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The Evening Record, June 30, 1905
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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^le •nuowi MOMS
LSAvms TMS cmr.
to odelnte light
' T«rt amd Party Cii ftoute U
Miss Rhea Martin, who baa boon atFARMER SUCCESSFULLY SUCKED M*r«*eUe wa* BrehM last eveolBf
tbraatb tb* eSoru at a err. at a>eo ending St Mar> a academy at Noire
who woflccd notlL nornin^ conriaw )amo. Indiana. arri\'od in the city last
ironing to spend the summer racawAier fron Boardman lyakc.
paaaing tocoiqoilTe tlon.
igaUed the dry graaa along the eastern
side of the track aad. faaaed by the
WIFE BECAME ILL WHILE AIDING blgh aontkwcit wlad. the fire crept
along toward the ro«way of William
B.4tncr. Tbe fire was diaoovorod about
7 o'clock and work waa Immodlately
AO Boon at Ho Got Out of Jail
bogua to stop tho apread of tho flames
but la aplte of the efforts of tbe fire
fighters four **dklds.'' eoataialng about
and Finally Obtained
10.000 feet of mlsceUaBeoini tin
Hia -RlghU.-
By Wlfo to Iht Evooine Rocord.
St Folofibofw 7 p. nu 4i»m IOHvodrido of poopli art RooWig from
tlio pailo Pirtolcoii eA^ of Odooa
Foy Booouoi of ttio Rghtlap hrtwmn
tho olHktro, motlnoiio aalloro aid
troopa. Tho 90110 of tho battlohip
Knioa Folomkifi, oa which tho oalloca
ffortliilod oflor mordorinp tho mojority
of tho ofReoro, oro atill trained on Bp«rUI to tho BvoBlng Rorord.
Odoooo. Tho bomhordmoat of tho cHy
Kalkaoka, Mich.. Juno 30.—Tho cole«0M flhort hoiag dlocoatlmiod by tho braiod OMW of the Pore Marquette
oolloro whoa tho fwaorol of a com- (Oieat Central ayitejn) ro.‘ John
rn of Kalkaaka haa been aottlod
out of cxnirt aftor two yearo.of Htlga*
tkn in which time It haa appeared on
tloa by lautinylfig aad Rphto hauo oe- the docket of tho twontj-eighth Judi
ourrod thoro botwooa tho troopo aad cial Circuit court. Judac C. C. ChHlentho oollofa. Tho oaouafUoo nm
den. CadllUc. proaJdInjc. three ouccco
alve Umeo. twice reachlnjt the Su
Tho Kalac Fotomkin at mldnlfht 00. preme court, aside, from heannga on
tabliohod tho bloekado at Odoooo hof^
bar and ao ohip flying tho Ruoolan flag
Two years ago the Pore Marquette
woo allowod to oator or loavo tho har^ attempted tp run a spur two miles
long into a lumber dUlrict In Kalhi
Nino aMpo bad boon bumod thoro
aooordiag to tfsT laaC adviooo and tho
docko afo UoumoaThoconoor rofuooa
to allow diopotohoo oonuining nowo of
tho outbraak to paao hut tho latoot
rapoft oaid that Admiral Kmgel* com.
onandlng tho Black aoa Root wao ap
proaching Odoooa and a naval battlo
to take place at any
Eight theuaaed oaHera and workmei
•I Cronutradl have imitinisd.
* St Potonbwfs.
SO—Tho battl#ahlp Kniaf Potembln Kaa ourrtntforod
to Rear Admiral Kruger oommandipfl
iha Black aaa Reot
John Brewn
who tmekod tho IVro Mar
qiKlto system and
ble fight.
county owned liy tho Elk Rapids
company. ThU spur wras called the
(CootlnuiMl on Second l*age.)
n D. Rockefeller Hss Made a Gift
of SlOOOOOOS-Preatnt Waa
After Waiving KaaminaUon Wat ArAccepted.
a Similar Chargs.
Haekett Saya Ha Ja
By \Virt' to the Eximing Rocord.
Nc-w York. Juno 3rt.—A IIO.WK) gift
by John n. Rockofollor was annoonced
this afternoon It was given to tho
Special to the Bventag Record.
general education board of which Rob
Bast Jordan, Mich. Ji»e SO.-Jamea ert C. Ogden Is chairman. Tbe fund U
II HackotL the young man who a week to be, an endowmout for higher educaago waa arretted at Detroit and UaQ In the Vnluxl States. The gift
brought here on the charge of forgery, hat been mrcepted.
waived oxaminatioa before Jmtlco
boat upset.
Booslngor yrvterday and U held under
S&tw bonds for appaarmneo at Clrrnlt
One Soy Was Drowned Out of a
Hackoit, who waa conducting a real
Parly of Shu
waute ln^u^ance aad collection bual- By Wire to tbe Evening Record.
aeaa borv at the tlmu. U ebargud with
Muskegon. Mich. June 30.->^Tille
having sold to Kal Roberta a forged sailing on WhUe lake today the boat
note and it ww» on Uda that be waa containing Clarence Harvey of Chi
cago and five other small boys aad
On giving bonds for hto
girls waa upeet by a wjuaU and Harvey
la this caao ho was at once iwarraated
oa another slmtlar charge by tbe same
party OB another note. HackeU djOias
REMEMBER the concert tnnighl at
to be laaooent of Ue charge.
the riTW M. E. ehurph. The quintet
• F(ilir,JM30,IS0S
Had the fire had another half hour
Stan there would hare been great
danger of the whole rollway. which
contains nearly 2.00O.OOO foot, going
up In smoke. It was after 3 o'clock
thU morning before tbe men succeed
ed In eqilrely queachlng the flamea
and by that time they had burned the
grasa away from in under several
other •aklds."
She and BM^rtend Wrote It UTand
Mlai Beattie Brought It to
the Record. .
The Reool-d yesterday published an
iccount of the wedding of Miss
Blanche Beatge, whose age was given
as 16 and Andrew Higgins, who was
said to bo 1». Today It was learned
that no such wedding had occurred.
Bev. T. P. UUom. of whose church
Miss BeatUc U a member, stated that
ho had not offlcUied at the ceremony
and County Clerk Waller stated that
no such Ucenso had been Issued. Mr.
llggins* parents also denied the story
Miss Baattio Is the daughter of Miss
Sarah Beside, a widow living at 402
South Union street. Instead of being
16 as announced in the story, she Is
only 16. and Is very unsophlsUcaied
for her years. This morning
Miss Beattie was interviewed by a
Record reporter and admitted that U
was huraeU that brought the storv to
ord. She said that she and
MIsa Cecilia Kerby. a friewd. had cooIho story “Just for a Joke."
Miss Kerby left lor the Soo yester
day and Miss Beattie thought that it
wf^ld be Tun“ to Uke the noliec to
the Record and have It publUhed. Intending to deny It whenever ap^
proached by friends In regard to the
matter. However, she sajs she did
not anticipate the seriousness of such
a “Joke " and today to bearUIy repent
ant of the whole matter.
Tbe notice waa published exactly
as brou^t to the Record and tbe
young lady herseir was the bearer.
She stopped at tbe office ostensibly to
Inquire for a loat watch. Mr. Higgins
to only 18 years <dd instend of 1». as
«u |Mibltob«l. H» to WBployeJ «t Ulc
oa Mill.
and June. |L08; July. «c.
Chicago. Juno 30.—Wheat-July.
SSHc; Baptember. &%c, Coru-July.
6€c; Saptsmber. 54%c. Oate->Ialy.
*2%c; Baptember. 31 He. Boptember
pork. fU; laid, |7.47H ; rtb«. 17:06.
Today and Somoffwur w will giv«
away fro* to ovoiy purohaoor of fiOe
By Wliw to tho Evening Record.
worth or over, a sot of four gilt buttana. Innludifis ono round tap buttbn
Tiaada, O,. Jntm SS.-Ray Rat
ahae made a aueeeaM tiibt a »Be IB far from of Back. oBo lovor pointer iar
tbt Bir bars today la BB Bltabip travelFmaan
BILKNA U a natural
ineral water, an
Amerioan proiliict and
Prepare Ydur
Steady, ckwiag aasler.
acUve at 5c dacUae.
On tbt 4fbrr
It will no doulH lie hot.
The snn may wrinkle up
ant! spoil the looks of your
new skirt and you will
probably carrr- your coat
on your arm, nut your feet
will lie fximfortable if they
are in a pair of
iCati Oxfords
ncedabke befcm> makint; a
p^haae elaewboTe. Straw
Hats, Ponamaa. Kcvligoe
Shirts. Summer Collara, ttaJ
Neckwear. FancT- Hoaiery,
Cool Pajamas, Outing Soita.
l-mbrallL Dr«e S^t cJm
and Club Bag. are only tome
of tbe mc«t important articles
j-on can buy better here than
at any other etore.
THEY’RE BEST because
the>*’re cooler.
$2.00 to $S.50
ter. It it a rcallj. .
I meritorious article, I
I and
nnfl is
i. rapidly
mnullv ditdia. I
pUciug many of the
older mineral waters.
ateiB. I
It differs from Uunyadt Janoe in that
M its main content is'_
Uun- L
C Sodium Sulphate,
L while that of Hunyadi is Ma^^nesinm
SI Sulphate, It comes
M in two sizes, 35c and
15c. A descriptive
pamphlet for the ask■
Don’t forget
|| your AHILKNA.
■CmmW ITrors^
SRz Riiiil lln
Undo in all kindt; of Leather.
H. R. MaedanaW, HUr.
& CO ...
Batmbitahodtn I8G8
Room 210 State BankSMB.
For «de at the Old Keliable
Shoe Store of
Abstrsots of Tttls
All «e need to ny i« thnt we aro brimful of new DordttM'
that wiBpkMe old and yo^ Bemember it U at the
243 a BtORT ST.
Ask For
Better in the way of
Screen D o o r i and
Windows than the
kind we make for the
home from seasoned wood, with latest attachments,
the easy to operate kind?
If you would keep out the flies and musquitoes see
us about Door and Window Screens.
Our finely made screens wrill outlast anything on
the market.
• Phona.SSi B.II. lao.
W. L. Brown. SUnaaw.
Evening ««> Mnniley
PIANOS, Organs, and Talking Machines sold on time. All
the up-to-date music kept in stock. WE BENT PLANOS and
Organs, money paid as rent applied it instrument is purchaecd
MicU^’s LMdi»< Hssle Bom. 159 1. Front St
We shall sell in any suits
for Men, Boys and Chil
dren; some choice bar
gains at
- SQ
A saving of from 3.00 to
5.50. Also at
8 I oso
A saving of froni 3.0Q to
otSnmmer wear that yon'can Bnd with us in laiger
asaortanent of good valoea than elaewhere:
Kiiabaiiahue TravHad
MMea In Aifih^
DetrolL Mich. June 30.-W"heatJub.
No. t red; fl.W; No. 3
corn. »c: No. 3 white oaU. 35c.
alone wUl be worth the price of nd-
wouirrM or- jwia.-y-x
WUI $mocmH WaHm m OMcT Ei^
By Wire to tbe Ercalaf Baootd.
Waablagton. Juno BO.-Jolia F. SteBrmrataihaBrtmiaMl
pheas. first rice prealdent of the Rock
Islaad aad the tana who bnUt tbe
War Tan and tha ,
Rocky moontala oecUon of the Great
tiMt Woj aoeomuMi hia <m lUs Ttelt
Northera rmilraad. haa been appolated
to mo PhUliatoM «1U
chief engiaecr to tooceed John F. WalAftmoM at B:» m dair way to ma
rramdaatK They aapaat to reoeh 8aa •Ut ijoiom MCT WERE SAVED
•AILOfIt OE4ltTn> KCAUM OF mmrtaoo oo tba otcoIse at JtOy L
Mrs. Chariea Gee and little daughter.
crooAlAE tko PAcUk oo the
ViotoL of Chicago, who have been la
tbe city as the guetsU~Df her mother.
Mrs. H. A. Coates. left this aomtag
for Grand Rapids, where she will join
Oram Hear HeMmSFa MHI and
the Model Eaiortalniacnt company for
Fir* Spraad t* th*
their snmmor engairoment through the
state. Mrs. Goo being ibe soloist of
^TMCII-OeBwmay tmir toaigfel
Mtf StdmrdMf : ttghU wfatlc wiaAi.
Boys’suits to dote alasav. iogoffrom
WI.OO -fco 3.00
Straw Hate 25c to $3.00—Fancy Veste $LOO to I3IXU
Negligee Shirte 50c to $1:50-.^ these toOay.
flahlag and attead the fireworks dlsplar at Fmmh la Um avoBlag. The
Hocal ^SMsria ia prsparad to anter.
tela ail Fbaith of July paittea.
jaaa SS3I
la hraach ami ran fbr eighty mds
toh 4ho IMwm^dam wf Juka
Brown «r Kmltotoca. wto gtaeed a |M
> upon the right of way, wad bodove tbo aottlomant wna cBomod the
OIP pn#ir aHM ci
wtu. TAi« THC womwm
Cxmtftoona WIU Bo Ghran
UMiTiclit €fator4Ptla Pmlfmr«b4 tbc rand «TM twUt. lamebcsaa for the Pete
Pteaer Brm began
to tear ito «>>• tiacke and pertorm
other dottoe wbMi
r»n b» fqnokfd m rlsurttm to tbe or^
or mtod or the Pore HerdlMiy mmj. U mma bi m ptpe tb^y
M. Dane of TmrliMmld t» cr»M In tli» hu4>.-*
for the Pore Mar»r. Miurfte mmym flat la
Infill«Md to aaktaff bte «sp«rtoMBto bz
btai and wbnae eondirioo waa due to
the torma or lobarra
Tboae whe bare oaad chryaai
atitnle. aad tbeir effi
The iietoto or tlto
There to no eheei oT vstor to the
ooantnr which e^nig to bmnty the
Grand Traerrae hay. and vtoUon f'
abroad ate teurtoh to the ealhiui
vhleh they aaalM orer the etov
frtMa TraTorae diy and the beaattfnl
atad wtth oidl^rttr 6ta.
or thU(
A her aoirertag for fif
Diiftog the «i
UfOO poopla took advantage of the ex
caraloaa tdrea oa the bay by the
Trarerae Bay line oT ateaaiera. and
aapreaeod themeelvoa dellphled with
In thU fonnertloa It may not Ikj out
or place in neatkm the rare adran*
togea that Trarerae CUy peo|d« may
aaioy if they will, aad li !• a algniacast fact that the>palroaago oT the ba>
ateamera to acarccly aufflclcnt to war
rant ninnlny the boats. It would
aaem wltr a city of 12.(»ne InbabitanU
and ao baaoUful a body of water that
more than ooo ateainer would be kept
buy with pleasure aeckora alone.
Capt H. J. Webb, proprietor of the
line, bu apent a large amount of
money during the past few years in
equipping hto boats, and they am
roomy, oomfoiiable and ss/e. Rat^ of
fare between this city and .fhe bay
reaorto are so low that alnuist any one
can take advantage of pUwsure tri|a
on the bay at frequent intenrsto. Who.i'
we uy to ouialdcm that a trip can to‘
bad on ooo of the bay boats from ihto
dty to Northport aad return for bO
cento a distance of about sixty tnlkw.
for the round trip, great suriirise to
egprmsed hy p«iple outoSdu of ilte
city. Captain Webb lias made sp«‘ctol
ihtea for ibe summer season, and he
abooM receive Tlboral support from
the community.
There are no more beautiful spots
to Michigan than Newh-tawanta.
Onena. Northport. and there to no
more delightful trip than a sail on the
water to any of these points. The
apmmer llmo schedule to printed In
another* columu, and the attraction*
afforded should r<«rlalnly appeal to
mrery one. Captain Webb has oper■ted thto line for a great many years,
and late years at an <x|>ense which
Waa almost im>hlblHve. considering
the amount of biisln.sw s.*cured.
•The establishment of the T. C.. U *
a. railroad has naturally drawn pa*
nmage away frtnn the boat line, but
la sidle of tha* fart the gn>w1h cd the
city abould assure sulBclenl support
to make this imterpriae profltahle.
There are hundriHls of |««ople in the
city* who are daily serktmt wune means
of paaalag a few pleasant houf>. and
ww hHlevc if tb<7
once try the
bay trip that would Im» a sourro of <iuo
sunt pleasure during the mimmer
My Cl
the Brittoh natal sulhoritlcs and
cenUy tonncfied at rortonioptfa. It dlf
fars In many partieuiars from any
thing yrt accepted t»y Ibe admlnilt,r
and to the nrwt to be Imllt. Tl»e deck
of this iy\^ of snlmisrloe. as may 1»r
seen In the ml. when uwssb to at ■
contodeniblc Indglit above the .water
sloB In the Traverso Bay line. The
Creaoent will take the Bowora HarborNenh4a-wanta run and wlU make two
trips daily leaving the harbor at 8 a.
m. and arriving here at S;15 i
at Neah-ta-wanta at 8:IS. She leaves
Traverse CUy at 11 a. in., roaches Neferlng wnh the right of way. thto ahAa-wanU at 12 noon and Bowers
L Train service was Bsrbbr at 12:15. On her second trip
in May. bdl in July the She leaves Bowers Harbor at 1:20 p
fanner auddenly built a ahaniy aad m.. Neah-to wanU at 1:46. rtsching
placed it dimctly across the track and here at 2:45. On her tost trip of the
day she leaves Traverse Oiy at 4:2‘»
fwclosed the track srith a fence.
Bolt was again began In Circuit p. m.. reaching NeahAa wanta at
coorl by the Pore Marquette for con 5:20 and the harbor at^5:25.
The following is the schedule of the
tempt of court and aispe taken to ncquire am original Utle to the property Columbia going north leaving Trav
of which the famwr Iwld but a tax erse City^at 8:20 a. m.: Ne-ah-ta
dmid to. In the meanUms the bouse wanta. 8:20; Omena. 11: Northport
which had been buiU had been re paint, 12 aopn; Northport, 12:15.
moved by the road oBclaU. but was Going south: Northport. 12Ulo p. m.;
again placed on the track by the Niirthporl PolnL 12:45: Omena. 1:45:
famwc and hto wife lostalled to bold Neah-ta sranla, 2:15: Traverse CUy.
Fright and fear of resump- 4:15. The stop at Northport Ptdnt
tlM or (imSe rnma l«> mucti (or hir •rill J* made only when there are pas
as she was left alone, owing lo the is^ngtrs
husband being in Jail on a ten days* | Daring July. spoclaJ cxrunsk* rates
sssmence for nmtempt of court. She j will lx- givm. The fare tc^ and from
was takoB out ill on a cot and carried Northport. muralng the same day.
lo a friendly nelghlior’s house aad the will to' 50 cents. Tbe nmnd trip fare
shanty min
removed by
being to Ncah-ta-wania and Bowers Hsrto>r
is^25 cents The fare to Omenn is 5«1
dragged off with sn engine.
As soon ms John Brown regalrH'fl hi* cento round trip.
^bert>*. he felled a tre<« and perched j
himself in Uie topmost branches with! ALLEGED CONFIDENCE CAME.
a Winchester ride and fur some tiiiie |
Man Said to Have Solicited K. of P.
held all at bay though finally dto-i
orisiBi u.i« for »s.M. f«on Mr. o..le« of fU, JoImK. iml iK-fo.^ the
,»oiiikHl \o be on the Us»kout ft»r
renuilnlne eloiM>d from Jamiao iimir'"
^-1""'= ”«**•>■• f'J*'eiie
waeUKea each ....a..lla,.on.
to in its alBT. In length it approaches
the dlmmsloiisof s destroyer.
It to bo|»ed that in Ibis new &
the defects whMi have <-aus(Hi the loss
of two submarines of tlie A clam luivc
been avoided. The A-S was sunk tost
si»rlng off Queenstown, drowning most
of her r-rew. The A-b was sunk June
«. with the loss of fourteen lives. Nei
ther scrident has l>ceu ssttofnctorlly
sTstoin of flostlug broaklA. If surcwMiful, wiuiM
tosterially IroiMm tlic cost Slid time
luiMKl ou tbe rmitenUtNi
tbst the dtotorluiuee of storms affeeU
the aea only to a deptli of twelve or
fifteen fi-et; that bun>w and touitouas
sarbored by a single «'luiin have rid
den Ummgt» tbsB»«^erest storms with
out brnsklng mlrlff. and ttuit a suit
able structure with s sufflekjot
lier of rliaius owld l»e made ol»*olutelr secure. A frame exlmullng
a deidh of forty feet tfor a l»n'aVw ater
lonr and buuy^M up m. the
Inner or limlward side by |»oniixm«
to to to* inoorwl by chains fastened
on each side to it* lowest part*. Tlie
frame thus tilts toward the see and
works lm.*k on Its ebslns. as s dpor
on Us binges, broaklng ibe ferre of
tbe waves and retnrntng to Us orlg-
eighth streat lam ew
ing was cattad to order by ibe presldsnL bOm flbaae. 'Miss Jeaaie Maan
and Mtos Flora Qalbreath ware initi
Tbe followiiig program was ihca
given: Vocal nolo,
reading. Hsiea KIngtosy: rocal solo.
Ina Barry: tnstmmsoc
Mann: reading. Besalf
vocal solo. Mrs. Barry.
It was decided that the dub
meet two weeks from Saturday with
the Misses Miriam aad Bessie Haydf^n
at their resort at Carp lak<^.
Dainiy refTOshmenu constoUng of
strawberry sherbet and wafers wi
sertcMi. The meeting adjourned
10:30 after enjoying a most plcasi
will ad<l cTMMIjr to thPlr hand urltlni
by attending the special penmansblf
lessons In plain and ornnmenul pon
mansbip In the Traverse CUy IbislnoKF
College aummcT school.
June 22 1!
Why suffer with your stomach, kid
neys and liver when HomsterV U(M-k>
Mountain Tea will make >-mi well. 11
taken this mouth, korpa you well all
summer. 25 cents. Tea or TabUto
Johnson Dnig Co.
Or. fUl.oh* 8. Jtrorh of Muskepor
Locatos Kara.
Per Uatph « Jlrtudi. a graduate ol
lb«- Hometn»sibic ^^.llege of Chiragfv
the Hahmauu. bss n c.-nlly dc id«Ml
to locale In the city ami o|H n«'d up of
hetw In the Butherland bltsk. l>r
Mrs P. Miller and two children of j
Jlroch U a rt*sldent td Muskegon and
All our tlnipB nro of
Cedar, who havo to*. n vtoiflug friends |
hto advent into ftrufcwiUonal rlirbw
of the anmo quality
In the city, returncil lo her home thU j
of thto city brings the methods and
— the Tory Uwt the
loachings of the homeopathic srhnot
market affonls.
to the notice of r»»stdent}«. Traverse
OITSOON. \\Tiai? SiMHcr s PaneGliy has never Nm'U rep»v-*.<*«ie<l l»y
most coounoo snbutltntoi >u»ed tni^H.
thto w hopl of ipedicine with as j?tai to the adulteration of snaplr augar and
alrup are ocber sugars and glucoae.
a profiortla
Much of the ao caltod mapto alrup on
the market is tiothing but a eomWus
tion of sweou wrlih a lUtla maple mo^
tosses added to give the maple flavor.
HeW^ Thia.
to also a maple alnip which ooaWe offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any rase of Catarrh that cah- talns no maple at all. bm tbe flavor Is
BOC be rurod by lull's CaUrrh Cure. obulned by adding to the compound an
r. J. CHBNEV B CO.. Toledo. O.
oxtract of biekorr bark. This extenWe. tbe underolgued. have known ahre adnlteratlon forces the prodocers
F. J. Cbener^r tbe last 15 years, and of pure mspla airup to compete with
beliove him perfecily honorable In all
1 flaancially raw prodnrt to kgpt down, and the foreata of maple are not ns profitable to
their owners as they c
via. Wholesale DrugglsU, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure to taken la- be.
turnaUy, arilng directly upon the blood
All stHes, all sizes.
at lowest prices.
best assortment in :
the city. Odd size T
and extra large
doors a specialty.
in any size or style
yon want. A good
all Japaned wire
screen, will adjust
to fit’ any ordinary
wocim cRKDi*r is oooi
A Bad flearu.
Dying of Famine
Some day you will gel a bad scare,
Is. In lu tormenU. like dying of
when ytui feel a pain In your bawels
xumption. The progress of com
appendicitis. Bafoty lies in
tion. from the beginning to Uio very 1 «"•»
Ictim I
King's New Ufe Pills, a siito curu
end, to a long'torture, touh lo vlctl
umo- ‘
and stomach discasot,
and friends. -VChvn I had
nch as headache, bllkmsness. t
tion in lu first
of Cearfon
vain. I aUa»t*took Dr king s New 1
coughs, colds. S<ire throat,
i. etc. PoshJvely prevents
pneumonia. Guaran
uaranteed at Johnson
H. Meaiit and 8
iig Stores. Price
bottle. Trial botUcs
Maud—Isn't 5^and 2b ton old to hope
for any Iroprovemcmt? 1 stowld say
liOL One Just lieglns lo Jive. Take
Homster's Rocky Mountain Tr a. You
win hi bbwrolng fair at f.O. ?.5 cents.!
I6.0n pa vs for six w«M»ks course In Tea or Tablcta. Johnson Drug Co.
c.mmi. rclsl work. Including r>enman.
Grand Traverse Business ITnlversltjr.
No Secret About IL
It to no secret, that for cuts, burns.;
ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, I»olls.'
Six wiM*ks course In ijitln. Greek. etc., nothing to so effective as PurkFrench or German for
len's Arnica Balve. -|t didn't lake lung
to cure a tiad sore I had. and it is all
Grand Traverse Ibtolne.-is l*ni\f rslly.
O. K. for sore eyes.- writes D. I.. Grc
gur>-. of Ilom?. Tex. 2.V nt Johnsi.n
Dry. Hard and Soft Wood. South Side Drug Store Co*s. P. H. Mends, 8. E
Wait k Sons* drug stores.
Farmer Bro*n dill not <»«sl.ler till-raphjs * INPIANA RV
iBluDrlluD i,l*unch eooush to |.n r. ..I j
the Here Marquette from runuluK out
^ At*. ro..n.l trip
ten lomled ear, l«ck of hi. land ,o
llrk.-.s .............. ...l.l at
hed«AaDlmni.-o«Tavemlnlixmtof|^.,„. r,.,,uc..,I rm|.-.. .lilt.
them, complrtel.v botillnE up the road |
Seltlomaiit wa, effeeled r«e< ntly hr
*».jojulyl ::
the Elk Rapid, Iron company obialnias Jointly ailh th.- Pere Marqu.-tld
a lease of the right of way for a |M*rio<I
of six years and in turn executing a cure Of such a liad caae of kidney di« ■
deed to the defeudant. John Brt>wn. ease as that of €. P. Collier, of Chenv |
la., but Electric Bitters did It. He
conncciing him with the original title kee.
writes: -My kidneys were so far gone,
at the expiration the time and pay hto I could not sit on a chair without s
attorney fees, he to |»ay costs. Taking
the c<wt of the original title.
the varioiuf other costs and 1175 which
was paid .lohn Urown in July of la^t perr«*c
weak kid
year. It to concc-dfMl by fair mlmbMl tonic
penums that the farmer was certainly neys. 1
a ata>er for what he considered hto S. E. Wait
rights and due rewanl to given him
for w Inning out single handwl against
a corptjratlon backe<l by millions.
That Boy or tiin of Yours
Manton Defeated Bsae Ball Team by
Score of 9 to 7.
SiMYlal to the Evening Riwrd.
Kingsley.; Mich.. June .10.—There
was mcMirulng.and lameiitaibm In the
village last night. The Kingsley base
ball team went to Manum yesterday
and hy two little measly runs was put
out of buatiM-ss. The score was only
, 9 to 7 but tke bosne team is still busy
C'xplalning how It was. The
and hard fought but the
KingHtcy team Just couldn't get run^
enouiih and that was all then* wai> to
By eqiunws >«« Aw. Mid .rindon
The Co«MMu:ks of Ritasia figure very
promtocntly In the public eye just
now. and it was only after much
trouble and after* considerable Inflti
cnce had t>eeu Invoked that Maj. Got
ddn W Ullie, -Pawnee Bill.- who
comes here July 12. was thU mwson
again able to present a detachment
of the' flower of the Russian army.
OActoto of the army were much 0|v
potted to allowing any Cossacks pass
ports to kjsve the country, but ITince
Luces, who heads the detachment with
the .-Wild West,- secured from the
Russian gmi'rnor of the provisee of
Uaioum. from whence the men came,
passports for himself and tw»dw men
who wlU
seen daily la the -Wild
arena in feats of daring
manshtp which ha^
sacks renowned throughout the world,
l.ticcs. himself, is entitled to use the
prefix -prince.- l>elng a hol-msn (hcuul
msii) among hU iMMiple and exempt
n (HJi he r.!
from, taxation.
irora iramcKing over nis ia«a snn on
I- I
.And that a mammoth one. 1 Icrc you will find
A Dry Goods Store
A Hardware Store
A Furniture Store
A Shoe Store
A Drujf Store
; v ' ^
A Carpet and Crockery-Store
A Grocery Store
A Clothinjj Store
You will also find several most complete departments, where the finest
■ poods arc carried that can be found in the largest markets, purchas(,-d : ,
for spot cash and sold on the closest i>ossible margin.
A Bicycle Department
A Carriage Department
A Sewing Machine Department
.A Stationery Department
A Piano and Orgah Dep.iriinenl
A Legal Blank Department
•• ; .
A Cloak and Garment Deparlmcnl
A Cut Glass Department
A Picture Framing Depariinent
A Wall Pa(>cr Department v
A Book Department
- A Drapery Department
■ . ..
A Toy and Game Department ;
A Lacc Curtain and Window Shaile Department
A Grain and Feed Departn^nt
-i ;*:' .
A I’aint and Oil Department
: ^ ;7 ^
•A Farm and Implement Department
. A llarncss Department/
A Plumbing Department
A Tin Shop Department
A Sporting Goods Dep^ment
, 1^
A Silverware Department
A Fancy Goods Department
A Masons' and BuUder^’ -Supplies Department
ivlviliAi & uy
or tlif OOHT «C^«r^
Maoaigto Ourlag lha f=
Very Lmta Largar'
siiiiiu MS m aim
Jodfea. lawjecB or lorpn Quite fall
to catch It.
*'Wben bf^ BBC Wa iMQd bfot over
Ida aotobaok b» feola the Jarrtac fhlae
note In the voice of the liar every time.
JoBf> SO.--A1I filO
tbut for oKtothi hove bm elvn>loie4 u> the cflMn that there «ns
dftMomloD tn the Pa—aw omal cos'
totoiduii. that there waa dlhhote aa to
ehother the ouui] ahofK be aea level
or lock, that raiial a»alfm gea
veni In a rbaoOc ctmdUloa.
atO|»t»Hd laai nijrhi etea Secretair oT
War Tan aavr otit a aUteveat aa to
the rt«J maane «bf ■—H—r
u qnlttina the cahal work. ThU alatamem ahoaed two thlafa:
Flnit. It ahowed that Bogliieer Wal
. lare did bo( realga tinUl he waa aaked
to do BO b)r
PretldBDi RooacreU.
ihmoah Secreury Taft. aad.
Bemnd. It ahowed. while not aarlnr
to. plainly, ibai u»i»«oociUb«
roada are aaain gettlac tn their work
to |ir»‘vent or delay annal iKKlnnlng
and pruacrutloa of work on the canal
lUtleoad doh for Wallaca.
Mr. Waliaoe did not quit the canal
work licrauae he had been offered an4iUi< r enidneeriag job at a higher aalary J4r. litaactr. admitted to Becrelary Taft that ho waa suing to heeome
proaldent of aome athdk botdlng com
imay. without aaylng what that
pafeiy waa.
It k iroeoBOd la Waahlngton that the
atoih holdlni cotnjiany U one that
may be formixl by rallrxiada for the eipm*, purpoae of taklag Mr. Wallace
away from hla work oa the canal and
cmbarraaalnr the admlnUtraUao la
the prtMeciitlon of timi work.
When It U knovA. aa It la known tonisbCtllat aooo after Mr. BhonU became a member of the canal commla
akKi and chalrmaii of the hoard he waa
fiSm-fd an Important place by the
trana^tlnental rallroada at a much
higher aalaty Than he U gHUng with
the canal commlM.lon. the gam. that
rail road M ar«> playing to balk the ranal
urkma> l»s.|terlH^un.lvmUMM, When
thU affair came to Mr Shonta and he
waa aakod to rmbarrajui the Pulled
HUtca gtiwnimrnt by qimtlng jiut #a
he waa gHtlng thinga Into running
order, hr made thla reply f
aat Inlu
thU game to atay tn the flnlab. and I
am going to atay,"
fihenia figpoaed hcheme.
When Mr. Wallace conjro»*nced cah
ling In Waahlngton for leave to quil hla
' IK1.I Mr 8I.O0U. thoreforr. knr. wli.t
tn the paot dftm yeora or ao that 1
Imra eoaie to accopc It aa eertala wImo
that Blmaat tadlattasoiMtoble falot
la ahaent Cram the fooa of a
few yeaia a«D I lepmiad the trial
of a yomis rbaji whh waa aomeed of
bavtng maud chibbed a Jewelar In bta
•tore and of looflnf the eatabthdUDent.
Ibe yoons Wlow wga Boodv looktiis.
loteUlBittt, with a faoa aa fraak aa ao
atoht day cloek and aa eaay. candid.
^tolSrSayow ebap over before
toe trial basan. and I derkbd that the
acmaatloD ayalnat him waa oatravMMiB.
When the wltnewM teetlAed thft
toayd aemi him combig o«t of the
atore I atrataad my aara to catch the
falae intaoatJaa la their toaai. but It
waaa*t thme.
-WlMm the defBoae opeoad the youag
man wa« pmltted to go on the atand
in hla own behalf. I waa aatonlahcd tn
dad that hla voice bad the lying quaver
la It right from the bqgtnnliui of bit
TUa wardi vastly
>017 and aa vmatly chagrined the proaecntloQ. Be underiook to prove an
alibi for hJmaelff
•in ronbbomtkm of tola a married
In the aflemooQ until 1ft o'clock at
night, Uklng dinner with her and keepIng her conijiany In the abaence of her
huabaud. Well toe waa lying too.
She had that tenuie tolar ring In her
ttrioe that convinced me of It deapite
her fine, frank face and her obvloua reaprctahillty.
•The court adjourbed for luncheon at
the end of her teatlmony. I took
lunrbeou with the attorney for the
••Well, what do you think of thla
ler he aaked me when we eat fiown.
•I gueaa we don't land him. ehr
- 'Hc'a guilty.* 1 re|>ned briefly.
wa. lying, nod an waa hla alaier.*
The attoroey for the pruaecntlon
“Wlirn tbe-cmirt i
be aaked
for an adjaununmt until next day.
and the judge granted It.
