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The Evening Record, August 27, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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C#ff«p<ii4»iH M tM Lo«i4»fi ftUfid-
to Ha«id yieMIfiff AiigiMt
By Win. to the Bf»ofnK K«x»nl.
liCmiUNi« AuKl n.—Tlif. ooirespood
ottt of the B>«olDf BUndftnl al Tl«r»
Talo Mods a ape
to wblcli Ae uy.: * I have icood
ream to* believe frun^ private Intor
.natiuB vbich I have received that the
Japanaea have aCacted ha
to nort Artbar aad that ibe fall «f the
leiuly. In virtually
'The aorreapoadeat aa>a the Japan
m wUJ not make any announcenieni
natU mU ftgbttos U ended. Contlme
Ing he aara that the entrance vaa
made by the way of the Italhan forta.
The publlratkjo of a diapalch Tn"
nooactof that Uto fall of Port Anhur
fa virtually acoptapllahed cauaod «.n
the Bln^elH
of the pack dpakeya were revealed be
told of the pewHoua winding path that
bad been cut and cleared away from
the topnKNU point to ibe sborea of the
deep riter Itahlf and altboogb he had
not the coma^ to attempt It. hla de
acrlptlon of a ^rotber defegate a ^orti
to throw himself off ma hla beast toaUled on kiwplng to the very edge of
the awful path created a sympathetic
chord to the audience, thousands of
sheer preclp
rtmr-foot ledge and a donkey ualng
the outer track t>eing shown to further
the effect
1.0S Angeles, one of the%moat beauti
ful cities to the world, closed the (
tog's eulertatoment.
Chinatown with Its narrow atrecU.
abupa, native markets and
goods foruM'd the luHi set of viewa and
Mr. Cam I clda^nl by paying just trib
ule to his home slate. Michigan, say
ing that he fell that one would a)
moat become tired om Ibe monotonou*
aunablne of this far western country
BImer B. Hlilte sang the cluatog
[iml>er. -Where the Sllv'ry Colorado
Winds Its Way." and the p<-rf^t
tat Ion was one of the musical
reals of the.
leaving with the bi'autles of the glow
ing, changeahle coloring of ibat gram'.
Hand to Hand Flohtlng.
Uao Yang. Abg. 27 —(leneral KiiroH haa joined forcea with aeneral Oku
fa an aUempt to cut the Ruaaian tine
between Anabanahan and Uandlan*
alaa. The battle of Aug. 26 ranged lingering as a fitting thought of a per
Usually Crosby only attends the big
vhoota but some hard w<irk on the part
»r the local club brought him here,
rrom hero he goes to ludlaua for his
text shoot and then works south, final
ly reaching 8b Louis for the big meet
ing at the world s fair.
Fred 8. Foster of tensing is also
lere to the Inten-st i>f the WInch<*ster
Repeating Anns comiumy. Mr. Foster
‘las charge of this Klalc and 1.t one of
hoae fellows who makes friends with
,\ll who meet him. R, O. Helkes of
Uayton. O.. another man high up In
Lhe professional ranks, is also h(*re
xnd raady for the meeting. He also
Participated to the Grand Rapids loirr-
Tbc other prbU'ssionals who will be
_Japaneae force aUackvd llie Ruaalan
'ure positively are II. W. Vb-tnieyer
poallluoB at Mlao Paaa. eleven mllea
ind Ralph Trimble. lH>th of whom took
eaat of Anehanahan. and at Bandlat.e
part In the Grand Rapids oonlesis.
and Taegow. twelve nilUn southeast.
Other men. whUe placed in the ams
Nine hatleiies of alx kuds twch fM»mleor class but who are to line for pnv
\liarded the Ruaalan oiit|H»MH.
fesHional honors who will to* here
V these p*>lnta the combat n>p<*ati>d1y
rrom outside are 0. N. Ftird. Edward
developetl Into hand to hand fighting.
HENRY DONOVAN OF REED CITY Watkins and Ib-n Tall.. C. \V. IMiellls
The Kuaalan caaualUtw are placed at
}t Cincinnati will alto be presL-nl and
over a thousand In the report vif 0«*n
«hoot as will also r,«*orge Rail and
>i»l Kuropatkln relative to the fight
Willard. iKJth of Chlcag.i.
Ing around 4too Yang yesterday. The
Mac Hensler will be here to do the
JapAneae alao aulfered lu-rtoat loaiunt
•alklng act and to encourage the Im»vs.
while twenty-four uf their guaa an'
Charles Young wilt also In* here for
reported to have le-tjn put out *»T
same puriHisc and to alfo reprencllun. The Japanese renewed the RELEASED ON BAIL IN THE SUM
Tent the l‘e!er»« Cartridge C<i.
batUe along the line today.
To set* W. H. Crosby *h(s»t will 1h*
81. INrlaraburg. Aug. 27.~Tlic exact
ha main feature as It Is seldom that
flgurea of Knropalklu's casualiies dur Charged With Having Raised Figures a man with national fame can be seen
ing the Uao Yang battle an* 1.460.
to Savings Account Book Causing
mtH'llns of this kind. Mr.'Cn»sby
one Or twelve men sent in EnOverdraft of f19a
{land to defend the honors of this
ntry to a lourusmont and carried
the best honors for his team as
afternoon by <%.nstablt* C, V!. Ashton well aa helping to win the match.
romplaliit of the First National
Anothw pr«f€-sslonaV who will l»e
resent is Mr Kech. who represents
hank of this city. The bank official*
hav,* iHH-u SRwrohing diligently for the nuiK.nt Cartridge Vii. Mr. Keck if
one-srme«l hhui and makes enviable
l>on<»vau for more than two month,
Deacrtoad the Bights and Scenes En
w hen hs-ated y«-jUerday ConaUblr scordt.
Rout to the General ConferKepreiu*ntallvi*s from (Jrand Rapids
Ashttm was sent to apprehend I him
•IIM at Loe Angeles.
returning last evening with his pris who will to* pivsent and take |»art are
Or. T. 8. Hudson. W. «. Jan ls and O.
*'A tofga and appreclailve audience
The offense aUeg«vl was the forging A. Bplgt*r Following the m«'et here
gathered at the M B church last of an entry lit a savings IkmiK. which KalamaxiHi will have a shoot. Sept. 1
evening to witness the fine sfenxiptt- cauM*d an toerdrafl. tlie anumnt U-lng and 2. and Chicago. 8,-pt. 9 11.
con views dlaplayiHl hy their pastor. but %VM
aides the men mem lone,)
Rt*v. Wllliain lautfiuan to connection
iViiiovau was a resident of this city fun clubs from Mancelona. Maiit«m.
with the Inletvatlug bvture which last spring to June at the linu* the Kingsley. Bast Jordan. Charlevoix and
Rev. M. 0. CtorrvI de1iv.*n*d on hla trip allegetl forgtwy was committed and piwslbly IVloiikey will to- In attend
to callfarato last spring a« a delegmo workt-il for A; W. Rickard. Re has al xace.
to the general confunuce held at U»a ways Uirne a good reputation and b
A good shoot was enjoyed yesterday
descrllKsI as a stogie man «.f aUmi ind considi*rable interest was shown.
A mlareltoaeous set of Views
thirty years of age.
eluding the Ruaalan fl(-et at VladlvcwiVmovan wfws taken U-fon* Judg%
tbek. and the Japanes^v fl«M*t at IMrt Roberts last evening at K oVlock.
Artbar was thrown oni to the sen*,*
when he walvetl examination and gate
aher which Mrs. Louise ('alklna. In
Umds to the sum of |1.(hm) to appear
wf sweet and well modulab*,! voi
at the next term of arcull court TWENTY TH0U8A*40 BRICK HAVE
sang “MW the Orv*en rield. of V
which cv»nvenes the fourth week to
glula.“ lllaatrated by a complete a
ThetKlore Sr-hmldi ol
of arttotSc aetttoga following the U*au- R«*«*d City went his Ininds.
Will Be Here Monday.
tlful theoto of the song.
High Winds Did Oamaga by
Mrs. K. B. H«wt sang that touching
welaly. “In the Vlllagt* by the 8<*a.
Drifting Band.
tto rendertog being jrfvidly portrayed
Bha la of 1tJ»0 Tom Oiaptoeofnoat
by the doxen viewa throw* Into algb
The first consignment of building
and Haa tliu Moat Fomarful Am "
1U Eev. Laufman.
muierUl for the new federal building
ment to tho World.
The main vK*ws of the evening fol
haa arrived. 20.000 of the loo.ooo brick
By Wire to the Bvenlng Record.
lowml thto aong as Rev'l Mr. Carrel to
Va., Aug. 27.—The fornlabed by the Travenu- City Brick
an apologetic way spoke of the Utile
oompaay. being already hault-d from
preparaUon be had been enabled
t. Bbo la of U.a00 KayaUMie.
have aad auggeated that If he did not
The enubed atone needed for the
and has a apoed of
rooogatee the picturo it could claim
---------------------------a. Her-------- coacreu foundatloa will be hero Moo
recogaUkm for ItauU. as ao many to
day and work will at onee be begun
la the moat powerful to the
the mndtoBce had already viewed the
on cleaMna the heavy drift of sand
that tJto btodt'^ds of the past few
VYom tBf tatereutlng Bpaalah arohl
Mias Roalyn Smith will s|wmd Sun dayt have drtvea In. fully |75 damage
: 129 Front St N.EStn>nr,M«T.
Abstracts of Title
B«tabll*hMlln ISOS
! Room aiO State Bank Bids.
Cbursday. September l$f
for Early fall Shopping
Opening bay
A 36 inch black I'cau de Soic,
iie, St
all Silk
and gtiaranieed lo \vcear. it s wotih
$1.25. E.xtra special...
27 inch black guaranteed Taffeta. it*s CQ/%
a re*fular $1.00 seller. Special.-
52 inch Broadcloth (black only!, t’s
well worth 1.00 a yard. Extra Special •
\Vc have only a iimited (inanity of this cloth
and can not duplicai
52 inch all wool Venetians in ligh
dark oxfords worth $l.UUayard s|
We just received yesterday another Line of
ir Mannish Suitinns; the styles are as good as
le cloths double the price,
Others at 50c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 and j$1.75.
Corner Front
Every Agency in the United States show Dunlap Hau
on the above date. We have been named as the ex
clusive agents in this city for this popular Hat. All
the other makes of Hats now in. Sole Agents for the
Harvest $3.00 Hats V
Advertised in all the leading Ferodiaiit.
• -__________
;to«ake$2.00fo $^btob.V a «« of
0..,;!^ii*c«a esiwro
to Me tlM cfv»4i
fM rMtojr ■» UMi IHtlo lltM/«n
IM M fte tfco« otUMte jT1
. .;
'niLCY louiPPKo ran au.
.: ' * wiANeMm or ueoiTiMATi sank.
clothes froo^A. J. Wilhelm. South Side.
. Bythewaywe^veah^avyClayWors^
Su,t. stnctly Milor-iiude and guaranteed.
Jor the small sum of f10.0a CtUl a^ see
our uew fall and winter suits at $10.00 and
$16.00 and see if you can’t save you a V.
vggafl trtp mtg win pmhahly m
I1Ve”A. j. WMELMI^"
ru 0taUMt tlMt til* or«M« to
Jamee H. OoUlad. a member of the
Blllmi Cogatractloa Co. of Ghleago/4s
to the city lavoetlgaUiig the TrairenM
City. Pgalamla and OM Mtaataa
trie railway prtgect Mr. Oolltai
maled by Mayor Pblghnm aa
New Wator WaHca
City Dally.
Tr*v*r««CHy to St. Lowla
9IAS0. IS 4ay met
The city water works has pu
oday lolnapeetqmpfo$i*.0a M day USI
A father and aon owned property to^ more water this summer than
Wima Mr. OolUaa has getlMr. which waa largely ^usqulrmj before and lhe new pumps have
$>1.00. Ik- the SMMB
laapectloo Mr. Olbha ihftmgh the bMhieaa ability of the the work with far less expenne than j
This«ni bdoiS
to say regal
tight or prlfHese
MXlom iMiudM
aoa. and fllreot applloatloaa of hia fo4ild hsve been accomplished with *
fight to rwir injured w»«hlpe In
moaey. the legal Utle to the property
T^twfflbee. nfetm.
ml hnrhom uader seuul potecs
being taken In tbe nnme of the father, taxed in the least as yeL •SujKriii i
inendng ThnmUy, Jane 9,
it very t
flop gad pmar* «bem to tfeiie forth
on iMm^tlon that at hts death It shooid tendenl H. O. Joynt to
tog hoatlle efraiidm.
be left by will to the son. but was In pleased with tbe pumpsI and the *
Stesmen lesre Tmrcito City
^ n# prM#n.log woitldogU out a
fact left by will to the stepmother. An
*..iy SumUy, lU p.
An average of r.xuo.uiw ihiIKmik pepfOtiat from gay other
Local Woodmen Dogroo Team Will Oo agreement was made between the
Thmadayi. C a. m.
lit hai doge from Japan. The Japan*
etepmoiher and the son that at her days is being pum|»ed. which 1k au
to gonaonlo Neat Taoodoy to At*
me eomegUMi that H !■ Inoonelalen
death, to oonalderaUon of the son average Inm-aM* of al»out Kon.omi gal
tend gig Mooting.
with the duty of a aeotral to permit
making no claim against his father's louh over each day last year.
^ the fgpglrof a belUeeregih warship la
estate, she would leave tbe property
The degree team of the Me
Puta an End to It All.
*gge ef 4te porU where 1| haa nought
Woodmen of tbis city will go to »eo* to the son by will, which, howavW. rhe
A grievous wall <»fitiroea comes as a
tagrUMn eeeme to tw In entire
lonia next Tupaday to confer the woth failed to do. and the »u»a fllad a hill result of unbearable pain from over
ggoe wlU the principle which deter of InitlaUon on a larje claaa. The oc* agalast the executors of her ettau* for taxed tirgaua. Ulryliu-ss, l.ackmlo*.
specific performance uf the agn-ement. I Ilv<r complaint and ctuistlpaifou. But
in will lie the annual gatM
cunstltiiitHl j| juey put au end to it all. They are
of the Northern Michigan Aaaoclatlog Held that such agreement constltuLHl
llai jim opencl to the pubof Woodmen, which eovera aeveral
le but thorough. Try them. Only
\i2^ anti a brand new meal mar
ties. Thpre will be a baaket pie which being founded on a Kiifflclent 26c, Guaranteed by Jobuson’s llrug
Store and F. II. Meads. druggisU.
to gmirt one provided It holda iceelf
ket where quality ami prices
ad aeveral other pleoaant features oonalderatiQa and afterwards
iwedy to uMlat the other la like
arc right. Give ut a call . .
lee the rituallatlc work. All to good faith, win be enforctHl though
lire til Krfurt. Genuniiy, the
per. It megev that It may not ■
tog in parol. Clgyrson vs. Brewer.
Woodmen are Invited to attend.
of the lire brlgude ijuanvlExl
igM la gay get of
68 AU. 6k« IN. J.)
aw if
with the ebb-r. and iiisletid of nii.-nd
2SS E Frfiit St
QM. Fine
the other. That la \the rule of atiicT
Municipal Corporstlons-GonUmlnat- Inglo their dutlen. U-IsIht.-.! hini mitil
Any dhvlaflon therefrom
he was wiiSE-h-ss. Mf-aiiwhiic. llu- lire
^ Wall Watsr.
;ia gg ggfHegdty^
had iHkcii MU-h a todd that iM ioie it Dry. Hard and
Plaintiff brought suit for darnag*^ W'ss gut und»»r «Miitr»d K»-v«-raI Iu*um»s
Lumber Co.
» Ugereat la pfopodion aa It la friendly la Eapootod Thia WIntA* Near Wex
f.*r the death and lltoess t»f her rhll were liuriMHl tu the gruuiul.
ford on Account of the M. A
toward the other.
dren. alleged to have btvn caused by a
N. C. E
V The doctrine of aaylum U purely
That the Hot fiprtogs medlcinea
hnmanliariga. U a land force of
Uon of the counlry than all other dis
Record Want Ads. bring Big have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV.
The farmers In the vicinity of Wex water of the well tm plaintiff s home eases pul together, and until the last
hemgerent threatened with deain
Rstums for ths money IwveMad ERSE CITY. They can cure yop. For
ford are looking forward to a buay and stead, situate iH-iwinm the hous4* and few years was 8U|uh)s«h1 to im ii.eu
; Uon or oapture by the enemy flee. |
sale by all first class firuggiata. .
,.f rifilie to the terrttory of a neutral pronuble logging season this winter, a stream known as “Tuna en*ek.‘*
utiff clalmt*d that the dt^th of the
I the latter may afford ahelter wlthcwt owing to the putting In of the new IMalntlff
children was caused by the iiegll- stamly failing to cun? with hx?al trcalto the puraulng belligerent. branch of the M. A N. K. A staUon two chll
ment pirmouncod It Incurable. St h neo
. hot It can afford ahelier only to the and aide tmdks have been laid out a gent discharge of the so
{^ndlvldaala of the fleelnff force, not to mile eaat ant| half mile south of Wex city Into the sGvain above the well, has provoif catarrh tu be a const it n
timml dlst-ase and ihorefure n-quires
ga orgaalied ahd armed force. It muat ford. and preparatlona are being made whereby the ywage percoulated constituiloual treatment. HaUs Ca
dlaang and dleorganlie the refugeea
Urrh Gun-. manufacUired by 1
oliHlo, Ohio, is the
Held that the connection be
ga a helllgeregt force or expel them Iness by tbe ilme snow domes.
lonal cure on the mar
iwwn the act of the defendant cam
from tta tarrltory.
it i.s
ken Internally In dos.-^
plalutMl of and the result charged an
Thta H a reoognUeU and undUputed
10 dr
Irops to a loasiKJonful. It
t«) remote and Um uncertain to Indireii ly on the blood imd
nila M to the duty of a neutral la the
and mun
s «*T the system. They offer
permitted as a basis of r»H-ov«u-y.
, cmae of a beUlgemni land force fleeing
M. A N. E. Will Maks a Low Excur- UTiartun vs. Bradford City. 5s AU. C21 one hundred
ndred dollars for any case It
, to lU territory for refuge. The prinfails to cure Send for circulars and
aion Rats for Thai Day to
nlple la precltely the aame where a
• warthip of a belligerent deea for
Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO . Tc^
' ^ mfuge to the ^vatera of a neutral. The
Deceased during his lireiime was a ledo, Ohio.
The Ijibor Iiay cHebratlou In ManUSold by druggists. 75c.
^^heutral may afford .belter aa a mat*
t<*e will attract a large numlM*r fn»m memtmr of defendant associaUon. The
Take llaU’x Family Pills for constl
ter of humanity, but may nut permit
Traverse City and to acetmimodale the
the refdgee to prepage for a reaunip*
crowd the hfV A N. K, will run a special pay the aum of $760 upon the death
flog of hcMtimiea under auch abelter.
her. onedialf to the widow or
train, leaving here at 6:46 a. m. and
new furnith.nfis you will want for your home. You arc planning, no doubt, for new
That would npt differ materially from
returnltig. leave Maulsttw at 10 p. m. husband, and one-half to the chlhlren
pgmltUag the ouifliilog of a hortll eaof decoasetl; or. If there are m» chll
curtains for Ut windows or some new portieres, a new carpet or rug. Our new fall stock is her*. The,
The round trip rale will be |1 25.
^Itlon In the watert of the neutral.
dren.^lhe wh.de to th.- widow ,»r husfinest gopds tHat are put on the market and many ©f them are entirely npw in both material and pattern. ^
The evar aeemv to hare more regard
ENTERTAINED AT LARDIE HOME t»and: or, if no widow or husband, to
fpr the prlaclplea which determine
the next of kto of the Aeocaaed. De
In making a rhoit-e of a
the dntiea of neutral, thau aome of Pleasant Farewell Reception at Maplo- ceased left no children or widow, and
tt»ry for your sa\ inys alwayt
fcia mlnlatera have. The proof he has
ao far as has bi*en leame.1, no next of
tak»- Into eitii.-iiii-rati*»i) i-t.-c\iriiy
glvaa of this encourages the hope tha*
r. as cxei-ulrlx of de
Many new designs in Brussels Net. Irish Point and Nottingham. The Arabian are just aa much In demand
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lardle gave a
first, rait* afterwards I’tmiimih» «UI aumHiBd -UawU with u(er farewell reception In honor of their ceased's will. iMHight to recover IhU
as ever. Wc have something entirely new for b
called the Melange in ecru, with either an light
ally keep in mind tbe saying.
gdrlam In the fuluer.
from defendant. Held she was
granddaughter. Miss Gertrude Lam
Vlfa better to sh^-p on :: |M-r
blue bands or^iink and yello^. The swellest curtams yet introduced These are $3.00 the pair.
brii. of Minneapolis, who with her ala- not entliltHl to r.*<x>ver. and that de
It li Wing developed that many
cent than lie awuk«* on' f'« per
dlss Mamie, have Ifen ap<mding fendant held said sum In truH for the
Grand Rapids aldermen an* riding on
cent “
Interest coniiMiuiidetl
lummer at the pretty home of next of kin t>f deceased, should any
the atreet cars on passes. This Is
st-miaiitmally. it is p>rfeeily
their grandpareoU A large number evi*r appear. Gould vs. Kmployes Aid
glmply a courteay of the rallituid corn
safe, you t an gel ii when you
Are used in every home and our new fall designs are the richest we have ever carried. The red or the green
Ksoclallon. 68 Atl. i>24 (R 1 )
present from Traverse City.
er and not Intended In the leaat to
Archie. Solon. Bowers llarlKir and
Moire are ihr^ finest. These are $t0 the pair. There are any number of different patterne. colors and qualgain thi good win of the aldermen In
Mapleton. The bright moon Unik the
An ordinance t»f the city of Minniv
inunlrlpa) legislation afftHt Ing the
ities Of goods; from $t.75 the pair.
place of the Jaiuttiese touterns and the Spoils provides that no person aha
railway. The ialdermen have
gtreei railway.
happy cHuiples eui4>yed the evening in •exercise the vocation " of a peddle
m) consider the
I? -ggplalned that they m
dancing The music was furnished by within the city, without first paying a
|, gottrtealea and would*
fur a imv
Jack Bucham. Will l'4urul and hTank yearly license of $126. Defendant wa#
I meat think
think of
of acceptln
accepting such favors.
Is easily sett ed here, such a stock to select from. The large rugs 9x12 feet, or 8 feet 3 by Iff feet 6 have
Smith. Jr.. At 12 o’clock light refresh* convicted of (HAdling melons in thc^
All of which to pt^rfeclly prtH>er. of
M were served consist Ing <jf ns* city from house to house. The melons
never been h indsomcr. We have the Body Brussels. Royal Wilton, Axminster and fimyma. No one cairlee
sorted cakca^ and lee.' cream. The Were grow'B by him on hto
so large an ajsaortment of theae large rug^^ The smaller sixes for parlor, sitting room, dining room, library,
This aectlon of the ataie wUi be well
wlthlng Mias Gertrude a safe and ea* fee Is not so manifestly uureajsonable
hall, doorwa>|. archway, for the fireplace or piano. The newest patterns and richest goaaible ccAora.
Smator Moffatt will be returned by a Joyable journey. Miss l.amhrlx wUl as to render the ordinance void; and
big majority and the election of Hon. visit the rest of the wi-ek at Traverse further, that the ordinance applies to
Jaa. II. Ilonroe aa representative Is a
ay\ Mtoa Mamie Lambrix will of peddler within tbe city, whether
aort thing. Theae two men may be
they peddle the p^ucts of their own
f 'iflgpoaflod gpoa to fgUy aaitofy the remala few her health.
Our ntw f.R|in«rain* art hare. enUraly n.u, detigna. The beat all-weal carpet that It made. Yeu want to
farm «r garden, hr buy their stiK-k
fteopto of Uto end of. the aUte next
aee tha new ^ruaseU, the Velvets and the Aamineterm. It It well to tee theae at once an< get your firat
from others. Bute ys. Jensen. 100 N.
wrlhter la ^.Ing.
-Joseph i'hambrrtoln to itumoMtoly W. 644 iMinn.)
Choice and have that part of your fall fornithingt on your mind.
iwganded as the clev erest mao In Nor
Ltuau- Holding Over.
Spaaklng of a poUtical mad
land. and be to also one of tbe most
A written lease for the perkid of one
what would bo the result If Oaa Cam- Atatnistod.’^ said Mr. Aubrey Gantt uT
y fur at u rental of fi26 per moath con
Mi could have hit own way with the Lmulom
^'hsmbertolutoas ever been through tained the following clause: “Said
out hto public cufsar prolific of prom- lease and ronul. id commence Maich
toe but poor In performanceu As you 1. 1M1. to terminate March 1. 1M2.
oay to AumtIcu. he docont muke gooA
He haa aluraya bcea reguiAed aa a with tlie privilege of leasing the anme
COM man. and yet on a ceruin mcmoi^ four yean longer upon the aame
abit occasloo to the boose of commogii. terms, at which time the second party
whsu Mr. Oladstooe made some gga- ngiees to deliver said premtoea to the
ctous msotkm of Chsmbertoln's son. first party to as good oondltlon. etc,MM tetbsr touks down nnfl ertsfi |lke The ie«ee remained to posaanloo for
a child. Hs hsa bsM a giuot mgn
aeveral aumthg after MartA 1. 1808.
Pisa mud no wnoMr hs la
Held the tow Implied a coutrnct upou
or through the
hto part to leaae the memlaas for the
m lour yearn. Quade
100 N. W. 660 (Mina.)
fr li !■ tm It mmf fUrlr be
te bf tb# nfMilaui or kte alole^
Hy. toeittdliie th« prou
All 2M y. s.
Beauty Remedies
o. nr. oox
Securitp Tint
We ^11 the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Pianb, find the Fampus Farrand Org^j||::
A THE HflHUli V Uy
226 East FiMt Slmt
KMijiiiTn toiw
ffrtaaet. maar morrfimg omtmg tbt
: tnbtt
trlbat vuoa rtprtaeattd
at oat tloie
1^ oalrVpq^Uoa
amlfpoo^^ of
01 that woadtrfol
wcrioni ootmlf; of
Of today.
Notr. at a
Muel Id tlHi^iaHr'
tribal bMim nm Ian
lanctly to BagUth.
Uouuh mnf Freiich. mmtmg iht mott
oMBKia bein iSbad rairbaakt. Me.
Doogale McDonald. Ltltb and Htadry.
jfbt oa#M that tbtte while rod
b|^ torlij^^ object tu. at well a«
' lb#diM blooded atMicUtet It tcrub^
to lOQBd who bucklnKly obJecU to
treri^hlri of the tcrubblng broth.
baodi. but the dltci^Une
of Hm natkmiJ tnitltutloni it found
card. Juttice and Impariltllly to all. ft
H^UtB to notir. Is the motto,
* ^Over forty dlfferen! kinds of tribes
have been reprotonled tt one lime ti
'^Qirltlle in years i>ast. and It hat only
■Ktoon a year slaee Michigan Indlanr
%art been ndrollted to Genoa. CtrlsUe
^ pnd Hatkell being the schools UsUh'
for Michigan children up to that time
Bo far. all tribes have* lieen reached
.imleaa It I* the Dlrt^l^ters, west of
the Hocklos
There iM^eins to be no |»artlcular dlf-»
ference. *o MIta Hsher asserU. be
tvf^a the various tribes as to ihelt
adapUblMty to arqotre civilisation, nl
though the thlbf s the Michigan Indian
children well on now In Ameiicti
Ideas and clv!1i/.ed living, lake mon
oasHy and adaiH ibeinSelves to tb'eb
new euvirouinunu than do the westeri
pnlidurt. allhtiugh ll Is genurally enm
€C^ that the
Perces. the shaiT
nosed, blight eyed hardy triW^i of Ida
bo are the bMghteiit. and turn out on
an avenge the greater nuratu r of brll
Uaot pupils. This U «»wlng in a Isrgt
measure to the early leaching of Prot
omam mlsalonarles. wlio in the lime ol
the gnndfathen of thoae children of
‘today, came and taught many things
and the Infloonce of these noble inea
Is atm bearing fruit
Today. Genoa has students fmm the
'Tribea of Wlnneliago. Omaha, iht
Blouk .from both Hakulas. the Chtpi»e
wps of Mlnnetlta. the Ohlppewas f«»n;
Wtsoonstu and the Ottawas. Pottowat
omtea and Chippewa* of Michigan.
rifteCh yeafs ago, during the great
Indian fitmtlcr troubles, when C.enenl
Mll«w foHowc-d the Inc.irrlgllde Irlluot Apaches wUh a releutlessnosh tlist
conqueretl In Ume, .Miss Usher wah
then In charge of the educational work
at C'aflisie
After eountb^s hardships on both
sldt's. the tribes. al>mit Hve hundret!
sirimR. under that big chief. Oeninlmo.
wert' taken prlsonerv. as oue body and
taken to old F«>rt Marlon. St. August
toe. whore they nremalniM three years.
It was decided to uke the children
away, not through choice of any inter
eated pareota or parties, but they were
lined up and toarchod iwst the olBccr*.
who at the Apaches In military order
tramped aotomnly by. wtVded out si
lently but aurnly. the suffering, eu
feebled children and sent them Im
miHllately to the two schools. €3 going
to Carlisle and the remainder to AIbcr
Uneniue. Of their coming. Miss Kish
or aaW: ‘Standing lii our doorways
overlooking thf campus we saw the
Utrely illHe horyle ©f black headed
younffttra* to charge of Dr. Glbney.
‘They awalMd In all directions stune
barefooted, noaic abod. and aa they
came aoroea Ue llghUy fallen anow on
the rampui groundk wc could not help
but eirlalm at their naked feet. “Wbat
la the world
It meaa?** was the
their own. and saw the oM chief. OeroBlmo. rlag the bell oa Suaday lo call
the little onee to Suaday' school, la
sport he was called Sunday school auperlateadeot. Ue always took pride
to seeing that every one was t^era.
there being but twenty-four childrea
la the barraclis under the care ot a
trained ouraeAnd teacher at that time
He took me into ms humble little
home and showed me his treasures
aad ahtd with )Soch deep sincerity. ‘My
heart good lol the white pei»ple.‘
The remaant of this fast dying race
has been iraaaftrred to Port 8111. In
dian Territory, and the chief. OeronImo. is now on exhibition at the 8u
U»uls fair. '
In speaking of the Pueblos of New
Mexico. Miss Fisher said their home
rustoms wer«* ht»rrlblc to even think
»f. She related thin story of a
llan scholar. Henry Fairbanks, who
iside from hik line record to the In
Jlan schools, took a course to Kutker s
"sollege. Hut that curse that haunti
the path <if the red man. lire water
felling the Iwlter of him. he died In
SD adobe hut, la poverty and st
ing. Miss KUher being there at the
Ime. says the burisi of pobr Henry
TOrtsanks, though merely the common
burlsl of sit the Pueblos, was the most
Jrcsdful thing that ever came tu her
aotlce. lie was wrajiptHl In a blanket
ind carrled\io the church, where all
ibe.bodh's arc buried In tiers, many
leep, without coffins. The doors are
merely alkali groirad and dry and hard
as nick, but while the priest looks on
the body Is placed In the excavation
Ihe iKine.^ of some predtS'CHSor of
former years, an desriii thrown In. wet
down and iMiundcd w ith a larp* iH»und
er until it Is secure. Thus this brll
llsnt American scholar, a graduate
two sch(K>ls. lies under the
pounding machine of a wild savage
custom, and the priests who offlclstc
g the tribe seem iniwerlesh to sr
>r turn ilu* tide Into nuHlcrn cusof true Christian petiple.
fiulolda Prtventad.
