The Evening Record, April 06, 1904

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The Evening Record, April 06, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tBKt AsnmiAm
By WITS la tba Raiilu Raeart
PMIadalpbla Aprfi C—Btwta BamMO.a«ad »: Jaaob Ha—laH, —d
S*. aad Oaear Baaasaoa, aR*d M, were
tarn* dead to had this aMvatag at Mb
RtetuBoad aueet. They M baaa
orarcone by gas from the nior*. The
ooroaer aad tbe pottoe are torastiCXQUECN HAtmFUJRNZA.

Bptdal to tba Baaafs BaentV
E Bagids, Mleh^ Agrtl i
lag oC tSa baard of din
BagMs Pwtlaad Cap


Oeaat Aimtety i* Fait far laMia af
Baaed af Pwblia Waito Will litwaaHr and Brtktmm War* li». By Wlra to th* Bvoaiag Baeoai.
Madrid. April
fbr— Qaaaa
I tba Mattar of Baard EileOn* Trate Wm Oaliit
. is ill with lalaaaia.
atka emWi Hatma Caal Ba
t>M< ti^wni Mad
---------------------jiety is fen r^artlag
adMovad Ovar tba BrUg*.
Warrawf Caeap*.
yrncad age.
aaw milk ordtaaBce for the
8paHal la the Craalag Baeord.
Orawa. Mleh^ AprU «.—As Uir re­
wo was not broogbt ap faraully
at tbe Bwetiag of tbe eoaaeil last eraatail of a haad«a eolllakia4iet«aen u
Pepe Maraaetle rrelcht trains herr
Ing bat the OBlIkmen were girce an
«:«4 teal Bight, both engtaca are Irlas
opportoBltp u> make aay objactloas
to the ditch to tartetad
they saw El Thnmgb th^ attorney,
coaduetor aad brakema are botb
W. Uaderwood. they asgreosed
liadly lajarad. Oae of the tiaiai
dashed into the eaglae of the other
gaiag at fall apeed bat Inckllr
d aot favor tba tobarcater test,
other 'UalB • was oaly going atowly
as they tboaght that a eompataat asan
•iae looa of life aad atoeh greater
ooold not b* aaenrad for tba aaoaey
property donage oroold sorely hare oetba aty woaM want to pay. William
MeOool also was favorabls to tbe orThe ootlisloe occurred between train
e. Tba mattar was laid orer
Ho. M. draom by engine No. IM aad
B No. «S.i. drai
bj engine No CS.
n by
toe No. 1C4 U ( Be of the cntnpanyV
maka a Eaal satttomaat wttb 3.
and is cnntldered
•bit aectkia of ibe Bad His PoaHlof) as United gtatai l^^^w^ha^aawer Maaaame
to him. t
Benator to Oa This—Attorneys
aad tba
through freight, left Dnardman
Bight with ord*T« In past No. K5.
Htroard Wbittog was given parmU
hiral freight, at Grawn at »:l«.
oioa to more the buildtog next Locust
arrived here «li minutea early aad
Grove ootttage
— rtend of stopping went on through
near tbe seeoat
It reported that the engineer mitron Uy Wire to the Evening Record.
l^uls. Mo„ April 6—United
wrued bit orders. The north liounl
lUskm VOS given iol
freight was mH Josl outside the yards Stales Senator 3 Ralph Burtoo. of
at It was Blowing In run Into the Kansas, was sentenced thU ofleniooB
of Tenth aad Unkm atroata
the Boribwest ooraer.
Althoogb N<a 22S was running slow­ by Circuit Judge Adorns to six m
petition of Howard Whiting for
ly. No. M was going at sorb n rate of Imprisonment In the Iron county (MU- a The
sales barn to be built of brick and
) Joll and fined t2.5O0 for using cement
1 that the' force of the Impact
33-100 feet and two and oaed both engloes completely over
oIBclal position ns senator in hoir stories high, with tar and gravel
I both
to the bottom of the shielding the Rialto Grato and Com- roof
and metal cornice, at a cost of
n feel below. Both
$5,000 was referred to tbe bulldmliuion
“getengineers st
to their macblnna.
nHiber Jumping nalll the engines rlcb-qulck" ooocern. from the pooul lag Inspecton.
William Arms asked ^rmUslon to
tttarted to roll nt
Engineer Peter aulboriUm.
erect « building on lot 5 block 6 on tb*
Boyl went through Ibe window of hit
Burton, when oentenced. was very west half. 10x1* feet aad
and 10 feet blgb.
eab nod bad n narrow escape from Ifallnervoaa and bU boada and limbs to be a portable shedli aad used as aa
lag under Ibe rolling mooat
shed. The
le matter was roshook vUibly. HU attorneys entered
other engineer and both I
forred to the butillding Inspectors with
raped unhurt.
appeal for stay of execution.
power to act.
w Cbarl
Charles Jooei
A petition for an arc light on tba
reived Sf
Jto. 56. received
severe brtilaes abont
corner of Twelfth and Ckss streeU was
! and eyes Rear
referred to the committee on lighting.
m the same train, was I
There were about a doxen signatures
I about the back and i
the petitloo
JOM lives In Grand Rapids.
Tbe ways and mesas comm
The mb of one of the engines
ported expenditures amouni
the tender mugbt Are but Ibe flaraM
$3,725.30. which were ordered |
were .amiteiestlngtHshed The tendar
The special comm
ed !o
of train No. «S was driven back Into
make a seUlensent with ... WWltney
for Injur;- received .from a defective
Dded him $50 as
hut only one car left the Irark. The
wceeJetog train wan seat for from
by the council.
Grand Rapids and It Is OKpeciAd that
The city treasurer reported batoacoa
all trains will be nmnlng a* usual this
to tbe various funds of over $30.00#.
r. A. Hammond, custodian of pnbBe
The two engines are nothing but a
funds, reported Ibe amounts credited
heap of Bcmp Iron in the ditch. It Is
to the various funds.
the opinion of some railway men thit
B the Evening Record.
A resolution was adopted inotruettog
rtneer of No.
81. Petersburg. April 6.—Tbe oOcUl the city clerk to extend tbe time of
he stop all r
rport from General Koropatkin. tbe
third assessment roll of tbe third
the fart that the thro
nmaader to chief, brim
nt for Unkm street. Tbvery heavy train and was running tt
another sklrmUh betwei
action was taken with the Front
a high rate of speed the brakes re­ the Japanese and Russians near W’lJ
fused to hold. The distance from the General Kiiropotkln says the Japanese
esolntlon was adopted that the
stopping place to where the collision had five oiBcers killed. The Riissloni
public works torestigate tbe
occurred Is only a short dlsu
hod several men wounded, but none
sidewalks to tbe city and reneeded. also
Tbe Japanese hsve devastated Yon
1 cross walks and nprmu aad
gompo. The RussUn geoerol reporU
mded where sa^ cross walks
that tbe Russians were tbe nggresoora.
ms be bom of oomaat at a
the vohinleers making the attnek.
Mt over $3,000 sad that tbay
Yoogampn which was destroyed by
1 to tbi
the Japanese, was a Russian setUeI for
ment to Northwestern Korea. The
Japs put place to the torch. raaolathm was adopted that tbe
dark adrortla* one wade for
Siberian Proclamation.
1 propoaals toom tb* Traverae
Oky baaka aa to tba rate of totareat
By the Erentog Record
they will pay oa tba dty's money and
Petersburg. Aprt 6.—A
Cenflogeatten was of Unknown Origin, motion has been
the rate of Inerest they will charge tbe
In SIber
loans or temporary loans tbe
On* Was Fatolly Burnad and Two
Inga, mrryi
€>f arms, purchase of dty has power to make from May 1.
Were Seriowoly Injurad.
1$B4. tor oe* year.
Tbe eonacil eonErmed tbe eaavass
tending to
of tboae elected |o oMee at tbe recent
By Wire to the Evening Record
■ “on.
Mount Vernon, N. -T. April 6.—Five
» matter of movtog the former
persons were burned to death and four IRVESnCAnON ORDERIB
L. BaUtb bonne at 1$4 State
os hers were burned, oae fntallv. in n
street again cam* ap. After aoasa dlacoafiogmllan of unknown origin which
. Ohio Ealdlaro cnaaloa as to tba adriaaMlIty at amv
deetroyed C-olumbU Hill nt 5 oclock
tag H aeram tb* bridge it waa dadded
this morning PmcUmlly the entire
aot to anov R to h* movad even to
tomity of Nathan Frey perished In the
sitens aa waa gropoMd to bo done
Eames. Tbe dead are :
a ne bidder tor the bonse.
Nathan Frey, aged 4S. shoe dealer
IsJdor Frey, aged 11. son of Nathan. By W’lre to the Bvaolag Roeotd.
Henry Frey, aged 3
r tbe otBcers and ealUted men of tbe
Frey, aged ».
8pringfleM orgnalxatioa of tba Ohio Feared Tkat the Wkate River at CanDofing. a maid.
The lajnred ore: Mrs. Nathan Frey. National Guard durtog the reeeat riot
atanline WW'Fanr Thrdngh and
totally bnraed1; Mrs. bouU Levin nod t^that cUy U to W tarMigated by
redne^^^morJairi^JMaat Oen-




His Ftoet an Tampomry Haad Has
Baaa Fraetleally Agraad Upon
by Forty Laadars.
ublagtoa. April i
T Root bos been |
mined upon tor temporary ch
-New York *Sld^
ooaferrace^iih President
s morWag aad said he tbonght Root

By Wire to tbe Even tog Record.
, Aj>m L—At tbe reAVcaiUaa today John
ic Bomlasted for tbe 8olaEga hr ^mwtemalim.

try a record VANT



nay* baMa see been — e
raalgaaftoa was raeah
retoidaye. aad tba i




'r.-T-'-'r;«:' <
v ■--: r.-r: \


ly^aW yn noon leava Rto RapMoore ea^ to Elk Rapids to
. mher, U$1 aad orsaatoad tbe Rto
Rapids Bariags bank, ralslag $32.$$$
^ aa hoar aad a half. He was made
■btornf tbebaak^aerrad to that
capacity natU l$$l.Lhaa be was
proeldeta of tbe bank. When tb
Rapids Cement company was __
^ he was elected secretary aad
irer of the nompaay aad a
ago bname geoaral maaagar.
As gnaeral manager Mr. Moore will
eeeeded by R. R. SOgh of Bay
“•**> ^ Priookey
will be seeretaary aad tree
Laraa MarshaU of Bk Raplda baa
appototed bosiBeas aad oBtoe
Elk RapMs will lose a good cUtoaa
aad one of tbe most sacccssful aad
pragreonlve baslaeos men ben. Re
baa always been pramlaeat to pablle
atalrs aad has osartad his utmost ea^von for tbe heooEt of this plemi
Mrs. Moon has been prroldeet of tbe
Elk Rapids Sorosit for some lime onJ
to a social leader. Booth on extnme■ct that
beir ialeaded departnre.
_ Btroog reaotntlons in honor
hnnor of Mr.
Moon were paosed by the director*
ly Ibis mnrnlnx




A olory of a Laaeaabire anal mlaarte dmubisr. CaUtory Me, wNb
H* tbriUlag lacldaato and dromaUe Wamaa Bgaroa. fma aaMem been
Beacribad vrith aaeb ametleaat pamer.


Pritt $t.iS




« 0i(y Book ^ore

Made in ^ —ppy. sytish
■hopes, redly morth $2^,
hot they are yoars liar

ONLY $1 .89




Today toe rimU plaoe oa mle Five Rnodted

Only 5(3c Each
Theae umbreSu have good eovcm and mroog steel rod. Coogo crook
handles and ore extra fine value tor the mooey!^^
SEE our window filled with HATS, SOc to $3.00-

k tMmUt Dms SkM

Real Reliable Clothiers


Bo^*s Teet this time
Our Shoes don't moke a boy look os tboqgb he was all

look nice





Fhortes: Citizana *3, Ball ifit.

For 50c

Cor. Tenth 8L and Uke Av*.
^ A

Take it bococ and try h,
and if yon don't like it,
return it and get your

We carry a f lU line.

Csli a* l n-

»} C 1 ■ lie II.

The Old Rel iblc Slioc Dmiv

...219... FrankFreidrich&Co
New Sund


242Front Street

Abotrsets of Title
Sotabltohao In 1808
Mosortlc Block

Sot yon don't want to pay
any more than, perhaps not
a* much a». you are now pay­
ing for your clothes Let tu

e toveatlgatlaa board. Tbare are
1 of tbe Akron

paper mill bridge Boated down Fawn
river a half mile sad eraobed agatost
the steel bridge aad tore U from tbe
I during tbe Akron riot
abotmenu which ware washed out hgr
the force of the v— aad bow both
lie to midatream it to fearod that
whole fane of tbe rtvnr may poor
CrissinaU Con Now B* Extraditad tbe
throngh and Mandate tbe badaaaa
From 1W Catmtry.
^ of the riltege.
By Wire to tbe Bvsatog Record.
car ferry COMIMO.
Washtogtoa. April 6. flaeretary of
State Hoy and Senator Qneaada. tbe
Laevw Dry Oaek at Beatti Chteaga
Cuban Mtototer. tbU mocalac Mgaed a
Wrdgy Evaaiag.
treaty fCr the extradMloa of ertsMaaU
a tbe two c
Speetel to tbe Eve^ Boeord.
NorthgarL Mleb.. Apill
toUgae ear ferry wfE taare the dry
dock at Sooth Chicago for this ptoeo
DetrotL April
Wbeat—May. aatnrday eveatoc. The boat has b—
11.91; Na 3I red.
Sl.«S: No. S com pat la repair aad to now aOae the
Hhe: No. 3 whltKWto,
worse for her aagmteaces with Imfc*
Tqiado. April t.->Wh*at-Caab MtohMaa In. O—Hsrabls toaigbt M.
May. tl-SMl: Jaly.SSe.
wattMg her both bets and at MaaMChleagD. April L-Wbaat—May. tl«ae aad it to aaticipatad that aha
»4%c: bid Jaly, tSe; aaw Jaly. U%. win be abte to maha her regalar tripe
Oora—May. SHfcc; Jaly. SS%c. 0
May. SS^: inly. »lhe. May
lltJS; lard. SSJE%: riba fdTi.
R. B. Weaver hae eoU hte rataS
FMaloaa <m bwal amik*L SB
Plva laada raaalvbi.


- If you sye s habitual
weanr of read.vmade. U Ad
ler. Bros. A Co. s Rochester
made, ready-to-wear will give
yon better snttofnetinn for
the uaw money. If yon nn
the customer of a swell m..‘rchont toilor. It will g:ve yon
tbe nma satLifactlon for le-s
goods aad you will
know why.

e ambeim

iiiiiiiir "nr


Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
w. I_ mnoWN. Mana>K«r

Union Wadt Suits
top Coats...