•*On the follow lug tuomlog be had In
court the Janitor of the apartment
bouae In which the priaoner'a Mater
lived. 'Hie janitor tcBtllled that lb#
priaoneria slater bad not been In her
flat from noon until late at night on
the day of Ibe aand cluWilng.
TtTille the janitor waa on the aUnd
w.lkMl Into tb, courtroom
IntrrcairNl wbw
wa. try'Ins
tryln. to
lo t.kc
take away
prlBoner'a alater'a apartmant that i
from the canal cxumnl»alon Ita chief
i^uglnerr and att crlpph* the work. So
That mettled the came, of coorwe The
when Mr. Wallace came to talk with [irtaoner'o alater broke dowm and conRw-retary Taft. Mr. Taft km w all sIkmu feaacd tb.it ahe bad Imw endeavoring
and lm.ie«d of re j
•*'*«*W her broUirr.*'-8t. LoulaGlobetht« whole
wlgnMig. with iMMiqueia Indiig Ihrowo i^"***”* _________________
orier him. ^r. WalUrtj waa anked f»»r |
SeereUr W*rk Pwr Pwy.
hla rralKiultIcm Inatanlly. and It waa | 'if you will kindly give me the adncceptcd hy rn‘aldent H.hsm v. it i„.) dreaa of the artist who palntto my din|ner canit 1 toall be aide to give her
0,.. ...................
will eripple ilie ws»rk for a few werk^ | -.|
„ot at lllierty to do ao. road
until amiiht r rhh f eiiglmvr enn get to ; am.- mdliKl tlw auiloner. ' But If you
the lathroua. hut aualher cJiKluecr la wUI leave your Inatrurtlona In writing
ictly foUownow to sight, and It to Is Hov.hI that In
that Ibry ar
• hr fiilure BO railroad rimil.lnatlon. i'l"
carry out aoroc
,111 iry to tak*a„.v lm|i«riant ranal
employee, and that If they do. after
thP dnihhing Mr. Wallare gt« at th«< : T am aorry.- aald the atatloncr. -but
lianda of Hivix iaiT Taft and f‘n-^i.lent w* cannot depart from ow hxlr. Moefa
U.a»M-vclt. no canal rnydoye or omelal of thla w ork Is done by women who
will rare lo quit hU |a>al until hla work would not like to have It known that
they work for pay and who have
Is di*ne. •
I. n.ar I- ..u tba. Ibl. r.rao.
1 If we broke faith we abonld loee
the only si»rc h|aH there Is to the per- arrvirew. “
.‘omi. I of the canal board, and that h€-]wark Is done by convent bird
M.n.l tlM* emp«»rary deity no harm will who find It neceeaary to
to gel along We reap
\h dftni' There is no dlaeenthw among
New Toih Preaa.
tiu- memlHTs of the board. ihWr pians.
are in aoivl sha|H» and everything will
, iM- working sinoothl) to a n markably
If an Infant Is weak and doea not
whoti I tote
grow watlsfartortly. It ifluat be mraaured tar the ‘Mndergrowth.- areordlng
to a aupemitloo to some PetmaylvanU
Dntrh coamnnltiea. a powwow doc_________
tor. usually a woman, will atrip the
tlr «»‘“‘e uf whom be to ver> pomd. [child. nMaanre It with a atrtng tbe
A few .toy*
Mhe'rame to him and mme color aa Its hair, aay aooe
•aid. with M ^..r> Merioiis air;
j-worda- bury the string In a aecret
-rnrle. th.-re to a «,uesUoo about pUce and repeat the perfoemance three
law 1 w ant tu
vnu.tlmea. The child will g^ woU. Thare
TVell. dear, what to itr patiently ara dtmna of chlldran In one Pauayl
vania Pntch community that ww
Inquired the judge.
In this way and are new
Ti^'le, If a man had a pcacot'k. and
It went into anoiber man's yard atwl potetad to as raamplaa aad proof of
UId an W. to wrhom would the egg the aAcacy of the method.
Aahea moat not be token from a firol-etongr
-Why. the egg would l^dong to tbe plaet la a alckroom. The fimOi of lha
man who owned the peacock, but be imttont wtmld follow. Kor moat the
conld he praaerated for trewpasalog U hfd of a akfi pacaoB he tnrnad over.
he went onto the other s piuperty to It to actnaUy tme thatthtahutpraTtokm to hHtovnd and Mhmmi In inahy
get It.The child aeemed very much Uiter- rmutoylvanU tHitch hooMa Bn the oM
eated to the exidanaiion, and then ab- aMtIemBoto nf the auta.
xenrd li.noeently:
-Vncle. did you ever think that a
$<L00 pa>s for six weeka eo
J C. Dan and wITe of Central Udto
area to the cUy ,vestcrda>.
morrow. The troaaary debclt for the
yaar wfU he agproatmately $24.MO.oeo
This amooBkla mh)oet to a aligbt. tat
aot material chaage. The last report
of the Becretarr of the trmnry oitlmaiod a deficit tor this fteeal year of
thla by If >#0.ai0.
' The recelpu for the ftwcai year
have beaa ahovt $M3yioo.fHH». |f.aoo.dOO mona than the reoelpta ewiimated
by the aacreUry of the treasury In hla
last report The exponditorra have
hBao $H7.6^iO.OOO, or about
more than eatlmalod. The monih of
June jiiat doming ahowp a handaome
aurplua of nearly 113.000,000 and re
duced the deficit from |37.«W.oom to
ftooaifrta Change Little.
•A compartaoB of the rcortpia
thU flacal year with thoao of the pre
ceding year ahowa remarkably amaJI
changes. Cualnma rerolpia for the
flacal year 1»04 were approrimaiely
I2C2/100.000; for ihU voar approxi
mately IfCUOo/Mai. inierual rt^vemm
recelpu for 1!M34 were f233.400.<NH»; for
IMC. |;33.&tHi.0U(i. Mlarellan(V)ua reoolpta In 1004 were |4C.7no.<wo; to
iOto. I4«.000.<»«i.
-A compariaon of the e*i»oiidliure8
of the. two ycara ahowa w M»-r varlaUuna. Civil and mlacellaneoua exiM-ndlturea to ISM»4. I'xgluding luiyment for
the right of way for the Panama ranal
and the loan to the Louisiana Pur
chaae Bxpuatttoa company, were fl.t:.40U.000 thla year they were fl47.2'K).t«io, an Incnw of |15,ihh».ooo. of
which more than half to an tocrvte in
the poaui deficiency.
' -War department erpendlturee to
lf04 wen* |115,3O0.WH>; thiM vt-ar.
H2f.400.000. an Increaae of |7.ooo.ih>o.
Navy dcjWtmem expenditures to
1»04 were an tocremae of ll4.hOO.OQU.
Indiana la 1004. Il0.400.00a; to IfOS.
$14,600,000. an tocrcaw of |4.2oO.OOO.
Penaloo paymHlu In 10u4. $142,600,000; to 1005. II41.700.000. a derreawc
of |l.otw».ooo. Interest itax-im-nis were
the same for the two year^. |74.i«M».-
ecgtkm, amaag thaae to paaa thamigh
thw city today haliig: John Qataa and
tomUy of Ctoefaumd. Mka. WlBlam
Anil of Daytmt Ohio, for Neah^a
wanu. and Mrs. nttmaa aad daugh
ter of Cincinnati. Mr. aad Mrs. H. W.
Fullerton and two children of Indian
apolis. to Omaaa: Mr. aad Mrs. A. W.
MePhall. Mlaa McPhall. Janet and
Monroe McPhall of Ft. Wayne and
Mr. and Mrs. August DItaer and four
chUdma of n. Wayne, who went to
Bd Where they wrill spend two
montha. the latter family taking poaseaaion of their cottage. Pine Acres.
Mra. It H. Powers and four children
of Pontiac wrere passcn$em for Northport where they will remain through
out the Bcaaou; Mrs. C. E. 6oln and
two children of Clncfonati were gwaau
at the Park Place en route to Fountain
Point, where they have spent three
ms; H. W. Hodglon and wife and
ihrw daughters, accompanied by Harrlft and Herheri 'Webber of Dos
Mnlni>«. Iowa, being guests at the |»ark
while awaiting tranaportatlou to
WIMMM mrnr rnmtp varm.
Verily, thd-re i* no man who la not
fiiMiptlble lo the influrnce of womt
giHMl wuuuin. wlio esuntfl 1h‘jierauaUed
lo high rcBolve and nulilc endeavor |
by tbe atrrngth and love i»f ture worn .
there U no wunmn wbol
cannot, under oornui
j Tk« tUUkb
UTon. ^ PoftlMd.
OBd XofOipori. »nd.»»«"««<»M«XBlb,l».dtol.n»ro.«!h». Bc^ubeB^I«J-n.«CBrp««BB«».■■ nciinloB la
«*•«•—Tro-Mraro JoaraaL !Tbratember* nakroarpoU t<mmf»•oealDc oa tb* b«r. Ratas lor ihej
-----------------------I ttoad of nwkinc nt«» ol carpM,. as do
poiu of N<.nbport aad Oncaa ar,| J. T. Dcaeey of Bxw U to ib* eltj <»>«
«f«r *«.t. for tbe loaad tnp aadUooMa^ aticr baaiam
tweatr-flrr cMiu for Xeabda-araiita i
Ue cieetas oxcorMoa.
;------------------ ::-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ——-------
Hoot, for apriakllag Uwn» are fraoi
8 a. m. and from 8 to $ p. m. At
ao time can water be nsed wrlibool
noxxle or aprlnklcr attached. On arcouat of tbe great amonnl of^wrater
tssed dnring the day tor tnanufactnrIng and other purposes neewssary rulaa
H. O. JoywL 1
jun 24-tf
Porcb Sbades
MAKE MONO.W. July 3. IPnS. « day
of your life h\ i nierlng upon a ecnirse
of study at Traverse City lluhincas
Bamboo Porch Shades, sires 4.xS. CxS, 10.x8.
PJ.xS. From '.K^c upward and we hanj; them,
We arc now takins; orders
(or the celebrated
Porcb and Cawn Seats
made ot straw. 7c each. 4 for 25c
Crea 6ra$$ matfind
For porcli use. at USc per yard.
muplnl with nirt.tJiiB tnfinlai;
their heroic work In tbo traiiwtlgumt»ou of tbe home and the n'generailoo
of sorlrly. muM bnslrn a roiu-uiiinm«I1 devoutly h.ipe and pray Tor.
—AJuod Ilouwkecplug.
W. K. Kly of Saginaw, who has Ijoeq
visiting hts friend. I>r. Farnsworth, ru
'd home Friday noon.
Traverse City
Brick Co.
Makes nice
Beglnnini: Friday, July 7, our store wUl be
closed every Friday afternoon durinc warm
weather. Store will be closed all day Tuesday,
July 4th.
Don’t Buy Old Clap-Traps
And pay two prices, when you can buy NKW GOODS that arc •vortliy and riKht up to snulT
emotes the expression, 'Hy
of his tt*eth," and panMiIhellcnlly
BpoUxgUes for ui^ing wluit he eiills
-suih B vulgur expr.-Mjilon.- Humor
ous writers «iv oiij.tyiug u touch a<
Mr M»<'arth.v's expense, cslllmr his
Wttmtlou to the nliieteeiiih ehapter of
Jnh. tW4i)tlrth xerse. wherv he nuiy
find the words: ‘ I am es.-«|M-d with
the akin «»f my fertU.-
Show Cases
♦Several |^wd aliow ninoa.
also other fixtnrda for display
purpoeea for aiile at i\ low
pri«ie. if booirht nl <xnct\
Ctoiebers Bros.
Becaiiisc wc arc jjoing to soli for just Ten Days A HUNDRK1) BOVS’ J^NKIi l^XNT SUITS with doub’e
seal and knees, all this season’s make, all choice nobby patterns, all sizes from I to Bl. worth every bit of ‘i.OO, for
OIML.Y $1.85 i
Money back for every suit ihail can be inau hrd or bettered at this price. Don’t wail umil you arc loo late,
These same suits arc sold by many stores at f» OO and 7.00. they arc all
tasty mothers.
’ and the kinds that arc sought
who is particular about the lit and style of his clothes, we want to say
right here that it will keep him busv duplicating these values.
Splendid patterns, perfect fitting, clothes that will prove satisfactory ard which can’t l>c matched for less than
. $7.50 in the best stores in America. Some stores get SlO.i^O for suits not as good. We want to
<io a hustling business the next ten clays, so we place these suits on sale for just..................................
Is a lot bf SWELL SUITS for men .and young men. made of fine Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds.
g$n single and double-breasted styles, every suit worth $12.50 and $^5.00,Tor only............. ..
ilKli Sin’s 1291)1 My
will br Ualy cck-braiod by all
good Anrerelan* on Toeday.
July 41k. Are your •>««»« ««1
cthn bulMinsi la fla* trim tor
tAcday? Do you »«ed aay outltd* or imide laartw to make
them ju»t H*hl^ We aapply a
Hoe grade of bard and «fl
wood* for Jam aagh garpoee*.
call, write or ‘ghoae ter fall Informatloa. laoMlBg jirioM.
Pants at One-third Off the Regular Price
Is the way we bouKht a
sample line. Fifty pair of them, worth $:5.00 to $3.59, are now on
sale at............... ..
* ' :
j ,95
” A•vv
riTTb me AT CimOT TIMP ** rea'ly wonderful. The values and the variety of ta«y styles at
UUIV U1V.CA1 onilvi Lini: 25c. 50c. $1.00 and $1.50 can-t be matched anywhere dse.
You’ll profit by inrestiitatiog these offers, even if you don’t want to purchase. It pa>-s to be posted.
*rMdxvKf«anB on”>r mioki.
^ TVVra* eiw. IMMIBAil. F»MY» JUMt fiK WL
mLY THtma TfuenoM comMuy
Atict or FAmiftH*.
Uoa of WMafc It tOFarlar, niaa
fifitt ani Hm rh^
Ifidi Tlfwu
Hitjto murwpd to thu citr
!•« «t 4:M afttfr lOilM a trip of t»>
NWcOoa akMic tf pMteMla. »r«jr.
«M i» tb« tup vas vpfjr wcU •atl»M vltB Um ovUook tor the rcatara
Md the tonam papadalljr maMd
well pU«eMI with the laaarmtloo ae It
glTM th«B liapt vhal It aeeded, quick.
Tha party arrlfW at Old MMoa at
lt:ti aad w Iraedlately eenrad to
aa aioplM dlaaer by Laadlord Portar. Tho aKrau wa« aa tollovt:
Rk» aonp.
^ Baked troaL
I, mm aad biitlar. Oreiw peaa,
ple iA Btraaborry aborumke.
AHar a tbon real the
drttea ^ M^BIakealee aad Mr. QIake
aad thqlr partlea raa tbroash the re4H
Mlaaloa potoL The mnra
by way of tha oaoter
daloaa of the dllferem
. Brtakiaaa of Old MMob aald :
thU eaterprtae vUl help
at Old MMaion woodarfally.
I aoiae ueaBt
of rapM txaoaportatloa between here
aad Trareraa aty."
that had any objectioai to offer and
all mned willing to do vhal they
«mld to help the company.
W. O. Tompklna aald: **Aa aoon aa
wa aae that the company meani boslaaaa we will do oar share to help out.*'
refnmed by way
of the center road reported It to be In
eery good condlikin. .
The bM driven by Charles Cllffe
alarted from the city with a weakened
apiiac aad hafore the party reached
their deatlnalkw It had to be tempo^
rarlly repaliad. Mr. Cllffe and hU
party alarted ahead of the others as U
was pecesoary that he should run ven
aaally. The new bus driven by A. G.
BarguiQir was the neat car to leave
atol the machine was driven throogh
to Traverse aty In oqe hour and
Bflaan minutes of actual running and
twke the bus was brought nearly to
a standstill by the bad roads and was
rapsatcdly slowed down to avoid
fiighteoiag horses.
Mr. Blakeslee said this morning:
••AU Ihal the compaiiy asks of the
paniosula people is that Ibey sih iuI a
lltUe time on their roads.**
There are only two pbsww which ari‘
In extremely bad condition. The first
one encounierwl yesterday was near
the farm of Daniel McMullen, where
the rains washed the sand from the
hUU onto the toad. The other was
near the farm of Thomas Ghertng.
about tiro milea north of Boart•r^ Har
bor. where some road work ts Inlng
done on a hill and the ground U very
The cost of putting the roads In excwUeat condition betwi'cn here and Old
lUasSon would be very slight as all
they need in nearly every case Is
crmveltng. the material for which can
he obtained In a great many places
«k»g the penInsuU.
The rcBular runs will begin July
m * The freight cars will be driven
by twenty-four horse power engines
•ad will have five-inch tires on thlrtyalx Inch wheels.
The Bottgbey building at the comPr
of State and Gass strciHs Is being reu;
otUfA tM the coaqmny will make
Ihla their headqaarteew. There will be
oerrloe obtainable all night
wni FmiN • Rw«o.wtr»i»ei m thty
t*M Nr« RatM
able propertlsa nf tbdr tavortto trout
M making the file- haita. Mr. Oarvar claimed that more
tfeat noald be tared by the artificial
ty. whOe Mr. Jahraus upheld bait fishIn Oi
latg Wedaumlay evening saw all of
Oa Friday ActorMiy Joha J. Molkiy
the argumsats on both aides of the
goes to Traverse aty to eettie the eegassUoa and H was decided to try for
tau. TheaMhs are W. J. Bath
talooa keeper at liOt Buiara avc
WiUlaai Butler. Jr, Mary Bi
Jamee Batler aad Mrs. Aaaa Hag!
lastead of disoovevtag a tortaae
through a Joke, tt looks very Brack as
If the Joke was on the heirs. The es
tate Is that of Michael BaUer.
died aevecal years ago. aad U oaly be
tween three mad four huadred ^lan.
By the time toe lasryer*a aad other ex
penses are taken pot the heira will re
ceive a very small sum as their *Tor-
Chicago, where she srW speod a t
time vlaltlag friends.
Harker Wh Kirby of Ohartovoix
In the city yesterday.
William J. BhniMay of l^akc Aon
was a guest at Park Place yesterday.
the city on bnslness yesterday.
E. R. Smith of Manistee was in the
city yesterday.
terday at
M. L. Harvey and wife of Sooth
BoartUnan were in the city yesterday.
Arthur Morrison of Elk Rapids was
In the dty on a toort bnslneas trip
D. 1). Walton of Cbpemlah was to
the city yesterday.
G. M. Peaslee of Central Lake spent
the day In the city.
. Mrs. U Baker of Cedar who has
been visiting In the city for a few
daj s rdurned to her home this momtog.
Miss Grace Chase* of GrcUlckvllle Is
enterialnlnje Miss Rosa Dell Samplelmer of Cleveland. Ohio.
Mrs. C. H. Tyler returned to her
home to Mantoo this morning aftet
spending teo wwks as the geest d
her daughtetr. Mrs. A. W. Peck.
Mrs. Charles Smith relumed to her
home to Manton this morning after a
visit In the city with her cousin. Mrs.
Wm. Richards of Washington stieeL
Mrs. A. 1. Maes of Detroit has ar
rived to the dty for a visit with h«r
son. C. C. Maes.
Mrs. Barry Splctn- lolt yestenlay for
Denver. Colo., wbiMO she will jo»n her
Dr. O. K Chase and E. D. Htnw returmxl this nts»o from P»*toskey, smere
they attendi'd the meeting of the state
I. a. U» «r of liarker Cm* I. la
the dty today.
Miss Gertrude IWI left today for
Muntstog for a month's visit
Mrs. JanKw H DavU. who has licen
visiting the family td J. W. DavU of
Spruce sirt'cl left thU noon lor her
home in Cass CUy.
K. A. Cross and family of thU city
loft this nooo for Sinxlh Haven, where
they will visit Mrs. M
a si Her of Mrs. Cass.
Mrs. E Wkldron aad daughter Ida
were passengers on the Columbia
daj. going to Northport fof a two
months’ suy wUh Mrs. William ^art
Mrs. K Garrick of Grand Rapids arrlvt«<l over the Pere Marqnette this
afternoon on her sray to Omena.
where she wilt speod tjic uummer.
Mrs. Gvsirge Pray and son Harry retamed this afteraooa from a six
weeks* visit at OoMga. New York.
Mrs. H. M. Hadcock of Dettolt. who
U spt'ndlng the summer north, went to
Central Lake this aftemoon for a
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bryan, accompanied
by thetr daughter. Mrs. M. Undcrieaf.
returned to their home In Cadillac thU
Mrs. Daniel Katoar and sister.
Madam M. E. Harris of Cadillac. lefV
ihU dty this morning oa thdr way
to the Atlantic coast via Quebec and
the St. LasTeoce. tak^ag a plaasure
trip from there to Ocean Btoch as far
down the Atlantic coast as the Buie
remnt of Blc before retumlag.
W. f. Bowen left thto noon for Mar
mora. CaaaAa. whete be wiU |oia hU
wUe and children, who am speodtog
the sttmmer there.
Dr. H. a Gamer recnmed from Petoskey thU Booq where he has been at
tending the Bweclnc of the stole med
ical society.
At •
o» tk» eooMO. No.
im. Rojral AroMUB. hoM at UDlle^
'■Mi u>d Uakir-* oSco Iwl <neBli«
• «ooBtttc« wu appolatcd to Obm a
raBooattmaco acBliut tte aetka |ModItg la tb« aivraoM orfmalioioa « the
IM«al ATcaaaauJalaUTe to a raaAimtaMBt at tha iataa tor aea « Jttn
CONCERT tonight at First M. K
oM aad oirar. Th* provotad rata mkoa church begtos at S o'clock promptly.
tha aeale aiwiat pnihlUUTa aad thoaa
«ha caa Btal the Uih rataa are <a BO
aecretaiy af the
r. T. F. Upt
haad at laaanaee. T1» coaadl will <>megle Steel
> Ctmrtea Webb an Dened Dm
tba aaato able Jadtoe wera firiMt*
room caaa^eatm er aUx with toe
or Oatt. la MU nnHiMj'
air to the teat At patient Jytag aa
the had. wlilch la placed parallel wito
the wtadaw. has hM head aad tomdF. W. Carver aad A. W. Jahraus. ders teadag to toe teat Ify fsOovtag Tha*
mty It wm he atea B. J.M
wo of the etty s devout folkrarers of
i of Chartea E. Oartaad va.
la. whkh waa hegaa to Or-
torae teailoat. the Jary ikirtog toto
moratag at id nktek after a Idrarga
My enlertmlaid yaeterday. helag toe
guaau of Mrs. Chartea Wbhh. whoaa
baehaad to toe captain of toe OolnmIfla. The gneeu were taken by the
pratty BtUe ateamer to Omeaa. whhra
dlBM waa enjoyed and a drive anraad
SpeaUl Co toe Bvmdag Baaoed.
Old Ktoeton. Mkh.. Juau flfl.—Tbe toe reaoct followed toe nptuSL The
leort eeaeoa to at haad and toe opt- ratarawMfltoomadeontbeOolnmbla.
tee akmg the east shore of toe Old tbo tHp caiac nd ooalas belac oia
•s M h>BC pI«o»«»Wt reacBtanod.
by toe owners who have eome to en
joy the wvm days of samaier. Mra.
Mi K. Wright aad chUdrea of Travarae
aty have arrived at their pretty sam- tandBg abeet tbe arrogance of a_sca
ler home, toe Bateman cottage, captain whpm he knew. *lt was im.
here they wlU apeod toe eammer. pserible for • pasiwr.- Capt.m
They srere eoon folloxred by Mr. Moot- Mulliic aald.-to get a Hvll answer mit
rose and family of Teoria. 111.
of fhto man. Ask hhn toe simplest
Mtoa Gertrude LeOagwell aad and pomret quratleu aad with a gruff
friends are atoo here. They have come taipertirace he tarns hto beck on you
to enjoy their home on toe point
and walka away.- Captain Muller
The Ptnea to now open and expecU amlkd. •‘But a IHrad of mine.” he
aald. -once got toe briter of toe eour
Tbe Porter house is atoo open aad fellow in a dellghtfal way. Tbr capready to receive geests.
tala waa sUnding near tbe boa* of toe
The Rushmore bouse Is open aad beet eaamiBing through hto gtaases a
8eldon Trumbull of Chicago to erlto peaalng ship. •D'hit ship Is ihktr
said my friend. The captain ftuwnefi
Alaafi toe BeaebdUu DeUif
by the court to reader a Jadgmmt la
tovor of toe platetHt. and the amcraat
of judgment twtog the bone of exmtantloa which U9 to toa tiara of potag to
preaa had prevcaied a vatdkt hetog
An appealed oaee from Juatlce Itoaeach OM adag his favorite faalL
lel Enslgn*e court at Ktogelcy wae
Promptly at the hour set Mr. Osrthen taken up. toe case growing out
ver pnUed his black roadster to a
of a grocery blU of H9J7. Oaorge W.
stondstlU to froat of the Jahraas realParker, general merchant aad diedeate oa Washlagton street and hU
peaser of freah buitor and egge at
eompaaloa began hmdtog to his oatfit
Klngakey. batag toe platoUt va Jamea
**Hsve you got everjihlnfi.- qosarUktoe who raa a camp aad a grocery
tfcmed Mr. Oanrer. and reeelved an
bill to TaradUe township. The caae
afllrmatlve reply . Of oourae he had
was appealed by the platoilff. who at
as nearly perfect the former trial recelred a verdict for
that the
forgotten nothing.
The day was hot and the drive ts can be pradaetd with ao cheap a “no canae of acUoa.** Ooaelderable
Mrs. George Black and daughter. at him. *0.0 ask the cook.* be , aald. '
dusty but the thought that they were lerlce.
; ts being had at the after
In the lower half of toe window Is
Mra. Sielcker. and children are expect *Oh. r l-nr your pankm.* astd my
gotog to -ahmr- each other kept Ibelr plsced
the frame to which Is attached
ed soon by Mrs. Rushmore. also Mias friend. *1 thought you wrrr the cook.* *•
splrlU keyed to a high pitch.
toe awidng, stretched over a qnartor
Moody, all of Springfield. Ill
Their deattoatioa was souse miles circle, with a radios pf forty Inchca
above the dam and in due length of Wbm there is a recess, so that' the knear-no bound when repeatedly naked H. G. ReynoMx and two youngest
Ume they arrived. Mr. Jahraus got bed placfd parallel to the window can about a gallon of molaaeee which he sons hare been suylng at Mra. Rush- POR THAT TIRED
8huler*a Pan.
his kit out ; jointed bis pole. aUached
febemently denied ever purrhaatog. more’s for a few dajs.
a nice fat worm to the book aad was the tent has to he made corrmpondlng- sayiag be had a barrel of It all the The Old Mission Beach association
FOR BALE-LadIca* Ubrary axs.»cU.
about to throw the ball toto the whirl ly longer mnl toe bottom flaps made time and dhto*t need the gaUon. which to rebuilding toe sidewalks.
long enough to reach under the mattlon property. Inquire Mn. KneeMr. Bagley is rebuilding his dock,
ing waters when he bethought himself treoa.
The frame of the tent does not was charged to him. The jurora 1a the
June 3BCt
of his companion to the trip. This quite fill the lower half of the wtadow. Justice court were subpoenaed by the making It large enough to accommo land. 340 Bute street
genUeman was standing near the rig A space of about three tochm M left defense and each teaUfied that Mr. date the sieamcn llUnoU and MtoTRY A RECORD WANT AD
with hit bead to hU hands and assum for toe escape of the warm air to the Parker had sworn In their court that a aouri
ing what was supposed to be a brave, room. By lowering the wtndow tola check for $164 paid up the defen
careless appearance, said. “I guess apace ean be reduced to one luch or In full to Feb. 7. the case being tried
that I forgot ray pole and Alee. Al.**. leas, according to need. On extremely March 31 and appealed April. 8m
It is Interesting to note the rsU
cold and windy nights tbere need not
wane A Alway for toe platoUff aad P. St wldrb new theorlts of medical
be left any ofien space at all above
toe t.ait frame. The patieut s breath C. Gilbert for tho defense are toe bat scleiM-e SIT reversing those that pre0R»«^TOn oMai0fci».MD4; tetp.*.
s few yesrs ago- Once wrtaen
will rise to toe top of toe tent, and
the consumptive was told to seek s
toe form of the tent akis to the venBREVlTlEt.
chance of ellmsle be <heE«kcd his trunk
HAD GONE THROUGH MANY FEET tUatkm. The awning la made of atom
to Florida or some other subtropical
dock and Is waterproof.
By InvItaUon of Rev. Mr. Hotoaple section. Bnt advanced views upon the
The patient enters the tent through a
flap whkh can be made either on the the Knighu of Pythias both anbortll- niture and trestraent of tbe diseara
right or toe left aide of toe tent The xmte lodge and uniform rank, will hare msterisUy changed that.
Waa Blacker Than Poe’s ftoven and lower edgea of the canvas that come meet at K. of r. haU on Sunday next ness Is s much more Important eoodlat toe bead and sWe of the bed are at 10 o’clock sharp to attend the Eran tion thss warmth. The patient can be
Frightenml the Lady of
long enough to be tucked well under gclkal chufh.
protected against cold. Inil against
to exclude the air from
There will be a quarterly meeting of moisture in tbe ellmsle tbeie to no dsprotect the patient from
fense exce|it to run sway 4iom It The
draft The flap is so ctrastmefed as to tbe Ladies’ Library associatioa (c
full force of extreme expression of tbe
A few mornings ago William Knapp
admit of easy access to the patient- row afternoon at 3 o’clock In the par reaction is Illustrated by tbe fact that
of «5S Bast Eighth strcci was called New York Medical JoumaL
a Washington phrslrlsn proposes to
Into the kitchen bv Mm. Knapp to In-j
The work of laying tbe curb and of take abont thirty wnsumptlve patients
vestlgatc a peculiar condlUon of the* GOITER CURED BY RADIUM. ploughing up the street for tbe Wori on a « bealth-scE'klng ex|>edltliia to
staid family cook stove. She had at
Greenland this auinmor. — Boston
Front street pavement began today.
tempted to build the morning fire and ■ew is» Psr tks 1
Tbe Home Guards and the Motbera’ Transcript.
1 lot TOc ConeU in .Irabor
VW«»4 kr a«-w Y*rk iraet^r.
had bixotop frightened by hearing a
Jeaels. tw*o missionary sod
white................. EadtSSc
peculiar whirring and fluttering to the A ybung woman who suffered with formed of llllle glrit of the First
aa exophlhslmlo goiter has been prac
stove somewhere out of alght and
tically cored by the uv* of nullum. Methodist church are spending ihej
1 lot Buporior «lro*« Bkirt,
reach. Mr. Knapp also heard the odd Goiter to a common disease in moun day at Eaxt Bay.
sound and upon taking parts of the tainous ewuntries. l*p to the present
bniBh biDdiog, in navy,
Two regUterrd Holstlne calves from
stove off was able to open the portion Uiue toe chief hope held out to a suf the asylum herd w€*re shipped to A.
drab and nvl..-Oaljr Sc yi
under the oven where the under- ferer was a surgical operation, and H. Armllsgo of Casnovla. Mich.
draught runs he found, blacker than even the alight chance of relief of
Tbe Muskrats and Mud Hens will
1 lot im I'm Limn CoUbib.
any blackbird or carrion crow, a new fered by an uixtatlon to surrounded play another game of water polo near
robin, lively and frightened, but so by grave dangers. 8o far as knosn the Eighth street bridge tonlgbl at
thto to toe only case in which radium
covered with smut that nothing about has been naed in toe tresancot of the 7:30.
him resembbxl his speck's but the disease, and until similar treatment
Meet tb>‘ instnictore SatTbe C. R. A 1. depot looked today
yawning cavity of a mouth. The fam of toto amictlon proves beyond a ques like Cramp’s shlD-anl. or a dry dock,
unlay, -bily 1. Bt the New
ily released the bird which flew off. tion of doubt toe potency of radium owing to two boats licing stranded
BiuincaB CoUfRo. 20S K.
Front Street, for classificaleaving a trail of lamp black and the in reducing and anulhllsUng goiter it high and dry on the platform while
tion and general informa
little daughter when told by her pgr- cannot be said that a sure cufatiTe being iransferrt'd to their destinations.
from y to 11 a. ni.. 2
mts that the mother bird would lake
A nes' launch fresh from the Racine
to 4 and <> to 8 p. m.
care of it crl<Hl for fear the mamma
The patient was treated by Dr. Rob Boat Manufacturing company of Masbird would never know It through all ert Abbe at 8t. I.uke’s bosplul. New kegoo was ready to be carted overland
lU thick coating. Mr. Knapp staled to York city. I ndcr cocaine <
to M. J. Wentworth at Long Lake, and
the Record that in order to reach that an inctokm was made in toe neck, and tbe old flit bottomed scow belonging
portion of the stove It had gone a sterlltoed glass tube an^elghth of an to IVputy ^^>od Commissioner Dame,
through ten feet of stove pipe to an toch In diameter and containing .ten lay like a derelict •acroas the front
elbow and down almost ax long a eeatigrams of i*urte radium of SOO.- platform of the depot waiting Mlcaw000 activity was put In toe Incision.
length in ord(*r to jroach the stove
After twenty-four hours toe tube waa ber like for something to turn up.
where the optmlng was followed as far letDoved. There was nothing nnusn- • Probate court wi^ busy this morn
New arrivals in
as possible, and the wav flaaUy closed al tn toe healing of toe wound or in ing on various bearings, tbe petition
for the litUc venturer.
the apprarence of the tlssnee. The for admittance of the will of Alexan
swelling dlmlntohrd rapklly. aad in der Murphy who died a few Weeks ago
eight weeks It was so amail as to be
It may not be pleasant to know that noticeable only to a physician. Be on the wests aide; a hearing for the
beantlful Oxford has more slangtter- fore toe treatment the patient walked determination of heirs in the C. C.
hooses than colleges, and these wlth- wrtto dUBcolty. She now pUys ten Shelling estate and the hearing of tbe
Ittg a stone's throw of the walks sad nis and walks ser
claims before the court on rialms
domes we rave abont bnt the meanli« day.
which was again adjourned until July
»^ld^to to undoubtedly m12.
contrast with the me
The steamer Crescent will be cap
reams are generally tbf
in the Ohsutanqasn. House rmnlt of lying oo toe back or left sid*. tained this season by Capt. H. C. Plum
hems oa the Isis are picturesqiio. Iiat the cause of whkh to to be found in of Charlevoix formerly the captain of
aUll more «o when wo learn of toe toe cerebral blood preasore aad toe toe ateai&er Cummings.
ronxunt patrol of the Thames from heart action. Those organs and mnsThe Young Woman’s Home and Foraomre to water mcln In London. It la clce which are frequeotly naed develop elgn Missionary society of the Baptist
not exaggerating to affirm that he en more than tlK»e toes need, and toU church will meet tomorrow afternoon
joys the middle ages best who can look law to true for toe brain. Here toe toft at toe home of Mra. ReynoldB. 62€
around toe hedges and cottagm In catebral k>be. which controls toe right
rani Britain, with the knowledge that aide nf toe body, exceeds tost of toe Weal Eleventh street.
these toolated booses, are belter pro right aide in weight and blood eupply.