The suming announcement that a
previmtlve of suicide had been dlscovA run down
iystem, or despodndency Invariably
precede suicide and something has
been found that VIill prevent that con
dltion which makes suicide likely. At
the first thought of self
take Electric Hitlers. It be
ionic and nervine will strengthen the
nones and build up the system. It s
also a groat Stomach. Liver and Kid
&0C. Satisfaction
sons 1>
and F. 11. Meads DrugglsU.
TsMchf lijr • I'lionosra^k.
TIinmas IMl
ami HHa;iibt| him with sti.-b an sc
gn.g:iti.Mi of anrumcuU In tot«»r of
Hh- pul.ll.atinn ^hc nfiroAeiited tliat
the lauu.UA Imcntor liurriwlty sub
scrllK««l. Aft.*r n gindnal rcMorwtion
of Ills enemies Mr. Edison asked:
“riow did you AVer smHVc<l In maaterlnc am b a long ami coovliicing
speed, an tb.ntr
our '*^|HN««-bi»s are tuuclit us at
the lM»mc ottli
bv.” ivsiMiKl.Hl the lady,
mm us of the iihouugraph."- llun*er • Wm kiy.
End of a Blttar Fight
“Two physicians
had a long and
tala poUtletoaa. many of theai to the
Ualted Stotaa atMtm that ha would
auk Utotr pwpoaaa, Lately tbara have
beaa a aamhar who have aocoaaifaUy
stMod aMde from that road to ofltoc.
Mr. BopaevMt. oa the whole, has ar
pealed to the people over Ore haada of
faentioa that graded the d<
it m MIm iMUtato at Omm. N» the cbttdraa. maajr at G
kVMtea iMf ^9fm twimif<m9 fmn of Cbetr abMoptaftbecar^
Mrrk». 4^outf to tko oAmooikm of
tw to«lMa «H MUir Md m4 JMmr eoM an the grmiBd was. they aeeaM
MM OlM hM BM A VflM> €t la jabllaat over their chaage of gui
sad esjoyed every thli« they new. or
had to do. A great away died, aa did
tlio Mif fm>^m Ml *1 OartlaM •• the eldar ones, at the .fort, j^mcaaae
MU aa Um Bovor acbool at 0«m; xhof had eadnred hardnhipa ta die
aritli ro^r—oototHm at atmn trlba frightlal ftarlkre waged agalaet i
vho Otar oatofod tko wid# portal* of Aa <hey toarahd lo aay a fewworda
they espreaaed theaiaelvea la gratl
tade to ua. which aeei^ reward
CteoMd for tilt vpltftiat of
lilt tod pooplo. aad Mr lit «oat«d at enough. Oftea we would be aceoeted
by the laeoato words; -Good bed. good
aatMtr oo tiM faoto;
good plaee.'
Tho viataat irlbr of ladiaat la Hit
lUaltod Hliitta art tiM Mlaaotota Cblp- d weal dowa to the Moaat Vemoa
povaa, aad UOt It aeooaatod for !a hairacka. where the tribe was after
tilt oatoral war. at tho tarlr teiUtrt wards traaaferred lo little huU of
at Aiag. 17. f
la Ms auMmaala. He
Ihoaght thp air waa fUtod with amaU
garttolaa aC water which iwflect the
Mm gorttoaa of the ana's light falling
MB avr aarih and thus prodaca the
Mm tiato or the grftaaieDL
aC tha Mty by
thtorj, bot
lilar wittaia haiV imovad that to aome
la IM ProTcaaor John TyndaU. the
Umom Brictab pbyatotat. fooiid that
he could prodDca
blue” by exper
tmaats to the labaratoty. For this puipoae he filled a ciaaa tube about a
yard ktog and three iaelKw in dUmetcr
with air of oiw-fentb iIh‘ onllaary
deaalty mixed with nitrite of butyl
Igor, which to extremely robitito.
ham on paaalttg through the mixture
powerful beapi of elec-tric light to a
foam otherwtoe dark, the mlgtuiw pr«v
•ted a beautiful bine cloud Which
la color rivaled the flmwt Italian aky.
her experimeata proved to Tyn
dall that he had at tost dlscorervd tbe
eecm of tbe bine color of the sky.
which hadpaaalfd the greatewt phHoao-
be happy. To do so. Just go to the
Johnson Drug Ou.’s store ami look over
the large and varied assortment of
soaps. True Violet. 25c per box.
scented equal to 25c cake; Howard**
hygienic healing flesh snap. 15c cake
two for 25c. and many others. We use
McCool'a pure Ice cream for our soda
fountain and have all flavors.
- -
promises, they have aot saUslled the
bosses, and were It aot for the people
he would be laid upcm tbe abek forBver, Mr. f>olk to tbe-protagonUt la a
brilUant dramatic fight of the people
kgaluat their official oppiueaon. Oovamor La Foltotte is a similar figure.
Ootoen Rule Jones was another. When
inch men win It to by letting them
lelvea be known, whereas poUticianc
yt the Oorman type, to succeed, muse
work always to tbe dark; aad the ebb
Bf Oorman la as good a sign as the
Nominated for Go emor on the Pi-mortoeofFolk.
cralJc,Ticket: |Tesldcnt of Ferris
Instllnte. Big lUpW*: Banker and
There are a Ihoasaml way s of lying,
lays Suceeus. but all load to the same
and. It doea not maticr-whether you
rear Ucs. teU lies, ac^ lies, or live
lies, your character is ’ruined all the
There is no more demoralWng In
luence In modem life than the unlalural slrslnlng to seem other than
jthing cliM
•elf rv^spcct.
•t. takes Ihe fine edge off
honor and blunts the couscionce as the
senxe of being a sham, a gilded fraud,
or an unreality. H chiw^ns stand
ards. lowers Ideals, saps ambitron, and
UkcK the spring and Joy out of living.
Original twelve lueinlieni of tbe new No man can make the most and the
ordcT of merit. liivratigSted Tyndalls
best of himself until he is absolutely
theory of the tY.lor of tl>e aky by pro
found mathemstlrtil remun lu s exletMl honest with hU own soul, and unfal
leriugly true to his highest Ideals, and
this J lmpo8.Hible while he is living a
from the reficstion of sunlight from
antall psrtides to the air Icsa than one
one-himdred thousandth of nn imh In
On man certainly will not be with
held fwm any part of the country
Tbeae atomic part Idea fill tbe at
where A Item H. Darker lu-c lji vote.s—
pbere. and by reflecting tlie blue part
.Sharp WiltisniK. of Mlsf^Uslppl.
of tbe sun’s Ught give the dome of tbe
Quick of w it as a Fn*nehnin»i. am! as
beavons a bluUh tint.
Some of tbene fiarlldes are water, hard at driving a political bargain as
but most of them are t'omi»omxl of tbe the dowTi cai test of Maine Yankees—
oxygen and nitrogen of the air.
Williams holds his audience whether
lYofcsaor T. J. J. .See of tbe rolted 11 be hostile or friendly, and plays with
States nary Is one of tbe .\incrU-an
It. He is a.s ready to laugh at hiniKolf
M’ieiJtistK who studbHl tbe subject In
another aspect. He olwicrved the <'olor aa he is to we«‘p with the mlsforluncK
of the aky In various altitud*^ In high of his optMiiiein. He would rather
mountalus aud lu dry* and inolst coon- Slop speaking than be dull. He has
trJcn, aucb im Egjpt mid
and learning and has had a great many
Arixona and the Mlsi«is«ipi.i valley. more op|K>riunltleK for foreign trave!
Hia conclusion to that the Iwautlful red than ninety-nine oiit of a huudre*! of
cotom of Miiisets and sunrises so much
spoken of by Gnvk ami Utuunu writers his eounirymen. Hut he is not pufft^d
aud so often IDu.strated in lauds-a]»e uj». When be rlst-s to his feet. y<»n
painting ucIm-s from water vaiK.r la know that ther** stands a man who
Ihe lower rcgU*n*» of tlie ntUH*sphen\ wouhl uiuler>iand you and like yoti. .f
absorbing the blue -mid transmitting he could only go off in a eccner w ;lh
the-red light. .\ixxmUng to Dr. S«v. you and have a nice quiet talk.—Tl.e
the reddish Aolors <x>mc ftv.m that part Campaign Si>ellbinder; Everyliody'/
of our air wUhiu five miles of the
earth's surfaiv. whik* the de«ii blue of Magazine for Septembi-r.
the sky aris<*s from rerbs-tions of lulThe Sipu-mber Red lb»ok contains
nufe pnrtlcb-K in the higher parts of
le of the mo5l atfr.'iciive Mdeeiions
The water vapor do^-s m»t extend of short fiction to be found anywhert*.
vwy high, douds . never rising hlglu'r The table of contents Includes a noti-than' ten miles alwve the earth. The
orihy array of the aid hors w ho are
blue streaks cast by clouds at sumsd most iKvpular lu The best magazines,
rimw th.’it the nsl arisi.s ncir the
-Mrib. while the blue has its sc.u v-ry aad the artistic featnro’ of story illn.shigh up. ,\lKive tlH* atmosphon‘ the tration and |H>rtraita of heauliful
sky has all the blackness of the darkest women excel any previous Isstie of this
•Ing magazine. The authors whtv
Professor See watched the duration have fumishecl stories to this number
of the blu»» sky after dark ami found it
Eden DhUlpotts. H. M. Bower
to continue for alsiui an hour and fif Gt-«*rge Horl«»n, Hex E. Th-ach. Annette
teen uilimics, and ftvm this he shows
that tbe atmosphere extends to a height KHlre<!go. h^nily Ruth Calvin. Catherln
William Hamilton Oslxirne.
of fully 13U miles. Astronomers have
usually found tbe bright of the atmo- Alice LamUc Ixh;. Harry Irving Green -.
re by computing the Iwlght of ine- tVcMlerlek Walworth. Horace Huker
teofu. but none ever made the height and Frederick Smith.
of the atmqapberc over lut mlh-s.
The study of tbe Idue ixilor of the
aky thus proves also that onr atmosRight. Is to be right in It. theu you are
plicre extends considerably higher Hum
interesting and intereslod.
what the sp4«<-lal rale on ladUui' and
kky ta shut out by menns nml «-ombl- gents' guld-ailed watches at 710. 112.
tns of i-olors dne to r«*nc«-tlng llTi and Il’O is this week at IlastaH’K.
clouds, and countless myrimto of parti- the jeweler. East Front street.
dca to tbe ethereal regions high alsire
tbe earth give the bright light which
to so much rdlsbed In dally life.That l8_,w*hat the Fiebrich, Fox. lin
Brooklvn Eagle.
ker shoes are. Manufactured only for
men, but while the kind Is limited, the
Wc have alPslyles and
Rcallx© that a dnig store has a gn>
eery stock. While we are not grocers grai^/^all and inspect our stock
and you will be sure to be ‘suited in
do carry a complete slock of spices,
fit and style. Ed Lautner. Union SI.
curry powder, tumeric, flavoring ex
tracts of alkktods and the bandy onoMOTHER SAYS
d rakea of parafln© for scaling That what is g.HK| for baby is goml for
Jelly clasaes. Bugbee's City drug store all. Keep the skin clean and you will
body thought my time bad come. Aa
LADIES! Better look those sample
a last resort 1 tried Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Tbe ben shoes over whU© there U a good as
efit 1 received was striking and I was sortment. Theylltoave you from 50c
on my foet In a few daya. Now I've un- lo 11.50 per pair. A. V^fWedrich.
llrely regained my beallh.“ It con
quer* all Coughs. Colds and Throat
Pianola Recital at JaAson's Icc
and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by
earn parlors Saturday afternoon
Johnaon's Drug Store and F. H. Meads.
from 2 to 5 and evening 7 to 9,
'" %y *■
; -
hU institute. Mr, Ferrla
firm as follows:
Juno 3, 1904.
Big Hapld*. k
Grinnell Hro
Dcitrolt. Mich.
Genth nu n
Ijjst SeidemboT the
Ferris Insllfute jrehased a Grinnell
Hro.s. 1-pright l*<a
for the Music
Dept. This Diane has been In coni Inuous use
V it was purchased,
During this lime a lai-ge uiimiKT of 1
pndesslonal plan ts have had orca-j
si on
thhs iistrument and every
-n morf than delighti^d. Wc \
have already p.ir a^**d another Grin- (
ncll Bros. Diatm r the Kindergarten j
Wo etiusider It privih ge to nKxvmmend this KUP4-I r make of Dhtno.
Teacher, of the I no cannot afford to
r>')uain I'n’oianl ( the i.\rolh-iil foatur4-> of this i!is* im nt. The Ferrl.s
Institute buys no t In r make.
.Very sincerely
N. FERRIS. Dres.
Musicians an*l
musle-lovlng pubHe are cordially
ti d to Inspect the
••Grlmie!! Hrother
Diano at the local
wnrerooniK of the
159 E. FftONT ST.,
Cura all chronic dtoaaaaA
by .n
Prices Hot Springs tn^ta. fit.
Hot Springs Quick Reli^ (liniment)
25 cents.
Hot Springs caUrrh ouro. M oanta.
Hot Springs aoap, 10 oanta.
Hot Springs haaling aalva, 25 oMtn.
Hot Springs com curt, 10 canto.
For sale by S. E. Wait A Sons,
Johnson Drug -Company and Amnh
lean Drug Company.
OiatribHiing Agent..
The Traverse Gitir Besiness Collese
Has no superior in preparinj; for business.
. Read what our students and ihcir employers aay of us:
Dn»f A*, n Ih»ekeray. City:
iK-ar Sir We wi.-di lo expre.-s t,ur apprer iaibrn «»f the work you
are doing in y<uir rollegn. We have had »u>veral of your *tuileals to
our ofUev* anti iniw havi* three. They ar*- all iHTfeelly satiiifaetory. ti
ftiet we are never aide to get ore *lin-et from FchiMd that waa able :o
tak«: up our w«*iik as readily .h yo ir siuilentK.
We tmik a young lady fn.m ^our c»f«ege I.kI spring and rhe Is
now aide to hamMe the work a.s w» ll an the oh.hT eraployu-s.
tcoin J. I Sirtcr presents
.America s f:icalcsl
We alwavs feel eoufidetit of g»;tiiiig Jurt whai we want when we
apidy to you for help.
VourH truly, *
Kelly LundH-r and Shingle Co..
By W. L l»eWlli. V. I*.
Supported By The
Stcrlinjg Actor,
RicM«isoii conm
And a cast of ui iform cxccliance
in Ihc poTveiful drama
A Lincoln J Carter proiluction sccnicaly; A Krohrnan product ion
AU klsc.
25c, 35c, 50c ani ?5c
Scat Sale*" Opens Next
Tnesday Morning.
Use Recoril Want Ads
Have a complete line of mcatii, both
Those cf»n!« mjdating thf purrba:.e
fresh and salt, and alM» a fine line of f HiK*k in ih-* Grand Trav<-rse and
lu-.l in- a:.-=. Nuh pn-..s» d and dried,
i n y.mr lunch ha-*k<fl is l^ ing | ,,r„ixiptly as only a limited amount will,
d ur. don- M.»p to cfH, kmea^s hut j
tmr :small glxvs canned goods ju.;l I
lues. I burs, sal
The Death Penalty.
mtle thing
atch. innignlfl
death. Thus i
have paid the
! death penalty. It i.s wi.se to have
Huekkn-s Arnica Salve ev< bandy,
It's the bcFt Halve on earth ind will
prevent fatality when inirns,
cers and plies threaten. Only
Johii.Mm's Drug Store
TRY A REC (|rd
Ff jiaralor cream for their dcllelouK le'e cream and so pure I---------- when ll Ik roeltcsl it can bo iisc^ in
coffer-. All Ihe fKiptilar flavors and
delirious with ctiiFbr-d fruit as well.
That tha Not Springs mMidnea
ERSE CITY. Thay can cura ypo. For
tale by all firat data drugglata.
Spoplal L-isHt: forofsosi-felork F*or Auatwiwt
We will Pipe Fonr Rooms and Fnmisli Fixtores. Only $10.00
The or.lcr ijiust be nude before August SVm. The work to be done when wurted. wtthin 00 days.
Travi-rse (*lty. Mieh.. .\ugu>t k. I!»04.
roM WAkB A-r TMw mox
sbo. 7W0. •i.oe
■jox orm
ibuut au audiInhUtlHWx-h
^ MU ta. »
tLe aiiie
voitv that 1)0 ^
om not Uit
my remarks "
Mtpii M
TImmm Xm
«f CM
Mm Qmrtt
% Hww t»^ Mr ft gftrfHiit laM msV mv ftft »
fti Mft It ftooft to
^^'rnmm to MtrtiMwi Oty. TM orofttag
Tftifc ft Carftftfi Voufif Ui^ fM Hit
M. Hovftrd M. BUott. wbo Uaglit
Am two roftrtJigo to iM locftl High
•MmioI. wfti oftltod to flUkirtogo Aug. 24
tft Mtat Bditb Stewmn ftt her home to
Omm. Mtah. 'Mr. ond Mrs. BUoU
will bo ftt home to Petotkey. ftt Mr.
auioct leftchot 4bcrt thU yeftr.
Mm a A. Ballard aad Wni Keif of
ladlftaMoHt retarpod to their boone
after apeadtog a eooplo of weeka aritb
Mr. BBd Mrt. E. J. rwghum.
Tfm John Keltoy pumhaaed i
tbia weM to this retort.
JobB TBtmBB BBd wife eBtertfttoed
the CBmpera\lo b watermekm party
'Ja week. .
Mm A. P/ Bum and ton Cbarlef
Geo. W. Lardle It making tome fine
patchet of tth these dayt.
P. C. Deamood and wife eatertatoed
the oampen Thnrtday night to hoaor
of Mm Deamoad a moth^. Mm An
cream and
cake were
Fred Plerton won the flrit prise and
Mm Dago of Chicago and her aUter
are vltiUng Mr. and Mrt. Thoa. PlerMr. and Mm Levi Soule have re-
turned to the city after spending the
Mist Beatle Dodglln of Chicago hat
been tbe guest of Mitt Nellie Lardle
to the making or thla week.
While ftttltUftg
Mapped OB a
ulVu.’t, a,,.!
badly opralumr.
at Norlhport
aad Travema City, returns tonight.
who hat been a guest at the Park
Placa f6r two dayt. left for Northport
this toomlng to spend Sunday with
St the Park Ptoce for their annua!
Misa Jaaaie
moratog from a two weeks* outing st
her mother’s cottage at Northport.
Miss Maggie Gody of Wi ixell arrimd today for a two weeks' visit at
Mrs. .George
Union street.
Mrt. Ida
Noawick of
Elk Rapids
town this
for SuUons Bsy. where she will visit
Uiney of
arrived this afternoon for a week'*
visit with her daughter. Mm Charles
Mitt Laura Furtsch left thlt after
noon for NorthiK»rl to visit Mrs. C. H.
P. A. Undley and
home after upending a couple of weekt
axU.ii;, tram tb-
, ill her bed for acreml dayt.
L. Rosooe and family who have been
dren returned thU afternoon fn)m a
reaortlng to J. W. Jackaoo'a cottage
two weeks' visit with her mother. Mrs
Rev. C. T. Stout went to Charlevoix
of the teason wat the annual planked
the We^e-tong club party latt eren
flth tapper which iook place latt even
A Cbreeiilece orchettra furaltbed
Ing. to which fifty-three partook. After
ItiUng In Buffalo and went to Will
: -
mutk! and Ummw who were preeent bad
the fith were cooked to a turn under
iamtburg. where the will tearh schtH.l
again this year.
went to Platte
they all sat down tb a table groaning
ftrar Oila morning to apend the day
with good things, and that they did
Mr. and Mm John Miller. Mrt. A.
ample Justice wat proven by the fact
M. Ovtott of tbit city. Mm Bdmundt
bodily from the table.
that two of then umber were carried
aad daughter and ^Itt Hann^ Kee
for their
aer of Ohio
wont to Knat Bay
momlag to tpcnd the day and to have
Tho latter
name* arc
part of
evening wat devoted to amusemenU.
Dr. a. A. HolUdigr 0rUiK » reaiiulc
a pkmlc dinner.
-Out of reaped
families their
pretident nf
production of the bev. dance.
A few
of tbe untniUated were Introduced 40^
^^yimnitoB and evening In the Church of
the king of tbe Cannibal islands wbo
aute tonlor
wprk. will tpeak
C^tt. Sunday.
Mitt Poundt it an
eamett worker, her nictttge will be
Tho ColumbU.wlU run a Uc^i cx
Mitt Nettle
gave several, rodtatlont which were
account of the Woodmen picnic.
ing several old-time tongs tbe late-
her home .on
After sing
nots of the hour warned all that all
good things must end.
The guests of
Mrs. DeVelln and son Lafaj
etto. Dr. Arthur Holliday and family.
Mr. and Mrt.
H. O. Joynt. Mm Al-
ward ami two children from the city.
wife and
Beatle Pulghum. accompanied by Mr*.
drews of Thompsonvllle and Mr. and
They return ionIghC
Mrs. C. Cook of Seventh street left
of Mrs. M. F. Horen.
The Misses
Excavating for the new went tld •
Catholic church
A petition It being clrculaUHl among
While there will be
VO celebration
here nor tpecial ob-
aenrance of the day. Chartevoix and
U to atked that all butlnest
men dow and ihut give the employvt
to have the
day to
where he con-
fhictad a teachera* inatUute.
The in-
•tUtnta wat very aacoeaaful. over 200
There wUI be another one of thoae
delightful exmoertt given by the Travarae aty band tomorrow aflemooa at
ik:3i OB the Ceatral achool town.
Ws am ahswtofl a ales line of
mm Ml mum.
Bsugltt Htsm in
NSW York at a vary advantass-
Call a^
a two wtH-ks*
com. 55c: No. .3 white oats. 33»ic.
Toledo, O.. Aug. 27.—Wheal—Cash
fl.iota: 'December,
terly serv ice tomorrow.
Ho will visit |
issed through to*-n this morning to
fever sufferer for
ber iH>rk.
years, was a passenger on the Ctilumfor Oniena this morning.
Hodge and family and Vern Cook have
gone to Carp lake for a few dayfc' stay
anrey Curtis' cottage.
—September. 52V*c; May. 4S^c. Oau
—feepicmbor. 32c; May. 35VtC.
C. Compton of the Hotel Whiting
left laaV «»6hi for Hot Sprlngf. Ark:.
in »e«rch of renewed healih.
Frank Gannett
wife liave tt-
tunuid iPoin a wci-k's outing at Carp
Mr. anff Mrs. George R. Becker and
Card of Thanka
We desire to thank our friends and
neighbors for
the many
tu croat.
erUt .of the can-
500 Boys to Btom
about our line of Hoys Wear Hroof Qoiliing.
»nd 4.vmV<W« U,mf
AT»ron#.<-naUTt *
Monday, August 29th..
The best 50c^-r5c-$1.00 KNEE PANTS SHOWN
' -
have returnetl to the city
"Madam." grispeil the liiintio.
you not the qiu eii of S<'-»ts>"
-I nm queetj of Eligl.tud
jntil the entire Stock is,sold. This stock consists
af Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Silverware. Opera
ind Field Glasses, etc. A chance of a lifetime to
3uy bargains. Samuel S. Levy, Americas best
know.n auctioneer will conduct the sale. Every
lady attending the sale Wednesday afternoon will
' eceive a handsome souvenir spoon free.
Shall e’er dlvcrct- my dignUi s. ‘
The mnn *.nw to fore him n wunau
who was a qtieen and all a -«im*ea. hut
not the qui-eu he vvaiit^nl. In evi-ry
wurd. every g»->nire. every slop, the
aetion liapri‘ss«si liiiu. Wh.it v. .is ihls
thnt was U-fuddling his po«jr hv:.:v.f
lie was there to to-hend tlie uu.s-ti M
IM«tiiii-4 to the
J^MatnXs of the
su.Teh.'’ve turne.1 your br .m. You nre
hot K:itlu-ri:i«-, <pu-«-ii of La^'Lind. ,l»u;
Mary. qu»x-n of Scuus."
' tM-elug her .ndv.-intage. »d:e pn-ss<Kl it.
Stani'.ing for a momeut, her etx:s lixe-d
on hto in-sileuee. pn-s.-mly sh;- aiv:inced'*a step, then rinoilxT. pointing;
her fine* .- at him as wme
-rake heed, for heaven’* aake taka heed,
Beginning Monday Morning
from a visit at Mun>xing
A. J. Eldretl
We fMarfntee you a saving on
That tho Nat ffpHngt madtolnat
KRSCCITV. Thoycaacumyaa. fhr
Afternoon and EviSriing
" • • • I dare n l tr.nl;' mjsr'f ».. cullty.
To give up willingly that
tttiYwur master W*tl me to.
Nothing but
iKx-n.sutn 1 The burden of my •orrewa fall at once
that lightemsl our sorrow during the
U|>cn ye.’*
?d to Grand Rapids to
to attend the
recent Illness and death of our beloved
There vv:is the qainteasenc-o of % enge
fuaenU af her fIstcr^ Mrs, Charles E.
anee Iu the wonmn's lo*k. The man
daubler Sai^ Maud. To those who
wTju h.nd come to l*obeud her iiuailerl.
aent the boautiful flowers wc arc also
As she advanced a step he retired a
•lally grateful.
step. All the while she hejd his eye
Green Com Party.
1Mr. and Mrs. Frank WetL
About twenty south slders partici- ''III* **<^«. and wheu ahe passed
reaching ba«-k.
patod to a most enjoyable orn n^asl!
School Will Bagin.
i pressed It be dul not see * hat she did.
i week trom Monday laat evaaing on the bay shore. A «le- She hojwd that soiqe om- bel.nv would
being Labor Day achool will not begin lightfal program ’*as rendered. Also be stirring. She looked for
nA supply of green apples furuatfl a weetofrom Tuesday. Sept 6,
aiabed by the regulation crowd of west j no one was
ihss a tody to
the man into the hall, downstairs, he
side boys •
>slp bar taka ardam for Chaa. A.
occasionally turning to quail again ant«Mm soada. Call Aug. t1. Sutha^
der her glam-e, out Ifiio the street.
Then, rownrd that she was. she
Bays* suit aato next'week.
The stock of goods formerly owned by W. C. and
p. A. Gannett will be offered to the highest bidder,
bommencihg Wednesday afternoon. August 31st,
jat 2 p. m., and will continue every
WhUe l ahall have my l;fe."
Presiding EtdiM- M. D. Carrvl wont to
September. j|U»6; .May.
to boys who visit our store from T:fK) to 10.*00 a. mV ;;
"Pray, do my serrlro
bk majett\.
He Das my heart yn and rhail have my
out ing tt
Mr*. J. O. Gorman of Joliet. Ill. a
rmteo on the rallroadt from here will
:an oppwlunlij'
1-anslng of
Leland and this morning for the qtiar-
Maj*. 11.13.
oa Labor Day.
August. IMS; No. 2 rod. 11.12; No. 3
day or Thurtday of next wwk.
.the butineat men asking them to close
A. and S.
hlcago jiassed
from her
While she Kl.n.k
Ki.ntke sto- flx^sl her c.-. e.uj*
hmuik- nml threw ;
tt that of the
tb'her part. U-r powers i
t-r soul
s*»ul iiilti
hiiov.hvlge tliat
tenslfled by
to a crowded h.«u-M?
wa.s playing n
>ney. but tu a single
for fame aad
The man stf»od
madman for tu-r life.
ItH.klng at her.
short outing.
W’llllam KIdred biingt the Ri«cord
leaving four
occupy their «>itage at Omens for just
Mrs. Spraul of Peoria. III.
thlt being hit latL Sunday^ with the
.by Mrt. Amoa Wood of Oregon.
daughter of Grmwn before returning on Monday.
Mrs, Burton
Hanson of
Flint. Mr. Dago of Chicago. Mr*. An
meeting will be led by U D. Welch,
for a few days at Empire as the guest
04en Arbor.
last wwk.
month Tor
Sunday evening
will gel the two months ..M infant of
M. E, church
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blodgett h*ft for
the evening aside from the campers
At the Bpworth League of the First
luck on Carp lake tmlay.
Pront *tnH't ‘ln honor of Mrt. P. H.
The evening wat very enjoy
Japan to Cghling at bc:ne. and l:u%
tia will never whip her T.Otv miieo
60 YCAH6-
"A wum.nn .! dare
with :l valnslory)
Nev. r y. t ^^.'lnd.^! v. !lh k
Haw I with :ill m> fyU aft ' :: t s
Still n-.et th- kins’ heved him iwt hesv«n? uU v.»d him?
Been ..ut ef f..ndmi.« superstJiInu*.
Almost forg.ajny pr.ivr?. to cont.
And am 1 thus reward^r*
Mitt Time Thompson of this city
ahl> tpent in gainet and other parlor
, Rev. Ft, Emperor went to Elk Uap
hit brother fur adoption, its iimthiT
highly appreciated by all.
Mm Jennie K. Sllvcrt entertained
H. 8. HUH returned to the city from
a butinett trip to soutbem points.
Ids this afternoon to conduct sorvlrvs.
Mrs. Dago
eurtlon to Suttont Bay tomoirow ou
laat evening at
J. M. Fell went ndrlh on a hutlmiit
trip thla afternoon.^
sat on blK throne In gorgeout array
Chicago and
doer., She ctmkl tx>t whip ui with A*
000 mUot af’^.Vltoctk'
Now. Mundiy
you »
tt r»dJr that you would 5
act op 1
T." r-' *lie«l the fm«pregsll*to
-I aXK
one: -^nd. l^t. I dW « t up to it
entoirely .Me nn f«/rrum was loigbl^*:
rrt-jo-nily. sumnionlag all her resolu
tion nnd .-issumlng a bitter tone. ^tJe
spoke again:
'Van it Ik- thnt our liege h.rd. Kin.:
Henry, is inind*‘f! l«* br^h;g us. lus tfii*and faithful wife, to lUty hUx^kY'
-King Henry r
“Yes. in.iu; King Henry. .\nd I his
qutM-n. Kjitherlne." .'ilrt* ro.se and went
on with tr.-iglc fervor:
Mitt Cora Schofield rvtumetl from
surrounded by Jilt retinue.
aa tntpiraUoa to ^he church.
