The Evening Record, February 13, 1903

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The Evening Record, February 13, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





I, •«_
1 Tttldisriisiti^

r: t


rw lAlwtM ItoMhmA kjr Pall M D*tacOM Walk la a Nkaka
C H. PirWajr ot «oaU Uataa itiaat
M nwel*a4 wrr wiIbgmi a»»» »">•
Ik* «Ul hi wklek hi* ««• ha* woa a
la« salt te a clly In Rbod* Ulaad foe
lalsil** (h* lOMind «hU* aalklii*




Tb* *>H ha* bM la llUgaUoa lor


a^arly i*o yaara as4 Ula aad* iht
Ihirti U>a U ha* hMS la roott. Tb.


lary *«• oat Jaat » ailaaua aa4
mNrrad a T*rdk4 agalast the cky.







Mr*. Prlday w*. »«*ni«t tOm teai„
P.a.h« or
hat Aim
•icaraUas aa4«r tba altakialk

P^ 'ti taa*. Tar** V**r* A*..ralkt

ano bar) U* plac« lora ap. Thr work
aol brUc «Aapl*i*d at tha aad of Iba

i-w. m ir-Tfco borlniiluff lif Ibti tHi4 U rt«rbrd In Ibe
bitiR 4lrnwii out li«^nf of ibio natbm*
r^jnl mrlli^ crjimnloaloii.
itai ^timmifukbio n4>Him> ibU nft«tr
tmiPO. mi Ihm win rt<nnlo to br don«
win lio ihr coaimIwUMi to »ln

«TA Utr ihrif >«*am
waK takrn u|i «iib


Croaaad tlia Water in jMU Boat. With
WavM DaoMfiQ Dvor—BtMinaaa

noi urgaulM.

Falffhlld roturnrd jewter.tey

F^lrrhlltl bad a trip that wa» full of
Iniereot. with a da»b of eEcIlement


able to substitute



The vole on the'blll ws* 241 to

Mr. Pound wUl be In the city Sat
urday evening, and if nothing ha* rw
suited from bU search and condiUoot
iion of the county near the fork*.

umriraAWAY *

er trip erf monotony

manoR* Crew Convicted of Mur­



Saturday / for

he wealed


A runaway


Ulaiut of I'aiaml

pdkople were



kllii>l Ibrtnt of ibr mutlr
and rapiunsi ibtri>our of cbmi

HaiF F»rio«

Buenos Ayres Caused Loss of
Nearly $1,000,000 Last Night.

A III;; lot ol aincle (a^ia ol jiams all tinirablc, but dq two |aif
alike. Nearly all »;re» in the luL Wuntedi, Cawimm^
Ub. U an.l I ancxv Regular i»ic« *SOO WO BB.

Boeuoe Ayrea. Fob. 13.-Fire 1a the
navy departmeoi bolldtog dnrteg the






ill. the m*auty of the south Manlm Inland. Mr. Morgan haa 400 acre*


f fine Umber there, with a aaw mill
Miuelan »n Tomak Haa Been on *Earth
- Remembera Peter the

Voikwl.latt \oucb

n.. t<- K noihiog Iwller tor a

Jlsk to Stt thtm

Mitd a.

att Will Recover From Aceh





, The lumlK-rmen occupy the summer
rewort for a boarding bouse, and find


i-very Saturdsy <*venlng. but they

The .-xaei naime of tin- hip rare
iniN-i to he ronduHeit here the drat
'* w\N-k lir Jiit> luiN not >. t lH***n aleierl| intniNl. ami will not Ip- known uiitll the rule for the regular
and gave a dance In the middle of
e week for Mr

Fairchild while he

^ It I- l.-artoHl whetha-r .w not the rity

Mr I'alrrhUd say* ihil there are on
the Island some of the roost Imsutlful

Sitm.- ..f th«- h.irsemen art- very amItw.N f..r the city to ceh-brate. while

On tbi- way back to Glen Arbor the

and facioQ girts '



jeihnd of Former Cuban Oirec*
toi of Reata.

lY, W lrv 4a iSa MUW RocwA.
Washington. Feb. 13-The Senate


to take tjenuiie »u-p» In prt-|iaralh»n
for the big mwi. and the horsemen
will be glad to U-arn a* stum a* iswisl
l.le wbethi-r or hot the city will

The MilUkin 5Ulc of White
I begin* TuceJay* Feby. 17th.


Has Ne Choice in VenemioteA MaUer.
Sayk PromleadMlteur In BReoeb
. Today.
Bl WUt la If CV««IS« BMSerf.
IxMulon. Feb. U.-Promler Batfo«r.
speaking at Uverpool today, ahld the
government bad no choice and had
to take acikm 1a the VcBesnelaa die
pule. The government had ahown no
undue haaie, no greed for moBoy.
no lack of humanity. Tho Unit

|.KK TH.g:5.r.

FRANK M. PAIN^, Florist.

aod "

l^sucnts CAUGHT

wind died down, and the party had td
other* an- n.n st all anxious, a* they row almo*l the entire iMsiance. with committee on relation* with Cuba to­
day appointed
8enait»r* Tell«-r and
bold I list a n-lehralion would
onlv two oar* to prop*-l the 24 foot
Platt, of Connecticut. k».o>n*lder the
or the 1(1^ peoi>le litHl
demand of Major R G. RathUme for
. atui im-veni tbelr altendlng the
an Investigation of bU record ** di


Fluwer Store.

\Vc ate nearly thmugh invoirmg, then comef m general
irvi-iion la pnres liclorc our sale begins NEXT WEEK.
Wau h ktt atinuurYcements Uter.

MtlJ BlUCiei fBlar

at SPECIAL PRICES the htlincc ot this week .




Is now practically ooi of danger


r\ r



Charles Mr. and Mr*' Archie M. Ovtsti. who
In charge of the work In swallowi-d Ktrychnlne tabl.-t* yesterand alrt^y «o orrea of
norning and was **.. n.-ar death,
been cut and 250,000 feet suntved the night and tbt* moi
already at the mill ready
hances for his n-cover> wto Ike cut
Many of the hardwood
good. Three physician* worked
log* are three and four feel thick,
the mile one s gi**l share of

that the couple had

Connection with Fourth of
Celebration, Which?


old -s..n of

It superior to the log shanties that
lumbermen usually occupy In winter.
Ihw-h married IT >ear-*
A w»n
Mr* lisa* run* the boarding house
III iK:’t aenl jh»
Will L.** KiJOOUM In "0*1Ml** Pauline nerst I* known a*
MethiiMdah. VtdkK
Idaii ron.tnm*rememl-'n. t.a%lnic ■The Pride of Ihe Camp - «he weigh* Br wu« i« ta« i>r*«UAa RsssrA
|H,und*.and Mr, Fairchild declares
K»sn» INM.I the (In-ai of Huw»la. wh<»
Icago. Feh. 13-The A me
thsi she Is a* iK-autIful as a Greek
' ndpm-d In ih.- early half of the clshtoday say*:
“At least
gtkldess. Acros* from the camp lives
t«*4*nth reiiiiiTv. and hi- wife iTcthcrtiro* have been caught In the tolls erf
me who ain.-ra-tnl.Nl him
While the
the gigantic tuyf Investment *w
Foster of this city, who has the alorr
The Hat of vlcttms of the ChK
sud ikwtoIBce. bIso three handsome
Quick concern I* growing by addi­
The school teacher, an
tions from even* city. Ixiwse* are esh.-r hsmisome woman, boards there
tlsnated as high as |2S.000.rHM\ The
and with the other women among ih*
IT famllb** that live tw the teland. life
They will fall heaviest on
Race Meet Atone or Race Meet in
anything but dull
A dance Is glvIn



Little Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gel-

hich haa Juai lieen alarted.

iLirt. 1-AUI-.I to him In lTC3 In whlrh

In htated



Good *s any $5 Shoe

t-tti a p.iM.iii in.a bo-pHnl at Ti
1S1I..MIU who tk “IM. ye-ni-. of ape.
Sianu-. tlu pap.r ».«yN. In atubrnflrat- and the loads hauled average from yesterday and last night.
rnles* inflammation of the boweU
«<t |i> hi- itirth i.-rtinratr and other j.mHi to 3.000 feet, one drawn by lit.
ts In. It Is thought that the child
diM-ntm-nix. aniiuii; whlrh U a paa« CJarlanda team acaljng 3.T«hi feet of
lilK^api- tw plv.ii at. Cn
IIU w1f«-a
death n-rtllWar.- U dat.Nl Kk.i and U


StvUxh enough for anyl*odv.

Clarinnd I*
tlttiUT haa
of lop* are

Viiiinn. K.-h

ox-er a tmlr inttomictl

ftxrm ■ la*t. of plcai-ing and

eerr popular shape.


Ihey bad .wum arrow*
Mr. l-'alrrhUd waa much Impreaaed

of S’. tlOMo,

ire in Nevy Departn^eht Building

fore the wind wlille they puihped her fmm the Traverse City Iron Works
The four bAhi were aa wet when

aimnitiil ami a font- of riiniiCaUulbry
wblrli w.-ni to till- rr^cw of Ihe

|Tliil lormcrl) sol.l »t $VJ.<KI itc your* for BIO.OO
WI«r»r»*imHlrW* io,«re»r *ith while colUre-Blat
f.trcn. Tan, llruwn. r.rav. Red ~|U« oiwnctl up a Jot
1K-.I x-IhDB slmt »c everW



thl* niiiriiinj: fnim pneumonia
Ihhorse power Atlaa engine. The I
ws* captain of llo- t'«i> of Macklnar !
Fairrhlld nearly the m- waa Inspected recently at LereHng by
*n.l ... ..IK Ul ilK- mK.1 I*.p,.lar ..f 1
li-nmh Irf the boat. Time after Harold 8. Knenland. secff-tary of the
tlu- IVIP.II i l!«iiU .
they had to let the boat run be­ company. The engine wa» purchased



9. 'SENDA & CO


aiitani. r wen- dtnini; wb.-n they

.\.\1) ANY OF OUK


related wliloh

to the ctUier of Anton F Straub. tl|.- oltbt
eifWiinl uiul larpi'iiitT of ih»* vt-waol
ped liter both cutter and horse, ih.-p
aii.l ihf raptaln, aiiatf. Ibt* carried off the flrwt price fiw fancy ran on over the a«yliim fence and In
No Quorum In Senate.
.•H-otiil l iiKiiioa-i uml mil- of ihito the field, when- U was caught. No
if, t - I*, irumiO.
SpanlunlH; wi-n- rm
Fairchild, with three IwKly wa» hurt, iuu Uuh nc- w.-r»using* Feb 13.-There ^
,k the mall twai for somewhat damaged
when the i
lo iiifii wtM«' Ni-niinctMl
> Manttoii Uland.
It un>k only
this raomteg. moat of (he
lo In- litint;*-.! aiiil i Wi-iii)were
»ur to run aerxia*. hut there wa»
having gone III tti.pria.iniii.-nl for life
ekcttenient In ihU »lnxle hour
wae taken unUl Monday evening
Th. tifiiiii> on iMMiril the limi l|.-r
In iM»me whede yearn, kjr f^lr- Traverse City Canning Co. Have PurnialMN- W4N. ploiirsi iitiili i the Itwtli-r child decUr
chased Boiler and Engina tor
the wwvee were funLake Capta.n Dead.
whip ot a naiivM iMiaihwaln of that
Their Factory.
hitch, and they IooV.mI
Till- ninilii.H-rA Vr"l«HMM| to hlich. r than that to him. One of the
The Traverse
City Vanning
inilt. Fi-b
i:t—Capt H»-nr> J
Nieal fi:.«MMHi ahii-b til.) eiip|NiM-<l Co blaaeMt romlKTA daahed clear over the have completed the purchase of a 125
r.Tt; Flltci ntn-yttrcct died I
Im- on iNiar.l
Horan pitwer martne boiler and

«iCarlo I
Till- Mrwar.l and Ihr
in-nii-i of till- eliip «i-rt- mnrili-rial


t«*nm utariiil on Cuu.n

from Kmplro.



It \<>u .lon't liLe oui kvmxIs |>icaie retura them anit
get yuur money hack.

looalitv was » wildoroeea

and earrleil out hy H I*. Neaaca. and
which wa* a ereai .urrewii.


Union made
r Shoes for men

little hooker
Tlie foUowteg

ring la. k vlviaiy to the older redsot* thr scenee of the dare when this

aireei ihU aftermwin that made thiUKS
tinea for Mr Moraan
BatunUy ev*^move ftw a lime
In^ he actended the Ida Maccabne
maaduerade hall, mhirh wa« planned


•••Off Book $fofi


laisa party %IU be organUed by Shertf<haD4teP. and the search will proU
Bhly be conducted under the dlrectluo
of CiNirge Payn early next week,

U te elated also that Mra. S. O.
Doopree owee bar life to the hrayery

Straub's Cutter.
the Asylum Fence.


h win he made of the enUre sec-

of Mr. Dame, who ramed her from
drowning in the l«y. a good :maay
ywiri ago
Other incldeiif* are

Our tk^tas$*rtmmt mm
See Iht Btuutkt Im mr West WiuSm

nothing baa been found In the way
of further trace# of the lost man

year the first wheat wae grown te thte

Farmer'* Rig Crashed

that would hare relieved a murl, lons-

Thirty Onr Memt>«r« of the Dot Her-

ai I'ori Virai
tliiil iiiiiiitt-riHi


trip to Oteen Hay In a

rector of pools In Cuba.


Memham of N. V* Yacht aub.
Hr Wir* I* Ik* Bvwilae fiMiato.

New York, Feb. 12.-&nperor Will
Aam and his hrothdr« Prince H^ of
Pramte. have I
of the New Tofh Tnehl Club.

Ftenk Mly.FlmillllternBdWU.

NEW HATS! In-^Jlll


r . J .,.






fhh matter in hand now. but thus far

t^lecooein by Mr. Dame, who amde i


field anti trust bill for the Klkln* bill.

Ihf I1I.-M ^lloul4l Im» nittNllT ■



ih»* pa*a-

roll against the rule In ihe hoi*e of

iini a xiali to Boutb ManUou Uland
the Intcrcala erf U. J Muriian. Mr

Thlriy tiiu*


endeavored ti> lead a republican rt-

Trip for S. 4. Morpan.

lH.Hiko.1 iiiNui
till- ipM-Nifi.n ah III vtlifili.T ihi-y or




Maine and Powers trf'Mas*arhu<uetu

|i Wilt. iMi a tini Ailoii Ilf wacfii. II wan
iwi-auNH ibf)
a ipioaUon of



powerless to


lo laii< aan tiuf III the hllnd. auu>
*iiailt‘ kUiplil uplrli of ihe (>pt*ra«om


Philip Mlihals. wIm> Utm at QtpaL
ai bajoBd Maaioa OMter» waal
nay teat avsBiagaafi ItvasaU
rohOMnoonld do In briag him le
tlteoitytrUr X>. U. OlmndUr aaat Philip
iraad Oharlaa JoBhaoh to Oowt
•rwmiMM for the mao.
rhi him haia after a tasml laatteg
aaarty all Mm may lo the oityaod
mfely lodiadhimioiaiL ThSa ■
teg ho waa olmaat mrlog aod ooUiiof
aoald be dooo with btea
ilteheUwas broaght baCaro Jhdgo
of Prabote Loraaaar today aad adjodged temme. Ho was immodlatoly
taken to tho arylaaa.



. iMfol. lit'Kun )fiilfrda>
In J^ih“ lliial pita fur ihr nilr
iMiniV Naiil ' 'Thti »irtk«* fru«n

der in

tba UttlaflaM Bin Wat Uiv

•o Dfltoafa RagyM te Taka Cpr*
•f a Man Who WaiM liteaga


wiili ihi* jrrt«i maM of UMiilJBony anil
rtMMlor iu ‘ dfclkluo. wbli b will intn m.i.Hl.l

a VoM at tba End of That


Battle Creek Capiteliet Dead
day Ihr worliaMB »r«rad ap thr
wu. la lb,
>lp( and prdaatrtaa. »alk.d o«r tir wo* I* tte »cv*wiw«
Feb. 13.—At 2 35 thi*
Battle Creek.Keb 13—N A Phil
Mta. rrtday t* a haary am**aa
bouse pasMNl the Blk
treasurer of the Pilgrim magsE.
and la the fall aaatalaad aerrra In.dteeL te dead In Cincinnati. He ws* a
It U ripacud Ikni ah* adll
Brought First Wheat Here.
Battle Creek capitalist. .
to Ibte cliy to loia h*r htwhand on rulea reported an arbitrary rule
Many TiaTOteo City poopla laa
the openlnit of
a. aooo a. Ih* ca*« taa h* elo**d ap. directly after
bouse, permuting only one hour * dt- her nmnj loeldaate of tetetate ia the
bate in commlllee »rf the whole, and life of B. P. Dame, who
allowing no amendment or Inlenen In Nortliport Wodneoday eroBtag. U
te elated tlial the firot wheat -broaght
into thte region woe bronght fraa

fortho Mkm


sircfiTEio^-WM ‘;







Cor. FMnt and Union

jTHE »
who wishes to make his limited
means fo farthest, should endeav­
or to secure an Overcoat or Suit
now at our sale—exceptional BarKains in Single Suits or Overcoats
large enough assortment so that
we^ are sure to have something
good to fit you

$20.00 (or $12.00
$IT.OO for $11.00
- $13.00 for $T.OO
$10.00 for $0.00
This is the way many of our Coats
and Suits are going—March 1st
■will see us pretty well sold on
these goods-don't delay.


f; J




“‘—” >jwrsi?

6t4iim w w it

nnd n loner he hnd dropped owl of
l^te oweramt pocheC nnd. nnd to eny.

You can tore at lenet from 10
YouwiM 1000 ueed one—wlq^
T-A gave the percentage?
We have our full firing ime
4:1 didercnt tty\c% ami destgns
in Baby Carruges, Slec|m ami
, —itb hrirt cr»-« b

hnn hndidof hnr.nnywny.wbicb


honk nwny" bot nke ooold not
nnn H tbnt wny. He did not want to
hmt her rnellagn by telling her that
hn «d not like bar M well aa be
might, and ibem waa mnlly no other
girl tbnt he wasted to nbrow her
down** tor. ao what obold the poor boy
Bat he hnd a alater. who llred U
the little town from which be had


».s VM

> a MciaJ danr«- and *up^
ay evening ai Pal NkedI on the West Side ilotvl
li for supper and dance.
75 eeula per couple


girt (o drink.
When be got that UHicr, be ai
tbnt the coontry waa saved again He
Into bU overcoat pocket,
nnd neddeoUy dropped H In tbe ball
ae be toft tbe girl that night
found It. of courae. and aaw U
addreaeed to him In a fen
He nev-r aaked her if .be bad read
It, for that would not have been
But tbe next Prlday cvrolnA when be
caUed. abe handed It to him. with the
remark that .be found It lb the ball.


nature for Tomorrow
Firwt M. C. Church.
Tbe wr«.k*» revival at tbe I'ir.t
Meihodl.t church will be brtmgbl lu
**e with the beautiful magic lantora
rvice tomorrow night, beginning at
T 15 Mr Hlodle will aing “The Holy
City" and “The Bird with the Broken
Wing- and tbe quartette »III sing
Old Oaken Bucket “ Tbe ad
on I* by ticket, which may be
-lihoHi CO.C at the church lo
night nr at Mr Jackaon*. Ice Cream
Parlor. Tonight Is Conrerf. night
rl.m from |H,IItlcrvjce of special lnB:reet 1.
snilclpated Mr Laufman*. topic i
Ibl* baa not b«^i
• Not a Patch but the Whole Cloih.
aaa formerly, wbrn Mr Hanna aaa
cartcaiurad m the pubi
r all that «a* ob>HrtU»D
arhat tba rwnlt wUl be
atattrr of ruojoctorr. bi
•MUH of lh«< rommlaniu
ran. ib.-y havr devotoU to obti
artuaJ fart*. Inad* lo th,. boUrf that
ll.rlr coorlttMluo. .Ill .b, Ju.t Th.
' drrihUin with
Irraal a* fnfur..

aereribele**. ami only
tbe Ohio I^a«uo ^ Republican..
lU annual meetlas in Columbua. took
•tnph^Uc action demanding «f
Kople of OhU. the return if Marr Say Shore FrcnU0. SoinQ Rapidly
Hanna to tn# United State* ae
And It U erldMit that the aenti
Keeort property on tbe peninanla I.
etprenaed by the h««ue la lefl.
oeiTlng an impeln. Umt wUl
Ikrouihout Ibr auie
pot u among tbe front tank of reearta
Ui Uila part of the pIntA 8e


TIh. Nofttoni Mlrhls.. ^^,altr, and
Pel Stork Aaiiorlatlon completed a
pwmantit omanitatlon yeatarday af
larnoon. adopted a cocaUttmoo which
U almu.1 identicaJ wUh (bat of the
Aiuerlcaa aaaoclatiun and elected the
roiiowing uficen:
It L. Aabton; VlowPreal
•lent, D M.
Treamuw. M. M HungmKx.y.utlve Committee. Prealdeat.
VirwPrealdeet and Secretary of the
aaaoelatlon. and D C. Erana. J. M

Knight. W B. Nelaon. C.J. toUb, C
H Vanderburr W j Bbner and Pred

----SwreraJ ball, -ere menUoned at
the meHtng that the .pedal commitlee .aid Ccmld be wcuped when the
eaan date wma aotUed. E. R. MoOoy
read a letter from the American Poul
try Journal, wblcb agreed to .end
Judge rrank Heck of Chicago to
Ike blfda. free of eoiL
It waa decided to bold tbe charter
memberdUp lt*t open for JO day. for
all who wlab to .Ign and become
MUiem Tbe membemblp fee wa.
««4e ILM per year. A large Wber
■igned tbe Uat at tbe meetlngTnd a
number who coold not be preeent at
Hm meeting aent word that they
•oeW iota tbe naeociatlon
Tke aeit meeting U called for tYt
day. Pebmary 80. to be held la tbr
rwinHl room The eanct date for the
•bow haa not been aettled iipon.

