The Evening Record, July 11, 1905

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The Evening Record, July 11, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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wmmmm killed™







Was PtofMor and CopKniiol of Lake
Sugsrtnr Cappar DiotHcL
By Wlra to the Bvenlng Record.
CalumeL Mich.. July 11.—Ernest
Boltman. a pkmcer resident aad enptAMAMINATSO as HS was RSa
ctJviMa wrrmows.
■«GFW«d lanaadla>>r Ortgi. MBIjOWT creditors may not. 4allst of the Lake Sapertor copper dlatrtet. dlad of apoplexy la OnlaU today.
By Wtra to tba Baaalag Raoord.
IReb.. July li.—a Sra of





THAT IS SSUCVtO TO HAVE SEEN Sabaal Caaaoa far tba Vaar Short
Tbomaa W. Spaaca, Attanwy far WlaTba acboQl aaaaaa tor tba dty waa
aaaia Timi Campaiy, Makaa
«ooH»latad Jana 1 by M. Wlnala and
Statawuut ta Regard to ARalrs
yoMorday tba
or tha DHbWter.
and farvaidad to tba dapuuneat at
LaaaIng. Tbia yaar's totaling U aea
USINOCZAirS HUNTHiO aROUNOS ly 100 aader laat yaar'a. tba aggragai
By Wlra to the Bvealag Raeord.
Mllvaakee. July 11.—The creditors
SBtobar for aebool cblldran balag M*t.
of Frank G. Bigelow aro not likely
tecelre tea cecu oa thd doUar.** said
Ovw • Thmmmmg W THmi Ar» Ei»Thomas W. Spence, attorney lor the
emmptt m th« Qroum^ WHS
Wiaoonsla Trust company, today.
The appraisers have praeilcall]
iSSOO C«ttl« and Shaap and
lahed their work and It does not look
Rafaaa fa Laava OaapHa
aq If Blwlow’s aaaets will net |200,AatharHiaa' Ellafta.
Ar Wlra io tlM ■vaiilnc Raeord.
Iloaeov. Baaala, July IL-Oonat
SefaBvaloR, prafaet af tba city. Hm
abac aad alwaat laataaUy kfUad today
•a ba vaa raealvlBd a aombar oC petlUoaara. Tba aaaaaala vaa arrealad.
Oomt MlaTalaR batoagad io an OTHERS GAVE UP AND SHIPPED
srlalaerBtie 'thailly aad aorad In
claatya clrclaa. It ii baHerad ba waa
klUad baeaaaa at hla fHaadablp for tba
caarASd to graad dakaa.*
SalaMi Czar*a Eata^.
Out—W. C, Hull Made Hit ef
Waraav. Polaad. July ll.-More
tha Evening at the
thaa twaaty tbooaaad paaaabU
aalaad tba aMgalSaeat bimtlBg gromdi
Big SanquaL
of tba eiar aaar Bpala, Roaataii Potand.
aad ara nalag tbam aa graaing
W. D. C, Germaine and
Srouada tor tbolr eattla and abaap.
anaibarlag a tbooaaad hand. Tba pcaa- T. H. Gluts the party from this city
Made 2267 Mils Trip From Los An­
aau ara aoeawpad oa tba groonda and who went In Mr. Hull's Royal Tourfat
gelas to Chicago in Fortyany tbay aia Satanalaad to ramala from Chicago to 8t Paul, •arrived In
five Houns and Four,
tbara «a«|dta tba aRoita of tba l<^ tba city this aomliig.
gentlemen from Trarane aty and
Frad liOttgnacker of Delta. Ohio, left By Blre td the Evening Beeord.
the Grand PncISc botol in Chicago at
CiMcagn. July 11.—The train bearing
1:1$ p. m. Pyiday, June SO. and arrived
Walter Scott, the mtlltonalre miner of
In Rockford. IIL. at 8. To this point
the roads were In good shape. Rock­ Death Valfey, California, dashed Into
the Polk Street station over the Santa
ford was left behind at 9:10 Saturday
F^ road at 11:67 this morning, making
morning and. after passing eighteen
the trip from Los Angeles to Chicago.
LEAVES antnmobUus.' they reached Freeport at
distance of 2,287 mnee. In forty-five
2 In the afternoon. After a half hour's
and four minutes, thv previous
stop the Jmuney again began and the
record being flfty-aeven hours and
party pulled Into Warren. 111., at
At Warren their troubles began as fifty-six minutes. Scott paid 15,500 for
the train.
the transmission was out of order but
The train consisted of an engine,
they kept over Ud roads unUI within
baggage, dining and Pullman cars.
tn it beFARMERS IN A QUANDARY HOW seven miles of Shelsburg. when
came necessary to biro i
am And
haul the machine Into
where a telegraph message was Im­
NiMklabarrlaa Sagan to Coma Today mediately sent to Cleveland for
trnnsmiaslon gear which arrived Tues­ BUBONIC PLAGUE HAS CLAIMED
and Ooaaabarrita Art Salng
day and the trip began again nt 6:30.
Sbippad With tha Charriaa.
On their arrival at Dubuque, Iowa, it
Buytra on tha MarfccL
eras learnod that many of the osmers
of machines had chartered cars and Effforta to Stamp Out th* Oiacaaa Were
The aaaaoo for luscious Grand Trar- were completing the trip by rail while
Frulttem and Therw la Great
' araa fruit la at hand and tbr daily re­ some had given up and turned back.
Alarm Among All.
frigerator car la now making night The Royal Tourist party left Dubuque
trlpa tor Chicago. Itwrlng her»‘ every at 10 Wednesday mornlag and arrived
OTonlng at 7 o’clock, tunding through In Waterloo at 11 at night at 4:30 By Wire to the Evening Record.
Washington, July 11.—More than
tba day at Grand Rapida and again llmrsday morning the machine sras
gnablng through to its destination the again headed for St. Paul and stopped million deaths from the tehonlc
Blooming Prairie at 11:30 p. fa. plague occurred la India last ytWr ac­
aaat night, nrrlrlng in Qhlcago at 4 a.
SL randy for tba morning’s market The ' This
the longest and fastest run cording to the report of the nmrine
oar has a carrying capacity from four j made by any car during the enUre hoapUal. postal and public healtll serv­
to six hundred crates of sixteen quarts trip. At 3 Friday morning Blooming ice. Every effort to stamp o^t the
of fruit aach and takes three tons of Prairie was left behind and at F:16 in plague has failed and there Is great
loe to carry through the trip.
the evening the trip was completed alarm among all riaaaes. In Arabia
IbOaetag the light strow berry crop and the Traverse City party were the diaenae Is dying out but outbreaks
the cherry aagaon is at hand and the heartily welcomed by the reception are reported In Japan. Siam and Amoy.

rmm soza EniTES




Special Sale

or Odds aad Ends



One Hundred and Eighty Men Were
In the Workings When the
CxplMien Took

One Cable
consists of ladtt«' Shot*.
0.\fonls nnd iSliptn'r*.
They're Odds and l^^uds
from higher prictvl lines,
so are worth a great ileal
more thati we are asking
for them.

By VIre to the Erening Record.


The banquet given by the automo­
bile club of 8t. Paul was to have been
held on Friday evening, July 8. but on
account of the late arrival of the
Royal Tourist party it was postponed
until Saturday eve^ni>kThe program wma beanUfuIly carrie^
out and it '
reded by all pres-

to the topic The Trip to St. Paul by
Of nearly one hundred can which
started only tea reached SL Paul by
road and the Royal Tourist was the
eighth car lato the city.
The ofltoen of the 8. Paul Automo­
bile club will always be
by the Royal Tourtal party for the
courteous treatment tendered them
during their visit la SL PnnL

New Departure at tbs Llbr^ to Begin
Saturday afternoon at S o’clock a
now departure at the city library will
be begun. ThU Is a aeries of fairy
siorlea tor the chUdrea and all the
children at the cMy are invited Jo at­
tend. The atoriea wiU be told by Miss
Pogtley. who U index cataloguing the
booka. and will conaUt of the folk lore
of different count rlea.
Fbll OR Bwtaging Stage While Wuehtog Side of .Be^
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Detroit. Mich.. Jnly 11.—While waahtog down on a swtogtag stage of the
eteaaMr City of China of the Mootreel
line *t WalkenriUe thU morning Brace
Arbour, a aallor of Montreal, lost hla
halaaoe and wma drowned.

will postpone their meeting nnta fur­
Heary Neaaen. tonaerly . of Glean
Rmr. R. N. Holaaple has gone to the ther aotSee. on .nooount of the damp Arbor bnt now of Cblengo. nnd Mrs.
Hcinity of Stiver lake on a vaention w4ntiMr.
trip. He expecto to entcii every bOM
that Rev. B. L. Reqoab mlaaed.
^toy nn eR aCeve ness, ussy
Saleur eeet Hare, only eight left.
YOU CAN got one doaen benwtfmty
Ilie Beetofi Store.
wrtttan cnltlng enrda for 16 canto nt
ttnvene City Dualnaas ooHege.
Bamiltoa CtoHURg Oo.


JnUr tilt
k .



If you doubt this, step io and
look at the prices placed on our
■ light weight Cheviot, Worsted and
llumcspun Suita—just tha suit ior
vacation wear.

Kubrek 4 Beyl

Tho Season’s



Silz Royal Dloe





has started in on his
sarnmer rompogc. His
revelry oonsista of dis­
cordant songs, sucking
human blood and leav­
ing a buncli wherevt?r
he gets in his work. One



Abstrsots Of Tltls

For Side at tlie Old Reliable
Shoo Store of


BqtabllaHodtn IBM
Rouen aiO Rtata BankBMr.

RlfirH’t f^lainos

243 E. ntOHT ST.



It will afford yon constant
pleasure for year* and year*.
TTiere is nothing you can mid
to your home that will bring
^u 80 much entertaiumeuL
^ink it over today, visit
big store, learn about the
easv terms we can and do
make, the great variety of Pi­
ano* and Organs of n hich wo
are exclusive agmits. T
make* itt easy to buy and
and easy
to pay.


Citizens Phonu, S2i Bell. leo.

ME^S Calfoom MKN3

one week only

' JlOw price* to do*e many line* Summer Good*

St^roiw ¥4m±m

W. L. Brown, Menagwr.

Headlight Overalls

lOdaUA’* UkilX Hwie BMW. U91. FNat St


Store l-ronls, \"eranda Work and Interior Finish
solicited. Give us a chance to lijjurc on anything
you need in lumber and materials. •



arc sold at most satisKasy
factor>' prices!
to say—and just as easy
to prove by a visit to
our supply’ yard—your
orders for

Mode in all kiuils uf Lcallicrs



0M)«rc Cumbrr
asB Building IRatrrials

wUl keep them off


committee who were loud in their
praise of the party’s pluck and endur-


Dorothy Dodd, Tread Easy. W. L. Dondlas,
La CroBott, Worth’f CtuhioR Solo and aoarly Bll kiads of ontlDd SRd yaditiAd ohoot.


crop la la good eondltloD. The Early
Richmond la the lending aour cherry.
foUowlnf by the Blaek Tartarian, the
lending uweeL though this is Just
reaoblng mnrk^ eight crates being
brought In today, and will be at its
belghth neat week. The Mount Morancy. the next to afHvb, la aUIl three
weeks off. Hnekleberrtos are just beglanlag to arrive. Twenty quarts being
brought to the city today and bringing
•1.16 per crate. Dooseberrles are marbrtsbie and aro belng sblpped with the
eherriea. Prices rfmnge tor cherries
l^rtNn 6 to 80 cenU per crate, which
weans a good profit to the shippen
nt thU cod of the trade after paying
the freight toll between this market
and Chicago. Meaara. Oaorge W. Lnrdie. L. P. Perkett and A, P. HoeRasantel are at the market rendy for nil fruit
Pickers on the peninsula are aenroe
nnd many at the fanuefs are kwera
ttroogb tnahUlty to gather whnt naisre San uo lavishly provided.

Hm B«b«rt Compu7{ Pr«f«.

invested brrr. stkI it only tskes a
icyr St this tine io the aeas,>o. will
keep yuu oml and properly dresMd
Tor tlie balsure of the summer.





er Oi
for^ ladies'
Slipper*. Xon
oltl style*, but


CmrilaB. Wales. July 11.—An expto
Sion occurred today at t^e United Na­
tional colliery at Watutown. Wales.
One hundred and eighty men were at
work in the colliery at the time aad
all hope of saving the entombed men
een abandoned. It Is certain the
number of the dead wilUn*acli 144.
Eight bodies have been recovered t







ri?i|HEADllGHT hI
/ ■
! 0

r I « 'W;-/ 0d



We are iotroducing these popular Overalls and
have no hesitancy in recommending them.
At One-Fonrth Off—no better aaeortment in the city.
AH yonth*' Smls empt blaoka, aad all MeoY Qami>


i tte. sa4. Mfkr M »om1Mc. bam the fer«w«^emla attBeeaPTaa.{
eetoea Be Bee tbe maaea and cab be
toneed W pM wp aa estra goarter. or
halfWeUar. aa tbe caee amy bm
la tbe Mg FtorepangtoBelto Blppo>
for tbe aortb at thto aeaaoa
droaw aad Mrcaa teat tbe reaerred
eeata oceapor lew tbat tbraoieatba of to oappaaod to be at Ms brigbi and If
tba paadag cnpaelty and are eoalaed tim rnammot nmtm were tboctwgbly
Window and Door Screftns. all sixcB. aH stylcg,
Midi of tbe eaaTas only: coevnaaed tt wonld' devetop tbat the
every eent tn tbe Immeaae opeee on taste for neort please re te«Bad to
at prices that will appeal stroBfl^y to you.
I wBo worn trying to noire ptoB- tbe ocber aide Being reaerred for end toke trips imtber tbaa to any eattlad
to every Bolder of n general ad- stay ta noetbern loeatkms. Tmo weeks
ago ihc otsamars imaola and Mtooauri
mtoaioB dckec. witboot a peony's
) booked three soeeaaatva trips
la tbe eeatlng
Aceoauaodatloaa In statecapecity of Urn tent tbnt to to very eel
I bela oaly 9M.
eUUse the ebd senta.
Lawn and Porch Seats and Chairs. Hammocks,
otw BMpod tv niMCBer. end tbo work -WUb as.- lUtw tbe management,
Of tbe Instttate wowM Be. le the worde -tbe occnpancy of a reserved eiat to yet the call for pnnsage enn not nU be
Croquet Sets, Lawn Mowers and have in fact
parety n matter of peraoaal prefer- flUed. On the tost trip oat from Chi­
r CethedrM Uadanelead by of Oeoege BIOL *inceleeleBly dMT
tor Bryoe remarked that the preedcal enoe-wot of ganging craft aa^ «*too- cago the lUlnoto -carried SSt, by iM;
merit of tbe orgealrathm was that it ladoB. We tell TOO frankly that it !■ use of ooU and this did not inriode the
•rtonia Kne n BeeUl ger^
way pMsewgert who wme taken on nt
red to gtre tbem knowledge aad op to yon to tenant and practically
different porta. Many of tbe parties on
wtoe liwuttfto.
I apoe wBkB eBay oonld peaeead hake the laeaaeeivnbly mean and
grateful abuse referred to.- Tbe board take the ronad trip aad ret^
wiUtont leaving ttie bonta, considering
oquaro policy ^
CBIcago. July V.-tTBe CBroalele*a
gpofta Ferwied.
that tbe trip to entirely pleasurable
endoe cdTraepoedaet In n reeaa
TBere to to be a near PrcmcB aend- nmmnnt tbe atteodance
and not in exetaa of the cost of n stay
ter aara;

