Dublin Core
The Evening Record, July 20, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Werfd Until Ttmarraii.
tor Wipe to tbe torralag Record.
Detni^ Mtob., Jirty I0,^n U
I of tbe fnawfitmiwi of
Bbcn of tbe order wat
•Pby tbeea
prame tentg iUighto of tbe Maom
of Cb# WqrM when tadaj^ aaacloa
e dtommtioa may rra late
Tbe electlOB of eaprrme
iM PwnmiM U9 W9%.
^9f innUt>» WfwtlMg lUeon
iAIpi la Um M M «M IM CB
tip «M tLa IMm «iP^
Art Owl If Oe iffrti be mtfe for
tbi fVittM Of tbe tMpt be viU rtoT
a nnrtare with boCb povert ratber
■aglaai, b«?ef5. wlU aot 4eal
mmXf vbb tbe Raa«laa«. 8be vfU
4#Ma4 that ber tbipt bojelcated and
At aetrepapi^ am camag upoa ibe
apvatMMi la taka Ibaa by lorap If
atPiMary. NbUt opIaloB te arooted
at it has aoc Iwaa arer by aar ocber
aabitcl to reart aad U It beU<^rad tbit
radtaal aellaa.
AMPiiiiii Jap bblpa.
My Wire to tbt Mrtmimg Raeord.
YoMo. Jaljr M.-Tb« VladiToitab
iaet wat teen today patting tbroagh
Tbagm ttnUt la pamUt of a Japaa«• vtM the aatte of vblcb to not
'%tmm Tbe Ratatoa warthJp over
battled Ibe Japana^ tbip but no fur
tber aewt of ber bat boea received.
The Reec wat irti tigbted at S:SO tbU
at 7 a. m.
. I
:Tbe Infant eblld of Mr. and Mrt. T.
i. Ma^ Pt KorrItvIUc died yt^iienday.
tbe fnaeml eenrkco vat held thU
alterapoA ml d o'clock. Undertaker
Aadereoa bat tbe funeral.
Tbe lldayawtd cblld of Mr. and
lira. Joba Uamt of Hannab died ye*
liPtay Boralng at f o'clock of kidney
tfwohto.. Tbt fanerml aerrlcc vUI tobaM tfanorrow aiprmlag at lo o'clock
from Ibe Catholic ebureb at Hannah.
H. U Garter bat charge of tb ^
Three Theotend Me
Reople Crowdtd
•Oravt- and W*(
Wattrs : t z
By Wire to the Evening Record.
ApolUoaris.. .
Ifamm<md.| lod., July 20.---miIc
Boro LUhir still or
P. E. imow'N.
CandkUtc for KomlnnUun for County
BnlbloLiUilaNo. 2.
Carlsbad Spmdel.
Hnoyadi Janos.
Londonderry Lithla*.
sun or Sparkling.
Pluto French Lick.
Red Raven Splits.
Rubriat Condol.
Waukesha Lithla,
Still or Sparkling.
White Rock.
tbe coBlcslanlt being Judge John A.
Laranger. the pn^sent Inrumbonl, and
rrtiior Prt d K. \Yo!K«r »if Grant
township. Mr. Walker has Ilmu a i*n>nounetsl candMate f«»r erv* r»l 110111:11*.
(Cnnllnmil on S^-iMnul I’ago t
Number. Th.t Will Be Rendered .t
the Harold Jarwii Entertainment.
Feast for Musk Lovers.
Teetimeny Taken in the Schofield anj
In Circuit court icetlmony bat boon
Uken in the divorce cate of May 8cho*
Acid and Brace HcboOeld. Tcttlmony
U alto hero Ukrn in the divorce car*
Mm. Emma «. M* on v* WlnAeld 8
la the lien cate* of j. E. Urt lUck
impray vt. Ucorge MUlt Rogt'ra el
aU Chariot Sebumteher vt. tJoorge
Mllit Rngen. the tettlmnny bat bi^ii
mplcied and the argumentt made
by the ationo'y* and Ute caM^t have
iM'cn taken under advitemeni by ih-Thlt afifvuoon aU.ut 3 o'chjek
h a cati' of the J. 1-1 Grelllck cum
va. Mary l.abuUka ct al. wm*
Tbto afternoon an argument for a
trial <if a Kalkatka county rate
which wat trl*Hl bon.rc Judge Maym
alkaaka wat heard hy the Judge.
The cate i* Mary Shermar vt. tbe VII
lage of Uoardmaa. rrotocuior £. C.
Smith of Kaikatka repretenu the
plaintiff and E a Pratt of tbto city h
for the defense. At the trial acme
lime ago a verdict wat dirt'cled lor th*
Ml>s Myrtle Mnior.
Aria, “Out «f il.e
Mr, Harold Jarvix.
gi. a. “JUM a
h. * The
njver and the Sea”.......... JohUMia
Violin *oh>. Suite No. l....rranr Ileto
MU* nianrh. Itoruum
•Cnvi-lng the Uar”................niherend
Mr. Jarvis.
• HeldcllK^rg.” frittn oia-ra ••Prlnce
of PiUen”...............................
Mr. Jarvis.
•Inafer ...............................
Mn*. A. 8. Uoaley.
“Mary of Ariyle” -8ing Me to
. 219
American Drug Co.
Vtoi Beckto Cobra of Cbkaso to
rumag tbc family of a llarkat.
ngc v^wgsrat dooct^
. 60C
TUtm MnFtbol vorioMadtip. AB ewmiyabieUbd^
MaadcatMi^lRiaitlienMnM wiak Md trinket bMkct
•t«B7<)tlierMtthcniieMtttoirn. Odl andtakoverOm
aad SoOTCiun tktt hu em been dtqilejred in TtaT«ie.
Mcn’i Oxford!.
$2.00 to SS.50
Bor^ Patent Leather Oxfords,
$1.76 $2.00
: Children'g Strap Slippers.
AOc to $1.26
aUdren't Canvas Sbocf.
Genuine Indian Moccasins,
Elkskin Shoes for men and
lK))fc—light, soft, cod, ipugh
Elegant aleep^ndng ni^t gowna tar men, LIO. 70c, SK 09c.
Knock abont knee panta for boTa. tbe wnahaUe kaxTst^ 19c,
■ Stetaoo hats—jrdn know what they are, A98 and A9K
Neiriand Hata, 9.49. 9.19, 1.89, 1.99, U9. 90c,
Men’a^. New PariaUn pattema, 89c, 93c, 19c, 16c, He.
Men’a auspendera—best of web and trimminga,’ 47c, 49<v tOc;
19c and 6c
You can't .p.nd your Money ano nave It. to
don't .pend It. «obe«y will know you hnewit.
If you
for men, 1944, 10.SI8, 7.48, 5.98. 4.44, 8 98. Poaitirriy abneet
worth double or your money back if yon say am Men's Pants—we're
almost rare your tiaeta here; aU tbe new wrinklea and tadt. 9.48.
■> 98, 2.48, 1.69,1.48, »6c Some men think they’re temperate; be.'
cauae they add more water to their whiskey. Benda believet in un.
diluted atatemenia and "lUaight" values.
pr o
riNGREE MAKE; you tike no
chxnccs when you buy them. Evcr>
pair is wananlcd :
The Old Reliable Shoe House
New Stand 242 Front Str^rt
Abstracts of TlUo '
Lot of Mercerized Zephyrs. Dotted Mulls, Satjn
Stripe Lends an3 Madras, the former price was
25c and 30c, Pre-Inventory
mt-iAMBcwi.ii.L.Y S.OW ^st.iotcm
^ About 500 yards of Lawns and Dimities, the for' mcr price was 12 I-2c and 15c, l‘re-Inven. 'yrt
tory price.................................................................
• ^
I 'M
Prana in cw7dciiutDait,dariiis<mr Distolntioa Sri»-«bcaj«a
get itgbt down to the rooUafthe matter. / eat Arm* H * A../
•MfaeAMer>**A/«iMM#mMe/topindiaae mr pertnefk in.
The Season has been backward, Invenior>'
vcuiuiy ulu^c
at hand: the jjoods must be sold, so wc: have made
such unhekrd of reductions that every y:
yard of Wash
Goods will be closed out in short order. We have di
vided them into three lots so that choice will be easi’.
While chopping wvxal tbj* XDornlcg
n*. Stlgnc-r bad a narrow eteapo
from cutUng hUlefi foot off. Tbe ax
got tangled up In tbc cknbcs ttae aad
IX the ax badaT bora duU. be would
been tericNudy injured at It
itnick hto foot squarely in tbe center.
Tbto to bit necond aeddent In throe
days at Sandt^. while lewdiag bfs
begrt oat cf dragor al a Un game, be
wrack aad bto ann badly bnitocd.
A. B. St'.gner Met With Anotbar Aocb
dent this Morning.
Indian Baskets
Gfy Book Store
Room 210 Statu Bank Bldg-
Sleip” ............ Sy...............
CadiUac't Population Has Taken t
Strong Upward Jump.
LanMijg. Mich., July M.--Cadlllai*V
pojMilatiou. under the slate ct nsiu. is
«.8«, a gain **f k‘JS slnee the ftnlt ral
t^rnsus of f*mr years ngo. or nearly
iwrnly per rent. Thlrty-rlx hundred
tsrentyTour males. 3.2C;» fi tnales
tad \J>2C (amllica arc laeludc^ in the
riiy'a erumeraPon. A<^-ordlng lo th»*
ufllclal niHirt the Fli>t ward has a
population of l.Khl. the Socutod warl
ha* 2.«2». the Third ward bq* 1.739
ind tbe Fourth ward ha* 1.241. the
gain In each ward being large as com
paredI with UaekTiHieral cc'nsos of forr
Hot Weather
tloa of Tra^wrra City lodge No. tt2 F.
A A. M. Tharaday aftonmoa at |:30
to atlrad the fuaetal of Cbartot Ptoeee.
tbc Willard .W. C. T. U. win moet
W. t- CItmrat Rctlrad From Flrvn of
Omior A CtomonL
terto aendee of
Tbe grocery Ana.of Omlcr A 0<beM rattcfday afteraooo at
4 oclock.from Ue realdcwce. Bcv. moat. AlO Cast Eighth ttrty4. hat dto
< Mr. Cleinoat roUrlag. The
WllHam Laafama otoclaied rad gave a
very excellent eennon on the depart bttAaoat win u- coatfiictod at the old
ed one a ko bad been to ckmcly In ataad by Jir. Omior.
tonab wltb tbe ebarcb for eo maay
THE MARterrs.
yiaw. The toial oSertaga were very
braatllal mad w»a of tbe llaeat pleeoa
Detyolt, MIcb. Jaly tok-RTicatJuly. Alike; Na S red. fl.itt; Ho. 3
Tbe body valTtLea on Ibe ira. AAVkc; Na 3 white oau. 4XHe.
1:10 I'ere Marquette to Ballae fOr Toledo, 0„ July. 20 -Whfwt-Catb.
barlal. Tbe body will be plaoed ta a I1.A2; Jaly.tTc: Stptember. flMc.
reeelvtag vaatt natll tbe retara of the Cbtoago. Aaly n.-Wbtat~Old Jaly.
aob fforn London. Uadertaber Aader> MMc; new Jgly. Altoc: new
ana bad obarge of tbeJaaerat
bar. t7Rc. Corn—July, diet
bar. 4A14C.>au«>I.i;.
4A14C. Oau->Jaly. Siik; Sap.
Tbe fiaarat eenrioe of Cbariet a tmnbar.. 32%e. Bapiambar p^ IlS H;
Pleree win be beM tomorrow afler- laid. SAT; riba. SAAA.
mem at S:10 ocioA from tbp borae
na totMb auato «ader tbt dlrecUoa of
t Bakar*bat raamad bit poM.
tbatoaaoM. Aadaraon bat charge of tion at drtvar 4tf tbc bach and toddar
■ aflar a waqklB vamdlon.
reart la 4be toaadry of Wright Brot..
to BOW located la Paeblo. Go!., wbtfc
be toforemaii la a large airam 1
dry. having tbe mantgeamat of a large
forco of help and directing tbe operaaoq of tbc basinett.
a J. Boyd has ttartod ta tbc draytog buttoem agato. rtartlag bto rtg
Vllb Mrt. Slikw. 21| Elmsrood avraoe.
tomorrow afternoon. Mr*. Kennedy
Spirllad Thrae Carnertd Fight Fcr
will bare tbe program In cbangD.
NaaUnaCtofi for TrtaMirtr--GaoOn account of the llkrold JanrU
On Her Wpy te Pwmm.
caaaa Tonight Will Shaw Whara
^nevrt tonight the bowHng match at
My Wire to tbe Bvenlag Reeotd.
the We-QufHong club bat been poetCandMitet SUnd in City.
Traro. Oorawan. Jaly tO.—Mra. Flor
poned until Monday nlgbL
ence Maybrtck toft berr today oa ber
Two new pprformciy have been
There will; be tome lnten?«tlng coa
pray to maet.
tattaSa the rcpobUcan county conven added to tbc Hot Springt tbow. In
ttoa to take pta^ la Steinberg * Grand addition to the vaudctlito tonight,
Opera Hoatc Friday aficjnuon. aad three will U* a Aonr contcft In which
tbc preliminary tkirmlfhc. will lake Hraaii boy* will dig for coin* with
place la the ward cau«ni»e!i tonight. iindr hand* ti«*d Ublnd them.
Fi>r over iwo monUu tbrtH) wbix'ls
Tbc most spirited Utile will bo for
the noDlaaikin of Judge of proUle. Uve been left nl police headquarters
x«*aitJng urd»T«. One Is an Ajax and
xnutlier 0!d King ami the owner* can
xvl tbofn by proving Ibrlr property.
The K. Ilagadorn property across
from the starch Caclory has biH-ti roH
to Jedm HewtaBHrt thn.iigb the N^-rlinger real extat** agency. The consldermtion was ir.T^o. Mr. llorsaAeW
a builders supply bouse on
the proiMuiy.
LOOO morbkUy curkmt poraons Mrug
glcd for potltlon* abenit tbe “grave”
ral vomeo being hurt in the
cmab. Harry Scrklll of Chicago wa*
taboo from blt.remiag place at Wolf
Lake park la wbicb be ^ lain In V
hypnotic Umacc tince 3 p
to Iba abipplag aaxtbe eaattra'ooatt and revlted at 10 o'clock |att nlghu
The coMo aeaa taken from tbe bole
barrledly teeklag cover. It It ex in the ground and carried to the plat
peeled that moet of tbc tblpplog bat form with ralted ucatt. one tide of
vbirh rollapiMd. rUrhlng *ron>* of
pcruooB to the gnnmd. Severul were
Injured bul none *erlou*ly. klamta.
the hypnolUt, then pmcetMletl i.. brlii,-^
Berldll I'ut of bit trance, toeniiiigly
with great eEorL The eubjcct wan
very weak but toon vat In a norma!
OMfft Hill> run.r«l.
'pondlllon menuily.
• tort. Oecar Lyoo died yotirrdty
noralng at her booe on ibe peolniult..
aaacyr belag Ibe eaute of ber dcapi.
Mia. Lpae wat aa ottlmtblc womaii
aad beddet leavlag a torxo clrrle of
frtnAi. rt* wi • kubind ud idi
^: e^Mrca to apora ■ «<»d, Inw wife
Md • ktad. tOTlat moihor. 8hr •!>..
lart o brotbOT. Chwlm lUllborg of
tbto dty. rad a titter, tort. Jolm
toperra. alto of tbto elty. Her aged
L . Ililbar to eUll llrlag in gvedea. Mr*.
|4Toa wat 40 yaarm. 7 mootht aad 12
day* M. Wbaa abe vat a young girl.
U yean old, tba oaBM to tbto ooun^ try from bar hoBW la Saraden. coming
directly to Traverte City, remaining
H berv ten year* and living on f b« peoln
r anla tweiva yiaJa.
Tbe faaeral will lie held fnim the
Ovedtob eharrb to iblt city lotnorrov
^ : dflerwaoa at I o'clock nadcr the dli^
of H.U carter,
, wm HWc •
|M '
Choice of about 1,000 yards of fine imported Lawns
and Dimities, have sold at 2^, 30c and i Qln
85c, Pre-Inventory price.........................
Ladies'White Vests that were 1.25, 1.60 QQn
• and 1,75, Pre-Inventory price.................. OUO
• l.adies‘ Corset Covers, richly trimmed, that were
125 and 150, Pre-Inventory
€. Wilhelm
We Are Showing the Fieest Line of
Negligee Shirts
^HOT WEITHBI sons OF lUi (Ws' "i|
lUMiiTw GurmiNe CO.
ir»iA. j.
m a ««Aeli ^miN7j47
to1«K tli» inc mr or tlw
mtar iM« a OMMxraUe
lou ara coaatod with pradkUoaa
*MI> tnM, Nrt alMt tka
tUaa as to ike aoccaanriil cai
HktMai MlkHoaM Ike matry data a mattar of apcctalatkm.
kat faMtka mwmmm cC a war wlik Robert R Waftor. preaeat ooa
aa4 »i«iMa4 a awptaB or $m.- clafk, U a oaadldate for rraomtaalbia.
^ MjlM. auNaIra oT
or tka
tk« iM4M.aoo
It li stated by kit tapportarm tkat
^^|ki4 far «ka Faaasa eaaal
U la
a Bot ao
MB^r wMaaMMlaa kat tkat tka raal.
4«li art teaOlar witk tka Baekl
tki B^MMag or tlMB la a 9ood ^
kaeaaaa tkaa tkay caa ba raaglly Maatttai at aU Uataa aad any rlolackm of
1 aoadltlou polat tewani
dldntet and both have warm worker*
la their lotereiitt.
Dr. Prank Holdtworth wlU be la the
field for the nomination fur coroner to
raerecd Dr. D. B. Chase. Henderson
Smith it the coroner from the ooontry
Candidate for Renomlnallon for Reg
and whether he wlU have oppoaltkm
liter of Deeds, with no opposition.
Mam tkat tka Roossaalt tide ta atroag
aad win carry aU bsCora It
bnt with the twp .rear stairways
doubled In bIm there will U- ample
The ripakMeaaeaiiensaa will he beM
MIgkt at t o*elock ta the earkam
warda of tka eity to nominate fieloRateelotkeeoantyoooreaUoa. Vrery
legakUoaa la the dty akould attend
ttaae oaaeasea aad take part la the
It has been n race with time t
to work completed In time f.*r to
night and while the finishing tou<
have not been made the work
have won out so that the opera hou&c
will be safe for the entertainment.
NCW HOfit HOUfig.
e. L. OfoMelc Riiildlfig Ona for Com
pany Me. Pevr.
€. U Qrelllck It building a hose
Imme for Hose Company Na 4 on
f Ike oeraer of DlviiSon and Bay streets.
The kotiae U being donated to the
V boyt wkick Is greatly appracUtad bv
; tkaat. The hoaaa U of good alte* and
HrtUd u« «Ut gir. (ho com
pfiay aa eBoeOeal place for their oaru
aad Ira fighting
OUVRCREAM SKIN SOAP, antiaiptlc mad kealing. Made rtpressly
tor the akta.compleiloo and bath Hk
dUe. tic tor S cakes. Johnsoa Drug
Op. W. T. Reskofgk. Maaager.
.|Md Jarvie. Tanor Retoiate. at City
Vbpera Heaea duly SO. Admlaaleo 15
Csndblste for Rctioralnstlon for
County Clerk.
The gft»wlh of the population of the
cnnmy gives the right to eh'cl two rlr
cult court eommisiiioiicrs. and the
im'si'ni t-t'inmUsloner. (L-o, W. Curils,
will ask * renomlnstldc ahlU* Amll
NtTMnger will be ilu» mber cnndldste.
R II. AUyn will be the candldsle for
surveyor again and against him will
Ik? K. P. Waterman wh.* was the denuf
rratlc eaudidate last year.
The want *wucum-s tonight wi
lively and the eimvembm kViday aft
ernoon *1111 livelier. The county emmjmign will be « lltiing prelljnlnary to
the gnml'presidential rmmpaign In
this section and fn*m this
|t may
be eipecicd^thal ibrrv w Ul be no tack
of interest
IraTcrsc Qtys New Shoe Store
A tM mmMM ««l«h«n4« tbol«r«r boU
a.4 eoafbdidri.
sort fIrfMt MiW kOK dt «t«l kM Md WaMi IM .bow M<
WOMVra iM bbMb U4 wM t» patMt bM Saa aid fcM laatbar.
«MbVAMBMVV*aaa..daM«daD.tW«..tb..OaaiMkteA _
» MPANTT abeaa aad donraalaa ta Mack lad m-f
Candidate for Nomination for County
war fund. 11c said .\im-rk-uu tlHlu?rmcn wrcKJid find gnwt plc^asurif at Jaie
aniwr fishing nrdorts.
**Mnny of tin* fifth flint live tunr the
coml rrefa of tin* simillcr iKlaud cnm|*n.
soi-onling lo hinv have the t«!.ub«r
mouth and hands of ulinust lu\ift.a4e
teefh. . itorgrous stripes and sikiIk are
dlsUnguliklug fcatun**. Tin* hittweV
hoof is a
Jap fifdi. Itn ei|HWM-d
nsked Jaws lest like the luH>f uf a
home: hrtice tke name. If han five |
strtiKw Slid in#bloriug follow« the stbmflsh.
Ike tJic SlaiDme and CldiHit... the
. nme'flshenueo have irain«Hl tl»e
cllnil.lng ftshor Urlta pugnnx tu Ik- Umrngllbit c»f the M*o. niul eurlinis iiintrlH-s
armngwl ttetw^-en owiien* tif Um-n,rnsrlne fighters. Thv nffslr n,inaU.r
Deafness Csnnet Bt Cured
By local applications, as they cannot k'audlclste for Nomlnstlon for Circuit
reach the diseased portion of the car.
- Court ConmlIs^iolu■^.
There Is only one way to
ness, aad tkat la by
con-i-H lifT in one of tl-o vill.nc*- luithim;
remedies. Deafness U cs
Httuie jcurgvoUK iH.- v:it U-lon;:.
named condition of the mucous lining |K-nln
of tke Eustachian Tube, When this lug l{) Till- rit Im »<t ninti t-f the rL.tv.
The mt or jHwil i.s fllk'l witli tvivi wjUri.
The fish are some im.i*i!lw in tmliiliig
and have a mieeial diet. In
the fichtlng liKlim arv douiei^licatej uml
can be taken out and thld tube re SiHvmlly tralnea
stored to lu normal coodltl^, heaHng
•m»e figlit U rt.Trted by flanlilni:
be destroyed forever; nine cases bHglit nietiil or a mlrrur la fnail uf
eff tea are catased by c
thHr even. Onllnrrily iIm- rsb nre a
h U BoUaiag
Bothiag bat aa laflam
plain, gray gn-eu cob.r. but wIm-ii they
dltlon of the mucous su______
Wo will give One Hundred Dollar* grt Into the thlek of tlw fray they Imik
for any case of IkmlMs (caused by like dartUig ralnUiws uul of tlu Ir rlr
caurrbi that emn^ be cured by cult. Tt.oy nrx- game and mm.Tlly fight
to the dejth.*'
lUll* Catarrh Corw "
lars, free.
SIr-l Ibw ArtUi Mnlf $A.y.
P. J. CIIENKT A CO.. Tolmlo. O.
OM I iM le'lU-ii xx;inn-d !.. b;ive his
ill s Pamlly Pllli for pHlllbKl. bi'il he did not care
•Ig thoot to Be oivse
90 and
If in This CUy.
Tke Trsverse City Rod and tlun
club bold a meeilni last evening and
derided to givr a Imiraameut Ai
to and 31. The KHtmameni will be
one of the (ilggest sbouU o%cr held 4n
Northern Michigan and a lar^ i
her uf ctpcrts will be bd?rv.
: • be
sabl. when the artist nauw-d the prire.
Tile srti«t ]in>te«tt«*d. and aMsunxl
him tlml. SF |K>rtrallF went, that was)
verj llltK- to link.
rnefe Ib-n hedltatcL “Well,*’ be
ssid St length, “botj^wlll It U- if I
rnmiFti tlic tuiltitr-'-tTilmgo Jounuit
KEEP com
East Bay.
What Place?
Ah-go-ia Re
Mmm wefiMi TMR
tlt-SO, IS Oiy BBS
M ay ttait '
$21.00. fer the scasM
TrnvMMCIty to St. Louis
. Thiiwffl indtnle medi
berth between Trireme City and
on aleeoa.
At Once.
Whokasthcdoieit lots lor
A F. Nsriingsr. C. W. Ashton.
Lae Hornsby.
a-se ..
Stesmen leave Travetse Qty
every Sunday, .10 p. a., and
Thimdayi, 6 am.
Summer Clothing
Of course you wwit to t ? comfortable during your vacation gnd thesa'gummcr months. Nothing wilt add ue
much to your enjoyme. : as a light, .ilry outing sulL We self the kind we can guarantee and just now we'
•sre in the midst of ou
July Clothing Sale
and that means all our men's, boys' and children's suite are being sold at FIFTEEN PER CENT FROM OUR
" •
Negligee Shirts
That are the **proper thit^." Good dreasers' tell us we have the best
name your size anywhere from 14 to 15 and we will show a doxen handM
are from bOc to 52.50,
they have aeen. You -,
to select from. Prtosa
A Straw Hat
A White Vest
nn an excursiom to Bowers Harbor
Thursday evening, losvlng dock at
T:to. Wyssomg'i orchestra will furalsk music, Rouad trip 2$ coats.
Men’s Belts ^
?AI»«»yo no*d them with your oammor *uH and :you
*Evmy beR a good belt
A %stn mads, ntoely toilaliad Lamm
•tot, milt seat tlwss, only $1 and flJB
8DC90K MOLOBD RBCXmDB tedaato teSi ceBUtoek. OrlnneU
in teste
Qlvw a man a ttewy appaMnev and many ««n turn «hI thrM. Cap afted tt udimt y«u can buy <m. for a
dolUr. Cot finer grade* at t1.S0. •2D0 and $3,00. Tliey can bo toem on aRyaccaaton.
pay any priot. SSe. S0e.7Sc. »1.00, lIJS ami tlJR.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewdtt and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organa J
mWtlmaL Qaatttr tka baat Ctf aad ka eaMtaeal
6,0. LEWIS “ir
Is abeolutely needed In summer and no store carries a better gsMrtmenL The Knox- etaads at the head.
