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The Evening Record, July 22, 1905
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
rEahawArs mwue
•ady of RnhiWr^ First AdHshwl Al•0MB THROWN AT ^OUSH CHIEF
Meat Haase.
ay Wire to tha ■vaakac Baeord.
NoHWk. Va. July M —TW |Ti
Biataa cralaar Brooklya hadHng ikm
body of John Paul Joaca. tha Erst adalfsl of tha Aawrieaa aavr. which
has arrlyad from Praaoe, paaaad Vir
ginia caps today aa routs to Aasapo- WEAPON WAS THROSTN INTO A
B. Pnrkor, ax^temoemlc prealdimttel
Hall, ware raacnad
day. Both had a I
vmm mm warn ROMB
enown OF PEOPLE.
Marlnw OuhnUat the Kalpiiio Worto
• Hear Bt FoMiuSwri Rsplaoad by
CiUMrtti aa FM to MwUny
Waa Btecovn^
By Wire to the Bvanlag Baoord.
Blalystoak. Poland, July IL-Threa
FIFTYFIVF WOUNtNCO IN BENparsons ware ktllad by tha agplosioo
of a bomb thrown at Chief of Police
%V««dW M»fi Says Hs CsMSt Tsii
Plateakta bare last aight aad ihlrtaaa
oUers. taclodtng the chief and his son.
Hsw AmMmR Oocttirsi Dirt Thd
srara tnfirud. Tha bomb waa thrown
Hs was Faeltnt Wltii ths
whOa tba police ogtetal was mingling
G4N»~WaMiiS Is EaS Om
STARKWEATHER WAE SERI with a crowd of petqde.
StA Nat FaUU ^
Marinaa Ware ta Mutiny.
8L Pacamburg. July 22.—Orders
•paelAl to tSa Bvanlai fUeord.
have haan lanuad to the Ooasacks to
DMTOlt, Mkrli.. July n -Uoat. RoAdmiral MeCalla Hat Bapun an Invaa- raplaaa tha mariuaa srho have beau
Uad W. Boadiuiii of Ccnapaiiy K, First
tlpatlen—Shlp Raaamblad
guarding tha Kolpino works, outside
tafsatry U. s.
U In a guardad room
8L Petarsburg. This change . has
Charnel Hawse ■ Story
Ftart Wayaa vith a bollat wonod
bean made owing to the discovery of
thrmisk kla laft laag. Hs says It was
af Dtoaatar.
n plot on the part of the marines to
aa aoddaiU wMeh bappanad white he
was cteaaliis a rerolvar In hte room By. Wire to tha Brpulag Record.
San Ftanciseo. July 2J.—At Mare
teland navy yard this morning U was
stated that the praeeot casualty list
In the gimbnat Bennington disaster Is
lorty-ona dead, nine of the victims
balag tanldaaUSad at that time. The
list of wounded
M9Q of whoi
known man, arc In a serious oocdltlon.
No Michigan man ware in tha aociI k
Mlflllnsvlllc. Mkh..
who wna aarloosly wounded.
Tha number of mlsaing Is placad at
between twenty and twanty-Bva. Rear
Admiral MqOnlla baa begun an invaatlgatlon.
The BUN7 la tha foi
tlgntlon. ftii noon the number of dahd
does not •term with the news received wns pinoed nt flfiy-Bve.
hy raUHlvan IrHw oRjr yesterday. To
IDoatlnued on Third Page.)
them It was sUtad that be was Injurad while In regular drill at target
jimetlaa Ibe aftarhoon before. The
jnasMgs farther aUtad that a ball f*ntatwd his shoulder Just below iba col Report Cams to This City That Bayne
City Man Built Fire Under Tree
lar bona, comlag out st the bark.
and Wm Burned Up.
Word was rec<4ved today that he was
resting easy aa no arteries were
It was reported In this city this
aavarad or bonee broken.
Mr. BdUghtoo la a resident of this afu>rnoou that a terrible accident had
taken place at Boyne City. A lium.
i unknown. Is said to have driven,
I about two years ago, joining
Ibe First Michigan reglnu-nt statUmed through the town ahd a short distance
at Ft, Wayne. Detroit. Mis wife, for- out tied his bursts to a tree. He put
marly Miss Katheiine Moore of. this some hay on the ground, built a Are
the tree and went to sleep. ‘ In
city. Is wUh btan and her mother, Mrs.
the night the tree burned down and
Jamas Moore laavlag this morning
10 him. his body tielng eoosumad.
tha early train to Join them. The regTelephouc meaangea to Boyne City
' Imeat is under orders to enter
PhlllpplBa service In November and and Boyne Falla failed to aubsUntlate
Mr. and Mrs. Boughton will go with the stor>-.
Ua ragUnant.
^UT THIRTY Lives were
IN the explosion.
Than most lootw^ find
finsver the impose jnsl as
wall Ibr light wear. Nearly
every boy and girl wanta a
pair to slip on to play in.
They come in black or white
Some Good Late Copyright
Books Are....
'^tauSat Trescott." by & Wifl Mitchdl;
“Little Burr,’* by Charies Felton Pid^; “Ty
ranny of the Dark,” by Hamlin Garland;
“The Marriage of Wm. Ashe,** by Gertrude '
Atherton, lliese and a host of others at the
TIm BfibBfft fflpBSF,.>FBpA
SOo *to 7So
ksep you cool aad property drssisd
for ths bklaaos of the sommsr.
Genuine Indian
Pellea Balteva That the Bomb Outrape Was th« RaauH af a -Plat
Concalvad and Exaewtad
by Armanlans.
Widay. Hte tirothar oaears are rsti^ coat on tha sofatfaet.
Ha want up to bis rooai la the bufldfr tag to paapars for dinoar and shortly
aftarward tba guaaU heard a pistol
shot aad tha aooad of a body falliasThe wovadad naan could not toll ex•
actly how tha aocldant happanad. Ha
l^pald hs was foollna with a gun, Tha
I uroaad Is a bad one but not fatal. It Is
§ Ihonght.
fUautaaant Boughton cank from
’jmtrarsa Clfr. Mteh. gradnailna from
IV yfmi Point thraa years ago. He has
ii ■ haaa nsarHad sliitsa than. Ha U STary
I )iopalar at Phn Wayna
Hs aad His Soa Bath Had Vary Nor^
For the youngstera. made of
a light leather, tanned cxpreaaly for this pnrpuee and
made the real Indian style.
Special price
By Wire to the' Bventng Record.
CoostantlDople. Julv M—At least
thirty parsons wer^ killed by the*ck
plosion of a bomb w '.ich sn assassin
onsuccessfe<;>- direeicd st the sultan
of Turkey ye»t«v-dsy. EctlnuUes of
wounded vary from fifteen to
forty. The bomb
the largest ever
used for such panswes. The ymllce
bellero the bo.v.b tbroseg sac the
result of an Anneolaa pIoL
If you doubt this, Step to and
kMk St ths prims placed on our
Ught weight Cheviot, Wuialsd mmd
lIooMopun Suite—Just ths stth lor
lamiMRS KutoekdlteytSSJ^
! Outing $bfie$
We have many styles of Wotuen’s
Footwear in good variety that you'l
j»ot find til every Shoe Store.
Rsfsrse Gave Mink Favorabis DseJslen as It Was Their First
Osms—Larps Crowd.
A large and approciaUre crowd wltnesasd the defeat of the Muskrats by
the Mink fu n highly exciUng
water ppto last evening.
The first half waa fast from start to
finish and the Soil wna kept nearly in
the middle of the field unUl the last
few aeconda of play when Kraiochvll
carried the ball over the®line and
scored Mr the Mink. The ball was
again throsrn Into the water and by
excellriJl work Smitlu Roseoe and
Kyselka worked the ball to the Mink’s
goal but tke deTeuders bore down upon
them and time was called before much
damags tSok place.
A dispute arose regarding tho play
ing of tbs Mink, as Corsllla. who was
tending goal remained In .the boat
until the hall was brought along side
and then'entered lbs water and car
ried It Into the field. The rules specify
that the goal tender must hare no sup
port other than the bottom of the
tank while the ball is within four feet
of the goal. The referee gave the de
cision to th^ Mink on the ground that
It was thsif first game and that they
were not fnmUlar with the rules.
The sseoBd half opened and In a few
Ink wen
Bast Buffalo, July 22-CatUe—Quiet,
values easy.
Veals and calv<
•tCRETARY SHAWS ADVICE TO Steady, ^demand fair. Sheep
lambs—Quiet, values firm, llogi—
Active. 10 and Uc higher.
IL-troIt. Mich., July 22.—WTieat; Need tnpout No Financial UpislatJon July. OlHc: No. 2 red. SlHc; No. 2
No. 3 white oats. STHc.
.UrMI Oteaalm- Apain Sweeps
Toledo. O., July 22.-T\Tioat-Oaali.
tha Country.
»lc; July. Ole: September. POTic.
Chicago. July 22.—Wheal—July.
By Wire to tha Bvanlng Record.
9i%c: September, P2>sc. Corn—July.
Martcinac Island. Mkh., July 22.— 57He. Oau-July. 32^c; September.
The Srst day of tha bankers* conran23\. September pork, 112.80; lard.
tlon was uneventfuL Tha address of
17.12; ribs. 17.70.
Becratary Bhaw was the feature of the
Erst huslnaas eeaaion. He told the
Bright and early this morning CapI , hankers that they naad not look-for
Uln Webb of the Traverne bay line of
any flBnncInl leglslatloo from conatsnmers called up the Record oAce
grass until dlaataar svapt tha country
id out the weather for tomorrow.
again. Ha made a strong plea ft>r
He Is going to uke the Columbia out
merchant marines to extend our trade.
on two excursions, one to Nenh-taBe said we must go aBer new markets
wanta In the afternoon, leaving at 2:30
V aad po after them hard. The trip eras
and the other In the even'lng aad of
raaamad north thU morning.
course would be much pleased with a
nice day.
A new rament walk U being laid
today at the northwest corner of Park
WHBBUKG. W. VA, mud Ornnd
•ad Bast Froot streets.
Rapids play fast baU Sunday. Pare
Marnnette excursion, rate ft Returu
WHITE SOFT SHIRTS FOR MEN. after, game. Bxtea^ Mcomasodi
*Jus« rsosivsd anethsr lot of thsos provided for crowd.
July M3t
•wotl SHIIIaiitiat shirts, all aiaaa. Me.
It Is the amiahte cuatom of the
honaa of lords to praoerrs, duly **dook
eted" places in their doakroom Cor
A lot of M’s straw hate..............
awaiting tBaIr coming of
CMf ^ a lot of meo-a two:
age. To show how thooghtfal they
ploM wool crash auita.. np
in this re^met there la a plaoe refwna............................................... MTl
baby Bmrqnte of XloneOMEoMl
gal. ngnlnat the arrival of his tweatyUamlltaa Ckthlng Oo.
flrnt birthday.
teat reesived Miothar lot of thoos
tmt wmnte got hold
threw It the length of the Ihdd aad
after a short akirmlah Craw forced It
over tbs line and aoored again for the
Mink. The game ended with the score
standing t to Mn favor of the Mink.
The Unowp was:
Craw ...................... rf.....................Smith
Kratochvll ........ Jli.............. B. Beiges
Wlante ..................Ih........ ..
OorslUa................g................L. Helges
Booth Dus to Old >ffs.
Anton Prasil. a weU-known Bohemlaa raaldonL died at the residence
of bis flOB-ln-law. Prank Kokt.
Randolph atreet, thU afternoon aj
1:30. HM donth wns doe to old age.
The funeral nerrke wUl be Monday
afternooa at 2 o’clock. He w
years old.
Emil Waite Dted Today of Woundo
UHUuted With # Knif#.
By Wlr# t# the Rveatog fteeord.
MaRuefto. Mldu J«iJr 22.-Bmll
Walu, aeaviotod of murder ia Mrolt
of «-y#af4>ld AlpheeR WUmp# dted
today la priaim of #«-tiiftlcted wou^t
•lUiakalfe. Hte trial attracted wldeapraad attention.
Selz Royal Blue
has gtarted in on hU ‘
snmmur ram^iOKP. His
revelry contitto of <lia-.
oordant ooni^ gnokinK
human blood and leav*
inj; a Imuc-h whcn-vt*r
he gi-ta in his work. One
Made in all kimU of Loatbera
will keep Ihent off
For gale at^e Old Reliable
Shoe Store of
i CO ...
AbBtriurts of TttiB
RMoa BIO Blata BanKBMg.
Eitoy Orsana
Packard Orgni
Silver Chime# Organ#
Ohirago Cottage Organ#
Silf Pliiriof Pianos
Aeolian Webber
Tilkioi Machines
Headquarters for Sash.
Doors, Window^ Moiil* .
dings, Interior finish,
Store Fronts, Shingles,
Lath, Cedar
Flooring, Ceiling, Sid
ing and cvcry’thing in
Rough or Fini shed
Hot Weather Goeds
A LOT of M.-n’i
Linen Cra#h Pont#
Band lostmioiits
J. W. York and Son
• weuM buy them. All testmwmta •old
tartiH--'Hok Be—, I5» X. gwt St.
Tonight wc shall offer
Ten Dozen More
values at
A LOT of Men’#
Wool Outing
A LOT of Hen*#
Wool outing Buita
Coat and Panto..
Our Famous Shirts
Thirty-ij^ Cente
Contoel eteoR
CttlMn# Phon#. S2j B#II. 109.
Stoinwny Piano#
Sohntbr Pianoe
Grinnell Broa’. Pinno#
Krakauer Bro#.’ Piano#
Sterling Pinno#
Huntington Piano#
Mendel#K>ln Piano#
Crown Piano#
Wegman Piano#
Smith & Barne# Piano#
Schaeffer Piano#
Williard Piano#
Albert Piano#
Hninea Bro#\ Piano#
Haines & Oo. Piano#
We’ve Tennis Shoes, white or black. Yachting Shoos, Outing
Shoe#, Barefoot Sandals, Indian Moccasin#.
A ipT of Men*#
Outing Suits
pssaU hriUtentlM sMrts, all atoai
, iiuvmmi cmr, moNioAM, tATunoAv. julv a» taatw
$ $ SI $1 f $ $ $ $ I $ $ $ $ $|WiMSHMST
g ' mSTRlTED
» It Bart
Btok BeptsHs 7
toe apot yrbere the f
T o 'svamoT
f cBMgna
risk a paale. A faw aagi btoin are
|torth many Bib pr«tortofa.Aitek
tai a crowd at •xetaenkmmM.
White Trmserse GKy Is egoslistly
polteed aad all paastole pneam
srUj Le tabsa aagt waaff, laAteai
palm towdM a big crowd of straasars
ia tbe city aad toe bouaeboldiir to
aM by takteg pneaatJaas hla
TCAaMtsJir «raiKC ovu.
r" ■ r* r ''
pnpEin TWICE aisPOSED of
Dave Brapafty to tan and a Faw Days
Before He Oied Made a
Will Which Aaaula
the OifI
Tbe ntxt term of the Beorte county
Circuit court will hsve an ejectmont
suit which Is most inieresllng fn>m a
legal |»olnt of view, tbe conditions
Isting in the case being ao unusual as
to make possible the precedent in toe
legality of a warranty deed or a will
and which should Uke precedence.
Upon the court calendar the case
stands, Frank M. Powell vs. Blmer
Crane and srlfe and is toe outcome of
the making of a will annuling without
gvowed Intent Ion the prevtens trans
ferring of a deed, colt-ring the same
A number of years ago Charles
Powell of Cedar Run, one year before
bis death, esecuied a warranty deed
for his property la favor of his wm.
Prank, at the same time placing it
with a letter In the hands of Lewis
Duthart of Cedar Run. whom he iastructed to hold toe same in trust until
his death and then ddiver to the von.
Pive or six days precedteg his death
be made a wlU. direcUng In this will
that eighty acres of this same property
be sold and the proceeds divided equal
ly between the aforesaid Prank Powell
and two grandsons and another sun.
The will was probated aad tbe prop
erty in uutwUon wild, the defendant In
the suit now pending purchasing It
and taking possesston on contracL
The son Is attempting to gain pos
session of the property which he pre
viously held a warranty deed of and
the ej««ctment suit will Im* tried before
Judge C. C. Chittenden of Cadlllmc at
next term *of the Benxie county
-Circuit court at Bensouls. It is an
Interesting question of law as to which
holds pn'cedence. J. J. Tweddle of
this city will appear for the plaintiff.
ENJOY YOUR8BLF by trip to
Reports Indicate that the potato
Grand Raidds Sunday via Pere Marcrop thb( year wU be below the aver
qietto excursion, rate ^2 with ‘ $10
age. This should not occasioa suy
worth tjf fun. Return trip made after
wofry. hosrerer. ss U is but the
July 20-»t
R. D. Biggs and C. M. Franklin of
Hhealtatcd to plant because of the «ctremely low prices brought Isst sea- Old Mission were in the city yester
aon. The Grand Traverse potatoes day.
Nortoera resort traflte was Just moA
erate today, thougb It to no taAleatkm
that it Is waaing for tbe sammeT.
Mrs. W. C. Umgneckcr and aon Dortian of Ohio were passengers this
morning f«- Northport Point, where
they will be the guests of Mrs. Hsrry
C. lUndge of Grapd Rapids.
O. A. Warti of beanUful Birchmere
oetlage. Cedar LAdge. arrived today
from Grand Rapids aad business cares
and will bask la the sunsbioe 'of toe
point over Sunday.
The Misses Anderson of Chicago
took passage from tbe G. R. A I. via
the Columbia for Ne^to-wanta.
where they will be entertain^ st too
C. E. MUIer cottage.
Mrs. Ben R. Mayer aad two aons of
Baton Rouge. La„ nad her brother-inlaw. Henry Frieberg at Clnclimatl.
paased througlLTte ei^y en route for
toe LeeteBMi. Omena.
Mayer win remain the rest of tbe ees-
Begun in youth
insures successful
Fand prosperous careers
rln later years it is an.j
Fabsolute guarantee
Jagainst want and impro*
J. bA/.
A lot of boys' siwrt linen panu... S8c
A few boys* t-pleee cotton and
linen sulU sixes 8 to 15 years.
only.................................:............... C
•Hamilton Ootoing Co.
Do you fet lEt west sna on yoir
Borck? Protect yomielf wUB a
kEiikoa frtk skade. We kave all
J. W. NiUikeB jalylOif
Oeorpe B. Hahhelpr and William P.
HabhMer. Jr., of Lake Ann spent yes
terday at Hotel Whiting.
Tssr aUiiMt a— tSfsIiVnr
Ferood to BUrva.
Bent Her Ooubte.
“I knew no one. for four weeks,; IL P. l»«]k. of CCoaciord. Ky. saya:
when 1 was sick with typhoid and kid-'
20 years I saliffcred agonl^^wj^
m-y trouble." sTltes Mrs. Annie Huii-|a sore on my upper lip. ao painD
te. of PUtsburg. !*».. "and when I got j sometimes, that I could not cat. Aft'
Utter, although 1 bad one of the U*sl I vainly trjing everything else, I run
doctors I could get. 1 s-ss Uml double. | It. with Hucklln's Amies Salve." II
ds on my km-es great for bums, cuU and wounds.
and had to rest m> hands
this terrible JohRstm Drug 8lt»m
Sloro CVs. F. H. Mr
affliction I was rescued by Electric Hit- 8. R.
K Wait A Sons' drug
rhlch restored my licalto
^ngth and now 1 can walk as
light as cter. They sre simply
GuarsDtw-d to cure
stomach, liver snd kldm-y di««orders;
st John'X*n Drug Store Co's, F. H. eat. sbH-D and grow
Maads. 8. E. Wail A Suns' drug stores; wh«ile family.
Mountain Tea.
prices ioc.
lets. Jobmum
If ytm cannot cat. sl<-«*i» or work, feel
Ths Olamond Curs.
mean, cross and. ugly, lake Hollister's
The lalc-s^t nesrs from I’uris, is. that
Rocky Mountain T«-a this month. A
tonic for the sick. There is n«i n-medy thf.-y have discovered a diamond enra
Tablets for consumption. If you fear ounsuaqk
A lot of boys' and children's short
or pneumiicia. It wllL however. IM
for you to take that great reme<t|
pants in cotton and linen..........
led b)
by W. T. McOi
McGi-e.t»f Vsnlfmr,
A lot of linen pants, both white
A Borpris* Party.
Teen. "I had a cough. fi»r fourtemi^
A pleasant surprise party may )*ejy«'srs . Ni>thlng helped me. until J
Hamilfon Chahlng Co.
v.-n to ytmr stomach and Jiver. I.y t'sdc Dr King's New insoivery fof
ughs and Coldi ihlek
taking a m*-dlclne wbirh will relieve | ConsuropiUrn. Omii
their iKiln and dlscttrofort. vis: Dr. ■ gnve me Instant relief, and effected
ii-qualled quick
Kings New IJfe I*llls. They are a ] permanen'^eurc " Itaequallei
e. for Throat snd lung Truubloa
Jfd.nson Drug 8;t*re fV.'s. F. l£
M«-sds. 8. K Walt A Sons' drug stores:
For inviting; Uti* aick, rumoviiijr iVd
prlix' .V*c and
guaranleed. Trial
thin clmsUvl ‘ Stoi
buttle 10c.
Sons' drug stores.
persons mi<l mliiciuK Heali
Prof. Hubbard’s Ofiices
locaUsP <iver I
Ionson*8 tlrujfaUiru, Tnivonw
City, '
rtw C'i|e
July l>'-lnio*
I delight I BAY. MR. BMtlKHfC wait for SbUI tcr's Panalellas. .
Ice Cream Freezers
Are becoming an actual ncc^skity. SherbcLs, ices and cream are served
on all occasions. Hardly any gathering without ices of some kinds.
Then it is each a delicious desert, and so cooling. With our Wonder
• Free/er the whole thing can be done in ten minutes. It Has been done
in five. You can have any size you want from one quart that sells for
$l.t>0 to thq 15 quart at $12.00.
A Refrigerator
should be in every house. You not only need it in these hot days of sum
mer, but every day of the year. Once in the home you will wonder how
you ever got along without it. The “Celebrated Leonard Cleanable^
Refrigerator” is the best that is made. It Is clean, it is saniiar)', it is an
ornament to any house. It takes very few words to tell the good points.
You can see them. They are silent salesmen. The prices arc from
$12.00 to $42.00. We also have a fine line of ice Chests from.$<i50
to $12.75.
Oil Stoves.
For cool work. Your summer kitchen must‘have the coolest stove
made—that is either oil or gas. You can’t keep cool working around
a great wood stove. Oil «oves sell,from $.'1.75 up. Gasoline stoves
-from $3.00 to $27,00, and a fine line of gas ranges from $11.00 to $19 00,
m IfA^ W U9hg «AM
I lawma# it
This Receding Savings
iBankktoDed txep to deposi.
^ lots in oar 8an«t Departsent
Gall and get one and yon oaanot hdp
Hper teit ibinpoiiBd Intenat
% r^raSTMIWULlAra
Whb the adJo-*rnment of circuit
court yasterdsy afternoon at 0 o'clock
all business pertaining to this
U put «tver until the nest term. Judge
May ne transferring toe liquor case- of
Blizsbeih Osrn vs. John Knitt>chvH
H. W. NInd aad family of Fort
Wayne. Ind.. passed through tbe city j judj^roeni In the Jacob Rosli^kl. i
today on their way to l,eland. where
j^i, R«,mskl. Jr., anil Mary Rotbey will spend a few weeka
was deferred until the next
• I. E. Robaon and family of Detroit j,erm of the I>-elanau county court,
are spendiag the summer at Glenn i
bef.ire doing so hr submltti-d
i xeversl sugRestlons which. If acted
Meadames T. S. Morel and E. P. j up<»n by the parties lntrn*.-te«l. wUI
Mull of Toledo. O.. took the steamer i^nlcably adjusi tbe difficulties
Columbia for Northport. where they
parties. Among the sur
win spead the balance of the summer 1 jj^uons noted was that the Rtwlnskl
at Northport Beach.
j ^eed stand as It Is while the panles
I arrange for s peaceable orcufialkta of
Church Brevities.
the d<iuble dwelllnR or the elder Jao«*b
At the P'rst Methodht Episcopal Itoslnski Is to pay the yotinger for the
church tomorrow the subject in tbe-'ituprovcmcnts placed ui>on It that he
morning vrill be "The Secret of Keep- might build upon the other eighty,
ing Sweet." In the moming sermon
The motion for a new trial in-the
No. 4 on the "Pilgrim's Progress" will, Dyer vs. Germaine case was denied,
be gives. This will describe Chria court adjourning sine die.
tian as be goes torwgb tbe valley ol
the shadow of deatV and vnaity fair.
Deafnsqg Cannot Be Cured
All Interested In the story will be i gy
spplIcattoDs. as i
beneAtted by hearing the prscticsl sp ; mgeh
liseased portion <
Tbsra Is only
one way to cur© deafConsn^aatoHial—There will be no i *»*«.
»»>' constitutional
congrtgsu.^ mero
i remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
preaching or Sunday tchool as parlors | jnfl^^ed condition of the mucous llnyet ready tor use. The Chris- tag of the Eustachian lube. 'WTieo
InAsmed yo I have a rumthis tube is InAa
or li _
ig. and
th. and unless the taAsmms
be taken out and this lube
I¥ayar aMOttag Thursday evei
home of C. V. Wright. Washington restored to iU normal condition, bear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by ca
Church —Rev. BTallace tarrh. which is nothing but an inJohnson of Ohio will preach at 11 a. Aamed eooditteh of the mucous
h.. also at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Johnson Is faces.
We will give One Hundeed Dollars
a speaker of much force And original ter any case of deafness (caused byity. The C. B. members arc all re catarrh) that cannot be cured by
quested to attend the 6:IS p. m. meet Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
ing. All cordially invited, eapeclally lars, F.
J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
strahgera who have nevwr attended a
Sold by dniggUta. 75e.
Take Hall's Fsmllr Pills for oonaUQuaker meeting.
Flaasant Social Time at the Home of
Mies Allis Nelson.
The Happy Hour club-met at tbej
home of Mtea AUte Kelaoa on Bast
Ughth street last evaolag where they
apent a very pleannt evening. A
number pf piano seiections were given
by MtM Onme Mt^iohael and Mias
Zadle Stoants. Recitations and gnmes
were also features of the •vrstes aad
Blw Had No ReteBvoa and H* Was
Away Much of tha Tte»e—Remaifia Wore Takea Hama
for BuriaL .
The Habit o( Piling
ItaMW cool aad tMteaK UsomssMr eaSgstBrns^
John Lartlaa of CkebagcaB. whose
wife was tbe victim of toe tragic mUnight oaslaughi of her iooauaate at
the aayiam early ymerday atoratag.
arrired In toe elty last evenlag in ttspoase to a mosasge calling him to
’.I t: city.
-ws not asra.- - of (be rircuButanres sarroundlng toe death of
his wife ud wss atoosi prostrated
when eonfponted with the remains st
tbe undertaking room*.
He stated that she was never vloloni and that having no reUUvi-s
i-itht-r* distant or near, she became
aad as IAr buijlneBs kept
him away from her a gnater port km
»»f the day he thought it.wiMild bene
At her to take treatment at the asy
They have been married
twenty-Ave years and osraed a pn«a
IMTuus farm three mlU-a from Cheboy
'parties could get together gan. Her boaltb had Imen frail for
over a year aad he attributed much of
her condition to the taking of mor
phine pills to alleviate pain, ghe was
Elisabeth 0<*ms vr. John Krakochvi ratkmsi b.iit bad tnclanrhidv nitarks
and n«*«»l«Hl wstet^tug. He l*^t wHh
Liquar Case Put Over—New Trial
the remains over the 11:1U a. m. train
in Dyer va Germaine Case Oe'aad the fum-ral will occur M^^tey
ni«d—Caurt Adteurt»«d.
rooming frqm the Catholic church at
• es •••#•#•# • f
f People's SaTlngs Bonk $.
Variiantv DCCIL
S tssviMx arr"
Tk« tantaBt foagkt. Um ao^t aLxujtofc^ Wt «a»«MlTe iM tbm mM
blu«r «|f1kc ia Chkaco's looe bbiorjr of BtfttM ft andad. Tha uafoa
iummrnn im lofC and niKfct bafora
teat, iiba laaa en^pfed fii a «1td atnv
Cfa to aat back Che jobs that tbay had
tteoara up. ftea aapaaaa ct tltfa
atrlha la alMoat kajaato aateatetloa bacMaa or tba toiMpllelijr of tradaa aad
boaloaaa aCaatod bgr It. bat dfrlaa th«
IH dajra cd tba ttrugClFa. thirty llvr*
ware teat |t» rfo*t and attacks.
Aflar It ia al| oaar tba oaaattea
avteaa what wpa nlaed? Tba aakw
tetei did act stea oaa alacfa polat.
tbar loat ararythlnK. aaaa fha rtpbt
to vaar tba button that praclafnu that
tbap batenc to tha taaatatin' organl, aalten. Tba taamatara* oaten baa baaa
haaian »ad boailHatad and baa paaaad
froiB oaa of tba Ktrnnaeat. If not tba
atrontaat tmteo la Cbteaco. to c«
tba nrorat dltmptcd.
Tba auika In luaU vat a mlatake
laakBaeii at ft vat not baaed on a
CH^aaoa or the teanaiaaa NIaataan
aannaat vorkart la tba amploy at
MoatccoBaryr Ward A Cb. wanted tba
flm to atop aeadlag work to ouUida
BQO-ttatea vortcara althoa«b they bad
ao acraeaiant to that affaot. The Ann
raTbaad and tha garment workers
atraek. Tba Ifdalgamary Ward A Go.
ieamatera than vent on strike and
mt|tor than 4<41ver goods to the firm
^ tha bate^ of the teamsters, or at
laaat tba majority, went out on strike
through aympatby.
In Chicago, a teauiatera' strike is
Iba teoat draadad of any. The team,
atara TiHually lira In the street and
... are naturally AghtMo. W'han a strike
Is on rtolaaca is nlmost sure to oorur.
That this Is true Is prorao by arents
of the reeent strike, those thirty Urea
being testimony to toe fact.
But the rioience alone was not the
cmly thing that aided In losing the
atrike. The teamsters did not bare
the general sympathy of the public In
thsir Agbt. The methods, lawless
ness of the men or their sympatbiters.
the charge of graft within the untoa,
the conduct of the officials all bad
their effect. ' The charge that paid
sluggers had be»Ti employed, the epnTesslon of a member of another union
that he bad aided In such nefarious
lohemes aided and It was no wonder
that the atrike coded as It did.
The teamstera of Ghtcago are now
•worse off than they rrer were before
and It will be >*eani. If ever, that the
taaioators* nnten will ivgsin the power
that It once had.
:ipa li EXOaSE AD SOKUK.
Wes III Bailmkehg
With a sun-burst shade
aso SEE omi wdidow aso
. TsBVBrM CMjr. liloh
J.B. Paige Hcctric Co.
mi vm Bonoi
Oiaxck «t CkriM —nir—.
( for Port
«f H»» OHMk of CMC. AHor*toTlt.
Mi «I9K «o bo pMBt.
ford to mmi tiw
MIT f*»4, •m »^
prahabiy have to he
rioJlMiWlMi rapatr toe tnlsrise. K. tad
tolp IS M« fatal Mas.
Is cMuip U toe
«bto mmdr, ktotor^ iMMrck MdMr•M orUldm. Tb* oAocn w«.
ProoldMt. J. r. lUlMf; iMtnMor.
Pmf. W. A. Mlh. BrtkiiliaraMi
m4 Uaet book* tk* ro<af
PlilMtlo* Md feavo litoiy rccorood oad
was M Ite aft
roar. Tlw osplatoOB «aa torrtfle. Pm
ewept toe vsassi Bpeaktag of the 00plo staadSac OB phoro oaar hMo
of BtoBto rlao ahoro too Bmai
CoHOMa or trator .vofo ioreod hl^
chatr eevarml saraada after It neramed.
tototoo^. A 4000
vore Mora ovotoOBoi kr too foKo of aad did not kaov srbM bad bspptosfl
I tosa nmhed ont. aad toe Bteam. eeaa
ril»tofy.“ 0*ar Netson.
vorto. vko vaa looktas at too Bm at toe sntremi after parted toe ship,
'‘UwtUM.'' OoB
Blactoo vkM too 4lM0tor oee«noi. wae aa dense toat 1 coaM not get a
. -Holf dtjr - ChiriM PMM.
aajra bo aay b«aaa ho^m baitad ovto bre^ ad alr.natil I Msandad lie mO.
lif#" Itojr Thons.
a boadrod ftot opoaid. TboalroM "AS I ran forward I pasaad oa
*lBfuMee.” Clyde TbooM.
boys erswUag alaag. There
iobo r HMy. pTMlimt of U* eloBdod wttb »oko..wbkh oorokipod oor
tooabip. WboB too hawdoofod a«ar ao dam ta sttaad to ladlvldnsl c
rlaaa. will piMide.
Th« mnUc of too ovoBlac vlU bi oBly a fov OMB eoold bo
w«s a bram bea with a sBt la tt.
graved apoa II uiomly wew
leva *Y. L r..*aa ahbmlaflaa far tbe
r hex for Um waltct
«t «k» taMMMM vtaif M H wUmL
» fP«M M
«rt«« CM»
or too boro 1
fnfflabrd by tke yooac »«■*• Chorpi.
- Y«m mrr rmqmmttd to oom only
aftd aenare a daoUable a«at mad tkas
avoM laiiHTaptlBc the aenrtoaa.
lap to too «a^. Booti a
fron too reoaol i aWo aad anat of tbo
MOO la too valor wore plckod ap aad
takaa ea board.
Torribto tpooa Aboard tblp
On board too
^Tbo tanJTe
aoatod torrtMo
Gmi aad PaHy Oot TMri at Noon the ezpkioloo bad lorn a groat holo to
TiHiroday Aflor • Vary
tootoarbooM fide of tbo ship pad too
Trip AatoM On Lal».
roaan vas blrfoi^ oopiiBociclBp to liot.
4 aoctfoa df tbo apper dock pas oa^
J. A Mootaciiob yaebt. Oo*. oM flad avay IMM stoM to alcfa. Btoad
party arrivcKl at Chicaco at
|aad vrockape wai distributed 09m
Thoroday aHor a rory ploaaani trip. too ootiro abtp. too after aabla aad
Tbr party loft bore a vook apo loot toat part of toe abip adjaaaai to toe
alabt. otoppod at tbo Maaltoot aad explodod boMor rawmbUbP a charaol
purtaao 4ako. pkere tbo fatally Of
ThoniBa Smortowalto aia .apoadtac The shock of the exptoaloa peaatbo oumiBor. iroat dcnrn to Qraad trat^ every ecetkia of tbo ship, blood
Havoa. whorf too todaaarotooala of aad tabea being found as far as toe
tbo bool woro taboB aad papon a^ olara of toe eaptala o caMa. Oreal
cared and tboa oaJled acrow too lake
was done In all parts of the
WcdBtoday nlpbt. Tbo vbole trip vao
rory MjoyabloL Tbo boat te aow at vMpel.Bailara Itogardad as Uaaafa.
tooorlncs la iaekoea pato aad Mr. aad The boiler which exploded. It U said,
Mm. Moatbpao ore rIslUnp their ooa. was regarded as aaaalO. It was stated
Bert, aad too athor toombori ot too that daring a recent retarn from Honparty are rIalUap frtoad aad relatlToa ololn toe Bteam pressare was kapt rela too city bat are maktnp too yacht doced in (hat particttlar oae.
tbolr boow. L. Bmooo rooolTod a At the time of the aocldent Gommaapootal today frooi A. 1* Bacbant otat- dor Ludea Touag
Surgaoa T. B.
lac that toe party bad arrirad a. k. Pwk were oa sbora. The two oOeen,
aad all war* veil aad bappy.
as toay learaad oftoodlsaBter.
a^sat AS aC tbo mat
bibdad. or bad boaa drivaB over toe
alda by tbrawldlag mobm.”
BrspaHap to Sail.
At too tlMo of toe oxplooioo toe
BoDalagtao Mas propwfag to go to
Port Hartfoed to too aid of toe dlashied aKNUtor Wyomlag. lying la that
portTbo BeaphiCtaB had boon ordered to
proceed at eaeo to Port Hartford dad
too BMBltor Wyonln
Detroit. Mich., duly ZS—la toe —
die ar toe Detroit river, agpoette toe
MIMrtgaa Cratral aBp BmAa Is a IttUe raibmuilTe Bcow with a roagh
The paesragers oa the Mg oar
forrica acareely aotlee her as they
drive past with a ewiri of foam aad a
toaadar nf beating paddle wheels.
And yat that diaky Iktle eetw'le going
to hMp P«t toe Mg black ferries cat
tt, 1ML
The wwd tM'* ariitoated la the Ma
cnBee hoarn aff Lspira At
HaTe yomreyes UkoroogUy
examtued ia^ tha Bead
oqmpped effiora in TraveraeCity.
wp were strangers in TravcneCilar.
TODAr we are
twtvthinla cf tbe fStoBia
fitted in this city.
Tbe hamely craft M oecapled by a
party baaHy aagsged la drilllag bolea
la the Wtom aC toe river. They are
lading dot what eort of aoil there Is
toe water, ao that, when toe
coastraetloa gang geu busy ca tbe
MItolgaa CemrsI ttmael they will
know last what sort of mstarial they
will have to work la and where ob
stacles and dangers will be aacoaa- thv thrw rsqaMM
r jasdsS ^imSBrva. wimm
This b a
«bo »
to bore
if toe
long tube onder the rivsr aboald maK.
wHhom wsrnlag rum Into loose soil f »r- Cbrntimm- rii% Food, tte grsaisst of
toroagb which the water rapidly
there might be a dlsss'.er. A lAMisf Mgh -—»*-t m hh |-Tf
knowledge of the cisrto fonasllon sbo' hUyrrpsraUeon th* «aly «er m tbs wsrU
cabbies the eagteeers to reekoa more
mSsrsd by tbs wMlmirrs
.!«««- ««««•«■
aad the different tooU and equipment m-hi-tan sad toons vUi rsssd out tbs hoi
which mast be orovided
, hsrsd. thin ebssb or sersersy oseX with grm.
Bvireham m.d hi. met
)ut on
are Uving a rather IsMatcd life out
» sppIkoMoo ottss sbosTtog s dsrtdsd j
their ftosiint rilatform.
tost It is better to be drilUag
kolas in the middle o' tbe stream
■nrs). aoibtas «
tbsB werklag la stove factory these aqaa] u. t%> pr^mt tb« bssc frt>s> •bnsklnc,
VaiD days.
1 lotbam MoMI alvarmaw l>r-(tiaflM'Flr«k
It Will be «.me time before toe work
‘ 1 brsoty k»i
U completed, bat whoa It tc a long tbroagfa «ka
step towards tbe beginning of the tun- i Wv mmnnttlj wsm todiM to svesd
Ci»» Eyes or Defective Vi»k>n?
Other?; are being cured; why oot you?
DR. P. A. WOIFE, Prop. DR. B. L PUILSON, ilsdstat
Tbe Wyomlag broke a blade of bar
etarboaid propeller and abaft while
It a heavy aea tbree
Mlleo nff tbore. bat vae able
toe chief engineer, who. with bU to oss ssy
The Beaalagtoa had ieat gotten la
om Hooololg aad espactad to move aeslBttBU. will incorporate It siih
« tbo cmsrtb of I
on to Paaanm when orderi oaase to great piles cf fscu and figures which
pTtKtpsI DspsrtBl<«t
be aocumulstrd before toe tun-!
tow toe Wyoming to Mare lataad tram
Tbr rrnlsr
an be started
Port Hartford today. Bbs expected to
of INhot |i* tairo
leave to execute the order yeetcrday.
