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The Evening Record, December 26, 1905
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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tonttod yttttrdAy LttUt Hoy. a boy
14 ytATt of Aft. WAS oboe tbrcMCb tbe HffR FATMKRdM4JtW THEN TOOK
IM AAd tUMAAcb by HATTty HAllday.
ABOIbtr mmU boy.
Hoy's vooadt vtrt dratttd by Dr
«OVljMHIKirr TMPOM AMO TM« BroATAtOA. Vbo 40ti Aot tblAk tbe
ffen Thee Tried to KUI
Him Bat Wae Unable to Do Be-
n piriTisi eimA BY GHOKINC
th« Aettifw 99
But Wm Later Releaaed.
OeoAM MadleoTto a family Quarrel,
tried to take hla own life Salarday
eventag. and when hU father. Peter
Madtoon. taterfered turned the gun oe
him aad. U to ctoJmed. aUeapted to
Mitt. CHARLft OTTD WAt AWAK- ahooL He dealea the charge, how
ever. Aeoordtog to the etory told i
Record repreeeauave tbe yooager
man. hla wife and mother-todaw. were
Quarrellag to the bosM of hla father,
who Uvea over bto gtocery store on
Booth Bpraee atreet aad wbea tha
mto-ap beoaaM too geaeral the father
taraed them toto the etreeL where
they coaUaoed to ight. Mr.Madtooa
eeparaied them, whereon hla son
drew a revplver aad declared hla in
teatloB of killtag hlmaeir. The elder
maa threw himaelf upon him aad
atrogdied tor the gna and. it is said
AU Htr tofttoy PtMtotlBAt. Cvtn to that doriag the straggle, the son tided
tiMllAt A $10 NtmitUfiet FroiA
Htr HoMtfid Wtft Dttirtyo^
ter of Mrs. George Madtooa. arI to^toe
In C0AAty*t Cort.
g to
SvMtef BMord.
vM 4r
out MonUMS rmlTM Om
f«Oo«f|w 4IMMUII fTOM AMdkU Oo|.
■M UvaMs At f
loMorr^Ate; **Obj1o«
mum 9t SAAto Do>
Mppof^ IMl tiM CATitAl lASt Alfllt WUll
A fMT A4low»rm. HU lAtMtlao U Mid
tp bt to JfliA Um JAmmUSm 1a <
tVMA tito two toAflOM It iMlAMt.
tpeelA) to the Brenlof Record.
Lotond. Micb^ Dec. SC.—Htr butlad vortlAf to Cbletco. bit tott remUiAAotvr $10 AtAt to tlSK for Chrtot
AMA for the little family, her boaMI good!, clothet end all h^Mrthly
•etfloAA dtfiioyed by Ore. ^fL
ChATlM Otto AAd two mat children.
OAe A bAbt of only aeren aKWlha. tbe
PAK Aa PrtAM, Hiltl. Dm. sc.— botof cAred for by U«to
Mrs. Otto And her little children
CvleM rtetlMd todAir froa StBlb
ton of tilt tfoAlt lA ttet city veto Aleeptog SAtnrdAy momtof About
S o'clock when tbe taotber vaa Av^kby tbt tAAptnc AAd cboklag of
toDoSto^ NMMAc MAlto ItflvM
itbe. Tbe houae vaa full of
I and tbe up aUUra AAd ertog waa
Peter Madiaoo and the dlscuaalon cul.
mtoated to a severe gght. Tbe three
people were put out of tbe booae aa
Mr. Madtooa is a peaceable man aad
desired ao troable. to coottoue their
dlffereacee In tbe street In front of
tbe Madtooa store. Tbe man was getttog tbQ worst end pf It aa tbe daugh
ter bed been won over to tbe caoee of
her mother and both women were
trying to mop the sidewalk with him.
At this potot tbe father came to the
rescue aad pulled the women off. then
eeetog Chat hla wife bad turned against
him. George pulled a revolver and was
preparing to take his own life. His
r ntoui
med to tbe ground and had It not
99 for tbe cboklng of tbe baby the
ally undoubtedly would have been
•mated while they alept.
Cetfcbbora promptly took charge
iftb!?l^roltob!jr tbe mocker and her bable» and no
trtod It rtAoh tbt ooA«t And onbArk tflTecta foMowed the expoaure and
OA A titop. tAdtAVorlAc lo iwh Pu«»r- eltemeot. The couniy la now relieving
■ to PlAljA to JoiA OmrAl Ptrtt. vbo their wants until the husband and
by tot govtninMt At
e. Otto received a
____ from her huahand.
If thAt MoiAltt U trylAK to CTMI Saaio She did not even have time to pick
DomUMlQ by lAAd to rMch MoAlt tola up and It was burned along with
the rest of her belomrinKa. Tbe only
/ thtoga that were aaved from the home
M.—Word Wtt were the nlghtclothea ahe and the
^t^bad on when tbe Art was dUtoo^ AitAckAd OaomaJ rimcntol. tbe
B swayed and slipped back and
forth actoea fbe balk tbe muxxle of
the weapon was pointed directly at
the father's body and It is probable
Uml bto iHpua hts son's hand whicn
bMd 15e revolver is what kept the
man from pulling the trigger.
BOltoe landed the young man in
ll di there was no formal pomaatared be was ndoased ycaterdap. Jito father, when Interviewed
by i RMord repreaenutlve. said that
all the dH^nces had been aetUed and
that Mia. Itokos was the cause of tbe
Whole trbttble
GeohM aad hts wife have made up
their dll%reoce« and no serious harm
cam# M thtaaalri_____
Tbe house was owned by Blroey JERRY BULLIVAN*$ MEN PLACED
OMMAAAdtr Srcbtelcr.
lekard and hla loaa la about $40<i.
bAA tnf Md At PAtrto PlAtA frott SUrVNOER QUARANTINE.
oArtf ob tbt MMtbtni tidt of fltAto fully covered by Inturnace. carHed by
DonlAjto She wUl be tipoctod to pn^. the Hastings agency at Traverse City.
Atnrt trdtr In tbt lAUoedlAte vlclAlty
Three CakM of Bore Threat Reported
and the LaM Was UnuauMly Se
vere, Peeving to Be Diphthe^
The lumber camp of Jerry SuUlvan
located three miles from Maple Oty
was placed under strict Quarantine
revalence of
Three cases
Three Occupente of Cutter Were
have beeo reported la
The last being antooally se
Throvto Out and Thoma/thileoA
HI* •l•TtfL
vere. was given over to the autboriUea
Wae Injurod.
aad upon Invesdgatkm It was pro-
"T flBi
HER ffiuoir
A runaway yeeterday Afternoon at 3,
o'clock on Qargeld avenue and WashIngtoA atreet eauaed no end of a sentor the few Atomento to which
the. performaace took ptooe. Tom
ML with two other genOemen.
drivtog on WaahlngtoA atreet.
. >ArAAti OMtn AppetM of Cht Maa tf aegy OarteM aveaoe. when tbe bocae
ddealy became balky and then with
Mtr jtotitt Aiid btM Htr OrMhtr.
aaeoAd tboagbc veered off to one
side, throwing one oocapaat of the rig
p4m ttoly to Mm WtOdUif.
OAL and stHktng a tree near the sldeHtOtOytof.
walk b^Jyee from tbe catter a^
Une toilowc^ Several other exposnrea have ftdlowed and a atrtcl watch
will be kept
the ammbera of the
By Wire te
B^iMaT Beeord.
ter. rna acroee to the lot of Tom NelADA OA Mate Atreet. where he met an esufSiuSof
obat^ to the ahape of a wire toace. \^lekabaig rmOway at Cboakoy. tost
Hla efforts to go farther were broaght algbL two meMwere killed, three seri-
«U o* wlr. wkleh he tad «MB.d.
the markete.
HMdmiGtmfMRifVtotoltof thclJ
Bronkmojii'a auloou. who was arrest•a« PHimim Mua Stictue Ootouik
M Mn. Joka W. Maotar. w pirtof—d lotar la um o(-
eo, Ff*s.
SuMtantl.1 Oin> for CntlMran
Over m ef the Strike-Leaders Are
Under Arreet-Cxar Hm Decided
to Bend a Brigade of Tfcepc to
Crush Same RevelL
Didn't bring yon yonr n
ml pair ot riipperat 8t«i
and let ns pn-pare yoor I
tor many comfortable even.inga at borne.
By Wire to Che Bvsatog Record.
8t. Petersburg, via Odessa. Dec. 26.
—Tbe strike here has practically end
ed to the defeat of the strikers. Thou
saada of mea who left
are returning to work owing to the
fact that the strike fommlitee to ua
able to support them U*cauae of lack
of money. The opposition of the pub
lic generally to the strike caused tke
people to refuse to make coatrihutk
this to «
ure. Over seven hundred strike lead
era arc nnder arrest. This Inclodes
practically all the toteillgent mea
Pnr Q W
Lined MitteM
Silk SnqwDdMa
Initial HaadkeKhiefaBnita
Night Bobea
Hand Ban
Colored Stiff Sbirta Tnmks^
Men's Embfoideml Sbppe^
50c to 75Ci
Men’s Leather 81iiW« *
85c to 1.50,
75c to 1.50
A special council over which the
exar presided has decided to send a
brigade of troops. Including guards.
Uhlaas. Culrassers. Hussars aad drsOreloff to crush the. revolt I the Ballice proviacea.
Revolution Growing.
Loadon. Dec. fC —An Bxchange Tel
rgraph company dispatch from 8t.
Petersburg says tbe bourse and the
bankalare closed there. Desperate
lighting occurred between the troops
and the rebels at Moscow. The revo-
AU aulto Sm4
aMfel ChrtatM* SriiiBto
lAOMAN-r to
m non stiut
For Ercryhody
mvA. U%t; mm, 99c.
rrol or wme Jacn^irf the city bat tb*
fluhlliMt contiaura wtib tbe nne
lion. Tbe retolnllooliu taro noit
an ur,«t appeal lo other cltlea for aaaUtaace aad SO.OOO alriliera from
Zoero with artillery from Uthuarla
For Men, Women and (AU.
dren. AU kinds of stylss
and shapes at prioM that ate
Are you thinking of giving
some little lemembiaiiiie to a
friend-lf so, how would a
beautiful bottle of good perfnme, pat up in a neat box
er a fine pound or half pound
box of Lowney’s Best Chooolatea, fresh from tbe factory
—or one of tbe elegant aotaenir piotnrea or books of Trav«se City made by Orson
Peck. Theae and many mote
and just bear in mind
that for the coming.-new
year—we will carry the
same well assorted stock
ot Rough and Dressed
Lumber, the tame -excel
lent qualities in BuUdiqg
Materiate-Do all kinds
of Mil work as in tbe 'past—and fill your orders in the
tame prompt manner—
O. C. MOfrATTAlMtrttct« of TlUo
£bri$litia^ "
Wait’s Drug Ston
Alfred GrdUck L a
Dn. Smyw &
lUsklnYstaoiT wesk-^ bnsy going tbiongb
stock, aad as Sat at diaamemd all odd panta, saMa
aadoTsnaatowUlbepatiiisdaas by themaelTetto
beotoaedoataotbat oar zegalar stoiA
be kept
'laasaa-wsVe not too btay to talk
. BMSFrtatU \
«bl tanta. ■
nuir M* M ta sta esfuatssw
yssbsmmrksM _ ■ :
Craverse eity IHfg. Co.
Tnuito iJvtd to Bay CAy-Oao Other
Tbe other two oocopeaU were
lY Wll* to
»r«itix Kooord.
Killed and Three Were BeHeuely
NovjTark. Dm:. M--B«conM lUric grown out aad Mr. Shllaaa reeatved a
Injured in Wreck.
cot QA bis bead while one of tbe other
.................................... „
^ Tta-atarta-iaM
r a£- ». *
m factions
Of Moetbpoft. aad paaasd tbsaask the
dty today on tbetr letan borne.
an MM Mr to
ipcM Ika I
tal OBO a vmr Pla
^ ■ to«
'- >'
••' *«»Jg!!!^~ : lWCTimg ,«B WSt
wblek wU be Bade to tba ptata dartag
tbaadBhBapriig. Tba plaBa ara aaw
praparod aad acmttacu wfU be let
ifcm at tw
• CO baaa Ua balldted
m. Hr ft It a cMUMa b------IB« that tba «M Dirak cr
*Wit1i^ arboB be Bar dvvBi
aiao that ba coOtrta bB4a la B
Li»awr.yS ft«B belac. tba oM
aid fba aattva of tba Car laiar^ to la
Tto >Miest Plato >la Tiwaaraa Oty
lat»diy. 8M>toy tod
Mto ia tto WWW lUdetol huPlfg.
Btto two Brin eanteta aad
■Uu tdarin. tto tone to Ball
toiw atm pIMd high ia the
BB. NoeBtBatectobehad to
the east aabaat to Boetag mattB
of tbe ptaat
, Tba aew
will be
bare baea la coarse
dace carty teat agrtag.
T'weire UOU Buga Go Wfa
at tbe
thaB tbe
Soor anace
lor Ibt pBitBlna oC a bead Implltd
route which be t
tbac tbt ewNTo or. rmtbtr. Ibt ^ for
ae long. HU uttrm BaM Battw
BMglar was next on tbe
prograB and he gare a
tklad. -Long 'Fort 1 Kaowed Wlio
fianu WuE- aad Miss Anna Gearing
ahmty ms a apaaker U a
gttlmd tnuby. Ceetlng Ibat he bad^ 2lS^'SSwtiUrh'l^^
aid yea.
-Jetua Lorer of
UanUaned tbt Uga rlHlU and waa ter^ aa wull and tamed bU
hU turkey
My Bool.- “Wbat Bome QlrU Uke to
. _____tlmea ouer.
BOitUd to I
i r
title of a drill and Mar>
CbrrUrt W. M, Oordoo Joe Bhiar
Ibt etaadU of tbt btu.
and Mb G. A. Johnaoa. a--------------- lii* 41 r1M«« 'M Atlencr OlMlI
U aneb a fUaalng maaaer thai ste
Moody u> tko olwt thM the fodofol (rtee Vm were
war called Ijack aad gave as an
Bta- along tbatr rputaa. Tbe
bare «f tbe boor. 1
core “fiolly Would Not l^eam.**
A humorouM raadlag was well ren•Uk tto oMto to Voo T<rfc ud lo* atto of a room In
too. were daUged aad radh
d«od by Mm, H Wares and Brx.
k»t his
not tto dtotoMwWM •( Ntaaora (alK tkm or the long lioott that dittttra
ky ol>)odUic <o oato toKWotloa tkto whole of a Dyrnk Tillage and loon
dgM to abate It. weold proetwl to
vooM tore ikto rondt to • ootooioo bang up tbe bead at proodfy at bU
i»k dteiogto. -ito Midatgnt oh«t. to wtok.
OM to (to groto mtm to Amt^ Bogtab broIbB bangi ap bU flmt ^
•wiiB. bad abcoBsmOy mei and eoa>
Tbt joang brare
_______ _____
fOotoA II M aloKo trto. Boro t>»t
ud <o tovtoc tbo
CMdtoo •ororwDMK act Jolotly «>th
tUa eooBtry ia tafias the fiJto to »oaMfltr.
good old days, aad to And tbt
U faut eberebtr U femiiie. Tbe
wboee bUEhand bad tbrt.
bangftag before bU moB woohl
at tbe woman ^rboee apooee
boaat hot tm-o, and the Utu-r was proh^
ably bagged at and badgered (for oratutn art alike tbr
want oot and pro
aa hjr dUw dagrae
, White tto MOtotteg to Mllltoaa to
tono goM^ •hleh'aaadd to uUtoad
ta Ihtoottoa aad ladaatilea to at «nrt
Bight Mora latportaat ibaa aatrtag a
toatotfal watoctaU. oa Otooad thoagbt
ttteBotaa Tbo falte to Niagara ate
oao to tto ao*oa Mdar to tto worid.
they bayo attracted ariUloM to vtoltan came to be not **Uoir much bratsi
aad will auiaet Uoa lor yoare. Ihooharo looked aaoo (be graad
oalayato with awe while thotuaade to
othan hare gatad opoa It with pleaewith the uecceare aad adBhaboa. Their woodara care b> prorlde I
I went on
wUlaot oaaee la coialog yeare. at teaei
gmaraUona became U
b partlc.
particSSrior ooToial thooeaad. If took cEB(lTe
uUrA^to^thewaytbe beads were pro
•nalaa to the oaly forte to be reek- corad. till at tbt preoent day n bead U
l oaad aad the tMl* are tto
'totoiaw to ptorttrTbare to otkar water power araUakio for ladooir«ee.rMaeh to It. aad
Cltrk*M MUtakw Urr Q
tto AMoeteoa paoplo ebould take adA bandsomcly gowned w
eaatage to tbU aa
store where tpecialdWior the giaadeet water UU la the
-OBltd. .»a MBMO-MaterlaltoUe daye pale.
tbare to too apt to to a
Betore ae- «*Yo« remember aalllBg Bt aevcrtl
ttaatod oa that haola. Bat there to yarda of teca a few days ago? It waa
aoBetblag abore anre aMoey and to flJKi a yard. I want to |
juat Bke It"
Ihte full eegelBaee aboold to takaa. yarda
Tbe clerk leaned brer tbh
Tto hoae to Waahingtoo to preeitoed mud la a bdlf wbiapar: •‘Madam. I
for gaotortty. VeUow.toae Park to a madam fearful mtotakaabbot tbat Uec.
great aaUoBal preaerre aad the
tt U worth $10 a yard. If you wlU reiry to full to plaoee Bade htotorical by tom me wbat I aoM yoo 1 wUl gladly
Boa «- aroBU. It would to juat ae pay you 15 a yard for It, and h wlU
TMeaahte tod fully aa Bud> In keepTbe woman totted ber bead impalag to plow tod pUnl theee ae to allow tUtttly.
-It U otters imig-klbte.- aba
the luBbllng. roarlag. craehlag watery said. -Hie Uce U now on my new
to toe Nlagatu to bo led lamely dreea. People who make misukea
tbrougb caoato aad made to light BBC bear tbe reanlta. I will have to
foroleh see wbat I can do to match that which
1 bought Ten doUan a yard? Why.
I wouldn’t dream of paying that aam
font** And tba baoghty woman walk,
ad out with the air of one who bas been
la wor *en«tloae aod cumi
gritroualy offwaSed.^Kew York ITeaa.
eoacemlag the wonderful production
of wealth on the farme to the United
~-tfrr<l-T daring tto year noon to close.
Tba nae of tbe bow may be traced to
tbe iTBoUat antiquity. Tbe first notice
Twvcnms louto WAW
w uurr tooetod
i well which we find of It U In GenesU zxL
s vmlie SO. where It U aald that lahmael hecame an archer, it was lutroduccil Into
^ of thk product
urodoet of the fann
Urm l»
\t dcHvotl
BngUnd in tho reign of Egbert tba
from Iba ability of the American
Saxon, but waa not utad as a tnaitUl
aumer to pay r»d prlcea. Nlaeiy- weapon till tbe rrign of Edward 1. Tba
elabt per cent of the pioducU of Amor- I period at which tbe kmgbow attained
lU tneridUn fame may be fixed In tbe
\ lean farma a-e aoid to the farm
Amerloan nelirtibors and fellow ciil- pe|gn of Henry V„ whose mrebera daaena and hla Intcrfwt In their roniln atroytd the whole French carahy.
ued abtuty to bur U almtM^t a» Rreat clotbad In complete steek with tbair
yard long arrows. At tbe battle of
nc In hla own abllUy to produce. When
rioddan hield aUo tbe English arcberi
. there la work In thf* mill a-'d In the made aad haroc. Shooting with tbe
CaHoiTMdii^n In thr mine at better bow waa an extremely fasbiooabla
w wagea than are jpi^d l^y father coun- amaaameut In tbe rebm of Henry \TIL.
tn the productE orthe American farm and Uolinab^
can be aoM at proitable prices. The
Intereou of all the prodocem of our the aUge of Dertiea I tbe cirll '
Cl entry are alUed. and all art united or IMT, tba bow as n
waa entirely Uid aside. Arcbety daBhould#t>e In the pimserraUon of a na rives Its name from tbe bow betas,
tional policy which baa assUted them wban drawn. In tbe shape of an arch.
aad In the upholding of a pollilcal
MlaittSss Ar« Umtm
party throngh whose guidance they
A cook wbo has atea many yean af
domeatlc aerviea racectiy dteiared to
iMT Utaat mUlreaA In New York, Ibat.
-I juat met that charming Mrw an tar at ber wxpcrUnca went, rile bad
taund mtaUtcra to be the Utaat riaata.
-Too don't aay. SHle? And bow did. Naxt to them came pbyaiclaas.
-Soma mtaUtert don’t rUe tlB 10
o^dock.-.ebe aakL -There’s hardly gna
-Aa pretty an erer. -I ktam^
twkb and Inquired about her »jaby.- of tbiB that yau’U find up by
-My: And how was akmdiaoaed?* ar half p^ U tbtir artraga hour.
-WeU. er-ratber plain. Come to Tbcy don't bare an oflka to s» to at a
•think ofltbaraatoffmahadawa^ cactafta time. Tbty bare no early uppahitBaata that mutt be kapt Tbey
bars BO decks tbat they moat look
-Yea. and bar bat vast hare been ite. Oouatqtseutiy tbqy become tba
done oTtr for two or three wintcra. Utaat rUtag ctam of man on aattbi
wutftd to farty-aataa pUcaa, of
Gracious, ymi •trer
amb aiaajB ware with mtaUtara.
fbay art tba baat to Urt with. Tbay
1 darUre. It U a m
an ttry eoBMefata and generoot and
U not aabamed to
%iwi partaet dUpoattkam. If tbey
street with
MBridBdr MU rid at tUi babit of leaf.
iB^iW Ob Boentat ta bad tbeyd bu
clUee. rua elreet tare and
power lor factortei
Ug and weighing and
rural Ball Jan 1 is t
with aatlffactlon
It entailed
Mr. Phelps aa Bmata CUas was rer>eaatag to the ahlklrao aad afier the
waaau bad all bron dlatrihuted th;*
ilktren gatherad In one part of the
house and gave their school yell. •‘Rah.
rah. rah! txmg Lake towaahlp. roh.
imh. rah! Wbaro. uh where, can you
_____ • being dlacontln
lime. Tbe reports hare been In the tad aay flUs oa dUtricc. dlatrici No.
nature of aUlUilcs for the postofdce 6. hurrah!’’
department at Washington and Its dU
cfanUauance Is erldtnce that the rural
Rndyard Kipling haunted magariae
routea are fully oaiablUbed and
after all raporta of their maH g
Rt-es a good dot! tsefore he aocceedM
with the general report of the
In tireaking Into |irint with rbe »ket« bes!
office of d!str1butl<
which bare made him fanuma.
perslsled. bawrter. and the roaalt
everybody knows. This dogged cliararteristic was prominent in his rbUdfionday School of the Church of Christ hood. The eWrrKlldlug was bringing
Osvt tho Bar. T. P. Ulloia a
him* home from IndU to an ^lah
oL AatewaidraahMtoMr. Kbx,
one aflernoon In Be sukdElng
and aunosnued tbat the boy was ,
.The Bunday tohool of the Obarch of
Christ presented fhelr pastor, the Rev. out ou the yanUiu hsagieg by bio
ThoBSs P. Ulk>m. a beauUfuI hand
-If be lets so*’ said tbe
tlnitd bcomlde picture last Lord’s day. steward. “he’U fall and be «lrowued.“
artfet Is Frank P. Wrlshl of this M.*. KUdIng amihd quietly ami sakl
Mr. morn to as be tnm.d the ik‘U page csf bl-« Imx*;
rity who
The picture
was taken by him Just at aunrise on •Ol.. neM-r fisr; be-aon-f M go.”
