The Morning Record, July 23, 1899

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The Morning Record, July 23, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nc2i:Art am



ThW W-Ko.e9t

IT IS ELIHO ROOT. I somitRsjm«urn.
JTtw York’s EminentLswyor
SaeoMds Alr«r.
»i7 of W«r


XifloMood tbo Ap

pelatstMt — Va«

•MMory io •

JToM OauoaHor uS Bm Bms
Tnmimnt la »«w Terk roUUaa.
WaaklartMM —BUka Boot
of K«» York ha« aooOTMd U«
war penofollo.
Bk toloffiM of
m rooeieod abortlp atur
aooa. TiMtoodaref tha war portoMlo waaaaada to Mr.-B «>Uaat alpbi
aftar a oDolareaoe at tha White Beaaa.
At tha proBldaet will leave for the Ad>
IteadaelB oa Wedaeedap or Tharadaj,
Uk hardlp Brobabl'that Mr. Boot will
ooM to Waahlaptoa to eoefer with
him boforo thea. It k rapardad i
Ilkalp timt Mr. Boot wlU meet
praa^at at Lake Ohamplala darlap
tha latter part of aait week
The appokatamat ofdir. Boot wa.
oldad OD lati Thoradap. hot aaUl Baaator Platt broapbt a promka of aoeap
taaea to iha proakdaat laat al^t it waa
teradthatha woald'aot rtUaqikab
hk Uoaratlvo bmlBOH for oaelaat
Saaator PlaU.aad Ooraraor Booao'
aolt had aproad to aapport Oaaaral
Oroaaa. bat althoopb oataaalblp

BIlho Boot waa bora at Cllaton,
Oaalda eooatp. M. Y.. PaWaarp It.
U4&. Hkfathor waa Oraa Boot, for
maap paara profamor of aatbaoiatlm
la BamUtoe aoUapa. la bU poaU tha
aaw aaoNtary of war taapht aebool
aad paid hk wa* throopb Bamlltoa.
aakorqoaaUp atadplap law there, aad
beaompletad bkeeuree at the I'elvarallp taw aebool la Mew Va'k. Mr.
Bookwaa ooBaaetod with the maaldpal rafora moreaaat la Mew York
oltplaieri. to ia?9 be waa the Bepablkaaa eaadldau for Jodpa of the
Oonrt of Ooamoa Plaaa. bet waa dafmlad. thoQph pollap a larpa vote He
wae lor maap peara aEoeetlro member
of the tweelp-drat Ueemhlp dktrlet.
Be wee appolatod bp Preeldeat Ah
Usr ee Ualted ekUe alttrae* for the
eoathera dktrlot of Mew York aad
eerred two peata. Doriap bb loap oaraar ee a lawper;'Mr. Boot baa'boea
Imdlap oonaeal la maap aoted eaeae
aeublptor Tweed and lapereoll oe
the czpoeare of the fraede porpetrated
apeetbeoosetpof Mew York bp the
Tweed riur. for Jadpe HUtoa la the
eiowart win eam. for the exeentore la
the Bopt aad Havemper wlil eaern. aad
tor the eoataetaak la the Hammeralep
He k aow eoaoeel aad direetor la
eoretal kaake. le attoraep tor eereral
aMmranroade and the chief adviaer
of tha epadleate eoatroUlap the Broadw«P railroad. Mr. Boot waa ebalrmaa
of Ooveraor Booeevelt'a campalpa commlltae Uat pear. Be made a vlporooe'
attack OB the Vaa Wpok foroaa, aad
WM aoorld-red Mr. Boaaevalt’a moat
ableUeatenaat la the batUe apatwl
Bom orrk -r aad Jadpe Van Wpek.
Jl k a .t aspeeUd that Mr. Bootk aedilanni will make aap ebaapc la Sm
ntarp «Iparb plaae lor earrinp tbroaph
Jalp. Oeoeral hiper k pleeaed at the
pre^eaVe ebolae-



An Exclusive
5 and lOe Store

o«r OoMpaalta OaUid 0«t la OlovoBoafdatu Bit«f B.cctnc U^bi A
taa« oa Aoeoaa t ef U« ttCMt
Aa Ic7 OoolnoM Vow BaPowar Oo. vIU Makr aa laporOwBtrlka.
taat XaiproaMBont.
tWMO Brjrao and AltgolA
QovakaA Aa n -*<mr eospaalM
'Thabaaloaaaof tbaBord-Baa Bt«t
of tko rifik fvUatetof tbo Okk> Na>
Tka DUaola Kaa Trlekad tka BOoor Blaetrta Lirht aad Power Oobaaia«eaa)Ou(4»or>eanadoovt7 Maror
eroMad 00 fMt that ea loaroaoa .of fa>
bMdar aad fiMod Btm laaaXaaB krly todar f a* otrlka datj.
eUlUaa U balar eoatamplatod
ArTbo llaoma. pelomoa aad aloetrielbanMokar r Ulfoa ai tha Aaaitor* lupcnenu are lo prnfrwa to take tha
aa, of tb« Ot>7»han Talapoao Co., of
lam—I>rB9eraUeOoaBUtMXdBlas dam aboot throe feat la order to faia
whleb a«ory A.
ap.for Baaiaom aad Will Tip to
the Blf Coaaotidated. k
ItU eapectod that tbe imi
atnek. Itkaald that tha maa wore' Batoe BS.000.000.
wlU be made ta'Beptomber. The <
Mkad to do the llaa work of tha Bip
Cblcapa Jalp «i.—The Democratic paap If atoo coMldarlap tbe matter of
OoaaoUdatod aompaap. wboaa ilaamea aaUoaal eommlnoe le lined op to prr- provldtap aaother MOO llpht dpni
bare Joiaad tha alriklapooBdaeton aad pare tor ecrioae baalaem la l»oo with aimUar to the aew on* nceatlp added
•i.OOO.OOO eet aa a mark for the cam- to the plant. Ifthkbdoac
dpmamo wonll take th* place of the
paira faad.
WlUlam J Bfpaa aad JJoka P. Alt- two emaUer oaca.
paid have detcltolp partod eompaap.
Mediae* Defeated la a Blepp’ap Brpaa bm eaded poUlleal aaeoekUoa
with Altpeld. Aooordlap to -Ate. NeMatch' U Maaktae
Otoae cTM 0 T. M. aad
O. T. M.
vtow, axpn
Teetardep. '
a pmtordap. be paid all hk debu
Mevlew Marked bpa Oraad
Maaklm. Mleb. Jalp It.-Tba Bad- to tbe ri-povemor Tbnredap alpbt
M»k*of B^^riea.
■ tot* loot to the Oolu todap la a *«rp when be weat to the Aadltoriem. Mi.
rip piaped pame. The plUbrra Brpaa hae not mlneed worde la teUlnp
I amtle and •non aaeui
friend* that h* frit kemlp aad reactt> enalal review of
Viiard. Maaktae'* pltihrr. waa i
ed the embarraamap poalUoa late O. T. M . aad the Sapreme Hivv. L O.
palled 'to retire la the eeTentb laninp. wbich Altpeld trapped him in petUnp ' T. M. cloaed todap. The report of the
and Woltor*flafabed tbe tame. It
hk eoaaaat toapeak at the Andltoriam kalpbU' fiaaaoe commltto* wa* adapt­
apraat eloprlar match. Boekp leadlap^ OD th* pretoae* that It wa* a “bar- ed, raklnp tbe mlarp of tbe anpreBc
the BaeUare. Vaapbn. the aew *ec- mo8p’'m**UaptoUpra*lded over bp eommaeder to fia.OOC: the sdvkor lo
haaamaa. aoerptod aiae chaaem Mapor Harrleon.
BS.OOO; medical aaamlaer to;
wlthoat aa orror. Boor:
record keeper to S3.000: esd fleeaee
Hr. Brpaa map eontlDae to meet
a u
Altpeld aad to admire hk maap fame- keeper to
BotOer*......... 4 * J »-tOO t 1—14 14
luuedofthe moBirn of tbe order
(al qoalittoa, bat be baa oeeeed to re
MaaUtoe........a o 11 o 0 to-i—it it
belnp depoeltod et Fort 8«roa. repoelBatteriea. OateoB aad Baal. Vitard, pard Altpeld e* a pollOeal a!lp in the torie* will be mtoblkbed et Mew York,
Wollera and Both.
Pituberp. Toronto eed Uk ellp.

Win be opeard by us in ihe store east of the City
Book Store within 10 days.
Mr. Conoable spent the week in Chicago with
represenUtires of largest eastern houses and import*
ers and placed orders for an immense stock of 5 and
10c goods.
We also bought about 1.500 volumes of booEs,
iuclodiog all the latest publications, attractive aad
tasty gilt books and standard works. We propose
to keep in stock tbe very best assortment in all the
various Uoeb wc carry.
No on 5 can under buy us—We have-a “cinch” on
that part o' i he business—that’s why we're growing.



CAkf Berpeoa at SaakU Vaate Addltkoaal Sarpeoaa Bat Otta
Bapa VaMaaUa. *Ia Hoop Koap. Jalp tt.Ohief Barraoo Wood BaU oonideri
that the laereaae la the milllarp force
la the Pbm^laee will aeeemlute tbe
emplopmeat of fortp- addlUooal eara Sarpeoa Wood Ball'e reoomUUon to that cfl et hae bean dieaoprcTdd bp Oeaeral Otk.
There are aearlp eoldleia la the
The oS:Ul report leat
ikehowedl.SOOlB Ue boepitala la
MaaUa mod there are eeveral haadred
at daq Peraaada aad other parr^oe.
aleotTS elel^la qaarure la Manila.
The rcpimeaul eanreoat report that a



2S0 Front Str«e‘

Until further notice "your
price is ours"-we must say

imy lOih sale
goes free-Sails

Pieolcat Omenm
Bip X.kt of Maciap Sreata Teeter,
Tbe childreo of 8v Franck ahoel are
anUelpaUnfarlorionitime at Uelr
Drtrell. Jalp it -Todap bcate tbe pkcnlc, wfaick k to take place at Oseea
record f ir the amonat of raelap arowd- Tneadap The partp will be a larpe
will earrp
ed lato one dapb prapram at tbe one and Ue Colamkila
Polate park, h loop pro Uem to Ue reeort where ihep wUl
pram of tea trotUnp aad paclap racm. ■peed the dap. Th* Creeeant band
elpbt fall e*«attand two i«ei>k»t.tA, will f amkh mule b >U oo Ue boat and
bepaa at t;4S.
rowtdt- ___ _____________
Tbe crowii aambered t.OOO when tbe
Oreo* Obn'Cb PUlow Sato.
chamber of comaterae oonaolldatlon
The ladka of Grace Epkeopal ebnre
called. Meade Emperor led
lo the etreieb la the Brat beat, bat arc preparinp for Uelr annual pkl'ew
to be held la Ue Mnoeon block.
to beat bar •ale
AopoetSadand Ird. There will be a
bp aa Inch la IK»k'. Waadertap Jew eimpletc aaeortment of porch, con h
woo the final heat, and race la t:li. and ornamental parlor pillowe enhlb.V
Maud Bmperor pot eeooad moaep and
Hiplem third.
Soo4 to hot wsathw.
The anfiakhed i:is pace bad bat
Tbe Famooe eelk fane for Sc. llk^Sc
three emrlanoftbe twlplaal field of
and ISC.
tweatpoBC. Tbe Maid, with WUtraabp
aad Karra Patchea. Tbd Maid reach'd
tbe half la 1:03 with WUtrubp eeeood. TbeMaldw«mlat:0»k,;Wiltraa.
bp eeooad.
The teat padap eveat of the week,
the t:04 clam, waa reached coon after
aeon, la the firet heat haaaoada, the
favorite, won bp a leapth from Prince
Alert kni:00;Cbeahalk. third; Direct
Ip. foarth: Frank Bdpeab. fifth. Aaatbe tecoad heat a leapth
ahead of Bopaah. Priaoa Alert, third;
Dlreetlp, foarth.
Ue tblid heat and Ue race.

lender. 83.M0; Rcord kerprr $3 SO
flnaeee keeper. Bl.OOO; board oftraeteaa, SIM; board of aaditoc*. SkM Tfc*
ofUe medical rsemirer
which ha* been paid bp fete, waafixcl
at S3 MO

Were Preoaav

ladlaaapelk. Jalp
Todap wae
the bkp dap of the Bpworlh leapae ooaeaaUoa. Brarp mlaeta waa oocapled
bp repelar eemkoaa, beplnalap with
aaarke prapar meetlepa. Tbe repktratloa bareaa cloeed laet alpht whea
AflUarrlvak bad boea aofod.bat it k
aooeoded that rkltora throopad Mo Mapedal Call for OoapraialaUoM.
Frank Dmn k reoelvinp Ueconpratthe dtp todap.
alttlone of hk fAande upon hk UUl U
IbeJanior Uapae maetlnpe were
laanlnp mowaponahorm dee'. It to
declared of Frank Uat he mapnanlBkomtlp apd ebrewdip made a lean of
ltt|. Tbe rapnlar ecatloae bepaa at s
O'doek. BiabepMladeof Dttrelt pre- ISO apon a Uam which he look ae ep.
aidadUthe Bpworth tMt. Bkbop coritp YeMordap meralpt when be
wM»t k) Ue bam to feed Uam be
Oallowap of Jaelmm. Mwa.. praaidcd
leand erne of Uam dead and Ue other
la TkmUBBOa ball, aad Bkhop Bant of
almoet readpUenplre Uroogh friat.
WaahUptea la the opera boaae.

Tba aame topic wee tpokaa apoa at Talaah'e OcaatndAtltt
the throe meatlapa ••Methadiwp aad
Mr. WUeop 0. SmiU. pcaeldint of
■rieeatloaal Leader* waa tha tofdc of
the Bap Vkw Maelcal Aaeemblp. I* a I
hof. A B. Oopelaad of hae hrbor, aad
plaakt of Ua verp htfhaei taleat'
Bm. r L Oebora of Bap aipaad wbea he eadoteea aap taetremmt It map be aomrMi that ha
Beal IMtabe Talam BWap.
kaowe what be talk* aboat. Mr.
n—ha laveattpatlaa
SmlU aam a Kimball plaao to fa ■
a< tha real eauta market bp Labor
atadio aad he « '
fkimkalnam Ooi abow. that real ae­
la Uahlfbaat tarmaepoa Itteeparior
tata b aatlve aad ealam are Wpbor
tbaa a pear ape. The rmiua plwa tor
the lawieii are oaaldaaoe U baelMm,
lowm ntm of iatareet the redval of
iheapTlaaltaial ladadrp. ml
daalrp. aad the boM aapar beet laMia for o^U uam.

Suit, Hat,
Shirt. Pants,
In fact everything in the way
of warm weather goods must
go. and go quickly.


The pretttoet wriet orvament to >e
f0*0A at UcFamouforlO. IS apd
IS eenw

The New Fall Shapes

Seed for hot weather.
Tbe Fimin* aalk fan* tor Sc. lOe.

In the ■celebrstsd Bnd popolsr

Are now on aal^ here-tTrice $3.00—Tbe new ahapee in Fall
Styles of Fedorss, Pashms, Oriuhw. eta, are now on
Mle, at

Read the Words of

Bip bnsine«8
are made ponsible by tbe fact,
that time and space can now
be praeticaHy annihilated.
A telephone in the office or
home, aaree the one thing,'
which if loat. can never be
. regained—TIME.

for the Kimball Pianos from Wilson G.
Smith, who is president of the Bay View Musical
Assembly. Mr. Smith is a pianist of the very 6rst
•atlefaetton Uep have plrco- Tbe aew Grand, now In mp etodio k a
mxpBtfteent Inatromeei. boU ae to Ue artkUe dre^ and finkb. and IM
excepUonallp beanUfal tone aad raepouive acUoa. 1 oonwratalato mp••If daUp apon Ue poeieeeicm of it
Verp alneerelr-voBr*.


Sindlo-So. 7lB..Tbe Arcade. Oevetoad, OhH*!l


For'sale at factory prices
by the makers.


Teetardep wae a BIp Dap aad 14.009





Bok-U* “repa'er” Democreep,
which Mepor Herrteon k lender.
Cbelrmtn Jonee on hk retors wUl
find Ue eonvweUvm In Ue netionel
eommiiiM. eeddle. wiU fnllp twoutrda Of the oMemlttM men reedp U
work In ecA^ with Vic* Chelrmen
Stone, with one enoUer end wlU hlmaelf.
Th* vice preaUenllnl boom* of
Oeorp* Fred WlUlem* end Jndpe
Je^ee P. Tervln here melted nnd e
oe* be* eppaered for Conpreatmea
B. D. Clapton of Aleheme.
Chloepo. wheUer an applicant or
BOU aad deepkte Ue daalrm of Kensai
Citp. Milwanke*. Bcflato. Indlanapolk
aad CiDciDBati. will ptobablp pet Ue
natlun IcmventioB. Theee
In brief ehow U* ootcorae
Of U* bip Democratic paUulnp which
hae joat com* to an and.

Ralph Oonnable Jr.. Kanagsr.



Everptbing In Miuical Goode.

: 1.1. snoic. luav.

The SOROSIS Shoes are
today the perfection of tbe
shoemaker's art, the recog*
\ nited standard by which all
other shoes are judged as to
style, quality and construction
featnres. We arc exclusive
agents for Traverse City for
Sorosis Shoes. We hare thea
in both light aad heavy soles,
and in black or tas.

Popular Shoe House.

Got ’Em.
And when down onr way invite yon to stop
in and seetheoL

1 It* lilt lOilies' Slights, print ESc. Si.OO, 11.25
ltd $100. Oirpids, 3Sc ip.



THB Jiournro
tfa MBsivo KBOoab.
K omr. • momoAM
Mac- T- Baiw axu J.^W. Baxscx.
t. W. EAxm. Uiur mX Mt—nr.