Honrs for spriakling Iswat are from ,
5 to f a. m. and from B to f p. m. At i.■mi.ri
ao time can water be need without
eosTtn^yos «f ^ sr««a s
harried to the water fmau Oommaammt « U>. HMt udcoM ct
dor Touag. as aooa ae be reaebad toe
used during the dsy f^r msnofs^ta^ | pe°ssr povsis^ ^ yisMsHes ^tos^s-*.
ship, iara orders that tbe alr^iglit
hi( Ul4 otb.r parpoM MMM«rr nal« [iSWi
KInpsloy Maw Bali Tosm Tied tbo
ipartmeau be doeed to preveat the
sprinkling lawns must be en-»|
John Gill Was Tirsd of Paying ao
•liphts Bldinp Nine Up In a Noat
lisUag ship from sinking, and the amr
H. O. Joynt. SopL
•ondio Voetofdoy Aftomeen.
axtaea be Booded to avert forther exJun 24-tf
te Marry Ella.
pkwkma. He tbea beached (he ship at
Special to toe Bvaalag Rooord.
high Ude.
BICYCLES bought and sll kinds of re
Kingsley. Mich.. July 28—Tbo Kings
The ferry boat Ramona, which was
tenghabM M
pairing done. Money to loan.. Fred
ley base ball teas played a alne froD crossing tbe hay at toe time of tbe ac with tbe
Gill of Interbe efforts\)(
efforuVoC John
Finch. 811 E. Front St.
BUghta Siding yeotonlay afternoon at cident, changed iu course and hurried lochen to obtain a marriage license
Slicbta Siding and too latter teoM to tbe aid of the airicken warship. The yesterday afternoon to wed "Ella,'’ an
wool hoMo Vito a rory bad defeat to government launch General De Riuaey laawte of toe county bouse, has de
tootr ctvdlU tor aoore at too end of
large number of other launebea veloped the fact that according to c
BtmMM) porcR abides for .voar
tbo nlaUi otaadlag S3 to 4 la taror of and watercraft, which were near the message received by County Clerk
the Klagaloy team. The Kingsley bat oeene at the Ume. also raahed to the Robert E. Walter, who phoned to In larcb WiU keep yon comfomble
Inrlnc: tbe bot weitber. 4x8,6x8,
tery was coospooed of Nerl Crotoor assistance of tbe Benalagton.
Did yju ever talk *0 a
teiiochen yesterday aftemood in ardat 8x8,10x8,90C a^ J. W. Milllkei
a*ad Bdvln Cbaiifty. Eightooo
inusieiau and have
Msfv Jontped into toa Bay.
find aomcthliig tangible about his
Jnty 20 tf
vMit back to toe beach after vUdy
him tell you alxjut the.Soul
By the time tbe Ramona reached the peculiaritiee. is to the effect that be
fannlag toe air on aomo of Crotaer’s Beanlngtoo many of toe asHora of the is "off bis trolley."
of bis piano’:' Have yon ever
The Slights battery
fully realized that a good
Benningtoa. who had jomped into the
It has further developed that toe
Moore and Moore.
piano has a soulr The mean
bay to eacape toe ecaldlng steam, had love iAck John consulted Perm C Gil
ing of the wonl "life’* as apbeen reecaed by email crafL Tbe tm bert the evening before aad tried his
jdied to human Ijeings is—
raovat of tbe wounded from the ship
lasion to amke a "squire * out of
the union of aonl and l<xly,
was ooDducted Id perfect order. Tbe him. hoping toat he would perform
Certainly too big to be overlooked crews of tbe Be Raeoey Bad toe otoer
-also the duration of this
eeraaraay. but P. C, Gilbert was
and almost too Ug to look over are the boats aided to picking up the wounded obliged to paaa U up as beyoo4
The life of no other inani
the Tbeopaugb and Bells Jtroihers’
oallors nnd (rmnsferrtag tocm to ahora. iorisdictiaa. He eoold untie tbe knot
mate font! corresponds so
tossal var Hepbsnts. trsioid In mass
The news of the expl«el<n spread but not splice It. After returning the
to human life as does
ive evtdutiooa. from which both Rus- over (he cky like wHdEre. At first rM third time to the county clerk’s office
tlie liJe of a good piano. Beand Japanosi* martinetK s
porta half the crew had been kllleS. tbe man was told that “Ella" couldn't
ginning with the date of its
patbe» pMatefs.
The scene of hurrying ambulBBces and work and he had beuer leave her in
manufaeture and ending,
carriages of every dewriplioa which the county hoaee aad be said "Her
when ita tone;—its soul—is
"All Sides of Ufe.« the musical fanlummoaed added to toe ex- flagera are all right aad I will buy her
gone from iL Many pianos
taay which Lester O. Slocuta will pre
citemeoi. Every physlclaa who could a set of Calee teeth. That wiU fix her
die young and till early
sent at Steinberg’s Qraad opera house
b«> reached by telephone was called to up." He flaafly gave up all hope aad
gravn an(l some there
lor throe nigfats. beginning next Tues(he water front. • Within a short tlsac took his dismissal phOosophleally.
which woulu be better for the
liay* July », has received hearty ensaying though that be was earning
musif, hod they
world of mu
dorsoneat . everywhere
Albert C,!
c wonaded.
never been bo!
I»egg. manager of Stone’s theater inj
Most of toe drad antf injored were ao much om for board. This being toe
Flint. MIeb, nald of It:
Uken ashore, where the undertakers reason why he wanted Effa.
"Mr. Leslie 0. 8h>cun played my
BUT 33184
Dr. Ckliln CiJOBFidu St. II.Y.
Kimban FiBBOt EBior*
house. matinee aad night. May IS.
The perfonaaacr was emlaenUy satls-
Mutilated Beyond Boeegakioa.
fsxurablecommenl. The boslness wasi
_____ _
ship were awtliated alamst beyond
ojcellcnt. although 1 had very little
faith at first In the drawing powers of
tbe attracUon,*
I with hload and aahes.
1 may ne»-er he identified.
Grorge. W. Vanderbilt Is to give ap
Temporary quarters aabore were ar»
farming at Blltmore, K. C* and Is go nuiged for the wounded aad sixty dtling to let aopebody Mae do U for hUs.
volunteered and hurried
He has beUerad all aleag toat his launtoet to toe relief of those on the
veauiie rouM be asade to pay ex- ship. Some of the
peimes. or nearly aa. bat baa baea dla- unable to stand tbe slMccnlag sight
appolaied. He ouasMers that bis m- which met their gaxe on toe Beaalagprrtmeat of ten years JasUies blm ia ton. As fast aa tbe wonaded could he
changing hU mind about the money rastoired they were hniried la aasbnthere is to be made la fanning. Mr. Maeea. cairiagee, wagoaa aad autoVanderbilt has made toe BIUMora mobllee to boepHaln itoralMgtlme
farms tbe ssost tomous la the coan- the hot Bteam prevaated aeceas to
iry. They coasUt of gMsrai trato toe Ship hetweca decks, where amst
farms, a dairy, a eraamery. a cbkkaa df toe dead bodies My. aad R was not
sad daok Inna, live stock, keaaals 1^ untQ Kte ta the afternoon tout the
botooosda. He has expsndod a lavgs last were removed pom toe boiler
fartnae tor toe priviiags of bsiag a raoats. BeVoral bodies srere so tight
ly wedgM ta by a balkhoad tbsl the
woodtrarit bad to be
I asrny to
A lot of meals straw hsu........... O traetoess.
When the United States me
Pnritan was about to get asrsy for the
faceat aavsl aaBearers a strartoy
young fellow came rp to Nsvigstor
Bleo and In tbe best of English asked
for a iob aboard toe bosL The a
gstur told him there was aotolng for
him to do. hat the other sold Be didn't
want any psy—woold like to go along
fUr toe fua of IL 80 he was taken on
aad all thrmmh toe maaeuvers was
one of toe most tadnetrions and obeerraat of those aboard the boat.
When toe Purltsa returned he Miook
hands and to a mootect was gone. He
was Mat Bight of and Blao toougfat
agtolag more of toe affable chap uaUT
reeratly. when he mat tbe Japaaeee
mlaleter. Tskahirs, taking hk usual
sfteraoaa auto epla. Beside him was
jrmmg maa^-toe lad who scrubbed
the decks of ton Puritan. Then Blco
understood .how Jngnn neqnlrss her
kaowMdge of what other eomitriee do
and how they do tt.
XINO. CpACH STAlUON. at Vetertaary htopltai arery 8atardar faak
aaee gf snkeoa.
dosing oat n lot of man's twoWkmi toe.explonlOBoeeurad toeeaptooa .MOQl oraab sails, up
..................... ............--.lit gtoew was laspeqUai ton hoOen. He a C. BMow of Maalntae spsat yee
was aot serioasly Iniarad. Otoeen aad terdny In the clly as a gaest at Park
Haaltiiai Ootolsg On. men who wera ahk to SMlM la the
Like the good old sougs of
long ago. Kimball Pianos en
dure, and retain their sweet
tone qual i ty. We don’t wan t
you to siniidy take our wonl
lor it that "toe life of Kim
ball Pianos is longi-r thrm
that of any other make.” We
want you to call at our store
and examine them for vourself, see the strength, soliditt
of construction, etc., etc., and
you will lie fully conxinced.
B mull BEIBS
Wmr^am im «at4 piBBBt.
merahantoble aWaghm. Aooriiigp
boaimng. fencing, and other
Inmber for the roof of yonr
botma. it's iaakto and outside,
and we wen t oreroharge for our
id woods,. wh^er
tbegrBie ^dastod hard or goft.
Oar way of g^^ hunbmr
idtoaM nUBiy peo^inTrarane
l5^. Why not yoo?
stfTi soE uiBa ct
r :4 v«i't.;
Taken in exchange for Ehnballs. AFEWBABGADxS
in Victor Talking Machines.
Complete stock of Reooris
for all machines. Everything
knosrn in music. Bepsjringa.
m a ffARMBk, Pria
t Ticket I
o'doc^Oim "»-CgMneket
Reserved se^ts and admission tickets can be se
cured on show day at S. E. Walt A Sons drug store
at same price charged on the grrounds.
. - . o
_____ _____ ^
TMK wMmmm mmma,
Wr-WhaTt Oaiiit.
IWM tSM Trwrtgm Cft7 hM crw haC
Oa MaMar. tba atraac caralral v0
SaglB. OB TaaaSar. tba Ms nea aaat
aUBla aaU m WidaaaSay tba awoal
laa Maarteus le aa baoorary
r ef cbe Autboru' dab. When
BMbop AtwW or I
ymsrdaj M the dty looking after
Me aamir ' M. M. Van Dm IWtdi
s of Glstt AtbarnpsM Sbfcwaitx. Tbeca ware maay gasps eC
yemsrday la tbe dty wItb Irtimfis
miy a few af tbe members knew
A. P. PaartM d bmire was la tbe
eery piss snot daw at the Ws gar timg dty today Mdriag fut basfaans in- that this wns tho distiaguished Dutch
fist’s eimsBMSO. The Isle *301'
dObbasmclaatoeoBlng. Tbeprfacipls
fOataso cf the oeaWim was the ■
A. A. amKh af Bomt was abakfag ^ was psasmit at tbe maatiag aad
aaggssted that the asembdrship
•ada wltk oU friends la tbe
act an the first balf of tbe 1
sr Miss
» Barmm. etflUa; Wss day.
Jack Probart aad wife retaraod at eww. bat bold over tbe rest natfl
Sate: Mias McHogh of Okiago. efo. from Lakmd tbls amrdag wbarc they tbe aatamn. when the weather woald
Ha : Jimmy Jom Wroock
I hasn apaadtag a few days. Mrs. be COOL
ooTM. Mias Lomso Bock
Piobcrt yaesatly rcturaed from a
Graoa Hanar algo asMsb
auarth'a tIsH wltk idaUrm la 8a^'
tbsrs af tbs ocebsatra i
saw and Bay City.
Mrs, O. W.,Touag of tbU
PAinc f<LACs Hom.
whkb wore eery oofofwkto to all preo- tkis BBoralag for Rtapire. where sbe
L.Bi.aiid r SeSp.w
win visit roteUres.
The ponce raa In a 4fwk sfbo
J. A. Oltord of Honor was in the
trytag to paint the interior of Mode dty yaaterday.
Rkb's aniooo n brfUiaM eoiMUkm.
Newtoa Wk.By af Honor was a
The Toong Late* aodoCy of the gnaat at Botal Odnnthla yesterday.
Miss Hattie Novak and Mist Fraaday erenlaC at 7;S0 abarp with Mlsa eas Bowman ara spending tboir racatkitmej for Cdebntefi Ftx
Mary BtsaclI. 4ST FIttb street
tloo at MllUkao's derks* cottage at
There wfll be ao C. B. meetlag and Abgoaa.
no prcncblag aaiTiee la the eeoalng nt
Mrs. John OrdBek and Itttla grandthe Prsabytotian ebareb gaaday. B^r. soo art la Sottoas Bay today for a
SUadflOstsoe«.lot.aUriUpQ>tl«l «oos
L. B. Blsaell will preach at Toba at short visit with friends.
Miss Gertrude Parkhorst of Reed
2 p. sa. and at EBc Bapids at 7:20.
Owea Larkina of Cbaboygnn nrrtTOd
In the dty tbb mormng and left thU two wacks’ visit |dtfi tor anat. Mrs.
Booo witb the body of bU wife. Mary W. B. WmiaaM. fdbrned boiae today.
I that sH ar* rab)«et to. With
Coart Steaorgiapber J. E. HeaderLarkins, wbo sma killed Thursday
aa^tlroaosastartsaanafp aeooaat
son and family left this moralng for
ttlCht by BmeaUne Brage at the ai
with as. WopartavwiMr e«t iatar
their home in CadiUne, after spend
art aompcrtiUUil twW a j«ar.
lam. Tbe burial will take place
ing a week In the dty on boslness and
Cheboygaa on Monday.
Mr.'and Mrs] R. W. Round bare pleasare.
Mrs. J. L. McIntosh and UtUe son.
bean mnde happy thla weak by tbe arJohn
Lee, of Boyne dty, passed
riral of another ^yandaon at tbe 1
of Mr. and Mrs. WlUlam Halpass of through-the cAy en route'from a visit
Bast Jordan, this
tbe twen- with reUUves at ManUtee.
Miss OUve Hadden of Mancelooa
Uetb grandebUd.
Tbe walls of tbe Bast Jordan Iron was a passenger over the G. R. A I. on
company are nearing oompletlon and her return from a three weeks’ visit at
onr new Home Goods Depart
In tbe meantime tbe foundry is shut
ment we are going to commence
I have a few pieces of
Miss Agnes Henson left this morn
down. All Iron casting are being ban
on Mooday. July 24th.-to give
died In the foundry of B. W. Round C
Real Estate for sale
our customers a ONE CENT
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Goodwin of
Son of this city.
REBATE CHECK for every 2Sc
Tbe COngregnUnnal C. E. society Kalkasks were shopping in the dty toworth of merchandise purchased.
MOUSE AND LOT—Corner State and
wifi bold its meeting tomorrow Bight
This FREE GIFT in addUlon
at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas.
to Qor Rock Bottom Prices can
water, size of lot 104x82^. corner
Laneastor at Rlrenlde Flats. A good passed through the dty today on her
not fail to be appreciated by all.
way to Fife Lake, where she will Join
lot: price 11.000,
altendaiice U dcalred.
Tbeae checks are redeemable at
Owing to the fact that be was called a party of e^en berry pickers campone cent each for purchases in
HOUSE AND LOT—71S State street,
to bU borne la West Liberty, Ohio, by tag for a suauner outing.
our Home Goods Department
CGxlCS. good house and email barn:
Bauaet Arautrong. wbo has been
lllneas. Her. WaUace Jobason
ONLY. They resemble our na
price ll.oOO.
not preach at the PrIcods ^nreb to Tlslt^g at Summit dty for the past
tional greenbacks. You should
two weeks, returned borne this noon. ALSO VACANT LOT CCxlCS SdjolniDg
see them. Call at store for par
Mrs. C. A. Owing of Dekalb. Ind..
The Rojral Neighbors will meet tothis one: price |300.
nlgta in Woodman ball. All members and Mrs. C. M. Thayer of Kingsley are
10 ACRES of nice land on road to
visiting friends in the dty.
request^ to be present
Raneom's farm In Fernwood: price
Mrs. J. W. Myers of Noithport was
A young Prenchman wbo was so
orenrhelmed with the red wine of the In the city today.
Mias Jessie Wood of Kingsley Is vUnorth coupled with sereral Miwaulkee
beers, was taken to tbe coop this lUng Miss Bessie Jsrrett of this dty.
morning where be slept a deep aloep.
Signor Mascagni, the Italian comHe Insisted when the cop arrived that
he was going to take the 6 o'clock poser, and hU wife wear watch fobs
alike, and thesh have been the occa
train to Dakota.
sion of much curious comment Tbey
While Charles J. Bonaparte, the new are common Italian coins, each punc
secretary of the nary, was connected tured with six holes, in which are set
off blU of aome white substance, the
wUb tbe Baltimore Refcmn leagi
was decided to Inrestigate the conduct nature of which is not apparent except
of a prominent federal officeholder. oo dose examination. These are in
Friends of the crooked official learned reality the teeth of the Hrst two Mas
LttUs G- Sloeam*s $10,000 SpsctacRlmr
this and resolved to “pack" tbe coun cagni children, tbe teeth of tbe moth
cll. so that the report might be voted er's charm being the first of her lit
down. Mr. Bonaparte listened at tle daughter’s, while the proud father
tentlrely to tbe argumenU against tbe wears In hU charm the milk teeth of
his first born* son. The signora is
report, and then rose to give his
views, bitterly attacking the official muoh aurprised at t he comment these
and urging that the charges bv ica: unique ornamenu have occasioned
mediately accepted. He saw, bowerer, aad not long ago remarked that to
that bis words would bare little effect her they were dearer than any pearls
oo that portloa of his audience which and that ahe saw no reason why she
sided wi^h the sonised man. so when should not wear them if ahe chose.
Told in orij^'nal colored moving pictures, illus
Archbishop Glennon of 8U Louis
he had flulshcd his discourse he betrated songs, song conceptions, electrical and
gaa over again, repeating his speech has started for Europe, intending to
other effects, complete in every detail, eclips
word for ward, pause for pause, ges vlalt and closely inspect the cathedrals
ture for gesture—not once, but a dos- of England. France and Germany, es
ing anything in this line ever given in this city.
en times, until toward UMratag the pecially those of London. Paris and
Cologne. From these monuments of
friends of the accused oSklal
fast asleep. Mr. Bonaparte aad his Bsedlaeval tlases he hopes to derive
tratkm regarding tbe oonstmdion
associates then approved and adopted
of his own metropolitan church In 8u
the report.
Lonla. When tbe atrodure ahall have
eompleiad It
be. the arebCaptain Jack Bonavlta. the Hon
sp proartaes, as Sne as anything
tamer at Bostook's at Coney Island,
of Its kiiid In the United States.
has a princess for a wUe. She Is
lew a personage thaa Princess De
Lieutenant Peary, who Is about to
Montgyloa. divorced wife of Dnke
ITAvaray. who U a Preach nobleman. dare the actlc once more, has been
Con make her own aray in t^eworld. Pluck, ijerseverance ami
She Is the laother of the present lla^ gazi^ toward the north pole
a practical business education are all that are noceasary to tho
quls D Avarmy. The coontesd fell in abom twenty yean and baa leh sev
hiithoat snooess.
love with Boaaviu on seeing hljn la
YOU have the pluck—now is the time to acquire the training
the lion’s cage, though, since aa en daughter. Marie A^inito, was born In
snow hot op there and was 6 months
which will fit you for a pay.
counter with a lion a year ago. be Is
old before the saw a ray of sonshlne.
ing ix)sitiou.
shy an arm.
Some New AiTiYals in Fine
sOIMdb t« tba attraetlaat oa tba
ttmm. «B tba avaalacB, ba4a
IMar. tbara wW ba a awriac »ia>
laaa abav at WataSanTa Gn^ for
Ibiaa atgbta.
WaaOaaa WMla.
Yba ffMoal WoodAae plcak wttl ba
a lar«a aCalr aa tbara vOl ba thrae
baaSa praaaat aad rarr probablr four.
Tba Boaor baad vlU ba te attaadaaaa, tba Oatiooa Bar jaraalla oqraat
baad. a loeal band aad irobablr oaa
fra« Tboapaaanila. So far, Joaapb
Wadtr, aacfotaiT ot the aaaorta
baa TOoalTad word fron alarao can pa
that tbajr will ba praaaat la toroa and
aipaot to bara oaa of tba timm ot
tboir ItToa. Local aombari of tba
orter bara baaa boar and if tba TiaHoro doat bare a blsgar Uma tbaa
tbajr mcpoM tt wlU ba no fault of
Tba groonda will ba wltbln caay dtataaea of tba dtjr aa tbaj will be acroai
tba atroot Iktua tba ditrlng park. As
tbara will ba backs aad bosses runalag to tba racM all day tba rlsltors
wm not atos tba straat cars aad can
gst to aad troip tba grooada cheaply
aad aokkly.
or coarap tbara wtU ba good spaaklag Oartag tba day. Para C. GUbait
wm rapiwaoat Trararaa City wbOa
Bspraaialatfln C i. Bams, oaa of tba
dtooelars of tba ordar. aaay ba‘praaaat
aad. mak» aa addraas. K. J. Bollard
of BL Inbaa. a high Woodaua oCkar.
wOl ba baco aad aaka aa addresa and
tba atata laetarar. BOrl Browa. wbosa
bOBO la alao la 8L Jobaa. will ba hare
aad talk aboot tba ordar.
Tba loUowiag caapa hare slgalSod
tbair iataatldas of coodag aad it is axpaetad that noro will also «
Arebla. Bay Shore. Cbpei^lsb. Intertopbaa. SuUoas Bay. Ballaire, KalUaka, Oadar.
Straat Pair.
**Tbe Ospitol ABosanaat company U
abop^ at Cbabojrgaa this weak but
Mooday aomiag will anire In tba
Olty with all the aaoasaary parapber•alia and ba raady for! tba first exhlblUaa. Tbara ara akron big shows In
addUkm to a large number of free featarM. Tba baad which will fur
tba frae musk, fs an excellent
and all tba attractions ire said to bo
of tba bigbast merit There Is nothtag obiactkmabta la the whole list of
Tho asanagMiant guarantees thsi
erary performer U a lady or gantla•WB aad If any disorder occurs it will
•ot be tba fault of tbo^ompany. The
company bns frequently come back
cMas tor the second lime nfier lu
•rm appaaronee.
The Raeaa.
YBa raeaa tbemselves will be the
faalam aiM boot ew glvmi here. Tbe
big atrtag that baa been at Cadillac
(bis woOk wtn be bore aad sob
tbe fast Trarerse City bones will wlso
booaterod. Tbe satry card, pubUobed
la today** paper, speaks for Hself.
Tbe raens at Cadillac bare been rsry
aatlMbeiory and as vb«
BpMadid shape, tbe time here win be
. Tory fast
■ At Cadillac yesterday, tbe judgps
won nonadly hissed for a deelsioo In
tba last baat of tbe 2:tS pace, they
livlag tbe race to Roy L.. ahd the
crowd tbinktag It should hare gone to
Wbmlahind Boy.
JtTLY fS 18 TH* DATB of Port
Margootte axennloD to Grand Rapids.
Iko BoUsr, Trarerse City's tsrorlte
twliMr la box.
JulJ *0^
TRAVBR8B CITY'S farorite twirier,
Ike BaUer, will Intertst yoo Sunday.
Oraad Rapida. la Ontral league game,
Wbteltag ra. Graad Rapids. Inquire
Pare MarqMtte raieu.
Juiy 2Wt
will be a character portrait, represent
tng him as Rip Van Winkle, and in
asmuch as this will be the Srst laIfOYiCB-After August 20. IMS. neck
stance of a moDumeat In this country
ahnvtag wUl be fic oittm at all .ualaii
to an actor, the suggestion Is made
inly mt
that the commlslson be thrown open
to all sculptors, so as to obtain the
AMorboyrabortllMgpaMs... U best possible design.
A low boys’ SYloeo cottoo aad
Uaaa oalta slaaa t to li yean.
Queen Helena of Italy Is regarded
by her subjects as altogether too eoo•oir .............................................. fit
Hammoo CMblac Oo.
oomkaL Her majesty’s anaual allowaaoa U about f2.O00.M0. bnt it is said
•DNB^Y MXCI7R8ION. atsamer she has actually appeared In a gown
Cbartovoix. ^stoskcy and a year old. Added to this is a sasHarbor Bprlags. Boat leans dock at pldoa that sbe eoutrikmaa Ubsnlly
to tbe support of poor ralaUrea fai
• mm. fbn 11 for tbe round trip.
inly 22-lt MonteoegTA who are by no means
popular la Italy. Her majdaty’s subANY WHO WISH ontrncU for aoft Jaeta tbiak that wltk uMk a reruune
drlak. poaaot. popeoro olnnds. ate., nt from pabHc funds she should be aWe
Cbo fair grooBls dortag tbe races amy to keep a good deal of asoney mortag.
abtaia tbrni by aeoiag W. R BlolaB.
SIPCMlseaa pboue. Itl BolL
JH JMIsr (kushMttf
L H Jlsidi
Bt€0mts Cea. m « «
Rtil Estate ferSalt
“All Sides of Life”
POPULAR PRICES: 15c, 25c, 35e
There will be a meeting of the
esters Monday evening. Important
hoslBess will be transacted. .
WANTED—Baker’s helper at Trim
ble's. right away. S21 8. Union BL
WANTED-Bnergetlc woriten every
where to dtstribute droalars. sam
ples and advertising matter. Good
pay. No canvassing. Cooperative
Advertialag Oo.. New York.
July 22-lt*
LOS'T—A bay mare with srktte left
hind foot In ridnltr of Bast bay.
Flafier notify Record ofiMe.
i girls at
” 20c.
R. W. Rastall
Grand Opera House
(deep erwn «dot), look, like 'fine Sak rtRc
Pongee, ot, per ^...........................................
Cotton Voao, wry tilky, wiB 26©
We will make you an ex
pert stenographer, bookkeep‘ er or correspondent. We will
develop your talents and ereate in yon a money-making
We KNOW we can do it;
We teach
Shorthand, Typewriting, Pen
manship, English, Commer^cial Law, Letter Writii^,
*Arithmetic, Letter Preta
Copgring, Commerrial Geog
raphy and Advertising.
Pr^^J^ie, far dnp •kirt.,.U colon, idoo bhek.
2:40 PACE.
..................................... P. W. Toor. Beaforth. OnU
................... Wm. lugerooU, Traverse City. Mlch................................. Blon Oaunllelt Mllsn. Mich.
......................................Louis Carr. Milan, Mich.
Alice Carr, blla.m.........
LllUe Duke. bik. g....
...............Chaa. Germaine. Traverse Oiy. Mich.
Liberty Belle, cb.m.,..
................... Fred D. Teacboul. Teenmseh, Mich.
Lady K. b. m.................
.......................a A. Kenny. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Roy B.. b. g.....................
..................... H. Bnrgeos. Traverse aty. Mich.
Little Ted. b, g...............
.................,....John Lyons. Marine City. Mich.
2:35 TROT.
Hampton West, b. g................................................ W. A. Kettlng.3sy City. Mich.
Parker, bks. .......................................................... ....BeatUe Br^, Wlngham. OoL
Fair Hard. blk. m......................................................Chaa. GauatUEL Milan, Mich.
Grace Hillwood. b. ......................................................W. W. Quinn, Westfield, Wla.
Doc. K g.................................................................. Ellen Wade. Traverse City. Mich.
B“?y. b. m.......................................................................C. VanDyne. Jackson. Mich.
Jack Rogers, b. g.................................................. ..P. M. prett. Blk Rapids, Mich.
2:14 PACE.
Missouri Chief, h. a........................................................John Roach. Stratford. OnL
Joe Gale. b. g......................;.............................. George Spencer. Appleton. Wla.
Long John. ch. g................................................. F. D. TVarhout. Tecumaeh. Mich.
Billy W.. b. g........................................... ...............W. A. KetUng. Bay CSty. Mich.
Chas. Wilton, b. g..................................... ................. Mark Tniosdalc. Caro. Mich.
UtUe Payne, b. g.
................................................. W. A. Lewis. Armada. Mich.
ColUngwood Rooker, b. g.......................T. Neville. Collingwood. OoL
Queen of Clubs, b. m................................. ..................... T. Innis. Thorndale. OnL
Katie B., b. m...^.....................................................Goo. H. Keichum, Toledo, O.
2:23 PACE.
MatUc Chimea. b. .......................................................... P. W. Toor. Beaforth. OnL
Algorell. ar. m.-...............................................Dr. O. E.-Emmanuel, Bdgertoo. O.
Barron Bell. b. ... .............................................George Spencer. Appleton. Wla.
Roy U b. g............................................................... W. W. Bailey. Utchfield. Mich.
Debbie B.. h. «,.........:............. .....................................T. F. cane, Lucknow. OnL
Harry B.. b.%................................................................... Harry Branch. FUnt. Mich.
Homer FailnoL ch. g.......................................W. W. J. Agnew. MUI Creek. Mich.
Rubena. ch. ...................................................................J- M- Miller, Bay City. Mich.
2:20 TROT.
Red Phil. b. ........................... ..........................Tom Anderaon. White Cloud. Midi,
Bernardo, ch. g....................................................... George Spencer. Apjrieion. Wla.
W. J.. b. g.-........................ .................................. .............Jamea OlsL Toronto. OnL
L- Orr.............. .................................................. Jo«.ph St. Mary. Caro. Mich.,
Bourbon McGregor, ch. a.....................................George H. Ketchum. Toledo. O.
Sidallo^ I. m.....................................B. Brown A Co. Pontlm:. Mich.' .
Mao Hart, b. ......................................................... U O. Oripman, Ooldwater. Mich.
Ora Wilkes, b. a;.............\..........................................,R. Brothera. Stratford. OnL
1:19 PACE.
Charley Wilton, b. ........................................................M. Trueadale. Caro. Mich.
Queen of Clubs, b. m................................................. Tom Innis. Thorndale. Wla.
. .W. W. Quinn. Westfield. Wla.
Miss Marion, b. m....................
Collingwood Rooker, b. g.... ........................... Thou. Neville. Oolllngwpod. OnL
............................. C.D. Cox. Traverse City, Mich.
Walter B. hr. g...............
MonUe Matred, h. a..*........... . ............................... C. D. Peters. Charlotte. Mich.
Roy M.. k. g............................... . ........................... Boy McIntyre. Chariotte. Mich.
tUrtoo B.11^ b. ».................. ................. ................... Frank Lake. Marlon. Wte.
............................ W. W. Bailey. Lkchfleld. Mich.
..................................W. A- Lewta. Armada, Mich.
.2:27 TROT.
............................. W. A. Kettlng. Bay Qly. Mich.
Hampton Went, h. g....,
................. -..............C. VanDyne. J«d«»,Mlch.
»» “.......................ShadeUnd Boy, b. g....
Lady Cycoit, b. m.........
Parker, bucks, g...............
Creoda. ch. m..............
Grace HUlwood. b. m.,..,
Nln, R, blk. ............................................................... 0». SpOKW. AMMO). Wta.
FWr Huel. blk. m...,..................................... „..CbM. a«mU.tt, mm. Midi,
Write today for free Ohistntad prospectus.
SkUdud Bor. b.
................................... r. W. *D0r, Kimtlonl. 0*t
FOR SALE—RkffiaMmd cherries at 2
oeaU per aaart on the trees at
Cbeny 'Grove farm, six mfles oo
paalnaula. W. a Gray, Propr.
JULY 25, 26. 27, 1905
W*»ond a. b. g„.................................................. aJ.Mameroon.Oahkoah.Wli.
Headlight, b.
a iqjrm. TroiOfine Cttj, Mldu
'm m
THAVCfiM cnV, mcmim. «atu«my.
july b, ims.
The Military a>.nd Na.v&l Outlook In Scandinavia!
^ ncm cht mthm
«lMh tea drt««« »«r»ar
amm^m far tte |M
yatea tea teM ante* ftr tte
9mm to mnm U Uteir to fatear. U
«S te iMiraatlaa to amatea Oi» aalMtary ate naval laaoarBoa at Ite paa^
tia Itelyinwfi. Yte anioa tea aavar
teas a »av«m oaa. So Car aa all pracflaal i an hi i r ara ooawaad tte tve
eaate^'teva teat, ateat a. aitenct
m Iter waa* prwioiw to im. wl^
artppM ate tealuvpC a tictte oC ^
Ifaiaiianfr vara. fUmnr tea ralia-
Blafcte by
teteonter tte aootrol oT I>ntfnar« for
4te paara. ate It tea aavriateo Mtehr
to tte tevadlah anSoa.
Tte olaaty yaaro vhleli have
taatad Danaa ate
aa valid lir tte Norm. mark tte katcaat pcaoefal
In tte hSatory of oUter nation.
jtorvvRlaaa aapactally tew aovor
ateva an tncUnatlon to parmit ottero
to Mfodaet tteir qnarrala Ttey tevo
CteMtonte a bateite Umoa to brtaa
tnauvra to a crtmU. ate Itey tevo
teaatod opmly ttet diaooivtion of tte
man waa eortala to oomo. Tte anomalo«v cteractar of Uv onion makoo
teparatlnn a eoanparaUvoly atmpla
a nnwotaoanri tte teraaiah auvrmaMnt
fotaUatod by dootartny tte harbora o€
•tooktelm. Karlabrana. Ooilionborc
pad Faroo to bo war portai
bo tho aeano of yroat adlvtty. Tte
Norway ate Swodon tevo tteir own bordortand la an almoat oontlnooua
•MparaU armlaa and navloa. Tte only chain of moontaloa Thrao railroads
mnmen faaturo waa ttet tte klny of have boon out throuah from Bwodon In
to Norway, but tho Uttor klncdom la
m cwi t* vuui m v<wm, nnu vnr mrm- very poorly supplied with roads. Swe
bora of tte royal farolly wore omorra In den. on tho contrary, oapodany the
both annioo. Undor oocb oondlUona It lower part, contains
aooana almooc Inrrodiblo ttet tte Norwoftan foreoa oouki tevo found an op«
par unity to proparo for revolution
wlUioat tte full knowlodyo of Swedon. oven above tho polar circle. . Tho In
It la a Caot howovor, ttet wbon tte fluence of the warm/narrrnt of tte yulf
it arrtvod tte Norwoctan
> tho now
The othero
in ISM. Three ahips
armament of oeveral ».2 inch
yuns and teve a speed of 17.2 knots.
They arrlMlso provided with aubnwryed torpedo tubes. There are four
armored monitors — the Thor, the
Njoinrr, the Thrudvany and the ^orplonen. nineteen smaller yunboals of'
from CO to 400 tons and thlrty-flvv
torpedo huata and one submarine. Be
sides this tlterc Ik a miscellaneous and
harbor eerk lce available In time of war.
enibraclny a laryc number of wooden
sal liny ships of various decrees of
etflclenry. There are 1» offleers In
^the Norweyian navy and an equal numb<T In the reserve. Norwa>-*s naval
station to Horten, on the south coast.
Sweden haa two luival stations on the
south coastStockholm and Kaiiskrona.
Her navy contains twelve
second daas battleships—8vea.*Oota,
>ort». Thor. Drtotlyheten.
Thule; CKlen. N>ort».
Aran. Warm Topi»rrheten. Manllyheten and Oscar II. All of these are ol
Host of then
wn at Oothenbury
Iny laid
Stockholm These are all of similar
1 S.IM and 4.218 tons and
lat fifteen
18.2 and 18
; np a fleet of
quite nwtKK'talile alae. At the prevent knots. They carry an armament of
time Norway owns four e«>cond claaa 10 ahd 8.2 Inch yuna placed In armored
rw loie rrmmai ssuma
aJwai's bwn scheminc to acquli
port In this roplon. The Swodlah i
do not have this yroat advantaco. The
Battle to froaen from December to
Sweden has a population of over
».tM.009, while Norway has oonaldor- army than the latter. Norway has a
on tte onaata. If it war* to bo pro- ably l«as than half that number. .That Imraonae merchant marina bHn« fourl
lonyod nnUl tte wlntar aaaaoo It U
In this rmpect amony the nations \
litely Chat tte ooaata of Norway would
tte world. She has a very amall i
■bouM tbOM two northom eountrloo
aetvatty oomo to Nowa It la cwrtaln that
tte wortd would bo ditoeoo > a very
aptritte and hotly oontootod ar. The
By RBT. g. H. XX>TLB.
TMto.-Pn«ar|By f«r ear hssvsaly
turram. Ttear also carry many c«aa tema-PhIL OL iCa; Bsh. zL 848. 18«.
«f amaUcr oalfbar and aVhMisibsd tow
CbiMt cana to totar *llfa aad tepedo tuhm.
Moctality to Btfa throafb tte bh|mL»
Swedan has ana armorad cralaar. tte
P)dBia.ar 4.0M tom and of 12.M0 bone- Ba caoM to flacMrt aad to temoBatiato
power. She to rated at »J haota te Bk Pira itogwii'tlBu tte absotato
aMfcaacu of tte tataiu Ite. Be be
tl.7M.8M. At laatt fin of tte yvn- came the Brat Cnite of ttem that dept
boau tetonylay to tte Saredtah aavy
are of an effective type, but tte etovan ,aa« tteNte degHMtratod that aU
teeted rtoe dfala. mte Is one of Ite
on tte Hat are
on and
aeri teportaat tmtte revealad^la
as of mnefa value. Some of them bare God's word. Ufe meaus Igflaltoty
been raboUt recently and may be uaa- mecu Mace we kaow iluit teeth teas
tul for harbor defense. One oubmaHne
boat waa buOt In Sweden last year aet cad an. Haa had druamed of temortaUty. aad ted haped aad loaBte
d Ua
for R. bai BO oaa was able to prove It
are also a number of c
boau and train
Iny ships.
until Christ oama. Be aot caly proved
tte n _
It te Hta toetteoay. •• one coialac
Ice and IM raaarvea.
from the other wortd, but actually
dsmoaatratsd tt hy rtstuff tram Ite
I number of eblpe nnd In dead. Ttera aaad be ao doubt bow.
about the futflra Ufa;
Tte future Ite of the Christian has
been set forth aadar aiaay diffareat
flfurcs and yymbola. To describe tt
peace footJny and oonslsu
divtaloDS. embrmdny twenty-elybt reyli by
iterlny about 28.me m wuca ■we aow uro. man
800 men. There a > eiyhl reyimenU
i It could oaly te typified to as.
of cavalry, with 2M oflk-.*ra
oflkr.-rs and 1.000
I farts coBcarolag it teve been re
men. Sweden haa nine rrytmenU of
There will be no sin In teaven.
artillen-. with one re^ment of coast
so aeparatSon aad do sorartillery and more than 1.000 men. The
yeneral staff consists of nine yenerala
A world without sin. death, sor
and fifty staff offleera. Borne of the row aad separation Is almoat tnooahonorary yenerato of the Swedish celvaUe to us. These have been tte
army are the klny of Denmai;^ tte features of this Ufe ttet have beau
emperor of Anatrla. the yrand duke of
Baden and the klny of the Belylana. BKMt deeply Impreaaed upon ua;
The enlisted army of Sweden on a beare to fire us any coootetSan of
peace footlny actuaUy numbers SS.OOO heaven. It was necessyry to naa types
men. ■'The conscrlpUon list oonatou of and symbols. It to called a rity-Tte
every ablebodied male Swede between Holy City. New Jerusalem;" tt Is alM
the oyea of twenty-one and forty. caUed a tand-“tbe land of Osaaaa,.