Nothing further need be saM and the price is tSXXL The •‘Kingsbury’* is made In tour etyldk, eacii at |t.Sa
The PHneeton'* to a stylish hgt and sells for 50c. 75c. IIjOO and 51.5a Ths -Canton** to a wonderfiil ecller
at s wonderful price. 50c and 75c, Many men like the "Meni fiallers** because they seH for 50c af<T5c.:
Pliml BesakNi.
The first s^miloa of tke Bible conft
ice will bo4iHdiBfilght at llm ebur
rfObrkt, Dr. John R I«ounds and hU
wife. Mrs. Jessie Brown Pounds, will
Ghoiiie Meats and Poeltry
Home Made Lard and Saosases, Fresh Lake Trout
and White Fish ttwice a week. Tuesday and Friday .
Sokes witdi
ka wni aatlly get ike Domlaatlot
UMmgh Archie aiblit oT Mayfield kat
a eandldate for aonia time. But
tka preteot indkationt are tkat Mr.
Walter will get the BonlDatloii.
Thera will be no oppoaltioo to Praak
W. Wilton for register of deedt nor to
Gao. H. Crust for proaectnlng atlmey.
There will be a coniatt. howerar.
for the nomlnaUon for aherlff. Dep
uty Sheriff Chnriet johnion and Stl^
wRh Faiter at ike candidate would
*kagts wtck a toot race and end with a
aaat.- Tka eoantii faelt the aame
way and rafaaca to be alaratod erar
pfoepecfis of a ekaage of admlalttra-
tRher added precaatioa. Contracior
Walt has Ike work la ebane.
Aaotker aUlrwmy win be put la
lag to Promt street besides the wide
ome alremdy used. This wlU not be
eoBpteied tor toslght s entcrtaiameni
__ Is
‘ tKMWtkm; TTkat
pealitoo IM wbltgi^ rbiwimir
And her rsp>j w«: -Mr imimi poMtlasi Is on the c^lr. wUb the ckIM
beM Brmly acruasTny kimK
dewavard.* Bbe got tke eekgaL
IK MiM I U(f
ftom toe central oMm bacaoM of tbett
small statm afed lack oC Aesh. aad It
b«me a Adatom fei tbe maaM mini
wbetber fee was dealing with detocUsm
ffom a iirivale agesKj or with a
osTTkauKo. Be rmolTcd to And eat
Bla Arst move was to featt near toe
m hU IHMdg sr» trytiis to mi
mM Im A MU tiMt U« MlMlac
M ii loAlBi Mnr fiiQkAM* itet k* took
felt o«B tICt. Tke MUimdt:
•nrut wIB fea4 »r fec47 fei tfet Wu
1 «igt maU It MT kmanr
Mf. Oferm vat Ant nttoad ji
4aj MM vfeM fet «d aoi coo
AlMir. «la rooM vat amMad aad
Ifeo MTMr af felt femui VTittM oa tfe«
Ant MM oC A tabltt Md VM Mt torn
loMA It VM plaoad la aicli a vaj
tfeat aar oat aatarlas U»t rooM <
aot fall U att ll Mr. Canoa va«
hoardtag vtU 1^ vtfc t brother and
felt vlft.
Mra. Alfnd R
Maaaa. aad Mr. Oanoa ovat the
feoMt la vhiMi thtjr van Urlog.
lag feoAikl tt M AMtfAot Ha I
fedt iMt pajTMAt M tt jalf I.
OfenM kaa bata trorttlag alghU at
»a Oral 9food Oiafe ffeetorr. MtUag
feMab M .feaa aot bata woriOag
Maea a vaak ago Moadajr alght ovlag
UUIfeaalth. A pfejaidaa hat btaa at>
tita. altfeoagh he hat aot fetaa
I lb hU bad. Mr. CartOD loet
hit vlft lait Aaptembtr and ht ha«
hmdtd Otar that eoatldtrably at he
thoaght tfarjrthlag of her. It U
ifeoaght that vHh hte lllotat and hit
krra fbr hit dtparud vife he mar
have btoome dtapoadtat aad com
mltud tht dead while taaiporarllx la
What etnogthoM the theory that
fee hat oocaa^attd tolelde It the fact
that fee tnpdtd hit iwekata before
ltavli« ‘the hba^ Hit poektti
wtth a lltUt over |U la U. hit gold
vaUh. a amall book which he carried
la hto poehat and which cooulaed
Bible eertet. and hit keyt were all
lylag OB the bureau betide the note
Batldee theee all hit papert. Includloi
the eoatraet for hU hoota. receipts, a
pollar la the Maooabeot. tom No. «71.
for IIJOM made oat la ftvor of hit
mother, folalmt the order Kcb. U. IPOl.
Hit Amt aaUtrallttUou ptpera. at well
at other papert were all found In hit
fearaaa which vnt locked but oooM t>e
ope^ br the keyt found on
Wbea A Record repreeeoUtire taw
Mr. Maaat he tuied that bit wife notleed Mr. Oanoa lean the hoote yot-
Mr. Canoa waatoi u pay for hit
board Met week bat at he vat aot
worklag aad in Mr. aad Mn. M
rtdneed lo take the amaey. They han
aerer had aay words of aay klad
ererythMg hat alwayt >eM agretahle. poaad ton. Mn. Beratteln hat
apeadlng tome time here at the I
of bar panau. Mr. and Mrs. J. Btolanerer draak. U fact the aMear
of hit room thoved he was a Arm be>
All mMBbon of Traverse Bay tent
IJerer la a rnllag power. Then
1 anmber of ptetnret oa the wall de- Na. m. K. O. T. M. M.. are nquoatod
pieUag the Bible, the book with rw to mut at L O. O. F. hall Thursday at
o'clock to attend la.a body the
tlgloa oaoUtMat which he carried la
fiinrra] of Blr Knight Charles D.
hit pocket aad a Bible lay oo
Plene. Members of Traverse Oty
of hit wath tuad opened a
toat. No. 171. and all visiting Macn7k aad ab aad moat at paalm 71 whhdi
beam are eapacially Invited to join
looked aa If hp had jiiit
with them.
That he vat temponrily InaaM
Then were a number of emm In
from grlerlng for hit wife. hU
the Raeord'a account of au amnsei
liealtb aad not belag able to sleep, an
-be only reaeont that can be amlgacl parlor opened by F. W. WHcoi at 132
Front street. Mr. WHoox mys that
for hit harlag a dealn to make away
the parlors caoinin no gambling dtwtth hUatelf. Mr. MaAat aad eereral
vices whateveri all of the games being
others hare beea making a carefa)
approved by the dty admlnistratloo.
search for tome trace of the misting
Mr. Wilcox has leased the room for
man and hare been uneeating In their
year and he and hli wife will mak
HlorU crer ilncc It was learned that
their home here.
biothSn llrlng In Toronto. Cnnada.
a alao thought that he hat
at 711 Lake areoue.
’ the United Rtotot
it to have a new mml. It will <'ouUln the tame lniK*rlptlon. but lu or
der to conform to the coat-of-armt
the United Htates the “Ume'’ eogle.
It la called, urlth w*ing> half ofwn. will
be replaced with one whoae w itiga are
mQy rgteoded., projecting nl«re tbe.
bead. Got to tpmd out. Have more
to take care of now than we lu
New York Telegnm.
Candidate for Nomtaatloa for Sheriff.
a boiltieu trip to Ciaclanatl. Dayton.
O.. aad DeiroH.
Mr. aad Mrs. Eddy of Grand Rapids
are gueau of'Mr. aad Mrs. W. JX C.
Gennalne. >
H. S. Hall reiurnod last evening
from a business trip to Toledo. O.
Mrs. B. Lahym weht to Summit City
this morning for a two weeks* visit.
Mrs. L. C. Barnes returned to her
home In LoRoy this mom Ing after a
vUlt wiih A. Elders jmd family of
West Eleventh street
Miss Marion Rtib< ris of Traverse
City and MUs At'ces Knox of IXtrolt
arriv«*d In the ciiy Monday and will
spe-nd the summer at ibe pleaaact
Knox cottage at Bay View—Betoskey
MUs Maud Compton has retunel
ted b|g father, as they
walked honieword from the asnetnary.
to which Itoldiy-had just |iald Ula first
-U a fin
man. •*Ilow much did you g»‘t. fatherr
-How much did 1 get? Why. what
do you mwin? How much whai?”
atk(^ the astoulabetl pannt.
nVhy. don't you reuietulH-r wjii-n
Che funny old man passt'd the money
around? I only got lU cciiia--Ciil-
physkwl cxnintimtlon. The uo^ tur fluIshed aiul then antioumvd that the
man wuld not piins.
-Wliyr nsk.ll the nppU«-aiit.
-You havo tt varleoHc- veUi/' repllotl
the doctor.
-An* Is that all Ihafs w^ngr raid
the Wimld U» llivuuin. foigettiug all
cBuUou lu bt»i Imliguatlon. *’\\ by, I ve
earned luy living for forty years with
that vein in luy lejr.Tiu glad you loki nw- so.- said the
doctor, -now I ean reject you also us
over tbe age limit.”—New York Sun.
POlwl FMlttoa.
aot long befote he was Jelacd hgr oae
iff toe watchers, who aahl:
-Are yoo from Mr. 8owad-oo*0 ofa depoty cfeMf of toe oe-No.- icplted toe aohdfct of acta
sw at aa eod.--Ch
-but 1 beUere yoo are.Tbe detective malted faintly and clalTrtbime.
dtaagtd tbe convenation. AU of which
goes to piore that the aecret ocrvke ta
-My family.- said toe eelf coofoooed
aecret in more ways than one. else.
black abeep. -to fomoos for ItajbaTlag
But Mr. Macon waa a good wport
deocctided from famooa aaesatry. Aad
-No.-he sold Anally. -I've lost, and
I Ifeitter myoeir tofft 1 Imre deoeeoded
stay bomiL Good lack to both of
faster tbsa sny of the reat.---Baltl.
tm.IVria and Bfemma are mw oa tbe
- .......... !
Ogfofd. Ba. tbe Urgent congregstlon
In CbesUT pivsbyfefy. U sending three
of Ids children barefooted to Sunday
achool and chureh, aajs the BiilUdelphla North Aincrtiwn. He says:
-Our cldklren have always run tnre^
footed In summer, and as they went
that way during tbe week we tlechled
to hare them go that way to huiMlay
achool and ebuerh. Our rijjldrcn have
betn raised to go In.tludr bare feet, nitd
we c(.nsldor it good from a bygienlc
‘The Idea that we had oor- children
go this way to rebuke rich members of
the wugTvgation U absurd. But If this
did help aome persons not as able tO
boy shoes to a^-ud tbeir children to
Suiiday school and church It would be
a good thing.
Tbe Watson chlldm. Panl Grace.
Knox \and Uuth, the Mat a baby, are
robhal^ oungsteiw, and their liealth has
proved the value of the custom. The
chlldivn aud their devol
hours dally on tbe taw
gn-at oak In a noartiy field. Tbe little
folks are ju\*enile botanists and are
full of Interrogntion
ra* SMir in tas Trap.
A map who waa toe old by tea
jroan to be appointed a flrcmnn. but
Pndglng for gold In the anndt of wim pat hla t'onsoleiH'e to kIc^ p and
dnamed.be was young In applyluc for
mining wv.rtd. ChlcuKo (WirifnllMi
have piepanxl to *pi*i:d ii«*jirly fl.crio.
OnO in the devcluimient of llH‘lr plana,
and already have liegun l•u^dlllJ: llie
monater dredKee reqnlr -.1 In the work
CORNS. BUNIONS, inverted or club
loe nmtla aud all dUeaae* of the feel
•klllfully and <urce<fully treattn! with
out pain or drawing of blo(»d by Ar
ihur hudewlUke. chlrupodUl..
Cleveland. Ohio. f\>rty-flvc years
perleoeo. Refercncn from leading
cltltent of Cleveland. Patlcnta treat
ed at Ihelr residence or plan* of busi
ness by appointment If desired. I^ave
word at Johnaon s drug store.
fernwM sramaa.-miM atmaseof a srttt ^
kaowo Maad off toe caaM wf Hateik
-aad whoa too was dykM Md tbe Aao^^
tor bad toM ber alw hod only aboot oA >
boor to llre'toe atoed her daogbler to
bring her some green antoa She anti
op la bed and paiod two paaM
them and then lay bato wtth a t
Aed Mgk. «Wen.* onM obe.^rm i
teed that toe folks toot come t
aeral ohall have eooogb apple
Cam'idale for Nomination ft>r Clrv'ull
Court Conjinb>ioner.
from a virii with Manrelona relatives
Mnt. Mary U Kendail of Grand Hap
Id*, who spent wrme lime b.re lart
summer, is again at Bark Blare.
Mi>. W. Lyram of Cook-yewn. Min
nesuta. Is In the city vl.iting her *»*■
ter. .Mr*. S. Urnda.
J. A. Gifford passed tkroigh the
city today en hts way to Honor
Fred Munson went to Carp lake this
morning to prepare a cottage for cic
Thnsc who thouKht tbr Jttp a yap^
A triton moBtlr f*sl on mp.
r f ir the <% #*a»k a cap.And Uiat Ibr Kusalana had a snap
In vlpInK Xi|riK.n oft th«- map
from Ihrir ofdum nap.
In truth, tt »>-<ma * rntfur frapr«- pn.poflUlon f.ir tl»r i hap
\Vh.. H mlng to imilntttln a rap
Port Arthur ntid the
Arciciid lUm roars thy thund«-rfUp
Of iruns Itohind. th«- «ult rniia alap.
til tnmi he may hoar th<* flaprins 4-r.rriun m h«» s<-ool the hap.
pUcht of lirultt In the trap.
For nations raliMil in luxury^’s lap
•Ti* srii tu kivp this thouaht on tap:
In time « f |*ca.-r prrparv to acmp;
In ttm<* of war-lMJt. vrrPum s.ip
-W T barosd la New Yutk Ttmew
Cyni* Towt.sond Brady. Jr. a son
of Iho iiulfi nuthor mid omlor. beads
this year s chi.* of tbe BotytcHbnlc Instmite. Brooklvn.
das as red haired, though Jeers with
sonny locks are not common. liord
Mncnntey nrgued that tbe anti-red hair
feeling was an lllogiqil survival of
In ireteod red hall to commou.
la tbe speech of tbe ooontry a |m
ao dtoUngnUbfd Is called a -Dane.- in
tnriro ago upon Irish aoHUy the light
haired Danish sea rovers,
my brain yrt.Aristotle of old Greece declared that
-rerhapa.- anggeoted a Hsttfier. H
-he that has rwl hair to proud, envious got tired tooklag for IL--Ang»#i (Qa4
and deceitful.- AristoUc was^undouhtcdJy -dark tomplect**d.**
On tbe other liaud. tbe Italian painthome. It feaa no meter on It, and n»
sliade of red in women's hair and red may enjoy Its rays without
hair In 8|ialn to an aristocratic tinge, Mar
Orwell's '
as seemlnglj* ibrlvcd from the Goth
of Iberia. The SpanUli roy-1 know men and women,- aald
several mernTliomas -V. Kdlwn the oilier day, -who
I with fed or mSdtsh hair.
are food drank all the time.- ^
-Food drank- to a neW trrtt Bet
of Horace \Vali»le*a Ironic ll exprtwaea an kle« that U old. It
00 the future of the bal dewri:>es n ('omlltioii tlml Is notorious.
loon hate been recently reprinted. Said
Few uf us. IndisHl. IhH I now poopto,
the aatlrtst:
-I supporad ebr seaports to become who are couAlanUy goi-gcd wia» food,
deserted villages and HoUsborr plain, with the ivsult that their Hiteltocti.
Newmarket heath and all downs (but are beclouded and their bodlro feo.
the Downs) arising Into dockyards for numUHl Just as truly as If the excess
aerial vessels. Tlie ship ncaw Own had been liquid Uwlrad of solid.
would run thus: Tbe good balloon Dae
Tlie man who. bos his stomach foil
dalus, Captain Wingate, will fly In a
of food Is more or leas sttiiiefied. Hto
few days for China. He will stop at the
mind and muscles work reloctnnlly
Monument to take in passengers,
and aluggUbly.
Uls faeulries art
rouudered In a hurricane, the Bird of
Itorutlise. from Mount Ararat. The dulled and hU finUngs dradi-ned. Hto
iliffiTK only In degree from
Rubble. Sbeldon. took Arc and waa
bunud to ber gallery, and tbe Bbcnlx
ke thnt |s K«rged.
Is to be out down to a second rate.
It Is a 4x>mim.n arj.iliig that If yo«
There will be fights In the air with
are going to ask a favor of a man
wind guns nod bow* ami arroara.* llrsi fetx! him wrll.*^ The phlloaopby
Is good. The -well-f«sl” man U la,
•Foar iwStr«>ateA.
The coldest
on earth inhabited condition to grant anything rather
by loan is Verklmyansk. nitove the arc^ than disiiuic tilout IL He niU not
tlcvlrclc. In nurtbcnitlern Siberia. Tbe question «ir deny or haggle. Tukt any*
thermometer thm- drops to W) degrees thing from him but bla repora and
below xoro In January. Irot sometimes he will not ol.ject.-Clilcago JoorimL
rises to Sd degrees above xero In tbe
Ihe International Typograp)iical tJa*
aliade In Jnly. droitplng.^ however, to Ion wlU buUd a Ubrary at toe Prlotfto*
the freezing point on the warmest sum Home at Colorado Rpriagt. OoU fo ac
mer nlgtits. Tbe hottest place In the commodate tbe torge aumber of hooka
world Is tlie Interior of tbe great Sa preoented to tbe home by the tote CtoK
hara desert. In Africa, where tbe tber- greaaman Anros J. Cnramlnga.
library presenled by Mr. Ctmimlnpa
Jreytown.. Nktoragua. hat 30.000 voIumncA
Thii exclamation was made by Mis* l.ettie Carson, of 118 East Front Street, with tears in her eyes, when a
foot tape worm was removed in three hours, after her sufferina;, doctoring, dosing
and drugging for years. The Hot Springs Doctor cured her in a hours. The worm was exhibited in the Record office, with the girl and her father, Hiram Carson.
i <.
j j ||
Offices and Halls Crowded With Suffering Humaixity
Ori|:>ple3 Walk, thio deaf
Hundreds of people in Traverse City who have suffered all ihcir lives with Chronic Diseases, we are CURING THEM TO STAY CURED.
F^ice:. HOTEL. WHITINO. HERE U N TI ■_ J U I-Y 26r<i*° k-A*-r
^i,000 WIL.1.. BE RAID
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of thi§_paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Money at State Bank
v :vHOX SRRINO DRS.Ba!^.,«. r I .
We Cure Quickly, PermanenUy and Safely.
ComltatiN ud Eunioatioii Ffsi
lablc Afed ootiicictitiooi^ in opt affbtti to cute. If jnni Arc aMactod i
Dmi’t Hiss Free LkIhiifi.'
lilTH grgawos
Winitm Hewn on tbe
An tbe War Aemo.
atoad Ikat the work 6am on tfila
r «r a fmoat
hm^ of amU
mttmA UH> Mi fiOfi
pMirritlM «r Mr PiMoa
Wttkm Mr tMClMtlMglMMllMlatJM
MMtrr. Mm, OM «r two «Mi Him to Iom m « tt>« of Utfirlor,
*HMi»iprtTtlnMHi, l«t Marr PiMo (Mi wa carrr l< «kaa te
—>toMMMiHiiilaaiarl«lta partlcalar Uaaa; Wa art jraii a(
Mas tka akMjMI af tlMM. far «a kaoar tkmm to ka aMataIr raUiMIa Mi tlM r«r kaai Pfaaaa akialaaMa ai tMr taMaaihra 9flaaa.
Tka MaviM varMataavaai atakaa art aoli atelaahrair kr aa;
Music House
atatod that tkora
aamkar of gamaa tkal
laa Ualan OIvm UaaiiM Maoay
New Pwmp.
At tka ttoailag ol tka city CMkcU
taat etoalag. Allan Q any too. Ckartaa
Mariay Mi Mika Utnoy werf appobPoi fogttlar pplIoMaan. Doncan
HcUMklta. Prank UmUir and JanM
Oauaell alao ordorea Bielnberga
OfMi opera booae clo««i until repaln
aai ckaagaa ordarei by the building
kMIMioni conli ba made. Mr. Larilo
aialed tkat tkca cblof ^ 1^1^ kad
MaM an Inveatlgatloo and found that
aU tkat kad boon done by Mr. Btelokarg waa to make the doort thinner.
Oa kla motion, the boaae wna cmlered
la 08 tkat day for wklek
d be charged. They aakai
parmiaalon to tmo UU Ikwmo mooay
for the expoBMa of tka calabrmtkm.
After a abort ^Uaaartatloo oa gambilag
the raqaaat wan grantod oa
Mr. Olbka* naotloiL
R. McNaamra and W. A. Dean were
■anted a pmmH to erect a two^ory
bolldiag on Raai Front alreei, Tbe
building wUl be of ooacreic aai wood
and will be tklrty-tbrec fact high. Ii
will coat $11,000 and will be oompletai
Nov. 1. Tbe Cnvla Cigar company
wna also granted parmiaalon to erect
building ySHxlOO feet
deep. Ike ooet to be ifMO. TM Bvealag Record wan glrea permlaeloo to
building 12111 la the rear of
the offlee. the bonding to be used an n
waiting room for the canior buym.
A peUUon from property owncra oa
Imwood avenue and Randolph ntrect
anklng that the- nUlewnlk grade be
lowerea twelve inckea wna reciMved
and filed. The board of public worki
reported on the name mailer and It
waa moved that the work Ik* under
tke BupervlaJon of the city engincHr
and that the grade be bruugh
proper height.
petltloo aaking permUilon to
guide algn. giving the name, of
yood aayitig that It wna wot a magnetic
detecter. I do not care to any anything
drecriblng the new appnrntua.
•To maintain conatnnt rommnnlc*GEO. H. CROSS.
tlon with the shore at all times during
Candidate for IlrnomlnatloB for Proa- a Toyage reqnirwi nn nw»nnilus of cx'
ecutlnk Attorney.
la om« of tke moat Immoral of iho
devll> catalogue of attraoMoaa.
Jack-Well. I wouldn’t wonder If
you arc taking the right aland. I met
friend on the alrcet who urged me
to attend with him. but a look in at
the open door of the tent waa enough
for me. I haatenci away and gave
the price of a tlckel to the Ural clergy
man I im t to apply on hla aaUn. Ullevlng that to be tbe better way.
Jim—An* you aurr that he didn’t
uae that money to buy a ticket for tbe
Jack-Yon. iK^auaeJ saw him go
Into the do|»ol ami buy a ticket for the
^ view camp meetluf. That auroly
H. a
«w to tto band at doth. Qaarta
To tka Biltor of tka Breaiac Raccoputo .m b.
ori: I aakBlt a tarn llaaa la tke for*
of a «ilogaa tkat I wfah yoa to pat
pu« UKto
la tka ooltmai of tke Brroiaf Raeori. miort tkat tke United Butre gorcraDialofiia.
meat to to aaeume or to attempt to aaA oooTarmatloa of two aelgkbora
|abo« Wallaca a eircaa:
I Jaek->Jlm. dli yoa aae the show
I JlB—Yea. 1 itd. bat I bare now cotttrel wlretoaa telegraphy while I am
■wore oir fad will never go again. It aUre. I do not behevc tkat this goveremeat baa any totrntloa of trying to
attmaist rack a UOng. I think Ihat all
tke atorlaa tkat it to to do anything of
the sort are DcwMnper yams.
“All tbe chief tranaatiaatic ctoam
•hip Itorw. with tka- cxcaptira of tke
White Star line, have limtaltoi my
wirelm telegraphic apperato*. 1 don’t
know why tke ^lilte Stor hue to bold
tog hock as It to. Dnkws It to simply
looking for a chance to pay more mon
ey to me. As all the other lines are
equipped. It to becoming more and
more Indtopraeable to that line, hut
---------- JMavi
boato tke more
foe appamtoa
-1 kad four dlfferret Inriromeala on
board tbe Oampenia, but only one of
them to ebtoln tbe news for tbe new
Mme. Rha Kratu. beauty ap<«lalUl,
la compelled to remain over another
week, ending July 23. on account of so
many caJleTs she la unable to consult
with. Thla la poaltlvcly the last week.
Mme. RIU Kraua hold tlm-e dlpkimaa.
Graduate and aseorlale of L>r. CaU•arato. Barak Bernhardt’s Uwuty doctor. All latest nac^hanlcal and elec
trical methods used to remove aoporfloona hair, molca. black heads and all
imperfections of the akin and scalp,
facial maaaage. bust devt^imH-nt and
hair culture a ipeclalty. "Keep young.
WUl be bore onUl Saiorday. July 23.
Consulutlon and one treatment free.
Office Hotel Whiting. Office boura. 2
to 4 p. m.
Removes blackheads and moU-s at
one silling. ^*hy not assBt nature
and kcN-p beautiful.
Consult with the madam and Icara
the art of massage free of charge.
2239 If
Btneral Fn-ui-h soUilers. sur>lvora
of the Cblm-se expedllkon of
rtNqjonsilde for tbe stoterarnt that
General Kurukl. who Is U-adliig the
Jniuinese fonre In Maiirhurla. Is to
renllty hnlf Y'rcnch. Ills name, they
say. Is property spelbsl Curhine.
cortliug to the tilory of tln-se wddlers.
a FivuMi oincer. Captain Curi(|ue.
wldle K. rvlnu III (Yfli.tt In lH.'uk mar
rlecl n J.ip.-\uese girt. A m»ii was born
to them, who was given the Jit|wuese
name KurokL et»m-iHHimUu2 to the
Fn-iM-h Curique. Tills *^»u U Geuenil
Kuroki. i!aplalii Curl.iue dl«l List
year In Fraiu^-. UutU the Utot h- i-or
r.-M|tomdcnt wMh bis m>ii. who has slm-e j
U.'^'oiiie fauMiUH.
