The Evening Record, November 18, 1905

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The Evening Record, November 18, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





6 0*OLOO




Local GMa MbatOd MoiUatae Toa»
The iocai Hijch orhool ha*kct ball
teoai didaaied the Manlate*. team at
Maniatep this afternoon l»y a aenrr d

'MH! UH! m\ aunnoH DEFaTED/ GOOD

VICTOR IN TEKRiriC BATTLC BT Coach Guab of ChaHevois Wei the I
Death of a Child.
' SCORE OF 112 TO 0.
Umpire and Lecais OUieec a Howl
; TbeiaUataoaorklr.andklnLK. W.
Over Penaliains.
WUIIaaia at I/wa Lake died yewerday from bran t ruble. The fancml
eial to the Ercninc Record.
oer-rrH thia afiemoon.
Grand Rapids.
.Nov. 1E.~
Charlevoix Hijdi school fooihall teem
Charkwoiv Hijrh school fooitiall
iKTe today 4S to 0. It wax a hard
rouRbt ftame. Coach Bush of Chari*^
Score M the End of the First Half roix wax the umpire and ih4- kxs
ralxed a bowl, claimlni; he eu» dow
Waa f to 0. Longman Makir»g
ih.-ir *c>re ^llly oorHhIrd by |»enalizFirst Tooehdewa in Just
Thlftetfi Minutes of Play.
Pfoasanl Social AlUmeon.
'The aoclal afteroooo the Ijuti.'..
Special to the
library' yexti-rday waa a
Aon Arbor, Mictv, Nov.
tarriflely hard fought battle thia after. Ov. r fifty were present who enjof>**d a
neon Michigan defaated Wiaeonain brj^olo by Mrs. Wysonj; wltb arromiumi
a acers of 12 U a Oi^ng the game a j meni by Mr*. Hale, and aiieni xom.
NEVER REOAINED COI^SCIOUB- pertlon ef thersfidatand cetiapead but tim«- with fancy work afi«-r which tbc
i commltitN* fM>r\*od N
I fresbments conHixiiiii; of white
The great game began at 2:09^1*ri)wn bnsd Kandwlch«**i. Iwk.‘<l tswits.
Waa Playino •iliiarda at tha Ww<|ua. o'clock and at 2:22 Longman of Michi- pick!.-* and oolfcH-.
tonp Club. Wheiw His Spaii Hours ‘ gan acared a touchdown and Hammond kicked geaU Hammond triod to
Many a Traverse City man <
Wont Spant With a FHend.
kick goal frsnv the flaid and failed. skate on the Ice because he Isn't H*e*l
Whan He Fell in a Faint.
There wae much rushing and deaper. to Ik Inu on two at ono time.
The eniire citv was shocked and
h*lf waa: Michigan 8. Wieconsaddened thi* momlni; by the newx ot



T*^ •-» '*-»

9mm ^ ¥fm mnrnk,


. Bf Wlr® 10 tko Bfooloc Boeord.
not. OonMOf. Jtov. li-Thi^ tor.
. .. BodbtaotB. m eomM ootf Booll



: !.. ^ wHh tHr cf«lt« ITMIim-. TIm^ torp<^
, V lioot
0B4 OM o««T and Uilftytwo aoinifh arr mtealnit. It U beliere!
4lMl Uia ml-ton m«nbrn. oT the cn>w
'wm Icmad or drovned. Tbo dUastcr
oocarrod dorlna manoarcra la the bay.!
The torpedo boat dlrUkm waa oak.
lam b recolatloB attack opon the tTntfiM. wbfch had blinded her llkb’R.
Bho anddcnlr taacd ibe aoueblUtbt
%hkh oortawWI Ibe beia»oan of the
aoaller craft and the torprto boat cot
undtr the CndlDe*a bov and vae atmek
nn^lpa. canUnit the boUcr of 8. isa
to oxpfode. BevenU aroonded offleem the death of judm* Lorin Robert*,
arete rMcoed. The crew of the craliier which wax cauxed by apoplexy and
paralyxi* after an illue*K of only fotir
erllh dlrers la at work. Emperor \Vi!l*
lao. who arrired here at noon, ban
ordered a deulM report.





Judge Lor>n Roberts.
Lahar ldMi la Op^Jlhc Elactten of
AM Cahgrmaim and SMiatora
HoatMa la Offanlaad Labors
V LepialatlaA far Damapaa.
Br Wire to the
PIttabun;. Koc. ll.-Thc American
Federation of Labor this momln;;
adopted tbe foiioalQi; rtoolntionic Extmdinc aympalhy and condolence and
ooaCTataUUai; the Ruslan Ktrikerr;
to Uke part In havlajj lecInUUon
brooKht aliuot pcrtalnlnf; to iho dam.wawardK to worktncnipjureii by imi.
chlmry in milU. factory-nad workabope: aakim: aU labor men to opih,s.
the elortlon of acnatom and conitrees
men boaUie to onmnln>d labor; labor
bodbw to hold aloof from the niUiiia
1ft the rartou* atatiw.
Tbc re«>lotlon admcallnp a ebanpO
In coaductlftfc lasuraDcc companies
“ waa referred. A stir was creaiied whi’o
a fcnolutloft »as introducsHl by Dcb*leate Bctipt donoonclnj: rrt'sidcm
OoBperm for Imimacy miih the labor
leaders and'plutocrats. tSomperK said
%ic would let his work stand as the
aaawer. The coorentlon r«*fu«'d to
consider the resolutionB.

•Hat Heraaff Two Weeks Apo and
•load Potaan Waa the Cauae
of Har Death.
Krs. Carl Brower. ai^M 43 year*, of
Ba>SeW. whose two aitompl* at sul• cldc have caused her larite famtlT
much aorrow and trouble, died this
momias from the effect of the imnahot
woimda Inflicted two weeka aso with
noicldal intent, the ball enierlnjt her
breast and comlnit out at the back.
8bc had Jnai retnmed from tbc Gran J
Trarerse boaplul. where abe bad been

I $1.50

ain a

Kot In four y« arx had *nch a crowd
jmthenHl at Ferry flelc! to witness a
footlAll «aroc. At nooi^ they bejmn to
arrive to witness the MlchiKan Wi*
consin stnisclc. An hour before time
to bt‘Kin playing people Inclu J
Ing alumni from all partx of the conntry. Jammed around the gridiron and
still more were arriving:. It wax l»e
Uev4-d V> ntany that ivfichigan lad
inally met her match. >liehigan heavlly outweighed,the Wixconaln linemen
from tackle to tackle «;hile Wisconsn.
excelled In the weights of the ends
and l»ack ftrlde-s.
Captain Vanderblooiri of %ViHConH;n
did not play.
Yom was llonizcvj.
crowd* following hi mklKmi wherever
he wont slngtag -He's a Jolly Good
Fellow.” The offleial^ of the game
Lleutfjnnnt Hackf'tt.
Weal point; unipin*. Vi'^^b^'uani Kn»mer. Weal Point; head Unenian. James

Stahl. lUlnois.




ptaa ftoorabifo (

UNION rrRffrr





Bachant & Roicbe


• 'I Polict Going Through the City >Aith a
unconsciousnoas. The ambulance
Fine Teeth Comb at It la Beaummont*d and he was taken to
li«vM That
home where everything that xkUlful
It atm There.
and loving iM‘n lce could plan wlu d«me j
for him. but he never regained cor-j ,
tCumlnmvl on Third 1*1450.1
j SiH-clal > the Evening Rcconi.
». Mich.. Nov. IX.—me i
murder of ,
• Oom ix Krill surround-j
ed by mystd-ry.
police say theyi
know DO mofd> alK>(ft u than ihey did 1

IWt-dncwlay night. It ih ihe most baf-1
fling case in tb« hiMcsrj oi .Michigan
! crime.
db'vejopmcnfs today
CCNN St""i";’
of holdupxwhich havr.
Were I
frightened many peopV
W m» that they I
But Non. SyriouNy.
are almoer in a panic , some of them
fearjpg 40 leave their
at night
By Wfro ,o ihc Evenin. Record.
lAnKins, Mich.. X..r. ls._E«rly ihlH^
«<»**■» «>" "»•
new.vmomlDK ID . .hick (os „ U,n.lnt »
1’"'..""'^''!. heavy inientrlian car cmxhc-d lnu» a paper*. which printed lht*m. The po­
city Mreei car Motitrman WTIxor lice are going ihn»iigh the city with n
Hick* of the city car lo*t both leg*
w ho murdered Josle Ik $U1I herc^
and will ciit‘. Sevmieen Agriculiur-1
It is decided now that it wa$ a large
college Ktudrnt* wen- alxiard the chy
car were
injured, none *er»- calibre bulbn aboi from a heavy gun
ou»ly. The car* were entirely demol­ such a* a pnrfwwlonal would cairy.
The newspaper* have private detect­
ished by the Impact.
ive* maaiatlng their reporter* and hun­
dred* of alleged clow* dally flrzlr out.
If the murdero Is capinroil the danger
of a Imehlng will l>o gmi.
Workmen Hep. to Thu* Influmc* tt»
Govamment to Aecade to Their
The tkeory U now |ipmnc li m»y


o. c. MorrrtTT
Abstract# of TIU^
Noam ait rnimlm Dana DBlIdlng

We have oil kinds of BnbIters to fit all kinds tvf fefft,
fiDfl prices just a little lent
than the other fellows. We
«J1 nothing Imt the bott
gradtw. Over^Tiilers and Lf-giziuB for Men, Women and
Children; Lumliermen Rub.
lx*n and Sox. Only a few
keys left to the money box.
You may be the larky one.
C*ill at the Old Reliable
Shoe Store of

You’ll need to keep out
the cold this winter.


___ ________

At this time of the sea­
son we take orders on
and make for later deliv­
ery Storm doors and win________ dows of any size.

The front door as well as the exposed windows of
the home should bc storm proof—for comfort, and it’s
not expensive to make them so, if you place your or-

Alfred. Grcillck & Co.
24J Pnmt Strea

(5rmndl ®ro8.^

ctimriLL lias.



Rotnrned from K«ortem-Uprighl«; flM



•15.00 (I



Fitb their bonca bnt the riches they
make IHe nfier them. !
A Bteide a worth it precauUon is
worth a doUar * worth cC ooM care.

Ton WMt swell dothm-hkvo no me for say other. We
sympnUiia- wjth yonr dociras. and wuit yon to know that
wc am pra«md to gmtjfy them. We aell the diatinOtive
^BniUandOvorooata male for yonag m<A by L. .Adkr.
* Oo.. who atand at the famtl^lothtag^
ir cbthea an- models of at>-l.-, and haw
Huali^ Uiat com-from enreful tailoring of mliahki^
nca-^t# to $25.00. Onr famishing departacst is
N»dy for. yonr inspeUon with the- newest andbeet offeringa of the sreaoh.

Rublicts Md (abters


bBTc been a woman who klU«l JoelOoB. ISe Iftn^Uns DJAiir. of the lob
misht hare been doe to woman'* e»ie.
Mnate**. altboneh
ho partienUr
woman t* *ii*pecicd. She mlsht hare
boea ditsniaed In a man'* elolUay.
Tb* pioiloe are proUAt tU« theory.
Jcakw*r I* named a* the |KM*lbl?
cAnaemrthedeetL 7


awd os-wf sNlfw
ImA a itMABT
thMtlsBort apiMVkhNC l«



The direct cause of her death was at
trlbtnable'Ui blood polaon. She leares
• inatead ud Bve ctaidmi. Tlic
-fnanl wlU br bcld lomomnr «n«r•ON IWM'UW- lUrSeld amTch. aad By mire to tke l^lng Rcoorfl. ^
St. Peteiwburg. Nov. llL~The coRidlIWfW «lll Uke ptae* U tbeJCbwNrr
eewierjr to
IMmab. tkma are Improving and the goncfal
atrlke whlek ihrcatencd nnllinited
tnmbloa for tke gOTcnuncat U conIF VeUtuvtaM#^ UN
«mMmi .M-lr sSMfsrsH. Be
at cMlBg. The workiRn have adoptcj
a( FnMk P. .Wriaht. StS WM the plan of a apaxmodlc whin by
they propoM to atop aU work at
- tpn fregnent IntenraU nmll the gorc-mmail yMda to their demanda. Th.'
rt^ MaaC caslace irin Nin '
reporta ahow no aertoM diaorder !a

orrv mooK ms-omi

TRE gr««t«M rrrekUr. laU«t M thP %»orW ,
hMcoalrlUitao t
hlUU of • ncrorn;

bewr*. Ho had acomc.1 in unusually
gofKl health an.I Kplriix bw st vcral
days, and wax at tiu* \Vc-fiu«-tiing club
last t-\i*niuK.’ w iri n', av prvriui» iit of
thv club many of his xi»a:v Ikhm s w, r •
apc'ut. Whil*' playing a pamt of Idr <
Hards with Dr A. H. ILdliiUy aU>ui |
lOrlfs p. m. he was notico<i in stagger i
aUghUy a^ iliouph atiacktHl by sudden j MURDERER
dUxtnoKS tint ftnmifllatMy r«T<iv**n‘ I ‘
hIroseU. Within tt few niotnentx and Handd KinH lan.l saw »#omts
thing was wrong wbh him an.I si.rans
to his support. !!•' wa.s laid ti|>on t!i.
table and asked for a drink of wait r
saying that ho wax faint In the fewgOME PEOPLE FEAR TO LEAVE
aoconda ihai elapxoil while it wvf*
iHdng brought lie grow worse so ran


They’re the BEST
shoes for boys that
we have ever been
able to put out at
this price. Abso­
lutely all good leath­
er, and good fitting,
just right for wet
weather. Send him
if' you can't come
send him. We will
fit him ; : : : :


Wet Weather Exdoden
■aUtr Cssts $2.50 to •5.00-“Cmvenetfoy"
Coata, finest made at tlOjOO to S2000, Something new in the line of a doth oorend rubber
ooat^-sbeolatdr watetina(_bMt cost for hsid
■errioe ever made—oolf $5.
UMBRELLAS-One DoUar to Fonr DoUais



= :;i


Require ao argumeiK: we’re wiHioff to
1 .
to ).our OKn good judgment.

: Fpr OiMliiiM


Ikto 4tenr«(r !■ MM •» Ito nautMIt IMMM n» Mil wh* I* ikinM

r?rr2?5fcM x* ^

atIM ■> Wr Mmmb <r Ma. Tte
rarlala mtwa la tlw lUaatraUoa It
!• laada of iw-


flTt natntol.
aad it worM la

iv.i $»«•«*»*«»«*»••$

It ikft
ll«^ r«aiT
Vfti MOr.
A fM>
iM «f Mt Hmw# It ttrr»-


Clljr M It tn^

ftttf tpt^Mie
t ttfttkfi V«It«eb Tin Ml ntniiat tM
«mit tHt*« M tm • trdtek
tf»ui ant tHtM tiattmt with
tm iPtnltt tMf mart, Ot
tut It t^dttli traki ihfM atiMT
tatdnfawamtlitrt. TMtlalt*
attf it
tvntiiea that
•twy pHt tf tht ^tatftf it
^at am ynir a4 will ntt 00
nwttltid at matur whtrt H it

T0lth tha doatli of Judga Uirln Rob*
artaTrmrarae City loara another of her
Ml aatawned olUaana. Jadte nobs tIUhtf for many yaarn been IdenUfle l
tba Boat proffiatalve InitreMK of
tim city. Alirva anihualaatlc, enrr■NIC and oonaarvative aa wrll. he hcM
a place la the eoomiaJty ahlrh arn«
atvUbleaad rally taaenrod. Aa auperllUadent of the rttjr achooU many
am be tainl^d 4bc affection an.l
of laan^ mho are now our
bte bUtUitam mon. FVnm him Iheai laaiilrttloa mhleh halwi»i:il>d lo aacetaa. and from him
Uht derltred leaaoaa of thrift. Inteitrlty
’ and eoernr. Aa a aoldlar boy at the
act of 14 he commanded the admlmtkm of bla mumrion and catabllahod
a itootd for ^amce aad bratrery
ttMcb fWloired him thrmiyh four yeam
of bard aad loyal aer^lce fbr bia conn
tyy. Aa a aoldler be ^rinoid much
abd dared ihlnca mhich «.thcr men
woald ahudder at ffor him hl». com.
radea of MePberatw poat. O. A K..|
hatre a lender affection aa mell a- «*a
feem. Judgn Boberta haa ever hc'n
active In the poat and upon any c»eca
tion where the |ioa' maa called main ui
riinder putdle wnrlce and dlHpIuy
Jitdcc Robena mat ^o«t valuable ai
an tide or na direct or. *ejiertlly beinft
the leader In aueh deroonai rat Iona. Ilia
worth waa reoocnlaed and hla com.
radea loved him.
Aa^odee of the Recordcr'a roan he
commanded the reapeet not only of the
community but «if thoae who mere uu
fortnnntr eaougb to be compelled to
appear beforMila^riKppal it «aa n.»i
the purpoac of Judge Roberta lo deal
acverely with offaedera acalnat the
IMibUc welfan\ but rather to deal wbb
much leniency aa to make better ciUy.ena of thoae unfortunatCK. Wlee
7-n Jml,« B» .lood
tbe kwdera lu the communP,.
Aa an attorney be enjoyed the highc»i j
ix»gard of the mt-mbera of the local bar j
Tbe loen ol auch men alwaya Icavea |
a vacancy hard to fill In any com-j
mualty. but memoneH of ihHr m-nrth
are ehorithed bj all who name In con I
tart alih them
rvwiMr V— of a^tMiM.
. SliRsdaHes. «.-.s»rtIlug tn an .K-«lt«i.
often im iciiM- ibe eye tnnildr then anmraiil to c«rre< t Ims iium- they uio lUi-|
pr jjirrly us si The lunu v\ b-. u*sstglaiMira to ro.^d l.v . but iu»t to s.-e at n
dUtaiie«\ oftcii iiuts them on in n sirf-el
car or Klmibn place.- aays thi- «s wlis'.
-and fhett wbei. be hsok* up atill um-s ,
ibem for b»okiiic at tUlng* a Iltilc way |
off, Thia »3-«.leally . bauges tbe f.K-u- 1
of,the rye. mi that be •
- iVicdlv t.i |
ace iMdfer Viit/i them than without
lliem. Ttb‘11 he mssis stnmger gin-mu
to frend with
One a ay . to avoid
wonte and w
n-ud.iig cla-so- Ml
t hla la tn w«u
lofT nti llu- •«''*<’ that llie> may Is*
loo^esl over h..teud of tbr.ingh when
Soa LMt Mother.
Hcmistimptkm runa In our family. {
^ thr^ It I lojt my mother ”
wrSoa B. a RNd. of lUrmuny.
”Ffr lha PMt five yeara. howevfsr. on
ihhallghleat alin -


n«d ii. *
“Ab. I----- “
-And alao I Ida monderful rrorri!>
for rtMoriug in-a.v loiir to It- naUinii
The Paatnral a-poriatloh of »hl» cit .• -color, tint yon have no nw for lliat
■ eltber."
held a Kporial mei'tliig Krlday forenoon
-Wliy. bon Ititd «f yon to think
which It mas urmnImouHv dr-cble.t ao! I----- rutltlcHl
*\\iid tbi- little
PDod from allbcr aide of the material. to extend the folbia'lni; rail ui the j-'orever.'
nirUloa could be treated in a | pie of Teaverre City,
wtiiiM In* MqM.rtli|i>ti- lo offer
r way. poaalbly with a lumlcr
-a call la given for a me< ting
rent tonal r^wmuter or of natural I
m the llaptlia church Tuesday It TO y)ii. r.u mU\»y. iiiit.biiM.“foniF* tiflik !mtc! fetm- buck here
U)i« iu-iitni i do nut iie«sl Ibcin. n*
Hb&ll IH- 1 von -ay. but I vvlli buy them :ind give
_______ ______ _____ _______ ____ ______________________________________
tW Ollirm again might Iw «f rlear ' »***»^ •">'
<*t*urrh or denomlnntlon
BUijni workrt situ sbadow »u.bruW I «“•' *“
......- "-e I.Uwiw haili
«?. to fa-t, the
I. .-.iMiblr of I'*■ r.-«-hrrt .ml
All orr Invtt. ) s.,-.,
rodlM* Tirlillooe aod drrrlu|iural< I u> mu iiri ihia om-'lnc «bo arc oilliou
____ ^
wbkb aa loTwUlrr worlrr wlU b* i
a,,,! txav i.,K. ih. r for kucIi .
<iuk-li la I»r.*lvf and to (uru lo
U, ival of r. lUl.m; aod til iho..- «l».
Oetfnttt Caaaot B« Corod
count in linpartini an
« Individual touch .___,
.__ ,r,...
aa they eanr
a , for a i-cvlval of 1
' reach the dlK«»aRed porilona of the e:
• praying for one; an*l j
Tbr Ualmj' little lluffrlr pllloir cover
. cure dng to take deffnlb
aeeti lu Ibe <nit U made of a loiuarr* of
K ca»u*ed by an In*
btUialluM llneii embrokleivd Ui dota to promme and liHng aiwm -bch u
to an attrtfUve patteru. It U detat'b- revival under tne Icadrruhip t»f ih«*
When thin
abla frouj tl»e iilllowiaiie i.n»|»cr. wlilcli holy fldrti and ihi-rburrJ.e,t. The ob­
tul»c* Ic inflamesi you have a rumbling
la oovaraU mitb coiored allk ami trim- ject of thU tneellng Khali Im-:
vound or Imperfect hearing, and alien
entirely rluns'd. ikafnctR Ik the
-1. To pray unitedly a»< Hiurclies ii-r It
rcKult. and unlcHs the mnammatlon
Huch a revival.
ran lie taken out and ihU lube re
-2. To aKceriain the amount oi r. -li.rcM to Hk normal c-undlilon. hearing
! vlval IntelCKt thei>- ik in ihe cii> 1 will be dCMroyt-tl foreve.-; nine caKes
out of ten are caused by catarrh,
jihep peaentitlrae *
-4 To adopt aiich planK aa aeeiii which Im notbing but a.i innamod con' wlae to fiinhor nrtimiue ihla revival dillon of Jho miieous rurfaco.
I Inten-Ki,"
for any rfae
ratarrh) tmit
('atarrh Cure.
F J. CHEXKV ay, Toledo. O.
“I Thank the Lord!”
Sold hy drugglMlK. 7tc.
Cried Hannah Plaitt. of Little UtK-k.
Take Hall s Family Pill* for cmsil
Ark., -for the r*-Ik‘f I got fnm^
fearlen*a Arnica Salve. |i ei
hlng else
fnl running aorea. which
I would heal, and fmm which I had MifI fered for R year*." It |« a marveiotn riiere's no hraii<> In all ihe land
That ran with her face comiuirc.
1 healer of cutK. bamn and wounde.
r.uaranioed at Johnson Drug Co v. F ler lipM are retl. her eye* are blight.
She takes Uiv-kj Mountain Tea aMeads and F A. Uuglie<-’« nriig
MaNlng of All Who Oeairc
• ffroadcr Than >ny Oae Chjrch.
Wil 0a Hoi^Tuaaday.