and killed, bnt not until he hnd M
many ahoto m the bntgtoie and
woundad one or more of them. «e to
dtontod by n ttnU of blood Ih^

ilble quantity of water enn
I Into tbe greeteat prupcit eteam wbk-h Can be proextreeoely powerful rapor
dKyetly «u the
fL A. Pinkerton, who to IM
lof thci
la coneumed. but the
never In the ImI 40 yt
water, tret transformed lute vapor,
Pinkertona esoosslerad n enn to condenaae afteeh. reveriB to lu original
which brneefy eONunt ea Ihto boyS enadltton nnd la then more eaalty
had been exhibited.
treneformed late oleem.4«ec.u«r It reXf the plana of Helen Oonld 1
aie ia an
t af every 1
rtoltoA they mayiolee the eertomi
: Wllb oiie qu*rt of
problem Mtoe Oonld bee nl her i
poCioleum per O.SS mile the .teuui |HiW
wy hosto nl **Klmlde.** to Rost
er requMte foe propelJIng the «wrr1age
Delnwnre county, a samhm of
With lie forty peeacuger. and
■be hne takoo from the alameof]
pounds of baggage at a luluimuui
York.ano oa whom ohe to oxpartoi
tocvd of Blxfy-iw® mile. .11 hour, aod
isr The ladaaie to ohnige of 1
thaL too. wtthout Interruptlou. ooUe
er jerk. At dach aatononH»bUe u.« It*
Jeggera. nod are andergdlM • t
ewa apparatm the rorriage* of l^»u^K•
ongh eonrae in hoeeekeeptog.
might ge alagty a. easily *e -Leu
are laaght to bnlld Srea, awaapfoi
make bade. 000k and part<waa nU the coupled together. The -right of the
dntiee of a wail-regntoted ao
girl. They are atoo inaght wood
tng. baakat work nod aewlag.
of the Uda bavaj already beosma ex­
pert eeewiatreaeee. while ethma aao
000k tneala equal to mmiy of the

The Northeaatern railway uf Cuglaud
At Alboqaerqoe. M. M,. OoL J. L, ■ buUdtog at Ita Tort work* two
Morria, ooe of the moot famone of an to ran on Its railway, each of
weelem aoonU and Indian flghtor^ to
I motive (kower
dead, after a long Ulncua la Vm
Morria with is men. killad 4
potral engine of elgb^ fire brake I
Jnaneka nod 800 Apnohe wnrriori
power, with four cyliiM^r. Thl* eu
gloe wni drive a dynamo, geueratlng
Morria wne woonded ia tha neak. oad elechtrtty far two motor*, which
apply the pewer to the wheel, of
of hia man killad, aad 10 ware wi
“bogies nnderaeeth the euglue
ed. The lender, after being
pnitaeenL Two of these four wto
aiUed Juaneka with hie toil baileL -boglee.” of pnctScally tbe iK.rmal
Oongteae awarded Morrto a meddi ter way mrHage type, wiu rarry
■ry. OoL Morrto earred with
ffamewerk of but tbe body
ne regiment dnrtag IheolTti war. will he much tighter than that of
He wiU be barted Thmraday with mil­ ardtoaiy carriage, appraechlng do.
to the tram typa.
iary hooom


tbe moiu be open on Bundny. nnd It
will oloee erery eriwlng at S o'oloek.

tJk. Ik. W, J. tt.

ar of the day
will he given n
■ ;
The Earn 8
South Side
ail the tootle after Morton'ee^
Urtog expeneee are paid, and nU will Lniiaa' Mntoractobt had .
getfrooertoeontof the etere nt cool.
ThepDorareteUehnrgud the netonl to. John OtL to which the South
sAnndthoee nanbto to tot chib made toe highest acore. Aa
ruauR ton Mm( Bide ladles will be
toy are to be glvuh bread nnd mofroe. Morton isiiito togtou »Ugad to fanaoueC them In the nf«r

away iOO lonvee of biund to the peer
enebdny VofMhnd
or Unitor will be eold
The naUoo t pride-Yato Oetea. B.

eyualgbt by aalng tbe light
neareat perfectiou. The Welehaah. Scieniiaia and oculiata
agree that It 1. ihe best modern
light for all duUe. required of
that must delicate organ, tbe
Owing lo fro«l. we are
compelUHl lu dlsconanue the
laying of *.*r>lre pu.e until
apring With -l*dom U.rn of
experience, many of our painm*
having gas range service have
piped and flued with the Wel»bach burner, and are now con­
gratulating tbemaelve* therefor.
There are aUl! numerous house,
having service, laid and not
piped IX, this now and oMaia a
light worth
Wetti>ach hurnt-r
from MU
to 75 caadl,-po-,.r costing leu
per hour l.e. II* know
,«»«r n.^U-. -e -It! ^.H.n figure

J. W. SLATER w Pr»cUM! Hp«y.Fuf.^hef

JOHNR.SANTOi o. p. carvir t bro.


•at Yam' Piano Tweed.

Mr. r. a liutoi to to the city





« ita






riN'g *v»u> WOUK i

nxiurt-s. Lighting and Healing
Appllauc*-H ..f »-vrr> vfyi*. aod
de»«-rlpilon at actual co.L

ator carried,
■fled, la trtvUI
from P^ri* lu

Mra. Miriam OorbeU eold bar
nj, 441x114 leel. to Ohnrl
I — «Kb eu for tfty-two pMru
of yellow epeotocl I for aoUl«re.nnd
Abbott of this oitj.
Tbi. pieoe of property to loomed olalme Umt expet sene to tbe army
)um north of Edgewood nnd to a eery bnT« proTod that 1 elr nae by gvmem
deelmble pinne for enrnmer tweor
» aeonfntely by thirty par
AU ilie Inud along both ehoree o
a get W ^ te toany aacooda.
wbeo they nee the naked ey^ eebay. to being taken op eery inptdly for reeort pnrpoeee nnd it will be
only a mnttar of a abort time before •
lie leoatinn will be hard lo find.
I to Part.
N. V.. an.
Aa it to. property oa both the weal
md theeael armorthetaayhae
.two gtrto, 14 aad 14 yunraold
kmteCh will enter tbe
noto. Tbe 1P5
doebtod and aran trlptod lo ealne in
airely. and a boy » yenra oU.
,^hhd Dlion will thus
he found llTlM with their
dtotonfi In three hour, and
. RIohard MimifUn. to a pern
IM. er at a normal speed of
toewtoe towrmmur. Ap
Ewo milm pm hour, and tbe
fnmUy oaamd Blamhnnd. lived in the
may to malntolned between IMb wae divided by roRgh Jun naA lyuM^ XyMs and Maraalilm,
I In her werk.
ao little time boarda forming a partition bet
MaiuMlJto and Klee and Calais and
en>thins but her work she d»*e. not tbe two famiUee. Two tiny a
Uy. ao that tbe
Ike the a«iualnuncr of marrUr'aMl. ooe to enoh aide of
‘ men. Tbe very nature of her em­
le. and for lhair «iy
ployment ex-lodr. men from her aocto feel the famUlee hare had atltoa.|
ered to tbe wood, from day to tey.
ctoas of women are more dwerv- _
good bosbanda than are tbr women The tyn my that owing to took of
t. ill health and the eosl temtoe
OuvlA agnd (wknty-ave yeara. aaya a
tou (ludj apedal to tbe Chicago
fausbanda. and. being ao withdrawn
a widower
tbe daily llvra of men. bust
•Rite tote dttteun. He did not wlab
-t uouaPT hnnt them because they
to rnnmy n WMnn who -anu*] him
do not uenally know of them.-1-outo
rule Ooorler^eumaL
toM 4C gtod trantmont he urnte a coo> who bonghi iha 1
M wtto tot yonng woman tettiiig
X-mayr t.c«^.
Tbe medical JoutuaU have lately
atktototeuto. but it to racaive $s.ouo
printed reporta of a number of caaea
ahowtng that the X ray ia capabla of
produrtng r-markahle results in tba
nent of cancer. The relief of
pain la one of the moat promlnmit feaiof tbo treat mem. Reatiictlre
ebangea are noticed in all primary can-

Lewla Morrt.oa« -Panaf with the
r. Tbe greateat re*olt 1.
benntimi gnrten. Brocken, and apo
I tn treeting poat-operailTec
Umnala neenne newly painted by tarnvent ihRir recorrrocea-C
ewa nrtlda, a newly written prologue
nnd n wenitb of gorfeona eiedricn]
efccta nnd coetamee ia one oC tbe
The old aaw about a woman nercr
ikentrlen] nUmetiona for the nmr fu
being able to bit anything U evidently
(lire nt Bidabenra Orand
in need of Iwlag .Bled,
bow ean we account for tbe 125
Id tbroogb Bangor tbU
Wn the nnilemtgned. do dpraby
Mibd to tnCvid tto moddy on n kfr nbeiit S.000 deer tn ell ahipped tbrongb
Chet city, nnd In proportton to tbeir
Dsmbera tbe woidkit buntera probnbly
brought out mere game than the men.
Tbe fair eex eeeme to (tod tt euatar tn
aim the rise than to thn>w a atone.


S5 75

Bhn dropped him a hint m

Tbe next toner tbnt
wrote him. etmage to any. wne not. na
neoal. to ‘‘lly Dear Brotber** b
“My Darting Jimmie.” And It
not from “Tour torlng alater Mi
er bot from •Tbar own MnrglCL** And
waa there nnyiblng In tbnt totter to
make another girt
There waa enough t<
girt etmay. Tender eentlmeot and rw
Lblnga eootnlned In hla
were enough to drire

Tbr AMkrmctio «oal mrlka comm
■k« vlll coociude thn baarlnc of
tlmoA, today a«d Um>, via duw ti
up (Im^ rariooi phaam of tba cam*

lit (.•>•! I<ijk< .

It >.iu I^cslrc to install
Icin o| Klctliua! I.ii
lie'll^ Bur^lat Alarms o

supplies an<l ran <piote aalisfacnwv- iirWurt f.w high gnule
work an.! maiirrial ::::::


How Much
It is to do the work of the kitchen, which means a
good share of each day’s time if you only have the
proper furniture. It don’t cost much more to get
the best the most convenient--and your work-can
be done in half the lime, and with so much more
Kl'toKion Gaitoirso-ts
Nothing was ever made that so helps the housewife
as a good Kitchen Cabinet. There are so many
things needed in the baking, and they should be
right at hand. It is surprising how many steps can
be saved when your baking materials are within
reach. Prices are from $6.00 to $9.75.
KILcHon CabinA-t Toias

Most tiandy to “put things in.” Should always be
bought with the base. Then you have “the Perfect
whole". Toese sell from $2.90 to $4.60.
KiVoHan Ouip>b»oarcJs

A place for every pan and spider and kettles and all
the other baking things. An hour a day is sometimes
saved when you know where things are. Sells for
Kl^oKart CKairs

Six of these good, wood seat, three spindle back
chairs will cost you only $2.75.
KraoHan Tables

Good big wide drawer and wide top cost you $ 1.75.
Saioa Cabirtat:

Always know where your spices are--so handy to
get at--eight deep drawers. Sells for 75c.
lYladielna OabinaX

Always keep a good supply of the simpler remedies
in the house, where you can put your hand on them
at a moment’s notice. Has three open shelves, two
^shelves with lock and key. a fine mirror in front and
'atowel roller underneath, made of polished oak.
and very ornamental.



‘ "

.:.■]:■ ■ kW^':V'

«Buckwl)eat Flour



|m». TW UtMT vm ttewn tIoI
mil twlMtat hiBwmkU
•o IM «»14 M Ulp hlMulf. rrlMi*
jvlM hmM thm iMk»i &numd
mu fro. tb« MaU jut U

f<0Bdeit3€d Dews

f Will ivialte

You Strong

New York
OMwt couoerr of Fmukfort. awl Uii
Ob>rt.nJre point 1. Cbku«. wb«.fe. 11
all icoe. welL be porpoae. |..'e«ubU.I
a tenw meat factory. Hr lucid:
« -Wa aball aurt, of counw. ouly In a
•mail way at Am aa ao erperluieiit
i>ut Ml atoouot of Money will be »iiamd
to make a aubauotlal .utt^ of tte
bualaem Your

• We wmjevery
person in this town to tn- VINOL «'n oiir j^inrantpc to refund llicirinonev
{f .t doc^^t^
This bold offer would b.v.1; u. if VlfiOL u„s n.., all .vc . Ia'mjn ,
be. ToutaWno chances.


GiMd iUiiidt claim* m kam
I lima aay alter city of tm
thM tim mm t» fhm •Im la Ite aoaai
wm gnm M tm Urn a#dla«mlala«i
•am.. te« daeiM to «jaU. aad tte
moarj vMdi waa oolUetad arUI te aa lammaaBl artfi00.00u.

r^tataad la tte «ateotitm Troabla
Bmmmm tte Ifaaiok poalmaacar ad.
telwmo Ite eomimoj aad Ite aoaaell Tavtiaod toaall.lbraa aiampa for a

.for praetlrally aothla*. wa* Ite m
of Ite ataaodoBamol of Ite projaot
.VmmlowaaraoD tte .oath «od of
Lak« Mlolildaa am lookioff forward lo
•a aarir opnalair of DUTlRatloa. Oon
dItloiM liar* aai bm<« so farocable la
«aoy yrnra for u oarlj teffialaac of
ttdaa ara ooiaparatlvrly llffbl aad tte
ahomllaaaamrUar la fonaar
'f«5a till, al.ora lia. tern aklrtod for
moatti. wilh gtml lot floda. aaiaad.
iof M^rrral mlla. aai. bat witb Ite
oioaptlqoaof iat^ali la Jaaaary a
Mroald terr approaohad aad on.
larwl tbl. l.arl>or wltteat ouooaamr.
loir otialraollooa. loa !•; raportad oat
alt tte harlm oa tte aoatb half of
pk» laka. Flabioff tail, at
am fatlloir raady lo a«l aola. aad tiila
ite aarlleat Babloy aaaaoa
It la foponadta omrtoa
U*a aavt«atlon aaowm will

Tba Idea la to mot tte groanda lo
rariona orffanlmtloaa at dlffamnt
timaa of tte yaar. ao ibat each of tte
latter will not ueed groooda of ila
own. >
Tte Unaing Joama! myrrate that
tte lagialatam 4mm a Uw ptorlding
tte oEamloalloo and lloeaalng of
oooka Ttero I. a oommimioo now for
Ite rkaminatloo of boraaaboam. my.
tte Joantel. *'aod aa banian III. I.
•adanffrred by tmor cooking, it I. far

oviw it
onrftea of aoapy aad paoty aa
wliloh I. proof agaiaat oorvo
wbomaa. ia tte oaao of atoel. poHl.
olaabr aaadaad matter oarrted with
great valool^ from Ite ktegamrivm
eola into aad dMtreya tte ateat In aa
tacmdlbly aliort apaoa of tima.
Trovama Clty*a Uiclu
Trariw C'Uy U uoe town In Micbb
Kan that i. In luck. U baa two cllb
MU. Ml public aplriled tbat a law
•ult U neeeaaanr to dotrrmino which
ahall have the privilege of doitating
n .11H for the public library which
Andriw Carnegie will buUd. Mr.
lUnnah offer, one elte tbrougb tbe
coranwm council and Mr. HuU offer*
another through the board of Ubrary
iru.leea. Both aUca are very dealr
able, both donor, nre maloua in ttie
10 whoiher tbe council or the board I.
the proper l««ly to accept tbe gift. It
U not often that rlvalr) arlae. over
thertdore TmVeiwe City 1. to be con
gmtulaled not only upon haring two
public .pirited cMum%. but alao unon
being able to fuml.h so unique a
.ptMMacie--Omnd Kapid. Ilemid.

oa a far ooat Ha wut Into a atall
runaral of C. F. Dam*
to cam for hla boraa. trblob la ordlThe funeral of BWblua F. Dacnc
aarlly ganUaaad very food of Ite niaa- of Konhpori will occur Sunday aflerter. tel tlie coat foraoma rmmoa In. noon at 1 o'etock fitu tbe Oongrofarlated it and It mahM)
eatlonal church of tbat pUrc.
E J. Dame of Chicago arrived last
evening lo attend Ibe tuneml ud
every effort U bring |nade lo rearb
Jobawm^of Bearer
liOand but
1. feared tbat tbla will
pomlble. A tug ha. bm eharfrom Pirmnkfort. however.

ipirilillMilii LmiIMi

State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lncaa
kVank J .<lieaey makea oath tbat
he I. senior partner of tte firm of F.

LAR8 for oscTnad evary caae of
Catarrb that raaaot te carad by tte
Bwnrn to brioce am aad aobacrlted la
tbla itb day of De­
ll. IflM.
Hall * Catank Caro^to^Ste^lataraally. aad acu dlmoQy oa tte blood

nmmh-rnm€ ttrmmgtM,


’ t——

1 here is no one medicine that will cure cvcr)'lhinfr. Uut there are some \vc know to be honest
reliable, and oj.great curative value. Such Is VINOL. We are familiar witheverj’ particleof
It, and iruou/ that it should be a blessing to all jicrsons who have tnnibles al)ove described • and
unlike other roedicine it will cost absolutely noiliing if it pRMluces no Ixmcfit.

tte |wor bare

at flmt <ll«tribut*Hl It fn>**|y .iixm]; tlie
nini .'umiiry
U %rty tewlHf. aud
tbe rirb .n- «!».» fa«t U-.«..«uliig very
partial to It.
With 11m* i x.-fiitoMi of
iK^tpl.-. the I'urUiaiH
I ha. Ihvi. ral. ulflted


Ol*’ ViXOW

lu TarU e»rry day ainl tbnmgbquantidm of Ite ineat arv «U. «M.t to i
China aMifJapan. In China ea|Hs,.l«||y

the meat I. betrimlnc very |K,pul«r. | »•»

lb. « Uln«. Wine

a bid for^.000,000 fact
bar. to te dallvomd at Baflb.
lo. N. y.. oan Jaly. Tbe offar baa
boaa aooapted. aad tte deal probably
via te oloaed witbln a few teya.
Tte mdwood la to ba
■teal fora gmat tannal lo te eoa*
itteolod thU amamar. Tte maam
giroff for tte pteftmaoa of tte OaU



mylaff ao . '
Tte amployaa of tte Oraad Rapid*
A ladlaaa lailrtmd am a aam lot af
maa. Tte raoelaatloa oar tea jaal
amda a trip omr tte road aad ao oae
Jaaaa tewyu. of Naahrilla. a boy
of aiffbt yaara. walffte ltd poanda. |
Thom am 8W.OOO
aalaam wiUi Iteatato baaka of Micb
pa. aoanrdiBff la mporla aiada lo tte
ate teaklaff dapartamat. Tbla '
bm la 97.000 amta Itea tte aambar af

.1 . h.i,pli« I

lb. ni«U*plnjoM«.ry TImoaaod. of pPunteof bonw meat an-alao
purcteaed by tbe C.eriiuin »:.»»erumeut
for tbe army niMl navy. The-eiu|M it>r
blmaeif long airo cqienly da-, tuntl blnp j
aalf In faVor of ten- ine«t.
lie teteref tbat tte M>klitT» eA|H-4aIly abouhl!
make ttemarlvea a.n uun.tued to eaUug
it while lu barrarkK. mi that tiny will
have no prejudl.-e agaluat 1) if they
•bould lo Huie of vVar tlud theui»elTea
In a poaltlou where it would te found
meat, fn^b or pnwrn«l. I. . little
•alter and darker In color than tbe bullock meat but tbe mltiM-«« u m> allgbt
tbat one baa to tiiw mil In eaUiig
It There la. too. very little fat In

Uootff. Ooon. UrlBff jam ci
teffioaw oicy llmlla. ted a narm
capafromaaoppoaod imM4 dog Ha
teard a aalaa In hU yatfl la tte nlgbt
aad foaod tte aar attaebUff hUtefa
Wtea te Vfot to Ilia raaoaa tte aai*
‘ 4araod apte him aad waa only
Mtad ft«a bltlBff bim by hlaowa
lac at a baaqaat teld by
Pony bofi warn bitlaa by

poople. aad that
oteofotba aama of Biff aad Ldlila
Clam lakaa.
A aMmuaeot la oo foot to oaotrallta
l!»a lowaalilp acboolaof Jaokaoo oooatr. UadarlteaewaFaloailtepaplU
vte bar* bau attaadlat aoraxml
aoteola will te maamd at oao balldiaf
mlaotod for tte parpbaa. Aoeordlaf
to tte plaa wmgM will te faratabad
wbloh aro toffo aboat tte dialrlola
ploklaffap il.a
teff Item lo tte aobool. Tte mattar
la balat fftaally aglUlcd In tbia ooaa.
ly.wad aofar tea mot witli favor.
Tte qaoatlon la In br daoidod by bal*
lot by tte paople of Iba dl^rlola aa a
now taw meaatly ooaotad makaa tbe
obaaffa optional.
It U prapoaod lo apand aboat 010.000
oe a park at Banit Hta. Marla, wblob
will ooalala moo Iraok. bam bait diaamadr balldinff. for tte

la Uormauy Imme
inrrhimed In nearly
r. .b..|. If tl.e l.lj
oreiy Uiffe
citle. tbrouybnut ibe
U'*- I*"«r
bebiff tbe ibUf inmiuiUMn. of H, Ucauae It U very modi dii uiwr ttiau bul­
lock bear and equally •IreiiKtlHMiliii;.
coat, only 7 twnu. Tlial 1.
ttiort telf tbe prbw. li:.t would .be
rbarfrd for a buUoi k ^ir

About five. I ahould aay. out of rrory doseu bone. .laoghtt-nHl at our
factory ora niada Into, sauasce. The
Muaagaa are highly flavon-d. and It
would teka an exp«t lo tell tbe dlffarbetwaen item and tte beat pork
tgca. Tbe aatuagea for eiportation am cooked flrat and then packed in
conUlnlug a pn-w-rvlng oil,
year wa mcelved au order for 20.000
I, each caae iwrrying tweaty foor
Una. from an Auwrli-au flmi-no. I
wlU not mendOD tte imme. Tbe firm.
I wUI aay. however, la oi»e of tte larml meat packer* lu thi. coontiy.
**Tte temea killed for this meat are
ipeclally fattened on tiun. b
a animal above tbe age of right yeata
or raffering from diaeaM- u uwd. We
buy moat of our boiwei. from tbe farm.
Ing dlstricU tbrougbout Germany at
$2.90 a bead. A gn-at many of them
sre pomea. and.qulte a large number
of Indian poolea or rayuMw are Import­
ed from the rangee In Waablogton and
Orogoo In tbla country at $2.90 a bead,
but tte froigblekpenM?* bring them up'
to about tte aame price as the ouc we
buy at teme. We prefer theM- range i
tenea becauae tbalr flesh U more com-!
pact and baa tba flavor of tbe prairie,
“Not a Slagle portion of the animal
iaioat Only tbe bams aud tbe teiKler
lolna, which am rcgaided aa tbe best
meat, are corned, except wbat 1. tote