W.-Un .b..
.„d bcn.
has U»»it nn able and valued a^soclatc.
\ p <*1 man. a friend, a pmkI nelgha man of strong Chrlsilan chararter. faithful to tbe cause of Chrlat.
loyal to the church, and r<»ad> at all
I times to stand for the right.
' Ktwolved. That we lender his faro
lly our most alncere sympathy, that
we ea ise a eopy of these r.v^olntlona le
bo given the family, that , they l>e
transcribed on the books of this
church and that they Ik? publisbc*d In
tbe dally luiiters of this rily.
Ooo. W. I^rdle.
H. S. Hull.
A good, well made Hammock Chair,
E J. niighum,
C, 8. Vader.
worth the coat for one day’s use, will
Wm. Umdon.
L. Roi^fNH-.
last for years, for only f 1.
R. W. RastaM.
J. T. Shb ldR.
J. W. Slater,
Frank Ilolph,
F. Gardner.
Your Reliable Home Furnisher.
E. B. Mlm.r.
K W« Us.
J J. Bailey.
A. UolK-riKon.
EniSONHioi jVEir UEt'OUnS rr
R. L. Nye.
K. S. Johnson.
(lured to 3a cents each. Grinnell Bros.
ihe varioul atrreta waa read. The pt*Tke committee on ordlnanccw re- Ution auied tkal it would coat the aid you are any Christ Ian people go
Into the abow?
city about $400 to do thla work and
Jim—No. I didn’t aee any chriallanR.
tooUlei be Moeaaed. that eal:^ machine the petitioner offered to ereciihe algna
kMT a number on a auiuble beck at ao expinae to the city provided he but 1 saw quite a few of the profreukd whUa to uac and ihat the speed was given permlaaloB to use a apace
Jack—Did you have that subscrip
limit remain tke aamc. eight mllee an 12x24 on each sign for advertising
Candidate for Nomination for Judge
kimr. Aa the ownera already pay 11- purpoeea, the apace to U* sold to the tion paper with you to pam i»^orc
of Probate.
to .pledge
Mam. Mr. Dlbka moved that t^e city different merchants of tke city. Tbe Ihtmc
- themselves , ... _ _
gtiormey draft aa ordinance to regard li.B«ot«to.tr«..iob».tbr«-lorh|'"
’ „T.ilon«ltT Liirl. po,-r.
la tke Bumberlng of tbe marhlm
thiiu $:!3,UVt for each vinmk-I This I
line. Tbe petlUon was signed by
Meommmided by the committee. Car George IVIx'ury and on motion of Mr,
Jim-Yea, but they said that they ,
prebibitive. for tbe pneont
»rest..4s I think tbnt tbe Hteawslilp
Winnie It was referred to the com- could not plodge anything because |
Con^wnW nre sonrrely r.-mly at the
Tke matter of peddlera’ llceum waa mlttne on streeu aad walks to rwport
I ptvM-nt tliue for sueb itu outlay,
taken ap aad oa motkm of Mr. Bing
i “I nm most thoroughly ss sfli-d with
Imm. tka clerk was Inatnicted to furboard, of public works report? what I hare net^-iuplUhcil during the ,
akak a llmof ihoae that kad paid tkeir that It waa neceaaary to employ a
present voyage. We kept In eotuinuul- 1
Ikwaaea to the chief of police who foreman for tbe West Front street
cation with land tbrougboui the trip, i
and on Toieday and Weduevday wenupwold aee tkat the real did. Mr. G
bridge. Two propositions were made,
to tom-h with both skies, our lou^t-st
tkoagkt Ike tab peddlera’ llcenae waa one of John Kyaelka at $3.50 a day and
mcasage came from a dlstnmv of over
aakoikluat. hut Mr. Bingham aald one from John Larkina at $3 50 a day.
2J00 miles.”
wag the same aa the two Aih ped- Mr. Lnrdle moved that Mr. Kysclka
Tbe Conanl Dally Bulletin was pub
Alm Itod aakad. $25 a year. Mr. OU- he employed. Mr. Bingham moved
ttohed every day. giving tbe passt ngers
lat atoo tkougkl that ibai waa too high tkat the name of John Larkina be au^
an epitome of the news of tbe world. ‘
aad moved tkat the matter of the ■tltuted nnd he waa employed.
Tbe paiMM- te sold for r. cents a copy,
and aln.osl everybody from cabin to,
ink aad meat peddlera’ llcenaea be reTbe board of pnbtlc worka report
Blecrage rushed to areure tbe first copy
ftrrad to tbe committee oa llcenaea ed on the walks and cross walks that
Issued Wl:b few rxreptions #11 the |
aad tkat ike praaent ^laaaee be an- needed* ntteoUon. The report waa
pcKsc-ngers kept a complete file of tbe |
Mforoad uaUI the mntter waa decided. ndoptod and the walks ordered built
po|H-ni loMied during the voyage.
.Mr, Bingham brought up tke matter Mr. Bingham moved that the cross
Tbe paper was laaned soon after
Itvarymea employtng amall boys to walks be buUt of cement except on
drive beaca. Mr. Oviatt read tke ordl- aireeu on which paving to oontemaaaca akowiag that tbe drivera kad to plated aoon. He.showed how thU
ka Hakaaed Md that no pereon wader wouM be a aavlag of from $7 to $S oa
U yean of age should be granted a each one. Tke committee on claims
Heeaae. Moat of the drivera In the and aooovBU reported leoommeading
the aotlllng of tke claim of Mrs. 8cha
tay kad paid Jkclr llcenm.
for Komtoatton for
death of Leri Z. Leiter. the attack by
Tka pMple^oa West Ninth street fer of Eighth street, who waa tojnred
the Tibetans 00 the Brittob poet at
have beee oompiatotog beoauae about
Knngura. the arrival of qprtSlnal Batolclrens.
three weeks ago tke street sprinkler
Jack—^niat more eta you expect of IL the Cripple Creek troobtea and the
wai token off. Mr. Murray offered a waa wlUlag 10 agree to thU aad on
latest Jatvau<we war news.
dish-water Ckrtotlana?
iwaplMtlnn tkal tke city be divided Into moUoa of Mr. QihU thU report
ITic reguhir edition of the Cimard
)lm-No4klag at alL I wax not anf- Bulletin te an eight poge paper, about
ikirlcto ter apriakllng puipom. that
prised the totArvU.
fi by U Inchcw. with five page* of *n>lateMtular roatce be arreafad and a time
Jack-'WhaTdo you Ihlnk U the tca- matter. The fttat ediUon. which Was
mAadala for apriakting of the vartoaa ouats reported that foe poor commix
iamied 00 klomlay morning. Jane ff.
imtfieto ke made. Tkla reeolathm itaoere’ bill of |2)fi had keen paid oa
coatolned tbe news Of the akootiiig of
man aioptod oa Mr. Bingkam'a motion •oneherm.
-OaoMor Tonng and the boldlag of
variMr. Fralk ekairmaa of tke board of
Kan rattosm wtfooot halL Untn tbe
paklk worki. aald tkat there weren’t
CanipaBia waa past the mid-Atlantic
Jaek—I thlak that to leal the aist
aaoaffh aprtaklera to cover all tke city and Ike bills ordreed paid.
Tka maucr of Mr. Boont’k lleenMi oTlL I beltore tke ChHaUaaa and aU
^ Ike foae. and tbe alii was to
Wtakle ika inato travciad itreeU the for movlag kooaea waa kremgkt ap. reapratahle people of oar cUy oaBkt
Mr. OUtot «m (to opIalM He knd redaaad to pay It on acoooat of
mm A tot
»prtoklta« «*U be tke atimie of catting wlrea. etc, la
^Eto«ttbito ANMto <«itlAtoMt. 0«
«r Mr. WRMb (to bo«U at
. Pwreer Graham and two anaMaata gal
ike nkote aa the tnuwatlaotlc etmimera out tbe Canard Dally Bulletin."
a A. Haatk ^ CkoM fa Oaa oT
ana ao great ae to ke pmctSoally ptwMatt liamorai of Sataii*a Catakikitlre. AcoartkagtotketoTcatortke
^ toaoa orJkt^acHont.
to Bad owt foe bf«t way to gK
a o. Jorat oaa
gttaa ptMiaakai to iwmIm Mia m
{plat. Tka aMttar.ol opaalas OUkart
^ la mM amu Wil
atroat batwaaa PtaU aai Waaktagtoa liam MaicMl an!md at New Tort re- \ITwb ww kare tanwd la tke (
■la waa rafarrM to tke eommAUt cMtly^ on the OuBpaaSa. aaya tbe New to wrkDeoercr la la charge of tke paTmltTrftaM. Wkeaam at klakoM
•Mtfll A •ABKIt, ailifilgLU mnO%^ tOHUtR.
la M
Tkat aar ralaaa aia akaalaiair
iaoi, laliiaaai kr oar trMiloaa aai rmaMIr g^lag baalaaaa Pao>»a aaia kart atpaallM to io kattar tkaa •h&inmt aai ikay art
^Mvar ilaaapQkMai. Baiaf Amo Maatectarwa va«art ta toack wUk
Manr kraack a^ Ika kaalaaaa Mi kare a pcaltltt kaaviaisa of aataal
aaat, (roai tka t»« aMtartol 19 tka toiakti proiacL U aoaaaaaaaea
taa aaeara arary ptiC9 aoacaaeloa kaova to tka trait, vklck aaablaa
M la aaiaraaU all aikar iaalara.
A rafaaaai aaU at aar wararooaM win aMbla aa to aatiafy yoa ai
la Ika tradi at oar aktea. Or, If mart aofiraalaat, we akall ba glai
•a BomMMi wlik roa ^ Mai Ittaratara.
- . ..
>»• pmum W u.
*«• *
Mm T .. a. Ifn imtar vflM -Iul*
Tka Art cklar w^Mlkorfoti Io glra
Cuming Tim, to Hu*.
Ptapara YoutMlf Par H.
Ftor a Aort
or nau (tothu boUm. I wUI Mll.m haM
Muob-i Cuu BBd Cotub tar.
PtatCuu...'................... 40, to.
One gout Cuu.............. Mb to,.,
Two Qomn Cuu............ Ototoi
Can Oovera and Rubbere
at .....................................BOe
Jell Qlaaaea. 1-3 pint....S0c d«
226 Em Fral SM
Gxtraordinarv Skirt Sale
Tine Dress Skirts..
oing to have a dean
^ ^ Everyone knot
Skin stock of the city, and when wc
advertise a dean up it means that
it’s an opportunity you should take
vantage of, for no,.wonian has too
ay skirts, and when such an op
portunity as this 00c is offered you,
do not mim iL These skirts are from h
the foremost makers, and arc the ^
lest effects, and are what O
it righL Cloths nit ofajjp
r, Vanaimmn, CkawiaHr^
M/et.dfc. Come in seven 1
fn * n"e ^'ttulhed band., jrok*
Here are the price.:
tot CM ciobl Ctorrt BtolMi, SWrto, an 0^ ftotoCalMrM.
Rii ^ceiient Skirt at $5.00, lor $5.75
M- M.
^ <r tfct
: \AT
MiTa^ MM*!^
Mrir MMil Mr trttk M< mm
tai M MM tMr for a taat al
cawAat raltktia ^ aar tat tiu
I MAM A Mat rtc
a aM a itMlt Mat
Itr teMt trat Mt aa-
nm mmor «f IteMk las mm
Mk vitt • ilMi Itar Mkkw tiMpi
wt; te te tept or rtMtac tM dt7
tk» mrnumm pt mtw.
;tr \ Ttet Aifta «MT AT«IwI MkrU
Mi ova lat ni fk« UM «f
aniaiUjr .ay
MM «Mf M laarMtac M «dt Mr
iaa la Alt
a la Hit
M Umg
New Toik. JMy M.-A Bonalata.
HanalL Menu tke BmaM:
par mnatke tke caws of tke dk
of Kona, whkk M aloag tke aca,
baea dfy. Pitoe anws wklck la eew
eon oonM be depended apoa to gtvu
bomrtaemi aappHee of rich mSk. bare
depmida oa the ftfoagth of her (
for her daily bread, fbr some
liar U her oeeapatloa. rheamatiam. It
oaahle to aee her right ana. la fhet.
hhe ooaldat ralae It from her aide.
Happealag to hear Ue lecture cm the
dty market lot oae eveaiag she parchaeed a bottle of "Hot Springs Quick
Rellar aad the raealu were no asar
vohMli that she eoagbt out the A
ta order to teU khn of tt. She only
tauaded to etHke kirn a Ught blow
hot the medictoe had doae lu ^
heuer than she had expected mad the
ooBaeqneace was that the doctor's dlgBlly was almost apaei. No dai
was doae, however, and after the
pHae had woni away, he was moch
pleaaed to llaen to her story of>ow
■he had become cured, lira. Schwab s
addreaa U the comer of Seventh and
Union etrocta.
tiM paddittt. Aa aaaljrtbi ibova that
Ika Maat art all rUtbt
■Vtak llarutff. IHrlag atar Oxford
M a BtotHBoatkaaid oMId vbo bai
ttra laaftti. Tke ateoad toagnt be■aa M OMkt tti appoaraaoe a few
trttfca M. aad to tow well developed
Alfmapt u aair. tke aklkl It a boy.
It la oMSaod tkat Batoa eoi
itnoera are to bttiy banraattag fbelr
cfwpa ikat tke OuMda tklaUe peat U
mvel dinnar was given at tbe Uv-
on Avenue BapM ckBrek In Itow
nwick, K.
tke ntker eveMag.
acted by the membacs of the WomM Mlaalonary society ef the ckuRh,
•M the New Turk Tribnim. Tkenev•Ity STM that thara was mUM tn
tnted a ailt la the Jaattee
mt Ahant fbrty-ive ammliecs and aa
whlek kolh paniea wata Ihdl
■muy gUMta attended. A paMoard
4laaa at law. ■gktiag with 1
pMte waa Imadad to aach penea, wtth
attflrwM. Inatead of with bofwt aad tka SMaa paatod os ft and tke «a|y
MM ye
•Ughtfalty puiraae.
stHde toward MrU.
tfUA mee aad Cany Ftoa Schoola la
ratm tjvm a ■!««•» cfmita* oa abc 1 again opened my eyeo the ana waa
rick tnmt abtolatalr «rj. aJtt
waa ecftala ao bimaa brias bad appraadhad tbeai dartac Ue eicbi.
detaUs of the wnvk.
Tb* aaplaaatloB baa baea tat
insL at lenaL In the opinion of aome ■he was >mded with Austrstlaa wdof the flvmert. and it has coma from wood and
. could not aink beyond
h-* a oertb. aalltaa. The faMaaad aad al- ,u»rror n^tli aad noniha Tbr«
latmdarr mllkauld*’ flriat Sab waa oome wrrekagv' oo her decka, bat
baa agate ratahmd to the ahoroa of maata and yards a<M booms bad gooa
Hawaii and nre^ plying their pncalter clear of bar aa they fell. She hod oHIt wna only nfur the natives had
been given n apadea of the nhlrd degrm>" by the aosplciana haahaaf
that the explaaaUoa was given,
ancient hative was roapoailbic for It
and he la solemnly corroborated by
every other native of the dUlrlct.
Aecordiag to them the waters of the
Pactgc contain a strange species of
flying ash. which thrives on milk
alone. The native word translated
means * mllkmakU.'' These dsh. say
the natlvea.dnit appeared In Ihc latter
part of the elghtoeoth century
were supposed to come from the
shores of Australasia. They have long,
pliable snouU. and when once In ac
tion cannot be detached.
Their plan. It Is sakl. ts tn swim
through thp surf quietly to the shore
w^ore. by Jumping up In tbe air. they
can discover a herd of goaU. or sheep
or cows grailag on the sea grass. They
then arise, as If In ordinary flight and.
as If prearranged, certain ones end
their flight on ceriaia animals There
they dangle until their thirst or hun
ger Is appeased or the supply
short. Then they swing Ihemselv^'s
? and at the same time gain the
Impetus which enables them to reach
the sea again. Once In a very long
while. It Is aald. one of tbes<- fli<h Is
capt nix'd bccauac he Is so greedy Ihiu'
he cannot fly at all after hU meal
The cowa. It is said, never hec'l
their strange milkmaids berause th?
flutter of the wings of the finh pro
duces a current of air most plea.sli;.;
on a warm night.
That Is the explanation given by the
natives. Some of the farmera pn
to believe thia. and have surroundei
Ihdr cowa with gill nets. Others are
not doing this,
are guarding their
cattle with shotguns losdcd alth fine
. which Is sun'Jy not a bait for
flylag or any other kind of fish.
proving theoaorivea to be the *nnLiner»
nr the natiaa.**
Bange-^nny aboat you.
tnghed at though you would n
that joke ta the aecood net: but when
1 toM irte jroa a week or no ago It
didnt arem to strike you na
-I paid money to bear that
Joka at the theater, wtien you told h
tt waa ant nought hr me. Peaple pay
far •dvlre
ndvlre fRNB
fiam tbe doctor. M
re no nan fqr gnstaitoaa nA
tied down nnUI her scupper holea were
only a few lochea above water.
I waa sorely In need of food and
drink, and after a few mlnotea* work I
Into tbe pantry.
Wlien my meal had been llnlslml I
began overboollog tbe mala cabin. All
tbe cbaris and naotUnI InstrumenU
were tbere. nor bad any of the spare
riothlog of the oacers been taken
away. I found tbe tog book.ami. Itmugh
1 could not read French. I made out
the latitude and longlltide last recorded.
I a-as so tired and exhausted that I
akpt the greater portion of the first
day. but on tbe seimiU 1 made a more
tborougb ovrrbaul. In tbe rear of tbe
captain's stateroom I chanced utK>n a
fS.000, together with Jeaelry worth
61.000 more. The plunder was In two
tin boxes, but wbetber It belonged to
tbe captain, the ship or to other jK'^le
I found nothing to signify. It was a
grand fortune to a |»oor sailor, and 1
ivnietnbrr that 1 octixl vrry foolishly
over the find. 1 »x>unied it ov.-r and
over again, and when I ut Inst rvsilned
that I was rUh I rusluil on dctk with
a wild hope of se..ing a sail ch»se nl
hand. But for the money I lirlleve ih'nt
the long days and dreary nights whhh
followtxl would have drivim me lns.nne.
There waa plenty to rat and drink, no
dsitger of the wnn-k going down, nod
-Ibo weather was floe for lire dnys out
of seven, hut I felt my isolation more
keenly tlmn I can descrlW. I was out
of the track of shkts. moving with
wind, wave or <*nrrent. and the a«me
eiupty horixon green'd my view day
afUT day and w«s‘k after we,'k.
While I became listless and discour
aged and almost lost l»ope. I stilt kept a
record of the days as they passed .Ac
cording to my record. 1 had l>eeu on the
wreck forty-nine days when I sighted
my first sail. Very likely ships liad
paased and repassed without my see
ing them, as I could set no signal by
day and always sW*pi straight thnmgh
the night. This asII was dls<'overcd
early one tnonilng coming fmm tbe
aoutlu and her course was such that
she most pass close by. Wl»en 1 noted
this I put the plunder Into logs atxl the
bags Into clothing and after that had
bothlof to do but eat a hasty break
fast and wait.
The bre«e waa very scant, aad It
was above thre^ hours after being
sighted that the strange aall drew near.
blown far off her course by a gale
which I had not frit at all.
8be waa within half a mile of me
and bad act a signal to gladden my
heart when a big whale suddenly broke
water clow to the wix'ck Half a min
Vte later bo was followed by a second,
which attacked him wtth great fUry.
Tbs monsters put up a terrtfle battle,
lashing and bRlng each other and kicklog up a aea like a gale of wind. They
at first drew away from me. but after
a few mlnotaa made a rirck which
brought them back agkln.
What 1 had feared from tbe first
ime to pass after a quarter of ao
oar. Half blinded by pain and fury
or feeling himself orennatohed sod deMroaa of getting away, one of the
Whales noddenly whirled about and
wreck bead on. He was
funy eighty few long, and
All l^ett Mechaniem] and Electrical Methods
used to Remove Soperflous Hair, Moles, Black
Heads and aU Imperf^iont ol tke Skin or SaJp,
Kadal MiMage, Bust Hcvelopinent And H^
Culture a Specialty. ONE TREATMEKT and
find tka wrnck a boll no longer. It
waabntabaapof flooUagdWNia. Tbe
range nblp drew neater and lowered
a boat and I was picked np at I dung
toaptenk. Tbe money waa fooe. and
gn ctet knt |be ttabam which ownpowddincnrgobadgonewttblt My
•dventgra, nnrprlM an R had begun,
bad ondadto a wny to eattefy tbe moai
nr Watertoo oa tbe i
of tbe battle.
wm Be Here One Week lonfcr^Endlnj: July 23
Oflice: Room 31.
Hours, 2 to 4 p. m.
tion ww.about to a/ljoum before tele
graphing. He oent bla tcicgram to his
friends. Sheehan and Hill, when bU
nomination wo* beyond recmil. and
BANTA CANT STAND FOR JUDGE when the convention was belplevALTON PARKER
-In view of this action, the act of
Bryan In IDOO. announcing ht fon' the
numlnatiun waa mode that he would
Always Voted Demorcotic T.cket— not accept It if It did nut declare for
Eighty-four Out of 100 Bankers
free silver.
Declared for Roosevelt.
N« w York. July Tu - On n t.hlf« (Hp
hv liat!V.rr> .attvijilliig ihr ftaK- exm-,
vrnjioii a siraw vote wa^ taken for
|ir.-.-lil*Mii <»f the rniled Stater. Out
of th« numlM r v..tlnK k1 nmirtcil for
RooM'velt. IV for Parker, and 3 were
tindi'Cld.'il- Of tke Ur wc'velt men II
wore Cli xHand democrat*!.
ThtXMlon- .N’. naiita. ln a.Muror of (he
Nem York Life lnKuranc<- company.
wht» wan appolnuxl civil service com
roUhInner by Mayor l>iw. haa Issued
a ataieniont. dt'claring (hat be would
not auppert Judge Parker, although
ho had never In h!% life voted for a
repuMIcan candhlule. This year. Hanla
h.- will Nuppnrt
allow, the pro
hibition ewndiOate.
• I am a gold dem*icrat. and 1 ex
pected to Bupjmrt Parker, oven os a
colorles-8 candidate. ' wUd llanla. “but
1 cann<»( tupin rt a nomination made
by trickery I am dl>>gun«*d with Par
ker Not only did l’a.-k« r not ahow
courage in aending hla famims dialiatcb. but he displayed the calculat
ing cunning of l»avid B. Hill.
-I think Judge Parker * anion despJeabTe. He mailed until the conven
to have
B«t tbrtc
^t^ aad vnSom h^ih for the s^
there oaa be BO health for tbe child
ncrona the eek and Into tbe aea be^
yand. 1 hwrd the trash of pbuika and
about by tbe
tbe whale aa ba
tbe auTface to
Holding three Diplomas, also Graduate of
Dr.Caissarato,Sarah Bernhardt's Beauty Doctor,
WeUater aw« Jeawr IJwd.
n.e follow ing qualm uxory «f Daniel
T^eimP-r and Jenny Und U told In
W at^l.ingion. the rnpltal aiy r
It ehaiK*ed that on the diiy of
Llml'a aw
ood menate wen- the giuwla
at dIniM'r of tbe Uawdan mliilKter. and
tbe coiMvn was half over when Wcl>^
Bter and the other tueoibem of thi* fuir
lind vul»%U1cd the iMxviid p.nrt of the
ix)»cert wn* op4*ned by the girttvl
Swede with -Hall, C-olumblar .
l»en»ly moved by llie patriotic air.
ckMU' of the fli^ veme
hh rh h. mmorx>U!« vol*^
the chonia. Hill wife, who lot U'hltMl him. piilhHl at til* ixtnx (nil to
make him stoii ninging. but at the
clo«e of each verw the volunteer
Jolm-d lu, ond uot»c r-ouM tell whether
UwL Webster or the audleiwx* was
ioat dellghUxl.
Ah the lart noti's of the m>ng died
away Wele^ter. hat In hniul. m.idi' n
profoiii*d bow to the singer. Jenny
Lind.-blushing nt the honor, oourtesl*-.!.
while Hie audience' opplaoded to Hie
eclio. Webster, not to be outdone In
liollteness. how«Hl again. Again. Lind
courtesled. the bouse applaud^'d. and
this was rej»«ted nim* times.
Tlie use of the word mess for dining
room Is s remnant of a custom quits
.xwnmon In Anglo-Norman tiroes. Mesa,
from the French roetH (meat or a dish
of Lmd) atid tbe Ijitln mensa (a toble).
■pored in common
gists word ~comfor four persons aiding at a
•pamte table. Guests at dinners and
her cervmoolal occasions were dlrldgeneral convenJeoce Into such
f'Tom this lbs word came to be used
as equlvsleot to four In otlier matters.
Shakespeare speaks of Henry's four
sons ss a mess, “7l*brrr are your mesa
of aoosr and in -Lore’s lalioFs 1x«twe find, -I confess that you three fools
ors art olwojw catered for In cnmpanlea, accortllng to rank, tbe surrlvsl of
the word among them Is quite tuituraL
Tbe same practice ts stUI matetatecd la
tbe Loodoo Inns of rouri.
soch a* BO other reawdy for thr diacaaem
I Statue. 'The Eagle
I eatt at Trann* Cttj. Hn. A.
tenet by titoir Imgfnl
aad make oat that .1 waa ateagaMe the
fbr It Milk haa artaen to a prei
In the diatrict and oosid not be oh- hancCBTceaeL I had acni«^ nmee to
do than lift ap my hands amt oaiaa
inhMdataayprtcuthe low ran and draw myaelf aboard.
Katnially the thieves were mm
1 had found a dmelict bark. Her matea
•d. Tke white tarmcn organised
ware gone aloae to tbe deck, asneh of
ber bolwatka awept away, aito I knew
Bight after aight brought forth no re^ Iqr the feel oC brr that she waa watew
Uu. Costs which ahoaid have given k«fd. I took one glance over her
and then dumped myaelf down on deck
«•!»«« l» tk« BonlBi
and was asleep la flve secoadn TVheu
Old Bok. aae of the haat kaowa Me
V taHMl«aa.1aMd.flewimtkei«o|i.
