The Evening Record, July 19, 1904

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The Evening Record, July 19, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


THE EVENE^G record "i s iSThw I

YcrrEROArs issue

tkavcmc city, michican. toecoay, juuv


I TIE mu
Trt» W
« TrmI li


rtU. Jpiy lA-

t la

MSM mi {||aK HEKLT

win iravM os ike irafolac skip Ckar
lotte. wkUk te sow geiUss ready foi
isrpeee st Kkd. Tl« umr of Ifo
e pftsew win Iselsde s trip to
rk». He wm tfsrei IseogsllA

fliMsirt lass m iHl^ tint
Mra. Maykriek WUl Be Frssd Ualeea
Sly Wire lo ike Bveslac Reeetd.
Lesdes. Jely lt.~lt to lesrsed that

Kj wir* IP Ike cmlsf meosiC
. MtaL MU^.-4BssluUI Imp Is
PC Ike 41MSIPI «C Ike

r of Mrm. Floresnr
etscle eapenreaes.

Alexssdrto vllk Ike Istesiloo of
ekedUsf Ike ll»e^ IUe«aUliee is tkir
M ess. It !■ expected ikst this deooeetdkUes will c«see Itaeels lo ssk
•IdeaHWkIr Tkegesefslfeellsf kere
ike tret Wmoptm^ conpticw
ties wUk r«0srd lo ike wsr Is the far
■set kse srriTPd.




$2.00 Indian Baskets


5 o-cJock Piwe Marquette trmte for
SaTtee. Mkhlgaa. ki* former home, for
rodcftaker Aadereon bal
Odsker for a 1
charge of tke foueral.
I tke worm. He
CbaHea fNetue Dead.


msss# St
WH4I. til. ^
LMt im«Hnwiwi Tfssps




Ikrtiw lo ike Bresiss Becord.
Losdos. Jsly lt.-A pfwee seeods
Ikis dlepeteh frost Oes«ml Ksrokl.
keeddsiners. dated today, etatee that
Ike g»etss taeeee is Ike Askt at M«.
ties XMg are sow eoaipsted at 2.000. STEARf^ HAS NOT VET MADE UP
Tke ^apaoeee total looses «U1 aot exHIS MINO


Will Be a Candidate But Ooee^Net
tbe loltlaUfe and ekowed cs^tnclotlvely
Know Whether He Will Run es
ikat Ikey are better starkusen Utan
the Dcmocraiio Ticket or
Ike Baeelaae. Pbr kours they oat
foaskt tkeir eseMks sad tke Buaelaas
were osttesermled at erery poiat
Special to the Evening Record.
PclrolL Mich., July IS—Wayne
county dcmocratii. In conjuncilon with
olberi In Ike ematem part of the »UU*
have kalied upon Jnetus 8. Steam* ai
ARIIANOMKNTk ALMOST COM- a candidate for governor on Ike dem
orrmtic ilckd. Ktandlng ut»»m a pun
prtawry refona plaUunn ahlrh wDl
ooataUi ao other eaJknt feature.
Poreee Will Amssst te flJOD-Rsw
Late tkia week a comiiillUnr fror
nifliS Rasea Svery Dey^Fesrleen
the eantem part of the xiate will wal;
uiKKi Mr. Slcam* hen- and learn hit
Raeee In the Three Days.
vlewh. It 4* alrowl a certainly
will be a candidate but It 1:
Tke race neet to be beM here Aur.
li. 11 aad 12 presilees to be oae of the
beet. U SOI tke beet ever hold tn Tra
me City. Tke preparaUaoa have hven
Yirtaaliy compJeldd. althouah there
remala a few uaSnished doialU and
tke proepects are Ikei the enirle* In
KerwiomeUr Didn't Rest In Its Up­
every class will be Urge.
ward Climb Until It Had Reached
Tke prosram for the three da> meet
Nlnety4cun-Today Cooler.
wUl bi^
Wedseeday. Aug. 1A
The torrid spell thal desct-ndtsl wpoc
ibc city Saturday had It* culnilnatloo
l:4i trot or pace................................
S:?0 trot or pace.................. .......... 20t» yiHdcrday. The offlctel tewt. as newded by gi>vrramct.l obsivvcr S. E
Walt shoviyl that the sun's rays bad
two IB three.
raised the un-nury up to !H dud thet






Ckartm n Plenfe, aged W year*.

Kd early this morming at bis boam.
428 West Nteib etreeL of stomach anJ
increass for oldest members
1 fooubir. Mr. rterre has boon
In Tory poor health for a teag time and
Rate uf Bbrty Cent
Ian Jolwlfit at 18 Is
ikte Member Until
He Is 4B.

came lo this city when
only ill years of age aad has made ibis
place bis borne cvct ala«T. He 'kai
be:h in the employ of tbe Maanab ft
lAI* Mercantile company for about
for about eighc yiwr*
he has been foreman of the plumbtug
departiaeni. Tbe cuapnny has always
placed crmslderable cfintdeece in kU
jadgmeni and trusted him cxparitlj
Id kla work.
Besides Mra intrce tbe
leaves three children. MnWe, HowmrJ
His moih«T. Mra Drab
Merce. rwWw at 2Zi Klcvonth street,
thl.s city, and hf also
Carl M n.Tt-e. who lives in klilwau
k.-v. Mr. ri. rre wsK a
avona Fon'-^tA rs bad
The funeral servici* will U- !i<*5d
Thursday aflcrnoun at 2:30 o'eJork
rom the residence under the <llrecli*Hi
c»f UQ<«eriaV«*r Anderson.

By Wire to tbe Bveateg RmrA
DctrulL Mlcb, July If.-Tbe tenth
trleuela] review of the nnprvwie tent
kte of tbe Maccabees of the
Work! conveaed this momtag in tbta
city. Thirty aiate. aad tbe dlslrict of
la the re­
view by aa erea eeventy^ve delegates
sad fourtet'n member# ex-oMcItx
Tbe moot importaat buslmss that
111 come before tbe review to tbe
matter of rradjustmeat of rales. Tbe
proposition wliikh It now seems likely
wUl be mkgdwl'doen mu coaiemptelc
kB Increase which will make dues
lore thsa
a muntb fur the oKlcet
leoOicnu At the present rate of dues
hlrh is sixty* ctwts a moi
UeorgH^ Hunter left this afttTnuon
who loins at the age of IK
lor Uland.
profitable memte r up to the m0 of 4i.
That Ik. he belongs to a class that payn
into the order more thaa U dn
Auction! Auction!!
n bencflis. After paiwhig 4r..
The Marvin Sm th Co.*s
;ln* to be an unprofliahlo membt-r. By
stock was sold at suction to the
Ike lime he has rcarhcil €« years he
higlwst bidder. Vfe bought the
finds hlmscif in a class that has drawn
cream of the stock at 25c. 35c
In benefits all that It has paid Into the
and 50c on the dolUr. Wait fer
wder in the preceding f»>rtT-two yi'afs
our sale.
The Globe.
Tliat to. presuming he joined at ib*
118 Front SL
tgv of 18 years.
The cooveoiion of the supreme hive
yt Ladles of the Maccabees of thr
World, a fraternal Insurance associa
tion for women^l* also In scsslou in
this city,

lads In unappy. nobby stylsa
bapM that lit thr foot without
, wrinkte but do not pinch.
Lsathera are carefolly aatect-


many siwm cotiing a dollar a

Both Were Members ef the Maaonk
Lcdge—Mr. Hall Church Omdiii
for F*fty Years.

Gfy Book Store
$naATHKB-Tbresieuteg with
bly Wednesday : cooler Wedneaday and west portkm umtekL


But Benda la stHl with you and will pouHIvely give you tke hunt
-skew- on earth to buy blgk-class Clothlag. Hals aad rYratehlags at
-side slHYW " price*. Our Dissolutioci Sale ta tbe -big sboW'-a coptlnuoQs perfonnaDcc of another 40 days* durmUom^-our priom w*
-star" as the -mldgcu**—ran anyone trutkfoUy nmtxadlct us. A Sew
sample prices. No flctltlou* oBerinju M *Ywd Icmoagde'* ggurua.
Men's handsome suits at $12.44. $7.48. 88.18. fSJlL
Boys' knee pant suits, worth double. $3J4. $2Jft 81.4$. fgc
Men « sox.3c; men's susp* ud. r>;. $c; men's handkcrcbirls. $6.
men's silk btTsk-ry now $1.1$; the |l «o kind at BBs.
r^ncy wash v.wts, $1.18* $1.29. $1A$; fancy hosiery, is. Itc* 18a.
Even s soft iKMom skirt may command a ***Uff* price, but aot at
Ib oda'a. We have a handsome line of paiierma at S8e* 8fo, Me. i$B»


American Girl

arc sliU Aorog the Utc

' Pianos. There is none bet­
ter on the market. Every
instnixncnt fully giuurxniced. Factory j»nccs and
most liberal terms.


Thtotoe toaraAoi Tw»to*toiii|i AB <*aet>raU*todL‘ i!
JStoideoitoi. tarn tltoiradcto wok »dtii.k«b«te *
ID the ItoB* Itoiim OratoDekoftltoratoDaiiilnRd
new and BiriKd at rrics* Hat ve fmarntm lover thM
■leiv other DOrthera rent loato. dD aad look «*er We
fant kt of BiWetiy. Ban LeaWet Notekiee. MhcM Good*
ttd Souraiin that has ever bcai
ta Ttsvene.

S. ^\E,r4^A A

style* in the popular Irgb.

together by afcllled

snap and style thid you find In

i29FnitSL IT.E.Stmr.Ser. t!




