oo Satardap
Mode bp Miebigna TelepboDA Co.
And Bow York wired tbAt fardrMca
for nap clem of eervlre deelred.
wafOAAUtaf Iroalp tbara. lUy wbsAt win mert with Mre. M. B. Oatu this aVbttbs thermometer kept bp S B.
Wait registered 10 degreu below,
AtawdAt TCKe
tboegb bat for a abort time. It wu
Jne BlDklep*s MiAfortana.
clou to zero aU dap peetsrdap aad lut
Jasau X>aeksA^ Good Pwtnas.
el end of eix months or chaags
Ju Bieklep met with a aad mUtor^ Bight Ataadllp dropped, antil At t:U
In A tattar wrltioa from lb# irtaoto aep elAU of servlee at WUL
BDA yutordep mnrelag while top-; o'clock thi» morning the RxooAOtber^ik«rs tm sUun^^Hpyoss vss sksy bt sa& s^ \o ss« j
SfkAtt M staled tbat Jaows D'.;kAr.
Teleoboes tbs maaeger to eall
ludtagtaraatRatbArdi's8tdtBg.nrAr;moawMP ragletered nine degreu bm
tafusr proprtator ot tbAold 1 atiml
OzdAT Ron. He enffered e bed oom-, lire.
SoMSoa Pio t strut, bu m< oitb
d trneure nf tbe rlgbUeg end
gwdlaoA. ItissiAtsdtbAtbsae.ared
broAght to the dtp on the 11 o'eloek
gMOitagak^dut Aaa^ammta.ix
treta. Dr. HnDidApWMoamm



I 220



Steinberg’s One-Founb Off



I The FiRest Stock¥uneral Goods


“Diamond J ’

or “Traverse Belle”
A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Block.


U. E. O-XBBS ♦-

J The Practiciil Bicycle Bcllder aod Repairer}

|&ac^ Cviv\avws—



Tec Tear Contracts

Sebscribers Hey Caccel
MtaiRti Titabem Co.




TBM momma sbooso. tpbspat. saxxjaxt ah iwa
nr out MoiAx. vaiBL.



■•TWI BkaMt Zvwtt Ba}07«« tet
BicktYSATXssc orrr. - iccnpoA*
LMi bBM * »«»• rartr M yaaag
tfW. Mb*
Vlw BmUamUI. tM eltet4M^tar
.. ^m. T *Atm vn 1. W. B*— •r AMiTMa
IM brU( b«r BlitMBUi WrtMar. Tb»
/. W, Basoi. Bittar m4 Marnfm.
•MBlaf wM 4«UfbU*U7 apMt U
^jtar fUM»
teseiarDalotT ii frwhWMt- wm Mrr*d, aai
It waa tba radpUat of

. • .ns

•Mm tbe.tood laora deadoM airf «


I Buying Logs! |
If you hare ooy to mU i
Ttbtotm City LiUBl>er Oo. W« brnr* alao :


Ttoa »aaih BaooctL
Dr. L. W. Beau, a paUaat at t< a
». •* A MmM Oraor OBUM-Vaaar Oa»
aap'BB, died 8a^
arpalpaUaattbaapaof » pears.
Saoti waa lakea to t&a aa^lea <
twopaaiaacotMBlk Bapida. wKra
poelsn. d>a woodertany bamaa ks«*•»«"
ba waa aocaped lo tba practice of bto
ontang oat at Rw no. baa
pcoteMtoe. Hbwa*apoas»iaaBbl»b- bM pet been placed apoa pabtic cxhiblIp aateeBed.«ad aaap trioada rafrat- ti-m. bot eba to kaming new trlcka er-

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Kaple Floorioff,
Short Kaple Wood.

eatardap waa tba aixtb Wrthdap aaof UtOa ftabp Dasa aad is
of tka amt aba aalartalaad
aboat «hooa of bar Jamlla friaaia
Trmntm Ov. Tbarawara paM of aariooa kioda. a
Mttl oatbiDery of aU deaeriptioDa, indodisg two «n.
gmtrml bappp Uaaa aad rofraabi ud U... .Btotlo., I. im« l» «
a*J 0»1
rapH« ».a a.U.kl
gim t.ael woiia. carriaa« and aawa. A ooBfdvU
to tfalirbt tba Uitla folha.
nw nO) plant for aale.
JapM** MartUOM AaWttM.
Kaatar Lawla BollMap. aoo of Dr.
tha UalMd Btatw Oai
aad Mim. A. B- BoUldap. aatartaiaad
« ia Ua laat auaal rapori:
dcroor the frnlt asd daals of hla Mt IsUaata bop frlaotta aad thto baraaMasi aBaotad bto
«lsd. Ba aooa afiarwanto oioeed to
at bla
B‘k BapUto. wbere be resalse
Vkaaa nfarrad to, tea alraadf aaflaad ..'•sbisrtosaitaav Tba arawt
stli tantion to
bare bio ti
^ pat talo oparattoa a Uw> of aUM- boaor of Uwb* aaraaU oi: ibdap sssl'
'•|tba aaplaiB for traattsasL
’ ______
the trick ____ knos-a. bat aba |
tU^ WtwM Ua Baaplra ao4 ika Oaia- aaraarpaod tba poasr cratlaiaaa
lUaaaaa bad Mioa ware aeat lo Poauoella peaW
bond after >
0i Butm. abitfl/ «ltk Brltlak-boilt
a )oUp Um wltb ra»ra aad '
uti bolding it np to
HPili Tkla paar, bowaaar. (UM).
toportaai faaat of rood tWsnftftm «1U Uha a tMaaa aaoo^ tba taw
deportoieotaf tba MeiMOtUaCo. ------------ -Joa BatMT' popular Uador of tba
Tha aefcataoof Japaa Bop-a Baad. had a Wrtbdap paMardap
»me thing the liUleoranp..uUBK comint- nuy oenULU.
tba top of the bsg U, keep tba
m aa aaaaa) aapaaAltara of aad MBb«a of tba baad. aad a taw
tMah Oeakarr-A HsaAp Bliaa ^
it npus ha knee.
ppgr|^.«Ooa tha
otbar Maoda plaaaad a aarprtoa tor
Battea Bag-A Oaad Tor.
Sbe appeared ao moch deligbfasd with
(to weteat Martaa.*'
hap ntnalag.
ttie reanit tbat tbe krvper Mrt oat asd
Aa4 pat Uara ara laae. aa wall aa •AUhoafblaaloraoJaf waa tba rap^-----------^
with which aba
1 Mp tbte aaUoa abooM
alar araslsf tor baad ptaoUoa, Mr.
Tba critiricmtoaomeUDaaniadc tbat npaaud tbe i-Tfunnanre nstU tbe copEatoar waa latorMd tbat tba naatlng Ibe chaflag diab ia araiUble only for a pip waa asbanated.—Riilsdctpbia Bac■ r. lueonrcry limiiad range of- cookery.
Ito era- ord.
woald oot lake place.
846 Front: Street
aalaa of taa aoUra toralpB
A MatlBC did take plaea. bowcrer. ▼enienea to appreciated, ito aodal ad•«a of Japao - laporta aad aiporta- bat it waa U tba parlor of tba Eatoar rnotogca and tbe norer wanii
nisg iMaraat----—---------------------------B aboat oaa-atctatb of that of tba Uala
• oa Waabloftoa atraaL BeaordDR. HIQQIN8. DENTIST
M Stataai tba ablpptag aolariac aad
Isfip assn siisr Joa riaehad bona,
laavtag rapaaaaa porta tM aad to for- aboat B;M o’clock aad wbUa asppad
which thei are noun lo paruke. Bnt,
.. „
Is ooeraraalloa with bM wifa, ba
cdu “ito limltotlona~lto limiUtiou*!"
Ikataaunsffaad laariac tha Datiad rarp Boeb amrpriaad to bear atralsa of eicUlm tbe aauie people, aa tbongh.
•Mtaa. aad pal. Japaa U wlUlaf to as. •Bale ooBia^fMtbadlraetlaoof tba fmioLii. nme objtxtioD mart he railed |
By apeelal re<iueal Hadsate DeLnmar
■aadaaaa men tbaa foar Uowa aa
. dart thelntoeaning rebsbiliutloa et
Iwfaaaibiautloa bow doaa, for tba
Tba aarprtoa waa oo«plaU.wb«s ba Ibia edtonaing cnatom.
oialB In yonr city one weak longer,
Aakwl to apr^fy tbe patticrolar branch
IBIitf-f-------- Of Ua ablpplac is bar asMfWl tbat rooB and foaad aU tbr
wtoblng lo eosaalt bar bad belter doao
of ouukary in whkb the chafing diab
faaaira trada.
aa Afly sa poiaihle. Aa they wlIF mka
■armbora of tba baad pUpisg awap aa faik. tba critic might Tery likely begin
Bo Uaa aa aalborttp tbaa Oaltod
a rare chaoe of baviBg tba fatara i
at the tup of on ordinary mvon asd exfMin Kaaator Parktaa. of OalUoraia,
eoalad to them. Tba audama baa giv­
eUim. “Wboerer Uated a clisfing di.b
Baa atat^ ia priat tbat tbaroeastaarl
wmpr ' Now. it la jart aa well to can­
en good aattofaetlan for tbe pdnt «
•attaa aet of Japan ooatanplatrd as
d to ostaataln bb didly admit that tbe preparation
weeka abe baa been here- BV^will!
------ •^awditara for tba aid of bar ahipa lo
W« bare aboat 100 aampTea of leave for LedtDgtunoB HoodSy. »b’y I towvnraetUpolw '
aci<a ias oof^ectaoapn and dmiUr dehcaici<a
iolor. for vatraeilc. aC tank aMieaa
«ba faralfs trada aqasl to tba total
ad Iwancb of chafing diab ]
biirr»m. Tapealry and BroaoeJa- «tb. 0*11 over >1!_So.Au»Ios rtraet
f< tbalr oparauoa. blttoba

