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The Evening Record, January 19, 1903
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
■akM It vma iSceidad to dniv op
tRUai for A ilEbt OR tbe odfRor U
EUtb Md Pteo aVMU. wWdi w«a
M4|lbocv ABd al«Aod by
Ukuoe praaoAt *
A-akiUoa was thoA >jidr aa4 cat*
icd uBAiHiButtaly 4hat Um city do the
ori of pavlBA ADd IbAt It be Aot POLItH
sed tbAt tbC
chalmiaa and clerk draw up
iA< to pave Sixth street, the same
to be bam by the city yd not by coo
tract. oAd for ceasent curba
ishleld then stated that a
system wtmid
tdocAs were S2h feet loojL and that
V ouphi to be catch basins on aach
Comant Curb—Tavor Doing of the
«*nd of the blocks and the water be
to run from the center of the
Work by the City—EnUrta»nod
by Mr. Hannah.
lal Injun by a very nai4ow margin
*The knife had entered the left aide of
each way for a distance of 2Cf
This would require four basins
between the ek*veath
fecilon occurs, the wound wrill proS
ably heal without any difficulty.
rh comer
He thought that a
that the (^.unril Im- asked to re
11 feet at the present time
Afiei sc»me illM-nssloii 11 aas thoui;hl
.U-si ihat the dihesav
made 27
fi^et and ufKin motion this aldth aas
I.y I hose
It aas
be safe \ill all danger trf InfccHon is
paatsrold^is^w^ at? cS^
letwaan Booor^a Ribo-Joo la Da-
%\*hen Mr. Oti arrivtK) at Ihe camp
PANTS for everr i naa In this towa
a doUar aad a
t his clothing, but the
ft 60 aad BX Oa
. stopiH-d when Mr. Ott
is a Vary Ugly One.
Ott dewcrfWs the trouble.In de-
iiiMKl for drawing logs b» Mr Oti. and
said Mr Haimah. aas the Kind of ma
i.ulal lo 1«' used
He aas in fa^or of
pianola . After the spread Mt Hanfavored the guests with a pianola
I was to settle wiih the Shaffraiis for
my damage that the nmd might do to
maradani. but a;aa aimni; «•» have any sehN*tlun. after which all dcparunl for
homes, after expressions of
kind of material th. n‘si aaui«*d. the
umiHi.n t.elnK ««ie -1 .K«.,i,«my and *tbU5hfuln(‘ss 16 iheir host
hem that Mr. Oil bad gone to Solon
Mr Oil claims that Shaffran was
kinds of matiHal
He stated Ihat the rust of asphalt
on a 27 fis»t driveaay aould Is* alsmi
f.iio |Ht Itmal bsit; brtrk. I'.n:.. tat
inc ludlnu
He also aiaUHl buw mu. h of eac h kind
of foundation (or 'ihi* diOereni materUls aould Im* u>m*J In each osilmtte
_ Th*..e estimates wen* all-on c iuei.t
e,u*h. ahull c'OHts aU.iH ::i» i. nis and
stone (UH. aoMld eo.t uW.
22 cents . vita |s r f.s.t
J. i' Morttan staiiHl that
tuosi of
Ihe tiacini; nial>*rlats a i re lua.h I.y a
trust especially the imteiit ones and
jhni he aas not In fn\or of hityinj: of Chicago Coal Famine Not 9aused by
Local Comblnat.on. Though Thtre
a mist and hate to Ih* deiwndent on
vor of
Had Been Extortion in Borne
1 have
K Ihe n.nt. rials Hi
Cases—Must Give Bond.
land usitiy the tn^nlic* stour that
I ahuu.Unt here and the marhinc'ry
Chicago. Jan ll» -Tlis siHx*lal graod
Hie rliy iii.a oai.s for puttlnE U
SiK.kane Wash . Jan 19 *^W min .
X were burned to death and five are
mlKxliiK in the FioniKT hot id at Mor
H f. which wax destroyed hy
fire laxt night
started the fire
t'leveland. Jan
S(H*or’s wralh. and hr smirk Shaffran
wb e knocking him di.wn in the snow
Shaffran then sprang to his ft-ei and
lew a Knifi* from his iMickeU nh\ch
e opened
Secor. when he aaw the
knife, turned and ran. and Shaffran
iM*d f..r iKThaps 2ini feet, bnt find
which he did
Soon, however, angry words were re
11 70
This kind of road i* made by a
and gl%e
i-.nds of li.:iiHi each
ouglily ndled. on lop of which ihre..
inch«-a of Bner stone is placed withj
lar. and makes parHy
Fivt Men Wcr« Fatally Burned in Duliaieroent
qursne Steel Works in Pittsburg
Hannah said ho faiered a
p.swl nam.w brick lutvenieni. it would
Early Th.s Mom.ng.
less than asphalt and more rfi»an Ur wirs to isr
macadam, abom |2
INf sburg. Jan 19-Kite men were
bnek than macadam
ilhM-k lit irk or narrow
t.rlck w as
Ih.n dtsri.ss.-«l
It was iiolnttvj out
that Hie narrow brick Im.ked the best
Mr tilomshleld stated that a maradan.
street could not Ik* kept clean, and
Ihat aft(M- used a rhciir time It wrouM
Sit badly horned in an explosioo at the
psne 8teH pUni about 2 odock
this morning tbot ll U aaid all will
There was a * hang*' In one (»f
fumact^s of the plant, srhich et-
nerer be a wmooth road
He said It
was a good road and In-tter than the
ing from the furnace and fell wpoo the
five: men sho
who a
ere ai work undernot yet obtu alh
Tbilr na
city has at present
J O Johnson mentioned
tain (Hi
Irfmlermrd in Chicago, and said the city
had the advantage of having the gran
Hr stone
l*mr C R IktckiTy said he
was favurablc to macadam, e
m of the
hard heads I t>ls region
on mot km trf Frank fViedrich
Duke and Duchess of Manchester Visit
was dM-ided to take a ballot
ihr»w votes wen* cast. ID for >.rlck. U
New York. Jan. ID - Among the passengeiS who irrived here yeatc
are missing, and prolmldv
Miss Jackson, a ae*naut
hurniHl. and her condition is critical,
and several-others were luidly injund
• by Jumping from np|K*r w Indow »
two—COCBC and sac.
We Do Not
siauAcai $.iBUAS I snsAH.
OtiKIrca’s Jersey Ixy^gins.
Mi*^V Jersey Uy^jins
In Kwnrx On*»X. nV %nn S«*rn
Women’s Jersey l-cw;irix,
£.°Dl CI-OAK
—Whelher for Infant. ChUd. Miaor latdy.—«n»a
you've leamol the
Women’s Fell and Beaver Sli|»l*crs,
Spooiail Prii
\V..inen’» Wjnu .Sh.w^,
75CItiessyom Icet
wf ate making on ont entire Hock of doakv
in some of our
warm footwekr ami
it will thaw
See our ChiUrv lo^ (.Tonka tX ....
them out m any kind ol weather.
I.»W, worth $ 3.00
See our Miuev' Jackets at'................worth
See our l.a<lies‘ Monte Catlot at ;. W.WS, worth
PopiiUr wh.wi lloMK.
Sri'Kf &-sasii£5s:
(*. Jsn
here by Lieutenant liuvernor Tillman
who tx now In Jail chargiM with the
awful rage He ran to the home of his
oldest brother. Henry, and the
brothers, who had gone,on with the
team, returned, and there wrere four
of the wildest l»61es outside of Kurope
alKJUt Mr OH
The latter did not en
joy his position, but he
|If|F wiU be in the maHiet this winter for aU kinds of Lcfs and I
wiU pxy the highesi market prices.
CaU or wrila Ri bifort. I
Keeps Your Feet Dry and II |U|a
If L
Calf Uned and Cork Sole
JOHN F. OTT arCQ.gTfamn i^.Mteh."^
men aeemed determined at
Mr Oil says, to gel their
guns and revolvers, and as they aaid.
-Go down to the camp and clean out
Secor and hla whole family.**
Mapla City Barn Burned
P—tu: lu ibr KLo.n* I;.VKJ
kllch. Jan
19 —Tie*
Orderx Receive PrtMnpl AttentioiL
small tiarn of Walter Kellogg, who
lives a short distance from here,
burnisl to the ground ^Saturday,
FRANK M. PAINE. Florist,
stro.vlng a quantity of bay and all the
farm Implements
It is claimed the
fire staried from a lantern that ex
Aa Erent of More than Ordlaarr lateresU
Very New. Very Dreeay.
Call and See Them.
-na Old «•«»•«•
ground and used even effort to pre
vent them from committing some rash
ts be was succeaaful finally,
...inom Of DUO oout dmiii m.
Lazarus & Cohn’s sample line of Hos
iery, Cotton. Fleeced Lined and Wool,
worth up to 35c a pair-Choice only
yelled like Indians and made inch a
row that mbn from White’s camp.
away, came to learn
Flnany Mr On
lag them nnd
hroihera went ojf
while Mr. Ott and
in quiet
biLthrr. Henry, walked together to
ward the main road
Just thaa
who had been sent back by Joe
wanted to aca him. as he was hadi:
VThm Hanry ShaEraa hear.
thU he BHaad to tell hla brotheew.
on the Lucania were the Duke and
retorniRg ooaa with the daalre to aet
lor macadam, and two for brick or Ducheaa of MaacBeater. who were met
He the matter at once aad have H
Aaphali. and the lelicT. John ll Santo, by the duchftts* fathar. Bogena Zim
kttahed up. Mr. On assured him that
announced that hr would put the Ut merman of OaciniiatL Tha ditka aad
there woufd be ao
Irr two votes with brick. A molioo
aatu tba oatoome of Smxtr i In
unanimously carried tor wm, aad will probably go to CtedaBad
Jury waa known
fur a aJiort visit.
tirlck paremeot.
MaaawhUe a man had
The mattiT of a
Mtht then
Boloa to caU Dr. Oanme of thiasclty.
We Do Not ;!s.”p22'r:.*rK.'s,“‘£l,'t
to ae« what M become of Mr. Ott ar
rived, and tdW the 1st ter that Jo
lunge at him. probably intending t..
in Illinois and nolghlHiring states cer camp, which w as perhaps half a m
tain eomldnailonJ which wrere In con- dlsUnt
Mr Ott did not know up
spirsey in restrain of trade. Those in- this time that SRtor was hurt at alt
dUt.*,! t.slay w(*re nottfled to api»ear
Shaffran. after Secor left, was in an
Isdure Ihe Stale's aitomcy
ckmxeali's died at 1 lu'ihls afiwnoon
He wax recently shot on the street
all with the aaxtfe offenst. -Conspiracy an ugly cut
do an illegal an. Injurious to pubnever iiUertKl a cry. howexer.
trade.** pfohlblte.! by state laws
Shaffran to the
The Jury says they find the scarcity ground and give him a beating so s.U a* tiard as asphalt, but mu quite as
ged him to de-ilst
Mr Oil i.rg
He also was m.i In favor of
Poland.T. who
or he ^ould kill
. anj lummi luivements In his remarks
screaming that he had enough
he told iH patlng lie had s.w n done in r< sus tit <rf trade, slthough then*-4iavi*
Seer finally arxme picked up his
Ik iroit and tlrand llaplds
Doth Mr uiidoul.iedl.v IKK-II indUldual rases of
The Jury says there exists mittens and his coat and ran to the
ix*«mond and Mr Huushali nientioncl extortli.n
six Inch layer of crushed stone, thor j
Secor and Shaffran.
Frank l*'itedrich said that a granite
r««sd was niri a gravel road, but that it
of ls>ing l.ittimlnous macadattf; Mr.
Itlomshi.l.l said 11 would lu* alNuit
morning destroyed
and the latter presently drew hU knife
i. He was threatening 8«or. Mr
viid not se«‘m adiUaide
In regard to a qu.*stlon of the cost
19 —Kin* iwrly thlx
ing himself unable to overtake him^ Editor Shot by Lieutenant Governor
A-turnivt and resumed his luirley wrilh
Tillmaq^of South Cacolina Passed
Mr Ott. SiTNir also reiurntrl. and the
Away This Afternoon.
was resumed
Mr. Ott
»s- Kvrnliv* Ilr<w4.
. *put up his knife. 1:r y^^ua
askfHl Shaffran
Jury rsil.*^! to lnv.*stlicate the C(*l fam catch his right hand, in which Simf
In this he was
liBlI took ric^ption to this. ine and allegiNl n.nspiracy to forestall fran held the knife
J T Snushtll
C(Uil and raise the Prietos, returned In- foiled, however, and in
he clinch
and said:
If a^p
this morning against 44 In which follow (*.1 Shaffran drove Hu*
dividuals and con»oraHuns. chargliig knife Into Seror s hdi side. lafUciing
slag sire.*iB. but that kind of street
An .o.-nurned lamp
Secur clatmed that he had had nu n in Silencer ioiiidingx. coroer oi Knowle.^
Mr> Huy
r a considerable time, while xttvet and »ichd avenue
denied this, and implied that .Norton and Mrs Dickey , her nurse,
he matu r Joe Secur and Shaffran got
nui a duipuie aliout the amount of
lalM.r that each had put on the road
We Do Not rleaae
get your nioocyr bock.
We Do Not
ti. I for Men, now
CueJid Avenue.
unreasonable in his claim for
iamages. and that while Uisruasing
d. Mr. On says
macadam. 12 r^n. and common jna
eadamam. fll*:.
ThU anuld Is* (*uat
bujring here.
Cbt Jamuarv Chaw
Has Cemt «
The road was
lannah entertained with music on the
n.e b(*si material
arilnr rliy rnciacT. aas eallecl u|M>n
to |;h« einimates n|sm Hie difT.-reiil
and his brother
Tti.- i)(*H mailer to In*
We Do Not
loo Secor, foreman of the John F.
Ott Lumber Co s camp at Solon, and
pread ‘During the refuist Miss Kmma
We Do Not
he found that Secor had bUsi prtrfum-
lAf Walk Though His Wound
According to Mr Oil’s story of the
tables had prt'vloiuly been prepared
and nicely trimmiHl.and all were Invited affair, he and Joe Secor. his foreman.
|sdlii.-l e.ilt that this aoiild i:i\e
n to a pan of the road Four Miners Cremated and Five Miss
help themselves Justice was done
(eel on esfh side of Hie nixd for aalks
ing in Former Place—Blare on.
by all those pr».sent to an abundant that cHMises the farm «»f Tuny Shaf
prcMte efr.i t
■» dtbart-Btechtr Cp.
In Which Tony Bhaffran Put a Knife
He was right at hand durtng tne
that the enlire mix. and after It was over the
Strt‘et would mu have to le tom up four Shaffran brothers w.u*e about
fairly shrieking with rage, and
after ll was once paviMl
Tills concluded t^e buslnes.s iiart of Mr Oil did not consider himself In a
TV enviable poalllon till ih.* quartet FATAL FIRES AT SPOKANE
le meeting .Mr. Hannah then invited
1.1 been quieted.
hU guiMits to I he . dining room, where
le Str.-eu to t.e |>aved.
r«»d walls, and iha: from the lot
line Kjihe imtKlde .rf the trees is aUnit
We offer during January before
inventory to close, some rare bargrins. All new frwrfi stock, bought
for the fall and winter trade. Call
early and get your choice.
large atiendance of Michiganders
REMEMBER! a pair Bf 60 eta oas-
plac(* sll wisxl mains with Iron mains
that Hm* street Is i.». feet aide, a 1th
erf Hon I»«ry Hannah on Sixth etr.e-t
Hie a tilth eif Hie «tre. t flrst He state.1
lew trf the nature of the weapon em
Vloycd. however, the patient will not
Sheffran wiu la to see Mr Ott *o;y. accompanied by Justice C A Nel
sysied! of sewers ought to be put In well known in the dty. U lying in the
son of LeUnd
He offered to settle
I to med all rtNiulremeotu for some camp with a severe slab wound in his
the Hght of way on the terms that
won* pr**M*4jt at the* tnt*eiiaR lime That they ouitht to be eight or left side. inliictvKl Saturday afternoon
Oil had prorsMied. and incidental
ft^i deep, and to take In every by Tony ShaEran. a Polander of that
amt dieriieett! all maiUT* |i*TtaloluK
tu/ibe cunv«waatlon talked of a war
thing Ixiwetm rnlon and
Division neigbburbuutL Shaffran has not been
■ 1(1 ilic lnipruv«4n4«ii e#f iho airir#M
and not U* temporary, but per placed under arrest, and action in his
flic Sual result erf the n»ee,ilna rfai.
The former
not worrying much
will probably not be taken uniil
. with lateral sewera.
thi' It oae de.<ld(sl to ask the ruiiorll
I present, but Mr Nelson has Issued
IS mcntluoed by one of those it U JeATDed just what will be Um outto .*fd.r hrlrk iMivemVnt, nith a 27
warrant for Secor. which will prol>sne of the wound lulllcied up.tn Se
that it would be nice to use
fu.*i roarftraj. and that th« aeifk be*
ably be served tomorrow
brick, and a motion was made
> dune by tlie city and n>*t i.y cuntrart
Just what action will l*e taken in
The quarrel that led to the wubblng
>e case by Mr Oil and Sxcor ts not
ibe narrxiw l.rlck* were made by UMik place about half a mile from the
to order Julius ilaoualt wa» elcctod
rBoion station John F y et UectUed. but no arresU have been
rhairman and t’harles Hale secretary u trust ih.-m.iHuii wsH hurriedly with ]
! OH. who had g.»nc out to the camp,
Jbiii l*erryHannah then aaid that he drawn
BK.tion was th«*ii made and car was the only eyi* witness of the fight
^YWu;hl ll a.mid tw Im»i to take up
A vary obiboetaMlr pavtnc mrotlnf
wae h» Id Saturday nlKht at ihr Iwmir
and t|elfih ribs, severing the iaier gan State asaocDaUan will give aa an
ooatal arien. and passing below the nuaJ
recepUtm aad banquet oa the
lower border of the spleen, had in evening of January 2i. to caWbrate
flirted a wound about three Inctra In the sUiy-aixth ahalTefwary ot the ad
The knife had brew directed miaskiii of Mtchlgaa Into tha aaioa
rxl. oiherwlae the wouwd w ould Senators Dorrows and Alger and aoase
probably have been fatal
V Michigan cangrowsmen will make ad
Secor is doing nlceJr. and unless in dresses, aad there promises to lie a
be needed,
and explained the condItUm of things i
he pre«t time
He stated that
Ask C^MiKil for 27.Foot Roodway aHd
Spttial Salt «f
that the injury waa a very severfe one.
and that 8mr had eaoapt^ from a fa
raaolu j
Item expraoalAi; tb« aenUmoat of this
HE Olob
Following goods at from ojie-qugKer
to one-third less than regular marked
'prices to close out quick before Inven
Men’s Pants
Men’s Suits
Men’s Reefers
Men’s Overcoats ’
and Ulsters
Children’s Reefers
Children’s Suits
Children’s Overcoats,
~a\yWSmn. Tbb I* dse lo
fbst ibcyteaie tbs bvsrtajwrtsf B. Tbeyoeverffitos
l oor aioh^aec even the most dabcsle
I to^^^^^ they sm eo ce^te
the exe»tk» be iftiiWtk!
that til* Inrurumr be coaduried ^ Ale
“Tour reward.** be'said.
to be
*3ot. your execOmey. wby do! pay
It to Iher
‘Too CMlsUy st|polst«l that yuo
wete to be *lMt with the M.**
-But.- paling, nhl* was tu lie Bi
to^ NMonanaa*. jaaadtoe,
i.mstorU sad ward off powH
t .y.irtn Id tboi
tu Ibe «^pr.wil de>
vlll !>*• effected
ableb «rln
tb* pace U»r fatari:
work or thl» Wad lo Trsreme Cliy
Oaly^bMit f per cent of the fcirelsD
oC tbU eouatry 1* carried In
bottomi. aad ae pay tu rur
oaaor* la tbe adgbburbcKKl
a year ror frrlgbt oa
oar oooiMsrc*. vbJcb abodd be paid
to Aatartcaa ahlp owaera aad by Ibein
• Thmtmwml •etlTtcr to ite
' ttM wmu. ta tk« k^jTMU or tk«
voifetr rovlow taoiiod by Hoiwy CNrwt
lio forltv or tto vooklf
aieB'aad sblp buUder* aad aoehi
If Aiortson oxporu ooly wwn co
la ABOiiooa bottoau. tbe baloace of
oaaiog Americoa
trade lo oor favor would be larger by
at isdot llOO.ooo.BMj a Iwar. Our »o»t
tag trade U proterted by wise lama,
wblch demaad that It be carried lo
Abmi^ veaaela, aod the nwult U
ibat oar Americoa »blpplnp Intere.!
ta tbe coostlos trade has Inrreaaed by
ricaa Has Iti «
■nBMrr «»• aM 4om
or IMi.
Vatu tb* crop 4o«oa«i oo
lObOOlO ObOOiOOO* 4bo
SaoM#^ tbo Jotr 44.bor*#i
-- l*rrba^ala*aiootbotbor*i
door aama«.,lf..p«n»
««. tb* »apply of kioDObU
not llkoly to pitnr*
♦Tip donor
Btatra! Dtws
Alfred A.
Uowlett. a BlUooaiT*
loker or Byraoua*. N. T.. ha* per
reoled pUas fo a aaiq«t imrty. whlel
b* wUl gir* at bU palatial rasldwioe
OB tbo oooosioo or bis stgiity seooad
Mxtb^. oo Fob. 17. Oror lOu vldo«« vUl bo tbe gmsots of tbe oologeo-
tbo laolaoOdty of oor curreocy «y»- orioa.
Tb* .ioritatioos Imre beoo toIowa, most of whom
MOy oeearrod-Hbo boottac of !»/ ‘•Mggossls wUlall bs
OMjMO of oao-yoor aotoo ol S pw coat Mr. HowloM. **Tho masoiaa* will
by Lob* Sbor*. lodorood by Nrv Vork wooaoa. tbs waltreasss will be wornOoavd. oaB tbo lofBo IMOO oC Pooo^ SB. OBd 1 will be tbs only maa la the
Ws ors folag to bava a good
oylToalo *aolpaMOt aotoo oo o 4% por
coat bool*. Both of tbooo eorporotlooo timo. 1 uU yoo^lt will b* irrsat.*’
Wsdassdoy eight Mark Hsmliom of
POOMOO tb* bigho*t cr*dU oo4 or* ooo>
*14or*4 lovofo of baowriol olimUi. OoBfsr. Mlaa.. saw Utoaobe Walsh
y*t tboy or* poytoc fbUy I per coot
MO for Moooy tboo tb«y voold bov*
doao tvoivo aMMilbo ogo.
Tb* fort Is.
ploy ••Tbs Doogblor of HamUoar ’
aad than fired a bullet through b1*
bMtft. It to said that a youag woman
■labbsd him at tb* theater, and Bora
tbors or* laiM
Early Risers
». C. WAIT 41 SON*. OniMltto.
In otw« uf tbr S«*II1U .\nirrlmi» ni>ub>
Ih-S. wUiTv n%..luti..nk «r«* lb** rule
ralbiT than Ihi- # \*T.pjioii. tb*- r>r»-slilrtit ast b«-bIiMl (I
him stfssl n tnyi^^wiih u h«s.k
glltbTlng hliiiL
n si«s.plrig
-Wfli- flshl ibr iittwidmu •*1.-11 me
aUiul IhU cMisplrnvy Tlrsf. yunr vxr»-lh-urr. I .Irsli
soiu.* iigrt‘t-ui««u1 with nimrd
to MV f.ttn iriviuMbi.
I wUb to be
viinirU-.! wlih tU«>.rrst.
srlib the
itittl ex.H-it1«-.l with lh«*Ki.M,iedr
• V.-s
I tiiuM go Ihmuuh all tbe
f.iriuk .*r lh.-> «UI
1 ha%.* In
in. >.-.1 1I..U.-
tbe cafTytag trade
foreign ports baa -
*1 to tk* MMUtr prM»«i«
ioOkoltoM or* for low rot** tboa
prmlloi Mac 4bo loot Uroo mootba
by bis fr»-
ih v.iM In «sil
PT.II-S-.I n-f.a-ins-ivftjruis ibut
lut ivp- tupra. O.-i,l.h- l*r..n, ninl.-sM,.
troSe Is still pbMiomsoslly b*sry. sad
baadio tb*
log Leo lAoeton oad BeoUb
d t|m danger OBd erosaed to Metropeito. UL. io a aklff. A
4ror book
the port
]Shill Waist Dept.
CptlrWalsts .
Lots Silk Wsists
Ma.to of go.Kl
French llxnnel—ver>- clcxirable pxltcms, ^dcatc.l fmnlK.
Regular goods, not jobs, Cxrthoxli, Koyxl, Ton xnd Old
Rose, wercTGc.
Kigbt pereoa* ooo*tiag on a Icmg
I aad oboaa very reeooUy otrlklag
TW propsvty ovasrs ea Biotb otn
BUBO to o ooooibl* ooadaoloa Bat
of brtok poTlag
of tbs doty da cool it bod
Oioi obmtorsbttwomi forty oad fifty
«*lgB .otoomsT* to briag oisom oool
I that port, oboot gOO.000 toos io OIL
Bst. D. K, Btoffegd. pastor ,of tbe
ItomB Moibodtot cborob ia New
N. J.. found that tbs u
of bto oborobwtoUBOtot.
toBdlBfto tboir dattoo fu
folly. 00 bs
^dopBodlwoof tbsm oad.
WOOMB ia tboir plaooa la oas
is the wife of tla
and makes, wete
$;t 5U, lu close..
Msle bom U«e« Unc, «•««..
mgs, brier stitch fruiu, plcxlcd bock, io color*. Green.
«mU npiMaK »teu eu b* aulfr
Boy—Tss. fsibw-.
-Very welt
Now gw sad
•so who to kaocktag at tbe door. If
ICe tbe root collsetor. my l*m not at
Cot S^Walsfs
Of all wool 1 Unncl. latcrst
•tylc*. Hitched white FUnncI
*lri|»c down fropt—while buitons-wero our rtfulor Sl.JiO
..... 98c
Est 4 sine Waists
AkAortS.OO«miiUt)uU are
Lot 7-Silk Waists
A Urge a»»ortrocnt of licaiitifo) thing* that we sold up to
$7.50-high clast tilk*,arti*fic designs,* in color* White,
Tan. Fink, nine and Black.
Eat S-Tmth Tlansti
c last workmanship laieH de-
Lat9 ~Trtm0 TIasstI Waists
, In rich and utiskdei^ were .
Von*! sVw idler*, to clooc.....................
bear, no boy. that yoo
bsre Istely toM .yoor aiotbfT seterol
4s. This grieves me to tbS
Alway* ton tbe truth. rve«,
In Fink,. Red, WTiilc, Blue,
Gray, duicrcnl Hylcs, wore
Lst 2-Waists
In Black. Fink, Jlloe. hemHitched and tucked front*
and back*, this »ca*on’» Hylc*
Eat 6 Silk Waists
ia oeeruiUes or promise* to pay, but
•tod OB IbeMulbotry bill. Borantou.
Fto. ran bartod ogaiBot a tetograpb
poto by I
•tod. All wot* oattoosiy iajaredood
of thorn wiU probably dio.
rbotoooto oool firm io Boetc
that 0* tbsreeoltof tbs
One of the finest. hea%7, solid tjuarter tawed oal^ suit* we ev er
had in the siorc-eitra Urge French plate mirror that yru
can ace )*oursclf in from your shoes to the top of vour head.
MhIc up m the Utcsl style, Iwautifu! finish, wtmh $5il.tli».
........................ $:F*7r.
|JOHN R.SANTO; o.p.carvertbro.