* $2.50 SHOE



ri*L^rgc W. Hall of I*’*: Ftes! Kithi^
.tn-cl ditsl la-Hl I'vinlng
♦traegulau**! hmia. Hr was takrn IM
Saturday morulug and sii'adii/
worse and a* a Iasi r.“M»n au .>to'rs
Uen was pL'rforrooil. after which hr
gained coBsciousm-^ but soon began
to fall again and could mH be rallio 1.
Mr. Hall was bom Hoc K 1K22. In
West Winlfeld. Kcriermcr rtmutv.
.N’ew York, and s;as alsiul 71 y»*ars of
yostcnlay uas clrt:us daj
igr at the lime of Kis detth. He camr
a':00 trot or pace (4 y.arolda or
and there uas a large croud In toun
Jk'sr* agi* in April
this cityr twisty
iwiiDlv ^-ar*
under) ........ .......... ......................... lOV tmly one pn»trmtU»u ua* reci
rom Saline. Michlghn. where- be Tlv«-.l
Oae aUle maalng race, beat two
This was not serious a.^ cold water 'or twenty-seven years. l>ecea»eil bad
was the only remedy needed lo bring
been feeling in the best of health up
the victim bark to Ufe, llte-rty and
to the lime he wav taken HI ami all
pursuit of happiness once luon
"ffiYris to build up hto svMem were unHorse* dW noi api»ear to suEer so
-IV ailing.
much, buf the animals In the mcnag
Mr. Hal! wn.H uuif d In marriage to
eric adU'il very uncomforiablo.
Miss Ruth AndrewB in lKaf> si North
Tke punire will bo |1JM)0.
Today the north wind got In Us gvssl
Cohoclon. N. Y.. aud fimr children
work and blew a free br\*i*zc domn
were bom to them, two of thorn are
from the. Superior rt'ghm. Conso
living They an> Mr*. W. U IViugtes
qtK'ntly. the day startl'd with a mark
of this city and Philo E. Hall of Ihof 70. The boitesl up unUl 3 orUx-k
milt. who to now in Umdon for th"
Bayles Murderer WUl Be Electrpcufo
was M. or Juel what yesterday slani-d
Park, Davto mmiiany. for wbleh com­
Tksfsday Nighl-SUII Meintaine
pany be is auditf>r. Mr*, liall also sur
He U UHlOUent ef Any CHme.
vires her husband.
By irirs to me Mreate* Beeoed.
l>Vr many years Mr. Hall wa.i bookColumbus. July iC—The SUtt
kveper In tbe Stale bank. He w:aa a
membertSn^mxmic Uxlge and mUu
boerd .of pardciu. today by a unanl Dscision of Circuit Co
George Sipes $2*000 for Damages
of tbe knights M Honor. Ho was a
in Accident at SUrch Factory.
lo.val nH'mber of tbe I'^rst Me«h
church of this cli>. He io\w-\
tb» nwrtiM ■ordem. to bi- oomaiaKt)
The Supreme
the Methodist church nearly fifty fo»ir
Oonnor Uwrtek »ill to »ll proboWI
years ago and for ever fifty years of
lU «w>ime th« taud'a oclloa ud
Silmnwl wiU be otacirocutHd Tb«ir»l») County Circuit «urt In the ca-fc ol that time he has teum an official mem­
es vs. the Michigan Starch ber of the church U>'which hu be
nlcht. Three mn ■unlered Joeeph
This artlon. if will be r<- longed. He has bi-en connected wlUi
8bMe loc rPbberr. A. • tort chewc
v^as a hard fought mc •he local church about twenty years
Stlaael w« loW be eo«M «re bU
o«B Ufe br 4leetort»t the netne. c! wbicb grv'w out of an accldcnl re ind daring that time has beenm ihtwo oUet rabbet*. He deetoetrt he solved by Sipes while at work in tht YLlficlal Ixmrd. At the time of bis
loath and the time precious to hto
coaM not. atoiatolBlnc tbet be bed eo fnrtXMT of the Mkhigan Starch
pany. Slpe* sued tbe cqmpany for S«ntE he was a truste. and a
tmn to tbeertora.
lamages and tbe verdict was for louder. He was also a Sunday school
12.000 jin his favor.
tcacker and in fact active in all llnc«
While Sipes was at work in tbe fkc- nS church work. Ho held the church
Kell btUI on bitopeod- tury near a reroivteg abaft bis trow very dear to him and the only thing
sera wtsre caught upon a net screw and that ever prevented Wmjrom attend­
he sustained sevwre tejaiies.
ing churck wax iilnesa and it wax bard
Tbe lies c».e of Charlce i
(or blm not to nee why all peoRde
BBCber Ts. Oeorce MIIU Ro(en to rtUl
wMtkl not kc devout to tke rburcb.
eeettoTitW »«» »»««><•«> «» OrctUl
From tke time of kto ooarefsloii. when
cowl. Tbe Mtoe of Lonun McNeil *u
■■*1* Bled «p ao that McNeil will be Arthur VanRoy Wmit for BtelHIvs abofit IT yuan of age. unUl tbe lime
Days for Binding Watch.
oi bis deatk he wna always wt^lng
oa Mipraded aealaaM antil the
Arikw VanRoy. who std? BJwarJ lor tbe chnrcb.
tana of CUealt eoarL
The funeral service was held this
Sttadman's watch from tbe Perc Mar
There wUI be • eBMtol aaettoB of queue ronndbowm Sunday, was given sfienooa at 4 o'clock from tbe home.
the Tr*Ter«c Oto Bod aad Oaa etab ttefyftve days te Ibc DeltoU House of 2P7 Sasl KigkU stroeL Bur. WUUaai
loaisbl to O. P. Career * ctoee to ar Oorruetkm by Jndge Latin Boberi* Laateaa of tbe First M. E. <^nrck of
fletetteg. %e body was takea on tke
Ibis aflemooB.



Very StyliW '
Krench Heels


Cutan Heel*

-Two Oolltof-ra

The Old Reliable Shoe Hon*c






Cor. Lak, Av». artd lOth

New Stand 242 Front Street


Abstracts of TIU©
Estabilshod In I 8S8
Room 210 Statu Bank BkSg.


We’Are Showing the Finest Line of

Neglipe Shirts

50c Shirts for........................................3Sc and ’Oc .
SI .00 Shirts, a special assorted lot................T-5c
Straw Hats.......................... .AT H.^LF PRICE

Kvmm exHimiTmo



At $2.75, $3.90, $6.90, $9.50,
$12.50 and $14.50


The above are all SPECIAL and must be
taken advantage of at once to get the t>est of
this offering. Also sale on Odd Pants, Boy>
Suits, Belts etc.


Comer Front
aad Union.






For HX B«st Uahiii in
CWn Dross €00^^


Choice Meats and Pealtry
and White Fish twice a wet
ti DO excuse far not having]

^-' ^in7r« y* 1004 utn»w»


TkM art teeta oT tlie

•raf A, Uto PlfHt
ADthwt FMl(tr.

t.- taid Ut‘. Ljrla. -MnW
d «»oa ibe mTengt eoedlikw oc
Jaly 1 for tha la«i tyr> jw, onUltoa
IW, wb«a Ua corm crop fatted. I tad
that tba crop Uili year thoald be

2.4fUtt.000 boidiela.

Mr f*U

Darias tbb tete BPriag aad early
girls realdliig la
Alksbeay aad som4 from Plttsbarg
ptoasaat to walk la tbe ceBWlery. Tbey wars frequently Joined by
,-ooag mea. aad tocetber tbey walked
oa tbe grave stooea.
parents of some of these young people
lid not lake ktadly to tbe practice, but
It was ImpoOTlbte to break It up. Every
iSon la that dtrectlon was unsucct'sstul uaUt one maa who has s daugh­
ter cbaaced to light upon a happy
He bad heard rumors of a wild
a the cemetery, and flndlug tbey were
vltbout foundation decided to create
me. He knew a powerful young Gr.-ek
In Plttaburg who was out of employ
nent and lost no lime In communlcsling tbe scheme to him.
Within a week afterward childn-n
reported the presence of a wild
.n the cemetery, and siwn the story
mid It was a
without clothes.
These last parts of tbe story were
without foundation, but there is mile
loobt that a number of persons saw
the man. parilcuUriy young men. aad
the desired end was attained. The
'cmetcry ceased to become popuUr as
place for evening walks, and the
Jreek. having done hU duty well, was
dl«ch»rs«l. Nothing bn.
jt tbe wild man tor M vcrel » kv.

H1.4tS.OOO boabob aad a aprlos *b«ai
.t of
BUdtIac a total
ot' OO.tS&tOO iMubcb.wa'a caleolatioao were (onaded
oa the eoUnate ot the oretaso jleW
par . aero bared oa Ue eqolreleBt
las of IM at harrcM tor the lal
eat areltable period at dee
Ukoa U cooBectloB with tbe
uid condition as sboern by the severemeat report.
Tbte report showed the condition of
corn to be K.4. compared with 79.4
year aso and a tgn years' averase of
tl.S. Tim aermsc was show
91.M0.O00. which Is srcaier than any
year, saro only tbc record year of
IPOl/wben 94.04S.013 acres were plant
aupport Parker, area for rd with corn. It was csllmmlcd thsl
be yield per acre would be 27.C
Tat all Iba aropa bare ma«a
bushels, compared wlU 2S.2 In 19<U
•aod ptofraai aaf-^aj^aad aack
uid 2€J In 1902.
atraastb at to be abte to wtibalaad aa
Tbc condltloos of both spring and
tambla coadlUoai eaapptk
ulnicr wheal was shown to be a trifle
van. The oaly axoapUoa la la a
tjetter than oa June l. The coodlllon
Kaaaaa. Mteaourl aad Nobraaka barTbe party of glrii that has beeo nf spring whrol was then 93.4. con
tap Mtarad lajary by cacamtya ralaa
unpins In Isaac Winnie's coUasc. pared with 93.7 on July 1. and winter
aatimatad at about tt.OOOJteO busbala.
-Peek a Boo," at Lons lake, returned wheat on June 1 showed a condition
Bat a « crop U expected,
borne Saturday. They were all much of 77.7. compared wUh 79.7 on July 1.
vbicb la oaly J7 mlllloaa below laat
taaned aad aome bare mementos In The acroage of both winter and spring
yaar. aad tbe price. It sboald ba aoiad.
tbe shape of mosquito bites. Sunday wheat was unchanged, winter wheat
li about 10 eaato hl«ber tbaa a yaar
was celebrated with a bis dinner, occupying 27.083.B00 acres and spring
eaottgb eatabtea bartes been sent om wheat 17.140.900 acres. It was esti
by tbe paroau to aupply a replment mated that each acre of winter wheat
but none were brousbi back. The would produce 13.7 bushels and each
auH. aad dtotrtbotore la tbe want aad
party was eompoeed of Misses Lola acre oC spring wheat 17.1 bushels.
aaatb are looklas forward to a aatfala 1903 the corn crop of the world
Mable Mrlllcb^. Grace MefbBtory laU^ trade. Harms puruuad
amcmnied to bushels, and
Sa axcapdoaally eoaaarratlre policT
eae PohoraL Grace Monroe, the world's wheat crop. 3.193.556.000
durtas the past tweire moatba. they
aepree and Mrs. Desprea. bushels.
While the greater cgport crops show
dbloa. with BO baary etocka of nerpromise of a bounlltlul harvest, crop
obaadlaa carried orcr. Brea la tbe
reports from other Isuds indicate thsl
aaat. wbero daproMloa ban baea kaaa
no very sattefaciory progress Is being
oat. tbare te a more hopeful faellas. Acme Young People Married by Jus­ msde by tbe crops In any agrlmltural
Tbte U aroat aolleaabte la tbe Iron
tend except tbc United States.
tice Veriy Veeterday.
trade, wbteb baa Juat emenced from
James R Stasis aad Miss Maude M
a ' alx amatba of atrlasaat curtallaieat la
Cannot Be Cured
Wells, both well known and populsi
aU aoru of troa aad ateel prodaeta. youas people of Acme, were marricl
.. leatloas. aa I
Aa BfoaulL prodooera uow abow more
:h the diseased portion
yesterday by Justice Veriy. They wU
There is only one way to euro deafcoBMuBoe. aad tbe ftwllas prow, that make tbelr borne at Acme.
ness, and that te by constitutional
prteaa hare taally tooebed rods hotte cauaed by an la­
A._«» as Ute tact beoomes
FINE FLAVORSthe mooous llnlag
Every fralt flavor at out fouoiain te of tbe Buatochlan Tube. When tbte
>o»« h.M ««ck *tU from raaL Aim fruit; ^at's why UeyVe tube te Inflamed yon have a rumbling
COM la aa« twwrwr watt tatamt ao delicious. Johasoa Drug Otx, W. T. aouod or tmpeafeet bearing, and wbea
H te entirely cloaed. Daateeaa te tbe
■ora aMwrat Hum tl ao* !«■ Thm Roxborgb. Manager.
latlnadjr a fortia* Uuu a tare tor tb«
kailar kaa tatoe ,laco la tb« troa
South Bkto Lumbar storad to lU
wUl be dettepyed tererer; nine caaea
ItMa. aad tka ladlealloat are that
\>naba. Neb.. July 19.-Uadar tba
captloa. -Tba partlag of tba waya.I Laborer, tba aMut 1^
eatlal labor paper la tba waat. baa^
torlally bolted the deinocratte tiekat
At tba Muae tUne Bdttor F. A. Kea
batea. VIII rtoM aboot 916^00^ to ■ady radgaad at ceoctal arpaaltar of
tba mnran. to aajr aocblaf of tbc
protta to faBroadi, axpo^
I tetter to Sanpel Gom•aid la an <
MaaCadarm: no that froai Ibaaa two
CW aloaa tba aoootnr*t weattb will
ba aiftrt-* by anra tbaa IMO mil paisa U la iho latercM of orsaalted
Itea tollan. OUar cropa are datag
r aad I waat to be free to put up
lalrly waH. aad tbare are ao U
at atroas a flsbt aa te la me.**
sdrapoftaaCabovtaga la aay
Tba Wcateni Laborer aupporte^
tiaa. or PCNma. 4aau«a fitaa droocb Bryaa ta bU two eampalsaa, but aatd;

i------- C

Lettic Carron, Whe Has Been j
III for the Past Three Yeara
la Now WalL


Trayerse atys New Shoe Store

MUOtilhaJaMW 4Mlllr<h*b*4. (Ml aa4 ba aaowtaaM.