aad card gamaa ware indolged
Boar* 9 a. m. to 0
thing bay.ind. In point of fact, aoopa. from iJ y^,;!
that tba abips of tbb aaUoo eas. aa
yanl np
op to 3 yAfdt. that
,ill ...lejnice
We will
pldad. aoopoM witk Japanoaa abipa ta
Ika foratm trada, apoa tha Padfla.
Tba fiswt eeeklBg
Vbtab will ba tba tbaatra of tba irraat- forta toward tba prognU of tba band
h to not n.«awaryth»t the kmg p^ Bome cheap 10^8.
tba mambara praaentad Mr. Batoar
vaat of tba aaxt oasvorp? b ibb aa- wttbahaadaoBaebalr.
riod of tonjitiering and Ktejring wUeb _ wv n"« «
ptoa to ferUfp lu rtrab wltb crrat abipa
many of tbeae rianda rr^ain dnmld T 11/
^ I ^ 7 d~b*n
pad rspariasaad aaamae aad flraotaa
Batordap aJtanooa Ibe taaebers of aettaUy 1* i^-rforn»id npon the cbofiyt J ^ yy
•■I of tba aaralBffB tM tba earrpuw of tbe High aebool ware antaruload bp diab. Yh Uiir U practicable and tbe
reinlt nuxt |>lnaalng. tbuagb ptebapa a
par Isporta aad a*port*, aad that plaea Mro. PhUllp Bara of I
Honae Fontinbintt Store.
Ultle oxjieoHjre Tbe modem oinned
ptraalraa. aa a aaUoo, at tba marap of
aooia> pftwiit B deligbtfal variety of
New Store. 120 Front Street.
*0 aaitona tbaa forUBad? Tbart
matarlaL re.iilr lu tbe bond of tbe hortpBaa ara aoflelaal for, or JoaUfp forelfa
ML With aU of these go fnll inirtroe•fttioaa la paplap oot aaeh aaw
timu f<g their preparatioa and arm
Ibatr aarabaai abipa aad narebaai
The bonaewife baa ««&lr lo cnasider
Lad Passleglo
paMkaa, ara aqaallp aeBdeat for aa
dUfcreDcr in fnel
and apparato*
appamtoe at her ||UII I
of the Bsgla asb
omamaud. and: lol abe to prepared at
bopaoflbst paper Batardap aeaslog.
■bnrt notice to aet-ve a 'moat refnohing
aaaiatad bp Mrs. Peaslagtoa. Hr. aad ■oup of any deoiled flavor sdniaata ta
Mrs. Passlsgtoa ara hsown to ba cor­ tbe a|>peliu« of aev<Tol gtuwto. Special
to bantnnliip more auraettea aaeh pear
dial asinnatBors ssd tba bopa bad
rw-ipea need not he given, the pnceoa
pariac tba Jaaaatp gntbarisg of tar
happp Uaa. The gBaata bad a blgb re willbfi foond so well eziilained oo aaeh PAtonA
pltora MB tbara ware looo la attend
gard for Mr. Panslsgtoa aad to show and every can
poos, aaarly aarea bosdrad of wboo
Other nmUTlal readily cnggM iP VWI MW
To remember—Yonr grocer is authorited
vara asalnlec faraitara daaiaim. TbU tins
ad tba aatneoiad eonpU with s bsnd- aetr. Tbe »>ap may be very aimple or
totbaUrgoat aowber e»er |a atuod!. Ibat If to be artred is
rrry elaborate.
n aUear aaka baakat.
If they ache—get a bot­
Msaataeeshlbli la tbat clip. The
oilx-r vianda tb* forto refund yonr money if our “BEST” flour
mar to to be prefr-ned.—Mrs Artboi
•EblMto. bowerrr. are oot now eon Bo­
tle of Rose's Corn Cure
Staslay in Good Uonaekeeping.
nd to faraltare alone. Masp aide liaaa
Ooloaal Ualeart, tha AlMao.
is not just as recommended.
-- I5c — and take them
are dtopispad. bloidrad to faraltare;


letds For San~Soittlile For Farms.





^ S.S?.SS.-i= SyA-sSs


lOc a quart



istn Psi-CUc lailm.


' '•“* SSWunt
Kecoro 110.111 XiU0He»ni

A ,

‘SrS'^^^’niwS-'tbe linnet

Blame Your

thto pear earpata. rag*. »s»pa. crook•rp. pouarp. for and kladrad waraa.
Tbaaa oleaaala praaaat great poa»billitoa for Orasd Bapidi In the fntara, aad
gaialog faina
wbUa tba rsllar^tp la» gs
aa an ublblUoa Watm' ithe dtp to
a reap prsciiral maolia la ibe
arap of aaw catsblubaianu Is tba Usaa

Tba Htaiiiag Banadp



oBlqa* metbodaof advariUing.
of tba moat rffvellv* to Is iba pcrdoa
of OoL CaaoaraU Oalvart, a raaalnc
Jomad wlu anowwblt. flowing hair and baCM which
give blBsairiklngappcaraBee. Ba b
msklDg acaaraMln the iDtareau ot
tala Arm aad slao giving eAblllon* Ir
faoay psper-Uaring. at wbich he to as
a taw p aaaoat noalbs lo tba aocvbero adepu Ycalcrday sfierooos ba gave st>
nwrta; and mssp are Uktog odraoUga aatarUintsKDl Is tha diaplay window*
nflntoare apd maaaa to reUra to
of Boaa A don'e drag atore, and gavi
arafarclittiau. The raoeat arqoire. otttto tba eblldros
•aatoftba I'BlIIpplsaa aoggaau
of bto ahi;i. Ba gave a ainUsr eshlbi
aad eariad poaslbimUea, with attaa
tioo la Bagbo* A Bosbarfb’a store
•nealtp. And already tbe rallrorda
andbtMMbtplloasaraoCarlBg Isdi
■into. To ttaoea wbo bare aa inellsaMe« to aalop aoatatblag new wa
gtata that tba rata of fara eatabitohad
Mr* Joa. Metor aUllaav* today toe
f’nm bare to Haolla to oaly »>7J Tt,
BayOiy aad PloMnninc where abe
crap. And Ifose ninrU aarip aaoogb will visit frtood* aad tbra go to Orsoo
U tba aaiBBer be aoa rnaab tha Philip. Baplda. wbera bar borne wlU ba in tbe
plna before eold waatbar an* Ib here I fatara.
Ml« Katblaaa aad Andrew Tlaek
Iba Oaliad diatas. aad ba la Ubb to gat
•aMfortsbIp aattied before tba height have gone to Msaaeloaa to atlcod tbe
faaoraLof Mta. M. Braman.
Hr. and Mr*. Oao. B. Latbrop will
‘ % WamMD TWMMTT rXTB TSABB. go to JaekaoB Tbaraday to alay tbe
raat of tba wlnUr.
Balpb 0. WbiU. one of iba yonsg
AUear Veddleg of Mr. nod
boaiseaa man of Wllltomsborg. wi
Tba allear waddiag of Mr. aad Mfo. tba ally yeswrdsy.
toato Btisek waa aalabratad Uat areatf at ibalr plaaaant hoaa oa Koaib
Bpraaa atraaL Tbara ware aboaCfcrtp
Good looks ara really more tomn akin
(Mala praaaat. aad all rpjipad tbaa- deep, depvodlng aaUraly oa a aesiuiy
nalraa in dasolog and card plaplag. ooedlUoa of all Use vital onrsos If
I tbv liver be isseUn, yon have a bUlnas
'""'look; If your atoomeb be dUordared.


