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The Evening Record, September 08, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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OMM kMOb i* «M Ot «b» BM •icrl
tMt iavM b«t tola IlM aM. Thoiwh
^ frlMai of Jiidf* Dodd* ud lh<hp*r VMiMuU JMB who IwUevcJ
«!«*• «mM to cboM an. locUnod
10 foal fbogrltod. rot all acrrc oo lb«
cxeallowso of tto Uckrt.
Tbo ooBblao of Wom-DeddaOf
inador. altboiwb II iKHolaatad O.
l at tbo oouot uain oevoral eooallaa bad aaaoaacod cbi
la tbi^ootoa.
Wllb Ooiraader aoaHaatod,
-oaoilKieaBt fMTU of tbo coaablao t
to diaotpM. aad tbo aoeoad
aboorad Attaraor Ooaoiar Bl
otroa* taooma for aoooad aad third
plaeo froB tbo oiart, «a|l la tbo load.
Cvtdoaoaa that tbo ooBbIno «ao In
Iona «ara fraqaoatlr 6dm. tot It did
Bot bara aelat aboa«b la tbo botlaatab aad laat tboB tabMlr later OB.
Oa tbo IbM ballot Ibm «ao a opir.
Had aoalaai baltraaa Blooro. Dodd,
aad MaAlvaii. baf'lbe.latter woo
arltbaal aaob tioable.
Ualr 1.^
aaadldato lor atloraey loaaral aad bli place am bare
i bf tbo ataia ooBBlu
-^alraaa OlokaBa .aid laat al>bl
IbaU. attoM laBo a caU to^ fbr
Bootlac of tba eoBBltlee
W a eaadtiSnrtt.’i.ld at oaoc
ibai be anr Ido bb dbarc b the cantmlKn.
Ai Itiair WM Bomliuued without op>
P^uioo for fttton
mtv no dlnuMBi
wfr from thnt ooBTentlon to wUlufy
The ooovo&tlon wm called to ord
hjf «iate Chalrmai* tMekemn
^XWIrmai* Dlekema ipoke mrongly lo
favor or Warner and thru caUe-l
Tboiaai Tawri of Grand 1Upld« to
I»r««ldr aa tamporary chairman. “For
liy In PoilUca- nrai. the keynote of hi.
poriM praeticglly every county
«*nator, O. P Cnrver and G. G. Bates
of Chlcaco went to Ne^ah^a wanU
thU momins to extend an invUatlon
the senator to address a meetina here,
bm much to their regret he was un
able to do so. as he Is due In Lincoln.
Nebraska, early next wreek to opt'n
the MmtuUtn In that lUte. The
tiandsomely reoelvad by
the senator and spent a pleasant hour
or two in his company. Traverse aty
people would have given the senator
a cordial welcome had It been possi
ble for him to make a date h«e. and
he expressed great regret at being un Special to the Evening Reconl
Petoskey. Mich.. Sopl. 8.-Every
able to do ao.
preparation has been completed heri
tor the big 1>. O. K. K. me^ tim: and
mombera of the order and their frie
are comlag in by boih boat and train.
The ofltoera arrived un the early
ABE OFFEBINO NO BETTEB BETA train aad made final lirtrangemenis for
hlg celebration.
THAN 4»/a TO t.
At 2 o'clock they met the stei
Mlasonrt on which the Manistee deleBooaevntt Men* as a Beault of the Vic gatlon of about thirty arrived,
o'clock a delegation of about fifty ar
tory In Vormofit Are OBeriiig
rived from Kalkaska accompanU-d by
the Kalkaska big band. The delegatioaa'from PelUton. Charlevoix. Mar
New York. Sept, g.—As a rest
lon and surrounding towns wer«
the victory of the lepuhllcana In
and the good showing made lu
At 8 o'clock tonight the grnnd pa
Arkansas, followers of Roosevelt
day offered money fiedy at 2 to 1. rade will be given. This will Ik* <
plete In every- detail and will iiu-lU'KParker
the usual and a great many un
alarmed apparently by the outlook,
and withdrew all offers at the prevail I usual foatnres. Fdliowing the parad •
Ing odds and offered nothing better the degree work will come off In ib.*
opera house, the day to conclude with
4% tot.
a banguet at the Arilngton.
and »ggmd John J. cartoc of
Flint for perMMcnt rhslrman and
-Doc" A. W. BMlth of Adrlau for
mary. -Tho CfioimHtM* m-otnmendetl BAYg VERMONT VICTORY It NOT
that the ihra# cfihdldauw be voUhI on
• -Ingle ballot, the one having thr^
blgbest number oC-votes to U* dwlartxi
Formally Accepted the Oeinocratic
nominated. The report 1
minatlofi Today. Chariee
The committee on resolutions resf
firmed the principles of the psrty and
Bjr Wire lo Ihe KvcbIbc Reoonl.
renewed nllegisnce of the party
state and national leaden.
i. Sept *.-Jud*o Alloa B.
I*arlier dellverod hU Icucr of acoepv
Charles B. Townsend of Jacki
preeenti^ the name of Attorney Gen
Of thf democratic preside
ersi Charles A. BUlr. C. A. Jont
oominatiim today. Charles W. Knapp
ivtrtdt pnetmied the name of Guy M. deitvensi tin- address on behalf of the
rtuwter cf Detroit. The name of AI- ommUtaH* to which Judge Parker re^
fred Wolcott was presented by George iwndt-d.
Mr, Knapp Is editor of the St Louis
C. A. PolBor pTMonitsi iho bobo m Republic. Judge I'arker prals^ the
Jnit- MeAlnr; U vor. H.M. Bar work of the public press, referred with
B«»to Jaato Btop,^. U. B. AI pride lo the past democratic admlnlan^ard pnweated Judge Ikidds* name C tmtlons which he said used every ef
w Nlrholo aaawd lWnuMl.r bbi’h! fort to practice eexmomy. inferred to
U. Or™ BWato Ja4,« 8l0«o. which
iho eatric.
dotoftBoaU aad ebartod tbo re•pwho. wto. AUpoaMMl wlih OB ato. pobllcaa toBlaUlrailoa wllb
«« uf Jud.. O. MbtAb Of Delroli, ,Bd
( In Ibo cotoun of in* goveiw
Tbo rcBoou Ih
lorrtac to tbo BBC. .r tbo fo
pablkaat to Vonaoat Jadgo Parkor
tloa tofWBBi
ItoK* aad OotnaAor wor* ahowa to to wall foaada. too hKM ptotoBM. .to
Ofi the Fennaylvania Railrt and la a Maas of Scrap.
By Wire to the E\ enlng Record.
Pa.. Sept. 8.—Two mea
were killed and four others Injun-*!
this morning by a runaway frelgbi
rain on the Pennsylvania railroad on
the horuehoe cur\-e. It Is a mass of
I. The dead are William Board
aged 48. engineer, and F. Toohry.
aged S8.
The most complete line to be found in: Northern
MieWgan including all the/latest productions from
home and foreign looms. Below we only quote<i few:
“Your clothes
better than
any I can get made to order," ,
Many of our customers say thi»—
we hear it daily.
We know it well enough, and often
it. but it's a great satisfaction to
hear customers acknowledge it.
You can go to lots of places where
you can get siiiU to fit you indiffer
ently well, nothing particular to find
' ■
28 inch Dagswayn Suiting
fault with, and certainly nothing to
brag about.
But thafs not the kind of a suit
you're looking for, and thafa not ths
36 mch Zibeline and Invisible Plaid
kind we offer you.
Fancy Mixtures including checks
ple will, if they note your appearance,
56 inch heavy Zibeline. positively Jorth
$1.00, in navy, brown and black
when we quote yoj $15, 820. 822 or
The finest line of Suitings includlngj^the
popular mannish effects also
Prince of Wales Plaids at.. •l-UU
p«*r«r In quality and '
We ll sell you a suit that'll make you
•at.sfied with yourself and other peo
say that your clothes are fauHlesa in
tot aorenir-aro locK
of the D. O. K. K. kn todair for Pvtookojr wtora a ito-bot time I. to practadar. The AOIacaaon wao'aocoB-
Stoart af ttaaAMIaa topt a.
BP WIN to tto Sroatoa Kaaato.
of tto 4
Ttoir ttaabaal ato Hlkod tor tbo'
Ma «n toaN toaajr tor M#a
Tarti Ktp aa haotoOM wMh tto Bala
toad aad an expoct the
bitBOal ttow of IhKr Urea. The Boot,
tog Mdar to eitoctad to be tbo toictot
•Tto told to Nottbera MIebtoaB. .
' eMAKato. torn la
W toir% wa*U,,toa. ^
Boom aiO Btato Bank Bldg.
tNitar of tto <
ineMT hna iMed n
of the eondttkm of
»of hne-
fit and style.
Our black goods department is now comple^ with all
the newest weaves and at popular prices.
You'll say
125 for
our prices are
our fine
Bloch Co.'o or tho Hart. Schafner A
Morx wit. or. bito eloo. .oodB.
Hamilton Oothing
s Company s=
rntototiAnhAtopi mi toti
•tnto ttofeto. m Mr, Blnir to wow tte
eawdlfinto of ton fitoty for iwntat
TWntotoMwtowIrn—Htii wait
to MM to fill too vwm
These Kooods are just the thing
• to tbo cMsentkm of toe north
for school wear, prices I2Mc 15c
western branch of toe Women's For*
25c and 50c
No brighter or cleaner commlr viU
k MiMlonnry aodoty held nt Book*
ever vlalt Traverse City to^ ibm *a>
ford. HI.. Oct. IM4.
toon Polltot
he aeea at Stelaberg's Grand noon
when Btepheaa A Uoton's compnay
Otorolt. Mich.. fiopt**i*-*Wr Ctog'
appears la lu funny sulcal comedy,
’f '
«he fall
(ton. old nwUto. w>o gnte bin port ns
"My Wife's Family.** * Tbe oompaay
>1 . r.-.„iuK uu. Wh.!
tte MlMlltl«i a th9 Panama «nwl.
Friends ef Miss Mauds Mocm. Who Is made up of anUU.
•Hi to *0C •wm to amrrta* Urn dlpto^
-Left ^ Oftoid flapids Tsdny. BM
I with being
is brilliant with aparkHag «B. catchy
M liai.rs.., ,h.>h,
MC ft Sm^ wtock «lto»a« to
Her Oeedbyi Lnto tunnlito
•oogx and prelty dnafek. The co» Stoves ih.. ^. 4,j |„. 1,^,1 ,,
Mir to bt^iNMPM ill tlia Abn
-TeU yqw h^ ; fi* happened.** nnid;
na.shlug a rav of sunshine Into a
tumes aml^ stage .i^tj^v are grand Uaubs K« ..
pn.ni Mr
CtorVto^l^«*r irMty.
Bill to toe oo«a.' **1 into made port; A ver^leeanat dancing party was and proves thal few
gh*.my rLK.m, by removing Ibe old
CBtf Sir toternaAttol of tba
enjoyed by n large number of young ness can-handle a oomimny like Hai
yMterdny. In to* evenin'1 pto nb
dmly i-aiiHi that has done duty st»
m4 to tb« MtaUtotkm of tto» Har
l*ople at tbe Academy last evening.
n store o* licker down nenr to* d<
lung, aud replacing it with a bright,
Stephens and Harry Untun can.
Panoefoia tfMty. vhlrh
*Bont *lMen o*Ckiek it got fw up Many numbers were danced and all
cheerful ingrain. ta|»et»tn’ or ’velvet,
m»to tbt Mto M4f aUol Ilia ClllltMl of Above; 1 eHpped me moorla’s nad e«t had a very happy time. Tbe party was
anything to suit your purse. ITiccs
tito tototod itotoa. aay« tbe CtMtoMlI n course for my unde's pISM. nenr In bemor of Mlm Maude Morse, who
OtoBtotoctol IVibttaa. But ilia dlplo- toe fort. It WAS pmty bonvy wewtber. left today for her new home in Grand
lu" . h. jiuru with a inn- foiin
MOle AomMt of OenMBy to aaoibar ittdge.
but J WAS footln* oonsldeimble Rapids. MlssMofse's many friends
U- • i-i
with the surc«*KA of
exfuss for rd. when I glgbtod .
I ov1-r.
la InlercsitM in our picture dlaill,,- ||♦.K*Gvc must’ Imthe tend of feativsis rUh lit local lolur., - ^ ikI :
Tha ptoiil of r.-aJ lalCTMi U t« lha ernftno
mnkla' for me* bout n square off tende<) many good wishes for bc*r fu- sm-h aa the Ftwst of the Vines. In Cen* I trui-. UiIs a pcrf.-cl uri\<
tolytoitogd of the PoAoma canal
owa j th it
ii:ilur.-*s owu liainll THE NEW STAMPING PATTERNS
Stvo If tbo Bnltod Buum ovor all oaDttrtng toe course of the evening, tn Canton VaUls. One of (be quaintest j
Thai Iiave Just Im-<ii nselvtil by
lui.l st>lc ii w.iul.l
Remember that I
Of the old Helvetian iK>i)olar feasu Is
we bad loU o* sea room, and light refreabments i
•ri.s. II...
lo kn..w Gcjt SmiHi Miss Heck are of su. 1. varU-iy that a
Tbo Praakfurtor Zaitunc om tbo
» Zurich annual ceiebrsthm. kujwii
I keto to my course. As we got
10c worth (omdy excepted) yen
tic- |. .t ...II iin> Eiistiun varkHica wt.iuau finds it dimcull to chts».e bendVMHntoo and to not alow to point
aa toe Mecbaelsuten. HiU cnirlous fete
T I see tbe other fellow s1n‘l
tbaa out to Oortnanr. It banco out
c*u get a ticket on the picture*
steady at the wheel, an* I edges off
toy soul
done or buy the iiaiierns. The method
advtoinc Qen
little, but he wouldn-t take no rooi
le death of WIntqr and the birth of!
aad whes you have traded $2.00
^*.1 .lai. . »|ii, h is H long miNleJ ustHi is on tbe fttiufi
to prapara for tbo otorm of Amo
and bears riglit down on me. At that filsur Bam Boll Htam Is After Mere Slirliig
rox. IN. Ill 1)1 Ibo styles a choice fer paper and can Ih- used on linen,
4imda nod oommorc* in porto wbare
you'emn then got any picture I*
The feaUval UVin* at H o'clock on ^
shove* me helm bard over mad runs
ivitl. IMUIUI. Hiiuiirc. ob silk, glass, china and even for wtsil
Glory But Wants a Little Tl^
Onnax. tbanko to tbo Suoz canal,
le morning of Se«-haeluutei). w 11111*11]
off to leeward, but be comes alsmt
this famous collection for oitfy
to Practice.
now boldo the advantaco In dial
of gajly attiretl Iwys and 1
rosse* me l»owa. an' then, maklu'
.l.iluK plM.ios. Uric.-s Heck. Hie MillluT. E Frtmi SI.
giris la formed to escort tbe snow luiiu !
And la abiUty to ftU order* more q
S9c additionai. We bow have
•bout seven knota. he runs blH U.w*
Sinn, the defeat of tbe J. W. fllaliT lu tbe great public square, called Stad | $2 <«• 1
ly tbao Uoy can bo filled la tbo United
sprit Into me lop hamper and wn^ ks base ball team by the Hannah A Lay tbaus|>latx. Boya dreastd as plerrots |
plenty of cou)>on tickets for all.
g ,
me aloft." and here the old Ur cxhlhll MercanUle company team, the former drag the car on which the portly snow
N. wporl—Our daiigbKli ps the “Hragon** in his sho?
r to carirully preparad flc
so come right
ed a pair of black eyes to the court team does nut enjoy suffering the con man standi along the narrow stns-U of f .
*<lckly. Gave her siiirr. one lias only to sfep In and s(v>
HIM tto Oarman nawopaper flndi
These Pierrots
plcrrots are rollowtHi
foliowwl I|
minted to a nose that was sUghlly sequential pangs and baa again Issued old Zurich. mesc
toUowlac aarlBco for tbe Ui
iilea of ki.lgbts In armor. |
^Mouiitslii Ttw. Now for liliM.M If. II i.^ in I he shaiM* of a
first served.
out of shape.
a-dell to any team that thinks U eSu
t the various guilds lu tbe-ir |
' < li.-.-kiHi healthy nnd happy. light W.-igl.t. selected fine shot- for
Btntao. tabioc tbo poru of Hamburg
"He done me oonaldermhle damage. play ball, amateur or professional Th.pictiin*si]ue (Mstuuies. i-ow ! 3 j cut.. T.-a or Table! s. Johm-on men with tender f.H-l. hating tm Up
nad of Now York as illuatratloDs
Judge; but ha didn't put me o,,t o' game la to Uke place in 1910 and the herders, fisheruien
uimI cluw tui. u ltb a I'ltru}: ( o
tti hurl the t«H-s nor nails tir thread tu
.y^om liamburg to Jiunickong. vU
bearing the
figure of!
8na>. tbo dUUaco Is 10A42 tnautloal) action, an' In course I engages him. furnlture team alau reaerves the right Bprlng in the rear.
shie. Price irt^ag. Also has the cidt
I was makin* tolerable exocuthm. too, to postpone the game If necessary.
.king Vet
mlloo; from New York. H.6d6 miles.
skin man's
of light weight, tough
This figure of Spring is gn-eti-d with
when he lets out a couple o' dihi
LC8T YOU FORGET w-eurlug stis‘k'. and never p«i‘ls up or
However, the purse Is to be from |6 the cheers of the crowd of onlojkcrs.
Via Panama the Hamburg mercbant
signals, but I wouldn* show him no to I6U0. Apply to K. DeYuunge or Who have tunwd out to make merry. That the h
U fBpHnga medicines gels har.l. Prlce|2 t*b.
gaina nothing, but tbe Non York mer
on what to Uiem Is the greatest fete | have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV
chant gains 707 miles, tbe distant to
" 'Bout then a cop hove Ui. qml tbe
HoBikong tr6m New York being Iosh
! you. For
tale by all first claaa i
miles. From Hamburg. other craft claps on sail an' he s bull
down when the Jigger comes up with SiM'clal to Ibe Evening Rec<ird.
tU fiaPL^to kfelbourne, ibo dUUnce
me. In course. I was dlKsl.h d and
to 12^7 mlloo) from New York. 12.TRY A, RECORD WANT AD.
mease pik*4*f wood. Ai this sta^e tl.e
600.. uhillo Hamburg will gain noth oouldnt pursue him. and the officer Martin was sent to the Northern Mich festivities iir*> iiiterru|itci by lum bcm. I
log Id that dlsunre
of tbe didn't pay no attention to my ^.Ignals. Igan asylum for treatment yesterday. aikl tbe crowd dlspersA-s uiiUI afier-1
C. a. Towley aurted for Missouri
he Jest lays me aboanl. and 1
w hen ;nK>lIi«-r iiiul mu. li iiioir- tiu
f*anaiDa canal, the Zetiung points out
Itoriiiiit fuiictJ.m takes phi.v. A pro
that Now York will sa%e about S.OOO fetches up at the Woodbrl.l^:. street ytoterday morning. He toiik his fam ivssion of guilds Is foriiml. will, each
lly In a covered wagon.
mtlos. the distance from New York.
George Belllugg. who has been in member dn-HioNl In ilic costume of l.is
wa'n'l my fault. Judge. I
Ota panama, being reduced to 10.427
craft, os 111 iiicliaeviil tltiu-s. followed
wouldn't o' scraped the paint on that the United States service In New by a long line of arii*Gcally dtsoralei'
But tbe moat Imporum 4em of com guy if he'd a steadied his wheel, but York harbor fur the past three years,
again at^iome._________
plalat from Frankfort Is with refer* be runs foul o' me when I m layln* In
proevasiou I
^ the Stndlhausplati.
trough. You w on'l mak.* no mis
; wnco to tbo trade df Japan and of
the Hogg is uwalUng Us do,«u.
take letlln* me go. Jc*dgc I'll leave
China. - Ftom Hamburg to Yokohama.
The iKvne now btH-oim-s im»it pictur
%to Bure, tbe dtsUnce la 12.631 miles; port this afternoon."
Among the New York bricklayer* esque. Tbe crowd of ouliMAers. s.-\cnii
With that assuranw th. court let the lowest w age is |2Clh) a week, and thousand strong, gathers round tl>r
from New York. 13.6C4 miles. Via
n ht" was the lUghcat Is over $60.
bogg. while the neighboring lake Is
Panama. Hamburg gaina jiothlus.; him off and when last
The pmpi ller* of the fast sutu lioaU dotted with iKMits fllle.1 with iK*..pIe
while tbo dUtanpe la leaaened between bowling along b**fon^ a k-khI breexe
revolve L3S0 times a .minute, giving Uudenioath tbe liogg stand a iiuiu
New York and Yokohama to O.W.'i with fair prospectp pf making tbe cUy a xpeed of twenty-fl«'e miles an hour.
her of men. torch )n hand, all rwidy to
milea. a gain of 3.720 mltea over tbo ImiU before upon.
Um.per mines In Michigan have la* put tbe pile on fire wlu-n the slgi,;,i is
Oennan port. The Onal aomming up
mwsed In number from lesa than given. This algnsl Is a boom uf WA*
of tbo Zeiiung Is that In abipments to
7.0UU tn 1803 to more than 14.000 In from the belfry near by. As soon us
As any rooin in the house. You arc there one third of your time. You only
life to live^ mo m.ise
given the Hogg is In flames, nnd tlie
Japan. Fhlna and Australia *‘the dt
that as pleasant aa possible.
Puring tbe year ended Jane 30. 1003.
elded advantage will Im‘ with tb< Content to Eat Up the Cadillac Oirla'
$1,461.0334170 was spent for alcoholic
United mate* ••
Fudge Bui Wont Soentf Thsir
and other sUmuUUing bei erages In tbe anow man a loud explosion lakes plac e
Money on Them.
Undiiuhieill). ihi* detided advantage
ahatterlng the Bogg to pkiiic. 31,|J
United Rtaltw.
wUl Im- with the I nlied tHates. TbGrowers of tbe fatuous Roi-ky Ford U to procUlm to the iNqiularo
iHiiidltlon. de cantaloupe at Rocky Ford. Uolo . rcinut winter ha* really pas«eU away and
adiamage U with tbe United Utotes
We have some goods you should sec at once. Then you would own some this same week. It is really no
today so far as sii|H riority of go«>ds plorable, too. In CwdilU* the H\enLns an uverage net return of $160 an acre that spring I# «l Lnucl. The cluvr* of
exaggeration to say that this display of furniture is the finest ever brought to the city. .
the crowd liicn-uiM-. while all tlie
Is otmeemed In I«!mi Great Britain News publishes tbe following iMfUtloo for tbe season of llMCl.
Eight hundred young men nnd wo comes to an end. and tbe ,Ki.ple o
etported giKNls to Japan u1 the value hy four young women w iiu are eligible
men. cviuesenling tw«*nty
of fI3.iMMi.non. In the
for matrimony:
Zuricb return to, ibeir homes to lu
j^ei-ent nmfcreuce of stu dulge in iMimim^iiig. aud dauciiu
This U a cttniplaint from repreeenta
eiports of the I'lilted 8ute* lo Jai»an
dent voliinttvni at yMliiburgb to dis which bring tbe day to a cIuh». r„!.the girls of (TiKlina.. wh.i cry for re
wen^ of the value of f3.«MM..<MH»
cuss **ilie Kvimgellxatiou of the World and restaurants are k«*i>t opru
and silver.
Are now an indispensible piece of furniture for the
Drawrers for yc
1*|>1 oprii nil U4
1SM»3 Great llritatn i *|iurt.'d to Ja|»an lief from the conditi.m that has pre lu Thla Generation."
ware and p(aces for the larger pieces of silver. No r
. quite fu ■nish«tl wlilmiit
vaih‘d since Uadi I Is. was founded
gcMKis of the value of |2|,n6o,
Tlie hiuiM-hlng of a giniit ateamslilp seiubled from tbo vUlages of Ua.
show the aHisf* handiwork. We have the finrit that was ever sojd for $15.00. A special offer for this seathe United Stales followed closely on We refer to the utter I fish ness of the for traffic on the great laktw upon tbe too roiitluue their rejoldugs uulll iJ,,
northern border of the United htatea small hours of (ho umruiug.
her heel* with eaports of tbe value of city's young mew. They are coi
son. - Then there are the higher price* at 620.00. $22.50. $24.00. $27.00, $32.00.
to alt around our b«)m«.s. allowing us U the cleartwt evidence of the iiing
Tbe origin of the KeL-bsc-Iauten is uu
to fan them, to «wl our fudge, and In nlHcent progreaa of Ibe prosis-rous known, but dates bat* to tht- dav* ..t
With that showing made by
cities upon the fresh water Ls-eaus Wmiurn Tell and of other ch,v,h d
United 8tates~dlslante l,elug favor return bestow the hh xsing of their from t'blcago to Buffalo. Tlds nqiub
falsa traditions.- New York Tribui.e
able to Great Britain—what will b« company uinm us. But when aaj- Uc Is Uklng ho backwsnl sbiw.
Though smaller in size, are Just as necessary as the
the hhoM iiiK of the United Hlatea when thliig comes up involving an expi-pdi$100 Reward. $100.
they get them. too. if they want Gu in n al i.H.l 1 Yon
want Hu m- just as soon as you see thifm. They )
lure of money, that
a different mat*
the mer* liants and tbe
ter. If smiles
>..ung men any^
*»f Ainerlea will be en|
beauties—the finest work the great factories turn out.
Tbo readers of this paiM-p win
not be in Geer's pleased to learn that there is at h lu-i
tom T. 2:07^.
Japan via the Panama canal, distance thing they would mu i.e ,*o generoos
tiling very largely In their favor, with «vea with them. HuH. a thing as tak •tebie tills ^son.
one drtwdtil lUsease tliat Rci»-nre Iuh
Tbe faat hnmarited Callforaiafr»uMr
ing their aweelbeartH tmggy Hding.
hiwer freight rharges In
'been able to cure in all its aUges. au-l
or to the theater. .*r sr-ndlng them toMwey. brotber to Ottiager.
.It ix lo U‘ reineniU red that
that Ik Catarrh. lla:ra Uaiarrlj f.ii.
dtafi reoemiy.
The best li^e we have ever carried and the largest assortment in the city. Ail manner of fancy carved legs
ama canal, which Is to give to toe sweets, flower*, book^ or music, la uaKentucky Ztar, 2il8^ will be shifted is the only positive cure now known 1and the finest finish that it known. A ^splendid six foot extension table for $^.7S up to the best at $354)0.
I'nitc.l Siatex the decided advantage knuwn.
the medical fraternity. Catarrh Im uu
> the trot tUta season and will be
t*v. r Germany and Great Briiala. If a
I tbe Hrodrille (Mass.) mstloccs.
a consliuiUonal disease, n-quir. - s
triumph for Thc^idore Roosevelt. It U
Will Nlcbola of West Liberty, la., n- coostltullooal treptmenL Hair* .'a
MUy Bold a two-year-old by Red larrh Cure is uken Inu-rnally. actn.«
to his nrmntws. dilllgence and capacity
ior acinm Ue l‘.nama canal will be Fhll Shormtr Mode a Big Hols in the GamaleoD. 2:1C|L to I>r. Jay of that directly upon tbe blood and mu.-««N
Any style that you may wish—a i any price that will please your pocketbook. There are wood seaL can#
|^c« for $403.
But escapoo Unhurt,
due. DH.re than i» any man or to any
L. G. Hayes, tbe Toledo trainer, will surfaces of the system. tlu-rebN d«, box seat, solid oak. oak
tr, leather upholstered. All prices from $5.00 for set of six to $3LO0.