There are about 800,MO men enrolled flowing with mlUt and baoey.*" tt bw
In the various clasaes.
also been likened to a temple. ^
In Norway the troops -are raised
Perhaps of sU tte symbols by wWeh
mostly by conscription. The line conBista of about 80,000 men. with 880 caven to represented tte sweelagt aai
offleera. Without the consent of the
sturthiny, however, there can never be
My Ksthei's houfla
more than 18.000 under arma 8t one
time. The Norweyian resen-es number
many i________B." When the oMp*
about 80,800. with 000 offleers. The 4ng. boors of Ufe coma and wa aiu
army on a peace esUbUshment conatoU _.Jiwlny near to tte end of Ite tte
of six reyimenU of Infantry, twelve draw
batterlca of field artillery, six batteries Idea of beaven that attracts ua moM
of foot artillery, three reyimenU of to not that of tte splendid rity or uf a
ca^-alry and fl\-e companies of enyl- country, however bleoaed. but that of
borne. Then more than any other time
neers. The yeneral staff
Ihirty-flve officers.
we feel that we ara abaant from our
teal borne, and. being tired aad wea
ockhotm. Oothe
ried. we want to go home. How often
bury and Kartobory in tte Interti
at soch times we bear the wanfls from
The chief stronyholdaa of Norway a
Mints about no depart: “I want to go
at. Oecaibery. Aydenea, Beryeo. Aker- home." "1 am only waiting to go
homer Let os ktop this IdM of heav
en befoR us. It to to be our atornal
home. Ite romamhraaoe of this fact
will strengthen aHf dhror w amid
Ufa’s active duties and grMtly ofltafWt
us In the dedlDlng days of Ufe.
Heaven being our etoraal home, wa
should In this Ufe prepare fM 4L ' If wa
wore going to change our place of resi
we would prepare iDotf or leas
Tte eleven-year-old boy herewith pleturrt Is In his way quite as remarkable for the new home. Tte pet^ to ooas Helen Keller, the not.«d alumna of two places Uve exactly aUke. HoosaiL :
Kadcllffe. He Is Leslie Orm. and he furniture, rustoma. are all dlfferenL
waa deprived of slyht, lu-arlny and and every one to movlug takes tbsM
si«eech when he was less than three thloffli Into ooaMdctatlon. So as we
years of aye, the rt-»ult of cerebro spl- 1 took forward to a new life tinder vaat' ly different clrcomstances we should
prepare for IL In heaven we are to
Uve tn cloeest fellowahl|> with God and
with Chrtot We should therefore
commune with them much In this life.
In heaven there to to te no sin; hence
we should by the grace of God try to
overcome sin here. In heaven we are
to Uve In peace and banaooy with all
! about ua Lrt us therefore try to know
* each other better on earth and Uve
■ more peaceably together here. "Our
' cHlsenabtp to to heaven." Let ns thcre; fore strive to Uve here as etttoesu of
the bcavenly ci
InstruMve Pictures of Persons, Scenes and Things of Note
The massive bronxe doors shown I
the picture. alUiouyh deslyncd In U:>8.
been completed,
occupied the sole attentlt>n
H. Mosman of Chicopee,
lass, for over two years. They be-
G«l XXTIU. 20-22: Ps. tUL 1-8; Bed.
. The time worn etructure shown In the cut Is one of the oldest bulldlnys In
4te historic town of Oeoryetown. D. C. It to the prison once used for debtora
AS hmy ayo as tte totter part of the seventeenth century It was used as a munic
ipal lockup, and It waa the only prison In that part of the country, which at
that time was within tte sUte of Maryland. Later on it became a slave pen.
Kubllc auctions of slaves were held In It. It became in after .years polloe headpresent It to used by a oonyresatloo of
A colony of bees has been enyayed
for twenty-two jnrare In storlny honey
in tte hollow Interior of tte wooden
sUtue which sunacNUits the dome ut
the courthouse at lAterty. Mo. shown
In the cut Tte flflure of tte Goddess
of Uberiy to made of thfek pine plankIny and to fourtsen ftet la hriyht The
matue to beUewd to contain at least
«w barrels « honey, althevgh no one
The ameers of Afyhanistan tUU em
ploy many of the cruel forma of puntohment which were charactertotic ef
the middle ayes. The one shown In
the picture was a favorite punitive de-
belyht and over two tons In weight.
They are divided Into five panels eadv
representing In bas-relief scenes from
American history.
In the Interior
primitive character. The mall coach Is unknown and both m
arc carried In rude tp-o wheeled carrioles like the one shown In the cut. I
s born In CUnton
of these are mere sulkies, with only a slnyle seat In front and a rear eztei
■ son of parents
. O, a
for bayyaye and the driver. Most of them, however, are arranged lor tsro pas> are able to provide him V'tth a way to begto to dtocterge your debt to
aenyvrs and their bayyaye. There are no reyularly evublished rouieti. but
■herawho can devote her entire at to consecrate your Ufe to tte work of
every peasant who owns one of these yo-carta Is ex|>ected to resi>ond to
tention to Inutructlng him. lie U an God through Chilattop Badravor.
demand, at any hour, amd hts fee Is Axed by law.
In tte curly days of the godety fte
oftancr than now we need to tear
w rller with great faclUty.
some soch phrase as thto at tte nd
caU meeting: "I wtth to ranew uiy oaaCHEAP CHINESE PAPER.
aacratloa to tte acrvlee of Ood..* Ite
phraae hecama atorantyped. and Vd
quality <
both lll.-rary and largely dropped It Let oe take It W
irlce of 1
mechanical, are l»»ued at
i an extremely agate aad put new Ufe and tneaaiag
amall figure;, The price
of the ordinary toto It WU you not Bay with me te
Shanghai iournal U 4 cash, or about night aa your naaw to aOtad:
one-flfth of a cent.
"1 will cooaecrate myrolf to greatdr
taithfulaeM to my rovmiaat ptadge."
"I win eooaeerata myself to more
The amount of rice produced in Slam
haa Incrcaaed enormously of late years.
Ten yaora ago tha azporta of rtoe from
"I will cuBMctflto myMif to i
Slam amounted to 217MO tons aa eomflart to toad aome oaa etoe to <
pored with S00.M8 torn In 1882.
sad tato His dnmh this wtat
A CURIOUS AND ANCIENT BOWL. Bfflr. mads E. dark. D. IX
The quaintly fashioned stone bowl
shown to tha ptetura was recently dog
out of tha ground by oae of the aroflers on Andrew CanMgla*s BeotUah eetate of Sklbo castle. Antigttariaas have
aaeasaga to tha CtetoOan 1
A teitar haat a pattoat hack
Above a yawatog ptt.
Aad tmw sad ofranffU aad levs eat
Aad stfU. though aaay
And bmariy ha cum
eras thsv seevrsly
Bdsd at ths hop of
top and the
vMt to have tte statue dtoturbed.
of thim and
e aaAiU goddess are hunger. When tte recent British mlsmlgltod tt I* ......... if I to do tte wock Sion to Alfftenlslan cresssd tte
thc XataLata
mmrn,, vteB tte teM am Inoo- baud pass aeveiui of tteM MlaSsre
iifsifl H^.rr kwnr isnteMteUiiBiMMMBfltilisteflMlk
Tte cut shows Admhul Togo in his cuhlu UB.boMfl tte MIk— He M eapHtMug
a war artist how it hspHMd that te sucaped dsath from tte bunttu V of a M dwtag ooe of tte eagagwm
at Port Arthar. The
Md. togsthw. oad-tte rastoved ahsB now • Ids la thes
ireCUUy and
alougMde a pwfMt one. which alM «ame flo board tte Mfkua «urti« tte
Tte uBnln4 Rmb* « hta tablo two teautlful dwarf uaoa tevenl tmtmrn oUL wk
It tel BBntfur. HiMdt ttem M tte tndtop««whto omniiiM bn. vttBBi wMM a hit of charoeatls always gtewlac,
WUtm adtemte ttigMi M iflMi BTtMagBBrtifliHBhiBiBHNtMteaBMai*^
detenntoed that it to a wtoe howl
which batoimed to a Imder of tte Dsalab axtay whloh Invaded BootMad te
IMl. The howl Is ftra tnetea to width,
ITS a peiYotatod
peiYoratod handle Ihy whtoh tt
s douhcites
douhClH carried hy ia etitag er
sp aad to la M perfect «
» Tfuvntf CITY, I
^is^Utam <if
«M wttMi ilHpiurnii myt
!«■ kBTV MC M tt. U V Mt 9^
f»M«. I stall «mH4f
4m« •»
tai» -tai tsgito • ftai*
TV. L«t>
AdveAtw of,;v
CttaM «r»b fU7.
-1^ tFMblr jroa «• valk M «f ST
taOtata^-aMta. <T<i«€uMywr
sofitata LM M—t UWM> «tat 1
«• Mt vtai ta tar* wytttal t* 4»
HCtar vttk kta «r vtOi bia Mtata
K«^ slr-HMt sMttar wstar B* imM
tlir M tart—rty.
atav tlM
TWk yon miM UOK CXIVia iKm nl K
ICS" fata BopklM wrffl MrvD m
nsppior: anlanr >40 to «M
mongk. pnM weekkr. «>PM« ntf- M la fta ta«t ta tta
vaneed. AAdreM wtlh ntutp. J. H.
OMl up by both ptansa No. H.
OPivn wlU to laaMUy ottete ta
JOiBf HOFfnNS- *
WANTtO-Plaln acarlnf at Sto North
WUI AtaSl bt tWM MpKk W MM
of boMiIlipif vbo hnvo onud LIOK OOIKIE
lorever a eetrtWel e esnturyV
gprnce street.
« tao0 1
at tost MtaMta Into Ita raaaUM
*-I>r. LmU/ Amatrooff la cmtataly a
room, vtare w» fonad tta dortpr acAt* naa of awvcy aad dMetar.** aaU ta.
"1 bare aot oaaa a awa wbo tf ta
tITUATtON WANTCD by Saredlab
Ctrl to do general touMnrurk. Apply
to Prof. Hedcen. R. P. D. L
Wo. n iTtta igtaa
IQnalrM Uotiutj. Aad
| ^ awMa Ml poor Wntnan. tare we am. i
j ta W *01 to 0.0 oC tta taad. «T Ita and frlnMlena la- tbto lata
town, wbkb we caanoc leave wUhoot
almndanlag uv read. Tbla tttSia tarn
n«tai ttata M ta tta
ArmatraagY boana la
But Oodfrty la a taa lad>-a atenrti M
KatMlug wttOd lutfiKO blm to *»v» W*;
".“t”*” *T” atagialaHy adaptad to oar naada
■ wM angaga a froat aumn
oM uurk away. lU bara tta
. BwvMl i/*m to tta taut ibla ot*nimg.' •
•* *»• mau-tta aqoar^ rebaaa M natwaaaM far tba b
ON, b ‘jL •PY
rANTCO-Woman about MycareoU
Comtwlent lu manager and care for
Steady employment. Mr*. W. Csrey
Hull. coRkcf State and WeHlagtoa
July 2d4t
Otar*# I
U tta UjaaoUm. a|-ro oo patoa, Mr. j
may have tea ta aafea a f»W ta
Itaortu*; 1 ta« you to b«tr bo Mo: ^
Tbraa low taqoMta proved, bowevav.
■Btantad to brio# blm aatfrly barb. Aa j •••**»«
»• !■•»«*•* Ja».
almt to be a mart laagtby prtwmdlng ttaa
to monoy, w«ll. fo far aa a Ortt or ot— of deep rbacaciar. a i
Bdad. grba. aacvtlc, aalf roaUlaad. for- Bntama bad baaglnsd. tm be dkl not
a taoact foaa, you raa ahraya look
mldaMa>oo I read Dr. Uata Arm- rmara to tba las tpitil naaity » v vlecb.
mm frmmm wt aiuw atnmg. Ue bWd tny fftanTa «.-d la He waa pak and dejetied. stalnrd with
1 |1«r oa tto lafor- ita taad. and ta lonkad ap «ub M dual, and adbanated with bnagar aad
matloii orbieb roaM[ tab* «B. far ta very p1c«aad raprt«alao upon bla doar fatlgae. A cold anppar wa* ready opao tta table, and when bla needs were
vri^ato life of bia
buov lUtW of tta iiri^ato
aaikukd and bis pipe alight ta was
aoftarw. q«r only rtaw lay to tta tma<
ready to take that half vomk* and
ratod tHogniM.
trilb a cu|>y of tbta
wholly pblioaopblc view wbkb
la bla baim MoIm
forth to tod a
9 of arbWb I by i»a u
aataral to bUn wbaa hk nSalra
mtmtA Uok for bla taala. We bad taak approve.”
galag awry. Tba nanad af mrrlnga
aa o« Load MoM>laBi«a. and OraM
**ln that doctor, yon
wtaok eawod litm to rtae and glaaaa
oclf In agreomeait with rrwy vnuilaal Mt af tta wtuM. A bctoiam and
In tta oonntty/' nnld my fiieod guWly. pair of gray* atood tadart tta docMft
UmMK tad batoitai tbaaa
**do far aa
na your offorta an* dlir.-ted
dlir -ted
at a toFard tta
It auiiprenakai of rrluir. air.
"It s bagp out tbraa boiHB." aakl
ataatdlataaeertaaittahalaL Webatt- ttay maatt biiv* tta aupiMirt of ruyy
"fttaitsd at dJO. aad tare
ad oatabte It
lesaouablo memUar of tta touuuuutty. [olmea.
ba«b again. That glvre a radius
•nr» aractb trytac. Wataao.** aald Ctaaab 1 ranmit dooljt that tta adb-tal
or twelve milm. aad be does
■atam *tMaoBraawriba waarmatYre aiacblnory ta amply anWcleat' fur tta
ucc or aimetlmen twke a day.**
aaoM daamad to aaa tta oeoatarfotta. panwML lEttara your ValUna U iu jtc
"Ko uuoaiml tblag for a doctor la
bat wa tare aot nacbnl ttat aiajta
yet 1 doo’l aawaa ttaqr maraaber
**llut Armatroog k not really a doc
tacao In ao baay a pliMa. tat us vaa* you nike op family mattrri wbkb nra
tor lu practice. He k a ketorer aad
-II am aorry to tniobk ycm.** aaltt ta
gsoeral practice, which dlatracto
t manaar to tbe yoaai
ta bla I
from bk literary weeb. Why. i
Ita gratiat: nbato la
ta make tbeae kmg Joatneya.
wbkb'muA ha exceedlagly trhaome
him. and who 1s It that ta rlattar
I raiy
"Uk cuechuiau"aadttad to pat my aama at tta aad.
"My dear Watooa. can you dooht
Oaabl you laU me If tbla waa aor
that It was to blm that 1 first app
Ita youaf wooiau tamed over a
1 do not know wtatber It came
taoaf of enaataffolla
kk oWB Innate depravity or from tta
**miai tfckick m ur aha ataad.
premptlnga of bk nnuler. but be waa
••A little aftar (L*
mde ruuugb to eet a deg at me. Nei
•mont vaa It tor
ther dug nor man liked the look of my
put bin flofer to bki Upa and
atkb. however, and tta matter fell
^Tta laat vunla
rda IIn It
tbroagb. All that 1 have kwrned I
got from-a friendly naUre la tta
ally- **l mb eery aaaloaa at
yard of our oara Inn. It was be who
told me of tbe doctorb habits aad of
bk dally Joarnay. At that Instant, to
tbe fortaa.
give point to his words, tba enrrUga
*Tbla la It. ttarc la ao name.** aald
ruuud to tta doar."
abe. BBHWtbInc II out upon tta counter.
"TouM you not follow ur
“Itaa that, of volirae, aci<ounU for
JJr. Lcata Annatroap.
"Kacclkot. WatKin! You are aclnluw >ery atttphl of me. to ta better bidden, and when you Inddeotal- tUlating tbk evening. Tta Idea did
aurr! Hood momlng. mlaa. eud nmuy ly waaU* tta lime of men who are more cruee my talad. There la. aa yon may
tbauha for baviug rvllevMl uiy mind.”. buay tbnn youreelf. AL tbo proMUt u»a bate ulMerred. a bicycle abop next
Be vbucklea and ruUtad bU bauOa »«*»*. <•» example. 1I ab
aboukl ta »i|tlnjt our Ian. Into tbk I nmbed. engaged
wtan we found our«-lv« lu tta atn-ot, « irroUm luatrad of cuovcnUu« mitb blcyck and was abk to get atortod be
fore tbe carriage was quite out of
imn- more.
“WHir 1 aakeiL
1 **Xo » doubt, doctor, and y»-t tbe eon- sight 1 rapidly orertook U» and tbaSL
kt**|Ung at a discreet dktanoe of a bniidred >-anla or ao. I fallowed its UgbU
■t we nrr duUig tta revemc until we were cknr of tta town. We
ocbeuuw for getting a glliupae ol that' trll you that
B eery Juatly blame, and that bed gut well out on tta country rend
ttly hope
bope to of
«f wbat
lelegnim. but 1 coukl bardly
at oijy- when a eomcwlmt mortlfyjng incidcstt
I we are eod««\w
very flrat tl
piixate occurred. The carriage stopped, tta
’ And wbatt ba>e youa igal____
-A aUrUng iwlut for our Inreati-; maitw which muat ne^vesarily follow doctor aiigbted. walked aWiftly back to
i< falrl) In tbe wtare 1 bad baited and told me in an
-Klng’a i when
; band* of tta olB<4al police. Vou may excdlent earOonk fashion that he fcat^
I'ruw Btatlon.” aald be.
j look upon me almply a* na Irregular cd tta road was narrow and that ta
■*We have a Journey, ttanr
-Yea* r tlUnk wo muat run <down to I pioneer, wbo gere In front of tta reg- bo|ied bis carriage did not impede the
Cambridge t<«etbcr. All .dta ludlca-; uUr forxwo of tta country. 1 have paseage of my bkyck. Nothing could
f to point la ttat dlrec-, come to aak you about Mr. Godfrey bare been more • admlrabk than bk
way of pnttliig It I at once rode past
tta ramtage. and. keeping to tta main
*■ Wbat at
rood. 1 went on for a few mike and
**Tou know blm. do you notr
Oray'B lun road, -bave ymi any ana-! “Voa
thru baited in n convenknt place to
pk4on yet a* to Ita Wuoe of tta dia-1 "Be la an Intimate fHeod of mine."
apprarnnee^ 1 don't tbluk that among. "ton are aware that ta baa dlanp see if tta carrla^ passed. There eras
no sign of It however, and so it be
nil our caaeo 1 lni\e known one where > paaradr
tta motlvra are mtwe obaeure. durely i "Ah. Indeedr There wa* no change came erldeot that It bed tnmsd down
yeu dou't re^ly Imaglue that ta may of egprraatan In tta rugged feettarea of one c»f sercral side roads which 1 bad
otaer^ed. 1 rode bark, but again saw
be kkikmiiied lu order to give Informa-tike doctor.
tkn again*! bla wraUhy under
j "He left bla betel laat al|bt«be baa nothing of tta carriage and now, ns
you perceive, it baa refurnsd after ina
"1 euufaea, my dear Wataon. tLat; not been beard of.”
Of cuuree 1 bad nt tbe outset no pa*^
that doe* Dot appeal to me aa a vrry.j "No doubt be will refun.**
probable explauatkiu. It atrock me. i «Tomocrow la tta varalty football tlcttlar renaon to connect tbeae >onrof God
however, as U'lng tta one wbkb waa < match.'
moat likely to latemit that eareadlngly j "I bare no aympathy with tbeae
nnpleaaaut old penma.*'
i <^kllab gamna Tbe yom« mauY fate to. tuTcntlgate tbam
"It ceruluiy did that, but wbat art hitereat* me deefdy. almw 1 know blm grennta that everytniag wnten con
your altcnmUvear
and ttke blm. Tbe footbaU match doaa cern* Dr. Annstrouc M at prrecot of
*T could tnantlon aercraL Vou muat i nat cooie withlu my borison at alL“
adaUt ttat It la curtona and auggeatJve i -i dalm your symimtby. tbaa. In my keep* ao keen a lookoot nte Auy one
that tbla Inddeut aboold occur on tta ^ Inveatlgatloa of Mr. gtanatooY fate, arbo may follow him on three exenraloos tta affair appear* more impor
ere of tbla important match pad i Do >ou know where ta lar
tant. and 1 stall not be ndtasd until
nbopkl lavolre tta only maa wboae j "Certalaly not."
1 bare made &e matter dear."
eaaential to tta aac-' "You bare not aean blm alnoe ye
f • ^::QLJKr:six:^^jsz
Amateur sport is free from betting, •^aa Mr. Butmton a bcatthy amnr
hat a ftMd tel of outsMe betting goea "Alwolatelj."
on noM tta public, and U is poaaltae -DM yoo ever know him Uir
ttat It might be worU som* ooeY while -Never."
to get at a player aa tta ruAana of tta j hm* popped_______ _______
tnrf get at a race taraa. Ttare la one i for, the Asetor's eyes. -^Ttan peitap*
expkanatlon. A second very ohvlotm ; ygn trtU explain this rcceiptod hUI far
aoe la that tCtai mwg man really
‘>7 la
^ ■; tt BBtoeaa paid by Mr. Godfrey SfatfaIta heir of a
____ «^itnn Mac msoth to Dr Lmta Anamotet bia bh
I w
PTMt b^l .ereng of Cambridge. I pWwd it out
and R la BSt 1
______ _ _
boM him for vatmom mitat ta co^Ttatetur finabed with
-14e not feel that three Many ^ ^JTteejtanrire tnto no nMta nf; .rty I nho.^ nredre an
"Quite tree. Watson. Tta takgaiWi j
ntlll rcmnlna te aolf aoBd thing with ^ook. "If yre prefer n pnbllr exniM
which are tare to tel and are mnat tjon. R muat ^
nnld ta. "I tare already tahl jau tta.
WfremlL U U to gain «tat upon lean hnah up that vrttenttare will be
» telegrum ttat w*
I to pnhtah. and yoo wauld really
art now upon our way to Oamhrldga.
^rlssr to tata m* Into rew camTta path Of
inreatlgation I.
mo mto rmm
present ohm-nre. but 1 tell ta vary! »i know
rHritt R."
-Wd yon brer CM Mr. a
hnre not ckarad It up or mmls n cno-1
sMerable advance nhfag It"
*YYrtnlnly aot*
It ure nl^ talk wtan am ranched -d^ ^ ^ me-fta postoAce
"Wa can fallow him tooorxow.” *
•XYb we7 It la net ao asgr as you
seem to think. Ton nza not familiar
wNh CambrHgffalre. are you7 Itdore
not tend Itself to concrehnsnt AH tbla
coontry ttat 1 pnsapd o«fr totagfa M aa
flat aa tta pnlui of your tatal ata tta
maa we are foOowtng M no fanL aa ta
very drerly abowed tnnl^ 1 hare
wired to Qvarton to ta us knew any
freta London devetapmenta at Chio ad
we can only
i upon Dr.
________ _
tta abUglag
yoM lady at tta aface glfawnd me to
read npqn tta. ca—tarfnll of tennton'a
mbmt ^
young man Is-to that 111 awnar aad
tf he knows, then tt mart ta our own
fautt If we enmta maaagr to know
alBo. At prreret tt muat ta admitted
thatttta add tfekk la In hla
and. t I yoo DM nwam. Wataen. R M
tahtt to Mare tta gum In that
July ll-tf
WAHTtO-Oompeleai glri Cor general
boasework. 7lS I’nkjo street
tKeNiaaMlTKrea' ijU?-rL«*
Ml tablta Ilia tafaV.
(OmMaSr rVMB W^toatajrY laM) j «adl«l adiool at tta Mrertar. tat a
90n SALS—41 lots m BMMahY Itb
ndd; t CD—eTa lots (rantlBgwn 141b
•tsunl 4 bHman 4 WfamtoY nM,
•Dfi S lou
ku on Wt
West Trmi strte
VU 'taMM mit
t or watotn wtaft In MtebignD.
MM LvtataTolk^^
ttiigM W>iA V
limimi <n •-•17
pwt In mortgagaa
Hmm far mta
lavte NT B. IfaNuMta ItaR
Pfacw BOUL
lTOiiiT»ir--Otmmrtf MnMaHfata
tiMifakm tta fatorn te ta yMi
tata, g nMtlle ■agfflDc wll twaunl
tta trot Ufa's htatory. Ow lit
A pug OALR OR nuitatai
WANTCD—A woman conk: amgn
per month. Lake View lloo*o. Elk
Jnly l»4f
voount VK3I OO. «**•. OH*.
_ WANTCO-To bay IX or 14 ft. oount
.taait^erhlle ' CT. S. 4. 4 OT t ft. abOW
in other stato. li U covered by general ' »«id hard coal stove. Inquire 211
E. Pront street.
law and properly ltcen*ed umlenaker*
I are given right to u*«* their own JndgCUNNINGHAM *GHLNCfi" fiHOCfil
Charles Heown. n pketeee farmer at
batiK-r shop.
KaUunaxor county. U not all In yet. j Hordes .of muenuitoe* from the
and during tta pa»t week demonstrat-' svaKp* «if Zu« inland are bHpiug lo
ed that although «7 ««ara Old. ta can j nake tbe torrid aight* unbearable for
make a good farm hand. Daiing a j Delray folk*. The p»**t* breed by
week he ccy Ucd and abocked eight-1 myriads in tta swamps and at algbt TO RENT—House Nol 4W7 West HKh
■t. inquire at county Jail or eltber
ern aore* «f a heat
Hr ewd tbe J cwoop doam on rltlaens arbo are seek
phone No. XI.
July X0-3i*
cradk. aacb as he used when a young' log nmllng breeae* on their porches,
man. Mr. Brown ha* always refused jur on tbe streets. Residents of River TO NKNT- I’ofurnisbed ro^.m: also
to pormit It to be aald that he is old | street suffer the most. To walk ahiat
good barn
inquire at XI* Wiwi
in health If be Is such In years. He j the durrouglifare m night means a
Elevi-nth street.
July IP if
Is hale and bemrty and declares that | rum lit urns fight i«i drive tbe pests
re*Wenc«. on
he win be working his farm wht-n he; »mmr. A public subsrriptioo Is about
rvachss tbe ceatury mark.
) to bp made for th* tmrcba*e «d crude ^ Z&2 and another at XS7 East Tenth
\ crooked finger led to tbe down-'oil and an 4<quipmcjit with whlcb tnj atreiH. Apply to E. McNamara.
July 144f
fall of rrtd RtlUams. arrested for tba; spray the marwhes and render them
burglary of CYyaa Br»»s.' meat market 1 uninbabliable lor, mos<jultoea as wa*
at Benton Harbor. In gaining en-1 Bttccr*sfuny done In New Jersey,
trance to tbe ahop the mark of a hand j Tbe sympbimy orekesira of Travwas Impreassd on a can of -lard and erse City, «-«»n*l»ilna of Imirtecn FOR fiALE-lioust and lot. barn
bd. 442 W?*t Elsfalh stresH. Prlc*
the croitked flnaer gave a ciew to tbe pieces, under tbe dlre-tion at l*rnf.
fX.Pdt. ooe-thlnl down, balance
William* wa* recently i*m-j Horst, gave an entertainment si the
suit purcba***r. Inquire 111 Ba»l
ployei! by Cryan Kru*
; opera bouse In this viUski- Prlday
Ninth Mn-ci. i»r aUdr**** John Ouue.
A |M*?uUar Incident is relaie.i In con-’ ev>-nlnr that w*.'<*'grf* ied with a well
C*bel«ygan. Mk-b.
July 1» tT
nectbin with ^.e illswiMH-wtanre id filled Iwm.-e Their «-ffi»rt* gave *i>:**n
sotDc laud In Rubin lake, near llher did »sil«fartlim a* ws* alle*te«l by the
dale. About three arrtw of land on beany applause glieu each number, FOR SALE OR TRA01~Lut. tMiildlnc.
st.tck St U fltli-K-i of griKvry and
the shore of the lake Ju*t *itnp!> broke The inu-rv*t wa* «uhanct**! tiy the
weal luarkit. Poutb Spruce stre«*l.
away and sank ciunpb-tiMy out of knowb-dge that the members are all
rit Irens phone lilZ.
July » Imo
sight. The land wa* Mwepsd-wrllh full boy* ««f the high M-bunl of TrarerM>
grown troew.nip] It I* said th«*y wentioiy. with i»we «»r two i-xn-ptions. ta
down wHh the ground In which they addPlon to the orchestra music tberf FOR »ALE—My home. No. Ml We*Tenth street. 10 nKia-s attic, wood
win rooted and no trace of them r»h | were M->eral soli** Uub Mli^ Marshed Jatge hast mem furnace, hot
and cold wai»-r. bath, martle. strict
the tree* with long fl»h|tuks.'but can-' *««h11>. i'm Alway* In the Way."
ly modern, gas light*, corner U»r,
not find them. Il I* s*l«l that ihc.wa-•
iw-nucn.a iini«- mb* <»f al*eii
carpenter stap «*o luu-k with stall
ter aws lowered lhre«- fi-*-t and n-^jja. ive sutiimt r*. gu\« a vhdln »olo
and shi^i. \V 11 lUlne. care at lh>«
malned at that level for thret days ta-j that captured the hou»«v a* did her
ton etore.
July lk-<l
fore taking H* nitrmal level again
t r«-*poo«M» tu the encore rhai waK «»nly
TKB BUTIJim for Gragfi Rnpldg. tad
Traverse Oily for He ILattar. TtatY
tbe rautera' cnU. Take ta gams eta
Here Uarqacttr exenrakm flaafiay.
Bate $2.
a lloillalev's Rocky Moumala Tea w"I 4m
Taken this montb. kewpa yoa welt aU
sammer. 3S ewnts. T^ or TabMa.
Johnson Dreg Ca
Tta OJlbwny tndtan drama "Hiawa
tha” will be given at Lake Ya-way-gomng, near petnskey. Mich., dally from
July 4th to fb-pt. 4th. TbU rewAUian
at the Indian ns a romaniir figure,
should be asen by every one. DescripUve pamphlet can be had by addrmoilog uctai agsat. G R. 4 1. Ry,
Traverse City, or C. L. Lurk wood, G.
P. A.. Grand Rapbls, Mich.
June ZhntuD-wisIaai tchsept 1
ht. Sitqa k —re
W, D. PifOMOk-ta ^
Ttachir if Viollii
SsRik SMc SRsc Stsre
329 S09TN MON STKn
Ih-caui*e he pruntised to marry Mr*, j ijnieti-d by her t-wn-l apte-arance i
SALE-At H J Murgna's sUhte
CbrlBtufleriM.n and then changed bUjThe flute ^olo by ,»i.e of the «.rche*tra
horse. h*m.^
harncKS. tou
top bucrv
buggy anJ
and Port
mind after getting a deed to her prop- Uiy* wa* especially pivaslng. Mr*
land cutler. Party leaving <liy. A
Nokmry taajtollo
erty. Charles Gordon <tf Pierpsot t* in ('arli*l«< an<l Mr*. Her»T adikN] to the
bargain If token at once. July 13 G su BMt rrxiBt mrMPt.
Us nrers
ManlsttH*. confronted b> a : «<Qjt>>m«‘!>t of tht- evening'* entertain
charge of obtaining property undre mem Py their vocal *olg«. a* both FOR. SALE—Enquire of W Hold*
false pretense*. Mr*. Chrlstoflcrsou.' w,re in flue voice. KuHuwiug th«ror.
worth, ■ 224 West EScfath *tr.-et
the eomplalnsnt. l» a charming young cert the orelH-stru fiiin^^hed niu*ir
Sunny bank hotel pn*p.v1y. Clsi«i»
widow of Plerpont. Store Gordon was for an hour <jf dancing, ahtch aa* In
feet. Lot oil Slate »irett.
placed In jail he has bean -very volu-'^ dulsid in by a Urj^-number If young
fwt. Ikwt b*aiiun in city f<»r ho*el
ble In bis promises to make amend* p. opie, while mvny of tbe older ladle*
Jpy'l 12 Jit
to Mr*. Christoffersoo. but tbe widow * remalne<l a- • |iain»n* of the bail.” The
heart has not softened.
' Ijtdit-;^' Cemv-iery s^-^oclatlun nett«>d FOR SALE OR RENT—The
81dv faoU-l. Inquire Howard Wbit- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE
Harry O. Pierre of Nile?, «»e of the LJl fn>m the entertainment under
best known demoerntte politicians In ;
s-.i-ldee* the tx»ntert wa* given,
western Michigan, U a raving maniac —El^: Rapid* Progrtqi*.
from vm^Atoc cigarette* tend applies- i Nv’Xt Mon<lay evening a me* ting will FOR SALEONE HOCSB on West 11th street
tlon has Wn made In Ilenire county ^ b** hejd at the Alden town ball for the
THREE HOrSES on Ea*t 10th 8t.
protate court to ronmil him to the |purp *se of taxanUlng a c»>mretiy to
TWO HOCSt:s on corwrr Front and
Kaiamaioo asylum. Pierce I* 40 year* ’ build, equip and cvmd-art n canning
Ro*e street.
of age ana tbe sreretary of the Her-. taciory.
neuclu*-* lor a fartary ha>
n.VE HOl'SE on Webster strecL
CaMCUi^K m* ruttuB—
rien cooniy democratic central com-! slrrady be« a *.cur*-4 and efwMigb
C'» acre larm.
' ranb b r<*«iuin*I to c'«»mi'U-ie ih*- orW>
unimproved lard.
nwtj to ta made tom ragp, Mt me
Charles Shuppel. of Cleveland, o .,
4d acre* unimproved Mad.
A movesH-nt Is
foot and ha*
recently In tbe emidoy of thi- MbbiAny of theiM- at a bargain that you
*‘tny. t
can't refuse. Part doam: balance
to suit buyer.
being where theyr shon
should not be. HI,
^P'«»be^ Two
hsari is on the right aide iaatead of Public mwtlng* have been held and
133 East »th Street.
inly C-tf.
jdkm. Ah. taOP«vi«
tbe left; his fiver U on tta left Mde
»Ph‘.inied to forward the
movement, ard the pnilect ^a*
Inatred of the right, and spleen
make it reaMulkwir cer- FOR SALE OR TRAOff-Stock and
right instead of the left. His stomach '
Tsimh.* B««*" . l»rre
fixtures of grocery and meat market.
‘bat ih< event wiil b*.- a great oc-e
runs from right to Uli instead of ;
So-jth Spruce slredL ClL phone
from left to right. He seems to be In !
»be city.
good krelth In spite of U alL
Fine Dental Work
JttPET OEUM ffons.
Tta Mkklgan Pnoerel Directors’
etaregUou has adopted a resolntioa
aakinc the IcgIsUtare to pass a aew
and akipUw regarding
of eoktogioQs dead. Cadar the
present law local boards give or deny
Charles the
Ruben's portrait
1M1. has been found In FOR tALE-NTce Janey eow. IL Hj
Bold. Umi
man. 240 W’aahlBgtoa atreet.
ws once owned by Philip
; Loodao.
July Wf
IIV. of Spnln. and was probably takeo
| by one of Nnpoteon s gesertte
. Ptance and thence to England.
meata. Herman W. Smith. <13 W est
Bereuth atreaL CRlreu phone iM
June 27-tf
Wc arc now taldiig orders
for the celebrated
FOR SALE—Wnrehoaaa botOding
M SmImma Du^.
Bgy atreoL coraar HaU. aMo Utann power snaoilne angiae and
faed mis ontSt; nMo Seoom brick
rnrillwta. UT Sixth streuL Ayoly
to fata BonSnId nt raMdaren
A adkmadiity which wg mac socktr, our ctadns and ooraMvaafate—fai^whidhcBaWdaretoa—stn^
^ at Itax tec wtan our wires ma to been— u»«hM.
taddbeteit urnkmc. Of afi ttacounteadetofato be
otaerred at auck a tec. ta —«k ore M of more
imp—aree ttag tta bodSy welfare of fae
moteTte mum not eapciieree undu* satefaff
ten^ a^r Mck flC ctet on our part.
FOR SAH-Stofo toriidkta Muck aad
fixtama. Win naO an or any part,
or «« rent haDdfas. Apply at •
Chta Starethil. Ttaaoraa CRy. Mkk
mar 17-if.
reoiaacal tare nta aaianen ak arektt M
^And yut fta OBt 4ay
tOonttaned la WadoM
rndneodayY Isana.)
FDR SALB-nre roMdf
ISroom taaaa aad ham. ita fL Mt:
hooaa taa any vatoc. hath room ggd
(ar—M. tasutoa at F. Thuttott orer
ALL rANR nan hand far Ofond BapIds Sunday. Pure MnrguMti resunian.
re» IX. Oatoigi MgguD mfa
Ruttar. WhtohaltorT
BncKh. '
Tte TiM •« «M Cf »«r 1^—
Tk* wimi tan tta ahnn «f itali
OrlCu <tar ika «M» np« IM
Tb BiacI* Ha knaU vttk tka Imm
Tkat fvmr94 dvrar jrld*i;
Tli«> elaids aa tka
Ar« vMU la tka fetal k*ar.
Ami tka kracta ata utaadft cmoalas
Tka aa»«ana aaBan tkiv^
10 aat.
Than |aa a»m Otot laaa
tkma kff tka mataia.
-rmsdkbr k la kidar u» hta tatara
la fkaaa vam tfcaa aat to lava than ai
**8ai tka baai var (o lava tka v4d
•■van la la 1st tkan lanala vhan
ital tka laagr
akrtaas of tka taantoi a< tka h^
TW akataas aai rtaalaa ta
tad ^ ao Me to fralota Mr
Aa4 a ktakta to kUtkafi iladM
kiaaty aad >a ifaaaa Mr aatavi
ia tka panaia 4ata kalav:
Porkakaoars ikat aaar kia to cradla« MBortlac la tkf pM of tka gnat
Qardaaar apaa vkoaa aara tka vlld
Bto nata la kar m» aato.
Ak4 tka ttna of tka ctaav Man
to tka aaraataat aai tka kaat.
flaca a spray to thy bail, ar a roam aa
floBC OB tka kilto aai aptoaia.
tky ataad.
•nag to tka BMaiov* fair,
Wkaa ikta patiaat tkyaalf tg a
flaas to tko kaaetitol valtonu
8aat aa tka foraat air!
ito tiaaatp vtU kricktaa tka vork la
Aai a cta#aaaa daap aai laatiag
Thai tooaia oa tka starry soi>
la tka tlBa of tka dovar kloaaaai
The arorld to aaar to Goi
-fhna JoaraaL Wkaa MtTs patty dauila meat ka
aana aosv.
rska a koak«-U may glva tkaa Oka
"Cnaa lla oe tka crass mad llataa.
aokipa tkta’at aongkt^*
HAao tka aktta dooia drift aai 9 Aad taip Its loaaga oV tin M
eateliaat tka dean
stato tato Haw tka data Ma of
Whoa tka taak M poMaod to Itkr
• Aai Ustaa tka avast taaa oaar
• ^ A cklaa vltk tka toy of tka baas.
Or tky bralB to parplaaad hp doabt
• Tka tlrai hrato a-tkrob aai
or a faar.
d|aa tht irladov. aad tot la tka
• • Waxat gdat aai daar aa ftoaa.
• TlU oool tkoiickU Oov Uka a Hvar. '
Ood katk taoskt to Ua Mria for tky
• Tn tka MM nf tk« Vlad to tka '
eras*.Oh. a kraaak of vtti igaas tka kanaaaat ladpa
Makatk M for a tkioac. while the
ktooooffkw rtoe
Win turn to a bovar tbe tkoraleat
A cDoi frtoad of Hotoo Ckaar. vko
Bo vlll baaoty make stara Ufa db
has boaa vtoitlac la tka vast fhto i
laar, aaaia aa aiHorial taaa a Paakto
papsr that to acaUeakla to arary atato
to tka Itoloa. novarioMrs warytoimmar Pleral Netss.
vbm* staad afhaat at tka tkouchtlaas
A aarfnoe drasifng of time aad anb
aad un-UtoOB eoli btooiai vay to
vhlck our bast lorad amUra flovars pkar vlU aradleato tbna dUataathra
am bdax axtanalaatai. ckaa a IHtle tooeeu that oftentUaes toftat tke aoll
earn to cutUax tka ateaaa toataad of of pot plantm.
Kaap OB vttk tke keUebora o«
trarlac tke rooU, voold gtf aa frato raaa atags are laeltoad (o be
craat kkaonaa for yaars to coom.