Mr. sad Mrs. fllraek tasva baad raal-1 aeya be aff.cied,
danta .f Trsvaroc Hty aboat flftaaa;!f^
yaara. dartog wbicH Uom tbey bi
■odea boot of friaoila. The aataea
•ily on ^e aUKsack
anapli wer* rMiptosW of maay braa.' kidneys PbHAm tbe blood, care* plotofalabd ootly ortaast. last •‘flit.

--------------B. Walt ood J. O. Jokaaoa.

W eaata

How Poet Bms Is tha fisik.
Pniwy oas vr. as w.-U in tbe dark at
a tbe li«;bl. Many anitiuito are able to
o wi among them tig<-ni. Uuoa and, in


•. Ulaa..JBe«a. IM
aT^kvuoCvntlgava.Wwtgr evrti*/ tbstwv

S-------------------- --------- ---

Good Thing

out—It don’t make the
foot fior^.

Ibe owl. whii'h iv nut an adlnial at
,hataliird. Tli-r-SMOiof tbia to becsuM
Ibiiw aaimnU have the power of mak­
ing tbe pnpil. tli-darkonlerof Oh- »»!• Beai’Ie Bid.
or.«l imrl uf
of the •ye, grow larger o«or
RiialhT nt will. It to throagh tbii dark
•pit. wbieh i» rerilly lUf iviminwtbat
c«amuoai<-i<r.'. with the brain, that the
pii-ton- lif wliat i» looked at to telegraph<-d to the IitbId by tbe nirvaa
«prea<l out iniuda the pnpiL When tha
est'i* in the dark the enbirgra tbe pa|iil (J tiie ey«iluit mijn rayi of light
can iw«j> thtuagb It tuthe hrnin than to
crdiiiarily tha cuw. aad the Impnoaius
to thiirfore a etruoTer use than to poaaibto to tbe hnman vye

licbiAu Accideit Associition.




T: Can be fitted up at a very small cost fromjour
handsome setb of antique and polished oak,
birch orjbirds eye maple. They will give your
^ rooms a touch of sunshine and cheerfulness in
winter and look light and cool in summer—Our
stock of Bedroom Furniture is worthy of your
attention, and at the prices we have marked
on it every article becomes a bargain.

•■tlwv wtU ra»rr «et la lOv l*u*r aay
ilvM ia«j war lacar. W« weed rnnOvr ver ,
ihai Irew ebki we keow of to. weiaOT* sed '
leifia of ikv lUeblgoa
Mteblgos A
Aactdeal Aaaaots- <
• wv Bella.e U te br utw
oaced sod

Prveiavel rtreiX,
k.: C.
t;. Otrv.3
D»f- V. B.iasa
CMi>M.rHBwaBevU)g» Baek
i.M evaosk
Mkfor efKdswaaae.
Aaacav w. aaira
Saaiewr et Oeeda KalaaBi
COdk Vmics.*k.

OSB roLo.

Agflota WBSUd in Uaaewpiad Twritogj.


TH» MO«Mll|o UOOKl. TP»«UA-». J*WOA»T M, ISM
M«ih UaeK

) feeneraVlCcvDs SVems


I rl-Sjrif

>-]l »Mtth of doiro

wtka m' Oa aaaliow'waetr, aw
Wyemtag wae (be beat retoel. and m*oatfsaaeorcrad ber rwo opfoMBta Inat •
atan to flnidt. tbonsh tvtea acrood• and onee afin with ai many taeo kaoEkledontfrmi'
' FbdiUnE tbanarlm oat «d ea»
•moke patch Into another, tbe three OCBE' aetenta cueled aronnd like two emr»
and e kiiiitlud till they bed drifted ■
.‘own in tmoge ed Ibe kbote IwtWi'iia,
iTbicb jceyly took a band in tbe fanM.
Bet MrDntiiall ran emai tbe bows <d
ooe of bis eMuutee. rmM her ae faw
went and left bv a fkatlns wrack, and tbeo tamed bii attoorioo to tbe tet(cries Tbe Wyatainy-r toco riss«d tito
MBitb'i ferye cb deck and toeaed boa