......................■ 1 ■ n-. ..i ii- n
' w- U.;,i,. i,i. s. j . «
CniLClu... thtn.- i, yej.r^ „|,I »on
!• vii.i. h ii,.- n»;»n.t»:»-r of t
a,„. ;r..
„r .\
.n.l rf..:

ur^.ruV.!'. u'lr'wtlia'i®^^ CHURCH EXPERIMENT.
aiMl illmv

■ I'i. keriiiir I.I1K l-HM. at work
I a I..-W ;.HnN ..f th- fuiHtn
i-resl tn the t-turNc «.f hi.i n‘mi ti.. N.T^iuiii |ia« In—u tak-

r.*...*i.tly ill
\«*d veiy'
.rei.riheaimn.|.-..f the cm.
vlng Jin.
dl?MM.ver.Nt tlu.l the latP
tiH. Itev.
the Cluck
I lonirUiriliJttI
w.-n. thiM iH«.r 4f.i.ple would ouiie tu
rill wl.:,V
I I.ep.-it th.-i beljrbt
. iiiiv. li if tln lr ie*l::!.U.n< I'.uild mil mw
‘ I....... ..
pa-v tte iioii.-.
Urr..r.. . h. W »U.llrt...- I„ II,r „sri.
... ............. ..
*• imUi ?.i.n»d


.CtiM- N.W



I ago .11 eliunflive in-atw- oil "lDej„,-.| I u.%. . I HI* fi.ti.l tM-n*. elM
Muuiili.iiiu «ud Cntler-. .,f ite,.**
lo. l, ih..
t reioruM.
In tid. uork the iHtItikle nn.t huiciinde ’
I li:.Vf iiu ttu.Milion oi
of earii luuiiiitalli and .-mter wen? rare
fully worked oill. nnd «ll..-e flmt Ihco •


d. Ill P-nuii: tte



Ite r., train:
tli tte

•’••h-t-* at
vi.Mi, .,f rvtnp:t
^.rii the wu. .I.Miiob
few .lava ac
CO lei^ hr

Kavlnc to ..Uv
teaHiic the fraine. apart. of the Hint.
I .hmw I1.IIII.H, i.reak out. I crntrifUKul I* ih- .Ml,
n* wa-. only ..u.- l«•l••pteoe •ugar n llnei
epr.-M- Tl-pr.
near tiun e m onr bouae, M.u.e old tmi
teinpt.Hl ill .Mg,.ria *om.* ?
llH- pboi
111 tl..- g .Il.-,y I
- tiiii.dight I
It *’>■
Hr Shaw !* i!m. ilr,i lo make
chine itii.1 ihr.
pra. ihMil kuo*-.
li.M.I.junrter-t. 1
***’*" ''****•
dd tte uitin wba
eiru. I. up imhI ih.- .>rg;.ii .'hiim*l In.
lae. For
iu«t te an awful
^I bad
The hyi„„-. th.:^i lun..*, Ih.. M»gi,iii.-«t.
i-iter pnd
the Note- IHiii.IU,. th.- |e:»y- r, ,ti..I rci-ould gel
Um-ii I t-ulhil up Ore Will
*1*.,.,.. «,.rr ell ihr.;,,,. iiihu, the
Id told the |KH,nle
•a that there Inhuruh,* the l.on.h.t, \|
The .s.„-_re;|,. i„..f..r,d of ,K,ring
.Utvr t
over l.M.f'v pni.‘. .1 f.H.L,. M.-*f Ninilght
expn*,, engine ..f tt,e t>tup MI -I . ir-.J* .1
Ie-,1 ,iol.»r.*t pleAihinti. ,-ity Iher, •

all the ,te ton. in We.t
field. They enmeall rlKht **
Tlie tey. wiin U lH*iglll mid good Wxik
|,v„ Iu«ide n* well al
Ing. M'.-nii-.l un.'ona.inua of the value ‘Ing.wfteeU
two n,u,|.|e .Mill,den.
Tf.ey «re rvof hia B.-1i..n.
qnlrwl to .OIH. w-ltii the In.-rt-arios
welgbl and *,HWd of tbe North t:*.ierB
---------------«•*» ►
. tlmvt, Baakee..
Chl.-i < 1. ri. IlilH of the trenNury 6
••"‘irrlaL.’Vil Siri.
partni.’iit at W;i-.liliigt.m ovensme tJ
diftleuliy of giMting i-nal recMitly In
It U'w.ll known that King IMwatt!
summart' nti.l e\|N-.liiiou. manner.aaya
tbe N.*w York Tiiu."*.
The hunker,
wer.- nini.inu k»n. :unl iten* m-med
for ihi- .otii
a like|iho>M| that the biin-nu ».f eugrav
log aud prlntiiu:. win. h luid U-n work­
Tl..- 1*1.-,! .* .-a
e. are ahlp- ing N..I1I.- of It, Ur..«..lM-N night and
V All tbat day., would !«• foi^^l t.. nI.ui down. ard IN.ueil. * ...............
ndalLevnf Learning iImI .v»nl might te fotmd trsurdlunrv to iheLli.K. w
tbe blood-ta aav«d.
Tte refuse la In \\V,t Vlrginin. Mr. IliiU diMpat. lied to llil.klnghaui pala.e.
ballad tbbtg I
I*. L ftlKelf-*., htx private eerrelary,
Tbe phy>lriun 1» a hanmet
lag oU ia ex
Ttie residua la with ln,ini.-tJoi,.i n..t li> oum- luiek
without ««l. „f
pmaaed. dried and cTonnd for fertlll»r.“
UlicHl.-. went to a c-rtoln mine lo tbe wUhon
Harr Waldenburger aald |ti.t te ex- Alleghani.-v Then- be found a supply bU pnilei.t
,fi.T ..kii.cTirT i„.
lo te ahli
paetad to maet with much opposition In to h
wny IU
k* InfluencMJ
erol bealUi the d« i..r luooii. ,i
aatabUsblng a burse meat factory la prior nrd. r. In
tbe mauog.-r to ,ell him tlie «x,al at or den-d him l.* ..irip
*n,e king ;.,ked
'n,eii hr tele- what |wrll..u« ..f i.i, .-h.ihliig U* *l.oj,ld
“If 1 eaaiMt get a aSltable location lo dlnarr n..:rket
diVe,| h.ln.e-ir ..1
Ml, iM-mi; ,oi.| ,n
kScago.* te aald. **l will try to eecura
Strip I.. lieI..- ....e-tri .l,.i
some laoUted pUee In either Or^ or
IBS 1.20C
tons. Like
• load of
cattle, he gut 111 tte iwith tte
n friend oC
iraUmien nml aim-k lo bU roal unUI It
inmeaetad |n ble tree cutting experi- reaclMHl WaNhingimi. lie had aeen
menta baa aant him an ax. aara a ablpmenta of other hnyers’ I'oal aideWaabJngmn aperial to tbe .New York tr»t k«l and dlverrM to wrong.ruriom
gl.....* -l.,.irl.| jll.l.World. Tbe blade ha» a rsxor edge, era. and te dkl not Intend to auffer
and tte boad la gold plated Tbe ax an. h a axUhtiv «> ioniM-ir.
waa mada aapMdalty for tl*e preeideni
too, i.rrlv.Hj lu Washing
and Uguaraatmd to make abort work ton Just aa tbe la«i aliovelful waa lakofaaytma. Aa ao
en out of one «.f the l.unkera at tte bo- riKl.i,
n-au of printing and engraving. Tlie
-r.-u...n> n- hi.| I ..nil;
. I...I II,.
te will tiy
ilepartment a Mipply bad narrow ed
S.r IV..IM,
down to leas than two day** quota,
n* ;..g ..v.-n.K.k li
„.l iu4rt.abode. *t.nrted aimlher train hiad on a pr.ile-1 agnii..t hi* ahrupii..-**, Tbe
tbe way. He te» In-eu elated f.»r an enilfieiit He*» »aii-t. wle. wa* appan-utir
advamv lu lb.» department l-ennse of not III tte lNn.t of huujor. only
hi. diapUy of executive ability and
-My di-ar teklng. If llH-ro U any

Oao haadred aad farty-four i
ala teve dlad alaca Lao XIIL t


•qairmlng to do you mu*t «lo It.**
Dr, LakJng rvturord to abotbe bU
CRATERS ON THE MOON. majesty* ruffled feeling, and remsfted by way of palllatSon. “8lr
Profeaaar PtrbeHwv Fla«a NaSMab Blcbard I. a busy man Just now.*: Tte
to DoobI Aroo^rU FtaprM.
king-, nidy. wbkb typified tbe steta
of bl* mind. wa*. ,-Good God. Lakln$,
wuiua Hnvn niUmag.
i tbouffbt be Wa. irolttK to tattoo me.^
A story to loU of tbe aame pbyslcUa
that wbea te waa caltod to preaalba
Knr Yorti Ttai~. Ur. Frmat. iteS» far tte dacteaa of Maarkadlar te m
AaM terWfftoi^ “Da^iMBIte.


t «• M.O


.•* and daughf K.m.M *h..pkee|-p. and |e*,r
ig folk in ih,- parisli
A white
\:i* htll.g
tte e.MHleni emf
of th- . hur. li
iiiiU 4w«.«>hH-tric light*
at the .h. glow„| ,1, ihert-irklM-ev. At
h-'.lf |. .-t
oM.m L th.. .arniiig
fr»*ni the t.*,iry a
pKe,-*ei..„ ..(


One wa* pale aad sallow aad tbe
oih.M- fre*b and rqay. IVhdnca tte dWlertmee? .She who is bluabtag wltb
health U.A. Dr. King’s New Ufa Fill*
to mainuin Ih By geatly , aropglbg
the ia,y organa ibay compel good dl-.
g,-Mion and b«wd off consUpatkm. Try
them t>nly 25c, at jaa. O, Jobnaon
and F H. Moad.. Drugglats.



I, T. ,H.n.,l to bavr
ir,t h,I
d and a.*III. lnt.Te*|l„g


lr..ieM-*-nde,| J
li*ni anvthuis T.nrl* had evi

n.i. Iit.i
lutir iU^,u ...
MoT.lln.inre„nc. r, of U.ih
d|v,^v.-r.,J Mtni.g on w,...,!.-,, eh»ir*. all
of th. iM gnsti.ii.g o\.-r ihe nu*advei,
ture .\n.-r lh,.t J,|I>-* Ih.i* ga,r up Oj»
vUige In d.-.pnlr

fHAHSSSa2^' JS?.Sr^.'stsf^.'sa £

Jeiin I*h,4r.-«in*un.

n'lrg' r\i e
through- l.-elHii.l,
•Va ZeniMu I Me. ..I <
r tie- proh-t „


pioier, H.-. w,U :lJ^

.0, ..I the NUml*
I h.. ex|W,|;lIon iH

In lbe,Pelghl*.rii<K*l of Heme prove a.
ancee**ful a* i* nhU.-lpai.*! travelers
to ^w^^^z#-rlnud lu the Hitumer of tbl.
will 1... aide I., cr.e.. the mouuU'l.* by *,it..i:,ohii« instead of tbe
tK>at dUlgeme. lury* the Fitte

barg liUqwt, h. -J-te aetmd trial, will
ide ill tlie *pritig, and Ite rvaolt If
»acet-**ful will he iH.i only to allow
lets to the dltterrnt Journay. lu balf the time, hot to open to
aatomoblU.m the i-baww.of driving
ovar the mountain roada. which am at


mavad to tte Now i

Doctors Fail.

Haea Maaa Oponad by tbo Mtobigon
Talapbaaa Gtc to Nortoafo Mich.
Tbo MSobIgto TOtopboaa Oa bao
baoa agtOBdibg itr itooo tbi
am Mtobigaa at qmilaa i

cbJotUw p.r tur rnlrmuiy of lowm Uaatog. told Me. BtotftodM
Bopldo. orfUfilBor of Ibt
for orrrral y^am. iwnily
Iowa Uty to obtalu tto* vl.*
TbaprallBUivy work oC to*
BtblotSc aatbo
gaaUiaf B BbrtoB wtU bodBBabttbto ^
cbongr of Ibr foolliaij orl

iPto—^wbrtdirt b» WM •ll9W»d to
•aM UiigMck wlto toll imi» f«tltor

Tbo odvoutoKo of tbe pUn would bo
tluit It w««iWI mid. r tlw gamo mocb
Mally obaof^ ni.lH l,y all tbo
L At lb»* tfiilor all m« ••
%ory well a« tlio Hold U at

■topgfd to wotcfe Umn. «jn tbo Woibtoctoa dtor. Ob dto tSdowalk woo •
lioswttkBtogBCgrBltog.«od wttbto It
«m tooto tBbtota. Tbo ei-o«rrotor7
^oM Mo vatklBC otlck tbroogb tbo
^«Bf BBd Bdmd tW rabbits ap. Tbo
BBiMlB IB tbo window Bisoord blffl for

tbo roto
-Wo«. tbor^ tbo Bocrotory of
■BOX.- bo Bddod. •Tbrre io no an
IB tbo worM tbBt «ooBB*t imoioot John
D. Long. FM B boroe to B rob
lo OBlj B aiftoOBCO IB tbo dOfTOO of to.
«O0BBd|IB*0.CelBS to Uck BO. D08*t
M Mb. wtu FOB. f ocio Jobonrr crtod
B iBi dOWB to O llltio llolDO rillOfO
irOBfB BfB. BO bo Wloccd Bt « twlot of
^ mt floOB b7 BD IfBto old erullrtoon
Wto bold blB wltk ooo boud, Bourtob.
Ibf B rtdtoc whig to tbo oibor. soyo
lBBUo‘0 Wookir.
toao JobBBTO BXBpotbloo. It woo

• WbBjl BIB fOB SOlBS to wblp bIXB fof,
twoird tbo otoni old
ood bo BUot bo
__________ ____________tog tbo ofblp.
**Kow. lot «o BOO.** Bold UdHo iobfiiiy,
ioBd bo OBtotod witb oplrlt lutu fbo cooo
lllOBooCblodroO. Boklog o oirong omBMBt 4b foTor of ocgnittat.
Bot tbo

INOBloo by wblcb bo
•ilcktog** tootoBd of bio orpbow. tbtok
iBg. of ootttBo. Ibot tbot port of It
troold bo a foroB
But bo rockoood,
frStboot bio boot oud
bo woo told to *tokB
CBBO totO tbo Obod.**
And WbOB Boot BO
dobod wbat bo wo
boartfly bo Bold: *Hoo. boo! To boo

dbg for Mo
day 0« OBO or bio TOCBtSOOB.
%|Dt to MBOoocbBBOtto. Mr. Long took
JVPubob Bbder bio orm mod carrtcd
. ^ aroBad to tbo loool tanodry. oayo tbo
’ ^Now Yock TtoMO. A day or two lator.
^ faaUBg tbo bocd of a doBn coUar and
rottod aroBBd to tba latibdry
If It
was I«B
ready. Katorlng
,b» iBd OBtt If
tbd imio obop. bo Bado» Ibio liHiBlry of
PM>«tbo Baa to Cbarga.
-iBBy Itooofoadyr
-|*U Bta." rrpllod tbo bud.
I tanlag toward ,tbo back rooB.
Mo Wlfo WBA bo ObOBtod:
-Hay. Karr: lo Jobonyo to
doBO yotr


pof<\l gTWlrtiti lakf.H llw play
te KTluiiung*** "re near fill
rar the iviift-r of th- U« W
in aee It well
Anolbor advontngo claimed fur fho
change wottW be lliat IhcJv woul
l««a of the Often Held work. The tc
down. w«uW be made usually by
•ma«be«. The change would aleo gtro
the defenalve team*, uhen Uo goal to
tie* oCT.
be goal iK«t. It would
tbe ewuter .4 tie* IlcjW. Jlbun giving
•light bmnlh-ap .aa ugcbia* tbo
clefenicicf team
In put
fumcaek would not be Compelled tO Atfond tbe kmg alivteb of terrllory
>w u goal will, li be li
lo rover
plan ba« U-eii cmly
to atlilelie ajl
Any iiMl.M’M'Uieii! of tin* pla
bewUlibeld lit Iowa until Ibe n*i
IMiyalcol IHneetor A. A. Knl;



playing whlat when the flying egpreao
engine vToahed Itito the c-ar. oayo
nulnflcdd (N. J.» dliqtatch to the Now
York Krrning Journal. Harry Rogeco.
Itolaud Chandor. Haney U Pallerooo
und.Thoma* l*e Mem Lave pUyed
widat on tbe Kaatun exprea* iwgnlarly
for aeveral
Uu the faUl afiernoon IV Meia came home uu an earUer
train, and hla plac'^ln Ibe game wat
Leu by Jamea W. Ilallett, who Vft
forward cor to toko port lo the game.
Kverelt llelghton waa alaodiiig
ihc oUV watching the four ployero
when tbo train otop|>ed. I*. K. Martin.

oked o brakemon If thefe w«
anger of o cxtillaloti.
ItolghtOD turned to tbe playrm. oil of
whom bo kiM-w. and ivmarkcd,

Uugb: -lletier hurry and flniah our
. We will all In* In eternity to
t tu*!! Mr. Monlu Jumi»ed from
"fbo train to oafety . yelling an alarm oo
bo WOOL Relghlon tried tooacape, but
woo caugbL Uno leg wao broken, and
oa otUrwiae Injured. Tbo four
eord player* were all killed.

irrr>* —~T-

Bill Paood at Laiwinf to Make WKo
Doooftiofi Mofo Than • Miadr*
maaner ao at Praatoit.
kDBiBg. Mtob.. Vbb. m-Tba Bnl
d.jBtoBlBff eOBtoalof tbOB
war OB aiblbltioB to tba aaMto yoo*

I oa tM

Flto iBko. iaath 1

ooo* bill toAklBff wlfa datort
liar atoerd:—Hara yoa aver
erlBB BBBO mp for ftml patoBfB
ator WaatoTto of Bay OMy waatb# kbowmaLaltor Daj tatotto toorrb
aaitolbaaid Dimaf Oblrtototodrippi^ vtob tba bload of atootod totont.
Maaomaiat to ball fpr ao aet of
it Md rotod acalBM Ito pMtoSk.
lloBto Mtoblfon attbrpfOtoBt tbato aora? Did yaa over koow a I4BI
tor Day Datot to ototoh aadar any
Maa it Boflilat moro tbaa a a
.Bag bat Obtot'or Kavor! Wblto
BtoaBtotoid to not otaadllablo.
ubava oaid. **1 am of Oalvln.”
BAkiatthiOBOt BOriBO Btotol
**laa af Maok.” **l am of Roger
dtoorto bio wifa or oMldroB ■
^** tba Latter Day Daint
atooag all otbaro bav .toed for the
!0f Obrtot. Wa woold bava 00
r to law.

nSTb^Mto r r«wU 0P<M^

•barob to oolM •Tba Otiorch of
AdwMitlat Chtooh.
t>abbttbtohooM:l6ix to. F
to' tblo Icmmed dootor
tofffoHowiag. SottlcB Sanday arra*
ing at 7:30 locai ttoto
Wbat to tba Baaetpary.*'«M
8:14. Prayer waotlag Tbaiaday
kaaw wbatbto It otoof for ChrUi or
AU am iovtied to oaob aarrloa.
for Baddbal Thiak of Uito man fled
ahiag aadto tbe^ aamaof ieaui
Mihs l.UGi|b Theobald wan eelcted
tot aad obarglBg tlM wa do it to
reiary uf lha I. O C T. lodge Wed*
eday evening. Her name wgo ualn* gotaoBTarto. totbto doc legitimate
aarobid aadar any other name
tmtlunally omitted from tbe Hot of
baooDdamaad. If we l»ad
bad aadar IbawatoaV Joarph
Ed Swift and wife of Waat Ninth
b ••aebody woald liave found
rc*«*t left yeMerday
where they will make their home In aay fsalt. “ Why Iba mppoaitloo tliat
wa bava doaa ao 1ms muaad. all thU
he future.
baa and ogy aaoag oar anemlea The
The “big lime * of the K. O. T. M
wboto Wtotory of oar Bovaaanl reTraveme City Tent No. «TI. will
TOBto tba iBot tbBt oar mlatotxy have
thV c*«enlng
bata too ametlag in fhto direction to
The Prtendu revival aerv Iceo
toriaae will pot fbelr
I Mflbgmoadand go la
revival oMetiag** with
the local Chapter of tba KaoMca
Bapttola. or any other
to tba Maaiataa Chaptar lo attaa
. tovatbe iBitar Day Sain u.
maatiat bora naat Taaaday aifbt. and
pmaobar who will tell
aambar of gaaoti
mpla aaytblag bot the goopel
a egpaetod lo ba
Aad why do they do fhl.>
Park Ptaoa hotal yaotorday la boaor
of tba birthday aaaUartary of Lia*
oola. Tbaato
to avoid ••doobriaa.** Why do they
c afoldtowitb aaplaadid oloal
■atboH ••alaotiaa** aad •‘predaertna*
«lea** at mm wbm tbay are trying to
ooTer war atlaobad to tbo laaoH
daing tba bai of flora by a rtob
woald aot amwar for proaelytlng por*
wblto ollk eord. Tba gaarta of tba
poom Too. tbay are wtUlng to am*
hotel were aaab pteaontod witb oaa of
ploy atovivaltot who parpoaaly ig*
thaaoaraaln aad tba Mavalia
aoraa tba tomtb aad go la witb a mad*
to tba hotal aaat tbato to tbsir hototo
fo ohow that Tiaeoraa Oily to ap la
aewpiav iaaotomm Jaoopb a coat aod
tba ttmao ao to modara aad Bn
With aeaatoaat all ia order to win
mm to tbato way. Thara to 00a tbiag
WbiBb iBttor Day Baiato have aot
a big Itoa of oprtog aaiitog at a Bra- bam Mawa \mkommA that to *«Cbrla*
tto^ 'Oo'fl atore, anrirad to k
Mm faBtoB ** Tba aalvarml cry to,
yeoMtday with btogoodr aad U
tba Uttar Day Batou macbito.
to total Mr. Baada‘0 frlaada

karaetrrtotio AaewAota of «b» Ba­

ltic BDoedoto Of
A very
I told by tbo toto
Roc. WUUoB llaotlngo. ofbo took groat
ploaaurv to lolling It In opito of tbe fact
thal It wao rotbor
- ^—
aolf. oayo Youth.
“Bock In tbo olxtlea.” tbe mlnlator
tt WM to tbo rorty^
tbe army. I waa on a train one day
when a tall and angol
Z tbo liBBil^^O^
from hla aoat. come i
oat and bonded me on old fooblonod
toctoa Pool Mr. Bood. wbo oat back
®oor wbat bo meant.
Tbo toU man. who. I aoon l««rood.
wao rroaldoBt Uocoln. oakS: ‘Keep tt.
Ton aio ootIUod to It. Yean ago that
knife wat proMlcd to mo. with tbo
raqocBt that iH over aaw an ugUor


Jatoea Doa*t dg«ro oa BsrrytBg
oodal Brtfo BBlOBO yoQ BTO a
iilad tb^ loabaBaeo witb loo for Bogt
fBdor Bad kaow tor rortoto that aho
abaa Bocky Mooatola Toa. SS mU.
aa &. Jobaaoa.