WuTXiva lb« awHM of Ua aitooSMte«o»Ma«k» «rtU tha taalc>»Mm e< ■aatatarr Alfar UMfa ta OMODpiMMBtataMU t* tk na toUow
l«waMa va rtoafttSlr bOiaUxf that
Wr drora tha r*D«al fren. the oaWB»k Yataoma of tha Mpm *Weh
|pwa the man aittw Is hnaiiaf hUo
9$w awBMxin that Oaaarai Alffar hM
kMB too praetpiiate- Which h aa UlnaWhttM of tha U ooMiatMV of ihoaa
jMraato. w>leh almplj thovcht thaaao
ratacT WM a ahlnla# Mih for Ualr
•iMdama atiaeka afalaat aba aimia-

Iv Hocu Kilha Eoot Praaioaat MeKUlif haa aaada a food atleeUoh to
«MMad OMontEaaaallA. Alfar aa
MmUry of war. Mr. Boot haa lose
tguM aoupteacaalj la New York Ufara tha bar aad la raooralaad aa
MuaaUorof^aaaUahaitj asd rara
paraeoal ^aaUtlaa. Ha la a aiaaaob
Sapablicaa and om wboaa abUlw
■abac hiaa aa aapedaUp daalrabla
abalaa ferae laportaat a pcalUM ia
tha prealdaat'a aahlMb

•lafeaOo. ofUraadBaptdbof whkh B.
0 SUllBfa It traaaarar. arrlrad is the
•ilf 'paatardaf terfali Mr. BOUafafar
fallaa T. Hassab U la Chleaffo oa
Harrp ftrkar baa amrad froa oiaad
SMtfa to apaad Ua aaaatleh with hla
amta, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Parker.
Bif bMeffoodpaaltloBlB the ofiea of
thaOraad Bapkda Ptra laaaraaea (
Mr. aad Mia. Prpd Saeor of Grasd
Baplda. who are rialUar the famUp of
W. i. Parker. wlU ce to Paiaakap to4«p for a law dart raeraaUoa.
Mn. O. U. Towerp of Jaokaoa, hat
^*ad at Bdcaifood for tha aniai
Mr. Bdward Bhanwap. who haabaeo
•taplac at Bdcawood.wlll ratara to h.a
bOM IsCbteapotodap.
Mra Blehmosd asd Ml« Blehmond
Ot Ohioafo are apaadlsf tha aanau
«. 0. O. TarMr haa roae to MilWMkM OB butseae
s. W. Grelliok aad Praak Madlaad
arOBt to Ulaad paatardap to apand
Sas Boakp haa retoraad to l^lttoa
Mlar rlaltU>( the famUp of Jalloa
Mia. WUUam Oriabent aad daachtcr
#{-0hlaaro. wiU arrlra Utbaeltpto4sp for a rlait with tha taaaUp of Jaljasttelabart.
' Mtaa Marp B. Darap. who baa Wea
ta Parti three paara, U rtalUaff har aiar, Mra.Mel O. K. ~
. Mra. O. 0. Kalea arrived troai Chiea.fOlaat araniaf for a laoath'a etelt with
triaUrea aad trteoda.
Fred B. OetehroB «f 8k Paoi. Mlaa .
U M. OetoheoB of Weahlaftoa, D
prt at Park Plaea. L. M. Caiohooa>
h^aalal paaaioa exanlaerat Washlnf, a P. CoakllB aad famUp of Oraad
.^BspUi went tf Ho- ah-to-w
m»f- Hr. Ooaklia helped locate the
- paaort alto aad owae a oottaffe there.
Mra- K- B- Siroac of i>10 eonlh Ualoa
•Mat to qaito ill with toai
Cbarlaa Koanlf aad atour LpdU will
Mara todap on tha CharleTolx for Chijifo to vtolt a atotar whoqrthep hare
f.W. Slater haa retoraad from tha
Wfffaraltara ashiWtiea at Oraad Bap.
4da Mr. Blator aad bU aoa. J. O.
jn»W. west tha paat weak lecMaf
•fhr the new atplea, parehaataff for
M Mere hare aad la Blk Baplda J.O.
' Sifter raMlae la Graad B^dda natU
* «h» Ant of tha week.
^ 1^ AUabp to apasdlBff tha dap at
C. Leach of WalM.
Ihfeltp paaterdap.
Mn. J. W. niekanaaa o< Solon, waa
S dallar la tha dtp paatardap.
‘ L Thn Ahaaa bai ratoraad Irea Chiaa.
oswbarahawant to porehiM
whtoh arrieed oa the boat thto

aad Mra & Whlleoah of Bonih
Cedar atraai are aatenatnlaf Abrahen
pant of Daptoa. Ohio.
• Mr. hhd M^ Chaa Oonian of aafl
paw. are thapirata of Mr. aad M;t.
D. Orlftth of SeraaU etraak
^ l.L.Sdw*«»rlp en. .
taOar Is the Siau Bask, to vtoiUaf old
^Mda la tho ettpfbra f^ dqpa
Mtoa Pearl MeOool of Sauoaa Bap. to
- MDdlsf Saadap with bar atotar. Mia
fi. U OnUiek of MeanooMot
Pa.fl.».MUlorolOadiTW Mb fMO
ho hto aanatar aottafe at Ma^b-ta*
waata. atwr laklair a Aahtac trip ap



arm ay^



Baadato Twirlrre wMt dowa to de­
unia Vane OrMkbaaae at Mao^
feat paaiMdap aftnoen bafom tha Fraak Vriodriobto More tho SotM of;
fM OMa’t Slad BMac X«0k
o;d Mtoatow taaa bp aaaora of le to a.
a Oroat OoBfr^ntfoa of Oella.
Ittta •ea-eaar.eU W. WarM O^DdldapwaaaUg oneeoHat Fraak
thabMfptottMwof thavtoiWn. Frtadrioh’aa
ataroatitoSoathCalMOMH pooierThan are new aboat drip faoela at tbepUeavcM Unmged ail day kmg
dap aad who waa rapertad aa leat aad
WlU Uttla tpta aad digalAed UUlc
•aahU to cm hto Mno. wae foaad
Tha sew Mrpela ordlaaaae wiU go Btoasiwboeamt wlU their della to
bp hU aothar a law mlaawa attorUto rff.«t <» Fridap. Jalp tt, aad haveUaa Avtod wUh el - k d aUppera.
(tm) that dau bo whaale w:U be al- It waa'amoTTp thMBg, batoooaaioasllj
Mn. Oaoar OrMkbaaa aad her eon
Uwad OB aap aMawalk ta the dtp. Bl- a aonawtal taaa appmrod becaiiee ao
Warsa arrlvad on the lt:40 Mia f-oea
tUppan ooald be found to fl . Goods
^la rldaca aboald make a note of Ik
ivMn.L A. OUfaeof
wtfo driven away and the taoea
Toe Beau Bldo-^baeiaeM naa ai
tit Soetb OaiM atioot aad while the
brighUaed whan baxIniB Like measarvladUe were ptoportac to to aronad ^ etgnlag a patltloa t> the ocaoeU aak■eata ware taken and Uo dtonppoletdtp, the bop alartod ««t to aoe the lag iha»5he 8oaU Ualoa atraot brldgo
01 oae amarad that aUppara would be
airhia adona aad waadarad late Mr. b: ksfit Opaa oa olroaedap. Aagaat
B de to order aad aeat oe from the
Fartaah’aatora. The bop bad tha a|'. tod. also that a foot paU ba hswt opea
fsJtorp. Tneeiorewtsa popular rep-----------of balat loat aad the ealp while tbe bridge to la eoaraa ad eono rt tor the J ivaaOoa aad the prattp
/ *
daw ha ooald tin ae to hto idea- atroetioa.
Jaetlee Vorip Bad tbe knot peeter- a ippara vrara proparlp A-Aod wiU aa
tltp waa that be wae froee Maekegon
much palaa aa if they ware real beople.
dapafUrsooB that mad# Albert BUde
and rlalUat Aaai DaU.
Dorlag Ue day Mr. Friadrtob aad
Bto Mother had aotjatoead his aad brant aad Barab H. Bgauldtag, b>U of
h'ls aeatoiaota fitted fully 400 putre of
wbM aha raa aerOM h.B at the atora L-k-e Lako. taaa aad srtfa.
u.ippure for Ue dotUee und *oo puliu
ha cried. -Bello auBwar aad aha la T. k herrp -aad Parhar iPaaalagtoa
more were ordered for thoae who could
qniradwhatbawaedolBt. Be paoead »euaas wHaeaaea.
B >l bu fltud. Mr. Friedrich wua uutotI at oaaarb trOB a rlaa* of lea eraan
Yesurdap XMiaUr Bert McOMubad edisourlng'lor the doUlas by MItaee
•oda to aaewar, ‘-Bartara good tlatp.” bto wheel brdkcB. whUe oroaalng Ue
BmiBU Friedrich. Camlo WbiUng.MurThe report that a Urge bop ooaaad C. A W. M trtek near the daget. Tbe
Ion SaoUuIl, EUel Tan Sickle. Msud
biB to go tor a ride to aa arror aa ha wheel want Uto a bole aad the aaxt
Compton, Maude Monj| usd Qura Rataahad to go boUg toad of boraoa.
Bicote tbe rider and wheel were la a^ aer.
beep. Tbe wheel to U tbe repair
It was ae good aa a managerie and It
it nfe to eay that never before In Ue
The plat of raaerved arau for the btotorp of tbe city wne Uere aneb u
A TilWI tebleet ariilFb Mar Te« Be
Teiwed a Breterr.
Karanagb aad Bonep Bop a noncert eoDgruguUoD of doUs. There were ull
Id Unot daje of rush and esdto- wlU be opoaed at the Clip Boohatore aoruuad oondiUonsot dollt wlU ull
oeat. oapt The UMU-el ttreord. wbM Wedneedap Boralag at V o'clock. Be- aorta uad eondltloae of- feet, prettily
(br Bcrroue Kputeni la loo ofira mcmbertheticketalor thto ftae ooadressed uad plainly dreaaed, bat all
etn-tched lo lu uimoat tctiaioa. aad esrt are SOc, which gets a reeerred aeat
when aeuraetbento la ranipani cverp• doUwaebt
. AUee
wbM-e. the quretloo of reel and atoep at cup Opera Hooaa Tnaadep.AognatT. Eyeelka. It to Ue largcat
srgrat doll lathe
mart tw cooekk-red. The OMtde of llrTbe CoBpaaloae of Coart Trarene city and■ (or
' Uto
■ event
- wae
e beautlfull
dreeaed uad
aad wiU ull the floi
flounoes uad
lug liee eo altcivd. creD erilhla ibe Mo e will attead a Joist BaoUng wiU dressed
Cjort Traverae No. US, at tbalr hall. (erbelowi which delight Ue ftm'.niar
heart. Thto doll to eao whi
'hleh was a
Moadap cveaisg. Julp *i. Bigb Chief present to Alice from her broUer
Bvager McDonald wUl be praaeak Vr*ak while he was in Washington.
ipaaions eranqnetledtobriageake.
Baekleiin Aruea BalTO.
ue Datop Boland will glee aa aloTbs Ban Salts la the world
bape Ibc moor marrekiua ptmoBcnoB eeUon aatartaiaBeat at Old Mtoaloa
In the world-map rlghUp be tertoed'a Atgoet 3rd. for tbe baarfll of Uo Ooa- att, Brutooa,
grogatioaal ebarob at that plaoa.
Leonard niU Ibue asnunartoeo (tie
and p^tlvalp curoe FUoa, 1 r
A bmUbc toeallcd (or Uworrow
facte d-hicb are known concenilDs
no payraqi
raquirud. It to gaaraataad : e
deep: Bird.—lUoplntloit. lai Tbe evening ar?:Xi o'clock, ia the parloro logiva parfoct
f4m1 vatiafavtlnn
rrr nunw
mep,' *
1 obBreh, at all fuAsdofr
oumbve per mlauto- remalne analletcd. oftbo Coi
_______.JDUperbos. Fori*
ttie moreoieni becomea eballov asd who arc ia
I In Ue pipe organ •aUbrd e. dohMoaaBde. F Walt jet
tboracic U tppe; <b) tbe aiaotuK of la- fdoA Plans lor fnttuo work wiU Uen
aplred elr'lwr mlnote It IcaecDcd bp be decided apon.
from one-baif to two-iblrde; tci tbe
Mra Franklibh hoiM beciwe fri^toutput of certnnlc acid ga« ia dli^stobed bp otte-Ulf to iwo-tblrda »e- aaed peiiridap nsoratog bp aa engine
■ tbe M. A N. E. depot and eoddenood.—ClrcDlatlon. (a> Tbe blood congeata tn tbe llni)>ai (bi tbe venooe ape- ly turning. Uraw Mra. Fraaklla boten to eogorged; ic) tbe arterial pm- twaaa tha wheel and bodp of Ue boRp
aura falle: (d) ibe putoe rate dlibln- Mr. Br. cM waa near an,d stopped the
tobea, aad (ei ibe rclortip of blood flow trtghteacd horae while Mark CXaw
decreaeee. Tbird.—Tcuprraturc. Tbe
reecaed Mre. Fraaklla trxB her periltenperatnre^alb during tbe nlghk
Tbe produetloB of beat to cninuiied to oae poaltion eonsldeiwbly frighUned
dlmiuteb bp from lialf to iwo-tblrdii. bat natrjared.
Poartfa.-^^Nervoue epetein. (el The
Tbe infant child of Mr. and Mta.
blooal Oow througb tbe bralD to dlmlu- BiBcr Van^Vagaerbf Kenwood, died
Icbed: (b) Ibe arlditp of Ibe rartex de- Ton-edey Boralng. The funeral aercreoaee; (cl tbe etclubllltp’of con- Tlce wae held In Ueaftcrsooa.condnctecluuMieea to extenuU alinit^l ateadllp
dom-oiwe during the Am one to two ed by Rev. t. Speneer. The baby wae
oe week old.
boun of eonnd >b«p. .tfler tbM period
Tbe (xenralon given by the Coograthe 'cxeyeblllrp npltllp ttocoita-e eltuoet ex greet ae II to tnwanl tlie eo-l gatlonal ebnreb Friday cvealng on tbe
of aleep. and |di conacloBaiieei aloM bay was a complete eooceae. A neat
accuiB to be at>roga(rd during *aleep. enm was added to tbe pipe orgau fuuA
Tbe nerrea and tbe epeclal aenac* con Music was fnrntobad by the Boy’s Baad
tlnae to iran«uilt Iniruleni aad pro.
free of charge.
du«- PeSex iiiovenM-uie. Cervbral anac^
Tbe Creeceat band wm aecet the 8k
nito to the Un-orp wbicb bae tbe moat
wide acceptance, but a> l.tvnard illlt PrancU school eblldtoa at S o'clock
ndiarka, eueb e{<.-cutotlooi do not car- sharp Tneaday monlng at Ue ctanreh
IT ua far. and tbe rauaailuu of elecp •ad march lo Ue boat where they wUl
muHt etill l>- regarded as OM-iapUpsicaL leave tor Omeaa for their picnic.
Wblk-. bowetxT. tbi- enuae of elivp etill
The pipe organ fund oondart to be
contlouue to lie enveloiwd In muce or
k-ee inpeter}'. of uuc IrutB wc arc nineh given next Friday evanlag will be an
too fivgueniip coguizam In tbe pree- axircBely erjvyable.eveek
enl age—tbai of Hwoimibi. poaslblp tlie are being disposed of in a very ealtoWont mlacrp to U- tmagtoed.
taciory manner gnd a eneeOB to already
ntgtilp wrungbi ui-rrous orgaulaa- aaenred.
Uona ]>rodbced bp tbe blgb preeanre
The ReUU aark-i Union .will meet
Urlng of our ilinee are In thto couolrp
raiucr the mle than the eiceptton. Monday aight to oooalder ImporUnt
Tbetvfore the abeo^gte need for a p»> botincaa aad to elect cScera. Eeeip
riod of n-poeu •]>«« among beallb.v. Is- member to dulrad to be preaank
llng Kurronudlng*. wbleb abouhl
Dr.'Martin wae called to Tbompeonbe a etse q
qua Don with tbMfagged out vine peaurdap to operate oa Eugene
brain worirra of onr eltle# Tbto qnee- Powerw for eppeadleilne. A very sac
tlon to undoubit-dlp one of Ibe isoet eeaeaaful
operatioa wae performed.
rluue confronting tbe riling generation



Warrantee for 10 years-higb grade,
high arm, simp'e, durable, reliable, light
running noiseless, speedy, strong, hand­
What more do you want for $14.76P

120 Front Street.

Hoose Siimlfihing Store


A Oheerfal

Spirit is . . .

Manager Sulnberg aaaouncca that
Owing to the high temperature of an WilfreO Olurke-a great Loadoa oomedy
arelplene Same It baa been found of an<oeau.'A Wise Woman,*' pruaunUd
great value aa an agent In bard aolder* by Marie Lumonr uad u well eelecud
leg The beating |««er of Ibtt gaa la pppuny of pleycru, Ue-leuding mua of
esceedlnglp great, and It ran br uted which to . Frederic J. Marpby, hut
advaniigeoualp where connection with been aecmvd ua Ua uttruetloa at SUtnordinary gas mama or electric aerrlca berg's Orund.Wedaeadey evening, Aug.
cannot be made.
Tn im the Aral Boaten stage edSeh
For n»e In Indicating when the flrvmc;,
rerted for New York, and now 700
raiiwap iralas are acni out of the dtp hew Tvarhvd the fire with the noxuJe
and dvtirv the water turned oa an elec­
tric signal has been petented, composed
of a wire inseriad In the hose, with e 1
Oonld not expreaa the rmptnre of
la each length ta complete
Anaia B. Spriagar. of Ilfs Boarwrd ek.
PhiUdalphU.^, whea ehefoasdlhu
D. Klh|^ Saw Dtoeovarp lor OoneuBption bad ooBplatalp eared Mof that
hacktag ocBgtathat for manp peaMaad
XebbM ue ttvuTO.
Bade life a bardea. Alt other rsBodlaa
A aUrtllag iarideat of which Mr.
aad doetoca ooald give her ao help, but John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was Ue
—---------*ibto Eopal Carw-“U
tabjeet. to aurruUd by him uu fbUowe:
e Mia lu top cbeoi aad
**I was in a moat dreadful eondltion.
My kkia wae almoet yellow, eyes uaak______ ._________ ______—-*» I feel BB. iongae ooated. pain ooatinnallp ia
like eonadlag Ha pmtoea throagbont back aad eldee, bo appetiU gradually
the Cnivaree." Sowill evarp oae who growing weaker day by day. Three
trtea Dr. Elag'a.Sow Dtooovarp for aap phpuleiuas
liuas bud given me up. FortaFprtaMable of the Thraat. Cheat or Leaga. aatelv.a triead advised ttpu>F ‘SloeBrloe »0e. and SI 00. TrUl botUM free trie Blttare.' and tr my great Joy aad
alJohnaonh aad Tfait'e drag aUma. •niprise, Ue fiiut botUe madeadeeided
Im^vemenk 1 oontlaned Uelr nee
lor three waeku, and am now a well
mua. • I know Ucp saewi my Ufa. uad
For thaaaxtthlripdapeonralore wUI fobbed Ue grave of aaoUervieUm."
Weloaed evarp eweaUg at tlx o'clock Mooae abonU fail totrpUem. Only
axeoptTawdap aad Satardap evaa- fiOeeaUper bottle at 6 E Walt's and
J- O. Johnaoa*e Drag Siorea.
iagi. Bamlltoa CIotblBg Oo.

