The Morning Record, September 22, 1899

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The Morning Record, September 22, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nird Twr-Mp 744.

APPEiLT000MPADl'«>«' »J!!*L


Afrikanders Urge Kroger
negotiate for Peace.

8t I«oais Anti-Trost Oonfsreoes Hot Non-PartiBAn.

eeo. Fred WJUtomi Oetried bto Polal
etthe Boeuw Ooe*eatooe-a?h«^
TreM Mec, Jr . for 0

‘In His Steps”


Beeto^ Seou *l. iBM.-^At the desoeretic coeTeBUos today. Georf* rred
Beplf to SmI Ctet ell Mr Xmbs Wniieae eerricd hto point, eleetlor Oleea Out ttoat 2{.a*t QteeUon Was to
To Bvspy Boy or Qirl
Be XiMted Prom aa Uablataad View
Mmn BMe **he»rtea-e»» Ow- dti^tee to the eetioBel
Bata Rthid Democrat Speech by
■M««r-lB-ObNf B»7b
WUItome, WeMery,
Ooterav Stephens of Mlaeoar',
udBneewere elected dclofetee at
arewe «« •«*«« •»<
larre. All faw the Bryan platfors
Spoiled the Program-Aati-Troet
BMTtoet rtftonet WUl Occur oa
aed prtaelplee of the laet eaiioaal oceReaoleUeae Adopted.
lletel BM««.
St. Lonle, Sept. II —With eeren ror<tope Tq»«. Bepk II —at e nMtter policy of the McKmley admlnietratloa
•f Ue AMkeadv meabwe of perlto- la the PhlUpplaee. Robert Treat Paine draon aad alx attoney-ffeneral*. repOoreraor Sayere'
Jr.-wee aemloated jfoberwor by aoela•Mt todey. the foUowla* telegr
eoaferenee has been lively
wee dtopetched u IfMUleat Cmfer:
latloB thU aftetpoea.
from the start. It bad bMn yiven oot
••We. the Afrikeeder membere of
laUoa. the inltladrc aad rctereadam. that the confereace was to be non parparltaank thoroerbly
> .
. The lAtast sclentlllc toy.
itoaa, that the tenet queatioa wp^to be
with oar Afrlkaedv relatlvw la their tbe elecUtm of United States
without political
by a direct rets, the eeforeemeat of an
k day. the aboUtioa of Governor Stepheae of Mtosonri eeoUed
« already made la the I
^ we her to anre the aapedl- the law rrantlBC a life tenure to mem- the propram by maklnp a rabid Dcmktle speech and Instantly tbe partiberuofthe judleiary. and publle own
oaey of dolar the ataoet, ebort
eeahlp aad eparatioa of atreat rallwaye. sans lined up. Governor Shaw of low*,
aaartSdaf:...................................... .
Oa Sstarday Aftsraooa
took the opportunity to reply to tbe
horrata of war.
MienonrI pevemor. and bli earcaam
••While effreelaf that the j->lat
aad irony were not relUbed by tbe
leqalry prapoMd by Mr. ChamberUta
between '2 and 3 o'clock
eaaaotbceekedaeana-t rof right we Befaeal to Sxtend Option Bade Xaal- Democrats. Governor Shaw hat now
retnmed to Iowa, eonvlnoed that tbe
bellere that aoeb a eoawlaeloo would
we will give free to
elpal Sueet Railway Qerearshlp
anti-^t eonterenoe was a OeaiocraUe
prarlde a way oat of the dlffi oUy
la llatroit.
scheme aad Attorney General Taylor
every boy and girl call­
which to feet app-oachlaf a crteto.
Detroit. Sept. 21.-B T. WHeoa
with reeulte which Mlr^t prore faUl.
ing at our store a‘'BoomNew York, this afternoon retased
bis lead.
not ooly to oar Traaeraal and the
:tend the optkn oa tbe street
Tbe eoaferenee came to an end this
Oraafe Free Utate brethrea, bat aleo
erang Kite *’ After that
tee, thoe kUllnr off Ooremor Pla- afternoon, aad laet alffbt tbe oommitto the Afrikaadere of (tope Colony.
CTee*e eebeme of municipal ownen
time the kites will be
lee on resolulioae. after wreetUnf with
•‘lathe prcaenrr of the iouaeiiale
daafer aad the Bomealoet leeaee CLO» OP DRBTPUS IMClDBMt the trust problem behind cloned doom,
given only with pur­
adopted rewlnUone which are to be
awalUnc the deetoloa of yoar honor,
to the roveraoF* of all the elate*
the eseeatiTe. and the'Tolkuraad. even Oeaeral De •ailirei Aeka Army Oomwith
thertoh of belnff mtonDderatood to of
maadare to Torf« the Peat.
“ungseetloni” to their legislaiureB to
minor Inportanee. We be» yoar honor
Perie. Sept. 21.—Oenerel De Oallifet, t le end that a uniform anti-uust law
to Uy tbeee wotde prieately before the
minister of war, hat addreaaed tbe fol- may be adopted.aaaeatiteaad volkeraad.''
The Beeeare. which wae eifoed by lowlac order to all corps oommandere;
Drayfui iaeidcat to closed- Mili­
Afty-three Bembere of perllament. reoelred tbe foUowln* reply from Preel tary jndc«.eajoylBe the respect of all.
their rerdtet with oom- Fhltipplne (i^Blaeloaen Will Re­
dent Kratnr:
We all, wlthont
••1 wtoh yoe and other eympathliera
port Adn
r Dpop Hta
to Botloe. ae yoa doobUeee already harborlnc any afieAboncht. ebonld
hare eeen by oar reply to the imperial bow to tbelr deelaioa. We the
New York, Sept. 21.—The Joarnal’e
) manner, accept tbe action which
roTeremeot. that we hare, acoordlnf
to your dmlre. coaeidered the matter a feellnir of profound pity dieutod to Manila oorreepondeot via Hong Kong,
has learned that tbe oommtoelonen
aod aoeeptod the InritaMoa to a joint the preaideat of tbe republic. There
eoBBleeloa. Why the aooeptanee U can be not further qoeeUon of Teprlmto sent to tbe PbiHpplnes by Preeident
delayed Uahown by dtopatehee pob- of any kind. Bence. I repeat, the la- McKinley wM report nneoimoutly
against the a
1 of Genera)
Itobed. I wtob to thank yon. my cldent to eloeed. I ask yon and if naey I ahonld oommana yon to foryet
trlende. for the Baaaer ia whlcb you
bare aided oar effmte for a paclBc aod the paet in <«der that yon nbonld think
•atlifactory eolnUon. and I hope that •olely of the future- With yon and all
year work and ©art will not be fruit- my eomradee I proclaim -VItc I'armee'
which call belon(u to do party but to
Three Persons Were Oremstad.Among
Pretoria. Sept. 2i.-Oeaeral Jouberi. Praooe alone.
Them an Aged Woman.
TbU order will be read thronrbont
ia-ehief, to quoted
Norfolk. Va.. Sept. 21.—Tbe hospital
ae eaylnc: “The eilaatlon to aarlona. tbe Preach army,
of St. Vinefnt de Paol was ulmjst toProbably tbe bearieet ftfbUay would
tolly deetroyed by fire this morning.
oeenr oa the Matal border. Tbe BriiFiremen ou the •«orth fijor discovered
tob are likely to attempt to inrade the Oonteatd Teaterday Witaeaaed
tbe body of
onan, belicTod U
Traaeraal by the way of Van Belnan*e
that of Mrs. M ■Cune, an aged dement­
paea*' Urgent meaearee are reacbla*
womsn. : >e property loss is tioo.
Detroit. Sept, 2i.—Tbe flret clear,
- who are doOOO witii ectn aratlvely little Insurm^^AAtmg aathority for the Boere to brifbt weather of the week was furIt U the grr*at time ssrer of
nUhed today for the prim drills of tbe
tbe ai^. and no inexpeneire
Two more (r xilee ware Uken from
Bombay, Sept, tl.—Major Ueoetel Patriarchs MUttaot dlvtokm of Odd Pelthe mins U i» afternoon. Fireman
that nobody can affonl to be
■aater aad Ui etoff. with the D»oa- lowa Tbe oonteeto were held la tbe
Barratt. whi, » • injured, ha* diad.
irilbout one.
a aqaadroa of tbe Detroit Athletic elab field aad were
The evoluMiaeteenth hneaaia, bare eailed for wlueeeed by tbiwieenda
If you bad a telephone in
tlou* aad sword drllla of the purple
Cape Oolaay.
yonr office or Lome you would
plumed eaaWBe made a picture .
Mtbraska Bn<.o see Mia Admlniatm
«v» mu- h mental and phyiiceecne- The prUea for the drUI arrreTHB OBAIk OOKBIVA
al •'ffirri, and no end of time
rate »S,000.
Omaha S-pi 21—The hotel* are
Wai Ooatewl Mlaew Per Geah ef
and annoyance.
WILD WOMAN OP TBR WOODS. crowded with delcgatas to the RepubllOatpnt.
caa etate conventlou held at tbe exNew York. Sept. II -Jodpe J. W.
Seen Mae the Xneelaad farm Smtb- poeiUos grounds The platform will
Oampbell of Ohio eaye tbe taoorporaeaatofthe City.
be aa noqualifi'd endoreement of the
tloa of tie aaBBoth chair eombine
will declare
A etrance etory le told by Mr. and
with the oaplui stock of
will be &'.ed shortly a( Trentoa. N. J. Mrs. Jsmae Wheeler, liviar on the E. fer the malntenoenee of the preeei
Already options on fifty fire oompaalm R Koeeland farm two miles eontheaet money standard and for -'inch tegtolation
hare beeo aecarod oontrolllnj 90 per of the city. They have seen a euanre
prevent harmful trade organizsUona
cent, of the chair oatpal of the United aad welH woman in the woods
Sutea AmonctheMlcblfaneoncerne tbeir faoM who has so frirhtened Mrs
acquired are-Oieeeo Chair company, Wheeler that she has moved into the
Oteepo: Mlchifai Chair company and town until the myelery to cleared up.
y for > Big RxbibiThe woman has long, unkempt black
SllckneT Broa.. Grand Rapid*, and the
^ tion la Srand Raplda
Wrntera Cane Scatiac company. Mlchl. hair, to eeen in the woods aad la the
begin in Grand
can City. U U exi
Bros, and the Wakefield company of to approached. She has been seaa by Rapid* Monday morolng aad every­
thing points to a big exhibition and
by Mrs. WbM
_____ Annette wUl be secured, ae their
one of the moot eneceasfnl of the put
^antt are very larre. IffctheeaplU' heretoter. Mtoc Nellie Pry.
No oae to mtoeior jfrom the asylum, few yearn. It has become a eeltled
■tock wUlbe'
- ' ~eoltto Impaeeible that It can be au tiling to bold the fair in Grand Rspide
eeeapeo patient Tbe mystery to a during tbe past several years and
etranre one, which will be looked every year a greater tui
While tbe poor fnjU crop will cripple
Chaplain B^laaeu Thlake Philip- into.
that end of Ue dtopUy everything eU«
plBM SabataailaUy ‘
Every smoker has his
will excel former years. Travene City
own peculiar taste.
San Praaotooo, Cal , Sept ti.-Paiher
wiU be nbmenmsly reprsaented among
MeKiBaoa. ehaplaia of tbe Flret Call Mercantile Ca AmBrae\ Mere Spaoe
Whnt ev<»ry amoker wants,
tba visitors at the fair.
iorala volunteeie. who reeenUy rw
for Ladles Oioeke and 'Btatioeeiy
above nil else, is n cigar that is
tamed from MaaUa. Ndcllvered laeV
e'ean. well made, and roliabU-.
Pool BaU Today.
nlrbi a lecture oa hie ekperieaoee ia
Thoae who have tried
Maaarer Monlarae to canelar more
The Mantoioe foot baU team wUl
tbe PhUlppiaea The chaplain to a
maa of elroar commoa eenee and rreat improvemeaU to be made la the north oometo this eity today to meet tbe
r. aad after the tall of ead of the store. The tpaee heretofore
team on tit* Twelfth etmet.
proDonnee it tbe beet tbay ever
iUaUa be was placed la eharre of tbe ooeupledby the cloakroom aad the gronada The proper gna-mntae has bought for five oente. They are
iy §
etatlonery departamat have been re- been ratoed. and the game to a sum
Of General Otie he said:
sure to suit the partienUr amok<
••Be has beaa a wise, predeat leadar. varaed so arto gim mere apaee for tbe thing, rala or ehlaa. It to expectod
‘fioAar hto beet under new aad UBBUnal lediee* deak aad garaMai dapartment that thto wlU be the ftaeat game ever
and with an army whoUy aad Bdditioaal epaee for the
played on the Travarae City grounds.
is a gem for 10c;
iBBdeqeate to Us naeda i am happy departmeai. Oonaldenble more ahelf Both team* wUl be la the game to win,
I has aleo been edded.
aad ae they are quite evenly atatched. For sale by all dealara.
to my fro* toy ow» P«*»U obaarvathat I believe the war to bow vlraa exelUag coateat may be expected.
Made by
taoUy over. These may be a Uttie
The gaoM to to be eaUofi at 3:4S. so
rearilla warfare struar aloar from
that aU may have a ehanee to aee it
dbyl.OOS Tickets to tke gronids will cost fit
tome to time, bat 1 beltove the eaemy
to be eabematiaUy eeaquered."
Mcatgomery. W. Ve., Sept. ll.—AlOyatM*. tsj
Mtl.«M Ml eaal bIsmb joined «M
Olvn thnm n enU.
. Baltimore aeleato aad i
Potato Beetasaat eervod is aay ut. .
PaiMe Rmtaaraat, amwed la aay atyU Btrlketeday. Bat twe eoUertoe ia tbe
or aoU la balk. Oftm aU ^ht 74441
WkS4UMto0^attaifhtr^t«4»t MawRleerdtotrtolam bowapw.
488 H. Xlmwood Are.

Paper lOo—New cic-th binding 60c.
vt.lumes of Sheldon's works jnst
received, in paper and cloth.

Just as an advertisement


we will put on sale to-morrow morning* one
gross nine inch Jardineres (actual value SOc)
for only lOc each. We will close out the
whole lot in one day.
They will be unpacked and put in the win­

dow todaj but positively none sold un­
til tomorrow.

WORTH 25c.




230-222 Front Street

BAlph-Uoansbls Jr., MaiiAgsr





Popular Shoe House.


1 See the new styles
in Fall Collarettes


just received and placed on sale HERE,
Prices range from $2.60 upwards.
New things in Fur Collars, etc.

j STEINBERG’S;-^'-iS"„'-clSI^.S?>e”S^si"

The Comfort
and Health
of your ChUrm
« tergety deter,
mined by the
warmth and
quaKty of their


The best wearing,
as well IS the best
nttinpsnd most.'
Sfitisffictoryunderwear for your
X boy or girl is
Vi a suit of the -



_ Matchless

Munsing WEAR.


Wilhelm Bros.
Sole agents for Traverse City

It’s Our Business
To Supply Our Customers



iW.JtNiRUS ToiBelitrHIL
Mom Bros., Hooso Paioters

with tbe very best footwear that can be ob.
taiaed for the Tnoney and that’s just what ws
are doing. We have all the lateet styles in
ladiee’, gents, mUses and children’s shoes, and
oan sorely please yon both in price and quality.
Jnst received a large shipment of ladiee’ fine
eboea at $8.00, $8.60, $3.00 end $8.60.