\ ^ANK Ji

med with a frill around tbe cslges (0
keeft tlie llugf*rle cover out firm and
Stoc*ka. tboec airy. friroluu« bita of
lai-c and filmy strl]**. are f;is» ii,ailug
and becoming rnougli to cull down
lileaalngK un yonrboad crer> time tbw
girl yon give om* to Imk oimiaton to
wear It. Tlie newest trick tbia year I*
to have ttay finely idaUfai ruflUw at
tbe liaar of tbe collar that apn-ad out
fan fa-hloii nud do away with tbe Ke
verc line at tbe ba*c of tb
White U Uie most «tl.f«ciory to
tbr color
give, unleaa you're .ui»
aure lb.«
that tbe
,« wake one of will -go”
with your fricud'a cloihea.
If alie wears gartera attached to her |
•'-rM*t- omd nimoat nobody any
***« her a pair of Hlk otiea j


cirrs roa snohus
Christmastido ofTurs no bet­
ter opjFortunily than can
lio found in lh»* Dittmond
4 One line of thesi*
favoriU* emlir;»eos all hiz**s,
and thcie is not one liut
what would Im* treasund
ami prizAMl by any ‘lover,
of the weeil. '

rou SALK nr AL.t. DBAUaft

j| OEAum IN iviinrmiN*


are ao«l in our Original Mcthol.


CTize.. PHO.C 3SA
Lumxjus riLLow com.
and act the eUstlc lo a full earning of
beovy ribbon that wUl 1
1 with
tbe eUatIc. Keep U»em all la oue
Mbailc aod flniKb them off svitb auuUI
fiat boww If you waul to make them
•till more effective, put allver claapa on
ibem, for. alihougli the otlwra
,y .u.h-c KatUfactory to wear, a gSri
Uk«w 10 fen «be haa the aUvor claapa.
Tbe garter abown In the cut la vary
pretty and dainty.
Sofa plUowa are alwgja apleedM
(lirlatmaa gtfta. aad Uk hurtap covam
that have come out ibla year are la­
ri i*cn<s-e aud effecUtw wUboot a graat
dial ofh trieod'a VQfff to tham.




.....lo CloakS'
These are special valtiea.

A. J. Wilhelm




: 1

^ .

When fiitcu with the eatiafartioii l!i;A yoiir t;.bl#3 ia n i^yod one-and we know
that your Thanksgiving tnrkoy shouM U- imti-n off a table purahneod Ihun onr
stock of new
Thi>y an* tho Uwt that ( an \ui lioiight mmI W(> etiU Ihum ns
clioaply aa wc possibly can and wo guamii!4s- them. Our priorw nit» from |b.75


No Longer Exist


J. W.
Wholesale and Retail-.Your Reliable Home Furnisher

If it has lx!cn cooked in one of our Maj«'ttic Ranges. No other Range will <lo
the work of this range—there art* none just iss -good.’’ There in plenty of time
to hove one sot ui>. If you will make ammgetnents with our harrlware depart­
ment tomorrow you will not regret it,

By the Aid of Our Lenses

in our sort of lonoes

'vrovjm omKoiT im oeoo


wt» make the abnormal e\*e normal, thus roroovmg the catiso of
the hemkehe* which


ONLY $6.75
Same stove without front feed door, only........... $.'.,75
Same stove without front feed door or nickel
fenders, only...................................................... $4.75

Wh. ii s.rv(«l from om; of our »pin.o plnlp-ri. Wo havf, a bcoatifo] Biwcially
.U-*i(pM-d « t-« i.latu-r nn<l tw.-h-e pl.u.« in <li lft Uoe. i The oot •oil* tor *750,
If yon want just an extra platti-r—a good big one that will bold tho Urgeet tur­
key, SCO thow- m-w ones we have just itN-civoii—a sixtocii.inch |dattor nl either
K5c or Sl.OO and a U-autiftil l^uc one for ll.iK).

are cnaaocl bj the eytt uting mort* nenc vitality than is intendcHl for their nutriment

* vEarEcraiADiicaia DISTART VISION

A powerful Heateii ju»t like
cut. heavy cast top. aM hot*
tom baw, body polished, steel
lined aside, heavy lift feed
top and cast frbnt feed door,
nickel fenders and spun bra‘s


Call «a4 S4* Phatatfiwplis of some of tho*- whose ojes we
hnve •traiKhtenod by the use of our Specinl UiodihI Lenses.

Not Nedldne, Knives or Prisms



cxMcima. io^cofibooeic, m«vea aad
urawam; tbeae are waya In which pco-

At the Firm Methodlat charch SunJ
day the anbicct In the morning w«l bej
-The Tmtba the Chntrh Stand For. *
In the evening at 7 oVIock an echoj
meeti^ from the Sunday acbool con *
Hy depoaitinr ft in a :<»d. r<lia*ile
vcniton will tie hHd. hire. Mllllkcn.;
Iwnk. wheel) it la aalc -od earninc a
foperiatendent. Mrm. OllU n andi
tiio<lrfafe talereat.
othera will apeak. The morning elaaai
meeting will be held ni 9:2o na usual. |
B«n. Jacob Baker of Adrian. Mich.,
will preach to the Prlenda church at
10:S0 n. m. and 7 p. m.
Church of Chriai—Do not fail to at
fend the Qnlet Hoar at f :2o Morning
mcdlutlon. ‘The Spirit U Willing, j
Each memlnr la re<jnOi.tcd to lie nr.
time. Evening, -Look and Live." Rpis!
clai mualc. Satui^v night, doiir.1*
ataody of the Sunday achool leuMin |
with the children. Bverj home a'
houne of prayer. Beaecch Cod to vial! i
. TMiifeartaaTma#.
UK with Ilia pretence and pom er on th,.
• Mjidain.’* Iwpau tin* innldUT «- be

LI< »«t xalWieL -|.an I -HI .rou
M.iuetbiog iliU niorulng*;"
ait4)M«d the elderly Inutroo.
mMiig lier liriooi oiiiImmH.v. -ami

' ,v


U the table has the whitest of LTble < lollis and napkins you aluuys hav. a
‘d)csr* of l>ofli for biich occasions. How is your supply nowy Seen the chgant
new table linen we havf -y A 72-inch table cloth at llOOayanlandtlienaie
kinstomatchat$:i.00 a dozen. From these to the very liiiest made. We
have a spleiidi.} iiasortment of the most U*au!iful Imich cloths.

When all tbe ••tulEn»*'«nil fixin*’”nro honjjht onr prev-r-ry ili |ianniint
you know tliey niv the lu*!. Pcpiicr ami ipic**. aage ami ooioua for the <ln*aiiiK. craiiborrit* for the*auoe.njinec meat and apples for the !».•*. nitaii.i ami
curraiiU and egga awl aoKur for Um> paddinga, olivea and pu kh-a kimI nbcrkina
and oaUnp for the roliebea. onuiRoa nml nnU and camliet for the dcfc-rt. ami
<lon't foTKet 'Park Place SpmTaP for the .-ofTee. \ fit mdlnu for a moat de­
lightful Tlianksgivinu dinner.



SEE OOit WOlhOW 8S0 Paige Electric Co.


MiiiUAjiAi Ml 'rniHm' mmijuiaA* ni MnvM MiHAAaiAi m MimtM







jWarh' Cwain

TMiifK«M ciTK!^MCiM»ii •*Tu«a<o^ wo»i^^

, jtbe 9^

Airan U CUKBML tarn (h«k

tberr to m
ever teiM to du au. Wbaa the rWI*
dr. :; rnu uj. ih.‘ tRotttj- atoto qalta a
frsitofv .*f tlwwtrirato to 1*ti|tocw4
Khakeapewrean Hay*, to •ftUrta
M *rfc t.K* Immaaa rok«;-Tlwqr br
.HU “Ttir ivion-- aikl tba . Paaper**
iriitt KT^t rlatoaraUan of toU
the fnth*r act*v| a Mft la H.

kU wfiTto l»i« M m, to ito !• **?t
wa2^a SlT
It araa
ojtlyitooaiwit tor the bo4-

to lmmo.Vl7^U cyr. wen- tomad
tapto iin to aa«er e*i«cta-

1^ jjjrta



tbai tole aaucttiia pertomiaiieo waa. ttoi
«• tta> pmut tor oeeom in «u
- i. wUb the pHraepe
•ir toa. bto Uaedr
aC Main Tmala to bto
e maid b« a tbeaM rkb
^wltttae of abwirto to-

llaeh or Mr. CWtoto Iwat wftttoc
m 4w tn cbr Mtth- Itofd roaan ta
^ tor «f ^ ManjEord Vatoe. It coaito triSn a bUttard tabto a anaaO


I |»roved by the fa. t 1


f ;

hoadthen Anell.t
: ’ Uoitfurd. Cornu where he

Obeener. Mark <
nopMlUtt. ttbnoet e«iii*)t>’ *t home In
All H»om. oshlMUnc throughout hje
lonir cwoor the ftootlerenum'e ability

t’n’: *taT!5i55!ri“£?.


iBo 'of Ma to'rta 'ta a, ntolw camp. It to only

r.ja* e«^ ntde but bttlll In. the ci^lee


; ^. Wt a biniWliaAA.roittfeil iMlh


r . tomer botWfrrt ^n tb eerxe «b .
ebimney. throttBh.ahlch the r»ttl.- uee.1
to tamble ooendunally et nl«ht aiwl
nnob oor
and iiitrnnjft oih-s
,OMp.- It waa In Otllklna contrail v. lth


Itoik to tba taitoTCC-

e«ta «> •■ i«c««u.l or ewtaf.
ktaltaB of rolta^ yrtM

ant honw^
In.ihc .ihrary there to a
uiutme old oak maruei which Mr Clem
eiu. found in 8f.oiltti.U. and over the
llr% pla^<e to a bnon* lii*cHptlon whit h
cxplAine wni* ttoit ihto hnum- umt
eeprclally thto fietni l.e«amc n notabW
ceutt r fd iHier iiallty
It n ad- **TI *'
ornamenta of u l.ou«e arc ih« fricn.i*

carr>*iiix force which ha* riven Mark
Twain hl« irtTTOiutf nt |4;»ce In Amerlt-un
lltrraiure. The form of hlr
olKttnctly humoiouH. Kwry thouyhc
or feiliii* t-on»ca to him flnU In humorouN mJlae. and hto exqutoP.e aenae
tif dtacii ml nation frees It from the exoaserntiun which In less callable hantH

the Ck-rneu* family Ito.U in thto chat - .illijr FarmingUin okx nue home, but tln i:
RCnorou/ and unfailing htotpitaliiy
not Ukely to be forgoUen. In il..- evetiliigH they gave th.-msHvert up to the
buitinemi of enterutining llKlr friend^after a lavlah nml unrfaei^^.tl fuehlrm
which wo* a r»‘vrlntb»n to their lathn
austere New Kiigland'neighbor*. They
emertulneU bom*
dlsllncutohcd litemry folk and celebrities of ev. r>* nk.
aTihnr they sharto! genentusly with
their Wnnd*. t«*t In the eonv. nlen: re
eeptloh fiishlon. but In sulftalaiillal dirn.T lOirty form, Tltcy w. re unhk. un>
other dinner idrtlo. . v» r given tn the

When Mr. 1‘lemene tinalb* forrook
Jourualtom and devoted alt hto enarto :.ui1mn.hlp h. h-uw-d a lioum. In
t'onn.. from
►k. r and to f-amf a reeldenl
t-K Hf wae e»» pne.. efTortH to nwikv ih. public



as siH-e<hly
ble. He vtoli.d Infomcilly k
-IchtoH's and was
rn in working bottr*, <iao..^^^cr,hr {
ftpp '
v-rk- of Hrowidjig X^.\
j„ 1

a.« thvugh be w.iv f..clng an irmy <
i publtohem. Tluit to th** repiitatiou
. ih. Clemen* hou-. ‘.oM in Hartfortl
Mm h of ti.o
..f these rate
t.unmeni- w .« .la. i.. M»> Ctom..
n i^u lunl a
niu^ f.*. h»>«j.ii..
Sin- w..% t'.e ni.ivlng sr a 'i S-. .f t.f th. .p,. rh ntn.ia: afr..:rM .-k Tv...
‘ had only t.. nuke In- afj«
. .



blot, and he did It right apeedtly.*
It made him a aad toller lii'hto
Ing year*. In order that be might pro-


fm.} rtto." WH to Wa-tartk-'aaaart

tto piMtka oraa alto pItcb
to braL Ta tke Itair nan Bf the tePH
1 aonr. Imm apeh aa I hare 1 en BPta
fher. In thr paaa of Jioua Chi|rt it
iw both hndSTbAd OMd WAhlkw wv^
of tbo chniHi lb ttao tine or CkHM obM
FoUowlw the rxanpte oi Gh^
the opootSeo, tke rknek tt4dj I*J#.


the w-ortf of ptearblaCB iMl ibfwhid I
look after the Mbit lA thMr
hooda who arg poor aad «mN» to Ma

n>' i

, P)f% ?


f '41 r


The f,»iir porg.'..usly
NUb’aii- Khowil^fn the lut or
ro>jl»..M *e;-\iec «.f ! h. rrar .U ivu-rhof. Th.-y ;,re toii*>!.- «-*;s*<*ton> f.T i;..* .-tarlTuv ar<i ih»- lltll. iint*« rtoL high;
mau..rr f4^mll>, Th*
swarthy ttusth s ov^ upy nto.ul the ton
>oup. to.hl to held by ih • F.-in Indian *erv»nis ?r*.
. xtfs houe.
♦ sialHtohment. Ttv- exar * la'ei is .-i r..**uck nan»-d *.•. t*-r hi
:i-m1 lb, prlih e iiriwrial ar* .-itcnded in l uhiu i.y

The cut lapreat n{* ILuvn Henri de w »i« to a member of the 1
tt* banklas tolly ai»d a regularly quallHed t.h>-*U ton. on one of hto da
Its toa boaHUI for chlWn-n which he ha* erected i t hi* own exton»<*
Faria. Tba baranla an enihustnst in hi* rmfewikm. u-Wch he followw enti
lU own sake. Cbt atoeni of iH-r*onal g.Un being wholly elimlnat.-d.
apeclaltot la-the dtmmrnt* df children h.-* ver> lilgl. in the prvdeesi

lime be could not read a not.- of tnu*lc, but he could r»-producv «.n ih*
piano anything that wn* sung or play­
ed In hto presence.
IVplt. ha.s to-t-n
put into the hands of l»mfe>-,ir Arthur
Nlklsch of Hrrlln to m-elv. :• iliorough
musical tralnlrg. .md hto t.-acli.-i reIHirU that hd I* nuiking fapid rrncre**
and w lU be I a great artist In a few



The novel st.ri of stns-t ntgt > h-to- ;
with shown have rsetniy to*en place.!
on the
**f *he *rc lights in I'hlcago
.Va .in exp.nm -ni a tiundrisi ^
sign* h:ix-e l.een y! u <rl In varlou* lo-

TiMe iKMpItak are CMt*g tor tib
healliir or the torka god In Ihtoi toaay) ^ |
Bod peacw of aool to weU g* beallbg #t:;
rttono* for thli cobdKIW:
1. In iDo*t ktotha
leal aHence M rery
Perhapa there le m
htothen life “
ofmodlctoe. InsUadorbetiutaactoma

which he 4iad i
abnv.d untfl
UMT ft |,e
be had earned the price «f
bis tinamdiil ndemptlon.
It wa* th«
frhnnplijirii p.i**age In the slor


bto wife. i

Sikknish child, wn> delight iug Ian
nudlem-e* in Madrtd wiUi hto amnrii
iM-rfonnam-e* a.ii tlie > |*bin... ,\t th




fact of
itoitM toHHee
rie* an ahMdtite BPditolty.
fore doctor* went to toltoioc
jRMie etflRlir to piwatfi the
art of heattof a* far to they (

ciCuiiMple. Tbcra^totiinillyfllPooss
PRINTINO IF preJttdSeod agaliM ftort«iiePi. f>«t
when they gee th^totovrd onto reliered froni pgiA and ttototod to btoldl
gad atreagtfa thla
la rely
Ursely oyrrewoe.
ran reallso
that the mtaMooarlM'Ufblg cUtoi afo
beoHkeUt to tbem. Abd btorthIfiE that
win aaalat in maorlBB tbeir preiodlco
to the tntoalonarie* ga reat tdewritos.

A* will to* *e«-n fnrni^ the cut tba
government priiillng umce at Waahlng] 1..II 1* an imposing strueturr. It la In
fuel the largef.1 pKnllng ofllce In tha
I u..rl.| In |j#»lnt of poor space.
' 4.0041 peraotis are emplo>*ed In It. and

body the oppomtoltF to heal the
gool by the goqwi lb the more mulUjr.
The nallral niJgglonarkw
to bongo wrherc the
porelF sogpel teaebir J^ld be exehakd. -Thlg lo cgpodgftr tme of the
women of the orient. Moat of tbem
lead aeclatbxl 'Urea, wfa^ the ordinaiy mtoskNiary la never allowed to
cuter, bat Into tbegg lame borne* the
gfao to u niedkal
IlflMtr In obtain-

i.-es-w of the R..t-.smon 1*; the
tl.. Kngltoh roysl
It the HtlP. grand
hc-v. d.voted and





lu the h^ose. The king of an orteotal
country was once led lo aerryn i.Tirlat 14 aau4*tian and guiiport C*brtot1gB
iCii%9lms as the resnll of the hcaBag
of hto sou by inedKwl intoaloDaries.
The hour of Sicknesa to always fbt
hour f*f ofitKirtunHy for all who would
wm souls I* i-hriat.
n* rlsli the
alck in our neighUociKXKL *«ud ChHa
floa*-rs aiMl a*ortla of aympothy aad
fujtport uur deu^ialaatloBal bc*|iiiitlt
time eomeatty gf*y,
and giro
them our srimuithy and «ipi»x
Ex. XV. 2«; I*s. cfU. 1-5: rvU. 15-a:
Isa lilt 1-5; Iloa. xir. Uf: Matt, rid,,
1 15; X, T. »; Luke ir. 14-21: Jteta UL^
1 VJ; r. lM4i; I I or. xU. 3-b; Rer.

1. 2.



i rmbUc of inllgloM*
km la! Wellatoy tha
mlntotiy sod the IgRy. the CMatlaB
ebun-be* everywhgTA, totnk Opd for
what ilw* 4lirt*ttan JMtoTOfm bgrw.
<looe In bringiug yuopg peopie into tba|
fokk in saying the tedly wngd. Ia-4to
What a I



work of thecB.......................
Hditorial In Cl

fllllT iii.i-

li %=SS==SC:-SaSs—




The book |
I Into w hlcti he had gone a* a part
net thturtolud bravely for aahlle an-l
> saficrt-d n toul rhi|iwrei-k. The
t in.llgnam crtdlior «if the cof
ne^ er . tiilvjr. n Mark Twain.
Il did
f»reur iMilm to do sf.. They
world heid him gulltlra*. and hi* i
tig.- uiHild not lutve suAend from ths
I. Hut the great humoHst *pui
public alumlutlon. Uke Ibe wtxanl of Ab­

Instructive Pictures of Persons^ Scenes and Things of INote



owning achlevea* not luemry in It* itatnre. It
rcito*ili|on i»f the hemic and eva-n

hto voi. e wuk uiK ertaln. He l^-rltatCKl.
but only fur « moment. Then the In­
born »tfl come to hU reecue. ami he
Haiti clinlly; "Mr. l^nyduit. whenever
>^ni are In IluAnIn. If ll'a r.j ofien a*
lu liw a >fwr. ctMiir Hichi up here and
hrtn* >*oui bay with you.
You may
Thto Incident

I* ragafdcd a* an auihortty.


tto- youl
.-iwilon <
1 works iiufii from thoa
of. III* .arly Ilf.-.
Ami let It not b
>kod tlmt Irn to imir.H more that
• huin-»n*l. even though that dl*
tlner'.nn U ver>- grrsi.
-Tom Raw
yer.** “Ilttckletoerry nim“ and ev«
-The Man That Corrupted lladleybutv
that be po**»Ma
in tlie highest degree the BU|>PHne art
r and that nm- quality of
being aiwaya end under bU coodttSon*
lntrre*Ung. Kveii in hto moai apparent
night* of humor Mr. Clemerai haa al^k.and manly

I and otoiamc. north and aoaath.
> MM abd mt. at ooo extrama pkNieerIW and trmtitr IW«. •* U»e other tb^
WMltb aad oditarr af oantuHeo. it
toPuld to a etortoelro aahibli «l
Amrftaaii obaiiutor. Ilto. anamaere ami
jMRidtato Mtoh a» no other American
. I - MIbar to Mark Twain aooid to
3 - able ta ato tortb.
• non In tto 4IUW rttUwt of Florida
Ma.. Xor. W. im. be wae at thlrteer
Mmdletd to a rrtntar in Hannibal
. Mo., at atoctaea brounalnr a Hl«i'e -rob’
Mid. trben he bad leermd tl.e Hvor.*

cHBMrrMb ewpcAVcm. | ;j


tllhom^ Mark Twain to looked upoaa
tto wortd at buire o> the precnleT
imciriet uud fuumaker. hto InleUec^
tuallty W brefi mpMnH.t fWmi tto
.. Tliat to the reaeun why he ha*
I able lo eur\ive the irrmei;doiae
•train of belnx humorous for ih> many
year*. The quality of hto humor ehows
no a|i|Ttx tohl.i falliua <»1T. Thooe^who
4hluk otherwiita' KhouU n .neii.ber that



‘ ■ .,•;;"

kMitad tko atak MOMtd to kroM or
m. aaimo ponMo ta Bfr. aad
ibRNKh Oo powor to kM| B« waa
OttaD pm ta ihr poattloB wtawba
rolM tool tan'a aorta, talta OB «lMM
-i.d f. r M;u
tonacIM ikauil
lb.- v,-ry Hn
time Mr. /Clfmm foond that l«» Uittat aoat forth Hta diariphi to adlt.e Mho>r aond
axirk to cood adAwntafo at bto Ttaer Ub ktapdaB Be CBTO ttna tom
n.Hix4t*e ond rdllM by hi<a tocalW Quaum- KanaCmar Ct- ooprcMl roBunaada. (IJ) ta prawk ud
u It
iht- dumraak- lo^lod of bta
N. V. Here hU'‘Traaaap Abmad.** cn) to haal.-Aad aa rr po pMBCh. aap.
. to a b«« he beaou at If#4<Mbrt«.
Lotted to Mtt* tap Uto UirtdMB of taan* to at kataL
pd in dtoraal Ural too akk, cteaao tka kprta. tort
art dartla. MoHr jo ha«o fMatrad.
errutor. waii t^iroplrttd


wblcb to «d Ibree
'. k rWM i»» ta • »«»«■ wW<* taft no


■- '., -.v ;;-'7-\-.' ' .'

3^’ Limit



rtir to Ikat I
UtotoKwa. ba to br m i
tto to tiM wtatoai ar •

;» ^ '

«« ] Itoli tto to a tot ikL ha fraa abia

I to ha bUkWo to
Umb toV that to Milfl coma ««
T, 4«ms 1^^Of ll.e lainr.:
I wmm OM cC tlM Kdato Tatotoa FaUar. «t Is Mar
ggr»nMitf IW» MmmA ^ ^
or ic*t
to arttl law ■ toin om oT ilia ^mam
Im to
/: ___ !_:____
_ Ma.
-_ TM to naaA
atuactlre toan lie Ibat dtV af itoa- to alqiy aai aa jtol«a! <rf hU
_____ ___________ It to an
wtm atom thrtoi tb» tirtnu
waar« mratattoty AIM a-Hh |
an4 frtoto till Analir fh< •
wtf-*. WI.O coakl M .
to toMw wutmm «r toUit to tolir^ om: *il‘a <
nnti toiw to —»to to to ■ to»-

J' S

I tba TO tttmted by



-irMta. TIM. tar <ka ^ rtcaa ham

nf tha


oltec that wa* a gooHa>-naa A ifokom UA. artoo |g atm ^
of twMra mOaa an boar a«l


Hayntr ftoBg wtre-aftaM iBil Ik to baetonr atitoi nytoliy.