Tbe Fumoae to aelUBg a pretty, dur­
able watch guard WiU aual eraa■Mti for CBip U eants.

All details of the profession looked after in a pro*
fessional manner.

Ho. 318 Dlloi Stmt

And It often coinss trom good digestion,
therefore ea» Pure Foods. We pride our­
selves on the fact that our Pure Food De-

Like Sun-..

partm-nt (and that means our entire


vtoch of groceries) is second to none in
Michigan — There are ao many things

It Makes ..

adulterated that It le to your best inter­

All Feel ..,

ests and health to trade where you feel


who dwell tn the buip centers of trade
and Uwmea more and mote oeosclag
aa the pcara roll on.


sure of getting the purest fooda Sugars,
Teas, Coffees. Spices, Canned Poods; In
fact, everything needed In the “living


- <


Did you order a sack of H. L. &<3o.'b “ Best”
Flour with your groceries yesterday. Ita sur­
prising what light biscuits it mahes. Here's a
good recipe to try it with, tor supper tonight:
One quart of flour; three teaspooofuls of
baking powder; one teaspoonfal of salt,' asd
^wo teaspoonfals of sugar; one-balf cup of
butter. Mix well, then add one'large cup of
milk and two eggs. Mix well, but do not
knead on board. Roll and bakc-in hot oveii.


TBE uouaasi UOOBS 8UHDAT. JOLT 83, 1888



hra Hera Woe rrtaate

Tba] lIlaDtaTair of lAc waa-a hy
UMMttkanoftha Taaehtta'lmtltau
aad tbalr Mnda took aHea at Barter
irVXWWV. A i Ad Ifteh iDcptctor «fflpl«rv4 «•
gtt»atrMtudBo«d. Hall Tonda7 O^kV Eieb toacter li •
ritadoeafriaed. Aa iaproMpta pro
wrwr»^W»W»wr»nir»rA»r* !
ram waa readarad after wUeh lirkl
• M «:«e D. m.
rDrttvDDTMDd L«jMr»r*MDf M tun DBd motornm wbote cDi» nc^
tiMU la iWr work of AMiro^'v po
•>> ■('Meat. Oe ha4 ■ Londwlor
laaad ataale 1
Saaday Scboo) at IS.
UK bw b, . braw. bb( .bibb bp. >"”»
eooeaatte atirlt lad aad from tk'
Bva8UrBameeat? .
' '«B man 1)d«1 Uiank-d a car aad arbsl
U> rabaial aoUlj o« Ua potato
Tba saw oriras i^l baatad ha- Uta
dl«<>rd*tl7. Tbr cotulDi-tor
Of IbCDI *
Hf irlrki^ Dp a'aioiM* and thirw It at flnt tltt* aod a rraad tetlTal aerrice •oaadrd oat upon tte eaapoa y* prda
aiaat bare rirao fell exprcaaloo
Mra-Cjratba tcrnm of Ballalra la th» toodortor. wLo dod««l It. aad
i —idered la the ioralac Alao la tte >
aelBf that tow* for OS ODO for Irja-lea erat throaib oar of ite i«ir «r wla,v,_
] to paat ep aoerrlae relaalac frooj elcw
applleetioe to.their achoolroom detltt.
raoalaad from falllaf oe a dafaeUea dowe aad hit a Onnan carpealar. wb)
kad au pan la tbr affair al alL Tbr
The aplrlt thatteorad Prof. Bara waa a
happy oae aad ahowad that he waa aa
D-bUE-™. —~
~ -b»
«., borb
7»All era eotdialij ianted to tbaaa aerrarelleat mind reader. The iaaiitate
.w mUTW tbrbb wbbkb bfo, lb mil.
„ Mbtrf. II. »« Ubni lb ban.1
tomorrow alfhL
Prof. Bore
tiff fram hla hoata ia Kewport.
Hla pf (Im. ina|>r<iiH- for mnw-rxamliuitlou.
e Biaay frifoda from hla work
yemat brida ia moeb oorrltd.
.nj tbla la wbat »a» paid;
will tenmemberedaaaaall toaad
Prefebiaff at 10:I« a. m. ^ the paattraa dlatriat aebool hoaaaa ia Moat-1 •'\^m Anrw.'' l>rsai>-<<be laaprctor.
eel* aoaatj bate beread darinc the “ebla tbla ft-liov pirkrd ap (bat atoar tor. The Mm
a wUl attead thia worker —Bata a Baaaar.
8 a« «A >• KlaM* tw Iiimwir w«

■—* «•



-------- -

___ _


------------------ --


laaaediorlaa te r a and tbrrw it at you ibkt It w aslo
tbr lair.^or bltu to do tte Uke

□ Mr.fl P BEbtii-..- te p -bi— -„|

-> '>W." lypllrd ibr coadortor.

^yberaadhsteasploaloeof ffaao-

hlai pk* it ui>r -•
' “1 toW blio to drop that atote.Mra. Baarr Allaa of itohooleraft had
-.lad te dlda’i drop iir
a debt with a Ua^ar bag tte otter
-Xci; hr lUrvtr li at air.”
*TblD trbat did you dor
teMiaf. Aha aaeapad lit bltr. bat fall••I Juk^ atxl it wrai orrr my hwd
ad to oaptara the baff.
tbmuBh the ear wladotr."
-You kurtr that anordln' to the
oa Lake B anie c ff t..wiib.».<b«. (. tba
aarth rala. Tara, rf k-r^-“■‘”1
'kla rompnay
you w. rrlurhanrronbr«r and that
Mn-P.Baaffarof AdriAapcaradffaa tt wo. your owa pnn- rty. which d
ellBeoBaBaatblll la ibe .yard, aad lahX frr li'a ite mmiuinj'ar
tbaa applied amateh. Tte esploaloa^ -I did.'
h-tuMAeaadbar drata waa ae«el-'| '’Ami 1 aupi»ar yoa rvad
oped ia tte flimaa
Sbe tripjad la
of a rayilat dn-laloo of
•tappiar book aad fell, atrlkloc bar .’*"'~“"
‘kr juder aald U
bead oa a Bayatoae
fl.«toaa paremcat.
. wa. tbr Joty of ibrn»BdtH-tota of tra>aaaaoaa. Bayatoaa
t« tbr llvr. aad ibclotblDff did aot take flrr. bet t
prnuiaa of the |>aaarttcm oa tbHr
haada «arc baraeda'lfbay.
Her i
eapa waa mlraeatoaa.
"I did."
"You korw that waa the lawr
A lar^ tract oLbardwood timber la
"1 did."
KalkMhtooaaty bw baea purebaaed
"Tiilp. anr. 1 would ax ypu. why did
by tte M'eb«aa Bardwood Lamter
yon Jnkrr-lMti.lmr* Xrwa.
Cb. (rB)|Baplda.aad thU fall lam
1 the I
Ml. Uaal
laad. T.atlmbarwUI te madi tatol "IVnll. wulir rjactiuird Mrl.ul>b>-rI ty. Id tbr mld.t of h1» tM-raml of
'Meyele t^t.
l»rw«|«ip.-r arlUlr wl.k-U hr lutd rat
Waaley Hooim. a tleb aad
“1 Irwdy phk
ph-krd up. --Hnlatl. ixkir Duffy
kaewa farmar of NQaa.ia aadar arrMt,
id aylu! AD' ut Miura to bor bai»■ aharyed with ataallaf a Wcycla
l>rDed la dbr unir way a*
dkl pra.vBear/ Oatley, a wall-kaowa farmer roualy—br bnr U-ro lilowa Op by
Bear Bbanaaa. U bow la a ertUeal coa- prvmatuor blail. til abnd bor t'ouebi
d UOB from the kick of a horaa-Tbe iroa |



To.i» P»cln SocibV bl Cbibteb
BodaaetratS:isp.A. SabJ^t:-Boa-'^’'"**’*
, I Order of E
oriac the Loid’a Day." Uodar. L'taia !
BOOB at S:I0 o'cilock. to makr arraayrmeau for a pleaic. Md A-r the traatOoapal arrriee 7:M p m.
acliOB of other tprciel baelaeM.
By order of W. M.
rnar aaiTWT
fler. W. T- *
iId; eeretca at 10 jO a. m.
Snnday School lt;00 m.
Aa S'paeially Luye Haaa Baa Baaa
Yoany People'* meeilay e;lt p. v.
Frtpared FcrTiday.
Beealay aerrloa at 7:W
Today W. B. Flrtcberof Hotel ColawRer E. M Siaroaaoa. the . Saadaj
will aerec one of bU fara^u* Sbdachool ml-aloaary. wUl coaduet tte
made rtpeeially elaborate
moralay aarrlee aad will ylre the ehU
• ■ larye
’ -- nuiaber
of patron*
to plra*c bte
draa a talk dorifly the Sunday achool An ODuiually larye i
wbopartal e
been plann^'aad
planned aad ail
all <bwe
All are eordlally larited totbcaaaei______ ofCrWr Soup

BakeC WklteCk. Bor.le.ui Sauce
. Bollnrta mecilny at 10 a
Miatelota BmI. .o Ja*
BOMtSMockof VeM. U.*br-M>B H.UO*
ducted by Bit W Smith.
Bak'd ' airkeo Pte. Pmall) -trie
>y by Rr*. C Spraear. Free
BMrPkan Bibv Drc.BPet.loe>
pMteC Bprl«*«
* "b P"**
r. at 1D:S0 a. m.
tked Petaiee.
iitr.a eJ Put.toe.
Saauay *«bocl, t:O0 p. m.
Free Meih^tet prayer meeUay Tace
Oraace Pritter.
day trealny, 7:M.
ilOB. C >e Ckoe
PlBOl •o PudUl* c
Union pruyer^feetley Friday area
lay. 7:30.
A»oned Cake
VMil. ter I're.
Tbr public are cordially larited to
<• takas Bread
all Uteae terrleca.
naer xctaopier.
a«*.J.A.flceaej pewit.
Sprlsy Such Setel
Rer Wm E Urawa of the Detroit
I* prepared to aerre m-ala at aay
eealereaer will oeci py the pulpit both
Ume to pertlc* tmm the city, 'at
loralay aDd*eTeniDy.
bour't aatiea. E tber e o'clock
8 o'clock
dlaaera will te aerred- tc'
>ek dla
Moraloy *niji et—"Wa^tde rxperiI ard cake at •any tlinnrtoSoOfftoBof ttekidaaya. ,
' dbrir owaliolndiLoe No. 147 Sr.
daya Beil tt
Waffca of a eommoB Uborar la the|. • Phwoi are yt* tarkla’abootr a.klamtaar wood* hart adraaead from fti rd Mt». Mrl.uhterty. Id aoiar aunu'l*’'Bpworth Laayur at fl;IS a ».
toteparmoathdarlarthe peat moath: "Duffy drad asaiut la ut craxy yr
Tburudty—Oeaeial prayer maatlay
a d m >a ar« eery ararea bt' a adraaee^ an-r'
\ "No; Ol do br r'adla' ut rolybl briv at 7;S0 p m.
At Paw Ilw aparrow boeaty for the f ^
All are eordla'ly larited.
-ijivr un-look at thot dorkymlw:
Buincaa araraye oaltVhi.y.
>ItVh..y. yva l4undrr-boad. dlilo la a
Bcr.,Barclay Jonea. Paator.
Vaa Baraa fly urea the atate paya ont two-yrar-uttld i«i>y ibol Ol laid o
Sanday ccbool at '.<:4S.
j| I aiirt-a.
IM.OOO a year for the dcaunctloa of
Wonbip 11:00a.m.
Y. P. 8. C. E.. crisp, m.
. molud.
o t'lnk •
Tl»,™p..™p.l«.lL..,o.1. 1,11
Worahlp 7:3u p. m.
ol p™.i»._ lo io« ...k. .hiopio,: „
Prayer meeUay Wedneaday arralay
wUl eommeaoe—two waeka
thae aaaal. The output laat year
*aEl»*H i.rruKRAit nii-tt'S.
Srrrter* eoodaeud by O: A Llad.
Uorri. w P...____ji^ . VI
KiM-aklny of a traMor^ W. Paaa. ayed .5. died at hU
«botr name ranir up Id .vu- atudentof Auyuatana Laiberan Colhome'Thutaday. Be eraa a daaoaadent rmatluo.
of Wm. Peaa. the goaker lawmaker
"Itidrrii! tvte unya aor athwl Mr*. ^MoroiDyaerriceiniSOa. m.
Saedpy School IS lu.
aad Aral yoraraor.ot Paaoaylraala.
BreclDy *rrrler 7:30 p. m.
Mid-week eerrioe 7;S0 p o
At Bmltb'a Creek. Wm Jobe Jack- .’TIm- maD aim niakra the plUa that
cured brr of lndljo»tloD."-l‘ucA.
All are eordlally lorit^
loritad to
p attead.
aoa’a two litUe boyi were playiay hall

lilts' E8T8IH Ci^tr

Gate Post

First Class Naraaa Cigar,
Good Size,

Eicellent gualltj,

Id tte froatyard. wbea the hall alab
allppad from the haada of the alde.tey. etrikipy Willie oa the head, WadaaadayereDlay ha became a<ek aad
died Ttaureday moralay.
The It BoBihaold child -f Mr*
Charlca Uraad of Nay Port who k elait
layat Akroa, waetberleUmof a drplorable aoeldeai Friday. At e o'clock
tte mother weal to a dray atore aad
ordered eaetor oil. She yare the child
aiaaapooarulof the I qald that bad
baaa pat ap for bar. aad It tecaaw »ioleeUy ill. A phialclaa waa aDmmjaad
aad looad that aartelle acid bad baci
put ap by the druyyiat by mktaica. The
child died at 10 o'clock.
Thoaia* NaHti waa Ultra by a r.t
tlaaaake at Poattae Ihuraday erraiDy. I
Before be yot help the poia^ apraad |
throayb bUayelem aad be died.
bcDlbar te pdaior of the Flrat Baptte't'


I New Thleg Wotth Cnltiyotlog,

B*« U BBcuM-k.Paawr.
Claa* meeUay at 10 a. m.
Presebiny 10:30 a m.

1st Tool Dealer for Tlrem.

Sunday ateool. tS:0D m.
Bpwnrth Leena 0:15 p m.
> ia extaaded to
CBU.nax Pcuxrx i
Serrieea ererr Suadai
>y at 10:80 a. a
la R. O T. I


Tatallp I'BMeaaarj.
H are atUl et Urye.
*‘Toa arv uoi amii'y wiib me becuuac
T. C. Sberaaaa of PonUec, he* larratI tbrema 'ktee to you. are yonr te
ed aa ittprorad dteh-waablny maeblBe. auknL
with atteehBDMti forcleenlay tamUm
"S'ea. I am.' ate n-pUed.
b>tU«e aad otfaer tblayu,
-tVhyr b.- ingulietl.
••Be<wd»*‘ theiv wu* no.ImpnoetraMJra Booth of tireearUl eknowa more
D D» that m
about the attracUoB exerted \>y elec­
.lyD Eaitic.
tricity tbaa he did a ihort time ayo. Be i wr)-.--l;rtwkl
took bold of e telepbooc wire to aeperaie it from eaotber aeroaa which it bed I
'Itont yt>u iblnk T1ui<- abonld barn
1*1 E*i tern repmu-ntf.) aa'
a* a woman f"
fallea. aad feud be ooald
“I don't know. Why
aaUl a friend whom he
-Bern nan. yoa know.
tba wire asd broke the carrasv
The will trtl.'
1‘hltednlpbla BnlietlfL
wire he had takra held of bed hua
■wmid with aa aleetrle tlyht wire, tet
tetawtely tor iBoolh tte earrut
—hLa. — —
av________ ...V.
fcdiior-weii. Wbat-e the mattr
wUtewaaoBjaatthumeUfhtoBe wtib the oae yea Ja« came thtoa^v


TonnAller Block.



Be*. A Bateberj. Paetor.

Church on eoraer of Klath aad Wadeworth atreeta.
Saadar aerrioea a* followa:
rrrarhlny at 10:80 a. m.
Sunday achool at 11:80.
Preaebiay at 7:80 p m.
Mid-week prayer meetlny at 7:80

Fire Inserance.

All are cordially larited to tte arr-

TUaUand Air adwlatewred set akateaw peu
M* astraeuee et ts« -

•SSSSrnfSStitU. - w«k ,

p-aklae acwaeUna «


300 pairs
OegDlar $2.00


tc SmUb make
Now $100



Black tc Tans
Now .
Half Price


$1.00 buys



118 FroDt StTMt

Our “Special Sale" briojfs the above to miod. Not
one dollar, bat maay may be saved wheo goods go
as follows:

-for choice of-

Many desirable blue and black goods io lot.'

A'l go at marvelously low price»


to clean up our entire stock

purchases—From 25



to 50 per cent, reduction on all
above goo'ds until further notice.

Hamilton Clothing Co.
A Knock Out
Clean Sweep Shoe Sale.
We haye about 400 pain of woman’s ahoas lefb
of the WcNamara stock. They are good ehoee—aa good
aa they were when he sold them for $3 00. $3.60, $400 '
and $4 60—but they ara all ancient etylee-Don't ex>
peot to see up-to-date etylee—They are opera toew.
common sense toee. pic toee, square toes and "any old
kind of toae.” We must close them out in two weekm
to make room for new goods The price will be 88c
Still another eurpriae—About 100 pairs Oxford
Ties left-sizes 21 to 6—aiU style toes:--regular $1S&:
$1 60. ‘$1 76 and $2.00 kind*—Your choice of any in
the store for 60c.
There never were such bArgaine offered in th».
city—They won't last long, so come for first choice.
Lots of other bargain* in up-to date new '^tyle»
for ladies and gentlemen.
See our $1.88 baigaine—None better at cut rate
sales for $2 60 In the city.
Woman's new last* at $1-13, $li{6 and man's for
$1.36 and $1.48—Genuine bargalna
Your money back if yon are not eatisSed.


208 Front Street.

BsiYain Shoe Store


Fresh Goods—Attractive Packages.