McNamira Block.


fHVMomarnra skoosp. tsidat, sPraiiBn. tt

AATSim cnr. •




Sanyo.the infant con of OalTin
VUl Bold Tbalr Aaanal Wntriet Oow Darla of WenfoH diad fcatarda; at
thaagaotaaran mOBtba The foneral
vemUM la Thin aty, Bagianlng
ariU ba b«>d at Wuford.
Tba annnal dlatrtet ChrMlaa



8tMa Vatarinnrlan Bampbraye baa
.ailafactot; rVBinatlon


' of the eayinm herd of catUe. for tbe i
eonreae la tbla elt; tbia ««Mtng aad diacorerrot tnbrrcaloaia.
The berd |
aa wUl eoailDM matll Saoday
wu foaad to be rnitrely free from ihe
erealag. A aplendrd tias la aanred.
Orer fifty delegatee will be beee from
other aoeiallaa and with tba rtollora
Artbnr Borden, one of the aetora
and tta*bara from the looal aoel Uea. I Mahara’a Miastiel teoope that ahowad
it la aara that aome rar; loapWng aad hare aome time ago.baiaoeepted a pooltiea la the rea*aorant of Sol Gold)
a will be held
aaw bee dereloped ii tba
The delagatea wUl be oomiag la dnr- ,.Nothing
lag tbe enure day. and wiU be awign- ararebfor the miaaiag Mary Baf'-ea.
-amant by | The aathoriUee of Borllnglor. Iowa,
ad to their placea of
tbe reception committee. The firei | bare not been beard^'om. A letter ~~ r*
cf the eonrentlon will be brld , from Frank Shob-r atotea in fall that
«iHf|aVa. 251
4 Tl»»«r»« Cav. eeuion cflheet
erenlng at the Preabyterlan he kaowa nothing of her wbereabnn-a.
ehareh. The principal addren of the
Charles Corbett had a m'x an yeatcr*
Tv BOBC7 qoMtlon mcda to be erening wUl he giren by tbe state
rannUg orer a d. g oa
dshlsg s bech *c»t u |>olttlce In nil pmideat, C. D. Barrlngioa of Orand ^
hia Wcyclemht Ot U» eonntfT. veordlnf to the
I Tiie ehoru choir wui meet th*a Olui Block WUl Present B'rsAt'rac
clow obeere*U«s> of tboM who
Follo.rt.1 b 111.
tiou for the Ladlu Today aad
tbe oliuUce » tind/. ‘Mu
for the erealag-.
|atsfren o’clock sharp, to rehearse for
who In 'M were oUcowing
Tomorrowf;JO bong serrloe.
tb» meeUag of the C. E-coarenUon at
tfvor nre now too bug to ci're tbe
Tbe fall openlrg of the Breton S'ore
r'l^l oTa
aha^h ml TrSa.
wb)(et ug ntunilon. Prices ere on
will take place today and tomovrow.
irmed th^’ Mr. Bountbal bu E>eeD laviog la larpe
Her W. T. V
tbcrlM, lira
sre br.ngiig
-emony yuterday that made William stocks of fiae goods of every desrr’pwbeuntlnl retont wd Ubor U In
Appointing eommlttacs aad othar
DUl aad Mlu Jennie MeEwaa man aad tion and today and tomorrow the
fnnterdcnwnd thnn ever before. It
ii ivpoeeible la the weet tor fnraieri to
atore wUl preaent aaceneof interest for
-Ibe Progress of the World la wife.
And anffieint men to help tbrn
Cbariu Carver of Calumet, and MMa tbe devoteu of late fubion^ and fine
the Nineteenth '•aatary-—C. D.
Barrlngtoa. Grand Baplda, pre^- Evelyn Lang of E>k Bapids. were linu af goods. Ae orchretrs will be
MdtMlat tb. m with ibc fall work
unlud in marriage Wedaeaday by Bev. oae of Ibe attraetione this tfternoon.
dent Michigan a B. Union.
peBocraU art hoping that wbu AdA. J. Eldred.
Tae Bravwrpof W«>n;sn
Blnl Dtmtj rcacbca thUAocMUp be
■u:ek la Oraad BapMa.
There hu beea ao improvement in
Wu grandly shown by H's. John
eriJl tnaV aome atateBrnt wnlcb
Ths Bveatng Press of Grand Baplds the condition of Col. William Crscib- fowling of Butler, Pm . 'n a tbret
■ublctbtm to sake* paraBcnat laVn at the Park -Place. Oa tbe cen- ears’eti-oggle with a ms > gsnt ston>
Botieed a vlalt from
Me of the Pblllpfine altDatioD. It la a
tiary be la failing, and the worst M sch ’rouble that CBUse- Jlstreuio.
Mralc kla ihU wlseC.Ot
attacks of Dsusu end Irdtr-siiuo. All
dorlorn hope, altbongb jut now it
B. Meaiek of Manoelona wu in the feared,
rem--dir« falle'* to relieve her until st •
naama the on); one which promlaea city yeaierday afiarnoon aad evealag
Tbe Elekapoo Indian eompaay have triad Eleetrie Ritters. After f%kicg i<
•OBathlng which U>e Drmosrau can and left ihla rntralag for Newaygo to
opeaed their hik teat on the corner of
tie to. The vti enpaniloniata are participate in the aoldicrs’ reanioa.
Front and Park streeu, where they wholl;
gpaaUeg apon the Pbilipplaa war tor WaUe here, he visited with a number
will give a free show every evening. vysteo^u 1 gslned In weigh* sod fee’
vatailal with which to balld a cam- Of pereonal friends, talked Kaights of
-inch stronger since
■ * using >t."
ti." It ales
palgn. b«t there la a preeaUlng aaati* Pythlu matters and incldeauUy gave SaturdsT
dlguiioB. euru dyspeptls. impi
mind reading tut on tbe ctreet.
MMt that the preaidant la taking tbe aeoniribuilonto thT many luilmoaappetite, givu new life. Only 30c.
llie h<gh aehool bue ball team Gaarranteed atJ. G Johnson and S.
Ml; eoanaud that which alone will UU walch tbe promlaeal Becmblleau
■aatala the honor of the uUon and of tbe sute arc pasting oat theu days elected Robert Walter manager and B Walt's drug stores.
Arcbie Novotny uptaia of the team
dMbla the gorarainent to fnlfU Ita aaeBttdqur tn ftr Oysters
to Governor Hagreeyuterday noon.
rad obllgmtiona and maintain AAeriDsilv shlomeala from BslUmore i
-Yea remember." said he. ••that It
The danw gleen In PorutM- hall
ceived at Pe
nan aaprauac; In the far a
was Editor Blusur |of the Manoelona
la say style
Uat night by the Crescent band wu
Harald who oppwe^ *»“' attacks ap<m
Tu drain of earresey frornnhs New
io the lutcsmpalga.
Tae molbera of the boys
Totk baoas may be eaplaiaed largely he sUrred things up considerably, and
by the following facu; blnee July 1.
Oy I received notice tbe band urved s alee oyster supper
and altogetber tbe evenieg wu oi
the wheat receipts hare been
from Ue governor that It I did not caU
knabals larger than last year, while Slnasar ofl. the governor aad hie foreea exeeptioaal pleuure. It U the plan of
band to give social events
•ora has shown so txesuof 17.000.000, would vt after ms I didn’t call him
pad dear 1.000,too LarreU orer ths
froqaent Intervals daring the fall and
off vd ibe governor unt mem ap there
MReapenalag period of a year ago.
to work against
MorcBieai of crops gsre ihe railrosds
Tbe new ru’aurant to be opened
-What happened to year wu
an lacnase of la aamlags Parker bnilding on Front street
- gear Joly. laOR, and iheae luma niter- naked.
"Oh. I wu re-elected by an lacraued will begin bnstaus Saturdsy momlog.
ally piMucs a drain apda the money
M. Dill hu bad tbe room finely
msjorlty." wwered tbe coagreumaa
peWM of
coontcyfinished and it will be a pleuaa
dlaiag room with every facility foi
AdWl Dawav duplayed a rare
Lovers of amasemeat in the dramatic quick service of first ctsu mesls.
tact at Msalla of keeplag oat of Irooble line will be able toeaitj a Ueat la thi
Everybody should atieni tbe footbsll
aad it is tbeiefore BOt likeiy tbst be City Ooera Bouse tomorrow night,
tme this afternoon at 3:4.V The local
wrUl allow himkclf to be recklessly when Mim CcurUnay Morgan wUl ap­ team is strong and will go against tbe
draggid Into poUUes after be I
pear in the leading role In ’Camille,” heavy Manistee eleven. A hot game U
rpaabed the lofty plaaacle of fame
the muierpiece of Alexander Doi
expreted. The game will lake piece in
wbldh bis bnlllaai aebierrmeau hare the great French author. The Coert- Twelfth street park.
eaay Morgan company is uid to be
Foot ball at. 3;4:> in Twelfth street
better than ever thU year and prevlou
Park t-)dav. Manistee vs. Traverse
Sox. rniL CoLtaova cf Bastings
In this city will serve to draw a
•omes np tc the firieg liae acd will be large audience at this engagement. City.
Tbe Elk B'ailtds poeirfBee has been
la the front rank when the BenblicaD Tbe company M declared to be the but
acmlBstlon for gcreraor u capinred:
made a presidential > fiice with a salary
rer hroughtyiers byAt^u Morgan.
of tlOOO a year for the postmuter.
pelsss aometbing sLall oecv daring
Murray and .Mack are the origlaa'
the next few Bbalhs to ladace a
team of Irish
Senicr Clau Cfflrera.
‘■Finnlgan's Ball" and their auceeu M
Tbe Senior clau held a meeting Uat
iTtaaow la order to dlsaolee the world wlds^Tbey will be seen beie
Droyfu cintae inspired by ladlganUon for the first time, .supported by a evening alter srhool in which tbe foi
lawarda the Preach forerament aad clever company, in the above famens lowing ((Beers were eircied:
Preeideni—Ruben lYalter.
gharatayetachaaoeforUie Paris
comedy Tuesday evening. Oct. 3. at
Vice nresldeni-Nrilie tirsnt.
yaeltlcn to be pulled iff eccordlag to
Steiaberg's Grand opera bouse.
Tbe attivtionj is one that aboold
Treuurei—Fred hmllb.
draw an immenu audience, being
deurvedly pc^ular ibroughent the
Prof. W W. Campbell. U. of M.
t. B McGoogb hu gone to Cbledo- entire oSnntry._____________
later with tbe lick observatory, bu
■U. where be will load a carload of
lade a eurions discovery with
•The Pool ia the Wooda "
speeiroaeope- Be u.vs the north star
Dr. GauaUett bu goae to Detroit, on
ae of the display windows of the
hit wsy to the aonth. to study. Re Mercantile Co.’s store U exhibited an is'reallv three stars, ana it was demoodoes not know just where he will elegant water crlor vketeb. 30 x 40. strated by tbe cbangiDg colors in toe
•tady. bat he is sore Uiai It wilt be in painted from nature by Mrs F. B speetmacope. acconnted fir by tbe
a warmer cilme than Michigan wu WUllaais of E.k Bapids ^The sceae U rcvolniioD of two other bodin shoot
iMt winter. Be will practice in this enuUed. -The-.Pool, in the Wooda" |
•Uy again next apriag.
and wu taken from
pretty spot be-1
sieber. of tie Sultons Bay H»W. L. Aoderaon is in Chicago on tween Elk Bapids and Wliii
This la bat one of a fine collection busiacM yuterday.
Boa. W. H. Foster left ycatarday on placed wiihj theiMeruntUe Co. liy
p trip to Boaor and Empire.
Mrs. Williams, who Is an artist of
LMter Geimaa hu left the employ great talent.
of Mat Taiman to accept a pcaiUon
e>« *in.«
u. ... W.I.
croup or s severe coio neeo not nulute
with a large ciotblag bouse at the 8oo.
] y, administer Cbsmberlsln’i Congb
D^aglu Clare of Hillsdale la la the
Yesterday afteraooB tbe Boy’a Band Ermrdy. It coauins no opiate nor
City oa buincss.
il.V E. Io. EBpb..,
tbe babe u i
Mrs. E. L. Sprsgse nod Mi« Gertrude -0.™ U..J -m h. u,, .hKi
grrat snceeu Ibsl bu at
•pragne have returned from a elait tioa at the big stint fair. The
te in toe trestmentof colds
with friends at Sk Ignaee.
Empire peopls Euve’mtde eleborate,;i
Mrs. W.:,U. Fletcher and cblldrea preparallona for a big time aad many,'
Barn rctnraed from a two weeks' visit Travene City people will go over to
pt MukegoB.
have a good tima.
Qaincs W.lllanu of Oraad Baplda.
who hu been at Petoskey all summer.
Antrim Conaiy's Big Fair.
The ladlM of Travuru aty
>u Mkcn hii old poslUoB with Fred
Antrim oonnty is preparing te lu
are invited to ull at the new dreeaBuhul aad Fred Brown hu gone back annnal fair aad this year's duplay will
making parlors of the Butoa Store
lo Ivaa Dana's
and see ho* moderate tbe ehargu
be OB a largar aealajthan ever before.
&. Schomberg is ia the city from The exhibition will be held in Bellaire / are eonslstent e^iib good work and
artistic dulgclag. i
«ood Barber.
next wMk. Beptemberit7. ia aad i9
A. Bchcmberg of Good Barber Is in B. H. Sallabary's gaideleu woadu of
BiadqaarUn fer OyiUn
thM city will be one of the -attnettoan
Dsily shipments from Rtitlmore re­
John Gatu bu retaraad to hto homa
ceived at Pete's Buuurant Served
BdItarM Awfol-Fitght.
in any style night aad day. 744-3t-t
}a ClaelauU. after spending the aatiie
. . _L Hlggtna. Editor Seaeu (DU..)
aammrr at Ne-ab-ta-waala.
Newa, wu • flUctui for rears with PUu
MlM Clara Gayhart left yesterday for that no doctor or remedy helped aatU
BatM Baplds to visit frieada.
^raiu Salve, the
writu, two Boxu
Miss Aante Ovlau willtaavs for KaaMB aty arat Thnraday to tabeacoarae wholly cored him. lafallible te Plica.

*. Batm


J. W. HAnn-


A V. Suixn. *diujr Md >Umc«





We bare a verj
ry largt atock of rockers, all atylea and pricea
from «6c np- Lul there ia nothing quite as nice, large and comfonable for the money as this larne scroll scat rocker- mehocany or antique, for |3 50.