Bert Winnie was up the Boardman
tected against Infection whether from This left portkm of toe brain win be for two hours and a half yeater^ay.
within or wlthont than the paUces emptied of blood If It Is subjected to That toe king of fishermen to not yet
which entertained Queen Besa The no prseanre end If It U raised high, as ready to pass up hU crown to evident
dean roads, toe great dtetance he- Is toe case when toe body to raetlng oo
therightelde. When the bleod rircula- from the dlspay in the window of toe
tioo to redoced to n minimum thefe to a Saxton hardware store. Thlrty-elghl
A Bwen line of Noc^wear. BniUble for bU
beantles ranging from those eight
ara part of the great plan which has
alrrady reallaed In Britain benefit of
Inches long to a big fellow weighing
which are are hot dreemlng.
probably two pounds show that thece’s
through toe sUU skill in -The Indian’s** wrteL
tone's sleep to dtoturhed.
FaaiBma Hate at
Clayton Lardie was alosg and also
got s good cstch.
Gat price dtocurnkm In the
A number of promtoeot speakers
rantrihoted q fact that la li
la more ways than one. InveMliatlon
will be present st the labor meeting
Seoette and 8|dit Straw SailoTahas devHoped toat SheffeM. the BrtOah
in the Montague hall umighL As prePmahorg, geta its gaa at toe rate of he win take to T«ae In ceaiplete bto Ttonsly ssnounced. the meeting toCfira 28 to SO ceata. toe lower nte be
ing for uae fa gas engteea. where It InlheTlc^^^^lcterta. Be^bes^ night Is for the purpose of formlsg a
A fine line of BdU and Saspendora for hot weather
ladtoa* label Hague so the wtvas of aH
furnishes power at the cost ef 6 milli
working mea are invltad to be prsMBL
per betae pewer per bear. Tim fact
an w. A. rsinwosTH
........... o^it
2So 'to S
We.OO aind eiO.OO
of cuaree. impreeace first aa to toe evf.
deuce of cheapaeaa The price of gae
coel in BheBeld to rather emre thaa
tn meet of oar ritiee from Um MiaMaalppl to the eeebeard. Yet the gra iq
toe aeasl price Jm thto county. And Emery SbeUeu.of Angell paaeed
the cempeay makra a gaod profit at krough the city thto ssoraing on his
ea awatertd I ^ ^ Harrfetta. whma be wfll apead
la ftK diQa withtriafida.
The Pere Marquatts thto aftoraooa
took Mr. and Mrs. C. a Bognrd of ChL
fgo tor a three moaths* stay at tbalr
of Sagtamw to Bag Vtaw tor
OffBcr Frwt
■—fcw froB kef» <■ftfiH W
Ttwmt ctiy
Tka kaB _
Am raal htM tha tfci
that drev the prtae oa tha
CMj and Like An was T to 4 in
of the Trsrems Oty taam. aad the Mat Sncaedny erealag.
mmrn batvena the Trarerae mam aad
Mn. Bale SmickMad M fMRIag
Mr. aad Mia G.
Mr. Kkrr or Ceof M ten at tM*
vritlac loaktaB artn klo tanmu.
Mr and Mra. Ptmak Kaeerm rMtad
day^kid cangki
Mtn. L. B.
mdajr at tt* Hof oetnnttnMO
^ f <«^^Ttoltt< at rtaak taa-
T^kml Mm. John-Mrvhner dfore to
M2A DL H. Dv Bui ehOdm a^d
TMItad at
Among those u[ho vaiM to Tram
la hat week’s news. The yoang man
dr as kffled while worhlBg with aty Tuoaday wem Mm. Chaa. MBk
the wood machlhe M sdU aBre and
helag eaied for at the homa of J. Koaaady at Wesford. Bat aSihi hopse
am haU for hM recorery.
Mrs. Webster aad son Harold w
to Traverse aty Tuesday to att
tha Free Methodist camp meet
heU near Acme.
Mrs. Darllag aad little son Harold
s Myera was the gaaot <
WUam Baaday. iwtnmh
A paitr' rrea Moakk aa4
tte CfclMno-o Oar «ertlo«o at
aiBtoci. iBd^ hai
rH«n)«4. r«rj Ul. to tb» bom»or
jmu, Mr. ud Mn. il
»rt«niocMi betwTM the PtnOM of BU
Rapid* Bad tk« Bnu of BIk Lake. Tbf
BIk Lake elab von. M.
Mr. and Mn. T. P. rarnkam and
damikler Clella
eim of Acme apaot Sunday
vitk wm “
Jane »L
from Omaha. Neb., vhaiw ahe has been
for Che Mat nix moatha.
Mr. and Mra. Joe Hlarkn hare
Theodore D. SUaley of Lake Fomat,
The iocmi at Onatt rtMay erealag
ored teto tkelr new konee.
vna wen attaadad. There vlU be aaMra. T. Snsterka of Detroit is rlstb ocher In the aear fnture.
tng wHk Mrs. Wsncol Hlarka. <
-Mm. AivkleMik and Mrs. L. B. ▼Mltor this week.
Mr. Snsttk and son of Bear Lake are
Mm. P. BMcUadge and fhmUy of
peellag bark for Praak Nsassskal and
Port Wayne. IniL, arrlTsd here Friday
boardlag with Mr. aad Mn. Joka
The dnaee nt Arthur Ralston’s was Ught and are occttpyiai their summer
wall attaadad Mat Taesdar erenlag.
All had a alee time.
Bmil Ladcrie. who has bean aUandTbecw wUI be a dance held nt ArUnr ing acbool at Ann Arbor, returned
Mr. and M
Rnlaloa’a bowery oa the 4th of July. ‘ ame last week.
Sunday with
In the aftaraooB aad erealag.
Mm. Leaader Boas and son Jerald
boda at Cedar.
Archie Smith went to Snglnmw on n Malted her mother. Mm. John HarAnale Naehatel U atajdag with her
tlBg. Mat Thnmday.
tkrter. Mm. Pmnk Kmbner.
Mm. ’Tbonma Laird and children of
Mlaa Clar Mnail wna the gaaM of
adlngum are the gueau of Mm. HanMias darn M««tl waa f>e g»Mt of
ih Bryant.
June 2d.
Our school entertained
Mr. and Mm. Ray Chandler of Cedar
guesu ooe ^ky Mat week.
Rapida. Iowa, arrlred here Satarday
Sadie Peck entertained her friend. noon fOr a aummer racatloii.
BsaaM Barr, of OrUtt, four days last
mh Msaneen of Manistee U the
i____ of Mr. aad Mm. N. Paulos tor a
Mr. Qlbbs' parenu Sanday.
Mlaa aarm Marria retnri
to her few days.
Mr. and Mm. Bd Rawlings of HanCharles McGinnis has returned to
nnh rUlied ml the home of Mn. Raw home aner npendlng two
White Clood with relaUres
bU home at Bay City after apendlag
lings* parents Sunday.
the winter In thU place.
Mra. Ooeu from the aouthem part
Ben Johhaoii waa a Trararne City
Mm. DaMd LaBonty aad aoaa hare
^the state is Ylsltlng Mm. D. P. Tay-
Bom. to Mr. and Mra. Strackengast *'n^*M”rSdc U belptnc Fred
BoMk. Iter
ckUKteg «ork.
of New Wesford. June 22. a girt.
Mil* Hvtte Bknh Is sptedlBC ker
George Tsylor spent Sanday with
Us danghter In New B'esford.
WmmM Roost Is enterUInliid ter sisCharley Rouse haa a job chopping
fhilow for Mr. Mntcbett.
The social held at E. A. Wail s last %^.%s cook pm^^lhrough thU
and all report a good Ume and lots of
Darld Peck U helping bla brother-ln
loe cream. Between |7 and fg was
law. Oeo. H. Barth, today.
Byrtm Hulett Is prepartng to build! Mrs. Oeo. BartbJ SrT'was a Maple
a wing on his house. He has the wall City caller Saturday,
Norman Newman and wife
Miss Mina Barmtt closed a rery Maple City callem Satnrday.
Mm. B. O. Ladd is on the nick list
1 of school at the BlackMr. aad Mra. Oeo. H, Barth rislted
She la aome better at preeent
ise last Friday with a at Mm. Manrln s yesterday.
J. R Biman ta rery low at present
Mm. Marria aad aMter drore
aad haa keen for orer a saonth.
Stmvbeniea' are cettlnc rtpe and
they hare not been so nice in yearn. at the Matchett
The fre^oent ralna are )aat what is houses Mat Sunday and both were well
attended. The programs were line.
It U reported that smallpox U com
Mr. Hanaen has Improved the looks
of his house with a coat of paint.
ing this way.
Mrs. Eric Carlson returned last
Mr. and Mm. Games Wise of Tmvweek from a ten days’ vltll with
friends la Pellston.
Mr. Neaaen hns a new driving home.
Mrs. Miller, who has been here four
A. O. Fairbanks of Trarefne Qly weeks, rotumed Mst week lo her home
In Tmveme City.
•rerybody took advantase rislted friends in Mabel Sunday.
A. R Pray took In the excumloa to
The many friends of ». and Mrs.
or cdieap seed.
Harry Dumbrllle will be pleaaed to
Nemeakal Bros, are busy kanUni Trareme aty. Sunday, the 2&th.
Oolumbus Boiamere diore to Tfmr- hear they reached Tpallantl in aafety
their lumber to the dock.
Sutidar emning.
Wenrel KnOU was Ik Clen Arbor on erae City Saturday.
Clifford and Ashley Pray went to
The ball game Sunday lictwcH'n the
Trareme City Saturday, returning Burdickrille and Glen Arbor teams ro'
suited In favor of the Glen Arbor boys.'
Sunday oo the excursion.
Mr. and rMs. Andrew* Pray rlalied
ils year on frleuds and relatives In Traverne City
baas this
and Bddle j a few davs
Baaa lake wa* by I
ence French, of Ohio, stay ing with her
lly 1C fine
Prof. Mei
Moail. one morning recently
ones were caught.
Warner aad children returned
John Notan waa here one day last k william Johnson has gone to New
to her home In Traverse City
week acuing up a new mower for W. York.
Thomas Johnson and wife hare sold week. Her mother. Mm. N. B. SherlKraiu.
their farm and moved to Detroit.
John F. Kralti U in Wg Rapids
John Johnson and sister of Detroit
m. Ehle gave a small lea party
tending the PerHs Institute
visited ni Tbomss Johnson's Inst week, Ust Friday which was greatly enjoyeil
by hir guests.
returalhg with ihcmi to Detroit.
Hsrry Burgeas and George Grady
Clinton Pray drove
left Saturday morning for Milwaukee,
WiKlnesday evening, the 21*t
going bf rail from Empire.
Eva ThurteU closed a a
term of school In the Sooth district
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Perslg, June
Piwalding iSlder Carrol preached at
24th. a aon.
the church Thumday rrening. The last
Hert l>eech and family moved lo
Born, to Mr. and Mm. Edward Fish
ling was well attended. A bus
er of North Manltou. a son.
East Head Thursday.
A. Beck. Frank Fisher and Ed Denny
June 2C.
le^o Trarm. E. J.
of Sooth Manltou came over last nlgbt.
aty to vUlt her brother. M. 1June 25.
fh and famUy. and will viMt
Chaa. Rogers of Chicago w I a caller
Old MMaloo before nnum
IdsI at OI
here one day laat week.
lag to Tuba.
T. R. BliUe was a Trareme City
The MMsas FraaoeA Higgins and
The BnglUh service at the Lutheran
Blache Haskell hSre been visiting church last evening waa well attended. sailer Saturday .
Miss Mina Myem spent Sanday with
Mii A. M. Bmith the past week. They
Geo. Mahn. the hustling merchant of
retnmed home today.
Schomberg. was a Tmverse City caller
Cbaa. Oerr has commenced bajlng. Ust
He cut the hay and then plowed the
Reuben Kllwy
ground mad planted poutoes. Yuba Is one
aeamem aa fireof the steel |
a good place to lire In when a farmer
Oaorgn Chandler of BenaonU Md«
hia attBt. Mm. Jane Chandler, a plena
ant rialu It haa been a nnmber of
Team atnee they had aeen earh other.
yiorenee RaUeotmrr of TraTeme
ctir la inaklnf Roth MUU a vUlt.
Alpboneo Tjrrer la ipendlna a few
daya at honk fran the Maaltooa,
w^ he It nnalatant Hahl keeper.
The ladlea of the M. R. church of
this plaoe niade oefr 112 at thetr hand-
ro„'rpU"rt£.:i”*M'iy .f. n*?/.
A big wedding it on the program
fbe Boion band car waa used as a
'inf? is gMting better.
Henry Wllkop and^Mr. Mason of for tomorrow afteruoaa. Martin War- f^ae bus Sunday, two trips being made
way to attend the pl^ic at
Tmreme City railed at A. M. Smith’s ner of Bingham and Mlaa Anna Portlaat Buaday.
'Tr I......«
Hr* Aaaa Clayiiool callad on Mr*.
Ole OMnon la the am ner of a fine new th^b town oa builBMa.
Bmll tentner.
C. W. Leoflor.
mends I
Leland called on menus
_____ ___________
Klassen Dago of Trareme City U
to Mr. and Mm. Joseoh Nevisiting at hU grandfather s farm.
Ml» Mary Cate rtolled at Sok® and
e is filling
Mr. Smith’s place for three weeks. The
U to be married We
Sophia Oaco irlalie y**^*^T r'**> of July will be a quiet affair thU time. latter
Mm. Frank
ported sick last week and died nt her
home ta Elmwood township on Fridsy
leavea a husband and
morning. She leavee
children to moura the loea of a
Grant Center Grange added four
wife mnd mother.
Mra. John MlkuM. Jr., and
» Us lUt last Tuesday.
sd by a lady friend of. ^
jo «iy the
ed Friday morttag and will <
summer with the MlkuUj utn.meeUng
was -How
-Ho a man woo
meeUng waa
work If be was a woman, and bow a their former home at Cedar Run. Mias
School closed last Thumday with a woman would work were she a man.” Ogyha came on to Sokm to rlsli her
picnic. Miss KelUe returned to her It waa a lively and tnierestl^ dlacus- cousin. Mias Kina Myera.
June 24,
homo at the Bleeping Bear station. alon aad enjoyed by all who were
Glen Haven.
The .North Unity school cloaea next
Mm. Ella
Friday with a plcalc ta ithe grove at home ta Wexford laat
Baas lake. Mims Cate, the
a 11
leave next y
She leaves to mourn her ioaa three dren't day ?xereiaea. which
where she w
daughters and ooe son
aloBof thei
Misaea Beba Ramsey %nd
Tooag are visttliig friends in
mother In Grant, Mm. RobL Dixon.
Mm. J.
Dick Zoe has sold hU farm and «
lalon as
aa toon
soon as
the past week at her aoa Home’s.
David McLaughlin of Grand Rapida I^is to give poeeesalao
Albert Harvey waa borne a few days
la ta town rlsittag old frten^and rel- Ilm. Zoe Is able to move.
lastweME. He U working ta the Travatirea.
i the scarlet fever.
*'Mr?^HaS2l*?e?t^o"TSt^^ City
Arthur ZIm
erne City IhU _____
Alfred Dans’ and C. P. Harper’s
Miss para RuUer of Traverse City famlllea have gone to Carp lake tw
J* jUHteff
l»wuher aad family of visit at H. J. Lamoool'a.
ChUdren** day
- ^
DM1 Hash's UtUe boy haa brain
nalu fefe
all who were there
rae aty
‘ Traverae
Oty Grove meettags baigta thU u^ at
the Bllaworth grove.
victor Bchermarhora of MinaeaoU^
ftov. 9^ Mfi Crain of Traverae
rraverae The parlor ooneart that wim to have mde hla paranta a abort vUR Mat
friends been held at Mr, Bchermerhoni'b was
Jnae 2C.
e'-ii .
H ^B^ie and Rapid aty.
C C. Rogem was la UterloclMn Mat
Mlaa BBe Wc4dman of Lake Oty
passed through town yesterday en
route to Traverse CHy. where she wUl
visit her brother, Harrison B'eldi
Onrllie SunseU. who haa 1
few weeks with hU parMm.
He bras accompanied as far as Tuatta
lives and friends.
Mr. and Mm. T. J. Headetwon and
son Harold are vUittag Mm. J. A.
Tripp this week.
sporta are listed on the
come and enjoy yourself.
Mm. J. A. Tripp called in Manton
: spent a week with her
G. B*. Parker announces that he will
Paaiaa aad tnmily.
close hU store soon and spend a few
Mm. D. Buaa of Northport spent months studying bookkeeping at aome
TbonKlay with Mrs. Jenie Rossman.*
I Miss Lnlu aeveland speot Saturday
Joe HoMcrofi was up frtun Mayfield
and Sunday in Snttoea Bay.
on business Saturday.
Miss Annie Schwars was a Tmveme
W. Dunn was a Traverse City busi
City caller last Mpnday.
ness caller yesterday.
Miss Jessie Roasman U at Traverse
Mrs, Frank Danford waa ta Manton
aty for a week's visit.
Miss Jdary Horn is the guest of An
Frank Danford haa moved bis*
nie Schwarx a few days,
, lly into the bouse just cast of Alfred
German Cordes and daughter Bertha Bower’s
went to Milwaukee Tuesday. They
8. E McCurdy was ta town from
were called there on account of the
rand Rapids a few days last week.
rere illnesa of his niece. Mrs. \
Rev. A. Martin was ta Cadillac and
Tusun aSiurday and Sunday respect
Archie Lederle. who has been at
tending school at Milwaukee the past
Baldwin U able to be out
year, arrived home Ust f
Robert Wood spent Sunday with!
Mrs. Oliver Brow was ta Traverse friends in Traverse City.
City Friday last.
C. V. Moody waa a caller from I
mlt aty today.
Gordon McKenzie has moved hU
•vcral took the train nt Bates last family back to Ttstln.
The G. R. A 1. Co. changed their
day to attend the G. A. R. en*
train schedule and now we«have
early morning train. The ever
Evuaj kW
train from the south comes one hour
Mm. Helen Dickerson of Ann Arbor earlier than before and reaches Kingsteukkle.. Hrs. 0«. ley at C;22.
Orville Btansell and Mm. Gertrude
Tripp drove to tbe Boardman river Frk
lly calltHl vn friends ta this vi- day and visited Mr. and Mra. 1
last wwk.
and Mrs. Ed Conanl returned
J C. Pease and S. E McCurdy wore
In Traverne City Saturday.
few days vls-
Mrt. ^
L. B. \\*hlUoii.
who Has
In ”Washington
the pastwbo
year, arrived
Frida)* afternoon and wUI spend the
summer with her two sons, George
and Judd Whitson. Her many friends
will be glad of her return.
Mrs. Howard Fife of Tmveme City
spent Satarday and Sunday with her
sister. Mrs. B%art Saylor.
While HercheJ Hobbs was taking po^
tat008 util of the warehouse ’Tuesday,
bis horses became frightened at a
paaalng train and started at a lively
pace toward Winiamsborg. Fortunate
ly they were stopped before they had
run very far and no d
except to spill a few
along the blghwsy.
Miss Addle Crisp entertained a few
of her Traverae City friends at her
borne last Satunla)-. After dinner the
party drove to the home of Mm. John
Lelter. who haa been sick so many
weeks, and look her some of the
dainties Which Mm. Crisp knows so
well how to prepare. We think It very
thoughtful of these young people to so
kindly remember those who are less
fortunate than themselves.
The five^yrar-old son ot Peter James
dliM at the Indian camp on Thursday
morning after a severe Illnesa srhlch
terminated in typhoid-pneumonia. His
remains were taken to Gills Pier for
burial ta the Indian cemetery
Miss Carrie Bennett is at home for
the mummer vacation.
The many frisuds of BeraJe J. Mil
ler werw surprised to aee him drive
into town after a few days’ absence
and present them to his bride. The
)oung lady was Mlaa Elizabeth Mc
Cauley of ManiaUque. Mr. Miller U
one of our highly esteemed young busi
ness men and has s large circle of
friends who join in wishing him s
hnppy and prosperous future. Although
hU bride haa been here but. a abort
time abb haa made many friends who
will be happy to welcome her ta their
After a abort wedding trip
£l??id Mra Miller wUl be at borne
their friends ta Glen Haven.
H. Whitcomb of Mllwankee will
rpend this week edjoylng the pleas^
urea and beslthful ozone of Glen lake.
He U a guest at the Sleeping Bear boCapt. Jake Van
Sooth Manltou life
sacted businesa ta
Capt Domey of
Mr. A. M. 1^1 le left fYiday for
5 rand Rapid*.
MiKS El vesta Thomas, accompanied
in Thomas arrived
Walton this week and ha* accepted a
position as telegraph oiKrator ta the
dbpot at Omens.
Miss Reka Barth left Saturday to
spend the summer ml Traverse City.
Mm. H. RJnge and family of Grand
Rapids are occupying their Beach
View collage at Northport point.
John Stafford and wife have moved
to St. James. Beaver Island, where
they will reside. Mr. Stafford haring
eecnred a position as dellvcryinna for
the firm of Stevens A Kitzinger.
Mra. O. Ward and famib’. accom
panied by Miss Merril of Toledo, are
occupying their cottage at Northport
Dr. Nichols of Grt'envllle. Mich.,
spent Tuesday anti Wtxlnesday ta
town, the guest of Dr. F. J. Frallck
and family.
Mra E Bailey and family arrived
ihU week to open their Collage at
J. Panlgant of the Wolverine Gas
Engine Co. of Grand Rapids spent Fri
day ta tOSTl.
Mr. ami Mm E R. Peck spent Sunions Ba)-.
Orth league gave a sodal an
Tuesday evening, serving Ice cream
and cake. Tbe ubles were taatafnlly
decorated In red and white. A proIstlng of recitations and mu-
S. Wilson apent Sunday at
Messm Rufus Reunauver aad Albert
Dunkelow are at Plaines, Montana,
where thev will remain. Mr. Reunauver is clerking:to a hotel.
Tbe Misses Marie LaLonfit and
Marie Bannoo arrived home this week.
John Hagen has returned home from
Roy Theuna* graduated from the
preparatory department of Ollvel col
lege Monday, recelvtag booom la a
claaa of nlaetoen. He woo first prize
ta tbe Drury Oratorical college, which
is six doUam, and the acbolarahlp ia a
year’s tuition ta college. Miss BlvesU
won slmUar honora at Oliyet
Wellden of the a year ago.
Mm. Winans and granddaughter and
Mr. J. Ooulde arrived oo the Ittlnoia
the Allee J. Day
John Kennedy, who haa been 111, U
. fiwatoab and wUe apetu *
day ta Traverse City.
rant of Bast Empire srert la town Sun
Mra Adolph Hieronymus and dangh
Hte.« u
ter. Miss Meta, aooompaaled by their
guests. Mra Carl ZetimsMer and
Mra A.
daughter Inaagarde. also two serr- and trU
sms. srrived on the IlllnoU Batnrda/
Mra 1
to spen^tbe summer at their oouage, ^ew daya of laat uceek in SmtUmM
Ibout the pMes
Mra J. Spangle and
Olea Arbor.
Traverae Oty.
Oea T. Baker aad wife of CkkaBo
arrived Mst wesk with their hones*
household goods, ate.* and have taksa More.
LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT >»230
LOT 235
LOT 230
LOT 237
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
;v M-
.. :
These arc all early selections and arc the
Handsomest Lots in Ook Hoiglits
The whole bunch of
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be
As the price would be made accordioRly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Also One Acre Lot
in Birciiwood
Fronting East Bay 8 rod* and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rod* wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.
123 Frast Street*
p*m» —
©»! TBletum qf
jltiir HeofMtMftarndutM
WB«w pteri4 apea ob* t»Me • fM*
Met* wymrimm «f d«t ban vtM w
^ Md a tea peaad an* opoa I
Toa wffl kMij ncB ttet pap«
taad#fM, tn tbe iramt «r tbMB wit.
It'li el»Mjr to «j that joa
AwiMr ar TIM MnMm «r
•ntnmtmdatOit •akanrOlM.' Tfc* MM
«r fk« rM.- -A Mu4y ■■ >nrU< - ttc.
IIMuiiii ii Ma. poo aa*. aaa
ililMMil wm
la ttM »ap tTMk.
adanibrworika. TWpaHwaa
aatttMF. •na.wtihdMfcrtpidaBa
br aarcaadid la dadlac oat wtim tk othM flHw baau bad
•a*. Tb*dfatw«.atHafbart. Tbrrt
br «a< docrd br bl« rafwimit. «tao
' ii^J^ald'br
aiiib^ to Ti2
wbkb faihiwaa.’*
abcaald b« caiiT Ida fMoprapbn aak
fke Adventure oi
mm, Vn M an «r «B7 pot,
m rmA MriMtog. Apply at oma
moaitiml. Trarafsa Oty. MMb.
may IT-tf.
mmS*! »• «
Um Bate ad
ao4 I—rr«r-
-Aa a iMiu ar tracte
If be
wbM to laqatrr abaot bim fMn aoy
tblid pc«aaa. Ibat was tbe abvtoae
WrtL aflrr the manlw ’
furmnMPS wiUi muii»
wacy aad nb other aaloabica In
bottae araa broken, but notbtog
bad bm tooebed aad ibare ww ao
■Kea tbat toe boora waa broban
tola One aon to tbe only t
WANTCB-Omipetcni girl for gaaafal
ber of too family and be
bonararoto. None etber nrad agply.
baard aoUibig tbrougb ibe algbc Tbe
Mrs Onorga Backer. 714 Uabm
w> have no theortaa «T any klad
aa to the affair.
Tbe Michigan Central nHway made WANTCD-Good oompeient girt for
getwral housework.
a complaint agalmd Vlgtl lowk. ai Heroit. who raid be ttm ia Bay tCty.
Smith, 4S> West Tenth street. Citfcharging him with* the lareeoy of two
sens- phone 290.
June 22^
IMtatoe.. vaImM ai 1 eeaU Fred Knltrei.reiieailng
claimfM that Zi»wk took the ”Mur
fkctkm gnaraateai. Mra. N. Lucas.
V • from a car bebmging to ibc
918 Cass street
June 17-lf
big Kwpuratiun. Zowk pbwded guilty
re JuatW Belleni and explained WANTED—A cook, woBoan. also girl
that he war hungry and wanted the
to do dtolng room aad chamber
to eat
Sentence was auftwork. Lake View House, Elk Rap|H n !«d and a algh of relief went up
tone F4f
the big crowd in the court room,
everybvMly f»s‘llng that the stock of the
railway couiiiany WimUl not Ukeiy take
much of a tumble in runM*quenr<» of
tbe theft
While Frank Murphy and Mira Zola
ENT-fimsU plar© by the Bay
Campltell were driving fnan Holly tu
In city limits lo smaUThmlly
Femon their rig »a* Mrueb by light
sasoo. Apply 404 Union street.
ning. the buggj- was overturned aud
June 215t
broken and the horra wa* thrt»wu Into
Ml boaia aad bara. IM n. lot;
» baa city sratcr. bath room aa4
m. lagakra oC P. TbortaU ooor
Mathmal baak. Talapboaa tt.
may 22^
FOn tALE-41 lots la Hannah a btb
add; €smaaara loto fnmttog oo Htb
atraet, 4 to Odito A Wlanle s add.,
and 2 kiU oa Waat FVoni airooL
Win be oold on easy payments or
exebaage for other praperty. Oea
Mar 11-tf
rra» ttw fuad thr^ a dm©© UU.k
abadow U|mu tbe Inner aide, and Iatb
It was that wr wvOi-b«L
-I fear tbat yoall ba\e a loa« walC*
IloUnaa w1itepar«d. -We may tIuiBk
our alani tbat It la tiol ralnliic. I
don’t think w«* can rtm ^mtore to
anoke to ptoa tbe tloie. lloaever. Ife
a two to ooa cbaore tbat we set aonetbkc to i-gr oa tor our truutihv"
tX lavred, bo water, ibat^ our tI^II
round, dark
I airw> iua tb© bur OI wcr , uilll unknown. \ *»!•afibutw.
i and be rafa^ei to an*w« ««y
»lke a |
ittacui uimn ti e aubjn<t. .<it tin* iK>Ure a>OK.
! bad diacove/ad Ibat tia-.* aame buata
lie cried.-let mr totro.
! nd^t
weU bavf Uwo nado liy dm** you to Uie fi
, bb. own baada. aincti be wae awga»ad | tbe Itorglaa.“
I to fear, and^t-nded In a very j
and aliMruiar raabioo. In an
vrtOKnil the leaat aotmd to
wiro Hi of ble cvinlug, Ibe cardmi
«id» awtuMT open, and a mtie. dnrk
figbrr. a» awlft and active a> an o|»e.
ndfied up tbe garden iiafb We aaw
tt^blak pnat Ui« Ufbt tlmiwn fitan
door and dlaa)>t>«<or asnluBt
ibadow of Uie bouw- There
nC tauiae. during wtdeb we
nor brMtb. and then a very P-o*
waa beinc o|Mricd.
and Bfato Ibtre a
_ maklu*
Tbe feUow fet*
Wu aaw tbe
war Into the
What h« sought wa* erl*
not there, for agaln.we aaw the
through another blind and then
pm before we .xiOW move tbe mao
had rmerged again. Aa be cwiue out
into toe ^uuneriug iiatcb of light we
aaw tbat be carried aoraeihihg while
OPdar bla nrm. lie looked atealthlly
all ttiund hlto- Tto- alh uee of Ito- de
•rrtad atrert itwwwred him. Turolug
bla back uiiQo UA be laid down hi. bur
den. aud tbe nert Inatant there waa the
aonnd of a ibarp uA. toltowfd by a
clatter and jattlc- The man waa ao
Intent njioo what be waa doing that he
to*ard our alep. aa we
acroaa tbe graaa pUrt. With the lamml
Qt a tiger, llolmro waa on hU back,
atal an Inaunl later l4entradc and I
bad bbu by Wtbrr wrlM and tb«* hand
enffa bad to-en faatem.l. A. wc turn
•'d hUn ovfst 1 aaw n hld^oUA .allow
faca. with writhing, furtew. fealonw.
gUrlng op at u.. and I knew that It
wa. lud«wd the mao of the pholugrni4i
Whom Wf had aeconxl.
But it waa not .mr prliKHier to whom
Holmw waa giving liU attention
Smuttier «* Ibe diKW-t.ni. be wn. vn
gar.1 In moat cnrrfuUy erandnlnc that
whleb tbe man bad brought from tbe
Uouiw. U waa a bu.t of Nn|M.h.iVi. like
tbe om» which wc hud k»k-u thwt mom
Ing. and it bad Ink u broken lut.. .Imllar
CopTricbt a> Colllef’l tle«ll7.
It mi. clns. of
mwit of Geld.T A fo
To all tola Information, much of
which we alrvmdy knew. Holme, lla
teti.Ml with iH.llle attention, but 1. who
knew him m, well. i oukl ilearir
clearly h.... :
.. clKewhcn^. and j
that h1« thought a
of mingled unexiHK-mtlon iM-m-alh tliat I
maKk which he wa; wont to uksuiih.. ‘
At laat hr atarted lu hi., ehnlr. and hla j
rvre Iwighteunl. Tlnr.. Imd l.-cn «
ring at the iK ll, A minute Inl.-r we |
beard atfpa «iMm the .lain*, and «n I
ekb*Tiy. reil face«l man with grltzU*'.!
uahered to. In hla
-Loalrade uud 1 mil .dent br a inev
meot, aud then, with a .|H»ntan<Mim
liupuhN*. we Udh broke out flapping,
a. at llto well wrought ctIhI. of a play.
A fluidt of rolor aprang to 1
c-iurk... «««
and he Iwued to
»*‘**‘»‘’*' dramatlat who niY-h i^. the
boxuugo of hta audlemv. U wu- at
Uiomei.t. that fur an liiMnnt
»•*’ “ n‘usvmlng maehiiw and
In^niyed hU human love for admiration
ami npplmu-e. The aame atogutorly
*^ «««>'
dladuUi ftom |K.pular noI eaimlde i»f Iflng inoveil to
<**T*th. by aiKMdaurou. womler and
1 b«
r. llr-r
Ibe other buu»«a to
order to t>r«wk It In the garden wblcb
lauip oveftoiddujf
exaitly aa 1 tukl youI two to iMw uraltol the iwarl todug In
; able It. TL.tv n^ialut^d two bu.ta.
and It wa. obvkMia that be would go
fiw the laMMluii tmr firot. I warned the
^ liitnni.-. of the houM^ so a. to avoid a
I an\MMl lrag.*dy. aud we wrent doaru
! wim the bappleat ivauita. By tbat
I Uuic. of contwe. I knew for certain
tbat It waa tbe Borgia |warl that wv
I wtav after. The name of the murder! Ml man llnkf^l the on*' event w llh the
j other. Tto«re only remained
I bliat the Beading one. and the i>earl
i uiust U* Iber.. 1 bought a to four
j pnwen.e* from the owner, and tto-re It
j Ue-u”
We rat In .Ih-nce fiw a moment.
‘•Well,” aahl lawtrade. Tve a4vn you
toiiMlh* a good many «-aae*, Mr. llolmea,
but 1 vlou t kuuu that 1 e\vr knew ■
more workmanlike one than that
We’re not JenKMW of you at
Yard. No. nlr; we are very prood
you, and If you come down
there’, nid a man. from the okiiwt in
erat <
» uhake y ou by the
-Ihauk you.” raid Ilolrnc.^. -Ttiank
VMBHW 31 teBKA tlmt.rjaL5EyL£nlii: < “wt
to wttet tojr:.
HOUSE FOR RENT—July Ifd. corner
State and Uoso strreu
rooms, small barn. B. J. Morgan.
Wadsworth streeL Inquire P. O.
jane 24-€l*
BOARD AND ROOMt, or room wHbout board at Couage Home. Hoasa
remodeled and aewly foratobad.
Froet BtreeL cor. WclUnglim.
June M-tf
THE NEW PIANIBM—Unified an to
plan tom wlU be explained and dis
played lo my studio Tuesdays, be
tween 3 and 4 p. m. Mr*. Francea
S. Smith. ktS Bast Blghth St.. TravaraeCfty. NewpboaeSTZ.
June k-lmo
FOR‘■RENT-Seven rooms Ik per MONEY TO LOAI
tax clause
month. Underwood A Umlor. Ruthput 1a mortgages
es for satoL
crlaml block.