OBito. oltodMc • SKBtly itofmod

number of
aU»kilc aoiborttb.. In tbo
Tbo pUn Ik to Hiaugo tbo form of tbo
ivw^fit grldJroo ao a« tu Uuvif It to tbo
form of a football
TbU aoukl mabo It
________ to pmorul width ft tlx^ irotor
of llio flow uiHl i.i-T down gradually
» tbo dlaUiHv IN.IWO..M Ibo goal |ioato
Hlfotwoind.of tb.. flrW. TbafloW
lir tM.iiH-wluit

Maas ibiafa w^ wa have wmagbl
b«t that wa raeaive a full reward.
md abidalb
■odUtbadaabflaaaf Cbrtoi bath aoi
Ood. UtbmaoBMaayaatoyoaand
brlag Ml tbto deatriBB reoalva blm
Waltar OieUick to propaH
baud a aaat oBtototo oottoga at FOaeh ■ot tato yambaaotaBUbar bid bim
fortbaaaaof hto fluaily dari^ tba Oad*aipaad.*' 11. Jaba 8. f aad 10.
nom b traa Umr Day Baint.
L B. Joaaa
D. K. Wyakoofi to baUdtog
tage at Foaeb for tba oaaoaMr i

Tba Obrtottoa SotoBttol. of tbto olty

Mra. B. M Bawm of Uk Baptoe U
haeoorganiaadara ooMatyaatetba
M tba city tadbf.
laadarahlp of Mia Bauaa T%
Attomay a L. Daytoa of Utoad li
JL J. Ofay, tba pbotogiapbar of
aao of Modora Woodaaa baU aror ibo
pootoAoa. wbare tfaoy wUl bold pab- Vmtbpirt. waa la tba aUy yaalarday
Ho otovtoao Sunday aad Wadaooday
Pimb Kvaapa and wife of Va-ab*
la.wwla arHvad la Iba eity

Tba ladtoa of Dt. Prancla <
gave a vary ptaaaaat oyetar 1
to tba ocbml baU laat evmlog.


Bettor Have « Bottle
Set^lig ’Hound the House Handy.
Whai pan iii .t hi,.-.
Mw aw- Mich , wa^ ntiacK
:u.:it ar.l U, . am::;. i..t cl..
fill dread wh. u ihey «r»* aenk«*in d In I lit.* head «»f ch.*
- *., *rV..1 Jnumi
the night
the rrou|iy. ehoWl«g1i,r
I'.- ,U*«rrllN
cxMigh of their dorling rhlld
M.-m iiwo w.***!;** o» hmim
. .I jTir ..{. a .%..«! a- Miigir t:<i|<iian
ccfic*n ineaii!! ibwHi
r.iiii..nipla'... Nm
I ir |;i.‘* p...,, U,..i I..1 i-.tli laUM*
fore the cbwtiir can

or aiM’lv gav
..:i !
pra;Q.. j.y jn.-iuV.r*
.«ui •
we deadly that non.- ..f il..* ordmaiv<|' Ih ;
t h
h ■■ ■-. nt r.»r a V.i»« ■ . ; '
'ryVUMi Mf!. npMH**,! it !•» .Iit^j *
home r»*roocHc-> nu wt*j| Kmiwu t«* iht 'i Mn.
moihcT an* of anv n\f
Dr I'oIwt'irK TIh*.-.
•d». 4 f gr. ;.i m.*T
Magic Eg>*plUii
K«>*pUan Oil in*lauil>
infdauil> cM.-ani
cM, an^ iI
•nJ*.S4.w. .V
he felM* ntcml.nin.- fnin« thi-j
n liij;,
< LK liti!
1Ulit«* rn*eV.
thrua and thouMimlM ol Knitcftil par
mljM* It for HAvIng |bHr chlblV |:ntn.-U. d \cHh .hphth.ria. I.itt
1.^ 'th.
th. jw.rh.
s .iU.^. d i. r v.-irs with
eniu praljM*
•m.mpt appiVatioti
Mngi. | ai-arrh a i.l a
S!i.* ha*
croup. «*r itiicUKtmnt
uas. itrr«*si«*.l am!
ilney. m*ibma. t.rxMirhit
.. h.*ali|i
An.Mhcr tr..m th.*v..* ..r two
lM»tt!.*s „f
l.^r .catarrh.
Egyptian Oil
Klve* Inniani n*!l.*f ami an Bl.-..iuic Hi:!.| wa*. .f.iH.* s.wI.jjsIi Imm.-il In Mn*4:r E.gcptJMi t>.l limn »M Ih- m.*4i
piaMiig eiih c*..a!s 'Magic Egypti;.*!
,lu* l.r.,
in L..*r whc.!.. IMc
llr-glH nu t tm.T.*silng rhiid
r.cmn;.* WmiMii*^. MnH„n. Mill, hn^ t)il was ai applp-.i, r.*H.*atr.* nil
ii.-iauiH • Mr |l.i!.lg.f l .f Mr A- muu
•cuffcnHl fur « I..IIC TM-riuJ wHlic l.n-.iH'*
;.VM tli:** r..tliiiig c..iiht
Li:ti la k*,,n MM. h:is ha.i a CM n*u.*4,ki
.V.ihlng ;i«w* l.»n. n u-l
pul,...I Magic E*vpnnn till.
.!.> .
.itVlh muM
Ihirlnc a s«*v»*n* aiia. k .d UiI !.•«,. us,-r Mag,.. Egypiiau tu) f..r
Ul^l wliit.r I,.* iri.-l MtiRic lU^iPUnu
sprains > ;.a,i ' .c''^i^iiu*iuLrhp.i'.M/ fn-Mu Th.^ c-hji.l
. !rn
W * ihiuk if ih*. V*si nM' Ji. im* 1:,
f..r u wra! .lac-,
,sOV vl
although li.* ha's ii.u< I hut mi.*!L
al! . rf.fTts «.{ v*r«-P.i;i!i« <♦> r.-;
iM.tiU*. I..* han l.a.l m.t ,t.m* mia.l. ,*. It... n;.r' M and w..mM n..r I.,- vhh
vii i
Mrs Eivsmieu H i E V*4*i.*n t. cc i< iM jng unatWliinp nti.l vh l•.»l<l
u. ri. co.Twh-'nn*l with 1
Ji.v«*.l lM f..n* t..i* V. ar>
f:.*orgt l»-m
S .in.* U jvars ag.. 1
Hcj.. n i •. lu-tt >!..*I
.n f.jcc.*;|
. ir up.
.* ^js,ncl *tf
..V of l-iiion llapi.l . Mle!.
han als,.
n..;* p.inilf that U«-irciar!ing im.t!
mi'fr. nil wHh ih** ^aH:c .tt-fn sMPg I. un with a fdglitf.i: cas,*
| in„k n .u.*.*
nmnu-rii.. v h.*i,^a’|l
.*'* ..i
*.i V«g
Vtig |.|!.* D'.t .it »V*
cnit.lMini fur y. nr- nu.l lihs tuiitul n- rti. i..lnr
::vp,,Hti tM» nn.l Va-,.pn«. .l n ph*. •
li. l hy using ilach KgvpUau till
i*!.,tl.‘ will.
Magi. .. ) c„ 4
a* ‘.d M{i‘..iVE4;l;
A Unl.* son ..r .Mr. ll. nry E.igUM.i.
il . ;:i.m,i,t ; : ti 01
a f. w
of T..tiipkinK. Ml. h . was at .|.*aih*« llgyptlaii t3il ami hf .|i.)
my l-.w n.-c k
. lu.-u*.
icu*l :.j.n
I V:r.i.* Evv,^
.l.Mir with dipliili.-ila.
V..ur* liirMou. Wlru «»)’ i*. 4ls.*
ihHi l.i> phy-UlBUs ha.1 I...hup.'.,'*!;
liK hr.*
A<* a Uc-» n*-4ii^ H». v .-..ii M:.ei.* ErMptlan t»il a)... . .r.*d.n r.-Vani cS.*a .wh. ,., wvv N ft..l 1.. n*bct.f
J..,, 1..
«hi*w up
tU Magi.- i:gM.ti.nn Mil. .nu.i v. n- ra-f ..1 rl.e.inmiis*, i it| ,.*y h*'l'}
, ;.ts*p
. s.nkrn . r^h.* d.*
I la. y-iiU'm
th.* efT-ct was Ij.mIi asiujiishliir uu.i rtiiii 111 ..n.* .luy
J«.hn l4iti.i..'i,;
ice.*. :inJ Inm.
gratifying, .u.l l.v Its .is.* th.*. VluM u*M'«* p) «ii*: h.iim*.
V%nu i.. hupmui*. o«.|
was H..MI n*si..nsl to V-aHh Sir E.-r tvi*. i: Ma‘n .St. J.ick.,..n. VIrt,
g.isou sn\s hi* w.iiil.I not know, liuw u.
TT!:." V. .* .-v.-T |..*«*p In Ilf.* l....i;c*
\V»-j-n^’vnis in p’+r**f'i hfaMh'
’ !
Mr* *:cs.
A.^Vrs ^<1
• fa»r.iu ..I ' J’il.U.;
r . H \ wh.j hPs U .
jcjniei. d f,.r ja
linn ur n. lu*.
viilf* A
A claughi.
Vn.iVM * ‘
;m7 T.*i, l-NrU St . Ja'*ks,.n Mi. I,. wa*


cinsl of a J.a.l • as. ..f .MphM..*r.ti t.y
Magic Egyptijiu till
Mrw I! A run., i f North IJiUsinc.jin
Mich Magic Egyptian till f.»r' S’
S..V..P* .-..hi, whirl. It ...inntt M
ll.T grarulrl.n.l was tak. ..
wn will,
Macl.‘ Egyptian
c*sMul in her ,
m.|.:uatl(.n .>r Magi*
Egvpilan t)H t.J Mie . hilil s ihr..»i amt '
rh.Nct an.) a.lmluisi.*n*;l it lm.*tn*,i|v .
..SIIII.-.1 In imiii** ltal.*'r

■ mrift.i.!.*.! ;i.j iiy Ml
,.T ,p.s*"v r.-mciv
Si .




• SI il .si 1.
f il.4*tr l‘n:
r ...
|..*-.*'v Hit*.* i-;tV * -Tit* ^ The •<
«r, :.n a'Uh.ii.t'. pro^ pj.. »♦ r,, :i i.ruis,* ..f y,.t ic ^:gcpii.v, OIT
a i*.,.'..
\1a-4h* Egyptian t>i|
Dr. tN.lwNip » Mngir Egyptian tUl D
w.^.l..m wa. s.sur mad** timulf.-st ,r
ly n



.. in ca^N*



,1 , f».-i

E*4M.'ii.u t



ry-ptian oil that
.Jv Kafihfar-iftrv

For Leelanau County C.i

ra nillii ol cupimr

I 30 3 I
John IllRhlan

I Uin Tliiftf-tfem Kiel
Hiny Siiofpil*8 Simp
for Mde. 1'hcsc
-mrarly all
full bred, Tlicv oir a. i.uca
lot M )OU can find m llic coutity.

These dark nioinmg* if
\tiu dpiri gel one ol our

—IlM E W "\x:
lucluding Pompadour. Cumincu. Iflerecrizod Salloen Stripes, erochot Batiste
$trip«s,€meroidcr’d Jaquards. Insertion
Stripes. JIppliquo Carltans. also some
handsome Brilliantinc Ucstings in oxclusioft patterns. Hot two alike, w « «


or choic e r tiKDlt . W
din-ci Inim th<- m.iit'i
n«l import.^ which
t-nalilo i:s to iipholc! our n*o>nl
‘p-ini; .'llways
int rdiancbM‘;
ihtr cht api >1 (or hr>i
hr>l cIa>N
Some of iht* prritv thin;;«» w«- >how :

Uoilcs, CiPines, mistrals. Ctamincs,


Sccfvtt the FoaHTs Method
to See
‘l»r. I Bpr—l.tfc»»r«tON^

TiirXfwV«tA»wtrmiM.»^irr»<i|ioiidr l.
ria lit U«C»e nmiUjr li*d 41k- f.dlow
tui; iBUTVlrw wJlh tbr IM***'* |diy»lferUitt. in. LaWwiiL tvocrmluic U*e *'uo^ :
lUtkaiortlM |•uuUr••brat1U;
“Hrrt. I aatot to kiK»w.^ ••krd
-If tlK^ U aiijr tnitb tn
^tin tt€^i m«*rtii abuut IL# |nhk*«
Ifrr«i4dii^kiil wrmkar-r
r; ; .
TIk- whm* aniouBt uf truth •« U u*u
'ii .
at- l»r.«l^|ifXMil rrpW*^. -wUlrb N
^f* f*onK at all. 'Tlia holy fatlirr U alupm
;«^jr arrll uluiirtaUnirtii** b«K-i. Hr
^ ‘
.I«a« iKil lirru lirticr for tbr laat u-n
Wrani- Hr baa ^ ttinmirli tlir artniiT
wo*«lrrrnll>. lit aaloiOalir. rrro U»jrft-If. rn lm know bla irrrat powm. of rraUtaii.^- Hr la itow preparitiK fur tlir
? ]!
prral funrllou of Han-ti S. wUiHi cluara
Ilia > r*r of Jaldlrr l: -TUfr la 1.0 tnilb. tlwn. In rurrrot
«tt»rira ntaiut bla falutln« Afar tbr
/Tbi-> arr tbr klkat fablra.** I>r. Lajv
IK.1.1 m.llrU. ‘Tbr iKipr urrrr falutr*!
ill llfr; at Iraat, ao far aa I know. I
kiww for orruln br did not faint wla-dj
I»r Hanoul put bliu Unilrr tin- kulfr
arvrral jran. ajro. awl that waa an «f-aaion wliru a falulliij; Ot niijcbt bavr
iMa-n oxprilfHl. but wr dkl imt rrru ad-



Jt!(f fl«_^ UVES


^ Tlir mtter wm mdy tea fW
The tnur el(»4 ty heaettiy
BBd sras
to tlwow a «
tui Dr. Benu. U» OotaBhUa i
aboard wboa Smnej Joaco Unm
ter. ie a IMC ai.v tafcea tawar
ttuff tolo tbo olr aad
MttnMtoo uf Ibr
br raaana
taanal by
deck, aod her rxavplr w«. fol
. anya tbr Nrar YoA
by tbrothcro. Tbr wtod carried
World. A oprdal anaaioo of tbi
aes. bjrtba
laat pteeb or that
S A Hectors Coamnny
knbbui cemgr^ will br hrid in the
the upoec to the rmtrr. aad It may bo
ifiriof to rooaldrr tbr trralj. and tbc
oald that the waa raked froa atoai to
opcioo of tbr kYroeb company, t
r tbr clooe •tern and from ateiboard to poit. la
aa instant every man on tbr *Eafiteb*
BOW nsm to Uaivb 4. will ondoobtodly
omnY ^ was bitndrA coagblnc.
tbr port of lix-rnwoL
Tbr canal will coat tbr l.’nitr«i Ktatra:
ni»4n.aii0.C«0 to br panMo tbr Kmid
cotniaiuy. tlir pn-«*tii %alur of It** rbar
mi stdl <lomtont.-d tbr btob hare raptured tbr wbdlr outfit wttbovt
trr and rotMtmrUou mork aa computr^
,-rM, tn
of mm strtkina a blow, but that bad not bm
by tbr Walkrrcomiub.Kion; CT. Slo.WiU
pbto. Vrrrdoahy
ablirtb sL«- i*assr.l uu art torludrd
4«ai domu and
i-rr ve-ar afi«T
ny brr yards
naval o«.xT** autb«4-iiy to
boanl Ibr v.^U .
ny oTh.T natiou
suboma rallr9atk and (H. lU- furtli-r
I berrffortSL Hhr .
|•rntlilun• of |I4re.»*ai.i»a* i>n tlw r
la amtioriard by tier act of Itarj; t
. f tbc .tmrr wrre cainny om to
may br nrrdrd Tlir lr«ar fnnu « *.
fur rrlirf. and U waa |«xd*bly a
bU nina iwi yron. and I*. n-iM o
boor Iwfore any one of tbr«u could oee
by tbr rultrd Kui.t*
.knd l.r an
a distaurr of twrmy fret over tbe rail.
ranrrmnit aitb tln-at llrlta;n t
iD .dnr timr ao
.Todlubir to tbc w utw of
wtib funber adxcnturr tbr Nancy
aiat.-arw-n tlw l iilt.-d
Hill burr
J..W-S arrived at brr borne port, and
rxrlir.|cr i*..air..l «f Uh- .thwI atrip,
the tal. of tbr snuff waa sboD told. If
aubjr.^ to arranimnrtit wliU l oloi
Nanry bad ftiond
Ml brraelf a brixdnr In
Of tlir 4i;ii lullra of tbr irnniU
Ibr «-yrs tef the crew.
CTTW. abcNm now to
half Will li.. at ara IcvH. and tlii. pordan:.-. r of Uiny made to b^l^eo that
nearly txini|ilrtc<1
she- was ibe vrrlublr
lubir Hoddraa^Llb-r
Sbr w,
L'lf a
* of water. Tb*- retnubilnc
thut If 1 was aboard of Israrfi
purty smart
of tbr iu.-n arv too yoln’. What
w e* X. BUI 1- m*.rr wom«*n alioard of
•Ulp-r. aiHl 1 f..r one am r#tn* to.kan>
rlsbt .HI sallin* and IrtHu' Ktoytj
kn.exx tbe U.frrrx-m-r ta-twrm appto
MSS and a woman who won't i

br im-a
probably Iw iwa*.
•nly frrt aU.
a of Ibr cut '
ftvl c%rn at
tiiat b*vol.
il win la* nowlit-rr bith than tiO

tbr i-n*^ for tbr Amt timr arr a.mittiiiHH dia-rivcd hy bia pallor, wbirb
ably nu
irivra Uixn an apiwaranro of wraknraa.
'r.*nr|, i
i err to U» 738
Hr aJwnjra baa brru pair and apparrnt
lonir. but UK* rapid Iw iva.a* to Ibr
l.v friiKib*
II tiafi
of ot-raii
<T«ft may dl
dictate a invat• -1>1 inr tall you a nttir atory
ary afoot ,
Tin- inlniiiium .lr|,tli of trn
,co. wlK*n Ibr ,
rjivn ff-vU plan,..*.l by i nsiob
firr rUH-tln«
i-anl*aU wnit liomr
1^1 na;. tbr .xoum: t and at rune
lin in told bla of tla* ludenlimlr of lb.- u,Hi..rt«kluKCKl pliynlr-ally aii.oi
frl.fida at lU>b.pna. Wc
Its b.ta! «xa*t XX ,11 U- u,orr iwirr
apb-wlkl la.ia-. but I an. frald I lHiuv
Him of Ibr SU.-I .wiml. un.rv Il«in live
P. iiiak.* *uiolb.-r xUlt tn^ll**iti.* to tlmra lUal of ibr Kbl canal to Gerrle.'t bla au.i-eae-er. fe.r <>nllual IN*.-.-!
■ leMika v.*r>- » • Well.- leiiplMtlil
t-unlliiUial. * tlila moruiiu: I aaw bla
bolili.-aa Hi perf.-. t b.-allli. t.Ut IfTlrl
for til.* dratli of ranllniil 1‘aro.vbl.
man xvlio'liiad.- Ibla proplic-j
iM '
Ibr iHxly f.-ifbe-r ofim
1 rMian**l.-.l S.i hr
who imt
tliMiitli bia diiil> Hork: bm. on tlir
whole.. II,.. |w.lH* enjox*. .•xm.i.nlinnry
bralib and Mtnlitv for a man of bia
i.pd u.ebun.
jrrara •
but frw |»ropb- r •..llx*t
• aiNN lal dirt. wm-n mrtU.Hl ..f
>w*a tbr iMqH* I
• ..r mrdirlw ■:
irr of fm-i. y,.u «