Friday moralng. Aug. 12 at the foot
of Bright Angel trail In the grand
canon of the Colorado In Arizona nine
the bUls of IndUn Tcrrito.-y wen> rid
mllea from the top. -Tbe^gmn^U
ing on a railroad train in the Chot taw
mile deep. BoUd block
Nation for the firut time to thrir Hve<.
with all the color, of the r
Tbey were very much Inurrstwl in j
the trareler on every sii
tbe aeenety and the novelty of Uwlr |
expcrieuiw when the train suddenly I
ran npoo a long trestle. Looking out I
of the window, tbe old |wo|.le saw the |
ouniry and bathe in tbe lui
ground m-ede from lieni’ath fben-.. ami
rmlen of the Cokwadti.
tbey held their breath in nb^x-i
Foriona Fighting.
VThtn tbe train finally reached
-For seven years.- arrite Oeo. W.
the dirt roadbed again the old w..man
lookid at her husliand with a sigh of
liver trouble, hut at last 1 won. aad relief and aald: “Thank the L>rd.
cured ra>' dUaaaea by tbe nae of Eleo Silas, we’re m!”—Kansas Oty Jcurtrie Bitlera. 1 unheaiuUngly iwcom
mend them to all. and don’t intend In
tbe future to he without them In the
house. They are wlalnly a wonder
Tlie rnlted State* coraul at Vic
ful medicine, to hare cured such a had
caaa as mine.- Bold, ander guarantee toria. B. r„ reprais n sehetne of pr.».it
to do tbe same for yoo. by Johnson Uhariug. (-.sndurteil t>y tl»e Itriti»h t-nti
Dn« CJo.. F. H. Meade; C. A. Bugbse. pany operating tbe street railway* and
druggiaU. at Me a botUa. Try them lighting plants in that section, which
U working welL After iwylng 4 iwr
eOBt. on the stock tbe iKilaut-e of net
•anilugs Is dlrldctl Into thrte fsarts.
two of which go to the st«H khoWers
Ware Go
and one to tbe etnpihrcs of more than
a year’s standing in e*iual amounts to
ear E. C . One
each—a track greaser re<r*lvlng aa
much as goes to the general nuuutger
of the comiMiny In Lcudon, In Us®,
tbe first yerr of trial, a sum esimillug
he gave them a aMdgbrlde
$£» per empk>.re was divided, the uezt
itsual. A very merry time was en yror
and for this yesr the dljoyed by all preaeat and tbe ride waa a tislMi. which has Just been made,
very happy aSair._________
amount to $4a
A Fearful Fata.
It Is a fearful fate to hare to endure
the terrible torture of pUes. “I can
IruthfuHy say,- writes Harry Colson of
MaronriHe. Ul. “that for Blind. Bleedlag. Itehtag and Protradtag Pllea.
Baeklea’s Araica Salve is the baat cure
Why suffer with yoar stomach, kidneys and Urer wbea Honuier’s Rocky
Moaatala T«a wUI make yoa well If |
takaa this moath. keepa you wait all
the year, 3S mtA Tba, or Tablets.
Johnson l>n:g C^o.
Our teams will be out late and all your purchases
can be delivered tonight.
vousa osamoi'r tm oooo
J. W. SltoAXCM
Wholesale and Retail-^Vonr Reliable Home Fumnber
0loak$ and JFiirs
We arc waking BIG Kl£DUCT IONS ON
CLOAKS. Ddn’i fail to see bur fine.
SOB eaiJc BTiau.
n. 3. Olilbelm
From Tbe China and Cut Glass Dept.
The wurW of nrt haa cwitrilmUd to our raporb oolUsiion n uiulUtoa® of exquiaita
Many of them without tluplicnle, any of which wouhl make moat ico^HaUe
BeaaUful piuoea of Haviland China in dainty deratotioM; chop platea. aala.1 dia
«ixxi^tni|;«.J>rfa<I an<l batter plated, angata and crvainei^ aafa traya,'copa and aaai
Are ideal holiday »ifte; beautiful lAjwelaa ware ib neweat abapea. tbenquMto
French Sicaid in Uioae wonderful cotefina. adtebian kI«». with the dainty gold
traciuga, D^dtou iu deft blue deaiKtra. tfoyS Bonn in beautiful paUt^
\-kget, candfilAbra cigar jam, \*ascs^ olive (linbog. Inmbleri, sogaro ami crunmerg, kidfe
^ reata. •
Of ptiema and atoriea in the tiiMt of bindioKa. Tho l^t worka ot ffetioo. Mont mtereaUng and inatmetive hooka for bc^ an.1 uiria. Hooka foil of pictniea for the lit
tle tuddlm. Linen hooka for tbe wee ooea. If at loaa for a gift-bay a book, alwaya..
“Juat the thing.”
Of Trarem* City . Beaotiliil water cxklon, daiuly bite of birr h hark, aU make llia
as ^fifte: DO pmoD emn batre too maoy
and the« are aodi w*
^lUegiocet ol WDi^nmn^ip^
gem iu itaell Buy earty and remember yowr
nerer-to-be-forgotten bmudcl
of all kinda for the “Liufe People;” give Uietn the beat Chriatmaa they evtoltod. B«
doUa. little doila.doUa with hair and thoae withooL dcdla with ama and Idga tluS
J. B. Palgc Hcctilc CoT
m -i --
-■ - I
Chri»tmtotide offers no bet
ter opportunity tlten osn
be found in tbe Diamond
J. cipr. One line of these
fsTorites embmoes all aizea,
aod tbere ia not one but
what would be tietourod
and prised »iy any “loTOr
of tbe weed.*’
FOR Christmas?
tiM Didl.
rr;l?ne| .the Gruber tell^ thU of
Mmssdf; IV tias aiaiidlng on a Hn-et
comer o^ day last we»-k w i.eo he
was approof-faed by one of hU nmstituents, who said alsruptly; “I tell
. I’ve I
jmrt |.assi
home, when she stejtped out Into the
Otero, of New atreeh and she Ussketl ro pretty that
exteoiUre sheep I rouldii't help giriag her one ou the
Itps tfght then and there.Vttlt. OWttiUg
“ItUI slie stand for Itr
-Hid she stand for K?*’ repeated tbn
ymrag man: '•why. abe got up ua her
toes.-—New York 15un.
ira «UI brlabr aatorat tba iwt a€
Tba vHal aiMatlan wHb tba
■#i|tttotr la aat bawr Bnab tba
To sel. ct foiir holiday gift ; don’t fa’tl to take adtraataiie of tbi. opportunity to
Tbe machinery U aow hetag deHreted.
Bertie RfcbatdM radtei. -A Uttia aad
afaaac tba uBddle uf iaaaaiy tba
Boy*a Bpaoeh.- MUa Ultle Qaarlag work of taaimlUag it will bagia. Tbere
will be throe paper making machtaea
and It wBI taka uaUl tbe early lUBBer
to get them la ptaoe. The Moaarch
rwpar BilU oeeupr Be site of the old
iSrfoTB llttU MU. Maria Lapba. the. «ng U Cibaoa miUs. the oldest la the siale.
Cbma to tbe
pteaslng manner. -Always in the
ilrtSt Bbtoh U- aBbB ftom a Car toa
Jaive barttoa oC Ml Mea*ctoifL
We Ittve fatodredt of ddUrs vonb of hoUd^
SOod« on luod.tliai tve are willtnr to tefiSce
beavdy oa ia order to dose thea out TUNIGHr
•mauAMtAs SI SMmoai
. ‘nimrcaw ttrr,\
AT WtftOBUrTot
.Well KannmandRih
Win AnwM WnW nf TMn cmr ••
Ttea fonerol of X q Bieoignoi. who
•M MOks and Mian Late fnmp^
VAUSff sou
ertng or oU rrienda and neighbor* ta
kqr o meBBOffs tai the Bomb Thba
Water rwnpany. cMog hhn fiSSO te
break the droiMht. or $10 fW ooek tedH
«f rate np to five lachae arhhin eno
w^ J^wio^i^^Nor. ^ The
Walla te a i
Bba boa had a.
la pteMBd «Hb
awT teTta
eetaF Jnfl M Cbtengo the nCher dny,
aaya n Ghknvr dtepntrb, Ibcy dte
Mtea May WmU tan tbla noon for a
M two ef wbom here obcnined a rm-
Ur. aM Mm. Onntiae et OaMlMc. bttMj eC anhasitting tbrnnirtvaa to onrBMna Hocb fovoend It to a cartoln
l-imlbar facatberopa^
term. ». C Daapraa and tbalr nmtbor.
Mrs. B. Gray.
term. P, 8/ Deoaae oT Long Lake
paaaod throng tbe dty today on bor
way to Acmo. wbore abe win spend a voliistecfed to be made snbjccts of anweek wMk frteada.
tboy wlU remaln a week with her
teml or Mrs. Banh Uimley
wui Md fwlardaf aorBlnc at to.so
tail ta koB» or nor m. Hairr Borr.
»tgta MowUi
Stadod cS?MrfSMo
taloil taHM botec eoapoood or the
am Bartel look placo te OakI la dharga oT U D. Cortia.
tOBK eMb bonne
tbo rtmmn o( tbn meBibem
FroparaUooa are procreaalag very
ateeiy for |he Blka party to be liren
oa itbe erootBt oT Jaa. 1.
Wallle LDtaaa. an employe in tbe
A. IV. Frtedilch aboe alore. waa taken
aaddaiily in thl« mornlny and bad to
be takea to bU te>me on Nlntb aireet.
ter. aod Mr*. Mdcber of Union
Mip. C K. waiter at a rery fine Cbriit
Mdoday erealna with a dance at the
tSe^locaf ^el^^^teni ahoir that
tb^ Iratrellna public aeek ibdr horoea
few OUUldc
HoraTT*Nlchd»*‘* orcheatra played
•at ja rtetmler daacc at Kalkaaka laat
”S*T A. Tbompnon. wbo hu been
coaiaed to bte borne for the paat three
I tbe grUV. la able to be about
Baptist Aid society will meet
r la tbe baaement of tbv
L t o clock.
Renale baa been appointed ad-
Lodlen- AM
eodelr d Ihe
1 nt tbe ebnreb
Oone pmpnred to new.
I lecoversd foom tntricato op>
of hope ta Into 1
cm, ten today for a week's Halt wHh
foca *T*d take a ebnnee on tl
Mrs P. a BrlnkenboB or AagoL
day taa Angel and wUl spend some
for Grand Rapid*, where abe wRI
spend some time with her parents, Ifr.
and Mr*. Hodge.
Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Zea* and *teter.
Mr*. J. Jake of Bast Jonten, wbo spent
Chrtatmas In tbe city as goeata of
tbelr slater. Mrs. K. N. Moblo. retnmeo
borne this anemoon.
One or tbe moat nnezpectod airlral*
Soktey for tbe Ynletide family reonloo
onmo In tbe borne oT Hanrey Arory
when be, himself, wbo waa anppoaed
to be In New Orloan*. arrlTOd on tbe
anemoon train In time for tbe turkey
i tbU aft
will later In tbe
week relam to tbU city, where be will
JotaYda family and all leave for New
Orleai^ for the winter.
Mr*. Kltchcr of Muskegon, wbo ha*
been *pendiag jChHitSa* with her
daughter, Mr*.Hcwett, returned home
ODtePloa has Ike wbolo tonitorr rrom
Oraad Jtaplda norUi, on both itdoa oT
Mr and Mrs. Fred Hoover of Kan
tba atala. He vlll make go«lsas City are the guMrta of Mr. and
A apodal eoaBmuAtodtloo oT Trav- Mrs. H. Montague for the holiday*.
aria City lodso. Na tXt. F. and A. M..
Mr and Mr*. Harry Parker of LanBlng arrived Saturday to speed Christwith Mr. Parker's mother. Mr*.
Blgbi oa aeeoaot or ooe of the brothera
^Mr*.**Latm* F. Ttitu* ha* returned
from a weMi'a aUy in Chicago with
her *l*fer. Mr*. Frank O. Balch.
*^S??SwrTttB »oeJetT of U«> B4p- Dr. B. U Paul*on went to Cadillac
tM ekweh will nwt In Uw buement Saturday to spend Christmas and will
return Thuiwdaj. Dr. Wolf* ofdce
Tto Mm's dab of Orton ehnrah wilt
Ullom ten Tor Cbl-
cago yesterday att ll:3S to attend a
onion evangelistic
bv Dr. R. A. Torrey and Prof. Cba*. M.
Alexander, who have recently made a
soul.wtnnlng lour of tbe wortd. He
will return Friday.
Mr*. H. JJ. Robertson of Rendon was
in the city i
Mr. and Mr*. Jacob 1
to the city
Northport with his parMr. and Mrs. Peter Stlbbltz.
womdn’tbeverycaiefid. TbeywonktoY
care If yon died, and they'd try all
kinds of fancy things on x«i. About
ninety-nine in a Imndred wooM never
gel^p off tbe operating table.**
-Tbafi an right- put In MnelMr.
tion of killing TOO-**
Briggs, in bis ablrt aleevM, walked
up to tbe beta. Ibe questioa of viviaection was explaloed to him.
-X wooJdn't stand for If be declared
poaiUvely. "I'd rafoer take tbe rope.
If all hope were gone.**
While Briggs was speaking Uocb regaitled him contemplaUvely. Tben be
tlown tbe atone corridor.
**1 don't waia nny specoUtlon abput
If declared Johann as be turned to
glm bis final opinloa *T wouldn't
want to hope for rwxwy. I would
want to know If tbe doctor* would nev
er let me wake up.**
*«roa dost mean you'd stand for tbe
daraned wife murderer. "OperaUoos
scare me. I’m more afraid of them
than anything.**
"Yea." rcumed Hocb. "I mean that
I'd be wiUing. for tbe sake of bumanIty. to let tbe doctors cfaloroform me
and get to work upon my body. What's
a man’s Ufe worth If be geta out and
everybody points a finger at him and
calls blm a murderer. Pshaw! I'd
rather have the doctors than the rope
if tbe high court deckled against me.”
Chancellor Andrews' theories were
announced In nn address to tbe deks
gate* of the recent natioual prison congrewi at IJncoln. Neb. He discussed
the death {wnalty and said:
"One of tbe moat useful amnices to
humaully which a live bnmau body
coukl iterforro would be letting Itaelf
Stella Revolt and little acm
IS at Sutton* Bay with
spent CJjristroas
relatives, returnDing home>galn today
•la or otberwiae. to help aolre ontstandMiss Mary
morning from
lug pbjvdologlcal or biological prob
with her sister Mr*. G. Hclstcad at lems. A bod.r used that way might
aasJly prodnee benefit to tbe race comtmred with whlcb that of a soldier's
daatb in battle would seem trifling.**
***0. M, Dame and daughter Gladys
• I* A
arrived In the city this morning from
•Tbe reward of fioo.noo offered by
Northport to spend Ihe day.
Miss Mary Oleson spent a few days tbe government of Australia to any
with her parenU at Northport return person wbo may devise a successful
ing again to this city this morning.
mode of extermlnallng tbe rabbit*,
William P. Lang of Monroe Center whose numbers make them a pest, la
was in the city spending Christmas.
atUI atanding.- aald A. McDonald of
Clarence Gardner of E3k Rapids was Melboonie recently to a reporter of tbe
In the city yesterday.
Harry M. Collin* of Bmplre regis Waahittgton Post "It waa olfored a
good many yean aga and a great
tered at the Whiting yesterday.
W. F. Laugblln of Boyne Fbl la spent many people thought they saw an easy
way of getting a nice lump of money,
Christmas in the city. .
Morris Martin and F. C. AffoUer of but ao far DO effective scheme of elim
rer Bun- inating the buxmlm baa been present-,
ed. No matter bow fast they are slain
they breed with such rapidity as to
defy extinction and continue to plague
the city with his parent*.
tbe ^ttiemen and farmers. They are
E. O. Lndd of Old
to London by the tboosand to
tbe city today.
John' Oleman nnd fnmUy returned to refrigerator veaaete. where they are
Kingsley thte moralng after apendlng eagerly bought by tbe EnglMb. wbo
seem to prise them as an article of
Christmas In the cllT
Mrs. B. N. Oartnger and children of food. InAnatrmltofewpeqptewmett
Tuailn spent yesterday In the city
friends, returning bonte mom-
M. H. Cobb and wife of Big Rapids
John White, a conductor, wbo baa a
retomed to tbelr borne this noon nfter paaaenger run on tbe Kansas City
Northwestern. Is believed to have coltected tbe smalleat railway fare ever
taken up by a conductor, mays tbe Kan
dnll dnrlai: tbe past
sas aty Star. A jnman boarded bis
bot few loads being banled and
train a few days aga Sbebadaticket
bringing frooi 40 to 46 oeots.
of Mr. MUbntt la tan^try to- to Axtoil JnncUoii. Her destination
ama Azteil. a third of a mile beyond
j tbe Mel
Axtell Junction. White toalstod on tbe
or tbe eitr. Bcrntmi h»«n at
payment «bf tbe fare
were nUOIed on Oaloa ntreet thin jrltb reteUvea.
Junction maA AzteU and tbe woman
paM blmtite regular fare being
S centa n mite- ‘White took the money
:^sssjsrs’A:;r-' •TKrMi^“Sr„£r’Sr^5SnCU,
the Bonth Trim
Sidney Keym of The Cfoaora. OmeBA arrived la tbe rity yesterday in reOM of tko rwnolB to *•: WoMe to a mceonge roerived tbe day
ent of tbe New York Posl. His views
previous atntteg that hte wife, who te
apendtag tbe winter at Stiver City.
New MexteA. lay oevionaly ill to a boa■■rriiiiftil tmt 1
pItaL After be bod bterM a traia
honrevnr/ontef f
inrr mektog there thaacate. I bre
OHiionda bod
te delayed teavtog until this morning
nt 11 o'clock. Mr*. KeyeaTrit bore
wtih her ooa
tbe fact tbet Japan nnd Amertem
Ooles Joynt and Cbnrtes
not be competitors to any of the
lines of tl^. but might enter
anally baavy downpoor te iboved by
tba fact that It waa tho heevtaat In all
tbe apcctal agent refers aiu not dne that rrgkaL My work done. I to the hospital at a Pnoa
bme becawa I nodreatood tbe board of
anpn’rtenra of Marta county an
ferloc from tiWM rapiojra bj tke me to make a tret to the victoity of
Bon Bafori.
"In Apm I na nndar contat
Mm. AroMsfi Sarrioa Held at Her
tba Britiak govemment to cue of its
Homo by Coptoto Jfioutor.
cotenke whara tbeaottteitehlnpraTbe funeral of Mrs. F. M. Amidon
dooi Bdnarnte, but owiBg to tbe ecaree waa held yesterday aficnioan at 2
rrinl^ ao irntar can te te^ I have. o'clock from the home on Boyd ave
noe. Oapeato Boater of tbe Balvatkm
bf com^wotoec. Tkc aming aded. and 1 teave bera April 1."
Army ofSriattog. The remain* were
Hatflrid dantea that.te te a *
Urrfj loat. be aajra. bj laaaoa ofebaac- maker." He prefers to te atykd "rain
tog prma tbm. dae to tocdsn cooiiaUUoo, and nxire eapaeiall^ by a diapo- aastet It. Wten there la an uni
atUoo oo tbe port ot come caoaanun drought there moat te a canoe for It
A aperlmeo program by tbe Olivet
to change tbelr aUndt aboot a pnrcbaao I remove the cauae and prodnee the
effect. Nature wlU reepdod freely and College Glee club:
aner tbey bare aent Ibe order.
Jenkln*! from "Ivanboe"
OrienUlt Ukefto aee tbe goods for arlUtogly to any artificial aaatetance. (Sullivan), glee club.
wbkb they are contracting nnd take
Yale march (VanaBar). mandolto
tbem at once If salted. They do not
want to order one day and bare to
Reading (selected). Mr. Nevto*.
Ye Calte (Bmltb). glee club.
wait two or three montba for a dellvSolo (selected). Mr. McLaughlin.
ery. They may spend their money to
BriecUon from "Prince of Pllsen."
some other way to the meantime, or te merely an totrillgent means of get
mandolin club.
they may aee elaewberc aometbtog they ting at existtog condition*. lYfty:
"My Lady Lu.” Messrs. Gould. Lar
like better. In tbe latter case they arc from now every state, every dty to the sen.
LongB^. Otis.
apt to take tbe article to sight and Unkn util have its ratonu
Reading (aetecied). Mr. Nevtoa
care nothing for tbe contrset already
Peter Piper (Kobne). glee club.
made. TbU Is where tbe/wle agent
Duet for clarinet and violin (select
comes to to tbe advantage of American
ed). Measra. Oark and Otl*.
Drromtog (Roaal). mandolto club.
firms. .If tbe goods ordered oo contract
* to laterMt Penll*
Plckannlny Lullaby (Macyl. gleo
are not accepted It is jn^ as likely
they can be sold to another buyer to a
College Souga. glee aod mandolin
iP. WUaon, director of the
Another advantage of baring an
Tlckets for sale at City new stand.
I to the matter of arouaagent oo tbe ground U tbe frequent ne
Wall # and Mead*' drug stores and by
cessity for arranging a compromise to
order to keep tbe trade from falling toto tbe bands of other competltom. history among achool children, aay* the
These broken wlU arrange torma to Fhitedriphia PnbUc Ledger. He has
the city llbraiiea
ault tbe piih?baaer. wbo comes to au
earns depldJug the
agreement becmnac be *U aWare there
ns and occupations
arc no other brokers of tbe same firm
of tbe world
to to town and that to get that partic
ular make of gooda or msehlne* ho as wril as their natural aod manofacmust make to arrangemenU right tnred prodneta.
te pack
there. An instance U cited by tbe
agent where an American Arm dW not ed ifk boxes, each box repraeiitiag a
adopt tbe sole agency pUn and found; country, will te loaoed to toacten of
to Its surprUe. that two Americans schools for two week* at a time. On
wcd^ fighting one another instead of Its return a box containing studies of
presenting a nnlt^ front to comi>eU- another country may be borrowed. Tbe
tom of other nations. The fact that boxen wUl coutaln about 2U0 aperimena
both men were trying to aril tbe aamr each and doacna of up to data photoAmerican good* made the example all grapba. Already the exhibits of ten
tbe more remarkable, sioc'e It showed a countries have been completed, and to
willtognea* to sacrifice tbe market to a few week* Dr. Wilson expecu to have
tbe effort to land an individual com- every country oo tbe globe reprcscnied.
kcra of those natJouallties. They Inva
riably hare a tearoom, where they talk
sbo]) with Intending parcbmaers and
not only advance tbelr own ware*, but
casually Interview tbrir gueet as to
what other brokers am offering to do
for him to tbe way of price* and ac^
commodating payroenta. Reacbing the
nail%*e thus over ibe teaeuiw, tbe agent
learns of *uppoM>d defects in hhi good*,
or If be finds tbe buyer has good ideas
for Improving tbe line tbe anggestioiis
are promptly dispatched to tbe factory
and tbe gocls changed to anit the ucu
Tbe point of chief Importance, how
ever. Is the assunmee that tbe field la
open to tbe world axkd that American
firm* can gain a great part of tbe mar
ket If they study the altuaUon and do
what tbelr rival* are ao ready to do to
win Japan's tinde. With tbe end of
tbe war Japaita look again to tbe
greatest comforta of life and wUl npply tbemarivee with sneb foreign
goods as catcb tbrir fancy aod seem
adaptable to tbrir needs. When goods
are wanted qolckly Amertcan firms
naually eutetrip tbrir conpeUtoia. At
Kobe tbe imports from tbe United
State* to tbe first seven months to
1005 reached a total of about 920.000.000. Tbe current year’s record is
Plamea teauiiig from the top of a live
redwood tree Is tbe. sight that can te
seen to the Btatc park to tbe Big Basin,
say* a Santa Cruz coirrepondent of tbe
Ban lYancisco CalL This Is tbe tblid
time to fourteen mootte that flames
bare teen rialble. Tbe fire is burning
constanU.v. tmt at timm ao slowly that
it Is not perceptible. The heart of the
tree la decayed, and It burns like ^
until the blase burns a hole tbrongh
tbe trunk. This forma a vent and
causca the amolderiDg embers to burst
Into flame*. Tbe tree waa 140 feet to
teteht when ft flrat took fire. Now tt
la but ninety feet high.