The Perfect
our hand-taiterod

«' ^

- suhs, top coats and
^to «••«»> a aeurce

cr suri^e* to tb***


who get into them f»r

~ .
i' - ;

the first tiroo-a-try

as a aaia—atyiaa this

eosen aro quite dialiiiet
from teal aaaaen'a producta.

ten Doiiars fo twenty

SamiUon ChSfing^

TUTxssB onr, ucr, wia>KHaDAY, irxn. t, ito*.





pmtm or

Iha^ta yaa
T«» ■
•n«anac • a«»a u4
tdad ar Bha the Mtow

af Mbt Weak. ^

C. A. 1CKLCWEW, CMr Cllili^Hir


tlea of wttMrawal being ta­
nked. Whoa a fiegeaBor ffmaa
pari efhtompoea traa aarinsa



MliMgaa will be haM la
la tfcia dCT Taeadar. Wa»«—, —
Thandv. AgrU
13 and 14.
Tha prapaai fbr tha three daya aeaatoa la aa (ailoaa:
Taeaday. AgrM 12.
T:3a p. n.—Bvcalag prayi
Addreas of vekxMae, the r
Pahara and


an tanaa dnaataL



30ivte exxRA

hr MOP tm totaraat on aB tie
depoMt tat only oa ao MCk aa
he draws. Her does a aarian

Taa-klBd •’ Bka .the hlrd
aoag at rortl— rtnar;
Tea ktad «' Mk« the Haven
Mly. far and anr:
ktad o' Ulu the arrrr
lam rhyuM wbaaa
attataa aa tOf fait;
Tea ktad o' taw a lot «f Ihlncs that

a»ad w «

I| tiaam, far

................ .....

tain, gtad SMMDded. w.m’bowl. ..l»c
^ qt gteri eatuaded ooffta boikr. oolr..60c

( alwaya better

WE RAVE fitaiseaiM) codii9etc Ime ot this ware at excepjroa trtmt yoo'ra trronc
at roo kind o' Uke the fellow arhoarfB
Jolly ,wo alooa.
tos^ %mea labor It CM l|m»

tieoaDy low pricet.

*^no«asdaof WOM wm have ml-



Bar. 3. H.________
la ikt oMaa 4ajr» wbaa tlM «i
3. The Mlaiatar WUb the Tooth, the
. vaa aot oatta ao ikkMr aaUJad aa4 Rer. C. J. DaOona.
tt# lUa«aN Oil Oaaiaaar 4Ma t «
4. The Mlatater'a ReUtioo to the
Oioceae and the Oenaral Church, the
tnl tlM «oo4 aleobal a«a»lr. the
H. P. 0<
mam aaad to Mae aa their vleUaM
aa4 ehMa theai dowm % nm td gria
a. n.—Moralag prayer.
•tag aaragn vUla tha radahla
Tha Church Canraa In the Di
w1taeka« at thatr haatfe arllh
Church Caaraa In the Dtoecae i
havka and ether avaltahte waapoiu
a Hanpahlre
Thb «M lataaaeir aaiaatag to tha In
:. 8t. Andrew'a Brotherhood. Mr. <
gtaaa bat tho gsoaUet raaaer'i
10:30 s.
-The boly r
iaga are oalf reeordad in a few InThet Bar
Bertnon ad c
ataaeaa haeaaaa be saaatallr
T. Wehster.. Ph. D
eaaibad to the red auta'a adrth.
2 p m.-Tbe titan:
Bone Une prattaaa to that, the
~ pers and dizeukstuu*.
Divorce from the JuJklaJ Puint
RtaaaB engarora aaad to aoa
lew. the Hon. Praderlck W. Mayne
Cbriattaa* In coal tar and the tore
Raadtag the Banrice With Ulna
father of heroaene. after dirtag then tratJona, ooMlnued from the last semi
aaaual. the Rev. PrancU T. Russell.
D. D.
4:16 p. n.—The cblldren’s service
The address the Rer. R. H. Peters

Year Rellabit Heme Fumtotar.


Wadasaday EvenioB7:30 p. m.—The mlntonary service
Papers and discussions.
1. Teaching Morality in the Scbools.
the Rer. V>. H. Osborne.
3. Seven Years In a Resort Town.
The Rev. J. W. Armstrong.
3. Tha InfluoDce the Clergy a<
Teachers Might Rxert In the Way of
PrevenUng Uophyslologksl Marriages.
J. D. Mnnsoo. M. D.
4. Our Parish House and Its Work
tba Rev. i. K. McCormick D. D.
Thvraday Morning.
Moroiag prayer.
Addreaa ad clarum. the btobop
Kaalpp enra totar^ly~4. a., ata ftmat
Busioass Meeting.
la prafaraacatoeoartdiaaara, batatin
Deroikmal exercises.
that Mt of aaragery which aetnatad
tha Ihdiaa at wall aa tha hlghaat type
of oledo
of etriUiatini of what waa thea the
Frank J. Cheney makes oath ihai
taerM. aproota cot mad ahowa Itself in
he i* senior partner of the firm of F
Tarietn plaeaa.
J. Cheaey fi Co., doing busineM in I
Rawam la a riltags of a tow hun­
Ctly of Toledo. County and Bute afo
dred aoola la Haaeoric eottnty, Ohio. «aid. and that said firm will pay 1
It has a Ttllaga high school bat the «nm of ONE HUNDRED DOUJi
pcaaks of ontslda stadaets had eri for each and every case of Catarr:
that cannot be cured by the use ol
deatly baan read and talked
tarrh Cnre.
the Tillage lads bacaosa they started
to before me and subscribed
ttat oa a<kastog expadiUon of their
this 6th day of De
owa.. JOter of eoaraa <ware to work
r. A .
opon tba boys la tha other claaaea.
Theaa hoya wath amallar bat It laade
Notary PubUc
Hall's Catarrh Core to taken inter
ao diffarsaoa, so they atlarkad than
Oea of tha lada Praddla nnwwck waa nail), and acts directly on the bloo<.
aad mueons surface of the system
thrown Ttolaaty to tba groond and the Bead for testitnoabUs free.
back of hla head stmck a stake. The
J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
by all Dmggtota, 75c.
whole aggragatioo piled oo top of hla
r Hall's Family Pills for Consli
bat when they aroae. Preddie

Ronan boUday.”
Ttnaa bare cbkngad ainoa tba
dtaaa aaad a club orar tha heed of tha
white-nan and eran the burning of the
martyra la but a lagaad. Tha name
a emnta genlenan who mt on i
roof and fiddled after he bad atarted a
iawfire la order to cauaa race prajudloe
la apt <• be eoototndad with a ratatire
or hia whoaa wtfa fall off tha original
akyaerapar and who ftaaUy took the




That same stake had plarred the back
of hla mod. tha Impact of tba ««- pht
of human flash had broken two yf h
ribs, bis luag had baea pierced and
few days later a white hearse bore
body to a newly made grave. Tl
naother r-sa aiighily ill when her s<
was hnrt but aiace bU death abe baa
staadlly become worse until new
Ufa la despahnd of. If she lies,
boys who did the hazing will be gni'ty
of ;*o murders.
Down In Ann Arbor they had a
rutting fraeaa. No onOma klMed
the atudanu waa told to pack
np hU grtpaack and go h<
i ezpe'.le
I from ;
any other of the greater collages. Per­
haps Us poor old father pul a
gageonhl. farm or^usinass to s-nc'
collaga. perhaps tha hoy
Mamelf by Urd labor and srif denlzl
secured the amans. no dllferenea. his
4ream of a higher adacaooo U
tshed sad hU life will always have the
stigma haagtng over It. He's been
expelled, expelled for cause, and the
page has been bkMted before there
waa aaytbtag writtea on It
Boyish pranks, aatmal spirits, youth­
ful aabttberance. bosh! All basing
la simply a reverskw to type, goliig
back to the tliM when the miroLZ nun
Jabbed a spear Into tiw sreakcr me
to sea him sonlrm and started
ia order to keep bU bkiod ia good cir
enlatiOD and hazing baa no more place
la the worid than a babboon la a pul-



Dr. Ptorea's Pkaasnt Mlets m tm
aoot daaiiable toxntiee for daUcata

Ltoler-Oncc 1 married four c
plea In fiftaan minntea.
Captain-lirtt nee. Uufa Mkh
knotaanbmir. Wa can mat that 4

The kindergarten teacher 1
bar pupils to draw pictures U
e fssoma aong with wblcb they
miliar. After considersti
consMerslile :
-chUdren came forwsrvl with a
of the-ti
sheet of
ibaitotlc daaigna.
Tbe conit>o<dilon
tba pletnre consisted of three rude
T. tbe cn
borketa. ranged
and a set
repreaentatlon ol
of doU or spoto made with tbe potnl
-What to thtar asked the teseber.
polBtlng to tbe first pall•That" said tbe young artist. Tt tba
ohi oakea boekri. Tbe next to the
iron backet Tba last one's tba moos
covered bucket and this fs Ibe well."
“And what are these dt.isr
-Oh. you know: They're Ibe -spots
that my iafanry knewr "-rhltodelphU

and abetinaoee. from

“What to nr B^bly whtepeml the
“Whisky." replied the noree.
Rcaolataly he turned his lips Wway
from tbe tempting bottle.
“No." m murmured: “I don't Uke tbe
last three letters of tbe word. They
re undoubtedly Russlnn."

Beeijig that be wss dcterrolneiL tbe
nrae gave him a large swig of brandy
Dt of tba same bottle, and he was
soon hlffiseif again.—BalUtnore .Kinart-

•ill of Fart to Be Barvad by the Elks

day Helen w«* inkeii by her
r to visit an artist w ho happen­
he foUowiag is the menu lo be ed to be baldbeaded. Helen laid never
seoed by tba Elks at their chaiitj
stodie Jjefore. and sbe waa
ball to be given tonight.
out eretTthing. She watched
Bine points.
aa be worked for a Ume
Dill picklei.
licked up one of tin? bruabsa
Crescent olives.
examining it caiefully. said:
Saratoga flakes.
r I know bow yon got baWHam sandwiches.
'oo aaad np all yonr b
lied fresh tongne.
Bsrstoga chips.
Chicken sals4l.
Dressed lettuce.
Wheal brem.
Graham bread.
Rye bread.
Tultl Frulttl Ice cream.
Assorted cakes.
lo say I love yon beSoft drinks.
caase yon love tbe thing I tore."
“We mve not pnhltobcd that thought
dear." said Frau Hobbard.
"Nq." said tbe l^ra.
DooY worry iaboot It ffrar Hobholds. Booebody pnblUhed it tong
ago.—Chicago Joarnal.
on the asyum grounds and the build*Tt to etolmed." she aald. “t|^t only
tag will be poshed lo comp]
2 per ceot of the people who are op­
St $24,000 and
of two for which an appropriation erated OB tor appeodlritto tail te i
made by tbe last legislature
“Yon." be replied.
i tbe 2 per
Just my lock to be
Knights of Fy
cent if I triad It"
WTiereas. Tbe i
“Why. are yoo ao tborooghly eonCity lodge. Na 73. Kalghta of Pythtox.
are csdied npoa to monni the loss of rlneed that yooVe a two ^Mtr-Cbicaour
dear aad
brotbera. go Record-Herald.
Qnincie E. Boughey and William H

Tb7aad tldlags of their sadden and
unexpected death came to os Ilka a
pcisooous arrow, piercing our hearts
and casting a gloom of
our Castle Hall and tbe
onr order. .
Reeolved. Thai I
laterest in *the Russlan>Iapanese
war la tba far Bast aeams to be decltatag In tbU countiy. The Japa. so
tor. aaaa to have tba bast of It.
ind will ever ehartal
iateat exploit being to chase tba Rnswe will seek to leai
otaas acroaa the Tala and taka
aaoatoa of WUa which wm a stroogly
extends lu i
_______ r in thatr
fottlBad Ruaaiaa outpost Tha Raastan
bereavement aad rnaiBiaBfl i them to
cavalry la some planm to uataj
tbe Supreme Baler of the a
phoaa potaa for fuel sad aubatotlng oa guidance aad oomtort.
of <
a dlat of treuw hocaa. Bat oti
Intkms m apruad upon tm
veat white bear to sitoat aad thoonaads of troops are hatag raahad
tm float Tm paw of tha bear n
ad 1a tba dally papers of tha city.
dsaeauil oaa of those days with awful
onimiag farce, but ta Um maantlma
D. EL Wyakoop.
Japaa. ilka a hoaay ^ whoaa
to iMdag robbed, to attagtag tm un­
wieldy aatatod paea though ft «

Tbs intstllgsncs
■ante of tm public

to make your n-nt money I uy

Bmallpox at AlbUm.
Boom on at Rosebu
Clinton installing
Pickle factory at
Clmer Hall. Wayne, sold 63 bogs for
Imlay City has no vacant houses nor
J 8 Tuttle. Nile . purchased «
hide for $10,
Prayer meeting I
printing ofllre.
Banllac t'enie voted down water
works pn»posllkjn.
Thiring March only ir. divorces were
begun in Csiboun county.
Damage by floods throughout the
state eMimsied at $5,000,000
Man named Trout eaiiglii If ponnd
pickerel in Stone Isl
Run ledge and
Patsy Riley. W
d 27 conns last
Oe<»rgp Riley capii
jHlh «.f Csrleton
week, betneen the moil
irm on the
creek and Dahl’s farm
r Whitehali.
of the riv<
few daysi sgo a mad dog made
sppeaance■ In North Brsne
several dogs
made to kill the br
bniic but proved unsnccessful. and later on he was found
dead Iby the roadside. Several
bitten dogs hare been ki
e» BmUhenglll of near Holly
made all preparattoas to move lo his
farm at Vanderbilt In tbe northern
part of the state. He bad a large |
of his goods loaded in the ears, w
he decided to remain at Holly, as
freight charges on his goods v
much larger than he expected
l^nuis Muuband. who found an
nach of a fii
-eddtng mg in tbe stomach
e had oait^t In Little> Bay de No
received a number of letters» fro
pie in that vicinity that they
y hi
kist such
a ring in the bay and asking
riptlon of Ute ring. Mr. Marrhand
Indignantly denies that the storj to a
fairy tale.
ildent of the
D. E. Gleasen. a resident
tl Boo.
has rec«^ved what Is» believed io 1»o
the largest lemon in tbe v
grown at Bonora. Cal.. and was
to him by his brother who TVin that town. The lemoi
nebes "tair' and 20 Inches in cl
erence. weighing two pounds.
irdinary sized lemon looks like
Ik* a ha­
zel nut In compari.son.
Jerry Tart of Marine City had c
siderable trouble with the pen1 Block
stock in
his home la
- time he was
draw any t
L plumber s
ter from the
summoned, a
look the faucet apart be found an eel
in tbe end of tbe pipe, fitting tbe pipe
so closely that no water could run
throagh. The eel was a little over
12 inches long and no one can imagine

river. Mr. Dacha took tho eel to Zim­
merman's store, where it to now on ex­
The buys of Pontiac wbo cannot
wall for fine weather to gamble their
marbles ta tbe old way bare evolved a
new scheme. A bole, not much larger
than the ordinary mar
marble to cut In the
cover or a cigar box
tries to drop hit marble through
xh tbe
bole while standing erect. If he
ceedt be gets two marbles from the
owner of tbe box. aad If he fails he
loses tbe marble. A cigar box
on the sdesrak with a group of excited
BcbocI boys around it to one of the
sights on Baglnaw streets these da.vs

“So your husband to busy nc
“Tea; Lyaander baa been working
pretty stnady of tote."
“What to be doing nowr
“He-n toying to write tbe Lord's
Ptayw to tm toast possible apa

eeat battle of OraaWi
of Tar ff R toBs


Wc do noi give you any idle talk; ii is all biiMness. When we say wc give you yUAl.ll ¥-4
and TRICE both, we are noi trying lo bale
you on. Come in ourstore nntl we will show you

PHONE, 146


Lady Mlato, wife of tbe gotemor
gaarral of Canada, to one of tlx
graceful of akaters. .
Dr. WlUlsm WeWe:^ cf Berlin has
been cbooen a foreign meuiljer ..f the
ParU Biological aoctoty.
Mrs. Horace N. Allen, wife «f the
fnlled States minister to t'or.u. has
Bred In Ibe orient nearly twenty .mara.



