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The Evening Record, August 21, 1905
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
ACCKrrco tv peace envoys.
differeor*** b**(«rtren Japan and Ruaoia
will nut be KtUud by arbUimtlcm In the
popular acceptano© of the word," deciarul tbe Japaneae cnvoya at noon
today, tbronph tbeir apokeaman Mr
pnated to Barun Roaen that the dia*
pute rcpardlDC the remaining v^icloa
be aabnitted to arbllrallon. “Thi
Left Track and Struck a Pole,
may be coneesaiona." Mr. Sato rnn*
Unued. **but neither country would
Car Overturning—Loaded
^er to Tbo Hairue any quf«tloa in
With Pleasure Seekers Coming
votrlng piiDciple.”
From Ball Game.
I. Johns. Mich.. Aug. 21.—By the
dvraillng of a car on the l^n&lnp and
Sulmrban Traction c<impany*s lint* be
IKE AUSTIN BEMOANS LOSS OF tween Ijinslng and St. Johns. Geurpe
Burton of St. Johna waa killed, nine
perrons recelv«*«l Berlotis' Injuries and
several others were bruised and
Cow Had to Bo Killtd to Recover It— shaken.
Car No 202. with a tralh*r atlachc*«l.
Must Go to Washington for
In charge of Conductor Sutton and
Mutorman Crowmen, due In St. Johns
7:30 o'cliK-k, had reached a point
» mile south of Ik*Wilt when the
Ike Auatin. tbe aoiilh aide butcher, trailer left the track and was immela bemoaninK the luaa of a roll of billa dia(«‘ly overturned. The car and trailer
atnoiioilnj; to |7o.
rarrl«*d 120 passengers, roost of whom
Saturday morning Mr. Anatln dro%e wen* returning from the ball game l»eto bia alauphter houM.> anutfa of town.
tween the 01dsm<iblle and the St.
Ho had hia leather iKxdu-tbook con- Johns luill teams at Lansing, and were
laininp tbe monejr In hla iKicket and in running at full speed.
Jumpiof from the wapon It fell to tho
Suddenly tho trailer left the track
prouad. A cow. which waa beinp falid ran Into a pole, breaking it off and
lened, stood nearby and when tho wal relMtundiiig to the track, wliere it wa.'»
let atnick llie pnuind MUtreHii C<iw oveiiuriusl. Some of the pa.ssengers
made one awoop with her tonpue; one leaped fnmj the car. but when It tiv«*r
wap of h*»r Jawa an*1 away w»‘iit the turned s<*v4*ral w»>n* plniitsi ben«*ath It.
pocketlKHik and the mbiiey.
those on the ear ahead, hormr
The erllter waa w»t ready to kill but stricken at the disaster. hasu*nt*d tu
It waa “up to Aualln." ao operatlona release them. Many hands qulekl.v
Wpan and In a short time the Imite lifted the lightly constnicl«*d trailer
lay at hla feet proijorly aiauphtered.
the injured wen* removrtl and
Next ful|owi«d the aearrh for the mlaa- placi d alMiard the car ate.*id. The
kip article. Down thtouph the lonp other |iass«-ngers were left at tho scene
pullet, not there. Into atomach No. t. of the arrident. SL Johns was notinot there; then throuph all the other flisl and Conductor Sutton and Molorihret? Biumacba. Nut in any of titem.
Crownu*n made a quick run to
Then Itack apain and the anxious this city, where etmveyances were In
searcher was rewardthl by flndinp a readim-as to remove* the injured to
|il4>ce of torn wet leather. It waa
their nomea.
an\li>ii«ly unfolded but mn a rlpn of
*<.rge III
even ten-ceni |iU<ct‘could b»* found. On
s dr.v
further Inve-^ilpatloii. however, a small aeros* the shoulder and ehesi by th«wad of dirty hK>KlnK material abou* overttinuvl trailer and bU shoulder
the site uf4 ptdf ball wa.- hauled forth.
broken and chest crushed in. He
This, when waaht-d f>ff. wbh found to waa glvv-n ImmtsUate attention on the
be the money, partially dlpented. but arrival of the car In this city, hut he
bow much there Ik 1.- a ni)sit iy. The
died two hours after tho accident oc
wad la packed so ttphtr> that it canno:
be a«-|tarati><l without teatinp •>( rtittinp
Kd IVmllng sufleriHl a hinken leg
and aa the whole amount waK in |l.
and aerlnus bruises; Karle Ftm-h. a disand fli hllla they are |iack«-d \« n cIom*
lorated ankle and waa severely
ly AlMUit six flpurc ones can !•«' disbruised; Mrs. S S. Murdtwk. H. C. Mr
tinpulahod. Mr AUNtiti will aemi hi^
Cabe. W. J. Oonderman. WTIllaro Mur
“wad" to (he ireahtiry tlepantiu-tit at
Thomas rishburn. George HoerWoahlnpton ami have if dlNKet-ti>i.
and Fted Goodes were aerlousl.v
Itijurtsl. All are prominent St. Johns
(leople and are being cari*d for at their
honii s.
Tiu* arrident Is supposed to have
But Thaaa Small Boys Might Have
u-en due In a hot Ikix on the trailer,
Caused the Loss of Jeffnea*
causing a w htH*l to set.
Mr Bunou was 27 years of age and
very |M>juilar in St. Johns. He leaves a
William Crctllck.
widow, a child 3 years old. father,
tools stored ln^J^.»arehi>UK»> of Cha
mother and a brother, Joseph Burton
Jeffries near IhiTG. R A 1 depot. dl
of lAiising.
covered evidence of Are late Satunlav
eveolnp. He niad^- an InveMipatloii
and could find nothing then, but Sun
day fhominp found, throughout the
buildinp. places where a fire had la-en
klndU-d on the ban* floor and In ae
eral places bad eaten Into the wt»od
fvmslderable distance.
Two small boys were auspveletl and
were found In the aftermion on t
bay shore iilarinp with Are. They
first deol.Hl the charge but afterwar.l
conf.*ss«Hl to the kindling of the Area
The lads claim that they -were playing
“Port Arthur" and were blowing up
plies of refu»«\
The boy* bad trains of sugar laid
between the supposed fortlflcatiana
and bad InauguratiHl |dsna that might
; have bad aerkma results.
Attention. G. A. R.
There will be a apeelal meeting of
MePberaoo post. No. 18 on Wednesdav
^ rrcalng. Aug. 23. to arrange for parade
cm Labor Day. All old soldiers are
iavitad to be preaent.
M. D. Morgan. Commander.
A- F. UtUe. Adjutant.
Coro Huakers Defeated Thompsonvltte Bultan of Bulu Oflars Hia Hand and
Heart to PraaAdenVa
in Hard-Fought CenUat
The Thompaonvllle base ball team By Wire to the Ehrenlng Record.
Manila. Aug. 21.—Tbe raltan of Sola
went down’to defeat In their own
town for the first time la years yes has proposed marriage to Miss Alice
terday at the hands of Pierce’s Coen RoosevelL daughter of the presldeoL
offer was made when Seerctarr
Huakers of this city. The Anal score.
■STTPy ten innings of bard pUy. was S •
H«jeevelt and party
, 7_
I were received by the aulun at Jolo toFor the flrst six Innings the Trav.:***^^- ^Iss RoeseveU courteooaly de
ALL IMPLEMEN’TB DESTROYED. erse City players came up and wren; clined.
down In one. two. three order. whlK*
THIS IS THE WEEK to buy your
Thompaonvllle had It all their own
boys school suits and ahoea. On the
way' scoring seten runs.
shoes wo aavc you a third. On tho
One ef tht Finast Barns in That Sec
Franklin went to bat In the seventh
clothing from a half to two thirds.
tion of Laclanau County, Built
and took his base^ balU. He stole
Don't buy till you firet sot what we
around td third and Williams hhuught
About a Year Ago—Insured in
have to offer.
Farmers* Mutual for
•rhe Boston Store.
for the Huskers. Thompsonvllle was
During the severe electrical aloitu abut out In this Inning and for the
rest of the game did not score. Buff
last night tbe flne large barn oc
farm of John G. Weisa at^KeswIck waa Rokn*. McG«*e and Pray crossed the
struck by Hanning and totally de- plate In tbe next inning for Traverse
►Iroyed. SeveraJ valuablo-honu-a wen City and three more scorv-s were rolpvj
in the ninth, leaving the score 7 to
saved from tbe building. Init twenty
Boh Rokos brought In the winning
two pigs and -an old hog were ere
re in the tenth Inning and ‘riiaroi*
matf-d. Besides various tof>lK and rigii
flickered out.
ibt re were Mlxt«><*n acres of w heat and
SiQvtr pitcheil for the Huskers and
several loads of oats in tbe barn. Ik*aldea various articles of value which sirurk out eight men. i»assing four on;
Karston. the ThompsonvIIla,
coukl not be saveil. although the blaz' ball.v.
was fought hard by the family and pitcher, struck out twelve nieu ami let '
two men walk.
The umpiring was ver>- unsailsfae-'
This barn wat: one of the flnest in
I.eelanaii county and was built only lory.
last year. The total loss, while not
yi*t dt-flnitely announced, will douh»- are doing the iJhpt work that has lni*n
hy any team in this city for som<less reach 14.1*00. Insuraun* was car
ried In tho l*'armors’ Mutual for |1.50«. liiue and are worthy of the best kui>liort that the town ran given them
Wife of Multi Millionairo Benefacto'
of Muskegon Could Not Regain
Her Health.
Congregational Sunflay School and CE. Will Have< Dedication Service.
Next Sunday tin- d<‘*lic-arory s< r\lr**s
of th** Congregational Sundav srhmd
Christian l-':ndeavor so«*ity will
Grawn. Mieh.. Aug. 21—The Grawn
fans were well pleased yealerday after oeeupy the day.
noon when tht*lr favorites won from
Mr. and Mrs. Saiuuel llurrell of Manwhich calU*d tlu*ms«-lve8 SherI was made up of players from c*-loiia. who have l*<*«'n vif-iting tlie
Rhermau, Wexford. Wylie and Thomp- family *»f R«ilh llln**s of this city, re
turned to their home this morning.
Another Victory for Grawn From
Team Composed of Players
. From Four Towma.
It was a hard-fought battle and was
on by a score of 7 to 5.
The Grawn hoys were dechiiHlly out
of form and plaj f'd a rather i*uor game
for them, hut won out by bunching hits
at the right lime.
Ith Bherman two In the lead In
the fifth and two Grawn men on has**Crandall swatted out a corking thrinbagger and Uith Wanders am! Brayton
seonul. thanks to the l*o> from the
mill for bt*lng there with the goods
when a hit was nei'iliHl. First BaseHarr was absent fntro roll rail
Frank Klrrhuer was taken on and
played a flne game on s»*coml. he als-)j
batteil well. Crandall was put on flrs.
and plaj'i*d flne ball considering It was
his first game In that jxisiilon this
Brayton caught a ragginl
game, letting lu two scores on jmsstsl
lialls, iKith within his reach.
Smith pitch***! a fair game hut two
weeks without prartiee isn't the thin;:
pitcher. Fprangler. late from
Thompsonvllh* and former pUrher of
the N. M. A. at Trav«Tse City, was on
the slab for Sherman with big Inten
tions to do things to Graw*n that w<uild
look graal for thHr'side of th**
score card hut was pounded harder
and more often than Earl Gibson of the
Queen City team.
Spangler thought when he got to
first all he had to do was dance a
little and st«*al second, but “J<wteviis’’
Smith showed him a trick, for with a
quick throw to Crandall Spangler was
taged with his hand fully two fc*ei
from the bag. The Sherman catcher
s a llttletoo slow on Spang's drops
they took on" a catcher from Wyll«without saying a word aliout It. Grawn
pul up a kirk but when Brayton. who
acting captain in Harr's absence,
the distracted lo<»k on Spang'-*
fare he said to Manager Van H«>ni.
“Ix*t him ealch. we can beat them Ju.«t j
thf same.’’ and they did.
Grawn plays Honor next Sunday at
Duck lake park and every gcntlema'n
that Is willing to |«y 15 cents Is cor
dially invited. Indies may see the
game free but wUl be eharge.1 10 cents
admission to the grand stand.
Grawn Potato Diggers.
'IT WILL PAY anyone to look over
jur lot of pants, bought cheap, Eclling
It closing prices.
sug IS-tf
Hamilton Clothing Co.
By \Alre to the Evening Record.
Muskegon. Mich.. Aug. 21.—Mrs.
Those who expect to attend tbe
Julia B. Hackley, widow of late muUi- Congrogstionsl pli»e organ recital thlr
millionaire. Charles H. Hackley. died evening are requested to be preaent si
at *:S0 o'clock this morning aficS o’clock sharp.
being kept alive for nearly a week
oxygen and artlflclal means. Bright’s
dlaenae and eompBcatlons caused
death, which was hastened by her con
SOO wMiMfi, girls and boys over
tinued faith in Christian Science
14 years of ago. Pleassat, dean
The city U In moarnlng. Her hatband
started at the bottom of the ladder and
Ths Traverse CRy Caiming Co.
amaased a fortune estimated at 17.000.
otto. Muskegon will receive another
million or ao from her death.
American Drub Store
Moeday, Acg. 21,1905
Good Shoes
and skillfully made are the Indiaa Baskets
and Birch Bark novelties shoirn here. As
souvenirs of this part of the country there
is nothing finer to give. They arc alwaj's
City Book Store
Che Bohart Co.
Have You
Tried It?
Remember it is th.* most
plessatit tislioE ami actir^
CalhariiC obtainaUU*. And
remember also that the laK*!
should lx*ar a RED CROSS.
()ur Solution Citrate of Mi{:nesla is ripht, strictly rifht.
m.mm±. F*rort«
VL R. Macdonald, Msr*
Abstracts of TItls
Bstabllshed in I86S
Room 310 Stmto Bank BlSa.
MdrU. BUww
A few pairs Tan Shoes and Oxfords to close
out at once.
3.50 Or«icl3S
3.00 Or3d33
2.50 Or3d33
- .
. .
A Quarter to a Third
L-css Than Rcpiar
pt*rtaining to Lnmlieraixl
Building Materials of all
kinds, we will be ijlatl to^on^ fer with you at any tiiil^r^
when planning a Imildiii;;.
fyot Ukath^r
A Bweoping retluotion in
Mens’ Womens’ and Chil
drens’ Tan. Black and
Canvas Oxfords
W** have just rfcciv.vl a laiv«
shipmt-nt of womtuis’ shoes
tliiit w<* have place«l ou sale
at $1.23
all solid and latest styles.
Boys’ and youths’ routjh and
ivaily shcH^ at t*xceptionally gootl values. Remem
ber we are nt*vc*r undersold
for tjCKxl k'ooila-
mrtd erdlick
& Company
242 e. Trout St.
Smartest Osting
thins with th*. WMW *
Cny Md WtaiKy. V«ry I
your MOMy wtU mwkti y«
fortwb • thvar hoi day*.
CilniU' of M.'4Di**6iu is atoinir Htrlit nlonu'-.tuoviut; all
Ute tiiiif. Tht* people have
taken our Biu:m*stion that it
was a Aiyxkl thine an«l they
have not lx*en disappointe*!
LOSS wni K AlOUT $4,000
NtithM* CMMitry Would »Uf«r to tho
Hapoo tho OuMtiofw involving
pDrUiBouih. Nrir. Anr 21.—*-n»o
•aak at LmsImrWa, Ky^ Cloaatf Its
Basra Todsgr.
By Wire to tha Braalnc BseorE.
WaahlacUMi. Aag. 21.—Tho Was
SCattaoBal baak of Lmilarlile. Kg.,
doaoi today by diroetkm of the acting FINE PROPERTY OF JOHN C.
eomptroOer of the cnrroBcy. The capi
tal of the bank Is badly Impaired by
toMsa. There have been large with
drawals reccaUy. The resources
llabiUtlea last May were over a millloo and a half aach.
WCATHEH->Local rate* asd tlmiidar
ctoriM tki* afleraogD; fair and cool
er vMt portion; Toeoday fair.
See the New Suits made es
pecially for young men by a
’^nufacturer of exclusively
young men’s goods--they’rc it.
$t0, %12. $15. $18,
(NSHfCWia BX.OOK.)_______
< )ur mills turn out evi-r^ thing for inU*rior fitiish—our yah
ever}'thing for the outsMe.
Citizens Phone. 32i Bell. I
Meh’s Pants
Commenco Ton-iorroviF
Ends Within Ten Days
A Big Lot of nice Cassimere and fine Worsted
Goods bought for just such an occasion. Reg
ular prices would be, and arc $1.50, $‘1.50,
$3.7.5, $4.rK». $.5.(N) and $C.OO. We will dose
the lot at from
$1.00 to $3.50 PER PAIR
Do you warn a pair of pants? LOOK AT
f B!B^5g®^£2K onon SET IK NCE
Vary tHplomaUe Ant Wan Evan H
Maricat Raya and PaUea AMfaa
Hava tiM Rawar.
UM yw‘» gnmi reeord is exporu
m4 taporu win be brokM thi* yewr.
«M by Urc* tyuroa. Tbta beinc tte
CPM Heary Cl«w» of New York be.
lloTM that tbw tnurh UUked-of tariff
rerlaSoe will not be taken aa aetioiialy
aa tbMffb oar foreign trade were dlmlnlabtaff. Mr. Ciewii aayi:
“In tbe cane of tariff legUlalloo Use
■atMnny finr dnunle artlon la grailaally dlmlnUlilnK aa the aucceaalee
■Mtbly n-iKjTUi
our foreign eonsmmm are pobUabad. Tbe foreign
trade flguma for the nonUi of July
are now a%ailable and Indicate a con
tlauaare of the reoord movement of
meirbaadlao In Ipth dlreciiona—the
blgber Import
meaning natural
ly a cjorreaponcyng InrreajMs In govern»nat revenues and the larger exports
bringing Into Uio country Increasiei
purebaslng^iwer sdlber In the form of
gtsld or Ihruugti the regular sterling
«go{iang» machinery.
During the
month of July the ImiMirta of merrbantllae ahowEtl an Inc rease of |12.7<Ki.tihO.
compared with July a ycuir ago, while
tbe expurta lnrrc*asc«d ir^.'oo.WMi
' “The total value of exj>ort»* of mer
chandiae exeeAled the lm|K>rta by
more than I24.000.ota); This Is certain
ly a remarkably fine Htau ment for the
Ural month of a new (iM-al year folhswIng a flacal year jual closed that llaetf
eetabllahed new n^inls In IkuIi ex*
porta and imistrts of nterrhandise. An.l
thafact abotild not Ik* leal sight of that
oar foreign trade la right along very
apt to keep pare with out liotne prosperlty. for ihia reason: the flacal year
Jual «*nd«*d was p. rts-ord-maklng one
dcapllu a partirularly lean exisirl
moveuietit of hreadsttiffs, while this
year we have an aaaurt*d foreign de
mand for our bremtdatiiffa and ample
auppliea of these* to satisfy that for
eign demand. Ther«*fore, Instead of a
lean year In aggn*gate exports, we
have In prosisTt an (•xr^'iutonally proliflc one, and which in itself will c>ncourage a r«rres|>ondlng Improvement
in ImiKuia. Under thewe circumstances
the* demand for tariff revision l>aM*<| on
revenue exlgencli's will probably prove
Jeaa.urgent the longer y>uch legislaiioti
is delayed. Th« n* Is no doubt, how
ever, tliaf eventually we shall Im* com
pvlled to make* tariff adjustments, but
auch adjustinents will more than like*ly have In view the extension <*f the
principle of rec-lprorlty. flermany's
recc-nt tariff changes demand consider‘^'kllon of a recl|in»cal arrangememt with
that country, but a change in our tariff
system to m«*et the new Oc'rman conilltlona cjf a r«*clpmral arrang**nient
with that count ry. hut a change in our
tariff syatc*m Icj noot the new (ierman
coadltions cannot t*e made* unless we
provide e'er respond Ing changes for
irther of our ln<eriiaUonaI frli-nils."
Thi* jiastor. nu-nilKTs. officers and
Sunday schu<d cla»»e* «»f the Congre
gational church have ressoD to he
proud of th<* efforts which hav** given
them the handsom** new stone church
which now adorns the sit** »>ccu|ile*l
by tbe old frame stnielun*. ree«-ntly
reroowsl. When It Is state*! that alraoiil the entire amount of ISS.otH) has
b«*en elo’erfull* sults<*rllH*tl. it Is u Iribiite to th** lni*T*-st of th«- memlM*rs and
their orgmnixaiiun au*l the spl*-ndH
efforts of till***** who *'t»ndiirt***l ih** <*nlerprls** which has be«*n so successful.
TheHew Congr«-galioflal church Is
without duuiu Itw* irands«*m<'sl Ismisc
Erf worship in North* rn Michigan. It
Is miMlf*rn In Its ap|K>iiiinj<*nts. and its
architecture of exceptional beauty. For
•cveral years th<* memlK*rs have been
looking toward Ibis end and their auc€*ess has been beyond thtHr antlclpa
tiona. I>ecanae at the start it appEaartsI
to be a gr**at task to raise the amount
of m*iiiey iu*cessary for the prop<is**d
new chutTb.
To the ladlf*» is dut* the crE*dit of I
raising the mon*-y for the handsonu*
new pipe organ; this is ooe of the
best of Ha kind and a fitting addition
to the new- edlfie**. The work of the
people of the Oongregational church
gives to the city another beautiful
structure which will remain a oonaplcuoua ornament for many yeara li»
come, and a tribute to the earnest
work and cbriatlan seal of the church
icky M
Bright eyas and
)e. 3S cenu. Tea
or Tabicta.
Imw FavM- QuaraMinn.
•tooneh of Harry
a snake
Tbe prccanUona which Art; being
lowtMB teehos lonr Mr. Cteyton h«l taken In many of the aoutlieni cities
against the spread <rf the dreaded yel
fever neceooarily are*a great ob
pinRit a long Um and Is now rapidly
stacle to tbe traveling public. A jnoah
phis hotel Is sending lae following no
Miss Ada Brock is TisiUng at Mrs. tice throughout the countn:
patrona of the Hotel Gayoeo. wba have
Or. Bonee's thU weak.
ben In the Infected dlstrlrt. and
Mrs. Roy Lewis, wife of the might not
who ilcsire to come to Memphis, will
opcimtor of the Pw* Marquette rall- viite or telegraph us. giving date they
fead. haa returned ^to her bone at desire to reach here, we shall uke
pleasure in securing and mailing them
Howard Oty.
the necessary permits from the board
, The M. R church will give u social of health which are good for fort*
at the hone of Mrs. Vlnioo n^i Tuew- eight boaru.from the date of issue.
"Hotel Gaytise.
day evening. The prooeeds are for th*.'
“Memphis, Teon."
benefit at the church.
The opportunity offered by this hotel
Mrs. Matilda Cooper will staiT-«£Zt probably will cEune as a gtMlseod to
Monday to visit her Elaughter. Mrs. more tlian E>ne traveler who couM
enter the city in no other manner.
John Boyd, at Elk Rapids.
Rev. K. O. McCuae will leave for
tbe east In ahEMl three weeks to entcibe Boston Theological school. Rev. an Edertlve AwrUor .Xwwlwst Wted
K. O. HeCune leaves behind a grant
awe Other Korerw.
many friends that be has made during
ConJi*ers are liable to ex|>criem'e cou
his succ**ssful pastorate here, and the;.' sklerablo dltOc-ulty lu aui-imring Uw
all JolB In wishing him a successful Bkle walls W a tent agslust displneetumt by wIoeI or otber forcEw. The
college year.
usual ro|»e Iek»ihi fttsleiuil to tbe cauMrs. O. B. Marsh is s{>onding a wei*k ras are apt to tear irtil, nud a luakeat Old Mission.
shift arraiigetueut U ofit-u
The farmt-n from this vicinity ar" anehortug the teut by driving
all busy working on the road to make through the cunvas, with Ih
it more passable and comfortable for
BiatensI iK-t-o
man and bEwst.
(I< ultl**s inla
a situ
To E>bvlaU* thewe dlftl*sii
Mr. and Mra. Vinton are away this
pie iiiuiaxT
Mr. Jtihn Bhilr. 3Tr..
WEM*k on their vac:ailon.
lto**k R|*rtngH. W.ro.. bus Inveuted the
lui|irov**d 4E‘ul fasb'uer lllustrat**d law
Mr. and Mrs Owrge W. Wilson are With.
It <xua*l.its of n iu*‘tal link, .V. wUieii
visiting at MaiiEthEwter fcH- a fE*w- dayrt.
Mrs. G<*dka gave a party f..r her t «•
from a t*>op «f leather. C.
Sunday sch.»l class last Friday.
. ^
1 of tie* t* ut wall, *»r tli** *-biivbs may b«*
H. C. Bailey ha. recently built an ad |
dition It) hls bant.
GeorgE* Artxilil has Just flnlstii*El hi- ;
Miss Rusal) Harsh has gt»n«* to N«-« I
York l«» visit friends.
Tbaddcaa Bartlaira back door.
“TlMaa panada of porterhonaa aleak
aad a ptee» of aaaL" orders the maid.
“We are ehargtog for anct. bow • re
plied tbe boy.
“Not to regnlar casUNBcrs.“ reJaiBS
tbe Burprlsed maid.
“I bare bo plenary power,” aays the
young dIploBat in tbe white apron.
•T will suggest year propoAJ t<
•cane in a Justice of the Peace Court.
Fanner Bou worth—Ter honor, bis
caows boatad right threu tbe border
fence Into my territory, Inraded
comfleM. and I hereby demand »M
demnlty or that be cede one of them
Justice Adams—A treaty should be
condoded without boatllltles.
Parmer Botsworth—Kalnt ye ap
point a protectory. Jedge?
Jusileo Adams—Negutiallona post
poned unUI Tuesday.
For the same reason, probably, that
the average American aiMraka pl0son
Bngllah when he presents hla laundry
check and Dago when he bnva hananaa, tbe purumouthian baa. In a week,
adopted the mcMl atliti*d of language
and the atalelieat diplomatic
Court usages figure in every day
routine The eommonpUee lake
the atmosphere of the conferooee
room over at the nary yard. Diplo
macy? The milkman talka It. the gro
cery iKiy has taken on marvelous dig
nity. tbe rlerk at the aoda fountain
ai*«>siro|ihizes peace t|ltb every foam
ing glass without extra charge and.
for the bellboy at tbe Wentworth hotel Is Urrjed by the Officers of Western
Michigan State Fair to Be Held
thev have asaiimed a combination
Next Month.
waiET irafflc on every floor. Many of
the uiisophistirate*]. for some reason,
confuse army and navy pllquette with
that of the diplomat, and it Is nothing
at all tE> hear a portt‘r addresa
man. “Mr. Wood presents his eomplfmenu and aays, would you be kind
enough to fetch two bags out of 36."
When M. Witte meets Ambassador
Uosen he aays Just plain “How-do,
with, of course, a IllUe flavor of Busalan In It. fE>r the cxar‘s chief plenipo
tentiary speaks healtatlngiy, although
he Is working bard to cultivate
•roper pronunciation.
and Takahira speak Eng
lish as well as any of the gnesu of the
Bo far as the Japanese suite Is
cemed tbe star attraction Is always
Halo, lie is aecretary to the mlkatSo's
commission and he Is Just the happlc‘si s*»ri *if a lltlle Jap you
He Is all smlk's and SE*<*m8 to keenly
ap|>reclate the favor and conslderatloD
shown him. As he is sixikcwnisn of
the party this la a grea.t deal. If he
would arcept all of the dinner InvluHons off.Ti'd him and all of the fllrta
thins in which the summer girls en
deavor to snare him. he would not
have tlmi* to puzzle out those mysteri'
ous clph«*r messages hla chief U st*n.r
Ing lo or receiving from Toklo.
Bato Is an excellent swimmer and
always has an admiring cniwd around
him when he takes to the water down
under the hill.
The ehh‘f amuseroi'nt of the coterie
of IViston girls at ■ the Wentworth
s«oms to b«« w fit ing Jingles aproiKia of
the historic ev«*nls passing around
alsiut ih**ni. While fond mammas are
taking their afternoon siewtas and the
envoys have cnisacHl the Piacataqua to
talk terms, this bevy of puritanical
maj«lens gather In th** ball n»om and
put their words lo Improvised mush'.
One gem composed and warblcA by
thi*s** maids runs like this:
A little brown man fjom Toklo
Came on to IHirtsmouth to) aoak you.
8*> man of the czar.
You b**Uer beware.
Or he ll uke the very hide off you.
Here is another:
This pleasant little ditty
Has to do with one M WHte.
And no barm U here Intended.
kVr all envoys are simply splendid.
Hut In Witte there la beauly
Whleh cx>m|H*ls at a plain duty
A lltlle song of praise.
You gTE*at tall thing.
We love you. Bing!
s little short of money.
But your smile Is Just like hooey!
The whiskers on your face
Meet our most tastidious taste.
Indeed, you are a peach!
When you go back to Peterhof
And tell the czar the war la off.
Give him our besL and aay.
That It was you who woo the day.
If he'd went a grand duke
It sure *d been a fluke.
It took a pUtn M. WRte.
Marten E. Pew In the Onnd Rapldi
Horn for aprlnldlns Mvbs ara trow
Slot A.m.aMfoomStofl».B. At
tima eaa water be ased witboat
aoBsla ar sprinkler attaetod. Oa me*
coast of tbe great asioaat of watar
ased dartag tba day for
toft and otber porpoaea aaceasary rnlaa
tpriakUBg lawsa mast be c»forxsed.
H. O. Joyst, 8apL
Jtm tut
No Other piece of booiehoU fomUnre appeals so elo*
qoentljr to the hoaafrwife as a goDi. 'SM Bamgt.
VIA O. It A I. RT.
Tbe OJlbwray Indian drama “Hiawa
tha” will be given at Lake Ya-wmy-golag. sear Petoskey. Mich., daily frum
July 4lh to Sept. 4th. ThU rendition
of the Indian as a romantic figure,
shoald be seen by every <«e. De
scriptive pamphlet can bo had by ad
dressing ticket a^nt. G. R. A I. Ry..
Traverse City, or C. L. Lockwood. G.
We are makiiij' apiH’ial ef
forts to nsluiv* oor luive range
stock tintl are umking on ad
vance fall show ing that will
save you just
Every R.Tnge guaranteed
Your Orodi’fc lo Oood
: 14-1S-1C-2I 22 23-28 29 30
Wk*l«0*uSB«l>a Tmt IdiabU Boom r«fabk<
A Touching Story
Public is Aroused.
There Is more catarrh In IhU Kocllon j Tl)o public U an.uM*d to a know!Is the saving fnmi *l**ath of the baby
of the country than all other disease*•
girl of Goo. A. Kjler. CuiulM>rlaiid. Md.
put logelher. and until the last few ! ^
He wrllea: “At the age *if n months
*<>ar« wa« *nin*(»*od to Ik* Incurable. I .
our little girl wa* In *locllnlng health,
For a
with serloua thniat tmulik*. and two
phy*iclans gave l»er up. We were al*
*crllK*«l local remedi***. and hv c*»nmi**t In d<**|*alr, when we resolved to
■tanily falling to cure with local treat- fev*T and ague, my m-rve* were iry Dr. King * New Dl*oov«*ry for Coo*
inct-d it incurable. 8ck*nco
meni. prunoum
sumfitlun. Cough* and CVild*. The flrxt
catarrh to |»c a conhilUiha* p
•*'Mtef*'*ancr lining four
■o n*qulre*
con*Uiutlunal tn*alm**nl. Hair* (?airc. mamifarinred hv F J.
Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is the
. Meads and 8.
only ciJiiHill
Giinranlw*.! at J..lmaon‘* Drug Bnire.
60c and
A 8.ms** drug Klores;
Internally In dose* F. H. Mea.l*.nnd B. 1!. Walt A Sot.*It I*
1.00, guaruiitiK-d. Trial Ituttle 10c.
I dmpa
drug Kt«ir.*>;; price 50c.
oci* .llr.-ctly on the blood and muc*
siurfac*-* *.f
*if the system.
s.vKtem. They offer i
A wou.lerfiil tonic f.*r Ih** sick and
hundred dollars for
•r any cn*e
ca* It fail* t
iscb* fas-i*T than afflki**.!. tJet atn-ugih. health and
Mak**s b.i)).* tiod muse
Send for circulars atul testi
family nx-.llclm*
Bold hv ilriigglsl*. 75c.
mily Fills I
Peculiar Disappearance.
Grand Rapids. Mich., Aug. IR. HtoS,
The Wc*sl Michigan State fair K
al*»ut L: oo excursion |o Mllwauk**** Ihe|lcullar\irw.pp. i.r^^^^^^ of «>H- pal«)
close at hand. SepL IK to 22 will swn
of imllg.-stlon and billThur-dny Tlck**is g«Ki*l on .':;:o p. ni.
be hE*re.- Th(»se win* have (*xh1hil«**l
ou*(i.-*H to Dr. King * .\<-w Lif** Fill*.
fruit In past yE*ars are aln-ady al work
aug 14-1 r. 1 f. 21 22 2.3 28 29-30
and will duubtl«*)is prc-senl a fine di-«
play of the “fruit that has mad*' MIchi
gan famous." Those who have n*»t ex
; stores. priet*'25c.
hibited hon*lofore are urged to l»»*gln
(tlannlng miw. 8**nd to the F**rr**lar\
tASTAMU: i‘UAlT|i Aa.l.t l
for a premium list. l>K»k It *>ver.
aud Ibeso leaVE-B Ih.ii fast.-ii.*!