Tkla to aspaetolly traa to racard to
tbo baauUful arbutua, auch goamitlas Porslan taaect povder oo tbe boskee
of vbtob am aklppad taai Oraad Trar- vklle tbe dev to oo them.
irs«' fvary spiiog. Already ope must
Liquid fertUlser of some kind will be
BO far aJlfld to And It in perfection vary helpful to yonr plants and will
Tkv stuated btossoms vblch. shorn of Increase the Quantity and size of the
kaU tkelr beaut r. are commonly sold. blooms. Concentrated plant foods are
->are but a plilful remlnOer of the great, atoo a great boon to the city dweller
^fragrant, roae-tlaied btoasmas found vho can not get the best of soil.
bare a decade a«a
Tbe mealy bug Is a hard past to get
_ The remedy moat oooM, aol In futile rid of, but It can be done by first dto
^.;<talklag to the boya and girls who tenr lodging the nest with a small bnich
pap and doslroy tbe rooU to tkdr kaau aad than apoaftof or syrlasinc the
»to soenre tbe flovers. but. to tke to- plant with a aot solutloo ol quaaatoifloenoe hronght to benr by wiser nnd chips tea. to which has been added
'bolder beads. If every lover of the enough soap to make weak soda
beaulltol vould form tkemselreo Into
OrienUl and other perennial po|
n committee of one. aad make It their
may be suoceasfully started from sends
s|M'cial business, to that vay. and that
daring July and August. A clomp of
way only, might the good work be ac
them surrounded by Sweet Rocket
makes a corgeoas bed dnrteg Mgy and
The Fueblo paper offers many excel
aaiiy June. Procure and sow the seeds
lent tboaghts on the subject, among
oov. Too vRl never regret It
which are tbe following:
_____of plants
Stake your gladioli If they are ea~Thera are three Kinds
tboM that live for a single sea^ it- 1
prodiKdag themselves each year from'
the seed: those that Uve through twol‘"
•**«•“«»- New and exgulsUe
years only; and those that continue j'^*®**®*
fiower are being pro
to pt^ucc flower and seed year after’ ‘iuced almost every year, and it aaaou
>var.* The flest kind are called an»>«
growing in popalar tonuals. the aaoond btoonials and the|
third parenaiato.
Nov watch for the flovers of extra
*H3oiaparatlv«ly little harm Is dona beauty among the double petunias,
the perannlals vhen tbe flowers art Layer the moat daalrmhto oaas aad
picked Vllhoot Injury to the plant, ab thus secure thrifty ypuag
through the seed prodwelon Is propor-1 potting later, aad they will begin to
tkuiately decreased: but vbco such j Moom when taken toalde. and brighten
plants are tom up by the roou. as fre-1 the window garden thipukkoat the
•luently happens, the country Is them | entire winter.
by it>hbed of a Ih lag object of beauty I As soon ss tbe perennial seeds are
that might continue to exist for many j fully ripe they should be aovn tnsickd
of saving them to plant next springIn the case nf tke agnpato. tkey are They are apt to lose their vitality If
absolutely dependent upoa the seed they are kept any length of time, and
sou log from year to year. A field that the sooner they are sown after r^panIs stripped of Bovcrlng plants each lug tbe better, to tosum utroag ptoats
year cannot postohlf continue to pro for next year’s flovarlng.
duce wild Bowers todeAnltely.
A bad of gaeaalams er col aai caa ka
them hadt.
“tl'lld flowers and tke flowers of the thickened up by
culUvaied garden are aot ef Ue eame Do not take off the ends of the braaeknature and they cannot be treated to es. but simply ptock out tke ttoy
tke plaat
the same maaner with like raaaUa.
Tbe sweet pea bloeeoins the BBore free vlU throv out branckes from tke lowly. thr mote lu flovers ere stripped cr axUs and these shoots caa he
he plaat to aa
from the vine, while with other cultl- j ptitaed bade
rated favorites the lack of nataral | kroad as desired,
aced la supplied from the atoms of the
Cbsyaaatkemuma that ara to ka
tmtoei tor spacial dcvelopmeat tor
-Bui with the vlld flovam, the eaaa koaaa calture ahoaM bo potted tarty
Is dlfrareat. The wild flower hantm to Aaguat aad kept In a thrifty ooadiIs too often a wild flower klllpr. aad Uoa uatU the Ume of
vhete pmiple
people turn to wild flo^ kill •Ptaal advantapes akoaM be allovad
I'lqg by the hundreds aad by the thoo- tkem to the vay of careful calUrattoa
^xanda. vUd flovers vUl aooa become and fregaeot appUcatlons of Uguld tmt^scarce, and one of tbe richest ebarau tlitoan.
^of the laadacape vlli be kMt.
Otat forgei that July to tha time te
There Is only one plane where the eov <he paasy need to the hotkaia tor
Vinter hloomtoi;. Keep the ■eejltogi
I natural blrth- growlag steadily untU froot. tkta kaap
Iplacn, where. aaUd Us uaUve aamwai- tkesaaht
llngx. Its proper beaatles are itoplayed gar of a I
land aocentualod aoconUng to the ratoe air ta beijiht days, i
I as oM flowara
tamwty way af wwaktog flta hr flotogl}
r a hta of rad rnap- to twhaka taaa
g far hakafl flak to aery gmi
of w tmmstata af c
aa ayrapL Maah tarn 0^1 atogto
tod to w mllsapiiutol ef kman km ta ctanta Mtak ctasat toa. ta wkta to added w cwpfal ef toy
ascloch. .tat taaa umta aw too.
<» «MK| feM ¥m «Mti a
tar M M panpire tontfraaly
fraaly pat
kaihe «ka aM oi taa tat av M
ka ftakad vtok taM d
to nara lo ka aoHMfdad «kaa to
ataoa. If new iktogi are ntattah
tan tka hadp kpa aoalai afL
■aeh as la tka totar oita tka aiialkf to torWakta ap a ML makta tka oM
taaa do Mr boat tor aa.,aai
tap ka kno lov ta raarttoa.
are am amnalaked hg tka taPi m
tkay yield. Ttatog MUa eota
I after aU, aad 1 am agato m
haw hto ova hair kraok §pd anto^ we took ta for ^f lltUe tktags tbe
k BhoaU ka tboraoskto daaaai taMadDcapaW
It to wwtj aaar «o keep ewe's
aaatY vaak or aa la a«na or hot vady tieak wtthawt
tka aid ef fka Mwwdmas. It i
rraeklta ytoli io a tatkm maie of
to any bow this
tha latoa «f oaa lamaa. a ttaape
, tor uvefy gkt. I
tak of pamAtafl Mg aad i
ta.knoewikaBttletrtekefwnaktat tkaae to g katOa aai «a tvlee
Ing them hataeil. to nlito. nwd pneUng
iaily. Aaatbav camblafltlta em
them, while drtpplog wot, flat on her
gf aa oaaee aach ef powtata
aai tomaa lalae aai a Plat ef roa
them dry gad ftaak aad ef Jaat the
tar. Apply tta two or tkraa timas
Otahiay.. . ^
Wriaktoe are prodneai gakkar by
While ta the sabject of little
vyrry. HI aktare aai paar haalth than
ton I mast tall yoa of aaotbar (
byaMata Whlto akla tain am gaai
to kdtaf IP Marata tarn aawka
ptaty of laartai «ai n paaswl tom
IPg B9 Of the aystam to also aeoaaA ealakratad Gera
by keeplag tke dhova atralgkt aai
tkmviag tka arms back aaUl tha
haais tOBch. rapaailng this exercise
memlag aai algbL
Tbe baato of aU baaaty to pmfect
bsalth. Kaap tbe system to guoi or
der aai tbe blood para and thace will
bo lltUa raaaoa to romplato of bad
teaspoon of ammtala added to
foot both of warm water will io mack
mt tired, bumlag feet. Bosk the
feat to this water for IS Bslnates. Dry.
aai while the feeu are warm
motot from the balk, mb over them’ a
tamU guanUty ef vaaeltoe. In the
momtag dost the fed over vhh
ch chalk.
r a slnggtoh liver lemoas foi
the meat btaedcial of adds. Next to
them to point of value stand tomatoua.
Theoe ahoald be eatea freely at
s. Tbe Juice of a lemou agoeexed
Into a glaas of water ought to be drunk
as oftta as possible, but wpedaUy up“ ristag to the mdmlng before any
thing has been put into the stomach.
Warmed Over Meala.
Table Talk gives the following ex
cellent and Otael ways of aervlng
nantp ef roasu and odds aad ends of
cold meats: _
•t Sllcad leaf—Make a brown
gmvy of two Ublespoonfuls of butter
(or dartfled dripping) browned with
two tablespoonfuto of floor, one. pint of
water, stock of gravy, one tabtospooo
ful of tomato oatoop. a few drops of
Worcestershire, aad salt and pepper t
taste. When thick and smooth dmi
to oae side aad lay to it some neaUy
sliced cold beef or muttom. Keep at
the aide of the tr* unUl the mei
thorouglOy hot through: thm arrange
hot platter, pour tke gmvy
and garnish with parsley or triangles
of fried or toasted bread.
Cottage Pie.—Free the meat from
gristle aad too maok fat and pot
through tbe chopper, ffeaswi highly
with chopped onion, ealt and red pep
per. adding. If liked, a few finely cut
oUves or a mtoced green or red pepMototen well with gravy aad pot
to a buttered baking dish. Boil and
mash enough poutoes (or use cold
ed ones beaten up with a little
srarm milk) .to make a thick cover
over the meat Dot the top with but
ter aad bake la a Ita ovta.
Gapped Keah—Mince tke meat aad
mata urm; If tke gaanttty to scant
■eke It out vl&h a portion of brend
crumby uqlag bread which to only a
few days pkL tar aach capful boat an
egg. add a apoonfel of gravy or milk
and one teaapooaful of meltad ^nUer.
and mix ft with the maut Batter the
regutolte number af-eapa. pack the
to it ataad In a paa partly flUed
with hot water and hake to a hot oven
tor twenty atantee. Serve with a to
mato or brown eaaoe.
Meat aad Maoaroal—Cat the meat
to aaial). neat dkw. tar a pliit break
ooe capfal of maearagl aai hoU to
salted wate* until tender, then drain.
Prepare a plat ef tomato aaoce. tom
into the i^eat aad maoaronL and imv
to the side of the flra tor flftota mtoutea or natll tbe meet' to very hot
through. Serve oo tonal.
Meet Tarrapto.—Cat into half Inch
dies aafltoltat cold meat to meoaafa
henpinf pliit. Hard boU throe
. Brown one htaplng tahleapotafal of bettor, afli two aotat tAbItapooafato of floor and browu again. Add one
oaplai and a quarter of water or stock
aad aUr uattl owoth end thick. Aid
mat and atmmer for ten adnatoa.
Stir to tka eggs coaraely chopped, one
tablespooafal of akeny. owe tahleapooaful of Ttostar. and take toom tke
Are. Qeratoh with oUves aad aUeaa
empoch awd to give It k tta ftamr.*
to very koi weatar waikteg to tata
daak af powdered thyme. UTboa aO to
fknwagklr mtoad mmera fmm ta
fl>a awd adr to bb egg. I do aot cam
the amktoS awd uarrtog of thOM tor asolat statota bm V yao want it
Mugs aeeme a great tank to wmBy M way yoa mar add agpmnar
iBBBckBBpata wkta raBMy h to mamip tol af mack, milk or waier.
AH am aartoaBr tovliad te tatauta
Ml ta ta evoBtoc gOWB BBd WMba
imlt lamoBiii. Bot ptoawatf tor. to emd or batwod. do aot aaraach \t wfih
rlca. M;flt a. m.
aaBoyiag. bat wkaa ta a ktotfe or any bard sukstaae* which
Baaday ocM ai U m.
Morto toagas. C;M m m.
vfU break ta eMmci. Pill tbe eaueeflwU to prepamd U I
Mwtog aervfca at 7;ifl p. us,
paa with water ata place oa ta
matter of addteg water.
TMday ataatof
A tabtoupoouful af saleoda at
As I writ# 1 pictameoa ef ta mis i
I have i ^
taart of water. Let ta paa
A cordial wetBome te taaa ■arvleta
Miserable where they mtat *»Ma on the beck of tbe stove tor
have beea dettgbtful. A hot. uatldy i taarty a day. Tbe acaiu wlU dtoapscranda. ham save for chalru and pao-! taor Immediately upon betog rubbed
fltotot hear. t;M a. m.
At five to the aftemooa. Just be* doth, aad ta hoc soda-water
Moraiag wortala 1*:M a. m.
torn tbe men come home, tbe howar^ | ^ be bottled awd need some other
Suaday acbool at 11:M m.
ffomaa’s Pbrm Magaztoc
want to^aaa a ytaag glri friand tba keeper aright bare started ta egtay
toteimadtota bdaavor. 5:dS p, m.
Saalor ■adaavor. <:1S p. m.
Otar eventa kafl ftmad bar basSy aw- from ta hose, vltbout cost; Bba might!
_ y _
--------•matog oanrtoa. 7:» p. m.
gflgad vaaM eotrieh toatkers! Tea, bare spread a mg on the floor. wHh-' ^
Paateoaatal prayar mmOmg, Taartgff
from the I
®*Alie add to remortog
sraaklag to the sroed: tepid water and oat cost; brought a
U ...b . rtlt.
I ar«i^MlcMrTk..Tk«.«w*W
all ,«boo. «•: ;
« tb.
ta b.and when I saw tha Wbb
^anior Badaavor Saturday. S:lfl %
poor tantharu gat nbaotataly Ump nad
plant and a pitcher with ttok-; Jarions to rmtous kinds of amtartols.! f’**
thin. I smiled, slyly, aad mentally de- Hag ice water and glasses tkesaba. to aomo cases H has me toed
------and to
• wortorip with aa arw
cUtod tat was the last ef them
I awd ta poor.*
bta o«l«« cod «l4ctaM.Uta COM
oe wpaklagaad
lor <bc
CM» .oweta
lag over and over agau antil all t
M tkb bub lood. lb. tkmtm Cca«l
*»4 bUo—
“Or d.«>l horn. It
or mU had dtoappeamd. Thaw owe by .>dlbcubl.u.ll,m. Utatoiw!" "ry
Oaaa mesclag, »:30 a. aa
picked op the -sUnky. Ibbtiubt. tatacblc bc^.
Moratog ssrrlee. 10:JU a. m.
tklng things aad began furuiture and poverty
Sowday school at aooa.
shaking them TloltaUy with her hands, for diacomfort.
Bpwonh toagm. <;1K p. m.
Bvcaiag service. 7:30 p. m.
la a very few mtoates 1 saw a transJunior league Thursday at 4 :flfl p. m.
aad to toes Uase than tt
Prayer meetteg Thursday avealag at
takes to taU the feather was beaatlfuUy frmh. mom fluffy than ever aad
boshas or a vine a partlci
ruady for earllag. Lou of things nsay
be vaahad by owaaotf. and so many a fine spadmea of flower which ta garwishes could be kept forever. It
paaay fonad fw aomathlag eUe toto Impossible, however, to preserve It
atead of gotog ta the daaaar.
A aovel field for a woman to be en
Lpcaa. tor exampla. If aoaked for to lu aaturml state, and probably tbe gaged to as a bustoess to that of a pro
best thing to to crystalltoe It.
ime time to soapsads aad a little am
cess server, aad the dtottoctloa of
mtato. then aqueoed (not rubbed) un
betog the only womaa to that Hoc betil daan. rinsed and pinned down oo way: Pnt eighteen ounces of alum loags to Mrs Harriet A. Osrr of New
brova paper either on tbe bed or on toio a quart of water, aad dtoadve it York city. Mrs. Carr Is a aatlve of
the flom will look like new when dry. by letting U simmer genUy to n cloae- New York state, was bom oo Long
Chiffoa veils may be treated likewise: tianed vessel over a moderate fire, Island, but grew up at Fordbam. WaalI know from experieace. as I did mine stirrtog it fregnenUy with a wooden cbeatcr county. She comes of good
Evangslical ChsrcK
. R-ben ta sotutloa Is ready,
Cor. Ninth and Wadsworth BtrastoL
Umea toot sammer. as veU as a
RcrotatJaBary stock from both parRev. R. N. Hotoapto. Pastor.
lace scarf 1 eftea wear aboat my poor It toto a deep glazed Jar. aad aa enU. and Is a woman of unusu..:
10^00 a. m.. BMmtog class maeeiag
>ls the subject Intended to be
ahoalderu.—New Men Magazine.
10:30 a. m.. morning worship aershrewdneaa and courage, of excellent
crystallized shoold be suspended to It
address aad fine physiqiie.
12:00. Sunday sehooL
piece of thread from a stick told
Her adoption of her present .bastocas
3:30 p. m. Junior Y. P. A.
It is not alwsys those who are able scrocu the mouth of tbe Jar. where It sras tbe result of circumstaaces and
C:30 p, m.. Settlor V. P. A.
to leave home aad drop work and re- must be allowed to reoialo for twenty- chance. She was married to a wealthy
7:30. eventog gospel servlea.
BponslbllUy during the hot weather,
wholesale butcher of »cst side. New
vho have the greatest deUghis. There lution it must be bung up In a
compenaaUoos. aad many of them, cool place until perfectly dry. Take legislation at Albany and It became | evening,
for the “stay at homes.- Not least care that the solution to not t
necessary for her to help. She was at
all riaaeea welooma.
among these, at the close of a well nor yet quite cold, as in one a
U.e Ml.. „ .«!„ Club
crystals should be very small, and In
done day’s work, is a vine
church singer, but singing did not
L. Kequa. Pastor,
plaxza. a cool breeze, following the set the other much too large. The daisy, prove suflicteatly remunerative and
Sunday sschool. #:45 a. m. C J. Hal^
ting sqn. and last but not least, pknty hyacinth, pink, furze blossom and she began colecting bills and following Supt.
comfortable cushlops to tuck
certain tines of detective aork. In this
against the hard back of the chair, or subjects for costalllzation. Pay at she was qnlte snccessful. working for
Senior Endeavor, «:15 p. u.
throv down for an easy, restful seat tention to the alum as It deposlu.
several of the largest dry goods aad
Gospel meeting. 7:30 p. m.
see that It does not settle In greater
Prayer meeting. Thursday. 7:1* p. m.
on the steiw.
grocery stores and law firms to ta
AU are r---------Many go without these minor lux goantities on some parts than on oth-
I-‘ 'I
uries. aad lose half the comfort of Ule.
because of a mtouken idea that luxury
and expense go hand in hand. Here
few hints, picked up from va
rious sources, which, if carried out by
the nlmblc-flngered boys and girts, will
transform the uncomfortable and- bare
piazza Into. If not a thing of beauty, at
least a Joy forever, to their tired
Paper tom in narrow strips makes
an exoellesit filling for summer pillows.
This Is a good time to gather clover
bUssoms for filling pillow covers.
Blue Is a color to suauner fnmlsblags that to very restfal to people who
am nervous aad IrrUahlc.
The bandanna handkerchiefs In red
and blue with ruflles of plain color arc
not to.de despised ss pillow covers.
Have at least one Dutch pillow.
Theoe come in cotton srith quaint
Dutch children printed on. and with a
turkey red ototon ruflie make s bright
spot among other covers.
Matting remnaau e
now lor a few ceau aad these
cod and practical plltows for the ham
mock or porch. Of course ooe must
get the fine ghaUty which to very
pUahlc. Make a cotton plUow aad fill
with ettrled hair, moss or,hay. Pot
ro aqoareu of matting and lay
over this and hind all around with oottea tape or plain bright eotton cloth.
Those who am fortuaate enough to
m near a swamp wUl And tat dried
eat-talto rival ta highest priced gooea
down for porch aad aoCa plUowa.
flwaat fam laavm- from ta boshes
hkk cover ta hatAtohetvy plains of
Bortkem Mtohlgan. it aslxed with hay
cot to short lengths of taro or three
tochaa. am gutta as dallghttal and
mom nnasoal than ta ever popular
^lae aeedlsB. •
Ou hot amwmar evealagB #haa the
ea am at home aad exhausted tram
their day's work to ta heat.' driakr
Bsade from traits and miaerml waters
am wot awly a rafrashtog tontry. but
bealth-glviag deUcactos. To draaa ta
trarwato arkh a mg aad chairs, anas
caSkloas. a Jar of tarns or leavaa aad
pemek bowl to to have aa erewtog
af aolid eoaM lor aaigkhors awd
Canning Psaa.
Select peas that are young and
fresh. Wash and scald them: pack
them Into the Jars; adjust the rob
bers. Pill the Jars with cold water;
place them to a wasbboiler. in the
boiam of which has been placed
a rack, and surround them with cold
water. Put ta lids loosely on tbe Jan.
cover the boiler and let the water boll
continuously for three hours. Lift
each jar carefully; adjust the lid with
out removing U. fastening down,taano
reptoce It quickly In he boiler, continu
ing until all lids have been adjusted.
(Jover the boiler and^ allow the water
to remain at boiling point for'thirty
minutes. Uft tbe Jars, and when cool
examine and see that all tops are firm
ly AzeA
Summar Meata.
with ta summer season comes the
traveling meat market with iU In
variably tough meat from the two-yearold (?) stock.
When boiling add one tahleapoonful
of sthong vinegar to four or five
pounds of meat, and you will then
have tgwder beef. It doea aot alter tbe
flavor to the least.
After dinner, put the remainder of
ta beef back In the kettle of soup un
til eold. and It will then be much
more Jnicy aad sweet to slice cold.
If yoa have steak to cook, drop a
tew dropa of vinegar upon ta slioee
before pouadtog, aad your steak will
be vary much more tender. Please
try it. for tough steak to ao dlsagreeahla to as^Mte.—Kzchaage.
A Handy Hint.
Oae woama known to the wrlier al
ways praeewto a most smart aad aeat
appaaraaec. aad flaally ta secret was
oat; above her drseatog table kaags
a smaU caakiow. awd to thto to always
a aea^ flUad with white thread aad
aaothcr flltod with black silk; aay sort
of rewi or aUahap Is repaired at oaee.
mg are aewed oa, as weH as
hooka aad ayes, aad hrokea threads
la dfapatitoh atocklagi are repaired at
. aad la thto way a laaUy topy
aa to always able to apgaar seat
Preaching at 213 E.
X 1:30 p. m. Rev. C. MUiei
First Frssbytcrian Church.
Cor. Washington nnd Park streeta.
Rev. L B. Btosell. Pastor.
Momtog service. 10:30 a. m.
Bible school at nooa.
Christina Endeavor. 0:30 p. m.
Evening service. 7:30 p. m.
W. M. 8^ first Wednesday te ta
nesdays to the month ai
Prayer meeting Thn
hursday «vcal^
at 7:30. Ssau free.
AU are welcome to aU ta sarvloaa.
Fourtssfith Street M. E. CtoKBil. *
Rev. J. W. MUler. Pastor.
Claas meeting. 9:4S a. m.
Preachlag service. 10:90 a.
Sunday school at 12:00 an
Epworth league at C:30 p. m./
Evening sermon. 7:10 p. bl
Prayw meattog. Thursday avaalBff
at 7:3AH
a delinqueat debtor of long stand;. She was snccassful from the bo
ning. Only dilflcolt cases were
given her aad ahe received a larger
compensation than the ordinary protu server.
Fbr a woman to be soccasaful In thto
business caUed forth aU Ue wUes and
canning of a serpent wiU datermtoaUon. alertness and an Infinite veraatilHer occupation hriags her tolo
eoBtort with aU claaaes of pypls.
from the richest artotocratz of society
down to the worst frequenters of dives
aad saloaos, nor to ta toaguage and
discourtesy of Ue saloon keeper aay
worse or tosultiag often times tt»Mi
le vitapacaUoB of ta Irate aoetoty
atron or ta dude.
She has thu become known aaMog
1 daaaes and to aadoobtedly <»e of
ta most dtaaded women to New York.
Her raaoarceital trteka aad eabterf ages
ta sate an amUence wtU laacceaalhto
toBta are origtoaL AayUlag tram a
swaet love note tfi a daeoy telegram
are eamtoyad te gain acceas to people;
shrewd lawyers do aot^aaspact
M thia fMl draaaad. flne appeartog
aa has a coort writ saamaoaa
Chrtotiaa Setonea.
Sunday momiag srrrloe to Modern
Woodman hall over postomoe.
meeting at 7:30.
, No.
T afte
iunday) from i
^St^rrmneto tarch, comer Oaas and
Veepers. 7:30 p. m.
Lentea devotions. Wednesday aad
Friday ercatogi. 7:30.
.Ladlee- LIbrmty baOdtog. Frorf
etreec. near Cass.
Ca^ and Mrs. MansaU to aharsA
PnbUc meetiags avarr atoht axeta
Moatoy Bight.
Sunday. 11 a bu Hollaagi maMtos
3:Sfl p. au Chriattoali pintoa macb
p m., a red hot flalvaUoa auab
IffOor aUadard, **Battaam Data ta
Oar BdUlaCry. ^Mtonan, tan la
Mvadoa for Ton.'
win te worUi
liatt—krl Ofkb* lacrtlML K»a«MB «f a»y—II Covt JaMJae tsar*'
tea or )fte Vcrk. to atec fcto ««» te
Bitatench. MM.
taeoa*. vliSA he »▼» «te proaM
hfa befaiv h« aarrM te' la LMpa.
teft.22.IMa. He aajr* ate Mted hla
to auTT her, ttet te im refoMd ate
tliaa Maaatad u>. taeaae her bae
ate vaa to poor tealth. Hto wife waa
tertfc tUmvmh. a Keataeky baaoty.
viKi aarrtod Raataald Ward, emtt
"copper Wnl- a."d dlrortod hUa to
Mar, IMS.
Oaa avaatof anca tte >«»« ktoa
at Sfala waa tte raai of Ktoa Bd
ward to Bucktoctea patoee AMteao
Iboofht thlBca aaonax rather atoarlrWith the new of llreotof ap tte apirIta of blaraelf and bU fellow gaeata
Us to^te majeatr proceeded to turn
flMlaiM dowB a corridor, to the tm
BMttae dedight of evetyone praaaai
After tte laughter bad aabaidad AlfoMO Juadted btinaelf bj qaoitog tte
optoloa of Horace: “Dulce aet dealpere to looo," arblcb te trauatoled Ibu*
liberallr: **U l» dcllgbifnl to plaj tte
fool at a ifttog time."
Jake <>>ok. t»-e New York aaoakey
tratoer. lebo died a victim of the heat,
wai Terr food of bla famous cblmpuaxees. "Mr. Growler" aud "KiiUe
Crowlef** "Mr. Crowle)T woald sit
at the table with Cook, arrange bis
napkin, carve the viands with his
knife, use bis fork properlr. drink
from e glass, and st tbe end of the
meal dink glasses« with Jake In e
toast. "Mr. Growler" has a large
wardrobe and dresses himself wUh as
great ease as anr man. When cither
"Mr. Growler" of "Klitr" was sick.
Cook would spend the entire night
sleeping br Us cage with an alarm
clock to rouse him hourly. AH' the
delicacies obtainable be would give
the patient with lu .medicine. * Or
anges. broth, eggs, port wine, milk
puntdiM. champagne—nothing was too
good. Kitty used to cry when Cook
left her. She was exacting and de
manded much of his lime. Once he
forgot to saiN "Good-bye, Kitty." as
was his custom, and she grablted .hU
band and bit it to the bone. Cook
did not believe In the Gamer theory
of a nionker Isnauage "While there
Is no truth In the Gamer theory of an
elaborate monkey language." he mdid
once, "rvt they have a chattering code
by which they communicsie to
another. I myself ran tindorstand
part of. it. I can recognize, for Inaianee. their expressions of Joy. sor
row, anger, despair, jealousy, envy and
other ordinal-)’ emotlona I cat
when they are chattering a m-elrome:
1 can toll when tb«-y are railing t
coiur bark, and I esn tell wht-n they
are exprossing gratitude (or relief
from pain."
The gallows were cheated In Si.
rani Wednesday br Edward Oott
schalk. The state meant to hang him
Aug. 8. but he hanged himself In his
cell when his guard left him alone for
10 minftes. Gnitsrhslk killed Joseph
Hartmann, who was his companion In
the brutal mirdcr of Christian Schinb’ddecker. a butcher. In an effort
destroy any testimony that flaiimann
might give against him.
Mme. Patti s Welsh castle. Craig
) -nds. Is again offered (or sale. With
the improvements made by the prima
donna. It It worth about |2.%0.(Msi.
Mlth the theater at one end and the
pavilion and winter garden at the
other, it ahows a frontage of fully
tbonsand feet along the terractyl
banka of the Rover Tawe. and no roy
al palace Is m<»re Inxuiianily appoint
ed or handsomely decorated within.
Mrs. Anna Marla Brin, a South Af
rican princeas. Is dead to Camden. N.
J. Her mother, bora in Virginia, went
to Sierra ixone many years ago and
was wooed and won by King Noonan
Shortly after the birth of Princess
Anna an insurreotion made matters
uuaafe in King Noonan's realm and he
aent his wife and daughter to Amer
ica. Princeas Anna made a promise to
marry no man unless k native of
Sierra Leone. Her huahand. Richard
Brin came from the far away king
Ktug Edward is tte oheaer of a raU
Mete Of dmnat prtcelass guM plate,
tte afeamaiatnff tmsrrt of apeeanetva sorwwigmiaa It Is saorad to Windsor ensde; bnt It is hrenght to LonMn
on tte nnmsini of a coot sntactalnrthtfty^eigM yearw
menL Tteee treasures are equaled
aaOde eemh «f Haata Bartauu, ate oaky by Umaa of the winter palnoe Ic
Pnatemt Franktlu Plene appMte 81. FManbufg.
Albert J. WfUtoms to be tte keeper,
lu iSSil. near the doer «f tte (ivfl war.
Tte PCU ttet act as a tonic, and not
Mrs. WUlisms was appolirted keeper te ns n drastic pvae. Are Dewitt's little
saceeed ter hnsiaiDd. who ted dteS. Barly Htoera. They cure Heahache.
ffte luis ted tte lengeet service of any Ontnrtlpation. Bmoosness. etc. Barty
keeper on tte eoast.
Rlsflrs are aasaB. eagy to take and
Bodeni titled EngUMrwomen easy to act—a safe pm. Mack HamUthe Inutews of Portland stands almost ton. hotel derfc at Valley Oty, N. Dl.
akttte as keeping apert from tte ten says: -Two hottlea of theae Famous
don "smart art." Her tastes iva to Uttle PiOs enred me of chronic eonpfans
inantfaropy. and ate tes worked oo stinadon." Good fnr either children
or adulta. Bold br all dealers.
fUHhfnllr at
p that she Is
knoarn far i
“The Go
ckerry IPectoral.
Cmvliiiit. ooafhiBf, dty aher
dgy, tetrs tbe chroatttnd hmfs.
Heakby tissaesf|veBtT*Too tre
BL Ask yoar doctor arhYOba^
Mrs. Itorwelt. wife of the late Gen
eral Cterles BarweR. C. B.. wim. was
buried at Harrow, to Engtoud. the oth
er day. was with her huslnud in tte
Indian mutiny, sud was the last W>
ver of the Ul-fated Lnckimw gsrrt-
BigjMfft talc ever known. Don’t miM it C5ome and
aatiafy yoiua^ This coonncNia atodi ahall bci aold a^
5$e BB B MIbt for the balance of the Bodth. Bernnanta from Ic np a rolL CJome and select your patterat while ym havd > good nelection. If you can’t
use it now, it wiU oomc handy next spring . . . •
Thras Good and Just Rsaaena.
There are thrao reasons why mothim nrefeir One Minnte Cnmtb C
Irst, it Is absolutely harmless; e
nd. It
" S;
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
I by all dealers.
Dr. Washington Gladden—who has
ao vlgoroualy acored the dioreh for iU j
acceptance of "tatoiod" money—and
John D. Rockefeller were country
boya together Ur Tioga oonnty. New
York, attended .adjototag district
schools, and frequently met to rival
spelling bees.
A Smooth Arlicis.
When you find It necessary to use
salve use Dewttt's tntrh Hazel Salve.
U Is the purest, and l>c*st for Bores.
The Only Way to Cure.
To cure a cold when you have no
cough—to cure n cough when you have
no cold—^to cure yourself when you
have both—take Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. The new Idea, the
Original Laxativa Cough Syrup. It
contains no opiatea and is beat for
cougha. colds. Croup, whooping cough,
ete. ineasant to the tasto and equalIr cood for ehtlH or adnlt. Remember
the name. "KennedyV, and set? that
the red clover blnssom and the honey
l>ee is on the bottle. Kenuedy's I.Axatlve Honey and Tar is the orglnal
laxative Cough 8>-nip.
Take no
other. Sold by all dealers.
Pere Marquette
Niagara Palls, Alexander Bay, Toronto
4 and Mnntresl.
6l>ecial low rate excursion to above
polnu via the Pore Marquette and,
MUhlgan Central railroads, or via De
troit A Buffalo Bleamer Detruil to Buf
falo on Thnrsilay. Augnsl 3rd. IMS.
Ask agents for rates and particulars
of trains. e<c.
II. F. Moeller.
General I'assenger Agent.
Muakegon, Grand Raplda-^ate 12.00.
Sunday. July 23.
Train will leave Traverse CUy at
«:30 a. m. Sec poaters. or ask agents
for particulars H. F. Moeller. G. P. A.
"teotty." tte miner a^dthrift. is ytm ora no* mtiMsd with iMto.
*mM to teve hired Ftederlck B. TrieThb is our iMomtoa wbkb gnm with
awry bottfs.
bel. a New Yoik amlptor. to make
portrait bust of himself out of pore
Fte tela Mil
gold Uk«n from Sootty's Dufftb Valtoy
THB hAnnah mtua BTom.
Let oi vitalize an idea
for you.'
Boardman River
Hcctric Lifbt
& Power Co.
Lwlie G. Sloonm’s $10,000
MotiBg Picinre Mcsical
I Load aud Loan Co. K.
Hamilton A Mllllken I
OR. F. HOLOtWORTH— Spedai a^
temloQ to diseases of the aye. ear,
noM and thyoaL
Glasses flUed.
Roomi 7 and r “
bldg. Telephones, oifice 103; realdence 104.
r. W. THIRLBY, Dentist. Orer'llan
num A Earl's jewelry store. Both
phones 103.
I to of
fices over nrst National bank. CIUsens phone S8S.
OR. F. P. LAWTON—Office rtxim. re
moved to new Munson block, next
door to Dr. Higgins' oifice.
Try • "Fill to-night."
For Sal* br all Drvgclata
lO Ottt and 88 Gent BexM
AficcPT MO sutsnma
OR. E. L. THIRLBY—Special atlenUon to disesses of children. Room
409 Stale bank bldg. Both phones.
HARRY B. HARNER—Expert piano
tuner and action regulator. Satis
faction guaranteed. With Kimball
Music House. dU. phone 2C4.
tist, 301-2-3 New Wilhelm block.
Traverse Olty. Mich. CUx. phone 148.
Graduate <
Bay Steamers
iiiiL-iin luocj^,
CUy, Mich. CUIXODB phono 105.
la. m.: II:C
0:SO 0. m.
Leave 11:00 a. m.: 4:20 p. m.
Lodtoa, *yo« nan yem^ on IK »pnte
plo on IL but It will come up omBInff
•vory Mma.” Caiman's ElaMlo Ftoor
VarnWb «. C. WaH A Boim, Tmvorao
Leave 8:30a.m.
Leave 8:30 a. m.
teops^lmr l»riomm
ISO, SSo, 3So
Seat sale open tomorrow
One Gala Week of Pleasure
n^ul Sh^^;^8
i East Front SueeL
Tohl in oriirinal coK*re<l mov
ing' picturt«.illustraied eoniirs.
eon*; ixim*t‘ptioii8, electrical
anti other effi'cls, ooniplcU* in
every detail, eeli|»sin*; any
thing; in this lino ever given
in lliis eity.
10 r
waitl off BWliBRlii, to NbMMm.
Brtbb BihUy, Urn ate Kite
— I GAI-I. PrOiB mJkC GAkOK—
MW State Baak BaildLag.
OR. W. E.. MOON—Phonea. oIBcs,
CIU., 107: Bell. 99. Residence. 710
Washington sireeL CUx. phobe 21C;
Bell. 99.
tejnber the Old Reliable line that is always on
specialty. 1 ^ake all trains
time. Hack orders a speci
with hack.
In Liver>' 1 can furnish you
I can furnish yon any kind of carriage you want.
1 have five hacks and three 3-seatcd carriages in stock,
also a nice line two-seated carriages, traps and single
i call when in need of :
buggies. Kindly give
thing in this line.
to eye. ear. nose and throaL Giaasea
fitted. Both phones. Residence 519
Sixth StrecL
B. J. Morsan
TM 6. B. Taylw Coal Co.
Yn Art Rit FMnag Weil,
are ao near at hand, they wiD
tmild you up, keep you well and
at aty Book Store.
Leave 8:30 a- m.
Fare Xi*-ah-tii-wanta ami
Ik)wcrs Ilurlior 2-'« rouml
trip; Oin ?na, Northiiort ami
Northporl I’oint, oOc roiuitl
OAMdEUTaWtUMlmBldc. 9 a ». to IS
1 to A n. a. T to 9 etmOrnge. gsdamM M
WjrnkMp fUL CtttaMMPboMdiT.
tmu. MSMANeE
Hem inihote Bloe^ ttemM
a F. OARvu A mmx
Tbo^ Eloctric^onntmn: Traimxl Animal Show: E!cctric
iti^rThe\l%at Tr^in
Ewer’s Wn^Wes^
Indlgaatlen Curad.
Them Is no'case of Indigestion. Dys
pepsia or Stomach Trouble that will
not yield to the dlgaaUvc aud dlrengthenlng Influence of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. .This remedy takes the strain'
off the stomach by digesting what you
eat and allowing It to rest until It
grows strong ngain. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure affords quick and permanent re
lief fbom Indigestion and all stomach
troubles, butld np the system and so
purifies that blsease yan not attack
and gain a foothold as when in a weak
ened condition. Bold by all dealem.
Forty little skunks ran amuck
among Mo Cornell Summer School A lot of boys’ and chndren’s abort
panU In cotton and linen.......... 19c
students near the nnlverstty dormi
tory. W’omen shrieked and held their A lot Unen pants both white and
tan ..................................................28c
dresaaa high for ahcHer. doors and
Hamnton Clothing Co.
windows were dosed to shut out
awful stench, and coasterustioo
high until n number, of studenu
sought'' shovels and atones and pro
ceeded In a systematic manner
llghl off the pesta. The skunks bent
n retreat to the celtor of a vacant
building nfler six hgd tioen killed.
A requiem mass waa aald te the City
of Mexico n few days ago for Btoperor Maalmllton. who was shot to
death n yean ngo.
Ooa A. Congmaa. the defaulting
cashier of the defunct Vigo County
Und.) 'National bank, arrested on a
charge of embexxlemeat. to aald to
have aquandered 9MO.MO In Terre
Haute gambUng^rooma and at nearby
J55^_bean naiog, yoaH
afeotrieikf* not oeh for aeomomie rBaaopa,bnt tor maanri
of utility and ganenl adapta
iB Pffrfect CmiiitioB
Sold by all dealers.
"Sootiy." the Death Valley miner,
aoourding to Chicago newspai>ormen.
Is only n clever fakl*- hired by the
Santa Pc railroad to attract attcntlou
to the road and impress on tBe U. 8.
government what I? could do In the
matter of time between CMcago and
the Pacific coast. The Impression
was produced all right and will bo a
trump card of the Santa Pc when the
rich mall contracts^re lot.
OMno m. Mow-wntete btodK. a
: 4S^:
osditf atr and 1
lUlate. warn.^
i. W. JgMgB. AasBS
TnUal«.T«-i Tram. City.
a m.,__
IkltorN OnWIMMly
u* , —
J. D. PILMORE. Manager.
E. C, EWER. Bacretary and Treasurer.
Bose-A Lemon Globing the Globe: The Great Aomann. King of Bag Ponchers; Fuasneir
Brag’. Trick House; Burhrick Bros'. Musical Act; Meredith Trio Flj-ing Trapexe; Austen, the
KingofSlack Wire Walkers. Excorstoa Rtto mi tU RtUrtais as4 StCEMbott Uses. ■
E a sbwzxt Ml oon^^
For ynnr nllko woelwi and •venlno
gowiia, atoo ahirt watot anHa call upon
Mrw C. 1. Rtog, modte t20 RwR
July IMt*
OronoBimnand I
rEahawArs mwue
•ady of RnhiWr^ First AdHshwl Al•0MB THROWN AT ^OUSH CHIEF
Meat Haase.
ay Wire to tha ■vaakac Baeord.