Juno 24-Cl
Inquire of &
Place hotel.
FOR RENT-House with all modem
Improvemento. West Twelfth street, PALMltTRY-CoasuU Madams Hlnm.
near Pine. Inquire 1012 South Union.
Ramember the futara lias in yoa
June IMf
band, a scienrific reading will reveal
the trua Ufa’s history. Ovsr llT
UnloaSL bldseatraaca.
sens phone 121.
June 8-U
FOR RENT—Two Inside rooms suit
moviHl by tto- aofter hum
than 1 had ever ueco him. A muiiieiit
ablo for sleeping rooms. Inquire
later he wn. tl»e eold and i»nicllcal
Dr. Sawyer, ^over Johnson drug
lliluker omv unwe. “Put the in url
June 6-tf
the i.afc. WaliK»u.” raid be. -and j
out the paiHTi. of the Cook Smgleloo
Train will bwve Traverse City at 7.
forgr-ry caj^e. i;«ldhy. Ijpairade.
S^'c posters, or ask agents for particu
output of writing, when be
uuy little problem cornea jour way I lars.
H. F. Moeller, C. P. A.
Tboa. Gunton. £30 Fifth street. Clll- work*. Is 1J400 words a day. lYial Is
than U* hai.py. If 1 can. to give you
Juno 2k-3t
may 23-tfialfout the averajc© day's work of tbe
hint or two u. to lU aolution.”
-------------- newspaper writer on a large dally pa
I.OOK for Shuter s
per. day In an day out. seven days a
FOR RENT-Offlee to new Wl
{ week.
In the cimriM' of a year this
block. E. Wilhelm.
smounts to UsmsjO word^ The newspsiM-r limn writ.^ enough to make a
the iH-l Kellliig lyive every
Edward R. Hitchcock, formerly
agent and operator for the Michigan
he yeor tu make anutbef
FOUND—rh«KliUn« w«trh
Central road at Glen wood, a small *ta
Ow ner can rt‘cov«*r at the Evening j
tion w•e^^ «.r Kalama/oo. ha* oll^;lnated
R.KMvrtl office.
June 27-tf
a nt w industry', whleb bid* fair to
forty ycBi>; li»* Us« vvrill»*u *Jh.2>s».iAJn
w«.nl*. or L‘P» 1 <H.kv Not « vi u Mrs. K.
make him wt-althy. Several y i-ar* ago,
D. F.. N. Fpulliworlh «uuUl IkwI that.
while he was still In tbe employ of
LOST—Pair *llver rinirm*! glasses, M.d yet llion- urt* llio..»- wliu liurf'Xe
the railroad comiumy. ho gathertvl
corn. r Stale an I lUwnlman avenue, that Joursnitoin U nn easy Job.
ferns from (ho swamps near I>owagiac
and found a ready market for them In
Ington stroel.
June 27-4t
Chicago and Detroit. Year after year
the buklnws grv w and ]>e began gath
LOST-Wallet with Fn-d P- lP.uKhey *
ejing fern.s In upikt Mlrhlgan^ In the
name on containing conslderal.le Notive to all Parsons Intansatad:
The special asserament tax roll for
New England stales and in the si.uth.
mnuey in bill*. Ubcral remord If
tbe paving of State str(%*t^rom tbe east
The markets for the ferns also broad
rt‘turnod to Record office.
line of Cass street lo the west line of
ened. RecH‘mly Hlntchcock ><wure«l a
June 2GCl*
RailrcMul avenue, is now to my hands
melcKlyis. Ilow itbri^btlea.se on a seventy-acre tract of w i»o<lfor collection. Tbe first installment
to be paid on or before Juno 39th, 1905.
land and the eiitiro tract has been
eiis niid n*finC8 home—
planievl In ferns. Mr, Hitchcock says
rests tirwl niTvta apd
City Treaaurer.
that the ot»st of latovr alone roM him
FOR 8AL€-I2xr4“ft; tent with plat- Office-Room 202 Slate Bank building.
weary ht'tulA
|*jr.u. ami he will sism have one of the
Jufio 1-lmo
pn tty faiicit« it briiij^
most unique aud valuable ganlen.H in
June 2S^
into tlw‘ mind—that is,
the world. Hitchcock has resign<Kl his
provi.ling ifg mueic.
|s»slUon with the rallroail coni|inii.v |
ments. Herman W. Smith. C13 West
and is devoting all hi<i attention tuj
Music was never uimltv
Eleventh *treet. CUIten* phone 159. Notice to all Paraona IntsraaUd:
his fernery.
with a Ixul piJinti—and
juno 27-tf
Then* was a new turn In the Sun
tax r
Ivad pitiiios have a hiul
day clin.lng war todw. i-n Major Flem
FOR SALE—Tmenty arre* gm«s. more the grading and pavtoi line
streeL from tbe ea*t
ing and the saloonkee|Mrs si Muokeor le*s, on peninsula, three miles street to the east line of Wi>111
in the dress |of pcxsl pi
gon Wedne.8day afu nioon when John |
aireel. is now to mv hands for i
from city. W. F. Marsha.
anos. Hny your musie
be pnl4
Leaders began suit against Chief of
June 27 5t
on or before June 30. 1903.
Police Sanborn for damage* for as
at a store where you wil]
FOR SALE-Warehouoc building on
sault and battery. Lenders claims
U* sure of L'^-tting music
Bay *treet. corner Hall, also 14that the chief took unnecessarily
Office—Room 202 Bute Bonk building.
— where piano knowlalge
horM» jKiwer gasoline engto© and
June 1-lmo
harsh measures last Sunday in raiding
is abundant and always
feed mill outfit; also 9-ruom brick
his saioon. and says that he wa*
struck-in the face, knocked down and j
strument is good—where
klckiHL The trial of the case has tovn
every’ transaction is hon
set for Monday .
.••»eald he. ”il U the
HHiat famuua |K-arl now eiUtiug to the
wurkl. and li ha. Ux*u my good for
tune, by a count, ted «haiu of Induenlve retoHUiluK. tu traiv It from the
Prince of Colunna*. iHdivKmi ‘ at tlie
inicrv hotel, whi-re it wa. lual, to tbe
Interior of Ihi*. U»e la.l of the tdx
huau of NuikiUkiu width were luanu
by iielder A Oo. of Stepney.
Voii vviU ivinemU r. Intrude, the m-neatluii caueed by the dUap|K«raUtv of
arate al
Jew» l and the vwln effurU
way tod It differ fromi any other almt
of the l^tmdou itollee to retxiver It. 1
toretl pUKV of pluater. H e had Ju.t
' waa myiudf cuuMdled uiam the t-aae.
OUluplHed bla eininiiiatlou when th«* |
! but I waa uimlde to throw unj light
ball light. Hew up. tlw dm»r oihmm~I and i
Uiam a. Suapit iuu feU Uiaui the maid
too owner of thr htw»e. a Jovial, rotund |
of the prlm'i-a.. who wa. uu Itallau.
ami trou.erm, pr«*wntcil
ami It waa proved that *die had a
brothtT to laMidou. but we failed to
-Mr. JoaUh Brown. 1 aupi»oaer aald
trace auj' coum.llun U'lweeu them.
I The mald’a name wa.. Lucrella Venur-V.U, air: and you. no doubt, are Mr
! ct and there 1. no duubt in my mind
aierlofi^ llulim*.? 1 had the note
j Ihul Ihla Pietro who waa iinirdered
’ two night, ago wa. the brother. 1
hat you told ]
Imvc tKK‘U LK*kiug up tbe dates lu the
mo We Kk ked er> dour on the Inold tile, of the itaiwr. and 1 Itod tbat
aide and awaiteil develo|.naenu. Well.)
toe dlrapiKwrumv of the jieurl waa
np very glad that you have
bav gin tlicra.-1
two daya lafore the uireat of
1 ho|w. p-nitlemen. tlmt you will j
j BeiUMj for jMiuie crime of vloleuce-an
refrvwhnient.- '
egbuT In and have
event whlrh look placv to the factory
of t>ldcr A Co. at Uic very moment
ilc rftrrua an old fiuMoard tnrpcU»no,\ wto-u tbcae buats were' U-lng made.
few uitoutcM
I aununomsl and we were all four right hand In* earrusl an old fudmuic^l I Now you clearly •u'e the »et|ueuee of
cariMthag. whUii he phu'ed up.«u the i evenU, though you aiv Unnn. of
i «oura«*. in the inverm* order to the way
1 our cnntlv^ ray. but he gJarvil table.
whkh tlu7 prcM-uled IhemBeJvea
from th* abndovv of hl^ itum.sl
*Ta Mr SherUwk HuIumw b^ r
the pearl to bis
and once when my hand waMy friend liowcd aud amllecL “Mr. to me. Beppo
. lie may bare atolm it from
hill hU reac-h he auapiKsI at It like , Sandeford of Ilcadtog. 1 Mii»poaer
Charlie Welit. an employ© of the
J Metro, be may bare been Pieiro’a couwolf. We ataycsl long ^uough , aald Iw.
stale land office, wa.* sent to the deten
> the polics* atatloii t«» hwru that a | -Yea. air; I fear that lama little fcsicrate. be may have been ibe go- tion hospital with a bad t^ase of small
I of W. Wothlug revftakd nothing late, but the train* were awkward. between of lletro and bla al.UT. It la
pox Wedneaday. He bad been Inspect
‘ a few abllling. and a long abeath You wrote to me about a boat tbat la of no cxioaeqnenee to oa wblcb to tbe
ing aUte lands In Iosco connty and de
toe hamlJe of which bore cev In my ivoaaeraion.,
-Tbe main fact to tbat be bad toe veloped what he supposed wa* poison
i tnu'ea of rereut bUiocL
it’a all right.”
l^catrade a.
ri^l - raid
aaij I.r«rad»
“I ».*« year Wter hcra. Too aald.'
.^aal by tbe tog from coming to oootaci with ivy.
'4IIII 4iio»-a all Ibw *ru- T doair.' lo
a .M'J "f IVvln<--a «* *'
He returned to Lansing to recuperate
tl9. aud lu- v ill *tv.- a naui.- <o blm , N.l«ol«.a aud an ,«rp>r.,l to pay you 'tiland for the past two days has been
T-iu-11 nud tbat luy tbootr of tba M.£a : CW for tb.- «no wblcb U tu your loa^
mong his friends as usual. He did
w%l work out all riirht. But I n. aurr aeuatoo.- I. that riehtr
t physician until Wednes
I am cac^llnsly ob.lral to you. Mr. , -Ccmlnly.j ™i^. co«™ y valnaWo prtae.1 not
day. A numlmr of state bouse clerks
HMirttw. for tbo workmanlike way la *1 -«• v«7 •"“* —.. —™l wiuab wonia otborwiM^
not imagine bow you ““
^ ,
. are to quarsnUne because of his risit
w^lch you laid hand, upon him. \ •»««». for It CkvuM
<MH t uuttr Ubdorauad It all y««.“
that I owitad aueb a tbln*.Ughtolng play«;2 a strange trick at
"I feor It ta
too lata aa boor I ^f routae you moat hatv
tbe borne of Charles Johnson, near |
for exptonaUooA- raid Holmes. ”Be- ! prtoed, but toe egpUnaitoo to very aim- soft, la an tostaat Befipd. a sklUfa) t’Anra. It struck tbe bouse and did |
aidra. ibnre are one or two detoUs | Pb‘- Mr. nardiiig of Handing Broa. wortaman. made a amaU bole lb tbe
xge. and pulled alH
wblcb arc not gntobed off. and it to j "kid that they bad aoU yon ibeir tout wet plaster, dropped to tbe pearl and oooalderable damage.
with a tow touebea covered over, tbe
Mrs. Johnson’s hair
oar of toora cksra which are worto ! «TT. «*h1 be gar© ^e your addreaa.worktog out fo^ very end.
Ifyou i -Oh, that was ft. was ItT Pk) be t©H apetlure once more. It waa aa ad and an earring from one^ her ears.
Sberiff Hartley and Prosecuttog Atwgj coBM itmtSl ooce more to my j
I paid for Itr
cowtwtos at 0 o’daek tomorrow I tbtok I j
be did not.Orr or Bay City are taresUgattoall be able to dhow you that raco i -WefL I am an bopeat maa. tboogh
i la Beavem toiranow you bare not grasped too eaUre t ^
ablp. Is which It to alleged an attempt
nmantog af tola tiusbissi. whAcb pre- i •blRIngs for tbe bast, and 1 tbtok you ocattrrod over Lsmdoa. Be could not
to marder James Bwallov
attts some fralnreo wbkh
to know tbat before 1 take £10 ten wblohcootalaodblstraaMue. Daly
by breaking tom could bo aea.
aad bto wIfiA both aged reeldaato uf
abaolmoly ortgtoal la tbe btotacy of' trom you.enme. If ever 1 permit you to ebroa j *T am sure Ibe scrapie does yon boo- bbaktog would taU blot notbtog. for ae todtowaablik Tbe Old eoaple awoke
Seto any mure sT my little problems, or. Mr. BaDdeford. But I bare named
m ...
a ditch Uwide tbe road. Both the oc
cupants were thrown out and rendered
UDconocious. Mis* Campbell Is still
confined to her tod from the *he»ck.
Michigan will re<;elve |M.44^.7*
mor<^ on the Spanish war claim
against the government than was In
dicated in the letter receivtd by Cttivernor Warner Tuesday from the coni|>tmlicT of the treasury department. At
torney (iciuMal Bird. -who.argued the
COM* before the comptroller last wc^ek.
has received an exhaustive opinion
from that official making the addition
al allowance. Ixra than ll.OOn of the
aiaie’h final claim wa* not allowed.
ICE—John Hopkias wtU aenra lot
aa la the past to tba
Call ap by boU pboaea Na P4.
Orders will be prompUj attaadad tA
tpr »-lmo
est, in fart—bu}* here
and buy now. No techand ones to get rid of;
all bright, new goods,
frtwli from the largest
factory in the world.
a. B. HARRER. Prop.
FOR SALE—New four-inch wagon.
Inquire of H. Hyman. 240 Washing
ton streeL
June 24-tf
FOR SALE-Farm 120 acres, good
buildings, yonng orchard 800 ireea,
good water; will exchange for Trav
erse City property. F. A. Dean. IL
A L. Merc. CO.’a
June 234f
and ioU on west side. WUl take
carpenter or team work part pay-
Fine Dental WorR
, |
ro« tALC-Ncw S0i4H ttt Unaeb
Noffi«sry ftoaslnllo
Miud To«o. Fv * aw« CO
SUBralfrera Meats.
Us I
U«alra 41* 8UU 8L
Jon. IMf
*tv<ooi loc WlU tain t
BMi aad wasoa. or bona, I
SMtk SUe ShMSttre
»M«oarA. T.
!» Sllfl RNI BIKr
Is now in the hands of the C. C. O’Neill Co. of Chiceigo, Ills., and the stock and fixtures
will be sold on the premises No. 140 East Front Street, Traverse City, Mich. Doors open
and sale commences Saturday morning, July 1, at 8 o’clock. This $30,000 stock miiStN
converted Into ca$b duickly and in order to do this we have inaugurated an unheard of
Bid Cut Price Sale the entire stock, consisting in peirt of Clothing, Dry Goods, Men’s
Furnisnings, Shoes, House Furnishings, Furniture, Crockery, Tinware, Wall Paper, Stoves
etc. Take advantaige of this, the Greatest Cut Price Sale in the history of the trade.
the wind and our aim is to
We have thrown profits to
turn this stock into CASH
and have made GRAND
Hot Profits
Uolume o! Business
in the quickest time possible
will penetrate EVERY AR-
1$ Our IHotto ROOF
Men’s Suits worth 4.00 and 5.00 now
Men’s Suits worth 7.00 and 7.50 now
Men’s Suits worth 10.00 now
Men’s Suits worth 12.00 now . Men’s Suits worth 15.00 now
Boys’ Suits worth 1.50 now
Boys’ Suits worth 2.50 now
Boys’ Suits worth 4 00 now
Boys’ Suits worth 5.00 now
Mixed lot of Boys’ Suits worth up to 4.00 now
many worth up to $22.00
Cake any Suit in Ibe bouse for $IK50,
go at 55c a yard
IDobair Dress Goods worth 50c and 75c*
5$ inch mool Serge Dress Goods, worth 40c and 50c*
- goat22cayard
V 2.98
- 1.48
We will be pleased to extend the glad hand of welcome to'all who visit our store and cordially invite you to call
and witness the Chicago firm’s manner of doing business. Examine this immense stock of merchandise and incidentally SAVE FROM FORTY TO FIFTY PER CENT
I m eofgtrr
•r it Gidtaster ti
lur ta to Ctovctoad
toft kick mIkioL twr fn4wt«4 to•rtbcr. v«rr adiBictod to the bar at
the latoa t torn aad aUe hr aide took
the aath. The tothar ia 43 yean aid
aad the aoa aaafty 22.
approve of the
muted teua aeaaie. la h twmt ia>
aae of hla. paper, the Odormdo Bapab.
Ikan. he refera to the neatbera of
h aa^Steli for Iko aafal rno tkat
I; 2!ii
Badoaabeat tbit
diMoae. aiaDed
Collectors of preckxis stooes ar«
aaaltlas alih rademoas aanoan<^
amt of tbe time and place of the sala
^ the laic Mrs. Inland Stanford s Jewdto. They arc said to bo m urib
Wi hhd a*e to bo aold at auction, the
to do to LeUnd Stanford Ju|»lDr university. Fire sc-ls of jewels
oaee owned by Queen Isabella of
make up the most interestInj;
jpkn cf the Stanford ctilUvilon. Tbt y
m valiMd at
,and wi-re
boudbt by Mr. Stanford In Muropc*.
Oae net la entlndy .of diamonds, the
olhera are of pearls, opals, rubles and
omeralds. Bach sot Incliidrs a tiara,
apcklaoe. atomacher. bmc<dets and
thirlng tho heat of the anti slavery
ddUaiion whilo on a railroad train
Wendell PhiUlps was thus addressed
bp a clerdyman: “Mr. Pbimps. why
^ you and .mur asMxrlales omtlnuc
to excite onr pc;ople of the north when
DO alavely exUts here? \\1iy do yi,u
go to the mmlh. where sUver>
does exist, and atop the tmpurtaiiun
of aJavesr “I bt Ueve you art' a luln
later of Ihe RoaiMd?* said Phaili»s.
•That is my vocation," rei»lled the
ckTwrmaii, "And your mlasion is to
■ave aouls from hell?** “That U my
mlstioo." replied the idber. "Then."
iwplied PhilUp*. "why do ><?u u«t n<i
there and atop the imiwriatloo of
Judge Whitman is the only bachelor
ou the board of city magUtrates tn
New York. He wtt ealle.1 «is»n one
fbrvnnon to marry a ctwiph* from Phil
•delphla- The bride banded him a
bandaome roae from her bcuqm t and
laid: T want you to uke It hi
yoor wife." "1 shall be ib ilg
accept It." said his himor. "but
wear U myself? J have no wib-."
bride looVeil at him with rtVmiuuwUm.
Tbafa too bad." she .aid. "and you so
." Then she turned to
him auddenly and aaid: "Won t you
to Philadelphia and let me
Ultroduce you to my sister?” "If she
looks''like you." respomb'd the JudRo
wUh a bow. “I shall l»o temptf'd to take
the next train. *
U is said that J, J. Hill always inaisu that he is not^ n Wall stnvt man.
He wanU to be known ns a railway
manager and as n railway constructor.
He does not dabble in the stock mar
ket, In hU trading and opiTatlotts
wllh his competitors, howe ver, he has
the rv'puUtipn of being "shlfi,v.” Mr.
Hill has the faculty of seeing contin
gencies and dcvelopmenu of the fu
tore further than any living railway
man. Experts in Wall street tamillar
with the IdcsOh and methods of tw^h
men state that Mr. Hiirs onlytcom
petltor in thin respect is R II. Harrimaa, with whose forces the memor
able Northern Paclflc struggle was
fought. Mr. mil is at once practical,
theoretical and Imaginative. These
ramies, combined with daring, orig
ffttlliy. confidence and oomnon sense.
Imve placed him on the top list of raih
way men In the United States.
Silas Eetolo. the moat noted author
of Brazil. U also a sclonitet. geograph
er. bhlkdofrtst, linguist and physlclaa
Tolstoi U in no sense a popalarr
nniter. yet his works have a wider'clrhalation than those of any cihiv Hr
tog writer. Vp to Ihe prem^t his
hooks have been printed in fonyfitK^
fe i
E>en sboold the seltan of Morocco
he compelled to leave tiU oonatrr In
•*»-«»«.cnnrtjred oU r»
who bli
la ImbtcOa atapWKy."
When the^ ronag king of Spate was
to London be oae day saw a hasM
of arcksome bearing these words to tol
ermhie 8panish--«p to^ the last word
"Qoe TDcstro miaado. senor. sea larg<
y files." Which was Iniended to mean
"May yw reign, sir. be long axu
happy." Bni that last word threw him
Into fits of laughter It should have
been "fen*z." As It was it meojit noth*
teg in Spanish, while to French, a Ian
gnage with which his majesty U fsmiliar. U is eouiraleat to the Ameri
can "get ool "
Admiral Fhlkersahm. « Russian
commander who lost his life in the
recent sea fight with Japan, was of
great physlrml proportkms and
the Jfjlllest men personally,
years ago he^ was pul to command of
a U)TM-d«* boat, but found Ihnt b«
coold not get Into his cabin, the aper
tur%f Icadteg thereto being too small to
permit the paasage of hls huge balk.
Ho communicated with tho admiralty
auUiuritlos regarding, the mailer, but
for a time they regarded hU appeal as
a Joke and Fiakt*rsahm had to pass his
nights on. deck unUI ho was trans
ferred to a more suitable vessel.
teutluu. nnd Im- lias deiwuard on divers
"I*ve had nouie
men In the
the Kcnator omt* o?»serT»M
In a f -te-ud: ‘m'.cn capable of bokllug
aw imj‘;»rtont plaec on a city <lrlly.
Tbmi 1 iiatv* bad fwaie wm. dhl not
altnue:b«T make gt*u.L 1 ivtuember
one in purJ* ular. a man naruei Link
wtvil. U:0cw«Mi.l vv.is ii*.ver s.itbtletl
with rimjdlcit.v. m wcmlU n f<v to au
•e«Tnlne h»>r»*c.* red In the cnv« of a
tramp kill«N] In a railixiad aceident.
aaW thai Ibe uufortunale man stt-*«trlppln*.: the light IwniUisti? toe.*"
"Yom i»rnbatdy didn't keep him
lomr* s«p:.n*s!*^l the friend.
•tih. I didn't mind the-^* so imich.
nut wkeu the <kiuyht«T of a leading
cltlxcii w^j« married atid he spoke of
Ibe lirkln! proriwsion 'procpt^Jiac down
the ai‘> to lie' entratM-iuc strains of
Mrnd.d1 A ?^.ir* w».<M|ng mur h." I
decldtxl Hat wr had reached the parb
log of the ways
wromea abaolute .
Mrs. l^nkham has for manr rears
made a siudr of the ills of hW’sex'.
ahe has eon»alted with and mdvbed
thousands of suffering women, who
tOHlay owe not only their health bat
even life to her helpful adrioe.
brnn plateed^aLft^^*^
tnaete* « onmllj tatswm tku I Mattel ukn ptace. Ihr Kir t* fllSl
The tesUmmuala which we moonstanUrnubUshlngfrom grateful women
postnd to eooiquer female diaenaaa.
•idm and ahwre m that eedae.
by thepatoi
With ns the 1
! <««*.
» aappaasd toCOBto
M to an Pavnans tariMtotf:
mesa mingle tlwir;
maetofiotfi to thmsa latsasd. Many
m fpaetel nsscMtoant tax Ton fiDT
r to be halted «p;«jis«tlstshatwrlstt«dandievlsitedthe tbe constractian of Lolcral Sewer Na
L Sewer District No. A hsented to the
•Oey between Washinkum and Web
nee. manteg thence wen to Bartow,
atrnat. thence north cn Bartow to;
Wafotagion street, thence weet oni
! If fortime diaregards thy dalm,
thy bead In fear
been done to exuato a gzmtefBl shade all‘ - - noon, whore one can M or alcvp and^
Laced te my
hands tor colMore the world outside to the cicadao.! Bat mairy the girl that you love best; has been placed
same to be paid on or be
that, wtwu thowsunds of them tokel HoUtoter's Bocky Mountoto Tea will fore September
Sfi. itoG.
woice togeeber at once, make rather a
do the rest.
aoodkteg oooad. Along the termceo of'
City Troasurer.
Johnson Drug Co.
foe Villa CarloMa. on foe lake of^
fo2 State Bank buiidiiig.
Como, thene coversd arbor walks
June l-imo.
|mo groves of Bezes. and there
rootof foe olleoceaiid Some yeori the ch>f ju»tU-c
the riiited
was driving
gig snti fouutl that th. tire wt one of
his olMt-ls
loose and kes>t si'-p-
-Let us vitalize an idea
for you.
Bpaetol Bh
Boaidman River
Bcctric Ufht
& Power Co.
Ym Art tot Fwiili Wen,
t«r«l la ItilT U o( Ihe labauuuit. urtas rtry dnie to a«UB«,j‘‘*“
for be tail iwt the paving of West Front street, from
her ntuntlcaii
morb ^uh the comtnou affaln foe west line of Unioa street to the
to their>Dwn needs. Nature b so pram i
* »
he did know tuat water
ed. so tended, her least effort no preoi-1 »ould tighten a tin- on s wheel. Comt to he paid on or hotore June ».
ed Into the iwnrice of man. The ptemy ] tag to a link* stream he drove Into 11
cnrwsca. It is true, have nofoing to do and got one little lux-tion of the wbeH
hot stand scntteel by the baivldert ter-1 wet: then drove out and bac ked bis
races; ao with foe Hexes. But the pop-} horae, and the same putt of the wheel
i 202 State Bat
lara ax tTtmmed to flagpoles for the i went InUi the water again, and be
sake of fagots, and every leaf of the j pulled lack and kepL seesawing hackmulberry trees, scroas which the rlxies | a*an! and forwanl. all the time getting
DR. W. E.
CIU-. 107; Sell. to.
e. TIO
t 21C;
ttrect, aia„ |
as foe maggou are ready to i situation tokl the Juntkv to to< k into
Noliot to nU 1
peasants, wlfo bttgebags. raouxit j th^ water again. He did no. and the
foe trees and atrip each branch of Its | nerro t«>ok Iwid of the spokni of the of Cass street from Front street to
‘ itlage. Tbe olive orrhnnds that make | wheel and. turning it ar«»uml, dire<*tly
» street and State street tron
aUver mbt on tbe hllbidee nrs busy I had It wet ell :.ruuud. The thief Ju>>n street to Cass street Is now te
porfoctlng their a-teml harvx?st.
tlce wild:
my hand* for the collection of the
Wherever a Uxlgc of rock offers an i *^Vell. I never wunW haxv thought third teatallmcnt. together with tbe
accrued Interest on all unpaid tnstallItalian peasant makes a garden, crairy- j of Uwt."
141 the aoii aomotimes into slmost
"Well." re;>!:M the darky, “some mcots. tbe same to be paid before ihe
1st day of July, m3
inaccesrible ptoces.. But there be will I men Ju-^t nat'ly h.ive
plant leeks herha. aalsd and beans, be- others, snyhuw."—ITiiladtlpbla U-dgKklfS a iMitch of wheat, the Utter not
for the half kmr of bread It might
make, but to furnish straw to plait
hats in winter.
Nstnre is no,niggard. Tbe little red the Nsitioi-l .\m:.tecir Skntii.;; a«<toe!aSEWER TAX
pofifdes blcoaom out of every tTanny
de.-.* rli.ijig a Mimpici that
Second Ward,
and chink and make a Maze of cdor
to tbe most unex|Hvted places. Ohnu- he had omv> mtemled to ,\>w York.
"I found tli<* » ;!Lqucl lulcre»iUng.".
dcr* have a way of tossing their tuft
of rosy
along tlH-white waiK^
oae of the last tojlS^t^rKa^
-clove picks, carnatioiis . leave. In the cleakrooUi. as 1 was put-1 section of
and larkspurs grow wteivver they can | ting on my hat aud .hmI. 1 t'ouldn'l | Boardman river, thence north to Hay
be teodid aud a little rill of water dl- help notiring Ihe wuelwne look on '
thence on Bay rtre^H to Ran-j
rwtwl to iholr use. but tlK' summer of ; a*., ait. iidnurs fa. e
Th,- i*oor fel-j^^***** street, thenco to Wvision street,
Italy :s of g^t heat, n;.l after the;
great gnah
flawer^ in spring the
,,ah- while he si;foed aud luut-1
vaunted lUHan ganleus remain d.7 terJ3 to hImsHf.
| s^r^fl^XTtVe^'u,
of gntveleil [latbs with
“ *YVu Mt-n. diseon«oh.te, friend,* I; iween Cedar and Spruce stroets.
cUjifKal bedgea. flights of kuy^ uraa |
thence to the alle>^wcsi of
and statues. Nothing can M- d.-arvr to t - -j
jpu-onsolate. sir." .va.d tbe
artistic taste, but for the real j<»y of ' att«*rdnnt
ct-4 in my
imrdcaing nothing
4* to be ct»!kvli i In three Int- is,ual ,0:
I. ll«> tmnwrr «iU
what the poet Gray cnIUd having “a j ‘naveirt the gUe-iH tilH>ed you well tots. the !first testallment to be
i paid on or U-fure June no.
gaivltn of your own. where you plant | clVhV''
City Treasiiret
i 202 State Bank building. I
*- -ir-i not only. sir. that they L.tven*t j
June 1-Jmo
Bird Itt.iiirvd Buttle.
tipiH'tl me. but tlew've taken the
One of foe mo»t paihetle *e«*nrs nv * quaner that 1 put in the trav for a
membered from the experieoees of an | decoy.* * Buffalu Lnqulrer.
gemua U given, among other !
Notice to all Persons Interested:
fact-s about Beethoven to the "Lire of j
j The special a«s*-5«ment tax roll for
1 the construction of Lateral Sewer No.j
friuit <'oin|io»
I 1 in District No. 1. bealnning at the |
door w urid. He lo\ M a tree, he onco j
' iDlerseriJun of Wellingum street, at!
declared. wiUi ik,trdv»n.vble exxggera- f
the alley between IToni and State j
tloa. "betb.r than a man."
all Persons Intererted:
l city, thence running f
Afur he bad Uvome stone deaf he j *rhe assessment roll for the Imp.-ove- streets inthesaieast
iwcmv two feet lot
YlsUed tbe vahey of UeiUgenstadt
six. blo< Li five, origiaa! plat of foe vll- •
when' be bad sUyed to
lage (XI iw city) of Traverse City.
Mich., has Ui*n placed in my hand* i
I for the c
for collect ion. the same to be paid on
or before June 30. W5.
>n.«. him.
o,y T.- | S^onlu
tornl ...
City Treasurer.
Office—Room 202 State Bank building.
.rellow hamnierr*
June 1-lmo
"No." wrote tea friend on the conver^
City Treasurer.
oaUoo ttlate. “And to the symphony I , Office—Room 202 SUU Bank building,
only rememlK'r tbe nightingale, quail j June IHmo
and cuck>3."
------------------------He believed certain phrases to have !
been meant for a direct imitation of
certain birds, bat Bcetbovco'tt method
more poetic one. Tbe birds bad
AtttM»ooor mid court, held ttt tbttprc .
Try • “Pill tn-nlffht.For tola bj all DraotoB
10 OMit ntitf B6 Onnt Bnxnn
ABCCPr M suBSTirum
toetton gnarnntood. With Kin
MustoBonao. ata. phono 2U.
Ust. 201-2-3 Now Wllbel
T/nvorso aty. 1
OradunU of Ph
There never
» Umc wbi-n
you bad belter ^fleslgrs from
which to make y'O’ir seleciions
than foe present. We make a
specialty of bulMors* hardware
and 00r experience to this line
of goittls enables os to help yea
mak4. f. !,xtion* by which ymj
get the most value for yoor
If you do not know Just what
you want come in and lei ns
help you make j-our selecUon.
!♦« Front Stmnt
DIL a H. LYNCH—3 and 4
land block. phyalciaB and i
atiaooa phono SSL
clan and-^aurgixm. C k Sulherlaad
bhjck. atiz. phone W»4. Office hours
0 to 12. 2 to D and 7 to 8 o'clock.
June 21-tf
DRS. J. 0. It MAEY J.Ttl
Mtott mere wia»^Bkto^ a.^ to n
______ a.
When yoQ wit loe or Wood don’t listen to « •mooth
talker; be vants roar dollar today and will be in some
other town tomorrow. I do not need to make yoa
mmitem as to givins: good eerrice; you know that I
bare done ao daring the peat 15 years and eKpeetto
1 f
MmOE & ieWETir
*******^*^y, jy,* oopy of
cate PtoMTU
and ooonaotor, Wilhelm block. Ttstana aty. Ml^ auaona phono Iflfi.
till ttte end
HARRY B. HABtiKB Baport pteno
ntlng unconsetoualy to foe Jay
moay of the acenr.
1 to answer to hls Wend'* mnL
took the slate and n*rote
upon It a iKiiKage for tbe flute in foe
Sewe." That was what
yeHow hammer bad Inspired him to
The ««Br^aCnitta
In the western jart of .Vorfo
ua, tn tbe mountains known
Fork ninge. to located foe must remark
able cavern
calltd foe Brenfolng
talnlt i^ mwt wtaaderfuT, natnrsI lTUri- ^JiZ
DIL F. F. LAWTON-OfoM raoto. tw
toOTOd to nov.MuBMB Uoek.
door to Dr. Hlaitas' ofoeo.
DR. K. L. THIRLBY- Don to dtMMM odoi
There never was
yoti could gel so m
On. Sawpr & Pniikallipi
caUoQs he will not do ho to a peonileas female Weakinws ant ieritod to
CMdkioa. 8bme time ago be sent to
Paris a tmsty memmeer who tavestod
Bothteg toretnm forherndricn. It Is
•earty $6.000.fifii to nhaet diamoods. Dbnhitrly fmr. and to thousniuH of
ly. although to
Vantoto fo«>MtoM4—toTtow—
aCa fixt
.rhiT:' sr* ;sot
Many wonderful cuira of female ilU
are continually coming to light which
have Wo brought about by Lydia R
l»inkham's VegeUble Compound, and
•MffkWML' ABkMk.fMk.
ttasm • mom nplMamM odor Is omib
tod ffom the onve. whkh Is odppooed
to he Cfoa the eotonosao «C dood ani
tlstoamkenAiime mals whl^ hare hern aoekad to and
vklek tlMf «Mto4 toctoltoir (taM
H h Mttl—Jie.