Euglaud couM and uroaU
thlt afternoon to spend Sunday.
There wat not a large attendance at
a a Morat
The actress was terror rtrieken. If
she called for help It inicht pre< i|iitn4p
matters. She ouihl not es. aiH- Un a use
there- was no other egn-ss m in that in
diich the I
. St.me:hiiiu imi^t
H. Akey of Leetsvllle.
One of phe mott enjoyable events
eaioyable evening.-
have whipiw'd us If we had l*e«i at her
Mm Arohie Abbott and three chil
with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pulghum.
have returned to the city.
-The bendmnau! And what do you
to the chamber of your vktlmt Your
place to ou the scnffold.
Tho man looked aboo
another scene. Wat he i
the magnatea of England seaitsl dose
ly about ih» M.*affold. beyond i!»e ivm
luieked closely.
closely, With
with i:i»;nr:»ed
or was he within the narrow
of a prison
prUun cbauiW-rJ Tbe wo
man studied hUi fare and knew from
hit attitude that he vv.-i.s tuklng the
pose dii>leled In 4»iciun‘s of the heads
man of the sixteenth o-ntury.
-We stand on the s*‘:iffo!d." he said.
to»king at the floor, -aud there." p dut
irg to a fo«»l rest, "is the block. Stand
up that l may cut off .vy,ur !m k.s."
"It U customary ,
the v\em;,n st.im
mered. "<mi sudi cKxashojs for a Av;«r
rant to be issm-d slgmd by the roy.il
hand. It this a legal ixtvuilon or a
Judicial munler V
"The warrant, mnd.vm. to In the
bauds of the sheriff. Come. Id us pn»
ceetl. The |>ev*ple are btv«i:iilng e!;t:u
Mrt. Ctoorga H. A’erkamp and ton
Mm M W. Smith of Chleago. returned
. '‘offoeU or vbicb the will be rr>afVn»*<]
^ >
a waek'a vacatioa
^ctortftlBt at the Charcb of Ghriat. MIm
Voobee* of ;^i;Mblngton atreei
immer here.
Uftiplfo RUey.
taitor^ Chicago, who hat baaa spend
passed throHgh
|on at their cottage.
MnC WB C. Qrtaahmaber of the In-
tha home of
Mrt. A. J. Doyle the conaolatkm.
tnactthercal.-lu what eapaeltyr
-The prtoci|«il i*art fn tbe last act of
tbe tragedy, tbe beadsman.'*
llie wom.no tbtiddered. It wat evi
dent that ibto deihroned reason had
been turned iu tbe channel of murder.
But tbe coatroltod herself. Having
from the ll«t realised her ddngi-r and
having a v*ague plan of lavlug herself
by humoring the man tiU the eould
aummuD hdp. tbe had assumed the
iraas at tha Wobdawn picnic at 8ut-
Paul of ClnctonaU are again domiciled
a aad tinging of old time aongt.
ftb Off My for tho Oroya. PoaMOft dei«atog tMaby fttoareor7toI. The
ffiMb Vftt ptoyod ftt MetSck. BtUtertet
P. C. Dilhart wIU deliver Uie ad-
tdrved and the evenlag wat apent in
^^omoftt Won CHt Oftffio by a
Apofltol to the Virmlng Rooord.
had ttlemion during
work mt wmuhm vtll ba hagaa la
L It> Che wbo give* I the m«t of
hm tlaur« Mm Owf|o W. LarMa. at ahoat taa dBjm Tha hollar haa beaa
L; Potl.
•at aad tha ataaai flhtog to haing dona.
aaatotokable aign of
•omcftl of tM^yooag ladSot^ tbt
iawator atmit tte nan. a sUUer in
aiurpcT, ■ luii pr.Yuir (u roe
plaiad and part or A has kad oae eoac tin
eye Sbe baa once before encouaor palat ^ pan haa kdd two coats. tered aneb a pefton. «b* bad been battnWoi. Mnnkri iro rogluiem. wu* b«s l
bare plaaftod Car.« ptaSe le Tiat Top
her C:t.v for telngj
The work on the toterior tntoh re;niidlng olBivr kne.w
talma anaaideraVle Una hm It will be
Muivbv hao ,
-Yon wm at tbe tbeatw laat nlsbtT’' «>«“ f.roupH uf
day eight
abeaftedendly. . .
j tluH>a niibow
Mm & Boftham la Tfalttog bw Ma>
tor. Mm a L. Oaidlaer at Ub
vivid vrorvl idcturvw
•vety aoH and give you
very tatm thinga.
We place on sale a table of dress iTimmin'^s that are the
best ihin^^s in the house at just : : :
: : ;
_____ Tablo
lAUF RRIOE Gori-tor
Thfre are ^ome very choice things among these silk aad lace appliques.
These Trimmings at half price and the silks advertised the last few days, and you
have two very strong items ihat the woman who'is looking for real live values will
hartlly care to let them pass without getting her share of them.
. :r
Dress Trimming HALF PRICE .
^ ij
Choice of Colored TaffcU Silk 55C a yard.
Federers rinoadonr bnisii edre SUrt Biodisf in colors 2c a yard,
The Borton Store.
OOn’'t «isK for blaoK o't <this prlo
tkA cBEiilaetad aO tbi huwi mak» tMr cMltai.
nt thm Mnixtd Bo^tf
imi Who If to CO
iMUkm. Uh- Juint ^noy und m«H». «•m Will.toke t4sor At JUnaj-AA.
the bAttk A»A cooAtmnUy cc—Inc to
tfnm IfcW S to Itopi. r«,
^ ccfimie l> to dJvtdt the trc»..p#
Into two n»w»|« of olxHit r-jual *«»<•
ton or tw-trt- itttl«o ot«rt
lioollto forw In wnu.t, w.*li
tAtliMr ro^iftred to IO*»U<n K*-if
coimnjoi.*n«ii» fmn, AtUi.*- vnw *Jt
n.for<l 4’^n.,.
Cnr# nml the oth#-r 0«mi» MunRHAA
tbr 03riHi cornman4or. Hlit. h». ftuartl.
. ThrwAr
put a stop to
ABd U taAA
never been n
The rrmral spot In th« flrot tcht At
Bon Roa was tbo Henry farm. Th*
place WAS the property of a widow,
Mrs. Judith Henry, who was lU and In
bed when the bAttle becAA. Left entlrely Alone, she was unable to emwpe
and WAS killed by a shell whlek struck
the house eerly In the llcht. The bouse
wwa repatred after the war And today
much the
that It didI when Imbodan's
bAttery and
the Wnahlnclon arUllery of New Or^
leans were posted to the rtffht and left
of It. At that time the buUdInc etood
H<mvj»i!. TA^Iflh, Kot;i'*cmh ond ttevr^AliTM iHi^ <*f Iftfw.try «ii4
two f-omjwnli-* of cavalry, tuakliic In
Tvto T*Clme».l* Wiu ro:w from M
Wrtnont WlU fnmiah oiw. f4n>rwKilrul
win iMjort A trtir-dv, Ainf oti» r»««
rAch wUl ^>»»».* r»^« Vlnclnla. t\t>Rt
\^l«inta on-1 North i'artdlno. Trtntpf
fKi^W frcMii t;«orirui. T» »•
Jr7m*r. X>-!av^A»r^. Mnolan.l.
ftoiitli t'orofina, T«»n<wr.
AJabAuui. rnttinnr In »n*«
h CORi-from
tno u>». Th*» rr^culftrn will t>a madi* U|t
of >tif.«ntry. <avalry, ft^-I I artlUt-ry. alx^*il ».«4n»* on«! «i»itU»**tTa. S«Mn«’ »»f tl»»^
trw»pA from llic erwrt fori* nlll la?
niAdc AVAilnhn* «a Tlria ariUrry 4urlnir the fna»i.-u\. ta, Th« n.tttc oricaiiisHtitin will Ih- laiulirt****! In a mni^to'C
tlnalKiicd to »IVC 11 »ui nM-crTAnc*^ of
c'oi)tlu< tlnK Mit lU'tual r:im}<^i;?iu
TIia croUf«4 •••Inctr.l for tlw- mnneuver* l« in itmii) re»i»ty lit th.‘ moat lilflorlc AiM.t In ifu. rf.unlryt Forty-tlir*c
ywira an«. rm ttu.vJay July 21
*.f ftuli Kuti \crt« foucht.
tH«^ tlrat bnlll.-of
flrM actual l^aUle of the
riyll war. none «»f Iho »-arll«f A*t>raK<'T
tnrnla bavlh»; atounr-l Hm dlsullv ami
}iro|*urtlona *»f u»*mi»rtak«>>lr, wnrfar*THn floi'l »M*a u^iit a ’iitidll Mr. am, ..f Ih.' nar.
tamtrd **A mir In the v. rnacuUr of nn ’i-r tUmcml UolM-r! i:. Ij^h\ 1ih4 Mi.oua
tjtf locality,
in north* u»t
Vliytinl.i. jm Ji. nm1 th.- Fe4.-ralH. un<t« r tleneral
About thirtr mile* aouihw.-ai ..f \Viv.|i> JmI i: ros>r. cxtit**^led tl hy SO.ooo. While
Pni.o with tlila Uira.- force was f.o hiK
Tl*a Pad«r»l ornxy. under G.menil Iriilontr ih*' HMppahiuinix'k. dai ka«>n
vin Mcl>i»HeU. cu -cin ' 1 4ir,,«iM>ui ra iioo l.y a forucl Jiiarch att illi.*.! hi* r.-tr
lna»j>nrlenci*il. |>n.»rly
an.t Ilf 'miouyh ThomuKhfare ir..|. and wltli a
ovary way int'i.innM»-nt ro. n. Tlu- i Vn*
fa<|e«*ta foriu*.
hy AJvnrrMli.
euppVl^H^ ami' fm^UJonl 'iT M«lkatuiciar4,nnd
. numh. rt-1 te
JVJM* WH* ohllK.*<f to turn am!
thuuiMrid Inta flllVsa ricrulla.
fao- .huk-^oji.
cflfvled n
inattrr of taMTTir.-r .• were only nhotlt
I Joaeph
rojrt -i. ,
IS.m man aniriM.‘*l on .ach, aM
them aUll remain.
A rail fence runs s.
term, and this Is the i
attack on Jnckiam. but waa repulaed
wUli a.rlmia hiaa. At the cl»ae of tladrat «la> Ixiih aldca claimed the victo
ry. .At TMion next .lay r»ue- order.*d
wllh fearful
alauAhl.'r. and th.- entire r.^h ial army t
wa* forced to rellre. The r*t.|esal hw.i
i»rh II hiia n^er been Hcrur.«i.ly 1
1. waa at leaat
while the
r.slerai. * lo5t.Bhout
of the war the authorl- •
lV*v rhnujeea 1
.ouutry around
ile|d in the A.riy
yearn aliice that
aanirulimry - kial etiK.igemeut.
farh..* jirt- Mill occupied and lU1.*d by
tl>.- men wh.. owned ilmin .In 1S€1
Oenersl Bee unwittlncly pmv
wllh the mokname *^tonew all.- Near
by A painted stake driven tn the croond
marks the place where Oen-ral Hee
WAS kUled. A little wooden cross la
pUnted on the spot where Ricketts'
battery was cut to pieces. At the rear
of the Henry house is a small shaR
raised by Union veterans to the tnem<
oo of their comrade* who fell there
Btcn^ bridee. the point at whtrb tha
pike Prosacs the run. la still as It wn»
when Tyler's division of Md^iweiri
army Atrtirk Evsruj’** .hrtitade. whlc>
waa.wramnc fpr It tjiere.
The simple country- folk still worshlt
in the homely Utlie church, and somf
of them remember those dreadful summet days when the church and the oal
shaded yrounds around It were .in
verted into A Union field hospital. Th<
oom'njr mitlfary spectade will recall tc
these old. Inhabitants the sorrowful sc
tidty of lluit Sunday In ]t<l and ihos.
two August day* In
Some liappenings of the World In Pictures
mchc .to Um
« or hoAvy (Ain. It lo no aaaaaH
foiM» fbr terawfo to turn xtp a
■ temAr or mn a akull with tha
hATA Htmtero tn th» naAitqr
L often tad tha okotetottA of
w ounded bodlOA Into
Icfcrta And thwro MX.
mililloo.^.. In Xhmm,
Atat U
Ite iNAMf awi tba
The Pnnkhor t^.olde monaMcry at
t:\|.>.KtKe. TilK-t. lijf'.Hu- .*f th.- m.tsl fiiWi.rld. The idctureshow* the center «f 1
t!m institution, the temple. Surnuiml- [
tlUs .Mi all sides wr*- low
tch nre Ux.x! n* d.Tmltorl* . r«-feclop*. Kran.lrh-^ and stahl.s.
The whale shown In the cut Is not of
th» si*e.ies known as Greenland or
rljthl whale.
That ocean m.*nslrr 1*
almut extinct. The creatun- In the plc-
Mu HuBhuur. .i
lou f u4 l«. btou s. PMilw; MR
A. J. BouMkt and vlfb to JhuR
H. Soooilas. uibcl. sec. SI. tows Sl«
Ole Bone ud wife to Jwsu W.
MarAh. parcel, see. f. town IT. fSSgn ^
JoU Verty to Geo. and Mauvsfc
DDuoex. lot 3. B-1i feci lot 4, Hkflland add; $1.
pant; fi.wo.
Hennu W. tolth to Emma R.JUS^ lots It-SO. block S. Oak Paffc: fl.Itemaa Lneu to Wm^Ooot. kRa IR
to. blocJc 8. Oak Park; $1Mand wUc to Joha ^
lot^o-lC ft. lot 4,
M al. to
Wm. H.
M of awH
J. Sprlager ud wife. loU 10-11. MoHi
C, Wltbetin*s add ; t»0.
Wm. H. BtUea ud wife to Wm. R
Bishop. parccU block 13. H.. L. B Oa*k
10th add; |1.
Bnsene V. DaTls., et Al. to Ada A
McGowan, ct al. nw«H of iieli. Mb. IL
town 37. ranee 12; $1,060.
H.. L. A Co.'s <th Add.. Abd loU 30 ud
21. block €. P. H.'« 3rd add; flM.
Charlotte A. Wllaoa to Gharlai AChalkcr and wife, loU MOATAtBi.
Oak HelxhU; $000
nracr J. Morsu and i^ife to Oeor«a
Ryan. ncH of scH. «*, 3. lowa H.
ruse S; $75.
Ken> thia fact,lB Biad. that | saka
It a bnalBMs of loaalaf aMmej la laioa
sooaMe rale of latercaL Pajr It batdi
tn anomU to tuH yodraelf. A Ibw
choice oMcei to reoL kihfM or la
Buita. R McNamara. McNMara Blo^
Of fall Bhlrt walsU we reoelfed Ihla'
week are now OB aale. prfeea raaglac
from $1.75 to $5.06. They come la a
beauilful ihade of cardinal as well u
golden brown, pongee, erenm ud Mae
And in textures of Irtooi and Indy
cloth * for henry wear ud nun s wll
ing ud biilllutine for erenlng wear.
J. W. Mltliken.
Deaf Children. Notiea.
Win the parenu of chUdran who am
deaf, or even partially deaf no that ^
they hare dllBculty In foUowlng the
work in the public ncbools. kindly aud
their AddreM to Rer. C. T. BtouL 3U
StAic street.
The cut. made from a roc.tit Jap.inr.-.- phot..cr.aph. Is npi ex.-elhn
sentatlon of the mUe.! Ce.-ien.i Kuroki ami his .lnten-st«ni
ly. T.. I
derital eye th. re Is lio j.UK»;e..ti..n «.f pr.-emli.cnt military
loeMni; httl.- man uh*» .»< • iipi- r the . .-liter «»f the pictur.-.
wiiiK .citlim-s of
Is not so ..‘nqu.15! i.f x^ar as :i|.- hiitt.His aral . paulets.
the outer
ar. hMt.-r adap
apte<l t.. t
the .-..nip. Wiiea 1
iteJ tha: fact. The lUr-
munity In
. Tim |»cmorraii.
«-*.us1n «»r the
^.’iwjiy |»«vlj«. Is a
yVe-fnany years
a fiicloi
lulwai k ..f Mitvncih In th. iK.i.Ucal
ulidl.latc for I luK)nl |- .lUi. -.l 4 jnlm-nce c'uM ..ff.ird
t..illu l1s i.l.llls 1
t«* IK
liH- brlUiai.l r.-n ii.T fr.HM M iry’ .n l. In il.c .nii*.' .»f ttcrator Uavl* a
JlMuns frlvmlsl.U’ VkiU I.ii.kv'hls cusln** c..-..,.e».il l.»i. an jiKivc.iM,-duty.
n particular estah!i».hm.-nt
1.U0M ineji and wt.ri.-ii .-. lIbal *, Ttire ar.- eiisht r.-Jii;i..us seivK-ea each day In this teinj-Ic, ami th. y
ate all quite rr.a.»nire«l. Until the pres- ,
em British exiH-dUlon to the land of the
lsn>us mile was known concernlnu the
hit.-rhir life tn these ci.nveniual houses.
Uh.»lde n-shsted the efiter Its clois.
forts .dy.he « xpeilllton to ent
tered pre«ducts, and It was Iliterally best.-kM and captimHl.
the purJX.S. of the British rx
expedition to empl..y force a* an Inith
ui.»ry unniinent.
*m.dler whale* ars taken In ifreat num
bers In the Shetland Island*. They »verace from forty to sixty feet tn lenyth
and yield a lariro quantity of rather infertor oil.- They are hun
nled In a sleamlon. from which
pItMilve hariKKm la fired. This
s Inside the anl
• well-dressed bead of hair aiU ;
kept hands? BpatnUte Baier
nailK cu be manicured Into perfect
skmpc with little care and thla hair
ran be (dressed Artistically by Mrs* L.
E. Bonner, the hair drosser. Bast
Front street.
t expensive lace maiiufact.Klay la valued at li.uyO n yard.
»le. h.iwever. It* very
STuall quantities. It Is ati lniit.-tii<m of
OM jH>iiu. Jind ihs thread used I* tHk.
finest filigree silver, the {wUImh being
thickly im-rui
Poes it Acorn as If yon had a hoM tn *
price nf this 1
inch. The high prices which the line your pockct through whkSh yonr In-.
Incv* command are. of curse. u<
come i* constantly leaking? If no, the
^^.>^e.^ hy th- c.ireful workmanship I
wise thing to do is to deposH In PnoIs r.-iulred In their manufacture.
sMes, the thread Is x..*ry ex|T
plc s Savings bnnk. wbem yonr fonda
..une'e of Flaiiders thread ha^
“i* ^u'
stendlly Incroaslng by
•lucntly be<Hi
compound Interest and whcncu tt cu
thi* qUHIllily
bo lurm-d
be drawn uy day yon need H.
wa.Gh 12.000. At k sale of l;i.
WAS held recently In Hru*»el*
bn.ught more
ppllquo iHCc nounce brought
than 11,000. whll^ sotne old Venetian
. ^ t.,nrtsnmr
point was i«.id for 110 an Inch.
** ^***
^ ^ handsome,
, ■
Ion date.
back to 173S.
There were no chapela
enu to the new system meetlhg. At each
other's homes In succession. The pic
ture of the first Methodist chapel tn
LK>ndon herewith Shown Is from
engraving w
the ore cAirylng
Twa »le*. .t. h»r»wU»i .tw.. of u »mB*OK .«• Ion
The ai«rl trust has InslaUvd four of lh.:*e
VVM.X. ,on <li« itn-at IXce*. thn» ovoWtoi: tli» .miilojunrii
These f.*ur nuichlnea on a itftH-m «Vci;#lon uniw.dcd a 4.900
in tbecut has a cAiwcUy of ten tons.
The cut Is from a photmrrAph taken at Mukden ilorlng th| earlier da\Ti of
was A regularly
ailiatlon. The young w
enrolled trooperr In
in a Cossack leglmcn*. and would have resented d* n deadly affpont any Insinuation that she was out cf her sphere. AccouSered In the oo*lu.me of a Cuss&ck of the Dv»n. she . ertalnly presents a brave dppearanoe. Her
hushand. who aci^mfanles her and 1* an ulBcer in the aome r^menl, t» mu^
less Aoldleriy tn aspen than hia amazon wife, and it 1* exidenl that she is the
master mind In that iwirtlcuiar hooaehold. It 1* a moucr of record Hurt the
Cossack wor.wn nre.lmoleru.nt uf.nny iiuHcsTlnn ..f
their men folk.- A <h>s«.fck wife han no welcome for u
nbo !>.« tnnwd
hlk back upon the enemy.
Ulx-hnie ruge on sale by the B. F.
| Saxton Hardware eompuy. la addl11Ion to all other modern appUucea it
„ provided With n donMeB flue hot
blast, which H
the fnel of
other ranges.
Skilled bud Ironers to hudle li
lenta. ao that they are pra
shaped and Ironed to nalt ML
Ironing departmeot is aoeci^ to
r oaa wba la at aU t
m.|M« «• a(MM
tfawtof taram.^ laM aba tboagbt
aba aaaM wvlta a gday |aat aa sood.
Sia wan aara abe aapNI Id It baeaaat
II SMattak aa tf H M tei at an.
■it taw M •?« hMImm* *
•r Mtata M iwtiwta oMi
VkiBorMaUMi: “Whfco.rlo»l
Mfitar cuitav ta ter • f»« tw
Ml Ifci itlW? »oi« • taipl* or d«r*.
■taMU for Mr ioUeoWdo tack cT
tail Ml MMfil •••• *'
fv: . tta vltliM of Cmm win bMl fbr
iimiet iko oWoMta of iu wwof
AMlwl lote li Hm>wMk kortlour
oMloi, kUrqooiio ku obollrtol tfcc
tatkal wrillog ortlea lo tko eitr
aad maaM 1 ptaaaa tHl bar wbat abe
tboaM baea taf do aad bom aba waald
ba«a to bic^ rwtAwiHra aba aakad
MlMtaM< ■»!*. lOi.tta k^ «C as a apa^^eor S I woeM talb to
Ita tattai. wfekk tatai 4ki ink ItowSatiMia to bare It pot
Mta taiMtaM la Ikk tattM loiM
Apiia r Was appwitobnd oae mreaIt nitaoM MrrlcM ki an gnat pwkMs catMraltai.aag paaaaati. la (ks tag. whna akttag boblid Ibe aafaaa af
Mttta el am.la tki pakUe pi«a. a tbaatar to a tar alty. by a tbia aad
womaa of about AO yeara. **Do
aad tba bappcalasi la tbe IItcu of
Iboat abmuam Rraa la tbe cvwidoo you baow aay maaagw la Maw Tofiir*
of a draaa or boaaait tbia lasdact Is abe anbad to a atioag aaaal drawl.
ippaalnd to liy tba aCaeflTe or aa- -Why. fmr I aaawarad to aarpriaa.
aaaal adjaataMwC af a bow. a lower. "I kaow oaa or two; why do you adbr
or a phuae. Aaytblag wMfcb Is l<o -Wen.- aba rapitod. *am aad aiy dar
•eod. ibat ft eroatas ^aa oilacC.*- ter baa writ a play. Me aa* aqr darter
wm meet g ready, reapoaae from the an' my buabaad aa* aon la going to
atle laatlact, which aglam to tbe play it aa* we*re got moat all our
rerses laaraod.- *K)b!- I gasped,
It l^tbU dramaUc tosUact.'devel« -bare you bad aay experkoce?*' **Oh.
boon rala^d
enl la Fetoakey Md tbe old aet
lor Ha«a lo remarli that ibe coat of Ih
lac la growlac greater every year.
A Detroit flrai baa purchaaed the
lUAOO worth of bonds recently laaued
by Ct Isaaec. for the rebuildlag of the
•lactrir llcbt plant reoently burned.
•avera) berry plokora report baying
aaea a targe bear near Otaeco lake
dartpc the peat week
A bunUnc
party baa bean formed at Oaytord to
floicaaarebtf btm.
the aanual^eetlng of the State Aa
Srboola will be held In Laaalag Septamper 16. Aa Inieraating program U
balag arraagr^ for ihk meeting.
The Tepobileana of Bnftcrfleld town
ablp, maaaukce county, bavc started
at tbo atatc campafgn with a pole
raUbig. Attorney llcTall. of Ithaca,
dltraMfid csMnpalgn Ukuum at the cereTbroe large grange plimicd wen*
-beM In laabella county Wednesday, at
which many well-known apeakera were
at, the moat promlneat of these
Deputy State Iiocturcr W. F.
Tbe aouveatr and Industrial Issue of
ibe St. John. News; published last
week, was a model of the printer's
art. mad the lltustrmtloas and descrip
Utre prunes could not help but open
people's eyes to the poaslblUtles and
Kdltor A. p. Shaltmaator. of the
Dftmron Joumpl. has bwn uslaj: bU
typewriter esteasively and the result
Is a book, soon to be published, boar
lac the title. -Hunting In the Imnd of
Hiawatha." The editor la a bom
nportsman and on hU many |aunts
about the country, be Is arroropanicti
by bis camera, which he usin. cff.'ct
The Upper • I’enlnsulsr Agricultural
aseodatlon. which was organlred lo
promote the agricultural and hortlcul
tusal Interests of the upper ptmlnsuU.
will mske s Isrge cshlblt of the agri
euHural products W the upper penln
suit at the state fair at IHmtlac. Sep^
tegiber lS-16. lico H. Gelsman. auperIntaadent of the upper peninsula v%
pertinent station. Is secreUry
:.Ara you happy? If so go to Barnum
4 Cartel and look orer their large collaotloa of unmounted Aamoads. In
ytst la one for your wife and have li
net to please her taste, which Is sure
10 be right
Should bare one of o*!r dainty plr
tama, framed la a round glided
Mwrfmma. Buy a pound of our tfiy
coat baking powder. wo«U IU price,
and you wUl be bmiIo a preaeat of the
'pletaro. Nav York Tan Oo.
WHAT li BASi7r
tbaaa aaMkll payasoAt down and tbero
altar a amall woakly paymaai? In
tbia way ytw wiU amrar fart Iba drain
oa Tomr booaabold aeoaomka and at
tbe aaiaa lime you can mOoy the bae
of oae of tboae bandy kitebeu tablea
iow la atoek at Frank Baab'a. who
DevoUoMl «»rctoea were also bcM
aad at tbe etoee of tbe program a iawa
aapper wea aenr^
iftovMme Leeiyre Tateerrwur Night
to tbe public tbat J have secured the
services of Stewart A SteMas' full and
complete orebestra for my free ternpeiaace aseetiag la toe City opera
boose tomorrow. Sunday, algbt. Tbe
oped lo Its fullest cxlenl, which rends
people to our theaters, for there they
find the most complete grallflcallon
that can be gained. The eye. the oar
all the cmotkms of the mind and
heart are appealed to by every device
known to stage craft. 'Those engaged
directly In the thestricsl busim-rs have
perhaps more n*ason for l»elng Im
pressed by this remarkable and most
unlveiaal appreclailon of the dramatic,
than othera. and have iierhapa. Ikh^h
led to think of It. by the great number
I>eoplo who arc led U» It. to ap
proach the stage dirwUy people who
If they can only have a chance
to voice the dramatic lire within them
they would astonish the wdrld. There
U probably not an actor or actn ss In
business, who U not fixHiucirtly ap
proached by young pe«>ple who have
decided that they were bora to gu up
on the stage, and Ahiy are quite e<m
rinoed that they have only to U* seen
and towrd to UK»me spwdlly famouii.
II Is not »o surprising perhaps, to mtwi
ycniag people who have dramatic inspiral loos, but 1 have often had ladle'*
of staid mien and settled years Inform
roe In a burst of otmndonw, that when
they were “young" they had longhigH
to go upon the sUge Umglngs which
nipped In the bud by obh ctlng
Is. The ylctsalttides of a!l the
years, had dlmminl. but not obllter
suni the drsmstlc yctaralngs, and the
eonfosslon has alwA>s roundt^d by a
sigh of regret.
Possibly the next most whlcs)irvad
aspiration Induced by the dramatic In
. Ik the playing writing aspira
It U quite InrredlUbb'—tho
nurolH'r of po«»ple who arc writing
pUys and the range of their ages. I
know some children of the “advanced
age of eight and ten" who produce
ya with great confidence and weekregularity. NciHlIcss to say, the
less they know, life greater Is their
confidence. And It all looks so easy.
I wrote my first play. “WTilte Roses,
while •'on the road" and employed a
typewriter to a western city to make
two copIca of It for me She returaed
(hem with a bill of twelve dollars for
two copies of a onrsset play, not more
than thirty pages. When I protested
at the charge as aomeihlng exorbitant.
She cried and saW:. “Shouldn't think
you'd try to beat down a poor lypl^
writer when you make your money so
all yt>u hare to do Is to sit down
and write that all il|d»t out of yom
and 1 bad to sit up till on.
o elocb last algbt. to get It copied on
pl« cf ta^ taeiUMkt BUd. kittk
■lire to tki (Mt thit Uer «mM be
4 to Mrre u ippnBieMili In
ortw to MrtorB tke Matt ordiMir
Ofbtovai. tbaFa vbat are M. Tbay tat i( Morti »ita tki Mi. toMta
Aia auabi taattlai hmblafc wtib aar. ikit ik«r SlCkt »W ■»«« i**
amtba of ptoapartly aad alaa oat of
play A pbft, t»r vrriia a play, withlip baar tbia aMurb, **Braad'k Storas
Wb aka baaa tba imi
' MklMBwAniMklMta.
Many of those instances have come
aadar my obsenatloB. some of ihein
■gMHrtbg. otbars patheUc. Af aa to
yo». me an* my darter has." “Ind^!
Whst hsve >n>u done?'* "Oh. eKtryK.
extrys, ' was her rosponsc. She went
one: **Thcre was a man here who
was going to put it on. the sUgc fur a
week, and we was going lo take It out
on the road with the money we'd
mske. Hut the man harked out. and 1
thought maybe you'd know of some
manager In Ttew York that would take
holf of It." ^
tU»on my telling her that I wa«
sfrsld 1 did not know of any one who
could be of assistance to her. she left
me much dlsspp*»inted. Subsoqueal In
quiry revcaliHl the fact that she was a
ihealrt' laundress. There are but a
few of the Innumerable queer people
who are making an effort to achieve
success as playwrights, along with
scoroswrho art' of course endowed with
s gresler Intelligence; msny who arc
of exceptionally gcxxl mental endow
ment. some wbu have all the qualincaHons nt'Cessary to the dramatist, and
will in the future forge to the front
and realUc their cxpecUtluns.