JAS. G. JonxsoN,
125 Front Street±gt

L. L. A. Bollding
One tteNtoBia-* Shea msce

Wm. Deoate. praaideat of tba WaUflcatln Tilt Cheap
llamatoa State Bank, a prominent far­ my latf.i work.
We will take lOO load* of dirt for tnmer and atoak mu te la a aerloue au­
itioa la any ooueae of the Trmrerue
Bnetaeae Oolleye.
Briny your dlit
dition M a raaalt of a kick by a bone.
which would yoa recummeodr
aad yet your edueeUoa. C. B- Dock
<Jladya-"Tte Aayluiu for fbr Bllnil”
At Uwira Oerp. Rawara. Co. L.
eray. Prop.
Thlrty.lhird MIeblyaa, haa Iwra yraat- -P'Utt.
ad a paBBloB of |17 a aaoatb for woanda
* LlbaL
raeaJrad la Oaba
Shr~It teat irur that ylrti at can;,
TwoOoomotedlaawbo had Irat ■ mrr n'.ort* iN'conir ruyaynl flrr auJ
Bitmbar of chteksaa throat the dapra' tlx ilnuw In oar •raeua.
llr-i'm cbid 10 hoar IhaU
datloaa of cate fixed op aome potwa tor
Sbo-M'b.v. I«'« abeur^ There are
Moffeadan. Shortly afterward the
; ncv«T opiMinuDllhw for ua to berotar
pat kltteo of ont lady aad a fiao hoaad
i to well acquainted with any morrtbiD



“A Dollar Saved
Is a Dollar Earned'

Ths Old BdlUbls Bho« Xrb

Farm and Draft Horses


I have juat received from Chicago a fins lot of Ikrm and
draft horaee and several fins drivers. Call at my sale* barm,
and gel the best horse to be had.

State Street Sale Bera



I MO&VXflO SSOOBD. 8irm)AT« JT7I.T 8S. 1888.
rnnrr aAjrx* n dawKm.

I &eiv«rtX'K«XDS
^ Wvt'VPotU.-l

to Tweroody Aonek VhsB

the Pirt» Hlon. whM op<wd !*^
<k>en till* tDvoth. tbat Ibr next sotm8*il :
■ C«l0B, Jwt »m««d ml S*B born Is ToQloiMP. It ap|>r«i
«ei*eo fro*
Ft«bi» U ■
Wfkt tb« lMT«t MoaiffBBMi of, Ix'ttxd of rrniM. Tb»r aar that the


. aaar*
ABaartealsaotBaUm- Ue
fara of oowaatraUa. ore. alafv aa».
»jf*»UaaaleaasiMe*icwaafUa. la
Aha MaaifBaiaat tbaie owe >0.«U
—worth aboalAMO.OW: ooa har cf
gdU ealaad at

an sir Trom up j^r>i>ur
caiuJlrtatp* for tbo jrrand opera
Toolooep l»a»t« that poatpinporary Frattre U la larr*- part ibe'
«oft of her own glfteO children and
the samp tine, that Ibla
to aweU the floer of Par*
But tbii year abe hae a reTeOje—
*«ia of aoHMMtaa aad 1«» ha«a at Toolouap
'* "" dotuloatee the aaloo.
Jean Paul i.anreti« la a uatlre of
^Aaforvalopaolatoif thaaaapaaaioo Tootouae. IIli canraa U perbapa the
Axidn acreai NA»at» riwtr. aoaMct- m<«t remarked of tbU year. It U a
wtthgoaaaatoa eo^^a^
Monmwt. Falintlew U a Toulotiaala.
AMhplaaaatBOon FriMy Tbeaarw
him the Rorlrty-of Men of l.e«ier*
■aaolM wafa la eha(S« o* Boo. w. u
,1^. ezerailnn of a Balsac
prtmiitfii el the Intaraatlooal
after ibV rejr^oo of Rbodln'a
^haadoB Oa. aad Oeaaral Maaartr uat year, and aronnd bit work onw
Batt. Vaa Bora. llaBT pfomlaaat-etchlWied rteea already aoeh bealed
jfiBiUertowBiaBddtto ww
lb. »«. o<
Jt Innchaon waa aereaa at tna roaa w»
AhnBonamaetaaderaotndtolhamam7 of Oeaeral Brack.
f the laat
The snpraoedebted n
,t ManAU that mmiary


Con.unt. Heori-Uartlo,
H™rt-lUnib. r.^ VJ.1.U
j^ntonln Mercle. nut to apeak of Oie
ujhts. are all Toulonaalna. FloeUy. the crest maater of Frearh paintln» «f tbeac> time*, tbe totr Purl* de
child of Tonlouae.
Iona colt Of this lam artlat they
Vo'’ib^" ranaplctloM
f *“«•
*’■^"*1be esblbllltm
tbe fa m-


Blae books oa edncatkmal matter*
often repay the tronble «rf*wadlat
tbnwjh them by^anp|4ylt« fresh la- ,
Btanee* of the unconacioos bnmor of
pnidl* nader tbe ordeal of examlmf .
tloa. ay* the Weatmlaster Gasette. la
Dr. Orlieie’s ret»rt on the tralnl&s
eoBeset In Scotlaad. jnct tnoed. «-«
find aereral yema of the kind. Wa
ah^nld bare thonybt that the dark
woold hare been a subject weU wlibln
the deacriptlee powers of rsndklaiea
wUoae sIm In Ufe wss pedayuklr. hot
roe. committrd himself to tbe staiement that “the moiber dock Is called
a drake" aad another to tbe olxervation tbal "tbe principal nae of docks la
to make c-Ulcken broth for Inrallds."
After this, the declaration that John
Buakin'a prlncliNil work was "Jidm
Gilpin" aaema a eenlal allp.
Beniarkablc- laiceDnity waa display­
-rieaae. air. Miere'a a itentleniaa
I want to conceal my afc: what ahall I ed In tbe Interprr-iatlon of the pbraaa
"the antlrted meuareb of tbe waste." d<*»rnswlrs from tbe bo®<;e «i-“Wear
' mranlaka .f, bl. ro«rr



n-ibmi«e 1. tb. ,«-■ i.Mi.r.-..ibdr. I

If It's aealnat the law t*

™u.S. Wt I. n,m.. .

i.. .
_ _
would'llke to tnUulce In a pi^ia ma.1." But eVem «hta mysic-rtous
homicidal cMTtle. A eon- effort at elgcldaHop la ibcown Into tbe
fnnncled molar manEler baa Jn«t cot me shade by another
ll tn with bla hair very llkTlj ratoed In anout with my best »lrt, and b*- did It
_____,anly Rcr." If tbe dominie n-sponslWe for
and imsentlema
a peenUar^ mean
manner. I knew we were rtral*. Iwt the irain ne of this brtUlani candidate
be It a cochI operator, and I went to knew of bla pupil’s p.H4orMoee wc
bim to yet a hack tooth fllled. not abotiW think be would at once towme

««r.; fZui”. r .‘..zur': “.'.7.bS

This la the tima of tha ynar w
haabter beeomaa eery batardow.
aathadayaipahybaBbs onrbt M bn
watched eiry. «wy cioaely
rl •red. aa tbe oaly sort of baaica
a'ened ar tbe paaay banha of tbn
e'.UdFCB Iba eirena la eomiac to town
aad It la a mighty bi( oate. too. batac
ae ta« tbaa tbs. OontoXdatad Adam
««b-SaU Itretbera' Shew, aad
it la promtoed that it will be altorathnr
tbe larfeet elreoa eshlbitloa eeer
broufli-here It matt not be leppmed
that b-eane this show haa beea made
eo eaormoaaly lacv* that any attentfam
to the ehildna baa been oeerioohed.
Koa. a* it to by tha foar treeVast dreen.
la the arorW, who opeBta
aad woottol the thrba rraataat abowa is
the world—the Bamom sad Bdley aad
Baffalo Bill ehowa. aa weU aa thto <«n
ehlldrea are not colaf to ba the
eleUma Thcee eatnta maaarera andorataad qnlw at srell aa aaybody ntoa
that It takaa f mr or dee crown ewraona
to take me eblH to tbe dreas. and


„ u., cbiw™.. a.n

r.iatanrr arf
j them etooucb fTOws pe«ona to All bbn
In old can. the IwH-eord rsn orcr tenU no matter how h'f they make It
This rreatacblWUoo to
. appear In
tbe toi» and ws. wcand on a nwl, says Tha reatacbtwuoo la
Hall." and braki-w:iu had to climb ap *n4.
le ibe toi. of tbe car4. no mattiw bow
r„i tbV train waa ninnlnc. to mw the ,
eonl or acUu.t It to
of mtob
An edd encIneiT ^ tbe Krie nma t

oirrt uioftSASivo.

u,i •c..-..,

atanrmtlaa^_____ Th* a.-Tbe’lw!^* rte Ixcame the wife «.f unprafeBaloDaL Well be bad tronble nelf. acwnllnc to the drflnlUon.
| "ItoiH'y- Ayna, th.- ja<.uec-r ^
The Hal of tbone who ara re*iel^
-An a ««>*“
Ihra. or 1.^ ^
,or tbe re^Htln* the m*ot. so he pri.^ dwn my ,

' coodu.-tor. bit np-m an e*Mlfnt ..r ,VT^> It?!
M»atanqse brid#e.wbleb waa ooatmerfo cue im r . .
would co and
c**tt«* i* Serrui otn*
slcnalinc to the metnec-r. Ue tbs] a ly lorraailof at s Benda ACoa at-ra.
t*prao»We. ba. bean .wept away.
tbe ernin. drove In a rau,de of patent pine to ‘
.c-ttony et lamporarily ftb farriaona ,
„r TouIo-w-•»<* *“« hoW them aiwrt. I mu.t have looktA «•>»«« beW"*! «be new maid. ^be.
,he encinv cab, and
^ Xmaa and Baeor tram oommanka- ^ ,i»niflcam fact to whoever knows of rsartly like an sllljmtor. and while I the moat ivlUble *lrl 1 ever had. <Jf
it., roje- over the- ear tops to the
meelved ci^»a •*»:
...t-------h>. Manila. In tha. elrenmatan- (*ntfce's eftewts at dc-cenirallaatlon. A was aitttne tbe-ra belpleaa. my fc^tnrv* coura.-. abe ain’t a beauty-"
rear of tb<- train. Hl» |dan ws* to ^ p, Bawyr. W A S-wion. Ray

.. wnald
batmpotsibla to mova
Fn-nebman aald tbe otbcw day:
enjir^y ohactirlnc by month, who"tVell.-1 don’t know about that." In-ptdl tbe rojw and rattle tbeatk* wbe-n ^ j^hofletd, B Baraard. M*a W
|C. 0. Kenvoe. John
„ ih, t,.ua kava be- •■Wrancer* maka a mistake when they ,jiould walk In Unt the yoiiac lady herterrupt.-d Mr. Gimp, with some and- h- wli
llnec r erf ■ Cemdurtor Ayrea , <to*ryf r. L (itoa.’l.
P^w molra ariu hs Imacinv that Itorto la Franee. Itoria ,,,, i h.wrd t sort of titter, and In
dennesa. "It depends a »ood deal upThe enclnr
,____ _ .FU'm.
MM Cooloa.

aentlmeot, ^y eccltemcnt I aat holt uprirhl
upricht and
aad on what
wbat yon consider beauty. Tbe ciri train was'e,

.finnia--------- -la Itotla and no
more. Tlte aentlmciit,
E Baaae. JoaepU Krana. Mra S Gar­
the cenlua even, of Prehchmen la else- ,r,,n^ ,h,t yawninc cavity on her haa a lovrty eye. hasn’t abe. Brtjtp.r’ eoh.lncnor c-alled hlm-and dhl not,
land. Mtoa Beilaer, Mr* F. D Oel*'
. clktnn
"A Bne eye." said BrlEsa.
at i..
aocb an Inncvatloi
Aw aoUlcra
! where
oiher. -In tbe life of .1llw ...r a IS-lneb cun. or coarse she
.......... lo ■
1- AbHoiv Frank F
"Why you stop the train wh.-n
a Is-at
mpewr WlUIam and Caar Nlabolaa real France Parta
know anythlnc about how those In--------------------------------------•. J. Butb. Prank Parks, i
"•wUl matt at' Wlaabadaa, Oarmaay. Toulon*-." it l« tnte thU I-'reocniaaa f,.rrui3 ping, «nd attribui.-d m.v exprea- you notice her atm. BrtcBar
I pBlI.-d tluii n*|«-" iliuD.letv.1 t“^]pr*,bert P 1Brimon. Aug. Drieb. WUl
---------- 1 nrfusal to fVrirtalmsn.
wrighlmso. John CaoBeld. Riley
—< In
aatonlahmi nt. ao she naturally i At this moment Mra. GImi
In Barlln
Barlln that
lhai lb*
ib* was a native of Toulouae.
I sweera.
notliv the sUck of w.kmI signal.
Swaera. E E
B McCoy.
B B. B'ekok.
auddenly and l.rft tbe starttuent.
] I was the blycvat hllol a
«xsr waau aU mUaenlal aovaralfM
Tony M*sbey.
Mssbey. Eddie Woods. Jaa r
" Taose no one told me to »u.p
si.ip n," iTony
I "Jover aald Brtgga. “what In tbnnr iB Parti BMl
King Iceopoid of Belgium gave
• *
•'rad Sllaby.wm
wns the engtnwT’s suriy answer.
i> your month. Mr. Blank.' derr
Sen. !
1 iHlVou to
i« bereaner -'tona N’et B|«wn, ^
ar. dartne tha acpoalllroSW'll catch cold.’ I made i "I.lai.-ur aald Mr. Gimp. The sound
_ ______ ___ flmoaa*^l'*o»efthe
a wild
gealureVt tbe dcntlat meaning of %>*«•• *n alfr«n*>“n vame fmui tlie
taeaUowlnf thacaaraartvebtofoalroe
Tbi reeuweare of the date for him to tell, but the brute pret.-nded direction of the kitchen "Mra. G. la said the .• tor. Mf you duU t- h.— Mopree
--------------------------.u, he turn.-.! away tuuiu-rtug some sort;
of tbnat.
^toe-psl Featival Berrioa.
Tbe very next tun the wndnrtor’a
____ ____»
«io..T<.na I.ull at the roite was unheed-;
vneatma orgao. purehaasn
amdadhtolUawllha ravol
^ j,.*.rTedly i«i.u- and they both went off Into ahrteka of
-The truth
Imp. ed by tlH-euclueer At the rtose of the ' of the W. W. Kimball Co. by Mra.
au.l day,-t..r Ajiva met the-engin-: James Morgaa and prraeated to Graea
aiUM »«•
to amoTg ria robJc-ta
laughter. 1 thought the girl would , "tbe new glri
eer with the a-ords;
jebureb. will ba used for tbe drat Mae
IThnijirlrr tava baao a«l oul nndar ^
jt,.jg|,ns was near never atop. She got really hyaterteal, jien’t suit me. Thafa luy way^i
"See tiere. I’ve aioiet all Ibe mm-1 today with graad festival aerrtcM both
of AagUlary Nn. I lor kba
i Uek.m castle roe after- but the d.-ntlat must have *h>uu niunler rid1 oOf her. You *e,>r-siray Siorix-a.
... .______ a , hand- In
In my nM
eye. t„r
fur h*
be atwiWMt
showed Iber out and ,
M-nae I'm K-.iug to. Just rams out o^rBiag aod evening.
nniaaa. .nl..™™
Tbaa* . noon• when
What Made Bl* Tired.
--------------------------* a*ai la rssponaa to aa appaal aonie Americaji todl.-s ay
all a pure accldeni.
Th«-rv was Are In hU eyg. tii.1 Ute
thi Btxt thirty lay*
r them tbe grounds.
engineer noting U. turned mUd at
. m boeloaodevery evenlac
I wdlll
at afa o»c ek. etmept Tneaday and
daairayrf a porlloo of .th* town'
'who look him for bU own lilg mallet and stood on tbe def.-nslve. teadtog eouneel rose and busklly
"AH right," he answered, amiably.
ttotnraay evealag* Hamilton Clothpoaller naked
«r Vnleaa. Colorado. Friday.
Tbt bead gardener,
asked him Innumerable What 1 aald to him la neither ben- nor queal«l that tbe case might be j
"I’m willing to wrastle wit ye, an’ tf | ioc Co.
ValoaVhouliaa d-trayad. aad two' QueaUona, ma’iiy of them lndlacrv.-t ibw. but be hoowt my opinion of tb.y.-ran
y«- ram mrow
throw .o.-,
me I’ll nntl.-e any slgnaL , VBicannom.wu.
bualnraa. and If It ha.ln’t been ,, “On wbul graundr aaked the Judgts
,—. blmaelf.
------- ---------------------Maya. ahUdraa of Patar Dolan, tha
.. »n ...n,™.
»■. ...'
On tbrtr way Ibrongh the groanda for tbs mallet-whal alwut the young anapp‘ahly.
«prayrtokarpariabad. Two gnaato atoo|
' tha party came face to face with lb* tody did you ask? .Oh. 1 liaven’t *vn
"Me Inrt I have bwi arsnlng a ew bntx when ye want the train at..j.|»-d."
-----------------------------------------»«aet ■■esMaSdvW book ot sc
mrasuppoaod to bava
buTBtd *®’
,3,^ (-„ua3 d’OuHivmonl. her al^e. That’s all off."-New Or- all day «o eoari B and a:n cmpleicly
___ roue
naesr plrs-s re.vrti w Raruao
■illng uuii.-b followcl. In ij
which "PaPPy" told the engineer low. cBcor wore P trem re.WI Wsreuir^av.
whom_ibe king, politely removing lotni Tlui.-a-lvmocraL
, exhaust hHI."
An rx|doatOD oo board tha torpadoj bla hat
Ut and addreaalng him with tha--------------------- —
boat diaa^yw BuUftncb ro tha Solent utmost reai-wt. aaU that be araa "takWho Wre KsUrea Bft
, take tbe next.
ductloo of tb.- now unlveraal bell-cord
TTT*!VT*I>-Xt» •»« • te- fcBOdred daUsn
*ayaU-m of signaling.
.. . ....__.___^1 1 ue eouai aaniiux.j si-xjun-m-ou. encoureexog iiis
•ah* worat naval aoeldaat Of this aatora I
^V^.-n looc ago the fatherauggeated
to Onired the Judge,............
with a anap of tb*
•hat haa oecarrod la tha BrtUah aavy
^3^^ rewarded hla h„y ,31,, hp ,i»uld read np oa the life eyelids. "What have you Iwa dolacr'
"Me lud."
barriater. In 1*
' la twenty yaara. Tha vtctima war* nmj,.,ty with a lOfranc piece for hla ,nd death of Nathan Bale,the spy
... aald the "—..............
•wrtbly iajared. auam aod boUlag trouble, and be. with many bows, as3,^^ pf the 1
A few wearied voice. "I Imve been llaieiiing "1"*!!;
VTJ*'nr^w-aa "verv- mm h •*.. bjOc ureeer
,«t the
,h. to
.« my
re, learm-d
IcrroHl brother.’