^•hllo helping sr m.- passenger* Into
of mcm _____________
ttave that gq^ half mile pacer John troying the foundation of the dls. a.i»‘.
launch at the passenger dc
Henry Walm^, 2:14Vk back In bis sU- and giving toe palleui strength io
plank broke under uhii Shermcr pad UetbU season. )
building up toe coBsUtutkw and
teg nature 1a doing Its wfwk. The |
AUle Wood.
' Late >.‘sterday afternoon It looked
from tbe Injiify which cut bl* 19U3 proprietora have so much faith in
as If ftif reptil.iK>an mimlnees far toe
leampalgB abort and will be raced curative powers that they »^.r One
suprvnu bench would be Outimnder.
agate tills year
Hundred UoHars for any case tiuit It
iKxlds and titeere. but while Mr. Os
Jkftlato. fi:17^ ta said td be abowlng fall* to cure. Send for list of te.stltrander secured toe aomlaalioa. on
taro minute apeed In hla work at tbe
moDlala. Address
rteatoatoo (Cat) track. He Is te
first ballot. Cbarle* A. Blair and Judfib
F.J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O
^ V IIcAHmt
Sold hy draggteu. 76c.
somow hat of a ttfrpriM. bto toe ntoalTake Halit PamUy m, for oonstl-
Hnfi • Cofiloton, Wm I
;THt TmUMPH OF iiooMV«i:r«
.. . f" -
The Dining Rooin
Should be Furnished as Nicely.
Havd you seen our new dining room Furniture?
Side Boards
Dining Tables
Dining Chairs
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piario, and the Famous Farrand Organs
; f
I ;
: :
list that bo was sure to have a maporlty.
Severai changes were made before
Mrs. and Mm. VVed Slpher of Tev
the result was announced, and the
ledo. Ohio, are guesU of iholr son. Dr.
toUl vole Anally was as follows:
McAlvay. j694; 8twrc. 342. and L. F. Slpher.
W^ebbor Nichols of Detroit n^tumed
Dodds. 154. I
>me this morning after visiting
On motion of Congressman Bishop
McAlvay was declared the unanimous Frank Alvord for a few days.
Mrs. Henry Jensen of Grand Rapids
ent to Bmpire this morning after
madlng a few days In the city visit*
• of Bayonn.
N. J..
of this city, is in the
Sen Had.an city visiting relatives and to meet his
lieen visitiUcItlno tsperitnoeThla Mamlng
lag here for some time.
But Bacaptd Unlnjursd.
List of Men Whs WIM Serve at the
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bare of Ithaca.
September Term of Court. OponMich., returned home this morning
A. L
ins 4be Twontyuixth.
aged 15 yearii. of the PenlnsuU had a after visiting P. H. Bare and family
runaway this morning on Tenth street
The followujK Jurt»rn for the Beptcni ihsl might have resulted seriously.
Mr. and Mrs. James Jarvis of OvJd.
her lerin of e«iurl. which convenes Both ciccupants were thmwa from the who have been visiting friends in the
Brpt. 26. hsv, into M-leeted by Jus* rig but furtunateiy only sustained diy. spent yesterday at Old Mission.
ticee O. W rums w„| a. K. Illnghsm. slight bruises. •
and Mrs. James JsrvU and Mr.
SberlS U. tl t’hsndUr an.l County
The horse's iiecame frightened by and Mrs. Perry of Ovid returned homo
Clerk Roliert Wnlifr*
having the whimeine breaking and this tnomlng afters fdw days vlsltlm;
Herbert Cermlrhai-I Grant town striking their legs. They
In the city with P. H. Bare and family .
A party cons
of Robert McKeubadly frightened that Che lH» could
B. J. Bridge. OrtM t,
• j *1**.
sir. wife
wire and friends from the south
hold them and they
ey ran Into s
Hark McCarry.
l.ake town hllchlng |KMi( nmr Mr. Smith's renl part of the state; Maurice Decker sod
dence ufier running about a block, wife and friends: Mr. Patrick and wife
I’hllip Srblehtel. Msynelil towiwhlp whore iKjih were thrown out. The went to Nc-ab-U wanla this morning
Ksrl 4. Case. Paradlff lownahlp.
horses continued iheir dash and near to spend the day and have a plcuic
Wra II. Johnson. Penlnnuls town the e<uner of Tenth aad Maple street*
E. 8. Pratt ft making
they struck another pi»st where one
James Watson. IiniHewxier town I»f the horses was thrown and both north ttalay.
were caught.
Floyd and Kirk Campbell of Pontiac
Frederick A. Scharmso. Uniou itiwn
The buggy was tiadl) demotlshei returnod this morning after a visit
*>h**Iy with Miss Oeorgletia Ebner
4>. B. Wyokoop. nr.t w.rt,
Charles Hale of Sand Lake returned
I hies were dlsirlbuicd along the street borne Ibis morning after a few days'
James Converse. Second ward. Trav(rlghiened team.
visit la tbe city with his brother. Ass
•rae City.
Hsie of Seventh street.
Wm. Courtade. Third Wartl. Trav'
Edward Sprague and family of
Grand Rapids are In the city for a
E. H. Po|K*. Fourth ward. Traverse
short visit
Young -Paopls Ware
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Thomas of Kata
Marriage Today.
Wm, Richards. Fifth ward. Travmaxoo returned borne this morning
erse City.
John M. Hollinger and Miss Emma after a visit In tbe city with Mr.^nd
Ralph Bstes. Acme township.
Mook. Ivith of Suiions Bay. ware Mrs. A. L. Bachaat
Glen A. Brigham, Blair township.
united In marriage this morning by
Mlu Levla Dawley of Cadillac rtv
Frank W. Smith. Bast Bay township. Rev. EngdU rd at the Congrogational turaed borne this morning after a visit
chnrcb at Suttons Ray. Mist Mook la^tbe city with friends.
Brnem Loop. Fife Lake township.
, Frank Dunn. GarAcld township.
was a popular young tady of Sottoas
Mia. John KIbler of St Joseph Is
GMrge Riley. Grant township.
Bay aad Mr. Hollinger Is tbe hustling tbe guest of Mrs. Clyde Peck for a few
, D. B. Craadell. Groen Lake town Jeweler of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollinger patted
W. G. Newiand of Bentcm Harbor Is
Wesley Conklin. Long Lake towc- through tbe city tbta morning oa their la tbe city for a week on biulneM aad
- ’ Ship.
way to St. Louis for a ten^y weddlag to visit his stater, Mitt 1. Newtaad.
Prter Anne. MayAe^ townshipMlu Mae ^ek Is visiting In Grand
The 4irlde was awceUy gowned la a Rapids and Klkh^ lad.
Wm. HUl, Paradtas township.
beautlfal while i
Mn. Bda MePtamId and atater, Mlu
GoUlna or Chleago.' left today for a
jaad blue taffeta. She was
few days' visit la Northport.
MIS MAROARCT M*KELLAR. far by ber alcoe. Miss Blaache Btelmel.
J. a Pike went to Walton thta morn
rbo carried white aad plah roeea. aad Ing on a tamlaoH trip.
he groom hy Fted HoUlager aa beet
W. W. Smith wm taave Ula evealng
tor Omaha. Nah.. oa a boMnott trip.
aterooptleoa fWwe la India and its
Mteott Kate HolHager aad Anna He will be aeoompanled by hta daugh
psople. This la oab of the amet later- tadham were maids of honor aad MU.
ter. Mitt Grace Bmlth, u tor as Chlaatlag ai^||aMi^jq|^ the year and all lary Mle ptayed the^wedding mainh.
Tqui.................... im
Tlite Mkea ns »ar» >uplli in tb«
kMmI acbooto Ihaa last /ear. In IMS
tlMT* wars I.7M puplla wbkii wouM
^n lit mom piiplU tbaa two yonn
bfo- !■ 7*^ Mil* i« t)»« lariwt ohid
W «f pvjrflt tbal ba« nrer W an
roim ia (be ecboolt. The oaly falllag
off la la (be illcb acbool. wbare there
are It lea.
By gradiM In each bulldinf (be enrollaMit U a. follow.:
la (be Central building tbe Rtgbth
gra^. 44; .eventb grade. 43; .Uin
grade., 4S; firth grade, 46; fourth
grade. 46; third grade, 46; Moond
grade, 47; irat gradP. 47; kindergar
tea. i4: reUef room. 34; total. 450.
ta tbe Oak Pa/k eclniol tbe eighth
giadii ti; aetrentb grade. M; .lath
grade. M: trtb grade; 41; (bird grade,
dt; •eeoad.grade. St; tret grade. 4t;
ktodargaitoa. ti; total. 577.
la tbe Boardnan avenue building,
eigblh grade. 57; eov<«th grade, 40;
alttb grade. 35; gfib grade. 4S; fourth
grade. 37; third grade. 40; aocond
grade, 41: kladergarten. 55; ungraded
room, ft; total. 576.
la tbe naiwood avenue M^boolrThe
eigbtb grade. 51; seventh grade. 25;
grade. tfk,Afth grade. 41; fourth
1#^ l^rd grade. 56; Muxini
45^ drit grade. 46; kindergar*
>a. it: relief room. 15; total. 583.
la tbe south primary lirbool the and
grade has lamaty-ali aad the klndergartea 52; total. 45.
At tbe gtale atrtnM school Is the
roartb grade which relieves the Oak
Park butldlng.
their support rapidly.
Mrs^ MAIeolm Winnie, whose death
icb preusare was brought to bear
oa Chalrmaa Carton to try to get blm came as n\nnt shock to her friends
yesterday aflemooa. was bom In
allowed so that tbe result jmigbl be North Mndleou. Ohio, flfty-one years
► knowB. He would aot so rule, ago. She waa married to Mr. Winnie.
aad Eaally tbe matter was aetUed by a Deo. i. im. While abe has been fn
m made by J. O. Murin of DeiroU poor health for severml years, she was
Umt tbe rules be eospended aad Mr. only critically ill for a week, death
Blair be made the unanimoae choice. being eaueed by Bright s dlscaae. She
This was done and tbe result of the leaves two children. Mrs. M. Winnie.
ballot was not announced. It could noi Jr., and Frank Daniels, both of thU
be known deflnltely. for In tbe hnbbub city. Funeral services will be beld at
lies that changed their votea were tbe borne on Stale afreet tomorrow
badly mixed up. However. It was sure afternoon at 2 iiclock. Rev. D. Coch
line offlclatlng. The funeral will be «n
that Blair bad over 600 votes.
large of H. L. Carter.
Mrs. Aitnnic was a woman of stcrconvention for the unseemly tangle In
worth, loved by all who knew her.
which it hid allowed lucif to get In
she will not only be greatly
‘•If we can't do business In an or missed In ber home life, but among a
derly and seemly manner at these Ju* wide: circle of friends.
dlclml ettnvenUons. the jioople of Mich
Charloite Christina Lalone. little
igan will abolish convention alto
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard
gether.* he^ld.
There were but three candidates In Lalone of 530 Prospect street, died
the Odd for the third ballot. The last night at 8 o'clock of cholera iu
Ooolldgc fantum at the age of one year and
gth had iKcn dissipated among twenty-four days.
The funeral service will he held to
other candidates and Steere. McAlvay
and nodds were the only ones left In morrow forenoon at 10 o'clock from
the race. All tbe west and south Mich the residence. Rev. J. W. Miller of
aad L. a CurUs will have
igan ftrenglb went to McAlvay, and It
could be seen when half way down the charge of tbe funeral.
ahoald plan to hear H. Admlaaloa Id
well-known and v^ pteaalng sales
man. being now employed In tbe cloth Offloa of Jens C. Petersen. Architect,
ing department of Ue Boston store nf
No. 5M State Bank BuUding. Trav
A snow plow of the G. R. A I. road this city. His mai^ friends here will
erec aiy. Mich.
which has been standing on the side heartily join in oongratulations and
Sealed bids will be received until 4
track near William Beltner's milt all good wishes.
clock p. m. Sept. 15th and then
stumer, was taken to Grand RApids
opened at tbe office of the county»clerk
this morning and will be repaired fo.^
at Bellairc. Michigan, for the erection
tbe coming winter.
of a county building and court boose
Clyde Peck. Areman on one of the
local Q. R. A 1. passenger trains. Is Traverset City wilj Hava a Scboal af and furnishing material and labor for
% for Antrim county. Michigan,
taking a few days* vacation.
xns and speclAcations may be ex
One of the Anesi Ltudlos ever in this
8. M. Brown's condition Is very low
amined at the office of iho arcbltcci.
and It Is very doubtful about his Im diy will be kx*ated on the second Aoo«Jens
C. Petersen. No. 509 State bank
of the Wilhelm bicirk on Union street.
proving during the next few days.
ling. Traverse City, Mich., and at
Qui'en City camp No. 573. Royal Instruction will lU given In piano,
organ, musirsi hlijtnry and harmony. the office of the county clerk. Bollalre.
Neighbors of America, will hold
. Said puns and speclAcations
To these will Ih* adjded violin and voice
regular meeting tomorrow evening.
be obUlned of the county clerk
s soon as arrangt^ents can be made.
The superior wo^k done by Prof. W. or the architect by a deposit of ten
Smith during h^s short stay In this dollars (flO.OO) which will be returned
ty has awaken^ a deep Interest if plans and speclAcations are returned
nong many iteorfe In this city. His in good condltloD.
Lafayette Yeung Man' Took Popular
The building
to be constructed of
methods of InstfuetJon. his under
Traveree City OIri for Hit Bride
standing of child 'nature, his scholar pressed brick, cut stone and steel and
ship and fiat U nci combine to make will have state roof.
berUAed check of Avc per centum
A pretty wedding was solemnized him the teacher timl he is.
Ane technliie and thorough In (5 per centum) nf amount of bid must
last evening at the homo of Mr. and
areomiiany proposals, payable to the
Mrs. AUhtI Brown on Wes! Front terprctatlon will j>e an Inspiration
rounty clerk, to be forfeited to lh-i
stre<*i. the contracting |>artie8 being
county If successful bidder falls o
B. R, Milhous of Lafayette. Ind.. and higher studies In tuslc.
;itc contract and furnish bond ef
l*rofesKor Smith will return to 8t
Miss Allle Jarrett of Traverse City.
(1-3) of the amount of con
Miss Fannie Jarrett was the bride*, I^iiis and ship tie furniture and Ax
ict price for t^o proper completion
ires m*cessar>
l»egin the work.
maid and Vernon Bayer wsls the (test
said Imlldlngjlccordlng to plans and
The leaching will l>egln within a
man. The maids of honor were MIssei
speclAcations. i
Minnie Brosm, Agnes Ssyer. Bertha wet^k or ten days. All students wish
The architect and building commit
Warner. Bessie Jarrott, Eva Jaquisb, ing to register ^or work will leave
tee r<*serves the right to rc'joct any
Blossom Sayer. Daisy and Irene Ja their name. stitH|t and number with
and all bids.
tbe Grinnell Broth music house.
qulsh. nieces of the bride.
By order of building committee.
Rev. J. W. Miller was the offlclatlng
Wm. J. Bennett, chairman. Emit Jor
minister. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Ken
dan, Mich.
nedy were also present. Rev. Kennedy
Clark E.A>cnsmore.
of Los Angeles
making the dosing prayer. Aliout
County aork. Bellalre. Mich.
known as
Bfly guests were present. Iwenty-Ave have formed1 a ualque club
tbe Hundred Year Vlub. Its mem
being from out of the dty.
bers having for the prime object lon
The bride s gown was fashioned of gevity. says njlkm Angeles dlspstcb.
champagne colored silk crein* de By sdenflAc esrq for body and mind
chenc over silk of the same color. Her It U expected tfa^t iU members wlU
bouquet was a shower of white car live to be a hondrwl years old or more.
nations. The bridesmsid was dressed Tbe society will be romjfortab^y boused and there will bo provided a Ubrary
In cream silk mall, her bouquet being of hygienic literature and a course of In
white daisies. The maids of honor struction as to the proper care of tbe
were dressed In white and rarrk'd body, while mentality will receive doe
lark red Aowers. Delicious refresh conalderstion. Women who have at
ments wore served by Mrs. Bn»wn tained the age of ninety years wdll lie'
admitted wltboui fee and will be en
titled to tbe privileges of tbe club with
^ « UV |JIV1
out dues or other expenses. The pres!-
snd beautiful.
Mr. Milhous Is a promising young
business man connected with the Chi
Mgo. Indianapolis A Ix>ulsvnic rsll-1
say. Miss Jarrett is one of the most
ftoputar leachoni of Grand TraveniC
and Benzie counties. Mr. and Mrs.
Bllhoua are both devoted church
Mr and Mra. Mllhoua will take ih.^
Pore Marquette train for Chicago,
connecting with a apectal train for tln |
conventlon at Buffalo to which Mi j
delegate. After vUUln. |
other points of Intereai in the East.'
they will bi> at home to their many
frienda in Lafayette after OcL 15.
That's whalJBM^^I^ tata
but this one Is different; IKTR
silk manufactured ex|irt'saly for
use and every yard has on the
selvedge, the Milllken guaran
tee. that mf«ns that this store
is back of ever)’ yard that 2s
sold. If the silk proves unaatfactory In wear you get your
money Uck without any quib
bling. You can rest assured
that we consider this a pretty
good silk or we would not bo
willing to allow our name lo
apiwar on the selvedge.
This Is a 27-Inch, m*ft. lus
trous silk. If you like a silk
whme quality appeals lo you, a
prtw that Is oonslstcnl with the
quality, this will please you.
IxMik for MILLIKBN on the
.............. flow^ nrv MiMxl for the
triniralug of gowns this summer, and
even rarriugc rrttM-s Uhvo a Aoner or
two cnisho.1 ngilnst the girdle, says
York I'fcss. Flower trimmed
Mra. Hamilton Fish Wclmter
„ re.-ent luncheon h. .Newport
a pale yellow piuslln gown with a
broad glnlle of yellow silk. Two ornngt-liued rtowom %vere luckdllnto
Universal Stoves and
These AoWers saved the gown
but for ma
I this Aower fnd Is not safe.
Omm •• vntm^ Vmt Bla«lsa.
The Japanese guvernnient In For
mosa hna decreed the nlxdltlon of foot
binding Id the Island. A Ane of 5100
and Court
will be Imposed for every breach of
the law. and rhlnese girls under six
jears of age ^bose feet have been
bouQd must now have them unbound.
Travsrtt No. AS5, I
Court Traverse No. 853. Foresters..
held a Joint meeting last night In thelc'
>mll. Twenty-six candidates wore la-;
mated. A abort program was given t
consisting of:
Ptano aolo. Frances Smith.
RecluUon. Alberta Lehman.
Ptano solo. Mabel Moody.
Plano solo. Nellie Prause.
Ptano solo. Uta Peterson.
Address. Deputy High Chief Ranger
Geo. E-Foote.
Refreshmenu of Icc cream and cake !
tofQ (g their ustural shape. Chinese
mothera are making a great lament
over the enactment, bht'ln a few years
ring iM tbs law will be aced to have teen wise.
TBc Only Plan-Pay As You Gan!
A German cb^mUt, Ur. Heuncr. pro
poses to buy up all cocoaunt olla and
Never before have we shown such a largo assorfmenl of high
transform them Into -vegetable let
grade stoves as we now have on iftsptay In our basement. Unlrcrter.- s ttvory. toodwona and succulent
sal stoves and ranges are sbsulutdy the Anest In design and coib
substitute for [true bnrier. says tbe
slrucUon of any stoves shown Ibis season Call and be convinced
Loodoo Globe, irocoanut oU. like butCommence now by making a small payment each week and your dtove
ter. contains 7 pier cent of soluble odds
-namely, butyric add oud capric or
will be nearly paid for when you need IU
easy payment plan ta
decyllc add. f^hlcli give a pleasant
.80 easy and ttUsfactory that nundreds arc Utatng advantage of h.
aroma to butter and have a taste of
BURGLARS AND SNEAK .THIEVES hazel nut. Cocfa batter coutelus le«
As well as Arc make It unsafe to keep water tban trof butter and wlH keep
money about the house or on yonr pni^ Aftera or twenty dsy
daya without ahow■on. Depoalt your funds In People's Ing any acid rvjsctlon. Tberefore It Is
Savins, bank, drawing It an you need useful ia maUnh paati
It. ntalient n antoty box fa their ateel has also been fdund by trial the better
antiseptic against tofeetloo by nrivnnlU for yow vnlnnble pnpera. Tbel mta. ud u It I. ^ dit«llMe tk*
bank tomlshtt cheek books tree of Tsitow bwrto kt hcOtk kar. not *k>
ehnne. Baying bills by cheeks Is the
j ____ .
beat way ofj^lng. Bach check mak
ing n receipt ter yon.
M tiM bt«ck. •nd It U
^ (kt ifi^
MX to iM
tboadit tiagr coaM oHl IbHr calke^
thno for flMTo la tbe imifxl Matca
» aiMiiilW IW mtmw^ «t Lr»- tkaatkrrtMMMatkoaia. Uuurctpf
aro of tlio
u:tl§ vl»l»r«hr IlM. with
ktf notlMr la a fMMoaxblo poit oT
but ^u:es wtlttag to tell bow
Ko«r TortL It l0 mM bj 1
ha expects t&fmrt with l
ttet abt IMO nado ttda di
-Vmi see,- Jto wont on. “it ta a bard
Ilia kaa «f f«alalBo offovt
or thing to wim moo^y tlmn moat
folka Imagtoe-that la. to spend it Ir
the right way. Indnatital arboola an
mj hobby-not only Induatrlal aehoob
for Mom and gtrta of aound liody. but
and If they ate aold he will lemtt tbe
r«f tbr <«ioi drdxfoo
proceeda. He will aend out a notice
41# a llfokoat with a uwatrr hamt ilho dfwcrlhhik tiae atampa and Indkatloy
the aama which tbe boy expecu to got
•*1 have ohaervm during my coonee
**,* y
l^rfakiaa like for them.
tlou wlUi the ufeel induatry that Jbr
tendency nowndan la for young men
000*8 $1,600 COLLAR.
UmA ta a half talk afirtat
to have an ambtUon to get out of iiuin
*«ra faally true fhxt 1 ani a membfr
•r tha life aarias <w|ai.*‘ aakl kilaa
beromo englnwjw. electricians nod pro
UaaOltoa. wt>u k •» brawa a« a harry
tooalooal men. Tbe.ciying need <
aad mb# and vraerful of fixttra. **1
day 1a that young men lie taught some
hav# hoea atik to kwIoi eivr alnc# 1 caally the tooat artatoeratic animal to uaefttl work to do with tlieir bands.
caa nmoiher. and I don't are any- Saratoga the other day aa he trotted
«*! bcMere the time will rtone w h«-n
thtav woadarfiU about It. Wltoo 1 waa prondly about wearing an $Uk» col toduatHal training will be taught In
a Itttk hK of a girl, we apeat our atim. lar. aaya tbe New York Herakl. He Is every public arhool. The state.wlll
lamese spankl. with kmi
i^ari la >laliM% and I leanud to awUu
It up. I am a atroug t>elic«‘er In
la the takta. Of oourae freab water fluffy hiUr. white and black patcbea.^ tha public acboola. I am a II
small pug noae and bHght ejew kllaa
Buaaetl la rcty fond of Um. and aim Catholic, but I don’t believe to
women do not awlm at Lona has leen photographed many tiroes
Ttowu to Homestead, ta tim Indus
holding him to her orma. 8bc takes
trtal arhool 1 oetahltabed. pupHs from
■wim at Lonir Boarli oil the time him. driving with her freqaenUy and the parochial acboola ore not admitted
MMaeUaica ataj In tik water all makes a great pet of him.
•*Boya and gtrta who go to arhool ore
Jeaae l^ewlsohn la aometlmm per
Blitted to take the dog out with him taught nothing but
on bis walks. He sauntered up to tbe They don’t get tbe
tlrniid rnlon hotel to Saratoga the bow to do things with tliHr handsthat which will be of
apfmd oat on the almpely Ullmm Hum. other forenoon, holding the dog in hla to them to earning a
hat withal her llxure la wllkiwy and hand. Ikvid fiideou was with him.
*X)ur moat narful men are not the
and they ato|)ped to coiivorae with i.
delkately molded. Her features are
onan with tbe
dear col and her eyes of that #ray
conversation drifted to the dog. tag. bnt those who know bow to do
and nil present expressed aOtnlratlua eomethlng or eome kind of work with
Hr. I^wlNolin. after paying it ns pretty their hands.
“Our beat edocated
Ctmippments im any dog t^iwild care to
bear alwul btuiiwlf. nshed the men who started, after going ibrougb
taa, lier hak done np to a tlxht coll
with blui If they would step into a aebool. to educate tbemsehes. When
aad her arms swlnsliur fret» at her akk.
with a knowi
jeweM#*a ahop whlk be bought a dog
larnir Heacira nctOlire saver pstruls colbr.
edge ami desire to do manual labor
In# aertlon oMhe-Kmjc stretch of sand
The Jeweler asM he dUl not keej* any we have tbe elementa of sm^ws,
with a uonchalant ea*e that ahuae her colkrs Intemled for dois. luit ha
“Mrk Schwab and I ha\*e si>ent huntoftependence of tliotipht and her dlare^
thought n limr<«let Intended for a wom cmeas or inommiKis at Kiiimionu
«aid of what the frailer of her aex
ans iinu would do, and so the |wrty Beurb. New York. Never heard of that.
■my raaard aa • imodhrkma dlarrcard
tostw*eU\l the brui^la. Tbe only one
of the femtolne coov^tlona.
ttraeteil Mr. Ix*i
IiewliiohB*a fam\v
Before she waa aot'epted In tbe role
heavy g,4d cliain atuddetl with deformed boys ,and girls um-ful
of life aariT t'aptnln Hilly liemH'ft
Kls and niblm and worth gl.HOa patkms. Bnt tlM> storm of jn
tried her. out with a n-rlea of testa
Sdsni imt so severe that we
All agrcsHl that It
Whkh would hare Mnmped the
on the d.«. aud Mr. l^wlaoUn bought elded not to do snything more just
tty of men who Mimtt to the
ow. We’ll start again some day
»keHh<KKl that the dog
“Now. it’s along, these lines that w e
re going to sputHl our money
went P»m4n«." said Captaln lUUy. “when I »nw the way that
girl went tliraugh th-ss* wnv.w. Hl»e
went ever Ihetn like n rataninhin driv
en by a forty hitrsiiMiWer engine, and
abr a got m strt»ke that Isnits anything
to the feminine swimming line 1 have
KImh iM.ll.. a l«M.t IlkM
■ inliira life Mw-r. «.Ml I feel ehnll
dent that If .In- h. ev.T c«ll«l up<«. to
•OVatlag M cue Old i
■mukt t p f*
of pcs>pk nave
hare oeen
been seag
! njotsaiKls
' «‘*«"»nus t.i
! ^ <h. OW 1’i.mi. l.nniod- aiid btv
* ‘7^”
»»> “W‘J»"
Him llnrnmon b. ex.i.*«llngly imslest
about her new entlenver; nU» she won- 1
ders that any one shotihl think U j
strange that slie should w ish to Join In ■
on notde sn effort ns thnt of s.nvlng
‘IhHwe may think It n lit out of the !
ordinaryshe remarked. -Imt ns long 1
as I am flltwl bw the wirk I think 1
that ellnchiw my nrgiimeni as to why 1 1
«0 ~-nI doo t I
enu tnj-elf nne .if ilie i.HMlm. nth- i
leMe itlrH ef the eehlury. I he*Ttbeksa .Wisider inymif an nthkte
re I ean awlm rings nmiind a great many of ’
tlie men who do the aame work 1
aw doing m»w. ahd I see no reason
why 1 should ooi employ my ability to
ly bursting with prhle and Importoiwr.
