The Evening Record, July 15, 1904

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The Evening Record, July 15, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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om •r'Hn P9T^ a«t str^id


Dtptli ani tht Otiiafs THad

The Dally Mlalos Journal of Mar
qaettc. under date of Monday. July 11.
kaa naarly a column writ«vap of the
ir Wlra to UM STMlai RMortf.
at brick makloK machine
U\f Ifc-A man. U begin placed on the market by the
thraa voaMa ail a UtUe cklM wcrr Queen City Brick Macklne om
tkto cUy. The article glrea detail. In
regard to the capacity, coat and the
The TleUaa «tra Jafra Harrad mieceaa of the machine and concludea
aad cam of Waauaorataad and "
vHb the atatemeot that the .
A4a. He»aa aad HairleU K(
aavlrtari of Fraak Xaamm oT Waab
lagtaa. la m attaaipt to raacva oo« chlae aad that one at leaat will be
of tkair awaUr a» or tk« party got placed la Marquette. B. 8. Wl
of thl. city ta In the aorthem penln Young Man Scrambled to HU Feet and
, In the Intereeta of the company at
Rodo Away aa QulcMy a. Pomible.
ibe preaent time.
Eacaped Uninjured.



Beth mdara Pafftt ta Turn to the
filfbt and Oaan TetetboiwOna

Blliktly tniufed.
Two ama aoBliml thia noon
wImeU while rNMag on Blitk atrect
'' aaar the coratr of Vakm. The aoH
deal took pladt oa the pavemeot and
kotk awa raealvod bad fall,
or thorn waa aateaadoo. for a abort
time bet he ooqb racoTcred and wa.
able to rM« kla wheel. It waa thought
at arat .hU arm wa. broken but aa
amftatkm peweed olherwl.e. although
Ika arm waa badly bmlmRd. Both men
warn rldtag at a pretty merry clip
wkea the ooUIrtQa ooenrred. Aa both
dreiw kaklai thk oaraer. the aadden ap^
pearaaoe of Urn olker follow took ihcir
MTTO aad both teegot to turn to
fteht aad than aroM the accident
A Rlaliwmll MUn rail Smmnty Feet to
PUlaweU. nick.. Jaly 15.-Wklle
Profosaor OoftoiL k high* dlter. wa.
grepgrtag for a pmformaace here ye.
teNaj and had kla ladder up but aot
M partkM fgadtaaaa. Captala Arm
aMg. aged t» yearn, weat to the top
aad waved kla hat to the crowd.
The ladder waa atreaty feet high
aa4 Jaet aa Aymatroag atgrtml down
It awayed aad ikdim Theyowagmaa
atreek tka aamesi aldewalk aad the
large artary la kla week waa ahaoat ea
tliely eevered ky Che tall aad kla BkaU
frifktfalty emiked aad body maagMd.
He dSad • ekort time allerwenL He
wae a eea «f Jamae Aadereoa aad
Matrae a dhateei wlfa7,»

■ -V‘

Lowell Yount Man Claimed Ti
CUy Young “Lady aa Hit BHda.
Will Llvo in LowelL
At the borne of Ibe parenU of the
bride. ^32 Fifth atrecl, a very almplc
ceremony united In marriage MUr
Ixwena Pennington of thl. rtty and
Mr. Harold W. Hller of Lowell. Mich,
this morning The-ceremony
fd by Her. Joalah Pet
lather of the bride. Mr. and Mr*.
Hller left at once for a iHp that will
include Grand Bapld. and Chicago.
They will be at home to their friend.
In Lowell after Aug. 1. The bride
welt known aad popular In thU city,
aad the groom la a eery popular young
man of Lowell. A boat of friend, will
unite In congratutetkma aad beet

Lansing. Mklu July IL-Tbe health
o®c«r of a lowmAlp la Northem Mick
Igaa ha. tnfonaed tU slate board of
kmlth that there U. ta hU towa.hlp.
the remnant of a tribe of Chippewa
ladteaa. They are almort all afflicted
wttk taberealoBlA the akin, variety
Secretary Baker advteed the town
•hM oMoer that the atatutc give, the
loeM oMoste authority to Uke



A young man, who rode away .e
quickly after the accident that hlf
B conJdn-t be learned, had a

Ann Arbor. Mleb.. July 15.-Thr
fcrlon* result <if -Fourth of July
accident*** In ihU city ha. dv-veloped
now Into a case of tetanus
This particular •Pminh <»f July ar
cldent” happcnc<l on Sunday. July 3.
and wa. not considered sufficiently
bad enough even to call a doctor.
On that day Kddlt* Schroeder the 12
year-old son of Adam Schroeder. D?po*
street, was fooling with a toy pi*lol
and blank c«rtridge*. One cxploiled
and there a a* a flight abrasion of the
skin on the left knee. It was not a
wound that caused any unea.slniws at
the time or for some days afterward.
However, on Tuesday*, the lad went
Into the liter and. when he
came out, he was Mme in the loft leg.
It grew worse yesterday and today htiad a genuine case of tetanus. His
body Is so rigid that he cannot move.
Dr. John Kapp was called to attend
the lad today, and Is using extreme his life.

Dorth oa Cam .ireei on a bicycle,
a. be got to the Perr Marquette track,
aa eagliie with oeTerml car. were
backing toward the eromlng. He evl
dently became alarmed and In hU at
tempt to crow the truck, fell from hb
wheeL atriklng fairly on the track. He
managed to get out of wuy in time and
dragged the wheel with him. 8o close
hu. the train, however, that the blcy
cle wa. knocked from hi. hand.. He
nor the whWl>5rere erldenily not dam
aged aa hF rode^^y a. quickly a. he
mid ncramhie to hi. feet aad rpoorcr
the michlae. He dldnY even stop to
Lansing. Mich.. July 15 —The work
bnwh the Mud from hi* clothes.
cf tabulating and csompuUng the popu
D schodule. of Michigan cities
going rapidly forward under the dir
Hon of Supcnrlaor Bind.
itr Rrealdent Kruger Will Se
One of the clU» which I. enUUed to
Buried If! TranavaaU
boast of lU growth during the past
four ywr. 1. Kalamaioo. whose
By Wire to the Evenlag Record.
LoMkm. July IS.-The Central Kewr ulatloa Is shown by the censa. juat
iporto at the council at Bocklagbam completed^ to be 23.782. ah Increaw*
alaot tkl. moralBS It wa. decided tc tlare 1300 of 5.37S. Other reenfU thus
haat pwmIwIaB for the burial of Hr UDO<»c«d »re as follows: rilot.
wrner PresMeat Xruger la the Tran. M.SI4. n IKTCMC or 1.781: Mk
J>20. a decrcuae of 43; 8aui| 8te. Ma
rte. 1L442. aa Increase of 304; Glad
win. 1.031. an tadbeaac of SIC; Albion.
Haven. Mich., July U.-Thr 4,043. aa Incroaac of 424; Ionia. 5,222.
aa Increase of IS; Dowaglac. 4,404. aa
■ «f Claude GUh. the bus
Increase of 253; Ludlagton. 7.253. an
Incrraie of 3S; 8t. CUtr. 2.544. an In
cruaae of 121; Marahnll. 4.SC1. a
stupor aad cuu hardly be 1
oreaae of f; CoMwater, 3,146. aa laQaorst Cnms wiat to Kiagrier IhU creaw of 443; JUpesa. U.430, aa lacfuaMOflit.
uoralag oa> bariaeus Iris.


Bethesda, Still or

Boro LithU. Still or
Buffalo Llthla^o. 2.
Carlskad Spradel.
Hunyadi Janos.
Londonderry Litbia,
StiU or Sparkling.
Pluto French Lick.
Red Raven Splits.
Rubriat Condol.
Waukesha LithU.
Still or Sparkling.
White Rock.

American Drug Co.

Abstracts of Titls
Eatabllahadin fSSS
Room 210 Btata BartkBtSg.

Boya’^ and 3 piece Suits, hand­
some goods, will close out. Prices
will move them.



Every suit a bargain. IWothers will
find this department of our store
the most Interesting.




Saturday and Mond<^ Oioly

htogfa^ to W. Hviy. Mr. HMdr
dowe M odoe mM pkhed oM hto
L The etnager eeld he beoi
PM Fteeh Odd Mr. Fteeh eeM
he hoMt U leet CelL