Make up your mind what ytm can show
ler with rivets, us shown lu
besL Get this fnilt In the Grand Rap
id. Gold Blorago company, the sucleiy
wlll pay the storage chargE*. In other vents tbe pans from l*c-**.milug s.*]* ^
words, do your best lo put up the l>est amtt-d nud mislaid wht-u the fu*.i**mr
you can. Ne%-or mind whether you g**t Is Out attsfiied to tlx* tent. Tin- low**r
a premium Eir not. It will do you good bar ut tbe link Is prcf*!rabl.% fnr.iuHl
to comitare your fruit with that of with ii bhide or knife edge. B. udufle.l
others. You will enjoy the fair monv ti» sluk into tb<* p**g. tu* sb«»*vu In
;i. and lliUB prevent.s the fust*-n.*r from
If you have any fruit you want to know
slipping off. the name of bring it with you. Ask
lli** nuHior is*gs are pn-f.-raMy
questions; in fart make your visl' tlriv«*n In ut an angle. nn*l an* pnivldej
and exhibit an etlucathm. Uith for witb a slight noteli to re**elve ih<* liladi*.
yourself aqd others. Write John B. 'Hie l*egs usually furnlshtsl Evith lt*iits
Martin, auporintendeot hEmicuIttiral are of substautiully reetangular <-r<*»-*
illustrat***!. but wln*u th**s.'
departmE-nU CO Monroe street. Grand j
lEJSt rough *-ut j«*gs lire oft**n em
lUplJ., Mich.. IhAt yon Inlond to ox j
nd!i|.t the links
hibll. what you intf*nd to exhibit, and j
their use the side bars of th«* links
any information you may want , are bowed out. as showu In Fig 2,—
relative to your display.
i Sclenttflc American.
It Is ho|KN] to have tnstniction In
In Mrs. James Itnovn I*i»Mcr s sljilde
grading and packing apples, and pos
sihly Informal talks by exiK*ns from when ull her cffi** Is w * re sol*| ai
the Agricultural CEdlege for an hour tloU IIlit Brny 1Fx*Uge wrrt' thr.s- man-s
a Rhetiuii
II lirougliu)!!,
each morning. Take advantage of vlE-torin. an Am«*rlean spnl**r <-nrt.
these If thE*y will help you. With the dogcart, a luggngc curt uml n * <uisf**r
No matter what you l>ake, whether it K* brcatl or pastry,
quantity and quality of our fruit this cart. togeth**r w irh a new seven horse
if made of Marvel Flour it will be dclicif>us, wholesome
the* display In horticultural hall power motor cur.
and satisfying.
should be a recsjrd breaker and you
should help to make It so whether youi
exhibit b*> large E*r small.
nade from seWro. H. Andersi»n. I’n-sldent.
It's made in absolutely saniury mills, made
and will he refunded to you if after
's *easy to Ijake
lected Spring wheal and made right. It's
L. J. Weber. Secretary.
ins Italf a bottle of
enly and
if Marvel .-lour
Flour is Used.
used. It i>akes
-IMI'; pure.
quickly. Marvel Flour is .itf'flijur—
■ERT at Or
grocers sell it. If yours don't, he will
music store ttmlght under direction of
get it ftjr you if you ask him to.
Mr. Chaa. A. Skelcber.
‘Light and
•00 wwnsn, girts and boys ovsr.
14 years of agt. PIsasanL clean
The Traversa City Canning Ca.
aug 12-tf
It’s a Pleasure to Bake with Marvel Flour
Listnun Mill Co. La Crosse, Wis.
you are not aatisfied with rrswlU.
This is our guarantee which goes witb
n*er) bottle.
For.3ala mmA OuaraMaad Omiy by
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
Wants liglit. feath
anti pic trust.
can always be the
result if you use
We buy it in car
lots because
we sell so muth.
The best of good things pn pared by expert bakers. JiiU thf thing for
afternoon luncheons, evening gatherings, pjcnic parties and camping.
>iml ’Tmm
F"!* N*w%or»
ulcers, son** and cancer* It I* the
iK.*l iMallng dr,*sHlng I C4cr foiind."
S*K.lh«‘* and IxalK cut*, burn* and
maids 25c at J..hn«on-* I>rug Blor^
F. H. M.-a.lK and 8- K Walt A Sons*
drug Kt.ire.-; gnaranliTj.
it is so popular and
Fiendish Buffering
I* ofu*n cau*.**l by sore*, ulcem and
rain-iTs. that eat away y«nr skin. Wiix.
4nm m mm Mwlng, ikla
•klw wMfMa mt tk*
foOoMd tke fortMto or a p
Mck aa ke «M tfclrty ywara apa.
iiAfiKco cuowio cxmcim of tkvwagk tke
aad tka vaiarti to tk* wagaa Noma
•tokito Apackto.*'toM e>ko mar* IMm
Dtotk lBva4*d tko fcoto* of ItoMk
tklrty yean attar, whmn ka pmal HitoMl of ftr Botok Unkm otreto y*«ca tke raeamiflM.to dram, kakii aad
at 1 ctoloek. taking
•ihAmt at WtVoyrt Lmi MifM.
away tk* wife. LoreCU Xosl HskeU.
•gad 48 yanra. Tke fknerml arraageCtwwtiiii t» D« C«ll«dL
m«toa provide tkat eke
tkoagkt wkick he snatkiagty
be keU tkU evening at 7 o!clock from
broad tariM. tkat tka rcaanraUoa ay*- tke teMdencB, Rev. Thmmmm Cox of
tom ladlaaiaed tka whlta paasratosat ficiating aad tke remalaa will Oten Ue
tte tradtUoMl vmjr. tk« rtstec
amployaB laataad of drObriag tke ka- at tke hotoe wntil Wednesday morning
MB. tkt grmi aril flf 4ajr b«tef
dlaa arttklB iu borders.
when they will be taken to the family
«lgMl for tbo oMriM pn^ »MCtns.
Ffvllwiiaary Caavoattan CatU
lot ia tke Manistee cemetery.
wMeh vu snuMmood to take place
A maatlag called last evenlag ctset^
frMi tka teaiod aadltorto*.
ad oOceta who wlU later call a eoa'
Umo or kraree tied aoiaoBly oot fron Uon at ChScapo of red SMa of mil aa- Stepbea. of Mr. aad Mrs. J. D. Sted
man of Acme raccumbed to death Sat
IkNr vidwaa hovaa aad gaikered
tloos to eoaatder tbe reserratloa prak- urday. tbe firoeral aonrlces taking
petkOT for tbrtr laid rHUrtoo« ecrr
lem. The following oDoars weto aleetPrapor ««■ foUovod kr (1>e Caalllar ad; Prealdant. Dr. Gartoa. Montasnnaa. place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from tbe Acme church.
Chicago: vlea prealdant. Plamoa Rad**AM mat thU body die;
bird. Genoa,
ThU well wrooHit frwoo decay?
braaka; treasurer. Bar. WUUam PetoaAad Met tkeM actire limbs of ■
key, Petoskey; secretarlaa. Robert
Ue moaldering Id the grarer
Agoaa. Northport; Rev. WUUam Eilat. Tw* Mor* Paytog I
diqr by Traveree City Business
The larpe cbulr aiaglof lasteod:
Barker Creek; auditors, Simeon. RadCollege.
Tuk ae mah pud oak.
bird and Mark Mam-goaa, Kekadin.
Nee Ob pvak po pok «a shla.
Over one tboosand visitors swarmt
Loedlng, formerly bookkeeper
Nlap oh pwab po pub aa shio.
the camp grounds yesterday and last
for the Elk Rapids
B oak ub pwah po«uh aa sbla?"
evening every train bore Its heavy
The Oroat Circle.
loaded coaches to and from the Cement company, has accepted a posi
tion at $80 a month with the C.. R 4
FOllovinp thU walllap kjrmn tb«
Q. Railway company at Uncoln. Neb.
tire roaprepatloa. aaoMeilop about
Will Nash haa taken tbe position
eipbt kaadred red mew and tbelr
with the cement company made vacant
sooaws aad papooees. rormed la
by Mr. Loeding’s resignation, at a good
llnee auu bopma the great circle fare
salary. This makes twenty-eight
well, beaded down from peacratloQ
Student of Grand Traverse Buedents placed In paying positions by
after pcoeratJoB from the oaily pagan
iness Univeraity.
Messrs. Martlndlll and Rose, proprie
rilee. aa the form of breaktap np all
tors of the Ttsverse City Hublness clopreat pmthcrinpa. As the lines bepan
A J. Mlkowskl left this morning for
legc, since June 1.
a slow and dipniflt'd counter moveLudlngton to uke a position as sten
meat, bands reached over and across
ographer and bicwkkecper with a whole
the Inlervenlnp space and the endearsale fruit dealer of that city. Mr. Mllap words ‘'Boo sboo. douph-a-ina"
Dr. Hoseotbal-Tbompson leaves In
kowskl received his commercial train
which Is almost Inexprcseible In tbc
for Detroit, where she
ing In tbe High school under the In
■npllah lanpuape, beinp the most
struction of W. P. Needham. He also will consider the advisability of locat
press!ve term of affect loaato farcwcU
took work at the Grand Traverse Busl ing soon.
that the Ottawa Indian knows, meanness University during tbe summer.
H. L. Paris of Mllleiwberg. Mich.,
lag “good bye. my brother."
Two days after tbe term closed Prla- and Mrs. Elizabeth Brayman of Port
Breaking Camp.
cipal W. P. Necslham secured this po Edward. N, Y.. have returned to their
The breaking up of camp
homes after a visit with Ihclr brother,
sition for him.
lowed and traps, equippapos of all
P. Parts of.nnh atreet.
kinds and descriptions began
Edna Wilhelm left yesterday morn
proceaekmal tbmupb tbe wild, ragged
ing for Petoskey, where shu will spend
roads to tbe outer world, many taking
^er vacatioa.
the nramlnp train for Petoskey and
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 21.—UTicat—
Peter Wurzburg of Northport
other nearby points. Rev. William ScptemlH-r, 83c: No. 2 red. 824c: No.
Petoskey and party numbering thirty, S com. 88 4c: No. 3 while oats, 274c. rived this morning for a day's business
being among them.
Toledo, O.. Aug. 21 —Wheat—Cash,
Mrs. Swanson and family of Manton.
, A Oevemment Teacher.
83c: September, 83 Uc: December,
who have been at Northport. arrived
Mrs. Jennie Miller Dodge of the gov- 84 4 c.
in the city this morning for a short
crameat agrloultural school at CbllocChicago, Aug. 21.—iMieat—Septem
with her mother. Mrs. Ole
' CO. Oklahoma territory, left for Rapid ber. 804c: December, 82c. Com—SopCity, where she will visit her parents tember. 734c; December. 45Sc. Oats Blacken.
Miss Winifred Gagnon of Northport
a khort time before leaving for her —September, 2B4c; December. 284c.
academic duties at the far weeiera September pork. $14.30; lard, $7.80; arrived in the city this morning on a
visit with friends and relatives.
government school. Mrs. Do<lge has ribs. 18.80.
spent nearly her entire life there,
Stevenson attended the camp mooting
studying as a child, then Uktag
silk>n as InMlrurtor and later marrying
Roiisa. the Amerimn bandmaster, de services at Northport yesterday, also
visiting Northport Point.
the mechanical and electrical engln<>er tests s|ieecbmskhig.
Miss May E. Shank of Grawn. spent
Dr. Glon Hhimewe. Inventor of tk*
of tbe Institute. She la the daughte'
explosive bearing bis name, waa bom all last week wrth Mrs. Wm. F. Wuenof James Miller of Rapid City who is
scher of 410 Bast Front street.
white Indian. Mrs. Mllltrr U the only In tbe protim«e of Hlroabima forty
seven years ago.
Loa Crawford has gone to Kalkaska
repreeentatlve from the three or four
Miss Madge Pickier, daughter of a to visit friends.
-government schools to have any suc
fonner well known wngrensmeu. la
W. H. Martlndlll is In the city lof>kcess In obtaining pupils for »cho«ding. owner and au|>eriiilendent of a mine
Ing after the Interests of the Traverse
and it la conceded that U>e lectures near Cripple Creek. Colo.
City Busings College.
given by Dr. Carlos Montezuma
It is now pro|«mte<l to change Joseph
Mrs. J. W'. Travers has retumisl
far reaching In their influence towanl Jeffeiwon's statue, to l*e erectet!
discriminating against the gnveniment Rlrhrocuul, Va.. to a rkamilrr por from a visit atfPetoskey and Hay
schools in favor of the common public trait repretM'uting biui as Rip Van
Joseph SIcder went to Kingsley
schiMd aysteip.
K. J. W. Hoeftrber. the well known business this morning.
Dr. Potts %oVs In the Morning.
adentist. of Washington. D. C., haa
Miss Lulu Saxton went to Mayfield
Yesterds) morning services were In a colleetlou of 1(».000 plants from
this morning.
»harpi^uf Dr
H 1‘otta, editor of the ail over the world, classified and
W. J. Melhel and wife of Charlevoix
Michigan ChrUilsn Advocate, who
wort' In the city yealcrday.
rived on the gtwgndk ou tlie afternoon
John I>. llo.-kefeller and Dr. Wash
James Hurst and J. W. Mather of
train. He spoke without the Interrup ington Gladden, who haa M-ored
tion'bf an Indian Inu-rpreter as It is •^tainted money” so thoroughly, were Cadillac spent Sunday in tbe city.
Milton Hsrr of Grawn was in the
^tpncede<i;pBt *k«- majority of the In adtoollioya together lu Tioga county.
city, today looking'after business in
dians i% attends!ie< understand the
hYederick* Mome. non of a Kanaaa terests.
EngBah laniigage ruough to maki
farmer, rode mor** than to,<W0 milea on
N. C. Burt of Grawn is in town on
• service* complete wtthoin an l
horseback during his four years' atprcler. Dr. Potta look as his theme tendanc* at the t-ollege at Euii*oria, business today.
Erwin Baker of Dwlgbt. III., arrived
'beaut if Hi thought that all men Kan.
I on the steamer Illinois yesterday morn
aav«>«| through the |s>t»rr ol
ing to spend a week in tbe city.
Max I>fwwa«A Mm WateHMt.
, God. He began hl» Illustrations bv
L. K Stevenson of the Record went
William l>ean Howells has a low.
describing s visit which he ma.I.
musi<-at voice, and he bates loud voices to Northport today, accompanied by
through the Chinese end of San Kran
In women.
hU mother and sister.
deco and the frightful pagan scenes
Mr. Howells sometimes tells a story
J. P. Forest, business manager for
- . which be. wIiDCHM'd and cmipled with in illustration of the ahiill power that
*^the same visit where he entered the Is too often to l>e noted In tba fetuln- Lottie Blair Parker's “Under Southern
Skies" company was in the city Sat
Ina vdees of Anieiioa.
^oflee of a Chinese dentist who
urday making final arrangements for
L guide, tills story
' ^ __ christianised typo of a Chinaman, the
differences In-lng due to the foi\. western hotel Ito lead a palirty of tooi^ the apeparance of bis play here next
I great waterfall.
Mondaj-, Aug. 2*.
^^ng power of Gt*«1. He stall'd that
in stout boots the |i«rty set ont. and
felt thai-it was a hard Usk to et
for two Imurs ascended a winding and
the mlsslooar) fields among pagan In- a pleasant road.
A prominent Mancelona business
•We are nearly there now.” the man. noted for boasting of bis past
<dtans, yet as he sImmI Itofore the audi
ence gathered In the tent be graspeil guide said at last, and with revived bravery, a few nights ago sUrted after
dark for the bouse of a friend who
tbe band of aged “Brother
•'How uiueh fsriher. guide?” asked
aaid that he was proud to stand hand a little inter, a young man whose hoots Uvea two miles ont of town. Looking
around he saw a “spook" following
In hand with so true a Christian sni
ere tight.
him. looking very much like bis de
Brother West grunted a happy assent
••Oub s step more, sir.” was tb
Th« Afternoon Sorvlcc.
"A. sis'n as tbe Udles stop parted “better half.” and carrying
Iking you w ill hear the roar.”—6aa old broom. He got up and ran for
The rrowd.s which began to enti-t
deer life, at a Barney Oldfield clip.
the grounds''at 9 o^dock were massed
Exbansted at last, be sat down to
in the large tent at 2 o'clock In anticiwtta ta* Mtwssvois.
psitofi of heariag Dr. Cartos MonieznmomonL l^lien be looked up be
ms. who, however, did not arrlTe until
again saw the white-robed figure at
me. Mr. Bonto. that that lgnomnf%«a3 o'clock. He addreoaed the audience
kls side, who said: “John, you hun
tletuan to whom we wrere talking u a
on the rx'servatloa Question and made hoet In himself.
well, but you can’t escape me." John
many sallies on the aristocracy of the
replied: “I knew 1 did. and I will be
Mr. Bones-Ye*, sah. Appearancto
republic, claming that It was the first
running again ns soon ns I get my
D mighty deceivin' sah.
race, the red men. who were the aris
breath." And he wa*.
Mr. Tamho—But what did he
tocracy of America. He caoaed
>? Tell me why Is be a bomt in him
MIm Minnie Baldwin te preeldeiit mt
tore of laughter among the entire con self?
bank In Wlster. I. T.. which has
gregation by stating that an Indian's
Mr. Bones-Dat geo’man am a
deAnItlon of hell was -work." aad de In hinisHf. Mlstab Tambo. liecaxe ke capHallntloB of 825.000. and Is tnanplored the fact that the 'govemmont am de Undlord of de leddln* botH In agrr of tbe'coocem.
lYieker Briish.
f«l them and made It possible to
Mr. Tambo—Ladle* and sentlemca.
atroy tbelr energy to do for themwith your kind permlsMeB Mr. HIgk. main closed two day* owing to the
collah wlU now aing. “My GlrPa Name lack of help, after which it wUl be
Or. Montezuma's Imk lector*,
4s .Mlm TDOber. and She's Ur Sweet rwdy for lu patrons.
bv %
evening servicM were the ban- mtato.“—Detroit Tribnne.
ner nenrlces of tbe wMk. the andlMce
EXTRA BFCCIAL aaie on *6h*M
wambertag fully gfifi.
euHa and shoe* this woMt.
br. Carlos Moatesuaaa gare the adThe Boeton Bier*.
Tfce steam barge Ndward Backley b
Isadlag laatoer at UklOU dock.
Tbsre vtn ke a SMett^ «f tke Odd
Fellows Taeeday aigkt at tksir haU at
ni East Ftoat sti*eL
Captain Tiewberry of Ckarlevotx was
la the city yeaterday aad spent the
day with tke Salvation Army. Oaptnla
Newbetry has amay frieads la this
city wkl^ was his former home, who
were glad to see tkelr old acQualntanee again. He left this noon for Cad
illac where he will aUn the work of
tbe army la that dty.
Ben Kennedy, the Olivet coach, wifi
spend next week with Jim MlUiken
aad Ralph Thacker of this city- Mr.
Kennedy. It will be remembered, spent
a few day* la the city last fall getting
tbe city foot ball team in shape for
the battle with Mancelona. While here
the genial giant made many fricod!i
w ho will be glad to sec him In the city
Traverse City was well represented
at 8ba-eko-ge-shlc camp grounds yes
terday. the steamer Columbia taking
200 while three excursion trains load
ed to tbelr full capacity brought local
viaitur*. among them being A. A.
Miller and family. E. B. Miller and
family, Herbert Montague. W. W.
Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Irlah. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
King. Mrs. B. J. Morgan. Mrs. J. W.
Hannen and guests. Misa Mollic Quin
tal and Miss DoHle Rogers.
Charles Snyder, a resident of the
west side, was arreated Saturday even
ing on complaint of some of the neighiKirs. Snyder was charged with mis
using his wife. Ho was lodged In the
county Jail and as no formal complain*,
bad been cnter<-tl he was released to^
day. Mrs. Snyder baa kft town.
Mr. anfi Mrs. WRIiam Crlap WlU Cel*krat* Aimivemafy.
Mr. aad Mr*. WlUlam/Crtap wUleooa
celebrate llmlr golden wedding. The
date of tkkt happy anniversary falls
on Friday. Aug. 2S aad It is tkelr In
tention to Invite a number of gweeu
who will also be prcsesit at dinner and
a receptkm in the afternoon.
Mfu UlUaa Gibbs of Soatk Uahm
street was happily sarpdsed laM 8Marday ky a aamber of hmr 'yoaag
Meads. Ike ev*at belag la booor of
her aUtk birthday. Mlsa LUUaa was
preseated wrltk tony piatty and anfbl gifts by her friemls aad the happy
eveat will kmg be freak la tke mcnory
of those pmeau
MOTHERS, get your boys acheol
cults her* this week and save mer*
than money meugb «e buy his beelca.
The American Bey Shoe* ere the beet
T«o Law for Obi
FOR SALE—Sioiv and llfty-foot front
comer Oak and Front stivet*. Sher
aug 21-8t
man 4 Hunter.
FOR SALE—New eight room bouse,
farnace. fifty fool on Cass. Exchange
for vacant lots or land near city.
Sherman 4 Hunter.
aug 21-€i
FOR RENT—Thr»>e ntoms.
■ C03 West Seventh street.
aug 21-tf
300 women, girts and boy* over.
14 year* of sgs. PleassnL clean
Tho Traverse City Canning Co.
aug 12-tf
OdlM boars WBttl 10 s. m. sad T to • p. m
BoswopaUitc Os.imd PrwcUe* sad
“A Royal Slave" in ihe at tract ion
which aiM'pars at Stelnt>crg'K Gran.I
tomorrow night. Tueaday. Aug. 22.
When here iK'fore the Evening llecorj
bad the following to aa.v «»f It:
“Fbr life second Ume The Royal
Slave* has lu-en presented t<» the tluator goers of Traverse City. The pro^
ductlon last night In many re*p«'<t8
waa very creditable, and In all resp«N ts
extremely enjo.vahle.
The scenic
mounting of the olay Is elatMirate. and
realism has botm the aim of the sceni?
artist with gfvxl effect. The cast is
headed by Units l.,rtlon in the char
after of Ei Agulla. the descendant of
the Moulcruma kings."
A. E. WatRon and D. G. Stanton of
Boyne City spent yesterday lu tic
fi-athcr iK'ds ami make them
I into
a fine feather mattress. Y«m will l»e
pleased. N. B. Cbaidn Carpet Cleaning
aug 21 «•
iPreebytorisn Plenic Wedneedsy.
Mr*. Tatman tevltoa tke ladito of
the Presbyterian Mwrek and cmi^
gatioa to meet at k«r eottage at Beato,
Mokeaa next Wedn—day for a ^lenis
dinner and aocinl hear, each oa* to
bfiag a plate aad cop. fork aad spoon.
Busses' will leave from Mrs. Ugrtg's
and Mr*. Musselman's at lO a. m. Tke
gentlemen are also Invited to come to
dinner on tbc traction bosaea whjeh
| leave at 11:30 and return at 1 ololock..
“Gel in the Swim”
Great Ri>ort in the water.
Ix<ini tt» swim by one tritil.
If you can't swim luiy a isiir
tliom one can swim or float.
They Btipjairt from .'lO to i'lO
iwund*. You siviiply intiate
them, wotle out to a conveni
ent ilejilli.
apply your
\yiNGS told pull for shorn.
Nothinp like them ever pmdnctvl.
Mnnuf.iclurers unable t*> i;et them out fast
eiionuh to supply tleiiiand.
Prices 25c and 3Sc Each
A RATTLING good clothe* brush
free writh’every boy's suit this week.
e Borion Store.
^ Satunlay.
OUR MEN'S suit sale Is going full
aug 15 If
Hamilton Clothing Co.
SS{S?l?°"'Tra8ilai(, Adg. 22
Somrsio •aaootototo
kw» the ii\
(iroat Tropical IsImkI l»y Moonlight—Tho Gervoona
ralace of tho Kipi;-the
Volc;ino in State
Staio ofEruii.
of Erui
• Great
' -toatVolc;tno
tion-Moet bcwililorinp display
splay of Sevnic EmbellialiinenUi
PHICCS: 25c. 35c, SOCb rsc Setts Now on Sfile TeL 112
$1.89 UMBRELLAS $L89
We have purchased from the manufacturer a
big lot of Ladies’Silk Umbrellas, plain black,
black with tape border, also Blue, Circen and
Red with fancy borders; there is not one worth
less than $<‘L00 and some worth $3.50. Wc
offer the entire lot this week, at
$1.89 Each
Boxwood handles, steel rod and paragon frame
Chfldrens’ School Umbrellas
at 39c Each
LETT US RENOVATE yotir feathers
now with our new n-novator Chapin
CariK'l Clianing Works, phone Its
aug is tf
Hamilton Clothing Co
THE SCHOOL BELL will be ringing
soon. Your boy will appreciate a new
suite and wilt work the harder if I
haa it. We are almost giving sui
away this week.
The Boston Store.
Manaf^ers SteinberR
take plceaurv in announc
ing the engagement of
Tkt Smmptmwm* Alk^iicbI
Grand Opera
Onto ItotBfKR Only
SjHURMY. msi 26
We Will Send One
And you may try it
to Your Home JT j| I LL IZd for forty-eight hours
I'hls offer is good for TKN HAYS ON'LY.
Our object in making it is to stimulate trade during these hot August days
while shopping is far from pleasant.
Here is
nnltv- rr»
is an
an opportunity
to #»vrw»i
e.xperien^ personally, and in your own home, the
rful store
sioi of pleasure and enrertainment now available to < cryonc, and cverywonderful
where, by means
of the marvelous EDISON FMONOGKAl’H ind the VICTOR
While the X'ictor "Talking Machine” is the term
generally applied to VICTORS and EDISON’S, talk« ing is the least of their many attractions. In fact, they
^ arc the most versatile of all entertainers, human oc
^ji mechanical, for they reproduce with absolute accuracy,
every form of music, evcr>' instrument, every voice.
Ti The entire world of music is open to the owner of a
^ VICTOR or an EDISON, and the Greatest Musical
Artists are at his instant command.
Would not such an inc.xhaustible fund of entertainment brighten up your home*
make your family happier, and delight your friends.^ Then take advantage of our
FREE TRIAL offer and let us demonstrate that VICTORS and EDISONS do all
and even more than we claim. If. after a trial, you decide not to buy, wc will take
back the instrument without a word.
Please Fill out the Coupon and Mail
• It to Us
Ffm Trial Cbbbbb
This offer is open to anyone living in any of the
towns where we have stores.
To Grinnell Bros:
I mm intenwted in Talking
Machines, aa a {loaaibli* purrhaaer, and shall be glad to liave
Of ^ Bibk pl.7. nooe
have ever reached the ooroted
pinaole as haa this Great
Hasti^ PtbAbcHbr.
Nns 25c, 35c, 50c, 7Sc
Fit It SI.N
will be plaiwl on aale
Wedoeaday moralng.
HBsk Hb
ward arenne.
159 iBst fmt SCrttt
gtwt 21.
Eao^ba, Flint, ^nojck, Jackgoti, Kalatnewy^ Lan^^,
y’ ■
m^tL^umm iwebiw<r^¥«»Mr«TrI mSnMi
^N6it ttltED
ibccd hstors Assist^ di the AfternoonSenrice
$PlEjlDID FiNiiliciili m
•ammavy. Ml «am.........
Ttttal reeMpta. pM aa4 fatare from pMcea.........;... ItJIU-tt
De%t ................................ .
TMa debt d |4;M» Mac afur »»
pMMaa la hand Imve hem pMd. The
term of the 9f.m moram* P««S
rii to make pertlal payi
matarlty and eo keep iMwat dmise
lo the loweet poeelhle potot.
Itow asr. fUeMia.
After the report ef the trweteea, the
pastor. Rev. a OacMto. i
addrees. stattos that after hmethoasht
and prayer the coacropatlaa was kbit
to i^bcr and srorahip la the
bulhtlBh The ebureh ta admimhiy
equipped, he aaM. not only for e&rvTlac on the regular work hut aloo for
the work of the varlooa mnUlary
bodies. The chnrch la churchly aad
wur" never be mistaken for anything
else. Us lines are harmonious in deUil and the Gothic style has bees
carried out everywhere, no detail beiag
omitted. He said that there had
no friction and be did not believe that
there had ever been a church buUt
with so little dlssenlloo. He told of
how the subscriptions bad willingly
come hi. not only from the churdi
members but oulalders as well, bow
two BeheaUan goiUeaiah had glten
|»eo between them. He then
tloBOd the gifts to the chureh made by
daasos of the Sanday scbool wad ladividoals mentioning among others
the beautiful west window In memory
of James O. Johnson and the furnish
ing of the tower room by Mr. Bbner's
Mrs. Grant and E. L. Sprague are
the only living charter members and
Mrs. Grant was kept asray oa neooaa*
of illneas bat .Mr. Sprague was presHe then named those that hal
passed oa aad said that be believod
that they, too, were rejoicing yester
day with those leU on earth.
Shows ie^ than S3.5liQ Ou| to' (^piete Totatj
IMiiHe Mims br In. W. 6. PMMm ^ ■mMhmtii,
the Chiteli, Qm hfon hmaise
Mfieice Cit; Pesters eH io Itteeleece et ferms
Senrices taifeg the Bay.
ta Ctoat ef ton
The spriptare
Ue to the MdMaas. «B^ mad hr the
Rev. Chartee 'T. 9mm. aad wm followe(d hr prayer which
Rev. anadU
a( Cba eNpi Mar. Ll M 1
Dr. & & Smith thoy vwdcm4 the
vice Mr rtoilac na U» prtadM Haona. heaatlfat aAlo. “A Dream W Paradise."
the LXndT paabn wkick w tal Dr. Smfith la pmcdcanr a aew earner
lowed wKk prayer hy Mar. HoiM M«a•edy after wWeh the cboir rfdarsd
toe beataMBl Ti Deaai that farmed a qaaiJty aad hla eanadatkm la of the
•tttag preiade to Rev. Oocktta'a rw beat.
Mr. Oochlia showed to the andleace
After dxprasalBg toe wM that the a plctare potated by Mr. Pndedfooc of
koMe was aa foU as at the moralag Tbaverae City as It looked froap kls
he aald. “In the algteea years study wtadDw years ago. The view Is
that I hare senred here I have greatly looklagwat apoe the rfver mad Boardeajpyed the fellowship ef the Traverse man lake. The prteclple objects are
City people aad my teUow workers. I the tall ptaea which are now replaced
think that oor city was never better by the faetory saMke stacks.
served by an abler corps of minUters
Mr. Paddefool dwelt only npoa the
tosB St the preecnt.“
life of the home missionary and kU
He then spoke of the fault of hC i trials.
Buny mlBisters.of the gospel, that of
“Ood made the ^e wild >ose and
orerlooklng important parts of thdr from this we have the Aaseiicna
work such as having a care over and Beauty. Jack and doseas of others.'
sympethy with his parishioners. “I | saH Mr. Puddefoot. ‘Tlod gave «s
don't know.” said Mr. CoehMn. "whe j applet A cotnosea Rule crab apple,
could better open s serrlce of this ; Now you can pray over a crab apple
sort than a Methodist and so I will! for a year and It will only get
first eaU on Brother Kennedy.'
shrink ap. bat when ssan puts kls tal
Mr. Kennedy expressed hU pleasure ent alongside of God we have the Spy,
arbclng preaetti at the meeting: at the Baldwin. Canada R^. 8ti*ers Red and
hour which meant to much to tbe pas In fact evrything from a Bon llavU
tor and people pf the church. He U a Ruaaeti."
of the mind that the church buildings ' The work of man with Ood was
of Traverse CUy were not In accord trated by many uit-s of the frontier
with the other public buildings.
"Wesley said, we cannot aM think
Tbe speaker has traveled
alike, but we ran all love alike.* and It worked from coast to coast aad
is love that brings tbc different denom- of hla experteeces and the exprtences
inatiuos to gether. We are not scat-juf fellow workers are truly atartUiis:.
I on farms miles apart but tbe . He told of one friend who was at
population is congested and It Is tb* j in the coal section of Indiana. He was
church that must solve the problem of stoned from one town sixteen times
congested population."
Held vrvieee In dance hall, bad, bis
Rev. Blksell was the next speaker companion shot at his side and th<^
and told of a meeting that be attend back €»f his pulpit was punctured with
ed In the southern part of the state sixteen bullet hoU-s but they all^missetl
hoard Mr. Puddefoot say thatjhlnk
thq rhurchee were built an<l
wbere.ho lived, over In tbe thumb, that t maintained and today his city of refthere were two towns. Bad Axe and ' uge Is the to»n shore they stoni-d him
Grindstdne.fwithin a ft-w miles of each | at first sight.
other and that it had always been a
Northern Michigan In tbe early days
question In his mind shy there should j sras vividly described by him as seen
bad axe so near a good grind-, from the eyes of a missionary. He
told of tbe lack of a bouse lo live Itr
Mr nissell fpoke of the great secret the sickness and death; the winning
’ a pastor’s life as being the ability > of the foreigners, of the saloon keep<*rs
I see the got>d and not the bad in life. . and finally hos the little ebureh was
Captain Bouders of the Salvation j erected and then the same thing done
Army was present and said that he | over in tbe next losn that was as t>ad)
murh Intert-sted In grindstones ! if not surse.
because he found a go«vl wife in Grind- '
»ttine The captain hfoughf
thiMight that years ago this
meeting would have t»een lmpoK.>lb'e*
that Insiiwd of unison there was
made towarob congreq^tionstrife but that now the harriers were
broken down.