The kaiser has -gnirUiualy cobaentHI**
to fasten the club’s sign to his auto.
prmiso thnt a crown be i
r tbe initials, anya a apeclal }
lu view of tbeoe •^rtvUegre.*’ the em
peror ammanced that he had decided
to paint hU autotoedmes yellow , and
blue, which oiNUs that no one else
dwal adopt thfM eolors. l-\irttoe. he
win drew hto chauffeur and hunumau
automobtk emuld be complHe
withoot a hnutarnkU-to lirimn ImthcT
aud ditto cap. edged with a silver
hand touring black ragks.
Rylranta rallraad a la gmte
> and luncheona will be eenr«fl toetmd of on (be uhle d'boto plan
« »=>■«'>«* dispatch,
'erne Was wrltlea umlor rmdl|nicr,-tlng. ttolr^ to
*'*^*”« fn*m his htmit* In Heed’s retry,
N. II.. I I attend tbe cl. A. 11.
meuf. to. cslhHl on his publlstorw. They
Informed him that la order n uhtaln
right n ve:>*e abouW
“*■ KirtnHlge s.iid ho would think
•"«'« "
'veni ow w thet'ntomoi,.
*“•' '■«««>'•
eiii. he trail tnanht
»P »*y ««» liarth-t.lnr mtun which |i»
•» «"« »>'■««« r*
tumod to the publlaheri with the extr#
rrrse. written on tha badi of an oM
enveloiie. it rends:
have done to tbe pbltanthrot>lc line lins
^ been so bitterly attackml thnt w t
not going to do anything more Just
1 may In- a little sensitive, hut
public critlctam hurts. It teaIIy hurts.*
fMy. Uora • ■rlfiaa auitec.
An Engllahnian who visited tlu
United States writeu thus to the Lon
don Mall:
I have lately returued from a tw eive
nioutba’ resklence in America. I vl^it
•d New York. Hostoii. I’hiladclphla.
Chicago and many other cities «.|
Unltml Kintes. I have had the plevsurx*
of meeting some of the most charming
on In Uicse elites it has ever Ih**‘u
mmrn4 mm A4n Mug tli
Curo nil chrof^ dlaeMoa.
or aale by all ffr«t<to.a drugg
Prices. Hot Springs tablets. $1.
Hot Springs Quick fUliaf (Hfitoa
Anteritan inlUlonaln*s w ho strive to 1 walktHi in ninety
I at you. 1 J.v
new Eutni
j that If t!.ai inr
wjUi ta*ds.
Ktxeral wi-11 known l*«iv I look at yon iliey
labms ow n tln-se flying lu.i. is. w hi. h I virion’ iLeyd
can liot he es«-.4l*xl f„r
of j^^.out‘thi'ir Ihj«Ii
continental touring. It 1» not nliao|„„.g 4.
lately tnx*essar> to use the UMs for a Kam^ts Ot% Kt-r.
contlniMHis iiighi’s rest, but for a nap ]
--------they Jill tbe bill. K*. far nooe of tlo^sa ‘
A Boy’s Wild Ride For Life.
maehln«si have \*nu luus»rt«l to
With fatnir> arimn.l expi-cling him
Ameri«-a. aHliough many ,\iiierii silk lo ,
^1^ *„,i a soh riJiiig for life. I'?
to pick out
new.wt depart. 1
jKing .s New DiscovThe liaroii Lao-j
potd ItothsrhUd. who ow ns about ti-n * cohls\”W
large antomohih-s, has onWutl 0110 of endurc-d
podurctl .loaih’s ajeonit-s from astlima:
them* «xuuf«>rta!.k* nutoe. Tho ls*.ls are ;. but this uomii-rfal noiiicim- gave InbttUt It the toniM-au. and tbere are »* slant re
reii. f ami hmi cun .1 him. Ho
■paces on either aide for imckingejotb-J writes: “1 nou
» p soundly « very
tag and carrying provisiuns. ThoM* mo- \ night.”
ptu miioiiia. 'hromhUls
tors with l»eUs. bowwi-r. an* to.i hmvy : sumption.
for anything cxc-ej.i luml louring. j' <‘i>ugbF.
"" roi.!s .vivl krip pnivc its matrt:They are the last triumph of luxury. Mf.ss im rit tnf ; !! throat aud hmi;
; troiiidi s (;Maran>«-«-d IhPIIi-s .*•»(• and
;il on. Trial bonis |0r. at Jjihiisoiis
! UniK a
Wail A Sons and F.
Bucklen’a Arnica Salve,
II Mth
id-wide fame for mart
surtiasat^s any-othor
.\n:c:i.-;iiis iM ihapa ;
lotion, ointmi-nt or lialm for
fond o< Ih-:iiu plM.nign»idu*ii \t^corns, burns, hoHs. sort's, frlon
.Migu*«t r.elmojit JttiiM-s a, K.vi
cers. tetter, salt rheum, fever
hands, skin crupth»ns; i
ant<-<*<!. Only
KloVe. S. K.
lon’K I>rug KioVe.
Ha.- evtilve»l Ir^m the alnion.l iiicrJ.
\Vah A
and F. !l. Me.vd?.
Me.vds. Pr
I the tnuBlH-th .\|lmo
Jialni. whi'h
MAC that oil
---------------- ------- ^
I will in skillfiirhainls
IV skiDH and
■ See aa a PcM»d.
| ini*ss ko eoniniod
Aa an arth-le of diet rice po%»eaae« 1 pnv!ne»* a soft. irJ'^h.
r <v»mplexion.
Hot Springs ontarHi euro. 80 oonin..
Hot Springs soap. 10 cairin.
Hot Sdringa hanling aniva. 29 eatita.
. Hot Springs com curt, 10 aanta.
For aala by S. t Walt A fena.
John«m^ Drug Company and Amofw
lean Drug Company.
Dtatributing Agcnta.
Beauty Remedies
Has just opened to tbepu]
U-aiMl a brmiKl new meat tna
ket where quality and prio
arc right Give os a call .
Fir Slit BrjrtDrsoists
o. T. OOX
Qtz. Pksse
• -
«*si^Py; ny innLmu th- >-^Im |...alihy
liny om- wiM
li».k >0.1!,:;
iy amlmilatea
of the m.ireh
- t
1^ M
ll.»nti.r will'
jM-rf. ;-ti.yn.
,r you!
three rco**m< k b♦^'^^meH a val ;;iv. ‘o-r a ’rial. |
uable food for IHTHOHM of iHxh-nlary
hahlU. It ta alao rich In nutrltivo pro)v
Will I,..1 lu- up jnn 0.1..»M T. I.ui b«m-i
ertles. being four Unms .ns mitrit.utis
as the potato aud more uniform in
s rlothuiK
in ^lu .-n.ll. -s vari. iv ,s
quality. According to the vlewn .if
modem cbemtala. rice contains a amall Hardware lt’o
>1 Front sin-.t. In
er.amount of flesh foruiing MtbsUmxw .
\. . .
var»« iy in pric*
and a larger amount of tot forming or ;
beat producing nulial.nm'c* than ncy
r grain. Owing to the »m:ill t|iuii)
tiLv of gluten which tt c^mtain* rU-e ta
capable by ItaHf^f only very liiip.*r
feet fermentation and i« therefore un- '
fit for hakihg into brenvL
| p,.,„
lb. p.ihlir I- I.N.k
The iwlalablcncHH of rir-e. If not. In- ,
what iht Fi«-bri.-h.
ly u|w>n tho way iTta <*Oi.ke,l. Tbe
gummy pr**|iar;iii.»n which paswea iiiuhter on no many tables umlcr the n.ime
of iudlctl rl.-** Ih 1, jM*rr> Imventy iip..u
thU vvI,oh-H..me dtati when
ly cooked. Table Talk.
“‘‘h* «■ »'
| wcH as ih.- J. N ilk-r A r.i- high
w.irking .-Imh - thf m w fall au.l st.aK
ai h:<l LainII.
, 111* t’nion sir..! j S v Hu -sainpr.
( thv window afui
wlH rtivt-i^t
alone and doHiltiite.
Such. In brief was the condition t*f an i ihomughlv Mitiatralned-certainly not vulgar
h> n.mo
J, J.
name of J.
her Kngttah stater.
1 am not apeoktog against my own Versalllcit. O h’nr
and ht'lls and iht> whl r.-iun, tt frt'sh an.I
with kidnt
counlrywomon. but let us ta- just tnmbJed
neither doctors nor mtHiicIn!** gave c..*an and HU'iVfai tory Tin- notU-.- u
Surely wre have to thta country many, him relief. At length he tried Electric
mav nudcairable peroons of tl»« fe Bitters. It put him on fata feet ia
male sex who dress vulgarly, talk
loudly and art uHogetber what a lady on the road
Whersour ^
4r«C>p(?*thek team
tonia not be. Thta class of peiuoo ta Beat on earth for liver and kndney
trouble* and all forms of stomach and
»be mot to evwy country.
bowel complaints. Only &hc. Ot
CWrw ref Oarp PWr Eplrwreo.
But. ah*. 1 atarm that tbe a%f
teed by Johnson’a Drug Stor<\
Ganuan can> are being c^oru fed and
luratod American girl ta a mos
fattened like so many bogs to Heesaw gaglMT m dsIlghtfUl quantity.
Inlce, near iVoria. 111., and when to
prm*er eondltlon 100.000 pouBda of tho
will Iw shipped to New Yoto.
Yorh. nay#
fish win
tbe Chkwgo llecotd-UeraUL In ttm
mond. Va.. rccunlly graftod skto '^Through trains • from Detroit vl
making of tble expertmont by raorlg taom a young pig to the abouWera of
Pore MarqneUe^L. 11. A D. route.
an who waa badly burned by the
New acrvlce effective September •
• grain iTthrown Into
■ton of a lamp aovmal weeka ago
Persons holding round trip tourb
tbe water dally. It it exported the fleh
Jehmood. aaya tha tTileago Inter
tteketa reading via C.. H. A D. route
wlU be tocreaard 100 per
Ocean. The p|g sraa
•uBcient cutlcla removad from tbe to CtectnnaU and the South, wi
oofter portkNMi of Ita body to rover tbo their through trains of this route in [
snMIe no a ■msao 1 lithtso.
wouo|to. The baapital phyal- the Fort atroct Union station. DetrolL ^
IcOwlB Imwton of TmiTtm. X. j.. who
I. wbo rafimed togivo the woman’a the aaine atation at which Pure Marhas a eummer home on the VVdawai#
k aay the opecstkM promlam to bo
rirrr. whore there are few of the mod
I tha worn- quelle trains arrive. Direct connec
•cu conrentoncfi^ hex found e n#w nM
I ttaoocbew wearing tion In that aUUon with trains leaving.
tor Ida eMfie nntoombtto aaya tha
Detroit for Toledo. Clnclnnall and the
New York tkibune. He hax had Mi
South nt S:27 n. m.. 12:S5 p. m. and
house Wtredi and erery nl^ on arrtral
10:10 p. lii.
at his snmiher home be ewnreta tha A pwfoet aamka that can bo todnlgod
Ask ticket agents for particulsrs.
battery of hla autmnablie with tha
to fro^ wHhout the allghtoat danger
wtrtog to tb# house, arhirh ta thla wgy
fa itghtai hr ahktMty mm m 4^ tte Uttta Wonv^ they are what
A Ixwdau daetor. hy anfUaff the lory
aclatk nefrif from a lire ape niel tola
a nmn's lacenited wrlat, la sold ta hare
the itoor of the i|ri\atc ex«H*uilve of- j
Ihtj goverm»r. «<:ove«-nor Van Kant U f.mewbst less than 1
c do know that It U under strict avcnige heiuhi. stm ktly huUt, ami ro 1
Abuse that law even slightly,
I npiH ji^uux' b that of a '
results. Irregular living means
of the organs, rosuiang
“\U>u tbe
to constipation,
or liver
trouble. Dr. King’s New Life Pills
It s gentle, yec
toorougto***Onl'y 'slic! At 'Johnson’s!
“You lit the toi ruerr’
Drugstore. 8. E. Wall A Sons and F. VaFkxnk^douU fully. |
you mfa looking tar- Sumlght Sve
to price and color can be had at Bagbeea for nay purfoae. even to make
Ftralght hair grow irurly. What do you
think of that? I^U especial comb,
the *'Renalssanee.t is hardy looking.
wHh strong, kinky’ te^T^ that regulai^
ly used on dampened hair wllljamac
It to kink also. Pfrlce S^. Pricea
nnnanal ncHrlty. hare not bed
nnipthre Tlcdm among them. No horn, alamlnam. <^!luIold and rub
from 5 cento to one dollar.
inntter how thin or weak the volen.
yonng peopio should be eorauragod to
nmr heme to Lorecto. Pa., told re
ly how he ta going te dkmone of bb todhtoe to song. There eouhl be no
UW Ms.
ttm M.rjrsn
unealth. aaya tbe New York liecmld.
Miior Van iKant of Minnesota
Be thlnki there la «'no cnaentle’
story of his *-\pi-riem't' with
i tall, lank rvKiih*tg \>f titter Tail f^oun-
Travaraa City to St. Loula .
HA50. IS dty limit
$19.00. dO dty limit
$21.00. tar me seasss
For esHh v^ith low pricey or
cr.-dii with high prices. Would
you not pr. fi r to i«y Sc cash for
an ariirb* today than Sc tomor-
This win ioctude meals xn,I
l^h between Travereo City anti
•nSels will be on sale commcncing Thursilay, June $,
Steamers leave Traverse City
Sunday. 10 p, m., ahd
Thurstlaj-s.^J a. m.
L H. POPE, Act.
They can cure you.
sale by all first class druggists.
H> phone of the reliable groo r.
with quick delivery, or go t.i th-?
to examine each article to
get what you wanL
Thr first ta the rellalde. satis
fa< «ory. t-rononii« al I.* wi- way.
IK» yo!i Dcjl pn f.-r it ?
E.C. Lewis, CasROrocefy.
I- th.- -avif = ..f inom y i-v ju.hriou:;
h»j%ii!R In
ti» d.» ihi.H liHjk owr PM TALKING YET
♦ hnso lavrgaiii- .ifTtivd by tJriniMdl
Bnwt.’ miiMc- li.iii-.-. in .\vw Ftogland
That the Hot Springa UNdieinan.
ptanoH. or ih«- car toad Torclv«-d ta^t have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAY•t ihc-jERSECITV. Th, M« Mr* )««. For
SDd '
iilqiis' I Mic by all fint elaaa drufVHo.
Hth ann.M,|,fH•^ b
Have ft variety ye
no two alike. Tal
loti tote.
SaiEcers StdaVeir Bros., lake pleasure U
cnjaiemeot of
i>a.Uted ud rfCMfUed •ilh unthe CeipMMt WwdlL of Scm
•nd Radiant Splendor, tkat biegnitcd fara feifcca Pnidnrtiuo.
25& 35«i 50c, 751;,
to an oducaied
ymi. Sdr
^ .
■estseatataaamarwwena nlimattashaaaMsa
$Sh.lM , :
totol to Mtoto ItoMle ^Nfto to
hto tototort atmciag to hto ktohi
ftooML Mr. iFhiniio iM«r owtftoBto
Ito^toTb toBitoto tootohtoM# tom
iftvarMWaMD- of ttoto o tow. Tht Mt hilht
Tnto BitfUto W Ctototo Wgatoi|glOB
^ mU rt«lrt.
9fH to tiicIM to dlaertolt tto i
fi# Cto 4Mf 1« Itt I
l(mr toiMM of totool a9i»
wtoal horaoa to Bay eounty. When
ttoy wnnt to dtocMa compnlgn ptonv
tboy umlly hto theomelvea to Ibc
ahoTM of Bagtonw boy. wberw ihom H
evool bmrtod toat week. Aoeom-
V .
i 1
U t^grocery store that
has the reputatlo^ fur dependab
hlhcfataaJ imiit nktMw mwh fimiw fathc
Fortunate is the public that baa
a store to It* mWf Mutual oooftdeoce
between a store And its buying public
means growth. *1^1* store has grown
aad Is growing on just tb^ lines. No
nmhiUon hlghvT tWi possessing
ooaBdonce. other things are
oofne. We want Uvry trade
tlua to he satUfyilig and If.it U
want you U» lelljua aipHit It. 1.. II.
Silckney. 411 rnljm St. Both phoni*s. If boughi atsm price ;a HI be made
TraverM Cl^, Mich.
The neatest groi'Cry In the city.
ceptloually low coBsideriug i.K-atl
and impmvement*.
FOR THAT TIRED FCCLINQ1^4 acres on Wayne streM overlookMnto s^Vwssx*.
That Is what ilie Mebrlch. Fox. HI!That come* aft»*r a .lay of itdl. m»lh
,n. C.y a«..
V grnet many ywars ago
vgo theiHXipleof I
mure eomforiable than an easy
Bgjpt. who had toany ldabi,vvorsbl,w.j|‘“X
hlals, u
rocker to read the eevning paper In.
tto cat among ^era. They
L-lhlng n*any deslrabk*?
or a nice.reclining couch for the evi*u< *tyle Is not. Wt-j have all styles au.l [ One of the firmat farms in thl* c
ing snooze. Millar 4c Morse of thist grades. Call aujl Inspect our aUwk j
ty. abtuit
mile* fn»m the city. i;.i poB aAL»-~K«w•
to be aulU*d in
Front *triH*r have a full line «if Ivotii
acrt*s uuU.T cuHivation. with plenty of
y- imc»Gi«
fttU nod at
and al«i a One line of dining table* lit and ^1.vie. E<) i^utner. Union St. good wood limber, large orcharsl. 11-j
as w« any, a
Bo they made au Idol with
room house with basement, two kihmI •—
a cat's I
1 and uami*a M IMaht. 1 be
That n*h could
sing? The>^e all | torus with other oulbulkllcgs.
xmld i sini
T<» til.* wmveuir* we tarry In w.sel.
■am# nanM* ttoy gave to the m.mu. for
iHvn the very bi**! c*ondmon. ISC acr<*j!
shell*. iKrtlery xtr burnt
tto wood means tto fuiv of tto
j in the swim. " lj*m in i
Tto word hmm tvreu changed to
I»ecially prettfr-arc Gum*
a.scale of price*
Price and terms of sale on any of ^ My Bo«mw «
and -FuF* and has e« * at last to to «iuet.»ng club. IWure i. a\ing »..ur j "'
‘Hon real estate, bins, inortgagv*s.
-IW the imiue the most of oa gi
huniiiier home. Imik .»i ' ihese preti
to tto eat IMaa and fiussy cat ure |
;^^|on.* house on K. jTenth
•nth street. In fine
aainea fUr kitty anywtore imw. b
riuulltion. fr.>hly; paivered. fur rent at vacant Iota for sale.
I he nook* t bey 'll fit In
home .lurliu
few think of the name aa given t.» I
reasonable prks
the indoor life, the
pte who
wl then towed <
Take one burnt* and *
seasonable dishes
to her.
New Turk Tea <'a».. Ka
At Reasonable linie.H i* what the publir |
THE BEST SCIENCE ftl« l.siklng f..r. ^Ve do not expect l ij
Extracting sunshine from a cloudy
find oysters on ilu* haff shell In Kep j
day. While this is not nlway*^ prac“Jones of llinKhanit.m. ' w 1*1 In town temlu r. n.,»r 'v. nis<m steaks, but spring
licabk*. invest in one of Dioai* gitaruTs- last night. 11.M he v^h.i *i»ays the broiler*. fr*.g'* leg«i and alt the s.mi
l«‘ed umbrellas at J. W. MillikenV. aiet frelghi," but John V. J.me*. as he reg mer delkarie.s afe served to order nl
you Won't need the Kun*hii»e. There isten*d at iHe I’ark liar.* h.»t.-l.
the l-lttle Tavern under,the new man
are two prices or lot*
For a few liour.* J.iiies vkas sad ami agement. BI.Hslgood. Harrow A David The ta-:t «»I niat.Tiat
both of sterling sUviV or gold plate desiK)n.leni. ami wa.* m>t afraid lo le'l mm.
Front street. Try iheir .Sum ^»iisl ruction. Sillied
and pearl handles, a few of horn for
dlnner.s and ijave
4ave vworry at tome
hi* iriMib!.-*. Iji^er in the da)- he wa.-. dayr dinners
variety, and handstiroely covemd with
the happimit irtraug. r w ithin oiir gate*,
i xpeiise I* s|»annl wb.*u cuuslrudiu.; [
gloria silk. The guanin- when he came up to the clerk .rf tlie
re home than a rabbit, live in them lo obtain |«*i*fi*ri rvsubs. TliV’Ir I
for two years. Lt»ok at them
i*ark Placi* and whiHpr-r.Hi. i found
' That's khal re>orte4w do all doubk: liase h.atiiiK device willi I...I j
'em; got 'em down ai S. K Wait 4L
T'be Cmmt of War.
low c.*att*r iMKurc.H ih.^a:i'<*au-'i
Sons' Drug Store. Now 1 ran .-at a
is making a 1« p«*r cent, discount on
Give me Uie money, miys a n*eeiit goin] dinm-r ami b»ok f«.rv..iiii i«i -:!iiok
ble aiimtiiil .\f ii. at ftviih the b-j U
Mwvulullve phikw..|.htr. Ilmt has b.*en ing a Wailswotth Urns' • cinro" after all trunks and liilt raf«*.s until Sep»
ir.th^ Trir. s ill! trunks fnmi 9T.r tu aui.miit of fu. l Tb. y are rki.Jv *
ai»ent III war and I will purekam* ev
wards. S K. W.^ii K S.u,*. miv Hu v
ery tout of km.l on Hu* gloU*. I will
ami in *uii . iias.-s |!.7:. to
MU* toi mjrrtwlowl, 4iiM|MV»d.
outborliks oa tto sultoct« ato Ito ae- aad diligent aearch failed to rweval
a i^ptor tmm tto ttato ita whrreaboau. Just thaa a loae U
tto de^ will protobly to eycliat <»e aloag poahiag hfai whtol.
whcM* tirea were aa flat aa tto dtetrlet
caatpalga hen*: He aald to faa aerann
a broken bottle a llitle way up the
ptoa«« laotallad to Uiolr toaM». and road «e fouad tto ptoafekora very
la ao placa Is tto aaw alatr a mu*! aympathetlc. aad wtti bo able to le^
of «raat«Y atlracUiia thaa in ibe home pair Ibe damage, but ihoao sharpoa^
of oa« oi(T lady ta^to vicinity. Wiv ap|n*tltea are goae never lo recura.
wan ctomldeiably laiprmnd by tbe 'A tetoacope coatalning ladyh wearOtlllly of tbe *|ib«iae. but nbe Ibougbt Ing apparel disappeared frooi the
,H mtalaod uad<*vi*lopvd pmlbilUW*. P«re Marquette aUtloa at Bay City
.^Omt day ao cmh* aa» able to ring up on Monday. A little later Offloer Bam
tto toaual. aad a cooiplalat wan mt Catlin found the teleaoope. with ita
la.to tto mbaaav. A couple of lla«v oontenta of ahlri walaU. ruffled akirta
am wm mt to ibe itfllcmL pbom and alnillar apparel aUU intact, though
OB the circuit and found not bine tbo tbo tbtef had rummagval through the
iBattcr uuUl they ranc to the bouae telesoopo to vala for the kind of
of the old lady. To tbelr amasemen* Clottoa be apparently needed.
The Rika and the l>ythtaaa are to
, nbc unit unn«ci*med1> darnlna Hueto
o%cr ibf rt-**clvcr nhlcb ahe had taken play a game of ball next Thnraday in
Hattie Creek for charlty a sake and a
doivn and waa holding In her lap.
Buf laaaa Men a aaaocUtlon numlK-r of queer alum* are on the pro
la already planning for Ita annual ou* gram. chief pmuDg them ia that ar
log'ncaf year, and haa decided upon ranged for -Big lllir »mat. foreman
Belle laic aa the plac«> to apend It. of the Michigan Telephone Co.*a lln<*
' CTiaa. W. Merrcr. traveling paaacng' r gang and known ail over the aUte a*
agent of Uie Michigan CVntial. waa lu a fearlea* fellow. 81 U*wU. chief pub
the city
talklag over the ar licit) pnimoter of the affair, awcan^
. rangemcnla. It la probable that ihn*® fhai Krnm win .live htwdlong from iht
apuclala vill be run. and the nluiic lop of a Oil fo.it jmk* into a gla** of
torn take aa outing with the buatnoaa beer, .the query aa to what becomes
men. aa la now being done eVery auin* tif the biHT ia anawennl neither by
^ wer to Port Hnnin. Bay City and olh- Brnal nor U»wU.
Ijmd OuaroUsloner Wlldey haa net
placfw. Thia auranicr the Caro men
table 400 acres for the Burt l.ake In
went to Orton I-ake.
A clerk at the tlck«*t oAc<- of the dians who were diapoaaeased of tbeii
land* several yekra ago. The new roa
alcnroahlp docJc at Mackinac I
ervalbm la located t.ii the ahonw .d
V had atone lady friendt vlalting o
Inland the other day. When they were Burt and Miilieli lakt**. The land will
ready to ndurn to their homea, h(* be held by the atate In irind fur the
fotirtwHjaly waHied ahaard the D A t Indian*.
KuKier or-Yp*llauti ha« a coach
boat wiih them. The time
Qiilckly. and when bo atarted to b av. dog Tour muiilhM old. which he tru*t^
‘"to. but ilie) ar- aJreudy mak
he found the ateamer yretl out Im much more than In* would a in’ea! In aualUreof wbk-h kliigs aiid qwviis
toUe Huron. UKkllf^'lieUiygan wa many ni.m. The latt-at feat of thl* In- would beproml. I will buikl u seb.Kil ing a lot «»f frl. mf.s,
"the n« *t alujiplbg-fda«'<*. and aeveral telHgt-nl animal ^ic Urrid on Kridav. valley ov every hllUlde and lu ewry { * S(rang.* h.>w li...ne Uk it makes n
the vvbok* eurth.
man to l.-aii over a elgar eris. am! not
VhourH had olap»MMl lH*f*ire the clerk when Mr Hug Wa.s given an enveh.iH- build nu
Ill every town ami
»Hs‘ a brand that he . v.-r li.-a.-d i»i l.«*
«'<iailet«K and hat lean aa he had left .*.if.talnliu; $25 and a package of nu-at endow U.
In evi-ry slate am!
and Immediately went to hi* home fill It with able i..Mfew*.nw. I will f.»re. That was ilu- way I l.dt all .lay.
;iil.H ufUi-e. reiurn»Hl to the iHland
One of the nnlQue bamt liaU playera With the valuable tmekago. The dog crown ever) hlU with a |dm*e of w.ir- but wlu-ii I w.-m Into S ir VVSiM A
at'ciiHtiimcHl to doing lila own mar alil|) eonsixTuted to tbe pruiiiulgntbui Sons' Dnu; Store and saw my .»u!
In the Hfaie la Ctiaa. W. 8lephen>u
kHing eyt-ry da> and wh.*n the iu»ceK uf peace. I will iuppurt Jii every pul friend. Hu- Wad.swortb llro*.' u'hi.-w.-.
of 8l J.ihna. -IVg.'* a« he U famltli
pit, an able tenelier of riglilwuuiiie**.
*11 y aix»*e to »en.l the mouey home ao that on evrt) SablHiUi morning the
ly kiioan ainoiiK playera and fana.
er. who was uuahle to lake It chime eii one hill kIi.iH ttusw.T to the ing l.» v.uir* iruly
iiilnns one le^. havlm; ioat the me
^•r on n raUroad track Veveral yea.-H hlni*4*ir. fearleHsly trualtwl the amouni
• on luioUH-r im.uml the earth's
*•«’ ‘*”*'*'clreuiuferemx- Ami Ibe voUv ef
CiH»d. and I* have siiuik.-l
iig. wh.i look it safely Clear
• nipe^ When I.e wa> 4*<|.UpiH;i with tWM
prayer and the s..iiu/of pral*.- should 1 im.M ..f Ib. i.i
jgmHl leus Ki. i.henaon waa one of the acniM* the city.
toit Imll pla>era fu llu*
Mike Nual. a farmer east of Hock
toaven. -New York Glol»e.