Vii' f.

iirii lliM

A mwtmw^ to AoMdeta*. Bcnim

^pzi>:s^::;:s£ri::72 r fe^snrti.^.rtasj

-- “■“-*«

iBlvaf tbo mym aaiar la tba cm* It b a (avoritc bdirf of iqoet of ••
pita aC tta «mt, ^Tbnapi att hla ca^ ,1a, duac do MM bappm by accto*«
^ tea bd^ laifead aa bta aa a Ubi^ to ibb wortd. aad too romlwi af Wma
to tob ranntir *oaU m«d to coo.
cwMir to !»• w wttfc one ibtog needed to addittob to tbe Ira.
•fine leanied to bis long career to fit
jI?m’llateapteaBl5aB Baarap aaaily 1dm for oteitor vldi tbe criato so aood
pPMllBtetirtaBt Bgmaat tba peace ledevetabdnbla own land.
. cipftetafi tU itef to bite greir. It is one af Ibe toataiirai of tbo ps

lUfsit^ tbe llOAteu Uriff i •djiMT Of the «ar fu tlio
PfrilnliHirr wirk ot pUuulug tl»|
lYoiMlberUti f*Uw«y, > 1»C

r niuui all tlie i


rarieix of m!WTy band



••toN- lu trni^ hm ■

to tbla <>oaiiti7
plaunlnc to
• lAOt^ cabJo dbqiatHi to
llaanco !• worth n^ Bnffala Bnwcoa.

e«l itut Uu* ufan wboia «f«i7 oaia
wanted for aMlUtant niisbt be a xtrj %Um cooBlata of rvlieriux tiie resuUr
Sood .-hirf. «. \k lttr btai^lf
Ndal band wbUe on the
en the iiortfono. ■
effeet of thHr Marine
Tl» oeem of hia anctw in Uwm j be
rood deal nore attmolatliie than
«rtr lime* and;
l»r * ^rnm torpe. and
ae dared todolB..
Wea apmwrm Ukely to be
Ttie nan wbolhaa ^
that, whether fai Roatia or el«ewh«ie.!
wiU either go to the ocrap heap of be- i
cone a nan njhonc men WlUe bad
Anoth. j
raa that be Ipul seolua for conati>>^ j
Uou and organlaatkm. Km perbape
bit createot aeift waa that be wa« a
I aocnliMp..* T1k‘ jip^tmliie nL» if ij
attiir hi biin erneraUr seta to tbe front

idametic Iron aand haa recently j who a-aa remodellns the building. | United Sia(«a. ft fa eaUmated. la «41.*
been diacover^ on the aouth coaat o*^ ;The clear was found in a hollow b*^jooo.ii«0 arrea-Wh area larger Jhao^
Java, and It la reported to be ver>* val-1 tween two large atonea In the Vail. I Prance. Gomaigr. AnatrU. Bpgln. Jatnble.
jaTappeJ in qi\ paper and oeli pre-} inn. Rngland. ScotUbd. Ireland. Walea
Tbe unuaual sight of the lion ani ! »«rvid. It still preserve* iia od«ir. 1 ind the Tranavaal. Ttw?re are enihe Utnb lying down
together may ^
------------------ -------‘ gagivl In agHcuHural puraulta 14.425t,r
A Noble Intontion.
no» be seen fn a menagerie In ParU-|
^h, ,
It waa only In ihcc that the emperor j In a CleveUnd >-c.ic i •hr orher day •turer told this anc>cdote of
Wa«o« Koad to Oowmb cut.
aubjma to lca%;e Ihelr own country. * *>>e laic Senator Haju^ It U n*pun<*d ••YOUR
Tbe«Uoral Xoithweot Monnted iwdloe
The Preoch lioatofflce department 4
the PhUadeipbU Dulkiln
ToTia^^ni^ i
0P«»Ung 20 motor car poital j Se nator Hanna. Ilk** all r«b1 man
nwd from lldn
vATion^ parts of the coonirj'. »l?ing heads, was cooUmially walking
dlalamr of aboo 1 4iJit miles aan
In Manila most of the houaea and!**>ro«gh hU mill, examining this.
JUotmea. tine i«
liariy of about'
that—picking up. to a word.}
constalde* under Superioteudent Ton.
_ Vmcea have tiny
. window panes
of good Ideas for the better-j
at.’tutlne left Ktlniouton fu Man-h and)of tranalucent oyater shell insuwd of^«»
have already reached Port Hi. John, oo Klass.
.nu ni of his Ijuniness. One nionilnp J
the Peace river. Here they will biiikl |
^ flower - •» 'h<* machine-shop the ib naior over j
Inches in diameter, has been ■ *’^a»*** »
reO-headctl b«e say.
I w»s»i 1 had Hanna's money and!
IW wm
m «™il from Fort W. Jolu.
“ the Island of Luwm. in the!
‘ he was in the poor house.**
, j
■tationa every [ Twenty yearn ago Pon.Arthur Rather
fifty Iniles and keeping .communU-atloo
plm* for
the deportation of|to
hia ofllee. and ordered
,| ojped as ------------------------,
'» J"“
1*^ *"*“•
' The imie follom- a
,t.. I ^ am O0t aatWiad w«Ii nanlia.
| A xalloo
aalloo of water a <la> la drunk by j • 'Inv. omharrai.»e.I flaure, bef.
every Japaoeiic who praetlow, aa uimr-,---------- —••
, : l: lUa U <mr cuanotaa which go« with
vo-n-nd o< l.u.i»efor. Mely ««»
all ”do. the gymnaaiica known as; -So you wish voii had my money ^
Praaer. Ttiree yeam’ aui»- : 'i"
as fn the nodr house, eh?" \ \ ^
tor said.
suppose your,


*' ^
arc asleep escape Ihe bad effect
"Well," stammered/ the lad. "tfu‘.haking and concussion.
*hlng I*d do would be to get y^n j


\tZ:-s^£zr--" “iissr-.r.rtrrjj;

The first Imiireaaion
iiug this abkssidf
the gieai bulk nr him. He U
I bW eln>b»rt .OKOC
over mx feet j
|UU tnd M be*vy be «lu>o»C lombet.
! 4u bi. walk. Tbe ««ud mxlccble |
Prank. _
even bnwjne. ^ alwaj. nattia.’ be ,
thing In han^Pm j
F Is a Skilled
idiown at l*ortsibouthUeiv is uDothM- Of tboee pu*eea of po- i
jeUe Justice that appear in tbe life of
; this first Of the Unaidan premiers. He i
was the only cnoa|d<.-uoos man In the
caar's govem^eut who oftposed the j

the infuriated people who have hmi
sUrred to righteous wrath by the acu
of thcae Tery grand dukes and bureau*
iTBla. It was these grafters and opmen who dls-

rI :
^ ^

ortMu. Aaa
• of fa«. hia father waa a govnt oMehil la tbe c^ancaaQa aad
r of noble fainUy. Tme.aoohie family dooa not amonot to much Is
* Rttsala nnkos it has money, whkb tbe
Wittes did not. but It U jitst as well
-to be aciurdtc tn maklug statements,

Korea, against oix*ai»ylng Port Arthur <
and hi favor of granUag the Japanc«w |
befoiw the war. Yet-and :
herr comes the poeUc justice-die wss
the OUI.V Busslgn who woo a vkrton ;
Japs. That be dkl win a
le i^ce conrereoce all the
wortd has borne witness.
Tills big. bluir Slav is not withogt
wlliness. The |Roaslan jingoes of an
earlier day kn^w that.
lal. There waa a
time when they:
‘ mad for one oth-1

and imlsomrd tbe mind of the exar^
against him. WItie. after all this fau-;
inlilation. becomes the last Wray, that;
lualnulns the exar on his throne. Pur j
this be Is being crltk Iscd by the radJcals. But for his inierpositluii. they |
cUim. UtHsis uilgiit soon lie a republic.
j Tbis Is an *»pm question and one In |
which It Is not esseotiaJ to enter here,
a half trudi.A study of a mau is not uecesaariiy an
hla iiatemal j ckiWae of all his acto and theories.
aiMtiy came from UoUand. Another This must be adioltt«< however: That;
Stacy conceniiug him U that he waa a j a«x*ordlug to hia Ughla, Witte is atrlrfSHiroad station master and disobeyed I tog for the good of hte eountiy; that he
(loops to tbe front has abowa exempUzy patiroce and
and that this ,| magnanimity:
that he has gone forby the way. was
as the
thejj ward doing the duty he saw desplto
; oC .hb» rise. There
Just n I the denunciatimt of the rfctbUuHca
ibadow of truth to this.
le was a I ou tbr oue hand or
railroad omclat and he often took his , other,
own bead rather than burcsotTaUc to !
t^bf Ac;
. hot he had anch
S!? b geenng iroopa nod supplies
blmsHf I w«i»
occupies tbe jubMle ground, or war. bm feared the great flnaaoa
rentually to be the cooatnicUve autesman to the minlater'a ofipotftkMi. After tbe gener­
Uroad bttcials and eventually
to the rsUrosd
aide- j time of, upheaval. At any rate, that als had all spoken for blood Witte «n^
to the exar. The story that be aldetmrbsd some hl|d> potentate to |et ^ the ground on which count Witte prised e%wry oop by warmly support*
ntrooivtratoUproha^ close Uutids. He wonkl secure the rights
to tbe fact. Tbo story goes that this i the person and Crredom of NM»ab,
pefiewto demanded hla bead, that tbe | tbe press and1 of ooMritnoe: be would Ibe money for tim war. Turning to
ruar tavettigated and that tbe upshot bring about a
to the exar. he


y ^ pbui- ^2TnSSe?ir*ri£

II I. a new .Icuirture t» eaau.ine a
man wllli tbe Uea of deterttoe lu hi.
Stomach jewelry that bad been ««ral
«>.w«i l*> «void detaetkm. ami tbe chief
^ polk-e at liavenpofV la^ deserves
credit for the origiualliy of bis
rcheo. says the New York Medical
I atuchmeor pr a dU
mond ring that he did om own amt
amiprM by tbo di«itiinate po.
•. pfomptly swaliowcd it not
the heavy
tbe stone. Tbk was sua^
the culprit was
with locked up to jail with tbe
sUU to his posicssioo. As be
ily denied all knowledge of
the mlssi^ stone, th. < UIe|. of polk-e
--------------------for the municipal elecAt tbe Bight of this tbe
I doobUess that It was



«>» «"
va-1 oul.'air "
!«*»“*<■ *'»nu» Unued by •'!
ThI. ailmit an.wer «. ,.|,.as.d .de.,.
«p to fbej
Hanna that he t^lHor ihi* Imy - j
j nresent time U 19.242.
Norway's coast line—1.700 ml lea to.
Burled by Women.
p. Biraicbi Une^ebecomes l^jm miles i
Mias Sarah Jack.son. a woninn U\
if followed around the fjords.
i lug near IikUanapolis. In.L. Is such
fjonlR are over ISO.fJOO lalands.
that she ha^c
The biggest leaves to
world are,
.... grow
her *111 ih.< no mw .b.!l
ihoae of Ihe InaJ lalm, which
the hank, of <h.- Ainaxm. They reach,
knythln* lo do mith her fonera!.
alonxihof .'..Mo;Ofee..andarerrom;T*«» .J^ver of .-e hea-~-. .he palh
10 lo 1* foe. In breadth.
] I**"-™, and even .he ,M.r*ona who
grave are
are n> Im* women If the
The sight of birda la extraordinaiy fin the grave
provisions of h.T
carried out.
and (he simple fact that tbe eye of
hawk or pigeon la Urger than their The win sets SMldu money lor the wt*
whole t>rain gives some idea of what vicef neccKsary in connection with
that none
their iK>wers of vision
bm women shall bi- employed In an.'
The Vienna police a
capacity. Miss Jackson Is said ir>
r»eriment with a*phono
a pHsoncr'a answeni to qtieaUotw have been cmsM^I in love more than
noi to have spoken
asked in the prelimanar>‘ examination,
lie moved to the
so that when the actual trial Ukes
tie farm on which khc lives, all
place there may be no dispute as
t^saciionR taking place through aj
what was said.
Tbe Suhdgy schools of the coiintiy M-nsnt who hSH l»e<-n with her manv j
rathetic Incidents to connection with
Ibe late Btr Henry In tog's last hours have an enrollment of over lhlne«n vi nrK.—Chicago H<‘c<inl-HeraM.
continue to be reresled, says the mllll«»n persons, while the eni
don .News. A Bradford boy who had In the public schoola la over sixteen
Jail Mada of Solid Quartz.
ahowu consadersble abiUiy aa an anlat millions, or bm three milliona
Graham county jail at CUfinn.
did a poctraU of tbe great actor and
tbe strongest jail in the|
to his sutograidi. Tbe than the Sunday schools.
Because all efforu to find them have
of Sir Henry’s, health at
failed tbe "Royal Campany's Islands'.' panments bown from the solid quart r
the picture, bat on the lose night of Blr supposed to be In the Pacific Ocean, rock of a hllUlde. The entranc*- {through^^a box-like
veKiibule bulli o.
Uenry a life ^e boy was handed the have been removed from the maps
r. and c-qulpp.ll
portrait with a bokt* unwavering am the British admiraltr
tograph, the last which the arior evm
with three sets
of steel grates. 6
Near the city of New York there la
of the most desperate criminals oo the
a catnip farm which has proved
southwest border have been confined,
profitable Investment, tbe product be­
to the Clifton jail and so solid and
ing shipped in targe Quantities te pet
heavy are the barriers that no one de­
animal dealers in Kew'R'ork cl'y an
buch snHisnis will <
tained there has over eacaped.-Tl
sold to owners of
according to the best physiciana. will
Badraem Suite of Bond Allvar.
quicken tbe pulse from five to
An extraordinary suite of furniture


has just bdmi made to London. Coo*;
otroetiqd throogbout of ooUd aRver. It,
la deaUDad for the palace of aa ladlani




for saving
for long
and com­
plete saristaction,
no other type­
writer quite equals

dki ii a» w J fce »«i an
ktwrsJL Await tadqr.



s4^:- ■


Ng-?ea:a=sa.-ii sstj^


MM '

■ I






»«• «W ikto I MMl m:



to tiiq^fOMlM af a
fnilt, Froawoi may bo aato tf aoto»
wi^ m as naan, twrw waa mm pmmto awwii oaea *laicgnooa. oao
Aartf; balwaato fl^ oaaX w to toiM to ctaamloan b omao dayo. If aai cNaa toaa. .
Aa ato. mbaiitoatr «aHa With her with layora of obratoad wwitoitohl towMh It.
Boaybtoald^Tto, Taa adoot drfl- twtoa. Anpw each ttoii and boor tb4
Tbo way of lanadortat'1mm cortatos

to two HMn

to tor otoraal try MaitoMto aonriac.ilayto toadewiui writor to
loator Maana oaya

—to '
ittiarib if tiirldr CT^rHii
toto tST^


wait ttoa

mb!-by a yaak. too Bern with
y warm
Ilii M PAitod
AA aMm at ia raaDy a iii jtotwmtoii ablld. bat
I afiibpalMs baa a at of oao i
PMir. too ant w totod AM aUaAi
hair to«to baad.laad tenrdba Mto
Mr vnr «r am tataaiT
If I Mr MW p(«ii41r rM#
Par. after a iwontyrntnute
oath at
natoto of anmlamih aad a Aay
W«a addad. «ltb|a ntodi that diw
Tto C. W. B. M.
tiKDtiA M A MMc pATt.
rnaP. Stir thto Into eae qhart
laarm aad fhnraa (Itos tot waa Ifitk
.lawMi. IwbMM.
ediasa^ flm *
ITAleto 'oae CM ftofot aotf entirely
totoi tor aoreral ^Mim. Aaytolag la
Iff mOk aad cook tour or ivc other rrb of water prnmrod to ito
rMk* MM* MMit MHM:
I to Airi
too Hao of amMoaoat that wiU aamaf and totok oajy of what wttl oatoruia
. beatiacall ito’ilme. Flavor aame way. dlpplag only one eurtata st
::Ok.«lMrM«* M'sliM.
a rime. Rtnoe them, la dear water un
to tba polat^ ^y tougblrr la a act irltato fto tovalld-bettor auV
•ma and nerve
«Mr *M« I «wtM to itabt? ^:
away, tor the wick nto'a day it dark
til pcffectly c)eaa« and without wringTke «to4s aM nte taMa
FIM M. B. ClMMk. ' '
Itatta.amtM wUktoT
CMttM te UK. MMl
. niM «n>. lag hang each curtain Ip- the bark
oae mip augar and one tod ontshalf edge on the llae. heiBg careful not to
fhftod or grow tlroooM. wo dorlted a
I <MM<. r«t I
tortto Invalid^ Trsy.
pUila of milk make a tor nice one, poll U out or dvape. and using pleatv
nmabor of ompatkaia tnm oolored
MfA.tteA tJ|A.MIklMA«Alnr.
lavalid Cvp Podding—One tablc- Flavor with vanilla ani^ totors a U of pins no It won’t aag. The weight of
tiooao paper. Tbo rooaw aot apart for
a totoaVkM 4«toal;
M 1 4A.Awr B«i If ft b(
too itck oaoa had boon made very toonful cf tomr: oao occ: mix whh Ik’riectlr cold pour over otic docc.n water to the enrtain puli| it jdown.
yjtolliaw Ml rMHM.
RtralnK lu-tTk*. 7:0* p. m.
> ' ' '
haro. flo wo toraiahod up wlt!i crepe cold milk and a ploch of salt to make canned ponebes. Serve without aanc<\ and as it ahakcs to the wind pract
«a AM Ik. ktokM «v
haitc-. BoU dfteea mlnnies In
poachca. Senre without aance.
eally drtea and toms it at the san
C^e Custard—Pour hot cttsiard [ time THo same motho<t answer^
bright aad* pretty
D and augar. aauce. or fruit,
over altces of stale cake to Individual wh«-n starching tbe curtains, using tor
[lioca Cap Pnddtog-ThU Is 4
thto a thin surch. Curtains will look ^
very light aad delicate food for In
far better done In this w-my than when j W. T.
A a neb M>odod nap t
l-YuU (5ake—Never allow your emer Ironed, and will wear tonger than j
one afiomoon br busying the Uule vallda. AP even^uWespoonful Of tap!
Sunday school. «:#0.
prlsonon with a hat ootifoat. Tiicvte ooa noaked for two horrs in a cup of gvonr shelf to tMv without Ibis useful]
Baraca Illble dam. H.-flfl.
Bilk. Stir into tkU the yolk of a cake. Gao anv roHahlc recipe atid'
paper aad pleaiy of pins were furirYTr.-ii.. e^M.
Brory book. game, mad toy hM had alabod. aad a prtfe pramiiied for the freak egg. a little sugar, a gral
store the cakes away la stone jar#
♦n alota M on tho htmmmi It fi99»^\tu
Ha 4lv.
day. Oaa doaa act with to pur prouleai hat ardrone tor the moat
and bake In a cup for fifteen
after ibev have beoo«
lAJbo rtiN:
. ioboao oev ptorthlaga tor foor
A little jelly may be eaten with fold nnd l»nvf bfm ..nnned In o«f i:'"

Mr. J O
ineeiln. o. Thwndnr «
oomical. provided I that “mother wa#
|f» vHttofi no grtem boonora that
will wider then
I. mnr I. srrrrd wl.h frf.h i
••, „un.v, «„i *„
allowed an iindiRturhod -eat. Even It If the phvKicUn will permit, or
froo all the hllla.
aaybow. ooo foMa aafe- when all
*h 1'arm Juurt
From th.-'vices.
<a“ned fruit and Is alwwys rcaily ^ the Wo
the roKtleaa boy
this employ- few fresh brrrle*,
ihlOBi liaodlod Aiiieh hj ibo alek chil> eat.'
led Hloo—Uoil half a cupful of at an inaiani’s notice.—Fam and Fire-ten corns thst are keiu op
drao Aiw douuored uttarty,
There arc countless games nonCvanfltoeal Chiifali.
too iiMomiro wo dorteod ftooi pllaa of adaya. cheap enough to l>c deatroyetl whh half a loasnoonful of moU. When
pomwls of toll ter aro made every we<-k
Hciplol Hints for Cooks.
land the sale of ri>to cuite naturaUx
wHIioat aay foellnn of waate aad ex- the %‘aUT has bnUed noa-ly ont and
twofdld. tor. arior oAje^ng Ibb poril^ tra%*aganf>o. hut iur expotieaeo has the rkSc begins to look soft ami dry
\\*bin Po«4lng n-lons hold them on- ucf.-; the cne eetic tnis'n^« lir tbe
bakioa iboy oBbnIod. thwo wm» on been that, during ^ovaloaecoee. little turn over it a cupful of milk, and let dcr cold wator. as that will keep them place W neat
grlaf ovor toolr doatnMtloo. The playt folks arfi too irrttable and om-ous u>
smer until the rice U done and from amarting the evvs.
U'hen atoning raUins. rub a little
own b« l^VrjJTTy A. “ I 1'
give aiiemlon n«4«aaary to make a nearlv drv: lake from the fl^e anJ
tNit 1 ahall oBly glra a
whip In a welMioaten egg
Eat U buiieron the Ungers and knife. It will ^ making and Is M averse io telling of' «:»> P.
Bmtor Y. P. A.
; It aiat no fa^^-io happloota: li*a abtotoot they May help aone makes the lime pans much mort> warm with cream and augar.
which she
she hasar-1
has ar
< vcnlng gospel amice,
relieve'fhe task of ralrin-setHlIng of Ha | the methods i ahfeh
Ihor or ourao ooawcr th« quickly than mere enicriainaeni. This
laa all aloog:
KticklneMs and discomfort.
Thursday at 4:00 p. m. In th« tonrto.
\lfi la fh^ towHeat vk>lot. it*« la the
of. -What ran I do U tbe Frocbcl Idet. and many of the and a half tahlcspoonfuls of best ar ' Before using new lina-are.
ce. rub IlliH-rt in her line. M .iiso a separator.M midweek praym
toi smooth to half a etip of cold over with fresh lanl and horoughtyjaays ahe. in explaining how •i**'I
kindergarten “gifts" are very useful
, AM ihM H. r< Itoi IM II. r<HT*mo
never rust achievea a- ch satisfactory rcaulu.!
In entertaining Mvhille convalescoats. milk, and atlr slowly into two and one heat In the oven, and it will never
yoar bOMal
frioadi. we took a delightful trip; We bongh my only ctmiplefe sncceta was half cups of Ifoillng new milk. When k
Frienda Cliuroh.
, Tin rok aUwp aad dr«»m forever lo found a picture of aoma fanotta plaee with the cUy. Thik may be easily pr.v begins to thicken add thrwi-Tourths i4
When cooking mush for fried musti' cream that rises from each
Corner Oak aad Ftflh stroeta.
‘ the rcMM of Ood^ real.