Slace the production of “Under
Southern SkUg" my mall has been
conHlderably swelled by anxious In
qulrers who'secra to think that any
one wtm writes s successful play can
tell them just how to “go and do llkewl.M
1 have often IXH-n asked how I
write a play. To he candid. I can't tell,
I dtm't believe that any one who writes
a p«ay can tell how they do It. Of
etturre everyone has a method of writ
ing; some work fast, others slow, some
work at night, others In the morning;
«»mr irregularly, othera systematically
- but just how they write a play would
bo a difficult mstter to explain. Hut It
Is ct'rtslnly a great and glorious thing
to be a dramatist. 1 was never wf Im
pressed by the amount of fnm^ op^
would acquire, as by aa Incident v^ch
occurred at my home.
^ A certain massive and good-natured
Hibernian blaekmUh to a little Long
Irland village had been employed for
some .rears to shoe my ponies. Being
s man of very friendly disposition, ho
ronsc'quemiy took n great interest hi
nil my family arruigements. One day
1 aske<l a nf^bbor to take one of my
ponies down to the vUlage to be rc
shod. Tbe bliAamltb begun to make
friendly taqalric8--**and Is Mrs. Par
ker goto* to sUy out here all wlnterr
“Won, ahc il stay ter a while. an>bow"Ah. ba. and wherc*s Mr. Parkerr
•He's on the rbad.* Ah. bn. With a gbowr
‘ Yes. be*s wUb John T. Kelly to
MePbe of Dublin.* But be s latoreatoJ
to anotber show aad to with tbat part
of tbe Hme-The Btoek Crook.* *• Tbe Black Crook!* Ab ba. aa did
Mrs. Parker write toatr
Loitte Wair Parker.
CSS22 YfSfitr-* -“Ur-
Oaima at 3:80 a. m. Suitoai Bay 4 ^ m.
niolijibi D TRi^ago
tioas 7:30 to i. Address at A. Solo
tolectloa by Mr. Iteutfiey before and MAKING
after bto address. Finale by tbe or
cbesira.. There Is no admission fet'.
Fortiinsle Is tb< grocery store that
Tbe public to moti cordially inviU'd.
has the rcputsllo for dependability.
Yours moat faithfully'. Ac..
Fortuustc is the psibllc that has such
Mutual conAdonce
d i:s buying public
is store has grown
One of the events of the theatrical and it growing on usi these Hdcm*. No
Tlw rovlerrllle Review la thlrtr
fmn oM a»d It lUll ihIUimI by Ocorm*
U Atema. iht dMO of Llvlngaton
i, .
Ptono aote. Ruth Dolpb.
■mdtoUoa. Helen Laoftsan.
Ptabo solo. Ctertrude Tay lor.
season will be the apiK'arancc id
nco. other totogs arc bound to
“Under Southern Skit's" at Steinberg-i
W*e want every trade transacGrand opera ho'uae on Monday. Aug.
satisfying and If it Is not wo
23. So great has been tbe success of tion to be sattof
this ht'sutlful play throttghnul the want you to tell ^iK slK>ut It. I-. R.
Unidn St. Hoth phones,
ISasi that three entire seasons have Sllckncy, 411
groc jy In the city.
been played there, msny c4t!ei being
revlBlUMl three and four times. The
play It In the author's most dcHgtofnl
Abfolutely the iheapcsL safes! and
vein and when li is remembered that most satisfactory way of wending
Mrs. Parker, who wrote “Under S.iulh- money through the mails is by using
era Skless." also wrote “Way IX.wn bank drafts Nojopc can cash them
Bast." much may be expected of this, except tbo. persorf fnix whom they arc
her latest drama. “Under S uit hern ‘ Intended, and .In jease of loss or dlsSkies" Is full of life, light and gayt'ty. I p'ltc the matter fis adjusted without
and Alls the audience with the spirit' red tapi* I
The First National
of youth and romance The great itank HvV.fi drafts liayal.le anywhere iu
lieatuy of the scenic sltimgs. the
•«. at littio more
dr-Inty poslumlng. the many amusing than half the cost of oxpPe.s.s or money
and diverttog characters and incidents, orders.
the absorbing love stoyy. and the Hal
lowe'en celebration and pumpkin
dance, all go to make “Under South
About the dall .sowing, because we
ern Skies*' one id the most delightful have grain drills jlhai work while you
and satisfying entertainments now be sleep, or drive. Jt U time you looked
fore the public. The ei.mpauy Is very ,
sced-Ume to nearly
large, numbering In all twenty
Charopinn^and Farmers’ Favoracting people, the unusual numU-r u.
Harney Andcraon
eleven ladles apiiearing iu good parts.
------------WMITEltA-WOOC:-----Tbat la an old aartag. bat goft as
wool to anotber and our baby carriage
robe* are both. We have a new stock
of white lamb'a wool lined cither In
aalln or felt at prices ranging from
I2.G0 to 110.00. Make the Iltllo
oomforiablc and warm and he will be
good. F. Votraba. Front atreei.
By not looking over our large *t«
children's sllppt'rj and oxfords before
purchasing. H|F«'a full assortment of
vicl kid oxford, ^latent Up: patent colt
strapped sandaKs. In two or three
straps, also many other pretty st\lc.!.
Rowland W. Itouglas.H.
LadiM, **you can Juim m N, tram
ple on It. but it will c^tee up amHing
•very time.** Calman'e Elaetto Floor
Vj^ieh. A. E. Walt A Gone, TraverM
That the Hot Springe medidnee
ERSE CITY. They can cure ymi. For
aalo by all Sret claas druggista.
Pianola muslcjat Jackson's candy to e good time to look up your I
store Thur^day, {Friday and Saturday
•tcve. Wc ecu the old (
afiecnoons from12 to G; evenings. 7
to 9
. every one guaranteed
One of thev really notable theatrical
events, of the season will b«' the ap
pearance of Miss Julia Gray and Mr.
Carter's own .Cj-llerlop Theater com
pany in his remarkable emotional play.
"Her Only Sin." at Steinberg's Grand
opera houac next Thursday evening.
It Is Immaterlgl
maierlAl where
who you purchase
8cpL 1. Mr. Carter promises the orlg
Ih material
wbat brand
Inal production precisely aa pcrformetl a cigar,. but It IH
Try ojir R. E. W. s. a pure
during lu Chicago run.
Havana lO-ccnti^r. hand made. hf»me
made, union matic by the best mi-chaii
Ics. R. W. Woa|cr.
imatrtl that not more than IT.Vi.«X) horseia.wer is iK'Ilig otlllml or K
111 course of ilcveloimient at tbe pres luxury, it Is ix-ohomy. for a gcsnl matent time. The indent la I horw|iow er tres.s will outlay six cheap ones and
give you rest apd ctimfon. The I*a!
roelto Is ihe bei- Made of two layers
of palm fibre
thrt'e layers of felle«l
cotton The fUa-r gives Ihe elasticity
and the cm ton gives tbe softneas.
Only Ik &n. .
J W SlaH-r.
Yifur Home Furnisher.
HEllt’S A ftABY
tt« MmImm- la W*U.
Mother’s Friend
Are always c4rtain to come to alliHckncas. occhb-jit. loss of omploynicnt
or other misforluBe. Hut If qpe has a
ixwcrve In bank the proverbial "rainy
day" U robbed i of much of Us dread.
The ePoplc's ^viugs bank offers an
absolutely safej place In which to acciiroulato such a reserve which can be
drawn whenever nwried..
A little ftvei each week or toonth
Makea brainy! men and bcauUfnl
women. To kAow Jiuit what to cal to
one thing and llo k.ow Just where to
is another.! Gtr to tbe UtUo Tavway* know where to
>11 you what lo ea(.
JMoodgood. Farrow
EVERY afternoon from 2 to 6
Md T lo ». aoile it jMkKii-. ta
cTMo PMtai-i
Tr^lmro TVmvetm City for Vortkportat
Trala^l^ tnmn cooowUac mala bm tmlM
Tralaa anira frew aeoeactlat wmOb lina wwtaa
--------r ^
a u uwgwooo.
coal, eoft coal, vrood. cemblnalien
wood and coal and alrllgkts with or
w.lhout a«h pans and the prices are
very low. Come in and make your se
lections and we
cave them fer
Frank Crude
M6 Front Street
to the large number we are fiUing.
We lead ^1 competition in No.
of presaiptkm* compounded
219 American Drug Co.
y «r tte MUU
i, U%irn^9m0Hm$
os vtwf tomm mm tUck: >Mr It S1. «k* «•» tertiiTwv
" •%«
waya la. «ba aaa. iba good la aw«o- gtlWMl
f Im «, i«4 I tovf tM kratfH «f
Bai MMt 1 IO«r« tte MMllt I
a fMd «M fidUto* 4v.
of aoeb a tifa! Wc haw la babble
rmraaea bafota
tedta asJofMla te tba IM
dbiU IM M baar telaa af tba d<
tH|M alali ao aadMM w *«
ar ap! Tbo world la brlgbt:
awkaM Mia aM Mia tbn
» pmp§tn
M ifaM for rafiilaK.
I tba timte la apeadteg. Tbe bird*,
M tteta's awMiMB Uagl
t tboagb tba day ba dark aa tba banaMtea. tbe falnete. eta. tbe
It'f Ok* jr«a UMk
a graat apa aUll la ablates.
aw slMfla» ta tk« M
way «a
Aai duafwl H «ttk tW crUpy fall -Cbaar ap!
ttetli Miy Jwt togw.
Tbaapirti. wa^ aa vJtb fbta.
tern to bn nplmd if own woiUd bnye up
it ala*t til* Mwll of powM m
Tbarall aotea a brlsbtar boar.
>^clMMKMi OBd ckwro
nmnl) member of Ube hoiwebold.^baarap* Tbaagb yoa art aad.
AM MMDW ftiiffod vlUi 1
AM baAad waoia aakUtea.
imM a-MMAlB* oo Iko irtovo
Of labor yet yoall ae<* iba sted
TMI iSM aboM the air wd ui
AM boaatiful fniltkMi.
la rarytklai
Pmornu Meet «M BefL
AM »akoa yoo kiad of fotd a. If yaur
***Pile with plenty of pHlows* is bn
:i^ap! Tbetlaiafabrfaf. at l
ri»M4 0r«.a«w«Mly-nn.
m mm
^ h»IBM kwri
* *Wl
tnm vmrn «.k» tk. to
kor* utf (toW Bw. M m*
«Ur tkl. to . wwicOi. «kfck k*««____ ^____ ”
BUlT VlMk«»oMJlMoUwlr»tUi
• SU «f tak*nra mum ki ^
mm the bem. Wash.
Mpto Wh, to
acaM them with their own
'. ‘ J
to. BptoMtlm M Mi
oa papw. ooror #tih catotoM
ptaro aaotMr pMr ororto. «af|
Milter, moro lightly te w
pat H away Mwhaa toolaavos hi
wttkMt'tlwt Bjr .Ktchlcr
next morateg turn «ut uu
tor two or thrro
fioui^ad hoard aM mmrid teto
man. I Ml ta . tk. {ktekw «<
It aooit Is a rittmai
mf tM anmm.aat gin
tk. mImt
tea. adding as liato Boar us possi scatter tbe powder, aad Ite
foow teUKjrug k«:
. that is. having the 4oM as soft
throads are as frtah aM ctoaa
can he coaveaieatly haadled. Lei
Mr inana Uk. tkk'
) to double the. stee aM hake three
tlwr« rwr; «hU. kbe ml at tb. quarter* of an hour la a motMu
teaagwmmit has hhaa taMM
dm. «u paiekMl iBjBur pim.. ^It
If this te the oveu of a gas
^•ironteg. naMdrop.altetaaa
^ or OM placed .over gas. set the hath wlU effectually draw M the aM
I oa the upper grotteg the mo If Bot quite gone, wet the ptete M
•teat the burners we lighted: r«tem- rub laundry soap oa H; than lay te tha
the beat ooc^hatf after ten minutes
aad the bread will require no forthm
but the butter ahouU be as
a mmtim oT.ywry hot graaulated aag.
■r: mir hard uaUI the sugar dianotvw;
ihea akJm agate and boU hard for two
mteutes.* Drap a Uttle te ke wausr—
the mteute this hardens take Uuff tbe
M aM poar teto hot gtesset.
Bpiced Ptmas—fW seven pounds of
8conr doabttes aM daapalrtag!
Tbe battle te tba flaal leal:
Ifa aatiuaa la a baadk-arwi bif
About Thickening Food.
The virtoni are tbe dariag.**
pvem Meeviuc wepto rerYW Week
appiw iM aa wlao.
If any of our young cooks find trow
• AM arapao all faU of parplo jaloe
ble te keeping out the lumps when
M fogte tniution. **but where
Cara af ChiMren in Travalinf.
ing creams, soft puddings, saueeq.
do tkmf Ibtek one te to get them
AmH abolibark bIckVy outi aad baws
la which we PM IM
Sumaier Joomeya te tbe b<«t aad frvip? .Ok. |«a. I know you can buy
etc., 1 can assure them aH that such
AtrMHa* oa ibe alopM.
dost of crowded railroad tmlna are
may be avoided by thorough
rs ready staffed for tweaty ivt
Aad avaat polatara. raaioad Uruwo trying eeen lo grown up people, aad
ceala. hut after a^ew weeks Jacob'x
aad yaUar raat^paa.
they are atlll BMire tiresome for tbe
tally. »ltb Ch» «ugmr; then «
Itevld aM
lone would be aoft te oemparteoa."
aeUre abUd to endure patient
add to the beaten eggj (if egg. are to aM. They
Here are a few of the desirable and
It'ai daya a rbrowia* baxr aad oan la l^llaay a aolber arrirea at ber das
be usedj. after which stir thU smooth bat they aever carriwl the traih af - ,
lexpeaalve ways of illteg piUows
, btaa aad yallar acuda.
jfm thof
imtl^ complaiely worn out by tb* j which the wise woman who heard iht
compound into the hot milk or water. God to forelgo peoples
fraai ^ ovarbowU* tabn carv of the children under btr ebarge
If only the yelks of eggs are used did stand for God and fur the truth of
above remark suggested:
aaplaablo’ allvar^avdaGod aa agslnst the urror* of tha aaWhile traveling with children cannot
lid a mile cold milk, as It makes the
Tbe irst te a somewhat tedious and
aM tha
Ob. abucka. I eo^ldnY t«U y
»« th.* beauuiean.
hole easier to mix smooth with the
palastakteg process, bat one which
Paul Oviatt Roest—Age S Mouths.
Aaaat klad of rhym«.
Ibe vexation attending such tripa
hot milk, A point here: Tbe^miik of God toauch a way as to iariada la
Not ban tba Iblata that lologla la the- could be avoided by preparing for the will commend Itself to country read
Son €*f Mr. and Mrs. John RtSMii.
ers. who are supposed to have moro
maall of pl<4ciln‘ tiibf>.
for Isalsb saUb. "Fur eo hath (ha
journey with apeclaJ reference to the leisure than tbe vUlage and cUy wo
ble wRtemt doteg so. that Is. it mnd
us.aayli|g. Ihaveaal
oomfort of the little ooea. A car
begin to show little bubbles wound
sum. with her temputkms to squan 1**“*“*
three and tmebalf pouud | was unfit for a begggr!
planned trip wlU lone much of tbe dia- der time. When game or fowl* are! ^
the edge of the dish. Many fail te
' iuegar. | I luld her Uiat
rort that la generally auppowd to being prepared for tbe table, put aU
velvety cream h>
cloves. alUjiUe and j have no n-speei.
•*Tbe haaii that truat a forever
laavoMable. and that therefore
slIiTteg In the tegnfdl* uts when the
cinnamon, pin- j and sftjer ;
1 atega.*
.'be small, flaffy feathers Into a large
mUk Is ter from being hot: then, tired
thin muslin hag I ami disssttefied
M fbala a« tlgbt aa If It had
bag. and the larger feathem into a
n . wtopa:
pdn. Armed with a-4^ and sharp Cook slowly until the juice is s ihiek i This woman. alwj> lady like and of waiting for It to thicken, leave ii
The ir*t Item to be conaldered
e Muoe other duly te being at
inielk-ctusl. had worixRd bard to earn
VlteU of peace within It aprlnga; '
setesors aM a quantity/of leisure time, syrup.
srael * uaUoosl bmiro w^ maa af
the clothea of the Utile folkm. Thla
BtuffvMl Peaches-Select
piano for her daiihier. How was tended to. wrtih the result that It thick tellh. They bellcvadlnGodamlhaaad
-OPPM* good or III
take these tetter up one by one and
ahuuld be conaldered from, tbe ataadat the bottom.
er a word about the
paid? After
Uielr Jives upon tbelr faith te Oai.
snip out the middle rib. leiUng the steed peaches, wash and uke out the j *<bv
point not merely of appearance, but of
They were men "who throogh faith**
feathery part fall teto a bag. You will stones, cover with salt water sn.l lu ! boy. he
Tbe dreaa choaen should it so
rmed fliedeeda attmmtad to thate.
mow that hte
It U liU wiU.*
flii4 materials for a pillow accumulate them stand over night, lo tbe inon; j He *
oosry berues mairt have tellh.
that there are no bands loo tight nor
One of the most Mful nuisances te
1. because he
te this way much faster than you teg fill the center with grateJ htu>e i mother
must believe te (tod and lialtera
8 that slip. Preferably It should
temper. Ills mother the world U sooi-ihe kind that dogs
would have supposed possible. Cure radish, mixed.with a llUle celer> .need bad Ku luiJ
»tbera ms<d to
Utei aM ha>
nob be white: fur a white dress caanot
thorqtti)ily te the sun.
Uevc te Him te ordiT to Iw asvsd. 3Ca
be expected to be lit lo be seon at the
I can do^uoihink with Willie**—
half hearted fsltb w ill suffice for a mto
A womaa who has a brood of young each peach with a string and pack ;'n
end of a railway Journey. Borne light
then thr**c* years uldh-“be has such a chintnry Is being cleaned.
ry. our will any cuamromlstoff
cklldfwa to provide with amnsement
tint, or aomeUiteg with n white ground
Th.'own on the ground in the cardt*n
Cucumber Sweet Pickle*-Pick the temp»*r. 1 am afraid
^iH throw a
well as food and mimeat. and who
■Hare la p Md «Ue a«wmoaetie for with diSs or stripes of color, will pivMit Is a splendid :fertU*xer-belief
possesses a poultry yard. sUrts cucumbers, wash thenr and park lb a ktilfe at me."
tmsy daya wbea one Dc*eda all serve tu aiu.taram'e longer 4han a them out each momlog with IliUe jar.- Tu a gallon thruw on a tiandfjtl of
l.au-r on Ih** chilli understo**! her ran t lie bought fur garden stuff. Sifted
oae'a aereally lu gel through the huura plain while dress could. But If nothing
vines, pea vine*, tomaiu
bags, teto which they put the feathers ■alt and pour enough iMiiliug pai.-r tu fear ami dbl thn.u U'knlf*- at her. eon
that aeem hardly long enough for whal hut white will suit the mother'a taste
^ are
^ , cover. U' stand twenty four boi!n*. seq.i. iiily bis Isng.igg*- and manni i^ tees, dower plant* and bean planU.
that have been dropped. These
. la to he done. The UTiler who aa>'v Tor her darling, ahe should take with
sure death to pofsio beetle*, in
^ drain off water and reiK-ai the process now match his t.-mij-r.
always of the small, soft kind.
her little aay In the k'arni Journal her another dress that can be sllpp^
and worms of all kinds It will
The daughter for s’ long lime scarce
HPuUry runs are thus kept neai. four or five niorniugs. *>r until the eu
on when nearing the journey's end. It
bolda forth tbua:
three birds are killed with one stone. cumbers taste “sally." Thm drain tdJ ly sp«jk** to her mor^tT. and. against kill paraslies on ras^ and rose bosh
-it la aaid that an old Friend would Is very important that the shoes of the
and dispatch.
For plaxxa and hammock pillows the Iho water. In a kettle puuihree pinih shat mother'.-; wishes, married a “re- es with neatness
oftca Hae te meeting and aolemnly d«- [*hlld should be easy llttlng-Hlo not be
short grass clipped by the lawn mow of vinegar tor If very strong cl-ler vlij tpcrtable drunkard,*| whom, it 1s ru- Dropi>«l on aqi hills It is a sure ex
alaiw tbeca words, lb. thy te^l and guilty of putting on the ttmder littte
terminator. Wfcicr bugs flee from It.
er makes, when cured.^vt-ry sweet fill egar. URK- cuje-thlrd water), lour cup* mor.-il. she te slK»ui Ito leave.
teavP tbe real.- That wg* all of bU riH*l a pair of “nice new ah(Hf!.“ (VrThe.ve ar.- tin- children that put par- It is death to plant 1lce and others.
ing. and If renewtsl everv gummer. a sugar and a little bag of mu*Un ruu
■emuNi. Any expatlailon waa unnec lalnly tte- shoes worn should be per
laining a Ubk-spoon of mixi-d spices e.nts into the poorhoii*.>. l^iKm whom It will kill fleas.
soft one as well.
eaaary^ After the dolagjt la the leav fe<-tly whole and fresh, but let them
It should be placed in an Insect pow
If you live te the vk-lnity of a piue Let come to a boil and pour over tht do.-K the blame resil if not upon the
teg tbat given peacH*. T#m> many bear be those that have Inmi worn long
d.T puffbu. ..d „«d dry. ,u.. « any
woods, you should have more than one pickles. Re|K»at two or threi* iime> parents?
a dotthle burden—the n^l and the fan enough tu adapt themselves tu the
^ ‘
Be companion a l»b-J U- chr-*Tful. be ..ber ,«adcru««d.
ptBow aired with the pungent pine twenty-four hours atiart. Iterk In glass
^ one. Not only today a weight of shape of the fooU A journey U not |
confidential, praise [your children—
needles. They are heavy, and must jars and heal vinegar and pour
ku fflManair ljbate.ror<r aad atetai.
care, bat yeaterday a and ionM>m>w‘i the time nor place for breakings In new |
Guard Aqsin-t Mildew.
overprsiM- is rare. Above sli. give
not be made too large. Their odor will 1
te ever wUb him. They are not cou shoes.
Hoi:seki«eiKTs should look carefully
tlM-m as line an ♦•jlucaiioo as your
oflea give relief te asthma,
tent to eeat off the load of unneceaaar}
In order to
the child's face and
A Imrael's natkmal heroes waro mmi
means aBow.
*w. but do not ruin your chii afU-r their laundry during the monib
sides, really sleep Inducing.
mgk and wwr and real In tbe i
hands clean. It te well lo be provided
A novel enterprise, that »>f rsi-iug dren by too
Uru much |*eir-«acriflce and of Augiiht. Ic is not safe to sprinkle of aeG denial, Thcw«g(i aeir aaerlM
The odor of a pillow stuffed with
and soffering they sosintewl nM carthat -atf thy day te. ao ahatl thy with a ndl of small squares of noft
vlothes for Ironing more than*
everdoing -Ladies World.
^weei fein speaks of the “forest by dishrag*. is being exploli«*«l by a
riad forward Gud'a wock. That «tow
shite eli.thK, like minualure utiatronglh be.*
slow stream or pebbly spring.'* and If
mocked. iK-onrgwl. bound. Imprteoaad.
•*Theiv la our neighbor. Shihenmosl Uhle napkins. One t.f t
this month, as there U w» much damp stooed. aawn asunder, slate with the
termsn Pr.ve*
rightly cured there Is considerable teU. who'recA'ivea the iu>pirutio:i foi J How
bowed down with a weight Of bor moistened, is u.s4h1 to wipe off the face
the scheme from OhsrU** Rlcbardson
ijey> in the air they will mildew quick sword and driven teto ealJe. Itoiw la
au ha* a hen
**g!ve“ about It. Gather only
rowed trouble. Wrinkl.-a and gray and hands, and then thrown away;
the berok ndsslonary spirit. Hmrm ^
*bv iWkes ho’d
youngest sprigs and dry in a dark wbetee g^en.s in Psssdena hn* bocuiu nlo I he coop, she
haired before ber time, ahe la in
It is alKt. ne<M.^rary to see that Ih • got It? Do we deny
Idrts with both hand;, shakes them
routu. The actelsabHIty of putting in
spread of C'brtat'a kingdom? Be gawa
continual pickle alK.ut thla. that oi
ami haw. rlorhe.s after Uing Ironed are thor Uls life for ua What ara we givteff
no Urge or aplky twigs wUl suggest ductlons. .Mr. RIchanIson ha* success jnbtiy at the
the other thing. Any move whaU?ver
fully raised many growths new to 'Sho*>. there!" Tbt- hen takes one oJighly dr) beftM-e putting them sway. tor UlAo?
Ils4‘lf u> you.
te nure to bo a dlaaatroua one. If her fer lo Its hands and sleeves.
There te Also wild thyme, lavender American soil, and this y«-ar i.s .-xc-«-eti !ot>k at the objw-t io assure hers«il A ucKlef-t of Hj.*.se precautions may
In planning the lunch It Is well to
Iv.* I P; ru MO; xm.2A a; I*
leaves, sweet brier, rose geranium and Ing all hte prt^vlous triumphs by rail* thar li is a woman, and then sialk spdl the clotlM-S
conMlder what not to Uke. Cake*
Isa. ri, lA;
rioMiing often gathe'r* dampness io 8^*•J4 2«; 111.
lemon verbena leaves, not forgiHtlng Ing thousandK of dlshra;:s. La.si yeax majestically into thi- co.ip. A mai
John 111. MO: Malt. X, 1-h; Lake g.
or the can* with soft fillings, such as cream, lem
the sweetust of all—wUd roses—which Mr. Richardson's string b»*aiis. whieh loesu'i do li in ihi^r way. He goe.^ oimmer while lying in ihVdrawers. Acts xlU. 1-0; 11 Cor.
on or jelly, should be avoidod; chooo
ran ovor him. just M t^ugh
•\en when pul away dry. it should
[ It's sini
nature llings over certain section* of measured forty-three inches in length >ut doors Having
tony yearn oobtenT be trusted tu lakv late. t.w. soon knaves undesirable
created a stir, but dishrag vine-* HAdy cau drive a h*Hi but me!”—and b«‘ shaken out frequently, and hung in
the country with such a lavish hai
caroof h|sown«^ A. for her ihre. trace* on a child's fare: coc«
which, with their pendant dishrags*— licking up a vtiek of wood.
X sunny window to dry.
sparing neither color nqr fragrance.
One of the students who sre pafnaigff
" chUdroa. they have U-*-n drowm-d crumbles annoyingly. Perhaps lh«
Of covers for these pillows no men twine about orange tre.n, palms, ever .he offending biped, and >Mls: “Get in
the ChrlsUsn Itodaaror cottroe nf tha
best form of cake to carry te the old tion was made, but I wilt ^ve one
kicked to death. jiookisJ by the
greens and peach trees, aad peek in at there, you thief!" The ben Immi
currespondence school is Mr. Iterld K.
fashioned cuukey In variety, or llUle the latter pillow, which w4s made
buBted by the ahwp. many,
the two-story windows, bid fair to win itely lo.ser. her reason, and *lash«-s
I have just cumplettNl a rug. made.of Bobertsou of Laogtesgte. te thq. fartimes In their mother * mind, but ihc> vakes baked. In gem Una. Tht«e do sot a friend in Californte and sent u
le championship from the beans.
the other end of the yard. The m
very shabbv ingrain c-arpet. . L cut ic awsy Trsosraal. In an esamihatloa
are still alive and well. If om> ha* a rtHiuln' cuuing. are easily baadlM. aad millionaire relative in the east.
veg.tsblc- Olunges afur her ishe c-ome» back on the bia.-* and doubled the rtrip-i. paper be gives the followliig eacpilaBt
ms why the Chrtsttea BaMvar
sore throat she Imwedlaudy sees be may be auule as rich nnd toothsome
loages. as thfv are fometijues called with her bead down, her wings out which are ync Inch and a quarter
It was a rose pillow filled with the
mieot is peeaUariF mwM M tha
fore hor a siege of dlphtherU. and lies as desired. Hard frosting, rtibor exqutellely fragrant petals of
are indigenous to Africa, but now li and foikiwisj b> a miscellaneous as wWe. slightly gathered them on a
charrb of today;
hlie or coUired and decorated, will France roses gathered in ber own
awake all night rehearsing the dan
has been demonstrated that they will ^ortment of stove wood, fruit cans. cuarHe thread, sewed them on burlap
df thai
ger. aeleciing the undertaker and plan add to their attfactivenesa. After tbe den. which te possible te few places thrive In tbte country they are bound -Unkers. and a very ; madf man' te tbe and fringMf tbe edges a VtUe; 1 made
try saodwlcbea. fruit U the outside of California. The cover was
Blag the funeral. wh»*u the child ap
•come a popular production. The rear. Then she skliqs under th^ barn. a border of black, green aad red wool j lue. Tbe OMAvnaeat prorlA
uportant item of Ibe liincii. tt of pink organdie, wUh a wide ruffle of graceful. weU-fuliaged vines are not And over a fence or two. and around
paarm te the morning a* well a*
s fringe of the carpet, cut on ibt
mue fruit cau be obtained. amaU tbe nine worked with a delicate little only ornamental, hot they bear in pro- •he house bark to ilje coop again: all «traighi and raveled for the ends: it
Tbete te one connolation te such j
.twvet pickles in a screw-top bottle,
WM abe imagines the wui^.
n a flbrot3 spon|$ that te emi tbe while talking as only an excited will be a joy forever, oo my bedroom
vine done to brier silichteg. In the
MMasihteg far UHter that realty hap iwotened lemon juice lo supply lemon- upper right band corner was n bow
I) useful Cor b^hlng as well a.- hen can talk, and all the while fok
>r. to step on
' pswa. But teatead of Udng hai>py and Ade. and nice fresh cucumbers, are all aad ends of the same material
cooring pans and kettles. Imagine •owed by things convenient for throw
y thick aad
te the pro.mri.dii,.