HMl. wa* milking his cows when
and II waa hU intention to try for faat
J* IH-rfeei in eui ami brilli;«i:-y. as
company The aeeidei,! nude thla et
shining struck and kllbsl two -cows ft»
inpoaalbmiy. hut It ilbi riot le^MMi hi* Just hie other sl.b* of the one he wa*
Fr.^iii the Wequ. tong club. ^ lung lo well as rich in prismaile « fr.*.-i*. .Im•mthuaiaam for the natiotml gaiiie Ki; milking. Mr. Niml said that If he ha.l be n iu.*mU*red. and as a m.mi. uio of to the d.x*p cult III.:; «.f Iniri. at.- .bfed with an artlftrial h-,: he aKaln weiii known the lightning wa* going lo kill Ihe tiiimuier *ik*iiI hen*. l.Nik .iver ih** digits. Aside fnu.i ..ur line liiu- .d . ii
tohlud the hai. an.l .Inrinu each aca th.-in lo* would have milked them
L'xquIhUe souvenir* at Uarnum & glas.s. w«* i-arry a b.-autiful a-.s^uim. ul
aim pUya wlih htn leaiu and with a Tlo> lowH w.*re InsurtMl.
Bari's, repn-seiil.sl in su-rling wan* m* of hand painted china wan*, fmiii fruit
number of other »MitKlde auKrei;atUms
That lightning will sirike twice ir. ^old liiuHl b.»wis, and fimi just the plate.^. *a!ad ImuvIk. tw the arfistic ta‘l
I re*^lla^ latchei
the Kanu* plact* has been (^mcluslveiy thing to lake home, ..r semi to a tankards, fit to grace th.- sideb.var.i of
while iMd able to ran
.Mi*trail'd to Frank 11 uni. a well riieiid. Ikauiiful vk w.s ..f the r|ub. u counols.sour i j fine art. (lift* ecu uil
luH.‘a. U deflcienl la no .dher Un,. ot
»n famicr of Newtim township, ligh s.iu».il ami oiher beauty spot* a* Is* purrhm.xl at one plac- Itasiall*:.
lumdiall. and there a^‘ few p..,.,,ie
i.iunt county. Two year* ago hi Well as a large a*sonni.-tii of .larg.-r the Ji wekT.
would know be wttoit an uitiiicUl
Imrn* w.*re d. stroyed by tin* start sterling ware, are lo*be had at this
.> a iK.li of lightning. Friday af up icwlale Jewelrv store.
FIIKSH OVSTKILS at Jacksou'.s.
An ariindal ic%* plant la to U* oial, tem.siu duilug the storm, the bam^
iiduHl in furl Huron noun. Wouidu i ihui had Ihh*u erected un the site of
Itu! fre^ie you?
o .dd on.**, wen* struck and bumt*il
ih.* ground. The diuw was about
It la up lo the T|iird ndorimsl
church, of Holland, to cnll again. ThA d..xen or mi of old p.*n«lancrs of
can extended by it to llev. H. J. Veld
man. iif MBwaukiH*. haa beem Ueclined Franklin, a small hamlet h.ur miU«
of Hlnnlngham. have an unique
by the latiur.
of g. itlng ih. ir isnsiun m.iney a
Judicatkma ladut bi a fair apple crop
in all pari of the .tale ihU fall. The little ah.ad of the other fellows who
I to iM- of a b»‘tier quai live in lilt- ouisif the way towws. On
year, wbuwlng up clear pi*n*lott .lav ^u*y all ass^*mble at the
residence of Dr. Cox in l-YankUn. who
the vouchers for them and
<\ II. Blomam.,.. d rwMnd. rix^cuUv
made a; % cry quick auto trip fn»m l>e the next morning .me of the number
tom to Sparta, covering the dUtance hikes for Birmingham and catches thC
car f.ir Ik I ml t. When ih*j
ill flve boora. He aiopped at Grand
First ^’atloakl Bank ..ih*uk the FrmnklUpid* two bourn en route.
•s hanging on the doorknob
II II Hoeahurg of Holland haa in hU
gard. n a lilac buah In full bloom. He and if generally No. 1 at the pension
cMdalba the phtowmenon by the fact man's window. The vouchers arv band
that early in Augimt he ^!rl|JJHvl the ed in and checks are drawn and mailed
btlah oT iu foliage, and it at once be- to Franklin the same day. Ehrly next
morning there ia a amaU run on tto
.»« to-end forth tmda
A p«*Uilon .vf over a bundr«l cUUena Rxchange bank of Binnlngbam aad
RcAiccARBtcsonaUiOaaif Xeeland nniueattot to be net o* the Frmnklinltef don't have to vmit
roaSi good for week oibtr.
i,; ; - Ato organiieil into aa Bngllah apeak
Kf i / lag church baa been pmented to the
>laaalca of iioUand. Neat Monday ibc
!: * " . l»KiUoaeni will miseC with a committee
Ja the datoo* luRch for the
.ft/* 1
•Mlch.r tba Bharman hoaae foa tor
Ttor. waa oat to the aintot the ocher
night with tto erttod that followed
ft -ft.
,..7» mo €*perimtmt
str.*. I hars to rale:
the imist fa.stidHius
woman in town \ larg.* and cuiiipkte
assort imiil. T bd formal o|H iiing of I
rca.lv triiuni.‘.l a4<l Unp.irlt-U Wk will j
WcKHl Sister.*.
i-h and low in pritx-.
4'mm- in ami
146 Frant Street
Notice to All fc
Tl..* MUX ial as; e.s*iii.*iu tax ndl f..r
lie (xiiistruclbui . if lateral st-w.-r N.». 1
II disirlcl N... I. J.«-gluning at the in
llngiuti *ire.-l
d.!th. II.M- riiiiuii
.ami Stale street
..II alley be'weeh rnmi uu.l State I
.vinxt t.i l*iiii* strtx-i. ha.H b.*eii pla e I
ill my hands f.ir <vin.*c(ion. ih.* firs:
as-scssnieiit to Ih| paid on ..r lK-f..rv
the 3011. day ..f S|.ml. 1504.
i .M. K llaske]|.
City Treasurer.
n.-.- r.H.in 303:Siate hank building.
32S"-Hoi>t. :i.
ROUIOTRIP 25c, 50c,'75c
Buts Line at 8:40 a. ■.
Ab4 2:00 f. ■.
FRt:USH OYSTh3lS at Jackson's.
& u urcEwguD. o,,p. »
FKMAl.K HKI.P WANTEI).A„Jy Traverse City canning C6.
2SC1 tr
is a jjuaranice that your
prescription was com
pounded by a
219 American. Druir Co.
The Bat Races ever
. . [ ^ r, -
LEST voii FOROrr.
Ttot tto-Hot Bprtf
v^^I^unense Exhibtts.
Wonderful Dispbys.
Frank Crude st
SepL 19-20'2i-22-23
J! Jtwtl
Coal Stovt
West micDIgan State ?air
!• Ik* 4N fi-»
mam urn. w. otsin wmk.
toftth fMreod fv Mtf
K. B. Oolb/.
L X. Dolby. A. H. BMwp. Beth Plough.
to CbM^Md
beM ripped to pleoM by kalvM la ao.
baada. bM M far be bM Meaped
l. Bokmaib. tter. Howard. Ferry Not^
Waltar.* Lydia Aineeon. JMepbtns
Batee. F. M 8axton.|Oeo. K. Jewett. H.
Bart Kelly. B. a Byaa. OUve Pierce.
JaMtat MiV If. OidlM. wham Ooir<
an»r OM tea MiMai to MMMd
Ja«i» Mmt m CM jcMtac of tkc
IM Tcrk coart or MiMli, bM a lilffc
foptottoo M M oMo Joriot M bM
hmg bo4 Cbo ^ptoMO or both bcMb
Mi bar. flo cMoral WM cbo appcKla
tkB or bio oorviMfl oa tb« coart oT ap
poalo boacb that bo «m rcaowlaatol
bir bclb aartioi aad doeCod ia mi.
la tbo ioiooeraUc party U for blm aloo.
^Biga CallM WM bora la Drooblya
aiaty yoara aco. Ho bogaa life m a
doll oasfaoor aad lator taraod to tbo
powarfCl Dotro llrlac la Baltlaiore
cbooooo lb bo baowa. HU fatbor U
biai or Uio Mauboloo la Boatb Africa
aad tbltl)^ Hoobaaaa JBoaao to go belira loag. At oao tfaM be «m body
aonrM to CocU Rbodoo. after wbooe
ioatb be WM brought to tbU o&unlry
by a aiUckiaary. He doeo not eetertalo
a bigb opiaioa of colored mlMlonary
otort aiBoag bU people. -The mlo^
aloaartoor bo aayo. *oomo out there
aad tboy prtaeb to the Mvagc that be
aiaoU‘t have but oae wife. And then.
r bao been tb
I many wiveo m tbe
rant of tben. A negro preacher dotm
ifitio good.** When be^rHamo home
bo will do what bo can iakbe directloa or edaoaUag bU pooplp.
Admiral Obarloo B. aark. Who took
the battleablp Oregon around Cape
Horn aad Into actloa at Santiago. U
oald to owe bU aiHMlntiaent m comamader of that boat to bU oklH m a
Chens pUyor. CapUIn Clark wan at
San*^ yraaclico In command of the
gaaboat Bennington When asbore be
apoat much time in the cbenuroom of
tbe Mecbaalco* library, where he wmi
aome of tbe best players In tbe city.
According to tbe sidFy. when the Umc
came to appolbt-a-inan to comman i
tbe OregoB a frlead of Clark’* In the
navy department at Washington P«t
hU naam forward. *‘Vou should see
tbe man. play cbeao.** said be, ani
wont on to describe bis Intense appll
catkin and determ Inat loo. adding:
*‘Aad that’s why 1 think be can bring
tbe Imulcsblp around safely If anyone
—Mn.” Throe hours later Clark re
Mtved orders to assume raminand of
the Orogun and lake her at once to
Ciiban waters.
Professor Zordan of tbe University
of Padua is enrolled In Bellevue bos
pltal. New York. In a lowly capacity.
He Is studying Ami^lcsn customs for
use la a forthcoming book.
It U understood that Dr. N. 8. Mayn.
profoasor of veterinary science at the
KaasM agricultural college. bM ac
cepted under tbV Cuban r»vemmeni
place equivocal to our own uSce of
cbVf of the bureau of snimsl Industry.
^ He U now In Havana looking over tbe
‘ situation.
In a number of the leading stores of
Rdinburg and Glasgow there Is s^no
be lealeo caned
taSbwry, Teibarot. Floyd Jaameon.
Cbaa. a Smlt^ F. W. wnmm, A. Q.
StivMsg. cams. McMIcbael. Mary Har
vey. C a ImPoldte. C W. OeZoete. C.
a Heneel. P. H. Scofield. C
> ddim mm
O. P. Oarrieon. D. |L Nlckereon. ^
Toimg.^^Tboa^McaMkcy. J.
tor. Brpeet Crain. Alfred Ayers. O. P.
not aee a dab oa bb Com. He taUe
them brie a coadllloa of Mcartty witb
ble eaaay aasUe aad wbea they wake
ap they doatkaow what atmek them.
Aa odd amrriage took place reeeaUy
la Hehma. Va, Mrs. Marla W. Biaek.
ears old. amrrted TbomM H.
Nance. 71 years of age. They word
ewoetkearu la dfUdbood. but wbea
they grew up tbelr pareaU objected to
tbe maleb. aad they parted. Bscb
bM beea twice married aad widowed.
Mr. Nance iaally drifted to ladlaa ter
ritory. made a fortuoe. and returned
to bis native town to see If bis old
tbeart atlll lived, and wm free to
marry again. They have settled down
to spend tbe rest of lbelr lives la com
fort la tbe borne of tbe bride with tbe
ms large fortune to apead on
MotHe^e Friend
U> ■ jbM *l«*
Stead of bis tobacco he drew out a
handful of young snakes. There wss
a panic la tbe Foiens bonscbold until
the last of tbe snakes wm killed. Fob
eas bM been made to swear upon hU
of a bit at tbe Wg republlcaa meeting oath that tbe next time he finds s
nest of snake eggs he will let It rest.
from bis irst sentence Mr. Cannon
success. He had been speaking
short time In his usual vlgoroui;
when be tamed to CongrestWatson. who wm presiding, and
said. M be lugged at his collar: ”8ay.
Wktson. It’s hot here.” ’Take off yoor
collar. Joe,” wm the reply. ’Take off
your coal, too,” yelled one la the audi“No. my collar’s enough.” said
the speaker, laying the wilted linen ou
tbe Ubie. *rben be gave bU trousers
bitch and sailed in again.
Once jet black, a hen belonging to
Frederick A. Barberry, of 1»1 Jobnapii
avenue. Newark. N. J., bM turned' to
pure while. Signs now lead Parberry
td.lHdIeve the ben Is going to turn
black again. The fowl Is of the Mlnvarlety. She Is almost three
yearn old. A few months ago Berberry
noticed she was beginning to turn
white. The tmnsformatlon kept on
until every feather wm snowy. Now
black spots are appearing bore and
there. Barberry Is certain no one is
playing a trick on him.
Herman Bussman. of Oswego and
Marcellus atreeU. Syracuse. N. Y.. turn
admitted that be bad recently dug up
or mere from the garden of bis
house, thus establishing the tmth of
the neighboring gossip of the last
week. Mr. Bussman. who Is 80. sajs
he has nt> faith In banks nnd hid his
gold In the twiih for that reMon.
Neighbors, however. aa> he has at iMt
of the banks. Bussman U re
puted to be worth a large sum. He
says he dug a hole In the ground Your
feet deep a quarter of a century ago
and burled the money: Last week h»
says he felt a paaakm to count the
gold and dug It up. Bussman’s wife
does not live with him. She Mid she
had often seen her husband digging in
the garden, but he always declined to
bat be was searching for. Mrs.
Bussman says she will claim half of
the money and half of the remainder
Yankee shoppers used to cause tbe of hU riches, the hiding place of which
proprietors and ibeir assistants to
turn tbelr shops lopsy turvy until they
with having a bmnd of
looked like a rummage sale (bargain lightning that pulled eight of a man's
counter not la iO. and then would le^ teeth. Lehigh county. Pa.. boMts of
- vale tbelr noses and “gues* we ll try rain that makes caverns In which
else.” Heaoe the notice. horses are engulfed, and by which tbe
liy of man Is taxc
Tbe farm of Alvin
Greer county, nominated for congresi
by the democrats of Oklahoma. Is one near Weaeoevlllc, furnUhes proof of
phenomenon. Mr. BmIUs
of the rtslng young men of tbe lerH
:ly plowing the fleld
tury. Mr. Matthews wm bom In Qeor
Slain IkCC. He has promised to make Htile thinking ^whst a furrow he wm
of hU horses
tke most thorough canvass ever i
the earth. Knives
ia the terriUiry, and In his speech of
acceptance remarked that be -would St the harness were necessary to save
speak la ever> ^boolbouse In tbe ter tbe other horse from being engulfed,
ritory and urould kiss every baby la and a host of neighbors helped dig aad
haul the burled nag out. Then It wm
Oklahoma” If by that course ^
found that tbe cavern, funnel shaped
oodld be secured for tbe ticket.
Herr Oudok De Wit. mlaUter of at lu base 20 feet down, was 20 feet
aporu la tke goverament of Hollaad In circumfereaee. with various pM. bM reached Callfomla oh a tour of tbe sages leading farther and deeper.
When be found a nest ft saakeeggs
world: Miaister De W’lt. who U €3
yaata old but looks much younger,
In a field OB kU term. Ed Foiens. wko
aa expert bomemaa. golf player and lives at Cache Bottoms, near Alto
oarsasaa. He Is also very food of Pms. 111., thought It would be aa exhorse radag. aad la the course of bb celleai joke to take tbe eggs boaie
oAdal caiwar bM acted m iadge oi aad aurprlM bU temtly. He earprised them and.* Inddeatally. aoaiwd
tbe woaMn m»mien Into ebveral dtfevery fofeiga ooaatry of note aad aow
abont two w^tbs la die
thony Send. August SSI. O. C. Moffatt.
W. D. Tompkias. Geo. Burrowa. Wll,cu. Oolambla Tnma. Go.. Susan Grav
ed. a Fife. W. Helm, W. H. 0>rey.
irk Monroe. L. Mllcbell. P. A. Gold
kof. G. A. JokMon. Pervy Hannab esu
and all persons Intcrestod la the lay
ing of latccal sewers ta tbe alley be
tween Ninth nnd Tenth streeU from
Wadsworth to Bohemia street, la tbe
alley between Tenth and Eleventh
StreeU frt>m Wadsworth to Bohemia
street. In tbe alley betwMn Eleventh
and Twelfth streeu from Wadsworth
to DohemU street m heretofore adopt
ed by the connefl of Traverse City.
Mich., take notice:
That the roll for the special assess
ment for the Isylng of a sewer in the
alley between Ninth and Tonfh streeU
from Wadsworth to Bobemlm streeu;
streeu. from Wadsworth to B<v
hernia; In tbe alley between Eleventh
and Twelfth streeU. from Wadsworth
to Bohemia street. Is now In my office
for public iMpectioB.
NoUce U also hereby given that the
council aad board of assessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet at the
council room In said city at 8 o’clock p.
m.. September 12th. 1904. to review
said assessment rolls, at which time
ney. R R Howard. N. W. Smith. Bay
Monroe. Perry Hannah eeU. N.-T. Nelsoa. Mrs. Ubble Kelley. R R Cole,
And. Pitch. D. Bosumul Wm. VanStee. Fred L. Stocking. Calvin L. Gib
son. A! Heullmantd. Wm, L. Head-
O’Neil. R G. Paulla. Enoch U Jobn■on. Mary R Kelduiioiiee. John Prt>bert. A. F. Howartl. ^ all persons In
in the laylnk of a sewer in the
alley between Ninth,and Tenth streets
Jpom Wadsworth to DivUkm: In the
alley between Tentji and Klevcnih
-‘-^s’from Wadsworth to Division:
the alley between Eleventh and
Twelfth streeu. frdm Wadsworth to
Division street, as heretofore adopted
by the council of Traverse City, Michi
gan. Uke notice:
Thst the roll for the special asseMent heretofore made by the board of
of defraying
the money If It does not give the de
sired benefit. This Is certainly one of
offers that can be made
and any one who bM catarrh and does
not Ukc advantage of It is doing him
self or herself an Injustice.
Extra bottle of Hyomel can l>e procurtsd for use with the Inhaler at H*c.
Do not suffer any longer with tlckllpg. amarilng. burning. e>o-waterlng
troubles that afflict those who have
catarrh. Hyomel will cure you. but If
you Should not find It adapted to your
case. 8. B. Walt A Sous will return
JIR8. H. GRKENSTEU wishes to nnlonnce to the ladies that she has an
exclusive line of lmi>oried goods from
New York. Including silks, linens, fian
nola and woolen ^Xabrics for shht
waists and suits. Mrs. Greensted
will be at home Tu^day evening and
Saturday afternoons and evenings.
413 Webster street.
, C. W. DeZoete. He
W. U
I Squires.
. G.
. .. w
J. B. Hawley. Tho«. IkjuUrow,
Brown. R. A. I>owrle. A. B
Willard Can. G. R. Newman.
C. Gore, Thus. Helm, Lunu
Waldls. A. C. Eller. Chms. Easterday.
Nelhon Gore. V. A. Patrick. Wm.
Blackman. John I.alharuK. A. B. CurHe. Clifford Clyne. Morris Ik*cker.
Louisa Ayers. H. D. Poayner, R. Wledoefl. Samuel Stover. Chas. Moulton. C.
E. Kent. J. M. Haggard. Mr8^ Mary
Disler, Ely Clyde. C. P. Taylor. Palmer
B.. G. F. Rowe. A. Secore. A1 Nash.
Craw A Hardy. H. W. Smith. C. L. Da
vis. F. J. Sutherland. M.
Mrs. Rose Webb. A. C. Rowley. P.
Paris. D. E. Carter. Robt. Walter. P. L.
Smith. Lydia Jamewin. Josephine
Bates. F. E. Saxton. G«i. K. Jewett.
H. n. Burns. W. E. Moon. Nellie John
son. D. L. Thomas. N. W. Harrle. C. H.
Johnson. Fred !>ean. O. L. Coulter.
Mary E. Slyter. G<*o. Helm. M. C. Mll-
WOklnson. the bUiorbin. shows that
tbe world Is Indebietl for mlrroni to
tbe BDcImit Egyptians. At first ibey
y. J. MqA
were made of metal, so well eompound- Crnln, A1 Ayers. O. P. Hughs. A. R.
ed and poIUhed that some rvcenUy dug Pike. Wm. Ralne, Arthur Hadley. E.
W. Butler, W. B. Bennett. A. Huell
fierful Ineter after burial for iliousaiids mantel. John Gallagher. W. B. Knaggs.
of years. Oral Jn shape, they were Davidson. Mary MIckler. Frank Voge.
M. E. Louks, O. D. Kenney. S. B. How
tea:cned to enned wooden haodlcs. ard.
Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah esl.
Beferences are made to such looking Mrs. Libby KcMy. 8. D. Cole. Andrew
flaasee In Exodos and Job. Tbe r.reoks Pitch, D. Roulsong. Wm. VenStee, A.
and Bomane madq similar mlr^rs of B. Curtis, Fred Stocking. Calvin Gib
son. Wm. Hendricks. W. J. Noble. Crl
At Murano. near Veiik-e, tn tbe tblr- vin Gibson. A. Hannaford. Z. T. Swan.
teeuth ceptno ’.he republic protected Henry Canfield. Warren Salesbury.
the trade and jmlously guarded lu se Bert Mullen. Jane A Harry McGluniH.
crets. securing a lucrative busluoss fur F. Neason. P. F. O’Neil. R. O. Paulin, E
a -century and a lialf. Mirrors were Johnson. Mary Kekierhouse. John Pro
then made from cylinders of gUsa fist ben, A. F. Howard, and all persons
refully polUbed, bev Interested In lajlng of a trunk sower
and sUvensd by an on Division street beginning at a point
at tbe alley between 8tb and 9th
streeu and running south to the alley
between I2th and 13th streets, as here
tofore adopted by the connclI of Trav-
Dated this 25th dhy of A _
aty Clerk.
Notice to jaxpsyvrm
The lax rolls for the collection of
school and city taxes and special aascssmenu for the jflve wards of tbe
city of Traverse City. Mich., have been
placed in my hands for <
1 will be in my iofflee foj the pur
pose of collecting ! said taxes every
week day from now' until Nov. 1. lb04.
from 8 o’clock until 11:30 o’clock In
the forenoon, and from 1 o’clock until
4 o’clock in the afte^oon of each day.
All taxes paid before Sept ^st will
» recelviHl withoqt collecllon fees,
ul on all taxes remaining unpaid on
Sept. 1st and until bet. 1st. a penally
of one per cent forj collection will be
charged. On all taxes remaining un
paid on Ocl, 1st anfl until Nov. 1st a
penalty of two per jcent for coIlecUon
will be charged.
Office. Room 202 Sute bank bldg.'
M E. Haskell. City Treasurer.
Dated July 25, 1904.
2244 tf
To you to know that on Saturday
•xt the I^Crettl C^ndy Company will
sell. I hat day only. Ibe regular 25 cent
fruit iHin bons for!ten cents. Aside
this especial .sale, they keep a
full line of fresh niit meals, just the
thing for the hollda^ fruit cakes, soon
U* made and laid away for season
ing and u»-e at a later day.
T lijsssasissr — —
fqr the laying of a
in the alley between Ninth and Tenth
streets from Wadsworth to DivUion;
In the alley between Tenth and Elev
In the S1I..V
ts from Wadsworth
to Division streeu.; Is now on file at
Dated this
my office for public; inspection.
Notice Is also heroby given that the
B. Walt A Sons are selling llyocouncil and board of assessors of the
on a plan that has caused consld
city of Trmveire C|ly will meet Sep
de Ulk amongst t
tember 12th. 1904. In said city at the
council rts
- - - - Ward.
lowed by other remedies, but
view said
To J. A. Nickerson. John Wood. T. time
edy Itself is different also. This treat
and place opportunity wBl be
ment for the cure of cartarrfa has such A. Monroe. Warren Finn. John Bartx, given all persons 1 Interested to be
•0M% and jrouSf* b*«i In-
fMm <»itr fitiMMLiiM (Mort-
BA8TALU tha Jssroltr*
P. R^Ws furnish handsoma eardi
with every gift
Prompt Dollvory.
Will never occur, so long as you use
meals from Broach's clean, up-to-date
market, where in steaks alone you find
an endless vsrietjjuicy tender beefBiesks. or lamb. veal, pig pork, to say
nothing of the lar^* variety In other
kinds of frying meats. Lard still sell
the council divided should be borne Ing at 10 cents.
and paid by special assessment for the
Isylng of a trunk sewer on Division
street beginning at a point at tbe alley
Bites to stick noW a-days and noth
between- Eighth and Ninth streeu run
ning south to the alley between 12th ing makeji a horse ihore fractious than
Md 13th streeu, U now. on file at my one of those stsyerf, so F. Votrubs Is
public inspection.
a good line of fly nets to ward
vJUotlce Is also hereby given that the
council and board of Msetsors of the off the pests. He also has s full line
city of Traverse
erse aty will meet at the of home-made harnesses, and an extra
connclI rooms
‘ said city on SeptemIS In
lot of plow harnesses, made for
19044. at 8 o’clock p- m.. to resaid asscMment roll, at which
time and place opportunity will be
gvM all persons interested to be
Makes rich, red Wood, and ransele
more rapidly than any known remedy.
DstM this 25tb day of Angnst. 1904.
It’s food for brain itod ner.es. That’s
Oty CM. what Holllater’s Rcmky Mountaili Tea
Is. 35 cents. Tea
Tableu. Johnson
NoBoa ef Sewer Aeeeeemeiri-Third Drug Co.
To J. A. Nickerson. John Wood. T.
LADIES! Belter look those sample
A. Monroe. .Warren Finn. John Barts,
CbM. Howard. John Lawrence. Wm.
Adelt. H. O. Joynt. E. O. BBIs. J. J. sortmeaL TbeyYl ^va you troa 60c 'THE VIOLIN, hM orgMiM a DANCE
Donn. a W. Curtis. C. W. DeZoete. to llAO par pair. A-V, FritedrielL
ORCHESTRA and ia raadF far danM
CM JMSP Ml ri* trempic M It, but H will cofM up cmllinff
time.- CrimMi*s ElMtlc Flooc
Vm^ K B. Welt A Sem, TraverM
Pink cheeks ud golden hair.
Blue eyes fall of glee;
Tbe ceeftt of her pretUness.
to Bocky Moimtoia Ten.
JohMon Drug Co.
60c to flAO per pnlr nl A.
Oiy^NMiMidMIWc^ Boiilfc SMt
MmBm Cm
z:srs:^..r«rro msAiEORmiiE
must for ante ar thria, on Kknwoed
tired for tbe night, leavtag tbe aa
a4 f fMmm city watar and batba. Hewett, Fred Colby. J. O. Kopps. J. W.
to batch OM la ble pocket. ’
Morse. P. a Miller. J. R Hawley.
kaiebed out perfectly, aad wbea PW- aim tsm fMtf tersna la Baaala couaty. Tboc. Boodrtm. W.. U Brown. R A.
and also ter a tew papHa
Beauty ReineiliBt
tMt iavM b«t tola IlM aM. Thoiwh
^ frlMai of Jiidf* Dodd* ud lh<hp*r VMiMuU JMB who IwUevcJ
«!«*• «mM to cboM an. locUnod
10 foal fbogrltod. rot all acrrc oo lb«
cxeallowso of tto Uckrt.