^ artjwrLMIordamdlln.Mia J.OrakaHMUe,9rMuakMe.lM«r.aai
^ V araiT uarcicr #ko haa aupped at the
An h^'aMMMte
niuaa•d fium wh^ neemed to be a troaklod
Night Wes Mar Tarror. .
•I would cough nearty all night
long.** wntea lira. Chaa. Applrgato. of
Alexandria, lad., -and onld hardly get
any ylccp. I had consumption |k>
that If 1 walked a block 1 would cc
frlghtfally and spit blood, bat. when
aU other medicines failed, three 11.00
bottlaa of Dr. King's Now DIaeovery
wholly cured me and I gained CS
pounda.*' It'a abeolutely gnaraateed
to core Coitghe. Oold^ La Qrtppe.
» aooB all the fama
Broachltla and all Throat pad Long
of tke ooaatry wOl be orotnia witk
blea. Price Me and |l!w. Trial
tbe weed.
bottleti Iflc at Johnnon'K drug store and
JOba Bambain of Martoe City, a dc>
F. H. Mead's drug store.
rrapU Bjaa of 13 yearm. aad bto wife,
aptd M. bllad aad helpleai. hare com
aitaetd a auU to art atlde a deed of
their property gtrea laat October
Oen. OsvU Pieced Large Order for
h ;
Jakua Broao. They set up tbe claim
Pennine OlatHcL
p r Ikat tbe'datd was glrea with a life
Washlnxton. July 20.-0en. DavU.
latao reaenraUon, and apero the uadee
ivcraor-gcncrml of the Panama canal
r ■ ataadlac that they should be Uken
$ *
care of daiiag their remalatat years. strip, haa advised thr Panama canal
mission that he wanu 100.000
Tkty allege that Bruso has not kept
I :
hla pan of the agreement, but baa left yards of wire gause to prevent mos
guUo Invasion of the none, Oencrnl
thtai doatitttte, even uklag aoo
says that this will perhaps be
4ha fkraUare from the honae.
Lyamn Topping, a well known Nllen the largest order for.momjulto neltlag
-,an. went tshlng In Barren lake and ever given. He recommends the use
of steel wW screens not coarser than
In Uklng a blue gttl off the hooJ
iagor waa jirtoktd by a fln. Tbe band 17 meshes to the squara Inch, galva
awtUtd iiA aad In order to nrold kick nised. Admiral Walker sufoeesu that
copper and brass wire also might be
Jaw. the hand will bare to be s
utilised. For tbe bospItaU 20.000 yards
Leaawea roanty lioasu of four win be needed, while for screening the
krothera. Nathan. lUrrcy. Oniardus houses along the cMl sone 7L.OOO
Working Night and Day.
s win be required. Two thousand
aad Henry H. Nanh. nil llrlng. the oldle bualcat and mightiest little
ott holBg 72 mad the youngeat 62 year, yards arc to be used to prou'ci the Do thing that ever was made is Dr. King's
of aga. They are all proapecoua cJilNew Ufe Pills. These pills change
Middletown—1 weaknes to Mrength. listlessoeas Into
B, R. FVrgnaoa of Ooldwalcr recent
would not keep bouse without Hollis- energy, brain-fag Into mental po
ly celebrated hla dghtyelxth birthday.
ler*a Bocky Mountain Tea. It's a They're wonderful In building up the
; > ^ Tke kjprgnaon family are noted for
great family m^jQclae; has kept my
Magonty. ellld out of a family of ten
family well the past ten years,
. aun I4{lag. |ke Meat Is a R. rcr- cents. Tern or Tablets. Johnson Drug
gaao^Ue ytfegeat. I^cy A. Uby, Co.
fei it. l4ey were aU born and ralM la
Spitting In firat-eias. hotel and pw».
teUTunt dining n>oais and In railway
Lsrwe •alary msr a leer.
Hifkk the trnSi. and If you've erei
earriagrs ts no longer considered to be
Sfrera) mine owners In romblnsHon
iMknoe df tbewe lusdous. boQgbMn hatr>OQtrsctrd with Henry Zachary, raflned: It is only in dabs, where a
I bam aaadwicbce. yn«
ong man living at Lockhart. Tex, few IncoiTWble -kooten- (cadai or
editor of tbe Ux
0 with them to AMaka to kxwte olderty gentlvn^n main tbe tradlUona
of tbe past tn lUls particular. A eoni be anya: •'One of gold vHns for them, saya a Galrvatoo pie of daja ago a conTupondent of tbe
I bnyerx. who admlu that he Mrial dlMtch to tbe Chicago Inter Benin IxJkal Aoaelger
rhat of a liar, aaya that truth
of ten years, for which he Is to rrerive onshinght on the hsidt
^ pan In a I
lioaoooi They believe that be has knife Into tbe mouth at mea
I In a railroad powers of dlvlnatkm and any that hla ocribed tbe effect oa a foreigner who
ablUtW tn this dlrertioo were dlecwr* had frequented hlgh-cla« nwuamnts
with him. and who was oo borrlflrd
Tke '•eternal lltneM- of things Is eved a year ago when he wan taken to that he exetelmed. The Oermsns In
Itfgtly a myth. But h Is not no al the gold fleklB of Osllforain and Colom llteoe matters are still savagesT* The
~ vaya. Here U a cane where there Is ■ do. where he unerringly locntvd veloa German blnshed at the Mea that a fhrof gold. In performing hla wonders
« ja tt'la al Hdensvllle. What coold he cnrriM with him a eleoder rod, in eigner eould say such things of hla
mntrymen, and tertwuuendad thaibe mare approfirtate than that tbe pa- one end of which Is net a piece of the
Chlldren at orltool and picnics mnat
W l« tkpt vttlage should be run by a
out matol. and as be pannes over a
be tattfht tbe proper way to eat and
woman, pr rather by two womea? The
■oUloni mnst be shown in their Iwi^
. ^
U a new veatuie. and Mrk 8. L.
racks bow they are to ronsame their
]^Hkinaa and Ukm LOy Boos are the
food. In this matter the lieutenants of
the army have a good opportunity for
almoat paAmtk U aoU the dee of the
red aaa. fM hh
mnde mt nMrt. bat after that 1 feH a
daU laagmr and wna nM half caw
Bpriagt Mar vat Um Tia
blow ia tbi cbtit Mr*. %iiiwa 1
«M> «w alckt UW
fM tto
Mmtint. Tkm«Ma,q«riin»
lac at Ikt tl«r. aad. Ibaack ISM taM
at a a«t ttaac at aa. tbe Me cmH
«pe«or ^ atttlaf la Mi Mat A
Milt GMk M takta ktr fMet Haul WMUas wkta Mrv. Harr
MMf «ki tM tttSa «f tkt auit. Tlw ■Mali talarad aai vUlMiat aajr pra
T. V. e A. Mra iMt It MM M fha
M fMaCHtii M foiMM tSAt a M
«t Ma lor fiorldag It tkt btnrttl
Yla mr mM tf ti. tatpii kti
tptfWaetd t ctaM tf Mil. ttd
%m rwoliai Ue orAttaet Mr vkleh
tteM MMtrt MV to W IImM
M vtH iMM tkt IkMMt Mtr tlfMr ptl4 It,
KkwnW.MttreB.t.nto.1 .
tt «M V «S «C BIlllllWII «■ w
Tkw L—MSS mm MsAlela*.
Tbe value of lemsns In tbe tfcntmest
now known to be very grat The twatroeot te to begin with one or two a day
and gradualljr Increase tbe number, do
one case of rbeomattea twenty-ivn
IteDons a da/nretr tbe dam for a time.
Aa a preventive of Uteem. kowever. a
half a lemon a 4a/ Is aU that nbonM
be Ub»-4bat isi If taken ovety day
year ta and yter ovL A half a lemon
in a cup of hot water taken ao boor be
fore brenkfast (wHbout any ■ngat) erlU
tbe darkest of dark brown
itb. If you nmke a
uctlceofnaitegmotetortterniMnnBnr than 18 gaod te ynninkn Ismnn and
bot tenter rr
Ovur First NaUonal Bank
L 8. BBYAir,
tech. tan. emateiittes.]
bulldinc. CorrMP€>fUUiitaM.a
Kill*. Grand fupidk,
Officul Market QuoUtioos lif pri.
vale wire, direct from New
Yofk and Obieago.
Trmm Mi OpWtWig
Uphobtonnof an Kin^ F»-
Soas Real Estits We Han For Sail J KSSK&isFst'sgsr
Largo baaaa mitb amall bam.« foot
tot oat ar tbo fomai ptacaa ta Btato
tlrttL mfi to cartataly odtomfi qpnr
•*Tou know that I om a Poltob Bo
GOtboUc.** bo aald. **aod a native
naw. Toa oaaployad mo two
yeara ago whom I waa aori for to pot
ta my tana for military aonrteo. Toa
kaow atoo that I hato tbo thought of
-Bat for my poor ol^ motbor I
Mid not bare tefi yoa. 1 would have
A repnbUoaa ward cancof wll) be
bold ta Ward No. 2. oa Wo
reatoiiiblt, •MfiO.
Lota 14 and tA block 1A NaaMfo
Lay A Ct.to flib ad^Utiv titaated ta
po^a? So^aTySSagatea^ ^ Watt 71b ttretL tafga nliit room
ooanty coavoatam to bo bold ta Bteta- heiitt, good ttam foMdatloa, ali ta
borg*a Oraad Opocm Hoaaa, Friday aftMrStaL Tbto to oa a
80 foot ItL tavgt hoama. flat tocakloa.
aad ebtap atttJDQQi
Na. fiFI Walm^ Mreat, 84 foot lot.
M Of lb« stTMito or fteBU. Her
I vlik to trmil to tiM bottMoM la
Mor ov, woe gratUM Hm 4kS
M obt 4M
toov bow te
bO •odjrt. woold fM oe
•vblHWt bK. It tinkat be eoM tbM
bor tMMortto^^Wotortoo are Ten
mmUrntL All ebe roeoUeeU to that ibc
baanl at tbe Uaw oT tbleret cootaf
oC vpoabed t^Beert* tUiferv to iteal
OoosrpMiao Wade of tbe eeooaC
V fwslatlT la tbe latter role doee be eboe
adraatage. Dae of bia beet etorle^
(^<«boat a roaag bulb wbo took a aack
of ^ala to aa oMdaabtoaed mlU U
bate K gmmd lato aMal. Tbe poo
dema vbaela rerotred ao elowlj tbaf
oaly a flay atrwaa oT oieal trioblei
, IMtjr. arblle tbe y^ag laaa paUeaU>
vatied: Flaallr bia patience waa ex
bawled aad be oamplaliied to tbe Bin
ler. -Do yoo bbow.-be Bald.-I cook
Ut^Ur tbaa yoitr old mU:
BOB grlBd U.** -Ybi.** replied tbe Bill
ter. ^‘bBt bow loBg could you beep oi
^OBtlBg Itr -1 could keep oa oatlag I
BBtU I atanrodr waa tbe eoacloaln
aaswor or the yoBBg nan.
A propoaltkm to boaor tbe neaon
or Klrlcwood« tbe war goremor of
lewi^ wltb a iulag OMHOorUl te Bieet
tag arbb BBlrwraal fbeor la xhe hawk
I aute. Tbe only Queatloa la aa ti
rona vbleh tbe BNWorial abal
Heir KabHlb. tbe Bobealaa tIdUl
tac who latelr r^red word that h
waa tbe prood father ltd twtoa. U aai
to bare BMide over IMO.OM In tbe tea:
three ycara. With eome of bla grea
eonUagB froBi bit riolln ho pttrrbaaec
Kolta CBBtle. Bear bla naUve place, li
At Waal Folat it baa been decided
that we tal^eadet Bay go lato tbe oa\
Blry. becanae be amat lack tbe agilU>
«r tbe Ideal boreemaa and mnat pron
a bardea to bla atead. • Bxceaalrt
wwtabt,** aaya Oeaerml Bnrtoa (laapeci
or). *ia rvlDoua to a borne. U cumber
aoBM to a rider and wenkena tbe cn
dtaVMice of tbe indlrldoal/*
Geneml William Booth of the fiahra
tloa Army on re explained bti theon
or getting work done. -They cnil me
a pope aomeUmen. I reply It la th«
oaOy way. Tweaty people are baade<
togatber. aad alaeCeeo are for takiny
tbtaga eaatly. aad If yon leave then
to ibeaiaolvee they will take tbe eaaj
path. But U yon eay. *Oo: that'a tb<
paU.* t(iay win go. My people non
WBBI add wait to be commanded.**
roderewaU. tbe faBunn planlat. aay>
bbi gagera are aa pmloua to him a*
lire, for be could never play if be Ion
say of tbeBL He makea laanraac
f tnm time to time to cover apecla]
rftka. aa when be la going on a loar
Journey by land or tea. but apart fron
Umae. bU two baada are regularly ua
dtrwrttten from year to year. He pay»
9ijm annually la ihU way. with tbf
reeuU that If anything went wrony
wlU one of bU predona banda at an>
tteae ao that be'conld no longer earr
•a taeome by bla playing he would be
pgid mfiOQ caab dowa by tbe tinder
ftcBdi ebeb have bad tbelr daya tr'
Kawpoat. U preacmi plaaa carry Urntt
ndtt be few of them preparing food
liNfO ta tbe future.* or In New Yoii
. BgMmg tbe cottage net Tbe pay la oor
«r Ibe gnetUoaa debated, aa wen at
the eDattaBaoce of aattag aueb rict
land and tbe Independent Bmanem of
Ibeae bigb wtarled ladlviduaU. Mn
: Wtayeeaant Flab began tbe war by dia
peatlttg wlib her chef, and baa brought
to tbe Oroeawnya n woman cook wboac
^ ««b ta prepnilag food baa beta kaoe*
' •Otefaetory. There U ao trouble U
; tarn. Fteb* kUebea atooe the ebaage
waa amde aad tbe food U aa aaUatec
' tory. At dtanera aad loacbeona laat
^ wwcA tbe diaimaatag wUb tbe rread
cbeta aiM batrtag wo«a eooka to tbelr
• itafipa baa boM gnmlly dlaetmaed
J V9m fot tanat gcoeoeatloa or
: tbe pbifa wQI be gtaan tbelr a
tebt eae of tbe depatlea waa killed.
BOW and gave myaclf up to the
^aealved a Mfe
lad Bol ired a ahot, aad waa aot eeea
inaed at tbe time. Two
me of tbe gang Involved tn tbe Hoi
Jmt aigbt died aad ou bla deathbed
be waa tbe
lad ifwd tbe tatk abot. and that
Imitb waa eatirely taaoceaL An la/cetlgattea waa amde. tbe dytag awa'a
of Texaa at once pnrd
fmitb. after be bad aerved 21 r
tve aoDtba and SO di^ He came to
lelleftmte. espeettag to And bla broth
Ta and paraita. but aU tbe family bad
lied yearn ago.
brutally Tetrad.
A enae came to tight tbad for pcralaeni and anmerdfol torture baa per
iapt never been equaled. Joe Goloilck of Ooluaa. Calif., wHlea: “For IS
aara I endured Inaufferabte pain from
hough I trted everything known. L
mme ncroaa Bleclrlc BIttcra and Ifa
be greateat medicine cm earth for
bat trouble. A few bottlea of it com
iletely reUeved and cured me.** Jliat
la good for Uver and Kidney troublee
iud geoerml debility. Only 50c. 8at
•taction gimmaiecd by Johnaona
img alore and F. H. Mead, dmggtel.
Buff coal fetwra a lot of wrath that
ma t be tomed eway.
menu wefo
-Tboy found my:
They were
not np to tbe ata;
partteular ta tbooe daya; they arc aoc
ao porttentor now. They hUowod ato
to go free fop another year.
Then came the call to arma Men
were wanted to fight tbe Japnaeae and
mcninremmiU counted for nothing
then*. I beenme ooe of tbo 17tb hattalloa of aappers. and wont to Moscow.
-There we waited for a whUe. anl
then oar regiment waa ordered to th^
kl pouaod
be ^ on.
**! have told
Wc were given leave
la order that we might buy provtolona
and l,anld to myadf that It waa now
or never.
‘ -I threw my regimentala into the
river, for, said I. *1 am a Pole. and.
come what may. I cannot, after nil.
fight for*the Buaalaat.'
**Aa you know, n tailor haa not much
irouhlo about clothca. I made aomc
for mVaelf aad In dlsgulae 1 fled. 1
wanted to reach Hamburg, but 1 had
to keep clear of all the great highwaya.
-I put in time with first one vlUage
Ullor and then with another. If I had
been dlaoovcred I would have beco
•hot. I bad narrow eacapoa. Once I
Btayed with a Polish farmer for a few
days. Then I «*as suspected, and 1
had to run.
-At last I reached Hamburg, and I
have Just arrived here.”
who are able to keep dUrSca
A wouwa'a face to her futnee^-or Your Money Back If HyomM Aocs Not
perbape tbe fortune of bee druggist
Cure You.
Though tbe world may owe all of
oa a living, only a few are preferred
* Uae Hvnmel abd be cured of ca
tarrh.** U what all wbo have tried It
for that diseaae say to their frienda.
It to the easiest thing In the work!
they any. eome i
Doa*i «U down and wait for e
cbltig to turn up; turn qp your aleevaa
CaU a man a dlptemat inetcad of a acute, use Hyomet four
tier and be win be picaaed; yet ft day U all that Is needed to toon ef
fect a cure.
amoiwta to mnrb tbe aame tbb
In this city and neighboring towns,
Cbteago ItoUy Newa
there are hundreds who can lcatlf> to
the remarkable powers of Hyomol to
*Tbe aky lookt bluer, the aun al
cure catarrh. Many of the staunchest
Tighter, a fecdlBg of youth and friends of this remedy today began lu
itrengtb creeps over the aonl after ate with little hope that they would
I A Sons of.
aklng Holltoter*# Bocky Mounuln
tf it did
Tea 85 cents. Ten or Tnbleta Jobncure, they decided to^ try It on that
and were soon restored to
Thsl WMllMTrbsais.
The oldeot epemtotor In Wall atrm
A young artist, wbo opened a studio
la IkluTiid n. Wciloy. now W He
aratfbes the tU-ker rkmrbr every day.
te a Michigan avenue tmlldlng two or
Mayor B^wver of Pblpidelphla be three months ago simI has hanl work
gan life aa m clerk twenty yesra ago to imika ewda meet, finds some grim
loter be won distinction oa a lawyer. humor ta the situation. A a^ety
-Alfred Capua, a Partolam playwright woman, whose borne to on the Lake
aaya that few If iny ttwl dmmaa are fibore drive, bas been taking a kind
written In tbe Vnlird States or Eng ly Interest In bla career. Khc ended on
bim tbe otber day. but dkl not niauiear future f«t symptoms of puivhaalng any of
first ikr. bia picturrs.
» at Kartorube.
In Ward No. 1.
July 80. 1804. at 8 p. m. la Oeatral amall btute with water aad wwtr ooaBebool BuUdtag. for tbo porpoao of aactlpaa. ealy 8800.
No. tIO Wobeter atreoL amall fwatat
oloettag 15 dotagatoa to tbe coaaty
to be bold la SUiahergb ebtap. STOa
if foot lot. Qood houot and bam. an
Waablagtaa tb^ 8
Large aino room houao and baaomaat. atwtr and bath, water ta bopta.
targe bam. .Let 80x175 feat, a fiat
A, a Curtla.
praperty. lot worth $40 per foot In flat
O. W. Sackett.
Ward Wo. A
A repnbllcan ward cauent wUl be
held in Warn No 4. on Wednesday.
Joly 10. 1804. at 8 p. m. in Engine
Honae No. 8. Casa street, for tbe pur
pose of electing 6 delegates to the
eooDty convcnilcio to be held in Slclnberg t Grand Opera House, Friday afl-
aad a tKtto good thabtr.
goad timber. Oat mile from oebooL
This to a flim farm.
80 acres baar fiiittena Bay. on bay
abort, fine
ttroams ofr water. Would anaka a flat
A Urge houae
^ :j
and H, lals, with
there to ta the sUte located
aaet county.
Vacant lota In all parte of the city
too numerous to mention. It certainly
is to your Interest to see in before
buying any real oatete.
Office Suifa 301 New Sfafa BaakBlil’g i.iasfeVi.-Br.r.-gB;
*SScd JaYy^lf, 1804.
J. A. Montague.
K. H. Pope.
F. D. Marvin.
Ward No. 5.
A repuhifrmn ward caucus will l»c
held In Ward ^o. 5. on Wednesday.
July 20.1804. at 8 p. m.. In State Street
School Bnlkllng. for the purpo»c of
etecllng 11 delegat:w to the
convention to be held In Slcinbcrg'B
Grand Opera House, fYlday .nflcmoon.
Dated July 12,
K. Cleveland.
A. Evans.
J. Hana,
Bsyiac- •t tmiii r«Jkv
My hahy sister was cutting tmli.
and when my brothers came In tiiy
mother t.»kl them nl^mt It. Two of
iny'small sisters were stniidinc near,
and the older one nske,l: **Mnniina.
how do4-s she
her ttvth- with a
Tlie smaller one. agt^1 ft, an^wcHMl;
-Oh. don-t I.C fiK.llsh. r.uiinn. she
125 Case Stroot
A big line of Refrigerate I at bottom
prices and eaay paymenu.
J. W. Slater,
Your Reliable Home Furnisher.
Travorao City. bUch.
Phono 602
Members of tbo National Electrical Contractora AsaocUtlon oi tba
United States.
Wo are
La i. A. BUItOINfo
to pul in your coal far next
winter and
the highest degree of
animal Ufe was.
A hrigbt-cyed Uttle girl rots.'d her
band and snswcn^l: -*n>c high,‘st
of anltuHl life is a dnillc/*
Msklag rer.rh Kn»»«.
T did not see your ilaughter in the
roachtiig |»;mnle Mr. Giites.-Xo. She lias l»ecn «-nntUPcd hy the
latest tad-mnklng French knots. Von
kt^y Vh'e was a impll of Xlme. Ilu
chaiinn of the Champs Klysi^-s «nd Is
yultc proud of her m><slh*w ork. Kxcrj
young wonuiii lh.*s«« days must |-axe
at least one huml-mmle dn*ss, tljai Is.
a dn-Ks made hy b»*r own luiihL
Elols spends four hours a d.y onumcntlng her lat»-st cn*:iiiou w;ib
Fremh knots. latst night idie in
fonmxl me that she had made already
over l.:yx» and exi>octs to umke kamon\ The knots kstk like little hummtsks of thn-nd and an- l uHl right
lu the ek th **—New York Preaa.
bjr Ittting us deliver direct
Irom car to jroor bina.
Prompt Delivery.
All Work of Hlaheal Fbealble Orada.
Flue Geld Work a flpeetetly.
m a B-Ttium
„se-585 New Wllkelm Btoeb. IRtl*
MBS* Pbona 882.
J. H. MiBrii 6u. R. HeWitir
Both rt-rnc*.
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
at lowe*t pricca.
Wc sell Me-
Qts.30c; Gal. $1.00.
WH. NOPUNS,c NoPrep,
Ladles, -you can Jump on R. trampie on H. but it will come up smiling
every time.- Caiman's Elastic Floor
v»mlalw B. E. Walt § Sons. Travorae
TrmiOEkMYn Tr%rmo Cl|y for
TnS^lmrm Trxverw City for Xorthpwt al
frumouaa:;;^ awte Itea 1^
ALL KINDS of building material
over which you hare tolled,
whlcli you have pm yonr soul,
nU. baa retiumed after a yeor’a travel ao dear to yon that yon ran
In tbe ortefllt.
the thought of |«irtUig with
mhl. sympathe^lly.
Mra. Amanda W- Beed,
-Yes.- nTi^«i\tlT artist. remem1*ercmaed. provklrd In her wpi for the
Notice te All Poreone Interoeted.
he wfokneaTTf^?lhe ptelure mmrfoundliig In I*orlUind,‘Oie. of an In tug thr
Tbe aeaeasment roll for the paving
It to
«t|tuttoQ slmltoe to Cooper union.
krt *W»n»rttmni
of Casa street from Front street to
Cbteago JonnuO.
atroet. and Stgte street from
rbe Japt may fight tbe Boaataai.
I Union street to Casa atr^ to now tn
On toad or on tbe ecajNoFtoytItewa.
my bands for tbe eolleeUdb of tbe s^
3ut the glrto for Uto here country.
-Fbr Joan Cate waa after me ooo- ond aaaeaament. togetber with tbe ac
Intereat on all vBpald InstallFight for Bocky Mountain Ttco.
ttaaoaaly- writoa F. A. Gnl)edge. A*er- creed
meats, tbe same to be paid before tbe
beoa. Ala. -1 bad a terrible case of first day of AngnM. IM.
Pltea oanatag 84 tumorm. W*b«a aU
ng my wffl. 1 tailed Bocklea'a Arnica Salvo cured
*Tve Just been making
Atagipoaaem me. Equally good for.Buraa and all
aebca aad pataa. Only 85c at John
<Tben you did It la ten wonla.•oat aad F. H. Mead s drug Btore.
-Net at on. Tbe towyer wbo drew
It op need foor Mieets of paper.*
-B-bat dU be charge your
-Fire dollarm.M8lpH Jbreeflmrmofw
t Bay *waaatr-let aa bopr be didnt
-Tbea he a an boamt towyer,
It la not
srmated to make tbe amice worth tbe
r«c^**-Cblcngo *rribtmiL
deJ^of '
ailwt I. tamn, a LMfcia.' dock. SimB
ko«. M thi.
nw tak« 110 tent mm- WDIImm-
Soon, and you've been tavited. Select your
from, our handcomc asaertment
AitooioliiL Imdi iHd
easobfi ErIm SflpplHL
RASTALU the Jeweler.
F. S^We fumtoh
with every gift
Hmit*tCc»ct07 Vamjait
816 Unkm.
xT CBAraL PnplicW.*
laa XMitactau 81
“If it's manufactured I
can supply it.’* ‘
Werfd Until Ttmarraii.
tor Wipe to tbe torralag Record.