J. W. SLATER'S Honse Pnrnisliiiig Store
120 Front Street. Traverse City.



z i

S. I


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

-Probabilities” promised
frost tbe o’her night. It
came—(in theKlondike-will
be here shortly). The un­
derwear that was good
enough for blistering, blaz­
ing &i)^ust. won't cut much
ice in September (ard
there's ice possibility in In­
dian summer). Have you
seen our new line of ladiesunderwear? Start the sale
at 20o. from that to $2 60.
Our union suits are from
60s up

The duck is about the only
thing as indifferent to sun­
shine and showers, and the
peacock as proud as you'd
be if you carried one of our
new umbrellas. The new­
est up-to-date carv­
ed and knob handles, in all
manner of shapes. Don't
wait until it rains before
you think about them, buy
them now. An ounce ot
forethought is worth a ten
dollar doctor's bill. Can
sell you one tor SOo or


to blbto atwdy la tha Gospal Daion MMafoaary laaUtata.
■am Benda went to.Empire yutarAagiaaMamdthaatraetfalr.
i IfTSmianFI.wi4ti» are invited to attend the foB
A- W. Jahraaa trill go to Bmpira tooi-eatag of Wood BMtera', on Friday
. ^Ib^ foatuad tba etraei fair.
^ { tad Saturday. AllMwatylu. 74l-St

■atovibuhiw pals-

less enrariloD of w--lbaaiMolsr. (or utcwrtl B •< Mvth ettkOBt
wisstlsUrierT pr«-

A leather chair or a leath­
er couch means solid com­
fort. but it means some­
thing else, too. It means
thatwhon you get a good
one it lasts for years, and
doesn't have to be replaced
in a short time. Our line of
full leather chairs, the larg­
est ever shown, start at
$22.00 to $42.00. Leather
couches from $23.00 to
$36.C0. Put a big piece of
comfort in your home.

When you get a good
thing stick to'it. No use let­
ting go for an experiment.
We have found Beckwith's
Hound Oak up to the mark.
It never failed us, never-will
you. We stick to it because
we know it is a good heater.
When somebody makes a
better one we will be ready
to change. Tbe greatest
line on record.

The HaDoah & Lay HercaDtile Co.

taa MOftaoiG uoou, fkilay. upraiacB ss. isw.

I S\&U dVemt



■>w n to cooc «c rtm i> TotT no*

••I Btade tbe mrrrr for toe otreet c

' Tbe meat promUinf popOe iiDoec
rtbooe admiiied to tbeocbool of '


Wm TrMoa aa« tbo Bmalta.

A life boor, toe nahjoe Inreotloa at
Bear Admiral Illcbbont. ia oo« to oaa
alt eowsidetable aaral
I iboM trbo ban ,aerrod | oa tbe veaaeU
^ a laaicbaMe time. ^onsK omof |«re called them aloft. Sailoia. jsalat' I tlona. aart Tbe bctmiOc American. It
tbe first familleo aot oolv t
beinc a boilow
era. roofpra and atoeplc climbensban*
..^1 •. Jii.m .»djx.a.rtotv tall.. ^
d n»it pirrllvisary ' ;iebt mHalUc rloc prvrliled alth
. ..k.— .u—p {ilam wiibonl
ancoinaitc torrbe*. whicb make ft
Tbe first tblDK that a aeo- i <«'» ■’
II like a
to >«;» ii bow to ' ?«»““>»«“ »
o pivoted t
Tbe ton-b Rtaffa a

: t!?
dril mtiaeor. “aod «b«s »« IP*



If town la tto ttoaltr of Tnmkfort «rUl crow a
« of ttot rUlaca. trill pti<
«»akn«t am a«ct jnr aad trU.
toadla thmnadi of (on. Baadndo
at amm at eabba(M an alraad/ rru*<
UBaOBla eoaatj.
aaperia.tesdei.1 of tU line. Was in a
tto rensios of nrrtron of *"! awesl
all tbe
time. Lot ft
It wai kickini
Ttotk Miahifaa iafuitfr. «Uefa
aga^ a whH,
to ba haU at Ualactoa am PrUay. !•
Tbe track! were linffle ones, with
poatooaad aatU arst 7«ar oa vseoaat
yrr and there for tbe car*
can to
n bATe
•r too doato of Coloool Las at D.Wotu
I bother
tbedrirera Someuf
them would
W. _____
Baana, of _____
Oaawrla, ___
baa t
nT^.TiTT ,----mol«on a dead ntn aad no
iii^A «Li Ka I. I .aj *
ll** I*®*"
him 4.000 badtala of fruit. Tbla '
. .w.ich mid go to
,„b ,k. ....
■9 Bub for ■ b.rd iHKler.
anbd. I kn.r« » ww, two uioBthi be
to Birr op
HteBatto.atb.bUwd tlUoora, «f 'e"
<tu.bal blaatbUtb. tub. ^j„„l oitJr tbe unlaw.™ bro.i-bi to
to tbe Ibd bbn bBB nrebeeeO ‘
i ~ utUet »P"e «»
w... eed lb.
who bad boon an Inmatei of We Kala-1
I, I|
ito aouat, beaaa for <7 jean, m
A He oenr
B*»ar apoke
SKf^a to
tA an
ai.d ,
jone atd!
bla foaal orgaoa praaablj became mwUaa

111} ainlnsl toe aide
,bZogb it. It ter- :
a In.
I'ling‘b<^ :
'•““r !• not la
ji thr.Tcr fosr
nn- l>«t when U U dropped toe,
^^1^ „„ ila andenmrface and nme. b, rtrtue of the weiaht of their
i, Uia er eada. a vertical poaltlon In ibo
w^-pu j„ ba^lim: It dexterihn.-ralalng the alpial* above
j^JiT^sLd^any a tfm7a tnaa wbo^ too surfapw. Each toc-h awfl la Iltte.1
with a ebambor at toe lower end coni,dder whicb a Ooliatb woold find talulnir calcium pboepblde. a chemical
, *l.lc7lBnHeH l..vnnuct with toe wa“VS"‘"d”. of
«» P-f '• ■>"PP«>- <P'
o.p,rttD.nt "
!b. who h.. •e«»btrb(wtoBbD„.j. ,
^ lli ouib.dw ••wbirb. tooi.lbwll.r. .ob .dbHalob of ww.e, 1.
.Wllloll, h.tidled, an Iw a.dr to arr. prn»iiinlr«».l tbr p,.™ of daboaloo
,b.„ ,bi, a.|i„r Ma„. b«wbd.ndi.rodnrr.l.rr,ll.r,.i.b..
,,t.b.lob Ud.l.r iS tbi de- >00. tbe TO0.l....tlon l.■lor ^ r.doleld
iFannrw kO feet, bat tbe man
Bcaling ladder ran go npdU
"trlklug t... ... ...e,
ican ever borrie. Muet of the com- orl3ilori«witbuutU>comingexbanat*
‘•"•"‘'r «® "«f
wenirred t
received were to toe efiect that
At fire* before an extension ladder ">
, ebe waa blown t
fbo «■"
got iLiuin wiwewbal FTsUiualic. Dun “*J*«*'M'ltor*l!idd?T°?ato”a”s^n^
*''Ta «», lKi7.


tocr«tarj,ofbtate A. S. Steana U
aaallj tba largeat lamoar p.-ooucar ia
toeatata. It 1.oaUmated toat ail b>.
■lUa wJl tbU aaaM cut 3CKI.UUU.0UU
faat o> lamber.
Prlnta BichUi Pjllej. "tho onlf
«pper peolmnila Aero of toe FbllippiM. rvcantlj rataraad to. bta aome
•tOoold Cltj, baring raeeived aaet.
woanda in one of toe ala
la which he partlclpatod that be will
be a eripple for life. Bla towaaman
ralaod a pare# of ficu to detnj tbe expaaiaaol biajoarnej from baa Franoiaoo.
Anaad Birmlngbam gniba in toe
Wada of aheap and lamta are Cbntfok
Ua famen beaej ion.
Tba Dallj piekle factory at Mt.
Clamana la apparanUj a great thing
lor toe tamera la that neialij.Tweln
Uonaand Oeabeu of eoenmbets &a*>
baas narketod thare. and 3.000 baabeU
Of tomatoes.
Tbe Benale County Patriot aaya the
oora «rop In that eooaty la a "Bnm
Btar,*'and that eomp.alnu are eomiag
la from farinert that ibc corn grew eo
toll IV ebot toe wind from toe windnlUa aod they bad to reaort to tb<pampa tbamaelna la order to auppl}
tbeatoekThe Brown City Banner eeya John
Walker, reaidlng in what it ealled tor
Walker ectaool diatriet In Ooodletd
towneblp. bsnilac eoaoty. bea held toe
oWee of acbool aneaaor for tblrty-aix
eoneecuilre yeera. probably toe longeit
term of eerrlee in one office held by
any pereon in tbe state.
At Jackaon. Mlaa Pr^lgenblae. wbl e
riding her wheel enddenly turned
ooraar on Main street end ran Into
atreet car going 9« miles an hour, bl
ana picked up by the fender asu ceoaped with a few brniaea. Tee wheel
wac a wrack.
Or. A. Ctaambarlala. of Romeo, own-d
a M.oou botol at Ponoe, Perto Rieo. the
recent barrleeae awept eaerj vretige
of toe building ewaj.
J. miarg. a farmw reeldiog near
Mliaa. eold aereral eatUe to a butcher
and took tbe money home with him
Tbe first eight be beoame frigbtesrd
attoe toougbt of robbery, got up and
bid toe oioney In a ervvioe In ibe woooabed. Tbe neat morning bla dog waa
dead aod toe money gone. |i
thought tbievea were wwtebing
bouse and saw Mr. Ullery bide the
Tbe backmen of Fltut have nnltod In
a boyc tt agalnat James MeDermutt.
toe vetoraa livermao of the city. U ia
alleged that HcDermoU tnmiataea bis
back to funerals at atavfuioo prices
A fine of fit will be impoaed upon any
hackman wbo will attend a funeral
wbieb MvDcrmoU'a hack la engaged.
Mllloo Fowler eaderiook to awe>p
the ebimney of tbe MetbodUt ebnreb
at Mason. It erumbled and fell, aid
to aave blmaalf be lamp.'d m toe roof.
Part of toe chimney fell on bla leg,
and as li weighed a couple of bned.-ed
pounds. It rffeetnally prevented him
from rolling off tbe roof. Bis leg waa
aarlously iojurad.

Uie uiaiuiRHr
folJow.-rl bv e second fireman, wbo takea
" ‘Ab..scnnr. hnl 1 am afraid we bla ladder with him atory by atory. and

valuable bird dog was aoddeoUH,
locked in the hall at tbe eioae of tba
■eaaion. This afiemoona member of ^
tba lodge had oecaaloD to go to toe |
lodgu room, and found tba Aa^ appar-;
aatiy none toe worse far bis Mforoed |

via.d dys,wptic. to ad-M Ihi* remedy
The sand, uiii.glitjg wito toe alimrolary mass, renders it laws compact and
makes digetiioD wore easy This bat
beceme the fatbioo. and since tb.' Eng-,
*« *•*



We have a new line
that costs more- and we
have a BIG LIKE for
less money that are upto-date

The OlilTellebleShoe Hen-

H,..t........„b,pw,p,,»tbi. z.7;;u,'."b7r..';;'.y bj.:r b.

time tbe first man has reached the
> blit ia wrtiDg
g i>
oowV was asked there ia a ninipleled chain bi bind faim.
>'by. one «if onr greaterl uier- down which tbe reacned uiav be carried
cbantF imid bis fere t<i be laken to the


I TCo \vnib VvVe
® ' \Vv6 v^tsexA

bold, tbe driver cat the time down to
161 We abatl be ruined by lu.isinK folks ,
aronnd too <)nickly Let os lie up tlie
leg! of tbe uiolrw and take tbe whi]ie flu aaerastle fleptr to the Pvivate
away from tbe driver*!’
Kew OrB««rdt>n Hoaae LaadladF.
1—IPS Tium-Detnorrat.
Mr. Smilber* iaa aumewbal fsEtidioua
jonntt man wbo it ksikTng f<g a new
boarding place; Rmitherr can't abide
regulation boarding bouse, and alOae iBatasre ta Waivh
, ways tries to lire with a private faulattaBeA.
ily. He ianowconvinced thatan "ad."
It takee a down east man to aaa
aak queeques­ _A.4_t. ^,li,.;tB KopbIovo fur o ••nirm lirl.
which a'licita buardera fur a “nice prltions, bet once in awhile one of
g«mtlenian wbo was trnveling <i
hack, nutwitbstaitding tt.<
bad l<-.| one leg His «
awakeorsi as be r
to kuow bow be c-haiicci} to aieet witb
such a iniefttriooe.
“Been in tbe army. 1 gucaaT" waa
tbe anxifius inqtiiry
“Never was in Ibeanny in my life.'
tbe travaler returned
“Kit a duel, p'bapar
“Kewr fought a duel air."
“Horae throned you off. 1 gacaa. or
anmetlnttK u< that sort7“
“No. air.
air. noiiung
nothing oi
of .ne
tbe a..^
Jvnnllinu t^jed various dudgea. but
all to tio • tr<-« t Al lash aluiuet out of
patieniw h<' detiTiiiiiR-d on a direct in
qnirv aaV> Hit- nature of llm accident
Ly whicb
Which :Ibe gentielUBU bad come to

I__ .i-'-

\0T hbT^fiVRb \.tv URitTWtRT. ^ sve^VfiV
vTv cV.VV&Ttxvs ^00^. ^ vt
Ihe. Silts, '**
A)t E to ^tsts.


HmitotTs <all^one day last week at
l. HO lltaiHK's Lira WOV.
a place with a brewing deacTiptitm juat
on tbe flank of Micbigaiin avenue a via- lailluJe 34 degnte* north an<l longi­
tude 73 degrtH-s 43 minutes w«-«t. a
BpidonalT like a lioarding |H»ltloa a lliils south of rajw llatteraa.
bouse." tbought Smithrtw as be tonkin '**•'
«="' br'-aailug a tetrlfle
■ lrh*d Ike
Ihadiioemuona A coUarleaa negroaerr- atonii. s^m h
wb<-opened tbe dour o.........................i-awoilbluess of tin- suuebeal ship.
auKpici..ns. but be bad gtme t-s. far ««■ -x,4-utHig au order •.mmer* Mate
then to lockout A sharp noeed. snippy ‘ harle* Hu«m4 and ■'w'amao K.«.-l
UndUdy came In with a top kifty air.
*'-f »«‘ overbimtxl.
rhe iwo
“Er-ah, 1 believe I am n.isiaken.' buoys wer.- iimu.tlJiitcl.v droi-issl. ami
be l<egan. “I auppoaed I ahooid find a
,«iv«ie family. By tba adverli«-menl
Kol-. I ~cm- u. lui^c Uhi, mud
iied. for h- mailc u.> appiiivol cfforl hi
a of 14 clerks and ten
C.B. bp ft..B U..
lb ,b. b.«, Tb,.nU-


are viinrely, Mr.

she B-ri.1,.

.......l-w- r-.l. I...I I. ...


■ ..Pi.- bi.-'.-l"

thsii III 'he lerrllh- s- .i It was i|iille

a hit O.T
drclare; i d jnsi like to iiit.w. powerful
„ti. ..b., „b ...h bit itbi,--u.,!.;
Uan Undeav.d- W.irld.