' iranuHswMwn
Mwi AniEBBtiw. ..a-!a«ggasfaa*5»
; iCiuVui";'.;.:.?: t'
l-mia.. '1‘Mosr
Nil 1 t
-------- i M in, t.|.. k
iMlMrii, H OI.. Mnr,
HU«-S. lUiRir.
; v. "m
lt.«ia. t. r tl .n l »
^”•1 OFFICE:
ns* OOU> vnlRK A n»>S(nAl.TT.
Ill ys Vi M!
If ton dcs.fc lo MMall a msIcin ol F.lcHtiH.,1 l.i^htii,}-.
HelK, Ihif^-Ur .Mum*. <4 Tt-1c|»hoi,CN, jK-rnut
Mipplie* and
u^ to t-stiTme line o(
iiiiotr s.xtis-
for high grade
k and iiiatciial.
50 Years In Business
6nat Shirt Waist
Event! '
ls the wifsef XitouL Kipp, of
lbs MarlBs osrps. Wft Ktw Torb lor
coo also b*
toMOtoso.wlM«e sbs win join bsr
BdoBdembark for tbs totoad of
aomor. PbUlpiiias group. Ltool. Kipp
ool polUlool troubles, but tber* boo
srlag }uol bsoa asslgnod to duty
Mfs. Kipp, if aot tU only
bM o portlol r«»T*r7 to 0«rsssar
ornoB. wlU Im. at toast, tbe only
froai ibo.Mosttiol d«»prosstoo of^Kl
Mie wumoB U tbs toload.
sod Ifg^gbd U Oruot BrtUlu o m*eb
loba W. Uoms of OMoogo gave hto
M* eoaldsat tsoiper 1* dltployed
MB Cborloe tbo hoadeomest Obrlttams
Prootrolloa faUoalog tb* Boer i
Alway. aa Cay.
-Ye..- Ih- Mid.
Tiu tl..- m-.n vou
.want to ae.e. WUul ewn I do for youV
-You had ail ttem Uie other day.rkrd the c-alirr. -to ih»- «*ff*H 1 l^t
tbr Mto<
Jto.iMippiI rir.T <di.« |,.irged
TOtMSM c-ubK- fret «f Wair, rWTV mh*.
ond. tVbrn that wat.T to dl., l,4,rgt-d
what dor. It do for anuttoT J*.l‘ • '
it a.-cs-pu a I<NilU.I, with Ihr flulf
of Mexico.- aald thr aiiiw.-r. to i-or« editor, tnniing again to
.IMOV thr grillle.
Btnet this
troablo vo or* aov fbrtoootoly reoor
dVRMTfi IN •ocimr.
A fine, genuine, full eptarter sawed, solid «»ak *uii, m**lc up in
verj- lateH style, large French bevel pUtc mirrur, 4 drawer*,
in dresser. 2 draw* and a do,.r in rommoile. top driw^ m
^th dresser and commode, swell front, ncallv carved, hnc
finish, iKOUlUiU cast brass trimming*, worth $,sr,. now.... $24.75
TH.AT*STHKokhKi^sr.lV!.\ TIIK
Tbo lost regoool of o dylag womei
Dyoors of ago was carried out iasi
roek. wboB Mro. Oootgs Wood of
WaokofoB, UL. woo bartod with
sailsy^sat of labor at good a
dooB flog wrapped orom
Prodoelbm. also, as a rale. U beloc
Kia Wood hod three so
rorHod oo op to
iatbocdTil war. OBO belog killed io
botOB the olben Ulag molmod
letioD.sl.* always Tt^malD.
od iateaoely potriotlo
Reword H.
Captain Frauds Manon 8d,c*ll, tbe
ha. just
1 to Gal
iferlaa in the gold rxeitomt-nt
rw^orowd to viamiitrg rrion NVw^«^
oBtlw- oiwomi Umt .be was Uksfiy ^
beewSBO a pol4Jr rbarge In thv Vnltfd
State-. pTKir M-rgwerliv
to now Mr«. W-livr Fto<<b«T. prahsbly
more thuu^^cvr rwg«rds brr kwHwBd
a* the rigtil aewt c»f iot4.*.i9r In ttvo
| hto to Ihhwit** W.Uer
saorgled ■ «Irri^ wan akmg with btoa
tat* Oe 'i**« luiiwi'* rwom w brrr poor
Margwrtbe ».it waiting to be |4aced
on an autw»«l^Kmud -teamer. thru
aod tUrts. pK.k Marguerite tur bla
ill Imping hei
tawvrly f.wth Int,
c-rty. drfylng ih»* imm»rr«ti«u aut
tie. to do thrlr worxt
A*. tb*-a». I
orr tlM-M*H-lvc- l.m human. U h
trriiH*ly \srt,ii, \Av tluil il„-> will g
ly rbnrklr at I'toHi. r*. tric k, agri
That he ivrt*sl e\i«t-tl> e. be abuu
Chh-ago Joun:a1
Oear the Deck for Spring
watebed tbe lovers
yooag eoople get safely aoross Un
-Vra. and fat gain. Tbe others acted
partly f.c what they cutiaiikreii tbe
welfare of tbe rximbllc. rome; asm*
the peraon or leTautu to whom tbe ^
ward of your larOdy aball la* i*ld.-"^
-I liavc tu bflrs. 1 luiphax* you**•Uuardr cwlU*d Ibe pr.-sM.-nt, aod
tbe man eras taken away.
At sunrise tbe next morning <
aplratoni were Ie.1 out into tl
yard and placed with ibHr
against a walU They stood tea feet
Siairt. and opposite racb uia
Boldi.T with a rin.-. The sigtuila were
glvi-n to aim and to fire.
A niK>rt
c-ame from every gun. Some of tbe
consplnitore st.sid u> emi as U-fure
tlie fir.-; suiue sway.-d. but r.i-ovmxl
tbeinsrlvrs without fulling, and
tb.* spy. fell cm bis fair. II.- was
way. Tbt-n ll
r.i.d a cmmiu
pn-sUbiit. stating that they liad been
puiiisticM punlsbc-d wllb blank
trt.lg.-s a Ml vUat tln-y bad c-ts
WII1...U! fill
Iru.e un-n
aupiMMl the rt-publU- under bla adtniulairiilU.n bi- would Ih- glad; If not. they
W.T.- wfUiiiije t.i Hvk bum.-s in other
t:..-ry ..M* of those who bad manfnJIy snsst tin- l.rrlble test gave In bis
ad»i.r. ti..- I.I tin- rxisting guvrrnun nt.
WlH-n tin- spy rr.-«vrtv.i fcin tbe
sh.sk of fright, be was i-onUu.tnd to
Tin- plan was
- bad re-
OBOO, if Bot popularity, ooooladwl It
mtlo protaMUty of ooy ouperoboad- was BO am to strlr* loeger. Tb* man
was oaforwuiau etioogb to look great
oao* of foods for oo»* tioie obsod
beauty of feotureo
He oftou comTin* proi.h-nt hn.l ii.4 stlpuhitrtl
pUaood Ibot bsooueebo was homely
wrltb tin- lnfi.rni.T f..r .-vUhins-. MU'ht
tb* firto would hove aotblag to do
as rib'l.t In Ih.- rsjml.llr. and. Ih-Uu;
eo hto eoieldo to oil^bed
isHitlntssI ».f tb.* guilt of tln1 bat it U plolo tbor* srUl
diroetlj lo hi* boBMliaom
d.puittll.m. In* «tfsl.T.sI ih.lii out t.i h.pore for oxtrorogoot
looptoe or ortrorfoll of fbiatlag
io* wktoh to preveatlng etooffiboat*
stiaotlsa Is laiprarlBc. Rollrood o^
iagi esatioos to sboa groUfylog I
• .Nothing to uodetatood with sa toformer, a spy. lUJ I t^wu obliged to
grant your Imn* I doubt If I al
have availed myaelf of Twiir Infi
-Have I tvit luivcsl yoti from
> i-ifn-utUr. |M.tiiitli
I bis d.-k, -Is f ll
• you have ih.i dii-il you
mov.-.! bis |Mv-.hMW-or.
ry. If you are
mn-ii’jisM- IliirTfi.bi Will liefirochilmfonn.l within tin- limits of tin- repuhllc
Uiil c;irtrMg«- will llnUb
•*V.»; I'.urla.Kknew w.-ll that ..tie
who! lire you evfn-.-iluc to reof tl..-!r
ll gi\en n|i ih.-lr pl.it
hi- for tills r.-\« t:itl«mr’
Ju.Ig.ll that ho was tb.•*l I.-n.- Hull In >Mii
Ih .n V *•
iml of lh.-ir ring. Wln-n. ihrn-fur.*.
“V. t) M. II I uill lak*-.iir.-«.f y..n **
tl..-> saw the spy fall afl.r It..- ims-k
A w.s k lalor n ib piitaiion of . liln-ns
nllim. th. y d.i l.hil th.-il he- wa«;iH.d Ml tin- iir.-sM.-iii to priiiMis.- «-.-rJndas
I'rniu tl..- tihmi.-iit lln-v
".In i.roiii.A.
Aiuniii; tlnui waj. Ihr
were at IIlH-ri> they k.-pt u wul.-h .mi
Thr. «.n- nihi.lit.ll
tin- pr.-Ills, mid when In- Mnrt.-d to
• of his
. xxUn s;.t iN-hlnd
\riy ih-sk nt^u liU'li In- luiij
tsi f..l! .W .-.1 t.lui
hif.s-niall.in of ih.- hit.
of the
•vt .h.i the chief of |!.e c-on.intsplr;il..r*i. ni.-y iMvaii In n v.-ry
•pi-.ny .-..Ihil u|H.n II,.• pr,-Meni and
n-p-.-tful loin- i.i iir;;.' fh. lr plans, iitnl .bi-isiuil on h> d.-sk a l«.g «4 gold.
tin- pr.-suf.iit .|..l. lly show.si ih.‘m %vl.y
JH-.1 yoiir i-x.ell.-ii.-.v.** Inth.y w.Ti- hiipnnihul.I.-. wU.T.u|s.n iciid. -for kc-cping faith ev.u with m
th.-y pr.-lc-inl.sl I.. IM- un.s.n.ln.ssl mnl liiforiiMr. hut siinv .tour iiiaguaitituous
chiin.ussi for tlnlr n.s .pljin.T.
Tln- tn-alni. nl of us wt- do not .4?n- to see
:n.wl|ic iijan-r. tb.- pr.-wUh t.t tnn.b
.\.Mi rehlsil. The mull to whom
1.^1 .Ml bis .l.-k, im.l .^.■..•ml chws gave that liag tvHI not nc*.-,! It. I 1
.MjiimuiiUathu; 'vlti, the
Ml 111 :i S.-CS.II.I It e:.s full ..f nriinsl
T!m- presh1.-nl wh..-.-.!,
These waists arc all aeaionablc- were made feipeciany. ut tor
have been good sdtom it s time to dote out warm watHa
win hav*e at least 4 laoBtbs' use of them.
WaM Dipt.
the BosUtt Start
The Hannah & Lay Mcrchantilc Co.
has been Traverse City’s trading centre from the time it was
the "only store" 12x20 in size to the present with it’s
mammoth building of seven great stores with a total floor
space of nearly 100,000 square feet or almost two acres and
a quarter. Think of putting a roof over a lot containing two
and a quarter acres, and you can have some idea how much
floor surface we have, ahd each Department is complete
down to the smallest detail. We can furnish your house
complete from "cellar to garret” and clothe you from head
to foot with the very best goods the markets produce and
you don’t have to leave the building.
A thorough knowledge of the different , lines of goods—
the very latest the markets produce -buying for spot cash The lowest possible prices and and the very best quality of
goods, are facts that are fully appreciated by the trading
public. No trouble to show goods and money cheerfully re
funded if goods are not as represented.
; oi-rv, Miiot-i
SREMiSToni: rttics.
Eve was unable to threaten
to go home to her mother
when Adam wouldn’t buy
her a sack of Hannah &
To the People.
Ov *l tW
«a<l> u rrik* mt
pretolMscie man perhaps ever made Is
that toMwnhrd hy Capiala rraacls
ths rrresMSP cwttsr Hear darItoff hsr rsotwt trip in ths arrtk- ssaa
«ja a dhpatch from Tamam. Wash,
ts ths N'sw York W srki.
A hossr
l«m by hamaa bstoc probsUy thousands sT yaara as* was faoad. aod
Osptaln Tsairr. amkr sArrr sf tbs
dsst. tosw haa aomr of tbs atswalls
«asd by psspls whs wnidr it a habita
Be it known that we have, for the ^
protection of the people, caused
the following warrant to be printed
on every package of VINOL:
yrara affo a asbwkmary «t IHdai
Barrow told Captain Totilr of a rrnarkaUr disrurrry tbr nathsr of tbs
rk-lttlty bad mads of tbr framework
of a bouse wblcb was iwrtlsllr Im
l»«l4.d III a cliff, frontlnc on tbs oemn.
fiftsBH tulles aoutbsost of ISdut liar-,
rtw. Attbepolatwiiere tbr bouse was
dlsrorwrd pmtrudlnc tbs cliff ross
r fret from tb
wvs tuiewalrr ai
? lop of Ibe cliff
w was rxiMsed.
r was bum siuiiewliat aftrr
the Btrunnrrs of tbr pHmlof Amsritw. The ribs
wbale nr of some aul
ICmdtnstd Dtws
f an excavatlM
bt sway tbs
covered The li
T«U*f • U%^t, rnmm,
Ahpmmrn tomhip. Bnu>eh
Ilniito.hM 1t« rl.arobM. th%
b - ^
ri.aU ll»»* fcl4.ni.y itni*-. *4 iKA,
1 ii.- u»v p.mtjir.v
U:m U^ j, ii ilr.-.i fn.u. tl.f I rwivh
»l cl.orch drdiMrt4.ll I army,luniift n a. U.-lih. ncr limit
in If.-wu*
lb.. 1...,^ of ru
f1b.f rteU c*n rhov • likr rocord
piU..n durliw: Ihe u..r of Ko. Byhlib
riM lanm •tnvtwrrj pUmt f»rni of sliMW.il Itiiti « Hum of Vn ut .isdueas
H M. KrllOfric. orar Tl.ror Rirm. Slid niMMir..-^
Ill- was an artllliTj
«rili lirrrarirT hr maaaffttl by m rtook oltloT Wli.ii the war Iwvali and la-iUR
4>t»miMay oap.ulUrd at
InkMi prl-oi.; hy thr ITii^ahins
• Iiioti iheluoodrr Lm
Wii% ..II hii. rvfiiaal to j:lvr hia iw
to Ibr Nurthvillr govryii
^Ihaa. Krilir IfOra of Owo^bo
a m «hloh bl*
«a« Jbrlu4; boroeU« 11
iHf arm* and law. whllr
imm^l i./r. Thr ,oo..|r lady’, prr4>io- of mimi tm.loQlnrdly ravrd hrr
> will
forlifr. fut will rrcorrr. Thr »t<»vr
Kras wrtx-krd hr flir < tplorloti
Tbr latrrt In trust* i« tbs comblno
fiiTMrU at Owosao ty which all ths
milk s«.ld 1. haodU^d by a sIiikIo cod
Tl.s oew comiwiiy mys it will
brrp lainr* down, wliloh was imiaiMi
blr uiMsr uoiuputilloo;
Kirr oruti
twr quart i. to t>r tbr lirolt
At Korinritlrpomr inisorraot 1st all
ths wairruff tli.. Yrikt » mllliK>nd just
n* K K dralrr had prrjwud it fur
hiB srasuo's harirst
I arriou* eiproar and inconrru
» say ijothlnjr of thr possibill
ly of the lo« nut Iwing in so irood a
oondltloo ajtaln.
For arvrral days past .'^tlas Clibbs
has rrmalord In batl at thr home of
hl^aoa M^drlao.bot hs wtU not permlt Uu'uraaior aur pltrsician to Kur
hii^ anr .^.-diciiif.
.\f first ho rrrn
droU^l t^kr any nourlshmout. hut
lir lias Hally brru iudnrrd to rat a lit
fla. Thr otd^ man u 83 yrars of'airs.
Tilt* ouj9 .'■plaiiatlfUi liU n'lutivrs
c§u iM tout of him is that hs is tir.-d
of Infty^d intrnds to rrmain in hod
• tontil^^Wnd comrs.
H^s wilr has
i^rQ%-ad many rrara, hut hr had a
^■to^houis with his sou
y Jiffhiiran aummrr rrsotts nrr bot olnmors raloahlr aooordinf; to ths
' Ji^ry uf a bill uiUodoct d hy Ksito|j|U^Uvo Nial. of NonhirllUv Tho
^Tas^ow iH raiits aummi r
i;itn;;.n. on I’n inhr One «hirk tnuh*
hr U..I out on Ihr n.n.i.ari -llpiai!
twiBi Ihr M-ni;nr| ntid ma.lr Mmlfilit
f..r 111 - rl.in..n, whrrr hr rim.uultr.-d
Ih.- tot.-riH.r of Mh-^u. and hi, Bluff
til III jaTfr« 1 Crtinaii <he U un .\l-.ilhin« for a
thkrt to It.-tlln.
Thmt^- hr i;..
lUlr via Frunkriirt and arrit«<d
I run.ithe Loir
..I- |•l.•nl.-n.lde U-lMt-rti U.li.h.ii »ii.
Iirlchton. •iT.r .-amrlM were ot-iiaiuli
iKil M liroVi-ii down «ud UiUaiqiicd
hut they caiut- In at IntervaU of never
nir^ and creat |.atiriire was nee
X |.> tval.h Ihrin srrixe
cn'i. MiiKHsio.
in api.iidiir ino* cwlr>i alrr.td> ain’t cot
idnUrr .Uyet f In’r
I siurtj. I I rut. ft I oWcw
b»fa mn«l ‘Iit'uinily wid de Id.e dal
blm cn d.- l-ftw d Is crUmt all dat kli»
i»t- tie foiinlty.
IIlfB a ndrHv rwo.1 tldnr f.-r fotln
li.ii‘, uIwH.v-i tioehn* aide rorhl tlal
•^wt.rl.r* t.B> huey ter talk lia. k a*
would i«cr.-as<‘ ih«‘ aiuonul of land
_ Ihat n av In- li. hi to TU* aersi and
would incrcas** ibe vain** t«
Hr SS3 s that somr ot thr assooiaticms
want to tnerrasr tbrlr huldinirs. and
tliattbr value of thr laud held hy a
tmmher of snoh orfranlratiiuis lias
Tbr llotrl Rtversldi at I'.lk Rsjdds.
which has stood idle tor over a vrar,
has iKWn Kwsrd and is U inn furnished
thttm#hout at an rxjwnae of several
thousand dollars hy Hr. H. V. liower j
of Thomiwouville. wlm t spreU to
I don’t loos n.. tune slu.hlii* ta>ot
bow fur off broven K; hni what kind
■nrr 1 swine Pt nmkr f.-r It Is
tNitliert. me,--tAtlsnta Ctuirtitn
•IK. .1 ta.nth.n wtiier. has
htniu. l of aii.id.ilti,. one
f.a.- P..|i. 1..1. In a
III- lad Incas
dtuii.pr.otil i f III.- .letimnr
atroiialy that he -.III a t->cihna] to rt nion
siraf.‘ will: the wt-ann
Tl.r meBuni
m-r iiMdt- ti.i, anihlcnou- explHuatwMi!
my dear lu .daw. i» rather
old fio-hW.n.11. y.Mi know, .iiid tlli.l!kni
r.vlj.s a la.Iy in t v.-ninu drt—. I. «n
if you take it for any of the ailments
for which it is recommended. If,
it does not, bring it back and
get the money you paid for
it—it’s yours and we want
you to have it. W^e want^
pay only from those
who are bene
fited by
Sorsrisisa KOeet «»r MIM WTatrr
Aretlr KBplrerr.
From the war defiarliurnt aide of thr
stale, war and navy'l.nlhlinc o.nn- a
atorr ralrulaletl to overset fond dn*:iuii
and ardent hero wun.bl|M
, oaja a tViiBbInjTicMi
injrttui <11
<wmii|Mindeiit ut thr New Ytirk
iMiHltT IVury waa
atimilly a auffrrwr fmm tbr mild lum-h
of w l.dtT VL’uiblnirloii baa ju-t UIhUt-
t htus sohlitT. -I ctd «m a rlteet ear.
and tbe air was sit fiiir that I, an ener
vated Waobhirttmlan of twenty yean.*
standins. aiavtil .mt o tbr idalf.trm j
lu rr»W II. Hy atleulh
ly ;,iim,ir.l lo Pt-ary. who Uwiol.il tbr {
car. with blN heavy uttT.iMi wnip|>nlt
snuslv aUmt Idiu and Id- eulUr tunird
up i« pniirol bU mvk fo.ui tl.r hreexe.
Mini. It. u.y Minwlor. hr l.w.ktil reallrl
<i»ld and liumtilbiiely went ln•d«'1e the •
The tuinrl, v.
nil tii}.inc«-tl in 1
ear. haA-il undtT tbr seat in .mirr to j
and tho •.i.if..d 1h.‘ ail In ihrii n
Kieale the braitT. Ibrt. oat d..w ii rljdil •*
iri.i to W .in *
llicwa-rated atnT oo lop of it and lMiri.ll bluio. If detn. In |
thi-y B.-I on ui a I.iTd.lt’ |..iiV. a« if they- bl. tiMt odUr. SB If hr rr.,rti| a . blU ]
wrio t.iih r.-i.-mc It.r a ehoji diBlain-r
reo. Iiiirryinc i
nit-y k.pl t.i.:t-thcr until tbt y w.Te al
Fm.i-.dh Kini-t In toil.T l.t ent. h a i
IU..M out or v»;;l,|
-n...,, they arrmsd
I.. v.-ith- itoon I.. th.-ii Juihitual iMire Fsurleenth eini-t ear. Here I wa- .nil !
on Ibr pUlfttrm all the ilmr with my j
tiKit liinovn i»|ten no a» not to mioN auy
tj.L l..-iuts’n Iht- •.iin|..’li(..|,. I
of tbe
w.*atb.T. AihI tU.il was
Pea ry of m r.-f ie fa me r~
rrsori aaso-
cUtiuns t I hold not ninrr than
aotws of Ktound. and ihr limit of rah
ur l»ia>s...t is f.NsMW
Tht N.wl hill
crt.wn up to
II Ilir Ml.-ahni na-tr.-ri. of
tbs Amir. TIh* tiiniBlls foiiiid at tbs
spot «i>n*l.t of s twIW ftw a host, a
Ivtiry rowknk, .f.mr stoos
kiilvra. a bmw knife and a okiunintf
The lame knife resemhU-a a
maebtie. w ith an rt. hlu* of a isvhia
ttrlc animal un the blade.
We mean exactly what we say in this Warrant—without
reservation or equivocation. We know VINOL is the
best Cod Liver Oil preparation and general rebuilder of
health knov.n to medicine. We bank our reputation and
fortune on its being a wholesome, delicious tasting and
most wonderful medicine.
H..trra Mlwatr Wllk FHn
asetera mt Tttowrww laUwd.
raptain ii. Norh-sa ami other t
Uti of tbr |»art> w ho ntii.m|wiulei
.\int*ri«-an pr
tor- <u. th. lr ex|»edltiofi lo Tlhumii IwhiuU In thr lawrrh fur
ir..ld lisxe retnrn.ll to llenuoslUo. HexUiw Tbry f..und imlleatkm
hut no trare of |pd.l wa*
•aya the St. Umls »;ioU-l
.\i t.. the InbabliautB of tbr laUud.
who have U-en i>|B.rttil t.i lu* flerer
oa%ai:e«. Paptaln N.h-I.
pony found tmly almu
imi. nielr ewndltUm U Utst of abjtil |H.veri%. They live In buta far
There are l.2n«M*^ native ('atoS^
on tbe Am.Tl.-an side of tbe line. A
Iran* are swarmln* luto HriUab <*olumhla ami the mwibwest. tntsrvnar
rlac.-B are rmpient. tbe ptrl-oUcsl Uf
rrature of r.natU ts tlm.wt wboHy
3>mrrlran. American rapitalists are Im
veatlnc Ur«ely and a.ijulrliia coa
dal liilluence on thU aWr t.f ths lias,
rauadlan* not Itwa Urssly tarewt ta
Don’t take our word lor it—tr)- it yourself at our expense—•if.
it does not help you we .stand the loss — it costs you nothing.
little I
they .*an abto< in tbe lahiud They pw
.iltno-l enUnly nak.il amt bars
starved apiowram-e Tbry were at first
susplclotia of the Intrudvrs. Imt whm
they fouml that im harm
Ihry were quite w ltllnx t'* make fHeitda
ami aaked for alm«.mriTly rscslvins
anyiblnc that wa. offerct them ta eat
tfoit of Oerf Uwtr OH)
will cure the.se trouldcs, that is all there is about it, and it.is eas)' for
any .sick person In this town to jirove it.
DmbUiimtsd- Aft Tfrod Out. /
It ift nut natural to icri toi.UinMi;. i|rt-d
Wv uu«-4 t.-r VINOL .,P!
bring llte. atmiglb and ti^rur lo the d. ..dilated
Chronic Coldm^HmokimaPmo0L
..gnat fe. .....
... 1. VINOL IB the verr medicine
Ltvrr Od I«ma a....... vt
„..t up.rl the Biomacb. end k fiiiicIlM ^
amla Flesb-Get Strong.
\Vc bcUctc VINOL -tiU create fieah quiArr titai. a. » prcp*rmi.>rj lontair. '
We h.tre prov.U In
\ INtiL quu-k^y^fc^ ! l>iBe»*edtiengNtrtdu. t..oe«r«.>rk.m.t
u ..f tenerii! ht.M.
^Old Pmoptn -Womk Pmopte
NeedaBtrengthenlng and Invigorating .vbuiUlr- 'VI\( »L
value In auch ca*r%.
ot etceptloral
Pml9 Women - Pmie OhUdraa.
hai^gard teceB aho* that
the blood i
CldIcetUon. VINOL »
There U no n-edicim^ nmee valuable it
•nd lunga than V|N(»L
to( kitokb to tUtlUntok
ofwn It aUmt Krliroary
'A syndleals of Indlanians hare perfsot.ll the oTKanlatioo of a slock
company which will file arttolrsofl
I rV<T-lS-i*^. rv^oi oad iKmmkti
tnoorportti«m at Lansimt of ths Mich- L. -irwV.HalnnUj. U-l' « err. a park.
. .«iUiTnBk-r»rd. 0..-I
*0.1 Wioo«-t
lean A Indiana Ursort Aasociauop. a aid If ratnned l.- i;.,i^r.l .JHof
Ths oompaoy will have sumcirnt paid
up oapiUl stock to derelop a first
class resort at Ilijrjfia's Lake, in Rospommoa county, when' it is sl»o pro
posed to build a summer home.
I Is now Uuuatdesevf Battle
Thr HalU
. tf
Itocturs of a urw food eallrd
and hatrr idncrd It cm thr inarkrt lor
too cents a packai;r. whilr all tbr tort
srll for fifirsu orota Thorr Is conatruiatlon amooff Uis eompanios tbsrw.
edy by his dsvoUow to outdoor upom.
roprolally football, has recwlrrd and
aoosprfi a call to thr latlorate cf tbr
WsstmMt^PresbTtrrlan etouiTh of
J. H. Bennett, wbo aorsd to Elk
iUpids two years ar> traa Bsark has
acospsi a ftorttortship la ths irmsf
DarsVdbOa.. of Mrart and wiU oloas
oat his baslasss at Elk Raidds.
