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The Evening Record, September 12, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
toMlmt tni> p. H. Wu«
mrniB for Ifor co^mlkHi of w ate
la 9teie aCair% or tlM aifotete
•Tflgtetetete PoHIfoovte
jK!vssz:-~. .i
aMaotlaf aaadldataa for paMIc c^oe.
All p»u»f» •'•w
ndaerl ID
u< He.
«»*•!■■ ** >«ltnn. fon»?cl|r .*.14 «t Me. «0I M« be «M *t Ite. 8»
A meceottom m*4 B'ltwati-
r.VIA. J.”wiLHELMte
tedoer aporta BU up!uur letoarr
meuta. tn aome casea
OCT morni
Atetetka. golf, tenato. gnmea «f
The aUfoBMnt that It coaU |»0
per year to tnatmet each pupil at the
.Ute m^ool at Flint, while In the dny
«-hool. It U only 1150 n year, to mto
leading. The per capita coat at the
Ktatc .chool to only WOO.a year
Dut it muat bo remembered that, in
addition to m-bool Ipatmotton. tee chli
drwn at Flint are Uughl aome uaeful
trade whkh neceaallatea the inalnien
mace of an Induatrtol departmeot. A!
of tee cblWron are boanled free ol
charge, and la tee caae of tndlgeni
puplto tranaporintion and ctothini; nr
also fumtohed gratis.
The salaries of teacher. In
tkm company will run a very low rate Kdrool at Flint, with the cxct'ptio
those In the academic department,
excursion to St. Louis Sunday. Septamber 18. a round trip fare of 88.50 average much lower tlian In the da>
havtag been made. The tlckeu will schools, the maximum monthly pay i f
be ten^aj limit and will be good only lady teacher^ being ^.2.50 g month f.»r
on the boat leaving hero Sunday night ten months of the year. Hut this rate
to only attained after lunK >oars id
at 10 o'clock.
faithful service and exiK-rlence In the
work of educating the deaf.
James M. Stewart.
Secreuo- Michigan Association of the
J. M. ttawart, Corraapondlng BeersDeaf.
Ury ef the Michigan Aaaoelatlon
of the DMf Takaa Baeeptlona.
hod ao radical.
' la teaory of procadura
BOO ate. tea attain
Mo. recDgnlae and appeal•AttB OMB HB UtBO Udla aa ftelaaa ^ teawat aad art ate. to tea foil oitant, aU mateoda oT
odmaattig tee deaf, hot daplora and
wa tea narrow aad daasraBtlta
dtemaadiolateBfo^. -BiBtka
prorad a lilaaatag to ladla.*' apirtt teat cndaaTora to adaoata all
. by may alngla method. Wa aw
•dd tea apaate. -nteaaada oT ebtldraa war. gateavoi teto tea oTpte
f aad naaltarmhty ta taror aT tec
te MmUM M tilt tetefote
oca pad tear, ffoaa OhrtaUaa kaov- oa^toad ayataai. whkk ndapta the
Clwte fo te Mortef te
mAo* to tee papU aad not tee po><]
tHa apookar taw or tea i«aat ptefoa
tooKod. That It to tea aanUaaaai
dotef ttnrte or tke te
of teaeoBgraaa that tee adweolad deaf
OMt ^ fvort tei ta Uu
eA teoogh they may not be ia Uh
thfotetee teakiaarlM or tea H
ffr^iiriUTB feel that It to their prtrl
or tec tlo^^ adneolfoo. laaamoch aa tees
are tia roaolU or teaae mateoda. am
teat teolr oplmkma. teerafore. ahoui
sard to har oork^ har
hare tee weight of aaihorlty.
yaart apdf «■ *lT:lf. -Vartljr. aarttr nah. Dr. MeMfor hdM tea
Sacdoo' k of the atate law paraUi
I aar aato paa. ha teat baltarete oa troitea Brat ^tn tea htat
ttog tee oatahUakmaot of day achool
Mr te *lwa te* teat Otete to ioa. tea wod» ttat * do than he do!
tar daat chttdm aaya that If aay chlk
teiite foa aaiw apIrtU of aoM or oa. te: aad graa|ar worka tte teaae
ahall ha^aaahle to laara. after a trial
wnraa, te teot to tea ahaUhado.-*
or a Tear, than Bo further expeaae
r. Mr. Laateuui aaW teat the teat N. IB Traoaportatlao Cat
Bifoetkm te ■OTO. wUh tea
BhaU^ lacorrad In the effort to teach
•C Laola Eacvrala
ad aaabteoaa bacaoae peopla
aoch ckUd by tee oral method atone
u.win do BO la lookad at Chffot-a aBrmclaa aa da raal The Kortbera .Mlchlcaa ‘
The aakool* auteoiiUaa of Trarerm'
Boote trat pte
City and tea paiwoU of daaf children
itaooaaloo of tea
ahoold aao tent the atate fund, for
adncatlag the deaf are properiy ufcd.
aad that no depf child, falling to profft
by oral tnatmettoaa atone, to denUMi
ateM tPa atefod pt <
the right to in edi^n by mean, of
ote oalla arteh aalf•
-nn M'tt* Mtk ar ttaiM
hand den
^ and the I
play at befog lateltocnial, we play at
bafog frtigtooa. we play at Wac
*towh.** and all terre are merged awl
teefodad in being mHi and women ^
Tbe ln.|nini«l of m oi^
wkn.1 blUrllT b.. .» unfortonal*
Baker Dunn in Atlantic.
I was lAtlnlxed Into Plrtt
ary of the amHent maps to
It to the misralUuc of tl>e Berber
by the tJrtH-k
4|| Irx .nthless etymologtota. who Insist; «IK»n Its dorlra
tkm from hU conqorot m-er the • ln‘iu
gau,- or Dantob aottleuM'nt. at th<
chamjilon’a gatoiu The Olile word,
•alt maeiT aiw mqs'nslble for many
•old man- crag* uism iNWi'oaata and
among mountains. They mean, how#TW. “hlgb rcKk - j
credU with high prlcm. Would
yon not prefer to pay 5c cash for
an article today thaa «c to«OJ>
HBIE iffi im MTS
at pr.c-i Irom Ite to
Lxe- odtom 6Ic to |?.w each?'
11^ phone of tec reliable grocer,
with quick delivery, or go to the
store to eaamloc .tach article to
gt^t what you wan’- .
The find Is the rcllsblc. «itl«factorj. economUal Lcwl,s way.
Do you not prefer M?
New laces at our usaal Me
L C.l«te,Ca$li Grocery.
l.adiro- waists at a dlicounl
Ladii-s’ eorsel covers, fit l.ir a
brlde.'only 5!>c oach, other* 5Uc
47c. 25c. 15c and 10c each.
SaiiHilk. all Ciikw*: 4c xpooL
When commsndlng the worship Gal
O. I*aUer*.i.n. Hampton-JWlfo
atea aome yean, ago the Duke of AMlnRev. W. L.
burgh rolled in plain i-lotlKW on an ad
xlfKIv ami unabli- to tat. aU^ep or
miral. who rebuk.Hl Jilin with the atUT
.. n.dltotor-K n.x>t Moimtahi Tro
work on earth and how ImpoMiblc It
greeting. “I should h»ve Ux-n
...very hap- . ui-wc lor nn.UK. m'altliy aiulm^v
for u. to do ao. but while he fc-l
py to rcivive your
fire thousand, quieted the sen of aalilo„...r ..v«.on.
an Baally agree. It haa baan ao la lee. mtoed lAucarou. from the dead,
this molueol I am expecting a vtolt ! John.^n. Drug to
tea paat. When aa dtlaeoa of a comfn.m the roptaln ..f t^.e Galaten.** Tl»e
tew reprewmled what he might and
•oa ocMiatrr we differ upon queatloaa
duke went Imck to hU ship and put oo
did do to InatlU belief and faith In
or pahlla policy, and we cannot fully Him. and that what Ho really came
or taaiaadlately a.labJUh tee tbeoriea
for waa to glee eternal life and raiw
tiBt appeal to ua. we do not tborafore
the world oa a higher plane. He furour c^mry and forawenr our
th«w eonUnued the thought by giving
•Uaglanoe. The Waldorf Aator*. mny.
an eloquent plea for the matcbleas
hat we know teat nowhere alae may
love that Chrtot held for all. Hto pure
ooodltlona ao good be found. Juat ao
forglvenefB to all Hto enemies and
wa aa republican, know that In
drew from teto theme the real thought
other party can we find any auch b
of the teal, that all. as co-workers,
To ihe.FxlUor of the Evening Record:
of nttaloMt of our beat Ideal'
can do aa much and greater than He. |%ere rtvently appeared In the dally Oemarid Eaceda the Supply and Corv
pDvemniant; and.when we have ao
by living an earnest, irue
Ikeeonl an article In regard to the scaequtntly Som^ Schools Cant
Ume. nought to do that, and have
thorough faith and Udlcf and by
labltohment of a-day achool for deaf
Open on Time This Year.
-^helped the democracy Iqlo power In
doing wlB others to Him. Applying thlMren wh») live ^ Traversb aiy. U
‘-hope of auch end., the rcau||a hare
bought personally he said he contained several afotementa purport
The county dlslrici achool directors,
plwaya ha«a dl aatroua. Wa hare
here not to heal the sick, but lo Ing lo ctime from Silpt. I. B. OUbert of
who supposing the field well covered
fffored that true In both atate and na
make faith In tee hearts of hto hear the city
and m conaequenee have been tardy
tion. and wa arc not now going to re
He said: “The Dord sent me create the li
the oral about asking for teachers, find •teem
peat It In althar._________
here and my task was to make the method of Instruction to the best one
cclvro without a head to many a gooil
clear. How simple a Usk—in for deaf children; that tee sutc achool
Wc want to sail you a Refrigerator and if you buy nc r you can save many dollars,
paying school and County Commis
reach of every one. for If a man comes at rUnt to doing all It oan to hinder
used every moNth in the year and aome hous«w»ve# i c them c/try day in the year.
Henry Clewa. In hto flnnnclal and In
a. not perfect like Chrtot. bat full the esUblUhmcnl of day achtwl* -n sioner Geo. L Crisp finds himself ut
duatrlal review toaued Saturday, gtre.
lur frailties and preaches and Michigan clUea; and that it to much able to supply the demand. The Scha
a very gratifying resume of bu.lne»A
lives up to all he aays. then you wjM cheaper to educate such children In x man ach«d with a good right moult
condltlont. He aaya in part:
No home should be without a refrigerator and if it H I bargain yaa yvaaCi^y Ukt advantage of these
believe la him. and he will be a eo- dai achool than at Flint. As one In term. In Union township, and also Ni
y •^No great keinneaa of perception to
hesc arc the*c*lebni*8d
'er with Chrtot. hto asslslant .hep- teroatpd In the education of deaf chit 5 of Blair 'township, another eight
remartcable prices we are making on those wc have left.
required to obaert e teat a decided Imherd, and be able to do more practica dren and having at heart their futurt months school, are as yet without
ble good than'Christ himself If he was welfare and happlnros In life. I wist teachers and should have begun
place during the past two or throe
here, hence tee thought of the text to to eoiTi'ct this impression.
montea. Thk. has been due. of course,
made plain and greater workers are
The wrlti-r has reason to know that
partly to a natwl reacUon from the
• than what Christ himself aroom- the authtwiilro of the stale achod at
eatrrme df(prt«|loa which uahered In
FUnt are not. and never have been, op The readers of this psi>er will be
the cutreal year, but mainly to nn
Mr. Laufman left this altcrnoon for posed to the eatabltohmcnt of day plmmed to learn that there to al least
actual betterment of eoadlt|oaa. chief
;r been made. We have them hr all ames and all manner of <
the annual ctmtorenco and the pulpit schods for deaf children for financial
And are abSoK^ly
one dreaded dtoease that science ha#
of which to the paaalng of any ae
will be vacant next Sunday.
rmaoDs. nor from any fear of untimely been able to cere to all Its stages, and
binations of coijipart
unceitaluly regarding* the cropi
Dr. Mary McKttlar.
losing pypito whenever auch schools teat 1s Catarrh. Hair. Catarrh Cure
need cause no df^appotetmeat that
Inund setting If low pricM make It any object to buy now. .
thus far tee more hopefol aplrU r»Dr. Mary McKsllar ai^ka rery In are esiabltohed In the large cities of to tee only positive cure now known lo
cntly devolQppd has not yet crystal tareatfogly on •Medical Mtoskma“ at Michigan. Nowhere In the state can the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
Used Into an enlarged Totqme of bust tee first Preabytsrlan church yeater there be found a more slnoere and a coaaUtnlional disease, requires
Itutlonal treatment Hall% Canru. A change of feeling moat al- day morning. In tee evenfog ahe alsc earnest body of men and women who
spoke on her mtaslon work at the Bap have tee Interests of the deaf more at tarrh Cure to token Internally, acting
than those who are bow engaged
lly upon tee blood ahd mucous
ttot chartte. Dr. McKcllar has spent
tlme trad, and industry many yoars In India and has at her in the work al Flint And If they of- •urfacea of the ayatem. thereby de
Ar« 9*ting to i. .
«.-«•«)- »Kl we oell tlwm every month m the »«r. 6o many dainty lce<
ny oppiwlilafi to the day achools. stroying the foundation of the disease,
wlU empcflence a reasonable re
command enough facts and anecdotes
on the ground of meteoda. Tear# and giving tee patient atrenrh bv
.,rv.d W«h th.' r.,u..r mul. end the m.ny aftereU. Mthering. and c«nmg caption. c» tor to. eb«n
to give many lecinrea. For this reason,
she leu hereelf be guided by the spirit
.nd *wrt»a thit . ptfwn mo.t really own . Iron*. “T^ Wonder" tre.rer I. the be.t on the m.-rkot. It
e meeting, nnlcss advised to the no single method of Instructloo can lag nature to dotog Ita work. The
, B«.t cut. In p.ilc«.,
{: .
, lortuMU f6rjy*i fh* wi ore rwloeing our Hook M wo »ro m.k.nj .
mry. Last night, the hymn. “U be aocecssfully used In eduoatlag all nroprietoru have ao much faith In It#
Like to Have Everybody Know.** fur- drof children. They do nd beUeve In cumClue pofwera that they offer One
‘ ■ -f
id lasplratlou to her. She gave fitting the mrthod to the child, hut the Itl^red DoUars for any case that It
Ike advice to ChrlsUan people to live child to the method-ei system of In tall# to cure. Seed for list of tesUstruethm using all methods—to em
« .
harvest: not quite so abundant aa at
F. J. CHE?fEY 4 CO.. Toledo, O.
ployed ^n the moral and meatal do
« time expected, yet auAelantly -o
there are Healhe
- to seemrr our agrlculturtaU aaolhor ahe said, “to baenuae Christian people partment of deaf ehlldiua. aad tee re- Sold by dru«toi«. 76c.
Take Hall s Family Pllto for conatlJ
Woapetous year It makaa one ahrUk have not carried out Chrtsfs command aults have been that auch children
to think what might have happaned to *fo ye into alt the world and preach grow up into Intelligent hap
Imdlhtoheaa^fwof cropfolforex.
[oepaf- She fold how an old ad ful and law-ahldtng clttoena ca
dier whea aahed how long U would aupportlng tlNfoaehrea. The
Jewelry st«dc to still
which iNMan to IMS aad nonUaued take for tee anify and aavy to uke on employa over teto teacherm. aad
be sold al auction
teroagh 4m. • The good harveaU of order from the quean Into every dty more than half of tepae are
Sales 2.00 and 7:00 p. m.
to tee oral department where tee chil
tee'enrrent year have not only aaved la the umrkd anawerad -to phout
the country from a fresh outbreak of toen monten- cmtotlaaiyr haa not dren are taught to ap^ aad read tee
llquIdatAon but have really gone a long been gl^ fo «U the wortd yet al
way toward reatortag tee oountry i thoiMh tee eBnrt haa beta made for
lattee workTt
Bnanceu aad Induatrlea to a poalUoo
grrat dral of etten
nf normal aooadneea and aublllty.amy cam a Uvfog
Chtoeue, Turk
toh. Pultok. Japan
whea they graduate.
tok. Bakimea aad
by aide to the aand pllfw
Igaa aleae. hut an over the ualoa. pre
phoaa. aaltahla forpahttc nr prlrata
fer the eomhtoed ayatem of tostraeaiiiifialaia^^tfoJM wait at a
hamamdfiin. 182,800400. and there are tion to any other aaelhod. At the
Jawi, audUag a total of 880.- worM'a coagrua* of the deaf, whiek
fOMlly. harlac eoBmoo lateraau and
And it is a good one.
Leonard Clcanable Refrigerator
Ice Cream Freezers
^ Buy a Freezer Now
We son the Bradbury, Jewett and Hem
Pianol and -the Famous Farrand Orsahi
i ■
It’s Up to You,
"Si. .r”.™."
van aa anoNat of a smao ptoyed ^
Babakaa.X.J.InlB9a Itapiaafadto
txaa to paekaia la all dttoa
IL*to iJTd^ikllla nHS
b e
Fitz & Wdstir's
I oorb at a Foaitb of July
to tke Baffald dlatriet,
la vbleb tba fntiwr of an errand ^
occdtolk tor Ckto aaiticutor f "*•
r,4^ftawTnt glTeai to n toun
MrTttode for teaching kto fou
year^ wim to oammit kM
dran to do what they faar to pnetSoo
It may bare been the •Zamora i
day- amtor vb. wrote tb. t
wtakb waa aa foUowa:
•*Babeball differs from crlcke.. ..
peciaUy in there being no vk keta. The
hat to held high la the air. When the
tolb baa been struck, the •outa* tty to
entrb It. tn which case the siriktr la
wot.’ or. If they cannot do this, to
•tribe the striker with It when be la
mnnlng. wbkb likewise pula blui ‘out.*
-laatcnd of wk*kebi there are at tbia
•ame four or live marks called baaea.
one of wbkb, being the one nt wUlcb
baada.-Tk.nbtor.u»rk-t^to« _
.rf ...»
Emird) Re-Wri
Tko Boottond Yard
that many erlmlnato. too old now to
coauntt rartooa erfmaa with lmpi»Hy.
to an intoalo^aad pnrpoaea reform aad
•taat roller aad
kecoaae n#eetmblt memberm of the
viitat: “I aov ilaap
eDauaon}&. They open emaU abopa.
alakt.” Ub.
ocaablaad all U»a toaOMmU of aaonlae
and tbeo^la a rary quiet way todd
aatcrtikltoiBt: Tba ptajr haa aa la Hat merll for aU Ikroai apd taag dasmoafii^eagortoiiay
taf«Mla|#iorr wUb atniaa «llaatlA» tfvablea. GoaraptaaS bottles ftOe aad lag the eecreu of the -craft.'
The Brut tblnf the -maatto’* darn to
IIAO. Trial boniat lOc. at Jokntoa't
Dmf Bloro. 8 K. Walt A Bont aad F. to cxaailaa tke woato be pruhatloiMr’a
.W .
1 la took aHck toMt cyan aa i
Tke ttr«M C«tr
hf tW
«olli«t ^ asi Mr 4iiKM Wlom la M IIM act of **A Btoosy anoat lajiTVd t
la Ckka«o ...
Ttec" ta a iHWt .aaoeaca.' Tka
Caaee of atriJn
fw«, UM dMat araacM. Uia
aad alrte aiat aad aaaca. tM laasktar raaoaadi aSoat tkc fM Tbara It Itto eenu aa boar for i
aravTtklaa to aanaa-aocklac to of
tm£ ioMktaf telag aH Ika tiaia
A •ay^iWlM Rtoa Far Ufa.
of ca^
to die. aad a no
ooMMay aM ta till* tkM act to
alM oaaiptota. fa ararjr Aatall. br
Curo all chronic i
Plke$ 25.35iMl50l)8iits
for sola by alt fii
i Bprtnpa Quick Relisf (llntotong
-------- ----------------
up atrongly on both or the M or girl
,, tylcket. the poiat of tbe game rid TALKING YCT
TOOwialtk i
bfedkal mrn and nurte. abounded
Tbe party wblob count
Thit the Hot Bpekito totdlclnat
yoar atoath aad
it y*«terday’a apruing of the tuetllral
mokt runa wins fbe day.” ‘
have cured THOUBAHpB tN TRAVand twod aiU to all maaklad *
exblbmon One tttll coniniutd notb
The fact that tbe reporter thought It
Uarira Uae** vat MU for latvbt«>r ing bat tnmplet of t new nna«vtbetlc. bw notblng to do with tbe case. Ue aecaaaaty to explain lion* tbe game was ER8ECITY. They can ctoru you. For
aad It tarvca lu purfibar well 1
Wldck keani tke rantfal nnnie
nniiM of aom doaa not bellere la a el
ptayid Indlrotes the extent of the pub^ sale by all first dM drvMM
I tke boiling point of
baaa aasaM io play at Btainbarg t
Ik’a knowledge of boneball .nt that time,
and .r.a la> w.« « yuli. .or.
Oraad oa Saturday. Bepi. 17.
lag and bow to ateal trUlea from .hop Umr w«» four Ua»« or Ov.-. Wliro
abowmaea. blembem of lK>lb aexes are
Wkat you door'm ldbbor? HMphiwell flrlllcd la tbe art of unblushingly by bitting I
nib Wbaft Bill doin’? W
truing llaa. They dally rt hearae boW- no mistake, for tbsl t
to lllutfralc Ita cbarprirr. Aa eo
ilaady. Wkaf. lUady doin’? Hclpln Ibe ginaa vat chipped there waa a apt by Imaglnnry polkn-meii. Tbe and It was conalden
liKdher Whnt'» molbrr doin’? Tnkini: rvab of vbat looked like atonm. nad tratnrr. of course, acU iIh' lotter role the pnrt of i ___
and laatnicts tbe young Idea »»ow to
from tbo pHcUer..for usually the
|l.»mttrr*t Rocky MoanlalB Tea. Ben 7 pence Vorth of -aomnofonn” v
looee 4n tbe gm'iira ball tr>tng
Inrenl plausible exetwea at a se<x>nds,
»n>U* fainlly. Jobaton Drup Oo.
i.l.hyxlatc the exhibitor.. Ita grr
goiiilsil around tbe U*e* wbUe^Uu*
Tlrtue. from a tnedicol |>olnt of view
Tbe euttom of mtrrj ing glrtt vlim to that hrr.'ithlug atof.a before tCH game and very aekkmi get caught A fleld«-rs were hurrying after
This rule was aUdlslud ua »iHiU at tbe
they are mere «-blklreii la lorreaatnf kaarl n lieu U la ndnilnlat. rcd.
tnili»er will never have anything more game became popular, for a ba«-man.
nitber tlaan det-mialuK In Bengnl ai.O
to do with n child that Ua>» oiue entered InstiMid of toucblng a rutmer wiUi the
Otlier Peru of IidUa Tlir rraulting
-Camognhllieast” Is the name of tbe a reformatory. Tbe clergymnii there balk would ofleu -.Kwk” hliu ni short
raolnl Mnmmtlon la lieixmilng oo obWINTER’S WOOOT
has generally workcl on tbe youthful range, which generally brought forth
•Ttooa lkaf Uva1«vr.bwi pnaaed In
If no. no ^o at .mr.’, Wq have
ed for Ibe women of Ibe Uaellr I.eague
unprlntulile remarka from the s^rnkw.
h; inrh w.KKl In henihH'k. mixed
of IreUnd.
The artlal In lllustraUng this* game
waa not far iK^hliid the r>iH.rter. The
wood and ail Imnlw.HKl fall u*
trained In a very picture slmwa ua several hundred apeeBoy burgtara
up alKiut ti (Ui iphoueK, lh-11 T,l.
Is argued that moat tators. and. with the extxi»tion of a Jew
nti/.ens ;U4. '
poo^ living in vlUaa piy ngrroat Ueol ladles Slid gi-mUiuen Mwted lu cor
iTattentlon to bolts and Isra on tbclr rtagea. tbe only is-ns.u sitting down In
ground flow but very little If any to the enUrv aaw-mblage la tl»e umpire.
lean Drug Company.
Beauty Runeilius
on your winter fuel if you burn a
Look for Sept. 13, 1904.
An opi>oriunUy to makfe your own selection
from the Mann—Gruber Co., Milwaukee
' Great Slock of Woolens for
Suits .Overcoats, Trousers
j^lle BUI Blkee Uty of bta mind and
la provided in tfc- early days of hto four tips, he Irons gnicefully
iralulug with aTcn fen.t silken rope bla <halr with bla k-gH
k-gs erosswL T
UMl In m»Ota a foot apart. Fastened
instead of -playing
off.” a
That the Hot Springa medicines |
alaodlng. «vb with
have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAVbaae. and a baw runner Ik
ERSE CITY. They can cure you.
with this roiH\ throwing It in much the
altbougb the plleher
tomewv aa a liu«m troukl be up to a ik lhw the ba'il. In Khorl. the general \ sale by all first claaa druggists.
window pUl six or mote feci above blm. aaiHHi of tbe fleUl b cnougti to give the
no that tba hook holds to tlie atona.
modern basebaU eaplsln m-rvous proa
Wben tbs laaaoing la n«iiu..^ .«
trainer’s anUafactlon Uk- lail la next it- i The„ year
bniuiuill well eaISTo
quliTd to Whin up tbe roiw without dla‘*** ji tabll»bi>d
ami diwervlng the title of uatodglUgtbelKmkfttMathf
^ tlonsl game. Of the amateur clubs the
3S a great deal of p
^ Harvard univiTslty team was *me of the
f are tbe falls
fctrongesl. virtually dofrotlng the fa
ten feet. mous Ilr»l Blm klbgs lu one game. Tbe
aad prior to th^ stage tlie U>y has Is^n
I 17 to Ig lu Harvard's favor
taught how to fair only slight bralacs : ^
glunlng of tbe ninth inning.
Beds out. Umsiwin. I
The rhlldron la tUir
a bitted
All the nfcw I'all and Winter Fabric*, will
be shown on Tuesday at the store of
lime and Inatrurted a. to the best |
* of entry to tbe back.
Then late at nlglit the inatriK-tor
takiw the little lad to the -crib” and
A-omenleiit s|K»i waUiMW bis
pupil dlaapiwar acconllag to lustruc- |
Tl» prm-m-. «r un .Ulult er ttU |
a boy of lemkT yrora Isle nt algbl dla
arm* any su»|»hi<‘n an alert polleei roan might hove If the boy were seen
walking through a stnwt alone.
Ouro ;.l ll»e b#ck o? file bouse, tbe
I boy. quite at bl.
•nsniioii of every window on tbe
cioca. rrodllv be
elently to pitch the p«
fulntwl. the Ikds niro
eight rous and w iunlp
played In CiminunU.
Another noinble achievement of
Harvard nine woa tbe twenty four !i
1S77 with
uchcKlcr tN n.» cluTi. Ifi thlTyug of tbe Hpr
gaiuo i^atcher
Bucklen’s Arnica Bslvs.
im Tyng. perennial Jim Tyugl
fyiw. Jit
made tbe unprect'ilemi'd rvwrd
Has world-witle fame for manrelo-js
thirty-one put outs and lUnv aKwli
jrcft. It KurpEHSc* any other salve,
While Ibis game was Inlercstlug and lotion, ointment ;or Italm for cuts,
corns, huras. hulls, sores, felons, ul«»rly part. 1
cers. ti tter, salt rheum, fever soreK.
uionoioiious after the ttfle
chapped hands, skin eruptions; Infalllble for piles. Cure guarantecil. Only
25c, at Johnson s l>rug Rton-. ft. K.
Many hiUk aiirt stone mason< In I
City of Mexi»-o arc vvorkliig for
|:L*.rd» n day. who gid only
7o rents a'few y^n aco.
What la Life?
In the last analysis hoIkmIv knowr.
but we do know dial it Is under strict
law. Abuse that law even sllKhily.
pain results. Irregular living means
derangement,of fbe organs, resulting
In couiillpaiiun. headache or liver
High Art Tailoring.
Beauty Remsilies
121 Cass SI .
Hu just opened to the publie,«.,d«bi«nd newmeuiauket where quMity «nd priou
«re right. Given* ncnlL . .
o. T. OOX
2S5 E Pront SU
ati. none
IU lilglll
TIIKRK .\RK Fi:w Cinny
Steinberg'^s ^ j
Saturday, 17
"Un. C. H. powa «f Ma*rB% who
McFhemaa wH as^ oldjsoUte
V. ft.
qteianr oaq te wte Ip »u to Baft
teqd^ the ristuc eum. uud mucA to teJote lo lAa reaate««Be p
Ing'Mte fw thrm as rcwvwe
gp gm We#«te.4Ae I4th.ai
of the lot trf their erx by those who
m. on the. Pete Marquette i
tecor the eccoomk indepeudenre oT
cooks aad odraoee guard wlU #a{mwmam. teit tbe urtf enpnorttog JspItata Mta Alratar ta Hit The
m wwwn K after aB.
o. tte aottac »«!« for tfc,
-t, bot an
I Msotta Be Hmdp Weak
.tiW»«c. ami people who have
ew t
----- eoodltkias in Japan tlo
Turn out and have a good tinifL One j ^
»be t
ten on all railroads and beau running
tp, *ur.
me feH* that that te the
the aaaplcea of the
t way 1
look at It. Burrlr these
m. mM MtmW.&MMHrMt ftds
^flwrw MOCML dr TNC
««TK a. tt.
>Ma& H.
tt t
Ha. m. adi^t at Uka *m. ^
mho ta* tots IMU^ « «k* taw «t IM.
Aavw jam latmoi ftaai Haw Teak, A. O. Wanmr for twp, wsaka. vapraai
aia tha gaiMa^r Mr. aai Him. J. M.
ttakaalaa of WkxA atraaL
Mtei Unds* aoeoaon id QMipt.
Mra. BL e llte aad two cASifia.
rA^A^Aoat §mm rn-nmtmm tt
ta“torl rtMrSwT
Mml & Aadfowa oT Walkanrilia aad
ity Mt
tAs day at tAe laa. Omqaa.
Mw 0» mamu
I tAa day with a party or 1
Ai l:a H. ik. iiRir a itert
' kf lt»r. J. W.'lfRItfr. fto aor-
I a wnAttiU tki
a iaa4 tlM aa* haa
raialrMlM a
Dr. a A. Hdlli4ajr aaaf *
l^. LaaTM laal^t iiia la
[•mat te faar
^ K*«MP
Haaalij«iaci^aa4 7»«af
I laaMac aat;^ ^ ara apt U>
Uaaa aA tlitak lam
: hu iMttaaa.
aa4 00.
t aa< lA# dau«r^
la act actls llfa iMr. Ifaballafla
M U aiMartaiaad* ttif HUI b* «(mal.
8a IlM araat oa |t»
bow >0
lartaatt tffo 8r 1^ --------^taaoaghtoat^
I ara lift
Aim aair Ma ooai
I Ay all wAo kaaw AIbl
Ilka Urn ara really aaadad Isi
Vltld Hr. Laafmaa.