time bUInoBt
hm«.t the
Eh. boye bad
HEimc lamt
Uow oo tw mItU UMb. «TM m
Wtbooootb tr»ek. Dorid WUl___
ImImU7 hlllad. Taou* W. Booktr ^
n AIumbb heupimi. *ai le ^ tbM ay tmiba Bad to toll m»
FowtMB pMWM ••■• tilll«dB«»a*J A MMbter pmTtf •■OOMMod U mol« TT
iT,.^ t •**•» d«Bt ta«T b»d
■ trimn in tbe
fefMMplMkM 0( fM tB Um PBliB iof tks .1.
i» »>lr«. Tho
time, bofcw the w«. Till.
^ tb.
OMopod wUhoBt Irjvr.
ml**, tMMtj mUm WM of carur*». • oilm tkrw h>*s >ot b»o &4M.
MM*s I. th. ■kO«T ef toarta. WiMtoto.
•fbU. Ths mitot »l»of,-Miiiid to
A Toledo, O. tamM wy.; •Tho leas
CbortosOft, BOB of PreridMt Ortof
Senate m$ U m«y mwb, the WjoMkiac tlMlr OMOIM.
__ __
WitlMbtof oollwe, 0„ died Sudoy «d ol m wUre tenlly la Lehe Brte U r* ,
toiny'« orlfcUl hoiti. 1. an amoat u•mnloMMof tkotatooie ptar««loFiool Mrolsrii^
ported beietedey. ‘Oeooe of the le- tbe
I tbe Usbi and >7 of toCJrlod
d»ptcr of < r naral anoaU_
k»**aoM diMowod te Port Looto, IJsrteo
U Uot Thosk^vl^ Uode le tbe Ben proep llred a fatolly tit* whole cmr. Wim tbe PtoU^'’ ^ Cbongb U niik$ arm biybCT la point cd
UlBBd Of MbtiUbb.
aatood Eofaeoa. Tbe fa«lly. eoaOttod Jaly «a»e eroELnd, peroUeicD weo a*- darii,Aeiid encoeto apainBorswbolDHaarldort. aldoet aw of of tbe faiber, w>*ber, a daaybtto of *d fnan tbe borbor aatboritHa of tba lay uddt e*«.n the dcdcoi td tbe AlaIlBrlBfthepBMfoBrtMB woehA m
ptoWB. bBT. dUd IB UbAOB of IbSoOB- Sana roa Beaoldorf,a dietiarolahod M. a eoa of t. and a hired toaa. Heaty P«« »bere ^ ww to flreaeelgtt. ; bama by Ibe WyotolnE’. tiftor ehip, tbe
Um «oeb (he deoUH Ubom trehl- taaenl la the Aeaulaa army. U a M-MerUV Tbe mtU l*y diMl a^
----------- ^
•d. UtooBelBt fro* t to M. BowcdlBt Maobatoltb la El
I to taka ike
Sbebad^ ^ tbrooyboot tbecivil <« the
to tho reelstrar renarol.
Poar saa were badly baraod by tba body hack to Oaaada, wbeaee they
oaoloalea of a boUor Soadoy le tbe cam. Aeliakerboatsrae need The Area gunforcboms TbeyanwaeloadThe hwltb of Boatiwo tna
ineyaa^i^- cntliiuR ermco. and fonrtrt veil wbim- followed ibrt* oismple.
eatlra femUy Btartad oa tbe perli,AM wland enaTlbiUK was Uft mdy while
oaieefo iribaae baUdlaf. Tbe
Wtter thot It te BO». Ooly
to tbe Btaln deck, wboe
hoe oeoBrrod oIUIb the
teelty lialta der- who bad }oat ooB^oiad patUaf la Jtaraey. Tbe baitarad oliakar boat ^e crew went drink
**« *“" ‘**
I»»‘*‘*l bis bolwarks. sud in^wblla
toaad aod
aad tba bbdy
body of ^i^^oTeoaMbiBE t.........................
M beta tooad
iBf tholBit Ire deye.k Notblac ep- aew pratM la the faraaea of tbe boiler, has
I»I»~ Sbo *«tontoff St Ibreuita wat wud u, the n-caU .tnai prinew ti
,F TW aaUopwast
pnBdblBf tbit iMBBeUy U roeorded were euadloc direotly la froat of tbe
la the bletary of the elty. Tbe eaUeree taraeoe wbea tba eaploehta ciekerTwl. Barren, oa ibe Oaaadlaa abore, U pre- tent back to abooi off tbe ebtoos
iam^Lnl bo
wbleh were toraMrIy tho diy saaseof' aad were eeverod flrst wiU tire eoala. eamod to bare bean Mra. Bobaow. Tbe I “Tbe propranune was carried oat ta on two oreasin by Ibe aemt jibaaoe Its royal nwn<f-'sesrs
on rwo oocaaems in the Chins ecaa.
Tbe iriurw, wbu wa s mlmdlacnet
other bodloa^kra not been fooad.
tba '.......
!««;. •>«---•
Thro tbe
are, are etarrlaf ead aoir poei
and tboB with eealdiBf waur.
It waa in 1K8S. toward tbe eod of tba than Culcmel Citskt tt's
U Colorado tbe fall of aaow baa
iael wign <rf ibt- tytssw and tbe mika- • Sown irouiptly. and id (1m nwoltlny taAtBaeiae, WU-.ettbe BeelBe Mal­
be waa not to be fonnd. Tbe cook hadn 't
leable and Wroaybt Irw Cetapaay'e' baaa tba bcarleat la Aftoea yean, la eem> him. aor bad the cook's boy. nc Wo. when Japan wss in the throes of dtnuairy A.'UMI.IHW l«-U to tb<' lot cf tbw
ciril war. and tbe form of tbe rebel Unitwl hutus It was luaiir ycwia beBMoldlac aboo. tbe botton of a eopole
wo«ld be veepmd to any of tbe «wiis
A Hereae paper daelarea that yellow ooBialalar 1.000 poeade of tooltw tbrostanwl. Tbe .apply of coal aad that Bsnally tmnyfat biui flying. What prlnees were mlMtiig to tbe last tbe fore ibis moory put Into ib<- tnasaiy off
paeriogof tbe old feadal system. Tbe tb« L'niuel States, but
«erar wtu ^reod beyoad ooetrolBBleBa Iron fell oat aad ala waa wero baraod.
bad brcocne of him no taw knew until I'riaee of Kagato was one of tbeaa, aad state d.-pamutmi had ollsn^• uf it and
tooroeare le takea. Msay Bpaaleb A bar boldiiif ap the bottom of tbe
< o'clodt, when a boai’a civw went ttott bis liny kingdom that fronted cm ' bad Invwiiwi it
will Uui tb.-ro was a
atom are aelllaf bade, badelotbae. pU- eapole borard eet, eeaturlay the mol- feriey Bast melt anleae tbe nUroade aabore to a biy qainy for sratm. Tbe
tbe stralte cd Simoooaeki he deolared very mUo sbon uf ♦s.oou.ow) finally
lone aod other artielaa fonaerly nad taa Bald la aU dlreetloaa.
esB be opeaed to tba plaeea.
Snow < *kip lay aff fron this Sfrliig sbont a bunaelf ked paramoant of ertTything In ; tamed over to tbe wnmins-nt. which.
by ibe bpaaleb boeptlala aod troopeelide, an nponad tioB aewral aUeee.'
l>‘B _._A..
tbe neiiAbaring ana. after ^1. Was pntt^Koud (wy '
Noar Altooaa, Pa., a ffaar of M track
fr««A,M. -ksnU.,..
Wbtal tbe Bta cataeJf"
to the. «twnwhiobbetookgenema.lolla.dld:d.ylBi
Al tbe bardwanetere of fVUio A Do.
be took gmeroas toll aa did ‘ deyM flgbting. wito a Im <d inlyflvw
eiBiag. they cMioed in the bmuebee
la Saa lyaaeio atraot, tbora It a Urf rvpali BOB worblaf oo tbe reUroad at
airfs ^
of Tkrlfa. H
fcilhd aod Ba woundii - Washingtom
bends and ho.
bol .bot
Miot ST
depcaiv of btde belo«flii« to tbo Spaale only road cast aad wnt
taaaol Saaday aftarwoM. brariaf ike
ulvlile tba-. has ben elear U look to Ihand kmxklng it out wuh i ppoo the vmels of various powen. inOmt rjitaln. fSd<^ Uie
b of a loeODotlve, eUnped from the Ocavrr A Bio Uraade.
of ^Ir poor mUe PM atta<d».d to jKeiberlands end Ibe United Siatea
Dotstar—I Jnst Bit yoor wifa. That
' Moaiitime Prinoe Negsto throve and andiciur 1 aant biT by yoa seeiae to
the Aral wowaa wboee aane bee
floBHsiied by lU strait of Hitnoaoseki. Ita'w benefited^ gnsstly.
siKl failing oordav to wTitac tribote or ! I>amley—Bdai ber> Why. alratar. i
appeared te tbe oatalofae -of Harvard
» of Mag. Ibe mookey. "
il byanyolbn-totaDs beSnid itboagbl yoawaidtbat
aatvaralty aatoaf tba omeara of the iaef : epirit of apart ebamd bimedf into tbe so tbe AoMTican mmluoituna Pam- 1
e jtad k
a ooB|Ue of ber crew. ■uok It —Btohaiiad ListMeb.
Spoaeer Pratt. Ualtod BtoUa aoaaal
Boyhvod of a Kla*.
laacral at Slarapora, bat eaat to- UaB'
Lonb'Pbilippe. the kte king cT
a^s-^ *
eral OtIe a proptaal that a neMorla]
Ubo Jepsnrae goteraonDt. ssal ComBellalraU to have a Mg aew nw. farmer, receatly killed a tarkey that
' msBder Mrltntnll. wbo Imf^ffwvd to be >SDce. was fa i-bildhuod and tariy
aboald be erected at MaaUa to tbe
yo^b r<v]Dlm] to w ait npon himself la '
mill which will employ aboat forty weighed It poaadt
maaryof all AwarleaM who fall
Bm ie a eort of elrrtrical netbod <ff *“
the baiultk-i.lHtiw. It wss tUroogb this
ItwIU be ooBpletadaometlata
vmovin* msL
Rut. end.
>nd fodd
AA enoogh. tbe | ^ >'*’I*' ‘“‘‘“'*0
Samael Blodgett, of PmeoU. Oge- maoving
»'« *«*» •fell mitnrr that be wss trainid np one eff
died of dieeaee denof tbe eempelyn
la April
Bsw coaaty. bss fallen heir to SW.-1 niBed objMt innrt be pnt ^ wain to!
ac^t tba Spaaiardt. It U aarr
tbe i»«t rvntarkalde mm .<f hU time.
that alt Anierioaae aow residsat In
Boa. T C. MitobeU. who reoe^Uy
tba tar eaei ahoold ba aeked to eootrl- died In Hliisdsic. bat b^neatbed to
A London plniuh<v is nndcr aimt
fiw *r..dliur aSoIuiumw lie was twv
tbecUrbls nugalBoeai borne aad Si,Tbe Horwertaa bark Daaea wat tow- 0(10 fv a pnblle library, tba resideaee ageuftheoomradn of Palrohild Pgat, 1 el«-tri,-al enttrt of liw irTm wHh {bl i
^'1 blsucbe to «,ttle ac um>d(1:f at work b arina them down and
away tki- uts(< rial witbuat any
l*nm-o of Nagato in
ad lata (taaeaetown harbor Seaday dle- to be fitted ap for a library building Oraad Army of Orasa Lake, they have [ tinr Then sabmerge the handle in wa- ‘
nnr Interfering with faiin It waa only
abled, aftor faattuas dity-oae daye and aiMb portion ae may not be needed dtoldod to dtebaod the orgaaiistloal let to which has been mldeds little ml-“f •'>nautnavl. and mrhm the ownrv went to look at hfa
««!'.d at^.
with atomi la tbe AUaaUe- Piro dlf- to be eaed for city efflsve. Tbe mea- andearmder their obartar. The la-, pbario arid Leave tbe l^andlr in tbe
boOBM iumavlf (bat be fonnd they wm*
««>*<> ‘i“»“•
diseplaal M pleeed la tbe beode of tbe diee of tbe BMlef oorpe apmd a banferoat etaMata bad bar la taw bat la
Ija-wredfrom tbe article to be cleaned. Wenmiig found biTself
orery eaee tbe baoaor broke and tba city eobool board, and U la probable qaet foe tbe vetaraae. tbelr famllie.!^-^
of SfiDxuuaiki and !■
in -tel
eight of tbe stk-rv
0,,., II u» "
weald be raaeaer waa obllfed ta that the new library w U abaorb tbe sod Invited gamtSL
baltencs wblcb were a jart it.-^
to wwwawt—Ajtn
wwwarxt__ Arbrn
abaadoa tba hark. Tbe eraw wore aehool ilbraiy aad the Ladle. Library
At Sbalby, Michigan, the price of; snlpbnric. oid wonH hrtlo bj M<d W t iDCe-s debtoca I"
I she had time to open uo/ftie
uo/Tbe talterice
altooetdead wlUexbaattloo wbaaSaalpotatoes has beeu advuoed from St to ’ tbe vrator from
n day
A baby one year old. eon of Mr. and
oeettby faoal Uyem and farmers; there b only a litt:
littb 'rtiri Wrinbed I TiI"
will du ss well “
I *inc. hot tbe ao-!
Tbe Britlab aua«e«r Ulaada roporta Mr. Loalea Bbepke. who lived fa who have been bolding tbelr crop are,
„ InUim tnnst In- unite weak In this
Aeld, fell fate a bMler of boiling aow aaloadleg. Bkipomata ai
durk 1 ^
aujisilfxbr u.ogbUmug ie'*
The aiticb «ill bcotne hlack
of SL Job ns. dtreeUy la tbe iraek of water Baadsy_ator«lag and waa fear- i care per week froai that plaee.
la BOR or leas a very alow procesa,
Atlaatle ehlpplay aad formliitatarioBe felly beraed, Ue fleefa peeling off the I For the third eoaeecatlve dey Are