Commander WlUtom P. RawtolU who
fired the toat abot from the sinking
Cumberland at tbe ironclad Merrlmuc.
to dead.
vih Bemhnrdt to writing her
Jim. and Tarla is waiting for
nubllratlon with iMore than ordl-


Hove. England,
Oswald I
will exhibit nt the St I.«uW*
■mall drinking mog use,l by
> Urn lati

Women’s Spring and

Summer Shoes
One of the finest showings that ia made.. Here are some facts to remem­
ber: If your feet become sore It ia usually becjuae your shoea do not fit
properly: f your shoes wear out too quicky it ia. of course, because quality to lacking; if they do not retain
their shape it to because of poor workmanship. All these difficulties are overcome in Cray Bros.’ Ladies'
Fine Shoes. Throngs admire the new spring styles we are showing. You may well believe that many buy
aa well aa admire.

You surely want a pair of

Patent Leather Sandals
They aito the swell shoe for summer wear. We have them in one. two.three. four. five, six and eight straps,
made .n both patent leather and vici kid and sell at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. 9ZM and $230 the pair.

Ladies’ Oxfords
Are worn and will eontlnut to be because they are ae comfortable.

These are made In either patent leather

nr vici kid and sell for $1.50. $2-00. $230. $330 and $3-50.

Misses’ and Childrens’ Sandals
Are made as stylish and of as good material as the ladles' and have from one to six straps.

j^en’s “H. J.

Comfort” Shoe



The most comfortabis shoe that has ever boon made. In tm ordinary shoe
the tongue, vamp and toe piece art all sewed together and many timos
maka a bench that to meat uncomfortable. In this shoe this is all dona away with
a change to made, ficveral year s of mrd study was pot on this one thing before it v
ouraly “oomforL"

Men’s OxTords
The grea
great proMem of how to nabdne

■ lus be^ sclred.
others, to ao constructed that
and holds tbe atray tacks aa ta an Iroa
the spring of the comb
grnap. ^tay are ttaa 1
thing of the pari.
This ataold be an eye«p«iar
1ST to hofimada. Ladles, ypa alM
amda ytmr InMbanda to csOII aad axaaffaa tbaaa trnly woDddktol
A aonoa of twiahtaton aKwe.

Preot BL

■ .^v,'

Tbe above prices hold good tmtil Satordajr night.

W. H. BRdWNEm Prop.

, .♦

We Sell 'the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Piano, and the Famous Farrand Organs.



■OB roatna siooi^ nAvnaE cmr, mm. niaMiBii>AY, Aran, a uoaT




■ M.«towM JimM
ni—imii yaar, maaeead-

emm* «r AM tta TfMM*.


m Tsrtc. A»rt C—Tk«.««i%
mrho mama Uma aga wllsi tka
Uoa or romrtk UlsUf PM
OMcnl Brtatov to tlw teams
oM or BO mir ooter piuawl
froat tha poatoacia la Us toaa





■aamtthattMiMnBaCffhaieahe; la awaMKMA-ta thoir pM Mr.;
w and Mb. Mwdmaim wtC iMogflajtM
aaaaaa aoma dar
laa. '^HBaai M^Oow aad Jamaa;
BMflrttoa fland a hida la tha lee

ipd ghapii la tar Mr Maaal Arm
day of Ape* daetd^- aaM tMs amtcOraad SapMa BaraM. -It haa
haam a laaptfs iBMam wWh.ths two
to artar apom lha anjnywat of
Bt rsaaltod te aa taapiitnr Mig. wa
samaiir ak/agm oa April l.
t to atop Ik* obaozloas rrnaa(U tar thdr
aaad it or aot, *wd IMa
yoar/ aaU Mr. nsaistam wd Mr.
’ wko was I
Ooar twanteim> *wao no mBipltna R
aad U eoa
oa kte hoacnaoaa.
The Bterlff kaa i
waa na&y tao aUBy." aalA Mr. Maalataatioaa at
with Mr. Briatov. tha

___-ss- riir--sfiT.*asis

Btaacea. He anys:
rtied at WaWap ter Oamm anfl
"Daar Friwd Jrtattm: 1 4amX want
you to CM no telae Impreaakma whm
Took a Utile Fflaratoe
you caat yoor ayaa ovar thla. I ain’t
mllao horaa laa aw^ tart might
Tb* Wind Oav* Owt and the ietty got a kick aowhere la sight aad after
■fllyflamapMthartg: The hoca*
I've raad this aoma caraM aad'
Merara O’er the ley Main Wathed
left staafllag ta the alley aear
ladeatlona. the aama balic naaaaMeek Ten Mliee.
I street by eome oae who waa
r oa account of my wriUa which la
the rig aafl Um hone pot tired
sure aerawly ^d earalcsa—If yoa
The 0.TPnh wind blaw and the aontb don't say atick oat yoor paw and aay waktag aafl whirled aroaafl tipping
binlMUr Pmteraor Brnrat Ha«ck*l wind she blaw. too" aad then. P'*'“ - •Put It thare. BUI.' then I doaT kaow the boggy over and flrapgtag It oa the
aide from that kxatloa to la fooat of
has beea spraaioa tb* wintrr at lU- man that Is broke, the whole I
Mses or you aor nobody.
IKlIo. la tb* Prracb Rirnia. M* Is at quit blowing tfieauelve* and al
"But the news which I'm going ta the Cass atreet eoglae
heap aad was
acilr* aa a bub of 40. la a reeaai Ice boat erew he walk back lea i
tas out to you la noma pwranwal aad the horse
louer Ha«rk*l pratrsU aaalaat bslajc by car!
ndUag aad if you float eaKy yoor
The wind Monday was- *oaH
oalM a tavaat OrnnaaT. be aajra. -|»
Id c^l flor^MUuMHn^ tnfl aya
fall of prafesaora wbo are laor* templing 9 tb* hay and Ralph T
learsMl. wbo have read aiore book* er. I^wl* Tiakham and Mr. V
you remamber aa wrttlac im
f InItlaU have nafortuBately got- ’long aboot teat ten toUla tha h
that I bar* Mr Ifrlcac alai baa boea
0*1 ta transIt.-coBcInded to anil we was hariac with oar lady pi
parltcalarir to aiadr oa* btc
np to Omena. Brer been Iceboallng? tar ahoDt bar trying to aflnen
“l«“u aald fbat
Baach of Baraa There's a thrill aad charm about It town ap to her own Maas an
aab. Ga. a irpical aportamaa of lb* that bekmgs to no other sport. As aara. Well, 1 aori of fihaapad my mlad
old-time aootb. mar ▼*»»» aocaa of tb* the voyagers saw the shore line skim­ aboot what I said la that laUar to Hew Pale Waama May Oct Atrenpth,
Cbicaao ra** Iracaa this atnamer. ming akmg in a brown thread aad
Basrh loai aa *r* r**»*
*»« »«> beeid the hollow nimble of the Ice as ^bae day 1 waa Joat abort to Mt the
Rich. Rad Maafl and the Rleem
M)-a be do** oot feel bla lou much II was tortured by tb* runners of iheir trail attar a Oraaaer aad I ntapa la
of Health In Their Faces.
“You a**.” he explain* wblmalcallr. craft, tbclr blood flower swifter and U the portotiee name pekS'aafl wamMa
‘It's BO eaar to pick winners nowsgood lo live. The twenty-six lag. Next miaote I was iooktap flown
liar* ibai I'don't need two erea." He
A pale, bloodless 1face indicates
between here and Omena wen:
les trooforty-fire aad my haafla waa wp
l« KBbl to bar* left his mark amoag
ipllshed all too quickly and. half bile the lady paatmaater wan aaatm^ ble: it la a alga of
and a*
Ihe Umkraaker* at Bennlng* track.
anily. the boat «a* put about
mt amaalag ‘gntlamea la we see ao many right here in Travers*
Wasblnittnn. harinit been remarkablr and the n-iurn trip started.
Ilowing Irtler
will Interest
remove their haU whan City th* following
It I* Inflnitely proper to allude to the transaetlag_ boalaeas
boBlaeas Ila this oMoa.’
Tl>e crown prince ql Germany and
Mrs.1. B.
B. H.
H. Dunakitt. State Chairman
il as "she'' in this case, because
"There wasn't aay dUaaa o( the
V Is nothing quite so capricious as town that saw me taking laaaaaa. aad of Correapoodeoce. Woman's Llteraiy
hi* ronnitef brother. Prince Bltel
Pritx. are m«»ch lilaalmllar In char­
eternal feminine Well, the wind I ain’t aaturany a talkative aua. but rnk* of Praasy^nla. writes: "I
anffered for over a year with general
acter and diapoallicn. the tatter being
quit to blaw and there were still
.............aa of the attaatloo
exwmelr retiring and greatly Imlong weary miles l«Hween the ar­
dehllKy and weakoesa; I had severe
me aad
prea**d with the necessity for com- gonauts and home and all that was
M. heaflackes. and was pale
p-.ylng with parental authority. The dear to them. Without warning, the
roaa. My phyaleiaa described
cttiwn prince on the coptrary. on aer- s'inci faded awar and was nothing,
remedies, but they did not
betag right fi
eral occaalon* ha* suffered throacb but those ten miles were still terribly
help me at all. A club a**o
morning—I i at down and wrote
real. To condense: the craft was an­ you that letter.
mmawaded Vlaol. as It had
rnt onr
chored: the pasaenger* seized life pre­ “I aInT »rry I i oae K even If It was
V of a severe atoaiach trouble
le wa*
t Prince Etile
servers and jumped overliard and then
to notify you. But 1 tried II. and soon fell greatly Imstuff th
drilled the tenth of a century hack lo he's sure nnllterai
kklng four bottles
Iterary except with a proved.
from all my troulad as II was, evary- I can aay I am
branding Iron, ai
George W. GaWe wa* driven to
The Ice Imat Is still resUng at an thing tnraed out all
bas made me weU
a right. Me and the Men, aad tt ha______
orage. but aimie undaunted ranger lady postmauter is amiried. Y'ou ain't BKire. Several
writing with his left hand through a
al of my Meads are nalag
f| ride out o'er the Icy main on hi* a bit more surprised than
fear of writer's cramp In the other.
it with beoeAdal raaalls for tang and
stomach troublea and to restore lost
HU manuscript 1* mlcrowwplc and a wheel and rescue It from Its temporary I SB)* to myself oae daj
marrel of neatness. O* one occa­
trail you're camping oo sure leads to strength."
sion he hurriedir flnUhed a story
matrimoa.v.' But t kept on camptag
while traveling to meet bU publisher.
ght there Just as If there wasat do
On turning ov<-r hi* manuscript hr
>nger ahead aad one day It
apohtgUed on acnmnt of Its unwonted
"I sort of felt mean In
departure from extreme regularity.
Kiut uTliIng too you telling
lelllog about her.
The editor lo<>k<>d over the pages and
t fool Inspector came
said: “Well, larr ('aide. I'll send this
downI here
Id her it was me com«Ma «. r Walt 4 taiia
to tba pclnier* as It U. and If they
plalnef But youu can't tell what a wohave any trwttbld with it—why. I'll
do oo m e than a boas, aad
discharge every one of them.”
seems she got sort
rt <of Interested in
You may be la the best of health,
I’nles* congress ad)ourns before lump aad rosy, and not In need of Ml
e account of my kick
long one .rf the annual Item* of repair o-na, yet probably yoa have a friend
"Well. I ain’t going
will have to be undertaken with the
that ami
bor who Is suffering from
hoime aim In seaalon. The plank be­
troubles, from weak digeat- 'cause I reckon It ain'tt nobody's boslneath the green balr.e eoverlng on the
is. from thinness or kun of ness
speaker s desk Is lK.glnnlng to splinter
and crack nnder the vlg-irou* ham­
ilB friend that Mio-na. the same I hope won't be held up against
mering at the gnvel. This plank I* j flesh forming food, will cure all theae her—and we geU nmrried. The bo.v*
renewed during each recess of con ills and give a natural and aonnal In­ gives us a BKMt scrumptious aend-oS.
gress, but this v,>ar. fiw some reason, crease in weight. Tell this friend or and there wasn't aqy work done for ns
it Is giving way s»s>ner than usual. By neighbor that 8. E. Wall A Sons, one much as twn day*, bitt things have set­ Johaaon's Drug Store, c
some It Is attribute.! to the fact Ihst Ilf the best known drug firms in this tled down now and we're living peace­ sown drnpgtato aays: "The la ab^
I ncle Joe" Cannon U speaker .an.t section. wU give their personal gnai^ ful and contented as old Ike HUl. wbo >lrte*y BO need for people » drag
that hi* left arm I* full of vigor. Oth­ antee to refund the money of Mlo-na
three meals a day and slept regn- aroond weak, pals aervoos. rna down
aad devitaliaed. for they gnaraatee
ers contend It Is because the report does not do all that U claimed for U.
tlll the very day he waa hung.
eonwctlng the names of member*
But what I waated to tell yon was that Vlaol will la a natn
Druggists 8. E. Walt A Son* takes
. give atreapi
with postoffice Irregularitb-s was laid all the risk, and a month's Ml-o-na that me and my wife have got a nuh- bond np
to pole I
Itefure the bouse.
in-atraent wll not cost a penny unless stltnte—which Is her couala and a wo­ the aged.. restore
rn—to look after the portoOce and
it gives the desired health and flesh.
colds, hacking oonghs aad make
are going to travel ronad for a
flobiwd th* Orava.
As an evidence of gtxxl faith, the
b. red blood. CoatalalBC aa it floaa
A atartUng Incident U narrated by price of a box of Mi-o-na. 6«c. may while. I kind of pathered from what all the ritallxiag prlaeiplea of cod liver
John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol­ Ik- deposited with 8 E Walt A Son* I read about you and from the way oil. wtthout
It aay oO to upset the stom­
handled thla here politeness caae
low*; “I was In an awful condition. and they will give their receipt for It,
U the Iamat wooderful reyou're a maa all right aad aoae ach. VlaolI to
My skin wa* almost yellow, eye* sunk­ agreeing lo return the money If MlatrAngth
■*« rtr_______
t np and If you're latch atrtag la bullder of heaNh aad
en. tongue coaled, pain continually In o na diK-s not tieneflt. Tbeir agree­
paten m
jtag out. aa I'm anr* ooaAflart «t to mediciae; It b not a patent
back and aide*, no appetite, growing ment It perfectly reliable. They take
ctae. and la abooirtely free
‘ree from
weaker day by day. Three phymlcUn* all the risk Tell yoor friends about la. well }urt put op with you when we harmfol drags.
hit Waahiagtoa.
be gi
had given nte np. Then I was advised
"We are golag to stay a week or
to use Electric Bitters; to my great j f«»r putting them on the road lo health
and U
aad aa me aad my wlto
Joy. the first bottle made a decided ; and showing them bow to regain flesh
wUI pay every weak or aiUag peraoa
. Bimple I
Improvement. I continued their use; and happiness.
r three weeks, and am bow a well
you ao trouWe. I'd aure like you to
_jOi. 1 know they robbed the grave of :
meet my lady. She'a tba beet oook la
another victim " No one should tell j _.
rrae ( . . ,
in the M. E. thla part of
lo try them. Only 60 eent*. guaranteed !
baa arranged wHh other i
f a great snceeas through handle her
at Johnaoo's Drug Store and F H. j
long training of Mrs. M. Wlllohee
Wlllobee greased Ughtnlag and she float abort gists la the city to aefl VtooL
Meads, druggists.
Mr* H. Golden. The church was to mlaa rtther. We slat a bit trash or
I et ergreea* and was viewed by a large
it get oor feeliaga hart aad
If U were art for the bMs penter wd The following was the pro­
body alat golag to Impose on cloaa weeds would amka the ralatag of
gram; Opening song "Coronation."
to apeak of Here'a hepfog.
many crops naproAtable. One ladipra.ver by Rev. Heath: tenor solo by
-Wm. Ranger."
riflma] of many weeds will prodocc
Frank Smith. Jr., accompanied by Mra
Jrtrtow haa rialaas of a wm IMAM aeoda, each of which would aam-tauieu untrrioi. John
Mills: responsive rtndtag; aong. era Amaaon with a akdcal platafl pi der tevoraMe clreamrtaacma produce
' l.lfe of Chruu" by Sunday aehool; Hag puB oa aarii kip aad a oawhi an additkaal weed. Whee the aaefla
recUatUm by Homer Wlllobee; reclu- with a revolTer la aaeh hand aafl a of the weeds rtpee la the late aumaaer
llun by Ralph Ayers; dialogne. "Easter katfs brtweea Ms teeth, lavadlac the aad fall. mmiaM of migratory birds la
Garden." by Sunday school:
■aactlty of hU private office. 1
their Jeaiway aomthward devour the
the fact that the ah
bena Helfferich: recitatloa.
seeds at the mort eriCtaal stage of
l»ays. " Godfrey Ohering: dialogue.'by
their Uvea. The hfaiAhlrda
m adds________ _ _ their flrat raid npoa the seefli
a numlK*r of boys; recitatloa by Millie
r of hla aatldpa- oommna SMriweefl or hiadweefl. aad
Stevenson: solo by Mlaa Loelta HalfT that he haa re- the Aeld Jtorowa aalart the aaefla of
fertch: reclutlon by Delbert Brown
t receat attack of the crab grass. Nottaira spanww abows
rv ltaikm. •The Story of the Croaa.'
by Kathnn Hopplns: aolo by Bdai
a pnrtlea»r pearlaat tor the m
Helfferich: dialogue. "God's Oarflen.'
the wild aaiararth aafl lamb'
jby Mis* Kathryn Hopplns. Blaaeh
term. Tree aparrowa arc floam
Farmera ta Ourn Lamhar Yard.
Helfferich and Cora Smith: racltaUoo.
High prieot of aaateiial and lumber freqaaatly haattag aaads of pigaaa
aad the cry agalast the liimher treat graaa. ‘•hna the ohaoxiooB pigwoed ateach ilaaariatertina tracts the saowRakes aad the poidpins: dialogne by a sumber^ b£ have g oeatad
flachea. They porge themsrtvaa with
the tatman of
day school children; song by Bnflgy
the weed atyda natH their
that the taremre la paria
^hool chUdren. "Ton May HaTTtte pari of
the eoaaty have orgaalaed
^y I^ll Ringing:" radtation by Mlaa company for the porpoee of eatahUah- S Iton" An rt
Cora s^th: offering, aad the aarviees lag m great laflepeadaat laasberyard.
m cloaed by alaglag the doiolocy.
Flfteoa thoaaaad floUare' wottt oT
■^tle 8 Priem aad Uoyd iSS stock has heaa aahaerfbed aafl oMame
of the company have been rtaatmt
from amoag the termers. “ —
of woaia at a akRta maaL
^ph RelMerich will aurt for Da^