MW are always ralaod
. ilay apoa Ala caa^
t ihia trlbata. I bring to yoa
afort aa a boXAar aa4 aw
j 4o I )olB wHA yoa la yoar aorTAe Ood oT^'peaea. Urn Ood of
Bov. J. W. Iftlljfr jAoka bilafly of
groat qaaattoa or Ilia mad
of daatA la
so tbst ona
i act only Mvi^kat die and
>ba Blbla talU hem Ua paople of the
world lAall atttbar hunger nor
tAliat aad aU tear* pAall be wiped
A«iy. Hfra la i^ng aad pain, bnt
Aaa aald tbal ^or yaader tAare
' an »
Mr. and Mrs. Charlaa Lawraaee of
42« South Union
wBh Hr. and Mrs. Frank Smith at
Lewis Anderson of Omena passed
throub towi
where be U
the college.
8. Rudd and little daughter
Hsrgsret. who have been guesU of
Mrs. O. N. Back of hZi WebsU-r street
for a week, returned to her
BIk Rapids ihla nioixli,g.
Mrs. H. U Fish of tjio Stale atreat
has been antartalslag Mr. and Mrt.
George F. Fish oC Tftlado for a w<
Mr. FUh. who U a brotherhood
glneer on the Lake Shore road,
turned thU momlngj
Mamrs..MarUn Qraan. D. WhlCsou
and rmj flick of Bates left over the G.
R. A I . t
days* trip
Will Fairman otOld Mission left for
Alma this a
Rev. J. B.
United tothren church at Dateas. left
for the' annual conference of
cl^urch which p^ns lunorrow at Carson «ly.
H. DeLong of PeonsylvanU imt thto
morning after a week's visit with C. V.
Wright of 247 Washington street
Mrs. Barbara Scott of Union City,
who has been the guest of 8. R lUrst
of Bates for ten days, relumed to her
home this morning accompanied
Miss Lulu lianit. who will mal
abort wGkjr there.
Meadames James Hammond
eaga. wAo Aaa te vtelOag friends
Aer< fpanmd M Ue Rllaels yestor-
have been arranged as nedr eqaaUy as
aoihat an wni be’mims. The
enteted arc owned Ay local
people. It te aald
aoase aarpvteea In atore tar tbe twen
Uath aa it te tbe mteatioa of abmi'
owaan to lowrer the marks of their
Aomaa as well as to <
naoaliy held by them
The entries and classes ks arranged
by the association,arc as follows:
Class A.
Best three In live, half mile heaU
l,ady Cycou, b. g.. Wm. Ingersoll.
Bko faces and Ihrir lamiptnou#
Card of ThaNka.
We with to thank the many frieads. endes. Hying In their dfdl hous«>a.
their bale n:«t« In iljefr
the u.
L. K,.
O. T.
IBCiuaing xur
i. M.. the K.
iv. T.
p»rdens liesKle their dwarf mVw
aad K. P. lodge, for the many kind
Besses shown, and for tbe beautiful Uaiull aftluit,v with UR til.-,* and elatierAowers sent at the Ume of the death | Im: tnH writ. r*. or w ith Wfwk1»wrd*
(rf wUc and mother.
sad :ttla»cs or an.T of the <iiter tire‘ parapheronUa of xmcv and
mrdwaH/ departBMwi of Ue
A Lar ’llen^Ule compa.:y
many years agii and Is aow manager
of the aafely Oepcklt vault company.
' Oad. W. Ag^ And wtfe of Legonler.
Blr Nora-.aii l.cckyer ha** N‘en
lod.. are visiting G W. RaS.
- ' Bigelow and John
Vandaxer of Bthgor. who are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clancy of 20l
West NtnlA ntroel. took/a trip to Char
levoix. returatng thllfoomlng.
Mrs. Win Hydon of Kalxmo.
Bty. who hai been the guest
of Mrs. Joe ferothers fir the past ten
Billy W.. ch. g.. Howani Whiling.
days, left for home thU morning.
Miss Rose Schuster of Summit City
arrived this attehioon for a short vtell
I OHT>-ltotoribV •vvrlas plaa et s »a <> Ktory
to Mr. and lirs. Robert Walumu
John^ of lianlurd. who
T^kiUi^ her sister. Mrs.
Best two in IhA-e. mile hcata
Charles Brown hf Garfield avenue, tor
Hmdllght. hr. g.. H. U. Joynt. ownsr;
raid lub-U. a««cf u*p.-.
Red PhU. hr. g.. Oormalno. Bru«..
Cdnrel who went to OM
MiMfoa to lold (quarterly conferenct* uwnera.
Kate M.. s. m . Dr. Gel man. owi
esterday. relumed home this momDogwood, ch. K-. Jack Rennie. <>w n<v. j'n«g-«,aa b.
UlDoc. g. g.. Wade Bros., ownero,Dr. E. 4. Afhlon. who is atUl
Claac C.
ned to bU bed. U alowly gain
Best thrt'c In tire, half mile hen
after hU
injuries in a runaway
Swift Madonuis. tA g.. Rd. l^autncr
Labor Day. V
Noble, hr. g.. Rlcliard Rtipnuld
toss and open Com Nsar Long
Lalcsisrd Csdar Run.
DhA Bellinger, ch. g.. O. J. Morgan
■ BiUy Frost, ch. g.. Frost Dros
Uttie J., b. g.. Tom Shane, ow
called to this cRy Satwrdajr 1>y'^e
desth of their ifted tether. John rick
Kuaa from wW
s'. left fur their home in Kslksska.
the Chriatlan shore the funarsl services w
Who had y^ed him and &0ld tomonww st IftP A:*m: fiwm'the
»r lafluanim ha^ lingered with
Aim ao tAat b»-Aroaght up hu own
extended risli with her mother svd
^ .^Brpwna uprtfbt Osier St Oloan. N. Y.
tatUng how he had alwaya ad
Mrt. 8. C. Handali: who haa
; »tolatmod JaatloalpomrUally yet with rUlting her broker. Prank Derby, at
\ ftJialiwfmeTey gp
it should not Bast Bay the past week, feft for her
toft too hard on thpae that had erred. borne in Pentwater st noon.
»a also told of hU l^ome life, of hU
Mrs. 8. J. PoUnskl of Mlddlerlllc
► la the «5ommnnlty and of the who has been the guest of Mrs. J. G
•poi Aa Aad aocoolpllahed by hla man Kupf of Teatb street for a week re^
•or of living.
turned home this morning.
Ha was laid away to rest In Oak
Ralph Thacker .and Kiel Morrlsop
Otto Wleke. n New York p<.ljflrlan.
rodd ownetery with the impreaelvc nHamt*d to Olivet this noon.
by Justly John Verloy. They
Md fellow rites. ^
Mlsa H. L. Bishop of Detipll re make lh<ril^me In Kingsley, leaving
lere Immediately after the cere in tbe CiO Hall |wrk.
turned home this doming, after
Philip Host! an 2jr*soldler. died three Weeks’ outing at Fountain Point mony.
Marday inomlng‘*rWfl age at his
Mrs. Leman Patterson, who hai PER
Acme. I9e leaves a wife been the guest of hr^ cousins. Malcolm
The Colj^la took a load of crates
^«ad oeveral ehlldrpn.: rThe funeral Wnnle and .family. 4^-turncd to her to BowerT Harbor Saturday, where
held Ihirlifleraoon from home at BprIng Lake Unlay.
they will be Ailed with green corn foi
Ua Aeme ehurrb. U D. CurtU being in
Mr. and Mrs Floyd Smith left for the Traverw City canning factorv. Office of JcMJs C. Petersen. Architect.
No. 20y State Bank Building. Trar
84. Loula on the Illinois last evening. slKiul Avo hundred acres of Ane mar
.rtl, ..tcnd<sl I. .
«»*■>« » • Mr.* aad Mrs. Robert A. Rogers of ketxble com being gromn at ihst erse City. Mich.
Michigan City. lad., are visiting at the ace.
home of Otto Thlea.
The body of unfbrtunate John B.
Mr. and Mrs. Tick, who have been of the BUM hahk Satnrdar there wm opened at the office of the county clerk
|[ -mickerd will be uksp .iq,Kalkaska foi resorting here during the season, reIn the Agurw.
lalennenl tomorrow,Homing. A abort turned to Chicago last night on the The amimnt of the footings sboubl at Bollalre. Michigan, for the wet Ion
of a county building and ct»urt house
.funemi aervlca wIB Aa Aald at the lUlnoU. Mr. Zlck oanght fourteen have rend H.713.126J16.
and furnishing material and later for
home of hU grandaon,iU W. Blckard bass off the passenger dock yesterdv
The nilnoia took seventy peojde ou
lit North Oak
»c excursion to Charlevoix, Petoskey same, for Antrim ctiunty. Michigan.
PUns and speclAcatluns may be ex
lag at 10 o’clock. Bar;jiugh Keniedj
Mras. C. T. Grawn and son Carl, who
• WIH be a funeral have been apondlng a short Ume her>.
The Columbia took out 110 people amlned at the office of the architect
Jens C, Petersen. No. 2d0 State bank
tbe gueaU of Me. and Mrs. J. A. Mon on the excursion yesierday afternoon. building. Traverse City, Mieh.. and at
The annual thank offering meeUng
tague. after pasalng the summer at
The funeral acrvWetof little Mar their Leland cottage, left today for of the Bridge Bulldere' nociety of the the office of the county clerk. Bellalrc,
garet Nash, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs their home in Mt. PleasanU
Congregational church will be held Mich. Said pUns and speclAcatiow
A. Nash. W1 West T^tb street, wat
Ibis evening at 7:30 o’cltKk In the may be obudncl of the conaty
Mlsa UWan SparkUn of Detroit
10 have been belditAlijperaooa bu Miss Helen Stout’s guest.
church pariora The gentlemen as or the architect by a deposit o
dol’OT tllO.OOl which will be returned
Am been postponanintU tomorros
Charles Covey and wtfe, who have well as the ladies are Invited to this
IfpIan^an^lAcathions are returned
'been guesU of J. R Hawley, returned meeting. An tnteresUng talk wUI be
given by l|r. Margaret McKellar. a In gootbsuhditlon.
to their home In Coldwater this
The building to to be constructed of
medical mlsafoaary from India, who Is
presBod hrlck. cut stone and steel and
Meaxra. Roy Wood and Frank In thU country oi a furlough.
will have slate roof.
Wrnnaky left this morning for their
A ccrtlAed checlc of Arc per c«
Npwlar Yeung RMpte WaSM OMaUj ananal outing at Carp lake,
(5 per centum) of amount of hid murt
they will camp for a week.
Andy Carl had the Index ftaiar « f accompany proposals, payable to the
J. B. Brown went to Manistee ihte
mrdll lAumb.«ra?J«fiWr.tl«^
clerk, to be forfeited to th?
hU right hand dislocated while play
man of the
morning to visit relatlvea two
Miss Bertha Weaver spent the day ing baU at Bowers Harbor yesterday oouBty if successful bidder faUs
pany. aad Miss
afternoon. The injuryr waa^tepaia- execute contract and furnish bond cf
oae-thlrd {l-Z) of the amount of coa
f.' the residence of C. Q. Wheelock, SW
^r“l‘i!rMin. W. 8. Dlgkeiwoa of
igtoah^vyooe tract price tor tbe proper compleUor
Waal Tenth street, by Rav. D. Cochannlster. campera at FXmoh’a. took
for EoL Rapidi of saw building according to plans and
: Bn. They IMr ImiMilMy tor Chur- in dm lake excursian to Petoakqy, respedAeaUons.
from Chteato vfa Die Dlliioto wi
lnd« whate iAqy 'Will make
The architect aad huUdlag commit
hour late la Miw^ the aUp this I
tee roserves the right to reject any
F. Qrtnnel
nraak SaMtk of the Elk Rapids View mhi all bids,
ta CtaM.
who are making their Aral rteli to thU
By order of building committee.
A wn»tr IttU, iMgkUr »rri»*» M aeetioa of nhe coastry
Wm. J. Bennett, chairman. East Jor
flte taN at Qaaraa tata* Taaur- yeara. aad hare beaa while harrgaaate
Clark E. Densmore. ,,
Oonaty Clerk. BelteAte. Mleh.
iMKmnTni a
September IStb^
Tnnrse CilytoSt. m
Steamship -ILLINOIS" leaved
Traverse City 10:00 p, m:.
Sanaxy. September 18. This
ilate only.
Tickets goal returning Torn
St. Louis ten days after dale of
%4e. For iniomuLtioD. apply io
E. e. POPE, Agent.
Ite t-iijiiH it rw.n.
The 0r^ fiiost, which did consldo.-ablo damage to the Ute potatuess and
green com visited the low lands at
Long LaM add Cedar Run last night
You will And Rub-No More at th .*
but furthef reporu from the bay shore follcuing grocery stores:
farms oif the peninsula and west and
W. O. Foote A Bon. EnlerprUe Gro
north of t^wn* report no frost.
eery. 8. T. Horton. Mrs. May Packard.
,«H.t ISl-TV, JlKS Ut-..
L. R. Btlckney. 8. Adsley. Joseph
ron. McCormick A Smith. K. J. Huxxi
Inl.malK.A^noe •.tsw:-*.
A Son. C, N. Bowen.
' 22Eu-0i
rh.sk, fcml i.th.T *-fcr4i
Two car liads of bushel baskets
were shipped yesterday via the Illi
r.Khis Otwt lwlar-Mi.i.a.
nois bFJ8IM||^ells-Hlgman Co. of Ihlniarl.K Jt. Mcllen. president of Ite
New York. New Ilnx^Mi ami Hurt
«.tx»Kte.I In tli.
The CummUgs was an hour late Sat ford railroad.
urday. owlnifto a large shipment of et offltv one lime by a U^iy ImVvklmL
tubers JMPai.ars R. Sogger of 8ui wte MM-uietl to be iiuiUiu; hLs lii>t vih^
.Mr. .Mi lb n fur
tons Bay. my being shipped via the
Illinois flWteere. Potato shipments a lb ket agent, he u«ke.l f^hui tl.v.
have beoa *lng on for about two “Wheri-'K tJ(»rh.iin"
•Wlu.! t;orh:mi:" Knld Mr. Mellen
weeks, the teesi being earlier this
plcasimtly. wltlumt eulLblenlnK the
to Ids Identity. •‘Gorlinui.
Joseph Bo# brought teethe Rocor*! lunn
MasK.. toirhani sliver, tir wjiatr’
of very f ne Duches
-It’s your business to know wh*Te
•tiK. I should thiuk,” nTtbd the ilUSi l;
ble hayse<sl.
-Well. ” raid Mr. MelUn. thoiiuhtful r^nV^i
**^mnt“** .
ly. "Gore ’em ought to b«*
lle;id.’^—New York Imta^.
oC tAMr cowMa. P. C. OUhift, MCI this
A> aMndag far tawma to rmaala a tew the producto <ff,'the pealaanla. The
4aya with Ml
telAm. J. B. apples are the Aneist of that Tartety
aaaa la thto aet^ thto ywar.
nliK li f,ir otii\v»‘|»:te
gin of ftelr <
U'tM dfveloptn»Hrt «.f the rumi «
I In a w ay
no rM.nlsh ,iilar;;.'tl
uw* to tbe
Ite meal P'b p]
tho \ia]u
Thai is what you [ire ^etilni: when
you buy the silk viih the Milliken
Guarantee. It’s as i;ood as it is
possible to make a silk at the price..
' $1.25 a yard
Look for the name on the cdjjc.
--•.W HU
f..Co> w I
HtBU- Kt lluhu:aii. Count)
tJrainl Trat
1. teiln K
«f lb- a»-,r- -ain-a
Iwuk.Uo M4*ti>n]v fAtnr tltal ih-»>•»%-,■-tatn»> k»««vvl-ae»- ami
1.X..S r.
anil worn to U-forr tm- llu- tuih ;
lay of Keut. IWM.
Sales at -2;0<) and 7:iK» p. m. of ihc
The*Best Goods are in Stock.
'I wo dcclric clocks, will run two ycarswiihout winding.
One mantle and one oHice dock. One lar^e Kdisun
Graphaphone. Uianionds, Gold and gold tilled Vk’aichc5.
Solid silver plates ware, Field and Opera glasses all al
your own prices. A chance of a life time.
W. C. GANNETT, kgi.
SAMUEL S LEVY, Auctioneer.
New Fall Waists for $1.00
Splendid line of this. popular priced waist just received;
very pretty patterns in both flannel and Danish Cloth, thisf excellent fabric makes very pretty waists, comes in creamand tan only; flannels come in brfiwn. blue, cardinal and
black. We also have a vecy pretty mercerized waist lir •
i - • . black and white.w^urea. These make your choosing easy.
Niiw piiiHt, ■ O^ntor
t;. ■
' rvT'
MSB liaifS OF iiC^
I. vwrtaA to CM and hrOltoacy. aa
wMl at ffich in prtematfc effeota, dae
to the deep caettag o( toUrtoato deatoaa. Aaidp Ma oar ftae llae of cat
gtoaa. wa carrir a beandfai aaaoftBMBt
ar hand paiatod China aUr^ Bam (ran
ptotaa. aalad howto, to the^antotlc taH
taakarda. tt 10 gracw the atoeboard of
Tho Yp toMJ CJvte Uoprovemeoc as
st I* racoat mooUag. apoBsmltuo to look after tho
1 of woods aad tho maUor
tola has now nrraagod for neversl UUeMUng^loctuma ta behalf of civic
Improvoaicnt. This was the ftrst
OMetlng with Uo new president. Rob^
art HampblU. Jr., la the chair.
‘“.lie opotUng ca. ^tom. kalle
slipped, cutting wrtsl Teciunaoh 150-
to the grocery atore that
between n store aad iu baying pahllc
to the saviag of moi^ by Jodidons means growth. ThU store has graqra
and U growing on Jnat these Uaoa. No
Bontlac eadoavortag to Interct busi
ness men in tho scheme. 80 (ar their
efforia have Wen futile. The business
men tome time ago signed an agreemaot cot Id- do busineaa with the
nttod with a IM home powar RtoaUej
aagtoe. Speed eight mDes an hoar. A
bargain B taken at eacc.
rmiunate Is the pabtle that has fach
Mrs. Lena Cline of Rome, leading a
«w. Hod .rope to her wrtsl. Aolaml
cHne to thv lailrr qplaloB. If foo wUI
a. dragging woman kmg disunos.
look at the pklarea ip any book of an
lujorlag her.
rimt myiboloRy you eaa eaaUy eee
Kalamnzoo U to have a four-day
• that the old asakey draaona had leiti
and claw* jiwb'aa portto* victim had. ce meeting U f)ctober.
August U uaoaUy a quiet month.
and «» it bccomca hicbly imiliablv
ThU year, however. It has been rathef
Uvely in the atau game warden** de^
senL The •eUun^* of uqderstsed
*crt* large, over CAOO poand* be
ite and chartublc Intoant lecal liabU and pollilriaba
smaH quantity sold,
icatbered In the lobby >rf the Bancroft stltuUuna and
hoove at BaKliuw ratownUnx Um- Ju be pixicecds being sent to Ue state
dicial wjovenlloa proaa«dlaK>- la the reasuror.
Cairo bualacss men want to got connocUons with Bay City by eloctrle
ar* worktog
wUh might and main to pul the Bay
he had led f<»r acvcral hour, that day City, Cam electric load prupusltlon
:b the Hay City cuundb The
-1 tfdl y^Ki. fcoatlemon.- ho cxelalmoj
-Ihorr 1« nn doubt that today * cmvcn fact that it was laid on the ubie at the
turn wa* reprcoentatlvp of Mlrhljcan v last meeting has angered them oobsldcrably. and U It happen* again the
liar, and made up of mure able
leader* oalhe whole than the arera*e offer wlU be wltb'drawn and the ruad
111 go to Saginaw.
auto nonrentlon. Therr» were
Alblca cliTgymen aet-ni to be prime
orator* and pari lament arlan* u
favurius lu many larger cliies of th«
aquaro vrat than u.tiaHy adorn
WUhln the past few year*
mute itatherinf*. But. pardon me. if
Prc.Hbyterian, UapUst aad Methohereafter you fivo my choice of the
I of eonrentlon 1 de*lre to preiUde UUt churches have contributed nearly
r. It wilt he the Ku»d old fashlone 1 twenty men to outside pulpits, and
I kind, with lea* hrllllancy and dr.- this does not include studenU who
work* of the lawyor brand, but rather have graduated from tho college jt
ct the Metbodui
I one made up of good, aemlblo. hard
EpUcuiwl^inTeronoe.. The BpUcopal
leaded farmer*. A conventlui
hurch has also fuml*h«>d Its quota.
ural dolegates for mine.**
Uraas Lake is again aglutlng an
K O. kinier of t^way. tonha«e<>
ounty, has aitmn n reeoisL yield ol H.-ctrlr lighting proiwslllon.
Crawford couniy socialists are talkI oat* for hU *4inl«Jd from a held of
ttig of patilng a ticket in the flebl thU
leven aerw. The crop U C2k buehc
learl) PO InwhelR |ht acre.
The wirn cannhHS factory at Mar
After havtuK Htarted to 8t. Paul
tte will open It* camiwlgn on Mon
narry her lover. MU* May me Wolf.
ty .
I of MenotLlnoe. was' lu rauaded t
In Crayllng and vicinity the cals
arc playing havoc with chickc.n*. On*'
an has already lo;t over a hundrrJ
ir aa. BOW U the time to hay. Rgeelal
aeeoaat lor thla toaach oaly. BMALLET It the name
Iho fliifia IT fh* nmi amr«a Mocks,
wham tho Uan aaddmly oaanod. Altar
•aorty aa oDdMght aMch of tho city
lOo rotoTMtf homo. AM M oMoslag th* hoom aoUcod a large Itewfoondload 4$m holniiglog to a ntoghhnr
ta hit fhmt yard, hot tMmght ooUUag
of ft. ia tho amvalag. howoom. to
tAtog op the piricimohaat. ho
aeram his aU ohtekoos. demt
havteg oridoaUy booa kUtod hy tho
« aU Cto «Drti «»d CMiaiU. wbicli i0
a wit ill 4«e|iinaK tJiac aaakM ar»
U«le«. Wf«, iww.'ierr 1. a boiber
MMaa oiaMie. |a^ a^d wko. we
aalu to folaa tm khow what to betieee
hmmiur^ Wa think iberr can be hut
two poaaiblc aottftkMU to thU prablea. Hther CurtU haii accldeotalljr dU
r an thorn fd the We»
Broa.* mnsie honae. to New England confidence, other things are hoaad to
ptoaon. Of the car load received last
week, only three are left here, at the
branch store, aad word from headquar
ter* aBBonace* but three left there. Stickaey. 411 Union 8L Both ph
Have a variety yet In price and style, The neatest grocery In the dty.
no two alike. Take advaafage before
too Ulc.
At seasooabU times Is what the publL'
1* one of our rales. If you are not U looking for. Wo do not expect tn
on the half sbcil In 8eir
Ibofottghly satlslied with your wash
Ing at home, give It to the wagon with tember. nor vimlson steaks, but spring
bells and they will return It fresh and broilers, frog * legs and all the *nm
clean and sailsfnclory. This notice li mer delicacies arc rcrxt*d to order at
Just what you are looking for. Wright the Uttic Tavern under the new man
agement. Bloodpiud. Harrow 4 lUvld
Bro*.. Star Laundry.
son. tin) FMt street. Try their Sun
day dinners and save worry at home.
I well-known Traverse City gentloMRS. H. GREKN8TED wUhe* to an
n had his pocket picked a few days
nounei- to the Udlea that she has an
exclusive line of Imiwriiol good* from
-New York. Including silks, linens, flan
nels and wtsden fabric* fur sulH
too were taken. It caused him no loss. w-aUts and suits. Mr*. Grecosted
The "Peupkw** Bank Isaucsi certificates will be at home Tuesday Kening and
for nay amount, good only to the per- Saturday afternoons and evenings.
land payable to hlmorhlsj^JS Webster street.
At Vaaanr. Al Rdbbln.* pacing horw
got 100*0. ttd Into Eugene MorseM
to swarm* of hooey Ikh *. They stung
him over 200 limes, wbb h caused tbo
hone * death.
John Smith, a farmer, near 8t»uihHeld, rv'cently unearthed a fine spec!
moo of Indian ptUtery. It U a Urge
am. Ih ' ouuldc resembling potrifl.M
batk. Many Indian n-lic* were found
Through trains from Detrtrlt via
with It.
It It certainly worth something for Pore Marquette^*.. H. 4 D. route.
Scho-jl* overcrowded. Port llunm.
New service effective September s.
you to know that you are getting the
Hot chc*
Person* .bolding round-trip tourU;
best there t* In heating construction
Jackihe-Peepor at SagUaw
with the long cold, norlhcra winter ticket* reading vU C.. H. 4 D. route
Mad bull tossed Jackson farmer staring you in the face. Let u* prove to Clnriunait and the South, will find
these fact* to you. conclusively, by their through trains of this ri»ute in
over fence.
Police instructod to cot out prtae calling and talking over the new heat- the Fort street Union station. Detroit,
leg apparatus you wish Installed lu the same aUtlon at which Perc Mar
fights In Port Huron.
Rest room project meets with en- your house. Do It now. Arm* 4 Cole. quette trains arrive. Direct «mnectlon in that station with trains U-avlng
roarageraent at YpslUnti.
Ladlaa, -you can Jump on R, ^
Bay City achiv.ls may return to pl« on It but It will conm up an
slanting syclcm ul writing^
10:10 p. m.
Hhro'.lment at F»rrl* Institute. Big
Raplds. larger Hu
than ever
«.10-12-.I4 1C
Grand lUpldt raid to be behind
smaller cities in c?ducailonal advance
Says that the wise man begins life
by buying a good umbrella. Better With our new fall street bat* to cater
Baj- (ily doctors asks for divorce on have him begin by buying a comb, ca
to the taste of the most faaUdlouJ
grounds w ife U a Christian scientistOwosao boy had muscles and ten
don* torn.from ribs while playing fool- bee * Tor any 1
straight hair gr r curly. W'hat do you
The noribotl summer rc
I ette. and Harry ClUU* of 8t. Paul. La*l
think of that? This especial comb,
e rapldly^cb»slng for the *
a accept the offer ot
the -Renaissance.** I* hardy looking,
I marriage made by Mr. r.ibb* and start rrport that business this year ha*
with strong, kinky teeth, that regular
Extracting *un*hlne from a cloudy
I ad for 8t. Paul. Uamlnx of ber do bi«en better than in several st
Lansing ‘girl painfully burned by ly ured on dampened hair will cause
day. While this Is not nlwny* practhe other
man on car striking her In eye with a it to kink also. • Price «5c. Price* on
Thomas Wilson U building
, ticablc. Invest in one of those -guaranI tln> same train at Marinette and per
lighted cigar.
horn, aluminum, celluloid and rubber ,
u„ureHa* at J. W. Mllllken’s. and
elevator at Marlettc with a capacity
itiaded her to return. They were
Charles La
Id lo.tKMi bushel*. It ii exiMVted ol
Hudson Oakland co»^t^ nZ raid
fn>m 6 conU to one dollar.
Hudson. Oakland counij. It is raid.i
----------------------L_.______ _____ i..,- *1 ro
t * i*.)
GeologUt* and inlneraloloxlst* have complete snd ready for business n
was a member of the famoi
“ r.Tp,:.::
I given the opinion that the recent win week .
Has evolved from the almond
the BriOsh cavalry. Ale has a medal
The merchant* and fraternal orgi
I and pearl handle*, a lew of horn for
I aunt freak* of l.lxhtnlnx' u|ion the
from the Brl^sh govi*rnmenL grante^l the Elisabeth Almond* halm, which
I fatm_ot-J?Unk Hurd, north of Pnlon sat Ions of Grayling have decided to to the survlTbr* of the charge of the will in akllUul band*, remove that oll- variety, and handsomely covered with
have a fraternal celebration Thuraday.
guaranteed gloria silk. The ruaranI CIty.'TndIcate the pr»»*onc*t of e*t«
8ept. r:. UKlgcs fmm 'aurruundlng Light Brigade at Balaklava in the iness wo common to many skins and lee runs for two years. Look at them.
mineral depoHit*. and the pn
produce a soft, fresh, clear complexion.
imean war. He is a farmer.
*. *aya the local ooiTe*|»ooUe
A Urge osprey, or fish <*aglc. flow By making the akin healthy one will
promise** to be a hummer.
I are that a company will be formed
against the high tension wire of ihvjlook young. Mrs. L. E._ Bonner will
From the Wequettmg club, is long to
^^ke invevtlgaUan*. Four bam. have
Keyc** 4 Davis, a Battle Creek Arm. Toledo 4 Western eU'Ctrlc railway, al demuuxtraie It I piTfectlon. if you
be remcmberc-d. and as a memento of
I been erecteil upcA' ^ihnarly the *anu have luH.n awanied the concession of MorcncI, Tucada>- night, and feU dead give her a V**!.
the summer spi-nt here, look over th 1 Mr. Hurd'a piwmUe*. and they supply lag all the leg-bands lor chlck« la the street underneath. It wsj»
exquisite'*^ souvenir* at llarnum 4
I have Ihm h eurctwalvely alruck by llgb» ens to U* UMMi In November j at the mounted by Dr. Butler and nmnaure*!
Karr*. reprvKeim*d in sterllug ware or
; and burned, the last of the ca great iMuliry show at the 8t- IsmU ex- five fei'l and four Inches from Up to
Keep* the -lyragon** In his sho?
gold lined bowls, and find Jtist the
Itavtrophies uccurrlnc last wcuk. Mt. poslilcn; There will be lO.ouO chick Up. It will be presented to the high
ore. one has only to step in and *e«
thing to Uke Iwme. or send to a
ens on oxhlblUoo.
I Hurd has benm attributing the
for himself. It is in the shape of a
friend. Beautiful vU*wb of the club,
I lor* to the malign Inlluence of a hmDr. John E lUndy. of Watroiavllle.
of the ciasale* al. Bat light welghU selected fine shoe fohigh school and other beauD'
but (be sdentUts hare rellevcN recently collectwl ncoount* f^.the
? Crvok 1 e horrified that out id; the mca with tender feel, having no tip well as a large assonment of larger
I him of this Idea, and he now think amonm of ins. He pm all tha
hundreds of high school studenu lu to hurt the toes nor nails or thread in Bierling ware.-are to bo had at tbU
111 can be traced to natural cause*. In In a poAel of his trouser* an^^nrlns' that eitj a class of only five has de aide. iTlce 13,00. AUo has the coll
• plouiMT day* the surface deposit the night someone imtenMl the bouse. cidcsl to Uke beginning Greek thi« skin man’s shoe, of light w eight, iough up-ltMlale Jewelry store.
' minerals In this vicinity wem ulll InAhv rooming the dcK-tor found hU year. Thls-i* nnuxual. a* the local wearing stock, and never peels up or
lined to a larym extent, and *overal pants on the lawn when* they had school has long bi*cn noted for iU gets hard. Price $2.00.