Detni^ Mtob., Jirty I0,^n U
I of tbe fnawfitmiwi of
Bbcn of tbe order wat
•Pby tbeea
prame tentg iUighto of tbe Maom
of Cb# WqrM when tadaj^ aaacloa
e dtommtioa may rra late
Tbe electlOB of eaprrme
iM PwnmiM U9 W9%.
^9f innUt>» WfwtlMg lUeon
iAIpi la Um M M «M IM CB
tip «M tLa IMm «iP^
Art Owl If Oe iffrti be mtfe for
tbi fVittM Of tbe tMpt be viU rtoT
a nnrtare with boCb povert ratber
■aglaai, b«?ef5. wlU aot 4eal
mmXf vbb tbe Raa«laa«. 8be vfU
4#Ma4 that ber tbipt bojelcated and
At aetrepapi^ am camag upoa ibe
apvatMMi la taka Ibaa by lorap If
atPiMary. NbUt opIaloB te arooted
at it has aoc Iwaa arer by aar ocber
aabitcl to reart aad U It beU<^rad tbit
radtaal aellaa.
AMPiiiiii Jap bblpa.
My Wire to tbt Mrtmimg Raeord.
YoMo. Jaljr M.-Tb« VladiToitab
iaet wat teen today patting tbroagh
Tbagm ttnUt la pamUt of a Japaa«• vtM the aatte of vblcb to not
'%tmm Tbe Ratatoa warthJp over
battled Ibe Japana^ tbip but no fur
tber aewt of ber bat boea received.
The Reec wat irti tigbted at S:SO tbU
at 7 a. m.
. I
:Tbe Infant eblld of Mr. and Mrt. T.
i. Ma^ Pt KorrItvIUc died yt^iienday.
tbe fnaeml eenrkco vat held thU
alterapoA ml d o'clock. Undertaker
Aadereoa bat tbe funeral.
Tbe lldayawtd cblld of Mr. and
lira. Joba Uamt of Hannab died ye*
liPtay Boralng at f o'clock of kidney
tfwohto.. Tbt fanerml aerrlcc vUI tobaM tfanorrow aiprmlag at lo o'clock
from Ibe Catholic ebureb at Hannah.
H. U Garter bat charge of tb ^
Three Theotend Me
Reople Crowdtd
•Oravt- and W*(
Wattrs : t z
By Wire to the Evening Record.
ApolUoaris.. .
Ifamm<md.| lod., July 20.---miIc
Boro LUhir still or
P. E. imow'N.
CandkUtc for KomlnnUun for County
BnlbloLiUilaNo. 2.
Carlsbad Spmdel.
Hnoyadi Janos.
Londonderry Lithla*.
sun or Sparkling.
Pluto French Lick.
Red Raven Splits.
Rubriat Condol.
Waukesha Lithla,
Still or Sparkling.
White Rock.
tbe coBlcslanlt being Judge John A.
Laranger. the pn^sent Inrumbonl, and
rrtiior Prt d K. \Yo!K«r »if Grant
township. Mr. Walker has Ilmu a i*n>nounetsl candMate f«»r erv* r»l 110111:11*.
(Cnnllnmil on S^-iMnul I’ago t
Number. Th.t Will Be Rendered .t
the Harold Jarwii Entertainment.
Feast for Musk Lovers.
Teetimeny Taken in the Schofield anj
In Circuit court icetlmony bat boon
Uken in the divorce cate of May 8cho*
Acid and Brace HcboOeld. Tcttlmony
U alto hero Ukrn in the divorce car*
Mm. Emma «. M* on v* WlnAeld 8
la the lien cate* of j. E. Urt lUck
impray vt. Ucorge MUlt Rogt'ra el
aU Chariot Sebumteher vt. tJoorge
Mllit Rngen. the tettlmnny bat bi^ii
mplcied and the argumentt made
by the ationo'y* and Ute caM^t have
iM'cn taken under advitemeni by ih-Thlt afifvuoon aU.ut 3 o'chjek
h a cati' of the J. 1-1 Grelllck cum
va. Mary l.abuUka ct al. wm*
Tbto afternoon an argument for a
trial <if a Kalkatka county rate
which wat trl*Hl bon.rc Judge Maym
alkaaka wat heard hy the Judge.
The cate i* Mary Shermar vt. tbe VII
lage of Uoardmaa. rrotocuior £. C.
Smith of Kaikatka repretenu the
plaintiff and E a Pratt of tbto city h
for the defense. At the trial acme
lime ago a verdict wat dirt'cled lor th*
Ml>s Myrtle Mnior.
Aria, “Out «f il.e
Mr, Harold Jarvix.
gi. a. “JUM a
h. * The
njver and the Sea”.......... JohUMia
Violin *oh>. Suite No. l....rranr Ileto
MU* nianrh. Itoruum
•Cnvi-lng the Uar”................niherend
Mr. Jarvis.
• HeldcllK^rg.” frittn oia-ra ••Prlnce
of PiUen”...............................
Mr. Jarvis.
•Inafer ...............................
Mn*. A. 8. Uoaley.
“Mary of Ariyle” -8ing Me to
. 219
American Drug Co.
Vtoi Beckto Cobra of Cbkaso to
rumag tbc family of a llarkat.
ngc v^wgsrat dooct^
. 60C
TUtm MnFtbol vorioMadtip. AB ewmiyabieUbd^
MaadcatMi^lRiaitlienMnM wiak Md trinket bMkct
•t«B7<)tlierMtthcniieMtttoirn. Odl andtakoverOm
aad SoOTCiun tktt hu em been dtqilejred in TtaT«ie.
Mcn’i Oxford!.
$2.00 to SS.50
Bor^ Patent Leather Oxfords,
$1.76 $2.00
: Children'g Strap Slippers.
AOc to $1.26
aUdren't Canvas Sbocf.
Genuine Indian Moccasins,
Elkskin Shoes for men and
lK))fc—light, soft, cod, ipugh
Elegant aleep^ndng ni^t gowna tar men, LIO. 70c, SK 09c.
Knock abont knee panta for boTa. tbe wnahaUe kaxTst^ 19c,
■ Stetaoo hats—jrdn know what they are, A98 and A9K
Neiriand Hata, 9.49. 9.19, 1.89, 1.99, U9. 90c,
Men’a^. New PariaUn pattema, 89c, 93c, 19c, 16c, He.
Men’a auspendera—best of web and trimminga,’ 47c, 49<v tOc;
19c and 6c
You can't .p.nd your Money ano nave It. to
don't .pend It. «obe«y will know you hnewit.
If you
for men, 1944, 10.SI8, 7.48, 5.98. 4.44, 8 98. Poaitirriy abneet
worth double or your money back if yon say am Men's Pants—we're
almost rare your tiaeta here; aU tbe new wrinklea and tadt. 9.48.
■> 98, 2.48, 1.69,1.48, »6c Some men think they’re temperate; be.'
cauae they add more water to their whiskey. Benda believet in un.
diluted atatemenia and "lUaight" values.
pr o
riNGREE MAKE; you tike no
chxnccs when you buy them. Evcr>
pair is wananlcd :
The Old Reliable Shoe House
New Stand 242 Front Str^rt
Abstracts of TlUo '
Lot of Mercerized Zephyrs. Dotted Mulls, Satjn
Stripe Lends an3 Madras, the former price was
25c and 30c, Pre-Inventory
mt-iAMBcwi.ii.L.Y S.OW ^st.iotcm
^ About 500 yards of Lawns and Dimities, the for' mcr price was 12 I-2c and 15c, l‘re-Inven. 'yrt
tory price.................................................................
• ^
I 'M
Prana in cw7dciiutDait,dariiis<mr Distolntioa Sri»-«bcaj«a
get itgbt down to the rooUafthe matter. / eat Arm* H * A../
•MfaeAMer>**A/«iMM#mMe/topindiaae mr pertnefk in.
The Season has been backward, Invenior>'
vcuiuiy ulu^c
at hand: the jjoods must be sold, so wc: have made
such unhekrd of reductions that every y:
yard of Wash
Goods will be closed out in short order. We have di
vided them into three lots so that choice will be easi’.
While chopping wvxal tbj* XDornlcg
n*. Stlgnc-r bad a narrow eteapo
from cutUng hUlefi foot off. Tbe ax
got tangled up In tbc cknbcs ttae aad
IX the ax badaT bora duU. be would
been tericNudy injured at It
itnick hto foot squarely in tbe center.
Tbto to bit necond aeddent In throe
days at Sandt^. while lewdiag bfs
begrt oat cf dragor al a Un game, be
wrack aad bto ann badly bnitocd.
A. B. St'.gner Met With Anotbar Aocb
dent this Morning.
Indian Baskets
Gfy Book Store
Room 210 Statu Bank Bldg-
Sleip” ............ Sy...............
CadiUac't Population Has Taken t
Strong Upward Jump.
LanMijg. Mich., July M.--Cadlllai*V
pojMilatiou. under the slate ct nsiu. is
«.8«, a gain **f k‘JS slnee the ftnlt ral
t^rnsus of f*mr years ngo. or nearly
iwrnly per rent. Thlrty-rlx hundred
tsrentyTour males. 3.2C;» fi tnales
tad \J>2C (amllica arc laeludc^ in the
riiy'a erumeraPon. A<^-ordlng lo th»*
ufllclal niHirt the Fli>t ward has a
population of l.Khl. the Socutod warl
ha* 2.«2». the Third ward bq* 1.739
ind tbe Fourth ward ha* 1.241. the
gain In each ward being large as com
paredI with UaekTiHieral cc'nsos of forr
Hot Weather
tloa of Tra^wrra City lodge No. tt2 F.
A A. M. Tharaday aftonmoa at |:30
to atlrad the fuaetal of Cbartot Ptoeee.
tbc Willard .W. C. T. U. win moet
W. t- CItmrat Rctlrad From Flrvn of
Omior A CtomonL
terto aendee of
Tbe grocery Ana.of Omlcr A 0<beM rattcfday afteraooo at
4 oclock.from Ue realdcwce. Bcv. moat. AlO Cast Eighth ttrty4. hat dto
< Mr. Cleinoat roUrlag. The
WllHam Laafama otoclaied rad gave a
very excellent eennon on the depart bttAaoat win u- coatfiictod at the old
ed one a ko bad been to ckmcly In ataad by Jir. Omior.
tonab wltb tbe ebarcb for eo maay
THE MARterrs.
yiaw. The toial oSertaga were very
braatllal mad w»a of tbe llaeat pleeoa
Detyolt, MIcb. Jaly tok-RTicatJuly. Alike; Na S red. fl.itt; Ho. 3
Tbe body valTtLea on Ibe ira. AAVkc; Na 3 white oau. 4XHe.
1:10 I'ere Marquette to Ballae fOr Toledo, 0„ July. 20 -Whfwt-Catb.
barlal. Tbe body will be plaoed ta a I1.A2; Jaly.tTc: Stptember. flMc.
reeelvtag vaatt natll tbe retara of the Cbtoago. Aaly n.-Wbtat~Old Jaly.
aob fforn London. Uadertaber Aader> MMc; new Jgly. Altoc: new
ana bad obarge of tbeJaaerat
bar. t7Rc. Corn—July, diet
bar. 4A14C.>au«>I.i;.
4A14C. Oau->Jaly. Siik; Sap.
Tbe fiaarat eenrioe of Cbariet a tmnbar.. 32%e. Bapiambar p^ IlS H;
Pleree win be beM tomorrow afler- laid. SAT; riba. SAAA.
mem at S:10 ocioA from tbp borae
na totMb auato «ader tbt dlrecUoa of
t Bakar*bat raamad bit poM.
tbatoaaoM. Aadaraon bat charge of tion at drtvar 4tf tbc bach and toddar
■ aflar a waqklB vamdlon.
reart la 4be toaadry of Wright Brot..
to BOW located la Paeblo. Go!., wbtfc
be toforemaii la a large airam 1
dry. having tbe mantgeamat of a large
forco of help and directing tbe operaaoq of tbc basinett.
a J. Boyd has ttartod ta tbc draytog buttoem agato. rtartlag bto rtg
Vllb Mrt. Slikw. 21| Elmsrood avraoe.
tomorrow afternoon. Mr*. Kennedy
Spirllad Thrae Carnertd Fight Fcr
will bare tbe program In cbangD.
NaaUnaCtofi for TrtaMirtr--GaoOn account of the llkrold JanrU
On Her Wpy te Pwmm.
caaaa Tonight Will Shaw Whara
^nevrt tonight the bowHng match at
My Wire to tbe Bvenlag Reeotd.
the We-QufHong club bat been poetCandMitet SUnd in City.
Traro. Oorawan. Jaly tO.—Mra. Flor
poned until Monday nlgbL
ence Maybrtck toft berr today oa ber
Two new pprformciy have been
There will; be tome lnten?«tlng coa
pray to maet.
tattaSa the rcpobUcan county conven added to tbc Hot Springt tbow. In
ttoa to take pta^ la Steinberg * Grand addition to the vaudctlito tonight,
Opera Hoatc Friday aficjnuon. aad three will U* a Aonr contcft In which
tbc preliminary tkirmlfhc. will lake Hraaii boy* will dig for coin* with
place la the ward cau«ni»e!i tonight. iindr hand* ti«*d Ublnd them.
Fi>r over iwo monUu tbrtH) wbix'ls
Tbc most spirited Utile will bo for
the noDlaaikin of Judge of proUle. Uve been left nl police headquarters
x«*aitJng urd»T«. One Is an Ajax and
xnutlier 0!d King ami the owner* can
xvl tbofn by proving Ibrlr property.
The K. Ilagadorn property across
from the starch Caclory has biH-ti roH
to Jedm HewtaBHrt thn.iigb the N^-rlinger real extat** agency. The consldermtion was ir.T^o. Mr. llorsaAeW
a builders supply bouse on
the proiMuiy.
LOOO morbkUy curkmt poraons Mrug
glcd for potltlon* abenit tbe “grave”
ral vomeo being hurt in the
cmab. Harry Scrklll of Chicago wa*
taboo from blt.remiag place at Wolf
Lake park la wbicb be ^ lain In V
hypnotic Umacc tince 3 p
to Iba abipplag aaxtbe eaattra'ooatt and revlted at 10 o'clock |att nlghu
The coMo aeaa taken from tbe bole
barrledly teeklag cover. It It ex in the ground and carried to the plat
peeled that moet of tbc tblpplog bat form with ralted ucatt. one tide of
vbirh rollapiMd. rUrhlng *ron>* of
pcruooB to the gnnmd. Severul were
Injured bul none *erlou*ly. klamta.
the hypnolUt, then pmcetMletl i.. brlii,-^
Berldll I'ut of bit trance, toeniiiigly
with great eEorL The eubjcct wan
very weak but toon vat In a norma!
OMfft Hill> run.r«l.
'pondlllon menuily.
• tort. Oecar Lyoo died yotirrdty
noralng at her booe on ibe peolniult..
aaacyr belag Ibe eaute of ber dcapi.
Mia. Lpae wat aa ottlmtblc womaii
aad beddet leavlag a torxo clrrle of
frtnAi. rt* wi • kubind ud idi
^: e^Mrca to apora ■ «<»d, Inw wife
Md • ktad. tOTlat moihor. 8hr •!>..
lart o brotbOT. Chwlm lUllborg of
tbto dty. rad a titter, tort. Jolm
toperra. alto of tbto elty. Her aged
L . Ililbar to eUll llrlag in gvedea. Mr*.
|4Toa wat 40 yaarm. 7 mootht aad 12
day* M. Wbaa abe vat a young girl.
U yean old, tba oaBM to tbto ooun^ try from bar hoBW la Saraden. coming
directly to Traverte City, remaining
H berv ten year* and living on f b« peoln
r anla tweiva yiaJa.
Tbe faaeral will lie held fnim the
Ovedtob eharrb to iblt city lotnorrov
^ : dflerwaoa at I o'clock nadcr the dli^
of H.U carter,
, wm HWc •
|M '
Choice of about 1,000 yards of fine imported Lawns
and Dimities, have sold at 2^, 30c and i Qln
85c, Pre-Inventory price.........................
Ladies'White Vests that were 1.25, 1.60 QQn
• and 1,75, Pre-Inventory price.................. OUO
• l.adies‘ Corset Covers, richly trimmed, that were
125 and 150, Pre-Inventory
€. Wilhelm
We Are Showing the Fieest Line of
Negligee Shirts
^HOT WEITHBI sons OF lUi (Ws' "i|
lUMiiTw GurmiNe CO.
ir»iA. j.
m a ««Aeli ^miN7j47
to1«K tli» inc mr or tlw
mtar iM« a OMMxraUe
lou ara coaatod with pradkUoaa
*MI> tnM, Nrt alMt tka
tUaa as to ike aoccaanriil cai
HktMai MlkHoaM Ike matry data a mattar of apcctalatkm.
kat faMtka mwmmm cC a war wlik Robert R Waftor. preaeat ooa
aa4 »i«iMa4 a awptaB or $m.- clafk, U a oaadldate for rraomtaalbia.
^ MjlM. auNaIra oT
or tka
tk« iM4M.aoo
It li stated by kit tapportarm tkat
^^|ki4 far «ka Faaasa eaaal
U la
a Bot ao
MB^r wMaaMMlaa kat tkat tka raal.
4«li art teaOlar witk tka Baekl
tki B^MMag or tlMB la a 9ood ^
kaeaaaa tkaa tkay caa ba raaglly Maatttai at aU Uataa aad any rlolackm of
1 aoadltlou polat tewani
dldntet and both have warm worker*
la their lotereiitt.
Dr. Prank Holdtworth wlU be la the
field for the nomination fur coroner to
raerecd Dr. D. B. Chase. Henderson
Smith it the coroner from the ooontry
Candidate for Renomlnallon for Reg
and whether he wlU have oppoaltkm
liter of Deeds, with no opposition.
Mam tkat tka Roossaalt tide ta atroag
aad win carry aU bsCora It
bnt with the twp .rear stairways
doubled In bIm there will U- ample
The ripakMeaaeaiiensaa will he beM
MIgkt at t o*elock ta the earkam
warda of tka eity to nominate fieloRateelotkeeoantyoooreaUoa. Vrery
legakUoaa la the dty akould attend
ttaae oaaeasea aad take part la the
It has been n race with time t
to work completed In time f.*r to
night and while the finishing tou<
have not been made the work
have won out so that the opera hou&c
will be safe for the entertainment.
NCW HOfit HOUfig.
e. L. OfoMelc Riiildlfig Ona for Com
pany Me. Pevr.
€. U Qrelllck It building a hose
Imme for Hose Company Na 4 on
f Ike oeraer of DlviiSon and Bay streets.
The kotiae U being donated to the
V boyt wkick Is greatly appracUtad bv
; tkaat. The hoaaa U of good alte* and
HrtUd u« «Ut gir. (ho com
pfiay aa eBoeOeal place for their oaru
aad Ira fighting
OUVRCREAM SKIN SOAP, antiaiptlc mad kealing. Made rtpressly
tor the akta.compleiloo and bath Hk
dUe. tic tor S cakes. Johnsoa Drug
Op. W. T. Reskofgk. Maaager.
.|Md Jarvie. Tanor Retoiate. at City
Vbpera Heaea duly SO. Admlaaleo 15
Csndblste for Rctioralnstlon for
County Clerk.
The gft»wlh of the population of the
cnnmy gives the right to eh'cl two rlr
cult court eommisiiioiicrs. and the
im'si'ni t-t'inmUsloner. (L-o, W. Curils,
will ask * renomlnstldc ahlU* Amll
NtTMnger will be ilu» mber cnndldste.
R II. AUyn will be the candldsle for
surveyor again and against him will
Ik? K. P. Waterman wh.* was the denuf
rratlc eaudidate last year.
The want *wucum-s tonight wi
lively and the eimvembm kViday aft
ernoon *1111 livelier. The county emmjmign will be « lltiing prelljnlnary to
the gnml'presidential rmmpaign In
this section and fn*m this
|t may
be eipecicd^thal ibrrv w Ul be no tack
of interest
IraTcrsc Qtys New Shoe Store
A tM mmMM ««l«h«n4« tbol«r«r boU
a.4 eoafbdidri.
sort fIrfMt MiW kOK dt «t«l kM Md WaMi IM .bow M<
WOMVra iM bbMb U4 wM t» patMt bM Saa aid fcM laatbar.
«MbVAMBMVV*aaa..daM«daD.tW«..tb..OaaiMkteA _
» MPANTT abeaa aad donraalaa ta Mack lad m-f
Candidate for Nomination for County
war fund. 11c said .\im-rk-uu tlHlu?rmcn wrcKJid find gnwt plc^asurif at Jaie
aniwr fishing nrdorts.
**Mnny of tin* fifth flint live tunr the
coml rrefa of tin* simillcr iKlaud cnm|*n.
soi-onling lo hinv have the t«!.ub«r
mouth and hands of ulinust lu\ift.a4e
teefh. . itorgrous stripes and sikiIk are
dlsUnguliklug fcatun**. Tin* hittweV
hoof is a
Jap fifdi. Itn ei|HWM-d
nsked Jaws lest like the luH>f uf a
home: hrtice tke name. If han five |
strtiKw Slid in#bloriug follow« the stbmflsh.
Ike tJic SlaiDme and CldiHit... the
. nme'flshenueo have irain«Hl tl»e
cllnil.lng ftshor Urlta pugnnx tu Ik- Umrngllbit c»f the M*o. niul eurlinis iiintrlH-s
armngwl ttetw^-en owiien* tif Um-n,rnsrlne fighters. Thv nffslr n,inaU.r
Deafness Csnnet Bt Cured
By local applications, as they cannot k'audlclste for Nomlnstlon for Circuit
reach the diseased portion of the car.
- Court ConmlIs^iolu■^.
There Is only one way to
ness, aad tkat la by
con-i-H lifT in one of tl-o vill.nc*- luithim;
remedies. Deafness U cs
Httuie jcurgvoUK iH.- v:it U-lon;:.
named condition of the mucous lining |K-nln
of tke Eustachian Tube, When this lug l{) Till- rit Im »<t ninti t-f the rL.tv.
The mt or jHwil i.s fllk'l witli tvivi wjUri.
The fish are some im.i*i!lw in tmliiliig
and have a mieeial diet. In
the fichtlng liKlim arv douiei^licatej uml
can be taken out and thld tube re SiHvmlly tralnea
stored to lu normal coodltl^, heaHng
•m»e figlit U rt.Trted by flanlilni:
be destroyed forever; nine cases bHglit nietiil or a mlrrur la fnail uf
eff tea are catased by c
thHr even. Onllnrrily iIm- rsb nre a
h U BoUaiag
Bothiag bat aa laflam
plain, gray gn-eu cob.r. but wIm-ii they
dltlon of the mucous su______
Wo will give One Hundred Dollar* grt Into the thlek of tlw fray they Imik
for any case of IkmlMs (caused by like dartUig ralnUiws uul of tlu Ir rlr
caurrbi that emn^ be cured by cult. Tt.oy nrx- game and mm.Tlly fight
to the dejth.*'
lUll* Catarrh Corw "
lars, free.
SIr-l Ibw ArtUi Mnlf $A.y.
P. J. CIIENKT A CO.. Tolmlo. O.
OM I iM le'lU-ii xx;inn-d !.. b;ive his
ill s Pamlly Pllli for pHlllbKl. bi'il he did not care
•Ig thoot to Be oivse
90 and
If in This CUy.
Tke Trsverse City Rod and tlun
club bold a meeilni last evening and
derided to givr a Imiraameut Ai
to and 31. The KHtmameni will be
one of the (ilggest sbouU o%cr held 4n
Northern Michigan and a lar^ i
her uf ctpcrts will be bd?rv.
: • be
sabl. when the artist nauw-d the prire.
Tile srti«t ]in>te«tt«*d. and aMsunxl
him tlml. SF |K>rtrallF went, that was)
verj llltK- to link.
rnefe Ib-n hedltatcL “Well,*’ be
ssid St length, “botj^wlll It U- if I
rnmiFti tlic tuiltitr-'-tTilmgo Jounuit
KEEP com
East Bay.
What Place?
Ah-go-ia Re
Mmm wefiMi TMR
tlt-SO, IS Oiy BBS
M ay ttait '
$21.00. fer the scasM
TrnvMMCIty to St. Louis
. Thiiwffl indtnle medi
berth between Trireme City and
on aleeoa.
At Once.
Whokasthcdoieit lots lor
A F. Nsriingsr. C. W. Ashton.
Lae Hornsby.
a-se ..
Stesmen leave Travetse Qty
every Sunday, .10 p. a., and
Thimdayi, 6 am.
Summer Clothing
Of course you wwit to t ? comfortable during your vacation gnd thesa'gummcr months. Nothing wilt add ue
much to your enjoyme. : as a light, .ilry outing sulL We self the kind we can guarantee and just now we'
•sre in the midst of ou
July Clothing Sale
and that means all our men's, boys' and children's suite are being sold at FIFTEEN PER CENT FROM OUR
" •
Negligee Shirts
That are the **proper thit^." Good dreasers' tell us we have the best
name your size anywhere from 14 to 15 and we will show a doxen handM
are from bOc to 52.50,
they have aeen. You -,
to select from. Prtosa
A Straw Hat
A White Vest
nn an excursiom to Bowers Harbor
Thursday evening, losvlng dock at
T:to. Wyssomg'i orchestra will furalsk music, Rouad trip 2$ coats.
Men’s Belts ^
?AI»«»yo no*d them with your oammor *uH and :you
*Evmy beR a good belt
A %stn mads, ntoely toilaliad Lamm
•tot, milt seat tlwss, only $1 and flJB
8DC90K MOLOBD RBCXmDB tedaato teSi ceBUtoek. OrlnneU
in teste
Qlvw a man a ttewy appaMnev and many ««n turn «hI thrM. Cap afted tt udimt y«u can buy <m. for a
dolUr. Cot finer grade* at t1.S0. •2D0 and $3,00. Tliey can bo toem on aRyaccaaton.
pay any priot. SSe. S0e.7Sc. »1.00, lIJS ami tlJR.