At BatUs Ortosk up to dale, two
hoys havu had thalr le<ft brakao. i ad
rHdoj«lbd«dsasrlatosly lajotad-hy
DipnitsBieiinii UauHih
nadlan youth beaitatrs to seek sm
mrnt at New Y.rk or t'blcajo
more than a Stx*tch youth hrsl^t
seek em|4.tyment at Mambeater or ta
lisndou The bead of a t'anadisto ualseralty rssiatia that oAcr ft» a
fes-trablp at New York.
War tm Tsseel.
irl- correapoodsot of ths I^4oo Tlmss . recently dsocHbed a usw
ayutem of railway trarellnr Introdnnd
hy a PaHs firm .i train coostoUi« «f
-aiUtunoldk- carria^ U lo Irara
Pari* for Dijon u. Jan. 1«L It will
travel 100 kitometm (alxly-iwo mllssi
rhe carrUffss will taka forty
each, as well as ItogMS.
• har wU hs prpfldsd.
Reaping .matblnf* w.-,
tbi* .vt*4r fm- tbe finrt tin
by naihe
'ijria. Tbeee phtmira
plomi r* all
t-amt- from t’hi.itgo.
F.lewn w.-tw
working dniiiig tbe lute li.nrt.-*t In
Cm-Ie-S>TJa and tw.-i.i% MX in tht-pUln
of Eidraeton. Al-o. for the fir-t tlm«
tn tbe bUtury . f ibb tiMintry. the preaar1tneaa.i] tbe Introduc-j
lion ami oi-TatU.n in .SyrU «f a oteam
tbraaldng on
outfit. It ramv friun RlcU
i.i«l cauoed r-ouaklermbla
atlr iti i*.aeie
•laeb^S.vriv. wb.iv it wa* 1^
P..!.! w;.v^ nrii'Nt.Py puHlnnil are
to I- !be ollmMUini. of a|n-tHfUi tbe
future. The U mnti-t* *ny no. AecurdInr to the
lor muxale wbm tbe dlimer gooff
souml-. Inhale as miirti of fruaen oaons
as we ctsultonaldy caa. thru faB to.
Mwaawblle. at this prrM of the year.
e very many t.
CTtoabed B-traw lu tbeae looia (ooetStwte* tbe *to|le food for otm-k. F«B^
tbermore. for Ibe find time lu the ai>oaU ofHrrU. aa ollmotor flour will bag
beeu eitrcrmmfrnUr atorted Ip ihU Uud.
It came from ladbiiiapelia, atid bi now
wb*wt lu lA^wnom^Clikwcto
ay E*vsa.. 7 to S-.SO
beat tolf^!
—a —*525
TRY, A RECORD WANt AD.Ar. «Ev*r>« oF MuoK lrrt,>or*»r.€»»l -
Olednesdayt 3ati. 2Ut at Steinberg’s
SBBPHlc4^raC«iBldeActiac Omuy, la SH/IKB-*
Nr; Mn Grim
twi.KN'rv’ OF-
»D aiKA-rm vrK*r xo
Prices: 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. i"£«
_ ranm
msav-^. ^
iMk Uk> Ik. KB «r
tW (fer> *mmn
wmn nim* ta
Womtel^d 6teS isolsi ifcorbbbii
Tbe Qtswl Bi^ Hekld ofyetote_ Tha memtea of Ibe Womanta olab
diy givoa a wary toe laioeaaa
Ir.wmom Dcvot»Parf aad MiaiCrM W*4i Gatla m tbo CJ|y Optra
wmbeld tbeftrte of a aeriaa of four
Jobo GttBibta Meebete. aa toll
Bripps Wart MarrWd at BrMt't
aoolal afmnMMM tomorrow at 3:90
"John OtUMb. ba of tbe
Homo YqtUrday.
Ctwir WUI Load Blnpinp.
Yeatcrday ai the boma of iba bride. iTba ipaplil umkm lerttal moot
24 East Bphth atPttL the ceremony U whktbaUtbt tteebtaofib.
afew seaaooe aad gave aa ©lab«te U^\xau
■l Tbe memare mdttap. wiU b^ la tbt
prodaarioa of **Maebath "
Orif- beta
teqaetoad to
to aria*
briag tai»
tbeir ton
faarUpe Mr William Dtrtadorf aad Miaa Optra Uoaaa tamurrew taaalag
•r tha -rakaa- by Which Out- Grace Brlppa. Tbe ceremaoy was per WiU Mitiaat tUl Baadby trt
fumed In tbe pretence of only tbe laaaida Oaalara Fool C««tomafa and
medUte famiUea of tbe cvmtrmrtlnp
Injura Local Oaalara* Trada.
j aa4 tbo ebarabta of tbe oily art lookTbe bride U one of the popularj iai lor a pxaat laUpioot awakaalap.
younp ladiet of the waat part of tbe I Tkt maMe ia tbe atrHott wUl bt
Jannary 32. at 7:90 p
city nnd the people who are nWa to city. The pmom baa a host of frienda. I
by a oboraa eboir of aboat 100 makes It more apeotaeular ia point of j*'
enjoy ibc luxury
aikh ndorumenta and is well known aa the popular...............................................
■cenlo alfeota And tbU. U must be “ . I*m«rtani bttslm-ea to l.c coaaM177441
There are flra denlera In tba city who
of the Queen City team, and choir are teqattltd to enter by the
I> E Warner. 11*^ "Suc'y
hnndlo this clnaa of puuda. They arc
^ of the
ever played tbJ^ weot eattaaea. They wUl be admitted eombmtnc^. Tbioagboat tbe pro-:
by ticket after teamrrow trtalaf. aa daotloa apeeial olaetrlc effecte are
Ilmruum d Ebri. J. N Mnrtinedt. il W.
Rnaiall. W. C. d B A.Gannctt. aad L. poriie*
meed, bat tbe moM notoble innovation ;
tlTk* MAMKBTa.*
is In tbe aoeae of tbe witebee* oave. ;
and l»e*i wishes The happy conple
AameeaatodbyMr. Orifflth it reaem-!
A |::b0 atone 1» tba Inrpeat that o^m reside
with the bride's
for tbeae meetinga have indicated that
tbaac Arms panarally kewp In aiock. fur the present.
there U a very strong feeling in tbe Tha wltobaa* caldron thriwout btoej
Tha aalea uaunlly Include stunea from
and red flame and tbe laeantotinaa cf
tbe witobee were acoompaaied by
nltbooph there are mnny atooaa oold * Tbe dtldgatea from TraTtraa City. tbe naited effoTL The
wore orgaaiaed aad aaslgasd to thander and lightning.
hich are larper. In auch caaaa they Umjt Lake aad Maple City to tbe
aftergboet appeared three tinma in differ-1
are either ordered from a cntnlopue. Prieoda qoarterlj meetinc at Maatoa
effect balnt prop»-oarally from an apeni «n
this afternoon, aad redated by reeant of a alczeop
bla next rialt. In one atora the mnjorEVENTS IN SOCIETY.
Tbe eoeae eopcladad with tbe n
Ity of atoM aold durinp the year !iT*'
Mr. and Mn. Joseph Goortade ol Are. each aa waa need ia Pbaat.'
IS to 140/Wlx n special or
Mra. U. M. Timblin waa aarpriaed
•• ‘Macbeib' baa never befoto b^a
derm are placed they aomatlmea xvarh Satarday by rtcelrlng a liaadeome Bast Bay eolertelaed a alatgh load ol
young people from this city late Sat presented with tbm«* aprctaeolar
a« hlpb a« tl.ro<» for a alnple stone.
chock from Thaa A. Sterens & Bida
urday evening. Owing to tbe oondi- effeota.and tbe ianovaUooa waa de
For the trade there are penerally of OhloaKO. claaslnjf her aa a prise
lion of tbe weather and roads tbe ride cidedly novel, aa well aa iaterreting. , four prades of atone* spoken «»f They winner aaooit their 2.600 afonta
waa aomewhat proploagod but tbe The eoeaery waa elabonte and the:^
are. first, line commerrlal white; see
The eet'ood aennwtrr of aobool be
albleUc young men dUplayed their
ond. ver3 fine white, sliphtly imiH?r. gan this morning in the High achooL physical strength in amiating tbe play handsomely etage*L
"Mr. Orimih’a portrayal of
third. ver> fine while, iM-rfeCi; The day waa devoted to going over borsce through the many snow banki
character of'Macbeth' ia appametty
and fourth, extra fine white, perfect the pri^m and in cUasifylng tbe that bad. to U enooantered. It wai
They are handle*! In this order, and a tcbolara
lO'JaO before they reached their deatinone of thi> first kind Is
atlou. The evening waa spent in trfstment from tbe'MacbeUr ol other
the aei'ond clasi*
games, ghost revelries, light fantaatio, actors of tlie present day. Hu work i
S144. of the ihirti class |ls€..an1l «»( nbnild hla liT. ry bam. recently 1
border, npon the «ld atyle and cld ^
ed. until tptii
the fi>urih rlaaa |?t:e.
A delicious aapper waa foUowed by aobool acting. U U tragic an.L inTiu-re ^ II be a special meeting of
The pink diamond is a very <>xiM-n
»I*ead prepiM by Mra tense tbroogbouL
alve alone, frtniuentl^ runntnp tat. hiph Trarerae City Chapter No. 147 of tbe
aiated hy Mrs Boyd.
"He is Supported by a good com
as ll.OiMi for a «»ne rarut. but very few I Order of Kastern Star '
There were nine couples iraent aad pany. tbe moet aotoble memlier being
are us4-d In the city Tha iM>rfect yel ingai 7:30 o'clo. k fur s]«leal boa 1- it waa tbe wee lioara in tbe morning Mlae Louise Rlpiey. who played Udy p^rC^'
low diamond is another class *.f dia msaaod work.
beforu tne gaaels tetaned hoaaa. all Macbeth. Warren Conlan played a!--------Mr*. C. O. C-orUti, who baa been agreeing that Mr. and Mra CHmrtede
mom! that Is .xtientlve ami Is not
very good Maodnff."
ven much in evidence When a dia ▼err ill at her home on Sprooa street,
►re than
per is reported better.
A good aixed aadienoe in the City |
The foUowlng young people were
carat only cx|htu are able to tell Us JLu tbe aheenoe of the pastor. Rev. present: Mr. and Mra Boyd. Mimes Opera Honae 8atur.Uy evening wil
ITi; to Si:^* diamond is Baldwin preached two excellent aer- Hattie Martintmn. EetelU Barry. 1^ neeeed the production of "Jeme!
yetternot an infrequent purrluo— by Trav
Cnlmati. Mary Biiaki. Agnea SoUivan. James." tbe western melodrama, acd
•ity people.
Anna and Klttia Keedliam. John Qnlg. the aadieoee waa' appreciative aa it {
Ktv. W I. lAnfmansiKikeoo'*The
•re are a larpe class of diamonds
ley. Roy Wise. Albert Hneaa. Walter had been througl*oot the week's euthat are aold for |h rle*'i diamonds Way tiiey have at Old Albion." as a Rimliali.
Mertea. Lyman gagemeat.of tlie Castle Sqnare Stock i
These datk nunnin^s
that have flaWs. ahirh are .>nere^ up prclodo to hi* e*-rmon la»t evening.
Brown. Frank Uuellmantel and Hngti Ca Tbe piece last presented con-1
fcv,TjonH intereeted is invited to
anea, and apecUltii s were;
y«»u .hm'l ^rt *uic *.t *u
iMvurred a
tb»- lu-etingof the Friends Home M4§up to tbe very lioir that!
ahoTL time apo at on,- *.f the J. weJry
Tbe party was obaiieroned by Mrs
socitty to be held at tbe home
Hugh Boyd.
a here a miui purrhas».»l a very
White on Fifth street tomor-1
•----------------------i the piece.
lianioml from om>ld*-. payinj: •a j row afurnoou. A barrel of clothing I
company ha<l done a aooceaafol
The commilleea in charge of tbe! The> com
fancy price He .l«Tidei| to ha
" ! is
pr.-tmred to \<m sent to the
made* Into a pin settini:. and tmik
« • anflt/Trs Horn tbe coal famine in Chi- Bacl.alora & Benedicts' ball liavr .le- j week's Imalneaa They lelt here for
cided to |s>»tpone tbe iwrty until after I »be Soo early Sunday mcnnng
the Jewelry st.irt* for that _________ , _
Any .lonauone off olol
tbonkfollT received, and cloUang Easter
questIm; that fc*wer rla*s Ih. ih.M in *
, , not
lb*sT fur >-.iur siomaeh liver.
•h r did
,1,^ would not l*o
^ acceptable at
^ all to
-ntls the Jewoler
md, i|, that
The |.Tuc is
ani.Miil aas im
N..t a .l.dlar ttee<l
laid uDiil i Id Is,* els; s.K.thes and »
dred. in Thicago Th^^i^^htog^iU you re * un d
vlu* k 1.*^ \ tlOOli OM.
rt'and th.
el a iwrkai:'* of R.icky I ^ r> organ; makes a new \>r
cov*-r up iho cleh-rif*. When the de
.'wu and life worth livlnc
M.iuntain Te.-, If it fails lu make v„u ’
d..n i
i Mountain Tea Jas
ft^is were shown to him and the prlt ,Dick Marshall, who was injured in Well and k«>*-|» you
staled, it was fi>und *»m that be had tbe Ireccnt exptoiion at Mayfield, ia seem
cents Jas G Johnson
luild at least l2«'CymMV than the ^mne
pant oalu if you
MISS Benda’s 91
rorth Tlie less claws that ran
oral :wiih ibis concert com PANT8-P to-ltal.!
*2SO „d
want to feel real
bad. We've g*>t
ho iHiter in the seitinK of a 1 pauy left the city today noon for Elk
•3.0O i«]
I'va got the money—
yours for
tbe 1
as the gtgd lends to dim th. | Rapids. where they will give their
window. 8. Benda &
» does wonders here.
rtaiument tonight.
d to I
tMwamm^ looto." TMr
to tto m of old temiMl
-Dwt play wttli a»e oow. Katta
viM.* ba pkiidfd. -Did yoo raoliy
IW aaoM riaoMdac lb- Mod mday fbr Mr
tiM wat acr««^ bar fat'r wim the
»ba mooed JodlcUlly.
i« wMeb tbay tbM .
tbera arr ao fbaoy
•bd VMday*j adatiaaa 1
p^ U tba workt cold and
r df rary walat blacb ajaa la
Add for wtoDoa comfort tbooe
itbaa wara boofbt." ba Intamiptad.
**Tba papara «oC It twlatad. Tba aolts
laada for uia. but Joat
I li oartala|y.«Majntt ta tba ea- ^
adHoa-doima for i
I at tba boopltah tboocb
tba papara didn't pet that oida of It.
Too aaa. 1 aaat ibao-^-auonyi
ly bacaoaa~waU. 1 bate pobllrlly lu
tlMt «rt of tbt^** ba blartrd o
thartaa fait a quick roab of
tbinf atlTTlDC In bar baort. a aweat
aomatbloc that aoftaoa<t bar bripbt
ayca to tandarDraa. tiba luararad bar
**Bnt 1 caatforplta joormaklnp leva
-I cooldn't balp IL** JIa apoloplaad
tar that ertmo Impanltantlj.
—-wbao you are aupagad to
•Jknd If you'll
tba rblffuu
Swif. wnb bla wbita, atiky fr cooL
M. aod-bot no one aaw tbf
rary Mcb man of a paotSaman
oran Friday. Ibalr canlna Cu
I ttet mai«y black aad uo of tba pkL for a rolBea aonabada covara a
> offarad tba baat
Tbo apoopa It an animal and not
rcpeUblf^ aa aataa aute It brratiM
and wb« la tha water U flUad
moooa. Tbaaponpelnlti
» la only a caronoa. Spu
rn to prow at a daptb of
even daapar doobtlna. At the
»oeaM Hin waa a paoUaman. and
daptb of fifty fact tbay can bo forked
by an^axpert flabcr. but
(^TIoTar mlad. old fallow.Iftdtty. aad tba dap ooUcod
pamap bla baad la pood fallow.
^ waa tiambitap nolmuy. Td kill
fliy fallow myaalf that darad to harm
^ balr of bar boaay baad>^ly yoa
tba Mav.-* The water
caa prow la very v\mr. ami tba ln»t
can b.. aem at a prral depth. The
1-c.r tba aiHMipc
lu iJraetv and 1* *^ntiuuold. .\ larpc
rntapr of the .Mcllterr
pea comn fr».ui the I4aud of lly
Suma. bowcAar. iviue from olff tba
I of THlwIl. A few ap..urea «MO»«
from.tha faroff taml of Mailaptiacnr.
o ara two luoutba hi raeb year
wban apoopa llahlnp la praetkmllr
doaad. Tbit la lu Aupurt and Sei»
trmbar. the hurricane uiontha. l»urlup
*bcr tan nuuitha tba Induatry flour
iacowl Mathodlat RtvlvaU Servieet
Sndad Laat Evenlng-Bpleodld
•uoeaaa of the Maetlnpa.
Tba aenrkea of yesterday were
flttlag cloee to tbe three weeks' aeries
of maeUnga held in tbe Second M. B
eh. Large audiences, filling every
available seat, greeted Rev. Hugh
Kennedy both morning and evening
The series of meeting have been very
waful. about 60 making a public
confeealon of Cbiiat. a large m
being h«»da of famUtes. More than
■adwtoeod too, Jtoi —0. i
SO united with the Second church yea
taave her to yow knight
icrday. a few more will unite later
r t'm getog to catch the next
> some will unite with other
ck to M«w iork."
^h. ari you golag so eooor Tbe churches. Pastor Kennedy and
litto lidy*a mm «U 00 tolat that people cloee their aonricea ao aa to aid
weodored If ebe bad been chaa- in the union eenricea under the lead
ttor^QWtitali tea Ba naver could tiark
IKno’ ohoold 1 otayt You wars the
had^nd now"- Hla
mm hraka too. What ailed peo
gtjritoygroudand. He whL
► hla big
Thau be
mra raaA paat tbe
make ’
Irts and |iainte.l diamonds an- a..me or|bosin.-*t He rvtnmed, however, with
the nimm<.n fake diamonds that are j
Brunswick. ich. Hosts cf
often forr«*,| iiptm the unsusiHs-tinK
l^^t*'****! congratulations and beat
by outside firms atlvenlslng
cheap dlalnonds
A final meeting of the board of pub
works on tbe paving aoooanu was
The diamond trade is a little the
evening.^ Toe report
?ai at.Chriatmaa time and can lie de- will Saturday
come before the oonncil this
IK-nded upon. During the r*-si *»f tbe evening.
it Is vcr>- »*ven In one year It
There are still tome good teats for
l»e larger in May. whUe In the the Tudor-Oeeding ooncm this evouyear ll l.s Just as liable to be Waaler Lewis Holliday, aya of Dr.
other mougi. The past >.-ar and Mn. A. H '.Uollidav. baa gone on
an especially good year for the the tour with Prof. C. E. Horat’a ooocort company aad will be one of|the
[•lers jn
violin aniata of the bompany. Master
The value of a
Lewis is ao accomplished violinist
for a jovciiile and will be a valuable
addition .to the company. He will
U. .or,!. II,K.. . .hr.v O.T,, one «..uW
»..• ,ur.h ,.r«b.l.ty J4.K. ,nJ ..... .... ui|
on to»r.
the same ipmlity as the |I«sY sume
me of the J«'Wel, rs rial*>il that
• aiv some ikh»pU’ who make It a
buslneas In this city of huymg ihejse For th. Ctholie Church to Be Eroct.ll
on the West Side—Large Meeting
diamonds that have flaws ami raffling
1 off The stones are of the finest
Held Yesterday.
and many tlm«'s large, hut their
p is less U'cauae of some Ut Hcl
Agents also hurt the UkaI jewelers'
trade, and the jewelers state that the
aipmta soil large quantities of dia
ls here
“r-iS on ta. center or S-nd „d
Ic A. Eldrod of 815 Elmwood
Doa. AL trienda who wish
lutaalDi jsre
yaaUrday that abe thought obe'd
marry him. gbff Ito doeklT gvuB took
ut bar. tbouiB Bk^wavtbg ^teisd
barublaf. B«h, fYldayl Oo quick!
The Miaaca Irene and Berde Altc
Ldinberg went to Oadlltoc this
ing eu route to Lake City to attend
Mr. and Mra. Frank Kroqpa of NV
ah-u-wanu paaaad thtougb the city
with relativua at Sodar.
E. H. Pupa toft thia aaov^ for D<^
troll to attaud grand chapter, and Aaa
Hale waul tbla aflaraooa ua proxy for
Joha F. OtL
arias Main will leave this after
for KaliapaL MouL
V. C. T. Stout wmat to Bast Jor
**Llbcrty Bellea" Will Be Seen Here went to I4mnd Rapids today to eee
Bishop Richter and get his official ap
proval of tbe work. Aa ooou aa hii
Frank Hennes^Vs pruUuetlon
Harry B. Smith's new musical comedy.
IJl..'rtT B*-Iles • which ran for
Ihree months nt the Madimm Square 76 CKNTS a tog for My pair ^ ML60
theater. New York, aehleving the
greatest sueeess since the *lays of
"HaxH Kirk." will positively be pre^
seated In this city on Wednesday.
Januan* 28. at Stelnlvrg's Grand.
The company Is not only musically
strong, but it repnaenia an unusual
aggregation of talent and b«^utlful
women. Twenty-imu of the parts ar*»
played by very handsome glrla. each
of Whom made quite a reputation aa a
aiagft beauty In the-big Broadway product^m.
Ex-Mayor Hewitt Dead. NVw York. Jan. IS.—Abram S. Hew
itt. former mayor of New York, and
Tor many years a repreaeotaave in
cougreas. died at 6 o'clock yesterday
morning In bis rlghty-firat year, hav
ing been critically HI for ten days.
jrrank Jones met with a aevere btcycle weeident Satarday nighL His
wheel elippedoat from under him aad
faaaydilyto which aaltod fort
atadinerto AUtogbto
rtour of the Adame ex
Division otroet waa eelected aud other
A Few df the Reasons Wliy
there is no abatement of interest in our Basement Sale.
Honest goods—Goods just as advertised—prices that save
you half and in many instances, even more. « w « « w
2e Buys
Ho.\ of -Mournin}» I’ins
•J pajYcrs of pins ___
Sharp's tJoUl cyctl nccdlr^
1 doz. Pear) buttons
:* Hoxrs C'arpft 'J'acks
^.. ’
B: '
•' . :' l
'■ .; ,'
;.V *
Om: Gotllr iN rfiimr
I doz. H*»rii Hair l*ius
5 cent Calico
Brush Skirt Biiidini:
Cakf of ('.ood Soap.
$3.00 Silk I’nibrcllxs, in c^rs,
Best $2.00 UmbrclUs. Iixjl xilk am! Mctccrccrized covers ............................................... OSc
Men's Fancy Silk vests, were 2.50, this sale OSc
Men's 75c night gownv.................................... r»:tc
Women’s Kid Mittens, some fur trimniCil.. 33c
I .ace curtains as low- as...........................
Pnms (or *juilts, all you want per yard..........
Apron Ginghams in checks and strii>es----:to
F.xlia fine Overshhts, were $1.00.................. 48c
Men’s while I.aundricd sliiris, 5(V values .. 23c
$1.00 quilts, this sale......................................, C5c
$2.00 and $2.60 Comforters..,.............l.GO
ladies’ (anc)' black skirts, $'i kind................ 98c
Savlan 18c double fold dress goo*ls........ 7c
.Savlan’s aU wool Henriettas worth 75c----- 39c
22 in. Peau dc Soic worth $1.00.................... 59c
i of all wool Cavvimere
and best of makes, worth !
Men’s Coats and Vests of all wool fabrics.. 2.08
A lot of Meii’s CoaU and Vests in small
sizes for.,....................................................... 1.60
Men’s wool suiu that run in ]iricc from 7.60
to $10 for..................................................... 5.00
Gone to tbiBasaiBnt Sale. TbariislioniiBittorYMLYoiirMomHiackHyou
ask it always.
lOSTOIM S-tort
WEDltESDAY. Jan. 2«fil
191 timVO UOOSDl IBAt
Widifwmcj. ^cM<m)r4kSitirirfaniM
Jolii. Imt fb«T Iwtf kmiwu «rb tAhtr
tram rtUldbood. and rr«i afur boU
ted narM tbtr ted atwaj»
ar mtk oCter a. Jakr ax..! Mar.
ana vas awpriMd alian, afirr a
«r a«^ tt wa* aawmtM^ that lh«
tlir fanna wocM aaon
te iUr«.wii down aod all tte U»d InCBor f(Ufiar!l f•raprftx. Tbm tacidanta
« from imtwU to par blai a rlait. aod
laWJ^ In fte nitorr ra^t r»*T(
on tlw wldnw Mod tnr land*.
It warn ImrltMUa that ^ilb an old
«al4 oo aa«- aSda aod a laa m ou tte
aOter trootila ateoJd romr. T!»c alaiar
dkln twant ttebruCbr
----------aod too laaryar dido l
tv arrrrk |*rr ba|iitln<>»a. atnl
al«»«it tUat arltbtn four
tb«> iprriacr aaa cdT Tb»-y rooUlu l rt*-n be
oriabbura aflrr tbr laa-jr*r aod tbo ate
falrlf to arork.
TIm- laaryrr atood on what be railed
thr inral aaia^na of tbe raa*-lhat la
be railed Jarub Ktaoaell a
MKHiodrel arhe ted ou otlo r r»
tbao ae<nirtoc tbe wbbiw * prc
Tbe cibS tualii alat.r didu't
iesal a.perta, b«\,^ aa*u t aulnc t«
ear Jake UaroeaMd to a aoiiiau
There ted niaaya lee-o i
to the loratlou of one
waa ov«f on thdr land by thn
*1 he matter had rvated tliere f«ir fifteen
year*, but tbe bmyrr
doc It OI»- Hurveyirt^a were enitaced.
lioet mo and the dlfTeren.-e uf an Inrb
was di*|>oted over i*nlll It mde«l in
It waa while the laat aur.ey waa b
Ins made that
un-t. with
Sreat lorn
Jle bad m^hl off Iweoly
bmdW^ttle to a dro%,c aiHl r.wUed
hand, and at tU eiw!
day had fuoi»d bia wallet mlaal
jiitt-d fi>r in aln. the
law>e^rbar|:ell Jieoh with lylui: a
lla Itw*. and the alaier <-hari:.-«l the
>er With haeint; found ti and «on
rd the momy to hi.^ own uw.
atal one da> Jnke aial
the f«,-t that they ha.l
t aolta on tiaiel aKaiuat earl.
•ay nothlnc of two or thn-e
iH-a bruusht hy the lawyer
l*t«T In keei» tliini;* from cfttlnc
**iaajk Jaaa. wut ■•in tot ainarr u*r
WAU^O iu» wiiam
alow. The rrtaclrwila would have becw
Slod to druii the qunirrl oiaJ aak rai l*
OCber wbat U waa all aUnit. hut they
Werenot j»criulltevl lu It had to pi ou
llierv Lad bcea more tn»uWc uv»t
tbe Lena than anythinc ela*A farm
ei'* beua ore out only j:oeirio waie
derlns where they |,Um.e Without rrf.
•rmoo lo Hue f.-ocw. Injt they rcfu*..
to enter Into family quarTrU or look
at tbe lesal aide of tiie «|uealio|^ When
Mlaa lltatiM-tl iN-^au throwins 1h»1 waUT on Uie Trary chlckma. w hii h catnr
about tbe kiUhru d.air 4n a netshlmrly
way. tte Tracy hired man Ui;au ahoolIns the Btaim-Ii Hilek«tia. w hh b
•crptched up the iJower Ih-«U In tte
flrwotyard. buoh w:t. the
le hidu.try
both aides that lo
nim.ih. only
a few acarecfvw fowla were left.