Is the dainty -lunch for the short
IblaM tnruare. |ktc k'c
bt'cn rined.
large Greek classes. At first the class
noon boyT A fine egg or ovuer sand
t m*iu h and dhihouu counties, using
The offlclsl* In charge td the car for Oils year numbered only two. boi
iB AUCriO?^' fiALE of the W. 0.
temu^d “bug ore. * ThU In- nival »t lUttle Crx-ek appm*d to the three other* wrerc Induced to take ibe 4 D. A. Gannett Jewelry stuck seems wich. bdl coffee, cocoa, te* or beef
tea. any or all of luncheon dishes can
dry bus lo-ua qub
coroner the other day for a .p<»rmlt to
to grow mucc excUlng and Interesting be had at J, W. Jackson's. Oystera
lyeani. but may hi* revived If the forth bury the man who was to be hypno
day. r
also served In any manner, stews, frye
; Invest jggi bin* |m»ve favorable tlacU and entombed am-e for three
or OB the half shell.
|aad eiimslTe luuuior dcpoalts are day*. The coroner refused to gram
LADIES! Sample aaoee that rave
It and the min wa* forced to dig bl
fram 50e
BOe ito llAfi per pair at A.
yaa Iroas
Kalamazoii coiincn pa**ed onHnar.ee own grave, which he did wlihoai any'
V. lYtofirteh'fi.
Salvaticm Army and soapbox compunction whatever.
from KaUierlm: on ittrvt u .
Pontiac 1* to have a new theattr.
Is needed In the bouse, now the fall
which will he aurted at once and
At Hudson school mi*etlng. Mr*. 0
eU*cted trustee. LadI
ru*hed to completion. The building chilliness begin* creeping on. What
the constructloB of latera] sewer No. 1
I out Imforce and elected candi will be a modem one, aeating abou* U there belter to give hot air than
la district No. 1. begtnnlBc at the In
those air-tight beaters or the hot^ blast
l.20t) peopl^.
teraectlon of Boardmna river mad Wei
After rleaninf auto gloves with gaslarge wprm is preying on the atove* Uiat can he had at tmk
Ungton street, running eonth on Wei
»c. Saginaw ' man lighted cigar. grape vtna* aitwnd Lapeer, but the Ranh's store on East FVont streeL)To
lington street to alley betwreen Front
►t« causbt ^rc and hands were worst peat the grower* tmve to con be snre. they are second hand, ^but
and Sute streeL dieaoe ranalng weal
tend with, they any. U n twalegged that doea not interfere srlU their bnaion alley between Froat aad State
I rA Battle Cr.'ok mad upon returning one from thrfje to five feet long.
n^ quMltira nor aeetolneea. only
street to Pine street, hae been plaoed
> lodge the other night, heard hU
I them cheaper to yoo.
Lauiium U one of the healthiest vll
In my baads tor ooUeeUoa. the firti
xquawking and made a dive lago* In the aUle. There U at pres
to be paid oa or beCom
not one rase of contaglcMia .
LEST YOU POROET. tbe 3fiih day of Sept Iffil:
the city which It attrtbuted
Tliall Mm Atot tprtope medlctoee
ring there bq discovered alx of his oxcenent drainage aystem nod the by aittflclnl meaim So a
• bantams ^llxslng. and no Uaee*
of the THInge and 4ta ctU- the laratauonSSsrpe
th* thb-r. I^curing a Untcre. h** ans. rather than to nrcldont.
^ir«hnJi «i
an Invmtlgatloa an<) found
which ^swears were nmde tamp graft have been at work tnl t|kti
Oom your range bake «mll. top. bot
tom and aidear Doe* your beater keeo
tbc bouse marm with a little ftml. and
la It easily regulated? Are ywir fuel
larger than
they should
be? 1 ^
yourself before buying again.
,,, mrmwwfl. WUI
Jewel stoves and ranges are U
fuel savers.
Call and see them, we guar
them te give aat afaction.
146 Front Street
TRAVERSE BAY LINE Rr.is5r.’.5*^5:2r—
mun TRIP 25c, 50c, 7it
i^<«!-aas.-s£= :
Buts Lean II840 a. s.
All 2:00 p. s.
is a iruarantec that your
prescription was com
pounded by a
Travsra* at/ tor MscRmsHel
219 American Drug Co.
Apply Travetse City Cnnn’
E A E E. 1
Than the new (all hats in thoxi- low
crown effects in deep mahogany,
brown, castor and champagne aa well
as the brighter ones In that charming
combination of blue and green, with
just a loach of white. Tbe Wuud 8Ulers have a complete line, which will
m«%t all tastes.
McNamara, the real estate dc-aler.
has as good a list of hou*<-* for
as any agency In the cUy. Four
Ebat Tenth, near Lake avenue; one on
Brat Ninth. Just off Union; two on
Rnllroad avenue, between Washington
and Bute; one on East Washington.
He also hat money to loan on «m*y
term* In any qnnntity.
A perfect smoke that can be indulged
ia (redy without the slightest danger
try the Unto Wenvert, they are what HOUfiE tor sMe nr tradto M SlfmnMd
yon are Jooking for. Straight ff ve
centers, made by onion m«^ te n
uBkm shop and are perfecUy antlstec- Also turn good farms to Retixto eeunty.
tory to nn ednentk taste- R. W Addrato S. J. Cenbto 444 Moiirae tU
Thdl «lw HM tprtiMi anilttoM
THOUEANM Of TflAV*totbenscbfiBintongtodune RRtECtTY. TbeygMMwq^ RM
tsffSCS.ir.’ss -^'rissarssw;
■ tofL'u
_____ .SI
aad atokw. kai anfrad ia 1
ttTbrST «IH> kt liK •
tfelM fri» M« iW.
ki. Mr m u*
Tka aladMU of tka Oaltattoty of
Baaeart ka« aakad tka aaltoBi aakoffttoa to eat aot oaa aaal.a dar
anaftar. Ikay kaatoa laaad ka aa>
ter. Brasat Craia. AStoi Ayuriu O. P.
iJ oLfltfEriSStSt.-*
S?n«k i*»-Wc Wi«k.»»
tmA ■»••» 4*r K kIWkllW. H.
.U to MCkl >»a. tt* tnw. M
o«lM lo i. ■»»« I. vkkk W «M
Stoa. Frud L. Stoekl^ Oahrto L. Qlbk*d act aMtauaM MM to tiM pvM
arOMm TctoK- Yaaaa toaa* Itok,
to a totetoa» eoaantoa. aad k* va>
laotot «|tfe kto totok at tk. awH
tfaa. It «as awMwnr to ibroa kl>
«inni'Ma<kta« kta aran brtor* ke
tM ka iato«M. Fbr i.o dar* k.
«a* cstM far kr Tome «ko ikm IM li« MpIfatiMW. I toitvrv ay 4
r tetsral Beam to tea alley be2ltaUi a^ Teuth stra^ tr<»
DUAg&Tttu"—• •***
B. Saleabury. Bert^ultoa. Jaae A
Rattle MeOla
■trust to tee alley hstwusc
mad aR pstooaa la
bert. A. F. Howard,
■ad TwaHth strawto fnm 1
ta tee laying of a aewar la the
to Bobwit iMreet as beretol
ad by tea eommU of Travsrm» City fm ^iSaIwte*\o
Midu talm aoticu:
alley hstwaan Tenth and neveate
strums from Wadsworth to DIvtaloa;
la tee aney between Beveath and
aUey bsiwaaa Ntoth aad.Xsath atrecu Twelfth streets, from Wadsworth to
DiTlakm strvwt. as heretofore adopted
by the eouadl of Traverm* aty. Mlchlgaa. take aotlce:
a at tk« iraa had title bare vlalted tbia exmatry under
aaaaamd namea. and the fbet ta ex
Tkt "llitoadlocl of MWlrlUa. N. J, plaiaed ia lblaway: Wbeatbtyco»
here the praMice baa bemi to aaam Tb take chaacea regarding the aafety
aM. %,4awto> ■
aaseaaors for tbe purpoM of defra>ing
elate Ibma wUh a malrimoalal ven uf ywur valuablea? Your home, your
teat part of the coat which tee eoua
ture. Tbto ta dlatamefuMo tboae who dflloe or your aato may be robbed- for public tespaetlOB.
I kattof an
dl decided ahould be borne by apecial
Notiee Is also hereby given test
>at of any latoat to pkk up you can-t tell. Better foreatall the loss council and board of aassasora of
for the laying of m sewer
Nto.h_^.^ T«tk
In tee alley 1
aid tlH> pro*- aa Americka beIrMa and faUI to tboee of the moat valuable things by keeb city of Travwrae City will meet at
slrecu from Wadsworth
\99aU .^\ihMt the half doM* dr««> who r«a^ have aoeb pteaa. Once p«l log them la the safe deposit vaulU ol
, to revle la the alley between Tenth and Bevtee First NatloMd Bank, where safety
the tag rFbriaae Haater" on
__ ___________
which time enlh streeu from Wadawofth to Divi
sion; In the alley between Eleventh
baron of a apatlaed «aka
i^UrdMili. |lulwhe#tliel
per year reals a boxand Twelfth streeta from Wadsworth
pUaaa^rulaml. to Division streeu. Is now on file at
bough tratna have been run In
loaid Hal Uay also wire to baemne
y ollloe for public Inapeetlon.
the New York aadcrgrptiad n
bhAm: nA woold aooept no work.
Notice la atao hereby given that the
P'T C'«*
, That have just been received b) tiW KE
Nmeil aad board of amaors of the
11 y«ir. Old. or 410 nor. alt road, the great eagtaearlh
city of Traverse City wIR meet SepMias Heck are of such variety that i
•MTito^a Vuian Hin. N. J. wai not yei by any amaaa flaWs
Notio. of k«w.r AMMmrn»-ThW
sr 12ih. I tot. In said city at tee
lalad to court bafora Racordar Hau«|. a McDonald, the builder.
aonncil rooms at I
a few daya ago by .Tom tween them. Can have the siamplnj
aald assessment roll, at which
•tote by bl. aratbar a law diur* av> baJ. A. Nlrtceiuon. John Wood. T.
and place opportunity will be
OMtta. Wba aald. ba bad run away tnm Dana, the Tamamay leader, who done or buy the patterns. The metho< A.To
all Beraons Interested to be
“When are you going to atart used Is on the famous non-smut trana Chat. Howard. John Lawrence. Wm.
botob bad waa lacorrifJMa. -Tha tmtb
tofttar It. JodyaaxpUlnad lha ap that tunnel game of yoara. Johar ler paper and can be used on llaen Adsit. H. O. Jojat. E. O. Ellta. J. J.
Ihta ;Sth day of Angutt. 1W4.
silk, glaaa. china and even for woo« Dunn. C. W. DeEoete. Henon Squires.
'joaite teaa. **1 an in .lore with MIm -Rome time la September." aaawew
and leather for pyrography. MIsx W. O. Dunham. Adventist Church.
Utom inUb. or sic Mata i4raat, and the contractor, caroleaaly.
Booe. and yrti've bMn to
Wm. lageiuol. Robt. Hewell. • Fr«l
Nam Wllhatoa BMk Trmmrm CNy.
^my aiolbar forblda at»« to marry bar. looked aa tbongh be wanted to aaV
Colby. . O. C*>pps. J. W. Morse. F. O.
vltad. BMact yoyi^
Miller. J. n. Hnwley. Thos. Doudrow.
8o rtert bone and want to lire with whole lot of things, but he coniamoJ
tba gnltea.- “How old are yo«r himself by Inquiring: “What yea
to.MMtt.1 to
in a
^ good
«nnd rub.
nil. especially
Gary. G. R. Nesr^.
aakad >a raoorder. “Over 21." the
^re essential
Apparent proof that Insanity may
q^o. Scott. Geo. Newberry.
ywaac naa aald. Tbea you are oM oommunicated like hydrophobia H •ben you use the Mi'dltterauean j
Notica to Taxpayera.
raafli to kaow whom you wa
abown by a case whleb ta attracting
I. t. A. BUtLBINffi.
Tbe tax rolls fpa the oollecUon of
narvy.** ruled the reoordar.
much mttentlon among physicians ni
school aad city taxca aad apectal
. aloat bad marry your |Hrl If you
Eller. Chaa. Easlerday.
B«‘UeVue hiiapUal. New York. The sub cento a package. Also the rubber
aenu for tbe ire warda of the
Gore. V. A. Patrick. W*m. city of Traverte City. Mich., have been CUT QLABt»
to I wont iBierfaro/ —New York Her- ject ta Miss Nellie Halpin. n trained ipouges they ^dto are stronger wnd
a. John Lalharua, A. B. Cur
nurse, who waa bitten on the baad by better than tee ordinary kind. Very tic. OllEord Clyne, Morris
placed to my hands for collection
Thto la aa
whan mea oC abort an Insane patient la the Kings coUattr beneflcUl to aa oily skla. also drgw Louisa Ayers. H. D. Poayner, R. W’ledI will be to my dStoe for the pur SILVERWARE.
oefL Samuel Stover. Chaa. Moulton. C. pose of collecting kald taxes every
autofw a^irro pradonlaata ta hlsh aanltartum nearly a year ago. Since out black heads and pimplea.
We can i
placea. The Qerman emperor ta aot ao then the wound frequently baa given
T. Ely ayde. C. P. Taylor. Palmer week day from now uqlU Nov. 1. Itot.
toll by two Inchea aa hla uncfle. Klaj Mtaa Halpin great pain and never com
from 8 o'clock unUI 11:80 o’clock In
toe ior SLOG
Flashing a ray of aunshlne Into a
tee forenoon, and from 1 o’clock until
Bdward. who la alao auperlor la height pletely healed. About two monlha ago
to the eaar. M. Lonbet and the mikado she begun to show signs of menUl dW- gloomy room, by removing the old via. P. J. Sulherland. M. L. Lyona. t o’clock In tbe afternoon of each day.
RASTALU the Jmiaalar.
All taxes paid before Sept 1st will
are extremely abort and the rlcioriou^ turbanec. These gres^ longer and An dusty carpet that has done duly so Mrs. Rose Webb. A. C. Rowley. P.
E. Carter. Robt. W^aller. F. L. be received without collection fee*,
ally her friends had the young woman long, and replacing It with a bright, Paris. D. Lydia
Jbpaaaat look like pygmtea
Jameson. Josephine
removed from her home to the bov cheerful Ingrain. Upestry or velvet, Bates. F. E. Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett. and on all toxca remaining unpaid
Amarlebn aoldtera. M. Coi
he' now aulfera severe convul anything to suit your purse. Prices H. R. Burnt. W. B. Moon. Nellie John Sept 1st and until Oct 1st a penally
Freach mlnlater who haa b
_ mona by hla war agalnat the religious sions. resembling the manlfesUlloM are Just righOn any style or quality, son. D. L. Thomai. N. W*. Harrie. C. H. of one per cent for collection will be
Johnmm. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter.
orttera. haa a big head, atrongly of rabies, while the mental delualohs at J. W. Slater's. The axmlnaler vel Mary E. Slyter. Geo. Helm. M. C. MU charged. On all taxes remalnlnf t
vets are exquisite in design and moaay ler. Harvey Chlnworlh. John Danford. paid on Oct 1st and unUI Noy. 1st
marked faaturca. aloplag ahouidem
A. a Hdw. J. W. MlUer. G. P Gar- penally of two per cent for collecUi
aad a boat back. Delcaaae ta almoat a
A band of about 260 gypsies which depth and body. Look them over.
rlaon. D. L. NIckeison. Jay Young. wfll be charged.
dwarf. Aaother -tawed or* apeclmen landed at Kllta Island from the
Thoa. McCluaky. J. McAllister. E.
Office. Room 202 State hank bldg.
la Bwihelot. the llluatrloua chemtat. arder CarpathU a week ago will In
FOR that tired FEELING
Crato. A1 Ayers; O. P. Hughs. A. R.
M.. E. Ha
HaskeU. City TTeaaurer.
who ta* to prealde at the congreaa of seat back to Uverpool In a body uh
That cornea after a day of lolL noth Pike. Wm. Rhine. Arthur Hadley. E.
2244 tf
I July 26, 1904,
Prae Thinkers In Rome next October.
tbe decision of the board of ape Ing ta more comfortable than an caay W^ BuUer. W. B. Bennett, A. Hoell
Tbe very Inteai l>nodon aneedotc clal Inquiry ta reversed by tee Wash rocker to read the eenitog paper In. mante
coBCtoWtag William Waldorf Aator nlfton authorUles. to whom appeal or a nice reclining couch for the
M. E. Louka.G. D. Kenney,
ard. Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah esL.
dalafe Worn a certain dinner partv haa been made. It ta believed aV«Uh Ing anooxe. Millar A Morse of
glrca by tee eccentric expatriate at talaad that Washington will Indorw* Front street have a full line of both Mra. Libby Kelly. 8. IL Cole, Andrew next the LaGrcttl Candy Company will
aell. that day only, tee regular 26 ceut
which Joaepk Chamberlain and hta the dedtlon of the board. If U doev and also a fine line of dUlng tobies
fruit bon bona for ten cents. Aside
""“c. D. MM-LER
wife ware gueata. The two atarted in the deportation will be the largest U
[son. Wm. Hendricks. W. J. Noble. “
vln GIbaon. A. Hannaford. Z. T. Swan from this especial sale, they keep a
ampte time, but owing to a atreet tbe histoiy of the Immlgratloo bureau
Henry Canfield. Warren t
full line of fresh nut meats. Just the
blockade were delayed and arrived one About to of the g>T»sy children are ii
Will not be up HU October, but huo- Bert Mullen. Jane B Harry :
a hospital in Brooklyn 111 of meaatau ter'a clothing to an endless variety Is F. Neaaon. F. F. O’Kell. R.G.
minbte Ikte. Uahered Into
to be made and laid away for seasontkm >ooib; ihey fotioi It vacant. The
A vicious elephau;. with a record o now up for sale at the 8. F. Saxton Johnson. Mary Kelderbouse. John ProTRAVERSE CITY BRtCi: CO.
guiwgi bad iH-en eoated prom|»tly on several keepers Injured, spared the life Hardware Co.. Baal Front slreeL In ,bert. A. r. Howard, and all perw>na tog and use at a later day.
laying of a trunk sewer
Prompt Detivary.
ibe aUoke of the hour. Mr. Cham
coats alone there Is a variety to price OB DlvtaloBtostreet
begtanlng at a point
barlain wasn't warrh<l.- *T.‘1I Mr As Pa., the other night. While running from I1.2& to |6.00. and atao ammuni at tbe alley between 8ih and 9th
ill nwer occur, so long as you use,
Carpet aeaning and Feather Renolor to come and coodoct Mra. Cham away from a monkey a girl, aged tion vesta galore. A full line of ammu- atreeu and running aoulh to the alley
bcrlata to the table." he said. In his about 10 yEars. fell under tee animal's nltkm to go to the veals. to6.
tofore adopted by tee council of Trav- markcL where to steaks alone you find
tone, to
flunky, raised foot, Tbe crowd screamed.
erse City. Michigan. Uke notice that
idles* variety. Juicy tender beef-y-y-yea. air.*' said the servant, “Queen." tbe elephant, stayed iu foo*.
tee roll tor tee special assessment
with one glance at the awe Inaplrlng and with Us trunk handed the child
le by the board of ape- Kteaka. or iamb. veal, pig pork, to say
Footwear ta what the public ta lookmoaode.. He must have delivered the uninjured to a keepcT.—Philadelphta lag for. That ta what the Flebrich. dal aaeeaaora for the purpose of de- nothing of the large variety in other
cosl which
fraying that part of tee cost
of frying meats. Lard atill sell8>2EA8TrR0NTST.
Norte American.
d be
council decided
tag at 10 cents.
well as tec J. Miller B Co. high cut
nir^of a tnmk sewer on Division
working shoes. The new fall and wfbTHE POTATO SEASON
preacher, his circuit taking to tee
. * between Eighth and Ntoth street* run
la here. With weeks of poUlo hanlAtiOWEST PRICES
rouglirot aeciloBs to the mountains to
' nlng south to the alley between 12th tog from great distances, over rough
and Will streeu. la bow cm file £i my
Tucker and Preston oountlea, West
“red-boadqd Bocnuca of the North
roads, why not save trouble and use
Virginia, atanda out unique. He wUI
idlaa." Whather this designation
NoOca ta atao hereby given teat the
ew road wagon you have so long
wot rtdew horse and he can hardly be
be auBctant to cause the star of
mncll and board of aaseaaors of the thought of buying? We keep the stand
iNWten to a ten mile race. Some time the governor’s political career to set
ard Olds wagon. Barney Anderson.
ago he preached to the Dennison or not rematoa to be seen.
ber 12te. 1904. at 8 o’clock p. m.. to re
achoolkouae. bn Location ridge, near
Bagltah phyalctana . any that they
view said assessment roll, at which
park hotel
the IVmtoB county line. Whan be
A heuae. he starts with a true fmm- time and place opportuahy will be
Biles to sUck now-a-days and noth
stepped down from the puipU H wnnidaUcm. Just ao with the auooaaa of given all persons Interested to be ing makes a horse more fractious than
«d Just one hour of the time be was mea of .Groat Britain. Tbe clgarrtioa
food photo, tee Begative must be
one of those sla>era. so F. Voiruha la
due at Bt Oeorgu..nlne miles dtatont. arc nude of black aad green tea. true, then the reaull la a perfect artis
selling a good line of fly ncu to ward
He took the rand without healtntlon mtxfd to equal proporUoaa. and are tic veprodueUon of aainro’a own handi
off the pests. He atao hM a full line
and stnifk aa Indlaa trot, which he said to be very ploasaat to the taste. work. In design Mid style It would
of home-made barnesaas. ud an extra
Hoot's Cemotaiy Vaan Jott
Bcvpr broke daring tee nine mile*. At Bat they -are very harmful, and tbe surprise
N ulc
tec public
pnniic lo
to know
snow that
coax ramn
fine lot of plow harMSMa. made for
tec amd.of tto hour he was to hit pul- haMt of stBoklag them, once formed, B Price
* put
pat onVfifty
To J. A. Nickerm. John Wood, T.
pU at St Ceufge reading tee opening ta sUmoat aa had to broak aa tee drag of o rds. In altea,. .Ironr
hymn ol tec aenrlcc and gave not the babtt.
1JUU4 laehaa n«l wan the new amFRESH OYSTERS at Jackson’s.
THt VIOLIN, ha* orB.«l»d • OANCt
BrauM Wilder Clarke, the son cf
1 date, whibh ta a long needed
ORCMl»TRA.««d I* rMAr lor tfOMO
Of the atytes i
tar moll
oa^e-nMOt* aiHt atao for ■ low papHo
shoM ow whOnI 1UtaTO ix;:h
bopa appolatod by the Panama canal
wait. Me la preMdeat of a rniMai
n itire Fda traoi 60c *"ptr.!^eoll at SoiiU. *iao •!*.
sonmanL TbqyU
commtaaioa aa oagtoeer to charge of
caMdtlag company ta AriaoUw a
ta likely that before loag ha wlU have tee •ewerage aiM waterworks to be 88.P0 to 8UA0.
to take up hta rcaldmme ta Tacac
try a reoquo want ad.
Prcsldjmt M. K. lagalta of tho “Big
HeUg. Lana Parta» Oeo. BcoCL Quo.
oas*r KOf*ATIH Y
jwi luuiK wiid.|
-1: ^
tv^oBi o
sL*^'iy y»»w>r?iS<iy
MH«» M taoT 9»
bawaaaa Matter aftteda
Fir '
Mgfitlw im m fmt-
MW MM mfUmB boOi m M wlMt it
u thmt twr fiwttr !»««» «ad M to
m A^Stelif^tSilJd*^
fw if tki, mOM nwotw^io Pf««
•d. Md Hat ia ooHi CM
rnt^immi or W«c ngMcd maa*
rSTSot wttWa tMMm Uw
ly. aad aa fh4bMr wotedag
m tnr aaiandMt or addftkaLta
. wbotbor bottv to aacM the
pbWiHty m boctor to gwan
CaltiM. Wo do MC IMTO to gMM «t tbey oblect to tbi trodo tmUy wlU
of ablppota or la aoy <
Mr ow. coDirkdloM ood tlini correct OiiM. 00 iBil ol aAnaiawt tm tbo dlrartkm. tbte
aaad vin bo mot.
4iie gntm tf It imm aapoiMifair. TIm
^rtoduleo wldcb wo jpoofow ort lb«pe
Ui widen wo IrtloTo Willi beait «A
Ml Md MiMtti. Mm mmj 4mm
>WmM^ law of tbo rattad
IL. Ha cdtaiycaa bo eoforcod
m atato ctebrta and odkoca.
faderal Mort v Npflkor could tako
MMt^ teM 0> wSKllll. !• tte M
accted vbataaar vador tbooL It vac
tiMl wilfdff mnlHMiMito. 0«r ocs
ttM tMk OM iMidor tliBD Mr wordo
• by tbo.oxociiUro npoo tw
wbleb lad to (bo paaaagt af tbo
of oiofmb or tbojodial autatv kaMm aa tbo
aaUtraat act and tbo latei
r Kou
ki^la Tirir
Met act. aad tt te only tbmugb
tbo ootboritj^^MiaI wo lurro UA
aorcteoof tbe powota coufarred by
tew. Tbte m
tMbwl of tbo gomnaiMt lag
afior aay^otoraii of tbo dvU war wbo tlMO aeu aad by tbo atalotv of tbe
I ta Ibo fotoro to ruttT
bad rooebod tbo age of atetj twp teat eoagfeaa aopfOomoBllng Um
: Hi tbo MOW wojr i
VO boTt oMrtOd it OB to tbo pool.
•o woU lao tbo volt boot, dodo Ilut
to tbov wboo^
Mrofpeomo^ Mt^rtomro to roiito d«M^ poMtepJaw.
Ihotr UvoUbood by
tia Ibcto abodi oor i^llcioo or ocu^
I f, i
«ajr« Iht oiidt of M Aarrteoi apuui'
^Urnmynm.wmJaUawwd by tla
w«. It to a mattarTf
gtliaa aad doruiop
guard la tbe aeroral atatM aa^wltM
amoag amny otbrr UmtoSaatU great aad la tta larger'aipect would
Bold maaMvora at Manaaaaa. wl|»d, to an tounutteMl ettteo.
iMtrlag tbe last dva yoata moro bac
boea doBo f« tbo matorte) aad moml
won being of tbo
boforo alM tbo
witbln tbo kOB of
bare apooad boforo tbeoi a rteta of or
boobl come Into Mwor
derly dorelofiBiont ta tbolr own Inter,
r bare to treat iVte'pai
oat and not
Beery effort te being ma^ to fit tbo
telandom fat aoif govommeut, and
tboy bare alroikly ta largo me
coivml It. white tor the first lUao In
thrlr Utatory tbolr porsonal rights and
They arc bring odneatod, they barn
boon flven acboote. tbey bare been
given lllwnriea. roads are Iwlng built
tor their nao. tbrir health It
•r tbo cMBtry. but tbte can orltb aofm
ty u daoo Miy by Jboao wbo ara «avloUtrd to tbe eaoao of tbe protactlre
ayatotn. To uproot and daetroy that
.yetem would be to Hmuro tbo proatoUou of boalnea*. tbo oloalag of factorko. tbo topateftebmont of tbe farmer,
tbo ruin of tbe eapitoltel aad tbo atorratloo or tbo wagowartcor. Tot Ifprotortloa te tndeod -^bory.** aad If our
eppoaoBta really bollovo wbat they gallfly ami lliat wlieroaa Ilwrc t
aurplna of gfOXliUMlOO ta lunr
te a -Mollrit i.f more Iban Wa
ta the > c:i: that baa Joal ctoaod.
Tbla.Oeerlt U Huagtaaiy and te ob
taiued by Inrludlni; In tbe ordluair curreut exiHn.r4'* tbe auui of
Bore In rociproclty. Tbeir ictfoo on wbicl. war paid for tbe right
tbe moat important reciprocity treaty of tlie I'anania canal will of
tjwnlly aegotlatod, that with Cnba. cumulnicd aurplw. In tbe
ll. tr
doea not bear out tbte aaaerflm.. More- t.oiuparlMS the t-urrent or oid4u..ry
orer. there can be no redprorlty onleaa prml.nmw for the two yearn lliere v
doobtodly tbe multiplication
■ and tbflr locraaee Infwwor^hflre
tergolr due to tbe -ailuto of odljmpo^ ^pou tbo proatdoDt by date dmrged with tbe doty of ooforc- ere on record as favoring arrange U:aa eight millions for the year that
iag tbe tew to take tbe necaaaaiy pro- monte for loclprwal trsOo Trialions has Just rlowd. But this diwluulloe of
8ucb atrlctme ripoo the fail with other conntrtes. tbefe arrange the aumul sr.ndtM was brought about
monte to is* 00 an oquItoWo basis of de.dgncHhy by tlu* abdltloa of the war
bODoflt to both tbe coBtracUng parties. taxes iu the interval liclweru the two
emiceirt to do IbHr
Tbe Repnbllcaa parly staiahv pledgwl dales. :;iik-p the cljne of llw.war with
pmteooa. PnakloBt Cteroland bad al* ter’u certainly not
nethod of S|wilu tlerc has U*«*n no substhulisl
•a far aa tbe admlnUtmtlon piacediag
rre of tlie ebauge In the rate of annual oxjK-ndl
Praddom McKInley ab. coDComed.but
turrs. .\B coui|inrc<l with tin* llsrel
It baa DO appbraUoD at all to Ilopob^
JO* year ending ta June. 1901. for exem,|»cmW la roiiclo.lvoly pro•dmiotetratlocL It 1* alao onIn |»!c*. li e lisi^jl year that has Joel closed
BImllarly PrwJdoot McKInloy
le that what te moat need^pt
-------- 1 .
,u,all im-rcatc In
ality-flro at tbo ago at
la having both tbe diapm
Jmllng tbe canal |wy,
dlMbllHy aboold bo com BltloaAad tbe cpnraiwUo enf
States has In nddltlon se meut already •ferml to), while the
Uiotevoly plumed. Tbo ro^itetlon
BOW in qtaalJoii In tbo oxordv of tla
on of the port trade of tbe world, stondlng first ] „«!
«w»«n«tefl tbovjwoa mado aodv Proahtedta dovethe ptew
let tbo pro
land and McKlatey.
tective tariff policy, which daring tbo recent yrarr la to be found in tbe fa«-i
Cd^l and Labor.
test forty odd jTfers .hss bewmo part
the people after mature thought
' ln"lhla
Bo far y tbo rifbto of tbe lodtrMnel of tbo very fiber of tbe conntry. Is not that
La\e deemed It wise to have conalu
1 la rovbcabte^at tte
DOW eecsptod ee definitely establtebed. new forms of work for tb«* pubUc nn
toilet.are coooomod.. boUi as regards *Tbeao forty odd years bare lieeo the dertskeu by tl*e public. This uecsslone bm>tber.,ee r^rUs the. public ny most prosporoM years this nation bns t.-jtes such exiHMiditun*s. fur InsleueO.
aoluto aa It te 1
of Ufe.
too. Tbeir Im
liberty and tbo pnrsnlt of tiapplnoss
arc now by act of coogresa joaloosly
safegnarded unOor tbo Amerkwn flag,
and If tbo protection of the flag woie
wltlidtawn tbrir rlgbtt would be test,
ami the teland* would be idunged back
nodv some form of eteiont tyranny,
fiutely we had better await the rrsnltt of thte «<xi>erlmont-fw It te a
ta Aala-be-
* . ,
P\ V
wblcb tboy often comMbo tbe sonoo of
sacxoosfnl nhyiridit aclllOTOtocai wHb
. ta company. Jlv tetter polnte to
ratbor bigbly a«anM drsteo oC
Bdonsaam. but In view of the cobh
rd porfonuancM 4iA dteplaya of
afternesB ta tb«t m
IMo which (UMavu.
of cyrlonK' atontak
doB aky la -teraal ^
downpour of rate ^
aome aOO fsK above tbo Gim paik
tbo London gatte were iongaped la a
form of comWacd a^al play. Boa^
ta a long aoriea of wide Htriea. of ebqr
nearly tbe eame dtettotv. though te
number of Midt to eeeb rafted.