We Sell the Bradbury, Jewdtt and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organa J
mWtlmaL Qaatttr tka baat Ctf aad ka eaMtaeal
6,0. LEWIS “ir
Is abeolutely needed In summer and no store carries a better gsMrtmenL The Knox- etaads at the head.
Nothing further need be saM and the price is tSXXL The •‘Kingsbury’* is made In tour etyldk, eacii at |t.Sa
The PHneeton'* to a stylish hgt and sells for 50c. 75c. IIjOO and 51.5a Ths -Canton** to a wonderfiil ecller
at s wonderful price. 50c and 75c, Many men like the "Meni fiallers** because they seH for 50c af<T5c.:
Pliml BesakNi.
The first s^miloa of tke Bible conft
ice will bo4iHdiBfilght at llm ebur
rfObrkt, Dr. John R I«ounds and hU
wife. Mrs. Jessie Brown Pounds, will
Ghoiiie Meats and Poeltry
Home Made Lard and Saosases, Fresh Lake Trout
and White Fish ttwice a week. Tuesday and Friday .
Sokes witdi
ka wni aatlly get ike Domlaatlot
UMmgh Archie aiblit oT Mayfield kat
a eandldate for aonia time. But
tka preteot indkationt are tkat Mr.
Walter will get the BonlDatloii.
Thera will be no oppoaltioo to Praak
W. Wilton for register of deedt nor to
Gao. H. Crust for proaectnlng atlmey.
There will be a coniatt. howerar.
for the nomlnaUon for aherlff. Dep
uty Sheriff Chnriet johnion and Stl^
wRh Faiter at ike candidate would
*kagts wtck a toot race and end with a
aaat.- Tka eoantii faelt the aame
way and rafaaca to be alaratod erar
pfoepecfis of a ekaage of admlalttra-
tRher added precaatioa. Contracior
Walt has Ike work la ebane.
Aaotker aUlrwmy win be put la
lag to Promt street besides the wide
ome alremdy used. This wlU not be
eoBpteied tor toslght s entcrtaiameni
__ Is
‘ tKMWtkm; TTkat
pealitoo IM wbltgi^ rbiwimir
And her rsp>j w«: -Mr imimi poMtlasi Is on the c^lr. wUb the ckIM
beM Brmly acruasTny kimK
dewavard.* Bbe got tke eekgaL
IK MiM I U(f
ftom toe central oMm bacaoM of tbett
small statm afed lack oC Aesh. aad It
b«me a Adatom fei tbe maaM mini
wbetber fee was dealing with detocUsm
ffom a iirivale agesKj or with a
osTTkauKo. Be rmolTcd to And eat
Bla Arst move was to featt near toe
m hU IHMdg sr» trytiis to mi
mM Im A MU tiMt U« MlMlac
M ii loAlBi Mnr fiiQkAM* itet k* took
felt o«B tICt. Tke MUimdt:
•nrut wIB fea4 »r fec47 fei tfet Wu
1 «igt maU It MT kmanr
Mf. Oferm vat Ant nttoad ji
4aj MM vfeM fet «d aoi coo
AlMir. «la rooM vat amMad aad
Ifeo MTMr af felt femui VTittM oa tfe«
Ant MM oC A tabltt Md VM Mt torn
loMA It VM plaoad la aicli a vaj
tfeat aar oat aatarlas U»t rooM <
aot fall U att ll Mr. Canoa va«
hoardtag vtU 1^ vtfc t brother and
felt vlft.
Mra. Alfnd R
Maaaa. aad Mr. Oanoa ovat the
feoMt la vhiMi thtjr van Urlog.
lag feoAikl tt M AMtfAot Ha I
fedt iMt pajTMAt M tt jalf I.
OfenM kaa bata trorttlag alghU at
»a Oral 9food Oiafe ffeetorr. MtUag
feMab M .feaa aot bata woriOag
Maea a vaak ago Moadajr alght ovlag
UUIfeaalth. A pfejaidaa hat btaa at>
tita. altfeoagh he hat aot fetaa
I lb hU bad. Mr. CartOD loet
hit vlft lait Aaptembtr and ht ha«
hmdtd Otar that eoatldtrably at he
thoaght tfarjrthlag of her. It U
ifeoaght that vHh hte lllotat and hit
krra fbr hit dtparud vife he mar
have btoome dtapoadtat aad com
mltud tht dead while taaiporarllx la
What etnogthoM the theory that
fee hat oocaa^attd tolelde It the fact
that fee tnpdtd hit iwekata before
ltavli« ‘the hba^ Hit poektti
wtth a lltUt over |U la U. hit gold
vaUh. a amall book which he carried
la hto poehat and which cooulaed
Bible eertet. and hit keyt were all
lylag OB the bureau betide the note
Batldee theee all hit papert. Includloi
the eoatraet for hU hoota. receipts, a
pollar la the Maooabeot. tom No. «71.
for IIJOM made oat la ftvor of hit
mother, folalmt the order Kcb. U. IPOl.
Hit Amt aaUtrallttUou ptpera. at well
at other papert were all found In hit
fearaaa which vnt locked but oooM t>e
ope^ br the keyt found on
Wbea A Record repreeeoUtire taw
Mr. Maaat he tuied that bit wife notleed Mr. Oanoa lean the hoote yot-
Mr. Canoa waatoi u pay for hit
board Met week bat at he vat aot
worklag aad in Mr. aad Mn. M
rtdneed lo take the amaey. They han
aerer had aay words of aay klad
ererythMg hat alwayt >eM agretahle. poaad ton. Mn. Beratteln hat
apeadlng tome time here at the I
of bar panau. Mr. and Mrs. J. Btolanerer draak. U fact the aMear
of hit room thoved he was a Arm be>
All mMBbon of Traverse Bay tent
IJerer la a rnllag power. Then
1 anmber of ptetnret oa the wall de- Na. m. K. O. T. M. M.. are nquoatod
pieUag the Bible, the book with rw to mut at L O. O. F. hall Thursday at
o'clock to attend la.a body the
tlgloa oaoUtMat which he carried la
fiinrra] of Blr Knight Charles D.
hit pocket aad a Bible lay oo
Plene. Members of Traverse Oty
of hit wath tuad opened a
toat. No. 171. and all visiting Macn7k aad ab aad moat at paalm 71 whhdi
beam are eapacially Invited to join
looked aa If hp had jiiit
with them.
That he vat temponrily InaaM
Then were a number of emm In
from grlerlng for hit wife. hU
the Raeord'a account of au amnsei
liealtb aad not belag able to sleep, an
-be only reaeont that can be amlgacl parlor opened by F. W. WHcoi at 132
Front street. Mr. WHoox mys that
for hit harlag a dealn to make away
the parlors caoinin no gambling dtwtth hUatelf. Mr. MaAat aad eereral
vices whateveri all of the games being
others hare beea making a carefa)
approved by the dty admlnistratloo.
search for tome trace of the misting
Mr. Wilcox has leased the room for
man and hare been uneeating In their
year and he and hli wife will mak
HlorU crer ilncc It was learned that
their home here.
biothSn llrlng In Toronto. Cnnada.
a alao thought that he hat
at 711 Lake areoue.
’ the United Rtotot
it to have a new mml. It will <'ouUln the tame lniK*rlptlon. but lu or
der to conform to the coat-of-armt
the United Htates the “Ume'’ eogle.
It la called, urlth w*ing> half ofwn. will
be replaced with one whoae w itiga are
mQy rgteoded., projecting nl«re tbe.
bead. Got to tpmd out. Have more
to take care of now than we lu
New York Telegnm.
Candidate for Nomtaatloa for Sheriff.
a boiltieu trip to Ciaclanatl. Dayton.
O.. aad DeiroH.
Mr. aad Mrs. Eddy of Grand Rapids
are gueau of'Mr. aad Mrs. W. JX C.
Gennalne. >
H. S. Hall reiurnod last evening
from a business trip to Toledo. O.
Mrs. B. Lahym weht to Summit City
this morning for a two weeks* visit.
Mrs. L. C. Barnes returned to her
home In LoRoy this mom Ing after a
vUlt wiih A. Elders jmd family of
West Eleventh street
Miss Marion Rtib< ris of Traverse
City and MUs At'ces Knox of IXtrolt
arriv«*d In the ciiy Monday and will
spe-nd the summer at ibe pleaaact
Knox cottage at Bay View—Betoskey
MUs Maud Compton has retunel
ted b|g father, as they
walked honieword from the asnetnary.
to which Itoldiy-had just |iald Ula first
-U a fin
man. •*Ilow much did you g»‘t. fatherr
-How much did 1 get? Why. what
do you mwin? How much whai?”
atk(^ the astoulabetl pannt.
nVhy. don't you reuietulH-r wjii-n
Che funny old man passt'd the money
around? I only got lU cciiia--Ciil-
physkwl cxnintimtlon. The uo^ tur fluIshed aiul then antioumvd that the
man wuld not piins.
-Wliyr nsk.ll the nppU«-aiit.
-You havo tt varleoHc- veUi/' repllotl
the doctor.
-An* Is that all Ihafs w^ngr raid
the Wimld U» llivuuin. foigettiug all
cBuUou lu bt»i Imliguatlon. *’\\ by, I ve
earned luy living for forty years with
that vein in luy lejr.Tiu glad you loki nw- so.- said the
doctor, -now I ean reject you also us
over tbe age limit.”—New York Sun.
POlwl FMlttoa.
aot long befote he was Jelacd hgr oae
iff toe watchers, who aahl:
-Are yoo from Mr. 8owad-oo*0 ofa depoty cfeMf of toe oe-No.- icplted toe aohdfct of acta
sw at aa eod.--Ch
-but 1 beUere yoo are.Tbe detective malted faintly and clalTrtbime.
dtaagtd tbe convenation. AU of which
goes to piore that the aecret ocrvke ta
-My family.- said toe eelf coofoooed
aecret in more ways than one. else.
black abeep. -to fomoos for ItajbaTlag
But Mr. Macon waa a good wport
deocctided from famooa aaesatry. Aad
-No.-he sold Anally. -I've lost, and
I Ifeitter myoeir tofft 1 Imre deoeeoded
stay bomiL Good lack to both of
faster tbsa sny of the reat.---Baltl.
tm.IVria and Bfemma are mw oa tbe
- .......... !
Ogfofd. Ba. tbe Urgent congregstlon
In CbesUT pivsbyfefy. U sending three
of Ids children barefooted to Sunday
achool and chureh, aajs the BiilUdelphla North Aincrtiwn. He says:
-Our cldklren have always run tnre^
footed In summer, and as they went
that way during tbe week we tlechled
to hare them go that way to huiMlay
achool and ebuerh. Our rijjldrcn have
betn raised to go In.tludr bare feet, nitd
we c(.nsldor it good from a bygienlc
‘The Idea that we had oor- children
go this way to rebuke rich members of
the wugTvgation U absurd. But If this
did help aome persons not as able tO
boy shoes to a^-ud tbeir children to
Suiiday school and church It would be
a good thing.
Tbe Watson chlldm. Panl Grace.
Knox \and Uuth, the Mat a baby, are
robhal^ oungsteiw, and their liealth has
proved the value of the custom. The
chlldivn aud their devol
hours dally on tbe taw
gn-at oak In a noartiy field. Tbe little
folks are ju\*enile botanists and are
full of Interrogntion
ra* SMir in tas Trap.
A map who waa toe old by tea
jroan to be appointed a flrcmnn. but
Pndglng for gold In the anndt of wim pat hla t'onsoleiH'e to kIc^ p and
dnamed.be was young In applyluc for
mining wv.rtd. ChlcuKo (WirifnllMi
have piepanxl to *pi*i:d ii«*jirly fl.crio.
OnO in the devcluimient of llH‘lr plana,
and already have liegun l•u^dlllJ: llie
monater dredKee reqnlr -.1 In the work
CORNS. BUNIONS, inverted or club
loe nmtla aud all dUeaae* of the feel
•klllfully and <urce<fully treattn! with
out pain or drawing of blo(»d by Ar
ihur hudewlUke. chlrupodUl..
Cleveland. Ohio. f\>rty-flvc years
perleoeo. Refercncn from leading
cltltent of Cleveland. Patlcnta treat
ed at Ihelr residence or plan* of busi
ness by appointment If desired. I^ave
word at Johnaon s drug store.
fernwM sramaa.-miM atmaseof a srttt ^
kaowo Maad off toe caaM wf Hateik
-aad whoa too was dykM Md tbe Aao^^
tor bad toM ber alw hod only aboot oA >
boor to llre'toe atoed her daogbler to
bring her some green antoa She anti
op la bed and paiod two paaM
them and then lay bato wtth a t
Aed Mgk. «Wen.* onM obe.^rm i
teed that toe folks toot come t
aeral ohall have eooogb apple
Cam'idale for Nomination ft>r Clrv'ull
Court Conjinb>ioner.
from a virii with Manrelona relatives
Mnt. Mary U Kendail of Grand Hap
Id*, who spent wrme lime b.re lart
summer, is again at Bark Blare.
Mi>. W. Lyram of Cook-yewn. Min
nesuta. Is In the city vl.iting her *»*■
ter. .Mr*. S. Urnda.
J. A. Gifford passed tkroigh the
city today en hts way to Honor
Fred Munson went to Carp lake this
morning to prepare a cottage for cic
Thnsc who thouKht tbr Jttp a yap^
A triton moBtlr f*sl on mp.
r f ir the <% #*a»k a cap.And Uiat Ibr Kusalana had a snap
In vlpInK Xi|riK.n oft th«- map
from Ihrir ofdum nap.
In truth, tt »>-<ma * rntfur frapr«- pn.poflUlon f.ir tl»r i hap
\Vh.. H mlng to imilntttln a rap
Port Arthur ntid the
Arciciid lUm roars thy thund«-rfUp
Of iruns Itohind. th«- «ult rniia alap.
til tnmi he may hoar th<* flaprins 4-r.rriun m h«» s<-ool the hap.
pUcht of lirultt In the trap.
For nations raliMil in luxury^’s lap
•Ti* srii tu kivp this thouaht on tap:
In time « f |*ca.-r prrparv to acmp;
In ttm<* of war-lMJt. vrrPum s.ip
-W T barosd la New Yutk Ttmew
Cyni* Towt.sond Brady. Jr. a son
of Iho iiulfi nuthor mid omlor. beads
this year s chi.* of tbe BotytcHbnlc Instmite. Brooklvn.
das as red haired, though Jeers with
sonny locks are not common. liord
Mncnntey nrgued that tbe anti-red hair
feeling was an lllogiqil survival of
In ireteod red hall to commou.
la tbe speech of tbe ooontry a |m
ao dtoUngnUbfd Is called a -Dane.- in
tnriro ago upon Irish aoHUy the light
haired Danish sea rovers,
my brain yrt.Aristotle of old Greece declared that
-rerhapa.- anggeoted a Hsttfier. H
-he that has rwl hair to proud, envious got tired tooklag for IL--Ang»#i (Qa4
and deceitful.- AristoUc was^undouhtcdJy -dark tomplect**d.**
On tbe other liaud. tbe Italian painthome. It feaa no meter on It, and n»
sliade of red in women's hair and red may enjoy Its rays without
hair In 8|ialn to an aristocratic tinge, Mar
Orwell's '
as seemlnglj* ibrlvcd from the Goth
of Iberia. The SpanUli roy-1 know men and women,- aald
several mernTliomas -V. Kdlwn the oilier day, -who
I with fed or mSdtsh hair.
are food drank all the time.- ^
-Food drank- to a neW trrtt Bet
of Horace \Vali»le*a Ironic ll exprtwaea an kle« that U old. It
00 the future of the bal dewri:>es n ('omlltioii tlml Is notorious.
loon hate been recently reprinted. Said
Few uf us. IndisHl. IhH I now poopto,
the aatlrtst:
-I supporad ebr seaports to become who are couAlanUy goi-gcd wia» food,
deserted villages and HoUsborr plain, with the ivsult that their Hiteltocti.
Newmarket heath and all downs (but are beclouded and their bodlro feo.
the Downs) arising Into dockyards for numUHl Just as truly as If the excess
aerial vessels. Tlie ship ncaw Own had been liquid Uwlrad of solid.
would run thus: Tbe good balloon Dae
Tlie man who. bos his stomach foil
dalus, Captain Wingate, will fly In a
of food Is more or leas sttiiiefied. Hto
few days for China. He will stop at the
mind and muscles work reloctnnlly
Monument to take in passengers,
and aluggUbly.
Uls faeulries art
rouudered In a hurricane, the Bird of
Itorutlise. from Mount Ararat. The dulled and hU finUngs dradi-ned. Hto
iliffiTK only In degree from
Rubble. Sbeldon. took Arc and waa
bunud to ber gallery, and tbe Bbcnlx
ke thnt |s K«rged.
Is to be out down to a second rate.
It Is a 4x>mim.n arj.iliig that If yo«
There will be fights In the air with
are going to ask a favor of a man
wind guns nod bow* ami arroara.* llrsi fetx! him wrll.*^ The phlloaopby
Is good. The -well-f«sl” man U la,
•Foar iwStr«>ateA.
The coldest
on earth inhabited condition to grant anything rather
by loan is Verklmyansk. nitove the arc^ than disiiuic tilout IL He niU not
tlcvlrclc. In nurtbcnitlern Siberia. Tbe question «ir deny or haggle. Tukt any*
thermometer thm- drops to W) degrees thing from him but bla repora and
below xoro In January. Irot sometimes he will not ol.ject.-Clilcago JoorimL
rises to Sd degrees above xero In tbe
Ihe International Typograp)iical tJa*
aliade In Jnly. droitplng.^ however, to Ion wlU buUd a Ubrary at toe Prlotfto*
the freezing point on the warmest sum Home at Colorado Rpriagt. OoU fo ac
mer nlgtits. Tbe hottest place In the commodate tbe torge aumber of hooka
world Is tlie Interior of tbe great Sa preoented to tbe home by the tote CtoK
hara desert. In Africa, where tbe tber- greaaman Anros J. Cnramlnga.
library presenled by Mr. Ctmimlnpa
Jreytown.. Nktoragua. hat 30.000 voIumncA
Thii exclamation was made by Mis* l.ettie Carson, of 118 East Front Street, with tears in her eyes, when a
foot tape worm was removed in three hours, after her sufferina;, doctoring, dosing
and drugging for years. The Hot Springs Doctor cured her in a hours. The worm was exhibited in the Record office, with the girl and her father, Hiram Carson.
i <.
j j ||
Offices and Halls Crowded With Suffering Humaixity
Ori|:>ple3 Walk, thio deaf
Hundreds of people in Traverse City who have suffered all ihcir lives with Chronic Diseases, we are CURING THEM TO STAY CURED.
F^ice:. HOTEL. WHITINO. HERE U N TI ■_ J U I-Y 26r<i*° k-A*-r
^i,000 WIL.1.. BE RAID
To Anyone Proving to the Editor of thi§_paper that We Do Not Refund Money if we Fail to Cure. Money at State Bank
v :vHOX SRRINO DRS.Ba!^.,«. r I .
We Cure Quickly, PermanenUy and Safely.
ComltatiN ud Eunioatioii Ffsi
lablc Afed ootiicictitiooi^ in opt affbtti to cute. If jnni Arc aMactod i
Dmi’t Hiss Free LkIhiifi.'
lilTH grgawos
Winitm Hewn on tbe
An tbe War Aemo.
atoad Ikat the work 6am on tfila
r «r a fmoat
hm^ of amU
mttmA UH> Mi fiOfi
pMirritlM «r Mr PiMoa
Wttkm Mr tMClMtlMglMMllMlatJM
MMtrr. Mm, OM «r two «Mi Him to Iom m « tt>« of Utfirlor,
*HMi»iprtTtlnMHi, l«t Marr PiMo (Mi wa carrr l< «kaa te
—>toMMMiHiiilaaiarl«lta partlcalar Uaaa; Wa art jraii a(
Mas tka akMjMI af tlMM. far «a kaoar tkmm to ka aMataIr raUiMIa Mi tlM r«r kaai Pfaaaa akialaaMa ai tMr taMaaihra 9flaaa.
Tka MaviM varMataavaai atakaa art aoli atelaahrair kr aa;
Music House
atatod that tkora
aamkar of gamaa tkal
laa Ualan OIvm UaaiiM Maoay
New Pwmp.
At tka ttoailag ol tka city CMkcU
taat etoalag. Allan Q any too. Ckartaa
Mariay Mi Mika Utnoy werf appobPoi fogttlar pplIoMaan. Doncan
HcUMklta. Prank UmUir and JanM
Oauaell alao ordorea Bielnberga
OfMi opera booae clo««i until repaln
aai ckaagaa ordarei by the building
kMIMioni conli ba made. Mr. Larilo
aialed tkat tkca cblof ^ 1^1^ kad
MaM an Inveatlgatloo and found that
aU tkat kad boon done by Mr. Btelokarg waa to make the doort thinner.
Oa kla motion, the boaae wna cmlered
la 08 tkat day for wklek
d be charged. They aakai
parmiaalon to tmo UU Ikwmo mooay
for the expoBMa of tka calabrmtkm.
After a abort ^Uaaartatloo oa gambilag
the raqaaat wan grantod oa
Mr. Olbka* naotloiL
R. McNaamra and W. A. Dean were
■anted a pmmH to erect a two^ory
bolldiag on Raai Front alreei, Tbe
building wUl be of ooacreic aai wood
and will be tklrty-tbrec fact high. Ii
will coat $11,000 and will be oompletai
Nov. 1. Tbe Cnvla Cigar company
wna also granted parmiaalon to erect
building ySHxlOO feet
deep. Ike ooet to be ifMO. TM Bvealag Record wan glrea permlaeloo to
building 12111 la the rear of
the offlee. the bonding to be used an n
waiting room for the canior buym.
A peUUon from property owncra oa
Imwood avenue and Randolph ntrect
anklng that the- nUlewnlk grade be
lowerea twelve inckea wna reciMved
and filed. The board of public worki
reported on the name mailer and It
waa moved that the work Ik* under
tke BupervlaJon of the city engincHr
and that the grade be bruugh
proper height.
petltloo aaking permUilon to
guide algn. giving the name, of
yood aayitig that It wna wot a magnetic
detecter. I do not care to any anything
drecriblng the new appnrntua.
•To maintain conatnnt rommnnlc*GEO. H. CROSS.
tlon with the shore at all times during
Candidate for IlrnomlnatloB for Proa- a Toyage reqnirwi nn nw»nnilus of cx'
ecutlnk Attorney.
la om« of tke moat Immoral of iho
devll> catalogue of attraoMoaa.
Jack-Well. I wouldn’t wonder If
you arc taking the right aland. I met
friend on the alrcet who urged me
to attend with him. but a look in at
the open door of the tent waa enough
for me. I haatenci away and gave
the price of a tlckel to the Ural clergy
man I im t to apply on hla aaUn. Ullevlng that to be tbe better way.
Jim—An* you aurr that he didn’t
uae that money to buy a ticket for tbe
Jack-Yon. iK^auaeJ saw him go
Into the do|»ol ami buy a ticket for the
^ view camp meetluf. That auroly
H. a
«w to tto band at doth. Qaarta
To tka Biltor of tka Breaiac Raccoputo .m b.
ori: I aakBlt a tarn llaaa la tke for*
of a «ilogaa tkat I wfah yoa to pat
pu« UKto
la tka ooltmai of tke Brroiaf Raeori. miort tkat tke United Butre gorcraDialofiia.
meat to to aaeume or to attempt to aaA oooTarmatloa of two aelgkbora
|abo« Wallaca a eircaa:
I Jaek->Jlm. dli yoa aae the show
I JlB—Yea. 1 itd. bat I bare now cotttrel wlretoaa telegraphy while I am
■wore oir fad will never go again. It aUre. I do not behevc tkat this goveremeat baa any totrntloa of trying to
attmaist rack a UOng. I think Ihat all
tke atorlaa tkat it to to do anything of
the sort are DcwMnper yams.
“All tbe chief tranaatiaatic ctoam
•hip Itorw. with tka- cxcaptira of tke
White Star line, have limtaltoi my
wirelm telegraphic apperato*. 1 don’t
know why tke ^lilte Stor hue to bold
tog hock as It to. Dnkws It to simply
looking for a chance to pay more mon
ey to me. As all the other lines are
equipped. It to becoming more and
more Indtopraeable to that line, hut
---------- JMavi
boato tke more
foe appamtoa
-1 kad four dlfferret Inriromeala on
board tbe Oampenia, but only one of
them to ebtoln tbe news for tbe new
Mme. Rha Kratu. beauty ap<«lalUl,
la compelled to remain over another
week, ending July 23. on account of so
many caJleTs she la unable to consult
with. Thla la poaltlvcly the last week.
Mme. RIU Kraua hold tlm-e dlpkimaa.
Graduate and aseorlale of L>r. CaU•arato. Barak Bernhardt’s Uwuty doctor. All latest nac^hanlcal and elec
trical methods used to remove aoporfloona hair, molca. black heads and all
imperfections of the akin and scalp,
facial maaaage. bust devt^imH-nt and
hair culture a ipeclalty. "Keep young.
WUl be bore onUl Saiorday. July 23.
Consulutlon and one treatment free.
Office Hotel Whiting. Office boura. 2
to 4 p. m.
Removes blackheads and moU-s at
one silling. ^*hy not assBt nature
and kcN-p beautiful.
Consult with the madam and Icara
the art of massage free of charge.
2239 If
Btneral Fn-ui-h soUilers. sur>lvora
of the Cblm-se expedllkon of
rtNqjonsilde for tbe stoterarnt that
General Kurukl. who Is U-adliig the
Jniuinese fonre In Maiirhurla. Is to
renllty hnlf Y'rcnch. Ills name, they
say. Is property spelbsl Curhine.
cortliug to the tilory of tln-se wddlers.
a FivuMi oincer. Captain Curi(|ue.
wldle K. rvlnu III (Yfli.tt In lH.'uk mar
rlecl n J.ip.-\uese girt. A m»ii was born
to them, who was given the Jit|wuese
name KurokL et»m-iHHimUu2 to the
Fn-iM-h Curique. Tills *^»u U Geuenil
Kuroki. i!aplalii Curl.iue dl«l List
year In Fraiu^-. UutU the Utot h- i-or
r.-M|tomdcnt wMh bis m>ii. who has slm-e j
U.'^'oiiie fauMiUH.