When a man or wom.-.n f.vl. that hia
or her iirtde or dlsnlty and Irpil njrhia
ore at oUke. It U hard lo she lu and
Uke a nenalble view of tbln?*
' It waa the widow wbo finally par.-d
tte way to pemc. hut In *o dolnp ate
^ aronacd all vt Jake’a defiam-r and came
noar loams brr tifr. BUe wa* not o. j
loocwme witbont brr cliU>kctii., but ate
was tired vt bnyins rjcs. of L.t nel; e
bora TUerrforr. after the lapw. of a
few mouth., ahe purrhaM-d a docco
tena and tuva tbe alMcr t.H*"rtunliy to
•*Jake. you are how It la That wo^
maa defirw roo. bhe ha* bousht mora
cbleteiM b tre«i«p« on our land, and
tf yon don't set out tte ahoicun
r yon bavrti*t tte I
n)h. ni kill Vtn off faa; enough - te
rapliad oa be besan bnmiui: for pow.
and abut.
-Jumf let one of ber
ftehtH-.andtea dead
r■ s
•at to prowl around lu teipea to geC a
obot at one of tbr widow*. cUIckeoa.
Tbe wbole quarrel wa. a mlatake. It
wrna only that Mary aremed lo be defylog blm that keiu him from throwins
bU sun Into tte rnrrunt ho^bea
He rrarhed the dlapnied line frnre.
wlUliV lo nve up a ft.*l of ST..t:ud^
i. All tv wldow a tiew lloek of
. led by a aasr lookins oW-rooaur.
tfwapaaaltts ou Ui* laod. lla low-
•rod tte fOB and
aod alrntd
aimed to’klli
tbeoi aU
l*> •Cl M d««. ••« iMn «M ■
amoi fron^a arocoaa la UcM
pain. Tte Widow Tmej bad caa
to leak far ter ehlcteoa. aod a lf«b ted
bidden ter frotu Jarol/a alfiR.
mated fcrmdJo etnmbleotar bla laat
Caefl Joora waa a nice, qukt Uttla
araliac aa a dm dlwerj
Mary Ijrla* on the croaod aa a aeoood. ■MB. Bla wife ted ratter better tedstietweea tbe two be maa ao orcr. ment tban be. Cooaeqomtly be feO
that te bad to baa ap«teM tte teto a boblt of deferrtng to ber coootaocly—ttet la la' ccrtalo nu
He tboa ocqalrad tbe reputation a
bla frieoda of bates tenpeckad.
OP aod fell barb.
of ttear ftteoda took It upoo M
forglre me. Mary, but 1 dIddT te teform Jones tbat W Joara was
eoDaldmIttebmdofibebooaa. The
^^re killed loe. bat I doat wabt
»em to tens yon for It. I dont beteatt. He bellavrd bi. iofurmaot. aod
ere you meant to do It.**
bi* pride waa woondraL - Wha
-Yua aban’t die. If yoa do. HI aboot
te dn-lira
noder such ohioqny or
myeelf. Hrte. let me carry you Into
makes strike for tbe DinuT band? U«
the hooae aod arnd for a cteKr. Tbe
rfwolrfd on tte latter cnuiwe.
h bird
gua wa. only
soiled, be only waited for an
>ebbe >oa erad*t die/*
didn t. In fact abe dWn t rume
one day In ao Invl
anywhere near It tbourb a donor waa
Miw rruikabank* fancy dnwa balL
boey all tbe rent of tbr day i.lekln* oat
Mrs Jones wUbed to «.ve,,t. ^
peJ^-ta of tend.
When tte
Jones said deHdcdly. **\Ve
iaat one had
eitrarted aod Jake
Will not attend tbU telL**
had ti<<en told that ahr wonkl contlono
-m,y DOC. dMrr
to live, he aaked:
-It lan t ocreaaary fir a bn.Taitid to
**MaiT, where** the lawyerr
Iw aya be slvliig reaaoaa to bl* wife.
**U by. 1 arot him alioot hla InaaioeoB
-But. If yun dun t
\hree weeka aao," ahr atiaviyrd. **011.
I go anyway
Jake, the lawyer and your aUter aod
you dci. It will te agaki.t my
the chicken* and the line fence hareI dealre and comma im1».**
HI. d««r.- replied Mnc Jones. -|
■ fool* of oar te I
bare a special rea»*m for wlal
b; but. an you won't give me
tolotitni later he apficsrrd at bia
tr euntra I'll oot give you mine. Howowo door to aay to bl* ai*ter:
ivr. Ite peace of ihla family
-llaliner, can you park your duds te
Mire importamr tteii j
ateut flffeen ninntear
berefore we win say mrthliiK
• Pur wbyr ahr a.k.d.
lioot tte mailer *
,-flerauiM- rm solnp to drire you to
A few daya after this couvm
town to ratrh the tmiii. aiid after Vra
I Jones wa* going out of the
mMffv.1 fhat lawyer all o\»r Crafton
met a l-p luii.glng In
rm coming haek to a.k Mary If ate
r fnim I
w iin't te wcil cuousb to srt married to
»ne* o|M-nt.l it in the vevtibula
tbat It wa* a led velvH robs
ermloe mantle. Tlrre was
atetmard crown with four big
Whrn 8c
ntenr Kerr,
aa*i stone* In If. Jone* bade
muiry. waa In IndU
ndU. te
Milled a tioiiy.,
very much watiied
iioiiy.. lint that tbe boy ring tte tell and pn.'ecdcil
wn. the :n..l of all the othtr Knslhib bla office.
Well, the ins of
r had come. Hla
who w ere not old rrahhut*. 1^ lllpuo
and hi* »tafr had arrived, aod tte geo- Wife lnlemle.1 to i
wl cry wn.;
-\Vh.*rr an* we to p*t |.mh-.y
•*t»h. that** €w.ily dmie.- Mid an Engliahuiau who knew the rui.-., “Next
liainrday lliere*. to |h- an amikm aala
the l»wt i*mle. Ill India,
lien you <*ao ride ilMun nnd try
Kerr trhd aeveral and
lly Oxnl a cmelmt. eye on two.
and liill. which he dHermimd
'**»iilanlay came, and tlir annian araa
etKli.1. In due .nniPM* .ff time
Tommy wa* jiul up. ami tte mi«.iomiry
lid *J«ai rui-e*.
-Two hundred and fifty.- aald the
-Two hundred nud •••vrnty flre.-Thn^ houdrcirTb«**e were extravasanl i»ricea. but
He bidding went ou nmhl grent ezclteii iil. The ml«ioiwiry riwHoti .V*i roiN-v**. w hU h be hnd r^>4.hca should te
bi* limit, and Tummy wa* kuocked
own at 52.V
• Who I* the huyiTV a.kt.l Kerr
-The Man,Hi. of Uipou." aakl the
niMlUrtmT. -Jll* eieute-oey bad ordcr».i 1 ummy to Im*
}on at
any |*ri.v.--Youth * CoUii»*uioii.
,er every
doing so b, ,
Ing In quest |»u I
tliat be Intended
He would birr a <
ball, 'iterehew*
bad in*]*-, ted wc
would get up a 111
tion' wtih'lor aVid
by book or by crook get te-r into bis
cairlage. drhe te*r Lome and Ite-rr give
b.T a -dre*..lng'’ Itei vcm.ld forever
afier show that he was l..s•ter.
When the time arrive*! Mrs done*
showed uii.|ue*tluiie.l approval of Ills
dlulMP d«vvnt..wi.
He al*.. told her
not lo look fur htm tef.ire j or :: o'cloc-k
flodlug a red ve .1 gown.
w llli four
cloak aiml a crow
the wearer |M-rsoiuiting tymi'ii Anne
Boleyn. He Joluetl the Indy, d. votlog
hlm«‘lf to her. and she M-en^sl to enjoy
hla attentions Immeiisrl.v. He dam-.il
with Iht aeveml lime*, wlieti a Itu*ataii admiral l.-ik te-r nw.ny fn.iu him.
and he saw iiuiliiiig tma^e of her till
PutH b puhluiM*. th.*.e • mmlful ew the end of Ite evening, wte-n ahe
ipe*;- lu a recent atvouiit of t-lectloo aought film fint of her ow n n.-corJ.
-IVrluiiim** he aakl, “I may imike ao
proccedliur* lo which
pelted With dirt, mod thruwo lo tte liold as to aak to in<e you to your home.
of id* wife, and hi., daughter, My carriage I* waiting"
-Thank you. I aiii-pt your kind of
•k wirti a stick, a tlally iwper re
mark.'.! Ilial -the |*.ll.>e tmd difficulty fer with phnsure. I i-aine with my
prrv.nthitf a hrey.-h of the p.-a.**.- nuild-Who. I presume, will return lu ymir
A c*urTe-i*.ii.h*nl M-ud* a Irlef aix-oout
arkni* oil*er rpl«de.. lo each of
Well. If you
wbkh by an ciually narrow margin
o.uir.l.mioi wn* simlbrly avoided;
l>e extensive pniiii*.** of Measrm.
lank A t’o., oil and tallow mrrrbanta.
.-re ,*mipk'tejy gutud by fire laat
gbt. all 11% e stiiri.*. being ablaxa at
K-e. It iM'edid all tte efforta of the locwl Irigade to forestall wtiat pronilsrd
to te a cvaillagratlou.- -A motor car.
pns'c.'tling along the High street tte
oth«T evening. Ii*.k fright, it la aup*h!e uu duty and «tphslcd. Mowing the ucrupanU in vtJJolnliig
building*. The iH.lUvmaii 1* to be coahat might
Tks X'rroeli A<
The I ri'iH h a.ad.my
one of tte
ve acudetulc* i.nd the mo*t emloent
ynirtltutlug the Institute of I'mnce. It
was fcHiitded In Ukli by Cardinal Rlcbnd rev’rgamrcd lu IS Hi It it
ed of ftriy luembem. the new
alerted by the mofllolng pirr life after |
apptlraiiou and t
■loa of their
I to tte bead of tbe aUte, It
I twice we«*kly at the palace Matarla. rs Qoal
lalulng to the ukvtie* of tbe k'reorb
langvmgi-to grammar, rtetoric and
*ta*trv and the publlcatlun«of the
h'r.-n.*h (Uasics.** Tte chief ciffi.'er la
fte sciTciary. wbo haa a life tenure of
hla |**UtH*i. A chaii^ In the academv U
hisbest ambilion of moat llteniry
Ereryouc ki...w*
Cle. of vvuns.-. but 4
to draw a pt'rfcrt
te clone withnnt ai
. and i* not .
ive learned bow.
l> oft.'i, n.'.'CMry
Take iwoaioui pin* and *th k them
rmly into the luldc, through the abeet
of pa|>er on which >oit wUh to draw
. a|»art. Ttea
tie together the end* of a btt of string.
inches long, aujis to fonn
Ing two l<*H^ eoda. each
atHvai fin Inch long
When you have
doue thia. tw tte loose rod« Into a
knip. wkU h Ufwd tMiC be larger
(tic l.n.i io adm« tte |wlut of a
.Now fdsfv the Urger loop over tb#
ro pin*, amt putting tbe polilt of
your itranl
ftrct.'h tte string a* far as
a* It w iU go
and rtn-ie all a
Ite iHos. You
wUI find that In movliig from one pin
to the otter the Mring form* an
iTOfjonB, wjifBAYismma,awl "
rreas teUa tte foOowtng
otory of King IMward * rertnt vtidt to
AadiTw Caracgle at BUbo castle:
-Tte rpyal
to the caaile i
coapkie ourprlse to Mr. Carnegie, tte
While «a a rut to tte ,
day paawd a ptaatatkMi tte
Into decay. Tte roof to
bouse had caved in. tte wk
UW acres known tt tbeStedeor
Needhua&rn. One d tlie beffi b
Gr»d TniTm ooonty. ^ mil
ooolh of tbs dty.
te would arrive
lock wrouki bare
aak-rp w hen the
It. Mr. Carnegie ^
-wire- came, an
tbat Its sender was (Mward
mernage was not banded to the laird
of &dbo until be w.Ae up.
olderalde exc
due in fire u
r«f tte
I walked up to tte bouse aud.
Notica to Toapoyara.
no one. wmt liaek lo tbe but.
I ^ouml a veteralde oegro alt- To the Taxpayers of tbe City of Trav
a box before bi* catdn doer.
erse City:
Tte lax rolls for tbe o
tbe state oad county Ux *far“tte
year 1902. and for tbe
-Morntn*. aab.”
-Are you tte only fterwon al«aut tbe •cbool and city taxes and
•eaamects for said year.
ide. Then te had a„ luaplratlon.
I BkIbo there la an Immense pipe
I offered the old man a cigar. whk*b
n whh-b Mr. Caniegie had put in
tedecUned.prvf^lngblspi,»e. Throwme Uine ago f.e hla own pleaaur
lug ni.vself on llif gras*. | waited fm
1 organist w ho |wrf«ems nr*aj It la
bim to talk. .Xs te dkl not. I made a
rmauetit iiiemIsV of tte mtlliooaine'a
remark by way of a atartrr.
-I aupiKWe' this wa. iuh^ a buay
tbat the organ ste.ukl ihutHbr out
-God Save Ite King- a. hi* majMty
-Beckon It wa* a busy place, aab. It
catertsl the twstte.
Iwiongvd to Cuunel iVylom He waa
But when he scut Ua the
Cunnel r.-yton tefo* de waU. though
tbr n-pJy-came.teu k ttiat tin* xnuairian
hr didn't nel.iKT vimmiaml nothin' deig
bad gone down to the nHghlMrlng
an' Gincral IVytoi. white It w as a goln'
on. He «* iH*l a hundml I'ousauU nlg-•Have him out of the wab-r. tb«r grrs."
-YdU mean a thousaml “
-Ye*. *l«ul dat
Ley all IIIkM In de
dripping and cUd only iu a blanket cabin* 'long h.vcr."
arelcted uinu was hmught
-What ba* iHiiime of the caidus':"
-I hum 'em all u,. fo* firewood.
rtsirert rv*mi and p1itin|*sl dow
Missy |n.n.lhy IVvion was'l*«jt iwenthe organ stooL It'was Just in time. f.» ty v»w s oltl when de wah kum on, Hat
the w.ird iws-i'd that Ite k.iig** car- war de time -wh.-n dU pla<v war flue,
Hage wa* omilug up the drivew ay.
de IVyiun famhiy, live rtilllun.
r grtmetl upi fou' teiys an* <*im> glrL
draggisl in front of the organist, now Ite fl..wer oh fte fl.s k war Missy IMlnno.-« nt e\eu of his lOaukct. so
I.V. Ite.unnel an'dcis.vs went away
be was shieia<il from view, and
in' Missy 1V.VIOH an'
tbe water dripping fnmi his luili
Mlsay l»oHy. lh*re War three l‘ickerln'
ra and his shoulder blades, the lioys on a planutipii ober dar. an* dey
Bbivering uiuslriau play.M *<;.sl Bare
nil three In love with Mlaay Itelly.
te King* while one s.rvanl rubbed
all went to de wah. an* when dey
ilm with a coarM- towel am! an
Mirny 1 telly war ‘gacetl to Georga
fare him hrandy.
Plckerlu'. de ,»ld.^
“As f.r the U,.g. he wa* dollghlcd
f'tis' Feyton killed war
with his m.mie.il riNiption. and when Howell rcvloii. at Manassas
Ir. rarmgle Mid him the «Ircum kimi de cunm l. at Sharpshiirg. Itoger
um-r* uiid.r whl.li the iiatlimiil
dr 1-4m,. fever, kum home an* dl.il
ntlieuj had Iss-ii is rf.u-ii.eil hb luaj-w
le lia.l m. mo* 'n
ly*lau.teM nil hi* *..h, ,o h.'.l.Pfckcrln;
hnuight home to de• Pi.-ker
n. kerlii' bouse
Ussy IItelly'iiiiSMHl
WEDDED AS HORSES RAN. v.Ikt duh uti* dh-d. Missy
de fas'
s' yea'
yea* tib
«b tte
*te wah.
X««e| Xlarrla
Brrlase (>reMunr rerforai- au' v.ue day. two yea s ffiftaU Mar»e
Tom PI. k.-rln* kum man l.ii.' up with
unu-ual ami. fniui Ite- isiint
rtKMu. hK,klu' so harnstui
.ildlug «*- laL he teudder thorge dat when be
•uiTvd ill M. iru|*.lK III . tlie oihi-r
Missy 1 telly done prumiaed
afternoon, the nuitnirtlng parthi IkIng kfr. Kvert u Il.arne* and XIns llmh
Lane »*f Trlm^Mii. Ky.. says the St
IW I»b,\airh. Tte- w.ilJIng
hut Missy
cctvniony wa* |KTfornMil lu a eah by fptvlally tte
Judge Thomas Liggett while the Willtaken.
dmg jnirty was i-ing tliivm at hn-ak- Unite of Gett^
mvk siKid to eait h a s..uihl*mml 1111ste.M.il da id.
uoia Central imui
dl.ll In .te
TIh- niuple had e|..,sd t- .M.-lrolmlla
Ids IrolK. Mtesy 1 telly nil
and arrival on the n.rthl-.und |u*i.-u
. as lin k wild hill. It. Murse
ger. which n.m,., iniu .Metro,*.1ih Just
tes- td...|.* P. vu.i. hrinl.hTs.
tuk sh k 1.U* kum h..m.- ..ii leiiW.
•Tvvns im kv. f..* Ttun Pi. k.vJi.' war
e.1 up iu tie mim- ,.i Peiersl.urg.
form.'d 1
Ik- man
dls'V l»..nv w.ns ter a S..tt eh W idtrain. I
the r.-s1d. ne'e
n-i- uger w as
Phk.vin' hung -loug an'
s,.rmg t.l.
at th* se«s..U
-l.een-e. He di.ll 1.1 ,
le r.KKK air ld.K.mln* ni.' 'l-.ut de
was deteyt-d nud di«l m<t r.-iurn with
*U.*u tie rtmf.ih-nu*y siu|i,itil
mlnutea te-fore train tinn-. A«-<Mrdingde tvA« i.tenmilotM
ly the |»arty was Inirrh-d iniu tte* cah. fuu- V.-4-.
1.1.' Alai. Pi.kerin’
togetlM-r with Ite* ..meeting g. ntleinaii.
nn-ti gill u|i
aud while the driv.r wa* doing his waa ter. S.1.U *s de s..
best to make his le.rMi remh the le Joi. Marsr Aten k
h.ver .m ills
H-sy I telly lihla* all
strfllou.lu lime the .i-n-mony which
.teiitaliun. M.»-'..hde liigg.TS hatl done
made the two young
man an
m*y vvan.-t r
wife waa |HTf..runil in ite- ,M,. Jiii
*<v|d menu* mv f.nnhh hy.T hi dis .-al.
aa they ate]>|>e«l uimn the siatiiiu |*lal
lu. Marie Atei. war .le nidv one ot.
form ns man ami Wife tin- traln.ruUc
Mi«a Itell.v'a iovrts I. r.au afier aw Ulle
hi. tiud they luid Ju-t enough lime t
he dope 'suad.il h.'r to imirrr him. Itey
didn't uiak no fuss 'l-Mii de w.ildlu’.
fo' dere wani'l note-ly to kum lo It
•ce,.t de gUoit*.
-Itey trl.ll mighty hanl to stay on de
ptenlatlon. hut •ivvaru’l im u-k* fo' Mla
«• HI* Vmrm.
ay .Itellr to fry to lit. w bar she had been
ao lM.p,.y tefo- de w:.h. au- imw not
A full grown hutk d.i*r with lu
one day
cIk'U de nlgg.Ta
antlera folluwrd Nrlauu li. Pur.I. a 1
she *a.vs, Tneh* IVt.
.-t. r. me an* my husMeadow fanu.-r. iiml hi* f.Timly
Iti New Y.t'k. au* we
churvh In XVlm-h.-si.-r r.iner. i
He had
It was not long teftae they
bofrllag aloug toward the Jum-*
slab. Tbe lady did not luiniliuo Iht ad
dre««. anfi Jone* dkl m.t n*k It.
took her baud and gave her a kiss,
was horror struck Unit she did not re
sist. ami. aettllng hlms<If iu i
be waited, broken heartnl. till
riage drove up lo his «hs.r. Ilandiiig bla
couiiiaukm tmt. te bil her
Wlnated. Coi.u.. a disiami* ..f tive ml
into the vestn.uk
New Year* day. «ya the New York
with hU key* wh
World. Jiurmg Its S4*v.-ral h..urs* stay
denly .qwned an
In XVln.'ht*st**r the hiiimal visit.il
eral house* and ale wi.|>l.*i froui
-Crtiiejn, riu. qui-k." ste said. “Ce bauds t.f children, stmi.- of vvtemi put
ll baant come yet. i:u
their arm* around
riu bural Into a laugh.
The de.T fvturn.il t*» the I'onl farm
• Tve got him hen*." si
tbe next nertilng and
-What do you n.eai»r
ht Ita Iplace Miuoiic a
-Thia gentleman, this tureudur. la Ce tie. XVWSi.1'or.l drives
v..ke of
lt Ile a tioen making love to loe all oxen Into the w.ssls to g.-i a load of
te way Lome.”
IlmiKT the deer alwaya follow *
-Not knowing w ho you w .Ter
-Cecil r-What In tbuader does all this m
Tied Jon-«a. tewlldeml
-I think tte expUuation should
* lo Ik* in evt „ ,
rom you." n-pllnl Mrs. Joiu-s ivUIly
say* tjie Jeweltny dtwr. I Ite-I a l-i> in this er*' t'ln-ular Weekly,
I'r.iiii uU ludlthe other day with a bundle calidus ih.- *iil.-s ..f f.
ulug these rlotte-s. and 1 Itemght Jewreler*
will c'llp—
ere gulug lo Mr*. Cruik*ha
which has s.i fi.r Iki-i.
material La- manv y.-ai's.
oeedlugl.v lKi„
. . loull
. yea."
and thK if i>
i -ttd. :
de plam.-ition/ !».* mV itev .ley Icf,
au* It. s.i'ui.il *s If «h- oh* |.l4.v had
.lraw.ll iis his’ hivaf iiu' g.uie to shi*p.
lak putty High all de famhiy in dehuryIn' gr.»mi* .*Kv ..ii .1.- hillsi.le .hir.
-Missy 1 telly didn't lit. Uiry long:
sp.1* dere war i.*> mu.-h itels.- an' fma
lu de . liy fo* h.*r .h-iw-atc 'stuthm. ghe
had s.m.e . hlllut.
Om- ..h •.•m kum
d.iwu by.*r mirt. hut he w
son aii* di.lu't ratry u..
didn't hs>k lak .le flue gri.nepj.-u with
h*tig lu.*r what u-.ll to ride *lK.ut ..ii dls
plai.tatl..u. M.irsc Ahii. I'l. k.-rlii* marrl.*d midder wife mi* ha.l mo*
an- w tenihedi.il di-pl:i.vgo, a mU.ll
up lu .te law.L. ....iMsIy enn , ,h,
lliuii air till w.ikeii In i
I k.s-p vvai.-h.HK-r.le ote I
IgUly lom-K.;im- is«m*ilm.**
.-ain't Stan* if no Im.cT I
.bTi'..,;- ..7™
*2? O* J
Wtlabach burner gives from fiO
to 73 candle-power, ceetiog leee
than '/ic per boor. Let ua know
your needs, we will soon figure
coat for you.
We are in poalUoa to offer
Fixiure*i. Ugbtlng and Hotelog
AppUaacee of every style nod
Be FooLCDi
Trsts* toss* TravOTSB CMj as I
s-m.. nSDaa . ftrWpm.
rerCawrWvU.aa4 PsteMsy. li
and Piano Instruction
Ella Bretper Tex
A-r io«
IdM^Miwriaw. L Cbe Pink
WaSoH K-*r
S UmniM. M. D
t. a. ■«•.. M.
nUrtln & Emms
ouaaa laaraitTLY »y
Dr. Iman’s
Pain Tablets
Cura ^ pUn ^ rd^ 1^^
1 na
madielna Co,
------------- n r.
Also . complou lino
Bollo._Bottorloo. Anounclotoro.
TolophofM*. Lomp*. Shwloo and Gao
piped aad fitted wHb tbb WOto-
Uxea from now uatil Pebniary 1. INtt.
on <mch week day from I o'clock to
11:30 o'clock In tbe forvaoou. aad
from 1 o'clock unUl 4 o'clock la tbe
On all state and county taxes paid
before January lOtb. the rcfular bS
of one per c«ti for collectloa will ba
charged, and oa
. ttere wtll be
________ n Afee
of four per emit for oollection. PoanUy
nnd ecbool taxes
menu, four
i on each dollar of
Office In room
m I.
1. Hei
Hated Itecemter 1. 1902
Rhaumattam _ _
Headmcha AirmSlo
• lih iilBB'-ni. »n-<-ann.i IViiuo Ik—I
lu’ 'em all. an' Missy IVyi..i
Ob de si. k oti-s.an'de IVytou teq;* galrd to go to that ball «-s|»n-lally to take
loplu* 'iMMit on de hoteei. nn* .te Pt.-ker.
Flo. but aa you ol.Je,-i,il we arranged
In' Isij^ all irylii- w hl.-U u d gil Mlasy
that she aboold go fcuu te-rr aud m
lte!!.v. I ten 1 r«i-kou 1 *onn trit to h.-ate
tuni here fur tbe night. You came borne
en an* fin' 'em all dar mi mi.Uler plant*with her and made love to her. suppo*.
tJun Je.' lak dls lK*f.
lK*fo- de w ah ••
The stea_____
ilteuugle twrntly
ing her to be somber wmuan "
IllHTally and l.-fc
1 f.iKl the uacrati
brought tbe.ii.-w* to V
• I supposed ber b. te you. my lore.”
him. walking uu.h-r the gi.nl ln*ea
that iJeut.-nai.t I Him of th.Mr. J.me* bmm hi. Iw-od. Then te Infantry hu« litvetiitil au. i
which flung their hr..ueh.-i .*ver the
look«l up with a mute a,q.**it *a
I which will tire eighty t*artridgcs' manor tenise In a vain «*ffort to tirat<i-t
It from timea ravage*.
A* I paaaed
inute. aay« the Kt.
out where the g.,te ha.l been I hwk.il
BcrsL The range U
tbe I
ba.k and aaw the aged cii*t«liau atiU
aad ni bring it up."
sitting before bla cabin i
Finds Way to LIvs Long.
TIM tMfte or Lmi0 Ufa.