or m woiLO

TELIT TO rournsns

, ''I





a aaml

“KU!?£rc£&*S55SL■„ ,


> miraaen have heea
ktada of lamhar aaed ky t
tha WmrUh Pair oaeh
win be kept ta etock.
■eat aafl iiipartmtot la
with maeh tatarf by
aad arfOAP at the Khnhatt
the teramra ta oChar Iowa cm ‘
etofte mnnet ataML
who are aew floiag ao anHsh mw
eombtelag aafl flormiag orpaalaa
aad aaloaa ta pretort thaamriraa

Ear tha qttlek praEaratlMi of a ArtlFloyd Ja manna is Imlldteff a mam"
elMa AriiW. ter maklim CtwMta house, ta which he win^ «
sardtag to am iiatlmal* at tka
Andrew onmore nnd temllr
Beathcn PaclAe tataaafl. tlrnTMt
Sandny with raMAteas nt
crop or OaUterata thta yam la warth



||6nat Osen Bone
or naw.

ttUL Til


\ TfSelectlYM
four own makal
cjtowH, HuirrnfGTWi,
flAmeS BRO&.
ETC. •
^ whtxt,



Race aai litaMatUB Bevata, tho
^Irrt^ tragedy at the Oottoo
Bverythlng hta excopt the

25c, 35c, 50e, 75c.

Ototurbnncea Oocwrrad at Lompatankn,
_^lpB'-ia and Reoultod In the

The Shoe that combines the three essential
elements necessar)- to the wearer

e*mlert. tayk. DorabilUy

$outl) Side

Prodoe^ with catlre aew
•eeaery mad eleetrieal effocu; a
tamoaa Oooa
5?“®* .OaariaL
Thow Oal^ wnuama aad
Saowdea; aad a "hot" tnmpe
of ptaauuon dnaoom.


Jiist Discwtnd


Berlin. April C.-Promln*nt Jew*
er* hare received a telegram statinx
bat antl-Semlllc riou bar* occurred
1 Lompalaakn. Bulgaria
A mob
aturroed the GhHto aad maaaacred sit
and wounded It Jews The telegrams
ndil that many Hebrew bousas al 8aue
have been plundered. The mobs
gnva as an excase tbe usual rumor
that ritunl murflem have hiwn enmmlited for the paaaover anerillee.

ram Will tooT


Chienpo Lnber Rtoto Roaultod to the
rirmg of Over Thr*« Hundred
hhoto Yestorday.
jeaatbouad ahlp. Tb* probnble daU
and boar of th* meeting of the two
vcaaels were oaionlatod. Tb* pnyaar
of the eaatbodaJ chip was instpletod
to lay th* nnhirtnnat*'* rase Wore
; hla mother. It took Imt a few mimitea
for her to plac« mooey In th* banda
M««a»aa There the %mm* mm Omr O
Saw* DImUv.
of her parser, a ho inatrurtrd tb* pur
.\*w Mex- aer of tb* wMthewnd liner lo pay U to
-I consider that T*x«i
for <sUl< - hla pamengvr. The <-ta*rg* for tranamltUng niwages from ahtp to ship at
am U slxpeoce a word, with the adnioent drea* and algaatur* free. - World's
has Work.
cattleman fnmi Ausirnli.i.


ranch** In Ib* west.
"Yonr facilities f«r raUliig st.s-k In AccordingC to the dortrlue of chancca
thU country are far suiHvlor u. oura.; * boy Who baa no middle name la more
Our greateat drawlmck I. lu tb* ship U>*n twice a* likely to becoow prealplug of caul*. Most of lu.v niih b*s, fl«uT
«»* LnllnJ 8utes as on* wbo
are located in goeciudaml. but Id all I *“• •
and tbe boy wbo
of Aoatralla Ibere ar* less than l.KWj
than three namea baa no
mllea of raUruad. awl that much tni. k
■» “IL Or the Iweug flv* men
can be found In any alnjri* state In'
flllafl tbe otaev of |>reslflent
aerenteeo bad two name* each, for
Sutton atati-il tbnl niiwt of tbe Van Boreo Is ote name ^nd out two.
cuttle ralaed In Auatralla ar* sold right Since 1H80 no triple named preaideot
there to tbe contlaetii «o«>e are ablp- baa been elecled wxcept Mr. CTevelanfl.
o Africa, but tbe beavJesll expor- wbo gained a rbance by drapplng hi*
■n meat
in AnaThe methods
tralU are ahnllar n thnve employed In
thU country.
"Bat the adranuge there la." contln
Mr. Sottoo. “that land can be obi carats. It to of a yellowrfl tkeaper. and m^ at-reace Is
color and worth about fI0.0(Ki. If
nllotted to one man. lo staking onl
! color bad been belter the aUinc
lanfl-anfl there is still a great deal
rwrnlly extracti
Kopje dlamotMl min
deatlllr Amertean.
It can be acquired as cheap as
olf to a eent an acre, the leear
AaaChes leaawtast.
axtenfllng for n period of thirty years
Boaton prufasaor takra a wbsck
At tb* end of that time if Yoo do not
wMb to renew tbe lenae yon ate paM history by flecosliig that t'olaubas
tax th* origtoal owner tbe fnU amooat was a highly rsspectaUe and fairly
gentlesmn. wbo psld a large
that has been expended to improvepart of tbe coat af hla voyngi-:
Mr. flrttoa ntnted that they bad lit­ was tall and re-1 hatred. aii*-i.«
and that laaU-lls bad no
tle or no trouble with cattle thieves.
talfl that Australia la more pro- Jewels to pawn, having hypothecated
n tj^ore
floetlre to ralatog sheep than cattle. them aercrnl yean
He aattmatnd that there are 80JWOJXI0
Every living
a rtmoat to ci I Itself with food bcay aU year* ago the number
tbe alght and thta
for* retiring
It twloa that mneh. The finest food to digested
fligesti ns tbe night
. .
EpaWy of wool Is mnnutectored there, The evenlag feed
food to the feed of tb* flay
nad mom attcstion-la gtren to the with the brate erratton. and yet doe■beep rnlriag ladoatry. - Dearer Be- ton ten oa to reft
Uy at rtgM and c
Aceoedtog to the rnrta papers, the
yhytarinan have hU upon n aew mrtbad of treatlag woondn. A sheet of
aOrtr or nUver leaf U nil that la oecew
•ary. Tbe nDver to almply placed oa
the aroaafl cr ulcer, nnd aa It atleks
clonely to the sorfare a little erttoo
aenkefl to eollofllon to aulllclent to
knap tt te ptace. The effect* of thla

rhicagn. April 6.—Three peraona
were shot to tbe tabor riot yeaiertiny
at tbe Dio**I branch tactorr of th*
ran oompnsy ai Fbrtleth
Id 8t*wnrt avenue.
. can woiker was shot 1
Two non-union Greek t___
breakers were woanded aad carrlMi
Inici th* fariory. Over 300 shots were

▼ttcimA LAimcro
MseuiOeent New hni MUlien Dollar
Battleship Enured the Water at
Newport News Yeaterdny.
.v;*apon .\'*ws. V* April 6 —In tbe
prewnc* rt the govermw rt Vlrgtato
and staff and many other dtatlnguiabed
> th* mnenifleem new $6,000,000
ship Vlrglnln was launched >*s
i afternoon, the lItU* daughter
* governor. Miss Matilda Monia•hristenlag tbe vessel.
Yewnp LndiM of 8L Elizabeth's Oalid
Have EnthuaiaotJc Meeting.
■nie rning ladles rtSt. Bl'/n^'s
Golld *1 ibeir nteeUng yeeterdsy
sfteniaoo elected oUcers for tbe earn­
ing Jrenr. They are:
Presbiest. Mtoa Emma Frtedrich.
Vic* president. MtoaI Bthel
tnry, Mtoa Mary Dunn.
Treasurer. Mlaa Mary BnrfcwnJtOr.
Tbe meeting waa well altendod and
ws* very enthusUatlc nad pleasant,
Tbe gulM will *enre a supper tbto
eveniqg st the home of the rertor.
Tb* ibnghsm toarnshlp etcetlon waa
sa follows:
Supervisor—Jacob Hnlmenberg.
Clerk—Fred Revold.
Treoaurer—Oliver Shagen.
Commissioner—Levi Uadley.
'Jostle*—Joseph Hnlmeoberg.
Justice—Joseph Girard.
School laapoctor—A. W. Mebert.
Board of Review—Albert Lee.
Constables—Pred Behm. Otto Boom,
M. Foater and Lewto Belacke. Jr.
What Had hhs Eatanf
A young Indy of Ibto city awakened
this morning with thla qooer dream
fresh la her memory. "My lllnI have all vaatohnd. Wort has
beard from nad mttlan dtoamlly
at Desmood for U ccata a nsooth."
Local psychrtegtota and lospecton of
nnguiiea may now get boay.

Washington April $.—Tbe Dtotriet
Jhtoeee child to coooldered n
sort rt Appeoto today overruled the
eld at Its Mfth. ani Ita age to red
demurer to the tadletmeat of James
not from its Mrthdaya. bat fro
former attorney gsaaenl tor
Mew Tenr'a Asya, if It to fort
iflioe departaaeaL aad H. J.
aaoogh to be hem ea Feb. L the day
bafon the Chtacce New Tearis day. It
to mM te be tiee yean oM when tt to
twe daya old. It to oae year old wta
The team that ran • y day before
woand qnfckty benla wader the
he^ nad aarthcr year ta added oa 1
rrdny aad ton op n few telephone
cnee of the rilver wtthort teflammaNew Tenr'a day.
I aad other Astana along the
ttaa ar aappmOon aad arttbort prert the property of Oer
awMag the aRghtart bad aymptom.
1. hot hettmged to John
CbnMtHaa ni« Jnrt aa tevnrahl* la
laEaem the noma at n wite er

Jd y!SLaw^*5E

lTthe®teS?^‘ ****" ***
CnrtU Fbwler has lost


ta plaea oT tha attar. Thta Is a
MAg^ta Me imnattaMe aafl

who hreek* the tow.**Prtma^
ma er tar aac other ettaae he «
be foaaad to taavo theae noma, aad oe
taag ao he nmrina aadcr the protoettaa
of hta erttab apoitmenta he to i

ttallaa fftabhtog dSny.
Mich. April
wd VergUto Lombards to
B with a rtUlato st the
I ariaoL He waa amatod

Bank Ctoned.
Akna. Ohio. Aprff «.-TW Atooa
a atahor who had heoa Jnitoi tar rntim Aaak eland tta dnn yntor
t wmie to Mo wife: ’lie aae Iho, dny. The haak was a dtoaR Atolllar hr Tatenvophr.
aney from a riita lot „_^toaoadanmrEli> tloa aad ao rsaan te known for tha
________ _ -jMfl have bam aa taapamtalv fnttayaoraraaaffhbatah
aaat^ m wan i rgipEtaiil Iff tato-





-^^1 ....... .

,. .




•«t Ml ■Kwna WHIMM a Laa
ChM af PaUca W4« R:|iily
Eafaraa tka 4m



«r««SmaHtsf CM^ ttUken



look, the way they wear, wH\ co iviaoe you.