U...I —llwl la te. W,y. a iioTr
lir lirx.T u««"< tiiiHlie lnr rs
lM*n hr baa a .-old Aa for dirt,
a an,-»rli,Kly. for m. man ..f bia
SNel Ji»«S
sjuirra mw b foehl
J lir |n>|n.V only :o d.-a.b'n tbr
• and rxbaiisu
-..nalafa .-x.lualvrly of atre-neHi awl imti.ii*-.- b. start It up.
irrfirmlly cbirkrn brtitb. with nlM. .eiiwiimine Ixvi--.* as mn, b fu.*l as
.N.eie. V Je.n -x a T. ar
brrnd atwiKxl to It. Hr I
would Otbrrw b*e- Ihif tbr fln*
bM.I jn- de.M-rt.-l from in tl«- uai. of wliir.
bad In-xm, iw..iHTly uianaer.1.
tbe- Itr.i.xb nail • uu.. ►bnlLinu aUiard
Kl«-r« of Ibmlraux dally
-For liistaiie-i-. a «n- to 1*«* .-..rn'e tly
nd ai‘|*.-,.l.xl lee
-JWwa tbr iwfw alrrt. arlir* wmm and .-roiiomlcilly n,rx>.l f.w abould
t^oi koaaloa BekiaU.
krpt briebt .jtnd Hear l*y 'o.nMaiitly rrTbr man w bo Urvivr tbr colooel
-Ex.-.*Hrnt.- I»r.'4j, aald. “and movlne tie- n**b.-s und w lirii .xml is
found alHiurd b
I itiue-h trouble to 4 Iimaavlllr frxim Baklwln fib
tbla la onr of tlir cau*.rH of |iU c»u
m*.-d.xl put ..n in vrrx small .juantIH,*e.
uuld .-nsm . '
to U- M. fuU of lo that
ttliuwl ma.d iMwIlb
Ilia boIllH*.ta rr
wliUii. as rxjM-rl.'-mx. slntuld pruv.*.
br XX a> (|n.illy nsk.-d l*ow br was get*
tln*^ aflrr « k«*»I day a work, atamt
I.*hek here-, l-rurl ” -be- said
imi: akniK to ib.- n.-w slat.
11 nl*:l.lly awl rl-e-a n.fn-Hlw,l tbr m-it
|.rm»j:lil b.r bnml doxx!, e.u ibr
see." XVilh a '
timniitiic nlM.ut half jiaat 0 or 7. Hr
tatur XX .tb tt si.if. •‘IL. iu u.i-n i
Tbe-r.- are two lirt.tbrm of ua here.
U.K*« iK.t abap all Unit lliw*. but nb daiiiiM-i^. amiuer.1 iu. Hiat tb.- In-.m will
v.iU us ..r I li Ma> lee biWl ui
>\ r didu i .s.m.- out to yrul. and atarre.
four or fix.* boiira .-a.-li .-omr into tbr rx«.i,r luslrad of passluj:
You :.;in a mar. M* >e.u d.,:. , M.l
My l.rolbrr John
nlfbt Hr den-*, not lu-rxl iw.rr than out «.f lb.* . bimw-y muio* ot wx ivuld
and tnkr Vm l.uxk bom.-: ’
bves arxt booar. The first thtofi he
that, nor do I m.-ai, i.. any ttmt liU liax-r ..ur |».Mnr< uim b xxanii.-r tlum
X .uu tvi but
did was to Sl„l a whole esiuu(
nUnd la rxwtlni; durlm: tl.r la.nn. of tbr 1b.-y are ami ut tla* s.niur tiur* ii«r Kim
m li b.T off In lot. to
oft.*n II «val. If tills inrmis w,*ubl U* rui
for tbr risks. Uc s Aio.tiuo ab.-ad vif I bla yUwloua old
■lue tbra.* boxira.
plov.Hl. our patron*, xve.ul*! la* asiouw .ai. Jubn Ih. and still |.i.lnlu- on tt
allrau U wmpiNal In alrrp, that IdiiHl at tbr erx'at dlfT.-rx-no.* to the
-Yo.u- broib.-r John is wid.-ml
tlH* Imly falbrr la at %x..rk .-um|HMlajc amount of furl .xmsumrd Iv.-s and
rusbvr." obarrxxsl tbr colom-l
ta as If .Irud
-V.H1 iK t be is; no filer on Jobn.-Will y«.a any to wbat you alfrlbutr
your ship In tb.*
boxv aliout you-;*’
tbr iMifwa le.u«,*rltyr tbr .-omfqHmd
your ship- sLnll
••|n«, t mBkciiny mistake alsiut me.
rut aakr.1
Tbr llrsi ibtoy 1 did waa to gel elected
-T.. tbr r,.*ntl4rli.v .>f Ida Ilf.*.- l*r.
CiMir Tha. Aa> of OU I-wr.
TU;tt arttbd it Tbi- Urs* rteTi<
and imbbte every laat| "||r la^a lii,lalH-.-d
Tbr l>
au.vvexi axvi,..
;d hi due Urn
ocut to Ibr ls*x. and If Ibiiiy* yu right
In liU t.abita an ill bU xxonU. nlal ab
wilb tbr
bark aait.d on b« r rv*iuni. Sin- xx
durln* tbr m-it txvo wrrk. Hi atral
waym baa Un-ii a.i. Tbr l*».!., la arr a
tin* same odor as Hir e.t.l Ixve, <vut mifc-l clrar of
river and -wll It
lotu: IIX...1 family, bm .•x.vptli.K tbr stamp. 1.u1 its mukrup Is rntirrly dlfw brn sb*- dise ox.
fur JH.taki a lullr. Take mr and John
|hX|h*. iie.w ..r tiM-n, b..a e*d Into tbr
ferrni, says tin* Wasldittrlon Star. The
as piomsT pllyrluis, awl we re qothto
Idn.-tb*a. • Tla- lady fatb.*r mb. rmxl a
iKiritaltt of Wasldneloii is tak.-a frt»m
ofinairidtic«*m .-onaiiim
.Stuart pie-tun-** iind is tbn*.*1 tee Ue.nrd' X-s^S SUd UH
riHHl it atm funbe-i
.juart.-rs full fae-r |i is n-uunUxt us an
Its t,U‘ V *^*nM e.4Ml-.;r iilsiUt
plrnly «.f atblrtb- rx
rxerlb'tit plftnr.Tbr |H.nrail U a«*t Ibr « b:
I mu.-b . nsieT ?b,8t, i;,e- uirn.
A sbn-xvd old fa
sidriii sbaiNxI nte-d.-iltie.n. in alioot of w ar
Tlarxey was j.ppru
x-ntrr of H,<- sl .uip
.-.o-b side
Tbr .otlrr
:rr was ^iRbU^l Ju»t afur biv,-ry younc man
to tl.r r.-K«b«r lir.* In- [ynn alxvaya
br m<*dallmQ an- Am.-rie-at, fbip* Do*ind:iv. und bvr *■
I liny, wbicb
-lHa*a Ur lakr *U.*nl*H* in tbr
liaiietm; in pnovful f..kls fn.m stand* at la a tnoto. (It S:.
ry. Bays that Hir aaleanian gave
air iiowr It waa aak.*d
ap|s-ar le. »taiid at tbr Uas»* bav.* a d.-seTiptu.n *
larx «-y tbe u«OaI cloejnent nrgu.. -rnnu tbr U-yim..n>r of Xov.-nda-r of tbr pi,-tun-.
anoHier sue
until tbr tidddb*..f .rune..” l»r.
Over Ha- m.*ib,lboi. .in* Hn- xx..nU T. or ibr»e,
- !.» Ih- found. Ibe l.rj.-rs
anawrr.*.!. «br t.rx.f pnu f.H*t oidaMr
a'-ly low. aud s.i uo.
tin* Vnti.-an. but during- tbr aiituuirr
br ilates -17::- ITin. I be stamp
* sprx-ael m..rr s,.::
n-siHiwl. Tbr
Uionttu. br ajirndA a frxv iRiurs two ..r
or rrs.sta
•my eurrl.v
.Unsolf out and
tlm-<- tlUM*a I. xx«*««k in tl.r \ nli.-nn car..Hlylj M!,e
ej.efU.x. auiborlties. cn -w t
made i.e,
+nm.lly br said.
tb*na. and at lni.*rt«N irx-ut*. l.lni-*.-lf to than any of Hm- stamps of tbr okMssu.*.
a iMir b.xli.lay 11i.-r.
ml irs m-n.-ral,ioi, U in k,s»p.
culeators-y..u bavt* Uvu e|U«l.*l ti*i a.,y|i«; Ink will, tbr sly le of Ibe- Urxv Usne Ibr |a.|M* iii.-xy .-anllx J.vr le. ntliUu
think of tbe time Uiry wtU
M bUtulrxHl. .\i>* xe»u ajitl of that opilijsri.;I .lonea \rw x.«na «.r
plitsl us sb*- laid
-Wbat n|*|s..-,rs to Ih- anotbrr Klom I .▼ou rr b
rnclo Hun..-y yaxebimonr C3ld look
-Vra.- I>r. l.appoid ai.HX>rrr.l -Juat
Iioxx X* ;i u„. oin
bs* *lo ye.u aoppoa* I emsu
as atronely a« rv.-r. In.b.*hl. I bavr no llaSk-y of Sv-aMlr at tbr Hoi* t .-. r
uin .enr •
for a be:.
Int.-nttou ..f liiuitini;
l.*.*. t*. a
i.* nss-ntly^ie. a i,-|s,nrr of ■
“In tU-s hyl.t xx i.i,|
an* If br
a. well a* labd II..
York Tribunr.
Tbi. is*xv that rrr.ft xvKf pr
Pl*l>»a CkasKrU
• during tbr luM rtobi y«wni
trrrltiwy Is to Hi.- ranaiu me-r dls- nlonysld-. '
|..* Trmi.J
br may live
. in Ibr I mtvsl Mai.-s Tbr sb.rH-^
* <»», xx bu l./.b- xx ;ri
dratU bav .1,... k..! *
tine any ..l.b-r*
baxe Is*..,, bre.uylu u. i,Kli,-al.- that '
“To bs w;,fd ,-f eN.„
bouse out* *
Par aa X:s«*alW«
» said that . Ire le* «',iy ts .1e-|H»pu*
•■•V P'-d 'bal of a n
Pur irimminy .m
I. and n wild s!,u..|s>K- has Uikeu t a bnn.lnd pnu:,.‘s . i
Tin! by him
rwyr of tbr
.la.v from Hax
The; ibuner ibe bl
1 S*-atile w.xx mtluy ’
l4‘*-k.f lor y:in,e
un.lrrd p.-rw.,
1 Uls.. xx am :,H
p,w no.!
I xx ,11 go into u.y m,h1) and lir
to Hi
kmirs from ibc •* -rs galiry.
!d.*w,..” l.»-pud thru yrni
Ne. i-nr i.lH^nr.: ib - berk trn.'W jt»i mnst ,..n.e ir, exnr by on.-, awf addrean
XI rw. Aator started
wbat sx lirmr Ibr r ;pt .if. s xv.r.- hstf lu | pu- as yxiu li.l.-nd to do your future
rrlvtog at her auuu H liaU 111 a yown of |
pi>nra awnber Kk.oxlikr
nitod. but the snurr xrn. I.n.nyht oa' iHirlsbton.-rs xxl.ri, making a aJck
deck and the j.ut-j, nt -Mnff p.nmd tote i caU “
Will aU f.
Tca^rta iilax-rd alonj tb.* bv- si,1e.
Tb*-T-*-nisyn be dlsapjirarvd, Iraxiuy
br men were rtill at wrork when
wbeo tar
tnr j bis
ywesta considerably
nd prraon. visited .Itob* cuttrr lirxsl a yuu ns a n;:iuil to beaea Boon bU rolrr w aa heard, aayliig: “Ara
tbr an-ond Urgcit
tel. ar.d t^puln Ismel lenmyki the you gxilng to krr|» me bnv all idgbtriH-andtoavian city.
' rrt Burns- ..gtayr at Ayr last year.
Nancy Jeuns up Into ib*- xv nd, Tbca
Tin* y.mhy mm knew aomr one must
Twoiiiy-alx pounda waa i«Hd for a
^ably of ib«
tbe cutter In-yan im.wuvrrmy to dma m. ao lota were fast, and tbr die frU
. pack of uerman pUyluy cards dated . workers of lAuidou yoca lu v bun-b.
to leeward, todrr the dlrae*| aa a yaw IrHi^ia ftete litetar. Ua
I.V.Sal Sxmi,*l.ya reivuUy.
Grrmany . uUrat aoldkr la a tiotiuf aawith an
Bcfwny-tbr-t* tbouaaad rccurda of I'ommlssb.wsl odk-«. *ix fx-n
w» U i.T bcT opra aaraiu*. and.A^randag tfi tbe lounge
•attvec Ufjjars arc lu tbe poaamalen of.
to Iruybi.
flowxT yarxien at bxmja aevru
inm. each} Wiers tb| t.i#»p waa trUi a^tedt hit
the IJtedoo .Mrndldty society.
Tbr llussian drtaii^i of «
la clxarye of a vrsaH b..Ultog snuff.
m olme^i.
Kxrter citbrdna U tirlleved ta haeu ’ ture baa alb.te-d f3U.tW te tocn*aar tha .tmnyx-d
-ranyx-d tbemseleca alcmy tbe bulwarkal
“Ab P^l.#rk.E're#rbf! K#Jt>t^
tbr sreatest Icactb of tmlaterrupte^ «‘kport uf BHhtUu butter.
aad at the taH mummt Xgiicy tiMkf dJhrilE afialo^be dlAk|Mtei^
^ Ktfibt viiwn*. ooa of whU-b bad twu
perfectly, formed beada. bava heao

tI»Hn*’.*'l.x Ir k

I r


chut* or U - H .-.^ dtoh tr «u. At] ai» ifboAbt**



•a* caw Ur ci«-w twsh. wtea.'wui

Tha followlv tecta regaidtog tbr
defender of tbr Amerkw a cwp to
tha totematkmal race, tu hr held off
talHly Book to August of tbia year
wltb Sir Thoama Upton s Utcat cbal*
teager. Sbaamwk HU bavr brm ob*
tatoed ftem the Urrtewboff sblpyant
at Bitetol. B. U where tbr drfrodrr U
pow boUdtog. aaya John U. bprara. the
yacbttog expert, to tbr New York
Tbe •oozee 1 know to be fully cKwt*
worthy, and. wbat te atUl moiv Impor­



t»es.s*, , saaUs.


lae^ grwatrf^ than the dtemelar of
the mast of eltWr OuaHlWKloii or Cotombte. Wbat tbe leairtb of Che amat
la to be me do ahe^aow. but we kahw
two other moat sigaificaat terte. Tha
aew mart te to haro ten bulb ateci
Bllffeiier!i ruualng >>engtbwtea whera
tbe masts of the older rwerra had hot
eight, and there te a atieagthcalag
ftengr every fifty lachM
-where Hk- tuarta of Columbia and Coa•dtatlon had flangea every arvra feet.
Wltb tbr jrreatrr diameter aud tba
locreasr to tbe number of atiffrarro
aad lteni:.*s tbr uew mart te imK far
from twb*r as strooi: as the older
masta; It wUl atand double tbr atfwla
or pn-w,ure from tbr wind. It te alao
heartef t.y-M ,H*l^
or more. Now.
tbr masts of Columbia and Coortltvtloo that were nerd to tbrir racra wefo
of ample atrenyxb for tbe Canvaa they
rorrad. It i* tbrrrforr aboolutely ceriato that the uew mart with Ita extte
weight lias lieen made thus doobly
atrxeuy nui tbrx.uyb fear of aceftd^
but in orxler tu d-airy • very greatly



Tbe dead rtae of tte- i^w boat te two
feet less than that of Columbia or
Ooostltuiinn. The mast will be rtep*
ped liekw-een frattws 33 and 3d. count­
that tbr
boat te a b-gltUuate dereK ing from tte* U.W. and It wlil tbenrforv
opmrut of tbe Previous mxslete de> bh about ten feCi forwrfd of a point
atgnad by Captain Nat Uvrresbxiff, and. midway twtwecu the buw kod tba
If one may judge from a bare sUitrBMt ateru. From the cruwu of tbe frmma
to tbe top of tbe lead keel tbe dteUnc#
Of dimeaalous. they todU-aie a boat
te 17 feet r-Li In.-bes
E'rom tbe top of
will abowr a decided toerraae of
tbe lead to tlw iHfttom U 7 feet 7
I over anything yet built or dralgu
toebrs. Tte- uew boat has the aharpert
ed for uae to yacbttog weatber.
or banh-ft biltfes mud the sbarpert
- team, first of all. that tbe uew turn at tbe garlKJawls of any defender
boat baa eighty twu rrames and that
are spaced iwVuty Iw bx-s apart
tant. tbe facte as given wrUl. be fouad
to bear tbe imprroa of tmib on tbe face
of them, for they abowr very clearlj



aUkm that tbr stem w Ul be fufititl t
gr toc-bea b^yuirt tbe tlrst fmmxS Utllr I
tbe teffraU twenty luxb**. abaft tbr
An EnciWbtnan writing from Prance
tbr new boat wilt be 138 feet
lo lv3o IUV.-S this luatamx* of appetite
king over all •Nuxx.alHHiugU:
oemipc wlib tbr •-ntini.-r **At my left at no auc-b autborltativ
dinner Unlay s«t . very
tbia bav
rver x-oum- fen. witbii
W eemaii. ..|* to brr a youmc fellow,
yard to teyatvl lu eUber tbe
be-r .-..uxin or lo\.-r.
1 brard
or Culumbia. there
Mini for Is-llexli.y tha
sjH-.ik .*f Ib.-ir d.-Jeuner a
(a iir ut bix Mkfnste, Y.*t.
iwni. Hn* d4*li.atr youi
iora two ye
cyxl were t..-ar 132
seenp. b-rf. pn Ir bf J kD..W Uol WbOt.
w. to fa. t. that eax-b
t.long We
but It uas
u, is- of brains,
frames i,ue| Hm
Ibey iirououwvd It rx.x-Ib-nt. A mack
xx*d txx...,ty lul-bes
rn-l fx
apart from center to evuter. Calculat
s;*b..l. kHlnryx. au v|u Ur rUamtaumr.
HU*I fl.rrrrulJ,
xH*t 8 lui'lies iutiy over all.
fure aiuiured ibat tbe uew
f..r»- a luacwtratr was xvel xn
Kt six feet lunyer over all
To Ibis lue-ss tbr youiu: woman .
ones were, and she may
than tbe (
a e.UsnMtx of „rn- vbrs-se thickly be aeveo (
spn ad n|M.n
liinm: up ibr
This me
first, that tlH*.tirw- boat
lk.|xv.s-n .-a.-h ..f Ibr muoxrs by a
Ii.c e.nt tbr »iunn.-r .if a x.-rj larpr mrl
bccte to Hie wliKl. and II m«-aus,
ibat aa sl.e beels tle-re will le*
. Hblp.
lu M-wk. t« rv*s.rt the
.ure of Hh* wIimI
Thus He- now
f.*r trmitoated tbr meal, lo wbkH
Oder when upright will have a
tn .-;, l,..r hihI Iht fru-wl. Hr y liad only
jy length uf not inure than nlii.*ty
half a t-tilr of %. Iw at li: aoua. but
on tlie water, but when tbr wtod
wbl-I. tb.-y dilated witb.<in dedal
lays bet over and brings over*
AU-rnetliy s rul- ni least a calluD of
I Inio the water b.-r wetic-d k-ngth
w rite r. Of every tinny I bavr mentionrd may toc-reasr to 12<» ai.*l |s.ssibly to
tin- woman bad tno iblrdv ‘ttepirttoc 123 feet- Tbe wc-tted lenihh will In*
miKt love folk,west, you n ]\l say
.Vc erraae rapidly wlH. every deym- added
sn, b ma.ti.-r
1 be-y |,.,el s.-,.re-riy waab
f angle of Ite-llnatiun. x.ud the to^
rd tis-ir llrc-rs n m-n tin* ,-oUplr start
t of alx f.s-1 in uxer all Ic-uytb
■ a xsxuslderatele In. re.-tse X.f abll*
rd up and took ib.-ir pbu-.-* In S tjua
dnlle S4-t Jiwt forunsl •
lly t^carry a larger s*rea.^ of yanvaa.


iflte ArntyteU pronaiwa af

IUb TntakM ni tbe Yedit OeKiibed bf
R. $peen.

By John Caxton

Sad es te At id hN> I* b* cuSO
«• hat* Mctete atit tHteteut «■
eifSeti «> th» »*er —le. « te^

xray from KaU*iH-|. Mx,nt.. In regard to
a nexs bot.-I fur Washtoglon. oaya tho
New y..rk Tlmx-s.
Tbe suyg.->*ii»u Is that tbe governmeiii en-i-1 a uatkmal te.t«-i to Wash*
Inytun. t.. .x.xer a whole .blox-k. aud
with x:a. b Slxle ao xsxustrocted of red.
widte and blue l,rl. ks as to look Ilk*
a huge national flay To »ncrx-aae tb*
r.-ali-u, of the H4-heme the author pn^
puses tlnit tiH- outline as aliuwti to
brl.-k alH>uld te wavy, as If tbe flag
lu Hie breexe. He WauU
the lo Ih- a ak.vMTaiHfr. so It can
fn.ui a luny xlisiam-e as the
pxs.ple of Ite es.untry ride Into tb* caplUl on H,e e ars
I te-1-an.xaiisary Is to
lefly. and then* la
Hon lull, wltb ca*
x-ioakrnoius. In wbicb poUdthemsatids may 4»ull wires.
Tte* furuiuire is all lu teto rxsU w bite aiH) blue -Fbe
Is to te r»H|ulrrs| l.y te
laig.- l.iM.el that shall rixal the famous
Mann,* teunl ;..h1 play p.-.trkxU • tones
ly ttey an.1 nlybf “Marrhliig
I ti«*oryu“ te iueuti«med as doe
of tbe tum-s that nms^ te pUyed exnary
dsr at all l.a»nte. Tbe Montana loan
te-Ilcve*, the luu.- is x-otntog
wb.-D Canada aial Mexlx-u wUI be aam-xed. and pmvisjoii must be made to
the hotel for tte- IHHiple uf those xoUU*

to her ability tu resist He* temb ney to
malm leeway.
The next aUlemeut uf dltueusiuna te
te.ose receuHy by
Chat tbe new defender Is 23 feet «
.severed tte fop of hte
» broad over all. Tbe Constitu*
IVnsl.lnyluf, corTrspooddesk, s;,
tloa Is r:. feet 2‘a Im bxsi bmad. aud the
ellt of Ite- Nexx York TiihuiH- He bad
tooat te tberefure tbr*-e and a half
arrlvxsl fr*.m tte
toebs* wider than the xdd. The tJolum-his .se|h-;,yUCH.
rsux-k axiMl
bbi was but 2-1 IT feet Xi Id.-. :...d the
M-natortel honors Wte-n tbxnew defender Is tberefure a little more
in*s Inul tes-n put to pla.v*
a foot and a third wkler than
ItcRr-se-utatlxe K.l.Jy of MlnoeaoUabU.
She will .-BiTT more aall
ts dins fly lea, uf Mr. Iwoug SUd
than the narrower slHp. and m-re nail
.I.e * j-n.j. iu te-lny d.s lan*d the
homelo-st mail III n,uyr«-ss. aauntt-red
througb tbe water
In fa.i. it is fair
the alsk- to bis M-ai. • llumpbr te*
to.T> leugtb
•ul.-.t*d us he- r.-a. II...,raled
all aud the im reased U-au, may
enable tbe new boat to catry nmre than
.■d, xxlH,*s.>,o.- A'-niy turn’s v«,ee
15.0U0 feet of canvas lu ter plain aall
not tte- si;.;, of a sueiit-un bU face:
It has Ultb.Tto iNs-n niin*.r.-d
II i!.ow- e ..n. ette.iis on my d.-sk and
that abe would do
I- larxre- eI.-o.ratl..n uv.-r to Cur*
It te to tbe matter of dlsplax-emont
d.-sL a.Hl lh;.i Otte-r bun.-b of flowIn the sbaiie and area of Hie uuxk-r*
lo Itexx .-r-H k S seat I rex-kou tb*
water body of tbe new slup Hml vhe Is
maj..fiiy ought tx* te- .-nouyh to oatlsfy
We sre told that in
boat tbe xrx-w “will have to
walk on Ibelr bauds and knees xxben
they go tolo tbe bold, l or, xxl.ii.- ttedepth from the tup of'the
tbe deck frames to tbe tuf, of the lend
inches at the l-om
17 feet
ppth. so mueb of tte.
that d
be fit, kee l nU.xe
the lead aud by the w«-b ..f ih** frames
ee*„ de.ks
man u. stand
spaev te
I ot. ir- moih*f
I Is a must Important .|.-f,.mure.
lew ablp will draxx tmt far fruin
me amount of water that H..* old
er boaU dkl (tte* eia. i draft I dM not
laarn). and yet tbe fi<s>r of tte- hull ban
bcM drawn up. ao to s^-ak Tte- defith
from the crowulof Uk nP|H-r d-s k to
tbe deck, below Is txro TTf^i |**ss Ihsii
that of either of tbe older te«ts
Let the «ld time desiguen* of the
Idmintog dish, of whom rnptalu l*hll
Dswoftb was a lead.-r. te* lo.xx h*-ld In
. for DO model t.y xxhlel, they
waa ever su. 1. a skln.n.inj dish

tnerlcan Idea of a akin
tefly In cuu«id.-rel that Inlervsts os
1 he- /a.n Is
ing this uew defn *r.
of bull
that tbia derrease of d.-pl
uslvely that
I'ollstituH.ell or
tag udder oaU abe wll
lo crowd out oC her way. It wlU rebroogb
quire lea
and yet. as already eipUtotb* water,
wldtb and greater ovar
an length ahoald enable her to carry
canvas than tbe older boato
Hbe wUl move
yet bare moro
power to drive her.
It baa been repeatedly a^ that tba
tv laid feaai la firt/ftat loagrr thaa
that of Oooatltutlon aod Colnmbte.
le eaart dlmeoalona of tbe new lend
•1 am: LMgtb on t90,m Net: teaTh
I tbe WtfHu of tbe holb. ifi rent fi
chea; srenitat width on top. 21 loebca.
iit It IveCi both ways to a width of









laa 1000 WAvn





10 ».-« Ia> Iterr
tn drlfitl Limi.