eat troM the grM parM
Ch—tangea. N. T.. all
through the Biddle Mtara MaM.
weieoBS the ewper ami pewride wear*
ly as much room for teau aa for tbe
xre pmraBMUt cottages.
ritttMDt OF THIS oirraiCT afc BaaiMi ar little tmaad lakes, an
etitiitecr aif aach laatUntkm as the
iBBer aaaeBhly. pnweat tarHlng
.Rea for suBBer camps, be they of
eheachtere. the
Mdia BeeMea ef the QuafieHy Meeting aohtanr MU or groupe for sereral
: aad town fMk. aad rfllagca.
ord'dot odij or
wm Be held Teenrrem CoMer.
lacfuaeliig auabera are realto. hot the
I for tbo grMor pvt vf proporthe world
eaee M Wertore Brnwlay.
I for
lag Uto and pitching tenU there tor a
rodteet moder maher It wlU eee for
The fuarterly meeting of the week or a moath or kmger.
tt* tevt Md dUo to MfMr The Baltic rogletera Up9b tooe.
To the city family of moderate
meddaohdreh for thto dtotrict beglda
Mtag the Cedric aad the CelUc of
r. Thto dtterwoon at 2 o’clock waa mcaaa a tent camp often affords the
the aame ttae hr l,eoo loot. Her
li OU ■<<«»< slou tfimv *<• ^
held the meetldc of tbe ministry aad
Hold, and pnmare. new. which other­
her load draft
iP tlw «drtc dBd tbo uktaff of tko
wise might not be powdble. in a
aboot 46.000. Bhe U 7M feet la Icogth.
pripOTtIrw dPly tocrooooi If U
Home Made Lard and Sausaucs. I'rcsii Lake Trout
TMdortww wm be held the
group of New York matron, who were
or n% feet kmgrr than the Ka
and White Fish twice a week, Tuesday and Friday
tood of the quarterly meeting, the deJlacnaslng emmUem plan, the other
elm ru the next lodgem ehlp.
B«»d Irr a ioeil phnlclu
votkmal part Ukiag place at 10 o’clock
Mdo d fltndr or Cbo OTbleeC iiM» the
.Uy. one mother of four was enthw
xfier wklch reCreahmeaU wUl be
ptoppiBC or tho fldto te *hodddcho poor- ■km eodtaea. arranned on the
riaaUc about lb4 beneflu of tent life
•enred. An'^mportanl
4or»^ hi Nev Toth dt/. there hare log prioclpU to reduce rlbratloo. aad ■km will be held at 1:30 o’clock. In to her growing youngster*.
•‘Yes.’* abo »ld. “we are going to
goaraoteea oolr 17 knou ao
hM SM 1M doiaht from
tbe erenlng tbe mlnlonary
trngMi fhpp Id the ovoo time pd
,prod our aummer In a lent agate.
•he to 7S feet. The aeatliic
meeUag will be held and a
Remember «e are doling out
We’ve dope that for three years, and
eapadtr ef her liet jmbte
Urtho forhlddidp oir the vioe.
go^ apeakera will take part in the
the bdance ol our l>eco»ate.I
the whole family haa voted It aoch a
loccess that now we do i»i even
; V ohildm MO apt
At the eepeoee of from foor to hre
morning at S o’clock
think of any other plan as a posatbll-;
kaou aa hour the Ball
to get hdid pT
Travaraa City to BU Loula
win be a oonfercaoe of the worketa
See our new GUs. Betrr &u
palaoe of ootafdrt aad 4
$18.50. 15 diyUmlt
The morning aenkm, wlU be at 10
only........................................ »*c
Her graad dlalag room to oa be o^cloek. Thto meeting will be for wor ^ “Juat a. soon aa tbe children are ‘
$19.00, 60 dty Umlt
mt of school wc atari Urr camp. 1
upper deck aad to the foil width of the
$21.00. for the hctsff
tblp and aomc of the l>cat mhilaters
too t know of an^lhlng flat demni my
■hip. 7S feet. It'hae a
cMId or ooeree hei
preaem will speak. In the aftcraoos
This will include mcali and
rblldren ao much good. You stn-. th« y
aad lack* the atuVr. ophototered egjct
tMd to toeMe to
tbe Junior conference will be held. In
Iscrth between Traverse City and
ivc practically out of doors the whole
ihe erenlng will bo tbe Christian En
Men’. 48c «r** h.ts goi^
clan ■moklng room aad library are oh doaror oonfercace meeting which will
jt>ur etintraet im- for any other
^TkkeU will be on «dc com­
•-rhey’re aeldom la the tent except
the opitor prtNBcaade dock aad are
mencing ThursiUy, dune 9,
bo hold at the regular hour of tbe C. BI jidia’ milor hat. going «L. 10c
when ask'op and when Ifa too relny lo
Ittxorloim apartamat*.
The White
rtuy out—and that to wldom. They
Star eeheaee of ■ingle berth room aad
fpr tho prMldcBitol
Steamers leave Traverse City
At 7:30 a mami mooting will bo held
store up a big fund of good health
rooma la aiiltea. tbe UUer eoaatoUag
every Sunday. 10 p. m., anti
xnd Leri T. Pennington will giro Ihe
that lasts them all through the srhiKil
of altUng. bed imd bath rooma! haa
Thurs4to>-s. Cam.
?as. This service will cltwc the
been followed to the llraKlan aecrear In town.
-But one of the gnstesl beneflls
tkNL Abaft of the flrat-clan acscom
A large number of people arc ex
from thto SiWt of summering to ihsi It
hl% Well etfoet heckore orelUec for
pM^ted U> be prwnl during ‘he ses­
makes them less particular sUnit their
?en taken to make the apthe oooreoUoo to tell him whet he
sion from the surrounding towns and
oqual to thoac of the flratlocvl. M home the cblldn-n
also noted spiwkcra Irotn outside.
A. F. Ncrllngcr. C. W.‘Ashton.
?ot finicky about the kind of r« rea1 ,
idaadof the arerage liner.
ng those will be Rev. J. O. Bln
Lre Horntby.
theyni oat fur hreak/ast and' ;
la the ^
Odd d»d Bradetreet report that the
ford of Knlghtalown. Ind.. who la year
uw> fs-'^lldlous atioul the nsiklng. but
■otaNoa totervu of the cooairy afh ^.‘\he1
ly. mocUng evangelistic superintend
they are read> to eat whatever to pul .
cnL who arrived today. Rev. J. P.
befort‘ them. They learn to h. lp to !
to those of regular
White and wife of Maple City arc
:«ouk the ftwMl. t(si. and anything tastes I
promtotdg for a^ e
hen, Mr. IMillo la clerk of the quar
pmwdi yM. That wlU be good aeFa
meet Inf good when they ve had the fun of prr
terty 1
paring it over an outdi^irs fire.
to qreryhody who hare apprMated
.-The Iwys-I have thr.M^ of /le tn.
the good Ume which hare pretraned
Maple City paator and hls wife wi!l
ilatratloa. ««^fM»d<laaa. Instead of the nasal
vou know—b-ara other UM-fiil OniigH.
also arrive thto afternoon. Mlss^k*<'ra
mmmodatiaaa there are com
Th:-y lo bi-lp »«.h 111.
The Pwattoc Dally Pr«s came out modloua dining rooma. flUo*l with Uanil make Ihrlr own IhUh. anil k’-"-!’
Bstoitoay la a rery creditable eighteen hiloa and rorolrlng chalre, at which b? present as will also a large nuwU>r It»- ramp An.l ih.T.- 1. pl. ni> -I
pagelapodal edition. Tbe growth of ■towards arc «>ropk>yod to serve the of others.
lime for all lb™- thincs and for play.
Tliere win also l>e present delogaiw
Podtlk. the adrantagoe of the electric
from Ix>ng lake. Msnion. Maple City.
rallwair aad other rlrlc matters
For men there are romfortablc
dMy fealuM. The typographical and amoking rooma. and Instrad of six to Onaway and Traverse City.
press work were both oxcollenL
eight iKiih rw»ma and a iK*rnlclouH
huddling together of paammgers. there
Great Scout’. Favorite Gun
someth,ng nev, eod ver, d.,n,r- There .re m.n> St,Te. of bord.™. All
fee 50e «elv . , V
-p.. ^
| ;
are a number of two. three and four
Santa Fe Macon*.
Wim* Ha. Gone Into BusineM
berth auae rooma.
■9* In Mw Will CnoMime All Kind.
In command of the Oaltic to Uent
world that the rule of Kit rar.^m. the
A very fine Ime. The damt c*t of patterns, sell at tOc. I&c. 20c* 2bc* 35c, 40c and 50c.
- .
E. J. Bmlth. of tbe Royal Naval Ro^
greal wcatern hunter, wniui ami <*
It fccllni l»ret'y K«w. aorvea. formerly In command of the
plorer. to earofull i.r:-*erv<Hl and ma>
time, ha* purrha*^ the pool and bU
tkta ramaier. tor l.mllDinoB I. lo rn Whlto Ktar Ifner Majosilc.
*h.nHard hall of Ro«* A Memroe at 21:
iMlatn tlK. Mlchlnnn mllllln In II. nn
Ir the vcJ-y low collar wo carry ttic 15
The CorliM A Coon brand. All the Idte.t U,le^and peei IS to U. In
Front MnnM and will eonduet tbe buiULUMBER FILE FIRE.
. to Monte/uma
hereafUT. Mr. Sltoby took po* death he loft hto
„ie; ISc or 2 for 25c.
come that the aoldloni are big satcr», of Santa Fe. N
h»flge. A. F. adil A
wtth the aoMtors will cal Dspsrlm.nt Caltad Out by 8H9M Blare •ewrion last evening. The pool room
It has reraalne.1
ha* JUFl beon remodobnl *nd put In M.. tn whose charge I
»M$ poonds of bread during tbe
since, an ohjeet «r.f «reat Interest
ni>t-cla*i *h»|>e and Mr SlUby. who
campraonL or. In other word*. 2,812
At 4:16 yesterday
For children. All p,e h/ind.omc plo-n color.; .ell fdr 25c.
all memlier*
and very highly prU«*d
loavaa per day,’’ aald the Ludtegtoo Mige called the cheml I rig of the Are ha* many friend* h«*re. will ronduct a of that .oclety, Monte/uma bMlgc to
Rneord.Appcal. ’’Bclde. they will con- dc«partroent to Wllll.m Beltner’s mill. ftreu-la** place. For the prewon I he
one of the oldt**! or»;ani/aibm* .*f that
BIBS 1&.7S0 pounds of pntatoe«.
A fire had got Martwl In a lumber pile
nature west o(^lhe Mto*«>url river. I‘
I want- All the newest combmationc of datnty colors for 25c to 75c the yard. *
powadsYff bean, and 6.7M pound, of from the mill. The mill hand* had a day and Joseph Re*lgnol will conilnue
wa* organlxrd a* long ago a* IM’-L ai
oakmi. For the nke nf our friend, ho«> out and Mm* Sre under control to ctinduct the pool room in hi* ab
which time the ancient town of Santa
who are neither farmer, nor produce before tbe depan ment ctwild reach tbe ^ee.
Fe wa* Just tM glnnlng to lake In i»nrt
gualen we will my that thto mean* Kene of what might have been a seri
beaut.tul button.. All the newc.t, Petri, gilt. Irr.deKenl. ISc lo Mt the ceL
the valor of the wentern iwund Anglo
iHi bnahels of potatoes. S7 Im.heto of
Saxon clvlUrailon. FTemont’s Bn«t
hsaas and 118 bushel, of onlniui An
to the IbK-ky mountain* wa* made
C. M. Tlnkham Bought W. A. Vleger
Ham U the drink* will be ten ton* of
Stock at Rapid. City.
les psr day to be delivered at the eamp worth ih. COM fsr one day’s um, w<
t the dainty pm you wartt, 5c. 10c. 15c, 20c.
C. I^lnkham. a brother »f F. O. all that part of the west at the time of
last for ysars. for only $1.
to asmiage that burning ihlrsL”
Tlnkb^ V_t6to city, ha* iMirrha*<x! the fouadlag of Montezuma brige. but
J. W. Blatar.
Kit Carson wa* one of lhe*e early
tbe drug .lore'at lUpld City, formerly
Your Reliabl. Horn. Fureiahor.
mrmlH^ra. To hto brother, ol the soFor *11 m.nner of fancy work. fSr k.mono., pillow top., .hirt waidv 10c. 3 for 2Sc.
2236-tf owned by W. A. Blcger. Mr. ‘Tlnkam
to an cxpcritmccd pbarmaclst and will clety he left what may have been one
<tf hU most rherirhed
f'leld and Ft ream.
In gray.. Un., red^ W«k^ and white.. The mo.t rtylirt belt that i worn. Sell, from 25c I
Bmall Fire at East Jerdsn*
OaafiMM Cannot 84 Cured
Bast Jordan. Mlch .'joly U I>
Iho noon bmir ywirrday llr«f broke out nr loral nppllcntlonr. ai tbry rannol
■h lb* dl**na*d portion o4 tbe car.
Something very nobby, all da'nty color*, price $1».
te the rcaldcnrc of Jame. lOirher. «o
U oeir on* nrar «> cure deafMain aiiwt. The damage will reach „ and that It . br .non.lltollonal
#400 to $«». e»verod by te.uranre ramedlMi. neafneea t. canted br an InThe lire was svldenily cau*od from a llaBMd eondllinn of the inaeotu linlnc
Si,i Inehc wide Taffeta Ri'^ in pink, light blue, black, lavender and virhlU. 40c the yard.
or Ih* Ruiiarhlan Tube. When tble
tub* to la«aa«d roo bare a rumbllac
tound or Imparted benrttg. mod when
IF YOU want a co«t v “Urtl’a all It l« cnlltnlr cloe«l. Deninoe. to the
pair. «boIca«n« aail
«a reanlL nnd onleai tbe hiltinmi
Boms of the dalntigst pattern*, rell from 25c to $1.25 the yart.
roml. try - Valo- «>««•» Theta cal ean be taken out and thto tube reMored to lu aonnal oondhion. benrlng
Item an btewl, d ibv cholceal aelaet- vUI bo dcniiored toreror; nine caaea
MBfTB gnlBit oplL box calf. Ticl kid and .
•d aloek and rotated hr the beat ea net d ten an eanaad by catarrh,
IMla. ther are pot BP la pound, air- vbleb to notUac bat an Inflamed con­
WOMUTB Bus shore aa4 orfm to hipd LaadBaawldkldlstthsr.
U«i Pdacacaa. Oina oirfadlwt all lot dition d tbo araeoni Bartaoe*.
OIRU* AMO BOVr shore, a ah I lot oil d ahoBi. the an solid Uad.
We will fliTo One Rnadrad Dollart
elab ■atior. dead fliea. etc, aad an
c any eaa* d DaafBot* (eauted by
told lrt» Me to 40c per l>. K. C. _Uarrb) that cannot be cared by
*x?m Hair* CalaiTh Cure, fiend for cim-

Is. mummed t« IMr UgiMC
b7 tk« WWU aur liM OMtfle.
tM ComC« OwpMla Md tte pr»
oirt Mcortf koMtr. lb* Dt«tehlaad,.«f






Choice Meats aod Peoltry


E.HrP0PE, Ast.