Kubeck^ l^oyt
ni UldM tlTMt


Oma «a Hauae af Laatar Priast
Grant Ourlat Hia Ahaawoa



Sheriff D. 0. Chaadler and ConnabUWllUaai Ashtaa went to Wexford ye«
terdajr afternooo and arreated
BH«. WiUlan Allea. John KUdee and
Bdward Crooia. tbe warrant belnx
capias -warraat.
Lester H. Pri*
nukes the oouplalat Tbe suit !• for
tie.aM dauaias.
In the warrant It U chart.
Oris Priwit of Oranl, wife of Lester
Priest. OB or about Oct. 1. IWJ. when
.her husband was array fron boiae
she was there with her two chlldi
lalce Priest s«ed 1« years, and C
Priest, aced 11 yeara, after * o’clock in
the cTenlBK. heard a striklns or knock
Inc on the door of their home. Mrs
Priest arose and wenPlo dhe door to
oee srho It was and In tbe smrrant It
U clalaed they said they srante
■ see Mr. Priest and she said be
not there. They malalalned be
aad that they had an oMcer with them
and If she did not open the door they
would break K la. She eras emphatic
In her denial of her husband’s

«vl mooey, which she declined.
Purther. It Is chanred that she es
raped tram the bouse and caucht s
sereec eoM and that Dora Priest, aced
11 years, became III shortly after
and at llmea Is Insane.
Tbe men are promiaent me
Wexford and some of them well-tcvdr
Tbe case goes directly to Clrrult
Ouari and win eome up next tern.
Wlaeaiwln ffwiUi Cracy Man Here Bw
limrlnc Him to Be Btato CHargs
Tbs loeal oSears bare received
word that na lauane man U being
branght to tbU city
tram Wtoeonsln
for tbe asylnm. The autborttles In
that sute b
at about a
year. It Is c<miww. ■
ebeco trytafftotad
C to tad wkaee
be casae fram and de­
cided be belongs to this state and bare
atartod tor Traverse City.
Wimtber be bekmes here or not It
not known and even tf be Is a charge
from this state, tbe loeal oMeers are
very anxious to know if be betongs to
this dlatrlct and nrs maktag every ef
tort toifed nnt and are meeting all
trains to prevent him being aooepted
at tbe aaylam betore bis loeatloa Is de^
near tor tbe Hananh Can p halir
Remember tbe praessto are tor the
tan« to daeoento smsua of d
•oMIsn ef Ootopaay M. <fea
Priday might, the Ith.
toe Bays worth of do
gardes seeds tomorrow (Wot
at 16 a. m.
The BDanaaiy


Elks Will Provide Fine Entertainment
far Their Oueata.
If ihe charity bell loalgbt Is not the
graatesi succeae of the aeai on. It will
not be Ibr fault cf ibr loce I lodgv or
Elks. The various commit
worked hard and all deserve c«»mi
dation. especially the decorating com
mlttee whicb has fairly excelled Itself
The hall has been transformed I
veritable bower of beauty by n
flaga. pahas. the club colors and
OMWBS of decoration.
The program beings at 8: to
Inaebeon Is al II and tbe dancing lasts
unUI 8.

Want to Grand Rapkto Raerjiting OfRear and Gavt Name ef'otto
Kyealks as a Rafarence.

You will find a complete
at popular prices.

who tpmk» tor pUnaare.
Into acUsa-


asdal cMtor of mwb Irngtotance. But
bt was also preoarinewtiy a maa of af­
fairs who never neglected bU I
and was always master sf Ws i
When be rsturneff to otooe nwl
ioba BO man ta Surope ronkl I
pared wllb blm for knowledge


mis De Marasae was badly be«
le road bouse east of tbe city
1. His noae was broken, one
blackoaed aad bto toce badly cut
Or Maraasa U aa artist and alleges
that he sreet there thU noon to see
about a picture that had been ordered
of tbe Inmates. Oar of the
engaged la aa altercation

dly damaj
ar out a V

Quiet Wadding Batewnlcad Ysetordsy
Aftsmeea by Raw. O. Caeblin.


Mrs John Burden of Msaick died
vesterday morning aboot 7:«» o'clock
after a abort llbMoa. Deceased wa«
“Do yon
about 34 years of age aad wall known rota a car
la thta cUy. BBvtog Uvod hmn for
day to raadtag poetiyr
time and baa a number of reh
tM €Omnmr anawered tbe biiilnins
maa “Tbare^a no excuae for not do­
ing IL Tbe modara adrertisementa an
vearold cblld.
toU af U.-- WaabbmtoB Star.
Tbe body win be nroogbt to
cHy thU evening aad taken to tbe
home cf JamM Barden on Bast Tea»b
stresc and tbe funeral will be bHd toreply to a youai
ssorrow monlng at 6 o’cloek from ft.
lataod to know which m
tomaete okurcb. H. L Carter
giro bfei tbe Mgbeot j
have charge of tbe fuaeraL.
R. ndvinsi "a powder mi
■iBirtaHy If yon cantrtonte a I



moa la tbe V
Mand. Itag
•ppcan to be no toU. a mere rim aC
movable ffeeb taking Its place, wbh*
htoavguHsMtadnaetaCbsslowlocoBotlon of this axtnordlBsry flab. The
ftln la hard and coarse, roogb. scaleIsas aad covered with flat spliiss. tbs
satire akin covered
tag of slime, wbk
world la Itself for numerous parasites
which prey upon the Bsh.
This ottraordlnsry gab ta um of tbo
tow flsbas of little or do use to

George W. Pettigrew sad Mn. L«ors M. Speacer were married lent of s rertsla village In Mslae wo
evening at the home of the brtde’4 aaxlona to eemre tbe mnsentar <
her oa Webster street. Rev. P velope of a specimeo esugbt by me
wee it as robber.
They cut tbe hard,
offlclat _
elsstlr Bobstsnee into rvmnd shsp
was witnessed only by the li
aad used them for tbe Interior of ban
tomlly aad a few friends of the brldr Mde hsaebsita.’’
a wedding supper was served. Mi.
Pettigrew Is from Delray and they wir
Crogs. Olartok Atheaa.
make their home there.
An American traveler writes: “Atbono itself, as a city. U Insufftrob
ta raw. garish, new. staring, ens
There will be a special oommunira smHta of paint. It reeks of vi
Ikm of Traverse Oty lodge. No. 222 It ta redMeot of last week. It
F. aad A. M., tomorrow night Work nowest dty one sees In soutbera Buin the secood degree.
rape. It U dnsty. It to noUy. It to vnlThere will be a meeting of the Han gar. Everything in U la Inilutkm. The
nab Rifles ti>morrow evening for drill. pgUces are ImltoUoo. Hie hotels are
The regular social afteent
UMUtkm. Tbe army ta Imiutloo. Tbe
ladles' library will be held
dty to a Bham. It to a joy to learo
afternoon In charge of Mesdames Ed
Walt A W. Wait C M. Prall. Thlrlby. tbe commoonUce strerta to qdt tbe
Crotser. A. Smith. L D. Curtis and Immffenble 'dty and Jo climb tba
AenpeUm. There everythlm: to calm
Ctara Williams.
The Woman's Cemetery Improve­ and peaceCal. aad tbe magnlflcrnt mine
ment associallon will n»eet tomomfW are reatfuL JIbere only lu .Ubens do
afternoon In the Ladles’ library par­ yon gnd a ^wt which la not oppressive­
lors at 2:3i». All members are request­ ly ne*r aad raw. Tbe royal psls<'e la
ed to be present.
one of the newcat and tbe rawest of all
Lester Sayers of MayBeld and Leila
Boyden of Slights were united In mar
riage this afternoon by Justice S M
Brown at hU office.
The Pere Marquette train due here
at I c’elock was an hour and twenty
saya a i
ths National Review, “and. as every
iKMue. Huit pMtime 1,
commonly Indulged In by
Ralph A. Case nf Klngitk
rlsmn at tbe expense of a u*. •
Ihe rltv this afternoon on t
la Rnglaad many little thlnt;*
Miw A 8. Hobart retv
to tbe accepted •sujwriarii.V of the
sfternooo fn»m s few weel
Bule sex. A woman bow, flrd. ss to
Big Rapids.
bar lord aad msrter: In Franrc a man
K A. Streater has gone
sahitM bis idol whether noU<-cd or nnAla.
DoUecd and stsuds with hU bead unMrs. R. E Dsvl, and children left
today for Grand Rapids to make their coTsred If she stops to speak to him.
white tbe younger men never omit to
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Evans arrived in Idas a lady’s band, to shake which
the city this afternoos from Bulah for would seem an Impertlneocer
a visit with ihclr son.
•t ths Tfms.

That Ernest Kitchen'has not m
1 foul play haa been ooncluxive
proven. Since the announcement
•evots Tkai an*«t mrMtaiBa.
his mysterious disappearance ma>le
Tbe perfumes of crrUlo flowers sfft
ely by
i • Record yesti
tba tUgesUon or bresthiug or cause d
ronsid able COB
It has been cauM
ilness sMl even fainting Ilia VsnJlts
and It
at the young ma
ta troubleuoBie to many, so Is tbe whits
• prnbabl.r joined the reguli
dower of tbe Ligustrom japonlcum and
ago a communication tbe pitosperam. Tbe tuberose. jssaOm
tiling oBke at Grand and lilac are objecttaoable tu some. Tb«
Rapids was tnrned over to Sergeant Datura arboreaceos makes people drowArnold who is In charge of the otBce
here. It seems that Kitchen had gone
to Grand Rapids and endeavored to en­
list In the army. He bad been asked
for a reference but was not able to
give any in Grand Rapids, but for
Joy. tbey say. ta a scnaatlou si
nisbed the office with the nai
to sorrow. It merely bsru along
Otto Kyseika of this city.
that we enjoy. Wc go to tbe tbeatev.
The Grand Rapids office had srrongly
over a teniy ptay and are dsligbl
addreased the letter and It was turned
people’s greatest Jog
over to the local sergeant who saw Mr.
Kyseika. . The recommendatioo was Uss In being sad.
ailed out aad returned to Grand Rap^
If tbe young man passed the
physical examination, he U now s
member of the United States army
TbU most effectively settles the foul
play theory aad makes it appear that
for tome undetermined reason the
Toung man wnated to leave, the eons
grandma noticed
try. but why he did not tell hte wife to buck popper shaker was flOed with i
be and friends cannot be dHermlned
pepper. This etartled him. aud. tn
tag to bta aoBL who sat nett at tl:e UMRt. JOHN BURDEN DEAD.
bU. be said: ‘’You better not cat any
af that rad pepper. Aunt BnrrtoL
Was Well Known in ThU City. Having
Relstivos Hera.


rider takee a atUl fence, rrlytng pn bis
bene and bU|ta(k. Illtberto bis tack
bad bssB vco’good, and bU horse was
tanaL la 1M6 England
Uy the dret power af Um

Louis Dt Msrasss Badly Bsston
'Will Bwear Out a Warrant

> Marasse was I

Riquitt paticraa, taachaat fatmcs, mom. perfect taOori^ coat 88 inchat ta lan^ treoam mediaa Peg Toft kr atroog, active yoong men.
ThcaedotMi bave. never been rqtulcd.


of hiB pnbBc Bto to etoes. The cnas
Dcty-atoe yean ef otoce to Bfir
iTpnhlleBfe. WhUethcTHMa
ta newer he sms a Tsry. FUr
than twenty ysnrik frsm IMT

alknrjtt to <

SwSsKr”^ ”

‘ Store -

Ibla *Wir. Iltottt mm s( to
ama —w to Mi Mfty —mH year. Ms
■Mtoh stotoi^ axgppt Wntoito M*

CliW of
RaBBJe raqali
that tka oraiaaae* pwtaialaa to bleyc}c> rMlns vk«f« tkac*
KtraaU be obaerrad or a
low ImaMdiately. Oa »o
U pavement Is Meycle rMtog al
aad on othsr streets only on s
B side dortag a eertala period
ear* year. IT cttlseBS are not tbssll
with the ardlaaae* they ace regaaai
tc look it up at the city clerkli oto
as IgDarsBce does not let them off.
The ordlasnce pertalnlag to bicycle
lastos I* also beiag violated and this
wUI be enforced as well. Last week
as aMermaa was eangbt ridiag on the
walks oa Fraot street wltboot a lamp
after dack aad he wss warned to re­
member tbe ordinance that be bad
helped to make and If be dom It agal
• may have aa opportunity to ooi
Ibute to tbe library fund.

Vouug Wen’s

Ok JTiv S*#ataf Knmv Otw


Bum M to Mi
«C ■it'
ernMd^ <hm Bsaedhto Lut Hi-



. ., ,


if they inqmct oar line and boy a

found in no other make.

The reputation of the Bloch Go-Cart
workman and are buiU

which on always be kept clean.



of porcelain,

wheels are rubba tire,

bicyefe. BOIL

are « finest reed, artistically woven and fioe|y' finished,

^oUHITiPBgXT I»r W g

the ba^ and front parti work icparatdy by the mod conven­
ient device ]Pet invented,
of Go-Carta.


lot us show you this most perfect

They are sure to please you.




The Boston Store WMmm
JslMBSssUirr. tU TriM-t ocssi.
SIswsrsoer Msys Talk ft Over.
----------J«ka Osoafaua
Two uewslmys m«.v sunding at the
! emlraiice of tbe liridKe. rngaevd In
•>iu tbe artrnt a Jafisi
I talkhic match.
the other day a story alsuit
• V.M1 ain’t so very bot.“ said on
Jsinui'-* sea flgbter. .\dniiral
•R don’t think you’d s.-wreh wdl.ln .”\Vell. I don't feri no beat vomig*
w-|i.d of cerl>ecn. made
-Is that soT 1 don’t s.e no metoU
'll a torpedosgslnei the
boat In bU m|u>k rou. He stiot from
,«,! W.U. I M ..
hl» flag>dil|i In a launch oiw dsy at
m«Ul. - )t«« r>l
meal time iattd lioarded ibis ton>edoSTAGE AND FLATFDRM.
boat Jin^t as two Kailurs <-nm« from
Ike klicbeu carryltig a huge and
The c’lDclnnatl Enquirer said at “A
nlianiiiig caldron.
Romance of Coon Hollow." which ap­
“ Hall.- tbe admiral tbooicd. *8et
pears tomorrow night, Thursday. April
that ruklroD down.’
Hielnberg-s Grand: “If a tbtag
•Tbe uilurs. with wondering kmka,
of beauty
» seene
------------ ------------------ oys aad
songs and dances fairly brines
down the house. It differs

from tbe
Ficksnlnny bknd in “Old Kentoeky_________________
ptelnl from this _____________________
boaL and I’m going
and the Rising Boa Roarers of “Blue
to settle It now.’ said Admiral I’ria
Jeans ” and U fully the equal of eltber.
"He lifted the lid from the laldroo.
Better than this, the play haa an In­
ladled up a siKs>uful of ita tvDtents.
wake up. Then jou go a»k soc
teresting and consistent plot with re­
and. aft.-r blowing on tbe liquid, be
fined comedy, and tbe strongly drawn
swallowed It. Then be mstle a wry
characters have a splendid eompnay
tnterprrt them Tbe scoaie affrats
• simply manJfirent A Trs» CrtUrlMW.




r’r . .T. „ .ln.u, .0 ..

ley floors.-

) Inquirer.

princ4>ally ofricea

tba droansad hud maim friends wbo’d}

attoia<wbtt|qr inidtoBai»i. Rat tba


handles are

nutlcss aad barrel hub and run as amooth aa a

jeutolrr. '
age, ago.
I you seldom find flsta la
tbe Interb
On the coasL yes. much
fish U esicn. but tbe mala food of tbe
CblaesF ta pork aud chhkena Mutton
than yon wonM Imaglae. hot tbera to
%a abnadance of palatablf vegetabtag,
aad yon would find no dlflnlty la mab>
tag om a good dinner.-

For years bock within tbe rtasric prsctacta of Pbmnlx park ths aothacttlm
of tbe DuhUu sou bare bsan hrasdliig
■hDoaapby is that which
which saaMaa
UoDs at a rate that baa bean taaebad
h amg to nay tharo la BO
by no adter meaagarta la tha world.
The diamte of tiutoad. which ta aa
tolmlral to potooaoaa rtpUtaa aaema to
baaedt tha ragtag Don aC tha Nubtea
daaetta to sack a mairoloBl axtaat that
to tt nr «PWB toolt that man
toaafca aa nror tba hawa. to ctaaa car- ba aetraliy thrives bettor to tbo open
itogaa wttb tadtaa aad batwuaa tba air wlthta mnetttag dlotaara af tbo rtvid to
Auwmntabaat Mana(IbaaUadmal
-tbara to* a tew
tba tea aM
tn* Chat abatovaa tba ntea af naar^
who trteo to keep atep wttb
taay urban woman are maamaad. hned la tW Ito^aoa'* **“
I srbo bavo three or tame

The ABsericaa BuSaloa lodge Na 6.
Ill have a ''bard UtoM pany’* tamoriw evealag toltowtag their M
leetlag. whtakj^ 7;M.
Tbe tody IWlflii jvlU meet at 2
o'doek tomorrow afternoon aad wOl
JolB la tbe bard times party tomorrow

for long and

GEARS are of bicj-de tubing, making them

•xcccdtni^ strong, neat and

t this obituary

pars Fir Awar.


has been ettablished by quality, every part is selected and carefelly tested by the bed
cootinned service.

ways ai


UAUI -Ohov mmm mmi sue* E
r IsqslvsK Usass. Uo~Ui trssX 1

provancnti, addiiig to the fomfort »i«l safety of the occuiani,

1 to near to bring the

Bora «o tt.
“Bane aelrodat baa made the diaoov
sty that evecy one ta bora left baoded.'
“WsO. 1 ran go even further
that I mafetaln that every
bon with a prodtapoattioo to
;y ^
dons tt*“-Chlrago Rcrard-Herald.