“ =77:__-:r77:
—,i,rr fflliag
ffiiiBC tha aagine
aacine room. Tha aured them
th.-m that If
ir an Invitation to the p^pumca
.vmidcs later
later the
lb father asked
«mu*-d. not to say annoyral tost SunSfitZ,'.
Ballfinoh to one of tha totmt designed . coming parly were procurable they
3^^ 3^,^ carried out bla request.
day. to And out that hla reimtatloii aa ______------- -- -----—
an expert of the great Ameriean game L cSsia
reware C
i had prw-eded him t.. a Huh- hotel not mreipg maw oreUicX. tb..™,..! »n™ .—r iron. w..b,«f ^
—.... tha oa. hand,
ca.ubtohment of the Ud'ra on ^ *.3 era" wM ^ ^what Irraleuuiirrton.
if 111 SMtS rsl<« atreei- Owarr prore
Count o
,d «xo Chineee 1 n the other. The lug preaeiAed tby the count
The senator had gone oat of town prepertrssk w toe thu pwtre.
sa lt
.. ]> tu King 1m|
to Bs-nd Sunday qule.ily and registered
In the morning at tbe hotel where h« i* *’i Roto*r,a
. . .
____________ »
n.™. cniT of a tew days Ueion. lueirt'F ,
«i>» rem..- ,
propcMHHl to *p»-Dd the day. The ch-rh. ^
Aotol list of oaroahlea waa ton Chios- „tp3,.«.3„jn. wbeiv R baa remained
‘"’Fwho waich«-d him sign liU name. .11.1
_ __
“.\o." aald tbe rtihw. "It too*! Jual
asaa and one Japaaaae tojarnd. Tbe.
, ^,.a vork Journal.
not know bim. bnt the manager, whu caUsiUv
___ » .u. —1—. .
Ibe sam<-.
gtonctsl over the antograph* lat.-r In _ _
“WeU." said Ibe boy. 'Ifa Just tbe
emery aad the flgtat to the rmalt of a
|«~-T of U'Tc w'lj s.ini-tn Nathan Hale."
mediately word waa sent to ih.- s.-n.anaken debauch.
whose h.> 1 uui aoqu:>luu-<l ever owed
This was aotuetblng of poser, and
ator that he ranld have a much ItettHt
j, .po-^n toe,,
-.aiaebodyotthedaadcsarawlta. tan so little lu .-Irxnimstanre. or was ever the father dlaoreelly ebangtyl the *ubroom than the one orirtoaHy assigned.
aa Whit- ji^t.
•«(M1 n of aolid gold, drapad with hla Imand when he ent.-r.-.! hi* new qnart.-rt
--------------------- *^*gPWIM hlghaaas' Rag and aarmountad Her. By rtrcumatancee 1 mean tb* ..-^nd why did tbe British hang
My w*«ath aod Imperial aims, has boeo conditions of life In wbicb ha waa j<zi3,an Baler he asked.
iM.m. It.........
reatrirtlona of bla
"Because." replK-d the hoy. promptAranaterred to the Church of 8c Alrx to.ybuod and yuoih. and the tot»rioua ,
In a verj- short while a belUsij a|"
.-tn-eauae be rubia-red for Gen'ral
peared ami with m.vsteriona *ire.-y ww keyt
mad*r.Abba*Tumaa. Thepall haarara Usk work of t a young manhood; by washlngtom"
annoanced iliat although H was Sun- A»* s-s *
a tb* Grand Doha Mlebdlae MIeb- ,----------------------I heredity -1 - " wbal.-ver we tuny
The airwHon* d.dlnltlM of
Tell to
1 Inform -*,8 ,atn OE BXStT-oar
maaoviteband aevan anparior ganarato ,u,,po,e he derived frv.m hla guaker
um> ______
or a drink * Wsshiaru* «irrei. ('. T.



zr,: „;s

s, cr“w’2r£.'“"

u.. -p». ~i. x'.-,frc“V';4rSi’7r'.br;:.7'




.. ...
would to- promptly Ailed. Tbereui-on ^ortt wajfTaix-a**ii e
the pravt-ai
hravt-ai men tUt ever-lived."
a -refreahlng l«-r. Jd 'Jo’reBt b/i’treiij
iorre.-s..eTr»iKi 33,^
ordered a-refreahlng
tikiiriii raos lora,1 Bobble—"I
t.. resllae
aesb wMr.Ps^. P«n*>* atsr^^.
BobWt—’’1 don’t believe 1C unde;
jeallae that
tbal he
be waa >»«>»<«> ,^fsb
•I why. 1 beard him tell ---------mamma7*1
, favored
^----------”,dinIno.-eo a lavorvu
Tb. dm.. <*»,■. b.-.r.r, -h.b b. W*5ST;i'
Mra. Bronaton -We tnoai call on
| came downstair*
oownatair* a
a few
lew mlnote* later.
re.,.., —;________ „________ ___ ^ ,
o.,j.. b.iOb«.»»™Ma»r..,
Tbe manager of the hotel espied biro
and BDiwoncbed him with a eonA.len- Bw> phoere-ti>- ________________«
Mr. Brenaion—"Who are tbeyT*
*•"- Bron«on-“I don't know."
the that
you like to i«toy a little game and mo ir^ea strere. ra* 1*aroai sre-ssif its
Mr. BronstM-"BaTe
"la ita inadequacy. Int^pteo tne ^ ^
^ w.»s*o««.
past was
,b.. *,
Indianapolis JooreaL
^1 oonUauat. Thro* lava atrtama acm." but be abonld alao be dowvte.1
know about themr
for a qolei Sunday."
l^axmaaca-Tw* ura* *—"l^**.****??*
mra AoirlBg dowa iha moulaia to- with the love of love. Living when
m. of Gielr
Mra. Braoa«on-“ETetT Wt
B*a ca*w*a x»*- «»and where le did. be raaldroceaeap"
The senator amlled and thanked bis
trord ih* oeaaa.
.“I Be-Ar* you sure I am the only man
enviranmenc *n«. belag fnmHwa «• covered- with
hla moral
obllgltig hoai. ’ Really.", he aald. “I —-------------------------------------------- -——
yon ever resHy and treirloTedf
„b.b .»*«■
» TO. to jb«
OmM km Avrea n.
| gke-PerfeetJy anre. I went over--------X.KIU. STMk. bfUik
Ber rather {coming nddenly Into the whol* Itoi yeaterday.-New Tort thonghtfulneoa^t
atooa* who wtoh any apaalal ^
-h K stlmutoicd. It was
to play lo^."
atadiaa I woaM a^^ Uvt fn*hto*WBO.rVo” hate
the roomH-Sh. what to thto T
____ Weekly.
--------And tbe hotel keeper looked quit*
A»e^ ro ' Ber LoWr-I was ttUlng Mtoa Bodd ,
preaaed tha black race waa a blot op- , ,torv
om tb* TvaU.

e..m.b.w’ with Bnanl IsmgfeHow.
■ arban iheeurawllx dlad. was glvaa
.plaeeof hoaor In Ih* fnaeral
whV were cvllvgo
inherited proWiy and aln- .
- wayad -ao BsUm: ibanoa they wm ba' ^^rtty. ranvtrtloiii and eararatueaa.
■ arorgl
33,^ r.,Ub, 'IS',;;
■ by ib* baulaablp
PobU- _ but
and from Nov- ’ which were the Abcr of bU character.

what tram* to me a
oramtok by rail io Sc Peiarabartand an Init
narrow •a of irtew
'TluTwhlSi’lf rot untroOitar yaara of qatoaeano# Mokaai- j fenalty of fodl
•ometlmra Intemperate
•araowao votoaoo. Hawaii. begaB an aonable
’d be ^wer-

“-.STiTCbM »•

2!“'^ „'"r"
rUlB Dealer.

%m wi-ir T-htti All KIcbl



sg-sss. 2

, p>.j -“a

»“ “ “?• '‘bri.‘5r2i:s:.?*i

maak. baUerad to
.. b*
■ntotw, to aa Intafaftlng object toand

a me TTVirri-rr


gBM la Tim*
Toot mUe boy." aald the Ttoltor, *1$
the cuct Image-"
Than the panted. She b
t Mr. Noopop roc* had
Lorely CreoasT*
Ttealved a priae of a |dng bat at a «Lerclyr aald ChoBle. eotbnrtaattetmii for being tbe 'homelleat F
*®F*«•««. *•»*»
■** yoOttg »a* In th# pariah.' and she baat-

wrtfh dogart peratoweicy."—CtoTriand
Plato Denier.


Mm Aha tontAhlrty days, ov atM grotty. ttvS abapad from a atagte

b.. ....


THBltOBHOrO RBOORD. SgKuAY, JPLY 83. 1898 -Part Two



• Tg

' > r

‘ i&i'lC '■" ■



I orawbacka.

Oi»t ii (hat he weara : popular favor It ta *lmp)>k out (oo aooB. Another I* hli *en- i time till the merchant and .„.•■ mlllluneral unreliability and hi* lendenc)' to ; alre. the dra>-niaD and the duciur m ill
■pavin and haavea when oeerworlmd.' aU -mote" about thr face of thla iwrth
Bla fuel la comparatively ezpenalre. for boalneaa or pleasure, as the cake
and w hether be Is workln* or standlwr | tnar be.
■ lie It must be aupplled to hUn.
The automobile Is cleat, economical
So It this *»»
ace 0of applied
anenre our | and convenient.
It never eats its head
old equine favorite la paaalna away. off. It never tialka
«onc of the au
The electric

lotdle ditch. It dues n-.l Ket distemper and
has B'mnded bis deathkneli.
have to be shot. It does
no matter how old

lor and the hum of the eleartc victoria so built that their storare batteildt
will be heard.
»n be charted at any lie volt dlrael
Durin* the last >-ear or two »rcat.i^Mrrent circuit, aurh at that ordinarflT
Impruvements have been made In tbs used for lirttlna punnwes. bui even aa
hultdlnr of stttocarrburea. and the eleciric carriate will atve- out the a
only problem non- remaining
minjr with the as the old horse if c-v. rtased. In plaeat
tnufaeturer Is the queetlnn
reduc- | w here the direct current Is not ayallas
Ina the coat of eonslruction.
ble for recharalnt, by means of a aim*
mobile coats at prewnt from JMs) „ pie apparatus the altematinc current
t&.000. while hydro carbon and nsoline
be used, tboucb It takes about
w aaons s 1 from 'hoo to tz.ono. ft«me three hours I restore r chsrsv bat*

traps are sold for as imie______ _
thouth they have nol yet been reduced
- thetr moat- in-rfect mechanical
They .^111, however____
country roads for the uae of 'molsrs."
out a reebarre.'which consists of one These, will presumably be a aort of
Callon of tasollne
They will carry quarter In the slot machines
two passencers over (hU distance at a present cost for rechsntlnt a batlerT
respectable rale of apeed with that |-ts
_ nol
flsed. but ranges all the war

of -----fuel. The ..............
jrasollne ........
from ^
I* .e.,.. to a couple of doUan,
_ amount
decenerale deacendanU sent to (be j ful and unbutlneallke look a^ut him entlne
always emits a slltbtly dlsa. dependinc on tocalltv and eircum*
Teutonic cbophouaes.
Thai be may ! and. thouth he may not paas absolutely fiwablwodor, however, and this win stancea Thr cost of a new battery,

apprebenalvely I away for the nest few year*, the time ^ways be a poini la Its disfavor. Nor by the way. Is about tlOQ. ao that tM
up and down the streets of our differ- will certainly come when he
builders yet overcome Us tend- man who lU treau this sensitive ptac*
American citlsa Is quite true, but forblddi-n on the csrefully kept streets bavetts
ency to radiate beat, so that the more of machinery will find It ab«iut as as*
popular vehicle for a time at least will J pensive to keep as an overdriven ihore Watt n
be the electric eamate.
These ara 1 ou«hbred.
................lece of quicker
machinery. Is bound to to.
:h hU tall.
Altbouth for some 6,00* years. If hUSo It » no wonder that we are ai>tory Is rlKhl In the matter, he has been .roachmt the rettn of the automobile.
ad' Ivina IK-v th> blnat
e king IS dead'




It I* an odd
e that the eldeat monument
the world ahould be
repreaentatlon If the world's oldest
The old. old sle^ it. cf course,
of love, and now- that msny
Isarned Eiryrtol.«tsts bave-^nnflrmrd
the fact that this monument, shown
the accomiianyinr
Is ac-

Henri Cortes U a young Frwndl
artist living near Paris In the littW
town of Lagny who is now bring point*
ed oul as the coming great iialnter dd
France. Cortes Is a mere boy,
y, only

IttUt Ute ^rkllBs of Carinna. Ma. Thla team conslsta of three waU
U^Btd buck faced Umha named Shabby, shoddy and Shady. They were
takM when I months old and by kind treatment and *entle usase were
yud* perfectly obedient and as raapoasive lu thr reins as well trained borsea
^ father of «helr little driver I. a iarge stock owner and Urn “ntSch
"•“■Iter's peta They bare been driven as fsr as 17
mitas tn one day and after their long laum did not seem the least ezhsw
*d. The secompanylng picture shows the strange team hitched o a sleigh.
With thelt proud little owner on the bus taandllnt (be ribbona

1 which (be rrltllvrs of i

years of age, hut he hu already had
a work tn the Parts sainn, the canval
tiring a remarknhJe picture of a plow*
man esecutrd after (be well knowA
BarbUon school style.



Newmarket Nicety is the name of
be favorile dog of the Princess of
Wales. This |>et
of royally
graceful coll


long as that of
her royal high­
ness herself. The
princess keep
most of her ra^e twu. of which sh
ha* a amsil
in the handsome an,
costly appointed kennels of Sandrlag>ndi>n dug shows.

Perhaps the strangest haven of real Into which a aleamer e
U that shown In ihc accompanying illustratlnn. This sbi|i u a i
steamer, which during a recent ' blow'- was driven ashore on the
Scotland and left reposing In a little cove when the tide went

Here Is a battered old trumpet thal
Is simply reeking w ith historic assocla*
tUn*. It is~«teJtreasured Instrument
bear out the long which led (the famous charge of tM
suspected fact that Eros flourished Ughl brigade at BaUcUva. celqbraiad
very, tery many years ago. The Inscrlpllon on ibrp
ir pedestal
o ..... - -range
1 reads, ''Pgrtrall figure of KaTep, an Egyptian omeUI of high rank
his w-lfe, Uetepet-Hers " tfourlb dyty, Bl«u( sreo H. C-). "from Sakkara." Wbal Is more remarkable about
this piece of statuary la the fact that
the r.-male has her arm about the male,
which might lead one to think it

the vessel back tnio her proper element.

parted ones werv in the babll
watching over the new made graves of
the dsad. In the beginning of the
tory nsarly every cemetery
. .r several of these watch huus<
(or In those times b<dy snatcblag w
iDorw common than U Is nuwadaya


Thr bowl shown In the aco
lag Ulusirauon Is not eaactly . ™„tlful piece of work, but U nrvertbeleas
highly prised
^aed by lu osmei
osmers Ptir M
ywars It has remained tn the poaassslot
a( the Broun family m Ajrshlrw. Eng-

theM docile baaau U Hanry Mooney, who has apent years in IndU aiody.
characiertiUce of bU pets. The drama In which they are such clever
Mtbn u a mock battle. In tbelr Red Croat exercise* one huge elephant
(^U to the ground In the (my and Bee there as if dead. The tralnerd^
the other anlmaU carry off his moUonlem body on
Uad. aad wa onaMnictsd by an «a.
Mr ad that i
sd the bauu of Watartoo, fought
li.UU.TbU bowl M of
>wars and stands a UtUc
over 4 iBcbw high. It U a dark grwen
ta Minr with
- srhita.
within which I a OoMch •otdiar'a bea-

psda are eapa^'ls of a grwat many more
aad st^tag in a row to hart a clown
Mia the alcphaat has always been a useful anlmaL As
burden be U without equal (or baary loads an?™
and tigw
•ueh things he B a vary aatUfacto
Crea* nurae U a norel om. BU naafal*
a la ihU gpliM*. I
which are takm (m anap abota made*d a*^aubag^oT^Omae^iis'f^^
^ ««.ged I*.
"»tu. Of
thM llM are uxaeulad with much gnoc and real
The trainer cl

rumpit was carried
Ua}Ot i
nd when the charge was
madi The
Ruaslaa gunners tried to knock tbs
major out of his saddle with
in rammer*. After tbe battU
the battered lostrumeni was ihrowa
as wonblcaa. but was raacned
by an officer, aad not long ago was aold
for no leas than U.M(L



In the first year of the twentieth ceo*
tury- win be celebrated tbe on* thou*
aandtb anniverary of the
death of King
Alfred ttaeOreat.

the Whim aag of true, which he wave, with much^iTttlSS!
ThsM intclUgaBt four footed notaace Nightingales e
aad were secure
ascurod toy their ow^
owner at the 'coMtiarativsi7^I^{*^.>5^^?*?TS:
Their ages, with the eseeptloa of the
Mtoy. vary from T to U ream, aad their avarag* weight |g «.«a*
owner, who hopes to dlepooe of them to the British military Mlhori. Ira., risH- that they are aU worth thalr weight la goid/UuSTli

s. aad the autne »•




and Ac 1* BlfbtT cmala tbat Am
1* wr befft.

