The Evening Record, December 22, 1905

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The Evening Record, December 22, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




MCB TOCNO tartar Me Ik.'I



FOUR OF THE TRAIN CREWS LOST tba two yamw toie
yeMofday on tbe







d «MI rifhte aavaat

mm ■ MS



: ani H

H4b Sebeol Lyeemi Held CbrietoMR


CORtV WILL smto CHRimiAb

■IT PITS V Mraass

OBtoa Dockwold and Dorbsblre
SCANDAL OF DWONCt tuh* MAY were eo badly tajared that they say
Mfo. Oorty. Who Was tmputod of
HMtof Oofio Woto to CoUbItoh

vtifki SMr hM hmm MutA to Im By Wirt to tbe Bvootos Rooord.
mtm$ to oouHi witli
toiMtftol PittsiNirg. Doe. tX.—Mro. W. B.
toftko taMfWiM by tb» tobor too4« Ooroy. wifO of tbo prooldeot of tbo
Uml^ SUtoo otool oorporotkio. vbo
sJnAltoliU boir* ofoto bM ptooH voo ioopoetod to boro poBo woot to
ootobUob O rooldonce lojirdor to opp!y
•i >l^t to tararo bcitoN plimgtop tbo I6r o dtror^^boo orrlTod at tbo boso
citr toto dorttMM to COM tbo otHkm of bor totboriiHlair. wboro It la otofo 0^ to brtoc oboot tbo dootoc of
Id tbot tbo hoabaad will pototly
t^^^ptoAto. Tbopoole
0 for o Cbriatatoa reoaloo mod tt
ood toofo for la otpoetod that o racooctHatloo botooU
twooo tbo ooopio wlU bo e^Ktod.
tboroby oroldtog tbo tonotoobt d^

tiujijirttPHj %o>dtog Bt F


400 Foot ChlWron-Wtll Havo
Troo Aloo.

mCeii TOOI(~iiaDE

FnM Hit WO into the Caaaty Troaomy tor Vtototifip the Llpaer Laara
diot Baotor at Klopalty.
tog with tbe aecoaaary OtOO to aoot
tollgalloa totooaed apoa blu by
tbe Ctraait coait tor rlotoUoa of tbo
MTObtec, tbo Hot. J. W. Minor
r town. No ooBBittoeat pi
aarrtoio tbo Ror. Brooat
» Bade oet aa tbe Sno was paid
poator tif tbo Motbodlat
tbo boBO of Mr. and Mr*. Don-


Mall Carriera Todiy CtoaMy Raa
bio lot Wafiiia
Tbo CbrtotBaa raab strack tbo v
ofSoo today a oolar ptoasa blow. 1
Boa wbo waatod tbolr Bail to
Mra. Wood will 9«id
frtooda at tbolr old a h urry wore ooaaklorably dtoappol
aa tbo dtotrfbaUag waa badly baadlcappod. Tbto was BO toalt of Ue
IN GRAND TRAVCRSB. ployaa wbo woro doing tbair boat bat
waa duo to tbo aratoaebo of Bail
Vtojc Mtobr^ Ttop moo Boovoa wbleb aaddealy doaoaadod on tbo
foroa. Ibo Ball caiiiera baro i
toa atoo and tbolr loada look Uko
tao booMOpAay.CTbooo
booMaJpday.Ctbooo woro prowa
la lOaood t^Toroo conaty. oomtop
froio oaaf
altboogb ooly
yooHtopaTdfOMM 4to aod fOO poooda
CoBBia Law WMa ta
Boot baa aa oi-

tbocorocBDoy a boaatoooaoappor M prorMod by tbo booton wbleb

i«.4 U. A awre. «u

Laat a
that tbe

> asm waa aa-

F. S. Roberta, tbo pronoter. that ao^
flcloot BBDooy la addltloa to what bad
aoboerlbod. waa to alpbt to cobPlato tbo dooL
toto ainooBU wbtoh bad boon
aabooHbod at that Umo. did not malao to tbo oatlatocUoo of tbo proa and alnop that Ubo Mr. RobBBwotWOrorai bnalnooa boo of tbo
MW tetorBiM la tbo loeatloci of tbo
►ry bora, bare boon


After ao liberal a anbaertptlon ai
tbal already asade. It Is beUorod tbat
tbe Uttlo tbat Is tocktog wU not pro.
tbo orpaalsatkB of tbo ooeraeBy

ABerIcae Almeet
Under WhUe UaNed
CbrtotBes roews bat once a year to
le doUgbt of tbe eaproes eoapenlos.
tor tt otleaer at band tbe force of tbe
local ofSces woald be eatlroly iaade.
eaate to handle tbe raab of trade of

(D.lLJaBBqf Mas- OQCB. «4toc; onto. 11«p; PKIl $1$-$$';
OsirolL Dee. »-WlMaL Me; coca.
ptoead to tbo aaytoB. Aa
MHc; onto 14e.

wttb bto toBfiy and

Cisto SB touid Et cost SdlET-

SubMuitlal Olft. for OwiUw
beta •titad”tadaioM U»t
bkta Bot ie imaedktely aetwedfaretta tbTe^ob-


aa. «£.,

Mmr. Itcta be notieed in
•my gathering el mm ud


Pet them in tbe eboee at

XXX BOU.T. Btar wm*..
taMfd Oreuki Ml.



tng at a pair of new aboea.
Jaet leoeiTed SOO paittof

AU mlto gMi »ai BtfU ChrlrtaM frmnu.

iM nensnsiT



For Men. Women and Obfldm. AO kinds of etylee
sndshaiMMatprioesthat are

Mtaicnm OuM
8malung Seta
Baby Seta
Hot Water Bl«i
Chamoia Veate


and jiut htii in mi
that for the oumog aew
year—we will Mrry die
aame well asNTted node
of Rough and Drened
Lumber, the tame exedlentqualitietiB^ Building
Materiali-Do aU kinds
of Mil work aa in thetpast—and 611 your Orders in tbe
same prompt manner—
w* WAN-r WOMB wBadk



Craoerse SKy ima. Ce.



Alfred GrdHcfc k a

pi -'!!?: ^
Of DoHday
Suspender Paekases

242 Brast street
o. c. NorraTT
abctract* of nil*
MMM MTMmtvroav

The President Su

e*ei><» riron

en in beautiful boxes

M.., .0,.,


p« op i.

7Se «o ma.SO
SHAW KNIT SOCKS, X 4ora in lumlwoe bm

■ V;

ESBctoBf Seed Siintr*
Rad JtosertweeLu«<




. It wiB ktapoUt

wm Mir two wMki a«o ud .t Ue

------- :




USIted atntee. tboagb bat of abort
stead taUUsdtytobaeyaabaewItb
Ik. Inoatata ta*tatr>to« Ito. of




tbe wltnoM stand whUe teatlfyiag la
the erlBlaal cane of tbe*People ra.
Jerry TboBsas eaoagb tocU to warrant
bin arreeL appearad betoro jadgo of
tbe Reoorder*s coert tbto Boralap at
10 o’Moek and fiiratobed a $100 bond
for bto mppearmaot Dec. M tor tbo
prolimiaary ezamlaatioa.

troB a tniak or barrel to tbe tiny Uttle
>ewel pared ehbor tcares tbe etty for
Its desUnatloo or arrlTea froB Away
and Is properly ticketed and listed to
tbe ofSctol book of tbe ofSoas.
Tbe ABerlean todey Is snowed
tog to beep ap wjtb tbe arrirtog pack,
asee and aside tooB Ibis a kBg itoe
of socpectoat caetoeMre wbo cannot
wait tbe dellrory la tbeir deabo to ob­
tain their girt peckagea or are handy
ofSce and able to toko tha task
M deUTory tbOBealraa. aland-at tbe
eoaator to Mae. Tbe Adess mt tbe O.
B. 4 L Is ntoo baring lU Wra of tbe



has not boon on.
UtoUr anbocHbed. Mr. RoborU atatos
to tbo Roeord today that bo to now a^
esrel of onoopb to coapleto tbo $100.001 aabocrlpUon rwqalred froca tbU
city. He Is ptonnlag to Boot oatside
cdpitollsts next week whoa deSalte
aitanpoments wlU be made to brtng
tont tha orpaalsation of the propoaod

oonoi M-artta Mteal. M>Biasi. M*< n. Mv f M a cotorad
Uwtt ■raeNT. ••4 Ww no«* Ortil1V :««« Mtta« la aantaM at the

Shoe Trees

Maat Appear Botora Judge Umler ea
PeMBbir ».
Oharlee BtoSord. barteader fo^

fri>tal.*hnd Swtaw miUd <m Utatu. aMalas tar (k.

Rodtotloa. Mtoa floraaee WuL
Vocal Bdo. Mtoa Jalto Kelley, wttb
ielto obttpato by Moaalto Beaaet
Reading. Mtoa Brown.
Piano aolo. NIU WrIghL
ieettoUon, MUa Veia W}

RodUtkm. Mito Rbea Martin.



I of Tibwae^ty. A
tow jfrtooda aod retotlroa frott Blk

SelectkB. -mirytoad WalUe^- Hlpb

Upataira In Butharland Block .

Hi city*a oloetoleol wovba.
Tboy iprotopOy Jotaod tbo otrfbora aod
lofoaod to Bto%. la Oiiol tbo pooaoou roUoo Amy eblldron will bo bold at
tbo barraeka Now Yoar'a day and 400
ttokou bare boon aont ont by tbo aolIbtog tbot Ibty 000 toy booda oo.
dtora to tbo poor eblldron wbo nunTfiopo With Robola.
MoLow. Ok. M.-Troopo oro opoo- bar that many ^within tbo doom of
ly bb}^ w^PbUiy wttb tbo atfikofii. TraToroo City. A tree fumlabod by
nraa tor tboro boa booo oo oorkma tbo Nbrthora Michigan aaylttu loadod
rtotliK bat to oororol aaoll ooltllalooa with awoeu and oontocUona to tbo doof tbo yoonpatora wUl bo tbo eon.
tbo ipanwto woro wild and o otimbor
tor of attraction. The apictol pifu do­
nated by tbo Bttnday acbool aeto
of tbo chnrabK will bo diatribntod to»w afternoon and oranlag by Cap.
toto Boater and atat.


Tbe raeltatkBa ta ngb acbool woro
at abort tbia aftoraooa and tbo fo|.
nrtop prapraB piToa aa tbe Gbrielma Beettop of tbe Hlpb Sebool Lyee-


Tbo atrlkb tbp 4to

I andar tbe aanr
or r. D. MarrS
itaadoat J. W.

Jorad mat They May Oto.

tratoa on tbo Pbltodolpbia and Roadtag railway craabod topatbor nonr Perktoatoa Jaactloa enrty tbto Boratoj
roar of tbe train crawe were ktUod.
Fop Caaaed Wraek.
Moad. lad.. Dee. SS.—A Pan Hai
die freipbt ran toto aa open awttc
aKCfadeaeetoptoatalpbL Ba-

Urntmimg nm F»r

L wbo jiUB mad tbm eSt

Ika M ««tlMak,



'■.f-V ■' ■



WAY’S MUFFLERS, in nice box






| g)


BOe ko I.BO



' rim tta nT Air rhmmJ <N
nmmmiiniir-iiim-tmt rmm
L.««. i. M. tk<
OT kte

tat ttao.

nMra .


fcwene nrIMm amcnls^ m the enrty

Mr. and Mrs, Ffod


Wm Cttr tar. tata, tan t— him, atesngb be was not anknse
ta>. •>«<«•<• Mi
tan tata itat ttae. D»i«« «ta In tryterfoiresld tneh toberm

: inrinii

rmn ta kn tan tata ta ta. tax. ley psrement they both sUpped and
enam fo the sidewalk faring each elbcCynnlaaMn n« <tatM A««- nr, wtib tbHr pedal egMnittoe cen^
Uni acbool. wffl spead her Tnenttoa at ic as ««a u nrton n't* «( tta id^b^>S^^
■o and Mtoa Amee et the third
wwt tbe proper thing to «ay or do un­
grade wiU go to CntrmI Lake.
0 Spencer ef ^ Oak Park
was Mired by tbe quick wltted tody.
Kkenl. em wo to Sprtag LAke for tbe
[fortar. If yea will be good eu*mgh
Tta OBta Ota tab wm «ln <k«
Mtos Flaee to Ownaao. Mist Andrmfo antaltrtaaflta
AM Arbor, tbs MIssss Wrigkt aad «lUtaaa>ntata
ra wtO spsnd tbe boUdajs at UL UtuMt for Trenm CKr to inr
MIAT AMD VIC^ASLEd FOR THg Pleasant. Mtos Stepson at Om
mm tmmtftm ooltat bon tac Hr. B. HbClWtrf. olfMctalle,,
Id Miss Rtoimtasi wiU go to Bn
pta. Tta ante of Itan ooUctajH. D, 4BC« ChUOimit’S Ctajll
Of the Boardmsn avense sriiool

An degant nnoitment of



mm Tienf-fliE
Pt*m mm mUI tetoftfv
•••* wrffl mmt

TDMigr p«„ae tMB marMUorn Arwj
jkM mo ociMr rtgnllc—tt tham m ttUk
Umd €i mm mma women mtrnglmi
mmmd voNi §am to pomimr mnnk
m the ntrmteonmH. Borne Mop mi
iIMm to the mmt$ mmd the eenem
wpme €i the mmhen mmd amrim
lolooff bmghmlhM the Mreet eerrke
;mmi Iko mm te tbe ImU mmIi
lei the people wUli the rod bend «booi
|ttetreg#s. Tbeee Mreet eenrkm emi
J pmiM Mootliiy to the bon. the loriu
ttau io tbo imaM9 \o eeme emd re
9«it. m bat A eman portloa at tht

kata aad «lnfl|^ Warn Die^
tHkIsd Rnky Today.

Agam, bate tbe poor aad aeedy at
tbU dty beea cbeemd by the eoo
tkm of tbe SaltatloB Any with thoee
who are charlUWy IncUned who re^
•eaber q»t aside frtmi the gift gitlag
aaMdg their own frienda and relailtes
a»re are hnadreds of cblldraa
eeesHlM to say aothlag of tbe little
Two days ago diatrtbolloes of
Chrlstass baskeu bsgaa aader
maaagement of tbe Saltation Any to
those famines who could not swsit

day as tbelr needs enrershsdowed the
obsenraaesoCtbeday UsalL NIm
baskets were then distributed.
While those baskeu bare brought
cheer and Idod to the homes where
they were left tbe hepdquarters of the
Balradon Army In the old library
building are today s hive of Industry
Three hundred qtiarU of domestic
canned fruit, hundreds of heads of
^bbage sad also of squash as well,
plar hob nob with red chocked apples.
Pok^ tie pnod^lgb ready for forge
ing tbe^basM"on^hnndred odd bas­
kets aboM being filled by tbe soldiers
who delight In the work. Beans with
a pound of pork ready for the oven
provided from husheU which stand
filled to the brim, while four teams an
MtaUonlst sbHnks from mdihcr sor
biiar salbarliig the -ready to ml
mar nor ttee bal extrf*ds n- ^uali>
baked goods promised to tbe soldiers
halplBg baad to the sufferm frota
by the chsriUble housewives of Trav­
erse City. Pies fat and juicy. I
May. Cbe SaltaUoo beadgaarten spongy and light, and other goedter
am a basy plaea at tbe CbrIsiBMs bas
prepared W the homes wbo i
kaCalbrtba poor are balag Msdr
ready to remember Uie Measednees of
mafiy. rWfi days ago nineteen bas
gtvlng. are being added to Uie supplies
kagi mere akat out aad tbU year tb4
already in. Last year a hundred sad
total trIU be lU. BsUmatlng four
four baskets were sent out This year
to a famNy. that aeans tbat «00 hearts
probably a hundred and twenty-five
«m be made ^ In Trateme City wlU be distributed. Bvery basket will
alMM by qie army which does not groan from overloading, potatoes
fifbt with weapons hat wages a reient. Idilk. two cans of fruit, ten poundi
lesa neter ending battle with sin In
beef, two loaree of bread, a pie or
two. enoui^ apples to go ai
among the cUldren. two oabhagea am!
a nqimsh for the Christmas d
of tbs actnal work of the army as It
must find room In each bushel basket
baa brandies all oter the world and
to ride comfortably around the city
mapy corps In tbe targe dUes. It wUI
whUe each is carried to Its destlna
he aeen that It U Indeed a mighty
Two churrbes. the Cnugregatlons]
and tbe Presbyterian will tonti^t hav
eserciees In wbtob tbe gtfi gtvlng
tbe prominent part Olfls from
Daaplte the fbriom prophecies to the
conlrmry. It la Very etldenl that wo farmmw. expresaaMm. nurses, n
wnaX bate a green Chrtstmaa this and tiny kindergarteners wbo. with
yenr. Km laying aside the supersti the spirit of the Ynietide will bring
Uons pdrtkm of It. CttHstmas dnean t their baby offerings and place tbera