wn wmied to vMi. ThU wo a»i out cured la poadered form In large boxes, a cup of sugar and cook, stirring con­ do not cook as long as for eating, bu j four milkings is put to a large crock
h^lgar I,.
I. Uequa. paator. --rtoJik L. toaaioM. la Atlaoia Coa- j aad paatod on the froot page of a book and fa prepared for use without much stantly for several minutes. Turn In- pour Into a deep pan after stirring ten \ and after the last, milking is poure-i j Mining for worsh||^0:a
' vbooe largo pagea wora laado of wrapmolds and cool Serve with fnttt minutes. UTicn cold, dip the slices in j into a can and set in Icc cold water for'..®“*»‘“y acbooi. ll;ir a.
/"iHalw. 8upt.
beaten egg aad tbey will fr> crisp
! tweuty-four hours. At the end of that
... .■
. .<.
. . JPtofMPW. Tk«i«u*chlMM
(hie must be vet^ careful not to pro- Juke or fruit sauce
JoBlor C. E.. a p. ■.
wku lo t.k. wUh kil^ Ik. R
you will And It much neater to i»our jtime I put It Into a barrel churn which,
Toasied Mution^-it very thin
vide aay amuscmcots that will tax Uu*
•-BMd up.
a toftjr
‘ Lwiy ou. .Mtoitof for o
Ocw|«l ni'MliiR. 7:ao p. m.
eyes or <he nervbs.| and for this /casou slices from a loin of good mutton with your griddle cake hatter from a pitch- when not In use. to alwavs sunning.
Tr«cl>fr»- mofilDR. 7 p. ■
trp knife; lay each slice on a er than to dtp It with a spoon.
and chum twenty minutes, ir tbe !»“'• i Thmada"
iMUiy things that ^uld aervo to paas
Remember that the yolk of an egg ter comes before twenty minutes there ^ITpycr mcf.lni. 7:30 p. m, Tbwrp.:
toe time tor a welt child on a aiormy toaatlng fork, and tonat over a hot
fire: aprinkic with pepper and salt. M If placed in a cup and covered with a is something wrong wHh the quality
la palauble enu*n with a thin piece III tic cold water, will keep for a couple of ih^ cream. It In i»*cn worked, and
toars with the little one weak from
article, wanted by the!.,
another mistake so manv women are
► They gmi thee through thy caac
pasted aliom them. THIh
ben tbe yolk Ik used.
| In the habit of making i» In working
Egg and Lime Wat*----To a wine

ment bars;
time ard searching I what Ont Abeuld Noj toy to tbs to^
asx of lime water add the shite of
Fotatoes In their Jarkot^ are more* their littlier too much It fakes fnim
» Thy homealek feet they lead
je egg. beaten so thst it sill ii»»t nutrlilmis than mhen peeled. lH-raus«llis denrlouH flav«»r and bv handling I n*-%\ Demis Oocblln. pastor,
► Whm Ikon ao bouie wilt need.'
Much advice has lieen given regard
-- pbeme
ring. Give thto often in the patien* right under the skin U all the ric'i j your uaddle dexleriouslv >ou can get ^ Church
No. IIM.
Our church to a borne for wrorab.p
Ing a eheerfiil demeanor in the sics In small o.uautnies.
potash which Ik srt beneficial t»i Hi'! the milk out without working li overly
MTvk^. If )t>u have no church
eat members of the nartv wanted to room: but noasibly a. »-lni as to what
A strengthening foo<l In case of tll- body. If i>ee|ed. It lm^^t be very thin.! much. Afur salting lu aml‘1 stilt the and
home in Traverse CUy. you are earnone Lhould not do or say. may plant a less: Ihit a pint of milk with the and they should Im- Kteamecl. no* | tastes of eve4 one «,r my customers. eatly Invited to come, get acqnalated.
Then the moans of transportaiicm seed for thought In some well-IntoD- shltc*s of three eggs in a glass self- i»oiIed.
I le; Ii stand twelve hours and then aad -work and worahlp with an.. A
must be socurod. and varied from -v tioned so!d.
It t* ^s^.l that four o- five'larp> mold It into small two-ismnd Jars,
lenling jar aad shake until ihe.% are
flying machine to a frolgbt car. and In" t A robut’ friend rntrns the Invalid hormighly mlxtMl.
clean mat bit s drpuiMri Into a kettle j ready i» take to the cltv. where the
cutter, a
**t chamber with a hn»etv . Well! bow
A nutriilnus and palsishle dtoh for where fruit is cooking will prevent j year around I n*celve
cents a pound
cssitiiHaa ago. In apeakiBf of maa. “At
Special services aonouBOid to the :
U Mrs. B today? Voi. can’t fool us the ill U scrwpeil liecf. Tske a gOiH burning o-* ih* buiumi of the kettle :for It. T-»^e secret o^y butter mak- churtsh brevlilea.
he thioketh In his heart, oo to ho.''
Realtor aen-irca aa followa:
much longer: you’re getting to look piece of raw aleak, lay It on a nMtsi since the marbles are kem in motion !lng Is this; .Mj* Jet^s are fed one
The same thought has boon ropoatol
lb:no a. m. aorning wotmklp and;
BO w»*n. Hasn't she a lovely color. board, and with a knife t-empe into by the boiling This simple device N I acoouful of ofl meal ^ ey«*ry seven aprmon.
over aad wror agala through the pansChoir ander direction of hire.
and cauiip.
Jane? '* s^'e addK. to the sum who fine bits. After removing all hard ami s’orth trying with
1 acoopfulK of c’-uahod /cort. and the Tllua.
tag ynors, but mankind still needs lo ace on thb way* and the
12 m.. Sunday achool. If prevented
When I make a luiklng of pies I flni
to remliided evorr Httle while that waya.ended with a Ulk or a roadlng has been' no half the nigh, applyln? gristly parts put it Into a pan over the
not givea this meal
attending, join the
the place vlaliod mad totorostlnz pouleices.
fire and let It remain just long cnoug’i my l»esi friend is a luug-handled cake
-the price we ehallenge tor ourselves
junp meekly agrees; she fears bbecome ihruroughly heated throug!; tumor, which 1 hlip under the pie to
to given ns." Thoro Is a meekness, facis, htotortoal or otherwtoc. ihst
Ing called a wet-blankdT a. the call­ surring it up from the bottom occa­ change its poaiilon In the oven. WTien
whieh is as grtevons an error aa to the were ooanocted whh It.
»ll.k and Siv..r nnri
7:«o p. m.. prnila« worablp. Omipri
am Of self-conrclt. Wo have no right | Another time, we decided that, th** ers next stopping place.
it is done I hold a cold plate in my left loses Its ricbncKJ* a-d fll»er. that
sionally. Season with a little salt.
- chTlrmMj
10 under<uitHaaio_iho Ood^ven «.rl I weather ouiaWc being ao temptingly
“My feelings don’t hannontro wttn
For Cracker Gmel—Pour one ciip baud and slln the hot pic from the lacking in mori of the liwtu-r jou ge­
ThoiwUr. 7:30 p. m, p^mimr oM
within us, liiT^ronittonil)^ act andlSno. wc should have a phaite. So we my looks." reply, the one addressed.
t»olling water mer four iable*poo:i- cake turner io#ihe plate. 'This pri*- lt holds together and will not fall eotifmarc mOMIOR.
think a. though we wcrc'worirofthoibuntiHi throngh the magaxlne. for n WMrily: while the hot flush of fev-r fills of jiowdcretl crackers and stir un
K buroe l fingers or a broken j apai hhowing ihe u“sin of the ht»»FVf.l«), 7:00 p. m, Marflovor elob.
dnsi. If wc had no. boon meant to j desirable spot. This decided upon, we (that lovelv colon flames In her
; Kiich MS often result wher<* a ler i
looth. Add one cup of milk an I
U does when the oil meal J-*
Frte MAhoAtL
walk nprtghi. we would have been choMc our means of getting there, bin cheeks.
return It to iN’ fire. U*i It boil until
jused The lifter nUv If ha« been
mach41vKtod party, for
“Is that so. poor doar?-Oh! you
thickens. Season with salt and
that the fishy taste ^toubbri. is keut to a cooler, which to
given tour foot. In runiilni : down war wo v
can Ijc reni<nt>d from canned salmon! a long lianlatMKl cabinet, lined wif’i at l:M p. m.
know Elaic's recepiloa comes off ou serve Immediately.
ability to alula In all good ibinga. wcj
are llmltlag the twwer of the apIrUjrodc a pranetog atecd. anothpr drove
Don’t ypu think 1 might fix
Onion gruel to excellent for colds an 1 or lobster by putting it in a ctilande*. porcelain It is filUri with fresh pojd
rkm Krttkjrltrteii ClwreK.
within ns. Our mental attitude meets an Rngllah cart, and others went by over mv pink silk with chiffon ilceves many Invalids are fond of It. Sllci!
g water over It. and then water miraned’In three tirotw a day!
etdek response
a“d tue
the eatieatl- bicycle and atreei oar. The lunch was | n-g
right for a foendition. you
with a e»Melt
iwsio»»se a“n
a few unions and boll them In x letting it stand long enough in drain I do not use ice in the summer time, an
he wenk
nerves thnili Hint Of new milk, stir in a sprinkle of and cool?
|,h«- n^ults are n.,i sa'lsfactory.“
mate In which we hold ourselvea is re. I! packed next, and only a glHnpse at the know." etc.: till the
larder In the magaktoes’ ad- as If they would barat.
To prevent tomato s<miu from cur I |
oebrnd by the wortd at large. This!
oat mrol and a little salt; boil till the
tboiigbt is well carried out by a writer verttoing sccikm will give >wu any . Then comes thf kind rnrie. wIm> onions are quite tenctor Sup rapidiv
i Idea of the good things we took i
treads like the baby elephant, seats and go to bed.
«i ....
1. w.
.7rn!n.. T n7.r ^
“Never allow your phvslcal stand 1««
N*«w were amitsemenia
hlmaelf in >tra- jpet wicker chair.
A refreshing repast is egg gniH.
'.Whirl, coc... from Cer».n,.l,b«rj
Sodiu hours, second and fourth Wad*
ard to drop. Keep up ycrar cntwgy ling, tor the pages fornished ns with Bllags bis flfty-potmd noihor lln:i> Beat the volk ol one egg unUI light,
ncadaya In the moat a mt 1: 3ft p. m.
walk as if you were* wimehodv am
over the arm. and Sets you lo gucssln-.
. balU and kites galore. Happy as the raonoconM "creak and give’* with one teaspoooful of sugar and a
sprinkle of salt. Add a little flavoring
AU are welcome to all the servlcak
mhtle to thto world, so that even a hours were paas^ with the bouaca wo of the rolled arm ^reeu your ear. how
, common uii
,how «n
of ontmec or cinnamon Then atlr in Wfor* »ll«w Ih.- tioam .0 roepo fmn. | ,
sintnger wHI note vmir bearing and bull! and furnished, Thto waa aecom- long it will btt before It pans com
the white, which has U^en hroten unl M. c. ClMItcto
mark ymir aupm-lorliy. If >tHi have bitohed by pasting pictures of hooaes panv with t*-e
vcriKml. Br wftlcklnR IbU! Rev L It Carpf>nter. pastor.
til foaming. Pour over it the hot milk r* <■ -ft w in m.»i -lan. .
fhllen Into a habit of walking In a listthe outside of the books, and cnlb
a. m.
Aa hf rises
and i;erve at ones*.—Seb-cled.
tendency the age of ihe egg caa h?\ Class meeting.
less, todotoat way. turn right atomt tog each nage a room, and pasting
Preaching service. 10:30 a. m.
Laundry Minta.
“cheer on. little girl? yow*II bo heiier
I determined almost to a day. says th-| Sunday
school at 12:0ft m.
face and make a change. You don’t thetx^n the furnlinre and ornaments
To iron unstarched lace, place
when yjiu’re well. Ila! ha?" Oh. ihsBrooU>T> ClUxcB.
Epwonh league at 0:30 p. m.
want to shutoo along like the failuiw* wt* thought st'iiublc.
rlglit side down upc»n a pad or Ironing
Evening sermon. 7 ot» p. m
Tapioca Snow—Doll tapioca in wa­ board covered with several ihlcknetxwe often aoe ahOng nrotind on park^ I dovtoed various gueasmg games
Prayer meet ing. ’Thursday evcalas
‘ On yoor wdrdqvs a certain neigb- ter till iransparcm and flavor with
betich.>s. or lolling about tbe sireelx.jby pinning plclttrcs around the room
e« or «-hlte flannel Over this spread
her is delightful; khed comes a time lemcn extract after sweetening to
with their hnnda in tliNr pockets, or after sending the children out. They
carefully a damp cloth and press with {
haunting InreUtfencc ntoces. wonder wen* given penrtls and papers to write when vnu sit In a4ony: she never no­ taste. Heap in a gtasa dish and crown a hoi iron until this cloth Is thorough-!
The Saivation Army.
tices It. but talks.|talka.-.whlle spns. with whipped cream.
. lag why fate
"Bona no ha-d with ; down their gueaaes. aad there were albuilding. Front
ly tjn.
modtenny picking np tnflmitcnimai
ttom. You doal waat to give people! ways trifling prixes
Maple Tajlioca-Prepare quick tarv
Don't wash >^ir needlework with or-1 Cpfn^BQdi^ama avenue aad Waab |
thrends from ibe | carpet, remarking. loca and serve warm with mehed mi.
the Impresalon that*ydM are dIscour-' After reading bow tbe children of
dlaary soap. Make suds of the white tagtoaatronL
aged.dr that you nIreidrpatj taMtog to, Japan e-toy the “pmp boxes" cxhilv
sort. and. when washed, iron wet ontri
Holjt^mmaakio. 7:30 a. m.. except
eoiirae y
oa Amt Saaday to tha montto then
An excellent material for a clotbes- 11:30.
douUe boiler. When prorly iioft stir Une 1s the ordtoary telegroph wire
InflnKe Ktam' »an Aavn royal .boxes are jn.t the thing. A hole to cw:
I In your veliia. Kmphastoc it by i In one end and the top covered with
mother was so particular. in a handful of ralsina. tour lahle^ which la now sold for that panmae ia
The old famll.v iiicnd
spoonfula of brown augar. vanilla and hardware aioroa. It will outlaat a doxia CBaadons; white or colored tissue-paper to admit
nr Ala kiaahlp wAh Ood. and of bto Che requited llghu The picturro aro her “crochet worit.** alts in
a little mOk. 8 Ir oecatloaalfy and ea hempen dothesiinea. When it ia
serve with ijck croam. This to
power, aad who believes tborouglily | then arranged exactly na one sees hutween you and the wlni
pat op by a atrong maa it
rortt^“lek-xik"4i!ll you woull gtoddona not aag like a bempM Uao. tt
1 chair out of the
Cream Pie-Bake and cod a thin dona not break. It la ooc uarighUy he.
cflUldrent produced, and they did not
crust Juat before nerrlag All with canac R Is ao fine that It la baldly .i
hto nhent weU projected In crder| CaiQy ttr^wf the employment.
wMfiped cream and dot with hlta d aoliemhie toniare of the ro-d.
1^ a large Itini napaclty: to tol BTmn thh we wv-t to making i
It It anid ftot a handful of salt pat
Into tto mater U which <4othea*

I fM umi«s M Wtow
Ttc. tknto t* Ute wteM piMNtr ite.
0*<r aB t^
Mr M







z ..r“cif,5i.?fejirr5r



hZr;™ Uo„“r Hor:':.: * z ?:



«t!h r.


mmmm mm

MOimoUB BLOOC. Ii27 ilM


•• r'"''' '■

of «1« ande by thb
DiyW aaetr^
i* T«aaem Gi^4mger9 and Gtaad TnM S
We diTljhit for this te die pat^
badaea?, Geed? Hew nityoaalmye Wboibai bgoodr Bteaqa it tt
M»eiii>Aeqeimiwefibtdy.tbet«eeie«JBedei«oK€ , dWi«tbitf».ha «loprir^ *^
Webaveae kidteoaiag. We aaaaQyget
wi U aibiageldajhbdMeraad^a qnmical leek, a maeb a to ny: That’s an well eaoagh to talk, bat «e knafv better. FetbaiHyoa
betJ>*ha«BCita false aaMpat iri bimMaforChkagoOTNew Yofk.faatovaoififteaatboaaad iidiabitaotiit Uoot aaO
hana»tbafim.aadtIierafecoim:c tWhSe k pa
da^im tpujiiaiidly gmaNiagaboat dai daes; Ga out and hade year eaa boriaea. Tendettkdy mit. Fut>wfan tiaeteodiagto
doaet eoaridefftwaad ae wodd lajrto'^ pBida
«in be aO right. Thi
There v D be ao doO daia. aad aMW will coae year way. Stop gnuaUiag aboat aad belitdias the otha fellow, bat tty and see if you caniia
iDrymnadf. Let dw ether feOov nm hb babcH. Tlfat’t^ ifa adn dp aaybe* frf be tadentaads hu bimnea)



ay it—Para.

. •4.1am




« mom

tbedbeta fa a Mirectlfat of properdea sold ud does not include ay of-theloaa. of which we have oiade a considerable number. Aportion of the above property „ property that
jwehavestdd different
dliMa, a^dways tt abetter bgnre. One fann in particular baa been sold three dmes during the past five years, and the last time sold for double the price we sold it for three
aga The
applies to
laeces of
property; the increase in value being occasio|tted by natural substontial
which are verified by the fact that the same property cannot be purchased at present for any less
'Price fbn sold for fast time, aod sosie of them arc held at least twenty-five per cent higher, showing that investmente in Traverse City and Grand Traverse Region properties are good; not only good, but one
baadred per cent better than ninety per cent of the offers that come to you] from somewhere a long ways away. We have a number of investments that are pajrang ten per cent interest and are certain to net at
least one hiindred per cent profit within two years at the fartherest. .If th^s is true, what better do you want, and what better could you find? We can show you that this is right, and will be' verified. Below
we give you partial list of properties we have for tale in Traverse City an^ the Grand Traverse Region:
, .

mntu city, rndjolnlnir Btmlit chureh on wei*i.
mat : fUw home. cUy wntor, Urse Bodern rw*:
cntaakiMBt on gtrrvu oonent sMewmlks. omnmmttMl trHm: two bloelfs from T OoTcrninoni bolldinis. Tbli 1*
wopcrty. Jmt the locntU» for Ivk?
wpeity. Hmrd to bent. Call for prior.

: cood noli.


Some floe cnlerr Und.

bonrini: fruit

ue trom ciiy umnji or mr vu«
Forty nerra
Forty nereg imdor culilvnilc
**rty nl low flmire. Call for price.
I timber. Good i
Knst Ninth Kireet. city. Flfiy foti! lot by ofu’
lUi-Fliie modern
Icrn froin Jawti. Ck>so In.
hondred'nnd fifty fm dr-m
roundatton. Lal:r avenue, city. (NmifonabU* fcom,-.
ltt»-8ix-rooln honae.
ory and achool. Jnat the Invem

clOMX to ehiiroh
and can be nurchaMNl on easy i


Bulldlnjni and Umber worth prlco ahk«Hl fo.
1272—One hWidTwdv«ad twmtywere farm. n!x mllea w«H.t of city.
three nerea under
culit^-alion. All uoodaoil.
aoil. Abort
twenty acicb
a. N»ih hor.Ko and tsam. flood orchard.
orehanl. Jral u*
that wanu few dollars property for one In cu
Fifty fiH't from, nui’
ItTS-'floe mo^'m ronldcnee. West Ninth, aireel
hr ateam. Iljthu^l by rltwirlc llKht>. lla^
lawn. sdS ham. Houho \w'MU^\ by
bath, city wnttw; In fart, cventhliu: tU^lr«Ml in ah uiKodau- modenn
___ __________ Bpnice Rtreel. city. Lame lot. one hundred feet fror.».
Good ham. Gctreral fruit and omnmental trees. G<*od ganjen gn>un.».
baa wealem fever -‘liad/* A map. Call for price,
farm, ^t milea aouthoaft of Tcavim4- Cliy. Seventy acres
culUvmtkm. Two good orohards. log l»am. frame home, wind
mill and outboUdings. Take your time to purchase this. Owner is in
no hniry. Imt vtU seU if he gets price asked. Call for prie*'.
W«ta«r «t«s. with tolkralDK ln.prov, OooU Mx-room
hoau. «ood tare, eenwnt w»lU. Tbl» U dcMrel.K- propeny. C.I1 f...

Dppta ota
mm; also ono m
tana Of hay lo ba
^ this farm. Tho ons.lthin two and
hundred niid^ty acres once clea'YHi Is the flnest kind of grass ami
Vtkln together ttiose two pareels would make the l*e«t
S!fo( • .topir. and itrein t«rm. Will1 makeyoueaabr
tnaUr you re»li pH«c on ilil* prep
«xy. ud will excbaniic for Trexurei.. City
CU) .properly
property on cash
caxh tasU.
of Ilandolph
Ilandolnh and
■pw htfao. *1% room, otonc fonm:ntloii«
IonB.jttlon. comer ot
•on Mreeu. city. U«l SUy fool on Rnndotpli. one hundred and
WtaSUdhoB. ThlawUllie»oldnintantalnoneaKy i.Tm. Cnlt


to comer of Franklin and Eighth street.^.

V Tha afimra to m partial Itot of proper^
tiaa wa Hava for aala. In daacribino leaatlont. aurroundliifia, daairability. ctcra
PMiia of the ubova prapartiaa you
witi aa paitot way that wa bava avarffipwn tha actual facta and evaroatt-


preta'tte*- Strtata «• »>»*•.

kilt tarn* ¥dth m ofl a nlioit tho
atpufill tha cNy. Wa will bapin at the
aamar af Front and Union. Two of
'laid oamaro fiara yaaro ago vacant
proptfty tiow cevtrad wnth modern
brick, atona and marlMa atrocturos
toaHaroi Paaa watt on Front atraat a
ffaw rads and laakUif over About forty
aaroa ^ TrBrarot City that about five
yaaro apa waa vacant proparty. anJ
you win aaa tha aaw
Praaa buildIftfi; a fina/twoptory atpioture. A fcRr
rods fartiter was! a?^otha^ twoplory
brick touHdlnp foimrriy occupied by
•traub toroc, A Amiotti^e candy fac­
tory. A little farthtr west fitraub
•rod. A Amiotta'a new candy factory.
A-throa atary bHck btofldl-g* A littia
r ffauelng milt. Juet north
MtMttil. SWplait. Afnvftafram

ttat MMtarMIflfa piMt- Acreta B..«
ntfMt til. ptara^ttatery. a


Caetef that

Uf^ brick
aaty. Oowi t to tha
iJa librlhpfirt^

bay ahdhi the rai».
Then back to tha
passing by Urge
on In the loot
Aaa nr,tidit ybaq|. ,%aaidaa that In thia
aama Atoiriat la Vavpaab eafd filon,
M Ala Olt l.pwbir CAb mm. Cald.
moll A ItokSBlb WH-n woMp north.