I McUngail U lug without duirt. or piaccording to tbe severity of tbe
odds were tutm- tbsB
body. Tbe child may poaalMy live.
I baa vetted MsaUioe. At ( o'clock
deafo. to paaalar eteawi
cickneas. VitsUty, wbea at a low
euoDgk for Nelson htiiiM-U. t«mg 48
from aloBf tbo toast ledloaW that the
tare are M.tWOvolamm fa the Jack-moralag tbe MeLopolitaa
at a gRUdiasdraatage,
gnus of tL« three Japaaest- ivwsbto tbe
Arctic toe toe le Wavellaf euetb rapid­
ally library. Tbe llbrarr board j
and BOR rime la reqalRd to Rgafa
SC of (b.i < !il (Vyowieg. to my notbiug
ly aad a bloekada of tbeaaitara froat basjust added between $»00 and gTco!‘*F
«’biletbe walU aad roof to
tba lost abengtb and power.
of the batCMies 00 simiv. Tbrre wus
Orip-a Kavigos Doomed.
of tba lelaad U lapoBdlaA.
worth of new booha
laterior b a eomplote
still acbani-etonm. barriog sumr dan­
isny dee
are Jubilant he->«lWiBg wa. formerly »
ger cf gniauding in the narrow cbsulM-b
Aa anaeually wana ware for ibto time
I kofal- bat of lata baa been ased ae aa
’’'fJ i atuuug the iHlanda. bnt tbe idiadis-snM
of tbo year bae baea hoverinf over Oalof tbe bUnsrd -kii
P«-I ,p^rtm«il boaao.
UoraU lor tbe past three daya tbe vailed for tne past ts boaia.
rr«R(y for this malady b ,ouo.i' ,a':
They my
Tbe potato evaporator which baa re­ Dr. K.og-sSew Dismiery. That dis-i
tamperatara la the oeatral part ararif tbeie b now plenty of snow to move
"orking to windward of tbe nmrv«
lay EQ derma. Tbe preeeat epell i» their logs, aad rvork wUI be roebad. A cently etartad oprratlcaa at Nonb Irrseioe .lublwo coagb. that Inflsm.s
Branch, b furalshtag a good market y«ur ibrost, robe yoa of bleep, weak-j J»l»ueto-the Wyouiiug opitied at Lug
tbe wariaaat that baa prevailed at thla
ik ago the weather was eo Warm
prtaueci iiianrcious rcaaBa in aacb
your svalem aad pavea the wav for nuigu and workud down un bor till.
enaiaa elaaa raeordb of weather eoe- that tbe swamps about that pbee were for tbe pctatoee whieb tbe farmere
iptioB is quickly stopped by this when
aboard, tbcee v----casea. Tbe riebneaa of Ibe null
dltloae were kept. Shoald tbU vreaU- thpwad out, aad la a martb around tbe of tbe vicinity have left ^ haod. Tbe milcbleesrare. If yoa haveekIIU and tbu MiWBy left standiug sbuvHdrtks
give, life to Ibe blood aod tbe bop
or eoeUeae It will aadoebledly reealt mill pond east of town tbe boll frogs factory omb aboat too baabeb per day, fever. palB laitoe back of the bead,:Th« other two n-swU bml roim-ap fa
principle gives tone to
aad a good prlee b paid for them.
dliaeiroaely for frail aad ynla yrow- am beard croak ing.
rh^r“.s!f sk!J5rjJr-k“?I^.
«.(s.uUniBaudeagagod tin-Anii-riibe atofflacb—CRaiing
There mm aow it lodge#
dgee ofeolorad like a vice, yoa peed Dr King's ^ewi”“
otbcriddt. tat ^lay toaod
At Oaford. Condaetor Joba Battaa.
iotb a deaiR for food
fa Mieblgaa. At tbs aaaaal Di^o’i'ry to cureyo.r Drip, and pre--f*':i.‘^‘V’;"*p«taudMto
Tba Awarleaa MIeeloaary AeaooU- while eoepUag care oa tbePoatlae. Ox­
and tba ability |» di­
BMotfar of tbe grand lod« Lanslnr
‘I** ‘"J nmurra were sniiAe
tloa bee late ed aa appeal to Ua Ooayre ford A Nortbera rallraad.
gest h...........................
« "‘‘i blludaultbeflanu of the gnii. no lim• of theUoliad Siatre
next wees some rnrtiier actioa will be , i-or^d A tris: bvuTr b.itlv Ire- st ibr Ror served n. ligbl the hotllccloo.l that
to obeerva Peb. II aa Lleeolo Saaday and teat two of them.
taken toward secariog retogaitloa | drug stores of S. E. taaii and J G John- rolled fa white billows ovv^tbe atou'-ib
wgun of tbe strait it was di«w-ruie
Joha U Umr.the
SborUy bafora tbe Tbiny-Arst Micb- from tbe wbita MaaoasM



of INirt Jrrvlt. N. Y.. died tbe oihrr Igan-left for Cuba, tbe beya were banday fa bb Blst year ffinee early msa- qaetad by tbe bdica of SavaBamb.
baud he has maile a basfaeee of oaleb. I Mamber of the ragimeat write# of tbe
lag ratileasakes lor menagerie mana-ifeaet in rapiara. Tbe srrltcr gives a
gereandany uaeelaewDo woaM bay ' faint slgb at tie prospeclof feediag oa
embalmed beet while to Cuba,
Andrew Caracfie has o8«red
but tbe prospect ta ewallowcd fa tbe
aatr fora-Ubrary baildlay for meBories of tbe tewi the
tbeaiale ooIIvkv. ai Brllefoate. Ps.. diee gave: “Kaw oyaten and dalsop
provldlag tbe state will appropriate and lemoas; fowl of all kfaffs. with
•lo.Qta aaaeally for tbe aslataaaaee eranb-rry aaaoe: eoffea and tea klods
of tbk library and taBsenB) to ba «oo- of aalad, iee cream and cake of a doxea
aeeied with it.
kfads: BBta. datee, flga. banaaaa, or­
AI Bnffsle a pair of bamaa le«B that anges, oclory aad sweet, spiced pick Ire:
wore BtieklDf ap thronyb tbe toe thst baadUe of clgare and cigarettaa, Uod
oovarad the anrfaae of tbe water la ooe togatber aod Uid beside each plate Aad
af tbe sllpa le tba harbor aitraetad tbo there was each a profasloa of riolete
>iioetloB ofeotae awaoo the etaai
that after tbe eatertalamest was over
' Waltar L Frost Bueday moralog. An land tbe eoldlere had carried off the
ax wsseecoved aud tbe body chopped Baral favon. there eoald be fouitd fa
oat It was found to ba that of WilUsB one teat as many of these delicious
OoTBwr. a deckhand oa tbe Proak Be | blooms as woald coat .flu fa tbe north
bad evldcatly fallas beadfoRmoat tram at fata time of tba year.
tbe gang plank of tbe boat aad bad ' The eleeirie light aystam of Kalkaska
gona half army tbroogk tba lee and had baa bfSB ixicsdad aad aeveral addltioaalstRet lights pat in. Many pri­
been bald in that pcaiUoa nnUl dead.
Ooarge Browns a tarBar llvfag at vate booses aad tbe aeve^ ebarebm
Borwood. Long island. Moke bta neck wUl soon be lighted wUb eieetrielty.
Orest bad! of white mad. astd to
fa Jampmg froia a window fa bta booae
which bad takvn Are wbila tbe family bate all the qnalUles rrqnisUe for tbe
are of g'ess, have bseo focod
WWW sleeping. Brown's wife and five
aalles cast of Bagfaaw, aadj
At Apex, Ool. ■
oas are now being sabmliud
towsllda «
Ring fa wbleh three Uvea to cbemieal analysia. Tbe F. A l>. M. i
were lot. They were Mru. W. H, Ba- railroad eoa^paay bss boagbt tbe tads.!
AMpb aad ber two chUdren, agad two
A Tekuasba yoafa of aome eigbteea ^
and foar. The Kudjlph borne vras alt- immera parebased or borrowed aj
aated oa tbs side oi a steep bill aad abotgaa and vrent oat for bu Am!
dltwoUy fa tbe path of the slida Snow baoL Be soon apled a frisky rrd^
bta bean faUmgaiBKatcoBUnaatlydar- squirrel and-Maxedaway. Thesqulrfag tbe past week sad bsi reaebad a rel
g.R bta tall
tail so
aa extra twirl
only gsR
Aaptb of Aftoea feet oa the Boantala aad ebattarvd away as marrily as rver.
•faea Mr. Badolpb. who. wifa bli fam- ba( the eild fsssily msra fast waa gras. Qy. waa fa their boma wbea fas altde fag fa tba Arid received the ebargv of
afarUA, auecaedad fa eecapfag but ehot aad daaead around tba Aald fa a
bia wife and Hum ehUdrea wr# far diffvrwBt mood.
aw«Btaw^*fa tbeavalaaebs of aaow
OuvM T. Date, a linnaii