To tbo MtaUob Any. tbe nenmy
iMa or a Ufa Is OB opea book. Tc
tbaaiaoMa tbe pooraad tbe needy aii^
tboaa tbat bsTe enred and tbelr fee<
bate been broken by tbe ehsry rocki
la tbe paths or tbe wrena <k»rs. Tbr
trayCarer atope and U fHteo tbe neeee
MUas or Ufa. tbe notber U dten
cMbtec Jsr tbe little children, the
rafged traaM mates bis womoot sboei
and goes atrap srkb A battar pair. Tbf
giri wbo bas atnn«l and finds all doon
doaoi. asaks oat tbe ft^tSon Am
aad Is giten a chance to nend b€
brokan life. The fatherless find focKi

Mir coack itailctKe tkat to itar,
guitar. sAorm and glee staging,
Owosso. Mtos Perklas at SC Johns.
aaenster says “OoHeie racklr eOecUT.. 221. 3
« Mshn wfll go to Osdsr aad Mtos life and oMlege spirit sre running very
?ba|ps to Borneo.
bigh St onset this year. BnUmsIasm
Tbe Etewopd arem
In sthletlcs. in gymnaslam wwk. In rarUMot *f PbIm.'. Grcaabome.
go to their homes at tbe foltonlar oratory and in totcnectual pursuits,
n; TbeMIsaesA
hot perhaps the best manUesUtUm of
Johnson to Brart. MI0 Rawlcy 4o this eonege ilfe Is aeen in the OUvel
over. Miss Barton to Big Prairie, Oottoge Glee clotowill also attend tbe Slate TeachTbe people of Travorse CKy will
amoctotkm at Lansing before
j have an opportunity to bear them the
tog to her datton Miss ®****** erenlng of Dec. 30 at tbe Qty opera
will spead tbe boUdays at Lake
as any net proceeds go to the
Mtos Keisoa of tboUakm etroet
you will be aiding the
hoM win spend her meaiioa at Bh-^
„ ^ell as enjoying the
sen aad Mtos Bi^le left tl^s morning \
. J Tta«U lOr nU- «t !!«*«•• 4ni*
Mn. rtaOT otttaSiMc «trtaj^^„.,an^„„..a4CllyIlnr.
Kkool vty CO «o MaDcekna for
^ by mmbrr*
tta «»yhotidaya.
flower dob. Dse the boys ropUly
when they call on yon. SenU reserved
The Isle rrseldent RoWnson. ef Thursday sv City news stand.
irown tmlrerslty. bad spent ^If s
ledtatSoB period in explaining s deep
phlloeophicnl point to hto eenicr clam,
when be esksd: "Is there any stndeot
ta stadent pat up his hand.
-I donT." Xmmsdlstety tbe
ed president proceeded to go
tbroogb tbe various steps again, very
rsrrfally. conrlodlng with: "Do yon
811 WKtorstsnfi aowr
Btoed his band
-T don't."
can’t fundsh brains for you."
".\o." was the quick reply,

Nothing to more perplexliig thas the
onestlon of what to get a man for
Christmas. )Cl 8. E. Wait A Sons have
a suggestion to offer that is very slm
p!e and «ltofsclory.
“If a trikn U a smoker." mys B. K.
Walt "nothing will please him mon*
than a box of good cigars. Mind, I say
•good cigars.’ cigars made to tosmaked by those who know what fine
tobacco reallr I*, not Hgnrs done up In
silver foil. wUh gold l»ands. that arcmade for Christmas gifts only.
"In the manv brands we carry I do
not know ime that wo ran recommend,
with more confidence than Wadsworth
Bros.’ Chico. Wi’hite not expensive. It
to a cigar that to smoked by our best
trafic. lovers of a good smoke. Wo
have already sold a good many boxe:^
for Christmas gifts, and expect to sell
many more, to those who want to get
a gift for a man that will really please
him. shonld be wise and buy their
Chlcos now."

Californle’s giant frees, the sequoias.
Iboiisniids of yeeni oM. hsve l-een pre­
served to this day lieeause of lUrtr
cnormoas thick bait. From tliue to
time, in the course of sgre. forest tires
hn%w swept through il»e hto tree Icuds.
destroying everything, yet only scorch­
ing for s cokple of Inehes* dn»th or so
the almost firoiroof bark. The fisinn
imrlng rsrlKmlzfd that much of the randy today, tomorrow may be tc
Iwrk, eouM not |berentnite farther, for
Tbs Bconomy Store.
the CHrt»onhMsl portion formed flreproef
covering for the rctuHlmler of the In
trrlor hark.



riety for »1e at Palne’ii rtrenehouse.
dec 22-2t

later dUirlbuUon by the Army work­
ers. so the spirit of tbeday Is manifest
Don't forget to try and make some throughout tbe dty aad it to aafe to
Slid heart glad Chrlsbnaa day. Often say that among tbe population of
times It doean t uke much to do so many, many tboosand not one famUy
but eten if It were a great trouble. It wiU be fnrgoaen on Christ's birthday.
Is moch better than making a costly
gin to some friend who already ha^t
plenty. -----------It Is a foaiful tats to hare to endore
tbs tsrrible torture of Hiss. "1 can
A politic strike £is now been de­ tnilbftally lay." writes Harry Colson of
clared la Rnsala In conjuncUou with
the Industrtal strike If things con­ Bueklsn’s Arnica Salve is the bast cure
tinue. no donbt tbe ciar hlanelf will amde." Also bret for cuts, burns and
injuries: 26c at Johnson Drug Go.. F.
go on strike.
H. Meads, a A. Bugbss. dnigglsts.
BeUer do your Christmas buying toalght as the indications are that oven




Gim Foi SMonis
ClmglinaEtkk) offers no better opix>riiinity llian can
be found in the I>iamoml
J. ci^r. One line of these
favorites emliracTS all sixew,
and there is not one Init
what would U* treasuriHl
and prised by any “lover
^ of the wetvl.”

Buy your wife, sister, mother, or daughter a new black
dress fora Christmas gift. Wool taflctM. the new
thing, at $1.00 per yard. We have a full stock of black
goods and will quote you low prices.

0" '



Ha 3. (Uilbeim





From The China and Cut Glass Dept.
Tbe world of art has contribnted to our superb cwllf-etion a multitude of exquisite
pieces. Many of them without duplicate, any of wliich would make moat acoepCable



deed yw eai’f ferget tlwa.”

T—r CMifictiwer has th»M


Uek fW tiu^iuiie. Wkaa

AMIRiCRN cilior companI

.Tbedaintiost and mostapprtviaUHl ^ift tliat is math:. *Such an amoriiPenl to aelecl
from. The moat beautiful cuttiugs that an; known; whUit liottles, berry dishes, vwdel
vases, candelabra cigar jars, \nscs. <»live dishes, luniblerB, sugars and creamers, knife

Most inand stories in thefim;stcif bindings. Tbe I-ih«t wv>rks of
piciur for the lit*
teres ting and instructive i>of)ks for l*oj*s aud girls. liooks full ofr pictures
Uo toddldrt. Linen, books for the wee ones
I f at loss for a gift -buy a book, always.
"Just the Uiing.”

City. Beautiful water color*, dainty Idt* of Wreb ^k. aU make tbe
finest of Christauis gifts:
ts: no ikorson
i»erson «ran have too many pictures and tbeae are such
nship, oarh
tistic pieces of workmanship,
earh a gem in itself. Buy eariy and remember yoor
e-forgotten mam



J. B. Fai^ EiwtHc to. f



Kii^ of Bitter Sweets
"Thiy taste


Aroide.-il holulay gifte; beautiful
» in mw,«l «b*p«,
Pronch Sicard in thoee wond.-rfiU colorin*-*. l5.ihemiaQ
with the dainty gold
I i.iun»
traciugs. Ihdton iu deft blue deaiinw* Royal Boi



Black Dress





Wholesak ami Retma-^Yaur RdiBble Homid Fun ibber

Beautiful picies of Havilaml Cbina in dainty dc-omltons; fchop plate*. aaM diabea,
«P^Uay»,J>read and butter plaU*. fogBrs aud crciioi. r^ a«h J™1». cup* and aaaaera,

We luiTe seeved a llntteil aunber ef sooveatr aUnfs tasks, which we will pve to
, aayose calllsc ftr them, no deposit reqaired. Wha the tank contains a dollar or
I more, lircaa be ezchaased ftar a alckle
V pbted reowdiig sab aad a tank book if

Pay as you please

For Christmas . ^;


seem llkg Caumtsaa wlma them la no
anow cm the ground.

34.75 Up

wlita-«s«n;xHe bcUero Site

Tme Days Age tba Any Oegae tha


Upbotaend i. ..Irar.
Verona amf chave leaAer

t j K % . mwi m


«Mi«: Tkmwmmttrn^gaHltmamtA

WM $homt tte'iiii «r tte ipst «%tai


araMdl^ ■•diE ikcT w«^


-After fte IMMO wm mff —A
aldbt I mA te jlr«
«U Idfedi
of tMtr Iktea. Itet potete AmUb*a

t^lrr to 1 ctow to 1^ JwOT-t

” rtgfiteM. Ml flontef Mb
DBvwFSbhnon was ntoong tke nte
1 tks» wtelmrMptoMunthw tec^ ber.
Ovc power. SM vucsul eo»p»ttog "f brnro nmnn." enid ffIniB to
f Smm be eanstmetwd wbohy to tke
(bat nm WOopn bate oat want, .aad
! Mb veoHl to to entty ni taete two vbafb mara I bSim «LAM to back ap
mr atatasmaL-Toa-ra «a.“ laM Tboiapaea. -Wte-t
baada to be cHtema er the emm- roarmaar
-Dart Shteaa.- rapUad Loala.
tien] cotectte M <
'Aea, tettetteeletoamteaU
to San PtanetoDO to bla weetera wow
bpi^SIr TiMteas liptea tea teOd t
fier and too mtecli wid ntode Ibr flAM
kr w« te oa kaa4 la 1M7 aad . A to beiir nU egpenMS. Under toe a side, to be rteteafte tbe munea te
: of rales boats wwcw Itead to length
tourwantoat fat LsmtorfUe.
. t% forty leet, but there urns no limit toe
to power. CboMgeu tor newt eee^ Tbe aeeaod match arrmoged w» for
eon*k oontoet nmei be received by tbe a five-ama team, to be made op te to_ Bteretey te tke toteor Tecbt deb BO! terstate toagae bowlers and to roQ
agntoat a picked team from the west.
1 tale tkga PM>. i ML
Tbompooo ate aoeepted tbe eeeand
Creet BMbif Msteh. ~ ebaneage for tLOW a aide.
1 New Toil^ Dee. tt.—Wknt 1s expect­ Ne ftoriag fW Loti DMoo In IMA
ed to be one te tbe greotest ntotob devatoad. O.. Dae. IS.—Aooordtng
series ever rolled has just been ar- to.advicea raeeivsid here from C. K. Q.
* rnliged by Lotos Stein of this cliy and iMHingw
Is to New Tort, hts tsro
W. Tbompeon oC Otkago. Tbe two great hones. Major Deliaar aad Loo
. non ware Ulktog with a number af DUkm. win remala here darteg the
friends after tbe game cf the Nadonal time Mr. BmiQgs 1s abroad. Major
letefriate ieagwe OB Honday night and Delmar It to be raced again next tea-


t rrLtec<dtte«tepeutedte.ted

ana. wbfle LewOffte wfil be tmned
OBtlarapegrbmt.MlkMomeanttee may be brad to M. K. OteMM *
Mi Mnh FtaMd Mr dPkAiiy.
Jnek OlMF. Tra llnigbjrb ■■«
bog. to itonnfat a c—galgn on. tba
eoaat If be dteeau Aady Itoieiik at
the Badger dab toalgbt. Marpky kas
atveral tetetm fiar 0*Lsanr-Hai oendlnah-and tktaka be eaa get a boat
with Rid termaa at Loe Aagtoea.
Tbraa Want to Caaeh a A. U.
OotanMpO.. Dec, t*.-OaptalaCat
Ito te CEIrfkgn and Hsalon and Owter
eaod Oimcb Sweetland te Ohio Stale.
Tbe aggdtoatioa te CatUa waa made
heard. SweaUandk rcoigaatkm will be
anted apoa at aapaetol moeilag Tbars
day alght. It to barely possible that It
win be acceprM.

•^Bi MraM.- - ^ '


iobasoa Dnte Oo. F. H. MemU. C A.
Bagbea drag teoras; guarmntaad.
Qoaar. latet ttt


Hrmy aiM Ptear TamUadM la>*
Hsu that it -dosaal pay to Mhw;
wifh a gatriea." Bo te wife has lo andertake tkU work: Poor woaum tk#
has aa uptet row to hot. for Pater to
always *noo bagy * (smtely Mdtog
dosm a cracker bos to the grocery) to
Mp bar. Ifs aoeer. tboogb. bow
often he pasasa lAs dtok for another
helping of toe vegteablaa aba growa!
—Farm JoaraaL

BeaaUfying methods that lajare tha ,
■kin and health are danieroiis. Ba
bmullful without dtocomfbrt by laktag
liolltoter's Biicky Mouatala Tsa. Suoi
shiay faces follow Its aae. U ceatg.
Johaaoa Drag Co.