amy. tbe Academy of Sports. It Bna ABC- 1.
Tk« riMMi euml wwl>rtnii Bw
in the north. Business men take sev­
OoBolderable apprebenaton to often Ufwag Into attoteare beoni»e.tBe old
dMM«d W «oMet for tb« MrrtoM of
ezpreeaed tbat the caar might at any eriglaal academy of -Immortal*' Came There's a priftty little girl in an Alpine eral of these trips through the sum­
C/MChlMM). JopoooM aiMl lUOloMfor
mer. with their families, only planning
timo attempt an lareMoe of BMIa from baa proved aaegnnl to tbe ocmakiti
MO 6an’ work on tbe coaol vhh o
variety In tbe lake route, and are
A tweeter girt with n sailor brim.
tbe north. A reteraa oMoer of tbe tomie time ago. to appears. tU pairona
of MteftOkm. TBio ts done
Roaolaa ouE waa reoaetly latemlewwd td mouw-boal racing wanted a name Bat tbe handeomett girl you'll ever tllervby able to. attend to business and
m m w
to Mat tlM oootrad •yatem «od alao to
accompany their families ta their outBy tbe eorraapaBdanl of a Londoe for tbe sport and appUad for one to
proloet iba Uraa of A»*rtean i
t Rocky im
>. He ooealdered tbe Idea pro- tbe academy, which famlahed a qaaa-*
Miks Susan Durfee of Chicago, who
tity of arwdite bat' totaUy Impractical
TBa cUmote of tBe lotBrnna to aoch
has been a regular northern visitor
Johnson Drug Co.
tBM tha AMdrioaa wBHo owa «
for the past twenty-three years, was a
-Wheca to our ovorwbelmlag foiee
Thereforo Prince D'Arenberg. Itoroo
Mud. to to labor iBwo. Not oaly to
Fercod to ttnrvo.
passenger on tbe steamer Oulumbls
Bent Her Double.
• noowCromT Whore eoald bo found Henri De Rothschild, Count Henri Da
"I knew DO one, for four
tBo clteate bad bat R aoeoaa aa tb
F. Ix!*k. of Concord. Ky. sai^
yesterday, her destinatioa being NorthBvo army oorpa, tba tonal possible L* Vaulx, Marqnta De Dion. Paul
1 wax sick with typl
__ __2ti years 1 suffered agonies, with
dlfliaf iBto tba aartk oUra up oNao
port. where she will be the guest of when
or each a risky eampalgnT Adam. Henri Desgraages and other
r iftHjbl**." writes-Mrs. .fnnb> „,rv
aort- on my upper lip. so painful,
Annie Hm»Hun ji »
wde rapora which product) a dloaaaa
te. cof Iliuburg.
when I got Bometlmes. that 1 oou»d not eat. After
YoQ talk of tba Trnna<toaplan and wett-known men decided that It was
taowa aa *^Groaplac JoBaay." That
uf the b«*sl vainly trying everything else, 1 cured
bett( . although 1 bad one of
Orenbarg-TBabkead cnUwnya no two high Ume that sport abould Imve ns
The Wftll Known HRftclAllst, •weeks.
•uid get. 1 wi
waa amt double, tt. with Hurkllu s Arnica itolve.'* Ho
iBo AnarteaB woctoMa caaaot ataad
Tbe Misses Mary and Lena Zimmer doctors I could
BiUlUry nrtartoa through aoadnmy o# lu own. capable o<’calling
and bad to rest my hands on my knees great for burns, ruu ond wounds. At
tBo climate to eYldoat from tbe fact
terrible Johns,* Drug Store tk> s. F. H Mends.
wbkh our Invading Wgloaa are to be thlags by appropriate aamea.<at once
that a largo anmbor of Uam are now
UltS. E.
»«• s.
y Walt A Sous' drug stores; only
One of your espert mUUary pronoanccabUt and lateUlgible. So the
IB the Boapltala.
Ckirers Omenn. where , they vdH recommenutors aaya that the lavnaloa new academy hav been orgaalaed. It
w I can walk as
Torn iBowaad ama of aaeh aaihmal'
nmtn for two snontbs. Mrs. K. Wel)is strength and now
oonoiat always of forty members, j
of India to tbe only powibie means by
They are aimply
straight ns
My will bo lmporlo4, iBe aaatomr bain<
of Reed City passed through the city ________
uaranteed to cure an* eloquent comniendalloos. Bright
which Russia can hope to regain her Althongh tt will not toy claim to any
..JIgad at IjMO boeaoae It to the approi
klduey disorders-,
anthority It expects to exercise a great i
loot preatlge.
at Johnson Drug Store Co’s. F. H. eyes ATT windows to a woman's heart.
Ipalo aapBOlgr M a ahJp. TBo gorerailn
•TTiat preatlge, 1 may tell you deal of St. As one of Us founders ';
Holltoler's Rocky Mountain Tea makes
gmat wlU foniiab frM boapltal and
Chittenden of Lansing was also a pas- Meads. 8. E. Walt A Suns' drug
frankly, to an utterly loot qaanUty. nays:
prices iOc.
bright ,-yes. 30 ceuts.^ca t»r Tabli-ts.
Biodleal aUeadanee. nafuralnbod q<
north her desilnsllon l»elng
"We hope that the collective toflu- j
Ob the coDclaokm of tbe war Japan
Johnson lirug Co.
Oorv. foal tor Oooklog and water. Under
. It makt*s DO difference kww
will be In poaawslqa of BnkhnUn. A ence of the aminbers of a body Uu 'ud- •
a roeoal daotaloa the m«a will have to
medicliu* have failed to cure '
glance at the map will show tbat any tog Uu beat known .names in the |
Tbs Oloinoi
labor bat eight boani a day and tbe
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rudd of Cleveland vou are are ttvubb*d with headache,
The latest news
warUke poeaewion of that island con­ world of sport will carry great weight,'
"work will be aa much reUered aa pooand Rev. Dr. Piper of Racine. Wto.. constipation, kidney «»r liver troubles, they have discovered
and that an cxpcaaekm of tu opinion
stitutes a ataadlng meaaoe
alblo by modem awehinery.
were guests at tbe Park Place last llollisler's Rocky Mountain Ti*a will i for consumption. If you fear consul
great Amur provlnoe. The Japanese will have an effect amounting to au­
I lion or pneumonia. It will, bowevei
Wttlo tba idea of ooatrmct labor In
night while enroute to Omena. where make you well. Jidiusou Drug Co.
being Great Britain's nlUeo. to tt not thority. Bufdi a result would be in the
aay eapaclty In the territory of or
they will enjoy a stay. \V. N. Kelly
d by W
certain that If our army in Central beat tatermu of aport. The acadeaay
aoatroM by the United Statee may
family of this city K*ft this morn
A Surprise Party.
j Tenn. "I had i
Asia aaaaawttl a threatening attitnde will occupy itself, flrst of all y ith the
A pleasant surprise jiarty may l»e . years . Nothing helped me. antU I
Be iwpagaaat to maay, tbe Paakma laIng for tbelr Carp lake cottage.
toward Afgbantotaa or India tbr Jap­ ndoptkm of a sporting nomenclsture.
given to your stomach and liver, by ' t»sik l>r. King's New lMsc«»very fig
•Uaea to probably aUme when It to ab\V.
J»*sanese would oimoluneoasly threaten Then the ncademy will award prizes
taking a mt'dicine w hich will relieve CunsumtUIon. Coughs and (Ndds. wbick
ooluUly neceaaary. Aa before atated,
sle Mann and Mamie Harry left this takin
their iialn j nd discomfort, vir: l)r. gave me Instant relief, and effected a
and honors for meritorious perfonntbe Amur province, and «
the white mea cannot eadnre tbe cli­
morning f«»r Carp lake, w h**re they will King s New Ufe Pills. They are a - I^Jriiiment
permanent cure." I'nequallM quirk
Aces of all descriptions in the sjiortbole of eastern Siberia T*
cure, fiu^ 'Throat and lung Tnuibl
mate whUe tbe experlmeat of Import
8p«'nd a few wwks camping out.
He went oa to aay tbaL whatever ing arena."
lag Jamalaa negroee baa been none to
plans ooce estoted for tba InvaaloD of
auoceaarul. The negroea make good
SPECIAL .MEETl.N'U Eagi . Aerie
India from central Asto. they had all
workman bat are very diaaatlafted and
Full attendance, icons’ drug store*.
been dtoslpaied by the unlooked-for
, loee mweh thee to that^ay.
rosult of tbe airuggle In the far
The mualoal features ©with "Pawnee
I delight
SAV. MR. SMOKER, wait for BbuU tbe Imported contract workmen
and tbe sodden rise of tbe new AslaUc Bill's Wild West and Far Bast" exhl-AT—
•ter’s Poiuitellax.
nab ataad tbe climate the canal can be
blUou. which apprors here tomorrow.
dag wtob leaa coat and no Bardabip
Qrsat Cnthadral Underml
tbe workmen of tbia country.
‘Winoheatm cathedral, one of tbe high grade of excellence pervading all
moot famoaa of England's eccleelaa- department of his splendid entertain-]
Tbe tnaUneera profeaa great love
laments. will be In danger of
for tbe caar now bat bofbre leaving the
aerioos Injury unless prompt measures
made up of forty-flve skilled InKnlaa Potemkin. Knlai Potemklne.
are taken to preserve IL Some time strnmentaUsls. are heard In dally con-1
Kalaa Patemkine (all three forms have
ago on storming aubaldeane of tbe cone prior to the beginning of the |
deroteea. tbe Grand Rapida Preia
south side of tbe east end of tbe build­ arenlc perfocmancea. Programs arej
belBg aponaor of the latter) they took
ing was noticed. Investigation shoved offered containing a judicious aelec-j
pood caw to loot tbe ablp of everyCapture ever>'body. If you sit down to a table filled with all manner of good
tbat streams of water were flowing tion from standard works and classics
thlag movable. Probably they merely
things to eat, you forget all seeming troubles’and arc just happy. We do our
beneath the cathedral, but at a depth
wpersed with a Uberal allowance
granted eoovenira of tbelr beloved
of sixteen feet a etratam of gravel waa of tbe light, popular mask of tbo day.
best to aid this happiness in our grocery department.
near while aa aouvealrq, of themaelvea.
struck. The question now to whether while competent mIoIsU are beard
they loft eeven muchly broken end
this U deep enough to furnish founda­ upon tbeir respective tnstrumenu in a
eomperatively uaeleaa offleera.
tions for underplanlng. In any case mniraer welKmkutoted to display tbeir
ft is preUy certnin that an expendi­ vlrtooslty. Visitors to tbe exhibitions
Grand Rapida baa a brand nei
ture of many tbonaand pounds will be have aa opportunity of inspecting the Has for years made a study of chronic
Force. Korn Krisp, Cerea Nut Flakes,
tew tow aad all dhlldren will have to
Potted Veal, Hashed Chicken, Pressed
necessary- Bven then tbe danger can splendid horses carried by the show. aad Ungeriag diseases. His extensive
Be oS-tbe tbe time tbe not be undone; all that can be hoped
Pigs Feet, Vienna Sausage, Corned Beef. Malta Vita. Grape Nuts, Try-a*Bita,
Wbtotle blowB. I o'clock. If they don't. for to to prevent It from becoming The entrance to the show proper to. practice and superior koowl^ge
of Wheat. Brittle Bits, Ralston
made through the large, well-appoint­ nbles him to cure every curable disLunch Tongue, Potted Ham. Hamberger
Baroeto or guardlana are liable. Trav- worse.
ed canvas homes of the homos, ponies,
. All chronic diseases of the brain,
Steak, Frankfurters, Chicken l.oaf. Breakfast Foods, Neutrita, Pilsbur>’ Vitos,
•rae City baa a curfew law and
The streams flowing beneath tbe burros, etc., which go to make up the spine, nerves, blood, skin, faesrt, lungs,
few bell but seemingly to not employed
Oats. Rolled Oats, Lincoln Oats.
These are the finest canned goods ever
cathedral have gradoally napped tbe
inr oUmr Umn to net rwtreant bouae foundaUooa on the south aide (tbe equine ensemble of the "Wild Wesl." liver, stomach, kidneys, bladder, and
Shredded Wheat Biscuit.
put up.
fients for 10,000 people are provided bowels scieutlflcally and successfully
streams flow from north to south) at Pawnee Bill's Wild' West aad For treated.
wiCh tbe reeult tbat the south side has Bast exhlbiUon. nil of which are ObelDR. MCDONALD pays special atten­
a For «be An
sunk. This has thrown tbe areblng tnred by spaclooa canvas canoptee
tion to Catarrh. Ctotarrhal Deafness.
out of equUibrlum and the mischief to from the wind, son or rain. ■ The arena
la TOBmmery bay
Throat and Lung Diseases, Chronic
board a stnage looking cnfL Ml ear progressive, the weight of the roof to briUtontly niuoUnated by nlghtb. Diseases peculiar to women. Nervous
Graham Crackers. Uneeda Biscuit. Sponge Lady Fingers. Animal Cookies.
soundod vrltb awning, wys tbe Loodoo
making every net and feature ns cluna and Physical Debility. Rheumatism.
Globe. Two yeari ago there was recov- south wall outwarda The pressure of cat and visible as by day. ,
Champagne Wafers, Brent’s Water Crackers. Athena Wafers, Nabisco, Orange
Paralysis. Neuralgia and all chronic
seed a leog braoi caunou with loaded the displaced masonry has* been so
Gems, Frosted Creams, Java Coffee Cakes, Sultana Fruit Biscuits, Fig Newton.
and nervous diseases of Men. Women
broach Blork. the ebargs uf gunpowrler great in some ptooea that the apUd
Elgin Cream Biscuits. Zu Zu. Jinger Wafers. Butler Thin. Cheese Sandwich. .
and Children. No matter what your
Boi haviqg been exploded, as well aa a limestoDe has beat wltbout breakliig.
ceivlng some nort of an equivalent in disease may be. THERE 18 STILL
huge pistol, a cutlass, s ring and pleceo
Cheese Straws, V^anilla Wafers. Mary Ann, Ginger Gems, Pretzels, Icc<l Coffee
of the Omberi of tbe ship Admiral of Tbe arching of tbe eoutb stale baa pleasure aad comfort for the price of HOPE! Then DO NOT DESPAIR!
Cakes, Sugar Squares, Cream Crisps, Cracknels.
Kloreoce. But tbe main obtoct of the been forced several Inches out of n flfty-oeot ticket, will heartily
bnt consult Dr. McDonald and get
taenoBl dietarmlued aearcb dues not Piaoe^
menl tbe honorable stand taken by the a corraat diagnosis of your disease
VBder ground the damage is even manaesment of tbe great Adam Pore- and feel -assured that the Doctor
greater, tbe groining la the crypt hav­ pinuxh and Salta Brothers enormous knows correctly what ails you. antk if
shows unhed. both In their pablicn- you are curable he will cure
1 BMd wece saU to bav« gooe down
Olives, Snider’s Salad Dressing Dev­
Baked fresh every moniing;. Whole
f toer tn
vrben tbe voasel waa tensive eboring with timber balks. It tions and under their tents, against Those unable to call, write for symp­
■r blowB ap by an eothtislaatlc and re- to thought that Uere wOl have to be the far too ooauaoo and lealenUj deaU tom btonk. Correspoodence strictly
iled Olives, Oyster Cocktail Sauce,. Sni­ Wheat, Graham or Rye.‘Order with
^ vovefal adbecdbt of tbe chief «C tbe a complete underplnnlag of the aontb with swindle, worked by
^ litelaBna of i>imrt caatie. Tbe oearcb Bide of tbe root end with buureeees circus reserve sent system, which vlryour groceries and save all irouble.
Salmon. Pure Horseradish. Mint’ Sauce,
1 wow to for this gold, atal every effort along the walla to prevent balglng iually denrires tbe bolder of n general
^ will ba put forth to wrest It from Ms and collapse aad massive ties to keep
King Oscar Sardines, Clam Chowder, What about flour if you do your own bakTbs BpectolisL
‘ket of anything like
f biding ptoce.
the walls together.
decent chance to catch morb Umn
Pork and Beans, all kinds of prepared ingi We sell the ver>' best. The Su­
dlsUnt glimpse of the performances
Sectol Bervios Institute.
preme, the Marvel and H. L. Co’s ‘'BesL*'
Deafnew Cnanet Be Cured
Great Britain now has An Institute
By kmal appUcntkma. as they cannot
teaab the dlaonaed portion of the ear. of aoctol aerrice. founded upon the
There is oaly one way to euro deaf- same, lioee as tbe American organlxa•ew. aad that to by coasUtnUonal
tkm of tbe same name Lord Meath.
reatodtoa. Deafaeta to a
Professor Bryce. Mrs. Humphrey
laSamed ooodltkm of the
Ever tried our particular bleqd of Breakfast Coffee, Mocha and java? You
When Ward. -Ookmer Lamb of the Balva
lag. of tbe touataobian tube.
this tube to InOamed youi have a rnm- tkm Army aad other well-kaowa per
don’t know what good coffee is until you do. Then we have the the Femdell
bllog aouad or Imporfoct beartag. and
Brand—three grades; each one the best for the money you ever bought. The
when It 1a entirely doeod. deafoew to SOBS oelebiated tbe opening of tbe li­
tbe reaolL and untoaa the ioltomma- brary and oMoee of tbe nev society
’’Park Place Special” has made us many customers. We also carry ten other
Uoa can be taken out and this tube wttb a reception a ftvr days ago. Tbe
reatored to Its normal oondlUoa. bcarbrands—in fact we are the coffee headquarters of
tog will be destroyed forever; nine
caaw out of tan are ennsed by ca­
tarrh. which to nothing bat an in- all foems of social serriee and Indnstrtnl bettennmt ndnpUMe to tbe



lmr« SfaMB agli thni tbw «d net
to be beewn by tbefar American
a. nltBo««k the lettar Bed tbe
aien ef tbrnm PonoM euBB«d to
le work keeir tbet aoctol
.arw Batov IBoeMt <wt nU

m M iwK B miGa





WtebmbuSlMUl Trar BdabU B



lef eoMiNot

Traverse City

P'-'SitwRi MgreiBE, Jaly I5tt


matv Enoiiif, July 24tli,
Tn Dm Oilf.