BALC-Pnlr of Na
weiibt xAbo.
Xmas Dins'
Hand Bag» —proper
•tylM—ooRoct priow.
not plenne you in thb line.
Jewelry Riw from 6c
to S2.50onch.
Pina 10c up. Gents’ Vent
Cliaina. Locketa, etc. La(lion’ Locketo, CittenoA Watch
Folm, etc.
^anc^ Sta^nery 10c
Lawn Doiles5cto25o
BMdNecklacM lOoto
Back Combs IOd to UOO
Side Combs 5c to 25c pr.
DworaUd Child's
Dinner SetiOaxge) 3ji0
For Overcoats of Style and Quality
at Money*Savin^ Prices
CoiTK* here* At your firit opiwrtunity ami we ll abow
yooOvcrcoata of tbe nonaorrs amartest fashion that
will imprewa you uiKm ext
amination as licing tkt
grfifitfisl TklMfi ym stmt
AT $10.00
At this price you can
take yonr choice ol a me.
dium length or extremely
long single.brefisled model
the Hartwell Preabytertan
church which will oonttooe for twentysix day*, says tite Ctoclnnati Enquirer.
Tbe other day the prayer* were for all
members of the congregation w
name* begin with "A." The next day
those wboee name* begin with "B"
were to te prayed for. and ao on all
(alphabet The aervice waa
devtaed by the putor, Dr. Charks F.
MMs la imes.
Lacemaktog is maid to te dying oat
not onl^ to Engtend. but also to Italy
and to Fronen, wbsro nleneon and
qnalitv nerge; made of black
or Oxford friertfi and other
acrvioeable fabrics—not a
garment worth less than
$12.50, special for ^tn
this week only.......
AT $15.00
In this coUeotioii yon
wiU findaU tbeoeirfibgle
aod doubk-bieasted atylea,
*np.to-the.mimite in ^h.
which are received and distributod tbe
trick the __
American firms to protect tbrir tradeter*. A* soon na the natives karn the
difference between tbe real and tbe
apariooB And diaeovtf tbe advaatnie of
Umt vin TlMt roMUroA
OUCHsttr. rrcBN A Co.'
King AJfonao's German profesaor
has been‘dtemteaed from •errice for
tbe allegfd offm«* of sp^Mtoff o Bl PlMw Thtts. ofilted by tbe Uln
tian or worated; nm^ of
W. P. Moms and wtfe of lading-
tad nl^
iMib Sl*ck
porta to tile same
nopolj Buppitee
1 oxen. 4
FAimfr-Glrt tor geneml bonne.
woHl Mra T. A. Pnnnbnlten. 617
tbe American arttete they prriri to
pay the higher price. American fobaeco^ta be«^^taahce of this, even
^ANTCO-A en|tnr. C H. M
WR* A ■eiifinsi SMAorr
N«xt «0M Ke» 7«n. Un
til tlMM don't fanH to and
tba app—^
Abordaaa aod aalafB bdag «o
WM Htii VWitrdty
M 10 trOlMk «l t»M Hmm «f
HtrtM, Harry Barr.
tAv mSiJ^wm taM Umav
ma at X oViock from Ihe Moiho-
for te?te5S? **^ ***'
quickest Core mu«
KiNC*S i MH»w
MfMM frmfk other coontilaa. Bat
we do Jaalat for the praaant at least
that ytm make a definition wbkb wlU
be poatUra. ms woold oaeM
Ida bat aaoagb to blla*
•men whmbodlacar
or im aatam that tt ahowa la arwythlaa bo «ya or do«. Ui hla latton
and prlroto coaroraaUoa It la preamt
aa aBorh at Ui hla haoka. It la oraa
rrroaM la Via artteu. for bo baa rror
hem a prartkal joker.
Hr blaiartf
aar« thatboattiokoaall the tlaao wbm
loamcd to amokr
awabr. hot baa i
ic aamo with bla
In bla alrefi. It
wmm moA la, firtai. ilit world mrm.
mtmm, mmoirn and latlonal rkmrm of
tlitoiB. dito iirtnco of Jt-nrw luw pUrrd
the ngp BikUv a debt that wc oorarlroj
•«Sdl Nmr S
lohnson Drag Cd. S.E. Wait ^ Sons American Droj^Cd:
baa awakaood Cbbia ftao bar <
of aliUDiMr. Bbe now onderatanda that
m moat be prepared to klU aa many
paopla aa poaatbla with fbe leaat axpante to bemaif If dbe b to be nvedr
ad. U tm yaam wo win bare a atandIng arm of fiOCKfiOO mm. wall tralnad
and wall aqdppad. Bat ramanber.
China win nrrar be aa aggriaalra natloB. fiba wm be able to protect barifle*. The record w*aa made by the
I’olverinc two years ago. The floe*
-•Btm drop of blood dnwn by tbelj^
Mab MUl be amngtd by fbe eworiL*|t
East Side Crowd Was Vary Plaasanlly
la Deserted.
mid TOUT Uoeain. Br«y repreaelTa|{
Poor old nob nttflramons Is Indeed
Entertalnod at the Home of M.
to hard luck. Ill* defeat at Jhc hands
nuna can do mneb to barm
Caiper Whitney, editor of the Om- of Philadelphia Jack O nricn Is feling magaRiDo ha» at Uat come out lowed by deserUun by hU wife. anJ to
The Ka.*! 8Me Crowd had Its eecond
that Mie oaks for yoor Joattee to deal- with hlH All Awericaa eleven and It U nhi ll to. act.rdlng to FUx’s story, she
teg dacoofly wttb her honored men. as much of a larce this year as It was took with her the Jewel* which wen- annual Christmas tree last oveolng.
dm If-yon will oxdode her common last Simeon when be refaaed to put tee property of Bol» s second wife and Hen Montague bdng the host and tbo
iHM- M-lug at the home of hU parent*.
Michigan worth more than all the other posse*
people. China most not be treated aa Wimc Heston, tbo groat
of the Mr. and Mr.. H. Montagoe. The tree
kSoos owned by the old
MiebaabamtatbapaRt She will nev
mas a large one but there mrcrc no
er again aobmlt to what Mio baa aufronny presents that It was naablc to
I In the wi»Kt good enough to make
through aliput all he wa* Irfuir all of them cm If* brmcbm and
to the ring a consequently they weyro pSIod btgb
worth. Wlte hts power
Every ooe praomit. and
hlug of the past, the veteran pugilist underneath.
the several that were abscat. rocolved
Why fSTiItirey should place Krker
’****1 counlry without remembrance* of some kind and thcr*
sail, acknowh-dgod the greatest quar he first
wen* a number of clever take-offM of
terhark tn the emmlr>- at full back, le a cent.
of ncrcrml of those
Webb Jay Back.
qoestion which pussies all western
llajkr Jebn J. DooVr of PorHand.
Webb Jay. mho has flirted with pi (sent.
ir^ mortaunt toapector general of rifle f(K>tball critics. \Sl»ltncy doe* nothing
After the revtral hundred gift# had
death on various occmalonr. has dt'pracMoe. has perfected d tann for to enlighten the football crlUcs aa
of apmakes n<» coromeni on putting the cldod to ro-t*nier the motor raring
rifle ^dleo tn armortee
rrashing ph**, frie<l eakex and itwect elder were
great little quarterback In a poaltloij game
tteMsOr tee naticoal guard, aaja a
m rv<Ml and the
VlrglnU reel
which he has never played In hi* life. through a fence at RuCtolo at the rate
danced. ThU was followcHl by a abort
Portlasd opeeUl to the New York
He probably And* hlmKclf In the «aroi
mind to quit the game, tmt the fever program which cIhkhI a very pleasant
fix aa he did last season when he ad
The target la conipoacd of two tblck- mitted that Erkehmll was good enough has taken poasestlon of Mm again, raid happy evraing. The crowd then
clattered drays and returned to teclf
aemem ot plunk, aniiported by a frame
on. but that he did not ami now ho say* he mill enter the
homes, each one looking like a doparlraatliig on a base which bolda tbo tar- LUow where to put him. It It posHihle racing next season when the CMeago
r he may have had an idea Automobile club holds Us meeting.
get upright and allowa of Ita being
mored to any pert of the arm
In Mad Chase.
There la a email apace between
front and rear aerttena of the Urget.
Millions rush In mad chase after List of th« Offlesr* Etocted al Maple
Hutchinson is the
of faddism
and white on the front aectlon is placed
health, from i
|K>«mnn j
The following fs^*llKl of officers of
to another, w en. If they would only
tee target ItaeH there l« on the roar
eat good food
fnr»d and Keep their iKiwels Murray post of Maple CUy fur the cu•ectkm a ateH plate to prerent the bnl
that Hutchinson Is In the same cIssh
regular wlte l>r. Kings New Life suing year:
leta penetrating bote ^K^llona.
The with Bekersall.
PUla. IbelT
LbelT troubles
iroublca would all pass
CUunmander. Abner 8. I-Yllr.
■etoctlon. Michigan Is
away. Prompt relief and quick cure ^ Senior
Iranctc to drop to tee floor after they left entirely In the ertd. not one
for liver and stoihach trnublo: 25c at
ced on I
bare atrnek the etoel itette. The front Yoafs proteges bidi
Junhir vice eomwaodcr. Ixuls '
____________ ________ and Ya
section la ao orranged teat tl
ha« been
very thoughtfn
t will reat and
Siifgeoii. C. McIntyre.
three men from each ehsiTond eleven.
It will bo
ta Eater His MM.**
h» WMI Trtii .hotr. forth In hi. Iranc rrtaWon..
ArtMMML but It I* too nrarb of ■ | Uel. « ro<i«ol hoU. ftiinoac fw hi. ani-
Wban the rlaltora airlvad Mra, Clemena almoat fatntad ob dtoroTedng that
the baby waa her own.
Twain waa alwaya fond of oata. He
bad a bunch onco that did not lire
They were orerwctgbtod wllb
their namea, be thought. The namea
were Bonr Uaab, ApoUlnarta. Eoroaater
and Blatberaklte.
R« 1. not OTCTfOOU of ctottM^ r»fmlns pq««ma. .ronnU boinr., llo »l«H.lly dHcU coltar. nod ernrat.;
mira llTln« at Ilulford be UMd to
rilmb oror tb. I»rti f«M» and «tl ou
HanM BMCbtr Btowo. ’nauallj 1u a
coUariM. foodltloa. On. momtn* aftw aurb a can Mra. Stowe rrcchrcd a
peckaca cootatnhie a collar and eratat wttb tbla DOtc:
fbiwito the past-
; tiniiie, nuU l>e*kiea Mark ) compliments, and Is afrectteoBle tn nil.
Twato flu bei«.T.
He was Imni at I bis home relstloo*.
HU *later-ln low
Klorlda. Mo.. Imt early mored to llan ! baa sakl of him that •welf never w-ema i
albal. HU fateer was an nlmentmlud- j to enter bU mind. Tl»e want* of otb-j
and forgot the youngster at nrs are nlwTtya ui»|wrmo*tbtwrd tee !
l onccmlng bis niothcr. the fouious
him and orarloek : bumoriat once aald: -Aa to wit I bare
^ raailly on tbo road. Mark bad III ' met my WaterlM. There U one wo1%. fie acboolliig ami 6cc-bdic a devil In bit man whom I could never get ahead of
^irotbafa printing ofllce. Afterward he * in repartee^my mother.** IVhen Mark’ll
W*s a cub pilot on tbe MUsUalppl. i ateaml>oat capUlu reproved him for
fibers be baa been de^rrUird a* green I bla drawl tn speaking, asking him.
teoklfijr. pkxldlug and slow. One day 1 **What makes you pull your word*
file raptaln aakl to him:
i eo'/** tbe then cub pilot replied: “Yoa-ll
-fiam. you’ll make a r.vcrman eome ; have to ask my ma. 8he pulU them
4ey if you’ll Just r*t over tbla non
tee same way.•Mtoe of writ In* fer the papers. Why !
Mark Twain’s wife was a Miss Olh'Ia
don’t you qiiltr
: iJingiWo of Elmira, whose father waa
-Vet. raidatn.- replUvl the future , quite wealthy.
When tbe courtship
bomorUt. -‘and don’t ye s-poae I might was young Twain railed on tbe old
make a-firrttyniCKid writer some dar ! p-utleman.
Fldllng toward tee door.
If I’d Jest get ovrr4hlaHryi«*^lo be a lie tlmWlf asked:
-Have >ou noticed anytelng between
At tbe outbreak of tl»e war be Jolnetl i your dangtiter ami me. Mr, Langdonr
a tfinjedarate company of Irregulart,
hot sras never to much of o Uttle. He
eald tee enemy never wanted to fight
when bU men did. and when tee ene
my wttted to flgbt Ms fMU were generany on tbe move. So be left
StTfidi Ny Mrt tigbl A«nHU broteer who bad ow bM tee print-
mum UMaa: they are aQ
waa bum with the Uteben In front
order, aa the owner aakb that the aerranu might aec the callera wltboot tak
ing Uiue to nm Into the halla and peep
\\nien during a contagion one of tec
Twain houses wAa disinfected Mark
aald that tee fumlgator was eo strong
*«||}at it took all the brass off the door^oba and all the tune oat of the pl,naTwalu’a Uteat book. In which
skins King Leopold of Belgium, la
probably the boWeal stuck ever made
ou a crowned bend, and It U as rightoona aa It U brave.
Tbe crowning act of the career of
tbla most /amoua of American writers
waa in paying off the debu of tbe publuhing firm of Charles U Webster fle
Co., teongh not legally bound to do ao.
It took him years of bard woiV In hla
old age. but finally every cent waa met
Tbe world bad laughed with Mnrk
Twain before. It learned to love him
•a m«ii attMtlon ta brtof laTlabed OB
a moBfcar
ta tb. B.W pafof one
ct Boatoa'a aortal ll(hta that U loots
as tbouch many of tbsas llula animals
■ay anioy a banv eatatanra
rtrty'. baaaaroot roof boforo tb. wln-If yow keep a ehan* lookout you will - tar la OTsr. aaya tb. Now Tortc Prraa.
Tbe Twnlne had three dtugUtera, and Tbs woman la qnaatloa dots not krap
to commemorate tbe^ b»rtb tee pitml bar pet lodoora. but takes him oat
fkteer fraeted three bindsome atone dilTlBC wllb bar, glrUtt >1^
I watering trougba. wlte tbe name and him in bar sflalpapo whlrt
i date of birth cut oo each, tens pubtUb-
**—•(Slt'lISiTiJJrt mSd2d*rt»tor!
rawy. ne
tog fW tbe
: ■ head Wlleoa- and -Mulberry fieltoPi-
_______ ____ _
aad ondcr tbl* MM*
though*^’lnrer**'camp. do^^
In WkUa.r'« wi«
Mueb of tee bumoriafa work la done
at bis wurnmer borne at Samnac Lake,
where be goes to cncape from bla ad-
Ha once told William Draa Howrlla
that todadakBi bad made bla fortune.
Wban be ooold iiot de^
4i»md bb lost oldbet for a dvir or an
apple be kept It and ao got ricb.
Here b a sample of a mtber atniillng
praenco^ Joke. A kindly old cooplo on
whom the Clemenaaa were going to call
TIhtt la a irmlrnr aide to UU woilc.
were aurprlaad In the early erentag at
a qaalliy of patboa. and tbla amllrr
finding a yonng baby left on their
front atepa. IVey derided to adopt the
mm. la
K -IpBidout ovor 916so to looolRliir^
r. I anar
bo^o St
Of lalo, bowerer. soma of bar family
Plato aad odd RtakfO hara dtaappwrad. Bad It ta aaapartad that tbla
lataat addHIoQ to tbs
petnoved by sliding them from
frame and new pieces substituted.
1 prlare to IntroSa
Dlab to HU PHweooR.
Pork and bean* In the pan. family
yie. Is alKWt to be Introduced to tbo
tnbira of tec nobility qf Austria, says
special dispatch from Siamford. Conn.,
to tbe New York World.
I>r. Robert T. Morris of New York
reecatly bad u gueet at hU country
plaee. Metriebrook. tee Prince of Colloredo Manfekl of Anatrla. who waa
tiraud by the booaekeeper. Mrs. J. C.
Wright, to ao old fartiloned New Englend dinner, with pumpkin pie. apple
sauce, homemade pickles and pork and
beans. Tbe Utter won tec royal guest’s
••Yon muet give me the recipe for pre
paring teto dellclofia fllsh.- said the
prince. And tlie proo*l bouaekeeper
wrote U dosrn. Tbe prince aald he
woold see to It that bU princess introdoced tee dish luto his castle.
Bow a Dog F0004 «10/MW I* OoM.
The lustluct of ii Cbeaapeake bay
(km recently resulted In tbe dUeovery
of gold dust worth glU.OUU bidden to
tbe borne of George E.
One night ree»uily Ut ma* Sunday
o. of Ik. N. W. Heirliigton.
graces of the eastern college*
nlgftti n rnther »^-edy
t>. of
Ji»se|ili ITIee.
un!vcri*lTi«*s. Although
Alihougli Camp de
stei*I**’^l up to the iMir In a suloon sou
Adjutant. J. W. Dlrkerman.
that both Curth- and Schultx
Noid to tec purteiidcr:
Delegnle to stale encampment, JbliB
jod enough
the Michigan eleven wen- good
•‘Von wouldn’t take a turn’s l.«.st eenti Uago.
for bis w-ct>nd tram, Whitney caul
>r n/drliik of mhltaky. w. uM > >ur’
Alternate. L. nonn( r.
I and’
IhMr ;
plan** men
inferiors In Iheir js
hedule Ready.
—Soerriary '
-Y*^n \U'T wonw!’’**
Knowles of the New Yorl
The (Sher NlglK-d: ’‘Well. I’%c got*
q-;,,. c;;.vnd Tiaverse county farmera’
about completed the arJjc
i to have the whlsk.v.” lie Mild. He va< inKilim^ vlll Ik* held In this city Jan.
spring training trip. The
n 1 aened m Ith the «’rink. "Y.rti iii; nii It: m 2«. The following arc the dktc* for
port to Manager McGraw on March
and will proceed Immediately
. Tcnn. Tliey will stay In that cJty I cent?” he .nnkeil
until March 20. when they will go to .
-.Sure.” said the Imrlcnder,
n. 26-27.
Kalkaska - KalKmka. Jan
onto #he
Nashville, pin)lug there <on March
Bay. Jan. 22-20,
bar. -Well, there It is.” hr >n\d. and
23 and 24. Oni .March 25 t!
’opeailsh. Jan. 18 10.
Mani.^K-e Cop
again nt Memphis,
out be wenL-^Nem* Y<*rk Tiiiii-H.
until the last day of th
ames will he pltiycMl at UUI
month pa
Hock and Memphis, and then McGraw
Young People Married at Home of Mr.
.md hiK men will go to IxmlsvlMc.
”I.Afi.eycd pci^de simply own th*
and Mr*. Edward Lowry.
the Amertran
association town Ihe-c ilayA" f-ild n Bnaduny
John R. Bush and Mlvh Maude Lconn
team of that cltv on March 31 au1i,„.„p„{. -q; tho;|:rominenr«- nnd Ini-;
r-IIan.of this city were united ifi
April 1. On April 2 they will play lu-j ,H>rt.nn. c of that iqdlr eniitlnuc to In-;
dlnaapolis; 3 ami 4 Columbus, win* |
,vc sb.il! one .bi
Ing up their trip al Wheeling (m April
patir>nts; siindav evening at C p. m.. only Iba
Two days lan-r they will om*n the
.-ilc-mly cem-! immediate ft lends N'lng present Tho
’ -1
-eremony waa
• win reside In
at the Polo grounds.
other nnasslstcl by »* mote, vtnot <» *«
The Naftonal leai
serson. II is expired, will be oin-ncd times oat of ten that test show s liow [
on April 12. with the champions pis.'HP useful the left e>c U tean |
Ing at Phikidelphla, Brooklyn meeting
- '•—Brooklyn hhiglc.
Walk., aaya a dUpateb from that city
to tee Kanaae aty Time*. When tee
secret eervlee epsratlvea entered the
Adams borne to make a aeairii they Prank O Brlm of the Yale Imsc t^ll j
cuHlraled tbe acquatoUnee of tee dog. nine has onnounecd ns his
which U a trained retriever.
A few Ihe season that Waller Camp will hej
mtoutee Uter be came walking up to (hr general adviser of the team and
ihai the fleltl covrhing will bo doi|c by!
tbe «pf!raUvea with a package conutoBill) Lush, the former l>eirr>it a:
tog gold dost to bU moMtb. With tele
Cleveland play
toceoUve tbe aeetrbera act to wortt season’s nine.
with a will, and undmeaUi tbe tone
Capl. O Brten ks's there la
of coal stored- to tee haaemeot they rhance for a new rage for t
Is for the 11
found aeretnl more packages oooUln- of the season of
Ilrncturr are *Mll lacking and ground
Win not liC broken for the
cage during the pre^nt
three rear* since the rooter*
Tala teaiB sUrtod to col^ ^***/'^ 1
1« WmeU Wat*r tavolg.
tWtaSs2*ta‘C:.‘rbimma.prt. •Mwloraa
teriBkoga to tea world’a wntor sttptort to bMUre that bm telogt were ply boa bora prafiictafi by M. MtrtoL
tea Praocb cxplorar of ctrra. to a lactoro, Tbrongb tec croaloo and corro€f tea oartefi oarraca. be raid, tb*
roeently fined at Kew fitter Wm to belDg coattoatlljr krarA
ad. mM be bad amted
bU employer teat he ftee elmar- tog tela fim ofiortiid « bma i
•boolA pay aU flaea. Tbe prae- tee fiortd win a few coDtorlM
Japan boa a now ptrlodiraL Tcgwml
gtoi of fifikb Ii to trate tea
tagger 09MWlt tottora. Tlwadltor
to thtor mpm» ovl eorloaily tnoofib.
apfitoatteaboiiltaf I
to too ol4 to bfiffi
&jRSi?es. 'Steffi
No Secrets
to coaeoai; so oacreis to
Ve poblish tea fomoloaoralloar
BM. You will find teoaa to Arefg
Alinanae for 1906; or vrfie at mod we
win tend tee® to yoti. Tlfea obow tea
firTwg fiBdtof, ofid asTW
tot fiori CKallang*. ^
Kalsmaaoo. Mich.. Tk*. 2fi.->Thc
Katomaaoo lea Yacht rtab. In prrparIng. for the
to the
teUr eommodora, D. C. CMto. tboy anoonora that they ore ready to co»-
Oite^c l« told by R Rarer Aablcf.
Feed. Buckwheat. Rye. Graham.-and
Wholewheat Pour. Yellow Cranulated Meal. Buyers and shippers of
Grain; car lota or less. Custom feed
grinding a specUlty..
tOOMaadadb W. SV«Uk.
-Oto. PhMS «*l
- -3
TKAVtmc eriV. aieMWAH, tuumv. Mccuaui m,'
' limYesrialvf^ Bikes a ceaerst ckastirak.
attfeat tluemBefses articles ef vaDe tbaiBarto
0mmu jm uqr fltoarea^ kajrfr )^k tto
•( C«l«diM r«e» ui M.ui4 «l|5
MMMKlew fs«M to.Be facad.