Mtea MM ha woaH aad bla k
aad naka a bov tha aana aa If ha
There will be aa totemailaBal con­
-Sarh U that aow.- aald Daadbarty test, thought, betweeti ypektameu of
this country ^nd yaebtsmeo of Oer
many. The Bastero Yacht club has
-Mb tha goat had ItanMd to bov at arranged lor raees |pr a e«P
a Wtok wa BMda bta batlt ateL Tha Is to be offered by toe empmr. but
I thtod Chat coat tba iDoat waa tba aklrt. all tbe oooditkms aad details for tbe
autea te tad allk and ahapte Bha a oonlcst have not yet been oompletsd
paraaoL it leokad Ilka a bollrboek BoaU or about thirty feet to length
Carpad apolda dofra. Thaa wa pot a are lo be built on botb aides of l :e
imia gnao cap arid a rad tmaaal on the Atlantic and raced. Tbe Germans will
•oat*a bead aad a pair o' white allp
pan cm him faat. Aad wbto wa akotrad select tbeir best and send it to Marble^
bin him ptetara to tba ftomm be grlnaad bead, where It will be raced against
hka a weoaui pottto* aa te Sandajf toe best boat on Uris side. Tbe year
boaaat Hia taarm flii ma ajaa wbto I followtog the American yachtsmen
tktok that oaiy tor that Jokar Raapiti will pay a visit to Oerman waters.
1 aHght ba rldto* to ma owa dimi
Raet for King fcMrd Ciifk
vapaa wid mbbar whecim.
Tbe most toteresUlii contest here
find public appeanaca of tba
•oal M a balljr daaear took piaca to a will probably be the race for tbe enp
baia to tba Btoaz. Wa lUad op a given to the Kew York Yacht club by
which Is to be
atat* M plaaks aad botaa. and » King Edvard
aalled for annually off Newport. ThU
aawa pot anmad. aad hm« bafore the cup Is not to be won outright, but the
tliaa to befto tba show the bam warn wlnaer’s name will be engraved on It
tewdad to tba doom. Half the root and the owner of the winning ymebt
WM-poat off the bara. but tint boH will receive a medal commemorating
hOlte.tetbajdibMraielear. 1 warn
to afrakltbat^ goat wooldn t do torn too event, ao that to reality the cup
iMia takaa aivaaia#i af
la- work that I gtre bin nothin* to tot will simitar to many othejs that
AtScA Jmi ttm UA Dookn. tbi tor twaire boarm befora ba cene on the hold by the New York and other yscbl
IrMhtol Mr tp tbr Dootek Mtate. pat itogt. and tba poor heart war fair tom elubs.
IML; Wbto I walked out cm tbeataffs
To be tjic first winner, however
M hMd latM ttor Mr.
I TatM. caa 1 brtat la tba a^t baaM band wId tha goat. I thought be an honor for which many ynebtsTlte aaow ta falUn* on bar throafk tbe tot awjtaea would go ciakjr. Ite
wlll strive, and It Is probable that
wid abaar delight wbia toe gait
rate, aad tWi tmalitlaV aid iba jIDad
boats win be built that will
made him bow. and erery man In the
eligible to compete. Borne are already
amma. mf M,*' aate Hr. t>oo- barb war on him feet, and a bondnd li* under constmeilcn ahd others are on
MAmtmr, -Mat tela. Wa ta*t
to toalr pockatp to glra to tbe goat, like
r. There Is some talk of other
toa ladlti bate bakaM to gire to toe boaU being built to meet toe new one
tm actoto aTK gtot MM already surted for F. M. Bmith.
armtnd doin' a waits be would stop
tauk <lo8i aha firer
Thera will be good schooner rarine
and Iban to pick a Wt o* cabtoxm
i rrwo
aha aaad lu now
or iorolp that tome one threw on tbe with the Enmlna, Corona, Kmemld. in
ghraihraaqaarteadax Ufart tebaa* atogf.
Hot *twaa what that rogue Ret- vader, Ijisca and Inmnnnr. It Is al
haadM. tebteala* alrarHiiMOut
cerlmin toat the last na
tUaa. paar tia^rL 1 think ma the terawhich has not been raced here i
. latehnaai M ham.** aakl Mr. 1>ooUji.
her return from European amtera. will
! t -Daar. Mr. look a* that, aoar.*** aM
bo to commission and faced.
# Him, Baagaa anupathaUoallr -I alware aald that naaay
Tba New York chib thirty-foolers
pitotla. Aad bow kmc I tba billy paU
will be out again. There will be neti
dead. Hr. Itoolanr
boats In tbe thirty three-fool class
-*TU hr# yeara fbe «4to day o’ tote
which It Is expected will compete for
month." replied Dooton. **8orra daf
the Manhasrel Bay cup. and there will
nwaa wbto we loat Ulrma. A aiteti
everal new boaU In the twent>
cajalal nor a moto wUlto' goat |toi
ceren-foot class which will be raced
would not And to all Har-ftom. Bnto
te Mtb wae a ttogady and a otlaia*
on tbe sound and do%n ibe bay.
There wDl be aeveimi kmg-dlstancc
**’how was toatr quavered old man
races. ^The Brooklyn cup is now hold
Dougtierly, tbe atomnuaMm.
by tbe New Rocht^ie Yacht club and
**Well." rtonmrd lioolan. ***twai a
will be raced for. The course. It Is cxIrapedy toa way ba was tnihalated aad
from New Rochelle
g cahiintiy wbto bla Mtb took away
through the sound and then outside
toa only chance I arar bod o* makto* •
lAong Island to the Brooklyn Yacht
•* Tie qnare about Igoata" contlnoe<l
club’s moorings In Gravesend bay.
DoolaiL ‘They are bom w Id o certain
This contest has become a veiy popu
amonat of eddlrambnn. Show me tbe
>nc and next year will be more Inpoat toat wouldn’t know a cabbaga dr
lerosilng than ever.
tmnlp wbto be aaea It Of eoMa a
knowi nothin* sboot macblnacy.
goat knows
Racing With the Rower Poets.
Thaw waa a goat that nwd to atop t^
In the posper boat world the racing
barato diawlu’ a atroet cur. but wbto
wUl be ednfined more to the cruising
elassee. Tbe manufacturers have done
midu’t find that much o* tbe goa
1 to kill the racing class. They
wooH greame a griddle. But a goat can
hsve had boats built which bare been
be addicated wid aagsr and a strap Is
do tricks. ^Vt-1 auppdae none o* ye gan threw that the goat liked tbe hart
en fictitious records and toe manu
woold believe me if J Uid jrt toat llwy looked like little pieces o' tread
turera have combined and frmmcl
1 tangbt Hlreiis to danw as fine a jig
Wid tngar. Tbe goat plck^ rules for their own races, eo toat toe
or hornpipe aa ever you saw to a tbeamy o* the little chunks that tbe legiilmaic yachtsman docs not carp to
enter that class of sport now. One
A chorus of dUbellcf araae.
kase bo was stoppl
. ••Yes." said Hoolan, "and no l>toc:i 1 had bard Work to get tbe goat daudu wh/used to be an entboslsst recently
tody could do a finer fwss soot on her ag*to. After tout the goat seemed to remarked that he did not care to have
loag.aa they aay to the heathen lau- get Ugbter and lighter upon hU feet an auto host and think that be bad to
guape. Yoo must mnembor toot 1 was until he hardly touctoM tbe stage. meet toe manufacturers and builders
very poor, and l*d be Isyto’ awake There were times when be wtilrtc-1
nlghte tbtokto* o* some plan by way o* arwial to the air wWoot teocbln* the who had tbeir whole factory or shops
makto* a fortune, and wbto* my wife doer, and the crowd guspln* wid aa- tc draw on for ibelr boats.
honteit the ttvo kids to start tbe dairy
In tbe cruising classes there will l>p
toe Idee came to me tike a flaah-^I coubl touW:ti:oni at tUa wonderful besat-' lots of fun. These boaU have been
Ah 1 while be whirled be seemed to be
eddlcmte tbe goat to dance. Whin 1 got
developed eo that they hare comfort
that Uce to me btad I coaW think of gtntln* blgjier and bigger till be eras
as well as speed, and a man can own
nothin* rise. CasalOy. bow nmeh mon­
one of this type aad Uke part In re­
ey do yoo think a danctn* -Mt ctold
nlUrUn- Ukc • ptotrt«cl. for.Uo Imu gattas cr todfidHumee races, an i
aarn on s thtotak stager
m when there are no races be can entite
"Wen," itpMad Caasidy. -I sbouM ■od tbiu Usbt m tb. Mace aort
think that fSOO a wM Wm^ to none ttifaitMovo. ud Or op oria tUl kt almost everywhere mad tooroagbly eo
too Uttle for so diguacious a curiosity.’* jimn
joy klmscif. The toageat race at pres
-Ttors," remtmsd Doolsn. “D'ye bear
what Caasidy aaysT Tbise hoadmd ■oU b. wu coo. throofb tta. bat. In em armmged will be from Marblehea.1
to College potot
«onur^ a wM for half an how*! work Uic root UniioUted toUrrtr”
-Aad wbo. did M sor Mid Ik. aw*
a dkjl mitb. 1 felt tbe money to me
Wk^ tbe Motor Boat club was or
hahd! Bat *twas weary week tcMIn* itrwk MiC CoaUr la ■ wblopo:
inUM a few weeks.ago it was an
■«ae» or tk. Uttl. bogro aMtia’ oo tb«
thepodt. An eld antom^ tfstoer.told
At toat croelty and ktodnaaa mtoad fenc. ooMd. nM be wtat dp la lba«- nounced that there wild be a dianenr?
wkold do the job. Whin tbe gnat rccuoo or O-Bloa. u>d olhon «td rat for the British International cup
■rinded me 1 tickkd his riba and gars •two. lowart Amarat oad Klptaa* ha and that probably two boau woold
IM teite hut wbto to p3 stobborn
mat tola country to toe races
Itattofsd htei witb a alrap. His.
wkk^ aia to be bald this sammer.
Oltoen. you -riteiBibik. tte ftosa sw
Tte trophy, which was originally
had toachir Htocmt to walk acNM toa
as the Hanmwortk cup. M
laom aa hit ktod lapir
hack from toe Ftoach to Septfim’••Dead 1 dA T>oolagr told Ida.
toko, ttiat tk. wmm
ker aad atoca It has baaa to tegUM
0;»^ wMM rmrtlteiiiii y.
Its original home.
the coadlUpns
nader which It to tahe raced for bare
been ekaaged.

to Jadx CdUabaa to a arblapar. -A


g. A r ine nano


The Ideal Gift

3^r«u“-,c .“s



“« »•?«

In U Want to

^ It to to be eomitoted Ittr fwary jeare
tecr toa ratoaciC the Marfai Htebr
awoctotiBB te tha ITtetad Kingdom.
Nte more than tkraa AMA are U


No Home Complete Without One

selection from the largest and
We offer Christman Buyers eeli
most msfnificent stock of hijh-gtade Pianos
.......... ever
...... shown in this
city. In tulditiou to oUr own make, the incomparahle (JKIIsNhljL
BK03., we are sole representatives for such renowned i'ianos as
and others, sixteen makes in all. Vonr Piano will always be a
source of satisfaction and pride if yon select it from our unparal­
leled line of world beaters.

Oup ELasy Paymetit Rian
Enables any family lo be made happy with aChristirias Piano. A payment of |10, or go, is all we require. We‘
deliver the Piano at once and accept the balance a little each month, as purchaser can afford. Easy, isn’t it ^
Then why hesitate V Christmas is just the time when the family would appreciate a Piano most of all.

DeUoIitftil MoHieal GUIs
tor mtieilracy
MaadtetoB. fS.fiO |C. |€. |8.
Qitltora. UAO. M. If,
Banjou, $3A0. |5. gc. %%, |10 and upward*.
Vtollu*. 13. $r,. I7.M; to $100.
Cornet.. HO. II*. HD. $16. |22. etc.
Accordikma. %iM, tXMYo |2».
C4>l«mbia ZIthem. Ilfio,
$4 and
. uAutbbarpa, $*•»>. |4 to I7.G0.
XyloiAoM. 75c to I2.D0.
Blow AcoorMao; 75c la 1*5-00.
Blow Accordeaou. 75c to $*i0b.



Bell Hanuonlca*. 25c. 50c and 75c.
Concert and Tremolo Hanuonlcaa. 25c.
Toy Ptonou. *5c to 12.50.
Toy Mntlc Boxaa. GOc; $1. 2.50, |3 50
and HMHallapboaea. fiOd to |2.50.
Piano Drapea. IS to IT.
Piano Bencbea, |5 upwanh
.^o^ HaaddUn. Baa|o and Gul(gr
^ Caact. |L*5 to g25.
Music Standi, japanned. 75c; ^lamQton, nickel plated |L25 and |IA0.
Music RolU. 50c to 13. .
MuKle,Baga. |1.50 to |5.

Talking Machines

How the family woiiid appreoiat^ne of these
musical monders.
Simply i)ress a lever, and the world’s most
beautiful voices sing for you, the world’s greatest
soloists play for you, the world’s famous bands
and orebestrasenliven yon. Such entertainment
is at your instant command if you own a “VICTqK” or aa» “EDISON.”

Victor TaOdna ifaelilnes. $17.50 to $60
Edison Pbonoerapiis. $10 to $50
An immense stock of Records, including tb*"
very latest productions, from which to select.

Brdtterd Priees on
Vietor Keeords
7 Inch (5AC) Records. *5c.'
lOiach (H) Recdnto.«Oc.
124ncb (11.50) Records, |1.00.

Regina Music Boxes


Special HoUday Term
Come la and select yonr CkrtsUnas
Outfit, pay only for tha Records, and
tske (he entire outfit home, paying for


THK lUKBRi ia (te mai. tanebd ted *»te«tiBU«l of .an Miwic BOXES.
It ii tbe ONLY Amettoteenada .
Uaale Bex aad Ha yyKGrttr o< oeaaliaeUoa tiTea U a pufHy, da*U and wlaae o( toae. aad a preeMoa aad
actecaar et eaaastiCVbaaidWr Haappeteteed h> aar eUier make. RE»INAB PUIT TaOUBANDS OF txmmBNTTUNBB.



Grliiiin'Bro& rfeM


an, T**vcaM cmr.







PnirMi u

0»v«i at Sm-

mm im 0tm
Mr. smt Him. A. W. PBck ^ apsnd
aufatmM nt MbM wtta Mix. Paek*i

o many friends of Jack Reed wm
_jl to taan that hta Bluem la cem smvmmdlngi M enrtad nnt in aU the
•Idend ewT aertons and the doctors details «r nfe. The kHehsn. tor tnstsnee. win be mere primitive than any
klscbcaryoo bsTeyetscaoiryoarapartBawklna er Archie not only hna BMst to aaj-Cblito riiort of a pataca. It
the ntalng of Itolu deem to n toe
point, hat the grteonring na vrelL Be
PS the Record a hex of porfedly

there are

of nuts raised on his toe term
■hopping tilpk
Mra. O. PMon rab
ta KIngtaay tl^ mor
shopping in the dty.
Mrs. 8. D. Mills of Walton retaraed
home today after a week spent as the
guest of D.H.
Mr. and Mrs W. M CssMbeU of
>i« kr cko- Nortbpovt are to the city today
day's shopping expedition.
fVnak Eelly. who attends tha Howe
MBitary school gl Uma. DU is In the
H>m OhHaOM, •>«< br *<*001.
dty for his holiday
asMdM*s CUfu, r«dutkMi hr 1^° Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wood left UU
aftemooa for Rapid City, where they
Wamtm fa tlM CMr* mUmb br tlK» will rmpate dartamthe holi
rred Mnaoa^ wife of Old Misalon left totey for Grand RapU
whara they will spend the holidays.
D. M. Miller and Mrs. J. H. Peterson
Ittap Oat. Rlap Oat. a »olo.
are la the city today
Wbm U •mu, raeluttoo br Bbbu
Miss Lena Fanning of the Dmwood
ior^ TUMi,
br aiaidfaa.
STenue school left today for her homo
ChilatBM OtfU.; fac!Utkai, Basal la Btaatoo to remain during the bollWMtto tk* Bdb Mrt


The Mias Msry Swagger and Jc
Votniha left this aflenoon tor
Jordan, where they win spend the hoUdsyc.
Mrs. Bert Brovm of Leland passed
through the dty yesterday on her way
8aad Oat tba Obriataua Cbaar, sons to Acme, where she will spend a abort
tir tba chliaraa.

Christ Bora for AH Natioas. aaar-

^ 4 ▼•nr pratty Christ*as tr« mar
ba praparatf for Iba ooat cT ooa do}lai^ vbM .lba pnuuaala aia uada at
I boxes of all slsas
I ones arltb crepe.
tqiwr the si
. or dasad paper, decoratlnf the
wKli pletaraaof flovers or birda
Brb up the laipar boxes, paste targe
OB the eaidboard, and tbeo
m oat
ifaka rosettes from
Bvlaa moaUa and paste a fir
OB *e aide of each,
mg strings of popcorn and of crmn.
be las, or of the two alternating, may

d gtacefnnr on the branches
ofBiatrae. Wlshbanas mar be glided
* and hung to the boughs or mar be fur
nlAed with peanut heads, and dress­
ed #a babies, old man or old
cr#oaBta. sUrs and haarU cut from
• sltrered or corerad|rlU> bright glased paper
t for each side; balls made from
cookies; balls of cotton oorered
Ke worsted and paper oomocoplas
fillld With nuts, are some of the pretty
UiApeoslTe ornaments whidb add colorfto the tree. All are hung by bits
of mrorsted. odd lengths of bright embroMerr silks, or loopa of tinsel cord.
From the ^vtas^ muann cut stars.
ton hole two jof 4hg ^ame shape to­
gether wkh bright silkx, gather them
rnim narrow ribbon and use them as
candy bags. Chains made of loops of
stripe of colored paper, and snow of
the usual cotton batting spHnkled
with diamond dust, fire the final
touches.—Detroit Tribune.

In IhmtaaercfT ptieet U obligsd to
marry only oBce. Should bis wife die.
be )M bound by the taws of his church
to retire Into a monastery for the rtat
of his extattAca. Cntil quite recent
tiidea the BOOS of priasts conld not

HnOly undmtake any tay
the prteathood in ibkkjmtn^ AM cUsa
prirllege and dtattartSon hare now
been swept away. but. as a matter of
fhCt the sniesthood is atlll recruited
Btmost excHudrely among the sons of
prteats exactly as befo-c.