Buildings are not what Is desired for this
kxauion. atlll they rent for enough to show good Interest on the Invest*
inenl. it is bard to eatimate the value of this properly and owner Iv
not at all anxioiiK to sell; bm If be gets fair iwolU for his inveatnicni will
let go and give the othir fellow’ a chance to make something. \\V
would luit be sun>risc<l to see this property wll for thrw^hundre*! dol­
lars jht fool from within one year. You say. it-ader. that is a big
proposUlon. Perhaps It is. but we have seen a mighty sight stranger
things happen on tYont street property in the iiasi five years. One
t desirable property in Travers*'
crialn. i
very small figure, it
is a question of can you get it at any price? We answer, you can ge^
It at a fair price and at a pr^r Thai will net a gcod profit In the near
future. Call fof price.
Six room bpusc. Lake avenue. Hose In. small barn. Call for price.
293—Sevcmy.flvc feci frenf on Wa,«hlngton Mreet. just east of Rote. Lamcarpeted
elghi>room house, modem, all furalHhrd with fine fumltore. all ci
with BrusseU and Ingrain carpeu. l.arge l»am. This is most dc
for partio.s that wnr.i hoint complen-. Will U'
at .right price. Call
for price
Ten acr.'s we.**! ol Carui’h mill. GikmI hou>*i\ small bam. All good
truck and garden im»U. within nne-haU mile of city limits. If >”Ou warn
truck and garden farm, alao pmiUry. look this cn* r and call for pric*.
22C—8(kacr<‘ farm, eighty rods west of More at Monroe Center, om* of the gar.
den sixrts of nraml Traverse county. AlHiut sixty aert's under ( ultivir*
lion. Twenty neres timlwr. Wnier«*<l by er*H*k and spring. AH gtHnl soil
Close to main road. Is gi»od gravel. IkhI. alioui five acres fnrm whir i
lowoshlp purchasceji gravel lor highway. Good orchard. Large tcn-rc
K. drive shedb
and dther ouibuildings. All Keeded
newly but sixteen
farm and aeiuallj
worth about double
293—CSrial mill, building two and onc-haif stories, storage for three thousaa*!
* liushds of grain. GchmI dwelling. Full rolU-r proce ss. GIohc io Trav*
erne City. To a praeileal miller with capital this is a flr.vtelnsK in
vestment. Call fr.r price.
297—Throe-room cottage, large lot, newly built cement block foundation. East
Side. Fine little home. Eaby terms. VtW for price-.
29S—Six-room koiise. newly flnl»he«l. large lot. Hue home. East Side. L<«v.'
price, easy termf-. Call for prici-.
299—Moile.m home. com*T of Maple and Ninth RlriH-tk. !^>t fifty by
hundred and fifty with f.»llowing Improvements: Fine lawn, six-room
tmnse. batu-meni undemoaih whole house, divided into laundr>’. coltl
cellar and furnace room, with storage for wood. Fumuee heat. plp<'>
leading to kitchim and Imth room. Hot and cold water in all parts o!
house; wir«l for electric light*
" fiolslbed
in aril wood, cemetu
a complele home In desirable location, tms is ju8i whai you watu.
Newly finished. eonv< nlt nt and up-to-date. Call for prie<-.
4CI0—f.O fw-L froi»t on State street. East line tr west line of new Govern.
raeut building lot. Cenirally located and nearest possible location :o
kscation of the
Tmvenie region. The value Is bard to estimate wben the

bought for acventy-fivr per cent less
aa^rn dapat all within a diatrici of
thaf their present selling value. Turnabout one hundrod rods aquare. fitaping jesst on 10th street you pam by the
pin®, out on Front atfwat you find a
Cat^llc church ind school plant, rep­
finely paved atraat, a«tandi«'p a long
resenting s value of about a quarter of
diatanca eaat and waat. where latv
Crossing Csss we
than fhra yaaro ago you wadied at this
s rditlion doHsro. Cn
time of tha year fn mud. Walking
pass by residence after
aouth an Union stroat—makaa na dift an late that three yean ago could
ferenca whether on walk or street—
iva boon purchased at lem than fifty
you have your choice of cement walk
per|cimt of their preeent value, providor brick pavement, either of which (s
good footing In compartoon to the
etf*Wey were still v«
broken planks and mud of five years
emW of lJ»kt avenue and 10th street
ago. And you pars by acveral new
end of the »oardyou' strike the
tha eouth
modern brick and atone etruetures
maiS lake factory district. .Commenccosting to th# tune of about one hun-^
ingjwlth tha Trsvarsa City
IdoUars. C^ingtothe
Ung a sixty thoiiproa ever a safe, new/
Nerth of that
sari denar
place of tha aid rack that.
tha|Seuth ISide Lumber Co^ a quarter
five yeacs opo wabbled Hke a duck
walking every time a person passed
the] Fulfihum pient representing a
oyer it. At south end of bridrf you
lari^ capital; then the Wells44igman
torn west or Sixth street, passing
pUbt; then tha Oval Wood Oish;
over a long disUnce of finely paved
theii BeHnar^s. an Mi^ oenearns and
street with modern residencas on each
rapseaanting hurdrods of thousand^
side, cc^inc from three
dolUre' inveii
Invesilmaiits. We are rbw on
hare ,
sixty-fSve thousand dollars each, where
oirati Croaeirg tha O. R. A lfive yeani ago you had gravel In the
.street, broken p
wa pm
paaa by what five yaaro ago
[ * truSk wa
eeoidad by atob
mostly vacant lots^n each aida. Turn­
ing south on Maple street ypu pass
plIsA now covered with Ana <
7th, Sth. fith. 10th. 11«| and 12th
erolrpaidcnces. msriUU and aUros.
streets, all of which wero^mooUy va­
whafu five years ago grata and oak

cant five years ago, new eovarod with
»al|-thare mars to be seen.
Tpriing tobih on Hoae atraat to LinI
mile soot to tinion stf^ prosing
passing bir
calh atraat. than east an Uncoln we
feat af ihe
^tbropigh abiKkaf loU that was
■Bout fhra years opo for
whan leaking aouth a fsw feat the nam
mard achoel on Union riaaa balaro you.
algAtosn Asllsro psr kA Ons Hmidrid
sWd twstvs of Aism: ell. or ubsTO stl
a plant roemdly conatromdrand amnp •
hsvp bssn ssid at M svsrogs price of

by fine cottages and realdances; streeU are graveled and this
Is about as pretty an addition as Traveras City has. Passing north on Gai^
-field to State you go by new residences
on each s de where five years ago the
boys went out to the woods to hunt
rabbits. Turning west on SUte yoj
pass neat residences on each sidd
where five years ago loU were a drug
at any price In any kind of a trade.
Crossing tha P. ft A I. railroad you
come to the newly paved
Wellington. Boardman avenue. Park
and Case to Union, paeeing by some of
the property we heve offered for sale.
Novt. Reader, this is but a small per.
tion of the progress thst Traverse City
has mads during the p^ five years.
The descriptions we have given can be
verified by traveling over th# route deccr4>ad. It to not overdrawn, neither
to the representation of th# property
for sate overdrawn. In
are s number of large Inamong which aro the two
and Tony, carriage
mamifactaroro and iron ^
erse City Iron Works; the
ary. tha Trovsroa City Bottling Worta,
ate. In fact. If vro wars to put In all
tha^new addmana Traversa City hAs
had in ttw way of advancamant and

Wnproeemaht during the - paai Ava
tMs papar
would havs
for* jtoyAiihg elae this iaaus. Is regard to tbs cAuntry aurroundifig Trow
eros CHy. gs dswb ts Am roaricsl St ;

and yss wB| find APdro six to twenty *
idsoadaalarofUsdy tebsysRytMsg
the pro^ Itoi^ udlh the rommy * i

to Its new quarters, which It will do in a short time as the OovemmoBb
building is well along toward compleikm. The whole populatioo of
Traverse City will paas In front of tbU property at least once a day.
In addition the railroad deliveriea will all atari from this point. The
farmers that get their mail at the offloo will all paaa by this property.
The whole irafllc of the largest poatoflice In Central IHchigan wiU pass
by this property at least three hundred days each year. We do n«
doubt but what, if count was kept of eadi perm that passes by this
property during each
cseh day of the year, and <every time they paaa by eo
<d as a diffeivht indtvidnal. the anm total
akmg State
flvf* thousand persons each day. as nnmbem will
In this....................- five, six and even ten times a day. ao the oat
rs*by each day is Dotlarge. So that. i
all thcae things Into consideration U is Imrd to tell what the value oC
real oaate of thU kind la worth.* One thing la certain. It has increased
in value (as shown by sales of some property) one hundred per cent In
the past four i-eam. and we believe it wOl tnereaae twice that amount
in the nexi.few years. H la offered for aale at reasonable price and
If we were In positicju to handle the property would not hcsttatc a
ute about pnrchaalng it ourselves at the price It ia
14dl—Lot one. five acres. Union'street, prolonged. Lays just oi
Garfield townahln. Fronts eight rods on Unkm aireH, i
hundred rods to Rennie street, prolonged. AH level and two
nearer the center of cHy than Boa© street, where lota sell for three?
hundred dollars per lot of pae^kflb
grain and small f
first cuts; In fact, we are offering thU lot at about ooe^alf Its actual
cash value as an Investment Is good for at least fifty per cent profit
within ono rear. Call for
itle farther out. Just as desirable In every war.
H02—Same as J4t»l. only a Httle
and ni eomdderable less priev*.
14„4_Ono hundred and thirty-two feet front an State street, dtirth *me hun­
dred and sixty-five fett, with following Improvemonts: One two«tory>
frame strueCitre. about oue hundred feel'front on 8Ute street, depth
clear lo alley. Cooatnicted In m*ch abape aa to be carriage and ^
room, with sUUa aepanUcay for about twp hundred horaes. with all cot^
venlences that goes with Urge lh*en’ baro. On west aide of lot Is outstory fnune atmeture. twenty feet by forty-nine, used as a banicss sho >
and adjoining ihU In the tvmt are drive aheds eli-ar lo alley. WIUi the
rial 4-siaie and Induded with the property is all the parmpbemalla of
llver>' bam In e<*ntral Michigan,
the latgest sale? and
I-------------------------------------------- - . consisting of about
•ad of horses, sev.miy fiv*ono hundrt-d head
five huggieii. slnghalngle and double, sev­
harnesses. ro!>es.
oral hacks and omnlbus.-s.
omnlbus»*s. Mrays.
Mraj cutlers, sleights,
•lankcts. halters, etc. All goes In
1 with the real <*s1at
ulxml the value ol/|be real estate alone. In oilit^r v
price in two andpfrlivcr to you a business that has made the owner c
of the wealthlestlpen in this part of the state. Why te this property for
sale? This Is thi^reason: The pre-smti owner has de
oi years of his Hfq to building up and maintaining the hiulnesa. It re­
quires r<msiani afienifon and he, natuiaily. hting «o long associated
with the business thinks no one can handle it so well as himself; beoce,
givt^ it more or less of his iH-rsonal attention, which U glared In
4,iher business entenirises in which he Is engaged, consequently hat
runeluded to dlspos«> of this pro]H rty. To any i»erson-or number of |»erNms al^i-lat4Ht toghther^n a .omi«ny that can deimmslraie they are
; a business of this 1
4-asy terms. The |*rice given will b<V. r> 4V
It but V
ra.rit '».riee: But lime will rut
very HtfJo figure, as the owner only
and a surety that
desires the regular rai« of Inurest on bis
principal will Ik- paid in a reasocable time.


at their command to pay for it. The/
aro not there for their health, and they
would not he t*-ere K thr business did
not warrant It; a-d It is a mighty
poor day that each dealer does not load
a car. It to nothing unusual for these
buyers at thi» time of year, or for th^
next three months, to pay out twenty
thousand dollaro in a single day, all of
which is promptly deposited in Troveros City, either ba^ks or
Now. Reader, a few words about our
advertlaing. We aro not bidding for
trade by mfereprasenUtlon. neither by
flattery; but aro placing It before you
as It looks to us. honestly stating to
you what we actually baliave, trusting ^
and believing that the future can aafej
ly be judged by the past; hoping to
main in tho city and tniatlng wa may
enjoy the same reputation for fair and
square dealing vntmq our customers
in ths future ssUn the past—a reputa­
tion that >as bean earned by yaaro of
hard labor and honbet endeavor, al­
ways striving to do by others as we
would they should do by ue. Of couroe
%ro meet all claesra of people, eccasienaHy striking tome one that starts
to with the auppaeJtian that wa aro
-aatyr and
and s g
aro right,
right. fSomatimaa they nrt«they
ua accoaionally.
then. agalA oor
Whan they don't they ;
they danb. Wi
hollar? thatb
thafe aiall tha dHfarosea ba- * :
'hst claaa sf paepla sad auf> . i
They hollar sAias thay-rs bit;
If wu d^ Am


Better pass It along'bnd hit the other
fellow a '‘bat'* Of eaurae. K >sa had
our choice we weuM avoid that close
of peoole. but to buatoeas there to no
choice of cuatomero; you must take
the trade as It comas, dealing aa near­
ly aa poaaibla with each parson as you
find them, always with the ana thouglA
to tha axtant of not loolng your aa!fraapoct. mnd always conducting yourseff in such s way that your friends
dered you was not thrown swpy. While
there may poaaibta be a few Mckare and
mud alingaro that rnay claiip that ths
above to not exactly a correct eUUment of our methods of doing busineea. we taka pride In the fact that
any reputable Individual that has had
1 this office will verity

You do the tame, reader, and you
will always find this olfica eorract and
alwaya proapar, and ahesya ranmrobar wa know nothing but buainaas. Wa •
never hear snythlng you spy about
and no matter hsw^ ss sssroy you
may think you art ts pa»jmr sBIsa to
upon to you In s buainaro way, tta,
tame aa to say oCImr parous. Our pries
on property Is Am saros to yuu as to
others; sur cniqsiisAen ss say sals *
we insfcs for you Is Am ssam as fs any
athsr oastomar sad oor atrvies AdU be "
fivsa ta ysa Am aaroa as to SRy slim^
pimsa; urn sro out iar Am ImHHbaahudH mroiry «»r MdA ahuiyp
tion pad al^ fvady Ip fiaha^ yau



tktmmtm and gtaasd aanay at t:M
ate famfly ara his wife,
and dsssktora Mrs.
■-----------Lena F. Tltaa of thM cHy and Mra.
Ifor thlrty-STC years a nnident JC|Ftank Orto ikh of Chicago.
I man in the Whllo tho tannal anangea
have not yet been perfected the ae^
known or held a varmtr plana In the aloes wm not he held hefOre Theeday,
hearu of hnadreda of frlaada. Judge aa ralaiirea of the Ihayiy win be en­
Boherta waa bora in YtomboIL.Ohlo. able to roach here hoforo Monday. The
Anguk IE 1M5. HU m
will be Bsade later.
waa apent at Ida homa thare and eren
tn his youth he oeiacod the dourmiaato aacnaod whkdi imikod hta later
Alwaya atiidioaa. altboogh fttU of
life and spirita, he paid doao atteaUoo
to hla atndlei. walking throe and a STOLE FOUR CASES OF'SEER
half miloa tmeh sfoy dally from hii
home to tbe achobl.

hM mondnr^rMkoM MQsiliiss tor

^kins: Powdei^
■ale •! Ci^ •! TMar, aM
Powder jwlcn bread, bbcdt.
diilair food.fberaid moreheahh^


jMldm «adt

atom. phoq^Hla aadolba-

wadr iri* «w Urtr in price, to ib^ are igurioui to


KtfHgmWr Car! tlwN| PMMd Ov«
aaS StonstoS Ulll FBrtSar tM
' Cnmh96 Md' SrakM SidyAccMam Wm I
Special to the BrcnhiK Record.
New WeifonL MIcIl. Not. IEWKbom an instalrs warning. Hi
OowDi.. an M. A N. E. frei«ht brakeman. had hto life cnithed oat at 1:?0
tbia aflemoan. kic vas 2S rear* of
aac. married and hta home wi


MTien he waa barrty 1€ the civil war|
brokeouL Large and of flee phyaiqnc.*
he had no dlfflcnlty in pnaaing ezami-!
nation and* enlisted to Company D.<
Second Ohio cavalry, being appoint?<ij

rtrad In the dty thU moraMg. Her!
trip here, waa to Dee her adopted aon.
Gordon White, who yesterday atieiwoon
recelTcd aa the Mat ofScial act of th?
SPECIAL and rogwlor dltiiierA^ heat
late Jadge Roberta a acntincc of sixty-1 in tha oHy* Sntly nareod. only » centa.
Sre days In the Detroit House of Cor-1 Uttia Tavern.
recUoo or aa alterasoire of a $40 floe}

- !r.

yesterday afternoon though Chief of 1
Police Ashton phoned to Northpoi


night the parents made arrangements
to pay the flat-, which was done thU
j morning and the young man released,
HW It in a Vacant Honan and l
\nih bis mother be reiuroc dhome
Cotharad k. hy the Folioaon
the erenlng train. Tbe family wore
I ttmAj to leave for Virginia, pad the
-----|son had come to the city with money
Night before last the Traverse Clix’ j to purchase a wheel and other anicl.M

KrfiiUni one !
rim^aos»r^ coormM canrlnsl*^

was borglarised. four eases of land did not rt'iuru Thursday when c\
mo dosen ptou each being j peeled. His record has always been

entrance being effected by cut-; good and he is a member of the youa?
him snccessfully throngh clan
after the Inqueai. The accident
ring through a window and uklng th. i people's society of the Congregaiional I
which would have daunted other \
very p«oUar as the y«^ man
not cansht by tbe bumpers but by the
end of one car ami the side of another
wheat bread
iread at
Tbe yards are i* the form of a -Y‘
nov 17-tf
Trimble's 1
: running dosTi W C. JL DrlghamV
1 BXid other warehouses in the center of
friends With stories cull^ from bf ;
,'Little Tavern.
the %Ulagc. A hfoavy refrigerator
memories of tho war
opened yesterday morning and a mes-|
for iiotatoco had been shunted onto
the aide track While the engine and
3.000 yonld of lOo Embnad.
He serxed through^e cnilre
cars stood on thle main track Just
liroidorim, BcadiDgs and In,
abort distance ahead of the switch. die. b,..u, dUcd«p^ ,Ud bo»or
♦ertioni ot ndj Sc 9tr yi.
•Babe•• Winnie “ion!^'S«rfoVr
rc|K>rtcd that
A man working overtime on a wad of
Doxrus was standing al the end of the the conclusion of tbe war.
cases of beer were stored In a vacant chew ing gum Is as handsome as an old
Whon wo atate that wo
resumed bis studies, being graduated j
house neat door to H. I. Knapp. MM cow completing her dlge^ilon.
have never before shown tbe
For some reaso|i th<‘ brakes fafle<l tg in 1^71 from Oberlin college. On Aug.]
W*?st Tenth Blrret. As the find wr.\*arioty, or offered sneh un­
hold on the refrigerator car and aa ih-* rs. 1871, he married MIbb Mair .V ^ known to U* the same cases takca
low prices on tlieso
grade came^rduw^ towaM the ‘maUi 8U veUK of Clarksville. Ohio, a fellow [
&xls,we believe it will in.
1] from the brewery. Chief of Police Aah- lubbard, 123 S. Front fit
track a afarted |uack, gathering mo­ student and graduate of OIktIIu. They lu.n
terost every lady to call at
bad tlH* bouse patrolcd for the
OFFICER'S Cioacd Her Eyes in the Laat Steep mentum dB It came. The brakemau came to Benxonla. where he spent r
once and soc the|i|.
LTnyear as bead of tbe college, removlug 'ex-t^Thg. About 7;30 Policeman Win
had his liack to the approaching
? two young i 1 go then'an
Juet After the Soppor Hour Laat
CHINA~No matter what
Travers*' |
at the end of that time
and fal<ed to set or hear it. lie
immi-dlalcly lunlfled headquarters TA
you are louldnK for iu this
Night—Laavea One Brother.
j horribly crushed, the car passing oxer City, where for eight years be was snbefon'
linu, call at the Koemomy
perlmendeni of schools. During that
hlH body after hk
Store. The git^uUetnaBdlor
•A* for Ood. Hie way |» pvrfocl.** arms. It is ihought that he was deed time the schools were devOlopi-d from hurglars had come and were cmrnin.t WANTED—Manager fur new bratieb
the cases away, noyd Thwhald and
^Fimcy China and -Japanoeo
Of our business hpre in Traverse
Satn. 11 .-.I. If tiu- dead could Bpeak. iK-fore he struck tbe ground.
what was iiractlcally a small countrx
^*aru is iticrottung, and we
CTy. Write pn*ni|»t!y. with refer.
OipiiT MAJORITY JIAO NEVER Mra. Mar) Gr<*ei. who quietly Mopped The young man.was always pleasaui school of only thn o or finir grades luV> Hoy McGsrry. idho were carrying a
enct'K. The Morris Wholesale Hotixe.
out from the IlHle home et 130 Ea..i and affable and had tun<
thoroughly graded twelve-year
CUiciniiatl, O.
nov 1K21*
Taelfili Mr»ft. lam e%enlng Just aft« r frietida among the vUUgcrs.
bmldluu. aud .pnrc.j
the aupper hour and joined the hus­
pi iale hurro
FOR RENT—Rooms for small famlb ,
CAKDY~()ur Xmas caD
band who went into tbe groat lA'yond
... ,or ,d..
:.tH AV.
dies will arrire about Wed
JDma Kapt Out U Da FaU Work JuM one wrvk aia> to«Iay. would have
rystem which ranks with the best in j
*l-» look loR I..II. Pollcrm»i> Wlonl-;
Eleventh stre-et. Phone 2G» Cit.
mssday, Xovember 22.
Anhur Rosenthal has just returne<J the state.
aaid tlieae words for the way provide
Wara Alao Rttamod to School.
nov 18.»f
om a business ifip >o Chicago.
for her Maker waa Just aa abo wished.
Exerted an Influence.
TravMod OOW tOQ Miloa.
^prlute^^. Snxdor dUeharglug his r?Ralph Smith left this morning for
Fbr three days her death haa been a
The w hok-souied. honorable U^aclu
dver iu the air and Winnie hurling WANTED—U.iil for gvuenil
ttuu! No'i «c~m
laa quewilon of vitality, as sbo tay uneon- InUlsnaiMdls. where he will spend tht *1.0.0 luur«.l locv.-r> pupil, old and,
haa bei« ta elect only a aont h. yrl In M:iotialy awaiting the summouK sh«* winter with his sister. Mrs. C. F. Bam JX.UUR. look a 1. TM.U.I torn.. exeneJi
anytldue ihi-j phouc lu ChW