Fancy Mull Collars


' ;


Ladies’Linen Collars
Win Ties

Neck Ribbons
Waist Sets

;v •

Kimono Pins


Bordered Handkerchiefs
Crushed Leather Belts



': •


Silk Belts

Trayerse atys New Sboc Store

Sash Ribbons


Corset Cover Embroidery

We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, aiid the Famous Farrand Organs

QaaUty Us hast Can aad hs eoariaesA.

i a: LEWIS

‘"’’rrS^CHKNET A CO, Toledo, O.





One mtiPf
f- bay

«MC t
k* mm«T Dm* II
gV » 'to HMrt. to Mm •»«•«. f*


of V. A. Omb. M M ao

a.oo*MorMo«rt«. AaM*«ai
hlotaM OA Iho DMA «W aoMo
Pi^ ao atm M oooaiw a
•Make KM* Aoa «a aM aaoi
oomo hcmm. Tbo star.

«igo «a to Mr awMaa kr »■ tta.:
patf of aM MM old fl
fomto oot kMtofa, W.UOOU . A
M OMir wM JM tM Ml
MO.E. A Ltmlafar Otf»1

••<«. MaUn— — a

CM «
«TM )• i«t Mt 1 tlMkt at fb«
■a 1 Mri tW •tMT.” MM Hr.
n MatM M Mb a mIM
itrtet. ItMMCtetMaA
af M
a€ ar cMialloB te tlw Ai^

M MMr to aawa»tM ba 1


Bapaa oC. palai kara kaao Ml
Ksrpt la tka toadai af BM Bi
<aboat 9000 & C.\ and aa tka walla of
tktae tatoba la aHa akawa tka proaaa
of pMttof kaiap. la a loiak at
TkaM of tba tUaa Of TkaMa UL
(■boot 1000 & C.) la a snwp rap«aa
lag tka pracM of tvlaUag tkoagi
laatkar aad tka awCkod of cattlag
laatkar laio tkoaga. Tka Bible tolla

Tto aaeoad at tto I
at tto
tko Wo^aMOag
-H«(I wtft
wm bo
to dvoa
t«»aa al
tte& loaickt. Good oraaM! win bo far-


: DatfBlt. Mkk. JiJr
WfcMlUl. wtora to *1U attaad Ow)
<Wr. Il: Ha. I rad. $1; Ho. S «oni.
gaikmat oC Ito BUu a* a datHr; Ho. S srbtta aa>A «*M««au Iroii TimT«ri* CItr lodga. Ho.
fWato, O. Jair U.-Wfcai
n. aP. O.a launtoMtalr opoa hU
jitoi ^ialr. iH%ti tortawi
to Wtu (0 to He* York eUr.
•tora to wurtato a panaaaaet pbeldWMaeo!! Mr U.-Wkaa»-0M Jolr. ■Joa U Ito aaMa dariWaftt at Ito
SMto: aaw Jalr. Me; awr StMai
] oHcaa at tka MIcMsaa Btaidi
SlKe Oor»-^ulr.
nr a. laanatar of tto dapartMid. toto; Tito. «TJt.

J. a HaadMaaa. mr. aad cbUd of
CadIBae M M tto cttr aad vUl so to
y. C Oditoli.ootuaa at UM M>.COIIbartXMUg
dtr to apdiSVaao 1

MMa AlMa OUtott of Oread Bapida
Ja oMIUat torn Dalir Cre«;r.
.-Mr. aad Mre. M. A. lAat«arthr
•aat to
taka tbta tasralat to alt«adltoO.A.iLpkalc.
Hr. kad Hre. AUwit C
aad Mtaa Habta Brtatoa af
llip^ *a^ Lataad tbta Boratas

I ?

art. T. Wabwdwa, aotbar at r.
Btatoidaoa. ato to aapUla of tto nu
aak daii Mltareakaa. k tba tuaat at
Pnak ritodrleb aad fatallr bare

lost roiaraod to tko city froat aaarl)
a wook*a trip to tko aortbara raaorU.
Mr. fViodrlok aUtoa tkat tkaro U a
obry aaaall crowd oa Mackinaw lalaad
Hg.rlalt^ tko Boavers and
rtdiHU la tkat part.
1, B.lL BoidloaAui aad Mra. A. M.
of «AB«kU»WB. Pa., are the
I of Ibolr aophow, FYank Mock,
«24 Wobator atroot.
ad ta
^^laaiadiolL Haaoy aad Mlaa ttU
- 9PM
lipod I* Qraad Rapldo are apoadUn
Li^Milntbectty aadatlbr



rtaak Oaaacu taaad a btcrd* aaar
to Jotone Dru« eotapaar'i atora thte
X aad dota Bot kao* tto oi

Mom on anotbor oaaoo
obaarratkMi kaa eomo 1
of many.
aerltiod In tko
n»o ankjoct w»
dx. born of a M

yootb of twenty.
ipatblc family. Uo
In bis tklrtooatk
mad tko attacks aortoaMy Im.

biB color aonao. which bad boon toiblf since bktk. remained unoam*
acute. Tbo bumaa rolco bad ak
waya It appears, ropraaontod colors te
kte--eoloro of a prtom llko doltoacy.
Bven tbo cHoa of animals were col*
orod. In tbo case of the bnman rolco
tbo moot inlonao color Improoalons roEulted from tbo oound of tbo a|>okcn
rewoto. -A.- for example, garo the to­
on of light green. m«d other
I wore affroted aa wclL The to
Iona aoccecdod and wore morgod
___ rocb otbor. Other rowel aonnda
produced tboM pocnllar aw>dates-*^was yellow.
dark green, ‘ y- white.
dack. Tbo printed rowcla prodnetd tbo aamo topresalona, rarjrlng
la TlTldnaaa.-Han>er a Weekly.

d cottpoood of laaiiaoao aif-*_ oket. Ttoro are two tobco nia
from tko glokoe aad tbroagb tkeao a
rappU of air caa bo aent to the tato
Srwhon tkr>Mgkl gfowa doll, tko of.
toci apparont^jr bHog to rrrlvtfy tbo
micfoboa. Tbo light fr«n tbU laap
will laat for aororal w«4« wltkoot if.
nowal of tko morninatlng medH

A New Jwaor doctor. Tkooai
Lanterborn. «aya that trolley can
rooponalklo for appeodlcllla. He aaya
they amko da laay. that wo rldo when
wo okonld walk and tkoa Molop tbo
dlaooBo tkrougb tko abdominal mnaclco not being actlrdy oxerdacd. lie
mya tkat If tko kaman animal wanu
to coMMTt kSs atrongtb ami \merrc
kla boaltk lot him walk and let him bo
carrfnl to keep tko abdominal tutmelaa
« and tbo intaatlnal moadoo aw
Wtak Wm Um auumr?
Amorlcan hostcM tn
why baron’t you brought your fiance?
ilooat (from-l»akoU>—1 rrekon bc*a
thrown ipo over, lie doat seem to on
dor aund ouO ways out west.
Hustoaw-W’by. what bare you done
'*^Onriit—Nothing, t ju«t a»V«I him.
•Kay, will you love me alwny*. alw*aya
after wc have been divorced.''—

Tbo AppendJxlcaa club la to be tba
mmo of a udIquo social organisation
projected by Hamlet A. Bye of
Ing of all who bare lost tbelr vormk
forma and porposoa a
gmnlutloo. It will bo
a O. A. n. Mr. Hyo aaya, “Wo can
talk of

ong the dd berbaUsta aconll
Lsbood (Aconllum napellps).
bold la wbotoaomo terror dn acron
dionooB qnalltks. wblcb are greatThe FYench gorerument In Algeria
ly respected even In the pteaenL It ta ropooea to catablUh a woman doctor
% TBloed medk-lueof the pbarmacopceto. in every village where the kiatlve pope
Oivat prejodlce formerly existed against
tton to Urge cnongb, the native worn
ttauaraaamrdldoolBtenially. Ktoerck
r social cuo
prescribed It for rheumatism, and
It to now known to be sedative to the
a dl*i»'u«»ry baa alraady
for we
af tko Maple Ctty eknroh. ta In tka cllj heart and reapiratory organa and to re­
duce tomiwmture. It to a great modi
aUpa^teg tko rriondi quarterly moot
dne for fevi-ra,
Mbnkabood la a well known garden
ANYBODY what give “Yale" coffees
Mias Cora M. Clark and Mrs. SUnlo;
trUl knows that noliody ever had a
of Oaaway are In tko city attending
u eacb Btnlk baring rup of good coffee before. It has such
Uo rrlonda quartorty mootlnt.
fine laale and costs no more than
rraak Wolloo. formerly caa]
coffees da Put up In pound air
lV nrot National bank of this dty.
mtotakeo for the peuUL The upper one
bat wbo has boaa cashier of Uo Na la vaulted, and from Uto Ue plant gels tight packages from JOc to 40c pet
d. K. C. Lewis exclusive agent.
ttoaal City bank at Qrand Rapida foi Its comaaon name, tbeaepal hooding Ue
aomHy two yoarm, to at Bdgowt
Bower IQm a monk's cowl. In culUrtaie many varlettoa of color.
aompaalod by hla wife and chlldron
Harold aad Bath. They will romalc
A Starr mi Oartr
nboat two weeks.
Oentlaman. oh. pantlaman.
mg the many good storleB told
OrtUa KIbbo of Maaton airlrad
the tima la at hand to purchaat
wing Carlyle tbto to not the least
tbo city Uto afternoon to attend Uu
•tbrlyle took a frteiid and a
allk nogllpaa ahlrta. tha $A00
rrtonda quarterly meeting.
yoanger man out walking wHk
kind, for only $lA6-4h« now
kto and in kla naoml way tednlged
W, Van Ordon of KmUmaaoo It
la a moDotogoe. In which, nevcrtkdeaa.
tbo city on bnalnoao today.
9. Bonda A Co.
Tka adlournod term of Clrcull^ooiirt bto compankm was much Intereated.
Once or twke. bowevor.' Ue friend ven­
win ooat^o Moaday.
tured to pot to a ward or two of o6jrotloo In regard to aomeUlng aald by
The doaU cf HUiiloy mwlla maaj
aaoedetea. not only of tbo grrst ex
and adptoror bat of kla beautiful widow, wbo dreaofd to bto the foUowlng warnterwas Htoa Dorothy Tennant. Kke and •Young amn. I d have ye to know tkat
ye'To the capacity for
bar aiater were broagbt
aavialilo aotorlely by R. V- Bensun'a aat bore la Bnrope.* Tbe poor man bad
hardly apoken a donea words, bot'alnce
•Doda** wblrh one of tbem la aald
tbme had been critical they had
kaoo taaphod. While the novel
him arom to Carlyle a potenttel bore of
thofagt Ike aatbor wrote to Mtoa Tro
ItoarMlaa Traaaat:

Tbo whole

■aw awwot of yoal CaVany
Bat she was Booa
■g^ter Dana af WaH Tkgkto
kaa letarasd to poUCka at the age
He toft tke Dailid JRataa aem
twaaly yearo ago.


analM. <M M a bar piTa
MaaaM Maad M Mdra M
MataO. to Ida aigM the M cMM

IWM «• iMMii Ooi dMl Bli
Mila^ av «Um4 llipir flADftft. Tbt
of fotalo basa ao xMt avtoa
MtUMi mV
SIM M f:at
tot Otaf ap.*
|L m Hfarj m
Kltaa aC A«a praaaatad tba tai^mv aa qy M aad tka Mata
to.- taiM tka apaakar. aatnaalj.
I. Tka hraM «aa Al
•^aamaraftkaMkiM Itbjrpoor
ilraly amtai arltk tiM ctaH
aiai. vklia abaoCtac at tka tear. Tka
Mi tan diaiM Mn tka Java of
vara Tarr larga aad ar aa
Tka baad eoBMrt vtn ba
tarma at S:SO oa tba Caatrm)
wla.” admma« the w*«k«c.-Toa wt
Itow York




I iko Mnol «Mo al •«

Wbat VM nsMlMr CM rww
Beben B. ManteH tell, of a Hergyman wbo weal Baking. Ue was
I in a precartoaa po
be got a bitfv and la kto
be frtl Into tbe
He yelled InstUy f^belp.
“How did ycf come to faB tor la-

“1 dldnT came to ton to.- leplled


fa aa Iroa box aad that tf tba sir
(cooiaM cooeeU) wM a laa rf 1

far aarv aa*
rbo mlr 1
ror tbo pooformnneo was la taU poor

r«oa ootnido tko alato pnbOe
wban I arrlTod. On a Uklo In ttot roa#pcoMUMbly tor aMaao of a lopo.
MMiarad. Aagylku a crrod aUb
cMtl, wu atod ta whM laaM
■bowliig the akgo of
L tke act of coillag a rope to bioahdWay/j;____________
bockot for drawing water
raU ootaldo tko caallo walls
Thw^iTtwo pUroa la the wM
wbrro a poraon enn paaa tkrongb^to
tropkwl. subtropical,
Inaldo of an honr. HawaU to
orn lAlll. and ll will aurprlar many t«
laarn tkal Sta mannfadurr to roolly a one and Itorjoollng. In nortkonalaTB
India. U mnoibor. In both Ibroo placoa
rodtocoro^ loot,art.
Altkongh tko Aaayrtana pmrtlcod tbo places tbo trick to done by
art of wire boating, ao rrkkneo baa up tbo blah nwuntolna.
arolor aUrta with
boon found to IndUwto tkal lUy used
In liawaU tbo liar
the warm brostb of the IMrtBc fanning
wire for making ropr.
Tbo oxtwvnttuM at Pompoli haro, him amhS tbo smotl of palm trwa. Ho
boworrr. brought to llglit a ploco of paasos by groat c!ii..tots
brooso wire ropo noorly dftoHD foot fruit and as be
tong and about one Inch In clrvumfor change until be to to tbe
enco. This ropo la now lu Um* Muhoo scenery Ibat nuy lie found In tbe
BorbODlco at Naploa. It roimUt. of aoutbern rmtfd Ktatea. Ktill
tkrro atranda told aidmlly togothor. enrol.*, and soon be notices that It to
roucb cooler and that the ebararter of
Ue areiie kaa changed to one that reWires twtatod toget
atructlon doaa not tberefore dllfei mluda him of tbe teui|*.-nite aone. with
greatly from that of wire ropea ma^ field* In Wbleb iH.bJttH-s and other
todHV. I*ompeil wa. harled A. I». TO northern vexrtnl.b-s are growing.
years ago. but bow long wlrt
ropca bad been known It to Impoasibk
E\T2RYBODY KNOWS that every
to tell, tbougb. judging by Ue koowl
adge shown In tb« conHlrocllon, It maj body who has ever tried •'Yale'* coffee
ba aafeiy cooctodtd that they bad beet never used any other kind after (
-m for a cormSderable time. *Tke The} aro put up In 1 ponnd packj
_ to which tbeae ropca were put are air tight to keep out dirt, mice and
not definitely known, but furUer cx
ivattona may abed some light on to' fiif«: 20e to 40c per Ib. E. C. towta^
agent cxclnalve.
Aa to tbe nae of rope tramwaya. U la
aald that they were In use aa early aa
IfitA-rblladcIphla Record.
Mavriags a»4 Wage Baralag.
rrofetaor Blwon .V Patten of the
Cnlvorslty of PninHylvanl.i adv
iM'w solution of tbe so«-ial problem.
This Is Ibat among tbe is-oplc ennilng
11 wages tbe wife shall couUuuc (
wage produitv after ns lK*forv mar
rlage. lie U refKi’rti-d ns
Jn j
recimt le, ture: "The whole isx-lal/prob
lem wouW be solved wen- Uw wife t«»
me an Income producer. Of i
f refer to tbe youtig nmrrled rouplen.
wIktc each before ixmrrtuge U earn
Ing beiwwn glO and $1:: a week I
believe that each aboukl continue
wage earner until tbe busbands In
come Increaaea to at least
the wife can add more to tbe utility of
bto moiH-y by wttlidrawing from tbe
r TUat Irarks la a RahUIC.

bound wlU one blow of its iHawa.
rabbit U more dangrrona than U rrolly
tbougtt. Last winter on Pocoaln creek
Mr. John Hobbs
bad hbi dog run
As be stooped to peep into tbe lug
rabbit leaped out full against xir
Uobba. breaking bto noae and knock
Ing biro upon bto dog with such force
aa to crush that animal to drotb. Tbe
rabbit escaped. We don’t know aa to
the truth of tbe atoiy In tbe Washing­
ton IHist. but Mr. Hobbs to a th ing but
disfigured wltnam of tbe tragedy on
Pocosln creek. - rrtncelon (W. Va »

MagnHIcant patterns In man's
naglloM •kirta. all ateaa. Skc.
«9c, 7JC. Banda's Olaaolutlan

Holding three EHplomas, also Graduate of
Dr.Caissarato,Sarah Bernhardt's B^uty Doctor.
AD Latast MechtBical aad Electrical
Heads aad an laq*rfa»ka« cl tiM Ska cr 8^
Facial Haaa«r. Bart Derefepacbt and Haw
OMt. aSpSridty. ONE TREATMEFT ooi

wm Be Bere OK Week.Eii(Uu Joly 16tb.

blllce: tonsi.

papar:^ typical Oaravta I
Hrad at aarvUkiliaf Aaai
AprtI » aad aaaoaaaad tb


Tho*e who have vmted the rtoie Bow the «om*
mescemeot of the sak and participated in the gtcat
bargain feast presented, have spread the news of these
splendid swines to friends and neighbors wjth the result j
that every day increases the volume of business done.
The list of bargains is still large. Come eariy and
secure your share of them. .


Chin up Prices
on Wash Tahrics.

ttoS iSS. !sfc

6icp*ry*rffarl0cI)tfaiCiBC7c pwnrf
up La*»»
I2JC per nrf *« U-Bsaad
Dimitiei that have aoU up to
IScperyaidforfiae Mnoriied
Zq>hyn aad 6iie Madra* Sift

Ita« amain, worth ap to
Laditt* gaaai vM* at l«e
Coreeu worth l.tffDA...6^

^^e^a Special
Clean up Prices,
36c per r>»l for H-iachHtack
TaffeUKHk. Htricily pure SUk
worth 50c.
79c for SC*hidi Bladt Taffeta
Silk. Tbe weave U slightly im­
perfect tot wear if guaranteed.
Quarter off on aU Black andCblored wool Dn* Gooda, the $1.00.
$1.60 and $S.OO numben.
75c for tbe >1-00 numbcri.
93IC for the $1.95 numbers.
Si.l2ifortbe $1.60 numbers.
SI.60 for the $100 numbers.

1.80, for...................... 89c
LadMf S6.00 Oft Airt ^

dote...........................870 =

& ainiKim,^

Wc place on sale today hundreds and hundred*- of Odds and Ends, brokeo.
sizes and small lots, left over from our Compulsory Sale. The prices have been cut
away lelow the wholesale cost. They are are, as a rule, strictly first class, fresh
goods, bought this season. We have no room for them. The extra advantageous
prices we’ve placed on them in evcr>- instance will quickly clear them from our


Small lots of
Clothing, (good
clothing) at won­
derfully reduced
Straw hats at
less than half
what they cost us.

Short ends of |
silks and dress
goods, wash
goods, waistings.
ginghams and
staple goods at a
fraction of their

so deeply cut that you should lay in ;
a supply for a long time to come.



Short lengths;
carpets and;

I linoleums, o d d I
pairs of curtains
and single cur­
tains at less than
wholesale prices.


Broken Bizesio
shoes—the ocw
prices should
make you an
eariy purchaser.
Don’t buy shoes
until you have
investigated our

^ ALL FURNITURE. Hammocks,
Refrigerators. Oil and gasoliM atovoi
go at exceptionally interesting figures.




away mtoto a ecry.gooi play. As
WHal the Metiapomn Opeea coam

Iftaa. He has ao bad hnbica.
4dhT know a maa la thto dty
to MB I 40 flttl SBi M • tofM
la rt«ar4 to tko mUm at ataqr offem tat lajMi ■KKig
la ta tatar 4a|rt a onto
KMI Hr g tttit wldH »«i iHu
l( «M M ftnit tlMigkt ttot

Wte tai ta taadio a olcli of 4a
to at b» looTat the ta glan that caataada fW Brito or HtiaUi mad to
itamr toactad bf tbe ato to
or to alaac tta Bagoai

I la DOC BaBaBjr at

to vith aaj 1

to to ool ad tammlwdm hf
itoB. to ao pto daato othar

m to too^a BMoaa gto cd
40lf#Mloaad.l^a jotljr diaaor at ihr
V' clah taaa.
•otolaMa II la aortho oorroci
tog U> toU ovaa a iraUfal atorjr atth
'to toto haaoa tt bapta* that It
to tho taaaao vla> gara tbo apnad
to tho poto that happaaod la to
Mth li roaUr a to of parU.
Ptothr. tolHto to gaalal. to
naatojr towi >-vto'a trtiai.** but hr
HTdoi gtvoa to avairathirt to la aoc
taaOT. lilhal.
A toaaaa oaU to takaa BaUm to
thodali hoto to Joan, aoolag him.
oallad hlaito tto tahla aftrr to othera
to hagaa. taa as ho to aratad.
othar poraoaa at to tahlo that hr
haoir. ha to abaraUr avortrataK to
cap at Ida olhow. vhea Mr. Joaea.

plag to Btoko to naUor goUe plala
^W»tthto ptolB toia^ said ahHakloglir!
Bmlth DoaebalmatUrrapUod. -Yearn. I uaclrratand. Hut
I ahsart toato air bouillon,- with

to aUgbtaat omphaaia oa -iKmllkm.4at Badth to at that tooomt a pro
taricator. to pat It mildly. Hr really
toiifal to eop waa tea and probably
la hla
*WVo to
Jolm CL B»
ateh /or Bra raara; aotblgg did bar
aar gto naUl I found HollUier'a
Boekr Motmlala Tea. Now abe’a
atroag to healUiy. ao la baby. H
aeata. Tea or Tablrm, Jubtunn Drug
A Mg line of Befrlgaratera at bottom
pelem and eaey payments.
J. W. Slater.
Ymir Betlabtf Moms rumlaher.