Jewirabte addUJons.
thaahful Tor thla. abe soon conjures
r Store ruga, nnd cost nothing bui i when denomlnsthmaj boads have Mall
worked te the same maaaer. Bvery picking dishrags in one's gi^den jus' ing. and hy a man wtmsc coax U cm tbe
Besides the items of ckxbes and thing about It was washable aad it as one wonld pick blackberries, or Im
another frightful buttboo. aad
and a spool of coanu- thrrod-Bi••• «htor to
whose hat is on the ground
to chnrch aM MapcMs ber time ta th? presence
thoroughly usable, which was one agtee havteg' vines all taJen with and whojc>
aiHUher thing to be coasMcved tbat te of lU chtef charms.
these bldeons ooMtlons of ber ot
nfis ctembertog over oae's kitch
ite time
worthy of carHul tbongbt. though
Indows. no that ail one ne.<ds do
mind, tbm
II take a hand in the debate, and
oftca neglected. Any child teksoro te
nnd ovcfabndow the IM of others.
Is t<r stretch out an arm and pull one help dodge, missitesi the man vowt
Sliced pickles are easily baked.
•He of lookteg out of tbe window, and
Bat we have another oeighbor w1
In. Such an arrangnment would be that every bea on t^e place ahajJ he Slice them teto the jar la which they
dlveratea. yet I have hnowa
te permmlfied peooa U I. mmtbte, and
lUCk eaaier than going to the ragbag sold at once. puU qa ibis hat aad coat, ire to be kept, patting te a layer of
> to start on aa alMay tnp
for two days^ thus take r buyteg dlshrags at stores.
restful Just to be with ber.
and goes down town. The sromas the pickles and a layer of aeasoateg alprovldteg a Slagle playUteg
iW curious vegetables assume ceme* out, goes right to work aM has ternatoly tmUl they reach tba top pf
sd wipe thorn dry. Take out
from cm? side, ber life I
fur their ceatleaa UUle ones. Some of
the form and jtppoarance of cucauh every one of those hens boused aad
jar. Then pour on opid vte.» wa
inside of twd mtentes.
Wlmre the complaining
di they are covered, aat the W^ta tha
plied la tbe cramped quartern of tb< bruised mustard seed, aad sliced giii- greea eouts become brown and dry
hU ono trial, this ]
aM haka alowly. In thla ito.
parchment. At this stage They
noot, ecterv seed kad ouIml Tie
Triala that would vaa^ railrond coach are farnteked by pte
booka^ peMl. colored crayona
PMM toM with thrsM. and
•My ID hanrmt. After they are
Mb an ordinary apirtt. hot bring bar
No doakt MTCfT
r orur thute'doTW. hrakun cteaa- ptakM (he hroum coat te remorud and *■( a kM clou BrmO a iwtUe wltk «
to M addM nobleaess aM ttMM
; '
onbcrpaitw fiJ W of psM
aM *Mp Mse** on the window attl
. It waa butlahappyohange
a happy
and she must be a 0 IM trig to cp a Mt. i
che -center u( the
, aM sec the Jar III fi
r to tha mkattla eaa ha
r totowi,
Rite. The lime can ba
At HmiUuw, O.. Jaa« GUI of To
IMB WUTtod a Sirl vboM father
” tMiatai am Hartu her full bum ol
^iMirart ArkaaBM Napoleoa Vbar
i Haaif«4 MUm Below the Mouth,of
tmoptoa choru. will matt
' tha Ohio Abahar placed oi»a the iwc
^meb day apst week at 2 o'clodt.
of4a wbaa-tha Butirtatce UoeaBe war
Buaday kchoot. 12 o'clock.
Christian Badeavor. C:1S p. m.
Peateooatal prayer aad praise aer
vice Thitraday evening at 7:20.
ter. explalaed that ehe waa aamed la
Batnrday Bight, aalted prayer and
haaor of aa aaal who lived at Napo
laoa. aa the Mlaalaalppl rlwr. la Ar iiudy of the Buaday achool lesson
haaaaa, 40a allea below the mouth ol vlth the children.
Welcome to worship with na are
tha Ohio.
lUv. M. A. Wllaoa« the veteran paa itipagera. workingmen aad the poor.
Preaching at 2:36 la tha afternoon
by a H. Lambkin.
At 7:30 In tha evening. Bder a ATvin GtoOwtp. pastor of Salats ehnrch
of Cadillac will be the apaakar.
The taat aanrioea are reflaed and In
vltlng. All are welcome.
fVaa Mathodtot praachiag at* 21S
Bast Funrteenth atraet Sunday at
10:30 a. aa. Rav. a MUIar,
Va^ la raporlad to be dyli^. He wa»
paia la the clvU war. and throoshout
the ymn haa maintained an uadylnr
4eTotloa for the greateat ChrlatUs
eharactar. aa he believed, of history
He aald lo a aewapaper corTwapondent
la tha beglaalag of his tllnesa: **Well
It doamit aaatter how It goea with mo
It la tloia to fo. I am wuilng and walt^
lag. It ia literally true, aa Jaekaor
aall. that there U a paaslng over Uu
Hftr to fwal an^ the .hade of thi
itmm:** ^
tlm one hamrthdth aaniveraary ot
the death of Barbara Heck, the fonnd
; er of Methodlam In America, to belny
oommeamrated by a large gathering :>•.
Matbodtou from the United Buies am'
Canada at her grave in Blue Churef
eoamtetir on the Canadian side of th«
Bt. Lawrence, three miles from Or
daaahiirg. N. Y. Through her elTorl*
l---iha Biat
Methodlsr sermon w.
:J pi«im|md In Hew York In mi. After
ward ahe and her husband removed
from New York to Canada. At thh
maiBorlal aervice funds are being anb
scribed to build a memorial hall neai
the cemetery for religious services.
flekley B. Coxe. one «rf the wealth
lest mine operators In the anthraclu
region, has declined to accept the dem
He to a nephew of the late Kckley B
Cote, who. after being elected to th»
aUte aenate In 1K70. refused to lak*
the oath of offlee. iKcsuse he was re
qnlred to swear tbst no money wm
used to bring about hU election. Buh
cegueatly he. was Inductn! again to k
a candidate for the same o«ce. an.
was electod by an overwhelming ms
Jorliy. It was thought* that yuuni
Cote would follow lo hia uncle's fool
steps, but hts love for political purit:
to no great that Ae dm-s not care t.
Uke any part In the game as It t*
pto^ In Pennsylvania.
Captain Andrew Rowan of Atchison
Kan., made quite a ropatstlon whIU
serving In the Philippines, cbletl:
from the eommon senlH. and Infonna
way In which he performinl whatevc
duty tkme to hand. He was stattonrt
at a pLWt In one of the rt^nole prov
Incea of the islands. A backward sea
Mm had been disastrous to crt»ps, an<
the prices of provender had gone sky
ward as a result. About this tlm«
aererml wealthy Chinese merchanr
had baaB arrested fur smuggling. Row
an |Mt the Mongols at work cuttlnr
grass, •nils brought forth a protest
that tnalty found Us way to \be chle;
guthoritlea at Manila. In due coursi
of ttma thr foUowIng telegram reaches
Bowaa: -Why are you compelHm
i>ii -
Morning aervice. 10:30.
Sunday school. 12:00.
Baraca Bible class. 12:00.
B. Y. P. U. at 0:46.
Bvenlng. 7:30.
Prayer meeUng on Thnraday evenng nt 7:30.
Rev. Haary McKiaiay. paator.
3:41, Sabbath achool.
11:00. I
3:00. Jualor 1
Oliver Beaaon
to especUIIy Invited to
Ooraar State aad UaloB atraaU.
CagUlB aad Mrs. Moaaalla
Sunday. 11 a. m.; hoUnaas maadag,
2 p. m.; jualor maaUi^ 2:20 p. m.;
ChrtotlaaB* pralaa maaUng. t p. m. A
real batUa for souls.
All are welcome.
Rev. Leonard
Comer Washington
Morning aanrioe. 10:30.
There will be no servlees at Blreto
Rev. D. OochUn. paator.
All services In the church parlors
except senior department of the^^nlay achool. Entrance on I'ark atreeL
Morning service, music and sermon
It 10:30 m. m.
Sunday achool at noon. Primary
•nd Intermediate claaaea in thepvlors.
U1 other classes In the court house.
Vssemble in court room at 13 o'clock.
Young People's Society of Christian
Sndeavor at C:15 p. m.
Sunday evening gospel im^Ung at
/:3U p. m. Bring yuur friends with
C. B. meeUng. 6:30.
Song and preaching service. 7:30.
Seau free.
AU are welcome to all the services.
Sunday morning. 10:30 a. m.
meeting. 7:30.
Reading room, room 314 new Wil
helm block, open every afiemoon ex
cept Sunday from 2 to 5. Thursday
evening from 7 to 9.
A cordial Invitation to extended to
all to attend all>ervico3 and the read-
Rev. R. M
10 a. m.. 1
Succ^ul Until Ht Reac
1«:30. morning woi^hlp.
Traverse City.
Sergeant Smith, who will be
bered here as having been one of the
Scripture reading.
to join the Rough Riders, was in
Singing by chorus and congregation. drat
town yesterdsy. visiting old friends
for the first time in many years.
He said ihsi U was odd. but In ail
Song by the chorus. “The Child of a his travels/he said he never found a
good 6c dgar until he went into S. E.
<lngOffering and
Song by the chorus, -He IWll Hide
6:30 p, m.. Y. P. A. meeting.
7:30. young ladles' service. A spe^
rial serinon to young ladles. Young
adies will sing and seau will be re
served for all the ladles who attend.
and Manila cheroots, but from now ob/
says he will have nothing but the
-Chico.- as it is a good, clew cigar,
witl^long Havana filler, smoking with
s firm ash and a regular S5c fragrance.
S. E. W^t A Sons have just securiMl
the local alency for the
to Ivy
lb to n
i good Judge of a cigar.
Ydu UtUe kaewv when first we met
That some day jam would be
Rev. John Foraburg. paator.
The ibeky fellow rh choose to let
Sunday achool, f :2® a. m. evary Ban. Pay for my Rocky^Moonlala Tea.
Johaaoa Drug Co.
Preachtag aenrIcM'at 10:30 a. m.
AM wil»crtb«* aetlrtM may ch»i>r
tad 7:30 evaaiag tha Am aad third
^radaya ia tha Mth.
Of tl)p entire summer stpek of hats,
botli triBOwd aad uatrtaiaed. ThU
rtoM OO. 0« or k«n>f« «*pt.
rauriaanth ttraal M. t. Owralb
make room for the aav «ood» la
Rav. J.W.MBIar. pastor.
falU that «ni reach the ehelre. thI.
Claaa maauac. itU.
athek. Watch for aoBouhcenieat. Mia.
Moralat aanrloa. 10:30.
Hack. Wont street.
' Sunday achool at noon,
iqpmitth imacas, 0:li.
hmwtar TO lUU
This baa been the banner year In
; tnm ft to 110.
Nir Mbieu aad our buaiaeaa haa la.waaedfifrenr month. Why? Because
0:30. love feast, led by the pastor.
10:20. aermon and quarterly com
Bunkm conducted by the gaator. as
dsted by Rev. A. J. Bldred.
12. Sunday school.
G:16. Bpworth League, led by Laater
7:30. Uluatrated service.
..•What the-Bible la Doing for the
World.- Uluatrated by a Bae aeries of
Meturea of Bible work la Home. South
\mcrica and Malayala.
Opening eong service led by choir
tnd orchestra.
The male quartet will sing -The
;^rd to My Shepherd.- illustrated.
BoUlftar^ Bocky Mona
-- -- mti^mor^
To A. L. Muxxy. W. D. Chancy. D. B.
Seer, E. C. Hitchcock. Prank Dolph.
FYank Lahym, Chaa. Cresay. yBert
JameMm. BenJ. Thlrlby. Peter Hormuth. Mnu A. K. ForrmU. l4a a Bab^
cock, N. H DeZoete.-A..Cha
Mercy Monroe. B. M. Daily.
Phelps, John Helfrich, Ed Rosy
Whiting. Geo. Demling. Alfred Cam
peau. F. M. Paine, Lester HublK-Il. W.
A. Watkins, J. Orvesunsn. K E Colby,
a E. Colby. A. H. BUhop. Seth Plough.
Hin. Mrs
Howard. Perry .Nor
rls. Ray A. Dunn. Geo. Clyde. U. W.
Stf-wart, E. A. NewUm. Harry Burr
Bert Kelly. R H. Ryan. Oll%^ Pierce
E. Scofield. T. H. Cnimlall. F. O Pratt.
O. J. Haywood. Marlon Black. J. Hqt
tenbury. Telhurst,' FU»yd Jameson'.
Chss. H. Smith. F. W. Wilson. A:/G
Stnmg. Chas. McMlchaH. Mary Har
vey. C. D. LaPointe. C. W. IVZoeie.
E. Hensel. F. H. Scofield. C. Vader.
Ange Farrant. Mary Ingersoll
Mahn. J. W. Ciiffe. Eliz. Evans. An
Ihuny S<nd. August Sill. O. C Moffatt.
W. D. Tompkins. Geo. Burrows. Wil
cox. Columbia Trans. Co.. Susan Grav
el. W. H. Fife. W. Helm. W. H Corey.
J. H. Monroe. L. Mitchell. P. A Gold
hof. G. A. Johnson. Perry Hannah e*i.
and all persons Interested in the Igy
Ing of latersl sewers in the slley be
tween Ninth nnd Tenth stA-ets from
Wadsworth to Ik hernia street, in the
alley b<*tw«H*n Tenth and Eleventh
strcvls fn>m Wadsworth to iMdunila
fctr^«et. in the alley Unween Eleventh
and Twelfth si reels from Wads wort
to Bohemia street M her^nofore adop
ed by*the council of Traverse City.
Mich„ take notice;
r7v3.q.K F. O.
That the roll for the special a.<;.‘iess
ment for the laying of a sew«-r In the
slley between Ninth and Tenth str
fmm 'Wadsworth to Bohemia sire
in the alley l»etween Te*urh ami F
enth streets, from Wadsworth to
hernia: in the alley between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets, fn.ni Wadsw<»rth
to Bohemia street,
for public insihecti
NiUice fs also hereby givd-n that the
council and board of assessors of t
city of Traverse- City will meet at t
council r»K>m in said city at 8 o cliH-k
m.. September I2ih. I9u4. to revb
said assessment rolU. at which time
and place opjMirtunity will be glveu all
persons interested to l>c
Dated this 23th day of August. \^A
City Clerk
2273 141
Wm. Blarkmaii. John Lotharus. A. B.
Curtis. Cilf. ]'lvne. Morris Decker.
Louisa Ayers. M.
Poaynes. R. WledBtf--------------- -----------Haggard.
lu. Mrs
»I1B. Mary
A. Patrick. C. P.
r. G. F. Rowe, A.
Seror. >U Nasli. Crawk A Hardy. H. W.
. F. J. Sutherland.
Rose Webb. A. C.
Bates. F. E Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett. H
R. Burns. W. E. Moon. Nellie Johnson,
Th«»maji. N. W. Harrle. C. II.
Johnson. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter.
Mary E. Slytet. M. C. Miller. Harvey
Chinworth. John Danford. J. W. Miller.
G. P. Garrlsoi. D. L. Nickerson. Jay
Young. Thos.jMcCluskey. J. McAllist«»r. Biipesf Cmln. Alfred Ayers. O. P.
Hughs. A. R. flke. Wm. Raine. Arthur
Hadley. B. W| Butler. W B. Bi-nnrtt.
A. HuellmanUl. John Galdager, W. B.
Knmggs. Davidson. Mary Mickier.
Frank Voge.
i'oge. M. E. Looks,
Looks. G. 1D. Ken
Ith. Ray
. T. NHMrs. Lilibie Kelley. B.
i. fi8. Cole
And. Pitch. D. Rodisong. Wm. Van
Stec. Fred L. jSlockIng. Calvin L.. Gib
sun Al Heiilimautel. Wm. L. HenU
L. Han
•i Bert Mullen Jane A
Hattie McGlbnis. F Neai on. F. F
O'Neil. R. G.jl»aulln. Enoch L. John
son. Mary B. I Kelderbouae/John Probert. A F. Hotaard, and all persons In
terested in the layUig of a sewer in the
alley Im tween Ninth and Tenth streets
from Wadsworth to Division; in the
alley betweeii Tenth and EloVenfl
street* -from Wadsworth to Division
in the alley] between Eleventh an<
Twel.ih Bireeu}. from Wadsworth in
Division Ktrt*dt. as heretofore adopu-d
by the council of Traverse City. Mlchl
That the rdll for the siiecial assessment heretofore made by the board of
asses.sors forjtbe purpose of <
that part
cll di-clded Hllould be borne by special
asKt-hfcmeni for the laying of a sewer
In the alley Iw-tween Ninth and Tenth
streets from iWadsworth to Dlvleion:
In the alley betwe«ti Tenth and Elev
enth striH-ts Irom Wad.sworlh to Dlvly between Eleventh
reels from Wa.lswt»r«h
to Division streets. Is now «.n fib- at
my office fori public insjiectlon.
Notice Is a|so hereby given that the
council and lx»ard of a.ssessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet SepNotice of Sevirer Aat
temlKT I2th.il9U4. in said city at the
cfiuncil ro<jmk at 8 o'clock p. m. to re
. To J. A. Nickerson. John Wood. T view said aisessmeni roll, at which
A. Monroe. Warren Finn. John Bartz.
opportunity sill be
Chaa. Howard. John l^awyence. Wm. given all 4»^-rKuns interested to
.VdKll. H. O. Juynt. E O. FTllls. J J.
T>unn. r. W. DeZ.>ete. Henon Squires. ^ D^ti-d this
hlsUlh day of August. 1904
W. O. Dunham. Adventist Church.
Wm. Ingersol, Rubt. He
I_____________ City Clerk.
rat 1000 WATIS
•OOP. ond you*vo boop invltod. toloct ymm
NA8TALL. tha Jowolar.
P. S.~Wa furnlah haiMtooma oarfi
Ut. J- B. Hawley. Th(*s.
[iwrie. A B
L. Brown. R. A. Utwr
_____ Willard Cary.
Can G. R Newman
Heury C. Gort*. Thos. Helm. Lun«
Paris. Geo. Scott. Geo. Newberry
Sarah J. Calkins. James Slack." Neil
Uvingstoo. F>ed Smith. Milt's Hill,
giyde ,W. Finn. Lufcinda Fox. Frank
Waldis. A. C. Eller. Chas EaaU-rday.
Nelson Gore. V. A. Patrick. Wm
John Lathams. A. B. Cur
tic, CliffordI Cl yne. Morris
rs. H. n. Poayner. H. WleH
Louisa Ayers.
ooft. Samuel Stover, tChas. Moulton. C.
E. Kent. J. M. Haggard. Mrs. Mary
Dlsler. Ely Hyde. C. P. Taylor. Palmer
B.. G F. Rowe. A. Secore. AI Nash.
Craw A Hardy. H W. Smith. C. L. Da
vU, P. J. Sutherland. M. U Ujons.
Mrs. Roae Webb. A. C. Rtmley,
Paris. D. E. Carter. Robt. Walter. F.
Smith. U’dia Jameson. Josephine
Bates. F. E. Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett
H. R. Bures. W. E. Moon. Nellie John
aoMt D. 1* Thomas. N. W. Harrle. C. H
Johnson. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter
Mary E. Slyter. Geo. Helm. M. C. Mil
ler. Harvey Chinworth, John DaiUord.
A. C. Elder. J. W. MlUer. G. P Gar
riaon. D. L. Nickerson. Jay Young
Thos. McCluaky. J. McAllister. E.
Crain. Al Ayers, O. P. Hughs. A. R
Pike. Wm. Raine, Arthur Hadley.
W. Butler. W. B. Bennett. A. Ht
mantel. John Gallagher. W. B. Knaj
Davidson. Mar» MIckler. Frank Vi
M. E. Louks. G. D. Kenney. 8. B. H
ard. Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah t
Mra. Ubby Kelly. 8. R Cole.
Pitch. D I^tmg: Wm. Van 5tee A
B. Cortlr. Fred Stocking. Calvin Gib
ton. Wm. HendiickB. W. J. Noble. Cal
1. Z. T. Swan.
Not^ to ft
The Ux rolls for the o
collection of
school and city taxes and special as
sessments for the five wards of the
city of Traverse City. Mich., have been
placed In mi hands for collection.
I will be In my office for the pur
pose of collecting said taxes every
week day from now until Nov. 1, 1904.
from 8 o'clock until 11:30 o'clock In
the forenoon, and from 1 o'clock unUl
4 o'clock In the afiemoop of each day.
All taxes ^id before Sept. 1st will
be received' without collection fees,
and on all tkxes remaining unpaid on
Sept. 1st anb unUI Oct. 1st. a penalty
of one per ^nt for collecUon will be
charged. Ob all taxes remaining un
paid on Ocb 1st and until Nov. 1st a
Wo can astonish yov at tbo
c h:^
Prompt Delivery.
That the Hot SfMings medlcUiaa
have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV^ .
ERSE CITY. They can cure yen. Fdr
i sale by all first ciaas druggiata. _
Claua Warner. Prot>rleSor
The officers of the Grand Traverse
ind Arizong Mining Co. report that
he stock neceasary to procure a power
olanl and sinelter wrill soon be placed.
They WOU14 like to Gave R aU LeM by
Rant*. CeM^r VMM JlM
f vmtfw
C#ff«p<ii4»iH M tM Lo«i4»fi ftUfid-
to Ha«id yieMIfiff AiigiMt
By Win. to the Bf»ofnK K«x»nl.
liCmiUNi« AuKl n.—Tlif. ooirespood
ottt of the B>«olDf BUndftnl al Tl«r»
Talo Mods a ape
to wblcli Ae uy.: * I have icood
ream to* believe frun^ private Intor
.natiuB vbich I have received that the
Japanaea have aCacted ha
to nort Artbar aad that ibe fall «f the
leiuly. In virtually
'The aorreapoadeat aa>a the Japan
m wUJ not make any announcenieni
natU mU ftgbttos U ended. Contlme
Ing he aara that the entrance vaa
made by the way of the Italhan forta.
The publlratkjo of a diapalch Tn"
nooactof that Uto fall of Port Anhur
fa virtually acoptapllahed cauaod «.n
the Bln^elH
of the pack dpakeya were revealed be
told of the pewHoua winding path that
bad been cut and cleared away from
the topnKNU point to ibe sborea of the
deep riter Itahlf and altboogb he had
not the coma^ to attempt It. hla de
acrlptlon of a ^rotber defegate a ^orti
to throw himself off ma hla beast toaUled on kiwplng to the very edge of
the awful path created a sympathetic
chord to the audience, thousands of
sheer preclp
rtmr-foot ledge and a donkey ualng
the outer track t>eing shown to further
the effect
1.0S Angeles, one of the%moat beauti
ful cities to the world, closed the (
tog's eulertatoment.
Chinatown with Its narrow atrecU.
abupa, native markets and
goods foruM'd the luHi set of viewa and
Mr. Cam I clda^nl by paying just trib
ule to his home slate. Michigan, say
ing that he fell that one would a)
moat become tired om Ibe monotonou*
aunablne of this far western country
BImer B. Hlilte sang the cluatog
[iml>er. -Where the Sllv'ry Colorado
Winds Its Way." and the p<-rf^t
tat Ion was one of the musical
reals of the.
leaving with the bi'autles of the glow
ing, changeahle coloring of ibat gram'.
Hand to Hand Flohtlng.
Uao Yang. Abg. 27 —(leneral KiiroH haa joined forcea with aeneral Oku
fa an aUempt to cut the Ruaaian tine
between Anabanahan and Uandlan*
alaa. The battle of Aug. 26 ranged lingering as a fitting thought of a per
Usually Crosby only attends the big
vhoota but some hard w<irk on the part
»r the local club brought him here,
rrom hero he goes to ludlaua for his
text shoot and then works south, final
ly reaching 8b Louis for the big meet
ing at the world s fair.
Fred 8. Foster of tensing is also
lere to the Inten-st i>f the WInch<*ster
Repeating Anns comiumy. Mr. Foster
‘las charge of this Klalc and 1.t one of
hoae fellows who makes friends with
,\ll who meet him. R, O. Helkes of
Uayton. O.. another man high up In
Lhe professional ranks, is also h(*re
xnd raady for the meeting. He also
Participated to the Grand Rapids loirr-
Tbc other prbU'ssionals who will be
_Japaneae force aUackvd llie Ruaalan
'ure positively are II. W. Vb-tnieyer
poallluoB at Mlao Paaa. eleven mllea
ind Ralph Trimble. lH>th of whom took
eaat of Anehanahan. and at Bandlat.e
part In the Grand Rapids oonlesis.
and Taegow. twelve nilUn southeast.
Other men. whUe placed in the ams
Nine hatleiies of alx kuds twch fM»mleor class but who are to line for pnv
\liarded the Ruaalan oiit|H»MH.
fesHional honors who will to* here
V these p*>lnta the combat n>p<*ati>d1y
rrom outside are 0. N. Ftird. Edward
developetl Into hand to hand fighting.
HENRY DONOVAN OF REED CITY Watkins and Ib-n Tall.. C. \V. IMiellls
The Kuaalan caaualUtw are placed at
}t Cincinnati will alto be presL-nl and
over a thousand In the report vif 0«*n
«hoot as will also r,«*orge Rail and
>i»l Kuropatkln relative to the fight
Willard. iKJth of Chlcag.i.
Ing around 4too Yang yesterday. The
Mac Hensler will be here to do the
JapAneae alao aulfered lu-rtoat loaiunt
•alklng act and to encourage the Im»vs.
while twenty-four uf their guaa an'
Charles Young wilt also In* here for
reported to have le-tjn put out *»T
same puriHisc and to alfo reprencllun. The Japanese renewed the RELEASED ON BAIL IN THE SUM
Tent the l‘e!er»« Cartridge C<i.
batUe along the line today.
To set* W. H. Crosby *h(s»t will 1h*
81. INrlaraburg. Aug. 27.~Tlic exact
ha main feature as It Is seldom that
flgurea of Knropalklu's casualiies dur Charged With Having Raised Figures a man with national fame can be seen
ing the Uao Yang battle an* 1.460.
to Savings Account Book Causing
mtH'llns of this kind. Mr.'Cn»sby
one Or twelve men sent in EnOverdraft of f19a
{land to defend the honors of this
ntry to a lourusmont and carried
the best honors for his team as
afternoon by <%.nstablt* C, V!. Ashton well aa helping to win the match.
romplaliit of the First National
Anothw pr«f€-sslonaV who will l»e
resent is Mr Kech. who represents
hank of this city. The bank official*
hav,* iHH-u SRwrohing diligently for the nuiK.nt Cartridge Vii. Mr. Keck if
one-srme«l hhui and makes enviable
l>on<»vau for more than two month,
Deacrtoad the Bights and Scenes En
w hen hs-ated y«-jUerday ConaUblr scordt.
Rout to the General ConferKepreiu*ntallvi*s from (Jrand Rapids
Ashttm was sent to apprehend I him
•IIM at Loe Angeles.
returning last evening with his pris who will to* pivsent and take |»art are
Or. T. 8. Hudson. W. «. Jan ls and O.
*'A tofga and appreclailve audience
The offense aUeg«vl was the forging A. Bplgt*r Following the m«'et here
gathered at the M B church last of an entry lit a savings IkmiK. which KalamaxiHi will have a shoot. Sept. 1
evening to witness the fine sfenxiptt- cauM*d an toerdrafl. tlie anumnt U-lng and 2. and Chicago. 8,-pt. 9 11.
con views dlaplayiHl hy their pastor. but %VM
aides the men mem lone,)
Rt*v. Wllliain lautfiuan to connection
iViiiovau was a resident of this city fun clubs from Mancelona. Maiit«m.
with the Inletvatlug bvture which last spring to June at the linu* the Kingsley. Bast Jordan. Charlevoix and
Rev. M. 0. CtorrvI de1iv.*n*d on hla trip allegetl forgtwy was committed and piwslbly IVloiikey will to- In attend
to callfarato last spring a« a delegmo workt-il for A; W. Rickard. Re has al xace.
to the general confunuce held at U»a ways Uirne a good reputation and b
A good shoot was enjoyed yesterday
descrllKsI as a stogie man «.f aUmi ind considi*rable interest was shown.
A mlareltoaeous set of Views
thirty years of age.
eluding the Ruaalan fl(-et at VladlvcwiVmovan wfws taken U-fon* Judg%
tbek. and the Japanes^v fl«M*t at IMrt Roberts last evening at K oVlock.
Artbar was thrown oni to the sen*,*
when he walvetl examination and gate
aher which Mrs. Louise ('alklna. In
Umds to the sum of |1.(hm) to appear
wf sweet and well modulab*,! voi
at the next term of arcull court TWENTY TH0U8A*40 BRICK HAVE
sang “MW the Orv*en rield. of V
which cv»nvenes the fourth week to
glula.“ lllaatrated by a complete a
ThetKlore Sr-hmldi ol
of arttotSc aetttoga following the U*au- R«*«*d City went his Ininds.
Will Be Here Monday.
tlful theoto of the song.
High Winds Did Oamaga by
Mrs. K. B. H«wt sang that touching
welaly. “In the Vlllagt* by the 8<*a.
Drifting Band.
tto rendertog being jrfvidly portrayed
Bha la of 1tJ»0 Tom Oiaptoeofnoat
by the doxen viewa throw* Into algb
The first consignment of building
and Haa tliu Moat Fomarful Am "
1U Eev. Laufman.
muierUl for the new federal building
ment to tho World.
The main vK*ws of the evening fol
haa arrived. 20.000 of the loo.ooo brick
By Wire to the Bvenlng Record.
lowml thto aong as Rev'l Mr. Carrel to
Va., Aug. 27.—The fornlabed by the Travenu- City Brick
an apologetic way spoke of the Utile
oompaay. being already hault-d from
preparaUon be had been enabled
t. Bbo la of U.a00 KayaUMie.
have aad auggeated that If he did not
The enubed atone needed for the
and has a apoed of
rooogatee the picturo it could claim
---------------------------a. Her-------- coacreu foundatloa will be hero Moo
recogaUkm for ItauU. as ao many to
day and work will at onee be begun
la the moat powerful to the
the mndtoBce had already viewed the
on cleaMna the heavy drift of sand
that tJto btodt'^ds of the past few
VYom tBf tatereutlng Bpaalah arohl
Mias Roalyn Smith will s|wmd Sun dayt have drtvea In. fully |75 damage
: 129 Front St N.EStn>nr,M«T.
Abstracts of Title
B«tabll*hMlln ISOS
! Room aiO State Bank Bids.
Cbursday. September l$f
for Early fall Shopping
Opening bay
A 36 inch black I'cau de Soic,
iie, St
all Silk
and gtiaranieed lo \vcear. it s wotih
$1.25. E.xtra special...