Tbo ooBblao of Wom-DeddaOf
inador. altboiwb II iKHolaatad O.
l at tbo oouot uain oevoral eooallaa bad aaaoaacod cbi
la tbi^ootoa.
Wllb Ooiraader aoaHaatod,
-oaoilKieaBt fMTU of tbo coaablao t
to diaotpM. aad tbo aoeoad
aboorad Attaraor Ooaoiar Bl
otroa* taooma for aoooad aad third
plaeo froB tbo oiart, «a|l la tbo load.
Cvtdoaoaa that tbo ooBbIno «ao In
Iona «ara fraqaoatlr 6dm. tot It did
Bot bara aelat aboa«b la tbo botlaatab aad laat tboB tabMlr later OB.
Oa tbo IbM ballot Ibm «ao a opir.
Had aoalaai baltraaa Blooro. Dodd,
aad MaAlvaii. baf'lbe.latter woo
arltbaal aaob tioable.
Ualr 1.^
aaadldato lor atloraey loaaral aad bli place am bare
i bf tbo ataia ooBBlu
-^alraaa OlokaBa .aid laat al>bl
IbaU. attoM laBo a caU to^ fbr
Bootlac of tba eoBBltlee
W a eaadtiSnrtt.’i.ld at oaoc
ibai be anr Ido bb dbarc b the cantmlKn.
Ai Itiair WM Bomliuued without op>
P^uioo for fttton
mtv no dlnuMBi
wfr from thnt ooBTentlon to wUlufy
The ooovo&tlon wm called to ord
hjf «iate Chalrmai* tMekemn
^XWIrmai* Dlekema ipoke mrongly lo
favor or Warner and thru caUe-l
Tboiaai Tawri of Grand 1Upld« to
I»r««ldr aa tamporary chairman. “For
liy In PoilUca- nrai. the keynote of hi.
poriM praeticglly every county
«*nator, O. P Cnrver and G. G. Bates
of Chlcaco went to Ne^ah^a wanU
thU momins to extend an invUatlon
the senator to address a meetina here,
bm much to their regret he was un
able to do so. as he Is due In Lincoln.
Nebraska, early next wreek to opt'n
the MmtuUtn In that lUte. The
tiandsomely reoelvad by
the senator and spent a pleasant hour
or two in his company. Traverse aty
people would have given the senator
a cordial welcome had It been possi
ble for him to make a date h«e. and
he expressed great regret at being un Special to the Evening Reconl
Petoskey. Mich.. Sopl. 8.-Every
able to do ao.
preparation has been completed heri
tor the big 1>. O. K. K. me^ tim: and
mombera of the order and their frie
are comlag in by boih boat and train.
The ofltoera arrived un the early
ABE OFFEBINO NO BETTEB BETA train aad made final lirtrangemenis for
hlg celebration.
THAN 4»/a TO t.
At 2 o'clock they met the stei
Mlasonrt on which the Manistee deleBooaevntt Men* as a Beault of the Vic gatlon of about thirty arrived,
o'clock a delegation of about fifty ar
tory In Vormofit Are OBeriiig
rived from Kalkaska accompanU-d by
the Kalkaska big band. The delegatioaa'from PelUton. Charlevoix. Mar
New York. Sept, g.—As a rest
lon and surrounding towns wer«
the victory of the lepuhllcana In
and the good showing made lu
At 8 o'clock tonight the grnnd pa
Arkansas, followers of Roosevelt
day offered money fiedy at 2 to 1. rade will be given. This will Ik* <
plete In every- detail and will iiu-lU'KParker
the usual and a great many un
alarmed apparently by the outlook,
and withdrew all offers at the prevail I usual foatnres. Fdliowing the parad •
Ing odds and offered nothing better the degree work will come off In ib.*
opera house, the day to conclude with
4% tot.
a banguet at the Arilngton.
and »ggmd John J. cartoc of
Flint for perMMcnt rhslrman and
-Doc" A. W. BMlth of Adrlau for
mary. -Tho CfioimHtM* m-otnmendetl BAYg VERMONT VICTORY It NOT
that the ihra# cfihdldauw be voUhI on
• -Ingle ballot, the one having thr^
blgbest number oC-votes to U* dwlartxi
Formally Accepted the Oeinocratic
nominated. The report 1
minatlofi Today. Chariee
The committee on resolutions resf
firmed the principles of the psrty and
Bjr Wire lo Ihe KvcbIbc Reoonl.
renewed nllegisnce of the party
state and national leaden.
i. Sept *.-Jud*o Alloa B.
I*arlier dellverod hU Icucr of acoepv
Charles B. Townsend of Jacki
preeenti^ the name of Attorney Gen
Of thf democratic preside
ersi Charles A. BUlr. C. A. Jont
oominatiim today. Charles W. Knapp
ivtrtdt pnetmied the name of Guy M. deitvensi tin- address on behalf of the
rtuwter cf Detroit. The name of AI- ommUtaH* to which Judge Parker re^
fred Wolcott was presented by George iwndt-d.
Mr, Knapp Is editor of the St Louis
C. A. PolBor pTMonitsi iho bobo m Republic. Judge I'arker prals^ the
Jnit- MeAlnr; U vor. H.M. Bar work of the public press, referred with
B«»to Jaato Btop,^. U. B. AI pride lo the past democratic admlnlan^ard pnweated Judge Ikidds* name C tmtlons which he said used every ef
w Nlrholo aaawd lWnuMl.r bbi’h! fort to practice eexmomy. inferred to
U. Or™ BWato Ja4,« 8l0«o. which
iho eatric.
dotoftBoaU aad ebartod tbo re•pwho. wto. AUpoaMMl wlih OB ato. pobllcaa toBlaUlrailoa wllb
«« uf Jud.. O. MbtAb Of Delroli, ,Bd
( In Ibo cotoun of in* goveiw
Tbo rcBoou Ih
lorrtac to tbo BBC. .r tbo fo
pablkaat to Vonaoat Jadgo Parkor
tloa tofWBBi
ItoK* aad OotnaAor wor* ahowa to to wall foaada. too hKM ptotoBM. .to
Ofi the Fennaylvania Railrt and la a Maas of Scrap.
By Wire to the E\ enlng Record.
Pa.. Sept. 8.—Two mea
were killed and four others Injun-*!
this morning by a runaway frelgbi
rain on the Pennsylvania railroad on
the horuehoe cur\-e. It Is a mass of
I. The dead are William Board
aged 48. engineer, and F. Toohry.
aged S8.
The most complete line to be found in: Northern
MieWgan including all the/latest productions from
home and foreign looms. Below we only quote<i few:
“Your clothes
better than
any I can get made to order," ,
Many of our customers say thi»—
we hear it daily.
We know it well enough, and often
it. but it's a great satisfaction to
hear customers acknowledge it.
You can go to lots of places where
you can get siiiU to fit you indiffer
ently well, nothing particular to find
' ■
28 inch Dagswayn Suiting
fault with, and certainly nothing to
brag about.
But thafs not the kind of a suit
you're looking for, and thafa not ths
36 mch Zibeline and Invisible Plaid
kind we offer you.
Fancy Mixtures including checks
ple will, if they note your appearance,
56 inch heavy Zibeline. positively Jorth
$1.00, in navy, brown and black
when we quote yoj $15, 820. 822 or
The finest line of Suitings includlngj^the
popular mannish effects also
Prince of Wales Plaids at.. •l-UU
p«*r«r In quality and '
We ll sell you a suit that'll make you
•at.sfied with yourself and other peo
say that your clothes are fauHlesa in
tot aorenir-aro locK
of the D. O. K. K. kn todair for Pvtookojr wtora a ito-bot time I. to practadar. The AOIacaaon wao'aocoB-
Stoart af ttaaAMIaa topt a.
BP WIN to tto Sroatoa Kaaato.
of tto 4
Ttoir ttaabaal ato Hlkod tor tbo'
Ma «n toaN toaajr tor M#a
Tarti Ktp aa haotoOM wMh tto Bala
toad aad an expoct the
bitBOal ttow of IhKr Urea. The Boot,
tog Mdar to eitoctad to be tbo toictot
•Tto told to Nottbera MIebtoaB. .
' eMAKato. torn la
W toir% wa*U,,toa. ^
Boom aiO Btato Bank Bldg.
tNitar of tto <
ineMT hna iMed n
of the eondttkm of
»of hne-
fit and style.
Our black goods department is now comple^ with all
the newest weaves and at popular prices.
You'll say
125 for
our prices are
our fine
Bloch Co.'o or tho Hart. Schafner A
Morx wit. or. bito eloo. .oodB.
Hamilton Oothing
s Company s=
rntototiAnhAtopi mi toti
•tnto ttofeto. m Mr, Blnir to wow tte
eawdlfinto of ton fitoty for iwntat
TWntotoMwtowIrn—Htii wait
to MM to fill too vwm
These Kooods are just the thing
• to tbo cMsentkm of toe north
for school wear, prices I2Mc 15c
western branch of toe Women's For*
25c and 50c
No brighter or cleaner commlr viU
k MiMlonnry aodoty held nt Book*
ever vlalt Traverse City to^ ibm *a>
ford. HI.. Oct. IM4.
toon Polltot
he aeea at Stelaberg's Grand noon
when Btepheaa A Uoton's compnay
Otorolt. Mich.. fiopt**i*-*Wr Ctog'
appears la lu funny sulcal comedy,
’f '
«he fall
(ton. old nwUto. w>o gnte bin port ns
"My Wife's Family.** * Tbe oompaay
>1 . r.-.„iuK uu. Wh.!
tte MlMlltl«i a th9 Panama «nwl.
Friends ef Miss Mauds Mocm. Who Is made up of anUU.
•Hi to *0C •wm to amrrta* Urn dlpto^
-Left ^ Oftoid flapids Tsdny. BM
I with being
is brilliant with aparkHag «B. catchy
M liai.rs.., ,h.>h,
MC ft Sm^ wtock «lto»a« to
Her Oeedbyi Lnto tunnlito
•oogx and prelty dnafek. The co» Stoves ih.. ^. 4,j |„. 1,^,1 ,,
Mir to bt^iNMPM ill tlia Abn
-TeU yqw h^ ; fi* happened.** nnid;
na.shlug a rav of sunshine Into a
tumes aml^ stage .i^tj^v are grand Uaubs K« ..
pn.ni Mr
CtorVto^l^«*r irMty.
Bill to toe oo«a.' **1 into made port; A ver^leeanat dancing party was and proves thal few
gh*.my rLK.m, by removing Ibe old
CBtf Sir toternaAttol of tba
enjoyed by n large number of young ness can-handle a oomimny like Hai
yMterdny. In to* evenin'1 pto nb
dmly i-aiiHi that has done duty st»
m4 to tb« MtaUtotkm of tto» Har
l*ople at tbe Academy last evening.
n store o* licker down nenr to* d<
lung, aud replacing it with a bright,
Stephens and Harry Untun can.
Panoefoia tfMty. vhlrh
*Bont *lMen o*Ckiek it got fw up Many numbers were danced and all
cheerful ingrain. ta|»et»tn’ or ’velvet,
m»to tbt Mto M4f aUol Ilia ClllltMl of Above; 1 eHpped me moorla’s nad e«t had a very happy time. Tbe party was
anything to suit your purse. ITiccs
tito tototod itotoa. aay« tbe CtMtoMlI n course for my unde's pISM. nenr In bemor of Mlm Maude Morse, who
OtoBtotoctol IVibttaa. But ilia dlplo- toe fort. It WAS pmty bonvy wewtber. left today for her new home in Grand
lu" . h. jiuru with a inn- foiin
MOle AomMt of OenMBy to aaoibar ittdge.
but J WAS footln* oonsldeimble Rapids. MlssMofse's many friends
U- • i-i
with the surc«*KA of
exfuss for rd. when I glgbtod .
I ov1-r.
la InlercsitM in our picture dlaill,,- ||♦.K*Gvc must’ Imthe tend of feativsis rUh lit local lolur., - ^ ikI :
Tha ptoiil of r.-aJ lalCTMi U t« lha ernftno
mnkla' for me* bout n square off tende<) many good wishes for bc*r fu- sm-h aa the Ftwst of the Vines. In Cen* I trui-. UiIs a pcrf.-cl uri\<
tolytoitogd of the PoAoma canal
owa j th it
ii:ilur.-*s owu liainll THE NEW STAMPING PATTERNS
Stvo If tbo Bnltod Buum ovor all oaDttrtng toe course of the evening, tn Canton VaUls. One of (be quaintest j
Thai Iiave Just Im-<ii nselvtil by
lui.l st>lc ii w.iul.l
Remember that I
Of the old Helvetian iK>i)olar feasu Is
we bad loU o* sea room, and light refreabments i
•ri.s. II...
lo kn..w Gcjt SmiHi Miss Heck are of su. 1. varU-iy that a
Tbo Praakfurtor Zaitunc om tbo
» Zurich annual ceiebrsthm. kujwii
I keto to my course. As we got
10c worth (omdy excepted) yen
tic- |. .t ...II iin> Eiistiun varkHica wt.iuau finds it dimcull to chts».e bendVMHntoo and to not alow to point
aa toe Mecbaelsuten. HiU cnirlous fete
T I see tbe other fellow s1n‘l
tbaa out to Oortnanr. It banco out
c*u get a ticket on the picture*
steady at the wheel, an* I edges off
toy soul
done or buy the iiaiierns. The method
advtoinc Qen
little, but he wouldn-t take no rooi
le death of WIntqr and the birth of!
aad whes you have traded $2.00
^*.1 .lai. . »|ii, h is H long miNleJ ustHi is on tbe fttiufi
to prapara for tbo otorm of Amo
and bears riglit down on me. At that filsur Bam Boll Htam Is After Mere Slirliig
rox. IN. Ill 1)1 Ibo styles a choice fer paper and can Ih- used on linen,
4imda nod oommorc* in porto wbare
you'emn then got any picture I*
The feaUval UVin* at H o'clock on ^
shove* me helm bard over mad runs
ivitl. IMUIUI. Hiiuiirc. ob silk, glass, china and even for wtsil
Glory But Wants a Little Tl^
Onnax. tbanko to tbo Suoz canal,
le morning of Se«-haeluutei). w 11111*11]
off to leeward, but be comes alsmt
this famous collection for oitfy
to Practice.
now boldo the advantaco In dial
of gajly attiretl Iwys and 1
rosse* me l»owa. an' then, maklu'
.l.iluK plM.ios. Uric.-s Heck. Hie MillluT. E Frtmi SI.
giris la formed to escort tbe snow luiiu !
And la abiUty to ftU order* more q
S9c additionai. We bow have
•bout seven knota. he runs blH U.w*
Sinn, the defeat of tbe J. W. fllaliT lu tbe great public square, called Stad | $2 <«• 1
ly tbao Uoy can bo filled la tbo United
sprit Into me lop hamper and wn^ ks base ball team by the Hannah A Lay tbaus|>latx. Boya dreastd as plerrots |
plenty of cou)>on tickets for all.
g ,
me aloft." and here the old Ur cxhlhll MercanUle company team, the former drag the car on which the portly snow
N. wporl—Our daiigbKli ps the “Hragon** in his sho?
r to carirully preparad flc
so come right
ed a pair of black eyes to the court team does nut enjoy suffering the con man standi along the narrow stns-U of f .
*<lckly. Gave her siiirr. one lias only to sfep In and s(v>
HIM tto Oarman nawopaper flndi
These Pierrots
plcrrots are rollowtHi
foliowwl I|
minted to a nose that was sUghlly sequential pangs and baa again Issued old Zurich. mesc
toUowlac aarlBco for tbe Ui
iilea of ki.lgbts In armor. |
^Mouiitslii Ttw. Now for liliM.M If. II i.^ in I he shaiM* of a
first served.
out of shape.
a-dell to any team that thinks U eSu
t the various guilds lu tbe-ir |
' < li.-.-kiHi healthy nnd happy. light W.-igl.t. selected fine shot- for
Btntao. tabioc tbo poru of Hamburg
"He done me oonaldermhle damage. play ball, amateur or professional Th.pictiin*si]ue (Mstuuies. i-ow ! 3 j cut.. T.-a or Table! s. Johm-on men with tender f.H-l. hating tm Up
nad of Now York as illuatratloDs
Judge; but ha didn't put me o,,t o' game la to Uke place in 1910 and the herders, fisheruien
uimI cluw tui. u ltb a I'ltru}: ( o
tti hurl the t«H-s nor nails tir thread tu
.y^om liamburg to Jiunickong. vU
bearing the
figure of!
8na>. tbo dUUaco Is 10A42 tnautloal) action, an' In course I engages him. furnlture team alau reaerves the right Bprlng in the rear.
shie. Price irt^ag. Also has the cidt
I was makin* tolerable exocuthm. too, to postpone the game If necessary.
.king Vet
mlloo; from New York. H.6d6 miles.
skin man's
of light weight, tough
This figure of Spring is gn-eti-d with
when he lets out a couple o' dihi
LC8T YOU FORGET w-eurlug stis‘k'. and never p«i‘ls up or
However, the purse Is to be from |6 the cheers of the crowd of onlojkcrs.
Via Panama the Hamburg mercbant
signals, but I wouldn* show him no to I6U0. Apply to K. DeYuunge or Who have tunwd out to make merry. That the h
U fBpHnga medicines gels har.l. Prlce|2 t*b.
gaina nothing, but tbe Non York mer
on what to Uiem Is the greatest fete | have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV
chant gains 707 miles, tbe distant to
" 'Bout then a cop hove Ui. qml tbe
HoBikong tr6m New York being Iosh
! you. For
tale by all first claaa i
miles. From Hamburg. other craft claps on sail an' he s bull
down when the Jigger comes up with SiM'clal to Ibe Evening Rec<ird.
tU fiaPL^to kfelbourne, ibo dUUnce
me. In course. I was dlKsl.h d and
to 12^7 mlloo) from New York. 12.TRY A, RECORD WANT AD.
mease pik*4*f wood. Ai this sta^e tl.e
600.. uhillo Hamburg will gain noth oouldnt pursue him. and the officer Martin was sent to the Northern Mich festivities iir*> iiiterru|itci by lum bcm. I
log Id that dlsunre
of tbe didn't pay no attention to my ^.Ignals. Igan asylum for treatment yesterday. aikl tbe crowd dlspersA-s uiiUI afier-1
C. a. Towley aurted for Missouri
he Jest lays me aboanl. and 1
w hen ;nK>lIi«-r iiiul mu. li iiioir- tiu
f*anaiDa canal, the Zetiung points out
Itoriiiiit fuiictJ.m takes phi.v. A pro
that Now York will sa%e about S.OOO fetches up at the Woodbrl.l^:. street ytoterday morning. He toiik his fam ivssion of guilds Is foriiml. will, each
lly In a covered wagon.
mtlos. the distance from New York.
George Belllugg. who has been in member dn-HioNl In ilic costume of l.is
wa'n'l my fault. Judge. I
Ota panama, being reduced to 10.427
craft, os 111 iiicliaeviil tltiu-s. followed
wouldn't o' scraped the paint on that the United States service In New by a long line of arii*Gcally dtsoralei'
But tbe moat Imporum 4em of com guy if he'd a steadied his wheel, but York harbor fur the past three years,
again at^iome._________
plalat from Frankfort Is with refer* be runs foul o' me when I m layln* In
proevasiou I
^ the Stndlhausplati.
trough. You w on'l mak.* no mis
; wnco to tbo trade df Japan and of
the Hogg is uwalUng Us do,«u.
take letlln* me go. Jc*dgc I'll leave
China. - Ftom Hamburg to Yokohama.
The iKvne now btH-oim-s im»it pictur
%to Bure, tbe dtsUnce la 12.631 miles; port this afternoon."
Among the New York bricklayer* esque. Tbe crowd of ouliMAers. s.-\cnii
With that assuranw th. court let the lowest w age is |2Clh) a week, and thousand strong, gathers round tl>r
from New York. 13.6C4 miles. Via
n ht" was the lUghcat Is over $60.
bogg. while the neighboring lake Is
Panama. Hamburg gaina jiothlus.; him off and when last
The pmpi ller* of the fast sutu lioaU dotted with iKMits fllle.1 with iK*..pIe
while tbo dUtanpe la leaaened between bowling along b**fon^ a k-khI breexe
revolve L3S0 times a .minute, giving Uudenioath tbe liogg stand a iiuiu
New York and Yokohama to O.W.'i with fair prospectp pf making tbe cUy a xpeed of twenty-fl«'e miles an hour.
her of men. torch )n hand, all rwidy to
milea. a gain of 3.720 mltea over tbo ImiU before upon.
Um.per mines In Michigan have la* put tbe pile on fire wlu-n the slgi,;,i is
Oennan port. The Onal aomming up
mwsed In number from lesa than given. This algnsl Is a boom uf WA*
of tbo Zeiiung Is that In abipments to
7.0UU tn 1803 to more than 14.000 In from the belfry near by. As soon us
As any rooin in the house. You arc there one third of your time. You only
life to live^ mo m.ise
given the Hogg is In flames, nnd tlie
Japan. Fhlna and Australia *‘the dt
that as pleasant aa possible.
Puring tbe year ended Jane 30. 1003.
elded advantage will Im‘ with tb< Content to Eat Up the Cadillac Oirla'
$1,461.0334170 was spent for alcoholic
United mate* ••
Fudge Bui Wont Soentf Thsir
and other sUmuUUing bei erages In tbe anow man a loud explosion lakes plac e
Money on Them.
Undiiuhieill). ihi* detided advantage
ahatterlng the Bogg to pkiiic. 31,|J
United Rtaltw.
wUl Im- with the I nlied tHates. TbGrowers of tbe fatuous Roi-ky Ford U to procUlm to the iNqiularo
iHiiidltlon. de cantaloupe at Rocky Ford. Uolo . rcinut winter ha* really pas«eU away and
adiamage U with tbe United Utotes
We have some goods you should sec at once. Then you would own some this same week. It is really no
today so far as sii|H riority of go«>ds plorable, too. In CwdilU* the H\enLns an uverage net return of $160 an acre that spring I# «l Lnucl. The cluvr* of
exaggeration to say that this display of furniture is the finest ever brought to the city. .
the crowd liicn-uiM-. while all tlie
Is otmeemed In I«!mi Great Britain News publishes tbe following iMfUtloo for tbe season of llMCl.
Eight hundred young men nnd wo comes to an end. and tbe ,Ki.ple o
etported giKNls to Japan u1 the value hy four young women w iiu are eligible
men. cviuesenling tw«*nty
of fI3.iMMi.non. In the
for matrimony:
Zuricb return to, ibeir homes to lu
j^ei-ent nmfcreuce of stu dulge in iMimim^iiig. aud dauciiu
This U a cttniplaint from repreeenta
eiports of the I'lilted 8ute* lo Jai»an
dent voliinttvni at yMliiburgb to dis which bring tbe day to a cIuh». r„!.the girls of (TiKlina.. wh.i cry for re
wen^ of the value of f3.«MM..<MH»
cuss **ilie Kvimgellxatiou of the World and restaurants are k«*i>t opru
and silver.
Are now an indispensible piece of furniture for the
Drawrers for yc
1*|>1 oprii nil U4
1SM»3 Great llritatn i *|iurt.'d to Ja|»an lief from the conditi.m that has pre lu Thla Generation."
ware and p(aces for the larger pieces of silver. No r
. quite fu ■nish«tl wlilmiit
vaih‘d since Uadi I Is. was founded
gcMKis of the value of |2|,n6o,
Tlie hiuiM-hlng of a giniit ateamslilp seiubled from tbo vUlages of Ua.
show the aHisf* handiwork. We have the finrit that was ever sojd for $15.00. A special offer for this seathe United Stales followed closely on We refer to the utter I fish ness of the for traffic on the great laktw upon tbe too roiitluue their rejoldugs uulll iJ,,
northern border of the United htatea small hours of (ho umruiug.
her heel* with eaports of tbe value of city's young mew. They are coi
son. - Then there are the higher price* at 620.00. $22.50. $24.00. $27.00, $32.00.
to alt around our b«)m«.s. allowing us U the cleartwt evidence of the iiing
Tbe origin of the KeL-bsc-Iauten is uu
to fan them, to «wl our fudge, and In nlHcent progreaa of Ibe prosis-rous known, but dates bat* to tht- dav* ..t
With that showing made by
cities upon the fresh water Ls-eaus Wmiurn Tell and of other ch,v,h d
United 8tates~dlslante l,elug favor return bestow the hh xsing of their from t'blcago to Buffalo. Tlds nqiub
falsa traditions.- New York Tribui.e
able to Great Britain—what will b« company uinm us. But when aaj- Uc Is Uklng ho backwsnl sbiw.
Though smaller in size, are Just as necessary as the
the hhoM iiiK of the United Hlatea when thliig comes up involving an expi-pdi$100 Reward. $100.
they get them. too. if they want Gu in n al i.H.l 1 Yon
want Hu m- just as soon as you see thifm. They )
lure of money, that
a different mat*
the mer* liants and tbe
ter. If smiles
>..ung men any^
*»f Ainerlea will be en|
beauties—the finest work the great factories turn out.
Tbo readers of this paiM-p win
not be in Geer's pleased to learn that there is at h lu-i
tom T. 2:07^.
Japan via the Panama canal, distance thing they would mu i.e ,*o generoos
tiling very largely In their favor, with «vea with them. HuH. a thing as tak •tebie tills ^son.
one drtwdtil lUsease tliat Rci»-nre Iuh
Tbe faat hnmarited Callforaiafr»uMr
ing their aweelbeartH tmggy Hding.
hiwer freight rharges In
'been able to cure in all its aUges. au-l
or to the theater. .*r sr-ndlng them toMwey. brotber to Ottiager.
.It ix lo U‘ reineniU red that
that Ik Catarrh. lla:ra Uaiarrlj f.ii.
dtafi reoemiy.
The best li^e we have ever carried and the largest assortment in the city. Ail manner of fancy carved legs
ama canal, which Is to give to toe sweets, flower*, book^ or music, la uaKentucky Ztar, 2il8^ will be shifted is the only positive cure now known 1and the finest finish that it known. A ^splendid six foot extension table for $^.7S up to the best at $354)0.
I'nitc.l Siatex the decided advantage knuwn.
the medical fraternity. Catarrh Im uu
> the trot tUta season and will be
t*v. r Germany and Great Briiala. If a
I tbe Hrodrille (Mass.) mstloccs.
a consliuiUonal disease, n-quir. - s
triumph for Thc^idore Roosevelt. It U
Will Nlcbola of West Liberty, la., n- coostltullooal treptmenL Hair* .'a
MUy Bold a two-year-old by Red larrh Cure is uken Inu-rnally. actn.«
to his nrmntws. dilllgence and capacity
ior acinm Ue l‘.nama canal will be Fhll Shormtr Mode a Big Hols in the GamaleoD. 2:1C|L to I>r. Jay of that directly upon tbe blood and mu.-««N
Any style that you may wish—a i any price that will please your pocketbook. There are wood seaL can#
|^c« for $403.
But escapoo Unhurt,
due. DH.re than i» any man or to any
L. G. Hayes, tbe Toledo trainer, will surfaces of the system. tlu-rebN d«, box seat, solid oak. oak
tr, leather upholstered. All prices from $5.00 for set of six to $3LO0.