Our One-Fourth Off Shoe Sale
$6.00 Shoes
go at $4.60

Pingree t Smiih Make of fine Shoos

$1,76 Bomeos
at $1.33.

Oxfords go at

$6 Enamels
$4 Welt Shoes
at $3 00.
make at $4.60

* $B 60 OU
Qrain Boots
at $1.88.

$1.60 Shoes

$1 Children's Shoes $3.50 Head Taras '

One lot
$B Shoe Backs
at $1.60

ladies' $3.00
Tara Sola Jaliams

aDd few Stfles
at Man.

$3 Shoes Go At $225

llenletoo's Patent
Calf and Tans.

84 pairs
at 76o.

$2 00 Shoes
go at $ 1.60

at $2 63.

96 Pairs
Oil Grain
ladles' Heed Tara Crsoles-$1.60
to 0Bl|i $l.4S.
60io5at$l.4S. : going at$l.l3
One lot Mae's $3.00,
30 pairs Mea's
; Beaver
$1.50 Heaq Shoes
$1.50 Uce aad aed felt Shoes 1-4
at $1.13.
ud 1-2 an.
Tliis^ale will continue until Harcb 16th.


~TnV»a.-n ~k- "RVn_«<3_T:»io'hi
118 Front StreetTHE

rajiTpg>DAT.j4yvAHT gi. t<i>.
teOHT IM TMt Meswoooi.



. .
»Brad tteB worta te aroB «WB bH Bi*


-«k« Warn riiiin«i m

. :uu abu*. Uh aaifar«T»»B at deata.
... •. .U boosia. tte Bear* »tarateea
• .* <al ih wMh araa ■( laader Vm.
: a knte-aa>aMTaaaa(Bd ate tiwa
-cti:. «t»n of tte MtKteT laa ted daw.
..te«cu IliBte, tecfeioteaM vtikaite,
'.<> bisnaiT bed. alar.

Kcjyt tm VM DMnl—ny «cm»
W. CTCfi «1m« pt«^ Baed b »U da;
•mc aad eia; da;. It wu nba i«nM* «Mar-‘nbe bMea «r Tjrpbon.'
^isttar 9t ««a. Ka inaa coaid toach It
K a*;
ak; M
ka Boat
Boat da
da pcaanrr ud

M . »t W.M

«aaa|B itawawrat. Ttettn

. _ J^“SS

•a davM. tet tte record doea aot n>
tec ItaraaloatteturatteclaaBlctlDa.
■bKm Graak a»< Bomaa aacaa poasled
«TB add Uttle caaioBw handed daon
daya of old. Cterro
.......... ... mated
. la
. vaia
f a tool of Iron moat hot te bcoosbt
data tte aacfvd yioTr of tte Arrala-or
If teotebt by antiMiu inuat te
fdatad by tte aarr^Bre of a (By <
^ -h!
net tiMb-h
ate Arehloa of I’laupa might
Iran aacepc at the yiwrly featWal
ateanaraUng tte irlmupb of Greece.
Iten- waa DU end to aaefa Inatancra.
--nw aacred old I*odb Habllrlna had u>
Ba reimlmd yrltbont mdng Iron; ao bad
<te aaHrat temple of Jopli
iBtBBertid Umea when tte m^tilng

ES^ S.'



from \

VBIM to”lVru a^flnd the aame euper—«Ter>wtere. Iron tnola w<




Tbe late Bajah Vlaana-

low- NegTo.-* «f the gold roaafeninat
retnoee any article, of Iron on itw^

way. Imre a plcmbuui blm Bbrtnii





; PL“

ram. of crldi-Dce In Inoka
fnlk-lorc. We may credit

- That^oolng Lmly Eljawailed lo^

portion of tte ooonoy. and U>«i l«to-1

.r»l. ,ot
I.», po.,. ...-.pp-u I, u,-

. ~___


bad nndergene many ebangea
li-va of iu funner poawora. It atill.
however, pnwuuled the aaiua granitic
ap|warai.te. Tte wild, wraihfnl ocean
bust agninat tte baae of tte cliff
__' __ tbo
’ dark
• ' and
stood, and
lonely appear«l tbo gnit fowat a few


la a r.uwi wttb an Iran key—
ainfininin abe g.'is a mortal to open
tte'ctMWt. and flUo away upon the Inauit. in other etortea ahe U n-lea^
hr Ig timeh of Iron: In one favorite

iaou uf Lord Hnrdnm. an exceedingly
unpopoUr man, of crabbed dupuuiitai
datkenod rcpnlalioa. He waa dominecri.ig in hU ccudnct towatd thorn


Dutch fifhmneu msks astanU
jitcbfs by Bieuas of tte following very Wj^StergMeek.
]e plan : Tfaev pat a«pmbw of lira
___ jwand insects is a toltle psrtiaUy
filled aritb water I aad then eerie it se­
curely. The bottle is dropped into tbe
water, tte fisbennan siskiBg his tins
akmgtide. li an*»rs that tte sight of
tte vriggtiug contents of tbe buttW to
ezritro tbe appetite at tbe finny trite
that they taD ea^ rietima to tte haiud

ronatant growth in strength and n.un
than gntifl-d with tte attending sabItanual rewards. '—New Yurk tent.


rs.'risjr" "■

Bn^ecs AniCB Ba'wa.
Tn BasT Saltb in tte world for
Onto. Broisea. Semes, Clmiu. Balt
Rbmtm. Tever Borea. Tetter.
and aU ffltls
ChUhlaina, Coma, m
and pmUivaly ei
earoa PU<
arnp parraquirad. It la |
to give parfact aatlafaction <w mow
rofcadaf^ Price noeata per b«^ JT<m
mle hr J.e. Johnson aad K ■ Wait

Ever Bomed Ont?


At the goeen City BaetanraaL
ColllB la the proprietor.

T, C.


Qgmpasj X giBBTiila, 66 oastA
iDBrearea few of <te band
Bannab B'fie m*-moriala left, pbirii
,-ae he bought al the Oity Bc«d*Kwe
for «i crots each.

m s illiiiis

Abe Qaaea

Twin Mavstali




•HHIrev vt
M M uwr


tvmaiurd in tte room.
Fcr a mcmicut be hardly stirred.
Then his bead dropj^d cm bit breast,
and bia eye put magi
Wi vu the Mrrania tuunci. only tte


Tbe physicians pronounced hit death
dteasc. but they
rightful cause.
^ Ropert, Roland Uilter
and Lady Klla wtro never riccvcrecL
The sea rt-toMd them to niortal man.
farvearsibe rid room of Isfodel’a
castle was banni< A It it aaid that tte
pale form of Lady Ella often appron'd
at tbe window, ns if iu waiting for nme
Tiic cdslic baa long dtice been destnwed. Lot the ttrange story c
with it is stiU fresh in tbe mtoda oj
many persona in EuglanA—Exchanga.