27 inch black guaranteed Taffeta. it*s CQ/%
a re*fular $1.00 seller. Special.-
52 inch Broadcloth (black only!, t’s
well worth 1.00 a yard. Extra Special •
\Vc have only a iimited (inanity of this cloth
and can not duplicai
52 inch all wool Venetians in ligh
dark oxfords worth $l.UUayard s|
We just received yesterday another Line of
ir Mannish Suitinns; the styles are as good as
le cloths double the price,
Others at 50c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 and j$1.75.
Corner Front
Every Agency in the United States show Dunlap Hau
on the above date. We have been named as the ex
clusive agents in this city for this popular Hat. All
the other makes of Hats now in. Sole Agents for the
Harvest $3.00 Hats V
Advertised in all the leading Ferodiaiit.
• -__________
;to«ake$2.00fo $^btob.V a «« of
0..,;!^ii*c«a esiwro
to Me tlM cfv»4i
fM rMtojr ■» UMi IHtlo lltM/«n
IM M fte tfco« otUMte jT1
. .;
'niLCY louiPPKo ran au.
.: ' * wiANeMm or ueoiTiMATi sank.
clothes froo^A. J. Wilhelm. South Side.
. Bythewaywe^veah^avyClayWors^
Su,t. stnctly Milor-iiude and guaranteed.
Jor the small sum of f10.0a CtUl a^ see
our uew fall and winter suits at $10.00 and
$16.00 and see if you can’t save you a V.
vggafl trtp mtg win pmhahly m
I1Ve”A. j. WMELMI^"
ru 0taUMt tlMt til* or«M« to
Jamee H. OoUlad. a member of the
Blllmi Cogatractloa Co. of Ghleago/4s
to the city lavoetlgaUiig the TrairenM
City. Pgalamla and OM Mtaataa
trie railway prtgect Mr. Oolltai
maled by Mayor Pblghnm aa
New Wator WaHca
City Dally.
Tr*v*r««CHy to St. Lowla
9IAS0. IS 4ay met
The city water works has pu
oday lolnapeetqmpfo$i*.0a M day USI
A father and aon owned property to^ more water this summer than
Wima Mr. OolUaa has getlMr. which waa largely ^usqulrmj before and lhe new pumps have
$>1.00. Ik- the SMMB
laapectloo Mr. Olbha ihftmgh the bMhieaa ability of the the work with far less expenne than j
This«ni bdoiS
to say regal
tight or prlfHese
MXlom iMiudM
aoa. and fllreot applloatloaa of hia fo4ild hsve been accomplished with *
fight to rwir injured w»«hlpe In
moaey. the legal Utle to the property
T^twfflbee. nfetm.
ml hnrhom uader seuul potecs
being taken In tbe nnme of the father, taxed in the least as yeL •SujKriii i
inendng ThnmUy, Jane 9,
it very t
flop gad pmar* «bem to tfeiie forth
on iMm^tlon that at hts death It shooid tendenl H. O. Joynt to
tog hoatlle efraiidm.
be left by will to the son. but was In pleased with tbe pumpsI and the *
Stesmen lesre Tmrcito City
^ n# prM#n.log woitldogU out a
fact left by will to the stepmother. An
*..iy SumUy, lU p.
An average of r.xuo.uiw ihiIKmik pepfOtiat from gay other
Local Woodmen Dogroo Team Will Oo agreement was made between the
Thmadayi. C a. m.
lit hai doge from Japan. The Japan*
etepmoiher and the son that at her days is being pum|»ed. which 1k au
to gonaonlo Neat Taoodoy to At*
me eomegUMi that H !■ Inoonelalen
death, to oonalderaUon of the son average Inm-aM* of al»out Kon.omi gal
tend gig Mooting.
with the duty of a aeotral to permit
making no claim against his father's louh over each day last year.
^ the fgpglrof a belUeeregih warship la
estate, she would leave tbe property
The degree team of the Me
Puta an End to It All.
*gge ef 4te porU where 1| haa nought
Woodmen of tbis city will go to »eo* to the son by will, which, howavW. rhe
A grievous wall <»fitiroea comes as a
tagrUMn eeeme to tw In entire
lonia next Tupaday to confer the woth failed to do. and the »u»a fllad a hill result of unbearable pain from over
ggoe wlU the principle which deter of InitlaUon on a larje claaa. The oc* agalast the executors of her ettau* for taxed tirgaua. Ulryliu-ss, l.ackmlo*.
specific performance uf the agn-ement. I Ilv<r complaint and ctuistlpaifou. But
in will lie the annual gatM
cunstltiiitHl j| juey put au end to it all. They are
of the Northern Michigan Aaaoclatlog Held that such agreement constltuLHl
llai jim opencl to the pubof Woodmen, which eovera aeveral
le but thorough. Try them. Only
\i2^ anti a brand new meal mar
ties. Thpre will be a baaket pie which being founded on a Kiifflclent 26c, Guaranteed by Jobuson’s llrug
Store and F. II. Meads. druggisU.
to gmirt one provided It holda iceelf
ket where quality ami prices
ad aeveral other pleoaant features oonalderatiQa and afterwards
iwedy to uMlat the other la like
arc right. Give ut a call . .
lee the rituallatlc work. All to good faith, win be enforctHl though
lire til Krfurt. Genuniiy, the
per. It megev that It may not ■
tog in parol. Clgyrson vs. Brewer.
Woodmen are Invited to attend.
of the lire brlgude ijuanvlExl
igM la gay get of
68 AU. 6k« IN. J.)
aw if
with the ebb-r. and iiisletid of nii.-nd
2SS E Frfiit St
QM. Fine
the other. That la \the rule of atiicT
Municipal Corporstlons-GonUmlnat- Inglo their dutlen. U-IsIht.-.! hini mitil
Any dhvlaflon therefrom
he was wiiSE-h-ss. Mf-aiiwhiic. llu- lire
^ Wall Watsr.
;ia gg ggfHegdty^
had iHkcii MU-h a todd that iM ioie it Dry. Hard and
Plaintiff brought suit for darnag*^ W'ss gut und»»r «Miitr»d K»-v«-raI Iu*um»s
Lumber Co.
» Ugereat la pfopodion aa It la friendly la Eapootod Thia WIntA* Near Wex
f.*r the death and lltoess t»f her rhll were liuriMHl tu the gruuiul.
ford on Account of the M. A
toward the other.
dren. alleged to have btvn caused by a
N. C. E
V The doctrine of aaylum U purely
That the Hot fiprtogs medlcinea
hnmanliariga. U a land force of
Uon of the counlry than all other dis
Record Want Ads. bring Big have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV.
The farmers In the vicinity of Wex water of the well tm plaintiff s home eases pul together, and until the last
hemgerent threatened with deain
Rstums for ths money IwveMad ERSE CITY. They can cure yop. For
ford are looking forward to a buay and stead, situate iH-iwinm the hous4* and few years was 8U|uh)s«h1 to im ii.eu
; Uon or oapture by the enemy flee. |
sale by all first class firuggiata. .
,.f rifilie to the terrttory of a neutral pronuble logging season this winter, a stream known as “Tuna en*ek.‘*
utiff clalmt*d that the dt^th of the
I the latter may afford ahelter wlthcwt owing to the putting In of the new IMalntlff
children was caused by the iiegll- stamly failing to cun? with hx?al trcalto the puraulng belligerent. branch of the M. A N. K. A staUon two chll
ment pirmouncod It Incurable. St h neo
. hot It can afford ahelier only to the and aide tmdks have been laid out a gent discharge of the so
{^ndlvldaala of the fleelnff force, not to mile eaat ant| half mile south of Wex city Into the sGvain above the well, has provoif catarrh tu be a const it n
timml dlst-ase and ihorefure n-quires
ga orgaalied ahd armed force. It muat ford. and preparatlona are being made whereby the ywage percoulated constituiloual treatment. HaUs Ca
dlaang and dleorganlie the refugeea
Urrh Gun-. manufacUired by 1
oliHlo, Ohio, is the
Held that the connection be
ga a helllgeregt force or expel them Iness by tbe ilme snow domes.
lonal cure on the mar
iwwn the act of the defendant cam
from tta tarrltory.
it i.s
ken Internally In dos.-^
plalutMl of and the result charged an
Thta H a reoognUeU and undUputed
10 dr
Irops to a loasiKJonful. It
t«) remote and Um uncertain to Indireii ly on the blood imd
nila M to the duty of a neutral la the
and mun
s «*T the system. They offer
permitted as a basis of r»H-ov«u-y.
, cmae of a beUlgemni land force fleeing
M. A N. E. Will Maks a Low Excur- UTiartun vs. Bradford City. 5s AU. C21 one hundred
ndred dollars for any case It
, to lU territory for refuge. The prinfails to cure Send for circulars and
aion Rats for Thai Day to
nlple la precltely the aame where a
• warthip of a belligerent deea for
Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO . Tc^
' ^ mfuge to the ^vatera of a neutral. The
Deceased during his lireiime was a ledo, Ohio.
The Ijibor Iiay cHebratlou In ManUSold by druggists. 75c.
^^heutral may afford .belter aa a mat*
t<*e will attract a large numlM*r fn»m memtmr of defendant associaUon. The
Take llaU’x Family Pills for constl
ter of humanity, but may nut permit
Traverse City and to acetmimodale the
the refdgee to prepage for a reaunip*
crowd the hfV A N. K, will run a special pay the aum of $760 upon the death
flog of hcMtimiea under auch abelter.
her. onedialf to the widow or
train, leaving here at 6:46 a. m. and
new furnith.nfis you will want for your home. You arc planning, no doubt, for new
That would npt differ materially from
returnltig. leave Maulsttw at 10 p. m. husband, and one-half to the chlhlren
pgmltUag the ouifliilog of a hortll eaof decoasetl; or. If there are m» chll
curtains for Ut windows or some new portieres, a new carpet or rug. Our new fall stock is her*. The,
The round trip rale will be |1 25.
^Itlon In the watert of the neutral.
dren.^lhe wh.de to th.- widow ,»r husfinest gopds tHat are put on the market and many ©f them are entirely npw in both material and pattern. ^
The evar aeemv to hare more regard
ENTERTAINED AT LARDIE HOME t»and: or, if no widow or husband, to
fpr the prlaclplea which determine
the next of kto of the Aeocaaed. De
In making a rhoit-e of a
the dntiea of neutral, thau aome of Pleasant Farewell Reception at Maplo- ceased left no children or widow, and
tt»ry for your sa\ inys alwayt
fcia mlnlatera have. The proof he has
ao far as has bi*en leame.1, no next of
tak»- Into eitii.-iiii-rati*»i) i-t.-c\iriiy
glvaa of this encourages the hope tha*
r. as cxei-ulrlx of de
Many new designs in Brussels Net. Irish Point and Nottingham. The Arabian are just aa much In demand
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lardle gave a
first, rait* afterwards I’tmiimih» «UI aumHiBd -UawU with u(er farewell reception In honor of their ceased's will. iMHight to recover IhU
as ever. Wc have something entirely new for b
called the Melange in ecru, with either an light
ally keep in mind tbe saying.
gdrlam In the fuluer.
from defendant. Held she was
granddaughter. Miss Gertrude Lam
Vlfa better to sh^-p on :: |M-r
blue bands or^iink and yello^. The swellest curtams yet introduced These are $3.00 the pair.
brii. of Minneapolis, who with her ala- not entliltHl to r.*<x>ver. and that de
It li Wing developed that many
cent than lie awuk«* on' f'« per
dlss Mamie, have Ifen ap<mding fendant held said sum In truH for the
Grand Rapids aldermen an* riding on
cent “
Interest coniiMiuiidetl
lummer at the pretty home of next of kin t>f deceased, should any
the atreet cars on passes. This Is
st-miaiitmally. it is p>rfeeily
their grandpareoU A large number evi*r appear. Gould vs. Kmployes Aid
glmply a courteay of the rallituid corn
safe, you t an gel ii when you
Are used in every home and our new fall designs are the richest we have ever carried. The red or the green
Ksoclallon. 68 Atl. i>24 (R 1 )
present from Traverse City.
er and not Intended In the leaat to
Archie. Solon. Bowers llarlKir and
Moire are ihr^ finest. These are $t0 the pair. There are any number of different patterne. colors and qualgain thi good win of the aldermen In
Mapleton. The bright moon Unik the
An ordinance t»f the city of Minniv
inunlrlpa) legislation afftHt Ing the
ities Of goods; from $t.75 the pair.
place of the Jaiuttiese touterns and the Spoils provides that no person aha
railway. The ialdermen have
gtreei railway.
happy cHuiples eui4>yed the evening in •exercise the vocation " of a peddle
m) consider the
I? -ggplalned that they m
dancing The music was furnished by within the city, without first paying a
|, gottrtealea and would*
fur a imv
Jack Bucham. Will l'4urul and hTank yearly license of $126. Defendant wa#
I meat think
think of
of acceptln
accepting such favors.
Is easily sett ed here, such a stock to select from. The large rugs 9x12 feet, or 8 feet 3 by Iff feet 6 have
Smith. Jr.. At 12 o’clock light refresh* convicted of (HAdling melons in thc^
All of which to pt^rfeclly prtH>er. of
M were served consist Ing <jf ns* city from house to house. The melons
never been h indsomcr. We have the Body Brussels. Royal Wilton, Axminster and fimyma. No one cairlee
sorted cakca^ and lee.' cream. The Were grow'B by him on hto
so large an ajsaortment of theae large rug^^ The smaller sixes for parlor, sitting room, dining room, library,
This aectlon of the ataie wUi be well
wlthlng Mias Gertrude a safe and ea* fee Is not so manifestly uureajsonable
hall, doorwa>|. archway, for the fireplace or piano. The newest patterns and richest goaaible ccAora.
Smator Moffatt will be returned by a Joyable journey. Miss l.amhrlx wUl as to render the ordinance void; and
big majority and the election of Hon. visit the rest of the wi-ek at Traverse further, that the ordinance applies to
Jaa. II. Ilonroe aa representative Is a
ay\ Mtoa Mamie Lambrix will of peddler within tbe city, whether
aort thing. Theae two men may be
they peddle the p^ucts of their own
f 'iflgpoaflod gpoa to fgUy aaitofy the remala few her health.
Our ntw f.R|in«rain* art hare. enUraly n.u, detigna. The beat all-weal carpet that It made. Yeu want to
farm «r garden, hr buy their stiK-k
fteopto of Uto end of. the aUte next
aee tha new ^ruaseU, the Velvets and the Aamineterm. It It well to tee theae at once an< get your firat
from others. Bute ys. Jensen. 100 N.
wrlhter la ^.Ing.
-Joseph i'hambrrtoln to itumoMtoly W. 644 iMinn.)
Choice and have that part of your fall fornithingt on your mind.
iwganded as the clev erest mao In Nor
Ltuau- Holding Over.
Spaaklng of a poUtical mad
land. and be to also one of tbe most
A written lease for the perkid of one
what would bo the result If Oaa Cam- Atatnistod.’^ said Mr. Aubrey Gantt uT
y fur at u rental of fi26 per moath con
Mi could have hit own way with the Lmulom
^'hsmbertolutoas ever been through tained the following clause: “Said
out hto public cufsar prolific of prom- lease and ronul. id commence Maich
toe but poor In performanceu As you 1. 1M1. to terminate March 1. 1M2.
oay to AumtIcu. he docont muke gooA
He haa aluraya bcea reguiAed aa a with tlie privilege of leasing the anme
COM man. and yet on a ceruin mcmoi^ four yean longer upon the aame
abit occasloo to the boose of commogii. terms, at which time the second party
whsu Mr. Oladstooe made some gga- ngiees to deliver said premtoea to the
ctous msotkm of Chsmbertoln's son. first party to as good oondltlon. etc,MM tetbsr touks down nnfl ertsfi |lke The ie«ee remained to posaanloo for
a child. Hs hsa bsM a giuot mgn
aeveral aumthg after MartA 1. 1808.
Pisa mud no wnoMr hs la
Held the tow Implied a coutrnct upou
or through the
hto part to leaae the memlaas for the
m lour yearn. Quade
100 N. W. 660 (Mina.)
fr li !■ tm It mmf fUrlr be
te bf tb# nfMilaui or kte alole^
Hy. toeittdliie th« prou
All 2M y. s.
Beauty Remedies
o. nr. oox
Securitp Tint
We ^11 the Bradbury, Jewett and Henning
Pianb, find the Fampus Farrand Org^j||::
A THE HflHUli V Uy
226 East FiMt Slmt
KMijiiiTn toiw
ffrtaaet. maar morrfimg omtmg tbt
: tnbtt
trlbat vuoa rtprtaeattd
at oat tloie
1^ oalrVpq^Uoa
amlfpoo^^ of
01 that woadtrfol
wcrioni ootmlf; of
Of today.
Notr. at a
Muel Id tlHi^iaHr'
tribal bMim nm Ian
lanctly to BagUth.
Uouuh mnf Freiich. mmtmg iht mott
oMBKia bein iSbad rairbaakt. Me.
Doogale McDonald. Ltltb and Htadry.
jfbt oa#M that tbtte while rod
b|^ torlij^^ object tu. at well a«
' lb#diM blooded atMicUtet It tcrub^
to lOQBd who bucklnKly obJecU to
treri^hlri of the tcrubblng broth.
baodi. but the dltci^Une
of Hm natkmiJ tnitltutloni it found
card. Juttice and Impariltllly to all. ft
H^UtB to notir. Is the motto,
* ^Over forty dlfferen! kinds of tribes
have been reprotonled tt one lime ti
'^Qirltlle in years i>ast. and It hat only
■Ktoon a year slaee Michigan Indlanr
%art been ndrollted to Genoa. CtrlsUe
^ pnd Hatkell being the schools UsUh'
for Michigan children up to that time
Bo far. all tribes have* lieen reached
.imleaa It I* the Dlrt^l^ters, west of
the Hocklos
There iM^eins to be no |»artlcular dlf-»
ference. *o MIta Hsher asserU. be
tvf^a the various tribes as to ihelt
adapUblMty to arqotre civilisation, nl
though the thlbf s the Michigan Indian
children well on now In Ameiicti
Ideas and clv!1i/.ed living, lake mon
oasHy and adaiH ibeinSelves to tb'eb
new euvirouinunu than do the westeri
pnlidurt. allhtiugh ll Is genurally enm
€C^ that the
Perces. the shaiT
nosed, blight eyed hardy triW^i of Ida
bo are the bMghteiit. and turn out on
an avenge the greater nuratu r of brll
Uaot pupils. This U «»wlng in a Isrgt
measure to the early leaching of Prot
omam mlsalonarles. wlio in the lime ol
the gnndfathen of thoae children of
‘today, came and taught many things
and the Infloonce of these noble inea
Is atm bearing fruit
Today. Genoa has students fmm the
'Tribea of Wlnneliago. Omaha, iht
Blouk .from both Hakulas. the Chtpi»e
wps of Mlnnetlta. the Ohlppewas f«»n;
Wtsoonstu and the Ottawas. Pottowat
omtea and Chippewa* of Michigan.
rifteCh yeafs ago, during the great
Indian fitmtlcr troubles, when C.enenl
Mll«w foHowc-d the Inc.irrlgllde Irlluot Apaches wUh a releutlessnosh tlist
conqueretl In Ume, .Miss Usher wah
then In charge of the educational work
at C'aflisie
After eountb^s hardships on both
sldt's. the tribes. al>mit Hve hundret!
sirimR. under that big chief. Oeninlmo.
wert' taken prlsonerv. as oue body and
taken to old F«>rt Marlon. St. August
toe. whore they nremalniM three years.
It was decided to uke the children
away, not through choice of any inter
eated pareota or parties, but they were
lined up and toarchod iwst the olBccr*.
who at the Apaches In military order
tramped aotomnly by. wtVded out si
lently but aurnly. the suffering, eu
feebled children and sent them Im
miHllately to the two schools. €3 going
to Carlisle and the remainder to AIbcr
Uneniue. Of their coming. Miss Kish
or aaW: ‘Standing lii our doorways
overlooking thf campus we saw the
Utrely illHe horyle ©f black headed
younffttra* to charge of Dr. Glbney.
‘They awalMd In all directions stune
barefooted, noaic abod. and aa they
came aoroea Ue llghUy fallen anow on
the rampui groundk wc could not help
but eirlalm at their naked feet. “Wbat
la the world
It meaa?** was the
their own. and saw the oM chief. OeroBlmo. rlag the bell oa Suaday lo call
the little onee to Suaday' school, la
sport he was called Sunday school auperlateadeot. Ue always took pride
to seeing that every one was t^era.
there being but twenty-four childrea
la the barraclis under the care ot a
trained ouraeAnd teacher at that time
He took me into ms humble little
home and showed me his treasures
aad ahtd with )Soch deep sincerity. ‘My
heart good lol the white pei»ple.‘
The remaant of this fast dying race
has been iraaaftrred to Port 8111. In
dian Territory, and the chief. OeronImo. is now on exhibition at the 8u
U»uls fair. '
In speaking of the Pueblos of New
Mexico. Miss Fisher said their home
rustoms wer«* ht»rrlblc to even think
»f. She related thin story of a
llan scholar. Henry Fairbanks, who
iside from hik line record to the In
Jlan schools, took a course to Kutker s
"sollege. Hut that curse that haunti
the path <if the red man. lire water
felling the Iwlter of him. he died In
SD adobe hut, la poverty and st
ing. Miss KUher being there at the
Ime. says the burisi of pobr Henry
TOrtsanks, though merely the common
burlsl of sit the Pueblos, was the most
Jrcsdful thing that ever came tu her
aotlce. lie was wrajiptHl In a blanket
ind carrled\io the church, where all
ibe.bodh's arc buried In tiers, many
leep, without coffins. The doors are
merely alkali groirad and dry and hard
as nick, but while the priest looks on
the body Is placed In the excavation
Ihe iKine.^ of some predtS'CHSor of
former years, an desriii thrown In. wet
down and iMiundcd w ith a larp* iH»und
er until it Is secure. Thus this brll
llsnt American scholar, a graduate
two sch(K>ls. lies under the
pounding machine of a wild savage
custom, and the priests who offlclstc
g the tribe seem iniwerlesh to sr
>r turn ilu* tide Into nuHlcrn cusof true Christian petiple.
fiulolda Prtventad.
The suming announcement that a
previmtlve of suicide had been dlscovA run down
iystem, or despodndency Invariably
precede suicide and something has
been found that VIill prevent that con
dltion which makes suicide likely. At
the first thought of self
take Electric Hitlers. It be
ionic and nervine will strengthen the
nones and build up the system. It s
also a groat Stomach. Liver and Kid
&0C. Satisfaction
sons 1>
and F. 11. Meads DrugglsU.
TsMchf lijr • I'lionosra^k.
TIinmas IMl
ami HHa;iibt| him with sti.-b an sc
gn.g:iti.Mi of anrumcuU In tot«»r of
Hh- pul.ll.atinn ^hc nfiroAeiited tliat
the lauu.UA Imcntor liurriwlty sub
scrllK««l. Aft.*r n gindnal rcMorwtion
of Ills enemies Mr. Edison asked:
“riow did you AVer smHVc<l In maaterlnc am b a long ami coovliicing
speed, an tb.ntr
our '*^|HN««-bi»s are tuuclit us at
the lM»mc ottli
bv.” ivsiMiKl.Hl the lady,
mm us of the iihouugraph."- llun*er • Wm kiy.
End of a Blttar Fight
“Two physicians
had a long and
tala poUtletoaa. many of theai to the
Ualted Stotaa atMtm that ha would
auk Utotr pwpoaaa, Lately tbara have
beaa a aamhar who have aocoaaifaUy
stMod aMde from that road to ofltoc.
Mr. BopaevMt. oa the whole, has ar
pealed to the people over Ore haada of
faentioa that graded the d<
it m MIm iMUtato at Omm. N» the cbttdraa. maajr at G
kVMtea iMf ^9fm twimif<m9 fmn of Cbetr abMoptaftbecar^
Mrrk». 4^outf to tko oAmooikm of
tw to«lMa «H MUir Md m4 JMmr eoM an the grmiBd was. they aeeaM
MM OlM hM BM A VflM> €t la jabllaat over their chaage of gui
sad esjoyed every thli« they new. or
had to do. A great away died, aa did
tlio Mif fm>^m Ml *1 OartlaM •• the eldar ones, at the .fort, j^mcaaae
MU aa Um Bovor acbool at 0«m; xhof had eadnred hardnhipa ta die
aritli ro^r—oototHm at atmn trlba frightlal ftarlkre waged agalaet i
vho Otar oatofod tko wid# portal* of Aa <hey toarahd lo aay a fewworda
they espreaaed theaiaelvea la gratl
tade to ua. which aeei^ reward
CteoMd for tilt vpltftiat of
lilt tod pooplo. aad Mr lit «oat«d at enough. Oftea we would be aceoeted
by the laeoato words; -Good bed. good
aatMtr oo tiM faoto;
good plaee.'
Tho viataat irlbr of ladiaat la Hit
lUaltod Hliitta art tiM Mlaaotota Cblp- d weal dowa to the Moaat Vemoa
povaa, aad UOt It aeooaatod for !a hairacka. where the tribe was after
tilt oatoral war. at tho tarlr teiUtrt wards traaaferred lo little huU of
at Aiag. 17. f
la Ms auMmaala. He
Ihoaght thp air waa fUtod with amaU
garttolaa aC water which iwflect the
Mm gorttoaa of the ana's light falling
MB avr aarih and thus prodaca the
Mm tiato or the grftaaieDL
aC tha Mty by
thtorj, bot
lilar wittaia haiV imovad that to aome
la IM ProTcaaor John TyndaU. the
Umom Brictab pbyatotat. fooiid that
he could prodDca
blue” by exper
tmaats to the labaratoty. For this puipoae he filled a ciaaa tube about a
yard ktog and three iaelKw in dUmetcr
with air of oiw-fentb iIh‘ onllaary
deaalty mixed with nitrite of butyl
Igor, which to extremely robitito.
ham on paaalttg through the mixture
powerful beapi of elec-tric light to a
foam otherwtoe dark, the mlgtuiw pr«v
•ted a beautiful bine cloud Which
la color rivaled the flmwt Italian aky.
her experimeata proved to Tyn
dall that he had at tost dlscorervd tbe
eecm of tbe bine color of the sky.
which hadpaaalfd the greatewt phHoao-
be happy. To do so. Just go to the
Johnson Drug Ou.’s store ami look over
the large and varied assortment of
soaps. True Violet. 25c per box.
scented equal to 25c cake; Howard**
hygienic healing flesh snap. 15c cake
two for 25c. and many others. We use
McCool'a pure Ice cream for our soda
fountain and have all flavors.
- -
promises, they have aot saUslled the
bosses, and were It aot for the people
he would be laid upcm tbe abek forBver, Mr. f>olk to tbe-protagonUt la a
brilUant dramatic fight of the people
kgaluat their official oppiueaon. Oovamor La Foltotte is a similar figure.
Ootoen Rule Jones was another. When
inch men win It to by letting them
lelvea be known, whereas poUticianc
yt the Oorman type, to succeed, muse
work always to tbe dark; aad the ebb
Bf Oorman la as good a sign as the
Nominated for Go emor on the Pi-mortoeofFolk.
cralJc,Ticket: |Tesldcnt of Ferris
Instllnte. Big lUpW*: Banker and
There are a Ihoasaml way s of lying,
lays Suceeus. but all load to the same
and. It doea not maticr-whether you
rear Ucs. teU lies, ac^ lies, or live
lies, your character is ’ruined all the
There is no more demoralWng In
luence In modem life than the unlalural slrslnlng to seem other than
jthing cliM
•elf rv^spcct.
•t. takes Ihe fine edge off
honor and blunts the couscionce as the
senxe of being a sham, a gilded fraud,
or an unreality. H chiw^ns stand
ards. lowers Ideals, saps ambitron, and
UkcK the spring and Joy out of living.
Original twelve lueinlieni of tbe new No man can make the most and the
ordcT of merit. liivratigSted Tyndalls
best of himself until he is absolutely
theory of the tY.lor of tl>e aky by pro
found mathemstlrtil remun lu s exletMl honest with hU own soul, and unfal
leriugly true to his highest Ideals, and
this J lmpo8.Hible while he is living a
from the reficstion of sunlight from
antall psrtides to the air Icsa than one
one-himdred thousandth of nn imh In
On man certainly will not be with
held fwm any part of the country
Tbeae atomic part Idea fill tbe at
where A Item H. Darker lu-c lji vote.s—
pbere. and by reflecting tlie blue part
.Sharp WiltisniK. of Mlsf^Uslppl.
of tbe sun’s Ught give the dome of tbe
Quick of w it as a Fn*nehnin»i. am! as
beavons a bluUh tint.
Some of tbene fiarlldes are water, hard at driving a political bargain as
but most of them are t'omi»omxl of tbe the dowTi cai test of Maine Yankees—
oxygen and nitrogen of the air.
Williams holds his audience whether
lYofcsaor T. J. J. .See of tbe rolted 11 be hostile or friendly, and plays with
States nary Is one of tbe .\incrU-an
It. He is a.s ready to laugh at hiniKolf
M’ieiJtistK who studbHl tbe subject In
another aspect. He olwicrved the <'olor aa he is to we«‘p with the mlsforluncK
of the aky In various altitud*^ In high of his optMiiiein. He would rather
mountalus aud lu dry* and inolst coon- Slop speaking than be dull. He has
trJcn, aucb im Egjpt mid
and learning and has had a great many
Arixona and the Mlsi«is«ipi.i valley. more op|K>riunltleK for foreign trave!
Hia conclusion to that the Iwautlful red than ninety-nine oiit of a huudre*! of
cotom of Miiisets and sunrises so much
spoken of by Gnvk ami Utuunu writers his eounirymen. Hut he is not pufft^d
aud so often IDu.strated in lauds-a]»e uj». When be rlst-s to his feet. y<»n
painting ucIm-s from water vaiK.r la know that ther** stands a man who
Ihe lower rcgU*n*» of tlie ntUH*sphen\ wouhl uiuler>iand you and like yoti. .f
absorbing the blue -mid transmitting he could only go off in a eccner w ;lh
the-red light. .\ixxmUng to Dr. S«v. you and have a nice quiet talk.—Tl.e
the reddish Aolors <x>mc ftv.m that part Campaign Si>ellbinder; Everyliody'/
of our air wUhiu five miles of the
earth's surfaiv. whik* the de«ii blue of Magazine for Septembi-r.
the sky aris<*s from rerbs-tions of lulThe Sipu-mber Red lb»ok contains
nufe pnrtlcb-K in the higher parts of
le of the mo5l atfr.'iciive Mdeeiions
The water vapor do^-s m»t extend of short fiction to be found anywhert*.
vwy high, douds . never rising hlglu'r The table of contents Includes a noti-than' ten miles alwve the earth. The
orihy array of the aid hors w ho are
blue streaks cast by clouds at sumsd most iKvpular lu The best magazines,
rimw th.’it the nsl arisi.s ncir the
-Mrib. while the blue has its sc.u v-ry aad the artistic featnro’ of story illn.shigh up. ,\lKive tlH* atmosphon‘ the tration and |H>rtraita of heauliful
sky has all the blackness of the darkest women excel any previous Isstie of this
•Ing magazine. The authors whtv
Professor See watched the duration have fumishecl stories to this number
of the blu»» sky after dark ami found it
Eden DhUlpotts. H. M. Bower
to continue for alsiui an hour and fif Gt-«*rge Horl«»n, Hex E. Th-ach. Annette
teen uilimics, and ftvm this he shows
that tbe atmosphere extends to a height KHlre<!go. h^nily Ruth Calvin. Catherln
William Hamilton Oslxirne.
of fully 13U miles. Astronomers have
usually found tbe bright of the atmo- Alice LamUc Ixh;. Harry Irving Green -.
re by computing the Iwlght of ine- tVcMlerlek Walworth. Horace Huker
teofu. but none ever made the height and Frederick Smith.
of the atmqapberc over lut mlh-s.