^•hllo helping sr m.- passenger* Into
of mcm _____________
ttave that gq^ half mile pacer John troying the foundation of the dls. a.i»‘.
launch at the passenger dc
Henry Walm^, 2:14Vk back In bis sU- and giving toe palleui strength io
plank broke under uhii Shermcr pad UetbU season. )
building up toe coBsUtutkw and
teg nature 1a doing Its wfwk. The |
AUle Wood.
' Late >.‘sterday afternoon It looked
from tbe Injiify which cut bl* 19U3 proprietora have so much faith in
as If ftif reptil.iK>an mimlnees far toe
leampalgB abort and will be raced curative powers that they »^.r One
suprvnu bench would be Outimnder.
agate tills year
Hundred UoHars for any case tiuit It
iKxlds and titeere. but while Mr. Os
Jkftlato. fi:17^ ta said td be abowlng fall* to cure. Send for list of te.stltrander secured toe aomlaalioa. on
taro minute apeed In hla work at tbe
moDlala. Address
rteatoatoo (Cat) track. He Is te
first ballot. Cbarle* A. Blair and Judfib
F.J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O
^ V IIcAHmt
Sold hy draggteu. 76c.
somow hat of a ttfrpriM. bto toe ntoalTake Halit PamUy m, for oonstl-
Hnfi • Cofiloton, Wm I
;THt TmUMPH OF iiooMV«i:r«
.. . f" -
The Dining Rooin
Should be Furnished as Nicely.
Havd you seen our new dining room Furniture?
Side Boards
Dining Tables
Dining Chairs
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piario, and the Famous Farrand Organs
; f
I ;
: :
list that bo was sure to have a maporlty.
Severai changes were made before
Mrs. and Mm. VVed Slpher of Tev
the result was announced, and the
ledo. Ohio, are guesU of iholr son. Dr.
toUl vole Anally was as follows:
McAlvay. j694; 8twrc. 342. and L. F. Slpher.
W^ebbor Nichols of Detroit n^tumed
Dodds. 154. I
>me this morning after visiting
On motion of Congressman Bishop
McAlvay was declared the unanimous Frank Alvord for a few days.
Mrs. Henry Jensen of Grand Rapids
ent to Bmpire this morning after
madlng a few days In the city visit*
• of Bayonn.
N. J..
of this city, is in the
Sen Had.an city visiting relatives and to meet his
lieen visitiUcItlno tsperitnoeThla Mamlng
lag here for some time.
But Bacaptd Unlnjursd.
List of Men Whs WIM Serve at the
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bare of Ithaca.
September Term of Court. OponMich., returned home this morning
A. L
ins 4be Twontyuixth.
aged 15 yearii. of the PenlnsuU had a after visiting P. H. Bare and family
runaway this morning on Tenth street
The followujK Jurt»rn for the Beptcni ihsl might have resulted seriously.
Mr. and Mrs. James Jarvis of OvJd.
her lerin of e«iurl. which convenes Both ciccupants were thmwa from the who have been visiting friends in the
Brpt. 26. hsv, into M-leeted by Jus* rig but furtunateiy only sustained diy. spent yesterday at Old Mission.
ticee O. W rums w„| a. K. Illnghsm. slight bruises. •
and Mrs. James JsrvU and Mr.
SberlS U. tl t’hsndUr an.l County
The horse's iiecame frightened by and Mrs. Perry of Ovid returned homo
Clerk Roliert Wnlifr*
having the whimeine breaking and this tnomlng afters fdw days vlsltlm;
Herbert Cermlrhai-I Grant town striking their legs. They
In the city with P. H. Bare and family .
A party cons
of Robert McKeubadly frightened that Che lH» could
B. J. Bridge. OrtM t,
• j *1**.
sir. wife
wire and friends from the south
hold them and they
ey ran Into s
Hark McCarry.
l.ake town hllchlng |KMi( nmr Mr. Smith's renl part of the state; Maurice Decker sod
dence ufier running about a block, wife and friends: Mr. Patrick and wife
I’hllip Srblehtel. Msynelil towiwhlp whore iKjih were thrown out. The went to Nc-ab-U wanla this morning
Ksrl 4. Case. Paradlff lownahlp.
horses continued iheir dash and near to spend the day and have a plcuic
Wra II. Johnson. Penlnnuls town the e<uner of Tenth aad Maple street*
E. 8. Pratt ft making
they struck another pi»st where one
James Watson. IiniHewxier town I»f the horses was thrown and both north ttalay.
were caught.
Floyd and Kirk Campbell of Pontiac
Frederick A. Scharmso. Uniou itiwn
The buggy was tiadl) demotlshei returnod this morning after a visit
*>h**Iy with Miss Oeorgletia Ebner
4>. B. Wyokoop. nr.t w.rt,
Charles Hale of Sand Lake returned
I hies were dlsirlbuicd along the street borne Ibis morning after a few days'
James Converse. Second ward. Trav(rlghiened team.
visit la tbe city with his brother. Ass
•rae City.
Hsie of Seventh street.
Wm. Courtade. Third Wartl. Trav'
Edward Sprague and family of
Grand Rapids are In the city for a
E. H. Po|K*. Fourth ward. Traverse
short visit
Young -Paopls Ware
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Thomas of Kata
Marriage Today.
Wm, Richards. Fifth ward. Travmaxoo returned borne this morning
erse City.
John M. Hollinger and Miss Emma after a visit In tbe city with Mr.^nd
Ralph Bstes. Acme township.
Mook. Ivith of Suiions Bay. ware Mrs. A. L. Bachaat
Glen A. Brigham, Blair township.
united In marriage this morning by
Mlu Levla Dawley of Cadillac rtv
Frank W. Smith. Bast Bay township. Rev. EngdU rd at the Congrogational turaed borne this morning after a visit
chnrcb at Suttons Ray. Mist Mook la^tbe city with friends.
Brnem Loop. Fife Lake township.
, Frank Dunn. GarAcld township.
was a popular young tady of Sottoas
Mia. John KIbler of St Joseph Is
GMrge Riley. Grant township.
Bay aad Mr. Hollinger Is tbe hustling tbe guest of Mrs. Clyde Peck for a few
, D. B. Craadell. Groen Lake town Jeweler of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollinger patted
W. G. Newiand of Bentcm Harbor Is
Wesley Conklin. Long Lake towc- through tbe city tbta morning oa their la tbe city for a week on biulneM aad
- ’ Ship.
way to St. Louis for a ten^y weddlag to visit his stater, Mitt 1. Newtaad.
Prter Anne. MayAe^ townshipMlu Mae ^ek Is visiting In Grand
The 4irlde was awceUy gowned la a Rapids and Klkh^ lad.
Wm. HUl, Paradtas township.
beautlfal while i
Mn. Bda MePtamId and atater, Mlu
GoUlna or Chleago.' left today for a
jaad blue taffeta. She was
few days' visit la Northport.
MIS MAROARCT M*KELLAR. far by ber alcoe. Miss Blaache Btelmel.
J. a Pike went to Walton thta morn
rbo carried white aad plah roeea. aad Ing on a tamlaoH trip.
he groom hy Fted HoUlager aa beet
W. W. Smith wm taave Ula evealng
tor Omaha. Nah.. oa a boMnott trip.
aterooptleoa fWwe la India and its
Mteott Kate HolHager aad Anna He will be aeoompanled by hta daugh
psople. This la oab of the amet later- tadham were maids of honor aad MU.
ter. Mitt Grace Bmlth, u tor as Chlaatlag ai^||aMi^jq|^ the year and all lary Mle ptayed the^wedding mainh.
Tqui.................... im
Tlite Mkea ns »ar» >uplli in tb«
kMmI acbooto Ihaa last /ear. In IMS
tlMT* wars I.7M puplla wbkii wouM
^n lit mom piiplU tbaa two yonn
bfo- !■ 7*^ Mil* i« t)»« lariwt ohid
W «f pvjrflt tbal ba« nrer W an
roim ia (be ecboolt. The oaly falllag
off la la (be illcb acbool. wbare there
are It lea.
By gradiM In each bulldinf (be enrollaMit U a. follow.:
la (be Central building tbe Rtgbth
gra^. 44; .eventb grade. 43; .Uin
grade., 4S; firth grade, 46; fourth
grade. 46; third grade, 46; Moond
grade, 47; irat gradP. 47; kindergar
tea. i4: reUef room. 34; total. 450.
ta tbe Oak Pa/k eclniol tbe eighth
giadii ti; aetrentb grade. M; .lath
grade. M: trtb grade; 41; (bird grade,
dt; •eeoad.grade. St; tret grade. 4t;
ktodargaitoa. ti; total. 577.
la tbe Boardnan avenue building,
eigblh grade. 57; eov<«th grade, 40;
alttb grade. 35; gfib grade. 4S; fourth
grade. 37; third grade. 40; aocond
grade, 41: kladergarten. 55; ungraded
room, ft; total. 576.
la tbe naiwood avenue M^boolrThe
eigbtb grade. 51; seventh grade. 25;
grade. tfk,Afth grade. 41; fourth
1#^ l^rd grade. 56; Muxini
45^ drit grade. 46; kindergar*
>a. it: relief room. 15; total. 583.
la tbe south primary lirbool the and
grade has lamaty-ali aad the klndergartea 52; total. 45.
At tbe gtale atrtnM school Is the
roartb grade which relieves the Oak
Park butldlng.
their support rapidly.
Mrs^ MAIeolm Winnie, whose death
icb preusare was brought to bear
oa Chalrmaa Carton to try to get blm came as n\nnt shock to her friends
yesterday aflemooa. was bom In
allowed so that tbe result jmigbl be North Mndleou. Ohio, flfty-one years
► knowB. He would aot so rule, ago. She waa married to Mr. Winnie.
aad Eaally tbe matter was aetUed by a Deo. i. im. While abe has been fn
m made by J. O. Murin of DeiroU poor health for severml years, she was
Umt tbe rules be eospended aad Mr. only critically ill for a week, death
Blair be made the unanimoae choice. being eaueed by Bright s dlscaae. She
This was done and tbe result of the leaves two children. Mrs. M. Winnie.
ballot was not announced. It could noi Jr., and Frank Daniels, both of thU
be known deflnltely. for In tbe hnbbub city. Funeral services will be beld at
lies that changed their votea were tbe borne on Stale afreet tomorrow
badly mixed up. However. It was sure afternoon at 2 iiclock. Rev. D. Coch
line offlclatlng. The funeral will be «n
that Blair bad over 600 votes.
large of H. L. Carter.
Mrs. Aitnnic was a woman of stcrconvention for the unseemly tangle In
worth, loved by all who knew her.
which it hid allowed lucif to get In
she will not only be greatly
‘•If we can't do business In an or missed In ber home life, but among a
derly and seemly manner at these Ju* wide: circle of friends.
dlclml ettnvenUons. the jioople of Mich
Charloite Christina Lalone. little
igan will abolish convention alto
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard
gether.* he^ld.
There were but three candidates In Lalone of 530 Prospect street, died
the Odd for the third ballot. The last night at 8 o'clock of cholera iu
Ooolldgc fantum at the age of one year and
gth had iKcn dissipated among twenty-four days.
The funeral service will he held to
other candidates and Steere. McAlvay
and nodds were the only ones left In morrow forenoon at 10 o'clock from
the race. All tbe west and south Mich the residence. Rev. J. W. Miller of
aad L. a CurUs will have
igan ftrenglb went to McAlvay, and It
could be seen when half way down the charge of tbe funeral.
ahoald plan to hear H. Admlaaloa Id
well-known and v^ pteaalng sales
man. being now employed In tbe cloth Offloa of Jens C. Petersen. Architect,
ing department of Ue Boston store nf
No. 5M State Bank BuUding. Trav
A snow plow of the G. R. A I. road this city. His mai^ friends here will
erec aiy. Mich.
which has been standing on the side heartily join in oongratulations and
Sealed bids will be received until 4
track near William Beltner's milt all good wishes.
clock p. m. Sept. 15th and then
stumer, was taken to Grand RApids
opened at tbe office of the county»clerk
this morning and will be repaired fo.^
at Bellairc. Michigan, for the erection
tbe coming winter.
of a county building and court boose
Clyde Peck. Areman on one of the
local Q. R. A 1. passenger trains. Is Traverset City wilj Hava a Scboal af and furnishing material and labor for
% for Antrim county. Michigan,
taking a few days* vacation.
xns and speclAcations may be ex
One of the Anesi Ltudlos ever in this
8. M. Brown's condition Is very low
amined at the office of iho arcbltcci.
and It Is very doubtful about his Im diy will be kx*ated on the second Aoo«Jens
C. Petersen. No. 509 State bank
of the Wilhelm bicirk on Union street.
proving during the next few days.
ling. Traverse City, Mich., and at
Qui'en City camp No. 573. Royal Instruction will lU given In piano,
organ, musirsi hlijtnry and harmony. the office of the county clerk. Bollalre.
Neighbors of America, will hold
. Said puns and speclAcations
To these will Ih* adjded violin and voice
regular meeting tomorrow evening.
be obUlned of the county clerk
s soon as arrangt^ents can be made.
The superior wo^k done by Prof. W. or the architect by a deposit of ten
Smith during h^s short stay In this dollars (flO.OO) which will be returned
ty has awaken^ a deep Interest if plans and speclAcations are returned
nong many iteorfe In this city. His in good condltloD.
Lafayette Yeung Man' Took Popular
The building
to be constructed of
methods of InstfuetJon. his under
Traveree City OIri for Hit Bride
standing of child 'nature, his scholar pressed brick, cut stone and steel and
ship and fiat U nci combine to make will have state roof.
berUAed check of Avc per centum
A pretty wedding was solemnized him the teacher timl he is.
Ane technliie and thorough In (5 per centum) nf amount of bid must
last evening at the homo of Mr. and
areomiiany proposals, payable to the
Mrs. AUhtI Brown on Wes! Front terprctatlon will j>e an Inspiration
rounty clerk, to be forfeited to lh-i
stre<*i. the contracting |>artie8 being
county If successful bidder falls o
B. R, Milhous of Lafayette. Ind.. and higher studies In tuslc.
;itc contract and furnish bond ef
l*rofesKor Smith will return to 8t
Miss Allle Jarrett of Traverse City.
(1-3) of the amount of con
Miss Fannie Jarrett was the bride*, I^iiis and ship tie furniture and Ax
ict price for t^o proper completion
ires m*cessar>
l»egin the work.
maid and Vernon Bayer wsls the (test
said Imlldlngjlccordlng to plans and
The leaching will l>egln within a
man. The maids of honor were MIssei
speclAcations. i
Minnie Brosm, Agnes Ssyer. Bertha wet^k or ten days. All students wish
The architect and building commit
Warner. Bessie Jarrott, Eva Jaquisb, ing to register ^or work will leave
tee r<*serves the right to rc'joct any
Blossom Sayer. Daisy and Irene Ja their name. stitH|t and number with
and all bids.
tbe Grinnell Broth music house.
qulsh. nieces of the bride.
By order of building committee.
Rev. J. W. Miller was the offlclatlng
Wm. J. Bennett, chairman. Emit Jor
minister. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Ken
dan, Mich.
nedy were also present. Rev. Kennedy
Clark E.A>cnsmore.
of Los Angeles
making the dosing prayer. Aliout
County aork. Bellalre. Mich.
known as
Bfly guests were present. Iwenty-Ave have formed1 a ualque club
tbe Hundred Year Vlub. Its mem
being from out of the dty.
bers having for the prime object lon
The bride s gown was fashioned of gevity. says njlkm Angeles dlspstcb.
champagne colored silk crein* de By sdenflAc esrq for body and mind
chenc over silk of the same color. Her It U expected tfa^t iU members wlU
bouquet was a shower of white car live to be a hondrwl years old or more.
nations. The bridesmsid was dressed Tbe society will be romjfortab^y boused and there will bo provided a Ubrary
In cream silk mall, her bouquet being of hygienic literature and a course of In
white daisies. The maids of honor struction as to the proper care of tbe
were dressed In white and rarrk'd body, while mentality will receive doe
lark red Aowers. Delicious refresh conalderstion. Women who have at
ments wore served by Mrs. Bn»wn tained the age of ninety years wdll lie'
admitted wltboui fee and will be en
titled to tbe privileges of tbe club with
^ « UV |JIV1
out dues or other expenses. The pres!-
snd beautiful.
Mr. Milhous Is a promising young
business man connected with the Chi
Mgo. Indianapolis A Ix>ulsvnic rsll-1
say. Miss Jarrett is one of the most
ftoputar leachoni of Grand TraveniC
and Benzie counties. Mr. and Mrs.
Bllhoua are both devoted church
Mr and Mra. Mllhoua will take ih.^
Pore Marquette train for Chicago,
connecting with a apectal train for tln |
conventlon at Buffalo to which Mi j
delegate. After vUUln. |
other points of Intereai in the East.'
they will bi> at home to their many
frienda in Lafayette after OcL 15.
That's whalJBM^^I^ tata
but this one Is different; IKTR
silk manufactured ex|irt'saly for
use and every yard has on the
selvedge, the Milllken guaran
tee. that mf«ns that this store
is back of ever)’ yard that 2s
sold. If the silk proves unaatfactory In wear you get your
money Uck without any quib
bling. You can rest assured
that we consider this a pretty
good silk or we would not bo
willing to allow our name lo
apiwar on the selvedge.
This Is a 27-Inch, m*ft. lus
trous silk. If you like a silk
whme quality appeals lo you, a
prtw that Is oonslstcnl with the
quality, this will please you.
IxMik for MILLIKBN on the
.............. flow^ nrv MiMxl for the
triniralug of gowns this summer, and
even rarriugc rrttM-s Uhvo a Aoner or
two cnisho.1 ngilnst the girdle, says
York I'fcss. Flower trimmed
Mra. Hamilton Fish Wclmter
„ re.-ent luncheon h. .Newport
a pale yellow piuslln gown with a
broad glnlle of yellow silk. Two ornngt-liued rtowom %vere luckdllnto
Universal Stoves and
These AoWers saved the gown
but for ma
I this Aower fnd Is not safe.
Omm •• vntm^ Vmt Bla«lsa.
The Japanese guvernnient In For
mosa hna decreed the nlxdltlon of foot
binding Id the Island. A Ane of 5100
and Court
will be Imposed for every breach of
the law. and rhlnese girls under six
jears of age ^bose feet have been
bouQd must now have them unbound.
Travsrtt No. AS5, I
Court Traverse No. 853. Foresters..
held a Joint meeting last night In thelc'
>mll. Twenty-six candidates wore la-;
mated. A abort program was given t
consisting of:
Ptano aolo. Frances Smith.
RecluUon. Alberta Lehman.
Ptano solo. Mabel Moody.
Plano solo. Nellie Prause.
Ptano solo. Uta Peterson.
Address. Deputy High Chief Ranger
Geo. E-Foote.
Refreshmenu of Icc cream and cake !
tofQ (g their ustural shape. Chinese
mothera are making a great lament
over the enactment, bht'ln a few years
ring iM tbs law will be aced to have teen wise.
TBc Only Plan-Pay As You Gan!
A German cb^mUt, Ur. Heuncr. pro
poses to buy up all cocoaunt olla and
Never before have we shown such a largo assorfmenl of high
transform them Into -vegetable let
grade stoves as we now have on iftsptay In our basement. Unlrcrter.- s ttvory. toodwona and succulent
sal stoves and ranges are sbsulutdy the Anest In design and coib
substitute for [true bnrier. says tbe
slrucUon of any stoves shown Ibis season Call and be convinced
Loodoo Globe, irocoanut oU. like butCommence now by making a small payment each week and your dtove
ter. contains 7 pier cent of soluble odds
-namely, butyric add oud capric or
will be nearly paid for when you need IU
easy payment plan ta
decyllc add. f^hlcli give a pleasant
.80 easy and ttUsfactory that nundreds arc Utatng advantage of h.
aroma to butter and have a taste of
BURGLARS AND SNEAK .THIEVES hazel nut. Cocfa batter coutelus le«
As well as Arc make It unsafe to keep water tban trof butter and wlH keep
money about the house or on yonr pni^ Aftera or twenty dsy
daya without ahow■on. Depoalt your funds In People's Ing any acid rvjsctlon. Tberefore It Is
Savins, bank, drawing It an you need useful ia maUnh paati
It. ntalient n antoty box fa their ateel has also been fdund by trial the better
antiseptic against tofeetloo by nrivnnlU for yow vnlnnble pnpera. Tbel mta. ud u It I. ^ dit«llMe tk*
bank tomlshtt cheek books tree of Tsitow bwrto kt hcOtk kar. not *k>
ehnne. Baying bills by cheeks Is the
j ____ .
beat way ofj^lng. Bach check mak
ing n receipt ter yon.
M tiM bt«ck. •nd It U
^ (kt ifi^
MX to iM
tboadit tiagr coaM oHl IbHr calke^
thno for flMTo la tbe imifxl Matca
» aiMiiilW IW mtmw^ «t Lr»- tkaatkrrtMMMatkoaia. Uuurctpf
aro of tlio
u:tl§ vl»l»r«hr IlM. with
ktf notlMr la a fMMoaxblo poit oT
but ^u:es wtlttag to tell bow
Ko«r TortL It l0 mM bj 1
ha expects t&fmrt with l
ttet abt IMO nado ttda di
-Vmi see,- Jto wont on. “it ta a bard
Ilia kaa «f f«alalBo offovt
or thing to wim moo^y tlmn moat
folka Imagtoe-that la. to spend it Ir
the right way. Indnatital arboola an
mj hobby-not only Induatrlal aehoob
for Mom and gtrta of aound liody. but
and If they ate aold he will lemtt tbe
r«f tbr <«ioi drdxfoo
proceeda. He will aend out a notice
41# a llfokoat with a uwatrr hamt ilho dfwcrlhhik tiae atampa and Indkatloy
the aama which tbe boy expecu to got
•*1 have ohaervm during my coonee
**,* y
l^rfakiaa like for them.
tlou wlUi the ufeel induatry that Jbr
tendency nowndan la for young men
000*8 $1,600 COLLAR.
UmA ta a half talk afirtat
to have an ambtUon to get out of iiuin
*«ra faally true fhxt 1 ani a membfr
•r tha life aarias <w|ai.*‘ aakl kilaa
beromo englnwjw. electricians nod pro
UaaOltoa. wt>u k •» brawa a« a harry
tooalooal men. Tbe.ciying need <
aad mb# and vraerful of fixttra. **1
day 1a that young men lie taught some
hav# hoea atik to kwIoi eivr alnc# 1 caally the tooat artatoeratic animal to uaefttl work to do with tlieir bands.
caa nmoiher. and I don't are any- Saratoga the other day aa he trotted
«*! bcMere the time will rtone w h«-n
thtav woadarfiU about It. Wltoo 1 waa prondly about wearing an $Uk» col toduatHal training will be taught In
a Itttk hK of a girl, we apeat our atim. lar. aaya tbe New York Herakl. He Is every public arhool. The state.wlll
lamese spankl. with kmi
i^ari la >laliM% and I leanud to awUu
It up. I am a atroug t>elic«‘er In
la the takta. Of oourae freab water fluffy hiUr. white and black patcbea.^ tha public acboola. I am a II
small pug noae and bHght ejew kllaa
Buaaetl la rcty fond of Um. and aim Catholic, but I don’t believe to
women do not awlm at Lona has leen photographed many tiroes
Ttowu to Homestead, ta tim Indus
holding him to her orma. 8bc takes
trtal arhool 1 oetahltabed. pupHs from
■wim at Lonir Boarli oil the time him. driving with her freqaenUy and the parochial acboola ore not admitted
MMaeUaica ataj In tik water all makes a great pet of him.
•*Boya and gtrta who go to arhool ore
Jeaae l^ewlsohn la aometlmm per
Blitted to take the dog out with him taught nothing but
on bis walks. He sauntered up to tbe They don’t get tbe
tlrniid rnlon hotel to Saratoga the bow to do things with tliHr handsthat which will be of
apfmd oat on the almpely Ullmm Hum. other forenoon, holding the dog in hla to them to earning a
hat withal her llxure la wllkiwy and hand. Ikvid fiideou was with him.
*X)ur moat narful men are not the
and they ato|)ped to coiivorae with i.
delkately molded. Her features are
onan with tbe
dear col and her eyes of that #ray
conversation drifted to the dog. tag. bnt those who know bow to do
and nil present expressed aOtnlratlua eomethlng or eome kind of work with
Hr. I^wlNolin. after paying it ns pretty their hands.
“Our beat edocated
Ctmippments im any dog t^iwild care to
bear alwul btuiiwlf. nshed the men who started, after going ibrougb
taa, lier hak done np to a tlxht coll
with blui If they would step into a aebool. to educate tbemsehes. When
aad her arms swlnsliur fret» at her akk.
with a knowi
jeweM#*a ahop whlk be bought a dog
larnir Heacira nctOlire saver pstruls colbr.
edge ami desire to do manual labor
In# aertlon oMhe-Kmjc stretch of sand
The Jeweler asM he dUl not keej* any we have tbe elementa of sm^ws,
with a uonchalant ea*e that ahuae her colkrs Intemled for dois. luit ha
“Mrk Schwab and I ha\*e si>ent huntoftependence of tliotipht and her dlare^
thought n limr<«let Intended for a wom cmeas or inommiKis at Kiiimionu
«aid of what the frailer of her aex
ans iinu would do, and so the |wrty Beurb. New York. Never heard of that.
■my raaard aa • imodhrkma dlarrcard
tostw*eU\l the brui^la. Tbe only one
of the femtolne coov^tlona.
ttraeteil Mr. Ix*i
IiewliiohB*a fam\v
Before she waa aot'epted In tbe role
heavy g,4d cliain atuddetl with deformed boys ,and girls um-ful
of life aariT t'aptnln Hilly liemH'ft
Kls and niblm and worth gl.HOa patkms. Bnt tlM> storm of jn
tried her. out with a n-rlea of testa
Sdsni imt so severe that we
All agrcsHl that It
Whkh would hare Mnmped the
on the d.«. aud Mr. l^wlaoUn bought elded not to do snything more just
tty of men who Mimtt to the
ow. We’ll start again some day
»keHh<KKl that the dog
“Now. it’s along, these lines that w e
re going to sputHl our money
went P»m4n«." said Captaln lUUy. “when I »nw the way that
girl went tliraugh th-ss* wnv.w. Hl»e
went ever Ihetn like n rataninhin driv
en by a forty hitrsiiMiWer engine, and
abr a got m strt»ke that Isnits anything
to the feminine swimming line 1 have
KImh iM.ll.. a l«M.t IlkM
■ inliira life Mw-r. «.Ml I feel ehnll
dent that If .In- h. ev.T c«ll«l up<«. to
•OVatlag M cue Old i
■mukt t p f*
of pcs>pk nave
hare oeen
been seag
! njotsaiKls
' «‘*«"»nus t.i
! ^ <h. OW 1’i.mi. l.nniod- aiid btv
* ‘7^”
»»> “W‘J»"
Him llnrnmon b. ex.i.*«llngly imslest
about her new entlenver; nU» she won- 1
ders that any one shotihl think U j
strange that slie should w ish to Join In ■
on notde sn effort ns thnt of s.nvlng
‘IhHwe may think It n lit out of the !
ordinaryshe remarked. -Imt ns long 1
as I am flltwl bw the wirk I think 1
that ellnchiw my nrgiimeni as to why 1 1
«0 ~-nI doo t I
enu tnj-elf nne .if ilie i.HMlm. nth- i
leMe itlrH ef the eehlury. I he*Ttbeksa .Wisider inymif an nthkte
re I ean awlm rings nmiind a great many of ’
tlie men who do the aame work 1
aw doing m»w. ahd I see no reason
why 1 should ooi employ my ability to
ly bursting with prhle and Importoiwr.