Though when eoea.Aima below tbte
loug rtbbonUkc festaop# fiooftorfUte
aoomod to bo on e p^I^o. tbey teareally flying ta aplrete. itelng and ^
acrodlng by eettlng tbeir wings at fftf-
river saw this cl
i they, flew up ta
tance from the 1
d nekriy tbe
nary palteoce and tergo gotioroslty to^
There te no doubt that many aperies
ot Wida. esperUUy .tboee wblcb flBautred to our fieuplc at I
sborpa of ^ter.
by the fourti^nlh aimnulmrol to llir . QUent tbe eurfare
surface and sbi^
coustltiiilou. Aa a matter of fact, the , ate fond of this decorotai ^tey. HoiM
Flllulno. have already secured the sub- binte at ll In bte tfekefItmoB of the
happy Wida on the Maauter. VltHl
J [ t
mlUch they might Intmiret one way
aad we In at
! iteoaod bjr.MyfM. Ma^mt Pnuama
i iM promptly rreoguteod ami the
I kept open
ia accotdaMVwitb our irooty right •
Md obllsallovi Iboro would bare «i
‘ ??*
wibly foraIfU compllcatJoda. white
ctumvAf lmUdlng tbo canal
o Iwon doToftod oormlnly fv yoara.
^ „
If. oa tbo oibv baad, our oi
ame Into power aad attrpiptf
y Mt tbrtr pnmtmm to tbe
mag at tl» mgaataai mlllthi of
#' “T. 04r cMiiabvii can rrlfleteo wbal wo ^
gaJSr atjnm tm
LLI *rIriT^ ^
vbMi vmU vtek lalter ta Iba ^
tarporattea wated vaht aat aiately
j^laiT b«t dictrattioa to |te aatellbr
ate lane a^ fbr avail ateparutte^
Tbo Wlteaa ToHV Lm
tt te bat taa paaao otaea tbo teat at.
tevpt waa vado br Moaa. of loworb« tbo toiMT to piataat aavo poMte
m tm wmA m tor oril. bacaM of tbo tkatn praapoctog too aack. Tbe ataf capital In inatev^ tentet was oteliely adreowfaL Tbo
taiW tew of.tbakjraar wa« amoag tbo
tfoaty iMMitel lo_4Morvo ateng tbo | J?vol«ait. of alxty t
line of iraaoU ncrooo tbo tetUmua. Tbe ^ laUy
_ |in
q ^full
,| lK>dily vigor and
aor.lcerMdort.ltbla r.mntrrln.MH-«r-}P^«“*“^
,tltS.l ^to is^nslous. Will they
Stag tbe pehwtuel rigid to ortwiinict. DOW anthorttMIvoly state that tlK*y l:i
maintain, aporste and defend the caunl teml to dp this? If so. we accept tbo
was so gresltet our opponents do not
vonwre lo^ralfo the tesne In straight-.
forward fssbten. fv If so raised there, bo much for wliat our opponento
would be m. Issue.
oiienly cw covertly advance In the Way
The decisive nHlon wbi(*h bmuglit
of nn attack on the ecU of the ediulii
elKMt this Itoeflc-ei.t result was the tetrotloo. ^'hen we come to cotisldv
-«crrl..e by lUc presklci.l of tl.r poir
is-rested Ip Him. n.id in him
llie constitution, the p3tv«- to recog always arising wlien statemctols of polnlaa forelgi* oovemrocnis by entering ley ere so made that tbey cat lie Inter
Into dlploiuatlc rrlstluns wHl^ tboni
end Ibc power to maki! trentlos which
when mtlfle.1 by tbe senate heedbie nnAmerb
der thefWHsUtuiloi. |»art of tbesiprr'.ue deceor our cn»ponents take tbe
tew of tbe land. NeltUer In thte nor in Uoii flint silence te tlie Uto_^|»oBslble
euy other nintli-r lm« there l»vu the way to convey tlielr vl
elightest/sUurr t» live up to tbo con tend that Ibrir lukew
oUtution 4n letter oud In spirit But iwrtial eeqnlescence I
tbo coaetltatkm nm-t Is* obsentel pos- bare atwavllsbed entitles them to
ItlvelyaB well as uegntively. Tbo pres. made the costudlaDs of tbe IlnaDcUl
Menrs duty U to serv.- the eouniiy In honor end comioercial Interests which
they have but recently sooglil to ruin.
derelict In ii.y duty If 1 Being unslde to agree among tbemMod e fate<*coiistnaetbm of the rwll- vlves
as to wbetlier tlie goM stondsnl
tutkm ni e IbWW f.w we«k,.«« vxu\ tl Is a curse or a blessing end ns to
wbKher we ought or ought not to bare
frte Slid unlimited cotaagelof
they have api»arcntly tbou|ht
pcdlent to avoid any committal on
.wenpoa of our o|>P«Hieots In rtyiml la these* sub)erts and Indlriduatly each to
our rvAb policy and tbo nay tbs follow Ills psrtlvtiteT benf. ffbrir near
asry lias tsHm mado useful ta rarry- est approach to a mejorlty Judgment
r llK* navy on exactly tbe eainc
Hoes in tbo future as In tlie paaL To
jwhat pte of our foralcB policy and
to wte^te of the navy do our opponents^SteK l»o they object to tbe
admlnlelratlon In oar his
beeotnieled. Tbe I
be Axed nod 1
It U I
to tbo eritetecdeiy Unel
tbe feci that efter
freolhg cube
form any statement that the querilM
tsmle sdvaaugse with te I'nltid te settled. A determtaatlon to remata
Btatea. while at tbe same dime kevp- sUmt cutmot U* accepted *a equivalent
any other nation ban e
™.w ,
people !
necmaaty^lbrift. |
energy end buslnerw intelligence to I
turn tlielr vest material resources
account. But It Is no less true that It {
Is our economic policy as regnnls the j
tariff and flnencs wblcb has enabled |
us as a natkm to make anch good use,
of tbe ladivkSual capacities of our clU- 1
sens and tbe netxkral rasonrees of our
country. Every cteas of onr people is
benefited by tbe protecUve tariff.
The fenaer baa benefltetl. quite as ;
much aa tbe
cbent and the wageworker.
-Tbo Fermsr mod ths TariH,
American jigrlculturr
__ economic policy of
so tfiosriy Interwoven.,
erdenendent. that ndDUln Itself at tbe
progress without I
high water
makes to tbe ad :
tbe ot
ta equally to the adran
rantage of
tag* of the other.
Bo it te as between tbe capitalist
and the wageworker. Hera
Here and there
there may be an unequal abaring as b<bare come by protection, hot benefll* ,
have cBoe to both, and a* revcraal In ;
pollcyv woBld mean damage to both. ]
while tbo damage woald be beevy |
to all It wMld be besriest and It would i
feu wiooest npon themi wbo ere paid In j
the form of wage* each week or each
mouth (or that woek’a or that month's
Coudltioos change, and the tews
meat be modified from «me to time to
r tews for the last
rlmcai of agriculture or" (or Irrlgapnrti
||„n. But these new ex|icndltiires are
No oue ■ would seriously
to .-.bniidoii them. Aud yet It
i.-, WIe to decbiim against tbe Increase I
expense of the govermnent unless ll
intended to cut doivn the very cxpei
iturc* which caosc the lu.-nwc. 1
our opponents grudge the gTii.ona.OOU
paWl for the Tatuimn canal? IH> they
intend to cut down on the peosious to
veterans of tlie civil war? Im tbey
Inirud to put a stoti to tlw^ Irrigation
,K)lh-y or to the iMTainiA*ut^r
And following Homer's cranes to tbe
continent of Africa, where they en
been In effect nnllltUxl? In this, as ta gaged In winter warfare with the pyg
Mr. J. O. MUUls has notfd that
tbe IMdllpph.es. lu our and siK-i.t Um* last hours of daylight In
aerial play, -floatlug aidrate” over tbe
United 8lnt**s we as a peojile tin J.1CP I African stream. Tbe **floaUng" game
the complex problem of sccug|< fair I ta enjoyed by several species of Bngllab
treatment to each man regani s of i Wrda other than gulls, hut mot ta each
bla raie or color. B e enu do so ouly If , a comlitaed form.
we approach tbe problem lu the .plrtt j rertaln states of the air, -when tbe
of courage, common aeuse and blglijwlnds un* bushel nod tbe aunbeoroe
mlndel ilevotlon to tlie right, i •hich I are briglit. Invite then! to tbe sport.
Books will as<'ctvl el sneb llmm to
baa cuabifd «oi-emor TaH. Oov
sn great alUtudes.
Wright and tbeir aasoclai
hlllp descondlDg only to riee nirata.
noble a work lu giving to the rump
prln te the play of IndlvmueU. In «
pine people the benefit of tl
ciples of Amerienu Ulicrty.
Rll good ClU 1 plgi-ons do the ■
ml the Inter the ravens by the cUffs. The tetter
tbrir heart* bird* bare a form of atrial
tbey Involve much that comes home to
tbe individual pride* ani luJIvIdual
well lielng of our i*eople. I’ndiv caudi
tfooa ns they actu.*illy are gotvl Ameri
cans abonkl refuse for the sake uf the
welfnre of Uic nation to ebauge the
natkmal policy. We who are respousl
ble for tlie administration and leglsls
Uou under which this country during
the last seven yerira has grown s .
greatly in well l*eiug at home and In
honorable rcfiote among tbe nations of
the earth abroad, do not atand Inert
ly upon tUla record, do not use this rnord a. an excuse for fallure-of effort
to meet new rondltkms. On tbe con
trpry. we treat the record of what we
. promise lndependem*e have done In tbe past as Incitement to
to tbe rhlllpplue Ulamte Here agaai
1 tbe future. We be
we are confronteil by tlieir Irreconclla !
progress that _______
ble differences of-opiuloe among them- ‘ ^
measure of
eelvee. tbeir proved InsblUty to roeate ^
a constructive iioUcy when In ^wer ^ ^
IntroOt the gnveriiand tbeir readta^ for ^ sake of
momentary political expedSency to
abandon tbe prlnolples upon which they
have Insisted as esaemlak In their
pUtfonn tbey declare for tadepepdeuce
srltbout ouallflrotkm as to time, and
tadeed a Wlidcatkm at to dmc te an
aUurdIty. for we have be!tbef right
Bor posrer to bind our aaecatoora.
tbey Intend to abolish rural free dellv
cry? Do tbey imeud to cut down the
liavy or tbe Al.nskan'telegraph system?
Do they intend to dUmantIc our coast
fortifications? If there te to be a teal
and substsi.tU.1 cmtlug down In naHonnl cxpeudltures It must be ta such
matters as tliesi*. Tbe tlep.nrtmeut of
agriculture b.ns done service of lucalcrl.nble value to the farmers of this
country In many different Hues.
to cut donm tbe
money for this scrvhv? They con do
It only by destroying tbe osefulnesa of
tbe service itself.
>rhlle If there te any prtocipte taroIrM
ta tbe matter It te just na srroog to
them parttet posrer becaum tbe posrer
sroaM be only partial, and tbwefore
they srould not be ahte to do mtechtef.
Tbe teat te certaUily iNcBriMs jdea to
advance on behalf of a>arty aaeklng
to obtain control of the tearerameBL
At the ootact It te s?^h white to
any a woid aa to tbe attempt to Idaotltr toe qBeatteB of tariff revision or
tariff todociioB with a aotatloo of tbe
tniat.qpastloo. Tbte te atsrajra a rign
•f Amin to arold any real effort to
deal adequate srUh tbe tr^ ^OtofloB. la ifiiBklhg on thte petal at
MtaMpells OB April d.1900.1 aakl ;
*^e qnasdoo of tariff rrvtaloii.
^esklQg bropdl^. ataigU Whom .apart
tbe middle ef a high i
they suddenly c
hrough the
wings and fall b
to call nttensir. crofiklng loudly
TLc water lonntftaeat* of ducks
both wild and tame, and of domestic
r part of their actlvto tliern from the sky. Just as ta the
of tbe birds wl.l<* combine for
......-I game*. When tbe sun to at lU
brightest and hottest. - tbey are and
denly seixed with sn liapulae to begin
tbe sport. Bratlng.Jba water with tbrir
lugs, they rush hither, and thltlier on
ie surface and then dive, ooe after
aotber. keeping tlic fun going until
they are all out of bttotb.
. It to vary seldom that geese are sen
to dive, but when pteptag this game
tbey do so aa Inataotaprously aa doaa
a dabchick or
Hraltxlng mice** natoriiUy anggasu It
self. These llttlr toeatures run ta drrics Incrasantly, and Wtou a Bomber^
them are togethfr tJ^wy app«r to to
acting by a common understanding, ll
te said, however. Ihat tbeac mice ale
Buffering from f bcradlUry fotm of
few years as
1 period. But
to^aWce and trade of every kind,
substituted for
that tbe American peupir. If they abow
aeircB occoremgiy u
bitpower. Tet prominent persoBe among tbrir mal practical bnaioaos aeoae.
them aeeert that tbey di not really will taatat that when these tewa are deacribed precteriy tbe po|lgy now be
modified they sbaU be modlflwl with
ing carried on. Tbe language of the
.•f platform Indicated a radical change of
wWI» «tl« ^
Ho tter diBioBeBtes objeet
praijdlng ngalnst Its
itkm has sought to secure to
.he f»«
right to lire bis life snd dtepoee
pitiperty and bis labor as be deems
so long ns he tcrongs no one else,
ss abown In effective fashkm that
ideovoring to make good Ibis ifuar•ntee It treate all men. rich or poor,
whatever tbeir creed. Ihelr color or
their birthplace, as atandiag alike be
fore tbe lew
Cnder our
ful of them, o e have brnm smjpakmeiy
oBrefnl on tbe one band to be mod•rmte in our promises and on the other
hand to kcc|i these proroteea In letter
and ta spirit. Our opponents hare
been berapered by no aiicll conaWemtloot. They have promleed and many
of them BOW pfomlse actlop which
tbey cMld by BO possibility take ta tlK^
exercise of ronstitnrional power and
which If attempted would bring busi
oess to a standstill. They have used
issert tlielr conrlcflona ooe
and often now use teaguage of wild
tbe otlier end ttwt the
iBvertlve and appeal to all the baser
of the gold standard try the Brpublb- pessliini wblcb tend to excite one set
en party aboukl ootK dle^tatied uo- of Amertcans against tbeir frilow
ss tW I. an olteWlsn ta tbe rete Americans, and yet whenever tbey
rr quantity of
have bad power tb^ have fittingly
Bd gold.
supplemented thte extraragance of
tVe. on the conttbry. believe ta tbe proBifi^lqr absolute nullity ta perbM atandeid at fixed by tbe
tid verdict of the buslneaa wof
- Tbs Tariff.
, e acmnd monetary irrstem ea i
Wlien we take tip tbe greet question
of principle as patters not of
of tlie tariff we are at once confronted
r. but of per by the doubt .ee to wbetber our opim
roanent organic policy. Tbe record of neute do or do not mean whet tbey
tbe last seven years proves that tbe any. Tb^r eey ibet -proteetJoB ta
coBvietkm. Laws can always be iw
Tted. It te the apHt and the purpom
^ those iBspototbte for tbeir etmrt-
sbroed. I
the fact thet tbe
at The Hague was rspet
end tnraed Into
baa been i
cneo for
grotrod for opposing It ueles
resented. Within tbe limits t
pines, ran our
in ciaaiitg wbat 1 have to aay about
tbe eystem of promoting American In
dustry let me udd a wsrnl of coriUal
agreement srltb the poikr of ta same
way toctading wlih^ l^beoefito by
rnerebam marine. It te not crelltable
toBsasanattoo that our great export
and import trade aboold be Well nigb
Bsctaalvely to tbcbttate o( (OcoigBffm.
Tlte Army.
It Is dlffkolt to know If our oppo^
Bsoto are texur atom to tbrir'de
mand (or the reducrixn of The anny.
Among the most secluded valleys (n
the south of England te the lower
coome of the river Wtadrosh. which
falls Into the Thames by the New
bridge, which Blr John GoUf re boUt In
tbe foortaenth centiny. The river te
baaotlfBl. and the meadosrs thx
which It fiosrs are green and fertile.
But there are almost no roads or houses
atiU later altbottgb bto B>nnal oear the stream for tbe test few miles.
Md ooly two ancient and broutifnl
r the self
sraa recaatod. and todrt>todeoc« at mllte. the losror bring Gaunt mill, oear
aome future time was promtecsl In Its Qannt Oooae. which was rebuilt by the
place. They have occopted three entlrriy different poeKknte srithto fifty
days. Which te the promtea they rrolly toe Ilarcourt.
By tbe mUl bouaeltanleo lias a
tntend to keep? If kneh ainblgBtty affecud only the Amettoon people It POOL with grarelly aballosra tq
tanks, over which the dear w
slide without a ripple. In the bright
tbemerivea. Brnthenillitabaaielnno May evCBlngs. wbeo ^ pool te at Its
anch coBdltteB. COofldeoco^la with aUlteBL the Mttle trwrt ctone out to
tbeae.ahallosrs to play. Tl«r are no
larger than aprala. but oa gay to IV If
But tbe roe dew to
Cawdor castle bare jrgular rings ta
which they-amuse ibcinsdTes by ^
nlng to drdes. By Ihr tto most play
ful of tbe young of Bw eartoos boofOd
aniniate are kids. They aaem to hare
Imagtoatloa as wall as axtraordtaniy
acUrlty. aad, bfltofi Able to
fort." which ta teteo ptayad by
sod puppies, la great
Wbo may be beafe Ideating to an agftoted maimer when they seo ooe oC’
tbrir Bdrenloroto *|toag atandiag
tap of a waU or rtumlBg over a bom
lylBg across a saw ptedoriag the progof.
HMlii 51!»„
fX-- -
7k» V^%r DnM W I
. «f
in iBT. nwdir^ita-
CPT«^ *1 !»«•
«i.^ »rnm
VMI Vlit,
elMl InvMiibte! Kata UK eC it
berffb Oa leg.
tad R In tbe
at tbd naethwaid aanmr af tbe
tbt ____ea aC PUaatiy. Hera art two aC
tla^lBiiMMlUnRFartlmw^fdr- eafneiMiaeIn tbt*wwS?a"#alr. OUB
tUfciaxsaUoMtad tlmbarM dx^ •ad its aamuaatkma baUe^tba bmt al
ftet aqaai^ and fufytwa
ioR imu. and tbt taawt.fann
Mf>i» «r Mnhi u atrii, fMM
..i Ku.
Um grata and terra Tbe threat bw
neck are taUeaemt deM bliia Aba«i
aa^ l_
be weam
eellar aa
tbe ne^
----- a
Inch wMcv bat narrow at tbe tbiai
tw <l» m «r Mlaetrtew to Ik* ral-
Hl-'iSsr £•£=.■=
oonrA^.j^ TkW «• ■«« PiVlai
hla aoii.V<awo M»» ••• that Mr.
taaUa troo wl«r than tb»r tiew.
Mr. luokla's diodowa bare Um al
- ,aar. Here and ^
wbereRRt wafer baa been dmlncf olf
aia«*ll PUrt-a of cam. inly and oata
learn new miogo aoemv mm
2SnS.frtS tb. OpStfinai
eanter of tbe ewamp wlU be four mllm
Ion# and twenty ton wide. It win
eadMr Uto Tellow cm?*.;Wblebin turn
taee^ Ksetf la tbe Grand rimr. Tbcte,
latemi dlteHm k|ui|nc to tbe
na»$rtmial Wttb tbe w^ter inoered
■nd deagem fromidaotoi i^dnc«d> al*
meat netUnf by tbe dtoUnge dltcbea.
ell. Agmln Ilaocoek appealed to tb
demoralised men In the rrar to rail;
bU IntiMehmeots. Usneex k de^ and defend tbe angle trbirb was onet
ba bad to dfSl Ritfa 15.OU0 of U^e’s
troons. There were 20,000
I ttnops lying Wle within four
miles of RMm*li Ikstlon, and tbe gen
oral to chief knew that tbe Coofeder*
ales were watoblttg’b chsnee to pounce
«pon Hancock while be was separated
from the main arnfr. Ibwas not Han*
jD^*a way brbndktbgt. mR be set tlie
f^lry to boTkHbgJ ran breastworks
across tbe offb‘M of tbe Acid and
IMstsd guns •Hfibtft Ru tallwsy track
U|Mb travwsrt’ttb lint on the left,
^flrr tasting tbe fire of MUes’ line
on with a frrab dh
ibe reaa Tbe line was al*
______ «
JMor tbaoMets rscAy tsMl
tbe hero felt that
iTs^toind npon tbe abMldcr of one of
bis SUff. be excUlmed. **Oolooel. I do
------ ------------- iW» *>«»«• Atol iw
or lack
^era to Oregon TM aaay.eaai^
hredded pliie ticedUs for pitlowa and
* r ■
;^k»t’swherp WR «o .Me vou out. LOOK
discover that you need some
Letter Hife
iMpes ^
fowl-oil Is wood.
odd times
dkoraiire p6aslbllltlea In bnrte are be
yond what most of ns bare eontomplab
ad. A bnri Is an exctraceneeoranow
grown knot TTbeothesswents tbrooMi
■nrfac* Is DoUabed and.vcr*•
ABOUT.yOUR QFFtCBi. peAapf youi
^ pmt pafb to AoW^tbHr cnUneL
Talne:^^ni«. iistn. M hat «« Mat
as W csme^fmtn'tbe saw la gmat
punks. Tbe entire bnrtei of tbe Jong
SKtkms derotM to «r two Indoar dia*
of Wdog es» oaare
^ ^ £im-t^iaDd
Mm wp> and b« wui aRmw a hash rnfrito
tbel U ^ faiiry part of Jha any bind oC mUkaman
display and the fonat bypradnetx Ton of bInndaMii brings bhfi>owto .ff!be
bine groessto a Umlier Wrd^ nolgy
dnamnar who lives on iRRsi.and
Should be the aim of every business man.
nUnra loem -too Mptlfni to ebook.
iIla«W«IH ’Moi.inaby yeoigjkto b* ^
unkoewn in Onwon. bet be tores celtivetod gRia. utod befnAbe M
AoaRnr bis wapie to fbe uiytTRiiii
dh tbr-wslfcq- sMe^^ tbo Boohtoa.
Tbe taeiitftai rgged^^oM. erttb bto
dMk spoeiRw to benv bat no Inpto
toom tbeJewtands M.tbo WUtainRaR
for tbe CbineBnj>ttieeaiit now JoUS
till I bad spent I
■ '
t J
^^a%!^S[!!ta^6ieatlon.-aBd tba eUtoy
blow garto wo tobabityit of dU aid
K t it
m pbewmnt to a ightwyoni
wn^wonld bavo M taMI
[e has driven
fWta tbe Ion
—ey as the we-----------—
and iitotaatatoB Hare are wom0 of^tla
;Wq«tobM oRttag In stato btaMa Mm
a llna a# tl^t latrenebment. row
>efli4l. MIlea rode Into tbe
tig a anall ifrttoo of the track from
K o^n regiment, the Wxty*
tbe north. no3tb and weat
ark, ly ing Joat on tbe edge of
Baity on Ihnffitb Orecit’a troopera
and or»lfred them to form
•tlnad ap t^.^fMny Jnat onuide of
be came Intaa wUdenass that
Mpt bat foand them Indlapoaed for
r wantad and.wUb bte strange
baMa. Haneoi% bad mcetred notice Ilartng WmiiHf _______
g Cfsft U drttlag oiR tbe flab and
that t.f00 ar^^^Tcoafederatea bad way down the line to HaucbyU ailM||
gnna. recsptortng tbe breaatwoiks gad
Und of. pfoiiilse. U U YanIwMIke.
three of the pieces.
The watonUhed Confederstta gave
maloa andrf SpSIral Olbl»n to wort way before Miles’ flerce suault. Bot
*»e Omr a Bsy«,gsMil^.__ ^
fMrti^ ap Ibe'tracb and beU Genrral
After breakfast the casr of
bfUaa* dtrtM «^tbe trenebea. Ulb log new men a* fast as hU little band nokra a rety strong Havana
boaa forre aA^^bnbn drtveo fnm tbe of 200 was d«g»leted. be crossed to tbe
amrk of deatrJj^ aiHl formM line
la the trenebaa. prltb GrrsTa troopem point Hancock Joined Mm. aecoaapa*
earerlnc tbt font In pla.^ the para* nlod by tbe Second caipa Iwttletag.
pMa were at dott that tbe.eoemy'a which was a c^napleaooa target far
tbe enemy’s Are. It bad already bam
tm vanid pai^oror and atrtke tb
pleivMl with Imllets, and tbe sUff war
fradam of tbe opp9«ltt aide of tbe
In H»Unters. While Hancock wss rM<
Hancock expected help from tbe main Ins forwBid to reach Miles bta brtdk
army la front of l*etemburE nod care rein w«» itvlcc eat by bollcts and bk
^ MIlea tbo mak.xir boMlnx tbe mad bon^* klllM nndrr bim.
The original sap In tbe aogle M
apen. Mika waa^rat attacked by Con
^edemtm aiv^lnp boWIy from the Miles’ works still lay open to tbe Con
nbeltar of aome wooda loto open cround federates, sod at this llabcock mm!
drove full tilt, followed by i
awept by Feder^ ire. Tbe ffuua of
\bme battertm jfldnl Mllm* rUlemen In nnUine ahowlder strap pbaUns eom
tag to paart nM mottfU'wRb wktta
PU tall la alx long Urge fnatbfTi. twa
Utbemafntttypfeettalmyb. Jtba
------ --------- to tkc dratoW W«^
nS^ fa a day. bat R ia notK«able
tbat‘ mint af tbe awHcmen are atrair
fMCtertbe eommaiSty** Tbe reaaon la
tbU^ Botbrine laboeem bare aa aw
ta*erorktag In tbe m«l It la not
MKjob. and tbe man Vbo nnder
j 1t>*mnat face tbe aeceonry copdltloa<of eolled dotbeb aa If be c^loya It
aro la BO mofO flfly cent MM in
a parts. Mr. .1Unbtn*s enterprise
seat pHcea skyward. Thom who
•wamp land, but harenrt tbe nMana
lavort R Into proJapUvePfWs.wt||
fn tbe hope tbat.anecbrr mUllom
lareetor may«sUrt tbeic.way., It
<atnitbtttO(kM A4.Mat tbabmO
M bs melcM for tbe ownfr of a
or ttra dinolykot-Ma lomnoa IMood tra<%. bopinc by their example to
taadred acreo to attempt any
rotpo. o«$3KD>r 0«**nl D.-MW.iMd ImproremeoK oa bU own ao
K. aecanse water from adi<4pli|d
Tbe Confedaratea made tbe
r til* wt tbelr eb«nce aod roabed op and down
tbe workb* The eaBnooaera of 8la^
era Tenth Maasarhuaetta battary
ontM tbelr eaptala and many 0a» ondar the Uwa tald down for that
on Tbwe U. toU of doing tbta
Ml iA»« fl^: «HI«ra luul imM K a cTAomuM and all tbe boM bad bean
inbaerrlng .tbe ndmlrabU raanita
%Hcf TlaK. Mi^ vkVb IttHdentallj M abot down, then retreated to tbe mil if Ibn lIUooU man’s aystem.
Tnmloy tbe otbar
to tb* b«& M Aof. 21 WilMo
Rankin cmplm botwetn Mxty
Btatkin while ra- way. the Tlrtortoqt Canfederatea mn iBd aevfoty men. Jhry live to tents
over r>aiichya Twelfth Maawcbuaatti
Hffiiu fr^:« raid of railroad
iMMadontbeblgbland. Tbedredger
atmettoa fhrjrjtbla the enrmjr*a llofa. bonttery. bat not
way tbroagb tb. Und. the waBHM baaM off tbara ta^ Fits l«a'a atid all tbe rani
tsa fonowlBg bablod to tbe completed
mk% :rti
wRb edgee ttpprd with vZ
rtra eomm en‘«eff of brawn aU
bbt On«OB Atolm. • IHr. U .lb».
Hm A» tw. jrltb
.pm»i wM»*
ions than wtoter tiR ptarmigan nppesm -to wassral shades .of hrowtodark. motttodaM light Ooppwpbay
or you may lK ahoft ,oq aome Special BlO*
Form. Fin4 out wha^, you . need ak9SS
Akmgsldo tbo game bifgs ate kba
the roysl ebinoo
itObed Ran beot k------ -------------- ----tinned avtlelo No thto Oragaolaa
hirhirtae ntetoas di the
needle yon may bare atways
far itonecorauve tana tbe boteecheat*
nnt IB >enr tnmsera poebet
gkegaw baa jtwo.gieatB»edtotaal pied*
oeetton by a pern
•ntif W
rniuidd]. Hafe.gba
tbe dM
m and
tnttndeet of tbe
•rap. n«t «iU tb. root l» ttod. aM
ym, .F. ttoW. to HAW n to r»*^
erwn CM is la kM ^bsssi. 4/
I ptosasnt to ti» sprtottUM. whan
wM and abnpdantly. atol tbe
tU^ ^Z^t^jcantlnn^-Xo Ibkirtob.
To come back to SheMob igbln. don’t
with Wings on a post and all
into and dowera and ktodergar- Tb.
gteoK book wboss pages ara wood and WTU^wliJt^ a yUs^ Md
glaaa. where every plant of Oregon
lopka back at yon with a Ufellke amlto
nd a perennial gtodness.
eoee^.'sasUat thi
Tbe greetest thing to ONgon to bore
only' Vt Tlrtne of tbe camera-khs Her Sm s-^ns- to^-Bsaran. an* hmfnn
Tb. .wnry bMb- whsTS^
pim df^ctorw tba waaka of Meant
;v^ ■ v,l ’
Toed skBSat think that ystera
Millltoae of deowt norm waiting for
Bet Ukc stsjto tnsrs Irta' npaa Ms assR^
tUBMra prints of forests* strike one
sdtaaW. Too may look d^^ormt Ws
toadi that seem like eanyons with tim*
beted waUa. Refcning to tbe round Thtr asr a f«w own nitoi^ to gabUto
wbaakwnacnL It was JDO feet to the 1 bs^ t
tret Itai^i^ tbt toee^de^^
no mOBsaa, ear t dsWt M
I-. u-Wfc Chtosio Rsswi »felA>A
W tonged tong for innre art*
tton to abate her ricbes. sad tbtae arv
tbe tbtags a^ hubro^
two qnarto ct baby
«ctbHra. Tb« toiKKbWfltb^
not dioetwltii Orayon tU 1
garedUt yen d? tao'tnae nrda.v AA
' ,i« x.^rrrr' -
TtobBawbtoto iMWiW'OyOn.
toMlmt tni> p. H. Wu«
mrniB for Ifor co^mlkHi of w ate
la 9teie aCair% or tlM aifotete
•Tflgtetetete PoHIfoovte
jK!vssz:-~. .i
aMaotlaf aaadldataa for paMIc c^oe.