: sn&tf

to aalea. to woaM aajr. as to taara
goto dova her wrtiddod chooka. Bhr
lOMfto daoeaadaau la to aany
oday. Ool. Bra Lockarood to a grto«oa. Uaal. grauaea Rdaa a g
craadaua to ihare are oUera.**
Not lopg ago a dna or houar
tohora ta Ctoirelaad adeorUto
freaco palaten to reeMred la reply
totter from a woi
mid tot baoidaa p<
xmiM ptoater prime walla, canraa them
to take oB paper. A Mgh aeafford. ab«;
umerted. bad* ao terrors for her. to
eork oo a
maffold vithoat a ladder to to
eorked oa to di
from Imr touar It to gathered that
the to learned her trade from her
rather, with whom abe worked, and
«hr added that ahe dreaead for her
work eo as not to attract attention,
and therefore cuold ply her trade la
iny plaoe: oo matter bow public.
The name of Maruko. empreee of
Japan, will long l»o remembered with
giatltnde la the land of tbe chryeanLbemum. Uke ber btnbto. ahe la
ui ardent reformer, and It la. thanks
to bcr. that such hideous pracilooa ae
the tooth and abaring the
eyebrows of married aromen bare been
abandoned. More solid bencBts ahe
forrod In enoonragtng edocatlon of girls and la the foundation of
for to sick. Thanks rtry
largely to her. there arv now eact'llcn.
lebools where the future mothers of
education iHjual to
that of an SngUah high school and
hospital Tat lent* hare the advantage
of the moat up4odate medical and
suigical aid. ttkgether with the beat
nunixxg. At the moment the anrast
lady la busy In connection with Rfd
Cross work. In which she grt^tly disllagulshed herwlf during the war U*tw«*eB Japan and China. Ni^dk^Hs to
say, abo is greatly beloved generally
and is the idol of the Imperial army
and navy.

t to Joat a alight rtok chat a
to rush to hnrry at practical mo
nidpal devehyrnt the aeathetle maj
be relegated to aa obacore corner
WUh bat little effort la to propar dl
raectoa at thto time to practical to
atttotto may Ito happily bleaded. Thflf
If the totter featnrr to permitted to la;
It win be more dl»rrlt to erenre tto
dcalxtsd cmolt after conelderable delaj
A town aroond tbe public bnildingr
when proper apaca can be encared.
pelnm at the atreet entrance, a border
of graea parallel to the eldeiralk. wHI


to thRtoghoat to range entirety fax*
from aay harahneea. or aayihlag aa


ieat. OartalBly Mr. Janrto has made a
place for hlnto ia to hearts of the
maalt4oi1ag people here.-K^^heatrr.
N. T. Mr. Janrto wlH appear at tbe

swyer when he was smirking before
i mirror rehemtag aa Impromptu
bnthUng A notkeabto to remmenito ifter dlaarr apeoch. These are two
ble atep In tbe direction Indicated has *asee out of doseas.
-He never goealpe or tatttoe. but tbe
hBOdUig on to Bagnmbayan
nere fact that he has sees things he
way. Let this feature be eate
raghtn‘1 to have seen to heard things
other buOdlnga which now
te ougbin'i^lo have board makes bto
/ery prcwei
In to new dtotrleta Of Ennfta. Ma­ Mber fellowa. It s
to te and raco there ahoold and probo- tod all fate.
Wy wm be concerted action on tbe
-My wife loathes him b:<at»e her
part of each boneebolder to leare a
entaln mmoont of>epace for a proper *alse frbtses blew off Ip tbe street one
lawn and omam^l ebruMMry. A lay and 1sm1e.l on bU umbrells He
fMgirt effort oo tbe pert of each would «ad ooihlng whstivMT to dn will*
■dther h«T
or tbe eleim nt.H. bnl
now I dunt dar^* to ask liini to mr
jeportton of tbeclty.
arbor day Into tbe eebooU
United artkm for one dny In tbe year
would eoon bring telling results. W»


wen ttoa to
taal4bt wtUheto*

U to many years alace aaythlng ao
ftayahie la to way of alaglag was
jf tt It tot nobody caa Ml yna to hto. Katatw hna doae a gto Beal
to. to to poor Mow doaaa-l
for Mr. Jgnria. Bki Bgww to Ban. Bto
miataund It btamott.
-He la bagtealnc totoak that acaae^
he socret it rsaUy thto: Tie has a
mnlBs for to laoppoftto By soaae
aallga freak of fhte he always says
%ad does things at th© wrong times,
t to not lack of tact. It is deotlay.
Ar example. 1 like him. hot he never
•ailed on me alace I harf known him
tot him rtoll;wa«Y highty nawab
me. He to especially ceftata to drop
mnethlag fboltoh or dtocradhaMe. to
ma know how we hate the tanoecat
tonee wltnma of oot; folHea.
-He made a mortal enemy of a cer

are cared fur.

ptoatoththmna. The parts were all










Attention. Busineee Men!
The Evenlnu Rt'cord will soon pub­
done by legtototloo at Car greater ex
pease or left undone to tbe Ovlrtmeot lish a now ami valuai.le feat.m' in
aih'ertislng which is umet
of fbe general ap|*eanince and beaJtb
’ng with pronounced popularity with
of our city.
Snslness men throughout tbe country.
T%e csar*a Prteate Fortwae.
This idea consist* of well wtirded.
Many newspapem-bave scrlnuHly re ten-line reading local* which will be
produced a telegram which apin-nre. icattered promlscuottsly through the
In a I*arls anneum'ing that lb*
of the Kvcnlng Record, o
Eiuperur Mcludas bad lunmentev! hb oral
private fortune, nniountlng to elgbt> n- run In all the dally nml wceklv I«aos for three months at a small co*t.
mniloDS sterling (Mtm.dXUiOOi. to tb<
Rttsston govt*rument fi*r war purposes ntesp advertiM-nu-nt* »III-he cliauRed
It wna added that this huge sum stands requenily and written for the adver
to tbe credit of .tbe emperor In s bank Iser by ao experienced ad writer.
of a country not fiiendly to Iluasto
Wc shall endeavor In every way to
Eighty mUlkma would lies pn-tty torgsum to be bekS at cull by any bank, nake this new feamre of the paper a
bat the whole story to o romance^ and treat anccess to our patrons and hof>e
so are all tbe other takw altont tbe em
o have their hearty support. Our
peror’s dealings with bis cIvU list, say^ uithorizrd ivpn'scntative. Mr. Hunthe Loudon World. The fact is timt tb^ tarn, who hail charge, will call and cx
emperor of Busato has no dvil lUt. and
daln more fully, and any contra-t
be draws at bto discretion on tb«> Im
pcrbi! treasury, etery ruble of wblcb nade with him will he filled hy the
to supfiosed to be bis proiHTty and ab Evening Record.
aototdy at bto dtopossl.
These handy Camp Stools only 18c
Ladisa, -Voti can Jump on It, t
pla on It. but It will ooms Up am
tnd 2SC.
J. W. Slater.
•vsry time.- Caiman's Elastic Floor
^^VQor Reliable Home Fumleher.
Vamlah. B. E. Walt A Bona. Trav

B ^ ST '


Have been spt!cblly rc cn^jairctl for another two nights


Friday and Saiorday, July 15 and 16


and will present elaborate productions of

Canning Time to Here.
Prepare Yourself For It,

“The BoMan Girl”
and “The Mascol”


Jell UlaRses. 1;3 pint....20c do*

226 East Fmt Stmt

Come and see the best oj>cra and musical anraclion that has ever Ixten secured for Traverse City.

Special Summer Prices. 25c, 35c, 50c.

Offices and Halls Crowded With Suffering Humanity




f^ripples NA/'sIk, the deef Hear
Hundreds of people in Traverse City who have suffered all their lives with Chronic Diseases, we are CURING THEM lO STAY CURED.






To Anyone Proving to the Editor of this Paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. State Bank
Here Again,
Master Specialists.
On account of the larpc crowd of (icoplc who are daily calling on the HOT SPRINGS DOCTORS, they are compelled to remain in Traverse City until Saturday evening. July lOth. This will l» the U»t
day. 'Hicir offices are crowded with suffering humanity, many being unable to sec them. They have cured hundreds of people in Traverse City who had given up all hope. Dr. iicott. who holds diplomas from,
the best medical schools in the country, and who has bad PRACTICAL c.\pcricnce of 40 years, makes a scientific test of the urine and blood, thereby locating your disease without asking questions. \\ e treat
chronic dneases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, blood and nerk^es only.

We Cure Quickly, PermanenUy and Safely.
iiBaliOtotP«gltotfio«ioe*pcri«ncedqpedali«,topnnd|Mltotatatoe*t«oitKngrygiictoaretol wettofire hantlred c^
B4y<iimkdigptoMtoM0inkc^1to.lddneyi.bktoarMrvcg. mrtocarejfX)u.agwehtoc«tohaD^htdifarlbeliste^tjcaisinTramaeCitr.

glipjoattoi Frei

or it COM* Jtw nothing. AB ciiraBe
their fri«dA What yoo
eflortf to core. If yoo are afflicted w*li;
tquiUy rdobk to conscieolioov in our cfT,
to iM week oq Uiig tii|k Better call today;






ai to «fO MBt IM.

UD IS sm as

^mnOLMU K K FoateT. to

I !■ QtmH toWs


nee of n

aUKTd la front of Sergt

lynjttely Wtaa WKW-TtaMAM.

to howto tike Comanehes.


i tkkrtMl

Br a tMi of tlie atto laat ito
-lortlaad Mlaa. Iteaalraa iwia
aaM atoa la ttot.
Haatfrad* af liittlto of to cl»
«• salBg to waste aroaad Alliioa for
aditf Itelploalektto.
T m laitia oUldroa rrtnraed
Wtoo tlM7 attewdod OClMOl.
to of atoo auMie for LduU Molira
' aa. caiaaM. U
u tacCH lav. «
wolfli to
aid*, walih
Jh;e,|MMMa aaek.
loot to waali Uie aiiid froo hU tboon
Oraad Bapftda bmo |aaip?d tato river
Flaod $3 foryrleoaljr latoatioes.
8t ioliiui taarthal aad aislitwateli

fadalgo la fnr to tot. Latter .to
aa reault.