* •

|H-e«t«»s,oo Of tints

jfl.s l>reiu -»urt ire*

A iP-l an.ssk.t
Juslle-V Jeeill. Mu;
Wal.-s tupren,. .s.


uf tlir great Chief
,all uf 11... fnlted
t. x.ft.-n told to
T rottsibaion
X.u--- It. hts gig

He dldnl U..,.xx . a
hnt be did
know H..-II uai.-r won
ona-uteW. .s.. j.xloTim h ami .!r*exH into u ainl got one
mtlr siH^iou of Ite si,*s*I wet- then
drove out and fae-ked bis ban*e, aod
tbe liame |«rt of the wheel went Into
tbe water again, and te pulled back
and kept ae-i^aw ing bac-kwaydand for**
ward, all the time rrillng tbe aaiae
part of the wh.s.i xxet.
While tbe
judge was tethermy
blmaelf about
how to get tte wheel wet. A OCfflo
came along ,.im1 seeing Tte situation,
told him to lxa.4; Into the water again
Be did ack and Che argro tenk hold of
tb* spokes uf the wheel aad luntfag
It around din-rtly. bad It wet aU
Artwind. Judge BarabaU laid; -WBl.
I herer thoaght of that- Tb* durky
mdted: .-m-eit ter
toor^ aeuaa



W topMoA. ^ M

, NarralTa angers Into the vlaL
In apW of the fart that toamed*:
lu y««r Ute I chemtola hare tertlfled to the rootrary,
Mr.x Hart fold. Tbe potoon I any that thia ia^ poison. And now
was nitric m-uL |and ilie |wus»<vttiiig at- far tbe ptjoor- He ralaed the vtal to
toner* have i,.|ihe.r ,*-a.w.iou hatf a hla Ufuk and before the astonished attd lU a.W left Winch kiU be taney. wbo aprang forward, could
much «»*

■0 ao wo9 that I HM ia
foa wfeoa yaa Mt adt mow ^ lhailhMwaa.a*aL lamaatcartrta
ihoter- cHAmuoiTE ATwroom ttat tta amm Nimiii to atoal any*
M ka wMac la the paehrt



m#*. ■ooa«ro Mte of ■■ molt •#
w«mmo <a. J.» moSwwy iMiioioa
Tho foUowlns IneMoato of tho lamW
nllioad daaator afar WootMi. K.
I of rlul Uapor-I were <lmertbtd for tlir Now TaW
tecrtro, a reply | Amorlraa by Mr»- Kmma flirt am. tha
aowordal What, beroiiw of Ibr wieck. who hoi thi
Taa teva told a He.-I aalA. -Now.
and Injored tafcca to her Wma
HedtoaT teatre. no 1 tw over to the
akbatld*afsam»t*. How woald lode lay of the
il coUlaloii of the two <
' ^nMtella|MMti«p«a.*
■ T«.,iML\l>»I4«^>»tf« halp a* to cot tofotber *«*ln> 1 know oIm- my
JwL a!dd^
awful qoah 1 oy
a trtA worth two of tliat 1 boat my; H wa.
-If yoa «aa*t tec away ftoto haf« and
1 «Hk iC ar^aCMiMBt tfar aa«
ilxl in a kmc. lew moam Im acay away. 1 will ahoec yap.- He left
’. I • MnM *• M It tadUMtir •■ tk*
I wmdd
the whole trmla aeemad to lar*
«rtMb l*t MtallM N* ■«•
to CBrtrrk*. He couldn’t aee my face op. and. Joat like tbe aettou of a rtA
rndap. I aaad to be opoalderrd I
■ad didn't know whether 1 was eiyinc
: ahet when 4 Head la Pootti
aruot. 1 didn’t Intood be ahoald.
and women jumped, fefl and wat*
oto 7 o’clock aatil 11 they carrlo
ka^artM'matter*bro**«^i» ^ pwhed oat of the wtndOwa.
I aaw the people la the ochar aara
.,W »«.-h. •« €0W/. 1m I my rtnc-thal U. you Conf It on the
I rMMgattkm. haraid ^ bloody
4Mta»t»kt«*tb*i1a«. Utoladli- lahlo and It rolled In under that brtc> jump to their feet and then fall hack
kritttr tan«M< la «r alad witk 7M ■4wmc cabinet m tt>e corner^ Plaam acain. and then becan the awful
abrieka of tbe Injored and djlnc. U
all happened In a minute. Part ef
•*Vocmer affectSoD.•t«aaa*raalMa>aadlalMlos»
1 abopM hare aald It mournfully, but what 1 aaw then 1 aaa
1 couldn’t 1 waa atlll very ancty. ^ der^whUe 1 waa rt
egprraa an the
waaM maled aK of OM as Iter* more ao that be wouldn’t fire me a Olueek’* in tlie next
•hrMB ae«« ter rxrrpt ea ttk eeee- chance to make It all up. I moke rtn- who ha* a iHepboor At Oloeck’a
I met Mra- tiloeck * aon. -^^alekr 1
■tea om 1 hart £f>arlj lortd.**
-Nerer mind that Do you ac<ept cried. ^Telephone to the pollae and
•If* « pity yon raa<?e irodi m ditetak*^
lire department and hare aa many doc*
httt fertva*!* tJat yoo found no oat la tbe finer
-Doea a cepUoman offer a lady a toFM come aa you can. grtl Aa awful
rtne that la loat wlibont ffodinc It for accident haa happenwir’
Then I at once Went back to my own
This mnat hare been an arcoment yard, where I aelaed a Hatchet aai
The ran waa made with a new cm
. Tlwy woiiJd oct-cr daUy sboald
that hi* rtopldlty cooM comprehend, ■tarted down to tbe femw which aap- tine. Nou i«a». which had jaat
91 tmt mo a* yoa b«ve jo*t dooo.**
for It alleoced him for a few momenta. arated the yard from the railroad from the ahopa. and drawing four
-Had you haiKkd n»e the rln« In a track*. Already * of tboae who
If yoa COB COD* lace mo of m act
af SU traumeot I Till apotoftao on aiy ladyUke manner I would bare found had ew-aiHd and ufUcr* who were only btnaker. The <
‘trying to aetorar.
It for yon. However.
awo> an often!
abmlnatca. The oe% en mlleo between
aa I coukl and allowed
Port Bynm ahd karannab were made
In. Already they
at the rate of 10&.7 mile* ao hour.
l«C JW

•|! _.........

aaddMaat^iiCiia leply.

^itS<£iUr ~ "*. ** **

sxsr;^'r:.“4it; H'-S-■
%ow aony be wat, be muat co back to
We begtenlnc *tid prere by ^t be
a^lofletbatlamalMDtbe/fonc. I
M cmMaot to ao aoeb tb^.
It laift Decewary." I mA. -eapedab
^ dato 1 hare eomo to tbo coodoalon
dat yoa wooklii t aolt mo any bettor
Want would anlt yoa.I looked at him to aoo If my abot
atraek homo, but bo waa ao Impertnrhablo that If bo bad any foeUnca ba
aaacoaled tham perfoctly. TUa turned
the shot lnv» a boomerany. It made
me aucrlor than ercr. 1 abould bare
VBllod tor him reply, but I didn’t I
•ddad two worda which at tbe dme
mamed rery fordbla. but which now


fludnIt, for you. and you can
them up to tuy houae.
to aoDM. other cirl.”
When I got back her^ thert waaa’l
a mom* on the flrat flSor that didn’t
me. I aoon aaw tbe dug. and be contain dead and dying. Thtj lay rr
bare w-en It at the aame Ume. erywbere In the gteateot agony, and
Ite hit iKwmichtrdnpaa. for we the doctora were harrying about th«
lime. I houae trying to find bandagea. 1 raa
upatalr* and got all of the ckua linaa
from the cheat and cartlwl It down to

was beaming, and hla eyes fslrly
1 turned away from him. but remem­
bered that my wtdst was Where he
oouid conrenJeuiIy encircle It. He did
ao. while with the other hand he allp*
n<.th hla

on. fiittaful ooe. what la your life aEboeoT
la thar* a higher gift la Ood a pore love
Thea to^har* n««a on r*rth a* man of

i*s hr th*^


non.**alUa* “Kid - Hurtoti.
a stthalkHi that
though be wap. adAlttrd
aant ludutid fu
h a chain uf ctrcnmstanthil e%ldemv tliat waa w ithout
a daw. ).Kkfd *e.urHv In a newly
baUi jail with no uu-»up uf ea^wpe and
no pat within a thoi
niah auth meativ It uai. but natural
that be *bouW mutter to himself that
he had -gone de |uic- aud must walk
de plank fer IL’’ Vet h.->ted hi*
fate with stoicism that waa admira­
ble. Aiwa}* eviHfctiiiS arrest
dreading deh-ciU.n. U- had (*.tu
cooalder that lU- event* which cv
toted hla life must iwtumll} and
eaoarlly lermluaie u|k.i. ih- gaUuwa.
And DOW that the blow lm*l fali
accepted a realgucdlv. *
The door awuug «.|p*n. iiml John Nar• peculiarly farorable the fiaw art vail attomvy «i l»«. sb|»i>cd inside
The warden Im k.-d th^ do..r aii.l Irti
them togrth.T.
- For a moment eu. h man ki.mkI
mr Norman Lockj^r. dln*u«alng the nrlng the other, .\ariall i«.u i
Of great phyalcal aireiigth. who,
fer nature had be«-u
vlrcomaunce*. Uurtou saw a slight, ath­
favor In England. It la •
letic man of iierhapii l
It la net long, rttpe off the 1
twenty-four, with p*h*. arlsHsTatlc feaandUexpllctt.

man wbo waa carried looked at m* appeall^ly and aald:
-W^o. If yon hare the courate to
be here, you mnat hare the count* to
put me oat of my mlaery. Hare pity
on me. and kill mer
ilia lego had befo cut off cloae to tbe
body, and death aoon came to hla ra­

with hla lifis.
-I warn yoa.- 1
ling entaiigl
il waa Ju*t after <Ee of the rtctlma
who dcH^sn’t suit you You ivuld never
consult with her. Think what wUl be had died that I discovered a atrange
’ rather yoin.g, ivlio. I think, lire*

. .vir: Thu


Ha* Aid you I


U >uh |wy me f3.0U0 fr^m*tL^JIIiSd^withiSr^ bar.
Olnesa as of death rrtgifed f«rw
Jf 1 have >wu ao|Uiiit*n~I*on t juUy me.
You know UKjmenI* and wo* broken bj'tbr
, swag an collciled voice of NarxwU:
It esn t
• tSenttomen. if wjthln’half an hour
I am dead of course tbe dafendaot to
gnllt.v; otherwise you can but acquit
I kimws.-I don’t brila- jud,cs and Juriea.An hour later, when tie- jury bad
oald Nkrmll c-uhll) • WIU jou |m> me
iTvaght in a verdict of -mrt patlty.that fv*-r
|.fe*.ed forward and ettroM
“Yes but «>-'
•n ueti that doses our hushies*. And. hi* hami to .\ rail. Toe Dtti-r rtatad
os', hsteh. I will n.d M*- .nuu again I at It cold!}.
ina!. It I -I guess you're right, guv’nrr.- aald
next WcIneiMlay. xix day* | Burton.' -You’re a gentleman.from today. N« malier what t «lo at ?
O. A. I«kXll
trUk .vuu arc i»oi lu show *ur- j
- ----- •
r.“ Narvall
a«d .alh-d to
AWsf-MI-d-d nsggwr.
I He was v-wy s.**D ai«l pah-, hat
Wiliu.1 a droll SIK-. imin uf the baldup «-itlz.-ii.

lunusl ami.wulk
Tbe alx dar* pas-«ed ffv s|».w ly to
Burton. At iln.-s h- ihh'ngiu i
er aU .\ar%aU ,u».-t J..n- i .s- * '
Ing- him. but ill tl.: .NHi thpresslon of hin. still re,.,;.u .si
At Ust the dn,
whi. h hi- trial
W.1S iakeii Into
.-4ll.d The
itiii..'«rii-l*sl ami

u^vhat do }OU do fur a MxiugV
uii a
rt»ai I
-I’ve iHs-n <*dU*S
time IU.S1.- he wlU
..,. ,.1S J X iknc%-.~ Kxchs tigc.

-Iki .vmi msl II hard I.. keep joUT
New. Y.-nr n-s..IiUuMi-: ’
-Nol :• bn. I I..UU.I a feUow next
.Ic r In the ;^me tlx with me. and U*
uttv It- up ill lb.- .-vnintry m-hI hlnrsom*
aumHtndc.1 ltiirt..«
*if the lim-st !ianl cid.T yuu ever tasted,
..11 11,.- jury or «v)iit>e ehhr Isn't lilt lii.h-d in the
keu .straiul. N..i i
doubted that'he
sxvear .»!T. ami \\c*ve bnrii.d that you
aoUcUor euU«*I wdli ii >uide of irlvwn’C
cl.ler Jags
ouiph. This w.uild J- .. ..
vlitioo t.» his . itsiit
Tln*n Sarvoll r«.se 1|.> was slightly
paW than iisiml but a faiui smile
The Hev. iVny S. liraot wa* recent
ly cwU.d ui*Mi to make an aft.vdinner
-If It pb^sr- your IciHr ami g
Hss^ch n t..plc wld. 1. be did tHd
men of tb.- jury, in tl..- fa.-.-of sm
think wonl.l
.wiasHallr |nlere*Hug
dciiee as iM-cii
.... ttilix. Ie.s-.l 1
.to his autlifoes. Afi.v talking almiit
ill I.. ni. y t.*ll vaH‘»tts stibj -eis ml., r ih*i» Ihc «me a*
1.1111 the ef1,.. k.,i.| be remlndtd
I the preacnci* uf a su|ie^..f Ibis ladvf Ih- pn^olav^ win. w.-t.| t..
tl«*. a.lmilitslered l.% ll.e
were r.-pnseutaitics of
at II tlMiiigtiinilly
men. If iI.;M Ih s.. II luust i..s,^^,rlly
lieu a, lairru
follow ll.;4l ll.e l.nci.leiu .^.MlelllS fchmjbd from iis «wge on the |s.r«-|i:
you could
Will l.a\e I he siiiiie o|sei a bu
d«s-: I'm allghll.v up
•Thank >oil. sir! liiaiik’
lurt.iu. but Nar Utsn tadng as the oUs r ball I- all.-g.*!
time and"- began lU
-Whvr an*w.T.d Hie
to have bad This. 1 as-.-M. ii %ull not -Wliat liave yon l.> I
do." Kxerr ear was ..traiivsi u» .-ji.-h
• l or I m tietitlolling flint «-.»nr..iind^
hts Sles-M. elerv
»V.s |,x.s| uti old .Tneker.
ker. '• n-sin.iMbd
r.-s, tl»- ivirrutV|v.rru
New Y.irk llim-s

We must get out of the McNamara Store before March 1st.
We have room here to enumerate but few of the sacrifices we
make in order to move goods quickly—About two weeks more
wilt pretty well close out following Bargains at present rate.
Come and see, if you haven’t done so and those who hpe
already benefitted by our prices tell your Neighbors—“Pass a Good Xhingf Alocie!”
ic buys
Choice of Boys good collari.

Sc buys
choice of «.ip lot fine silk
bows, regular 25c goods.

choice of lol good 19c sus­

10c buys
choice of lot Bo^V and
Mens 2.5c Caps, extra
values even at 25c—also
25c Neckwear, all colors
and shapes

13c buy^
CIk^ of large assort­
ment Knit Mufflers—all
colors—also choice 25c

Choke of lot of Men's
?r Mittens—good



Shirts or drawers from
86c fleece lined Undorw’r.

Every sale
seems to
require a
name, and
we call
this our
it is a
“picnic” for
us to almost
give goods
away nor
because we
expect to
take a

19c buys
choice from lot of fancy
vests for bo\’s 4 to 7 yrs.
of age. worth 50c to 75c.

2«c buys
22c buys


sale is over,
but because
we must
vacate the
building by

cither shirts or drawers
from 50c Fleece lined
Men’s Underwear--or
Men’s 50c Sweater—also
lot Boys* Knee Pants—
worth about double this
price—Men’s 50c Jersey
Shirts—?xira good.

33c buys
Choice from lol Nlcn’s
Gloves or mittens." regu­
lar price 50c. ,

3$c buys
Men’s Fine Neckwear all
shapes worth 60c and 75c.
Also Childs’ 50c Knee
Pants, any color — your


when this

SOc buys
Men’s Fancy colorctl
shirts, large line, your
choice—were $l.Ui and
Also child's fancy Caps,
regular $1.00 goods, all
Also big lot scarlet and
other color Men’s line
wool 1.00 Underwear-

Children’s Knee Pants your choice of 75c goods-

Mar. 1st and
it requires
quick work
on our
part to
take care of
our large
stock in that
We threw

75C buys
Men s $1.U0 Uuck Coats,
better coats in same pro­
Also Child’s Knee I’ants.
choice of $1.00 goo<Is.

94c buys

Men’s Kersey Pants, good
$1.25 goods.

1.00 buys

the doors
of that


such prices
1 Underwear

goods, |



1.33 buys
Men S fine flannel shin or
line Sweater S2 goods.

Jan. 1st,
and the
rush for
first choipe
strates that
know what
our offer
of best

Men's Fine wool Sweater
-choice of $1.60 goods.


Also Men’s $\M Macki*
naws or Kersey Pants—
better mdcs above goods
same discount.



iiM-tt. r «ra.i. s s.-,,nc dis- means. Many

2.25 buys
Ofihls $2,110 Kk’efcrs or
()\ ercoai--.

6.00 buys
j Choice of



In Men’s
Ulsters or


7*00 buys
A $12.0(1 Men’s Overcoiii
of a
if we i-an ill you.

9.00 buys
A tine $15.Ut Chinchilla
Ulster it we can fit you.
Many art­
12.00 buys, i icles at
A $-3t.t.«t Men s I Ister
much less
plush linetl.
12.75 buys
Choice of a big lot Men s Half Price.

j Suits.

fine Suits-all sizes.


J. Mdrratt. BaoKn aai

CirMiroe Oob Gitc the FiaMFrtaiy k»d l-« fr»m4 f«r Mr.
citf Bctt Time oT His UI&


nonic Iff LiiT«AiiJ: sm TaXter^taalrt^
Oor IM Im ha Hom ■• • rUm;
tint n«y •4T«t lh»4r rro«T».
T?»Mr arotU* or ihHr fm««. (
But SloniBO b, do-^n t

« Itli

•• 4

•f Ut.i.r’ muarktsj th«* Ohio acnktor. j
Mr M#>r»»ii IsHiJtatMl________________
ll.*Ti^:. -I rai, MX tluit I
in. H
II. IDO.-II m. thtj j
lit*;, nr*-, trui of all tlio tllnm-ni | orer!
Mt 6*mu to IIK 4;Hairuu dob tlliuMr
iaax lilidit tAkn. tin* juilto.
^Voti mimiflr ui- of a parrot tBat i
* b-iirtird to talk lU- loomiDS afiafl
b-ar.*ed frua: ujit. maniiua. xuaipBia.|
• tiu wc lutd! tiuy, fwp-bajia.


at iW
evuU-r o»
of cowraie uokiu
UIUOU autkiii ai
»«e twoier
-* Tbr
rho- rvad
rargiug rallrtiad
rallniBd IU
Tbe ttehserrBd:
Wh^i^vrrbnew h.