The atartUng annouac«a«nt of a
CoiuUta la karvlng oil tbe
snx of tte body ta teidtby. roffidar
action, oad la quickly dootroylBc
Cborubnaeo. Ind. -I wlab to dtate.”
deadly dloeoM cenaa BiMte Bib
i wrliao. -that Dr. KlnTa Now Dlsten reculafe StoMoeb. Xlrer oad Kld- oovory for OoaotonpUoa U the moM
aeym. purify tbe blood, aad sire a InfolUble remmly tbat I nave ovor
known for Ooogbs. Colds and Ortp.
did appeuu. They work woo»pl« wltb WMk
woBdorful BMdl-
■roalffbc by uniiiff tte Ufk
imaraat terfoctlcm. Tte Note
boeb. Sdemlaia ami ocidlffi.
ocrew that It ta Ite teoi motela
llffht for oil dutte fteairad W
that moot deUcote orgna. tte
eye. OwUmi lo troat. we M
compelled to dlecoatlaue tte
mytte of aerrlca pipe OMU
^aiok, electriciar
214 arm SL oibcHnM,92i
■akM It vma iSceidad to dniv op
tRUai for A ilEbt OR tbe odfRor U
EUtb Md Pteo aVMU. wWdi w«a
M4|lbocv ABd al«Aod by
Ukuoe praaoAt *
A-akiUoa was thoA >jidr aa4 cat*
icd uBAiHiButtaly 4hat Um city do the
ori of pavlBA ADd IbAt It be Aot POLItH
sed tbAt tbC
chalmiaa and clerk draw up
iA< to pave Sixth street, the same
to be bam by the city yd not by coo
tract. oAd for ceasent curba
ishleld then stated that a
system wtmid
tdocAs were S2h feet loojL and that
V ouphi to be catch basins on aach
Comant Curb—Tavor Doing of the
«*nd of the blocks and the water be
to run from the center of the
Work by the City—EnUrta»nod
by Mr. Hannah.
lal Injun by a very nai4ow margin
*The knife had entered the left aide of
each way for a distance of 2Cf
This would require four basins
between the ek*veath
fecilon occurs, the wound wrill proS
ably heal without any difficulty.
rh comer
He thought that a
that the (^.unril Im- asked to re
11 feet at the present time
Afiei sc»me illM-nssloii 11 aas thoui;hl
.U-si ihat the dihesav
made 27
fi^et and ufKin motion this aldth aas
I.y I hose
It aas
be safe \ill all danger trf InfccHon is
paatsrold^is^w^ at? cS^
letwaan Booor^a Ribo-Joo la Da-
%\*hen Mr. Oti arrivtK) at Ihe camp
PANTS for everr i naa In this towa
a doUar aad a
t his clothing, but the
ft 60 aad BX Oa
. stopiH-d when Mr. Ott
is a Vary Ugly One.
Ott dewcrfWs the trouble.In de-
iiiMKl for drawing logs b» Mr Oti. and
said Mr Haimah. aas the Kind of ma
i.ulal lo 1«' used
He aas in fa^or of
pianola . After the spread Mt Hanfavored the guests with a pianola
I was to settle wiih the Shaffraiis for
my damage that the nmd might do to
maradani. but a;aa aimni; «•» have any sehN*tlun. after which all dcparunl for
homes, after expressions of
kind of material th. n‘si aaui«*d. the
umiHi.n t.elnK ««ie -1 .K«.,i,«my and *tbU5hfuln(‘ss 16 iheir host
hem that Mr. Oil bad gone to Solon
Mr Oil claims that Shaffran was
kinds of matiHal
He stated Ihat the rust of asphalt
on a 27 fis»t driveaay aould Is* alsmi
f.iio |Ht Itmal bsit; brtrk. I'.n:.. tat
inc ludlnu
He also aiaUHl buw mu. h of eac h kind
of foundation (or 'ihi* diOereni materUls aould Im* u>m*J In each osilmtte
_ Th*..e estimates wen* all-on c iuei.t
e,u*h. ahull c'OHts aU.iH ::i» i. nis and
stone (UH. aoMld eo.t uW.
22 cents . vita |s r f.s.t
J. i' Morttan staiiHl that
tuosi of
Ihe tiacini; nial>*rlats a i re lua.h I.y a
trust especially the imteiit ones and
jhni he aas not In fn\or of hityinj: of Chicago Coal Famine Not 9aused by
Local Comblnat.on. Though Thtre
a mist and hate to Ih* deiwndent on
vor of
Had Been Extortion in Borne
1 have
K Ihe n.nt. rials Hi
Cases—Must Give Bond.
land usitiy the tn^nlic* stour that
I ahuu.Unt here and the marhinc'ry
Chicago. Jan ll» -Tlis siHx*lal graod
Hie rliy iii.a oai.s for puttlnE U
SiK.kane Wash . Jan 19 *^W min .
X were burned to death and five are
mlKxliiK in the FioniKT hot id at Mor
H f. which wax destroyed hy
fire laxt night
started the fire
t'leveland. Jan
S(H*or’s wralh. and hr smirk Shaffran
wb e knocking him di.wn in the snow
Shaffran then sprang to his ft-ei and
lew a Knifi* from his iMickeU nh\ch
e opened
Secor. when he aaw the
knife, turned and ran. and Shaffran
iM*d f..r iKThaps 2ini feet, bnt find
which he did
Soon, however, angry words were re
11 70
This kind of road i* made by a
and gl%e
i-.nds of li.:iiHi each
ouglily ndled. on lop of which ihre..
inch«-a of Bner stone is placed withj
lar. and makes parHy
Fivt Men Wcr« Fatally Burned in Duliaieroent
qursne Steel Works in Pittsburg
Hannah said ho faiered a
p.swl nam.w brick lutvenieni. it would
Early Th.s Mom.ng.
less than asphalt and more rfi»an Ur wirs to isr
macadam, abom |2
INf sburg. Jan 19-Kite men were
bnek than macadam
ilhM-k lit irk or narrow
t.rlck w as
Ih.n dtsri.ss.-«l
It was iiolnttvj out
that Hie narrow brick Im.ked the best
Mr tilomshleld stated that a maradan.
street could not Ik* kept clean, and
Ihat aft(M- used a rhciir time It wrouM
Sit badly horned in an explosioo at the
psne 8teH pUni about 2 odock
this morning tbot ll U aaid all will
There was a * hang*' In one (»f
fumact^s of the plant, srhich et-
nerer be a wmooth road
He said It
was a good road and In-tter than the
ing from the furnace and fell wpoo the
five: men sho
who a
ere ai work undernot yet obtu alh
Tbilr na
city has at present
J O Johnson mentioned
tain (Hi
Irfmlermrd in Chicago, and said the city
had the advantage of having the gran
Hr stone
l*mr C R IktckiTy said he
was favurablc to macadam, e
m of the
hard heads I t>ls region
on mot km trf Frank fViedrich
Duke and Duchess of Manchester Visit
was dM-ided to take a ballot
ihr»w votes wen* cast. ID for >.rlck. U
New York. Jan. ID - Among the passengeiS who irrived here yeatc
are missing, and prolmldv
Miss Jackson, a ae*naut
hurniHl. and her condition is critical,
and several-others were luidly injund
• by Jumping from np|K*r w Indow »
two—COCBC and sac.
We Do Not
siauAcai $.iBUAS I snsAH.
OtiKIrca’s Jersey Ixy^gins.
Mi*^V Jersey Uy^jins
In Kwnrx On*»X. nV %nn S«*rn
Women’s Jersey l-cw;irix,
£.°Dl CI-OAK
—Whelher for Infant. ChUd. Miaor latdy.—«n»a
you've leamol the
Women’s Fell and Beaver Sli|»l*crs,
Spooiail Prii
\V..inen’» Wjnu .Sh.w^,
75CItiessyom Icet
wf ate making on ont entire Hock of doakv
in some of our
warm footwekr ami
it will thaw
See our ChiUrv lo^ (.Tonka tX ....
them out m any kind ol weather.
I.»W, worth $ 3.00
See our Miuev' Jackets at'................worth
See our l.a<lies‘ Monte Catlot at ;. W.WS, worth
PopiiUr wh.wi lloMK.
Sri'Kf &-sasii£5s:
(*. Jsn
here by Lieutenant liuvernor Tillman
who tx now In Jail chargiM with the
awful rage He ran to the home of his
oldest brother. Henry, and the
brothers, who had gone,on with the
team, returned, and there wrere four
of the wildest l»61es outside of Kurope
alKJUt Mr OH
The latter did not en
joy his position, but he
|If|F wiU be in the maHiet this winter for aU kinds of Lcfs and I
wiU pxy the highesi market prices.
CaU or wrila Ri bifort. I
Keeps Your Feet Dry and II |U|a
If L
Calf Uned and Cork Sole
JOHN F. OTT arCQ.gTfamn i^.Mteh."^
men aeemed determined at
Mr Oil says, to gel their
guns and revolvers, and as they aaid.
-Go down to the camp and clean out
Secor and hla whole family.**
Mapla City Barn Burned
P—tu: lu ibr KLo.n* I;.VKJ
kllch. Jan
19 —Tie*
Orderx Receive PrtMnpl AttentioiL
small tiarn of Walter Kellogg, who
lives a short distance from here,
burnisl to the ground ^Saturday,
FRANK M. PAINE. Florist,
stro.vlng a quantity of bay and all the
farm Implements
It is claimed the
fire staried from a lantern that ex
Aa Erent of More than Ordlaarr lateresU
Very New. Very Dreeay.
Call and See Them.
-na Old «•«»•«•
ground and used even effort to pre
vent them from committing some rash
ts be was succeaaful finally,
...inom Of DUO oout dmiii m.
Lazarus & Cohn’s sample line of Hos
iery, Cotton. Fleeced Lined and Wool,
worth up to 35c a pair-Choice only
yelled like Indians and made inch a
row that mbn from White’s camp.
away, came to learn
Flnany Mr On
lag them nnd
hroihera went ojf
while Mr. Ott and
in quiet
biLthrr. Henry, walked together to
ward the main road
Just thaa
who had been sent back by Joe
wanted to aca him. as he was hadi:
VThm Hanry ShaEraa hear.
thU he BHaad to tell hla brotheew.
on the Lucania were the Duke and
retorniRg ooaa with the daalre to aet
lor macadam, and two for brick or Ducheaa of MaacBeater. who were met
He the matter at once aad have H
Aaphali. and the lelicT. John ll Santo, by the duchftts* fathar. Bogena Zim
kttahed up. Mr. On assured him that
announced that hr would put the Ut merman of OaciniiatL Tha ditka aad
there woufd be ao
Irr two votes with brick. A molioo
aatu tba oatoome of Smxtr i In
unanimously carried tor wm, aad will probably go to CtedaBad
Jury waa known
fur a aJiort visit.
tirlck paremeot.
MaaawhUe a man had
The mattiT of a
Mtht then
Boloa to caU Dr. Oanme of thiasclty.
We Do Not ;!s.”p22'r:.*rK.'s,“‘£l,'t
to ae« what M become of Mr. Ott ar
rived, and tdW the 1st ter that Jo
lunge at him. probably intending t..
in Illinois and nolghlHiring states cer camp, which w as perhaps half a m
tain eomldnailonJ which wrere In con- dlsUnt
Mr Ott did not know up
spirsey in restrain of trade. Those in- this time that SRtor was hurt at alt
dUt.*,! t.slay w(*re nottfled to api»ear
Shaffran. after Secor left, was in an
Isdure Ihe Stale's aitomcy
ckmxeali's died at 1 lu'ihls afiwnoon
He wax recently shot on the street
all with the aaxtfe offenst. -Conspiracy an ugly cut
do an illegal an. Injurious to pubnever iiUertKl a cry. howexer.
trade.** pfohlblte.! by state laws
Shaffran to the
The Jury says they find the scarcity ground and give him a beating so s.U a* tiard as asphalt, but mu quite as
ged him to de-ilst
Mr Oil i.rg
He also was m.i In favor of
Poland.T. who
or he ^ould kill
. anj lummi luivements In his remarks
screaming that he had enough
he told iH patlng lie had s.w n done in r< sus tit <rf trade, slthough then*-4iavi*
Seer finally arxme picked up his
Ik iroit and tlrand llaplds
Doth Mr uiidoul.iedl.v IKK-II indUldual rases of
The Jury says there exists mittens and his coat and ran to the
ix*«mond and Mr Huushali nientioncl extortli.n
six Inch layer of crushed stone, thor j
Secor and Shaffran.
Frank l*'itedrich said that a granite
r««sd was niri a gravel road, but that it
of ls>ing l.ittimlnous macadattf; Mr.
Itlomshi.l.l said 11 would lu* alNuit
morning destroyed
and the latter presently drew hU knife
i. He was threatening 8«or. Mr
viid not se«‘m adiUaide
In regard to a qu.*stlon of the cost
19 —Kin* iwrly thlx
ing himself unable to overtake him^ Editor Shot by Lieutenant Governor
A-turnivt and resumed his luirley wrilh
Tillmaq^of South Cacolina Passed
Mr Ott. SiTNir also reiurntrl. and the
Away This Afternoon.
was resumed
Mr. Ott
»s- Kvrnliv* Ilr<w4.
. *put up his knife. 1:r y^^ua
askfHl Shaffran
Jury rsil.*^! to lnv.*stlicate the C(*l fam catch his right hand, in which Simf
In this he was
liBlI took ric^ption to this. ine and allegiNl n.nspiracy to forestall fran held the knife
J T Snushtll
C(Uil and raise the Prietos, returned In- foiled, however, and in
he clinch
and said:
If a^p
this morning against 44 In which follow (*.1 Shaffran drove Hu*
dividuals and con»oraHuns. chargliig knife Into Seror s hdi side. lafUciing
slag sire.*iB. but that kind of street
An .o.-nurned lamp
Secur clatmed that he had had nu n in Silencer ioiiidingx. coroer oi Knowle.^
Mr> Huy
r a considerable time, while xttvet and »ichd avenue
denied this, and implied that .Norton and Mrs Dickey , her nurse,
he matu r Joe Secur and Shaffran got
nui a duipuie aliout the amount of
lalM.r that each had put on the road
We Do Not rleaae
get your nioocyr bock.
We Do Not
ti. I for Men, now
CueJid Avenue.
unreasonable in his claim for
iamages. and that while Uisruasing
d. Mr. On says
macadam. 12 r^n. and common jna
eadamam. fll*:.
ThU anuld Is* (*uat
bujring here.
Cbt Jamuarv Chaw
Has Cemt «
The road was
lannah entertained with music on the
n.e b(*si material
arilnr rliy rnciacT. aas eallecl u|M>n
to |;h« einimates n|sm Hie difT.-reiil
and his brother
Tti.- i)(*H mailer to In*
We Do Not
loo Secor, foreman of the John F.
Ott Lumber Co s camp at Solon, and
pread ‘During the refuist Miss Kmma
We Do Not
he found that Secor had bUsi prtrfum-
lAf Walk Though His Wound
According to Mr Oil’s story of the
tables had prt'vloiuly been prepared
and nicely trimmiHl.and all were Invited affair, he and Joe Secor. his foreman.
|sdlii.-l e.ilt that this aoiild i:i\e
n to a pan of the road Four Miners Cremated and Five Miss
help themselves Justice was done
(eel on esfh side of Hie nixd for aalks
ing in Former Place—Blare on.
by all those pr».sent to an abundant that cHMises the farm «»f Tuny Shaf
prcMte efr.i t
■» dtbart-Btechtr Cp.
In Which Tony Bhaffran Put a Knife
He was right at hand durtng tne
that the enlire mix. and after It was over the
Strt‘et would mu have to le tom up four Shaffran brothers w.u*e about
fairly shrieking with rage, and
after ll was once paviMl
Tills concluded t^e buslnes.s iiart of Mr Oil did not consider himself In a
TV enviable poalllon till ih.* quartet FATAL FIRES AT SPOKANE
le meeting .Mr. Hannah then invited
1.1 been quieted.
hU guiMits to I he . dining room, where
le Str.-eu to t.e |>aved.
r«»d walls, and iha: from the lot
line Kjihe imtKlde .rf the trees is aUnit
We offer during January before
inventory to close, some rare bargrins. All new frwrfi stock, bought
for the fall and winter trade. Call
early and get your choice.
large atiendance of Michiganders
REMEMBER! a pair Bf 60 eta oas-
plac(* sll wisxl mains with Iron mains
that Hm* street Is i.». feet aide, a 1th
erf Hon I»«ry Hannah on Sixth etr.e-t
Hie a tilth eif Hie «tre. t flrst He state.1
lew trf the nature of the weapon em
Vloycd. however, the patient will not
Sheffran wiu la to see Mr Ott *o;y. accompanied by Justice C A Nel
sysied! of sewers ought to be put In well known in the dty. U lying in the
son of LeUnd
He offered to settle
I to med all rtNiulremeotu for some camp with a severe slab wound in his
the Hght of way on the terms that
won* pr**M*4jt at the* tnt*eiiaR lime That they ouitht to be eight or left side. inliictvKl Saturday afternoon
Oil had prorsMied. and incidental
ft^i deep, and to take In every by Tony ShaEran. a Polander of that
amt dieriieett! all maiUT* |i*TtaloluK
tu/ibe cunv«waatlon talked of a war
thing Ixiwetm rnlon and
Division neigbburbuutL Shaffran has not been
■ 1(1 ilic lnipruv«4n4«ii e#f iho airir#M
and not U* temporary, but per placed under arrest, and action in his
flic Sual result erf the n»ee,ilna rfai.
The former
not worrying much
will probably not be taken uniil
. with lateral sewera.
thi' It oae de.<ld(sl to ask the ruiiorll
I present, but Mr Nelson has Issued
IS mcntluoed by one of those it U JeATDed just what will be Um outto .*fd.r hrlrk iMivemVnt, nith a 27
warrant for Secor. which will prol>sne of the wound lulllcied up.tn Se
that it would be nice to use
fu.*i roarftraj. and that th« aeifk be*
ably be served tomorrow
brick, and a motion was made
> dune by tlie city and n>*t i.y cuntrart
Just what action will l*e taken in
The quarrel that led to the wubblng
>e case by Mr Oil and Sxcor ts not
ibe narrxiw l.rlck* were made by UMik place about half a mile from the
to order Julius ilaoualt wa» elcctod
rBoion station John F y et UectUed. but no arresU have been
rhairman and t’harles Hale secretary u trust ih.-m.iHuii wsH hurriedly with ]
! OH. who had g.»nc out to the camp,
Jbiii l*erryHannah then aaid that he drawn
BK.tion was th«*ii made and car was the only eyi* witness of the fight
^YWu;hl ll a.mid tw Im»i to take up
A vary obiboetaMlr pavtnc mrotlnf
wae h» Id Saturday nlKht at ihr Iwmir
and t|elfih ribs, severing the iaier gan State asaocDaUan will give aa an
ooatal arien. and passing below the nuaJ
recepUtm aad banquet oa the
lower border of the spleen, had in evening of January 2i. to caWbrate
flirted a wound about three Inctra In the sUiy-aixth ahalTefwary ot the ad
The knife had brew directed miaskiii of Mtchlgaa Into tha aaioa
rxl. oiherwlae the wouwd w ould Senators Dorrows and Alger and aoase
probably have been fatal
V Michigan cangrowsmen will make ad
Secor is doing nlceJr. and unless in dresses, aad there promises to lie a
be needed,
and explained the condItUm of things i
he pre«t time
He stated that
Ask C^MiKil for 27.Foot Roodway aHd
Spttial Salt «f
that the injury waa a very severfe one.
and that 8mr had eaoapt^ from a fa
raaolu j
Item expraoalAi; tb« aenUmoat of this
HE Olob
Following goods at from ojie-qugKer
to one-third less than regular marked
'prices to close out quick before Inven
Men’s Pants
Men’s Suits
Men’s Reefers
Men’s Overcoats ’
and Ulsters
Children’s Reefers
Children’s Suits
Children’s Overcoats,
~a\yWSmn. Tbb I* dse lo
fbst ibcyteaie tbs bvsrtajwrtsf B. Tbeyoeverffitos
l oor aioh^aec even the most dabcsle
I to^^^^^ they sm eo ce^te
the exe»tk» be iftiiWtk!
that til* Inrurumr be coaduried ^ Ale
“Tour reward.** be'said.
to be
*3ot. your execOmey. wby do! pay
It to Iher
‘Too CMlsUy st|polst«l that yuo
wete to be *lMt with the M.**
-But.- paling, nhl* was tu lie Bi
to^ NMonanaa*. jaaadtoe,
i.mstorU sad ward off powH
t .y.irtn Id tboi
tu Ibe «^pr.wil de>
vlll !>*• effected
ableb «rln
tb* pace U»r fatari:
work or thl» Wad lo Trsreme Cliy
Oaly^bMit f per cent of the fcirelsD
oC tbU eouatry 1* carried In
bottomi. aad ae pay tu rur
oaaor* la tbe adgbburbcKKl
a year ror frrlgbt oa
oar oooiMsrc*. vbJcb abodd be paid
to Aatartcaa ahlp owaera aad by Ibein
• Thmtmwml •etlTtcr to ite
' ttM wmu. ta tk« k^jTMU or tk«
voifetr rovlow taoiiod by Hoiwy CNrwt
lio forltv or tto vooklf
aieB'aad sblp buUder* aad aoehi
If Aiortson oxporu ooly wwn co
la ABOiiooa bottoau. tbe baloace of
oaaiog Americoa
trade lo oor favor would be larger by
at isdot llOO.ooo.BMj a Iwar. Our »o»t
tag trade U proterted by wise lama,
wblch demaad that It be carried lo
Abmi^ veaaela, aod the nwult U
ibat oar Americoa »blpplnp Intere.!
ta tbe coostlos trade has Inrreaaed by
ricaa Has Iti «
■nBMrr «»• aM 4om
or IMi.
Vatu tb* crop 4o«oa«i oo
lObOOlO ObOOiOOO* 4bo
SaoM#^ tbo Jotr 44.bor*#i
-- l*rrba^ala*aiootbotbor*i
door aama«.,lf..p«n»
««. tb* »apply of kioDObU
not llkoly to pitnr*
♦Tip donor
Btatra! Dtws
Alfred A.
Uowlett. a BlUooaiT*
loker or Byraoua*. N. T.. ha* per
reoled pUas fo a aaiq«t imrty. whlel
b* wUl gir* at bU palatial rasldwioe
OB tbo oooosioo or bis stgiity seooad
Mxtb^. oo Fob. 17. Oror lOu vldo«« vUl bo tbe gmsots of tbe oologeo-
tbo laolaoOdty of oor curreocy «y»- orioa.
Tb* .ioritatioos Imre beoo toIowa, most of whom
MOy oeearrod-Hbo boottac of !»/ ‘•Mggossls wUlall bs
OMjMO of oao-yoor aotoo ol S pw coat Mr. HowloM. **Tho masoiaa* will
by Lob* Sbor*. lodorood by Nrv Vork wooaoa. tbs waltreasss will be wornOoavd. oaB tbo lofBo IMOO oC Pooo^ SB. OBd 1 will be tbs only maa la the
Ws ors folag to bava a good
oylToalo *aolpaMOt aotoo oo o 4% por
coat bool*. Both of tbooo eorporotlooo timo. 1 uU yoo^lt will b* irrsat.*’
Wsdassdoy eight Mark Hsmliom of
POOMOO tb* bigho*t cr*dU oo4 or* ooo>
*14or*4 lovofo of baowriol olimUi. OoBfsr. Mlaa.. saw Utoaobe Walsh
y*t tboy or* poytoc fbUy I per coot
MO for Moooy tboo tb«y voold bov*
doao tvoivo aMMilbo ogo.
Tb* fort Is.
ploy ••Tbs Doogblor of HamUoar ’
aad than fired a bullet through b1*
bMtft. It to said that a youag woman
■labbsd him at tb* theater, and Bora
tbors or* laiM
Early Risers
». C. WAIT 41 SON*. OniMltto.
In otw« uf tbr S«*II1U .\nirrlmi» ni>ub>
Ih-S. wUiTv n%..luti..nk «r«* lb** rule
ralbiT than Ihi- # \*T.pjioii. tb*- r>r»-slilrtit ast b«-bIiMl (I
him stfssl n tnyi^^wiih u h«s.k
glltbTlng hliiiL
n si«s.plrig
-Wfli- flshl ibr iittwidmu •*1.-11 me
aUiul IhU cMisplrnvy Tlrsf. yunr vxr»-lh-urr. I .Irsli
soiu.* iigrt‘t-ui««u1 with nimrd
to MV f.ttn iriviuMbi.
I wUb to be
viinirU-.! wlih tU«>.rrst.
srlib the
itittl ex.H-it1«-.l with lh«*Ki.M,iedr
• V.-s
I tiiuM go Ihmuuh all tbe
f.iriuk .*r lh.-> «UI
1 ha%.* In
in. >.-.1 1I..U.-
tbe cafTytag trade
foreign ports baa -
*1 to tk* MMUtr prM»«i«
ioOkoltoM or* for low rot** tboa
prmlloi Mac 4bo loot Uroo mootba
by bis fr»-
ih v.iM In «sil
PT.II-S-.I n-f.a-ins-ivftjruis ibut
lut ivp- tupra. O.-i,l.h- l*r..n, ninl.-sM,.
troSe Is still pbMiomsoslly b*sry. sad
baadio tb*
log Leo lAoeton oad BeoUb
d t|m danger OBd erosaed to Metropeito. UL. io a aklff. A
4ror book
the port
]Shill Waist Dept.
CptlrWalsts .
Lots Silk Wsists
Ma.to of go.Kl
French llxnnel—ver>- clcxirable pxltcms, ^dcatc.l fmnlK.
Regular goods, not jobs, Cxrthoxli, Koyxl, Ton xnd Old
Rose, wercTGc.
Kigbt pereoa* ooo*tiag on a Icmg
I aad oboaa very reeooUy otrlklag
TW propsvty ovasrs ea Biotb otn
BUBO to o ooooibl* ooadaoloa Bat
of brtok poTlag
of tbs doty da cool it bod
Oioi obmtorsbttwomi forty oad fifty
«*lgB .otoomsT* to briag oisom oool
I that port, oboot gOO.000 toos io OIL
Bst. D. K, Btoffegd. pastor ,of tbe
ItomB Moibodtot cborob ia New
N. J.. found that tbs u
of bto oborobwtoUBOtot.
toBdlBfto tboir dattoo fu
folly. 00 bs
^dopBodlwoof tbsm oad.
WOOMB ia tboir plaooa la oas
is the wife of tla
and makes, wete
$;t 5U, lu close..
Msle bom U«e« Unc, «•««..
mgs, brier stitch fruiu, plcxlcd bock, io color*. Green.
«mU npiMaK »teu eu b* aulfr
Boy—Tss. fsibw-.
-Very welt
Now gw sad
•so who to kaocktag at tbe door. If
ICe tbe root collsetor. my l*m not at
Cot S^Walsfs
Of all wool 1 Unncl. latcrst
•tylc*. Hitched white FUnncI
*lri|»c down fropt—while buitons-wero our rtfulor Sl.JiO
..... 98c
Est 4 sine Waists
AkAortS.OO«miiUt)uU are
Lot 7-Silk Waists
A Urge a»»ortrocnt of licaiitifo) thing* that we sold up to
$7.50-high clast tilk*,arti*fic designs,* in color* White,
Tan. Fink, nine and Black.
Eat S-Tmth Tlansti
c last workmanship laieH de-
Lat9 ~Trtm0 TIasstI Waists
, In rich and utiskdei^ were .
Von*! sVw idler*, to clooc.....................
bear, no boy. that yoo
bsre Istely toM .yoor aiotbfT seterol
4s. This grieves me to tbS
Alway* ton tbe truth. rve«,
In Fink,. Red, WTiilc, Blue,
Gray, duicrcnl Hylcs, wore
Lst 2-Waists
In Black. Fink, Jlloe. hemHitched and tucked front*
and back*, this »ca*on’» Hylc*
Eat 6 Silk Waists
ia oeeruiUes or promise* to pay, but
•tod OB IbeMulbotry bill. Borantou.
Fto. ran bartod ogaiBot a tetograpb
poto by I
•tod. All wot* oattoosiy iajaredood
of thorn wiU probably dio.
rbotoooto oool firm io Boetc
that 0* tbsreeoltof tbs
One of the finest. hea%7, solid tjuarter tawed oal^ suit* we ev er
had in the siorc-eitra Urge French plate mirror that yru
can ace )*oursclf in from your shoes to the top of vour head.
MhIc up m the Utcsl style, Iwautifu! finish, wtmh $5il.tli».
........................ $:F*7r.
|JOHN R.SANTO; o.p.carvertbro.