The study of tbe Idue ixilor of the
aky thus proves also that onr atmosRight. Is to be right in It. theu you are
plicre extends considerably higher Hum
interesting and intereslod.
what the sp4«<-lal rale on ladUui' and
kky ta shut out by menns nml «-ombl- gents' guld-ailed watches at 710. 112.
tns of i-olors dne to r«*nc«-tlng llTi and Il’O is this week at IlastaH’K.
clouds, and countless myrimto of parti- the jeweler. East Front street.
dca to tbe ethereal regions high alsire
tbe earth give the bright light which
to so much rdlsbed In dally life.That l8_,w*hat the Fiebrich, Fox. lin
Brooklvn Eagle.
ker shoes are. Manufactured only for
men, but while the kind Is limited, the
Wc have alPslyles and
Rcallx© that a dnig store has a gn>
eery stock. While we are not grocers grai^/^all and inspect our stock
and you will be sure to be ‘suited in
do carry a complete slock of spices,
fit and style. Ed Lautner. Union SI.
curry powder, tumeric, flavoring ex
tracts of alkktods and the bandy onoMOTHER SAYS
d rakea of parafln© for scaling That what is g.HK| for baby is goml for
Jelly clasaes. Bugbee's City drug store all. Keep the skin clean and you will
body thought my time bad come. Aa
LADIES! Better look those sample
a last resort 1 tried Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Tbe ben shoes over whU© there U a good as
efit 1 received was striking and I was sortment. Theylltoave you from 50c
on my foet In a few daya. Now I've un- lo 11.50 per pair. A. V^fWedrich.
llrely regained my beallh.“ It con
quer* all Coughs. Colds and Throat
Pianola Recital at JaAson's Icc
and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by
earn parlors Saturday afternoon
Johnaon's Drug Store and F. H. Meads.
from 2 to 5 and evening 7 to 9,
'" %y *■
; -
hU institute. Mr, Ferrla
firm as follows:
Juno 3, 1904.
Big Hapld*. k
Grinnell Hro
Dcitrolt. Mich.
Genth nu n
Ijjst SeidemboT the
Ferris Insllfute jrehased a Grinnell
Hro.s. 1-pright l*<a
for the Music
Dept. This Diane has been In coni Inuous use
V it was purchased,
During this lime a lai-ge uiimiKT of 1
pndesslonal plan ts have had orca-j
si on
thhs iistrument and every
-n morf than delighti^d. Wc \
have already p.ir a^**d another Grin- (
ncll Bros. Diatm r the Kindergarten j
Wo etiusider It privih ge to nKxvmmend this KUP4-I r make of Dhtno.
Teacher, of the I no cannot afford to
r>')uain I'n’oianl ( the i.\rolh-iil foatur4-> of this i!is* im nt. The Ferrl.s
Institute buys no t In r make.
.Very sincerely
N. FERRIS. Dres.
Musicians an*l
musle-lovlng pubHe are cordially
ti d to Inspect the
••Grlmie!! Hrother
Diano at the local
wnrerooniK of the
159 E. FftONT ST.,
Cura all chronic dtoaaaaA
by .n
Prices Hot Springs tn^ta. fit.
Hot Springs Quick Reli^ (liniment)
25 cents.
Hot Springs caUrrh ouro. M oanta.
Hot Springs aoap, 10 oanta.
Hot Springs haaling aalva, 25 oMtn.
Hot Springs com curt, 10 canto.
For sale by S. E. Wait A Sons,
Johnson Drug -Company and Amnh
lean Drug Company.
OiatribHiing Agent..
The Traverse Gitir Besiness Collese
Has no superior in preparinj; for business.
. Read what our students and ihcir employers aay of us:
Dn»f A*, n Ih»ekeray. City:
iK-ar Sir We wi.-di lo expre.-s t,ur apprer iaibrn «»f the work you
are doing in y<uir rollegn. We have had »u>veral of your *tuileals to
our ofUev* anti iniw havi* three. They ar*- all iHTfeelly satiiifaetory. ti
ftiet we are never aide to get ore *lin-et from FchiMd that waa able :o
tak«: up our w«*iik as readily .h yo ir siuilentK.
We tmik a young lady fn.m ^our c»f«ege I.kI spring and rhe Is
now aide to hamMe the work a.s w» ll an the oh.hT eraployu-s.
tcoin J. I Sirtcr presents
.America s f:icalcsl
We alwavs feel eoufidetit of g»;tiiiig Jurt whai we want when we
apidy to you for help.
VourH truly, *
Kelly LundH-r and Shingle Co..
By W. L l»eWlli. V. I*.
Supported By The
Stcrlinjg Actor,
RicM«isoii conm
And a cast of ui iform cxccliance
in Ihc poTveiful drama
A Lincoln J Carter proiluction sccnicaly; A Krohrnan product ion
AU klsc.
25c, 35c, 50c ani ?5c
Scat Sale*" Opens Next
Tnesday Morning.
Use Recoril Want Ads
Have a complete line of mcatii, both
Those cf»n!« mjdating thf purrba:.e
fresh and salt, and alM» a fine line of f HiK*k in ih-* Grand Trav<-rse and
lu-.l in- a:.-=. Nuh pn-..s» d and dried,
i n y.mr lunch ha-*k<fl is l^ ing | ,,r„ixiptly as only a limited amount will,
d ur. don- M.»p to cfH, kmea^s hut j
tmr :small glxvs canned goods ju.;l I
lues. I burs, sal
The Death Penalty.
mtle thing
atch. innignlfl
death. Thus i
have paid the
! death penalty. It i.s wi.se to have
Huekkn-s Arnica Salve ev< bandy,
It's the bcFt Halve on earth ind will
prevent fatality when inirns,
cers and plies threaten. Only
Johii.Mm's Drug Store
TRY A REC (|rd
Ff jiaralor cream for their dcllelouK le'e cream and so pure I---------- when ll Ik roeltcsl it can bo iisc^ in
coffer-. All Ihe fKiptilar flavors and
delirious with ctiiFbr-d fruit as well.
That tha Not Springs mMidnea
ERSE CITY. Thay can cura ypo. For
tale by all firat data drugglata.
Spoplal L-isHt: forofsosi-felork F*or Auatwiwt
We will Pipe Fonr Rooms and Fnmisli Fixtores. Only $10.00
The or.lcr ijiust be nude before August SVm. The work to be done when wurted. wtthin 00 days.
Travi-rse (*lty. Mieh.. .\ugu>t k. I!»04.
roM WAkB A-r TMw mox
sbo. 7W0. •i.oe
■jox orm
ibuut au audiInhUtlHWx-h
^ MU ta. »
tLe aiiie
voitv that 1)0 ^
om not Uit
my remarks "
Mtpii M
TImmm Xm
«f CM
Mm Qmrtt
% Hww t»^ Mr ft gftrfHiit laM msV mv ftft »
fti Mft It ftooft to
^^'rnmm to MtrtiMwi Oty. TM orofttag
Tftifc ft Carftftfi Voufif Ui^ fM Hit
M. Hovftrd M. BUott. wbo Uaglit
Am two roftrtJigo to iM locftl High
•MmioI. wfti oftltod to flUkirtogo Aug. 24
tft Mtat Bditb Stewmn ftt her home to
Omm. Mtah. 'Mr. ond Mrs. BUoU
will bo ftt home to Petotkey. ftt Mr.
auioct leftchot 4bcrt thU yeftr.
Mm a A. Ballard aad Wni Keif of
ladlftaMoHt retarpod to their boone
after apeadtog a eooplo of weeka aritb
Mr. BBd Mrt. E. J. rwghum.
Tfm John Keltoy pumhaaed i
tbia weM to this retort.
JobB TBtmBB BBd wife eBtertfttoed
the CBmpera\lo b watermekm party
'Ja week. .
Mm A. P/ Bum and ton Cbarlef
Geo. W. Lardle It making tome fine
patchet of tth these dayt.
P. C. Deamood and wife eatertatoed
the oampen Thnrtday night to hoaor
of Mm Deamoad a moth^. Mm An
cream and
cake were
Fred Plerton won the flrit prise and
Mm Dago of Chicago and her aUter
are vltiUng Mr. and Mrt. Thoa. PlerMr. and Mm Levi Soule have re-
turned to the city after spending the
Mist Beatle Dodglln of Chicago hat
been tbe guest of Mitt Nellie Lardle
to the making or thla week.
While ftttltUftg
Mapped OB a
ulVu.’t, a,,.!
badly opralumr.
at Norlhport
aad Travema City, returns tonight.
who hat been a guest at the Park
Placa f6r two dayt. left for Northport
this toomlng to spend Sunday with
St the Park Ptoce for their annua!
Misa Jaaaie
moratog from a two weeks* outing st
her mother’s cottage at Northport.
Miss Maggie Gody of Wi ixell arrimd today for a two weeks' visit at
Mrs. .George
Union street.
Mrt. Ida
Noawick of
Elk Rapids
town this
for SuUons Bsy. where she will visit
Uiney of
arrived this afternoon for a week'*
visit with her daughter. Mm Charles
Mitt Laura Furtsch left thlt after
noon for NorthiK»rl to visit Mrs. C. H.
P. A. Undley and
home after upending a couple of weekt
axU.ii;, tram tb-
, ill her bed for acreml dayt.
L. Rosooe and family who have been
dren returned thU afternoon fn)m a
reaortlng to J. W. Jackaoo'a cottage
two weeks' visit with her mother. Mrs
Rev. C. T. Stout went to Charlevoix
of the teason wat the annual planked
the We^e-tong club party latt eren
flth tapper which iook place latt even
A Cbreeiilece orchettra furaltbed
Ing. to which fifty-three partook. After
ItiUng In Buffalo and went to Will
: -
mutk! and Ummw who were preeent bad
the fith were cooked to a turn under
iamtburg. where the will tearh schtH.l
again this year.
went to Platte
they all sat down tb a table groaning
ftrar Oila morning to apend the day
with good things, and that they did
Mr. and Mm John Miller. Mrt. A.
ample Justice wat proven by the fact
M. Ovtott of tbit city. Mm Bdmundt
bodily from the table.
that two of then umber were carried
aad daughter and ^Itt Hann^ Kee
for their
aer of Ohio
wont to Knat Bay
momlag to tpcnd the day and to have
Tho latter
name* arc
part of
evening wat devoted to amusemenU.
Dr. a. A. HolUdigr 0rUiK » reaiiulc
a pkmlc dinner.
-Out of reaped
families their
pretident nf
production of the bev. dance.
A few
of tbe untniUated were Introduced 40^
^^yimnitoB and evening In the Church of
the king of tbe Cannibal islands wbo
aute tonlor
wprk. will tpeak
C^tt. Sunday.
Mitt Poundt it an
eamett worker, her nictttge will be
Tho ColumbU.wlU run a Uc^i cx
Mitt Nettle
gave several, rodtatlont which were
account of the Woodmen picnic.
ing several old-time tongs tbe late-
her home .on
After sing
nots of the hour warned all that all
good things must end.
The guests of
Mrs. DeVelln and son Lafaj
etto. Dr. Arthur Holliday and family.
Mr. and Mrt.
H. O. Joynt. Mm Al-
ward ami two children from the city.
wife and
Beatle Pulghum. accompanied by Mr*.
drews of Thompsonvllle and Mr. and
They return ionIghC
Mrs. C. Cook of Seventh street left
of Mrs. M. F. Horen.
The Misses
Excavating for the new went tld •
Catholic church
A petition It being clrculaUHl among
While there will be
VO celebration
here nor tpecial ob-
aenrance of the day. Chartevoix and
U to atked that all butlnest
men dow and ihut give the employvt
to have the
day to
where he con-
fhictad a teachera* inatUute.
The in-
•tUtnta wat very aacoeaaful. over 200
There wUI be another one of thoae
delightful exmoertt given by the Travarae aty band tomorrow aflemooa at
ik:3i OB the Ceatral achool town.
Ws am ahswtofl a ales line of
mm Ml mum.
Bsugltt Htsm in
NSW York at a vary advantass-
Call a^
a two wtH-ks*
com. 55c: No. .3 white oats. 33»ic.
Toledo, O.. Aug. 27.—Wheal—Cash
fl.iota: 'December,
terly serv ice tomorrow.
Ho will visit |
issed through to*-n this morning to
fever sufferer for
ber iH>rk.
years, was a passenger on the Ctilumfor Oniena this morning.
Hodge and family and Vern Cook have
gone to Carp lake for a few dayfc' stay
anrey Curtis' cottage.
—September. 52V*c; May. 4S^c. Oau
—feepicmbor. 32c; May. 35VtC.
C. Compton of the Hotel Whiting
left laaV «»6hi for Hot Sprlngf. Ark:.
in »e«rch of renewed healih.
Frank Gannett
wife liave tt-
tunuid iPoin a wci-k's outing at Carp
Mr. anff Mrs. George R. Becker and
Card of Thanka
We desire to thank our friends and
neighbors for
the many
tu croat.
erUt .of the can-
500 Boys to Btom
about our line of Hoys Wear Hroof Qoiliing.
»nd 4.vmV<W« U,mf
AT»ron#.<-naUTt *
Monday, August 29th..
The best 50c^-r5c-$1.00 KNEE PANTS SHOWN
' -
have returnetl to the city
"Madam." grispeil the liiintio.
you not the qiu eii of S<'-»ts>"
-I nm queetj of Eligl.tud
jntil the entire Stock is,sold. This stock consists
af Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Silverware. Opera
ind Field Glasses, etc. A chance of a lifetime to
3uy bargains. Samuel S. Levy, Americas best
know.n auctioneer will conduct the sale. Every
lady attending the sale Wednesday afternoon will
' eceive a handsome souvenir spoon free.
Shall e’er dlvcrct- my dignUi s. ‘
The mnn *.nw to fore him n wunau
who was a qtieen and all a -«im*ea. hut
not the qui-eu he vvaiit^nl. In evi-ry
wurd. every g»->nire. every slop, the
aetion liapri‘ss«si liiiu. Wh.it v. .is ihls
thnt was U-fuddling his po«jr hv:.:v.f
lie was there to to-hend tlie uu.s-ti M
IM«tiiii-4 to the
J^MatnXs of the
su.Teh.'’ve turne.1 your br .m. You nre
hot K:itlu-ri:i«-, <pu-«-ii of La^'Lind. ,l»u;
Mary. qu»x-n of Scuus."
' tM-elug her .ndv.-intage. »d:e pn-ss<Kl it.
Stani'.ing for a momeut, her etx:s lixe-d
on hto in-sileuee. pn-s.-mly sh;- aiv:inced'*a step, then rinoilxT. pointing;
her fine* .- at him as wme
-rake heed, for heaven’* aake taka heed,
Beginning Monday Morning
from a visit at Mun>xing
A. J. Eldretl
We fMarfntee you a saving on
That tho Nat ffpHngt madtolnat
KRSCCITV. Thoycaacumyaa. fhr
Afternoon and EviSriing
" • • • I dare n l tr.nl;' mjsr'f ».. cullty.
To give up willingly that
tttiYwur master W*tl me to.
Nothing but
iKx-n.sutn 1 The burden of my •orrewa fall at once
that lightemsl our sorrow during the
U|>cn ye.’*
?d to Grand Rapids to
to attend the
recent Illness and death of our beloved
There vv:is the qainteasenc-o of % enge
fuaenU af her fIstcr^ Mrs, Charles E.
anee Iu the wonmn's lo*k. The man
daubler Sai^ Maud. To those who
wTju h.nd come to l*obeud her iiuailerl.
aent the boautiful flowers wc arc also
As she advanced a step he retired a
•lally grateful.
step. All the while she hejd his eye
Green Com Party.
1Mr. and Mrs. Frank WetL
About twenty south slders partici- ''III* **<^«. and wheu ahe passed
reaching ba«-k.
patod to a most enjoyable orn n^asl!
School Will Bagin.
i pressed It be dul not see * hat she did.
i week trom Monday laat evaaing on the bay shore. A «le- She hojwd that soiqe om- bel.nv would
being Labor Day achool will not begin lightfal program ’*as rendered. Also be stirring. She looked for
nA supply of green apples furuatfl a weetofrom Tuesday. Sept 6,
aiabed by the regulation crowd of west j no one was
ihss a tody to
the man into the hall, downstairs, he
side boys •
>slp bar taka ardam for Chaa. A.
occasionally turning to quail again ant«Mm soada. Call Aug. t1. Sutha^
der her glam-e, out Ifiio the street.
Then, rownrd that she was. she
Bays* suit aato next'week.
The stock of goods formerly owned by W. C. and
p. A. Gannett will be offered to the highest bidder,
bommencihg Wednesday afternoon. August 31st,
jat 2 p. m., and will continue every
WhUe l ahall have my l;fe."
Presiding EtdiM- M. D. Carrvl wont to
September. j|U»6; .May.
to boys who visit our store from T:fK) to 10.*00 a. mV ;;
"Pray, do my serrlro
bk majett\.
He Das my heart yn and rhail have my
out ing tt
Mr*. J. O. Gorman of Joliet. Ill. a
rmteo on the rallroadt from here will
:an oppwlunlij'
1-anslng of
Leland and this morning for the qtiar-
Maj*. 11.13.
oa Labor Day.
August. IMS; No. 2 rod. 11.12; No. 3
day or Thurtday of next wwk.
.the butineat men asking them to close
A. and S.
hlcago jiassed
from her
While she Kl.n.k
Ki.ntke sto- flx^sl her c.-. e.uj*
hmuik- nml threw ;
tt that of the
tb'her part. U-r powers i
t-r soul
s*»ul iiilti
hiiov.hvlge tliat
tenslfled by
to a crowded h.«u-M?
wa.s playing n
>ney. but tu a single
for fame aad
The man stf»od
madman for tu-r life.
ItH.klng at her.
short outing.
W’llllam KIdred biingt the Ri«cord
leaving four
occupy their «>itage at Omens for just
Mrs. Spraul of Peoria. III.
thlt being hit latL Sunday^ with the
.by Mrt. Amoa Wood of Oregon.
daughter of Grmwn before returning on Monday.
Mrs, Burton
Hanson of
Flint. Mr. Dago of Chicago. Mr*. An
meeting will be led by U D. Welch,
for a few days at Empire as the guest
04en Arbor.
last wwk.
month Tor
Sunday evening
will gel the two months ..M infant of
M. E, church
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blodgett h*ft for
the evening aside from the campers
At the Bpworth League of the First
luck on Carp lake tmlay.
Pront *tnH't ‘ln honor of Mrt. P. H.
The evening wat very enjoy
Japan to Cghling at bc:ne. and l:u%
tia will never whip her T.Otv miieo
60 YCAH6-
"A wum.nn .! dare
with :l valnslory)
Nev. r y. t ^^.'lnd.^! v. !lh k
Haw I with :ill m> fyU aft ' :: t s
Still n-.et th- kins’ heved him iwt hesv«n? uU v.»d him?
Been ..ut ef f..ndmi.« superstJiInu*.
Almost forg.ajny pr.ivr?. to cont.
And am 1 thus reward^r*
Mitt Time Thompson of this city
ahl> tpent in gainet and other parlor
, Rev. Ft, Emperor went to Elk Uap
hit brother fur adoption, its iimthiT
highly appreciated by all.
Mm Jennie K. Sllvcrt entertained
H. 8. HUH returned to the city from
a butinett trip to soutbem points.
Ids this afternoon to conduct sorvlrvs.
Mrs. Dago
eurtlon to Suttont Bay tomoirow ou
laat evening at
J. M. Fell went ndrlh on a hutlmiit
trip thla afternoon.^
sat on blK throne In gorgeout array
Chicago and
doer., She ctmkl tx>t whip ui with A*
000 mUot af’^.Vltoctk'
Now. Mundiy
you »
tt r»dJr that you would 5
act op 1
T." r-' *lie«l the fm«pregsll*to
-I aXK
one: -^nd. l^t. I dW « t up to it
entoirely .Me nn f«/rrum was loigbl^*:
rrt-jo-nily. sumnionlag all her resolu
tion nnd .-issumlng a bitter tone. ^tJe
spoke again:
'Van it Ik- thnt our liege h.rd. Kin.:
Henry, is inind*‘f! l«* br^h;g us. lus tfii*and faithful wife, to lUty hUx^kY'
-King Henry r
“Yes. in.iu; King Henry. .\nd I his
qutM-n. Kjitherlne." .'ilrt* ro.se and went
on with tr.-iglc fervor:
Mitt Cora Schofield rvtumetl from
surrounded by Jilt retinue.
aa tntpiraUoa to ^he church.
Euglaud couM and uroaU
thlt afternoon to spend Sunday.
There wat not a large attendance at
a a Morat
The actress was terror rtrieken. If
she called for help It inicht pre< i|iitn4p
matters. She ouihl not es. aiH- Un a use
there- was no other egn-ss m in that in
diich the I
. St.me:hiiiu imi^t
H. Akey of Leetsvllle.
One of phe mott enjoyable events
eaioyable evening.-
have whipiw'd us If we had l*e«i at her
Mm Arohie Abbott and three chil
with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pulghum.
have returned to the city.
-The bendmnau! And what do you
to the chamber of your vktlmt Your
place to ou the scnffold.
Tho man looked aboo
another scene. Wat he i
the magnatea of England seaitsl dose
ly about ih» M.*affold. beyond i!»e ivm
luieked closely.
closely, With
with i:i»;nr:»ed
or was he within the narrow
of a prison
prUun cbauiW-rJ Tbe wo
man studied hUi fare and knew from
hit attitude that he vv.-i.s tuklng the
pose dii>leled In 4»iciun‘s of the heads
man of the sixteenth o-ntury.
-We stand on the s*‘:iffo!d." he said.
to»king at the floor, -aud there." p dut
irg to a fo«»l rest, "is the block. Stand
up that l may cut off .vy,ur !m k.s."
"It U customary ,
the v\em;,n st.im
mered. "<mi sudi cKxashojs for a Av;«r
rant to be issm-d slgmd by the roy.il
hand. It this a legal ixtvuilon or a
Judicial munler V
"The warrant, mnd.vm. to In the
bauds of the sheriff. Come. Id us pn»
ceetl. The |>ev*ple are btv«i:iilng e!;t:u
Mrt. Ctoorga H. A’erkamp and ton
Mm M W. Smith of Chleago. returned
. '‘offoeU or vbicb the will be rr>afVn»*<]
^ >
a waek'a vacatioa
^ctortftlBt at the Charcb of Ghriat. MIm
Voobee* of ;^i;Mblngton atreei
immer here.
Uftiplfo RUey.
taitor^ Chicago, who hat baaa spend
passed throHgh
|on at their cottage.
MnC WB C. Qrtaahmaber of the In-
tha home of
Mrt. A. J. Doyle the conaolatkm.
tnactthercal.-lu what eapaeltyr
-The prtoci|«il i*art fn tbe last act of
tbe tragedy, tbe beadsman.'*
llie wom.no tbtiddered. It wat evi
dent that ibto deihroned reason had
been turned iu tbe channel of murder.
But tbe coatroltod herself. Having
from the ll«t realised her ddngi-r and
having a v*ague plan of lavlug herself
by humoring the man tiU the eould
aummuD hdp. tbe had assumed the
iraas at tha Wobdawn picnic at 8ut-
Paul of ClnctonaU are again domiciled
a aad tinging of old time aongt.
ftb Off My for tho Oroya. PoaMOft dei«atog tMaby fttoareor7toI. The
ffiMb Vftt ptoyod ftt MetSck. BtUtertet
P. C. Dilhart wIU deliver Uie ad-
tdrved and the evenlag wat apent in
^^omoftt Won CHt Oftffio by a
Apofltol to the Virmlng Rooord.
had ttlemion during
work mt wmuhm vtll ba hagaa la
L It> Che wbo give* I the m«t of
hm tlaur« Mm Owf|o W. LarMa. at ahoat taa dBjm Tha hollar haa beaa
L; Potl.
•at aad tha ataaai flhtog to haing dona.
aaatotokable aign of
•omcftl of tM^yooag ladSot^ tbt
iawator atmit tte nan. a sUUer in
aiurpcT, ■ luii pr.Yuir (u roe
plaiad and part or A has kad oae eoac tin
eye Sbe baa once before encouaor palat ^ pan haa kdd two coats. tered aneb a pefton. «b* bad been battnWoi. Mnnkri iro rogluiem. wu* b«s l
bare plaaftod Car.« ptaSe le Tiat Top
her C:t.v for telngj
The work on the toterior tntoh re;niidlng olBivr kne.w
talma anaaideraVle Una hm It will be
Muivbv hao ,
-Yon wm at tbe tbeatw laat nlsbtT’' «>«“ f.roupH uf
day eight
abeaftedendly. . .
j tluH>a niibow
Mm & Boftham la Tfalttog bw Ma>
tor. Mm a L. Oaidlaer at Ub
vivid vrorvl idcturvw
•vety aoH and give you
very tatm thinga.
We place on sale a table of dress iTimmin'^s that are the
best ihin^^s in the house at just : : :
: : ;
_____ Tablo
lAUF RRIOE Gori-tor
Thfre are ^ome very choice things among these silk aad lace appliques.
These Trimmings at half price and the silks advertised the last few days, and you
have two very strong items ihat the woman who'is looking for real live values will
hartlly care to let them pass without getting her share of them.
. :r
Dress Trimming HALF PRICE .
^ ij
Choice of Colored TaffcU Silk 55C a yard.
Federers rinoadonr bnisii edre SUrt Biodisf in colors 2c a yard,
The Borton Store.
OOn’'t «isK for blaoK o't <this prlo
tkA cBEiilaetad aO tbi huwi mak» tMr cMltai.
nt thm Mnixtd Bo^tf
imi Who If to CO
iMUkm. Uh- Juint ^noy und m«H». «•m Will.toke t4sor At JUnaj-AA.
the bAttk A»A cooAtmnUy cc—Inc to
tfnm IfcW S to Itopi. r«,
^ ccfimie l> to dJvtdt the trc»..p#
Into two n»w»|« of olxHit r-jual *«»<•
ton or tw-trt- itttl«o ot«rt
lioollto forw In wnu.t, w.*li
tAtliMr ro^iftred to IO*»U<n K*-if
coimnjoi.*n«ii» fmn, AtUi.*- vnw *Jt
n.for<l 4’^n.,.
Cnr# nml the oth#-r 0«mi» MunRHAA
tbr 03riHi cornman4or. Hlit. h». ftuartl.
. ThrwAr
put a stop to
ABd U taAA
never been n
The rrmral spot In th« flrot tcht At
Bon Roa was tbo Henry farm. Th*
place WAS the property of a widow,
Mrs. Judith Henry, who was lU and In
bed when the bAttle becAA. Left entlrely Alone, she was unable to emwpe
and WAS killed by a shell whlek struck
the house eerly In the llcht. The bouse
wwa repatred after the war And today
much the
that It didI when Imbodan's
bAttery and
the Wnahlnclon arUllery of New Or^
leans were posted to the rtffht and left
of It. At that time the buUdInc etood
H<mvj»i!. TA^Iflh, Kot;i'*cmh ond ttevr^AliTM iHi^ <*f Iftfw.try «ii4
two f-omjwnli-* of cavalry, tuakliic In
Tvto T*Clme».l* Wiu ro:w from M
Wrtnont WlU fnmiah oiw. f4n>rwKilrul
win iMjort A trtir-dv, Ainf oti» r»««
rAch wUl ^>»»».* r»^« Vlnclnla. t\t>Rt
\^l«inta on-1 North i'artdlno. Trtntpf
fKi^W frcMii t;«orirui. T» »•
Jr7m*r. X>-!av^A»r^. Mnolan.l.
ftoiitli t'orofina, T«»n<wr.
AJabAuui. rnttinnr In »n*«
h CORi-from
tno u>». Th*» rr^culftrn will t>a madi* U|t
of >tif.«ntry. <avalry, ft^-I I artlUt-ry. alx^*il ».«4n»* on«! «i»itU»**tTa. S«Mn«’ »»f tl»»^
trw»pA from llic erwrt fori* nlll la?
niAdc AVAilnhn* «a Tlria ariUrry 4urlnir the fna»i.-u\. ta, Th« n.tttc oricaiiisHtitin will Ih- laiulirt****! In a mni^to'C
tlnalKiicd to »IVC 11 »ui nM-crTAnc*^ of
c'oi)tlu< tlnK Mit lU'tual r:im}<^i;?iu
TIia croUf«4 •••Inctr.l for tlw- mnneuver* l« in itmii) re»i»ty lit th.‘ moat lilflorlc AiM.t In ifu. rf.unlryt Forty-tlir*c
ywira an«. rm ttu.vJay July 21
*.f ftuli Kuti \crt« foucht.
tH«^ tlrat bnlll.-of
flrM actual l^aUle of the
riyll war. none «»f Iho »-arll«f A*t>raK<'T
tnrnla bavlh»; atounr-l Hm dlsullv ami
}iro|*urtlona *»f u»*mi»rtak«>>lr, wnrfar*THn floi'l »M*a u^iit a ’iitidll Mr. am, ..f Ih.' nar.
tamtrd **A mir In the v. rnacuUr of nn ’i-r tUmcml UolM-r! i:. Ij^h\ 1ih4 Mi.oua
tjtf locality,
in north* u»t
Vliytinl.i. jm Ji. nm1 th.- Fe4.-ralH. un<t« r tleneral
About thirtr mile* aouihw.-ai ..f \Viv.|i> JmI i: ros>r. cxtit**^led tl hy SO.ooo. While
Pni.o with tlila Uira.- force was f.o hiK
Tl*a Pad«r»l ornxy. under G.menil Iriilontr ih*' HMppahiuinix'k. dai ka«>n
vin Mcl>i»HeU. cu -cin ' 1 4ir,,«iM>ui ra iioo l.y a forucl Jiiarch att illi.*.! hi* r.-tr
lna»j>nrlenci*il. |>n.»rly
an.t Ilf 'miouyh ThomuKhfare ir..|. and wltli a
ovary way int'i.innM»-nt ro. n. Tlu- i Vn*
fa<|e«*ta foriu*.
hy AJvnrrMli.
euppVl^H^ ami' fm^UJonl 'iT M«lkatuiciar4,nnd
. numh. rt-1 te
JVJM* WH* ohllK.*<f to turn am!
thuuiMrid Inta flllVsa ricrulla.
fao- .huk-^oji.
cflfvled n
inattrr of taMTTir.-r .• were only nhotlt
I Joaeph
rojrt -i. ,
IS.m man aniriM.‘*l on .ach, aM
them aUll remain.