Mr Moncan bad f>ee« ibe feature of j « «
bwdlna tlie G. O. V.
Il»edlniw-r. Hi-urr,.|rt.^Ulw. InrIUlloD
astride of wbh b sat I'rewU
aeveral week. at*, when tlie liiidlnm
lHaan-irll. »«e„ai.,i
luarvb. lul. de. kl.sJ b, Ii.iike ir. annual din-:
*« *»“*
' a f.-MSl Io^.**lfH- f.iplaliis of Indus- '
tU sUrkfwl insn lb aU the show


al tUe dub ntMutirr ItniMototflaa Betqr 4;rrr«. wtio vraa la a atate of adad
orer « emt whicb abe had M the daj

Tljrfe arera Banx other feataraa. to-

trbo MOft appaopriate inoalc —aa. I



I—id of W new .,M,a r rorponu.n. besa„ to IIx at tl«* bead# of
I bii. eidertalned erety tbe vaptalns of lialusirj'* wbi-n tbe
|.r«-siib-nl who bn% Ipeen In tlie Wblta preeident of tfie t-liib was tnnucurated.
II.him- duiinj; nearly fwe„ix xeara. al- Fertiinand und limts-tla apfieared on
W ttya innk'-s a
fi-nture of Its au* tbe ihnuie ..f Kpnln. aial rolutnbua
buiil diiifii-r, Tbe iiii-uda r. an- no ref,..-iervi of dU.'nn>
i;»*-ry man wbo bis vviiiMb-riiic’* «»'d dlwsiverles.
«tti-iel. n» dinner*, ev.-n me presideuL was asked by th- .|0(s-n wh.*it be bad
kiMiw. |»«rf*-*!ly well i.iui tbe liuitMir- done will! tbe money raise«l by “bock(.MS skle .if bis Huirn-ter iv'lll Is* iKifle repliisl tti fear
tnryeil In one way «»r anoiber
- led dropiHsl It
It hi all eery nis.l s|.irt. If Is i;lrcD all in • I' Sint.-s sii-iii '
||e ann.iiinie.1 tlini be had dis*s»vi.i..l n trust
fub- «.r tb- . lull i.. * l.ailles are al- dnrlnc UN wauderini;. whi.-li was a
VIays I.rewnt; i.-|.»rt*-rM never'* This “bini. ri of iiM.iiey .-Mlri-ly
l»X Wilier." .iDdsm iirbllration. whU-b
that any sfteaker was "a*-r.-o.e for keet.ini: i.»al at
«wii iiw- tile nlinti.( rrv«sl.*iii of expres- 120 n ion "

t N4». : oC tha Qraad Aragr

lirliibd or rv|N-i.iisl l. yii
. wn. oi-ncl :.l tie- lower ej.d of
elefi band th- r.H*M. ai..l n n.i inU-r of‘the « Iub.
a pn-sldeut |„ 111,::
n boiki-r s • lerk. ui om-e lia>
•d les-n ar
l b.- ..ili.s- bad a tU-ker
Ibe f..mi of {
elmruious j
o teb-pb«*U*-.
I be bu» kel sbiii w aa
ts-fon* bim auppoaed lo le- It. New Yi»rk. and It bad



4rf tlie ralslBC of the atari
HOnUie hMoiicstructara W
Uocolo on ^'eti 22. IfKl. dOf.
maorable trip to %Vi
iBcnralrd tbe.firai i

Tin-fuv-iies-iided w ith tlie npl».'Brnru'C


lc.K.M-ieIt Is



-ti bu d.-*k lb bis private oftit.- Washlnt-toii ,-urres|H.Dd-

the brnterlOlugist. declnre* tbul tvph.od fcv*-r
i-an lie ataiiipe*l out tlirmigb pniper
trmtinent uf ea. It
He urtres that
every ciih.- ,.f
....... .
f-'-r »"• •*
airbtly iHitat-,
apd by stub iM.latlon tlie <
be vvbollr evi«rinlntti«sl

goc eriiii.eiit t^rc j.-e.
"That ; SiiM the pn-sUb ut as lie
.K numiH-r of ligun-s an- glvi-n of
ph-k-*l lip .............. rtud iMlall.s-d II rsn4.«*>ty 111 bis "Is a lltth- Ittstru- Mme FalHs earidngs. and It Is be­
lu-ni I use to t ULVs.*ir fnoii tbe I lieved tb:il she inilsl have nuule a
mltllon is.uuds will, her wonibTful
luoF-niii.lik-s ..f ..iU.s-.-s-k.-rs"
voltslutrli.g ime snlKle 3'eur abe]
WIm-i. II|SH| Ilf- ii.aii hsikliii; for a j
jieU.*d IL--SMMI
Huy lifter *iuy, durtb- pn-sld-iit it w
I lug *
or tl.
houra fS.OOO.


u r»r
A' /*//i

*•/ . .*ai I.
ica U'Pu/J
\ai .l////./A7?.V.V:

7‘al//e IJf/f/is 'J:jc lo $:i yard
. Xapliiu< <V;7f' to $8 dozen
Tourh.lcio $: each
Tonrlitigs /-:> h 1 Sr yard
Shei'ts and 1‘illow Ca^s, Sheeting and
Billow Case MuslinV. Curtain Mulls.
Net. INairv^nd Dotted White Rannels.
Bed Spreads $1 .On to $5.<l0. Some ex­
tra line nuiill>ers in these?. £mbroidcr>’
and butchers linen: handkerchieflinens.





ilceef forwauty kttimi


7 the pm
tocT. and


.-si I.. m.ike n (siTtralt
or llo- reg. lit

OlamwMe Mlalwa OmmamUmm,
One of the most gifanUc mining op-

------------------------------M’CORMIGK'S COURT

1 erailons ever ididertaken la about lo be
DRESS j «wrrled out at CHpple Creek.,Colo. A
I tnnnel no fewer than fourteen mlka In
■e Wears .Le a*.*, ii<ur«e*»w c— |,.np,h N to
In,red Inmcdet that the
our kmhmnamdura.
| nitnerals may lN> brtuigbt through and
l: s M.S ..t,u„k „r . l.i.-agT,. t nlted -f.rtnv:mled to tbe coast. Tbe real ad.States .....iM-v .l-.i 1.. Itiissla. iKiugbt I vpninev will lo* that the ore wlU then
the ni..-t
t-.T-.s..!. „.iirts .ostudU ^ i*e able to |Bks from tbe mine to the
know n to i„vv,rding to a port over a coraparaHvely lerH plana
f;..m I'aiis to tbo 1 of InnaU.- "
8t |.i»tiis 4;u.l- |Mi...Hrst. IIh- ira-l
aon for this fr.iiii dcnimratle
almplicHV wlil.fli IS sitpiHe-sl to cltara<T<-rirc tlK- ........................ . jin nuibaaaa* was itlklhg on Philippine <
dor of tbe Anicri. .Ill n-f'dillr Is that
Will licrv.-iftcr wear isiiirt dreaa liko
otl- r nmb.-iss.^d..i>.. Tbe * xnr Idmoetf
sttgK-sted tills t*. .\ii.tuii*sml.*r Tower,
and the Intu-r felt Umud to comply
and imcrllic-e atuiplb-lty by ap|N-arlng In
gala dress.
McTornilrk's ewked bat la a dreaak
bis SW.W.1 is ibrei- ntHl a half feet king.
:ia uiN.n lliM ..f n I'reu. b geoen»l Tlie ,s*stiin.e is g« enough
lo make bliu |e-is.oi:i cmtH to Ibe czar.
Tb** tweiiii.-Ui .•♦MiTiity itmvrraent of
the I•resb.v^.•ln••• .'*ut,da.v aa, In tbe
Hiliist Siiil.-s .litnng Ibe fstsi two and
a Inilf uatbcMsl b. more titan
4«KM«i0 cbtldren: loit It .is aald that It
Tequlred Jii-i aUnii that iiumlUT to

• flag.- he c!
"Yotill 1
the llr*t
aald i'uahuuin of Washington.
"And you c-au bet that tbe Bah
won’t get out of Iweatb trying
overtake roc." added Crampackar
ludLsna -^liHniU Free Prraa.
Bllllartl eziMTta In congreao yield the
palm to benator-Mallory of FloHda.^
whose work with the cue la of the
hlibeat order.
Only Congrmman
Gochran of Mlaaonri and Congreoaman
Imnluim of Texaa are auppoacd to hi
In his data, and both cooeedo the
FlorUla man t anoerlor akllL

of tbe Bvitlah^ aattonal eachaqnar.

which la mo.oooxioo.




A't'fcrao^; IVIori*fc Molds

These sales of white of ours have often'been;
iraitated. never duplicated; they have become a
great public tcanomy looked for and waited for by hun­
dreds of women who have profited by them in the
The goods we sold last year are going to bring
us more customers this year because of the durabil­
ity of the articles sold.

Daintp Under Wuslins

dousehoM f2etds
THhRI'I is no j»lacr in this pan of ilic.
^ stale where your needs along this
li^ie can be supplied as well as here —
W hy ? Because we sell more, enabling
us lo gel closer prices in buying, which
means ^tt^r prices to you. The qualiiy
IS the Im*sI or we would not have it. .


uga at the mrt bT
tbe aged lefwt of
Bavaria, are . jusiug wkle<sirHiff oiMs tlH-y sbow^^a deeWed tewdeocy Ut
towanl tbe luxury «im1 dlapfaqr oC the piayrtL pood fan ran be ^iS te bagte
exuUe and esss-oirki wlik-b liaa iawdod with by a md^lK Bietliod «r choeateg
mvut Bavarian imi^rcba
One new way la by matrhtaff ep
Innatie a\t loin. sjv^^->h>
disjol.b fr..m Mtinb-li. Bavaria, to tho chameten of billon, lirt each a( the
Stria ilraw a slij. on which the name
New York
pf pnme Doled heroine of Mob Jb
The prin
wrlllen. aa Trilby. Mary
tbe direct.-.1, «f iImFban*. Ia»4l.r Babble. LarM Doooa.
fantasth- u,KU- ibnuni
^ men tbpw aUpo I
dlsls-s III ev :;;M.nlil.i.r> 1
bitest .sniit *.all sup-H-r lt»er,
Uttle ItUUe. Charlco Bmodoib Bawurilstlc
111*- giu-^v-.
with dldieultx to- don Cmwley. Gavin Ptahut Bad Ma
dm-cd to d.-i, ilo-i,.
Huge lob- Kidd. The roupleo mnat thM ffit t»b. l•,.-l:...l,oal^ fashioned setbiT aa tbe world of fletka haa
In rnmlHs of M.s.;ml, l.ulhbitgs. every paired them. and. If mlaukaa art Bate
detail lieiot; tH-ne* i. *Uh- uMwta were 00 moch tbe xuort^ fniL With daw
1 w.m n iK-.-trly p;.st,-. with the people tbe puraibllltlea fir a hrlght
and d-*.-^ ..r the ro.ral boBM. eonremtktn cm tint batU are radliB
till Ilo-i- ,.t.;,;-roi,s ijuarterlnsA ^'blrago Post
in i* lly ..f .i.-.hrt.-iy mrrect horaIdU- *v
most ,iMs|-rs
were ^ervisl
d,sb"Why. Ibe night of her party abe f
lograph In the conacrratBcy. a
le has a record of aU tba foollah
ibings aald bv no Icaa than acren loremaklug rouiilcs. And the wont taU
oak iesives and a .
os wbo they are. ao every one of the
tion of a bnut.oV..,. i ...i
“ womed."^hlcago Poot


Daintiness, refinement, ample lengths, gener­
ous widths, neat sewing; everything that proclaims
the home-made garment without the drudgery of
home work: these are some of the charms that are
first recognized in the great piles of garments that
have turned this into a aiai* aiwbiU.
■ Our every effort is to make this the greatest
sale of white we ever had if having better gar­
ments. better prices and your co-operation will ef­
fect it we fejBl sure we will have it.

/,• ini i.-a


die wtn placa a hmaa tablet
Aevmlk to from of the auteboi
OB I^Vh. ffl next as a

Ptoafcl^m Moraoa pUyed the oraaa.
John MUrhrIt pls) *>l tha druflv.
ih.- smm. old «»*o.
•h* rsllrood
r^ilrood playr^
imd lb.
tha price was 4wHvr
twrtTr p»r tow.
per tea.
ModdculX U*e cu.tooieni uotlrod ttodcs
htat known llrloc soldleffa of the drU
were rapkUx tBokuf: down. The txpaThe onkm o\ the -Ulx Whftea- aad
wrttcr Hrl looUd imo tbr taoer oOea
war will partIHpate in the exmiaaaw
“Btark aad Tan. * traa effected hj tba
aad aaaomirrd iluit nLe okl man was
The liiacrIptkNi o« the tablet w)0
road: *^AUmluiu. UtH»lu stu«l h«9
aaltfti.** Be wa. awaki-tn-d and sara
Atlanta atid
. wben be raised tbe flat: on lodepcai.
9mcr ball. Feb. -22. Ibdl. Tbia tabiK
affaluM a aide of ibe nsiui a ns whirled —placad hx To.
bx oiw of the I h rks, aiMl sio, k- Jumped
iwemx points. Aflrr.t-ksbad r^^ i;;;;;^*-';^-*^^^^^^^
the nepubUc. ^
UII.1 otteriuc tl»e
Uucola'a a|«eecb on the
tonun* and hauclnj;. Tbe
tbouc{i a alkiTt one. waa one of tbe
offeiidinu lurmlMT. acre dmpffed to
entenaloed tin- nu^IU-inv. uiib the foLj®^
moat siguifliaut be ever made. It waa
i jti.-r *.f the nH.ui and sharped
lowinc hotig t; tlie air of "Mf. Uoolex*- “***
net bis Intention to remain ovvr in Pbllwlib l.-liitf «an»etbai;i:erti who weea
Bdel|*bto while on bis wax to WasbJtsThere ts s
' irxinr to direct soutln rn affalm. Tbej
loo. but be was fiersitadtd to do ao bx
oo ih. iips-of rvoT
a« "J <*birk.on Obi. lead- Mayor Henry and a deU-galiou of rill-.

„ of tl>e .jj,
'Ulx Whlloa.*
Whltaa.* ** aihl
atal -J.
who waited O|iou bim at tbe Cony«« re**l aUmt.him every d.y, his aam* | |.rttcbard Mllh-r. leader of Ibe Black
tloeaui boCeL and tbe next day. Feb.
f h« rveo
22. be nilacJ tbe flay. Fart of bla adttra our
dma wusUtesI of these Temarkab^
For Mr >lorxsn. Mr Morasn.
I The arrair.l man tl.s routitry
"I propoae to aay that when that flay
tbe club. b.-id ad\o.-ated tbrlr deatb bx
waa ortfUiallx ralaed here It bad buf
luecndlarv- ajHni.btii.
Ux koinff tbe
thirteen aUrs. I w isl, to t-all your at­
IKoo JulUrs la rv*r> ktid OrUliroti club na suiTtT tbiTN^ere re- tention to the fait tlwt under tbe M.-aaHs mads a
leosisl on the prvimJtff to pd^ked
of uust
inya of God eac-b addltbmal star addl'd
II# took hla fri.^8 aiun« with htm« Iba tbttnirb life wltb a colored brotber.V/
to that das Ima given addUioual proaothers had to Oust
Moeli to tlu- surprise of Secretary
perity and liappiu*-ss to this c»»uutry,
But wh*a bs t«.kiej T*slJv he rsa up
Cdrtely.iU. w bo w .-ts one Of Ibe fiesta.
aaaiast a Jo»..
unUI it has advanced to its present conHs
Lis railro.i.1- t.. s hur.-»i. hs Ills w*-ll kn-iw It eolorrtl im-sseuirt-r. Ar­
dlUona. and its welfare In tlie future
thur Simniotis. np|M>ared. and to him
aa well as iti the (.ast is in your batkla.
Now Mr Morfsn lurtiHl a trl-k. 'Iwas the * b tt.y men.bers" of tbe club were
"<"ultIvatlriK tin- spirit that animated
botiii.l l.y broud silk iff tdack
hsrdli on the squar. .
onr Xatbers. wbo imve renown and.
Its corner*d KousevHt s fatortle pansA and w bi:.', iln- Hub rolom. Tbe prral
celebrilx to tbia bail, rberisbins that
liM iudIhc ‘Vwona ' atnl t-«r
dent of the .tub tbeii uuuouucrd that*
*Tha prswld-iit ms>
tu Uu-t. 1*11
fraternal feeling wideb has an bmg.
pl:.-.-s |,.-,d iH.-n I -v ,ted .nt tlie table
hsve to how to fat.^
rbaraeterixed us as a nation, excluding
But wlien It eotnes l.> l.unttna ha will for the . IMI. lo.-inh-ts. but that tbelr
paasiou. Ill temiM-r and prfs-ipitiiy ac­
have lo Hrnltrate.
mtnpanlous would l.avi- tu is- cared for
tion on all oetw-dnns. l think we may
on III*- ..iber -l.|e ,,r lutfaxetie s*p»ape.
Id the White Ilmis..
twJ'iIly'^ienis a ton. steel
Wh.Mi I In- .llituer was i-uucloded. Mr
rsua be tweni>.iu.Moms (I expressed biuioelf as very
With U.e water aqu*.^s.-l fr..m stl lbs
lint, b pl-n-sl lb.- .-uterlaiiltuent
stoefcs. with forest, full uf le-.r
Tbe mllleiuum will be al l«ir.d and all ths snd f..i .. I,...;: ll.t.-msl to stories
people swear
lhil.;:s II..,t bil.I Iss-n done at be plrti-ed then-, aiitil we slmll iitiuiber.
lt> Mr. Morjfan i..Ms d.i.n.Ts
lie will iiosslblx be as was autlcIpatiHt by the blstoriao,
bOU.OOu.OOU of happy and prosperona
Tbe ixilivr-rsiitloli of tbe . rowd In Mr.
Moncau S olb.>- was inten-stlt.;:
"Hay." said one. "1 k**! a bally tip
la>l niKlit.”
'•Who xnve It to y..u*;”
"t baittieey |n-|H-w."
••l»ou*t |ibiy It." warned nuotlo-r uirmher. "for if It wns woith anytltluj
vvouldnt bnve *;i\eu It
away "
1 bi-it IV1« dialoicue «
lie iblnj; Unit w«irr|es the old man
la winit we badTe-tW-r do aU.Ut a prewbb-iit of llte board of akl-t iiteii "
• So; presmetil of tbe I States."
"Ob. I Ib.Miulil It was *«.tii-lliliMj bn-



.M hn”‘r.

a. J.
l of tiM Proader AprlL
«xt<^ul« raUrood. fljrun<! untWr

. "Isiaad I'at.*'
Tld* I. p^irt of a «.imefwatioD tbaC
'**»** »■-«“
lent A <;rlMorn. f.nwWent of tb«
'1*e,k pbiec aUtUt 1*1 o'rluiis the other
atloiisl Fieiiui.ldp «<otublnation.
/..oiMWic In Wa.ldi.cioi. alien J. rierMi»ncan anil b«-naiur Hanna of
ault. Mr. CriMSiui was trimmed
• tbio. tao of tlu- subjrrts of miu-b af Up 111 Ibis at vie;
Ultle llo hs. lost hi. shin.
• nlpbt
ind Uoean I know where u> fknd them,
t them alorve. «nd they will . ume lioms
for*-. I.»e5 at Ibe l»reakra.t table In Ibe
Vlih a soUsMly beniiKj them
Arlii;fft..n lu*tel. «)• «be New Vofk‘
^^naliir Hanna, a* June, w as dreoaed


Mwmhtn af tW Holi andaiHj valkad
toaaitaaktbrtraratfL TIXTwarrtka
«• appeaiatf aa
aaotbnr at tha
«««.. Thera
arrta talks
tnanaerr. cleric
aad sduiion to Wt^l.inirtoo. t^tor
sniiia aMBod Wtllhu: to clrr loforoatloe aa to wlix »M5*r na. ccolnc up. Ha
aspUloml tUat ttruaiur ijtxnr liaU gooa
off and Uioatit arliliooi order..


Whitt Wool Goods and Jill
Wash Goods Undtr Priet.
Evcrj thinn ixjints to this Ix ini,'(In- l.'>r;;est while s.-asoii
ever known." Sceint; lhi>. «<• in;id<; preparations months
aijo- consequently-wo hav.- a most complete showing.

WUte Noluirs, White ScicaUeniie. White Albitross.
White VoUe, White Snblime, White Serfe, White
Henriettas, Kote be Cheval, Etc.
Leno Eumlnes, Hercerted Basket Cloth. Madras
Cloth. Cheviot Madras. Hercerized Zepher. Swiss
Plumetis, Dotted Swlsses, St. G^iU Swlsscs, Organ­
dies. Persian Uwns. India Liims. Dimities. Nain‘ socks. Umraoth. Etc.
EveiTthini; at this class comes under the ussal
White Sale Discoont.


iSnt're-Jtiun /r.
,.tn»t>/h it

A' : •/

TUKSK far surpass anything wt?*ve
i cvrr ha.l. Is thf'n* anything that
ihdights .1 woman mon? than dainty un­
der nuislins of snowy whiteness. They
are here in abundance—with tucks inseriions. hemsiiiched, embroidery and

laces in profusion -Prices little com*
part'd with qualii),
(‘orse! Covers. .'!OcIo^2.7-j
Dranrrs....... .2r>clo$2.7r,
( hemisr ..... . 2Jc io $2.00
COH/is........... .r,0clo $i.50
SJtirls.......... .2.7rlo$',.50
niMt Prices hr Little Cats
Dranrrs......... 10c lo $0.25
'Gouns........... ■ 25c lo $1.00
Stirh.......... . .25c lo $2.00
Ifahls......... ..25cto $0.50
Matched suits, four pieces, at $7JK),
Slo.on and $1*J.OO the suit. . Laces. Em­
broideries. Insertions, All-Over Em­
broider) and Laces all await your ap­







rWtet> tbe tnrtb^.
^ThtetfiifW.** Xlk#>vM
•TiT w whanidfT. **W«t) of thta M
hto flMUm’. and aoiliiaX do Ur
lAlvU tot to okrrwicr tbmcfa the sale*
and try to rrdm thr> trarka Just mm.So.
57 traa toM’M’ 1» If ’tmTUBit for that anglnr.*' rrvliml
'•J and
riatJecian^li^ tbrfr'd to
cr IMB lu cfvar up In tto rooatktr.*’
Central Uallrtod of .Netr Jeiarj tmcka.
ro inroad to look at tto
taU tgutr. Ono irtauct*
plojrrea. aajra tto Near Voek
A moa»mt latrr ato war totolna to Ida
df her 175
Moot to ottupukeo pobl
arm wlt^ all tto
a uueadoa which, thoach tt
“Walt, iirr sdir panted. “For tto lore them UtocUy. la caoldrml to |
oianaaera and dlri^n anperlnta
He looked down, amaaed.
to to none of their toalpeoa. Imt
.“Oil. rni not auad. 4<^*t jroa think It.**
» they point ont that alMt
And Indeed tto crar ^jea rataed tu hla
were wonderfollf aane Mind ttoir

>1te «• M>y wu-:«fae

Bat ^ptnmammr tha woa>u wka

tlnj^luemen. braketoen and oui
Bin yoo manted ®»>. homeward boond after their cm
four J.HH. BBO. Oh, cdidn't I ^ yoaf • b U Ulea In tbe amoker of Inctoeata of
. *tWBH little
little elae
Hae I1 did that l.lraaed nOlroadliiB that had they hta^n wUimt look at the pkturr you made. [ u.«ed by pa-aeOBera would hare tor UU whoever dm<t^ ut^uum
Ttial fa-'
oerroua pro

wot to tor eyea.
ten filled with Boeh
hlaaaadnaaa of Joy that, y ato n
have the kind, brate heart to do what
nhay ware lika twin UahA on an
yon joat done."
tar.** MrAMafuIrFa heart achad. ^
Tto man pal««l aa be had not done
-noufh ttorea them that deni
mlad HT ato Wf®t eon. “Look tto# when kwkinB death in the fare.
"Gor Mr». MaBiiire yavr him a
nnw4^th a aSdolont nod to wbeta to
«w Mtrr
ntiD • yooac modi* push toward the waltioB room door.
“BhVa In then.. I tell yon. alUny her
toart out for a alght of you. And."
IcraiildnB him acalu. “don't you
nay a
word, but joat take ber aluna borne.**
Aa hla ticoad ^laCk dlaapiieared Ura.
l»rrotly. . “TbTT had
I and had to wait aUf liakulre laid hold of

--------------J hxAed oo limke up

Then ato tank back Into ito chair.
^TTou tecoimtoed me^" the aaid weart•And If I did. a.|anIre"-Mra Ua-

CMtof back to hefw^^i niront no harm
by what 1 aald. Bure, when t looked
acTuoa tto room yon ma^ methlckof
Mt of a (irlmroar you'd ace to a horec
r boom wtKtoc becaoao tto both that

command of a a«iu.idrvku iu tbe war
with Bpalu has made A-lear many
Ihluy uhleu iHfon- were oul.v hjuted
dL says a s*»***Jal dUpateh from Wnsli...........................................
to tto .Ni-W York
Times. Matgr

To ototata this tto

V 4:


COM Mn. Mapolre found for excurXoM to dWemt pan* of tto autSon.
with wtot cagetweoa abe act out on
; thane eaiwdUlomi. and witb dejectloo
'wrtttoo In every Hue of her comely
**ns watching for him abe U tor-

or 1st lovor^os did Mra. Magntrr for
tfitt fi«w« Which tod imprlntad tt-

>n .if his fri! nils over er jti, Um
It Is Mild, might imire pro|H*rly
s-ti l«‘Mow«sl |]|H1U i^mie of hla

Ven-st. hsKhi. till-



iiiuliii.. .t rvrrr iin. ‘’f'* " ““•*


tiring dei-k aet low down at tbc.roar of
tbe whole nyicbiiie.
This englnw r struek aevetul matetoa.
but to couldu t bold tto fire. Tton, ao
tbe atory went, to climbed out of hla
mb. back along the narrow running
iKWid. through
firing Uet-k. -Hi bla |dpe. spoke to Ida
aubordlunte and then slowly
bU way back to where to toJ<
msuni observer with frightened fafe
glned to tbe pane of tbe forwanl car
did not tvimpote tto time all tbia to
fur he waa glad only to know tUt
wis alive. This aloty «Teated out even
sun’rtse In tto little group thaLl?f»rd

atHqlon sale recMiUy
fl.M0 waa paid fur a violin b^ Awtonlua Btradivariiia. dated 1720.