Ing up Itawnlng street to attend an
Important coonrtL
lie would Infiict
heavy blewa and swift passes at im*
aginary enemlea on the psrement with
thg end of bis fafthful umbreUa.
' oysters at Jackaon*s.
capture of BO I
wim^ last year In

hea and sohoota at

hnlta tor n gift WeV. got
elty. to.
the ham line le the elty,
HJA tok
m. nnWRved ftoe.
pftam tor fMira nm-

Mrs. J. H. Lampkin and aon, John,
returned to their hooie in lonta today
after a tIsU spent in the dty with
ns Roee WUhelm arrired In the
city yesterday afternoon from Detroit
and will spend the holidays.with her
Mriu gyde Hoxsic of Acme passed
through sthe^atrthU morning on her
way to Manoekma. where she will
■pend thehoUdays.
Mr/and Mrs. P. HUl of Old Mtasloh
went to Boyne aiy today to ^
the holidays with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Andrews.
ra. C. J. BetUnghouae left this
morning for Oopemlsb, where she will
spend ChrUtmas with her daughter.
Mrs. Charles Turner.
Miss NeUie Chisholm left this a
Ing for Breckenridge. where she
spends the holidays with her parenU.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Chisholm.
Mr. and Mrs. a Tompkins of Cm
tral take who attended the Tompkln
Smith wedding Wednesday crenlng.
retooed home last erenlng.
Mrs. Bari »Udicock and babe left
this morning for Qtadston. ii
peninsula, where they will Join Mr.
Hitchcock for the holiday season
Miss Mary Plereo of Grand Rapids,
who has bem a pupil In the convent
at Provemoot, passed through the dty
today on her return for the holiday va
A. A. Burnett of Detroit, who has
been In the dty for two months as
guest of his niece. Mrs. Hltcbci
left today for Greenville, where he
will remain during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Deering and chll
dreo of Bmpire were In the city today
while enroute for Elk Rapids, where
be will take poescaalon of the
market known as the Albert Bach**
markei, formerly owned by Mr. Stei
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, wbdse
marriage occurred Wednesday <
Ing. left yesterday for the home of the
grooiq at Old Mlaalon. where y^wlerday
from S to 5 n recepUon was held, dar­
ing which time many friends and
guesu of the happy couple called .
E. 8. Williams leaves In the mo
Ing for Ithaca. N. Y., where he will
eat his Christmas turkey with hit
mother. Mrs. A. X. WllUams and altter. Mrs. Rosetta puller. After a t
visit herejie will go to Auburn, N. Y..
to vlsU hla brother. Mortimer Will

^reml fine paintings nre on dis.
May in tto Cfty book atore. the crea
don of Mrs. W. Shirting of BUt Rap
Ms. The anhjaets being of wide range
as the dellcato petals of a rone are
apUy produced ns the ahnrp horns of
a deer standing la the tense ntt]
r a listener. Specially worthy of
Mtion Is a water scene with true
Dcumey. Every toock needed is given
ah the Sundsj school children vrbe
win take part hi the Christmns exern at the First M. B. church ar
■ted to meet at the church tomoi>
afternoon at S odock for rehearaaL
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amidan are
the happy parenU of a bouncing
leveniionnd boy. who arrived yestsnv
day morning to cetahrate Cbrisdnaa.
J. W. giffe. who has been In the
Battle Creek sanltarlnm for many
weeks, aside from undergoing ai
eraUon at Ann Arbor, will arrive In
the city tomorrow much Improved In
Lh. A phone mesaage from «hlm
today waa reeMved. saying that he felt
bettor every hour.

. movement Is on foot to 1
feu so many brave eoidlers of the
federacy, and'wbere expired ao many
gallant men of the Union. Into a na
al mUltary park, asys a special dispatch
from Atlanta to the St Louis Republic.
A bin has been Introduced in cooreas asking for leglslaUon and carryig an appropriatSon of $250,000 for
le purchaae of the property, which Inclndre the three battleflelds around the
dty-that of reach tree creek, fought
July 2£L IBM; that of Atlanta, fongbt
July 22,’and that of B*ra chon*, fought
July 28. It la proposed not only to
e psi^ out of the old fi^ but
BUd bouletards connecting aU the
fidda. Obe improvemento on the batMa' win be almltar to those made
on the ftelda of Maussass. ShUoh. Gettysborg. Vlckabiirg and Chtakami
among the moat important of the
tary -egeattana during the war. It
wodd a<^^£uitural that these fields
should be next in order for consl
The battle of Atlanta was fo
near what la now East Atlanta. In DeKalb county. With that battle the
campaign practically ended. Tbe<
altlcs In the battle on both aides were
IDLOOO men killed, captured
wounded. The hsttle determined the
fsU of the city of Atlanta on Sept 2.
ISM. which Utcr enabled General Sberman and General Grant to unite thdr
forres after the fall of Fort Flaber.
These events led up to the surrender
of Oentaml Lee and eettkd the fate of
the confederacy.
MUltary operationa around Atlanta
make the fields worthy of being prs-

IT HAS «M MANY STIfMIMG CVEMT8 dty tor the fkirenfili wwtitatta* «t
0t bsM Is ntoNBRy imtatoed. M
fto dreptoff reem MIto ptow where charchoi and itodota at
fto toretato towHIt frem ftreh alTtoiff
be uMafMd. Leave at l««st cue wto4ow
la the advkw of high author
ICE G8XAM la baOi tor Chrtattou
men. In wintfr as In snmnwr.
No t Jackaont. 10€ Proto BL jtoe ld4f
itactoifnrti will to felt an necemit of
VobM yon not think, tf yon fottod cold
V enough btankets are utod.
NICE YOUNG turkey toe th. Stand
Tbaoe wto alrep wito the windowa
ft SalUvan.
cce l%4t
to^famh and bnsjant. Inwlatertha
rsfai crea m gmtnm nlQwr
nuMwd tryd
aifto SM asrey .
rob aabM «s rank os aaad tr.


language ao ancient that It vronM into
toft ant for to be perfect polenta mbrt
have constateocy. Beakka the exact
proportions of vratcr. salt and meal po­
lenta. to be good, moat to stirred centtnually. and a loogcndgei for this poi^
pose Is another item in the khcheo formtolng. Cor polenta was cooked In a
copper pot hung on a crane over a WMl
fire, and this brings me to the cooking
arrangementa. There is no stove In
this Vsosttan kheton; there to nothing
lan AmersqosremeaL
sito of the ordinary range, i
ed by an Imposing hood,
btarth. wtthoot aid of andlroi)
end Is lighted. The other
extends oot oo the edge of the hmrtlC
and as the lighted ends born down the
stick is poshed back into the fiama. On
either tido of this fire stands a fiwnclkk
an earthenware vessel aomething like
a large square flowerpoC
In these are made rhaicoal fires quite
large enough to toot two fUtiroos at
the same time. This to all the cooking
arrangement. ThepT Is no filare for
roasting or baking. Nq, brtod. cake or
biscuit is evec made In an Italian
house. If you wbb to roast s turkey

waa exactly what an enthnataa
d of ardiaeologista did think am
ao the amry gore, when then
thla tameripttan cut In the Conor
of a very oM hnUdlng in Ban
on the lookout for Just sack quaint old
bits, and you can Imagine how escltad
they were over thta whan they dtaeor
•This Is cortalnly prehlstorle Welsh.*
and took It atralgbtwaj tc

t ertlpre of tor sun la


Some of them started off In a
Ion directly optmsltr from that In
whlch^^^ lay. When, however.
the right dlnretian at once.
The flight of aererel of the blids waa
most eccentric. They first ascended
to a grret bight and then desc-.hled
on the roofs, to mount airaln sooo afl-

ctaty to which they betanged. He rob
bed bis hands softly and amltad. Thta
discovery U someihUig qulle wortli
while.** tw said. And aU thaae wtai
fcnttaman felt very rlrtnonk as thej
wrfbktad their facowd and woodcred
what story or.what great secret thr
qoeer old words woold unfold.
But ttoj punkd In vain. They could
NIGS YOUNG turkey too tb, Stanek
not reod It. so then they tetagrapbed
dee 184t
to a widely known profeoaor of dead ft Sullivan.

Very soon the reCarn mcasage arrived,
and all rlustcird around the president
EMPTY BON BON boxes for your
to brer the telegram.
-Bead backward,- It auggreted, -and home made candy at Jaekaon'a candy
when it It deciphered It win be found store.
dee IC-tf
to to a wcO known rhyme.- ,
So It Is, as you ate for yonmelvea
and there wire gentlemen fbond that i
baker, who roasts it to m toWMlfal fine hoax had been pUyed^npon 4bcm.
brown for from S to 5 wits. The You all know how It gore:
Vm Lota for 01
smaller fowls are roosted In one of Rids a cockhorre to Bsnbmr Cross
To SM a fine Isdr upon a armr bores:
Rings oo her Uuaers and brlls oo,her tore BARBER SHOP FOR BALE^-toS
Very reasonable
fibs ahall hsvs music whemrer ahs gore ^ Unloa street.
ccsaantly the bird is
terms. Encolre 505 W. ^Sixteenth
Bspbuiy U beat known tht'^Cngtlto
as one wnakl wish. Xbere la^no plfce sposklng world over by this norren
^8U or P. O. Box^tou.
dec 21-Cf
for keeping anything hot on tola em­ rhyme, altboogh, as a matter of fact
bryonic range, and with only three
famous Uttle lowi
^placca for cooking aomething must he
country that has
cooked first and set aside to make way
times la English
xfontabire; seventy-seven mlire froa
la your ehanre tor a ffoM
ring. We dose out all rings
today rjid tomorrow at 2S
have taken place there was that In
par cent dioeeunt. Solid gold
between Cymric, king of> the W«
rings sso-$1. $1A0. $2. $5.Raxona, and the Britons. Later, dor
Bssutifur rings they are.
Ttoss prires at RA8TALL*8
troops and the royal
ousts anywhere between 25 and ^'anna. It was here that the leaders ol
cents a day. In Italy foet loctudlug C^weirs forare dtaecaaod
both wood aDdttoftoal, costa lO cents fta-ted mav of their plana, and It wai
a day for a family of moderate ilae.-i bccc that some of the fiercest confiicti
DaatM 004 tbV Ctorlc.
The clock in the anteroom of the min­
istry of Justice In Paris having atopIKMl, a watdhmakcr took It to pieces
and was surprised to find engraved on
one of the wheels this Inscription: **J.
Jean Blauotot. this 22d Aug.. 1702.
saw the Sleur Danton profane the em­
blem of divine kiugsLlp by breaking
a fleur-de-Iiii. which so rightly adorned
the hand of the dock.** The InsiTlpllon
had been hitherto pndiscovered. Danton at the time mentioned was minister
of Justice, and It la \nown that the
dock stood fur more than a century In
tile minister's private room ITtstumably to was Irritatad by watching the
off the mln-

at, btnd. u to maar dock, of tlw
West End. Lakevlew. Fort
Grant park. East Atlanta. Inman park,
Ponce de Leoo park. Piedmont park,
and thence to Peachtree ijark. finally
ending at Bara church. The bonlevkrd
wuuU run along the lines of mlUtary
operatkma without devlstSofi. .\1I along

■to at Jnekagn*A
dnu IM


eighteenth century, slowly mark fleet­
ing time aa he sat at Ills desk, and on
the day lu qimtioa to suddenly started
up in s temper und broke the emblem
off! The hand still shows a mark where
It was mended and the fleur-de-lis re­
adjusted. The Jeau Blauciiet who in

Battlefields are. ahown In many
places near by, and every village for
miles around can display aomethlni
of hUtoricsl Interest either in Romaa
relics or roemeutus of the cl%il ware
The hundreds of dramatic or tragic
stories that are tokl by ths people
would fill many volumes.
Mother Ctotoe ban, bow'ever, heec
quite ss Tslusble as history In keep
lag green the name of Banbury,'aw!
to a student of the Immortal nurserj
rhymes It U Interesting to observe how
many of them are founded oo fact re­
cord quaint customs or meotioo real
places or people, even though not abso.
Intely accumte historioally.
The processioQ of the fine lady of
the rings and bells mentioned In the
rhyme tak« place
year In Danbory w 1th consldermble cermooy. The
Udy Is osuaUy mounted on a white
horse, however.
The present cross, srhich stands at
the top of High street In a wide open
si»ace at the Junction of four cross­
roads, is an ornate affair, with a st
point erected lu ISuD near the site of
the old Banbury cross. It commemorstos the msrrisge of the Ute Em
pertM- Frederick 111. of Germany to the
princess royal of England oo Jan. 25.
1S5S. and is decorated with the arms
of Banbury, those of the German em­
peror. of Queen Victoria and of several
other soverelgna. earls,, ktoghta. bish­
ops and Tlcin.
One more thing makre Banhnry tomoot and that U its cakes, which are
known througbont the kingdom. They j;
are said to have been Introduced In
lOOR Banbury cakes ore undeuisbiy
delldoos tidbits of pastry. They must
to eaten when quite fresh, preferably
at Banbury town ttaelf. Ttoy are Uka
I turooTcri. filled with
mince of fruits, whleh metis delectably
down ftne’s tbrost and canses a jironounced senaatloo of desire for more.
There U a rtvaliy In the bakeahopa

la unknown, but he may be supiKwed
to have been the watchmaker who
Membere of the Grand Army of the ^mended the broken hand.
BepohUc in OeorgU have lent their sup­
port to the movement and are no less
enthualaatic should proposed park
-More smokers contract coosnmption
from neglecting an ordinary precautioo than from Inhaling smoke,- de­
clared a physician. -None of ns cares
to Infect the langs with ordinary street
Oanewe tmrm Get taies* fm—fisa
dust, yet every cuomitDer of cigars inklndofdnst
About IIOOJOOO eras woo and loat on every time to lights
the recent game between Massillon and The majority of cigart have short Inte­
Canton for the football champloiiahlp rior fillings which contain lota of small
of Ohio, says a dispatch from MasMl- particia of tobacco dost. EspccUUy Is
lon. a MasaUloo won. 14 to A As this ao of cigars that are handled a
high as 1900 per man is said to 1
great deal and of those that become
been paid by both ahSea. -Bloi
very dry from age. The ordinary
amoksr hltaa or cuta ^ ilie end and
UMrcralty of Pennsylranla atar, U draws this dost Into hta lungs with the
■aid tohave reeei^-cd $230 playing for first puff. Often H only lodges In the
Canton; Heston, the former Mlchlcm throat and prodnere irrltatloo or
one. Who knows^
star. $S00 and Cure of Lafayette
hoarsresre. with which most smoketa are. after all. the real Queen of Haarti*
On the winning MasaUloo team
areafflicted. A safe precaution against
found the foUowing stars: Sshronta of aueh danger is very simple. Before tartal-Mimcent Olmsted In SL NlchoMc.Nulty of lighting toe dgar merrir blow threugb
It. and yon will BOO taking from the
aU tome. Lang of Latrobe and Drake large end the dost particles 1 refer tcT
TV sands at Blackpool, la Lanesr
r Princeton.
■blf^ 49^ to to the wbltast in the
The Canton people were almply strip-

Louis and George Anderson and
Edward Putnam of Omens,
at Alma. pasmMl through the city this
afternoon on their retnrn tor the holi­
day vacation. Harry
William Fhlrmnn of Old Mimfcm also
arrived In the city today from the
Alfred Moore arrived In the city last
evenlag from the U. of M. for his holi­
day vacation.
Lonta Haigea. Ted
Southard. Bea Montague. Trix Ttok $8<k000 behind on the season before
ham. Alfred Kyaelka and Leon Stein tha/gamf, but ererj una had
berg came la thU aftarnoan from the
heM In oilaem, you toon! 1 go to CanU. of M. Htber Stout of OUret artom tbaitaiHMttorei
rived thta aflenoon and Mist Hasel
bretatoefrettvalof ttoai
Ibrria, acoompentad by her father. ET
eaandttocowtoto. Itac igky. At
r. Phrrta. ftom Fwt Bdwards. N. Y,
tot taat festiral agtri of
lata night, James MilUken Is wtttathe
a noadta in one hand and thread In too
otosr, ktolt totore toe ahrlne of the
OMvet Glee dob and this wiU detay
■tar goddres and threaded tot aredta
his boom coming a few days and Louis
Buy too lady that wtooh
behind tor tofid. 8to was at one* InBlrdsaU ^1 not be home from OHvet
Bofiatad with offifs of matriaga. So
aweek. OydeCox
Great vahrea. aooi-ftlft fit
^ 2^"*
Inst evnning
evnning from
from the
the U.
U. of
of M.
$18,820; Novre such vahire
farlhoineiioytofsra. Them
•re toa prtoaa to RATTALLf

Ltfidh End. OB toe coan
tto toad on the aeatoore U very whJta.
whDe In SL Ma.-Ta.
of the BcUly tataBda. tot eaad on the toore Is exoaedMfitah gray In cotar, probably owing to
tot toelta of Mtotota broken and ml^
wItolL and on toe coasts of the North
■to tot aand of too saeshnre la yallowtab brown or reddish. Thaaandontha
oeast of ArgyDtoirs. In I
maikahta tor Its whili

mmptj or filtad at Jaebaonta, candy



Good •took,« nMoadik M the
mariut wUl alknr.


Xmas lifts

— proper

Jewelry Rins* (rom 6e
to $S^ OMh. 0«iU’ HcMf
Pin* lOr np. UonU’ Ve«t
ChHiK, LookeU. etc. U<liM’ Loeketo, Ctomm, Watdi
Pol*, etc.