!s rmiter m <
^le •nuowi MOMS
LSAvms TMS cmr.
to odelnte light
' T«rt amd Party Cii ftoute U
Miss Rhea Martin, who baa boon atFARMER SUCCESSFULLY SUCKED M*r«*eUe wa* BrehM last eveolBf
tbraatb tb* eSoru at a err. at a>eo ending St Mar> a academy at Noire
who woflccd notlL nornin^ conriaw )amo. Indiana. arri\'od in the city last
ironing to spend the summer racawAier fron Boardman lyakc.
paaaing tocoiqoilTe tlon.
igaUed the dry graaa along the eastern
side of the track aad. faaaed by the
WIFE BECAME ILL WHILE AIDING blgh aontkwcit wlad. the fire crept
along toward the ro«way of William
B.4tncr. Tbe fire was diaoovorod about
7 o'clock and work waa Immodlately
AO Boon at Ho Got Out of Jail
bogua to stop tho apread of tho flames
but la aplte of the efforts of tbe fire
fighters four **dklds.'' eoataialng about
and Finally Obtained
10.000 feet of mlsceUaBeoini tin
Hia -RlghU.-
By Wlfo to Iht Evooine Rocord.
St Folofibofw 7 p. nu 4i»m IOHvodrido of poopli art RooWig from
tlio pailo Pirtolcoii eA^ of Odooa
Foy Booouoi of ttio Rghtlap hrtwmn
tho olHktro, motlnoiio aalloro aid
troopa. Tho 90110 of tho battlohip
Knioa Folomkifi, oa which tho oalloca
ffortliilod oflor mordorinp tho mojority
of tho ofReoro, oro atill trained on Bp«rUI to tho BvoBlng Rorord.
Odoooo. Tho bomhordmoat of tho cHy
Kalkaoka, Mich.. Juno 30.—Tho cole«0M flhort hoiag dlocoatlmiod by tho braiod OMW of the Pore Marquette
oolloro whoa tho fwaorol of a com- (Oieat Central ayitejn) ro.‘ John
rn of Kalkaaka haa been aottlod
out of cxnirt aftor two yearo.of Htlga*
tkn in which time It haa appeared on
tloa by lautinylfig aad Rphto hauo oe- the docket of tho twontj-eighth Judi
ourrod thoro botwooa tho troopo aad cial Circuit court. Judac C. C. ChHlentho oollofa. Tho oaouafUoo nm
den. CadllUc. proaJdInjc. three ouccco
alve Umeo. twice reachlnjt the Su
Tho Kalac Fotomkin at mldnlfht 00. preme court, aside, from heannga on
tabliohod tho bloekado at Odoooo hof^
bar and ao ohip flying tho Ruoolan flag
Two years ago the Pore Marquette
woo allowod to oator or loavo tho har^ attempted tp run a spur two miles
long into a lumber dUlrict In Kalhi
Nino aMpo bad boon bumod thoro
aooordiag to tfsT laaC adviooo and tho
docko afo UoumoaThoconoor rofuooa
to allow diopotohoo oonuining nowo of
tho outbraak to paao hut tho latoot
rapoft oaid that Admiral Kmgel* com.
onandlng tho Black aoa Root wao ap
proaching Odoooa and a naval battlo
to take place at any
Eight theuaaed oaHera and workmei
•I Cronutradl have imitinisd.
* St Potonbwfs.
SO—Tho battl#ahlp Kniaf Potembln Kaa ourrtntforod
to Rear Admiral Kruger oommandipfl
iha Black aaa Reot
John Brewn
who tmekod tho IVro Mar
qiKlto system and
ble fight.
county owned liy tho Elk Rapids
company. ThU spur wras called the
(CootlnuiMl on Second l*age.)
n D. Rockefeller Hss Made a Gift
of SlOOOOOOS-Preatnt Waa
After Waiving KaaminaUon Wat ArAccepted.
a Similar Chargs.
Haekett Saya Ha Ja
By \Virt' to the Eximing Rocord.
Nc-w York. Juno 3rt.—A IIO.WK) gift
by John n. Rockofollor was annoonced
this afternoon It was given to tho
Special to the Bventag Record.
general education board of which Rob
Bast Jordan, Mich. Ji»e SO.-Jamea ert C. Ogden Is chairman. Tbe fund U
II HackotL the young man who a week to be, an endowmout for higher educaago waa arretted at Detroit and UaQ In the Vnluxl States. The gift
brought here on the charge of forgery, hat been mrcepted.
waived oxaminatioa before Jmtlco
boat upset.
Booslngor yrvterday and U held under
S&tw bonds for appaarmneo at Clrrnlt
One Soy Was Drowned Out of a
Hackoit, who waa conducting a real
Parly of Shu
waute ln^u^ance aad collection bual- By Wire to tbe Evening Record.
aeaa borv at the tlmu. U ebargud with
Muskegon. Mich. June 30.->^Tille
having sold to Kal Roberta a forged sailing on WhUe lake today the boat
note and it ww» on Uda that be waa containing Clarence Harvey of Chi
cago and five other small boys aad
On giving bonds for hto
girls waa upeet by a wjuaU and Harvey
la this caao ho was at once iwarraated
oa another slmtlar charge by tbe same
party OB another note. HackeU djOias
REMEMBER the concert tnnighl at
to be laaooent of Ue charge.
the riTW M. E. ehurph. The quintet
• F(ilir,JM30,IS0S
Had the fire had another half hour
Stan there would hare been great
danger of the whole rollway. which
contains nearly 2.00O.OOO foot, going
up In smoke. It was after 3 o'clock
thU morning before tbe men succeed
ed In eqilrely queachlng the flamea
and by that time they had burned the
grasa away from in under several
other •aklds."
She and BM^rtend Wrote It UTand
Mlai Beattie Brought It to
the Record. .
The Reool-d yesterday published an
iccount of the wedding of Miss
Blanche Beatge, whose age was given
as 16 and Andrew Higgins, who was
said to bo 1». Today It was learned
that no such wedding had occurred.
Bev. T. P. UUom. of whose church
Miss BeatUc U a member, stated that
ho had not offlcUied at the ceremony
and County Clerk Waller stated that
no such Ucenso had been Issued. Mr.
llggins* parents also denied the story
Miss Baattio Is the daughter of Miss
Sarah Beside, a widow living at 402
South Union street. Instead of being
16 as announced in the story, she Is
only 16. and Is very unsophlsUcaied
for her years. This morning
Miss Beattie was interviewed by a
Record reporter and admitted that U
was huraeU that brought the storv to
ord. She said that she and
MIsa Cecilia Kerby. a friewd. had cooIho story “Just for a Joke."
Miss Kerby left lor the Soo yester
day and Miss Beattie thought that it
wf^ld be Tun“ to Uke the noliec to
the Record and have It publUhed. Intending to deny It whenever ap^
proached by friends In regard to the
matter. However, she sajs she did
not anticipate the seriousness of such
a “Joke " and today to bearUIy repent
ant of the whole matter.
Tbe notice waa published exactly
as brou^t to the Record and tbe
young lady herseir was the bearer.
She stopped at tbe office ostensibly to
Inquire for a loat watch. Mr. Higgins
to only 18 years <dd instend of 1». as
«u |Mibltob«l. H» to WBployeJ «t Ulc
oa Mill.
and June. |L08; July. «c.
Chicago. Juno 30.—Wheat-July.
SSHc; Baptember. &%c, Coru-July.
6€c; Saptsmber. 54%c. Oate->Ialy.
*2%c; Baptember. 31 He. Boptember
pork. fU; laid, |7.47H ; rtb«. 17:06.
Today and Somoffwur w will giv«
away fro* to ovoiy purohaoor of fiOe
By Wliw to tho Evening Record.
worth or over, a sot of four gilt buttana. Innludifis ono round tap buttbn
Tiaada, O,. Jntm SS.-Ray Rat
ahae made a aueeeaM tiibt a »Be IB far from of Back. oBo lovor pointer iar
tbt Bir bars today la BB Bltabip travelFmaan
BILKNA U a natural
ineral water, an
Amerioan proiliict and
Prepare Ydur
Steady, ckwiag aasler.
acUve at 5c dacUae.
On tbt 4fbrr
It will no doulH lie hot.
The snn may wrinkle up
ant! spoil the looks of your
new skirt and you will
probably carrr- your coat
on your arm, nut your feet
will lie fximfortable if they
are in a pair of
iCati Oxfords
ncedabke befcm> makint; a
p^haae elaewboTe. Straw
Hats, Ponamaa. Kcvligoe
Shirts. Summer Collara, ttaJ
Neckwear. FancT- Hoaiery,
Cool Pajamas, Outing Soita.
l-mbrallL Dr«e S^t cJm
and Club Bag. are only tome
of tbe mc«t important articles
j-on can buy better here than
at any other etore.
THEY’RE BEST because
the>*’re cooler.
$2.00 to $S.50
ter. It it a rcallj. .
I meritorious article, I
I and
nnfl is
i. rapidly
mnullv ditdia. I
pUciug many of the
older mineral waters.
ateiB. I
It differs from Uunyadt Janoe in that
M its main content is'_
Uun- L
C Sodium Sulphate,
L while that of Hunyadi is Ma^^nesinm
SI Sulphate, It comes
M in two sizes, 35c and
15c. A descriptive
pamphlet for the ask■
Don’t forget
|| your AHILKNA.
■CmmW ITrors^
SRz Riiiil lln
Undo in all kindt; of Leather.
H. R. MaedanaW, HUr.
& CO ...
Batmbitahodtn I8G8
Room 210 State BankSMB.
For «de at the Old Keliable
Shoe Store of
Abstrsots of Tttls
All «e need to ny i« thnt we aro brimful of new DordttM'
that wiBpkMe old and yo^ Bemember it U at the
243 a BtORT ST.
Ask For
Better in the way of
Screen D o o r i and
Windows than the
kind we make for the
home from seasoned wood, with latest attachments,
the easy to operate kind?
If you would keep out the flies and musquitoes see
us about Door and Window Screens.
Our finely made screens wrill outlast anything on
the market.
• Phona.SSi B.II. lao.
W. L. Brown. SUnaaw.
Evening ««> Mnniley
PIANOS, Organs, and Talking Machines sold on time. All
the up-to-date music kept in stock. WE BENT PLANOS and
Organs, money paid as rent applied it instrument is purchaecd
MicU^’s LMdi»< Hssle Bom. 159 1. Front St
We shall sell in any suits
for Men, Boys and Chil
dren; some choice bar
gains at
- SQ
A saving of from 3.00 to
5.50. Also at
8 I oso
A saving of froni 3.0Q to
otSnmmer wear that yon'can Bnd with us in laiger
asaortanent of good valoea than elaewhere:
Kiiabaiiahue TravHad
MMea In Aifih^
DetrolL Mich. June 30.-W"heatJub.
No. t red; fl.W; No. 3
corn. »c: No. 3 white oaU. 35c.
alone wUl be worth the price of nd-
wouirrM or- jwia.-y-x
WUI $mocmH WaHm m OMcT Ei^
By Wire to tbe Ercalaf Baootd.
Waablagton. Juno BO.-Jolia F. SteBrmrataihaBrtmiaMl
pheas. first rice prealdent of the Rock
Islaad aad the tana who bnUt tbe
War Tan and tha ,
Rocky moontala oecUon of the Great
tiMt Woj aoeomuMi hia <m lUs Ttelt
Northera rmilraad. haa been appolated
to mo PhUliatoM «1U
chief engiaecr to tooceed John F. WalAftmoM at B:» m dair way to ma
rramdaatK They aapaat to reoeh 8aa •Ut ijoiom MCT WERE SAVED
•AILOfIt OE4ltTn> KCAUM OF mmrtaoo oo tba otcoIse at JtOy L
Mrs. Chariea Gee and little daughter.
crooAlAE tko PAcUk oo the
ViotoL of Chicago, who have been la
tbe city as the guetsU~Df her mother.
Mrs. H. A. Coates. left this aomtag
for Grand Rapids, where she will join
Oram Hear HeMmSFa MHI and
the Model Eaiortalniacnt company for
Fir* Spraad t* th*
their snmmor engairoment through the
state. Mrs. Goo being ibe soloist of
^TMCII-OeBwmay tmir toaigfel
Mtf StdmrdMf : ttghU wfatlc wiaAi.
Boys’suits to dote alasav. iogoffrom
WI.OO -fco 3.00
Straw Hate 25c to $3.00—Fancy Veste $LOO to I3IXU
Negligee Shirte 50c to $1:50-.^ these toOay.
flahlag and attead the fireworks dlsplar at Fmmh la Um avoBlag. The
Hocal ^SMsria ia prsparad to anter.
tela ail Fbaith of July paittea.
jaaa SS3I
la hraach ami ran fbr eighty mds
toh 4ho IMwm^dam wf Juka
Brown «r Kmltotoca. wto gtaeed a |M
> upon the right of way, wad bodove tbo aottlomant wna cBomod the
OIP pn#ir aHM ci
wtu. TAi« THC womwm
Cxmtftoona WIU Bo Ghran
UMiTiclit €fator4Ptla Pmlfmr«b4 tbc rand «TM twUt. lamebcsaa for the Pete
Pteaer Brm began
to tear ito «>>• tiacke and pertorm
other dottoe wbMi
r»n b» fqnokfd m rlsurttm to tbe or^
or mtod or the Pore HerdlMiy mmj. U mma bi m ptpe tb^y
M. Dane of TmrliMmld t» cr»M In tli» hu4>.-*
for the Pore Mar»r. Miurfte mmym flat la
Infill«Md to aaktaff bte «sp«rtoMBto bz
btai and wbnae eondirioo waa due to
the torma or lobarra
Tboae whe bare oaad chryaai
atitnle. aad tbeir effi
The iietoto or tlto
There to no eheei oT vstor to the
ooantnr which e^nig to bmnty the
Grand Traerrae hay. and vtoUon f'
abroad ate teurtoh to the ealhiui
vhleh they aaalM orer the etov
frtMa TraTorae diy and the beaattfnl
atad wtth oidl^rttr 6ta.
or thU(
A her aoirertag for fif
Diiftog the «i
UfOO poopla took advantage of the ex
caraloaa tdrea oa the bay by the
Trarerae Bay line oT ateaaiera. and
aapreaeod themeelvoa dellphled with
In thU fonnertloa It may not Ikj out
or place in neatkm the rare adran*
togea that Trarerae CUy peo|d« may
aaioy if they will, aad li !• a algniacast fact that the>palroaago oT the ba>
ateamera to acarccly aufflclcnt to war
rant ninnlny the boats. It would
aaem wltr a city of 12.(»ne InbabitanU
and ao baaoUful a body of water that
more than ooo ateainer would be kept
buy with pleasure aeckora alone.
Capt H. J. Webb, proprietor of the
line, bu apent a large amount of
money during the past few years in
equipping hto boats, and they am
roomy, oomfoiiable and ss/e. Rat^ of
fare between this city and .fhe bay
reaorto are so low that alnuist any one
can take advantage of pUwsure tri|a
on the bay at frequent intenrsto. Who.i'
we uy to ouialdcm that a trip can to‘
bad on ooo of the bay boats from ihto
dty to Northport aad return for bO
cento a distance of about sixty tnlkw.
for the round trip, great suriirise to
egprmsed hy p«iple outoSdu of ilte
city. Captain Webb lias made sp«‘ctol
ihtea for ibe summer season, and he
abooM receive Tlboral support from
the community.
There are no more beautiful spots
to Michigan than Newh-tawanta.
Onena. Northport. and there to no
more delightful trip than a sail on the
water to any of these points. The
apmmer llmo schedule to printed In
another* columu, and the attraction*
afforded should r<«rlalnly appeal to
mrery one. Captain Webb has oper■ted thto line for a great many years,
and late years at an <x|>ense which
Waa almost im>hlblHve. considering
the amount of biisln.sw s.*cured.
•The establishment of the T. C.. U *
a. railroad has naturally drawn pa*
nmage away frtnn the boat line, but
la sidle of tha* fart the gn>w1h cd the
city abould assure sulBclenl support
to make this imterpriae profltahle.
There are hundriHls of |««ople in the
city* who are daily serktmt wune means
of paaalag a few pleasant houf>. and
ww hHlevc if tb<7
once try the
bay trip that would Im» a sourro of <iuo
sunt pleasure during the mimmer
My Cl
the Brittoh natal sulhoritlcs and
cenUy tonncfied at rortonioptfa. It dlf
fars In many partieuiars from any
thing yrt accepted t»y Ibe admlnilt,r
and to the nrwt to be Imllt. Tl»e deck
of this iy\^ of snlmisrloe. as may 1»r
seen In the ml. when uwssb to at ■
contodeniblc Indglit above the .water
sloB In the Traverso Bay line. The
Creaoent will take the Bowora HarborNenh4a-wanta run and wlU make two
trips daily leaving the harbor at 8 a.
m. and arriving here at S;15 i
at Neah-ta-wanta at 8:IS. She leaves
Traverse CUy at 11 a. in., roaches Neferlng wnh the right of way. thto ahAa-wanU at 12 noon and Bowers
L Train service was Bsrbbr at 12:15. On her second trip
in May. bdl in July the She leaves Bowers Harbor at 1:20 p
fanner auddenly built a ahaniy aad m.. Neah-to wanU at 1:46. rtsching
placed it dimctly across the track and here at 2:45. On her tost trip of the
day she leaves Traverse Oiy at 4:2‘»
fwclosed the track srith a fence.
Bolt was again began In Circuit p. m.. reaching NeahAa wanta at
coorl by the Pore Marquette for con 5:20 and the harbor at^5:25.
The following is the schedule of the
tempt of court and aispe taken to ncquire am original Utle to the property Columbia going north leaving Trav
of which the famwr Iwld but a tax erse City^at 8:20 a. m.: Ne-ah-ta
dmid to. In the meanUms the bouse wanta. 8:20; Omena. 11: Northport
which had been buiU had been re paint, 12 aopn; Northport, 12:15.
moved by the road oBclaU. but was Going south: Northport. 12Ulo p. m.;
again placed on the track by the Niirthporl PolnL 12:45: Omena. 1:45:
famwc and hto wife lostalled to bold Neah-ta sranla, 2:15: Traverse CUy.
Fright and fear of resump- 4:15. The stop at Northport Ptdnt
tlM or (imSe rnma l«> mucti (or hir •rill J* made only when there are pas
as she was left alone, owing lo the is^ngtrs
husband being in Jail on a ten days* | Daring July. spoclaJ cxrunsk* rates
sssmence for nmtempt of court. She j will lx- givm. The fare tc^ and from
was takoB out ill on a cot and carried Northport. muralng the same day.
lo a friendly nelghlior’s house aad the will to' 50 cents. Tbe nmnd trip fare
shanty min
removed by
being to Ncah-ta-wania and Bowers Hsrto>r
is^25 cents The fare to Omenn is 5«1
dragged off with sn engine.
As soon ms John Brown regalrH'fl hi* cento round trip.
^bert>*. he felled a tre<« and perched j
himself in Uie topmost branches with! ALLEGED CONFIDENCE CAME.
a Winchester ride and fur some tiiiie |
Man Said to Have Solicited K. of P.
held all at bay though finally dto-i
orisiBi u.i« for »s.M. f«on Mr. o..le« of fU, JoImK. iml iK-fo.^ the
,»oiiikHl \o be on the Us»kout ft»r
renuilnlne eloiM>d from Jamiao iimir'"
^-1""'= ”«**•>■• f'J*'eiie
waeUKea each ....a..lla,.on.
to in its alBT. In length it approaches
the dlmmsloiisof s destroyer.
It to bo|»ed that in Ibis new &
the defects whMi have <-aus(Hi the loss
of two submarines of tlie A clam luivc
been avoided. The A-S was sunk tost
si»rlng off Queenstown, drowning most
of her r-rew. The A-b was sunk June
«. with the loss of fourteen lives. Nei
ther scrident has l>ceu ssttofnctorlly
sTstoin of flostlug broaklA. If surcwMiful, wiuiM
tosterially IroiMm tlic cost Slid time
luiMKl ou tbe rmitenUtNi
tbst the dtotorluiuee of storms affeeU
the aea only to a deptli of twelve or
fifteen fi-et; that bun>w and touitouas
sarbored by a single «'luiin have rid
den Ummgt» tbsB»«^erest storms with
out brnsklng mlrlff. and ttuit a suit
able structure with s sufflekjot
lier of rliaius owld l»e made ol»*olutelr secure. A frame exlmullng
a deidh of forty feet tfor a l»n'aVw ater
lonr and buuy^M up m. the
Inner or limlward side by |»oniixm«
to to to* inoorwl by chains fastened
on each side to it* lowest part*. Tlie
frame thus tilts toward the see and
works lm.*k on Its ebslns. as s dpor
on Us binges, broaklng ibe ferre of
tbe waves and retnrntng to Us orlg-
eighth streat lam ew
ing was cattad to order by ibe presldsnL bOm flbaae. 'Miss Jeaaie Maan
and Mtos Flora Qalbreath ware initi
Tbe followiiig program was ihca
given: Vocal nolo,
reading. Hsiea KIngtosy: rocal solo.
Ina Barry: tnstmmsoc
Mann: reading. Besalf
vocal solo. Mrs. Barry.
It was decided that the dub
meet two weeks from Saturday with
the Misses Miriam aad Bessie Haydf^n
at their resort at Carp lak<^.
Dainiy refTOshmenu constoUng of
strawberry sherbet and wafers wi
sertcMi. The meeting adjourned
10:30 after enjoying a most plcasi
will ad<l cTMMIjr to thPlr hand urltlni
by attending the special penmansblf
lessons In plain and ornnmenul pon
mansbip In the Traverse CUy IbislnoKF
College aummcT school.
June 22 1!
Why suffer with your stomach, kid
neys and liver when HomsterV U(M-k>
Mountain Tea will make >-mi well. 11
taken this mouth, korpa you well all
summer. 25 cents. Tea or TabUto
Johnson Dnig Co.
Or. fUl.oh* 8. Jtrorh of Muskepor
Locatos Kara.
Per Uatph « Jlrtudi. a graduate ol
lb«- Hometn»sibic ^^.llege of Chiragfv
the Hahmauu. bss n c.-nlly dc id«Ml
to locale In the city ami o|H n«'d up of
hetw In the Butherland bltsk. l>r
Mrs P. Miller and two children of j
Jlroch U a rt*sldent td Muskegon and
All our tlnipB nro of
Cedar, who havo to*. n vtoiflug friends |
hto advent into ftrufcwiUonal rlirbw
of the anmo quality
In the city, returncil lo her home thU j
of thto city brings the methods and
— the Tory Uwt the
loachings of the homeopathic srhnot
market affonls.
to the notice of r»»stdent}«. Traverse
OITSOON. \\Tiai? SiMHcr s PaneGliy has never Nm'U rep»v-*.<*«ie<l l»y
most coounoo snbutltntoi >u»ed tni^H.
thto w hopl of ipedicine with as j?tai to the adulteration of snaplr augar and
alrup are ocber sugars and glucoae.
a profiortla
Much of the ao caltod mapto alrup on
the market is tiothing but a eomWus
tion of sweou wrlih a lUtla maple mo^
tosses added to give the maple flavor.
HeW^ Thia.
to also a maple alnip which ooaWe offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any rase of Catarrh that cah- talns no maple at all. bm tbe flavor Is
BOC be rurod by lull's CaUrrh Cure. obulned by adding to the compound an
r. J. CHBNEV B CO.. Toledo. O.
oxtract of biekorr bark. This extenWe. tbe underolgued. have known ahre adnlteratlon forces the prodocers
F. J. Cbener^r tbe last 15 years, and of pure mspla airup to compete with
beliove him perfecily honorable In all
1 flaancially raw prodnrt to kgpt down, and the foreata of maple are not ns profitable to
their owners as they c
via. Wholesale DrugglsU, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure to taken la- be.
turnaUy, arilng directly upon the blood
All stHes, all sizes.
at lowest prices.
best assortment in :
the city. Odd size T
and extra large
doors a specialty.
in any size or style
yon want. A good
all Japaned wire
screen, will adjust
to fit’ any ordinary
wocim cRKDi*r is oooi
A Bad flearu.
Dying of Famine
Some day you will gel a bad scare,
Is. In lu tormenU. like dying of
when ytui feel a pain In your bawels
xumption. The progress of com
appendicitis. Bafoty lies in
tion. from the beginning to Uio very 1 «"•»
Ictim I
King's New Ufe Pills, a siito curu
end, to a long'torture, touh lo vlctl
umo- ‘
and stomach discasot,
and friends. -VChvn I had
nch as headache, bllkmsness. t
tion in lu first
of Cearfon
vain. I aUa»t*took Dr king s New 1
coughs, colds. S<ire throat,
i. etc. PoshJvely prevents
pneumonia. Guaran
uaranteed at Johnson
H. Meaiit and 8
iig Stores. Price
bottle. Trial botUcs
Maud—Isn't 5^and 2b ton old to hope
for any Iroprovemcmt? 1 stowld say
liOL One Just lieglns lo Jive. Take
Homster's Rocky Mountain Tr a. You
win hi bbwrolng fair at f.O. ?.5 cents.!
I6.0n pa vs for six w«M»ks course In Tea or Tablcta. Johnson Drug Co.
c.mmi. rclsl work. Including r>enman.
Grand Traverse Business ITnlversltjr.
No Secret About IL
It to no secret, that for cuts, burns.;
ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, I»olls.'
Six wiM*ks course In ijitln. Greek. etc., nothing to so effective as PurkFrench or German for
len's Arnica Balve. -|t didn't lake lung
to cure a tiad sore I had. and it is all
Grand Traverse Ibtolne.-is l*ni\f rslly.
O. K. for sore eyes.- writes D. I.. Grc
gur>-. of Ilom?. Tex. 2.V nt Johnsi.n
Dry. Hard and Soft Wood. South Side Drug Store Co*s. P. H. Mends, 8. E
Wait k Sons* drug stores.
Farmer Bro*n dill not <»«sl.ler till-raphjs * INPIANA RV
iBluDrlluD i,l*unch eooush to |.n r. ..I j
the Here Marquette from runuluK out
^ At*. ro..n.l trip
ten lomled ear, l«ck of hi. land ,o
llrk.-.s .............. ...l.l at
hed«AaDlmni.-o«Tavemlnlixmtof|^.,„. r,.,,uc..,I rm|.-.. .lilt.
them, complrtel.v botillnE up the road |
Seltlomaiit wa, effeeled r«e< ntly hr
*».jojulyl ::
the Elk Rapid, Iron company obialnias Jointly ailh th.- Pere Marqu.-tld
a lease of the right of way for a |M*rio<I
of six years and in turn executing a cure Of such a liad caae of kidney di« ■
deed to the defeudant. John Brt>wn. ease as that of €. P. Collier, of Chenv |
la., but Electric Bitters did It. He
conncciing him with the original title kee.
writes: -My kidneys were so far gone,
at the expiration the time and pay hto I could not sit on a chair without s
attorney fees, he to |»ay costs. Taking
the c<wt of the original title.
the varioiuf other costs and 1175 which
was paid .lohn Urown in July of la^t perr«*c
weak kid
year. It to concc-dfMl by fair mlmbMl tonic
penums that the farmer was certainly neys. 1
a ata>er for what he considered hto S. E. Wait
rights and due rewanl to given him
for w Inning out single handwl against
a corptjratlon backe<l by millions.
That Boy or tiin of Yours
Manton Defeated Bsae Ball Team by
Score of 9 to 7.
SiMYlal to the Evening Riwrd.
Kingsley.; Mich.. June .10.—There
was mcMirulng.and lameiitaibm In the
village last night. The Kingsley base
ball team went to Manum yesterday
and hy two little measly runs was put
out of buatiM-ss. The score was only
, 9 to 7 but tke bosne team is still busy
C'xplalning how It was. The
and hard fought but the
KingHtcy team Just couldn't get run^
enouiih and that was all then* wai> to
By eqiunws >«« Aw. Mid .rindon
The Co«MMu:ks of Ritasia figure very
promtocntly In the public eye just
now. and it was only after much
trouble and after* considerable Inflti
cnce had t>eeu Invoked that Maj. Got
ddn W Ullie, -Pawnee Bill.- who
comes here July 12. was thU mwson
again able to present a detachment
of the' flower of the Russian army.
OActoto of the army were much 0|v
potted to allowing any Cossacks pass
ports to kjsve the country, but ITince
Luces, who heads the detachment with
the .-Wild West,- secured from the
Russian gmi'rnor of the provisee of
Uaioum. from whence the men came,
passports for himself and tw»dw men
who wlU
seen daily la the -Wild
arena in feats of daring
manshtp which ha^
sacks renowned throughout the world,
l.ticcs. himself, is entitled to use the
prefix -prince.- l>elng a hol-msn (hcuul
msii) among hU iMMiple and exempt
n (HJi he r.!
from, taxation.
irora iramcKing over nis ia«a snn on
I- I
.And that a mammoth one. 1 Icrc you will find
A Dry Goods Store
A Hardware Store
A Furniture Store
A Shoe Store
A Drujf Store
; v ' ^
A Carpet and Crockery-Store
A Grocery Store
A Clothinjj Store
You will also find several most complete departments, where the finest
■ poods arc carried that can be found in the largest markets, purchas(,-d : ,
for spot cash and sold on the closest i>ossible margin.
A Bicycle Department
A Carriage Department
A Sewing Machine Department
.A Stationery Department
A Piano and Orgah Dep.iriinenl
A Legal Blank Department
•• ; .
A Cloak and Garment Deparlmcnl
A Cut Glass Department
A Picture Framing Depariinent
A Wall Pa(>cr Department v
A Book Department
- A Drapery Department
■ . ..
A Toy and Game Department ;
A Lacc Curtain and Window Shaile Department
A Grain and Feed Departn^nt
-i ;*:' .
A I’aint and Oil Department
: ^ ;7 ^
•A Farm and Implement Department
. A llarncss Department/
A Plumbing Department
A Tin Shop Department
A Sporting Goods Dep^ment
, 1^
A Silverware Department
A Fancy Goods Department
A Masons' and BuUder^’ -Supplies Department
ivlviliAi & uy
or tlif OOHT «C^«r^
Maoaigto Ourlag lha f=
Very Lmta Largar'
siiiiiu MS m aim
Jodfea. lawjecB or lorpn Quite fall
to catch It.
*'Wben bf^ BBC Wa iMQd bfot over
Ida aotobaok b» feola the Jarrtac fhlae
note In the voice of the liar every time.
JoBf> SO.--A1I filO
tbut for oKtothi hove bm elvn>loie4 u> the cflMn that there «ns
dftMomloD tn the Pa—aw omal cos'
totoiduii. that there waa dlhhote aa to
ehother the ouui] ahofK be aea level
or lock, that raiial a»alfm gea
veni In a rbaoOc ctmdUloa.
atO|»t»Hd laai nijrhi etea Secretair oT
War Tan aavr otit a aUteveat aa to
the rt«J maane «bf ■—H—r
u qnlttina the cahal work. ThU alatamem ahoaed two thlafa:
Flnit. It ahowed that Bogliieer Wal
. lare did bo( realga tinUl he waa aaked
to do BO b)r
PretldBDi RooacreU.
ihmoah Secreury Taft. aad.
Bemnd. It ahowed. while not aarlnr
to. plainly, ibai u»i»«oociUb«
roada are aaain gettlac tn their work
to |ir»‘vent or delay annal iKKlnnlng
and pruacrutloa of work on the canal
lUtleoad doh for Wallaca.
Mr. Waliaoe did not quit the canal
work licrauae he had been offered an4iUi< r enidneeriag job at a higher aalary J4r. litaactr. admitted to Becrelary Taft that ho waa suing to heeome
proaldent of aome athdk botdlng com
imay. without aaylng what that
pafeiy waa.
It k iroeoBOd la Waahlngton that the
atoih holdlni cotnjiany U one that
may be formixl by rallrxiada for the eipm*, purpoae of taklag Mr. Wallace
away from hla work oa the canal and
cmbarraaalnr the admlnUtraUao la
the prtMeciitlon of timi work.
When It U knovA. aa It la known tonisbCtllat aooo after Mr. BhonU became a member of the canal commla
akKi and chalrmaii of the hoard he waa
fiSm-fd an Important place by the
trana^tlnental rallroada at a much
higher aalaty Than he U gHUng with
the canal commlM.lon. the gam. that
rail road M ar«> playing to balk the ranal
urkma> l»s.|terlH^un.lvmUMM, When
thU affair came to Mr Shonta and he
waa aakod to rmbarrajui the Pulled
HUtca gtiwnimrnt by qimtlng jiut #a
he waa gHtlng thinga Into running
order, hr made thla reply f
aat Inlu
thU game to atay tn the flnlab. and I
am going to atay,"
fihenia figpoaed hcheme.
When Mr. Wallace conjro»*nced cah
ling In Waahlngton for leave to quil hla
' IK1.I Mr 8I.O0U. thoreforr. knr. wli.t
tn the paot dftm yeora or ao that 1
Imra eoaie to accopc It aa eertala wImo
that Blmaat tadlattasoiMtoble falot
la ahaent Cram the fooa of a
few yeaia a«D I lepmiad the trial
of a yomis rbaji whh waa aomeed of
bavtng maud chibbed a Jewelar In bta
•tore and of looflnf the eatabthdUDent.
Ibe yoons Wlow wga Boodv looktiis.
loteUlBittt, with a faoa aa fraak aa ao
atoht day cloek and aa eaay. candid.
^tolSrSayow ebap over before
toe trial basan. and I derkbd that the
acmaatloD ayalnat him waa oatravMMiB.
When the wltnewM teetlAed thft
toayd aemi him combig o«t of the
atore I atrataad my aara to catch the
falae intaoatJaa la their toaai. but It
waaa*t thme.
-WlMm the defBoae opeoad the youag
man wa« pmltted to go on the atand
in hla own behalf. I waa aatonlahcd tn
dad that hla voice bad the lying quaver
la It right from the bqgtnnliui of bit
TUa wardi vastly
>017 and aa vmatly chagrined the proaecntloQ. Be underiook to prove an
alibi for hJmaelff
•in ronbbomtkm of tola a married
In the aflemooQ until 1ft o'clock at
night, Uklng dinner with her and keepIng her conijiany In the abaence of her
huabaud. Well toe waa lying too.
She had that tenuie tolar ring In her
ttrioe that convinced me of It deapite
her fine, frank face and her obvloua reaprctahillty.
•The court adjourbed for luncheon at
the end of her teatlmony. I took
lunrbeou with the attorney for the
••Well, what do you think of thla
ler he aaked me when we eat fiown.
•I gueaa we don't land him. ehr
- 'Hc'a guilty.* 1 re|>ned briefly.
wa. lying, nod an waa hla alaier.*
The attoroey for the pruaecntlon
“Wlirn tbe-cmirt i
be aaked
for an adjaununmt until next day.
and the judge granted It.