Two htmdrod tbonaaod pounda la to
--------------- y for C
l4ird Kitchener U kwmlng I'rda. a tion induced mo to try IL
; I am BOWS
nmpoalte tongue wbkb makes ooa
amlUar with the aentlBcnta of So^ lArou


tacaaea of
tomach and o
orirana of <ltge«tion and • nutnlion.
tdiniinatrs tto rflete fKiiaunous nu
.which originstes iu the »>^cm as a
jcixieaiV 4.t imprflcvt digestion. It
houud hesifh to tlic whole Ixsiy.
►I tatah t.* sar to I!v- smU thrt I>r

P**«** »'
'•* »ds home lu >!o,*s.«.
I»mvld lM»-..>. the drajualM. U «lan
geruu.^l> ill «t hU Home 111 ,\ew York
i f.irtime of J

ICliir fl
thirty one
every .lav.



I lav ana

iTBMWbn VO. MstaA.

l>r. nrtcc s .'Ortmiuio Mae
Mnlical .Mvt^r is srut/r<c .m receitii

' Fii.llb^*


^Uflslu. N. V.
meth.,! o,

slthout tltu. and



unaw are of w h
That Ih* was ;
of HpluisLu durMil IM.W*.
lug tbe .wiiipa
Ttorr tvas oul
YVhaiever «rir
amouy (lies.* who kuew/.rh.* f.iets lias
Iroted in tbe AttairUn TjtoI and which luHii made u|siti lh..-e wtio. kuowliiy
prov«<d extremely uaeful diiriuy the hla cundltlou. sent tto si.*k imtu to «*oUi
fleet lu War time and i«erfoi'ya
motor car rare from 1*011. !•» Vienna.
•xhaustiuy dt
Tbe Austrian ayatem aa develofied and
him. of course, was
Tto strain t
giratly leaerued f.y hU limmsiiate sule
cooalata of sixteen dlff.
ordinates, wlm bsik eharye of mm U of
of cast Iron posts and
Ing cunveuUoual symbols a foot wide hla work -nils Is psrti. ul.irly tnie «f
r K
and a foot and a half iony. 'Jliey are
to to placed a quarter of u mile db

surgery of the Kve and Kuflng

lUAhn«*B4.^n„.^.ac. H.4I «f.
toriwrbm lu r.hb'h hi- M.uotij
hHhenojHS.,, 4UV4-b.lssl.

I oh dark blue euaUietol

tioM^*/. Il.oiT I i<om
ork uiH.ii tbe.r

.Sta > o rti*. . •> dt*.
stvl.4« e..MOJ t lU Mtal

..:|.M u. w ;i

a rti*-h
H*: .f ni*-.4 {Mi «*t the # tgbi
.Viiiiir.v sie- .••vrauieMi b;>d li.u n
llrely teiwl. ltd ..ii the t 'hilu-ve .
trali/4Hl biiieHmsntie idiii ri»! toot

r-y». T.-I-O-..
At . P^t Hwe. r*4«U

* Sk tiley s dis|uieh utiUouiH*-

w Drswatsl t-r. I .e «r Drsa
grand jury iuveatijration shows
tbe co^ne habit U widespread iu
Cbirayo society, aays tbe I'hilsdeiphU
Prcaa nre dragylata have tie«-n Indict­
ed for aelllng it without prescript ions.
lodemann. treasurer of the
of plumum-y. t.-.iitbnl Isfore tto yniud jnry that lii his optuloii
wrei-ks on tbe rnllronds could
U* traced to tto use of <xN-aiue by tbe
emplo.Vees of Um-s.* »T.mimiii»-s. «ud out
of fbla statement yiv%
Uoo Hint lias reveahsl
use of tto drug
not allowed
They fear to break thU rule, for
tiukl aoou lead to
I aeekluy a sutoUlutf
have bfctuiir iXM-aiue



ml cent of laiMUe^- lii t.iiw. tmtil tl
0|s*uil.c of the .vuuliy to Jlwtote^
tim ...l.vPr. 4.0 ot |}
nation n. Hmh bivm. for w be;- U ** Hi
ilhi't iui--i:.t*.^:.*s^4i. --4'.l He writ,.

itrouyly favor tto Idea of ezteudluy
;to Freneb sysi.-ni to the |•u^♦•d Siaiis
and puttlny It luto wurkl
tto roads near Srw York
and lUHiton. It Is exisR i


-Prvjr M

K-itikir lleiir.
Wita-. will .ti^.,
of Pari* v.v;„o 1
ts r

The .sMumistaiiui

It was staiiiib.u w Im wrote il
uer Morynii letter** and who
proofs of Mn. 's hi-tory
liurluy il.e proyr.*ss .,f the


Inquiry., held ii. W iid.luytoii la«i year. •
Slow bealiuj;
bealing aorcBore onsiyhO.r
a atro^g effon was nirule by ci»uus4*| t4» . fui
d..n.rt^TOuv l*Jiry aie a coti
fu! tud tLmgetx
show tfmt lu fuel It W;ts t!apuiu «' | cwfc aud Bour.cof ativicly and wotfi
wlek and not .\dmlral Snmp-.pi who;
Cb:*ni.'. al..v li..ttiug imim rVe frodid most 4.r the timer's A.uipUiimsi of

; .


C'nbaii Rigual -^-b* Ji**
McOallu nii.l
ii.a .^.i,<*
It to romroudoro N* hicy. ;im s re^ult^f
which S*1ilc> I..*4« tivn-*.11 Ocn.
fueguK. t'nptalii <'U;kd«v i*-k Kini—-If te^tilled that If inlvi*.sl .X.liJMtnl Sampm»n agaltiM w-nslinv a «!i*<s.;a. I* •.•tigraluUUiig S< hl.-y iMi Id- ^n. .e** m i.nding

rs a burfull.m.Lmgu!<crth.vtgr.m3
BtirceU.-ealmp deejer and dL-eiier
th- dc-h^in Bvneof ei-erythi tf>;
' that

u.-r ..f tto f

V’ " “r


UU aluggivli. are oUru
RuJ in.lobnt.
!-»■ kic4 «i5-*c:
*u the limbs UiAl
lifja ,
aicafH rrvt fr-^m

Purify the Blood MAWSUf & tORTHfASTERN «. R.
Heal the Sore.i

..f heaulry '
iv-ady lu go ur*..n
ll.c d;-T.;itrh
tertlmon.v •*h.iwli.g
............. ili:n
............ I. "bett thcaarritotl n.




dlrtulejl b
Twin flty llaphl Transit
hlch ufterutes Ituei^Ui
i SI. Haul, and1 by Us use
tto managera believe they will to able

and exit* through the n-sr veabeing worked out for a means of In
gnwa tbroucii tto molormnus cab.
Both tto front and rear vestibules are
to to lengthened a fool or two A par
Utlon will divide these vestibules In
half. At tbe right will Ik- the .-iitninre
tbe left the exit Thus t»s«iien.
and at tl
gera may ent
enter and h*nve the »nr wltbout jostling. ll is tolieved that with
the separate eutramvs and exits tto
time for atopa will to reduvvd by onehalf.

tbouBhr-her alender body
I l^conuact wUh the nguny of
papn-“t;o»l hrl|.
. What 1
ttoagkt wet not tto truth.**
Tlofi-tolp ua'aH When we beglna to
fimiM tto wan lL»t*a dtarrr t
fiortofirra blood.
••Tli wcIMo to Bure.** abe went on gotten by any one who has seen or 1
m^W%f^*'tm before yoo apake tbe them. Tbe braveat qiialla when
A grixxlwl etiglne.-r who has
certain tto effect of shell apliutera pa
denly fuming tto rorner of a atroet tia
mt that cmn t to enapaken.tto greater part of hU life at tto lerer tto engine room, says tto New York
can are gr«vt^ with tto cry of *'Oran
nf fiome fio^ bad said that
4»nt the iiroiKikltloo this way
I'ommefrUI Advertiser
At the last
aBM^ir* and a few yanla off to at
ftofiP Ber breathing cremed
“By law ft is retiulrrd that crety firing some rata w ere pUi^ed in tbe ron
Alalay runulng atraigbt at him. brondtto tfittemte throat. “Rut I w<
fertyboaf aball vwrry two men In bar sing tower, and they came out onlii
totnjX hlxa. and now-norr U u loo lahlng In bis hand tbe Moody ctwoe pllolhoos.*.
Tla* law U obeyed, toa Jiired. F. T. Jane, tbe naval expert,
except In emt-rgme
augseota tbat.aome officer volunteer lo
that- Mra. Maguire
rome rbea|wr than
atay on board tbla tins* In order to atv
R.r>. Bm4 u iK*rrw. but. It It •not
peroooally tbe effect of tbe battering,
Tl la. He .aid If I Tcft him It would
Tbe llllle HiUicess Vvilaiide of Italy great transportation t-onipanlca do boC
liar la thla way mily wUl tlu- experi­
ras wcaiHsI a fcw\w«R-ka ago. au
find it to ttoJr own beat Interrata. la ment reaUy to of v.lo.*. Mr. June has
If Mm. Magtilre-a fingers flew, bar nurse baa fou*id that mlnUterlng to
the the light of oo much paat
o Uie
rttofighU went at aurb bi^lldering wants of tbe llule dam«*l wa. o myal
royal to urge the paasaae of a n
♦pae* that alie atarlcd whea her com- road to aomechlug very like wrolih,
wealth. riding that on all fast
pafilmi rote. Bto took and patted Ih- Bbe baa aa
t kLaiat. and tto there aball to a pUot engineer? RTiat
Tto tsdeffitlgable PHIetan. French
-twM tor own tto hand
king baa f
romparison can to drawn between Ito miBlatcr of marioe. lias observd that
her from top
borrtbh* imsalbimiea of a wild of
the eallets of tlie tYrm h na\ y gener­
of the neweai
boat and a runaway cm
ally wear itolr hair too ala.rt for t*omengineer wookl Ipivr
fort and beenty. He baa therefore is
with the aperatloq of tto
paoa aa order that the hair of
to. Mother of God! Isn't It the pity of
would torn and erciy aailor in the French ae
tto world to oco them parfodi And fOr
watch tbe track, to report algnalrlM atoU be «>t more than three i-eni
king and qoeeu.-Woman*a to watch tto other engUMar.**
tern Is le^ sad not IM than ta


of these thluga have luuy N-eU kls^^Ti
In Washlnyiou. but
ueker Us-nj
publUhed. Yei It tusiss-u well known
to naval ofl»«sTS aisl others that long
before hU trouble
ai-kls.wled».-e,I Admllsl S..i:.ii-ou w ;is
In DO O.ialition to ti.^usiot umHHt.niii
bnaluess. This made ri Iteilhius lAtUsw
who wen* awar»- «if .;.rS ireum^bnius-s
the as^-rtlou limt tlo* .-«Alunr«l*s illness
waa twusAsI by «, ot hU naval



mn running amuk Is as
with liydropb..bla. but
»ut tto rwolc
ruiDit caused
by far the
UkR tto mad dug.
la fol
lowed by a noisy rabble, who aoonei
or. later run Into itolr man and extermlna^e him. When this vengeful rmbMe is made up ofg,l.svdtbln.ty Malays
and CTbltumen. ita wild rage and fuo*^
ate beyond control, toyond dei
Tbe clamor and blood
the pursuing crow d and tbe
Ingshout of "Ornn amok! Oi

to a paraao poaatoB nloug tto road at a j
Tto catabllalunem bey ood dooM of
aytor tton nlyi^
Admiral \l UIlam
tto cyctw poau arc j
„ suffering fr.mi tto dto
now la aoch <
wliU-h finally kllh-d blm a full
tto oldact of danger or <
a of tto
year before be was assigned to tto

tto ntoat eau

r or tbe mau la <
trol of the ruahluB ;juachlno faUUig
dead or icolus Inaane ik rtreo daa
Tbeae Utter coatlngeodm.
tliey «ay, are exceptional. Tto caielemuM-iM reaultlnB fruiu tons aaaucUOon with danyer la ever preaenL
.\ atory Illustrative of anottoraource
foriunJiely rare, waa told tto
fiitthed rbeeka. ahe paaaed. huuitnltty a day after Ito neerut wreck. It dealt
tar of
Aroon- .buv. . lanipj .1.1, «». „r Ita u>o.t |M>«Ut <«bIcU UifMitMiwl lo rtiuk.- tar. itar; siii„-n. ou . r<«d le.dluc
they had (
ycara before.
on wbieb
•T^r." to Mild huakllr, bia bead .board of dlnsforw Tin* man waa ob­
tont over bera. “ibnt we ahould meet viously “under tto weattor** and fall
bevw-tt waa fate.*'
ns he di-NceiKled from Ida cab to aaaka
-And MaKBle Mayulre," added that a Inal iuape<tloii of tto alldea and rods,
wortbr woman aa ahe entered ber own l or an Instant be Uy aa If‘panUyard.
with hi. leys toiw.^u tft- drlvnVbm
uitly for an Instant. Tto fireman, who
-a the PriMre CoaBert.
had Us*n |R<rriny a|ipretonidvely up at
liiy ou the ^a,:htH 4hal i
him from tto aaer deck, warn at Ida
en yif-tuHu'a «s»iiwirt
side with a aliiyle bound and struck
Albert. Wdnry Whltniau eaye. -The him a violent blow a.T.Ms ito face
prince couaorl hnniyUi to Euyland ideaa with hU invasy cap.
of hla prUi-ely preroK.ntlxe from Her
“Make out were akyUrklny," to
many which did u«.t a.vord with thoae aald. “or our folks *11 oodfv you and
to which the LoylUh nrtMo«-mry were ytni'll los.- .vonr JotK**
gulckly he mlaed Ida mate to Ida
many KiiyllKb i.ohh-men thouBbt tbeni- feet. *1M to iHiosted him. UoghlDB
aelvea every bit a» ynal aa n iierman
prince.* One m»n»liiy i»riiHv Alton
^olmd tto meet «.r the royal buck lever, struck ,-ldm (
hounda. All were awnltliti: the arrival
sHl back mhU own
of tto matter of tto hunt In order to
atari the hounds. The priuee ismwwt
onlerrd the hunt to Im^cIu. and thia waa
od two mlnat ouf'c doue, Blinrtly jifteroard tto uiea lat«T when the air whUtJe aonud
master arrived uud. th»ilritm^vhat had i-d the siK^-UI rolhd away on her
occurred, ordoml tto hutmd< to to call­ AXiucM- to the mountains and tto fored off awL turalny hla imek ui*ou tto «*sts as tlmuch «ontndled by tto clear­
party, yalloped off wltU.ut further ado. est bniin ami stcaideat hand on tto
Primv Albert rode baek to WiiMlmir
and cDtnpUincd to the ,,*»»•**«•. who
The etiirln
lie did not
-aharwl hU IndlBnatiou
Bto m-iit for
Ix>nl I’nlmemton. w ho wun prim;, minnwull of his o.mlitlou. Hut It waa a
lone chams-.
lirliue ui
They toW one story on one train W
M-pihd tlml If this wns her u.ahwty a au eiiylutsT i»n another Hue who waa
plea.un. he aaw uu alteruatlve hut to ruimlujr at a fifty -e.ond clip tbrough
pUiv luH own reslynalioti. as well aa a ten mile atrrtcli of foirat with more
that of all hla AolU-ayuea, lu tor handa. than a dozen crow«led iota when Ida
Tto queen, therefon-. for the time be- plp<* went out. Uia ratfiof locomodve.
Inc at least, had to c-ondoue tto alight , so tin- tale ran. waa one of tto newrat
f type, built lo meet tto mfulrrmenta of
modern txw«e. The firebox waa tto
full width of tbe wldeat Bleeping cor.
Uo thkt the yreateat volume and prea
Amok" Is a rcllyloua fauaUcUun, a
sure of steam could be developed. This
ducas under which a mau makes op
left no room for tbe
blm iPiml to kill any one he cwu unlU to
sUh- It
8o tto driver stands oil alona
Hf Is killed- Urouyht on,by drink
in his cab Just back of tbe roarlnc
or rcUylon. or from whaterfr cause,
roceas U tite same. Tto madman
.ta ..n--l

tommA hf npwimyl that tto letti
of tto OMOl cyctoC aignposta la Ulc

have been arerted had the eng
had au aaaUunt lookout,

“Rto’a In there." Xra. Xarulre whla

*“*5Sl**3Sq arer aaa them agalnr ato
naked alowly.
• Tha dark eyca ettne ronod la a fiaaA
aa anreaa yon lireV-ktra. Mar and w^H knitwan mi'y Uat



OB the Adakal's
HeOth Dnriar SpuiA W«r.


martal ham for the western expreaa.
btHare me. I don't think
they knew *iwaa at many mtnatea.**
airA luenirt raw the handa of tto
waman cama alowly tosether anddanly


I I*, l.-iify It U- yrnc HU
tto uMiri Wuuld IM»I rv*- t *n li lu the
floors i,f tbe
ppl on Ibe
When at tl

^ I L-Un.

s Cutircr


< 4-li»rlkin .

. ...

ll.c ,rnu.'
UB str;k- .

is iC
h-tt i

i i*
I a » -



SsruleM.U H fatuim* in..

rlH.r , ver? nlgl.t.
I•artm1•tlt‘s «^mi
srke4l Hiciiirlf-Miinv
the mere ra,*t I
rote u

\ n-j.ort

: l2je^ol.l pU^ *put fur■ all ttme.

bloi'knde nml -igiexl b>
Smnp j will s.l\n«e yuu wii
son alleged that rafl.tlt. Siu-U-e wa*.
The 8wm spreite Co., Allaata. Ga.
the aullstrity f..r iht-i ^i.ii.-iiient t\-ip- ■

of^binuwon. u hj. h l; i*. no
protobly uuJuM.
rapialn CUsdwick
detlared to would in ter take .vd.i
N-bley by the h.uel^l wh..
maud4*d by th. ,.avy7T:-,.:.m.. i.t
attacking ttot ufhivr lu an luferMew
It waa be wW «gur»M um-t pr..imneut
ly lu tto Inirrv.cwK tots..,-ii .vdmlra
Samirom and «;.-iH-ral .'<l:.iriet wh.-i
KUaftcr tried tu g.*t tlie «..|Uadr<.ii tu
into tto UartH.r and
k il,.- Spj
lards, and it «.i- b- «l.o drufud I
letter t-alUng ufsiu <;-fi* rnl T..rul
Tbero la much h ■culjnluii
aboni the rt*nMiu f..s
of Admiral S.impM«.

were deslrou* tu commatid i
run. but tt would b»ve l
either Samosm or Schley

Nearly ForfeUa Hit Life.
-I waa tnrahled for aeveral yean,
A runaway, almost ending fatady
atarlcd a ho^lble iilror on the leg of
with chronic
Orner. Vvanklln Grove. Ill
M r. J.
esaUr. K. H. “No reaaody belpod me four years It defied all doctors and
I begSB naifig Deciric Bitter.. remedies. Bat Buekleii’a Arnica Ka
had no trouble to core him
good for BurnA Bruises. Skn V>uiy
slao kept my wife la exc^lmit heslth tkma and Pllea. 25c at Ja*» <. .
ton and P. II. Meads* Dn*g Siora


‘'"'•“Kh to praise DA- I‘MAN*S
I was confined to my bed with
Gastric Dyspepma
and coold take no lood_____
little milk.

to take or. Iman's Dy»p^ria'’Tsi
they Biv^ my lije aiid I am


able to eat h hearty

that Uey are wgrssd umlo ssd
Take time hy .1



I friy??!


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