. _ ,, ,

Wb B..n.BBlp_1 BB
:ll"Kinl t.y life Hli.s., ihe IhmiI Udiig
e, I1b» sndfiMt ................••I By lids time the tw.. men

a fFamlsiivd l al’s «*r«de»ee.

wen- «.s.d s!giii<s| thnuigh ihe
At l.bu'ie City .Mrs. C. A. .'^tidard inter Ocean. ____________ _
waa cleaning n;> Iht garret when by
hliii-l'.iig iiiNt -f niiii. »iel h.v
The giwalaueee-« of Ciamberlain’k Bkinf„| |,j.,i.lliiig the two it
tome m< au> the f.iuiily cat g<A into ao
i,aid<'l i'VT the Ih.w and Intid.-d
old triiik tilled wiib clothing and was 'loi.e. Cholera sfid D ai-rhoe* Rent.-dy in
abut in light .and fast Just ‘JU duyt the trea'tnsBL of bowel cnmotainta bra
later Mrs. .^uiiardwas in Ibe giirrei
next day
S. Wa t and * C, Thompam


td. llic cut iuid Just stn ugih cuough to
cliuihoul It had torn the doihiiig in
toe liunk all to pieces in ita clawing
and h:id gnawed the sid.w uciiriy
tbrough ID x rcral pUcee lint p. rlisl«
the ui.'-t siiigiilHr rir<-iiia*ttiui->' wii,
founil III th.' uiktiDer in »Im-h tlo' . at
toA cui.-uf ilisJ; alter Hvuting liisTty
Mrs. Kt.slard s« t before u a t.t>ig dish of
milk ami a hig <likh off water It w ..iild
laps little of each and
tid the:
then lie down
fur a lew uiiiinhe. when
en again
agai it w,iuM
)iartake sparingly ui the milk and w
ter. and tins |ir<w<-dii.g it cuunijiied
through th>- wboif uftenaAuD If that
cat huii IsH-ti a hiiuian iloulitless it
Would have sualj.iKi-d all lliat was
plMc-.! it at one gnlp.—Konbaa


-^•MP^-^MPaa^^ pppp-^^pppp-Ew-w-p

without f^ or watert toy, will soon bedevouring it Besides.
It would aaam that toe Metamora:
digeative pnrpuaea baa been
im-mar baa much to eompUln about ui use by oetricbea for a long Bma
this year. After toe long drought
a»a« am wta miwa
beoken a blight atrnek tba uabtega
Mrs Buakley tsevetely)—It's not
aad aow It la toportod that a grab M aaceamry t?e ua to ash where yc« w«ge
and wbat *>03 were doing last nigbL
davaotaliag Uw potato «9p.
Ur. Bo*Wvy(lirigbtet:itfl)—I'm glad
of that. l>g 1 couldn't do it to we myA Powdae XlB topioaloa
iME.—Cbtuago News
Bamovaa ercrytblag In sight: so do
drastic mlaefal plUa. bet bath are
TelllM I
mighty daagerowa.^ No^aaed to dyna>
TIm tnaa w bu tells yon a secret and
g*! Baw
Haw aeka you-out fo tell doesn't Seat joo
mlta your body wbaa Dr. King's
Ufa PUU do the work so easily and
^ „
right **':
Be enjoys *telling it aad forbida
parleeUy. Ctama Baudaehe. ConiUpa-.'^^''
as gt»d a ttma—

\TOU get fn!! «1« for
1 your moaey wfcea yo«
but ike
elotket. Tkey ire “rcady-towear" clotke* whk til tke tdvmtaget of iae merekuit
tiilonna tn^-hone of rt« iriwbKkt. Yob get tke nyle. tie
aervice. tke good fit, tke good
looks. wTtkoot tke kigk prkt.
We km tke H.S.6 M.
nitfi tnd ovcrcoits in ill sizet.
ia Buy (tylefi ud it nhout


Sre our Shoe Windows
We are showing the finest as­
sortment of new, up-to-date
fait and winter

Footwear j
Ever placed on sale in the citjr*

Tbr English, aceordii
Poor Tout, liave adupted quite uD otig
inal plan In many
ny iR.nses, .m tbe table'
by the side of thri
the ]>ep|<er tsix and the
salt i-ux is plaivd » sand bux a l)t,tle



Come in ard examine them ciosely. You will find
them right. Remember our specialty is to fit the
feet. Ladies fine vici kid and calfskin lace or button
shoes, kid or Paient tip. light or heavy soles, new
oi>era and mannish lasts, all new patterns and designs.
Special at $1 98.



{ 135 Front St.


Practical Shoeman.




j 6x.^otA QaA
otv&erseAT. ICo 3uWtvts& Vn arm&
tije. bOc huijs a ^ooA


&.■«). mvvvvu«v.i

Good Hardwood In Btovo Lengtba.
Alao Four Foot Maple Blaba and Bdgisga.


Travcfse City Lumber Co.

Morning RMwrd Want Ads Pay.


&eiverft\ laCeot

••• lUMM

WSere li MaS* ■ Lmm^


Mk f*aia« •»*«' *’•

>• «SU*M *w !«»»•

•SAM ~A4<«rUMa Sept. ri. laa.”

Butdnd* ot *Mpl« wtr* kUled hj u
Mrtbquk* WadsMdaj
U Uu
«rfMMd«m Aldac. »l bUm
t of SnrrM ITM pr»eUe»lI;
dMtrojad. AdTkM diTMt from Aides

A BOBW bs* loSK brrs knows to bs
tbr bittmoi eons; of wontaskisd.
JoM m by tba smsKc too of friulslsity
abonM W? BOi-h a be)p)«m. baraksi
liulr rrratore rasoot be explaised. ,
DorisK the civil war a (aiuotu feuu...
U-uayed tbruopb tbe isitrstUMDUlitT of a UKioac- Tbe Woman waa•

* ra


r"” ga,;/»
C>rprawr. Wm
.......... ............

Munr. Bob'i
MBpk'B. BdvlB
icickuv. Praak
KK'koU. Jo.
tm. Mar>Ull



nova*. W. S



»ori ibai nassj bsadrada of pMple ara . table, almoat in tba face o< tbe eop- Scaa^l,. BB-ia*
p«,d J*,T
With a abriU femhiioa
TbsaUtadapartmestWadsMdayra-4*>>'‘>‘'<l>« *vy ibrew np ber arms and t | msi daa or aach adeertlaed laCUr.
•aleod a aabla -imri from
, ftt»bed arrowi tbe room, and. arrimrisK I
Qsoaea W. Rapp.


baa baan raaoead and that peace pra.,
confewwj. but hv (b« aid nf tbe loyaraUalB Ua iaiaod.
al old farmer and bis wife abemade bar
capedn the ul|(bl.
Tba ^arsa baa appaarad is tba BaaA Well known woman pbyaiclan of
mUa peeriscs of Aatraeban, la a saw
I ..tioBao wi.t. BUM AAii do aoy kind of
I innrical Work witbont a treniur. but
, _
. tbe aigbt nf a muoae toroa her atianffa«tl BaananatOdewa. Ba aaya that It ij t,|
tborooBhly ••nowomana” her.
. «hara takaa tba form of a mmt mailt-1 Another woman haa aoeb a terror <t
maat and fata! paanmonla, yat, aeeord-1 mice that tbe recepUy srwnt inaana
I dlatnoala, la bat as'obaeua! Ibroogb hitbl at one of the wee creatba trme bsbonle'l'*^ Tbe woman waa aweepipt
cellar wbm a
an old barrel and
At HMtUa. Waah..
* Sbe i.*ied to aWp
it and beat at it
• Willi ber broom. csU
igk p»««>nely to
•a of a laiTlblo oartbqaake.; bn little buy U> help ber. Dot tbe boy.
nafaleb baran tieptambar a and oontlnn- Ibinklnx abe waa in fnn. frithtened
mdnnUl Septamber 10. The ateamar (be tmified monae toward tba woman
Sora oaiTtad iba Mwa to Jnnaam The I •
mUaa balow
VakntAl WO
too |I .
oolow YaknUl.
^ ^ , jj
^ ^
into tba
Coek Inlet wmaible. only to l,«e ber mind when at
....... ..........................
R maUy. Three diaiinot abocks were lenylb cuSKiuoiinw! returned to her.—
The bnlldin^a ware Cleveland Plain Deabr
Wdly akakan. Tba CRribqnaka waa
moat aarara at Yatnut. Kanan Ulaad. NO CHINESE IN LEADVILLE.
Rt tba antranoe of Yakutat Bay. aank
Teea Plslal
M fact lato tbe aca. At bltb tide only
TabaaeO bp Ibe
nAa Utp* ot tba trace are vlalble. Bnye
Every well known nat
Beearaa opened in tne earth Dora paa- tbe Cbiiieae ia repreMiute
Rant«r* aay that in two . mlnaWi' tbe Only two CeleetiklB
« « feet above bipb tide a»d | camp, aad Ibe awry of their abort ntay
Rimoataa qaickly anbaidad. Indiana ia nniqneaudini^tinR. There
ofh nf a demoMtra
demoMtralion on tbeir ar­
Imro daaartad tbalr bomoa and are llvrival. fur it waa late at night wbei
Inc in tabu.

XBonrad Dcatk'B Acoolea.
Only a roariot fire anataled J.
Oarreiaon. of Saj Antonio, Tea.,
tie down wban atiaced by Aatbma..
from which be anffarod for year*. He
writeabia miaarT waa oftea ao rrea'
Ibat It aru med ba
endnreid tbe atonla»
r. Klnt’a
— ‘ "
N»« '''
------.. deatfa; boi Dr.
u wholly enrad bin
for Com
the OB
n>ia I
i cnee for Aatbma aa wall aa
Dplloa. Contba and Oolda aad
11 Throat, Cheat and Lony trooblea.
botUea 10c at S
Jobnaon Dr


Walt aad J. «.

fiaplt of ffobton.
TbiBlBibe name of the new mtlllnery eauVlabmcnt Juat ourted In
tbe new Mn-.aon b«>ck, »iw Baai
PVoBl clreei, and It proml»aa to
one of the Snest in tbe cute J W. ;
Uorae ia the proprietor of tbe inatiinilcr. which U manarad by M. E
Morae. kfma Mrtotoab U tbe detUrner ard head trimmer. She ia now
in Detroit maU<ne oattema for the
faltaiylaa. Sbe will be in tba city
n.'Xt week '
Madam Merb'teah haa been in ihe millinervbualneaa ten yean, and beinc
S natural artUt in ber line, ber taaU
and talent can but sallafy tbe moat
faaUdtona. Sbe la plaaaant and aceiable, and srill welcome you to ber
•'■Indabeantoarlora. where yon will
e millinery
fnl line of op to-date
atylea. Sbe will be nicely aattlad
next week.
Wa»eb foropenlny
. lint annooneamenianno
C, Manarer.
M E. Mr---------

Oyiton lb aay 8tyU.
I bare meeivad a oonairsment of
oyaum and am prepared to aerve
tbemlaanratvle at ray reaUnran
Hotel Whlllnp.
for tbe mind to fraap Jnat what tbeao
Word waa whippeiad abont In tbe
JouN MA<-DonAi.n.
Bcuraa maan. ConnUntalziy bnabela ^Ive* v>th wbiefa tbe atreel waa lined,
of etaallad aors to the load, it wonld
piKtnik wrv encompawd
dealynt in fan
quiet aud Reutlrmanly
cake s.OW.OOO teama tohanl tbe crop fo
mob of and winur bau at Wood Slaters'
‘ ondred minera
market, a caravan thnt svonld laaeb
“ •‘"“'Irrd
and hnbuea
OpeningFrHay and Saturday. 741 si
word waa ainAen. bat aa
--«.d U. world. U will uko oo mwj I
>e IngKage of tbe
Dr. Beontbal Tbeaptea
of no,000 men overAwo nontba to bnak 1,
laila were take
V bwi I Haa removed her <ifD<w to Park Place
oiaty boaboUaday eark. if loaded in-',.
lioya were aaR,„nM«)and Oi.Annei TiT-lw
«o ean of to,000 capacity U would Uke | alsted tn tbe aeal* they lad jnrt vai-atOU.OOOeam to banl tbe erop. a train ' ed, tbe driver war given a tip and tba
over 4.000 milaa loBjf.
j diatincriiabed arrivals

rj,::; rr''

nis !tn IQ (tel 41 r p. b Atif, Mbi-ttmn; nanf w n ora m
Orchestral Misic Fridar Iftereoei-Soaragirs of cat flowers n tisilors ie Millieeni Depl


On Friday and Saturday, Sept. 22-23

Will oecnr oor full op“ninR. to which we cordinlly invite the cit wne of Traverse City
At no
time in the history of thin store hare we be,en ao well prepared nil over the etore'in uoequRled
Mgortmsnis, aopbraleUeB wmlaes. prerlsM money saving prices. We nek you to hi-lp
U6 celebrate the opening of (he fall seasou in a moat practical manner. ' We have abavra the prt.N
its to the oarroveet margin, and feel confident that nowhere elee in northern Michigan can
found euch gorgeona display of truatwortby meichandiae at auefa marveloaa prices
Tfa« new Antomn Or«M Goods—reveraible golf auitingi; plaid or check­
ed doable faced euitinga, 54 in wide,
from............................................................ $1.26 up
Lat^e rough zeboline plaida—the handaomeat style of tbeir kind, and one
which liaa obtained inaiant popular­
ity—here in abort ekirt lengths, no
dnplicMea, per jArd..........................$1.26 up
A choice aaaortment of aiiigledreae pattema, in cheviota, honieepuna eanvea neBvea, in illnaiiuated coloringa,
Marlboro venetiana.

™ k.. u.™
twina sad no triplets.


Santa Barbara.

Erma to *,000 people, l.oou of
whom were vaUraat from Ohio, tndIsna sad lUlnoia attended tbe dedlesbios of Ue Indiana monnmenu and
narkers aad tba Wilder brigade
Rtooamant at CUekamaaga par. Wadaaaday.