^i^^St^onery lOc
Lawn Dolles 6c to S5c
Necklaces lOeto
BMk Combs lOo to l.oo
Side Combs r>c to 25c i>r.
Decorated Dinner
Sets 8.00 and it.OO
Decorated Child’s
Dinner 8ets(large)3JW

am inre I have got
juat vliat yo». tnJ.,
looking for in a p;

Tbe fit of Hickey. &
Freeman Co. Clotbing
U wbat Mail them. / v

iftftik BlftA

J1 Suit or an Overcoat




bMt here at fnir price..

MU’S SUITS U-H. U.9f. ISta. ISta TtSlta .
SOTS’ SUITS < 50. tM, SM. AM, SM T9 • M
Alto lee oor line of

fine fiinuslungi.

e. Olilbelm 2^

Mien Balmh WOrnm Baturdmr am

fag. Doe. It, Mlm Mats OnpoMad of
ADocaa and Soy A. Doekv of thU


Tk|»r» will to A OirtoaM trm and

dSu^S wU9^ mm kmbtern ttotto rMttoi to this pteM to-


Mr. Crisp aad Mr. Vtotoa vlsltod
tto school hors ono day last wook.
Hill Struot school ta oUU wtthom a

CHr th»a Monla
J. Buck ka. I



H. ^C. Oora and wtfa dnnre «»*r
fnaa Trarefaa <Mr Tkaiadaj. rat
lac mdajr.
lira. M. I. Markhaai at Alaatoa
mada kar ■Mbar. Mra. Jaaala Maik-

a SJT*

at Cedar RtoiMTtoro^


Mlm Peart Gray of this plaoe nad
Frank Woloon cf


O^Kohn wore TmYcrse Ctty cnllem

oSS^ato* M*C WMd

jMU» aia cMaU at W. ». Fallar and


Harry Bocdlne aad Pat SlaYla each

Mr. and Mm. R. R. Bntoo drovu IT
Ttmsufoo Ctty Monday, rottpmtag Tuom

^‘m. Luwm Baton oto Mlm Mabel
Bumert Crain Wns n TmYdroo City WUooa
rilooa dfwve to»inland
Thursday, cat^

The happy couple left for 1
burg, which will to their fotw

M Vm £ M
City today.

an lafanMd ttal the O
tans to mM M J. ntM

MU* Mb* !(?«« U varfclac taf'

eroe aty were rlottlng
st«e and Boicnor for the past 1


Uad Mk at tk* Caatm tar
■M «MMd U A1 BMMr‘« ■•« VMk- |cr. vkta* lk*T wfll k* kUaacd u>
aiMrtbMr may (tlMdt.
^ ttSTte nriu 0l«iBd for Ibr
“*'• “■

H. Bbck la km troa Totodo. Oku.
rtMMiMirtor t^otatotoipMitf U«
to spend tto srtotor with hU family.


few days with_____


Dockor has mado msnr fHonds hoio hiTltod.
Dec. lA
aad Boy hoo a hoot of frtmds here

TS^«id Un. bs Toob« ti oi9*-

^ 0»y aad Mm Boon Bitaf
wmw mitfvM iMt Wodnondm.\ Mr.^otaofOvIntt.

mliS*Frtdlir^ ^ **dS!

^ nt tto Cedar Ron
Ono of John Fsrguflao ^chDdmnhaa'
Mlm Mary Knight and Mr. Holto Sntnmny
We are nil rery
to hoar of tto acortot fovor. but liigMtIagaloaf
Tnbberor were united tn marriage 8oa- Jim
loos. It
here from Buayea to attend tho dny. Dee. 17. by Soy. Platt.
Mr. and Mm. BOoworth Halstead
. Hamiek^ sister.
Mrs, Albert Nephew U much Imaortety at Suttoao Bay Mat week, f
was a
Mr. aad Mm HMforleh are
w. SoxtoB and Isaac Newmareh
Bsturdny and B
went to TrsYeroe aiy on busljieto ana
I bMp. as ono Is need- day last week.
neea la our village Saturday.
ErerMt Cmln has boon working
Charley Kloester. caring potatoes
bast KASaON.
caring for tor sister,
ist week.
. JeUy crowd, hut husM
m. has come home am
R. a. Packard purchased a new top
Oraadma Tucker and Mm. G. Marsh
i at tho otato Graage left no Umo
and aeymour 1
buggy la TraYeme OtY laot Friday.
were Tmverse aty callem Saturday.
Hocum prttaary reform with Gov.
homo from camp oror Suaday.
Adelbert Lewis snade an exchange
Mrs. BUner Cmln has purchaood a
>r Whmor. They hoard hU doTbs infant
nt ehOd of Mr. and Mrs. of horses last
new mnge^^also Mm R. S. Payne.
AM aUtor is not very well at this
J. D. Bright
John Tiger has rented tto saw mill
hoof last wook. two quartern aad the of Mm. Fhnnie KorrU.
alsow One*
Mr. aad Mrs. MHIor. who hare been
Dec. lA
formerly of Kasaoa. Ocdk
staying at tto Glengarry House oil
MM^toYe moYod bock Into their
to Tmverse City Friday aad had their
D*Kirkor and^loo Isabel Gsm- wedding photofcmph uken.
e dime social held at Mr.
eroo were married Dec. 14th at the
Miss Margaret HUton expects to Mm Lewis* sms well attended.



Borii. to Mr. and Mra. Frank Hnlett.
n aoa.
Thom win bo n Christmas iroo nt
fto church next antnrdny eroolag.
Bverybody ls larttod to come nad
Yoral from here attoaded quariorty mootlag at Woxford yootorday.
Last Saturday as Bart DIxoa. aged
7 yoarss, was coming to tto town ball
with his two older brothers ho sms
shot in tto back of Ito nock. Tbs

tka Oraaca laaUtvte at Ibla plaea UM homo. Tho wound blod so badly that
they could not toll bow oortousloy be
Wo ftol for ttoM tlMM eoM *tora, Dae. M. to Mr. and Mra. Bor was hurt. It Is not known who did
tto OhooUng ns no one. was In slgki.

atoaMavtilp. Hit wtfo ud chtMrw

W. Woattoral. vto tot tooa tolp-

IPC Hot. Ctoto It tto tpooltl wctk
toft, i too rotoTBod to Indltaa afior

*"Siir^lll*b«*I*«rtolmM trm and


ntkoolkw— UM
Mr. ud Mr*. U
tto otato Orango Institute at G
“toJ?li!!d iSSrtinaB and brido roTriday.
turood from Fenwlch
totaoa U YtaiUng hor
Mra. H. C. Gore, at


A Su

Send to Your Friends as a Oulstmas Remembrance

porao CItyo



last flatnrdar.
MUs Bdiia Nowoll has gone to loola
to care for her aunt, srho U Yory lU
wllh^^d^oYor^ ^ Yijuing friends


*"l?*?"ftottlor hnt ioao to South
Bonrdmnn for n wooh.
Mrs. Shorsrood qf Oodnr Bprtngs Is
Ylsltlng her pareuts, Mr. aad Mrs. Dsof Uilt vook.
Tto dttot TtoakidTiif oroiilaf YidH.Boals.
Mnis made a buMaoos trip to
w«i orHl attoadod tad all roport a Wahou last Thursday,
rtod Hamilton has
Hr.'SIylor. who woat huntlnf door
ap aOHh. hat toon oatootorol lo^oo^ ”^aad Mm F. C. Tabberer attend­
ed Cbo wedding of Hollis Tmbbomr aad
IlnL Ttoa Ftolor vltUod her
Mlm Mary Knight at Hodge Sunday
DU at'Oloo Htroa oBO day last w
tola Hntslor Is workJni for Mn
^^^tohorno of Albert IngersoU. about
six miles oast of bore, was burned to
the ground Thursday afternoon. Dec,
14. at about 10 o'clock. One child, a
SaiDat oallod at tto oUtlcm tora odo lltUe girl about two yearn of age. was
and two other ohlWrou died
n^tlSUoa or ManlMaa la oromatod
from Ihelr bums while trying to reach
W<^f In tto IttSbor woods for the neighbom. The mother had gone
FroDld Ftshor at presont. .
to a neighbor's, about a quarter of a
Tbo lUlaoU eallod boro this more
ts«,w|th freight and pattongerm.
mot Bollo llalvorsoo of TraYeme thomfot that the children were pour­
€Uy arriYOd tlOa maralag on the llli ing korooooo Into the dre. when the
Dolt and wUUotoh our wetool tto com can exploded. Tho parents are heart
log wloier.
Darto rant and Jootok Smith,
While working at Anderoou's camp
msimlm of the life sarlng crew st about eight mtleo west of here. Cl^
OhorltooU. arriVfMl toto touday. the once Yourcki. a young man about 2t
aUtio^ torlag closed HoT.'Sfth.
yearn of age. had both bis legs broken
above the knees. He just went to
work on Saturday and had been worA
Ing only a few bourn when tto acci­
HnL M Coonloo has toon quite sick dent occurred. He It being cared for
at tto aiy boteL
but U aoam touor at this writing.
Dec. If.
mdh Holmes proachod at Now
WoKford last Taooday OTonlng.
tod^* Aid of Grant church
If we wish to go to Beitner
atol at tto homo of Mra. Ooorgo Godo go at 1:30
day achool we will have to
dafd^Toooday. About'
and preaching following, as the tune
ato dinner thoro. In U
has been changed to that boor.
Ma Seam oamo and took
Fred Warren has been helping Mr.
cars of srood at tto gmvel
a toho wointod quUt

cioaolitiag^ i
sten's brother has Just arrived fromI the south for a vtslL
mley called on Mm. H.
Mm. Whaley
tto oarprftoe party and It was a grand
sawsho. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Ooloama pC TraYoroe City hgurod la this
was helping H.
part Intooly. An. Mra. Goddard sat skid logs one day Mat weak.
A fow of the neighbom attended the
YislUnc with tor company that oren-

2S.SS1 "il'i'SS.r.SK

Goo. L Crimp vMIted our school
deUctoua cakOB and other SYroou hid day last vreek.
nwny iln horooUnr. She ant rocking In
DCC.1A .
tto chair no eomfortnhly when tto din
tng r^ door opened and the people
BUM Oonklla of Long Lake Is vUttlng her gmadBamata, Mr. and Mrs.
aty 4b bMlnoos and did not expect to O. F. Rogom.
reCOTh nnUl antnrdny oroalng. tot a
MU. Ruby Minor was quite sick Mot
lotlid brought him homo on the oyob week, but U bettor. ^
Tho box oocMl hold at tho ochoolhoum Mot week brought la about It
toward a llhrary tor tto school.


Tk* Cltln**' TMtphow Oo. k*T*
oo*ipMcd UMir )1M htta tar tkii taU.

^ taSSS!* “* *■

A t«* or tk* ntti* ntts «««

toSShTS” Ttolf^ralidM^OoJ
dard wore oocortod to tto sttUag room
whor4 thoT aroro proooatod srlth tto

lag ui mora muun. reoirm
look im Mr. and
Goddard*! fast
MO thaa tSW wrdo noold l^jNsM LoiMn. who h
jaM Ihoa. Aa ttogr loaro thto Migh- wmhMg ^ at Tiavorm City*
tasUtoTwhofa ttoy llYod ao maay
land think
that mado








Only a few copies left
of the Third







• V ' ■

at the local music store


The following are a few of the many uneollcIledtestliroilaU received by W. Henry Steffens,
composer of “FloraUa.” the newest Rower Song


E S. Curtis Miisic House

Murphyoboro, UU Doe. 1. 190S.
Mr. W. H. Btefrens:
O—r Sir—Your **nemlis'* Is boopti.
ful. Pieam oeiid 10 cepioo and obligo.
Roopectfulty youm.

f9.W.Vir9lh{a. Nov. •.'05
Mr. W. M. I
(12) coplm of «*FMrotla.** your nsw
riowor Sofip. Hove trisd it and think
It an oxcollent composition.
Youm truly. “
ii Woltou ^

Dour BliwYour -FMrMM" to tilnd:
and om gIvMg my mhoM attontiou to
one uf our loading touehom. mho. Hko
myuotf. thlnko vmll of tt.



GriftucU Bros’. Music House
> Tmvoroo'CHy. Mldu. July 31, 1905.
Mr. W. H. StoPoRS. Publioher.
Door tfr-Hmriiif
located In
this Mty and Mtommod In tto music
ig tto laot ton yoaos.
nod to state that your
• has
provon tto gmotost aollor I hove
plaeod on sals during this tto*. con.
aidering tto length of time K hoo boon
on tto rnorkot. Yours* Etc.,
A W, ClltFe, Mgr..
II Brisk Mualc Hoorn


Kiinball Music House ^
Trantaa Cfty. MWi. Ai^. 1. IWA

-n.OIUUA.- W* M it * •*•« aaUar
*n**M*rth*k**lw*h*taw W*«Mi.
yaa aaaeaaa wW> n ami kallM* yaa
u4li fiavo R. ao ovary one Mho plays R
Yaum truly.
PoiwhL B. Homer. Prop.


. >

This tootimonMI to from Prof. Rictort,
Loodor of tto J. A Radobough's

Simon’s Music House
Ottawa. tlL July 20. 1906.
Mr. W. K Steffens. PubIMhor.
Dosr Sir—This It a bad time of tto
year to Introduce a v*ow ptsca. but It
being ouch s pretty, well written compooHloff. I would net turn H down. You
may send me 26 ooploo end later on
when our teachem rstum, I will try a
hundred copies, which no doubt you .
will be able to furnish at Ism rote.
Very truly yours,

4th Regiment O. W. a Rond end
Noddormoyor'o Military Band.


J. A. Radctaufh’s
Music House

Columbus. O.. July 25. 1905.
W. H. Steffens. PuWtohor.
Dear Sir—Have just rooslvod tto
copies of •'Floralto.- nowoot FMwbr
Song, end conoMor R a better pMeo
than -Hoarte and Flowore* wMch H
raaambles In Rgaratton. Kindly sand
ut Orchaatrmion for am In our otoro
of tt.
Wa am oonding you imdar aapamte

Rint, Mich.. Aug. 24. *


whtojSl worw aatorod Into tto dining
Tto Itnhie thirty gronnod and*
load. I After tto oappor wna OYt

n for Christmas


City Opera House Bl^
•Travorws City. Mtolu
Dear Sir—I put your nmoto In tha
hands of tto Rtnt Music Co, and they
ooomod very much ptoaood wRh tto
ptoco «*F1omlla.«* Tto manager of tto
U write you.
Everyone Mkoo tto piece, saying H for
any of tto other late cMookat
to hoar




10 mem eoptoo ^FtofoHa*** nowoit
Rower Song. H you iiavo any Pthmo




•MMt Hlkr • tr* am. Tk« »
rijrl-^------- «IM> ra to
-«k«s> at lb* ol«htaHn. «oa ono**
.»to Ma<«M«tf M.at4tia to
atm aaL Am »m oM* m—iI
4oiMiaa MttoM .MM 01 dto Ml
bM li^lMM.,tb.*DnMtokl«

t. OH. to aarabS^ti


»•, mj mimr m mmrnt>a m

aamr. *T« to. itOM 1 ctt 4.
Ui« ts^
i« ^andm m mstn to me^ IW
mtfaa. Dmt m abaU u rat
««iti. Ii» M M 14 cnu to lUf
jpoektt wbm iM ton tlM aCiM. to irf
vktob he gere mp tqr the
mm. toartof litai iHit iM
I to bMto 01. ttototot
tooto. mr tHtoO." jmmuo U.
, TMtmu ^akad totoiktod to here the
1 .to to to. OmM tor fW. atownif
tmm, tat eoold taf. M.
Ato ttoOIrnBy. Md 1 tootoO a*Wfi tantMi aar men ■
ftajyMto^aak icioi^
taora^MtoPonm hi mglpew e
Uee mem catotatttota
kart Mtoa umrtf the aatlto ttotit af
Urthimee uem mththitei W a daalar


att that, bfit It did not tempt btta. :
•^odr tattaMa.** ta falurid. |taaItatikg btomclf. ntag pofi to gire m*
a Ml or year imir.*'
At Ihia oatapacua reqaait the pope
wee bath aurttod aad tofxtad. It
that a HoorU c
requital, tad yet tta
aaapud fo ta Ih danmet
•Why do you dtart ei
thUgr hli holtoeia ta
•Oh, do not refnit mef the prtnas




•djfoihltoM. -IWta of ltoTktoeaia ■ *m Eitoit ta«rA iwto 6» matoXF.