NoHWk. Va. July M —TW |Ti
Biataa cralaar Brooklya hadHng ikm
body of John Paul Joaca. tha Erst adalfsl of tha Aawrieaa aavr. which
has arrlyad from Praaoe, paaaad Vir
ginia caps today aa routs to Aasapo- WEAPON WAS THROSTN INTO A
B. Pnrkor, ax^temoemlc prealdimttel
Hall, ware raacnad
day. Both had a I
vmm mm warn ROMB
enown OF PEOPLE.
Marlnw OuhnUat the Kalpiiio Worto
• Hear Bt FoMiuSwri Rsplaoad by
CiUMrtti aa FM to MwUny
Waa Btecovn^
By Wire to the Bvanlag Baoord.
Blalystoak. Poland, July IL-Threa
FIFTYFIVF WOUNtNCO IN BENparsons ware ktllad by tha agplosioo
of a bomb thrown at Chief of Police
%V««dW M»fi Says Hs CsMSt Tsii
Plateakta bare last aight aad ihlrtaaa
oUers. taclodtng the chief and his son.
Hsw AmMmR Oocttirsi Dirt Thd
srara tnfirud. Tha bomb waa thrown
Hs was Faeltnt Wltii ths
whOa tba police ogtetal was mingling
G4N»~WaMiiS Is EaS Om
STARKWEATHER WAE SERI with a crowd of petqde.
StA Nat FaUU ^
Marinaa Ware ta Mutiny.
8L Pacamburg. July 22.—Orders
•paelAl to tSa Bvanlai fUeord.
have haan lanuad to the Ooasacks to
DMTOlt, Mkrli.. July n -Uoat. RoAdmiral MeCalla Hat Bapun an Invaa- raplaaa tha mariuaa srho have beau
Uad W. Boadiuiii of Ccnapaiiy K, First
tlpatlen—Shlp Raaamblad
guarding tha Kolpino works, outside
tafsatry U. s.
U In a guardad room
8L Petarsburg. This change . has
Charnel Hawse ■ Story
Ftart Wayaa vith a bollat wonod
bean made owing to the discovery of
thrmisk kla laft laag. Hs says It was
af Dtoaatar.
n plot on the part of the marines to
aa aoddaiU wMeh bappanad white he
was cteaaliis a rerolvar In hte room By. Wire to tha Brpulag Record.
San Ftanciseo. July 2J.—At Mare
teland navy yard this morning U was
stated that the praeeot casualty list
In the gimbnat Bennington disaster Is
lorty-ona dead, nine of the victims
balag tanldaaUSad at that time. The
list of wounded
M9Q of whoi
known man, arc In a serious oocdltlon.
No Michigan man ware in tha aociI k
Mlflllnsvlllc. Mkh..
who wna aarloosly wounded.
Tha number of mlsaing Is placad at
between twenty and twanty-Bva. Rear
Admiral MqOnlla baa begun an invaatlgatlon.
The BUN7 la tha foi
tlgntlon. ftii noon the number of dahd
does not •term with the news received wns pinoed nt flfiy-Bve.
hy raUHlvan IrHw oRjr yesterday. To
IDoatlnued on Third Page.)
them It was sUtad that be was Injurad while In regular drill at target
jimetlaa Ibe aftarhoon before. The
jnasMgs farther aUtad that a ball f*ntatwd his shoulder Just below iba col Report Cams to This City That Bayne
City Man Built Fire Under Tree
lar bona, comlag out st the bark.
and Wm Burned Up.
Word was rec<4ved today that he was
resting easy aa no arteries were
It was reported In this city this
aavarad or bonee broken.
Mr. BdUghtoo la a resident of this afu>rnoou that a terrible accident had
taken place at Boyne City. A lium.
i unknown. Is said to have driven,
I about two years ago, joining
Ibe First Michigan reglnu-nt statUmed through the town ahd a short distance
at Ft, Wayne. Detroit. Mis wife, for- out tied his bursts to a tree. He put
marly Miss Katheiine Moore of. this some hay on the ground, built a Are
the tree and went to sleep. ‘ In
city. Is wUh btan and her mother, Mrs.
the night the tree burned down and
Jamas Moore laavlag this morning
10 him. his body tielng eoosumad.
tha early train to Join them. The regTelephouc meaangea to Boyne City
' Imeat is under orders to enter
PhlllpplBa service In November and and Boyne Falla failed to aubsUntlate
Mr. and Mrs. Boughton will go with the stor>-.
Ua ragUnant.
^UT THIRTY Lives were
IN the explosion.
Than most lootw^ find
finsver the impose jnsl as
wall Ibr light wear. Nearly
every boy and girl wanta a
pair to slip on to play in.
They come in black or white
Some Good Late Copyright
Books Are....
'^tauSat Trescott." by & Wifl Mitchdl;
“Little Burr,’* by Charies Felton Pid^; “Ty
ranny of the Dark,” by Hamlin Garland;
“The Marriage of Wm. Ashe,** by Gertrude '
Atherton, lliese and a host of others at the
TIm BfibBfft fflpBSF,.>FBpA
SOo *to 7So
ksep you cool aad property drssisd
for ths bklaaos of the sommsr.
Genuine Indian
Pellea Balteva That the Bomb Outrape Was th« RaauH af a -Plat
Concalvad and Exaewtad
by Armanlans.
Widay. Hte tirothar oaears are rsti^ coat on tha sofatfaet.
Ha want up to bis rooai la the bufldfr tag to paapars for dinoar and shortly
aftarward tba guaaU heard a pistol
shot aad tha aooad of a body falliasThe wovadad naan could not toll ex•
actly how tha aocldant happanad. Ha
l^pald hs was foollna with a gun, Tha
I uroaad Is a bad one but not fatal. It Is
§ Ihonght.
fUautaaant Boughton cank from
’jmtrarsa Clfr. Mteh. gradnailna from
IV yfmi Point thraa years ago. He has
ii ■ haaa nsarHad sliitsa than. Ha U STary
I )iopalar at Phn Wayna
Hs aad His Soa Bath Had Vary Nor^
For the youngstera. made of
a light leather, tanned cxpreaaly for this pnrpuee and
made the real Indian style.
Special price
By Wire to the' Bventng Record.
CoostantlDople. Julv M—At least
thirty parsons wer^ killed by the*ck
plosion of a bomb w '.ich sn assassin
onsuccessfe<;>- direeicd st the sultan
of Turkey ye»t«v-dsy. EctlnuUes of
wounded vary from fifteen to
forty. The bomb
the largest ever
used for such panswes. The ymllce
bellero the bo.v.b tbroseg sac the
result of an Anneolaa pIoL
If you doubt this, Step to and
kMk St ths prims placed on our
Ught weight Cheviot, Wuialsd mmd
lIooMopun Suite—Just ths stth lor
lamiMRS KutoekdlteytSSJ^
! Outing $bfie$
We have many styles of Wotuen’s
Footwear in good variety that you'l
j»ot find til every Shoe Store.
Rsfsrse Gave Mink Favorabis DseJslen as It Was Their First
Osms—Larps Crowd.
A large and approciaUre crowd wltnesasd the defeat of the Muskrats by
the Mink fu n highly exciUng
water ppto last evening.
The first half waa fast from start to
finish and the Soil wna kept nearly in
the middle of the field unUl the last
few aeconda of play when Kraiochvll
carried the ball over the®line and
scored Mr the Mink. The ball was
again throsrn Into the water and by
excellriJl work Smitlu Roseoe and
Kyselka worked the ball to the Mink’s
goal but tke deTeuders bore down upon
them and time was called before much
damags tSok place.
A dispute arose regarding tho play
ing of tbs Mink, as Corsllla. who was
tending goal remained In .the boat
until the hall was brought along side
and then'entered lbs water and car
ried It Into the field. The rules specify
that the goal tender must hare no sup
port other than the bottom of the
tank while the ball is within four feet
of the goal. The referee gave the de
cision to th^ Mink on the ground that
It was thsif first game and that they
were not fnmUlar with the rules.
The sseoBd half opened and In a few
Ink wen
Bast Buffalo, July 22-CatUe—Quiet,
values easy.
Veals and calv<
•tCRETARY SHAWS ADVICE TO Steady, ^demand fair. Sheep
lambs—Quiet, values firm, llogi—
Active. 10 and Uc higher.
IL-troIt. Mich., July 22.—WTieat; Need tnpout No Financial UpislatJon July. OlHc: No. 2 red. SlHc; No. 2
No. 3 white oats. STHc.
.UrMI Oteaalm- Apain Sweeps
Toledo. O., July 22.-T\Tioat-Oaali.
tha Country.
»lc; July. Ole: September. POTic.
Chicago. July 22.—Wheal—July.
By Wire to tha Bvanlng Record.
9i%c: September, P2>sc. Corn—July.
Martcinac Island. Mkh., July 22.— 57He. Oau-July. 32^c; September.
The Srst day of tha bankers* conran23\. September pork, 112.80; lard.
tlon was uneventfuL Tha address of
17.12; ribs. 17.70.
Becratary Bhaw was the feature of the
Erst huslnaas eeaaion. He told the
Bright and early this morning CapI , hankers that they naad not look-for
Uln Webb of the Traverne bay line of
any flBnncInl leglslatloo from conatsnmers called up the Record oAce
grass until dlaataar svapt tha country
id out the weather for tomorrow.
again. Ha made a strong plea ft>r
He Is going to uke the Columbia out
merchant marines to extend our trade.
on two excursions, one to Nenh-taBe said we must go aBer new markets
wanta In the afternoon, leaving at 2:30
V aad po after them hard. The trip eras
and the other In the even'lng aad of
raaamad north thU morning.
course would be much pleased with a
nice day.
A new rament walk U being laid
today at the northwest corner of Park
WHBBUKG. W. VA, mud Ornnd
•ad Bast Froot streets.
Rapids play fast baU Sunday. Pare
Marnnette excursion, rate ft Returu
WHITE SOFT SHIRTS FOR MEN. after, game. Bxtea^ Mcomasodi
*Jus« rsosivsd anethsr lot of thsos provided for crowd.
July M3t
•wotl SHIIIaiitiat shirts, all aiaaa. Me.
It Is the amiahte cuatom of the
honaa of lords to praoerrs, duly **dook
eted" places in their doakroom Cor
A lot of M’s straw hate..............
awaiting tBaIr coming of
CMf ^ a lot of meo-a two:
age. To show how thooghtfal they
ploM wool crash auita.. np
in this re^met there la a plaoe refwna............................................... MTl
baby Bmrqnte of XloneOMEoMl
gal. ngnlnat the arrival of his tweatyUamlltaa Ckthlng Oo.
flrnt birthday.
teat reesived Miothar lot of thoos
tmt wmnte got hold
threw It the length of the Ihdd aad
after a short akirmlah Craw forced It
over tbs line and aoored again for the
Mink. The game ended with the score
standing t to Mn favor of the Mink.
The Unowp was:
Craw ...................... rf.....................Smith
Kratochvll ........ Jli.............. B. Beiges
Wlante ..................Ih........ ..
OorslUa................g................L. Helges
Booth Dus to Old >ffs.
Anton Prasil. a weU-known Bohemlaa raaldonL died at the residence
of bis flOB-ln-law. Prank Kokt.
Randolph atreet, thU afternoon aj
1:30. HM donth wns doe to old age.
The funeral nerrke wUl be Monday
afternooa at 2 o’clock. He w
years old.
Emil Waite Dted Today of Woundo
UHUuted With # Knif#.
By Wlr# t# the Rveatog fteeord.
MaRuefto. Mldu J«iJr 22.-Bmll
Walu, aeaviotod of murder ia Mrolt
of «-y#af4>ld AlpheeR WUmp# dted
today la priaim of #«-tiiftlcted wou^t
•lUiakalfe. Hte trial attracted wldeapraad attention.
Selz Royal Blue
has gtarted in on hU ‘
snmmur ram^iOKP. His
revelry contitto of <lia-.
oordant ooni^ gnokinK
human blood and leav*
inj; a Imuc-h whcn-vt*r
he gi-ta in his work. One
Made in all kimU of Loatbera
will keep Ihent off
For gale at^e Old Reliable
Shoe Store of
i CO ...
AbBtriurts of TttiB
RMoa BIO Blata BanKBMg.
Eitoy Orsana
Packard Orgni
Silver Chime# Organ#
Ohirago Cottage Organ#
Silf Pliiriof Pianos
Aeolian Webber
Tilkioi Machines
Headquarters for Sash.
Doors, Window^ Moiil* .
dings, Interior finish,
Store Fronts, Shingles,
Lath, Cedar
Flooring, Ceiling, Sid
ing and cvcry’thing in
Rough or Fini shed
Hot Weather Goeds
A LOT of M.-n’i
Linen Cra#h Pont#
Band lostmioiits
J. W. York and Son
• weuM buy them. All testmwmta •old
tartiH--'Hok Be—, I5» X. gwt St.
Tonight wc shall offer
Ten Dozen More
values at
A LOT of Men’#
Wool Outing
A LOT of Hen*#
Wool outing Buita
Coat and Panto..
Our Famous Shirts
Thirty-ij^ Cente
Contoel eteoR
CttlMn# Phon#. S2j B#II. 109.
Stoinwny Piano#
Sohntbr Pianoe
Grinnell Broa’. Pinno#
Krakauer Bro#.’ Piano#
Sterling Pinno#
Huntington Piano#
Mendel#K>ln Piano#
Crown Piano#
Wegman Piano#
Smith & Barne# Piano#
Schaeffer Piano#
Williard Piano#
Albert Piano#
Hninea Bro#\ Piano#
Haines & Oo. Piano#
We’ve Tennis Shoes, white or black. Yachting Shoos, Outing
Shoe#, Barefoot Sandals, Indian Moccasin#.
A ipT of Men*#
Outing Suits
pssaU hriUtentlM sMrts, all atoai
, iiuvmmi cmr, moNioAM, tATunoAv. julv a» taatw
$ $ SI $1 f $ $ $ $ I $ $ $ $ $|WiMSHMST
g ' mSTRlTED
» It Bart
Btok BeptsHs 7
toe apot yrbere the f
T o 'svamoT
f cBMgna
risk a paale. A faw aagi btoin are
|torth many Bib pr«tortofa.Aitek
tai a crowd at •xetaenkmmM.
White Trmserse GKy Is egoslistly
polteed aad all paastole pneam
srUj Le tabsa aagt waaff, laAteai
palm towdM a big crowd of straasars
ia tbe city aad toe bouaeboldiir to
aM by takteg pneaatJaas hla
TCAaMtsJir «raiKC ovu.
r" ■ r* r ''
pnpEin TWICE aisPOSED of
Dave Brapafty to tan and a Faw Days
Before He Oied Made a
Will Which Aaaula
the OifI
Tbe ntxt term of the Beorte county
Circuit court will hsve an ejectmont
suit which Is most inieresllng fn>m a
legal |»olnt of view, tbe conditions
Isting in the case being ao unusual as
to make possible the precedent in toe
legality of a warranty deed or a will
and which should Uke precedence.
Upon the court calendar the case
stands, Frank M. Powell vs. Blmer
Crane and srlfe and is toe outcome of
the making of a will annuling without
gvowed Intent Ion the prevtens trans
ferring of a deed, colt-ring the same
A number of years ago Charles
Powell of Cedar Run, one year before
bis death, esecuied a warranty deed
for his property la favor of his wm.
Prank, at the same time placing it
with a letter In the hands of Lewis
Duthart of Cedar Run. whom he iastructed to hold toe same in trust until
his death and then ddiver to the von.
Pive or six days precedteg his death
be made a wlU. direcUng In this will
that eighty acres of this same property
be sold and the proceeds divided equal
ly between the aforesaid Prank Powell
and two grandsons and another sun.
The will was probated aad tbe prop
erty in uutwUon wild, the defendant In
the suit now pending purchasing It
and taking possesston on contracL
The son Is attempting to gain pos
session of the property which he pre
viously held a warranty deed of and
the ej««ctment suit will Im* tried before
Judge C. C. Chittenden of Cadlllmc at
next term *of the Benxie county
-Circuit court at Bensouls. It is an
Interesting question of law as to which
holds pn'cedence. J. J. Tweddle of
this city will appear for the plaintiff.
ENJOY YOUR8BLF by trip to
Reports Indicate that the potato
Grand Raidds Sunday via Pere Marcrop thb( year wU be below the aver
qietto excursion, rate ^2 with ‘ $10
age. This should not occasioa suy
worth tjf fun. Return trip made after
wofry. hosrerer. ss U is but the
July 20-»t
R. D. Biggs and C. M. Franklin of
Hhealtatcd to plant because of the «ctremely low prices brought Isst sea- Old Mission were in the city yester
aon. The Grand Traverse potatoes day.
Nortoera resort traflte was Just moA
erate today, thougb It to no taAleatkm
that it Is waaing for tbe sammeT.
Mrs. W. C. Umgneckcr and aon Dortian of Ohio were passengers this
morning f«- Northport Point, where
they will be the guests of Mrs. Hsrry
C. lUndge of Grapd Rapids.
O. A. Warti of beanUful Birchmere
oetlage. Cedar LAdge. arrived today
from Grand Rapids aad business cares
and will bask la the sunsbioe 'of toe
point over Sunday.
The Misses Anderson of Chicago
took passage from tbe G. R. A I. via
the Columbia for Ne^to-wanta.
where they will be entertain^ st too
C. E. MUIer cottage.
Mrs. Ben R. Mayer aad two aons of
Baton Rouge. La„ nad her brother-inlaw. Henry Frieberg at Clnclimatl.
paased througlLTte ei^y en route for
toe LeeteBMi. Omena.
Mayer win remain the rest of tbe ees-
Begun in youth
insures successful
Fand prosperous careers
rln later years it is an.j
Fabsolute guarantee
Jagainst want and impro*
J. bA/.
A lot of boys' siwrt linen panu... S8c
A few boys* t-pleee cotton and
linen sulU sixes 8 to 15 years.
only.................................:............... C
•Hamilton Ootoing Co.
Do you fet lEt west sna on yoir
Borck? Protect yomielf wUB a
kEiikoa frtk skade. We kave all
J. W. NiUikeB jalylOif
Oeorpe B. Hahhelpr and William P.
HabhMer. Jr., of Lake Ann spent yes
terday at Hotel Whiting.
Tssr aUiiMt a— tSfsIiVnr
Ferood to BUrva.
Bent Her Ooubte.
“I knew no one. for four weeks,; IL P. l»«]k. of CCoaciord. Ky. saya:
when 1 was sick with typhoid and kid-'
20 years I saliffcred agonl^^wj^
m-y trouble." sTltes Mrs. Annie Huii-|a sore on my upper lip. ao painD
te. of PUtsburg. !*».. "and when I got j sometimes, that I could not cat. Aft'
Utter, although 1 bad one of the U*sl I vainly trjing everything else, I run
doctors I could get. 1 s-ss Uml double. | It. with Hucklln's Amies Salve." II
ds on my km-es great for bums, cuU and wounds.
and had to rest m> hands
this terrible JohRstm Drug 8lt»m
Sloro CVs. F. H. Mr
affliction I was rescued by Electric Hit- 8. R.
K Wait A Sons' drug
rhlch restored my licalto
^ngth and now 1 can walk as
light as cter. They sre simply
GuarsDtw-d to cure
stomach, liver snd kldm-y di««orders;
st John'X*n Drug Store Co's, F. H. eat. sbH-D and grow
Maads. 8. E. Wail A Suns' drug stores; wh«ile family.
Mountain Tea.
prices ioc.
lets. Jobmum
If ytm cannot cat. sl<-«*i» or work, feel
Ths Olamond Curs.
mean, cross and. ugly, lake Hollister's
The lalc-s^t nesrs from I’uris, is. that
Rocky Mountain T«-a this month. A
tonic for the sick. There is n«i n-medy thf.-y have discovered a diamond enra
Tablets for consumption. If you fear ounsuaqk
A lot of boys' and children's short
or pneumiicia. It wllL however. IM
for you to take that great reme<t|
pants in cotton and linen..........
led b)
by W. T. McOi
McGi-e.t»f Vsnlfmr,
A lot of linen pants, both white
A Borpris* Party.
Teen. "I had a cough. fi»r fourtemi^
A pleasant surprise party may )*ejy«'srs . Ni>thlng helped me. until J
Hamilfon Chahlng Co.
v.-n to ytmr stomach and Jiver. I.y t'sdc Dr King's New insoivery fof
ughs and Coldi ihlek
taking a m*-dlclne wbirh will relieve | ConsuropiUrn. Omii
their iKiln and dlscttrofort. vis: Dr. ■ gnve me Instant relief, and effected
ii-qualled quick
Kings New IJfe I*llls. They are a ] permanen'^eurc " Itaequallei
e. for Throat snd lung Truubloa
Jfd.nson Drug 8;t*re fV.'s. F. l£
M«-sds. 8. K Walt A Sons' drug stores:
For inviting; Uti* aick, rumoviiijr iVd
prlix' .V*c and
guaranleed. Trial
thin clmsUvl ‘ Stoi
buttle 10c.
Sons' drug stores.
persons mi<l mliiciuK Heali
Prof. Hubbard’s Ofiices
locaUsP <iver I
Ionson*8 tlrujfaUiru, Tnivonw
City, '
rtw C'i|e
July l>'-lnio*
I delight I BAY. MR. BMtlKHfC wait for SbUI tcr's Panalellas. .
Ice Cream Freezers
Are becoming an actual ncc^skity. SherbcLs, ices and cream are served
on all occasions. Hardly any gathering without ices of some kinds.
Then it is each a delicious desert, and so cooling. With our Wonder
• Free/er the whole thing can be done in ten minutes. It Has been done
in five. You can have any size you want from one quart that sells for
$l.t>0 to thq 15 quart at $12.00.
A Refrigerator
should be in every house. You not only need it in these hot days of sum
mer, but every day of the year. Once in the home you will wonder how
you ever got along without it. The “Celebrated Leonard Cleanable^
Refrigerator” is the best that is made. It Is clean, it is saniiar)', it is an
ornament to any house. It takes very few words to tell the good points.
You can see them. They are silent salesmen. The prices arc from
$12.00 to $42.00. We also have a fine line of ice Chests from.$<i50
to $12.75.
Oil Stoves.
For cool work. Your summer kitchen must‘have the coolest stove
made—that is either oil or gas. You can’t keep cool working around
a great wood stove. Oil «oves sell,from $.'1.75 up. Gasoline stoves
-from $3.00 to $27,00, and a fine line of gas ranges from $11.00 to $19 00,
m IfA^ W U9hg «AM
I lawma# it
This Receding Savings
iBankktoDed txep to deposi.
^ lots in oar 8an«t Departsent
Gall and get one and yon oaanot hdp
Hper teit ibinpoiiBd Intenat
% r^raSTMIWULlAra
Whb the adJo-*rnment of circuit
court yasterdsy afternoon at 0 o'clock
all business pertaining to this
U put «tver until the nest term. Judge
May ne transferring toe liquor case- of
Blizsbeih Osrn vs. John Knitt>chvH
H. W. NInd aad family of Fort
Wayne. Ind.. passed through tbe city j judj^roeni In the Jacob Rosli^kl. i
today on their way to l,eland. where
j^i, R«,mskl. Jr., anil Mary Rotbey will spend a few weeka
was deferred until the next
• I. E. Robaon and family of Detroit j,erm of the I>-elanau county court,
are spendiag the summer at Glenn i
bef.ire doing so hr submltti-d
i xeversl sugRestlons which. If acted
Meadames T. S. Morel and E. P. j up<»n by the parties lntrn*.-te«l. wUI
Mull of Toledo. O.. took the steamer i^nlcably adjusi tbe difficulties
Columbia for Northport. where they
parties. Among the sur
win spead the balance of the summer 1 jj^uons noted was that the Rtwlnskl
at Northport Beach.
j ^eed stand as It Is while the panles
I arrange for s peaceable orcufialkta of
Church Brevities.
the d<iuble dwelllnR or the elder Jao«*b
At the P'rst Methodht Episcopal Itoslnski Is to pay the yotinger for the
church tomorrow the subject in tbe-'ituprovcmcnts placed ui>on It that he
morning vrill be "The Secret of Keep- might build upon the other eighty,
ing Sweet." In the moming sermon
The motion for a new trial in-the
No. 4 on the "Pilgrim's Progress" will, Dyer vs. Germaine case was denied,
be gives. This will describe Chria court adjourning sine die.
tian as be goes torwgb tbe valley ol
the shadow of deatV and vnaity fair.
Deafnsqg Cannot Be Cured
All Interested In the story will be i gy
spplIcattoDs. as i
beneAtted by hearing the prscticsl sp ; mgeh
liseased portion <
Tbsra Is only
one way to cur© deafConsn^aatoHial—There will be no i *»*«.
»»>' constitutional
congrtgsu.^ mero
i remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
preaching or Sunday tchool as parlors | jnfl^^ed condition of the mucous llnyet ready tor use. The Chris- tag of the Eustachian lube. 'WTieo
InAsmed yo I have a rumthis tube is InAa
or li _
ig. and
th. and unless the taAsmms
be taken out and this lube
I¥ayar aMOttag Thursday evei
home of C. V. Wright. Washington restored to iU normal condition, bear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by ca
Church —Rev. BTallace tarrh. which is nothing but an inJohnson of Ohio will preach at 11 a. Aamed eooditteh of the mucous
h.. also at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Johnson Is faces.
We will give One Hundeed Dollars
a speaker of much force And original ter any case of deafness (caused byity. The C. B. members arc all re catarrh) that cannot be cured by
quested to attend the 6:IS p. m. meet Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
ing. All cordially invited, eapeclally lars, F.
J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
strahgera who have nevwr attended a
Sold by dniggUta. 75e.
Take Hall's Fsmllr Pills for oonaUQuaker meeting.
Flaasant Social Time at the Home of
Mies Allis Nelson.
The Happy Hour club-met at tbej
home of Mtea AUte Kelaoa on Bast
Ughth street last evaolag where they
apent a very pleannt evening. A
number pf piano seiections were given
by MtM Onme Mt^iohael and Mias
Zadle Stoants. Recitations and gnmes
were also features of the •vrstes aad
Blw Had No ReteBvoa and H* Was
Away Much of tha Tte»e—Remaifia Wore Takea Hama
for BuriaL .
The Habit o( Piling
ItaMW cool aad tMteaK UsomssMr eaSgstBrns^
John Lartlaa of CkebagcaB. whose
wife was tbe victim of toe tragic mUnight oaslaughi of her iooauaate at
the aayiam early ymerday atoratag.
arrired In toe elty last evenlag in ttspoase to a mosasge calling him to
’.I t: city.
-ws not asra.- - of (be rircuButanres sarroundlng toe death of
his wife ud wss atoosi prostrated
when eonfponted with the remains st
tbe undertaking room*.
He stated that she was never vloloni and that having no reUUvi-s
i-itht-r* distant or near, she became
aad as IAr buijlneBs kept
him away from her a gnater port km
»»f the day he thought it.wiMild bene
At her to take treatment at the asy
They have been married
twenty-Ave years and osraed a pn«a
IMTuus farm three mlU-a from Cheboy
'parties could get together gan. Her boaltb had Imen frail for
over a year aad he attributed much of
her condition to the taking of mor
phine pills to alleviate pain, ghe was
Elisabeth 0<*ms vr. John Krakochvi ratkmsi b.iit bad tnclanrhidv nitarks
and n«*«»l«Hl wstet^tug. He l*^t wHh
Liquar Case Put Over—New Trial
the remains over the 11:1U a. m. train
in Dyer va Germaine Case Oe'aad the fum-ral will occur M^^tey
ni«d—Caurt Adteurt»«d.
rooming frqm the Catholic church at
• es •••#•#•# • f
f People's SaTlngs Bonk $.
Variiantv DCCIL
S tssviMx arr"
Tk« tantaBt foagkt. Um ao^t aLxujtofc^ Wt «a»«MlTe iM tbm mM
blu«r «|f1kc ia Chkaco's looe bbiorjr of BtfttM ft andad. Tha uafoa
iummrnn im lofC and niKfct bafora
teat, iiba laaa en^pfed fii a «1td atnv
Cfa to aat back Che jobs that tbay had
tteoara up. ftea aapaaaa ct tltfa
atrlha la alMoat kajaato aateatetloa bacMaa or tba toiMpllelijr of tradaa aad
boaloaaa aCaatod bgr It. bat dfrlaa th«
IH dajra cd tba ttrugClFa. thirty llvr*
ware teat |t» rfo*t and attacks.
Aflar It ia al| oaar tba oaaattea
avteaa what wpa nlaed? Tba aakw
tetei did act stea oaa alacfa polat.
tbar loat ararythlnK. aaaa fha rtpbt
to vaar tba button that praclafnu that
tbap batenc to tha taaatatin' organl, aalten. Tba taamatara* oaten baa baaa
haaian »ad boailHatad and baa paaaad
froiB oaa of tba Ktrnnaeat. If not tba
atrontaat tmteo la Cbteaco. to c«
tba nrorat dltmptcd.
Tba auika In luaU vat a mlatake
laakBaeii at ft vat not baaed on a
CH^aaoa or the teanaiaaa NIaataan
aannaat vorkart la tba amploy at
MoatccoBaryr Ward A Cb. wanted tba
flm to atop aeadlag work to ouUida
BQO-ttatea vortcara althoa«b they bad
ao acraeaiant to that affaot. The Ann
raTbaad and tha garment workers
atraek. Tba Ifdalgamary Ward A Go.
ieamatera than vent on strike and
mt|tor than 4<41ver goods to the firm
^ tha bate^ of the teamsters, or at
laaat tba majority, went out on strike
through aympatby.
In Chicago, a teauiatera' strike is
Iba teoat draadad of any. The team,
atara TiHually lira In the street and
... are naturally AghtMo. W'han a strike
Is on rtolaaca is nlmost sure to oorur.
That this Is true Is prorao by arents
of the reeent strike, those thirty Urea
being testimony to toe fact.
But the rioience alone was not the
cmly thing that aided In losing the
atrike. The teamsters did not bare
the general sympathy of the public In
thsir Agbt. The methods, lawless
ness of the men or their sympatbiters.
the charge of graft within the untoa,
the conduct of the officials all bad
their effect. ' The charge that paid
sluggers had be»Ti employed, the epnTesslon of a member of another union
that he bad aided In such nefarious
lohemes aided and It was no wonder
that the atrike coded as It did.
The teamstera of Ghtcago are now
•worse off than they rrer were before
and It will be >*eani. If ever, that the
taaioators* nnten will ivgsin the power
that It once had.
:ipa li EXOaSE AD SOKUK.
Wes III Bailmkehg
With a sun-burst shade
aso SEE omi wdidow aso
. TsBVBrM CMjr. liloh
J.B. Paige Hcctric Co.
mi vm Bonoi
Oiaxck «t CkriM —nir—.
( for Port
«f H»» OHMk of CMC. AHor*toTlt.
Mi «I9K «o bo pMBt.
ford to mmi tiw
MIT f*»4, •m »^
prahabiy have to he
rioJlMiWlMi rapatr toe tnlsrise. K. tad
tolp IS M« fatal Mas.
Is cMuip U toe
«bto mmdr, ktotor^ iMMrck MdMr•M orUldm. Tb* oAocn w«.
ProoldMt. J. r. lUlMf; iMtnMor.
Pmf. W. A. Mlh. BrtkiiliaraMi
m4 Uaet book* tk* ro<af
PlilMtlo* Md feavo litoiy rccorood oad
was M Ite aft
roar. Tlw osplatoOB «aa torrtfle. Pm
ewept toe vsassi Bpeaktag of the 00plo staadSac OB phoro oaar hMo
of BtoBto rlao ahoro too Bmai
CoHOMa or trator .vofo ioreod hl^
chatr eevarml saraada after It neramed.
tototoo^. A 4000
vore Mora ovotoOBoi kr too foKo of aad did not kaov srbM bad bspptosfl
I tosa nmhed ont. aad toe Bteam. eeaa
ril»tofy.“ 0*ar Netson.
vorto. vko vaa looktas at too Bm at toe sntremi after parted toe ship,
'‘UwtUM.'' OoB
Blactoo vkM too 4lM0tor oee«noi. wae aa dense toat 1 coaM not get a
. -Holf dtjr - ChiriM PMM.
aajra bo aay b«aaa ho^m baitad ovto bre^ ad alr.natil I Msandad lie mO.
lif#" Itojr Thons.
a boadrod ftot opoaid. TboalroM "AS I ran forward I pasaad oa
*lBfuMee.” Clyde TbooM.
boys erswUag alaag. There
iobo r HMy. pTMlimt of U* eloBdod wttb »oko..wbkh oorokipod oor
tooabip. WboB too hawdoofod a«ar ao dam ta sttaad to ladlvldnsl c
rlaaa. will piMide.
Th« mnUc of too ovoBlac vlU bi oBly a fov OMB eoold bo
w«s a bram bea with a sBt la tt.
graved apoa II uiomly wew
leva *Y. L r..*aa ahbmlaflaa far tbe
r hex for Um waltct
«t «k» taMMMM vtaif M H wUmL
» fP«M M
«rt«« CM»
or too boro 1
fnfflabrd by tke yooac »«■*• Chorpi.
- Y«m mrr rmqmmttd to oom only
aftd aenare a daoUable a«at mad tkas
avoM laiiHTaptlBc the aenrtoaa.
lap to too «a^. Booti a
fron too reoaol i aWo aad anat of tbo
MOO la too valor wore plckod ap aad
takaa ea board.
Torribto tpooa Aboard tblp
On board too
^Tbo tanJTe
aoatod torrtMo
Gmi aad PaHy Oot TMri at Noon the ezpkioloo bad lorn a groat holo to
TiHiroday Aflor • Vary
tootoarbooM fide of tbo ship pad too
Trip AatoM On Lal».
roaan vas blrfoi^ oopiiBociclBp to liot.
4 aoctfoa df tbo apper dock pas oa^
J. A Mootaciiob yaebt. Oo*. oM flad avay IMM stoM to alcfa. Btoad
party arrivcKl at Chicaco at
|aad vrockape wai distributed 09m
Thoroday aHor a rory ploaaani trip. too ootiro abtp. too after aabla aad
Tbr party loft bore a vook apo loot toat part of toe abip adjaaaai to toe
alabt. otoppod at tbo Maaltoot aad explodod boMor rawmbUbP a charaol
purtaao 4ako. pkere tbo fatally Of
ThoniBa Smortowalto aia .apoadtac The shock of the exptoaloa peaatbo oumiBor. iroat dcnrn to Qraad trat^ every ecetkia of tbo ship, blood
Havoa. whorf too todaaarotooala of aad tabea being found as far as toe
tbo bool woro taboB aad papon a^ olara of toe eaptala o caMa. Oreal
cared and tboa oaJled acrow too lake
was done In all parts of the
WcdBtoday nlpbt. Tbo vbole trip vao
rory MjoyabloL Tbo boat te aow at vMpel.Bailara Itogardad as Uaaafa.
tooorlncs la iaekoea pato aad Mr. aad The boiler which exploded. It U said,
Mm. Moatbpao ore rIslUnp their ooa. was regarded as aaaalO. It was stated
Bert, aad too athor toombori ot too that daring a recent retarn from Honparty are rIalUap frtoad aad relatlToa ololn toe Bteam pressare was kapt rela too city bat are maktnp too yacht doced in (hat particttlar oae.
tbolr boow. L. Bmooo rooolTod a At the time of the aocldent Gommaapootal today frooi A. 1* Bacbant otat- dor Ludea Touag
Surgaoa T. B.
lac that toe party bad arrirad a. k. Pwk were oa sbora. The two oOeen,
aad all war* veil aad bappy.
as toay learaad oftoodlsaBter.
a^sat AS aC tbo mat
bibdad. or bad boaa drivaB over toe
alda by tbrawldlag mobm.”
BrspaHap to Sail.
At too tlMo of toe oxplooioo toe
BoDalagtao Mas propwfag to go to
Port Hartfoed to too aid of toe dlashied aKNUtor Wyomlag. lying la that
portTbo BeaphiCtaB had boon ordered to
proceed at eaeo to Port Hartford dad
too BMBltor Wyonln
Detroit. Mich., duly ZS—la toe —
die ar toe Detroit river, agpoette toe
MIMrtgaa Cratral aBp BmAa Is a IttUe raibmuilTe Bcow with a roagh
The paesragers oa the Mg oar
forrica acareely aotlee her as they
drive past with a ewiri of foam aad a
toaadar nf beating paddle wheels.
And yat that diaky Iktle eetw'le going
to hMp P«t toe Mg black ferries cat
tt, 1ML
The wwd tM'* ariitoated la the Ma
cnBee hoarn aff Lspira At
HaTe yomreyes UkoroogUy
examtued ia^ tha Bead
oqmpped effiora in TraveraeCity.
wp were strangers in TravcneCilar.
TODAr we are
twtvthinla cf tbe fStoBia
fitted in this city.
Tbe hamely craft M oecapled by a
party baaHy aagsged la drilllag bolea
la the Wtom aC toe river. They are
lading dot what eort of aoil there Is
toe water, ao that, when toe
coastraetloa gang geu busy ca tbe
MItolgaa CemrsI ttmael they will
know last what sort of mstarial they
will have to work la and where ob
stacles and dangers will be aacoaa- thv thrw rsqaMM
r jasdsS ^imSBrva. wimm
This b a
«bo »
to bore
if toe
long tube onder the rivsr aboald maK.
wHhom wsrnlag rum Into loose soil f »r- Cbrntimm- rii% Food, tte grsaisst of
toroagb which the water rapidly
there might be a dlsss'.er. A lAMisf Mgh -—»*-t m hh |-Tf
knowledge of the cisrto fonasllon sbo' hUyrrpsraUeon th* «aly «er m tbs wsrU
cabbies the eagteeers to reekoa more
mSsrsd by tbs wMlmirrs
.!«««- ««««•«■
aad the different tooU and equipment m-hi-tan sad toons vUi rsssd out tbs hoi
which mast be orovided
, hsrsd. thin ebssb or sersersy oseX with grm.
Bvireham m.d hi. met
)ut on
are Uving a rather IsMatcd life out
» sppIkoMoo ottss sbosTtog s dsrtdsd j
their ftosiint rilatform.
tost It is better to be drilUag
kolas in the middle o' tbe stream
■nrs). aoibtas «
tbsB werklag la stove factory these aqaa] u. t%> pr^mt tb« bssc frt>s> •bnsklnc,
VaiD days.
1 lotbam MoMI alvarmaw l>r-(tiaflM'Flr«k
It Will be «.me time before toe work
‘ 1 brsoty k»i
U completed, bat whoa It tc a long tbroagfa «ka
step towards tbe beginning of the tun- i Wv mmnnttlj wsm todiM to svesd
Ci»» Eyes or Defective Vi»k>n?
Other?; are being cured; why oot you?
DR. P. A. WOIFE, Prop. DR. B. L PUILSON, ilsdstat
Tbe Wyomlag broke a blade of bar
etarboaid propeller and abaft while
It a heavy aea tbree
Mlleo nff tbore. bat vae able
toe chief engineer, who. with bU to oss ssy
The Beaalagtoa had ieat gotten la
om Hooololg aad espactad to move aeslBttBU. will incorporate It siih
« tbo cmsrtb of I
on to Paaanm when orderi oaase to great piles cf fscu and figures which
pTtKtpsI DspsrtBl<«t
be aocumulstrd before toe tun-!
tow toe Wyoming to Mare lataad tram
Tbr rrnlsr
an be started
Port Hartford today. Bbs expected to
of INhot |i* tairo
leave to execute the order yeetcrday.