Tbo mnik aad drawlag fad* are to
h. lotrodocod
la tao Lapeer pc
aad the Prcrt calh It aa -liai
tooa RapMa wIH aooa owa lU light
lag plaaL the rotera harlag rated to
.toad the rlllage to cron a aioa
plaat Work apoa the ajateai wlU hcgla'ohoftlj.
Th© oouocn of Undon turned dowo
a i^tlUao with 100 elaiiera aaklag for
aa ardlaaaoe prohibiting the mar
of blcycleoi
la getting to ho a great
Iowa for aaa oaglE
There are half
a doaea fheteriea there taralog then
oaL to aar aochlag of Ue
^ Choai alL tho Mcnnlal itohaf of the
- loglalatute.
Farm land about Charlotte la tieink
bought op hr fanaer* froin a4)o»nliig
eUtea.. The principal
trlbuted to the fact that thto enunty
U the bub of Ibe rrorW In the In-an
growing buaUeiia. Laat year
<wtlmat<^ to be about 200.wk> bunhelii.
which la
buaheU more than any
other ooonly has ever grown In a aln
-^c aoaaoo. The “bean picking" In
duatry la that city alone gives employmont ibe year around to many bun
dreda of women and glrla.
Cteorgn H. Ilopklna. department comBUttdor of the Grand Army of the Ilepohlle. haa laaued
apropoa the thlrty-elghth national encampm;?nt at Boaton, Aug. 18. Michi­
gan. h<«d<l«artoni will be eatablUbed
at the Ilelel Brunswick. The parade
haa been arranged -for Aug. 1C and
Chief of Staff George W, Stone will
have charge of the department for the
parade. The department of Michigan
apeclal headquarters train will
from Ueindt at 1 p m. Saturday. Aug,
13. from the Vnkfu depot
the Piq»ullstlc wing of the fusionlata of four poara ago In Bay City d4>
not like tho raonit of the St. Louts con
iventlon n llttfOhll, They declare that
from now cm they are in the middle of
^.the road for sure. They are watching
clo«*ly the HH>venu*nta of the loca
democracy, and as the Indications are
tCat they will receive no rooev recognltloB oo the oounty ilrkct this fall
than they did at St. Louis, the more
radical teaders
again talking of
putting ftp an Independent tlrket.
While Gd Vrooman was awklng at
the bottom of the Garfield avenue
newer eacavatlon at Rattle Creek the
Bide cared In. eoreHng him complete
. ;iy. Fortunately aomc planks slid in
, fttoaff
*rch and he was alive
when the rcocuera dug him out. He
waa Udly bruised, however.
; Bddic Hyland, an Ann Arbor student
xm hla vaeatloo to hit home In Mon
.toa. met with an accident In the
Hountaln View n\tbc at Butte. Me
to Injured by a fall of rock and U
confined in the Murray « Ftond hoa^ pltal. He siistalnod lajnrloa to hla
hack, aa arm waa broken and one of
hla thumba waa fracturnd.
The Pontiac common cooncll haa de­
cided to advertiae for blda for lighting
the olty. Three hida wcits roeelred at
the laat moetiag. The Welabaeh Co


X- K-aXATHAK. —------ ^

Aijn y

mm to the eovm of ttaiher tatod
NortMBt Mtoto wtU c«Mr»l« «^toh ta fonn ftaeo of attedL A portlm

to to rtoanat toptrv cot out
«f itolto. OM ito mm frevaa
r M
la OcMW cMBty br
to lato*. nm tto t» Mtor or



her chubby face, ran late the But


of Chicago made a bid for gna light
tag to J. W. Martin and Albert
firigga aad J. O. Me
fw oloctrteltj. The I
A. 8. Hatch
hocr of tim Detrtat Ughtlag
Irfop. to prepare tpcciflcatioaa on

**To« want ynw whatr* naked Mc^
“1 want mj baby. Ifk mine. *caiiac
agteofkm mokeo any oersm hiding a
foend ir.- .
maa with a mtoet farmldaMe. It
McDonald dldnt know what to make
may he onBr a ohoK. Imt If the man
may he am from tbe fact that their of his liui^TlaJtor for a few miantoa.
hChtad the rnuakec la a good one ho
can make hlmaelf a tomr to the fol­ dead arm fWnnd wtthtn lUrty yards Then II came to him that the dkSM
low who boa to come np In fram of
General Movrer aaya that he naed np
the Confederates by dirweting to »«>
to bold their fire untU Ibe enemy.vma
8nith*a nctory ot Tupelo waa a atmidone
op- He then opened whh abell.
ilng Mow to Poneat ta more wajra
hanonau Be flanked l>\Brvmt aad gta
“Welt. Josephtoe.** he aald. “when
the big poiiceasaa took your baby
ordered one of hla brigade© to <
eway from you and your mother aald
bnt the Oonfedemtea abowed no dlapo- her five youngsters were all she could
attend to. they sent It to BeUeme boaeltlon to keep op the battle in open pfui. If you win run around there
aybe they will give It to you.”
On Mowerls front the bottle laatiHl
Tbe child flew out of the rtatioo
two hoara and a half. It waa o ons.
ketiT tot tbe greater part of the time. house and ran all tho way to Bellcrue.
“I came for ray baby that tbo big
BttlJeta. not breaatwx>rks. downed the
policeman took avray from mt." the
aald. “PleasD get It right away. I
couldn l slop a bit last night for thinktag about the swoet little thing, ao 1
ran away from home just ax soon as I
had had my breaWfast. I think 1 can
my mamma to take It—“
nut what baii.v. who,^o l^by. rblld?
What are you talking al>out.r askt^l
ir superintendent.
Then Jusejdiine told her story all
tT again and the su|K'ntuendcm
optni-d hU eyes wider than tbe serI did. Then he explained tt. J<»se' quite In the manner of talking
rrown up that the baby was In the
hands of a something calW law an.l
that It had t*i Ik- given ic» a si»clely
that cares for desert.-d baldes.
JosephineH face grew longer ev:-rr
word Mr. Rickard si«ke. Then she
askcxl. with tears dimming her bright
•Can l 1 even sec lt?“
“Of course you can.“ said tho super-

toiT tr^wiThto M **A

matclied by Smiths Iwttei*]
Kcutucky brigade, led by

Poulkm-r. cUarg^ tbe nuuierlea. fight­
ing oo foot, as <Ud Forrest s enUre
commatMl lUut vlay- After ebrrklug the
Kenturkbitts Sinltli's uu-n ehargfil

et»-iny. Mow.ts soMiem fl^»^l ^»n.
arrragr lon rounds of nmmunftlon per
man. When one regiment hnd ex
liaoftteJ its auiuiuDltlun another look'
its plat-e and was In tunj relievoa by,
a n'glment with fnll cartridge Uixes.
The C'kmfedemtes nsade nae of every
Rke the* sting oift of tliHr

n» jii»T iww <■, rnmin,

The first temperance society was
onaaixod as earlv ms 17W. but ibo
first time the tirohlblUoa party en­
tered a prestdeaUal cantTvalca waa lo
1871. It received votes tn oaly six
stales that yoar. but has lacramcd- tu
BoamiicBl strength every suceeedlng
up to the piesenl. It has Its
first presMeotial elerior still to win.
The oodet.- of 17R9 wav organln^
by 200 farmers of YitchfleM county,
Conn^xrtlcut. who merely pledged
themselves not to drink any dUlllled
liquor wbUc doing their farm work
anUl the ensuing season. In 1811 the
PrrabyieHan churt* of the country
started a temperance enisade. prob­
ably the first of the kind In our hUtt.rv. The first rtrictly total abstlncucc society wax formed in Maasachu»<Mix in 1K2.-:. and tbe second In
Pennsylvania tn lkn€.
The question wax first Injected Into
politics In me. when Repre*entailvo
Jam.-s Applcifin Intrmioeed a prohibi­
tion bill Into tho Maine U-gistature.
The moasurc falied, but In 1846 Neal
Dow. then'msrnr of Portland, look up
the matter and In 18r,l the pr;-senl
"Mnl:ie law * was t-nsled.
Sliu- ih n other states that-have
trlc«l p.-^ihiblUon have \>een New York.
Masaahusetts. Now Hampshire. Jlhnde
Islrnd. Vernumt. Delaware, Indiana.
Michigan. llllnoU. MinnesoCa. Iowa.,. Nrbrwkm. North IMtuUt ud
South Dekota. Mort of these stmtutets
Itiitional stnendmuits have
bo;n either rep-nled or have
ntillifloil by the emirts.
Ill IMiu a ef>nf« r«-ne4- of all sorts of
m(»ral reformers. Ineludlng pruhlbi
held in 4.1d I,afayeMo
Tlie moral Ixxu.-x In
- so n-muro-s that lui
irsme could be agreed u|Kin. so the
eroent came to nothing. One uwl
delegate pro[ios«l a title sufficient
ly cumprelu-nslve. although it falb-d of
adoiithni. He wtiuld hav.'* named the
lariy Headquarters of All Oppiv
rition lo Hell. *- nttsburg Dispatch.

aUcnOanl t.iok JUscphlne lo the
baMcs- ward, right In-Hde the hospital
Then Josi-|ihitie begged the
• to I t her hold the Imb.v a few
Jos.uhinvs U-ar.«s ilri.vl aud the
glcHun «IlKapiH'an-«l ns she itxik th«min- In her arm.- Then the nurse was
ealb-<l away for a f<-w inimiti-s. and she
left J»i>ephiu.- e.K,ing and playing with
the tiny foundling in high glee.
Ax quirk ax the nurse's iiaek was
tiirne<| Jitsephinc caught the bal.y/Tip
tightly In her arms and sciKUed for'the
hospital entrance. She was running
111^ a quail when the min«e ►piiM her
and'called to the gateman. -who
No Pity Shown,
stoppetl the runaways
Tor years fate wda after me con• Hut It's mine, and I'm only taking
tfmiously.*' writes F. a. Gulledge. VorII home.'- InhisitHl Josephlqe.
1 had a terrible case of
Then they sc^nt her away, sobbing
k IM tumors. When all
aa if her motherly little bean would falk-il Bnrklen’s Arnica Salve cnnvl
Kqtially good for Burns and all
ache.s mm! lu
Only r-V at Johiison's Dreg Si
Siore and F. H.