»Mt OM at loot OOtoc, «u MBl Id • rule afUr yoor holtoiaa Is canonlaedr mrid. pttolte ar prtrst,. wblcfa bto
Tta pontiff amOhd gftely. Tbeo ta
Owry for m. »rttolMrto». «koa tbe phi
Mi tUbt hand upon Ita head
lutttr 0<>» am obaMMt.afc ttoUtoto
be bad for tta aaktog. hfid a htot li
•l.tb.bioM-iOt ^toto lOlMorot
infoeltat. Tta kalarcin la a liberal
and tboagbtfal Ctototmaa bmicfactreas.
playmatet aad ioob forgot tba «
ite mahas It a point to alrt aome> yon bad i
to UTtog tun. Ueenilme—imi likt
fothi 9t;eiJh^ to tatry eblid af fqyaJ
f tta TWO
ItoMge InChrUlendoto, and that meata
mach Ubor and dtocrtminatlen. Ibe
dhddtfoi or ratal fofeage th tta Oermoi
aipadtoat ata kaaa to aafa
emptoe fiM hif qhlte autoerooa
aad vlita Papa Wbadtor aaiaa tama matar taan tb. ttoU* Md <r,U telor- eaongh to abaorb a fortune, and U Is
ta baaUad for tta, doctor aad than iOtto lX. «w to lb, b.Wt of at- reputed tost the geaeroos royal lady
katUad for WlUla aad Wlllto.ataiuU
ip«ita mooo araty year to thu admi.
' Oda hundrta dollar* tor a brldt! n. pop, lomtoblp Mbi » P*eb.«», ot *Tta^^iedt itotoa of Turkey, wlto
ah hla tfodHtioal tafrdd of tta giaonr,
Hat to vtai Ajaarl Qaal paid for bit
had fonth Ihto tta bibii ed aendfog
Ruadlan brtd* ti fO jaark. He
Ghitothiaa gim to adme.of tta Ctato
axttohiig tm
girt aad tar mattar. taweTer.
eiUrth and 1
that Ih* imajr wa« tat a loan. Tet eS^ihii gtft
fta loaa taa a*r*r beem
vamaiWa taw
frut tfihaa ntn a pe^tfcf^ rtta
d|o Oaal aad hit trltad.
folio lltad cm tta lUtriaa froattor
deratoay. lUmealWl wa» maiTtod and
dotaiitlc ,oW
hU a ptetty daogktor. Abaa. tboa «
yaart oia. Gaol
took up toad to Dakcrta, aad »arrto«l,
ym»r Mv.mal.UMi at airtMmullde.
tat bU vifo died, and ta #aa kmih
tbk 'lMlttl Ubg'bt O,
aoma. Vem than a year ago he learned
IMWac b« ibcvbi. uid U I, wbupma
Ual hla old frtenda. Carl and daugbtbtt bit bOidi becMUt b coiutdMaMr
Ur, tar* la Ovoaao. Flgartng U
9ilm BoeeafeU voald then ta of
laartlagaahto age Odal vrau tta fa­
ll^ aad aaggeated ta alUaae*. Ha
aoai atoag a photograpli and the Infer
watloa that ta vaa 9*11 ttad taaii*
elall). in a picture Oaul la not hilf
Lad. a decided Improrement orer fcli
tddl taK. aad
laaeh Uapfeadai urllh hie look and
king dlstrlbutas a few c
proapecU. But tta father remettberea
bU wife aad yoongw cblldrea aUll to
C4ir*-:wam*f*a White
Rottla wafting for tta falhtf to ralae
Wine ef Tar hyrup.
the Boaty to bring them tare,
The beet cough remedy on earth,
ires a cold to one day If taken to
would take flta ahd he auggeatad to
Ume. W and ho ccnla.
QatU that If tha lpaa^ were
him to get the balance of hla
Beo Stewayt of CharloUc. who ad^
here he would hart no objecUoa to tta
finding a purse with $
marriage^ It waa done. The
I to return the money to Us owour
foltowta laat anoner. thoagk the
brtda waa dIaappqfoUd 1a Oaul'e ap- •Hlx. mb WMiy^^ no lo ntadB unless be is freed from JalL He waa
arrested on a larceny charge becanae
pearmace. Oa Ttai^ tta. young
wife applied for a .dlroroe. She to toe \>tlcaa garhen. It ie hat tmpoA he kept the money.
tlble that bar laajmty may bate made
charM BoatastaK. Tta
aaya hla wBa haa magged hli
bnt It te certain that ata did not ao*
moner day and night alnee they
quire tta batoL That ata appreciate^
married. Ba regards the marriage tta attenthm was made evident fr»m Hoffman, or Harper. Waak.. -| had a
bitter battle vUh chronic stomach aad
simply aa a bnaiaeaa propooltkm.
tta fact that aondry Jars of a manha. liver trouble, bnt at last I won. aad
elartag ta paM lio* for his bride.
lOde dertad to tta royal kitchen ai enred my diseases by toe use of KleeWtodsor found toetr ws> hi Cbrtetaaa trie Bitters. I uahesUaUngly roeommend them to all. snd dont totond In
Ime to tta Va
toe future toJ>e without them to the
Borne of to
firmed by tta
bonsc. They are certainly a wonderDr. Ghartaa imida of Adrfaa has re>
fnl medicine, to bsve cored sudb a bad
caM^ as mine." Sold, nader guarantee
oalTta-wtsanttat tbe Totofo 4 MlchV
to do the same for yon. by.Jobmeoa
royal graodmotoer saw to Drug Oo.. F. H. Meads. C. A. Bugbee.
finaaoad in Now York, aad flia ipad
imdIrmiHXrAttedvUcMr dmggUU,'*! COc a bolUc, Try them
from Adrian to OcMwater, ato
motely to Btotaft. I&d,. Will ta pnahed
The Grand Rapids council has
fordM cautMMu UMm. Oocofth,
IMa Bomaa af Bay Ctty, 4Mta! E4. .M*'* StmOmm by matTtao*. *b* passed aa ordlnsace to compel all sa­
loons to be on police beata Blcten
hlfll to daalh fram an aM oa hit eau. amA to Mod bw.tte mo.1
now operaiing'are affetried.
aatoe aoling Into aa artory. The first
Mrt. 8. D. Obeman of Grand Rapid*.
ha raaltoad of hU danger waa when
hla ahoa beghh to fitf firlto bleod. A raeelred larartably a hid dento mta W0B of an old aoldler aad la rather
doctor waa aillod. hat Roman died be­ «f racy old and mellow Bcotth whliky modhralo filraumatancea. has recefred
from a particniar tattaMd dletfltay^ a taAfita bequest fiwn the ftOW.6W
fore he antrod.
long patranlned by tta Bittta ra^ Ony cMte to London.
flmaohkeapera Jeaiph 0*Doanrtl aad tomlly. There
Mrlte PL GoUtali of Fllnw whose 11
•oaaea the ootadi reTbked-taoanae of
the chatgae that liquor had baea aoH
to boys la their places, propoee to cootlaue btutoeoi and bare employed at
Icntoyt to teat tbe power of tta eouu
; gfi Jo reroha tha lleeaaea.





MfilTlON kftaflttD to elfioa or 1
tog logahy yetag tod> «Uh am

Choice Turkeys 20c per Ib
Choice Geese 15c per Ib
Choice Chickens 14c per lb

«. iiiwMl . JtaM. to Mrrr Mio.
vte otto to OM. OaOto MItoM. iWwL



wfkx portiali taet

UMto» or to. Mtortif mafmap ^ ■iiliirmi iwrttai ttei
iMMtoa 0. «« to sntoiM fto 0

Had B«aH7 lao to atock iad imr leo
wfre ihkem dartog Ita algbi. aad «hat
^ vara aat aarrtad cailraUr avar «tm
Mfland ataat tta toraat.
Itoi9to iue tagiaatot to daald If tta
rotoit ton t>Qiittoe lan taU at all.
af tta rad
■aaa by a aoaitar of pa
ItUB arentta Taataay aad ttar ara asMrrouft all orar lava. Dartog Uie
. altd ^*attar u»«jr eeem to be ibrlr-



! 2\ :

s rs5U“-r,^T:

and plenty of all kiiuk 6f tbe choicest meats.
Goocb fleliVered promptly.

Bell Phone 134

Cilz. Phone 366




ChristmsU Is drawing near and you will be
looking around lor

Suitabk Sifts
is alwaj-s suitable—We have a large line.

^and Painted China
•'is'<4inty and offers rich opportunities for a
display of taste.


WANTltor-Weta hy day of any ta>
aerUdton: prefer naratog. Bit &
dee itaf
WAtCTCD-Haraattaa u oil and paltoh. ffodF«ltor.l4lB.Taoth.
tar 114f

TSTc M. i«b am em» mH'


tot: ana wba oaa lariaU mnehinary: Warn* and Bay tad.
a poaUkm ta a mm. foetory or ahop.
wiU foratoh Urn bma of rtoertaom
regarding abUlty aad aobrUly. Call
at tola otoea.
nor 144f

]^mum & €ari
Christiiias Presents
What raaU be more oaitable or
lonaer appreciated than one ©fonr
STKP SAVERS. Erere day would
inamme the pjeoaure trf iU uaefnlneoa. We have tba oeotoat arranged,
beat made, low priced. band«>mely fln.
iobed. high gredacoWnett* Ibe mark«t


• ^ -



TO RCNT-One steam beat fiat
quirt of II. Toanellar. BeU pboae
doc 114f


roil RgNT-lIonse on North
wood areaue. F.. Goodrtcb,
dec 7 If
HOUSE for reot^ *01 State strM.
rooms; saiall bsm. M per memth. This raoart I, (MO, iw dany. Thh MW
OMd la oat maaotMa for ahM«M
OFFICE ROONfi for reat WUheli
bloek. Gonmr Front and Ualoa.
aoT tMf
TO RENT-Hona* Wt North BpnKW
ftroet: eecoad hnOdlag north of Aa^
bnry ehnrah. EL H, Aliya, nor «f

rOR «ALt-A
•elL A (OO. ehuw tor the rtfbt
putt that am mn It. Mo,! he Mid
at ooM. larMUcau M A. a CardaelMt
FOR 8ALC—Hot air turaats*. UMd oM
a««MD. «lth tJa pIpM. tU: oD« (a.
haatM.DCTaraMNl.tS. R. W. Rouad
A Boo. foaadrr.
d« S-‘i
FOR «ALR-Hoba, aad lot. bare oa
lot. 44S Wart nsht rtiaac Prl«
*1.4M, <»a4hlrd «tma. halaaea to
Mit pBiebhaar. laotdre lU Ra« directly to tbe way
Niath (treat, or addraat taka dam. freight train at the st_
OhahoraM. Mich.
taa »• Rivera. Ills rlglit lig was cut off aai
bo will probsbiy dip.


Sterling Silver Hcveltles
ave a very large assortAlwhys please: we ha
ment to select from.. Make your purchases
Bhrly, white stocks are full

-d, biMti

WANTBD-By a first ctaaa angtoaer.

niaa BouL


ttatfp# llfoi htouwy. Otar 11*
Umie to get Iropresiat
We couUnae
tbe Philippine* from

Clear thinking, ftoclslre arttoa. vim
snd vigor of body sad mlad,^ tba
sparkle of life, comes to all who asi
Holllster s Rocky Monatola Tea. :»
cent*. Tea or Tablets. Johnson Drug


ODR 1UHEK8B atodt
like tbe dew.
your :


tills how seimirk be ws* In Hubis bsy.
He comiwred bis cuoditlou tu tost of
tta UtUe Jrtrt who was <nis*tog tbe
Attontlc. Rbe ate ataoliitely aothtag,
bat drank enonnons qnsuiiMro of lem(made. Ho her momms one dty remirfcrd: "My desr child, why is It


down.’-Boston H«^ld.
dies till ytMjipee onra.
Front iiroet.-|

oduiipu imufeb m.
312 STATE 8T.

lekaoa's. Ita
dec l€4f

igtii rhitogfi ig. 44,

hea: Estate
TffB would like our patrwi^mf^ public lo general to ,un.
V ^eiBlmid that we want your File Inimmiioe bosiDeBt,
that we caftfumiah yon perfect iudemity. and in eoao of lota .
orv aotUement. We
a joot and
are that yon
-kbidt at oll timea nae onr effort to oecure for yon the loweat poodble rntB,wd be fdeaaed to give yon any and all tnfomiaticai
pcoaible that yon may impiore yonr riok to thu end. That
whilewerepreaeotaomeof tbeoldoot and moot reliaMe com.
panioi doing a fire inantnnre
fbdojr; we aloo ore yonr
Fgentaondbave yonr inleteel 16 proteet wbisn onee yon phoe
your fansineoa With nt.
Employora LiabiUty.8knm Boiler and Personal Accident
InonquMe is port of onr bmuneoa. There u nothing better
than on -Ocean” nooklret policy. Oome in and mu no. OM
aOoi ia in the State Bank Boildiag, Suit DOS.

16 In. Sort Wood, slabs and edgings
Idlh. Hardwood, slabs snd edgings

C«n ^k, tpiSnpt
your orders ^ ■

87, taTO rapNfii


|g|f (rant wwlttr to bcniMM ■HIn tar

CHMffTVM mw «>IAfi;r FOS

CMtCApt Adibt
od tbo fMMt cbAfcb wft batt A
llitbAMdb. AlAftt

Thsi Afltfwooo tbe different
held ostroitti. with tr
wiui |htlr gMto. AAd lADy Aid Bffbti
ClauA risitod eteh root
--------utod tbt tohtBs of tore to tbt ddMrtn
fritndA A pragrmm Imd
carsfuily prepared and the tonehArs
and pupUatotf that thei

Ufiff or OLAO DAY.
bt pot lA cbt ftrtplAet. tbt CbARb 9^^
liAtolj iteorttod wltb wrttfbt 4(

<Mpia. Win
rt^w^ TmH^

nt J Miiv <T^ itai iMtvr
mam tb^ Bo^b «MMn m4 fWi I4«»
vttt bt wrtai cMt ta Mmml W fbc
HlrnbArebMJi Tto ebIMM wfil pf«.
vMe wbMBU fbr IbM wbo Art mC ao
fwtAAAit ami tlna vW tbt |
Apiftt 4 tlM dAjr b* ninM.

I ow ns I
OSttntOt ttitOrtOAt, AAd lb#
iOAM. IMAjndi At W. B. TbolAB
otA. T.
BAlrd, Cbtfltt rrmAkUA laA
CJ.MA.wn tfAf At bocbiM


AAor tbA Attr. bwtoAlAg w
04t wIB bteoW
Afo tbt procnMAt fdr
Saa«a/ teboplt tbfOAAlh

-Tbt UtootAb.** A tACfod CbrltUoAt
AAAtAUj for SoAdAjr tebooli. wni be
AlttA Ak tbt Dltelpitt cboreh rridty
Alibi, > wbleb Abon thirty of tbe
Mbt^t or tbt tcbool win pArtlol
PAto. fbA tkwk win bt AlAborAttly
ioeofA^ Mrtpt tbt AMW.
Stitt oi JtraoAltn. tad the cotlumeii
of tbe ikrUcipAnU will til so to mtke
It ttotti retllitic. Tbt children btTc
btto oAder tbt lAetrocttoo of Jdet^
DtVtItA AAd Wrlibt.
I Dtlty StroAi AAd Urn
I Aft tbt AoooBpAnloCA. Tbrtt

to pfttOAtA. b«C fbttblldm.
hrt tito otoAl lAokt of eABdy

diAkvott. Tbt ehoreb wUr bl
dtoormtod for tbt oooAtloh. AAd a trtt
wBI bt tbt cbitf ACtnetioa fbr tbt Mf.
tie outs, tram which tb«y win reothrt
tokeoa of lost from the school aai
partata. Beery oae Is torited to brtns
tbtir flfu to be ppt OA tbt tree.

Obrtttims fittItAl wni hhfta Bandi^
ertalng wltb tptclAl moslc by tbt
rttttd choir. On Monday at 7:» a.
n. win be held the ttrly coauaunlok
the fttlhml ChrlsUBAs senrko At
lOitO. tbi^wmsond oeltbratlon of lb>
holy eommaaton. and^Tnesday after
i at t o'clock the chlldrwi s Christ.
fettlni] win be held. Special
s hart bteo taken to make this ah
pUoAAlly iAt progrAAu and It wfil

UpAA AAd ttortti. A tret wiU bt the
mtor of AttracUoD. fn» which
ibtrt of thi SoDday aohool wHI tw
otlrt Bifu from the schooL Tbt
oratkms of tbe chnrch will he elab­
orate and beautiful.
The Odmia
Lothcran Sunday
school win hare a tree and ChrlsiniAi
profram at 6 o'doclc Sunday afterTbt pastor, the Rer. H. W.
Behweppt, will dellrer a abort ChrHrtturn atfpKm, and the members of the
ibeentertAlAaroat w^ aontt. stortei tad reetUr
i%t parents are Vrlted to
biiagthtlrgfru tothe troe.and candy
and AOU wm also be a part of the
The decorsttoni
will bt almple.