■a Caraou. whose home Is 118
Front atreec voluntarily told the story
dltlon of Ue mocoBs sarfacaa.
We win give One Hnndrod Dollar* of ber core and sMmed pteaaed to be
to give credit to whom tbe credit
for aay ease of Deafnaat (cauaed by
catarrk) that caaBot be esrad by was due.
HallB catarrh Cura. Bend tor clrcu-

**^f!T‘cHKNBT a CO.. TWado, O.
Bold by dnaggteto 76c.
Take Han't Family Ptlla for eoaatSi Chak. that ef a man wba baB am ed bte
reuBtry oa tend ar tea, li. the balte of
tegtelatioii. or. to fact in any line.
Why a atatne bad been ecectrd In bte
beBor waa a qBmUon that I rooM net
aaawrr; b«t wbea 1
tbe eUer aide I teafwed that tbe man
was a nal bera a»d that be deserved
ImaW Aarvia. Taimr Hebuatoh il CHy tbe tomor that bad been paid him. fb;r
OparaHaumJuly fl^i ABmteateB 31 1 mw tbe foUowtof weeds: -Barred
to tbe meraofT of a amn who gave ap
and flO aama.
aamklng and kept liM
<temy bat aa a amit of nwperc.
Bad boogbl
boaflbt A doBto nor del
I weat BBd

werth tba eaat «»r Baa dayB i
tail far yaara. far only $1.
A W.Bb



Travuraa City to Bt. Lwwia

l\.,»p|e f?Ndk at nearly evofy
pro|K*ill.m as though H was a
fake. When w.- tell yi»u that by
making an inv<»imenl i»f
you ran make $121 in one ytar
anti that It is alhsoliitely safe
>«Mi may think It Ik a fake. WlU
you give u» two minutes <»f
}oiir timt ? If U iH a fake we
will paj y«Hi 125 for your time.
Call this tneolng.

$18.50* 15 4flTlUtft
llT.OOn M 4ay mtft
$21.00. iH* tbe flCttM

Thiswm iiidiidc mcik and
berth between Tnurenc City and
TickcuwmbeoB toko
meocing Tbuitehy. Jbdb $.
Siearacn leave Travem City
every Sumlay. 10 p.
Thumdap. 6 a in.

A. F. Nerllnger. C. W. Ashton,


You don't always want to do all cooking when you are out for

I outing, you go for pleasure, not for work.

Sec how we help you enjoy yourself.

Ready Cooked. Ready to Eat
Potted VMt. Hrehed Chicken. Pre«ed Pi*'. Feet. V.enn, S*u«ge. Corned Deet. Lunch Tongue. Potted H«n. _
Ve.l Loaf. Corned Horn. Hamberger Ste.k. Fr.nklurter.. Chicken Loot. There are the finert conned met.
ever put up. Don't th.. lire make you hungry?

Good Things Baked to Eat
Cr.ham Crocker.. Uneedo Bimeuit. Sponge Lody Finger.. Animol Chompagne Wofore. Bref.
W.ter Croekem. Athen. W.f.r,.,nge Gem.. Fro.trd Creom., Jov. C.tfre Cre.^ Bultan. Fre.t
Bireuit. F.g Newton. «gin Cre.m Bireuit. Zu 2u. Jinge; Woyfer. Butter Thm. Cheere Bnndwkh Chre.e
8tr.w.. Vonillo W.ter,. the Cubon.. Mory Ann. Ginger Gem.. Lody Finger.. Pretreta. SuHaren. Ired Coffee
Cke.. Sugar Square.. Cre.m Cr,.p.. Croeknelc. Any need of baking for . picnic or gatherthB when ynu
theme. Perh.p. you hove never tr.ed any of tlwm. Then ye« ore thr one we
ren buy rech good thing, a. the.e.
want. Telephone for any of these and see how good they are.

You Will Want Breakfast Food
While empin, you will th. fr,.he« mHk fr«« . hereby fremer.

Thret Me renre .Clh|re wHh you.

Force. Korn Krire. Cer, Nut^ M.IU ViU. CrOBe Nut.. TryM-bIta. Crt— c( WbeiL BHUt. fella. R.I.ton Bre.kfret Food. NeutrlU. P.ireury Vito.. Ere-BireuO. Bremer O.^ R.H«I OeU. ShrwhM Wheat Bir
eulL Lincoln Oat*.


More. Good Things
An kind* of Oliver Snlder-e Salad Orereing. Deviled Olive*. Oyater CocMaH Bailee. Snider'. CIUup. Klxed
Plekl.^ Canred Salmon. Pure HorreRretleh, Mint Seuee. King Deere Sardines Clam Chowder. Pork ano
.), Final Podding. Bread trreh every day. Whgl*
Beana. all kind. ofireW (only Uke. five mlnut.
WheaL Craham *r 'fpr^f i

We Sell the Bradbury, Jewett and Henninjj
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs

BatL WlU aaBt t»faa,aB»$lBBd $146. W. Blatar*



F- A K



The friends of Miss Letth: CarKOii '
will bo Interested to learn that she h»K
entirely recovered after an IllncsK last
Ing about three years. HIm CerMm'a
condition baa been a aourcc of doubt
to many pbyaldana. they not iK-lng
able to detormBtf^l^ the matt, r
was. At one UBte
Into a faint
on the floor aiM her Bla war almoM
devpalred of. Her father. Hiram Car
ron. wboi^ hoam te Ik Norrlavlllc. but
who baa Uvad to aad Bear Traverse
City for tbe pari tour yearn, ba* spent
conrlderablc money for her tnwimrv
but oblahHM BO i:eltef. Saturday laKt.
MIks Caraoa purchased a boiilo o'
tape worm medicine from the Hot
Springs doctors and two hours Utcr
she presented Iheadocior with a tape
feet In
length, head and all. Mlw Carson Is
now eoliroly curt-d and Is very thank­
ful for her recovery. The tai>c worm
b.-ooghl tnio the Record office b.^
him Carron and the meaKurero* nts
show that It la exactly fifty-nine feet





Bo ta knoght no csgml
ooss 9s iKlg him oot la the I

-Wr. aad ibg. r U OiapffF af
O.. an caaaU of Mr. and lln.
Charios M. Beeia.
Dr. W. 8. Mona, who tataa nay
srkm5i m ta ata tta M

Mou m.
T. M. auan fottacff
go MC^ta ftaar kf f a a F.



i*2Icrr h^atat^ ta

ktkltd tfl umA tk. Tiawe.^

SLJdf^Til m Mii>ki»fl ». i

ckartw a Woo.


WBtaTH, Sietai


imArnmt Mn. C M.

tan «n» k«ft lM0r

ttet wfi

mml^r n JH ••■ jwt «t
mt motor Iv «M<m*


«rt«l €• Kwdi# Am >• tf
mot o trnol cf «aw asA U ti ■mU/
IlMir or tk« drm pm*>* >>•*• tkc
iMr kam IMTB m4 M Ike ort«
aaoe far.rHr4keif;B«<M'«
wkea tker jel km.,*

Htart Aa Wtar Hm tan Appta*
t» Tal«» Charts af Mar

tatag ta, Vtea Mr. ML

^'^s;irw:Bat ta ia>
aata var« Ita tha poirtota 4a^
nan to tha atat that B«tat X

wHli th»
Mldtoi or tga goaiota aad
taaa jMra oM Uat M wlU rallMra
Mr.taf ai ^ligttita of ta alia for
nid iMtalag aatf Mr. Raff la alao dl
raacadtoiimaaldrall taka, papan aad
otta gaaatata grogartr

Mr. Wekker, «ko viU Uke
Tke otter It ilaaed by H. A. Teylor.
JlMti Tim ta kaveA If Neme U on

ji ,. - lo aaap loav mm
aid Ika aarrlara to daUrtr tka »all.
* gnat daal of tlna la saved U the
I ara, kagt tlawdled wllh the
aad a aorar dallrery of mafi
Alaie Dracka gattar.
who wa. k*
tan over hf a hark yentcr
day. la lUahtly bcUer today. It is aoi
thooght that he recelrod any Internal
Arrivadl Arrtadl!
The Marvin tmHh Co.*s stock
which wc hanght at awcilon