.lore* aw."
**• *»»« tbottmrbty nyatMed.
•• (to M I wMBl , I "A«>d whl^ of tbeo aabrd joa to
Mb*. k*nr •> C—
amnc* for tbe weddtcrT* abe asked.
I "n* Old." rv^lcd John, eortly.
I Pntoetitly Joba towdwd b!i «OB>
DBOtw allirbflr on tbe arm and drew
biw lato tbe abop of tbe rQlace )rw>
aim! rat*
tmt bxrti aratt
AM >n •• Iml
^ -Xow. I want yon to pJek oni tbo
Sinrv aM aUto.
kind of a weddlna rinc yon think tb*
bride aboold gee" be aaU.
: Mr I
ta air bMrt.
I When be bad pakJ for and pocketed
I all b brtkt!
t **r
be iitaln gold band ibey reannied tbelr
ralk down tb* rUlMW atreet and
twee (aarbi '
rr*lto t»M, I
wiooped at tbe ktfal eiBee of a great
Xle»r*lt I* del
ttietropoUUB daby-abd neemond. leaf,
-gl. Paal’a
----de«k and wrote oat a brief notice and
, waa about leaving with her when the
advertialng cU-rk called after bin* and
aatd tbat be bad Dot told him wt^rn be
lofao Deamond awoke at d In tb* wli.|ied tbe notice to be In*erted.
•orning ai*l to»*ed *bo« in bit bed.
banotTOw, of conrae," Deo^llbln blm a #*Tce airoggle between
fbe brain and the bnn wm* In prog.
i^hn. ae tbey
veto. He emolan*! evTrr arheme that
Into a aide atreet. “we’ll go and
aware of to conn r compel
aleep without anrceM
dnlrlied oor mtmlon.**
I Suddenly the,truth dawned npon
| him. like a flood of aofi warn* light
*>•_ j-hn _-TDf|_. _
Mr Mr* Utw


PM »•* Cmm
Cbk« «f »M#


- *9 MIrva Utara te amiiMlilnc la laat.*
*9a vbatr aalu^ Mra. KUravra.
*^*by-in Ikalr'Haalib lilBt* fortbe
BrllUraa- ib*r naf tbat tbe raartbia
Mttaa M an fafalllbir con- for oeatabta
Md ibtnunaiUm.'' asplatacd Mr. Sbir*
“Com wan* rirta out of (be aplca*.
•rfckoni any wars water at aur crl^
Bn. Sbivrm.
-Oitalnly.- n-Hlea Mr. ttlrma.
-O^HO^b: 1 coBlda't.- aboddCR4
Bn. Kbirrm.
Mr. Rblr«-n amlied a rapcrlor BaUi^
My* ilanwr'* Baiar.
“Of (oarw. II la rattier barolc mat*
Moot, aod mioln-a
M widl aa jibyalcal tunrage. bni to g
MBS convlutvil of Ua MBracy that la

Bfylng III* aodden rewilutlon, “It ta not
M* andden. rivi-Mug plunge, imi a
fradnat. immeraluD while yog veiy
•iowly count als. iJke tbU: One. and
yoa pnt lu one foot: two. you put In
<b* other; three, you aluk aipon one
Mwe; four, you kneel on botlii flve. you
ptonge In your amia. and aU. Vtm tm*
■wrac your iBaty. Mo. wfliT all, il la
pot BO very dreadfnl. Yet. I aluill ccf.
iataly try it
' ~
However. Mr. Mhtvvera did imiI
•o-entbuataBih- in. tbe morning.
•rlf* let the cold water run. acco
CO bU lUBirucilona.-onill tbe tub waa
yoU to overflowing, hut, tn a|die of «“•
planted Inforaiailun to that vScvl, be
MtU) Ungore.1 in Iwd.
"Jeremiah." cHod Mra. Kblvvera, at
Bat. from the bureau, where abe waa
Sottic up ber hair, "tbla la tbe devenib
MB* I’ve called yon. and yon Juat tun«l
AM np. 'Yon'll tic late for breakfaal aa
' Jt la. You needn't try tfaat.ljatb If you
AT* afraid of IL" ahe added, with a
.wly apd reloctantly Mr. BUlwen
i tmi frtim under the warm .-overa


j over. John iNomond, S«X Uwyer. albj
} Helng a nan of action, T>eaii>ond
,-worr «. *u..*ieu«™ «o uuuto-.. .ua*
, be really wn» In love wlib Kate Cranatoo th.ii b,
to n»trr bot .1
the earlleal ttotollde dBT
ano In (he drawing room of Mra. ftenla.
boiT’a Iwantlful borne where ahe waa
•niploye.1 aa companion to the lady of
the houac. The rich light of a middle
' “ay evening pervaded tbe place
^ Her flngrn were aoftly bringing
•eh m..ifinriea«r
, bark
memoric* of xWnnlnle'>ni1
"Ermlnle" and Alher
deligbta aa ber tbongbt* trav.

> thonetat of an Important thing
and. tarnlng to Kate, who waa atanii.
to a*k anotber favor of yon."
«*t.» Von to IM me kl*« you before Wf
Before Kate couM recorer from lha
amarement Into which John’a
*»*1 Ibwwn her be had derterdrawn ber arm Ihrough bl« and.
|j’«'»bB b«-«P the aiepa. bad rung tb*
dror In-II
"nte Her. Barclay aufwerrd the me.....----------------------


After a tiJD* abe aroae from lb#
» «“■>« conllal welcome, which
pUnoand.pJcktDgupanumbeTof pho. eurpriftBl Kale, for ahe had always
tocraphi of John neamond’a friend#' •‘iPPfw’d John an agnoetle and didn’t
• hai lay m>on the table, aetted b«*.lf ’hlp» that be Numbered roembera ot
Utrnn a aofa with her barb to the door
'i'fST among bit Intlmatea.
and proceeded to -contemplate each of
’’Mr Barclay." began John, when
*hcr bad entered tbe anog parior,
tteamond morning home earty that where ti>e good gentiemanV wife wa*
evening let bimaelf Into hla annfa *eaied doin'* aome fancy work. "IV*
•«»«“■ ^«T Quietly with hla latch key.
orer lo^t to arrange for a
hoping to catch Kate at the piano la w«i.tiag and T want you to perform
tbe middle of one of tbe aweet aira tie- .*>r..m<my."
m bla arnmng anouae and Into the ' ‘“•’b ^ ^
'« » ««"»
^ «•*«> »»>•
Sibroom wlihita.tam«l«en«fonc I
approached tbe great drawing- cl,.«>man. conauhing a amaU data
WimbaaaonHnhIiif wM^MniXon bla i

10th Sale Free Offer.

124 Front Street

Fashionable Outfitters

Tr**ar**Oiky Uarkau
baljw la a Uai o; '.be bnv<ng o^id a*:.

aaLuaa raica


■' J"’'®
•niat.ment He
.►.! hartco'-'J to n aaaurc bet
-VooTc ea.-H.-d. my dear Kate. Calm



Nothing Nicer



Sim^Wtll'^^Nw'waiVt nnm'bla wife * ■"
hla heart acemed to ccaa*
••leJljredlaiely," aald John.
Ed’acverarilmea eibortcd him to ,
»»h aln>ort elmrical rodd.^
The Re*. Barclay caat a quiet gUnc*
eriturTT nn JelviliUbc that abe beard »cm, for tbp aight which hi* maddened ai Kate
I brain encountered flUed blm with rag*
- tnd who are tbe partiea to b* mar-O.o-o.ooe Owebt Goab"*
and J»wlou»y
rieOr be aaked.
J»™ 11,.; ...
.U. I
I" ‘I’ «'™
WBMber ezbonalion.
•• and anawered flrmly: "ThI* lady. Mtaa
, wolaeleaaly a* he bad entered when the
an., n,y,p„ .
; alnking nun ahof a ray
light through
ghanerlng from The Utihroom. Inimer
Alilely f..lh.w.Hl by a I.UHBl.-ur.1llng







,„.i i.. „„ „ i„.
d rollrd itM-lf tigbtly up In tbe c
“Why. Jercffitabr gaaped Mr*. Bblv-


Ur. Sblvvrr* almpty glaivd and ablv•Wtf"ITombn." be growled, when b*
have that i-ake of aoap In the butB Of the liatli tub on purpoaeT"
Wm tot*, aa B

mry and Ml«a Evtnaton
,P.r a. their dctocTt that evening befora John appeand. He bad left word
in tbe morning that be might he d«lalned until a Ute bonr. and ao tbog
bad not walfd dinner for blm.
I Mra. AauUbnry noticed that her
' nephew w^m^'lo be Vatirlng nndra
‘ Nnnily
,^I^''{,“nrtl»' rau"*e:’ but "tbe fo^
, body’a aollriinde met only libevaBlon
^ ami abe prea. ntlv gave op all attempt*
.bd™. .Wlblo« t™ blm
\o *««ner had Mrt. Ranlahnry quit,
4cd the dlnlng-twm than Oramoad
turned to Kate and aald:
“Mia* Evanston. I’m going to aak
to do roe a favor."

Jack tbaaiUyl-l don't recollect anyIblBg of the aoTL
' Cbarile-Iiui yon paid It badi negi


“I want yob." he continued, “to aebit of a ahopping
•1 company
tour. I've got a peculiar mlaaira to c*.
want yor
berar •n.iuired a northern vUltor »cot.. and ■I want
your help. Will yon
i» a aontberti bamlei.
4« »r
“We ain't got no prominent clH- • "To be ante. I ahail be moat baimy.
" replied a native of the pUca.
i Mr. neam.>utl," Kate answered, 'and
“Haven't got anyr
H vouH eivnae me I’ll be prepared to
“Kojir. M'e ain't never lynched B*- ■ ^'*7 fw nitnulea."
Sody berr y. l."-Ohlo State JounuL | Tb^ atreela were dark by the titn*
-------------------------, the.v left the bonne for the shopping
------------------.quarter of the town, and Kale took
*7f«. we CN'Uldu'l agree." aigbrd tb* Ditoinond'a arm. They bad walked for
B... “I .11,n ..nit wunb, ot ber. i
m.m.bU u .u.oc »b.»
and abr aaUl I wa*. For «bc ankr of gtond aald;
Samony 1 yl.-l<le.l my opinion and aaid j "I want to explain thl* errand to y«o
lb,, bbi u «ba boibiibi roi !I«|. mu ihi«» it
I suppo**. cullar. Aa a matter of fact,
fact. I've been
0 arrange for tb* wed! ding of two very dear friends."
"Two couple*." Kale aaked. quMly.
B*btM Uto *aaai* •
“Why. Dol only one couple;______
Howland Kanti-Y* goda! 1 baw and a wonwo." John anawered. aom^
Ibf cry ot r*t>!
wbat puftaled at the question.
»pgcy-Tb.-n don't go on yet WaH j -And waa abe a very dear frtendr
$tt tbe aequel.
Ibe glri on bl* arm aaked.
^wUnd Ranu-Th* aequelt Wba» j “Yra; tbe deanat friend I ever bad

A B190zrtP3.eJX-t
v^v» -m. rra.i .opp on.^aP*’'' «»® anawered In kind,
P'- went through the ceremony like
"»•* ‘® • dn-am and feared It wa. a
-I"*® •»«1 h"P^ If If were ah* would
140 Frost Street
Traverse City, Mich
"Hie parnon tied the knot aod John
ellpM^TbP ring v
Bndyard Kipilng did not at all II
'e<*#d upon her fl
ttie I’nlle*! Mtalea when be flrat vl»!t. .
Par«m InelMed upon hla oaculatory p
ed tbe country, bnt that was In
otil.Ue. and then they -atarted f« • wh.-u be wa» g,.lug out to India to tie-;
l«*th aupramely happy. All the ____
suti-editor on tbe labore
K.l, .Idbi nnmtlT to ' x.„,
,i . '-,..™
......... ................hen be waa writing
........................- ■
H.-fore they had quitted the Barclay -xhe Ugbt That Kailed.'' he met In
eanlen. Kate aald to Deamond: "Why i/widon a'ritlten of Hllnola who taVi
did you want to klaa me before we'
,n* Ubore New# In ISSn, and >
Into the honaer
tobu nwented the Impuiatlona found |
Tara-w-ejrse 0±-ty-, ^iolrxsebxj..
'TU tell you." returned Jabs, there. It was a friendly and Informal
promptly. 'Ton aee. Barcbty and 1 meeting of Ameriran .and Eagileh
- claai----larmaiea. I know bla prates- . newiqtaper men and wrtlera of t
altlea. and 1 didn't want to suffer the ‘ aerfona mait.-r. and tbe critic eall*d
n-Oo-tlon to after year# that be bad Klplliig'a attention
error* In :
I . N'ewly painted papered, and carpeted—Rooms with
klam^O my wife Aral
When tbe happy couple reached their | •g
-g think-. ' kMd he, "men are much ' P»‘‘'’ate baths hare been added, making it one of the most
own home Kate aald:
j tbe
_ .
A weak man comfortable hotels in Northern
Michigan. Address for
-Yon are the moat audaclon* man 1, In America would be a. weak buo ' rates asd Other information
r tut-r. You iKtugbl tbe ring and> in I.*'nd«n—tw Zuauland. And there
W. 0. HOLDEN..
a eaat and weat and
Iwfure you naked roe to marry you. ’crerT»h.-r»-,''
Tell we why you dhl not aak me flrvtV j
Mr. Kipling, wbo had admitted tiM
u„«- gia yon-know I'd not refuae to error, rolled elunwaiy on hla aide, and
marry yon aud moke a acene In the wiuie on the dylt-af of a laiok
ipioUter'a bouaeT'
“For tbd-re la neither e**t nnr weat.
TCbm •
Border, nor breed, nor birth.
artlon aee* a girl klaalng lilt
When two strong-men atandrface to
picture be know* tbat tbe time for ac- face.
tion, not wordA b..
baa nom,.
come, ud
aod b,
be wb
Though they come from tb* end*
riea ber oC to tbe paraon."
of the earth."
And this be tore out and handed to
Kate Muabed farionsly, and preaatng
ber face agalnat bl* abeolder. wbia- bla American critle.
t*red ever ao law: "I lov* aa auda-1 “Thafa a good arnnineB ’ Mid tb*
clou# man."
[ latter, -wnd It'a the truth."
Tbe 'incident waa closed- after tbat
nBto-tie Aatutoi*Wrtiiaii»*toUM
' and tbe party dlaperiMl. But" when
Good hardwood in store lengths.
Evidence tbat eoldi are |nfectlou* It' ^*1 aod wet apprared latw In tbe
rnralahed by wbat we obaerve amoag , “Ballad#" the inimd* man found hlmdooiMtlc animal*.
anlmaU. • Cat*
Cat# aeero to . *rlf la poasradon of the original draft
«nr domestic


often bring home from tbelr nocturnal
tn a moment John waa half aorry,
: vamUe* tboae myatcriona catarrhal athalf glad he bad aald this, for b** felt
which M rapidly ran through tb*
mile e«OU
hand V.
of Mim
eomoHtoD with.
W..Hdraw nnlU only the ilpa Of her flngera
>» l« «
vetted on hi* arm. Tbat'* a good anraalng. we abaU aU
j ^„,oo« of ibet etaw are the olde.t
■ alga." be muaed.
Sheep, too. are llaNe; a whole flock known rock, older than the Canadian
I Kor TiM^nT nothing waa aald; iay Mffer imd may abow that corion* Laurentlan. hcrclofcre held to be the
Bvanaton brcAc tbe alleim. eruption around tbe Up* (herpes UWa- fean ot the faculty ..f rocks. -Be con|
Bal wbkb Wf aR know only too well aa tldera.ibe greeMione* to be tbe bottom
—. .
one of the moat nnpleaaani accompan- reek* b fibe geological seriet and the
be replied. -Bh# loved m* taient* of a had cold, ta tbe bead. On represectaUv* ot the orlgteal eruat of
knd abe aim love# ma."
toe AnatraiUan sheep run*, when tb*
Preaently Kate'a cnrioilty got tbe bearing aeaaon comes roand. the men
bettor of ber Judgment aod aakrd: wbo congregate at the abed* are fre“We have a<dd i ay djraraat eough
“Aod (be watH-you sty bet a dear quently smitten with an OlneM of a ramed'ee-.
outaou has givan bener
friend. tooT*
catarrhal nature, which rapidly taken saMefacU'O 'kan ' aaherlain*B" aaya
“Tea." m>aed Deamond. "the only bold of tbew and bOen affect# some SO Mr. Cbarlaa Bolabauen. ui uiaist, aew*
one I ever misted abatdutefy."
' per cenb Sometimes It become* vary ark. K. J. -a to perfectly anfe and
"And doe* he know tbat yon lore ber ' aertoa* and may even develop tote a ton be relied npon la aU eaaea of
and that abe love* yonr
fatai poeomoola. To aO appearanea It eon. b*. eoldt or boaraeaaaa Sold by
A K. Walt and F. C. TbcMyaoa. Drug.
"Be knows abaolntely tbat I lav* ^ la cangbt from tbe abeep. i^ctatog.


Park Place Hotel!


’ *1 artab to see aomr of -tbe e«n«at
abow tbia lady tbe -Bactitc
tnd the Along* Battery.'


Also ioDT foot maple slabs and edgings.

Blcka—Doe* you
iar money?
i frieba-N'ever. •' Bldta-Sbe moat b* a wonder.
■» gXT9 her a.>ine.-Boaion •mntcript.
TU M itovMy aiiria.
Baito-Did George fclsa yon kai
Bgbt when lK< left?
be did not. —
Why do
ton aaal
Uand-NotMng. only be JD*I told o*
A* tlfced yonr chceE-Hartem Ufe.



Bicyde Saddle—Gcaranteed for three yeart—
Look at them whether too need one or not
$8 00 or $10.00 will buy a good second-hand Wcycle- $S5 will bay the bSt new wfaed on the.
market—Come and see my display before genag




TH* MOMmfo aao-BD, STr*i,AT.vHi,T >1 isse.