Rev. C. T. Stout of Grace Episcopal
church spoke on Ihe wonders of croa- i ^
c Thrws Aarvicss th# ContnbuMr. Stout thinks that the pro-'
feasion of an architect next blghosi | tiont Agfesgated fiVsS—Leaving a
Balance of Only 53.245.
the proft-ssion of a minister. "The |
in who ran eonceire In his
mind, put on paper and at last
At the ihr«*e dedication servlres n’
his Idta in stone and wcsh
he Congregational church yeiJterday
Tlie Br«r CtniRn'KmIloMi cburrh «■« I He dc>daml lb«l Ibme lumbertnca
AedkeUed ytiUertUj utib service* emi- *nd ibe people of the fmotlere ver*
•eerily appruprleic and iM-nttlaic the|**a voice crylBjc tn the vHdcnmeu*'and
bapfiyr orcsKloa. Tbc rburch Bome is, e«ld tlwt tibe cbiircb had oeore
really IlnUbcd now and bcloax» to tbej than saving lu own soul. He totd of
ronan-ecalion. The workini; and plan-Ube rich men to wbum he had e«BlnR of months has rearhifl an end | plalnt-d the sltnatiuo and they satd
and the new bulldina was alvp to Us | that It was none of tbc church's buirisonire for 0«»d wUh hearts full of i neat. And yet if the church did Its
tbankfyilurss that His kindness had cn-1 work today there would be no TamabH>d the |*oople to rrud the licautlful many corruption nor Philadelphia eril.
edificv In His honor.
The sjM aktT then , said that there
The serrlre oi-mt'd aith a mast.-rful r ntHHli-d to be an awakening. DalrymToluntary by Keail on the new pl|H-1 pie was sent for to give hU opinion
orgnn played by Harry II. Harncr. on the municipal ownership of street
This was follow«'d by the closology | car lines In Chicago. Brains were not
suuK by the r«ini;reiaitlon and also the;so much needed as honest men, he deUlorla l*atrl. Th«- CXXII psalm was |dared. He wondered bow long It
jead resptinslvely and the hymn I would Ik* iK-fore this c«mntry lifted up
Kind Words by Good Prtsnds.
•*Nir«-a” sung. As the scripture lesium.l Us head and advanct*d as far In civic
When the old eburoh wsk huilt Rev.
Rev. D. Oocblln read the sixth chapter | rlghU*ousnesa as It bad done in other
J. H. Crum was the pastor. Mr. Coeh
of Isiah a»d Rev Mr. Crane made the j things
*»penlnf prayer. The anthem 'Te IX*um j He then launchc*d Into a humorous lln had written him but had reeelvol
I.<audaB»us*' was sung beautifully by ‘ description of frontier churches but no reply. In response to Mr. Cochthe rlMdr aHer which Hev. Mr. Ooch ' .'d with all the humor there was a lln's letter. Rev. Mr. Warren replied a^
lin InirtHluci-d Rev. W. (5 I’udder«K»t. | dci p strain of pathos Intermingled. follosrs:
"I rejoice with you and your people
<he sjH-aker of the day Mr. Cochliii' He tohl of how flC.OOO had lK*en spent
the completion of your house of wor
said that all were gUi! to welctmo* 11« convict a munlerer who had at last
Mr. 1‘uddvfout who bad come clear I gotten away. “Ha*! half that sum Uwn ship. It would give me great pleasure
aceepi your invitation to attend
from Boston In t>rder to be pn>»ent a* | exi»«dc«l on religious training In the
dedication but 1 am not well
Ihc service. He bad tK*en pastor of; nolghlH>rhood where that ls»y wav
- ‘ the church twenty years ago and still | mls«»d.” he said. •*he would have been enuiigb. May you and your people an 1
children And pleasure and profit
refalniKl a fiH'llng of Mioaship for ' a us4*fiil citizen today Instead of an
the Trawrs
City congregation al- outcast.” Mr. Puddefoot doesn't be in the use of the new house, till your
. Ibongh his field was now a Irnuuler lieve in the Kchnicalltles that make church and congregation ontgrow It—
they did the old one—while we. one
tine, be being the s«Tn*tary of the ■n many denominatiuns, he does not
American C«ingregatWmal Isianl of like to see "so much holy ghost ixjwer by one. iiass on to the house not made
with hands eternal In the heavens. "
wasuil." and said
home mJsshins.
bulk by Rev.
old church
Rav. W. C. PiJddafoot.
**l am glad to see so many of yo*i cldcs and crimes that were appalling Reuben Hatch, now of Point Chautau
hen ." Tkald Rev. Mr. I»iiddeffs.t In ' and adviKattnl the sending out of good qua. New York. Much of the worl;
"The Oiand Traversi* air j uroitg colporteurs to lay a foundation was done wlfh hIs own hands. The
must he the elixir of life |K«catoe 1 j f**»’ the work. He declared that th«* venerable minister Is now in bis
the sjK*akcr and then expressed hiv i |l."3ri wi-re made Rev. Cochliu
••xpicted to see a lot of old men and «lwi‘ wa» ripe for doubling the SO.txio.. ninety-second, year and the foltowlng
fellow fcHlIng tensard Mr Cochlln. who nnuneed at the beginning that the
w«tmen hut you are all Just as young!
Christians because thousands of letter, dlctaied by him. was read by
considers thV dean of Ihe Traverse subsrrijitlons had seen libera! I>v the
Mr. Cochlls:
as 1 am. However. I noticed a great i lufliu nces were ready to aid
ministerial corps with himself i rhurrh memlK*rs luit that there were
“Your not of Aug. 2 gave me pltwa(Change In your edty Vou have evl-j The Immigration question was next
many, who ronld not Ik* set*n and n»a:iy
dmll) »s*. ii olwying tlx* thirty fifth I.Umched tt|Kin and its dangers shown un and recalhvl pleasant memories,
r. E 1.- Requa said that perhaps'who demhiless desired to aid In the
almost with a pang that I heard
chapter of Islah and making the wild { »»‘d a hum«»nms picture tif an emigrant
s a strange thought for a Quaker j po,„| work H«* asked , those wim
City Congregational
and i*n||iary places glad. Your {family o*i landing and twelve years jibe Traverse CH
but he was groatjy pleaso<l with the ' wished t<t do m> to contribute as murh
cUy Is as iKwutIfully shatktl as an oU later given. He said that all Imral-j church was lo be pulled daprn. On
appearance of the church. "David wall ; as their means wonld allow and the r'*New England town
! grants were not dangerous but that • secondthought mysorn>w was turned
•Pralse the l,ord on stringed Instru-| spons<-s were more generous than any
“My subject fttr this uioralng Is 'The isome of them nuM* to positions of j la to J<>y that Ithad stood m>long and
ments.'” and he thim spoke of the' one expcrtttl. The ronirlbutlons In
Chureh of the Uvlug HimI.’ Tii,-se ' honor and trust In their adopted coun-j served Us «lsy and generatltm so well,
iH-auty of the organ and congratulat»*d j t|,p Qjoming were ll 5W». In the after
•its founds! Ions were laid In
wonis are found oll«u In the lllhle but i *«.'
Mr Cochlln on Ihe possessing of sucii ; noon |4u and In the evening lll!i.
I don't like a text. A text, t«» my mln<*. j Previous to his dlsct*urse. .Mr. Pudde- troublous times as far as raising
wonderful Instnimom.
j These IflK-ral donations leaves the
I* simply an exeuM- u< talk and ran; ! f"tit Udd of how when men were sent money was concerned and lh»* super
Rev. Thomas Cox of the First Meiht* iialance due on tbe church fund not
hie along wmn other line, so | always. «»«“
»«"• men. a rhaplalii are«.m- structure was very plain Indeed.
dlst church told how he had watched full> provided for. only |3 24 j.
take r suhje«-i "
, panleil them, lie wanttHl men to lay- novertb«*less it met our ne<*ds at the
the advancement of the work from lh»* i
- lie iKgnu l.y. saying tha* Jacoujdown their carnal wea|>ons and come time and its whole rc*eurd may be said
field stone and rough limiters to thVrtiM Is th. a#.I -Tawrlh?"
dn atut'd a dream and afieraard said ' •»
chureh. The rhurrh U the ar to be a good one at least as preparing
There Imimtirnt small l*ovs who be-!
complete building. He told of an in
that C.iHl was th. n* and he didn't know j‘^■nal and men ahould go there t
cidont of tbe life of Michael Angelo gill «-elehmtlng the Fourth iMfnre It
It. "That l.s the tnnilde with a gtaid armrxl.
when shown a beautiful statue of Ap- S«tually arrlxes .-rre not m> far out of
the way. after all. Paul I>*l«nd Ha
many of us." said the s,H*aker. OavId | Hev. Mr. Puddefoot's sermon was something bettor.
polo Belylderr The figure waa qf purr
thonghl that when he left Israel he listened lo with th»* cUwest attention
"J congratulate .vou all ufioo ih** marble and standing with one foot woftli tells Ilie story of -Tlie l{••al
Fourth of July” In Hsiikt’s for July.
would have to worship nih.r gods | ami there was ala ays a deep feeling *f completion of this worthier suceeaaor
slightly raised as If alK)ut lo move. He Quot.-s fiMiii Jobu .Vdaiiis letter lo
Men thought theti that tiod was a'
to the old rhurrh and I unite my pray The grt*at sculpture gaved upon It In his wife. In whleli he said The 2.1
1 small, narrow ereaiun*. Isiah saw (Jo<| j
Truat«aa' Rsperl.
era with yours that this aew sanctuary rapture for a moment and then cried
In ms glory and men tasti-ad «if won i The r.*|s)rt of the tnisti*es was made may In Ua future htatorir bo to tkr “Vow march." "You. the Congregmdeling how they would aorshlp tksi I h> » K. \N'all. the venerable clerk of glory of God and greatly helpful to ihw tlonai people, are now ready to go ,
away fw»iu-*mtai'. lK*gan to wonder how ihe church.
interests of truth and rlgbteousnt-sC^ forth and do the work which the Lord
Iheywuld esra|K‘mm when they did , very Craiifyinq Financial fitatamanl. j *» Tour growing city.''
has for you." was hi. coaclusion.
ld«a of the^ The
tiu* following
fniinwinr statement
lOaiomi-nt Inrludev
Oaeiaral Coirtrlhwlla/iaRc^ . W. T. Woodhonae possibly U. j t,xeu on the momeutnos resohiHon 4>f
^wrong. Tien eanx
falberlKKKl of Gtdl and with this was ;
. ________
Hev. Mr. Coehlia Ttaaofi by maklnjT as he says, able to appreciate the new | the eolonists to seiiarate
hon. tk. rt..n-h »I .I..- llvu., CoO
„d aa appeal
for a liberal offering
Btructnre more than others beeauae Britr!::. a: rui'.sidted in Ibe draft of
Dipf.zt aad Contrwgailonal
I*rrlsnitlon .of
In this country there aiv •*hM'<h'.i»Po |j^j,tlng. pews, can>els. chairs and •* rodurtng the f*.W* tefiebte^neta.
profesalcg chrlsttans. said the siK-aker.
furnishings for platfbrm and The response waa iDOstWf»oroqt. *ag.^ churches were landmark. In the cKy drawn up by Thomas Jeirerw..n
delsife after tlie vote last»*d unrtl
but the cities are fifty year, uhlnd i»,pni«it rooms, palming and other gregatlng Bl.5ld>. The ofettory T»a>'ed
was called here and that the. afternoon of the 4th. w
Baptist "was tbe worst harm lo tk.^ brtragbl to a close, largely
the Umes. They are not using; in,,,rnvements on tdd parts, walks, by Mr. Hamer was by J|cX>b»cU.
I grruuntI
• atrmlght" language. For example. | ^.^^blng and all expendlturre* IncMem
FWlowInrlhe offertory was a aolo by^ community.” Mr. Woodhouse gave tk- of the ojQweaalvely warm weather and i
audience the advice to hand them- because "bungr>- files swarmed tbirk
stealing Is called “graft” and a High j to the change in our property, except i ■»*>■ *- Wklta. “I. John. Saw
of the
selves over to ihe divine maker and
school girl when she steals her com j t^e cost of organ. The organ fond Holy CRy.” hr Shsiloy let him mould the Image of Christ In delegnt**. and biting bard through
panlon'a Innch aays abe “swiped” It.
, t^nd by lt« lf I. not coasldered
Praaentatlen ef the Keys.
their thin allk alV« klugs.“'
He then declared that 30.000.lHKf chrls |
this sUtement. Some of the vrlnThe keys were then formally^'pre- them.
The senrice was dosed with a few
tlan. would be a tremendous power if, ^ows and some fumlsblngs have been, seated by Prank‘Hamtttoa. chairtnaa
Ls«d .r J#w«to.
they were all “straight goods '
; or are to he. paid for by Individual or of the building committee. He salT fitting remarks by the pastor who
A recent Jewel awHlon In ralmtta
From then «o Mr. PuddefboCs ser- j Sunday school classes, the figures for that be was glad and the committal spoke at the hesitaUng hiataner In which aMraetcd boyers from all t«rts
moB took a decidedly hoaie mlsslonan ^ these are Included,
was glad that'the church was coo# which they first went about the work Of tke world aerriw to mustiwte the
tinge. He told bow 56,tW0 people lost Total amount received to
pleted. There bad been a number eC and of thelf lack of ftltfc^ln themselvaa large amomit of wswlth that most he
Ihrtr H.~ »«r, y«r I. l-»roC«l oc^
.................. .$!«.,M.7( delars and the paator'hafi been ea«u and God bw that they now bad their hurled in Jewels hr Tiidhi.
hew ■ place of worship and that he
pellsd to ant three dIffereBt dates___
stones form •* eonsWerahle iiortinn of
eniMhu Md
n.™ -««
IroD, aonwcd oc
killed and four wounded every day In
dcdicailoa. The church bad b^hapad eart*permii. waalff anjpy lt> the berttagp of every fwlnrelr Iwuse
church property............... ..
Every rrstiertnh>
the anthracite coal fields.
knllt wHta no frtetloa. It wfi« Sltoa tbf praporUon as to the aactifloe that tbe}- la tMs esamtrr.
fndlab family Uys oat some of its
all toe needs and la tomlaf over thk had niade lo.aee it epatp^ted. »
When he spoke of Ihe 100.000 “lutt^,receipts
rteljes in this direction. Wlver »»makeys bt etpiaaaed the h«we that thef
her Jacks" In the woods he said that j
atortgage) ...............................2MM.T1
meiits deramto the wives of all laliorwould erar be aaed Hshtly.
be didni need to explain that tern
At tVe evening service the beautlfol ers not Wlwohrtrly oo’MW* verge of
becatise the people were familiar Jwllh Expeadilures .....................
Following the preaentatloa of tkl lighting arraqgemeat was looked upon actual starvation.—Talrotia Knglieh484.ST
It bm In the east he had to explain living cash on kaad.......
by tke puMte for tbe first time. Bvery manl
keys came the dadleatlob oovwaairi
»2 unpaid pledges considered
that a “tanber Jaek“ was aot a ■»died by the people and the pasuta available seat la the auditorium, pargood for.rsw...................... i.WM Tkla was Iqllavga kgr tbd dedleatQi( lora and gallcfT vas used and many
chine. He also spoke of the old days
here whan. It was oflsa Moesaarr for Matlmated ■ amoaat raqairsd
pneytr hy ton pa«|or. The ok»ta{ remaioed standing Many more could -13.00 round 4Hp from Traverq^ City
to pay all outstanding acthe peace of Ihe vest of the passoagerx
hymn was “8t. Marttna." the heiKK^ not find room In the cknrch.
Ha-Pere Marqoette Thursday^' Ask J.
counts.................................... UM-00 ttaa betag premotmeed hf
to dde^rack a car load of “lumber
The pastors of tke varlona cknrebe* Kehoe. agent
Leartnt an eottattied act
with their wives were seated directly
ang 14-15 lC-21-22-23-28-20-30
OAAlieaTs 1
Lilt lie
LOT 182
\ r*
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOf 230
Lots *235, 230, *237 as advertised are now »old
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
These arc all early selections and are
Hanhomest Lots Id Oal HeigMs:;
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, ond good lots arc
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately, excepting lb2, 1S3, 1S4. which must be sold togeih^. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
The whole bunch of
if sold al one time and for cash down, would be
As ihc price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
Also ie Acre Lot
in BircM
Fronting East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 .rods;
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.
I..-r rtV
. ,i4ia5E^^
ss^«i:r^^ I19HII55J5!!®®
» yuu doan
f|HHB ItfM
I t^tmn
. A
..‘trrTZi •oerMctauiMapipts.aipotk
jsuri ^.rLsrL-js-r^
~XMt ▼<
i to tSo polat «r ioyMMlIty.
Tbo locottty WOO mol r—oio trtm fifc-j -Hov MacSr h* bogon.
IhmUo 4*gUins, bat WM llaolf •oMO'j *t>|Ma ptnMas. bot oad cold watv."
wbat ooW dcdlM. Mr. BroM«oM|oBld Jorb. Aad BnuieSold. hwklii^
iod o folA BMUl p»ctwo €>r U abov^! ®f»r bM abonldOT. aaw ui alanategt^
aaiatl. old ou io boildlasi iissut bMTl «tth glMBtaK Mvota.
I nj.j *TH comisU a aoial] axtraTasaac*
*^*****^ *
; ^^»atdWt« ■
*^ .*?**!??**^
-Alwara ptenty of hot water haea aaf
ail^tad«aa» m
tha boCb.*
balk.* Mid
i*ld Jack.
Jack, opaotn«
opaoto* a daat
la tbo
tblnd aiUuMe to bla
*Tbo batbr acbosd BraaaSold.
Tbr atroot aa—od to bar* Improrad.
‘TlMaa'a a tab that's Me aaongb «
bo«rr%rr. wbeo Branoflold cam* to It awbD la.** aald tbo jsaltor. with prtda
Bo rrnaaad tbo mom aad paliad aaMa
or waa tbo diffomtoo la bla wn pocka curtate.
-This tMUftfar."* aald ba^ ''stays'If
Tbr Uit timr Umt ba ramaabarad
barloff paow^l that way was ia May. fan want It Tbo toaaat dldoT take It
aad w« tbraw It la. Mow wsTI
aalary of fSUO a Bipatb aad fat cota-!
mlmiotm. aad. tbotbck bo bad Just lost j
aosrly all bis aarlaca'la aa ouwloe la
vrsimoat, bo rcrtalaly did oot fool
Ikmt. Hut In OctubcT tbero wasn't any
J'sjTBtl Abiuilalam coaapooy oo aartb
u’l boon aay
amssboi* of early Jod«. and Bdgar
Hrsua&ckl was msnaevr of aoCblne,
with a sslsr>- of aotblng sod no comlie bad acTor souebt ooiployoioat botone. llo bad bssa tbmat Into tbo alo
mlnlani company humcdlstoly upon
tea\’inc cuUcee sod for debt yMrs bad
cUadjod from ouo round of tbo laddor
to tbc aett Hudddily tbo tedder Itsolf
bad rsnlsLed. tea vine blm staadlni
wllb both fret plsnttd on tbc empty
air. lie bad been hppcrul at flrat. tbon
Impaired, but bo bad dlscoTPiod that
Ibcrc was ouc commodity wbicb be
did Dot know bow to sell muuely, Ida
At tbo time wbcfi be went In a<
of an uurumlabcd njoiu—to be flUed up
with a few odds and ouda roacued from
tbo aluuibilum compaiy 'a uffloea—be
traa raiiaPb-rlOK an offer of a iwaltloo
Oitb a salary that would Just fall ahurt
of imylne bla board In the bouse wliera
be had Iteen Urine; hence tbo need of a
ebaoee in bla arraneementa.
A» l»e walked alone the street 1m* was
ertered to dtecoror that tbo aumbar
meatlone«l In tlw advertisement dealeunttd was one of the best kept and
muavattnutlve bulldlnea. It looktsl like
a nl«v ploiv to live, but not for Edcar
Brauatleld. He rvuuUI have preferred
to mK a aumcwliSt shabby exterior.
Ilia own exterior, by the way. was
^ttiay his baad to btefOMbsad.
||« paaaad a^c
the *'^Mutaar" aad aai
a very cheery room aa neat as the otbar
aad Moaodteffly attimctlvo.
"StMni boat," aald Jack, "and a alca
prate If yoa like ta uae It Here's p
locker where yoo can keep a bit of aoCt
coal, or ni brtne It up from the aoUar
as you need It Either way wUl oolt
"My youae frteDd"- bafan Braaafteld sadly, but the aprifhtly Janitor Interrupted blm.
"Tclepbooo cooDcrtlooa," aald ba.
toocblue some stubs of wire that pratrudsd fruea the wait "Moat Bsatla*
mao want a tokpbaoa tbsM days. bttt.
of rourae. you don't hare to baro It."
Broaalteld conkl not think of any
body whom be ohooM erar care to call
up unteaa It mlpht be the commlaalooer
of public charity. yK be viewed tbo
wires with a meteutbuly Interest.
Jack darted a elaocc at blm and mte^
took tbo aymptoma. He compreaood
The claim fif George K. Doty of'AteaCMlUteBMhar teOL ira a piiyr that
kn. Mlek, to be tlm MMamnr of the
poaff af Fovn
SMtew af pwr ekpUrtia wdniSrt haw •Meat ^rioUa la tbc Cnitad Btatea.
aay dtflteMtf M teakMff aaoteor cam one made la 1712. te knocked aky blgo
stamp* on BacMnw InatnOno cloUn. n Cramo^ la owned
1-1 hacMT dsM It yet, aad parhapa by rred L. Bailey aad btma the tolthat's why Tib fnMag acowomleal"
hwlag sump on tke neckMecc, "An•QMlo acL'* fftadad AUoa. "BM.
tonloua A Helmonlas Amatl, Creluly. lltS." The Amatis were
am aaythlae te this extrmra» buUders la their day.
paatUniM. Why pay ter a lot of clarainn aad natfarmad tacfecya aad atM
laatntmeni. owned by Hacry C.
Bamea. bears this sump, TX F. Up
pold. maker, 1 mersebtegen. Switzer
UppoM wrought over 2<h)
years ago. Both violins are la escellent
mdaioB and tone.
Two tramps kmcad tbe home of Per
dlnasd Pteber at Saginaw whlV the
family was out. securing fiSO to caab.
two gold watches and two rings.
John F. Katler. a Bay City baker,
despoodem from ill health, banged
himself in hia cellar. Tbe body was
kUTT warm when found by bte daugb-
aojucsnzxm was nrraonucao xo covo
be far better contented in a quiet pteot
ttko tbte at fifty a muntb."
«rgr” aald Bxmnafleld. "Very mod
te. of course.
"I’ll taU you whatr crk*d Allen
"Come around to tbe club and dine
with me. and we'U Ulk It all over."
"I'm not In drtna," pleaded Branaaway,
"Confound tiH* eJotbea! Or aee bert!
Fellows from one collece. and all that
you uuderaiand. we're built os near
alike M my two thumbs. 1 can fit you
out from colter to pboea. Your bat’s
a lot of time,
uurlne the brief w
you eet all your stuff In bare sod fixed ]
op Dica-oouebaa and haneteea and pic-;
tures and all that-I tell you It wUIj
look oot of alebt"
Brausficld slowly shook bla baad.
John Swalt. jbe "wild ^maa" who
frlfsbteoed women resortera at Long
Lake and near lonely farms baa been
sentenced to a term in the bouse of
Robert Force, of Lansing, while
asleep In bis carriage, was struck by
a Grand Trunk train near Okei
The horse was killed, but Force eras
Msr. Ahrlana Br>se, of Grand Rap
Ida. having waited over S3 years ter
her husband to pot In so appearance,
has petition«*d pruhate court f(»r adminlatrailoQ of bis estate.
Eugene Irish has Just returned tJ
Clayton, c»f which be was one of the
founders, after aa absence o^ k7 years.
He has been able to locate hut two uf
bis old-time friends. James Foote an l
Covert Grant. plon<*er farmers. Jrlsh
formerly owned tbe Fearman farm
He U now a resljjeot of Webster City.
Rrans HolbriMik. *97. known among
his old IT. of M. college aswiclates
"Swede." Is said to be slated for
important position on the ‘varsity law
faculty of the next meeting or the regents' board. Holbrook was "canned"
from c<»llegc ill his “s<}ph" year for
kidnaping the freshman toastma.ster.
He received bts A. B. at U>land ite«i
ford, and later re-entere<l Michigan an>l
graduated from the law depart mem.
He Is now practicing in Chicago.
Without having seen eacli other un
til two weeks ago. although they had
been In correspondence two years,
Mrs. Cbulutte Fowler, aged 51. of Kal
amazoo. and Henry C. Beardsley,
aged CO, of Fonda. Ia.. were married a*
the risk Iff mimi ^Mkg. tora tbe
tag cimbBB Imm tk» ekUCs body.
I and ebaat waa Utarnlly
WANTEG—Ten heavy taams to draw
iMBber. -Good vageo. .PhoBe or
write Chfp lake Lambcr eompaay.
MoraUg Kewa. and a p
Btagbam. Mleb.
aag lS«t
la Maokegon. fMday nigbi
WANTED—To buy large craam col
atole a inarch oa kb friewda aad was
ored Jersey cow. W. J. Millard. 404
privately omrried <o Mlm laa Briber
Post, of Maakegoa. The ceremony
Aug 17-€t
perfcimed at the bride's M>me.
Immediately after the bridegroom ani WANTEa>—Work aa nurse girl. tl2
bride left the city ea route tor
Union street.
aug l7-4t»
brmaka. where they will visit ter abeut
one month. Hultgren has been
WANTED^Competeot girl for general
ployed at Maakegoa for about ose year
housework. Mrs. C F. Read, 602
and during that time met Mlaa Pos'..
Sixth street.
aag 16-tf
a teacher In tbe public acbooli.
COMPETENT girl wanted at the Co
lumbia hotel.
aug 14-tf
Cteca H. RniCgren. city editor of the
Waat Michigan Bteta Pair Lata Annew noementa.
Each year the West Michigan 8
fair at Grand Rapids has grown bet
ter.. Each year tbe experience of the
preceding years have been atlllsed.
This year tbe West Michigan State
fair will present many Intereatlng nov
elties which they have never had be
One of the most valuable exhibits
will be that In the manufactaring de
partment where various articles will
be actually manufactured at tbe fair
In the main halL
Mr. Weber, tbe aecretaxy of the fair,
tells at that the amusemetit committee
have been unusually fortunate in tecurlng unique attraction for the fair.
There is no extra charge for seeing
these performances, which are given
on the stand opitoslie the grand stand
evtfry afternoon. Anj-one can go and
aee them and they are, certainly of
wonderful Interest to anyone. Adgie
and her trick lions have been secured
at a marvelous expense, but the West
Michigan Slate fait ' entenainmeni
committee felt that the Interest of the
people of this port of the slate Is suf
ficient to warrant them in such a large
I.ast w»H-k clos«>d the largest race
meetlny eeVt-r held ill Grand Rapid*-,
The beM horses in the country
he horsemen unite In
id the
li saythen*, and
Is no Utter track In
ing that ther»t
orld than the West Michigan
It Is a mile track. The races
for the
fair will U* sewmd to none. The
all imi*d. the pui
large and the sp(jrt will U- ui
* In the agricultural department there
promises to lie an unusually large dis
play In live Ht(K-k. 8ume uf tbe Ih-sI
herds In the r«»unlr)- will Im* exhlbltetl
Wesi Michigan Btat
Btate fair.
pcmilry sho«- will U* replete
m-lth interesting rr(>atures. It will be
under the same management as here
tofore. which is evldi-nce of the suc
cess o( that department.
the women's department much InIt Is manifest*^ already,
Iready, especl
i- wqrk and the
art de,
rles are already bell
being made
The prizes
izes In this department
departmeni are
pish and are payalde Immediately at
the close of the fair, which is an ino many women,
to U‘ a fine display
) the lat
however, be recovered bis self ivmmand. and be resolved to elve
complete statement of the a
while they were dlnlue. but Just ns be
bc«an tbte painful recital two men
pausad bealda tbe table, sod Allea In
troduced bte guest, with tbe result that
Iba. foor ate together with great good
fallowfhlp. Branaflald could not summoo m> courage to proceed with bte
And then
what you can do srith
story In tbe preeeoce of oo numerous
audiemv. and uftertvsrd when
"CooldB't think of It-lmiMjaalbleperfet-t struuger.” protested Bransfield. had adJounuHl to the billiard rooL
But Jack was alrvsdy lu the hsil.
altuatloD was no better.
In tbe course of the game which fol relative of the lady's first husband and j engines, windmills and various other
Bransfield took a last regretful look
at the time of his death wrote the [ devices for making work light on the
at the elegant little altUng room which lowed Bmoafleld noticed Umt AUeu
their exhlblcould never be bte and made a llngoc^ blblted a certain uneasiness and that widow a letter of condoh-nre and they j term are alreadv
Ing and wistful exit Immediately ba be frequently glaoced towanl the door. kept up a regular correspondence
i 'comes this year
waa aware of a big handsome fellow In Tl>e entrance of a tall, florid man of
George l^ks. a well known busi 1^,,^ than it did last year, making
ng the
i suit of clotbes so good tbst be a dinner coat who stood by an open fifty years relieved the tension; obvi
n<*s« man. tells so realistically a story promised fair weather almost a eer
bod been templed tbst morulue
ously it wot M ter whom Allen tiad
door at tbe other end of tbe halt
pawn It but bad pa«»«l sentence U|
">Vbnt docs be look like, JackT’ be been waiting.
- . .
Anothut. thing In ronnecilon with
bis dnioa ciotteu instead and badi oli- demanded In a heavy, deep toned voice
Rawsons lake, near SsUKilcraft, ihat.j^p fair is the oppurlunlty to shop in
Between sbota Bransfield was
tallied a loan of |7 upon Utem. Hr wblrii be bod tried tA sopi>rHaa to a duix>d to Colonel Austin Miller, and in resorters and residents are afraid to; Grand Rapids The Grand Rapids
Biill bad a amall num in a bank, but wblajier. And tbch Ite caught sight of tbe next Interval Colonel Miller aaid;
go swimming far from shore. Locks
'** r** ne'er a.s fully stockeil as
bad nwolred that It should not be leas Eransflekl In tbc broad light from the
“Mr. Allen tells me that you wci jujr. Uie sll!.n.lc repllU- >u
until he bad taken employment prom- doorway. "Certainly." be cried. "Da- with tbe Farrell company."
the water half a mile from shore. 10'
railroads t«i every one to gt> to the
Isine an Income In ozcoas of bU ex llgfated. Come In. wout your
‘•Yea." aaW Bransfield: "yes."
and :«
Befora be could say monc It was his feet of lU body lielng visible and Its i lair to entertain themselvestcwHling
Tbe manner of tbte larltatteo was
j do their fall shopping Is an exc«
He looked up at Na 37 and obaerred
turn to play. He ran half a dozen and head a foot above the water.
W. H. Bowen. hoU), is rather psrtlr |
a pusli button labeled "Janitor," but recuenltion '
1 ecotlcman raluca. marked tbero npwb«-u be liad aatvoded the steps be
"Our young friend Informs me that ular for one of bis Ilk. When given a
in answer to the suit r.-cently
bcHitsled. After all. why rlDp the lieil?
you are about to make another conneo sandwich and a cup of tea by a klndly menrrd In rlrruU court, by Fred R.
A mere elani*e Inside would satisfy__
____ ^
_________ tlou," said Colonel Miller.
bousewlfe of Kalamazoo he objected to Dakin of Wllllamstun. lo restrain Ben
him tliat the buildiiie rontnlnwl no |
himself to be'uaberrd Into aa
A cold sweat broke out on Bransloom at tbo proiier nri«a. and be mlfbt j oparlmont which was a man's room at fleld’B back. Ha perceived that Allen the Kind of meat in the sandwich and jamin F B* t‘man. the village school
U aimred a iwtty hmuUiailun.
. uie flrat etence, full of such thlnea as a bad recommendca him to Colonel Mil when the injured lady refused to give master. from 'dOKcing his footsteps"
As be stood lm-a*.luti in the linll a fellow of spirit eatbera and valnea, ter and that be ought to say or do him more tea he gave an ugly exhibi and "making life miserable" for him
HR Bcntlemnn . nnie In hurrlcilly i havlnB the simplicity ami directness of aomethlug to help the good work along. tion of temper by using unpleasan* by trying to "plague him tn hel!." Bc<-e oM rollcee style, with elaanlnea What. Ob. whatt
language. He will eat Jail fare for 30 man ha-*
a reniarkabU- answer
A mlaa by bte opponent rescued him. days.