Dr. McDonald






Dr. Donald McDonald


We vrill ghre Owe Haadred Dollars
•ar aay ease of deafness (oanaed by
qatanb) tbnt eaaBM bn cmwi by nil concerned la the tmproveiaent and
BaOY Oatank Cara. Band for dreo- etovattam of aattoaal life: to pramoto
lars. froe.
P. J. CHSNWf ft OO, Toiodo, O- Che iBitlatloB and devetopoMat of tbe
TBlM^HanT^C^^Ito for eoBsU- of nodal oerrieo. aad to glva aanlotanoe to aU cnsaatoatloBB tbat havo no­
dal alma, to tadUtato oosipaiatJoa bo^
T9V A MOORD want AQk



S8o S£E ODR WOniOW 28o

J. B. Paifc Hcctrlc Co.








Mrs. naah imta MCt Uda
aifik T»m c«g Mml H«#i Kmm# far a triBit at Boyna Ocy
md mn, M. O. CmmI Hmm FtaoM
dnvhter. Mra. Kattoriao FU
M ^raMi Tlri» WMk.
Emmet Arrastnrag IMl ttda raornlag
far atwvMMriis* rlitt «t BummW ORy.
Mn. Kattorine JaRy ato llttla baba
racomod tbiB monlag to tor
9mr. mm4 Mra. Bwgk Kmmedr left ^ Walton JaneCkm aftar sgrailag a few
dv, M0r,>mdd Unu M. D, Cmrni dn days m tto gneat of tor oouMa, Mrs.
•iTMdy tiMra «Bd Rtr. mmd Mn.
I Anderson of
tkoMM Ok vfO «B tlw httur iPMt or
Mrs. Baanel Oagaia of Morthport reftev^ TMNsrAvaflerwMM.tetbe toraed hoow yoatordajr after spewdlag
«mmO «r ■teim's
Mra. M. D. a week la tto tdig.
iMnvl vltlVMMl s imper. pm BMkrMcmts. George Wiaale aad Beaa
aftaraoira. Mr*. Hagk Kmmpdf watt to RHgbta thia raorwiag oa a
vnirmdmpmmrmm-PanamagePnA’ dijr^ IsUog trip..
Mr. aad Mrs. George Hoyt are eatercUMtm. TW dtoe—Ion will to led taloiag Jlr. aad Mrs. T. J. Beodc
kr Mr*. TtoM* Oox of this cHj.
of Graad Baplds.
*«T. M. D. Carrel M ewswurir ef tto
Mr. aad Mrs. J. M. Haggard aad
Bay View Gaaik MeeUa* asMdi
Mias Carrie Mofr of this city are speodMd atoo a aerator ef tto board of iag tto day at Foaeh.
E. A. Plaher of laterlectoa wi
the ettj yesterday..
Andrew Oleoa oC Cadillac Is la the

deto Desa

t or tto Coiw

traf Labor Ualen.
At a raoetiac of tto Oatral Labor
rakie. bold laat eveniBK. tto foUowlac
rnmemn were elected:
preetdent, Joba Deaetriuir.
Vice prwideni, A. T. Brodifcaa.
SMordag aeerelarr. B. M. Paller.
Flaaadal aoeretaiT. Charles Kroapa.
Treasarer. R. L. Thacker.
Trosteee. V. B. Stroag. Ne
Beach. C. H. Ftsber.
MEM West Men on TrsU of Adam
Foespaugh Ovtm.
Oorraalne Bnia. are exeeptionally
bway today aa tto adverlJslBg car of
tto Adam FOrpa^h and Belts Brothers
drcits Is In the city and scrcral teams
are out
the eountry and each
team Is followed by a represenUUre
of pawnee Bill to see that none of the
wIM west bills are covered by the
dreijs bills.
J. A. Montagne has Jnst completed a
handsone Unnacle stand for bis yacht.
Gem. The stand Is of oak and is cnUrely bis workmanship. He has also
manufactared a carriage for the Hfiy, pound cannon. This carriage Is off ma» of
hogany and Is also a flue piece'
work. While Mr. Montague dooont
elalm to be a carpenter he is more than
handy whh tto toots.
H. D. Alley’s valnablo Better dog
dtsapfwared yesterday and eo Car no
tracf of the animal has hem secured.
Friday’s Issue of the Baltitnore
American In Its account of the Internatkmal Christian Endeavor oonvcnilon
gives a large half inoc of the Inierior
of the C. B. Museum, which is beinr;
exhibited In connection with the con­
vention by 11. B. liollpy of this city.
The Saturday issued of the same paper
haa a lengthy write-up of the
with half tone of Mr. Holley.
George Lnrdic will ship a carload of
cherries to Chicago tonight. The
greater part of the rherrlca arc of the
Early Richmond variety.
Clarence Bheffer of BImwood avenue
waa succeaafully surprised last
lag by about a dosen of his friends who
came to help him rclohrate his birth­
day. The evening was spent pleasant­
ly In cooversaiioD and light refreshmenia vrere served.
Mr. and Mra. A. W. Peck are at home
to their friends at Ilf Bast Eighth
The regular meeting td the Congre­
gational todies’ Aid sotiety is post­
poned f«»r two weeks.
Charli's 1UII nnd family arul Mrs. C.
M. Paige of Chicago arc camping at
Birch wood.
Pierce’s Corn llusliors and the Old
Mlmdon team will again meet on the
diamond Sunday afternoon. Ii took
twelve innings to decide the winner at
the last game and the conltat next
Sunday will aaaurcdly be an exciting
one. Both bay boats will run If the
crowd Is too large for the Columbia
to carry.
The work of lading the concrete
■ fouadatkm oa the West Front street
partag begua this nlon.
Dr. J. M. WJIbelm U using a fine
new driving buggy which was built
for him by Vidor Polertyl.
There la a new billy goat In town, a
genuine Angora with as pretty a bunch
^ whiskers as ever grew along the
wayside of the mountain home of
William Goat Thla new Importation
Is today the property erf **Mat’* IMH.
who purcbascid It this morning from
Messrs. Moir and Torabull. the new
taking the trade because
he wanted the slick, smooth lleoeo of
tbs goat to grato hU place of bntlaeaa on South Union street. The newoomer Is ready to meet Oermalae's
billy goat at the greee ta front of tto
Din raeUnraat at any Ume of the day
or Bight
The Good Templars will asoat to­
night In the Golden Bsgie hall.


BHfHtao up yaur homo wRh
pMtofwa. boy at ymir own prion
FOMIng camp atoele. juat tto
thlaf for rMorilnfl. itc.
Tto Boaton Stors.


Ilfm Frmmcm SraiOi LAW Away fa
Maat TaSay.
Tto tnaacal of Mra. Ffawwa Smith,
who paaaad sway at tor berae la Gar•aU towaahip SoaSay aftanoao at
4:m o’efack waa haM thla araralag at
11 o'efadt Barn tto Friemto church at
Loag Lake. Rev. L- B. BfaneO
fletetiag. Tto barfa] took pteca at tto
Lohg LAha ewraidsry and waa


caa Tto 1

I wertr ont and I 4Un*t aee thi
tonmnt tm noon, nnyway. Tto
raoacF^ in K all right my dear, and I
dent want aay reward, 1 know wtai
U ta to lose raoney layeelL Toa caa
pay ray ear fikfo. itoagk. If yaa Bke."
Wtoa thk worthy aoal had deparied tto atatava looked at each other la