scuuetimn difficult to keep from sus]nfISw'te rontrli^t lathers the csloiner
u.uwu.. »o «.
with a glullmm. suhstan.v. the otlor if’"''" l^.'itt.
«r whleb dmw net nwinlde lUni of tte uf Lsdy LJla and her lor«.
. lirusb—
long Uclore Lord Bsrdltm b<--"iiie
modest Vlcdet. He 1
wbcii ttev have altained anocees they
niaanc of tbo iuterviens existiug
It a rag. He puts n
find that ’they have exhansiod their vi­
e lather
drip down
tween hie dsngbter nod Roland Hilter.
but lew the
tality. They have been pTtdii^
yvyttr sboev. I'ou eannot liwn Inefc la aitd be immediately pnqnasd to brook
It upright
the rr«l-f>.vry
wsy. but tnusl sit
tte intimacy.
<f yontta and prime,
ihe rtir .r Is bring applied. Tte
while the
Early ouo morning, at te was paaaing
I* ces'.Iy. Tbe chin strokes are
When It i* too late,
discovir that
effect 1«
Ihroogb the dark lumt tl Athol. Xiord
In tbe same roaboer that
_____________________Jth Icf whatisno
have risked beali
w Wliarf lalxrer srrapee ternaclea Hordron's ath utioo was arteau-d by the recompense, and that tteg have really
«niB uudermaih a dock. They never lonnd cf voices falling on his ear. Pres­ thrown away the opportanUy of enjoy­
r water, and turn you ently Lady Ella, acccanpaaied by Bouae iMiv n
ing a long existeoc*. Bnt the fanit ia
1 ohleet of laud Bilter, appeared to view.
oat Into
t ■ blghwa,
Not not aU that of individuala The exac­
wily. Any one w1h> pa-s to Na|des can wiahing to te ohaervod by them. Lord
get imrh a share lo the be« botria or Huiditm Ktrpped behind a large Wee to tions cf these laitw days make men
sUvn. They have so many things to
In the worst qt:aners.
do and they have to do tbrm iu sorb a
____ __________
dosrn fc» a
A U«-U l.Mlb.r.
nab that they have no chanoa torofew momenm.'' aaid Imdy Ella is »
cnperatA They are victim* of ocmdij«-fylng leather
V . _
. _
A method of Hqwfylng
New England
Englaud ahwsboe- tweet Toioe.
beea Invented uy a N-w
tioBs thai ore nadennining tbe BOtkm.
Lord HsrdiciD managed to roatroin
maker.. nedlBsolv.alealherlnabottle
He dlsmlv.s leather la abottle
and whm be has a torn or cracked bis temperand wait foe further devulop-

-r^ nails of me Chlaroe BoWUly
.^inic. attain tbe length of etota
^ l,K*eA and the Slomroe
■ — )oi;|. silver raaro at the end of
to protect the salla.lf
S?BTO tong econgb to need It or to
SSw M.le believe that they ait
they are noc
IMwW'tWr »»a MeOw
* *u»M» mnsWan says that Mpw

■A MvwaUle 0» meet-_________

A* ho epcikc hr drew a pistol and fired
at the spectral Iona. When tbe amoks
clrarcd away, oocme aave Lord Unrdion

j natnro that rv.n Lord Uunlrun conld
{fiud ai;ght (.gaitiKt bad not Um' latter
; „,.j,
arrt.-ro and pjaicns dUjKeition.
tuowli-dp' cf love iiiretiDgs It

TueatA He saw tte young oonpis att
down nadw tte nmbeageona foliage fd
Lead Oadegtan it said to be tired at
a large oak tree. He beheld tbe young
bis post of viceroy of Ireland. Of him
his arm tendeily arooad tte
tbe London Troth says; “To be a rich
' ana
and ne
te nouna
nonoed ,
-wain cf tte Islr girL



fln«y work • and with win®, she bad faU. n ace^v

^iirUu: I*i» ptvpat*'*''" **»
<y^a of ah.KW tode^etJj^.^The



afittea ^«|a \

Lwly EUa leaning ru ter 1ot<t'« i
“By my irotbf”
rrind ibe
” cried

( M
v,.,c iLaccmpuuy
tl... nmnauv
of U..ltadUil
Uoltat UillfT.

oboe to repair ne simply fills Ibe crack
luM ati.l allowa II to dry.
wlth^be bqu
it and tbe rioaest In>w that the leather

Tveverm cim. »W



I petaona.
Very different in ber natuwwaaLady
Ttaplea I. — -Ella, tte only dangLtrr uf Lord Bnr<fl^ becaoac It Uct au auugly
Xmak of Viwuviiu. wbuw- cvcr-hunilng droa. Ste pOBwaul all ttaoee qualiiiea
lavi aimear* r>-d and dull like a migbty . and crctmi^iabmcnn tbst lend icmard
IkbM threucb nil tbe .Ifiy and night, 'tbo diwlcpm.nt of trnc womaubood.

, ... . ,
i„, 1, „
ytoite one wrote “tee Venire and dle.“
antf foUiK^ It up by sa.rtng "See
Ngiiten nitd dk- alau.“ but to ibu aforeaald crdlimry traveler who arrives
arrives at
It o.'cnn. that the .
« ““ re wat one ih.og to w hirb Lord
rhl at irnthnaiy luivr asM Hnrdrtti was t.oletillj opposed, it wat
[.I t and fMltif• T.. iimWc a that Lady Ella sl.ocld -^any a man
story e1.'>n. rl»-Iiiln«l<>rl1.>n of a , wLo pohscQcd not wealth and bore pot
gOoA Am-riron aairtisty aj-»tem would ; ibe |i,le cf nobleman.' iibe wtll knew
Improve ih- 1 UV woud. rfully. when ,
f»ibcr’a tmtipaaiy to her farming
vl-U Naples you want to g" to a
iu5i„,«.T with any of tbe lower

^rn* vnratk.D he wcniid be rimtlmmOy
tKXhrnd with wamiiiiK f<4- aiaault
lie asU Uls mslonier to
..K.i. ...., .I.A..

John R. Santo,
fieiHil lisantn.

.......................... U B <S

icamp Biltc-r wiU no longea trootda
tbete rvgioofl It”—
“Think BO. taiberr'
al voice at CU i
Bortlron rnnied bit eyes
tbo voice. A* he did
so be bcbi Id the dripping sprain1K« of

itxU awv- Hard Uildofannd and many

• per «vm cvf Ibe ¥
bL Of the EBglMi.

teop to tm a o'sloA avaay ivflft
axerpt Basdny. In tte Chldwsll * Ub>.
n don tending, at aorth sad of Dnkm

her in ita embrace, and tte gates of
dimtb wen thrown open to t«c«iva an­
other aaoL
That nigbt Load Bordrtm retired to
tte red room. Tte nooappearance eff
Lady Ella did not sesn to affect him.
At te sat down bia tbongbiaieverted



5 'YgwBBtsa sU my worit to te rlg^
- Bad U ItAosaBBptBmae 1 maks N

it.'.iir A.S ,M IP. cSr.i-p«.

rfcS"v s.'^y K".i™^
S' n.,
<.u <.» u« e—

itnlt.d f Uirs h

) tedeesiv«dbp»^*'M^''*UV«*^
> ttsMWBy. tet SQBB sad ms Ba


lwdm flnallv withdrew, leaving
^little atill in tbe WBewioB of

amim iv P«n>“* •



one In ttechytortte

>H .1 .«««- Iorrt»Jmg^ U»

BUdebraod abd a few oomnauii

BMaMKiing the belplea. people and deB^ins the antique rcllgloa It waa
S^ccuraed meUL
by a
L Afterward,
prorraa. tte evil thing agai
irm proreaa.
r evil tblnpi-wltchra
tblDr.-wltrhra and dem
_____ riutrina and death lia«'lf. Kngilab
imlih* were def.-DdPd from fairy kid-

Bicycle Riders.

it wo not long «i« me ouDip.enw.ui ^
,k^ ....k-.,
ed tew mm tb«e by the Bigty wavra
,b, eaaUe that tte Diinta invaded that

tying. “Gauld Iron.'