Honrs for spriakling Iswat are from ,
5 to f a. m. and from B to f p. m. At i.■mi.ri
ao time can water be need without
eosTtn^yos «f ^ sr««a s
harried to the water fmau Oommaammt « U>. HMt udcoM ct
dor Touag. as aooa ae be reaebad toe
used during the dsy f^r msnofs^ta^ | pe°ssr povsis^ ^ yisMsHes ^tos^s-*.
ship, iara orders that tbe alr^iglit
hi( Ul4 otb.r parpoM MMM«rr nal« [iSWi
KInpsloy Maw Bali Tosm Tied tbo
ipartmeau be doeed to preveat the
sprinkling lawns must be en-»|
John Gill Was Tirsd of Paying ao
•liphts Bldinp Nine Up In a Noat
lisUag ship from sinking, and the amr
H. O. Joynt. SopL
•ondio Voetofdoy Aftomeen.
axtaea be Booded to avert forther exJun 24-tf
te Marry Ella.
pkwkma. He tbea beached (he ship at
Special to toe Bvaalag Rooord.
high Ude.
BICYCLES bought and sll kinds of re
Kingsley. Mich.. July 28—Tbo Kings
The ferry boat Ramona, which was
tenghabM M
pairing done. Money to loan.. Fred
ley base ball teas played a alne froD crossing tbe hay at toe time of tbe ac with tbe
Gill of Interbe efforts\)(
efforuVoC John
Finch. 811 E. Front St.
BUghta Siding yeotonlay afternoon at cident, changed iu course and hurried lochen to obtain a marriage license
Slicbta Siding and too latter teoM to tbe aid of the airicken warship. The yesterday afternoon to wed "Ella,'’ an
wool hoMo Vito a rory bad defeat to government launch General De Riuaey laawte of toe county bouse, has de
tootr ctvdlU tor aoore at too end of
large number of other launebea veloped the fact that according to c
BtmMM) porcR abides for .voar
tbo nlaUi otaadlag S3 to 4 la taror of and watercraft, which were near the message received by County Clerk
the Klagaloy team. The Kingsley bat oeene at the Ume. also raahed to the Robert E. Walter, who phoned to In larcb WiU keep yon comfomble
Inrlnc: tbe bot weitber. 4x8,6x8,
tery was coospooed of Nerl Crotoor assistance of tbe Benalagton.
Did yju ever talk *0 a
teiiochen yesterday aftemood in ardat 8x8,10x8,90C a^ J. W. Milllkei
a*ad Bdvln Cbaiifty. Eightooo
inusieiau and have
Msfv Jontped into toa Bay.
find aomcthliig tangible about his
Jnty 20 tf
vMit back to toe beach after vUdy
him tell you alxjut the.Soul
By the time tbe Ramona reached the peculiaritiee. is to the effect that be
fannlag toe air on aomo of Crotaer’s Beanlngtoo many of toe asHora of the is "off bis trolley."
of bis piano’:' Have yon ever
The Slights battery
fully realized that a good
Benningtoa. who had jomped into the
It has further developed that toe
Moore and Moore.
piano has a soulr The mean
bay to eacape toe ecaldlng steam, had love iAck John consulted Perm C Gil
ing of the wonl "life’* as apbeen reecaed by email crafL Tbe tm bert the evening before aad tried his
jdied to human Ijeings is—
raovat of tbe wounded from the ship
lasion to amke a "squire * out of
the union of aonl and l<xly,
was ooDducted Id perfect order. Tbe him. hoping toat he would perform
Certainly too big to be overlooked crews of tbe Be Raeoey Bad toe otoer
-also the duration of this
eeraaraay. but P. C, Gilbert was
and almost too Ug to look over are the boats aided to picking up the wounded obliged to paaa U up as beyoo4
The life of no other inani
the Tbeopaugb and Bells Jtroihers’
oallors nnd (rmnsferrtag tocm to ahora. iorisdictiaa. He eoold untie tbe knot
mate font! corresponds so
tossal var Hepbsnts. trsioid In mass
The news of the expl«el<n spread but not splice It. After returning the
to human life as does
ive evtdutiooa. from which both Rus- over (he cky like wHdEre. At first rM third time to the county clerk’s office
tlie liJe of a good piano. Beand Japanosi* martinetK s
porta half the crew had been kllleS. tbe man was told that “Ella" couldn't
ginning with the date of its
patbe» pMatefs.
The scene of hurrying ambulBBces and work and he had beuer leave her in
manufaeture and ending,
carriages of every dewriplioa which the county hoaee aad be said "Her
when ita tone;—its soul—is
"All Sides of Ufe.« the musical fanlummoaed added to toe ex- flagera are all right aad I will buy her
gone from iL Many pianos
taay which Lester O. Slocuta will pre
citemeoi. Every physlclaa who could a set of Calee teeth. That wiU fix her
die young and till early
sent at Steinberg’s Qraad opera house
b«> reached by telephone was called to up." He flaafly gave up all hope aad
gravn an(l some there
lor throe nigfats. beginning next Tues(he water front. • Within a short tlsac took his dismissal phOosophleally.
which woulu be better for the
liay* July », has received hearty ensaying though that be was earning
musif, hod they
world of mu
dorsoneat . everywhere
Albert C,!
c wonaded.
never been bo!
I»egg. manager of Stone’s theater inj
Most of toe drad antf injored were ao much om for board. This being toe
Flint. MIeb, nald of It:
Uken ashore, where the undertakers reason why he wanted Effa.
"Mr. Leslie 0. 8h>cun played my
BUT 33184
Dr. Ckliln CiJOBFidu St. II.Y.
Kimban FiBBOt EBior*
house. matinee aad night. May IS.
The perfonaaacr was emlaenUy satls-
Mutilated Beyond Boeegakioa.
fsxurablecommenl. The boslness wasi
_____ _
ship were awtliated alamst beyond
ojcellcnt. although 1 had very little
faith at first In the drawing powers of
tbe attracUon,*
I with hload and aahes.
1 may ne»-er he identified.
Grorge. W. Vanderbilt Is to give ap
Temporary quarters aabore were ar»
farming at Blltmore, K. C* and Is go nuiged for the wounded aad sixty dtling to let aopebody Mae do U for hUs.
volunteered and hurried
He has beUerad all aleag toat his launtoet to toe relief of those on the
veauiie rouM be asade to pay ex- ship. Some of the
peimes. or nearly aa. bat baa baea dla- unable to stand tbe slMccnlag sight
appolaied. He ouasMers that bis m- which met their gaxe on toe Beaalagprrtmeat of ten years JasUies blm ia ton. As fast aa tbe wonaded could he
changing hU mind about the money rastoired they were hniried la aasbnthere is to be made la fanning. Mr. Maeea. cairiagee, wagoaa aad autoVanderbilt has made toe BIUMora mobllee to boepHaln itoralMgtlme
farms tbe ssost tomous la the coan- the hot Bteam prevaated aeceas to
iry. They coasUt of gMsrai trato toe Ship hetweca decks, where amst
farms, a dairy, a eraamery. a cbkkaa df toe dead bodies My. aad R was not
sad daok Inna, live stock, keaaals 1^ untQ Kte ta the afternoon tout the
botooosda. He has expsndod a lavgs last were removed pom toe boiler
fartnae tor toe priviiags of bsiag a raoats. BeVoral bodies srere so tight
ly wedgM ta by a balkhoad tbsl the
woodtrarit bad to be
I asrny to
A lot of meals straw hsu........... O traetoess.
When the United States me
Pnritan was about to get asrsy for the
faceat aavsl aaBearers a strartoy
young fellow came rp to Nsvigstor
Bleo and In tbe best of English asked
for a iob aboard toe bosL The a
gstur told him there was aotolng for
him to do. hat the other sold Be didn't
want any psy—woold like to go along
fUr toe fua of IL 80 he was taken on
aad all thrmmh toe maaeuvers was
one of toe most tadnetrions and obeerraat of those aboard the boat.
When toe Purltsa returned he Miook
hands and to a mootect was gone. He
was Mat Bight of and Blao toougfat
agtolag more of toe affable chap uaUT
reeratly. when he mat tbe Japaaeee
mlaleter. Tskahirs, taking hk usual
sfteraoaa auto epla. Beside him was
jrmmg maa^-toe lad who scrubbed
the decks of ton Puritan. Then Blco
understood .how Jngnn neqnlrss her
kaowMdge of what other eomitriee do
and how they do tt.
XINO. CpACH STAlUON. at Vetertaary htopltai arery 8atardar faak
aaee gf snkeoa.
dosing oat n lot of man's twoWkmi toe.explonlOBoeeurad toeeaptooa .MOQl oraab sails, up
..................... ............--.lit gtoew was laspeqUai ton hoOen. He a C. BMow of Maalntae spsat yee
was aot serioasly Iniarad. Otoeen aad terdny In the clly as a gaest at Park
Haaltiiai Ootolsg On. men who wera ahk to SMlM la the
Like the good old sougs of
long ago. Kimball Pianos en
dure, and retain their sweet
tone qual i ty. We don’t wan t
you to siniidy take our wonl
lor it that "toe life of Kim
ball Pianos is longi-r thrm
that of any other make.” We
want you to call at our store
and examine them for vourself, see the strength, soliditt
of construction, etc., etc., and
you will lie fully conxinced.
B mull BEIBS
Wmr^am im «at4 piBBBt.
merahantoble aWaghm. Aooriiigp
boaimng. fencing, and other
Inmber for the roof of yonr
botma. it's iaakto and outside,
and we wen t oreroharge for our
id woods,. wh^er
tbegrBie ^dastod hard or goft.
Oar way of g^^ hunbmr
idtoaM nUBiy peo^inTrarane
l5^. Why not yoo?
stfTi soE uiBa ct
r :4 v«i't.;
Taken in exchange for Ehnballs. AFEWBABGADxS
in Victor Talking Machines.
Complete stock of Reooris
for all machines. Everything
knosrn in music. Bepsjringa.
m a ffARMBk, Pria
t Ticket I
o'doc^Oim "»-CgMneket
Reserved se^ts and admission tickets can be se
cured on show day at S. E. Walt A Sons drug store
at same price charged on the grrounds.
. - . o
_____ _____ ^
TMK wMmmm mmma,
Wr-WhaTt Oaiiit.
IWM tSM Trwrtgm Cft7 hM crw haC
Oa MaMar. tba atraac caralral v0
SaglB. OB TaaaSar. tba Ms nea aaat
aUBla aaU m WidaaaSay tba awoal
laa Maarteus le aa baoorary
r ef cbe Autboru' dab. When
BMbop AtwW or I
ymsrdaj M the dty looking after
Me aamir ' M. M. Van Dm IWtdi
s of Glstt AtbarnpsM Sbfcwaitx. Tbeca ware maay gasps eC
yemsrday la tbe dty wItb Irtimfis
miy a few af tbe members knew
A. P. PaartM d bmire was la tbe
eery piss snot daw at the Ws gar timg dty today Mdriag fut basfaans in- that this wns tho distiaguished Dutch
fist’s eimsBMSO. The Isle *301'
dObbasmclaatoeoBlng. Tbeprfacipls
fOataso cf the oeaWim was the ■
A. A. amKh af Bomt was abakfag ^ was psasmit at tbe maatiag aad
aaggssted that the asembdrship
•ada wltk oU friends la tbe
act an the first balf of tbe 1
sr Miss
» Barmm. etflUa; Wss day.
Jack Probart aad wife retaraod at eww. bat bold over tbe rest natfl
Sate: Mias McHogh of Okiago. efo. from Lakmd tbls amrdag wbarc they tbe aatamn. when the weather woald
Ha : Jimmy Jom Wroock
I hasn apaadtag a few days. Mrs. be COOL
ooTM. Mias Lomso Bock
Piobcrt yaesatly rcturaed from a
Graoa Hanar algo asMsb
auarth'a tIsH wltk idaUrm la 8a^'
tbsrs af tbs ocebsatra i
saw and Bay City.
Mrs, O. W.,Touag of tbU
PAinc f<LACs Hom.
whkb wore eery oofofwkto to all preo- tkis BBoralag for Rtapire. where sbe
L.Bi.aiid r SeSp.w
win visit roteUres.
The ponce raa In a 4fwk sfbo
J. A. Oltord of Honor was in the
trytag to paint the interior of Mode dty yaaterday.
Rkb's aniooo n brfUiaM eoiMUkm.
Newtoa Wk.By af Honor was a
The Toong Late* aodoCy of the gnaat at Botal Odnnthla yesterday.
Miss Hattie Novak and Mist Fraaday erenlaC at 7;S0 abarp with Mlsa eas Bowman ara spending tboir racatkitmej for Cdebntefi Ftx
Mary BtsaclI. 4ST FIttb street
tloo at MllUkao's derks* cottage at
There wfll be ao C. B. meetlag and Abgoaa.
no prcncblag aaiTiee la the eeoalng nt
Mrs. John OrdBek and Itttla grandthe Prsabytotian ebareb gaaday. B^r. soo art la Sottoas Bay today for a
SUadflOstsoe«.lot.aUriUpQ>tl«l «oos
L. B. Blsaell will preach at Toba at short visit with friends.
Miss Gertrude Parkhorst of Reed
2 p. sa. and at EBc Bapids at 7:20.
Owea Larkina of Cbaboygnn nrrtTOd
In the dty tbb mormng and left thU two wacks’ visit |dtfi tor anat. Mrs.
Booo witb the body of bU wife. Mary W. B. WmiaaM. fdbrned boiae today.
I that sH ar* rab)«et to. With
Coart Steaorgiapber J. E. HeaderLarkins, wbo sma killed Thursday
aa^tlroaosastartsaanafp aeooaat
son and family left this moralng for
ttlCht by BmeaUne Brage at the ai
with as. WopartavwiMr e«t iatar
their home in CadiUne, after spend
art aompcrtiUUil twW a j«ar.
lam. Tbe burial will take place
ing a week In the dty on boslness and
Cheboygaa on Monday.
Mr.'and Mrs] R. W. Round bare pleasare.
Mrs. J. L. McIntosh and UtUe son.
bean mnde happy thla weak by tbe arJohn
Lee, of Boyne dty, passed
riral of another ^yandaon at tbe 1
of Mr. and Mrs. WlUlam Halpass of through-the cAy en route'from a visit
Bast Jordan, this
tbe twen- with reUUves at ManUtee.
Miss OUve Hadden of Mancelooa
Uetb grandebUd.
Tbe walls of tbe Bast Jordan Iron was a passenger over the G. R. A I. on
company are nearing oompletlon and her return from a three weeks’ visit at
onr new Home Goods Depart
In tbe meantime tbe foundry is shut
ment we are going to commence
I have a few pieces of
Miss Agnes Henson left this morn
down. All Iron casting are being ban
on Mooday. July 24th.-to give
died In the foundry of B. W. Round C
Real Estate for sale
our customers a ONE CENT
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Goodwin of
Son of this city.
REBATE CHECK for every 2Sc
Tbe COngregnUnnal C. E. society Kalkasks were shopping in the dty toworth of merchandise purchased.
MOUSE AND LOT—Corner State and
wifi bold its meeting tomorrow Bight
This FREE GIFT in addUlon
at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas.
to Qor Rock Bottom Prices can
water, size of lot 104x82^. corner
Laneastor at Rlrenlde Flats. A good passed through the dty today on her
not fail to be appreciated by all.
way to Fife Lake, where she will Join
lot: price 11.000,
altendaiice U dcalred.
Tbeae checks are redeemable at
Owing to the fact that be was called a party of e^en berry pickers campone cent each for purchases in
HOUSE AND LOT—71S State street,
to bU borne la West Liberty, Ohio, by tag for a suauner outing.
our Home Goods Department
CGxlCS. good house and email barn:
Bauaet Arautrong. wbo has been
lllneas. Her. WaUace Jobason
ONLY. They resemble our na
price ll.oOO.
not preach at the PrIcods ^nreb to Tlslt^g at Summit dty for the past
tional greenbacks. You should
two weeks, returned borne this noon. ALSO VACANT LOT CCxlCS SdjolniDg
see them. Call at store for par
Mrs. C. A. Owing of Dekalb. Ind..
The Rojral Neighbors will meet tothis one: price |300.
nlgta in Woodman ball. All members and Mrs. C. M. Thayer of Kingsley are
10 ACRES of nice land on road to
visiting friends in the dty.
request^ to be present
Raneom's farm In Fernwood: price
Mrs. J. W. Myers of Noithport was
A young Prenchman wbo was so
orenrhelmed with the red wine of the In the city today.
Mias Jessie Wood of Kingsley Is vUnorth coupled with sereral Miwaulkee
beers, was taken to tbe coop this lUng Miss Bessie Jsrrett of this dty.
morning where be slept a deep aloep.
Signor Mascagni, the Italian comHe Insisted when the cop arrived that
he was going to take the 6 o'clock poser, and hU wife wear watch fobs
alike, and thesh have been the occa
train to Dakota.
sion of much curious comment Tbey
While Charles J. Bonaparte, the new are common Italian coins, each punc
secretary of the nary, was connected tured with six holes, in which are set
off blU of aome white substance, the
wUb tbe Baltimore Refcmn leagi
was decided to Inrestigate the conduct nature of which is not apparent except
of a prominent federal officeholder. oo dose examination. These are in
Friends of the crooked official learned reality the teeth of the Hrst two Mas
LttUs G- Sloeam*s $10,000 SpsctacRlmr
this and resolved to “pack" tbe coun cagni children, tbe teeth of tbe moth
cll. so that the report might be voted er's charm being the first of her lit
down. Mr. Bonaparte listened at tle daughter’s, while the proud father
tentlrely to tbe argumenU against tbe wears In hU charm the milk teeth of
his first born* son. The signora is
report, and then rose to give his
views, bitterly attacking the official muoh aurprised at t he comment these
and urging that the charges bv ica: unique ornamenu have occasioned
mediately accepted. He saw, bowerer, aad not long ago remarked that to
that bis words would bare little effect her they were dearer than any pearls
oo that portloa of his audience which and that ahe saw no reason why she
sided wi^h the sonised man. so when should not wear them if ahe chose.
Told in orij^'nal colored moving pictures, illus
Archbishop Glennon of 8U Louis
he had flulshcd his discourse he betrated songs, song conceptions, electrical and
gaa over again, repeating his speech has started for Europe, intending to
other effects, complete in every detail, eclips
word for ward, pause for pause, ges vlalt and closely inspect the cathedrals
ture for gesture—not once, but a dos- of England. France and Germany, es
ing anything in this line ever given in this city.
en times, until toward UMratag the pecially those of London. Paris and
Cologne. From these monuments of
friends of the accused oSklal
fast asleep. Mr. Bonaparte aad his Bsedlaeval tlases he hopes to derive
tratkm regarding tbe oonstmdion
associates then approved and adopted
of his own metropolitan church In 8u
the report.
Lonla. When tbe atrodure ahall have
eompleiad It
be. the arebCaptain Jack Bonavlta. the Hon
sp proartaes, as Sne as anything
tamer at Bostook's at Coney Island,
of Its kiiid In the United States.
has a princess for a wUe. She Is
lew a personage thaa Princess De
Lieutenant Peary, who Is about to
Montgyloa. divorced wife of Dnke
ITAvaray. who U a Preach nobleman. dare the actlc once more, has been
Con make her own aray in t^eworld. Pluck, ijerseverance ami
She Is the laother of the present lla^ gazi^ toward the north pole
a practical business education are all that are noceasary to tho
quls D Avarmy. The coontesd fell in abom twenty yean and baa leh sev
hiithoat snooess.
love with Boaaviu on seeing hljn la
YOU have the pluck—now is the time to acquire the training
the lion’s cage, though, since aa en daughter. Marie A^inito, was born In
snow hot op there and was 6 months
which will fit you for a pay.
counter with a lion a year ago. be Is
old before the saw a ray of sonshlne.
ing ix)sitiou.
shy an arm.
Some New AiTiYals in Fine
sOIMdb t« tba attraetlaat oa tba
ttmm. «B tba avaalacB, ba4a
IMar. tbara wW ba a awriac »ia>
laaa abav at WataSanTa Gn^ for
Ibiaa atgbta.
WaaOaaa WMla.
Yba ffMoal WoodAae plcak wttl ba
a lar«a aCalr aa tbara vOl ba thrae
baaSa praaaat aad rarr probablr four.
Tba Boaor baad vlU ba te attaadaaaa, tba Oatiooa Bar jaraalla oqraat
baad. a loeal band aad irobablr oaa
fra« Tboapaaanila. So far, Joaapb
Wadtr, aacfotaiT ot the aaaorta
baa TOoalTad word fron alarao can pa
that tbajr will ba praaaat la toroa and
aipaot to bara oaa of tba timm ot
tboir ItToa. Local aombari of tba
orter bara baaa boar and if tba TiaHoro doat bare a blsgar Uma tbaa
tbajr mcpoM tt wlU ba no fault of
Tba groonda will ba wltbln caay dtataaea of tba dtjr aa tbaj will be acroai
tba atroot Iktua tba ditrlng park. As
tbara will ba backs aad bosses runalag to tba racM all day tba rlsltors
wm not atos tba straat cars aad can
gst to aad troip tba grooada cheaply
aad aokkly.
or coarap tbara wtU ba good spaaklag Oartag tba day. Para C. GUbait
wm rapiwaoat Trararaa City wbOa
Bspraaialatfln C i. Bams, oaa of tba
dtooelars of tba ordar. aaay ba‘praaaat
aad. mak» aa addraas. K. J. Bollard
of BL Inbaa. a high Woodaua oCkar.
wOl ba baco aad aaka aa addresa and
tba atata laetarar. BOrl Browa. wbosa
bOBO la alao la 8L Jobaa. will ba hare
aad talk aboot tba ordar.
Tba loUowiag caapa hare slgalSod
tbair iataatldas of coodag aad it is axpaetad that noro will also «
Arebla. Bay Shore. Cbpei^lsb. Intertopbaa. SuUoas Bay. Ballaire, KalUaka, Oadar.
Straat Pair.
**Tbe Ospitol ABosanaat company U
abop^ at Cbabojrgaa this weak but
Mooday aomiag will anire In tba
Olty with all the aaoasaary parapber•alia and ba raady for! tba first exhlblUaa. Tbara ara akron big shows In
addUkm to a large number of free featarM. Tba baad which will fur
tba frae musk, fs an excellent
and all tba attractions ire said to bo
of tba bigbast merit There Is nothtag obiactkmabta la the whole list of
Tho asanagMiant guarantees thsi
erary performer U a lady or gantla•WB aad If any disorder occurs it will
•ot be tba fault of tbo^ompany. The
company bns frequently come back
cMas tor the second lime nfier lu
•rm appaaronee.
The Raeaa.
YBa raeaa tbemselves will be the
faalam aiM boot ew glvmi here. Tbe
big atrtag that baa been at Cadillac
(bis woOk wtn be bore aad sob
tbe fast Trarerse City bones will wlso
booaterod. Tbe satry card, pubUobed
la today** paper, speaks for Hself.
Tbe raens at Cadillac bare been rsry
aatlMbeiory and as vb«
BpMadid shape, tbe time here win be
. Tory fast
■ At Cadillac yesterday, tbe judgps
won nonadly hissed for a deelsioo In
tba last baat of tbe 2:tS pace, they
livlag tbe race to Roy L.. ahd the
crowd tbinktag It should hare gone to
Wbmlahind Boy.
JtTLY fS 18 TH* DATB of Port
Margootte axennloD to Grand Rapids.
Iko BoUsr, Trarerse City's tsrorlte
twliMr la box.
JulJ *0^
TRAVBR8B CITY'S farorite twirier,
Ike BaUer, will Intertst yoo Sunday.
Oraad Rapida. la Ontral league game,
Wbteltag ra. Graad Rapids. Inquire
Pare MarqMtte raieu.
Juiy 2Wt
will be a character portrait, represent
tng him as Rip Van Winkle, and in
asmuch as this will be the Srst laIfOYiCB-After August 20. IMS. neck
stance of a moDumeat In this country
ahnvtag wUl be fic oittm at all .ualaii
to an actor, the suggestion Is made
inly mt
that the commlslson be thrown open
to all sculptors, so as to obtain the
AMorboyrabortllMgpaMs... U best possible design.
A low boys’ SYloeo cottoo aad
Uaaa oalta slaaa t to li yean.
Queen Helena of Italy Is regarded
by her subjects as altogether too eoo•oir .............................................. fit
Hammoo CMblac Oo.
oomkaL Her majesty’s anaual allowaaoa U about f2.O00.M0. bnt it is said
•DNB^Y MXCI7R8ION. atsamer she has actually appeared In a gown
Cbartovoix. ^stoskcy and a year old. Added to this is a sasHarbor Bprlags. Boat leans dock at pldoa that sbe eoutrikmaa Ubsnlly
to tbe support of poor ralaUrea fai
• mm. fbn 11 for tbe round trip.
inly 22-lt MonteoegTA who are by no means
popular la Italy. Her majdaty’s subANY WHO WISH ontrncU for aoft Jaeta tbiak that wltk uMk a reruune
drlak. poaaot. popeoro olnnds. ate., nt from pabHc funds she should be aWe
Cbo fair grooBls dortag tbe races amy to keep a good deal of asoney mortag.
abtaia tbrni by aeoiag W. R BlolaB.
SIPCMlseaa pboue. Itl BolL
JH JMIsr (kushMttf
L H Jlsidi
Bt€0mts Cea. m « «
Rtil Estate ferSalt
“All Sides of Life”
POPULAR PRICES: 15c, 25c, 35e
There will be a meeting of the
esters Monday evening. Important
hoslBess will be transacted. .
WANTED—Baker’s helper at Trim
ble's. right away. S21 8. Union BL
WANTED-Bnergetlc woriten every
where to dtstribute droalars. sam
ples and advertising matter. Good
pay. No canvassing. Cooperative
Advertialag Oo.. New York.
July 22-lt*
LOS'T—A bay mare with srktte left
hind foot In ridnltr of Bast bay.
Flafier notify Record ofiMe.
i girls at
” 20c.
R. W. Rastall
Grand Opera House
(deep erwn «dot), look, like 'fine Sak rtRc
Pongee, ot, per ^...........................................
Cotton Voao, wry tilky, wiB 26©
We will make you an ex
pert stenographer, bookkeep‘ er or correspondent. We will
develop your talents and ereate in yon a money-making
We KNOW we can do it;
We teach
Shorthand, Typewriting, Pen
manship, English, Commer^cial Law, Letter Writii^,
*Arithmetic, Letter Preta
Copgring, Commerrial Geog
raphy and Advertising.
Pr^^J^ie, far dnp •kirt.,.U colon, idoo bhek.
2:40 PACE.
..................................... P. W. Toor. Beaforth. OnU
................... Wm. lugerooU, Traverse City. Mlch................................. Blon Oaunllelt Mllsn. Mich.
......................................Louis Carr. Milan, Mich.
Alice Carr, blla.m.........
LllUe Duke. bik. g....
...............Chaa. Germaine. Traverse Oiy. Mich.
Liberty Belle, cb.m.,..
................... Fred D. Teacboul. Teenmseh, Mich.
Lady K. b. m.................
.......................a A. Kenny. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Roy B.. b. g.....................
..................... H. Bnrgeos. Traverse aty. Mich.
Little Ted. b, g...............
.................,....John Lyons. Marine City. Mich.
2:35 TROT.
Hampton West, b. g................................................ W. A. Kettlng.3sy City. Mich.
Parker, bks. .......................................................... ....BeatUe Br^, Wlngham. OoL
Fair Hard. blk. m......................................................Chaa. GauatUEL Milan, Mich.
Grace Hillwood. b. ......................................................W. W. Quinn, Westfield, Wla.
Doc. K g.................................................................. Ellen Wade. Traverse City. Mich.
B“?y. b. m.......................................................................C. VanDyne. Jackson. Mich.
Jack Rogers, b. g.................................................. ..P. M. prett. Blk Rapids, Mich.
2:14 PACE.
Missouri Chief, h. a........................................................John Roach. Stratford. OnL
Joe Gale. b. g......................;.............................. George Spencer. Appleton. Wla.
Long John. ch. g................................................. F. D. TVarhout. Tecumaeh. Mich.
Billy W.. b. g........................................... ...............W. A. KetUng. Bay CSty. Mich.
Chas. Wilton, b. g..................................... ................. Mark Tniosdalc. Caro. Mich.
UtUe Payne, b. g.
................................................. W. A. Lewis. Armada. Mich.
ColUngwood Rooker, b. g.......................T. Neville. Collingwood. OoL
Queen of Clubs, b. m................................. ..................... T. Innis. Thorndale. OnL
Katie B., b. m...^.....................................................Goo. H. Keichum, Toledo, O.
2:23 PACE.
MatUc Chimea. b. .......................................................... P. W. Toor. Beaforth. OnL
Algorell. ar. m.-...............................................Dr. O. E.-Emmanuel, Bdgertoo. O.
Barron Bell. b. ... .............................................George Spencer. Appleton. Wla.
Roy U b. g............................................................... W. W. Bailey. Utchfield. Mich.
Debbie B.. h. «,.........:............. .....................................T. F. cane, Lucknow. OnL
Harry B.. b.%................................................................... Harry Branch. FUnt. Mich.
Homer FailnoL ch. g.......................................W. W. J. Agnew. MUI Creek. Mich.
Rubena. ch. ...................................................................J- M- Miller, Bay City. Mich.
2:20 TROT.
Red Phil. b. ........................... ..........................Tom Anderaon. White Cloud. Midi,
Bernardo, ch. g....................................................... George Spencer. Apjrieion. Wla.
W. J.. b. g.-........................ .................................. .............Jamea OlsL Toronto. OnL
L- Orr.............. .................................................. Jo«.ph St. Mary. Caro. Mich.,
Bourbon McGregor, ch. a.....................................George H. Ketchum. Toledo. O.
Sidallo^ I. m.....................................B. Brown A Co. Pontlm:. Mich.' .
Mao Hart, b. ......................................................... U O. Oripman, Ooldwater. Mich.
Ora Wilkes, b. a;.............\..........................................,R. Brothera. Stratford. OnL
1:19 PACE.
Charley Wilton, b. ........................................................M. Trueadale. Caro. Mich.
Queen of Clubs, b. m................................................. Tom Innis. Thorndale. Wla.
. .W. W. Quinn. Westfield. Wla.
Miss Marion, b. m....................
Collingwood Rooker, b. g.... ........................... Thou. Neville. Oolllngwpod. OnL
............................. C.D. Cox. Traverse City, Mich.
Walter B. hr. g...............
MonUe Matred, h. a..*........... . ............................... C. D. Peters. Charlotte. Mich.
Roy M.. k. g............................... . ........................... Boy McIntyre. Chariotte. Mich.
tUrtoo B.11^ b. ».................. ................. ................... Frank Lake. Marlon. Wte.
............................ W. W. Bailey. Lkchfleld. Mich.
..................................W. A- Lewta. Armada, Mich.
.2:27 TROT.
............................. W. A. Kettlng. Bay Qly. Mich.
Hampton Went, h. g....,
................. -..............C. VanDyne. J«d«»,Mlch.
»» “.......................ShadeUnd Boy, b. g....
Lady Cycoit, b. m.........
Parker, bucks, g...............
Creoda. ch. m..............
Grace HUlwood. b. m.,..,
Nln, R, blk. ............................................................... 0». SpOKW. AMMO). Wta.
FWr Huel. blk. m...,..................................... „..CbM. a«mU.tt, mm. Midi,
Write today for free Ohistntad prospectus.
SkUdud Bor. b.
................................... r. W. *D0r, Kimtlonl. 0*t
FOR SALE—RkffiaMmd cherries at 2
oeaU per aaart on the trees at
Cbeny 'Grove farm, six mfles oo
paalnaula. W. a Gray, Propr.
JULY 25, 26. 27, 1905
W*»ond a. b. g„.................................................. aJ.Mameroon.Oahkoah.Wli.
Headlight, b.
a iqjrm. TroiOfine Cttj, Mldu
'm m
THAVCfiM cnV, mcmim. «atu«my.
july b, ims.
The Military a>.nd Na.v&l Outlook In Scandinavia!
^ ncm cht mthm
«lMh tea drt««« »«r»ar
amm^m far tte |M
yatea tea teM ante* ftr tte
9mm to mnm U Uteir to fatear. U
«S te iMiraatlaa to amatea Oi» aalMtary ate naval laaoarBoa at Ite paa^
tia Itelyinwfi. Yte anioa tea aavar
teas a »av«m oaa. So Car aa all pracflaal i an hi i r ara ooawaad tte tve
eaate^'teva teat, ateat a. aitenct
m Iter waa* prwioiw to im. wl^
artppM ate tealuvpC a tictte oC ^
Ifaiaiianfr vara. fUmnr tea ralia-
Blafcte by
teteonter tte aootrol oT I>ntfnar« for
4te paara. ate It tea aavriateo Mtehr
to tte tevadlah anSoa.
Tte olaaty yaaro vhleli have
taatad Danaa ate
aa valid lir tte Norm. mark tte katcaat pcaoefal
In tte hSatory of oUter nation.
jtorvvRlaaa aapactally tew aovor
ateva an tncUnatlon to parmit ottero
to Mfodaet tteir qnarrala Ttey tevo
CteMtonte a bateite Umoa to brtaa
tnauvra to a crtmU. ate Itey tevo
teaatod opmly ttet diaooivtion of tte
man waa eortala to oomo. Tte anomalo«v cteractar of Uv onion makoo
teparatlnn a eoanparaUvoly atmpla
a nnwotaoanri tte teraaiah auvrmaMnt
fotaUatod by dootartny tte harbora o€
•tooktelm. Karlabrana. Ooilionborc
pad Faroo to bo war portai
bo tho aeano of yroat adlvtty. Tte
Norway ate Swodon tevo tteir own bordortand la an almoat oontlnooua
•MparaU armlaa and navloa. Tte only chain of moontaloa Thrao railroads
mnmen faaturo waa ttet tte klny of have boon out throuah from Bwodon In
to Norway, but tho Uttor klncdom la
m cwi t* vuui m v<wm, nnu vnr mrm- very poorly supplied with roads. Swe
bora of tte royal farolly wore omorra In den. on tho contrary, oapodany the
both annioo. Undor oocb oondlUona It lower part, contains
aooana almooc Inrrodiblo ttet tte Norwoftan foreoa oouki tevo found an op«
par unity to proparo for revolution
wlUioat tte full knowlodyo of Swedon. oven above tho polar circle. . Tho In
It la a Caot howovor, ttet wbon tte fluence of the warm/narrrnt of tte yulf
it arrtvod tte Norwoctan
> tho now
The othero
in ISM. Three ahips
armament of oeveral ».2 inch
yuns and teve a speed of 17.2 knots.
They arrlMlso provided with aubnwryed torpedo tubes. There are four
armored monitors — the Thor, the
Njoinrr, the Thrudvany and the ^orplonen. nineteen smaller yunboals of'
from CO to 400 tons and thlrty-flvv
torpedo huata and one submarine. Be
sides this tlterc Ik a miscellaneous and
harbor eerk lce available In time of war.
enibraclny a laryc number of wooden
sal liny ships of various decrees of
etflclenry. There are 1» offleers In
^the Norweyian navy and an equal numb<T In the reserve. Norwa>-*s naval
station to Horten, on the south coast.
Sweden haa two luival stations on the
south coastStockholm and Kaiiskrona.
Her navy contains twelve
second daas battleships—8vea.*Oota,
>ort». Thor. Drtotlyheten.
Thule; CKlen. N>ort».
Aran. Warm Topi»rrheten. Manllyheten and Oscar II. All of these are ol
Host of then
wn at Oothenbury
Iny laid
Stockholm These are all of similar
1 S.IM and 4.218 tons and
lat fifteen
18.2 and 18
; np a fleet of
quite nwtKK'talile alae. At the prevent knots. They carry an armament of
time Norway owns four e«>cond claaa 10 ahd 8.2 Inch yuna placed In armored
rw loie rrmmai ssuma
aJwai's bwn scheminc to acquli
port In this roplon. The Swodlah i
do not have this yroat advantaco. The
Battle to froaen from December to
Sweden has a population of over
».tM.009, while Norway has oonaldor- army than the latter. Norway has a
on tte onaata. If it war* to bo pro- ably l«as than half that number. .That Imraonae merchant marina bHn« fourl
lonyod nnUl tte wlntar aaaaoo It U
In this rmpect amony the nations \
litely Chat tte ooaata of Norway would
tte world. She has a very amall i
■bouM tbOM two northom eountrloo
aetvatty oomo to Nowa It la cwrtaln that
tte wortd would bo ditoeoo > a very
aptritte and hotly oontootod ar. The
By RBT. g. H. XX>TLB.
TMto.-Pn«ar|By f«r ear hssvsaly
turram. Ttear also carry many c«aa tema-PhIL OL iCa; Bsh. zL 848. 18«.
«f amaUcr oalfbar and aVhMisibsd tow
CbiMt cana to totar *llfa aad tepedo tuhm.
Moctality to Btfa throafb tte bh|mL»
Swedan has ana armorad cralaar. tte
P)dBia.ar 4.0M tom and of 12.M0 bone- Ba caoM to flacMrt aad to temoBatiato
power. She to rated at »J haota te Bk Pira itogwii'tlBu tte absotato
aMfcaacu of tte tataiu Ite. Be be
tl.7M.8M. At laatt fin of tte yvn- came the Brat Cnite of ttem that dept
boau tetonylay to tte Saredtah aavy
are of an effective type, but tte etovan ,aa« tteNte degHMtratod that aU
teeted rtoe dfala. mte Is one of Ite
on tte Hat are
on and
aeri teportaat tmtte revealad^la
as of mnefa value. Some of them bare God's word. Ufe meaus Igflaltoty
been raboUt recently and may be uaa- mecu Mace we kaow iluit teeth teas
tul for harbor defense. One oubmaHne
boat waa buOt In Sweden last year aet cad an. Haa had druamed of temortaUty. aad ted haped aad loaBte
d Ua
for R. bai BO oaa was able to prove It
are also a number of c
boau and train
Iny ships.
until Christ oama. Be aot caly proved
tte n _
It te Hta toetteoay. •• one coialac
Ice and IM raaarvea.
from the other wortd, but actually
dsmoaatratsd tt hy rtstuff tram Ite
I number of eblpe nnd In dead. Ttera aaad be ao doubt bow.
about the futflra Ufa;
Tte future Ite of the Christian has
been set forth aadar aiaay diffareat
flfurcs and yymbola. To describe tt
peace footJny and oonslsu
divtaloDS. embrmdny twenty-elybt reyli by
iterlny about 28.me m wuca ■we aow uro. man
800 men. There a > eiyhl reyimenU
i It could oaly te typified to as.
of cavalry, with 2M oflk-.*ra
oflkr.-rs and 1.000
I farts coBcarolag it teve been re
men. Sweden haa nine rrytmenU of
There will be no sin In teaven.
artillen-. with one re^ment of coast
so aeparatSon aad do sorartillery and more than 1.000 men. The
yeneral staff consists of nine yenerala
A world without sin. death, sor
and fifty staff offleera. Borne of the row aad separation Is almoat tnooahonorary yenerato of the Swedish celvaUe to us. These have been tte
army are the klny of Denmai;^ tte features of this Ufe ttet have beau
emperor of Anatrla. the yrand duke of
Baden and the klny of the Belylana. BKMt deeply Impreaaed upon ua;
The enlisted army of Sweden on a beare to fire us any coootetSan of
peace footlny actuaUy numbers SS.OOO heaven. It was necessyry to naa types
men. ■'The conscrlpUon list oonatou of and symbols. It to called a rity-Tte
every ablebodied male Swede between Holy City. New Jerusalem;" tt Is alM
the oyea of twenty-one and forty. caUed a tand-“tbe land of Osaaaa,.