•c. Pr

, ;

To the w^ool chUdrWA. Ohristmif is
A day of double atgnlBotaoe. tfKh
tht lOUAdteg of the tort ganghm |riday Afttramm. It fkat^Jwo
weeks they wm be free to seek i4|asure where they may with art rtgilar


SAAC^ CteA Vttl
vUI Tiitt wmmj
Of m
dbwa^ dw CMMAAi IroAt

Tbo iiffrt aebool W iIa
dwnBlvIll JolA ti^ A CbrltiMAA Aid
»l«k4rT wnmnm CkHm^ mm,
wtti A,W flrow wfcte Uio cbOdroA
win roMvt AAAiy Aid avu. bat Ao
prMAtA wfll bt tAkto to tbe obordb.
Ml cWS win bo tobilM wltb AA
AAlTAlgiiL lA Wblob bo WfU plAM AAOri
AAd AA bla AAMA !• OAlMS
bt WUI bfbw bit OAtrolobo lorwftrd Ik
A CbfiijAAA OfforiAff lA tbo WrAl
CAl OrpMt* Ilowt At riAtmb. <
ibor iAt toiAf CO ta|
APOA Clf lAiOdt Or tbo mue OAAt IbAt
It it
bkmtd to flYt tbAA to rt^
otlTt. Aid to fbtolt or Cbrittana aot At
A tbAtlfbr mthriAg glfta. bat at
Cbritt'A MrtbdAr. AAd tbo
to obAiWt M It br
toocbo^ Tboebol
bt I

in nalform and going throogh a dria
with rteUAtioAt. ThWe wiU he fo|. hoers of work or atodj to Under
d by «ht flqwettM In AitCorm
drawlim cans ftM #tth AtUBtibas tbe yomiger children engaged In pr^
ages. Tbt kMorgartca dll'
grams appropriate to the day.
Theet progrums were atgaticant
the ChrirtsBAstlde and conaisted of
girls wlH ctrry fat a Cbiistamt liet mgs and redtotlons, all dcUllIng^
with apples, followed by the mth V vlnats of the merry old tatot srith^be
8. Infantry. wt>o will march In to mu- white beard end Che ruddy face. ^ In
sic. darrytog knapsacks fltlcd with m:in) of the schools, the enUre aftirChrittmaa gifu.
noon srss given over to (he programs.
A plAtferm has beta Ittod op in tbe
The following will tell what each
choreh parioiA and tbt rooms win be school did:
oprlAtdy dteoratod. flaau dans
WUl pay a rtsit dortiig (be coon
At the Central achooi the little klulb# trtolag. Tbt program will be
dergartners hare been busily engaged
giren tonight and parents art InrMed.
The Juniors and seniors of the Bundsy school will hare an eoteitalnmeat 1>reUy and useful articles from brigM
In the church Tuesday evening. -The colored paper, such as calendars, ^otBirds' Christmas Carol." with midc. tors, sacheu. books, srith aamplet of
their work. etc. A tree was prettily
a by Mrs. Joe. L. Ballty
trimmtd srith paper chains. goM stars.
on balls and other things. A
Instead of the re^lar Sunday sdio^l
mr. there will be a special Christ program of Christmas songs and
as teirrlee srtth Chrittams music and stories sraa gfren.
All the grades except the kinder
talk by the pastor, the Her. Dei
gsrtoo. Including the deaf rtxnn. had
progreaslre program of Christ
Fearteenth Strsst.
Christmas night is chosen by the songs and stories, each participant-goFourteenth Street |f- E. Snoday school tog (c each room and tonlHbuUngA
as the time tor tbelr escrciset. 'There share of the enfertolameat.
Oak Park.
will be a tree, srell Btled with gifts In
ild^Ashkmed way. everyone being
At the Oak Pm-k achooi the eighth
IhrUod to bring their presents to the grade room held a recital this aftei«
eh. Special mask: wfll be fur noon, each grade taking Us turd In
nlshed. and Christmas stories and rec- rUiUng the room and adding to the
Itattons will compose the program.
rtalnroenl by songs, stories mad
The church wPl be prettily decorated recitations. Neat little inrlutkms bid
frith erergre«s. and each member of been written by the children sad ^t
*• ^ sbltoM wfnn>o remembered with out to the paiwrta.
of candy.' Special music wUl also
The little kindergarten chlldrea of
be furalabed at the Chriatmaa se
the Oak Park school have been wi^k
at tbe regular Sunday morning hour. Ing for Santa Claus for several wcCk^,
CfwitUan ScYcnttftA
making pretty things to put on lhc!r
The Christian SclentlsU will hare tree for tbelr papas and mammas this
no Chrldmas tsticitet; but ap
■noon. Strings of
music will be furnished at their regu­ chains and other things ornament o*d
lar Sunday tenrlce. the subject being the tree, and a treat for the Uttlc
was provided by the teacher. Invltatlons In the form of Christ
bells were sent to the parents.
Tbe relief room. In charge rt 1
•'Oeorge," ventured the maiden who
Id lieen engaged for four wrary rinmmer. were the guceU of the grst
graders, who had a tree trimmed srith
years, “you know yon have been
Ing to see me s long time, raps Is the pretty things the lUtle ones have
adc for their parents.
ctunplslulng slxmt the gns HIU. '
The second and third grade rooms
*‘Iton*t lef that worry ydo. my diwr."
replied George, suavely, "berrofKw
pent a happy afternoon with a chaf
sit In darknem."
Ing dish party, candy-making being
the prlnclpa] feAturo of (he afternoon.
iMtoman Avanut.
“That's all right, sweethrort.
The Boardmin Arenue uhool did
can dt rtoter after this and do with
have an elaborate program owing
ontanj brat from the (urnare. Kolks
tbe time given to the Thanktgiring
In tore never grt cold, yon know.**
“But-but tbe sofa, neoige.
I*sr exercises, but the first and second
M we bad worn tbe cover off."
grades had a tree together, the
“Jnst as I expected, little girl. But
contributing with pretty
never mind. Tomorrow 1 will bring they had made, the ktodergarten
a Mg patch, needle sad thread and fix
also having a tree and belpinff Santo
ft up in DO time. Mj gnndtotbW was
an exi»ert ui»bolsterer." — (TilcarJ Clatts out Ftth tbelr dAlAiy gffU. The
third and fourth grades had Christmas
lUlly News.
exercises of songs, stories and redta. and the fifth and sixth also
a tree tofetbcf. with a Chrtst­
.WmiM. nimoo: ttw wrll knowo
Strafford (VU .nd frlnnl mas program. Tbe seventh and cighlh

At 8t. PraacU church hish maai
! by tbt choir, the SimdA) win bt beM at S o'clock Chrtstmas
tbo ItAderthli motblns. folowed by low mass. At
o'doelt hlih mass will again be
^ BATAum. A TloltA toio by ICllJ
• rttishoAi AAd two mut sirm ■Aid. Vetpsr tenrlce win be held at
Aid dtAA'SlmBl 7:80 p. m. Fbr tbe two high mntaw
wU1,.alAi toloA Bom of cAAdy will (ho choir wni fumtsh special music.
bt sIt4 tbt cblldrti. AAd tbt prtmtry Binging -The Angel s Message." s soStehle's
"Mlssa Ooroaata.** The offertory wOl
Its. and the *Tantufh
on of Itbe prlaiAiy children. The
Ekfo.- In tour parU. wUI bt tang. d.
vUI bt btUAfly dteormted.
Alhreehn-O BalaUMus” will bt used
Aibury M. C.
rr tbe beaedlctSoo.
Tbt krnmr n. E. StndAy tchooi
Tbe chUdrOA's dwlr hare charge Of
will bAjt A sIvlAf profTAin. the ttOK
jc music At low mass, slngtmg CbrtMAS Inst ^r. AAd a Chrlitnms bet on
mas hymns and carola.
ttuord^y ettolAs. *-rbo BUr of
West S<dt.
Boynl Aplcndor" will be presented, the
The West side parish wlU bold high
Btimmiy drill by toor ^sist^ of toyt
ass at 7 and 0 b'cloch Christmaa
tad th# UMtau by Mrs. MeWethys
twins exceptloamll} fine. The morning. Bpedal moslc wUl also bt
i«^ will All roctire sacks of raralabtd by tbelr choir.
BuU. AAd the church will be
Tbe chorch WUl be btaminilly dels ftlbfHm Smntor imtln MortlU. wto
mIM by mm -AboniMUadrd tall
attd Sowdto^ted. The prormin Diatod with trergrtta
PntMwoo - Oner whiir'at bW qmr
rrc. a mass' of Iroet 'bi^ kAaked camp, about a mile rram >to' boMA
e tcbool. No. no la Hym igatost the wilt bh^ IrMrtim. tim to wlebMl to boll «n rn tor bt. fflih
i^uTch being hriniaatly lighted whi ■to In tte Mb be tom boHkw dowm
oAdlns. Sapcriatendont I.
AT high Tlklw out bU nmteb be dranml tbet
mass. A magnlAccht Mheeiof stMry.
s ChristgiAs crib asd ttable. rtprtttAt*
At the eig. whleli he hefii Ml hU hsi^
Ing the Mrth of Chrltt tad tbo AttmllAuppos^ All the tlmt tf was tl nlng
Ant sntoc and irtadersarteAs. Mits. wOl be'pla^ on tht altar of the egg.
Iso. ^4toW* Blrtl^.**
Birthday.** Bve litAt another time he went to rlslt a
tie drt .
friend on a rainy day and had to take
toooAd AAd thM srade class
"The Three Wise Men." a caautA, AB ambrfAa with hliiw There was a
srni be siren SaBday CvenlAg mt tbe
Baptist chtreh, tbe principal part be­
ing taken by three gtris In Mlts OUIII’ dtaa, la cotume. earryiag tuffa,
by. Ilrs. MlUtrs and Mias rdlowlAg the heanttfni bright star. AAd
MmbU drill. Ibar clAMts of boya.
SoAsJ Mra. HvAUastoaHi data.
tbbKiao. Mra. MtWtOyt dAML
SoAf IbrsOhAol. No. lid ta Hymaal.

Tbt #TAAhyttf|sa ^AAdA^bOOl
^fOAdA^ool Will
boM Mi ChrIttABAA ABttciMs ?Wdhy
AMlAd At T b\i0dL. Tbt popihir
“»ls. Kfisgli.'
win Ml roAdt^Ad by tbt ckllirbA 1a
toMAwk AAd lA tMddi Santa ckt»
tfbfttjAO proadAiAUy. Brtry oho
ymu Or olt
la the way Of
: And After tbt


AAfi laeoltefi

|Ficn ^DH oTNmt.


BmK by tb« cMr «ni to MMMt.
V tto eUMr^
1 Mo %y him tone, nuUagt ^
ottor woibm «<ni44 to (to mhf.
o( Ito toMito.' A tntotk «nn
y lM«o giU^ ctoTTt^ toUy «(«Ato
I. toiy
A Him trtoWw toll
M (to rttolo*.


At toe BooovUle echool ibb aflerpoqp wai devoted to Christmas exer­
cises. cobrtrttag of songs aad rsdta
UoAS AAd the reading together of
flU|gl*r Dfnaer PArty." A troa.
oratol^. trimmed wltb Atrtags of pop%
cor£ m^lua and otber deooratloaa. a
dhln^ey oorner and a Santa 4
ABpdh MbftiHioon one of great pleasare .to all. For aeveral weeks
the UlUe fingers of ihlrtyrtx children
have been busily engaged In mi
pretty and useful artlcica. and eac.^
Child will be the recipleat of four or
five gffls. such as lUtlc boxes, hinl
PAlatcd with sprigs of holly, match
sbrstchers. picture frames, madonbs
and little Christmas mitten blotters.
Union Atrvet
At the ITnIon street school, the first
and second grades each bad a tree,
decorated with pretty t'uing* made by
the children tor Ihclr parents, string
of popcorn, etc., and Christmas excrdsea. The other grades, from the
third to the ^Igltth. Joined, having
large tree in the upper hall, froth
wMch presents were received, and
program of songs from the different
gradcss was given. Miss Nelson will
spend her vacation at Ithaca, and MIs^
Brodie win go to Mt. Pleasant, the
other teachers remaining In the city.
State Street.
"The Ufo of Christ" was told by the
children of the Slate street school
this afiimrtm. and a trt^ decorated
with many pretty and useful glfU
with many pretty and useful .gifu
made by the children In (he school
room, occupied the place of honor, the
children also remembering each other
with little gifts. 'The teacher.
Finney, will spend her vacation In

Emy Bight at five mlArtw puit P
tteoAt tool" tte grvot brti or Chrtrt
CAurrii roltegv at Oxford. booAM out Its
PODfieiOAA Art* 101 thAiOL TMi PAP

the rified east wind nor the forest fir*


Is known as rnela
Ham's I'ockrtlbook. was foonded by ■

not endure to bear
Aloud. Wbatwaa
WM laid to bare

to# ton#
dative compAinon. Mrs. Broomew i
'The Bsok of
•ays: **Cbalrs bad been grranUed In a i
aittlog room. The rialtors wetw '
taking toeirplacM. Atfrad wm rrody. i
But besidea lielng imrew
So WM Cartylo-lB tbe ball, waiting { ly a bustoeas Instftinloo It Is Jolm
tor a companion In his walk and evl- llnll's repository aud depository.
deiitiy defUrintDcd not to stir wliboot |
one. It was iiulie an anxious moment. |
.\t length Mr. Goldwin Smith ipmerous- {

Neck i^car


Little Ataf»«U wf tke Pew.
wet Iwrvtvr*. W i.cwr.

White certain members of tbe a
rri trite rtore tbelr winter's supply of
firod ID SoUow trees. I think most of
them hide It ou the ground, under old
room, brush pUes and even beneath
heaps of dead leaves. Tbelr tracks In
the winter woods seem to beer this out
White It may te that thU freijuency
of the trUbks todlcatee a acmrclty of
tood and tte traveling about a desire


. abort and aertteb a bole down to
tb* fraond, Mntliif tap ■ .npplT or
nuts or eonea fdaced there Id the month
of plooty. ymi are apt to attribute their
lock mors to a good memory tha

aeema to te flowteg over aU tbe time
with pent-up eoergy. which keepa him
in eooatant tnotSoo. and you aometlmee
feel that you would like him to be able
to talk and teU you bow plensant It Is
to have tte Joy which fiowa from a
gUd heart. Now watch hUn Jump from
limb to Hmh. niab boadlong down tbe
trunk and course acyws tbe snow In
kmg. graceful bounds, with notoppar-


White Steam Touring' Car
bells, cte.
“Tbo Night

of each AAd evory one of them lltoa,
U tta entirrty or In part, fnrrwc"OumptloA,* by K. C. FAwfer. Jr.

oos of 1
VhS llssk to# BtoUirtlA.
majority of toe party whr# anxlouA to
Tb# Bank of Kngland. known aQ
bear TkAnym nod “Maud." toe flrtt ova# to# vrorid n toe Old \^8j of
copy or wMkM bad Jurt ttucM Him.
ttvet. aa the twmsuty


bot AhiAdlng bidde the dam* of t^e
hooie be >pierfdf, and he stood hit help Bibta Oidi wtoi lA'^alW-so
onbreUt betMe It B'ben be left be overworked at this time of lha*ypar.
Btatee Hertra.