I from the broader world harmoniously
I Bet-man savs therein: "If then- Is .t
but bte own nervea wrra In such bad
I addnl.
The same smooth looking, well, hrll he U lieves the devil and his enil.ITpon my word." said Alien, "this te shape that be shot wide.
"k'rom what Mr. Allen tells me." said drt ssed young man who swindled a ] narles have the complainant on the
I eood to lie true. You moat under! stand,” be added, "that I’m more or Colooel MUkr. "1 think It might be passenger out of $60 at- Battle Creek | run fur it. and that unless ho mends
leM of a crank. I take atrooc llkca and worth while for you and me to have a recently on the night Grand Trunk his ways he is d«*stlnt?d to become
express, played the same game again | chief Imp to his satanir majesty "
I dislikes, and. really. If you roold hava talk befora you make a decision."
"The fact te"— Branofleld began, and Friday night on an engineer of the
; aeon your predeecaaor"—
"He was |iretty
|ireti loud for fair." said Just than the other follow mtecoed.
Santa Fe railroad, whose home is In j xiNO. COACH 8TALUON. at Vet"Tbe
BranaJark. "I always spoke
spoki well of bla
Oberlln. Kanaaa. and who was on his erlnary hospital every Saturday balwhile be was here, but be was a whole fleM did not wait to bear what It waa.
gg seaaon.
July «-tf
When be finished hia Inning Colonel way east on a visit. Tbe young fellow
liatid waeon; that's wUat be was."
bought a ticket for l.juialng and enter
Milter handed blm a card.
Allen rnteod bte ripht for
"If those other peo|»I
peofile art preaslng ed a car aa soon as the train came to w
nn almost Imperceptible vrstura. vbich
had an Immediate and beoeflctel affecl you for an answer." Mid be. "perhaps stop at Ibis station, and with a hand
yuo'd bettor aee ate lomorrow fore- ful of amall hills, solicited their ex, upon the too exnbCrant Janitor.
"1 think 1 beard tbe belU air." aald be DOOD-tbe Mllter-Klrtiwmll eompany."
change for larger denominations, as
"Itiank you," Mid Braaaield. -Ibla
'Til h* back In a Jiffy."
he wished to enclose them In an envel
"In one month." Mid Alten. cioolnf la roally kind. You aee, F’"Your ffwtr Interpooed Alten In hte ope which he held in bis band, and
the door, “we can train that boy-hp U
mall tbe leUer at Lansing to a sister
the level of the IdMk Aa ter Uklnf thundering booa.
Branaflald otodted tbe poattloe. trying in that city, which urgent business precare of the rooms, there nrrer waa bte
equal, and his chaorfulpeM Is worth $10 to ateady bte nanrea mMnwhlte. Then vested him from stopping to see. The
off the rrat. But he’s been spolted.* be mteaed by a long Inch. When be man from Kansas accommodated him
And Allen frowned la tbe dlrtctteD of turned Coteoel MUter had dlaappearod. with a $20. two tlO and tbe remain
"1 oest bln away." mM Allen. "I
tbe front rooms
lil^t thank
"I am afraid yon may be dteapfwlBb | was afraid jon miffDt
tBau him
um again.
again, der in 15 hills, which the swindler en
fd in me as a nclgbbar," aald Braite* Wby tbe deooe ^oold yoD thank him? closed In the envelope before bte eyes.
Benefit of the orvran fond
flew. "1 am uot Btealtby PMt. tbe fau. Be'e been bariag a eonfoondad hard In conotiog his own money the stran
mao mouse. I make ■»nve aotee once la tuna tn And a good man. os I bappan to ger found It |1 short. He handed the
know. Now bo'a teond one. aad the envelope to the Kansas man while
s w.i-m nc anrsT
"It tent what a man doeu; lt*a what tieketa ter tbe lee ciuam ooda are ou Just stepped Into the next car and
blm. Tbeyre sot on you. aad doot you
apolo-ited as soon aa Branafleld turned • be te," reeponded AUen. “You may
the 21
from bis
|1> fa.-r him. Obvkioaly there moat be ; ebrute tbc Fourth of July every day la teesat that tomarrow mofulng. I told
ai lejlky
lejiky iJx footer Inamed ABoa among |
If you feal Ukc IL Tour prednpredw blm wbat tbo ParroU oompany paid When the stranger did not return,
CJelebratfd organist of
not so much ao- yuu. aud It dMat frigbtau blm a ML" j the engineer began to suspect some
Hh- liiuiuts.
"How tba dmiea did you know wbat thing wrong, and opening the envelope
Detroit, ami tine pio"Lwklng for tbe Janitorr Inquired | <Ubte aa vtelbte. Be i
found It contained tissue paper aeaUy
gram by
J then, without walUng
folded! The Battle Creek police were
a Tvi‘ly. he put hte bead over the baa- town
towrn cttetouMca
cnatuuMCS whom ba aMd to boll] ADea.
wired from Lonatng. Tbte Is the third
b that aaeugbr
firmly by the arm aa be ted them
later rail ond yeUed "Jaekr*
time that.the xteteo boa been sooceaa,"Balate o( pucadteaT
inauntly a youth In ahlrt steeras aad atalra. Tbe
fuUy fforkad. iwloe on Grand Trunk
.1 -Itev.winyMilafcatboati
witbout a hat appearvd from below as after they bad paaaad**
-No aacb almbaa baa
trains a»d once on the Michigan Cen
4 nmuyaptlaadblm.-.B»a
If sbw up through a trapdoor. Be bad
tral at this otatloB. Tbe omoen will
yellow balr tn a wavy pontpadaur aad ma.- aald BranoflaU. -Mace tba Farrel
Ticlceta on Bale at GrinI : ^^Mat 'ran laadad hl^
bright blue «7ca: upon tbe vr^ote. a •mapaay"DOW attempt to run dowa the swindler.
nell Bros’. Music stouB
-8yltai«Dr«zclalmcdAltea. TouYa 'MffakMiBaBdli
very animated and cbcctfnl person to
Five-year-old Klaa Crooks, of Mus•ml S. E. Wail & Sons*
baro about tbe bouae. Branaflald ad *
kagon. was btalty burned Friday. She
played npataira akma and Ughtad
umtubM. wkleb Ignltad her clothing,
AiMkBCeRMD 50c 7Sc. $1.00
at—iflat0ty euTuloplag bw tn a okas of
Mm. 35c
flamaa. Her acraama brought ber ll-
. Record Want
yaurold alater to tbe raacue. trtio, kt
mate^-bMg.. M MrWnm^ mt, «•
iMbrnr Iba tstm li« Js
Daloa BL lOda aaUaMte
^ 7
FOR eT^NtT^ ^
FOR RENT—Seveo-room bouse on spuclally. I moke all trains with hack.
Bast filghth street. A bargain. Call
Ciuphooe 217.
aug 1* tf
In livery I can furnish you
State street.
aug l7-t;
STORE TO RENT? also eight-room
house with city water iffid gas. In
quire of E. A. Kildee. 634 W. Ninth
aug 3 if
TO RENT—Unfurnisbed rooms; also a
ran furnish you any kind uf carriage
good barn. Inquire at 218 West you want. I have five hacks and three
Eleventh atreeL
July 19 if 3-seated carriages In stuck, also a nice
line tw«>-sfaud carnages, traps aad
single huggh-s. Kindly give me a call
when In need of anything in this Una.
LOST—On Frtint street, a pair of gold
rimmed glasses. Finder please leave
a youth Msxini <’,«»rky. tbe Roaat Record office.
aug 18-tf sian autltor. |w>KRt-*<seil a tenor voice of
STRAYED-ItTark Angora rat calbnl much charm and he had well-grounded
"Ibrnnle.” I’b-ase rotiirn to €1.3 Sixth bu|Ht< of making a name and fortune
aug 19 tf
on tbe u|H-ratlc stage. Hut one night
the buuiu* In which he slept waa atruric
cychme and Gorky was caught np
by It and thrown some distance. When
FOR SALE—l.aunch. 18x4 ft. 8 In .
he n-Ci»vered from his Injnrlew ho
IVz ll. 1*. Eclipse: gooil cover; a l»rfound Ihal his singing vole** had die*
galii. Tboa. W. Stauluu. Cltz 7Id.
aug 17 tit*
MILWAUKEE and return via Pero
FOR SALE-Mcavy work U-anKwlth
Marquette. Thursday. 13 00 round trip,
or without harnesKts or wagon. J.
good going 6:Su p. m. train, and good
K. GreiUck Co.
aug IC-if
for return until Munday following. Aah
FOR SALE—Roll top office desk. .3 J. Kehue. agint. IVre Marquette.
aug 14-15-1C 21 22 23-28 29-30
hanks plgf*un htdes. 60 inch, firs’class condition, bargain if sold at
once. Address Record office.
aug IC-St
FOR SALE—Sail boat and two bay
shore boat houses.
€04 Second
streid. Phone 294.
aug 15-5t
FOR 8ALE~I offer my house and lot
at 435 Sixth sirt-et for sale. If nut
sold by Scptc-mlrt-r. would rent fur
nished to dusirahle i»arly. C. R.
aug 8-sept 1
FOR SALE CHEAP—One dining table,
ono sideboard, one refrigerator, re
volving hook case, three dining
chairs, arm chair, three rocking
chairs and other 'articles of furni
ture. Inquire at 911 South Union
aug 3-tf
FOR SALE—Three new seven
bouses In good location. For sale
on easy terms. Inquire at 208 N.
Oak streeL
aug 2 Imo*
FOR SALE—A few household goods.
carm-tK, stoves and all bicycle tools.
Including hrazer. 311 Elasi Front SL
July 31-lf
FOR SALE—IIouRl and lot, barn
lot. 442 West Eighth slreeL Price
12.100. one-third down, balance
suit purchaser. Inquire 115 East
Ninth street, or address John Clune.
Cheboygan, Mich.
July 19 if
ments Herman W. Smith, €13 West
Eleven«i streeL Citizens phone 199.
Notice to Taxpayero.
The tax rolls for the collection of
school and city taxes end special oas4-Ksmc-nls for the five wards of the
cJty of Traverae<’lty. Mlch..have been
placed lu my hands fur culleclluo.
I will bo in n»y office for Ihe pur
pose qf cfiilcct'ing said taxes every
week day from now until Nov. 1. 1906,
from 8 o’clock until 11:30 o'clock in
tbe forenoon, and from 1 o'cloch until
4 o'clock in the afternoon of each day.
All taxes paid before Sept. 1st wUI
be received without collection feaa.
and all taxes remaining unpaid on
Eept. 1st and until Oct. 1st, a penalty
for collection will he
charged. On all taxes remaining un*
paid on Oct. l«t and until Nov. lot a
penalty of two per cent for qoUeetloB
will be charged.
Office. Room-so: State bank. bldg. .
M E. Haskell. City Treiaurag,^^-^??^,
Dated July 24. 1905.
July 260cL IL
Drs. Siwyir & PMilillifN
June 27-a
FOR SALE—Warehouse building
Bay street, corner Hall, also 14borse power gasoline engine and
fr. D.
Teacher of Violin
s«(a SMe Shoe Store
FOR SALE—Store building, stock and
fixtures. Will sell all or any part,
or will rent building. Apply at
Cbaa. RoeenthaJ, Traverse City, Mich
may 27-tf.
FOR SALE—41 Iota ;n Hannah’s 5tb
add; 6 one-acre lota fronting on 14th
street. 4 In Grlfflo A Winnie's add.,
and 2 Iota on West Front street
Wll be sold on easy paymenU
exchange for other property. Goo.
W. Raff.
Mar ll-tf
Fine Dental Work
A. W. HOLLINOtWOKTH—Eoplormenl contractor and commission
aaleaman. We are In touch
more thaa 60,000 telepbones. mills,
factories and business concerns.
Will endeavor to furnish employ
ment or employes, sell or exchange
anything from a bicycle to a
mill at a very moderate oommYaalon.
Write, phone, call or watch tbe bolletla board for bargains and
ptoymeat Cft*. phone 474, Huel-
N»*Brx P>ubll*
m BmI rroet Straat.
CltilCM PhOM Ni
~^62SeS?* — -
! crrv, ineHicAii.
I is M4 mp tor 1
tflMs to bond nOrooda bmA hemm for,
is the dfcatetioB: nd cmSTfaS!«>■
m«»eed twesty vtoM
SMt M dH rids, the rntmAtmi tluoat la Icostb. sad coaxMoUd te this wmr;
■Aettate, |daods ia the aede sad gsoias i «<Thal*B mat awrlr so oDod u °—
tor »rart s remark. He mM a seraoa
. '
shoald last tveatr mlootcs, arlih ml
I 8ln« M. Deleame-s retlremeat M.|
Hoarier is looked apoo as)
^ryfityf ffiff TThMnar*^ *
stroar maa at rraace Peraonallj.'
SStf aSZ?TyiiiS!L*VTSSSJj ^ *• • daUfbtfol eompanloo of encrpSS^'tfmMm,tXa«4¥w»to ciopedic kaovledseas much at borne
ai>dl«lne,aad j
*rt as In oueslloni of state. Ua■saitstTlf, O.' w. H. SBWXAJf.| I nk^ most of bia cxnnitnrmen. be speaks
calm and restrained dlcnitj^ elo8a highly esM^iow is tUa diaaaMJarltb
and rmtotical.
that many a Ufa h« baca ndaad by aiUu«'nt
frieodly ha^ shake or from asiag tbcl
-------d^ t
tal/lkeMc a
mnedj is (o>|
if'lecratns and orders and bas perqirirad. 8. a 8. goes down to tSe rery j sonally attended to nearly €.000 for-'
uoncmy. auoo«t
lAftWlf WORK-BoddliK asd aeedMsMljdMe- An vortiSMnateed.
Clt. Pham TK and US. Brnwalac ft
Fori practical
work;t for^ving
service and ^com
plete satisfaction,
no otherl type
writer quite equals
Bids for the Job of driving a two-j
Inch tubulor well with a three-inch I
casing at school district No. 3. ’White- ■
j water township.
All bids must be in by Aug. 25. The •
acbool board reserv es the right to nc- i
' TSJpt'or rojocl any orlill bids. Address I
Frank E. Sours. Elk Rapids, lug 15-Ct 1
Let us vitalize an idea
for you.*
Boardman River
Electric Llflit
& Power Co.
AfCBcy for Cdcbnted Fox
Desirable Property For Sale
R. W. Rastall
are ao -near at hand, they will
tmild you np, keep yon well and
ward off BiliNaaaaa. Hu NMiaeha.
DaWmy. Uvar aid Utmf
•lab Uvar, itepal SM4t!ate£a. hd&
ap tba Naniaaa Syalaai, aad rapalr tha
damft easMd hy fvarwart aad brail
U) takii
folvaiintag:»* of ofToml
Tliiit’a llio way
to save* niom y, Boiin tiup s save*
time. In the lumln*r lim* it will
rojsiy you if ymt jjny our yanl u
visit lunl l*K)k thrminli our var
ied stock—as loll);, as can*fully.
as rritically. as you like, Kstimates on all sorts and sizes of
lumlarr in any tjuuulily.
Try a “Fill to-nl»ht.**
For Bole hr aU UnuxUU
bO Cant and aS Cant Bexaa
Tlie C. B. Taylor Coal Go.
Economy of Time Menns
Economy of Pinno Honey
IR. A. H. HOLLIDAY. Graduate To*
TODto Unlvertily. Offloe In Munson
bldg. Telepbonei. offlee 103; reab
dence 104.
Rarl’i jewelry atore.
pbonra 103.
clan and surgeon. Removed to of*
ficea over First National bank. ClU*
xena phone 355.
HARRY B. HARNER—Expert piano
tuner and artlon regulator. Bbtis*
faction guarant«*<*<l. With Kimball
land hlork. physleiai
Citizen* phono 3C4.
Bay Steamers
Eurgeon, m w MuuiKin block. Ikilh
phones. Niglit calls promptly at
tended to.
ami c<iunselnr, Wlllieltn hh>ck. TravCrtio City, Mich. Citizen* phone 1U5.
"I give my liiil.- girl $2 *.o a
week tlial slie I-' I.T,.;: .' awilV.
and wlu-n .-.be lia »
up she Ih going to buy n puiuo
with It." Tills remark was made
to UR by a geiiHi-nian the other
morning on mir way ilownlown.
We Raid to him. * How old is
your little girl?" He replied
that pfee wa.* • ii.-'arly eleven.’’
How many junpb* are doing
this Kame thing, wi* have no
mean.* of knowing, but we do
know tills, that tli*' abm -.ild lit
tle girl is lo.slng t|„- nio-t valu
able hour-' atid ye.ir.s of Iier life
to study mii>le. and we know
also Hint her pan-ftt.s at** U'-itig
FAI.S1-: i:t’()NO.\IV. fo- If Hiey
would'lake aiivaiitiige of
ver. I’riceK rea-sonablo. Ofllco with
O. 1’. Carver and Bro. oBlh photiea.
Leave 8:30 a. m.: 11:00 a. m.:
4:20 P. m.
Leave 11:00 a. m.: 4:20 p. m.
Leave 8:20 a. m.
Leave 8:30 ». m.
Leave 8:30 a-m.
oe«067 *W:!l.HialU.lf. f-a. m. to 11
bn.ni. 7 t<> || *rMUng«. IUM«dM 9*
Faro No-nh-t;i-wanta and
U‘>wiT8 HarKtr 2-*»c rouinl
trip; OiM-'ua, Xorlli|Kirt atnl
Northiwrt I'oint, -‘iOc rouml
The Kimball System
W<* are showing an oleuaiit
stock of fine pianos, comprising
some of the very best and highe.*i class makes, in all the fanry
light and dark wood ca.*«es. Also
a nhmbcr of exchanged tiprighl
pianos, which have boou thor
oughly repaired In our workshop, ranging in price from $110.
1150. $1S5 to $225. Paymetil.r to
suit you. If you can’t call soon,
write for special prices and
IINOR—Offleo over AmerStore. SpaeJal allenUon
to eye, ear. nose and throaL Gla*Mia
fitted. UoH> pbonea. Beaidenca 519
DR." rrprLAytfTON—l^yi«rcl*u"and
*‘Cool as a Cucumber”
SftYct Too Money
Traveree Land and Lr»an Co„ F.
Thurtall, Manajrer. Office, room 8
llamiltoa ft Milllkeo block.
moon—PboDM. offlea.
ClU., 107; Bell. 99. Realdcnce. 710
WaaMogtun atreet, ato. phoaa 21C;
Bell, 99.
The little girl rmild have a gotul
piano dellvi red at oner* and at
Hie ea*h prlre.v-iave a hmall rate
of Interest on Hie d-ferred inymenls and have the m.* of the
piano while «=he hav*-* He- mon
ey, littb* by little, to pay f.ir it.
and prouaidy be quite un aeeomplisbed pianist wle*n her {nano
Is paid for.
The Kimball system of piano
pricing and piano selling ni**an«
more than the fr**o m-«- of the
piano while you .*ave the moi.< v
to pay for it. It moans pliui
flppires, one price, ba-*ed t»n faetnry cost, li’s a proiefilon
agaln.st unreasonable pricing
and iinsmipiiluus agi*nts. It
new 8Ute Bank BuUdlnz.
Co. block. Bothphonaa.
Y«o Are Not Feeling Well,
147 6RISW0L0 ST.
TUNINO—W. N. IflUard. »0
cxperieaoa. Now located with
GriaaaU Braa.
A Dnk U»k cspUImo* j«. why
Cka k ss wia be scat M ityacw.
Bit P. J. MAC NCTT—PracUoa ll»l^
ad to RYg. EAR. N08H. TBBOAT
U2 WllheUa. block. otlMaa »hnoa
Ko matter WHAT POWER
yonVe been nains, yoaTl
electricity, not onlv for oooQomio raaaoiia,bat for reasons
of utility and genend adapta
Bwam cjigjQ
WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to MOtnokae; via IL ft N. E. and N. T. Co.
SUwDd -trip $S.06. Going Thuraday
afternooB and leaving Mnwankee Mon
day night. Augt. 3rd. 10th. 17th, 24th
and lut/
aug 2-tl
e and drfrrs cat the < cabinet has been occupied with 10f».0*^)0
Better adcds>vt*Rt»-4ay.'^
I eases, nearly all of whirb came under
fti|k-r*ds Typewrite Sigfdka
SSrlifU Me
Inunedlate ctjgnliance. i
Morria K. Jessup, the New York mll-i
llonaire, is emulstlng the example »if i
Andrew q^rnexie by. rlTlng |2fMKi0 loj
THm Smith Pi^wmlwr
PU8ELY VEfiCTABLL 8. 8. 8. con feci the town of W'e*iiport. Conn., to er«*ct j
ired that
Trp«writ«r Co.
c of tha poisen
is leffla th/
* blood to a public library. Ww-tport was once
ismh to inooceot offspring. The en Mr. Jesrup’a home, and the building Is
tire body ia builtim and tbeblood made
|mrc, rich and healthy by tbU great ma- Intended as a memorial to the Jessup
cdy. Book with instructions for bosne family. The town ag*^eed to appro
treatment and any medical advice desired piiate ll.OtKi annually for the library’s
mill be given free of charge.
Hy the death of Alan W. W»kk1. who
made a large fortune In the manufac
ture of steel. Goldie IJIIian Mohr, The Vanderbilt piggery and its biitier
formerly a Wel^r A Held's rhonia inllk-fiHl bugs and the hennery with
girl who marri<<(| him almut a year Its specially dletwl hens wen* the
.^.and a half ago. will prdfiably come in- finest Uilngs of the sort In North Tarn
I to mllll<»ns. WcKxl was over 50 years lina. hut the ham was not miK-h su
Bight croikks. siippoved to Imold when he married. Miss Mtihr. p« rior In flavor lo the ordinary sugartappers, were publlely iiaraded on whoi.4> pretty face and shapely form
cured product, and the eggs were no
Broadway. New York. *1 want you." had aitrarti-d much atteniltm while
fuller of mc-nt than the egg* laid by
' Bald Captain McCauley to patrol wag she apiM-ared on Ihe stage.
the cHimmon harnvard fowl. A dollar a
on man, "to drive up llmadway wi that
There have been'^ more visitors at (jozen to produce eggs was Just a trifle
evMycme can sec thtj^e crooka. If any
Hie I»ngr«dlow house, l*orlland. Me . loo scientific. The superintendent of
one asks you what they did slop and
so far this season than In anv the hens got a bigger salary than most
t^l them. Tell them that they are
previous season since the house was Itank clerks, but he ccjuldn’t keep the
coafldence men and wire tapp<‘rK and
ojiened to the public. One day last year hens fn^m striking In midwinter. The
that everyttne must know who and
nearly 15n slrangera regiHiertil at the farm will Ik* sublet.
what they are. ” Ily s-xhibiting the
home, and up to the pn*sent time near
General Booth, head of the Salvn
men the police believe"they wUI be
ly .1.000 have registered this summer. lion Army, has returned to l>ondon
’ able to secure rompluluis from thoKO
The register bears the names of i>e'> from his four months’ lour of Au.-iwho have Imh-u "trimmed" by them.
pie from every stale in the union and tnilfn. and is in fine health in spit<- of
Patrick Sweeney, of Coaldale, , I’a..
from <*very part of the clvlllxt'd world. hia 7f* years and the Journey of itn.iKM)
has asaisted In carrying from the
mines 115 men who had iMH-n killed Many historic relics have been added r»lles which he has Jnst finished.
ibe/ctdiecilon of antirjuities since
A real daughter of the revolution
and aoo who were Injured. He has
has just died ill Wc'simoreland county.
acted as pall bear<‘r ni 9lt7 funerals, last year.
It is tr.tderst«vo«l InNew York legal Pennsylvania. Mrs. Sarah Atchison
and he hsM stood UMiiit-or for Til
Buss was bs years old and whs iIuJiislice Kdward W. Hatch I* daughter of Thomas Atehlsoii. wlm
After eight years of separatltm. Mrs.
to resign from the Item-h to en- fought uipler WaHliiugtoii at the naltle
David nisidinm, wlf»> of the noted Imrllaw firm to be known as Parker. of Trenton, and the widow of Tlionias
tone. Is anxious for a reronclllatlon,
She told a I’ll I lade I ph la n-iMtHer that Sheehan A Hatch, the other member.^ Ross, a veteran of the Mexican war.
she would slop at nothing to Help him of th«* firm lielng former Judge Alton She wa.* one of thriT women to whom
In his car<H*r. If He would ronn*nt to a B. Parker and William F. Sht'ehan. were pre-sented gold spiHUis by tb<- na
It has been understood since Judge tional society lM*cause of being clangbreunion.
Assets of $.'•() and liaHlllties of |2!«2. Parker's defeat for the presidency that
of men vc'lio fought in the strug
€77 are srHodul«‘d In iHe bankruptcy he would form a partnership wUh M-. gle of 'Tfi.
as they bad tacitly made an
petition of Geo. II. Appleton In Iktston.
AppH^on was a clerk in iHe ofBre of arrangi-nient of Ihk kind rontlngeut
Arthur AppH-yard. tli«> wi-ll known upon I*nrker’s defeat. The new firm,
is said, will begin oiHrullons S*i»i
slrml railway pnmioter. and figured *m
treaaur«*r of M>veral Appl'-yard roails.
Gus Ikddis. ImpresM-d Inlo service as
tiank mt'ssenger Hy CHas A. Stevens fri.iirs. For y«-ars I Indulged !n tee
We have and offer for sale Hie fol
ft Broa^dry giKtds merrliauis of CHlca- habit of wiping my pen on the lef. lowing list of real e«lale. H is all degti. wh«r the regular niesiu-nger was sieve «if my c<iat b«>fute 1 began am! sirabli* proiM-rty and must be sold. Call
on a varatloci. was given lio.oott to
or phone for prlees.
take to Ihe bank tins evidently want matter much as long as I won* IdacU
70 ft. on Bay St., oprsislte Darrow’*
ed a vacation i<si. for It was found •clothes, but when I «|ann<*«l the while store. Btilldiiig on same Is now used
that he had taken a train for New papal hahlt things lisiked dlffer-'ii*. us wari-Loiisi*. hut ruu lie u?ed fur
York The bank didn't evH- either Gus ntMt no did I when I rnmo from try dwelling.
writing n>om. For a time my valet
or the ro««ney.
lyii n. c. cor lUth and Rennie Sts..
•'IhTiMtuallsm ' is the Utest sect In didn't know wh«*re lo g»-t enough :*7 ft. on IC.ih SI.
Ivondon. It BlHdlsii(>s iMith bell and clot Ill's for me to wear. Then I d«
5t» ft. lot on West 9th St. east of
lermined to break with this l>ad haldt. No C?t*.
A hi»rrirane raiis<Ml the loss of 1(V) and I did One can give up anything
House and lol. Sm Sixth Stllv(« and imnietiM- damage in the Mas- If one tries hard enough.*’
Ho;i.*e and hi!. 1‘'12 Bidiemia St.
Not long ago a foreign prince lost
Kliall Islands. Souih 1‘aririf. June .tii.
House and lot. 8. W. ror. Webster
Kn»*ellng eliniiied ul tlo* hlor of the ir.u.ouo In one night playing bridge SI and Michigan Avo
wife he slew. James Daley. Jr.. Chica wbkt in a swell London club. King
3 lot* on ElmwiXMl avo,, between
gti saloonkiH-|M-r..wept |n rt-niorse and Edward was much annoyoil on hearing Wayre and Bay Sis,
said • whisk) did it."
of I lie eirninistanci-s and w rote lo tbe
loth on Elmwood ave.. hetweeo
Miss Ida O’Hay. cousin of Daniel club officials suggesting that the plsy
Wayne and Bay Sts.
0'I>ay. of Cinrintinti. multl-miUlonalrr. should be restricleA to lowt*r stnke.i.
Ixit 71. and house. Oak Heights.
head of the Kuilonol Transit Co., Now some of the younger mi-nibers
One of the best locations In the city
is doing banjo "turns ' in a vaiidevilU' threaten that if his majesty's advice
■ surrounding country for home. 4
shall be taken they will desert sn.’. acres of land, large bouse, cor. Day
The father of Goldie M«dir. the ac Ji»ln a notorious club where many for
and Ramadell Sts.
tress who ns the widow Alsu W. tunes have been lost and won. At this
12 to 14 acre.* land In Elmwood town'Wood, the I’iitshurg sti'el tnagntte. place the eldest son of a very rich
township. alioiit ] mile from city
Will receive |2.'hni.ooo—works for $2 P«*«'r is said to have lost $400,000 in a
limits. Will make a g«x>d market gar
a day 4n - AJienow n. Ihi-.palntlng few nights' play.
Preliably the most popular person
3 40‘s 14 miles east of Cedar Run.
A f2,r.fVi pearl nt-cklare worn by
on the li*cture platform In Germany to
4 40's IH niUec west of Cedar Run
Miss Rvelyn Willing when she was day Is l*rofe.-4sor HafK*keI. Yet be
There Is considerable saw timber
tieing an orator. In and plenty of wood timber on this
tbe pn-faro to his latest volume, con land. Soil good.
has tH*en found near the scene of the |
taining his Berlin lectures, which
Factory on Bay St„ power and ma
aceident. It wa* thmiglit someone had
rreati*d such a sensallon. he declart's chinery ready to run. 353 ft. frontage.
stolen It.
nature has denittl him the gift of A good location for any line of manu
An Hawaiian woman. Hona.
speech, and that, although he facturing.
Katina, a ChlneM*. on tbe Island of
bas taught elghty-t*lghl semesten; at
Also several gilt-edge land contracts,
Ilino, gave birth to seven liabes In loss
I the I’nlverslty of Jena, he has never aug 16-tf
J. E. Grellick Co.
than a week. Last Thursday
Uen able to overcome a certain l!mhorn. Rnnday two. Monday one. Tues
idliy in appearing before an audience.
day morning two. Tuesday night one.
For thi* reason he ha* seldom attend
All are dead.
At s PMMlon of hsJd eonrt. b*ld at thr Proe-I mec-tings of naturalists.
A moist kiss. Implanted on the neck
bate offlee. ta the eltT of Trarerw Utr.ta
Talking to some cardinals who came
eoent.T, oo th«- aRh day of July. A.b..
of a telephone operator. Mlos Emma
to congratulate him on bit sevenriclh '*Pr«»nt Hon. Frad B- Walkw. Judge of Pn>Sass. by Ge«>rge Smith, while he wa*
t.irthday. Pope Plus said; “I never
riding bivhlnd her In a Chicago street
^'th^*atV<o« the eetaw of Oirdea FUb.
car. cost Smith 125 in Justice Sever thought I would leam as much in my
old i.ay* as 1 am doing. Few instance
son’s conrt. Ttiat the kl.*u5 was "moist ’
wa* attested by the young woman her- I can now write my name without
aclf In conrt.
When George W. Vanderbilt under
There’s a new $5 counterfeit, but
. It is a poor one. aay* Secret Service took to be a fanner In North Carolina
Chief Wilkie. It is tbe series of 1899. his rriatlves and friends warned him
he could not make 41 success of
LycM& register and Roliertt treasurer,
baa many mlsUkes in lettering and ts fall Blltmore enterprise. That they
spoke truly t« shown by the announce toftm I wwinii prtotad oed clretilato<r
, printed on two thin pieces of paper.
President ^hoats,.^r the canal com- ment that be win give up the farm. A WMMvqr.^'
wewk m the The plan was tremeoduously aelenttfic. \ joinaacf-H-a
New Wilkala Kook. Travi
I»r Ch»rl.-- H«-q»
. I. Vh.- i
■tn.l> and .-x|*Tiwnr.- by D
clar of high -lauding la t
thr only
and »ndor-.J l y ih’r nu-dioa) fra
t.mity I: i. p<ruttroty sht- <>b1t j.rejiaraiK.n
known K>
ahlrh attho-at Ihr n*-- of
n,-ii--.n-» arul t-mic- will round I'Ut thr hoi
IOW-.1. Uuu flirrk or arrawoy n« k with tn:..
hf^lh.T !!«ai
» ,r mnoTing wrmkl.* from
til* faPB. nark and hand. It a<-t. Uk.- maciconr appliral)'« >Ktm ahowlog a dmdrd Itn
pruTrnirnt. .■.prcuIl.T wbm ih- fnrrow ta
For drvrjoptng thr hurt or to i.iak. th.
nrm Urg.- and 1»*ot1ful. nothing rar
I e<iaai i: T-> pr-v.-ul th- buat (r.-n. ahnnking
r Chari.w
rill al-' r*.
a >K*«un tf It- natural cml- ur ami boaut; li»t
thriiugii Uiu rail*W. .iarn.-.lly warn U-flt-. to av.dd atiWtl
tnl«i of Dr laiarl.. Fbwli Ko.at S--.- that the
na*r.« ar.d jH.riraU <•! I>r. riiarlrr U on tht l*»i
b- for.-purrhai.ing Wr also warn ladi<-« not
OMaa SOS. New Wllhala btoeft M
J. I. Hunt
6ti, W MeWitlj
■ principal Drpartmmt
Mumio Mou»€»
KaztdoorA. V. frtadrteii*
SS-SE-™"Or.eiariw C(„ 108 Filtgg St.N. Y.