They represent tbe dioiccst styles, they have many new im-

Life la murdered la
tbe globe to prorlde them
with tostbcrB, with the bu___________
I and
ooe gewftws that have come to be con '
aldered sasentteL-Today.

»ekt and •applasss.
Blodgett—1 sbouM tWnk it would be
awful to be In debt tbe way you are.!
TUdlng-Oh. I don’t know. I’ve known

“Win ytm 1

yUXTC WOOD lur «

Coolemplating puichgsmg a Go-Cart will »ve onany

Tbe aatfre conntrlfs of tba toOam
ag tbe aborteot pm^ af Itoyk tba

Tba tabor union' man was troubled,
-t^liat’s tbe msttcTr they asked.
T’m trying to figure out uUere
stand.- be replied.
-Don’t you knowr
“Not exactly.
You see. I lost
good bit of mooey In a strike to put
up wages 10 per cent, and now that
tbey're np 1 find the cost of liring has
Inctussed 15 per rent. I’m Wbudertag
where I get my loams back.~
KsSss sCWmM's rale.
There are 147.2aB panes of gteaa.
afebteen by tw«ty-three turbea, ta the
palace of agrtcnHn* at the World’s

teec high era being bnllt far the nahmdiag of exhibits at tbe fair.
Two hundrcff ef Unde Bam'
Hneo who have hero on dnty to
ama are goliig to tha WarkTi1

an Of fba targe exl
anna etacttlr are R^ta hate been put
to plara. and acocro of w«
tomy night as wcU as toy
A pack trata af twenty-dve hanra
tth all of their accontTomenta. wOl
ha one of the norsitlea at the fab. The
apwtade wJU be sent by dtlaem af
g to mark Wyamfeg
today. Tba

*in Pwk

L. D. T. M. Taka Natlea.
be supper■ arangei
arangeamnta for Trar• City hive. No I
to be beM
II Sih have been poatpi
By Order of Oe
be proceeds
Remember the
are tor Ihe
orate graroa of dapartad
soldters of Company M. Grand haO

WT fer the 1
*1 Camp haU?
*ber the procmads are
«ra 1for the
fund to doeorata gravas of A
aoMlars of Company M. Onad hM
Friday night, tha 8U.
Are yen tori af ampiij t uny eaM at
ttm^rnganea nfftea. eror Ratolto

Try Waaard Want A*.


|Mg Mnna, Mtotaea •

m bai '
^ feteqnaftollto


TEOi Bvionyo Baoog% taiyEag carr, jooh, VEPmsspAr, apbil % i9ol

IrUtnmn «f Her Chan* oa
S^ltficra and Cteilians.

rUBRI 1000II7AIT THE noon.

tbrmmtUmtm m «m «T <te |»
tJtotoef PiwIdM aad .cfeMTMh Mtat M tewrmMt •>
«r prorlac oar otadic&rr mod raotcMiMtotkediTtoodccTw.’“U cbc Mt-Tleo of taU MjcotT. the
■OOTBr. obUgBton^ oa aor tka cala-

Good LoeK

A Daily Problem

Bbff I

Tba waaHb of tba BnaidaD cbnreb to
taarmoiia. A conaanratlra oOrtol aatlaata baa placad tbla boardad ticnaim
at orar ClAoaoOOuOOO. it may ba ttaraa
or four Omaa aa mark. All tbla east
d iviks a ad oClwr rrticloaa cnit
■ at tba dlapnaal of tba oar «ar
bcfoia ba left Bt. PatrrBbnnc U» Uka
>orpoaaa. In amonUnre with tba
ooeuaaad of tba Boaaten forma la tba
prineiplaa on wtalcb tba cbnrrb to
far aaat. aara tba New Yort MaU. Ha
ad. but ba would dmw upon It
waa blaoaMl br tba blcbaat acHaaiaa^
tkaJ aotbortdaa la tba laad. wbo latraatad to bUa tba awat aarrad irtrn la
all BaaaU. tba rblaf traaaora of K
•r aba ea
ala'a oldaat aad creataat owaaatafar.
•oar civtoa I
That loeo baa baae boraa loto battia
aoccaealra caaia la all Ibair impor
Sundard OU macoatr. to
taat eaapalgaa for baadrada of jaara,
' macbbia ta c<ra aarajr
aad Orthodox Boaalana brllara that
macblna tbat to to ba aa mraalwara brlBga rtetory.
fnllf orcanlxad. aa affactlraly admlnTba Baaolaa afanreb la woraa tbronxb MamL at far raarbinc In lu acopa aa
aad tbroeeb tba fabrtr of tba lu
any of tba craal aotatprtoas nndar bto
aUta. aad It wUi do ararrtbliia
rontroL aaya tba New York World.
powar to brio* rMory to rart opoo
Tba tmmadUta ob)a< t of Hr. ilorkatba anaa of tba <xar
ITtamta and fallar'a new money ctflnx trui
Mabof* of tba ebtuxb ara acrompai
InrrMaa tba ouillpUUHlIlac tba troofM lolo tba bald, ararr •
tboneb ba axpecta it will have• that radiar to ctraa a rallclotM aniblaiu
ault-aa to aafacnard acaln
aoaaa ktod and racanto It aa a variui
plan Ihaa bam In bla
aamtot acalnat tba bollata of tba
r tlmr.
mjr, aad aararal rbon-b «-ani hava l*aan
fittad op for tba tiaa of tba iro.i
tba TraaaalbartoB aad Xlant-buriau tailwara. Ona of tliaaa cam waa i
tba Btandard UU
Bocraaafnl maaof y aataldlsliad and
malnUlbad In lb
rounlry- He porI) bjr ita I
adaptlnc tba prlnrip
In (KHitinx ita tnnanm into tin- nur'a lowad in makInc
makinc tnooay
mooay to
ir rbaaU bjr tba csiraonlliuii7 oo
Illy concamed. I
a of Ita priaata 014 tba Bfid of boll
to civ* away from CXMiU.fnu
$10.a III |•e^aulllllll|; I
taiU.uiO aarb year ao lone
troofM tbat tlia> « Tc nxblliijc for ti.
neariy In Mr.
aa wall as tba i car and would <
Bockefellar'a t
ara lu lie bostralcbt to baavait If tbay wm- alain
unt to a aeixMidary luab
rvad. tba
A fonpar Buaalan uffinr. now living
They Miy ibat lie la
T with I
In New York, trila a rbanictarlatlr ato0 Ctva away Incredibly
fj on tbla bead.
a tbat tta
“I bare l»l«a arm Kiik»U-ui |»rlaaii
rallr lUaursantoad troupa and laad Uumi daalnw
bark Into battia after tlwlr own tdB
KorkaFor the |»penart at lane
cam bad kiat cuntrul oiar llifni.~ l» fallara cntcniriaa will lie
or lesa
a |M>monal affair; It w
Plevna, dur- chiefly bto own l>anafactloii*
•Tba nrat-tiDK’ waa 1
tba Ituaao
tir A banal far ha baa cl'‘«*n away upwani of $35.ordered
IHK).<RKI tbat can ta autboritatlvi
b a wliliartnc trai-ad. It to protabla tbat Ita loUl
» from tba Turka 1
In esrana of tli
I third of the men baa <x>ncatil«;] I
wara abot down In a faw niumanta bna Wn able to do ao.
Tba botUMon wararad. buns Iwrk and
No ona may aay wb
ba point
tba itorkcfaller |danp
aaid by tboaa clo«-ly
•camparlnjct to tba re
aam left wan? iieatinc 1
him In ebureb work tbat be rccarda bto
tbair awonla and calllnx them all klnda money cltlns tmat Idea aa the cul­
of opprobrioua nantea. without
mination of a bimy. rlsbteoua career.
Tban tba priaat atUt-bad to tba bat­ H* ncards it not at all aa an atone­
ment. but as an eameat. alncare effort
to carry out the instructlona of
Bible, aa be Intetpreto them.
man to rbarga for Clod and tba a
and want abaad diimaalf wltlmut wi
A atreuMua CWreer oa tba atape.
Inc for tbocn. Tbe.v followed with
A well known French actor recesUy
ebaar, dr^ tack the Turka and to
finlabed bto memotra with tba follow
tba braacb fora tlma.
Ins Btartllnc atattotlea. aaya■ tbe Oourl•The other Incident, wlilrb waa r»
ar Bca Suta Unto; -I pla
much of tba aaote naluiv. Iiappcn
towM Zjm erenlnca la S7r
durtnx tlaneral HkobeleOTa rirtortii
ta 45S different rotoa. I waa married
oantpalcn acalnat the Men> Tiinxima
1.721 tltnea on tbe ataya. 1 Bled U»
In IWC. Joat bafurr the alexe of tleok tlmea and In many atylew For exam­
Tepa. wbicb ended tbat <-ain|uilcn. a ple. I wax aubbed «1 Umea. I waa aliot
amall encaxetuaui waa foiixlit. lu wblirb B1 Umea. f waa drowned 22 times. I
waa polaooed 166 times. 1 bad my skull
d by aonia.
smaxhed 86 times. I ropttlrcd blood
by the Tut
Teasels 182 times. I waa decapltatad 81
lurtnj: t
times, I waa aaaaaalnated 108 times. 1
peditlou led axalmit ibe Tutvxunai
waa executed 83 timet, 1 committed
General Uomakln
aolctdc 814 times, and I died a natural
•The Umulans were uatii recapture tbrat' ctina.
matter of honor and Inw
rhlllr Male Tale.
barm they were dolox In tta linird* of
mndent with tbe Tibet 1
tbe enemy. But attack after attack
Kngtond tell
upon tbem failed, altboupb made wltb mole story thus, aayaa tbe 8t. Jai
daaperat* pallantry. until at last a
piirat. mounted u|Hin a creat white
bomc, rallied tbat famoua flebtins n-x
Iment tbe rcreabaff drasoona. which

tfcw makliq «p tba atetoan «< tba
twenty-faau- bonm be waa ant af bod.
tbto. wttb bto cMb mawtariBlp
Bto mptal. wHbo« wbicb be coni

Oaaatal Karopotkla i

It’s dHCOuraging work to fill the lunch bag day after day It’s uninviting to open the lunch bag and find tbe
eternal b^d. bread, bread. Bread is good,
but it’s monotonous-^it lacks
novelty. Break the
monotony with

ability to do ardteary wotW. D
tbto fftaibw BiCeet-a BaTeet onh

I wttbant the wanith to wbMb ba


___j frtmda. Be cnoldn't help mnkln$


people toe* blm. and they conldn't balp
tofftne him. Wbon ibn Itoiwiad to tbolr
na. It waa ttenneb Inatlnct. not


Nutritious—hcalthtui—satisfying. Sold
only in air-tight
ight and moisture-proof
packages. Never sold in bulk.

A faw daye latar Mr. Wtatarton reertred a call from a lady who annonneed beradf aa a frleall of Mtoa
WcaFa la twhalf of a cbaalty. Mr.
Wintertoa axenaed; hlmaclf tfor «Trw
ralnatea. went to atpawo
bta orandfatber'a wi
and broogtat back a bUI. iwbicb
banded the aolldbr.
A*ben Mr. Wlntwton callefl on Mtoa
West tbat CT*olnx.,ta aaked her
abe was yettlnK oal witii tar chi
aad learned that abe bad> m< especial
work of tbat kind then on Ibata
knew that aoroethlnc ■ waa wroo)
manaffed to tack outaicratwfiBly
nnt Icttln* tbe tody know of bfa
acrlptlon. Then Mtoatl^tost aaked«btm
wtat o'clock It WM. and b
obliged to maketnp a atory ato
mtoaing watch.