There are about 800,MO men enrolled flowing with mlUt and baoey.*" tt bw
In the various clasaes.
also been likened to a temple. ^
In Norway the troops -are raised
Perhaps of sU tte symbols by wWeh
mostly by conscription. The line conBista of about 80,000 men. with 880 caven to represented tte sweelagt aai
offleera. Without the consent of the
sturthiny, however, there can never be
My Ksthei's houfla
more than 18.000 under arma 8t one
time. The Norweyian resen-es number
many i________B." When the oMp*
about 80,800. with 000 offleers. The 4ng. boors of Ufe coma and wa aiu
army on a peace esUbUshment conatoU _.Jiwlny near to tte end of Ite tte
of six reyimenU of Infantry, twelve draw
batterlca of field artillery, six batteries Idea of beaven that attracts ua moM
of foot artillery, three reyimenU of to not that of tte splendid rity or uf a
ca^-alry and fl\-e companies of enyl- country, however bleoaed. but that of
borne. Then more than any other time
neers. The yeneral staff
Ihirty-flve officers.
we feel that we ara abaant from our
teal borne, and. being tired aad wea
ockhotm. Oothe
ried. we want to go home. How often
bury and Kartobory in tte Interti
at soch times we bear the wanfls from
The chief stronyholdaa of Norway a
Mints about no depart: “I want to go
at. Oecaibery. Aydenea, Beryeo. Aker- home." "1 am only waiting to go
homer Let os ktop this IdM of heav
en befoR us. It to to be our atornal
home. Ite romamhraaoe of this fact
will strengthen aHf dhror w amid
Ufa’s active duties and grMtly ofltafWt
us In the dedlDlng days of Ufe.
Heaven being our etoraal home, wa
should In this Ufe prepare fM 4L ' If wa
wore going to change our place of resi
we would prepare iDotf or leas
Tte eleven-year-old boy herewith pleturrt Is In his way quite as remarkable for the new home. Tte pet^ to ooas Helen Keller, the not.«d alumna of two places Uve exactly aUke. HoosaiL :
Kadcllffe. He Is Leslie Orm. and he furniture, rustoma. are all dlfferenL
waa deprived of slyht, lu-arlny and and every one to movlug takes tbsM
si«eech when he was less than three thloffli Into ooaMdctatlon. So as we
years of aye, the rt-»ult of cerebro spl- 1 took forward to a new life tinder vaat' ly different clrcomstances we should
prepare for IL In heaven we are to
Uve tn cloeest fellowahl|> with God and
with Chrtot We should therefore
commune with them much In this life.
In heaven there to to te no sin; hence
we should by the grace of God try to
overcome sin here. In heaven we are
to Uve In peace and banaooy with all
! about ua Lrt us therefore try to know
* each other better on earth and Uve
■ more peaceably together here. "Our
' cHlsenabtp to to heaven." Let ns thcre; fore strive to Uve here as etttoesu of
the bcavenly ci
InstruMve Pictures of Persons, Scenes and Things of Note
The massive bronxe doors shown I
the picture. alUiouyh deslyncd In U:>8.
been completed,
occupied the sole attentlt>n
H. Mosman of Chicopee,
lass, for over two years. They be-
G«l XXTIU. 20-22: Ps. tUL 1-8; Bed.
. The time worn etructure shown In the cut Is one of the oldest bulldlnys In
4te historic town of Oeoryetown. D. C. It to the prison once used for debtora
AS hmy ayo as tte totter part of the seventeenth century It was used as a munic
ipal lockup, and It waa the only prison In that part of the country, which at
that time was within tte sUte of Maryland. Later on it became a slave pen.
Kubllc auctions of slaves were held In It. It became in after .years polloe headpresent It to used by a oonyresatloo of
A colony of bees has been enyayed
for twenty-two jnrare In storlny honey
in tte hollow Interior of tte wooden
sUtue which sunacNUits the dome ut
the courthouse at lAterty. Mo. shown
In the cut Tte flflure of tte Goddess
of Uberiy to made of thfek pine plankIny and to fourtsen ftet la hriyht The
matue to beUewd to contain at least
«w barrels « honey, althevgh no one
The ameers of Afyhanistan tUU em
ploy many of the cruel forma of puntohment which were charactertotic ef
the middle ayes. The one shown In
the picture was a favorite punitive de-
belyht and over two tons In weight.
They are divided Into five panels eadv
representing In bas-relief scenes from
American history.
In the Interior
primitive character. The mall coach Is unknown and both m
arc carried In rude tp-o wheeled carrioles like the one shown In the cut. I
s born In CUnton
of these are mere sulkies, with only a slnyle seat In front and a rear eztei
■ son of parents
. O, a
for bayyaye and the driver. Most of them, however, are arranged lor tsro pas> are able to provide him V'tth a way to begto to dtocterge your debt to
aenyvrs and their bayyaye. There are no reyularly evublished rouieti. but
■herawho can devote her entire at to consecrate your Ufe to tte work of
every peasant who owns one of these yo-carta Is ex|>ected to resi>ond to
tention to Inutructlng him. lie U an God through Chilattop Badravor.
demand, at any hour, amd hts fee Is Axed by law.
In tte curly days of the godety fte
oftancr than now we need to tear
w rller with great faclUty.
some soch phrase as thto at tte nd
caU meeting: "I wtth to ranew uiy oaaCHEAP CHINESE PAPER.
aacratloa to tte acrvlee of Ood..* Ite
phraae hecama atorantyped. and Vd
quality <
both lll.-rary and largely dropped It Let oe take It W
irlce of 1
mechanical, are l»»ued at
i an extremely agate aad put new Ufe and tneaaiag
amall figure;, The price
of the ordinary toto It WU you not Bay with me te
Shanghai iournal U 4 cash, or about night aa your naaw to aOtad:
one-flfth of a cent.
"1 will cooaecrate myrolf to greatdr
taithfulaeM to my rovmiaat ptadge."
"I win eooaeerata myself to more
The amount of rice produced in Slam
haa Incrcaaed enormously of late years.
Ten yaora ago tha azporta of rtoe from
"I will cuBMctflto myMif to i
Slam amounted to 217MO tons aa eomflart to toad aome oaa etoe to <
pored with S00.M8 torn In 1882.
sad tato His dnmh this wtat
A CURIOUS AND ANCIENT BOWL. Bfflr. mads E. dark. D. IX
The quaintly fashioned stone bowl
shown to tha ptetura was recently dog
out of tha ground by oae of the aroflers on Andrew CanMgla*s BeotUah eetate of Sklbo castle. Antigttariaas have
aaeasaga to tha CtetoOan 1
A teitar haat a pattoat hack
Above a yawatog ptt.
Aad tmw sad ofranffU aad levs eat
Aad stfU. though aaay
And bmariy ha cum
eras thsv seevrsly
Bdsd at ths hop of
top and the
vMt to have tte statue dtoturbed.
of thim and
e aaAiU goddess are hunger. When tte recent British mlsmlgltod tt I* ......... if I to do tte wock Sion to Alfftenlslan cresssd tte
thc XataLata
mmrn,, vteB tte teM am Inoo- baud pass aeveiui of tteM MlaSsre
iifsifl H^.rr kwnr isnteMteUiiBiMMMBfltilisteflMlk
Tte cut shows Admhul Togo in his cuhlu UB.boMfl tte MIk— He M eapHtMug
a war artist how it hspHMd that te sucaped dsath from tte bunttu V of a M dwtag ooe of tte eagagwm
at Port Arthar. The
Md. togsthw. oad-tte rastoved ahsB now • Ids la thes
ireCUUy and
alougMde a pwfMt one. which alM «ame flo board tte Mfkua «urti« tte
Tte uBnln4 Rmb* « hta tablo two teautlful dwarf uaoa tevenl tmtmrn oUL wk
It tel BBntfur. HiMdt ttem M tte tndtop««whto omniiiM bn. vttBBi wMM a hit of charoeatls always gtewlac,
WUtm adtemte ttigMi M iflMi BTtMagBBrtifliHBhiBiBHNtMteaBMai*^
detenntoed that it to a wtoe howl
which batoimed to a Imder of tte Dsalab axtay whloh Invaded BootMad te
IMl. The howl Is ftra tnetea to width,
ITS a peiYotatod
peiYoratod handle Ihy whtoh tt
s douhcites
douhClH carried hy ia etitag er
sp aad to la M perfect «
» Tfuvntf CITY, I
^is^Utam <if
«M wttMi ilHpiurnii myt
!«■ kBTV MC M tt. U V Mt 9^
f»M«. I stall «mH4f
4m« •»
tai» -tai tsgito • ftai*
TV. L«t>
AdveAtw of,;v
CttaM «r»b fU7.
-1^ tFMblr jroa «• valk M «f ST
taOtata^-aMta. <T<i«€uMywr
sofitata LM M—t UWM> «tat 1
«• Mt vtai ta tar* wytttal t* 4»
HCtar vttk kta «r vtOi bia Mtata
K«^ slr-HMt sMttar wstar B* imM
tlir M tart—rty.
atav tlM
TWk yon miM UOK CXIVia iKm nl K
ICS" fata BopklM wrffl MrvD m
nsppior: anlanr >40 to «M
mongk. pnM weekkr. «>PM« ntf- M la fta ta«t ta tta
vaneed. AAdreM wtlh ntutp. J. H.
OMl up by both ptansa No. H.
OPivn wlU to laaMUy ottete ta
JOiBf HOFfnNS- *
WANTtO-Plaln acarlnf at Sto North
WUI AtaSl bt tWM MpKk W MM
of boMiIlipif vbo hnvo onud LIOK OOIKIE
lorever a eetrtWel e esnturyV
gprnce street.
« tao0 1
at tost MtaMta Into Ita raaaUM
*-I>r. LmU/ Amatrooff la cmtataly a
room, vtare w» fonad tta dortpr acAt* naa of awvcy aad dMetar.** aaU ta.
"1 bare aot oaaa a awa wbo tf ta
tITUATtON WANTCD by Saredlab
Ctrl to do general touMnrurk. Apply
to Prof. Hedcen. R. P. D. L
Wo. n iTtta igtaa
IQnalrM Uotiutj. Aad
| ^ awMa Ml poor Wntnan. tare we am. i
j ta W *01 to 0.0 oC tta taad. «T Ita and frlnMlena la- tbto lata
town, wbkb we caanoc leave wUhoot
almndanlag uv read. Tbla tttSia tarn
n«tai ttata M ta tta
ArmatraagY boana la
But Oodfrty la a taa lad>-a atenrti M
KatMlug wttOd lutfiKO blm to *»v» W*;
".“t”*” *T” atagialaHy adaptad to oar naada
■ wM angaga a froat aumn
oM uurk away. lU bara tta
. BwvMl i/*m to tta taut ibla ot*nimg.' •
•* *»• mau-tta aqoar^ rebaaa M natwaaaM far tba b
ON, b ‘jL •PY
rANTCO-Woman about MycareoU
Comtwlent lu manager and care for
Steady employment. Mr*. W. Csrey
Hull. coRkcf State and WeHlagtoa
July 2d4t
Otar*# I
U tta UjaaoUm. a|-ro oo patoa, Mr. j
may have tea ta aafea a f»W ta
Itaortu*; 1 ta« you to b«tr bo Mo: ^
Tbraa low taqoMta proved, bowevav.
■Btantad to brio# blm aatfrly barb. Aa j •••**»«
»• !■•»«*•* Ja».
almt to be a mart laagtby prtwmdlng ttaa
to monoy, w«ll. fo far aa a Ortt or ot— of deep rbacaciar. a i
Bdad. grba. aacvtlc, aalf roaUlaad. for- Bntama bad baaglnsd. tm be dkl not
a taoact foaa, you raa ahraya look
mldaMa>oo I read Dr. Uata Arm- rmara to tba las tpitil naaity » v vlecb.
mm frmmm wt aiuw atnmg. Ue bWd tny fftanTa «.-d la He waa pak and dejetied. stalnrd with
1 |1«r oa tto lafor- ita taad. and ta lonkad ap «ub M dual, and adbanated with bnagar aad
matloii orbieb roaM[ tab* «B. far ta very p1c«aad raprt«alao upon bla doar fatlgae. A cold anppar wa* ready opao tta table, and when bla needs were
vri^ato life of bia
buov lUtW of tta iiri^ato
aaikukd and bis pipe alight ta was
aoftarw. q«r only rtaw lay to tta tma<
ready to take that half vomk* and
ratod tHogniM.
trilb a cu|>y of tbta
wholly pblioaopblc view wbkb
la bla baim MoIm
forth to tod a
9 of arbWb I by i»a u
aataral to bUn wbaa hk nSalra
mtmtA Uok for bla taala. We bad taak approve.”
galag awry. Tba nanad af mrrlnga
aa o« Load MoM>laBi«a. and OraM
**ln that doctor, yon
wtaok eawod litm to rtae and glaaaa
oclf In agreomeait with rrwy vnuilaal Mt af tta wtuM. A bctoiam and
In tta oonntty/' nnld my fiieod guWly. pair of gray* atood tadart tta docMft
UmMK tad batoitai tbaaa
**do far aa
na your offorta an* dlir.-ted
dlir -ted
at a toFard tta
It auiiprenakai of rrluir. air.
"It s bagp out tbraa boiHB." aakl
ataatdlataaeertaaittahalaL Webatt- ttay maatt biiv* tta aupiMirt of ruyy
"fttaitsd at dJO. aad tare
ad oatabte It
lesaouablo memUar of tta touuuuutty. [olmea.
ba«b again. That glvre a radius
•nr» aractb trytac. Wataao.** aald Ctaaab 1 ranmit dooljt that tta adb-tal
or twelve milm. aad be does
■atam *tMaoBraawriba waarmatYre aiacblnory ta amply anWcleat' fur tta
ucc or aimetlmen twke a day.**
aaoM daamad to aaa tta oeoatarfotta. panwML lEttara your ValUna U iu jtc
"Ko uuoaiml tblag for a doctor la
bat wa tare aot nacbnl ttat aiajta
yet 1 doo’l aawaa ttaqr maraaber
**llut Armatroog k not really a doc
tacao In ao baay a pliMa. tat us vaa* you nike op family mattrri wbkb nra
tor lu practice. He k a ketorer aad
-II am aorry to tniobk ycm.** aaltt ta
gsoeral practice, which dlatracto
t manaar to tbe yoaai
ta bla I
from bk literary weeb. Why. i
Ita gratiat: nbato la
ta make tbeae kmg Joatneya.
wbkb'muA ha exceedlagly trhaome
him. and who 1s It that ta rlattar
I raiy
"Uk cuechuiau"aadttad to pat my aama at tta aad.
"My dear Watooa. can you dooht
Oaabl you laU me If tbla waa aor
that It was to blm that 1 first app
Ita youaf wooiau tamed over a
1 do not know wtatber It came
taoaf of enaataffolla
kk oWB Innate depravity or from tta
**miai tfckick m ur aha ataad.
premptlnga of bk nnuler. but be waa
••A little aftar (L*
mde ruuugb to eet a deg at me. Nei
•mont vaa It tor
ther dug nor man liked the look of my
put bin flofer to bki Upa and
atkb. however, and tta matter fell
^Tta laat vunla
rda IIn It
tbroagb. All that 1 have kwrned I
got from-a friendly naUre la tta
ally- **l mb eery aaaloaa at
yard of our oara Inn. It was be who
told me of tbe doctorb habits aad of
bk dally Joarnay. At that Instant, to
tbe fortaa.
give point to his words, tba enrrUga
*Tbla la It. ttarc la ao name.** aald
ruuud to tta doar."
abe. BBHWtbInc II out upon tta counter.
"TouM you not follow ur
“Itaa that, of volirae, aci<ounU for
JJr. Lcata Annatroap.
"Kacclkot. WatKin! You are aclnluw >ery atttphl of me. to ta better bidden, and when you Inddeotal- tUlating tbk evening. Tta Idea did
aurr! Hood momlng. mlaa. eud nmuy ly waaU* tta lime of men who are more cruee my talad. There la. aa yon may
tbauha for baviug rvllevMl uiy mind.”. buay tbnn youreelf. AL tbo proMUt u»a bate ulMerred. a bicycle abop next
Be vbucklea and ruUtad bU bauOa »«*»*. <•» example. 1I ab
aboukl ta »i|tlnjt our Ian. Into tbk I nmbed. engaged
wtan we found our«-lv« lu tta atn-ot, « irroUm luatrad of cuovcnUu« mitb blcyck and was abk to get atortod be
fore tbe carriage was quite out of
imn- more.
“WHir 1 aakeiL
1 **Xo » doubt, doctor, and y»-t tbe eon- sight 1 rapidly orertook U» and tbaSL
kt**|Ung at a discreet dktanoe of a bniidred >-anla or ao. I fallowed its UgbU
■t we nrr duUig tta revemc until we were cknr of tta town. We
ocbeuuw for getting a glliupae ol that' trll you that
B eery Juatly blame, and that bed gut well out on tta country rend
ttly hope
bope to of
«f wbat
lelegnim. but 1 coukl bardly
at oijy- when a eomcwlmt mortlfyjng incidcstt
I we are eod««\w
very flrat tl
piixate occurred. The carriage stopped, tta
’ And wbatt ba>e youa igal____
-A aUrUng iwlut for our Inreati-; maitw which muat ne^vesarily follow doctor aiigbted. walked aWiftly back to
i< falrl) In tbe wtare 1 bad baited and told me in an
-Klng’a i when
; band* of tta olB<4al police. Vou may excdlent earOonk fashion that he fcat^
I'ruw Btatlon.” aald be.
j look upon me almply a* na Irregular cd tta road was narrow and that ta
■*We have a Journey, ttanr
-Yea* r tlUnk wo muat run <down to I pioneer, wbo gere In front of tta reg- bo|ied bis carriage did not impede the
Cambridge t<«etbcr. All .dta ludlca-; uUr forxwo of tta country. 1 have paseage of my bkyck. Nothing could
f to point la ttat dlrec-, come to aak you about Mr. Godfrey bare been more • admlrabk than bk
way of pnttliig It I at once rode past
tta ramtage. and. keeping to tta main
*■ Wbat at
rood. 1 went on for a few mike and
**Tou know blm. do you notr
Oray'B lun road, -bave ymi any ana-! “Voa
thru baited in n convenknt place to
pk4on yet a* to Ita Wuoe of tta dia-1 "Be la an Intimate fHeod of mine."
apprarnnee^ 1 don't tbluk that among. "ton are aware that ta baa dlanp see if tta carrla^ passed. There eras
no sign of It however, and so it be
nil our caaeo 1 lni\e known one where > paaradr
tta motlvra are mtwe obaeure. durely i "Ah. Indeedr There wa* no change came erldeot that It bed tnmsd down
yeu dou't re^ly Imaglue that ta may of egprraatan In tta rugged feettarea of one c»f sercral side roads which 1 bad
otaer^ed. 1 rode bark, but again saw
be kkikmiiied lu order to give Informa-tike doctor.
tkn again*! bla wraUhy under
j "He left bla betel laat al|bt«be baa nothing of tta carriage and now, ns
you perceive, it baa refurnsd after ina
"1 euufaea, my dear Wataon. tLat; not been beard of.”
Of cuuree 1 bad nt tbe outset no pa*^
that doe* Dot appeal to me aa a vrry.j "No doubt be will refun.**
probable explauatkiu. It atrock me. i «Tomocrow la tta varalty football tlcttlar renaon to connect tbeae >onrof God
however, as U'lng tta one wbkb waa < match.'
moat likely to latemit that eareadlngly j "I bare no aympathy with tbeae
nnpleaaaut old penma.*'
i <^kllab gamna Tbe yom« mauY fate to. tuTcntlgate tbam
"It ceruluiy did that, but wbat art hitereat* me deefdy. almw 1 know blm grennta that everytniag wnten con
your altcnmUvear
and ttke blm. Tbe footbaU match doaa cern* Dr. Annstrouc M at prrecot of
*T could tnantlon aercraL Vou muat i nat cooie withlu my borison at alL“
adaUt ttat It la curtona and auggeatJve i -i dalm your symimtby. tbaa. In my keep* ao keen a lookoot nte Auy one
that tbla Inddeut aboold occur on tta ^ Inveatlgatloa of Mr. gtanatooY fate, arbo may follow him on three exenraloos tta affair appear* more impor
ere of tbla important match pad i Do >ou know where ta lar
tant. and 1 stall not be ndtasd until
nbopkl lavolre tta only maa wboae j "Certalaly not."
1 bare made &e matter dear."
eaaential to tta aac-' "You bare not aean blm alnoe ye
f • ^::QLJKr:six:^^jsz
Amateur sport is free from betting, •^aa Mr. Butmton a bcatthy amnr
hat a ftMd tel of outsMe betting goea "Alwolatelj."
on noM tta public, and U is poaaltae -DM yoo ever know him Uir
ttat It might be worU som* ooeY while -Never."
to get at a player aa tta ruAana of tta j hm* popped_______ _______
tnrf get at a race taraa. Ttare la one i for, the Asetor's eyes. -^Ttan peitap*
expkanatlon. A second very ohvlotm ; ygn trtU explain this rcceiptod hUI far
aoe la that tCtai mwg man really
‘>7 la
^ ■; tt BBtoeaa paid by Mr. Godfrey SfatfaIta heir of a
____ «^itnn Mac msoth to Dr Lmta Anamotet bia bh
I w
PTMt b^l .ereng of Cambridge. I pWwd it out
and R la BSt 1
______ _ _
boM him for vatmom mitat ta co^Ttatetur finabed with
-14e not feel that three Many ^ ^JTteejtanrire tnto no nMta nf; .rty I nho.^ nredre an
"Quite tree. Watson. Tta takgaiWi j
ntlll rcmnlna te aolf aoBd thing with ^ook. "If yre prefer n pnbllr exniM
which are tare to tel and are mnat tjon. R muat ^
nnld ta. "I tare already tahl jau tta.
WfremlL U U to gain «tat upon lean hnah up that vrttenttare will be
» telegrum ttat w*
I to pnhtah. and yoo wauld really
art now upon our way to Oamhrldga.
^rlssr to tata m* Into rew camTta path Of
inreatlgation I.
mo mto rmm
present ohm-nre. but 1 tell ta vary! »i know
rHritt R."
-Wd yon brer CM Mr. a
hnre not ckarad It up or mmls n cno-1
sMerable advance nhfag It"
*YYrtnlnly aot*
It ure nl^ talk wtan am ranched -d^ ^ ^ me-fta postoAce
"Wa can fallow him tooorxow.” *
•XYb we7 It la net ao asgr as you
seem to think. Ton nza not familiar
wNh CambrHgffalre. are you7 Itdore
not tend Itself to concrehnsnt AH tbla
coontry ttat 1 pnsapd o«fr totagfa M aa
flat aa tta pnlui of your tatal ata tta
maa we are foOowtng M no fanL aa ta
very drerly abowed tnnl^ 1 hare
wired to Qvarton to ta us knew any
freta London devetapmenta at Chio ad
we can only
i upon Dr.
________ _
tta abUglag
yoM lady at tta aface glfawnd me to
read npqn tta. ca—tarfnll of tennton'a
mbmt ^
young man Is-to that 111 awnar aad
tf he knows, then tt mart ta our own
fautt If we enmta maaagr to know
alBo. At prreret tt muat ta admitted
thatttta add tfekk la In hla
and. t I yoo DM nwam. Wataen. R M
tahtt to Mare tta gum In that
July ll-tf
WAHTtO-Oompeleai glri Cor general
boasework. 7lS I’nkjo street
tKeNiaaMlTKrea' ijU?-rL«*
Ml tablta Ilia tafaV.
(OmMaSr rVMB W^toatajrY laM) j «adl«l adiool at tta Mrertar. tat a
90n SALS—41 lots m BMMahY Itb
ndd; t CD—eTa lots (rantlBgwn 141b
•tsunl 4 bHman 4 WfamtoY nM,
•Dfi S lou
ku on Wt
West Trmi strte
VU 'taMM mit
t or watotn wtaft In MtebignD.
MM LvtataTolk^^
ttiigM W>iA V
limimi <n •-•17
pwt In mortgagaa
Hmm far mta
lavte NT B. IfaNuMta ItaR
Pfacw BOUL
lTOiiiT»ir--Otmmrtf MnMaHfata
tiMifakm tta fatorn te ta yMi
tata, g nMtlle ■agfflDc wll twaunl
tta trot Ufa's htatory. Ow lit
A pug OALR OR nuitatai
WANTCD—A woman conk: amgn
per month. Lake View lloo*o. Elk
Jnly l»4f
voount VK3I OO. «**•. OH*.
_ WANTCO-To bay IX or 14 ft. oount
.taait^erhlle ' CT. S. 4. 4 OT t ft. abOW
in other stato. li U covered by general ' »«id hard coal stove. Inquire 211
E. Pront street.
law and properly ltcen*ed umlenaker*
I are given right to u*«* their own JndgCUNNINGHAM *GHLNCfi" fiHOCfil
Charles Heown. n pketeee farmer at
batiK-r shop.
KaUunaxor county. U not all In yet. j Hordes .of muenuitoe* from the
and during tta pa»t week demonstrat-' svaKp* «if Zu« inland are bHpiug lo
ed that although «7 ««ara Old. ta can j nake tbe torrid aight* unbearable for
make a good farm hand. Daiing a j Delray folk*. The p»**t* breed by
week he ccy Ucd and abocked eight-1 myriads in tta swamps and at algbt TO RENT—House Nol 4W7 West HKh
■t. inquire at county Jail or eltber
ern aore* «f a heat
Hr ewd tbe J cwoop doam on rltlaens arbo are seek
phone No. XI.
July X0-3i*
cradk. aacb as he used when a young' log nmllng breeae* on their porches,
man. Mr. Brown ha* always refused jur on tbe streets. Residents of River TO NKNT- I’ofurnisbed ro^.m: also
to pormit It to be aald that he is old | street suffer the most. To walk ahiat
good barn
inquire at XI* Wiwi
in health If be Is such In years. He j the durrouglifare m night means a
Elevi-nth street.
July IP if
Is hale and bemrty and declares that | rum lit urns fight i«i drive tbe pests
re*Wenc«. on
he win be working his farm wht-n he; »mmr. A public subsrriptioo Is about
rvachss tbe ceatury mark.
) to bp made for th* tmrcba*e «d crude ^ Z&2 and another at XS7 East Tenth
\ crooked finger led to tbe down-'oil and an 4<quipmcjit with whlcb tnj atreiH. Apply to E. McNamara.
July 144f
fall of rrtd RtlUams. arrested for tba; spray the marwhes and render them
burglary of CYyaa Br»»s.' meat market 1 uninbabliable lor, mos<jultoea as wa*
at Benton Harbor. In gaining en-1 Bttccr*sfuny done In New Jersey,
trance to tbe ahop the mark of a hand j Tbe sympbimy orekesira of Travwas Impreassd on a can of -lard and erse City, «-«»n*l»ilna of Imirtecn FOR fiALE-lioust and lot. barn
bd. 442 W?*t Elsfalh stresH. Prlc*
the croitked flnaer gave a ciew to tbe pieces, under tbe dlre-tion at l*rnf.
fX.Pdt. ooe-thlnl down, balance
William* wa* recently i*m-j Horst, gave an entertainment si the
suit purcba***r. Inquire 111 Ba»l
ployei! by Cryan Kru*
; opera bouse In this viUski- Prlday
Ninth Mn-ci. i»r aUdr**** John Ouue.
A |M*?uUar Incident is relaie.i In con-’ ev>-nlnr that w*.'<*'grf* ied with a well
C*bel«ygan. Mk-b.
July 1» tT
nectbin with ^.e illswiMH-wtanre id filled Iwm.-e Their «-ffi»rt* gave *i>:**n
sotDc laud In Rubin lake, near llher did »sil«fartlim a* ws* alle*te«l by the
dale. About three arrtw of land on beany applause glieu each number, FOR SALE OR TRA01~Lut. tMiildlnc.
st.tck St U fltli-K-i of griKvry and
the shore of the lake Ju*t *itnp!> broke The inu-rv*t wa* «uhanct**! tiy the
weal luarkit. Poutb Spruce stre«*l.
away and sank ciunpb-tiMy out of knowb-dge that the members are all
rit Irens phone lilZ.
July » Imo
sight. The land wa* Mwepsd-wrllh full boy* ««f the high M-bunl of TrarerM>
grown troew.nip] It I* said th«*y wentioiy. with i»we «»r two i-xn-ptions. ta
down wHh the ground In which they addPlon to the orchestra music tberf FOR »ALE—My home. No. Ml We*Tenth street. 10 nKia-s attic, wood
win rooted and no trace of them r»h | were M->eral soli** Uub Mli^ Marshed Jatge hast mem furnace, hot
and cold wai»-r. bath, martle. strict
the tree* with long fl»h|tuks.'but can-' *««h11>. i'm Alway* In the Way."
ly modern, gas light*, corner U»r,
not find them. Il I* s*l«l that ihc.wa-•
iw-nucn.a iini«- mb* <»f al*eii
carpenter stap «*o luu-k with stall
ter aws lowered lhre«- fi-*-t and n-^jja. ive sutiimt r*. gu\« a vhdln »olo
and shi^i. \V 11 lUlne. care at lh>«
malned at that level for thret days ta-j that captured the hou»«v a* did her
ton etore.
July lk-<l
fore taking H* nitrmal level again
t r«-*poo«M» tu the encore rhai waK «»nly
TKB BUTIJim for Gragfi Rnpldg. tad
Traverse Oily for He ILattar. TtatY
tbe rautera' cnU. Take ta gams eta
Here Uarqacttr exenrakm flaafiay.
Bate $2.
a lloillalev's Rocky Moumala Tea w"I 4m
Taken this montb. kewpa yoa welt aU
sammer. 3S ewnts. T^ or TabMa.
Johnson Dreg Ca
Tta OJlbwny tndtan drama "Hiawa
tha” will be given at Lake Ya-way-gomng, near petnskey. Mich., dally from
July 4th to fb-pt. 4th. TbU rewAUian
at the Indian ns a romaniir figure,
should be asen by every one. DescripUve pamphlet can be had by addrmoilog uctai agsat. G R. 4 1. Ry,
Traverse City, or C. L. Lurk wood, G.
P. A.. Grand Rapbls, Mich.
June ZhntuD-wisIaai tchsept 1
ht. Sitqa k —re
W, D. PifOMOk-ta ^
Ttachir if Viollii
SsRik SMc SRsc Stsre
329 S09TN MON STKn
Ih-caui*e he pruntised to marry Mr*, j ijnieti-d by her t-wn-l apte-arance i
SALE-At H J Murgna's sUhte
CbrlBtufleriM.n and then changed bUjThe flute ^olo by ,»i.e of the «.rche*tra
horse. h*m.^
harncKS. tou
top bucrv
buggy anJ
and Port
mind after getting a deed to her prop- Uiy* wa* especially pivaslng. Mr*
land cutler. Party leaving <liy. A
Nokmry taajtollo
erty. Charles Gordon <tf Pierpsot t* in ('arli*l«< an<l Mr*. Her»T adikN] to the
bargain If token at once. July 13 G su BMt rrxiBt mrMPt.
Us nrers
ManlsttH*. confronted b> a : «<Qjt>>m«‘!>t of tht- evening'* entertain
charge of obtaining property undre mem Py their vocal *olg«. a* both FOR. SALE—Enquire of W Hold*
false pretense*. Mr*. Chrlstoflcrsou.' w,re in flue voice. KuHuwiug th«ror.
worth, ■ 224 West EScfath *tr.-et
the eomplalnsnt. l» a charming young cert the orelH-stru fiiin^^hed niu*ir
Sunny bank hotel pn*p.v1y. Clsi«i»
widow of Plerpont. Store Gordon was for an hour <jf dancing, ahtch aa* In
feet. Lot oil Slate »irett.
placed In jail he has bean -very volu-'^ dulsid in by a Urj^-number If young
fwt. Ikwt b*aiiun in city f<»r ho*el
ble In bis promises to make amend* p. opie, while mvny of tbe older ladle*
Jpy'l 12 Jit
to Mr*. Christoffersoo. but tbe widow * remalne<l a- • |iain»n* of the bail.” The
heart has not softened.
' Ijtdit-;^' Cemv-iery s^-^oclatlun nett«>d FOR SALE OR RENT—The
81dv faoU-l. Inquire Howard Wbit- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE
Harry O. Pierre of Nile?, «»e of the LJl fn>m the entertainment under
best known demoerntte politicians In ;
s-.i-ldee* the tx»ntert wa* given,
western Michigan, U a raving maniac —El^: Rapid* Progrtqi*.
from vm^Atoc cigarette* tend applies- i Nv’Xt Mon<lay evening a me* ting will FOR SALEONE HOCSB on West 11th street
tlon has Wn made In Ilenire county ^ b** hejd at the Alden town ball for the
THREE HOrSES on Ea*t 10th 8t.
protate court to ronmil him to the |purp *se of taxanUlng a c»>mretiy to
TWO HOCSt:s on corwrr Front and
Kaiamaioo asylum. Pierce I* 40 year* ’ build, equip and cvmd-art n canning
Ro*e street.
of age ana tbe sreretary of the Her-. taciory.
neuclu*-* lor a fartary ha>
n.VE HOl'SE on Webster strecL
CaMCUi^K m* ruttuB—
rien cooniy democratic central com-! slrrady be« a *.cur*-4 and efwMigb
C'» acre larm.
' ranb b r<*«iuin*I to c'«»mi'U-ie ih*- orW>
unimproved lard.
nwtj to ta made tom ragp, Mt me
Charles Shuppel. of Cleveland, o .,
4d acre* unimproved Mad.
A movesH-nt Is
foot and ha*
recently In tbe emidoy of thi- MbbiAny of theiM- at a bargain that you
*‘tny. t
can't refuse. Part doam: balance
to suit buyer.
being where theyr shon
should not be. HI,
^P'«»be^ Two
hsari is on the right aide iaatead of Public mwtlng* have been held and
133 East »th Street.
inly C-tf.
jdkm. Ah. taOP«vi«
tbe left; his fiver U on tta left Mde
»Ph‘.inied to forward the
movement, ard the pnilect ^a*
Inatred of the right, and spleen
make it reaMulkwir cer- FOR SALE OR TRAOff-Stock and
right instead of the left. His stomach '
Tsimh.* B««*" . l»rre
fixtures of grocery and meat market.
‘bat ih< event wiil b*.- a great oc-e
runs from right to Uli instead of ;
So-jth Spruce slredL ClL phone
from left to right. He seems to be In !
»be city.
good krelth In spite of U alL
Fine Dental Work
JttPET OEUM ffons.
Tta Mkklgan Pnoerel Directors’
etaregUou has adopted a resolntioa
aakinc the IcgIsUtare to pass a aew
and akipUw regarding
of eoktogioQs dead. Cadar the
present law local boards give or deny
Charles the
Ruben's portrait
1M1. has been found In FOR tALE-NTce Janey eow. IL Hj
Bold. Umi
man. 240 W’aahlBgtoa atreet.
ws once owned by Philip
; Loodao.
July Wf
IIV. of Spnln. and was probably takeo
| by one of Nnpoteon s gesertte
. Ptance and thence to England.
meata. Herman W. Smith. <13 W est
Bereuth atreaL CRlreu phone iM
June 27-tf
Wc arc now taldiig orders
for the celebrated
FOR SALE—Wnrehoaaa botOding
M SmImma Du^.
Bgy atreoL coraar HaU. aMo Utann power snaoilne angiae and
faed mis ontSt; nMo Seoom brick
rnrillwta. UT Sixth streuL Ayoly
to fata BonSnId nt raMdaren
A adkmadiity which wg mac socktr, our ctadns and ooraMvaafate—fai^whidhcBaWdaretoa—stn^
^ at Itax tec wtan our wires ma to been— u»«hM.
taddbeteit urnkmc. Of afi ttacounteadetofato be
otaerred at auck a tec. ta —«k ore M of more
imp—aree ttag tta bodSy welfare of fae
moteTte mum not eapciieree undu* satefaff
ten^ a^r Mck flC ctet on our part.
FOR SAH-Stofo toriidkta Muck aad
fixtama. Win naO an or any part,
or «« rent haDdfas. Apply at •
Chta Starethil. Ttaaoraa CRy. Mkk
mar 17-if.
reoiaacal tare nta aaianen ak arektt M
^And yut fta OBt 4ay
tOonttaned la WadoM
rndneodayY Isana.)
FDR SALB-nre roMdf
ISroom taaaa aad ham. ita fL Mt:
hooaa taa any vatoc. hath room ggd
(ar—M. tasutoa at F. Thuttott orer
ALL rANR nan hand far Ofond BapIds Sunday. Pure MnrguMti resunian.
re» IX. Oatoigi MgguD mfa
Ruttar. WhtohaltorT
BncKh. '
Tte TiM •« «M Cf »«r 1^—
Tk* wimi tan tta ahnn «f itali
OrlCu <tar ika «M» np« IM
Tb BiacI* Ha knaU vttk tka Imm
Tkat fvmr94 dvrar jrld*i;
Tli«> elaids aa tka
Ar« vMU la tka fetal k*ar.
Ami tka kracta ata utaadft cmoalas
Tka aa»«ana aaBan tkiv^
10 aat.
Than |aa a»m Otot laaa
tkma kff tka mataia.
-rmsdkbr k la kidar u» hta tatara
la fkaaa vam tfcaa aat to lava than ai
**8ai tka baai var (o lava tka v4d
•■van la la 1st tkan lanala vhan
ital tka laagr
akrtaas of tka taantoi a< tka h^
TW akataas aai rtaalaa ta
tad ^ ao Me to fralota Mr
Aa4 a ktakta to kUtkafi iladM
kiaaty aad >a ifaaaa Mr aatavi
ia tka panaia 4ata kalav:
Porkakaoars ikat aaar kia to cradla« MBortlac la tkf pM of tka gnat
Qardaaar apaa vkoaa aara tka vlld
Bto nata la kar m» aato.
Ak4 tka ttna of tka ctaav Man
to tka aaraataat aai tka kaat.
flaca a spray to thy bail, ar a roam aa
floBC OB tka kilto aai aptoaia.
tky ataad.
•nag to tka BMaiov* fair,
Wkaa ikta patiaat tkyaalf tg a
flaas to tko kaaetitol valtonu
8aat aa tka foraat air!
ito tiaaatp vtU kricktaa tka vork la
Aai a cta#aaaa daap aai laatiag
Thai tooaia oa tka starry soi>
la tka tlBa of tka dovar kloaaaai
The arorld to aaar to Goi
-fhna JoaraaL Wkaa MtTs patty dauila meat ka
aana aosv.
rska a koak«-U may glva tkaa Oka
"Cnaa lla oe tka crass mad llataa.
aokipa tkta’at aongkt^*
HAao tka aktta dooia drift aai 9 Aad taip Its loaaga oV tin M
eateliaat tka dean
stato tato Haw tka data Ma of
Whoa tka taak M poMaod to Itkr
• Aai Ustaa tka avast taaa oaar
• ^ A cklaa vltk tka toy of tka baas.
Or tky bralB to parplaaad hp doabt
• Tka tlrai hrato a-tkrob aai
or a faar.
d|aa tht irladov. aad tot la tka
• • Waxat gdat aai daar aa ftoaa.
• TlU oool tkoiickU Oov Uka a Hvar. '
Ood katk taoskt to Ua Mria for tky
• Tn tka MM nf tk« Vlad to tka '
eras*.Oh. a kraaak of vtti igaas tka kanaaaat ladpa
Makatk M for a tkioac. while the
ktooooffkw rtoe
Win turn to a bovar tbe tkoraleat
A cDoi frtoad of Hotoo Ckaar. vko
Bo vlll baaoty make stara Ufa db
has boaa vtoitlac la tka vast fhto i
laar, aaaia aa aiHorial taaa a Paakto
papsr that to acaUeakla to arary atato
to tka Itoloa. novarioMrs warytoimmar Pleral Netss.
vbm* staad afhaat at tka tkouchtlaas
A aarfnoe drasifng of time aad anb
aad un-UtoOB eoli btooiai vay to
vhlck our bast lorad amUra flovars pkar vlU aradleato tbna dUataathra
am bdax axtanalaatai. ckaa a IHtle tooeeu that oftentUaes toftat tke aoll
earn to cutUax tka ateaaa toataad of of pot plantm.
Kaap OB vttk tke keUebora o«
trarlac tke rooU, voold gtf aa frato raaa atags are laeltoad (o be
craat kkaonaa for yaars to coom.