Mg rtteugh to b# AUlhlAk nboTo Artb||« bAd A ebate#. Be had to A Cap#
Ooddar without a ehatee wm Art A
OAMOaddoTa and nobody but a CAP#
God^, by birth or murringe. tent
llv«l on Cape Cod. ttert Aft aome of
toe old cMalae bnlb teft aome mu In:
PifteMid. Oac# a Odpe Cod fbater aL
ways a Gap# cud ctetee. tor Artther

Hl« r»ff raoMta. met la awhile lur
ere read.
to Mwa at tto •litato* to bU borne la
tto tottbta <t MM tMiuMit la iUa bo
A real live Banu CtouA vlsUa^ the ■^n of ezolutloa.; He Hokt aramid
aetfoirt l!^*'rato»V'tIie
bto^W'the.lBa^: fto (taUt to wme.mbd «raf awey tbe
tMiw..aad aa aoMBat to eoaMff win
Avenim rtSbol. hrtogififfvaom^

Mtod to tte lltUd ones, this Afiernfion
The ft^l grade frtplls
rtplls Also srere pJesent to Mrt A food look At the ioUyrtld
fellow aMl idtoto la the irekrj^l|4J.
Tbe two. 1
roorti Mho thoMpoMi# Is A brory flounderlntof
Jotopd. ba^ b'ttoh in Mlah
bldtob bwtota tto aartbee. Ilera^

Tbe room was prrtUly deoorrtodwby
brigbt colored p^r

BsB." IterbupA

Ot tmtm ww bod a ctotot-Oapa
Ceffa tola to toera-cotito a toe bMO
ttoM to ffMlofolto It ma tto two :


CAOtTArt to th#


A rtilrotd man who has been doWh
Mtem bf thMfSitler psefit. 'wbeVSe
to Guatemala tells of the umisual baf^
Wnm ttiintpo^' by tbe rAlhoadA
down thtoA. At lb# stAtkm of RetmlMltn. to wtoteto fhmlemAlA. be saw
tbe ftneMt ArtIHiw fhe^ htg- him a gift which he will pbt to tbe^.
pAge: Oa# cAg# of cbMwAAe A liAAldl a large pan which will be covered Mith
tf duHm. A kaOk ii dM ffihg a A paper crurt.
Ml MxMlt’ihb tonto*. .to it„
of Ur* fgbhhAd. yaH«6f W(7
Him Ito oMIloc. U4 b raw u
A MAt* 6twm ’edChA. faAApkiMto}. toB* «I0 to km (nw tto
of A btoketf
to fruit
titot Atlm
«MkA n Vmdte to ceMt Htot
•eroM tto tram m tto
AboM t««Hy4«w km AM
Ittto .rtt
OtolM. >Mibat AmeQet
kM ««n «IMa totk
ett tf hevAd,



Atucif ftomtAn thfMwm bcR dahm



Iff MMfftoti to to*totbNiy to* ton
tounto JO jwr ffrt J* *»Uto


rito >t>le* ot modal “F" for 1906



Stoffltto** m*nufactored by tbe Wh'te Sewing

ACiar. UAvan CRT. I
k teitVaisff UiU Ngcftffati n<^<

1 TMvnw «TV. mcHMAN. rtiMV. t>ntmanm,ma.


HMI «M|>
BifMM »Mn.





tk« ant OM lb* M


,M<»««Mb.M**bM kx

foiakm. ax.«vbV«.*>rboltt>^
fxm, bXi««hn«X to gl*« tb«l

••la toy eh^ XTtwiH Otobj

IlM to « OPMUtMt, . tbto* *bt

^-ISO air paaamg to to see
ioaVe got.** crtaltbe ytmagar.
deafly, bofitstrlbm
to tbelr vartoaa i

«»•«. «utM tk« art or b«i» at
«Mk oonrooti I* tko Mikoot kocrae
«( MtiMtiaa.-Mo ho4 Boocrotm-

Meko Itaukt
Alvay* kftllM ber
•tnnsU Into Um miIa. Md ah*
wHk a loiM Twrcfrar mdw bar ptttowo ipr ftbr flC aapMilMtkA.
Otorpt HarrtM. cbalnawi of ibc
dcr or toMoolBoetrie Uchtlaf Oo^
bM shroo tbo BolroUon Amjr |M0r
m 10 bo OMd bi ooloolitiic tbo poor
or Op elU« IB tbo rerml dlotrtei, oorh
•oUlor fottlac Iro oeroo oT grooBd.
^HtBgBBBdfBmMVtBiplOMBU. Tbo
BOldoni Vfll W
te «M)T IB
««BU. Mr. HorriBf ooodBoU B OOBP
BBd OBdOVad BB jBBUlBtlOB km
tbo Hbobb of Boot tor tbo fOBUofoUu.
hob ronilobod aBar BbIobUob
■boltoff tor tbo bOIBOlOOO BBd lo^
1^ boBofbetor to qio oatropolltBa
gooBtor BbIo or MbIbo bbtb: -1
bBfo OBO ropTBl, BBd 1 Will tBko It to
tbo rooB. I BBTtlelllBtod to tbo coo.
. tonBOB b«M Bt tbo white booao obo


^Tbla BBgget be bad kept bb a leek
plaea. bat wbea Mra. Malloy told bta
or tbe atoaograpber^a tnwble mad bow
abe bad beaa baptag to be able to aead
tor ber mile brother, who waa at tba
old boBM to ladtoaa. aad wooM aow
bBTO to giro up the pton. tbe big aitoaacrouB baart gave a graat throb
or pity. Tbea BBd tbare he dadded that
the BBgget aboBM go toto her Chrtot.
itocktog. either to help ber tide
over her period oC eaforoed Sdloabaa
or to pey tbe liUJe brotber^a paatage
AU that day be thought aboot her
BBd tbe brore Ight the wBi auktog to
aupport tbe boy BBd beraetf. aad tbe
BMiw be tboogbt tbe arore be loaged to
take ber toto bla arasa and toll bar
bencatorto bla atrong aima and
^^hiodi would fight the hatUea
of life for her. In order to do thla the
mlw woold hare to oTereome
natural timidity and faar of the gout
tor aex. aad K waa doubtful If he cduld

By the appointed time the stenogra.
to ordor Btwor to Ioboo Hoag Koog
BBd proootoi to MbbIIb to ooost oT tbo pher’B nimble ftogera had cooatnicUd
of dainty glfta out of airy lit.
•BBBtob boot. Wo puntod orer tbo
iBBttor B loof tiBO and then decided tto BOCbtoga found to ber workbag.
9f them all waa a
BpoB tbo foriB. which rend oubotan.
painted with roeea
Ualljr: *l?Tooood to Manila, find and
dOBtiwr tbo PpBBlab boot* That wai torgetmoaota. aad atadi full of bright
waa tor tba
Bll. I bBTt poodoTBd wmr it B
mw tlbMB BBd to BX Btod bare who. abe prlrately beUered. uaed plni
ly to maktog bis toilet, hav
tog no one to pew on bis buttons. PerWBB glOOB br BBjr OBO to whBt DOWOT
I^lchi do anor bo bad doBtropod the haps It was for that reaaoa the
BpBBlah beet, for we all bellered he him the choicest of her little collecUou;
would dootroy It It woold haTO been or. perhaps she bad other
00 obBX to bBTO added to tbo order Is ao hard to tell why a wumaa doei
•Md totom to Hobs Kong.* or Meare certain things.
With her presenu to a little basket,
MbbUb at OBoe.’ Hod be done bo we
WOBld bBft BBTOd tbB nllllOOB WO bBTO she stole out toto the hall where, by
BpoBt OB tbo Pblllpptoee. BBd to ad- the great, roomy fireplace, the stockdltka lo tblB treBBore we woBld hB>-e togs were already aoapended. At ahe
bad 9Brod to OB tbe bOTB who toot was a trifle tote, hero was the tost In
tbMr llTBB during tbe FbUIpptoe to the row. Santa had not yet arrirod. for
they all gaped empty,
Joteph 8. Nobtb. a CtodnBBil ttuUI. drop ber humble raa
BimaBBlro. wUl be appointed auper- tbelr yawning deptha. toughing the
hlle. for each aock or stocking ptolniBtoadBBt of the dty atreet deanlng
dopaitoMBt Mr. Neare aald he de- ly reroaled lU owner's Identity. HeadBfrod tba offloo to order to glre Cto- tog the row was the hose that protect­
ed Mra. Malloy's stoat extremlUes
ctoBBU tbe ofoBBOot otreeU poostble.
8tr PBita darke. bow director oT from the cklUy htoata. of thkk. heary
tbo MotropoIttoB Mboobbi of Art. to yarn of mottled Mae and wMte. Next
waa one of aoCt, fine cashmere, which
New York, bao BBaooBcod an i
i gift of $100,000 to that toattttt. fitted the No. Moot or the OMotowyer.
man atocktaga of rorytag atoca
tk« BBd
BBd «wlUi tbto fund m a sUrter
by the young Malloys totcrkm
will Btort
It and the one belong,
tire wQfka by Adbarkan aittota.
PrBsidoBt MooaevoBt haa aeat Ho tog to the widow to the second floor
MIm 8armb C. Proroat. prtoclpal of traat
«e of the two aobool teachers
tbt^^ MboBl. Oyato/ Bay. which

bit cblldroB toraitlXjitatood. a gen.
ertwi cback to ko aaed to kaytog
carrlatmaa glfU for tbe puplla. Mra,
Rooeeeelt fOnaerty bought the preeeaU tor tba papUa, and tbe pro
playod tbe part of BanU Oaiia and



r or a witch for frog)
the day ahe married lu owner the 8u^
cess took a sudden fancy to pan out to
a wonderful way.
• It brought a fortune to Us poasesaor
bho thinks It is all owing to bis wife,
and never tires of saying that she wm%
the mascot of

tbe otber.wlib eoI. the yoongei
captraaa owamL Tbea the mtoer'a
heavy cotton aock foUowml. and. tost

ber gttU toto the atodetega. but wbaa
abe raoebod tbe one nosi to tbe tost
Albert T. Patrick, t
to 4he elBCtrto okBlr Ue week uT Jbb. abe atoppod Yttii a BtUa cry of dismay,
for a bole of gaaarous proportloaa oc­
It. kia bad tba Bam to aak o<a
cupied tbe place where the bed bad
once boaa.
durtog baatooM boora. ao that he may -That wm itavor do." abe dodarad.
Uka a peracBBl part to tbe legal pre^ half aloBd. and. alippteg It dowB tram
ceadtoga wkleb bt bapea will aare biai the mantel, witb a murmBrad *
mm yec Oeo Hlggtoo denied tbe re- fellow.-abe rushed oS to ber room with
tbe big eock to ber Uttle bands, and.
getting out ber workflmaket. darned
"Tbe bartal of aa aaa." Jeremiah
root bola auatly and swiftly,
mdU 1$. waa Mia BthUcal deacrlptSea
bw bo wont lose an of bU toga;;
llmt tba Btv. Gbaitoa M. Oiflia to tbe d« aald
laugbtogly to boraalf aa she
VM Matbudtat Waeopal church to
M«ry Path. M.
appitoi to the artad to replaca It
hdtol «r Sanator MltcheU cf Oragon. Tbe mine owner bad bappaaod to BBBMvirtBd of iBBd frauds agatost the tar tbeftaU |uat as tba yoang m
bSwft Hai
alowwbiatlacf amaaamaBi tfawaltxmaMaralfly myatlSad. to B darfc
m. BBKII aba raappaared BBd tomg
tea aba bad raa oft to bad ba drow
BBd oaamtoad tba sock cara ~
It did Bot taka orsB his dun maaa

with tba baarty walcoow be rscelvMl

A Phltodelphto girt was rromtly
overtaken and droword by tbe tocoming tide on tbe west coast of mnee.
A transptontfd Breton ssId of this
"Can you. who see your own tides
crawl to at tbe rate of ten feet or so
an hour, imagine tides racing like wild
white horses up the fist sands st tbe
rate of half s mile sn
-mie extraoitlliiary flatness of our
BrHon coasts gives m
aal tides. Ike sea d
toU. It appears and disappears. You
bsve n vsyt and flat plain of sand.
At a set hour the ses rushes In, wnlte.
iTSstpUtn. At
Bit boor an unseen bsnd sucks tli
water back-thirty, forty, fifty mlw
—and nothtog is vtoible but tbe ptoin
white sand again.
-Woe unto anch as walk on tbt
atete plain when the tide beglna to
riae. for they must drown! .NotWng
can save tbem."-PhUadelphlan ^ulletto.

mday evenA.S.Bm
NMlaaal FrotaaMea XMStoa «m toBit
to WbBtaBB MB SB «bB MM TbbS.
fiiy o( BBd) moMto St T:SI B. to.
OBhrto 8. Tator. bMIbSI; Imrta
MSbmta. BBMBry; ItoMto a Onr.
ft A. M.. meau oa Mimdiy «f
cn or iNforo tbe fan of tba
at 7:88 p.m. K. S. HaMB.
tary. Mtaaar M Wbha. w. M,


Notice to the Thxpayan of t|ic Ctty of
Traversa City:
etioa of
Tbe tax rolls for
tha mate aad couaty taxes for the
yaar^lfOL and for the deltoqncat
school and city taxes and apoctol asfor aald year have beea
ay hands for eoUoctlon.
----------- ! to my office to receive aald
taxaa from now uatil
1. im. oa
aach week day from 8 o'cl^ to 11:80
clock to the forem
dock to 4 o'clock to
Oa aU state aad county tnxqs paid
before January 10. the ragular Tee of
one per cent for collection will be
diarged and on all taxes paid on or
after January 10. there will be
fee of four per cent for oolledlon Benaliy on dellnquenl city
and school taxes
lenta. 4 cent on each
mount of said tax.
Office to room 808

HANO TUNm»-w^ll.

A caoics PtISIIT
OkB be kUMhed to bb;

TUVBtt UTY «AS 61.


KoUiing to
ate for the boj, the
or the
OliriftiiiMthmi* pocket knife
the World Famoat

Thew knives me made of
tbe verr bert steel, hand



For Christinas here that
toteUnbont all ottbem
Wotild take too mooh
spaoe. But if yon bare
not been here, stew minnice win oonvinoo yon
that yon have overlooked
tbe best gift ston.
Everything that is good, noth­
ing that isn't good.

25c to $2.50
and oveiy knife u fully war.

One Month Freel


the knife is not good, wo wiU
give Ton another. We also
Lvenvetr complete line of
sbenis, scissors, rstois. etc.


im ft Itortb I

yoo to examine onr stock.





!«• fTron*

Plump solid goldALL SIZES




----- WILL BE AT-----

Park Place Hotel

No remedy equals Warner's White
Wine of Tar S%ip for fheae te
aad fatal dtoeaaes. If taken thot
ly aad to time. It will cars a case to
it hours, and for the cough that fefl
lows U aever falls to glve-rellet



MiB. MaUey waa perfecUy aatlsfied
vHb tbe aaeeeaa oC bar Cbriatmaa frol.
Ic. She bad pot an oraagB aad a bag ok
oukto brto ••ck Btoektog aad tbe
boarders, forgetttog tbelr aga aad digBity. maaebed candy mad examined
tbelr prenanto beCuroliraakfaat like a
lot of delighted chlldrea.
Boon after breakfast the mine owner
aelaed a favorable opening to thank
the Bteaograpber for ber pretty gift
and with modi stammertog and Muabtog spoke of bar daratog and aald he
rtobad she'd do bis teialag eteedy.**
Tm arwod I caat do that. Ha boptog to get work aay day. you know."
to aaswerod. MBablag.'too.
Dated. Dec. 1. 1806.
**111 engage you to do my daratog.
dee 4-lf _________ City Treaaoier.
then." be said awksrardly.
The etenographer's heart beat fast­ UIDIBS. you will find there Is econer, bat she only asked-demurely what omy III buying your underaklrts at
ages he would pay.
dee mt
The Bcoaomy Store.
Than be became very eoarageaoa.
my bean aadall Idmve'BBd a borne
far tba IttUe brother, too." be anawei^ nert Surabie fer an tmortar mefk.
ed, raektoHly* forgetttog for tbe mo^
meat that almoet aU bis worldly pos- USB CALMAffS WimMm flror Sli
Mskms were sunk to the Succeea.
That very day the gold nugget went
) Indiana by express and the proceeds
of lU sale paid for Uttle Jimmy's passage out to Cheyenne, where be went
io Bve with bU atoter and Ms new bfo-

Screened and prsn
pared especially for
Ranges a n d Cook
Stoves, from an ex­
cellent qumity of
It is easy to handle
and a good burner.
Try a ton and be



.brito M> M

•i. tt





From 7«) a. m. to 9.00 p.m.


Rich cut glass, Beau*
tifui China, Hand­
some Silver. ELE­
handsome wedding
gifts at

$k00s $2e00s

$«.«*. $«.«•

yror/rp yOfs

We sell the Famous
Fox Typewriter


Here is a large line of Fine Cutters,
various styies, NEW STOCK. NEW
assortment of

Rolics and Blankets
Look them over ' when seeking

Qucca City Implement Co.
, l_ O. RICE, Manager
Hftt a aeilili Street
, I2S neat Street

Rne Dental Work


050. A. JARTli j



4. N. Nuellinantal

DEifhi iismltt


Ml BmX rirMt M.

Um Speoial attaBtiongivsBto mvmsxon. • ixai
Wlttl Or. I. A. TV unmn



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