W.-Un .b..
.„d bcn.
has U»»it nn able and valued a^soclatc.
\ p <*1 man. a friend, a pmkI nelgha man of strong Chrlsilan chararter. faithful to tbe cause of Chrlat.
loyal to the church, and r<»ad> at all
I times to stand for the right.
' Ktwolved. That we lender his faro
lly our most alncere sympathy, that
we ea ise a eopy of these r.v^olntlona le
bo given the family, that , they l>e
transcribed on the books of this
church and that they Ik? publisbc*d In
tbe dally luiiters of this rily.
Ooo. W. I^rdle.
H. S. Hull.
A good, well made Hammock Chair,
E J. niighum,
C, 8. Vader.
worth the coat for one day’s use, will
Wm. Umdon.
L. Roi^fNH-.
last for years, for only f 1.
R. W. RastaM.
J. T. Shb ldR.
J. W. Slater,
Frank Ilolph,
F. Gardner.
Your Reliable Home Furnisher.
E. B. Mlm.r.
K W« Us.
J J. Bailey.
A. UolK-riKon.
EniSONHioi jVEir UEt'OUnS rr
R. L. Nye.
K. S. Johnson.
(lured to 3a cents each. Grinnell Bros.
ihe varioul atrreta waa read. The pt*Tke committee on ordlnanccw re- Ution auied tkal it would coat the aid you are any Christ Ian people go
Into the abow?
city about $400 to do thla work and
Jim—No. I didn’t aee any chriallanR.
tooUlei be Moeaaed. that eal:^ machine the petitioner offered to ereciihe algna
kMT a number on a auiuble beck at ao expinae to the city provided he but 1 saw quite a few of the profreukd whUa to uac and ihat the speed was given permlaaloB to use a apace
Jack—Did you have that subscrip
limit remain tke aamc. eight mllee an 12x24 on each sign for advertising
Candidate for Nomination for Judge
kimr. Aa the ownera already pay 11- purpoeea, the apace to U* sold to the tion paper with you to pam i»^orc
of Probate.
to .pledge
Mam. Mr. Dlbka moved that t^e city different merchants of tke city. Tbe Ihtmc
- themselves , ... _ _
gtiormey draft aa ordinance to regard li.B«ot«to.tr«..iob».tbr«-lorh|'"
’ „T.ilon«ltT Liirl. po,-r.
la tke Bumberlng of tbe marhlm
thiiu $:!3,UVt for each vinmk-I This I
line. Tbe petlUon was signed by
Meommmided by the committee. Car George IVIx'ury and on motion of Mr,
Jim-Yea, but they said that they ,
prebibitive. for tbe pneont
»rest..4s I think tbnt tbe Hteawslilp
Winnie It was referred to the com- could not plodge anything because |
Con^wnW nre sonrrely r.-mly at the
Tke matter of peddlera’ llceum waa mlttne on streeu aad walks to rwport
I ptvM-nt tliue for sueb itu outlay,
taken ap aad oa motkm of Mr. Bing
i “I nm most thoroughly ss sfli-d with
Imm. tka clerk was Inatnicted to furboard, of public works report? what I hare net^-iuplUhcil during the ,
akak a llmof ihoae that kad paid tkeir that It waa neceaaary to employ a
present voyage. We kept In eotuinuul- 1
Ikwaaea to the chief of police who foreman for tbe West Front street
cation with land tbrougboui the trip, i
and on Toieday and Weduevday wenupwold aee tkat the real did. Mr. G
bridge. Two propositions were made,
to tom-h with both skies, our lou^t-st
tkoagkt Ike tab peddlera’ llcenae waa one of John Kyaelka at $3.50 a day and
mcasage came from a dlstnmv of over
aakoikluat. hut Mr. Bingham aald one from John Larkina at $3 50 a day.
2J00 miles.”
wag the same aa the two Aih ped- Mr. Lnrdle moved that Mr. Kysclka
Tbe Conanl Dally Bulletin was pub
Alm Itod aakad. $25 a year. Mr. OU- he employed. Mr. Bingham moved
ttohed every day. giving tbe passt ngers
lat atoo tkougkl that ibai waa too high tkat the name of John Larkina be au^
an epitome of the news of tbe world. ‘
aad moved tkat the matter of the ■tltuted nnd he waa employed.
Tbe paiMM- te sold for r. cents a copy,
and aln.osl everybody from cabin to,
ink aad meat peddlera’ llcenaea be reTbe board of pnbtlc worka report
Blecrage rushed to areure tbe first copy
ftrrad to tbe committee oa llcenaea ed on the walks and cross walks that
Issued Wl:b few rxreptions #11 the |
aad tkat ike praaent ^laaaee be an- needed* ntteoUon. The report waa
pcKsc-ngers kept a complete file of tbe |
Mforoad uaUI the mntter waa decided. ndoptod and the walks ordered built
po|H-ni loMied during the voyage.
.Mr, Bingham brought up tke matter Mr. Bingham moved that the cross
Tbe paper was laaned soon after
Itvarymea employtng amall boys to walks be buUt of cement except on
drive beaca. Mr. Oviatt read tke ordl- aireeu on which paving to oontemaaaca akowiag that tbe drivera kad to plated aoon. He.showed how thU
ka Hakaaed Md that no pereon wader wouM be a aavlag of from $7 to $S oa
U yean of age should be granted a each one. Tke committee on claims
Heeaae. Moat of the drivera In the and aooovBU reported leoommeading
the aotlllng of tke claim of Mrs. 8cha
tay kad paid Jkclr llcenm.
for Komtoatton for
death of Leri Z. Leiter. the attack by
Tka pMple^oa West Ninth street fer of Eighth street, who waa tojnred
the Tibetans 00 the Brittob poet at
have beee oompiatotog beoauae about
Knngura. the arrival of qprtSlnal Batolclrens.
three weeks ago tke street sprinkler
Jack—^niat more eta you expect of IL the Cripple Creek troobtea and the
wai token off. Mr. Murray offered a waa wlUlag 10 agree to thU aad on
latest Jatvau<we war news.
dish-water Ckrtotlana?
iwaplMtlnn tkal tke city be divided Into moUoa of Mr. QihU thU report
ITic reguhir edition of the Cimard
)lm-No4klag at alL I wax not anf- Bulletin te an eight poge paper, about
ikirlcto ter apriakllng puipom. that
prised the totArvU.
fi by U Inchcw. with five page* of *n>lateMtular roatce be arreafad and a time
Jack-'WhaTdo you Ihlnk U the tca- matter. The fttat ediUon. which Was
mAadala for apriakting of the vartoaa ouats reported that foe poor commix
iamied 00 klomlay morning. Jane ff.
imtfieto ke made. Tkla reeolathm itaoere’ bill of |2)fi had keen paid oa
coatolned tbe news Of the akootiiig of
man aioptod oa Mr. Bingkam'a motion •oneherm.
-OaoMor Tonng and the boldlag of
variMr. Fralk ekairmaa of tke board of
Kan rattosm wtfooot halL Untn tbe
paklk worki. aald tkat there weren’t
CanipaBia waa past the mid-Atlantic
Jaek—I thlak that to leal the aist
aaoaffh aprtaklera to cover all tke city and Ike bills ordreed paid.
Tka maucr of Mr. Boont’k lleenMi oTlL I beltore tke ChHaUaaa and aU
^ Ike foae. and tbe alii was to
Wtakle ika inato travciad itreeU the for movlag kooaea waa kremgkt ap. reapratahle people of oar cUy oaBkt
Mr. OUtot «m (to opIalM He knd redaaad to pay It on acoooat of
mm A tot
»prtoklta« «*U be tke atimie of catting wlrea. etc, la
^Eto«ttbito ANMto <«itlAtoMt. 0«
«r Mr. WRMb (to bo«U at
. Pwreer Graham and two anaMaata gal
ike nkote aa the tnuwatlaotlc etmimera out tbe Canard Dally Bulletin."
a A. Haatk ^ CkoM fa Oaa oT
ana ao great ae to ke pmctSoally ptwMatt liamorai of Sataii*a Catakikitlre. AcoartkagtotketoTcatortke
^ toaoa orJkt^acHont.
to Bad owt foe bf«t way to gK
a o. Jorat oaa
gttaa ptMiaakai to iwmIm Mia m
{plat. Tka aMttar.ol opaalas OUkart
^ la mM amu Wil
atroat batwaaa PtaU aai Waaktagtoa liam MaicMl an!md at New Tort re- \ITwb ww kare tanwd la tke (
■la waa rafarrM to tke eommAUt cMtly^ on the OuBpaaSa. aaya tbe New to wrkDeoercr la la charge of tke paTmltTrftaM. Wkeaam at klakoM
•Mtfll A •ABKIt, ailifilgLU mnO%^ tOHUtR.
la M
Tkat aar ralaaa aia akaalaiair
iaoi, laliiaaai kr oar trMiloaa aai rmaMIr g^lag baalaaaa Pao>»a aaia kart atpaallM to io kattar tkaa •h&inmt aai ikay art
^Mvar ilaaapQkMai. Baiaf Amo Maatectarwa va«art ta toack wUk
Manr kraack a^ Ika kaalaaaa Mi kare a pcaltltt kaaviaisa of aataal
aaat, (roai tka t»« aMtartol 19 tka toiakti proiacL U aoaaaaaaaea
taa aaeara arary ptiC9 aoacaaeloa kaova to tka trait, vklck aaablaa
M la aaiaraaU all aikar iaalara.
A rafaaaai aaU at aar wararooaM win aMbla aa to aatiafy yoa ai
la Ika tradi at oar aktea. Or, If mart aofiraalaat, we akall ba glai
•a BomMMi wlik roa ^ Mai Ittaratara.
- . ..
>»• pmum W u.
*«• *
Mm T .. a. Ifn imtar vflM -Iul*
Tka Art cklar w^Mlkorfoti Io glra
Cuming Tim, to Hu*.
Ptapara YoutMlf Par H.
Ftor a Aort
or nau (tothu boUm. I wUI Mll.m haM
Muob-i Cuu BBd Cotub tar.
PtatCuu...'................... 40, to.
One gout Cuu.............. Mb to,.,
Two Qomn Cuu............ Ototoi
Can Oovera and Rubbere
at .....................................BOe
Jell Qlaaaea. 1-3 pint....S0c d«
226 Em Fral SM
Gxtraordinarv Skirt Sale
Tine Dress Skirts..
oing to have a dean
^ ^ Everyone knot
Skin stock of the city, and when wc
advertise a dean up it means that
it’s an opportunity you should take
vantage of, for no,.wonian has too
ay skirts, and when such an op
portunity as this 00c is offered you,
do not mim iL These skirts are from h
the foremost makers, and arc the ^
lest effects, and are what O
it righL Cloths nit ofajjp
r, Vanaimmn, CkawiaHr^
M/et.dfc. Come in seven 1
fn * n"e ^'ttulhed band., jrok*
Here are the price.:
tot CM ciobl Ctorrt BtolMi, SWrto, an 0^ ftotoCalMrM.
Rii ^ceiient Skirt at $5.00, lor $5.75
M- M.
^ <r tfct
: \AT
MiTa^ MM*!^
Mrir MMil Mr trttk M< mm
tai M MM tMr for a taat al
cawAat raltktia ^ aar tat tiu
I MAM A Mat rtc
a aM a itMlt Mat
Itr teMt trat Mt aa-
nm mmor «f IteMk las mm
Mk vitt • ilMi Itar Mkkw tiMpi
wt; te te tept or rtMtac tM dt7
tk» mrnumm pt mtw.
;tr \ Ttet Aifta «MT AT«IwI MkrU
Mi ova lat ni fk« UM «f
aniaiUjr .ay
MM «Mf M laarMtac M «dt Mr
iaa la Alt
a la Hit
M Umg
New Toik. JMy M.-A Bonalata.
HanalL Menu tke BmaM:
par mnatke tke caws of tke dk
of Kona, whkk M aloag tke aca,
baea dfy. Pitoe anws wklck la eew
eon oonM be depended apoa to gtvu
bomrtaemi aappHee of rich mSk. bare
depmida oa the ftfoagth of her (
for her daily bread, fbr some
liar U her oeeapatloa. rheamatiam. It
oaahle to aee her right ana. la fhet.
hhe ooaldat ralae It from her aide.
Happealag to hear Ue lecture cm the
dty market lot oae eveaiag she parchaeed a bottle of "Hot Springs Quick
Rellar aad the raealu were no asar
vohMli that she eoagbt out the A
ta order to teU khn of tt. She only
tauaded to etHke kirn a Ught blow
hot the medictoe had doae lu ^
heuer than she had expected mad the
ooBaeqneace was that the doctor's dlgBlly was almost apaei. No dai
was doae, however, and after the
pHae had woni away, he was moch
pleaaed to llaen to her story of>ow
■he had become cured, lira. Schwab s
addreaa U the comer of Seventh and
Union etrocta.
tiM paddittt. Aa aaaljrtbi ibova that
Ika Maat art all rUtbt
■Vtak llarutff. IHrlag atar Oxford
M a BtotHBoatkaaid oMId vbo bai
ttra laaftti. Tke ateoad toagnt be■aa M OMkt tti appoaraaoe a few
trttfca M. aad to tow well developed
Alfmapt u aair. tke aklkl It a boy.
It la oMSaod tkat Batoa eoi
itnoera are to bttiy banraattag fbelr
cfwpa ikat tke OuMda tklaUe peat U
mvel dinnar was given at tbe Uv-
on Avenue BapM ckBrek In Itow
nwick, K.
tke ntker eveMag.
acted by the membacs of the WomM Mlaalonary society ef the ckuRh,
•M the New Turk Tribnim. Tkenev•Ity STM that thara was mUM tn
tnted a ailt la the Jaattee
mt Ahant fbrty-ive ammliecs and aa
whlek kolh paniea wata Ihdl
■muy gUMta attended. A paMoard
4laaa at law. ■gktiag with 1
pMte waa Imadad to aach penea, wtth
attflrwM. Inatead of with bofwt aad tka SMaa paatod os ft and tke «a|y
MM ye
•Ughtfalty puiraae.
stHde toward MrU.
tfUA mee aad Cany Ftoa Schoola la
ratm tjvm a ■!««•» cfmita* oa abc 1 again opened my eyeo the ana waa
rick tnmt abtolatalr «rj. aJtt
waa ecftala ao bimaa brias bad appraadhad tbeai dartac Ue eicbi.
detaUs of the wnvk.
Tb* aaplaaatloB baa baea tat
insL at lenaL In the opinion of aome ■he was >mded with Austrstlaa wdof the flvmert. and it has coma from wood and
. could not aink beyond
h-* a oertb. aalltaa. The faMaaad aad al- ,u»rror n^tli aad noniha Tbr«
latmdarr mllkauld*’ flriat Sab waa oome wrrekagv' oo her decka, bat
baa agate ratahmd to the ahoroa of maata and yards a<M booms bad gooa
Hawaii and nre^ plying their pncalter clear of bar aa they fell. She hod oHIt wna only nfur the natives had
been given n apadea of the nhlrd degrm>" by the aosplciana haahaaf
that the explaaaUoa was given,
ancient hative was roapoailbic for It
and he la solemnly corroborated by
every other native of the dUlrlct.
Aecordiag to them the waters of the
Pactgc contain a strange species of
flying ash. which thrives on milk
alone. The native word translated
means * mllkmakU.'' These dsh. say
the natlvea.dnit appeared In Ihc latter
part of the elghtoeoth century
were supposed to come from the
shores of Australasia. They have long,
pliable snouU. and when once In ac
tion cannot be detached.
Their plan. It Is sakl. ts tn swim
through thp surf quietly to the shore
w^ore. by Jumping up In tbe air. they
can discover a herd of goaU. or sheep
or cows grailag on the sea grass. They
then arise, as If In ordinary flight and.
as If prearranged, certain ones end
their flight on ceriaia animals There
they dangle until their thirst or hun
ger Is appeased or the supply
short. Then they swing Ihemselv^'s
? and at the same time gain the
Impetus which enables them to reach
the sea again. Once In a very long
while. It Is aald. one of tbes<- fli<h Is
capt nix'd bccauac he Is so greedy Ihiu'
he cannot fly at all after hU meal
The cowa. It is said, never hec'l
their strange milkmaids berause th?
flutter of the wings of the finh pro
duces a current of air most plea.sli;.;
on a warm night.
That Is the explanation given by the
natives. Some of the farmera pn
to believe thia. and have surroundei
Ihdr cowa with gill nets. Others are
not doing this,
are guarding their
cattle with shotguns losdcd alth fine
. which Is sun'Jy not a bait for
flylag or any other kind of fish.
proving theoaorivea to be the *nnLiner»
nr the natiaa.**
Bange-^nny aboat you.
tnghed at though you would n
that joke ta the aecood net: but when
1 toM irte jroa a week or no ago It
didnt arem to strike you na
-I paid money to bear that
Joka at the theater, wtien you told h
tt waa ant nought hr me. Peaple pay
far •dvlre
ndvlre fRNB
fiam tbe doctor. M
re no nan fqr gnstaitoaa nA
tied down nnUI her scupper holea were
only a few lochea above water.
I waa sorely In need of food and
drink, and after a few mlnotea* work I
Into tbe pantry.
Wlien my meal had been llnlslml I
began overboollog tbe mala cabin. All
tbe cbaris and naotUnI InstrumenU
were tbere. nor bad any of the spare
riothlog of the oacers been taken
away. I found tbe tog book.ami. Itmugh
1 could not read French. I made out
the latitude and longlltide last recorded.
I a-as so tired and exhausted that I
akpt the greater portion of the first
day. but on tbe seimiU 1 made a more
tborougb ovrrbaul. In tbe rear of tbe
captain's stateroom I chanced utK>n a
fS.000, together with Jeaelry worth
61.000 more. The plunder was In two
tin boxes, but wbetber It belonged to
tbe captain, the ship or to other jK'^le
I found nothing to signify. It was a
grand fortune to a |»oor sailor, and 1
ivnietnbrr that 1 octixl vrry foolishly
over the find. 1 »x>unied it ov.-r and
over again, and when I ut Inst rvsilned
that I was rUh I rusluil on dctk with
a wild hope of se..ing a sail ch»se nl
hand. But for the money I lirlleve ih'nt
the long days and dreary nights whhh
followtxl would have drivim me lns.nne.
There waa plenty to rat and drink, no
dsitger of the wnn-k going down, nod
-Ibo weather was floe for lire dnys out
of seven, hut I felt my isolation more
keenly tlmn I can descrlW. I was out
of the track of shkts. moving with
wind, wave or <*nrrent. and the a«me
eiupty horixon green'd my view day
afUT day and w«s‘k after we,'k.
While I became listless and discour
aged and almost lost l»ope. I stilt kept a
record of the days as they passed .Ac
cording to my record. 1 had l>eeu on the
wreck forty-nine days when I sighted
my first sail. Very likely ships liad
paased and repassed without my see
ing them, as I could set no signal by
day and always sW*pi straight thnmgh
the night. This asII was dls<'overcd
early one tnonilng coming fmm tbe
aoutlu and her course was such that
she most pass close by. Wl»en 1 noted
this I put the plunder Into logs atxl the
bags Into clothing and after that had
bothlof to do but eat a hasty break
fast and wait.
The bre«e waa very scant, aad It
was above thre^ hours after being
sighted that the strange aall drew near.
blown far off her course by a gale
which I had not frit at all.
8be waa within half a mile of me
and bad act a signal to gladden my
heart when a big whale suddenly broke
water clow to the wix'ck Half a min
Vte later bo was followed by a second,
which attacked him wtth great fUry.
Tbs monsters put up a terrtfle battle,
lashing and bRlng each other and kicklog up a aea like a gale of wind. They
at first drew away from me. but after
a few mlnotaa made a rirck which
brought them back agkln.
What 1 had feared from tbe first
ime to pass after a quarter of ao
oar. Half blinded by pain and fury
or feeling himself orennatohed sod deMroaa of getting away, one of the
Whales noddenly whirled about and
wreck bead on. He was
funy eighty few long, and
All l^ett Mechaniem] and Electrical Methods
used to Remove Soperflous Hair, Moles, Black
Heads and aU Imperf^iont ol tke Skin or SaJp,
Kadal MiMage, Bust Hcvelopinent And H^
Culture a Specialty. ONE TREATMEKT and
find tka wrnck a boll no longer. It
waabntabaapof flooUagdWNia. Tbe
range nblp drew neater and lowered
a boat and I was picked np at I dung
toaptenk. Tbe money waa fooe. and
gn ctet knt |be ttabam which ownpowddincnrgobadgonewttblt My
•dventgra, nnrprlM an R had begun,
bad ondadto a wny to eattefy tbe moai
nr Watertoo oa tbe i
of tbe battle.
wm Be Here One Week lonfcr^Endlnj: July 23
Oflice: Room 31.
Hours, 2 to 4 p. m.
tion ww.about to a/ljoum before tele
graphing. He oent bla tcicgram to his
friends. Sheehan and Hill, when bU
nomination wo* beyond recmil. and
BANTA CANT STAND FOR JUDGE when the convention was belplevALTON PARKER
-In view of this action, the act of
Bryan In IDOO. announcing ht fon' the
numlnatiun waa mode that he would
Always Voted Demorcotic T.cket— not accept It if It did nut declare for
Eighty-four Out of 100 Bankers
free silver.
Declared for Roosevelt.
N« w York. July Tu - On n t.hlf« (Hp
hv liat!V.rr> .attvijilliig ihr ftaK- exm-,
vrnjioii a siraw vote wa^ taken for
|ir.-.-lil*Mii <»f the rniled Stater. Out
of th« numlM r v..tlnK k1 nmirtcil for
RooM'velt. IV for Parker, and 3 were
tindi'Cld.'il- Of tke Ur wc'velt men II
wore Cli xHand democrat*!.
ThtXMlon- .N’. naiita. ln a.Muror of (he
Nem York Life lnKuranc<- company.
wht» wan appolnuxl civil service com
roUhInner by Mayor l>iw. haa Issued
a ataieniont. dt'claring (hat be would
not auppert Judge Parker, although
ho had never In h!% life voted for a
repuMIcan candhlule. This year. Hanla
h.- will Nuppnrt
allow, the pro
hibition ewndiOate.
• I am a gold dem*icrat. and 1 ex
pected to Bupjmrt Parker, oven os a
colorles-8 candidate. ' wUd llanla. “but
1 cann<»( tupin rt a nomination made
by trickery I am dl>>gun«*d with Par
ker Not only did l’a.-k« r not ahow
courage in aending hla famims dialiatcb. but he displayed the calculat
ing cunning of l»avid B. Hill.
-I think Judge Parker * anion despJeabTe. He mailed until the conven
to have
B«t tbrtc
^t^ aad vnSom h^ih for the s^
there oaa be BO health for tbe child
ncrona the eek and Into tbe aea be^
yand. 1 hwrd the trash of pbuika and
about by tbe
tbe whale aa ba
tbe auTface to
Holding three Diplomas, also Graduate of
Dr.Caissarato,Sarah Bernhardt's Beauty Doctor,
WeUater aw« Jeawr IJwd.
n.e follow ing qualm uxory «f Daniel
T^eimP-r and Jenny Und U told In
W at^l.ingion. the rnpltal aiy r
It ehaiK*ed that on the diiy of
Llml'a aw
ood menate wen- the giuwla
at dIniM'r of tbe Uawdan mliilKter. and
tbe coiMvn was half over when Wcl>^
Bter and the other tueoibem of thi* fuir
lind vul»%U1cd the iMxviid p.nrt of the
ix)»cert wn* op4*ned by the girttvl
Swede with -Hall, C-olumblar .
l»en»ly moved by llie patriotic air.
ckMU' of the fli^ veme
hh rh h. mmorx>U!« vol*^
the chonia. Hill wife, who lot U'hltMl him. piilhHl at til* ixtnx (nil to
make him stoii ninging. but at the
clo«e of each verw the volunteer
Jolm-d lu, ond uot»c r-ouM tell whether
UwL Webster or the audleiwx* was
ioat dellghUxl.
Ah the lart noti's of the m>ng died
away Wele^ter. hat In hniul. m.idi' n
profoiii*d bow to the singer. Jenny
Lind.-blushing nt the honor, oourtesl*-.!.
while Hie audience' opplaoded to Hie
eclio. Webster, not to be outdone In
liollteness. how«Hl again. Again. Lind
courtesled. the bouse applaud^'d. and
this was rej»«ted nim* times.
Tlie use of the word mess for dining
room Is s remnant of a custom quits
.xwnmon In Anglo-Norman tiroes. Mesa,
from the French roetH (meat or a dish
of Lmd) atid tbe Ijitln mensa (a toble).
■pored in common
gists word ~comfor four persons aiding at a
•pamte table. Guests at dinners and
her cervmoolal occasions were dlrldgeneral convenJeoce Into such
f'Tom this lbs word came to be used
as equlvsleot to four In otlier matters.
Shakespeare speaks of Henry's four
sons ss a mess, “7l*brrr are your mesa
of aoosr and in -Lore’s lalioFs 1x«twe find, -I confess that you three fools
ors art olwojw catered for In cnmpanlea, accortllng to rank, tbe surrlvsl of
the word among them Is quite tuituraL
Tbe same practice ts stUI matetatecd la
tbe Loodoo Inns of rouri.
soch a* BO other reawdy for thr diacaaem
I Statue. 'The Eagle
I eatt at Trann* Cttj. Hn. A.
tenet by titoir Imgfnl
aad make oat that .1 waa ateagaMe the
fbr It Milk haa artaen to a prei
In the diatrict and oosid not be oh- hancCBTceaeL I had acni«^ nmee to
do than lift ap my hands amt oaiaa
inhMdataayprtcuthe low ran and draw myaelf aboard.
Katnially the thieves were mm
1 had found a dmelict bark. Her matea
•d. Tke white tarmcn organised
ware gone aloae to tbe deck, asneh of
ber bolwatka awept away, aito I knew
Bight after aight brought forth no re^ Iqr the feel oC brr that she waa watew
Uu. Costs which ahoaid have given k«fd. I took one glance over her
and then dumped myaelf down on deck
«•!»«« l» tk« BonlBi
and was asleep la flve secoadn TVheu
Old Bok. aae of the haat kaowa Me
V taHMl«aa.1aMd.flewimtkei«o|i.