' iranuHswMwn
Mwi AniEBBtiw. ..a-!a«ggasfaa*5»
; iCiuVui";'.;.:.?: t'
l-mia.. '1‘Mosr
Nil 1 t
-------- i M in, t.|.. k
iMlMrii, H OI.. Mnr,
HU«-S. lUiRir.
; v. "m
lt.«ia. t. r tl .n l »
^”•1 OFFICE:
ns* OOU> vnlRK A n»>S(nAl.TT.
Ill ys Vi M!
If ton dcs.fc lo MMall a msIcin ol F.lcHtiH.,1 l.i^htii,}-.
HelK, Ihif^-Ur .Mum*. <4 Tt-1c|»hoi,CN, jK-rnut
Mipplie* and
u^ to t-stiTme line o(
iiiiotr s.xtis-
for high grade
k and iiiatciial.
50 Years In Business
6nat Shirt Waist
Event! '
ls the wifsef XitouL Kipp, of
lbs MarlBs osrps. Wft Ktw Torb lor
coo also b*
toMOtoso.wlM«e sbs win join bsr
BdoBdembark for tbs totoad of
aomor. PbUlpiiias group. Ltool. Kipp
ool polUlool troubles, but tber* boo
srlag }uol bsoa asslgnod to duty
Mfs. Kipp, if aot tU only
bM o portlol r«»T*r7 to 0«rsssar
ornoB. wlU Im. at toast, tbe only
froai ibo.Mosttiol d«»prosstoo of^Kl
Mie wumoB U tbs toload.
sod Ifg^gbd U Oruot BrtUlu o m*eb
loba W. Uoms of OMoogo gave hto
M* eoaldsat tsoiper 1* dltployed
MB Cborloe tbo hoadeomest Obrlttams
Prootrolloa faUoalog tb* Boer i
Alway. aa Cay.
-Ye..- Ih- Mid.
Tiu tl..- m-.n vou
.want to ae.e. WUul ewn I do for youV
-You had ail ttem Uie other day.rkrd the c-alirr. -to ih»- «*ff*H 1 l^t
tbr Mto<
Jto.iMippiI rir.T <di.« |,.irged
TOtMSM c-ubK- fret «f Wair, rWTV mh*.
ond. tVbrn that wat.T to dl., l,4,rgt-d
what dor. It do for anuttoT J*.l‘ • '
it a.-cs-pu a I<NilU.I, with Ihr flulf
of Mexico.- aald thr aiiiw.-r. to i-or« editor, tnniing again to
.IMOV thr grillle.
Btnet this
troablo vo or* aov fbrtoootoly reoor
dVRMTfi IN •ocimr.
A fine, genuine, full eptarter sawed, solid «»ak *uii, m**lc up in
verj- lateH style, large French bevel pUtc mirrur, 4 drawer*,
in dresser. 2 draw* and a do,.r in rommoile. top driw^ m
^th dresser and commode, swell front, ncallv carved, hnc
finish, iKOUlUiU cast brass trimming*, worth $,sr,. now.... $24.75
TH.AT*STHKokhKi^sr.lV!.\ TIIK
Tbo lost regoool of o dylag womei
Dyoors of ago was carried out iasi
roek. wboB Mro. Oootgs Wood of
WaokofoB, UL. woo bartod with
sailsy^sat of labor at good a
dooB flog wrapped orom
Prodoelbm. also, as a rale. U beloc
Kia Wood hod three so
rorHod oo op to
iatbocdTil war. OBO belog killed io
botOB the olben Ulag molmod
letioD.sl.* always Tt^malD.
od iateaoely potriotlo
Reword H.
Captain Frauds Manon 8d,c*ll, tbe
ha. just
1 to Gal
iferlaa in the gold rxeitomt-nt
rw^orowd to viamiitrg rrion NVw^«^
oBtlw- oiwomi Umt .be was Uksfiy ^
beewSBO a pol4Jr rbarge In thv Vnltfd
State-. pTKir M-rgwerliv
to now Mr«. W-livr Fto<<b«T. prahsbly
more thuu^^cvr rwg«rds brr kwHwBd
a* the rigtil aewt c»f iot4.*.i9r In ttvo
| hto to Ihhwit** W.Uer
saorgled ■ «Irri^ wan akmg with btoa
tat* Oe 'i**« luiiwi'* rwom w brrr poor
Margwrtbe ».it waiting to be |4aced
on an autw»«l^Kmud -teamer. thru
aod tUrts. pK.k Marguerite tur bla
ill Imping hei
tawvrly f.wth Int,
c-rty. drfylng ih»* imm»rr«ti«u aut
tie. to do thrlr worxt
A*. tb*-a». I
orr tlM-M*H-lvc- l.m human. U h
trriiH*ly \srt,ii, \Av tluil il„-> will g
ly rbnrklr at I'toHi. r*. tric k, agri
That he ivrt*sl e\i«t-tl> e. be abuu
Chh-ago Joun:a1
Oear the Deck for Spring
watebed tbe lovers
yooag eoople get safely aoross Un
-Vra. and fat gain. Tbe others acted
partly f.c what they cutiaiikreii tbe
welfare of tbe rximbllc. rome; asm*
the peraon or leTautu to whom tbe ^
ward of your larOdy aball la* i*ld.-"^
-I liavc tu bflrs. 1 luiphax* you**•Uuardr cwlU*d Ibe pr.-sM.-nt, aod
tbe man eras taken away.
At sunrise tbe next morning <
aplratoni were Ie.1 out into tl
yard and placed with ibHr
against a walU They stood tea feet
Siairt. and opposite racb uia
Boldi.T with a rin.-. The sigtuila were
glvi-n to aim and to fire.
A niK>rt
c-ame from every gun. Some of tbe
consplnitore st.sid u> emi as U-fure
tlie fir.-; suiue sway.-d. but r.i-ovmxl
tbeinsrlvrs without fulling, and
tb.* spy. fell cm bis fair. II.- was
way. Tbt-n ll
r.i.d a cmmiu
pn-sUbiit. stating that they liad been
puiiisticM punlsbc-d wllb blank
trt.lg.-s a Ml vUat tln-y bad c-ts
WII1...U! fill
Iru.e un-n
aupiMMl the rt-publU- under bla adtniulairiilU.n bi- would Ih- glad; If not. they
W.T.- wfUiiiije t.i Hvk bum.-s in other
t:..-ry ..M* of those who bad manfnJIy snsst tin- l.rrlble test gave In bis
ad»i.r. ti..- I.I tin- rxisting guvrrnun nt.
WlH-n tin- spy rr.-«vrtv.i fcin tbe
sh.sk of fright, be was i-onUu.tnd to
Tin- plan was
- bad re-
OBOO, if Bot popularity, ooooladwl It
mtlo protaMUty of ooy ouperoboad- was BO am to strlr* loeger. Tb* man
was oaforwuiau etioogb to look great
oao* of foods for oo»* tioie obsod
beauty of feotureo
He oftou comTin* proi.h-nt hn.l ii.4 stlpuhitrtl
pUaood Ibot bsooueebo was homely
wrltb tin- lnfi.rni.T f..r .-vUhins-. MU'ht
tb* firto would hove aotblag to do
as rib'l.t In Ih.- rsjml.llr. and. Ih-Uu;
eo hto eoieldo to oil^bed
isHitlntssI ».f tb.* guilt of tln1 bat it U plolo tbor* srUl
diroetlj lo hi* boBMliaom
d.puittll.m. In* «tfsl.T.sI ih.lii out t.i h.pore for oxtrorogoot
looptoe or ortrorfoll of fbiatlag
io* wktoh to preveatlng etooffiboat*
stiaotlsa Is laiprarlBc. Rollrood o^
iagi esatioos to sboa groUfylog I
• .Nothing to uodetatood with sa toformer, a spy. lUJ I t^wu obliged to
grant your Imn* I doubt If I al
have availed myaelf of Twiir Infi
-Have I tvit luivcsl yoti from
> i-ifn-utUr. |M.tiiitli
I bis d.-k, -Is f ll
• you have ih.i dii-il you
mov.-.! bis |Mv-.hMW-or.
ry. If you are
mn-ii’jisM- IliirTfi.bi Will liefirochilmfonn.l within tin- limits of tin- repuhllc
Uiil c;irtrMg«- will llnUb
•*V.»; I'.urla.Kknew w.-ll that ..tie
who! lire you evfn-.-iluc to reof tl..-!r
ll gi\en n|i ih.-lr pl.it
hi- for tills r.-\« t:itl«mr’
Ju.Ig.ll that ho was tb.•*l I.-n.- Hull In >Mii
Ih .n V *•
iml of lh.-ir ring. Wln-n. ihrn-fur.*.
“V. t) M. II I uill lak*-.iir.-«.f y..n **
tl..-> saw the spy fall afl.r It..- ims-k
A w.s k lalor n ib piitaiion of . liln-ns
nllim. th. y d.i l.hil th.-il he- wa«;iH.d Ml tin- iir.-sM.-iii to priiiMis.- «-.-rJndas
I'rniu tl..- tihmi.-iit lln-v
".In i.roiii.A.
Aiuniii; tlnui waj. Ihr
were at IIlH-ri> they k.-pt u wul.-h .mi
Thr. «.n- nihi.lit.ll
tin- pr.-Ills, mid when In- Mnrt.-d to
• of his
. xxUn s;.t iN-hlnd
\riy ih-sk nt^u liU'li In- luiij
tsi f..l! .W .-.1 t.lui
hif.s-niall.in of ih.- hit.
of the
•vt .h.i the chief of |!.e c-on.intsplr;il..r*i. ni.-y iMvaii In n v.-ry
•pi-.ny .-..Ihil u|H.n II,.• pr,-Meni and
n-p-.-tful loin- i.i iir;;.' fh. lr plans, iitnl .bi-isiuil on h> d.-sk a l«.g «4 gold.
tin- pr.-suf.iit .|..l. lly show.si ih.‘m %vl.y
JH-.1 yoiir i-x.ell.-ii.-.v.** Inth.y w.Ti- hiipnnihul.I.-. wU.T.u|s.n iciid. -for kc-cping faith ev.u with m
th.-y pr.-lc-inl.sl I.. IM- un.s.n.ln.ssl mnl liiforiiMr. hut siinv .tour iiiaguaitituous
chiin.ussi for tlnlr n.s .pljin.T.
Tln- tn-alni. nl of us wt- do not .4?n- to see
:n.wl|ic iijan-r. tb.- pr.-wUh t.t tnn.b
.\.Mi rehlsil. The mull to whom
1.^1 .Ml bis .l.-k, im.l .^.■..•ml chws gave that liag tvHI not nc*.-,! It. I 1
.MjiimuiiUathu; 'vlti, the
Ml 111 :i S.-CS.II.I It e:.s full ..f nriinsl
T!m- presh1.-nl wh..-.-.!,
These waists arc all aeaionablc- were made feipeciany. ut tor
have been good sdtom it s time to dote out warm watHa
win hav*e at least 4 laoBtbs' use of them.
WaM Dipt.
the BosUtt Start
The Hannah & Lay Mcrchantilc Co.
has been Traverse City’s trading centre from the time it was
the "only store" 12x20 in size to the present with it’s
mammoth building of seven great stores with a total floor
space of nearly 100,000 square feet or almost two acres and
a quarter. Think of putting a roof over a lot containing two
and a quarter acres, and you can have some idea how much
floor surface we have, ahd each Department is complete
down to the smallest detail. We can furnish your house
complete from "cellar to garret” and clothe you from head
to foot with the very best goods the markets produce and
you don’t have to leave the building.
A thorough knowledge of the different , lines of goods—
the very latest the markets produce -buying for spot cash The lowest possible prices and and the very best quality of
goods, are facts that are fully appreciated by the trading
public. No trouble to show goods and money cheerfully re
funded if goods are not as represented.
; oi-rv, Miiot-i
SREMiSToni: rttics.
Eve was unable to threaten
to go home to her mother
when Adam wouldn’t buy
her a sack of Hannah &
To the People.
Ov *l tW
«a<l> u rrik* mt
pretolMscie man perhaps ever made Is
that toMwnhrd hy Capiala rraacls
ths rrresMSP cwttsr Hear darItoff hsr rsotwt trip in ths arrtk- ssaa
«ja a dhpatch from Tamam. Wash,
ts ths N'sw York W srki.
A hossr
l«m by hamaa bstoc probsUy thousands sT yaara as* was faoad. aod
Osptaln Tsairr. amkr sArrr sf tbs
dsst. tosw haa aomr of tbs atswalls
«asd by psspls whs wnidr it a habita
Be it known that we have, for the ^
protection of the people, caused
the following warrant to be printed
on every package of VINOL:
yrara affo a asbwkmary «t IHdai
Barrow told Captain Totilr of a rrnarkaUr disrurrry tbr nathsr of tbs
rk-lttlty bad mads of tbr framework
of a bouse wblcb was iwrtlsllr Im
l»«l4.d III a cliff, frontlnc on tbs oemn.
fiftsBH tulles aoutbsost of ISdut liar-,
rtw. Attbepolatwiiere tbr bouse was
dlsrorwrd pmtrudlnc tbs cliff ross
r fret from tb
wvs tuiewalrr ai
? lop of Ibe cliff
w was rxiMsed.
r was bum siuiiewliat aftrr
the Btrunnrrs of tbr pHmlof Amsritw. The ribs
wbale nr of some aul
ICmdtnstd Dtws
f an excavatlM
bt sway tbs
covered The li
T«U*f • U%^t, rnmm,
Ahpmmrn tomhip. Bnu>eh
Ilniito.hM 1t« rl.arobM. th%
b - ^
ri.aU ll»»* fcl4.ni.y itni*-. *4 iKA,
1 ii.- u»v p.mtjir.v
U:m U^ j, ii ilr.-.i fn.u. tl.f I rwivh
»l cl.orch drdiMrt4.ll I army,luniift n a. U.-lih. ncr limit
in If.-wu*
lb.. 1...,^ of ru
f1b.f rteU c*n rhov • likr rocord
piU..n durliw: Ihe u..r of Ko. Byhlib
riM lanm •tnvtwrrj pUmt f»rni of sliMW.il Itiiti « Hum of Vn ut .isdueas
H M. KrllOfric. orar Tl.ror Rirm. Slid niMMir..-^
Ill- was an artllliTj
«rili lirrrarirT hr maaaffttl by m rtook oltloT Wli.ii the war Iwvali and la-iUR
4>t»miMay oap.ulUrd at
InkMi prl-oi.; hy thr ITii^ahins
• Iiioti iheluoodrr Lm
Wii% ..II hii. rvfiiaal to j:lvr hia iw
to Ibr Nurthvillr govryii
^Ihaa. Krilir IfOra of Owo^bo
a m «hloh bl*
«a« Jbrlu4; boroeU« 11
iHf arm* and law. whllr
imm^l i./r. Thr ,oo..|r lady’, prr4>io- of mimi tm.loQlnrdly ravrd hrr
> will
forlifr. fut will rrcorrr. Thr »t<»vr
Kras wrtx-krd hr flir < tplorloti
Tbr latrrt In trust* i« tbs comblno
fiiTMrU at Owosao ty which all ths
milk s«.ld 1. haodU^d by a sIiikIo cod
Tl.s oew comiwiiy mys it will
brrp lainr* down, wliloh was imiaiMi
blr uiMsr uoiuputilloo;
Kirr oruti
twr quart i. to t>r tbr lirolt
At Korinritlrpomr inisorraot 1st all
ths wairruff tli.. Yrikt » mllliK>nd just
n* K K dralrr had prrjwud it fur
hiB srasuo's harirst
I arriou* eiproar and inconrru
» say ijothlnjr of thr possibill
ly of the lo« nut Iwing in so irood a
oondltloo ajtaln.
For arvrral days past .'^tlas Clibbs
has rrmalord In batl at thr home of
hl^aoa M^drlao.bot hs wtU not permlt Uu'uraaior aur pltrsician to Kur
hii^ anr .^.-diciiif.
.\f first ho rrrn
droU^l t^kr any nourlshmout. hut
lir lias Hally brru iudnrrd to rat a lit
fla. Thr otd^ man u 83 yrars of'airs.
Tilt* ouj9 .'■plaiiatlfUi liU n'lutivrs
c§u iM tout of him is that hs is tir.-d
of Infty^d intrnds to rrmain in hod
• tontil^^Wnd comrs.
H^s wilr has
i^rQ%-ad many rrara, hut hr had a
^■to^houis with his sou
y Jiffhiiran aummrr rrsotts nrr bot olnmors raloahlr aooordinf; to ths
' Ji^ry uf a bill uiUodoct d hy Ksito|j|U^Uvo Nial. of NonhirllUv Tho
^Tas^ow iH raiits aummi r
i;itn;;.n. on I’n inhr One «hirk tnuh*
hr U..I out on Ihr n.n.i.ari -llpiai!
twiBi Ihr M-ni;nr| ntid ma.lr Mmlfilit
f..r 111 - rl.in..n, whrrr hr rim.uultr.-d
Ih.- tot.-riH.r of Mh-^u. and hi, Bluff
til III jaTfr« 1 Crtinaii <he U un .\l-.ilhin« for a
thkrt to It.-tlln.
Thmt^- hr i;..
lUlr via Frunkriirt and arrit«<d
I run.ithe Loir
..I- |•l.•nl.-n.lde U-lMt-rti U.li.h.ii »ii.
Iirlchton. •iT.r .-amrlM were ot-iiaiuli
iKil M liroVi-ii down «ud UiUaiqiicd
hut they caiut- In at IntervaU of never
nir^ and creat |.atiriire was nee
X |.> tval.h Ihrin srrixe
cn'i. MiiKHsio.
in api.iidiir ino* cwlr>i alrr.td> ain’t cot
idnUrr .Uyet f In’r
I siurtj. I I rut. ft I oWcw
b»fa mn«l ‘Iit'uinily wid de Id.e dal
blm cn d.- l-ftw d Is crUmt all dat kli»
i»t- tie foiinlty.
IIlfB a ndrHv rwo.1 tldnr f.-r fotln
li.ii‘, uIwH.v-i tioehn* aide rorhl tlal
•^wt.rl.r* t.B> huey ter talk lia. k a*
would i«cr.-as<‘ ih«‘ aiuonul of land
_ Ihat n av In- li. hi to TU* aersi and
would incrcas** ibe vain** t«
Hr SS3 s that somr ot thr assooiaticms
want to tnerrasr tbrlr huldinirs. and
tliattbr value of thr laud held hy a
tmmher of snoh orfranlratiiuis lias
Tbr llotrl Rtversldi at I'.lk Rsjdds.
which has stood idle tor over a vrar,
has iKWn Kwsrd and is U inn furnished
thttm#hout at an rxjwnae of several
thousand dollars hy Hr. H. V. liower j
of Thomiwouville. wlm t spreU to
I don’t loos n.. tune slu.hlii* ta>ot
bow fur off broven K; hni what kind
■nrr 1 swine Pt nmkr f.-r It Is
tNitliert. me,--tAtlsnta Ctuirtitn
•IK. .1 ta.nth.n wtiier. has
htniu. l of aii.id.ilti,. one
f.a.- P..|i. 1..1. In a
III- lad Incas
dtuii.pr.otil i f III.- .letimnr
atroiialy that he -.III a t->cihna] to rt nion
siraf.‘ will: the wt-ann
Tl.r meBuni
m-r iiMdt- ti.i, anihlcnou- explHuatwMi!
my dear lu .daw. i» rather
old fio-hW.n.11. y.Mi know, .iiid tlli.l!kni
r.vlj.s a la.Iy in t v.-ninu drt—. I. «n
if you take it for any of the ailments
for which it is recommended. If,
it does not, bring it back and
get the money you paid for
it—it’s yours and we want
you to have it. W^e want^
pay only from those
who are bene
fited by
Sorsrisisa KOeet «»r MIM WTatrr
Aretlr KBplrerr.
From the war defiarliurnt aide of thr
stale, war and navy'l.nlhlinc o.nn- a
atorr ralrulaletl to overset fond dn*:iuii
and ardent hero wun.bl|M
, oaja a tViiBbInjTicMi
injrttui <11
<wmii|Mindeiit ut thr New Ytirk
iMiHltT IVury waa
atimilly a auffrrwr fmm tbr mild lum-h
of w l.dtT VL’uiblnirloii baa ju-t UIhUt-
t htus sohlitT. -I ctd «m a rlteet ear.
and tbe air was sit fiiir that I, an ener
vated Waobhirttmlan of twenty yean.*
standins. aiavtil .mt o tbr idalf.trm j
lu rr»W II. Hy atleulh
ly ;,iim,ir.l lo Pt-ary. who Uwiol.il tbr {
car. with blN heavy uttT.iMi wnip|>nlt
snuslv aUmt Idiu and Id- eulUr tunird
up i« pniirol bU mvk fo.ui tl.r hreexe.
Mini. It. u.y Minwlor. hr l.w.ktil reallrl
<i»ld and liumtilbiiely went ln•d«'1e the •
The tuinrl, v.
nil tii}.inc«-tl in 1
ear. haA-il undtT tbr seat in .mirr to j
and tho •.i.if..d 1h.‘ ail In ihrii n
Kieale the braitT. Ibrt. oat d..w ii rljdil •*
iri.i to W .in *
llicwa-rated atnT oo lop of it and lMiri.ll bluio. If detn. In |
thi-y B.-I on ui a I.iTd.lt’ |..iiV. a« if they- bl. tiMt odUr. SB If hr rr.,rti| a . blU ]
wrio t.iih r.-i.-mc It.r a ehoji diBlain-r
reo. Iiiirryinc i
nit-y k.pl t.i.:t-thcr until tbt y w.Te al
Fm.i-.dh Kini-t In toil.T l.t ent. h a i
IU..M out or v»;;l,|
-n...,, they arrmsd
I.. v.-ith- itoon I.. th.-ii Juihitual iMire Fsurleenth eini-t ear. Here I wa- .nil !
on Ibr pUlfttrm all the ilmr with my j
tiKit liinovn i»|ten no a» not to mioN auy
tj.L l..-iuts’n Iht- •.iin|..’li(..|,. I
of tbe
w.*atb.T. AihI tU.il was
Pea ry of m r.-f ie fa me r~
rrsori aaso-
cUtiuns t I hold not ninrr than
aotws of Ktound. and ihr limit of rah
ur l»ia>s...t is f.NsMW
Tht N.wl hill
crt.wn up to
II Ilir Ml.-ahni na-tr.-ri. of
tbs Amir. TIh* tiiniBlls foiiiid at tbs
spot «i>n*l.t of s twIW ftw a host, a
Ivtiry rowknk, .f.mr stoos
kiilvra. a bmw knife and a okiunintf
The lame knife resemhU-a a
maebtie. w ith an rt. hlu* of a isvhia
ttrlc animal un the blade.
We mean exactly what we say in this Warrant—without
reservation or equivocation. We know VINOL is the
best Cod Liver Oil preparation and general rebuilder of
health knov.n to medicine. We bank our reputation and
fortune on its being a wholesome, delicious tasting and
most wonderful medicine.
H..trra Mlwatr Wllk FHn
asetera mt Tttowrww laUwd.
raptain ii. Norh-sa ami other t
Uti of tbr |»art> w ho ntii.m|wiulei
.\int*ri«-an pr
tor- <u. th. lr ex|»edltiofi lo Tlhumii IwhiuU In thr lawrrh fur
ir..ld lisxe retnrn.ll to llenuoslUo. HexUiw Tbry f..und imlleatkm
hut no trare of |pd.l wa*
•aya the St. Umls »;ioU-l
.\i t.. the InbabliautB of tbr laUud.
who have U-en i>|B.rttil t.i lu* flerer
oa%ai:e«. Paptaln N.h-I.
pony found tmly almu
imi. nielr ewndltUm U Utst of abjtil |H.veri%. They live In buta far
There are l.2n«M*^ native ('atoS^
on tbe Am.Tl.-an side of tbe line. A
Iran* are swarmln* luto HriUab <*olumhla ami the mwibwest. tntsrvnar
rlac.-B are rmpient. tbe ptrl-oUcsl Uf
rrature of r.natU ts tlm.wt wboHy
3>mrrlran. American rapitalists are Im
veatlnc Ur«ely and a.ijulrliia coa
dal liilluence on thU aWr t.f ths lias,
rauadlan* not Itwa Urssly tarewt ta
Don’t take our word lor it—tr)- it yourself at our expense—•if.
it does not help you we .stand the loss — it costs you nothing.
little I
they .*an abto< in tbe lahiud They pw
.iltno-l enUnly nak.il amt bars
starved apiowram-e Tbry were at first
susplclotia of the Intrudvrs. Imt whm
they fouml that im harm
Ihry were quite w ltllnx t'* make fHeitda
ami aaked for alm«.mriTly rscslvins
anyiblnc that wa. offerct them ta eat
tfoit of Oerf Uwtr OH)
will cure the.se trouldcs, that is all there is about it, and it.is eas)' for
any .sick person In this town to jirove it.
DmbUiimtsd- Aft Tfrod Out. /
It ift nut natural to icri toi.UinMi;. i|rt-d
Wv uu«-4 t.-r VINOL .,P!
bring llte. atmiglb and ti^rur lo the d. ..dilated
Chronic Coldm^HmokimaPmo0L
..gnat fe. .....
... 1. VINOL IB the verr medicine
Ltvrr Od I«ma a....... vt
„..t up.rl the Biomacb. end k fiiiicIlM ^
amla Flesb-Get Strong.
\Vc bcUctc VINOL -tiU create fieah quiArr titai. a. » prcp*rmi.>rj lontair. '
We h.tre prov.U In
\ INtiL quu-k^y^fc^ ! l>iBe»*edtiengNtrtdu. t..oe«r«.>rk.m.t
u ..f tenerii! ht.M.
^Old Pmoptn -Womk Pmopte
NeedaBtrengthenlng and Invigorating .vbuiUlr- 'VI\( »L
value In auch ca*r%.
ot etceptloral
Pml9 Women - Pmie OhUdraa.
hai^gard teceB aho* that
the blood i
CldIcetUon. VINOL »
There U no n-edicim^ nmee valuable it
•nd lunga than V|N(»L
to( kitokb to tUtlUntok
ofwn It aUmt Krliroary
'A syndleals of Indlanians hare perfsot.ll the oTKanlatioo of a slock
company which will file arttolrsofl
I rV<T-lS-i*^. rv^oi oad iKmmkti
tnoorportti«m at Lansimt of ths Mich- L. -irwV.HalnnUj. U-l' « err. a park.
. .«iUiTnBk-r»rd. 0..-I
*0.1 Wioo«-t
lean A Indiana Ursort Aasociauop. a aid If ratnned l.- i;.,i^r.l .JHof
Ths oompaoy will have sumcirnt paid
up oapiUl stock to derelop a first
class resort at Ilijrjfia's Lake, in Rospommoa county, when' it is sl»o pro
posed to build a summer home.
I Is now Uuuatdesevf Battle
Thr HalU
. tf
Itocturs of a urw food eallrd
and hatrr idncrd It cm thr inarkrt lor
too cents a packai;r. whilr all tbr tort
srll for fifirsu orota Thorr Is conatruiatlon amooff Uis eompanios tbsrw.
edy by his dsvoUow to outdoor upom.
roprolally football, has recwlrrd and
aoosprfi a call to thr latlorate cf tbr
WsstmMt^PresbTtrrlan etouiTh of
J. H. Bennett, wbo aorsd to Elk
iUpids two years ar> traa Bsark has
acospsi a ftorttortship la ths irmsf
DarsVdbOa.. of Mrart and wiU oloas
oat his baslasss at Elk Raidds.