All p»u»f» •'•w
ndaerl ID
u< He.
«»*•!■■ ** >«ltnn. fon»?cl|r .*.14 «t Me. «0I M« be «M *t Ite. 8»
A meceottom m*4 B'ltwati-
r.VIA. J.”wiLHELMte
tedoer aporta BU up!uur letoarr
meuta. tn aome casea
OCT morni
Atetetka. golf, tenato. gnmea «f
The aUfoBMnt that It coaU |»0
per year to tnatmet each pupil at the
.Ute m^ool at Flint, while In the dny
«-hool. It U only 1150 n year, to mto
leading. The per capita coat at the
Ktatc .chool to only WOO.a year
Dut it muat bo remembered that, in
addition to m-bool Ipatmotton. tee chli
drwn at Flint are Uughl aome uaeful
trade whkh neceaallatea the inalnien
mace of an Induatrtol departmeot. A!
of tee cblWron are boanled free ol
charge, and la tee caae of tndlgeni
puplto tranaporintion and ctothini; nr
also fumtohed gratis.
The salaries of teacher. In
tkm company will run a very low rate Kdrool at Flint, with the cxct'ptio
those In the academic department,
excursion to St. Louis Sunday. Septamber 18. a round trip fare of 88.50 average much lower tlian In the da>
havtag been made. The tlckeu will schools, the maximum monthly pay i f
be ten^aj limit and will be good only lady teacher^ being ^.2.50 g month f.»r
on the boat leaving hero Sunday night ten months of the year. Hut this rate
to only attained after lunK >oars id
at 10 o'clock.
faithful service and exiK-rlence In the
work of educating the deaf.
James M. Stewart.
Secreuo- Michigan Association of the
J. M. ttawart, Corraapondlng BeersDeaf.
Ury ef the Michigan Aaaoelatlon
of the DMf Takaa Baeeptlona.
hod ao radical.
' la teaory of procadura
BOO ate. tea attain
Mo. recDgnlae and appeal•AttB OMB HB UtBO Udla aa ftelaaa ^ teawat aad art ate. to tea foil oitant, aU mateoda oT
odmaattig tee deaf, hot daplora and
wa tea narrow aad daasraBtlta
dtemaadiolateBfo^. -BiBtka
prorad a lilaaatag to ladla.*' apirtt teat cndaaTora to adaoata all
. by may alngla method. Wa aw
•dd tea apaate. -nteaaada oT ebtldraa war. gateavoi teto tea oTpte
f aad naaltarmhty ta taror aT tec
te MmUM M tilt tetefote
oca pad tear, ffoaa OhrtaUaa kaov- oa^toad ayataai. whkk ndapta the
Clwte fo te Mortef te
mAo* to tee papU aad not tee po><]
tHa apookar taw or tea i«aat ptefoa
tooKod. That It to tea aanUaaaai
dotef ttnrte or tke te
of teaeoBgraaa that tee adweolad deaf
OMt ^ fvort tei ta Uu
eA teoogh they may not be ia Uh
thfotetee teakiaarlM or tea H
ffr^iiriUTB feel that It to their prtrl
or tec tlo^^ adneolfoo. laaamoch aa tees
are tia roaolU or teaae mateoda. am
teat teolr oplmkma. teerafore. ahoui
sard to har oork^ har
hare tee weight of aaihorlty.
yaart apdf «■ *lT:lf. -Vartljr. aarttr nah. Dr. MeMfor hdM tea
Sacdoo' k of the atate law paraUi
I aar aato paa. ha teat baltarete oa troitea Brat ^tn tea htat
ttog tee oatahUakmaot of day achool
Mr te *lwa te* teat Otete to ioa. tea wod» ttat * do than he do!
tar daat chttdm aaya that If aay chlk
teiite foa aaiw apIrtU of aoM or oa. te: aad graa|ar worka tte teaae
ahall ha^aaahle to laara. after a trial
wnraa, te teot to tea ahaUhado.-*
or a Tear, than Bo further expeaae
r. Mr. Laateuui aaW teat the teat N. IB Traoaportatlao Cat
Bifoetkm te ■OTO. wUh tea
BhaU^ lacorrad In the effort to teach
•C Laola Eacvrala
ad aaabteoaa bacaoae peopla
aoch ckUd by tee oral method atone
u.win do BO la lookad at Chffot-a aBrmclaa aa da raal The Kortbera .Mlchlcaa ‘
The aakool* auteoiiUaa of Trarerm'
Boote trat pte
City and tea paiwoU of daaf children
itaooaaloo of tea
ahoold aao tent the atate fund, for
adncatlag the deaf are properiy ufcd.
aad that no depf child, falling to profft
by oral tnatmettoaa atone, to denUMi
ateM tPa atefod pt <
the right to in edi^n by mean, of
ote oalla arteh aalf•
-nn M'tt* Mtk ar ttaiM
hand den
^ and the I
play at befog lateltocnial, we play at
bafog frtigtooa. we play at Wac
*towh.** and all terre are merged awl
teefodad in being mHi and women ^
Tbe ln.|nini«l of m oi^
wkn.1 blUrllT b.. .» unfortonal*
Baker Dunn in Atlantic.
I was lAtlnlxed Into Plrtt
ary of the amHent maps to
It to the misralUuc of tl>e Berber
by the tJrtH-k
4|| Irx .nthless etymologtota. who Insist; «IK»n Its dorlra
tkm from hU conqorot m-er the • ln‘iu
gau,- or Dantob aottleuM'nt. at th<
chamjilon’a gatoiu The Olile word,
•alt maeiT aiw mqs'nslble for many
•old man- crag* uism iNWi'oaata and
among mountains. They mean, how#TW. “hlgb rcKk - j
credU with high prlcm. Would
yon not prefer to pay 5c cash for
an article today thaa «c to«OJ>
HBIE iffi im MTS
at pr.c-i Irom Ite to
Lxe- odtom 6Ic to |?.w each?'
11^ phone of tec reliable grocer,
with quick delivery, or go to the
store to eaamloc .tach article to
gt^t what you wan’- .
The find Is the rcllsblc. «itl«factorj. economUal Lcwl,s way.
Do you not prefer M?
New laces at our usaal Me
L C.l«te,Ca$li Grocery.
l.adiro- waists at a dlicounl
Ladii-s’ eorsel covers, fit l.ir a
brlde.'only 5!>c oach, other* 5Uc
47c. 25c. 15c and 10c each.
SaiiHilk. all Ciikw*: 4c xpooL
When commsndlng the worship Gal
O. I*aUer*.i.n. Hampton-JWlfo
atea aome yean, ago the Duke of AMlnRev. W. L.
burgh rolled in plain i-lotlKW on an ad
xlfKIv ami unabli- to tat. aU^ep or
miral. who rebuk.Hl Jilin with the atUT
.. n.dltotor-K n.x>t Moimtahi Tro
work on earth and how ImpoMiblc It
greeting. “I should h»ve Ux-n
...very hap- . ui-wc lor nn.UK. m'altliy aiulm^v
for u. to do ao. but while he fc-l
py to rcivive your
fire thousand, quieted the sen of aalilo„...r ..v«.on.
an Baally agree. It haa baan ao la lee. mtoed lAucarou. from the dead,
this molueol I am expecting a vtolt ! John.^n. Drug to
tea paat. When aa dtlaeoa of a comfn.m the roptaln ..f t^.e Galaten.** Tl»e
tew reprewmled what he might and
•oa ocMiatrr we differ upon queatloaa
duke went Imck to hU ship and put oo
did do to InatlU belief and faith In
or pahlla policy, and we cannot fully Him. and that what Ho really came
or taaiaadlately a.labJUh tee tbeoriea
for waa to glee eternal life and raiw
tiBt appeal to ua. we do not tborafore
the world oa a higher plane. He furour c^mry and forawenr our
th«w eonUnued the thought by giving
•Uaglanoe. The Waldorf Aator*. mny.
an eloquent plea for the matcbleas
hat we know teat nowhere alae may
love that Chrtot held for all. Hto pure
ooodltlona ao good be found. Juat ao
forglvenefB to all Hto enemies and
wa aa republican, know that In
drew from teto theme the real thought
other party can we find any auch b
of the teal, that all. as co-workers,
To ihe.FxlUor of the Evening Record:
of nttaloMt of our beat Ideal'
can do aa much and greater than He. |%ere rtvently appeared In the dally Oemarid Eaceda the Supply and Corv
pDvemniant; and.when we have ao
by living an earnest, irue
Ikeeonl an article In regard to the scaequtntly Som^ Schools Cant
Ume. nought to do that, and have
thorough faith and Udlcf and by
labltohment of a-day achool for deaf
Open on Time This Year.
-^helped the democracy Iqlo power In
doing wlB others to Him. Applying thlMren wh») live ^ Traversb aiy. U
‘-hope of auch end., the rcau||a hare
bought personally he said he contained several afotementa purport
The county dlslrici achool directors,
plwaya ha«a dl aatroua. Wa hare
here not to heal the sick, but lo Ing lo ctime from Silpt. I. B. OUbert of
who supposing the field well covered
fffored that true In both atate and na
make faith In tee hearts of hto hear the city
and m conaequenee have been tardy
tion. and wa arc not now going to re
He said: “The Dord sent me create the li
the oral about asking for teachers, find •teem
peat It In althar._________
here and my task was to make the method of Instruction to the best one
cclvro without a head to many a gooil
clear. How simple a Usk—in for deaf children; that tee sutc achool
Wc want to sail you a Refrigerator and if you buy nc r you can save many dollars,
paying school and County Commis
reach of every one. for If a man comes at rUnt to doing all It oan to hinder
used every moNth in the year and aome hous«w»ve# i c them c/try day in the year.
Henry Clewa. In hto flnnnclal and In
a. not perfect like Chrtot. bat full the esUblUhmcnl of day achtwl* -n sioner Geo. L Crisp finds himself ut
duatrlal review toaued Saturday, gtre.
lur frailties and preaches and Michigan clUea; and that it to much able to supply the demand. The Scha
a very gratifying resume of bu.lne»A
lives up to all he aays. then you wjM cheaper to educate such children In x man ach«d with a good right moult
condltlont. He aaya in part:
No home should be without a refrigerator and if it H I bargain yaa yvaaCi^y Ukt advantage of these
believe la him. and he will be a eo- dai achool than at Flint. As one In term. In Union township, and also Ni
y •^No great keinneaa of perception to
hesc arc the*c*lebni*8d
'er with Chrtot. hto asslslant .hep- teroatpd In the education of deaf chit 5 of Blair 'township, another eight
remartcable prices we are making on those wc have left.
required to obaert e teat a decided Imherd, and be able to do more practica dren and having at heart their futurt months school, are as yet without
ble good than'Christ himself If he was welfare and happlnros In life. I wist teachers and should have begun
place during the past two or throe
here, hence tee thought of the text to to eoiTi'ct this impression.
montea. Thk. has been due. of course,
made plain and greater workers are
The wrlti-r has reason to know that
partly to a natwl reacUon from the
• than what Christ himself aroom- the authtwiilro of the stale achod at
eatrrme df(prt«|loa which uahered In
FUnt are not. and never have been, op The readers of this psi>er will be
the cutreal year, but mainly to nn
Mr. Laufman left this altcrnoon for posed to the eatabltohmcnt of day plmmed to learn that there to al least
actual betterment of eoadlt|oaa. chief
;r been made. We have them hr all ames and all manner of <
the annual ctmtorenco and the pulpit schods for deaf children for financial
And are abSoK^ly
one dreaded dtoease that science ha#
of which to the paaalng of any ae
will be vacant next Sunday.
rmaoDs. nor from any fear of untimely been able to cere to all Its stages, and
binations of coijipart
unceitaluly regarding* the cropi
Dr. Mary McKttlar.
losing pypito whenever auch schools teat 1s Catarrh. Hair. Catarrh Cure
need cause no df^appotetmeat that
Inund setting If low pricM make It any object to buy now. .
thus far tee more hopefol aplrU r»Dr. Mary McKsllar ai^ka rery In are esiabltohed In the large cities of to tee only positive cure now known lo
cntly devolQppd has not yet crystal tareatfogly on •Medical Mtoskma“ at Michigan. Nowhere In the state can the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
Used Into an enlarged Totqme of bust tee first Preabytsrlan church yeater there be found a more slnoere and a coaaUtnlional disease, requires
Itutlonal treatment Hall% Canru. A change of feeling moat al- day morning. In tee evenfog ahe alsc earnest body of men and women who
spoke on her mtaslon work at the Bap have tee Interests of the deaf more at tarrh Cure to token Internally, acting
than those who are bow engaged
lly upon tee blood ahd mucous
ttot chartte. Dr. McKcllar has spent
tlme trad, and industry many yoars In India and has at her in the work al Flint And If they of- •urfacea of the ayatem. thereby de
Ar« 9*ting to i. .
«.-«•«)- »Kl we oell tlwm every month m the »«r. 6o many dainty lce<
ny oppiwlilafi to the day achools. stroying the foundation of the disease,
wlU empcflence a reasonable re
command enough facts and anecdotes
on the ground of meteoda. Tear# and giving tee patient atrenrh bv
.,rv.d W«h th.' r.,u..r mul. end the m.ny aftereU. Mthering. and c«nmg caption. c» tor to. eb«n
to give many lecinrea. For this reason,
she leu hereelf be guided by the spirit
.nd *wrt»a thit . ptfwn mo.t really own . Iron*. “T^ Wonder" tre.rer I. the be.t on the m.-rkot. It
e meeting, nnlcss advised to the no single method of Instructloo can lag nature to dotog Ita work. The
, B«.t cut. In p.ilc«.,
{: .
, lortuMU f6rjy*i fh* wi ore rwloeing our Hook M wo »ro m.k.nj .
mry. Last night, the hymn. “U be aocecssfully used In eduoatlag all nroprietoru have ao much faith In It#
Like to Have Everybody Know.** fur- drof children. They do nd beUeve In cumClue pofwera that they offer One
‘ ■ -f
id lasplratlou to her. She gave fitting the mrthod to the child, hut the Itl^red DoUars for any case that It
Ike advice to ChrlsUan people to live child to the method-ei system of In tall# to cure. Seed for list of tesUstruethm using all methods—to em
« .
harvest: not quite so abundant aa at
F. J. CHE?fEY 4 CO.. Toledo, O.
ployed ^n the moral and meatal do
« time expected, yet auAelantly -o
there are Healhe
- to seemrr our agrlculturtaU aaolhor ahe said, “to baenuae Christian people partment of deaf ehlldiua. aad tee re- Sold by dru«toi«. 76c.
Take Hall s Family Pllto for conatlJ
Woapetous year It makaa one ahrUk have not carried out Chrtsfs command aults have been that auch children
to think what might have happaned to *fo ye into alt the world and preach grow up into Intelligent hap
Imdlhtoheaa^fwof cropfolforex.
[oepaf- She fold how an old ad ful and law-ahldtng clttoena ca
dier whea aahed how long U would aupportlng tlNfoaehrea. The
Jewelry st«dc to still
which iNMan to IMS aad nonUaued take for tee anify and aavy to uke on employa over teto teacherm. aad
be sold al auction
teroagh 4m. • The good harveaU of order from the quean Into every dty more than half of tepae are
Sales 2.00 and 7:00 p. m.
to tee oral department where tee chil
tee'enrrent year have not only aaved la the umrkd anawerad -to phout
the country from a fresh outbreak of toen monten- cmtotlaaiyr haa not dren are taught to ap^ aad read tee
llquIdatAon but have really gone a long been gl^ fo «U the wortd yet al
way toward reatortag tee oountry i thoiMh tee eBnrt haa beta made for
lattee workTt
Bnanceu aad Induatrlea to a poalUoo
grrat dral of etten
nf normal aooadneea and aublllty.amy cam a Uvfog
Chtoeue, Turk
toh. Pultok. Japan
whea they graduate.
tok. Bakimea aad
by aide to the aand pllfw
Igaa aleae. hut an over the ualoa. pre
phoaa. aaltahla forpahttc nr prlrata
fer the eomhtoed ayatem of tostraeaiiiifialaia^^tfoJM wait at a
hamamdfiin. 182,800400. and there are tion to any other aaelhod. At the
Jawi, audUag a total of 880.- worM'a coagrua* of the deaf, whiek
fOMlly. harlac eoBmoo lateraau and
And it is a good one.
Leonard Clcanable Refrigerator
Ice Cream Freezers
^ Buy a Freezer Now
We son the Bradbury, Jewett and Hem
Pianol and -the Famous Farrand Orsahi
i ■
It’s Up to You,
"Si. .r”.™."
van aa anoNat of a smao ptoyed ^
Babakaa.X.J.InlB9a Itapiaafadto
txaa to paekaia la all dttoa
IL*to iJTd^ikllla nHS
b e
Fitz & Wdstir's
I oorb at a Foaitb of July
to tke Baffald dlatriet,
la vbleb tba fntiwr of an errand ^
occdtolk tor Ckto aaiticutor f "*•
r,4^ftawTnt glTeai to n toun
MrTttode for teaching kto fou
year^ wim to oammit kM
dran to do what they faar to pnetSoo
It may bare been the •Zamora i
day- amtor vb. wrote tb. t
wtakb waa aa foUowa:
•*Babeball differs from crlcke.. ..
peciaUy in there being no vk keta. The
hat to held high la the air. When the
tolb baa been struck, the •outa* tty to
entrb It. tn which case the siriktr la
wot.’ or. If they cannot do this, to
•tribe the striker with It when be la
mnnlng. wbkb likewise pula blui ‘out.*
-laatcnd of wk*kebi there are at tbia
•ame four or live marks called baaea.
one of wbkb, being the one nt wUlcb
baada.-Tk.nbtor.u»rk-t^to« _
.rf ...»
Emird) Re-Wri
Tko Boottond Yard
that many erlmlnato. too old now to
coauntt rartooa erfmaa with lmpi»Hy.
to an intoalo^aad pnrpoaea reform aad
•taat roller aad
kecoaae n#eetmblt memberm of the
viitat: “I aov ilaap
eDauaon}&. They open emaU abopa.
alakt.” Ub.
ocaablaad all U»a toaOMmU of aaonlae
and tbeo^la a rary quiet way todd
aatcrtikltoiBt: Tba ptajr haa aa la Hat merll for aU Ikroai apd taag dasmoafii^eagortoiiay
taf«Mla|#iorr wUb atniaa «llaatlA» tfvablea. GoaraptaaS bottles ftOe aad lag the eecreu of the -craft.'
The Brut tblnf the -maatto’* darn to
IIAO. Trial boniat lOc. at Jokntoa't
Dmf Bloro. 8 K. Walt A Bont aad F. to cxaailaa tke woato be pruhatloiMr’a
.W .
1 la took aHck toMt cyan aa i
Tke ttr«M C«tr
hf tW
«olli«t ^ asi Mr 4iiKM Wlom la M IIM act of **A Btoosy anoat lajiTVd t
la Ckka«o ...
Ttec" ta a iHWt .aaoeaca.' Tka
Caaee of atriJn
fw«, UM dMat araacM. Uia
aad alrte aiat aad aaaca. tM laasktar raaoaadi aSoat tkc fM Tbara It Itto eenu aa boar for i
aravTtklaa to aanaa-aocklac to of
tm£ ioMktaf telag aH Ika tiaia
A •ay^iWlM Rtoa Far Ufa.
of ca^
to die. aad a no
ooMMay aM ta till* tkM act to
alM oaaiptota. fa ararjr Aatall. br
Curo all chronic i
Plke$ 25.35iMl50l)8iits
for sola by alt fii
i Bprtnpa Quick Relisf (llntotong
-------- ----------------
up atrongly on both or the M or girl
,, tylcket. the poiat of tbe game rid TALKING YCT
TOOwialtk i
bfedkal mrn and nurte. abounded
Tbe party wblob count
Thit the Hot Bpekito totdlclnat
yoar atoath aad
it y*«terday’a apruing of the tuetllral
mokt runa wins fbe day.” ‘
have cured THOUBAHpB tN TRAVand twod aiU to all maaklad *
exblbmon One tttll coniniutd notb
The fact that tbe reporter thought It
Uarira Uae** vat MU for latvbt«>r ing bat tnmplet of t new nna«vtbetlc. bw notblng to do with tbe case. Ue aecaaaaty to explain lion* tbe game was ER8ECITY. They can ctoru you. For
aad It tarvca lu purfibar well 1
Wldck keani tke rantfal nnnie
nniiM of aom doaa not bellere la a el
ptayid Indlrotes the extent of the pub^ sale by all first dM drvMM
I tke boiling point of
baaa aasaM io play at Btainbarg t
Ik’a knowledge of boneball .nt that time,
and .r.a la> w.« « yuli. .or.
Oraad oa Saturday. Bepi. 17.
lag and bow to ateal trUlea from .hop Umr w«» four Ua»« or Ov.-. Wliro
abowmaea. blembem of lK>lb aexes are
Wkat you door'm ldbbor? HMphiwell flrlllcd la tbe art of unblushingly by bitting I
nib Wbaft Bill doin’? W
truing llaa. They dally rt hearae boW- no mistake, for tbsl t
to lllutfralc Ita cbarprirr. Aa eo
ilaady. Wkaf. lUady doin’? Hclpln Ibe ginaa vat chipped there waa a apt by Imaglnnry polkn-meii. Tbe and It was conalden
liKdher Whnt'» molbrr doin’? Tnkini: rvab of vbat looked like atonm. nad tratnrr. of course, acU iIh' lotter role the pnrt of i ___
and laatnicts tbe young Idea »»ow to
from tbo pHcUer..for usually the
|l.»mttrr*t Rocky MoanlalB Tea. Ben 7 pence Vorth of -aomnofonn” v
looee 4n tbe gm'iira ball tr>tng
Inrenl plausible exetwea at a se<x>nds,
»n>U* fainlly. Jobaton Drup Oo.
i.l.hyxlatc the exhibitor.. Ita grr
goiiilsil around tbe U*e* wbUe^Uu*
Tlrtue. from a tnedicol |>olnt of view
Tbe euttom of mtrrj ing glrtt vlim to that hrr.'ithlug atof.a before tCH game and very aekkmi get caught A fleld«-rs were hurrying after
This rule was aUdlslud ua »iHiU at tbe
they are mere «-blklreii la lorreaatnf kaarl n lieu U la ndnilnlat. rcd.
tnili»er will never have anything more game became popular, for a ba«-man.
nitber tlaan det-mialuK In Bengnl ai.O
to do with n child that Ua>» oiue entered InstiMid of toucblng a rutmer wiUi the
Otlier Peru of IidUa Tlir rraulting
-Camognhllieast” Is the name of tbe a reformatory. Tbe clergymnii there balk would ofleu -.Kwk” hliu ni short
raolnl Mnmmtlon la lieixmilng oo obWINTER’S WOOOT
has generally workcl on tbe youthful range, which generally brought forth
•Ttooa lkaf Uva1«vr.bwi pnaaed In
If no. no ^o at .mr.’, Wq have
ed for Ibe women of Ibe Uaellr I.eague
unprlntulile remarka from the s^rnkw.
h; inrh w.KKl In henihH'k. mixed
of IreUnd.
The artlal In lllustraUng this* game
waa not far iK^hliid the r>iH.rter. The
wood and ail Imnlw.HKl fall u*
trained In a very picture slmwa ua several hundred apeeBoy burgtara
up alKiut ti (Ui iphoueK, lh-11 T,l.
Is argued that moat tators. and. with the extxi»tion of a Jew
nti/.ens ;U4. '
poo^ living in vlUaa piy ngrroat Ueol ladles Slid gi-mUiuen Mwted lu cor
iTattentlon to bolts and Isra on tbclr rtagea. tbe only is-ns.u sitting down In
ground flow but very little If any to the enUrv aaw-mblage la tl»e umpire.
lean Drug Company.
Beauty Runeilius
on your winter fuel if you burn a
Look for Sept. 13, 1904.
An opi>oriunUy to makfe your own selection
from the Mann—Gruber Co., Milwaukee
' Great Slock of Woolens for
Suits .Overcoats, Trousers
j^lle BUI Blkee Uty of bta mind and
la provided in tfc- early days of hto four tips, he Irons gnicefully
iralulug with aTcn fen.t silken rope bla <halr with bla k-gH
k-gs erosswL T
UMl In m»Ota a foot apart. Fastened
instead of -playing
off.” a
That the Hot Springa medicines |
alaodlng. «vb with
have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAVbaae. and a baw runner Ik
ERSE CITY. They can cure you.
with this roiH\ throwing It in much the
altbougb the plleher
tomewv aa a liu«m troukl be up to a ik lhw the ba'il. In Khorl. the general \ sale by all first claaa druggists.
window pUl six or mote feci above blm. aaiHHi of tbe fleUl b cnougti to give the
no that tba hook holds to tlie atona.
modern basebaU eaplsln m-rvous proa
Wben tbs laaaoing la n«iiu..^ .«
trainer’s anUafactlon Uk- lail la next it- i The„ year
bniuiuill well eaISTo
quliTd to Whin up tbe roiw without dla‘*** ji tabll»bi>d
ami diwervlng the title of uatodglUgtbelKmkfttMathf
^ tlonsl game. Of the amateur clubs the
3S a great deal of p
^ Harvard univiTslty team was *me of the
f are tbe falls
fctrongesl. virtually dofrotlng the fa
ten feet. mous Ilr»l Blm klbgs lu one game. Tbe
aad prior to th^ stage tlie U>y has Is^n
I 17 to Ig lu Harvard's favor
taught how to fair only slight bralacs : ^
glunlng of tbe ninth inning.
Beds out. Umsiwin. I
The rhlldron la tUir
a bitted
All the nfcw I'all and Winter Fabric*, will
be shown on Tuesday at the store of
lime and Inatrurted a. to the best |
* of entry to tbe back.
Then late at nlglit the inatriK-tor
takiw the little lad to the -crib” and
A-omenleiit s|K»i waUiMW bis
pupil dlaapiwar acconllag to lustruc- |
Tl» prm-m-. «r un .Ulult er ttU |
a boy of lemkT yrora Isle nt algbl dla
arm* any su»|»hi<‘n an alert polleei roan might hove If the boy were seen
walking through a stnwt alone.
Ouro ;.l ll»e b#ck o? file bouse, tbe
I boy. quite at bl.
•nsniioii of every window on tbe
cioca. rrodllv be
elently to pitch the p«
fulntwl. the Ikds niro
eight rous and w iunlp
played In CiminunU.
Another noinble achievement of
Harvard nine woa tbe twenty four !i
1S77 with
uchcKlcr tN n.» cluTi. Ifi thlTyug of tbe Hpr
gaiuo i^atcher
Bucklen’s Arnica Bslvs.
im Tyng. perennial Jim Tyugl
fyiw. Jit
made tbe unprect'ilemi'd rvwrd
Has world-witle fame for manrelo-js
thirty-one put outs and lUnv aKwli
jrcft. It KurpEHSc* any other salve,
While Ibis game was Inlercstlug and lotion, ointment ;or Italm for cuts,
corns, huras. hulls, sores, felons, ul«»rly part. 1
cers. ti tter, salt rheum, fever soreK.
uionoioiious after the ttfle
chapped hands, skin eruptions; Infalllble for piles. Cure guarantecil. Only
25c, at Johnson s l>rug Rton-. ft. K.
Many hiUk aiirt stone mason< In I
City of Mexi»-o arc vvorkliig for
|:L*.rd» n day. who gid only
7o rents a'few y^n aco.
What la Life?
In the last analysis hoIkmIv knowr.
but we do know dial it Is under strict
law. Abuse that law even sllKhily.
pain results. Irregular living means
derangement,of fbe organs, resulting
In couiillpaiiun. headache or liver
High Art Tailoring.
Beauty Remsilies
121 Cass SI .
Hu just opened to the publie,«.,d«bi«nd newmeuiauket where quMity «nd priou
«re right. Given* ncnlL . .
o. T. OOX
2S5 E Pront SU
ati. none
IU lilglll
TIIKRK .\RK Fi:w Cinny
Steinberg'^s ^ j
Saturday, 17
"Un. C. H. powa «f Ma*rB% who
McFhemaa wH as^ oldjsoUte
V. ft.
qteianr oaq te wte Ip »u to Baft
teqd^ the ristuc eum. uud mucA to teJote lo lAa reaate««Be p
Ing'Mte fw thrm as rcwvwe
gp gm We#«te.4Ae I4th.ai
of the lot trf their erx by those who
m. on the. Pete Marquette i
tecor the eccoomk indepeudenre oT
cooks aad odraoee guard wlU #a{mwmam. teit tbe urtf enpnorttog JspItata Mta Alratar ta Hit The
m wwwn K after aB.
o. tte aottac »«!« for tfc,
-t, bot an
I Msotta Be Hmdp Weak
.tiW»«c. ami people who have
ew t
----- eoodltkias in Japan tlo
Turn out and have a good tinifL One j ^
»be t
ten on all railroads and beau running
tp, *ur.
me feH* that that te the
the aaaplcea of the
t way 1
look at It. Burrlr these
m. mM MtmW.&MMHrMt ftds
^flwrw MOCML dr TNC
««TK a. tt.
>Ma& H.
tt t
Ha. m. adi^t at Uka *m. ^
mho ta* tots IMU^ « «k* taw «t IM.
Aavw jam latmoi ftaai Haw Teak, A. O. Wanmr for twp, wsaka. vapraai
aia tha gaiMa^r Mr. aai Him. J. M.
ttakaalaa of WkxA atraaL
Mtei Unds* aoeoaon id QMipt.
Mra. BL e llte aad two cASifia.
rA^A^Aoat §mm rn-nmtmm tt
ta“torl rtMrSwT
Mml & Aadfowa oT Walkanrilia aad
ity Mt
tAs day at tAe laa. Omqaa.
Mw 0» mamu
I tAa day with a party or 1
Ai l:a H. ik. iiRir a itert
' kf lt»r. J. W.'lfRItfr. fto aor-
I a wnAttiU tki
a iaa4 tlM aa* haa
raialrMlM a
Dr. a A. Hdlli4ajr aaaf *
l^. LaaTM laal^t iiia la
[•mat te faar
^ K*«MP
Haaalij«iaci^aa4 7»«af
I laaMac aat;^ ^ ara apt U>
Uaaa aA tlitak lam
: hu iMttaaa.
aa4 00.
t aa< lA# dau«r^
la act actls llfa iMr. Ifaballafla
M U aiMartaiaad* ttif HUI b* «(mal.
8a IlM araat oa |t»
bow >0
lartaatt tffo 8r 1^ --------^taaoaghtoat^
I ara lift
Aim aair Ma ooai
I Ay all wAo kaaw AIbl
Ilka Urn ara really aaadad Isi
Vltld Hr. Laafmaa.