aew work la Baplre haOdfag.
Tto Norttoaatora Sfaoxtak Oo.lJtd^
was ttoa orgaataed. OoL V. M. Vowtartanky. a veGrei omoer fat the
parlal gMrfia. aad a great favoriU of
tto csaiYt. was asade rimlrraaa of tto
board of dlraetora. aad
"What caa M rasaaT* exrialraad tto aaother favurlta. raaai
rsi I ■
while Mr. Rossas was laataltod as
"Let ran took at that lettar again." "managiag dlreetor for Siberia aad
aald Mtaa Cbelby.
Sparickfh LRde Deeeptiaa.
Tto next raoralag tto aastataat offleers of tto orgaahatka aat hack
It waa fprile by aecMtat that Cyras maaager rather avoided tto stenog­ to watch the operathms of the^ AarartSparfcia tappaaad to aee tto aaUce la rapher. hot sto caOod to him :
tto ”lmat aad Ffaiad’* cotama.
• "My purse wns reCarnad to me. Mr.
waa la fact, put tarafag tto paper SpaiWn," she said aweetly. T thought
whaa tto addreae cairaht hto eye Tto you would be glad to kaow It"
icred to do bnslacea Is at least Sm.aM
addreas was fl2K WlsUrin mn
Sparfcta colored aad looked nacaally miles square, with a coast llae stretchthird Sat. The reaeoo that Spaikla'b easy. -I am glad ’ be muttered. "You Ing from Paakara river to Bust cape.
patoe haat a little faster was tto fact kaow I told yon It probably would be. SeventyAve per cent ^ of the food,
Chat to had recently called at tXH
le you, rm aure.*
clothiag, amchtaery aad other sapWlataria avenue aad had( there gpeat
plies were to eoase from America, aad
"Toa dooY aak If the
a haV hoar of mlaglad tonaeot aad right" said Mias Chelby.
the promoters and empM haUdors
rcstaay. Torraaat. becaaae to frnag"To to sure." said tto aastataat were glvea the right to balld railroads
J. M. Loagaeeker of DelU. Ohio, aad laed that Mtas Chelby regarded bis manager. "1 dMnX dM 1? I—er—1 and coastract tetegraph liaes through­
A. L. Flack ef TUBa are la tto dty visU la tto light of aa laflictiaa. and forgot, yon know. Whs the money all out the coQBtry.
ecstasy baoaaae It was a privilege to lightr
As soon as the charter was granted,
ThdUag H. B. HolL
Mra. Jessie Pblllhiii baa reiamed to be tmr Miss Cbelby oa aay terms.
."Tee. thaak yoo." said Miss Chelby. the company began operations by es­
Tto pdveriJsemeat aald that a lady’s
Manitowoc nfter n rlstt In tto dty
As soon as Spaihln had retired to tablishing trading posts at Anadir.
porae, eoatalBlag Sfleea dollars la hU room Mias <%elby took a package VlodtnUr. 8L Nicholas and Bast Cope
with frieods nnd relatlvea.
The Mlaaes Gale Griswold aad Sadie cmrency, 1^ been dropped betweea from a drawer In her desk and ad­ and much after the foohlon of the
Prall left Satnrday for Portlaad. where Kelso aad Ogle atreets. oa Drella- dressed It."^ la due course this package Hudson Bay Co^ began n far trade
avenue, and appealed to the find­ wns dtdivered at Soarkln’s bachelor which has from the very first prosthey srlU spend n few days.
Her. Joslah Petmlagton, formcfly of er to return It nad receive a suitable apartments, and jvhea Sparkln opened pcrtNl and floolisbed. Already the
lhl» dty. bat now of TpslUnU. U In reward. The pone was describe
it he found ll cootained a new sealskin revenue from" thcee furs bat amounted
seal leather.'
the dly rislUng.
purse and a note. The note was as to almost tlOO.OOO. and furs ore
•TFell.- exdatoed Sparkln, as be follows:
brought to the company’s sUtions
Mrs. UlUe Bmndage of Ifooor and
ber two little daogtatera. Ethel and rend the advertleement over for the
“Yor conshnnts ort to tell you It Is from a thoarand miles tnisnd. With
Blanche, were passengers on the 11:10 fifth time to be eure be was not mis­ roog tto deaeere. or two trl too deseeve. the estsblishment of the Northeast­
nr not a auxoss as a frord. tbow; ern Siberian Trading Co. the trade In
G. R. A I. while enronte to North Dn- taken. “ll’a her purse, sure enough. Yo or
koU. where they will Join Mr, Brun- Poor little girl! Now. that’s what I soc yough mile sx well give up trying whisky between tbe natives a»d the
call toogti."
too be one. f think yew ment well, so whalers who hitherto droit in fars has
dage. who located thera In April.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Edwards have
He turned It over In his mind again. 1 will forgtv yoo thU wnnoe. but don’t erased, for now a small garrison of
Cossacks, bos b«‘n statkmed along the
gone to Duluth for a two weeks’ trip.
He knew that Mlsa Chelby passed trl ennytblng Ilk this ^gen."
Sparkln gsxcd at the note In stupe­ const to chose away the whisky tradMrs. C. W. Fsost and riUldren have akmg Drelfacourt avenue on her way
returned from n tiro weeks' visit In borne, bficause-^ell. because be had faction.
"If that doesn’t heat—well It beats
DoUced that she did. He knew that
E. Budd of Old Mission was In the she carried a scai4eattor pnrne— anything!" he exclaimed, at lost. as flour, tea. sugar, guns and ammucity today looking after buslocss In­ rather wora and not balky—beeanse "Now how do you suppose she found nitloa.
Besides the fur trade there Is an Im­
one morning he had happened to get
portant trade In walrus ivory, two
on the same car with her, and when
Uncle Sam’s Skilled Woricera.
He learned not long after. And It roasting vessels and a stramcr being
she dipped Into the parse for her car
I^hlnd a screen In the maanscripls fare before he bad a chance to stop may be remarked that the element of employed for'thls purpose. In addi­
niora of the llbrnry{ of congras
her. he also noticed that her gloves torment does not now enter Into his tion to these minor enterprises in
Washington stadlous men may he had been very neatly mendod at the visits to S296 Wistaria avenue.—Chi­ which the natives are being taught so
found poring over records
the past. finger Ups. First and last. Sparkln cago News.
many useful lessons, the company has
A narrow spiral staircase nearby leadi bad noticed a good many things nboot
been prospecting for mineral deposits
to n large room In^the top of the build Miss Chelby. He had had opportuni­
and great expectations are built on
Americans In ftiberis.
Ing flooded with the north light sought ties, for she was a stenographer In the
It Is on American who is dt-v’lop the discovery that the formation In
by nrtlsu. There two men nnd throe offlee of which be was asslsUnt man­ Ing'the northeastern part of Slb«*ris. Siberia is Identical with that at Nome,
women repair manuscrlpfs. Their skill ager.
rooking It a cotrotry which for devel­ Alaska, only 50 miles away, whose
has made it possible to use for pur­
For another thing, he knew that oped sainerol wraith may soon rival gold fields have produced over 92b,poses* of reaaareh aome of the price­
Miss Cbelby’s salary was fifteen dol- oar own Alaska
less old doeumenU that have eoms
During the first srason In the life
His name Is John Roacne. He is the
lari a werit.
Into the possession of the government
brains pnd actlTlty of what might be of Rosenc’s company 126 Ruuian pros­
Mr. Berwick, the chief repairer, was
railed the firm of Rosenc. Romanoff pectors under the leadership of D. W.
detsiled from the gov'cmmcnt printing
A Co., and the czar of oil the Riw- Iveooff. a ItusKlan mining engineer,
offlee. He and his assistants now do her. with that invalid sister to sup^ slos 1^ his partner.
began Investigations In the vicinity of
w'trk like that done in the Vatican. port."
St. tosTcnce bay. They rcpori«*d InThis queer alliance of Russian clesworried
Fomc manuscript repairing Is done In
dlrationH of great bodies of Iron ore.
corprM-New York, but only at Washington much no that he road at least four
ledges of sliver. copj>er and lead, and
ole title. It is known os the North­
and In Rome, so far ns Is known, can columns of Uko paper without having
rich gold deposits both In its free
tto slightest idea what ho was read­ eastern Siberia Co., and It is financed state In the crei'ks and,gulches of
a regular force he found.
by Russionn. hut the managing direc­
The repairers handled nearly 4.000 ing. When be arrived at the offlee be
8ll>erla. and In quartz la the inland
tor is John Rosenc of Alaska
pieces last year, ranging from the per­ intended to go to Miss Chelby and of­
methods arc purely American. The
fect document, requiring little atten­ fer his sympathy for her loss, but
Ijmt summer lOO American pros­
working offleers and emp1o}-cs or
tion beyond flattening, to those which usual he lost his courage at the sight
American. TransiKirtatloo Is done In pectors were taken over Into SIberis
call for extensive Inlaying and re-ca- of her, and It was not until the
American vessels manntMl by Ameri­ to aid in the investigation of the
forcing. The old Virginia records, obmines. The exact result of their visit
can crews.
talncd'ln the Jefferson library and dat­ sufflcicntly to stop at her desk.
has not yet l»een definitely stated, but
Offlclolly, of course, the manage
ing bark to the sevenlceath century,
“I see by the paper that you've been
even greater things are expected from
have lieen iulaid as rapidly as suit­ Unlucky enough to lose some money, ment of the company and the dcvrlop them than were reported by the Rus
ment of Russian territory Is in Rus
able contemporary paper could he ol>- Miss Chelby.” he said, awkwardly.
slon prospectors. Their expedition has
sioa hands and nominally its
talned. One volume Is completed and
at the least resulted In the dlscovcTy
She looked up at him, mith rather
agers and directors arc RiisKian. Operanother Is well in band. The royal
of a coal mine at Baron Korf bay,
a cold expression, be thought, and
atioos which in reality are done |n
\lce-ro)ral decrees obtained from
while near Bast cape, eight miles from
then replied, ’’Yes, I dropped
Seattle are In offlciol theory conducted
Mexico have l>een repaired, mounted purse."
the coast, a mine of liraphlte of the
In 6t. Petersburg. Affairs of the com­
and bound In two volumes, and some
"Oh. well he said, consolingly, "per­ pany arc subjected \o the supervision highest grade has been devclope<l.
volumes of the Jackson, Thornton and
which promises an unlimited supply
haps some honest person haa found it of the Imperial couocil and every
Tarewell papers have bf'cn finished.
and will ankwer your advertisement" ble of the funds must be occotintod of that valuable mineral.
The ancient records from Gnam, se­
Still another enterprise has been set
•Tm afraid not." said Miss Chelby. for to the g«»vcnmient.
cured at the time of our conquest In
on foot by the new company. Next
that island, are fragmentary and have and she sighed a little.
There are. too, other odd features
summer they arc planning to put Into
Sparkln was silent for a moment in connection with this Russo-Amerisnffered from neglect; but there Is
largo salmon plants at five
m)ich of value, especially the order* of and (hen said, in tones of profound con alliance. *Amcrican prospectors
points on the cfsu^t north of Petrothe governor, Don Manuel Muro. 1794- coDvicUon, "1 foci certain that he arc offered, free of charge, as much
pavlovsh. The king salmon, the finest
1800, and certain court records. Hard win."
ground oa they have s mind to
variety. Is found on tho Silrarian coast
ly a paper dated oariier th» 1S60 is
lie was rather absent-minded about for* whether It be a 600-foot mining In gn'Ster abundance than ever known
in good condition. These wll| be taken his work that afternoon, and put In claim or a whole creek or guk-h. the
on the American roost, and while the
only condition being that they show
in hand by Mr. Berwick’s force as a good deal of time scribbling <
demand for canned salmon is Increas­
as the Virginia records are com­ Mock of paper In a slow and painful their financial ability to develop the ing in every enuntrj- on tbe globe, the
manner, afterward tearing up what-be claim for which they apply. Moreover, supply in America Is rapidly dimin­
In doclOring those old manuscripts, had written Into Infinitesimally small the Northeastern Siliorian Co. is not
ishing. With workmen who are ooUseach one requires a special prescrip­ pieces and scattetiag them Into the attempting to monopolize for itself all
flod with 20 rents per day—for these
tion. although the general treatment srastopaper basket The last page, the profits to be gained In Siberia. are the wage* that the company pays
is the same. The manuscript is first however, he folded carefully and pat The plan Is to give charters to firms
the natives—It Is probable that the
dampened gently so that crosses and In bis breast pocket
and individuals. American or Russian,
Northeastern Siberian Co.. Ud.. will
turned edges may bo smoothed. No
That evening n meraenger boy rang for oil kinds of enterprises.
moke a auccess in the salmon packing
crease can to disturbed which was un­ at the door of the third fiat of Bin
It was the discovery of gold in the business.
noticed by the writer, lest legibility Wistaria aveaue aad delivered a pack Klondike and the development of the
The enterprising American at the
to sarrtflccd. The manuscript is then age addressed simply "Advertiser." rich mines in Alaska that set
dried betwt'cn boards and aubmlttcd Miss Chelby signed the book and then mind of Czar Nicholas working. He head of this great company. John Roto heavy pressure to prevent the reap­ opened the package, dlsdoaiag a new felt sure that If fabulous wealth were aenc. is president of the Nonh.western
pearance of the original roughness. seal-leather parse. alsMist tdeoUeally hidden In the cold, frozen north of Commercial company of Seattle. Up
Where the quality of Ink will not al­ like the oae she had lost and a note Alaska, and .If the beaches la that to the time when he Created this com­
pany his success wa^ not rrmorkabie.
low the manuscript to be dampened, la a cramped handwriting: '
country were rich la gold, tlmllor He waa born In Illinois, began life
pressure alone perforins the service.
"Dere Mann—I seen yor ad and I treasures could bo foudd In Siberia, without a cenL worked for small
felt my exmshanU hht mo. because I wl^lch Is only U mllra away. At any wagra In a Ismber camp and various
foend yor munay and I throwed avray rat^ there were the fiahertra, the mmaufacturing haslaraa, aad tried a
the pirn, aoae no won wod find It oot furs or the seals, the Ivory oC the wml- grocery store in Philadelphia. FallTHE MARKETS.
8o Russia ae^to work to develop lag la this, be went out west In the
and 1 spent the mhnny. So wen I
yor ad ml conshnnts maid me bl yon Stb^ aad the osar watetod anx- hope of better lock and at the first
East Buffnlo, July 11.—CntUc—Blow,
a pin like It tod pay back the mimay. tonaly while hta aahJecU. sought to Alaska eraxe wandered as for aa 8esteady to easy. Veals aad calves—
make the land fruItfuL Realising at atUe. There to MI In with J; D.
Trade fair at qnarter lower. Sheep I hope thU will malk It all right"
Mias Cbelby opened^ the "pirs." It Jast that their sooceaa was smrll. tto Trenbolm, engaged him In conversa­
and lambe-Modernte trade, firm. Hogs
ooatalned three new five dtdlar bills. imperial prospector called 1* aome tion and dlacuarad tbe possibilltlra of
She went In to the invalid sister with EngUshmea, granted them special the Aloaka trade The rraalt was a
Detroit, Mlcb., July 11.—Wheat—
the news, and the two wept tears of privileges and favors, aad oaoe more partnership and the chartering oC a
July. tlHe: No. l red, Me; Na 9 con.
Their tears wars not yet dried awaited’ a succesafal tasae. Bat tto steamer, from which small hegtnnfag
COc; Na S white oala. SSlic.
Ishmen failed to do math aaice- grew tto Northwestern Commercial
whrai there was anoCbor ring at tto
Toledo, O, July 11.—Wheat—Cash.
ben aad It was opeoad to aa elderly thaa to exploit their eharter oa the Oo;, which, startlag In 109 with a cap­
fTc; ialy. 90%e; September. »%c.
Loadoa atoek exchange.
womaa of respectabla appoaraaea.
ital «r 90.09. hmm now rasonrora of
Cbloago. Jaly ll.—Wheat—Joly,
"Old yon loae a pnrae with fiftnea
At Ihta Janelara John Roaene of 92.00.000 and a aarplas of $20,000. It
90%e: Sepismbar. tae. Oon-Wiily.
W%e; Septamber. We. OataWnly. d^laxa la it on DraRaeoart ayeaner* Seattle. preeMeat of the Notthwaat- was Us sneoaas la Ataaka which a»-;
asked tto visitor.
era Ooauserelal Oo„ which operatra cured him his great nppoitantty la «Mias Otolfar M>to. -Whf, yaa." Itoe or fiaa ateamahHa frora Brattle
t-an opfortaattF whleh pramtara
Bhesald. "Botl—"
to Alaakaa porta aad dora a •Htaral
"My little boy fonnd It pad bronght mereaatUe ^ and lumber tortara.
tofat to ae." aald tto woman, with at Moara aad Trttor« caraa to tto raa-

.-mLov-jf i.

i:.- . •

V. -




Rsimwptttathrr Galweo. of
has a yowag MmA In Mwsiihis wta
has nabaxksd In <to firtd of dtaprmdag
l>i!hi and pottasBi. One day not long
aim tto wprraratative was ta MraaphK anf was raVrd on by tto ywang
"1 suppsoc yon kaosr that 1 am mntirciy Ofutagrd In my profesotoa, Mr.
Galaesr ssld tto yoafaK M. D.

; cn the laxity of tto
sf mra of bastoraa nnd
tenre In Atortary pnob
me way i
pR baa bora praaeWag sarh oeriooM
tram tiara ImtarasortsL Saaday atter
Snadoy. and fatae trnstraa have Ustaned to them wrtthmit ffinrhlag.
lira ooly fw»e will be ta the prse^
tlcal .applkwtloii-that Js, in sradlng
raura of theoe false trustees fa Stag*

"Saw It In tbe popersT*

tlrao tto aecfwiry refonn Vm be"K'tot did It sayr
gfa. mad not till thra.—New Toik Saa.
"As weU as 1 ran rrmemher, Tbere
Mtas Nsa Gaines left faday for CadOwere oevraty Intmnrwts lost month
otw tto month prrv loan*l»hllndrt. tac where ohe wlU make a abort vIsK
phU Ledger.
with frienda boforo proceeding to De­
troit tor on extended stay.
Now England Snow.
and €Sc acRligM ahirU Cor.... .Me
"I waa stopping with my Uncle EoM
ap In tbe aKwnioios of Vermont one I1.W shifts al............ ......................... Mb
UamUioa eiolhtag On.
winter obont five years ago." said a
cltlsra of Boston, "and along about July* If
tbe first of December we hod m snow­
fall of over 20 tnchor. I spoke about
it. but Uncle Zeb looked at me in a
funny wwy. and repUed:
" ’Yra. there are a Tew flakes
around, but you wait awhile."
"The fall nos gradnoRy added to
ifatM about the firat of the year we
had three feeL Then I remarked that
it was pretty gtiod sleighing, but Un­
cle Zeb turned np his nose and re-

HAVE TOUR boy or girt take les­
sons la pcnmsBship by a real peamsaship teartrar at Traverse City BasSaesa
GRAND BALL at Silver Inn. Sllror
Lake Rcoort, Friday evening. July 14.
Holm’s flvoitlece orchestra.
. mtn-rtnr



“ ’Yes. a sled might possibly scrape
I desire to slate that 1 do not now
along, but I shan’t get mine out yet.’ furnish brrad to I’aync’s restaurant.
"On the 10th of January It began A full supply may bo found at J. W.
snowlnf^and kept It up for four days. Joekson's confectk»nery store. Front
The fences were Matted out of sight, j street.
Trimble’* Bakery,
and one side of the farm house was 1 July lOAt
completely hidden. As near os I could
measure It w& had seven f«*t of snow $1.60 shirts......................................
i>n the level. It wm* still falling when $r.25 shirts ........................ ..'..f1 AO
Uncle Zeb monogt'd to plow hl» way j
Ifandmmu goods. .
In from the barn, and after shaking a
Hamilton Ciotblng Co.
cart-load of snow off his person he July €-tf
called out to Aunt Mirondy:
"’I declare, Mandy. If this storm
keeps up for two or three days more
I really believe we shall havu a run

of sleighin’!’
oakisbaanuUl 10s. is.sBd 7
"•Wall, mcblra so." ahe replied In
dubious 'tones, ’but don’t you go to
dependin’ on It loo much I”’—Ex­

sa w. A. FAsxswtwni

WAN-r JKom
Too Lst* tor CUnfaMtoa.
LOST—English setter dog, while and
black. I.ll>eral reward for Informa­
tion leading to lUs recovery. No
questions asked. Address H. D. Al­
ley. Traverse City. Mlc-h. July 11-.*U
WANTED—Cook to work in restau­
rant. r. Rurdeii. 264 Front strinM.
July 11-31
LOST—Saturday afli-riHHUi on Fn»nt
stnft or In »«ime nlon-. gn*en enamel
clover |iln. Reward if reiurm>d to
Record office.
July ll-Ct

jrsday, .
to 12 o’clocK i
my room. No. 74, at the Park
Place annex, and will sell the
renvainder of my private furni­
ture and belongings. Will meet
anyone Interested in the main
hall of the annex. Its an excel­
lent opportunity to ofcure some
choice articles.

to go bare handed when
you can buy a -good pair
of Canvas Gloves for

ONLY A NICKIE our price for
next Saturday. July 15th.
Remember we sell but
three (JJ) pair to any one
customer at this price.

Choe. Rosenthal.
July ti-2t


Ualucs Cbat Calk..
Women know that our sales are coRdjictcd
\ bona
a on
fide principles
, nciples jand the absolute assuran cc is felt
that e
everything wc stale is backed up by the n
ndise, *
SILKS—A few dress patterns left of Toulard silk.
Printed India Silk and Swivel Taffeta, QQ/h
worth $1.00, 75c and 50c, to close............
Choice of all our Plain and Changeable Taf- flpxfi
feta Silks, 75c and a5c values, at............. ..
Yard wide Black Taffeta Silk, positively worth QQf%
$1.25, Preinventory Sale Price,.......................
G^uine Pongee and Rajah Silk, worth $1.25,
Genuine Bargains in Every Department
Make this store your hcadguarteri when you come to
town to \'lsit the wild West Show





«a« Ttr«»mn CMy'h ton* aensw
rbyOtommu «e addbtb waa •
wrcMfal aad DncroU made tme near*
to tbn rtoth.
The Itoawfi was:
FWk Upa.

• 9m
€ .

lev op


tagtos ......rf....................Olbana

hadc seven
The near* by torinss waa:


n. B u.........4 itti »ssi-ia
Pick Upa.............S ® • S 0 d 1 O S- 1

Trwef** City F»»l«d t. Sr®r; UirtU
Che SevMith Inning. OlbMfl
••lAg the Man to
CM Over.