^ *5&m\Va

la;* *Ubar ibw. fear or fir* cn*.
Tb*; ar* M iBBoealatc blsa Oboerre
tb* dalatto**iof Itaa Brer; effort
appear* to b* dtooetrd •* tb* tatoi of
la tb* pi«*
« bPtr&K-OM ot f9*r rm*tr<
Ilia tb* eoe*tract
MhM U (fc« WsH.tkrwb to mr toB»r
etb* «a«le'*o*ntobatkdB*'
iatktonvtoa. P«b«pi »«omfi'
iMtoa at teew r^Mlv* ta ub Mt^ee tor of roof* atlek* oo wbieb to ptoee
«01 ba at iBUmt to yaar rwden f«i th* Off* of tb* rod* of the air, *0 beta
anllr; Md I hop* porttoaUrl/ lo tk w* iad (if ^Moe pe'Blua
apcw lb* hermit'* *aWr) a prlmlUac
woodolac of tb* tabllm* eatb*dral
•artten MtohifM. bat mIj • •iBocr. bird. AaUtbcal* to rl;btfall; cmptoped
tb* Hit:* mot
law of aotuza iriU tb« p*U*m of •.
Thonwo to Ukolp to oobold om of theo BOOM. Ber* b* ma; b* tb* (mad
kOMlifal Md dtI<cbtlol •ooKtlcn *eamp robia or tb* •vamp Mr*l:
Tb*7 or* *0 tUold osd **«r*U**i ttoi o a^fa b* to tb* torcl; ntfaadial bird.
4i*MW7 of tbcto bo; bo *Em*.<1 It to act kto dwel'.la(..^ae* that rlee*
tmoaa tb* pl«b*lor oendnu of Ul* In him bto paint of rojalt;. bat bto r«aiMforeoac. A kiadred aplrit mlfb
Ih* *0*0117.
Tb* urn tbroab to *0 wU*]; oppliaa draw tboa* aol** from rlolla or‘orrM.
•0 tb* ■ •

, Sold bat foe 0* to aoT-b* opea* bto Mtbem
•odUwo tbotBor*tbhaohaodf«d*o orltb “alr-OM" mmal; oommlu
rtottoi Blcot b* nned. la tb* OolUo powor >J BimieiT or poctr*;al to tb*
•loioo. M «*U a* la Amp*. tbM* on cmtOBpt of Kttorc'* *iBple*t melo
diet*. Tboiaao bimaelf.
» bon of eonmoan bird*
wa* OM with tb* aplrlt of tb* wood,
TtrMMlor UU«o «bleb r*oU;
Bot ooe**; tb* b«*1* of tb* tbra»b.
tb* tbrwb foBU;.
B**r7 rtadeot of
bM>«r« to boor* of tb* olnilirtt; of a* oopfiaot htod*o«rlptloB to rbapntd;.
■MM* Md tb* dUolBllorltf ot tb*lr ••WbeaeVor • bob bear* It." be aart.
wooronla Asorleo ood B*n^ We '■h* to ;o*ar. aad Natar* to w.tbio bar
■Uod* to uu A&wioM rubto, cb* 0f«- •prlaf i wbcrcrar be bear* It. tbor* to
world, aad tb* pat** of bearea ai
fooroba. tb* SMUob .b^oekbir*. Md
•aapotber *ori*tto*of tbUozuu.** BOlahatacaiaatblB." TtaeecIaBeof
Boloo; to a Bparcd to a ebaob Hbe
p of tbnitb**.
that of to* raota* of ealoaitol
It to ***ol to oppl; tb* ooB* rotla
r*d-bi*oai to ov owaooBBon oilfr*' barmoa; ‘-wltbdrawa to talBnlt."
tOT7 rolbroMUd robloor tbnith, bat Ta* *oaf ha* boM eemparad with otb
Uto to 0 eorel*** error. Oar robia dif- •rblrd-*oaad*a* “M appoa) to
. whil* '<tb«r* addrc** tbeatea laowrtall; la plaBOf*. ois>. *oof
*elr«a ool; to bi* *ea*M or iaUlloei."
Md from lu SariUh eoMta.
Howteer poetical tbto toa; *««b Ib a
Sat tbto tbOB* to laecboatUbl* If
to rept; to a aiaplo
»• permit tb* mJad to wMderaaoj lo
» of lb* OlBOOt «M>*M q-uatioaof fact. It to not <xtn«r*Uoa
to *a;jbat the bermU-tbratb ta tb*
wtoikoa* of oaiptoro,
Th* limit Bo*t b* *et ot tb* lBp*tB>D*aoB ot tbeeplrttof aelod;
cUaf**t Jv of th* AmartoM Mtar*- aaoac oar oat.;** of th* wood. While
U to BOt the tbroetl* of wblcb Cbai
Tb*-barmlPtbnuh toatra* thmh. wroM. or to which
’tbeco * *otr*e."Uto the Aaeri
le f jrm It r«*emM*o tb* browa or letCM eoaotirpart of the rare Bari*.
n«u)va« ibnua, with wbieb
I bop* that tbto de*eripUoo will aa•»**;<«»• b. • at laaot a aoddioc aeqnaiaiMc*. If 70a dip lato book* ;va eoarac* yoathfal reMars la tb* beardwUl flad oar Utu* Irtoad dmerlbed elal work of ttadplar Md earlac for
that: Aboat ****a aad a half ia«b*« la oar featbored frieada Too few of
l«a^ from tip od aharp aad *li«btl; leall; aadeiaiaad the d.Iifbt la lecof
4o*r#^r*ad boob to aad of loaf Md alalar a bird-aot* Md aa*«*r<or it b;
rouded taU. The fli|tbvf«atb*i* ar.: aasa. Umt of a* rerard ib* biri’a iawaallpdroppBl atrap trMa the plaBp dlffereatl; or aa a aatoaaoa Tbo
bBBM iuUaet ot deitraeUr
batal«ad*r bod;, after tb*
oar roUn. Tb*r*b<
a* lo pr«; «poa tbcB.
Not oal; tb* ibreah to worth; if oar
of baad, topB b*** of beak to ataoaUer.
Tb* *kall cor*** raoetoll;. dlpplaf at frleadl; ettoatloa. Tb*r* are rer;
tb* tboalder* aad- baok; tb* bod; to tow bird* wbieb deeeree oor coad. bmaded to a toat low arcb ftoB ank aatloa. laBaouc-d to *ee that tbe
to taU. Tb* br*a*t aw**p* la porfect beuUfol b’a* ji; b** fallen aadar
ipmsetr; froa threat lo tbiffb* la iartolalie* bM. Wh;, tbe Ja; to a poaliaaaratber alaada- Uim piamp. lo- Itire beaedt to tbe torBor Md par
da*d tbto flfur* ba* tb* •*c;**tloa of dearr- Tbto eetj eoBBer 1 watched a
iMilacUre alertaato a* tb* bird *tMd* toBll; of Ji;« eoBpleul; el*M a tree
pOtowJ OB dcheau l*(*. Md ;*t it bold* of a BMt of rff«c*<ire worst. If we
a llkea*** to oar elaai*; robia. Ooe knew more ot oar little friead* ia
aUrbi dtfla* >u laaerml aepeet •• * feather*, we would be dUpoeed ta treat
them **er at j vouaad j >11; comrade*
•PMltlnd robia.
H B.
The plaatac* of the harBlPthraab to
eleael; laid oa. Tb* appar ponloa to
Dioa* laii II mioha
of allre toae, raBataiff lolo ratoo* color
"Wh;. I'rrkine.
>«ok all done
at tb* taU. TbU to aa tboofh tb* p*ri opr
rami bad flat ared throacb
a quMUt;
-------------- -So I am: *nd yoa'r* made a bloomof raaellM rad p*lai Md *B*ared it* Idp Idiot uf me."
larr* f«atbcr». Tbe *bad* to that of a I "How *o. IV»kln«r
•oft'ba; hoe**. Prom a polat nader tbe!
dfalu t you teU me to fo orer
l-M of tb* h*ak. carelap downward ,
and tb*a upward to a p. lat at tba hiod j
^vmnl roa-re 1
seek. U* poll U eapp*d with tb* eolor- ’ mia.-d'
I told yog to go
lapaof tb* baek-j Viewed from tbe' eoui|>llim-nt ibe iiluuper by ealliutf
aide, tbto btod-marklap ba* tbe effect him a lucky dop."
of M oral, the belpbtey* belep l<
MaterM) WM-rr.
•OBOwUt forward of the oeater of tbe
**I |«wt know tiiat b»y’ll pet arre*ted
one of ibita- day* vblli- be'* out ol
Tbe breact ooloriap* bepln below tbe blcyi-b-." csclelnii-d the wvnibn ailb
pjU oarr*. raMlnp op lo a *barp polat ‘ tb.- plnitbam eprun.
OB tb* tboalder, and eatirely *a*elop
''Why. do.-, bi- ride rapidlyr latap the ander portioa of tbe body. The' dt>>eed the nripbbor.
baaa oolor to wilu, oa wbieb li«e a! “*'‘‘1:
ancaoe* me. Ho *



lberea*e lo taae toward* tbe throat ' of pHtlus away wbaUTer.“-W*»bApaia we **• tbe reeeBbUaee. In eoldr Uiptou Stor.
only, ton yonaprabia. W* maet not
' gala a wrong lapreaelon. bo^rer. rw
rwdinp tbe *11* of tbeee relatlho*. A
. .

hii-n— ~w. b .w

i™™, -

“ '

On Tuesday Morning, July 25th,
----------------------- ^


ever wonh anything, bat 1
mala from tipht. wbU* proroklap
know tbe lime wbea be evold ennaicrqaalataao* Ibroapb It* par* aoW
e bto focliRie with ecTen flgnre* "/
A deeeriptloa of lb* true eoap
of tb* Ij x>eKonte--Why.
be took*
look* ■like a
- ------toermlt to ralaele*. •• a a*Mi of idea- tramp. Did yon *ty aeren flpnnar
«d tbe*
tiSeatkw. Tb* aalnlUatod (aad
they ' QulBn-“Ve*; aeren O'*"
art tbe majority, •traap* toiay. erw
with tb* eommoa eoapttor*)
d a f
Blatak* nay oa* of tb* tomily for tbto aeop to for anigplnp a manr
petoo* of tb* hotM*. w* bar* not only I
Hi* Pm<>nal giap* are all of
Iba tbtMb«r. bat tbe wood or ^, tbe llalBeoi *ort."
prvdboakad Md tb* oUr*-b*ek*d,, Dealer.
wliboat reekoalap U»* myrtod of aote•tmotmlaor rMk, tobefl* aad oba*
Goe*t—“Ho* can yog aOonI to 1
fate a* la tbto **ar«b. AU of
■Beta a dinner a* tbl* for « dollarl
bird* Beat oa Maciklaae tolMd. tUt
One or tbe M*naperw--Sb! Writ*
blrdh paiadto*. aad aluiar tarry b*r«
or apead tb* «ammar. like
An Spid*BM of Oiarrfaoaa.
who kMw aot ha; to**r. Sp It to wril
Mr A. ttoadort, writlap troB Ooeaa
to aadenlaad edeart; that tb* royal
hermit aetoally doe* ebm* b*ra. Ken* lat Grate. Fla. my* there ba* beep
ba«* b**a foaad la the** aortbeta
eooatlea Tba boa* to alaM*t alway* ^ fnar down of CbaaMrlalB'* Oellc.
toollt apoB tb* ffroaad. looaely ooa CbrletaMd Diarrhoea Bemedy.
ear* ^ alpo reeofeaeaded It to other*
Md wUboat ma^aa »koapk' and tber mr it 1. th. w

______ :

ilock 9ha"P, we will ODen our doom tn «hn

the dolliu- WMtoeUimlt he pMd on any purchase for this PACToiY ^mnInt
SALE coMistinfW broken lines and lots f-om mills, jobbers and Importers.
No quantiw was too la-ge consistent with good quaUty, Hs pliingsd in deeo and
bought hea^ because cheap. Th* goods placed on this fwtory ?emnant Llr^rral
^od as tne
the best.
lathes, of the
the^season, the assortments somewhat bro..,..
oesi. ^ The
me lateness
the temptation of a sp^ c;.8h deal are the main causee of the lowness of price
lar's ^rth°on thu

marLd every dolremnant sale from 33 13 to 60 per cent from actualist of

We have secured extra he’p to meet the rush. The tale will continue only un-11
the lactory remnant lom are exhausted, as there are no duplicates to'be had.

Factory Remnant Sale on Silks
24 ioeb pure Drf>adeo Sitka, v«Iaa iLOO.
BeiDDaDt Price................. ..............................


Waabablf* Cbioa Silka. extra quality, valne 40c. Facloty Benmaot Price.................................. .......................
Lining SUk, valne 25 cento.
^ Factory {Umnant Price................................
Figured Silk Mousaeliue for dreese*. valne 50 cento.
Factory Remnant Sale Price....................................... ..


Small Factory Remnanto of Silka at leM than 6''c
on tbe Dollar.

ooot Silk Waist and find prices rather hipb. we have aolved yonr
'slem. Now ia yonr chance to buy
bn; at oi
onr Factory Remnant
Sale at nne-balf price of tbe original valnea
Imdiee’ black Japanese Silk Waiatck valued at tSSa
Onr Factory Remnailt Sale Price.............................

n ao

Ladies’, black and fancy Japanese Silk Waisto,
beantifnlly trimmed and well made, valne KoO.
Factory Bemoant Price..............................................

e% f\0
ti yO

Factory Remnant Sale of Cloaks
A lot Ladle*’ Cap«. valne f4 to «5.0a
Sale price .

2 00
S.Mk Skirto..«toe f«.
............ ^...... 1.00
.......:.... . 360

«l o0 to HOO.

Factory Remnant Sale of Millinery
Choiw of bnt best pattern Hats nplo«12,at-----

Ladies' Percale Waisto valne 50c.
Remnant Sale P:ic-.................






Fine Lawn and Piqne Waists, tnckwl and embroidered,
60 to »i00. Factory Remnant price .......

Factory Remnant Sale of Linens
and Wash Goods.

— -------


A Factory Remnant Lot of
Wall Paper
Beet ingrain paper in np to-date bhadinga. 12^0>er single roll

Carpets - Matting
Factory Reaioant price on s«v.>n] numbers of Lowell InKrains
atbOopr yard.

Cotton Toweie, vaine 5c
Factor* Bemnsnt Price each...
Cotton Towel*, l*rger, valne 8c. Remnant Sale Price each
Tni-ksv RaH
TaKla Cloth,
W._.___ T>________
Red Table
valne OfL. Factory

Other brands of aJl-wool Ingrains, sale price SBe
Good quality straw matting, sale price 8 jc.

72 inch Fine B'eacbed Linen Dama^, value 75c. Factory
Remnant Price.................................................................................. 48c
White Checked Apron Muslin, assorted patterns, valne Se
and 10c, Factory Remnant Price.........................................


^ Inch*, longer ibM a bermlt-l -Yw. Mr. Bplllol..'
«• ^ 'wJy bnd
The habit* of oar little friead appeal willin' to pay any price yon mrntlou..
to tbe bettor aeatlBeat* of tb* bnaM , but *b<-'* put to b«-r tbe oraymental
heart Shya*** *aioaatlBp to mHlee I braaeUe* or eliell go •oniewbere wb,-re
, abe <«n pit Ihein. Don't you te*cb ber

' jdMI toariat<* aaitoffa (a tbto Mat'^d r. C Tbomptoa, Drag^

The Boston Store Factory Remnant Sate
DAY Avrrfx/AX.

Factory Remnant Sale of Staples

Factory Remnant Sale of Shoes
The Factory Remnant Sale in this departm«it alone means
a ^t saving to yon. We have eecnred moat wonderful bargams heie. ion most follow the crowd early Tnesdav'-mor"
lag, as tbe plnms go 6rst.

100 pairs of L«)ieB' tineat Vioi Kid np to-date sbosa, in
it toms,

Best Englith Flaj*Wtos,’'vajne 10c. Factoiy'R^^^
Best Standard Dress Printo, vaine 5c. Factory Bemnut
Best Standard Light Shirting Prints, value 5c. FaVton


Printed Lawns, valne 5c. Factory ^mnant IVioe.*!!! lie
Printed Piqne*, valne 12^. Factory Remnant Price.........7o
Imported Fine Oigandiea, valne 15c. Factory Bmaant

every pair
warranted, valnea $2.60, sale price, $1.85.
Men's solid grain shoes, sale price 80a
Men'a satin calf,
r, np-to-date shoes, sale price $1.88.

Factory Remnant Sale of Clothing
with tb* apedal lota booght for tbto mI*.
oic* Of BeB-* all-wool e**«tiD*ra~Md'i:4i*not
•totiDM Md_^*^t *Bito.
*aito. to
ia ..vwm
astoral M-ub
xsd ntrinaa TVa b
.k.aa_ ^
gaod-fltilag clotblBg.

Factory Remnant Sale of Notions

Onr Factory B«B«Mt 8*1*

CkUdr*D'*fiB**tJ-waolBniUt8 *

ti qo

o4. g Q


etoy*. *nd woe*t*dto.

C^UU and Coooannt Oil Soaps, worth 3c, at this sale Ic a Imr.

worth 16 aqd 20c.
Factory Remnant Price......................10c
Ladies’ fancy bordered hemstitched Handkerchief, worth 5c.
Factory Remnant Sale........................................................................ go








"""wSSSre NcST"'

' CtrUtUnHr today ir. that cf ••boMisg
•• MmaU. X«c Owr Vhn* •
• tbeLord'fday. ' ltiibria«4W
■ of
] tDore a^ idot*. Tbe eBcmiai
o CtrUm A*» *«■»»
itUnity ainrvgard anddcfKmec it. and.
WbaUy ml B«a.
^ ,OBe. tbe prof*-rf friendi rf
A-iu-ttim Cbriat are negJortiag to keep it bolr

^ mn^ to-., with on ~n.~™
d here and there among them,
•aya tbe Iietrolt Fm- Preaa. The toderior of tbe bottaea are flDed wttb
ferteka and mortar, the debrU of hn*«n wall, and eolnmna. among wblcb
•bondred# of little cbameleona ate aeen
rnnnlng aroond. .nnnlng ihemartreg.
TbeboU^IngiofTompeU WEte not con-


In my Me." mid an otd N>w Or.
namhua tawyer. -w*a an attorney
Qslte a notetenotrr In tba cariy 4aya of tbe
Loalnille bar. 1 pcacUccd In that
city for arreral, yean after 1 vaa ad
Bitted, and I itoed to enroonter him

. S—.1*

Tnters. Isnt Umn.

Tbe rompellan* eeem to bare been
eery fond of red. aa it U tbe perraHAng color oaed In their detornUuna.

. s;" .’:“^rN'rrr

w an tow na nay Oflamd.

Hopkins Bros.