iBte Bf fto
_________thtet SB*

D apji
- ____________
___ .Javan—brUfTlng U to be dlrvci

wfU find
•devobd I
<hat tbe I
the til

Aa to wtet will bring thair analBit dinar. TbBa an
M who c

a day paBTid bat that te qHte • poctiaa o< wbiclo I imagine, meet <d ae poaoB
(d bia liae tteia
tarmoro tten we an^wet. hr there am
OBiteair-— —
Many yrata bare raatewd from the
few BM who finally ran awae-.-Bif^ty
teeacgttecartbciDcattecBUeof Isfo-'jiut nacrated Boland waawalhiv lei- tew who will not atend ttpand fight
. ireeing oe tte wiwri they feoUbat they are twaliy call-‘
»«»d Th.
_'?• ‘
bine waterAwbiwaroicaiellanhiacaa.
ed npoa- Bnt our Bbd u in eotnpanwar tera Ukd many g Uad with aor"A bad plaoeforamanto fall rtonr*
menta. and moat of na I fancy, opea
row. aad tteaagtl td paaM bBcdira
“Afa, i« it yon. Koperty” aaid Boland only our and make that laat thrungb
»i»ited tte world, bringing bate to the
aa te Bmed anoud.
it U. aa life, and we die witboot knowing bow
weary. Baptica bare ariBn. and, Uka
TOO aay, a bad place. Tte bwd avim- brare we are nnk« eome great oocatbe paling ct a Mar. bare dlaanwand
mer, 1 wannnt. ooold not lira in nob eiou. iudqieodeut of OBimleae. opeoa
(rco tte
•iKitber cotniwrtnuiht and ebowi u
remote penod.
“Tet bUcrieawoBld probably Kaeh what we mall; bate in n»uree. I might
u u written on tte
add that then arc lew if any rcrvlaj
Tb. «.id ot .b.
tioDs that come to ne in lUc that give
orferred j woBld drown ttesL
.ih. . aa greater pleaimro or more cnlargi oar
barinathe anoi.trtm.eeon^ of a^itery 1 .
daugenru light aa he beard UteBWorda
“Tte moral o< all tbia ia that in oor
Ue rarely mgagad in aay of tte
„ “Ho yon think tte edge of tbia teak ia
r arm?" beaaked “Woold tb«a not te
*"* .
g if
it nn.
wbich will tauly
whkb it wobld be better u> leave nn_.............................................................
iiewe ia tte leant.
I have Mood Bsod. bitter for ouwlvea and for orerymany timte within an inch of tte edge body I lee >f tbe oouipartuetiu containand (elt no dangR wbaierer. Seel”
ing then, were never oivued, bnt aa to
BDcb qualittea as plnck, etwlnrance. ti
ogy. raparitr and uml etn-ugUt v
ary or aa artiane life than to tte at^ ,
bettreen him and tte aite of tte
o< warfare or «y of iM rotaOona Hit
Ite^te hart time lo r«nn» te ; iboold call upon oww'lvra fteuly.
tbonld not take down with na aa otter> aiv aliuout eermm to do. etorea
valuUe qnalitieu nntenebed.
and grmqad Ropiit. b» i
ratter we ibonld draw npon them
oibrza la tte amstraclicn of tte ceatle.
It arm. Tbe 1

By tbe PilBO.
In fleotlanrt many iiarro enrvi
ewe'lroa la kindling tbe ••u-e.T.n
mwful Impiety. Wh.m a fleberman
wweara during ted w.Aihcr at Dwhla



tuiiar urea b bum nm oa ^ .
ewatle id lalodel. and It wb hla teTorita
wanter alBtttehlfhW^.Jl
that buadered ___ _____________ .. , _
r tte psaanai
tte beating o( tte wtaanbalow. tUrely qaality coauuooly deonmlnated aa aaud.



Bteow <a a IM of tte tente* »ad aM

Mewta. tteate te Bay Mt kwow thia jOaarPMtfpBmaaB-...........
tMctnUm ontaat. and te Bay indaad
par *..................................
jk,thiotebUfa and dia witteatknow. !???£■*?***• —V.....................
jg. ^ taking with hiB nniwed atocte I
aad itnngth that te bad
Ttarer known te puaaeated. aimply be-. ^...^ they wb« aarar broogbt into

poBBda. Bnpert. tf yoB ^
I' peiftaia tte daad'
iraald IdBdHBidfBB 2^

AU alia aa«a la tte aool ■
A bflU <bM faulili tte tea
Ona awaUlM |lOte^ w

_ _.d b»taBdledfw*«r (w aarinl tbooaaad yaara. t>a
piaea of loKal (ooad In the pwt
if*BM waa aa Iros ter. Tte aaM
iitetnt ct and>*Bt raltli wttb froaiag


-*teU.B«aBi«htBy.-B*dllr: *»»atT=
iTiote cd--------------Stayteit,

Ha WBtte tertil Ite yonn*
era ted r» *«* dteanoa. whew te
tmaavA twB biapJaoe<dcoocaal^l
andaaiatlywBdedhMway wwaeiltte
coJtla. Ob bii way te Bat oaa of hB
BTTanta. to wteB ba qnte a tew
wtada. Tte man'a ^aligtelyohan^
aolor B bia Baatar'a.fBoa taU OB hia




I and totxtte* tte; valkad away.
!b». i^a*. Ji-waiw BanaaBBagw
Aj U«d UMdMa teatd tteB WBda ;
, c—,>»«—» fwa.

Chicago — —«
West Michigan.

have plenty pro


t Tommy i bat
now.’*—Pick h


Uw. U a child duu
not attend
on a particular day.
tte pnrt-nt pr<'b< nnotice^.m the pnhlio U, i p. m. Tri*ri.ues.W______________________
anthcriiy tint te U fin.d «o many
franro. tbe wwoml day tbe fine is In- •n^KKD iri-asA-wucrtBsed and tte third day tbe anionnt
becMnm a aeriems one. Is case of idcktu-w tte pupil is exetned. but if i
be any snspicion uf etemming a d<
is sent. If the surpidun ie found to he
weU founded, the psrent is rwfuired ‘
puy the cost uf the doctor's vuit

Cores lithent Medicine

J ttkBOS. Ace«t.Tr.*e*wPIV«
lAVan. Ore—mJPMWtXevt-.
OrmreiCeK. W«>

6nDd Kapids « Ullui R R

p«la. W—V all in. y»*r- an
’BTo.f afwr 3 o’clork p. m.


New Methods



Here until Feb. 6th.
Owing to eewral new cases added to Trk^sroiW
eonmerooslUt of curve made by
rrotmaor D-Ltmsr's new methods of
reliable treaimvni wl lie In your city
tbe past six weeks, he la r. qoeatrd Icr

iwer*. I»bw-ts i



railed. BO mailer what al'ments mas
tr woman treanffering from. rbe«ma,
i». drops*di
'liver, kidney i
, beadaebe, pile*, l



««.« '

**B.J HanssA t»«


.ibina, to te a viceroy gnotcr still, and

________________ ;ed by yoor pec^fa f« yon

knerw that were yoor father to Wni
<f oar bHiDlbal be wooM aptmi mefrom
throe premiroa as be wonld a rvptUu ”
“Dear Boland." replied lady Ela,
“wbeWBoever yon go tbore 1 will 'ptmr
yon company. What U tte tore 1 Wteitain for my people com pared with' tte

i. if heredity bod » .
tbe flrrt bemeg. the other two wonld, in
all protmbilify, never have coiba'

drtBi on in bltokf
lUmrua Dtnawm db

deep' sSertxm that baa chalsad emt
charity, dear.
bsarta togetbetr'
* a.
“TkaD this evening
at tiw
the rroyvDTO
nd room
.nwaiimyoning." And « Boland Bt-1 Wurndt* Tigm.

baa been given op oa--------------.t--.'
-eqoest tte profesaw li here
no amrr—seraisbi
mary etb, Monday, aflor which te 1 <m is-IlM ~f ■
~ ro for Lodiugtoo for. few weriis. rmiea U> Kw rtgtt |
Wckww »veet_______
•brre many prop'*
t them,
pmnd -ni awk blaaid
, iim,,,iii,.i.i
............. rawWlr
boee 11 wteha
Caara aneoeaafnlly
trea'ed prfw.n.l'y or by m.l' er^
rfay. teodpar'ien^
f-tr— o* Lvmar, Travers* City or Lad
Ingtoo, Mich, fnr the next three ^' ha
r, rmaimtil oddeOTO. Profes-rr te ■-«
ll^!7i^!w^ll-dlrii.e Co.. 4iO
ri*t’*- auwA Detroit Mich
Oflee hoBto 9 a «. to 9 B





latM ■ fill iiif
*[.... a ... ease
l;«=E8 8 Sefi Ska*
« e»2 -------- --

ll•M■salM■ll• aaiii

'S rTto.^

lassssfifisisases Bgaas
►w—.sw. a-*'

tonJ SfMck tnoa Mrtvro W MOB A W.


•.lo Trov-vw'ttr. apstrtorui> wmJ.W.tero toagLjJ-^


ro'i iDwuis*. alee tors aa ptasA Iseatri ro

tTM teiDskiy, Mrohmaw
OtoclBBMi.CUroeAOrMS haMA IBep m.
Trmla arrtn» tram tIrtiiaroA ri. Wgros,
Tr*ta ksartMTv.T*fw Clir M ttiUAm.
«wl5 trt» A B. baa
slwrpm (row Crwid Oapl** 1. CmrtsroU.
TrMs levins Trse-rsr CMS •> lAp m.hM
prolw ror u> &A.4 BwMa


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