’ H«l
wicb ilM'lr ebowlhf lo
tlite cOff ll*r IViMf IUieliM»» OBiwr
gfir i«*« el«Trd in tb»* r\tr jrontowUy
m iiick^p M on «b.
nerlum «ro«|ide by • ncoti- of ico to
8ttH«7 fdicCiod • felrly piiod ipunr
lor tb« Ih^nilt. lio>«. eirlklnr out
•eTco mMi ^ IvUinK two walk on
fanlle. Bnk«r 4««KMiatmiod bln ability
to tb« box bjr etrlklni <iui ten moo
•ad oaiyr iHtInK two a-alk.
Pncffl wMit to tiai for Eb troH and
eraa |Mi( <Mt on first baac^ while the
aext man. IfcBwan made kom) on ftret
and stole as tor aa third where be era*
iweil to the bench. Smiley wae on llral
avbea Axt rame to Ut. Axt aent a
Uoer to elinrt but Bhreolientcf wa>
there and Axt waa out. Novotny
dropped a third etrihe and made e
wild thftm to find which lot the run
I»aUTeon. down to mjcond
Thie hrouicht smlUy and McKwan In
MMIcr took hie iia»«’ on liall# and Orr
aaey pal une over eecoad baBcman'e
bead aafi made fiiwt. I*atrrwon and
Miner aonn*d and Irwin bunti*d a short
CnMa4rr to idtchrr and waa put out
ua ibwt. i
Wclah waa the flrwt man to hat for
Traverse City and si nick out and
linker followtnl suit. Novak biintod
and i«H to eceond on errors. Ebrenbentvr walked. Novotny cy^r to bat.
Novak tried in steal tbini and was
caodl'4. Side out.
Tb'* second Inninc saw DeiroU Crosi
borne plate iwlfHj an/1 addtvl anotber
tpamo egx to the home score. In the
third , anil fourth nellher sbU* wHired
and the fifth saw one mon* addl'd to
Drtruit's total.
IfcEwan and Hmlley Kron-d, In tlic
sixth while Lrklnatiil ratersou fanm'd.
WirenberRpr pot aa far aa aorond but
lb# plteher was quick and he
oauftit off the base. The seventh In-


Men Spear Pntatoaa and
FoM Sail Tactics Am Unad to
Knep Hhn From Tallyinp. *
Accordtnic to Mark Cmw. who wll
aeaiad it .played by western experU In
Grand Rapids recently, the new game
7f ebyoso Is very Intoreallag and w
The game Is played *m borseback
la a circular arena. In the ocster of
(be field U roped
a diamond shaped
space la which the jndgea yid oBciali
From tbp diamupd to the fonoo art
two "dead llnok" a few yards apart.
The spare endoiied by those Horn b
n sort of refuge aad the rider Is free
from attack when between the lines.
Near one line and between the two 1»
s tub of potatoes and near the other Is
a pall for each boraeman. Bvery
player la armed wUb a long laace and
slatkmed at a rtall. At a algnai the
riders start from their atatlons. dreJe
the diamond aad each spears a potato
from the tub. As long aa he la be­
tween the two "dead lines" be la free
from attack but in order to reach his
pall lie musTagmlD circle Ihc diamond
and the Instant the tine Is crossed
the fun begins. The rider Is attacked
with lances, his horse cjwwdad to the
ftmee and everything done to hinder
him from placing the potato In bis pall.
The game is played lo three periods of
flfUH-n minutes eneb and mounts
changed during each Interrolsaion.
Rumrilinos sides an* chosi-n and in
In .ml .win <.v«y m.n p..„
for himself. The side or p^«*r having
Iho moat i*otatw« at the end of the
game Is the winner.


Mae myattonl religions rite na yoe
haar him atagtog his dhcctiDaa to himLast wrentog Mlsa Bdaa Holmes M
aeir while preparing hto vnriona ffpm.
or twtotiagnronnd kda etoth the knots 210 Bast Ttoth s«i«d gwe g torewoR
and wreaths ef thread that are to party tor her waaetoa. Harry aMI .
The hoautlfal tree, the knam. whtoh
shtoto U to apou from the dye and Whiter Whhh. «( Hffiagham.
M^Htaa thewto. la am j
■nlltwnS Tbad tod ton «toaM Cam
prodnee the wenderfM pettern of his erV tetaru hoasf tomorrow slier a
the smith aad aouthweatom paria of
Borpltmgceln short tMR to the city at the Hobaaa
dienm after a i
Cato^ Kbn Snraw af tbn
Ito Rowers and fndL la
rtoHrana. A laaaiiar of caioyabie
Umdlffereat cotora.
cotor. are rgeal to comL ilu tndt la a
aafi deUeioes ve.
-The beantM laoa dye to made of gata were
iwd bean, with a htoek spot to tlm midmyriads of nilnote toaects and aercr fmhmeau of Ice creom aad eakee
Alma. MWa. Jaly. 11—Whbto the dio of It. which Is
aecved by toe h0Meaa. Abont
The printing of silks and eotteat few days abowl a donna caans nf capsnto of a woody asuwe, tough aad
lons by means ef hand btocha Is an­ twmity yooag people ware preacsit aad
:ypMd fever have been rc^oitad lo hard. This bdaa has been used aa a
other Indian tadnatry. pcodactog prtata aH had a amet deMghtlal tlaie.
weight for geld, whore that metal Is
this city.
ariiatloaUy anperior to any machine
Every patSeat waa preaeat at the found, all over ACriea: 11 b called
printing. While the men do this ex­
¥tom Africa it passed to India,
NBmeaeemoat baaqoei at Alma col
quisite wearing and cokwlag. the dabaad thaie R name to he the weight of
lege two woeka preetona.
Hoars tor apatokUag lawaa are f rota
oraie aad much admired embholdcrlc*
TViday traporis hare some from atn- ptwetoas otoneo; ao we hear It spoken
S to t A ak aad from fito 0 p. ax. At
of India are the work of women. The
denta alt over the state wrlm bare of gold or diamoods that they are of
ao tlam oaa water be used wtthout
designs and slitchce are handed down
»many "oareta" fine or weight
oome demm wltb ibe dlaeaae.
Bossle or sprinkler attached. Oa aeae a precloat heritage from mother
8om of thoee who nmnt lo the
count of the great amoaat «€ water
A gorerament report from Oeiambla
danghter. aad the expert can easily
northem roaorto for the oomtow ai
mmtoliia a deeeriptlan of a tree, known
used during the day tor maanbetur.
tell where each product halls tfom.
oow qnargnUned to hoapHato there.
Ing and other porpoeea aeDeasary ruloe
m the chapnrro. which groirs on the
-This la especially the case with rePhynlciaaB heitore thM the gnrms vast idalni of Oolombb and the north
_ _____for sprinkling lawns must be cathe Phekarri psUerna wbirh
wem ooocenled to the lee ersnm that of Sonth America, called savaanas, ex­
form ^ of Ihe bddd outfit andil®*^
U. O. JoyaL 8apL .
was aerved at the awinni dinaer at tensive districts which are parched
dowry of the Hindoo woman. TheiJ“®«-“
whlefa nearly leo Btodeota and friends with heat except daring the rainy son
silken pettlcoaU of the RhJ-pnU are'
were preactn.
aoa. It has long been the custom tc
often need la decorative arrange­
Two Princeton men. wlin Imre there, clear the grouitd lor the new vogcU
ments. The metal-wrought wmden fab­
we nnnng the vieflMB. end one ef the 4to« which aprtoga up «o luxurtanUy
(The Hubbard System.)
rics shown are used as Uble spreads
rollege profMaora and the wife and oh tb<we plalas after the rainy aeaaon.
A arientifle treatment for all kinds
or saddle covers, aad the refined gold
daughters are dangermaty UL
by amans of fire—and such fires, miles
used in them Is untarnlahahle. The of ailmcnta that other means toll to
to exteoL Uadled by the herdamen,
Makes w**k fK'ople atroog, desabdaed aad blcadod ct^oriag of those
dMtmy overythteg to the shape of
texUles makes them invaluable for vrlopes thin, shrunken mnsdt's. nv
rqgeUtloa except the chaparro tree,
harmonixlng stronger tlnu In dewra- alnros health to every dlsoased part of
which aonrlves to afford a weldDB
Wrinkle* removed. Fat.
tlon."—Detroit Tribune.
gtecfchMdem ef the Msnlatlqoe. MaA shade In an almost trrelMs region
folks rednceil. Free examination*.
gnetto and Nertbem Have Come
Treating parior* over JohnsoA's
It Is a small tree, seldom growing
TrlnldM WtoK Lake.
r to an ApreemenL
drug store- Prof. W. F. Hubbard.
to more .than » feet In height, with
The Hand Made Laeee of India.
One of the most singular lakes In Traverse City. Mich.
July ll-Sl*
a girth'of about three feet and
The hand-woven, hand-dyed ai
the world U tbo celebrated pitch lake
OrAad Rapids. Mich,. Jaty 11.- Us protectioo from fire to the nature band-embroidered laces of India arc
of the Island of Trinidad. This lake
After two poetponemenu the etock
Its bafd. thick bark. The hark lies revelation of decorative posaibllliie»
11.50 shirts
apreads over aa area of nlnetymlne
holder! at the ManUtique. Marquette on the trpnk In loose Isyers. which do dear to the heart <rf the arttSL
12.25 shirts
............................flAO ,
k Northern Railroad compaar amt In aot readily coiulaet heat to the more Hindoo weaver may be illUernte and acres, and Its surface Is composed of
Handanmo goods.
the offioas of the auditor of Ihe Grand delicate parts of the slrnctnre. It is stupid to ereothlttg dee, but in Uu one groat floating mass of asphaltum.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Rapids k Indiana Railway eompany a general Idea among the naUvea that matter of lace maMng be is an expert seamed with veins of eloar water. July C-tf
From It and a similar lake in Veneyasterday afternoon pursuant to
this tree grows only whw gold is whose work Is not to be euocotsfully
call of R. R. Metbeany and D. W. abundant in the soil l*clow.‘ That U Is Imitated by any machine-made textile. tuela the world's supply of asphalt Is
Dry. Hard and fioR Wood. Sooth Slda
Kaufman. . It was the purpose origi common In auriferoos districts Is In- At the world's fair ibere were shown drawn.
The pitch lake Is a vile place,
nally to doct a board of directors of dlsputaldc. but there Is no ground for samples of this work that were almpl.v
five members, and the call waa lasued supposing that It docs not grow else­ marvelous. A writer who waa care far as smells are concerne<l, fi>r the
as the proMOt dlrootora and aecretmry where.
fully viewing these laces in all their
vapors, and from the center ^ 'the
of the eompnny bad refined to call a
It la said of Ihe mangrove tree, subtle coloring, aara that "the eye of
meeting. The exIsUng caodltlont and which la common In the tropics, lining the trained critlca finds an Individual­ lake gushes a founi'-.ln of liquid as­
the dlfforencoa of cplalon regarding the banks r»f rivers and extending over ity and a soft blending of colors and phaltum. In which there float and
tho management of the road waa vast tracts, that It appears to
de­ weird designs In the band-wrought
talked orer. It being finally docldod
signed to carry out a apodal object fabrics which no machinery can dupll ble gases.
ponnU the old directors to remain'In in nature, that of reclaiming swampy
The workmen go out on the surface
office and thep resent management
•The Indian weaver and dyer live* of this lake and cut great slabs of
ground In I ho nelghltorhood of rivers,
especially gt their outfalls to the sea: whore human life and la!x>r arc most phaltum. which are carried away Hut
Mr. Metheany. one of thoae signing U extends orer vast swmmjw. thi owing suporabundani and cheap, and time at the next morning the hole they left
the call, slated that In all probability mimiierTesa Intertwining nnd rarolfy- most valueless. He is an Illiterate filled up again with a pitch which ha*
the questions at issue would be arnica
Into the water and mud. j man; and all the. rules of his art. all risen during the night, so tbst the
bly adjuatcil and at the proper tlmei eomewhat after the manner of the j the minutiae of web and woof, all the supply se^-ms to be inexhaustible.
This curious lake was dlw«*ver»-d by
banyan. Tliese root* mat and blend { »ecrel« << his dye pots, all the forSir Walter Raleigh when he landt-d In
Inc «"xK>r funUnr the vegetable cUdtrli: together, and j roulai- for his fabrics and design* are
on bis way to
ihu* prevent its l»elitg carrlod off to'oral traditions memorixed and repeat- Trinidad in l.'i!to
The road has a trackage of fifty- tbo Koa. Again, lo facilitate the for-j od In a monolooou* aing-song as he! mouth of the Orinoco in search of. El
throe miles, running between Mania matkm of a dense mass of strong vog ! perform* the prescribed manipulation* j Dorado.—Exchange.


of^ aijhj^ columc
alumni sAnqurr.


of loeamMlwi. with wtoga to ty mmj
or buoyancy to unable them to tat
on the suifnea cC the water, ns Is the
arRh-mout flanU. are ao eonBtntoted that bsfbro leartog the
branch they begto to grow. Unowtog
out a Umm, Mont radleie nr Up^ooL
I eight or nine Ineta to le^th
and aa thick aa one's fiager. and thas
falHag from the tree aa self-plaBted,
Thers to a tree in Jamaica called
le guango. It Is not Inaptly called
the fodder tree. The shadow which
this tree enste to elwi^ lecked ertth
sensUne. and ao the grass can grow
eadcr IL lU leaves dose rigidly at
alghL and ao the dew can depoaU un­
der Its hrnnehes. thus helping the
growth of the gmss. Its frnlt has
aouiisklag aad fattaitag propertlea.
aad U eaten with avldUy by cattle.
As feat aa It ripens It grnelonsly tolls
off for thHr benefit.
le oae of the Canaries naivher
prlngi nor rtrere are found, but by
« wonderful prorlaloa at aatnre timee
grows In some of the deep rcreeare of
the mounulna a large, tall tree, called
with veneration, the **8aint." It keeps
Ua lofty head all sight wrapped la
roUt aad donda. from whldi It die
penaes Its tiavdy. aeverceaatog rnola
lure In tittle rivuiOU. ranatog merrily
down from the leavea. SamU r
voir* are boiU for the ■ porpoee at
catching the precious gift, aad that
alon^ the laiand Is made a fit dwelling
place for man.—Detroit Free Press.



"Hew Idea
^fikSHiOM Sheer



HrstOneoftlHiSnsoii. flnit One in America. One You All Uie. Don’t Wail!
ishito SS0 Cntsan of tbo CED MCN
lllBOtratod by ThesHelveo.



(M a Magnitude Maslodouic beyond Conception

Tk» fl»// WiU W*tt tmItffnM TtniDj

CfMfimHf ih* Oulf On t» ¥mt Tkit Uetm.

For 20 yr.-ir* cinting the admiration of the whole ovili/ctl nation,

raliM Winton, Snuvt. hwntw.

aUve tMers with Natiro Steed*
•f Every Esrsflcaa Eoacatrlaa Katies.


in Rffrofotiam Tkmt Ckmlhugu Comparina, Wkara MagoHaia it, Rs/ssrf ConetpVtm, os# Whart Mtrii
Hat (Baa Hr it m RtpaHtioa that Mtkt far it tkt LtaHk kf iU Ehrmting Amanmtnit.
The Very Ilraln-Raeking l>TP*m» of Santoa Dumont Materialiacil Kve® Beyond Hi* Mnal Sanguine Antidpabuua

’/ msTORic^w


i West



NoChlnc like. It aver toon before and i.n»bsWy nothing like tt will ever be seen again.


tr^i<hr r J



(ytizllH mituryRoritwsb;
OetoobsKoto of tbo Arvias
, sTtbo Wortd.____ _


'^Tkt fflvlM lotaad." CoyMs
Natiro Hsroomoo fooa ffia

Frisco LW PSM Cavalry Inm tN Stopses M tsosla.
e 1 ga> Mr* and Woomb eoUeeVed Ciaa eoeh quarlc *af tlwciobr that I
er dared to That.
HtrBtf StertB WUH Cmmth-Htrit tf tkt Hcatrek of tkt Pltia,
Pttit. tkt
H Jsffah, Birtet from Pamott BHft CiHktmm BaffUo Ranek-- .
Tkt Lorgttt it tkt BftrU.


THE WILD WEST With ito Plainsmen, Imliana. Chiefs and their Folk)ircr». Cowbo>'B, Oowgirb. Scoato, Btom ho Bnstors.
THE GREAT FAR.BAST Bespicodent in Oriental Splendor, with Arabs,
RoMiim Oossaoks, Japanrao, Oannibals. East Indians. EfnrpUans.
KinimleMk Hindoos, Rlipinos, Boon and StTanRO Pi«iJo from
Every SocUon of the tropical Climtai. . ,

DOORS OPEN: Deoraeptpnt 1 *»d 7 p. m. to thaPooxT^-of all aaU.uw. _


Excursions on All Railroad Lines.


Rimins 6tM Arffit,

equestrian EXBlBltlOM

Urcest Traope Erer BroneOt
to America.

Over a Mile bt Magnificent Street Parade Starts at 10 o’clock a. m.


■cwBU RK cnma
TlMr* l« » tew
rjrte of •
tl.raan «M
vlfiKMi tte BO—t «r kiB pvMU or
gmrdlaa. so4 » »nr—it hm
itortoi to oactoo tko OMeitoo
Uglamum pooMMUftf ft mmm mm m
pvm muTfiggmtUmm toft rwmnm il
Ms dtfMfftft. flftpftftrtftto of toft MB
arc rftftftU too ftfu—t toftt ft t« o
pom niSft toto womX w«rt koto w«f«.