Cure Heartaohea. 8tral«titen
CroaaBpeaand IlMtore
A. WOhafTK
ACCKrrco tv peace envoys.
differeor*** b**(«rtren Japan and Ruaoia
will nut be KtUud by arbUimtlcm In the
popular acceptano© of the word," deciarul tbe Japaneae cnvoya at noon
today, tbronph tbeir apokeaman Mr
pnated to Barun Roaen that the dia*
pute rcpardlDC the remaining v^icloa
be aabnitted to arbllrallon. “Thi
Left Track and Struck a Pole,
may be coneesaiona." Mr. Sato rnn*
Unued. **but neither country would
Car Overturning—Loaded
^er to Tbo Hairue any quf«tloa in
With Pleasure Seekers Coming
votrlng piiDciple.”
From Ball Game.
I. Johns. Mich.. Aug. 21.—By the
dvraillng of a car on the l^n&lnp and
Sulmrban Traction c<impany*s lint* be
IKE AUSTIN BEMOANS LOSS OF tween Ijinslng and St. Johns. Geurpe
Burton of St. Johna waa killed, nine
perrons recelv«*«l Berlotis' Injuries and
several others were bruised and
Cow Had to Bo Killtd to Recover It— shaken.
Car No 202. with a tralh*r atlachc*«l.
Must Go to Washington for
In charge of Conductor Sutton and
Mutorman Crowmen, due In St. Johns
7:30 o'cliK-k, had reached a point
» mile south of Ik*Wilt when the
Ike Auatin. tbe aoiilh aide butcher, trailer left the track and was immela bemoaninK the luaa of a roll of billa dia(«‘ly overturned. The car and trailer
atnoiioilnj; to |7o.
rarrl«*d 120 passengers, roost of whom
Saturday morning Mr. Anatln dro%e wen* returning from the ball game l»eto bia alauphter houM.> anutfa of town.
tween the 01dsm<iblle and the St.
Ho had hia leather iKxdu-tbook con- Johns luill teams at Lansing, and were
laininp tbe monejr In hla iKicket and in running at full speed.
Jumpiof from the wapon It fell to tho
Suddenly tho trailer left the track
prouad. A cow. which waa beinp falid ran Into a pole, breaking it off and
lened, stood nearby and when tho wal relMtundiiig to the track, wliere it wa.'»
let atnick llie pnuind MUtreHii C<iw oveiiuriusl. Some of the pa.ssengers
made one awoop with her tonpue; one leaped fnmj the car. but when It tiv«*r
wap of h*»r Jawa an*1 away w»‘iit the turned s<*v4*ral w»>n* plniitsi ben«*ath It.
pocketlKHik and the mbiiey.
those on the ear ahead, hormr
The erllter waa w»t ready to kill but stricken at the disaster. hasu*nt*d tu
It waa “up to Aualln." ao operatlona release them. Many hands qulekl.v
Wpan and In a short time the Imite lifted the lightly constnicl«*d trailer
lay at hla feet proijorly aiauphtered.
the injured wen* removrtl and
Next ful|owi«d the aearrh for the mlaa- placi d alMiard the car ate.*id. The
kip article. Down thtouph the lonp other |iass«-ngers were left at tho scene
pullet, not there. Into atomach No. t. of the arrident. SL Johns was notinot there; then throuph all the other flisl and Conductor Sutton and Molorihret? Biumacba. Nut in any of titem.
Crownu*n made a quick run to
Then Itack apain and the anxious this city, where etmveyances were In
searcher was rewardthl by flndinp a readim-as to remove* the injured to
|il4>ce of torn wet leather. It waa
their nomea.
an\li>ii«ly unfolded but mn a rlpn of
*<.rge III
even ten-ceni |iU<ct‘could b»* found. On
s dr.v
further Inve-^ilpatloii. however, a small aeros* the shoulder and ehesi by th«wad of dirty hK>KlnK material abou* overttinuvl trailer and bU shoulder
the site uf4 ptdf ball wa.- hauled forth.
broken and chest crushed in. He
This, when waaht-d f>ff. wbh found to waa glvv-n ImmtsUate attention on the
be the money, partially dlpented. but arrival of the car In this city, hut he
bow much there Ik 1.- a ni)sit iy. The
died two hours after tho accident oc
wad la packed so ttphtr> that it canno:
be a«-|tarati><l without teatinp •>( rtittinp
Kd IVmllng sufleriHl a hinken leg
and aa the whole amount waK in |l.
and aerlnus bruises; Karle Ftm-h. a disand fli hllla they are |iack«-d \« n cIom*
lorated ankle and waa severely
ly AlMUit six flpurc ones can !•«' disbruised; Mrs. S S. Murdtwk. H. C. Mr
tinpulahod. Mr AUNtiti will aemi hi^
Cabe. W. J. Oonderman. WTIllaro Mur
“wad" to (he ireahtiry tlepantiu-tit at
Thomas rishburn. George HoerWoahlnpton ami have if dlNKet-ti>i.
and Fted Goodes were aerlousl.v
Itijurtsl. All are prominent St. Johns
(leople and are being cari*d for at their
honii s.
Tiu* arrident Is supposed to have
But Thaaa Small Boys Might Have
u-en due In a hot Ikix on the trailer,
Caused the Loss of Jeffnea*
causing a w htH*l to set.
Mr Bunou was 27 years of age and
very |M>juilar in St. Johns. He leaves a
William Crctllck.
widow, a child 3 years old. father,
tools stored ln^J^.»arehi>UK»> of Cha
mother and a brother, Joseph Burton
Jeffries near IhiTG. R A 1 depot. dl
of lAiising.
covered evidence of Are late Satunlav
eveolnp. He niad^- an InveMipatloii
and could find nothing then, but Sun
day fhominp found, throughout the
buildinp. places where a fire had la-en
klndU-d on the ban* floor and In ae
eral places bad eaten Into the wt»od
fvmslderable distance.
Two small boys were auspveletl and
were found In the aftermion on t
bay shore iilarinp with Are. They
first deol.Hl the charge but afterwar.l
conf.*ss«Hl to the kindling of the Area
The lads claim that they -were playing
“Port Arthur" and were blowing up
plies of refu»«\
The boy* bad trains of sugar laid
between the supposed fortlflcatiana
and bad InauguratiHl |dsna that might
; have bad aerkma results.
Attention. G. A. R.
There will be a apeelal meeting of
MePberaoo post. No. 18 on Wednesdav
^ rrcalng. Aug. 23. to arrange for parade
cm Labor Day. All old soldiers are
iavitad to be preaent.
M. D. Morgan. Commander.
A- F. UtUe. Adjutant.
Coro Huakers Defeated Thompsonvltte Bultan of Bulu Oflars Hia Hand and
Heart to PraaAdenVa
in Hard-Fought CenUat
The Thompaonvllle base ball team By Wire to the Ehrenlng Record.
Manila. Aug. 21.—Tbe raltan of Sola
went down’to defeat In their own
town for the first time la years yes has proposed marriage to Miss Alice
terday at the hands of Pierce’s Coen RoosevelL daughter of the presldeoL
offer was made when Seerctarr
Huakers of this city. The Anal score.
■STTPy ten innings of bard pUy. was S •
H«jeevelt and party
, 7_
I were received by the aulun at Jolo toFor the flrst six Innings the Trav.:***^^- ^Iss RoeseveU courteooaly de
ALL IMPLEMEN’TB DESTROYED. erse City players came up and wren; clined.
down In one. two. three order. whlK*
THIS IS THE WEEK to buy your
Thompaonvllle had It all their own
boys school suits and ahoea. On the
way' scoring seten runs.
shoes wo aavc you a third. On tho
One ef tht Finast Barns in That Sec
Franklin went to bat In the seventh
clothing from a half to two thirds.
tion of Laclanau County, Built
and took his base^ balU. He stole
Don't buy till you firet sot what we
around td third and Williams hhuught
About a Year Ago—Insured in
have to offer.
Farmers* Mutual for
•rhe Boston Store.
for the Huskers. Thompsonvllle was
During the severe electrical aloitu abut out In this Inning and for the
rest of the game did not score. Buff
last night tbe flne large barn oc
farm of John G. Weisa at^KeswIck waa Rokn*. McG«*e and Pray crossed the
struck by Hanning and totally de- plate In tbe next inning for Traverse
►Iroyed. SeveraJ valuablo-honu-a wen City and three more scorv-s were rolpvj
in the ninth, leaving the score 7 to
saved from tbe building. Init twenty
Boh Rokos brought In the winning
two pigs and -an old hog were ere
re in the tenth Inning and ‘riiaroi*
matf-d. Besides various tof>lK and rigii
flickered out.
ibt re were Mlxt«><*n acres of w heat and
SiQvtr pitcheil for the Huskers and
several loads of oats in tbe barn. Ik*aldea various articles of value which sirurk out eight men. i»assing four on;
Karston. the ThompsonvIIla,
coukl not be saveil. although the blaz' ball.v.
was fought hard by the family and pitcher, struck out twelve nieu ami let '
two men walk.
The umpiring was ver>- unsailsfae-'
This barn wat: one of the flnest in
I.eelanaii county and was built only lory.
last year. The total loss, while not
yi*t dt-flnitely announced, will douh»- are doing the iJhpt work that has lni*n
hy any team in this city for som<less reach 14.1*00. Insuraun* was car
ried In tho l*'armors’ Mutual for |1.50«. liiue and are worthy of the best kui>liort that the town ran given them
Wife of Multi Millionairo Benefacto'
of Muskegon Could Not Regain
Her Health.
Congregational Sunflay School and CE. Will Have< Dedication Service.
Next Sunday tin- d<‘*lic-arory s< r\lr**s
of th** Congregational Sundav srhmd
Christian l-':ndeavor so«*ity will
Grawn. Mieh.. Aug. 21—The Grawn
fans were well pleased yealerday after oeeupy the day.
noon when tht*lr favorites won from
Mr. and Mrs. Saiuuel llurrell of Manwhich calU*d tlu*ms«-lve8 SherI was made up of players from c*-loiia. who have l*<*«'n vif-iting tlie
Rhermau, Wexford. Wylie and Thomp- family *»f R«ilh llln**s of this city, re
turned to their home this morning.
Another Victory for Grawn From
Team Composed of Players
. From Four Towma.
It was a hard-fought battle and was
on by a score of 7 to 5.
The Grawn hoys were dechiiHlly out
of form and plaj f'd a rather i*uor game
for them, hut won out by bunching hits
at the right lime.
Ith Bherman two In the lead In
the fifth and two Grawn men on has**Crandall swatted out a corking thrinbagger and Uith Wanders am! Brayton
seonul. thanks to the l*o> from the
mill for bt*lng there with the goods
when a hit was nei'iliHl. First BaseHarr was absent fntro roll rail
Frank Klrrhuer was taken on and
played a flne game on s»*coml. he als-)j
batteil well. Crandall was put on flrs.
and plaj'i*d flne ball considering It was
his first game In that jxisiilon this
Brayton caught a ragginl
game, letting lu two scores on jmsstsl
lialls, iKith within his reach.
Smith pitch***! a fair game hut two
weeks without prartiee isn't the thin;:
pitcher. Fprangler. late from
Thompsonvllh* and former pUrher of
the N. M. A. at Trav«Tse City, was on
the slab for Sherman with big Inten
tions to do things to Graw*n that w<uild
look graal for thHr'side of th**
score card hut was pounded harder
and more often than Earl Gibson of the
Queen City team.
Spangler thought when he got to
first all he had to do was dance a
little and st«*al second, but “J<wteviis’’
Smith showed him a trick, for with a
quick throw to Crandall Spangler was
taged with his hand fully two fc*ei
from the bag. The Sherman catcher
s a llttletoo slow on Spang's drops
they took on" a catcher from Wyll«without saying a word aliout It. Grawn
pul up a kirk but when Brayton. who
acting captain in Harr's absence,
the distracted lo<»k on Spang'-*
fare he said to Manager Van H«>ni.
“Ix*t him ealch. we can beat them Ju.«t j
thf same.’’ and they did.
Grawn plays Honor next Sunday at
Duck lake park and every gcntlema'n
that Is willing to |«y 15 cents Is cor
dially invited. Indies may see the
game free but wUl be eharge.1 10 cents
admission to the grand stand.
Grawn Potato Diggers.
'IT WILL PAY anyone to look over
jur lot of pants, bought cheap, Eclling
It closing prices.
sug IS-tf
Hamilton Clothing Co.
By \Alre to the Evening Record.
Muskegon. Mich.. Aug. 21.—Mrs.
Those who expect to attend tbe
Julia B. Hackley, widow of late muUi- Congrogstionsl pli»e organ recital thlr
millionaire. Charles H. Hackley. died evening are requested to be preaent si
at *:S0 o'clock this morning aficS o’clock sharp.
being kept alive for nearly a week
oxygen and artlflclal means. Bright’s
dlaenae and eompBcatlons caused
death, which was hastened by her con
SOO wMiMfi, girls and boys over
tinued faith in Christian Science
14 years of ago. Pleassat, dean
The city U In moarnlng. Her hatband
started at the bottom of the ladder and
Ths Traverse CRy Caiming Co.
amaased a fortune estimated at 17.000.
otto. Muskegon will receive another
million or ao from her death.
American Drub Store
Moeday, Acg. 21,1905
Good Shoes
and skillfully made are the Indiaa Baskets
and Birch Bark novelties shoirn here. As
souvenirs of this part of the country there
is nothing finer to give. They arc alwaj's
City Book Store
Che Bohart Co.
Have You
Tried It?
Remember it is th.* most
plessatit tislioE ami actir^
CalhariiC obtainaUU*. And
remember also that the laK*!
should lx*ar a RED CROSS.
()ur Solution Citrate of Mi{:nesla is ripht, strictly rifht.
m.mm±. F*rort«
VL R. Macdonald, Msr*
Abstracts of TItls
Bstabllshed in I86S
Room 310 Stmto Bank BlSa.
MdrU. BUww
A few pairs Tan Shoes and Oxfords to close
out at once.
3.50 Or«icl3S
3.00 Or3d33
2.50 Or3d33
- .
. .
A Quarter to a Third
L-css Than Rcpiar
pt*rtaining to Lnmlieraixl
Building Materials of all
kinds, we will be ijlatl to^on^ fer with you at any tiiil^r^
when planning a Imildiii;;.
fyot Ukath^r
A Bweoping retluotion in
Mens’ Womens’ and Chil
drens’ Tan. Black and
Canvas Oxfords
W** have just rfcciv.vl a laiv«
shipmt-nt of womtuis’ shoes
tliiit w<* have place«l ou sale
at $1.23
all solid and latest styles.
Boys’ and youths’ routjh and
ivaily shcH^ at t*xceptionally gootl values. Remem
ber we are nt*vc*r undersold
for tjCKxl k'ooila-
mrtd erdlick
& Company
242 e. Trout St.
Smartest Osting
thins with th*. WMW *
Cny Md WtaiKy. V«ry I
your MOMy wtU mwkti y«
fortwb • thvar hoi day*.
CilniU' of M.'4Di**6iu is atoinir Htrlit nlonu'-.tuoviut; all
Ute tiiiif. Tht* people have
taken our Biu:m*stion that it
was a Aiyxkl thine an«l they
have not lx*en disappointe*!
LOSS wni K AlOUT $4,000
NtithM* CMMitry Would »Uf«r to tho
Hapoo tho OuMtiofw involving
pDrUiBouih. Nrir. Anr 21.—*-n»o
•aak at LmsImrWa, Ky^ Cloaatf Its
Basra Todsgr.
By Wire to tha Braalnc BseorE.
WaahlacUMi. Aag. 21.—Tho Was
SCattaoBal baak of Lmilarlile. Kg.,
doaoi today by diroetkm of the acting FINE PROPERTY OF JOHN C.
eomptroOer of the cnrroBcy. The capi
tal of the bank Is badly Impaired by
toMsa. There have been large with
drawals reccaUy. The resources
llabiUtlea last May were over a millloo and a half aach.
WCATHEH->Local rate* asd tlmiidar
ctoriM tki* afleraogD; fair and cool
er vMt portion; Toeoday fair.
See the New Suits made es
pecially for young men by a
’^nufacturer of exclusively
young men’s goods--they’rc it.
$t0, %12. $15. $18,
(NSHfCWia BX.OOK.)_______
< )ur mills turn out evi-r^ thing for inU*rior fitiish—our yah
ever}'thing for the outsMe.
Citizens Phone. 32i Bell. I
Meh’s Pants
Commenco Ton-iorroviF
Ends Within Ten Days
A Big Lot of nice Cassimere and fine Worsted
Goods bought for just such an occasion. Reg
ular prices would be, and arc $1.50, $‘1.50,
$3.7.5, $4.rK». $.5.(N) and $C.OO. We will dose
the lot at from
$1.00 to $3.50 PER PAIR
Do you warn a pair of pants? LOOK AT
f B!B^5g®^£2K onon SET IK NCE
Vary tHplomaUe Ant Wan Evan H
Maricat Raya and PaUea AMfaa
Hava tiM Rawar.
UM yw‘» gnmi reeord is exporu
m4 taporu win be brokM thi* yewr.
«M by Urc* tyuroa. Tbta beinc tte
CPM Heary Cl«w» of New York be.
lloTM that tbw tnurh UUked-of tariff
rerlaSoe will not be taken aa aetioiialy
aa tbMffb oar foreign trade were dlmlnlabtaff. Mr. Ciewii aayi:
“In tbe cane of tariff legUlalloo Use
■atMnny finr dnunle artlon la grailaally dlmlnUlilnK aa the aucceaalee
■Mtbly n-iKjTUi
our foreign eonsmmm are pobUabad. Tbe foreign
trade flguma for the nonUi of July
are now a%ailable and Indicate a con
tlauaare of the reoord movement of
meirbaadlao In Ipth dlreciiona—the
blgber Import
meaning natural
ly a cjorreaponcyng InrreajMs In govern»nat revenues and the larger exports
bringing Into Uio country Increasiei
purebaslng^iwer sdlber In the form of
gtsld or Ihruugti the regular sterling
«go{iang» machinery.
During the
month of July the ImiMirta of merrbantllae ahowEtl an Inc rease of |12.7<Ki.tihO.
compared with July a ycuir ago, while
tbe expurta lnrrc*asc«d ir^.'oo.WMi
' “The total value of exj>ort»* of mer
chandiae exeeAled the lm|K>rta by
more than I24.000.ota); This Is certain
ly a remarkably fine Htau ment for the
Ural month of a new (iM-al year folhswIng a flacal year jual closed that llaetf
eetabllahed new n^inls In IkuIi ex*
porta and imistrts of nterrhandise. An.l
thafact abotild not Ik* leal sight of that
oar foreign trade la right along very
apt to keep pare with out liotne prosperlty. for ihia reason: the flacal year
Jual «*nd«*d was p. rts-ord-maklng one
dcapllu a partirularly lean exisirl
moveuietit of hreadsttiffs, while this
year we have an aaaurt*d foreign de
mand for our bremtdatiiffa and ample
auppliea of these* to satisfy that for
eign demand. Ther«*fore, Instead of a
lean year In aggn*gate exports, we
have In prosisTt an (•xr^'iutonally proliflc one, and which in itself will c>ncourage a r«rres|>ondlng Improvement
in ImiKuia. Under thewe circumstances
the* demand for tariff revision l>aM*<| on
revenue exlgencli's will probably prove
Jeaa.urgent the longer y>uch legislaiioti
is delayed. Th« n* Is no doubt, how
ever, tliaf eventually we shall Im* com
pvlled to make* tariff adjustments, but
auch adjustinents will more than like*ly have In view the extension <*f the
principle of rec-lprorlty. flermany's
recc-nt tariff changes demand consider‘^'kllon of a recl|in»cal arrangememt with
that country, but a change in our tariff
system to m«*et the new Oc'rman conilltlona cjf a r«*clpmral arrang**nient
with that count ry. hut a change in our
tariff syatc*m Icj noot the new (ierman
coadltions cannot t*e made* unless we
provide e'er respond Ing changes for
irther of our ln<eriiaUonaI frli-nils."
Thi* jiastor. nu-nilKTs. officers and
Sunday schu<d cla»»e* «»f the Congre
gational church have ressoD to he
proud of th<* efforts which hav** given
them the handsom** new stone church
which now adorns the sit** »>ccu|ile*l
by tbe old frame stnielun*. ree«-ntly
reroowsl. When It Is state*! that alraoiil the entire amount of ISS.otH) has
b«*en elo’erfull* sults<*rllH*tl. it Is u Iribiite to th** lni*T*-st of th«- memlM*rs and
their orgmnixaiiun au*l the spl*-ndH
efforts of till***** who *'t»ndiirt***l ih** <*nlerprls** which has be«*n so successful.
TheHew Congr«-galioflal church Is
without duuiu Itw* irands«*m<'sl Ismisc
Erf worship in North* rn Michigan. It
Is miMlf*rn In Its ap|K>iiiinj<*nts. and its
architecture of exceptional beauty. For
•cveral years th<* memlK*rs have been
looking toward Ibis end and their auc€*ess has been beyond thtHr antlclpa
tiona. I>ecanae at the start it appEaartsI
to be a gr**at task to raise the amount
of m*iiiey iu*cessary for the prop<is**d
new chutTb.
To the ladlf*» is dut* the crE*dit of I
raising the mon*-y for the handsonu*
new pipe organ; this is ooe of the
best of Ha kind and a fitting addition
to the new- edlfie**. The work of the
people of the Oongregational church
gives to the city another beautiful
structure which will remain a oonaplcuoua ornament for many yeara li»
come, and a tribute to the earnest
work and cbriatlan seal of the church
icky M
Bright eyas and
)e. 3S cenu. Tea
or Tabicta.
Imw FavM- QuaraMinn.
•tooneh of Harry
a snake
Tbe prccanUona which Art; being
lowtMB teehos lonr Mr. Cteyton h«l taken In many of the aoutlieni cities
against the spread <rf the dreaded yel
fever neceooarily are*a great ob
pinRit a long Um and Is now rapidly
stacle to tbe traveling public. A jnoah
phis hotel Is sending lae following no
Miss Ada Brock is TisiUng at Mrs. tice throughout the countn:
patrona of the Hotel Gayoeo. wba have
Or. Bonee's thU weak.
ben In the Infected dlstrlrt. and
Mrs. Roy Lewis, wife of the might not
who ilcsire to come to Memphis, will
opcimtor of the Pw* Marquette rall- viite or telegraph us. giving date they
fead. haa returned ^to her bone at desire to reach here, we shall uke
pleasure in securing and mailing them
Howard Oty.
the necessary permits from the board
, The M. R church will give u social of health which are good for fort*
at the hone of Mrs. Vlnioo n^i Tuew- eight boaru.from the date of issue.
"Hotel Gaytise.
day evening. The prooeeds are for th*.'
“Memphis, Teon."
benefit at the church.
The opportunity offered by this hotel
Mrs. Matilda Cooper will staiT-«£Zt probably will cEune as a gtMlseod to
Monday to visit her Elaughter. Mrs. more tlian E>ne traveler who couM
enter the city in no other manner.
John Boyd, at Elk Rapids.
Rev. K. O. McCuae will leave for
tbe east In ahEMl three weeks to entcibe Boston Theological school. Rev. an Edertlve AwrUor .Xwwlwst Wted
K. O. HeCune leaves behind a grant
awe Other Korerw.
many friends that be has made during
ConJi*ers are liable to ex|>criem'e cou
his succ**ssful pastorate here, and the;.' sklerablo dltOc-ulty lu aui-imring Uw
all JolB In wishing him a successful Bkle walls W a tent agslust displneetumt by wIoeI or otber forcEw. The
college year.
usual ro|»e Iek»ihi fttsleiuil to tbe cauMrs. O. B. Marsh is s{>onding a wei*k ras are apt to tear irtil, nud a luakeat Old Mission.
shift arraiigetueut U ofit-u
The farmt-n from this vicinity ar" anehortug the teut by driving
all busy working on the road to make through the cunvas, with Ih
it more passable and comfortable for
BiatensI iK-t-o
man and bEwst.
(I< ultl**s inla
a situ
To E>bvlaU* thewe dlftl*sii
Mr. and Mra. Vinton are away this
pie iiiuiaxT
Mr. Jtihn Bhilr. 3Tr..
WEM*k on their vac:ailon.
lto**k R|*rtngH. W.ro.. bus Inveuted the
lui|irov**d 4E‘ul fasb'uer lllustrat**d law
Mr. and Mrs Owrge W. Wilson are With.
It <xua*l.its of n iu*‘tal link, .V. wUieii
visiting at MaiiEthEwter fcH- a fE*w- dayrt.
Mrs. G<*dka gave a party f..r her t «•
from a t*>op «f leather. C.
Sunday sch.»l class last Friday.
. ^
1 of tie* t* ut wall, *»r tli** *-biivbs may b«*
H. C. Bailey ha. recently built an ad |
dition It) hls bant.
GeorgE* Artxilil has Just flnlstii*El hi- ;
Miss Rusal) Harsh has gt»n«* to N«-« I
York l«» visit friends.
Tbaddcaa Bartlaira back door.
“TlMaa panada of porterhonaa aleak
aad a ptee» of aaaL" orders the maid.
“We are ehargtog for anct. bow • re
plied tbe boy.
“Not to regnlar casUNBcrs.“ reJaiBS
tbe Burprlsed maid.
“I bare bo plenary power,” aays the
young dIploBat in tbe white apron.
•T will suggest year propoAJ t<
•cane in a Justice of the Peace Court.
Fanner Bou worth—Ter honor, bis
caows boatad right threu tbe border
fence Into my territory, Inraded
comfleM. and I hereby demand »M
demnlty or that be cede one of them
Justice Adams—A treaty should be
condoded without boatllltles.
Parmer Botsworth—Kalnt ye ap
point a protectory. Jedge?
Jusileo Adams—Negutiallona post
poned unUI Tuesday.
For the same reason, probably, that
the average American aiMraka pl0son
Bngllah when he presents hla laundry
check and Dago when he bnva hananaa, tbe purumouthian baa. In a week,
adopted the mcMl atliti*d of language
and the atalelieat diplomatic
Court usages figure in every day
routine The eommonpUee lake
the atmosphere of the conferooee
room over at the nary yard. Diplo
macy? The milkman talka It. the gro
cery iKiy has taken on marvelous dig
nity. tbe rlerk at the aoda fountain
ai*«>siro|ihizes peace t|ltb every foam
ing glass without extra charge and.
for the bellboy at tbe Wentworth hotel Is Urrjed by the Officers of Western
Michigan State Fair to Be Held
thev have asaiimed a combination
Next Month.
waiET irafflc on every floor. Many of
the uiisophistirate*]. for some reason,
confuse army and navy pllquette with
that of the diplomat, and it Is nothing
at all tE> hear a portt‘r addresa
man. “Mr. Wood presents his eomplfmenu and aays, would you be kind
enough to fetch two bags out of 36."
When M. Witte meets Ambassador
Uosen he aays Just plain “How-do,
with, of course, a IllUe flavor of Busalan In It. fE>r the cxar‘s chief plenipo
tentiary speaks healtatlngiy, although
he Is working bard to cultivate
•roper pronunciation.
and Takahira speak Eng
lish as well as any of the gnesu of the
Bo far as the Japanese suite Is
cemed tbe star attraction Is always
Halo, lie is aecretary to the mlkatSo's
commission and he Is Just the happlc‘si s*»ri *if a lltlle Jap you
He Is all smlk's and SE*<*m8 to keenly
ap|>reclate the favor and conslderatloD
shown him. As he is sixikcwnisn of
the party this la a grea.t deal. If he
would arcept all of the dinner InvluHons off.Ti'd him and all of the fllrta
thins in which the summer girls en
deavor to snare him. he would not
have tlmi* to puzzle out those mysteri'
ous clph«*r messages hla chief U st*n.r
Ing lo or receiving from Toklo.
Bato Is an excellent swimmer and
always has an admiring cniwd around
him when he takes to the water down
under the hill.
The ehh‘f amuseroi'nt of the coterie
of IViston girls at ■ the Wentworth
s«oms to b«« w fit ing Jingles aproiKia of
the historic ev«*nls passing around
alsiut ih**ni. While fond mammas are
taking their afternoon siewtas and the
envoys have cnisacHl the Piacataqua to
talk terms, this bevy of puritanical
maj«lens gather In th** ball n»om and
put their words lo Improvised mush'.
One gem composed and warblcA by
thi*s** maids runs like this:
A little brown man fjom Toklo
Came on to IHirtsmouth to) aoak you.
8*> man of the czar.
You b**Uer beware.
Or he ll uke the very hide off you.
Here is another:
This pleasant little ditty
Has to do with one M WHte.
And no barm U here Intended.
kVr all envoys are simply splendid.
Hut In Witte there la beauly
Whleh cx>m|H*ls at a plain duty
A lltlle song of praise.
You gTE*at tall thing.
We love you. Bing!
s little short of money.
But your smile Is Just like hooey!
The whiskers on your face
Meet our most tastidious taste.
Indeed, you are a peach!
When you go back to Peterhof
And tell the czar the war la off.
Give him our besL and aay.
That It was you who woo the day.
If he'd went a grand duke
It sure *d been a fluke.
It took a pUtn M. WRte.
Marten E. Pew In the Onnd Rapldi
Horn for aprlnldlns Mvbs ara trow
Slot A.m.aMfoomStofl».B. At
tima eaa water be ased witboat
aoBsla ar sprinkler attaetod. Oa me*
coast of tbe great asioaat of watar
ased dartag tba day for
toft and otber porpoaea aaceasary rnlaa
tpriakUBg lawsa mast be c»forxsed.
H. O. Joyst, 8apL
Jtm tut
No Other piece of booiehoU fomUnre appeals so elo*
qoentljr to the hoaafrwife as a goDi. 'SM Bamgt.
VIA O. It A I. RT.
Tbe OJlbwray Indian drama “Hiawa
tha” will be given at Lake Ya-wmy-golag. sear Petoskey. Mich., daily frum
July 4lh to Sept. 4th. ThU rendition
of the Indian as a romantic figure,
shoald be seen by every <«e. De
scriptive pamphlet can bo had by ad
dressing ticket a^nt. G. R. A I. Ry..
Traverse City, or C. L. Lockwood. G.
We are makiiij' apiH’ial ef
forts to nsluiv* oor luive range
stock tintl are umking on ad
vance fall show ing that will
save you just
Every R.Tnge guaranteed
Your Orodi’fc lo Oood
: 14-1S-1C-2I 22 23-28 29 30
Wk*l«0*uSB«l>a Tmt IdiabU Boom r«fabk<
A Touching Story
Public is Aroused.
There Is more catarrh In IhU Kocllon j Tl)o public U an.uM*d to a know!Is the saving fnmi *l**ath of the baby
of the country than all other disease*•
girl of Goo. A. Kjler. CuiulM>rlaiid. Md.
put logelher. and until the last few ! ^
He wrllea: “At the age *if n months
*<>ar« wa« *nin*(»*od to Ik* Incurable. I .
our little girl wa* In *locllnlng health,
For a
with serloua thniat tmulik*. and two
phy*iclans gave l»er up. We were al*
*crllK*«l local remedi***. and hv c*»nmi**t In d<**|*alr, when we resolved to
■tanily falling to cure with local treat- fev*T and ague, my m-rve* were iry Dr. King * New Dl*oov«*ry for Coo*
inct-d it incurable. 8ck*nco
meni. prunoum
sumfitlun. Cough* and CVild*. The flrxt
catarrh to |»c a conhilUiha* p
•*'Mtef*'*ancr lining four
■o n*qulre*
con*Uiutlunal tn*alm**nl. Hair* (?airc. mamifarinred hv F J.
Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is the
. Meads and 8.
only ciJiiHill
Giinranlw*.! at J..lmaon‘* Drug Bnire.
60c and
A 8.ms** drug Klores;
Internally In dose* F. H. Mea.l*.nnd B. 1!. Walt A Sot.*It I*
1.00, guaruiitiK-d. Trial Ituttle 10c.
I dmpa
drug Kt«ir.*>;; price 50c.
oci* .llr.-ctly on the blood and muc*
siurfac*-* *.f
*if the system.
s.vKtem. They offer i
A wou.lerfiil tonic f.*r Ih** sick and
hundred dollars for
•r any cn*e
ca* It fail* t
iscb* fas-i*T than afflki**.!. tJet atn-ugih. health and
Mak**s b.i)).* tiod muse
Send for circulars atul testi
family nx-.llclm*
Bold hv ilriigglsl*. 75c.
mily Fills I
Peculiar Disappearance.
Grand Rapids. Mich., Aug. IR. HtoS,
The Wc*sl Michigan State fair K
al*»ut L: oo excursion |o Mllwauk**** Ihe|lcullar\irw.pp. i.r^^^^^^ of «>H- pal«)
close at hand. SepL IK to 22 will swn
of imllg.-stlon and billThur-dny Tlck**is g«Ki*l on .':;:o p. ni.
be hE*re.- Th(»se win* have (*xh1hil«**l
ou*(i.-*H to Dr. King * .\<-w Lif** Fill*.
fruit In past yE*ars are aln-ady al work
aug 14-1 r. 1 f. 21 22 2.3 28 29-30
and will duubtl«*)is prc-senl a fine di-«
play of the “fruit that has mad*' MIchi
gan famous." Those who have n*»t ex
; stores. priet*'25c.
hibited hon*lofore are urged to l»»*gln
(tlannlng miw. 8**nd to the F**rr**lar\
tASTAMU: i‘UAlT|i Aa.l.t l
for a premium list. l>K»k It *>ver.
aud Ibeso leaVE-B Ih.ii fast.-ii.*!