will he plaoad on sals aeon.
The Oleba* 111 Front IL

which eC those two goo hgy. yoOM
gat tkB ta. tut tha fltochta «-vfMh yodd honght the dher. M,
MW to n htotr ta atoitofi G
>. la dda; Whan a wurvtor. surtk
whan they an igaailig tha aammar. OB the otta hand,’' he added man
with the glory of martial life, detor
leaAer Mo of Um LA1» ta <
wife ha waita upon the Ckclmr W
MM of MaA <a iko Aero of tke thte maralBg afterd rlslilaf W. HttA
girl who has attracted Ma ty« and
lake vMek to gnoUr oooA iv oomon la the dty.
« an uffto
marrta Tht fuMr. aad Mrs. S. Oaaak wHI lean toMr. Hfdgas.
onow ta A tea daya* aiay M Travi the laka It makas a Tery
lang aud bloodr fta-lu turn walti toathlipct.haahiarui
tarr. Morray aad Unffag^ ▼«
tana to dafaot Kallagg, Watt aid ara to be had aear at haad and a good
■M Ik* ailTBccc. -WlMir* mottotr
the nature «C tha offer, at the
paogla visit the glaee. It also 'ils grmadfather. Hoa. POfty Haaaah.
tliae paytag to tai a iBuntaBt to Badgaa. CrataCKt.a Mast tags. The Misses MTS. Keeney vrOI arrive la a few deyt.
^ to order ta aecnrr the aatwar of
gowolsT ttavoltlea.;i
■a MaMe Findlay of Oentral
AUea. Helen, Bess sad Oertnide Uaa
the deltlaa ua to whrihar tha mairiagt
There art many new tMuga to ta
•ea have been ageadlag atnrifml days
ITS an mm « uus
^taatlc enough, haa
the dty with Miss
It then.
aobertne litanee open the playgwr.
a laigsr bribe to the
Be fsthared np hla money with dig­
The tnefc of Urn Oaaaet Jewetry ff BtxteenUi atnst. |
tenta. the-Wouae aaL- tt camriflto uT
who -bta** both
Roy Peaae of L^aad visHed onr nity. -Of coons rm drnnk.- he said
ston was eold at aaetloa this afterthroe dlffwcot atom of grid aalriy pint
hrata FHty Vaara of Haggy ta
cbscrfnlly as be tnnmd to go. “I suitor to tbe limit of safety, when the and two Uce or acarf ptna. They ta
rhen is eoarn doabt as to the gimday with his panalA
riad Ufa Mardi^.
or the dritlsa la given.
ai then was a mistake la re^
w a mouth tha aeceptad suitor must be as risbormteiy art with prociriM
sfternoon ta a vMt,
keep» the fanmy of hla tavored om sup- atonaa aa tbe puna admits. Ttalhta^
Mr. aad Mra. Joaagh 1
pUedd with meat and other tnsuriea and la tha new rtneky chaim.- Tha dariffff^
Miss Bdlth Thossas returned to her
J. W. mater la the ewaer of a ebon
la a heart at the apex of which to
boBie In Alden this nflernooo after
am as kindly and most be on Ida guard against rival fijwd the With alooeof the waaror. A»>
lot at Bkkt hay tad has It condor
igsndiBg a short time In the dty.
gentle bcnited as the people them- suitora At the end of a mouth tha other charming cooeett that M Infita
choaro one U Invited to a grand taaat
K. Hagadorn oapeeti to return to orirea. Their story of the cvcntloa Is by tbe father of the girt, where tba coinprobenalre In tto Inck banrtng Ito
p and other arildes for rest, but
to which all of tha gnaaU preaeat ill
qnalnt. Two gods (vrboae recy lengthy
tentlooa la ta tba rimpa of n Ita M
ranjaatlea. Haay haadaoiaa graaaaU vtsltnn from tha dty evldeatly do aoi Cdamtms. MIsa.. this evening, where
may be ahortenad to taimci betrothal U sealed by each cutting a
wm left an all ihalr wida drcla of have a n^ird for t^ oonTaaieaoes of he has lumbering Intensu. He has
LnamD.atandlng WMB the bridge amall Inciskm In tbe arm and mingling clover. On tbe mrioua petnis uiw ato
tbe Wood flowing from tba woumL mmekd a pig. a boraaaboe ta u dtota
L Several of*the artlries men been spending two weeks In the dty of henren. cast grains of rice
frieada ioiaad la wtahlag thaai i
utlva tour leaf clover.
tkmed have been misused and some siih bis vrUc.
dispel the darkness. They then
Carthar joy aad hapglaaaa.
having been fl|lsh«d. tbe girt Is
Harry Parker Ess arrived frem 8l.
of them miUrely deetroyed.
Bulelug Ruvee «• nctrt.
brought tom aitl. smeared with
J. a Hatehtau has retarnad from Louis, Mo., for a two weeks* visit with tbo aea and atlrrod
Fatrick O'Keefe of Morriatowu. K.
spear broamo the axla of the aaitb. and variona colored plgmeola. adorned
bte mother. Mrs. W. J. Parker.
taahas. Mias., when he was
to aU her finety and with a rope tkd J., baa trained a pair of Brigteu kutok
aurtad It rmivliig
gaged In the meat business. He hat
Hama Wadding at »6 gg
mronnd her neck aa a badge of subserv- to give battle to tbe moet toTOriatol
about U>e dry land.
r«ts Milk Mmmw
lance. Then ensues s scene of the member* of tbe do« eriouy ta that risold oat that buslnesa and has pur
Last Cvaaiag.
Milk Is not only milk. It
sbrowdest bargalniug. tbe father dilat­ cinJty. says tbe New York Timm
Umber lands
At t o'doek Mat avenlag at the chased large tracU
Tbero la an okl story of Arthur Rob­ ing on tbe good points of tbe girl mnch O'Keefe some time ugo started to fulm
He will return In Aurbsi to engage it filth and germs of disiwse.
hoam of the bride's gareaU. Mr.
absAdutely pure milk U prat
erta. an Engn«k actor, which iUmrtiatro In tbe manner that a connolaaenr of hares, but unUl reoanUy tbe^affs kiM
Mrs. Melvia tain*. M tath 8p
known. With ibe refining of all our bow a mtle presence oC miiMl tnaj
blooded stock would expmmd tbe good
F. M, Payne has discontinued the Ideals of Uvbig. clean uiUk bas
atiwaL Oaprga gtabba aad Mary Hlc
poiDU of an animal while tbe anltor.
down town branch of his greenbousi^ to be as much of a o«Av-«Ity as dean llrro. Tbcro bad bM an aUt
haring cakulatod Iww maqy cuttle be be baa aocceeded now. He toys b»
Klas wan aallad In holy
fire Itt the theater. at>d a panic si
vrater or clean meat The iirodncing Imminent The actor Aralked to the ia wUlIng to give, strives to secure her may eeil the unlmuls to take tbe pta
by Rev. Hush Kenaedy. pastor of As^ for the summer.
bury M. B. church. Only
footlights and addressed the auillencv. ti tba lowest possible price. Tbe
few iieiaons. relatively siMwklng are
wUhro of,tbe woman are never con­
-Ladles and gentlemen.** be sal
rdaUves and friends witnessed the
cngaired In tbU bnidurs*. *riie busi­
Fife Lake. Mich., July 19.—The Fife
there wna any danger do you lUlnk I sulted. bat the bargaining goes on for
oenmoay. Ujtht refmlunenu
ness U yet in lU exiierimentsl sU
days and even weeks untU a final set
obould be here?"
Lake Horse Breeders* assodalloo Ibat Is, It Is .vet SAwn'. l.v ou a <
served hy the bride's mother.
tlemcnt has been arrived at. The
Tha youiiB couple are beglBSloK has elected the following offleefs for merrlal Istid* f«»r any gtvut numUT of
requisite price baring been paid, slie
Is led to tba boose of bcT husband, fro.
at US West Blvventb
Grandfather (to granddaughtery
-lUd X but—” be began.
la developing inaR ls» Judged fr*m the
where she It subjected to a severe
President, Q. V. Holmes.
a new bouse Is funlthed
think, dear, my bearing Is returning,
fart tbut a certain man of thorough
-For beoven’s sake, cut that outrfi
Seentary. cj) L. Boynton.
fancy 1 can bear John anorlng on the boating In order to humble her aidrit
education, high culture ami the U-^t sofa over tbcro. Granddaughter (shriek­
a made to run round tlie vllln^ loud­ friend observed. **Tou are griug to
Tnasnrrr. G. R Hodgea.
of social ciuim-ctlous I* now devi»l!i«c
ly procUlmlng the merits and valor of
Dinctors—Dan McAlcy. George Me bis sftentlmi. us II iiriifi-svloiml l.usl ing through an ear trmnpeti-Tbaf* of her husband, meanwhile toaoblng tvpeut: *llad 1 bat sensd my Goff
with but half the srol 1 sensd
nut John snoring, grandpa. Tluifa a
Manus and Dan McCrory.
ness, largely to the planning aial bulUI
base oliieets which
Detroit, Mich.. July l9.-l^l»oatking He would not in mine age bar#
General manager. W. R Gray.
tug of a cow stkOli-s ami boms vrltb Grandfslher (savagelj)-Bend ’em have a potent Influence over tier wel­
left roe nnkid to mine eoerolro.*
Jttly. Pf%c; No. 2 red. $1.06; Nq. 1
111* office on Finb avenue.—Country away. I can t bear the nolae.
t-pU«l the cardlMl
cardlUill -You mistake.- rt*pU«l
corn. WHe; No. 3 white oaU. 43Hc.
Music lovers should plan to attend Ufc in America.
By tba sale of a irtri to one man.
.« tbe point of «bu2 I
Toledo. O. July !».—Whaat-^
tbe father does not lelln- grnvciy. *1 was on
the ccncert by Harold Jarvis In the
lut saved my eribfl
sening: *Ilad 1 4.ut
11.01; July. MUc; Seplembar. »!%«;; aty opera house July 20 for the bene
On his eightieth birthday Theodor
with half the seal I eared my prtotfl
December. 92c.
fit of the Congregational building fund
Mommsen, the hUtorlsn. received a
rouiHiiiP 1 would Krt In mine «ge lit ^
Chlcaco. July 19.—Wheat-Old ^uly.
rUit from a great delegation of stuleft with an ImItaUon Mer-roiA plprk
, -To be plain and direct I* always
97c; now July. 9C%c; new Septetober.
a half doxen sllver-pbdd knim ta
The Chinese see cooTlnced tbot the best.** lie aakl. *Tmt to be too plain denta. who marched out to his borne,
forks siul a toothless music box to )
9Se. Corn—July. Uttc; Septa
ptogue ts the work of demon* One and direct U to bo mwoutb—to be but be conW not be Indm-etl to leave
bis work U greet them. •Tliey see me DOG'6 LOVE FOR GASOLINE. withstand the buffeU of an adreta
49I4C. Osts-July. J9%c; Bepte
p-ay of getting even with them is to
every day at the unlveralty.** be said.
32T4C. September pork. 112.92; lard. advance *the date of New y«-sr by
-A gooil example of that was af- **Why do they want to dlaturb me
toe Mm. Auuerlus «aW* •* Fel- fale,*”
The Awse was so pitiable that bM
confbided by a Hcrgyman. He was ad$€.92H: libs. I7.C0.
fnsss the demons, and when they find drroslng a congregation of tislimnen. uowr
Samuri I*. llcAlges of Grcc-nport N. friend could not restrain tils teorm.—
T.. has a dog that has a remarkable New Orleans Times HtmocraL
CORNS. BUNIONS. Invened or club .ta how they have been fooled they ore and he waiiteil to U* sure they would
ashamed and slink aw^sv.
Sslv*d St Lm«.
Mr*. Shoddy (to shopman»~«bow roe habit of following aulpmohlh-<. says n
undeiwtand him.
toe nails and all diseases of the feet
-Yo*.- said .\ Merman Btubha. n.
•**Tbc Bible tell* u*.* sail this a tlu-TTOomclcr. one of your best. Shop disi»aUh fnmi that town. When the
kklllfttlly and luccosfully treated wltbclergvue n. ‘Mint It I* aK dlfilrult ta a roan-This, ma'am. I* one <*f our fim-st. dog wn. B nu n- pup Mr. Hedges used think 1 will offer on ainemlment to tbe
ciut pain or drawing of blood by Ar­
camel to |k2*r tbrojgb the needles Vemtiun glass nod the Is-st quicksil­ to carry It around with him la bis ms- proisnMd orUliuinro. It dm*iat*t gu far
Do not buy a denar's worth
thur Ludewlukc, chirtnwdUl,. of
I•asl^•ugcrs on open ran
a* ta a rich man to enter the ver. Mr*. Shoddy-SlIvi'T! 'Hiat would t-hlne. I,ater It follow«d closj-ly be­ emuigh.
of merohandlse until you see
Cleveland. Ohio. PorU five years
kingdom of heaven. Tliul, thoueb. 1* be nice for the kllchlng. but 1 want one hind. Mr. llixlgcs* machine was a should not only be rompriled to rildu what 4hs Marvin Smith Co.*s
iindntiout. cMiifusi*! «-;iy of slating for my bootlorc. Uavea't yon one wllh Strom carriage, and os the dog ^vrl. along and give the outer aeats to fbu .
perionce. Rcfcrcncos- from leading
stock hat to offer you. It is
o|Hd his sutomoblle cluising bump U Inter tMtssetiger*. Iiut when Hie lienrfaeu*
IheeasA-. I should Mate it like this:
cltlKens of Cleveland. PailcnU treat­
positively the cleanest, freshwould follow any roachliM- that came
•“It Is as dim.-ult ta a rb-h to
ed at their residence or place of busl
ast, most up to date stock of
along propelled by strom. while It be compclhd to gH off.**
enter Ibe KUig<lom of broveii as for
Too loUesoodpot.
ness by appointment If desired. Leave
merchandise ever pieced under
shad *0
np a snmolb b.ark apple
-What: Fell downstairs? How did would not look at tbe gasoline car­ -WouMii'l this
word at Johnson*! drug store.
riages. Later Mr. Hedges purchased occupants of
the hammer.
It happen r
-Why. you see. I started to go down a giisoUnc machine. Tbe dog got used porter onkid.
Fotiafor IMalt of Na-w V«rs will sal!
The Globe. 118 Front St.
-O. no.- the
for Kuroi»e on bis 71st birthday, and and niT wife said. ‘Be careful. John.* to this nml now paya striA attentton
to any g:isullne machine and does not -They should run around and demaod
hi* friends are preparing to give b»m ood I'm not the man to bo dictated
tbeoo^rr trots, you know,**—BickiUga
betd the Strom carriages.
by any womau-aml so down I went
a rousing •‘send off. *

Ja«.l. iri«ruV^tjr*TY<.rl: Mnk-



foot tape worm wa*! removed in three hours, after her sufTcrinsr.. docloring, dosing

Offices and Halls Crowded With Suffering Humanity
we i^roe iviaking xh


"tKi© doaf Heor

Hundredi of people in Traverse City who have suffered all their lives with Chrouic Diseases, we art" CURING THEM TO'STAY CURED.