A ftOftoW Of ««r eooftuy «»ek
oktoftJtfft toft toto of **7ooar
iMtoc kora to tJMir tovu toftt ooOk.
W* ftftVftr kftftDf of tofts b«4ac bora
4m vU^ IftkftWfttftg Rftrtftv.
•tatftftft MUM rroai JisBlaittK. two
toflto bark fraa ib« ikorM «f L*kft
•■Pftrtpr. to ft ftftftotoft Roaaftft
•Btft kftt. It woB born ftftf to takftb>
ftftO bjr Mfttto Hiftfou, ft poUflcftl «<»gom. U« to ft BtoB of iBor* t^
ftftfT odocftlfoo to bto sftUr* toai
ftftft to qoltft coovoTtoat i
Tkft kftt to ftboat tea fftfti aontor*. k>Cfttftd OB toft banks at a clftftr. eold
innii str«a» to to* 6mm forfat
pol«« oftra ao up moo aagto of akoftt
n dacrofts asl torg«r OD«ft^ placed
ftrottftd. Mom ead dirt to ftftftd to 111
tft. ftklto beatkick bark ooreni toe
The Intorkir to llftftd vltk
kirrb bark sad to ftftt uaftttraetiTC.
Tbf store vklftk vanas tb« knt Is
aude inm oaooto stoaftB onoogod
rrft<*»bl« a beep of rock. Uadoraafttb
to a place to balU a tre« aad to*
aaxike tads lU moj tbroi^h tko ccftv<
fcM Into toft kftt. toaaoe oot Uiwtob
ft boto la thft aide of tt>« Htof. Oace
koftted tkrouck. toft pile of roto arlU
keep tbft rooft| warai for ftBaajr bo«ra.
Aft (Jpablftg la oae aldft fonos a place
tg ftotraacft. A pfto of toorea. boogks
aad atraftr to caie coraer to Matto's
bed: In front of tbft b«t to • ahad
/ toftdft from four potoa, lasbftd topetoftc
aad corered wltk btoek bark Tkto to
bto paatrjr aad kUoken. l^oca. abooi
three feet la dlaatotftft. are out fo«r
foci In toagtb, bftftra ont. cet oa epd
aad oorftiftd arUb barb,, ta toftso are
kept provtotaaa. Tkft oookiog uUaftlto
ar» kaaiiBftred mt of old atovepipv
plocflft of Un pallA «tc. Ftor a Urtoa
Mfttto huaU aad iabat. aad wbeo
there to aotblq^ etoft to do works to
•ooift noarbir lunbor caatp, k«t oolf
for a abort tUa*. la ooavaraaUoa be
to verjr latertaUac. aad eaa iwlate
maair wooderful faeu ooocernlox bis
native eoiuitnr. TtoiriaU ftoaroelj
ever visit Matto, as ao oae but a ‘*Iua>
ber lack** or "river bac" eaa cet to
toe bet.
A lamp poat has beea renioved from
the ctinier of Mapla aveau* and Bates
\tln<el aad the bole left la the ground.
Mum# asaa will go akmg there aome
oTgbt aad.put bto foot ta It. Then
he’ll get mad aad pull the bol« up aad
Juat Ukft aa Dot It will be found
aKHftlag OB toe eouncU room steps,
wktoft the dtp dads can take oare of
tbeir dangeroOs pnipertp.—Binningbam Srctmtiir..
’ A Mlrblgaa Central paaaenger train
wna Jns( readp to pull ont of tola aulion toe
daj when the oooductor
saw a lady eamlng aa fast aa sbe
old towaiMs toe train. Being an aci be waited for her.
aKbcg|gh b*toI Itrain was alreadp late.
Ikit abe oolj wanted to ktoe a depart
Ing lady frtomd farewell aad toe dieguetod oaadador wa%t>d to the engi
n^r to go ahead without waiting for
the oaculatlon to be oompletod.—Has­
ting Herahl.
Jeese Jamea. of MapvlUe. to erorking
for too Amertcan Kspreaa Oo. Al>uut
twootp-five pears ago ibe more famous
bearer of the name Was making things
migbtp Interesting lor anutber express
• Boipe of our asbermen go to
labftft wHb great faith In tbelr ability
to catch a loag string of lUh. They
manage to get rid of the luncheon anv
moat of the bait, but when their wives
look. Into tbelr Ash pails when tbcp
get borne, then the looH of disappoim
nient eqaalk that of our neighbor
acroas the way. Dr. Conklin, who has
Just returned from an eastern iHp.
When In Boatoa 1^ vtslled the nary
yard and saw aome Jelly
ming about. They kioked pretty and
were so dlleront /nan anything we
have here. T%ft doctor admired them
aad coochtdftd that be would like

hi# dae wtoto I fiver Iv kaaiail^
'jgMr at aag ram. aad aa ba threw toNBtqd aa h» BMwd her af her toil.
‘kb teat appto at tor tent kta to
I debt waat to.fkft daaad toe totmetow by naytor
Taa are mtot It 1 ^ tor It! Cam
\ *Tm ggpm to tow Joel a ampetee
party, and yea Jaac tewd nght to yagr
N« oae tatectorad. riam Cbete WB!lmalnaaa. aaaae aa aaaaL 1 toaa’t tttm down m the yo«Mat Pvcftkaaa.
•hraak ifa haart ar cefppto Urn fto Itfb. toey were a dltoQr let. wib kaato* aad
ibat bWa get to toe tka mark ar Jump kndaaa to toadte
oadte iaad aaattov aad to<~ V* 's»'t s. aw» ■'
rail faocea."
I rarmer iabnaoe v^a atow'golag
ftortteftt. Mk to ckarisB a iftW
iman who never pgxa/rop la poUtl^
head akowod above ^ta^aaa.
lave or actaol dtetrlrt dteputea. aad ha
**Kow yau are what poa'va daaer
BAfBOiMlk aoa ftg Farmer was left oat cd the caaapiracy. Bte waited Mm Jtonoaa aa ake gat ap aad
nags aad tweaty-Ave yeara wife. Aarah. catered toto tke matter toeed bar rtaitlng brotofc-tataw.
wttk a good deal of naal, hosrerar. and
-What bare 1 daaer ba naked aa ba
add, had kaaa coorttof BKtJ tbraa ar tour dgya totar there waa aa
teoaened tala necktie and gave kte Ad­
Jidmton, dao^tar af Faraacr arrlml
am’s apple fair play.
>akagaa aad a^y a yaar jornogm. tm
-Joel baa turned pirate bad carrlad
Almaat tkiaa yeara<-toat la, be had
Betty off to aea."
tty aa *ikoae Paokktoa
takaa bar to toe drcaa aad epcOtag
-Don’t you belirre it Be’a carrying
■toMit oai hatoiaA beea. aad ba had baya.- Tba youageat waa elgbtaaa ber do«-n to tbe Coraeri to marry tor.
aafpd at the tantoooae Aaaday aad aad toe eMaat twaaty-tonr. and tbe okand aat aa toa Ject sraa to make loci Haatlaga Jealadtoftf a ekair
kla fata oos. Batty had bar aam>ichma and deftlrad to be loyal, but tbe fow mea and
arvoad aad appgm ot tka waathar t matber teagaad agatoin ber were too
aat toe cyopa. '^kare waa aa doabt ■mmg Abe rode oat with WUL Pkto
Amt Jaai waa to love, hot be waa a ad datetea with T<Na and went Aabtaf
hotofkltovag. Ba had baaa Atvea aev- wttb Jim. aad of coorao Joel beard of
oral bread ktota by Fkraer Jatamon VL That they were her cooatoa made
aad aaraaaJ btaadar oaao by BattTa ao dATonarre. It tolgbt have dooa ao
mottor. aad bte owa paiauta bad aakad bat for Itocte Wintam. who took cam
blm If ba waa valttag far tka aartb to to throw btameir to toa young maak
revalra tba other way. but the aky way and aboenre;
-Mighty nice gal. my ntece, and oaa
Ion contliiaad to be aby. White be
9t them boys Is sure to anap ber up
fMt raaoHiably certato that Betty j afore tbe aommer te over. I’ve got a

0OW Joel
Cgme iotimt

nkaa ftkft vM toM tkgd a map bbftwarbag toft daaenpflna of ker kastmad
kU bM klBftd. imiftr akftb ti ama
learbftd tobt^U *waa boi Mg^mmAftld
ak« droppad to kftr kaaaa ta a ptmsp
MUkma of army woma are deeaatatlag toa paatare bkoto -oa toa abai
Mde data «f toft Oftdbr rtvar. b«r rowIftrrllle. 7Ug bto meoUm ftOfttk. Tk*
iftMft took aa tf Are awapt. ar toe
worm daatniTa ovorytklag greaa. .
Aa toft reauk of maUe* abd
•ftbkla to tbkft pompbl rwvabga ob
the object of kla aplu. aome wfuteb
ibftt •ftbday BMibi fttoolly motUbtad a
toA» cow kftidbgiag to iaba
pebram. of SeoU atraot. Fart Rnroa.
iVkftb Hr. Adkram wftat to tbft stabto
Mftbday mocblag b« foaad tba ftalaml
Vito ooft of ha lega aliMBt aaverad.
tbft eot looklag aa ibOftCb ft bad bftOB
amdft nrtto a acytba. Tbe aataml bad
1ft be k^lftd to ipt h OBt of lu mMery. }jo arreat baa yet be«a made,
tooagk tbe oHoer* ban a Wtae to toe
IdeaUty of toe gnllty maa.

rs I

i tooaaaad doUaia to give to the oaa who
jgam bar. 1 board you’d been apooiitog
aroond. bat of couroe she wouhla’t teak
; at you. Abe oeta ber cap a good deal
higher. Ber ma bad pa and me are aat
|oo her matrylug one of the Peckhams.**
j The grren eyed monatcr came to Joel
' Baatlngi ns plauaed tor. It took away
bis appetite. It catterd kla plow tft
'wablite amoug tbe cornaUlbs. It aat
’him out igMter tbe pear trees o’ algbta

Vkftb akft dpto Waa aa bam
Frobablr fttoat Bewapapar raudara
are wUwom tliat tbft Vdite& Btatoa
ooce foni^ a aaval iattto with Japan,
la wklck tba Japabaae wera not vlctorC aaia tba VtoVeawonh (Kan.)
Timaa Tka tmarlrmn farcft. cooimaaded tqr David A. McDoiwaL roaaiaiad of tba W^malag, a aecamd cMaa
UO^tea ftkwii. oarrytof ato gftw. Tba
J^nam had tbraa Improvlaad wat^

< .^*1. UtM


t.L, WmnAm mnA SU

wwv mmtmi uj wmrwu lua ignsa wiui
thirty gaaa dr tka beat typa of the ttato.

Tkft aAtob. fftgibt oa Jply ide taiB.
laamd Jaat ob^Tm.

WAfiTEO^^ tor a tow wenka.
wkaalad chair AAdreaa Xante
ori oHea
July ib4t
WANTmO-Two good inmma. Gnn
Taaadaar marmtag. Travaraa City
Moadry. WVat rreat street.
toll lAH
WANTCD-Brlgbt bay aboat U yaan
of age ta maka bteasatt ganatally
aaafaL Good ng—lng and atoady

tatoL ORtoaoa ^koM AML X J.
Otokt. 40 Atogito AL
tana 1K2
FOB AALB-Atoto kaildln|i gtoek and
txtaraA WUI naU nS nr aay part,
or wAliont kf&itaA. Apply «t <Moa:
CkgA Bp—Ikbl. Trmvarto Qty, MkB.
mar AML
FOB AALA-^ loakliooa progarty,
Mmai totma and karn. IM ft. tat;
konaa kao slip watar. katk ODom ato
taamoA fntntoa of F. Tkmtou ovar
k. TaMpkona At.

waate to work. Addraas Box A. FOB AALA~I1 tots la Hannah’s ttk
add; C onoaere tela frooUag on I4tk
July 19«t
atraeL 4 to QrlHa A Wianla’s add.,
WAMTCD~]Aaa and boys on a ^
aad 3 iota oO West Ftont atraac
Baimfortb'a farm. OCiaana pboaa.
Win ba soM on easy paymaata or
All-S abort aad l long.
Jaly i»4t*
axchaaga for otkar property. Gao.
W. Baff.
Mar 11-tf

Salary |40 to |to par
moatb. paw waakly; nxpanaaa advaaoad. Addtaaa with stamp. J- H.
Moore. Travaraft CHy. MIcb.
July lO-ll*

FABM FOB AALB-Knowa m tho
Oamtoa Aum. WlU taka kOMa and
lot as paitoftto. innaira X J. Itar^
•««-»<*• »•*«« .tn MTT. IM

mileb ouwa B. J. Morgan.
July 10 tf
WANTEO-Tk> buy 12 or 14 ft eonat- JOHN HOPKINX
ar. 8. 4. C or t ft. show case and
good bard coal atova, inquire 311
X Froat streeL
, July 7-tf

npr AA^lmo


WANTED-To porehaae a small farm
from 40 to to acres. Writs with full
particulars to George BoUnger, 4W
W. North 8t. Puatorla. Obla
July C&t*

MONEY TO LOAN-Mo tag etatoP
pal ta mortgaioa Boosift lor aata
laqulra of X MoNataaia. FtoE
Place Hotel
FALMIATBY—OomB Madame Bln»
Bamamber tba tatara Has ta ymm
kaad. a aalaatlAo raadlaf wiU rovtaJ
tto traft Uta’a bMtory. Ovar lU
Ualoa AL Mda aatraaaa,


waa a Ante kattorad. bat atlU in tka


daalt wttk by tka ordaal of diving.
|4ftB«HngB qpoo altber aide are aaakxl
gp In two olmilnr bamboo tubaa. Two
•takaa are then driven lato toe bed of n


Johaaoa ratnroad bte affectkma aad
vmold probably blosh and simper and
My her band to his when hr iiropounded the awfnl qneatten. a chill crept
awe him at tto burl thought of a rafWaL Oa a btmdrad dUfercot erentogs he bad bla mind Armly made up
and tto mtte speech at his tongue’s
end. but Betty giggled or the dog bait
ad or tbe clock stopped and left him
tohftog in tbe air.
Bach waa tto state of affairs when
Dncte WlUlam arrived on tbe aceoe.
Uncle William was K'armer Johnson’s
toother and a widower. Inured, be was
In the medltel department of t'olum- three widowers rolled Into one. having
married and burled three wives. I'nbla uulverslty tbere was « prufi
who had a very blgb opinion of blmaelf; be also disliked to assist tbe sindeots In any itersuosl way. and
noted for pruiKtumlliig dimeult «;
tIoDB during exauilmitlun.
One day. after a bMigthy terture,
Jobwop wkan he had been told of
of tbe sittdruts, witb a perplexed air. ty’a hMw engkgemeoL -It's a good
walked up to tbe profeosor and naked thing I made up my n
mind to etett
him to explain why bis theory of
111 either
ler bring
that young
certain pbenomenou should
off to a]iark
rrftleiUto the exHusten of all utbera. graDdmoCbce.
be aranta to marry
and gave bis reason for lielleving Betty let him go ahead aad marry, but
engrber theory to be tbe better. Tbit tf be doesn’t to eanl come scraping the
> ditteult for mod off bis boeto around here. I’tc got
offhand, so. to talk to that gal"
Hedld. He asked ber to take a walk
ok, he replied
with him down past the baystadu aad
Into the orchard, and as be Arvd har­
vest applro at tbe guinea bena aranderTheoudergraduate.witb a oemblanee tag about be opened the Interview by
■nylng to Betty:
’.Why ’ Now. then, how much kmger Is Amt
-Is that the reason.
nsr— toiter of yours going to bang about
I lUMiiy of us Aunk at your exams
wlto hit tongue In bte vest pocket?
rhltedelphla t^ger.
WV •oaan't te toa tto mark tike other
tolks? It’s stafply ridteuteus .the way
Kleepy Tom, 88 yiwrs okl. and be­ be dllly dalAea along. Be’a wasted
lieved to the tbe oMeat rareboree.lD -tore Ame than Idkl In marrying three
America, la still full of the Are of colt mmam and
hood Biul U capable of Umbering up to. Is he
his i-reaklng Joints for a speedy fur­ toer
long or two. Tom ta the pngwriy of -Joel te awfully bashful you know.mdted Betty In tor teveria defense.
IVter Bevies, «f |*uyallup, and made -TWn be ought to bare been a ben.his iXdmt ou the turf at early as •Tm In no bnrry to get married.18TJ.
•-Woll you ovtfbt to be. A gal of
Tom U a iwrer. and Mr. Beetes de- mnr age won't have mxanj ehaneca.
ebires tbe okl fellow can work ont
Too jDst ought to let that Joel undermile at a three-minute clip without any ataad this verr night that If be eomes
apparent «>ffort. An effort wAl be asade hare stmi4y to twiddle his Ckumto aad
time during the present raring goeaa ira going to be a good year for
seawn to Imvc Hlerpy Ttom at tbe ratnip be ran toke blmaetf home ngala.
Mesiluws to show the yoangstera what
kind of stuff the talent at uoe Uine
backed.—Beattie I\)st-Intenigeneer.