----- :-- %

railed that day. hut tbe Fetlrnila were
more atiaee|dlble to the beat thno the
aouthemers. Forreat’a men were
ataslpplans and Tenneaaeeana an
miliar to that climate. Mower'a
A collection of pearls, taken from
Prominent Circus Clowns.
were from UliiiolaAod Mlawniri. Mow- the vratera.of Iowa ami valued nt more
era BMW reached Ibe field lUrvogh than
ere are only four men In ll
is exhibited in the Iowa
mamhea on foot wtitle Forresfa
bnlldinc i.t the WoHd'f fair.
world who may bo said lo have
rifle fin* of azuaU arma.“ “unprofltalde rode there and werr /resb.
reputation as clowns.
Three of ibK numb-r will bo in Trav• “4MU11K-11
ersc City on Monday. July 18. tee date
to one. This U wn»ng Fiullh’x entand up
of the exhibition of tbe Great Wallaro
For- tire force nnmliered a!*out 14.«v) men,
to that I
of hat- Including guards of tlw line of eom- Bian's. She must have a man's courago Show*. They arc nbly assisted by
ound It 1 munication. Me was Invading tbe ew^ and a mao's muscle to aoceved. But
other chaps who are t-ijually
Iini>i.ssil,h‘ to entiiv his enemy fnua i my'» country. I'arrrat brought to the She must also vrork under conditioua of ridiculously funny.
cover or to assume tbe offensive. In * attack IMW) men.
which a maa knows aoteing. Many
When intermingling with clilrt-ns
other words, bis enemy wtmid m»t do i Fteteat himself and hla admlreio laid an accident to women acx^ must
I the slrtK-t none of Ihcm would l>e
/ y
hat be wanted him to-play Into Uts i nmch atrras upon the fact that Smith be attrilmted
suspected of wearing the loose robes
UMla, as tee enemy ao often bad done, returned to Memphis, whence be came.
Tbe Confederate historian of the \ mob after tbe battle at Tupelo. They Which aU
of a ford, but when they art* In tho
battle alao writea of •Wrorrblng ftrr“ j called It a hasty relreat. They also
ring with their maks-ups on. they
and “terrlBc torrent of flrs“ poured apoke of energetic pursuit, Tbe fact
tough and tho cn>wd laughs with teem.
♦ Coofederatea by Smith's aol-1 fa that Smith on two or three occaA Jolly trio lot. and they have certain­
Dr. PicTce'i
dleiw In one of Forreat's brigades; alons Inrltfd I'otreid to renew the batly helped to unload at least temporFavorite
Prefour fl«*Id offliXTs were killed and aix ] tic. Vngrant altacka with a small
the care* from tbe minds of thou•ounded. Whole batteries were de- force were aU that tbe aoutbern leader
sand.x of people.
j naked. Smith madf his way lelatirely
tiem'ral Mower^s division of Feder-1 back to Memphis, and the real rnaapo
Clowning Is an art of Itself, the best
elrwn* are bom—not made. The fun­
of rations and i
making department of thcjh^ai Wal­
ejwa. the porfortuaDce of Fom-*t
manlUon were low. Tbe bread which
lace Show to full;x<Ipte the high
was joat what might have lie«-o ex- bad beeniirongbt along had tteen M>ollstandard of bt/Uber departments. In
Tbey ed. and hla oohUers were upon tbe point
fact many a pJmrtx will testify to tee
weve not trained to flgtit real battles.
Genoml Smith's dmrrlptloo auggeota compllabed fbe purpose of the cam'
atatcfflcnt that the anflca of the
the fighting of a mob rather than of an paign. He to knit Forrest away from
clowns with this shovr arc worth tee
anny. although valor waa not waaUag j SbennaB^l rear. He bad^eated Him
price of admission. Their work Is apIn hidlvlduals. He says:
in opmi battle In bU own territory,
praclated as the prevent strenuous life
•The battle opened by the enemy at- wb«e be aaamned to be
of most people cause-s tht-m to relish
mptlng to secure a commanding po­ brief. Smith defeated Forrett aa be to
a UtOc pure nonsonae now and then.
tion on our left. Tbcy drove In o« never been defeated before. lie d^t
dnulsbers awl wme afioweil to coma
Brcrythlng in all departmenu of the
lo within about ISO yorda of tbe main
Greater Wallace Shows tels year la
line, wbleb waa the First brigade of
poslUvely new, rcfrcahlng. up to date
tlM Third divtalon at this point, when
and woitey.
they ruse and delivered one volley ot
ohorl range o»d then cbanied with tho
A ©lory that come© from the country
It warms tho heart Uke etmahlBe,
baywoe*. driving the. enemy. wHh rogion not far tom New Tort eonheavy loaa. tom tbe field, kfUtag moio eeiha a native who waa oeen stolidly
cheers the aool like old wtoe. «itea
ore« aa they wore rumto than thqr plowing w IMd with a team of wenry
hope for the tetnns. blou oot the paat
did III the fliot volky- Htwe G««r;i to dejected borate. Aa they ap­
That's what HoIUoter'a Boqkj MOnnFaolkiier of Kentucky wua klUed. proached. the obaerrer of rural life re­
talnTeaW 35 ceaU. Tea or TabPaaalng toward our right, they jullied marked. sympolbetlraUy. that tlio
leu. Johaarci Drug Oo.
at tbe edge of the timber aud were jw- horses ‘MMnt seem to IMe the urorkr
‘ to onppoftod by their whole
Tm.- eommented tbe fanner, briefforce and once more retnrto
\o tte atte^wblcl. ibM Ijme i^a
latmriewa They bad to
from the field. Forrest
changed his mind about attacking these
bottriiea and called off another luigade
whlfii lie had onlervsl In to s*upiM>rt tf»e
Kanturkiaits. In almost eviuy line of
FOrresfa report of the lialtle are found






Artd In tl» mm
Ward No. 1.
A republicaa ward caocos win be
heM in Ward No. 1. on ^Wednesday,
July 20. ISO! at 8 p. m.. la Grange
hall, Cass street, for the purpose of
elcjctlng 16 delegates to the county
convention to be held ISteinberg's
Dated July 12. 1904.
John A. Idoranger,
E R. McCoy.
A. H. Holliday.
Ward No. 2.
A rrpublican ward caucus will bo
held in Ward .No. 2. on Wednewday;
July 20. 1901. at 8 p. m.. In the City
nulldlng on Spruce street. Tor II
pose of electing 12 dclsgatcs
county convention lo l*e held In Steinberg s Grand Opera Honsr. Ki
-moon, July 22.
Dated July J2. 1904
Claire II. Curtis.
WilHam Rennie.
Almon W. Rlckenl.
Ward No. 3.
A n-piibllcan ward cau
held in Ward No. 2. on
July 2
electing 16 delegates to the'
convention to be held In StH
Grnnd OiH-ra House. Friday aft
July 22.
Dated July 12. 1904.
A. B. f%*ok.
A. B. Curtis.
G. W. Sackclt.
Ward Nc. 4.
A republican vvani rauem. will In?
held III W.xnl .No. 4. on W«i!ne^day,
July m. null, at s p. ni. In Engine
Houko No. 3, Cass rtnt-f. for the pirlH»«e of ele.-tlng »; deb-gaies to the
r-oiinly r»,nv. ntlon to Ik- Im-i.i m Si. lniK'rg's Grand tipera Houxe. Friday aftormsni, July 22.
Datetl July 12. 19»M.
J. A. Montague.
H H. I'.iiK-,
F. D. Marvin.
Warb No. 5..
A republican wani cauniH will 1*^
held In Ward No.
on Wednesday.
July 2u. llMil. at 8 p. ni.. In Slat«- Hln-et
.SrhcK.l nulldlng. for ihe pur?M)*e of
electing 11 delpgalvs.^ the county
ronveniinn to Ik- held In Steinberg's
Grand Optra House. Friday aftci
July 22.
Dated July 12. 1901.



Ovor First National Bank

E. J. Hans.


Notice to All
'he asstesment roll for tec paving
Caas otroct from Front atreet to
State street, and State street from
Union street to Cass street to now In
of t





erned Interest on all
menu, the samu lo bo paid before the
first day of August. 1904.
M. E. Haskell.
City Treasure
Ofllce. room 202. State bank bui
Call for bids for palming for
•rior wood work of Central school
ulldlng. All bids are to 1h' In by tec
18th. Tbe building commitir-e
serves Ibe right lo reject any and all
bids. Specifications can be sc-en i
326 Eaat From erect
T. G. Nicholson.

Qira cm aoRAL ca

Sticks, Bnit, Brill, pmisiifls,

J. M. FELL. ;
Suit, 30S-N.W Btat* B>rtk
bulldin,. Corr,,pond«nt QM.&
Eliia. Grand Raplda.

Official Market Quotationf brpri
vate wire, direct fromNev^t
York and Qhtcaca

Pttelf>H JhnMtarteora

Trtfirsi OHr lipksistiita
Wats. '

MRmnjri^ Pints

H.F.IUIMS, Plip. i



SieUnioo. 1


Upbolitaii« o( d Kn^ Fw.'

w‘ W;A -e •’ ♦ m ♦


-o • ♦

w A' w
rnmmmmm^ leiMHbr ttoiw



ItM M W MbM Itto tyaAtaw ba



' "





jAtfflggg.vaarrfcgt M'

San Hal Editi Wi Han Fv Sail

-I baow- ho maj: •what that wwM
ttt WM taitoi.llMan.OMrM
tmt nrnmm, k* rmtMi «» «Mtt MnadFbanMnnweBnntbal
aiM aow baaSbt tad iMh AM
aMt Bad bMit. 1 bare wMbod
evaw xlwdt boaio tbti fwa too Aova
I «( tk* fta* aa« bll «r tk* SmItbM aa BP. bo AIM wftt ptopit aad
talw iiaplaoo aai part la nrt. Ikaow
ah: aad BMT or ttoai 1 bate
M fMt M. !»«• IMM. an* IMMIM
cto iwlit
to BM tbaa It
io. If It ohotfld aiaib ap bora f tt
Witt Mft Iteiv to M tt« I ohoM letra ttio old bora# tad po tad lacid, aadJMo ofoolfbt a
book lalo iht wppdo pad waH ibora dor aarttjrbooa. AatbodapoM
fan the ooMap aad Mag a<
I ifteOttl ipi «l
the aad that lo Bot van far ai
ttesKew Tork
of tkirat, bat aot of baafor.
Mitoane Mb vratnr mM newer ee
to fatter «f the
to tbe M. Oatboelghtooatbdtjror dtr. Mtob be to Inylag Aewa an a
WMIar etrael. nawtl bna
bio oalfMpoood otarvadoa be died. aevM bMlb ratitt Ittw Bcbaadnn.
•• tte ttwa ti raUed. oommnatt e

k BbM 40 aeraa Maarad. two I


Ti. *» Si* Skiintt. Thta I. WI



IS yaara I oadarad taonfforable |
mMmw. m iiM WM fo MdllMt
freai rboaaMttfio tad aottlag rollt
IMM to tt« Htd wMt
jjpiMiit lo ttolr tywio. M k« oovoi
tbe graalM aradtelae oa oartt for
thattraablo. A few bettloo of It ooai
II It Ml fOliWi^ tto plMtf pi« la


Drag store aad F. U. Moado. Drag
Hmut WUiar.oej
ipi,1t Th a MU
tettc ia Mwira M vbta bt foH t
•MOtaiatMISao. Ho taadod t
MttM walcMat til aoaadt. TIm
#tt am btai a iMrtf flfht Mora be
%aMlt At Waltor tvoac tbe bob
boar IM caawtlo lato ibo boot It tpU
jM MbfMa Itt Moatl^ tad irUb It t
WiMitM ttwrbjr t Jew.
iftrtbt riac wat ralaed at M
« bipilor T. C. JPIttt bt. ptrtMod
TWb Mta. at HIgbJtad MlUt. N. T..
lo iltioo bit wite. who ran tbo le

m\f aaaoyed Mat aad bio Itot aw-


The etlB latolUgeaee tad fall retll.