longorl for from the hour of her hu s­ ant
tufluruc abich *111 Bc-,*r bt- for-!.,,
Rife been plated in achwl. bands .death. Her demise wna dlrec:- Miss Agnes Slnionds of Lawrence,
It-n b> lb.- hondix-ds
boy» and ^
qu.-«UoulnR ol Hoy-l
who has been spending the week In iho
r Geonru L. Crtap
Bin., no* ».-n and *omcn. «aacn.-d U.hool.ald a> bts homo, oblalncd a lull
cily as the guest of Mtsa Agnt« Utic. now
to every |»an of the United States. e<»nfessiuu of the entire affair.
iMdepablle todar ihc r. poH »f Coumr
rvtnmcd to her home this noon.
I tun sure I Iwre got
Mm.v ..f .hi- icdlug b«Klui-« und pr,..;
aa«r K. n.,Vlm«u for .h.itO' *'«y «
Mi-s. L, F. Otis qi SouUi’liaven. wh , tc.i.mal me. i.l Traun.- Cl.y o*<- lo]
Ups ct)Ustaiitl> murmured *T have lost
just what you are
flu. »|»rt .Lorn. lh.i U*o «iacor!“ ««*'
' »>««•
» iwrf has been the gueit of her brother. K bl8 *lM- Kuld»'. ibi-lr firs, ksplra-i,^,, ,,,, a„).p-d lUi- Iwulo. h.- *ai
looking for in a
1. Davis, for the past w*cck. left this
hMtr.volcd over 900
' »»'”
" »"•<
earrxing along Wad^wonh MpiU ns
morulug for Alden. where she will rv^
b«tao«> coonecUHi «Mh UU Outle. »"> >''•»
!u- ran. and this morning five were
main the gucat of friends for a aho-t
8. C. Moffatfs Partner.
Tfco 300 ebUdren vbo were |.l.ced In
tbe cblldrw of Indllfen-.
rlic marriod .< tbe «<• of lime bc-gore returning.
He studied law In the office of the,
hH them under the
Mrs. Ada WcIU-Graham of Mimic, late Him. Seth C. Moffaii and formed a . .rough! his
by the name of IXrw .
apolis. who lias bek'u spending a month partnership with him in the early Wurzburg huildiug on Union street,
being McDonald.
B« tbdr ohUdnsn w.-re odtmu. d. It k '
She was boiu in this city with friends, left last even eightiis which lasieu until Mr. Mof- where ibi y were found by Chief of Po
^ pmbtble (b*t Bunr of thl. *un.-1
About two
liig for Elk Rapids, her former homo,
and waa Just one mouUt
i death In 1SS7 whlk- sen tag lus
woiUd •over_____
bare__boo® ««
wheie she will Lm* the guest of old diMric^ as reprt-sonialivc in eong^e^i, and a half canes In all being found.
I 5-ouuger than her husband. After
Umler coufcj;8ion young Theoltald
friends for a wi.'vk befotv' returnln.; Mr. Uoberts coniinued in the law busitail! they had intended Uklng the beer
The fit of Hickey A
cess. nlKi taking up other bi
glSat majority or the 3tK) had never !^ band died and left her a widow.
-uo^ Rctr-ai" aod thi-rc drink
Freeman Co. Clothing
Miss Sarah Lee iviumed this mu.-i terests of imporiauce iu tbe mesb in .
married the second i
' xdSehod the sixth grade.
ity. He J, ^ jjj, friends. Ikuh Smith aiid Dc-hne
tag from
ifl what eellfl thorn.
SMidt.. the 300 .bore wo«. .bool i >*^ .**•
Fn..««®rick F. Crver . taR
fmm spending a short time at Butof the large nanulac- j
the Invited
the ^eM of her hrotho'. turieg firm kuown as the
■M placed In school who bad uinia'lly ‘
Gloucester. Maine, who pons Bay
rolflhum frie.mlH and knew nothing of the
John Lie
Manufsciuring company fo several ^urglarirlng. FJur warrants for FJoyJ
boo. kept 0.1 in Ihe f.11 In order tIu.;
Ml s fYauet-s Kelly of Obi rlln. Ohio, yi-ars. He was also a stockholder
ati3 ! Theobald. Roy Mata. Ray MeGarry an 1
t».f«l«bt.»rk «.d^b..o..l, ..tend.;'**"
ill Acme for some timr
cd Mbool in Ibe winur
AnRu. McDoonlU. bu, be. loo.
Ofneor In Ih.- more roc.n:l) orK«nUfd,Kj K„,pp
on account of the severe illness of h-.T
>«lll not ..lend ,h« full year.
1 '•<*
“» City Brick compuny ud *a. tu-j A„on.ry Cro«.
•Sr. Crl.p ctpr..«K-d hlm«lf n. well
• * sister. Mrs. Guy Champuey. returned
u-d In M v. ral other but.iucss on-j
Theobald hat. rerved time bc
home this morning.
ptoued wl.a lb- I.W -Wblle the on i
Olfinrc Ih-Iub the result
. chise of the war Mr, and Mrs. Gro-.-r
? has hci n heav y at lirsi and i
Alt acUvo nimbileau all hla lUc. hoj^.,
c l|.tloi.l rlnp. off a hant. sa.
o£ the iMinen. «re warn
was prominent in the work of the pan He wt-ni to the iK'trolt Hi>use of Cor­
bo«ld.-a,lly.leere.«ef*‘'»n«l rem.ln.-l Waa a Sitter of Wra. F. H. Graves of lu both city and county and was boo- rection one tear ago xeMerday.
VCIT WX». The el.lldr.-n tbn. wer.f»r l. n .ve.r«, Tbe husbuid.
ore<l many timi*s by political rocogniOmena.
The TravetM- City Brewing com­
plMcd In ncbool .r.- eblldren who >>”»®‘er. felt .be nc-ed of .flftintiou
Mrs Chancey p. \Vhitm > of !>.- tlun from tbe |iart> to which be was pany has been missing beer for a year
ithOTwUe would been
j with the vetermi. whom he hml foURht troit. daughter-in-law of Mr. and .Mrr always faithful and true
and a half but have m-x er r«*portcd to
lOMe t« «Rbt Iheir w.v budi- “•*- '*•'
Held Positions of Trust.
C. L. Whiluey of this city, ditnl at her
police ihclr trouble
Variou.s jmsliion of jmblic trust were
'c^ped by the lack of cm n u common for Chicago, where they remained biu Detroit home on Friday moniing after
Mc^ool education or with only half a a few wiH-ks. returning to Michigan a brief Uluess. Mr. and Mrs. C. L held by him. among them bidng thoac?
penInauU. wher. MTiiiney were there at the time of her of prosr-cutiiig atloroey. county schtKd
The management of Gorton s min­
me more aUeniivc to the law i
® death. Funeral service will Ik- held at cummiRsioner and rliruit court com­
Tor and that will cause a rapid ri‘sldince in Traverse City. Tho> j the home on SundffV afternoon and the missioner Uiion the organiration of strels conceived a happy idea In the
have lived here fdr over a year.
burial will be at Big Rapids by ih« the city he was elected judge of the ♦tage arrangeoH-ui of iht-ir new “fir..?
!flK> ‘report for th single momh j The only known relative left bx ice side of her father and molher. Mrs. Ri-corder s court, holding that office at part ’ setting this season, which pro­
duces tbt^^ effw of a company of min
a brother. Angus Me­ \Sliltney w^ a daughter of the late F. the time of bis de-aih
aliPWB that the law 1*1 an exci'llent I
mo my well in-j Donald, of Canada and his where- H. GravA. owner of Omena reson.
thing and the com
Always Interested In erenthing per­ s^ds performing on the flower decked
66 inch Bleached Table Damask, extra heavy,
viwtcd and money that will bring
not known near enough to and she has made many XriendK dur taining to the cix-il war. he was a cba.- lawn of a Southern winter teson and
all linen.................................................... • <
it has been so elaborately done as ,o
: reach him by wire.
Ing her j^isiis there and- in this city
‘ The funeral will be held tomorrow who will U* saddened at the news of 18. G. A. R.. serx-lng as commander challenge artlMic rommendauon Tb.onpes? in the long
several terms and holding other of-1 tympany
, I afiinnoon at 2 o'clqpk from the home. her death
atyica desired.
hi.siory of this organization, and the
flees. One of Ms last
72 inch Silver Bleached iiamask. our regular
< Di*^. IVmas Cochlln ofllcUttag. The
duties was that of chairman of the costuming is worthy of sp«*clal men­
i<5c value, tor.............................................
"T" ’
i .-nmr ,n.n.-t.. «ng .t .hr bonbrntd'.
executive committee of the state G. A. tion. The vocalists are attired in ihv

fun. t.1 . wr, k ago confuting of H. A.
An trUb wonu. onev bvcmt «. cl- c<»u... Mlll.-r. Ml.n. Btcrt-tt and Mrr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hale an- the
position which he romantic costumes of Louis XIV. pearl
tured that she always referred lo
Walter will sing.
filled with credit lo himself and the gray satin coaU. kuee pants and pluk
tMid parents of a babv boy.
T^inch Fine Silver Bleached Satin Damask,
Vrauxiu*! a*i *ihe croalure.’’
The Oompaniona of Foresters will city. At the lime of the great G. A. H. satin oxfords. The <*od men wear even­
, 1.00 value for.......................... ....................
give a dance Monday night aJ Fores- encampment held here in 1888 he was ing dre*>s buith of eehst- satin, the or­
is prefejable to J
' A daniod
icre hall. Fortwiera and companioos commander and the moxing ipirlL
:^«.bcbthe interlocutor a costume of white
Sympathetic Coanaellor.
ooly invited bni Foresters can bring
iJubua T. Haimah la
Old. aoidiCT*. ihcir widows and chil­ satin. In the disiapce rises the splen.
Napkins ffdm 75c up to $5.00 a doz^.
their ladles and Companions ihdr
• Easier—Operation Fe
dren always found In him a sympa­ did hotel -Ponce de Leon.- Florida's
gentlemen. No bdl.
Remnants Unbleached and Bleached Damasks at big
Tbe social afternoon that tb-. thetic and wise counsellor aSd Many famous winter reaon. Glittering fouureductions.
IkiroiL Nov. lE-Wlicat SfiVse: j Ur. Charles B Nancrx dc of the uni- Woman s dob wa^ to have Monda.v are Indebted to his efforts for the little talBs amid a profusion of gorgeous
has been postponod until further no­ pension which keeps the wolf from tropical flowers form a stage plctn»-j
MU, 46^c: oats. izc.
ixersity and Dr. McArthur of Chicaga
that is Incomparable. The company
their doors.
ttelcdop Kov.
‘ arrlTod in the city this morning at S:13
will be seen at 8ic-taUsrg*s Grand
“His Soya.**
Members of McPherson post. G. A.
86x17 Colored Border Huck Towl, a great
Cblcngo. Nor. lE-\\Ticat-Doccm.
He kept to ckMc touch wrtth the fra­ opera hoaac next Monday. Kov. 20.
SS%c; corn. 44Sc; oaU. 30c;
aUendtag physician of Jnllua IL. No. IE are requested to meet it
value at.......................................................
ternal and social Me of the city and
scrionsfy 111 post headquarters at 1 o'clock lomorMISS GRACE JOHNSON of CrmnJ
Iwith appcndlcitin for sereral u[ceks.
Of the Utc*t ooreltlc*
The ladies of thg W. R. C. are re *u to b>«« tb. 30DII« I*oplo >»I
to fancy work. Date of open
peelally the yoang men find
«n^.^Hags-AcUtc.j^^, soccessfuL and the patMnt U quested to meet 4 Grange ball at i
r yoQBg man la the ctab be given the firet of the week.
p. m. Sunday to atiend the funeral of
nov lUt
of “thejndge**aalie was
Mra. Crwr.
The Young Ladles* Society of the affecttonatcly caned, aod lie waa pcond
bread at
Preshjncrian churoh will meet Monday to atyle them “kis boys.** Aprdbtocnt
nor 17-cf
erenlng sd 7:»» with Mias Andros. 64P Mam. one of 108 laat kidga vtoRp'Ml




iP^mm warn




Table Linens








6. OlillKlm’s
ewatr Pmirt aad iPafMe SIrttia

to the aeetins of the Kalgliti Tnaplar.





J. 4. lyrj*
tSb)« Ibr
dar. Xm
tW N>w Vnrt; UeraUl «Maloln|c thr. larninc
anr uf tl«- tnqi«in«t<uu of rrr«i-! tbo
drat lioc^ Hr tbrr mugmlnwd; •*W’WL n»r iruiii.”
ttr an^rant.
ttuil bo |»iit it tJwrr f€»nr yrnrti «|». t “wouW yo t llkr to orrrr flir Vlugt
thU leodt ibo Rollo rialii* Xrwit t^{ It t»oold bo tbo nwiUns of ron.fVm«rk lluit
arr b«t laro |ihirr«‘
I n-miVir Kaki Ibr mil
U imt thln;n. aoay for «ifr4:rr|Huc-, t«T
Bttt bo»- woob tb. yo«
ta tlio famlli Illblo or on tbo obotrra < tblnk bo «roiiM Hko-a lUnt or
I Ktorr that dooo MC adrociao. *1 ij’wrt >**—L.i*aoo TIMUt*
Baby alecpa




e,l by countrtfdta

name of RC. DoWill A Oo. Is on
nrcaicat baby aediSue evW offerf^l
box of the i^afuc. Wle4 In



toifcit iidd. U9

I aa he Utca his <
00 New York. Ibe city goa lug
iK^ictnes and graft aeaftely kts odlooi
Ibah tbe nfnie fm whkhlie has door

borar waa at atakr. mod nhe frit her

Ma aa^bia at
A pwtty fflrl with yrUaw hair atu!
Vlar ipra liha Her fathac'iL lUaiigb wlib
ttofo light la tboo. ai^red at the
door aad repndrd ibe atninirrn. with
mild ragrrt. The tnra lifital their liata.
aad the gWoekaowl^ffd their aalnte
imtarfM fbe yoaug
expr.**aald the elder
fHrad.fmiHa 10 charge a imifMTprira
far Ma aerrlcra when he take« uraple
Ming. Hr*a a widower.** be ad
•Thar^i hta.daughter.'*
Wbra they were out upon the road
In Judd a waaoQ tbey approaetna! the



araa for kladona, badcoaod royiitfrlonaly.
Jack'a laalf hour i^atbraed Into two.
;Coo>lo Martha. Hpplac a cmln nqi of
i lea la Iwr UttJe alttlac room, waa ao
atupMaad hjr the aaddra appraraara of
; a ywhof gratletaan on ibe arrar that
! |t waa^mm time before abe
1,0 sraap hia maad. looiwr j
i|» could raow to a dadalte o
Bbe ^
but ahe hoda*t ralcolated on going viaUlar «w had a «xAl ami beadatiu
aort of feeling. Who waa it be d got ,

wlUi bUa. aajwajr


wlioa nerrr had a real
jolly Tbankaglrlng.” Jack aald mlaI bad a
poor city waif whom1 Jnrk had picked
an om of t*arlty. The Hle men
>oIkt U
all charitable. la the
frequently »ook the form of Imiml-

llb»'hl*h h«lK^ Of l.UtUll*
Jil» lnhiit. to |.to#l«Mr ti«p«. lie'
rrods acd apeaka our language and
ooee' nahore woidtl i-roU-iMy have
dooriHieil like a gn'cn l:ay trre. tint
be coca l*a«-k. with all hla pnrspfX'tr..
■jilluhtM. tVin be. later, make u... for
a nunamau. and tty to a«p lu as a
roerrhaot or almlraf? The im«c in
eertlgt urr*. If Is nnderattxhl. sliU goes
OM. -l\'asl»n»*t«n Ktar.
It Little.
.Nature needa only a Uttlc Karly
•n to keep ihc
the 1boweU
live, nuti the ayatew
cJtaa. the liver active,
free from bile, headache*. c«»n»tlpa.
tion. etc. Tbe faraona lluic pUla **Bariy
Hleera” are ploaaaat in effect and porfeet In action. Tbey never gripe or
alckco. but tone and strengthen tbe


Riecbrri^^^ W


BMtaaaaoa arc-IMnny.nMtyaa4Saar<i7
Attead our-wcek-ead
lectures: FREE to all.

Ilona. Tetter,
►etc. Sold by all druggiata.

De»t Wr

W.P. BBMi. Ml




PRiGES: 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c

Piano Talk No. 6.

*wrrraa T<m xar mii
fbetr furatloo of the matter were on
>wameritei1 kladneaa. In mum for it ^ui ami wrpt uervooaly off to make |c^ifd felloe- wlt|« a geomua n>ray of
"he aalfi ;
i her pieparat Iona.
grm* paraley on hla breaat.
♦Te wou*t calcdi uothiu’ in Rrown a ; A cheerful llgbt abooeoot fwni Aimi} Jack * face aa be aurveyrtl the erenbeobk. Why done yf try the Wlnkum* I Bami&b'a aittlng room aa the two rode ‘tote ami milired he waa expe tad to gcakaspaara’a Sanect ta tha *-Haavan*
;u|i in the bleak twilight There waa U«rre It waa too mneb for Torrra
ly Virginal"-Hlgh Pricaa of Inatne
heyrd of it . Use aoooU of atagtog.
. | gravity.
menta hi OMan Timaa Cara of
- Tolka frolb out o* to
n t go } Jack opened Ibe door, then aiood atlll ' Tbe atorm had tm rciiacl K;me u.orn
there umdi.** coutloncvl
“bn* i In wonder.
j Utg. Jack gleefully reported Jim*a prr*iana Dnring Winter
(beiu Ihiit do aVe moat tcramilly diaTerry In old faahkmed gowii of plum tdktloua
dktiona aa to IIm laatitjg
]g seven
aevcrol Unya
Months, etc.
apfiintotL • M'llb
With a hrlghi
aky ye 1 colonnl eaahmere ofirninj: in front over
tying up tragJe.
Tm having the
mlHU aa weU flab In tbe middle of tbe ' cbemlwi
cbemlaoite of hand rmiimidered liavn. 1 time of my Ufe.- be declared. -It's the ,
Rnt on a ds.a llkr thl*"------------------------x-ellow now........-----from disnse.
her dark h.*^Ir------------Oaodlesll-manksgiviugleveM-kurw,-..
Tbanksglring 1 er<«r know,** ^ Ij ShaLcMewiv
He left Uie remaimler of ibr ■«» piled high
tall old tortoise shell j .\a a«nbl as to that Iselng a reel mnslirsi
end honj<? s-tucraiuraem
crude intew-e to tbe ImuglnatKm. nud Id* si- i e-omlv made a pretty tight as she itiur- HiaakHglvlng dinner—oyatews. turkey,
lem« wr.s so Impreash c that it rouM^l lesisNl eleuuirely.
sweet and whitejpotatoea. sstuash. tur Hiruroent of IiIk da.v. a*
blf <mn|taiMon*a ctriodlty. They nske.1
Coualu Mantm surml lu aumsrment.
renUmemal sonner to the “Virginal”
aome queatloiui about tlic Wlnkoui|MW I “Tou Hin t telling me.” ahe crM. aeixfullv proves.
and gilt By derided In It* favor, n clr- lag hoM of Jack, “that you've let that
Ite ami bron n.
“How on whrn thou, mv music, music
stomata nee uimni whic h the.v s-ongrai atmuge child 4lrcss up in you? Auut
tlMtsd tbetmielvca later, tor the Win- llaunab's umiber'a thinga. ami ahe himaeir nobly
from no one kimwa what kind of mU- aoberod when abe came to clear away. t’lmn that bU-Httetl tfcutKl whoM- motion
.as a gsherman never Toi
erable iilice””1 waa afraid imy »-t>okln' woukla'i
-Ifs a curW thing.” aahl JmhI to. Terry drew back In aafonlahiarat. ooit.” abe si^evt;
W^th thy #.weet flnKcrs. wh«n thou
Ills daughter at ¥Otn*^ t1i tie -The oM. ^ Jsv-k made bMte to explain the yoong
It took all Tertr'a wiles and Ja« k*s
p-ut!v swaresl
er man's g.»t the same name .ns the t ud.Va trne atandlng In speiety.
bUndiahments to restore her rbeerful
w'“.v concord tl;a' ni) car coupmsIdeBl.” Ami
Ami he
he rrj
rrpea ted i. sev. ‘ Cousin Martha'a confusion waa piun 1 ««es.
eral tfn>es niMilatlvely.
ble. Kbe a|K>kiclaDd proftwaly.
The fun isn't over.” Jack eongded
like him. toe.. aiT-orilln’ to itir
«»e made ber eaoape on tbe idea of jto Terry.
her hmg gray in-anl
ivy urr
aedng about supper. In reality to get | tnJ glUi
tare.* I mlHtrnsl Belay '........
fUdsy .lan'a oidnlon of these tmcer'nei.
on i1*, al
already meditating supperr
ing Hty folks
Bctay Ann admiued that In l»er day 1 riot act; threaten ber wldi
,____ _
yoougVH>le didn't go <wreerlngmumli„f the UW-hanest r.-ap
bv time blu^liIbeeviOMtTy like wUd: But she guessnl
-rn tell her sfe'II aak for aomethitig | 't *ke womls
there wasn't suy barm In -ool Bbe'd j when we re hungry.'' I Ins siandf *
go bcUKl for Master Jack, ami the gal ; -i must offnr to help with the j About the year I7m. the Virginal
waa a eonaiii of his.
dishes.'* Terry followed him.
j^iacc wn i
After supper Terry w«. .mrmii.noil
iv^isj Ami seorned the offer. “It *11 ’ finally taken up by the Spimi. and
to a rooaulUUbn lii tlm kitchen from I do me hea|«i more good to have yw
wliiHi Jack waa rigorously escludtsl. | ,.hjk)reu seiiln* In ther# talkin' nbw later on the Harnalcord.
In 17GO a reasonably fnir Matpwlror 1
fairly .worn out.” she tuM .T.t.-k. I Terry retreatail hastily Jack huger- cost one hundr»‘d gulncaK
■ “with trying to (-oot'ccil my dgnorauee , ed to aak if he might amoke Just one our monev. and a grand Hanmlcurd
j in matters culliisrr.**
I cigar.
coat eouatderably more, some of th*-!u
Tluinksgiving toorobig Terry aw oke I fietay Ann di^-idM he might. Miss sold for
to I4W0. A grand lUr;»
lo Mud tbe work! white with an jw. her t H.imsb bHn* miles swa.v. There d
Window panes froelsd. the water in I w time to g-t the place aired out l»e- sleord looked like our pfr.scnt dav
umiid piano, only If had two L-: •
I her picture a solid cake of n-e. SI:e | fore she gol back
I nestled dovii m the'vni.Nl i The dark .wnie on early. J*< k ke|it boards, one alsivc the other Tv> cv«t>
) feather bed trying to mTew Itrr co-ir j tbe great fire ai a red glow, scouting note there wen* four at ring*, tlm: age up to make the plunge and longing I^Briar Ann's offer of a----toiy-d In unison and uno an oeiav.sadly for Marie ami
iml all tlie pleasant ; “Hasn'l U been Jolly
higher, and It had sU ps like au orgna
imUlar twmfarls of ber|jrdlnary life j -Aren't .vou glad you camer
There waa a kom-k at IhV door, a flue. • “Yes.” Terryl said slowly. “You |! to couple the oeuwa logetbcr
wounding kms-k. and Betsy Ann ra- ] eodWt have planned a ulcer Tl.auka.
Harpsicord was
therefore small in
Vxr brought you smue hot girlag.”
octave tnatnnncnt. tberefe
-ater.” abe aald. feeling beraelf uu
-gfipiKise you !lei me try*'- Redrew scale and veiy frail lu construcUou.
i .-oraimmly thougbifuk “H'a moat half hia cbalr aearer. “Terry, you shan't Stwb ad instrument would be of 00 uim?
after 7. nnd the aasalges waitin' ter be put me off any longer.”
these da.vs nor would it w-!»hstsijd the
Tarry aat quite tllll. In the dim fire­
cIHnate of This countrj- forty-dgli*
■ Terry found Jack walking alroloaaly light hra fare did not look very forbidhours aad remain in pla.rlng condition.
■ about the eining room.
Do yoa kntm that a piano [s a go-sl
*^Sood morning.” ahe said. “You
Min afiftly nag ratebhig the low. de- deal ITke a
bodv subject s.>
I've seeu. tloeaa likely bes ..mie re- don't look quite happy somehow.”
latton. They come up from Washing I -Jove, it's ,-oM!" be said after re- j tmM tcoes. nodtled and waa weU rhcatnailFtn. silflcnlug cl the juiui>.
i fuming her greetthg.
! aitlifffd.
eic.r Keep your piano auw.v fiem
the girl roaated aoiae one dollar Idlla j “Arcadia haa Ha limltattoua ” Terry 1 mday aftcruhon tbe tnuinta reached dsmp draught. Hunt sm I* next
for tbe tenth tine with great satis I laughed.
tde FuHenT. A Uugbing crowd gatherfaetloa.
1 But tbey both brought wonderful cd about them In the great eatraace an outalile wall If it can bo holm
Don't place U where It srlil got t»v-|
new appetites to that country break-1 hall. .
frat of aaraagoa aad biu-kwheat cakes
“1^ behind, snow UchiimI. Thabaeo Ctwughr from a hot air fumma- or sn
had a fine." thrtr baatera aak! sympt- evcrhrctctl room. It iv a splendid lilci
The ffttt ooralag earfy Ml» Jadd with bonetoade atrap.
wait down to the. atoro and returned Cousln Martha did not appear. Her 1 iheUcally.
10 place* s Jar of water In the boiturn 1
•Never had aoch a time before In my of your piano, cspcs-ially In bom« ih: 11
with oogM trOcMi whSdl bad teag been cold was worae. Perhaps abo'd get up “Never
w iabe WMldn't. e,” Jack vowod, h|s eyA seeking arc heated by hot air fonmees. In our
Utor ai^ perhaps
___________ .
Jisiif therer a girl famous Kimball Place ytml\ find s
of yrataiday
piano provtiod for this. All you hav-.glre up powerful easy. Xo need to 1 aiked.