Q.IBL WA!4TgD^-0
biAte S’.a USM^B'
T;*>* «*l.»-House Sb<t



«a Webstar

Pamu r <wbo baa never aeen the aea f Birevi. WIUlAkr eood lot IB ,*n pst
■BBBI. IsqulTesr BofbeeA SoiSura.
before to flabennan on tbe Great .Sontb
hay)—Wbo'a all tbsa here water belong
iBrailusa iBIbeeilJ. «IIB rMUleui-* BS4
FlBbennan (patting bia cbem}—Ca bars laqolre st boua* or Kaross uRe*. Tll il
me man. to Ba
VVANTKD.'Tvo spprastu'e alrta wsmrii Ib
BnUatelr al Mrs. M. r. LAoreare'e
On Sept. 14 the aUamer Roun Mam
BlUlDerraiorvibealreisn-BreareRWliwe 7i,.ir
fonsdared during a typhoon off Bana- fer in '
FiAheruiRD —Ob. we gioerally charges TTTIXTXD Murar; Blii4le-aac4 IsCr prr
Rawl in Biwa lake, going to tba bot­ 10 O- LK- B k.- ‘I 'n
W lerrrU. as Wa.blarloo al.
tom like a atona Twelve paaaangam
F.iriiiir < . Hti riii'hgh I'll takes
ware drowned and two fatally injured, gailui, .
luS'^iaa »f/oo*’ii^4®wJu.'itT
Hurllioknwhile eight of the crew aUo went wuuau
.4 kiD 1 {.lit It ID
! lel liuuar. 4UKB.I SlKBIkat.
Finbriuinli—Uo over there to tbe — —
down with the ahlp.
tavern, and they'll lend yon a jar.
Ts 0«r« • OoM In Ona Day.
Farmer gela hia jar and baa hia gal­
Take Wamer'a White Wine o( Tar Svrup lon uf wat<f put in and leavo it at tbe ^AXTKI>-<>DC <
Ibe beat cougb renwdv un CATtb. £'• am railr.od atatiun while be g<»-a for a
.V emu.
at )ni
le rays “d
XiWrsry Motos
i HlUrr. Urmaieas
they do a Ug trade' ' —Ne'
lew York P
Witb tbe fall flcUoD nnrabar of The
^CTKO- rsr (essrsl hesaewa
inrday E' inlng “
- Poet, of- PblladelT««et« WBaMt Writ.
•nmsl will be enlarged
Bare ia a atijry of Hark Twain, wbooa
aaLK-CSeap for cmab.ooeam^l b»Fae I
rbf« are oniqos At a
1 be waa invited bia
i name waa ateuciated with tbe toart of ^KICL* SHOP FOR SAUn-T.'
will have a I
»tablDca4-ce<^bt.->rl( I. .,.. ..
4»versad tblrty-iwo psgna of abort j
by an ttfator. who rw here la a ckAXkFe I lka»e 4he brat »qu p: -it
ahop la ikerliT vikpoarr. atMlu plasi.taikstories and ontsrutolng srtlelea .by i ferrrd with Rreel eloqaeDce
ABC aa4 All neoFoarr wsrhlaerr for SvIMlua
--------------------known and
1 popolpopular wr'tert.
It Sbakeapeare. Milt
ililtoD aod—Mark Twain BBil reiAirlBc bl<7rlca. A tkoalnrar ihst aajv
'Will be OB all oewa-iUnda September In tvBpunV the huui.iriit thanked tbe fnai ail M> mi per dA». Will I
hr rwacc tar aelllsc-harF
M The pries baa not been ralasd.
Sarah Oraad, known almost sntirsiy exrnsed bimsrlf from making i
tbrongk ber novels, ooatribnlea to tbu
Ic uie of
Brel '
she gold-eeeker'e OallfomU; Su
Crane ia at hto best in a graphic
•<oryi CntcIlSe Byne weaves an tageaUHia deUetive Story aronod some conntorfalt iklOOO bank noteaiBailsy Millard
ebrobielaa the love affair of a OallfomU
irlrl,aadex-8eaator Ingalla Ulla tbs
dramatic atory ot Blaine's Ufa Tragedy
Ca tbs tall teUon nnmbar bsgina
Oyma Townssad Brady's atrong nsrul.
“For tba Erssdom of tbe Sea," nssriy

ikeapeare and Milton are no unre.
and 1—1 don't feel rery well myself!'
—Detroit Free Pxem.
BereeA iSc ReerwirA.

, „ . u,

••Ma. Mm. Smith gave
piece of take."


1. Msiks I
U EAlI ape

ry I'RSn—Oenradr MlBorc eaa U I
^ MrACbssla a. No. CSWsahisrtoi


aak for anything to ant when yo«
-Or aaehsacr far ahaw esar. a
over there "
h^AOeak.om4 reoStUc^ Ap-Bni. ma die gave me tb« cake be- ' plj a> Bacoi
ennee 1 told bei who waa bare to dluar TT yorWANTUaBraaecetABjrklaO ta Sr«
Uat night.Cbicago Record.

___ ____ m ot
111 give naee. ea^ wesk.for
The EnglMbman. it is calmUled. a- '
r anmW m abort stori^ for a panda <m tbe average gS<M)
bsmm aad a g^artmaat of
fnaebman ffSlO. tbe Itallna «U«. tbe
la faU aad wiator ttOllRory nriU be
Btoptayad at Wood BtoUn' or Friday
mmA ftotRfdRg. Do not laO la ms

:35S,".‘.-S.-VS:SafiBt AdsS.


dre.. .wV'



Rich and Elegant Showing of Silks

■ ■^■a^ ■■!■■■ *'*111
the prices are right—in­
deed the prices usual here are often more than ‘Tight"—they are geoerally lower
than you’d expect.

Tailor Made Goats, Capes,
Suits and Skirts....




afousufo Top. Pn„ weleomad tbalr n,iji pon w Malta, tbe neareat aetiletwanty-dfib baby Tnaaday. It eraa a nent down tbarsUh. There
rr BoO beASiBC sUlB« Ui
boy. Eefenuanoftbamare boya. Of i left to abift fur tbemaelvea
ip. IB.,.iB-rr SI
TM-4Iabe U nhildranIS are allva and healthy, j might
Two of them are married and have' Wbnt meena of commnniratlon with pV>K SALI-Our enil-rlBA. JrrB
lltUaonw of their own. All of them each other tfaaaa atrasge little people
UMiulre B> o««v
T4I vl
are at boma. inelndlng tbe married
reception that waa tendered to tbe tint
acm and dnngblar and thab ebildran. m
rrprreentativei cf tbeir race to viait
that now S| are gronpad abont tba Liadrille traveled rapidly, and tbe fart
tRMe when all ara homo tor meala. eoua came to be onderalood by them, a««yme, rsa iBqutfBBIBFbeolerBb'Ba^
Tbn fatbar ban aaginaar on the Jar- ia all tocalitiea where they coagrtgAted
R«y Onntral railroad aad aboat M yean in t>}lorada. that they were out want­
mid. Mrn. Swartwood to aU yMm ed I later queried a Chinaman in an LumbBr^
poangar aad a araU-praarrad woman adjoining town aa ta wbetbrr be bad
-daaplta bar large family. Bba to the ever been in tbe great mining camp,
UllIMB OOlblBC Oc t tlOFC.
m of good bnmor. Of
tbe M

Cbevtot aergea, navy, brown, and black.
«in.................................................................. 60c up
Black Bengaline and £mprMa corde. 45

We are bow thoroughly prc]&red for a groat increase
over preceding season's sales of women's “ready-to-wear”
clothing—Stylish Autumn tailored suits, jaunty, tight 61ting and Eton shape jackets, with small coat sleeves; from'
tbe best eastern m tnufacturers—and as usual here, in enor­
mous varieties—not a few garments, but hundreds. Not a
trashy garment in the department.
Golf CapdB in •'Xtrsordinary valnea, rich in plaided effecta, the
pricea range from.................................................................. .$6.60. $6 00 Up
Ladin Beaver Jacketa. man tailored, in all the new fall colorings
—new blnea, modta. browna, black, ailk serge lined............ $6.00 up

Ladiee' imfiortev] beaver jacketa. aatiu lined all Through, lap eeania.ailk atitchcd, large pearl bnttonA veUel col­
lar..............................$7 76, $9.60. $14 60
Ladies* Separate Skirts-tailor made,
iu (he newest abapee only—come in
large /il>elins plaida...........................$3 76
Black Jacquard weaves....................$1 36
Iticb satin broeadea........................... $4.60


LadiM' Homespun Tailored Bulta—
A very special offering in anperior,
high grade goods, cut in the latest
style............................................................. $9 96 up
Ohlldren^ Jackets—rough and smooth


cloths, box front, Urge shoulder cape
—nchly braided, full line sUes—
from............................................................. $360 up

Autumn Millinery Opening! The Daintiest
Are llere.


y. Tbe beet I!
imhown here aa well av an elegant filaplay from oar own workrooma There ie a certain etynee* about these new hate Uiet only traiutd minde and bands could give Parialan beantiee are
•d aad oar own produrtloni range b«er. tt>''ugh they are «ean:ely lee* effective
made a new departure thU eeaeon aod < ff-r a line of trimmed pattern hatn.
lyle AB our best pattern b
for double tbe mnnev

Fine Furs!

Nothing newer in style—an unap­
proachable showing of the swell
shapes — marked for prompt and
<^uick selling at prices not to be
matched for equal style or quality.

Opening pricea on electric seal collarettee.....................................$1 48, $2 60
French aable, a rich black fur ............................................................................... $4 26
Leading atylea aod ebapee in tine eollareUee (like cull........................ $9 60


Men's Fine Cloltiing!
If you hav* any intention of buying a anit ffor coming winter wear
here is an opportunity to supply your needs from tbe largeet stock of
ebigan—tho highest grades ol mamodern clothing in nurthem Michigan—tho
terials—faultlessly made. .perfect titling, well linad —made by such
• •
AC’o.aod Black A
& Meyer—
celebrated makers as B Kuppenh.-imer
known all over tbe land. Our price« are no more for this class of goods
than you will pay for inferior goods in other stores.
Good BuaineM Baits in Scutch Worsteds, in broxen cbecka,
stripes, etc............................................ $6.00. $7.60, $1000, $18.60 up
BwoU rop Goats—tbe correct kind.............. $6.00, $7 60, $10.00 np
Heavy Overcoata in endless variety from...................$3.00 to $23 00
Call and let os show yon our stock—pnrebase or not.

Traverse City.


_M aoMnrg mod>d. mu% Mtotajuun m. iwi.

OmtIlItteOltf ifbMM

Oonwa *f to* Ofto ^ IVawrw Oi«, u4 toot to* MTto ood aoirtk mmktoHoftokitoitor oi« BiM latoto to

S2rS5wl-JiJ.*5E:.Kl=i.“‘' JP«B£‘w“'-’3S!S-Wn~

«r, teiterMMtMafCMrOMarflkaU
tmOmatU tM& iMMnW IMk IN*.

td rnoa—d toot to* mwwt to
■daloM''froa rraot **toid oAao. oad toot to*** MiioHti
> «aM to aptor kr
k*«ino to tto aoonUoo. W* ora to
tootopUtaotootoioB *orty dot* toto
to OMOTM ■atS^nto^dw^ oU •to toek pin* *ko«ld b* tok** ap oad
HMkfaM OMk. taito, WMim oad wotor top** on told for to*
>looMi »Uk aio* lock pip*. .oSi* to
S*|«rS»CM «al •tifki tolonwotorOT^te^tooeitp. ^
laid «• a Ira* rrad« tram WiahtocW»d to* Mv«r. rrMk HMOlWto
too Btraat to Slot* *tra*t. Weora.
Ittmta «(lMt MTBtor MMttor ««•
Vay roBwutfoUy.
MHi «•« »fafetod.
K W. Bornao*.
oao W. Looms.
a*ft. iL tan.
W J foacaa, '
W. W. toUTH.
To UU »wafbto. U< Mavor amd C*m
Oaa. m 8tr**M ooo Wd*»oUB.
C U OasiuoK.
OmmO «r to«0(to«r»«Naw c««. Me««i ky Aliira** Wrtfkt ttotto*
Oooialua* oa Satnn.
>T*d ky AWarM Oook toot to*
rt of toe eoaaitio* k* OPBiptod


MUitiJM-totoMki bo4rto^to
to* UMM to (iMt of oarjmk*
kMM too (!) rl*«trto_ l^i

^ Oool^

ttto*f»A Wkto*teto»trot*tt?*^
toU to aw anattm ood oa* to b*
pio**4 ot to* railroad ero**ioc
a*or to*
w*M aod of ear property. Tb* ptoelar
r OoMBlUa* oa Poto to*** %hto irlll aot ooly b* * mot
I to b* 0
odroatoc* to ** i« koadl(*r oar Nati­
ifally raoon*. bat wlU oUo b* a *oore* to *otio
toettoa oad oa oMraae* to nfoty to
MO to Ototetoot tooarptoUa fore*, be
to«pabilcla yaaatotobaaabjentootdara from to* OUof
of Ptoiea, oad to b* ready ot oil Uara
Mwin(^ Sr*al;ay«,Vo«V.
B. H. Paste*, itra'y ood Tnoo tooaaoar to oil *oIU ooo«>qii**t apoo
Mond by Ald«rtoos Lordi* toot to* o pnlUoa U tol* d*portM*L li*
ptoiUpa b* rafarrad to to* Ocwsltu* work of to* Polio* Daportaeaat ha* be
ood )o, too yrootto be tooro*ckT» 1X4 J
I, iXt Umyor oad CUp
CoiOtoU nftXaOUuuf 7Vo**ra« L'itv.
Oaa>leaaa:-t. to* aadar^od. raopaetfally *Mr paraltotoe to yoar boaenWa k^ to rala* to* roof of to*
•pto *b*d^ to* raar to ay feed ban*
oa SIOM *1***! to to* bciykt to to*
w* to to* ban, for itoray* parpwa.
1 Baoua'oseJ
Moead byAIdaaoB Lordto tootlb*
patiUoa ba rafarrad to to* OoBialC**
oa Flra aad Wota.
Motka (Mtrlad.
Ik (be Boaonibie. (be Mayer ood OUu
JJtnuteUqf UttVily^f rroaera* 0((«.
paaUaaaa:-Wa, toa aodmitaad,
raoidoBli aad tos payer*, petltloa yoar
koaoraala body to ordor PoarWaU

oad it
It i*
1* lapoaelM* for
feral, aad
b* praaaat oo tbo.airaeta at all t
TbaCbMfof Polio* moat B*«tonrlly.
Ilk* other paipl*. po to bi* a*al». aad
la toe Mrrlap of paper*, warraot*. ete

b* r*ady to___
polio* daty. oad to perform aaeb work
^iMy ba dwldsoMd by to* Ctalaf of
Tbe o**l*i*ot oas. aad it will b* bU
doty, to raport to to* Cblto of Police
•ay laforaotioB ralatle* to tbe brrak
lap of oay ordlooao* sow Is fora*, aad
U Will oWo b* hi* doty to oet o* Braaao. I* ea*e ot fire, witooat extra p»y;
oad U will oUo b* bl* daty. wbeo pm
lay oloap toe *tra*u or walk* to tbe
city, to roUwr aaeb laforaotloo a* he
i* obi* to do rarordiof to* eoadlUoa of
to* *tr**U ood woiio.ODd to report
toe *oa* to tb* ehoiraao of to* Comalttee oa Street* and Walk*. Oar olty

Laadlaff, O A Boaotoord. Mr* B P M*»t rafarrad to to«Oo(
oa Htraou aad Bldawalk* wlto powato set.
Motloa eurlad.
1* lb* MoaoruMe, lb* afaym’ nad CUy
toMMeUctr tXtOUyof Traven* City
a*atl*a*s:~ Wo. toeaadaalpaad. r*•ptotBOly peUUoa yoar boaorabl*
body toot. U oar proparty 1* *o altaatud OB Boardaaa Eirrr toot wa raa

klpd ii apparaot to a* *11.
It will ai»> b* hi* duty to aet a* Traaat Ofioar. tbaraby aaklap a rariap to
toceliy to toot llae W* would a<*9
roooaa*pd that he aet a* Ptra Wardea
If aot of toe whole olty. tbea at least
of Ward Mo 1. la Ulklap thi* mtlier
o*cr oarafolly «lto oar Cblef of Police,
wa bar* airlr«l at the eoaelaoloa that
It woald b* wto* to do thl* aad would
reoomaaad tbat toa wapea ahould be
00) per OMath.
Moat roepaetfully aipaed.
H. MosT*«ii-s.
US9. W Laspik.
B. W. UAXTi.'ias
CommltUeoa Polio*.
lor*d by AMeraao MoaUpue that
^r^nn^ tb* oommlttoe b* aocpied

A. R. McMxKU*,
M. B Heaasu.,
‘J. B. Paws
Norad by AldvaoB Satlto that tbo
Yea*, aldermaa Parker, Moatapae.
pautioa b* rafarrad to to* OobbUM* tiralltek, BaeOapo, Oook. Smith. Lar«a (Mwara
dl*. Moayoa. Uarriaoa aad WripbL
Motlen earriad.
Naya. aooe.
Xb lb* Moworobl*. ibr Mo|K>r ond ruy 1V> lb* Muiurmblr. lb* Miipor nwi Clip
tX* VUy iif rravcTtc CUy.
C..11IWU of lb* Clip nf Tnimra* flip,
Mieblpan.o to pradlap aad