$1,000 WILpI- Be RAID
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of thi§ Paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail toCure. Money atState Bank
Here Again,
Master Specialists.
day. Their offices
thk best medical schools in the CMOtry,
who has had
chronic diseases of Ae stomach, liver, kidneys, blood and nerves only.
iin*ttkts.iMext<erimeatiiig,DOtlieariei,i>ofiuIiiie^Mdttmtiaahaaiviak,basiie(iarpkasBm We do sB we spec, or it OMto yoD aodiit
We Cure Quickly, Permanently and
Safely ?^!^writta^un^
Welw^mnledeiHl cored hiiiKJred»mW*«ne City. HoiAedtofoweM i-t»eettsieie«lii«diBr&kada Wirt JX« w^
te oerertraordMirMeocrt Me Art we ticrt fire hoodiedcrte* to the Curtly doetor*. one, that ve ate eqoiliy reliabU and coottieiitioot, in cm efforts to care. Ifyoe a» aSicted wah j


we caa cm yoa,aawtlaRe eased iNodtads far the last eight yean in Ttamrt Cby. PeaittTdy oar brtwedica tbit trip Better call today.

Cniiiltitiai and toninatlni Free 2 to 5 p. Bu and 7 to 9 p. m.

SuUaj 10 to 12 p. m.




MM iMio hmm mmlM^
M tolo
pphMmj. TUjr

IM iMvM m mil VMM Yiot ut

ML W«M Nm Toft mov

W« teM OMIJ to iO
ft «r ibo-mto of N«V
PMrinr IB thB v
BBB Hni to CMirol of
Thai thm
vm MOW fwvilt«ar •••oM to ho?B
MMltod OM Porimr. rntmk Got 1
ioMom be win Boppoft him.•Hmt rwBlodi me of B letter I hoee
Imrt fooelvod from ft BoSmlo frleod.
^^Hb oHMb: *Th« rooBiii procBO

I of the boelL flhe v«b oo
Uuo the oMoe of Dro. Mooo ood Mooo
ftod Dr. m B.' Mooft reliered her euf
terlftft ft! iofteh ft! pomlhle.

Tkcre wax no erldeaoe of poison In
July ll.—The
the Btomach which
gram for the week of the natloaal O. aad U is determlBed to bare the conA. R. enoampment la thle city
teau of the Bloa
lea aaaooaedB ai foUowe:
roBBoa was about 12 years of age.
lloaday. Aug. U.~Parade of United and learce a lather, who U tomewber^
SUtee eallore aad m^aee. aaral bri­ In Northern Michigan, and two brothgade aa4 former prleoaere of war. In era. one In Ludington nad the other la
itohoreprodooed BBBiftrm
the forwoooa: rtcepiloo to the
io. MftVtac the poor old df
mander-lo^htof by the W. R. C. af*
tftBftie thftft mror. Of oil the ot».
«hsr« tiy obvUtlns
Hotel Veadomo la the erealag.
turmtloti. ll 1«
Tueeday. Aug.
—Aanual O. A. R
briabt rsd. th« oul> purr rlji
pavoB iftHfti the poet helf OBBtury.
parade. PO.OOO cini war Teterma. ex
hrch sSJJ*
rtiaUiKl b>
Ovfr ftothm ftl at, UmU U the
William Knapp Had Ear Partially
peeted le be Io llae. la tbe erealag
a prwcrui of our own U moiUrt: Into th«
Shot Off and a Bullet Through His
tm with which ih* puWic to famllui.
ihart wm be a graad campfire la MeAU groMrs hsv« it.
Chbi at Qtnytburg.
AS the metrbsnf. eysa fan over thU ^
vorpe Mte thin did.peor Ho^
Aag. 17.
ftOtUfftMoy. it ho twBBloi cm the tlrtt
William Knapp 'of this city hai Jumble of mtospeltod words, ungrauila tbe erealag the entire
quite an Iniertssllaf hUiory. Forty msdral phrasra sud sheurd slstemeu A. I
blood mounted to bto cliw ks ond
-I iftp amoft to ftU thBL The
he served In Company C
tbe are to bis eye. When be bad im
fpor IB ftot Qftly more loBooe thoa to Waltham to wltoem a rirer
SccoBd New York volunteera. dorinj Ubed be rowed vengeance on tbe mao
^ooor. hftt It It oovftrdly. He dodtflBs vaL
the civil war. He was In active ser wbo bad produced it.
Thvreday. Aug. l&.-<^areatlcm will
of the mofoy ooeBtloB to lU ptotform
Tbe agent did not apiKer st tbe ofrice four years and four months and
he la eeaeloa the foroaooo. la the
IB IftdlBpo&hle erMeoee of that.**
participated In the historic battle ol Ace for a week, and wbeo be dkk be
-Dot the omoey qBOetloo le oot to he Bfteraoaa the reteraat will take an Oellyiburg. During tbe engagement round Mr. Asbiey aunvunded by a
automoWle trip to Ooooord aad Lexbrap of letters. wUb several waste
the perftMBt teene to the
be was w<
baskets beside blm crammed full
Aa electrical pBrmde aad a
It fir
penetrated his chin
-iiood morning. Mr. Asbiey. Are you
the W. R. C. will be the
^ -No. 1 hellete the tertt vlU he aid
the left side of hU neck. The scar U onvbKTd tbst people read ads.r
that we B'hali wlB cm lu The people feature of the eToolng.
still plainly apparent. His worst In
•Vonrlocrd? I sbould tlilnk so. 1.00^
Friday. Aug. 1». aad Saturday. Aug.
mai aot . tolerate the derelaad free
Jury, however, was the lobe of hU left at tb^ letters, Tbey-re all sboui
10.—Both days win he devoted to har­
mode BOftp hoftBBB of im. im. im
each which was shot off. deafness re^ jour nonsense. Tre bod fbcm class.bor aad ooaatwtae excurtkmi with op­
Tbert era 350 ocboolleacbera, 7»)
aid im. They rt
Sttlllag. Fbr yearn, he has been deaf
to partake of ftih dljinere
bousvwavra. 25 ciergymen. 447i U.yi..
Mk^ihmr foraet
In that ear. except a peculiar senssglria. 4 tbeetrical luanast-nt. SO
It ao fcml. He win rote Itor aad riew
tton. a sound as though crlckeu were
ra. 17 doefors. 05 lawyon. and
he has proTod him- that are to he seat here.
chlrpiag. The affliction became worse
scatterlim or of unknown occu­
IncldeotaUy there will be other
pair the Mead of oirery worktogoaaii
untU he was as deaf as a post and to pation. Tbe scbooJteocbers and most
ae well at oae of the groateei
quote his own expression “I couldn't of tbe boys sod girls point out 4l>e bad
ag and ungrammatical phrases.
aad moot pelrtollc preeldeota the
beer a canacm shot off.Ooeter of Beauty.
erer he^.**
last a neighbor pur The clergymen deprecate tbe false
Some of tb. booM-wlrra
Mme. Rtu Kraus. I^ty epeclalUt. chased a bottle of “Hot Spring. Quick
Is compelled to remain over another RMler aad abowed It to Mr Knapp*, cnniineod u. for the polos we tnke ro
get op s pore article. Tbe doctors
week, ending July U, cm aooouat of to son. remarklag that It was good for warn tsa ngslnst poisooous berries, tbe
many callers she U unable to ooosult
Tbe boy^^took some home lawyers csll our stteotlon to tbe legsl
! «Hk *m hiiMI
Wct«r« with. ThU Is poMtlvely the Uai week.
and In spite of the skepticism of the risk of selling such goods, while tbe
of tJMO Repreeentatlve Men ef the
Mme. RIU Kraus hold three diplomas. father, robbed some behind bU ear rant, m try ing to state tbe truth about
fttale-Trnverae City Men.
Oraduate and associate of Dr. Cals- and thea held his watch up. The tbe apWe, make Bs many bloiHler. as
■arato. Sarah Berahardf. beauty doc­ Uther had objected to the irei
den of Michigan- Is the UUe of nn
tor. AU latest mc^rnnl^ aad elec­ saying that It was foolUbnesi. but
auractlve aad valuable book of referIntrodtuw tbe kies In one
trical methods used
whM he heard the watch ticking he etlrs.•act luBt published by the MlehlgBs
flcous hair, moles, black heads and all was of a different optaloa. "1 am
Meaawbile tbe egent was getting out
4H onmpBBr Detroit The volume
imperfectloas of the skla and a
prised,- said Mr. Knapp to a Record a book of blank orders. Ailing up
doatataB the nkwmmam of 1.100 reprw
facial maaaage. bust dereMpmeat
reporter. -Why I can hear pertecUy of them and listening at the same time
^ uealadve me. of Mkhlgaa wHh their hair culture a specialty. Keep y<
to tbe inerebanfs cstalogor.
now. 1 hare Bcrcr taken another apUtM aad buelaea.. la the Traverae
-However.- tbe latter
Will be here unUl Saturday. July ». pIlBBtloa but 1 can still hesr out of
Cky group are Hoa. Perry Haaaah.
-BuxieUmes one ran do more
OoaaalUtkm and one treaiaMat
my srouBded ear as well as my good der than in the regu%r wav.
hanker aad himhermaaUallut T. HaaOffloe Hotei Whltlhg. Offlce hoars. 2 one.- His residence Is 1022
known you didn't know any morv about
■ah. banker: Orlaado C Motat. aeaa
to 4 p. m.
Slghth street. Mr. Knapp har lived la cimwiBM and tbe Engltob language
ler tweatyeeveath dteirlct ItOM. aln
Ooosult wRh tbe madam aad learn Traverse City four ytsars.
tbab that I d never have trusted you
anaom of tHIe: Henry & HuU. presl the art of massage free of charge.
Job in the world. But I'm
The Hot Springs doctors.are still
dent People*s SavlagB bank, prerideat
Umt people do rrad sdver
12»-tr curing the deaf aad the lame oo ihtkinds of people,
. Oval Wood Dlab compaay: Thomas T.
stage at the city market lot
S2S9-2t Why. two of beee letters were from
* RstuB. hewsimper publisher. Herald
sen. All you bsve to
•DM yoa ever notice the few >ivto succeed lu the work!
truaieee Northera Mlchlgaa sayhim. ple who carry email change In ‘
tion. though most
to to get sn
preaideBt Traver»e City Railway com pock^r maMkfd m
imople date tbst It-s DO mw In busl
a frw
( psay: Job. W. HaaBsa. editor sad dara a(o. “WaU. ms attfuttoe
Been Where did you get your scboel

igmaafor of the Svealag Record: calM to tiito Htt am otber Sondair
Ing. snywayr
-At Ysle,*Wge O. Oovell. United Stalee dU- Itf ■ nltniad coodactor. aad It abawa
-WhBt! Bottom of the demr
f trtcil dtforney: James H. Monroe, mem- artat BMM ba t»*»ad a dladact
Ttoieldthehralthaf King Leopnhl
^her atata kgUlatare IP03-4. ex judge
ct tbo Aoiaricaa piMIe to
allTK mmms abaot. arttb
desk end raed the bbmk that bed
The rat* of Thomas Daaa Emrllah.___
la a emmtery at Newark; X. J- la to ,„. itoiiilllBrT^
be peoTidfd wltb a aubaWa abaft
^ i vertMag. He rend It over rareaimed a few qneetloaB. made
Becaaae be baa etasard tbe Allaatlr
•. » MHT wrtlar. “tba way tbaaa art** M
araa ahatt of chaaaa vbM a paataaIt
latra Utaaltata. Taa kaear ms ‘Bi- ■aryaaaMitad a daBar ta blai far bn* as maay tlavs Cbsrlaa Frobawa'a
-Bet hecew yooi« man.- he atld. foa
|Mli air tba Bnaar Tbwa aia a aa- tmm a ataOaa abaaa Jaabtatowa.
trouble yotnelf to aae your
Caaat roa Babnr. aallfce Prioe* BtaUa laaaat. a bta, a collltlaa. aad aa Aad ai> hla mmms titpa Unaaib tb*
Mitkaaaka la It. aail vbat aaxt do jraa tnib fMW JtabMeara Aava b* ap- amik. does aat dlallka aevvaper cart
«Mab tba a Mat ebaa for Olaatrattaat pnachad ta lb* at»bba»bead af at- cataim He la aa ertbaMadlr colkcHIM Ur. amni »at aaraadaila hr
-II It Halaifd that tba fatbar; of
..laMMabatr My altar jrara arbm
; - {tba laataa Ja^P o«r a rt* ratbrr tbao boarM tbe tiala at tba bait atattaa. Otawal KarakL tbo rtttortada AapaaThe Rev. J*
bisiiop of 8bAad aat aalli ha paaaad the lt« MarBrnmli. <te. has atarted for 1
Uab. Mas Oarta atfaat. M b« ttd
Urn paipoae IB to per the enstos
QdBcepal vMt to toe hafy tother.