“Not what >0*1 might eaU a crowd.- le do la to lei down the front lowvr
received tbe j With Vi
Martha dm of the run i “How came you to gH leftr
pnaol and set the jar on the hot'err..
Id de^
'Bteppod off to' look aroani. and Wbra ths water evaporates, fill H tn»
news srith wonder and rorereoev.
| nlUA Terry found her t
•niuntttr the exalfed hM of Ibis j maml. Kven Jack wi
was anowed to tlifn**- Jack waved hU hands rxpresaagain. .
naCteo amge Bore vlalta to Htsantoa | crack uuta and polish apples.
| indy.
Special offertags this week to -cv.
tbam the gsaertl pobUc eret heard ef. | The t»lg kltc^ waa
a hSBy spot Ihgt; •^Jsek.** Terry said, finding him slora
eral kllihlly uved «prtglrt pianos, sompscdltlfd for the dlaacmlnaiioa of i morning. Terry, entelopad in. a big i later, “after ML 1 dldh't see Aunt
of which aro like wew. 10 ek»c at Hi"
I Idae checked apron, derelopcd a 'tsal
> scant la flpit village, and M
a of a rety nttle ‘iafloepra^ 'knack at thltifs. acfscdlag to Betoy J^ PUlT
Thnas W to IJo down. JJi
saSced'to cheok thoai altogerher. with ! .
to W monthly. Used cabinet pianos,
I'd only kiBwa.”
ftaoeondltkw,tocloeeai|12up. Par­
aad. “Bat 1 nertr
Alsn aaamberor good
Me aad Jim ^
tut erm UM*r d*y.
aqncre plaaoa. all right fOr bogtunei-.
td ttosc at much leoa than their rts!


ber the oecesskr «f
dan instructioq in all
branctiea, in cludi ng

Bisat »»" awnilBr-


hair aad ran raloradliaai^ He powrrt Iraaqaal to tbr rrlaiii.
had 4nmmr hliie ajrra aod a dM|i, Kariiif la aoow awam* raiqtaml
alow a»4 drallo ra^ ’ ”
^ Balar Aea’a MelTliifa. Tmy aijhoa
-Mr. Jhdl** raid aaa of fbir rlaltora, fbr Marie aad hra h«w. Ww wantad
Lrary ulbir made for
^ WM fw ta hMih Oft aaraa hlhd of to aUp off
a He aat dHra na wat ^ Ihr hrad of one otbvpmtjr bouaa fown*. "1 Oo
Mrawa^ PiM. Wa^ eadv to follow wMi^ 1 hodaiT ttUan.- aha aalO.
up fha atfOMB u« M If wa ran ««kb Batfj Aha. aoaioaa <5 ratimi ktod-




Silk Un^cr^car
T^ose whoTknow how delij^htful Silk Underwear is arc loud in their
praise of its many good points. This is something that is not usually
carried in cities of this size very much, but we are showing these goods
from two well known mills—"Forest Mills ’ and "Ypsilanti.” ProbaUy
no belter lines arc to be found anywhere than these famous makes.
We should be very glad to show >»ou these excellent lines. Ypsilanp
Cream Silk and Wool Union Suits, hand trimmed and shrunk.

Light weight. White, .^ll Silk Union Suiti. Ypsilanii mills, vcr>’ excel­
lent goods.

I leavy weight in the same goods fur those who prefer the extra weight.

Forest Mills, hand irkmncd. he^vy wt«ht. silk and woqI,
per cent
silk. 70 per cent wool. White Union Stiits.—we know of noihioR better
at this price.

Forwi M ids. hand trimmed, all wool, very fine worsted yam, in natural
and cream,
. ..............

These are most excellent Uoes of Underwear for tho^.who want sonedii^ extra wee. We have nU the low price and mediun gradw lor
those who wish aometi)iog cheaper.




iMM an •• tkrMwh
»• •• •
or .
■iMriWi iMr ■*! iiy narnu “r- "*" imdw'. mrm i, fMia«*
t*a. nw w, *.

a«=ws:ss tiirsarsar*
S^]in »MM. ^ «Mttr «to
«ko ta
I. 9*.
9(. tainOT.
wn«« ta.
il, ta«
M tn tack.
MMi H II ta»ili, «to nucr m •fc Cwi.BwMr'. tatter. J.K.mtar
MttHt WiMta ttol otataot M» tar •t
HMtoM’„«taMta. tti- B. rnmn ttor
Wte. Otet. WtaTicr Mtat CMStwo yMn

MtaH atawi Mta.taw 4>tor an UiltvM tacte vtate u
tatoalittMif tataHn• nant «rtn!*ter ^ wlta rota, lo•teta. Item
Hf, Marmm ItaMted Co-l HM. Otet^towkW. wrtaki
yonffln rm »ta to «<l poaata. H» ■
••■«to<|iiMttBtomtaMMto cm tan
tetatar aitt tantaJlS^^ •} to. «m or OtnnMmt rartorr
tontar toM m Oor, Vtamf.
AMMMta.lMMr «w 4l»|totatac«M.r«M.pMwpiol>. Tter
tetato.loOoteititaWatac Mtatteii'tara ita.tii« taur itep te. iteta
a miTtai will it tato. «H far kta ar-; Hm tar Uonm n. (ot op tka tanrc
rotair inkitaaioaoi n teakai ttejtar ite crowd, a am baekwoedc
itainlli»ii talght nd mir Mo^Hr Hpotp did tte tab. witmt kaowtoc
tadmlagr A roiaro ao^ artarod An who tkar.wara Wteo ttegr oiinMc.1
Otadtt.% OtaCM- •cranr'c Baa ris« |ta Oan Wardn Ckapna «gr paol^jpta tttatalac hta ta krop Ota of|taeUn te laid ite dnotp te tad
r ccro Ite tnilroiro bcfon-.
in tbal^lte'>Opr«t chlittoa will te' . la order to brace blaurir for a itwa-l
kapi oiM. or aetata If thak paieanillt adniltaehair.C
daoai It Mmkie. Tte challana will jniat aoi loo Buck'
I -eoaiaaa" and wac
te talM^ap br Ite emir aoliiorlll#.! twtel. Wbeo be told Juctlee Toraad Ite warraat win te Iccoed If Co-1 car "bow It teppened" the coart aald
■eh daan-t cwpitaltae.
|te had beard the aaBe aiotr aeroral
.tatate tata aad cbloorr faclarle. «t i«taro btaore aad ithat :tbe pMiatiy
flar Cl<r paU odi Boarlr tOWAM to ooold te ite .aae ac lor tbe lecotar

It JOB tiir ta


wWiaal «Bot advertlain k toil

te aaato W paa ji« «aR taaat-kitt'talattl


1 road Wo bdi. avoir dap.


coauMP. A hanato If takau at

or WMU to woilt to kHcMIyaa;
tef lane mautifctortos

once. FPr pankmUra call at W. IL
Thampaou‘a.43S Weal NlatkiSL
pat t24f

vaaced. Addict, with atamp. J. H. HOt/tX FOB BALE OB BCNT—Wett
Moore. Traverae Oiy. Mich.
of Uakia atreet oa SenoU atfeaL
M IMt* . with all modem Improvemgata Ea>
WAWTEO-By m firat elaaa eaytoee. ^ Bulto of A. Campaan« 730 goatli
ateaia tuer and aU aiound mnehin. i
oct l«^U
1st: oae who can initaJI machloery: i •
a—riouaa aad lot, bara oa
Waat Xtobt atmato Prioa
a poaliloa to a mill, factory or ahop.)
win foralah the beat of refereaeea
I2.4(H>. oaadIHrd daWm. bataaaa to
mardlnjt abllliy and fcobriety. Call ‘ ault porebaaer. lagalra lU Kaat
at thU office.
nov H-if | Nlatb atraet. or addiwaa Joha Ctaa^
CbeboTiaa. Mich.
aapt Mf
WANTED—Sowing. Hoorn €. Grellfck
Block. CIU phone 804.
nov IS if.


WANTEO->At once, yonmg mrn^fii-!
ftrenea and hrakemeo
promo! Ion guarant.'Od:
•100. l>eeoBiing englnt-eri at •l7Ii;j_
and #o srrat fa the aihTltlon
anracti-U le
lo it that already
hrakomen get
heoaainc con Bi
a bill »s
marw baa ia fwm
bt'lnc drawp lor pc^untatlon in ib*‘
duoiors at •sou
•sOu per month: Inatrue-]
toatruc<| mmmmmnm
UinlTiaiu leclxIatQre to pronlbl hor*i.
tlonxl.y mall: tend for particulars:
particulars i
rariOR In Ih^ afate.
posit ionss aocurml
aocureil as aorm
aor»n aa
as co»pe-|
S5o?Sl ^4a
tent: lies! opening in the United
r.uddy Ri-aa. the imslhat. who «*a>
vla hi I in
hy hi^ manajtcr In a
St.t«.; state
National IUlIw«y (U|l^ FtlDirtl Ftf
Training whool. CK Boston hloek.
mu Itone
flKhi. m
ill nui
om- hi*
him alKhi
aUhl an*
aff r ali.
Mlnneapollf:. Minn.
nnv I31mu ■ Wa hava
Imt ho Ik dlayuBted wish the fiBhrhii;
cam., and Kay« he mill cm
THE EMPLOYMENT Contrariorf | •frabi# property, md
*<nno trade oi profoaaioo.


^ t^hrr on tbi* thlp for a flsht and
Ubr *Wp U the only pUoo where a fln !
Without a!
______ '_______ ______ * ■ cro%-d ihcTC m- ould be no purse anu'
whfcoui a purnd‘ thore could nui Iw a!
The Mlchlaan tean ataned tbe cam
with Wieooaln ihl« ffternoon In axr* 1
“On a thri'f-round l»a<ita It w^uM not
tl eacep* |
leal phjralcal <oonditlba\ with the
ibic to act any mit*|
rt of a p4rM-{
. wbojiefoot. injured
ahoro and It looks to mo aa if we i
Ite n. 8,N. taunc.
------------------- “am*'aril;
mv. hl«
b|u not
not made
Mdp ropW
rteW || ^
pnucre^a towards r«k>vrry. Khxpafrlok
Mb lbaB4 la tka lUtia Immim whm * ^ ^
from yotir own fleet have
uf M. i Urh^ iru
been alvlna thl*
Min MtftU J. Ilaujirr. a n»clttio. died
y ^
■ tab for!
nf ■ r
♦ *** '‘"
® ratch |»enn, ! Thtre laaj^^be a r<
Hay 81 oppoette DaiTow*i
» «f J.ilin I». llfN^efeJ. j caiv but in aphe oi( 1
I winter. ‘The Tickets'* are good until
akMM at BarcMla laai woeV.
on aama la aow uaad
«harkey-a liquor n«. | em foothaU whodiuioK next
ler. It I
I k iui th«*
thiwlH i,
ta in
to the paat Mb 1has btH^ uaaid.
I MklilsaD ravalrr. M<1

<u.lumhto and IVnnayi.
hut can ba immi for
to *^ake out the
of Iba 100 tDOEteml In IUl a. ami. wIiIi oUht aludcntK. Jiiinterfere hoH **^*’‘*' ♦‘omowhai ai^rtllni; Kiatemm; [ tnd PrlnoMon, and the two foimer
a^iM Komtay «djt«p| rlaifd. e in insar
|artjr«Mr yaara a«o hoUia pw^aant.
»ot on Waat »<b Iftro •sat of
an‘a moat mirkit. ItZ RandolphI
**h attrlbiKfMl in Coach Kinc. "utiHtan. loainta may Ik* droppeil nud iho oil
t^r churt'ltea.
with hto Playl^a. Bchulie la a
WonahraiHlnr Mattkecoa. ajM
Hally aa folloua:
\ trJpK^anianre or fnitm r >. arv- Yale.
*i waa altllna hi my room after
' ^Jousi and lot. Ml sixth St
of strength to the Him* but a
#•■ ^ka M iltred a henalf Ufa for ten
‘•The fodflial! teams nf the wei^t af:* Primoion ar..| Har»ur.'.-rrvived. Quar•rhoel one tho.” nay* Mr. Mu«n*,
Ilotiae and lot, 8. W. cor. Webstar
worriaoroe altmiUon Is created tiy
fmn. h^, Ma srametl a diroroa from -nhni « yoiina fdlow In hh tei^ui ei,
St. and Michigan Ave.
tLef.n that Yoafs etmnla aubstllut. s I
overaeight«hI. The de.lrr ha^ terlmk Stf venKim i the worM offeml.
rn wUmr Bm^
w|»o Jivtai In Xalae trred ami bnmlnl lur n brini;. mvIiik:
_3 lots on_Blinwood ava., baUram
wolgh.-hlg. U^efy men. i er cn the* P.*nasvlvn«ia team. whl!. LOST—Small brown lea
I am colle.tlnir l»r»ikta. and n«u!d Hk«t
cuniainiog clothing, etc.
i».te biata-itei I Aidb Ita B htar.1 flehirr Bii t i **'*'‘'
f^^His io lie a U'lun wlihoui! ih<*
OduraUa hunch indulRe.i.
I 'TM (Sommoew^th IVmer Co.. rmir ofUnloh of thU work aa n Ita U atnma and wllhna hm hV lacks ‘n ®
Wayne end Bar 8ta.
•J2Z B. kVont gf.
nov 74f
l»ouDU. It Im lmt>uK.| in “m.ishin* ir lariiCH In ihe games
Vrlikli farnlaliea moUre puwrr for Eev
L nT^taPbm.ta
with Vale and Prlnroion.
I tftkl him 1 would exnuili
hand bag contalnlp,!
eral din jm4 UKarvrtui U
attked him tu «wll aimia.^mlieraTahableman fortliel*^'^
A erawl .rf iheaTi ica! employes wero
freight check, some change nnd
• iac a attikNi at UaalaiL/preparatonr wottlrl tie able ID ek|um ai
than wt41 proportioned! llgljt men I having witne funi at the expenso of
key. on Bimwood Ove. or

; to MippIsniMi tiMi taierar^B tlaeii chu
U.n ibnfier BWord *”**
John laiarciud Sullivan nut In I>eiivrr
Sf. yesterday Kln.ler ploaae U*avc |
^^rcs land In Klnwood foviP
and I luferaird him
lf»e |joninnan*or!Norc
at n.*rord offire
nov 17 .7t' ship. bb»ut 1 mll« from rUy UfbUa.
fba walk fiiJI of
j ]uxir.*<N;!;igta lo a:» ahrupl end with the
Will make a ipkui market garden.
-•I thank yoaI a thousand times/ game than tbe /‘I>auih g«iartl,^
■ ^aaakNi oa the auhMM .of praatlay (he
'' bt'avy man U usually clum.H.-.«folio*in>; df-laraiHn In .steniorlan
aald the yotuh. ‘aiud

I hoiu* the iKmi. baa a woaltb.of matarlal fte..
for thi
th ibftfk*
and cannot take advantageul op- ‘*: “John i:. may be a liack niimlUidaU^
CP. the prlvlle»e « will leave an i-»»rta!d an Un|irrasl(ui
lm|irra«l(Mi wlierwlior a«4d.
There Is conairteraide saw ttmbar
dMi k|iahuae ‘-^
''‘•'t-i I'lo* ■'iralch- U-r In tluanna, liiii hi'* a« rOR RENT—Thrt^ flats of four YoomH___
ever It iroek*
. Ite
1 -B m
solution baa been ciffe
ahbve CMitlac. The llMiatce Navi“UlH middle.- Imi.rra*e.l
arm •• J.
Jnr.lan .. ®*"
"^‘1''"^^' »”■' lackl.'.l k.««I as I..- « v.-r was in a mliitti.each at •! and •:. |h r month. O. !I. ‘ lard
ImiTTOw.! me
,„r .l-rolT. v„».lrri«ma-.-l.mkro
------------------ ----- mk.-i nrm.":
aitiQB Oo. ohfecta.

and I loatuMX at him .or.1 nml mow It tirart. I. hoiri in h. ihi. roiMP I. h. dtI Ik ilirprUvn. iIimU.. M-tap Vo:isi- will liavi- u. ml iliai o ibeth|*rauMv I
onlaUMt Uiti. ayod 70. ih lni; nrai iv:
eventia of the past few ,
talm'e tnhl Pay I have waulirtl the
Wht, M from the aoat of hla vajioa. career of Mr. Uot kefelliT wllli keen
epoM* jwas HO complete
SARN FOR RENT in nwr of 21S State
iKtat I* «.»« itorlitedUhat
Mh hlgait.
are ind NVu 7'«)rk Ktate the (llanis are
' >ad hii hiad caaybi in auck a way lulerrM.’^
elded 1 that li
it was
was o ,
stalls ami plenty of room foi ^
Ibat I- wan il«-l,iod|.|..t "
-H ha. l-i-o Iho ctelr or K.«,: ............ hoio rl. a„ ,1 ov. r fl.iKM, .*oh.
that the tire «rpaad aJto^Al^iiyh hU
buggies. B. J. Morgan.
nov 8nr This r^rt la mada up dally. Tlia R»
^ rkail ab that t*ki hrdin vaa expoae.l.
s|K>rtfe to dispoiiae
dj«a not raapoAsiblt for ahantaa
roremiry la nedis te|l U,v the Turk the doughty captali
Inlurv- !-a«f ^’**‘*^
Rophers fat . u!*. I‘.;!!e| ;h- f.x> hail ,>oiiular In the <«M have thus HOUSE FOR RENT—Comer State
In gricaa.
*on hy h:,. uxr tailt.f to create tmuc than an im
and Rose plreots. to good condition*
Bl. Itaw. Jaaapb ipo%. iaator of ‘s. Uh r»venmi lit. IIP. wiim^Pti* the fuiiow the lH*st loop hole
*; Inerlor ntsMu s,
tf.o, ncd readiue.^, pn.,.;,,,,. u.ii loverta of the game ar.*
small bam; •S per month. Jl J
Mhry^ eliureh at llonfoe. baa ratuiUdHl hqi mnarkm hy an ixidurcr: '^hti
m^ttt lMlk*nl femlurr diT ull thU eaKt
fron a alx muutha* trip to BelduiUc
vervobl by this
I opru>.'tm*:rl. < that everj game .iffers Rugby game It
c|.jch less dange
.^u dUlrlci ita llu* entire mltoemi^ m
trealiy Improved to health. * He wai
wihhI. nnl f-o*ii r.iiy nainnil ««udltlon.
oas to the ;duV4 rs thiih Rugby r«*.»thail ro RCNT-IIouso M2 Nsfth Bpmee
: nat by ita people and a band aad e*.
street: second building lawth of
am ireea wovkl evWlei.lly
but lhere U a difference of o,iliiioii
9 oortod to the church, where a tecopbun-Church. E.H.AIlyn.
lyn. novaif
l«ria, af'eoAhns lo taiHviea nml lo nlBastem sitoning wr.^ters are predic:
to the li
Hnn and the preaentatkm of a purae of
tltnd*' llml^ hill owinir to m itlfnl tie of this city in the Sihi of the Inter
I to Ihe ring of Cltamplnn tho euthns
•hi toUpwed.
aim. lion nnl iie>:le<l in wflant. Tin* scholastic lioarJ against the Bent or Jcffrieji. They are ot tlu- op-nion thrl
F!a>i, rn CrAh
quire M8 State
ArUmr X- Me of Mto was divoreeJ aood now i^.meta four and more day** Harbor fotuball team jjhat the board cl as Boon a* a really foimidable anta*4 ern s ieat‘ng oi T<*mniv Murphv
ky kla ^aa fPvdaya a«o. hot he do. Jaiirm»y ta Kraenini and l« In that thy education bas taken ub tlu matter and onist ap|H*ars on the scene. Jeff w.!I
that premising Ijoxer out of thoj
will ask the lniertach(|lastlc manager^
II. waa hot pood to live alone. the imed exiieiitalve
clsail>cr through the rtepcs and coniOAt bUHiui-sH lur goad. Martihy gave cariy ‘
elerk a office tahy. while rrreaa llie hrmler. on tbe to prove their aaw*rtlpns that Benton with him for the rin? supre raaey
iiroraf-e of being soniHhing of a lina
asnto. and Itutatalan *Jde. Iliere are inasiillleei.t Harbor s team Is matje up of rlngtrs
Fiom tac oniitHKles comeH a ne* wonder, hut McCInvem * stiff ptinche,*
bomln. Small i>«i
dep«t> j I'lrte foretaia. Tlila n>tnWtahle detainu or else vindicate the jieam and allow claimant for championship honors- soon exploded hit: chance*.
•o a liberal eontrart
alH^Joatlonblnn eiiemU all over Aalalh- Turkey It to Snlsh the season and win the
selling, iil health. Address William >
I rdiuar.* mll.'ta of foreat h.*lui: Imml championship If It ckn
Rouse. Pomona. Mich
nov lC-3t- ‘
Maiakal Brady of «t. Char'.ea and 'vherr a* iu.»hT to|n«re aere* ..f cleiir been a slam cast at tb| »
I .Squires—K
«thi »nd J. J irf , *iu Mnute farto." nald .n Nov. V«irk COW^FOR SALE^Two gm Jerseys I
Deputy ih^ff Bomera Quarrek-d over! *«*
vlllaae are de»lrr.l, of the schools of thl^ n.v .h.t
iwi.lan. *•! hjid tbe honor lust win
and one HoliOf ln. 4 yean. old. B.
r In nu*e| iVhe. Tolvi. un* pliiya pclotata arrootod « • vcc. Thro •*■,7““' ;
crrot wcll. of auir board rvf education w4nts wadhed off. for hla cxpenBCH If he* will agree
nov 18-if
Z t\vrui***i.'
Shta fulk»«U to me uf
Superintendent Mcaellami has certM^j^,
tte otattr. tote to arre. -b otb^ri^JJ-;;.'’“***• I ITotaper MerlmAr. tbe rraater of *(‘ai FOR BALE AT ONCE—One good farm
,aad tMa" aght aaded with the deputy main ex.ri.t In the
home or dMlvery^horse; one largt?
iattJ ^ men.* Hhe knew many anecdotes ..f
aberit lirhtod tbe bars. The marshal
repreaeming hto acbo^ la eligible to i ^
kangaroo. If he lumn the off< ri Mrriuiee. Oiuh*. she fuild. 1h* w*;ts ein4lu Wadsworth.
‘batod itomcra Into Justice Ooldstniil/;e\*ery way to participate In the aa»c.Lowu. the aame
given ^1 versing with
i»rln**e liuiieri
ftioard fUill rrleS 1
" .be »''cu
« „u the
cue .young
mouiir pruier
miita ri
vet the tot emcbolaatic
coort 1^ Bomrea tried to leave ditr
^rd Mill cries g,,,
champion of «>FOR 9ALE cheap-* H. I-. irnimHM
but “ringers
png tbe>Milclal
T..- and Is faking Bentoa |
i •* -What Is the dlfferencMe hr tween an
engine, neatly now ; will uke othc."
In mnnufaetnrlilff oc«*ntintlons the
tifol row folio*
Harhov outt the
the worsj place In th^J Roschen, one of the greatest sprint- *'^*‘**^^
** cal.-imltyr the jcrlm-e
property to exchange. A. W. Rick
With Dr. I. A. ThompMm
HAN-rage life of soap botleiw to 1he highinifierlal askrnl.
the atore bMag upset, and then the j^c
“Jiitai tlinu tbe burs eoonsin iiud
JuiKiee rutoaeed Somers on bia own j the loweat
The busmeaa men| have
rival. I‘rlin’4* Na|»oIe.m. apiM.*an*«!. and FOR BALE-One cutler, one covered
aroused at the shame; that baa been 1 has won •M.3W for hto owner, besides Merlmoe. tamUliig. said:
buecy. organ, two cases of drawers.!
cast over the city achoou and they artain2,».taK) m wagers made by Johnso i
- -If your 4*<.unslu fHl Into the Seine,
one gold watch at 923 Walnut Bf.
hand in the flhtt.
,;f duiHng tho niaaon. Roaeben * seasoa It w»»uld In* All n<*rldent. If anytoitly
nov 13-Ct I
them have irobHcribed a* hlghias 3104! record Includes IS vlctoiloti, five sec- puUetl him out. It would l*e a rnkniuleach to raise a fund to flghi the lnt-*r ! onh.s three thirds and twice unplacc*d iy “• -Wata’diigHin Tost
FOR BALE-A fine home of 11 rooms 1