»aa itratl
<*•% to to* east oa to* liMatloa apoa eoaalti** to whom toe matter _
traleh It aow elaad*.
bat to* p*UU0D b«
PaaawA Obaupsbv.
Morad by Alderaao Ooeh that tbs
psUUos be praatad.
W, J. Pabksk.
MoMao earriad.
W. W Shitu.
Tb lb* Uuiwrutd*. lb* Muyur and Clip
MDBltte* OP atreeu aad aidewalke.
Wanotl oytbeCIlvor T/uorro* Clip.
Mofod by aldOTaae Moatapua tbat
toer^wt^f tbaooaulttae be oooepted
UaaUea**:—W*. the aaderalpoad.
a*k parataloB to twOd a *bad apalaat **M»Um oarriod.
Yea*. Aldarmaa Parker. Moatapae.
. to* aid* of oaratora baddlap. at Mo.
irr Biaie St. oam* u b* e f**t wld*. le UrakUck. EUatlap*. Oook. Suiitb. Urfeat hlpb whar* it attaohm V> tb* sura die. Keayon. Uarriaoa. aad Wrtpbv
balldlap aad 10 teat hlpb at to* earea.aad asvead toe eattre leapt* of eture
TrararaeOi^. Mieb .Sppk 18. 1909.baUdlap. To be ooaatraeud with Iroe 7'<> tb* ifiotondjl*. lb* Mupor and Clip.
roof aad opaa eldm aad ead* la a pood
C..UII.-1I uf tht Clip uf TViiwrae Clip,
aabalaaUal aad workmaaltke atanner.
'PsaaiH A CuAursKY.
UMtlptara:—Yoar noBalttae
Oa aaoUaa oa Atdermao Oook. duly whom
wa* referred toe maUer of
bertap Uk* Are . reapeetfally report
.. - ____ WaMr to rep
... ------ ----- tbeflrat Bumber
M ko« a«st repalar lageilap.
OB said areaue. bepiaaiap at l oloa
Trararo* Ci^, Sept U, 18W
street, be 100 sad *o eootiuue to tour7k (be BonurabU. lb* Jfupor amt Clip aectlooof Lake- Are. and Carastrcoi.
CeaaeUd/ tb* C'Up oj TVoverac Clip ootiauiap froai Cmelreet to Bipbtti
•ireet. said aumber* to be betweeo 3O0
aad MO. froB Blphtb street aoabeiaio
whoa wo* ra erred tbe watorlnp beeio at 500 aad so cooiiaue to ooriratroapk aad driaktap foaaialB would poDd with aambers os Cass stnet la
■ rauueatfully raeoauieod tat aoiblnp teoM Work
ka doaa at praaaat, but that the aaeae
W. J. pAasBB.
ohoald butakuD upaoxtyaar a* early
R W. HAHTiMia.
a* to* first of April.
W. W. Sairu,
J. W. pAkKaa.
OoamUM* oa Street* aad s.deealka
R. W. BAanNue,
W. W. Saira,
Mored by Alderaao Smith tbat toe
report of toe ooamittoe b* aerapud
Mpead by Aldpraaa Mopupue that aad edoplod.
MoUoa carried.
Yea*. Aldermaa Parker. Moatapae.
UrMlICK. Ilaeaaps.i;ook. SmliAUrdi*.
Yoaa AldPtMD Parker. Moatapua. Keayoa. Oarrtaoa «ad WripbL
Maya, bod* .
OrallMk, Basttap*. Oovk. Salto, Ur4U. K*v«h< Oaniaoo aad Wripbt.
Mated by Alderman Salto that toe
■by*, am.
•xpenae Isearred la ebaapiop aambers
oa Lake areaae. be paid from to* pooTraracaa Oiiy, Mieh.. Sapl. II. UM


'» “~r*-

fk tb* Hoaorabl*. lb* Mopor and Clip
CeuneU uf
r Clip Bf TVitraro* Cup
’•aa. Aklaroua Parker. Moatapae.
Urelllek. Haatlap*. Co-k.'. Snltb. Lar.
(>«aUaa«i:-R«laUratook*tractlOMi d^' pAaOMB. flArria.A. amA Br>
kaap l*n OB s;*t* etrMt la to* ehapa | Maya,
•f wapoDo alalpbe, ra^.........................
i .. --. ky A'drraai Uarriaoa toat
k* lha I
• aad olaeo«f..r( to tor per- <n*l mx err >u*oa ly a*e«a*d
Inrai aad wboelmeu, woald rapnri a*' to Howard WotUD-'.aia wu Jup to $107:loUoaa Tb* ei-y b** aa (in)io*a<w 11. be ramittad t. toeCi r^eaaarer
Id toe
y***^.“* wh^tar aad
tMeoaimt- a* par to* adrio* uf tor C.iy
___ lu-aoiid iw aBroi
Very r«-pM.-Uai>r.
Yea*. AMermsa Ptrksr. Moatapae.
W J. CABiiaa.
umiick. Ua«>lap«. ;wk, Salto. LarB W HAeriNi.*
dK K BJ^. Uerruou aad Wripbt
W. W 'MU-H.
tor Mixtontol*. Ibr Mupur und dip
--------- ---------------------LuHietL
CiMtaell •./(be Ciip of fVutsrae Clip.
n^or^aeMaiM aad adopted.
W*. year O
Y«aa. AMeroaaa Parkar. Moatapae.
I* rafenad to* aatur of___
IkalMok. Ba»tlapg. Cook. Salto, Urrar la Welllaptoa *tr**t beAla. Keayoa. Uarrieou aad WrlpbU
I aad Stata atraata.
Maya, bob*
Tra*. ONy. Mtab.. Rapk lA taw
XkSMMraorttol*. to* Napur aad CUg
irUoBly *U iaeba* la AtaaMar,

Heeiwd Watd-^. r. Oraer.
Third Ward-a Orawsr.

UMTd hit thft."

Mto wMt tb* fatato hetto.

a>r Wm are tore**

As the oompsaMOoa of to* flra war- Bst^teMlWs. whwehiiinr—i taaoew
eo* is left with to* BPaaeUI -weald
e*nM that the matter of ealartaU
rafarrad to toe oommittee oa Ira aad
soatar to r*pm M *m
Si*PtlBPPtoiudi'tar rased" hydewiaaaaemeaaa
duHra of fira srardc
aMlIy BUtod aad mr
•hoaM ba takaa to pm.____________ :4BsU?S»«to suarsf te lbs ead
woBtd aloftaappm lUt to* tme ar- Ito Bss aatatlMi abs* tbe yean pvtoo*
dlBaacM rafarrad to b* prlBtad aao Or toud or lU ahsteesr wtad may tto*
It 1* —no*h. iSKiBsh br n* to knew
■hsU be Sim eoarwn to tbs «*d.
pUead to IraI?uSir
Itai i~Slta
WkeUwVneox t* YeaU-sOMfua
praat oaaUoB oBBaot be takaa to araraat fira* which ara apt to oeear tram
DOW 08.
Pbasb Bamiltoi.
■w>«Md tola arura W"H aad Psawd
Morad by Aldarman Moatapaa that
ccumsasjrr rusp.
te rarammeadathia U adopted aao
Beewas a Uttto bil af • darky, aot
Pred Sllaby. koa*e Doabermotto bigger thas a tamp of coal sad
lof................................................. til to
p<it mack whitas. and atoea I calM
___ I Oook that toe him op to do as errand for me actum
rraoBT ouToiot ro»i> ao. 1.
city elark Md tr**aurar U aaihorlaad tbe stnet bia eym a&apped ••■ If Miay
to uan*f*r from tMe ooBtiapeBt fand
Aa*Un A W«*Mra Oa. U»iW.
lUOo to to* oradlt of th*TartoB*fBBd4 4T«e electrified.
■•What is TOOT namer' I iaqatraA
as follows:
I.M Plrad
Witt •
............ •
I bow and a grin.
N W. am. BoboMoaooateal
............ ; ST™! "That's a qo«» kind of a nama
Mia M. J.
Yoor feofio aira t tompmaooe tolka.
oemeot walk...............................
CiBla* w*ra allowed aad ordaiad
■ Deed. bWA I donna Day calk bw
paid by ye* aad aay rot* a* fnllowL
Taak. bat my aaM'a Paaqtwtonk PwYea*. Aldemaa Partrar. Moatopae.
Ureitiek, UaaUape.Oook. Smith. Ur- *TATaas!n-ora>ABi»op n-auc waase
••Obr' 1 laa^ad. •That'a a
die. Kaayoa. Uarriaoa aad WnphL
enoBpb ler two kkk Uka yoB. Whm*
Nay* BOB*.
Rraoltwl by to* eoaaeU ot to* etty
of rrareiac Oily. Miekipa*. tbat aid*“l a* ram Norf Ch llny. bow."
e account of the cost o
"What ara yoo doiap ao far from
ibe followlap deaerlptioa* of prop­ oa siraeta sod to* ooBstrmoUoa towood.
mwrerty aad of toe width berela apedfled. toe amoBot of matarUl oerd aod toe
••Doin tbe bmt 1 klB. bora"
xpeaae thereof, aad the straoter piae*
Be stopped a moment to atady.
wltola so day* from toe d*ta’o?*^e 'hare eaek material was Mod m labor
‘•How mocb bare you made today f
Mtlee apo* to* owaera ot eakl prap- pwfonaad; also the namber of d*ys of
"Wben I pett de 10 e«>ts yoo's
labor performed qb eald *tr*eu:
lo-footwalkootb* eoato aid* ot
> to Bsruasu **D *Aru- pwlnter gfb me." he oald. with a
shrewd little amile—1 bad net agraed
Proot *(ra*ta<*jmBttolat3. bUi 11.
»*o opon a price at all—"an I get* 10 cants
eS of loifi. bik 1! aad wH of lot 7.
Mk 11, oriplaal plak Traterae City;
mo' t'am de nex' pem'usn it'll xnaka
ID 8-foot walk oa to* ea*t kid* of Park
SO rents, bom. "
itreet, adjveeat to lot 1, blk 11, oripia"}s that alir Yea can't UraooSO
>1 plat. iraraiaeClty; a «-foot walk
cemuaday. can yoa!"
oa tse Dorto eld* of Sute street adA ihadow. if a shadow eooM show
jeoent to lot 1« aad w\ of lot 15. blk. Ctojaw*.
Mse. came into tbe little blech face,
11. lot* 12 aad it. blk. U aad lot 10. TytiA* eui kto aittait BP oii <totm
and with it a brrd line as ot datarmlblk. A ortplaal alat, Trararae City; a
O-foot walk oa tbe ao*t side of BoardnatiCB.
•tutaa adjtoMit to lot i, blk. 18.
"I'oe potter lib. boas." be aaiA "1
orlpia*! plat, irareira City; a e-fool
calo't die. frr dey ain't nobody bat me
walk 00 the eorth aid* of Biphto atrrat
ter take keen ob mamuiy. an ahe'a

Ik 15. lot 12. blk.
lipbty po'ly mca' ob de time."
. .
18. oripioai plat,
Pimdbly Pa«|Dotank PrrqatmBM was
CUy; a « foot walk oa toe
working on my sympsthim and bia
ito aid* of RlpBtoetraet, ai*! .oral to
story may hsv* been told many a tima
lot* 3 aad 4, blk. t. UaaneB Uy A
Co-e 5tb addUl^ a t) foot walk oa to*
brfoTA hat 1 Uink aot. and 1 know
kldeof PI%akliD*tr««t. adjioeat
tbat bl* rerenae for that day was more
to lot 21. blk 8. Haaaah Uy A Co'a
n>u> than M uaata—Waabington Star.
Stb addlUoa.
Mored by Aldrraan Moatapae toat
toeraeolutioabe adopted a^ passed.
Motloa earrle i by yes* aod a*ys.
Mored by Alderman Smith that the
Yeas. Aldaae* Psrk«r. Mnnupae,
Urelllok, aaMiaps. Cook. Siallh. Lar- tatemant be aoceptod and alaiiM ba
ordered paid as reeommandad.
dlA Keayoa. UarriMB aad Wripbt.
Motloo carried.
A Pramineat Yirpiala Xditer Bed
Mays, BOO*.
Yeas. Aloarmu Parkar, Montapoa.
»!*•• Vp. bat Vm Bronpht Batto
WuxkXAs. by reaolatloD of this eoaacil, adopted at a rapalsr (ueeUap toere- Urellirii. Hutiopa, Oook. Hipitb, Ur
to Pareect Health by Ohamberlaln's
Keayon. Uarrkos and Wripbt.
of. oa toe 4to day of September, A. D. die.
Mays. Done.
Oolta. Cholera and Diarrhoea Re
18W. It was de :lsred expedieot to eoaMored by Aldramaa Urdla• that fiio
dy—Bead Hi* SditorlaL
struct a system of water work* for tbe
barsb „
p —
oseof tob city, aod toe iababiUnte be approprlptad (or a membt—.
Pitw tb* Time*. BUlsdsl*. Va.
thereof, with the eooroe of water sup­ tbe Lespus of Miehlpaa MuaiclpallUm.
Motioa earriad^
ply sad tbe loosUoa of pumplap sta* for a loop
>e aad il
tioo BstoerelD stslort;
Yeas. Aldermen Parkar. Maalapaa.
1 bed -------------------------------- -------Urtsilick. Haatlaga, Oook. Smith, Ur-'
leyand suflared ao mocb sakpry
Tbat all the necessary steps be Ukea die. Keayoa. Uarrkoa aod Wripbt.
that I bad almoot decided to glee op eU
*s early a* praetlesble for tbe eoaNays. Boae.
stractlOD and completion of a system
Mored by Aldermaa Urdie that a bop* of reoorary ppd await tbe raealt,
of water works, a* aforeesid. la accord- six foot oemeot sidewalk be ordered bot BoUolop
wrlBlo's C
SBC* with said resolatlon of September bulltoD tbe eoBtb side ot State atraet.
4th, 18W, aad toe report, rreommeods- •djserntto lotaT 8 B. block 7 original
tioos. draupbU, plana, specifications plat tVarerse CUy. uoder aaparrlslon -,.,> StaW Mvf rvuic wuuoeri*aad detailed drawinys. sppliesble ' of Commiuee oa Streeta and Side­ curaa bad beea wroopbt by this remedy
-Ketloiate No 8." referred to, and k
walks a* per rrqaastof Bannah A Uy I decided to try It. After taking a few
dopee I was eattrely well of that
utaed therelb. made by H. P. Muri
Oo. trooble. sad I wish to state farther to
rap. city eaplneer, aod Ueo W Rafter.
NotloD carried.
Bsutiinp enpiaeer, to ood for tbe
Mored br Aldermaa Smith that the my reader* and fellow suffen tbat I am
epeetal wsier supply eommittae. so Board of Public Work* be Inatraolml a bale and hearty man today and fral
called. appolDtod oader a resolatloo of to build Ml a loott QMBeot
Qumeoi Mdowplk a- os well oa I ew did la my life.—U. R.
thUeoooell, Ueeember 8ih. I8»e.
leon th* *B*t eld* of
reportod by said comuitieo to this Ualon airaeL
eoancll. topetber with ttaelr
Motion carried.
meadstioas tbereapoo. at a repalar
Yeas, AMermea Parker, Moatapoe.
Aasiil ^ Sxew«lo&.
meelinjr thereof
oa Jane
2lel. UreUiek. HaaUups. Oook. Smith. Ur­
IID;. aod September 13th. 181)7. and die. Keoyon. Oarritoa and Wright.
via M. d: M. E. and A. A. Ua« fa
Nsy*. aoae.
.bledo. C. U. A 0 . L. N O C.. Hock
tup Valley, and W. ± L R line
id drawiape, are a iw on file la the
i, Couacil sdj-ianied.'
. »5 00 to Toledo and return. Oae tore
ofilce ot tbe city eorineer of said city.
plus tronofer to polata beyond.
A. W. RirsBBD,
Mored by Aldersian Uarrlsoa tbat
Retara limit So dayo.
City aerk.
tbe resolution be adoptod aad p*i
Speelol toronpb train tram Trararae
MotioD carried
<»ly. t-.iO a m. Wedamday. Oct
,4th. B. W.Oannimrham. Apt. f. A.
lltahell.O, P. Agfa
Children wouldn't be upersUUons U
Nays. Aldermen Porker. Moatapm prowa people didb't te^to them
•. R A I. AnnoBl Rxoaraloa.
aad Urelllok
When a msD discovers be Is being
Beaolred. that the board ot public drtren to despair be should pet out and
Bxcaralon to Slehmoad SepL SOthpS.
work* of toU 3lty. be and Is hereby raEkenralon to Detroit $5.
lo prroeed with all
Rxcoraloa to Cbleapo fie. Oet. 3rd.
I. to determine
line s* to tbe parili
Insry troubles Is they' i
X kind and1 q<u
quanilly of material I
be need ueret..r. In saob ooostroctloa, with I
A tnsp sees ateiw when struck oo tbe
of water works referred tola a prerlou resolution passed at ibU meatlap. bead—probably beceuse it makes bim
and to eetimste In detail toe orohable sore alofu
expense aad cost of »ucb wtrks. and of
By the time * men succeeds In reach« materials to be used tbrrein, aod lap tb* top of the ladder he la too old
-kearecird thereof to their effioe to enjoy tbe ecenery.
Wben you see s man eager to con­
tra* a small fault tbe chances wre be
has a' latpcr one to coaceal.
termlaatloB and eetlasaies to this eoaaA
woman's Ids* of a mlnute'a rest Is
cil at the next repalar eoanril meetiap.
Rewiired farther That toe city clerk to lean orer tbe back fence and Bo**ip
be aad is hereby directed to fivtowilb with a oelghborins woman for an hour.
many cooks spoil tbe broth—
traasmit a copy nf these reeolatio&e to
and la most cotos one U capable of
said board of pabUe worla
Mored b;^iaermaa Urdie that the epolllnp It without any easUtanc*
We have joat received
People wouldn't object to poets be­
elegant etoc^ of tbe most
Yeas, Aldermen 0«*illek. lUsUnps. ing born if they would leare about
art work in -DaintY
Cook. Smlih Urdl*. Keayon. .Oairtton two-tbirdf of their poetry
Bd Wripbt.
Chicago Dally New*.
(%ina ever diaplayed in the
Maya Aldoraen P*rkm and MoataR®*
between i
There are egveral
7b Ikt BonantiJe Body. (A* Ct^ CowocM to * Btab it U
baBdaome and new decigDe,
of TVacers* CUy
{*eM*tlOB and *
1 hereby wpeoiat I
. . GUbertI It's all well.eaougb to beplB at the
invite tbe ladiee to
iben of the ‘ bottom of tbe ladder, but it's mlghiy
and SupL C L Hon
Board of School Is_____on for tok poor polky to get Into lbs habit ot
eity. le place of Sapt Orawa and B. O., doiap
■ ' :it
Onr atock of jewelryO ie tbe
Ledd. remoeed.
‘'Who goes a-borrowlnp pora BPbass aBKH-Tos.
I rawlBg,'- spy* the proTerb. The ...
fioMt in thU part of tbe eUte.
towHtg. however, isn't to be eomparad
Morad by Aldwrano Smith l•hat the with^........................................
oppolPUsaota be eoB'
Mouoo carried.
Tb (A* Commt/ti C«onietl qT TVaorro* Ctlp.'
la eoBtpitauee wlto ocdlBaaea niir ,
tlra to eatabikhlap fira dlititatt. pro- '---------- ------ - ------------..
vldtapfor fire wprd«M. thsM dotka. beta coogh rvnuJy oa earth, emra s cold