Make up your mind what ytm can show
ler with rivets, us shown lu
besL Get this fnilt In the Grand Rap
id. Gold Blorago company, the sucleiy
wlll pay the storage chargE*. In other vents tbe pans from l*c-**.milug s.*]* ^
words, do your best lo put up the l>est amtt-d nud mislaid wht-u the fu*.i**mr
you can. Ne%-or mind whether you g**t Is Out attsfiied to tlx* tent. Tin- low**r
a premium Eir not. It will do you good bar ut tbe link Is prcf*!rabl.% fnr.iuHl
to comitare your fruit with that of with ii bhide or knife edge. B. udufle.l
others. You will enjoy the fair monv ti» sluk into tb<* p**g. tu* sb«»*vu In
;i. and lliUB prevent.s the fust*-n.*r from
If you have any fruit you want to know
slipping off. the name of bring it with you. Ask
lli** nuHior is*gs are pn-f.-raMy
questions; in fart make your visl' tlriv«*n In ut an angle. nn*l an* pnivldej
and exhibit an etlucathm. Uith for witb a slight noteli to re**elve ih<* liladi*.
yourself aqd others. Write John B. 'Hie l*egs usually furnlshtsl Evith lt*iits
Martin, auporintendeot hEmicuIttiral are of substautiully reetangular <-r<*»-*
illustrat***!. but wln*u th**s.'
departmE-nU CO Monroe street. Grand j
lEJSt rough *-ut j«*gs lire oft**n em
lUplJ., Mich.. IhAt yon Inlond to ox j
nd!i|.t the links
hibll. what you intf*nd to exhibit, and j
their use the side bars of th«* links
any information you may want , are bowed out. as showu In Fig 2,—
relative to your display.
i Sclenttflc American.
It Is ho|KN] to have tnstniction In
In Mrs. James Itnovn I*i»Mcr s sljilde
grading and packing apples, and pos
sihly Informal talks by exiK*ns from when ull her cffi** Is w * re sol*| ai
the Agricultural CEdlege for an hour tloU IIlit Brny 1Fx*Uge wrrt' thr.s- man-s
a Rhetiuii
II lirougliu)!!,
each morning. Take advantage of vlE-torin. an Am«*rlean spnl**r <-nrt.
these If thE*y will help you. With the dogcart, a luggngc curt uml n * <uisf**r
No matter what you l>ake, whether it K* brcatl or pastry,
quantity and quality of our fruit this cart. togeth**r w irh a new seven horse
if made of Marvel Flour it will be dclicif>us, wholesome
the* display In horticultural hall power motor cur.
and satisfying.
should be a recsjrd breaker and you
should help to make It so whether youi
exhibit b*> large E*r small.
nade from seWro. H. Andersi»n. I’n-sldent.
It's made in absolutely saniury mills, made
and will he refunded to you if after
's *easy to Ijake
lected Spring wheal and made right. It's
L. J. Weber. Secretary.
ins Italf a bottle of
enly and
if Marvel .-lour
Flour is Used.
used. It i>akes
-IMI'; pure.
quickly. Marvel Flour is .itf'flijur—
■ERT at Or
grocers sell it. If yours don't, he will
music store ttmlght under direction of
get it ftjr you if you ask him to.
Mr. Chaa. A. Skelcber.
‘Light and
•00 wwnsn, girts and boys ovsr.
14 years of agt. PIsasanL clean
The Traversa City Canning Ca.
aug 12-tf
It’s a Pleasure to Bake with Marvel Flour
Listnun Mill Co. La Crosse, Wis.
you are not aatisfied with rrswlU.
This is our guarantee which goes witb
n*er) bottle.
For.3ala mmA OuaraMaad Omiy by
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
Wants liglit. feath
anti pic trust.
can always be the
result if you use
We buy it in car
lots because
we sell so muth.
The best of good things pn pared by expert bakers. JiiU thf thing for
afternoon luncheons, evening gatherings, pjcnic parties and camping.
>iml ’Tmm
F"!* N*w%or»
ulcers, son** and cancer* It I* the
iK.*l iMallng dr,*sHlng I C4cr foiind."
S*K.lh«‘* and IxalK cut*, burn* and
maids 25c at J..hn«on-* I>rug Blor^
F. H. M.-a.lK and 8- K Walt A Sons*
drug Kt.ire.-; gnaranliTj.
it is so popular and
Fiendish Buffering
I* ofu*n cau*.**l by sore*, ulcem and
rain-iTs. that eat away y«nr skin. Wiix.
4nm m mm Mwlng, ikla
•klw wMfMa mt tk*
foOoMd tke fortMto or a p
Mck aa ke «M tfclrty ywara apa.
iiAfiKco cuowio cxmcim of tkvwagk tke
aad tka vaiarti to tk* wagaa Noma
•tokito Apackto.*'toM e>ko mar* IMm
Dtotk lBva4*d tko fcoto* of ItoMk
tklrty yean attar, whmn ka pmal HitoMl of ftr Botok Unkm otreto y*«ca tke raeamiflM.to dram, kakii aad
at 1 ctoloek. taking
•ihAmt at WtVoyrt Lmi MifM.
away tk* wife. LoreCU Xosl HskeU.
•gad 48 yanra. Tke fknerml arraageCtwwtiiii t» D« C«ll«dL
m«toa provide tkat eke
tkoagkt wkick he snatkiagty
be keU tkU evening at 7 o!clock from
broad tariM. tkat tka rcaanraUoa ay*- tke teMdencB, Rev. Thmmmm Cox of
tom ladlaaiaed tka whlta paasratosat ficiating aad tke remalaa will Oten Ue
tte tradtUoMl vmjr. tk« rtstec
amployaB laataad of drObriag tke ka- at tke hotoe wntil Wednesday morning
MB. tkt grmi aril flf 4ajr b«tef
dlaa arttklB iu borders.
when they will be taken to the family
«lgMl for tbo oMriM pn^ »MCtns.
Ffvllwiiaary Caavoattan CatU
lot ia tke Manistee cemetery.
wMeh vu snuMmood to take place
A maatlag called last evenlag ctset^
frMi tka teaiod aadltorto*.
ad oOceta who wlU later call a eoa'
Umo or kraree tied aoiaoBly oot fron Uon at ChScapo of red SMa of mil aa- Stepbea. of Mr. aad Mrs. J. D. Sted
man of Acme raccumbed to death Sat
IkNr vidwaa hovaa aad gaikered
tloos to eoaatder tbe reserratloa prak- urday. tbe firoeral aonrlces taking
petkOT for tbrtr laid rHUrtoo« ecrr
lem. The following oDoars weto aleetPrapor ««■ foUovod kr (1>e Caalllar ad; Prealdant. Dr. Gartoa. Montasnnaa. place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from tbe Acme church.
Chicago: vlea prealdant. Plamoa Rad**AM mat thU body die;
bird. Genoa,
ThU well wrooHit frwoo decay?
braaka; treasurer. Bar. WUUam PetoaAad Met tkeM actire limbs of ■
key, Petoskey; secretarlaa. Robert
Ue moaldering Id the grarer
Agoaa. Northport; Rev. WUUam Eilat. Tw* Mor* Paytog I
diqr by Traveree City Business
The larpe cbulr aiaglof lasteod:
Barker Creek; auditors, Simeon. RadCollege.
Tuk ae mah pud oak.
bird and Mark Mam-goaa, Kekadin.
Nee Ob pvak po pok «a shla.
Over one tboosand visitors swarmt
Loedlng, formerly bookkeeper
Nlap oh pwab po pub aa shio.
the camp grounds yesterday and last
for the Elk Rapids
B oak ub pwah po«uh aa sbla?"
evening every train bore Its heavy
The Oroat Circle.
loaded coaches to and from the Cement company, has accepted a posi
tion at $80 a month with the C.. R 4
FOllovinp thU walllap kjrmn tb«
Q. Railway company at Uncoln. Neb.
tire roaprepatloa. aaoMeilop about
Will Nash haa taken tbe position
eipbt kaadred red mew and tbelr
with the cement company made vacant
sooaws aad papooees. rormed la
by Mr. Loeding’s resignation, at a good
llnee auu bopma the great circle fare
salary. This makes twenty-eight
well, beaded down from peacratloQ
Student of Grand Traverse Buedents placed In paying positions by
after pcoeratJoB from the oaily pagan
iness Univeraity.
Messrs. Martlndlll and Rose, proprie
rilee. aa the form of breaktap np all
tors of the Ttsverse City Hublness clopreat pmthcrinpa. As the lines bepan
A J. Mlkowskl left this morning for
legc, since June 1.
a slow and dipniflt'd counter moveLudlngton to uke a position as sten
meat, bands reached over and across
ographer and bicwkkecper with a whole
the Inlervenlnp space and the endearsale fruit dealer of that city. Mr. Mllap words ‘'Boo sboo. douph-a-ina"
Dr. Hoseotbal-Tbompson leaves In
kowskl received his commercial train
which Is almost Inexprcseible In tbc
for Detroit, where she
ing In tbe High school under the In
■npllah lanpuape, beinp the most
struction of W. P. Needham. He also will consider the advisability of locat
press!ve term of affect loaato farcwcU
took work at the Grand Traverse Busl ing soon.
that the Ottawa Indian knows, meanness University during tbe summer.
H. L. Paris of Mllleiwberg. Mich.,
lag “good bye. my brother."
Two days after tbe term closed Prla- and Mrs. Elizabeth Brayman of Port
Breaking Camp.
cipal W. P. Necslham secured this po Edward. N, Y.. have returned to their
The breaking up of camp
homes after a visit with Ihclr brother,
sition for him.
lowed and traps, equippapos of all
P. Parts of.nnh atreet.
kinds and descriptions began
Edna Wilhelm left yesterday morn
proceaekmal tbmupb tbe wild, ragged
ing for Petoskey, where shu will spend
roads to tbe outer world, many taking
^er vacatioa.
the nramlnp train for Petoskey and
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 21.—UTicat—
Peter Wurzburg of Northport
other nearby points. Rev. William ScptemlH-r, 83c: No. 2 red. 824c: No.
Petoskey and party numbering thirty, S com. 88 4c: No. 3 while oats, 274c. rived this morning for a day's business
being among them.
Toledo, O.. Aug. 21 —Wheat—Cash,
Mrs. Swanson and family of Manton.
, A Oevemment Teacher.
83c: September, 83 Uc: December,
who have been at Northport. arrived
Mrs. Jennie Miller Dodge of the gov- 84 4 c.
in the city this morning for a short
crameat agrloultural school at CbllocChicago, Aug. 21.—iMieat—Septem
with her mother. Mrs. Ole
' CO. Oklahoma territory, left for Rapid ber. 804c: December, 82c. Com—SopCity, where she will visit her parents tember. 734c; December. 45Sc. Oats Blacken.
Miss Winifred Gagnon of Northport
a khort time before leaving for her —September, 2B4c; December. 284c.
academic duties at the far weeiera September pork. $14.30; lard, $7.80; arrived in the city this morning on a
visit with friends and relatives.
government school. Mrs. Do<lge has ribs. 18.80.
spent nearly her entire life there,
Stevenson attended the camp mooting
studying as a child, then Uktag
silk>n as InMlrurtor and later marrying
Roiisa. the Amerimn bandmaster, de services at Northport yesterday, also
visiting Northport Point.
the mechanical and electrical engln<>er tests s|ieecbmskhig.
Miss May E. Shank of Grawn. spent
Dr. Glon Hhimewe. Inventor of tk*
of tbe Institute. She la the daughte'
explosive bearing bis name, waa bom all last week wrth Mrs. Wm. F. Wuenof James Miller of Rapid City who is
scher of 410 Bast Front street.
white Indian. Mrs. Mllltrr U the only In tbe protim«e of Hlroabima forty
seven years ago.
Loa Crawford has gone to Kalkaska
repreeentatlve from the three or four
Miss Madge Pickier, daughter of a to visit friends.
-government schools to have any suc
fonner well known wngrensmeu. la
W. H. Martlndlll is In the city lof>kcess In obtaining pupils for »cho«ding. owner and au|>eriiilendent of a mine
Ing after the Interests of the Traverse
and it la conceded that U>e lectures near Cripple Creek. Colo.
City Busings College.
given by Dr. Carlos Montezuma
It is now pro|«mte<l to change Joseph
Mrs. J. W'. Travers has retumisl
far reaching In their influence towanl Jeffeiwon's statue, to l*e erectet!
discriminating against the gnveniment Rlrhrocuul, Va.. to a rkamilrr por from a visit atfPetoskey and Hay
schools in favor of the common public trait repretM'uting biui as Rip Van
Joseph SIcder went to Kingsley
schiMd aysteip.
K. J. W. Hoeftrber. the well known business this morning.
Dr. Potts %oVs In the Morning.
adentist. of Washington. D. C., haa
Miss Lulu Saxton went to Mayfield
Yesterds) morning services were In a colleetlou of 1(».000 plants from
this morning.
»harpi^uf Dr
H 1‘otta, editor of the ail over the world, classified and
W. J. Melhel and wife of Charlevoix
Michigan ChrUilsn Advocate, who
wort' In the city yealcrday.
rived on the gtwgndk ou tlie afternoon
John I>. llo.-kefeller and Dr. Wash
James Hurst and J. W. Mather of
train. He spoke without the Interrup ington Gladden, who haa M-ored
tion'bf an Indian Inu-rpreter as It is •^tainted money” so thoroughly, were Cadillac spent Sunday in tbe city.
Milton Hsrr of Grawn was in the
^tpncede<i;pBt *k«- majority of the In adtoollioya together lu Tioga county.
city, today looking'after business in
dians i% attends!ie< understand the
hYederick* Mome. non of a Kanaaa terests.
EngBah laniigage ruough to maki
farmer, rode mor** than to,<W0 milea on
N. C. Burt of Grawn is in town on
• service* complete wtthoin an l
horseback during his four years' atprcler. Dr. Potta look as his theme tendanc* at the t-ollege at Euii*oria, business today.
Erwin Baker of Dwlgbt. III., arrived
'beaut if Hi thought that all men Kan.
I on the steamer Illinois yesterday morn
aav«>«| through the |s>t»rr ol
ing to spend a week in tbe city.
Max I>fwwa«A Mm WateHMt.
, God. He began hl» Illustrations bv
L. K Stevenson of the Record went
William l>ean Howells has a low.
describing s visit which he ma.I.
musi<-at voice, and he bates loud voices to Northport today, accompanied by
through the Chinese end of San Kran
In women.
hU mother and sister.
deco and the frightful pagan scenes
Mr. Howells sometimes tells a story
J. P. Forest, business manager for
- . which be. wIiDCHM'd and cmipled with in illustration of the ahiill power that
*^the same visit where he entered the Is too often to l>e noted In tba fetuln- Lottie Blair Parker's “Under Southern
Skies" company was in the city Sat
Ina vdees of Anieiioa.
^oflee of a Chinese dentist who
urday making final arrangements for
L guide, tills story
' ^ __ christianised typo of a Chinaman, the
differences In-lng due to the foi\. western hotel Ito lead a palirty of tooi^ the apeparance of bis play here next
I great waterfall.
Mondaj-, Aug. 2*.
^^ng power of Gt*«1. He stall'd that
in stout boots the |i«rty set ont. and
felt thai-it was a hard Usk to et
for two Imurs ascended a winding and
the mlsslooar) fields among pagan In- a pleasant road.
A prominent Mancelona business
•We are nearly there now.” the man. noted for boasting of bis past
<dtans, yet as he sImmI Itofore the audi
ence gathered In the tent be graspeil guide said at last, and with revived bravery, a few nights ago sUrted after
dark for the bouse of a friend who
tbe band of aged “Brother
•'How uiueh fsriher. guide?” asked
aaid that he was proud to stand hand a little inter, a young man whose hoots Uvea two miles ont of town. Looking
around he saw a “spook" following
In hand with so true a Christian sni
ere tight.
him. looking very much like bis de
Brother West grunted a happy assent
••Oub s step more, sir.” was tb
Th« Afternoon Sorvlcc.
"A. sis'n as tbe Udles stop parted “better half.” and carrying
Iking you w ill hear the roar.”—6aa old broom. He got up and ran for
The rrowd.s which began to enti-t
deer life, at a Barney Oldfield clip.
the grounds''at 9 o^dock were massed
Exbansted at last, be sat down to
in the large tent at 2 o'clock In anticiwtta ta* Mtwssvois.
psitofi of heariag Dr. Cartos MonieznmomonL l^lien be looked up be
ms. who, however, did not arrlTe until
again saw the white-robed figure at
me. Mr. Bonto. that that lgnomnf%«a3 o'clock. He addreoaed the audience
kls side, who said: “John, you hun
tletuan to whom we wrere talking u a
on the rx'servatloa Question and made hoet In himself.
well, but you can’t escape me." John
many sallies on the aristocracy of the
replied: “I knew 1 did. and I will be
Mr. Bones-Ye*, sah. Appearancto
republic, claming that It was the first
running again ns soon ns I get my
D mighty deceivin' sah.
race, the red men. who were the aris
breath." And he wa*.
Mr. Tamho—But what did he
tocracy of America. He caoaed
>? Tell me why Is be a bomt in him
MIm Minnie Baldwin te preeldeiit mt
tore of laughter among the entire con self?
bank In Wlster. I. T.. which has
gregation by stating that an Indian's
Mr. Bones-Dat geo’man am a
deAnItlon of hell was -work." aad de In hinisHf. Mlstab Tambo. liecaxe ke capHallntloB of 825.000. and Is tnanplored the fact that the 'govemmont am de Undlord of de leddln* botH In agrr of tbe'coocem.
lYieker Briish.
f«l them and made It possible to
Mr. Tambo—Ladle* and sentlemca.
atroy tbelr energy to do for themwith your kind permlsMeB Mr. HIgk. main closed two day* owing to the
collah wlU now aing. “My GlrPa Name lack of help, after which it wUl be
Or. Montezuma's Imk lector*,
4s .Mlm TDOber. and She's Ur Sweet rwdy for lu patrons.
bv %
evening servicM were the ban- mtato.“—Detroit Tribnne.
ner nenrlces of tbe wMk. the andlMce
EXTRA BFCCIAL aaie on *6h*M
wambertag fully gfifi.
euHa and shoe* this woMt.
br. Carlos Moatesuaaa gare the adThe Boeton Bier*.
Tfce steam barge Ndward Backley b
Isadlag laatoer at UklOU dock.
Tbsre vtn ke a SMett^ «f tke Odd
Fellows Taeeday aigkt at tksir haU at
ni East Ftoat sti*eL
Captain Tiewberry of Ckarlevotx was
la the city yeaterday aad spent the
day with tke Salvation Army. Oaptnla
Newbetry has amay frieads la this
city wkl^ was his former home, who
were glad to see tkelr old acQualntanee again. He left this noon for Cad
illac where he will aUn the work of
tbe army la that dty.
Ben Kennedy, the Olivet coach, wifi
spend next week with Jim MlUiken
aad Ralph Thacker of this city- Mr.
Kennedy. It will be remembered, spent
a few day* la the city last fall getting
tbe city foot ball team in shape for
the battle with Mancelona. While here
the genial giant made many fricod!i
w ho will be glad to sec him In the city
Traverse City was well represented
at 8ba-eko-ge-shlc camp grounds yes
terday. the steamer Columbia taking
200 while three excursion trains load
ed to tbelr full capacity brought local
viaitur*. among them being A. A.
Miller and family. E. B. Miller and
family, Herbert Montague. W. W.
Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Irlah. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
King. Mrs. B. J. Morgan. Mrs. J. W.
Hannen and guests. Misa Mollic Quin
tal and Miss DoHle Rogers.
Charles Snyder, a resident of the
west side, was arreated Saturday even
ing on complaint of some of the neighiKirs. Snyder was charged with mis
using his wife. Ho was lodged In the
county Jail and as no formal complain*,
bad been cnter<-tl he was released to^
day. Mrs. Snyder baa kft town.
Mr. anfi Mrs. WRIiam Crlap WlU Cel*krat* Aimivemafy.
Mr. aad Mr*. WlUlam/Crtap wUleooa
celebrate llmlr golden wedding. The
date of tkkt happy anniversary falls
on Friday. Aug. 2S aad It is tkelr In
tention to Invite a number of gweeu
who will also be prcsesit at dinner and
a receptkm in the afternoon.
Mfu UlUaa Gibbs of Soatk Uahm
street was happily sarpdsed laM 8Marday ky a aamber of hmr 'yoaag
Meads. Ike ev*at belag la booor of
her aUtk birthday. Mlsa LUUaa was
preseated wrltk tony piatty and anfbl gifts by her friemls aad the happy
eveat will kmg be freak la tke mcnory
of those pmeau
MOTHERS, get your boys acheol
cults her* this week and save mer*
than money meugb «e buy his beelca.
The American Bey Shoe* ere the beet
T«o Law for Obi
FOR SALE—Sioiv and llfty-foot front
comer Oak and Front stivet*. Sher
aug 21-8t
man 4 Hunter.
FOR SALE—New eight room bouse,
farnace. fifty fool on Cass. Exchange
for vacant lots or land near city.
Sherman 4 Hunter.
aug 21-€i
FOR RENT—Thr»>e ntoms.
■ C03 West Seventh street.
aug 21-tf
300 women, girts and boy* over.
14 year* of sgs. PleassnL clean
Tho Traverse City Canning Co.
aug 12-tf
OdlM boars WBttl 10 s. m. sad T to • p. m
BoswopaUitc Os.imd PrwcUe* sad
“A Royal Slave" in ihe at tract ion
which aiM'pars at Stelnt>crg'K Gran.I
tomorrow night. Tueaday. Aug. 22.
When here iK'fore the Evening llecorj
bad the following to aa.v «»f It:
“Fbr life second Ume The Royal
Slave* has lu-en presented t<» the tluator goers of Traverse City. The pro^
ductlon last night In many re*p«'<t8
waa very creditable, and In all resp«N ts
extremely enjo.vahle.
The scenic
mounting of the olay Is elatMirate. and
realism has botm the aim of the sceni?
artist with gfvxl effect. The cast is
headed by Units l.,rtlon in the char
after of Ei Agulla. the descendant of
the Moulcruma kings."
A. E. WatRon and D. G. Stanton of
Boyne City spent yesterday lu tic
fi-athcr iK'ds ami make them
I into
a fine feather mattress. Y«m will l»e
pleased. N. B. Cbaidn Carpet Cleaning
aug 21 «•
iPreebytorisn Plenic Wedneedsy.
Mr*. Tatman tevltoa tke ladito of
the Presbyterian Mwrek and cmi^
gatioa to meet at k«r eottage at Beato,
Mokeaa next Wedn—day for a ^lenis
dinner and aocinl hear, each oa* to
bfiag a plate aad cop. fork aad spoon.
Busses' will leave from Mrs. Ugrtg's
and Mr*. Musselman's at lO a. m. Tke
gentlemen are also Invited to come to
dinner on tbc traction bosaea whjeh
| leave at 11:30 and return at 1 ololock..
“Gel in the Swim”
Great Ri>ort in the water.
Ix<ini tt» swim by one tritil.
If you can't swim luiy a isiir
tliom one can swim or float.
They Btipjairt from .'lO to i'lO
iwund*. You siviiply intiate
them, wotle out to a conveni
ent ilejilli.
apply your
\yiNGS told pull for shorn.
Nothinp like them ever pmdnctvl.
Mnnuf.iclurers unable t*> i;et them out fast
eiionuh to supply tleiiiand.
Prices 25c and 3Sc Each
A RATTLING good clothe* brush
free writh’every boy's suit this week.
e Borion Store.
^ Satunlay.
OUR MEN'S suit sale Is going full
aug 15 If
Hamilton Clothing Co.
SS{S?l?°"'Tra8ilai(, Adg. 22
Somrsio •aaootototo
kw» the ii\
(iroat Tropical IsImkI l»y Moonlight—Tho Gervoona
ralace of tho Kipi;-the
Volc;ino in State
Staio ofEruii.
of Erui
• Great
' -toatVolc;tno
tion-Moet bcwililorinp display
splay of Sevnic EmbellialiinenUi
PHICCS: 25c. 35c, SOCb rsc Setts Now on Sfile TeL 112
$1.89 UMBRELLAS $L89
We have purchased from the manufacturer a
big lot of Ladies’Silk Umbrellas, plain black,
black with tape border, also Blue, Circen and
Red with fancy borders; there is not one worth
less than $<‘L00 and some worth $3.50. Wc
offer the entire lot this week, at
$1.89 Each
Boxwood handles, steel rod and paragon frame
Chfldrens’ School Umbrellas
at 39c Each
LETT US RENOVATE yotir feathers
now with our new n-novator Chapin
CariK'l Clianing Works, phone Its
aug is tf
Hamilton Clothing Co
THE SCHOOL BELL will be ringing
soon. Your boy will appreciate a new
suite and wilt work the harder if I
haa it. We are almost giving sui
away this week.
The Boston Store.
Manaf^ers SteinberR
take plceaurv in announc
ing the engagement of
Tkt Smmptmwm* Alk^iicbI
Grand Opera
Onto ItotBfKR Only
SjHURMY. msi 26
We Will Send One
And you may try it
to Your Home JT j| I LL IZd for forty-eight hours
I'hls offer is good for TKN HAYS ON'LY.
Our object in making it is to stimulate trade during these hot August days
while shopping is far from pleasant.
Here is
nnltv- rr»
is an
an opportunity
to #»vrw»i
e.xperien^ personally, and in your own home, the
rful store
sioi of pleasure and enrertainment now available to < cryonc, and cverywonderful
where, by means
of the marvelous EDISON FMONOGKAl’H ind the VICTOR
While the X'ictor "Talking Machine” is the term
generally applied to VICTORS and EDISON’S, talk« ing is the least of their many attractions. In fact, they
^ arc the most versatile of all entertainers, human oc
^ji mechanical, for they reproduce with absolute accuracy,
every form of music, evcr>' instrument, every voice.
Ti The entire world of music is open to the owner of a
^ VICTOR or an EDISON, and the Greatest Musical
Artists are at his instant command.
Would not such an inc.xhaustible fund of entertainment brighten up your home*
make your family happier, and delight your friends.^ Then take advantage of our
FREE TRIAL offer and let us demonstrate that VICTORS and EDISONS do all
and even more than we claim. If. after a trial, you decide not to buy, wc will take
back the instrument without a word.
Please Fill out the Coupon and Mail
• It to Us
Ffm Trial Cbbbbb
This offer is open to anyone living in any of the
towns where we have stores.
To Grinnell Bros:
I mm intenwted in Talking
Machines, aa a {loaaibli* purrhaaer, and shall be glad to liave
Of ^ Bibk pl.7. nooe
have ever reached the ooroted
pinaole as haa this Great
Hasti^ PtbAbcHbr.
Nns 25c, 35c, 50c, 7Sc
Fit It SI.N
will be plaiwl on aale
Wedoeaday moralng.
HBsk Hb
ward arenne.
159 iBst fmt SCrttt
gtwt 21.
Eao^ba, Flint, ^nojck, Jackgoti, Kalatnewy^ Lan^^,
y’ ■
m^tL^umm iwebiw<r^¥«»Mr«TrI mSnMi
^N6it ttltED
ibccd hstors Assist^ di the AfternoonSenrice
$PlEjlDID FiNiiliciili m
•ammavy. Ml «am.........
Ttttal reeMpta. pM aa4 fatare from pMcea.........;... ItJIU-tt
De%t ................................ .
TMa debt d |4;M» Mac afur »»
pMMaa la hand Imve hem pMd. The
term of the 9f.m moram* P««S
rii to make pertlal payi
matarlty and eo keep iMwat dmise
lo the loweet poeelhle potot.
Itow asr. fUeMia.
After the report ef the trweteea, the
pastor. Rev. a OacMto. i
addrees. stattos that after hmethoasht
and prayer the coacropatlaa was kbit
to i^bcr and srorahip la the
bulhtlBh The ebureh ta admimhiy
equipped, he aaM. not only for e&rvTlac on the regular work hut aloo for
the work of the varlooa mnUlary
bodies. The chnrch la churchly aad
wur" never be mistaken for anything
else. Us lines are harmonious in deUil and the Gothic style has bees
carried out everywhere, no detail beiag
omitted. He said that there had
no friction and be did not believe that
there had ever been a church buUt
with so little dlssenlloo. He told of
how the subscriptions bad willingly
come hi. not only from the churdi
members but oulalders as well, bow
two BeheaUan goiUeaiah had glten
|»eo between them. He then
tloBOd the gifts to the chureh made by
daasos of the Sanday scbool wad ladividoals mentioning among others
the beautiful west window In memory
of James O. Johnson and the furnish
ing of the tower room by Mr. Bbner's
Mrs. Grant and E. L. Sprague are
the only living charter members and
Mrs. Grant was kept asray oa neooaa*
of illneas bat .Mr. Sprague was presHe then named those that hal
passed oa aad said that be believod
that they, too, were rejoicing yester
day with those leU on earth.
Shows ie^ than S3.5liQ Ou| to' (^piete Totatj
IMiiHe Mims br In. W. 6. PMMm ^ ■mMhmtii,
the Chiteli, Qm hfon hmaise
Mfieice Cit; Pesters eH io Itteeleece et ferms
Senrices taifeg the Bay.
ta Ctoat ef ton
The spriptare
Ue to the MdMaas. «B^ mad hr the
Rev. Chartee 'T. 9mm. aad wm followe(d hr prayer which
Rev. anadU
a( Cba eNpi Mar. Ll M 1
Dr. & & Smith thoy vwdcm4 the
vice Mr rtoilac na U» prtadM Haona. heaatlfat aAlo. “A Dream W Paradise."
the LXndT paabn wkick w tal Dr. Smfith la pmcdcanr a aew earner
lowed wKk prayer hy Mar. HoiM M«a•edy after wWeh the cboir rfdarsd
toe beataMBl Ti Deaai that farmed a qaaiJty aad hla eanadatkm la of the
•tttag preiade to Rev. Oocktta'a rw beat.
Mr. Oochlia showed to the andleace
After dxprasalBg toe wM that the a plctare potated by Mr. Pndedfooc of
koMe was aa foU as at the moralag Tbaverae City as It looked froap kls
he aald. “In the algteea years study wtadDw years ago. The view Is
that I hare senred here I have greatly looklagwat apoe the rfver mad Boardeajpyed the fellowship ef the Traverse man lake. The prteclple objects are
City people aad my teUow workers. I the tall ptaea which are now replaced
think that oor city was never better by the faetory saMke stacks.
served by an abler corps of minUters
Mr. Paddefool dwelt only npoa the
tosB St the preecnt.“
life of the home missionary and kU
He then spoke of the fault of hC i trials.
Buny mlBisters.of the gospel, that of
“Ood made the ^e wild >ose and
orerlooklng important parts of thdr from this we have the Aaseiicna
work such as having a care over and Beauty. Jack and doseas of others.'
sympethy with his parishioners. “I | saH Mr. Puddefoot. ‘Tlod gave «s
don't know.” said Mr. CoehMn. "whe j applet A cotnosea Rule crab apple,
could better open s serrlce of this ; Now you can pray over a crab apple
sort than a Methodist and so I will! for a year and It will only get
first eaU on Brother Kennedy.'
shrink ap. bat when ssan puts kls tal
Mr. Kennedy expressed hU pleasure ent alongside of God we have the Spy,
arbclng preaetti at the meeting: at the Baldwin. Canada R^. 8ti*ers Red and
hour which meant to much to tbe pas In fact evrything from a Bon llavU
tor and people pf the church. He U a Ruaaeti."
of the mind that the church buildings ' The work of man with Ood was
of Traverse CUy were not In accord trated by many uit-s of the frontier
with the other public buildings.
"Wesley said, we cannot aM think
Tbe speaker has traveled
alike, but we ran all love alike.* and It worked from coast to coast aad
is love that brings tbc different denom- of hla experteeces and the exprtences
inatiuos to gether. We are not scat-juf fellow workers are truly atartUiis:.
I on farms miles apart but tbe . He told of one friend who was at
population is congested and It Is tb* j in the coal section of Indiana. He was
church that must solve the problem of stoned from one town sixteen times
congested population."
Held vrvieee In dance hall, bad, bis
Rev. Blksell was the next speaker companion shot at his side and th<^
and told of a meeting that be attend back €»f his pulpit was punctured with
ed In the southern part of the state sixteen bullet hoU-s but they all^missetl
hoard Mr. Puddefoot say thatjhlnk
thq rhurchee were built an<l
wbere.ho lived, over In tbe thumb, that t maintained and today his city of refthere were two towns. Bad Axe and ' uge Is the to»n shore they stoni-d him
Grindstdne.fwithin a ft-w miles of each | at first sight.
other and that it had always been a
Northern Michigan In tbe early days
question In his mind shy there should j sras vividly described by him as seen
bad axe so near a good grind-, from the eyes of a missionary. He
told of tbe lack of a bouse lo live Itr
Mr nissell fpoke of the great secret the sickness and death; the winning
’ a pastor’s life as being the ability > of the foreigners, of the saloon keep<*rs
I see the got>d and not the bad in life. . and finally hos the little ebureh was
Captain Bouders of the Salvation j erected and then the same thing done
Army was present and said that he | over in tbe next losn that was as t>ad)
murh Intert-sted In grindstones ! if not surse.
because he found a go«vl wife in Grind- '
»ttine The captain hfoughf
thiMight that years ago this
meeting would have t»een lmpoK.>lb'e*
that Insiiwd of unison there was
made towarob congreq^tionstrife but that now the harriers were
broken down.