! ’ T.

r. % SSS ^



1 fi







te««M tt te paite wHch pfteooto tlNm froai omli« tec*.
llteikMjiMwtaL Tijrit



adtolaatic board. BrcMdcm jr.oro o. l Benny Yanger U preparing for a
with barn and cidckenhousc; two
But Few are Free.
the boar.l of%«lurau<». three otboi t ouh> campaign this winter For aoinc
loL«. nenr church and school, to fioci
*w people are entirely free
of the board,! aiiHl a pomm-f j lUac be has been In lutd ahape phyakFor sale cheap. Io-|
ir'xtiuu at thU s«*aaon of the
tocof Htlxens jlalted op the copimUt* r ally. Imi he to gradually coming around yo«r
I of M. II. Thowpsoo. Kohi Joritalol D>>pep>ia t-ure to not
at Ann Arbor AhU morning and atekt d ami afici^one or two Ilglit miles wllJ only i
nov I3lwk*
that Beaton Harbor lif reinstated or take on Kid Herman for a jimlt *i
Nh^um*. it
FOR BALE-One nve-hwse power
thatthe^rhaiTca be iwovod. i Every jnmnd l»oi*t
to^assiinlto’e and i
gasoline engine at a Urgaln. Wra.'
of the Interaeholaatlc ItoapI j -tYlxmrd'*Schaefer
to meeting ih.* ‘ into ttottuc-buHdlr.g blood.....................
A. MK-ool. 31C Rf>^t St. CH-. 978. \
notified to be to Anh Arbor at ? cnc experts InChicago and to said n. Ile\rs s..ur Momach. heart burn, bekh
nov 13-Ct,
o‘cloek this morning
confer with ^ be eonsiaatly Smprovtog lo form.
^ todlgcstlon.
the Benton Harbor ddcpitkm. All rhrft now looks as thoogb the turf war!
-----------------------FOR BALt—•800 buys a goo.1 Imsl^
xpeases of the meetlmg^ w^ I
byjwonld kill the raclag gkme to Newj CALMAN‘8 Interior
nesr: piytor 320 !»cr week atone aH
the Beaioo Harbor Athletic ai»oq(a.jOrtnapa. So ^bitter ba. tbe fight t nom durahU for all Intarlor
cgpentEW: wm take par: ra*J., bal-’KCAL BSTATC AND LOANS
tkm. the fares of the mejnben^ oi the | _
terooolln«>. If,-ou.rol«okte*f:,r. . NOTARY PUBblC
were paid ic Ann Arbor aad
I tbl^wUI pay to la- f,
i SIB Diret rrnn'l Rl.
their hotel bllto while in: the city,
B. Canto, Traverse!
toman Agem W j
nov 13-Ci
City, Mich.
New York. Ncv. 18.-4Thcnr jwlll b.*
FOR 4SALE-One socoud-hAnd bay
no sparring bouts or kbcriioul figh*.
m*t ooaU be more onitaUc or
baler nnd mount cd borao power to.
cr threc-rotind eoniests l^wocn aallor<
Fhumera Supply
good oondlUoiL
of cither of the *wo tee a now at
nov 2 :2t <hB«r»k«..
rlviir. William K.
s Slid William E.
IS* K*«
Ootajrtel. tteteaapK^ Ooi onlr te
DOT 2 a




hi, maSmj^ maa* cn^Mr •qoo<'.r<M.
bta of lit oMtatar-fe AUijatle flota.
^(*h All he the veriaaL tonamy-rd(.|
abont ftrhu Itovtog takca
iteia on
whop Imro store we
to jmH.** anM Maiyne to a rs
. ;1P' theSf«r placx* there wotU4

Itsttonsl Schooi sf Rada

BOB BAl*-»ton

C ■lleo



I0f.tero. oroiTtetel te




; «nv. wmioAit MTUNMV.NoyiM^



IL.#.v tmm

gill I

Ki. «. W M Bk

•mm Thwlmr hr **<e«Bi date

IM, Mr*. ^
Him. «La
Trwrti Ji>d Anu H If.
^ to
Ttmmoo ci^ xeviefE^ to tKad Oe

’assiiirittsassriiitr” ■•



dliKko^^looM Mgbt <*r» vm
a & 4k L sSdocnck «p
Mr Uio Ftmm foctonr BMJdv
aod tbe.«Mte Itoe «m« blocM for
MHjr tM io««.>fojfoK tfco Mtk
byad poMiw.
R. H. Roder tmA tMtaUy foo«od to
Omnd JUpidft tl0« Mfc ttorre Mr.
lUdor hfo
oMloira^ wlHi
ibo Pttre Myonoao R. R. Co.
A ihm«<4i portf m frfrwj at tiK*
«»e or Bonn hotm


nrUtfurj IrrlmrtuMt
Idn far otctlmr Arnffiran rUii;
frit W oMid BOt otoiM tbr otndn.


IMc. Where she fctoon 00 the train fran Itsb.
„„K Ilollantl aiiU WiTnemburg, «da.*l
ticany idgnalllng the firstit train
Uns* of Gred«e.v and Saxony. th»'qudvn j
passed wntu ii
to take her
Uoumania. Prince Ferdinand of Bui j
-husband and Icrself on board.
;garis, the crown princes of Sweden^
The dmehess
•"' en.livumorh. audal|iUcruK r»ofth i
for children which
C W. l*o^t of Battle Cres'k. addrcimher family bistorj . The iah*e are real,
/^Udren'K atorieic which have b«-n inic the aNstlonal ('iUseiw** ludualrial
association, of which he is president.
handed down from generation to geo-i
in SI. LsiuiM -’There 1* not. a%
eralloo. The author, who saya she

i riradllto

sntiLatloni* or fljdit laher. \Vd‘ an* not parthoinK ol the eralalKir

.by her la iha .hichc.- ma.hoc. who ,n
'•ill* isAfiiiedi fhdin f-n tn htr rhlhlren

’ O'"Inietmt illary In-tavd-n capital and



for the nest 30 days
with Soft Coal ordmaotton
and haU too lots



"WewU the Famous
Fox Typewriter


onnu. nr usr


Uivc^ vven bent day and
iiijibt with soft coal, bard
csoal. coke or wood. It is
posiiiTcly air tiglit and
IPUininU'cd to remain air
tight ais long as it is
UHod: this is n pretty
good gnanmh'c. hut we
know it will do it. When
you boy a stove get the
original: it will coat you
no more than Jtn imitation and you will know
you have the Ix-st.



— Ofoit fold M Ofoit Mcm

TittispoRrAini CO.


A Dlaaatreua Calamity.
It Is a disastrous calamity when yon
your health, because indigestion
and conMipation
have sapped it away,
npt relief can be bad in Dr. King’s
New Ufe Pills. They build ap yoor dlj gestlve organs, and cure headache, dlzIzlness. colic, constipation, etc. Guaranteed at Johnson Dmg Co.’s, Ig. H.
; ^ds and C. A. Bughec’s Drug Storda.

DKS. J. a 4 lUJtT J.TMfiUm
ONeeforaWOmimato. • la m. m v
im • a ». T m • iPiMiim Efoimau
wyahmpsm. OMama hmaO,.


«. U. CASVMI « (



Can make fprompt delivery.
yoiir ordeirs.

Send us





Very PsplUr

to tosuiafo K MM>

I have a fine line of
tW which the la<Uea are invited to





snr K. irrfofoO M.


Time Tshle tkkiag Bffeel Smt aoh, lai


are comiag into favor


1 ,;1





TRAVERSE CITY LSOION NO. IIS'NatSonal ProteeUre Ledoo win naac
tn Woodman ball on tba third Tafo.
day of each month at 7:30 p. ul
Calvin 8. Vajer. prealdeat; ;Uirto
Boberu. aecratary; NetUa C. Ofsy.


. 16 in. {Hardwood, slabs and edgings ;
$2.00 per load

O. P. Carrer aad Bre oMlh 1

ilk bldg. B^i

Notice to All Persons Interestsd.
The Bpecial assessment tax roll for
the construction of a trunk sewer In
district No, 6 (beginning at the Inter­
sect Ion of Botrdman river with Wel­
lington siri'i f, running thence on Wei
llngton street. Front street and Rail
road avenue to Eighth street, thcncc
on Eighth street to Barlow street)
now In tny bandsjor’^the coHectlpn of
the second installment, together with
the accrual Interest on all unpaid in
Btallroents. the same to bo paid on ot
before the .fftth day of Noveniber. 1!I03
M. E. Haskell.
City Treaaurcr.
Office-Room 202 Slate Bank bnlldln«.
nov 1-lmo

16 in. Soft Wood, slabs and edgings
$1.25 per load

AMSTRACTt OP TltUU-0. a Ofov




eoor, Mith Dn. iMnw n« MM-

Ihr Sul* by oU OrMte

Special to the Evening Record.
Kuikasks, • Mich.. Nov. lg.--Mi**
Clara Wtiolpen U again behind
1 counter at L. Glaxier * dry goods.atore.
after an absence of ahoui *!x montht.
caus'd by sickness.
Mr^. O. C Goc-lrich is prvparlng U>
movt to Ikiro:*. xvh.rx' lU* 'sill operate a board;ag house.
: Mis* Hard Gouruon hx* lyphoiipotnunonia.
1 C. W. ShirwYKH] returned to East
Jordan T^tcMixy
L. tilatcr left Wcdnrsdaj for TV1 troU and Cle\ eland ,ai bn>\nc^>.
j Uf. J. .V Ulsh«oo of Ctnyling i* .ti
toan for a foar d.}, tooUns alltt- hta
bttaineax inivnaia.
Jtafriod. oa Wc^towdar.' Not. loth,
bx cataa. Harlin at bU rCTkteace. Ml*,
j Fbm Banvaa aaO Mr. Bcnr Moarr.
Mi** 'Wlldred Lchncr went to Maoeelona Tmwday sod retanictl tenc
as Dormaa, bookkoep. lor tlio
BapkU Saturday mon:^
iai;. rctomlac home Monday.
There wUl he a day and erenlng aca.
aSoB of the farthers* InaUtnte at Rmdd
CUy Dec. 6th. and a food pregram hi
been prepared and win be oat aopo.

!«: ■«>-

Try • *>111 f^l9hvr






!*• rtrota* wkrMU



Mt r. HOi



sonR SHE luna co.


4tt VIST raMT sntiT

DOOR ....

yon aTem.’tl laat Winter yon
anrely would imt up this season
to ktH-p out tho coftlV Did you
g<‘l it—or tho materialK for ii r
“If not why not : * This yard
baa just what yon want, not
only in doors, but all sorts of
lumber to tiiako your house and
premises c»mfortahlo and IwauUful, as well. Wc liosp^k
youi patroca^'c.




Cmi iiail uiSUvNlffMbiSIr

I to Industrial
lias auch extravagant foi
^ ; th»m* as wdi are to a laliur mist or any
noweim as seems to Ih» lDCompatlhle|
uliution that sc'i'ks to comer the la- Ory.lMaitoMlWM
uHh the goncful W.*a that nhe U a!“ "
■ markrt
I —bir Ca.!
' Mdodthlrsty old avmian In Iht pri-;
vsfc apariment* she always has msr» ' J**^ !*’* Jlsrondess. nd.lrepMnc the
d»s of Uu!_jnest. lieantirul fiowi rt and «''*nncll of Jewish women in N. w York,
“I have pcrsonslly lost no h»s
the «uno Ik t
than tsddw* relatives, to say nothing
bid* logo St tin* ih«*xter and
grosi undienci' chamin r when nh ' of hunUn*dP of frh’nth*. in the massaeri',1
Kishiueff and OdesKa. Pori
i Wc don’t want to carry .my stovt's over
IrSuBSctfe affair" of t«tau>. Her majCM) '* pawjlon in thl* regard I* *0 well Anhur fell as a punishment for the
known that courtiers, princeg and high mastarni. of the Je*if.h p<*ople, and
omcials daily scud her the cholee*t the fall of the dynsMy <,t the Roman­
offs juM-Ml surely will follow the ms*nfferiofs of plant* and flower*.
Horror*! Bo«tnn ha* a luikec Iresns *am‘a which are now horrifying" the
world. HV want ammunition. Wc
$2.00 down; $1XX) a month. Connections free. You
r.ial eompsnh*K of Kentnekv snli*^®^ ^
mav jnKl ns well have the us*‘ of a gas stove all winti r.
motker*. our *lster* aodronr
TennesiM*,* have •h'clnred agaiiiM
M yon will have to have om* next summer.
rate hill
of the des|M>t and at the mercy of hU
Many graves fell into a caving c
hin llngs. Thor,' are IW.rtPo wv*ll or­
in Dnrpw. Ps-* and several fine 1
ganised Zlool*is In Russia today and
deuce* n*ere wn'cked.
the hund bar an orgaoUation of ]0t>



■ ivaLiac waoa


\ d im ity thr.t keep's pn
rs|ild ti»enker. Tlie f'^nn lir.Viiiu Ijeeoi*
troiketi ..If, the type nen w Into the'}
Uitjr jn»t. from tvhlch It U returned, I
»-l I1H.7 Its oriciiiol stab', wiibontj
.iny dlrainutleh of material, ami thence j|
dNtrilmtdd Into the raw' <jnlte now..
Or»* of these maebine^ phu'ed at tne
of d-onitnon* wotild!
*«>■ *»f
..r the ho«*^e
ho...c ..f
iusare a eorreel lejior: dif ih* 1
tiehrte. Pr. i-hurch. the inv«.nTd»r. bj
Bcirtoai. In N\n\ Kn^jlaad.-*.
---- j---------------- --a—*a«it Bimw
A IVnnsvlvpnia uoumn who was|
calledi on to write a jmiiht at a sut* ,
nrUan d*ttrTcn( topk-s elub on Yirterl
Hugo went tP‘tlie lcH*al farnegie U-|
brary and eojlnted her fait* from a
numhiT of eijryilopedias. Whi-u she,
had iinlsbeil. having a qnsrldW-lnch of
SIMI.V nt the end of her i«ti»er.-she!
thought she wUld add m»methlnc orig­
inal. and w role: ‘ Whatever we Lud
suececdlug gecd*n»tiou* many think of
Vtetor niiiP». jwe
ngrt**' on one
thing, that ho! wrote gissl KiiglUh.'*—



ROM bjr hU difoiifc

hfort waa oo w«dt tt ww an abaointo ipaircl hov br mMiuod tbr rx^iop of a aJorb- prrfonuaiK^. Imt
hbi i^rit and will
lie alimliiti4y ntofod to rmt; tbough
toUjr awart- «f bla perils. condliWm
Prtow Cfc«rl« U Itaiakrk liu »ema frtemUo kcowtejr hla ahaoiWnr
wHhfsl I
• «MH«I {.bi Job M Idns of Smar. »»*l
deretfon to bta art.
t. ■. .1.1. .I> > .
»m talff tbr lUk- at c-mrt V.
to df# on tbo macr.
futofo homo;
Tte IXenmlOBat lialUii “KI»«! m-hop Kjn. ^nm^oo o( W«hl»e- E. F. fthonrocid euav ot^ from , It U bwid^tHl tiiai
Hiwbm jirtec" €t *>0 franc* for tb< ; ion. a Imdcr la chc MrtboAlM. Epiv Ram Jordan jr^terday to ««ato fur a thomiaiHt dolUiw. Mhlcb w\\
oorbrd In i-iylirp «b4*ln. 11c lialUtnalto ortho- cop.1 rtntWi. anti Ml« Loda Maaoo few dajTt.
ly «a\*e away • ccwwldmrtilo fien-cntp«4lr aararrr has kaan aarardert to Hr.' Parker, verc taarri.-d la anrtnnaii
Oaear Wafson and jtraiKUlauahlcr acr uf hi* income In charity and bU
OMar CalpW> of iMUribcia.
-old JIaa Wo*- «p<at fiojITS not lo Mamie vMiM at Trarerao CUy th*) dratb hi a prievou* Sum to bi* Un;c
na other tUr a Brtibdi a>crrt>aat !» ,-icctod atayor of New York. Jlc-___
». i hand or fsuaioucem. Tbouab be %ra*
pan of]_ the
letm* with Lady Irvlm:
rmati lalaM the rojral jaekl VktorU . cidUn "pent nothlns—Taaiinany pat! tvtamMi 'hoaio Jloodar and
.nnd Kbe <l\v.*jy> w ent to *.h- him In j
and .AIM ia l>a*.las and the Vlcttn^ia | up
Dwnc^ oniii
auiii W«lnt*lar.
fiitln ly Htmluat**d her-1
and AlM'^ Xd riiora the Mintc.; Ur. W. n. Harper. pnalUcni of Chi-1 Jin. T. U.j Hobh* wa» orcr'to Ttair ut^ pla.Tdi,
In Uh- fonoml arThe tkiMMr .of Iho awrehaanaao tom- eaao onIrcnl;y. npcctlaa u> die *ith-' nw niT MAday oa lantec^ ‘
rsnactuctit*. uiHl II. R. Irtliu; ailed
plalacd to the admlialiy and the cap-1 m a few week, of cancer. U eWdUns np
.V R. ImWr. P. M. L«
LM*iag and
n-:.n^>-iHafivo of tl»e family.
tala of the royal yacht neai him an’hU altalr. and paitlas the oniverHliy Houefa win juT tbo dorr
to HKht. John D. Rork< f«ller »ill N Crmo ford coliniy.
1. K. Klrhye. pfcaldcm «f Dntir enl- Rammoocii i<> hi* d.-ath' h.d
murli !alk4
le»r. hprlBlrileld. Mo, I* the yonai(r*t, |)r. OooitU. Hyde, a di.unKut»hcl
Aou-tlana collcaa preid.l<*(. bctim hot.
tebaUt. orator ami pat. an I
30 year* «M. Pcataaa* hall. whlcTj prcldcnt of the Gaelic leaituc of Inalaada oa Bmiy caatpaa and U occa- uad, ha. arrired la New Tort Hta
fo-th harxnoncoociuocd U» iry "Elcctrlc^atUjr*.
pled by the adaaoe departaicBU, wa» mluioa In life I* to rerlvo the Gaelic
barmon, ^y wife w*jilh«i no rick. lUic ccmld
bollt with aaaatiea* from U. K. rcet-j janmtatsc. He will le< t«re le-rori manrl
lies'll fUsiofirrt.
hardly lenrc ber bed. and five (5) phyaoaa of Cblcaao OBd from »cveral St.Jcolloci*
: Aiciuui hml failed to relieve her. After
j Uhlni; Electric Bitten, iibo was per; Uplon. who I. .cciuc-it
^now old fectly
eared, ai
and can now perform aU
41y eared.
At laat Warren.O, baa a democratic;of Mcrelly marninc a Scotch liaaici “> >•"*»«
r household <duties.- Guaranteed by
■apor. W\ a Kilpatrick bavtai! |»ea) many year* apo. aay«: -there ate two I •" 'n-e«ett
' d«a I'hroiilflt i>rtm* l£*extra<.-t from Johnaon Drujc Co.. P. H. Meads and C
deetod U« Tueaday. He la a popula: *,oat tetret* in my life. One that
s; price 60c.
' a t-ai..v of tl>; local Ilctnhl of 1(93;
jrooac lawyer, a natiTo ol «’am-n and |
„ot yet llfiod the American e“P! -Ur.- n;nr.-li !« now at Blrtnlakham
la «aOy pitmd of the tact that he U
um oiber that I have rot been I ta,p„!«r
prrparitiK b|.in«.bl«' tirti- print
|>rlntlnc ma.'hliic. j
the Stat democrat to win the mayo-- marrlrd.tccrcrjy oroihcrwmc ”
j The
TliC coiufrsPIbuoniy to «U down I
*Hy. He ran iwicc before for Ihc^ Senator Tom Platt ha* *r«n the »t thl* curtan* tuerhanlam a* bej
aawo aUee. but wa* dcfrolcd.- ThU ■ preridcni. and ar. a r.wuli .x-Govcnior
tlmo-h^ ^featcd Thtuna* wmiam*.,odcll. hU l.tncr enemy, may 1*> dc- l!'"

'***will hiTcrnffiT
Mnt. c. B wilnoh of Monnmcm.CQU.■ T'
n is wiad.
whlln tmi BboattoR with ber hchbnnd consuli
ami nm OUoll. in makla Oetoberp^ ^dcmnlly shoi him. ta,f n,.w York
^ rtorfui that he mlaht die berur,* h< ip , KslHtT Wllbidm will c-<)ei>rdte hU
- V Mid reach him. she maaaised to cair>- Fllvcr w.fltiiup Fib. IT. Thi.-i.- will be
lilm fully a.quaiier of a mile ni» the great cloinpi. Wilhdm
^ ^ fxrK«etR a^ vl*.-


MIL mil



Ma IkolaMc at «it •*» la the la



A LIquM COM Cvfn.
A Oooeb Brrnp whlcb tfrirM a eoM
Kaaaadx-, LuaUr, HaaCT^oad /ite-






lasrace sat Besi


' "=i'


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