Tkla to aspaetolly traa to racard to
tbo baauUful arbutua, auch goamitlas Porslan taaect povder oo tbe boskee
of vbtob am aklppad taai Oraad Trar- vklle tbe dev to oo them.
irs«' fvary spiiog. Already ope must
Liquid fertUlser of some kind will be
BO far aJlfld to And It in perfection vary helpful to yonr plants and will
Tkv stuated btossoms vblch. shorn of Increase the Quantity and size of the
kaU tkelr beaut r. are commonly sold. blooms. Concentrated plant foods are
->are but a plilful remlnOer of the great, atoo a great boon to the city dweller
^fragrant, roae-tlaied btoasmas found vho can not get the best of soil.
bare a decade a«a
Tbe mealy bug Is a hard past to get
_ The remedy moat oooM, aol In futile rid of, but It can be done by first dto
^.;<talklag to the boya and girls who tenr lodging the nest with a small bnich
pap and doslroy tbe rooU to tkdr kaau aad than apoaftof or syrlasinc the
»to soenre tbe flovers. but. to tke to- plant with a aot solutloo ol quaaatoifloenoe hronght to benr by wiser nnd chips tea. to which has been added
'bolder beads. If every lover of the enough soap to make weak soda
beaulltol vould form tkemselreo Into
OrienUl and other perennial po|
n committee of one. aad make It their
may be suoceasfully started from sends
s|M'cial business, to that vay. and that
daring July and August. A clomp of
way only, might the good work be ac
them surrounded by Sweet Rocket
makes a corgeoas bed dnrteg Mgy and
The Fueblo paper offers many excel
aaiiy June. Procure and sow the seeds
lent tboaghts on the subject, among
oov. Too vRl never regret It
which are tbe following:
_____of plants
Stake your gladioli If they are ea~Thera are three Kinds
tboM that live for a single sea^ it- 1
prodiKdag themselves each year from'
the seed: those that Uve through twol‘"
•**«•“«»- New and exgulsUe
years only; and those that continue j'^*®**®*
fiower are being pro
to pt^ucc flower and seed year after’ ‘iuced almost every year, and it aaaou
>var.* The flest kind are called an»>«
growing in popalar tonuals. the aaoond btoonials and the|
third parenaiato.
Nov watch for the flovers of extra
*H3oiaparatlv«ly little harm Is dona beauty among the double petunias,
the perannlals vhen tbe flowers art Layer the moat daalrmhto oaas aad
picked Vllhoot Injury to the plant, ab thus secure thrifty ypuag
through the seed prodwelon Is propor-1 potting later, aad they will begin to
tkuiately decreased: but vbco such j Moom when taken toalde. and brighten
plants are tom up by the roou. as fre-1 the window garden thipukkoat the
•luently happens, the country Is them | entire winter.
by it>hbed of a Ih lag object of beauty I As soon ss tbe perennial seeds are
that might continue to exist for many j fully ripe they should be aovn tnsickd
of saving them to plant next springIn the case nf tke agnpato. tkey are They are apt to lose their vitality If
absolutely dependent upoa the seed they are kept any length of time, and
sou log from year to year. A field that the sooner they are sown after r^panIs stripped of Bovcrlng plants each lug tbe better, to tosum utroag ptoats
year cannot postohlf continue to pro for next year’s flovarlng.
duce wild Bowers todeAnltely.
A bad of gaeaalams er col aai caa ka
them hadt.
“tl'lld flowers and tke flowers of the thickened up by
culUvaied garden are aot ef Ue eame Do not take off the ends of the braaeknature and they cannot be treated to es. but simply ptock out tke ttoy
tke plaat
the same maaner with like raaaUa.
Tbe sweet pea bloeeoins the BBore free vlU throv out branckes from tke lowly. thr mote lu flovers ere stripped cr axUs and these shoots caa he
he plaat to aa
from the vine, while with other cultl- j ptitaed bade
rated favorites the lack of nataral | kroad as desired,
aced la supplied from the atoms of the
Cbsyaaatkemuma that ara to ka
tmtoei tor spacial dcvelopmeat tor
-Bui with the vlld flovam, the eaaa koaaa calture ahoaM bo potted tarty
Is dlfrareat. The wild flower hantm to Aaguat aad kept In a thrifty ooadiIs too often a wild flower klllpr. aad Uoa uatU the Ume of
vhete pmiple
people turn to wild flo^ kill •Ptaal advantapes akoaM be allovad
I'lqg by the hundreds aad by the thoo- tkem to the vay of careful calUrattoa
^xanda. vUd flovers vUl aooa become and fregaeot appUcatlons of Uguld tmt^scarce, and one of tbe richest ebarau tlitoan.
^of the laadacape vlli be kMt.
Otat forgei that July to tha time te
There Is only one plane where the eov <he paasy need to the hotkaia tor
Vinter hloomtoi;. Keep the ■eejltogi
I natural blrth- growlag steadily untU froot. tkta kaap
Iplacn, where. aaUd Us uaUve aamwai- tkesaaht
llngx. Its proper beaatles are itoplayed gar of a I
land aocentualod aoconUng to the ratoe air ta beijiht days, i
I as oM flowara
tamwty way af wwaktog flta hr flotogl}
r a hta of rad rnap- to twhaka taaa
g far hakafl flak to aery gmi
of w tmmstata af c
aa ayrapL Maah tarn 0^1 atogto
tod to w mllsapiiutol ef kman km ta ctanta Mtak ctasat toa. ta wkta to added w cwpfal ef toy
ascloch. .tat taaa umta aw too.
<» «MK| feM ¥m «Mti a
tar M M panpire tontfraaly
fraaly pat
kaihe «ka aM oi taa tat av M
ka ftakad vtok taM d
to nara lo ka aoHMfdad «kaa to
ataoa. If new iktogi are ntattah
tan tka hadp kpa aoalai afL
■aeh as la tka totar oita tka aiialkf to torWakta ap a ML makta tka oM
taaa do Mr boat tor aa.,aai
tap ka kno lov ta raarttoa.
are am amnalaked hg tka taPi m
tkay yield. Ttatog MUa eota
I after aU, aad 1 am agato m
haw hto ova hair kraok §pd anto^ we took ta for ^f lltUe tktags tbe
k BhoaU ka tboraoskto daaaai taMadDcapaW
It to wwtj aaar «o keep ewe's
aaatY vaak or aa la a«na or hot vady tieak wtthawt
tka aid ef fka Mwwdmas. It i
rraeklta ytoli io a tatkm maie of
to any bow this
tha latoa «f oaa lamaa. a ttaape
, tor uvefy gkt. I
tak of pamAtafl Mg aad i
ta.knoewikaBttletrtekefwnaktat tkaae to g katOa aai «a tvlee
Ing them hataeil. to nlito. nwd pneUng
iaily. Aaatbav camblafltlta em
them, while drtpplog wot, flat on her
gf aa oaaee aach ef powtata
aai tomaa lalae aai a Plat ef roa
them dry gad ftaak aad ef Jaat the
tar. Apply tta two or tkraa timas
Otahiay.. . ^
Wriaktoe are prodneai gakkar by
While ta the sabject of little
vyrry. HI aktare aai paar haalth than
ton I mast tall yoa of aaotbar (
byaMata Whlto akla tain am gaai
to kdtaf IP Marata tarn aawka
ptaty of laartai «ai n paaswl tom
IPg B9 Of the aystam to also aeoaaA ealakratad Gera
by keeplag tke dhova atralgkt aai
tkmviag tka arms back aaUl tha
haais tOBch. rapaailng this exercise
memlag aai algbL
Tbe baato of aU baaaty to pmfect
bsalth. Kaap tbe system to guoi or
der aai tbe blood para and thace will
bo lltUa raaaoa to romplato of bad
teaspoon of ammtala added to
foot both of warm water will io mack
mt tired, bumlag feet. Bosk the
feat to this water for IS Bslnates. Dry.
aai while the feeu are warm
motot from the balk, mb over them’ a
tamU guanUty ef vaaeltoe. In the
momtag dost the fed over vhh
ch chalk.
r a slnggtoh liver lemoas foi
the meat btaedcial of adds. Next to
them to point of value stand tomatoua.
Theoe ahoald be eatea freely at
s. Tbe Juice of a lemou agoeexed
Into a glaas of water ought to be drunk
as oftta as possible, but wpedaUy up“ ristag to the mdmlng before any
thing has been put into the stomach.
Warmed Over Meala.
Table Talk gives the following ex
cellent and Otael ways of aervlng
nantp ef roasu and odds aad ends of
cold meats: _
•t Sllcad leaf—Make a brown
gmvy of two Ublespoonfuls of butter
(or dartfled dripping) browned with
two tablespoonfuto of floor, one. pint of
water, stock of gravy, one tabtospooo
ful of tomato oatoop. a few drops of
Worcestershire, aad salt and pepper t
taste. When thick and smooth dmi
to oae side aad lay to it some neaUy
sliced cold beef or muttom. Keep at
the aide of the tr* unUl the mei
thorouglOy hot through: thm arrange
hot platter, pour tke gmvy
and garnish with parsley or triangles
of fried or toasted bread.
Cottage Pie.—Free the meat from
gristle aad too maok fat and pot
through tbe chopper, ffeaswi highly
with chopped onion, ealt and red pep
per. adding. If liked, a few finely cut
oUves or a mtoced green or red pepMototen well with gravy aad pot
to a buttered baking dish. Boil and
mash enough poutoes (or use cold
ed ones beaten up with a little
srarm milk) .to make a thick cover
over the meat Dot the top with but
ter aad bake la a Ita ovta.
Gapped Keah—Mince tke meat aad
mata urm; If tke gaanttty to scant
■eke It out vl&h a portion of brend
crumby uqlag bread which to only a
few days pkL tar aach capful boat an
egg. add a apoonfel of gravy or milk
and one teaapooaful of meltad ^nUer.
and mix ft with the maut Batter the
regutolte number af-eapa. pack the
to it ataad In a paa partly flUed
with hot water and hake to a hot oven
tor twenty atantee. Serve with a to
mato or brown eaaoe.
Meat aad Maoaroal—Cat the meat
to aaial). neat dkw. tar a pliit break
ooe capfal of maearagl aai hoU to
salted wate* until tender, then drain.
Prepare a plat ef tomato aaoce. tom
into the i^eat aad maoaronL and imv
to the side of the flra tor flftota mtoutea or natll tbe meet' to very hot
through. Serve oo tonal.
Meet Tarrapto.—Cat into half Inch
dies aafltoltat cold meat to meoaafa
henpinf pliit. Hard boU throe
. Brown one htaplng tahleapotafal of bettor, afli two aotat tAbItapooafato of floor and browu again. Add one
oaplai and a quarter of water or stock
aad aUr uattl owoth end thick. Aid
mat and atmmer for ten adnatoa.
Stir to tka eggs coaraely chopped, one
tablespooafal of akeny. owe tahleapooaful of Ttostar. and take toom tke
Are. Qeratoh with oUves aad aUeaa
empoch awd to give It k tta ftamr.*
to very koi weatar waikteg to tata
daak af powdered thyme. UTboa aO to
fknwagklr mtoad mmera fmm ta
fl>a awd adr to bb egg. I do aot cam
the amktoS awd uarrtog of thOM tor asolat statota bm V yao want it
Mugs aeeme a great tank to wmBy M way yoa mar add agpmnar
iBBBckBBpata wkta raBMy h to mamip tol af mack, milk or waier.
AH am aartoaBr tovliad te tatauta
Ml ta ta evoBtoc gOWB BBd WMba
imlt lamoBiii. Bot ptoawatf tor. to emd or batwod. do aot aaraach \t wfih
rlca. M;flt a. m.
aaBoyiag. bat wkaa ta a ktotfe or any bard sukstaae* which
Baaday ocM ai U m.
Morto toagas. C;M m m.
vfU break ta eMmci. Pill tbe eaueeflwU to prepamd U I
Mwtog aervfca at 7;ifl p. us,
paa with water ata place oa ta
matter of addteg water.
TMday ataatof
A tabtoupoouful af saleoda at
As I writ# 1 pictameoa ef ta mis i
I have i ^
taart of water. Let ta paa
A cordial wetBome te taaa ■arvleta
Miserable where they mtat *»Ma on the beck of tbe stove tor
have beea dettgbtful. A hot. uatldy i taarty a day. Tbe acaiu wlU dtoapscranda. ham save for chalru and pao-! taor Immediately upon betog rubbed
fltotot hear. t;M a. m.
At five to the aftemooa. Just be* doth, aad ta hoc soda-water
Moraiag wortala 1*:M a. m.
torn tbe men come home, tbe howar^ | ^ be bottled awd need some other
Suaday acbool at 11:M m.
ffomaa’s Pbrm Magaztoc
want to^aaa a ytaag glri friand tba keeper aright bare started ta egtay
toteimadtota bdaavor. 5:dS p, m.
Saalor ■adaavor. <:1S p. m.
Otar eventa kafl ftmad bar basSy aw- from ta hose, vltbout cost; Bba might!
_ y _
--------•matog oanrtoa. 7:» p. m.
gflgad vaaM eotrieh toatkers! Tea, bare spread a mg on the floor. wHh-' ^
Paateoaatal prayar mmOmg, Taartgff
from the I
®*Alie add to remortog
sraaklag to the sroed: tepid water and oat cost; brought a
U ...b . rtlt.
I ar«i^MlcMrTk..Tk«.«w*W
all ,«boo. «•: ;
« tb.
ta b.and when I saw tha Wbb
^anior Badaavor Saturday. S:lfl %
poor tantharu gat nbaotataly Ump nad
plant and a pitcher with ttok-; Jarions to rmtous kinds of amtartols.! f’**
thin. I smiled, slyly, aad mentally de- Hag ice water and glasses tkesaba. to aomo cases H has me toed
------and to
• wortorip with aa arw
cUtod tat was the last ef them
I awd ta poor.*
bta o«l«« cod «l4ctaM.Uta COM
oe wpaklagaad
lor <bc
CM» .oweta
lag over and over agau antil all t
M tkb bub lood. lb. tkmtm Cca«l
*»4 bUo—
“Or d.«>l horn. It
or mU had dtoappeamd. Thaw owe by .>dlbcubl.u.ll,m. Utatoiw!" "ry
Oaaa mesclag, »:30 a. aa
picked op the -sUnky. Ibbtiubt. tatacblc bc^.
Moratog ssrrlee. 10:JU a. m.
tklng things aad began furuiture and poverty
Sowday school at aooa.
shaking them TloltaUy with her hands, for diacomfort.
Bpwonh toagm. <;1K p. m.
Bvcaiag service. 7:30 p. m.
la a very few mtoates 1 saw a transJunior league Thursday at 4 :flfl p. m.
aad to toes Uase than tt
Prayer meetteg Thursday avealag at
takes to taU the feather was beaatlfuUy frmh. mom fluffy than ever aad
boshas or a vine a partlci
ruady for earllag. Lou of things nsay
be vaahad by owaaotf. and so many a fine spadmea of flower which ta garwishes could be kept forever. It
paaay fonad fw aomathlag eUe toto Impossible, however, to preserve It
atead of gotog ta the daaaar.
A aovel field for a woman to be en
Lpcaa. tor exampla. If aoaked for to lu aaturml state, and probably tbe gaged to as a bustoess to that of a pro
best thing to to crystalltoe It.
ime time to soapsads aad a little am
cess server, aad the dtottoctloa of
mtato. then aqueoed (not rubbed) un
betog the only womaa to that Hoc betil daan. rinsed and pinned down oo way: Pnt eighteen ounces of alum loags to Mrs Harriet A. Osrr of New
brova paper either on tbe bed or on toio a quart of water, aad dtoadve it York city. Mrs. Carr Is a aatlve of
the flom will look like new when dry. by letting U simmer genUy to n cloae- New York state, was bom oo Long
Chiffoa veils may be treated likewise: tianed vessel over a moderate fire, Island, but grew up at Fordbam. WaalI know from experieace. as I did mine stirrtog it fregnenUy with a wooden cbeatcr county. She comes of good
Evangslical ChsrcK
. R-ben ta sotutloa Is ready,
Cor. Ninth and Wadsworth BtrastoL
Umea toot sammer. as veU as a
RcrotatJaBary stock from both parRev. R. N. Hotoapto. Pastor.
lace scarf 1 eftea wear aboat my poor It toto a deep glazed Jar. aad aa enU. and Is a woman of unusu..:
10^00 a. m.. BMmtog class maeeiag
>ls the subject Intended to be
ahoalderu.—New Men Magazine.
10:30 a. m.. morning worship aershrewdneaa and courage, of excellent
crystallized shoold be suspended to It
address aad fine physiqiie.
12:00. Sunday sehooL
piece of thread from a stick told
Her adoption of her present .bastocas
3:30 p. m. Junior Y. P. A.
It is not alwsys those who are able scrocu the mouth of tbe Jar. where It sras tbe result of circumstaaces and
C:30 p, m.. Settlor V. P. A.
to leave home aad drop work and re- must be allowed to reoialo for twenty- chance. She was married to a wealthy
7:30. eventog gospel servlea.
BponslbllUy during the hot weather,
wholesale butcher of »cst side. New
vho have the greatest deUghis. There lution it must be bung up In a
compenaaUoos. aad many of them, cool place until perfectly dry. Take legislation at Albany and It became | evening,
for the “stay at homes.- Not least care that the solution to not t
necessary for her to help. She was at
all riaaeea welooma.
among these, at the close of a well nor yet quite cold, as in one a
U.e Ml.. „ .«!„ Club
crystals should be very small, and In
done day’s work, is a vine
church singer, but singing did not
L. Kequa. Pastor,
plaxza. a cool breeze, following the set the other much too large. The daisy, prove suflicteatly remunerative and
Sunday sschool. #:45 a. m. C J. Hal^
ting sqn. and last but not least, pknty hyacinth, pink, furze blossom and she began colecting bills and following Supt.
comfortable cushlops to tuck
certain tines of detective aork. In this
against the hard back of the chair, or subjects for costalllzation. Pay at she was qnlte snccessful. working for
Senior Endeavor, «:15 p. u.
throv down for an easy, restful seat tention to the alum as It deposlu.
several of the largest dry goods aad
Gospel meeting. 7:30 p. m.
see that It does not settle In greater
Prayer meeting. Thursday. 7:1* p. m.
on the steiw.
grocery stores and law firms to ta
AU are r---------Many go without these minor lux goantities on some parts than on oth-
I-‘ 'I
uries. aad lose half the comfort of Ule.
because of a mtouken idea that luxury
and expense go hand in hand. Here
few hints, picked up from va
rious sources, which, if carried out by
the nlmblc-flngered boys and girts, will
transform the uncomfortable and- bare
piazza Into. If not a thing of beauty, at
least a Joy forever, to their tired
Paper tom in narrow strips makes
an exoellesit filling for summer pillows.
This Is a good time to gather clover
bUssoms for filling pillow covers.
Blue Is a color to suauner fnmlsblags that to very restfal to people who
am nervous aad IrrUahlc.
The bandanna handkerchiefs In red
and blue with ruflles of plain color arc
not to.de despised ss pillow covers.
Have at least one Dutch pillow.
Theoe come in cotton srith quaint
Dutch children printed on. and with a
turkey red ototon ruflie make s bright
spot among other covers.
Matting remnaau e
now lor a few ceau aad these
cod and practical plltows for the ham
mock or porch. Of course ooe must
get the fine ghaUty which to very
pUahlc. Make a cotton plUow aad fill
with ettrled hair, moss or,hay. Pot
ro aqoareu of matting and lay
over this and hind all around with oottea tape or plain bright eotton cloth.
Those who am fortuaate enough to
m near a swamp wUl And tat dried
eat-talto rival ta highest priced gooea
down for porch aad aoCa plUowa.
flwaat fam laavm- from ta boshes
hkk cover ta hatAtohetvy plains of
Bortkem Mtohlgan. it aslxed with hay
cot to short lengths of taro or three
tochaa. am gutta as dallghttal and
mom nnasoal than ta ever popular
^lae aeedlsB. •
Ou hot amwmar evealagB #haa the
ea am at home aad exhausted tram
their day's work to ta heat.' driakr
Bsade from traits and miaerml waters
am wot awly a rafrashtog tontry. but
bealth-glviag deUcactos. To draaa ta
trarwato arkh a mg aad chairs, anas
caSkloas. a Jar of tarns or leavaa aad
pemek bowl to to have aa erewtog
af aolid eoaM lor aaigkhors awd
Canning Psaa.
Select peas that are young and
fresh. Wash and scald them: pack
them Into the Jars; adjust the rob
bers. Pill the Jars with cold water;
place them to a wasbboiler. in the
boiam of which has been placed
a rack, and surround them with cold
water. Put ta lids loosely on tbe Jan.
cover the boiler and let the water boll
continuously for three hours. Lift
each jar carefully; adjust the lid with
out removing U. fastening down,taano
reptoce It quickly In he boiler, continu
ing until all lids have been adjusted.
(Jover the boiler and^ allow the water
to remain at boiling point for'thirty
minutes. Uft tbe Jars, and when cool
examine and see that all tops are firm
ly AzeA
Summar Meata.
with ta summer season comes the
traveling meat market with iU In
variably tough meat from the two-yearold (?) stock.
When boiling add one tahleapoonful
of sthong vinegar to four or five
pounds of meat, and you will then
have tgwder beef. It doea aot alter tbe
flavor to the least.
After dinner, put the remainder of
ta beef back In the kettle of soup un
til eold. and It will then be much
more Jnicy aad sweet to slice cold.
If yoa have steak to cook, drop a
tew dropa of vinegar upon ta slioee
before pouadtog, aad your steak will
be vary much more tender. Please
try it. for tough steak to ao dlsagreeahla to as^Mte.—Kzchaage.
A Handy Hint.
Oae woama known to the wrlier al
ways praeewto a most smart aad aeat
appaaraaec. aad flaally ta secret was
oat; above her drseatog table kaags
a smaU caakiow. awd to thto to always
a aea^ flUad with white thread aad
aaothcr flltod with black silk; aay sort
of rewi or aUahap Is repaired at oaee.
mg are aewed oa, as weH as
hooka aad ayes, aad hrokea threads
la dfapatitoh atocklagi are repaired at
. aad la thto way a laaUy topy
aa to always able to apgaar seat
Preaching at 213 E.
X 1:30 p. m. Rev. C. MUiei
First Frssbytcrian Church.
Cor. Washington nnd Park streeta.
Rev. L B. Btosell. Pastor.
Momtog service. 10:30 a. m.
Bible school at nooa.
Christina Endeavor. 0:30 p. m.
Evening service. 7:30 p. m.
W. M. 8^ first Wednesday te ta
nesdays to the month ai
Prayer meeting Thn
hursday «vcal^
at 7:30. Ssau free.
AU are welcome to aU ta sarvloaa.
Fourtssfith Street M. E. CtoKBil. *
Rev. J. W. MUler. Pastor.
Claas meeting. 9:4S a. m.
Preachlag service. 10:90 a.
Sunday school at 12:00 an
Epworth league at C:30 p. m./
Evening sermon. 7:10 p. bl
Prayw meattog. Thursday avaalBff
at 7:3AH
a delinqueat debtor of long stand;. She was snccassful from the bo
ning. Only dilflcolt cases were
given her aad ahe received a larger
compensation than the ordinary protu server.
Fbr a woman to be soccasaful In thto
business caUed forth aU Ue wUes and
canning of a serpent wiU datermtoaUon. alertness and an Infinite veraatilHer occupation hriags her tolo
eoBtort with aU claaaes of pypls.
from the richest artotocratz of society
down to the worst frequenters of dives
aad saloaos, nor to ta toaguage and
discourtesy of Ue saloon keeper aay
worse or tosultiag often times tt»Mi
le vitapacaUoB of ta Irate aoetoty
atron or ta dude.
She has thu become known aaMog
1 daaaes and to aadoobtedly <»e of
ta most dtaaded women to New York.
Her raaoarceital trteka aad eabterf ages
ta sate an amUence wtU laacceaalhto
toBta are origtoaL AayUlag tram a
swaet love note tfi a daeoy telegram
are eamtoyad te gain acceas to people;
shrewd lawyers do aot^aaspact
M thia fMl draaaad. flne appeartog
aa has a coort writ saamaoaa
Chrtotiaa Setonea.
Sunday momiag srrrloe to Modern
Woodman hall over postomoe.
meeting at 7:30.
, No.
T afte
iunday) from i
^St^rrmneto tarch, comer Oaas and
Veepers. 7:30 p. m.
Lentea devotions. Wednesday aad
Friday ercatogi. 7:30.
.Ladlee- LIbrmty baOdtog. Frorf
etreec. near Cass.
Ca^ and Mrs. MansaU to aharsA
PnbUc meetiags avarr atoht axeta
Moatoy Bight.
Sunday. 11 a bu Hollaagi maMtos
3:Sfl p. au Chriattoali pintoa macb
p m., a red hot flalvaUoa auab
IffOor aUadard, **Battaam Data ta
Oar BdUlaCry. ^Mtonan, tan la
Mvadoa for Ton.'
win te worUi
liatt—krl Ofkb* lacrtlML K»a«MB «f a»y—II Covt JaMJae tsar*'
tea or )fte Vcrk. to atec fcto ««» te
Bitatench. MM.
taeoa*. vliSA he »▼» «te proaM
hfa befaiv h« aarrM te' la LMpa.
teft.22.IMa. He aajr* ate Mted hla
to auTT her, ttet te im refoMd ate
tliaa Maaatad u>. taeaae her bae
ate vaa to poor tealth. Hto wife waa
tertfc tUmvmh. a Keataeky baaoty.
viKi aarrtod Raataald Ward, emtt
"copper Wnl- a."d dlrortod hUa to
Mar, IMS.
Oaa avaatof anca tte >«»« ktoa
at Sfala waa tte raai of Ktoa Bd
ward to Bucktoctea patoee AMteao
Iboofht thlBca aaonax rather atoarlrWith the new of llreotof ap tte apirIta of blaraelf and bU fellow gaeata
Us to^te majeatr proceeded to turn
flMlaiM dowB a corridor, to the tm
BMttae dedight of evetyone praaaai
After tte laughter bad aabaidad AlfoMO Juadted btinaelf bj qaoitog tte
optoloa of Horace: “Dulce aet dealpere to looo," arblcb te trauatoled Ibu*
liberallr: **U l» dcllgbifnl to plaj tte
fool at a ifttog time."
Jake <>>ok. t»-e New York aaoakey
tratoer. lebo died a victim of the heat,
wai Terr food of bla famous cblmpuaxees. "Mr. Growler" aud "KiiUe
Crowlef** "Mr. Crowle)T woald sit
at the table with Cook, arrange bis
napkin, carve the viands with his
knife, use bis fork properlr. drink
from e glass, and st tbe end of the
meal dink glasses« with Jake In e
toast. "Mr. Growler" has a large
wardrobe and dresses himself wUh as
great ease as anr man. When cither
"Mr. Growler" of "Klitr" was sick.
Cook would spend the entire night
sleeping br Us cage with an alarm
clock to rouse him hourly. AH' the
delicacies obtainable be would give
the patient with lu .medicine. * Or
anges. broth, eggs, port wine, milk
puntdiM. champagne—nothing was too
good. Kitty used to cry when Cook
left her. She was exacting and de
manded much of his lime. Once he
forgot to saiN "Good-bye, Kitty." as
was his custom, and she grablted .hU
band and bit it to the bone. Cook
did not believe In the Gamer theory
of a nionker Isnauage "While there
Is no truth In the Gamer theory of an
elaborate monkey language." he mdid
once, "rvt they have a chattering code
by which they communicsie to
another. I myself ran tindorstand
part of. it. I can recognize, for Inaianee. their expressions of Joy. sor
row, anger, despair, jealousy, envy and
other ordinal-)’ emotlona I cat
when they are chattering a m-elrome:
1 can toll when tb«-y are railing t
coiur bark, and I esn tell wht-n they
are exprossing gratitude (or relief
from pain."
The gallows were cheated In Si.
rani Wednesday br Edward Oott
schalk. The state meant to hang him
Aug. 8. but he hanged himself In his
cell when his guard left him alone for
10 minftes. Gnitsrhslk killed Joseph
Hartmann, who was his companion In
the brutal mirdcr of Christian Schinb’ddecker. a butcher. In an effort
destroy any testimony that flaiimann
might give against him.
Mme. Patti s Welsh castle. Craig
) -nds. Is again offered (or sale. With
the improvements made by the prima
donna. It It worth about |2.%0.(Msi.
Mlth the theater at one end and the
pavilion and winter garden at the
other, it ahows a frontage of fully
tbonsand feet along the terractyl
banka of the Rover Tawe. and no roy
al palace Is m<»re Inxuiianily appoint
ed or handsomely decorated within.
Mrs. Anna Marla Brin, a South Af
rican princeas. Is dead to Camden. N.
J. Her mother, bora in Virginia, went
to Sierra ixone many years ago and
was wooed and won by King Noonan
Shortly after the birth of Princess
Anna an insurreotion made matters
uuaafe in King Noonan's realm and he
aent his wife and daughter to Amer
ica. Princeas Anna made a promise to
marry no man unless k native of
Sierra Leone. Her huahand. Richard
Brin came from the far away king
Ktug Edward is tte oheaer of a raU
Mete Of dmnat prtcelass guM plate,
tte afeamaiatnff tmsrrt of apeeanetva sorwwigmiaa It Is saorad to Windsor ensde; bnt It is hrenght to LonMn
on tte nnmsini of a coot sntactalnrthtfty^eigM yearw
menL Tteee treasures are equaled
aaOde eemh «f Haata Bartauu, ate oaky by Umaa of the winter palnoe Ic
Pnatemt Franktlu Plene appMte 81. FManbufg.
Albert J. WfUtoms to be tte keeper,
lu iSSil. near the doer «f tte (ivfl war.
Tte PCU ttet act as a tonic, and not
Mrs. WUlisms was appolirted keeper te ns n drastic pvae. Are Dewitt's little
saceeed ter hnsiaiDd. who ted dteS. Barly Htoera. They cure Heahache.
ffte luis ted tte lengeet service of any Ontnrtlpation. Bmoosness. etc. Barty
keeper on tte eoast.
Rlsflrs are aasaB. eagy to take and
Bodeni titled EngUMrwomen easy to act—a safe pm. Mack HamUthe Inutews of Portland stands almost ton. hotel derfc at Valley Oty, N. Dl.
akttte as keeping apert from tte ten says: -Two hottlea of theae Famous
don "smart art." Her tastes iva to Uttle PiOs enred me of chronic eonpfans
inantfaropy. and ate tes worked oo stinadon." Good fnr either children
or adulta. Bold br all dealers.
fUHhfnllr at
p that she Is
knoarn far i
“The Go
ckerry IPectoral.
Cmvliiiit. ooafhiBf, dty aher
dgy, tetrs tbe chroatttnd hmfs.
Heakby tissaesf|veBtT*Too tre
BL Ask yoar doctor arhYOba^
Mrs. Itorwelt. wife of the late Gen
eral Cterles BarweR. C. B.. wim. was
buried at Harrow, to Engtoud. the oth
er day. was with her huslnud in tte
Indian mutiny, sud was the last W>
ver of the Ul-fated Lnckimw gsrrt-
BigjMfft talc ever known. Don’t miM it C5ome and
aatiafy yoiua^ This coonncNia atodi ahall bci aold a^
5$e BB B MIbt for the balance of the Bodth. Bernnanta from Ic np a rolL CJome and select your patterat while ym havd > good nelection. If you can’t
use it now, it wiU oomc handy next spring . . . •
Thras Good and Just Rsaaena.
There are thrao reasons why mothim nrefeir One Minnte Cnmtb C
Irst, it Is absolutely harmless; e
nd. It
" S;
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
I by all dealers.
Dr. Washington Gladden—who has
ao vlgoroualy acored the dioreh for iU j
acceptance of "tatoiod" money—and
John D. Rockefeller were country
boya together Ur Tioga oonnty. New
York, attended .adjototag district
schools, and frequently met to rival
spelling bees.
A Smooth Arlicis.
When you find It necessary to use
salve use Dewttt's tntrh Hazel Salve.
U Is the purest, and l>c*st for Bores.
The Only Way to Cure.
To cure a cold when you have no
cough—to cure n cough when you have
no cold—^to cure yourself when you
have both—take Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. The new Idea, the
Original Laxativa Cough Syrup. It
contains no opiatea and is beat for
cougha. colds. Croup, whooping cough,
ete. ineasant to the tasto and equalIr cood for ehtlH or adnlt. Remember
the name. "KennedyV, and set? that
the red clover blnssom and the honey
l>ee is on the bottle. Kenuedy's I.Axatlve Honey and Tar is the orglnal
laxative Cough 8>-nip.
Take no
other. Sold by all dealers.
Pere Marquette
Niagara Palls, Alexander Bay, Toronto
4 and Mnntresl.
6l>ecial low rate excursion to above
polnu via the Pore Marquette and,
MUhlgan Central railroads, or via De
troit A Buffalo Bleamer Detruil to Buf
falo on Thnrsilay. Augnsl 3rd. IMS.
Ask agents for rates and particulars
of trains. e<c.
II. F. Moeller.
General I'assenger Agent.
Muakegon, Grand Raplda-^ate 12.00.
Sunday. July 23.
Train will leave Traverse CUy at
«:30 a. m. Sec poaters. or ask agents
for particulars H. F. Moeller. G. P. A.
"teotty." tte miner a^dthrift. is ytm ora no* mtiMsd with iMto.
*mM to teve hired Ftederlck B. TrieThb is our iMomtoa wbkb gnm with
awry bottfs.
bel. a New Yoik amlptor. to make
portrait bust of himself out of pore
Fte tela Mil
gold Uk«n from Sootty's Dufftb Valtoy
THB hAnnah mtua BTom.
Let oi vitalize an idea
for you.'
Boardman River
Hcctric Lifbt
& Power Co.
Lwlie G. Sloonm’s $10,000
MotiBg Picinre Mcsical
I Load aud Loan Co. K.
Hamilton A Mllllken I
OR. F. HOLOtWORTH— Spedai a^
temloQ to diseases of the aye. ear,
noM and thyoaL
Glasses flUed.
Roomi 7 and r “
bldg. Telephones, oifice 103; realdence 104.
r. W. THIRLBY, Dentist. Orer'llan
num A Earl's jewelry store. Both
phones 103.
I to of
fices over nrst National bank. CIUsens phone S8S.
OR. F. P. LAWTON—Office rtxim. re
moved to new Munson block, next
door to Dr. Higgins' oifice.
Try • "Fill to-night."
For Sal* br all Drvgclata
lO Ottt and 88 Gent BexM
AficcPT MO sutsnma
OR. E. L. THIRLBY—Special atlenUon to disesses of children. Room
409 Stale bank bldg. Both phones.
HARRY B. HARNER—Expert piano
tuner and action regulator. Satis
faction guaranteed. With Kimball
Music House. dU. phone 2C4.
tist, 301-2-3 New Wilhelm block.
Traverse Olty. Mich. CUx. phone 148.
Graduate <
Bay Steamers
iiiiL-iin luocj^,
CUy, Mich. CUIXODB phono 105.
la. m.: II:C
0:SO 0. m.
Leave 11:00 a. m.: 4:20 p. m.
Lodtoa, *yo« nan yem^ on IK »pnte
plo on IL but It will come up omBInff
•vory Mma.” Caiman's ElaMlo Ftoor
VarnWb «. C. WaH A Boim, Tmvorao
Leave 8:30a.m.
Leave 8:30 a. m.
teops^lmr l»riomm
ISO, SSo, 3So
Seat sale open tomorrow
One Gala Week of Pleasure
n^ul Sh^^;^8
i East Front SueeL
Tohl in oriirinal coK*re<l mov
ing' picturt«.illustraied eoniirs.
eon*; ixim*t‘ptioii8, electrical
anti other effi'cls, ooniplcU* in
every detail, eeli|»sin*; any
thing; in this lino ever given
in lliis eity.
10 r
waitl off BWliBRlii, to NbMMm.
Brtbb BihUy, Urn ate Kite
— I GAI-I. PrOiB mJkC GAkOK—
MW State Baak BaildLag.
OR. W. E.. MOON—Phonea. oIBcs,
CIU., 107: Bell. 99. Residence. 710
Washington sireeL CUx. phobe 21C;
Bell. 99.
tejnber the Old Reliable line that is always on
specialty. 1 ^ake all trains
time. Hack orders a speci
with hack.
In Liver>' 1 can furnish you
I can furnish yon any kind of carriage you want.
1 have five hacks and three 3-seatcd carriages in stock,
also a nice line two-seated carriages, traps and single
i call when in need of :
buggies. Kindly give
thing in this line.
to eye. ear. nose and throaL Giaasea
fitted. Both phones. Residence 519
Sixth StrecL
B. J. Morsan
TM 6. B. Taylw Coal Co.
Yn Art Rit FMnag Weil,
are ao near at hand, they wiD
tmild you up, keep you well and
at aty Book Store.
Leave 8:30 a- m.
Fare Xi*-ah-tii-wanta ami
Ik)wcrs Ilurlior 2-'« rouml
trip; Oin ?na, Northiiort ami
Northporl I’oint, oOc roiuitl
OAMdEUTaWtUMlmBldc. 9 a ». to IS
1 to A n. a. T to 9 etmOrnge. gsdamM M
WjrnkMp fUL CtttaMMPboMdiT.
tmu. MSMANeE
Hem inihote Bloe^ ttemM
a F. OARvu A mmx
Tbo^ Eloctric^onntmn: Traimxl Animal Show: E!cctric
iti^rThe\l%at Tr^in
Ewer’s Wn^Wes^
Indlgaatlen Curad.
Them Is no'case of Indigestion. Dys
pepsia or Stomach Trouble that will
not yield to the dlgaaUvc aud dlrengthenlng Influence of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. .This remedy takes the strain'
off the stomach by digesting what you
eat and allowing It to rest until It
grows strong ngain. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure affords quick and permanent re
lief fbom Indigestion and all stomach
troubles, butld np the system and so
purifies that blsease yan not attack
and gain a foothold as when in a weak
ened condition. Bold by all dealem.
Forty little skunks ran amuck
among Mo Cornell Summer School A lot of boys’ and chndren’s abort
panU In cotton and linen.......... 19c
students near the nnlverstty dormi
tory. W’omen shrieked and held their A lot Unen pants both white and
tan ..................................................28c
dresaaa high for ahcHer. doors and
Hamnton Clothing Co.
windows were dosed to shut out
awful stench, and coasterustioo
high until n number, of studenu
sought'' shovels and atones and pro
ceeded In a systematic manner
llghl off the pesta. The skunks bent
n retreat to the celtor of a vacant
building nfler six hgd tioen killed.
A requiem mass waa aald te the City
of Mexico n few days ago for Btoperor Maalmllton. who was shot to
death n yean ngo.
Ooa A. Congmaa. the defaulting
cashier of the defunct Vigo County
Und.) 'National bank, arrested on a
charge of embexxlemeat. to aald to
have aquandered 9MO.MO In Terre
Haute gambUng^rooma and at nearby
J55^_bean naiog, yoaH
afeotrieikf* not oeh for aeomomie rBaaopa,bnt tor maanri
of utility and ganenl adapta
iB Pffrfect CmiiitioB
Sold by all dealers.
"Sootiy." the Death Valley miner,
aoourding to Chicago newspai>ormen.
Is only n clever fakl*- hired by the
Santa Pc railroad to attract attcntlou
to the road and impress on tBe U. 8.
government what I? could do In the
matter of time between CMcago and
the Pacific coast. The Impression
was produced all right and will bo a
trump card of the Santa Pc when the
rich mall contracts^re lot.
OMno m. Mow-wntete btodK. a
: 4S^:
osditf atr and 1
lUlate. warn.^
i. W. JgMgB. AasBS
TnUal«.T«-i Tram. City.
a m.,__
IkltorN OnWIMMly
u* , —
J. D. PILMORE. Manager.
E. C, EWER. Bacretary and Treasurer.
Bose-A Lemon Globing the Globe: The Great Aomann. King of Bag Ponchers; Fuasneir
Brag’. Trick House; Burhrick Bros'. Musical Act; Meredith Trio Flj-ing Trapexe; Austen, the
KingofSlack Wire Walkers. Excorstoa Rtto mi tU RtUrtais as4 StCEMbott Uses. ■
E a sbwzxt Ml oon^^
For ynnr nllko woelwi and •venlno
gowiia, atoo ahirt watot anHa call upon
Mrw C. 1. Rtog, modte t20 RwR
July IMt*
OronoBimnand I
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