.iliiinib mpHlj
A Ft9;0MnL
su orl*. a to» ML
Me ««•
Of J*oe.
no oMnonae HooA or iho MMU Mr- latmtaod br Seootor
Hood if Mojfr fonorml Btrro BtbiM. bm ir tbo intoftuto coou
At dIHfMt tiato bo boo boM frfa BBlIw If tbo moot ndloBllofMOr. It
S9m H«xko ood Woot Vtr
oil tbo proTtolobo or tbo BMbM •iimMM mo IIU'OMW w1*
bOl and la odOlttoo ob#ofr0tm f» fMB04r «i ffiU mhm food.
Dmiote to fljr BimmoBi of
SS -ptnwii Mtgbrr Joaof orBUiOi^ woH
Doa«r BklMid Boa fli« «uw rsU« w
AfMv. O^HraiMlMdtotefmA
AMUmT. n» fMT
fi«u DOC bo fMtttaDd to Mr
iD dM rkH iblMMr. At far tm
pcMiWo ODO owMDKr ii»H boro oo
OQMldbow wllboUc
W tTMtl Ifl Mf ftMHMl 1—Ml Kow vooroMttlMltbo lor or tbo loM.
mmMoi te iM«f^ tiM
n^fr! fS^Hn
Al mrrni ta M li *i fHM.
BortM MoraODod oonocbloff oT tbo
■<iirylnllM wjorttr Hr WWA tbt oootoev or tbo bottioMd. fbo aoct
iMMt pMMd tiw Mi^V»vMn4 IHH tbiM Is to look bito tbo coDdltlon or
9t|tlM Use twrti lit to 17>4iiAkBlM
tWrv wUI ^m90Ajnrtk9im- foroso} WbodMti tbo moot oanf \Vboto
OfO tbo bif BDDSt Wbol oboot Mo
liuthMtuitr, Tu
ss‘«^ :£.•£: aiLiSS;
aadtoboDtopoTldoDcoforltioir. tbo
Fotoba bill prortdos thst tbo mottw
or telM ntos flboH bo Ion to Ibo PailOfUtoo brtiodo. but tt Is Dot
od nioioo ftmns. Tbo EtkUia biu U CO
tbot 0 DMlorttr or Ibis bodr will roUow . U Id tbo Dotoro of o comproariso.
#▼\#rblVL So«iOOoortboasMoMl4obo;iMtbtcoauBiooioopowortoaolco|lDdcoBDlrlM at t«1>lM oror tbo rortraw ! ingoiMt taorlof tU rooi ntU iPokiog
to Ibo rolbood foreoo. bot bo If o fov powor Id tbo bonds of tbo coorto. oDd
goDorol ODd 4oos not dro blmsoir i piwrldlM fuitbor tbot bronob HoM or
owor* Broty row days tbero <
**foodoa.** are to bo.allowod f
DMMB tbot be Is bring to etoet d coa- tbslr pro rau sbars of receipts on
froMtot that am carried both by them
UM tbot bo narM mccMofol .
and tkt tmk Una. Ilanto. kff tHo
Anotbsr gioot oomiwindir to tbo ood- way. to one of tbo nubs to tbo eonDis IstisMna Jtoto W. Aldrtcb. wbo
IpUs Ursa Rbodo Islond. Now. Aldrtcb
tbo oMtMdiM boots look OOOIOtlllM It not aocb on droa poindo. bm bo It
Vko this: On ono ddo Tbrodora Boom- o alfbtr ann of ttrotogj. Oboro u do
roll, Mowing bis tootb; on tbo otbnt doobtottobitpotUkm. lloUoiHioDtd
tbo roflnads ond fororod obtppon. IMt
loiomodi- toDcbFUlKbarrt.ot.blju to tbo todit
^ iMMk la • ««A >■ M to WfartMT
troTw, hr the aUowahee of
rata to prirats branch Itna bka bosn
ons sir tbo motbods of gtrlng rsbstm
Tbo contatlon of the
agatoat giving tbd proposed powor to
tbo Intersuto commerce commission ot
any tobor aoc-uUve body to that rats
maklug to an oxAwwliugly lutrieato and
delkato process, wbicb can only be
bandied by experts; tbst It o'onld dtotnrb nod dtoarrsujco bmtlooss; that to
fix lower rstio tiisu those Id furro
would bo actuslly coofiMcatory. aod that
It wt^jkl irivo the government the powor to fix a price on tlielr private prop
erty. which to traaiK»rUtion. They
lirofea lo bo anxious that all raholm
mid be dae
noosofoU If found to bars It Is ate to ay tbai bo Win bo Aauoit-
cd In the courts. It to only fair to say
on tbto polnu however, that the su
preme court bus decidChl that rate makbM oompoiod to o Bre olorm. but tbot hu; to a kgtototive functlon.aiul cannot
WM by bis ouemles. He love« nothing be vested lu the ixKtrts. they only bava much a a flgtt ami gonorally la to tog the right to enyotn an Iniustkoone. both tnakletoa own Una and ouL
for example, a rate that would amount
to conflsc'atkiD of property.
VIM Warrisa.
BMI* W«r«k Gh^ to Set.
Araysd agatoot tboa are* a valiant
tost of warrioa wbo ors stpding by
The bodr of ImmeJtntr Imorvst I. the
Cokmel nouoo^ olt. Cblef of jstbea per
haps is General !*bUauder C. Knox of
mmsylranla. Kuox will handle the
legal end of tbo ampalgn and ts emi
nently aited fa the Usk. With tom
bo Coloool Jonathan V. IklUra of
not toko from tom. Ula toggsot gun
at tbto mdoubt to o Cannon coltod Iowa. He to o mighty aata. ond hto WlU anpiK>rt him. One. MllUrd of NV
Undo Jot. It oomotima acattort. but roko wUl Ota* bo bard Mecrlng too braaka. to doubtful, but It to beikrad
word. Unod up on the aaae Chat he will line up with Uooarwit, aa
boieba smoko ond Bro and
bo tbo votoranf. Allkon ond bto state orarwbclmlugly supports the
things oxcoedlngly Intoratl
rconiU bo president Of the Demormts at least
frtoDi ond too. AnoCbor gun to
by Jobn Sharp WlUlama. and when St forxoUen. La FotteCto of .Wlaconato- four arc said to favor Uu* Roosevelt
r>es off tbo report may bo bard tor oew in the aooate. bot not In tbto Bfbt plan. This would assure fsvorable acmUes. It baa been known to blow o He baa been abootliiff it into tbo roU- rioD by the committee. A cauvsss of
tbo acoate Itaelf would stKmi to Indkata
**kld /rangreoaman** Into smaU ploceo. rada fa lo. tboa many years.
Of the Demorratk bats most of that sormaent control wUI wta out.
WTUlo It Bra Doniocnttc abolta. tt moy
thorn wlU bo ilgbttog with tbo prsai- At toast asme biU to iimctlcaUy certalu
be c-ooutod fa the praidwt bore. _
dent Two notable exceptions will be to be paaaed. even though It be a cosnGorman, tbo veteran strategiat of promtoe. It win be a battle worth go
the bast infonned
vomUl n^nMBt and OJiartfa K. Tinni. I Maiytoad. aad U««ai> of Alabaan. ing miles U acc.
.CDd ot th. Mlohlrm to^
tbo dlfffrsnco boCwoeo prirots eontrul
onrt public coutroU Howo^-or rolled or
bolofBod. dilt rrmilni tbo cblof eontoiitloo. miippod of oil oklo losoa. tbo
But In
qoatioo It tlfflplo. Urns tbo notion tbo
rigbt to fMttloto tronaportotlou tolltf way. And looked ot closely tbo o
aido doa Dot loom quite miltod.
tbs raUrood men are not gottUig Into
tbo tight IVrbapa they are wtoo to
tboir gi*noraUon aud are wlUtn* to
wbrtber ftoigbt odaduia «a too blgb take a alight pmulag of prlrllcga tost
or too low a cron oa to wboCbor tboro o worse thtog bofaU them.
it dlocrtmlntUon a fovorintm. AU
Aa for tbo strotogic adrantagea. the
Mija tbtoM oro torolvod. bm tbkr do
not coaotltDto tbo crux of tbo toottor. proaldont to totrooebod on Capitol blU
Tbbt tuma upon tbo arorolgn powa to o otrong fortraa known u tbo
of Ibo Unltsd Butoo over-Its common
rorridra. llnrtag got tbio ono point
flxM, tt It poalbJo to wodo Into tbo
Ut^tba or tbo nb)oct wltbout lootmT oDo^ barings. Boforo tbo ovor
MO bgr mind tockico a laattcr a ajstorloa a tbo modem mltwar ato
Docuo oDcb prooouUa U Dewssary.
One otba thing ts door, tbst tbo roUroM question is totsrm'ova with tbot
DU ogtutla ODd tbo U'of trust trtols
Mowsd tbot. Thfso twojraucoms wort
bum up lorgeir on tbo >fbot^.^ltoB
aipo Is tfus or proetkoUr od^
tmm tbot stops a.rsooixt* prodocua
a^t to toktog
tbr frsigbt cots
tssltsr tbo preoidoot seoms to boro got
to tbto view, the adm
Of tha f«end amv to oppoajaoo to
ot ibo top root or tbo whole trust pUut !!!?
control It may be pipdicted train has on a fuUbaodors
This BOka tbo losuo boToro cougroa are ancii faared by the Iba. « tbw 15?;”
‘ ‘ .........................
hare dooa datdl; execoUah to tha!™' they wUl bear down on the ad- somebody bad better get: off the track.
tt then wlU be a
point Is fiirlj plsin-codcodmc tno obstrsft poopooUioD tbst tbo
goysnmiat bos tbo right to fix rota
did little
The story of the torture of Rev. O.
i tocomotlre off tbe track at
too^M^t Is tbs^ evil ot wtoeb ttoo
to Bciplo. but that
D. Moore, pastor of tbe Baptist church
long dtoUDce. Another famous fighter
I otoadl lo It not
will tatorat
re stampeded and did create of UarpersTttle. N.
M^glvtof ori
you. He mays: T Buffered agoalea.
TkS hecaua of a perslstat cough, raolting from file grip, I had lo sleep attV Wins It. It shouki not tine up in bed. 1 tried many
that rotooel Uooeen
r a warrior himself
la. wnen u doaen't break away
, dtopoaltkm to crowd tbe Bgtai
cured my cdugh. and ared me tmm
tM Bgbt befoa he to.^ o. Z^ttlrikU wlU be left
ttat mntt ntiatn Are etUl ^
i.- A grand cure fa«dlaof >ud-poIltk.lly Meakini
that. «tUe «te UH nttira of al tady. Than tbero to Brigedtor Oen- j
tkms of Throat i
|ui of tk* ebtovee to aot todolfwl to
W. S. Heont. vbo to ■ eort of aa . Too i
Drag Co. F. H.
H, Mads. C
drogglsts; price
pricB Al^
Ate aad
A.^Bugbea. dragglrts;
teed. Trial bottle Ibc.
ssi'-toS’iL’^to.riss'tLiL; i
terfdnal talto and tbe Hkn. Tim paal- doa play baroc witb
4eot s daetre to to clotbe tb^ cuamtowith powa to gel at tbaa MtoM
amd correct tbe abupa If detoariDid to
ItoSdL Par axampSk If a
^ ^--------- -
^ aoaechlng Hte
Maatota girls are taaraaa of Mt
who baa bM ffMaeDUr
OB tbe atreeto of Uie. ClUm aiw
putramM tbe atrecU every nigkt to
protect wanen fna attaeka. A few
Blgbu ago Oeorge Parda. opok la A
■akxm. to alleged lo have ebaeed three
girto tor two btodm. aad then la
_ thorW naae aad claiming IHnea on ksr part. makiDg bor In nad
oC tbs money. Tbo arrat dtocloaoo tbo
tact that County Agent Morrol has a
arlout case on band, as yoong Walker
sesas Incorrigible to tbo extreme.
Itoriag Uo past ihmo yoars bo has TO RCNT-Oi
stodea fO btcyctoa. oror BB other artlquire of H.
olod. pawalng and soUtng tbo same
4M 11-lf
Lot 71. iDd boom. Oak Halghtg.
One of tbe beat loeattoas la Um altr
Two bUBdrod tbouand dollars are FOR RINT—lloua oa Morib
ip bo spent la th# erection of an open
woodavmue. F. . Goodrieb.
It to 14 D»a laud M BrnwaM
hearth atoel plant b/ the Lake Bn• !-_____________________ docT-tf
ablp^ about 1 mttt from city HmlM.
pertor'corporailoa at the 800. aoeordIM lo a sioiomoat by Gcnoral llanag^ HOUtC for tent. Ml Btato atraet. 7
Winard N Sawyer made to the newarooms; small barn. If per mouth.
4 «0’B IM mitoa waei of Oadar KS.
papora Work to to batoriod on the
a J. Mtorgaa.____
,dOc 7^
project at once. It will add largely to
the force of men employed, and
make it posaible to use ore from the OFFICE ROOMS for reaU Wilhelm land. Boll good.
block, earner Front and Union.
Also several gfltodge land eontraeti.
Ilolon mine, a property of the com
aug l^CI
J. S. QraUtob On.
paar.. apd xenorally baiidlo non-Bos.
nov n tf
•eroerorcn in tic manufactun* of storl
products. The new move will make
the company practkolly Indepondcut
of American mine owners.
Utica is dIvidcMt agalnat Itaelf over
the qooktlon of iaaulng bonda for 110^
000 for a water works system. Afior
two disastrou recent Bra the voters
on Jqco 10 authorized an Issue of
bands, but oven tba some of the tax
payers p^ested against the expense.
Finally Village Ckrk Ralph Wlloox
iWfWd to sign the bonds whkh had
been sold to BpUzrr A Co. of Toled<i.
Mr. Wlloox allegod that the bonds w* re
The t
ed ths couru. two suits baring been
begun at Mt. Clemens. One Is by the
vUlage counetl asking a mandamua to
compel Wilcox to execute the bonds,
and !•* this a*' order to show cause
was entered for Doc 18. The second
suit Is aa injunction naked for by IC
taxpayers, wbo ay they represent
IllAdOO worth of property, lo rostrain
the council, clerk and village prswldent
n proceeding farther with the Umd
luue. Tbe haring on this Is also set
for Dec 18. Meantime tbe tillage «s
sizzling over the question.
Annajfteeman. the Hastings. Neb.,
school lacher. who told her llanre,
Jamoe McCormick, of Hastings. Mich.,
that she would wait ftw him until he
was free, after he had ct)nf»-5sed M
larceny at a Kalamazoo hotel last
er. who to well todo. came to hto ali
and paid all the costs In the co»«-.
about %:*W) McKIormic-k left at once lo
join his bridi^to-he. who had been pros
trated at her western home since the
arrest of her lover.
H. W. Uxjmls, a Geneva. N. V.. milUonake. who ays he fought one ntllroad in Loulslsna for seventeen years.
Is In Ionia and says he wlil say by the
Pere Marquette until be gels a cl^r
title or oompentatlon for about threequarters of an acre of land In Camp
bell township. It apiMwrs that may
lutek In the ’70’s the old Iwowell A
Hastings roadbed was put across this
Tbe company faib*d and not un
•ron toW.
IsW. The Pore
ss the 'ron^
but Mr
Lcumls claims no right of way was
ever given. That tbe callroad also bos
Its dander up to evident by tbe appear
ance In th# city of Charles McPbers<jn.
of Detroit, attorney for the Pen.Marquette. The case to on call in tho
under be- cloak whMe she wa negole nurchaae of
taking a chance that he was^**St’ mis
taken ke suddenly threw aide the cus
tower’s outer garment, disclosing the
bidden volume. Tbe t
and In great perturberat
eenis charged for the Bible which she
bad openly alerted, ad as she baile.t
oat of tbe <loor eM# looked like (he
price of her purebaa
Had It not been '
presence of mind
Alonzo Cbarette. of Menominee, now
serving In the Phnippina. would, with
about flfieen of kis compaoloua. have
been kiUed by hostile aativa. The
soldiers were off duty and were en
joyingA Urk wba they were set upon.
One of tb« women with the party of
wa a
friend of Private Charet'e. ad la tbe
excitement she slipped awav ad
alarm Chareuc’s term
of enltotmeut expires In a few months,
aad the little Jap girl will iwturn to
the sta*es with him a bU bride.
80 manv -exMning out” reecptloqt
bsve been held in Wabingtoo and Daltfmore la’ely that mothers of tbe more
exclalve sets bare about decided to
abandon sueh affairs and wlU sllow
tketo gtoto to dapasom tortb wttbmil
cereaoBv. The castom on the eootineni to for a motbor to tabe her dangbter to call oa tbrir friends and to leave
Then tbe glri arlO be lavited to
able puma and to eoneklerad
r tounaMd. Tkto method to
gaining favur nverywkefe. Utotead of
f vtoe parral watte 1
til the girt k
and tbcnaii
ddyon- In taidaa debut parttoa are
nme; In Firia and Beriin Umf are a
^uf tkepasc
\ >J|Y A IlffCOm WAMT AOl
Ae ’
l» llH- tb.ftir ellbout
i«o. iu»t III nU. lUyK*u- 1m«< l>e.n
mgnreO aa oflHu ilutt
1^1, •i.ip
tlH-in or not,
slie iitea«w-«i. before tot
ting tbeUM gi> tiMT far. ju«t tP well as
If slie bod s rlmiHVWi rgiil Ibere 1»
bfwr «-\er>nlilng ttal was ookl. Aud
tlveu. .vtMi kii>w. siu4-e wi gi»t tbot
moJtey frvHii piy I.Utoband to iiuHe. we
really an* lio w«-li off (list I wonldu't
llilitk of liaviug tor sue anybody for
brMKk of promise, even it I knew
tbere couldn’t be any failure ataivt
grttlug heavy damages. I >n*t couldn’t
feel right sUmI Uking Mich money,
nxed ns we are.-—CWcagc lt<v*ordlli'mld.
A acboolmastrr. after haring poDlabed one of bis eeboUfU for atwaklog ungrammatically. s«t him to tbe
other end of tbe rojm to Inform anoth
er boy that be wtolved to s^omk to him.
Tbe .voungster. determined to be exact,
thus nddreesed bto fellowl, |vuidl:
-A common substantive, of tbe maseuIlDC grader, singular aamlrt*. nomlaatlrc case, and In on angry mood, that
fdts iwrvbeU upon tbe rmlnemw at tbe
other aide of tto* room, wtolic* to nrtlcvilate a few aenfct>''*w to you In the
If fortune disregards the claim.
Don’t hang thy head In fear and sbllto H *
But marry the girl that yuo leva best: ^
Holllsicr’, Horky Mountain Tea vUl
do the real.
Johnson Drug Go.
man named riaus llvos near Marshall. Mu., aad he has a son wbom be
named ftonu. *n>c latter about ibU
season of the yar hardly dare apoetr
Id public bocause of the aibged jokea
perpetrat'd at his cxiiensi
Boh PMm* Up. U.
, Here is a large line of Fine Cutters,
various styles. NEW STOCK. NEW
assortment of
Robes and Bjantets
Look them over while sleighing ie~
Qo^cn City Ipplctp^t Ca
‘ L. O. RICE. Manager
‘ ’•
IM Frest street
Jockc7 cinb. Th«
Cnlr«»lt7 of CWcMO hM tlrwB.
Ttoe iMtitirtlon to the statM i
ptnjtral wwt bare been looked oo wltb
modi tow to the dtotribotlon of tb«
•tndenti Many of toe
wUllac to admit Flllplooa oa
but few or
clualona upon a wide experience
many year*, find, amonng oiber '
dendea of the day a marked Inci
In the Intellectual life of America. Not
only have bualneaa aad profcaalonal
men come to be reckoned In gr«t
pra amoang buyem of good IIIe bnt a Urge clientele of wo*
reader* prefer a wdl writtcu
.lory of only moderate InterCTl to a
badly written romance of abaorblng
theme. He alao finds a growing apmal tratolat la dten the atadenta. aa predatlon of really good poetry, •ten
n laexp^ many of them will teach dency to pay more attention to book
rerl^a uTperiodlcala of acknowledg
TiiyaleaUy tot Filipino atndento hart ed Handing and a demand for Iwk*
of aeriouB import to be -read to” Inatead of “read torongb.-
Acoatm, ttoml blfhart of «7S youn* per.
aooa of both wnm ezamtocd tor the
magoortaktor«Mnaabereat botBoataniaoM. She to taktoir a mcdl.
cal eowraa to Fhiladelpbla, Three oT
toe drii aio otodytof to Drexel toadtmt*. aad toar are taklii« normal
«ms to be Ibe Aral prime mtnlater
purely Oelilc atrato. Altbongh
hU mother waa a Bannennaa of Man ]
cheater her father settled
Scotlapd and np la Abe
Where the Baanermaa'a
there la IKlJe but the Celtic element.
Paternally Sir Henry ta oot and oat
Celt, bla grandfather and father beig fieab to Glasgow from the heath*
.ry highland bUU. Both bU totber
and ancle, who built up the giwat
ns in the aeooad city which dtlll
hU name. were, when freed from
the oonventlonalltle* of oommercUI
life, antbnslaatlc
highlanders. As
leas man their hisUaad mother
to them:
**What James (Sir
ta^ all oetopttttew to huto^iadtof
y’s father) ptaas and William
In a toat of 878. That waa to 190A. carries out canns go wrong.”
Oongmasmaa John Wealey. Gaines
of Tennessee and Bobart Adams. Jr.,
of Pennayhranla aomabow .or other
for bar. aha waa aot ptomlttod to <
repoutloaa aa being toe
to Aaorlea. aa too mtolmmn age la haveactmlred
very poor i^eakera. When atther he*
gxed at atxtMn. Bho pat bar ago dm
ta gftooa whai tiaadaod, bat too tS*
hooae were on fire. Mr. Adams began
a apeach toe/itoer day aad there was
aoch a mah outward t that the nmn
whoee duty tt Is to lower the flag V
adjosmmeni started to perform that
MMah Tneatpa ahlaa.
Tho tatotaoablpo that ait lMtag_^ task. A member of toe hooae who kad
pine aooota aad coaatabalary has canaed them to tocraaat moch to welihL
d!^ *hff
weight, to ear aoChtog of gatotog matortally to atreagth. There baa been
nttlo dehama among the nuptooe and
but oat dtoth. The government appotota the atadenta tor focr yeara. Of
the 178 iMct 100 wart brongbt to 1008
aad tot otoen teat year aad to Sep.
temllar tf thia
Bctoetton la aW
r Ut« MUIAM nartlt Ftotr Fla
ttoiarlm 8.t.WattABi
i crovM
crowflefl elevator,
Ike boM
Mton tor he
ouae ad)onm
r. Ad*
ed he wottid go borne aayhow.
Santa Clan# ia on hia an
nual crniae lol>«towgood
things on Ua many friends.
the material for a hoaaeaa
a GhrUtmaa preaent, plenae
bear na in mind in oonneotioDwitb the lumber need,
ed. We anpplj the best
the foreatoanS^mflla afford
at lowest prices oonaiatent
with quality.
----- WILL BE AT-----
Park Place Hotel
sun SEUMB 0. Fiom7KX)a.m.to9KX)p.iil
- DwuatoM
lUtkoil Scbool of IbBic.
Fine Dental Work
Christmas Presents
be mom aaitaUa or
iSied. h^ gvS cabinet or the mar.
jT E. QSsmaL
a. M. tluenmant*!