The kaiser has -gnirUiualy cobaentHI**
to fasten the club’s sign to his auto.
prmiso thnt a crown be i
r tbe initials, anya a apeclal }
lu view of tbeoe •^rtvUegre.*’ the em
peror ammanced that he had decided
to paint hU autotoedmes yellow , and
blue, which oiNUs that no one else
dwal adopt thfM eolors. l-\irttoe. he
win drew hto chauffeur and hunumau
automobtk emuld be complHe
withoot a hnutarnkU-to lirimn ImthcT
aud ditto cap. edged with a silver
hand touring black ragks.
Rylranta rallraad a la gmte
> and luncheona will be eenr«fl toetmd of on (be uhle d'boto plan
« »=>■«'>«* dispatch,
'erne Was wrltlea umlor rmdl|nicr,-tlng. ttolr^ to
*'*^*”« fn*m his htmit* In Heed’s retry,
N. II.. I I attend tbe cl. A. 11.
meuf. to. cslhHl on his publlstorw. They
Informed him that la order n uhtaln
right n ve:>*e abouW
“*■ KirtnHlge s.iid ho would think
•"«'« "
'veni ow w thet'ntomoi,.
*“•' '■«««>'•
eiii. he trail tnanht
»P »*y ««» liarth-t.lnr mtun which |i»
•» «"« »>'■««« r*
tumod to the publlaheri with the extr#
rrrse. written on tha badi of an oM
enveloiie. it rends:
have done to tbe pbltanthrot>lc line lins
^ been so bitterly attackml thnt w t
not going to do anything more Just
1 may In- a little sensitive, hut
public critlctam hurts. It teaIIy hurts.*
fMy. Uora • ■rlfiaa auitec.
An Engllahnian who visited tlu
United States writeu thus to the Lon
don Mall:
I have lately returued from a tw eive
nioutba’ resklence in America. I vl^it
•d New York. Hostoii. I’hiladclphla.
Chicago and many other cities «.|
Unltml Kintes. I have had the plevsurx*
of meeting some of the most charming
on In Uicse elites it has ever Ih**‘u
mmrn4 mm A4n Mug tli
Curo nil chrof^ dlaeMoa.
or aale by all ffr«t<to.a drugg
Prices. Hot Springs tablets. $1.
Hot Springs Quick fUliaf (Hfitoa
Anteritan inlUlonaln*s w ho strive to 1 walktHi in ninety
I at you. 1 J.v
new Eutni
j that If t!.ai inr
wjUi ta*ds.
Ktxeral wi-11 known l*«iv I look at yon iliey
labms ow n tln-se flying lu.i. is. w hi. h I virion’ iLeyd
can liot he es«-.4l*xl f„r
of j^^.out‘thi'ir Ihj«Ii
continental touring. It 1» not nliao|„„.g 4.
lately tnx*essar> to use the UMs for a Kam^ts Ot% Kt-r.
contlniMHis iiighi’s rest, but for a nap ]
--------they Jill tbe bill. K*. far nooe of tlo^sa ‘
A Boy’s Wild Ride For Life.
maehln«si have \*nu luus»rt«l to
With fatnir> arimn.l expi-cling him
Ameri«-a. aHliough many ,\iiierii silk lo ,
^1^ *„,i a soh riJiiig for life. I'?
to pick out
new.wt depart. 1
jKing .s New DiscovThe liaroii Lao-j
potd ItothsrhUd. who ow ns about ti-n * cohls\”W
large antomohih-s, has onWutl 0110 of endurc-d
podurctl .loaih’s ajeonit-s from astlima:
them* «xuuf«>rta!.k* nutoe. Tho ls*.ls are ;. but this uomii-rfal noiiicim- gave InbttUt It the toniM-au. and tbere are »* slant re
reii. f ami hmi cun .1 him. Ho
■paces on either aide for imckingejotb-J writes: “1 nou
» p soundly « very
tag and carrying provisiuns. ThoM* mo- \ night.”
ptu miioiiia. 'hromhUls
tors with l»eUs. bowwi-r. an* to.i hmvy : sumption.
for anything cxc-ej.i luml louring. j' <‘i>ugbF.
"" roi.!s .vivl krip pnivc its matrt:They are the last triumph of luxury. Mf.ss im rit tnf ; !! throat aud hmi;
; troiiidi s (;Maran>«-«-d IhPIIi-s .*•»(• and
;il on. Trial bonis |0r. at Jjihiisoiis
! UniK a
Wail A Sons and F.
Bucklen’a Arnica Salve,
II Mth
id-wide fame for mart
surtiasat^s any-othor
.\n:c:i.-;iiis iM ihapa ;
lotion, ointmi-nt or lialm for
fond o< Ih-:iiu plM.nign»idu*ii \t^corns, burns, hoHs. sort's, frlon
.Migu*«t r.elmojit JttiiM-s a, K.vi
cers. tetter, salt rheum, fever
hands, skin crupth»ns; i
ant<-<*<!. Only
KloVe. S. K.
lon’K I>rug KioVe.
Ha.- evtilve»l Ir^m the alnion.l iiicrJ.
\Vah A
and F. !l. Me.vd?.
Me.vds. Pr
I the tnuBlH-th .\|lmo
Jialni. whi'h
MAC that oil
---------------- ------- ^
I will in skillfiirhainls
IV skiDH and
■ See aa a PcM»d.
| ini*ss ko eoniniod
Aa an arth-le of diet rice po%»eaae« 1 pnv!ne»* a soft. irJ'^h.
r <v»mplexion.
Hot Springs ontarHi euro. 80 oonin..
Hot Springs soap. 10 cairin.
Hot Sdringa hanling aniva. 29 eatita.
. Hot Springs com curt, 10 aanta.
For aala by S. t Walt A fena.
John«m^ Drug Company and Amofw
lean Drug Company.
Dtatributing Agcnta.
Beauty Remedies
Has just opened to tbepu]
U-aiMl a brmiKl new meat tna
ket where quality and prio
arc right Give os a call .
Fir Slit BrjrtDrsoists
o. T. OOX
Qtz. Pksse
• -
«*si^Py; ny innLmu th- >-^Im |...alihy
liny om- wiM
li».k >0.1!,:;
iy amlmilatea
of the m.ireh
- t
1^ M
ll.»nti.r will'
jM-rf. ;-ti.yn.
,r you!
three rco**m< k b♦^'^^meH a val ;;iv. ‘o-r a ’rial. |
uable food for IHTHOHM of iHxh-nlary
hahlU. It ta alao rich In nutrltivo pro)v
Will I,..1 lu- up jnn 0.1..»M T. I.ui b«m-i
ertles. being four Unms .ns mitrit.utis
as the potato aud more uniform in
s rlothuiK
in ^lu .-n.ll. -s vari. iv ,s
quality. According to the vlewn .if
modem cbemtala. rice contains a amall Hardware lt’o
>1 Front sin-.t. In
er.amount of flesh foruiing MtbsUmxw .
\. . .
var»« iy in pric*
and a larger amount of tot forming or ;
beat producing nulial.nm'c* than ncy
r grain. Owing to the »m:ill t|iuii)
tiLv of gluten which tt c^mtain* rU-e ta
capable by ItaHf^f only very liiip.*r
feet fermentation and i« therefore un- '
fit for hakihg into brenvL
| p,.,„
lb. p.ihlir I- I.N.k
The iwlalablcncHH of rir-e. If not. In- ,
what iht Fi«-bri.-h.
ly u|w>n tho way iTta <*Oi.ke,l. Tbe
gummy pr**|iar;iii.»n which paswea iiiuhter on no many tables umlcr the n.ime
of iudlctl rl.-** Ih 1, jM*rr> Imventy iip..u
thU vvI,oh-H..me dtati when
ly cooked. Table Talk.
“‘‘h* «■ »'
| wcH as ih.- J. N ilk-r A r.i- high
w.irking .-Imh - thf m w fall au.l st.aK
ai h:<l LainII.
, 111* t’nion sir..! j S v Hu -sainpr.
( thv window afui
wlH rtivt-i^t
alone and doHiltiite.
Such. In brief was the condition t*f an i ihomughlv Mitiatralned-certainly not vulgar
h> n.mo
J, J.
name of J.
her Kngttah stater.
1 am not apeoktog against my own Versalllcit. O h’nr
and ht'lls and iht> whl r.-iun, tt frt'sh an.I
with kidnt
counlrywomon. but let us ta- just tnmbJed
neither doctors nor mtHiicIn!** gave c..*an and HU'iVfai tory Tin- notU-.- u
Surely wre have to thta country many, him relief. At length he tried Electric
mav nudcairable peroons of tl»« fe Bitters. It put him on fata feet ia
male sex who dress vulgarly, talk
loudly and art uHogetber what a lady on the road
Whersour ^
4r«C>p(?*thek team
tonia not be. Thta class of peiuoo ta Beat on earth for liver and kndney
trouble* and all forms of stomach and
»be mot to evwy country.
bowel complaints. Only &hc. Ot
CWrw ref Oarp PWr Eplrwreo.
But. ah*. 1 atarm that tbe a%f
teed by Johnson’a Drug Stor<\
Ganuan can> are being c^oru fed and
luratod American girl ta a mos
fattened like so many bogs to Heesaw gaglMT m dsIlghtfUl quantity.
Inlce, near iVoria. 111., and when to
prm*er eondltlon 100.000 pouBda of tho
will Iw shipped to New Yoto.
Yorh. nay#
fish win
tbe Chkwgo llecotd-UeraUL In ttm
mond. Va.. rccunlly graftod skto '^Through trains • from Detroit vl
making of tble expertmont by raorlg taom a young pig to the abouWera of
Pore MarqneUe^L. 11. A D. route.
an who waa badly burned by the
New acrvlce effective September •
• grain iTthrown Into
■ton of a lamp aovmal weeka ago
Persons holding round trip tourb
tbe water dally. It it exported the fleh
Jehmood. aaya tha tTileago Inter
tteketa reading via C.. H. A D. route
wlU be tocreaard 100 per
Ocean. The p|g sraa
•uBcient cutlcla removad from tbe to CtectnnaU and the South, wi
oofter portkNMi of Ita body to rover tbo their through trains of this route in [
snMIe no a ■msao 1 lithtso.
wouo|to. The baapital phyal- the Fort atroct Union station. DetrolL ^
IcOwlB Imwton of TmiTtm. X. j.. who
I. wbo rafimed togivo the woman’a the aaine atation at which Pure Marhas a eummer home on the VVdawai#
k aay the opecstkM promlam to bo
rirrr. whore there are few of the mod
I tha worn- quelle trains arrive. Direct connec
•cu conrentoncfi^ hex found e n#w nM
I ttaoocbew wearing tion In that aUUon with trains leaving.
tor Ida eMfie nntoombtto aaya tha
Detroit for Toledo. Clnclnnall and the
New York tkibune. He hax had Mi
South nt S:27 n. m.. 12:S5 p. m. and
house Wtredi and erery nl^ on arrtral
10:10 p. lii.
at his snmiher home be ewnreta tha A pwfoet aamka that can bo todnlgod
Ask ticket agents for particulsrs.
battery of hla autmnablie with tha
to fro^ wHhout the allghtoat danger
wtrtog to tb# house, arhirh ta thla wgy
fa itghtai hr ahktMty mm m 4^ tte Uttta Wonv^ they are what
A Ixwdau daetor. hy anfUaff the lory
aclatk nefrif from a lire ape niel tola
a nmn's lacenited wrlat, la sold ta hare
the itoor of the i|ri\atc ex«H*uilve of- j
Ihtj goverm»r. «<:ove«-nor Van Kant U f.mewbst less than 1
c do know that It U under strict avcnige heiuhi. stm ktly huUt, ami ro 1
Abuse that law even slightly,
I npiH ji^uux' b that of a '
results. Irregular living means
of the organs, rosuiang
“\U>u tbe
to constipation,
or liver
trouble. Dr. King’s New Life Pills
It s gentle, yec
toorougto***Onl'y 'slic! At 'Johnson’s!
“You lit the toi ruerr’
Drugstore. 8. E. Wall A Sons and F. VaFkxnk^douU fully. |
you mfa looking tar- Sumlght Sve
to price and color can be had at Bagbeea for nay purfoae. even to make
Ftralght hair grow irurly. What do you
think of that? I^U especial comb,
the *'Renalssanee.t is hardy looking.
wHh strong, kinky’ te^T^ that regulai^
ly used on dampened hair wllljamac
It to kink also. Pfrlce S^. Pricea
nnnanal ncHrlty. hare not bed
nnipthre Tlcdm among them. No horn, alamlnam. <^!luIold and rub
from 5 cento to one dollar.
inntter how thin or weak the volen.
yonng peopio should be eorauragod to
nmr heme to Lorecto. Pa., told re
ly how he ta going te dkmone of bb todhtoe to song. There eouhl be no
UW Ms.
ttm M.rjrsn
unealth. aaya tbe New York liecmld.
Miior Van iKant of Minnesota
Be thlnki there la «'no cnaentle’
story of his *-\pi-riem't' with
i tall, lank rvKiih*tg \>f titter Tail f^oun-
Travaraa City to St. Loula .
HA50. IS dty limit
$19.00. dO dty limit
$21.00. tar me seasss
For esHh v^ith low pricey or
cr.-dii with high prices. Would
you not pr. fi r to i«y Sc cash for
an ariirb* today than Sc tomor-
This win ioctude meals xn,I
l^h between Travereo City anti
•nSels will be on sale commcncing Thursilay, June $,
Steamers leave Traverse City
Sunday. 10 p, m., ahd
Thurstlaj-s.^J a. m.
L H. POPE, Act.
They can cure you.
sale by all first class druggists.
H> phone of the reliable groo r.
with quick delivery, or go t.i th-?
to examine each article to
get what you wanL
Thr first ta the rellalde. satis
fa< «ory. t-rononii« al I.* wi- way.
IK» yo!i Dcjl pn f.-r it ?
E.C. Lewis, CasROrocefy.
I- th.- -avif = ..f inom y i-v ju.hriou:;
h»j%ii!R In
ti» d.» ihi.H liHjk owr PM TALKING YET
♦ hnso lavrgaiii- .ifTtivd by tJriniMdl
Bnwt.’ miiMc- li.iii-.-. in .\vw Ftogland
That the Hot Springa UNdieinan.
ptanoH. or ih«- car toad Torclv«-d ta^t have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAY•t ihc-jERSECITV. Th, M« Mr* )««. For
SDd '
iilqiis' I Mic by all fint elaaa drufVHo.
Hth ann.M,|,fH•^ b
Have ft variety ye
no two alike. Tal
loti tote.
SaiEcers StdaVeir Bros., lake pleasure U
cnjaiemeot of
i>a.Uted ud rfCMfUed •ilh unthe CeipMMt WwdlL of Scm
•nd Radiant Splendor, tkat biegnitcd fara feifcca Pnidnrtiuo.
25& 35«i 50c, 751;,
to an oducaied
ymi. Sdr
^ .
■estseatataaamarwwena nlimattashaaaMsa
$Sh.lM , :
totol to Mtoto ItoMle ^Nfto to
hto tototort atmciag to hto ktohi
ftooML Mr. iFhiniio iM«r owtftoBto
Ito^toTb toBitoto tootohtoM# tom
iftvarMWaMD- of ttoto o tow. Tht Mt hilht
Tnto BitfUto W Ctototo Wgatoi|glOB
^ mU rt«lrt.
9fH to tiicIM to dlaertolt tto i
fi# Cto 4Mf 1« Itt I
l(mr toiMM of totool a9i»
wtoal horaoa to Bay eounty. When
ttoy wnnt to dtocMa compnlgn ptonv
tboy umlly hto theomelvea to Ibc
ahoTM of Bagtonw boy. wberw ihom H
evool bmrtod toat week. Aoeom-
V .
i 1
U t^grocery store that
has the reputatlo^ fur dependab
hlhcfataaJ imiit nktMw mwh fimiw fathc
Fortunate is the public that baa
a store to It* mWf Mutual oooftdeoce
between a store And its buying public
means growth. *1^1* store has grown
aad Is growing on just tb^ lines. No
nmhiUon hlghvT tWi possessing
ooaBdonce. other things are
oofne. We want Uvry trade
tlua to he satUfyilig and If.it U
want you U» lelljua aipHit It. 1.. II.
Silckney. 411 rnljm St. Both phoni*s. If boughi atsm price ;a HI be made
TraverM Cl^, Mich.
The neatest groi'Cry In the city.
ceptloually low coBsideriug i.K-atl
and impmvement*.
FOR THAT TIRED FCCLINQ1^4 acres on Wayne streM overlookMnto s^Vwssx*.
That Is what ilie Mebrlch. Fox. HI!That come* aft»*r a .lay of itdl. m»lh
,n. C.y a«..
V grnet many ywars ago
vgo theiHXipleof I
mure eomforiable than an easy
Bgjpt. who had toany ldabi,vvorsbl,w.j|‘“X
hlals, u
rocker to read the eevning paper In.
tto cat among ^era. They
L-lhlng n*any deslrabk*?
or a nice.reclining couch for the evi*u< *tyle Is not. Wt-j have all styles au.l [ One of the firmat farms in thl* c
ing snooze. Millar 4c Morse of thist grades. Call aujl Inspect our aUwk j
ty. abtuit
mile* fn»m the city. i;.i poB aAL»-~K«w•
to be aulU*d in
Front *triH*r have a full line «if Ivotii
acrt*s uuU.T cuHivation. with plenty of
y- imc»Gi«
fttU nod at
and al«i a One line of dining table* lit and ^1.vie. E<) i^utner. Union St. good wood limber, large orcharsl. 11-j
as w« any, a
Bo they made au Idol with
room house with basement, two kihmI •—
a cat's I
1 and uami*a M IMaht. 1 be
That n*h could
sing? The>^e all | torus with other oulbulkllcgs.
xmld i sini
T<» til.* wmveuir* we tarry In w.sel.
■am# nanM* ttoy gave to the m.mu. for
iHvn the very bi**! c*ondmon. ISC acr<*j!
shell*. iKrtlery xtr burnt
tto wood means tto fuiv of tto
j in the swim. " lj*m in i
Tto word hmm tvreu changed to
I»ecially prettfr-arc Gum*
a.scale of price*
Price and terms of sale on any of ^ My Bo«mw «
and -FuF* and has e« * at last to to «iuet.»ng club. IWure i. a\ing »..ur j "'
‘Hon real estate, bins, inortgagv*s.
-IW the imiue the most of oa gi
huniiiier home. Imik .»i ' ihese preti
to tto eat IMaa and fiussy cat ure |
;^^|on.* house on K. jTenth
•nth street. In fine
aainea fUr kitty anywtore imw. b
riuulltion. fr.>hly; paivered. fur rent at vacant Iota for sale.
I he nook* t bey 'll fit In
home .lurliu
few think of the name aa given t.» I
reasonable prks
the indoor life, the
pte who
wl then towed <
Take one burnt* and *
seasonable dishes
to her.
New Turk Tea <'a».. Ka
At Reasonable linie.H i* what the publir |
THE BEST SCIENCE ftl« l.siklng f..r. ^Ve do not expect l ij
Extracting sunshine from a cloudy
find oysters on ilu* haff shell In Kep j
day. While this is not nlway*^ prac“Jones of llinKhanit.m. ' w 1*1 In town temlu r. n.,»r 'v. nis<m steaks, but spring
licabk*. invest in one of Dioai* gitaruTs- last night. 11.M he v^h.i *i»ays the broiler*. fr*.g'* leg«i and alt the s.mi
l«‘ed umbrellas at J. W. MillikenV. aiet frelghi," but John V. J.me*. as he reg mer delkarie.s afe served to order nl
you Won't need the Kun*hii»e. There isten*d at iHe I’ark liar.* h.»t.-l.
the l-lttle Tavern under,the new man
are two prices or lot*
For a few liour.* J.iiies vkas sad ami agement. BI.Hslgood. Harrow A David The ta-:t «»I niat.Tiat
both of sterling sUviV or gold plate desiK)n.leni. ami wa.* m>t afraid lo le'l mm.
Front street. Try iheir .Sum ^»iisl ruction. Sillied
and pearl handles, a few of horn for
dlnner.s and ijave
4ave vworry at tome
hi* iriMib!.-*. Iji^er in the da)- he wa.-. dayr dinners
variety, and handstiroely covemd with
the happimit irtraug. r w ithin oiir gate*,
i xpeiise I* s|»annl wb.*u cuuslrudiu.; [
gloria silk. The guanin- when he came up to the clerk .rf tlie
re home than a rabbit, live in them lo obtain |«*i*fi*ri rvsubs. TliV’Ir I
for two years. Lt»ok at them
i*ark Placi* and whiHpr-r.Hi. i found
' That's khal re>orte4w do all doubk: liase h.atiiiK device willi I...I j
'em; got 'em down ai S. K Wait 4L
T'be Cmmt of War.
low c.*att*r iMKurc.H ih.^a:i'<*au-'i
Sons' Drug Store. Now 1 ran .-at a
is making a 1« p«*r cent, discount on
Give me Uie money, miys a n*eeiit goin] dinm-r ami b»ok f«.rv..iiii i«i -:!iiok
ble aiimtiiil .\f ii. at ftviih the b-j U
Mwvulullve phikw..|.htr. Ilmt has b.*en ing a Wailswotth Urns' • cinro" after all trunks and liilt raf«*.s until Sep»
ir.th^ Trir. s ill! trunks fnmi 9T.r tu aui.miit of fu. l Tb. y are rki.Jv *
ai»ent III war and I will purekam* ev
wards. S K. W.^ii K S.u,*. miv Hu v
ery tout of km.l on Hu* gloU*. I will
ami in *uii . iias.-s |!.7:. to
MU* toi mjrrtwlowl, 4iiM|MV»d.
outborliks oa tto sultoct« ato Ito ae- aad diligent aearch failed to rweval
a i^ptor tmm tto ttato ita whrreaboau. Just thaa a loae U
tto de^ will protobly to eycliat <»e aloag poahiag hfai whtol.
whcM* tirea were aa flat aa tto dtetrlet
caatpalga hen*: He aald to faa aerann
a broken bottle a llitle way up the
ptoa«« laotallad to Uiolr toaM». and road «e fouad tto ptoafekora very
la ao placa Is tto aaw alatr a mu*! aympathetlc. aad wtti bo able to le^
of «raat«Y atlracUiia thaa in ibe home pair Ibe damage, but ihoao sharpoa^
of oa« oi(T lady ta^to vicinity. Wiv ap|n*tltea are goae never lo recura.
wan ctomldeiably laiprmnd by tbe 'A tetoacope coatalning ladyh wearOtlllly of tbe *|ib«iae. but nbe Ibougbt Ing apparel disappeared frooi the
,H mtalaod uad<*vi*lopvd pmlbilUW*. P«re Marquette aUtloa at Bay City
.^Omt day ao cmh* aa» able to ring up on Monday. A little later Offloer Bam
tto toaual. aad a cooiplalat wan mt Catlin found the teleaoope. with ita
la.to tto mbaaav. A couple of lla«v oontenta of ahlri walaU. ruffled akirta
am wm mt to ibe itfllcmL pbom and alnillar apparel aUU intact, though
OB the circuit and found not bine tbo tbo tbtef had rummagval through the
iBattcr uuUl they ranc to the bouae telesoopo to vala for the kind of
of the old lady. To tbelr amasemen* Clottoa be apparently needed.
The Rika and the l>ythtaaa are to
, nbc unit unn«ci*med1> darnlna Hueto
o%cr ibf rt-**clvcr nhlcb ahe had taken play a game of ball next Thnraday in
Hattie Creek for charlty a sake and a
doivn and waa holding In her lap.
Buf laaaa Men a aaaocUtlon numlK-r of queer alum* are on the pro
la already planning for Ita annual ou* gram. chief pmuDg them ia that ar
log'ncaf year, and haa decided upon ranged for -Big lllir »mat. foreman
Belle laic aa the plac«> to apend It. of the Michigan Telephone Co.*a lln<*
' CTiaa. W. Merrcr. traveling paaacng' r gang and known ail over the aUte a*
agent of Uie Michigan CVntial. waa lu a fearlea* fellow. 81 U*wU. chief pub
the city
talklag over the ar licit) pnimoter of the affair, awcan^
. rangemcnla. It la probable that ihn*® fhai Krnm win .live htwdlong from iht
apuclala vill be run. and the nluiic lop of a Oil fo.it jmk* into a gla** of
torn take aa outing with the buatnoaa beer, .the query aa to what becomes
men. aa la now being done eVery auin* tif the biHT ia anawennl neither by
^ wer to Port Hnnin. Bay City and olh- Brnal nor U»wU.
Ijmd OuaroUsloner Wlldey haa net
placfw. Thia auranicr the Caro men
table 400 acres for the Burt l.ake In
went to Orton I-ake.
A clerk at the tlck«*t oAc<- of the dians who were diapoaaeased of tbeii
land* several yekra ago. The new roa
alcnroahlp docJc at Mackinac I
ervalbm la located t.ii the ahonw .d
V had atone lady friendt vlalting o
Inland the other day. When they were Burt and Miilieli lakt**. The land will
ready to ndurn to their homea, h(* be held by the atate In irind fur the
fotirtwHjaly waHied ahaard the D A t Indian*.
KuKier or-Yp*llauti ha« a coach
boat wiih them. The time
Qiilckly. and when bo atarted to b av. dog Tour muiilhM old. which he tru*t^
‘"to. but ilie) ar- aJreudy mak
he found the ateamer yretl out Im much more than In* would a in’ea! In aualUreof wbk-h kliigs aiid qwviis
toUe Huron. UKkllf^'lieUiygan wa many ni.m. The latt-at feat of thl* In- would beproml. I will buikl u seb.Kil ing a lot «»f frl. mf.s,
"the n« *t alujiplbg-fda«'<*. and aeveral telHgt-nl animal ^ic Urrid on Kridav. valley ov every hllUlde and lu ewry { * S(rang.* h.>w li...ne Uk it makes n
the vvbok* eurth.
man to l.-aii over a elgar eris. am! not
VhourH had olap»MMl lH*f*ire the clerk when Mr Hug Wa.s given an enveh.iH- build nu
Ill every town ami
»Hs‘ a brand that he . v.-r li.-a.-d i»i l.«*
«'<iailet«K and hat lean aa he had left .*.if.talnliu; $25 and a package of nu-at endow U.
In evi-ry slate am!
and Immediately went to hi* home fill It with able i..Mfew*.nw. I will f.»re. That was ilu- way I l.dt all .lay.
;iil.H ufUi-e. reiurn»Hl to the iHland
One of the nnlQue bamt liaU playera With the valuable tmekago. The dog crown ever) hlU with a |dm*e of w.ir- but wlu-ii I w.-m Into S ir VVSiM A
at'ciiHtiimcHl to doing lila own mar alil|) eonsixTuted to tbe pruiiiulgntbui Sons' Dnu; Store and saw my .»u!
In the Hfaie la Ctiaa. W. 8lephen>u
kHing eyt-ry da> and wh.*n the iu»ceK uf peace. I will iuppurt Jii every pul friend. Hu- Wad.swortb llro*.' u'hi.-w.-.
of 8l J.ihna. -IVg.'* a« he U famltli
pit, an able tenelier of riglilwuuiiie**.
*11 y aix»*e to »en.l the mouey home ao that on evrt) SablHiUi morning the
ly kiioan ainoiiK playera and fana.
er. who was uuahle to lake It chime eii one hill kIi.iH ttusw.T to the ing l.» v.uir* iruly
iiilnns one le^. havlm; ioat the me
^•r on n raUroad track Veveral yea.-H hlni*4*ir. fearleHsly trualtwl the amouni
• on luioUH-r im.uml the earth's
*•«’ ‘*”*'*'clreuiuferemx- Ami Ibe voUv ef
CiH»d. and I* have siiuik.-l
iig. wh.i look it safely Clear
• nipe^ When I.e wa> 4*<|.UpiH;i with tWM
prayer and the s..iiu/of pral*.- should 1 im.M ..f Ib. i.i
jgmHl leus Ki. i.henaon waa one of the acniM* the city.
toit Imll pla>era fu llu*
Mike Nual. a farmer east of Hock
toaven. -New York Glol»e.