IS 50 Ittflid Oak l)ro«ser. with large
iKVfl plate mirror................
112.00 Golden Oak Dresiur,
plate ............ ............ ..............


|i:..Oo Goiac>n Oak Drcwier. 22x2« oval |
$17.50 WcalheriHl Oak Dre«Ker. 24x30
U-vcl plate............................................ .

Q 7C


$20.0^Gohlen Oak Dresser, full swell f
24x30 pattern plate mirror.

ptHlcstal base........ ...............
1 lot of 25 Beds, while enamel formr'r

lUOO White- Enxniel IVesser. full]
swi ll 22x2S lx‘W\ plate mirror.
$22.00 QuarlereU Oak Dre.«st r. full
KbspeU front. 24x::u pamm piste.
slightly damaged ................................
$4..5A Solid Oak Commodes. I draw and
2 doors...............................................

Ta“““:..................... 3.98
■"- 6.25

$C.50 Solid Oak C\>iiirmKle

$* Lavender and Gold Iron Bt'd

$$.uo ^11110 Enamel Commode
St ..............................................................

IH 00 WeathervJ Oak. C dra».. mio
French plale mirror............................

$IK <K) Blue. White and Gold Colonial
$2r. oo Apple Green Bin!, all brass Allins ...........................................................

lU.Oo For,... C.r.-<-n Oak Chllfonlor. «
draws. 14x2" bevel plsie niim>r........

1 only. Wood Seat l^ner. was COc.
close for ....................;*.........................

I only. Wood Seel Diner, was $135.
close for..................................................


priw $10.iK> .............................. .....
$<».t»o OUve Green Knamel Bed



at ............................................... ..............
- $15.00 No. b Steel Cook with resmsolr.
$20.fK) No. S cast Cook w ilh reservoir,
burns wtwd or coal............ ..................

1 only. Wood Scat Diner, was $l.C5.

1 lot 3 Wood Seal Dint‘rs. wtdd for
$1.25 each, close lot for......................

I set of C Wood Seal DTBera. sold for
$S,50. close for.................... ..................

I only. Solid Oak Cane Seat Diner,
was $1.35. close for..............................

1 lot of 5 Solid Oak Diners, were $1.0<J
i« ■».................................

|5i« O^fL




r I9^«
”Hr.rr^ri.-r.rL 27“
used three ireeks...........................

$22 <ki Steel
• wlib reservoir
shelf ....
$3".00 Enroka Steel Range. I84n. oven.

nicklc uiaoed.................... ......... ...

I4S.M Na M7 PcnlMoUr Rang*

Ko. <-17 Penl»:ular Buc*

The Boston ^tcjre

DocUin ta tte rml distrtcu m
4liyt AtUMld.
o( clMiT
hif Id 4»»»L %l» faU
.1^ «Mla ptakliit iW fralt. It
fM. pMMi. IT tte cterrtaa wm Ml
for tlM
«f k«t vMlo plekloc tko fhiH ud


TIm Datar Air lUfte Co. erf PtjrwoaUi,
wktek tea ^arekaaed Iko QIoIm Air
Rile Mataw of J. A.
Ifortliillla a few aMMilw ago aad liaa
kaaa raaalag H aa a brmaek faetiMT. If
iikoat to reaiavf tkt aachlaory to
rtfmomiL Tka loa of Uh» toetorjr U
aspoetotf to to bCato to
ladMlry for whlcb Jfr. Dabuar frill la
tto fauro Btttlaa the halUtlaga tho
Ml raflaai.
A ‘klUaa ova^ bjr a Caro fanl^
toranovto a hat hlo adtea aad a half
laehaa todh aad aUll llroa. The oad
of the ala ataek oat Unoagh the akin
oa the hAtaak aaek. aad was imUod
oat aatll aU but the hc«a was oat,
whoa a doctor laaood the spot aad r&
Morto the plB eallrelr. The kiuea
has aeatolatety raoorered, bat the ad*
hara aaed ap aereral of
Ito atae liroa.

following the taraa of the atock
ket for yean, know little ahoot atotduc
aad raally care leaa Their dope ahmti.
to aae netag parlance. U the ticker
tope, aad they hang over it from day
to day. noting the ehaagas and figur­
ing oat their Boxt play. -TlckeritU'
thia siolcacaa Is callod by some, for It
U a disease which meani
certato exhaastkm to the
counU of those who have been In­
fected by It. although there are a few
whose losses cannqt l»o proved aad
whose word as to their secure aad
steady tooom~^ from the system mart
ZEBRAS AS SADDLE HORSES. thraforc be taken or doubted.
In those dull days Ihesi* n
a Mtlsh IMtoee Bswhs la Owe
Bstoaeda* ts Klaa Mwasd.
baring a hard time of IL Tb
Sebras as carriage tiocass aad for not. Uke the floor traders,
e ad
riding purposes may soon be a compioe rantage of belog able to make prom
tight, for a recent experiment at the
rise or fall of onc-eigbth of
London toe hat demonstrated that point, for they have to pay commlstee beattUfoUx ttitpfd snlmsMc|ia
stons. aad commlXrlonK. as every
to easily Umed sod that they atweren
knows, cat dc;*p Into profits. So they
more dorile sod easily managed, when
btoken In. than the gentlset of opdinary ML aad talk dlsconeolatcly of other
borsea. taya the Lowlon Black and days.
many syrtems. One of
Aftew spending four hoars In brrak- them Is based on the tips which fioat
every day in the year aad
to ride H handily
which are often disseminated by aopU was Jennie,
prrweotfd to King Edward hy the Km caned news hnroans. Gathering all
peror Meoellk of Abyssinia. IMmn the tips as they appear every mora
first kd Into the paddock ato was lag. the system pWvr will then look
up his record of the particulsr stock
tor captain Uayea stroked
In question and If he finds (bat It has
with a long rod. lUie atood
rfwdy gone ap a point ho will rive
doring this proceeding, seen ling not to
\ order ao sell a point anove or buy
lescot it In the least.
IKilnl below the market price on the
isuraptl.m that no movement cxdlrecti<ni uninterruptedly
rnwently she qotetfd down, and the
m two iKilnis, Tliuh they
twiner got near enough to slip a rope copper the tip assuming that when
nround her right leg. Ww trt.d to kUk
It Is permitted to* come out by the
It loose, bnt In doing so got her left leg
•oungisd In It. 8to was ihron n for­ men Interested in a slock the crewm
the market. A
ward on her fionl legs m s kneeling has been skimmed
posltloo and then, with a gentle paah. very Intricate system Is followed by
sent rolling on her aide. Her four
at least one man In the street, who
were ll»en Iwniid with raiws untU
claims that In the twenty y<-ari that
was utterly brtpleas. For an hour she he has played It he has made a very
was left to this plight: then the i
were moored from her feet, and she cumfurUble Incomy out of It. This ro^u
got up a n*eek and sobmlaslre erfo kc^'ps track of the main issues. wh(ch
arc dealt to oa the slock exchange
Phe stood stUI while a bit was plsesd through s chart for each stock,
to her mouth and a saddle strapped to pays sbaolotrly no attention to move­
ber back. Captoln Hayes cUmhed late ments of only half a point or a point
the saddle, sod Jennie cooaruted to be Wlille s. st.wk la thus niicttiallng up
ridden. Hhe mskw an escellent snddle
horse, tatelllfent. fast and fborongbly ami down within narrow limits
IiwYes It severely alone except that
to be retied upon.
he enters each movement on his chart
NO STUDENTS UNDER SIXTY. But as soon aa this wgulsr fluciustkm Is Interrupt^ by an advance or a
dt'cllne of two points to successloii
tie gMs Inin the market with the In

any sleep.
that If I tralkedm block 1 woald ooagh
frightlany aad apH blood, bat. when
all ^hcr medloiaes failed, three flAO
hottlee of Dr. King's New Dtseovery
(red me and 1 gained Ct
ire Coagto..Oolds. La Grippe.
Bronchitis aad all Throat and Long
Ttoubles. Price the and $1.00. Trial
M lOc at Johaaon a drag alore and
P, IL Mead's drug store.


I gnmad that* It wo
*. tai rate to aa eaecaslre figiiro. Tli**
rata for this poet year haa jast ttcen
I oat to be low­
er than last year, aad those who oi»posed the estoaskia are trylag tu fig


tehoasha Is a very orderly vlllagr.
aad the oAcers aeirer allow any coo<
dact'oat of Uo ordinary there. Two
yoaag Inmates of a local
tomse. la the etraberaare <
aplrlto had a irillow dgbt In their room
the other alght aad were Immediately
arrasted. They were lodgod In the
rillage Mil all alght aad tayd the nest
BMralag. aad aow they pnipoee to col
lact damages for false t
The IIO.OW stock which the people
of Armoat have to parrhass to secure
the eiteasloo of the electric road from
ItoOMo has been almost wholly sub
icrihed. The Tillage roan
cd a traaehlse to the
rom^taxaUtpi for ten years
and girtog It iM^ r^ht to opt^rste cars
It am fit. 6omc da)
Ihb wsSdenU of the rlllage wont
thank the council which passed the
latter prorislno.
The district deraststed by fire at
Clare two weeks ago is alrtwdy the
; aecne of building nccivlty. Seven brick
riorea will be built on the site of the
o!d wooden structures, and nearly all
of the work U expected to be com
* pteted before winter. Clare Is cn)oy*
tog mow of, gfwwUi than to many
yenrs. more because of the wpid de
• relopment of the large area of conn
i try uC which she U the geocraphlcal
center than bocanse of any boom to
the town hoeU.
Down In the sootbern part of the
•tale. Ooldfrater for Inataacc. you
have to to Irito for murder or some
; eqaatty hoinoas offenae to be rmdly
popnlnr. Ooldwmter is soon to have a
waekis onratdnl. with a rani Hve queen
to be choaen by tolloL Among the
candldntas for thU honor who reeelres
|n»t na many trotea ms anyone Urns far
Is Knilt Lniwick. the Polish girl srbo
' was lacontly neqalttod on the charge
of mardering her haabnnd of Ihrae



Mgr. loeorponiied under the Uws of
lUtnols the other• day, aaya a Chicago
pany wUl be to Chicago. Tto tacor
porators are Dr. John Merrltte Drirer.
pastor of the IVople s eburrb; UsmUloo White siMl Cbarleo ft. Xorthrupfitudents will purchaj
and will be freed from
and aUmnUted to an caj
old age by afodles aloi«
they cbooac to take ap. Tto purchase
price of tba acboiarablp pays for board,
room, tultkm. Iretura, teadlag room and
for Ilfo, with aadkal
attendanre and ]


aaterad apoa after bM atotleth year,
aad a mau of alxty caa take oat a paid
ap aehotorahlp tor $aoa Prcfatama torfeaae with the age of fbe appllemnt.
tt death takes place before tto age of
atoty the mooey already paid oa the
arhnlirahlr will revert to tto coaopiiny.

s soon as the decrease to activity
any other sign todicatca to him
that the movement it over he olosct
out the transaction. 'This man in a
dull market may n«.t pel one chance
a WAH*k to pla) his system, which
Id make U compprailvely sal^‘
when the market is sugnant. In a
lively market this man is likely to get
ts either way Is thep nothing ex­
traordinary. and the chances are that
he Is buying or selling at the very
point where the movement he counts
on is over and turns against him.
8omtT^X^iy*icms to use arc ao
Involv^ that bone but the inventor
can understand them, but the result
to most of them to the same. U the
speculator Is lucky he will win. no
matter what the system If lie to aa
ordinary morul with all kinds of
rarytog lack, ao system In Wall street
wUl keep him from losing to the end.