DR. QAUNTLETT N^BamcendReaiEstite
Spooial attoDtios gif« to
Wito Or. I. A. Thompaow
rmr ka*
- .a’-- "
«l I IIKWWU.W«t..l Ukoeg
tonttod yttttrdAy LttUt Hoy. a boy
14 ytATt of Aft. WAS oboe tbrcMCb tbe HffR FATMKRdM4JtW THEN TOOK
IM AAd tUMAAcb by HATTty HAllday.
ABOIbtr mmU boy.
Hoy's vooadt vtrt dratttd by Dr
«OVljMHIKirr TMPOM AMO TM« BroATAtOA. Vbo 40ti Aot tblAk tbe
ffen Thee Tried to KUI
Him Bat Wae Unable to Do Be-
n piriTisi eimA BY GHOKINC
th« Aettifw 99
But Wm Later Releaaed.
OeoAM MadleoTto a family Quarrel,
tried to take hla own life Salarday
eventag. and when hU father. Peter
Madtoon. taterfered turned the gun oe
him aad. U to ctoJmed. aUeapted to
Mitt. CHARLft OTTD WAt AWAK- ahooL He dealea the charge, how
ever. Aeoordtog to the etory told i
Record repreeeauave tbe yooager
man. hla wife and mother-todaw. were
Quarrellag to the bosM of hla father,
who Uvea over bto gtocery store on
Booth Bpraee atreet aad wbea tha
mto-ap beoaaM too geaeral the father
taraed them toto the etreeL where
they coaUaoed to ight. Mr.Madtooa
eeparaied them, whereon hla son
drew a revplver aad declared hla in
teatloB of killtag hlmaeir. The elder
maa threw himaelf upon him aad
atrogdied tor the gna and. it is said
AU Htr tofttoy PtMtotlBAt. Cvtn to that doriag the straggle, the son tided
tiMllAt A $10 NtmitUfiet FroiA
Htr HoMtfid Wtft Dttirtyo^
ter of Mrs. George Madtooa. arI to^toe
In C0AAty*t Cort.
g to
SvMtef BMord.
vM 4r
out MonUMS rmlTM Om
f«Oo«f|w 4IMMUII fTOM AMdkU Oo|.
■M UvaMs At f
loMorr^Ate; **Obj1o«
mum 9t SAAto Do>
Mppof^ IMl tiM CATitAl lASt Alfllt WUll
A fMT A4low»rm. HU lAtMtlao U Mid
tp bt to JfliA Um JAmmUSm 1a <
tVMA tito two toAflOM It iMlAMt.
tpeelA) to the Brenlof Record.
Lotond. Micb^ Dec. SC.—Htr butlad vortlAf to Cbletco. bit tott remUiAAotvr $10 AtAt to tlSK for Chrtot
AMA for the little family, her boaMI good!, clothet end all h^Mrthly
•etfloAA dtfiioyed by Ore. ^fL
ChATlM Otto AAd two mat children.
OAe A bAbt of only aeren aKWlha. tbe
PAK Aa PrtAM, Hiltl. Dm. sc.— botof cAred for by U«to
Mrs. Otto And her little children
CvleM rtetlMd todAir froa StBlb
ton of tilt tfoAlt lA ttet city veto Aleeptog SAtnrdAy momtof About
S o'clock when tbe taotber vaa Av^kby tbt tAAptnc AAd cboklag of
toDoSto^ NMMAc MAlto ItflvM
itbe. Tbe houae vaa full of
I and tbe up aUUra AAd ertog waa
Peter Madiaoo and the dlscuaalon cul.
mtoated to a severe gght. Tbe three
people were put out of tbe booae aa
Mr. Madtooa is a peaceable man aad
desired ao troable. to coottoue their
dlffereacee In tbe street In front of
tbe Madtooa store. Tbe man was getttog tbQ worst end pf It aa tbe daugh
ter bed been won over to tbe caoee of
her mother and both women were
trying to mop the sidewalk with him.
At this potot tbe father came to the
rescue aad pulled the women off. then
eeetog Chat hla wife bad turned against
him. George pulled a revolver and was
preparing to take his own life. His
r ntoui
med to tbe ground and had It not
99 for tbe cboklng of tbe baby the
ally undoubtedly would have been
•mated while they alept.
Cetfcbbora promptly took charge
iftb!?l^roltob!jr tbe mocker and her bable» and no
trtod It rtAoh tbt ooA«t And onbArk tflTecta foMowed the expoaure and
OA A titop. tAdtAVorlAc lo iwh Pu«»r- eltemeot. The couniy la now relieving
■ to PlAljA to JoiA OmrAl Ptrtt. vbo their wants until the husband and
by tot govtninMt At
e. Otto received a
____ from her huahand.
If thAt MoiAltt U trylAK to CTMI Saaio She did not even have time to pick
DomUMlQ by lAAd to rMch MoAlt tola up and It was burned along with
the rest of her belomrinKa. Tbe only
/ thtoga that were aaved from the home
M.—Word Wtt were the nlghtclothea ahe and the
^t^bad on when tbe Art was dUtoo^ AitAckAd OaomaJ rimcntol. tbe
B swayed and slipped back and
forth actoea fbe balk tbe muxxle of
the weapon was pointed directly at
the father's body and It is probable
Uml bto iHpua hts son's hand whicn
bMd 15e revolver is what kept the
man from pulling the trigger.
BOltoe landed the young man in
ll di there was no formal pomaatared be was ndoased ycaterdap. Jito father, when Interviewed
by i RMord repreaenutlve. said that
all the dH^nces had been aetUed and
that Mia. Itokos was the cause of tbe
Whole trbttble
GeohM aad hts wife have made up
their dll%reoce« and no serious harm
cam# M thtaaalri_____
Tbe house was owned by Blroey JERRY BULLIVAN*$ MEN PLACED
OMMAAAdtr Srcbtelcr.
lekard and hla loaa la about $40<i.
bAA tnf Md At PAtrto PlAtA frott SUrVNOER QUARANTINE.
oArtf ob tbt MMtbtni tidt of fltAto fully covered by Inturnace. carHed by
DonlAjto She wUl be tipoctod to pn^. the Hastings agency at Traverse City.
Atnrt trdtr In tbt lAUoedlAte vlclAlty
Three CakM of Bore Threat Reported
and the LaM Was UnuauMly Se
vere, Peeving to Be Diphthe^
The lumber camp of Jerry SuUlvan
located three miles from Maple Oty
was placed under strict Quarantine
revalence of
Three cases
Three Occupente of Cutter Were
have beeo reported la
The last being antooally se
Throvto Out and Thoma/thileoA
HI* •l•TtfL
vere. was given over to the autboriUea
Wae Injurod.
aad upon Invesdgatkm It was pro-
"T flBi
HER ffiuoir
A runaway yeeterday Afternoon at 3,
o'clock on Qargeld avenue and WashIngtoA atreet eauaed no end of a sentor the few Atomento to which
the. performaace took ptooe. Tom
ML with two other genOemen.
drivtog on WaahlngtoA atreet.
. >ArAAti OMtn AppetM of Cht Maa tf aegy OarteM aveaoe. when tbe bocae
ddealy became balky and then with
Mtr jtotitt Aiid btM Htr OrMhtr.
aaeoAd tboagbc veered off to one
side, throwing one oocapaat of the rig
p4m ttoly to Mm WtOdUif.
OAL and stHktng a tree near the sldeHtOtOytof.
walk b^Jyee from tbe catter a^
Une toilowc^ Several other exposnrea have ftdlowed and a atrtcl watch
will be kept
the ammbera of the
By Wire te
B^iMaT Beeord.
ter. rna acroee to the lot of Tom NelADA OA Mate Atreet. where he met an esufSiuSof
obat^ to the ahape of a wire toace. \^lekabaig rmOway at Cboakoy. tost
Hla efforts to go farther were broaght algbL two meMwere killed, three seri-
«U o* wlr. wkleh he tad «MB.d.
the markete.
HMdmiGtmfMRifVtotoltof thclJ
Bronkmojii'a auloou. who was arrest•a« PHimim Mua Stictue Ootouik
M Mn. Joka W. Maotar. w pirtof—d lotar la um o(-
eo, Ff*s.
SuMtantl.1 Oin> for CntlMran
Over m ef the Strike-Leaders Are
Under Arreet-Cxar Hm Decided
to Bend a Brigade of Tfcepc to
Crush Same RevelL
Didn't bring yon yonr n
ml pair ot riipperat 8t«i
and let ns pn-pare yoor I
tor many comfortable even.inga at borne.
By Wire to Che Bvsatog Record.
8t. Petersburg, via Odessa. Dec. 26.
—Tbe strike here has practically end
ed to the defeat of the strikers. Thou
saada of mea who left
are returning to work owing to the
fact that the strike fommlitee to ua
able to support them U*cauae of lack
of money. The opposition of the pub
lic generally to the strike caused tke
people to refuse to make coatrihutk
this to «
ure. Over seven hundred strike lead
era arc nnder arrest. This Inclodes
practically all the toteillgent mea
Pnr Q W
Lined MitteM
Silk SnqwDdMa
Initial HaadkeKhiefaBnita
Night Bobea
Hand Ban
Colored Stiff Sbirta Tnmks^
Men's Embfoideml Sbppe^
50c to 75Ci
Men’s Leather 81iiW« *
85c to 1.50,
75c to 1.50
A special council over which the
exar presided has decided to send a
brigade of troops. Including guards.
Uhlaas. Culrassers. Hussars aad drsOreloff to crush the. revolt I the Ballice proviacea.
Revolution Growing.
Loadon. Dec. fC —An Bxchange Tel
rgraph company dispatch from 8t.
Petersburg says tbe bourse and the
bankalare closed there. Desperate
lighting occurred between the troops
and the rebels at Moscow. The revo-
AU aulto Sm4
aMfel ChrtatM* SriiiBto
lAOMAN-r to
m non stiut
For Ercryhody
mvA. U%t; mm, 99c.
rrol or wme Jacn^irf the city bat tb*
fluhlliMt contiaura wtib tbe nne
lion. Tbe retolnllooliu taro noit
an ur,«t appeal lo other cltlea for aaaUtaace aad SO.OOO alriliera from
Zoero with artillery from Uthuarla
For Men, Women and (AU.
dren. AU kinds of stylss
and shapes at prioM that ate
Are you thinking of giving
some little lemembiaiiiie to a
friend-lf so, how would a
beautiful bottle of good perfnme, pat up in a neat box
er a fine pound or half pound
box of Lowney’s Best Chooolatea, fresh from tbe factory
—or one of tbe elegant aotaenir piotnrea or books of Trav«se City made by Orson
Peck. Theae and many mote
and just bear in mind
that for the coming.-new
year—we will carry the
same well assorted stock
ot Rough and Dressed
Lumber, the tame -excel
lent qualities in BuUdiqg
Materiate-Do all kinds
of Mil work as in tbe 'past—and fill your orders in the
tame prompt manner—
O. C. MOfrATTAlMtrttct« of TlUo
£bri$litia^ "
Wait’s Drug Ston
Alfred GrdUck L a
Dn. Smyw &
lUsklnYstaoiT wesk-^ bnsy going tbiongb
stock, aad as Sat at diaamemd all odd panta, saMa
aadoTsnaatowUlbepatiiisdaas by themaelTetto
beotoaedoataotbat oar zegalar stoiA
be kept
'laasaa-wsVe not too btay to talk
. BMSFrtatU \
«bl tanta. ■
nuir M* M ta sta esfuatssw
yssbsmmrksM _ ■ :
Craverse eity IHfg. Co.
Tnuito iJvtd to Bay CAy-Oao Other
Tbe other two oocopeaU were
lY Wll* to
»r«itix Kooord.
Killed and Three Were BeHeuely
NovjTark. Dm:. M--B«conM lUric grown out aad Mr. Shllaaa reeatved a
Injured in Wreck.
cot QA bis bead while one of tbe other
.................................... „
^ Tta-atarta-iaM
r a£- ». *
m factions
Of Moetbpoft. aad paaasd tbsaask the
dty today on tbetr letan borne.
an MM Mr to
ipcM Ika I
tal OBO a vmr Pla
^ ■ to«
'- >'
••' *«»Jg!!!^~ : lWCTimg ,«B WSt
wblek wU be Bade to tba ptata dartag
tbaadBhBapriig. Tba plaBa ara aaw
praparod aad acmttacu wfU be let
ifcm at tw
• CO baaa Ua balldted
m. Hr ft It a cMUMa b------IB« that tba «M Dirak cr
*Wit1i^ arboB be Bar dvvBi
aiao that ba coOtrta bB4a la B
Li»awr.yS ft«B belac. tba oM
aid fba aattva of tba Car laiar^ to la
Tto >Miest Plato >la Tiwaaraa Oty
lat»diy. 8M>toy tod
Mto ia tto WWW lUdetol huPlfg.
Btto two Brin eanteta aad
■Uu tdarin. tto tone to Ball
toiw atm pIMd high ia the
BB. NoeBtBatectobehad to
the east aabaat to Boetag mattB
of tbe ptaat
, Tba aew
will be
bare baea la coarse
dace carty teat agrtag.
T'weire UOU Buga Go Wfa
at tbe
thaB tbe
Soor anace
lor Ibt pBitBlna oC a bead Implltd
route which be t
tbac tbt ewNTo or. rmtbtr. Ibt ^ for
ae long. HU uttrm BaM Battw
BMglar was next on tbe
prograB and he gare a
tklad. -Long 'Fort 1 Kaowed Wlio
fianu WuE- aad Miss Anna Gearing
ahmty ms a apaaker U a
gttlmd tnuby. Ceetlng Ibat he bad^ 2lS^'SSwtiUrh'l^^
aid yea.
-Jetua Lorer of
UanUaned tbt Uga rlHlU and waa ter^ aa wull and tamed bU
hU turkey
My Bool.- “Wbat Bome QlrU Uke to
. _____tlmea ouer.
BOitUd to I
i r
title of a drill and Mar>
CbrrUrt W. M, Oordoo Joe Bhiar
Ibt etaadU of tbt btu.
and Mb G. A. Johnaoa. a--------------- lii* 41 r1M«« 'M Atlencr OlMlI
U aneb a fUaalng maaaer thai ste
Moody u> tko olwt thM the fodofol (rtee Vm were
war called Ijack aad gave as an
Bta- along tbatr rputaa. Tbe
bare «f tbe boor. 1
core “fiolly Would Not l^eam.**
A humorouM raadlag was well ren•Uk tto oMto to Voo T<rfc ud lo* atto of a room In
too. were daUged aad radh
d«od by Mm, H Wares and Brx.
k»t his
not tto dtotoMwWM •( Ntaaora (alK tkm or the long lioott that dittttra
ky ol>)odUic <o oato toKWotloa tkto whole of a Dyrnk Tillage and loon
dgM to abate It. weold proetwl to
vooM tore ikto rondt to • ootooioo bang up tbe bead at proodfy at bU
i»k dteiogto. -ito Midatgnt oh«t. to wtok.
OM to (to groto mtm to Amt^ Bogtab broIbB bangi ap bU flmt ^
•wiiB. bad abcoBsmOy mei and eoa>
Tbt joang brare
_______ _____
fOotoA II M aloKo trto. Boro t>»t
ud <o tovtoc tbo
CMdtoo •ororwDMK act Jolotly «>th
tUa eooBtry ia tafias the fiJto to »oaMfltr.
good old days, aad to And tbt
U faut eberebtr U femiiie. Tbe
wboee bUEhand bad tbrt.
bangftag before bU moB woohl
at tbe woman ^rboee apooee
boaat hot tm-o, and the Utu-r was proh^
ably bagged at and badgered (for oratutn art alike tbr
want oot and pro
aa hjr dUw dagrae
, White tto MOtotteg to Mllltoaa to
tono goM^ •hleh'aaadd to uUtoad
ta Ihtoottoa aad ladaatilea to at «nrt
Bight Mora latportaat ibaa aatrtag a
toatotfal watoctaU. oa Otooad thoagbt
ttteBotaa Tbo falte to Niagara ate
oao to tto ao*oa Mdar to tto worid.
they bayo attracted ariUloM to vtoltan came to be not **Uoir much bratsi
aad will auiaet Uoa lor yoare. Ihooharo looked aaoo (be graad
oalayato with awe while thotuaade to
othan hare gatad opoa It with pleaewith the uecceare aad adBhaboa. Their woodara care b> prorlde I
I went on
wUlaot oaaee la coialog yeare. at teaei
gmaraUona became U
b partlc.
particSSrior ooToial thooeaad. If took cEB(lTe
uUrA^to^thewaytbe beads were pro
•nalaa to the oaly forte to be reek- corad. till at tbt preoent day n bead U
l oaad aad the tMl* are tto
'totoiaw to ptorttrTbare to otkar water power araUakio for ladooir«ee.rMaeh to It. aad
Cltrk*M MUtakw Urr Q
tto AMoeteoa paoplo ebould take adA bandsomcly gowned w
eaatage to tbU aa
store where tpecialdWior the giaadeet water UU la the
-OBltd. .»a MBMO-MaterlaltoUe daye pale.
tbare to too apt to to a
Betore ae- «*Yo« remember aalllBg Bt aevcrtl
ttaatod oa that haola. Bat there to yarda of teca a few days ago? It waa
aoBetblag abore anre aMoey and to flJKi a yard. I want to |
juat Bke It"
Ihte full eegelBaee aboold to takaa. yarda
Tbe clerk leaned brer tbh
Tto hoae to Waahingtoo to preeitoed mud la a bdlf wbiapar: •‘Madam. I
for gaotortty. VeUow.toae Park to a madam fearful mtotakaabbot tbat Uec.
great aaUoBal preaerre aad the
tt U worth $10 a yard. If you wlU reiry to full to plaoee Bade htotorical by tom me wbat I aoM yoo 1 wUl gladly
Boa «- aroBU. It would to juat ae pay you 15 a yard for It, and h wlU
TMeaahte tod fully aa Bud> In keepTbe woman totted ber bead impalag to plow tod pUnl theee ae to allow tUtttly.
-It U otters imig-klbte.- aba
the luBbllng. roarlag. craehlag watery said. -Hie Uce U now on my new
to toe Nlagatu to bo led lamely dreea. People who make misukea
tbrougb caoato aad made to light BBC bear tbe reanlta. I will have to
foroleh see wbat I can do to match that which
1 bought Ten doUan a yard? Why.
I wouldn’t dream of paying that aam
font** And tba baoghty woman walk,
ad out with the air of one who bas been
la wor *en«tloae aod cumi
gritroualy offwaSed.^Kew York ITeaa.
eoacemlag the wonderful production
of wealth on the farme to the United
~-tfrr<l-T daring tto year noon to close.
Tba nae of tbe bow may be traced to
tbe iTBoUat antiquity. Tbe first notice
Twvcnms louto WAW
w uurr tooetod
i well which we find of It U In GenesU zxL
s vmlie SO. where It U aald that lahmael hecame an archer, it was lutroduccil Into
^ of thk product
urodoet of the fann
Urm l»
\t dcHvotl
BngUnd in tho reign of Egbert tba
from Iba ability of the American
Saxon, but waa not utad as a tnaitUl
aumer to pay r»d prlcea. Nlaeiy- weapon till tbe rrign of Edward 1. Tba
elabt per cent of the pioducU of Amor- I period at which tbe kmgbow attained
lU tneridUn fame may be fixed In tbe
\ lean farma a-e aoid to the farm
Amerloan nelirtibors and fellow ciil- pe|gn of Henry V„ whose mrebera daaena and hla Intcrfwt In their roniln atroytd the whole French carahy.
ued abtuty to bur U almtM^t a» Rreat clotbad In complete steek with tbair
yard long arrows. At tbe battle of
nc In hla own abllUy to produce. When
rioddan hield aUo tbe English arcberi
. there la work In thf* mill a-'d In the made aad haroc. Shooting with tbe
CaHoiTMdii^n In thr mine at better bow waa an extremely fasbiooabla
w wagea than are jpi^d l^y father coun- amaaameut In tbe rebm of Henry \TIL.
tn the productE orthe American farm and Uolinab^
can be aoM at proitable prices. The
Intereou of all the prodocem of our the aUge of Dertiea I tbe cirll '
Cl entry are alUed. and all art united or IMT, tba bow as n
waa entirely Uid aside. Arcbety daBhould#t>e In the pimserraUon of a na rives Its name from tbe bow betas,
tional policy which baa assUted them wban drawn. In tbe shape of an arch.
aad In the upholding of a pollilcal
MlaittSss Ar« Umtm
party throngh whose guidance they
A cook wbo has atea many yean af
domeatlc aerviea racectiy dteiared to
iMT Utaat mUlreaA In New York, Ibat.
-I juat met that charming Mrw an tar at ber wxpcrUnca went, rile bad
taund mtaUtcra to be the Utaat riaata.
-Too don't aay. SHle? And bow did. Naxt to them came pbyaiclaas.
-Soma mtaUtert don’t rUe tlB 10
o^dock.-.ebe aakL -There’s hardly gna
-Aa pretty an erer. -I ktam^
twkb and Inquired about her »jaby.- of tbiB that yau’U find up by
-My: And how was akmdiaoaed?* ar half p^ U tbtir artraga hour.
-WeU. er-ratber plain. Come to Tbcy don't bare an oflka to s» to at a
•think ofltbaraatoffmahadawa^ cactafta time. Tbty bare no early uppahitBaata that mutt be kapt Tbey
bars BO decks tbat they moat look
-Yea. and bar bat vast hare been ite. Oouatqtseutiy tbqy become tba
done oTtr for two or three wintcra. Utaat rUtag ctam of man on aattbi
wutftd to farty-aataa pUcaa, of
Gracious, ymi •trer
amb aiaajB ware with mtaUtara.
fbay art tba baat to Urt with. Tbay
1 darUre. It U a m
an ttry eoBMefata and generoot and
U not aabamed to
%iwi partaet dUpoattkam. If tbey
street with
MBridBdr MU rid at tUi babit of leaf.
iB^iW Ob Boentat ta bad tbeyd bu
clUee. rua elreet tare and
power lor factortei
Ug and weighing and
rural Ball Jan 1 is t
with aatlffactlon
It entailed
Mr. Phelps aa Bmata CUas was rer>eaatag to the ahlklrao aad afier the
waaau bad all bron dlatrihuted th;*
ilktren gatherad In one part of the
house and gave their school yell. •‘Rah.
rah. rah! txmg Lake towaahlp. roh.
imh. rah! Wbaro. uh where, can you
_____ • being dlacontln
lime. Tbe reports hare been In the tad aay flUs oa dUtricc. dlatrici No.
nature of aUlUilcs for the postofdce 6. hurrah!’’
department at Washington and Its dU
cfanUauance Is erldtnce that the rural
Rndyard Kipling haunted magariae
routea are fully oaiablUbed and
after all raporta of their maH g
Rt-es a good dot! tsefore he aocceedM
with the general report of the
In tireaking Into |irint with rbe »ket« bes!
office of d!str1butl<
which bare made him fanuma.
perslsled. bawrter. and the roaalt
everybody knows. This dogged cliararteristic was prominent in his rbUdfionday School of the Church of Christ hood. The eWrrKlldlug was bringing
Osvt tho Bar. T. P. Ulloia a
him* home from IndU to an ^lah
oL AatewaidraahMtoMr. Kbx,
one aflernoon In Be sukdElng
and aunosnued tbat the boy was ,
.The Bunday tohool of the Obarch of
Christ presented fhelr pastor, the Rev. out ou the yanUiu hsagieg by bio
ThoBSs P. Ulk>m. a beauUfuI hand
-If be lets so*’ said tbe
tlnitd bcomlde picture last Lord’s day. steward. “he’U fall and be «lrowued.“
artfet Is Frank P. Wrlshl of this M.*. KUdIng amihd quietly ami sakl
Mr. morn to as be tnm.d the ik‘U page csf bl-« Imx*;
rity who
The picture
was taken by him Just at aunrise on •Ol.. neM-r fisr; be-aon-f M go.”