SAU-m-aX men
yne atreob good tram

«*e«T2?aSkUba^ «l» benrtr.g
ir.». lor.1 ~ort. H.
U, to ...... ...r ......
rry, piem. apple, uaaa. goaid well
TMeptf. n> am
ler. Price gltoO.
abaogated by Q>rtrt erith tbe mnjtnlarlr lotlinldatlnj: pteeence. and
„Bbob and cemnonie* of Jndainbe »o« n oerrooa wltneaa In hla
POb 8At.K-«t7—dtoek millinery, invetoe n.MO ariifacnt famUare. elcnn.
fjaob a elaita l« preparteroaa Man a ejoicbea tbe way be would pot on
and «p to date. Death of owpor'a
body, mind and ml need tbe Babt^
aorewa waa aomethlnc frtcbtfoL Oc«.,C«--^. W—ear Boart ^ ^5?
arite tbe caoaa of mlc «boaara»,a
day na tnoeb a. eeer they dli The
, ntnarttba^^ A g od baalaeoa la .Tge
Sabbalb wa. an eternal Inrtltotitm and
^ ^1,1^,, I j^ppearf to be
town for nimoal nothing. Price.
•1 ton
trial of a caae Ineolclng tbe tiUo to
rOESALB-Oi-««tt.on Boat Front
atreet. weat of Wellington.
A Sna
town, one modmn maldenoe. » large
Aim on mmo tot oea
They were nawrany
Begt xrorkiPAtmhip mooey
k. A deal
HI at .nue. being nnnaed to rity wmyn
cAO empldy for Ittcycto
"5*!.^ nml when Slmmondaon
R^iriog. Quick work.
»5Th! examine be foond them eaay prey. He
FOB 8A1.B—asa—Lot l« bloek i. Goodrteb'a Add., eomee Baadolpb and
maiuier. and wbenerer they wocld
modwn resldeBSE.
Medlaoa. Large
iiu « .
«bow algaa of confnaloo would mar
ES rooaas. ateoa baaemeot. duod for 111 Ontoa Btrsst.
■ wbiit we nre likdy to forbealtatlng fori Are
tnmaoa. Hoam coat tlTW; tot worth
8M0. WUl haaolda^sneridee prieaof
U»—Two SO-ft. Iota ooraar Madlacm
to(p.B. Trtaptooa,n
and Baodolph. 8oi Boaae. bglae.
Bnildtof. Pipm. the whole property

Gas Lamp”

Price Stdiiad to CloK Out UL

sr™2i-*.r,s:^rnr s,:; sr.s:rr.,rJrto3^

mere conaSSrd ofbrtck. and mortar
Xid ethnic rork. Tbe .-oliimn. now
ijBt tbe dnHn* U «Ued In near tbe



M7BUr«M CAiUi*.

W. •.liSEfteSK-*'


vrL'ir. I.

ibtoVirito™ toVr




B A r.IS



f^^ALB-eit^Lot 14 blk H, Kalkbskb, good bnstoeas property- ««*
imlly located. Always ranta for
B. J. MURGAN. Proprietor.
.abort Ini.TraU. to enaUe people to ^
b. »o^*^ repartee. *>re badly dlacomflted.
good agare, now laBed tor 1 year
.emaa with eaae. large atepplng alone*. , HbnmU baa
na lo
wltneai be look to b
with privilege 5 years, tnbj-et to
1 Plstfprm Waron, »scaia,ail Ugaod
aade. Bent* lorfSO per month Low
-ViohSk .
order, price 834 00.
11 f-oiite I cat eaahpriee. 81.400.
«nd tliere U eery little roo:
1 two-seat extenaion top CArriaCP,
ISbQlilb FOB SALE—6»—NH of aeh ofa«h
ibem. SrvenhelcM. tbeae at,.
•eeSP. »«. U, liacrcc all under on • «wlv painted, price $44 00.
t Phaeton Baggy, good order. t4U.OO.
dtaai hare the atom* are d*eply mark- ^
400 bearing fmlt trass, good
Properlj serred is * oent dio- Uvstton.
1 Too Buggy. alUc good shape gU.OA
hones and bam, good spring water,
^wUI. wb.-«l mu. Vertly. driving
£ dently net Urn down aa a loot, and
I Road Wsgou. good aa near. 884.00.
ine 'room.
4i« cnllea from city. Pnos. 8400
la rotnjiell luual bate been an amuae- ,
•»,«. a.r «!i oM si« wSien tbe wIineM beaitaied over aome
FOB SALE—«21—10 acres on bay
•What are y itudylng
of Rome
abootr be bellowed. •’Tn
Th, people
RoB. of wi^iiB ana I
■Tn.Mot.rtl--------■ Tnld of tell.
per acre. B'lll sell 4 or 10 aersa
to . to lo. i .nppo-r Wiihont
Cigar* Of XveryKtoO
FOBSALB-ASi-Lott blodk 9. West
in Pump<-li. conaetioentiy. mere was ! J”
_ .
. It’tmIUo to keen »».* •PJ'nrpnl hnate tbe ec
Front siroev between Cedar and
Inkstand and
Bpmee. Lays level wttb sweet:
of the b«0»c« that ham been exc
aanoai. i'diod
bnHed It straight
160. Pflc<»*40.
fed are *1111 adoriM-d wttb paiotlng*
.to- ns bow to bee- b«d. calt^g bim on tbe bridge of
fX)B 8ALE-«8-Farm 100 am
great beauty. H la reaUy asumiabli
or tbU dat. It is to be hallowed, to be the noae and knodilng bIm perfectly
mllea «cat of city. 90 aerm ander
to see bow fteah tbe colors are.
colUvaUon, <40 bearing applA pear
nome eaaea tbe pleinn-s are not en i kept holy Md sancUBed. Weare to rtsrt benseleim Thafs what 1 was a studyandpinm tnes. taro bama. me Jaat
•erairbed The
The .nmeoia
aubjeeta or
of im-se
these meple- ' fr«D physical bbora. bot rest b not tbe In* abont.* he drawled In the moment
bnilt, new windeUl and wcU, waver
oswUy Ukm frSm Greek or «>d. bot only the mean, to tbe end. of dead aUenee that followed the a^
of Phlladelpbto.
Skt^nmrSr l^^e^mou^P^e^
^ day may be Needlea. to say. a tremendoua bnb.
- In the life
^bt^ t.nctifted. Tboumnd.of bborersarelo- bnb ensued, but everybody was aeereb
■adewaMt paileUa s apwlalty.
age, floe new modem honse. 11
tgrtlr ter tera*. _
'•nodtike- blenebus. or the ••wt*e“ cspaciutedfrommakingthbaballowed ly pleased, and. whlb the Judge fined
roooM. atone foanaation.ttons cellar,
T^ r^i^llan. carried day b«an.e they are not allowed to tbe farmer heartl.v for contempt, ha Levi T. Pennington, Kalricl Agt
4 borari. 14 cows, harneaeea, boggtas,
; :8S£F^SB
SrirtiaasloD for^wal
rert from their bbon. John wa. to the anhsennently remitted tbe aentence
, wagons, sleight, cutlers, ail farming
Implement*, all crops of which there
, in^the
gardens, and adorned. Spirit on the Lotd’e day. Rev. 1. 10. Blmmondson was estrled home and
e gsrdeoB
are 90 nous eontlittog of wheat,
the walls with a&■ manner of birds and Let ns be in tbe Spirit on thst dsy. and waa laid up for nevwal weeks. When
com, oata, bay. potatoes. 10 acres
. beasts. Bnt these have .not tbe saroe we will keep it holy and sacred, and be etDerged be was at gentle as a
flue grove. Tnu farm is. known a*
artlatb m«1t as those found in the will. like-Jobn. receive vblonaot Ood dove, and It was aald be nevet bullied
tbe Weidoeft farmer UlUside dairy:
and of heaven,
'another wUd.-m. tie subsequently
buildings alone cost over 84,000, good
The paintings to reatautaota are
soli, and a gold mine for some one.
natuially crqdc. ard are intended to
Prlee for nU. 84.000.
•srkofklrBw^no-^tocr^ "»• I
sipp.-al more strongly to tbe palsie
have a purchaser for
ahan to the eye. They depict lol^lera. 88-86: Dent. v. 18- U: Keb. x. 81: xhi.
rk and Franklin
on Wasbtween Hark
Hew OSes. Markham Block
«TBbs. fsl joung pnilets and oflier t.i: Isa. Ivili. 18. 14': Jer. xvll 81-87;
_____buteaireeu. Moatbe
Most be mod•T ielk,>-ou, ' Mr. Blllut wss ssylnf,
i things that would delight an eplmre. Hark 11. 98 S8;SLnke iv. 18
and ai rea»onab,e price.
Bnt. E-oiislihTlDg their common aurFOE SALE—Cl<-Bome and lot. corner
How la Cbriat MUBoOrrMoodt
SesASSSSdb '8 'Sfinf«S888
roiiiidliiga. they an- tvally v«Ty wi-ll
of Elmwood avenue and Sixth at
» orOrr Rr|«lr oerk
Cbriat la mimnderstuud in several twrnly-aeven keys or, this ring, sud f„r «»ir ooS
dune, and show ibsl the art of palbt
5 room bouse, good bam. well.
different ways—firet. by faillog to 1 Add a nr* one every few days, yet 1
______ rrxBLY.
oral fruit and ornamental t------B- (rrAKBfCX

study and compare Hit teaebinga We 1 am never at a momeni't lots tu select
amall fruit and good garden. Tai*
read them separately and, rem*
is a large lot asd b:g property for
/. and will pnrt
small price—Price p,!*’
ounlluue to |>tt>ew<l so. alms- II la 1h- them in a degree, bnt fail to realise
big conducted by tbe Itsllsn govern- tbBt they ooght alao to be studied side
FOBSALE>-609—Sw<» ofnei*
tttenl. The anrk I* done by a crow-l by ride and in tfaeir inntifal relsliooa. ton strong on there forr*
town 88-t.A good frame bouse 16x34
•Tm—that was put there by my wlfa
of ulrou boya awl giri* with .wicker Sometimes wedraw from them a mean
with wing all eniahed. Wind m^i
and wel'. water plme frem acll to
bSNkct*. Ttiry All thi-lr l•a■>kclR. and t log different from that wbirii He put a day of trro ago to remind me of some Warahurg Mesk.
travsfsa Cttg. I
houae. *00 bearing apple, plum, cbeivy TiwlD. arrl"
thi-ii walk IcUun-ly
IcUun-lv away to cmpiy
cmiiiT into tbem,
them, because
bceanac sre fail
fall to appr<
appreciate trining thing 1 was to get for her. but
treee. Bara 84x60. Farm al. improv­
I’ve now enUrely forgotten what 't
ehrm. Vfi to dale I have uid Iieant of tbeir oricnUl character and the p
ed. lays 8 S tnllea north of WilUamt•as.*'
-Any one gcttlug aun-strurk In worktjic valncof the Cin-ntuatancM to v
bnig on Elk Bsplda ioad.Priee.8l.4U0.
.PD the mlu*. Tbcrr are *onie Ihluft
FOR SALE—617-Weat» acres, lot *. Tr*>a
arc ranuiit do In this country; but If
88. lu.
10. isya
lays v<
on sbore road. TrlSaTv.«V* arit;« * - **• vki
.. sa.
vre bad that city over here, and liver1 PntMt
Par an Bdltor w Baoomi
. .,
60 W»|,„D U, ToV*e« >1.
oraa any mmiey to I* made by nnciv
cherry treea. ISO pear.
#rtng It. are would have II all dug out forget that Be waa not a teacher of
Prom Sylvan VaUey Kswa. Brevrad.
Price IllOO.
apoli. *a« 8v.
lay rar U> i
d>itnuatic truth, and came less to erect
'iS™™. cm. i^e,.
Within six nviotlis.
FOB SALE-Loto 19 aod tO. bloek 1.
Veauvtus I* leas than a mile from a ayatem of theology tbao to illnatrate
It may be a qaeation whetfatr the
Perry Baonab's seeond add. corner
L tongwootMi. P OT *..Or*B<*****a»
the city of ronijM-il. It stands out aod recufflueod a certain tyfie of ebar editor of a newspaper baa the right to
Bobcmla and lltb streek Price
olcariy In the blue air. and c-crtalnly acter aod life.—Congregatiunalist
publicly recommend any of the various
peeiiM-d very barmi<-*s wben I saw li.
proprietary medicines which flood tbe
POb‘saLB-604-N>4 ofaw I4 aec 24,
0»pt. J. V. Bmory.
market, yrt a* a preventative of suffer­
Bni Its w-n-ath of smoke Is always
84—U—about 65 ecrcB solid Um­
Sincerity Is an admirable thing to Its ing we feel It a duty to nay a good
there, jirortni that the “Forge of Vulber. bardwood.balaam.oedarawamp.
.cao” baa rocivly ahul down for a proper place. But ainceie persona often word for Chamberlain’s Colic. Choleru
Some eedar t iken out.
We have Leave Old Hlmion..
tlwc aud not gone ont of Imslne**. It luiaMke wben they think that becanae and Diarrhoea Remedy
.OB SALE^»4—Uonae and lot on
Webster st. Seven room* nicely finlias doiu- Us worst for IViniM-ll. and a truth la obnoxions it ought tberefore family for twenty years and have al­
0011*41 eorm
lahod. good well water, fmlt and prtbe day of Judginenr for that little to be spoken. We saw yesterday a man ways found It reliable. In many caws
mental trees, large lot. Wx»00. small
with tbe nuse of Cyrano de Bergerac. A a doae of this remedy wonld save boon Arrive O'd Miaalon..
City la pan.
bam. Price 8v50
tmthfni aud very obnoxious statement Of suffering while a ^Tslrian Is awuU- Leave Old Miaalon..
8ls IkMOk CmVIBraU.
tnigbi Kite leen.niade to him concern­ ed. We do not believe to depending

214 miles from city. 1400 apple, plum,
Few men enjoy tlw- privilege of ing it. I ut i: wonld have lieen neltber <mpllcitly OD any medldoe for a cure,
cherry and peach tree*, all bearing.
\ TS
bottle of
walking shoul for days. w*wks. and ^
)s i:- r timely TiLiely truth* hni we do believe that If a bottli
Carpenter Hill, lineal location on Pen­
I Bd-medy 1
may be yiwrs. able to display tliclr i
yt.- •]
I. I lit It d.A-*
insula; will tain part city (woperty.
kept on band and aAmlolatered
•wn death ri-rt|fl(-atr. legally drawn
the IneeptloD of an attack n
Op and signed.
FOB IaLB—567—Dwelling. WeUter
auffsring might be avoided and In Tvry
fliid on TbeHtoys.Thnr*street. 10 rooms. 81.600. Easy payOne of tbe men of are Klghth rt-g|.
manv eases toe pw uce of a phy^ian
Baturdaya. Ptosengeru and
meut. who relumed to fluAtno on the
Wbra We Lew tWrlal.
would n« be rvqolr^
Vi?* tnilt wlU be token on at any point FOB**8ALE—971—Oood frame bouto
transport Meade, baa hi* d>-ath certiflMote 1 cun neither wiab. nor pray, nor baebeen onr experienoe during the .ion-Pentosula shore by oomliig
aod eight aeree of land, altnated
catr given by tbe army surgeon while desire for yon tliun Christ, singled and UMt twenty years. P. r eale by 8. E.
about one mile from center of city,
the soldier was lying at the |>olni of ebuses not from sU tbingi. even tbongb Wait and / C. Tbomoeon. Drunrlste,
^ ***”*bouse 14x84. six rooen to hoaee.
.death In tbe btMpUal at Mataniai.
iring a crown of* ihoma 1 am sure
Lt glkBapM* 1 S» II S t W
It seems Uiat tbU soldier l«y. whose the aainla are at best bnt atrangers to

FOE ^LE—490—Boitteandtot.Unioo trTvawtveOy. » 10 It *D « l»
Itoiur Is In Palem. was In tbe division tbe might and worth of tbe incompar­
street, un roome. atone fouada-.
J. KKBOB. amt
iM^Ual and very lli. He rras believe<I able ezecUeoee of Cbrist We know not
UoD and atone batoment. oomoleW
Ttaww Otf.
to be iM-yood alt luedbal skUL and tbe half of wbit we love wben we lore
pnrgnin visited him fur tbe last time Christ—American PAend.
WE wimla few hundred dollar* to
Oraad XaptS*
place on personal property loans
gad Informed the attendant that the
Will narantee all loans
boy was dying, and that be would cerTbe
Uloly b>- dead beforv many minnies.
Rnnnonnt difiicnUies by tbe help cf
e bought on easy term*.. We have
•mw anrgeon was a busy man and otber dlflicnlties as tbe tailor "tacka”
of dollars worth of other
bid many oilier itarients to visit.
bis boat sod tbe buy raism tai* kite
bamiBB to farm and city property.
——.111*. '- matu-ra
ftiNiti.e* he
hi- drew
dn-v np and against bead wtods.—Cbriatiati Stand­
Omne and see ni If you wMt to buy
•IgDivI tbe death certlOrnie then aod ard.
List ^our property with ns If you want
make Amo Per Me.
But tbe aoMler from 8alm is of tbe
V* InlU S tewlr. Sbr -Bd 1 leswhw.
^ l>nr1tao stock, and be fooled tba
stair*. You will see
Kut Uhu thM w rvwl sUiui tn fstry talae.
bottom of etalrway. <
•nrgeim and refused to die, even after «Ukdls0 roaoeor dujisvuw. halla ud tm
to left, take fimt door
BJa death cerdfleatr was‘signed.
tign 1* alongside toe door. Weare^
>. Tlte Signing of that ' death cenlOOB tbe gmnd Aoor. at laaat onr oMoe
^11 be OD exblMtloik and for aala
cate made bis thin, almost abaent Teat MV
lan-t. We are. figuratively epeektog.
bloud boU and be got wea
Sofar ea having toe lamt U*! a^
Be then cvinoealed tbe rvrtldrate of
beat bargains: we are etrleUy to it
Mis death as a tro|ihy of hU war exWe wi?72u tbe tlma. w. can e^ year
.perience. Tbe surgeon who gmre It
tootiertT. we ean give yoa batyaM
'.wanted tbe certificate back wben be
E^bo mlataka to "
"-------Mg Sign at bottom of etalfv ^ bar«w that bU patient had recovered.
galM at top of atalru, Aiat door to
Bot tbe murv be wasted it tbe more
toe right aftor FM torn to toft at bead
AM the lire aoldler bold <w to tbe doeuCthaatoln.
wmraL Ills friends la tslem srlll
Benblttom look at U with the keenest
___ -ym. «« waitad: w« a
TTwilnc iWoarsamlttBltoalr
-............. ....... laoMaotwb


6IUI1 RipUl t UiUlU R. R.


Provident Life
and Trust Company

■ !

SSI = •



ecupse iwee ui boh «


tttllziilllzlti “ : ' i

John R. Santo,
GbmiiI Insiriice.


, pf™, P~* 1 jrc'i.-is'iLs.:- ir.f.'.7™

Steamer Onekama

Chicago .■«
West Michigan.




unsiEE in HunnsTm 11.

of Fairfield, Iowa.


Thursday, July 27


Tbs woed -wprmA.- aa a siaag ward,
arirtoatsd at Gambrldf* UnlvenltF.
ltdid not imply a prafoat fwt. ho»
but a poor.oae. M»read ovm tbe
table to make a ahow.

Fancy drirera, family anrrey horaen, heaTy farm
honea. We extend a general inritation to ererybody
to come and see tKu fine stock.





Wade Bros.




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