•*On the follow lug tuomlog be had In
court the Janitor of the apartment
bouae In which the priaoner'a Mater
lived. 'Hie janitor tcBtllled that lb#
priaoneria slater bad not been In her
flat from noon until late at night on
the day of Ibe aand cluWilng.
TtTille the janitor waa on the aUnd
w.lkMl Into tb, courtroom
IntrrcairNl wbw
wa. try'Ins
tryln. to
lo t.kc
take away
prlBoner'a alater'a apartmant that i
from the canal cxumnl»alon Ita chief
i^uglnerr and att crlpph* the work. So
That mettled the came, of coorwe The
when Mr. Wallace came to talk with [irtaoner'o alater broke dowm and conRw-retary Taft. Mr. Taft km w all sIkmu feaacd tb.it ahe bad Imw endeavoring
and lm.ie«d of re j
•*'*«*W her broUirr.*'-8t. LoulaGlobetht« whole
wlgnMig. with iMMiqueia Indiig Ihrowo i^"***”* _________________
orier him. ^r. WalUrtj waa anked f»»r |
SeereUr W*rk Pwr Pwy.
hla rralKiultIcm Inatanlly. and It waa | 'if you will kindly give me the adncceptcd hy rn‘aldent H.hsm v. it i„.) dreaa of the artist who palntto my din|ner canit 1 toall be aide to give her
0,.. ...................
will eripple ilie ws»rk for a few werk^ | -.|
„ot at lllierty to do ao. road
until amiiht r rhh f eiiglmvr enn get to ; am.- mdliKl tlw auiloner. ' But If you
the lathroua. hut aualher cJiKluecr la wUI leave your Inatrurtlona In writing
ictly foUownow to sight, and It to Is Hov.hI that In
that Ibry ar
• hr fiilure BO railroad rimil.lnatlon. i'l"
carry out aoroc
,111 iry to tak*a„.v lm|i«riant ranal
employee, and that If they do. after
thP dnihhing Mr. Wallare gt« at th«< : T am aorry.- aald the atatloncr. -but
lianda of Hivix iaiT Taft and f‘n-^i.lent w* cannot depart from ow hxlr. Moefa
U.a»M-vclt. no canal rnydoye or omelal of thla w ork Is done by women who
will rare lo quit hU |a>al until hla work would not like to have It known that
they work for pay and who have
Is di*ne. •
I. n.ar I- ..u tba. Ibl. r.rao.
1 If we broke faith we abonld loee
the only si»rc h|aH there Is to the per- arrvirew. “
.‘omi. I of the canal board, and that h€-]wark Is done by convent bird
M.n.l tlM* emp«»rary deity no harm will who find It neceeaary to
to gel along We reap
\h dftni' There is no dlaeenthw among
New Toih Preaa.
tiu- memlHTs of the board. ihWr pians.
are in aoivl sha|H» and everything will
, iM- working sinoothl) to a n markably
If an Infant Is weak and doea not
whoti I tote
grow watlsfartortly. It ifluat be mraaured tar the ‘Mndergrowth.- areordlng
to a aupemitloo to some PetmaylvanU
Dntrh coamnnltiea. a powwow doc_________
tor. usually a woman, will atrip the
tlr «»‘“‘e uf whom be to ver> pomd. [child. nMaanre It with a atrtng tbe
A few .toy*
Mhe'rame to him and mme color aa Its hair, aay aooe
•aid. with M ^..r> Merioiis air;
j-worda- bury the string In a aecret
-rnrle. th.-re to a «,uesUoo about pUce and repeat the perfoemance three
law 1 w ant tu
vnu.tlmea. The child will g^ woU. Thare
TVell. dear, what to itr patiently ara dtmna of chlldran In one Pauayl
vania Pntch community that ww
Inquired the judge.
In this way and are new
Ti^'le, If a man had a pcacot'k. and
It went into anoiber man's yard atwl potetad to as raamplaa aad proof of
UId an W. to wrhom would the egg the aAcacy of the method.
Aahea moat not be token from a firol-etongr
-Why. the egg would l^dong to tbe plaet la a alckroom. The fimOi of lha
man who owned the peacock, but be imttont wtmld follow. Kor moat the
conld he praaerated for trewpasalog U hfd of a akfi pacaoB he tnrnad over.
he went onto the other s piuperty to It to actnaUy tme thatthtahutpraTtokm to hHtovnd and Mhmmi In inahy
get It.The child aeemed very much Uiter- rmutoylvanU tHitch hooMa Bn the oM
eated to the exidanaiion, and then ab- aMtIemBoto nf the auta.
xenrd li.noeently:
-Vncle. did you ever think that a
$<L00 pa>s for six weeka eo
J C. Dan and wITe of Central Udto
area to the cUy ,vestcrda>.
morrow. The troaaary debclt for the
yaar wfU he agproatmately $24.MO.oeo
This amooBkla mh)oet to a aligbt. tat
aot material chaage. The last report
of the Becretarr of the trmnry oitlmaiod a deficit tor this fteeal year of
thla by If >#0.ai0.
' The recelpu for the ftwcai year
have beaa ahovt $M3yioo.fHH». |f.aoo.dOO mona than the reoelpta ewiimated
by the aacreUry of the treasury In hla
last report The exponditorra have
hBao $H7.6^iO.OOO, or about
more than eatlmalod. The monih of
June jiiat doming ahowp a handaome
aurplua of nearly 113.000,000 and re
duced the deficit from |37.«W.oom to
ftooaifrta Change Little.
•A compartaoB of the rcortpia
thU flacal year with thoao of the pre
ceding year ahowa remarkably amaJI
changes. Cualnma rerolpia for the
flacal year 1»04 were approrimaiely
I2C2/100.000; for ihU voar approxi
mately IfCUOo/Mai. inierual rt^vemm
recelpu for 1!M34 were f233.400.<NH»; for
IMC. |;33.&tHi.0U(i. Mlarellan(V)ua reoolpta In 1004 were |4C.7no.<wo; to
iOto. I4«.000.<»«i.
-A compariaon of the e*i»oiidliure8
of the. two ycara ahowa w M»-r varlaUuna. Civil and mlacellaneoua exiM-ndlturea to ISM»4. I'xgluding luiyment for
the right of way for the Panama ranal
and the loan to the Louisiana Pur
chaae Bxpuatttoa company, were fl.t:.40U.000 thla year they were fl47.2'K).t«io, an Incnw of |15,ihh».ooo. of
which more than half to an tocrvte in
the poaui deficiency.
' -War department erpendlturee to
lf04 wen* |115,3O0.WH>; thiM vt-ar.
H2f.400.000. an Increaae of |7.ooo.ih>o.
Navy dcjWtmem expenditures to
1»04 were an tocremae of ll4.hOO.OQU.
Indiana la 1004. Il0.400.00a; to IfOS.
$14,600,000. an tocrcaw of |4.2oO.OOO.
Penaloo paymHlu In 10u4. $142,600,000; to 1005. II41.700.000. a derreawc
of |l.otw».ooo. Interest itax-im-nis were
the same for the two year^. |74.i«M».-
ecgtkm, amaag thaae to paaa thamigh
thw city today haliig: John Qataa and
tomUy of Ctoefaumd. Mka. WlBlam
Anil of Daytmt Ohio, for Neah^a
wanu. and Mrs. nttmaa aad daugh
ter of Cincinnati. Mr. aad Mrs. H. W.
Fullerton and two children of Indian
apolis. to Omaaa: Mr. aad Mrs. A. W.
MePhall. Mlaa McPhall. Janet and
Monroe McPhall of Ft. Wayne and
Mr. and Mrs. August DItaer and four
chUdma of n. Wayne, who went to
Bd Where they wrill spend two
montha. the latter family taking poaseaaion of their cottage. Pine Acres.
Mra. It H. Powers and four children
of Pontiac wrere passcn$em for Northport where they will remain through
out the Bcaaou; Mrs. C. E. 6oln and
two children of Clncfonati were gwaau
at the Park Place en route to Fountain
Point, where they have spent three
ms; H. W. Hodglon and wife and
ihrw daughters, accompanied by Harrlft and Herheri 'Webber of Dos
Mnlni>«. Iowa, being guests at the |»ark
while awaiting tranaportatlou to
WIMMM mrnr rnmtp varm.
Verily, thd-re i* no man who la not
fiiMiptlble lo the influrnce of womt
giHMl wuuuin. wlio esuntfl 1h‘jierauaUed
lo high rcBolve and nulilc endeavor |
by tbe atrrngth and love i»f ture worn .
there U no wunmn wbol
cannot, under oornui
j Tk« tUUkb
UTon. ^ PoftlMd.
OBd XofOipori. »nd.»»«"««<»M«XBlb,l».dtol.n»ro.«!h». Bc^ubeB^I«J-n.«CBrp««BB«».■■ nciinloB la
«*•«•—Tro-Mraro JoaraaL !Tbratember* nakroarpoU t<mmf»•oealDc oa tb* b«r. Ratas lor ihej
-----------------------I ttoad of nwkinc nt«» ol carpM,. as do
poiu of N<.nbport aad Oncaa ar,| J. T. Dcaeey of Bxw U to ib* eltj <»>«
«f«r *«.t. for tbe loaad tnp aadUooMa^ aticr baaiam
tweatr-flrr cMiu for Xeabda-araiita i
Ue cieetas oxcorMoa.
;------------------ ::-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ——-------
Hoot, for apriakllag Uwn» are fraoi
8 a. m. and from 8 to $ p. m. At
ao time can water be nsed wrlibool
noxxle or aprlnklcr attached. On arcouat of tbe great amonnl of^wrater
tssed dnring the day tor tnanufactnrIng and other purposes neewssary rulaa
H. O. JoywL 1
jun 24-tf
Porcb Sbades
MAKE MONO.W. July 3. IPnS. « day
of your life h\ i nierlng upon a ecnirse
of study at Traverse City lluhincas
Bamboo Porch Shades, sires 4.xS. CxS, 10.x8.
PJ.xS. From '.K^c upward and we hanj; them,
We arc now takins; orders
(or the celebrated
Porcb and Cawn Seats
made ot straw. 7c each. 4 for 25c
Crea 6ra$$ matfind
For porcli use. at USc per yard.
muplnl with nirt.tJiiB tnfinlai;
their heroic work In tbo traiiwtlgumt»ou of tbe home and the n'generailoo
of sorlrly. muM bnslrn a roiu-uiiinm«I1 devoutly h.ipe and pray Tor.
—AJuod Ilouwkecplug.
W. K. Kly of Saginaw, who has Ijoeq
visiting hts friend. I>r. Farnsworth, ru
'd home Friday noon.
Traverse City
Brick Co.
Makes nice
Beglnnini: Friday, July 7, our store wUl be
closed every Friday afternoon durinc warm
weather. Store will be closed all day Tuesday,
July 4th.
Don’t Buy Old Clap-Traps
And pay two prices, when you can buy NKW GOODS that arc •vortliy and riKht up to snulT
emotes the expression, 'Hy
of his tt*eth," and panMiIhellcnlly
BpoUxgUes for ui^ing wluit he eiills
-suih B vulgur expr.-Mjilon.- Humor
ous writers «iv oiij.tyiug u touch a<
Mr M»<'arth.v's expense, cslllmr his
Wttmtlou to the nliieteeiiih ehapter of
Jnh. tW4i)tlrth xerse. wherv he nuiy
find the words: ‘ I am es.-«|M-d with
the akin «»f my fertU.-
Show Cases
♦Several |^wd aliow ninoa.
also other fixtnrda for display
purpoeea for aiile at i\ low
pri«ie. if booirht nl <xnct\
Ctoiebers Bros.
Becaiiisc wc arc jjoing to soli for just Ten Days A HUNDRK1) BOVS’ J^NKIi l^XNT SUITS with doub’e
seal and knees, all this season’s make, all choice nobby patterns, all sizes from I to Bl. worth every bit of ‘i.OO, for
OIML.Y $1.85 i
Money back for every suit ihail can be inau hrd or bettered at this price. Don’t wail umil you arc loo late,
These same suits arc sold by many stores at f» OO and 7.00. they arc all
tasty mothers.
’ and the kinds that arc sought
who is particular about the lit and style of his clothes, we want to say
right here that it will keep him busv duplicating these values.
Splendid patterns, perfect fitting, clothes that will prove satisfactory ard which can’t l>c matched for less than
. $7.50 in the best stores in America. Some stores get SlO.i^O for suits not as good. We want to
<io a hustling business the next ten clays, so we place these suits on sale for just..................................
Is a lot bf SWELL SUITS for men .and young men. made of fine Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds.
g$n single and double-breasted styles, every suit worth $12.50 and $^5.00,Tor only............. ..
ilKli Sin’s 1291)1 My
will br Ualy cck-braiod by all
good Anrerelan* on Toeday.
July 41k. Are your •>««»« ««1
cthn bulMinsi la fla* trim tor
tAcday? Do you »«ed aay outltd* or imide laartw to make
them ju»t H*hl^ We aapply a
Hoe grade of bard and «fl
wood* for Jam aagh garpoee*.
call, write or ‘ghoae ter fall Informatloa. laoMlBg jirioM.
Pants at One-third Off the Regular Price
Is the way we bouKht a
sample line. Fifty pair of them, worth $:5.00 to $3.59, are now on
sale at............... ..
* ' :
j ,95
” A•vv
riTTb me AT CimOT TIMP ** rea'ly wonderful. The values and the variety of ta«y styles at
UUIV U1V.CA1 onilvi Lini: 25c. 50c. $1.00 and $1.50 can-t be matched anywhere dse.
You’ll profit by inrestiitatiog these offers, even if you don’t want to purchase. It pa>-s to be posted.
*rMdxvKf«anB on”>r mioki.
^ TVVra* eiw. IMMIBAil. F»MY» JUMt fiK WL
mLY THtma TfuenoM comMuy
Atict or FAmiftH*.
Uoa of WMafc It tOFarlar, niaa
fifitt ani Hm rh^
Ifidi Tlfwu
Hitjto murwpd to thu citr
!•« «t 4:M afttfr lOilM a trip of t»>
NWcOoa akMic tf pMteMla. »r«jr.
«M i» tb« tup vas vpfjr wcU •atl»M vltB Um ovUook tor the rcatara
Md the tonam papadalljr maMd
well pU«eMI with the laaarmtloo ae It
glTM th«B liapt vhal It aeeded, quick.
Tha party arrlfW at Old MMoa at
lt:ti aad w Iraedlately eenrad to
aa aioplM dlaaer by Laadlord Portar. Tho aKrau wa« aa tollovt:
Rk» aonp.
^ Baked troaL
I, mm aad biitlar. Oreiw peaa,
ple iA Btraaborry aborumke.
AHar a tbon real the
drttea ^ M^BIakealee aad Mr. QIake
aad thqlr partlea raa tbroash the re4H
Mlaaloa potoL The mnra
by way of tha oaoter
daloaa of the dllferem
. Brtakiaaa of Old MMob aald :
thU eaterprtae vUl help
at Old MMaion woodarfally.
I aoiae ueaBt
of rapM txaoaportatloa between here
aad Trareraa aty."
that had any objectioai to offer and
all mned willing to do vhal they
«mld to help the company.
W. O. Tompklna aald: **Aa aoon aa
wa aae that the company meani boslaaaa we will do oar share to help out.*'
refnmed by way
of the center road reported It to be In
eery good condlikin. .
The bM driven by Charles Cllffe
alarted from the city with a weakened
apiiac aad hafore the party reached
their deatlnalkw It had to be tempo^
rarlly repaliad. Mr. Cllffe and hU
party alarted ahead of the others as U
was pecesoary that he should run ven
aaally. The new bus driven by A. G.
BarguiQir was the neat car to leave
atol the machine was driven throogh
to Traverse aty In oqe hour and
Bflaan minutes of actual running and
twke the bus was brought nearly to
a standstill by the bad roads and was
rapsatcdly slowed down to avoid
fiighteoiag horses.
Mr. Blakeslee said this morning:
••AU Ihal the compaiiy asks of the
paniosula people is that Ibey sih iuI a
lltUe time on their roads.**
There are only two pbsww which ari‘
In extremely bad condition. The first
one encounierwl yesterday was near
the farm of Daniel McMullen, where
the rains washed the sand from the
hUU onto the toad. The other was
near the farm of Thomas Ghertng.
about tiro milea north of Boart•r^ Har
bor. where some road work ts Inlng
done on a hill and the ground U very
The cost of putting the roads In excwUeat condition betwi'cn here and Old
lUasSon would be very slight as all
they need in nearly every case Is
crmveltng. the material for which can
he obtained In a great many places
«k»g the penInsuU.
The rcBular runs will begin July
m * The freight cars will be driven
by twenty-four horse power engines
•ad will have five-inch tires on thlrtyalx Inch wheels.
The Bottgbey building at the comPr
of State and Gass strciHs Is being reu;
otUfA tM the coaqmny will make
Ihla their headqaarteew. There will be
oerrloe obtainable all night
wni FmiN • Rw«o.wtr»i»ei m thty
t*M Nr« RatM
able propertlsa nf tbdr tavortto trout
M making the file- haita. Mr. Oarvar claimed that more
tfeat noald be tared by the artificial
ty. whOe Mr. Jahraus upheld bait fishIn Oi
latg Wedaumlay evening saw all of
Oa Friday ActorMiy Joha J. Molkiy
the argumsats on both aides of the
goes to Traverse aty to eettie the eegassUoa and H was decided to try for
tau. TheaMhs are W. J. Bath
talooa keeper at liOt Buiara avc
WiUlaai Butler. Jr, Mary Bi
Jamee Batler aad Mrs. Aaaa Hag!
lastead of disoovevtag a tortaae
through a Joke, tt looks very Brack as
If the Joke was on the heirs. The es
tate Is that of Michael BaUer.
died aevecal years ago. aad U oaly be
tween three mad four huadred ^lan.
By the time toe lasryer*a aad other ex
penses are taken pot the heira will re
ceive a very small sum as their *Tor-
Chicago, where she srW speod a t
time vlaltlag friends.
Harker Wh Kirby of Ohartovoix
In the city yesterday.
William J. BhniMay of l^akc Aon
was a guest at Park Place yesterday.
the city on bnslness yesterday.
E. R. Smith of Manistee was in the
city yesterday.
terday at
M. L. Harvey and wife of Sooth
BoartUnan were in the city yesterday.
Arthur Morrison of Elk Rapids was
In the dty on a toort bnslneas trip
D. 1). Walton of Cbpemlah was to
the city yesterday.
G. M. Peaslee of Central Lake spent
the day In the city.
. Mrs. U Baker of Cedar who has
been visiting In the city for a few
daj s rdurned to her home this momtog.
Miss Grace Chase* of GrcUlckvllle Is
enterialnlnje Miss Rosa Dell Samplelmer of Cleveland. Ohio.
Mrs. C. H. Tyler returned to her
home to Mantoo this morning aftet
spending teo wwks as the geest d
her daughtetr. Mrs. A. W. Peck.
Mrs. Charles Smith relumed to her
home to Manton this morning after a
visit In the city with her cousin. Mrs.
Wm. Richards of Washington stieeL
Mrs. A. 1. Maes of Detroit has ar
rived to the dty for a visit with h«r
son. C. C. Maes.
Mrs. Barry Splctn- lolt yestenlay for
Denver. Colo., wbiMO she will jo»n her
Dr. O. K Chase and E. D. Htnw returmxl this nts»o from P»*toskey, smere
they attendi'd the meeting of the state
I. a. U» «r of liarker Cm* I. la
the dty today.
Miss Gertrude IWI left today for
Muntstog for a month's visit
Mrs. JanKw H DavU. who has licen
visiting the family td J. W. DavU of
Spruce sirt'cl left thU noon lor her
home in Cass CUy.
K. A. Cross and family of thU city
loft this nooo for Sinxlh Haven, where
they will visit Mrs. M
a si Her of Mrs. Cass.
Mrs. E Wkldron aad daughter Ida
were passengers on the Columbia
daj. going to Northport fof a two
months’ suy wUh Mrs. William ^art
Mrs. K Garrick of Grand Rapids arrlvt«<l over the Pere Marqnette this
afternoon on her sray to Omena.
where she wilt speod tjic uummer.
Mrs. Gvsirge Pray and son Harry retamed this afteraooa from a six
weeks* visit at OoMga. New York.
Mrs. H. M. Hadcock of Dettolt. who
U spt'ndlng the summer north, went to
Central Lake this aftemoon for a
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bryan, accompanied
by thetr daughter. Mrs. M. Undcrieaf.
returned to their home In Cadillac thU
Mrs. Daniel Katoar and sister.
Madam M. E. Harris of Cadillac. lefV
ihU dty this morning oa thdr way
to the Atlantic coast via Quebec and
the St. LasTeoce. tak^ag a plaasure
trip from there to Ocean Btoch as far
down the Atlantic coast as the Buie
remnt of Blc before retumlag.
W. f. Bowen left thto noon for Mar
mora. CaaaAa. whete be wiU |oia hU
wUe and children, who am speodtog
the sttmmer there.
Dr. H. a Gamer recnmed from Petoskey thU Booq where he has been at
tending the Bweclnc of the stole med
ical society.
At •
o» tk» eooMO. No.
im. Rojral AroMUB. hoM at UDlle^
'■Mi u>d Uakir-* oSco Iwl <neBli«
• «ooBtttc« wu appolatcd to Obm a
raBooattmaco acBliut tte aetka |ModItg la tb« aivraoM orfmalioioa « the
IM«al ATcaaaauJalaUTe to a raaAimtaMBt at tha iataa tor aea « Jttn
CONCERT tonight at First M. K
oM aad oirar. Th* provotad rata mkoa church begtos at S o'clock promptly.
tha aeale aiwiat pnihlUUTa aad thoaa
«ha caa Btal the Uih rataa are <a BO
aecretaiy af the
r. T. F. Upt
haad at laaanaee. T1» coaadl will <>megle Steel
> Ctmrtea Webb an Dened Dm
tba aaato able Jadtoe wera firiMt*
room caaa^eatm er aUx with toe
or Oatt. la MU nnHiMj'
air to the teat At patient Jytag aa
the had. wlilch la placed parallel wito
the wtadaw. has hM head aad tomdF. W. Carver aad A. W. Jahraus. ders teadag to toe teat Ify fsOovtag Tha*
mty It wm he atea B. J.M
wo of the etty s devout folkrarers of
i of Chartea E. Oartaad va.
la. whkh waa hegaa to Or-
torae teailoat. the Jary ikirtog toto
moratag at id nktek after a Idrarga
My enlertmlaid yaeterday. helag toe
guaau of Mrs. Chartea Wbhh. whoaa
baehaad to toe captain of toe OolnmIfla. The gneeu were taken by the
pratty BtUe ateamer to Omeaa. whhra
dlBM waa enjoyed and a drive anraad
SpeaUl Co toe Bvmdag Baaoed.
Old Ktoeton. Mkh.. Juau flfl.—Tbe toe reaoct followed toe nptuSL The
leort eeaeoa to at haad and toe opt- ratarawMfltoomadeontbeOolnmbla.
tee akmg the east shore of toe Old tbo tHp caiac nd ooalas belac oia
•s M h>BC pI«o»«»Wt reacBtanod.
by toe owners who have eome to en
joy the wvm days of samaier. Mra.
Mi K. Wright aad chUdrea of Travarae
aty have arrived at their pretty sam- tandBg abeet tbe arrogance of a_sca
ler home, toe Bateman cottage, captain whpm he knew. *lt was im.
here they wlU apeod toe eammer. pserible for • pasiwr.- Capt.m
They srere eoon folloxred by Mr. Moot- Mulliic aald.-to get a Hvll answer mit
rose and family of Teoria. 111.
of fhto man. Ask hhn toe simplest
Mtoa Gertrude LeOagwell aad and pomret quratleu aad with a gruff
friends are atoo here. They have come taipertirace he tarns hto beck on you
to enjoy their home on toe point
and walka away.- Captain Muller
The Ptnea to now open and expecU amlkd. •‘But a IHrad of mine.” he
aald. -once got toe briter of toe eour
Tbe Porter house is atoo open aad fellow in a dellghtfal way. Tbr capready to receive geests.
tala waa sUnding near tbe boa* of toe
The Rushmore bouse Is open aad beet eaamiBing through hto gtaases a
8eldon Trumbull of Chicago to erlto peaalng ship. •D'hit ship Is ihktr
said my friend. The captain ftuwnefi
Alaafi toe BeaebdUu DeUif
by the court to reader a Jadgmmt la
tovor of toe platetHt. and the amcraat
of judgment twtog the bone of exmtantloa which U9 to toa tiara of potag to
preaa had prevcaied a vatdkt hetog
An appealed oaee from Juatlce Itoaeach OM adag his favorite faalL
lel Enslgn*e court at Ktogelcy wae
Promptly at the hour set Mr. Osrthen taken up. toe case growing out
ver pnUed his black roadster to a
of a grocery blU of H9J7. Oaorge W.
stondstlU to froat of the Jahraas realParker, general merchant aad diedeate oa Washlagton street and hU
peaser of freah buitor and egge at
eompaaloa began hmdtog to his oatfit
Klngakey. batag toe platoUt va Jamea
**Hsve you got everjihlnfi.- qosarUktoe who raa a camp aad a grocery
tfcmed Mr. Oanrer. and reeelved an
bill to TaradUe township. The caae
afllrmatlve reply . Of oourae he had
was appealed by the platoilff. who at
as nearly perfect the former trial recelred a verdict for
that the
forgotten nothing.
The day was hot and the drive ts can be pradaetd with ao cheap a “no canae of acUoa.** Ooaelderable
Mrs. George Black and daughter. at him. *0.0 ask the cook.* be , aald. '
dusty but the thought that they were lerlce.
; ts being had at the after
In the lower half of toe window Is
Mra. Sielcker. and children are expect *Oh. r l-nr your pankm.* astd my
gotog to -ahmr- each other kept Ibelr plsced
the frame to which Is attached
ed soon by Mrs. Rushmore. also Mias friend. *1 thought you wrrr the cook.* *•
splrlU keyed to a high pitch.
toe awidng, stretched over a qnartor
Moody, all of Springfield. Ill
Their deattoatioa was souse miles circle, with a radios pf forty Inchca
above the dam and in due length of Wbm there is a recess, so that' the knear-no bound when repeatedly naked H. G. ReynoMx and two youngest
Ume they arrived. Mr. Jahraus got bed placfd parallel to the window can about a gallon of molaaeee which he sons hare been suylng at Mra. Rush- POR THAT TIRED
8huler*a Pan.
his kit out ; jointed bis pole. aUached
febemently denied ever purrhaatog. more’s for a few dajs.
a nice fat worm to the book aad was the tent has to he made corrmpondlng- sayiag be had a barrel of It all the The Old Mission Beach association
FOR BALE-LadIca* Ubrary axs.»cU.
about to throw the ball toto the whirl ly longer mnl toe bottom flaps made time and dhto*t need the gaUon. which to rebuilding toe sidewalks.
long enough to reach under the mattlon property. Inquire Mn. KneeMr. Bagley is rebuilding his dock,
ing waters when he bethought himself treoa.
The frame of the tent does not was charged to him. The jurora 1a the
June 3BCt
of his companion to the trip. This quite fill the lower half of the wtadow. Justice court were subpoenaed by the making It large enough to accommo land. 340 Bute street
genUeman was standing near the rig A space of about three tochm M left defense and each teaUfied that Mr. date the sieamcn llUnoU and MtoTRY A RECORD WANT AD
with hit bead to hU hands and assum for toe escape of the warm air to the Parker had sworn In their court that a aouri
ing what was supposed to be a brave, room. By lowering the wtndow tola check for $164 paid up the defen
careless appearance, said. “I guess apace ean be reduced to one luch or In full to Feb. 7. the case being tried
that I forgot ray pole and Alee. Al.**. leas, according to need. On extremely March 31 and appealed April. 8m
It is Interesting to note the rsU
cold and windy nights tbere need not
wane A Alway for toe platoUff aad P. St wldrb new theorlts of medical
be left any ofien space at all above
toe t.ait frame. The patieut s breath C. Gilbert for tho defense are toe bat scleiM-e SIT reversing those that pre0R»«^TOn oMai0fci».MD4; tetp.*.
s few yesrs ago- Once wrtaen
will rise to toe top of toe tent, and
the consumptive was told to seek s
toe form of the tent akis to the venBREVlTlEt.
chance of ellmsle be <heE«kcd his trunk
HAD GONE THROUGH MANY FEET tUatkm. The awning la made of atom
to Florida or some other subtropical
dock and Is waterproof.
By InvItaUon of Rev. Mr. Hotoaple section. Bnt advanced views upon the
The patient enters the tent through a
flap whkh can be made either on the the Knighu of Pythias both anbortll- niture and trestraent of tbe diseara
right or toe left aide of toe tent The xmte lodge and uniform rank, will hare msterisUy changed that.
Waa Blacker Than Poe’s ftoven and lower edgea of the canvas that come meet at K. of r. haU on Sunday next ness Is s much more Important eoodlat toe bead and sWe of the bed are at 10 o’clock sharp to attend the Eran tion thss warmth. The patient can be
Frightenml the Lady of
long enough to be tucked well under gclkal chufh.
protected against cold. Inil against
to exclude the air from
There will be a quarterly meeting of moisture in tbe ellmsle tbeie to no dsprotect the patient from
fense exce|it to run sway 4iom It The
draft The flap is so ctrastmefed as to tbe Ladies’ Library associatioa (c
full force of extreme expression of tbe
A few mornings ago William Knapp
admit of easy access to the patient- row afternoon at 3 o’clock In the par reaction is Illustrated by tbe fact that
of «5S Bast Eighth strcci was called New York Medical JoumaL
a Washington phrslrlsn proposes to
Into the kitchen bv Mm. Knapp to In-j
The work of laying tbe curb and of take abont thirty wnsumptlve patients
vestlgatc a peculiar condlUon of the* GOITER CURED BY RADIUM. ploughing up the street for tbe Wori on a « bealth-scE'klng ex|>edltliia to
staid family cook stove. She had at
Greenland this auinmor. — Boston
Front street pavement began today.
tempted to build the morning fire and ■ew is» Psr tks 1
Tbe Home Guards and the Motbera’ Transcript.
1 lot TOc ConeU in .Irabor
VW«»4 kr a«-w Y*rk iraet^r.
had bixotop frightened by hearing a
Jeaels. tw*o missionary sod
white................. EadtSSc
peculiar whirring and fluttering to the A ybung woman who suffered with formed of llllle glrit of the First
aa exophlhslmlo goiter has been prac
stove somewhere out of alght and
tically cored by the uv* of nullum. Methodist church are spending ihej
1 lot Buporior «lro*« Bkirt,
reach. Mr. Knapp also heard the odd Goiter to a common disease in moun day at Eaxt Bay.
sound and upon taking parts of the tainous ewuntries. l*p to the present
bniBh biDdiog, in navy,
Two regUterrd Holstlne calves from
stove off was able to open the portion Uiue toe chief hope held out to a suf the asylum herd w€*re shipped to A.
drab and nvl..-Oaljr Sc yi
under the oven where the under- ferer was a surgical operation, and H. Armllsgo of Casnovla. Mich.
draught runs he found, blacker than even the alight chance of relief of
Tbe Muskrats and Mud Hens will
1 lot im I'm Limn CoUbib.
any blackbird or carrion crow, a new fered by an uixtatlon to surrounded play another game of water polo near
robin, lively and frightened, but so by grave dangers. 8o far as knosn the Eighth street bridge tonlgbl at
thto to toe only case in which radium
covered with smut that nothing about has been naed in toe tresancot of the 7:30.
him resembbxl his speck's but the disease, and until similar treatment
Meet tb>‘ instnictore SatTbe C. R. A 1. depot looked today
yawning cavity of a mouth. The fam of toto amictlon proves beyond a ques like Cramp’s shlD-anl. or a dry dock,
unlay, -bily 1. Bt the New
ily released the bird which flew off. tion of doubt toe potency of radium owing to two boats licing stranded
BiuincaB CoUfRo. 20S K.
Front Street, for classificaleaving a trail of lamp black and the in reducing and anulhllsUng goiter it high and dry on the platform while
tion and general informa
little daughter when told by her pgr- cannot be said that a sure cufatiTe being iransferrt'd to their destinations.
from y to 11 a. ni.. 2
mts that the mother bird would lake
A nes' launch fresh from the Racine
to 4 and <> to 8 p. m.
care of it crl<Hl for fear the mamma
The patient was treated by Dr. Rob Boat Manufacturing company of Masbird would never know It through all ert Abbe at 8t. I.uke’s bosplul. New kegoo was ready to be carted overland
lU thick coating. Mr. Knapp staled to York city. I ndcr cocaine <
to M. J. Wentworth at Long Lake, and
the Record that in order to reach that an inctokm was made in toe neck, and tbe old flit bottomed scow belonging
portion of the stove It had gone a sterlltoed glass tube an^elghth of an to IVputy ^^>od Commissioner Dame,
through ten feet of stove pipe to an toch In diameter and containing .ten lay like a derelict •acroas the front
elbow and down almost ax long a eeatigrams of i*urte radium of SOO.- platform of the depot waiting Mlcaw000 activity was put In toe Incision.
length in ord(*r to jroach the stove
After twenty-four hours toe tube waa ber like for something to turn up.
where the optmlng was followed as far letDoved. There was nothing nnusn- • Probate court wi^ busy this morn
New arrivals in
as possible, and the wav flaaUy closed al tn toe healing of toe wound or in ing on various bearings, tbe petition
for the litUc venturer.
the apprarence of the tlssnee. The for admittance of the will of Alexan
swelling dlmlntohrd rapklly. aad in der Murphy who died a few Weeks ago
eight weeks It was so amail as to be
It may not be pleasant to know that noticeable only to a physician. Be on the wests aide; a hearing for the
beantlful Oxford has more slangtter- fore toe treatment the patient walked determination of heirs in the C. C.
hooses than colleges, and these wlth- wrtto dUBcolty. She now pUys ten Shelling estate and the hearing of tbe
Ittg a stone's throw of the walks sad nis and walks ser
claims before the court on rialms
domes we rave abont bnt the meanli« day.
which was again adjourned until July
»^ld^to to undoubtedly m12.
contrast with the me
The steamer Crescent will be cap
reams are generally tbf
in the Ohsutanqasn. House rmnlt of lying oo toe back or left sid*. tained this season by Capt. H. C. Plum
hems oa the Isis are picturesqiio. Iiat the cause of whkh to to be found in of Charlevoix formerly the captain of
aUll more «o when wo learn of toe toe cerebral blood preasore aad toe toe ateai&er Cummings.
ronxunt patrol of the Thames from heart action. Those organs and mnsThe Young Woman’s Home and Foraomre to water mcln In London. It la clce which are frequeotly naed develop elgn Missionary society of the Baptist
not exaggerating to affirm that he en more than tlK»e toes need, and toU church will meet tomorrow afternoon
joys the middle ages best who can look law to true for toe brain. Here toe toft at toe home of Mra. ReynoldB. 62€
around toe hedges and cottagm In catebral k>be. which controls toe right
rani Britain, with the knowledge that aide nf toe body, exceeds tost of toe Weal Eleventh street.
these toolated booses, are belter pro right aide in weight and blood eupply.