Friday moralng. Aug. 12 at the foot
of Bright Angel trail In the grand
canon of the Colorado In Arizona nine
the bUls of IndUn Tcrrito.-y wen> rid
mllea from the top. -Tbe^gmn^U
ing on a railroad train in the Chot taw
mile deep. BoUd block
Nation for the firut time to thrir Hve<.
with all the color, of the r
Tbey were very much Inurrstwl in j
the trareler on every sii
tbe aeenety and the novelty of Uwlr |
expcrieuiw when the train suddenly I
ran npoo a long trestle. Looking out I
of the window, tbe old |wo|.le saw the |
ouniry and bathe in tbe lui
ground m-ede from lieni’ath fben-.. ami
rmlen of the Cokwadti.
tbey held their breath in nb^x-i
Foriona Fighting.
VThtn tbe train finally reached
-For seven years.- arrite Oeo. W.
the dirt roadbed again the old w..man
lookid at her husliand with a sigh of
liver trouble, hut at last 1 won. aad relief and aald: “Thank the L>rd.
cured ra>' dUaaaea by tbe nae of Eleo Silas, we’re m!”—Kansas Oty Jcurtrie Bitlera. 1 unheaiuUngly iwcom
mend them to all. and don’t intend In
tbe future to he without them In the
house. They are wlalnly a wonder
Tlie rnlted State* coraul at Vic
ful medicine, to hare cured such a had
caaa as mine.- Bold, ander guarantee toria. B. r„ reprais n sehetne of pr.».it
to do tbe same for yoo. by Johnson Uhariug. (-.sndurteil t>y tl»e Itriti»h t-nti
Dn« CJo.. F. H. Meade; C. A. Bugbse. pany operating tbe street railway* and
druggiaU. at Me a botUa. Try them lighting plants in that section, which
U working welL After iwylng 4 iwr
eOBt. on the stock tbe iKilaut-e of net
•anilugs Is dlrldctl Into thrte fsarts.
two of which go to the st«H khoWers
Ware Go
and one to tbe etnpihrcs of more than
a year’s standing in e*iual amounts to
ear E. C . One
each—a track greaser re<r*lvlng aa
much as goes to the general nuuutger
of the comiMiny In Lcudon, In Us®,
tbe first yerr of trial, a sum esimillug
he gave them a aMdgbrlde
$£» per empk>.re was divided, the uezt
itsual. A very merry time was en yror
and for this yesr the dljoyed by all preaeat and tbe ride waa a tislMi. which has Just been made,
very happy aSair._________
amount to $4a
A Fearful Fata.
It Is a fearful fate to hare to endure
the terrible torture of pUes. “I can
IruthfuHy say,- writes Harry Colson of
MaronriHe. Ul. “that for Blind. Bleedlag. Itehtag and Protradtag Pllea.
Baeklea’s Araica Salve is the baat cure
Why suffer with yoar stomach, kidneys and Urer wbea Honuier’s Rocky
Moaatala T«a wUI make yoa well If |
takaa this moath. keepa you wait all
the year, 3S mtA Tba, or Tablets.
Johnson l>n:g C^o.
Our teams will be out late and all your purchases
can be delivered tonight.
vousa osamoi'r tm oooo
J. W. SltoAXCM
Wholesale and Retail-^Vonr Reliable Home Fumnber
0loak$ and JFiirs
We arc waking BIG Kl£DUCT IONS ON
CLOAKS. Ddn’i fail to see bur fine.
SOB eaiJc BTiau.
n. 3. Olilbelm
From Tbe China and Cut Glass Dept.
The wurW of nrt haa cwitrilmUd to our raporb oolUsiion n uiulUtoa® of exquiaita
Many of them without tluplicnle, any of which wouhl make moat ico^HaUe
BeaaUful piuoea of Haviland China in dainty deratotioM; chop platea. aala.1 dia
«ixxi^tni|;«.J>rfa<I an<l batter plated, angata and crvainei^ aafa traya,'copa and aaai
Are ideal holiday »ifte; beautiful lAjwelaa ware ib neweat abapea. tbenquMto
French Sicaid in Uioae wonderful cotefina. adtebian kI«». with the dainty gold
traciuga, D^dtou iu deft blue deaiKtra. tfoyS Bonn in beautiful paUt^
\-kget, candfilAbra cigar jam, \*ascs^ olive (linbog. Inmbleri, sogaro ami crunmerg, kidfe
^ reata. •
Of ptiema and atoriea in the tiiMt of bindioKa. Tho l^t worka ot ffetioo. Mont mtereaUng and inatmetive hooka for bc^ an.1 uiria. Hooka foil of pictniea for the lit
tle tuddlm. Linen hooka for tbe wee ooea. If at loaa for a gift-bay a book, alwaya..
“Juat the thing.”
Of Trarem* City . Beaotiliil water cxklon, daiuly bite of birr h hark, aU make llia
as ^fifte: DO pmoD emn batre too maoy
and the« are aodi w*
^lUegiocet ol WDi^nmn^ip^
gem iu itaell Buy earty and remember yowr
nerer-to-be-forgotten bmudcl
of all kinda for the “Liufe People;” give Uietn the beat Chriatmaa they evtoltod. B«
doUa. little doila.doUa with hair and thoae withooL dcdla with ama and Idga tluS
J. B. Palgc Hcctilc CoT
m -i --
-■ - I
Chri»tmtotide offers no bet
ter opportunity tlten osn
be found in tbe Diamond
J. cipr. One line of these
fsTorites embmoes all aizea,
aod tbere ia not one but
what would be tietourod
and prised »iy any “loTOr
of tbe weed.*’
FOR Christmas?
tiM Didl.
rr;l?ne| .the Gruber tell^ thU of
Mmssdf; IV tias aiaiidlng on a Hn-et
comer o^ day last we»-k w i.eo he
was approof-faed by one of hU nmstituents, who said alsruptly; “I tell
. I’ve I
jmrt |.assi
home, when she stejtped out Into the
Otero, of New atreeh and she Ussketl ro pretty that
exteoiUre sheep I rouldii't help giriag her one ou the
Itps tfght then and there.Vttlt. OWttiUg
“ItUI slie stand for Itr
-Hid she stand for K?*’ repeated tbn
ymrag man: '•why. abe got up ua her
toes.-—New York 15un.
ira «UI brlabr aatorat tba iwt a€
Tba vHal aiMatlan wHb tba
■#i|tttotr la aat bawr Bnab tba
To sel. ct foiir holiday gift ; don’t fa’tl to take adtraataiie of tbi. opportunity to
Tbe machinery U aow hetag deHreted.
Bertie RfcbatdM radtei. -A Uttia aad
afaaac tba uBddle uf iaaaaiy tba
Boy*a Bpaoeh.- MUa Ultle Qaarlag work of taaimlUag it will bagia. Tbere
will be throe paper making machtaea
and It wBI taka uaUl tbe early lUBBer
to get them la ptaoe. The Moaarch
rwpar BilU oeeupr Be site of the old
iSrfoTB llttU MU. Maria Lapba. the. «ng U Cibaoa miUs. the oldest la the siale.
Cbma to tbe
pteaslng manner. -Always in the
ilrtSt Bbtoh U- aBbB ftom a Car toa
Jaive barttoa oC Ml Mea*ctoifL
We Ittve fatodredt of ddUrs vonb of hoUd^
SOod« on luod.tliai tve are willtnr to tefiSce
beavdy oa ia order to dose thea out TUNIGHr
•mauAMtAs SI SMmoai
. ‘nimrcaw ttrr,\
AT WtftOBUrTot
.Well KannmandRih
Win AnwM WnW nf TMn cmr ••
Ttea fonerol of X q Bieoignoi. who
•M MOks and Mian Late fnmp^
VAUSff sou
ertng or oU rrienda and neighbor* ta
kqr o meBBOffs tai the Bomb Thba
Water rwnpany. cMog hhn fiSSO te
break the droiMht. or $10 fW ooek tedH
«f rate np to five lachae arhhin eno
w^ J^wio^i^^Nor. ^ The
Walla te a i
Bba boa had a.
la pteMBd «Hb
awT teTta
eetaF Jnfl M Cbtengo the nCher dny,
aaya n Ghknvr dtepntrb, Ibcy dte
Mtea May WmU tan tbla noon for a
M two ef wbom here obcnined a rm-
Ur. aM Mm. Onntiae et OaMlMc. bttMj eC anhasitting tbrnnirtvaa to onrBMna Hocb fovoend It to a cartoln
l-imlbar facatberopa^
term. ». C Daapraa and tbalr nmtbor.
Mrs. B. Gray.
term. P, 8/ Deoaae oT Long Lake
paaaod throng tbe dty today on bor
way to Acmo. wbore abe win spend a voliistecfed to be made snbjccts of anweek wMk frteada.
tboy wlU remaln a week with her
teml or Mrs. Banh Uimley
wui Md fwlardaf aorBlnc at to.so
tail ta koB» or nor m. Hairr Borr.
»tgta MowUi
Stadod cS?MrfSMo
taloil taHM botec eoapoood or the
am Bartel look placo te OakI la dharga oT U D. Cortia.
tOBK eMb bonne
tbo rtmmn o( tbn meBibem
FroparaUooa are procreaalag very
ateeiy for |he Blka party to be liren
oa itbe erootBt oT Jaa. 1.
Wallle LDtaaa. an employe in tbe
A. IV. Frtedilch aboe alore. waa taken
aaddaiily in thl« mornlny and bad to
be takea to bU te>me on Nlntb aireet.
ter. aod Mr*. Mdcber of Union
Mip. C K. waiter at a rery fine Cbriit
Mdoday erealna with a dance at the
tSe^locaf ^el^^^teni ahoir that
tb^ Iratrellna public aeek ibdr horoea
few OUUldc
HoraTT*Nlchd»*‘* orcheatra played
•at ja rtetmler daacc at Kalkaaka laat
”S*T A. Tbompnon. wbo hu been
coaiaed to bte borne for the paat three
I tbe grUV. la able to be about
Baptist Aid society will meet
r la tbe baaement of tbv
L t o clock.
Renale baa been appointed ad-
Lodlen- AM
eodelr d Ihe
1 nt tbe ebnreb
Oone pmpnred to new.
I lecoversd foom tntricato op>
of hope ta Into 1
cm, ten today for a week's Halt wHh
foca *T*d take a ebnnee on tl
Mrs P. a BrlnkenboB or AagoL
day taa Angel and wUl spend some
for Grand Rapid*, where abe wRI
spend some time with her parents, Ifr.
and Mr*. Hodge.
Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Zea* and *teter.
Mr*. J. Jake of Bast Jonten, wbo spent
Chrtatmas In tbe city as goeata of
tbelr slater. Mrs. K. N. Moblo. retnmeo
borne this anemoon.
One or tbe moat nnezpectod airlral*
Soktey for tbe Ynletide family reonloo
onmo In tbe borne oT Hanrey Arory
when be, himself, wbo waa anppoaed
to be In New Orloan*. arrlTOd on tbe
anemoon train In time for tbe turkey
i tbU aft
will later In tbe
week relam to tbU city, where be will
JotaYda family and all leave for New
Orleai^ for the winter.
Mr*. Kltchcr of Muskegon, wbo ha*
been *pendiag jChHitSa* with her
daughter, Mr*.Hcwett, returned home
ODtePloa has Ike wbolo tonitorr rrom
Oraad Jtaplda norUi, on both itdoa oT
Mr and Mrs. Fred Hoover of Kan
tba atala. He vlll make go«lsas City are the guMrta of Mr. and
A apodal eoaBmuAtodtloo oT Trav- Mrs. H. Montague for the holiday*.
aria City lodso. Na tXt. F. and A. M..
Mr and Mr*. Harry Parker of LanBlng arrived Saturday to speed Christwith Mr. Parker's mother. Mr*.
Blgbi oa aeeoaot or ooe of the brothera
^Mr*.**Latm* F. Ttitu* ha* returned
from a weMi'a aUy in Chicago with
her *l*fer. Mr*. Frank O. Balch.
*^S??SwrTttB »oeJetT of U«> B4p- Dr. B. U Paul*on went to Cadillac
tM ekweh will nwt In Uw buement Saturday to spend Christmas and will
return Thuiwdaj. Dr. Wolf* ofdce
Tto Mm's dab of Orton ehnrah wilt
Ullom ten Tor Cbl-
cago yesterday att ll:3S to attend a
onion evangelistic
bv Dr. R. A. Torrey and Prof. Cba*. M.
Alexander, who have recently made a
soul.wtnnlng lour of tbe wortd. He
will return Friday.
Mr*. H. JJ. Robertson of Rendon was
in the city i
Mr. and Mr*. Jacob 1
to the city
Northport with his parMr. and Mrs. Peter Stlbbltz.
womdn’tbeverycaiefid. TbeywonktoY
care If yon died, and they'd try all
kinds of fancy things on x«i. About
ninety-nine in a Imndred wooM never
gel^p off tbe operating table.**
-Tbafi an right- put In MnelMr.
tion of killing TOO-**
Briggs, in bis ablrt aleevM, walked
up to tbe beta. Ibe questioa of viviaection was explaloed to him.
-X wooJdn't stand for If be declared
poaiUvely. "I'd rafoer take tbe rope.
If all hope were gone.**
While Briggs was speaking Uocb regaitled him contemplaUvely. Tben be
tlown tbe atone corridor.
**1 don't waia nny specoUtlon abput
If declared Johann as be turned to
glm bis final opinloa *T wouldn't
want to hope for rwxwy. I would
want to know If tbe doctor* would nev
er let me wake up.**
*«roa dost mean you'd stand for tbe
daraned wife murderer. "OperaUoos
scare me. I’m more afraid of them
than anything.**
"Yea." rcumed Hocb. "I mean that
I'd be wiUing. for tbe sake of bumanIty. to let tbe doctors cfaloroform me
and get to work upon my body. What's
a man’s Ufe worth If be geta out and
everybody points a finger at him and
calls blm a murderer. Pshaw! I'd
rather have the doctors than the rope
if tbe high court deckled against me.”
Chancellor Andrews' theories were
announced In nn address to tbe deks
gate* of the recent natioual prison congrewi at IJncoln. Neb. He discussed
the death {wnalty and said:
"One of tbe moat useful amnices to
humaully which a live bnmau body
coukl iterforro would be letting Itaelf
Stella Revolt and little acm
IS at Sutton* Bay with
spent CJjristroas
relatives, returnDing home>galn today
•la or otberwiae. to help aolre ontstandMiss Mary
morning from
lug pbjvdologlcal or biological prob
with her sister Mr*. G. Hclstcad at lems. A bod.r used that way might
aasJly prodnee benefit to tbe race comtmred with whlcb that of a soldier's
daatb in battle would seem trifling.**
***0. M, Dame and daughter Gladys
• I* A
arrived In the city this morning from
•Tbe reward of fioo.noo offered by
Northport to spend Ihe day.
Miss Mary Oleson spent a few days tbe government of Australia to any
with her parenU at Northport return person wbo may devise a successful
ing again to this city this morning.
mode of extermlnallng tbe rabbit*,
William P. Lang of Monroe Center whose numbers make them a pest, la
was in the city spending Christmas.
atUI atanding.- aald A. McDonald of
Clarence Gardner of E3k Rapids was Melboonie recently to a reporter of tbe
In the city yesterday.
Harry M. Collin* of Bmplre regis Waahittgton Post "It waa olfored a
good many yean aga and a great
tered at the Whiting yesterday.
W. F. Laugblln of Boyne Fbl la spent many people thought they saw an easy
way of getting a nice lump of money,
Christmas in the city. .
Morris Martin and F. C. AffoUer of but ao far DO effective scheme of elim
rer Bun- inating the buxmlm baa been present-,
ed. No matter bow fast they are slain
they breed with such rapidity as to
defy extinction and continue to plague
the city with his parent*.
tbe ^ttiemen and farmers. They are
E. O. Lndd of Old
to London by the tboosand to
tbe city today.
John' Oleman nnd fnmUy returned to refrigerator veaaete. where they are
Kingsley thte moralng after apendlng eagerly bought by tbe EnglMb. wbo
seem to prise them as an article of
Christmas In the cllT
Mrs. B. N. Oartnger and children of food. InAnatrmltofewpeqptewmett
Tuailn spent yesterday In the city
friends, returning bonte mom-
M. H. Cobb and wife of Big Rapids
John White, a conductor, wbo baa a
retomed to tbelr borne this noon nfter paaaenger run on tbe Kansas City
Northwestern. Is believed to have coltected tbe smalleat railway fare ever
taken up by a conductor, mays tbe Kan
dnll dnrlai: tbe past
sas aty Star. A jnman boarded bis
bot few loads being banled and
train a few days aga Sbebadaticket
bringing frooi 40 to 46 oeots.
of Mr. MUbntt la tan^try to- to Axtoil JnncUoii. Her destination
ama Azteil. a third of a mile beyond
j tbe Mel
Axtell Junction. White toalstod on tbe
or tbe eitr. Bcrntmi h»«n at
payment «bf tbe fare
were nUOIed on Oaloa ntreet thin jrltb reteUvea.
Junction maA AzteU and tbe woman
paM blmtite regular fare being
S centa n mite- ‘White took the money
:^sssjsrs’A:;r-' •TKrMi^“Sr„£r’Sr^5SnCU,
the Bonth Trim
Sidney Keym of The Cfoaora. OmeBA arrived la tbe rity yesterday in reOM of tko rwnolB to *•: WoMe to a mceonge roerived tbe day
ent of tbe New York Posl. His views
previous atntteg that hte wife, who te
apendtag tbe winter at Stiver City.
New MexteA. lay oevionaly ill to a boa■■rriiiiftil tmt 1
pItaL After be bod bterM a traia
honrevnr/ontef f
inrr mektog there thaacate. I bre
OHiionda bod
te delayed teavtog until this morning
nt 11 o'clock. Mr*. KeyeaTrit bore
wtih her ooa
tbe fact tbet Japan nnd Amertem
Ooles Joynt and Cbnrtes
not be competitors to any of the
lines of tl^. but might enter
anally baavy downpoor te iboved by
tba fact that It waa tho heevtaat In all
tbe apcctal agent refers aiu not dne that rrgkaL My work done. I to the hospital at a Pnoa
bme becawa I nodreatood tbe board of
anpn’rtenra of Marta county an
ferloc from tiWM rapiojra bj tke me to make a tret to the victoity of
Bon Bafori.
"In Apm I na nndar contat
Mm. AroMsfi Sarrioa Held at Her
tba Britiak govemment to cue of its
Homo by Coptoto Jfioutor.
cotenke whara tbeaottteitehlnpraTbe funeral of Mrs. F. M. Amidon
dooi Bdnarnte, but owiBg to tbe ecaree waa held yesterday aficnioan at 2
rrinl^ ao irntar can te te^ I have. o'clock from the home on Boyd ave
noe. Oapeato Boater of tbe Balvatkm
bf com^wotoec. Tkc aming aded. and 1 teave bera April 1."
Army ofSriattog. The remain* were
Hatflrid dantea that.te te a *
Urrfj loat. be aajra. bj laaaoa ofebaac- maker." He prefers to te atykd "rain
tog prma tbm. dae to tocdsn cooiiaUUoo, and nxire eapaeiall^ by a diapo- aastet It. Wten there la an uni
atUoo oo tbe port ot come caoaanun drought there moat te a canoe for It
A aperlmeo program by tbe Olivet
to change tbelr aUndt aboot a pnrcbaao I remove the cauae and prodnee the
effect. Nature wlU reepdod freely and College Glee club:
aner tbey bare aent Ibe order.
Jenkln*! from "Ivanboe"
OrienUlt Ukefto aee tbe goods for arlUtogly to any artificial aaatetance. (Sullivan), glee club.
wbkb they are contracting nnd take
Yale march (VanaBar). mandolto
tbem at once If salted. They do not
want to order one day and bare to
Reading (selected). Mr. Nevto*.
Ye Calte (Bmltb). glee club.
wait two or three montba for a dellvSolo (selected). Mr. McLaughlin.
ery. They may spend their money to
BriecUon from "Prince of Pllsen."
some other way to the meantime, or te merely an totrillgent means of get
mandolin club.
they may aee elaewberc aometbtog they ting at existtog condition*. lYfty:
"My Lady Lu.” Messrs. Gould. Lar
like better. In tbe latter case they arc from now every state, every dty to the sen.
LongB^. Otis.
apt to take tbe article to sight and Unkn util have its ratonu
Reading (aetecied). Mr. Nevtoa
care nothing for tbe contrset already
Peter Piper (Kobne). glee club.
made. TbU Is where tbe/wle agent
Duet for clarinet and violin (select
comes to to tbe advantage of American
ed). Measra. Oark and Otl*.
Drromtog (Roaal). mandolto club.
firms. .If tbe goods ordered oo contract
* to laterMt Penll*
Plckannlny Lullaby (Macyl. gleo
are not accepted It is jn^ as likely
they can be sold to another buyer to a
College Souga. glee aod mandolin
iP. WUaon, director of the
Another advantage of baring an
Tlckets for sale at City new stand.
I to the matter of arouaagent oo tbe ground U tbe frequent ne
Wall # and Mead*' drug stores and by
cessity for arranging a compromise to
order to keep tbe trade from falling toto tbe bands of other competltom. history among achool children, aay* the
These broken wlU arrange torma to Fhitedriphia PnbUc Ledger. He has
the city llbraiiea
ault tbe piih?baaer. wbo comes to au
earns depldJug the
agreement becmnac be *U aWare there
ns and occupations
arc no other brokers of tbe same firm
of tbe world
to to town and that to get that partic
ular make of gooda or msehlne* ho as wril as their natural aod manofacmust make to arrangemenU right tnred prodneta.
te pack
there. An instance U cited by tbe
agent where an American Arm dW not ed ifk boxes, each box repraeiitiag a
adopt tbe sole agency pUn and found; country, will te loaoed to toacten of
to Its surprUe. that two Americans schools for two week* at a time. On
wcd^ fighting one another instead of Its return a box containing studies of
presenting a nnlt^ front to comi>eU- another country may be borrowed. Tbe
tom of other nations. The fact that boxen wUl coutaln about 2U0 aperimena
both men were trying to aril tbe aamr each and doacna of up to data photoAmerican good* made the example all grapba. Already the exhibits of ten
tbe more remarkable, sioc'e It showed a countries have been completed, and to
willtognea* to sacrifice tbe market to a few week* Dr. Wilson expecu to have
tbe effort to land an individual com- every country oo tbe globe reprcscnied.
kcra of those natJouallties. They Inva
riably hare a tearoom, where they talk
sbo]) with Intending parcbmaers and
not only advance tbelr own ware*, but
casually Interview tbrir gueet as to
what other brokers am offering to do
for him to tbe way of price* and ac^
commodating payroenta. Reacbing the
nail%*e thus over ibe teaeuiw, tbe agent
learns of *uppoM>d defects in hhi good*,
or If be finds tbe buyer has good ideas
for Improving tbe line tbe anggestioiis
are promptly dispatched to tbe factory
and tbe gocls changed to anit the ucu
Tbe point of chief Importance, how
ever. Is the assunmee that tbe field la
open to tbe world axkd that American
firm* can gain a great part of tbe mar
ket If they study the altuaUon and do
what tbelr rival* are ao ready to do to
win Japan's tinde. With tbe end of
tbe war Japaita look again to tbe
greatest comforta of life and wUl npply tbemarivee with sneb foreign
goods as catcb tbrir fancy aod seem
adaptable to tbrir needs. When goods
are wanted qolckly Amertcan firms
naually eutetrip tbrir conpeUtoia. At
Kobe tbe imports from tbe United
State* to tbe first seven months to
1005 reached a total of about 920.000.000. Tbe current year’s record is
Plamea teauiiig from the top of a live
redwood tree Is tbe. sight that can te
seen to the Btatc park to tbe Big Basin,
say* a Santa Cruz coirrepondent of tbe
Ban lYancisco CalL This Is tbe tblid
time to fourteen mootte that flames
bare teen rialble. Tbe fire is burning
constanU.v. tmt at timm ao slowly that
it Is not perceptible. The heart of the
tree la decayed, and It burns like ^
until the blase burns a hole tbrongh
tbe trunk. This forma a vent and
causca the amolderiDg embers to burst
Into flame*. Tbe tree waa 140 feet to
teteht when ft flrat took fire. Now tt
la but ninety feet high.