MW are always ralaod
. ilay apoa Ala caa^
t ihia trlbata. I bring to yoa
afort aa a boXAar aa4 aw
j 4o I )olB wHA yoa la yoar aorTAe Ood oT^'peaea. Urn Ood of
Bov. J. W. Iftlljfr jAoka bilafly of
groat qaaattoa or Ilia mad
of daatA la
so tbst ona
i act only Mvi^kat die and
>ba Blbla talU hem Ua paople of the
world lAall atttbar hunger nor
tAliat aad aU tear* pAall be wiped
A«iy. Hfra la i^ng aad pain, bnt
Aaa aald tbal ^or yaader tAare
' an »
Mr. and Mrs. Charlaa Lawraaee of
42« South Union
wBh Hr. and Mrs. Frank Smith at
Lewis Anderson of Omena passed
throub towi
where be U
the college.
8. Rudd and little daughter
Hsrgsret. who have been guesU of
Mrs. O. N. Back of hZi WebsU-r street
for a week, returned to her
BIk Rapids ihla nioixli,g.
Mrs. H. U Fish of tjio Stale atreat
has been antartalslag Mr. and Mrt.
George F. Fish oC Tftlado for a w<
Mr. FUh. who U a brotherhood
glneer on the Lake Shore road,
turned thU momlngj
Mamrs..MarUn Qraan. D. WhlCsou
and rmj flick of Bates left over the G.
R. A I . t
days* trip
Will Fairman otOld Mission left for
Alma this a
Rev. J. B.
United tothren church at Dateas. left
for the' annual conference of
cl^urch which p^ns lunorrow at Carson «ly.
H. DeLong of PeonsylvanU imt thto
morning after a week's visit with C. V.
Wright of 247 Washington street
Mrs. Barbara Scott of Union City,
who has been the guest of 8. R lUrst
of Bates for ten days, relumed to her
home this morning accompanied
Miss Lulu lianit. who will mal
abort wGkjr there.
Meadames James Hammond
eaga. wAo Aaa te vtelOag friends
Aer< fpanmd M Ue Rllaels yestor-
have been arranged as nedr eqaaUy as
aoihat an wni be’mims. The
enteted arc owned Ay local
people. It te aald
aoase aarpvteea In atore tar tbe twen
Uath aa it te tbe mteatioa of abmi'
owaan to lowrer the marks of their
Aomaa as well as to <
naoaliy held by them
The entries and classes ks arranged
by the association,arc as follows:
Class A.
Best three In live, half mile heaU
l,ady Cycou, b. g.. Wm. Ingersoll.
Bko faces and Ihrir lamiptnou#
Card of ThaNka.
We with to thank the many frieads. endes. Hying In their dfdl hous«>a.
their bale n:«t« In iljefr
the u.
L. K,.
O. T.
IBCiuaing xur
i. M.. the K.
iv. T.
p»rdens liesKle their dwarf mVw
aad K. P. lodge, for the many kind
Besses shown, and for tbe beautiful Uaiull aftluit,v with UR til.-,* and elatierAowers sent at the Ume of the death | Im: tnH writ. r*. or w ith Wfwk1»wrd*
(rf wUc and mother.
sad :ttla»cs or an.T of the <iiter tire‘ parapheronUa of xmcv and
mrdwaH/ departBMwi of Ue
A Lar ’llen^Ule compa.:y
many years agii and Is aow manager
of the aafely Oepcklt vault company.
' Oad. W. Ag^ And wtfe of Legonler.
Blr Nora-.aii l.cckyer ha** N‘en
lod.. are visiting G W. RaS.
- ' Bigelow and John
Vandaxer of Bthgor. who are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clancy of 20l
West NtnlA ntroel. took/a trip to Char
levoix. returatng thllfoomlng.
Mrs. Win Hydon of Kalxmo.
Bty. who hai been the guest
of Mrs. Joe ferothers fir the past ten
Billy W.. ch. g.. Howani Whiling.
days, left for home thU morning.
Miss Rose Schuster of Summit City
arrived this attehioon for a short vtell
I OHT>-ltotoribV •vvrlas plaa et s »a <> Ktory
to Mr. and lirs. Robert Walumu
John^ of lianlurd. who
T^kiUi^ her sister. Mrs.
Best two in IhA-e. mile hcata
Charles Brown hf Garfield avenue, tor
Hmdllght. hr. g.. H. U. Joynt. ownsr;
raid lub-U. a««cf u*p.-.
Red PhU. hr. g.. Oormalno. Bru«..
Cdnrel who went to OM
MiMfoa to lold (quarterly conferenct* uwnera.
Kate M.. s. m . Dr. Gel man. owi
esterday. relumed home this momDogwood, ch. K-. Jack Rennie. <>w n<v. j'n«g-«,aa b.
UlDoc. g. g.. Wade Bros., ownero,Dr. E. 4. Afhlon. who is atUl
Claac C.
ned to bU bed. U alowly gain
Best thrt'c In tire, half mile hen
after hU
injuries in a runaway
Swift Madonuis. tA g.. Rd. l^autncr
Labor Day. V
Noble, hr. g.. Rlcliard Rtipnuld
toss and open Com Nsar Long
Lalcsisrd Csdar Run.
DhA Bellinger, ch. g.. O. J. Morgan
■ BiUy Frost, ch. g.. Frost Dros
Uttie J., b. g.. Tom Shane, ow
called to this cRy Satwrdajr 1>y'^e
desth of their ifted tether. John rick
Kuaa from wW
s'. left fur their home in Kslksska.
the Chriatlan shore the funarsl services w
Who had y^ed him and &0ld tomonww st IftP A:*m: fiwm'the
»r lafluanim ha^ lingered with
Aim ao tAat b»-Aroaght up hu own
extended risli with her mother svd
^ .^Brpwna uprtfbt Osier St Oloan. N. Y.
tatUng how he had alwaya ad
Mrt. 8. C. Handali: who haa
; »tolatmod JaatloalpomrUally yet with rUlting her broker. Prank Derby, at
\ ftJialiwfmeTey gp
it should not Bast Bay the past week, feft for her
toft too hard on thpae that had erred. borne in Pentwater st noon.
»a also told of hU l^ome life, of hU
Mrs. 8. J. PoUnskl of Mlddlerlllc
► la the «5ommnnlty and of the who has been the guest of Mrs. J. G
•poi Aa Aad aocoolpllahed by hla man Kupf of Teatb street for a week re^
•or of living.
turned home this morning.
Ha was laid away to rest In Oak
Ralph Thacker .and Kiel Morrlsop
Otto Wleke. n New York p<.ljflrlan.
rodd ownetery with the impreaelvc nHamt*d to Olivet this noon.
by Justly John Verloy. They
Md fellow rites. ^
Mlsa H. L. Bishop of Detipll re make lh<ril^me In Kingsley, leaving
lere Immediately after the cere in tbe CiO Hall |wrk.
turned home this doming, after
Philip Host! an 2jr*soldler. died three Weeks’ outing at Fountain Point mony.
Marday inomlng‘*rWfl age at his
Mrs. Leman Patterson, who hai PER
Acme. I9e leaves a wife been the guest of hr^ cousins. Malcolm
The Colj^la took a load of crates
^«ad oeveral ehlldrpn.: rThe funeral Wnnle and .family. 4^-turncd to her to BowerT Harbor Saturday, where
held Ihirlifleraoon from home at BprIng Lake Unlay.
they will be Ailed with green corn foi
Ua Aeme ehurrb. U D. CurtU being in
Mr. and Mrs Floyd Smith left for the Traverw City canning factorv. Office of JcMJs C. Petersen. Architect.
No. 20y State Bank Building. Trar
84. Loula on the Illinois last evening. slKiul Avo hundred acres of Ane mar
.rtl, ..tcnd<sl I. .
«»*■>« » • Mr.* aad Mrs. Robert A. Rogers of ketxble com being gromn at ihst erse City. Mich.
Michigan City. lad., are visiting at the ace.
home of Otto Thlea.
The body of unfbrtunate John B.
Mr. and Mrs. Tick, who have been of the BUM hahk Satnrdar there wm opened at the office of the county clerk
|[ -mickerd will be uksp .iq,Kalkaska foi resorting here during the season, reIn the Agurw.
lalennenl tomorrow,Homing. A abort turned to Chicago last night on the The amimnt of the footings sboubl at Bollalre. Michigan, for the wet Ion
of a county building and ct»urt house
.funemi aervlca wIB Aa Aald at the lUlnoU. Mr. Zlck oanght fourteen have rend H.713.126J16.
and furnishing material and later for
home of hU grandaon,iU W. Blckard bass off the passenger dock yesterdv
The nilnoia took seventy peojde ou
lit North Oak
»c excursion to Charlevoix, Petoskey same, for Antrim ctiunty. Michigan.
PUns and speclAcatluns may be ex
lag at 10 o’clock. Bar;jiugh Keniedj
Mras. C. T. Grawn and son Carl, who
• WIH be a funeral have been apondlng a short Ume her>.
The Columbia took out 110 people amlned at the office of the architect
Jens C, Petersen. No. 2d0 State bank
tbe gueaU of Me. and Mrs. J. A. Mon on the excursion yesierday afternoon. building. Traverse City, Mieh.. and at
The annual thank offering meeUng
tague. after pasalng the summer at
The funeral acrvWetof little Mar their Leland cottage, left today for of the Bridge Bulldere' nociety of the the office of the county clerk. Bellalrc,
garet Nash, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs their home in Mt. PleasanU
Congregational church will be held Mich. Said pUns and speclAcatiow
A. Nash. W1 West T^tb street, wat
Ibis evening at 7:30 o’cltKk In the may be obudncl of the conaty
Mlsa UWan SparkUn of Detroit
10 have been belditAlijperaooa bu Miss Helen Stout’s guest.
church pariora The gentlemen as or the architect by a deposit o
dol’OT tllO.OOl which will be returned
Am been postponanintU tomorros
Charles Covey and wtfe, who have well as the ladies are Invited to this
IfpIan^an^lAcathions are returned
'been guesU of J. R Hawley, returned meeting. An tnteresUng talk wUI be
given by l|r. Margaret McKellar. a In gootbsuhditlon.
to their home In Coldwater this
The building to to be constructed of
medical mlsafoaary from India, who Is
presBod hrlck. cut stone and steel and
Meaxra. Roy Wood and Frank In thU country oi a furlough.
will have slate roof.
Wrnnaky left this morning for their
A ccrtlAed checlc of Arc per c«
Npwlar Yeung RMpte WaSM OMaUj ananal outing at Carp lake,
(5 per centum) of amount of hid murt
they will camp for a week.
Andy Carl had the Index ftaiar « f accompany proposals, payable to the
J. B. Brown went to Manistee ihte
mrdll lAumb.«ra?J«fiWr.tl«^
clerk, to be forfeited to th?
hU right hand dislocated while play
man of the
morning to visit relatlvea two
Miss Bertha Weaver spent the day ing baU at Bowers Harbor yesterday oouBty if successful bidder faUs
pany. aad Miss
afternoon. The injuryr waa^tepaia- execute contract and furnish bond cf
oae-thlrd {l-Z) of the amount of coa
f.' the residence of C. Q. Wheelock, SW
^r“l‘i!rMin. W. 8. Dlgkeiwoa of
igtoah^vyooe tract price tor tbe proper compleUor
Waal Tenth street, by Rav. D. Cochannlster. campera at FXmoh’a. took
for EoL Rapidi of saw building according to plans and
: Bn. They IMr ImiMilMy tor Chur- in dm lake excursian to Petoakqy, respedAeaUons.
from Chteato vfa Die Dlliioto wi
lnd« whate iAqy 'Will make
The architect aad huUdlag commit
hour late la Miw^ the aUp this I
tee roserves the right to reject any
F. Qrtnnel
nraak SaMtk of the Elk Rapids View mhi all bids,
ta CtaM.
who are making their Aral rteli to thU
By order of building committee.
A wn»tr IttU, iMgkUr »rri»*» M aeetioa of nhe coastry
Wm. J. Bennett, chairman. East Jor
flte taN at Qaaraa tata* Taaur- yeara. aad hare beaa while harrgaaate
Clark E. Densmore. ,,
Oonaty Clerk. BelteAte. Mleh.
iMKmnTni a
September IStb^
Tnnrse CilytoSt. m
Steamship -ILLINOIS" leaved
Traverse City 10:00 p, m:.
Sanaxy. September 18. This
ilate only.
Tickets goal returning Torn
St. Louis ten days after dale of
%4e. For iniomuLtioD. apply io
E. e. POPE, Agent.
Ite t-iijiiH it rw.n.
The 0r^ fiiost, which did consldo.-ablo damage to the Ute potatuess and
green com visited the low lands at
Long LaM add Cedar Run last night
You will And Rub-No More at th .*
but furthef reporu from the bay shore follcuing grocery stores:
farms oif the peninsula and west and
W. O. Foote A Bon. EnlerprUe Gro
north of t^wn* report no frost.
eery. 8. T. Horton. Mrs. May Packard.
,«H.t ISl-TV, JlKS Ut-..
L. R. Btlckney. 8. Adsley. Joseph
ron. McCormick A Smith. K. J. Huxxi
Inl.malK.A^noe •.tsw:-*.
A Son. C, N. Bowen.
' 22Eu-0i
rh.sk, fcml i.th.T *-fcr4i
Two car liads of bushel baskets
were shipped yesterday via the Illi
r.Khis Otwt lwlar-Mi.i.a.
nois bFJ8IM||^ells-Hlgman Co. of Ihlniarl.K Jt. Mcllen. president of Ite
New York. New Ilnx^Mi ami Hurt
«.tx»Kte.I In tli.
The CummUgs was an hour late Sat ford railroad.
urday. owlnifto a large shipment of et offltv one lime by a U^iy ImVvklmL
tubers JMPai.ars R. Sogger of 8ui wte MM-uietl to be iiuiUiu; hLs lii>t vih^
.Mr. .Mi lb n fur
tons Bay. my being shipped via the
Illinois flWteere. Potato shipments a lb ket agent, he u«ke.l f^hui tl.v.
have beoa *lng on for about two “Wheri-'K tJ(»rh.iin"
•Wlu.! t;orh:mi:" Knld Mr. Mellen
weeks, the teesi being earlier this
plcasimtly. wltlumt eulLblenlnK the
to Ids Identity. •‘Gorlinui.
Joseph Bo# brought teethe Rocor*! lunn
MasK.. toirhani sliver, tir wjiatr’
of very f ne Duches
-It’s your business to know wh*Te
•tiK. I should thiuk,” nTtbd the ilUSi l;
ble hayse<sl.
-Well. ” raid Mr. MelUn. thoiiuhtful r^nV^i
**^mnt“** .
ly. "Gore ’em ought to b«*
lle;id.’^—New York Imta^.
oC tAMr cowMa. P. C. OUhift, MCI this
A> aMndag far tawma to rmaala a tew the producto <ff,'the pealaanla. The
4aya with Ml
telAm. J. B. apples are the Aneist of that Tartety
aaaa la thto aet^ thto ywar.
nliK li f,ir otii\v»‘|»:te
gin of ftelr <
U'tM dfveloptn»Hrt «.f the rumi «
I In a w ay
no rM.nlsh ,iilar;;.'tl
uw* to tbe
Ite meal P'b p]
tho \ia]u
Thai is what you [ire ^etilni: when
you buy the silk viih the Milliken
Guarantee. It’s as i;ood as it is
possible to make a silk at the price..
' $1.25 a yard
Look for the name on the cdjjc.
--•.W HU
f..Co> w I
HtBU- Kt lluhu:aii. Count)
tJrainl Trat
1. teiln K
«f lb- a»-,r- -ain-a
Iwuk.Uo M4*ti>n]v fAtnr tltal ih-»>•»%-,■-tatn»> k»««vvl-ae»- ami
1.X..S r.
anil worn to U-forr tm- llu- tuih ;
lay of Keut. IWM.
Sales at -2;0<) and 7:iK» p. m. of ihc
The*Best Goods are in Stock.
'I wo dcclric clocks, will run two ycarswiihout winding.
One mantle and one oHice dock. One lar^e Kdisun
Graphaphone. Uianionds, Gold and gold tilled Vk’aichc5.
Solid silver plates ware, Field and Opera glasses all al
your own prices. A chance of a life time.
W. C. GANNETT, kgi.
SAMUEL S LEVY, Auctioneer.
New Fall Waists for $1.00
Splendid line of this. popular priced waist just received;
very pretty patterns in both flannel and Danish Cloth, thisf excellent fabric makes very pretty waists, comes in creamand tan only; flannels come in brfiwn. blue, cardinal and
black. We also have a vecy pretty mercerized waist lir •
i - • . black and white.w^urea. These make your choosing easy.
Niiw piiiHt, ■ O^ntor
t;. ■
' rvT'
MSB liaifS OF iiC^
I. vwrtaA to CM and hrOltoacy. aa
wMl at ffich in prtematfc effeota, dae
to the deep caettag o( toUrtoato deatoaa. Aaidp Ma oar ftae llae of cat
gtoaa. wa carrir a beandfai aaaoftBMBt
ar hand paiatod China aUr^ Bam (ran
ptotaa. aalad howto, to the^antotlc taH
taakarda. tt 10 gracw the atoeboard of
Tho Yp toMJ CJvte Uoprovemeoc as
st I* racoat mooUag. apoBsmltuo to look after tho
1 of woods aad tho maUor
tola has now nrraagod for neversl UUeMUng^loctuma ta behalf of civic
Improvoaicnt. This was the ftrst
OMetlng with Uo new president. Rob^
art HampblU. Jr., la the chair.
‘“.lie opotUng ca. ^tom. kalle
slipped, cutting wrtsl Teciunaoh 150-
to the grocery atore that
between n store aad iu baying pahllc
to the saviag of moi^ by Jodidons means growth. ThU store has graqra
and U growing on Jnat these Uaoa. No
Bontlac eadoavortag to Interct busi
ness men in tho scheme. 80 (ar their
efforia have Wen futile. The business
men tome time ago signed an agreemaot cot Id- do busineaa with the
nttod with a IM home powar RtoaUej
aagtoe. Speed eight mDes an hoar. A
bargain B taken at eacc.
rmiunate Is the pabtle that has fach
Mrs. Lena Cline of Rome, leading a
«w. Hod .rope to her wrtsl. Aolaml
cHne to thv lailrr qplaloB. If foo wUI
a. dragging woman kmg disunos.
look at the pklarea ip any book of an
lujorlag her.
rimt myiboloRy you eaa eaaUy eee
Kalamnzoo U to have a four-day
• that the old asakey draaona had leiti
and claw* jiwb'aa portto* victim had. ce meeting U f)ctober.
August U uaoaUy a quiet month.
and «» it bccomca hicbly imiliablv
ThU year, however. It has been rathef
Uvely in the atau game warden** de^
senL The •eUun^* of uqderstsed
*crt* large, over CAOO poand* be
ite and chartublc Intoant lecal liabU and pollilriaba
smaH quantity sold,
icatbered In the lobby >rf the Bancroft stltuUuna and
hoove at BaKliuw ratownUnx Um- Ju be pixicecds being sent to Ue state
dicial wjovenlloa proaa«dlaK>- la the reasuror.
Cairo bualacss men want to got connocUons with Bay City by eloctrle
ar* worktog
wUh might and main to pul the Bay
he had led f<»r acvcral hour, that day City, Cam electric load prupusltlon
:b the Hay City cuundb The
-1 tfdl y^Ki. fcoatlemon.- ho cxelalmoj
-Ihorr 1« nn doubt that today * cmvcn fact that it was laid on the ubie at the
turn wa* reprcoentatlvp of Mlrhljcan v last meeting has angered them oobsldcrably. and U It happen* again the
liar, and made up of mure able
leader* oalhe whole than the arera*e offer wlU be wltb'drawn and the ruad
111 go to Saginaw.
auto nonrentlon. Therr» were
Alblca cliTgymen aet-ni to be prime
orator* and pari lament arlan* u
favurius lu many larger cliies of th«
aquaro vrat than u.tiaHy adorn
WUhln the past few year*
mute itatherinf*. But. pardon me. if
Prc.Hbyterian, UapUst aad Methohereafter you fivo my choice of the
I of eonrentlon 1 de*lre to preiUde UUt churches have contributed nearly
r. It wilt he the Ku»d old fashlone 1 twenty men to outside pulpits, and
I kind, with lea* hrllllancy and dr.- this does not include studenU who
work* of the lawyor brand, but rather have graduated from tho college jt
ct the Metbodui
I one made up of good, aemlblo. hard
EpUcuiwl^inTeronoe.. The BpUcopal
leaded farmer*. A conventlui
hurch has also fuml*h«>d Its quota.
ural dolegates for mine.**
Uraas Lake is again aglutlng an
K O. kinier of t^way. tonha«e<>
ounty, has aitmn n reeoisL yield ol H.-ctrlr lighting proiwslllon.
Crawford couniy socialists are talkI oat* for hU *4inl«Jd from a held of
ttig of patilng a ticket in the flebl thU
leven aerw. The crop U C2k buehc
learl) PO InwhelR |ht acre.
The wirn cannhHS factory at Mar
After havtuK Htarted to 8t. Paul
tte will open It* camiwlgn on Mon
narry her lover. MU* May me Wolf.
ty .
I of MenotLlnoe. was' lu rauaded t
In Crayllng and vicinity the cals
arc playing havoc with chickc.n*. On*'
an has already lo;t over a hundrrJ
ir aa. BOW U the time to hay. Rgeelal
aeeoaat lor thla toaach oaly. BMALLET It the name
Iho fliifia IT fh* nmi amr«a Mocks,
wham tho Uan aaddmly oaanod. Altar
•aorty aa oDdMght aMch of tho city
lOo rotoTMtf homo. AM M oMoslag th* hoom aoUcod a large Itewfoondload 4$m holniiglog to a ntoghhnr
ta hit fhmt yard, hot tMmght ooUUag
of ft. ia tho amvalag. howoom. to
tAtog op the piricimohaat. ho
aeram his aU ohtekoos. demt
havteg oridoaUy booa kUtod hy tho
« aU Cto «Drti «»d CMiaiU. wbicli i0
a wit ill 4«e|iinaK tJiac aaakM ar»
U«le«. Wf«, iww.'ierr 1. a boiber
MMaa oiaMie. |a^ a^d wko. we
aalu to folaa tm khow what to betieee
hmmiur^ Wa think iberr can be hut
two poaaiblc aottftkMU to thU prablea. Hther CurtU haii accldeotalljr dU
r an thorn fd the We»
Broa.* mnsie honae. to New England confidence, other things are hoaad to
ptoaon. Of the car load received last
week, only three are left here, at the
branch store, aad word from headquar
ter* aBBonace* but three left there. Stickaey. 411 Union 8L Both ph
Have a variety yet In price and style, The neatest grocery In the dty.
no two alike. Take advaafage before
too Ulc.
At seasooabU times Is what the publL'
1* one of our rales. If you are not U looking for. Wo do not expect tn
on the half sbcil In 8eir
Ibofottghly satlslied with your wash
Ing at home, give It to the wagon with tember. nor vimlson steaks, but spring
bells and they will return It fresh and broilers, frog * legs and all the *nm
clean and sailsfnclory. This notice li mer delicacies arc rcrxt*d to order at
Just what you are looking for. Wright the Uttic Tavern under the new man
agement. Bloodpiud. Harrow 4 lUvld
Bro*.. Star Laundry.
son. tin) FMt street. Try their Sun
day dinners and save worry at home.
I well-known Traverse City gentloMRS. H. GREKN8TED wUhe* to an
n had his pocket picked a few days
nounei- to the Udlea that she has an
exclusive line of Imiwriiol good* from
-New York. Including silks, linens, flan
nels and wtsden fabric* fur sulH
too were taken. It caused him no loss. w-aUts and suits. Mr*. Grecosted
The "Peupkw** Bank Isaucsi certificates will be at home Tuesday Kening and
for nay amount, good only to the per- Saturday afternoons and evenings.
land payable to hlmorhlsj^JS Webster street.
At Vaaanr. Al Rdbbln.* pacing horw
got 100*0. ttd Into Eugene MorseM
to swarm* of hooey Ikh *. They stung
him over 200 limes, wbb h caused tbo
hone * death.
John Smith, a farmer, near 8t»uihHeld, rv'cently unearthed a fine spec!
moo of Indian ptUtery. It U a Urge
am. Ih ' ouuldc resembling potrifl.M
batk. Many Indian n-lic* were found
Through trains from Detrtrlt via
with It.
It It certainly worth something for Pore Marquette^*.. H. 4 D. route.
Scho-jl* overcrowded. Port llunm.
New service effective September s.
you to know that you are getting the
Hot chc*
Person* .bolding round-trip tourU;
best there t* In heating construction
Jackihe-Peepor at SagUaw
with the long cold, norlhcra winter ticket* reading vU C.. H. 4 D. route
Mad bull tossed Jackson farmer staring you in the face. Let u* prove to Clnriunait and the South, will find
these fact* to you. conclusively, by their through trains of this ri»ute in
over fence.
Police instructod to cot out prtae calling and talking over the new heat- the Fort street Union station. Detroit,
leg apparatus you wish Installed lu the same aUtlon at which Perc Mar
fights In Port Huron.
Rest room project meets with en- your house. Do It now. Arm* 4 Cole. quette trains arrive. Direct «mnectlon in that station with trains U-avlng
roarageraent at YpslUnti.
Ladlaa, -you can Jump on R, ^
Bay City achiv.ls may return to pl« on It but It will conm up an
slanting syclcm ul writing^
10:10 p. m.
Hhro'.lment at F»rrl* Institute. Big
Raplds. larger Hu
than ever
«.10-12-.I4 1C
Grand lUpldt raid to be behind
smaller cities in c?ducailonal advance
Says that the wise man begins life
by buying a good umbrella. Better With our new fall street bat* to cater
Baj- (ily doctors asks for divorce on have him begin by buying a comb, ca
to the taste of the most faaUdlouJ
grounds w ife U a Christian scientistOwosao boy had muscles and ten
don* torn.from ribs while playing fool- bee * Tor any 1
straight hair gr r curly. W'hat do you
The noribotl summer rc
I ette. and Harry ClUU* of 8t. Paul. La*l
think of that? This especial comb,
e rapldly^cb»slng for the *
a accept the offer ot
the -Renaissance.** I* hardy looking,
I marriage made by Mr. r.ibb* and start rrport that business this year ha*
with strong, kinky teeth, that regular
Extracting *un*hlne from a cloudy
I ad for 8t. Paul. Uamlnx of ber do bi«en better than in several st
Lansing ‘girl painfully burned by ly ured on dampened hair will cause
day. While this Is not nlwny* practhe other
man on car striking her In eye with a it to kink also. • Price «5c. Price* on
Thomas Wilson U building
, ticablc. Invest in one of those -guaranI tln> same train at Marinette and per
lighted cigar.
horn, aluminum, celluloid and rubber ,
u„ureHa* at J. W. Mllllken’s. and
elevator at Marlettc with a capacity
itiaded her to return. They were
Charles La
Id lo.tKMi bushel*. It ii exiMVted ol
Hudson Oakland co»^t^ nZ raid
fn>m 6 conU to one dollar.
Hudson. Oakland counij. It is raid.i
----------------------L_.______ _____ i..,- *1 ro
t * i*.)
GeologUt* and inlneraloloxlst* have complete snd ready for business n
was a member of the famoi
“ r.Tp,:.::
I given the opinion that the recent win week .
Has evolved from the almond
the BriOsh cavalry. Ale has a medal
The merchant* and fraternal orgi
I and pearl handle*, a lew of horn for
I aunt freak* of l.lxhtnlnx' u|ion the
from the Brl^sh govi*rnmenL grante^l the Elisabeth Almond* halm, which
I fatm_ot-J?Unk Hurd, north of Pnlon sat Ions of Grayling have decided to to the survlTbr* of the charge of the will in akllUul band*, remove that oll- variety, and handsomely covered with
have a fraternal celebration Thuraday.
guaranteed gloria silk. The ruaranI CIty.'TndIcate the pr»»*onc*t of e*t«
8ept. r:. UKlgcs fmm 'aurruundlng Light Brigade at Balaklava in the iness wo common to many skins and lee runs for two years. Look at them.
mineral depoHit*. and the pn
produce a soft, fresh, clear complexion.
imean war. He is a farmer.
*. *aya the local ooiTe*|»ooUe
A Urge osprey, or fish <*aglc. flow By making the akin healthy one will
promise** to be a hummer.
I are that a company will be formed
against the high tension wire of ihvjlook young. Mrs. L. E._ Bonner will
From the Wequettmg club, is long to
^^ke invevtlgaUan*. Four bam. have
Keyc** 4 Davis, a Battle Creek Arm. Toledo 4 Western eU'Ctrlc railway, al demuuxtraie It I piTfectlon. if you
be remcmberc-d. and as a memento of
I been erecteil upcA' ^ihnarly the *anu have luH.n awanied the concession of MorcncI, Tucada>- night, and feU dead give her a V**!.
the summer spi-nt here, look over th 1 Mr. Hurd'a piwmUe*. and they supply lag all the leg-bands lor chlck« la the street underneath. It wsj»
exquisite'*^ souvenir* at llarnum 4
I have Ihm h eurctwalvely alruck by llgb» ens to U* UMMi In November j at the mounted by Dr. Butler and nmnaure*!
Karr*. reprvKeim*d in sterllug ware or
; and burned, the last of the ca great iMuliry show at the 8t- IsmU ex- five fei'l and four Inches from Up to
Keep* the -lyragon** In his sho?
gold lined bowls, and find Jtist the
Itavtrophies uccurrlnc last wcuk. Mt. poslilcn; There will be lO.ouO chick Up. It will be presented to the high
ore. one has only to step in and *e«
thing to Uke Iwme. or send to a
ens on oxhlblUoo.
I Hurd has benm attributing the
for himself. It is in the shape of a
friend. Beautiful vU*wb of the club,
I lor* to the malign Inlluence of a hmDr. John E lUndy. of Watroiavllle.
of the ciasale* al. Bat light welghU selected fine shoe fohigh school and other beauD'
but (be sdentUts hare rellevcN recently collectwl ncoount* f^.the
? Crvok 1 e horrified that out id; the mca with tender feel, having no tip well as a large assonment of larger
I him of this Idea, and he now think amonm of ins. He pm all tha
hundreds of high school studenu lu to hurt the toes nor nails or thread in Bierling ware.-are to bo had at tbU
111 can be traced to natural cause*. In In a poAel of his trouser* an^^nrlns' that eitj a class of only five has de aide. iTlce 13,00. AUo has the coll
• plouiMT day* the surface deposit the night someone imtenMl the bouse. cidcsl to Uke beginning Greek thi« skin man’s shoe, of light w eight, iough up-ltMlale Jewelry store.
' minerals In this vicinity wem ulll InAhv rooming the dcK-tor found hU year. Thls-i* nnuxual. a* the local wearing stock, and never peels up or
lined to a larym extent, and *overal pants on the lawn when* they had school has long bi*cn noted for iU gets hard. Price $2.00.