Bert Winnie was up the Boardman
tected against Infection whether from This left portkm of toe brain win be for two hours and a half yeater^ay.
within or wlthont than the paUces emptied of blood If It Is subjected to That toe king of fishermen to not yet
which entertained Queen Besa The no prseanre end If It U raised high, as ready to pass up hU crown to evident
dean roads, toe great dtetance he- Is toe case when toe body to raetlng oo
therightelde. When the bleod rircula- from the dlspay in the window of toe
tioo to redoced to n minimum thefe to a Saxton hardware store. Thlrty-elghl
A Bwen line of Noc^wear. BniUble for bU
beantles ranging from those eight
ara part of the great plan which has
alrrady reallaed In Britain benefit of
Inches long to a big fellow weighing
which are are hot dreemlng.
probably two pounds show that thece’s
through toe sUU skill in -The Indian’s** wrteL
tone's sleep to dtoturhed.
FaaiBma Hate at
Clayton Lardie was alosg and also
got s good cstch.
Gat price dtocurnkm In the
A number of promtoeot speakers
rantrihoted q fact that la li
la more ways than one. InveMliatlon
will be present st the labor meeting
Seoette and 8|dit Straw SailoTahas devHoped toat SheffeM. the BrtOah
in the Montague hall umighL As prePmahorg, geta its gaa at toe rate of he win take to T«ae In ceaiplete bto Ttonsly ssnounced. the meeting toCfira 28 to SO ceata. toe lower nte be
ing for uae fa gas engteea. where It InlheTlc^^^^lcterta. Be^bes^ night Is for the purpose of formlsg a
A fine line of BdU and Saspendora for hot weather
ladtoa* label Hague so the wtvas of aH
furnishes power at the cost ef 6 milli
working mea are invltad to be prsMBL
per betae pewer per bear. Tim fact
an w. A. rsinwosTH
........... o^it
2So 'to S
We.OO aind eiO.OO
of cuaree. impreeace first aa to toe evf.
deuce of cheapaeaa The price of gae
coel in BheBeld to rather emre thaa
tn meet of oar ritiee from Um MiaMaalppl to the eeebeard. Yet the gra iq
toe aeasl price Jm thto county. And Emery SbeUeu.of Angell paaeed
the cempeay makra a gaod profit at krough the city thto ssoraing on his
ea awatertd I ^ ^ Harrfetta. whma be wfll apead
la ftK diQa withtriafida.
The Pere Marquatts thto aftoraooa
took Mr. and Mrs. C. a Bognrd of ChL
fgo tor a three moaths* stay at tbalr
of Sagtamw to Bag Vtaw tor
OffBcr Frwt
■—fcw froB kef» <■ftfiH W
Ttwmt ctiy
Tka kaB _
Am raal htM tha tfci
that drev the prtae oa tha
CMj and Like An was T to 4 in
of the Trsrems Oty taam. aad the Mat Sncaedny erealag.
mmrn batvena the Trarerae mam aad
Mn. Bale SmickMad M fMRIag
Mr. aad Mia G.
Mr. Kkrr or Ceof M ten at tM*
vritlac loaktaB artn klo tanmu.
Mr and Mra. Ptmak Kaeerm rMtad
day^kid cangki
Mtn. L. B.
mdajr at tt* Hof oetnnttnMO
^ f <«^^Ttoltt< at rtaak taa-
T^kml Mm. John-Mrvhner dfore to
M2A DL H. Dv Bui ehOdm a^d
TMItad at
Among those u[ho vaiM to Tram
la hat week’s news. The yoang man
dr as kffled while worhlBg with aty Tuoaday wem Mm. Chaa. MBk
the wood machlhe M sdU aBre and
helag eaied for at the homa of J. Koaaady at Wesford. Bat aSihi hopse
am haU for hM recorery.
Mrs. Webster aad son Harold w
to Traverse aty Tuesday to att
tha Free Methodist camp meet
heU near Acme.
Mrs. Darllag aad little son Harold
s Myera was the gaaot <
WUam Baaday. iwtnmh
A paitr' rrea Moakk aa4
tte CfclMno-o Oar «ertlo«o at
aiBtoci. iBd^ hai
rH«n)«4. r«rj Ul. to tb» bom»or
jmu, Mr. ud Mn. il
»rt«niocMi betwTM the PtnOM of BU
Rapid* Bad tk« Bnu of BIk Lake. Tbf
BIk Lake elab von. M.
Mr. and Mn. T. P. rarnkam and
damikler Clella
eim of Acme apaot Sunday
vitk wm “
Jane »L
from Omaha. Neb., vhaiw ahe has been
for Che Mat nix moatha.
Mr. and Mra. Joe Hlarkn hare
Theodore D. SUaley of Lake Fomat,
The iocmi at Onatt rtMay erealag
ored teto tkelr new konee.
vna wen attaadad. There vlU be aaMra. T. Snsterka of Detroit is rlstb ocher In the aear fnture.
tng wHk Mrs. Wsncol Hlarka. <
-Mm. AivkleMik and Mrs. L. B. ▼Mltor this week.
Mr. Snsttk and son of Bear Lake are
Mm. P. BMcUadge and fhmUy of
peellag bark for Praak Nsassskal and
Port Wayne. IniL, arrlTsd here Friday
boardlag with Mr. aad Mn. Joka
The dnaee nt Arthur Ralston’s was Ught and are occttpyiai their summer
wall attaadad Mat Taesdar erenlag.
All had a alee time.
Bmil Ladcrie. who has bean aUandTbecw wUI be a dance held nt ArUnr ing acbool at Ann Arbor, returned
Mr. and M
Rnlaloa’a bowery oa the 4th of July. ‘ ame last week.
Sunday with
In the aftaraooB aad erealag.
Mm. Leaader Boas and son Jerald
boda at Cedar.
Archie Smith went to Snglnmw on n Malted her mother. Mm. John HarAnale Naehatel U atajdag with her
tlBg. Mat Thnmday.
tkrter. Mm. Pmnk Kmbner.
Mm. ’Tbonma Laird and children of
Mlaa Clar Mnail wna the gaaM of
adlngum are the gueau of Mm. HanMias darn M««tl waa f>e g»Mt of
ih Bryant.
June 2d.
Our school entertained
Mr. and Mm. Ray Chandler of Cedar
guesu ooe ^ky Mat week.
Rapida. Iowa, arrlred here Satarday
Sadie Peck entertained her friend. noon fOr a aummer racatloii.
BsaaM Barr, of OrUtt, four days last
mh Msaneen of Manistee U the
i____ of Mr. aad Mm. N. Paulos tor a
Mr. Qlbbs' parenu Sanday.
Mlaa aarm Marria retnri
to her few days.
Mr. and Mm. Bd Rawlings of HanCharles McGinnis has returned to
nnh rUlied ml the home of Mn. Raw home aner npendlng two
White Clood with relaUres
bU home at Bay City after apendlag
lings* parents Sunday.
the winter In thU place.
Mra. Ooeu from the aouthem part
Ben Johhaoii waa a Trararne City
Mm. DaMd LaBonty aad aoaa hare
^the state is Ylsltlng Mm. D. P. Tay-
Bom. to Mr. and Mra. Strackengast *'n^*M”rSdc U belptnc Fred
BoMk. Iter
ckUKteg «ork.
of New Wesford. June 22. a girt.
Mil* Hvtte Bknh Is sptedlBC ker
George Tsylor spent Sanday with
Us danghter In New B'esford.
WmmM Roost Is enterUInliid ter sisCharley Rouse haa a job chopping
fhilow for Mr. Mntcbett.
The social held at E. A. Wail s last %^.%s cook pm^^lhrough thU
and all report a good Ume and lots of
Darld Peck U helping bla brother-ln
loe cream. Between |7 and fg was
law. Oeo. H. Barth, today.
Byrtm Hulett Is prepartng to build! Mrs. Oeo. BartbJ SrT'was a Maple
a wing on his house. He has the wall City caller Saturday,
Norman Newman and wife
Miss Mina Barmtt closed a rery Maple City callem Satnrday.
Mm. B. O. Ladd is on the nick list
1 of school at the BlackMr. aad Mra. Oeo. H, Barth rislted
She la aome better at preeent
ise last Friday with a at Mm. Manrln s yesterday.
J. R Biman ta rery low at present
Mm. Marria aad aMter drore
aad haa keen for orer a saonth.
Stmvbeniea' are cettlnc rtpe and
they hare not been so nice in yearn. at the Matchett
The fre^oent ralna are )aat what is houses Mat Sunday and both were well
attended. The programs were line.
It U reported that smallpox U com
Mr. Hanaen has Improved the looks
of his house with a coat of paint.
ing this way.
Mrs. Eric Carlson returned last
Mr. and Mm. Games Wise of Tmvweek from a ten days’ vltll with
friends la Pellston.
Mr. Neaaen hns a new driving home.
Mrs. Miller, who has been here four
A. O. Fairbanks of Trarefne Qly weeks, rotumed Mst week lo her home
In Tmveme City.
•rerybody took advantase rislted friends in Mabel Sunday.
A. R Pray took In the excumloa to
The many friends of ». and Mrs.
or cdieap seed.
Harry Dumbrllle will be pleaaed to
Nemeakal Bros, are busy kanUni Trareme aty. Sunday, the 2&th.
Oolumbus Boiamere diore to Tfmr- hear they reached Tpallantl in aafety
their lumber to the dock.
Sutidar emning.
Wenrel KnOU was Ik Clen Arbor on erae City Saturday.
Clifford and Ashley Pray went to
The ball game Sunday lictwcH'n the
Trareme City Saturday, returning Burdickrille and Glen Arbor teams ro'
suited In favor of the Glen Arbor boys.'
Sunday oo the excursion.
Mr. and rMs. Andrew* Pray rlalied
ils year on frleuds and relatives In Traverne City
baas this
and Bddle j a few davs
Baaa lake wa* by I
ence French, of Ohio, stay ing with her
lly 1C fine
Prof. Mei
Moail. one morning recently
ones were caught.
Warner aad children returned
John Notan waa here one day last k william Johnson has gone to New
to her home In Traverse City
week acuing up a new mower for W. York.
Thomas Johnson and wife hare sold week. Her mother. Mm. N. B. SherlKraiu.
their farm and moved to Detroit.
John F. Kralti U in Wg Rapids
John Johnson and sister of Detroit
m. Ehle gave a small lea party
tending the PerHs Institute
visited ni Tbomss Johnson's Inst week, Ust Friday which was greatly enjoyeil
by hir guests.
returalhg with ihcmi to Detroit.
Hsrry Burgeas and George Grady
Clinton Pray drove
left Saturday morning for Milwaukee,
WiKlnesday evening, the 21*t
going bf rail from Empire.
Eva ThurteU closed a a
term of school In the Sooth district
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Perslg, June
Piwalding iSlder Carrol preached at
24th. a aon.
the church Thumday rrening. The last
Hert l>eech and family moved lo
Born, to Mr. and Mm. Edward Fish
ling was well attended. A bus
er of North Manltou. a son.
East Head Thursday.
A. Beck. Frank Fisher and Ed Denny
June 2C.
le^o Trarm. E. J.
of Sooth Manltou came over last nlgbt.
aty to vUlt her brother. M. 1June 25.
fh and famUy. and will viMt
Chaa. Rogers of Chicago w I a caller
Old MMaloo before nnum
IdsI at OI
here one day laat week.
lag to Tuba.
T. R. BliUe was a Trareme City
The MMsas FraaoeA Higgins and
The BnglUh service at the Lutheran
Blache Haskell hSre been visiting church last evening waa well attended. sailer Saturday .
Miss Mina Myem spent Sanday with
Mii A. M. Bmith the past week. They
Geo. Mahn. the hustling merchant of
retnmed home today.
Schomberg. was a Tmverse City caller
Cbaa. Oerr has commenced bajlng. Ust
He cut the hay and then plowed the
Reuben Kllwy
ground mad planted poutoes. Yuba Is one
aeamem aa fireof the steel |
a good place to lire In when a farmer
Oaorgn Chandler of BenaonU Md«
hia attBt. Mm. Jane Chandler, a plena
ant rialu It haa been a nnmber of
Team atnee they had aeen earh other.
yiorenee RaUeotmrr of TraTeme
ctir la inaklnf Roth MUU a vUlt.
Alpboneo Tjrrer la ipendlna a few
daya at honk fran the Maaltooa,
w^ he It nnalatant Hahl keeper.
The ladlea of the M. R. church of
this plaoe niade oefr 112 at thetr hand-
ro„'rpU"rt£.:i”*M'iy .f. n*?/.
A big wedding it on the program
fbe Boion band car waa used as a
'inf? is gMting better.
Henry Wllkop and^Mr. Mason of for tomorrow afteruoaa. Martin War- f^ae bus Sunday, two trips being made
way to attend the pl^ic at
Tmreme City railed at A. M. Smith’s ner of Bingham and Mlaa Anna Portlaat Buaday.
'Tr I......«
Hr* Aaaa Clayiiool callad on Mr*.
Ole OMnon la the am ner of a fine new th^b town oa builBMa.
Bmll tentner.
C. W. Leoflor.
mends I
Leland called on menus
_____ ___________
Klassen Dago of Trareme City U
to Mr. and Mm. Joseoh Nevisiting at hU grandfather s farm.
Ml» Mary Cate rtolled at Sok® and
e is filling
Mr. Smith’s place for three weeks. The
U to be married We
Sophia Oaco irlalie y**^*^T r'**> of July will be a quiet affair thU time. latter
Mm. Frank
ported sick last week and died nt her
home ta Elmwood township on Fridsy
leavea a husband and
morning. She leavee
children to moura the loea of a
Grant Center Grange added four
wife mnd mother.
Mra. John MlkuM. Jr., and
» Us lUt last Tuesday.
sd by a lady friend of. ^
jo «iy the
ed Friday morttag and will <
summer with the MlkuUj utn.meeUng
was -How
-Ho a man woo
meeUng waa
work If be was a woman, and bow a their former home at Cedar Run. Mias
School closed last Thumday with a woman would work were she a man.” Ogyha came on to Sokm to rlsli her
picnic. Miss KelUe returned to her It waa a lively and tnierestl^ dlacus- cousin. Mias Kina Myera.
June 24,
homo at the Bleeping Bear station. alon aad enjoyed by all who were
Glen Haven.
The .North Unity school cloaea next
Mm. Ella
Friday with a plcalc ta ithe grove at home ta Wexford laat
Baas lake. Mims Cate, the
a 11
leave next y
She leaves to mourn her ioaa three dren't day ?xereiaea. which
where she w
daughters and ooe son
aloBof thei
Misaea Beba Ramsey %nd
Tooag are visttliig friends in
mother In Grant, Mm. RobL Dixon.
Mm. J.
Dick Zoe has sold hU farm and «
lalon as
aa toon
soon as
the past week at her aoa Home’s.
David McLaughlin of Grand Rapida I^is to give poeeesalao
Albert Harvey waa borne a few days
la ta town rlsittag old frten^and rel- Ilm. Zoe Is able to move.
lastweME. He U working ta the Travatirea.
i the scarlet fever.
*'Mr?^HaS2l*?e?t^o"TSt^^ City
Arthur ZIm
erne City IhU _____
Alfred Dans’ and C. P. Harper’s
Miss para RuUer of Traverse City famlllea have gone to Carp lake tw
J* jUHteff
l»wuher aad family of visit at H. J. Lamoool'a.
ChUdren** day
- ^
DM1 Hash's UtUe boy haa brain
nalu fefe
all who were there
rae aty
‘ Traverae
Oty Grove meettags baigta thU u^ at
the Bllaworth grove.
victor Bchermarhora of MinaeaoU^
ftov. 9^ Mfi Crain of Traverae
rraverae The parlor ooneart that wim to have mde hla paranta a abort vUR Mat
friends been held at Mr, Bchermerhoni'b was
Jnae 2C.
e'-ii .
H ^B^ie and Rapid aty.
C C. Rogem was la UterloclMn Mat
Mlaa BBe Wc4dman of Lake Oty
passed through town yesterday en
route to Traverse CHy. where she wUl
visit her brother, Harrison B'eldi
Onrllie SunseU. who haa 1
few weeks with hU parMm.
He bras accompanied as far as Tuatta
lives and friends.
Mr. and Mm. T. J. Headetwon and
son Harold are vUittag Mm. J. A.
Tripp this week.
sporta are listed on the
come and enjoy yourself.
Mm. J. A. Tripp called in Manton
: spent a week with her
G. B*. Parker announces that he will
Paaiaa aad tnmily.
close hU store soon and spend a few
Mm. D. Buaa of Northport spent months studying bookkeeping at aome
TbonKlay with Mrs. Jenie Rossman.*
I Miss Lnlu aeveland speot Saturday
Joe HoMcrofi was up frtun Mayfield
and Sunday in Snttoea Bay.
on business Saturday.
Miss Annie Schwars was a Tmveme
W. Dunn was a Traverse City busi
City caller last Mpnday.
ness caller yesterday.
Miss Jessie Roasman U at Traverse
Mrs, Frank Danford waa ta Manton
aty for a week's visit.
Miss Jdary Horn is the guest of An
Frank Danford haa moved bis*
nie Schwarx a few days,
, lly into the bouse just cast of Alfred
German Cordes and daughter Bertha Bower’s
went to Milwaukee Tuesday. They
8. E McCurdy was ta town from
were called there on account of the
rand Rapids a few days last week.
rere illnesa of his niece. Mrs. \
Rev. A. Martin was ta Cadillac and
Tusun aSiurday and Sunday respect
Archie Lederle. who has been at
tending school at Milwaukee the past
Baldwin U able to be out
year, arrived home Ust f
Robert Wood spent Sunday with!
Mrs. Oliver Brow was ta Traverse friends in Traverse City.
City Friday last.
C. V. Moody waa a caller from I
mlt aty today.
Gordon McKenzie has moved hU
•vcral took the train nt Bates last family back to Ttstln.
The G. R. A 1. Co. changed their
day to attend the G. A. R. en*
train schedule and now we«have
early morning train. The ever
Evuaj kW
train from the south comes one hour
Mm. Helen Dickerson of Ann Arbor earlier than before and reaches Kingsteukkle.. Hrs. 0«. ley at C;22.
Orville Btansell and Mm. Gertrude
Tripp drove to tbe Boardman river Frk
lly calltHl vn friends ta this vi- day and visited Mr. and Mra. 1
last wwk.
and Mrs. Ed Conanl returned
J C. Pease and S. E McCurdy wore
In Traverne City Saturday.
few days vls-
Mrt. ^
L. B. \\*hlUoii.
who Has
In ”Washington
the pastwbo
year, arrived
Frida)* afternoon and wUI spend the
summer with her two sons, George
and Judd Whitson. Her many friends
will be glad of her return.
Mrs. Howard Fife of Tmveme City
spent Satarday and Sunday with her
sister. Mrs. B%art Saylor.
While HercheJ Hobbs was taking po^
tat008 util of the warehouse ’Tuesday,
bis horses became frightened at a
paaalng train and started at a lively
pace toward Winiamsborg. Fortunate
ly they were stopped before they had
run very far and no d
except to spill a few
along the blghwsy.
Miss Addle Crisp entertained a few
of her Traverae City friends at her
borne last Satunla)-. After dinner the
party drove to the home of Mm. John
Lelter. who haa been sick so many
weeks, and look her some of the
dainties Which Mm. Crisp knows so
well how to prepare. We think It very
thoughtful of these young people to so
kindly remember those who are less
fortunate than themselves.
The five^yrar-old son ot Peter James
dliM at the Indian camp on Thursday
morning after a severe Illnesa srhlch
terminated in typhoid-pneumonia. His
remains were taken to Gills Pier for
burial ta the Indian cemetery
Miss Carrie Bennett is at home for
the mummer vacation.
The many frisuds of BeraJe J. Mil
ler werw surprised to aee him drive
into town after a few days’ absence
and present them to his bride. The
)oung lady was Mlaa Elizabeth Mc
Cauley of ManiaUque. Mr. Miller U
one of our highly esteemed young busi
ness men and has s large circle of
friends who join in wishing him s
hnppy and prosperous future. Although
hU bride haa been here but. a abort
time abb haa made many friends who
will be happy to welcome her ta their
After a abort wedding trip
£l??id Mra Miller wUl be at borne
their friends ta Glen Haven.
H. Whitcomb of Mllwankee will
rpend this week edjoylng the pleas^
urea and beslthful ozone of Glen lake.
He U a guest at the Sleeping Bear boCapt. Jake Van
Sooth Manltou life
sacted businesa ta
Capt Domey of
Mr. A. M. 1^1 le left fYiday for
5 rand Rapid*.
MiKS El vesta Thomas, accompanied
in Thomas arrived
Walton this week and ha* accepted a
position as telegraph oiKrator ta the
dbpot at Omens.
Miss Reka Barth left Saturday to
spend the summer ml Traverse City.
Mm. H. RJnge and family of Grand
Rapids are occupying their Beach
View collage at Northport point.
John Stafford and wife have moved
to St. James. Beaver Island, where
they will reside. Mr. Stafford haring
eecnred a position as dellvcryinna for
the firm of Stevens A Kitzinger.
Mra. O. Ward and famib’. accom
panied by Miss Merril of Toledo, are
occupying their cottage at Northport
Dr. Nichols of Grt'envllle. Mich.,
spent Tuesday anti Wtxlnesday ta
town, the guest of Dr. F. J. Frallck
and family.
Mra E Bailey and family arrived
ihU week to open their Collage at
J. Panlgant of the Wolverine Gas
Engine Co. of Grand Rapids spent Fri
day ta tOSTl.
Mr. ami Mm E R. Peck spent Sunions Ba)-.
Orth league gave a sodal an
Tuesday evening, serving Ice cream
and cake. Tbe ubles were taatafnlly
decorated In red and white. A proIstlng of recitations and mu-
S. Wilson apent Sunday at
Messm Rufus Reunauver aad Albert
Dunkelow are at Plaines, Montana,
where thev will remain. Mr. Reunauver is clerking:to a hotel.
Tbe Misses Marie LaLonfit and
Marie Bannoo arrived home this week.
John Hagen has returned home from
Roy Theuna* graduated from the
preparatory department of Ollvel col
lege Monday, recelvtag booom la a
claaa of nlaetoen. He woo first prize
ta tbe Drury Oratorical college, which
is six doUam, and the acbolarahlp ia a
year’s tuition ta college. Miss BlvesU
won slmUar honora at Oliyet
Wellden of the a year ago.
Mm. Winans and granddaughter and
Mr. J. Ooulde arrived oo the Ittlnoia
the Allee J. Day
John Kennedy, who haa been 111, U
. fiwatoab and wUe apetu *
day ta Traverse City.
rant of Bast Empire srert la town Sun
Mra Adolph Hieronymus and dangh
Hte.« u
ter. Miss Meta, aooompaaled by their
guests. Mra Carl ZetimsMer and
Mra A.
daughter Inaagarde. also two serr- and trU
sms. srrived on the IlllnoU Batnrda/
Mra 1
to spen^tbe summer at their oouage, ^ew daya of laat uceek in SmtUmM
Ibout the pMes
Mra J. Spangle and
Olea Arbor.
Traverae Oty.
Oea T. Baker aad wife of CkkaBo
arrived Mst wesk with their hones*
household goods, ate.* and have taksa More.
LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT >»230
LOT 235
LOT 230
LOT 237
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
;v M-
.. :
These arc all early selections and arc the
Handsomest Lots in Ook Hoiglits
The whole bunch of
if sold at one time and for cash down, would be
As the price would be made accordioRly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.
Also One Acre Lot
in Birciiwood
Fronting East Bay 8 rod* and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rod* wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.
123 Frast Street*
p*m» —
©»! TBletum qf
jltiir HeofMtMftarndutM
WB«w pteri4 apea ob* t»Me • fM*
Met* wymrimm «f d«t ban vtM w
^ Md a tea peaad an* opoa I
Toa wffl kMij ncB ttet pap«
taad#fM, tn tbe iramt «r tbMB wit.
It'li el»Mjr to «j that joa
AwiMr ar TIM MnMm «r
•ntnmtmdatOit •akanrOlM.' Tfc* MM
«r fk« rM.- -A Mu4y ■■ >nrU< - ttc.
IIMuiiii ii Ma. poo aa*. aaa
ililMMil wm
la ttM »ap tTMk.
adanibrworika. TWpaHwaa
aatttMF. •na.wtihdMfcrtpidaBa
br aarcaadid la dadlac oat wtim tk othM flHw baau bad
•a*. Tb*dfatw«.atHafbart. Tbrrt
br «a< docrd br bl« rafwimit. «tao
' ii^J^ald'br
aiiib^ to Ti2
wbkb faihiwaa.’*
abcaald b« caiiT Ida fMoprapbn aak
fke Adventure oi
mm, Vn M an «r «B7 pot,
m rmA MriMtog. Apply at oma
moaitiml. Trarafsa Oty. MMb.
may IT-tf.
mmS*! »• «
Um Bate ad
ao4 I—rr«r-
-Aa a iMiu ar tracte
If be
wbM to laqatrr abaot bim fMn aoy
tblid pc«aaa. Ibat was tbe abvtoae
WrtL aflrr the manlw ’
furmnMPS wiUi muii»
wacy aad nb other aaloabica In
bottae araa broken, but notbtog
bad bm tooebed aad ibare ww ao
■Kea tbat toe boora waa broban
tola One aon to tbe only t
WANTCB-Omipetcni girl for gaaafal
ber of too family and be
bonararoto. None etber nrad agply.
baard aoUibig tbrougb ibe algbc Tbe
Mrs Onorga Backer. 714 Uabm
w> have no theortaa «T any klad
aa to the affair.
Tbe Michigan Central nHway made WANTCD-Good oompeient girt for
getwral housework.
a complaint agalmd Vlgtl lowk. ai Heroit. who raid be ttm ia Bay tCty.
Smith, 4S> West Tenth street. Citfcharging him with* the lareeoy of two
sens- phone 290.
June 22^
IMtatoe.. vaImM ai 1 eeaU Fred Knltrei.reiieailng
claimfM that Zi»wk took the ”Mur
fkctkm gnaraateai. Mra. N. Lucas.
V • from a car bebmging to ibc
918 Cass street
June 17-lf
big Kwpuratiun. Zowk pbwded guilty
re JuatW Belleni and explained WANTED—A cook, woBoan. also girl
that he war hungry and wanted the
to do dtolng room aad chamber
to eat
Sentence was auftwork. Lake View House, Elk Rap|H n !«d and a algh of relief went up
tone F4f
the big crowd in the court room,
everybvMly f»s‘llng that the stock of the
railway couiiiany WimUl not Ukeiy take
much of a tumble in runM*quenr<» of
tbe theft
While Frank Murphy and Mira Zola
ENT-fimsU plar© by the Bay
Campltell were driving fnan Holly tu
In city limits lo smaUThmlly
Femon their rig »a* Mrueb by light
sasoo. Apply 404 Union street.
ning. the buggj- was overturned aud
June 215t
broken and the horra wa* thrt»wu Into
Ml boaia aad bara. IM n. lot;
» baa city sratcr. bath room aa4
m. lagakra oC P. TbortaU ooor
Mathmal baak. Talapboaa tt.
may 22^
FOn tALE-41 lots la Hannah a btb
add; €smaaara loto fnmttog oo Htb
atraet, 4 to Odito A Wlanle s add.,
and 2 kiU oa Waat FVoni airooL
Win be oold on easy payments or
exebaage for other praperty. Oea
Mar 11-tf
rra» ttw fuad thr^ a dm©© UU.k
abadow U|mu tbe Inner aide, and Iatb
It was that wr wvOi-b«L
-I fear tbat yoall ba\e a loa« walC*
IloUnaa w1itepar«d. -We may tIuiBk
our alani tbat It la tiol ralnliic. I
don’t think w«* can rtm ^mtore to
anoke to ptoa tbe tloie. lloaever. Ife
a two to ooa cbaore tbat we set aonetbkc to i-gr oa tor our truutihv"
tX lavred, bo water, ibat^ our tI^II
round, dark
I airw> iua tb© bur OI wcr , uilll unknown. \ *»!•afibutw.
i and be rafa^ei to an*w« ««y
»lke a |
ittacui uimn ti e aubjn<t. .<it tin* iK>Ure a>OK.
! bad diacove/ad Ibat tia-.* aame buata
lie cried.-let mr totro.
! nd^t
weU bavf Uwo nado liy dm** you to Uie fi
, bb. own baada. aincti be wae awga»ad | tbe Itorglaa.“
I to fear, and^t-nded In a very j
and aliMruiar raabioo. In an
vrtOKnil the leaat aotmd to
wiro Hi of ble cvinlug, Ibe cardmi
«id» awtuMT open, and a mtie. dnrk
figbrr. a» awlft and active a> an o|»e.
ndfied up tbe garden iiafb We aaw
tt^blak pnat Ui« Ufbt tlmiwn fitan
door and dlaa)>t>«<or asnluBt
ibadow of Uie bouw- There
nC tauiae. during wtdeb we
nor brMtb. and then a very P-o*
waa beinc o|Mricd.
and Bfato Ibtre a
_ maklu*
Tbe feUow fet*
Wu aaw tbe
war Into the
What h« sought wa* erl*
not there, for agaln.we aaw the
through another blind and then
pm before we .xiOW move tbe mao
had rmerged again. Aa be cwiue out
into toe ^uuneriug iiatcb of light we
aaw tbat be carried aoraeihihg while
OPdar bla nrm. lie looked atealthlly
all ttiund hlto- Tto- alh uee of Ito- de
•rrtad atrert itwwwred him. Turolug
bla back uiiQo UA be laid down hi. bur
den. aud tbe nert Inatant there waa the
aonnd of a ibarp uA. toltowfd by a
clatter and jattlc- The man waa ao
Intent njioo what be waa doing that he
to*ard our alep. aa we
acroaa tbe graaa pUrt. With the lamml
Qt a tiger, llolmro waa on hU back,
atal an Inaunl later l4entradc and I
bad bbu by Wtbrr wrlM and tb«* hand
enffa bad to-en faatem.l. A. wc turn
•'d hUn ovfst 1 aaw n hld^oUA .allow
faca. with writhing, furtew. fealonw.
gUrlng op at u.. and I knew that It
wa. lud«wd the mao of the pholugrni4i
Whom Wf had aeconxl.
But it waa not .mr prliKHier to whom
Holmw waa giving liU attention
Smuttier «* Ibe diKW-t.ni. be wn. vn
gar.1 In moat cnrrfuUy erandnlnc that
whleb tbe man bad brought from tbe
Uouiw. U waa a bu.t of Nn|M.h.iVi. like
tbe om» which wc hud k»k-u thwt mom
Ing. and it bad Ink u broken lut.. .Imllar
CopTricbt a> Colllef’l tle«ll7.
It mi. clns. of
mwit of Geld.T A fo
To all tola Information, much of
which we alrvmdy knew. Holme, lla
teti.Ml with iH.llle attention, but 1. who
knew him m, well. i oukl ilearir
clearly h.... :
.. clKewhcn^. and j
that h1« thought a
of mingled unexiHK-mtlon iM-m-alh tliat I
maKk which he wa; wont to uksuiih.. ‘
At laat hr atarted lu hi., ehnlr. and hla j
rvre Iwighteunl. Tlnr.. Imd l.-cn «
ring at the iK ll, A minute Inl.-r we |
beard atfpa «iMm the .lain*, and «n I
ekb*Tiy. reil face«l man with grltzU*'.!
uahered to. In hla
-Loalrade uud 1 mil .dent br a inev
meot, aud then, with a .|H»ntan<Mim
liupuhN*. we Udh broke out flapping,
a. at llto well wrought ctIhI. of a play.
A fluidt of rolor aprang to 1
c-iurk... «««
and he Iwued to
»*‘**‘»‘’*' dramatlat who niY-h i^. the
boxuugo of hta audlemv. U wu- at
Uiomei.t. that fur an liiMnnt
»•*’ “ n‘usvmlng maehiiw and
In^niyed hU human love for admiration
ami npplmu-e. The aame atogutorly
*^ «««>'
dladuUi ftom |K.pular noI eaimlde i»f Iflng inoveil to
<**T*th. by aiKMdaurou. womler and
1 b«
r. llr-r
Ibe other buu»«a to
order to t>r«wk It In the garden wblcb
lauip oveftoiddujf
exaitly aa 1 tukl youI two to iMw uraltol the iwarl todug In
; able It. TL.tv n^ialut^d two bu.ta.
and It wa. obvkMia that be would go
fiw the laMMluii tmr firot. I warned the
^ liitnni.-. of the houM^ so a. to avoid a
I an\MMl lrag.*dy. aud we wrent doaru
! wim the bappleat ivauita. By tbat
I Uuic. of contwe. I knew for certain
tbat It waa tbe Borgia |warl that wv
I wtav after. The name of the murder! Ml man llnkf^l the on*' event w llh the
j other. Tto«re only remained
I bliat the Beading one. and the i>earl
i uiust U* Iber.. 1 bought a to four
j pnwen.e* from the owner, and tto-re It
j Ue-u”
We rat In .Ih-nce fiw a moment.
‘•Well,” aahl lawtrade. Tve a4vn you
toiiMlh* a good many «-aae*, Mr. llolmea,
but 1 vlou t kuuu that 1 e\vr knew ■
more workmanlike one than that
We’re not JenKMW of you at
Yard. No. nlr; we are very prood
you, and If you come down
there’, nid a man. from the okiiwt in
erat <
» uhake y ou by the
-Ihauk you.” raid Ilolrnc.^. -Ttiank
VMBHW 31 teBKA tlmt.rjaL5EyL£nlii: < “wt
to wttet tojr:.
HOUSE FOR RENT—July Ifd. corner
State and Uoso strreu
rooms, small barn. B. J. Morgan.
Wadsworth streeL Inquire P. O.
jane 24-€l*
BOARD AND ROOMt, or room wHbout board at Couage Home. Hoasa
remodeled and aewly foratobad.
Froet BtreeL cor. WclUnglim.
June M-tf
THE NEW PIANIBM—Unified an to
plan tom wlU be explained and dis
played lo my studio Tuesdays, be
tween 3 and 4 p. m. Mr*. Francea
S. Smith. ktS Bast Blghth St.. TravaraeCfty. NewpboaeSTZ.
June k-lmo
FOR‘■RENT-Seven rooms Ik per MONEY TO LOAI
tax clause
month. Underwood A Umlor. Ruthput 1a mortgages
es for satoL
crlaml block.