Rev. C. T. Stout of Grace Episcopal
church spoke on Ihe wonders of croa- i ^
c Thrws Aarvicss th# ContnbuMr. Stout thinks that the pro-'
feasion of an architect next blghosi | tiont Agfesgated fiVsS—Leaving a
Balance of Only 53.245.
the proft-ssion of a minister. "The |
in who ran eonceire In his
mind, put on paper and at last
At the ihr«*e dedication servlres n’
his Idta in stone and wcsh
he Congregational church yeiJterday
Tlie Br«r CtniRn'KmIloMi cburrh «■« I He dc>daml lb«l Ibme lumbertnca
AedkeUed ytiUertUj utib service* emi- *nd ibe people of the fmotlere ver*
•eerily appruprleic and iM-nttlaic the|**a voice crylBjc tn the vHdcnmeu*'and
bapfiyr orcsKloa. Tbc rburch Bome is, e«ld tlwt tibe cbiircb had oeore
really IlnUbcd now and bcloax» to tbej than saving lu own soul. He totd of
ronan-ecalion. The workini; and plan-Ube rich men to wbum he had e«BlnR of months has rearhifl an end | plalnt-d the sltnatiuo and they satd
and the new bulldina was alvp to Us | that It was none of tbc church's buirisonire for 0«»d wUh hearts full of i neat. And yet if the church did Its
tbankfyilurss that His kindness had cn-1 work today there would be no TamabH>d the |*oople to rrud the licautlful many corruption nor Philadelphia eril.
edificv In His honor.
The sjM aktT then , said that there
The serrlre oi-mt'd aith a mast.-rful r ntHHli-d to be an awakening. DalrymToluntary by Keail on the new pl|H-1 pie was sent for to give hU opinion
orgnn played by Harry II. Harncr. on the municipal ownership of street
This was follow«'d by the closology | car lines In Chicago. Brains were not
suuK by the r«ini;reiaitlon and also the;so much needed as honest men, he deUlorla l*atrl. Th«- CXXII psalm was |dared. He wondered bow long It
jead resptinslvely and the hymn I would Ik* iK-fore this c«mntry lifted up
Kind Words by Good Prtsnds.
•*Nir«-a” sung. As the scripture lesium.l Us head and advanct*d as far In civic
When the old eburoh wsk huilt Rev.
Rev. D. Oocblln read the sixth chapter | rlghU*ousnesa as It bad done in other
J. H. Crum was the pastor. Mr. Coeh
of Isiah a»d Rev Mr. Crane made the j things
*»penlnf prayer. The anthem 'Te IX*um j He then launchc*d Into a humorous lln had written him but had reeelvol
I.<audaB»us*' was sung beautifully by ‘ description of frontier churches but no reply. In response to Mr. Cochthe rlMdr aHer which Hev. Mr. Ooch ' .'d with all the humor there was a lln's letter. Rev. Mr. Warren replied a^
lin InirtHluci-d Rev. W. (5 I’udder«K»t. | dci p strain of pathos Intermingled. follosrs:
"I rejoice with you and your people
<he sjH-aker of the day Mr. Cochliii' He tohl of how flC.OOO had lK*en spent
the completion of your house of wor
said that all were gUi! to welctmo* 11« convict a munlerer who had at last
Mr. 1‘uddvfout who bad come clear I gotten away. “Ha*! half that sum Uwn ship. It would give me great pleasure
aceepi your invitation to attend
from Boston In t>rder to be pn>»ent a* | exi»«dc«l on religious training In the
dedication but 1 am not well
Ihc service. He bad tK*en pastor of; nolghlH>rhood where that ls»y wav
- ‘ the church twenty years ago and still | mls«»d.” he said. •*he would have been enuiigb. May you and your people an 1
children And pleasure and profit
refalniKl a fiH'llng of Mioaship for ' a us4*fiil citizen today Instead of an
the Trawrs
City congregation al- outcast.” Mr. Puddefoot doesn't be in the use of the new house, till your
. Ibongh his field was now a Irnuuler lieve in the Kchnicalltles that make church and congregation ontgrow It—
they did the old one—while we. one
tine, be being the s«Tn*tary of the ■n many denominatiuns, he does not
American C«ingregatWmal Isianl of like to see "so much holy ghost ixjwer by one. iiass on to the house not made
with hands eternal In the heavens. "
wasuil." and said
home mJsshins.
bulk by Rev.
old church
Rav. W. C. PiJddafoot.
**l am glad to see so many of yo*i cldcs and crimes that were appalling Reuben Hatch, now of Point Chautau
hen ." Tkald Rev. Mr. I»iiddeffs.t In ' and adviKattnl the sending out of good qua. New York. Much of the worl;
"The Oiand Traversi* air j uroitg colporteurs to lay a foundation was done wlfh hIs own hands. The
must he the elixir of life |K«catoe 1 j f**»’ the work. He declared that th«* venerable minister Is now in bis
the sjK*akcr and then expressed hiv i |l."3ri wi-re made Rev. Cochliu
••xpicted to see a lot of old men and «lwi‘ wa» ripe for doubling the SO.txio.. ninety-second, year and the foltowlng
fellow fcHlIng tensard Mr Cochlln. who nnuneed at the beginning that the
w«tmen hut you are all Just as young!
Christians because thousands of letter, dlctaied by him. was read by
considers thV dean of Ihe Traverse subsrrijitlons had seen libera! I>v the
Mr. Cochlls:
as 1 am. However. I noticed a great i lufliu nces were ready to aid
ministerial corps with himself i rhurrh memlK*rs luit that there were
“Your not of Aug. 2 gave me pltwa(Change In your edty Vou have evl-j The Immigration question was next
many, who ronld not Ik* set*n and n»a:iy
dmll) »s*. ii olwying tlx* thirty fifth I.Umched tt|Kin and its dangers shown un and recalhvl pleasant memories,
r. E 1.- Requa said that perhaps'who demhiless desired to aid In the
almost with a pang that I heard
chapter of Islah and making the wild { »»‘d a hum«»nms picture tif an emigrant
s a strange thought for a Quaker j po,„| work H«* asked , those wim
City Congregational
and i*n||iary places glad. Your {family o*i landing and twelve years jibe Traverse CH
but he was groatjy pleaso<l with the ' wished t<t do m> to contribute as murh
cUy Is as iKwutIfully shatktl as an oU later given. He said that all Imral-j church was lo be pulled daprn. On
appearance of the church. "David wall ; as their means wonld allow and the r'*New England town
! grants were not dangerous but that • secondthought mysorn>w was turned
•Pralse the l,ord on stringed Instru-| spons<-s were more generous than any
“My subject fttr this uioralng Is 'The isome of them nuM* to positions of j la to J<>y that Ithad stood m>long and
ments.'” and he thim spoke of the' one expcrtttl. The ronirlbutlons In
Chureh of the Uvlug HimI.’ Tii,-se ' honor and trust In their adopted coun-j served Us «lsy and generatltm so well,
iH-auty of the organ and congratulat»*d j t|,p Qjoming were ll 5W». In the after
•its founds! Ions were laid In
wonis are found oll«u In the lllhle but i *«.'
Mr Cochlln on Ihe possessing of sucii ; noon |4u and In the evening lll!i.
I don't like a text. A text, t«» my mln<*. j Previous to his dlsct*urse. .Mr. Pudde- troublous times as far as raising
wonderful Instnimom.
j These IflK-ral donations leaves the
I* simply an exeuM- u< talk and ran; ! f"tit Udd of how when men were sent money was concerned and lh»* super
Rev. Thomas Cox of the First Meiht* iialance due on tbe church fund not
hie along wmn other line, so | always. «»«“
»«"• men. a rhaplalii are«.m- structure was very plain Indeed.
dlst church told how he had watched full> provided for. only |3 24 j.
take r suhje«-i "
, panleil them, lie wanttHl men to lay- novertb«*less it met our ne<*ds at the
the advancement of the work from lh»* i
- lie iKgnu l.y. saying tha* Jacoujdown their carnal wea|>ons and come time and its whole rc*eurd may be said
field stone and rough limiters to thVrtiM Is th. a#.I -Tawrlh?"
dn atut'd a dream and afieraard said ' •»
chureh. The rhurrh U the ar to be a good one at least as preparing
There Imimtirnt small l*ovs who be-!
complete building. He told of an in
that C.iHl was th. n* and he didn't know j‘^■nal and men ahould go there t
cidont of tbe life of Michael Angelo gill «-elehmtlng the Fourth iMfnre It
It. "That l.s the tnnilde with a gtaid armrxl.
when shown a beautiful statue of Ap- S«tually arrlxes .-rre not m> far out of
the way. after all. Paul I>*l«nd Ha
many of us." said the s,H*aker. OavId | Hev. Mr. Puddefoot's sermon was something bettor.
polo Belylderr The figure waa qf purr
thonghl that when he left Israel he listened lo with th»* cUwest attention
"J congratulate .vou all ufioo ih** marble and standing with one foot woftli tells Ilie story of -Tlie l{••al
Fourth of July” In Hsiikt’s for July.
would have to worship nih.r gods | ami there was ala ays a deep feeling *f completion of this worthier suceeaaor
slightly raised as If alK)ut lo move. He Quot.-s fiMiii Jobu .Vdaiiis letter lo
Men thought theti that tiod was a'
to the old rhurrh and I unite my pray The grt*at sculpture gaved upon It In his wife. In whleli he said The 2.1
1 small, narrow ereaiun*. Isiah saw (Jo<| j
Truat«aa' Rsperl.
era with yours that this aew sanctuary rapture for a moment and then cried
In ms glory and men tasti-ad «if won i The r.*|s)rt of the tnisti*es was made may In Ua future htatorir bo to tkr “Vow march." "You. the Congregmdeling how they would aorshlp tksi I h> » K. \N'all. the venerable clerk of glory of God and greatly helpful to ihw tlonai people, are now ready to go ,
away fw»iu-*mtai'. lK*gan to wonder how ihe church.
interests of truth and rlgbteousnt-sC^ forth and do the work which the Lord
Iheywuld esra|K‘mm when they did , very Craiifyinq Financial fitatamanl. j *» Tour growing city.''
has for you." was hi. coaclusion.
ld«a of the^ The
tiu* following
fniinwinr statement
lOaiomi-nt Inrludev
Oaeiaral Coirtrlhwlla/iaRc^ . W. T. Woodhonae possibly U. j t,xeu on the momeutnos resohiHon 4>f
^wrong. Tien eanx
falberlKKKl of Gtdl and with this was ;
. ________
Hev. Mr. Coehlia Ttaaofi by maklnjT as he says, able to appreciate the new | the eolonists to seiiarate
hon. tk. rt..n-h »I .I..- llvu., CoO
„d aa appeal
for a liberal offering
Btructnre more than others beeauae Britr!::. a: rui'.sidted in Ibe draft of
Dipf.zt aad Contrwgailonal
I*rrlsnitlon .of
In this country there aiv •*hM'<h'.i»Po |j^j,tlng. pews, can>els. chairs and •* rodurtng the f*.W* tefiebte^neta.
profesalcg chrlsttans. said the siK-aker.
furnishings for platfbrm and The response waa iDOstWf»oroqt. *ag.^ churches were landmark. In the cKy drawn up by Thomas Jeirerw..n
delsife after tlie vote last»*d unrtl
but the cities are fifty year, uhlnd i»,pni«it rooms, palming and other gregatlng Bl.5ld>. The ofettory T»a>'ed
was called here and that the. afternoon of the 4th. w
Baptist "was tbe worst harm lo tk.^ brtragbl to a close, largely
the Umes. They are not using; in,,,rnvements on tdd parts, walks, by Mr. Hamer was by J|cX>b»cU.
I grruuntI
• atrmlght" language. For example. | ^.^^blng and all expendlturre* IncMem
FWlowInrlhe offertory was a aolo by^ community.” Mr. Woodhouse gave tk- of the ojQweaalvely warm weather and i
audience the advice to hand them- because "bungr>- files swarmed tbirk
stealing Is called “graft” and a High j to the change in our property, except i ■»*>■ *- Wklta. “I. John. Saw
of the
selves over to ihe divine maker and
school girl when she steals her com j t^e cost of organ. The organ fond Holy CRy.” hr Shsiloy let him mould the Image of Christ In delegnt**. and biting bard through
panlon'a Innch aays abe “swiped” It.
, t^nd by lt« lf I. not coasldered
Praaentatlen ef the Keys.
their thin allk alV« klugs.“'
He then declared that 30.000.lHKf chrls |
this sUtement. Some of the vrlnThe keys were then formally^'pre- them.
The senrice was dosed with a few
tlan. would be a tremendous power if, ^ows and some fumlsblngs have been, seated by Prank‘Hamtttoa. chairtnaa
Ls«d .r J#w«to.
they were all “straight goods '
; or are to he. paid for by Individual or of the building committee. He salT fitting remarks by the pastor who
A recent Jewel awHlon In ralmtta
From then «o Mr. PuddefboCs ser- j Sunday school classes, the figures for that be was glad and the committal spoke at the hesitaUng hiataner In which aMraetcd boyers from all t«rts
moB took a decidedly hoaie mlsslonan ^ these are Included,
was glad that'the church was coo# which they first went about the work Of tke world aerriw to mustiwte the
tinge. He told bow 56,tW0 people lost Total amount received to
pleted. There bad been a number eC and of thelf lack of ftltfc^ln themselvaa large amomit of wswlth that most he
Ihrtr H.~ »«r, y«r I. l-»roC«l oc^
.................. .$!«.,M.7( delars and the paator'hafi been ea«u and God bw that they now bad their hurled in Jewels hr Tiidhi.
hew ■ place of worship and that he
pellsd to ant three dIffereBt dates___
stones form •* eonsWerahle iiortinn of
eniMhu Md
n.™ -««
IroD, aonwcd oc
killed and four wounded every day In
dcdicailoa. The church bad b^hapad eart*permii. waalff anjpy lt> the berttagp of every fwlnrelr Iwuse
church property............... ..
Every rrstiertnh>
the anthracite coal fields.
knllt wHta no frtetloa. It wfi« Sltoa tbf praporUon as to the aactifloe that tbe}- la tMs esamtrr.
fndlab family Uys oat some of its
all toe needs and la tomlaf over thk had niade lo.aee it epatp^ted. »
When he spoke of Ihe 100.000 “lutt^,receipts
rteljes in this direction. Wlver »»makeys bt etpiaaaed the h«we that thef
her Jacks" In the woods he said that j
atortgage) ...............................2MM.T1
meiits deramto the wives of all laliorwould erar be aaed Hshtly.
be didni need to explain that tern
At tVe evening service the beautlfol ers not Wlwohrtrly oo’MW* verge of
becatise the people were familiar Jwllh Expeadilures .....................
Following the preaentatloa of tkl lighting arraqgemeat was looked upon actual starvation.—Talrotia Knglieh484.ST
It bm In the east he had to explain living cash on kaad.......
by tke puMte for tbe first time. Bvery manl
keys came the dadleatlob oovwaairi
»2 unpaid pledges considered
that a “tanber Jaek“ was aot a ■»died by the people and the pasuta available seat la the auditorium, pargood for.rsw...................... i.WM Tkla was Iqllavga kgr tbd dedleatQi( lora and gallcfT vas used and many
chine. He also spoke of the old days
here whan. It was oflsa Moesaarr for Matlmated ■ amoaat raqairsd
pneytr hy ton pa«|or. The ok»ta{ remaioed standing Many more could -13.00 round 4Hp from Traverq^ City
to pay all outstanding acthe peace of Ihe vest of the passoagerx
hymn was “8t. Marttna." the heiKK^ not find room In the cknrch.
Ha-Pere Marqoette Thursday^' Ask J.
counts.................................... UM-00 ttaa betag premotmeed hf
to dde^rack a car load of “lumber
The pastors of tke varlona cknrebe* Kehoe. agent
Leartnt an eottattied act
with their wives were seated directly
ang 14-15 lC-21-22-23-28-20-30
OAAlieaTs 1
Lilt lie
LOT 182
\ r*
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOf 230
Lots *235, 230, *237 as advertised are now »old
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
These arc all early selections and are
Hanhomest Lots Id Oal HeigMs:;
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, ond good lots arc
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa
rately, excepting lb2, 1S3, 1S4. which must be sold togeih^. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
The whole bunch of
if sold al one time and for cash down, would be
As ihc price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
Also ie Acre Lot
in BircM
Fronting East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 .rods;
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.
I..-r rtV
. ,i4ia5E^^
ss^«i:r^^ I19HII55J5!!®®
» yuu doan
f|HHB ItfM
I t^tmn
. A
..‘trrTZi •oerMctauiMapipts.aipotk
jsuri ^.rLsrL-js-r^
~XMt ▼<
i to tSo polat «r ioyMMlIty.
Tbo locottty WOO mol r—oio trtm fifc-j -Hov MacSr h* bogon.
IhmUo 4*gUins, bat WM llaolf •oMO'j *t>|Ma ptnMas. bot oad cold watv."
wbat ooW dcdlM. Mr. BroM«oM|oBld Jorb. Aad BnuieSold. hwklii^
iod o folA BMUl p»ctwo €>r U abov^! ®f»r bM abonldOT. aaw ui alanategt^
aaiatl. old ou io boildlasi iissut bMTl «tth glMBtaK Mvota.
I nj.j *TH comisU a aoial] axtraTasaac*
*^*****^ *
; ^^»atdWt« ■
*^ .*?**!??**^
-Alwara ptenty of hot water haea aaf
ail^tad«aa» m
tha boCb.*
balk.* Mid
i*ld Jack.
Jack, opaotn«
opaoto* a daat
la tbo
tblnd aiUuMe to bla
*Tbo batbr acbosd BraaaSold.
Tbr atroot aa—od to bar* Improrad.
‘TlMaa'a a tab that's Me aaongb «
bo«rr%rr. wbeo Branoflold cam* to It awbD la.** aald tbo jsaltor. with prtda
Bo rrnaaad tbo mom aad paliad aaMa
or waa tbo diffomtoo la bla wn pocka curtate.
-This tMUftfar."* aald ba^ ''stays'If
Tbr Uit timr Umt ba ramaabarad
barloff paow^l that way was ia May. fan want It Tbo toaaat dldoT take It
aad w« tbraw It la. Mow wsTI
aalary of fSUO a Bipatb aad fat cota-!
mlmiotm. aad. tbotbck bo bad Just lost j
aosrly all bis aarlaca'la aa ouwloe la
vrsimoat, bo rcrtalaly did oot fool
Ikmt. Hut In OctubcT tbero wasn't any
J'sjTBtl Abiuilalam coaapooy oo aartb
u’l boon aay
amssboi* of early Jod«. and Bdgar
Hrsua&ckl was msnaevr of aoCblne,
with a sslsr>- of aotblng sod no comlie bad acTor souebt ooiployoioat botone. llo bad bssa tbmat Into tbo alo
mlnlani company humcdlstoly upon
tea\’inc cuUcee sod for debt yMrs bad
cUadjod from ouo round of tbo laddor
to tbc aett Hudddily tbo tedder Itsolf
bad rsnlsLed. tea vine blm staadlni
wllb both fret plsnttd on tbc empty
air. lie bad been hppcrul at flrat. tbon
Impaired, but bo bad dlscoTPiod that
Ibcrc was ouc commodity wbicb be
did Dot know bow to sell muuely, Ida
At tbo time wbcfi be went In a<
of an uurumlabcd njoiu—to be flUed up
with a few odds and ouda roacued from
tbo aluuibilum compaiy 'a uffloea—be
traa raiiaPb-rlOK an offer of a iwaltloo
Oitb a salary that would Just fall ahurt
of imylne bla board In the bouse wliera
be had Iteen Urine; hence tbo need of a
ebaoee in bla arraneementa.
A» l»e walked alone the street 1m* was
ertered to dtecoror that tbo aumbar
meatlone«l In tlw advertisement dealeunttd was one of the best kept and
muavattnutlve bulldlnea. It looktsl like
a nl«v ploiv to live, but not for Edcar
Brauatleld. He rvuuUI have preferred
to mK a aumcwliSt shabby exterior.
Ilia own exterior, by the way. was
^ttiay his baad to btefOMbsad.
||« paaaad a^c
the *'^Mutaar" aad aai
a very cheery room aa neat as the otbar
aad Moaodteffly attimctlvo.
"StMni boat," aald Jack, "and a alca
prate If yoa like ta uae It Here's p
locker where yoo can keep a bit of aoCt
coal, or ni brtne It up from the aoUar
as you need It Either way wUl oolt
"My youae frteDd"- bafan Braaafteld sadly, but the aprifhtly Janitor Interrupted blm.
"Tclepbooo cooDcrtlooa," aald ba.
toocblue some stubs of wire that pratrudsd fruea the wait "Moat Bsatla*
mao want a tokpbaoa tbsM days. bttt.
of rourae. you don't hare to baro It."
Broaalteld conkl not think of any
body whom be ohooM erar care to call
up unteaa It mlpht be the commlaalooer
of public charity. yK be viewed tbo
wires with a meteutbuly Interest.
Jack darted a elaocc at blm and mte^
took tbo aymptoma. He compreaood
The claim fif George K. Doty of'AteaCMlUteBMhar teOL ira a piiyr that
kn. Mlek, to be tlm MMamnr of the
poaff af Fovn
SMtew af pwr ekpUrtia wdniSrt haw •Meat ^rioUa la tbc Cnitad Btatea.
aay dtflteMtf M teakMff aaoteor cam one made la 1712. te knocked aky blgo
stamp* on BacMnw InatnOno cloUn. n Cramo^ la owned
1-1 hacMT dsM It yet, aad parhapa by rred L. Bailey aad btma the tolthat's why Tib fnMag acowomleal"
hwlag sump on tke neckMecc, "An•QMlo acL'* fftadad AUoa. "BM.
tonloua A Helmonlas Amatl, Creluly. lltS." The Amatis were
am aaythlae te this extrmra» buUders la their day.
paatUniM. Why pay ter a lot of clarainn aad natfarmad tacfecya aad atM
laatntmeni. owned by Hacry C.
Bamea. bears this sump, TX F. Up
pold. maker, 1 mersebtegen. Switzer
UppoM wrought over 2<h)
years ago. Both violins are la escellent
mdaioB and tone.
Two tramps kmcad tbe home of Per
dlnasd Pteber at Saginaw whlV the
family was out. securing fiSO to caab.
two gold watches and two rings.
John F. Katler. a Bay City baker,
despoodem from ill health, banged
himself in hia cellar. Tbe body was
kUTT warm when found by bte daugb-
aojucsnzxm was nrraonucao xo covo
be far better contented in a quiet pteot
ttko tbte at fifty a muntb."
«rgr” aald Bxmnafleld. "Very mod
te. of course.
"I’ll taU you whatr crk*d Allen
"Come around to tbe club and dine
with me. and we'U Ulk It all over."
"I'm not In drtna," pleaded Branaaway,
"Confound tiH* eJotbea! Or aee bert!
Fellows from one collece. and all that
you uuderaiand. we're built os near
alike M my two thumbs. 1 can fit you
out from colter to pboea. Your bat’s
a lot of time,
uurlne the brief w
you eet all your stuff In bare sod fixed ]
op Dica-oouebaa and haneteea and pic-;
tures and all that-I tell you It wUIj
look oot of alebt"
Brausficld slowly shook bla baad.
John Swalt. jbe "wild ^maa" who
frlfsbteoed women resortera at Long
Lake and near lonely farms baa been
sentenced to a term in the bouse of
Robert Force, of Lansing, while
asleep In bis carriage, was struck by
a Grand Trunk train near Okei
The horse was killed, but Force eras
Msr. Ahrlana Br>se, of Grand Rap
Ida. having waited over S3 years ter
her husband to pot In so appearance,
has petition«*d pruhate court f(»r adminlatrailoQ of bis estate.
Eugene Irish has Just returned tJ
Clayton, c»f which be was one of the
founders, after aa absence o^ k7 years.
He has been able to locate hut two uf
bis old-time friends. James Foote an l
Covert Grant. plon<*er farmers. Jrlsh
formerly owned tbe Fearman farm
He U now a resljjeot of Webster City.
Rrans HolbriMik. *97. known among
his old IT. of M. college aswiclates
"Swede." Is said to be slated for
important position on the ‘varsity law
faculty of the next meeting or the regents' board. Holbrook was "canned"
from c<»llegc ill his “s<}ph" year for
kidnaping the freshman toastma.ster.
He received bts A. B. at U>land ite«i
ford, and later re-entere<l Michigan an>l
graduated from the law depart mem.
He Is now practicing in Chicago.
Without having seen eacli other un
til two weeks ago. although they had
been In correspondence two years,
Mrs. Cbulutte Fowler, aged 51. of Kal
amazoo. and Henry C. Beardsley,
aged CO, of Fonda. Ia.. were married a*
the risk Iff mimi ^Mkg. tora tbe
tag cimbBB Imm tk» ekUCs body.
I and ebaat waa Utarnlly
WANTEG—Ten heavy taams to draw
iMBber. -Good vageo. .PhoBe or
write Chfp lake Lambcr eompaay.
MoraUg Kewa. and a p
Btagbam. Mleb.
aag lS«t
la Maokegon. fMday nigbi
WANTED—To buy large craam col
atole a inarch oa kb friewda aad was
ored Jersey cow. W. J. Millard. 404
privately omrried <o Mlm laa Briber
Post, of Maakegoa. The ceremony
Aug 17-€t
perfcimed at the bride's M>me.
Immediately after the bridegroom ani WANTEa>—Work aa nurse girl. tl2
bride left the city ea route tor
Union street.
aug l7-4t»
brmaka. where they will visit ter abeut
one month. Hultgren has been
WANTED^Competeot girl for general
ployed at Maakegoa for about ose year
housework. Mrs. C F. Read, 602
and during that time met Mlaa Pos'..
Sixth street.
aag 16-tf
a teacher In tbe public acbooli.
COMPETENT girl wanted at the Co
lumbia hotel.
aug 14-tf
Cteca H. RniCgren. city editor of the
Waat Michigan Bteta Pair Lata Annew noementa.
Each year the West Michigan 8
fair at Grand Rapids has grown bet
ter.. Each year tbe experience of the
preceding years have been atlllsed.
This year tbe West Michigan State
fair will present many Intereatlng nov
elties which they have never had be
One of the most valuable exhibits
will be that In the manufactaring de
partment where various articles will
be actually manufactured at tbe fair
In the main halL
Mr. Weber, tbe aecretaxy of the fair,
tells at that the amusemetit committee
have been unusually fortunate in tecurlng unique attraction for the fair.
There is no extra charge for seeing
these performances, which are given
on the stand opitoslie the grand stand
evtfry afternoon. Anj-one can go and
aee them and they are, certainly of
wonderful Interest to anyone. Adgie
and her trick lions have been secured
at a marvelous expense, but the West
Michigan Slate fait ' entenainmeni
committee felt that the Interest of the
people of this port of the slate Is suf
ficient to warrant them in such a large
I.ast w»H-k clos«>d the largest race
meetlny eeVt-r held ill Grand Rapid*-,
The beM horses in the country
he horsemen unite In
id the
li saythen*, and
Is no Utter track In
ing that ther»t
orld than the West Michigan
It Is a mile track. The races
for the
fair will U* sewmd to none. The
all imi*d. the pui
large and the sp(jrt will U- ui
* In the agricultural department there
promises to lie an unusually large dis
play In live Ht(K-k. 8ume uf tbe Ih-sI
herds In the r«»unlr)- will Im* exhlbltetl
Wesi Michigan Btat
Btate fair.
pcmilry sho«- will U* replete
m-lth interesting rr(>atures. It will be
under the same management as here
tofore. which is evldi-nce of the suc
cess o( that department.
the women's department much InIt Is manifest*^ already,
Iready, especl
i- wqrk and the
art de,
rles are already bell
being made
The prizes
izes In this department
departmeni are
pish and are payalde Immediately at
the close of the fair, which is an ino many women,
to U‘ a fine display
) the lat
however, be recovered bis self ivmmand. and be resolved to elve
complete statement of the a
while they were dlnlue. but Just ns be
bc«an tbte painful recital two men
pausad bealda tbe table, sod Allea In
troduced bte guest, with tbe result that
Iba. foor ate together with great good
fallowfhlp. Branaflald could not summoo m> courage to proceed with bte
And then
what you can do srith
story In tbe preeeoce of oo numerous
audiemv. and uftertvsrd when
"CooldB't think of It-lmiMjaalbleperfet-t struuger.” protested Bransfield. had adJounuHl to the billiard rooL
But Jack was alrvsdy lu the hsil.
altuatloD was no better.
In tbe course of the game which fol relative of the lady's first husband and j engines, windmills and various other
Bransfield took a last regretful look
at the time of his death wrote the [ devices for making work light on the
at the elegant little altUng room which lowed Bmoafleld noticed Umt AUeu
their exhlblcould never be bte and made a llngoc^ blblted a certain uneasiness and that widow a letter of condoh-nre and they j term are alreadv
Ing and wistful exit Immediately ba be frequently glaoced towanl the door. kept up a regular correspondence
i 'comes this year
waa aware of a big handsome fellow In Tl>e entrance of a tall, florid man of
George l^ks. a well known busi 1^,,^ than it did last year, making
ng the
i suit of clotbes so good tbst be a dinner coat who stood by an open fifty years relieved the tension; obvi
n<*s« man. tells so realistically a story promised fair weather almost a eer
bod been templed tbst morulue
ously it wot M ter whom Allen tiad
door at tbe other end of tbe halt
pawn It but bad pa«»«l sentence U|
">Vbnt docs be look like, JackT’ be been waiting.
- . .
Anothut. thing In ronnecilon with
bis dnioa ciotteu instead and badi oli- demanded In a heavy, deep toned voice
Rawsons lake, near SsUKilcraft, ihat.j^p fair is the oppurlunlty to shop in
Between sbota Bransfield was
tallied a loan of |7 upon Utem. Hr wblrii be bod tried tA sopi>rHaa to a duix>d to Colonel Austin Miller, and in resorters and residents are afraid to; Grand Rapids The Grand Rapids
Biill bad a amall num in a bank, but wblajier. And tbch Ite caught sight of tbe next Interval Colonel Miller aaid;
go swimming far from shore. Locks
'** r** ne'er a.s fully stockeil as
bad nwolred that It should not be leas Eransflekl In tbc broad light from the
“Mr. Allen tells me that you wci jujr. Uie sll!.n.lc repllU- >u
until he bad taken employment prom- doorway. "Certainly." be cried. "Da- with tbe Farrell company."
the water half a mile from shore. 10'
railroads t«i every one to gt> to the
Isine an Income In ozcoas of bU ex llgfated. Come In. wout your
‘•Yea." aaW Bransfield: "yes."
and :«
Befora be could say monc It was his feet of lU body lielng visible and Its i lair to entertain themselvestcwHling
Tbe manner of tbte larltatteo was
j do their fall shopping Is an exc«
He looked up at Na 37 and obaerred
turn to play. He ran half a dozen and head a foot above the water.
W. H. Bowen. hoU), is rather psrtlr |
a pusli button labeled "Janitor," but recuenltion '
1 ecotlcman raluca. marked tbero npwb«-u be liad aatvoded the steps be
"Our young friend Informs me that ular for one of bis Ilk. When given a
in answer to the suit r.-cently
bcHitsled. After all. why rlDp the lieil?
you are about to make another conneo sandwich and a cup of tea by a klndly menrrd In rlrruU court, by Fred R.
A mere elani*e Inside would satisfy__
____ ^
_________ tlou," said Colonel Miller.
bousewlfe of Kalamazoo he objected to Dakin of Wllllamstun. lo restrain Ben
him tliat the buildiiie rontnlnwl no |
himself to be'uaberrd Into aa
A cold sweat broke out on Bransloom at tbo proiier nri«a. and be mlfbt j oparlmont which was a man's room at fleld’B back. Ha perceived that Allen the Kind of meat in the sandwich and jamin F B* t‘man. the village school
U aimred a iwtty hmuUiailun.
. uie flrat etence, full of such thlnea as a bad recommendca him to Colonel Mil when the injured lady refused to give master. from 'dOKcing his footsteps"
As be stood lm-a*.luti in the linll a fellow of spirit eatbera and valnea, ter and that be ought to say or do him more tea he gave an ugly exhibi and "making life miserable" for him
HR Bcntlemnn . nnie In hurrlcilly i havlnB the simplicity ami directness of aomethlug to help the good work along. tion of temper by using unpleasan* by trying to "plague him tn hel!." Bc<-e oM rollcee style, with elaanlnea What. Ob. whatt
language. He will eat Jail fare for 30 man ha-*
a reniarkabU- answer
A mlaa by bte opponent rescued him. days.