Is the dainty -lunch for the short
IblaM tnruare. |ktc k'c
bt'cn rined.
large Greek classes. At first the class
noon boyT A fine egg or ovuer sand
t m*iu h and dhihouu counties, using
The offlclsl* In charge td the car for Oils year numbered only two. boi
iB AUCriO?^' fiALE of the W. 0.
temu^d “bug ore. * ThU In- nival »t lUttle Crx-ek appm*d to the three other* wrerc Induced to take ibe 4 D. A. Gannett Jewelry stuck seems wich. bdl coffee, cocoa, te* or beef
tea. any or all of luncheon dishes can
dry bus lo-ua qub
coroner the other day for a .p<»rmlt to
to grow mucc excUlng and Interesting be had at J, W. Jackson's. Oystera
lyeani. but may hi* revived If the forth bury the man who was to be hypno
day. r
also served In any manner, stews, frye
; Invest jggi bin* |m»ve favorable tlacU and entombed am-e for three
or OB the half shell.
|aad eiimslTe luuuior dcpoalts are day*. The coroner refused to gram
LADIES! Sample aaoee that rave
It and the min wa* forced to dig bl
fram 50e
BOe ito llAfi per pair at A.
yaa Iroas
Kalamazoii coiincn pa**ed onHnar.ee own grave, which he did wlihoai any'
V. lYtofirteh'fi.
Salvaticm Army and soapbox compunction whatever.
from KaUierlm: on ittrvt u .
Pontiac 1* to have a new theattr.
Is needed In the bouse, now the fall
which will he aurted at once and
At Hudson school mi*etlng. Mr*. 0
eU*cted trustee. LadI
ru*hed to completion. The building chilliness begin* creeping on. What
the constructloB of latera] sewer No. 1
I out Imforce and elected candi will be a modem one, aeating abou* U there belter to give hot air than
la district No. 1. begtnnlBc at the In
those air-tight beaters or the hot^ blast
l.20t) peopl^.
teraectlon of Boardmna river mad Wei
After rleaninf auto gloves with gaslarge wprm is preying on the atove* Uiat can he had at tmk
Ungton street, running eonth on Wei
»c. Saginaw ' man lighted cigar. grape vtna* aitwnd Lapeer, but the Ranh's store on East FVont streeL)To
lington street to alley betwreen Front
►t« causbt ^rc and hands were worst peat the grower* tmve to con be snre. they are second hand, ^but
and Sute streeL dieaoe ranalng weal
tend with, they any. U n twalegged that doea not interfere srlU their bnaion alley between Froat aad State
I rA Battle Cr.'ok mad upon returning one from thrfje to five feet long.
n^ quMltira nor aeetolneea. only
street to Pine street, hae been plaoed
> lodge the other night, heard hU
I them cheaper to yoo.
Lauiium U one of the healthiest vll
In my baads tor ooUeeUoa. the firti
xquawking and made a dive lago* In the aUle. There U at pres
to be paid oa or beCom
not one rase of contaglcMia .
LEST YOU POROET. tbe 3fiih day of Sept Iffil:
the city which It attrtbuted
Tliall Mm Atot tprtope medlctoee
ring there bq discovered alx of his oxcenent drainage aystem nod the by aittflclnl meaim So a
• bantams ^llxslng. and no Uaee*
of the THInge and 4ta ctU- the laratauonSSsrpe
th* thb-r. I^curing a Untcre. h** ans. rather than to nrcldont.
^ir«hnJi «i
an Invmtlgatloa an<) found
which ^swears were nmde tamp graft have been at work tnl t|kti
Oom your range bake «mll. top. bot
tom and aidear Doe* your beater keeo
tbc bouse marm with a little ftml. and
la It easily regulated? Are ywir fuel
larger than
they should
be? 1 ^
yourself before buying again.
,,, mrmwwfl. WUI
Jewel stoves and ranges are U
fuel savers.
Call and see them, we guar
them te give aat afaction.
146 Front Street
TRAVERSE BAY LINE Rr.is5r.’.5*^5:2r—
mun TRIP 25c, 50c, 7it
i^<«!-aas.-s£= :
Buts Lean II840 a. s.
All 2:00 p. s.
is a iruarantec that your
prescription was com
pounded by a
Travsra* at/ tor MscRmsHel
219 American Drug Co.
Apply Travetse City Cnnn’
E A E E. 1
Than the new (all hats in thoxi- low
crown effects in deep mahogany,
brown, castor and champagne aa well
as the brighter ones In that charming
combination of blue and green, with
just a loach of white. Tbe Wuud 8Ulers have a complete line, which will
m«%t all tastes.
McNamara, the real estate dc-aler.
has as good a list of hou*<-* for
as any agency In the cUy. Four
Ebat Tenth, near Lake avenue; one on
Brat Ninth. Just off Union; two on
Rnllroad avenue, between Washington
and Bute; one on East Washington.
He also hat money to loan on «m*y
term* In any qnnntity.
A perfect smoke that can be indulged
ia (redy without the slightest danger
try the Unto Wenvert, they are what HOUfiE tor sMe nr tradto M SlfmnMd
yon are Jooking for. Straight ff ve
centers, made by onion m«^ te n
uBkm shop and are perfecUy antlstec- Also turn good farms to Retixto eeunty.
tory to nn ednentk taste- R. W Addrato S. J. Cenbto 444 Moiirae tU
Thdl «lw HM tprtiMi anilttoM
THOUEANM Of TflAV*totbenscbfiBintongtodune RRtECtTY. TbeygMMwq^ RM
tsffSCS.ir.’ss -^'rissarssw;
■ tofL'u
_____ .SI
aad atokw. kai anfrad ia 1
ttTbrST «IH> kt liK •
tfelM fri» M« iW.
ki. Mr m u*
Tka aladMU of tka Oaltattoty of
Baaeart ka« aakad tka aaltoBi aakoffttoa to eat aot oaa aaal.a dar
anaftar. Ikay kaatoa laaad ka aa>
ter. Brasat Craia. AStoi Ayuriu O. P.
iJ oLfltfEriSStSt.-*
S?n«k i*»-Wc Wi«k.»»
tmA ■»••» 4*r K kIWkllW. H.
.U to MCkl >»a. tt* tnw. M
o«lM lo i. ■»»« I. vkkk W «M
Stoa. Frud L. Stoekl^ Oahrto L. Qlbk*d act aMtauaM MM to tiM pvM
arOMm TctoK- Yaaaa toaa* Itok,
to a totetoa» eoaantoa. aad k* va>
laotot «|tfe kto totok at tk. awH
tfaa. It «as awMwnr to ibroa kl>
«inni'Ma<kta« kta aran brtor* ke
tM ka iato«M. Fbr i.o dar* k.
«a* cstM far kr Tome «ko ikm IM li« MpIfatiMW. I toitvrv ay 4
r tetsral Beam to tea alley be2ltaUi a^ Teuth stra^ tr<»
DUAg&Tttu"—• •***
B. Saleabury. Bert^ultoa. Jaae A
Rattle MeOla
■trust to tee alley hstwusc
mad aR pstooaa la
bert. A. F. Howard,
■ad TwaHth strawto fnm 1
ta tee laying of a aewar la the
to Bobwit iMreet as beretol
ad by tea eommU of Travsrm» City fm ^iSaIwte*\o
Midu talm aoticu:
alley hstwaan Tenth and neveate
strums from Wadsworth to DIvtaloa;
la tee aney between Beveath and
aUey bsiwaaa Ntoth aad.Xsath atrecu Twelfth streets, from Wadsworth to
DiTlakm strvwt. as heretofore adopted
by the eouadl of Traverm* aty. Mlchlgaa. take aotlce:
a at tk« iraa had title bare vlalted tbia exmatry under
aaaaamd namea. and the fbet ta ex
Tkt "llitoadlocl of MWlrlUa. N. J, plaiaed ia lblaway: Wbeatbtyco»
here the praMice baa bemi to aaam Tb take chaacea regarding the aafety
aM. %,4awto> ■
aaseaaors for tbe purpoM of defra>ing
elate Ibma wUh a malrimoalal ven uf ywur valuablea? Your home, your
teat part of the coat which tee eoua
ture. Tbto ta dlatamefuMo tboae who dflloe or your aato may be robbed- for public tespaetlOB.
I kattof an
dl decided ahould be borne by apecial
Notiee Is also hereby given test
>at of any latoat to pkk up you can-t tell. Better foreatall the loss council and board of aassasora of
for the laying of m sewer
Nto.h_^.^ T«tk
In tee alley 1
aid tlH> pro*- aa Americka beIrMa and faUI to tboee of the moat valuable things by keeb city of Travwrae City will meet at
slrecu from Wadsworth
\99aU .^\ihMt the half doM* dr««> who r«a^ have aoeb pteaa. Once p«l log them la the safe deposit vaulU ol
, to revle la the alley between Tenth and Bevtee First NatloMd Bank, where safety
the tag rFbriaae Haater" on
__ ___________
which time enlh streeu from Wadawofth to Divi
sion; In the alley between Eleventh
baron of a apatlaed «aka
i^UrdMili. |lulwhe#tliel
per year reals a boxand Twelfth streeta from Wadsworth
pUaaa^rulaml. to Division streeu. Is now on file at
bough tratna have been run In
loaid Hal Uay also wire to baemne
y ollloe for public Inapeetlon.
the New York aadcrgrptiad n
bhAm: nA woold aooept no work.
Notice la atao hereby given that the
P'T C'«*
, That have just been received b) tiW KE
Nmeil aad board of amaors of the
11 y«ir. Old. or 410 nor. alt road, the great eagtaearlh
city of Traverse City wIR meet SepMias Heck are of such variety that i
•MTito^a Vuian Hin. N. J. wai not yei by any amaaa flaWs
Notio. of k«w.r AMMmrn»-ThW
sr 12ih. I tot. In said city at tee
lalad to court bafora Racordar Hau«|. a McDonald, the builder.
aonncil rooms at I
a few daya ago by .Tom tween them. Can have the siamplnj
aald assessment roll, at which
•tote by bl. aratbar a law diur* av> baJ. A. Nlrtceiuon. John Wood. T.
and place opportunity will be
OMtta. Wba aald. ba bad run away tnm Dana, the Tamamay leader, who done or buy the patterns. The metho< A.To
all Beraons Interested to be
“When are you going to atart used Is on the famous non-smut trana Chat. Howard. John Lawrence. Wm.
botob bad waa lacorrifJMa. -Tha tmtb
tofttar It. JodyaaxpUlnad lha ap that tunnel game of yoara. Johar ler paper and can be used on llaen Adsit. H. O. Jojat. E. O. Ellta. J. J.
Ihta ;Sth day of Angutt. 1W4.
silk, glaaa. china and even for woo« Dunn. C. W. DeEoete. Henon Squires.
'joaite teaa. **1 an in .lore with MIm -Rome time la September." aaawew
and leather for pyrography. MIsx W. O. Dunham. Adventist Church.
Utom inUb. or sic Mata i4raat, and the contractor, caroleaaly.
Booe. and yrti've bMn to
Wm. lageiuol. Robt. Hewell. • Fr«l
Nam Wllhatoa BMk Trmmrm CNy.
^my aiolbar forblda at»« to marry bar. looked aa tbongh be wanted to aaV
Colby. . O. C*>pps. J. W. Morse. F. O.
vltad. BMact yoyi^
Miller. J. n. Hnwley. Thos. Doudrow.
8o rtert bone and want to lire with whole lot of things, but he coniamoJ
tba gnltea.- “How old are yo«r himself by Inquiring: “What yea
to.MMtt.1 to
in a
^ good
«nnd rub.
nil. especially
Gary. G. R. Nesr^.
aakad >a raoorder. “Over 21." the
^re essential
Apparent proof that Insanity may
q^o. Scott. Geo. Newberry.
ywaac naa aald. Tbea you are oM oommunicated like hydrophobia H •ben you use the Mi'dltterauean j
Notica to Taxpayera.
raafli to kaow whom you wa
abown by a case whleb ta attracting
I. t. A. BUtLBINffi.
Tbe tax rolls fpa the oollecUon of
narvy.** ruled the reoordar.
much mttentlon among physicians ni
school aad city taxca aad apectal
. aloat bad marry your |Hrl If you
Eller. Chaa. Easlerday.
B«‘UeVue hiiapUal. New York. The sub cento a package. Also the rubber
aenu for tbe ire warda of the
Gore. V. A. Patrick. W*m. city of Traverte City. Mich., have been CUT QLABt»
to I wont iBierfaro/ —New York Her- ject ta Miss Nellie Halpin. n trained ipouges they ^dto are stronger wnd
a. John Lalharua, A. B. Cur
nurse, who waa bitten on the baad by better than tee ordinary kind. Very tic. OllEord Clyne, Morris
placed to my hands for collection
Thto la aa
whan mea oC abort an Insane patient la the Kings coUattr beneflcUl to aa oily skla. also drgw Louisa Ayers. H. D. Poayner, R. W’ledI will be to my dStoe for the pur SILVERWARE.
oefL Samuel Stover. Chaa. Moulton. C. pose of collecting kald taxes every
autofw a^irro pradonlaata ta hlsh aanltartum nearly a year ago. Since out black heads and pimplea.
We can i
placea. The Qerman emperor ta aot ao then the wound frequently baa given
T. Ely ayde. C. P. Taylor. Palmer week day from now uqlU Nov. 1. Itot.
toll by two Inchea aa hla uncfle. Klaj Mtaa Halpin great pain and never com
from 8 o'clock unUI 11:80 o’clock In
toe ior SLOG
Flashing a ray of aunshlne Into a
tee forenoon, and from 1 o’clock until
Bdward. who la alao auperlor la height pletely healed. About two monlha ago
to the eaar. M. Lonbet and the mikado she begun to show signs of menUl dW- gloomy room, by removing the old via. P. J. Sulherland. M. L. Lyona. t o’clock In tbe afternoon of each day.
RASTALU the Jmiaalar.
All taxes paid before Sept 1st will
are extremely abort and the rlcioriou^ turbanec. These gres^ longer and An dusty carpet that has done duly so Mrs. Rose Webb. A. C. Rowley. P.
E. Carter. Robt. W^aller. F. L. be received without collection fee*,
ally her friends had the young woman long, and replacing It with a bright, Paris. D. Lydia
Jbpaaaat look like pygmtea
Jameson. Josephine
removed from her home to the bov cheerful Ingrain. Upestry or velvet, Bates. F. E. Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett. and on all toxca remaining unpaid
Amarlebn aoldtera. M. Coi
he' now aulfera severe convul anything to suit your purse. Prices H. R. Burnt. W. B. Moon. Nellie John Sept 1st and until Oct 1st a penally
Freach mlnlater who haa b
_ mona by hla war agalnat the religious sions. resembling the manlfesUlloM are Just righOn any style or quality, son. D. L. Thomai. N. W*. Harrie. C. H. of one per cent for collection will be
Johnmm. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter.
orttera. haa a big head, atrongly of rabies, while the mental delualohs at J. W. Slater's. The axmlnaler vel Mary E. Slyter. Geo. Helm. M. C. MU charged. On all taxes remalnlnf t
vets are exquisite in design and moaay ler. Harvey Chlnworlh. John Danford. paid on Oct 1st and unUI Noy. 1st
marked faaturca. aloplag ahouidem
A. a Hdw. J. W. MlUer. G. P Gar- penally of two per cent for collecUi
aad a boat back. Delcaaae ta almoat a
A band of about 260 gypsies which depth and body. Look them over.
rlaon. D. L. NIckeison. Jay Young. wfll be charged.
dwarf. Aaother -tawed or* apeclmen landed at Kllta Island from the
Thoa. McCluaky. J. McAllister. E.
Office. Room 202 State hank bldg.
la Bwihelot. the llluatrloua chemtat. arder CarpathU a week ago will In
FOR that tired FEELING
Crato. A1 Ayers; O. P. Hughs. A. R.
M.. E. Ha
HaskeU. City TTeaaurer.
who ta* to prealde at the congreaa of seat back to Uverpool In a body uh
That cornea after a day of lolL noth Pike. Wm. Rhine. Arthur Hadley. E.
2244 tf
I July 26, 1904,
Prae Thinkers In Rome next October.
tbe decision of the board of ape Ing ta more comfortable than an caay W^ BuUer. W. B. Bennett, A. Hoell
Tbe very Inteai l>nodon aneedotc clal Inquiry ta reversed by tee Wash rocker to read the eenitog paper In. mante
coBCtoWtag William Waldorf Aator nlfton authorUles. to whom appeal or a nice reclining couch for the
M. E. Louka.G. D. Kenney,
ard. Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah esL.
dalafe Worn a certain dinner partv haa been made. It ta believed aV«Uh Ing anooxe. Millar A Morse of
glrca by tee eccentric expatriate at talaad that Washington will Indorw* Front street have a full line of both Mra. Libby Kelly. 8. IL Cole, Andrew next the LaGrcttl Candy Company will
aell. that day only, tee regular 26 ceut
which Joaepk Chamberlain and hta the dedtlon of the board. If U doev and also a fine line of dUlng tobies
fruit bon bona for ten cents. Aside
""“c. D. MM-LER
wife ware gueata. The two atarted in the deportation will be the largest U
[son. Wm. Hendricks. W. J. Noble. “
vln GIbaon. A. Hannaford. Z. T. Swan from this especial sale, they keep a
ampte time, but owing to a atreet tbe histoiy of the Immlgratloo bureau
Henry Canfield. Warren t
full line of fresh nut meats. Just the
blockade were delayed and arrived one About to of the g>T»sy children are ii
Will not be up HU October, but huo- Bert Mullen. Jane B Harry :
a hospital in Brooklyn 111 of meaatau ter'a clothing to an endless variety Is F. Neaaon. F. F. O’Kell. R.G.
minbte Ikte. Uahered Into
to be made and laid away for seasontkm >ooib; ihey fotioi It vacant. The
A vicious elephau;. with a record o now up for sale at the 8. F. Saxton Johnson. Mary Kelderbouse. John ProTRAVERSE CITY BRtCi: CO.
guiwgi bad iH-en eoated prom|»tly on several keepers Injured, spared the life Hardware Co.. Baal Front slreeL In ,bert. A. r. Howard, and all perw>na tog and use at a later day.
laying of a trunk sewer
Prompt Detivary.
ibe aUoke of the hour. Mr. Cham
coats alone there Is a variety to price OB DlvtaloBtostreet
begtanlng at a point
barlain wasn't warrh<l.- *T.‘1I Mr As Pa., the other night. While running from I1.2& to |6.00. and atao ammuni at tbe alley between 8ih and 9th
ill nwer occur, so long as you use,
Carpet aeaning and Feather Renolor to come and coodoct Mra. Cham away from a monkey a girl, aged tion vesta galore. A full line of ammu- atreeu and running aoulh to the alley
bcrlata to the table." he said. In his about 10 yEars. fell under tee animal's nltkm to go to the veals. to6.
tofore adopted by tee council of Trav- markcL where to steaks alone you find
tone, to
flunky, raised foot, Tbe crowd screamed.
erse City. Michigan. Uke notice that
idles* variety. Juicy tender beef-y-y-yea. air.*' said the servant, “Queen." tbe elephant, stayed iu foo*.
tee roll tor tee special assessment
with one glance at the awe Inaplrlng and with Us trunk handed the child
le by the board of ape- Kteaka. or iamb. veal, pig pork, to say
Footwear ta what the public ta lookmoaode.. He must have delivered the uninjured to a keepcT.—Philadelphta lag for. That ta what the Flebrich. dal aaeeaaora for the purpose of de- nothing of the large variety in other
cosl which
fraying that part of tee cost
of frying meats. Lard atill sell8>2EA8TrR0NTST.
Norte American.
d be
council decided
tag at 10 cents.
well as tec J. Miller B Co. high cut
nir^of a tnmk sewer on Division
working shoes. The new fall and wfbTHE POTATO SEASON
preacher, his circuit taking to tee
. * between Eighth and Ntoth street* run
la here. With weeks of poUlo hanlAtiOWEST PRICES
rouglirot aeciloBs to the mountains to
' nlng south to the alley between 12th tog from great distances, over rough
and Will streeu. la bow cm file £i my
Tucker and Preston oountlea, West
“red-boadqd Bocnuca of the North
roads, why not save trouble and use
Virginia, atanda out unique. He wUI
idlaa." Whather this designation
NoOca ta atao hereby given teat the
ew road wagon you have so long
wot rtdew horse and he can hardly be
be auBctant to cause the star of
mncll and board of aaseaaors of the thought of buying? We keep the stand
iNWten to a ten mile race. Some time the governor’s political career to set
ard Olds wagon. Barney Anderson.
ago he preached to the Dennison or not rematoa to be seen.
ber 12te. 1904. at 8 o’clock p. m.. to re
achoolkouae. bn Location ridge, near
Bagltah phyalctana . any that they
view said assessment roll, at which
park hotel
the IVmtoB county line. Whan be
A heuae. he starts with a true fmm- time and place opportuahy will be
Biles to sUck now-a-days and noth
stepped down from the puipU H wnnidaUcm. Just ao with the auooaaa of given all persons Interested to be ing makes a horse more fractious than
«d Just one hour of the time be was mea of .Groat Britain. Tbe clgarrtioa
food photo, tee Begative must be
one of those sla>era. so F. Voiruha la
due at Bt Oeorgu..nlne miles dtatont. arc nude of black aad green tea. true, then the reaull la a perfect artis
selling a good line of fly ncu to ward
He took the rand without healtntlon mtxfd to equal proporUoaa. and are tic veprodueUon of aainro’a own handi
off the pests. He atao hM a full line
and stnifk aa Indlaa trot, which he said to be very ploasaat to the taste. work. In design Mid style It would
of home-made barnesaas. ud an extra
Hoot's Cemotaiy Vaan Jott
Bcvpr broke daring tee nine mile*. At Bat they -are very harmful, and tbe surprise
N ulc
tec public
pnniic lo
to know
snow that
coax ramn
fine lot of plow harMSMa. made for
tec amd.of tto hour he was to hit pul- haMt of stBoklag them, once formed, B Price
* put
pat onVfifty
To J. A. Nickerm. John Wood, T.
pU at St Ceufge reading tee opening ta sUmoat aa had to broak aa tee drag of o rds. In altea,. .Ironr
hymn ol tec aenrlcc and gave not the babtt.
1JUU4 laehaa n«l wan the new amFRESH OYSTERS at Jackson’s.
THt VIOLIN, ha* orB.«l»d • OANCt
BrauM Wilder Clarke, the son cf
1 date, whibh ta a long needed
ORCMl»TRA.««d I* rMAr lor tfOMO
Of the atytes i
tar moll
oa^e-nMOt* aiHt atao for ■ low papHo
shoM ow whOnI 1UtaTO ix;:h
bopa appolatod by the Panama canal
wait. Me la preMdeat of a rniMai
n itire Fda traoi 60c *"ptr.!^eoll at SoiiU. *iao •!*.
sonmanL TbqyU
commtaaioa aa oagtoeer to charge of
caMdtlag company ta AriaoUw a
ta likely that before loag ha wlU have tee •ewerage aiM waterworks to be 88.P0 to 8UA0.
to take up hta rcaldmme ta Tacac
try a reoquo want ad.
Prcsldjmt M. K. lagalta of tho “Big
HeUg. Lana Parta» Oeo. BcoCL Quo.
oas*r KOf*ATIH Y
jwi luuiK wiid.|
-1: ^
tv^oBi o
sL*^'iy y»»w>r?iS<iy
MH«» M taoT 9»
bawaaaa Matter aftteda
Fir '
Mgfitlw im m fmt-
MW MM mfUmB boOi m M wlMt it
u thmt twr fiwttr !»««» «ad M to
m A^Stelif^tSilJd*^
fw if tki, mOM nwotw^io Pf««
•d. Md Hat ia ooHi CM
rnt^immi or W«c ngMcd maa*
rSTSot wttWa tMMm Uw
ly. aad aa fh4bMr wotedag
m tnr aaiandMt or addftkaLta
. wbotbor bottv to aacM the
pbWiHty m boctor to gwan
CaltiM. Wo do MC IMTO to gMM «t tbey oblect to tbi trodo tmUy wlU
of ablppota or la aoy <
Mr ow. coDirkdloM ood tlini correct OiiM. 00 iBil ol aAnaiawt tm tbo dlrartkm. tbte
aaad vin bo mot.
4iie gntm tf It imm aapoiMifair. TIm
^rtoduleo wldcb wo jpoofow ort lb«pe
Ui widen wo IrtloTo Willi beait «A
Ml Md MiMtti. Mm mmj 4mm
>WmM^ law of tbo rattad
IL. Ha cdtaiycaa bo eoforcod
m atato ctebrta and odkoca.
faderal Mort v Npflkor could tako
MMt^ teM 0> wSKllll. !• tte M
accted vbataaar vador tbooL It vac
tiMl wilfdff mnlHMiMito. 0«r ocs
ttM tMk OM iMidor tliBD Mr wordo
• by tbo.oxociiUro npoo tw
wbleb lad to (bo paaaagt af tbo
of oiofmb or tbojodial autatv kaMm aa tbo
aaUtraat act and tbo latei
r Kou
ki^la Tirir
Met act. aad tt te only tbmugb
tbo ootboritj^^MiaI wo lurro UA
aorcteoof tbe powota coufarred by
tew. Tbte m
tMbwl of tbo gomnaiMt lag
afior aay^otoraii of tbo dvU war wbo tlMO aeu aad by tbo atalotv of tbe
I ta Ibo fotoro to ruttT
bad rooebod tbo age of atetj twp teat eoagfeaa aopfOomoBllng Um
: Hi tbo MOW wojr i
VO boTt oMrtOd it OB to tbo pool.
•o woU lao tbo volt boot, dodo Ilut
to tbov wboo^
Mrofpeomo^ Mt^rtomro to roiito d«M^ poMtepJaw.
Ihotr UvoUbood by
tia Ibcto abodi oor i^llcioo or ocu^
I f, i
«ajr« Iht oiidt of M Aarrteoi apuui'
^Urnmynm.wmJaUawwd by tla
w«. It to a mattarTf
gtliaa aad doruiop
guard la tbe aeroral atatM aa^wltM
amoag amny otbrr UmtoSaatU great aad la tta larger'aipect would
Bold maaMvora at Manaaaaa. wl|»d, to an tounutteMl ettteo.
iMtrlag tbe last dva yoata moro bac
boea doBo f« tbo matorte) aad moml
won being of tbo
boforo alM tbo
witbln tbo kOB of
bare apooad boforo tbeoi a rteta of or
boobl come Into Mwor
derly dorelofiBiont ta tbolr own Inter,
r bare to treat iVte'pai
oat and not
Beery effort te being ma^ to fit tbo
telandom fat aoif govommeut, and
tboy bare alroikly ta largo me
coivml It. white tor the first lUao In
thrlr Utatory tbolr porsonal rights and
They arc bring odneatod, they barn
boon flven acboote. tbey bare been
given lllwnriea. roads are Iwlng built
tor their nao. tbrir health It
•r tbo cMBtry. but tbte can orltb aofm
ty u daoo Miy by Jboao wbo ara «avloUtrd to tbe eaoao of tbe protactlre
ayatotn. To uproot and daetroy that
.yetem would be to Hmuro tbo proatoUou of boalnea*. tbo oloalag of factorko. tbo topateftebmont of tbe farmer,
tbo ruin of tbe eapitoltel aad tbo atorratloo or tbo wagowartcor. Tot Ifprotortloa te tndeod -^bory.** aad If our
eppoaoBta really bollovo wbat they gallfly ami lliat wlieroaa Ilwrc t
aurplna of gfOXliUMlOO ta lunr
te a -Mollrit i.f more Iban Wa
ta the > c:i: that baa Joal ctoaod.
Tbla.Oeerlt U Huagtaaiy and te ob
taiued by Inrludlni; In tbe ordluair curreut exiHn.r4'* tbe auui of
Bore In rociproclty. Tbeir ictfoo on wbicl. war paid for tbe right
tbe moat important reciprocity treaty of tlie I'anania canal will of
tjwnlly aegotlatod, that with Cnba. cumulnicd aurplw. In tbe
ll. tr
doea not bear out tbte aaaerflm.. More- t.oiuparlMS the t-urrent or oid4u..ry
orer. there can be no redprorlty onleaa prml.nmw for the two yearn lliere v
doobtodly tbe multiplication
■ and tbflr locraaee Infwwor^hflre
tergolr due to tbe -ailuto of odljmpo^ ^pou tbo proatdoDt by date dmrged with tbe doty of ooforc- ere on record as favoring arrange U:aa eight millions for the year that
iag tbe tew to take tbe necaaaaiy pro- monte for loclprwal trsOo Trialions has Just rlowd. But this diwluulloe of
8ucb atrlctme ripoo the fail with other conntrtes. tbefe arrange the aumul sr.ndtM was brought about
monte to is* 00 an oquItoWo basis of de.dgncHhy by tlu* abdltloa of the war
bODoflt to both tbe coBtracUng parties. taxes iu the interval liclweru the two
emiceirt to do IbHr
Tbe Repnbllcaa parly staiahv pledgwl dales. :;iik-p the cljne of llw.war with
pmteooa. PnakloBt Cteroland bad al* ter’u certainly not
nethod of S|wilu tlerc has U*«*n no substhulisl
•a far aa tbe admlnUtmtlon piacediag
rre of tlie ebauge In the rate of annual oxjK-ndl
Praddom McKInley ab. coDComed.but
turrs. .\B coui|inrc<l with tin* llsrel
It baa DO appbraUoD at all to Ilopob^
JO* year ending ta June. 1901. for exem,|»cmW la roiiclo.lvoly pro•dmiotetratlocL It 1* alao onIn |»!c*. li e lisi^jl year that has Joel closed
BImllarly PrwJdoot McKInloy
le that what te moat need^pt
-------- 1 .
,u,all im-rcatc In
ality-flro at tbo ago at
la having both tbe diapm
Jmllng tbe canal |wy,
dlMbllHy aboold bo com BltloaAad tbe cpnraiwUo enf
States has In nddltlon se meut already •ferml to), while the
Uiotevoly plumed. Tbo ro^itetlon
BOW in qtaalJoii In tbo oxordv of tla
on of the port trade of tbe world, stondlng first ] „«!
«w»«n«tefl tbovjwoa mado aodv Proahtedta dovethe ptew
let tbo pro
land and McKlatey.
tective tariff policy, which daring tbo recent yrarr la to be found in tbe fa«-i
Cd^l and Labor.
test forty odd jTfers .hss bewmo part
the people after mature thought
' ln"lhla
Bo far y tbo rifbto of tbe lodtrMnel of tbo very fiber of tbe conntry. Is not that
La\e deemed It wise to have conalu
1 la rovbcabte^at tte
DOW eecsptod ee definitely establtebed. new forms of work for tb«* pubUc nn
toilet.are coooomod.. boUi as regards *Tbeao forty odd years bare lieeo the dertskeu by tl*e public. This uecsslone bm>tber.,ee r^rUs the. public ny most prosporoM years this nation bns t.-jtes such exiHMiditun*s. fur InsleueO.
aoluto aa It te 1
of Ufe.
too. Tbeir Im
liberty and tbo pnrsnlt of tiapplnoss
arc now by act of coogresa joaloosly
safegnarded unOor tbo Amerkwn flag,
and If tbo protection of the flag woie
wltlidtawn tbrir rlgbtt would be test,
ami the teland* would be idunged back
nodv some form of eteiont tyranny,
fiutely we had better await the rrsnltt of thte «<xi>erlmont-fw It te a
ta Aala-be-
* . ,
P\ V
wblcb tboy often comMbo tbe sonoo of
sacxoosfnl nhyiridit aclllOTOtocai wHb
. ta company. Jlv tetter polnte to
ratbor bigbly a«anM drsteo oC
Bdonsaam. but In view of the cobh
rd porfonuancM 4iA dteplaya of
afternesB ta tb«t m
IMo which (UMavu.
of cyrlonK' atontak
doB aky la -teraal ^
downpour of rate ^
aome aOO fsK above tbo Gim paik
tbo London gatte were iongaped la a
form of comWacd a^al play. Boa^
ta a long aoriea of wide Htriea. of ebqr
nearly tbe eame dtettotv. though te
number of Midt to eeeb rafted.