HMl. wa* milking his cows when
and II waa hU intention to try for faat
J* IH-rfeei in eui ami brilli;«i:-y. as
company The aeeidei,! nude thla et
shining struck and kllbsl two -cows ft»
inpoaalbmiy. hut It ilbi riot le^MMi hi* Just hie other sl.b* of the one he wa*
Fr.^iii the Wequ. tong club. ^ lung lo well as rich in prismaile « fr.*.-i*. .Im•mthuaiaam for the natiotml gaiiie Ki; milking. Mr. Niml said that If he ha.l be n iu.*mU*red. and as a m.mi. uio of to the d.x*p cult III.:; «.f Iniri. at.- .bfed with an artlftrial h-,: he aKaln weiii known the lightning wa* going lo kill Ihe tiiimuier *ik*iiI hen*. l.Nik .iver ih** digits. Aside fnu.i ..ur line liiu- .d . ii
tohlud the hai. an.l .Inrinu each aca th.-in lo* would have milked them
L'xquIhUe souvenir* at Uarnum & glas.s. w«* i-arry a b.-autiful a-.s^uim. ul
aim pUya wlih htn leaiu and with a Tlo> lowH w.*re InsurtMl.
Bari's, repn-seiil.sl in su-rling wan* m* of hand painted china wan*, fmiii fruit
number of other »MitKlde auKrei;atUms
That lightning will sirike twice ir. ^old liiuHl b.»wis, and fimi just the plate.^. *a!ad ImuvIk. tw the arfistic ta‘l
I re*^lla^ latchei
the Kanu* plact* has been (^mcluslveiy thing to lake home, ..r semi to a tankards, fit to grace th.- sideb.var.i of
while iMd able to ran
.Mi*trail'd to Frank 11 uni. a well riieiid. Ikauiiful vk w.s ..f the r|ub. u counols.sour i j fine art. (lift* ecu uil
luH.‘a. U deflcienl la no .dher Un,. ot
»n famicr of Newtim township, ligh s.iu».il ami oiher beauty spot* a* Is* purrhm.xl at one plac- Itasiall*:.
lumdiall. and there a^‘ few p..,.,,ie
i.iunt county. Two year* ago hi Well as a large a*sonni.-tii of .larg.-r the Ji wekT.
would know be wttoit an uitiiicUl
Imrn* w.*re d. stroyed by tin* start sterling ware, are lo*be had at this
.> a iK.li of lightning. Friday af up icwlale Jewelrv store.
FIIKSH OVSTKILS at Jacksou'.s.
An ariindal ic%* plant la to U* oial, tem.siu duilug the storm, the bam^
iiduHl in furl Huron noun. Wouidu i ihui had Ihh*u erected un the site of
Itu! fre^ie you?
o .dd on.**, wen* struck and bumt*il
ih.* ground. The diuw was about
It la up lo the T|iird ndorimsl
church, of Holland, to cnll again. ThA d..xen or mi of old p.*n«lancrs of
can extended by it to llev. H. J. Veld
man. iif MBwaukiH*. haa beem Ueclined Franklin, a small hamlet h.ur miU«
of Hlnnlngham. have an unique
by the latiur.
of g. itlng ih. ir isnsiun m.iney a
Judicatkma ladut bi a fair apple crop
in all pari of the .tale ihU fall. The little ah.ad of the other fellows who
I to iM- of a b»‘tier quai live in lilt- ouisif the way towws. On
year, wbuwlng up clear pi*n*lott .lav ^u*y all ass^*mble at the
residence of Dr. Cox in l-YankUn. who
the vouchers for them and
<\ II. Blomam.,.. d rwMnd. rix^cuUv
made a; % cry quick auto trip fn»m l>e the next morning .me of the number
tom to Sparta, covering the dUtance hikes for Birmingham and catches thC
car f.ir Ik I ml t. When ih*j
ill flve boora. He aiopped at Grand
First ^’atloakl Bank ..ih*uk the FrmnklUpid* two bourn en route.
•s hanging on the doorknob
II II Hoeahurg of Holland haa in hU
gard. n a lilac buah In full bloom. He and if generally No. 1 at the pension
cMdalba the phtowmenon by the fact man's window. The vouchers arv band
that early in Augimt he ^!rl|JJHvl the ed in and checks are drawn and mailed
btlah oT iu foliage, and it at once be- to Franklin the same day. Ehrly next
morning there ia a amaU run on tto
.»« to-end forth tmda
A p«*Uilon .vf over a bundr«l cUUena Rxchange bank of Binnlngbam aad
RcAiccARBtcsonaUiOaaif Xeeland nniueattot to be net o* the Frmnklinltef don't have to vmit
roaSi good for week oibtr.
i,; ; - Ato organiieil into aa Bngllah apeak
Kf i / lag church baa been pmented to the
>laaalca of iioUand. Neat Monday ibc
!: * " . l»KiUoaeni will miseC with a committee
Ja the datoo* luRch for the
.ft/* 1
•Mlch.r tba Bharman hoaae foa tor
Ttor. waa oat to the aintot the ocher
night with tto erttod that followed
ft -ft.
,..7» mo €*perimtmt
str.*. I hars to rale:
the imist fa.stidHius
woman in town \ larg.* and cuiiipkte
assort imiil. T bd formal o|H iiing of I
rca.lv triiuni.‘.l a4<l Unp.irlt-U Wk will j
WcKHl Sister.*.
i-h and low in pritx-.
4'mm- in ami
146 Frant Street
Notice to All fc
Tl..* MUX ial as; e.s*iii.*iu tax ndl f..r
lie (xiiistruclbui . if lateral st-w.-r N.». 1
II disirlcl N... I. J.«-gluning at the in
llngiuti *ire.-l
d.!th. II.M- riiiiuii
.ami Stale street
..II alley be'weeh rnmi uu.l State I
.vinxt t.i l*iiii* strtx-i. ha.H b.*eii pla e I
ill my hands f.ir <vin.*c(ion. ih.* firs:
as-scssnieiit to Ih| paid on ..r lK-f..rv
the 3011. day ..f S|.ml. 1504.
i .M. K llaske]|.
City Treasurer.
n.-.- r.H.in 303:Siate hank building.
32S"-Hoi>t. :i.
ROUIOTRIP 25c, 50c,'75c
Buts Line at 8:40 a. ■.
Ab4 2:00 f. ■.
FRt:USH OYSTh3lS at Jackson's.
& u urcEwguD. o,,p. »
FKMAl.K HKI.P WANTEI).A„Jy Traverse City canning C6.
2SC1 tr
is a jjuaranice that your
prescription was com
pounded by a
219 American. Druir Co.
The Bat Races ever
. . [ ^ r, -
LEST voii FOROrr.
Ttot tto-Hot Bprtf
v^^I^unense Exhibtts.
Wonderful Dispbys.
Frank Crude st
SepL 19-20'2i-22-23
J! Jtwtl
Coal Stovt
West micDIgan State ?air
!• Ik* 4N fi-»
mam urn. w. otsin wmk.
toftth fMreod fv Mtf
K. B. Oolb/.
L X. Dolby. A. H. BMwp. Beth Plough.
to CbM^Md
beM ripped to pleoM by kalvM la ao.
baada. bM M far be bM Meaped
l. Bokmaib. tter. Howard. Ferry Not^
Waltar.* Lydia Aineeon. JMepbtns
Batee. F. M 8axton.|Oeo. K. Jewett. H.
Bart Kelly. B. a Byaa. OUve Pierce.
JaMtat MiV If. OidlM. wham Ooir<
an»r OM tea MiMai to MMMd
Ja«i» Mmt m CM jcMtac of tkc
IM Tcrk coart or MiMli, bM a lilffc
foptottoo M M oMo Joriot M bM
hmg bo4 Cbo ^ptoMO or both bcMb
Mi bar. flo cMoral WM cbo appcKla
tkB or bio oorviMfl oa tb« coart oT ap
poalo boacb that bo «m rcaowlaatol
bir bclb aartioi aad doeCod ia mi.
la tbo ioiooeraUc party U for blm aloo.
^Biga CallM WM bora la Drooblya
aiaty yoara aco. Ho bogaa life m a
doll oasfaoor aad lator taraod to tbo
powarfCl Dotro llrlac la Baltlaiore
cbooooo lb bo baowa. HU fatbor U
biai or Uio Mauboloo la Boatb Africa
aad tbltl)^ Hoobaaaa JBoaao to go belira loag. At oao tfaM be «m body
aonrM to CocU Rbodoo. after wbooe
ioatb be WM brought to tbU o&unlry
by a aiUckiaary. He doeo not eetertalo
a bigb opiaioa of colored mlMlonary
otort aiBoag bU people. -The mlo^
aloaartoor bo aayo. *oomo out there
aad tboy prtaeb to the Mvagc that be
aiaoU‘t have but oae wife. And then.
r bao been tb
I many wiveo m tbe
rant of tben. A negro preacher dotm
ifitio good.** When be^rHamo home
bo will do what bo can iakbe directloa or edaoaUag bU pooplp.
Admiral Obarloo B. aark. Who took
the battleablp Oregon around Cape
Horn aad Into actloa at Santiago. U
oald to owe bU aiHMlntiaent m comamader of that boat to bU oklH m a
Chens pUyor. CapUIn Clark wan at
San*^ yraaclico In command of the
gaaboat Bennington When asbore be
apoat much time in the cbenuroom of
tbe Mecbaalco* library, where he wmi
aome of tbe best players In tbe city.
According to tbe sidFy. when the Umc
came to appolbt-a-inan to comman i
tbe OregoB a frlead of Clark’* In the
navy department at Washington P«t
hU naam forward. *‘Vou should see
tbe man. play cbeao.** said be, ani
wont on to describe bis Intense appll
catkin and determ Inat loo. adding:
*‘Aad that’s why 1 think be can bring
tbe Imulcsblp around safely If anyone
—Mn.” Throe hours later Clark re
Mtved orders to assume raminand of
the Orogun and lake her at once to
Ciiban waters.
Professor Zordan of tbe University
of Padua is enrolled In Bellevue bos
pltal. New York. In a lowly capacity.
He Is studying Ami^lcsn customs for
use la a forthcoming book.
It U understood that Dr. N. 8. Mayn.
profoasor of veterinary science at the
KaasM agricultural college. bM ac
cepted under tbV Cuban r»vemmeni
place equivocal to our own uSce of
cbVf of the bureau of snimsl Industry.
^ He U now In Havana looking over tbe
‘ situation.
In a number of the leading stores of
Rdinburg and Glasgow there Is s^no
be lealeo caned
taSbwry, Teibarot. Floyd Jaameon.
Cbaa. a Smlt^ F. W. wnmm, A. Q.
StivMsg. cams. McMIcbael. Mary Har
vey. C a ImPoldte. C W. OeZoete. C.
a Heneel. P. H. Scofield. C
> ddim mm
O. P. Oarrieon. D. |L Nlckereon. ^
Toimg.^^Tboa^McaMkcy. J.
tor. Brpeet Crain. Alfred Ayers. O. P.
not aee a dab oa bb Com. He taUe
them brie a coadllloa of Mcartty witb
ble eaaay aasUe aad wbea they wake
ap they doatkaow what atmek them.
Aa odd amrriage took place reeeaUy
la Hehma. Va, Mrs. Marla W. Biaek.
ears old. amrrted TbomM H.
Nance. 71 years of age. They word
ewoetkearu la dfUdbood. but wbea
they grew up tbelr pareaU objected to
tbe maleb. aad they parted. Bscb
bM beea twice married aad widowed.
Mr. Nance iaally drifted to ladlaa ter
ritory. made a fortuoe. and returned
to bis native town to see If bis old
tbeart atlll lived, and wm free to
marry again. They have settled down
to spend tbe rest of lbelr lives la com
fort la tbe borne of tbe bride with tbe
ms large fortune to apead on
MotHe^e Friend
U> ■ jbM *l«*
Stead of bis tobacco he drew out a
handful of young snakes. There wss
a panic la tbe Foiens bonscbold until
the last of tbe snakes wm killed. Fob
eas bM been made to swear upon hU
of a bit at tbe Wg republlcaa meeting oath that tbe next time he finds s
nest of snake eggs he will let It rest.
from bis irst sentence Mr. Cannon
success. He had been speaking
short time In his usual vlgoroui;
when be tamed to CongrestWatson. who wm presiding, and
said. M be lugged at his collar: ”8ay.
Wktson. It’s hot here.” ’Take off yoor
collar. Joe,” wm the reply. ’Take off
your coal, too,” yelled one la the audi“No. my collar’s enough.” said
the speaker, laying the wilted linen ou
tbe Ubie. *rben be gave bU trousers
bitch and sailed in again.
Once jet black, a hen belonging to
Frederick A. Barberry, of 1»1 Jobnapii
avenue. Newark. N. J., bM turned' to
pure while. Signs now lead Parberry
td.lHdIeve the ben Is going to turn
black again. The fowl Is of the Mlnvarlety. She Is almost three
yearn old. A few months ago Berberry
noticed she was beginning to turn
white. The tmnsformatlon kept on
until every feather wm snowy. Now
black spots are appearing bore and
there. Barberry Is certain no one is
playing a trick on him.
Herman Bussman. of Oswego and
Marcellus atreeU. Syracuse. N. Y.. turn
admitted that be bad recently dug up
or mere from the garden of bis
house, thus establishing the tmth of
the neighboring gossip of the last
week. Mr. Bussman. who Is 80. sajs
he has nt> faith In banks nnd hid his
gold In the twiih for that reMon.
Neighbors, however. aa> he has at iMt
of the banks. Bussman U re
puted to be worth a large sum. He
says he dug a hole In the ground Your
feet deep a quarter of a century ago
and burled the money: Last week h»
says he felt a paaakm to count the
gold and dug It up. Bussman’s wife
does not live with him. She Mid she
had often seen her husband digging in
the garden, but he always declined to
bat be was searching for. Mrs.
Bussman says she will claim half of
the money and half of the remainder
Yankee shoppers used to cause tbe of hU riches, the hiding place of which
proprietors and ibeir assistants to
turn tbelr shops lopsy turvy until they
with having a bmnd of
looked like a rummage sale (bargain lightning that pulled eight of a man's
counter not la iO. and then would le^ teeth. Lehigh county. Pa.. boMts of
- vale tbelr noses and “gues* we ll try rain that makes caverns In which
else.” Heaoe the notice. horses are engulfed, and by which tbe
liy of man Is taxc
Tbe farm of Alvin
Greer county, nominated for congresi
by the democrats of Oklahoma. Is one near Weaeoevlllc, furnUhes proof of
phenomenon. Mr. BmIUs
of the rtslng young men of tbe lerH
:ly plowing the fleld
tury. Mr. Matthews wm bom In Qeor
Slain IkCC. He has promised to make Htile thinking ^whst a furrow he wm
of hU horses
tke most thorough canvass ever i
the earth. Knives
ia the terriUiry, and In his speech of
acceptance remarked that be -would St the harness were necessary to save
speak la ever> ^boolbouse In tbe ter tbe other horse from being engulfed,
ritory and urould kiss every baby la and a host of neighbors helped dig aad
haul the burled nag out. Then It wm
Oklahoma” If by that course ^
found that tbe cavern, funnel shaped
oodld be secured for tbe ticket.
Herr Oudok De Wit. mlaUter of at lu base 20 feet down, was 20 feet
aporu la tke goverament of Hollaad In circumfereaee. with various pM. bM reached Callfomla oh a tour of tbe sages leading farther and deeper.
When be found a nest ft saakeeggs
world: Miaister De W’lt. who U €3
yaata old but looks much younger,
In a field OB kU term. Ed Foiens. wko
aa expert bomemaa. golf player and lives at Cache Bottoms, near Alto
oarsasaa. He Is also very food of Pms. 111., thought It would be aa exhorse radag. aad la the course of bb celleai joke to take tbe eggs boaie
oAdal caiwar bM acted m iadge oi aad aurprlM bU temtly. He earprised them and.* Inddeatally. aoaiwd
tbe woaMn m»mien Into ebveral dtfevery fofeiga ooaatry of note aad aow
abont two w^tbs la die
thony Send. August SSI. O. C. Moffatt.
W. D. Tompkias. Geo. Burrowa. Wll,cu. Oolambla Tnma. Go.. Susan Grav
ed. a Fife. W. Helm, W. H. 0>rey.
irk Monroe. L. Mllcbell. P. A. Gold
kof. G. A. JokMon. Pervy Hannab esu
and all persons Intcrestod la the lay
ing of latccal sewers ta tbe alley be
tween Ninth nnd Tenth streeU from
Wadsworth to Bohemia street, la tbe
alley between Tenth and Eleventh
StreeU frt>m Wadsworth to Bohemia
street. In tbe alley betwMn Eleventh
and Twelfth streeu from Wadsworth
to DohemU street m heretofore adopt
ed by the connefl of Traverse City.
Mich., take notice:
That the roll for the special assess
ment for the Isylng of a sewer in the
alley between Ninth and Tonfh streeU
from Wadsworth to Bobemlm streeu;
streeu. from Wadsworth to B<v
hernia; In tbe alley between Eleventh
and Twelfth streeU. from Wadsworth
to Bohemia street. Is now In my office
for public iMpectioB.
NoUce U also hereby given that the
council aad board of assessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet at the
council room In said city at 8 o’clock p.
m.. September 12th. 1904. to review
said assessment rolls, at which time
ney. R R Howard. N. W. Smith. Bay
Monroe. Perry Hannah eeU. N.-T. Nelsoa. Mrs. Ubble Kelley. R R Cole,
And. Pitch. D. Bosumul Wm. VanStee. Fred L. Stocking. Calvin L. Gib
son. A! Heullmantd. Wm, L. Head-
O’Neil. R G. Paulla. Enoch U Jobn■on. Mary R Kelduiioiiee. John Prt>bert. A. F. Howartl. ^ all persons In
in the laylnk of a sewer in the
alley between Ninth,and Tenth streets
Jpom Wadsworth to DivUkm: In the
alley between Tentji and Klevcnih
-‘-^s’from Wadsworth to Division:
the alley between Eleventh and
Twelfth streeu. frdm Wadsworth to
Division street, as heretofore adopted
by the council of Traverse City, Michi
gan. Uke notice:
Thst the roll for the special asseMent heretofore made by the board of
of defraying
the money If It does not give the de
sired benefit. This Is certainly one of
offers that can be made
and any one who bM catarrh and does
not Ukc advantage of It is doing him
self or herself an Injustice.
Extra bottle of Hyomel can l>e procurtsd for use with the Inhaler at H*c.
Do not suffer any longer with tlckllpg. amarilng. burning. e>o-waterlng
troubles that afflict those who have
catarrh. Hyomel will cure you. but If
you Should not find It adapted to your
case. 8. B. Walt A Sous will return
JIR8. H. GRKENSTEU wishes to nnlonnce to the ladies that she has an
exclusive line of lmi>oried goods from
New York. Including silks, linens, fian
nola and woolen ^Xabrics for shht
waists and suits. Mrs. Greensted
will be at home Tu^day evening and
Saturday afternoons and evenings.
413 Webster street.
, C. W. DeZoete. He
W. U
I Squires.
. G.
. .. w
J. B. Hawley. Tho«. IkjuUrow,
Brown. R. A. I>owrle. A. B
Willard Can. G. R. Newman.
C. Gore, Thus. Helm, Lunu
Waldls. A. C. Eller. Chms. Easterday.
Nelhon Gore. V. A. Patrick. Wm.
Blackman. John I.alharuK. A. B. CurHe. Clifford Clyne. Morris Ik*cker.
Louisa Ayers. H. D. Poayner, R. Wledoefl. Samuel Stover. Chas. Moulton. C.
E. Kent. J. M. Haggard. Mr8^ Mary
Disler, Ely Clyde. C. P. Taylor. Palmer
B.. G. F. Rowe. A. Secore. A1 Nash.
Craw A Hardy. H. W. Smith. C. L. Da
vis. F. J. Sutherland. M.
Mrs. Rose Webb. A. C. Rowley. P.
Paris. D. E. Carter. Robt. Walter. P. L.
Smith. Lydia Jamewin. Josephine
Bates. F. E. Saxton. G«i. K. Jewett.
H. n. Burns. W. E. Moon. Nellie John
son. D. L. Thomas. N. W. Harrle. C. H.
Johnson. Fred !>ean. O. L. Coulter.
Mary E. Slyter. G<*o. Helm. M. C. Mll-
WOklnson. the bUiorbin. shows that
tbe world Is Indebietl for mlrroni to
tbe BDcImit Egyptians. At first ibey
y. J. MqA
were made of metal, so well eompound- Crnln, A1 Ayers. O. P. Hughs. A. R.
ed and poIUhed that some rvcenUy dug Pike. Wm. Ralne, Arthur Hadley. E.
W. Butler, W. B. Bennett. A. Huell
fierful Ineter after burial for iliousaiids mantel. John Gallagher. W. B. Knaggs.
of years. Oral Jn shape, they were Davidson. Mary MIckler. Frank Voge.
M. E. Louks, O. D. Kenney. S. B. How
tea:cned to enned wooden haodlcs. ard.
Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah esl.
Beferences are made to such looking Mrs. Libby KcMy. 8. D. Cole. Andrew
flaasee In Exodos and Job. Tbe r.reoks Pitch, D. Roulsong. Wm. VenStee, A.
and Bomane madq similar mlr^rs of B. Curtis, Fred Stocking. Calvin Gib
son. Wm. Hendricks. W. J. Noble. Crl
At Murano. near Veiik-e, tn tbe tblr- vin Gibson. A. Hannaford. Z. T. Swan.
teeuth ceptno ’.he republic protected Henry Canfield. Warren Salesbury.
the trade and jmlously guarded lu se Bert Mullen. Jane A Harry McGluniH.
crets. securing a lucrative busluoss fur F. Neason. P. F. O’Neil. R. O. Paulin, E
a -century and a lialf. Mirrors were Johnson. Mary Kekierhouse. John Pro
then made from cylinders of gUsa fist ben, A. F. Howard, and all persons
refully polUbed, bev Interested In lajlng of a trunk sower
and sUvensd by an on Division street beginning at a point
at tbe alley between 8tb and 9th
streeu and running south to the alley
between I2th and 13th streets, as here
tofore adopted by the connclI of Trav-
Dated this 25th dhy of A _
aty Clerk.
Notice to jaxpsyvrm
The lax rolls for the collection of
school and city taxes and special aascssmenu for the jflve wards of tbe
city of Traverse City. Mich., have been
placed in my hands for <
1 will be in my iofflee foj the pur
pose of collecting ! said taxes every
week day from now' until Nov. 1. lb04.
from 8 o’clock until 11:30 o’clock In
the forenoon, and from 1 o’clock until
4 o’clock in the afte^oon of each day.
All taxes paid before Sept ^st will
» recelviHl withoqt collecllon fees,
ul on all taxes remaining unpaid on
Sept. 1st and until bet. 1st. a penally
of one per cent forj collection will be
charged. On all taxes remaining un
paid on Ocl, 1st anfl until Nov. 1st a
penalty of two per jcent for coIlecUon
will be charged.
Office. Room 202 Sute bank bldg.'
M E. Haskell. City Treasurer.
Dated July 25, 1904.
2244 tf
To you to know that on Saturday
•xt the I^Crettl C^ndy Company will
sell. I hat day only. Ibe regular 25 cent
fruit iHin bons for!ten cents. Aside
this especial .sale, they keep a
full line of fresh niit meals, just the
thing for the hollda^ fruit cakes, soon
U* made and laid away for season
ing and u»-e at a later day.
T lijsssasissr — —
fqr the laying of a
in the alley between Ninth and Tenth
streets from Wadsworth to DivUion;
In the alley between Tenth and Elev
In the S1I..V
ts from Wadsworth
to Division streeu.; Is now on file at
Dated this
my office for public; inspection.
Notice Is also heroby given that the
B. Walt A Sons are selling llyocouncil and board of assessors of the
on a plan that has caused consld
city of Trmveire C|ly will meet Sep
de Ulk amongst t
tember 12th. 1904. In said city at the
council rts
- - - - Ward.
lowed by other remedies, but
view said
To J. A. Nickerson. John Wood. T. time
edy Itself is different also. This treat
and place opportunity wBl be
ment for the cure of cartarrfa has such A. Monroe. Warren Finn. John Bartx, given all persons 1 Interested to be
•0M% and jrouSf* b*«i In-
fMm <»itr fitiMMLiiM (Mort-
BA8TALU tha Jssroltr*
P. R^Ws furnish handsoma eardi
with every gift
Prompt Dollvory.
Will never occur, so long as you use
meals from Broach's clean, up-to-date
market, where in steaks alone you find
an endless vsrietjjuicy tender beefBiesks. or lamb. veal, pig pork, to say
nothing of the lar^* variety In other
kinds of frying meats. Lard still sell
the council divided should be borne Ing at 10 cents.
and paid by special assessment for the
Isylng of a trunk sewer on Division
street beginning at a point at tbe alley
Bites to stick noW a-days and noth
between- Eighth and Ninth streeu run
ning south to the alley between 12th ing makeji a horse ihore fractious than
Md 13th streeu, U now. on file at my one of those stsyerf, so F. Votrubs Is
public inspection.
a good line of fly nets to ward
vJUotlce Is also hereby given that the
council and board of Msetsors of the off the pests. He also has s full line
city of Traverse
erse aty will meet at the of home-made harnesses, and an extra
connclI rooms
‘ said city on SeptemIS In
lot of plow harnesses, made for
19044. at 8 o’clock p- m.. to resaid asscMment roll, at which
time and place opportunity will be
gvM all persons interested to be
Makes rich, red Wood, and ransele
more rapidly than any known remedy.
DstM this 25tb day of Angnst. 1904.
It’s food for brain itod ner.es. That’s
Oty CM. what Holllater’s Rcmky Mountaili Tea
Is. 35 cents. Tea
Tableu. Johnson
NoBoa ef Sewer Aeeeeemeiri-Third Drug Co.
To J. A. Nickerson. John Wood. T.
LADIES! Belter look those sample
A. Monroe. .Warren Finn. John Barts,
CbM. Howard. John Lawrence. Wm.
Adelt. H. O. Joynt. E. O. BBIs. J. J. sortmeaL TbeyYl ^va you troa 60c 'THE VIOLIN, hM orgMiM a DANCE
Donn. a W. Curtis. C. W. DeZoete. to llAO par pair. A-V, FritedrielL
ORCHESTRA and ia raadF far danM
CM JMSP Ml ri* trempic M It, but H will cofM up cmllinff
time.- CrimMi*s ElMtlc Flooc
Vm^ K B. Welt A Sem, TraverM
Pink cheeks ud golden hair.
Blue eyes fall of glee;
Tbe ceeftt of her pretUness.
to Bocky Moimtoia Ten.
JohMon Drug Co.
60c to flAO per pnlr nl A.
Oiy^NMiMidMIWc^ Boiilfc SMt
MmBm Cm
z:srs:^..r«rro msAiEORmiiE
must for ante ar thria, on Kknwoed
tired for tbe night, leavtag tbe aa
a4 f fMmm city watar and batba. Hewett, Fred Colby. J. O. Kopps. J. W.
to batch OM la ble pocket. ’
Morse. P. a Miller. J. R Hawley.
kaiebed out perfectly, aad wbea PW- aim tsm fMtf tersna la Baaala couaty. Tboc. Boodrtm. W.. U Brown. R A.
and also ter a tew papHa
Beauty ReineiliBt
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