Orbta Gflir

r system «

ecence to tbe ttma whM Aoe. Tta amparor ta to signify at wtat petlods ta
will gradoMly raotora our taxM. Wa
«Mt ta Rlwiys lataly. AotaA «v
VlTM M dbfljwiLJg

Gfittlemen CIllM
Our Bench

It has cUrolnaied
paper <
rinted except
be prim
has intrxMlured
IntrxMlured hit
super-calendered paper
with half-tone ill(istratl<ins used In
usioD. where heretofore onlv less
j;™;tentious drawings were ineluiled.
typographir and artlamarked one The atirepresented In thii


^•rte next mm* WlBtartoo caUaA 00
Mtoa WaaLwbU* mBklag

e for ban hb* tatemgBta
WQMBt to flTo tar tbM

of 1ft. Wtotmtei^s^ ataVMto*

Poets and lovers of New Orl<
win tell you that the girl of the sc
em city gett her pale creamy (
plexion from the magnoUaa that bl
to auch profasios; her grace and
gold ease of motion from the t
sands of waring palms; the dns
her eyes and hair from the woodrtius
tropical beauty of the soothern sights;
her voice from the whispering of the
tephyrs and the changeful song of
mocking bird. Much of her bealt
undoubtedly owing to the fruit shi­
ts; oranges like globes of greenish
russet gold Into whose flaror has
itered the perfume of the most de•k>ua flower In the fruit world; figs,
hlch are flowera. purple wtthoul.
rosy within, the aubUesl and ma
Icate of fruits; -watermllllon"
cool colors are aa refreshing
anmmer day as tbe draught tbat
from Its crimaoa heart.—From 'The
New Orieana Olrt." by Columbine. In
National Magazine for April


Unhtt niidt


we. Bdwarti Ikiltwn
Katharine Holland Brown, tavun
Cheney. Anne Warner. Hugh Pendev.Mary Wllhelmlna 1 itlngs,
Burrowea Johnston
Franklin. HeU
Una Hud
and V
oorer design to a gem of art. r»-produced from a painting by GuRiaruR C
Wldney; the photographic art atndle*
h Introduce the plctorUl fealure»
contributed by Falk and Schloss;
and the llluatrations to tbe atnrl<?f
tbemselres are of anusual excellence

crossed tbe Jelapla 1
tbe guna bf a furtoua charge Hint I>ore tbe dusk
__ aand
comparison wltb the ctaire of tbe tost j;;;,™
at Balaklara."
ta drowned. Next mornlii
ruing a (-onvoy
The Buaaton cbnrrb to tbr most lt*j al
aerrant of tbe exar and stands most j Ice. the rrat of Its body literally froaen
If yon tbtak m
p the doctrine of In. Ilckaxcs were brought, and tba
bis dirine right to rule aulo.-nitlcaUy. animal 1 s dug c
-Bat thastrtaoAtb
It teaches aoMtora and civdlnns alike Ing aa usual
tbat everTtblng they iKwacas to at the
cxaFa dtopoaal by a moat aai-rrd obli­
» t aSer Water.
gation and tbat they cannot hope for
f water of tta
aalratlon unleaa they pay tbe debt.
• to warm enough He^
Tbe BussUn catei'blam. which to
man. a diver nwlding
taught to erery aoldler ainl Indeed to
«'roa«e. Wbu. will start to walk from
-I Iwrw toBrad aatolmr layftacy
every RuaaUn. pnutlcally si>enklng.
that city to SL Louis, ataut Oai mliea. Mtoa WaM MMt aw wBtata axpftl
on tbe bed of tbe river, aaya tbe t*bl- tog tta ^ AnA^jtroBMaA ti
•In what light to tbe authorlt.v of tta
cago Record-Herakl.
Hoffman waa
emperor to ta considered with refer­
once a deep sea diver and clalmg be
Ita 9L**t£birtoB.^ *l3af«
ence to tbe spirit of rhristlaiiWyr
can make tbe trip to safety In four
Mrta atag. bn ■ingbriaaiLga—
Tbe answer to; '•.ks prxsxxxJlng di­
months. He will be accompanied by a
Tbto tottaer be-ntad. -tarwlwea
rectly from God.*' and In ex|>oundlng
l>oat carrying air pumps and
that order an official annotator aaya;
alons and clalma he will leave t
-If It pleaaed the Supreme Buler to
ter only for meals and to sleep,
place upon the throne of any nation or
man baa already ordered a special Air­
natioM even the hateful prrsonlflcaing suit In which to make tbe noral
tion of rice and wickedness It would
waa Ilk* batting ratoty to lead 11
nererthelcM become tbe Ini[«crativedu­
lom hops against aa wrerwttetoBj
ty of erery human being who has faith
smy and 1
In tbe sacred myaterlea of our holy rellAIMm
gtoo to how wltb a anbnilaalre and
It to noteworthy that albtno animato
-Ttaienew-tata'Mae*lSi*U "Ptoaae
reverent aptrit. talb In tboiight. word
A by 1
Mt tall aaiany amMlte*.and deed, to tbe w toe and imsTutabI* perattUoua light,
Tbto to aBcef tbewbor tb*t$erer^got
purpose of the divine dtapctiaatlon.*'
a forth*
one to considered
at. Soeleky baata lb Bxid tomgbed to
-Wtat duties doe* rellgton tearii ua reigning mikado, and occaatonaUy
ita alesra. ^Anewb«cariMtoB Warn*#
to tbe caarr to another qoesilon asked nallxes a reign. For example,
partialUy tforiMr. talotorton. K
In tbe catechism.
reign to called -bakncbl nenkaa." or
“Woeablp. obedience. Odellty. tbe par- period of tbe while pheasant, aaotber. Mtntally siwoaaA taar^\tis----■»tbe«opf>tot toita wpactod.
meat of taxes,1. service.
terrlce. ]love and pray? being
> and
reMsto Womom and I
la aaower to a qtaastton wbetber 1t
Tbe fYancb aatkm bM 1
to obUgatoty 00 m to pay taxes to our pot women on « bigbaraea
gractoua aorerilgn tbe amperor the fol­ the Brittob. Wte baaUng
lowing ainaxlng reply to given;
-It to Incumbent upoo ns to pay erery
they Ma. and. as t
tax in compUanca with tta supreme
at bomA *at
tbat pastime
pastin la
command, both as to tbe amount and
ladalgtaLi by oar lowear ci
when dne. Were w* to pteaume to attbecxpcMe
npcM* 4r ta 60. Baa..-NattOMl
taint tbe regolattoa of tbe amount of Bartow. _

Makaa a CIsaa 8w**p.
'tarre's nothing like doing a thlag
roughly. Of all the aalrea you ever
ird of. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve is the
It. It sweep* away and cures Burns,
-e*. Bruiser. Cut*. Bolls. Ulcers.
Skin Frnptlons and Pile* It'a ooly Sic.
and guaranteed to give satlatactlon h>
Johnw.n * Drug Store and F. H Mead^.


tbe meaaage came I
urpote a poUte.Dote.<JncleAa« a.reeelp^
cd bill with $2 Iq currency. aUtiag
i tbat possibly Mr. Wtoiterton Aid not
know when be aotacrB»ed to a«ebartt7
Ing a«toMtimate deM. Tba
amonnt retumad-waat In exceaa. ThM
the matter waa pUfiii to Mias Waat
, taking adrantag*

blm wttb a
kuoly.old ft

Insistent claims at our tMIci
overrrtiwded acbool curicula up
children, leave our women
chance fur thef supreme


Om day him WaetiwMit ta I
of tar Mtov. wte waMu^oU mo
aa tnralld. taa cUrt Mtaar. wbn

bow. CM tm a ■imMttctatanc. bat
la baaC tbM Mft ita atom.

■aid t
: the probh
of tbe Amc
mother oould be 1 ttitod
If (
mother were fully
of her
ilsaloD and aoughi Qobly
fttisn it
ie entire fi
our aoctal llfa
tMld be reJurenateA.
“Bat the evil genius of the moowith Its berd-

Tkt u>iA craekfr that made the natian kKmgTT^

Wlnteiioo waa tnitore with ooe of bto
■at—they were nil rich except him—
bat. atrance to aay. bto modetoy-tbat
to, bto poeerty-prawpoted blm from
peopoalnc. The < girl. Hlaa Ft
Waat, ■donB blm. He Imd alien
what a wanmn to .quick to dtocemtlnt ba WM In toe«*wltb taw-uid ■
ftot aMtund dmt !$■ rmnon ftr i
■ BliB tarta ba btottotta wm tbnt ■
WM Itch and bewMitoitoOTactobad. B
tad sained bto eeary^oonadanea «x«
taw ta moBMid totttea. Tbat*
iiMafbli^ toft of enr onea IniBr ew
tnttn.- ta told bar. ktan Immadtotely
tBTMd tba Mbtoft- Wtat ttat nometblnt WM be only kMw. Mton Weot
■ntowetod Omt It wM'bto srudft------wnteb, wideb ta worr-taennm I

r to aaCd* bto aoooont
within a few daya
twnd. UaMad kb*
abnl ta Bnta»by Tbmaday
and win certainly-- Atftbto point ta
MW tta CM. taneC w«b a eonrtly

Tbe American
of toda^U
of t
.meticaa asother of i
lorr.iw srtll
aobler dew
trala a 1
world for
-Many or tne -probtoM
ua. aneb aa tboa« of aai
rule, dtoobedlenc* to law
and tbe |


tbem. It wma fioa/tbe klndneaa of bto
banrt. Bren tbe wHaamwi. who
i^eoUeet tbHr tailla of fatm. ad


Cblaco. April c.-Bpaaklac oa tta
■blaet. -Amerlcaa MatbMbdod.'* tta
we. Anaean K. de Btola. dadarta;
-AX Nkpotooa aald of Ptano* ICC
enn a«o we may aay of America in-

S^ved V

oolatolr oo.- 1
ahoaM. If raaali

toCb la a H^aad i

tav. AMtaa K. B* awa b^a Tbnl In
«ta Fbnwdtaaa Par Alt Batomi
la Tbla Catmtoy.

Jost airivetl; inpplf j-our s

Is a step .n advance of all others. No better shoe made at any pries
by anybody. No other shoe to poed at same price. Style like cut.
Made on Albany last and warranted to fit like a plove. Tha maThe totes are genuine fltnl
« to insure the quali^.
See them in our shew window.


few it is goii^ fast.



A Sira Cm fir
Crsip aiR CsMt
Or.Ceiwaa's Magta
■gfpttoa UU I* a

eptltiooslv turrt-d It lium- wish'
and invltrd the ►atur partj to ci.tur
view an equally flue
of china
t,l. own iKSOHwslm.
Hut llow.dl
bla revengp . Gu.-sMng «hat had
happened, hr found hi* way to llo^thiding plaiv. t«>k .xway the cl.i;ia
' put nt.oth.-r dish lu tin pla.-e.
en the party aiwi-;iil.l<d Itow-'ll


SMsty for erowp.

aosoutelt odorless


oreaalon came over hU fa.-.-, and when
U waa entirely expouA to v|.-w he stood
L ta btank asuSThment. For a few




;rery 00* rose to lo
___ b It waa certainly.
iMtead of the beautiful ple.v of NanA Croat Sensation.
kto that waa expected there waa only
There waa a big sensation ta Leea- ■a Old delft thing, oarked. chipped
lle. Ind.. when W. H. Brown of that ■ta dtocolored through the numeroua
are. who waa •xpected 10 die. had bakings It bad ondergooe.
B Hfe saved by Dr. King's New Disvery for Consumption. He writes:
eudum) iniuffarabl* agootas from
Brerybody who knows anything j
about nautical matters undersUi.ds j
me Imme
tbe method of keeping time at sea- | —
after effe<
liar cures of Coomnaptioe. Pneumonia, sight bell* every four hours, an addl- I
Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's
1 being ■at A for each half
the peerless n
rem^y for all throat and
lung troubles.
Price 50c
Guaranteed by Johnson's
Dnigglsts. Trial
______lyyita (half past Tt of the aecood
dog watch are never atrnck. All other
■Mp*. eves tbe Ao>erican. strike these
During the Napoleonic war* there
. p. MiscreanU Leave Snared
ras a great mutiny In tbe British
time to Starve and RoL
Mvy. Tta crews of the fleet* lying
-A man
Carboodale. Mich.. April
t Nore agreed
Oors. prr bo^woods
ho Just came down from the? a
tells a story of the slaughter of deer
I Blgna) agr*«l
out of season which has been going on
lime. He says that In tile
necually began at tbe an
pe be was working the men
ringleaders being
have been sa^ng deer all winter aad time, but failed, tbe ri
imbqr have been caught and killed ckecuteA Ever aloce then seven
this manner. To bis personal
Llab ships, naral or
knbwiedge‘ he knoara of tlx ttat tavo







been cwiight 1
be claims be
buck lying 00 the ground and air*
commenclBg to decay. The ani
had been caught ta a snare and had
been left there to die a stow and ter.l
ble death, tbe law-braakar who set the
trap not even ooming aflar tbe carcass.
It seems from tbe
whoercr to doing tbe
aalmala )nat for |

Jkrr iom .







be Dad.
beard tbat tbs
NewUwaAa. who always seemed
living ao tappUy. are going to break
boMekeeptng and ttat ahe's going
k to her motiier'a. Wtat dees ttat
Mr. Wise ffrtend of tbe
NewUwcda>-lt todlcatea ttat aom* see

to lylag--Pbitade4pbls Ledger
8be-Bara you esw mec myitwo
Aaarast fttotas? Tbey
and ao Aarotad. Be-How Itoog bar*
yoQ knoww ttMat
Bbe-Vby. 'J'r#
known Aanftto Marty, ten. days «ta
MaigataC almMt a •wnak.-f'lcwrtnta
Plata Dealar.

toad bnOdlng. wbicb

a tta
r tta



■MW ml r. H. timo.
pwM— of beantltBl taster ata arttatie latob are aMg tta eoDaetioa of
ZmM uumm flbota ta Uatar* ex-



IL M. Anatia ef Wtoebeater. Ind..
_aew’ wbat to Ao ta tta boor of need.


Mtoa K«lebcr-or cooraa. Mr. Frew^
man. jma art goto* fbwBtor srttb
Crack? Mr.'Fra«ta*a»->0b. yaa ta
lad! I knew Creak tta I
. Ita tactan at* m





Battle of Sabine Crossro^

w. Twmm

ft'bMBM iMaa hy a Inin of Ims
npa arataM. wBleB iMd beroi»r
S "P aad atack ia a awontp.
adnaase Fedetml battoy aadcr Mom
kad loot half Ita bocaea la battle ao4
coaM oaty boat three «f tbe aix i
cm Iba iM|» U bad ao icalUBtly
Tbe three reauiaiar gmm
«a>a loat at tbe'xrasoa arm-k. aad la
Ibr'aaaw taagle tbe rbkv?> Merraa
tile. Klaaea’ ladlaaa aad f»nr other

•wTlaf ap Bed rim-. TbeUadeoli
iraa atnwc o«t m tW Ism Mirtrb before
aMiBf ia aimi Ruvrepert ovliis to the
■Ute of
roo^ aad the neceMity for
mate, aa'tlie Oaafadmtn aader (>aoral S. KMr BaMk aad Geawal
Taylor ware cowaotratlac to slrt

of tweaty FederalI cans
a ITT. Federal aracons
aad IjOOO draft aalmais were eaasbi
Tbe fatal abatnxtloB at the
«r the swamp tamed the rrtrratinc
ar«y of Baaaoai* and Caiaer
ataaa lata a focal amsaaef n
ooa aad bora^ '
Three aUlea froa tbe bottMeld these
battered ramaata were met by



A TboMi«h Qraiwinc cS
h Ihe Sorest Protection Against
Spring and Saimnrr Sideness.