BALC-Pnlr of Na
weiibt xAbo.
Xmas Dins'
Hand Bag» —proper
•tylM—ooRoct priow.
not plenne you in thb line.
Jewelry Riw from 6c
to S2.50onch.
Pina 10c up. Gents’ Vent
Cliaina. Locketa, etc. La(lion’ Locketo, CittenoA Watch
Folm, etc.
^anc^ Sta^nery 10c
Lawn Doiles5cto25o
BMdNecklacM lOoto
Back Combs IOd to UOO
Side Combs 5c to 25c pr.
DworaUd Child's
Dinner SetiOaxge) 3ji0
For Overcoats of Style and Quality
at Money*Savin^ Prices
CoiTK* here* At your firit opiwrtunity ami we ll abow
yooOvcrcoata of tbe nonaorrs amartest fashion that
will imprewa you uiKm ext
amination as licing tkt
grfifitfisl TklMfi ym stmt
AT $10.00
At this price you can
take yonr choice ol a me.
dium length or extremely
long single.brefisled model
the Hartwell Preabytertan
church which will oonttooe for twentysix day*, says tite Ctoclnnati Enquirer.
Tbe other day the prayer* were for all
members of the congregation w
name* begin with "A." The next day
those wboee name* begin with "B"
were to te prayed for. and ao on all
(alphabet The aervice waa
devtaed by the putor, Dr. Charks F.
MMs la imes.
Lacemaktog is maid to te dying oat
not onl^ to Engtend. but also to Italy
and to Fronen, wbsro nleneon and
qnalitv nerge; made of black
or Oxford friertfi and other
acrvioeable fabrics—not a
garment worth less than
$12.50, special for ^tn
this week only.......
AT $15.00
In this coUeotioii yon
wiU findaU tbeoeirfibgle
aod doubk-bieasted atylea,
*np.to-the.mimite in ^h.
which are received and distributod tbe
trick the __
American firms to protect tbrir tradeter*. A* soon na the natives karn the
difference between tbe real and tbe
apariooB And diaeovtf tbe advaatnie of
Umt vin TlMt roMUroA
OUCHsttr. rrcBN A Co.'
King AJfonao's German profesaor
has been‘dtemteaed from •errice for
tbe allegfd offm«* of sp^Mtoff o Bl PlMw Thtts. ofilted by tbe Uln
tian or worated; nm^ of
W. P. Moms and wtfe of lading-
tad nl^
iMib Sl*ck
porta to tile same
nopolj Buppitee
1 oxen. 4
FAimfr-Glrt tor geneml bonne.
woHl Mra T. A. Pnnnbnlten. 617
tbe American arttete they prriri to
pay the higher price. American fobaeco^ta be«^^taahce of this, even
^ANTCO-A en|tnr. C H. M
WR* A ■eiifinsi SMAorr
N«xt «0M Ke» 7«n. Un
til tlMM don't fanH to and
tba app—^
Abordaaa aod aalafB bdag «o
WM Htii VWitrdty
M 10 trOlMk «l t»M Hmm «f
HtrtM, Harry Barr.
tAv mSiJ^wm taM Umav
ma at X oViock from Ihe Moiho-
for te?te5S? **^ ***'
quickest Core mu«
KiNC*S i MH»w
MfMM frmfk other coontilaa. Bat
we do Jaalat for the praaant at least
that ytm make a definition wbkb wlU
be poatUra. ms woold oaeM
Ida bat aaoagb to blla*
•men whmbodlacar
or im aatam that tt ahowa la arwythlaa bo «ya or do«. Ui hla latton
and prlroto coaroraaUoa It la preamt
aa aBorh at Ui hla haoka. It la oraa
rrroaM la Via artteu. for bo baa rror
hem a prartkal joker.
Hr blaiartf
aar« thatboattiokoaall the tlaao wbm
loamcd to amokr
awabr. hot baa i
ic aamo with bla
In bla alrefi. It
wmm moA la, firtai. ilit world mrm.
mtmm, mmoirn and latlonal rkmrm of
tlitoiB. dito iirtnco of Jt-nrw luw pUrrd
the ngp BikUv a debt that wc oorarlroj
•«Sdl Nmr S
lohnson Drag Cd. S.E. Wait ^ Sons American Droj^Cd:
baa awakaood Cbbia ftao bar <
of aliUDiMr. Bbe now onderatanda that
m moat be prepared to klU aa many
paopla aa poaatbla with fbe leaat axpante to bemaif If dbe b to be nvedr
ad. U tm yaam wo win bare a atandIng arm of fiOCKfiOO mm. wall tralnad
and wall aqdppad. Bat ramanber.
China win nrrar be aa aggriaalra natloB. fiba wm be able to protect barifle*. The record w*aa made by the
I’olverinc two years ago. The floe*
-•Btm drop of blood dnwn by tbelj^
Mab MUl be amngtd by fbe eworiL*|t
East Side Crowd Was Vary Plaasanlly
la Deserted.
mid TOUT Uoeain. Br«y repreaelTa|{
Poor old nob nttflramons Is Indeed
Entertalnod at the Home of M.
to hard luck. Ill* defeat at Jhc hands
nuna can do mneb to barm
Caiper Whitney, editor of the Om- of Philadelphia Jack O nricn Is feling magaRiDo ha» at Uat come out lowed by deserUun by hU wife. anJ to
The Ka.*! 8Me Crowd had Its eecond
that Mie oaks for yoor Joattee to deal- with hlH All Awericaa eleven and It U nhi ll to. act.rdlng to FUx’s story, she
teg dacoofly wttb her honored men. as much of a larce this year as It was took with her the Jewel* which wen- annual Christmas tree last oveolng.
dm If-yon will oxdode her common last Simeon when be refaaed to put tee property of Bol» s second wife and Hen Montague bdng the host and tbo
iHM- M-lug at the home of hU parent*.
Michigan worth more than all the other posse*
people. China most not be treated aa Wimc Heston, tbo groat
of the Mr. and Mr.. H. Montagoe. The tree
kSoos owned by the old
MiebaabamtatbapaRt She will nev
mas a large one but there mrcrc no
er again aobmlt to what Mio baa aufronny presents that It was naablc to
I In the wi»Kt good enough to make
through aliput all he wa* Irfuir all of them cm If* brmcbm and
to the ring a consequently they weyro pSIod btgb
worth. Wlte hts power
Every ooe praomit. and
hlug of the past, the veteran pugilist underneath.
the several that were abscat. rocolved
Why fSTiItirey should place Krker
’****1 counlry without remembrance* of some kind and thcr*
sail, acknowh-dgod the greatest quar he first
wen* a number of clever take-offM of
terhark tn the emmlr>- at full back, le a cent.
of ncrcrml of those
Webb Jay Back.
qoestion which pussies all western
llajkr Jebn J. DooVr of PorHand.
Webb Jay. mho has flirted with pi (sent.
ir^ mortaunt toapector general of rifle f(K>tball critics. \Sl»ltncy doe* nothing
After the revtral hundred gift# had
death on various occmalonr. has dt'pracMoe. has perfected d tann for to enlighten the football crlUcs aa
of apmakes n<» coromeni on putting the cldod to ro-t*nier the motor raring
rifle ^dleo tn armortee
rrashing ph**, frie<l eakex and itwect elder were
great little quarterback In a poaltloij game
tteMsOr tee naticoal guard, aaja a
m rv<Ml and the
VlrglnU reel
which he has never played In hi* life. through a fence at RuCtolo at the rate
danced. ThU was followcHl by a abort
Portlasd opeeUl to the New York
He probably And* hlmKclf In the «aroi
mind to quit the game, tmt the fever program which cIhkhI a very pleasant
fix aa he did last season when he ad
The target la conipoacd of two tblck- mitted that Erkehmll was good enough has taken poasestlon of Mm again, raid happy evraing. The crowd then
clattered drays and returned to teclf
aemem ot plunk, aniiported by a frame
on. but that he did not ami now ho say* he mill enter the
homes, each one looking like a doparlraatliig on a base which bolda tbo tar- LUow where to put him. It It posHihle racing next season when the CMeago
r he may have had an idea Automobile club holds Us meeting.
get upright and allowa of Ita being
mored to any pert of the arm
In Mad Chase.
There la a email apace between
front and rear aerttena of the Urget.
Millions rush In mad chase after List of th« Offlesr* Etocted al Maple
Hutchinson is the
of faddism
and white on the front aectlon is placed
health, from i
|K>«mnn j
The following fs^*llKl of officers of
to another, w en. If they would only
tee target ItaeH there l« on the roar
eat good food
fnr»d and Keep their iKiwels Murray post of Maple CUy fur the cu•ectkm a ateH plate to prerent the bnl
that Hutchinson Is In the same cIssh
regular wlte l>r. Kings New Life suing year:
leta penetrating bote ^K^llona.
The with Bekersall.
PUla. IbelT
LbelT troubles
iroublca would all pass
CUunmander. Abner 8. I-Yllr.
■etoctlon. Michigan Is
away. Prompt relief and quick cure ^ Senior
Iranctc to drop to tee floor after they left entirely In the ertd. not one
for liver and stoihach trnublo: 25c at
ced on I
bare atrnek the etoel itette. The front Yoafs proteges bidi
Junhir vice eomwaodcr. Ixuls '
____________ ________ and Ya
section la ao orranged teat tl
ha« been
very thoughtfn
t will reat and
Siifgeoii. C. McIntyre.
three men from each ehsiTond eleven.
It will bo
ta Eater His MM.**
h» WMI Trtii .hotr. forth In hi. Iranc rrtaWon..
ArtMMML but It I* too nrarb of ■ | Uel. « ro<i«ol hoU. ftiinoac fw hi. ani-
Wban the rlaltora airlvad Mra, Clemena almoat fatntad ob dtoroTedng that
the baby waa her own.
Twain waa alwaya fond of oata. He
bad a bunch onco that did not lire
They were orerwctgbtod wllb
their namea, be thought. The namea
were Bonr Uaab, ApoUlnarta. Eoroaater
and Blatberaklte.
R« 1. not OTCTfOOU of ctottM^ r»fmlns pq««ma. .ronnU boinr., llo »l«H.lly dHcU coltar. nod ernrat.;
mira llTln« at Ilulford be UMd to
rilmb oror tb. I»rti f«M» and «tl ou
HanM BMCbtr Btowo. ’nauallj 1u a
coUariM. foodltloa. On. momtn* aftw aurb a can Mra. Stowe rrcchrcd a
peckaca cootatnhie a collar and eratat wttb tbla DOtc:
fbiwito the past-
; tiniiie, nuU l>e*kiea Mark ) compliments, and Is afrectteoBle tn nil.
Twato flu bei«.T.
He was Imni at I bis home relstloo*.
HU *later-ln low
Klorlda. Mo.. Imt early mored to llan ! baa sakl of him that •welf never w-ema i
albal. HU fateer was an nlmentmlud- j to enter bU mind. Tl»e want* of otb-j
and forgot the youngster at nrs are nlwTtya ui»|wrmo*tbtwrd tee !
l onccmlng bis niothcr. the fouious
him and orarloek : bumoriat once aald: -Aa to wit I bare
^ raailly on tbo road. Mark bad III ' met my WaterlM. There U one wo1%. fie acboolliig ami 6cc-bdic a devil In bit man whom I could never get ahead of
^irotbafa printing ofllce. Afterward he * in repartee^my mother.** IVhen Mark’ll
W*s a cub pilot on tbe MUsUalppl. i ateaml>oat capUlu reproved him for
fibers be baa been de^rrUird a* green I bla drawl tn speaking, asking him.
teoklfijr. pkxldlug and slow. One day 1 **What makes you pull your word*
file raptaln aakl to him:
i eo'/** tbe then cub pilot replied: “Yoa-ll
-fiam. you’ll make a r.vcrman eome ; have to ask my ma. 8he pulU them
4ey if you’ll Just r*t over tbla non
tee same way.•Mtoe of writ In* fer the papers. Why !
Mark Twain’s wife was a Miss Olh'Ia
don’t you qiiltr
: iJingiWo of Elmira, whose father waa
-Vet. raidatn.- replUvl the future , quite wealthy.
When tbe courtship
bomorUt. -‘and don’t ye s-poae I might was young Twain railed on tbe old
make a-firrttyniCKid writer some dar ! p-utleman.
Fldllng toward tee door.
If I’d Jest get ovrr4hlaHryi«*^lo be a lie tlmWlf asked:
-Have >ou noticed anytelng between
At tbe outbreak of tl»e war be Jolnetl i your dangtiter ami me. Mr, Langdonr
a tfinjedarate company of Irregulart,
hot sras never to much of o Uttle. He
eald tee enemy never wanted to fight
when bU men did. and when tee ene
my wttted to flgbt Ms fMU were generany on tbe move. So be left
StTfidi Ny Mrt tigbl A«nHU broteer who bad ow bM tee print-
mum UMaa: they are aQ
waa bum with the Uteben In front
order, aa the owner aakb that the aerranu might aec the callera wltboot tak
ing Uiue to nm Into the halla and peep
\\nien during a contagion one of tec
Twain houses wAa disinfected Mark
aald that tee fumlgator was eo strong
*«||}at it took all the brass off the door^oba and all the tune oat of the pl,naTwalu’a Uteat book. In which
skins King Leopold of Belgium, la
probably the boWeal stuck ever made
ou a crowned bend, and It U as rightoona aa It U brave.
Tbe crowning act of the career of
tbla most /amoua of American writers
waa in paying off the debu of tbe publuhing firm of Charles U Webster fle
Co., teongh not legally bound to do ao.
It took him years of bard woiV In hla
old age. but finally every cent waa met
Tbe world bad laughed with Mnrk
Twain before. It learned to love him
•a m«ii attMtlon ta brtof laTlabed OB
a moBfcar
ta tb. B.W pafof one
ct Boatoa'a aortal ll(hta that U loots
as tbouch many of tbsas llula animals
■ay anioy a banv eatatanra
rtrty'. baaaaroot roof boforo tb. wln-If yow keep a ehan* lookout you will - tar la OTsr. aaya tb. Now Tortc Prraa.
Tbe Twnlne had three dtugUtera, and Tbs woman la qnaatloa dots not krap
to commemorate tbe^ b»rtb tee pitml bar pet lodoora. but takes him oat
fkteer fraeted three bindsome atone dilTlBC wllb bar, glrUtt >1^
I watering trougba. wlte tbe name and him in bar sflalpapo whlrt
i date of birth cut oo each, tens pubtUb-
**—•(Slt'lISiTiJJrt mSd2d*rt»tor!
rawy. ne
tog fW tbe
: ■ head Wlleoa- and -Mulberry fieltoPi-
_______ ____ _
aad ondcr tbl* MM*
though*^’lnrer**'camp. do^^
In WkUa.r'« wi«
Mueb of tee bumoriafa work la done
at bis wurnmer borne at Samnac Lake,
where be goes to cncape from bla ad-
Ha once told William Draa Howrlla
that todadakBi bad made bla fortune.
Wban be ooold iiot de^
4i»md bb lost oldbet for a dvir or an
apple be kept It and ao got ricb.
Here b a sample of a mtber atniillng
praenco^ Joke. A kindly old cooplo on
whom the Clemenaaa were going to call
TIhtt la a irmlrnr aide to UU woilc.
were aurprlaad In the early erentag at
a qaalliy of patboa. and tbla amllrr
finding a yonng baby left on their
front atepa. IVey derided to adopt the
mm. la
K -IpBidout ovor 916so to looolRliir^
r. I anar
bo^o St
Of lalo, bowerer. soma of bar family
Plato aad odd RtakfO hara dtaappwrad. Bad It ta aaapartad that tbla
lataat addHIoQ to tbs
petnoved by sliding them from
frame and new pieces substituted.
1 prlare to IntroSa
Dlab to HU PHweooR.
Pork and bean* In the pan. family
yie. Is alKWt to be Introduced to tbo
tnbira of tec nobility qf Austria, says
special dispatch from Siamford. Conn.,
to tbe New York World.
I>r. Robert T. Morris of New York
reecatly bad u gueet at hU country
plaee. Metriebrook. tee Prince of Colloredo Manfekl of Anatrla. who waa
tiraud by the booaekeeper. Mrs. J. C.
Wright, to ao old fartiloned New Englend dinner, with pumpkin pie. apple
sauce, homemade pickles and pork and
beans. Tbe Utter won tec royal guest’s
••Yon muet give me the recipe for pre
paring teto dellclofia fllsh.- said the
prince. And tlie proo*l bouaekeeper
wrote U dosrn. Tbe prince aald he
woold see to It that bU princess introdoced tee dish luto his castle.
Bow a Dog F0004 «10/MW I* OoM.
The lustluct of ii Cbeaapeake bay
(km recently resulted In tbe dUeovery
of gold dust worth glU.OUU bidden to
tbe borne of George E.
One night ree»uily Ut ma* Sunday
o. of Ik. N. W. Heirliigton.
graces of the eastern college*
nlgftti n rnther »^-edy
t>. of
Ji»se|ili ITIee.
un!vcri*lTi«*s. Although
Alihougli Camp de
stei*I**’^l up to the iMir In a suloon sou
Adjutant. J. W. Dlrkerman.
that both Curth- and Schultx
Noid to tec purteiidcr:
Delegnle to stale encampment, JbliB
jod enough
the Michigan eleven wen- good
•‘Von wouldn’t take a turn’s l.«.st eenti Uago.
for bis w-ct>nd tram, Whitney caul
>r n/drliik of mhltaky. w. uM > >ur’
Alternate. L. nonn( r.
I and’
IhMr ;
plan** men
inferiors In Iheir js
hedule Ready.
—Soerriary '
-Y*^n \U'T wonw!’’**
Knowles of the New Yorl
The (Sher NlglK-d: ’‘Well. I’%c got*
q-;,,. c;;.vnd Tiaverse county farmera’
about completed the arJjc
i to have the whlsk.v.” lie Mild. He va< inKilim^ vlll Ik* held In this city Jan.
spring training trip. The
n 1 aened m Ith the «’rink. "Y.rti iii; nii It: m 2«. The following arc the dktc* for
port to Manager McGraw on March
and will proceed Immediately
. Tcnn. Tliey will stay In that cJty I cent?” he .nnkeil
until March 20. when they will go to .
-.Sure.” said the Imrlcnder,
n. 26-27.
Kalkaska - KalKmka. Jan
onto #he
Nashville, pin)lug there <on March
Bay. Jan. 22-20,
bar. -Well, there It is.” hr >n\d. and
23 and 24. Oni .March 25 t!
’opeailsh. Jan. 18 10.
Mani.^K-e Cop
again nt Memphis,
out be wenL-^Nem* Y<*rk Tiiiii-H.
until the last day of th
ames will he pltiycMl at UUI
month pa
Hock and Memphis, and then McGraw
Young People Married at Home of Mr.
.md hiK men will go to IxmlsvlMc.
”I.Afi.eycd pci^de simply own th*
and Mr*. Edward Lowry.
the Amertran
association town Ihe-c ilayA" f-ild n Bnaduny
John R. Bush and Mlvh Maude Lconn
team of that cltv on March 31 au1i,„.„p„{. -q; tho;|:rominenr«- nnd Ini-;
r-IIan.of this city were united ifi
April 1. On April 2 they will play lu-j ,H>rt.nn. c of that iqdlr eniitlnuc to In-;
dlnaapolis; 3 ami 4 Columbus, win* |
,vc sb.il! one .bi
Ing up their trip al Wheeling (m April
patir>nts; siindav evening at C p. m.. only Iba
Two days lan-r they will om*n the
.-ilc-mly cem-! immediate ft lends N'lng present Tho
’ -1
-eremony waa
• win reside In
at the Polo grounds.
other nnasslstcl by »* mote, vtnot <» *«
The Naftonal leai
serson. II is expired, will be oin-ncd times oat of ten that test show s liow [
on April 12. with the champions pis.'HP useful the left e>c U tean |
Ing at Phikidelphla, Brooklyn meeting
- '•—Brooklyn hhiglc.
Walk., aaya a dUpateb from that city
to tee Kanaae aty Time*. When tee
secret eervlee epsratlvea entered the
Adams borne to make a aeairii they Prank O Brlm of the Yale Imsc t^ll j
cuHlraled tbe acquatoUnee of tee dog. nine has onnounecd ns his
which U a trained retriever.
A few Ihe season that Waller Camp will hej
mtoutee Uter be came walking up to (hr general adviser of the team and
ihai the fleltl covrhing will bo doi|c by!
tbe «pf!raUvea with a package conutoBill) Lush, the former l>eirr>it a:
tog gold dost to bU moMtb. With tele
Cleveland play
toceoUve tbe aeetrbera act to wortt season’s nine.
with a will, and undmeaUi tbe tone
Capl. O Brten ks's there la
of coal stored- to tee haaemeot they rhance for a new rage for t
Is for the 11
found aeretnl more packages oooUln- of the season of
Ilrncturr are *Mll lacking and ground
Win not liC broken for the
cage during the pre^nt
three rear* since the rooter*
Tala teaiB sUrtod to col^ ^***/'^ 1
1« WmeU Wat*r tavolg.
tWtaSs2*ta‘C:.‘rbimma.prt. •Mwloraa
teriBkoga to tea world’a wntor sttptort to bMUre that bm telogt were ply boa bora prafiictafi by M. MtrtoL
tea Praocb cxplorar of ctrra. to a lactoro, Tbrongb tec croaloo and corro€f tea oartefi oarraca. be raid, tb*
roeently fined at Kew fitter Wm to belDg coattoatlljr krarA
ad. mM be bad amted
bU employer teat he ftee elmar- tog tela fim ofiortiid « bma i
•boolA pay aU flaea. Tbe prae- tee fiortd win a few coDtorlM
Japan boa a now ptrlodiraL Tcgwml
gtoi of fifikb Ii to trate tea
tagger 09MWlt tottora. Tlwadltor
to thtor mpm» ovl eorloaily tnoofib.
apfitoatteaboiiltaf I
to too ol4 to bfiffi
&jRSi?es. 'Steffi
No Secrets
to coaeoai; so oacreis to
Ve poblish tea fomoloaoralloar
BM. You will find teoaa to Arefg
Alinanae for 1906; or vrfie at mod we
win tend tee® to yoti. Tlfea obow tea
firTwg fiBdtof, ofid asTW
tot fiori CKallang*. ^
Kalsmaaoo. Mich.. Tk*. 2fi.->Thc
Katomaaoo lea Yacht rtab. In prrparIng. for the
to the
teUr eommodora, D. C. CMto. tboy anoonora that they ore ready to co»-
Oite^c l« told by R Rarer Aablcf.
Feed. Buckwheat. Rye. Graham.-and
Wholewheat Pour. Yellow Cranulated Meal. Buyers and shippers of
Grain; car lota or less. Custom feed
grinding a specUlty..
tOOMaadadb W. SV«Uk.
-Oto. PhMS «*l
- -3
TKAVtmc eriV. aieMWAH, tuumv. Mccuaui m,'
' limYesrialvf^ Bikes a ceaerst ckastirak.
attfeat tluemBefses articles ef vaDe tbaiBarto
0mmu jm uqr fltoarea^ kajrfr )^k tto
•( C«l«diM r«e» ui M.ui4 «l|5
MMMKlew fs«M to.Be facad.