C. M.
would not keep bouao without MoUtotor's Rocky Mouatate Tea. It's a
great family modiclae; has kepi my
Werklfifi Night and Day.
family well the past tea yeara. 2^
The basieat aad mlgtiUest Ifttlc
One of the most lateraating charac- cents. Tea or Tablets.
thtog that erar was made to Dr. King's
ten In Haran emmty died foeaaUy. to Oa
Naw Ufa PUla. Thaaa pllto change
the person of Mn. Bantoe MroRp. She
waakaoa to atrangth. Uatleaaaaaa tote
had lirto la Bad Ann for forty yanra.
enaray. brain-fag Into mental power,
Baam ctonnlag new CaiMlaaa ia
and wni the firat poytMetreen In tto maatmtog apparal far MdM
Tbayte wtmderfnl to>rildlag op the
Tharnb. and need to,keep the Mtm agaia made thdr-appeaiwace.
haalth. Only tBtpw boa. Bold by
to a harsaa drawer until they ware agree whh tto fair writar
called for. 8hs onnaised and tonght dam that grief mast to pdrAM
dam» whkh caaaai be asaasged bywh
cMc black raavaa gawB adorned wRli

black taffetas to tto form af toadi
l^h a toby iB her arm to order , to aad
a hraad ootraM belt aiid fiaMbed

VIrs. Hughson, o
letter follows, is another woman in high
posil3<m who owes her health to the use <4

Lydia & Pinktom's VegetaWe Conqxwnd.
•DBuMn. Pnnciuv:—I »aOBted for iwwimlyem wi* geaeal

Mn. piakhun Ten. How OnllBwrTMka ProdneelMqtU

that voa can orereoom it
Mora than a million ^

PlnUuua*a Vegetable i

Mn. Lelah Stowell. 177 Wellington
St., Kingston. Ont., writes?

Compound made *


nowaud i>romlo lue. lam li^tand
hapK-.and I do nrt knowwliat Mcknew

I nlTvsvs Is? rrlird upon to restore
B suffer. It Is a sovereign cure for
• ^
health to w—
complaints, — Uist liearintr-down feeling, wreak
tha worst forms of fei
ot of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries.^
back, falling and displsb.
and expels
from tha
all troubles of th«- uU-ru—-------- --------- ----------------,
nterua to the earlr stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancer^

Ul you find out what yea care for
Hare a hook always wltbia------and make the most of ycto spare mtoutes.

The people of sll oerpent ridden
countries have many charaui. apeUs
nod tocantaUoaa which they rep.
orm for the pur|ioae of exor
i oliDoxIous visitors. In Turkey ecTrr>l»ody from the aultan to the |
aiifiesla to the mnwot king. i bnh-Mlrsn. When Jliry cutue lu eootnet with
S4TiM-nt. the first exclanuilloa is "In
be nsme of ilia li Ml ran. go avvsy
hide IlDwcir.- Of coarse Chah M
has been d«*ad for centuries, but the
Turk arguea that the scns'Uts do not
know this- If they knew tliat they
were no longer und?i his Infli
they would destroy the w hole h


lly Christmas the onion nius;r:an'« ar
.\cw* Ycrk will Imve their own loi Id
Ing. a iiMigulUtvnt Uwr^lQry
brick ftnutcre. It will he ocrr.piixl
»-ntlniy by the Mti«ir ;l Mutual lT.*i.*rhe nulon. of 4.««i lueiulsrs. It M
Lhe first uiHtortaklag af the kind by a
New JesR Uiwr organization.


y^i^^oadoMvsi XJi Wssl iMHarato

I. DUID mill
Tho Well Known Spoclallet.


Ovor First National Rafik


und HI*****! l*efore

If w

for tf«l.n.Vs !«>«. .'
-Hub:* gmubxl the prenl alitor.
“Well, for that tiegllgence 1 VAi^h )oU
WanU to Live an Honest Life—Once would po t.. WTirr
Ran Through a Fortune and Lays
-.Ml. to the
Of bnKtmtle«r'
-Nol HO fast. Wliot did Sliermnn
Ruin to
New Y'Airk. July lH.-WIth a n'cord he A*«»rreH|MUMb‘iit.
of nine eonvleti«in» many terms
"WelL CO to warr—Cblenco PosL
in prison. Georpe W. Johnson has ap•d to PAvIlre Mspi^tra^ Ommen
for refuge In the iH^uUL-nimry l»oeiAMhe
he to unabiA* to ram an ht'Uest liviup
id roust either steal or starve.
The maplstraie pranied Johnson'.**
pies, with the provisAi that he wv.ubi
send him io the TKnit**nttary to kc<*p
him from lemp^^^!on and In the mean
lime would try to find some wf»rk fo»
the cx-convict where h.‘ would not be
reminded of hto ps^t.
hnson to nsjrears old and well cdueated. In a long address to the coat
he attributed hto downfall lt» gambling.
After runnlnp ihrough a fortune left
by his father, he «to1o to secure the
nort^ssaries «if life and was sent to
prison for five years.
nxktj. serious thought 111)
nd sweet anticipation.
M ’
There he IcarnAd the trade of rhoe- and
WlththeccssaliaBofDsto ^
maker, but soon found he was a
marked man among fellow craftsmen
and ootlld nof retain a position. He
wav driven again to ateal and went
through the aame experience nine
JohnBon declared his experience,
which he told in detail, to be a com
mon one among ex-cf»nvlcU. and said
tkat. dewplte bto repeated failures, be
wua detonatoad lo lire sn honest life
to the future.







L. 6. BRY«T, !!%*• E.S5f»r: * j
Claus Warner. Proprialor

He will be in

Traverse City

Park Place Hotel

IBrsiiaf MorniflK. Joty 21st,

MoMliy Emtoi. Jdy 26tii,



flu Dip Oiif.

Dr. McDonald
Has for yraiu made a study of chronk
and lingering diseases. Hto cxtonaluc
practice and superior knowledge en­
ables him to cure every curable dis­
ease, All chronic dtocasen of the brain,
spine, nerrea. blcmd. skin, heart, lungs,
liver, stomach. kWneya. bladder, and
bowels acicntlflcally
DR. MCDONALD pays apedal atteaDon lo Catarrh. Catarrhal Dealaeaa.
Throat and Lung Dtoeaaea. Ohroale
Diseases peculiar to women. Kerroas
and PhysloM DMdltty. Rhnamnitoto.
Paralysis, -Nenralgta, X^yspepMa. aait
afl chroaSc aad nenrona dtonaaes of
Mea. Wotoea aad Chlldm. Mo*»alt«r
what yonr dtopase aar be. THKRB IB


Official Market Quotatioiis by prirate wire, direct from New
York and Ohicapa '

dll 80DTB ffffRMf ffntti

Sm M Mk n Hm Fit Sik jssBKSsJSsrsi'igsr
bod to of sorsrml bond of cattle that
warn wMtaff M tba ImakB of tbo Bbeaoater rir«r. la wbat has atea becoat tbe Ormage Proe Stote. 8to of
m Blartod tl wm tbe ooveatb. bat did
not ooaatl to Sad tbe Horn We were
an iKMmtsd aad rode la paittos of
tbrse. wttb a good dtotaaa betwea
Memtk I tfted •T«nrtklM kaovit



fcm to be held in SteinwHb a wild Ttoto Tbe throe adoHr
wttb wboa 1 bad panto, aiy father, my

rWtaM Is UhMm Mrf fht
ItMiL Mr. IMrrto to vrilter
I Madjr to vbleli Mtos Trrn
M m4 IJm Atobor to cmU:
I tliM Ito pvt of kto
inii iw emtoi bf tiM dtotia

^ bp vMdi fir Hcfirp tortor

J. llArtlB A
wr travMtof to too Uoltod fiatoi
Pbiri tbot Atoorlcvi toodo oboM v.
toot MMtf «0 MMb Hi TOCW Mrvador
to bto fxmmtrj m fonovto- VboUtou
tooto Uto ttoo or tbe Attoatle tojopv
for a time. b«t maa
toMartot am Umw took tbo Motoi
Mi toort graeafal tooto foaad to tbb
M^trp. More bmg tbop were obl«
to pot opoo tbo aorM eboee u goot
tootobg m tbooe aodo bore, of bettot
Atoobk fomm tt bM boos olMm
woar ro4 Md bodo mto ibe aoet ooor
MVrtOaa law. Mn. Wlltlaa B. Oar
tor pf miaieipbla. a beantj of pro
Moaood Ifpe, baa. bowerer. boet
atartltof Mowport wltb ftaasing eo»
tiMoa. In aa aeoordlaa pialtod Bun
aalt of rod aad wkb a rod hat
paraaol. red aHppera and allk stock
todEi <i tbo Mmo ahado. her Droadoi
«*toa ootottof aoMaa ora lovoltoi
tbaa wba obo woara leaa atrlkioK oor
Loadtog clttooaa of Loag Braad
wo owtoarotlag to rrrlre |be toda
glortoo of that erstwblle fashkmabh
oaaiMr foooit. Oaaiblen aad th*
awtol abrana of aboddyitoa crowded U
aflor’tbe real aocletjr leaders year
ago aad toraod tbe piaoe Into a dfib
rau aoBiner aitraciioD. Mow a BMet
tog bas bora bold aad the city aotbm
Itloa btore boa asked to porebas
oeoaa fraat bolld a caeino aad eor
alroet a board walk. The elUsoas an
dotoradaod that tbero shall be acarty fotwa of coadlttoas wbkb pre

Dolawart aad Hodsa railroad, bar.
laratod an autottatic conptor for ai
bfabos aad atean. pipes that ma:
ayJw tbom bolb iodepadenUy rkl
Ae dertee to rery slinplc and can to
attached to any car. By Its nse^th.
airbrake pipes, the sieam-beatini
pipoa aad the signal whistle are ante
aMtkwny eovpled as the oars bump
Tkf> coopting of tbe oars is reg«1ate<
Mrom tbe platfona of tbe car by tbi
{■iktoo Jeror tbit gorerna tbe drawbew:
RaUrood oAclals bare becoaie Inter
i Mted to tbe derlce.
Both tbe king and qnea of Italy nn
toad of fport: tbe ooea espodall:
to. 8be Is an eacoUat shot aad t
woadcftal cumber. Wba In Monte
aegro she announced her Uttatla o
rotlsitlag on foot the mountains abou
OMUgne. Her Italian toldes-ln waU
tag. with one cxceptla. begged to to
otrosod. the requott belag good as
torodly graatod. Oacubowerer. youni
.aad knroly. aabltloos for the faror o
her mistrwss. dMcrmloed to go. too
Tbe neit tnoralag at t o'clock tbe ra
tnrsoome lady appeared la a gowi
erlth a timla. wblcb. boworer, bad boot
arcfaNy ptoned up. scent bottle b
band aad la higb beeled. thin sUppen
It to geaorally uaderstood that Brig
aitor Ooacca] rrederick Ihtaatoa. oih
of the luBlor brigadier geaorato of th<
army, who baa boa ordered to sue
coed Otoorai Oorbto as ooauaader o
tbe depaftamat of the oast win take
prcNBpUy OB Ooaetal OoThtoli depart
arc for (bs Fhtttpptoea Oct. 1. Ooc
ibe iopaitatoBt of tbs Ootomhia. whiei
Wbto be gow