Though when eoea.Aima below tbte
loug rtbbonUkc festaop# fiooftorfUte
aoomod to bo on e p^I^o. tbey teareally flying ta aplrete. itelng and ^
acrodlng by eettlng tbeir wings at fftf-
river saw this cl
i they, flew up ta
tance from the 1
d nekriy tbe
nary palteoce and tergo gotioroslty to^
There te no doubt that many aperies
ot Wida. esperUUy .tboee wblcb flBautred to our fieuplc at I
sborpa of ^ter.
by the fourti^nlh aimnulmrol to llir . QUent tbe eurfare
surface and sbi^
coustltiiilou. Aa a matter of fact, the , ate fond of this decorotai ^tey. HoiM
Flllulno. have already secured the sub- binte at ll In bte tfekefItmoB of the
happy Wida on the Maauter. VltHl
J [ t
mlUch they might Intmiret one way
aad we In at
! iteoaod bjr.MyfM. Ma^mt Pnuama
i iM promptly rreoguteod ami the
I kept open
ia accotdaMVwitb our irooty right •
Md obllsallovi Iboro would bare «i
‘ ??*
wibly foraIfU compllcatJoda. white
ctumvAf lmUdlng tbo canal
o Iwon doToftod oormlnly fv yoara.
^ „
If. oa tbo oibv baad, our oi
ame Into power aad attrpiptf
y Mt tbrtr pnmtmm to tbe
mag at tl» mgaataai mlllthi of
#' “T. 04r cMiiabvii can rrlfleteo wbal wo ^
gaJSr atjnm tm
LLI *rIriT^ ^
vbMi vmU vtek lalter ta Iba ^
tarporattea wated vaht aat aiately
j^laiT b«t dictrattioa to |te aatellbr
ate lane a^ fbr avail ateparutte^
Tbo Wlteaa ToHV Lm
tt te bat taa paaao otaea tbo teat at.
tevpt waa vado br Moaa. of loworb« tbo toiMT to piataat aavo poMte
m tm wmA m tor oril. bacaM of tbo tkatn praapoctog too aack. Tbe ataf capital In inatev^ tentet was oteliely adreowfaL Tbo
taiW tew of.tbakjraar wa« amoag tbo
tfoaty iMMitel lo_4Morvo ateng tbo | J?vol«ait. of alxty t
line of iraaoU ncrooo tbo tetUmua. Tbe ^ laUy
_ |in
q ^full
,| lK>dily vigor and
aor.lcerMdort.ltbla r.mntrrln.MH-«r-}P^«“*“^
,tltS.l ^to is^nslous. Will they
Stag tbe pehwtuel rigid to ortwiinict. DOW anthorttMIvoly state that tlK*y l:i
maintain, aporste and defend the caunl teml to dp this? If so. we accept tbo
was so gresltet our opponents do not
vonwre lo^ralfo the tesne In straight-.
forward fssbten. fv If so raised there, bo much for wliat our opponento
would be m. Issue.
oiienly cw covertly advance In the Way
The decisive nHlon wbi(*h bmuglit
of nn attack on the ecU of the ediulii
elKMt this Itoeflc-ei.t result was the tetrotloo. ^'hen we come to cotisldv
-«crrl..e by lUc presklci.l of tl.r poir
is-rested Ip Him. n.id in him
llie constitution, the p3tv«- to recog always arising wlien statemctols of polnlaa forelgi* oovemrocnis by entering ley ere so made that tbey cat lie Inter
Into dlploiuatlc rrlstluns wHl^ tboni
end Ibc power to maki! trentlos which
when mtlfle.1 by tbe senate heedbie nnAmerb
der thefWHsUtuiloi. |»art of tbesiprr'.ue deceor our cn»ponents take tbe
tew of tbe land. NeltUer In thte nor in Uoii flint silence te tlie Uto_^|»oBslble
euy other nintli-r lm« there l»vu the way to convey tlielr vl
elightest/sUurr t» live up to tbo con tend that Ibrir lukew
oUtution 4n letter oud In spirit But iwrtial eeqnlescence I
tbo coaetltatkm nm-t Is* obsentel pos- bare atwavllsbed entitles them to
ItlvelyaB well as uegntively. Tbo pres. made the costudlaDs of tbe IlnaDcUl
Menrs duty U to serv.- the eouniiy In honor end comioercial Interests which
they have but recently sooglil to ruin.
derelict In ii.y duty If 1 Being unslde to agree among tbemMod e fate<*coiistnaetbm of the rwll- vlves
as to wbetlier tlie goM stondsnl
tutkm ni e IbWW f.w we«k,.«« vxu\ tl Is a curse or a blessing end ns to
wbKher we ought or ought not to bare
frte Slid unlimited cotaagelof
they have api»arcntly tbou|ht
pcdlent to avoid any committal on
.wenpoa of our o|>P«Hieots In rtyiml la these* sub)erts and Indlriduatly each to
our rvAb policy and tbo nay tbs follow Ills psrtlvtiteT benf. ffbrir near
asry lias tsHm mado useful ta rarry- est approach to a mejorlty Judgment
r llK* navy on exactly tbe eainc
Hoes in tbo future as In tlie paaL To
jwhat pte of our foralcB policy and
to wte^te of the navy do our opponents^SteK l»o they object to tbe
admlnlelratlon In oar his
beeotnieled. Tbe I
be Axed nod 1
It U I
to tbo eritetecdeiy Unel
tbe feci that efter
freolhg cube
form any statement that the querilM
tsmle sdvaaugse with te I'nltid te settled. A determtaatlon to remata
Btatea. while at tbe same dime kevp- sUmt cutmot U* accepted *a equivalent
any other nation ban e
™.w ,
people !
necmaaty^lbrift. |
energy end buslnerw intelligence to I
turn tlielr vest material resources
account. But It Is no less true that It {
Is our economic policy as regnnls the j
tariff and flnencs wblcb has enabled |
us as a natkm to make anch good use,
of tbe ladivkSual capacities of our clU- 1
sens and tbe netxkral rasonrees of our
country. Every cteas of onr people is
benefited by tbe protecUve tariff.
The fenaer baa benefltetl. quite as ;
much aa tbe
cbent and the wageworker.
-Tbo Fermsr mod ths TariH,
American jigrlculturr
__ economic policy of
so tfiosriy Interwoven.,
erdenendent. that ndDUln Itself at tbe
progress without I
high water
makes to tbe ad :
tbe ot
ta equally to the adran
rantage of
tag* of the other.
Bo it te as between tbe capitalist
and the wageworker. Hera
Here and there
there may be an unequal abaring as b<bare come by protection, hot benefll* ,
have cBoe to both, and a* revcraal In ;
pollcyv woBld mean damage to both. ]
while tbo damage woald be beevy |
to all It wMld be besriest and It would i
feu wiooest npon themi wbo ere paid In j
the form of wage* each week or each
mouth (or that woek’a or that month's
Coudltioos change, and the tews
meat be modified from «me to time to
r tews for the last
rlmcai of agriculture or" (or Irrlgapnrti
||„n. But these new ex|icndltiires are
No oue ■ would seriously
to .-.bniidoii them. Aud yet It
i.-, WIe to decbiim against tbe Increase I
expense of the govermnent unless ll
intended to cut doivn the very cxpei
iturc* which caosc the lu.-nwc. 1
our opponents grudge the gTii.ona.OOU
paWl for the Tatuimn canal? IH> they
intend to cut down on the peosious to
veterans of tlie civil war? Im tbey
Inirud to put a stoti to tlw^ Irrigation
,K)lh-y or to the iMTainiA*ut^r
And following Homer's cranes to tbe
continent of Africa, where they en
been In effect nnllltUxl? In this, as ta gaged In winter warfare with the pyg
Mr. J. O. MUUls has notfd that
tbe IMdllpph.es. lu our and siK-i.t Um* last hours of daylight In
aerial play, -floatlug aidrate” over tbe
United 8lnt**s we as a peojile tin J.1CP I African stream. Tbe **floaUng" game
the complex problem of sccug|< fair I ta enjoyed by several species of Bngllab
treatment to each man regani s of i Wrda other than gulls, hut mot ta each
bla raie or color. B e enu do so ouly If , a comlitaed form.
we approach tbe problem lu the .plrtt j rertaln states of the air, -when tbe
of courage, common aeuse and blglijwlnds un* bushel nod tbe aunbeoroe
mlndel ilevotlon to tlie right, i •hich I are briglit. Invite then! to tbe sport.
Books will as<'ctvl el sneb llmm to
baa cuabifd «oi-emor TaH. Oov
sn great alUtudes.
Wright and tbeir aasoclai
hlllp descondlDg only to riee nirata.
noble a work lu giving to the rump
prln te the play of IndlvmueU. In «
pine people the benefit of tl
ciples of Amerienu Ulicrty.
Rll good ClU 1 plgi-ons do the ■
ml the Inter the ravens by the cUffs. The tetter
tbrir heart* bird* bare a form of atrial
tbey Involve much that comes home to
tbe individual pride* ani luJIvIdual
well lielng of our i*eople. I’ndiv caudi
tfooa ns they actu.*illy are gotvl Ameri
cans abonkl refuse for the sake uf the
welfnre of Uic nation to ebauge the
natkmal policy. We who are respousl
ble for tlie administration and leglsls
Uou under which this country during
the last seven yerira has grown s .
greatly in well l*eiug at home and In
honorable rcfiote among tbe nations of
the earth abroad, do not atand Inert
ly upon tUla record, do not use this rnord a. an excuse for fallure-of effort
to meet new rondltkms. On tbe con
trpry. we treat the record of what we
. promise lndependem*e have done In tbe past as Incitement to
to tbe rhlllpplue Ulamte Here agaai
1 tbe future. We be
we are confronteil by tlieir Irreconclla !
progress that _______
ble differences of-opiuloe among them- ‘ ^
measure of
eelvee. tbeir proved InsblUty to roeate ^
a constructive iioUcy when In ^wer ^ ^
IntroOt the gnveriiand tbeir readta^ for ^ sake of
momentary political expedSency to
abandon tbe prlnolples upon which they
have Insisted as esaemlak In their
pUtfonn tbey declare for tadepepdeuce
srltbout ouallflrotkm as to time, and
tadeed a Wlidcatkm at to dmc te an
aUurdIty. for we have be!tbef right
Bor posrer to bind our aaecatoora.
tbey Intend to abolish rural free dellv
cry? Do tbey imeud to cut down the
liavy or tbe Al.nskan'telegraph system?
Do they intend to dUmantIc our coast
fortifications? If there te to be a teal
and substsi.tU.1 cmtlug down In naHonnl cxpeudltures It must be ta such
matters as tliesi*. Tbe tlep.nrtmeut of
agriculture b.ns done service of lucalcrl.nble value to the farmers of this
country In many different Hues.
to cut donm tbe
money for this scrvhv? They con do
It only by destroying tbe osefulnesa of
tbe service itself.
>rhlle If there te any prtocipte taroIrM
ta tbe matter It te just na srroog to
them parttet posrer becaum tbe posrer
sroaM be only partial, and tbwefore
they srould not be ahte to do mtechtef.
Tbe teat te certaUily iNcBriMs jdea to
advance on behalf of a>arty aaeklng
to obtain control of the tearerameBL
At the ootact It te s?^h white to
any a woid aa to tbe attempt to Idaotltr toe qBeatteB of tariff revision or
tariff todociioB with a aotatloo of tbe
tniat.qpastloo. Tbte te atsrajra a rign
•f Amin to arold any real effort to
deal adequate srUh tbe tr^ ^OtofloB. la ifiiBklhg on thte petal at
MtaMpells OB April d.1900.1 aakl ;
*^e qnasdoo of tariff rrvtaloii.
^esklQg bropdl^. ataigU Whom .apart
tbe middle ef a high i
they suddenly c
hrough the
wings and fall b
to call nttensir. crofiklng loudly
TLc water lonntftaeat* of ducks
both wild and tame, and of domestic
r part of their actlvto tliern from the sky. Just as ta the
of tbe birds wl.l<* combine for
......-I game*. When tbe sun to at lU
brightest and hottest. - tbey are and
denly seixed with sn liapulae to begin
tbe sport. Bratlng.Jba water with tbrir
lugs, they rush hither, and thltlier on
ie surface and then dive, ooe after
aotber. keeping tlic fun going until
they are all out of bttotb.
. It to vary seldom that geese are sen
to dive, but when pteptag this game
tbey do so aa Inataotaprously aa doaa
a dabchick or
Hraltxlng mice** natoriiUy anggasu It
self. These llttlr toeatures run ta drrics Incrasantly, and Wtou a Bomber^
them are togethfr tJ^wy app«r to to
acting by a common understanding, ll
te said, however. Ihat tbeac mice ale
Buffering from f bcradlUry fotm of
few years as
1 period. But
to^aWce and trade of every kind,
substituted for
that tbe American peupir. If they abow
aeircB occoremgiy u
bitpower. Tet prominent persoBe among tbrir mal practical bnaioaos aeoae.
them aeeert that tbey di not really will taatat that when these tewa are deacribed precteriy tbe po|lgy now be
modified they sbaU be modlflwl with
ing carried on. Tbe language of the
.•f platform Indicated a radical change of
wWI» «tl« ^
Ho tter diBioBeBtes objeet
praijdlng ngalnst Its
itkm has sought to secure to
.he f»«
right to lire bis life snd dtepoee
pitiperty and bis labor as be deems
so long ns he tcrongs no one else,
ss abown In effective fashkm that
ideovoring to make good Ibis ifuar•ntee It treate all men. rich or poor,
whatever tbeir creed. Ihelr color or
their birthplace, as atandiag alike be
fore tbe lew
Cnder our
ful of them, o e have brnm smjpakmeiy
oBrefnl on tbe one band to be mod•rmte in our promises and on the other
hand to kcc|i these proroteea In letter
and ta spirit. Our opponents hare
been berapered by no aiicll conaWemtloot. They have promleed and many
of them BOW pfomlse actlop which
tbey cMld by BO possibility take ta tlK^
exercise of ronstitnrional power and
which If attempted would bring busi
oess to a standstill. They have used
issert tlielr conrlcflona ooe
and often now use teaguage of wild
tbe otlier end ttwt the
iBvertlve and appeal to all the baser
of the gold standard try the Brpublb- pessliini wblcb tend to excite one set
en party aboukl ootK dle^tatied uo- of Amertcans against tbeir frilow
ss tW I. an olteWlsn ta tbe rete Americans, and yet whenever tbey
rr quantity of
have bad power tb^ have fittingly
Bd gold.
supplemented thte extraragance of
tVe. on the conttbry. believe ta tbe proBifi^lqr absolute nullity ta perbM atandeid at fixed by tbe
tid verdict of the buslneaa wof
- Tbs Tariff.
, e acmnd monetary irrstem ea i
Wlien we take tip tbe greet question
of principle as patters not of
of tlie tariff we are at once confronted
r. but of per by the doubt .ee to wbetber our opim
roanent organic policy. Tbe record of neute do or do not mean whet tbey
tbe last seven years proves that tbe any. Tb^r eey ibet -proteetJoB ta
coBvietkm. Laws can always be iw
Tted. It te the apHt and the purpom
^ those iBspototbte for tbeir etmrt-
sbroed. I
the fact thet tbe
at The Hague was rspet
end tnraed Into
baa been i
cneo for
grotrod for opposing It ueles
resented. Within tbe limits t
pines, ran our
in ciaaiitg wbat 1 have to aay about
tbe eystem of promoting American In
dustry let me udd a wsrnl of coriUal
agreement srltb the poikr of ta same
way toctading wlih^ l^beoefito by
rnerebam marine. It te not crelltable
toBsasanattoo that our great export
and import trade aboold be Well nigb
Bsctaalvely to tbcbttate o( (OcoigBffm.
Tlte Army.
It Is dlffkolt to know If our oppo^
Bsoto are texur atom to tbrir'de
mand (or the reducrixn of The anny.
Among the most secluded valleys (n
the south of England te the lower
coome of the river Wtadrosh. which
falls Into the Thames by the New
bridge, which Blr John GoUf re boUt In
tbe foortaenth centiny. The river te
baaotlfBl. and the meadosrs thx
which It fiosrs are green and fertile.
But there are almost no roads or houses
atiU later altbottgb bto B>nnal oear the stream for tbe test few miles.
Md ooly two ancient and broutifnl
r the self
sraa recaatod. and todrt>todeoc« at mllte. the losror bring Gaunt mill, oear
aome future time was promtecsl In Its Qannt Oooae. which was rebuilt by the
place. They have occopted three entlrriy different poeKknte srithto fifty
days. Which te the promtea they rrolly toe Ilarcourt.
By tbe mUl bouaeltanleo lias a
tntend to keep? If kneh ainblgBtty affecud only the Amettoon people It POOL with grarelly aballosra tq
tanks, over which the dear w
slide without a ripple. In the bright
tbemerivea. Brnthenillitabaaielnno May evCBlngs. wbeo ^ pool te at Its
anch coBdltteB. COofldeoco^la with aUlteBL the Mttle trwrt ctone out to
tbeae.ahallosrs to play. Tl«r are no
larger than aprala. but oa gay to IV If
But tbe roe dew to
Cawdor castle bare jrgular rings ta
which they-amuse ibcinsdTes by ^
nlng to drdes. By Ihr tto most play
ful of tbe young of Bw eartoos boofOd
aniniate are kids. They aaem to hare
Imagtoatloa as wall as axtraordtaniy
acUrlty. aad, bfltofi Able to
fort." which ta teteo ptayad by
sod puppies, la great
Wbo may be beafe Ideating to an agftoted maimer when they seo ooe oC’
tbrir Bdrenloroto *|toag atandiag
tap of a waU or rtumlBg over a bom
lylBg across a saw ptedoriag the progof.
HMlii 51!»„
fX-- -
7k» V^%r DnM W I
. «f
in iBT. nwdir^ita-
CPT«^ *1 !»«•
«i.^ »rnm
VMI Vlit,
elMl InvMiibte! Kata UK eC it
berffb Oa leg.
tad R In tbe
at tbd naethwaid aanmr af tbe
tbt ____ea aC PUaatiy. Hera art two aC
tla^lBiiMMlUnRFartlmw^fdr- eafneiMiaeIn tbt*wwS?a"#alr. OUB
tUfciaxsaUoMtad tlmbarM dx^ •ad its aamuaatkma baUe^tba bmt al
ftet aqaai^ and fufytwa
ioR imu. and tbt taawt.fann
Mf>i» «r Mnhi u atrii, fMM
..i Ku.
Um grata and terra Tbe threat bw
neck are taUeaemt deM bliia Aba«i
aa^ l_
be weam
eellar aa
tbe ne^
----- a
Inch wMcv bat narrow at tbe tbiai
tw <l» m «r Mlaetrtew to Ik* ral-
Hl-'iSsr £•£=.■=
oonrA^.j^ TkW «• ■«« PiVlai
hla aoii.V<awo M»» ••• that Mr.
taaUa troo wl«r than tb»r tiew.
Mr. luokla's diodowa bare Um al
- ,aar. Here and ^
wbereRRt wafer baa been dmlncf olf
aia«*ll PUrt-a of cam. inly and oata
learn new miogo aoemv mm
2SnS.frtS tb. OpStfinai
eanter of tbe ewamp wlU be four mllm
Ion# and twenty ton wide. It win
eadMr Uto Tellow cm?*.;Wblebin turn
taee^ Ksetf la tbe Grand rimr. Tbcte,
latemi dlteHm k|ui|nc to tbe
na»$rtmial Wttb tbe w^ter inoered
■nd deagem fromidaotoi i^dnc«d> al*
meat netUnf by tbe dtoUnge dltcbea.
ell. Agmln Ilaocoek appealed to tb
demoralised men In the rrar to rail;
bU IntiMehmeots. Usneex k de^ and defend tbe angle trbirb was onet
ba bad to dfSl Ritfa 15.OU0 of U^e’s
troons. There were 20,000
I ttnops lying Wle within four
miles of RMm*li Ikstlon, and tbe gen
oral to chief knew that tbe Coofeder*
ales were watoblttg’b chsnee to pounce
«pon Hancock while be was separated
from the main arnfr. Ibwas not Han*
jD^*a way brbndktbgt. mR be set tlie
f^lry to boTkHbgJ ran breastworks
across tbe offb‘M of tbe Acid and
IMstsd guns •Hfibtft Ru tallwsy track
U|Mb travwsrt’ttb lint on the left,
^flrr tasting tbe fire of MUes’ line
on with a frrab dh
ibe reaa Tbe line was al*
______ «
JMor tbaoMets rscAy tsMl
tbe hero felt that
iTs^toind npon tbe abMldcr of one of
bis SUff. be excUlmed. **Oolooel. I do
------ ------------- iW» *>«»«• Atol iw
or lack
^era to Oregon TM aaay.eaai^
hredded pliie ticedUs for pitlowa and
* r ■
;^k»t’swherp WR «o .Me vou out. LOOK
discover that you need some
Letter Hife
iMpes ^
fowl-oil Is wood.
odd times
dkoraiire p6aslbllltlea In bnrte are be
yond what most of ns bare eontomplab
ad. A bnri Is an exctraceneeoranow
grown knot TTbeothesswents tbrooMi
■nrfac* Is DoUabed and.vcr*•
ABOUT.yOUR QFFtCBi. peAapf youi
^ pmt pafb to AoW^tbHr cnUneL
Talne:^^ni«. iistn. M hat «« Mat
as W csme^fmtn'tbe saw la gmat
punks. Tbe entire bnrtei of tbe Jong
SKtkms derotM to «r two Indoar dia*
of Wdog es» oaare
^ ^ £im-t^iaDd
Mm wp> and b« wui aRmw a hash rnfrito
tbel U ^ faiiry part of Jha any bind oC mUkaman
display and the fonat bypradnetx Ton of bInndaMii brings bhfi>owto .ff!be
bine groessto a Umlier Wrd^ nolgy
dnamnar who lives on iRRsi.and
Should be the aim of every business man.
nUnra loem -too Mptlfni to ebook.
iIla«W«IH ’Moi.inaby yeoigjkto b* ^
unkoewn in Onwon. bet be tores celtivetod gRia. utod befnAbe M
AoaRnr bis wapie to fbe uiytTRiiii
dh tbr-wslfcq- sMe^^ tbo Boohtoa.
Tbe taeiitftai rgged^^oM. erttb bto
dMk spoeiRw to benv bat no Inpto
toom tbeJewtands M.tbo WUtainRaR
for tbe CbineBnj>ttieeaiit now JoUS
till I bad spent I
■ '
t J
^^a%!^S[!!ta^6ieatlon.-aBd tba eUtoy
blow garto wo tobabityit of dU aid
K t it
m pbewmnt to a ightwyoni
wn^wonld bavo M taMI
[e has driven
fWta tbe Ion
—ey as the we-----------—
and iitotaatatoB Hare are wom0 of^tla
;Wq«tobM oRttag In stato btaMa Mm
a llna a# tl^t latrenebment. row
>efli4l. MIlea rode Into tbe
tig a anall ifrttoo of the track from
K o^n regiment, the Wxty*
tbe north. no3tb and weat
ark, ly ing Joat on tbe edge of
Baity on Ihnffitb Orecit’a troopera
and or»lfred them to form
•tlnad ap t^.^fMny Jnat onuide of
be came Intaa wUdenass that
Mpt bat foand them Indlapoaed for
r wantad and.wUb bte strange
baMa. Haneoi% bad mcetred notice Ilartng WmiiHf _______
g Cfsft U drttlag oiR tbe flab and
that t.f00 ar^^^Tcoafederatea bad way down the line to HaucbyU ailM||
gnna. recsptortng tbe breaatwoiks gad
Und of. pfoiiilse. U U YanIwMIke.
three of the pieces.
The watonUhed Confederstta gave
maloa andrf SpSIral Olbl»n to wort way before Miles’ flerce suault. Bot
*»e Omr a Bsy«,gsMil^.__ ^
fMrti^ ap Ibe'tracb and beU Genrral
After breakfast the casr of
bfUaa* dtrtM «^tbe trenebea. Ulb log new men a* fast as hU little band nokra a rety strong Havana
boaa forre aA^^bnbn drtveo fnm tbe of 200 was d«g»leted. be crossed to tbe
amrk of deatrJj^ aiHl formM line
la the trenebaa. prltb GrrsTa troopem point Hancock Joined Mm. aecoaapa*
earerlnc tbt font In pla.^ the para* nlod by tbe Second caipa Iwttletag.
pMa were at dott that tbe.eoemy'a which was a c^napleaooa target far
tbe enemy’s Are. It bad already bam
tm vanid pai^oror and atrtke tb
pleivMl with Imllets, and tbe sUff war
fradam of tbe opp9«ltt aide of tbe
In H»Unters. While Hancock wss rM<
Hancock expected help from tbe main Ins forwBid to reach Miles bta brtdk
army la front of l*etemburE nod care rein w«» itvlcc eat by bollcts and bk
^ MIlea tbo mak.xir boMlnx tbe mad bon^* klllM nndrr bim.
The original sap In tbe aogle M
apen. Mika waa^rat attacked by Con
^edemtm aiv^lnp boWIy from the Miles’ works still lay open to tbe Con
nbeltar of aome wooda loto open cround federates, sod at this llabcock mm!
drove full tilt, followed by i
awept by Feder^ ire. Tbe ffuua of
\bme battertm jfldnl Mllm* rUlemen In nnUine ahowlder strap pbaUns eom
tag to paart nM mottfU'wRb wktta
PU tall la alx long Urge fnatbfTi. twa
Utbemafntttypfeettalmyb. Jtba
------ --------- to tkc dratoW W«^
nS^ fa a day. bat R ia notK«able
tbat‘ mint af tbe awHcmen are atrair
fMCtertbe eommaiSty** Tbe reaaon la
tbU^ Botbrine laboeem bare aa aw
ta*erorktag In tbe m«l It la not
MKjob. and tbe man Vbo nnder
j 1t>*mnat face tbe aeceonry copdltloa<of eolled dotbeb aa If be c^loya It
aro la BO mofO flfly cent MM in
a parts. Mr. .1Unbtn*s enterprise
seat pHcea skyward. Thom who
•wamp land, but harenrt tbe nMana
lavort R Into proJapUvePfWs.wt||
fn tbe hope tbat.anecbrr mUllom
lareetor may«sUrt tbeic.way., It
<atnitbtttO(kM A4.Mat tbabmO
M bs melcM for tbe ownfr of a
or ttra dinolykot-Ma lomnoa IMood tra<%. bopinc by their example to
taadred acreo to attempt any
rotpo. o«$3KD>r 0«**nl D.-MW.iMd ImproremeoK oa bU own ao
K. aecanse water from adi<4pli|d
Tbe Confedaratea made tbe
r til* wt tbelr eb«nce aod roabed op and down
tbe workb* The eaBnooaera of 8la^
era Tenth Maasarhuaetta battary
ontM tbelr eaptala and many 0a» ondar the Uwa tald down for that
on Tbwe U. toU of doing tbta
Ml iA»« fl^: «HI«ra luul imM K a cTAomuM and all tbe boM bad bean
inbaerrlng .tbe ndmlrabU raanita
%Hcf TlaK. Mi^ vkVb IttHdentallj M abot down, then retreated to tbe mil if Ibn lIUooU man’s aystem.
Tnmloy tbe otbar
to tb* b«& M Aof. 21 WilMo
Rankin cmplm botwetn Mxty
Btatkin while ra- way. the Tlrtortoqt Canfederatea mn iBd aevfoty men. Jhry live to tents
over r>aiichya Twelfth Maawcbuaatti
Hffiiu fr^:« raid of railroad
iMMadontbeblgbland. Tbedredger
atmettoa fhrjrjtbla the enrmjr*a llofa. bonttery. bat not
way tbroagb tb. Und. the waBHM baaM off tbara ta^ Fits l«a'a atid all tbe rani
tsa fonowlBg bablod to tbe completed
mk% :rti
wRb edgee ttpprd with vZ
rtra eomm en‘«eff of brawn aU
bbt On«OB Atolm. • IHr. U .lb».
Hm A» tw. jrltb
.pm»i wM»*
ions than wtoter tiR ptarmigan nppesm -to wassral shades .of hrowtodark. motttodaM light Ooppwpbay
or you may lK ahoft ,oq aome Special BlO*
Form. Fin4 out wha^, you . need ak9SS
Akmgsldo tbo game bifgs ate kba
the roysl ebinoo
itObed Ran beot k------ -------------- ----tinned avtlelo No thto Oragaolaa
hirhirtae ntetoas di the
needle yon may bare atways
far itonecorauve tana tbe boteecheat*
nnt IB >enr tnmsera poebet
gkegaw baa jtwo.gieatB»edtotaal pied*
oeetton by a pern
•ntif W
rniuidd]. Hafe.gba
tbe dM
m and
tnttndeet of tbe
•rap. n«t «iU tb. root l» ttod. aM
ym, .F. ttoW. to HAW n to r»*^
erwn CM is la kM ^bsssi. 4/
I ptosasnt to ti» sprtottUM. whan
wM and abnpdantly. atol tbe
tU^ ^Z^t^jcantlnn^-Xo Ibkirtob.
To come back to SheMob igbln. don’t
with Wings on a post and all
into and dowera and ktodergar- Tb.
gteoK book wboss pages ara wood and WTU^wliJt^ a yUs^ Md
glaaa. where every plant of Oregon
lopka back at yon with a Ufellke amlto
nd a perennial gtodness.
eoee^.'sasUat thi
Tbe greetest thing to ONgon to bore
only' Vt Tlrtne of tbe camera-khs Her Sm s-^ns- to^-Bsaran. an* hmfnn
Tb. .wnry bMb- whsTS^
pim df^ctorw tba waaka of Meant
;v^ ■ v,l ’
Toed skBSat think that ystera
Millltoae of deowt norm waiting for
Bet Ukc stsjto tnsrs Irta' npaa Ms assR^
tUBMra prints of forests* strike one
sdtaaW. Too may look d^^ormt Ws
toadi that seem like eanyons with tim*
beted waUa. Refcning to tbe round Thtr asr a f«w own nitoi^ to gabUto
wbaakwnacnL It was JDO feet to the 1 bs^ t
tret Itai^i^ tbt toee^de^^
no mOBsaa, ear t dsWt M
I-. u-Wfc Chtosio Rsswi »felA>A
W tonged tong for innre art*
tton to abate her ricbes. sad tbtae arv
tbe tbtags a^ hubro^
two qnarto ct baby
«ctbHra. Tb« toiKKbWfltb^
not dioetwltii Orayon tU 1
garedUt yen d? tao'tnae nrda.v AA
' ,i« x.^rrrr' -
TtobBawbtoto iMWiW'OyOn.
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