Juno 24-Cl
Inquire of &
Place hotel.
FOR RENT-House with all modem
Improvemento. West Twelfth street, PALMltTRY-CoasuU Madams Hlnm.
near Pine. Inquire 1012 South Union.
Ramember the futara lias in yoa
June IMf
band, a scienrific reading will reveal
the trua Ufa’s history. Ovsr llT
UnloaSL bldseatraaca.
sens phone 121.
June 8-U
FOR RENT—Two Inside rooms suit
moviHl by tto- aofter hum
than 1 had ever ueco him. A muiiieiit
ablo for sleeping rooms. Inquire
later he wn. tl»e eold and i»nicllcal
Dr. Sawyer, ^over Johnson drug
lliluker omv unwe. “Put the in url
June 6-tf
the i.afc. WaliK»u.” raid be. -and j
out the paiHTi. of the Cook Smgleloo
Train will bwve Traverse City at 7.
forgr-ry caj^e. i;«ldhy. Ijpairade.
S^'c posters, or ask agents for particu
output of writing, when be
uuy little problem cornea jour way I lars.
H. F. Moeller, C. P. A.
Tboa. Gunton. £30 Fifth street. Clll- work*. Is 1J400 words a day. lYial Is
than U* hai.py. If 1 can. to give you
Juno 2k-3t
may 23-tfialfout the averajc© day's work of tbe
hint or two u. to lU aolution.”
-------------- newspaper writer on a large dally pa
I.OOK for Shuter s
per. day In an day out. seven days a
FOR RENT-Offlee to new Wl
{ week.
In the cimriM' of a year this
block. E. Wilhelm.
smounts to UsmsjO word^ The newspsiM-r limn writ.^ enough to make a
the iH-l Kellliig lyive every
Edward R. Hitchcock, formerly
agent and operator for the Michigan
he yeor tu make anutbef
FOUND—rh«KliUn« w«trh
Central road at Glen wood, a small *ta
Ow ner can rt‘cov«*r at the Evening j
tion w•e^^ «.r Kalama/oo. ha* oll^;lnated
R.KMvrtl office.
June 27-tf
a nt w industry', whleb bid* fair to
forty ycBi>; li»* Us« vvrill»*u *Jh.2>s».iAJn
w«.nl*. or L‘P» 1 <H.kv Not « vi u Mrs. K.
make him wt-althy. Several y i-ar* ago,
D. F.. N. Fpulliworlh «uuUl IkwI that.
while he was still In tbe employ of
LOST—Pair *llver rinirm*! glasses, M.d yet llion- urt* llio..»- wliu liurf'Xe
the railroad comiumy. ho gathertvl
corn. r Stale an I lUwnlman avenue, that Joursnitoin U nn easy Job.
ferns from (ho swamps near I>owagiac
and found a ready market for them In
Ington stroel.
June 27-4t
Chicago and Detroit. Year after year
the buklnws grv w and ]>e began gath
LOST-Wallet with Fn-d P- lP.uKhey *
ejing fern.s In upikt Mlrhlgan^ In the
name on containing conslderal.le Notive to all Parsons Intansatad:
The special asserament tax roll for
New England stales and in the si.uth.
mnuey in bill*. Ubcral remord If
tbe paving of State str(%*t^rom tbe east
The markets for the ferns also broad
rt‘turnod to Record office.
line of Cass street lo the west line of
ened. RecH‘mly Hlntchcock ><wure«l a
June 2GCl*
RailrcMul avenue, is now to my hands
melcKlyis. Ilow itbri^btlea.se on a seventy-acre tract of w i»o<lfor collection. Tbe first installment
to be paid on or before Juno 39th, 1905.
land and the eiitiro tract has been
eiis niid n*finC8 home—
planievl In ferns. Mr, Hitchcock says
rests tirwl niTvta apd
City Treaaurer.
that the ot»st of latovr alone roM him
FOR 8AL€-I2xr4“ft; tent with plat- Office-Room 202 Slate Bank building.
weary ht'tulA
|*jr.u. ami he will sism have one of the
Jufio 1-lmo
pn tty faiicit« it briiij^
most unique aud valuable ganlen.H in
June 2S^
into tlw‘ mind—that is,
the world. Hitchcock has resign<Kl his
provi.ling ifg mueic.
|s»slUon with the rallroail coni|inii.v |
ments. Herman W. Smith. C13 West
and is devoting all hi<i attention tuj
Music was never uimltv
Eleventh *treet. CUIten* phone 159. Notice to all Paraona IntsraaUd:
his fernery.
with a Ixul piJinti—and
juno 27-tf
Then* was a new turn In the Sun
tax r
Ivad pitiiios have a hiul
day clin.lng war todw. i-n Major Flem
FOR SALE—Tmenty arre* gm«s. more the grading and pavtoi line
streeL from tbe ea*t
ing and the saloonkee|Mrs si Muokeor le*s, on peninsula, three miles street to the east line of Wi>111
in the dress |of pcxsl pi
gon Wedne.8day afu nioon when John |
aireel. is now to mv hands for i
from city. W. F. Marsha.
anos. Hny your musie
be pnl4
Leaders began suit against Chief of
June 27 5t
on or before June 30. 1903.
Police Sanborn for damage* for as
at a store where you wil]
FOR SALE-Warehouoc building on
sault and battery. Lenders claims
U* sure of L'^-tting music
Bay *treet. corner Hall, also 14that the chief took unnecessarily
Office—Room 202 Bute Bonk building.
— where piano knowlalge
horM» jKiwer gasoline engto© and
June 1-lmo
harsh measures last Sunday in raiding
is abundant and always
feed mill outfit; also 9-ruom brick
his saioon. and says that he wa*
struck-in the face, knocked down and j
strument is good—where
klckiHL The trial of the case has tovn
every’ transaction is hon
set for Monday .
.••»eald he. ”il U the
HHiat famuua |K-arl now eiUtiug to the
wurkl. and li ha. Ux*u my good for
tune, by a count, ted «haiu of Induenlve retoHUiluK. tu traiv It from the
Prince of Colunna*. iHdivKmi ‘ at tlie
inicrv hotel, whi-re it wa. lual, to tbe
Interior of Ihi*. U»e la.l of the tdx
huau of NuikiUkiu width were luanu
by iielder A Oo. of Stepney.
Voii vviU ivinemU r. Intrude, the m-neatluii caueed by the dUap|K«raUtv of
arate al
Jew» l and the vwln effurU
way tod It differ fromi any other almt
of the l^tmdou itollee to retxiver It. 1
toretl pUKV of pluater. H e had Ju.t
' waa myiudf cuuMdled uiam the t-aae.
OUluplHed bla eininiiiatlou when th«* |
! but I waa uimlde to throw unj light
ball light. Hew up. tlw dm»r oihmm~I and i
Uiam a. Suapit iuu feU Uiaui the maid
too owner of thr htw»e. a Jovial, rotund |
of the prlm'i-a.. who wa. uu Itallau.
ami trou.erm, pr«*wntcil
ami It waa proved that *die had a
brothtT to laMidou. but we failed to
-Mr. JoaUh Brown. 1 aupi»oaer aald
trace auj' coum.llun U'lweeu them.
I The mald’a name wa.. Lucrella Venur-V.U, air: and you. no doubt, are Mr
! ct and there 1. no duubt in my mind
aierlofi^ llulim*.? 1 had the note
j Ihul Ihla Pietro who waa iinirdered
’ two night, ago wa. the brother. 1
hat you told ]
Imvc tKK‘U LK*kiug up tbe dates lu the
mo We Kk ked er> dour on the Inold tile, of the itaiwr. and 1 Itod tbat
aide and awaiteil develo|.naenu. Well.)
toe dlrapiKwrumv of the jieurl waa
np very glad that you have
bav gin tlicra.-1
two daya lafore the uireat of
1 ho|w. p-nitlemen. tlmt you will j
j BeiUMj for jMiuie crime of vloleuce-an
refrvwhnient.- '
egbuT In and have
event whlrh look placv to the factory
of t>ldcr A Co. at Uic very moment
ilc rftrrua an old fiuMoard tnrpcU»no,\ wto-u tbcae buats were' U-lng made.
few uitoutcM
I aununomsl and we were all four right hand In* earrusl an old fudmuic^l I Now you clearly •u'e the »et|ueuee of
cariMthag. whUii he phu'ed up.«u the i evenU, though you aiv Unnn. of
i «oura«*. in the inverm* order to the way
1 our cnntlv^ ray. but he gJarvil table.
whkh tlu7 prcM-uled IhemBeJvea
from th* abndovv of hl^ itum.sl
*Ta Mr SherUwk HuIumw b^ r
the pearl to bis
and once when my hand waMy friend liowcd aud amllecL “Mr. to me. Beppo
. lie may bare atolm it from
hill hU reac-h he auapiKsI at It like , Sandeford of Ilcadtog. 1 Mii»poaer
Charlie Welit. an employ© of the
J Metro, be may bare been Pieiro’a couwolf. We ataycsl long ^uough , aald Iw.
stale land office, wa.* sent to the deten
> the polics* atatloii t«» hwru that a | -Yea. air; I fear that lama little fcsicrate. be may have been ibe go- tion hospital with a bad t^ase of small
I of W. Wothlug revftakd nothing late, but the train* were awkward. between of lletro and bla al.UT. It la
pox Wedneaday. He bad been Inspect
‘ a few abllling. and a long abeath You wrote to me about a boat tbat la of no cxioaeqnenee to oa wblcb to tbe
ing aUte lands In Iosco connty and de
toe hamlJe of which bore cev In my ivoaaeraion.,
-Tbe main fact to tbat be bad toe veloped what he supposed wa* poison
i tnu'ea of rereut bUiocL
it’a all right.”
l^catrade a.
ri^l - raid
aaij I.r«rad»
“I ».*« year Wter hcra. Too aald.'
.^aal by tbe tog from coming to oootaci with ivy.
'4IIII 4iio»-a all Ibw *ru- T doair.' lo
a .M'J "f IVvln<--a «* *'
He returned to Lansing to recuperate
tl9. aud lu- v ill *tv.- a naui.- <o blm , N.l«ol«.a aud an ,«rp>r.,l to pay you 'tiland for the past two days has been
T-iu-11 nud tbat luy tbootr of tba M.£a : CW for tb.- «no wblcb U tu your loa^
mong his friends as usual. He did
w%l work out all riirht. But I n. aurr aeuatoo.- I. that riehtr
t physician until Wednes
I am cac^llnsly ob.lral to you. Mr. , -Ccmlnly.j ™i^. co«™ y valnaWo prtae.1 not
day. A numlmr of state bouse clerks
HMirttw. for tbo workmanlike way la *1 -«• v«7 •"“* —.. —™l wiuab wonia otborwiM^
not imagine bow you ““
^ ,
. are to quarsnUne because of his risit
w^lch you laid hand, upon him. \ •»««». for It CkvuM
<MH t uuttr Ubdorauad It all y««.“
that I owitad aueb a tbln*.Ughtolng play«;2 a strange trick at
"I feor It ta
too lata aa boor I ^f routae you moat hatv
tbe borne of Charles Johnson, near |
for exptonaUooA- raid Holmes. ”Be- ! prtoed, but toe egpUnaitoo to very aim- soft, la an tostaat Befipd. a sklUfa) t’Anra. It struck tbe bouse and did |
aidra. ibnre are one or two detoUs | Pb‘- Mr. nardiiig of Handing Broa. wortaman. made a amaU bole lb tbe
xge. and pulled alH
wblcb arc not gntobed off. and it to j "kid that they bad aoU yon ibeir tout wet plaster, dropped to tbe pearl and oooalderable damage.
with a tow touebea covered over, tbe
Mrs. Johnson’s hair
oar of toora cksra which are worto ! «TT. «*h1 be gar© ^e your addreaa.worktog out fo^ very end.
Ifyou i -Oh, that was ft. was ItT Pk) be t©H apetlure once more. It waa aa ad and an earring from one^ her ears.
Sberiff Hartley and Prosecuttog Atwgj coBM itmtSl ooce more to my j
I paid for Itr
cowtwtos at 0 o’daek tomorrow I tbtok I j
be did not.Orr or Bay City are taresUgattoall be able to dhow you that raco i -WefL I am an bopeat maa. tboogh
i la Beavem toiranow you bare not grasped too eaUre t ^
ablp. Is which It to alleged an attempt
nmantog af tola tiusbissi. whAcb pre- i •blRIngs for tbe bast, and 1 tbtok you ocattrrod over Lsmdoa. Be could not
to marder James Bwallov
attts some fralnreo wbkh
to know tbat before 1 take £10 ten wblohcootalaodblstraaMue. Daly
by breaking tom could bo aea.
aad bto wIfiA both aged reeldaato uf
abaolmoly ortgtoal la tbe btotacy of' trom you.enme. If ever 1 permit you to ebroa j *T am sure Ibe scrapie does yon boo- bbaktog would taU blot notbtog. for ae todtowaablik Tbe Old eoaple awoke
Seto any mure sT my little problems, or. Mr. BaDdeford. But I bare named
m ...
a ditch Uwide tbe road. Both the oc
cupants were thrown out and rendered
UDconocious. Mis* Campbell Is still
confined to her tod from the *he»ck.
Michigan will re<;elve |M.44^.7*
mor<^ on the Spanish war claim
against the government than was In
dicated in the letter receivtd by Cttivernor Warner Tuesday from the coni|>tmlicT of the treasury department. At
torney (iciuMal Bird. -who.argued the
COM* before the comptroller last wc^ek.
has received an exhaustive opinion
from that official making the addition
al allowance. Ixra than ll.OOn of the
aiaie’h final claim wa* not allowed.
ICE—John Hopkias wtU aenra lot
aa la the past to tba
Call ap by boU pboaea Na P4.
Orders will be prompUj attaadad tA
tpr »-lmo
est, in fart—bu}* here
and buy now. No techand ones to get rid of;
all bright, new goods,
frtwli from the largest
factory in the world.
a. B. HARRER. Prop.
FOR SALE—New four-inch wagon.
Inquire of H. Hyman. 240 Washing
ton streeL
June 24-tf
FOR SALE-Farm 120 acres, good
buildings, yonng orchard 800 ireea,
good water; will exchange for Trav
erse City property. F. A. Dean. IL
A L. Merc. CO.’a
June 234f
and ioU on west side. WUl take
carpenter or team work part pay-
Fine Dental WorR
, |
ro« tALC-Ncw S0i4H ttt Unaeb
Noffi«sry ftoaslnllo
Miud To«o. Fv * aw« CO
SUBralfrera Meats.
Us I
U«alra 41* 8UU 8L
Jon. IMf
*tv<ooi loc WlU tain t
BMi aad wasoa. or bona, I
SMtk SUe ShMSttre
»M«oarA. T.
!» Sllfl RNI BIKr
Is now in the hands of the C. C. O’Neill Co. of Chiceigo, Ills., and the stock and fixtures
will be sold on the premises No. 140 East Front Street, Traverse City, Mich. Doors open
and sale commences Saturday morning, July 1, at 8 o’clock. This $30,000 stock miiStN
converted Into ca$b duickly and in order to do this we have inaugurated an unheard of
Bid Cut Price Sale the entire stock, consisting in peirt of Clothing, Dry Goods, Men’s
Furnisnings, Shoes, House Furnishings, Furniture, Crockery, Tinware, Wall Paper, Stoves
etc. Take advantaige of this, the Greatest Cut Price Sale in the history of the trade.
the wind and our aim is to
We have thrown profits to
turn this stock into CASH
and have made GRAND
Hot Profits
Uolume o! Business
in the quickest time possible
will penetrate EVERY AR-
1$ Our IHotto ROOF
Men’s Suits worth 4.00 and 5.00 now
Men’s Suits worth 7.00 and 7.50 now
Men’s Suits worth 10.00 now
Men’s Suits worth 12.00 now . Men’s Suits worth 15.00 now
Boys’ Suits worth 1.50 now
Boys’ Suits worth 2.50 now
Boys’ Suits worth 4 00 now
Boys’ Suits worth 5.00 now
Mixed lot of Boys’ Suits worth up to 4.00 now
many worth up to $22.00
Cake any Suit in Ibe bouse for $IK50,
go at 55c a yard
IDobair Dress Goods worth 50c and 75c*
5$ inch mool Serge Dress Goods, worth 40c and 50c*
- goat22cayard
V 2.98
- 1.48
We will be pleased to extend the glad hand of welcome to'all who visit our store and cordially invite you to call
and witness the Chicago firm’s manner of doing business. Examine this immense stock of merchandise and incidentally SAVE FROM FORTY TO FIFTY PER CENT
I m eofgtrr
•r it Gidtaster ti
lur ta to Ctovctoad
toft kick mIkioL twr fn4wt«4 to•rtbcr. v«rr adiBictod to the bar at
the latoa t torn aad aUe hr aide took
the aath. The tothar ia 43 yean aid
aad the aoa aaafty 22.
approve of the
muted teua aeaaie. la h twmt ia>
aae of hla. paper, the Odormdo Bapab.
Ikan. he refera to the neatbera of
h aa^Steli for Iko aafal rno tkat
I; 2!ii
Badoaabeat tbit
diMoae. aiaDed
Collectors of preckxis stooes ar«
aaaltlas alih rademoas aanoan<^
amt of tbe time and place of the sala
^ the laic Mrs. Inland Stanford s Jewdto. They arc said to bo m urib
Wi hhd a*e to bo aold at auction, the
to do to LeUnd Stanford Ju|»lDr university. Fire sc-ls of jewels
oaee owned by Queen Isabella of
make up the most interestInj;
jpkn cf the Stanford ctilUvilon. Tbt y
m valiMd at
,and wi-re
boudbt by Mr. Stanford In Muropc*.
Oae net la entlndy .of diamonds, the
olhera are of pearls, opals, rubles and
omeralds. Bach sot Incliidrs a tiara,
apcklaoe. atomacher. bmc<dets and
thirlng tho heat of the anti slavery
ddUaiion whilo on a railroad train
Wendell PhiUlps was thus addressed
bp a clerdyman: “Mr. Pbimps. why
^ you and .mur asMxrlales omtlnuc
to excite onr pc;ople of the north when
DO alavely exUts here? \\1iy do yi,u
go to the mmlh. where sUver>
does exist, and atop the tmpurtaiiun
of aJavesr “I bt Ueve you art' a luln
later of Ihe RoaiMd?* said Phaili»s.
•That is my vocation," rei»lled the
ckTwrmaii, "And your mlasion is to
■ave aouls from hell?** “That U my
mlstioo." replied the idber. "Then."
iwplied PhilUp*. "why do ><?u u«t n<i
there and atop the imiwriatloo of
Judge Whitman is the only bachelor
ou the board of city magUtrates tn
New York. He wtt ealle.1 «is»n one
fbrvnnon to marry a ctwiph* from Phil
•delphla- The bride banded him a
bandaome roae from her bcuqm t and
laid: T want you to uke It hi
yoor wife." "1 shall be ib ilg
accept It." said his himor. "but
wear U myself? J have no wib-."
bride looVeil at him with rtVmiuuwUm.
Tbafa too bad." she .aid. "and you so
." Then she turned to
him auddenly and aaid: "Won t you
to Philadelphia and let me
Ultroduce you to my sister?” "If she
looks''like you." respomb'd the JudRo
wUh a bow. “I shall l»o temptf'd to take
the next train. *
U is said that J, J. Hill always inaisu that he is not^ n Wall stnvt man.
He wanU to be known ns a railway
manager and as n railway constructor.
He does not dabble in the stock mar
ket, In hU trading and opiTatlotts
wllh his competitors, howe ver, he has
the rv'puUtipn of being "shlfi,v.” Mr.
Hill has the faculty of seeing contin
gencies and dcvelopmenu of the fu
tore further than any living railway
man. Experts in Wall street tamillar
with the IdcsOh and methods of tw^h
men state that Mr. Hiirs onlytcom
petltor in thin respect is R II. Harrimaa, with whose forces the memor
able Northern Paclflc struggle was
fought. Mr. mil is at once practical,
theoretical and Imaginative. These
ramies, combined with daring, orig
ffttlliy. confidence and oomnon sense.
Imve placed him on the top list of raih
way men In the United States.
Silas Eetolo. the moat noted author
of Brazil. U also a sclonitet. geograph
er. bhlkdofrtst, linguist and physlclaa
Tolstoi U in no sense a popalarr
nniter. yet his works have a wider'clrhalation than those of any cihiv Hr
tog writer. Vp to Ihe prem^t his
hooks have been printed in fonyfitK^
fe i
E>en sboold the seltan of Morocco
he compelled to leave tiU oonatrr In
•*»-«»«.cnnrtjred oU r»
who bli
la ImbtcOa atapWKy."
When the^ ronag king of Spate was
to London be oae day saw a hasM
of arcksome bearing these words to tol
ermhie 8panish--«p to^ the last word
"Qoe TDcstro miaado. senor. sea larg<
y files." Which was Iniended to mean
"May yw reign, sir. be long axu
happy." Bni that last word threw him
Into fits of laughter It should have
been "fen*z." As It was it meojit noth*
teg in Spanish, while to French, a Ian
gnage with which his majesty U fsmiliar. U is eouiraleat to the Ameri
can "get ool "
Admiral Fhlkersahm. « Russian
commander who lost his life in the
recent sea fight with Japan, was of
great physlrml proportkms and
the Jfjlllest men personally,
years ago he^ was pul to command of
a U)TM-d«* boat, but found Ihnt b«
coold not get Into his cabin, the aper
tur%f Icadteg thereto being too small to
permit the paasage of hls huge balk.
Ho communicated with tho admiralty
auUiuritlos regarding, the mailer, but
for a time they regarded hU appeal as
a Joke and Fiakt*rsahm had to pass his
nights on. deck unUI ho was trans
ferred to a more suitable vessel.
teutluu. nnd Im- lias deiwuard on divers
"I*ve had nouie
men In the
the Kcnator omt* o?»serT»M
In a f -te-ud: ‘m'.cn capable of bokllug
aw imj‘;»rtont plaec on a city <lrlly.
Tbmi 1 iiatv* bad fwaie wm. dhl not
altnue:b«T make gt*u.L 1 ivtuember
one in purJ* ular. a man naruei Link
wtvil. U:0cw«Mi.l vv.is ii*.ver s.itbtletl
with rimjdlcit.v. m wcmlU n f<v to au
•e«Tnlne h»>r»*c.* red In the cnv« of a
tramp kill«N] In a railixiad aceident.
aaW thai Ibe uufortunale man stt-*«trlppln*.: the light IwniUisti? toe.*"
"Yom i»rnbatdy didn't keep him
lomr* s«p:.n*s!*^l the friend.
•tih. I didn't mind the-^* so imich.
nut wkeu the <kiuyht«T of a leading
cltlxcii w^j« married atid he spoke of
Ibe lirkln! proriwsion 'procpt^Jiac down
the ai‘> to lie' entratM-iuc strains of
Mrnd.d1 A ?^.ir* w».<M|ng mur h." I
decldtxl Hat wr had reached the parb
log of the ways
wromea abaolute .
Mrs. l^nkham has for manr rears
made a siudr of the ills of hW’sex'.
ahe has eon»alted with and mdvbed
thousands of suffering women, who
tOHlay owe not only their health bat
even life to her helpful adrioe.
brnn plateed^aLft^^*^
tnaete* « onmllj tatswm tku I Mattel ukn ptace. Ihr Kir t* fllSl
The tesUmmuala which we moonstanUrnubUshlngfrom grateful women
postnd to eooiquer female diaenaaa.
•idm and ahwre m that eedae.
by thepatoi
With ns the 1
! <««*.
» aappaasd toCOBto
M to an Pavnans tariMtotf:
mesa mingle tlwir;
maetofiotfi to thmsa latsasd. Many
m fpaetel nsscMtoant tax Ton fiDT
r to be halted «p;«jis«tlstshatwrlstt«dandievlsitedthe tbe constractian of Lolcral Sewer Na
L Sewer District No. A hsented to the
•Oey between Washinkum and Web
nee. manteg thence wen to Bartow,
atrnat. thence north cn Bartow to;
Wafotagion street, thence weet oni
! If fortime diaregards thy dalm,
thy bead In fear
been done to exuato a gzmtefBl shade all‘ - - noon, whore one can M or alcvp and^
Laced te my
hands tor colMore the world outside to the cicadao.! Bat mairy the girl that you love best; has been placed
same to be paid on or be
that, wtwu thowsunds of them tokel HoUtoter's Bocky Mountoto Tea will fore September
Sfi. itoG.
woice togeeber at once, make rather a
do the rest.
aoodkteg oooad. Along the termceo of'
City Troasurer.
Johnson Drug Co.
foe Villa CarloMa. on foe lake of^
fo2 State Bank buiidiiig.
Como, thene coversd arbor walks
June l-imo.
|mo groves of Bezes. and there
rootof foe olleoceaiid Some yeori the ch>f ju»tU-c
the riiited
was driving
gig snti fouutl that th. tire wt one of
his olMt-ls
loose and kes>t si'-p-
-Let us vitalize an idea
for you.
Bpaetol Bh
Boaidman River
Bcctric Ufht
& Power Co.
Ym Art tot Fwiili Wen,
t«r«l la ItilT U o( Ihe labauuuit. urtas rtry dnie to a«UB«,j‘‘*“
for be tail iwt the paving of West Front street, from
her ntuntlcaii
morb ^uh the comtnou affaln foe west line of Unioa street to the
to their>Dwn needs. Nature b so pram i
* »
he did know tuat water
ed. so tended, her least effort no preoi-1 »ould tighten a tin- on s wheel. Comt to he paid on or hotore June ».
ed Into the iwnrice of man. The ptemy ] tag to a link* stream he drove Into 11
cnrwsca. It is true, have nofoing to do and got one little lux-tion of the wbeH
hot stand scntteel by the baivldert ter-1 wet: then drove out and bac ked bis
races; ao with foe Hexes. But the pop-} horae, and the same putt of the wheel
i 202 State Bat
lara ax tTtmmed to flagpoles for the i went InUi the water again, and be
sake of fagots, and every leaf of the j pulled lack and kepL seesawing hackmulberry trees, scroas which the rlxies | a*an! and forwanl. all the time getting
DR. W. E.
CIU-. 107; Sell. to.
e. TIO
t 21C;
ttrect, aia„ |
as foe maggou are ready to i situation tokl the Juntkv to to< k into
Noliot to nU 1
peasants, wlfo bttgebags. raouxit j th^ water again. He did no. and the
foe trees and atrip each branch of Its | nerro t«>ok Iwid of the spokni of the of Cass street from Front street to
‘ itlage. Tbe olive orrhnnds that make | wheel and. turning it ar«»uml, dire<*tly
» street and State street tron
aUver mbt on tbe hllbidee nrs busy I had It wet ell :.ruuud. The thief Ju>>n street to Cass street Is now te
porfoctlng their a-teml harvx?st.
tlce wild:
my hand* for the collection of the
Wherever a Uxlgc of rock offers an i *^Vell. I never wunW haxv thought third teatallmcnt. together with tbe
accrued Interest on all unpaid tnstallItalian peasant makes a garden, crairy- j of Uwt."
141 the aoii aomotimes into slmost
"Well." re;>!:M the darky, “some mcots. tbe same to be paid before ihe
1st day of July, m3
inaccesrible ptoces.. But there be will I men Ju-^t nat'ly h.ive
plant leeks herha. aalsd and beans, be- others, snyhuw."—ITiiladtlpbla U-dgKklfS a iMitch of wheat, the Utter not
for the half kmr of bread It might
make, but to furnish straw to plait
hats in winter.
Nstnre is no,niggard. Tbe little red the Nsitioi-l .\m:.tecir Skntii.;; a«<toe!aSEWER TAX
pofifdes blcoaom out of every tTanny
de.-.* rli.ijig a Mimpici that
Second Ward,
and chink and make a Maze of cdor
to tbe most unex|Hvted places. Ohnu- he had omv> mtemled to ,\>w York.
"I found tli<* » ;!Lqucl lulcre»iUng.".
dcr* have a way of tossing their tuft
of rosy
along tlH-white waiK^
oae of the last tojlS^t^rKa^
-clove picks, carnatioiis . leave. In the cleakrooUi. as 1 was put-1 section of
and larkspurs grow wteivver they can | ting on my hat aud .hmI. 1 t'ouldn'l | Boardman river, thence north to Hay
be teodid aud a little rill of water dl- help notiring Ihe wuelwne look on '
thence on Bay rtre^H to Ran-j
rwtwl to iholr use. but tlK' summer of ; a*., ait. iidnurs fa. e
Th,- i*oor fel-j^^***** street, thenco to Wvision street,
Italy :s of g^t heat, n;.l after the;
great gnah
flawer^ in spring the
,,ah- while he si;foed aud luut-1
vaunted lUHan ganleus remain d.7 terJ3 to hImsHf.
| s^r^fl^XTtVe^'u,
of gntveleil [latbs with
“ *YVu Mt-n. diseon«oh.te, friend,* I; iween Cedar and Spruce stroets.
cUjifKal bedgea. flights of kuy^ uraa |
thence to the alle>^wcsi of
and statues. Nothing can M- d.-arvr to t - -j
jpu-onsolate. sir." .va.d tbe
artistic taste, but for the real j<»y of ' att«*rdnnt
ct-4 in my
imrdcaing nothing
4* to be ct»!kvli i In three Int- is,ual ,0:
I. ll«> tmnwrr «iU
what the poet Gray cnIUd having “a j ‘naveirt the gUe-iH tilH>ed you well tots. the !first testallment to be
i paid on or U-fure June no.
gaivltn of your own. where you plant | clVhV''
City Treasiiret
i 202 State Bank building. I
*- -ir-i not only. sir. that they L.tven*t j
June 1-Jmo
Bird Itt.iiirvd Buttle.
tipiH'tl me. but tlew've taken the
One of foe mo»t paihetle *e«*nrs nv * quaner that 1 put in the trav for a
membered from the experieoees of an | decoy.* * Buffalu Lnqulrer.
gemua U given, among other !
Notice to all Persons Interested:
fact-s about Beethoven to the "Lire of j
j The special a«s*-5«ment tax roll for
1 the construction of Lateral Sewer No.j
friuit <'oin|io»
I 1 in District No. 1. bealnning at the |
door w urid. He lo\ M a tree, he onco j
' iDlerseriJun of Wellingum street, at!
declared. wiUi ik,trdv»n.vble exxggera- f
the alley between IToni and State j
tloa. "betb.r than a man."
all Persons Intererted:
l city, thence running f
Afur he bad Uvome stone deaf he j *rhe assessment roll for the Imp.-ove- streets inthesaieast
iwcmv two feet lot
YlsUed tbe vahey of UeiUgenstadt
six. blo< Li five, origiaa! plat of foe vll- •
when' be bad sUyed to
lage (XI iw city) of Traverse City.
Mich., has Ui*n placed in my hand* i
I for the c
for collect ion. the same to be paid on
or before June 30. W5.
>n.«. him.
o,y T.- | S^onlu
tornl ...
City Treasurer.
Office—Room 202 State Bank building.
.rellow hamnierr*
June 1-lmo
"No." wrote tea friend on the conver^
City Treasurer.
oaUoo ttlate. “And to the symphony I , Office—Room 202 SUU Bank building,
only rememlK'r tbe nightingale, quail j June IHmo
and cuck>3."
------------------------He believed certain phrases to have !
been meant for a direct imitation of
certain birds, bat Bcetbovco'tt method
more poetic one. Tbe birds bad
AtttM»ooor mid court, held ttt tbttprc .
Try • “Pill tn-nlffht.For tola bj all DraotoB
10 OMit ntitf B6 Onnt Bnxnn
ABCCPr M suBSTirum
toetton gnarnntood. With Kin
MustoBonao. ata. phono 2U.
Ust. 201-2-3 Now Wllbel
T/nvorso aty. 1
OradunU of Ph
There never
» Umc wbi-n
you bad belter ^fleslgrs from
which to make y'O’ir seleciions
than foe present. We make a
specialty of bulMors* hardware
and 00r experience to this line
of goittls enables os to help yea
mak4. f. !,xtion* by which ymj
get the most value for yoor
If you do not know Just what
you want come in and lei ns
help you make j-our selecUon.
!♦« Front Stmnt
DIL a H. LYNCH—3 and 4
land block. phyalciaB and i
atiaooa phono SSL
clan and-^aurgixm. C k Sulherlaad
bhjck. atiz. phone W»4. Office hours
0 to 12. 2 to D and 7 to 8 o'clock.
June 21-tf
DRS. J. 0. It MAEY J.Ttl
Mtott mere wia»^Bkto^ a.^ to n
______ a.
When yoQ wit loe or Wood don’t listen to « •mooth
talker; be vants roar dollar today and will be in some
other town tomorrow. I do not need to make yoa
mmitem as to givins: good eerrice; you know that I
bare done ao daring the peat 15 years and eKpeetto
1 f
MmOE & ieWETir
*******^*^y, jy,* oopy of
cate PtoMTU
and ooonaotor, Wilhelm block. Ttstana aty. Ml^ auaona phono Iflfi.
till ttte end
HARRY B. HABtiKB Baport pteno
ntlng unconsetoualy to foe Jay
moay of the acenr.
1 to answer to hls Wend'* mnL
took the slate and n*rote
upon It a iKiiKage for tbe flute in foe
Sewe." That was what
yeHow hammer bad Inspired him to
The ««Br^aCnitta
In the western jart of .Vorfo
ua, tn tbe mountains known
Fork ninge. to located foe must remark
able cavern
calltd foe Brenfolng
talnlt i^ mwt wtaaderfuT, natnrsI lTUri- ^JiZ
DIL F. F. LAWTON-OfoM raoto. tw
toOTOd to nov.MuBMB Uoek.
door to Dr. Hlaitas' ofoeo.
DR. K. L. THIRLBY- Don to dtMMM odoi
There never was
yoti could gel so m
On. Sawpr & Pniikallipi
caUoQs he will not do ho to a peonileas female Weakinws ant ieritod to
CMdkioa. 8bme time ago be sent to
Paris a tmsty memmeer who tavestod
Bothteg toretnm forherndricn. It Is
•earty $6.000.fifii to nhaet diamoods. Dbnhitrly fmr. and to thousniuH of
ly. although to
Vantoto fo«>MtoM4—toTtow—
aCa fixt
.rhiT:' sr* ;sot
Many wonderful cuira of female ilU
are continually coming to light which
have Wo brought about by Lydia R
l»inkham's VegeUble Compound, and
•MffkWML' ABkMk.fMk.
ttasm • mom nplMamM odor Is omib
tod ffom the onve. whkh Is odppooed
to he Cfoa the eotonosao «C dood ani
tlstoamkenAiime mals whl^ hare hern aoekad to and
vklek tlMf «Mto4 toctoltoir (taM
H h Mttl—Jie.
!s rmiter m <
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