•Tho Totao of Iffliotioa to tbo M
Utoi deem Mode of tbe veto bM
hero wffU inoetniUd I17 a eoto of rwl
eototr ot Botnnoii.** eeld Ft M. Good
oin of Boltlmorr. a epcrtol afnt of
tbe rmiwi fiate* toad oOce. located at
lelru. Moot
-In tbe Galtotln ranep to Mot
irrtfatloo baa toira applied to noeb of
tbe land ortjrtnaUjr aoppoard to be
wonUleM. Tberr toat week 1 aaw an
land and
was entered under tbe
. Water bad tiea Introdoced to
tt by an Irrigation canal and tbe land
to easily worth tbe money psy for H.
-The general gorenunat Is plan
Btag big things for Montana In tbr
way of derdopmect of tbe Irrlgatla
scheme for tbe west
of acies of tonds will be rerUlmed and
made sa ralnaMe as tbe lands In tbr
(iaIiaUn rallry, where farcy
now pmaU."-Bt Paul Uloto
The aky looks bluer, the aun shiner
.rigbter. a feeUng^of youth
treofth creeps oror the soul aftei
aking HolIUters Rocky MounUte
res. Moau. Ta
400 Drug <30-

mm ward aacus will be
d No. 2, a Wedaesday.
Ifii. at • p. Bu In tbe City

trouad. wttb tbelr beada to Ibe oppodie dlroctlcB to that from which the
km was btartog down upa to This
s the regular procedure at a Ihm burnt.
tr tbe borabs calcb eight of a Ikio.
there to always danger lat they
fbould get frightened aad bolt
relativa placed us. 1 was told
o sH bebtod. or from tbe Ha’s potot
jf view. In front of the horses, with
ay rtlle ooreiiag him. His last bound
brought him dose to me: tha he
cached, with the tnUmtion. as It
teemed to jme. of Jumping right over
pe on to the borsa. As ho rose I
tred. and was foituaate enough to
4UI him outright, so that be nearly
:ell on top of me.^ My oompanlons
•ashed to my assIcUncc. but 1 needed
10 help, for the Iloa was dead. He was
t strong beast.”

Dated July 12. lf(M.
Alraa W. Rlckcrd.
Ward No. S.A republkma ward aoens will be
buM to Ward No. 1. cm Wednesday.
( p. m. In Central
School Buildlag. for the purpose <4
•kMBtes to the county
be beM to Steinberg's
Dated July 12,1904.
G. W. Sackett.
Ward No. 4.
A republican ward caurus will be
held In Ward No. 4. on Widnesday.
July 20. 1904. at 8 p. m. In Kngine
c No. 3. Cass sired, for the purof electing C delegates to the
ly convention to
held In Rtelnberg's Grand Opera House, tYiday aflcmtion. July 22.
Dated July 12, 1904
J. A. Montague,
K. H. PoiH*.
F. D. Marvin.
Ward No. 5.
A rcpiibUcan ward caucus will be
held In Ward No. 5. on Wednesday.
July 20. 1904. at 8 p. m.. in State Street
lullding. for the punKiro of
electing 11 delegates to the crmnly
convention U» be held In Stoinl.ergV
Grand Opera House, Friday aftemocm.
July 22.
ted July 12. ion I.
1-. K. Cleveland,
K A. Rvans,
R. J. Hans,

-In the year 1845 my two brotbera.
iouw and TbcunU. DouWs wife, my
Twn wife and 1 were, making a halt
lar Secuato town, not far from the
dace wha the Spekboow river joln»
he Bteaport river. In the north of the
rransvaato. W'c ouUpanned (camped)
ind I wat In the course of the day on
he veldt to aboot some game. I was
nountod and carried my-old big fouryoonder.
-After about an hour's ride I came
icroas a rhinoceros and shot at It. but
aly Bttcceoded la wounding the ani
nal. aad It fled Into tbe woods. I dHr»nlnmt lietulrj*
nounted quickly, ready to shoot again,
rrt>re^H4ir Ci-erge llerlH-rt Tilincr
ml moved only a few eteps away from of llni V.uil ioiIe;:e sii.VK U'.Vt lie- masny horse, lest the rhinoceros should
ttack me. In which case It would be

j oL.itSir^afisa.'KMO.
I H and llw hloek 19, HaaaM.
. Co.'b flUi addttloa, aH
West TUI atraet. tof«t id
haoae, good ateim feaadaUan, all to
good aenditlen, ttAOO.
No. 219 Cast tth atraat 'This to an
SO fool let tof«e hooaa. ttna locattof
and chaaa at fiJOOQ.
In fine Imprcvement. abaut S ^rm af
Na. 821 Wabater atraal. M IM laL
good furnace, fireplace, amaar aamiactleiii. cament walk, alx rooih houae,
90 acres near Suttam Ray. on bay
shore. «ne second growth, two good
Na. 212 Railroad avanaa, a line streams af water. Would make a Rnt
•mall haiiM with water and aawar cenA targe bourn and 14 late, with
No. 210 Webeter street email houae tream af water, trout pond, all In
cheap, 8700.
riendid condition, at- Outtem Ray.
08 foot let good heuM and barn, an will be aid right
180 acres af M fine timber toad a
there Is In the sUte located In Cmmet county.
irge barn. .Let 80x175 feet a fine
Vacant lets In all parte of the city
ifoperty, lot worth $40 per fbet. Inline ----------------1 to mention. It certainly
seatlon. Can be bought right
$250 Ukes 20 acrw of good land

vm la TttiSi fSm

Office Sflite 301 New State BankBlil’g



T.'WTBs&ar — —



136 Cau StTMt.

Trav*rM City. MIoh.
Phone 602
Member, of the Natloaal Keetrlcal CoDtraclor, AnoeUtbm at tb.
United SUlca.

Naw Wlthakii RIoak.



> once and took my ptoce In tbr

1 of this
-I succeeded In getting s recond
hot. but at that very moment my
ifle exploded Just where I held It in
ny left hand, and my^lcft thumb, the
ock and the ramrod, lay before me on
he ground, and tbe baifel of tbe gun
tohlod me.
My band was In a horrible state.
Tie great veins were tom asunder,
ind the muscles lay exposed. The
:eah was hanging In strips. I bUxJ
Ike a slaughtered calf. I had sueloded In tying a large pocket band:erchief around the wound while rid
Tie Japs may tghl the Rusalana.
ng. to save the horse from being
On land or on the aa:
flashed with blood. t\Tien I got to
lot the girls for this here country.
he sragoas. my wife and sister-in-law
vere sitting by the Arc, and I went up
Fight for Rocky Mountain Ties.
Johnson Drug Ca
o them toughing, so as not to frighten
hem. My sister-in-law pointed to my
land, which looked like a great piece
Beiuitor KsIrtMiiiks of India
4 raw meat, tbe handkerchief being
St tbe WsWnrf Astorta over 1
laturmted with blood.
dsy. When ssketl If be bad iK«en tb.
-•U»ok w^fal game Brother Paul
to tbe
lij thtwtpr Boise IVniw laa bea s^ttog.l,,shc said.
-I called out to iny wife to go to
state elislrman of l*rnn
sylvsBls. who derlsrrd Ibst ^aIrt«nk^ he wagon and fetch some turpentine.
sill stand for the %*lce presklenry. tbr %s I had hurt my hand. Then I asked
senator replied:
ny ilster-to-law to take off my bando-yes. I read bis remarks It Is goo(
Icr. and she saw that my hand was
of Bemose to nomlnste me for tbe of
ora and noticed how white I was. for
you know, rrpe
flee, but n
had hardly any blood left In my body.
rdly sndps
pobllely stated my refusal
berome a eanddate for the post and I
-I kept cm nsnewlng the tnrpenbare no Intrntla of betomlng one.lae bandages, for turpentine Is a good
-Who do you think, then, would to wmedy to Tmrn the reins np.' as the
a good man for tbe offleer'
9oen say*, aad thus to stop Hhc bleed-WHl I really cant say. Beelnt
that Parose. however, has been kim ’ag.”
eaougb to proclaim me for tbe place
perhaps I cannot do better than reclp
No Pity tkewfi.
locate. I beUevc In reciprocity.-—
-FVw yars fate was after me con
New York Globe._________
inoously” writes F. A. Oulledge. VerTbsas handy Camp gtoela only Jtc lena. Ala. -1 had a terrible case of
nd fie.
J. W. Slater,
nics causing 24 tumors. Wha nil
Your fteilabis Hama Fumlahsr.
alkd Buckton’s Aratea Salve cured
ue. Equally good for Boras and all
lehM and pains. Only 25c at JohnAttlMll«sS*rtlMCIa«.
WBS aad F. a Mead's drug store.
Professor Itevld Jones df ijifMWster.
VIo., carries s chip on bis sbonMer and
tores any one ctolmtng to be a bettn
you done about that
^er tbaa be Is to knack It off. H«
nr tnqttlml the exar
s not nsodmt to his dalma. for be ms
-1 told mm. roar majesty.” rrpM
«rts that there Is not a word to the the chief of police, -that If be did not
fMtIili toagasge that an send him te lave tbe country In twenty-four bours
be foot of tbe dasB to a ape
wt would ex male him."
•ftotch. For orer -a qaarter c
-Wbai: ffacb ImleacT
eaatary be baa held tbt spe
-rarOoh ■!,. I hor, miac « mty
rbsmptomsblp In this rwwtry. Be
tar him to orant
that poor speaiag to tbe bsi
er totherlng my farr he pulled up
sbort-leggrd stool, on wbU b be sU
tiooed hUnseir. He app«'an*d U
enough without tbe stoot and I asked
him: -‘irby do you use Ibnt staoH
**IIe looked st the door In n mtbri
wlUl^yrA sort of way. and said:
-•Can’t you see tbeiu—lbe snakes*,
rm afraid tbry’d bite me If 1 didn*.
daiid on the stooL*
•Then he got l*os> with the rasor.ais
fan trti yon lliat the baiqilest mo
ment of iny life esme when 1 got on
sf that rbalr. Tliree days later tbej




Trav^ CHy.


b u A. miiLeMNb ~~

to pat in yom cual for next
winter and



by Idling os deliver direct
when tlidr ntotlier liennl llieiu tn*kliig. T wonder wlwl we're ben? for'/*'
aj-k.ri the link- U>y.
-Tlie little girl remembered the b-saoiiK that hnil 1nm-ii uuijrl.t her und n-.
pUiHl swee tly, -We are bt-re to In Ip

Ladloa. -you can Jump on It,
pie on it, but It will come up «
tic Floor

from car to j-our bins.

Prompt Delivery.





•MalgaH Jhrs^uarmori

Wc sell Mc-

to Kete BooCaj.

Qts.30c; Gal. $1.00.





Himt’i Cemetery Vascf Juit
»16 Union.


T^o.h^tocum.u dM,. «i intaantna,

rat 1000 VATTS




ntonlah yau at the
wt art
Ing toe $1«i

QT^ OF MCHlOaV. Oouaty of Onto

SB. ItBi.

C U LOOtWOOO. 0:.P.aT.A..

Soon, and you've been In­
vited. Select your

CitHmfi Mi Pittri Plaits

Phooc 4S.

B. MeWitIr


Union street to Cass street
lands for the collection of the s<»cassessment, together with the ac
crued Interest on all unpaid Installmats. the same to be paid before the
first day of August. 1904.
M. E. Haskell.
City Troeiurer,
Oflico. room 202, State bank building. WEDDING






Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
at lowest prices.

oaw-Hi N«r «nb«to '



ALL KINDS of building material
hMp. South 8W« Lumhor Co.


All Work ^ HIghaat Fbeilbli Qotfa.
Flna Raid Warit a RpaataNr.


AitonoiiilG, LancN Ri

RAETALL, th, Jtonlar.

JWe CtEUIB WIRB.: ife'
OnatOeantag and FatebarRefio.









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