:::::: JlSiSS


' DllBHHOa.


Samuni & Earl.

•u»Ak»u ardlBBBw nttM«» katte

Noffliern Ilieli.
BxoiucioD Jtetap to

ICmIs RDd b«rth axtr».

Berths $1.00 each way.
Ticket. Ml

Th.1.. 8efk It.

aie.iMr I«v« T7.wn« Oitr OTty
Sunday and 'Rinraday. .


Gas Lamp-$‘2.00.... '
Price Btdnceil to Uo» Oil Ut.
'fieat workmaoebip money
can employ for Bicycle
Repairing, (^ck work.


Ut OaloB Straofa


Un OAM. lUrklw 11.^.

John R, Santo,
Senril Iiswiim.
I Dr.J.I.£lutlltt
WIU Iraw »bo«l Sra<. 28.

Annual Excursions
... Via G. R.&I.
n uekna, Stoat* aa
Bl Demit to aiop, tat.
Tb* a. B A1. well ptra their aaaaal
■xenrsioa to Rlchmoad on September
ar.tb. and to Driroit oad Cbleapo oae
week later. October 3d. Tiekett wUl
M sold at rate of $5 oo to
and Detroit, oad PC 00 to Oblsapa.
Cbildrea under It years, half rata.
Tlekeis will be sold from all statloas,
Mackinaw Oity to Big Rmplda. laelaslTc. pood for rotoni oa rapolar
train* for tea day*.
. rot Detroit, eboies ot two ranta* will
be given: On* via T. A K M. B. R.
from Reed City: the oUto. rta D.. G.
H. A M. R'y fram Oraad Baplda Per
Ctatcepo the route wlU be via Vtatebora
oad tbs Grand Trnak system.
PorUnMoftraiasaadfnrtoer InfermaUoB.appIr to O- R A 1. tleket
C. L. LocKsreon.
•. P. A T. A

■VlesT Michigan R'y."

CROSSE........................ MAO
Aanual low rata escursioa to ebora
polpta with bettor eerrtee tbk year.
Special traU will leara Trararae City
at »;40 a. m. oad run to Grand Baplda
wltboatassopsoathof MonkMe (koto
sing. excMt at White Cloud for laach.
Special eSorte wUl be Btode to f^kh
smple eeatleg room la OPichse ajpd to
make tbe run on aebeduled Um*. Tteketa will be pood to ratora waMI Oetobor 13th, that k ■—‘-p -*-tHMllpa oa
that data. AM( C. A W^. M. apaato tor
loll pprUeolor* or see blU* adractiaiBp
the exeuialoa.
Gaa DaBaraii.G. P. A
State fair at Sfood Maphtt.
Tieketp wm be sou by all opaato m


Betarn UaUt Oetobor 4. It-isa
and bay wimw.


an tofalDireaMWM^
WAi WDim N mia

rttod a Baabto of toarood fteeteaMB to
otodt to»o latoraKlag ralae to hto
ir"! tkc
kborboed. and to do beaer to hto
to ite MS Wk» tMCoiDM pordr
Mti) •fur iMTtaf bulBM*: M to*
wtkiM u ^
iMTinc tb> oflk*
Tboro wae to bo a tonchoen
ta MOW tMrt ••ok*. rMd *ad m>>7 la ft largo toarqaoe oa tbo Uwa. and
klMU. AMr w<^tac *n d*> b« ■hen tbo Baotor of tbo bonae apfMared
?«7 rIfkUr
“O’ «*“’ t* to ftU tbo glory of bto kOt, tbo anoa«
to* tatb««4 *aA vUto bto vlfr in*/ tohmeat of Jaae. tbo boMemald. wao
Mk« • brtoki UUle uU* oot of ar do- groaL
Ihlaktog bor aaMcr wae to oao of
ll■ll■■^lTl of tbe otmou or Uw rbl>>
«M to msoM him. wh» bum aot uk« ble racaat tnooda. abe mbod npetain.
aad reappwkrw) prooonlly oft tbo Uwa.
ttiB to*<le*ny *n*r 6 o’clock i>. m.
bor aaetor oteod 'to coevorea*
Thitn U lb* buMBBd who bMpc
ractept bto wife to atwlng oS • tbolf ttob with a groap of bto rtoltMa. witb
fto ft «toMt ftad bo ••• h»r. “Lto »• a pair of too profeoeor’e baei troBeeri
«• thftt my imr." U my. “U to ftot •ror bor ana.
•t w«rt for your Tary ftodlj •bo > Bbo blaebMl aa abo aald, polntlag to
TtolHiUbn tbo task ftad la tm bIB' tbo bar* knooe of tbo brawny Bcot,
■toft ho to ^HBf Bp tbo •uln. ‘'Molly! at tbo aftBc tlBo boldtog oat tbo gar*
)wt COOK tad Bbow vm bow ibo atent:
wiBtohod tblBf worta I oftB't moko I "Ploaao. air. yan'ro torgottoa tbooo.”
Or. porbftpa be tblnko bo eas -Tld-Bltt.
PftPB ft room. Ho gtit It half 60M.
TW XAtoto.PIg.
lb* papto crooked aad to wrtoUee aad
tow ho goto tlrod and tbo roon ro•alM ae It to, aatoM bto wife bine a
pftperhaagto. U to wieor aot to tot
btoa do tbo gaefittlBc to yonr now
hooeo natoea yoo tatead to go to bod
•t dark, olborwtoo yM aro llkoly to
he aepbyxtoted.
IWo to etoo tbo rr^toM aad iwtldy
•Aft. la many way* bo to to bo pro•rred to the Beat and fnacy man.
theagh bto cbiSoaler dimwora aro alway* la a Janblo of bandkorcblof*.
ttaa. Sablng tackle, etocktoge mad
hraebM, Ho to genotaJly a loTObto'
•aa aad bao ptonty of willing •laroe
. Marlag an>uBd bnattog sp tblngi feT
roa. follora do otlngy little cob*
ieet bought II' conU' worth uv gum


ft DoOMb or •

r hlmaolf wid 'rm -Now VoA Jour*
OoaaMorlng bow groat U tbo do*
•aad tor wocnoa eorranta to BBglaad
K to ocarcoly llkoly that tboy would
n Mover Will* tbo BUtl.
•an to go ao tor afloid ae South AfThere wae a knowing amllo oa tbo
itoa; bBl tt Momt a pity that another
dato of woBon. tbooo wbo work for a towyer** toiv ae bo ateppod beck and
■oyod tbo pUrard bo bad Juet
Boagor living at nwlof or charing^
onOfilo of bto oAce doer.
■hoaM aot tako advantago of tbo good tacbod 01
totoing* to that diount country. In It road:
'Toe. I bavo boon on a vaeaiJoo.'*
.Bbodoato it le ocarcoly p»e«lb!o to
.“Oono two woeka”
got a wbico oorrant at all and ihuao
“OalDod Ovo pounda”
that eas bo had domand wagoo which,
“Uldn't go SMang."
to totot young oottler*. aro prol)>bli♦'Bure I fool better."
tvo-tooB ISO to gao a month being
“Had no edvomuroa to apeak of."
“Soohory was all right"
“Woaibor cool and nice."
ir attonttoa to this; for oven it com"Family wont and rotnraod with
tttoa tedneod tbto wage by helf. a
y coBfortablo living would ettll bo BO."
lag all tight wuon we
and. Sormnu for tbto kind of
ny Band not bo opoctolleu to ibolr got homo."
"W* weal to the eoaahoro."
, but Btrong. eapeblo young
wlU do." moaod
wenea win know oeBetbtog botk of
eneklag aad boueowork and oould tbo vacatlontot. aa be entered bto office,
•carcoly aoaiod btonwlf
•aporvtoe the Kaffir “boya." wbo would
to the roagbar parte of tbo work, when Jonoa opened tbo door aad caUed

•ame of tbe Lopdoa aaatwod proldoint
"Say. but I'ro bean riadtog your
adght be eolved tf advenUgo of co*
'lantol oppohaaltlea wore boto' gooor- tlgn out bero."
"Mighty cute of you."

ft charming dcelgn for tbo making
. Of of thla eoxnmer fabrtce to given to
Ooo For too rotooot
the Panniy watot It may bo made to
A tody of my acqualotanco wat giv­
I woar wttb a aoparato guimpo, or tbo ing an afternoon tea party, to which
yoke aad aloevaa may bo mado of dtf* •bo bad invliod aovoral of bor toUmato
•mt aatartal to glvo tbe oSeet et frtoQda. The gu««t« wore making much
of tbo UttlP daughter of tbe boatoee. a
pretty child of 4 year* old, when tbo
door opened and tbe batler announced.
“CoL Stringer."
No ■ooner had tbo ctdonol ontoiwd
tbo room than b« ahoorbod tbo whole
omatlon. epeaktog Ineoaaantly of
blmooU and bto dolnga. allowing no
one Otoe time to put In a word.
Prewntly tbe ebUd. wbo had been
■tarlug at tbo colonel for aomo ttme,
turned to bor mother and aald:
"Now. niuvver. you may aomeSngr
Magtotrate-Yon are accuaad of
breaking Into a bouse, aad—
I*rl»oner-U was ail an accident.
Jedxe. 1 Joat felt sort o' Urod-Uko. an'
leaued aglD tbo waU for a real, an' It
fell in. an' I tumbled through the bole!
Maglairab^Nonaonse: Tbo Idea of
a side of a bouae falling to with only
a man's welgbi reatlng against H.
IMiwner -I'leaso rowombor. Jadge. It
as one o' tboae 'ere suburban bousM
wot’s put up by contractora by tbo
a folBpa. la tbe nodri ^ven. tbo hundred, an' sold on lustollmcou:
watot. which la allgbUy full, front and
hack, to of pUlo white organdie, tbo
yabo aad eloovo* are of tnckMl white
OfgeaiHB aad tbo deep ntfSa. which
ir John BlondoU Maple was tbo
•too oxtoode acroao tbo bock of tbo
watot, to of ocgandlo aad Vatoncloaaoo
er day approacAted by a very Jonlor
member of hto auff. wbo iwjulred an
Oar popolar ooren-ftarod •bin pat- tacreaa* to salary from seven shlUlogs
.tofa-tho "Bntberford"—to nood. Tbo to nine ahiuings par waak.
"How old are youT’ asked Sir John.
•area are joined togotbor wttb Iw&di
“Noasly 1&. sir." answetad tbo bey.
of laee toaertloa and tbo two donncoo
"Why. do yoa know that when 1 was
aro laeo-mmmod.—Domoreat'a Magayour ago I was only racetvlag tear abllbugs a woefcr
■M to rVtoO tbo ■ubMO.
•WolL *lr, porbapa yon waan’t worth
IWwor wivea wonld alt losoaomoly at merer was the somewhat sunllng r»*
He got tkto rlae.-Aaswera
Vbace to eaarcb of cntorulnment. If
•ON wivoa rtoltoed that borne abould
to aoBoUlag boaldoa a clean pUce to
A funny Inddont baitooaed during a
eat aad aleep ia. Moa "bate" women'* performance of "Macbatb” to UcUIq.
ton parttoe and large abow fttartlona. In
._ toe
— Bleep-walking aecna, when too
hut they like dinner aad oupper par- nurae and toe doctor appear on tbe
ttoa. Many tamltlao rafraln from on- •tag* togHber and coafabulato witb
tortalalng boeanat they can not do m one another, a loud vole* aoddenly
It fooB *■---------------------oa aa piteealv* acaU. It to. boworor.
fwalbli to gtvo amall dlnnore and snpserious scene:
pm that are both onjoyablo aad In-WeU. doctor, to it a boy or a girir
axpaaalva. ftak people wbo oltbor do
or will Uko oack other, aad If you wi
tto womoB to bare a good tlmo. bayo
I manyr n
men gueota aa women
-It la UDUlleratoy Md." abe said.
It then n are to have a good -unuUeraMy
uuUeraMy aad." and went on talkthat aomo of tbo tog about it.
-I wtob It *1
band, wbes be bad a
aa ba laid aside bla 1
“Waa whsir
aba lagalrod. la a
Mtoa Xaohao Bovorldga tbo ocn^
maa. baa htom aatoetad by the Bo"Vnattiicvabto Md." uA tbm

waltoh ffito aC ■eaelito to toali tha

toto a( tto toto Mtoto Xhtototo.