^ artjwrLMIordamdlln.Mia J.OrakaHMUe,9rMuakMe.lM«r.aai
^ V araiT uarcicr #ko haa aupped at the
An h^'aMMMte
niuaa•d fium wh^ neemed to be a troaklod
Night Wes Mar Tarror. .
•I would cough nearty all night
long.** wntea lira. Chaa. Applrgato. of
Alexandria, lad., -and onld hardly get
any ylccp. I had consumption |k>
that If 1 walked a block 1 would cc
frlghtfally and spit blood, bat. when
aU other medicines failed, three 11.00
bottlaa of Dr. King's Now DIaeovery
wholly cured me and I gained CS
pounda.*' It'a abeolutely gnaraateed
to core Coitghe. Oold^ La Qrtppe.
» aooB all the fama
Broachltla and all Throat pad Long
of tke ooaatry wOl be orotnia witk
blea. Price Me and |l!w. Trial
tbe weed.
bottleti Iflc at Johnnon'K drug store and
JOba Bambain of Martoe City, a dc>
F. H. Mead's drug store.
rrapU Bjaa of 13 yearm. aad bto wife,
aptd M. bllad aad helpleai. hare com
aitaetd a auU to art atlde a deed of
their property gtrea laat October
Oen. OsvU Pieced Large Order for
h ;
Jakua Broao. They set up tbe claim
Pennine OlatHcL
p r Ikat tbe'datd was glrea with a life
Washlnxton. July 20.-0en. DavU.
latao reaenraUon, and apero the uadee
ivcraor-gcncrml of the Panama canal
r ■ ataadlac that they should be Uken
$ *
care of daiiag their remalatat years. strip, haa advised thr Panama canal
mission that he wanu 100.000
Tkty allege that Bruso has not kept
I :
hla pan of the agreement, but baa left yards of wire gause to prevent mos
guUo Invasion of the none, Oencrnl
thtai doatitttte, even uklag aoo
says that this will perhaps be
4ha fkraUare from the honae.
Lyamn Topping, a well known Nllen the largest order for.momjulto neltlag
-,an. went tshlng In Barren lake and ever given. He recommends the use
of steel wW screens not coarser than
In Uklng a blue gttl off the hooJ
iagor waa jirtoktd by a fln. Tbe band 17 meshes to the squara Inch, galva
awtUtd iiA aad In order to nrold kick nised. Admiral Walker sufoeesu that
copper and brass wire also might be
Jaw. the hand will bare to be s
utilised. For tbe bospItaU 20.000 yards
Leaawea roanty lioasu of four win be needed, while for screening the
krothera. Nathan. lUrrcy. Oniardus houses along the cMl sone 7L.OOO
Working Night and Day.
s win be required. Two thousand
aad Henry H. Nanh. nil llrlng. the oldle bualcat and mightiest little
ott holBg 72 mad the youngeat 62 year, yards arc to be used to prou'ci the Do thing that ever was made is Dr. King's
of aga. They are all proapecoua cJilNew Ufe Pills. These pills change
Middletown—1 weaknes to Mrength. listlessoeas Into
B, R. FVrgnaoa of Ooldwalcr recent
would not keep bouse without Hollis- energy, brain-fag Into mental po
ly celebrated hla dghtyelxth birthday.
ler*a Bocky Mountain Tea. It's a They're wonderful In building up the
; > ^ Tke kjprgnaon family are noted for
great family m^jQclae; has kept my
Magonty. ellld out of a family of ten
family well the past ten years,
. aun I4{lag. |ke Meat Is a R. rcr- cents. Tern or Tablets. Johnson Drug
gaao^Ue ytfegeat. I^cy A. Uby, Co.
fei it. l4ey were aU born and ralM la
Spitting In firat-eias. hotel and pw».
teUTunt dining n>oais and In railway
Lsrwe •alary msr a leer.
Hifkk the trnSi. and If you've erei
earriagrs ts no longer considered to be
Sfrera) mine owners In romblnsHon
iMknoe df tbewe lusdous. boQgbMn hatr>OQtrsctrd with Henry Zachary, raflned: It is only in dabs, where a
I bam aaadwicbce. yn«
ong man living at Lockhart. Tex, few IncoiTWble -kooten- (cadai or
editor of tbe Ux
0 with them to AMaka to kxwte olderty gentlvn^n main tbe tradlUona
of tbe past tn lUls particular. A eoni be anya: •'One of gold vHns for them, saya a Galrvatoo pie of daja ago a conTupondent of tbe
I bnyerx. who admlu that he Mrial dlMtch to tbe Chicago Inter Benin IxJkal Aoaelger
rhat of a liar, aaya that truth
of ten years, for which he Is to rrerive onshinght on the hsidt
^ pan In a I
lioaoooi They believe that be has knife Into tbe mouth at mea
I In a railroad powers of dlvlnatkm and any that hla ocribed tbe effect oa a foreigner who
ablUtW tn this dlrertioo were dlecwr* had frequented hlgh-cla« nwuamnts
with him. and who was oo borrlflrd
Tke '•eternal lltneM- of things Is eved a year ago when he wan taken to that he exetelmed. The Oermsns In
Itfgtly a myth. But h Is not no al the gold fleklB of Osllforain and Colom llteoe matters are still savagesT* The
~ vaya. Here U a cane where there Is ■ do. where he unerringly locntvd veloa German blnshed at the Mea that a fhrof gold. In performing hla wonders
« ja tt'la al Hdensvllle. What coold he cnrriM with him a eleoder rod, in eigner eould say such things of hla
mntrymen, and tertwuuendad thaibe mare approfirtate than that tbe pa- one end of which Is net a piece of the
Chlldren at orltool and picnics mnat
W l« tkpt vttlage should be run by a
out matol. and as be pannes over a
be tattfht tbe proper way to eat and
woman, pr rather by two womea? The
■oUloni mnst be shown in their Iwi^
. ^
U a new veatuie. and Mrk 8. L.
racks bow they are to ronsame their
]^Hkinaa and Ukm LOy Boos are the
food. In this matter the lieutenants of
the army have a good opportunity for
almoat paAmtk U aoU the dee of the
red aaa. fM hh
mnde mt nMrt. bat after that 1 feH a
daU laagmr and wna nM half caw
Bpriagt Mar vat Um Tia
blow ia tbi cbtit Mr*. %iiiwa 1
«M> «w alckt UW
fM tto
Mmtint. Tkm«Ma,q«riin»
lac at Ikt tl«r. aad. Ibaack ISM taM
at a a«t ttaac at aa. tbe Me cmH
«pe«or ^ atttlaf la Mi Mat A
Milt GMk M takta ktr fMet Haul WMUas wkta Mrv. Harr
MMf «ki tM tttSa «f tkt auit. Tlw ■Mali talarad aai vUlMiat aajr pra
T. V. e A. Mra iMt It MM M fha
M fMaCHtii M foiMM tSAt a M
«t Ma lor fiorldag It tkt btnrttl
Yla mr mM tf ti. tatpii kti
tptfWaetd t ctaM tf Mil. ttd
%m rwoliai Ue orAttaet Mr vkleh
tteM MMtrt MV to W IImM
M vtH iMM tkt IkMMt Mtr tlfMr ptl4 It,
KkwnW.MttreB.t.nto.1 .
tt «M V «S «C BIlllllWII «■ w
Tkw L—MSS mm MsAlela*.
Tbe value of lemsns In tbe tfcntmest
now known to be very grat The twatroeot te to begin with one or two a day
and gradualljr Increase tbe number, do
one case of rbeomattea twenty-ivn
IteDons a da/nretr tbe dam for a time.
Aa a preventive of Uteem. kowever. a
half a lemon a 4a/ Is aU that nbonM
be Ub»-4bat isi If taken ovety day
year ta and yter ovL A half a lemon
in a cup of hot water taken ao boor be
fore brenkfast (wHbout any ■ngat) erlU
tbe darkest of dark brown
itb. If you nmke a
uctlceofnaitegmotetortterniMnnBnr than 18 gaod te ynninkn Ismnn and
bot tenter rr
Ovur First NaUonal Bank
L 8. BBYAir,
tech. tan. emateiittes.]
bulldinc. CorrMP€>fUUiitaM.a
Kill*. Grand fupidk,
Officul Market QuoUtioos lif pri.
vale wire, direct from New
Yofk and Obieago.
Trmm Mi OpWtWig
Uphobtonnof an Kin^ F»-
Soas Real Estits We Han For Sail J KSSK&isFst'sgsr
Largo baaaa mitb amall bam.« foot
tot oat ar tbo fomai ptacaa ta Btato
tlrttL mfi to cartataly odtomfi qpnr
•*Tou know that I om a Poltob Bo
GOtboUc.** bo aald. **aod a native
naw. Toa oaaployad mo two
yeara ago whom I waa aori for to pot
ta my tana for military aonrteo. Toa
kaow atoo that I hato tbo thought of
-Bat for my poor ol^ motbor I
Mid not bare tefi yoa. 1 would have
A repnbUoaa ward cancof wll) be
bold ta Ward No. 2. oa Wo
reatoiiiblt, •MfiO.
Lota 14 and tA block 1A NaaMfo
Lay A Ct.to flib ad^Utiv titaated ta
po^a? So^aTySSagatea^ ^ Watt 71b ttretL tafga nliit room
ooanty coavoatam to bo bold ta Bteta- heiitt, good ttam foMdatloa, ali ta
borg*a Oraad Opocm Hoaaa, Friday aftMrStaL Tbto to oa a
80 foot ItL tavgt hoama. flat tocakloa.
aad ebtap atttJDQQi
Na. fiFI Walm^ Mreat, 84 foot lot.
M Of lb« stTMito or fteBU. Her
I vlik to trmil to tiM bottMoM la
Mor ov, woe gratUM Hm 4kS
M obt 4M
toov bow te
bO •odjrt. woold fM oe
•vblHWt bK. It tinkat be eoM tbM
bor tMMortto^^Wotortoo are Ten
mmUrntL All ebe roeoUeeU to that ibc
baanl at tbe Uaw oT tbleret cootaf
oC vpoabed t^Beert* tUiferv to iteal
OoosrpMiao Wade of tbe eeooaC
V fwslatlT la tbe latter role doee be eboe
adraatage. Dae of bia beet etorle^
(^<«boat a roaag bulb wbo took a aack
of ^ala to aa oMdaabtoaed mlU U
bate K gmmd lato aMal. Tbe poo
dema vbaela rerotred ao elowlj tbaf
oaly a flay atrwaa oT oieal trioblei
, IMtjr. arblle tbe y^ag laaa paUeaU>
vatied: Flaallr bia patience waa ex
bawled aad be oamplaliied to tbe Bin
ler. -Do yoo bbow.-be Bald.-I cook
Ut^Ur tbaa yoitr old mU:
BOB grlBd U.** -Ybi.** replied tbe Bill
ter. ^‘bBt bow loBg could you beep oi
^OBtlBg Itr -1 could keep oa oatlag I
BBtU I atanrodr waa tbe eoacloaln
aaswor or the yoBBg nan.
A propoaltkm to boaor tbe neaon
or Klrlcwood« tbe war goremor of
lewi^ wltb a iulag OMHOorUl te Bieet
tag arbb BBlrwraal fbeor la xhe hawk
I aute. Tbe only Queatloa la aa ti
rona vbleh tbe BNWorial abal
Heir KabHlb. tbe Bobealaa tIdUl
tac who latelr r^red word that h
waa tbe prood father ltd twtoa. U aai
to bare BMide over IMO.OM In tbe tea:
three ycara. With eome of bla grea
eonUagB froBi bit riolln ho pttrrbaaec
Kolta CBBtle. Bear bla naUve place, li
At Waal Folat it baa been decided
that we tal^eadet Bay go lato tbe oa\
Blry. becanae be amat lack tbe agilU>
«r tbe Ideal boreemaa and mnat pron
a bardea to bla atead. • Bxceaalrt
wwtabt,** aaya Oeaerml Bnrtoa (laapeci
or). *ia rvlDoua to a borne. U cumber
aoBM to a rider and wenkena tbe cn
dtaVMice of tbe indlrldoal/*
Geneml William Booth of the fiahra
tloa Army on re explained bti theon
or getting work done. -They cnil me
a pope aomeUmen. I reply It la th«
oaOy way. Tweaty people are baade<
togatber. aad alaeCeeo are for takiny
tbtaga eaatly. aad If yon leave then
to ibeaiaolvee they will take tbe eaaj
path. But U yon eay. *Oo: that'a tb<
paU.* t(iay win go. My people non
WBBI add wait to be commanded.**
roderewaU. tbe faBunn planlat. aay>
bbi gagera are aa pmloua to him a*
lire, for be could never play if be Ion
say of tbeBL He makea laanraac
f tnm time to time to cover apecla]
rftka. aa when be la going on a loar
Journey by land or tea. but apart fron
Umae. bU two baada are regularly ua
dtrwrttten from year to year. He pay»
9ijm annually la ihU way. with tbf
reeuU that If anything went wrony
wlU one of bU predona banda at an>
tteae ao that be'conld no longer earr
•a taeome by bla playing he would be
pgid mfiOQ caab dowa by tbe tinder
ftcBdi ebeb have bad tbelr daya tr'
Kawpoat. U preacmi plaaa carry Urntt
ndtt be few of them preparing food
liNfO ta tbe future.* or In New Yoii
. BgMmg tbe cottage net Tbe pay la oor
«r Ibe gnetUoaa debated, aa wen at
the eDattaBaoce of aattag aueb rict
land and tbe Independent Bmanem of
Ibeae bigb wtarled ladlviduaU. Mn
: Wtayeeaant Flab began tbe war by dia
peatlttg wlib her chef, and baa brought
to tbe Oroeawnya n woman cook wboac
^ ««b ta prepnilag food baa beta kaoe*
' •Otefaetory. There U ao trouble U
; tarn. Fteb* kUebea atooe the ebaage
waa amde aad tbe food U aa aaUatec
' tory. At dtanera aad loacbeona laat
^ wwcA tbe diaimaatag wUb tbe rread
cbeta aiM batrtag wo«a eooka to tbelr
• itafipa baa boM gnmlly dlaetmaed
J V9m fot tanat gcoeoeatloa or
: tbe pbifa wQI be gtaan tbelr a
tebt eae of tbe depatlea waa killed.
BOW and gave myaclf up to the
^aealved a Mfe
lad Bol ired a ahot, aad waa aot eeea
inaed at tbe time. Two
me of tbe gang Involved tn tbe Hoi
Jmt aigbt died aad ou bla deathbed
be waa tbe
lad ifwd tbe tatk abot. and that
Imitb waa eatirely taaoceaL An la/cetlgattea waa amde. tbe dytag awa'a
of Texaa at once pnrd
fmitb. after be bad aerved 21 r
tve aoDtba and SO di^ He came to
lelleftmte. espeettag to And bla broth
Ta and paraita. but aU tbe family bad
lied yearn ago.
brutally Tetrad.
A enae came to tight tbad for pcralaeni and anmerdfol torture baa per
iapt never been equaled. Joe Goloilck of Ooluaa. Calif., wHlea: “For IS
aara I endured Inaufferabte pain from
hough I trted everything known. L
mme ncroaa Bleclrlc BIttcra and Ifa
be greateat medicine cm earth for
bat trouble. A few bottlea of it com
iletely reUeved and cured me.** Jliat
la good for Uver and Kidney troublee
iud geoerml debility. Only 50c. 8at
•taction gimmaiecd by Johnaona
img alore and F. H. Mead, dmggtel.
Buff coal fetwra a lot of wrath that
ma t be tomed eway.
menu wefo
-Tboy found my:
They were
not np to tbe ata;
partteular ta tbooe daya; they arc aoc
ao porttentor now. They hUowod ato
to go free fop another year.
Then came the call to arma Men
were wanted to fight tbe Japnaeae and
mcninremmiU counted for nothing
then*. I beenme ooe of tbo 17tb hattalloa of aappers. and wont to Moscow.
-There we waited for a whUe. anl
then oar regiment waa ordered to th^
kl pouaod
be ^ on.
**! have told
Wc were given leave
la order that we might buy provtolona
and l,anld to myadf that It waa now
or never.
‘ -I threw my regimentala into the
river, for, said I. *1 am a Pole. and.
come what may. I cannot, after nil.
fight for*the Buaalaat.'
**Aa you know, n tailor haa not much
irouhlo about clothca. I made aomc
for mVaelf aad In dlsgulae 1 fled. 1
wanted to reach Hamburg, but 1 had
to keep clear of all the great highwaya.
-I put in time with first one vlUage
Ullor and then with another. If I had
been dlaoovcred I would have beco
•hot. I bad narrow eacapoa. Once I
Btayed with a Polish farmer for a few
days. Then I «*as suspected, and 1
had to run.
-At last I reached Hamburg, and I
have Just arrived here.”
who are able to keep dUrSca
A wouwa'a face to her futnee^-or Your Money Back If HyomM Aocs Not
perbape tbe fortune of bee druggist
Cure You.
Though tbe world may owe all of
oa a living, only a few are preferred
* Uae Hvnmel abd be cured of ca
tarrh.** U what all wbo have tried It
for that diseaae say to their frienda.
It to the easiest thing In the work!
they any. eome i
Doa*i «U down and wait for e
cbltig to turn up; turn qp your aleevaa
CaU a man a dlptemat inetcad of a acute, use Hyomet four
tier and be win be picaaed; yet ft day U all that Is needed to toon ef
fect a cure.
amoiwta to mnrb tbe aame tbb
In this city and neighboring towns,
Cbteago ItoUy Newa
there are hundreds who can lcatlf> to
the remarkable powers of Hyomol to
*Tbe aky lookt bluer, the aun al
cure catarrh. Many of the staunchest
Tighter, a fecdlBg of youth and friends of this remedy today began lu
itrengtb creeps over the aonl after ate with little hope that they would
I A Sons of.
aklng Holltoter*# Bocky Mounuln
tf it did
Tea 85 cents. Ten or Tnbleta Jobncure, they decided to^ try It on that
and were soon restored to
Thsl WMllMTrbsais.
The oldeot epemtotor In Wall atrm
A young artist, wbo opened a studio
la IkluTiid n. Wciloy. now W He
aratfbes the tU-ker rkmrbr every day.
te a Michigan avenue tmlldlng two or
Mayor B^wver of Pblpidelphla be three months ago simI has hanl work
gan life aa m clerk twenty yesra ago to imika ewda meet, finds some grim
loter be won distinction oa a lawyer. humor ta the situation. A a^ety
-Alfred Capua, a Partolam playwright woman, whose borne to on the Lake
aaya that few If iny ttwl dmmaa are fibore drive, bas been taking a kind
written In tbe Vnlird States or Eng ly Interest In bla career. Khc ended on
bim tbe otber day. but dkl not niauiear future f«t symptoms of puivhaalng any of
first ikr. bia picturrs.
» at Kartorube.
In Ward No. 1.
July 80. 1804. at 8 p. m. la Oeatral amall btute with water aad wwtr ooaBebool BuUdtag. for tbo porpoao of aactlpaa. ealy 8800.
No. tIO Wobeter atreoL amall fwatat
oloettag 15 dotagatoa to tbe coaaty
to be bold la SUiahergb ebtap. STOa
if foot lot. Qood houot and bam. an
Waablagtaa tb^ 8
Large aino room houao and baaomaat. atwtr and bath, water ta bopta.
targe bam. .Let 80x175 feat, a fiat
A, a Curtla.
praperty. lot worth $40 per foot In flat
O. W. Sackett.
Ward Wo. A
A repnbllcan ward cauent wUl be
held in Warn No 4. on Wednesday.
Joly 10. 1804. at 8 p. m. in Engine
Honae No. 8. Casa street, for tbe pur
pose of electing 6 delegates to the
eooDty convcnilcio to be held in Slclnberg t Grand Opera House, Friday afl-
aad a tKtto good thabtr.
goad timber. Oat mile from oebooL
This to a flim farm.
80 acres baar fiiittena Bay. on bay
abort, fine
ttroams ofr water. Would anaka a flat
A Urge houae
^ :j
and H, lals, with
there to ta the sUte located
aaet county.
Vacant lota In all parte of the city
too numerous to mention. It certainly
is to your Interest to see in before
buying any real oatete.
Office Suifa 301 New Sfafa BaakBlil’g i.iasfeVi.-Br.r.-gB;
*SScd JaYy^lf, 1804.
J. A. Montague.
K. H. Pope.
F. D. Marvin.
Ward No. 5.
A repuhifrmn ward caucus will l»c
held In Ward ^o. 5. on Wednesday.
July 20.1804. at 8 p. m.. In State Street
School Bnlkllng. for the purpo»c of
etecllng 11 delegat:w to the
convention to be held In Slcinbcrg'B
Grand Opera House, fYlday .nflcmoon.
Dated July 12,
K. Cleveland.
A. Evans.
J. Hana,
Bsyiac- •t tmiii r«Jkv
My hahy sister was cutting tmli.
and when my brothers came In tiiy
mother t.»kl them nl^mt It. Two of
iny'small sisters were stniidinc near,
and the older one nske,l: **Mnniina.
how do4-s she
her ttvth- with a
Tlie smaller one. agt^1 ft, an^wcHMl;
-Oh. don-t I.C fiK.llsh. r.uiinn. she
125 Case Stroot
A big line of Refrigerate I at bottom
prices and eaay paymenu.
J. W. Slater,
Your Reliable Home Furnisher.
Travorao City. bUch.
Phono 602
Members of tbo National Electrical Contractora AsaocUtlon oi tba
United States.
Wo are
La i. A. BUItOINfo
to pul in your coal far next
winter and
the highest degree of
animal Ufe was.
A hrigbt-cyed Uttle girl rots.'d her
band and snswcn^l: -*n>c high,‘st
of anltuHl life is a dnillc/*
Msklag rer.rh Kn»»«.
T did not see your ilaughter in the
roachtiig |»;mnle Mr. Giites.-Xo. She lias l»ecn «-nntUPcd hy the
latest tad-mnklng French knots. Von
kt^y Vh'e was a impll of Xlme. Ilu
chaiinn of the Champs Klysi^-s «nd Is
yultc proud of her m><slh*w ork. Kxcrj
young wonuiii lh.*s«« days must |-axe
at least one huml-mmle dn*ss, tljai Is.
a dn-Ks made hy b»*r own luiihL
Elols spends four hours a d.y onumcntlng her lat»-st cn*:iiiou w;ib
Fremh knots. latst night idie in
fonmxl me that she had made already
over l.:yx» and exi>octs to umke kamon\ The knots kstk like little hummtsks of thn-nd and an- l uHl right
lu the ek th **—New York Preaa.
bjr Ittting us deliver direct
Irom car to jroor bina.
Prompt Delivery.
All Work of Hlaheal Fbealble Orada.
Flue Geld Work a flpeetetly.
m a B-Ttium
„se-585 New Wllkelm Btoeb. IRtl*
MBS* Pbona 882.
J. H. MiBrii 6u. R. HeWitir
Both rt-rnc*.
Choice Groceries
Butter and Eggs
at lowe*t pricca.
Wc sell Me-
Qts.30c; Gal. $1.00.
WH. NOPUNS,c NoPrep,
Ladles, -you can Jump on R. trampie on H. but it will come up smiling
every time.- Caiman's Elastic Floor
v»mlalw B. E. Walt § Sons. Travorae
TrmiOEkMYn Tr%rmo Cl|y for
TnS^lmrm Trxverw City for Xorthpwt al
frumouaa:;;^ awte Itea 1^
ALL KINDS of building material
over which you hare tolled,
whlcli you have pm yonr soul,
nU. baa retiumed after a yeor’a travel ao dear to yon that yon ran
In tbe ortefllt.
the thought of |«irtUig with
mhl. sympathe^lly.
Mra. Amanda W- Beed,
-Yes.- nTi^«i\tlT artist. remem1*ercmaed. provklrd In her wpi for the
Notice te All Poreone Interoeted.
he wfokneaTTf^?lhe ptelure mmrfoundliig In I*orlUind,‘Oie. of an In tug thr
Tbe aeaeasment roll for the paving
It to
«t|tuttoQ slmltoe to Cooper union.
krt *W»n»rttmni
of Casa street from Front street to
Cbteago JonnuO.
atroet. and Stgte street from
rbe Japt may fight tbe Boaataai.
I Union street to Casa atr^ to now tn
On toad or on tbe ecajNoFtoytItewa.
my bands for tbe eolleeUdb of tbe s^
3ut the glrto for Uto here country.
-Fbr Joan Cate waa after me ooo- ond aaaeaament. togetber with tbe ac
Intereat on all vBpald InstallFight for Bocky Mountain Ttco.
ttaaoaaly- writoa F. A. Gnl)edge. A*er- creed
meats, tbe same to be paid before tbe
beoa. Ala. -1 bad a terrible case of first day of AngnM. IM.
Pltea oanatag 84 tumorm. W*b«a aU
ng my wffl. 1 tailed Bocklea'a Arnica Salvo cured
*Tve Just been making
Atagipoaaem me. Equally good for.Buraa and all
aebca aad pataa. Only 85c at John
<Tben you did It la ten wonla.•oat aad F. H. Mead s drug Btore.
-Net at on. Tbe towyer wbo drew
It op need foor Mieets of paper.*
-B-bat dU be charge your
-Fire dollarm.M8lpH Jbreeflmrmofw
t Bay *waaatr-let aa bopr be didnt
-Tbea he a an boamt towyer,
It la not
srmated to make tbe amice worth tbe
r«c^**-Cblcngo *rribtmiL
deJ^of '
ailwt I. tamn, a LMfcia.' dock. SimB
ko«. M thi.
nw tak« 110 tent mm- WDIImm-
Soon, and you've been tavited. Select your
from, our handcomc asaertment
AitooioliiL Imdi iHd
easobfi ErIm SflpplHL
RASTALU the Jeweler.
F. S^We fumtoh
with every gift
Hmit*tCc»ct07 Vamjait
816 Unkm.
xT CBAraL PnplicW.*
laa XMitactau 81
“If it's manufactured I
can supply it.’* ‘
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