I from the broader world harmoniously
I Bet-man savs therein: "If then- Is .t
but bte own nervea wrra In such bad
I addnl.
The same smooth looking, well, hrll he U lieves the devil and his enil.ITpon my word." said Alien, "this te shape that be shot wide.
"k'rom what Mr. Allen tells me." said drt ssed young man who swindled a ] narles have the complainant on the
I eood to lie true. You moat under! stand,” be added, "that I’m more or Colooel MUkr. "1 think It might be passenger out of $60 at- Battle Creek | run fur it. and that unless ho mends
leM of a crank. I take atrooc llkca and worth while for you and me to have a recently on the night Grand Trunk his ways he is d«*stlnt?d to become
express, played the same game again | chief Imp to his satanir majesty "
I dislikes, and. really. If you roold hava talk befora you make a decision."
"The fact te"— Branofleld began, and Friday night on an engineer of the
; aeon your predeecaaor"—
"He was |iretty
|ireti loud for fair." said Just than the other follow mtecoed.
Santa Fe railroad, whose home is In j xiNO. COACH 8TALUON. at Vet"Tbe
BranaJark. "I always spoke
spoki well of bla
Oberlln. Kanaaa. and who was on his erlnary hospital every Saturday balwhile be was here, but be was a whole fleM did not wait to bear what It waa.
gg seaaon.
July «-tf
When be finished hia Inning Colonel way east on a visit. Tbe young fellow
liatid waeon; that's wUat be was."
bought a ticket for l.juialng and enter
Milter handed blm a card.
Allen rnteod bte ripht for
"If those other peo|»I
peofile art preaslng ed a car aa soon as the train came to w
nn almost Imperceptible vrstura. vbich
had an Immediate and beoeflctel affecl you for an answer." Mid be. "perhaps stop at Ibis station, and with a hand
yuo'd bettor aee ate lomorrow fore- ful of amall hills, solicited their ex, upon the too exnbCrant Janitor.
"1 think 1 beard tbe belU air." aald be DOOD-tbe Mllter-Klrtiwmll eompany."
change for larger denominations, as
"Itiank you," Mid Braaaield. -Ibla
'Til h* back In a Jiffy."
he wished to enclose them In an envel
"In one month." Mid Alten. cioolnf la roally kind. You aee, F’"Your ffwtr Interpooed Alten In hte ope which he held in bis band, and
the door, “we can train that boy-hp U
mall tbe leUer at Lansing to a sister
the level of the IdMk Aa ter Uklnf thundering booa.
Branaflald otodted tbe poattloe. trying in that city, which urgent business precare of the rooms, there nrrer waa bte
equal, and his chaorfulpeM Is worth $10 to ateady bte nanrea mMnwhlte. Then vested him from stopping to see. The
off the rrat. But he’s been spolted.* be mteaed by a long Inch. When be man from Kansas accommodated him
And Allen frowned la tbe dlrtctteD of turned Coteoel MUter had dlaappearod. with a $20. two tlO and tbe remain
"1 oest bln away." mM Allen. "I
tbe front rooms
lil^t thank
"I am afraid yon may be dteapfwlBb | was afraid jon miffDt
tBau him
um again.
again, der in 15 hills, which the swindler en
fd in me as a nclgbbar," aald Braite* Wby tbe deooe ^oold yoD thank him? closed In the envelope before bte eyes.
Benefit of the orvran fond
flew. "1 am uot Btealtby PMt. tbe fau. Be'e been bariag a eonfoondad hard In conotiog his own money the stran
mao mouse. I make ■»nve aotee once la tuna tn And a good man. os I bappan to ger found It |1 short. He handed the
know. Now bo'a teond one. aad the envelope to the Kansas man while
s w.i-m nc anrsT
"It tent what a man doeu; lt*a what tieketa ter tbe lee ciuam ooda are ou Just stepped Into the next car and
blm. Tbeyre sot on you. aad doot you
apolo-ited as soon aa Branafleld turned • be te," reeponded AUen. “You may
the 21
from bis
|1> fa.-r him. Obvkioaly there moat be ; ebrute tbc Fourth of July every day la teesat that tomarrow mofulng. I told
ai lejlky
lejiky iJx footer Inamed ABoa among |
If you feal Ukc IL Tour prednpredw blm wbat tbo ParroU oompany paid When the stranger did not return,
CJelebratfd organist of
not so much ao- yuu. aud It dMat frigbtau blm a ML" j the engineer began to suspect some
Hh- liiuiuts.
"How tba dmiea did you know wbat thing wrong, and opening the envelope
Detroit, ami tine pio"Lwklng for tbe Janitorr Inquired | <Ubte aa vtelbte. Be i
found It contained tissue paper aeaUy
gram by
J then, without walUng
folded! The Battle Creek police were
a Tvi‘ly. he put hte bead over the baa- town
towrn cttetouMca
cnatuuMCS whom ba aMd to boll] ADea.
wired from Lonatng. Tbte Is the third
b that aaeugbr
firmly by the arm aa be ted them
later rail ond yeUed "Jaekr*
time that.the xteteo boa been sooceaa,"Balate o( pucadteaT
inauntly a youth In ahlrt steeras aad atalra. Tbe
fuUy fforkad. iwloe on Grand Trunk
.1 -Itev.winyMilafcatboati
witbout a hat appearvd from below as after they bad paaaad**
-No aacb almbaa baa
trains a»d once on the Michigan Cen
4 nmuyaptlaadblm.-.B»a
If sbw up through a trapdoor. Be bad
tral at this otatloB. Tbe omoen will
yellow balr tn a wavy pontpadaur aad ma.- aald BranoflaU. -Mace tba Farrel
Ticlceta on Bale at GrinI : ^^Mat 'ran laadad hl^
bright blue «7ca: upon tbe vr^ote. a •mapaay"DOW attempt to run dowa the swindler.
nell Bros’. Music stouB
-8yltai«Dr«zclalmcdAltea. TouYa 'MffakMiBaBdli
very animated and cbcctfnl person to
Five-year-old Klaa Crooks, of Mus•ml S. E. Wail & Sons*
baro about tbe bouae. Branaflald ad *
kagon. was btalty burned Friday. She
played npataira akma and Ughtad
umtubM. wkleb Ignltad her clothing,
AiMkBCeRMD 50c 7Sc. $1.00
at—iflat0ty euTuloplag bw tn a okas of
Mm. 35c
flamaa. Her acraama brought ber ll-
. Record Want
yaurold alater to tbe raacue. trtio, kt
mate^-bMg.. M MrWnm^ mt, «•
iMbrnr Iba tstm li« Js
Daloa BL lOda aaUaMte
^ 7
FOR eT^NtT^ ^
FOR RENT—Seveo-room bouse on spuclally. I moke all trains with hack.
Bast filghth street. A bargain. Call
Ciuphooe 217.
aug 1* tf
In livery I can furnish you
State street.
aug l7-t;
STORE TO RENT? also eight-room
house with city water iffid gas. In
quire of E. A. Kildee. 634 W. Ninth
aug 3 if
TO RENT—Unfurnisbed rooms; also a
ran furnish you any kind uf carriage
good barn. Inquire at 218 West you want. I have five hacks and three
Eleventh atreeL
July 19 if 3-seated carriages In stuck, also a nice
line tw«>-sfaud carnages, traps aad
single huggh-s. Kindly give me a call
when In need of anything in this Una.
LOST—On Frtint street, a pair of gold
rimmed glasses. Finder please leave
a youth Msxini <’,«»rky. tbe Roaat Record office.
aug 18-tf sian autltor. |w>KRt-*<seil a tenor voice of
STRAYED-ItTark Angora rat calbnl much charm and he had well-grounded
"Ibrnnle.” I’b-ase rotiirn to €1.3 Sixth bu|Ht< of making a name and fortune
aug 19 tf
on tbe u|H-ratlc stage. Hut one night
the buuiu* In which he slept waa atruric
cychme and Gorky was caught np
by It and thrown some distance. When
FOR SALE—l.aunch. 18x4 ft. 8 In .
he n-Ci»vered from his Injnrlew ho
IVz ll. 1*. Eclipse: gooil cover; a l»rfound Ihal his singing vole** had die*
galii. Tboa. W. Stauluu. Cltz 7Id.
aug 17 tit*
MILWAUKEE and return via Pero
FOR SALE-Mcavy work U-anKwlth
Marquette. Thursday. 13 00 round trip,
or without harnesKts or wagon. J.
good going 6:Su p. m. train, and good
K. GreiUck Co.
aug IC-if
for return until Munday following. Aah
FOR SALE—Roll top office desk. .3 J. Kehue. agint. IVre Marquette.
aug 14-15-1C 21 22 23-28 29-30
hanks plgf*un htdes. 60 inch, firs’class condition, bargain if sold at
once. Address Record office.
aug IC-St
FOR SALE—Sail boat and two bay
shore boat houses.
€04 Second
streid. Phone 294.
aug 15-5t
FOR 8ALE~I offer my house and lot
at 435 Sixth sirt-et for sale. If nut
sold by Scptc-mlrt-r. would rent fur
nished to dusirahle i»arly. C. R.
aug 8-sept 1
FOR SALE CHEAP—One dining table,
ono sideboard, one refrigerator, re
volving hook case, three dining
chairs, arm chair, three rocking
chairs and other 'articles of furni
ture. Inquire at 911 South Union
aug 3-tf
FOR SALE—Three new seven
bouses In good location. For sale
on easy terms. Inquire at 208 N.
Oak streeL
aug 2 Imo*
FOR SALE—A few household goods.
carm-tK, stoves and all bicycle tools.
Including hrazer. 311 Elasi Front SL
July 31-lf
FOR SALE—IIouRl and lot, barn
lot. 442 West Eighth slreeL Price
12.100. one-third down, balance
suit purchaser. Inquire 115 East
Ninth street, or address John Clune.
Cheboygan, Mich.
July 19 if
ments Herman W. Smith, €13 West
Eleven«i streeL Citizens phone 199.
Notice to Taxpayero.
The tax rolls for the collection of
school and city taxes end special oas4-Ksmc-nls for the five wards of the
cJty of Traverae<’lty. Mlch..have been
placed lu my hands fur culleclluo.
I will bo in n»y office for Ihe pur
pose qf cfiilcct'ing said taxes every
week day from now until Nov. 1. 1906,
from 8 o’clock until 11:30 o'clock in
tbe forenoon, and from 1 o'cloch until
4 o'clock in the afternoon of each day.
All taxes paid before Sept. 1st wUI
be received without collection feaa.
and all taxes remaining unpaid on
Eept. 1st and until Oct. 1st, a penalty
for collection will he
charged. On all taxes remaining un*
paid on Oct. l«t and until Nov. lot a
penalty of two per cent for qoUeetloB
will be charged.
Office. Room-so: State bank. bldg. .
M E. Haskell. City Treiaurag,^^-^??^,
Dated July 24. 1905.
July 260cL IL
Drs. Siwyir & PMilillifN
June 27-a
FOR SALE—Warehouse building
Bay street, corner Hall, also 14borse power gasoline engine and
fr. D.
Teacher of Violin
s«(a SMe Shoe Store
FOR SALE—Store building, stock and
fixtures. Will sell all or any part,
or will rent building. Apply at
Cbaa. RoeenthaJ, Traverse City, Mich
may 27-tf.
FOR SALE—41 Iota ;n Hannah’s 5tb
add; 6 one-acre lota fronting on 14th
street. 4 In Grlfflo A Winnie's add.,
and 2 Iota on West Front street
Wll be sold on easy paymenU
exchange for other property. Goo.
W. Raff.
Mar ll-tf
Fine Dental Work
A. W. HOLLINOtWOKTH—Eoplormenl contractor and commission
aaleaman. We are In touch
more thaa 60,000 telepbones. mills,
factories and business concerns.
Will endeavor to furnish employ
ment or employes, sell or exchange
anything from a bicycle to a
mill at a very moderate oommYaalon.
Write, phone, call or watch tbe bolletla board for bargains and
ptoymeat Cft*. phone 474, Huel-
N»*Brx P>ubll*
m BmI rroet Straat.
CltilCM PhOM Ni
~^62SeS?* — -
! crrv, ineHicAii.
I is M4 mp tor 1
tflMs to bond nOrooda bmA hemm for,
is the dfcatetioB: nd cmSTfaS!«>■
m«»eed twesty vtoM
SMt M dH rids, the rntmAtmi tluoat la Icostb. sad coaxMoUd te this wmr;
■Aettate, |daods ia the aede sad gsoias i «<Thal*B mat awrlr so oDod u °—
tor »rart s remark. He mM a seraoa
. '
shoald last tveatr mlootcs, arlih ml
I 8ln« M. Deleame-s retlremeat M.|
Hoarier is looked apoo as)
^ryfityf ffiff TThMnar*^ *
stroar maa at rraace Peraonallj.'
SStf aSZ?TyiiiS!L*VTSSSJj ^ *• • daUfbtfol eompanloo of encrpSS^'tfmMm,tXa«4¥w»to ciopedic kaovledseas much at borne
ai>dl«lne,aad j
*rt as In oueslloni of state. Ua■saitstTlf, O.' w. H. SBWXAJf.| I nk^ most of bia cxnnitnrmen. be speaks
calm and restrained dlcnitj^ elo8a highly esM^iow is tUa diaaaMJarltb
and rmtotical.
that many a Ufa h« baca ndaad by aiUu«'nt
frieodly ha^ shake or from asiag tbcl
-------d^ t
tal/lkeMc a
mnedj is (o>|
if'lecratns and orders and bas perqirirad. 8. a 8. goes down to tSe rery j sonally attended to nearly €.000 for-'
uoncmy. auoo«t
lAftWlf WORK-BoddliK asd aeedMsMljdMe- An vortiSMnateed.
Clt. Pham TK and US. Brnwalac ft
Fori practical
work;t for^ving
service and ^com
plete satisfaction,
no otherl type
writer quite equals
Bids for the Job of driving a two-j
Inch tubulor well with a three-inch I
casing at school district No. 3. ’White- ■
j water township.
All bids must be in by Aug. 25. The •
acbool board reserv es the right to nc- i
' TSJpt'or rojocl any orlill bids. Address I
Frank E. Sours. Elk Rapids, lug 15-Ct 1
Let us vitalize an idea
for you.*
Boardman River
Electric Llflit
& Power Co.
AfCBcy for Cdcbnted Fox
Desirable Property For Sale
R. W. Rastall
are ao -near at hand, they will
tmild you np, keep yon well and
ward off BiliNaaaaa. Hu NMiaeha.
DaWmy. Uvar aid Utmf
•lab Uvar, itepal SM4t!ate£a. hd&
ap tba Naniaaa Syalaai, aad rapalr tha
damft easMd hy fvarwart aad brail
U) takii
folvaiintag:»* of ofToml
Tliiit’a llio way
to save* niom y, Boiin tiup s save*
time. In the lumln*r lim* it will
rojsiy you if ymt jjny our yanl u
visit lunl l*K)k thrminli our var
ied stock—as loll);, as can*fully.
as rritically. as you like, Kstimates on all sorts and sizes of
lumlarr in any tjuuulily.
Try a “Fill to-nl»ht.**
For Bole hr aU UnuxUU
bO Cant and aS Cant Bexaa
Tlie C. B. Taylor Coal Go.
Economy of Time Menns
Economy of Pinno Honey
IR. A. H. HOLLIDAY. Graduate To*
TODto Unlvertily. Offloe In Munson
bldg. Telepbonei. offlee 103; reab
dence 104.
Rarl’i jewelry atore.
pbonra 103.
clan and surgeon. Removed to of*
ficea over First National bank. ClU*
xena phone 355.
HARRY B. HARNER—Expert piano
tuner and artlon regulator. Bbtis*
faction guarant«*<*<l. With Kimball
land hlork. physleiai
Citizen* phono 3C4.
Bay Steamers
Eurgeon, m w MuuiKin block. Ikilh
phones. Niglit calls promptly at
tended to.
ami c<iunselnr, Wlllieltn hh>ck. TravCrtio City, Mich. Citizen* phone 1U5.
"I give my liiil.- girl $2 *.o a
week tlial slie I-' I.T,.;: .' awilV.
and wlu-n .-.be lia »
up she Ih going to buy n puiuo
with It." Tills remark was made
to UR by a geiiHi-nian the other
morning on mir way ilownlown.
We Raid to him. * How old is
your little girl?" He replied
that pfee wa.* • ii.-'arly eleven.’’
How many junpb* are doing
this Kame thing, wi* have no
mean.* of knowing, but we do
know tills, that tli*' abm -.ild lit
tle girl is lo.slng t|„- nio-t valu
able hour-' atid ye.ir.s of Iier life
to study mii>le. and we know
also Hint her pan-ftt.s at** U'-itig
FAI.S1-: i:t’()NO.\IV. fo- If Hiey
would'lake aiivaiitiige of
ver. I’riceK rea-sonablo. Ofllco with
O. 1’. Carver and Bro. oBlh photiea.
Leave 8:30 a. m.: 11:00 a. m.:
4:20 P. m.
Leave 11:00 a. m.: 4:20 p. m.
Leave 8:20 a. m.
Leave 8:30 ». m.
Leave 8:30 a-m.
oe«067 *W:!l.HialU.lf. f-a. m. to 11
bn.ni. 7 t<> || *rMUng«. IUM«dM 9*
Faro No-nh-t;i-wanta and
U‘>wiT8 HarKtr 2-*»c rouinl
trip; OiM-'ua, Xorlli|Kirt atnl
Northiwrt I'oint, -‘iOc rouml
The Kimball System
W<* are showing an oleuaiit
stock of fine pianos, comprising
some of the very best and highe.*i class makes, in all the fanry
light and dark wood ca.*«es. Also
a nhmbcr of exchanged tiprighl
pianos, which have boou thor
oughly repaired In our workshop, ranging in price from $110.
1150. $1S5 to $225. Paymetil.r to
suit you. If you can’t call soon,
write for special prices and
IINOR—Offleo over AmerStore. SpaeJal allenUon
to eye, ear. nose and throaL Gla*Mia
fitted. UoH> pbonea. Beaidenca 519
DR." rrprLAytfTON—l^yi«rcl*u"and
*‘Cool as a Cucumber”
SftYct Too Money
Traveree Land and Lr»an Co„ F.
Thurtall, Manajrer. Office, room 8
llamiltoa ft Milllkeo block.
moon—PboDM. offlea.
ClU., 107; Bell. 99. Realdcnce. 710
WaaMogtun atreet, ato. phoaa 21C;
Bell, 99.
The little girl rmild have a gotul
piano dellvi red at oner* and at
Hie ea*h prlre.v-iave a hmall rate
of Interest on Hie d-ferred inymenls and have the m.* of the
piano while «=he hav*-* He- mon
ey, littb* by little, to pay f.ir it.
and prouaidy be quite un aeeomplisbed pianist wle*n her {nano
Is paid for.
The Kimball system of piano
pricing and piano selling ni**an«
more than the fr**o m-«- of the
piano while you .*ave the moi.< v
to pay for it. It moans pliui
flppires, one price, ba-*ed t»n faetnry cost, li’s a proiefilon
agaln.st unreasonable pricing
and iinsmipiiluus agi*nts. It
new 8Ute Bank BuUdlnz.
Co. block. Bothphonaa.
Y«o Are Not Feeling Well,
147 6RISW0L0 ST.
TUNINO—W. N. IflUard. »0
cxperieaoa. Now located with
GriaaaU Braa.
A Dnk U»k cspUImo* j«. why
Cka k ss wia be scat M ityacw.
Bit P. J. MAC NCTT—PracUoa ll»l^
ad to RYg. EAR. N08H. TBBOAT
U2 WllheUa. block. otlMaa »hnoa
Ko matter WHAT POWER
yonVe been nains, yoaTl
electricity, not onlv for oooQomio raaaoiia,bat for reasons
of utility and genend adapta
Bwam cjigjQ
WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to MOtnokae; via IL ft N. E. and N. T. Co.
SUwDd -trip $S.06. Going Thuraday
afternooB and leaving Mnwankee Mon
day night. Augt. 3rd. 10th. 17th, 24th
and lut/
aug 2-tl
e and drfrrs cat the < cabinet has been occupied with 10f».0*^)0
Better adcds>vt*Rt»-4ay.'^
I eases, nearly all of whirb came under
fti|k-r*ds Typewrite Sigfdka
SSrlifU Me
Inunedlate ctjgnliance. i
Morria K. Jessup, the New York mll-i
llonaire, is emulstlng the example »if i
Andrew q^rnexie by. rlTlng |2fMKi0 loj
THm Smith Pi^wmlwr
PU8ELY VEfiCTABLL 8. 8. 8. con feci the town of W'e*iiport. Conn., to er«*ct j
ired that
Trp«writ«r Co.
c of tha poisen
is leffla th/
* blood to a public library. Ww-tport was once
ismh to inooceot offspring. The en Mr. Jesrup’a home, and the building Is
tire body ia builtim and tbeblood made
|mrc, rich and healthy by tbU great ma- Intended as a memorial to the Jessup
cdy. Book with instructions for bosne family. The town ag*^eed to appro
treatment and any medical advice desired piiate ll.OtKi annually for the library’s
mill be given free of charge.
Hy the death of Alan W. W»kk1. who
made a large fortune In the manufac
ture of steel. Goldie IJIIian Mohr, The Vanderbilt piggery and its biitier
formerly a Wel^r A Held's rhonia inllk-fiHl bugs and the hennery with
girl who marri<<(| him almut a year Its specially dletwl hens wen* the
.^.and a half ago. will prdfiably come in- finest Uilngs of the sort In North Tarn
I to mllll<»ns. WcKxl was over 50 years lina. hut the ham was not miK-h su
Bight croikks. siippoved to Imold when he married. Miss Mtihr. p« rior In flavor lo the ordinary sugartappers, were publlely iiaraded on whoi.4> pretty face and shapely form
cured product, and the eggs were no
Broadway. New York. *1 want you." had aitrarti-d much atteniltm while
fuller of mc-nt than the egg* laid by
' Bald Captain McCauley to patrol wag she apiM-ared on Ihe stage.
the cHimmon harnvard fowl. A dollar a
on man, "to drive up llmadway wi that
There have been'^ more visitors at (jozen to produce eggs was Just a trifle
evMycme can sec thtj^e crooka. If any
Hie I»ngr«dlow house, l*orlland. Me . loo scientific. The superintendent of
one asks you what they did slop and
so far this season than In anv the hens got a bigger salary than most
t^l them. Tell them that they are
previous season since the house was Itank clerks, but he ccjuldn’t keep the
coafldence men and wire tapp<‘rK and
ojiened to the public. One day last year hens fn^m striking In midwinter. The
that everyttne must know who and
nearly 15n slrangera regiHiertil at the farm will Ik* sublet.
what they are. ” Ily s-xhibiting the
home, and up to the pn*sent time near
General Booth, head of the Salvn
men the police believe"they wUI be
ly .1.000 have registered this summer. lion Army, has returned to l>ondon
’ able to secure rompluluis from thoKO
The register bears the names of i>e'> from his four months’ lour of Au.-iwho have Imh-u "trimmed" by them.
pie from every stale in the union and tnilfn. and is in fine health in spit<- of
Patrick Sweeney, of Coaldale, , I’a..
from <*very part of the clvlllxt'd world. hia 7f* years and the Journey of itn.iKM)
has asaisted In carrying from the
mines 115 men who had iMH-n killed Many historic relics have been added r»lles which he has Jnst finished.
ibe/ctdiecilon of antirjuities since
A real daughter of the revolution
and aoo who were Injured. He has
has just died ill Wc'simoreland county.
acted as pall bear<‘r ni 9lt7 funerals, last year.
It is tr.tderst«vo«l InNew York legal Pennsylvania. Mrs. Sarah Atchison
and he hsM stood UMiiit-or for Til
Buss was bs years old and whs iIuJiislice Kdward W. Hatch I* daughter of Thomas Atehlsoii. wlm
After eight years of separatltm. Mrs.
to resign from the Item-h to en- fought uipler WaHliiugtoii at the naltle
David nisidinm, wlf»> of the noted Imrllaw firm to be known as Parker. of Trenton, and the widow of Tlionias
tone. Is anxious for a reronclllatlon,
She told a I’ll I lade I ph la n-iMtHer that Sheehan A Hatch, the other member.^ Ross, a veteran of the Mexican war.
she would slop at nothing to Help him of th«* firm lielng former Judge Alton She wa.* one of thriT women to whom
In his car<H*r. If He would ronn*nt to a B. Parker and William F. Sht'ehan. were pre-sented gold spiHUis by tb<- na
It has been understood since Judge tional society lM*cause of being clangbreunion.
Assets of $.'•() and liaHlllties of |2!«2. Parker's defeat for the presidency that
of men vc'lio fought in the strug
€77 are srHodul«‘d In iHe bankruptcy he would form a partnership wUh M-. gle of 'Tfi.
as they bad tacitly made an
petition of Geo. II. Appleton In Iktston.
AppH^on was a clerk in iHe ofBre of arrangi-nient of Ihk kind rontlngeut
Arthur AppH-yard. tli«> wi-ll known upon I*nrker’s defeat. The new firm,
is said, will begin oiHrullons S*i»i
slrml railway pnmioter. and figured *m
treaaur«*r of M>veral Appl'-yard roails.
Gus Ikddis. ImpresM-d Inlo service as
tiank mt'ssenger Hy CHas A. Stevens fri.iirs. For y«-ars I Indulged !n tee
We have and offer for sale Hie fol
ft Broa^dry giKtds merrliauis of CHlca- habit of wiping my pen on the lef. lowing list of real e«lale. H is all degti. wh«r the regular niesiu-nger was sieve «if my c<iat b«>fute 1 began am! sirabli* proiM-rty and must be sold. Call
on a varatloci. was given lio.oott to
or phone for prlees.
take to Ihe bank tins evidently want matter much as long as I won* IdacU
70 ft. on Bay St., oprsislte Darrow’*
ed a vacation i<si. for It was found •clothes, but when I «|ann<*«l the while store. Btilldiiig on same Is now used
that he had taken a train for New papal hahlt things lisiked dlffer-'ii*. us wari-Loiisi*. hut ruu lie u?ed fur
York The bank didn't evH- either Gus ntMt no did I when I rnmo from try dwelling.
writing n>om. For a time my valet
or the ro««ney.
lyii n. c. cor lUth and Rennie Sts..
•'IhTiMtuallsm ' is the Utest sect In didn't know wh«*re lo g»-t enough :*7 ft. on IC.ih SI.
Ivondon. It BlHdlsii(>s iMith bell and clot Ill's for me to wear. Then I d«
5t» ft. lot on West 9th St. east of
lermined to break with this l>ad haldt. No C?t*.
A hi»rrirane raiis<Ml the loss of 1(V) and I did One can give up anything
House and lol. Sm Sixth Stllv(« and imnietiM- damage in the Mas- If one tries hard enough.*’
Ho;i.*e and hi!. 1‘'12 Bidiemia St.
Not long ago a foreign prince lost
Kliall Islands. Souih 1‘aririf. June .tii.
House and lot. 8. W. ror. Webster
Kn»*ellng eliniiied ul tlo* hlor of the ir.u.ouo In one night playing bridge SI and Michigan Avo
wife he slew. James Daley. Jr.. Chica wbkt in a swell London club. King
3 lot* on ElmwiXMl avo,, between
gti saloonkiH-|M-r..wept |n rt-niorse and Edward was much annoyoil on hearing Wayre and Bay Sis,
said • whisk) did it."
of I lie eirninistanci-s and w rote lo tbe
loth on Elmwood ave.. hetweeo
Miss Ida O’Hay. cousin of Daniel club officials suggesting that the plsy
Wayne and Bay Sts.
0'I>ay. of Cinrintinti. multl-miUlonalrr. should be restricleA to lowt*r stnke.i.
Ixit 71. and house. Oak Heights.
head of the Kuilonol Transit Co., Now some of the younger mi-nibers
One of the best locations In the city
is doing banjo "turns ' in a vaiidevilU' threaten that if his majesty's advice
■ surrounding country for home. 4
shall be taken they will desert sn.’. acres of land, large bouse, cor. Day
The father of Goldie M«dir. the ac Ji»ln a notorious club where many for
and Ramadell Sts.
tress who ns the widow Alsu W. tunes have been lost and won. At this
12 to 14 acre.* land In Elmwood town'Wood, the I’iitshurg sti'el tnagntte. place the eldest son of a very rich
township. alioiit ] mile from city
Will receive |2.'hni.ooo—works for $2 P«*«'r is said to have lost $400,000 in a
limits. Will make a g«x>d market gar
a day 4n - AJienow n. Ihi-.palntlng few nights' play.
Preliably the most popular person
3 40‘s 14 miles east of Cedar Run.
A f2,r.fVi pearl nt-cklare worn by
on the li*cture platform In Germany to
4 40's IH niUec west of Cedar Run
Miss Rvelyn Willing when she was day Is l*rofe.-4sor HafK*keI. Yet be
There Is considerable saw timber
tieing an orator. In and plenty of wood timber on this
tbe pn-faro to his latest volume, con land. Soil good.
has tH*en found near the scene of the |
taining his Berlin lectures, which
Factory on Bay St„ power and ma
aceident. It wa* thmiglit someone had
rreati*d such a sensallon. he declart's chinery ready to run. 353 ft. frontage.
stolen It.
nature has denittl him the gift of A good location for any line of manu
An Hawaiian woman. Hona.
speech, and that, although he facturing.
Katina, a ChlneM*. on tbe Island of
bas taught elghty-t*lghl semesten; at
Also several gilt-edge land contracts,
Ilino, gave birth to seven liabes In loss
I the I’nlverslty of Jena, he has never aug 16-tf
J. E. Grellick Co.
than a week. Last Thursday
Uen able to overcome a certain l!mhorn. Rnnday two. Monday one. Tues
idliy in appearing before an audience.
day morning two. Tuesday night one.
For thi* reason he ha* seldom attend
All are dead.
At s PMMlon of hsJd eonrt. b*ld at thr Proe-I mec-tings of naturalists.
A moist kiss. Implanted on the neck
bate offlee. ta the eltT of Trarerw Utr.ta
Talking to some cardinals who came
eoent.T, oo th«- aRh day of July. A.b..
of a telephone operator. Mlos Emma
to congratulate him on bit sevenriclh '*Pr«»nt Hon. Frad B- Walkw. Judge of Pn>Sass. by Ge«>rge Smith, while he wa*
t.irthday. Pope Plus said; “I never
riding bivhlnd her In a Chicago street
^'th^*atV<o« the eetaw of Oirdea FUb.
car. cost Smith 125 in Justice Sever thought I would leam as much in my
old i.ay* as 1 am doing. Few instance
son’s conrt. Ttiat the kl.*u5 was "moist ’
wa* attested by the young woman her- I can now write my name without
aclf In conrt.
When George W. Vanderbilt under
There’s a new $5 counterfeit, but
. It is a poor one. aay* Secret Service took to be a fanner In North Carolina
Chief Wilkie. It is tbe series of 1899. his rriatlves and friends warned him
he could not make 41 success of
LycM& register and Roliertt treasurer,
baa many mlsUkes in lettering and ts fall Blltmore enterprise. That they
spoke truly t« shown by the announce toftm I wwinii prtotad oed clretilato<r
, printed on two thin pieces of paper.
President ^hoats,.^r the canal com- ment that be win give up the farm. A WMMvqr.^'
wewk m the The plan was tremeoduously aelenttfic. \ joinaacf-H-a
New Wilkala Kook. Travi
I»r Ch»rl.-- H«-q»
. I. Vh.- i
■tn.l> and .-x|*Tiwnr.- by D
clar of high -lauding la t
thr only
and »ndor-.J l y ih’r nu-dioa) fra
t.mity I: i. p<ruttroty sht- <>b1t j.rejiaraiK.n
known K>
ahlrh attho-at Ihr n*-- of
n,-ii--.n-» arul t-mic- will round I'Ut thr hoi
IOW-.1. Uuu flirrk or arrawoy n« k with tn:..
hf^lh.T !!«ai
» ,r mnoTing wrmkl.* from
til* faPB. nark and hand. It a<-t. Uk.- maciconr appliral)'« >Ktm ahowlog a dmdrd Itn
pruTrnirnt. .■.prcuIl.T wbm ih- fnrrow ta
For drvrjoptng thr hurt or to i.iak. th.
nrm Urg.- and 1»*ot1ful. nothing rar
I e<iaai i: T-> pr-v.-ul th- buat (r.-n. ahnnking
r Chari.w
rill al-' r*.
a >K*«un tf It- natural cml- ur ami boaut; li»t
thriiugii Uiu rail*W. .iarn.-.lly warn U-flt-. to av.dd atiWtl
tnl«i of Dr laiarl.. Fbwli Ko.at S--.- that the
na*r.« ar.d jH.riraU <•! I>r. riiarlrr U on tht l*»i
b- for.-purrhai.ing Wr also warn ladi<-« not
OMaa SOS. New Wllhala btoeft M
J. I. Hunt
6ti, W MeWitlj
■ principal Drpartmmt
Mumio Mou»€»
KaztdoorA. V. frtadrteii*
SS-SE-™"Or.eiariw C(„ 108 Filtgg St.N. Y.
Cure Heartaohea. 8tral«titen
CroaaBpeaand IlMtore
A. WOhafTK
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.