tto tou to AhftaWtp.

fU kaw Tork Tlmi utom aS SMB
eaaU tut Uo gheaga Hft toald »a 4toi coacentog Ht Howalto toat to
good oaoagb to ba
wbstbar it la
or took AceaHiag to raport a dtopott
toaU haeo a tvw wh« I fit aato the wards' labeb" and "ttaebham." Hid the oU man to a eaaSdea* •on*' recaatly atoaa betwaaa Mr. and
ttal way to tto eoodaetor aa the rear Mta Beweitt Mr. BowaDa ebaaplonad
*<hiBcb’- as tba propar tana, whils bis
"Whatabeatr waaatoed.
"Abow what Pee aeea tt towa. Bto
to tba Osatory DlctUmary to sett
hm throe daya, yoa know. Old wear•lorn “Wall. I was right, aftm
aa didn't want mo to eomo. 1 wae
' ba axdaimad to trioupb. and ba
booad ta. bewevor. aad abo toado mo read alood tbs foUowtog extract qnotod
proatoo It I eooa any bettor-lookto' fto abowing correct oage: “ Wa loacbad
womaa thaa abe wao rd toU her ao."
ttlriy a'pcB Uttla dltoaa
naa taasea
'Aad yoa have, tol"
"Say. now.
Bvw. but
Dui Tvo
i TO oaaa
oooB a baadfodi
“FroB wLsi autbor la that saatitoes
Tftade •* maooy. bat 1 waaat prepared
bear- inquired Mra HowaUa
for tt! I tbou^t Martha could bold
“Why. 1 daelara. fkaaa W. IX Bow
own with anything that wore pot* •utr
ticoatt. hm ahe ain't to 1l 1 bollevo
'Pmwr wftstbaiMMl “Be'aao
I’vo 000a 1,000 woman wbo eeuM walk •atberity.-;^
aU around bor fortooka."
“Bat yon wont toU bar aor doorlod
It ia a well known tact that if tba
tbo coodaetfw.
‘tib. bBt ru bavo to. yoB oot. I’m young of alBoM any ktod of bird are
party keen oa a trade and party ctoao* taken from tba neat before tboy can fly
Oetod to moooy mattora, bat I won't lie tbe old ooea wiU feed Ibam BMt atten­
tor Botoln' nor nobody. When I git tively if tbe cage to which tbe Uttla
booo Martha wont wait two Blnntre birds are ineloeed la placed aomewbere
before aakto' U 1 ooea a bandaomcr where tbe pareata can reach it. and a
{upnlar bat erroneona belief to current
that they do this fora tim
"Aad y«n*tl aay that yoa haver
"Got to do It. air. Oot to toll bor by potoooing tbe young ooea
Tbto. however, to a miilake, tba tect
that tbo wood* I* faU of 'OB. 1 don't
deny that I'd aoU « man a blind boas
It be wasn't on the lookouU but 1
able to begin catering for itaalf. tba
won't Uo to Mertha."
"And you tbtok tbto wlU precipitate parent birds, also quite naloniUy. caaae
rowr aafcod tbe conductor, after a to attend ik and than, if tbe blrdlinge
ere ehnt op in too cage end tbeir
•That will bo tbo word, tlp-proclpl- todian baa not tboogbi of placing 1
tato. 1 won't acarcoly bare got tbo fuod at tboir dupaaal they oecemarily
word out of my motub before Martha die. aot from putoun adioiatotered by
will have both bands Into my heir aad tbe parents, bat from etarvation.—8k
bor eibowa Ip my cbcM. end I won't Louto Foat-Dispatefa.
bava Bo ebow..Yce, I've aeon 1.000 bet­
tor lookin' wtmon ffian Martha, and
“I auppeae." laid toe editor aa be
bet your bool* 111 bov to pay for
If Martha bappoae to bo foolin' apread tba manuacript not on tba desk
tired 1 may git out of It with a week to front of him. “that yoa call tbto
to bed, Ibut. if sbe'a rented up^"
“Not at all." antworod tbe young
I’erbap* I bad boot Md yoo
an wbo bad aubmitlod it “I dewgfarowoUT'
:rely as versibcation.
"Porbapo you bad. Boro the goox.
When II
aad if you *00 It ia tbo pi^jioni rvuembor that I wao told low
wouldn’t lie to Martha.*

Raging Fires
of Eczema SreCUL SUE.U lbffter$1.0a

Af« iimkkly Qtmcbed «iM tlM
SUa BnnsttfiUtr HmM ky

Dr. Chase’s OinimenL

in ittisoi iiocx.

Wbva 1 will ba r'anaod to aaa ftU ay
oU ewtoBora ftftd my now oMft Is*
eronaod gioaary atoekftsd bottor ttaffit*
Tba tottaies of ecaaaa are fiaqwewllv tiaa.
•yoml ondereace. «ad aa the ttL b^ HI&AXOOOK. HttrO^oery
ooea taw and tbo Itcbing and bnraing
Bcreaawi. tba saflertag to so tolsM as
» aloKM drive tbe victim iHonc.
la deaparatioB, mlves aad cialmantt


tatowl. M*ny atoo give an in daapalr.
Bat there is hope. There la asanrane*
that yoa can be cared by weinf Dr.
Chase's OiotmeoL Seoaes of Ibrmwnda
•joic* over corea effected by tbto great
Miss Msbic Graiiea, Biq
Sytnceae. N. Y.. writes: “I omd Dr.
Chase's Ointment (or ecRoa o* my
ed tbe tefTlblc ilehiag
and bamiog at tocfiiMaopUcetlon, and
cflcctda oompl:- cure, leaviag
----------- -nd pars- y bcaled. ’
P. S. Roee, of 133 Sixteenth
. Buflslo. N. Y.. smtea: ''Oar
boy sofleted for aomc time with
rrrtcbed ecaema, aad we were «a0 find enyUilag to cere or even relioTc bto nein. A few applicetkms of
Dr. .t. R. Cbeae's Ointment stopped toe
liefaiag and bcaled tbr aorae, and a
twigbt nainral skin wow ukm tbeir
Dr. A. W. Chase'* OintaiMl bm no
riral as an ebaolato car* lor Salt
Kbeum. Besama and all Itching of tbe
skin: so cents e box. at all daflen, or
Dr. A. W Chase Medicine Co.. BuSalo.

FItb InsurancB.
U L. a. BoUdlnc.

GIIM b)l4l t MtlU 1.1


i : i :

: !

ISRSBSSs ;fl S ; 88£ffffSSt

Good for 15 Days

i\ I!


8sSSflS£S£& ;S :|JIC888«S«

The Best oi eaith.
Giaraiteed for 10 rears.

because 1

1 ftB now aattM to my flaw wow OkMto.


I oball ttod considerable merit to it.
and I.shall be glad to look it ortt care­
Gold Filling.................................. Sl.OOnp
• 8 :S8SS :g ;S
The other day, toward the clooo of a fully at my lotoure. "—Chicago Post
Platinum FilHoRB............................75cnp
itong altttog to tbe Asolao c<afta. wtu-n
4lae arrlTv trow OtaaS Bedlda, CD
laootbor caae waa called oa. toe leodluK
Handout Barry—I wasted de bull Silver Filling...................................... 50cup
counsel nioe and buaklly ro<|ueeie<l moroin yeoterday readin a piece to ds White crowns....................260to300
that the cause might be post]H>oed till paper about bow ter git rich
TralDearrlvrfrow ElrhBOW*, Fort Waydh,
22 karat gold crowns. .H.OO to 3.50 Dvwll
^Oraod Rai|d>. atTB F
tbe next znnniiUK.
Tiepasi Teddy-*Didn't it tMl
Bridge work...............3.00 per tooth Walioa toOrmad Ra^da
•'On whst groundr asked tbe Judge.; yer coold do id
Handout Harry—It didn't tell
PftinleM extrarting anil tilling
"Mo tod. I Have been aiguing a •who way but workin.—San Frauctoco Exwithout gas. chloform or ether.
til day In Coon B, and am completely
Terms cash.
"Very well." aald the Judge, "we ll
They hare clean, auiuuth coata,
Uko tbe next."
Anotoer counael arose and atoo «beir bceda high and are naod only fur
Oorner Front and Ctoee Sireeu,
riding purixams Many are aeni to Per
pleaded for adjournment.
"Wbat. aro you exhausted, toor lia. wbcFo t1»eT sell for high snuia
Boadls Block.
•aid (bo Judge, with a ansp of ibe c.r^ Thor are well lo»kcd after and tbeir
Lnter, Manager.
Uda. "What have you been dolngr'
"Mo lud." aald tbo barrister, in a
wearied vola-e. '1 bavo been listening
oxplurod the wool coaat of Patagenig.
to my toamed bruther.*'—Tld-Blia.
aayi that laoaaes of all ^lecioa are de­
veloped Ibere to an extraordinary deMicbt B. BaaOT.
Stti 4 W*’’F.aVM^Dvpo4
se. They grow in immrDw beape. the
"Say, t wouldn't bo ao onperatltlous
(ST 4 BAr Oaokafta Jet's U
plorer ainki
o b>« armpiu to aoue
4 4ft
CUet Lake
•a you for »«."
ft i»^ < Sli
of Ibem.
“Wtoo’o superailtlonar
Ml* 4 a*
“W'y, you. Cattyln’ a bomeaboe to
*10 4* H >T
do hall game.
A well-known dean of Norwich tolls
I "Aw. go on. Dafe to teak do
toe following good story against blmwlt'."-ludUnapolU Joumat
le iw 4 u
Some weeks ago bo came to a stile

I sT I M
to a field which was occupied by a farm
lad. wbo was eating bto bread-aodbacon Juocb.
The boy mado no attempt to. allow
bla rovoronce to pass, so waa duly lec­
tured fur hto lack of mannen.
■You seem, my Ud. to be bettor fad
(ban taught."
• Very Uko.” answorod the tod. allcIng off a pio<-o of bacon, "for ye lexcbn
01. but Oi feeds meaeU."



City Opera House



nia :e


"MUItonalro'a oon. 1

yosT Won.
an’ bore's

Whara Ifta FraSt Was.

Cuatotuer—I don't sac bow yoo can
afford' to aell tboae glorea for la tSd
a pair when they coat you 2s.
Sbopwalker-Tbat's easy. We got a
commlaaion from tha surgeon wbo at*
lends tboae wbo are Injured In too
eruab to secure a palr.-Anaweru.


Supported by a troupe
ot pbenomeDal
actors in
. Cm U trMttIa 24 Iwn.

No Tvinedy equals Wasneb'S WmT^
ISE or Tar Syri'P fw toto WrHoand fatal dtoease. If taken tbur:i;blv aud In time. It will cure a ca.-v
I 24 litourw, and fur tbe uuugh that fol-


iraai IMSUftAMCa-Bsido k>«er thso ever


Pricea—15c, 2.5c and 3Sc. B«aerved aeato oa sale Tboraday

Why Doer Tea
Joia the Woodmea?


west Michigan.
OOINO aocTtt.

j,j| 'fsjl

Aruid aaptda. 4 awB:W 4ft ,
Lv ^tRaplde. IJ Sft.vJ

Detroit . ..
Urd Ro|>4d>
Urd ftop4de I
Travvrae Cy.<


It tt aafe. Hurc, rcliabU.
buman being to eatr aakcA
with dyspeptic tondoncios. ]
I "1 anppoae It dopooda a groat deal on
’pi, politic* to.” anawered toe
.-onservaUve phyalclan.-Waabtoguia
1 gtar
0.1 ef Hto CIMS.

TNR. a a MINOa.^yVclftS asd-ourcooo
U oareFvMdrira B^k . Day Bight volte



aoctlon and you wlU have to wait at
IbesutloBaU boun.
Old l^dy <wbo la a little norvoos on
too mllfoadv-Well. I'm aafo for alx
aoura. anyway.—New York Weekly.

Whafa tba abJwtT
Ftida-I don't know ycC b«l im toll
*«« all about tt aftar Ta lalttttad.—


"I'd Uko to be ilcb aawasb ta grt ay
oanto to too papen every day."
-And I'd Uka to ba rich anaagh to
CM ay aaaa *«t tb* tax Uab^toAtt*


rhft. J. M WILUaUl. phyeletas asd (srewia
U OradBOMOf rBiTvnaty of FSBBeylvaBta
Otoem sew ToaocUor hloek. flS Freel etrooi.

"This raty do Clam that the papers
•re ««ifcipy of." aald too Uitlc neck,
■sooma to have been strangely named."
“Wbyr queried tbo cboirj' *t<uio.
-Ho clearly bolonga to the lobater MO Opera Bobov Bloek.
famUy."-rbitodolpbla NortlT Aaiarl*
TYR- A. m. BOLLmAX, XTBdsaM eovdala
U C^v^ty- ^OtoBBU VesoBa Btog. 'Phoo
Goadnetor-Wo base mlaaod tbo con*

L» TravereoO]
ar BkOapIdo
They eared lor IftW (aalUM. or about
erpUas rhildrva. tost year. We've got tto-Bi
rslkiire Juet lISv yea-Mf evoivd.

VX (BBtteawPtehMe^sraaVaa. kiiwiftaar

CTSk‘i58S!!£KrRDli3i..'0. kS2.‘Si!S=S.''.2N.te’



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■ato Mso SUV sisu



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Wv haw aovoT had erorv Ihaa otwea a
wata-lerihelaattoeyeare wWo bad ealy

s IV r~



ft to
J.aawoAAoeek ~
Uraad Bastoa



in«flNr oftMfMiNoa*

ai raws. «r to T W. kltehte. DtottWt Depety

Porebaaon for tbe faUowl^

Tm^r ii

*L,Ja.TS5a...... ..... -5-

^omir^t «l8"woiir^foat"*^

WOO: oao ow Fifth atreet witb
modorw iBoeovemowta glSOO: ooi
Sixth, »riM; oM Oft West Prowk
ooe o* Fifth. Urge bonae glOOO; bona*
0 rooM. lot lotxMt fk with n baartftg
(ralt treea. weat oad aoaU of Frost
a^vk fllOOO; owe ow Beat Klghlb,
(aetertta. large lok AM*.



B. Is 4 Oa. 1



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