.iliiinib mpHlj
A Ft9;0MnL
su orl*. a to» ML
Me ««•
Of J*oe.
no oMnonae HooA or iho MMU Mr- latmtaod br Seootor
Hood if Mojfr fonorml Btrro BtbiM. bm ir tbo intoftuto coou
At dIHfMt tiato bo boo boM frfa BBlIw If tbo moot ndloBllofMOr. It
S9m H«xko ood Woot Vtr
oil tbo proTtolobo or tbo BMbM •iimMM mo IIU'OMW w1*
bOl and la odOlttoo ob#ofr0tm f» fMB04r «i ffiU mhm food.
Dmiote to fljr BimmoBi of
SS -ptnwii Mtgbrr Joaof orBUiOi^ woH
Doa«r BklMid Boa fli« «uw rsU« w
AfMv. O^HraiMlMdtotefmA
AMUmT. n» fMT
fi«u DOC bo fMtttaDd to Mr
iD dM rkH iblMMr. At far tm
pcMiWo ODO owMDKr ii»H boro oo
OQMldbow wllboUc
W tTMtl Ifl Mf ftMHMl 1—Ml Kow vooroMttlMltbo lor or tbo loM.
mmMoi te iM«f^ tiM
n^fr! fS^Hn
Al mrrni ta M li *i fHM.
BortM MoraODod oonocbloff oT tbo
■<iirylnllM wjorttr Hr WWA tbt oootoev or tbo bottioMd. fbo aoct
iMMt pMMd tiw Mi^V»vMn4 IHH tbiM Is to look bito tbo coDdltlon or
9t|tlM Use twrti lit to 17>4iiAkBlM
tWrv wUI ^m90Ajnrtk9im- foroso} WbodMti tbo moot oanf \Vboto
OfO tbo bif BDDSt Wbol oboot Mo
liuthMtuitr, Tu
ss‘«^ :£.•£: aiLiSS;
aadtoboDtopoTldoDcoforltioir. tbo
Fotoba bill prortdos thst tbo mottw
or telM ntos flboH bo Ion to Ibo PailOfUtoo brtiodo. but tt Is Dot
od nioioo ftmns. Tbo EtkUia biu U CO
tbot 0 DMlorttr or Ibis bodr will roUow . U Id tbo Dotoro of o comproariso.
#▼\#rblVL So«iOOoortboasMoMl4obo;iMtbtcoauBiooioopowortoaolco|lDdcoBDlrlM at t«1>lM oror tbo rortraw ! ingoiMt taorlof tU rooi ntU iPokiog
to Ibo rolbood foreoo. bot bo If o fov powor Id tbo bonds of tbo coorto. oDd
goDorol ODd 4oos not dro blmsoir i piwrldlM fuitbor tbot bronob HoM or
owor* Broty row days tbero <
**foodoa.** are to bo.allowod f
DMMB tbot be Is bring to etoet d coa- tbslr pro rau sbars of receipts on
froMtot that am carried both by them
UM tbot bo narM mccMofol .
and tkt tmk Una. Ilanto. kff tHo
Anotbsr gioot oomiwindir to tbo ood- way. to one of tbo nubs to tbo eonDis IstisMna Jtoto W. Aldrtcb. wbo
IpUs Ursa Rbodo Islond. Now. Aldrtcb
tbo oMtMdiM boots look OOOIOtlllM It not aocb on droa poindo. bm bo It
Vko this: On ono ddo Tbrodora Boom- o alfbtr ann of ttrotogj. Oboro u do
roll, Mowing bis tootb; on tbo otbnt doobtottobitpotUkm. lloUoiHioDtd
tbo roflnads ond fororod obtppon. IMt
loiomodi- toDcbFUlKbarrt.ot.blju to tbo todit
^ iMMk la • ««A >■ M to WfartMT
troTw, hr the aUowahee of
rata to prirats branch Itna bka bosn
ons sir tbo motbods of gtrlng rsbstm
Tbo contatlon of the
agatoat giving tbd proposed powor to
tbo Intersuto commerce commission ot
any tobor aoc-uUve body to that rats
maklug to an oxAwwliugly lutrieato and
delkato process, wbicb can only be
bandied by experts; tbst It o'onld dtotnrb nod dtoarrsujco bmtlooss; that to
fix lower rstio tiisu those Id furro
would bo actuslly coofiMcatory. aod that
It wt^jkl irivo the government the powor to fix a price on tlielr private prop
erty. which to traaiK»rUtion. They
lirofea lo bo anxious that all raholm
mid be dae
noosofoU If found to bars It Is ate to ay tbai bo Win bo Aauoit-
cd In the courts. It to only fair to say
on tbto polnu however, that the su
preme court bus decidChl that rate makbM oompoiod to o Bre olorm. but tbot hu; to a kgtototive functlon.aiul cannot
WM by bis ouemles. He love« nothing be vested lu the ixKtrts. they only bava much a a flgtt ami gonorally la to tog the right to enyotn an Iniustkoone. both tnakletoa own Una and ouL
for example, a rate that would amount
to conflsc'atkiD of property.
VIM Warrisa.
BMI* W«r«k Gh^ to Set.
Araysd agatoot tboa are* a valiant
tost of warrioa wbo ors stpding by
The bodr of ImmeJtntr Imorvst I. the
Cokmel nouoo^ olt. Cblef of jstbea per
haps is General !*bUauder C. Knox of
mmsylranla. Kuox will handle the
legal end of tbo ampalgn and ts emi
nently aited fa the Usk. With tom
bo Coloool Jonathan V. IklUra of
not toko from tom. Ula toggsot gun
at tbto mdoubt to o Cannon coltod Iowa. He to o mighty aata. ond hto WlU anpiK>rt him. One. MllUrd of NV
Undo Jot. It oomotima acattort. but roko wUl Ota* bo bard Mecrlng too braaka. to doubtful, but It to beikrad
word. Unod up on the aaae Chat he will line up with Uooarwit, aa
boieba smoko ond Bro and
bo tbo votoranf. Allkon ond bto state orarwbclmlugly supports the
things oxcoedlngly Intoratl
rconiU bo president Of the Demormts at least
frtoDi ond too. AnoCbor gun to
by Jobn Sharp WlUlama. and when St forxoUen. La FotteCto of .Wlaconato- four arc said to favor Uu* Roosevelt
r>es off tbo report may bo bard tor oew in the aooate. bot not In tbto Bfbt plan. This would assure fsvorable acmUes. It baa been known to blow o He baa been abootliiff it into tbo roU- rioD by the committee. A cauvsss of
tbo acoate Itaelf would stKmi to Indkata
**kld /rangreoaman** Into smaU ploceo. rada fa lo. tboa many years.
Of the Demorratk bats most of that sormaent control wUI wta out.
WTUlo It Bra Doniocnttc abolta. tt moy
thorn wlU bo ilgbttog with tbo prsai- At toast asme biU to iimctlcaUy certalu
be c-ooutod fa the praidwt bore. _
dent Two notable exceptions will be to be paaaed. even though It be a cosnGorman, tbo veteran strategiat of promtoe. It win be a battle worth go
the bast infonned
vomUl n^nMBt and OJiartfa K. Tinni. I Maiytoad. aad U««ai> of Alabaan. ing miles U acc.
.CDd ot th. Mlohlrm to^
tbo dlfffrsnco boCwoeo prirots eontrul
onrt public coutroU Howo^-or rolled or
bolofBod. dilt rrmilni tbo cblof eontoiitloo. miippod of oil oklo losoa. tbo
But In
qoatioo It tlfflplo. Urns tbo notion tbo
rigbt to fMttloto tronaportotlou tolltf way. And looked ot closely tbo o
aido doa Dot loom quite miltod.
tbs raUrood men are not gottUig Into
tbo tight IVrbapa they are wtoo to
tboir gi*noraUon aud are wlUtn* to
wbrtber ftoigbt odaduia «a too blgb take a alight pmulag of prlrllcga tost
or too low a cron oa to wboCbor tboro o worse thtog bofaU them.
it dlocrtmlntUon a fovorintm. AU
Aa for tbo strotogic adrantagea. the
Mija tbtoM oro torolvod. bm tbkr do
not coaotltDto tbo crux of tbo toottor. proaldont to totrooebod on Capitol blU
Tbbt tuma upon tbo arorolgn powa to o otrong fortraa known u tbo
of Ibo Unltsd Butoo over-Its common
rorridra. llnrtag got tbio ono point
flxM, tt It poalbJo to wodo Into tbo
Ut^tba or tbo nb)oct wltbout lootmT oDo^ barings. Boforo tbo ovor
MO bgr mind tockico a laattcr a ajstorloa a tbo modem mltwar ato
Docuo oDcb prooouUa U Dewssary.
One otba thing ts door, tbst tbo roUroM question is totsrm'ova with tbot
DU ogtutla ODd tbo U'of trust trtols
Mowsd tbot. Thfso twojraucoms wort
bum up lorgeir on tbo >fbot^.^ltoB
aipo Is tfus or proetkoUr od^
tmm tbot stops a.rsooixt* prodocua
a^t to toktog
tbr frsigbt cots
tssltsr tbo preoidoot seoms to boro got
to tbto view, the adm
Of tha f«end amv to oppoajaoo to
ot ibo top root or tbo whole trust pUut !!!?
control It may be pipdicted train has on a fuUbaodors
This BOka tbo losuo boToro cougroa are ancii faared by the Iba. « tbw 15?;”
‘ ‘ .........................
hare dooa datdl; execoUah to tha!™' they wUl bear down on the ad- somebody bad better get: off the track.
tt then wlU be a
point Is fiirlj plsin-codcodmc tno obstrsft poopooUioD tbst tbo
goysnmiat bos tbo right to fix rota
did little
The story of the torture of Rev. O.
i tocomotlre off tbe track at
too^M^t Is tbs^ evil ot wtoeb ttoo
to Bciplo. but that
D. Moore, pastor of tbe Baptist church
long dtoUDce. Another famous fighter
I otoadl lo It not
will tatorat
re stampeded and did create of UarpersTttle. N.
M^glvtof ori
you. He mays: T Buffered agoalea.
TkS hecaua of a perslstat cough, raolting from file grip, I had lo sleep attV Wins It. It shouki not tine up in bed. 1 tried many
that rotooel Uooeen
r a warrior himself
la. wnen u doaen't break away
, dtopoaltkm to crowd tbe Bgtai
cured my cdugh. and ared me tmm
tM Bgbt befoa he to.^ o. Z^ttlrikU wlU be left
ttat mntt ntiatn Are etUl ^
i.- A grand cure fa«dlaof >ud-poIltk.lly Meakini
that. «tUe «te UH nttira of al tady. Than tbero to Brigedtor Oen- j
tkms of Throat i
|ui of tk* ebtovee to aot todolfwl to
W. S. Heont. vbo to ■ eort of aa . Too i
Drag Co. F. H.
H, Mads. C
drogglsts; price
pricB Al^
Ate aad
A.^Bugbea. dragglrts;
teed. Trial bottle Ibc.
ssi'-toS’iL’^to.riss'tLiL; i
terfdnal talto and tbe Hkn. Tim paal- doa play baroc witb
4eot s daetre to to clotbe tb^ cuamtowith powa to gel at tbaa MtoM
amd correct tbe abupa If detoariDid to
ItoSdL Par axampSk If a
^ ^--------- -
^ aoaechlng Hte
Maatota girls are taaraaa of Mt
who baa bM ffMaeDUr
OB tbe atreeto of Uie. ClUm aiw
putramM tbe atrecU every nigkt to
protect wanen fna attaeka. A few
Blgbu ago Oeorge Parda. opok la A
■akxm. to alleged lo have ebaeed three
girto tor two btodm. aad then la
_ thorW naae aad claiming IHnea on ksr part. makiDg bor In nad
oC tbs money. Tbo arrat dtocloaoo tbo
tact that County Agent Morrol has a
arlout case on band, as yoong Walker
sesas Incorrigible to tbo extreme.
Itoriag Uo past ihmo yoars bo has TO RCNT-Oi
stodea fO btcyctoa. oror BB other artlquire of H.
olod. pawalng and soUtng tbo same
4M 11-lf
Lot 71. iDd boom. Oak Halghtg.
One of tbe beat loeattoas la Um altr
Two bUBdrod tbouand dollars are FOR RINT—lloua oa Morib
ip bo spent la th# erection of an open
woodavmue. F. . Goodrieb.
It to 14 D»a laud M BrnwaM
hearth atoel plant b/ the Lake Bn• !-_____________________ docT-tf
ablp^ about 1 mttt from city HmlM.
pertor'corporailoa at the 800. aoeordIM lo a sioiomoat by Gcnoral llanag^ HOUtC for tent. Ml Btato atraet. 7
Winard N Sawyer made to the newarooms; small barn. If per mouth.
4 «0’B IM mitoa waei of Oadar KS.
papora Work to to batoriod on the
a J. Mtorgaa.____
,dOc 7^
project at once. It will add largely to
the force of men employed, and
make it posaible to use ore from the OFFICE ROOMS for reaU Wilhelm land. Boll good.
block, earner Front and Union.
Also several gfltodge land eontraeti.
Ilolon mine, a property of the com
aug l^CI
J. S. QraUtob On.
paar.. apd xenorally baiidlo non-Bos.
nov n tf
•eroerorcn in tic manufactun* of storl
products. The new move will make
the company practkolly Indepondcut
of American mine owners.
Utica is dIvidcMt agalnat Itaelf over
the qooktlon of iaaulng bonda for 110^
000 for a water works system. Afior
two disastrou recent Bra the voters
on Jqco 10 authorized an Issue of
bands, but oven tba some of the tax
payers p^ested against the expense.
Finally Village Ckrk Ralph Wlloox
iWfWd to sign the bonds whkh had
been sold to BpUzrr A Co. of Toled<i.
Mr. Wlloox allegod that the bonds w* re
The t
ed ths couru. two suits baring been
begun at Mt. Clemens. One Is by the
vUlage counetl asking a mandamua to
compel Wilcox to execute the bonds,
and !•* this a*' order to show cause
was entered for Doc 18. The second
suit Is aa injunction naked for by IC
taxpayers, wbo ay they represent
IllAdOO worth of property, lo rostrain
the council, clerk and village prswldent
n proceeding farther with the Umd
luue. Tbe haring on this Is also set
for Dec 18. Meantime tbe tillage «s
sizzling over the question.
Annajfteeman. the Hastings. Neb.,
school lacher. who told her llanre,
Jamoe McCormick, of Hastings. Mich.,
that she would wait ftw him until he
was free, after he had ct)nf»-5sed M
larceny at a Kalamazoo hotel last
er. who to well todo. came to hto ali
and paid all the costs In the co»«-.
about %:*W) McKIormic-k left at once lo
join his bridi^to-he. who had been pros
trated at her western home since the
arrest of her lover.
H. W. Uxjmls, a Geneva. N. V.. milUonake. who ays he fought one ntllroad in Loulslsna for seventeen years.
Is In Ionia and says he wlil say by the
Pere Marquette until be gels a cl^r
title or oompentatlon for about threequarters of an acre of land In Camp
bell township. It apiMwrs that may
lutek In the ’70’s the old Iwowell A
Hastings roadbed was put across this
Tbe company faib*d and not un
•ron toW.
IsW. The Pore
ss the 'ron^
but Mr
Lcumls claims no right of way was
ever given. That tbe callroad also bos
Its dander up to evident by tbe appear
ance In th# city of Charles McPbers<jn.
of Detroit, attorney for the Pen.Marquette. The case to on call in tho
under be- cloak whMe she wa negole nurchaae of
taking a chance that he was^**St’ mis
taken ke suddenly threw aide the cus
tower’s outer garment, disclosing the
bidden volume. Tbe t
and In great perturberat
eenis charged for the Bible which she
bad openly alerted, ad as she baile.t
oat of tbe <loor eM# looked like (he
price of her purebaa
Had It not been '
presence of mind
Alonzo Cbarette. of Menominee, now
serving In the Phnippina. would, with
about flfieen of kis compaoloua. have
been kiUed by hostile aativa. The
soldiers were off duty and were en
joyingA Urk wba they were set upon.
One of tb« women with the party of
wa a
friend of Private Charet'e. ad la tbe
excitement she slipped awav ad
alarm Chareuc’s term
of enltotmeut expires In a few months,
aad the little Jap girl will iwturn to
the sta*es with him a bU bride.
80 manv -exMning out” reecptloqt
bsve been held in Wabingtoo and Daltfmore la’ely that mothers of tbe more
exclalve sets bare about decided to
abandon sueh affairs and wlU sllow
tketo gtoto to dapasom tortb wttbmil
cereaoBv. The castom on the eootineni to for a motbor to tabe her dangbter to call oa tbrir friends and to leave
Then tbe glri arlO be lavited to
able puma and to eoneklerad
r tounaMd. Tkto method to
gaining favur nverywkefe. Utotead of
f vtoe parral watte 1
til the girt k
and tbcnaii
ddyon- In taidaa debut parttoa are
nme; In Firia and Beriin Umf are a
^uf tkepasc
\ >J|Y A IlffCOm WAMT AOl
Ae ’
l» llH- tb.ftir ellbout
i«o. iu»t III nU. lUyK*u- 1m«< l>e.n
mgnreO aa oflHu ilutt
1^1, •i.ip
tlH-in or not,
slie iitea«w-«i. before tot
ting tbeUM gi> tiMT far. ju«t tP well as
If slie bod s rlmiHVWi rgiil Ibere 1»
bfwr «-\er>nlilng ttal was ookl. Aud
tlveu. .vtMi kii>w. siu4-e wi gi»t tbot
moJtey frvHii piy I.Utoband to iiuHe. we
really an* lio w«-li off (list I wonldu't
llilitk of liaviug tor sue anybody for
brMKk of promise, even it I knew
tbere couldn’t be any failure ataivt
grttlug heavy damages. I >n*t couldn’t
feel right sUmI Uking Mich money,
nxed ns we are.-—CWcagc lt<v*ordlli'mld.
A acboolmastrr. after haring poDlabed one of bis eeboUfU for atwaklog ungrammatically. s«t him to tbe
other end of tbe rojm to Inform anoth
er boy that be wtolved to s^omk to him.
Tbe .voungster. determined to be exact,
thus nddreesed bto fellowl, |vuidl:
-A common substantive, of tbe maseuIlDC grader, singular aamlrt*. nomlaatlrc case, and In on angry mood, that
fdts iwrvbeU upon tbe rmlnemw at tbe
other aide of tto* room, wtolic* to nrtlcvilate a few aenfct>''*w to you In the
If fortune disregards the claim.
Don’t hang thy head In fear and sbllto H *
But marry the girl that yuo leva best: ^
Holllsicr’, Horky Mountain Tea vUl
do the real.
Johnson Drug Go.
man named riaus llvos near Marshall. Mu., aad he has a son wbom be
named ftonu. *n>c latter about ibU
season of the yar hardly dare apoetr
Id public bocause of the aibged jokea
perpetrat'd at his cxiiensi
Boh PMm* Up. U.
, Here is a large line of Fine Cutters,
various styles. NEW STOCK. NEW
assortment of
Robes and Bjantets
Look them over while sleighing ie~
Qo^cn City Ipplctp^t Ca
‘ L. O. RICE. Manager
‘ ’•
IM Frest street
Jockc7 cinb. Th«
Cnlr«»lt7 of CWcMO hM tlrwB.
Ttoe iMtitirtlon to the statM i
ptnjtral wwt bare been looked oo wltb
modi tow to the dtotribotlon of tb«
•tndenti Many of toe
wUllac to admit Flllplooa oa
but few or
clualona upon a wide experience
many year*, find, amonng oiber '
dendea of the day a marked Inci
In the Intellectual life of America. Not
only have bualneaa aad profcaalonal
men come to be reckoned In gr«t
pra amoang buyem of good IIIe bnt a Urge clientele of wo*
reader* prefer a wdl writtcu
.lory of only moderate InterCTl to a
badly written romance of abaorblng
theme. He alao finds a growing apmal tratolat la dten the atadenta. aa predatlon of really good poetry, •ten
n laexp^ many of them will teach dency to pay more attention to book
rerl^a uTperiodlcala of acknowledg
TiiyaleaUy tot Filipino atndento hart ed Handing and a demand for Iwk*
of aeriouB import to be -read to” Inatead of “read torongb.-
Acoatm, ttoml blfhart of «7S youn* per.
aooa of both wnm ezamtocd tor the
magoortaktor«Mnaabereat botBoataniaoM. She to taktoir a mcdl.
cal eowraa to Fhiladelpbla, Three oT
toe drii aio otodytof to Drexel toadtmt*. aad toar are taklii« normal
«ms to be Ibe Aral prime mtnlater
purely Oelilc atrato. Altbongh
hU mother waa a Bannennaa of Man ]
cheater her father settled
Scotlapd and np la Abe
Where the Baanermaa'a
there la IKlJe but the Celtic element.
Paternally Sir Henry ta oot and oat
Celt, bla grandfather and father beig fieab to Glasgow from the heath*
.ry highland bUU. Both bU totber
and ancle, who built up the giwat
ns in the aeooad city which dtlll
hU name. were, when freed from
the oonventlonalltle* of oommercUI
life, antbnslaatlc
highlanders. As
leas man their hisUaad mother
to them:
**What James (Sir
ta^ all oetopttttew to huto^iadtof
y’s father) ptaas and William
In a toat of 878. That waa to 190A. carries out canns go wrong.”
Oongmasmaa John Wealey. Gaines
of Tennessee and Bobart Adams. Jr.,
of Pennayhranla aomabow .or other
for bar. aha waa aot ptomlttod to <
repoutloaa aa being toe
to Aaorlea. aa too mtolmmn age la haveactmlred
very poor i^eakera. When atther he*
gxed at atxtMn. Bho pat bar ago dm
ta gftooa whai tiaadaod, bat too tS*
hooae were on fire. Mr. Adams began
a apeach toe/itoer day aad there was
aoch a mah outward t that the nmn
whoee duty tt Is to lower the flag V
adjosmmeni started to perform that
MMah Tneatpa ahlaa.
Tho tatotaoablpo that ait lMtag_^ task. A member of toe hooae who kad
pine aooota aad coaatabalary has canaed them to tocraaat moch to welihL
d!^ *hff
weight, to ear aoChtog of gatotog matortally to atreagth. There baa been
nttlo dehama among the nuptooe and
but oat dtoth. The government appotota the atadenta tor focr yeara. Of
the 178 iMct 100 wart brongbt to 1008
aad tot otoen teat year aad to Sep.
temllar tf thia
Bctoetton la aW
r Ut« MUIAM nartlt Ftotr Fla
ttoiarlm 8.t.WattABi
i crovM
crowflefl elevator,
Ike boM
Mton tor he
ouae ad)onm
r. Ad*
ed he wottid go borne aayhow.
Santa Clan# ia on hia an
nual crniae lol>«towgood
things on Ua many friends.
the material for a hoaaeaa
a GhrUtmaa preaent, plenae
bear na in mind in oonneotioDwitb the lumber need,
ed. We anpplj the best
the foreatoanS^mflla afford
at lowest prices oonaiatent
with quality.
----- WILL BE AT-----
Park Place Hotel
sun SEUMB 0. Fiom7KX)a.m.to9KX)p.iil
- DwuatoM
lUtkoil Scbool of IbBic.
Fine Dental Work
Christmas Presents
be mom aaitaUa or
iSied. h^ gvS cabinet or the mar.
jT E. QSsmaL
a. M. tluenmant*!
DR. QAUNTLETT N^BamcendReaiEstite
Spooial attoDtios gif« to
Wito Or. I. A. Thompaow
rmr ka*
- .a’-- "
«l I IIKWWU.W«t..l Ukoeg
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