1^. cFAtan-AwiaArtftia'





Tsrsoty Tea^ Baiiw*—ia

dm Flrsa MaalaaBl. Bank. Tnwe.wC



VHA plenty of soap ana water, hard semboingand sooar*
^ig, snnlight and air, sbe soon gets rid of all mbbish,
Binky od^ germs and microbes, and tbe dost and
dirt that have accnmtilated daring tbe long
been put in order,
g Bat when the house has
and the premises cleared of all old plunder and trash,

Bes Hot Floor
Best Minacaou

SpriBC Wheat

deamn^ over, and forget that their systems may be in a worse condition than the honse,
and that the bad feelings, debility, loss of appetite, nerv'onsness and sleeplessness from vhidi
they are suffering arc due to neglect of the more important and necessary vrork of Physical
house cleaning. A dean boose does not insure agmnst disease, but a dean system does.
The poison^ and hnmors engendered within tbe bod}% the waste matter that u dogging
_ dtatbadaldafprobaMebattle. I
tbe porauinc foofediT
tba caaray »aa already aboariac
i ataa were peppcrlac the DeeUis nn«r the system and contaminating and vitiating the blood, are far more dangerous to healu
•Cbttac tamr aad afclrailabloc
( alth bolleta. bat Eojory threw hia line than the dirt and dust of our homes.
In the winter lime we gi\'e free rein to our appetites,
tba Fadaral easalry which
• (leariac and cat more and oftener than is for our good. We inhale the polluted air of badly ventilated
lead. Oaaaral Baaaom’a Federal di
wm bsrrM tbt peer la order to *op-j
oficcs and rooms, take little or no exercise,,and our bodies become a veritable hot-bed of
porttbt tmpm wbo bod met the,
to loot tbr wocooa ot tbr jom.: discase-bearing germs, and onr blood is loaded with impurities and poisons of every conedvable kind: and no wonder that Spring time is .so oflea Sick time and finds us in such poor
xtT- r«t. rw
j pjj
condition, with vitality slou ly waiting a\va5', our digestion impaired, the liver torpid,
gtoo. Bo—■ rmebod tbr bottir front;
b* and all the bodily organs overAvorked and out of repair. Unless
nlcss onr
our systems
sykems are gi\’cn a
•boat 2 o*doek ta tbr oHrmoiia nad oonredemte
yrllinc and firtac “j thorongh cleaning, and the blood purged and purified, the simplest malady
may develop into
liMl tl* calUnt
[ism, and often the pci;ut-up inmurities, poisons
. j some serious disorder or end in chronic invalidism,
wbo MW that tbr ertota wa* orciitt.
SMltb and Taylor woald Bcbt to r!—
a»AaJUioocbU.«coofr<ior^t«; and humors break ont through the skin, and1 all through the iSpnug and Sommer you are
' * ormented watvfVl
with Vw-kt1c
boils, itchy rashes, CrbtTbO
sores, Tltlt
bnmps and pimples, and all manner of ugly
pustular and scaly eruptL..^.
Physical house cleaning should lx:gin arith the blood, it nuisl be purified and strength*
ened, and when a stream of pure, rich bkiod is turned into all the nooks and comers of the
...................... and distasc-produdng poisons are washed out, and the congested
of the bod}’ arc opened, and Pir,-sical house cleaning is made thorough
and complete. S. S. S. cleanse:; the block of taints and poisons and expels the waste and mb­
it is to the system what soap and water are to the house. Nothing
bish from the system
else so quickly removes the stubborn, deeplyrwted
poiso'.'.s and humors that are destroying Hie parity of
the hiood .aud blocking
;ing the avennes
avenues of
cf nealtfi and li^
.\ course t»f ri.
ricct order and for^y you
c!:.-cases .’>.ud
if yoi;r physical welfare has been ^n^lccted.
&S. is not only
the best .1 .-11 Mes-! p-.n t’i-r.:. hut an unequalled tonic and ai^etizer.
ily th
builds you up, iu.p™ves
and keeps the .s\’stcm/ii
r ihc ohi, ui;d de-.v,:ed and young without danger ofham^
* inbel
1 puriiur av.d tonic con:bined, a perfect Spring medkme and
house cleauing. Write r.s fully about your case. No diaige

■wa/ n tv rwrrvw.
f ardor of auircb oa April S was
that tbe bead af admmm aboaM man\

8USIBC88 carps.




mtrttu a eoMs'^^'


76c ftw S6 Iba
1.45 for 60 nw

226 Eal Fiat Slml



for medical adricc.

My iUfk«:lea

i p;i,.ifpv:j-yr

Thr Teel |«)er-fi^>
fOu k
t« U.* k »
!*■ f..f }..u a

A! « a 7 r.» IT, a<-rv reside,

................................................................................. . w-m w.TTIEO



________________________________ : t'rror.stL™;



.rl ---

J. D. Halted & D. B. Mailed

Carpenters and Builders

Many boma
bsetass no ihadtn
emy case because female diseases
1 the onrani of wor—hood.
Wine of Cardni impa^ healthIi and .tirnp-^ to tbe diseased parts
St the meastmal
________ _
Iff down nains.
II removes the canse of barrenness by inking tbe female

AeroM tb*
. aad tbroosb tbe no <
• ctoMlac
r be felt I
™cboi .h, ro»t. «
opeolBca of tbe foraet tbe FederaU trrics
of tbe debt t Sab o.- .round th^ arm
_ rntU.^ l.vt«Hy;
ooQld — tba enemy morlac to poelUuo.
porttcolarty two coloauo, wblcb proT- Croaoroads was a abort rso«e maekeiryJ
liTni.t' in snd m^.M t« tishien
od to be led by Oeoenl1 Moutoe. alamp. forest and lleld. Kin-,
until tbe bloo«l cean.-. to r..n
lac for tbe Federal rtebt
» late to sare tbe day for, roanw tbia 1. only a l..inin.r.wy relief
tihsftanoo^ llsdiciiie Co., Chattanooga. Tennemee.
r Haw looked at earb oUter for , Baakiu but be
be «>W
Bank.- ^
rotnlni; of the d.K-t..r. u Uo. ta
. <n*l. .C h«-----------------Uootoo . •■orpa from anaibllation.
sertons bleedinc unwt Ih* »nm/mabed bis mee 00 a ebarce orer
Ranka »«t iOOO men at Sabine tW I n,„ned „ ^on a. poanild.- Whm yon
pcaltte, stone the rood. lUneoju. wbuee roada. aad bis enemy got off with a lo« j
nothinp at hand in a .-a... of aod*
1 was to bMr tbe
Inc hu;
of half t^t number
hi., j.. .^cklent eren
(bt. bad IcM than
army at Pie—at Hill. alsHit iweire
tweire j foreflnser and tb<
Bktaxt, Va.. Feb. 18,1902.
itae. aad all told there were but &
miles bark from IIm- bsttlelleld.
bsttleileld. the]
„,j,y arrest
r blood
My dat^bter-in-law, lirxie Giles, found gmU benrft in Wi^rf
troo|M at tbe call of Baoka while
Federal leader withstood a s.x'ood ns for tbe Ume
too Bombored oo tbe fiei.l at
saolt by the rirtort at Sabine t’ro-is :
roada 00 April 9 sod continued bis re
treat twenty miles to (trsml Etore.
The headleof throat of Mooton

Tbe reason wlif the peitjil.-next door
tbs Fsdersl flank was e.]usl lu resnlta frrsb eolomn of Federals uinler Gener ' ^tnrsriabh

' ke of 8tf
I al A. J. Smith reached I’leamint
Jack— 00 the Eleventh Federal tims to take part, but the bnin
corps at CbancaUorsrUle tbe year Iw flcbUnc and tbe easnslUr. f.foia. It really settled tbe fate of the Emory’s dlvisloo. Twn of the l'..deral; p^ple
day and of Banka’ Red river campalco.' imns raptnred at Sabine rromntnd. .qj ordlnarr
Mbotoa waa himself shot down In tbe I were retaken at Pleaiiam Hill.and two where They
beat of tho chaise
’ • ''' ' ^
Ire lyste '
! ory s ti
rally of t e type V
*Xo«aTas~ and "TlCers.’’ orclns them j
After pnlllnc bis
hla army lotretbrr
on with a battleflac which he waved I. Grand Ecore Banks prt
The population of Japan la twelve
wllb his owned arm. By prompt and | tbe advance oo Shreveport aimln.
aobn. who Is
obs<ntr»- n*asotj
r oooks a are*..
akUlftU parrylnc Bansom checked the flnslly retreated to Alexandria ’nM-re! retarded as a moral
alruoKt a. Uin. li afraid States
flrat chatie. drirlnc Mooton's first tine be was met by bniHrn
bniMfmUve orders from j nrta. Are we of the elect? T1«V hnrl '
back upon tbs sscond. Bnt tbe ta>ol- CenersI Oraot to en.
eod Uw expedition j at ns with defiant persUiei
rn.7 ,l/u,^ I 2
• •■••■"-'T,
The Cnrneff.e Irstlturlon has fllC.sIsBbins ralbsd aad retomsd
and return to New Oriean«
blood eurdier from tbe ’■ItalU.” The i
Idl.-VXi assets and a casn hai.inre
chaiBc. BAnoom bad posted tbe ffuos this time tbe fall of the waters I
with tljeni a pi- 1
'*'*‘'** •
«onld f44,-,.47..i
of OonFs Obleaffo Msreantile bal
naval fleet stranded
Tbm. ..d
aad Klaass' Twelfth lodUns
: Alexandria. -Hie 1 U,


.mluS? °Sfui>



p 1640 tbe world’s production of
Urn dilTSB back In coaftmAoii. Ransom '
cooM only mts bis cemaund by with
it to tbe near edge of tbe |
nadsr oov«- of the wooda |
. Oedars to this sflfsct were giveo to ao
aM. wbo was shot down before be.
eo«M daUvar tbem. RegUneot. whieh !
I OB la tbe doartng a
Id by tbe eoeou and
- I wbUe trying to [
» of ,

irU^. ato^ and brit*
«ras o
Uon d
row c

tbroogh-a nar-

01.1 n-IUW.' hull.l.r* iK-st of refer
enees. are prejiar.-.! tn do alt kind. >f
carpenter and Joiner w«»rk Ksilmalos
xlven on Hhort not lee.
An one eontemplalinff Imlldin*; or
repalrini; aill du well to consult the
Residence 203 F^st Elffbtb street
riilr.ens phone 975 2 rlnffs.


WilSsim Atoca

Have j’our Electric
Wiring installed in
accordance with the
National Board of
Fire Underwriters.
It Pjfs in the End

J. B. Paige Electric Co.
125 Cass SL.

Tiatctsc City.

Trsversa City

AU Work of Hlglieat P—Ible Orado

~ A. ErfYLER“

OMeo—flflfi New Wilhelm Block
sens' Phoas CS2.



General Insurance

MMsadard Wnapaatw a:id Fanam' Uatasl nr* Ja-nrsan. <VmiiHu>7

31 I New Wilhelm Block
Choice of 125 Watches at om
fourth off regular prices


m BeOar, PlaS* Ulaar aad Maidorar-a

o. p. CARVER a aao.
Xhoice of flOO Rings at one-third
Off regular prices.

These goods mutt be tamed Int
Bataiw> Dtstilirrr.
I grain 420 i
cash at once.
I Tonng 1
lets at Okie time betirred that wretch 1
Korean e
RA8TALL. Hustling Jeweler.
s formed in the d.*pths of
tan baa a pretty fsee no man |
If a womai
tbe Mrtb by tbe action of water work-;
ports beinc douMe t
tag 00 meullle carbons in a state of; oa earth pan tell yon what kind of|
^ U»ktog tbe first census
tnslon. Now that aUtenH-ni i« rhal- j ctotbea sbe ban
who eontead :
The man who
ho mannsea to ke.-p
of debt, out off Jail and out of jk>III
Csipct Qeaning ano .Feather Renorwgo!
Amonc tbe people o
re the aversce - -Thin
Is a little sboTC
I Massachusetts there a
ir to ■
j 000 more deaths than birtbn
BM An—plMi.4 Mach.
ivaL Iaays Prafeaeor Easier, baried
Mme. Schnmsan Helnk is above all |
*Scotland Yard. Umdon. la at last <
prebiatone .]uadru|ie<u. lUprovided with I
arda. aeqwaiU and aca mouatrrs. and things tbs typical German nMtber.' lice
daring all the eyrW of years (bat bare Tbe ctrengtb and aentiiueiit of her
rm» M>
wukfapo* »
etapeed store tbea tbe bodies of tbeae
ITCMS OF interest.
anlBBsla have been distilled hy Bother
The Koreans — neither
Bar chairs.
Nature la her Imme— lalMratory be- tamUy. Bat there is one element
marriage wblcb Is her bote noli
Mea bare a mere acote
wedding for Mooey or for a title. A amO than women.


,t “shanty." •Vbed" and “seeood-elass
oOee~ for tbe — of
president rmAved aa ekiQnent
roboratloa of tbeir eritielains ree
acral W. B. Franklin, from a straager who called at the Bttbe adrance Federal tle white boOdlng thst w]
----------------- rtddsa at tbe bead of
of the white bo—.
tb»Hii—d dlTMsa. rsoebod tbe AeM.
*Td like to oee tbe preaideat’s
AS bs flfllMpsd 9 tbe btlL wbet* tbe boraea. air.’’ he Mid.
gwanecB wars bnv^ beMAog oa la aid
•There are no bor— here." replied
of Rs—il MM. bis bone wss abet Capula Loeffler. with aome ladit
Mdor Um. aad ba. wltb two of bis ttOB.
•lOr oaesM ten woBBdad. Tbo-Bec*
, I beg yoor pardoo. air."
London blllbMrds are covered aritb
claimed tbe vlaltor. ’^Wni yoo he kind
mma MiIMwi. oadsr General
Butchwra and SauaaHa Makars
. then, to tea me what thU
mmm opoa tbe Add before tbe enemy
Only » pert
r Italian aad
t pbenomena of sbootinje stars and ^Aa I
tmOdlag le taed forr
bad swept tbe doariag of 8a—n
per cant, of tbe
nobility for advancement, aad
lomlnoos appraramv-s In tbe sky
*Tt Is the preddeat’s eOee.** repHed
sobMirs. bat It was too late
_ acted as OUmolanta to tbe caperMvethadgy.
s day. Thai
The rserrat bad begi , the captain, wltb all tbe dignity
-Was tbera a
sUtt— fears of tbe multltode. A red
aad tbars eras ao
BO totcmaslas tbe ti . bis eommand.
I Ita —port Chea;
-No. madam. 1 aadentaod not," obtrance wm a flety sword dipped ia
Bf lloBtaB'fl ascaI aad tbe Coafedente
“I ^ roar pardoo again. 1 thou
•a the Yellow —.
a mntaal Mead.
. a slnaoM wavy line a fiery ner*
MTahy wbM ewarmed oa tbe danlu I *t
^ stoMes.*’—WashlaatonTimes
Tbe sugar pradoetiea of Hawaii baa
a nmaber of sfacb II— a Aery
-WdU what did sbe do socta a nsh
af tbe ivttMttoC tfoopa.
BoaaUa rllUge will be iastsUed at
from fflljOOOjOOO
e tl
that the 8t. Lools World's fsir at a cost
k la the Mae of battle like
-Sbe got what she's been wtsblM to 8400100JMW tons.
at iBMac OrsMrssdi, Inrolring peae- of flOOtoU
-Tea knowtberr
far an her Ufa He made ber a lady.ttoaUy tbe whole dgbtlag front, with Petenbozg aad Moscow will be reHer people wbo want to live to be old.
Kusaflean aad aMs cot down, la loeriia- prodneod wltb realistic effect.
Wen. be never foUo
Lawrence, they .yrere oaki to be -tbe au trnly aeeompUsbcd macb.b(y fallosrod by a paaSe. Unfortoaste- elaa maaBsto and coatoms
i aambsr of naUve
Ir the raad at rstoMt waa aarrew. aad

r!!to kid


ReliaWe Bullders!®^^-

i52T-.225’;:S‘rss5.K. a casnii. mmew.

c t_ A. auiLiMNa


Very best of dental service only.
10th year of practice.
Yoor patroaage is solicited. In new Monaon
boDding, tinder K. P. hall, on floor
with lYockeray BottneH CoDege and
Singer ofiice.





vto TnVtut ncecuxaai EXPERT OPTICIAN


a MBs M pom dkt.baWiMd


the fim fire days
each momh.


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