-MCI, IS awruu.T oaaarvu"
kokUng oae ftf tke tobaa. >Vbaa all to
prapared a pote atreCrbad kortooBtallj
above tbe tiaada of tbe boya to preaard
downward, forciag both aadar watar.
lOacfa lad boMa oat kmiaiath tba aorfaea
aa kmg aa be poaaibly taa by gripping
bis post. Tbe moment one bobs up to
brratbe be to aet upon, and bto tnba to
lorn from him and Aung away. Tba
tor iKW!
bof to ted asbote, where bto tube
opaaaP. and tbe party arbooet pteadti«a H eoDUlna la declared
by Am
rajah to bare woo tke
at tew.

•non 8httter*a FaaataUm


■a agngp ‘TvoaB racuav noss.”
and tbey’U be Uck by 9 o’tHock.
worty.- to said to Betty wbeo
That’-a what we wen* pUuulng for.
day and a Wednemlay ereolag had
wasn’t It-tu make blm jeateosf It FOR RENT—Three furntebed or unpaaaad without brtagtog JoeL -Tbat
furnlabed rooms. All modern oonreMl„ ,r ,«.r. to .ltl«
nlenoea and prices reasonable.
Phone €11 or address P. M. Hamlin.
DU ■>» >■«■ totopotoc* on
tiiolnb. utf MUId, oo tk,
bte boots and making up his mind to
ISO East Eighth StreeL
July t4t
edge of cbaini In this bouse. Your
Preaklent Roosevelt Is aald to apeak
l*0|) tbe queatten.”
Unite William baa married aod laid
HOUit FOR RENT—July lit, corner with mure,del)heratten as be grows
to rest
State and Boae streeu Seven
: dou’t you make no mistake oo bit
The lord chief Jnatlee of England
RSrSf..,-i l-Doto nuitom to.. . into p«*hrt.
rooma. amall barn, a J. Morgan.
June se-tf

At tkft aad af

be put It In a can with apectolly pre­
pared water, but. when he arrived
home and opened the cdn. be was as­
tonished to An#the Ash bad vanished:
nothing was left save n alight sedi­
A. E. Walt A Aaa’ laUifig Havaima at
ment In the water.—Maacbetter En
Thla Frioa.
Now that Wadsworth Bros.’ Chleoa
Jaoob HIrsch and Mlaa Mary Pkufx cigars are for sale by 8. K. Walt A
of Chicago, were married at Grand. Sons’ you can get an an loag Havaaa
Baplda Baturday morntog. HIraob. who AUed cigar for a atekH. a amoke that
. ta a real esUi* d«,ator of Ckkago. to te better than tbe average tea ceatar.
7* yean old and tbe bride to but SS. and aa good as aay cigar la tbelr case.
The froom told toe eoaaty etoik when
8. E. Wah A Soaa* wpats every
gettiag bto llceaae that be dM not saaoker la this aaettea Jo try a Cbteo.
wlab the fact Of toe wadding to be­ 8. E Walt aaM tba otbar algbt: -U
come pabBc. as be and bto bride bad you don’t like Ibe Chico. It’s on aa aad
elopad from Cbleagn beoaMe tbelr
I not charge yoa b cent for A.
retotJves were oppoand to tbe amteb.
cigar te taktag tke place of ten
A mmp mm af bugs aiigbud la aeot clgara aaMugat oar moat critical
froat of one of tka alsrea at |mlay trade, and we want every lover cf a
Ctty bad aooa attracted quite a crowd.
try a
Tkree or Bmr m claimed toe prtoe. Wadsworth Bros.’ Cktetx It te made
toere Aral wltk
mce yoa. and yoa ought
bang Md korvaia to klve tkaam A. togetaeqaalatadat c
Q..e»iit •bd IPftto Hartmaa got


LADlEi! You can have your shoes
-polisbed- now by wending them to
Cunningham at tbe MoQ barber

___—---------- bad not plauned for.
I and be didn't know wbat to make of It j




L bad dtaidad to talto d tend to

wiMn a great clatter down the rood
drew tto attentton of alL First tbera
came an okl white horae on a tombergallop
ilte]). and following him. because
icbed tto
to It.
n was
wss a
a rattle wheeled old
n|i In tbe bugg}- and
Btaudlpg u]
at every Jump was
«»“ ^
baUess young man with ids fai-e

E^^'iS F:ss."i’oiX’!

imlty part}party failed to recogutee
recognise tbe
horse or tbe boggy they must have
IdenAOed tbe youug man as tbe teog
absent JoeL
Tbere was no time for gowaalag and
wondering. The cteiid of dupt fthd Am
old borse and Joel came on like a cyctene and stopped with a snort and a
whoop at ibe gate. The next moment
Joel waa Inside on tbe lawn. He bad
blm even If bo bad I

on bla arm be dliKhed bte free
■ objec-Has anybody Sielw\got
thms to this hiTv prrforaa
No one hsiU But It was Uncle \VUUam w bo stepped forward and felt of
tbe bump on the back of bte head aod
-No, there’s no objeettena. Joel but



man} of ber relattens ou tbelr
Tbore's a heap of time wasted In
sparking. Joel ami tbere’a folks that
obJ(v-t to being dung aky high Into a
FOR AALE—Good sail hewt. 20x3 feet.
crab ai»plft tree.Inquire 313 Boat Front street. C.
Tvalalaa Bakr 1
W. Flak.
July 7-€t»
I With a duaen things oo It te given i

&9c and 6Sc negligee *hlrta for........ Mt
ONE HOUSE OB Wmit lUb otraat. 11.00 ahlru at............................ ......A<
HamlltoB atdbtog Co.
THREE HOUBAB on Bast lOOi 8t.
TWO HOUSES oo earner Front aad
Rooe street.
ONE HOUSE on Webster street.
60 acae farm.
80 acres unimproved land.
40 acre* unimproved land.
Any of these at a bargain tSat you
can’t refuse. Part down; iaiance
to suit buyer.
ISS Bast 9tb Street.
July €-tf.

to trepeat from memory tba
incriNued and the time ba te al­
lowed to look at thetq decreosed. nottl
noticing becumos a hablL and a single,
cursory glance c-atches up main Idea
and detalte in an almost magical way.
One mother, who heard of th^ method.
llcltj dtgr
m-lng thatI die
tried Uk‘ experiment with
children—not with trays and objects,
but tu tbelr walks. She found that the FOR Ai^l OR TRAOE-Stock and
children develop splendid memorlea as
flxture* of grocery and meat market. otoMwHkap.oarrwanr*. namtaagn
Sooth Sprhc© street. CIt. phone
July 8 Imo
Slagto TaWats aad ScU
4. single talent man. autqxtried by
great self conAdeuee. will achieve
NmAmwy P»aatoll«
more than a ten talent man wbo does
not believe in himself. Tl
FOB AALE-At bargain, bouse and tel
with modern improvemanU. Yale
chair and oak book case. Inquire
W. O. M10M0E.S
certainty. conAdeoi'e and aaanrance or
Dr. RosenthalThompaon. Wilbeli
there can be no cflcleucy. Aa noednblock.
July b-tf
ented man wka beltevm In bteaoetf and


Fine Dnttal WoiE



wbo has faltb that be can do tbe thlnf
to undertakoa «ften pots to obame tbe FOR AALE—Nice Jaraey cow. H. Hymaa. 340 Waabtogton street.
avecpge coUege bred man. whose overcnltme aad wider outlook have aomeJuly Hf
nmm brad tocreaaed arusmrcnaaa and
aMMenlngof aatfconSdeace.wbooede- FOB AALE-80 acres fruit toad 3to
ciBlon baa been weakened by constant
miles from eUy. 19 aesM timbered.
relgklng ftf coafllrtlng thaories aad
Price ICM Ml Addraas .X X Batare always open to
knap, 1033 West Front atieeL
July 612t»

rsnliy of toe enraSoM ar too penco of
toe baruynrd. Baity aad bar motoar 1 Ttonaa X Bead, when apaakar «C
to receive torn, bat ba was too toe boose of lepraeantaAvaa. eneo
to lecelvid. or bad. ratbar. ra- went toto an aafamlltar harbor abap
cetvad btemelf Ha aataad-tooaa FacA- to Waabtogtoo to be abaved. Whoa
bam boya.- aceordtag to ago aad pres- tba aagro bnrbar bad aboot Aatehad bo
ant roodMten. aad Anatg toom among befan to try to oaU a hair tonic,
^!%oilHklkg kaa got to ba dona.** ga- toa boAybocka: ha mnbbad Ftomor I -fiair party toto. anh.” ha aald. An.
■aa aad rollad ktoi orm amflAAtta AKtaff tka twa - tkrea stray laefta
PM(ied ^ rataAva aa to qpoot a
to^UBam mid . toat frtaood Mi
gntoto^ wHli nn oimte. -and ypur
rnd^Wmiam M tka toaa to da M
ftoit uaJf of a M iMb
leached the end of kM tope. agS W
leas *0 a weak ynn'U bave'Mm llaMto
I was no amt tar htas. Ba had,, anAM*
ta knots, cr ban bo hldtag ta to#
for Batty, aad ha saeant to hart I Tiff Mutor gmgad aM mU na i____
Bor ar die.
i .latar aaftaa sm toM him ha hod toiaM
bto Dncto WMAam waa Arm. Bi hadn’t
TNl Joel what la It? What does » ; od toa ogtakor. *»aakabr to ag-|
ayratocrtadaatojnaapadtactor.i IrtdMsad ’Daaf I know dad) Xatoold
«toyAUM.ymiakaBnevarmdttyaoy. WlMMAAdd8iHBlk>gt1Wtr
tkara yon ate! Courttog ym
hr tliree years aad Mt haver tolktag
tert or nB^ fm toV thadajr! Batay. aomstiiiag has Aot to be dosie.-Bot rm not vnatted or angtena. Vo^ iniAam.*' ptutoatod tke girL -Whgn
Joal hag madaW Wa mtod Bq will ^

Beeprd Want Ads -Bay

■J!- ■

Josef Hofuisnn. tto orral pHtniaLte ^
FOB BENT—Honae with all modarn
a clever electricten. and devotes ueaftyF^
iftiproTaaMDU. West Twelfth streeL all hi* spare time to tbe M-iem-e.
aaar Ptoa laqulra lOlt South Uaten.
Ex-Hetwtor tlevrge V. Kdumnds wlU
June lS4f aiieml his future «uum»en. st Bay
Head. N. J„ and his Winter* at Aiken.
^ C,
Field klarsJial Oyams U oaM to ba
FOR SALE—House and lot on Wash­ *0 rrJiglou- that lie In-Ileve* In aU tbs
Japanese guds. and lias a temple at
ington street In Oak Hark. George bU bums In Tukto for their worship.
Smith. 919 Washington 8t.. phone
W. A. Heldel has lieen elected tO
July lU-tf
Jbe Jana A. Krney profcssursblp of
Clre»*k in Wesleyan unirendty.
FOR AALE OR RENT—The West has to-n tUM-hlug fur nine years at
Side hotel. -Inquire Howard tVhli
July 10-tf


FOB AALE—House and lot oomar
Front aad Monroe streets. Addrcaa X
X Belknap 1933 X Front streeL
taly Wft*

Tnchir of Violin
SMk SUeStoemre

328 mn BM SIKH
IVe are dow taking orden
for the celebrated


FOR AALE — Driving hotM, also
baggy, enttar and hanaan. Bobt. J.
Jnly 1-tf
HOUAEA AMO LOTA—Montbly paymaata. Harmaa W. SaMtb. 313 West
■ananUatmaL Ottoana pboaa IflL
Juaa 1741
FOB AALE-Warabonaa tmOdtog oa
Buy MraaL «9cnar HaU. also 14^
bocM powar inuttaa angtoa aad
taai mm ontAt; atoo Aeoam brick
wiMtaii, tt) Stato atrasL Apply
ta Joito MonAMd ak rasManan

n* aM* OR T«»wh ^
•Ad tata on wato Mda. WQl taka

Brick Cl,

- —'V'

TMl mWMft
M hte dayY work Ia1
I kte riianatteT waa

ijffinps^ W0B8R

RMuncLY mxMjm Mfor
im «f M^wtkw «r 47«i;qpMa vhJ




MBS. 9. L. BKX of omat lUgMe.

Docs four
tfaisst sad does dne vdL Re*
«ores color id gfsy hsirt nope
hOisebtir, Bskci fbe hair crow,
egret dsadrdf. Isa'tthis enoutli

grakasi, bteteop of loatM. to ohilgo
to traral a gtoat 4aal aad ha haa 1
spcetel kiad of otoctrie raadtec tea*
tttod taio tho iBiMo of hte carrtapi.
ao that irhila ho to hetag wh
throagh tho otroKa of teoadoa U the
OToalag ho aim hoop up hte Uteranr gome m ^ 4
<«*« »
CtoW th.
pogpte ware aS worAlpera of Ore.
Three arteMk
Rleholaa P. Brady, aoa of the 0ovaad tha other from Britmki, are >w
■wawaanw. wxv
agfrtt who had rzteted frem aU ctcf^
how York olty roooatly.tla pncli
Mty. iYian him came the Scat Ughc
tho bair-dosoa aalaMte oterod for fiM
IhawdltokioaeadaooaaMMora aad frem thte Mgbt g«ng two brothMDt thorn to hte farm, where they
may hnmaa qa moadow graaa aad oth­
er good thiagi for tho root of their
days. Mr. n«dy aaya that ho will
tlaao to hoy tho fhlthfal oenmai
the pabUe honBaea he boBoroo that
____ aa egg cootalalng good gcall
they deaenre the gratltado of rtt lioaa.
dtoerlly they
i Abili&an prodoced another fall <d rrU
Thte la bow Hean Do Noooaaao. a down: a atone wtdrh floata la
: demoos aad broke the two together,
reach aathor. ootete ap tho Oerama and. teat, bat not teaat a rock
i eo tlmt goad aad eril became mixed In
really kaowe aothlag. glrea forlb great beat bowaver coU the new creation, la memory of thte
Oao looka ta eaia la hte worda, exaar
legend the renlaas of the prreent day.
laee their hamor, their oahoo
all Bnd.lalUng to amerKana moia.|
__ _
and It to
their iBteUigeBce. thoir attttty. thoir of
taraad thoir otteatloo to the wonder-1
MtHX e» aM ii ie
• alBdlar Baotcr
procteloa. their good weaus and thoir fnl carera. The moment they entered I from thte
InUmL Oely oeeealoaslly do we tad the Ulterior they wi
wore almoat btewaoff thHr fret* and. alchoagh they adopt
maaa TWI Are Overfed.
ad aU inanafr of dodgaa to find tho
amid the 1
-Mae oot of ten of the pet dogs
of kte laeoheFreat dedamatioBS. Tkte oHgln of the wind, they had to ndora j bioaght to me for treatment are the
ta the opoa udder bat not wteor men.
maa Is alwayx oa the earfaeo of ereryvictims
of ovarfenling.’* aaid the docThey next walked Into the groro of
Mrc. Heater Dontey Bichardwm.
prealdoat af the public reoorda «>■>* I atnmped. -They deatroyod aororal of;®**'*^^. is suffltieot for a healthy
adaahui of Marylaad.' a promlaeat! the trotai by fin- dnrlag the night, and grown flog even mhen be Is afiuwed to
ran about the atrveta. Pvt dogs that
iber of Baltimore oodoty. has bo-! next morn‘ng they were regrowtog hato nothing to d» bat kdl In the te|M
..1__.j__' ■tiMHietv
of the
T of the very adica!
gnn a peraoaal laveallgatlM
«rf the ’ ont
of thflr owners are fed Um-e or four

SL ts iT;s^tt.noStrsU:. i
STpM>« JtooSS w«i!W*i*'*^“‘***?’*^-*®^*^


i s» i1

Mrm. nakbMDcUin that tbei« tea
kiad of 4jap^iria that tecaoMd tqra
dMMgcaMit of tho fiWMW omateai.
•ad^ieli. white It caoMMi a dtetorboae* alniilar to ordinary iadifaatloa.
eaonot he rrltevMl witbont a medtelaa
which not 00I7 acto aa a aloaacb ioate.
hot haa paenfiar ntorioe tooic cffccU
Aa proof of thte theorr w# eall attoatlon to the eaar of Mra. Mairrc
Wrirht Broohlja. N. Y.. who waa


“ r cla« had fatted................




ao cold—CO care yoaraaif when yoa
hare both-4alro KoaaadyY Laxatfro
Hoaoy aad Tar. . Tha aov Ida^ tho
OrIglMl Laxatlro Ooa^ Syrap. It

ao oplatoe aad to heat tor

JAU.T •aplar
^ Bol obIj* lor fffio*

etc. Pteaaant to the taato aad rgaolhr anod for rhiid or Mialt. Bamomhor
tho aamo. ^KonaodyY'. aad oeo that
the red dorcr blooaam aad tha hOMg
bao to oa the bottle. Kaaaedy'e Lasathro Boaey and Tar to tho otglaal
Laxatlro Ooagh Syrapi
Take no
other. Sold by aU dealert.