At BatUs Ortosk up to dale, two
hoys havu had thalr le<ft brakao. i ad
rHdoj«lbd«dsasrlatosly lajotad-hy
DipnitsBieiinii UauHih
nadlan youth beaitatrs to seek sm
mrnt at New Y.rk or t'blcajo
more than a Stx*tch youth hrsl^t
seek em|4.tyment at Mambeater or ta
lisndou The bead of a t'anadisto ualseralty rssiatia that oAcr ft» a
fes-trablp at New York.
War tm Tsseel.
irl- correapoodsot of ths I^4oo Tlmss . recently dsocHbed a usw
ayutem of railway trarellnr Introdnnd
hy a PaHs firm .i train coostoUi« «f
-aiUtunoldk- carria^ U lo Irara
Pari* for Dijon u. Jan. 1«L It will
travel 100 kitometm (alxly-iwo mllssi
rhe carrUffss will taka forty
each, as well as ItogMS.
• har wU hs prpfldsd.
Reaping .matblnf* w.-,
tbi* .vt*4r fm- tbe finrt tin
by naihe
'ijria. Tbeee phtmira
plomi r* all
t-amt- from t’hi.itgo.
F.lewn w.-tw
working dniiiig tbe lute li.nrt.-*t In
Cm-Ie-S>TJa and tw.-i.i% MX in tht-pUln
of Eidraeton. Al-o. for the fir-t tlm«
tn tbe bUtury . f ibb tiMintry. the preaar1tneaa.i] tbe Introduc-j
lion ami oi-TatU.n in .SyrU «f a oteam
tbraaldng on
outfit. It ramv friun RlcU
i.i«l cauoed r-ouaklermbla
atlr iti i*.aeie
•laeb^S.vriv. wb.iv it wa* 1^
P..!.! w;.v^ nrii'Nt.Py puHlnnil are
to I- !be ollmMUini. of a|n-tHfUi tbe
future. The U mnti-t* *ny no. AecurdInr to the
lor muxale wbm tbe dlimer gooff
souml-. Inhale as miirti of fruaen oaons
as we ctsultonaldy caa. thru faB to.
Mwaawblle. at this prrM of the year.
e very many t.
CTtoabed B-traw lu tbeae looia (ooetStwte* tbe *to|le food for otm-k. F«B^
tbermore. for Ibe find time lu the ai>oaU ofHrrU. aa ollmotor flour will bag
beeu eitrcrmmfrnUr atorted Ip ihU Uud.
It came from ladbiiiapelia, atid bi now
wb*wt lu lA^wnom^Clikwcto
ay E*vsa.. 7 to S-.SO
beat tolf^!
—a —*525
TRY, A RECORD WANt AD.Ar. «Ev*r>« oF MuoK lrrt,>or*»r.€»»l -
Olednesdayt 3ati. 2Ut at Steinberg’s
SBBPHlc4^raC«iBldeActiac Omuy, la SH/IKB-*
Nr; Mn Grim
twi.KN'rv’ OF-
»D aiKA-rm vrK*r xo
Prices: 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. i"£«
_ ranm
msav-^. ^
iMk Uk> Ik. KB «r
tW (fer> *mmn
wmn nim* ta
Womtel^d 6teS isolsi ifcorbbbii
Tbe Qtswl Bi^ Hekld ofyetote_ Tha memtea of Ibe Womanta olab
diy givoa a wary toe laioeaaa
Ir.wmom Dcvot»Parf aad MiaiCrM W*4i Gatla m tbo CJ|y Optra
wmbeld tbeftrte of a aeriaa of four
Jobo GttBibta Meebete. aa toll
Bripps Wart MarrWd at BrMt't
aoolal afmnMMM tomorrow at 3:90
"John OtUMb. ba of tbe
Homo YqtUrday.
Ctwir WUI Load Blnpinp.
Yeatcrday ai the boma of iba bride. iTba ipaplil umkm lerttal moot
24 East Bphth atPttL the ceremony U whktbaUtbt tteebtaofib.
afew seaaooe aad gave aa ©lab«te U^\xau
■l Tbe memare mdttap. wiU b^ la tbt
prodaarioa of **Maebath "
Orif- beta
teqaetoad to
to aria*
briag tai»
tbeir ton
faarUpe Mr William Dtrtadorf aad Miaa Optra Uoaaa tamurrew taaalag
•r tha -rakaa- by Which Out- Grace Brlppa. Tbe ceremaoy was per WiU Mitiaat tUl Baadby trt
fumed In tbe pretence of only tbe laaaida Oaalara Fool C««tomafa and
medUte famiUea of tbe cvmtrmrtlnp
Injura Local Oaalara* Trada.
j aa4 tbo ebarabta of tbe oily art lookTbe bride U one of the popularj iai lor a pxaat laUpioot awakaalap.
younp ladiet of the waat part of tbe I Tkt maMe ia tbe atrHott wUl bt
Jannary 32. at 7:90 p
city nnd the people who are nWa to city. The pmom baa a host of frienda. I
by a oboraa eboir of aboat 100 makes It more apeotaeular ia point of j*'
enjoy ibc luxury
aikh ndorumenta and is well known aa the popular...............................................
■cenlo alfeota And tbU. U must be “ . I*m«rtani bttslm-ea to l.c coaaM177441
There are flra denlera In tba city who
of the Queen City team, and choir are teqattltd to enter by the
I> E Warner. 11*^ "Suc'y
hnndlo this clnaa of puuda. They arc
^ of the
ever played tbJ^ weot eattaaea. They wUl be admitted eombmtnc^. Tbioagboat tbe pro-:
by ticket after teamrrow trtalaf. aa daotloa apeeial olaetrlc effecte are
Ilmruum d Ebri. J. N Mnrtinedt. il W.
Rnaiall. W. C. d B A.Gannctt. aad L. poriie*
meed, bat tbe moM notoble innovation ;
tlTk* MAMKBTa.*
is In tbe aoeae of tbe witebee* oave. ;
and l»e*i wishes The happy conple
AameeaatodbyMr. Orifflth it reaem-!
A |::b0 atone 1» tba Inrpeat that o^m reside
with the bride's
for tbeae meetinga have indicated that
tbaac Arms panarally kewp In aiock. fur the present.
there U a very strong feeling in tbe Tha wltobaa* caldron thriwout btoej
Tha aalea uaunlly Include stunea from
and red flame and tbe laeantotinaa cf
tbe witobee were acoompaaied by
nltbooph there are mnny atooaa oold * Tbe dtldgatea from TraTtraa City. tbe naited effoTL The
wore orgaaiaed aad aaslgasd to thander and lightning.
hich are larper. In auch caaaa they Umjt Lake aad Maple City to tbe
aftergboet appeared three tinma in differ-1
are either ordered from a cntnlopue. Prieoda qoarterlj meetinc at Maatoa
effect balnt prop»-oarally from an apeni «n
this afternoon, aad redated by reeant of a alczeop
bla next rialt. In one atora the mnjorEVENTS IN SOCIETY.
Tbe eoeae eopcladad with tbe n
Ity of atoM aold durinp the year !iT*'
Mr. and Mn. Joseph Goortade ol Are. each aa waa need ia Pbaat.'
IS to 140/Wlx n special or
Mra. U. M. Timblin waa aarpriaed
•• ‘Macbeib' baa never befoto b^a
derm are placed they aomatlmea xvarh Satarday by rtcelrlng a liaadeome Bast Bay eolertelaed a alatgh load ol
young people from this city late Sat presented with tbm«* aprctaeolar
a« hlpb a« tl.ro<» for a alnple stone.
chock from Thaa A. Sterens & Bida
urday evening. Owing to tbe oondi- effeota.and tbe ianovaUooa waa de
For the trade there are penerally of OhloaKO. claaslnjf her aa a prise
lion of tbe weather and roads tbe ride cidedly novel, aa well aa iaterreting. , four prades of atone* spoken «»f They winner aaooit their 2.600 afonta
waa aomewhat proploagod but tbe The eoeaery waa elabonte and the:^
are. first, line commerrlal white; see
The eet'ood aennwtrr of aobool be
albleUc young men dUplayed their
ond. ver3 fine white, sliphtly imiH?r. gan this morning in the High achooL physical strength in amiating tbe play handsomely etage*L
"Mr. Orimih’a portrayal of
third. ver> fine while, iM-rfeCi; The day waa devoted to going over borsce through the many snow banki
character of'Macbeth' ia appametty
and fourth, extra fine white, perfect the pri^m and in cUasifylng tbe that bad. to U enooantered. It wai
They are handle*! In this order, and a tcbolara
lO'JaO before they reached their deatinone of thi> first kind Is
atlou. The evening waa spent in trfstment from tbe'MacbeUr ol other
the aei'ond clasi*
games, ghost revelries, light fantaatio, actors of tlie present day. Hu work i
S144. of the ihirti class |ls€..an1l «»( nbnild hla liT. ry bam. recently 1
border, npon the «ld atyle and cld ^
ed. until tptii
the fi>urih rlaaa |?t:e.
A delicious aapper waa foUowed by aobool acting. U U tragic an.L inTiu-re ^ II be a special meeting of
The pink diamond is a very <>xiM-n
»I*ead prepiM by Mra tense tbroogbouL
alve alone, frtniuentl^ runntnp tat. hiph Trarerae City Chapter No. 147 of tbe
aiated hy Mrs Boyd.
"He is Supported by a good com
as ll.OiMi for a «»ne rarut. but very few I Order of Kastern Star '
There were nine couples iraent aad pany. tbe moet aotoble memlier being
are us4-d In the city Tha iM>rfect yel ingai 7:30 o'clo. k fur s]«leal boa 1- it waa tbe wee lioara in tbe morning Mlae Louise Rlpiey. who played Udy p^rC^'
low diamond is another class *.f dia msaaod work.
beforu tne gaaels tetaned hoaaa. all Macbeth. Warren Conlan played a!--------Mr*. C. O. C-orUti, who baa been agreeing that Mr. and Mra CHmrtede
mom! that Is .xtientlve ami Is not
very good Maodnff."
ven much in evidence When a dia ▼err ill at her home on Sprooa street,
►re than
per is reported better.
A good aixed aadienoe in the City |
The foUowlng young people were
carat only cx|htu are able to tell Us JLu tbe aheenoe of the pastor. Rev. present: Mr. and Mra Boyd. Mimes Opera Honae 8atur.Uy evening wil
ITi; to Si:^* diamond is Baldwin preached two excellent aer- Hattie Martintmn. EetelU Barry. 1^ neeeed the production of "Jeme!
yetternot an infrequent purrluo— by Trav
Cnlmati. Mary Biiaki. Agnea SoUivan. James." tbe western melodrama, acd
•ity people.
Anna and Klttia Keedliam. John Qnlg. the aadieoee waa' appreciative aa it {
Ktv. W I. lAnfmansiKikeoo'*The
•re are a larpe class of diamonds
ley. Roy Wise. Albert Hneaa. Walter had been througl*oot the week's euthat are aold for |h rle*'i diamonds Way tiiey have at Old Albion." as a Rimliali.
Mertea. Lyman gagemeat.of tlie Castle Sqnare Stock i
These datk nunnin^s
that have flaWs. ahirh are .>nere^ up prclodo to hi* e*-rmon la»t evening.
Brown. Frank Uuellmantel and Hngti Ca Tbe piece last presented con-1
fcv,TjonH intereeted is invited to
anea, and apecUltii s were;
y«»u .hm'l ^rt *uic *.t *u
iMvurred a
tb»- lu-etingof the Friends Home M4§up to tbe very lioir that!
ahoTL time apo at on,- *.f the J. weJry
Tbe party was obaiieroned by Mrs
socitty to be held at tbe home
Hugh Boyd.
a here a miui purrhas».»l a very
White on Fifth street tomor-1
•----------------------i the piece.
lianioml from om>ld*-. payinj: •a j row afurnoou. A barrel of clothing I
company ha<l done a aooceaafol
The commilleea in charge of tbe! The> com
fancy price He .l«Tidei| to ha
" ! is
pr.-tmred to \<m sent to the
made* Into a pin settini:. and tmik
« • anflt/Trs Horn tbe coal famine in Chi- Bacl.alora & Benedicts' ball liavr .le- j week's Imalneaa They lelt here for
cided to |s>»tpone tbe iwrty until after I »be Soo early Sunday mcnnng
the Jewelry st.irt* for that _________ , _
Any .lonauone off olol
tbonkfollT received, and cloUang Easter
questIm; that fc*wer rla*s Ih. ih.M in *
, , not
lb*sT fur >-.iur siomaeh liver.
•h r did
,1,^ would not l*o
^ acceptable at
^ all to
-ntls the Jewoler
md, i|, that
The |.Tuc is
ani.Miil aas im
N..t a .l.dlar ttee<l
laid uDiil i Id Is,* els; s.K.thes and »
dred. in Thicago Th^^i^^htog^iU you re * un d
vlu* k 1.*^ \ tlOOli OM.
rt'and th.
el a iwrkai:'* of R.icky I ^ r> organ; makes a new \>r
cov*-r up iho cleh-rif*. When the de
.'wu and life worth livlnc
M.iuntain Te.-, If it fails lu make v„u ’
d..n i
i Mountain Tea Jas
ft^is were shown to him and the prlt ,Dick Marshall, who was injured in Well and k«>*-|» you
staled, it was fi>und *»m that be had tbe Ireccnt exptoiion at Mayfield, ia seem
cents Jas G Johnson
luild at least l2«'CymMV than the ^mne
pant oalu if you
MISS Benda’s 91
rorth Tlie less claws that ran
oral :wiih ibis concert com PANT8-P to-ltal.!
*2SO „d
want to feel real
bad. We've g*>t
ho iHiter in the seitinK of a 1 pauy left the city today noon for Elk
•3.0O i«]
I'va got the money—
yours for
tbe 1
as the gtgd lends to dim th. | Rapids. where they will give their
window. 8. Benda &
» does wonders here.
rtaiument tonight.
d to I
tMwamm^ looto." TMr
to tto m of old temiMl
-Dwt play wttli a»e oow. Katta
viM.* ba pkiidfd. -Did yoo raoliy
IW aaoM riaoMdac lb- Mod mday fbr Mr
tiM wat acr««^ bar fat'r wim the
»ba mooed JodlcUlly.
i« wMeb tbay tbM .
tbera arr ao fbaoy
•bd VMday*j adatiaaa 1
p^ U tba workt cold and
r df rary walat blacb ajaa la
Add for wtoDoa comfort tbooe
itbaa wara boofbt." ba Intamiptad.
**Tba papara «oC It twlatad. Tba aolts
laada for uia. but Joat
I li oartala|y.«Majntt ta tba ea- ^
adHoa-doima for i
I at tba boopltah tboocb
tba papara didn't pet that oida of It.
Too aaa. 1 aaat ibao-^-auonyi
ly bacaoaa~waU. 1 bate pobllrlly lu
tlMt «rt of tbt^** ba blartrd o
thartaa fait a quick roab of
tbinf atlTTlDC In bar baort. a aweat
aomatbloc that aoftaoa<t bar bripbt
ayca to tandarDraa. tiba luararad bar
**Bnt 1 caatforplta joormaklnp leva
-I cooldn't balp IL** JIa apoloplaad
tar that ertmo Impanltantlj.
—-wbao you are aupagad to
•Jknd If you'll
tba rblffuu
Swif. wnb bla wbita, atiky fr cooL
M. aod-bot no one aaw tbf
rary Mcb man of a paotSaman
oran Friday. Ibalr canlna Cu
I ttet mai«y black aad uo of tba pkL for a rolBea aonabada covara a
> offarad tba baat
Tbo apoopa It an animal and not
rcpeUblf^ aa aataa aute It brratiM
and wb« la tha water U flUad
moooa. Tbaaponpelnlti
» la only a caronoa. Spu
rn to prow at a daptb of
even daapar doobtlna. At the
»oeaM Hin waa a paoUaman. and
daptb of fifty fact tbay can bo forked
by an^axpert flabcr. but
(^TIoTar mlad. old fallow.Iftdtty. aad tba dap ooUcod
pamap bla baad la pood fallow.
^ waa tiambitap nolmuy. Td kill
fliy fallow myaalf that darad to harm
^ balr of bar boaay baad>^ly yoa
tba Mav.-* The water
caa prow la very v\mr. ami tba ln»t
can b.. aem at a prral depth. The
1-c.r tba aiHMipc
lu iJraetv and 1* *^ntiuuold. .\ larpc
rntapr of the .Mcllterr
pea comn fr».ui the I4aud of lly
Suma. bowcAar. iviue from olff tba
I of THlwIl. A few ap..urea «MO»«
from.tha faroff taml of Mailaptiacnr.
o ara two luoutba hi raeb year
wban apoopa llahlnp la praetkmllr
doaad. Tbit la lu Aupurt and Sei»
trmbar. the hurricane uiontha. l»urlup
*bcr tan nuuitha tba Induatry flour
iacowl Mathodlat RtvlvaU Servieet
Sndad Laat Evenlng-Bpleodld
•uoeaaa of the Maetlnpa.
Tba aenrkea of yesterday were
flttlag cloee to tbe three weeks' aeries
of maeUnga held in tbe Second M. B
eh. Large audiences, filling every
available seat, greeted Rev. Hugh
Kennedy both morning and evening
The series of meeting have been very
waful. about 60 making a public
confeealon of Cbiiat. a large m
being h«»da of famUtes. More than
■adwtoeod too, Jtoi —0. i
SO united with the Second church yea
taave her to yow knight
icrday. a few more will unite later
r t'm getog to catch the next
> some will unite with other
ck to M«w iork."
^h. ari you golag so eooor Tbe churches. Pastor Kennedy and
litto lidy*a mm «U 00 tolat that people cloee their aonricea ao aa to aid
weodored If ebe bad been chaa- in the union eenricea under the lead
ttor^QWtitali tea Ba naver could tiark
IKno’ ohoold 1 otayt You wars the
had^nd now"- Hla
mm hraka too. What ailed peo
gtjritoygroudand. He whL
► hla big
Thau be
mra raaA paat tbe
make ’
Irts and |iainte.l diamonds an- a..me or|bosin.-*t He rvtnmed, however, with
the nimm<.n fake diamonds that are j
Brunswick. ich. Hosts cf
often forr«*,| iiptm the unsusiHs-tinK
l^^t*'****! congratulations and beat
by outside firms atlvenlslng
cheap dlalnonds
A final meeting of the board of pub
works on tbe paving aoooanu was
The diamond trade is a little the
evening.^ Toe report
?ai at.Chriatmaa time and can lie de- will Saturday
come before the oonncil this
IK-nded upon. During the r*-si *»f tbe evening.
it Is vcr>- »*ven In one year It
There are still tome good teats for
l»e larger in May. whUe In the the Tudor-Oeeding ooncm this evouyear ll l.s Just as liable to be Waaler Lewis Holliday, aya of Dr.
other mougi. The past >.-ar and Mn. A. H '.Uollidav. baa gone on
an especially good year for the the tour with Prof. C. E. Horat’a ooocort company aad will be one of|the
[•lers jn
violin aniata of the bompany. Master
The value of a
Lewis is ao accomplished violinist
for a jovciiile and will be a valuable
addition .to the company. He will
U. .or,!. II,K.. . .hr.v O.T,, one «..uW
»..• ,ur.h ,.r«b.l.ty J4.K. ,nJ ..... .... ui|
on to»r.
the same ipmlity as the |I«sY sume
me of the J«'Wel, rs rial*>il that
• aiv some ikh»pU’ who make It a
buslneas In this city of huymg ihejse For th. Ctholie Church to Be Eroct.ll
on the West Side—Large Meeting
diamonds that have flaws ami raffling
1 off The stones are of the finest
Held Yesterday.
and many tlm«'s large, hut their
p is less U'cauae of some Ut Hcl
Agents also hurt the UkaI jewelers'
trade, and the jewelers state that the
aipmta soil large quantities of dia
ls here
“r-iS on ta. center or S-nd „d
Ic A. Eldrod of 815 Elmwood
Doa. AL trienda who wish
lutaalDi jsre
yaaUrday that abe thought obe'd
marry him. gbff Ito doeklT gvuB took
ut bar. tbouiB Bk^wavtbg ^teisd
barublaf. B«h, fYldayl Oo quick!
The Miaaca Irene and Berde Altc
Ldinberg went to Oadlltoc this
ing eu route to Lake City to attend
Mr. and Mra. Frank Kroqpa of NV
ah-u-wanu paaaad thtougb the city
with relativua at Sodar.
E. H. Pupa toft thia aaov^ for D<^
troll to attaud grand chapter, and Aaa
Hale waul tbla aflaraooa ua proxy for
Joha F. OtL
arias Main will leave this after
for KaliapaL MouL
V. C. T. Stout wmat to Bast Jor
**Llbcrty Bellea" Will Be Seen Here went to I4mnd Rapids today to eee
Bishop Richter and get his official ap
proval of tbe work. Aa ooou aa hii
Frank Hennes^Vs pruUuetlon
Harry B. Smith's new musical comedy.
IJl..'rtT B*-Iles • which ran for
Ihree months nt the Madimm Square 76 CKNTS a tog for My pair ^ ML60
theater. New York, aehleving the
greatest sueeess since the *lays of
"HaxH Kirk." will positively be pre^
seated In this city on Wednesday.
Januan* 28. at Stelnlvrg's Grand.
The company Is not only musically
strong, but it repnaenia an unusual
aggregation of talent and b«^utlful
women. Twenty-imu of the parts ar*»
played by very handsome glrla. each
of Whom made quite a reputation aa a
aiagft beauty In the-big Broadway product^m.
Ex-Mayor Hewitt Dead. NVw York. Jan. IS.—Abram S. Hew
itt. former mayor of New York, and
Tor many years a repreaeotaave in
cougreas. died at 6 o'clock yesterday
morning In bis rlghty-firat year, hav
ing been critically HI for ten days.
jrrank Jones met with a aevere btcycle weeident Satarday nighL His
wheel elippedoat from under him aad
faaaydilyto which aaltod fort
atadinerto AUtogbto
rtour of the Adame ex
Division otroet waa eelected aud other
A Few df the Reasons Wliy
there is no abatement of interest in our Basement Sale.
Honest goods—Goods just as advertised—prices that save
you half and in many instances, even more. « w « « w
2e Buys
Ho.\ of -Mournin}» I’ins
•J pajYcrs of pins ___
Sharp's tJoUl cyctl nccdlr^
1 doz. Pear) buttons
:* Hoxrs C'arpft 'J'acks
^.. ’
B: '
•' . :' l
'■ .; ,'
;.V *
Om: Gotllr iN rfiimr
I doz. H*»rii Hair l*ius
5 cent Calico
Brush Skirt Biiidini:
Cakf of ('.ood Soap.
$3.00 Silk I’nibrcllxs, in c^rs,
Best $2.00 UmbrclUs. Iixjl xilk am! Mctccrccrized covers ............................................... OSc
Men's Fancy Silk vests, were 2.50, this sale OSc
Men's 75c night gownv.................................... r»:tc
Women’s Kid Mittens, some fur trimniCil.. 33c
I .ace curtains as low- as...........................
Pnms (or *juilts, all you want per yard..........
Apron Ginghams in checks and strii>es----:to
F.xlia fine Overshhts, were $1.00.................. 48c
Men’s while I.aundricd sliiris, 5(V values .. 23c
$1.00 quilts, this sale......................................, C5c
$2.00 and $2.60 Comforters..,.............l.GO
ladies’ (anc)' black skirts, $'i kind................ 98c
Savlan 18c double fold dress goo*ls........ 7c
.Savlan’s aU wool Henriettas worth 75c----- 39c
22 in. Peau dc Soic worth $1.00.................... 59c
i of all wool Cavvimere
and best of makes, worth !
Men’s Coats and Vests of all wool fabrics.. 2.08
A lot of Meii’s CoaU and Vests in small
sizes for.,....................................................... 1.60
Men’s wool suiu that run in ]iricc from 7.60
to $10 for..................................................... 5.00
Gone to tbiBasaiBnt Sale. TbariislioniiBittorYMLYoiirMomHiackHyou
ask it always.
lOSTOIM S-tort
WEDltESDAY. Jan. 2«fil
191 timVO UOOSDl IBAt
Widifwmcj. ^cM<m)r4kSitirirfaniM
Jolii. Imt fb«T Iwtf kmiwu «rb tAhtr
tram rtUldbood. and rr«i afur boU
ted narM tbtr ted atwaj»
ar mtk oCter a. Jakr ax..! Mar.
ana vas awpriMd alian, afirr a
«r a«^ tt wa* aawmtM^ that lh«
tlir fanna wocM aaon
te iUr«.wii down aod all tte U»d InCBor f(Ufiar!l f•raprftx. Tbm tacidanta
« from imtwU to par blai a rlait. aod
laWJ^ In fte nitorr ra^t r»*T(
on tlw wldnw Mod tnr land*.
It warn ImrltMUa that ^ilb an old
«al4 oo aa«- aSda aod a laa m ou tte
aOter trootila ateoJd romr. T!»c alaiar
dkln twant ttebruCbr
----------aod too laaryar dido l
tv arrrrk |*rr ba|iitln<>»a. atnl
al«»«it tUat arltbtn four
tb«> iprriacr aaa cdT Tb»-y rooUlu l rt*-n be
oriabbura aflrr tbr laa-jr*r aod tbo ate
falrlf to arork.
TIm- laaryrr atood on what be railed
thr inral aaia^na of tbe raa*-lhat la
be railed Jarub Ktaoaell a
MKHiodrel arhe ted ou otlo r r»
tbao ae<nirtoc tbe wbbiw * prc
Tbe cibS tualii alat.r didu't
iesal a.perta, b«\,^ aa*u t aulnc t«
ear Jake UaroeaMd to a aoiiiau
There ted niaaya lee-o i
to the loratlou of one
waa ov«f on thdr land by thn
*1 he matter had rvated tliere f«ir fifteen
year*, but tbe bmyrr
doc It OI»- Hurveyirt^a were enitaced.
lioet mo and the dlfTeren.-e uf an Inrb
was di*|>oted over i*nlll It mde«l in
It waa while the laat aur.ey waa b
Ins made that
un-t. with
Sreat lorn
Jle bad m^hl off Iweoly
bmdW^ttle to a dro%,c aiHl r.wUed
hand, and at tU eiw!
day had fuoi»d bia wallet mlaal
jiitt-d fi>r in aln. the
law>e^rbar|:ell Jieoh with lylui: a
lla Itw*. and the alaier <-hari:.-«l the
>er With haeint; found ti and «on
rd the momy to hi.^ own uw.
atal one da> Jnke aial
the f«,-t that they ha.l
t aolta on tiaiel aKaiuat earl.
•ay nothlnc of two or thn-e
iH-a bruusht hy the lawyer
l*t«T In keei» tliini;* from cfttlnc
**iaajk Jaaa. wut ■•in tot ainarr u*r
WAU^O iu» wiiam
alow. The rrtaclrwila would have becw
Slod to druii the qunirrl oiaJ aak rai l*
OCber wbat U waa all aUnit. hut they
Werenot j»criulltevl lu It had to pi ou
llierv Lad bcea more tn»uWc uv»t
tbe Lena than anythinc ela*A farm
ei'* beua ore out only j:oeirio waie
derlns where they |,Um.e Without rrf.
•rmoo lo Hue f.-ocw. Injt they rcfu*..
to enter Into family quarTrU or look
at tbe lesal aide of tiie «|uealio|^ When
Mlaa lltatiM-tl iN-^au throwins 1h»1 waUT on Uie Trary chlckma. w hii h catnr
about tbe kiUhru d.air 4n a netshlmrly
way. tte Tracy hired man Ui;au ahoolIns the Btaim-Ii Hilek«tia. w hh b
•crptched up the iJower Ih-«U In tte
flrwotyard. buoh w:t. the
le hidu.try
both aides that lo
nim.ih. only
a few acarecfvw fowla were left.