Tke rtaOutpA or «oe«rty For lUk
m of food, Heaoe tba
ml rwC l» miMat mar wmrwt. la
mittad from the gastric OUaL la aoa. tadoaa yaaa. am
tt tte braia tailed to Mfa a pMt» eat I. atanr gMa «tdi

rOfflceSiite 301 New Stats BankBld’g^

low ar pMtrle JoJoe aad ao oeoottloe
■uae pbroloologlcti priadpie to
■aalfaated ia tbe behavior of deaMot.
pd aad bynlefieal peraona. wbora
belag ban with anhJecUre
baagas of fright aad horror have bora
fOend to etarve for weeks wfttoot
ever maylng known any rannatlon of

•May. July 17.
TrMu wrill leave Traverw City at
era or

rmptoadeat in n tartnn of pale Mae

tad New ToottiaeBlo were rrad, tad

. O. P. A.
^ r 13 14 16 16
travMera and otter nMonimatra who
have baaa loroed toJace atanraUon
wUh tbeir bodies in full boalth. and
ibeif minds bonnd with chains of
fandnatlao to tte Imagery of a
s appeUte. have endured anffer.
nabr Indeecrtbable. Uke a Tan
la tte tale.
Ml the aomptnoua vlana of a highly
;ht and morbid Imagliia
^blgh he found himself unable to raise
"and to enjoy, so thera unfortunates,
with their gastHc Joloe flooding the
wMls of tbeir stomach, and with
ftorma of IrrltaUng Impulses rushing
ngh their brain, have snffered on*
told agoBles of bunger and ttlrst
cases of this kind tbe vtcUms
beir reason before they lone tbeir
Tbe strongth of ttora argua
leads to tbe eoavlcUoo. that ttera to
' resident In every Individual onabling blm to control and snbdne.
more or lees suoeessfnlly. his morbid
togs for food and drinks. Tbe
•aeret of breaking a habit or pa
m the simple rule, bands off!
Eeep tte mind off the enticing subject
oago Chronicle.

tad middle taed ltdr wrartag
white cblffoa rooettra la ber btlr. expitliiod that *lbe fenet mon"
•HBior fblrbtakt. otadldtio for
1 t oecond higher ooal w
oreooed. was nothing lew
«M prratdrat ot Uie rapobllcta tlebfl, M ap arara deroCod tdmlrar ttto the dinae eooetiee.
Mfo. ODOOttr Goto, bit raoCber4B4tw.
mrn M mam U rmn old tad t rati
to have got ahead of aa
AM if MtrmUla O.
In the amtter of motor watering carts
_44bo MbFor Weaver of Pblltdelphlt. too. nays the DoMon
This mw
ipr govaraor of llleblgta« lo of Baglloh
birtb. HomthoattbreomoBihoold
wbaa bU pareati amved froai NotUag Are fact wide with Its nrmy. Tbe mo.
■d^ atram at iWrty-flve
Cbfdlaal Qibboat loot woek cel<v
baaibd tto atahtaaBth tnalreretrT of
hto MoMloa to tto etrdlBtltto. Oo aattoMtically
to the pace of the cart and
Urn ffrd of tbit awatt be will be TO
B altogether at a atoppage of
iaila old. Hia amlaoaoo to in exeolleoi the vehicle. Obrtooaly tbe motor wa
teiing cart to the coming street nprin
brllUaai laUllect la fall
Laavara traM. Arab BHdwa.
/Varaocebagla lo to be bomwed tt
e torgeat atooe anii bridge In tbe
•L Fatarebon by tbe erection of t
Id to now In coorra of erection at
l|iOBWaoat to Mm; tu tlte to to be In PInoen. Paxony. This bridge will bavt
WMt of ttt Aetdtmy of Artt I
n of 295 feet, exceeding by t
of bli frlttdo tra tloo mtklng tm
ty fttt tbe famooa Luxembourg bridge
Nifbt Was Her Terror,
Id tost year nod by atlll more tbe
ii^ for oa eipooltkm of bto beet
**1 would cough nearly Ml night
egno budge In Lombardy and tte
>etafet, wblob to to be beM toe
toag.** wrltra Mrs. Chas. Applegate.
Isely It ttt letdlag citito of Btrope. CnMn Jobs bridge near WaMilngton.
If Alaxan^ *?**had^ntSSttl^^
, Itro. Ltagiry. who, report atys. totehad %t*tf7 wMkod a^Wock^ wMd
IpMpoood of $M.fOO worth of Jewels,
owlag to t bid lani Uken by her In
voaiaiOBto, to aow oboot to rail her
Mato la Todworth oaitore, which to
lovery wholly cured
altaaiad ta t goiot opot la Chi
Tl(e tetraoo bain tbe boura tad It to
BroaehUit aad Ml Thrioat and Long
gild to be oim of tbe ami laxartoatly
rraublea. Price Me and 11.00. TriM
farmtobed tAd appoiated to Loodoo.
hotUes free at Johnson s Drug Store
ud r. H. Maads\_________
FrooMoat Uwboi of Frtace bto of*
faidad laotldloBO Paris by upw
trtditloaa tad drivltg oa the boole^


eard with t loam of
Mroat. tat of which was black tad
M atter while. Kot only wen
Modi anatlehtd in color, hot
4rdt a bead aad a half Uller ttaa tbe
Tbe eSeet was to staHllag
Mt, H la ■ald. tbe presMeot s lastol.
aaoo apea to wora oat tbe paUeace of
tto maolar of earaoKNiloa.
:.iMdoli is applandlBg a young mat.
Wtifrad Stopfbrd. who has sho
woaderfal tatoat for organlsiag chartt.
aMt bditara. aad bto maaagemr
atoaitt aa aeeassary jo tbe oaoet
«ad of tbaoa pbllaatbroplc affairs as
IlMpatroaagepf tbe royal famUy. Mr
Atepterd devotaa a large part of bU
tfmm to anaaglag tbe details of
ladoor falrb pad ta a prime CavoHtc
Witt tto faabloaable leaders wbc
IMr aaaws aad aoBW of ttetr e
tt ttaai. Yoaag. Uoad aad of dtotln
^ptotteg ipaiatabea. |m to tbe h
M oMtt AMm Mttoagb the ]
VMd. aa li tbeir woal, lacilne ti
ooagaerad in

moft property.
A large boiiM and 14 late, with
Mroam ef water, troot pond, all
londid oendMofw at tiftttna ■
ni be 8Md HgliL
100 acrae ef aa line timber land at
Mm raom hoant nad bone, there Is in the sUts located In Cmwer and batii. water In heune.
toe. etraetn. rapM t»nMt
rn. .Let iOalTl feet a fine
Vacant lots In all parts (
prepraty. let worth $40 par feet In line

Scwast an Afrtran negro and an


WteTcapIv, Hi Mei
WX^TOUIelibsw Ae
-Data Mm
if tba wmmji

peed timber. One
Thie le a line farm.,
to acraa near tuttofia Aar. an bag

rr office la of the
was tslklng to s friend sbout
ber non*s etart In life. The young tusn
bad last left college and bed secured
oo one of tbe tm
pertaat Kvw York dslHra la tbe ham
ble capndty which to tbe nen$Mot of
ttn -cab** jMrnaltet-tbst of a police
Bto mother was enbto good fortnoe.
-De you. know.'
Be 8 tte crime editor at JefArbti police court r—Utrper's

Gimd^.July 17.
TrMa will leave Traverse City
6:30 a. m. See posters or ask agents
for parUculani.
H. F. Moeller. C. P. A.
July 14 15 K
World's Pair. $L Leuto.
Round trip llckeu M low ralos. On
sMe at Ml Uckot sUUoos. Ask agon U
(or rmuis. Umlt of Uckcu and full par-



Trnvwrns City. Mloh,
Phono 502
Members of tte NhUonM SectrlcM Oontrnrtori AssocUtlon cf tba
United BtMes. now takin. i


In the District Court ot the United
Ptatee for the Westsrn District of
MIchloan. Southern Division.

by letting os deliver direct




tf ^aMr^

*«». Howe.

MM MadM Appifbt boM u

Prompt Dslivsry.



We sell Mc-

Qts.SOc; Cal. $1.00.


CltlM T9lmthom»






Olgr tor V«rthpoH st


m 1000 WATTS



LiM Md

"If it's manufactured I
can supply it.”



£,i “"Liaift.


omtac Erin topplBS.





RASTALU the JewMsr.




I astonish you at tbs

Opaa tkaW. lat la tka air.
na ▼«!# «a awaat. Ika lowaia art
lor l« aWd ta tk. worM ter aM.
•toe. ttkiks SoekT Soaatoto Tea.

LeURatoUIUMliGe------ —

rnkto^nl^froa ecoMcttsf BislsUMWatoB


.d anw tk. aoM .C tke Lake (
now... t. IWO. Itl.«Mtk.l
I. tk. liFt .iMtr;' Itii. U Iteamt

a F. CARVBR ffi I



Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
M lowest prices.




Wsttbip NlpKt end Dsy.
Tbs boMsst and mlghUest little


from car to your bins.


An eketric line. T0$ klLmetti

tte otter dMf tt tbe ooBttlalaU of a
AMM whora aaiYadioatioa at Har

winter and


/ lira, aalto Wild %we? aged aattor
af *Tbe todttle.HarA of tbe Bepab
Se.- who receive? tte degree of LU


125 Cass StresL

topotin yoorcoM lor next

In the maUcr of W. C. A B. A. Gan
nett, bankrupU.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dcralgned trustee will sell at public
xuclkm the entire asscu of the uld
bankrupts* oatale. exclusive of excinpns. which exemptions have boon set
jff to tbc-aald bankrupts; the aMd asconsisting chiefly of the stock .^f
Jewelry, fixtures, show cases, etc., lomtfKl sKNo. 137 East Fr^nt street,
rravoric City, Michigan, such prop­
erty will be sold free from all Ileus
and Incumbrances, and such sale or
«Mcs shall be confirmed unless cause
the contrary shMl be shown within
five (5) days after the filing with the
referee of the report of such sMe. Tbe
irustee hereby resenres the right
lell said property In single articles or
In kHs or parcels or otherwise, as be
4hMI deem best st the lime of such
sale, and during the progroai thereof,
ind Ml aMcss must be for cash
The said sMe will occur at the above
mentioned premises In Traverse City.
Ifiohlgan. on the l»th day of July. A.
D. 1904. at 10 o’clock In the forei
Tbe trustee shall hare the right to
withdraw from such public sale,
his dlscretkm. any and Ml such prop
•>rty. for which. In his Judgment, a suf
Scient bid ahMl not be made.
Dated July 7, 1$0I. ♦
Oaenr Slmpran. Trustee.
July $. 11. 13. 16. IS


Try Raaard Want Ada.


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