Let at vitalixe an Mta
for yon. -

Si B. WaB A Saa% Traaarao

Boartman Ura
Bcctric Lieht

DR.Snfv 4 Panggn



awawadidlc loaHaraaffwterwaiMa.”
No other madteiaa in the world haa
vaealrad aoeh widaaprrad and nnqdaU•adoadoraeaMMitor baaaoeh a reword of
earra of female trouklea. aa haa Lrdia
K. nahh^’a VefateUaCompoaBA




William-Unns Btannard. who repreaenu what is called "the Iran prinei
pamy- la the Mkhigan assembly. Is
the ooly office-holder In that state who
ran ahead of president 'Roosevelt.
Ranaiog,without oppcwltion. he had a
hlggar mi^lty 'than any other represoataUve. and he is the richest mu In
the aasMBhiy. Hte district is referred
to as the Iron principality because of
iu site. CooiprlsInK the counties of
Iron. Ontonagon. Daraga and Keewoqnaw. with the latte-s Island appen­
dage of Isle Royale. it covers 3.962
square miles, if Btannard lived in
Isle Royale and went home from Lan­
sing the nearest way—Chicago. Du­
luth. Port Arthur. Oinsda. and boat to
the island—he could draw mileage to
the tune of 2.090 miles, but he pays his
own way. Barly in the session Stan
nard became the father of a fine boy.
The bouse sot forth the facts In
ointkm a<iopte<1 unanimously and then
' procefNied to Insist that the baby be
known as Theodore Warner Btannard,
after a president a governor and a repreaentatlve.
WlUlam C. Rickotta, probably the
oidist stage driver in the country,
died In Rising Bun. Ind., a fiMsr -days
ago. In 1S6H he began stage
when a line was esuldisbed hotween
Aurora and the place named, and ever
alaoe that tlire made two trips dally,
egoegt Sundays. The actual distance
batween Rialag Sun and Aurora trav­
eled dally by him. not oounUng the
dtetance traveled la calling for and
leavlag pasBcarers. was Ihirtyaix
aUtea per day. The total for the thirtyseven years would b<’ 416.916 miloe.
more than alxte<>n times around the
RaaUmJi Maoekjl, a native of Bom­
bay. India. Is a visitor In Kew York
and fxmplaios of the heat he is com­
pelled to eadura thorn. The mercury
doaa pot tiac to |llndooatan heighu
OU Manhattan Island, be says, but he
can not find a shady spot in the Indplre city which can be used by the
pwblte in general^ He sees 1
Iteep off the grass" signs in the
parks, and nays: "It is quite differ­
ent in Domhay- There we hsve sub­
BleepingrocMns and awtmmtng pools inaumerahle. besidec many other places one
oaa go. such ^ the bazaars. Il|^t
fraakatont robou and ao on. la the
Its are
yoo can sH and listeo to music and in­
hale the sweet fragrance of flowers
whiie oooUiig off. The city of Bombay
provides these thiaga free of cost.'
Many ,mea who are In the public
gye today are noted for their ability
ta anke every waklag minate coont.
When PregMeat RonaeveH goes for a
gallop he allpa Into the pocket of his
riding eoat paper and peoclL If dnr
tag hte ride he shovld fraiae a reply
to ^e diflioaU queotioa brooght
hte atteotloo be Jotg ft down immedi­
ately aad doas not irost
ory. Prerideet Loabet of France setttea aonw of tha boboUwoos qaastioBs
of aUto at hte breakfast table, wbea
be Is practically atone aad iMtora bis
laaeonlag powers are distractod by
IflU gad petty taariitma. Lord Both-

t loos' for their prcscnratloa. Mra.
nickardson Is the only woman in thte
country ever appointed chnirmaa of a
commlsska of sndi Imporiaace.
When First Assistant Postamster
Genernl HUolieock begnn the dlschargt* of his duties he found that or
tiers for the purchase of supplies were
In the most perfnnctory manner. He decided to pot an
end to such slipshod mc4hods and with
that end in view he decided not to
sign any letter until he had read its
contents. As he receives several hun­
dred daily he soon found that in
dor to carry out his plan he would
have to work about twenty-four hours
a day, so ho was forced to give it up.
About a year ago Rev. Garbutt
Read, pastor of ML Zion Methodist
church. Manayunk. Pa., established
the custom of kisslBg all the babies
prc.:eated for baptlsnu Last Sunday
the babies were nnosnally numerous,
but the mothers were astonlrbcd to
find that Mr. Read omitted tbe cus­
tomary salute. The secret came out
when the last babe was handed up to
the pastor,
black as coal, which crowed for all It
well ronstnicted. ' tellirp
was worth. II wax the first black s«*ntcnce points out, on Ids botcTs liebaby christened at ML Zion in fifty half. Jost those advantages.which will liest to the stranger's henrt.
“But. of courw.” said Mr. lioML
sndling. **lbere are no perfect hotel
M'tii .Nation, tfithcr of James, me Herkr.
idoTkr. V
We i-an only try. In our liupcr•. to read our guiats,
assistant stale omStor of Kanwis, lias]feet Imnn
naturally, we make
no fear for tlie numlier tUlrtiH*u. He ;and soimdli
was born on .\prll 13. eidlst«-d In tbe ulstakes. like Blank,
war on .Vug. 13. waa nominate*! treos- i "Blank was an rx«-ellent clerk of an
There entered, one
urer of N'eodio county <»n 8**pt. 13.
Mid was luiiiikurnti**! «>n Oct. 13. and day. an elderly fanner. Tbe man wore
expensive clntben. but Blank knew
him for a farmer at a glance. ^ “>\'hat
are a fanner’s tastrii? Whst appeals
|w9«t to a faniMTr h** asked himaetf
hutThdly. ./nd then he said:
give .voo all the home
romfoiis liere, sir.*
“The fanner laid <lown the ]ien^ilh
which l»e had lieeu entering Ids name.
luted vol*>e:

MMiwraf Asfals

Ub sb* t« yn to to hmri of. Yot irsw
tlM IwaMWMial tockHj hm» nceg«lari

Early Risers. They
1 Const Illation. Bilim less, etc. Bsrly
1 Risers are small. « ly to take and <
»easy to act—a safe
sa pill. Mack Hamllton. hotel clerk 1 Valley City. N. D-.
lys: •‘Two bottles of these Famous
Itlle Pills
cured me of chronic conGood for either children
' adulti Bold hr all dealers.

and gxdible up that IIP dish
tuariM-J iKitatmw that v as h-rt
from dinner? I loW yoo we wanted
them warmed up for supid-r. If ytmr
ap]M-(lte Isn’t mougli to bankrupt yoilr
IKwr pa."—Kxrbangt*.
Indloestion Cured.
There is no case of Indigestion. Dys­
pepsia or Stomach Trouble that will
not yield to the digestive and slreogihenlng Influence of Kodql Dyspepsia
Cure. This remedy takes tbe strain
off the stomach by digesting what you
cat and allowing it to rest until it
grows strong again. Kodol Dysp**psla
Cure affords quick and permanent
lief from Indigestion and all stomi
troubles, build up the system and so
purifies that hlsease can not attack
and gain a foothold as when In a weak­
ened condition. Sold by all dealers.
The communion wui be admtnisterco
to tbe Knigbts of St. John of Jeru­
salem oil June 24 lu tbe eryjit chajiel
of SL Jidiii’s. t*l<-rkeuwelU»ndoii. Tbe
last senb-e was held there lu l.MO.
Jnst lirfore the priory of the onler
was dissolve*! by Henry VIII.
excall*‘ut preservation.
Thras Good and Just Rsaaena
There are throe reasons why mothrer One Minute O
Cooah Cure:
ers prefer
First, It Is absolutely bar
ood. It tastes good—cboldi
^Ird. it euros Conghs.
Whooping Cough whem oU
fan. Sold by all dealers.

AMnm lua oiwttotlHai tto ■mvUkM

-to ejrc. ear. aosa aad thraoL Olaaeea
fitted Both phaaea. Raeldaara 419
8lxU StraoL


T. W. THIRLBY. Dcatlat. Over Barat ft Bftrt a Jewelry otore. Botb
ooea 103.


ARTHUR HOLUOAY—M. D. Pbyaiclaa aad aargeoa. Retaoved to offloca over Plrat National bank. Clilsens pboae SSL
OR. F. P. LAWTON—OMc« room, re­
moved to D(fw Manaoa block, next
door to Dr. Hlggine* wflke.

Try • “till ta-nlffht.fbr gate W all Dt^gteto


•O OMit ftnd M OMit rnmm

MMTT M tuttmum
when customers de­
mand the BEST.
Steady call for the

We arc Still Talking




odtlorBecause they are
less, because thicy arc abI danger
solutely Fafe,
of an explosion
and the
price for which we are
ling them within the
ch of all.
Your kitchen is alwa;
cool and
when you use a B1
Come in and sec them
and get our prices. Re­
member we guarantee
them not to smoke.

proves to us that the
public are recogniz­
ing the merits of
these instruments.
Let the good work
You can
rest assured that
PIANO we sell in
this community
strengthens our posi­
tion in the Piano
“A broad
statement,” but we
are proving it every
day. Come and see


■«zta*MM-A V. r*l«l«teh'aal

!♦« Front Straat



ana counarior, vtiiBvim u»
erae City. Mich. CUixeas |
>R. C. H. LYNCH—2 and 4 Batberk-laa aad aurgeoa.
land block, ptayviclai
CiUzeoa pboae 364.
DOCTOR RALPH E. JIROCH—Pbyeician and; eurgeon. 6-g Butberiaad
block. Cltz. pbooe S04. Offlee boon
9 to 12. 2 lo 5 and 7 to 8 o’ciock.
Jane 21-tf

What? Bbuter's 1

Mm-rawuiMbBBUa- 9 a. oa to ID
IS, A a. m. t »P D ivteDP fitolmnn M

Maw YPShMa BkMft,



CMtaa Ms Maw WllkalB MMft. B








orriTM toM R«rtka«« ID « a. aa aad

m EYES m
Im IWfoc* CMditWa


ni& I. TRiff CMI61.



i&t WKlSr*' "

teavH TravoranCUy. 44D a. m, Matepotow mntk_
Otey n#a. ax. «a^ • t I l«EWWILM»kll nLOCK

When yon want loe or Wood don't listeo to a si
talker; be muits yoor dollar todgy and will be in____
other-----------------town tomorrow.
I do not need to make yooj
---------------a------ .------------.
promiaei ae to giving
good eerrioe;
eerrio yoo know
tmve dene eo daring the pest 15 jmn and ezpeotto
tOltbeendpItiine. CMtal«r P IM7U






faettoa guaranteed. With KUahall
Muaic House. CUz. phone 264.
ok. CHARLES A. BURBRIDGE. Dentut. 301 23 New Wilhelm block.
Traverae aty. Mkb. Clu. phone 14*.
Graduate of Fbiladeipbta Dental cob



awrycoMof labor
------tte abdMoiaal awwba. tboroby oaaMiac
tkMi to aanata tla oDotebiag that thiy
a«rt aad(*go.aa4 fiow thb oaryfa^
tarilUaW tboir tttora to aanaal proaw
tloao oAar (MUUitb. >ad fi b abdsss

>R. E. L. THIRLBY—Bpeelal aUeotlon to diaeaaes of-cblldreo. Room
4U9 State bank Ibldg.



iTtac Uhs aay ottar aotaral taaebaa.


OPL W. E.. MOON->Pba
f. 710
atx.. 107; Bell. 99. Re
WaohiagUm atren. Clix. pboae 216;
Ban. to.
OR. A. H. HOLLIDAY. OradaaU Toroeto Ualveraity. Ofitec la Moaacai
bldg. Telepboaaa, oAce 103; realdeoce 104.

M. Bn CHAPm. lYfprkltf.


NoUUnccooU to awe nmMt Inm tnOh
cblMhbtli ti Mioly a utanl
luia. to to

OR. F. MOLOtWORTH- Bpaeial altoBUoa UK dteoaa— of tka ay^ car.
aoae aad tkraaL
Qlaaaaa fitted.
Rooma t aad t. U. A L Mcrcaatite
Go. block. Both pknaoc. IMS

Ym Art Hit FMItf WtO,



HaaUltoa A MU

a^cr to a maddening degree.
be 0|4i
This Btoae, to mfl appearance, nrots;
1 digest aliuixt auytuUig ii
oa the groond. ye« wtica two of that the dog
Allbougb meat U tbe dugY
men stood opoa It. one on each side, i
natural fo.4l. It sboulJ u.-vt-r be glvon
the third waa able to draw a thick in ltd row Slate. Raw beef booco. too
string uademeath without encoantcrterge to swallow, are g.-oJ ooce or
tng any obstacle, ttliy. they were twice a wi-ek. They eoiqdy iiboqibtirnever able to dhuvrer.
us and vk-an'H* tbc teeth. Tbe most
Tbe warm rock, tbc teat wuodcr, atea healthful food for dugs Is table scraps,
puxsied their brains. This rock la belied over and fed cokL"-New York
raalty an Immense stooe, on tbe top of
which a small Inn has been
Tbe building requires do fires for beat­
ing pnrpoees either in winter or sum­
noci-Ksary to nse
mer. for tbe rock always keeps tl aalvH nw Dcwllfs Witch tUrel Balve.
warmIt is the puresL and best for Sores.
The scientists Jumped to tbe coochi- Burns. Holla. Bczi*nia, Blind. Bleeding.
sioo that the stone was idtnated over Itching or l»roirudlng Wles. Get the
underground volcano which still genuine DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve.
had life but-on taking soundlngj Sold by all dealers.
they found that they w-ere mUtaken.
There was ao natural farnsce below;
-I love all Ili.vt Is 1-autlfnl In art
Indeed, tbe ground was quite cold. II
Pcaraoo's Weekly. and Nature." slic said, tumliig tier
not a trifle damp.-^r30o'
drcanilnc cycx to Ids. "! ivvcl In the
jgn««-n fields.'the b.nlibllnc brooks, and
George C. Btddl. tbc noted hotrt I tbe little wayside flowcni: 1 feast on
Burn. Wild In an addn' to an audience I the lK*a Idles of enrib and sky. ami
Of hotel clerks:
They are tny dally life ami food.
♦Thcro Is
that requires such
"Mnudler crU-d out tlthe luolber from
lonuicy as ynurs.
Tlu- pcrfi
iwlng tliat her
he klti-hen. not knoa
ic liehlnd
rierk. stulllng and uritanc
In the drawing

i Mock, to 4<n aad

fralght, paveate mA tnrnks. OMoe
at City Book atora.


LOOK for ShntorY PanatoUax.



aad geparil 1


LaMa^ Taa oaa jamg oa m. 1





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