When a man or wom.-.n f.vl. that hia
or her iirtde or dlsnlty and Irpil njrhia
ore at oUke. It U hard lo she lu and
Uke a nenalble view of tbln?*
' It waa the widow wbo finally par.-d
tte way to pemc. hut In *o dolnp ate
^ aronacd all vt Jake’a defiam-r and came
noar loams brr tifr. BUe wa* not o. j
loocwme witbont brr cliU>kctii., but ate
was tired vt bnyins rjcs. of L.t nel; e
bora TUerrforr. after the lapw. of a
few mouth., ahe purrhaM-d a docco
tena and tuva tbe alMcr t.H*"rtunliy to
•*Jake. you are how It la That wo^
maa defirw roo. bhe ha* bousht mora
cbleteiM b tre«i«p« on our land, and
tf yon don't set out tte ahoicun
r yon bavrti*t tte I
n)h. ni kill Vtn off faa; enough - te
rapliad oa be besan bnmiui: for pow.
and abut.
-Jumf let one of ber
ftehtH-.andtea dead
r■ s
•at to prowl around lu teipea to geC a
obot at one of tbr widow*. cUIckeoa.
Tbe wbole quarrel wa. a mlatake. It
wrna only that Mary aremed lo be defylog blm that keiu him from throwins
bU sun Into tte rnrrunt ho^bea
He rrarhed the dlapnied line frnre.
wlUliV lo nve up a ft.*l of ST..t:ud^
i. All tv wldow a tiew lloek of
. led by a aasr lookins oW-rooaur.
tfwapaaaltts ou Ui* laod. lla low-
•rod tte fOB and
aod alrntd
aimed to’klli
tbeoi aU
l*> •Cl M d««. ••« iMn «M ■
amoi fron^a arocoaa la UcM
pain. Tte Widow Tmej bad caa
to leak far ter ehlcteoa. aod a lf«b ted
bidden ter frotu Jarol/a alfiR.
mated fcrmdJo etnmbleotar bla laat
Caefl Joora waa a nice, qukt Uttla
araliac aa a dm dlwerj
Mary Ijrla* on the croaod aa a aeoood. ■MB. Bla wife ted ratter better tedstietweea tbe two be maa ao orcr. ment tban be. Cooaeqomtly be feO
that te bad to baa ap«teM tte teto a boblt of deferrtng to ber coootaocly—ttet la la' ccrtalo nu
He tboa ocqalrad tbe reputation a
bla frieoda of bates tenpeckad.
OP aod fell barb.
of ttear ftteoda took It upoo M
forglre me. Mary, but 1 dIddT te teform Jones tbat W Joara was
eoDaldmIttebmdofibebooaa. The
^^re killed loe. bat I doat wabt
»em to tens yon for It. I dont beteatt. He bellavrd bi. iofurmaot. aod
ere you meant to do It.**
bi* pride waa woondraL - Wha
-Yua aban’t die. If yoa do. HI aboot
te dn-lira
noder such ohioqny or
myeelf. Hrte. let me carry you Into
makes strike for tbe DinuT band? U«
the hooae aod arnd for a cteKr. Tbe
rfwolrfd on tte latter cnuiwe.
h bird
gua wa. only
soiled, be only waited for an
>ebbe >oa erad*t die/*
didn t. In fact abe dWn t rume
one day In ao Invl
anywhere near It tbourb a donor waa
Miw rruikabank* fancy dnwa balL
boey all tbe rent of tbr day i.lekln* oat
Mrs Jones wUbed to «.ve,,t. ^
peJ^-ta of tend.
When tte
Jones said deHdcdly. **\Ve
iaat one had
eitrarted aod Jake
Will not attend tbU telL**
had ti<<en told that ahr wonkl contlono
-m,y DOC. dMrr
to live, he aaked:
-It lan t ocreaaary fir a bn.Taitid to
**MaiT, where** the lawyerr
Iw aya be slvliig reaaoaa to bl* wife.
**U by. 1 arot him alioot hla InaaioeoB
-But. If yun dun t
\hree weeka aao," ahr atiaviyrd. **011.
I go anyway
Jake, the lawyer and your aUter aod
you dci. It will te agaki.t my
the chicken* and the line fence hareI dealre and comma im1».**
HI. d««r.- replied Mnc Jones. -|
■ fool* of oar te I
bare a special rea»*m for wlal
b; but. an you won't give me
tolotitni later he apficsrrd at bia
tr euntra I'll oot give you mine. Howowo door to aay to bl* ai*ter:
ivr. Ite peace of ihla family
-llaliner, can you park your duds te
Mire importamr tteii j
ateut flffeen ninntear
berefore we win say mrthliiK
• Pur wbyr ahr a.k.d.
lioot tte mailer *
,-flerauiM- rm solnp to drire you to
A few daya after this couvm
town to ratrh the tmiii. aiid after Vra
I Jones wa* going out of the
mMffv.1 fhat lawyer all o\»r Crafton
met a l-p luii.glng In
rm coming haek to a.k Mary If ate
r fnim I
w iin't te wcil cuousb to srt married to
»ne* o|M-nt.l it in the vevtibula
tbat It wa* a led velvH robs
ermloe mantle. Tlrre was
atetmard crown with four big
Whrn 8c
ntenr Kerr,
aa*i stone* In If. Jone* bade
muiry. waa In IndU
ndU. te
Milled a tioiiy.,
very much watiied
iioiiy.. lint that tbe boy ring tte tell and pn.'ecdcil
wn. the :n..l of all the othtr Knslhib bla office.
Well, the ins of
r had come. Hla
who w ere not old rrahhut*. 1^ lllpuo
and hi* »tafr had arrived, aod tte geo- Wife lnlemle.1 to i
wl cry wn.;
-\Vh.*rr an* we to p*t |.mh-.y
•*t»h. that** €w.ily dmie.- Mid an Engliahuiau who knew the rui.-., “Next
liainrday lliere*. to |h- an amikm aala
the l»wt i*mle. Ill India,
lien you <*ao ride ilMun nnd try
Kerr trhd aeveral and
lly Oxnl a cmelmt. eye on two.
and liill. which he dHermimd
'**»iilanlay came, and tlir annian araa
etKli.1. In due .nniPM* .ff time
Tommy wa* jiul up. ami tte mi«.iomiry
lid *J«ai rui-e*.
-Two hundred and fifty.- aald the
-Two hundred nud •••vrnty flre.-Thn^ houdrcirTb«**e were extravasanl i»ricea. but
He bidding went ou nmhl grent ezclteii iil. The ml«ioiwiry riwHoti .V*i roiN-v**. w hU h be hnd r^>4.hca should te
bi* limit, and Tummy wa* kuocked
own at 52.V
• Who I* the huyiTV a.kt.l Kerr
-The Man,Hi. of Uipou." aakl the
niMlUrtmT. -Jll* eieute-oey bad ordcr».i 1 ummy to Im*
}on at
any |*ri.v.--Youth * CoUii»*uioii.
,er every
doing so b, ,
Ing In quest |»u I
tliat be Intended
He would birr a <
ball, 'iterehew*
bad in*]*-, ted wc
would get up a 111
tion' wtih'lor aVid
by book or by crook get te-r into bis
cairlage. drhe te*r Lome and Ite-rr give
b.T a -dre*..lng'’ Itei vcm.ld forever
afier show that he was l..s•ter.
When the time arrive*! Mrs done*
showed uii.|ue*tluiie.l approval of Ills
dlulMP d«vvnt..wi.
He al*.. told her
not lo look fur htm tef.ire j or :: o'cloc-k
flodlug a red ve .1 gown.
w llli four
cloak aiml a crow
the wearer |M-rsoiuiting tymi'ii Anne
Boleyn. He Joluetl the Indy, d. votlog
hlm«‘lf to her. and she M-en^sl to enjoy
hla attentions Immeiisrl.v. He dam-.il
with Iht aeveml lime*, wlieti a Itu*ataii admiral l.-ik te-r nw.ny fn.iu him.
and he saw iiuiliiiig tma^e of her till
PutH b puhluiM*. th.*.e • mmlful ew the end of Ite evening, wte-n ahe
ipe*;- lu a recent atvouiit of t-lectloo aought film fint of her ow n n.-corJ.
-IVrluiiim** he aakl, “I may imike ao
proccedliur* lo which
pelted With dirt, mod thruwo lo tte liold as to aak to in<e you to your home.
of id* wife, and hi., daughter, My carriage I* waiting"
-Thank you. I aiii-pt your kind of
•k wirti a stick, a tlally iwper re
mark.'.! Ilial -the |*.ll.>e tmd difficulty fer with phnsure. I i-aine with my
prrv.nthitf a hrey.-h of the p.-a.**.- nuild-Who. I presume, will return lu ymir
A c*urTe-i*.ii.h*nl M-ud* a Irlef aix-oout
arkni* oil*er rpl«de.. lo each of
Well. If you
wbkh by an ciually narrow margin
o.uir.l.mioi wn* simlbrly avoided;
l>e extensive pniiii*.** of Measrm.
lank A t’o., oil and tallow mrrrbanta.
.-re ,*mipk'tejy gutud by fire laat
gbt. all 11% e stiiri.*. being ablaxa at
K-e. It iM'edid all tte efforta of the locwl Irigade to forestall wtiat pronilsrd
to te a cvaillagratlou.- -A motor car.
pns'c.'tling along the High street tte
oth«T evening. Ii*.k fright, it la aup*h!e uu duty and «tphslcd. Mowing the ucrupanU in vtJJolnliig
building*. The iH.lUvmaii 1* to be coahat might
Tks X'rroeli A<
The I ri'iH h a.ad.my
one of tte
ve acudetulc* i.nd the mo*t emloent
ynirtltutlug the Institute of I'mnce. It
was fcHiitded In Ukli by Cardinal Rlcbnd rev’rgamrcd lu IS Hi It it
ed of ftriy luembem. the new
alerted by the mofllolng pirr life after |
apptlraiiou and t
■loa of their
I to tte bead of tbe aUte, It
I twice we«*kly at the palace Matarla. rs Qoal
lalulng to the ukvtie* of tbe k'reorb
langvmgi-to grammar, rtetoric and
*ta*trv and the publlcatlun«of the
h'r.-n.*h (Uasics.** Tte chief ciffi.'er la
fte sciTciary. wbo haa a life tenure of
hla |**UtH*i. A chaii^ In the academv U
hisbest ambilion of moat llteniry
Ereryouc ki...w*
Cle. of vvuns.-. but 4
to draw a pt'rfcrt
te clone withnnt ai
. and i* not .
ive learned bow.
l> oft.'i, n.'.'CMry
Take iwoaioui pin* and *th k them
rmly into the luldc, through the abeet
of pa|>er on which >oit wUh to draw
. a|»art. Ttea
tie together the end* of a btt of string.
inches long, aujis to fonn
Ing two l<*H^ eoda. each
atHvai fin Inch long
When you have
doue thia. tw tte loose rod« Into a
knip. wkU h Ufwd tMiC be larger
(tic l.n.i io adm« tte |wlut of a
.Now fdsfv the Urger loop over tb#
ro pin*, amt putting tbe polilt of
your itranl
ftrct.'h tte string a* far as
a* It w iU go
and rtn-ie all a
Ite iHos. You
wUI find that In movliig from one pin
to the otter the Mring form* an
iTOfjonB, wjifBAYismma,awl "
rreas teUa tte foOowtng
otory of King IMward * rertnt vtidt to
AadiTw Caracgle at BUbo castle:
-Tte rpyal
to the caaile i
coapkie ourprlse to Mr. Carnegie, tte
While «a a rut to tte ,
day paawd a ptaatatkMi tte
Into decay. Tte roof to
bouse had caved in. tte wk
UW acres known tt tbeStedeor
Needhua&rn. One d tlie beffi b
Gr»d TniTm ooonty. ^ mil
ooolh of tbs dty.
te would arrive
lock wrouki bare
aak-rp w hen the
It. Mr. Carnegie ^
-wire- came, an
tbat Its sender was (Mward
mernage was not banded to the laird
of &dbo until be w.Ae up.
olderalde exc
due in fire u
r«f tte
I walked up to tte bouse aud.
Notica to Toapoyara.
no one. wmt liaek lo tbe but.
I ^ouml a veteralde oegro alt- To the Taxpayers of tbe City of Trav
a box before bi* catdn doer.
erse City:
Tte lax rolls for tbe o
tbe state oad county Ux *far“tte
year 1902. and for tbe
-Morntn*. aab.”
-Are you tte only fterwon al«aut tbe •cbool and city taxes and
•eaamects for said year.
ide. Then te had a„ luaplratlon.
I BkIbo there la an Immense pipe
I offered the old man a cigar. whk*b
n whh-b Mr. Caniegie had put in
tedecUned.prvf^lngblspi,»e. Throwme Uine ago f.e hla own pleaaur
lug ni.vself on llif gras*. | waited fm
1 organist w ho |wrf«ems nr*aj It la
bim to talk. .Xs te dkl not. I made a
rmauetit iiiemIsV of tte mtlliooaine'a
remark by way of a atartrr.
-I aupiKWe' this wa. iuh^ a buay
tbat the organ ste.ukl ihutHbr out
-God Save Ite King- a. hi* majMty
-Beckon It wa* a busy place, aab. It
catertsl the twstte.
Iwiongvd to Cuunel iVylom He waa
But when he scut Ua the
Cunnel r.-yton tefo* de waU. though
tbr n-pJy-came.teu k ttiat tin* xnuairian
hr didn't nel.iKT vimmiaml nothin' deig
bad gone down to the nHghlMrlng
an' Gincral IVytoi. white It w as a goln'
on. He «* iH*l a hundml I'ousauU nlg-•Have him out of the wab-r. tb«r grrs."
-YdU mean a thousaml “
-Ye*. *l«ul dat
Ley all IIIkM In de
dripping and cUd only iu a blanket cabin* 'long h.vcr."
arelcted uinu was hmught
-What ba* iHiiime of the caidus':"
-I hum 'em all u,. fo* firewood.
rtsirert rv*mi and p1itin|*sl dow
Missy |n.n.lhy IVvion was'l*«jt iwenthe organ stooL It'was Just in time. f.» ty v»w s oltl when de wah kum on, Hat
the w.ird iws-i'd that Ite k.iig** car- war de time -wh.-n dU pla<v war flue,
Hage wa* omilug up the drivew ay.
de IVyiun famhiy, live rtilllun.
r grtmetl upi fou' teiys an* <*im> glrL
draggisl in front of the organist, now Ite fl..wer oh fte fl.s k war Missy IMlnno.-« nt e\eu of his lOaukct. so
I.V. Ite.unnel an'dcis.vs went away
be was shieia<il from view, and
in' Missy 1V.VIOH an'
tbe water dripping fnmi his luili
Mlsay l»oHy. lh*re War three l‘ickerln'
ra and his shoulder blades, the lioys on a planutipii ober dar. an* dey
Bbivering uiuslriau play.M *<;.sl Bare
nil three In love with Mlaay Itelly.
te King* while one s.rvanl rubbed
all went to de wah. an* when dey
ilm with a coarM- towel am! an
Mirny 1 telly war ‘gacetl to Georga
fare him hrandy.
Plckerlu'. de ,»ld.^
“As f.r the U,.g. he wa* dollghlcd
f'tis' Feyton killed war
with his m.mie.il riNiption. and when Howell rcvloii. at Manassas
Ir. rarmgle Mid him the «Ircum kimi de cunm l. at Sharpshiirg. Itoger
um-r* uiid.r whl.li the iiatlimiil
dr 1-4m,. fever, kum home an* dl.il
ntlieuj had Iss-ii is rf.u-ii.eil hb luaj-w
le lia.l m. mo* 'n
ly*lau.teM nil hi* *..h, ,o h.'.l.Pfckcrln;
hnuight home to de• Pi.-ker
n. kerlii' bouse
Ussy IItelly'iiiiSMHl
WEDDED AS HORSES RAN. v.Ikt duh uti* dh-d. Missy
de fas'
s' yea'
yea* tib
«b tte
*te wah.
X««e| Xlarrla
Brrlase (>reMunr rerforai- au' v.ue day. two yea s ffiftaU Mar»e
Tom PI. k.-rln* kum man l.ii.' up with
unu-ual ami. fniui Ite- isiint
rtKMu. hK,klu' so harnstui
.ildlug «*- laL he teudder thorge dat when be
•uiTvd ill M. iru|*.lK III . tlie oihi-r
Missy 1 telly done prumiaed
afternoon, the nuitnirtlng parthi IkIng kfr. Kvert u Il.arne* and XIns llmh
Lane »*f Trlm^Mii. Ky.. says the St
IW I»b,\airh. Tte- w.ilJIng
hut Missy
cctvniony wa* |KTfornMil lu a eah by fptvlally tte
Judge Thomas Liggett while the Willtaken.
dmg jnirty was i-ing tliivm at hn-ak- Unite of Gett^
mvk siKid to eait h a s..uihl*mml 1111ste.M.il da id.
uoia Central imui
dl.ll In .te
TIh- niuple had e|..,sd t- .M.-lrolmlla
Ids IrolK. Mtesy 1 telly nil
and arrival on the n.rthl-.und |u*i.-u
. as lin k wild hill. It. Murse
ger. which n.m,., iniu .Metro,*.1ih Just
tes- td...|.* P. vu.i. hrinl.hTs.
tuk sh k 1.U* kum h..m.- ..ii leiiW.
•Tvvns im kv. f..* Ttun Pi. k.vJi.' war
e.1 up iu tie mim- ,.i Peiersl.urg.
form.'d 1
Ik- man
dls'V l»..nv w.ns ter a S..tt eh W idtrain. I
the r.-s1d. ne'e
n-i- uger w as
Phk.vin' hung -loug an'
s,.rmg t.l.
at th* se«s..U
-l.een-e. He di.ll 1.1 ,
le r.KKK air ld.K.mln* ni.' 'l-.ut de
was deteyt-d nud di«l m<t r.-iurn with
*U.*u tie rtmf.ih-nu*y siu|i,itil
mlnutea te-fore train tinn-. A«-<Mrdingde tvA« i.tenmilotM
ly the |»arty was Inirrh-d iniu tte* cah. fuu- V.-4-.
1.1.' Alai. Pi.kerin’
togetlM-r with Ite* ..meeting g. ntleinaii.
nn-ti gill u|i
aud while the driv.r wa* doing his waa ter. S.1.U *s de s..
best to make his le.rMi remh the le Joi. Marsr Aten k
h.ver .m ills
H-sy I telly lihla* all
strfllou.lu lime the .i-n-mony which
.teiitaliun. M.»-'..hde liigg.TS hatl done
made the two young
man an
m*y vvan.-t r
wife waa |HTf..runil in ite- ,M,. Jiii
*<v|d menu* mv f.nnhh hy.T hi dis .-al.
aa they ate]>|>e«l uimn the siatiiiu |*lal
lu. Marie Atei. war .le nidv one ot.
form ns man ami Wife tin- traln.ruUc
Mi«a Itell.v'a iovrts I. r.au afier aw Ulle
hi. tiud they luid Ju-t enough lime t
he dope 'suad.il h.'r to imirrr him. Itey
didn't uiak no fuss 'l-Mii de w.ildlu’.
fo' dere wani'l note-ly to kum lo It
•ce,.t de gUoit*.
-Itey trl.ll mighty hanl to stay on de
ptenlatlon. hut •ivvaru’l im u-k* fo' Mla
«• HI* Vmrm.
ay .Itellr to fry to lit. w bar she had been
ao lM.p,.y tefo- de w:.h. au- imw not
A full grown hutk d.i*r with lu
one day
cIk'U de nlgg.Ta
antlera folluwrd Nrlauu li. Pur.I. a 1
she *a.vs, Tneh* IVt.
.-t. r. me an* my husMeadow fanu.-r. iiml hi* f.Timly
Iti New Y.t'k. au* we
churvh In XVlm-h.-si.-r r.iner. i
He had
It was not long teftae they
bofrllag aloug toward the Jum-*
slab. Tbe lady did not luiniliuo Iht ad
dre««. anfi Jone* dkl m.t n*k It.
took her baud and gave her a kiss,
was horror struck Unit she did not re
sist. ami. aettllng hlms<If iu i
be waited, broken heartnl. till
riage drove up lo his «hs.r. Ilandiiig bla
couiiiaukm tmt. te bil her
Wlnated. Coi.u.. a disiami* ..f tive ml
into the vestn.uk
New Year* day. «ya the New York
with hU key* wh
World. Jiurmg Its S4*v.-ral h..urs* stay
denly .qwned an
In XVln.'ht*st**r the hiiimal visit.il
eral house* and ale wi.|>l.*i froui
-Crtiiejn, riu. qui-k." ste said. “Ce bauds t.f children, stmi.- of vvtemi put
ll baant come yet. i:u
their arm* around
riu bural Into a laugh.
The de.T fvturn.il t*» the I'onl farm
• Tve got him hen*." si
tbe next nertilng and
-What do you n.eai»r
ht Ita Iplace Miuoiic a
-Thia gentleman, this tureudur. la Ce tie. XVWSi.1'or.l drives
v..ke of
lt Ile a tioen making love to loe all oxen Into the w.ssls to g.-i a load of
te way Lome.”
IlmiKT the deer alwaya follow *
-Not knowing w ho you w .Ter
-Cecil r-What In tbuader does all this m
Tied Jon-«a. tewlldeml
-I think tte expUuation should
* lo Ik* in evt „ ,
rom you." n-pllnl Mrs. Joiu-s ivUIly
say* tjie Jeweltny dtwr. I Ite-I a l-i> in this er*' t'ln-ular Weekly,
I'r.iiii uU ludlthe other day with a bundle calidus ih.- *iil.-s ..f f.
ulug these rlotte-s. and 1 Itemght Jewreler*
will c'llp—
ere gulug lo Mr*. Cruik*ha
which has s.i fi.r Iki-i.
material La- manv y.-ai's.
oeedlugl.v lKi„
. . loull
. yea."
and thK if i>
i -ttd. :
de plam.-ition/ !».* mV itev .ley Icf,
au* It. s.i'ui.il *s If «h- oh* |.l4.v had
.lraw.ll iis his’ hivaf iiu' g.uie to shi*p.
lak putty High all de famhiy in dehuryIn' gr.»mi* .*Kv ..ii .1.- hillsi.le .hir.
-Missy 1 telly didn't lit. Uiry long:
sp.1* dere war i.*> mu.-h itels.- an' fma
lu de . liy fo* h.*r .h-iw-atc 'stuthm. ghe
had s.m.e . hlllut.
Om- ..h •.•m kum
d.iwu by.*r mirt. hut he w
son aii* di.lu't ratry u..
didn't hs>k lak .le flue gri.nepj.-u with
h*tig lu.*r what u-.ll to ride *lK.ut ..ii dls
plai.tatl..u. M.irsc Ahii. I'l. k.-rlii* marrl.*d midder wife mi* ha.l mo*
an- w tenihedi.il di-pl:i.vgo, a mU.ll
up lu .te law.L. ....iMsIy enn , ,h,
lliuii air till w.ikeii In i
I k.s-p vvai.-h.HK-r.le ote I
IgUly lom-K.;im- is«m*ilm.**
.-ain't Stan* if no Im.cT I
.bTi'..,;- ..7™
*2? O* J
Wtlabach burner gives from fiO
to 73 candle-power, ceetiog leee
than '/ic per boor. Let ua know
your needs, we will soon figure
coat for you.
We are in poalUoa to offer
Fixiure*i. Ugbtlng and Hotelog
AppUaacee of every style nod
Be FooLCDi
Trsts* toss* TravOTSB CMj as I
s-m.. nSDaa . ftrWpm.
rerCawrWvU.aa4 PsteMsy. li
and Piano Instruction
Ella Bretper Tex
A-r io«
IdM^Miwriaw. L Cbe Pink
WaSoH K-*r
S UmniM. M. D
t. a. ■«•.. M.
nUrtln & Emms
ouaaa laaraitTLY »y
Dr. Iman’s
Pain Tablets
Cura ^ pUn ^ rd^ 1^^
1 na
madielna Co,
------------- n r.
Also . complou lino
Bollo._Bottorloo. Anounclotoro.
TolophofM*. Lomp*. Shwloo and Gao
piped aad fitted wHb tbb WOto-
Uxea from now uatil Pebniary 1. INtt.
on <mch week day from I o'clock to
11:30 o'clock In tbe forvaoou. aad
from 1 o'clock unUl 4 o'clock la tbe
On all state and county taxes paid
before January lOtb. the rcfular bS
of one per c«ti for collectloa will ba
charged, and oa
. ttere wtll be
________ n Afee
of four per emit for oollection. PoanUy
nnd ecbool taxes
menu, four
i on each dollar of
Office In room
m I.
1. Hei
Hated Itecemter 1. 1902
Rhaumattam _ _
Headmcha AirmSlo
• lih iilBB'-ni. »n-<-ann.i IViiuo Ik—I
lu’ 'em all. an' Missy IVyi..i
Ob de si. k oti-s.an'de IVytou teq;* galrd to go to that ball «-s|»n-lally to take
loplu* 'iMMit on de hoteei. nn* .te Pt.-ker.
Flo. but aa you ol.Je,-i,il we arranged
In' Isij^ all irylii- w hl.-U u d gil Mlasy
that she aboold go fcuu te-rr aud m
lte!!.v. I ten 1 r«i-kou 1 *onn trit to h.-ate
tuni here fur tbe night. You came borne
en an* fin' 'em all dar mi mi.Uler plant*with her and made love to her. suppo*.
tJun Je.' lak dls lK*f.
lK*fo- de w ah ••
The stea_____
ilteuugle twrntly
ing her to be somber wmuan "
IllHTally and l.-fc
1 f.iKl the uacrati
brought tbe.ii.-w* to V
• I supposed ber b. te you. my lore.”
him. walking uu.h-r the gi.nl ln*ea
that iJeut.-nai.t I Him of th.Mr. J.me* bmm hi. Iw-od. Then te Infantry hu« litvetiitil au. i
which flung their hr..ueh.-i .*ver the
look«l up with a mute a,q.**it *a
I which will tire eighty t*artridgcs' manor tenise In a vain «*ffort to tirat<i-t
It from timea ravage*.
A* I paaaed
inute. aay« the Kt.
out where the g.,te ha.l been I hwk.il
BcrsL The range U
tbe I
ba.k and aaw the aged cii*t«liau atiU
aad ni bring it up."
sitting before bla cabin i
Finds Way to LIvs Long.
TIM tMfte or Lmi0 Ufa.
The atartUng annouac«a«nt of a
CoiuUta la karvlng oil tbe
snx of tte body ta teidtby. roffidar
action, oad la quickly dootroylBc
Cborubnaeo. Ind. -I wlab to dtate.”
deadly dloeoM cenaa BiMte Bib
i wrliao. -that Dr. KlnTa Now Dlsten reculafe StoMoeb. Xlrer oad Kld- oovory for OoaotonpUoa U the moM
aeym. purify tbe blood, aad sire a InfolUble remmly tbat I nave ovor
known for Ooogbs. Colds and Ortp.
did appeuu. They work woo»pl« wltb WMk
woBdorful BMdl-
■roalffbc by uniiiff tte Ufk
imaraat terfoctlcm. Tte Note
boeb. Sdemlaia ami ocidlffi.
ocrew that It ta Ite teoi motela
llffht for oil dutte fteairad W
that moot deUcote orgna. tte
eye. OwUmi lo troat. we M
compelled to dlecoatlaue tte
mytte of aerrlca pipe OMU
^aiok, electriciar
214 arm SL oibcHnM,92i
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