A rail fence runs s.
term, and this Is the i
attack on Jnckiam. but waa repulaed
wUli a.rlmia hiaa. At the cl»ae of tladrat «la> Ixiih aldca claimed the victo
ry. .At TMion next .lay r»ue- order.*d
wllh fearful
alauAhl.'r. and th.- entire r.^h ial army t
wa* forced to rellre. The r*t.|esal hw.i
i»rh II hiia n^er been Hcrur.«i.ly 1
1. waa at leaat
while the
r.slerai. * lo5t.Bhout
of the war the authorl- •
lV*v rhnujeea 1
.ouutry around
ile|d in the A.riy
yearn aliice that
aanirulimry - kial etiK.igemeut.
farh..* jirt- Mill occupied and lU1.*d by
tl>.- men wh.. owned ilmin .In 1S€1
Oenersl Bee unwittlncly pmv
wllh the mokname *^tonew all.- Near
by A painted stake driven tn the croond
marks the place where Oen-ral Hee
WAS kUled. A little wooden cross la
pUnted on the spot where Ricketts'
battery was cut to pieces. At the rear
of the Henry house is a small shaR
raised by Union veterans to the tnem<
oo of their comrade* who fell there
Btcn^ bridee. the point at whtrb tha
pike Prosacs the run. la still as It wn»
when Tyler's division of Md^iweiri
army Atrtirk Evsruj’** .hrtitade. whlc>
waa.wramnc fpr It tjiere.
The simple country- folk still worshlt
in the homely Utlie church, and somf
of them remember those dreadful summet days when the church and the oal
shaded yrounds around It were .in
verted into A Union field hospital. Th<
oom'njr mitlfary spectade will recall tc
these old. Inhabitants the sorrowful sc
tidty of lluit Sunday In ]t<l and ihos.
two August day* In
Some liappenings of the World In Pictures
mchc .to Um
« or hoAvy (Ain. It lo no aaaaaH
foiM» fbr terawfo to turn xtp a
■ temAr or mn a akull with tha
hATA Htmtero tn th» naAitqr
L often tad tha okotetottA of
w ounded bodlOA Into
Icfcrta And thwro MX.
mililloo.^.. In Xhmm,
Atat U
Ite iNAMf awi tba
The Pnnkhor t^.olde monaMcry at
t:\|.>.KtKe. TilK-t. lijf'.Hu- .*f th.- m.tsl fiiWi.rld. The idctureshow* the center «f 1
t!m institution, the temple. Surnuiml- [
tlUs .Mi all sides wr*- low
tch nre Ux.x! n* d.Tmltorl* . r«-feclop*. Kran.lrh-^ and stahl.s.
The whale shown In the cut Is not of
th» si*e.ies known as Greenland or
rljthl whale.
That ocean m.*nslrr 1*
almut extinct. The creatun- In the plc-
Mu HuBhuur. .i
lou f u4 l«. btou s. PMilw; MR
A. J. BouMkt and vlfb to JhuR
H. Soooilas. uibcl. sec. SI. tows Sl«
Ole Bone ud wife to Jwsu W.
MarAh. parcel, see. f. town IT. fSSgn ^
JoU Verty to Geo. and Mauvsfc
DDuoex. lot 3. B-1i feci lot 4, Hkflland add; $1.
pant; fi.wo.
Hennu W. tolth to Emma R.JUS^ lots It-SO. block S. Oak Paffc: fl.Itemaa Lneu to Wm^Ooot. kRa IR
to. blocJc 8. Oak Park; $1Mand wUc to Joha ^
lot^o-lC ft. lot 4,
M al. to
Wm. H.
M of awH
J. Sprlager ud wife. loU 10-11. MoHi
C, Wltbetin*s add ; t»0.
Wm. H. BtUea ud wife to Wm. R
Bishop. parccU block 13. H.. L. B Oa*k
10th add; |1.
Bnsene V. DaTls., et Al. to Ada A
McGowan, ct al. nw«H of iieli. Mb. IL
town 37. ranee 12; $1,060.
H.. L. A Co.'s <th Add.. Abd loU 30 ud
21. block €. P. H.'« 3rd add; flM.
Charlotte A. Wllaoa to Gharlai AChalkcr and wife, loU MOATAtBi.
Oak HelxhU; $000
nracr J. Morsu and i^ife to Oeor«a
Ryan. ncH of scH. «*, 3. lowa H.
ruse S; $75.
Ken> thia fact,lB Biad. that | saka
It a bnalBMs of loaalaf aMmej la laioa
sooaMe rale of latercaL Pajr It batdi
tn anomU to tuH yodraelf. A Ibw
choice oMcei to reoL kihfM or la
Buita. R McNamara. McNMara Blo^
Of fall Bhlrt walsU we reoelfed Ihla'
week are now OB aale. prfeea raaglac
from $1.75 to $5.06. They come la a
beauilful ihade of cardinal as well u
golden brown, pongee, erenm ud Mae
And in textures of Irtooi and Indy
cloth * for henry wear ud nun s wll
ing ud biilllutine for erenlng wear.
J. W. Mltliken.
Deaf Children. Notiea.
Win the parenu of chUdran who am
deaf, or even partially deaf no that ^
they hare dllBculty In foUowlng the
work in the public ncbools. kindly aud
their AddreM to Rer. C. T. BtouL 3U
StAic street.
The cut. made from a roc.tit Jap.inr.-.- phot..cr.aph. Is npi ex.-elhn
sentatlon of the mUe.! Ce.-ien.i Kuroki ami his .lnten-st«ni
ly. T.. I
derital eye th. re Is lio j.UK»;e..ti..n «.f pr.-emli.cnt military
loeMni; httl.- man uh*» .»< • iipi- r the . .-liter «»f the pictur.-.
wiiiK .citlim-s of
Is not so ..‘nqu.15! i.f x^ar as :i|.- hiitt.His aral . paulets.
the outer
ar. hMt.-r adap
apte<l t.. t
the .-..nip. Wiiea 1
iteJ tha: fact. The lUr-
munity In
. Tim |»cmorraii.
«-*.us1n «»r the
^.’iwjiy |»«vlj«. Is a
yVe-fnany years
a fiicloi
lulwai k ..f Mitvncih In th. iK.i.Ucal
ulidl.latc for I luK)nl |- .lUi. -.l 4 jnlm-nce c'uM ..ff.ird
t..illu l1s i.l.llls 1
t«* IK
liH- brlUiai.l r.-n ii.T fr.HM M iry’ .n l. In il.c .nii*.' .»f ttcrator Uavl* a
JlMuns frlvmlsl.U’ VkiU I.ii.kv'hls cusln** c..-..,.e».il l.»i. an jiKivc.iM,-duty.
n particular estah!i».hm.-nt
1.U0M ineji and wt.ri.-ii .-. lIbal *, Ttire ar.- eiisht r.-Jii;i..us seivK-ea each day In this teinj-Ic, ami th. y
ate all quite rr.a.»nire«l. Until the pres- ,
em British exiH-dUlon to the land of the
lsn>us mile was known concernlnu the
hit.-rhir life tn these ci.nveniual houses.
Uh.»lde n-shsted the efiter Its clois.
forts .dy.he « xpeilllton to ent
tered pre«ducts, and It was Iliterally best.-kM and captimHl.
the purJX.S. of the British rx
expedition to empl..y force a* an Inith
ui.»ry unniinent.
*m.dler whale* ars taken In ifreat num
bers In the Shetland Island*. They »verace from forty to sixty feet tn lenyth
and yield a lariro quantity of rather infertor oil.- They are hun
nled In a sleamlon. from which
pItMilve hariKKm la fired. This
s Inside the anl
• well-dressed bead of hair aiU ;
kept hands? BpatnUte Baier
nailK cu be manicured Into perfect
skmpc with little care and thla hair
ran be (dressed Artistically by Mrs* L.
E. Bonner, the hair drosser. Bast
Front street.
t expensive lace maiiufact.Klay la valued at li.uyO n yard.
»le. h.iwever. It* very
STuall quantities. It Is ati lniit.-tii<m of
OM jH>iiu. Jind ihs thread used I* tHk.
finest filigree silver, the {wUImh being
thickly im-rui
Poes it Acorn as If yon had a hoM tn *
price nf this 1
inch. The high prices which the line your pockct through whkSh yonr In-.
Incv* command are. of curse. u<
come i* constantly leaking? If no, the
^^.>^e.^ hy th- c.ireful workmanship I
wise thing to do is to deposH In PnoIs r.-iulred In their manufacture.
sMes, the thread Is x..*ry ex|T
plc s Savings bnnk. wbem yonr fonda
..une'e of Flaiiders thread ha^
“i* ^u'
stendlly Incroaslng by
•lucntly be<Hi
compound Interest and whcncu tt cu
thi* qUHIllily
bo lurm-d
be drawn uy day yon need H.
wa.Gh 12.000. At k sale of l;i.
WAS held recently In Hru*»el*
bn.ught more
ppllquo iHCc nounce brought
than 11,000. whll^ sotne old Venetian
. ^ t.,nrtsnmr
point was i«.id for 110 an Inch.
** ^***
^ ^ handsome,
, ■
Ion date.
back to 173S.
There were no chapela
enu to the new system meetlhg. At each
other's homes In succession. The pic
ture of the first Methodist chapel tn
LK>ndon herewith Shown Is from
engraving w
the ore cAirylng
Twa »le*. .t. h»r»wU»i .tw.. of u »mB*OK .«• Ion
The ai«rl trust has InslaUvd four of lh.:*e
VVM.X. ,on <li« itn-at IXce*. thn» ovoWtoi: tli» .miilojunrii
These f.*ur nuichlnea on a itftH-m «Vci;#lon uniw.dcd a 4.900
in tbecut has a cAiwcUy of ten tons.
The cut Is from a photmrrAph taken at Mukden ilorlng th| earlier da\Ti of
was A regularly
ailiatlon. The young w
enrolled trooperr In
in a Cossack leglmcn*. and would have resented d* n deadly affpont any Insinuation that she was out cf her sphere. AccouSered In the oo*lu.me of a Cuss&ck of the Dv»n. she . ertalnly presents a brave dppearanoe. Her
hushand. who aci^mfanles her and 1* an ulBcer in the aome r^menl, t» mu^
less Aoldleriy tn aspen than hia amazon wife, and it 1* exidenl that she is the
master mind In that iwirtlcuiar hooaehold. It 1* a moucr of record Hurt the
Cossack wor.wn nre.lmoleru.nt uf.nny iiuHcsTlnn ..f
their men folk.- A <h>s«.fck wife han no welcome for u
nbo !>.« tnnwd
hlk back upon the enemy.
Ulx-hnie ruge on sale by the B. F.
| Saxton Hardware eompuy. la addl11Ion to all other modern appUucea it
„ provided With n donMeB flue hot
blast, which H
the fnel of
other ranges.
Skilled bud Ironers to hudle li
lenta. ao that they are pra
shaped and Ironed to nalt ML
Ironing departmeot is aoeci^ to
r oaa wba la at aU t
m.|M« «• a(MM
tfawtof taram.^ laM aba tboagbt
aba aaaM wvlta a gday |aat aa sood.
Sia wan aara abe aapNI Id It baeaaat
II SMattak aa tf H M tei at an.
■it taw M •?« hMImm* *
•r Mtata M iwtiwta oMi
VkiBorMaUMi: “Whfco.rlo»l
Mfitar cuitav ta ter • f»« tw
Ml Ifci itlW? »oi« • taipl* or d«r*.
■taMU for Mr ioUeoWdo tack cT
tail Ml MMfil •••• *'
fv: . tta vltliM of Cmm win bMl fbr
iimiet iko oWoMta of iu wwof
AMlwl lote li Hm>wMk kortlour
oMloi, kUrqooiio ku obollrtol tfcc
tatkal wrillog ortlea lo tko eitr
aad maaM 1 ptaaaa tHl bar wbat abe
tboaM baea taf do aad bom aba waald
ba«a to bic^ rwtAwiHra aba aakad
MlMtaM< ■»!*. lOi.tta k^ «C as a apa^^eor S I woeM talb to
Ita tattai. wfekk tatai 4ki ink ItowSatiMia to bare It pot
Mta taiMtaM la Ikk tattM loiM
Apiia r Was appwitobnd oae mreaIt nitaoM MrrlcM ki an gnat pwkMs catMraltai.aag paaaaati. la (ks tag. whna akttag boblid Ibe aafaaa af
Mttta el am.la tki pakUe pi«a. a tbaatar to a tar alty. by a tbia aad
womaa of about AO yeara. **Do
aad tba bappcalasi la tbe IItcu of
Iboat abmuam Rraa la tbe cvwidoo you baow aay maaagw la Maw Tofiir*
of a draaa or boaaait tbia lasdact Is abe anbad to a atioag aaaal drawl.
ippaalnd to liy tba aCaeflTe or aa- -Why. fmr I aaawarad to aarpriaa.
aaaal adjaataMwC af a bow. a lower. "I kaow oaa or two; why do you adbr
or a phuae. Aaytblag wMfcb Is l<o -Wen.- aba rapitod. *am aad aiy dar
•eod. ibat ft eroatas ^aa oilacC.*- ter baa writ a play. Me aa* aqr darter
wm meet g ready, reapoaae from the an' my buabaad aa* aon la going to
atle laatlact, which aglam to tbe play it aa* we*re got moat all our
rerses laaraod.- *K)b!- I gasped,
It l^tbU dramaUc tosUact.'devel« -bare you bad aay experkoce?*' **Oh.
boon rala^d
enl la Fetoakey Md tbe old aet
lor Ha«a lo remarli that ibe coat of Ih
lac la growlac greater every year.
A Detroit flrai baa purchaaed the
lUAOO worth of bonds recently laaued
by Ct Isaaec. for the rebuildlag of the
•lactrir llcbt plant reoently burned.
•avera) berry plokora report baying
aaea a targe bear near Otaeco lake
dartpc the peat week
A bunUnc
party baa bean formed at Oaytord to
floicaaarebtf btm.
the aanual^eetlng of the State Aa
Srboola will be held In Laaalag Septamper 16. Aa Inieraating program U
balag arraagr^ for ihk meeting.
The Tepobileana of Bnftcrfleld town
ablp, maaaukce county, bavc started
at tbo atatc campafgn with a pole
raUbig. Attorney llcTall. of Ithaca,
dltraMfid csMnpalgn Ukuum at the cereTbroe large grange plimicd wen*
-beM In laabella county Wednesday, at
which many well-known apeakera were
at, the moat promlneat of these
Deputy State Iiocturcr W. F.
Tbe aouveatr and Industrial Issue of
ibe St. John. News; published last
week, was a model of the printer's
art. mad the lltustrmtloas and descrip
Utre prunes could not help but open
people's eyes to the poaslblUtles and
Kdltor A. p. Shaltmaator. of the
Dftmron Joumpl. has bwn uslaj: bU
typewriter esteasively and the result
Is a book, soon to be published, boar
lac the title. -Hunting In the Imnd of
Hiawatha." The editor la a bom
nportsman and on hU many |aunts
about the country, be Is arroropanicti
by bis camera, which he usin. cff.'ct
The Upper • I’enlnsulsr Agricultural
aseodatlon. which was organlred lo
promote the agricultural and hortlcul
tusal Interests of the upper ptmlnsuU.
will mske s Isrge cshlblt of the agri
euHural products W the upper penln
suit at the state fair at IHmtlac. Sep^
tegiber lS-16. lico H. Gelsman. auperIntaadent of the upper peninsula v%
pertinent station. Is secreUry
:.Ara you happy? If so go to Barnum
4 Cartel and look orer their large collaotloa of unmounted Aamoads. In
ytst la one for your wife and have li
net to please her taste, which Is sure
10 be right
Should bare one of o*!r dainty plr
tama, framed la a round glided
Mwrfmma. Buy a pound of our tfiy
coat baking powder. wo«U IU price,
and you wUl be bmiIo a preaeat of the
'pletaro. Nav York Tan Oo.
WHAT li BASi7r
tbaaa aaMkll payasoAt down and tbero
altar a amall woakly paymaai? In
tbia way ytw wiU amrar fart Iba drain
oa Tomr booaabold aeoaomka and at
tbe aaiaa lime you can mOoy the bae
of oae of tboae bandy kitebeu tablea
iow la atoek at Frank Baab'a. who
DevoUoMl «»rctoea were also bcM
aad at tbe etoee of tbe program a iawa
aapper wea aenr^
iftovMme Leeiyre Tateerrwur Night
to tbe public tbat J have secured the
services of Stewart A SteMas' full and
complete orebestra for my free ternpeiaace aseetiag la toe City opera
boose tomorrow. Sunday, algbt. Tbe
oped lo Its fullest cxlenl, which rends
people to our theaters, for there they
find the most complete grallflcallon
that can be gained. The eye. the oar
all the cmotkms of the mind and
heart are appealed to by every device
known to stage craft. 'Those engaged
directly In the thestricsl busim-rs have
perhaps more n*ason for l»elng Im
pressed by this remarkable and most
unlveiaal appreclailon of the dramatic,
than othera. and have iierhapa. Ikh^h
led to think of It. by the great number
I>eoplo who arc led U» It. to ap
proach the stage dirwUy people who
If they can only have a chance
to voice the dramatic lire within them
they would astonish the wdrld. There
U probably not an actor or actn ss In
business, who U not fixHiucirtly ap
proached by young pe«>ple who have
decided that they were bora to gu up
on the stage, and Ahiy are quite e<m
rinoed that they have only to U* seen
and towrd to UK»me spwdlly famouii.
II Is not »o surprising perhaps, to mtwi
ycniag people who have dramatic inspiral loos, but 1 have often had ladle'*
of staid mien and settled years Inform
roe In a burst of otmndonw, that when
they were “young" they had longhigH
to go upon the sUge Umglngs which
nipped In the bud by obh ctlng
Is. The ylctsalttides of a!l the
years, had dlmminl. but not obllter
suni the drsmstlc yctaralngs, and the
eonfosslon has alwA>s roundt^d by a
sigh of regret.
Possibly the next most whlcs)irvad
aspiration Induced by the dramatic In
. Ik the playing writing aspira
It U quite InrredlUbb'—tho
nurolH'r of po«»ple who arc writing
pUys and the range of their ages. I
know some children of the “advanced
age of eight and ten" who produce
ya with great confidence and weekregularity. NciHlIcss to say, the
less they know, life greater Is their
confidence. And It all looks so easy.
I wrote my first play. “WTilte Roses,
while •'on the road" and employed a
typewriter to a western city to make
two copIca of It for me She returaed
(hem with a bill of twelve dollars for
two copies of a onrsset play, not more
than thirty pages. When I protested
at the charge as aomeihlng exorbitant.
She cried and saW:. “Shouldn't think
you'd try to beat down a poor lypl^
writer when you make your money so
all yt>u hare to do Is to sit down
and write that all il|d»t out of yom
and 1 bad to sit up till on.
o elocb last algbt. to get It copied on
pl« cf ta^ taeiUMkt BUd. kittk
■lire to tki (Mt thit Uer «mM be
4 to Mrre u ippnBieMili In
ortw to MrtorB tke Matt ordiMir
Ofbtovai. tbaFa vbat are M. Tbay tat i( Morti »ita tki Mi. toMta
Aia auabi taattlai hmblafc wtib aar. ikit ik«r SlCkt »W ■»«« i**
amtba of ptoapartly aad alaa oat of
play A pbft, t»r vrriia a play, withlip baar tbia aMurb, **Braad'k Storas
Wb aka baaa tba imi
' MklMBwAniMklMta.
Many of those instances have come
aadar my obsenatloB. some of ihein
■gMHrtbg. otbars patheUc. Af aa to
yo». me an* my darter has." “Ind^!
Whst hsve >n>u done?'* "Oh. eKtryK.
extrys, ' was her rosponsc. She went
one: **Thcre was a man here who
was going to put it on. the sUgc fur a
week, and we was going lo take It out
on the road with the money we'd
mske. Hut the man harked out. and 1
thought maybe you'd know of some
manager In Ttew York that would take
holf of It." ^
tU»on my telling her that I wa«
sfrsld 1 did not know of any one who
could be of assistance to her. she left
me much dlsspp*»inted. Subsoqueal In
quiry revcaliHl the fact that she was a
ihealrt' laundress. There are but a
few of the Innumerable queer people
who are making an effort to achieve
success as playwrights, along with
scoroswrho art' of course endowed with
s gresler Intelligence; msny who arc
of exceptionally gcxxl mental endow
ment. some wbu have all the qualincaHons nt'Cessary to the dramatist, and
will in the future forge to the front
and realUc their cxpecUtluns.
Slace the production of “Under
Southern SkUg" my mall has been
conHlderably swelled by anxious In
qulrers who'secra to think that any
one wtm writes s successful play can
tell them just how to “go and do llkewl.M
1 have often IXH-n asked how I
write a play. To he candid. I can't tell,
I dtm't believe that any one who writes
a p«ay can tell how they do It. Of
etturre everyone has a method of writ
ing; some work fast, others slow, some
work at night, others In the morning;
«»mr irregularly, othera systematically
- but just how they write a play would
bo a difficult mstter to explain. Hut It
Is ct'rtslnly a great and glorious thing
to be a dramatist. 1 was never wf Im
pressed by the amount of fnm^ op^
would acquire, as by aa Incident v^ch
occurred at my home.
^ A certain massive and good-natured
Hibernian blaekmUh to a little Long
Irland village had been employed for
some .rears to shoe my ponies. Being
s man of very friendly disposition, ho
ronsc'quemiy took n great interest hi
nil my family arruigements. One day
1 aske<l a nf^bbor to take one of my
ponies down to the vUlage to be rc
shod. Tbe bliAamltb begun to make
friendly taqalric8--**and Is Mrs. Par
ker goto* to sUy out here all wlnterr
“Won, ahc il stay ter a while. an>bow"Ah. ba. and wherc*s Mr. Parkerr
•He's on the rbad.* Ah. bn. With a gbowr
‘ Yes. be*s wUb John T. Kelly to
MePbe of Dublin.* But be s latoreatoJ
to anotber show aad to with tbat part
of tbe Hme-The Btoek Crook.* *• Tbe Black Crook!* Ab ba. aa did
Mrs. Parker write toatr
Loitte Wair Parker.
CSS22 YfSfitr-* -“Ur-
Oaima at 3:80 a. m. Suitoai Bay 4 ^ m.
niolijibi D TRi^ago
tioas 7:30 to i. Address at A. Solo
tolectloa by Mr. Iteutfiey before and MAKING
after bto address. Finale by tbe or
cbesira.. There Is no admission fet'.
Fortiinsle Is tb< grocery store that
Tbe public to moti cordially inviU'd.
has the rcputsllo for dependability.
Yours moat faithfully'. Ac..
Fortuustc is the psibllc that has such
Mutual conAdonce
d i:s buying public
is store has grown
One of the events of the theatrical and it growing on usi these Hdcm*. No
Tlw rovlerrllle Review la thlrtr
fmn oM a»d It lUll ihIUimI by Ocorm*
U Atema. iht dMO of Llvlngaton
i, .
Ptono aote. Ruth Dolpb.
■mdtoUoa. Helen Laoftsan.
Ptabo solo. Ctertrude Tay lor.
season will be the apiK'arancc id
nco. other totogs arc bound to
“Under Southern Skit's" at Steinberg-i
W*e want every trade transacGrand opera ho'uae on Monday. Aug.
satisfying and If it Is not wo
23. So great has been tbe success of tion to be sattof
this ht'sutlful play throttghnul the want you to tell ^iK slK>ut It. I-. R.
Unidn St. Hoth phones,
ISasi that three entire seasons have Sllckncy, 411
groc jy In the city.
been played there, msny c4t!ei being
revlBlUMl three and four times. The
play It In the author's most dcHgtofnl
Abfolutely the iheapcsL safes! and
vein and when li is remembered that most satisfactory way of wending
Mrs. Parker, who wrote “Under S.iulh- money through the mails is by using
era Skless." also wrote “Way IX.wn bank drafts Nojopc can cash them
Bast." much may be expected of this, except tbo. persorf fnix whom they arc
her latest drama. “Under S uit hern ‘ Intended, and .In jease of loss or dlsSkies" Is full of life, light and gayt'ty. I p'ltc the matter fis adjusted without
and Alls the audience with the spirit' red tapi* I
The First National
of youth and romance The great itank HvV.fi drafts liayal.le anywhere iu
lieatuy of the scenic sltimgs. the
•«. at littio more
dr-Inty poslumlng. the many amusing than half the cost of oxpPe.s.s or money
and diverttog characters and incidents, orders.
the absorbing love stoyy. and the Hal
lowe'en celebration and pumpkin
dance, all go to make “Under South
About the dall .sowing, because we
ern Skies*' one id the most delightful have grain drills jlhai work while you
and satisfying entertainments now be sleep, or drive. Jt U time you looked
fore the public. The ei.mpauy Is very ,
sced-Ume to nearly
large, numbering In all twenty
Charopinn^and Farmers’ Favoracting people, the unusual numU-r u.
Harney Andcraon
eleven ladles apiiearing iu good parts.
------------WMITEltA-WOOC:-----Tbat la an old aartag. bat goft as
wool to anotber and our baby carriage
robe* are both. We have a new stock
of white lamb'a wool lined cither In
aalln or felt at prices ranging from
I2.G0 to 110.00. Make the Iltllo
oomforiablc and warm and he will be
good. F. Votraba. Front atreei.
By not looking over our large *t«
children's sllppt'rj and oxfords before
purchasing. H|F«'a full assortment of
vicl kid oxford, ^latent Up: patent colt
strapped sandaKs. In two or three
straps, also many other pretty st\lc.!.
Rowland W. Itouglas.H.
LadiM, **you can Juim m N, tram
ple on It. but it will c^tee up amHing
•very time.** Calman'e Elaetto Floor
Vj^ieh. A. E. Walt A Gone, TraverM
That the Hot Springe medidnee
ERSE CITY. They can cure ymi. For
aalo by all Sret claas druggista.
Pianola muslcjat Jackson's candy to e good time to look up your I
store Thur^day, {Friday and Saturday
•tcve. Wc ecu the old (
afiecnoons from12 to G; evenings. 7
to 9
. every one guaranteed
One of thev really notable theatrical
events, of the season will b«' the ap
pearance of Miss Julia Gray and Mr.
Carter's own .Cj-llerlop Theater com
pany in his remarkable emotional play.
"Her Only Sin." at Steinberg's Grand
opera houac next Thursday evening.
It Is Immaterlgl
maierlAl where
who you purchase
8cpL 1. Mr. Carter promises the orlg
Ih material
wbat brand
Inal production precisely aa pcrformetl a cigar,. but It IH
Try ojir R. E. W. s. a pure
during lu Chicago run.
Havana lO-ccnti^r. hand made. hf»me
made, union matic by the best mi-chaii
Ics. R. W. Woa|cr.
imatrtl that not more than IT.Vi.«X) horseia.wer is iK'Ilig otlllml or K
111 course of ilcveloimient at tbe pres luxury, it Is ix-ohomy. for a gcsnl matent time. The indent la I horw|iow er tres.s will outlay six cheap ones and
give you rest apd ctimfon. The I*a!
roelto Is ihe bei- Made of two layers
of palm fibre
thrt'e layers of felle«l
cotton The fUa-r gives Ihe elasticity
and the cm ton gives tbe softneas.
Only Ik &n. .
J W SlaH-r.
Yifur Home Furnisher.
HEllt’S A ftABY
tt« MmImm- la W*U.
Mother’s Friend
Are always c4rtain to come to alliHckncas. occhb-jit. loss of omploynicnt
or other misforluBe. Hut If qpe has a
ixwcrve In bank the proverbial "rainy
day" U robbed i of much of Us dread.
The ePoplc's ^viugs bank offers an
absolutely safej place In which to acciiroulato such a reserve which can be
drawn whenever nwried..
A little ftvei each week or toonth
Makea brainy! men and bcauUfnl
women. To kAow Jiuit what to cal to
one thing and llo k.ow Just where to
is another.! Gtr to tbe UtUo Tavway* know where to
>11 you what lo ea(.
JMoodgood. Farrow
EVERY afternoon from 2 to 6
Md T lo ». aoile it jMkKii-. ta
cTMo PMtai-i
Tr^lmro TVmvetm City for Vortkportat
Trala^l^ tnmn cooowUac mala bm tmlM
Tralaa anira frew aeoeactlat wmOb lina wwtaa
--------r ^
a u uwgwooo.
coal, eoft coal, vrood. cemblnalien
wood and coal and alrllgkts with or
w.lhout a«h pans and the prices are
very low. Come in and make your se
lections and we
cave them fer
Frank Crude
M6 Front Street
to the large number we are fiUing.
We lead ^1 competition in No.
of presaiptkm* compounded
219 American Drug Co.
y «r tte MUU
i, U%irn^9m0Hm$
os vtwf tomm mm tUck: >Mr It S1. «k* «•» tertiiTwv
" •%«
waya la. «ba aaa. iba good la aw«o- gtlWMl
f Im «, i«4 I tovf tM kratfH «f
Bai MMt 1 IO«r« tte MMllt I
a fMd «M fidUto* 4v.
of aoeb a tifa! Wc haw la babble
rmraaea bafota
tedta asJofMla te tba IM
dbiU IM M baar telaa af tba d<
tH|M alali ao aadMM w *«
ar ap! Tbo world la brlgbt:
awkaM Mia aM Mia tbn
» pmp§tn
M ifaM for rafiilaK.
I tba timte la apeadteg. Tbe bird*,
M tteta's awMiMB Uagl
t tboagb tba day ba dark aa tba banaMtea. tbe falnete. eta. tbe
It'f Ok* jr«a UMk
a graat apa aUll la ablates.
aw slMfla» ta tk« M
way «a
Aai duafwl H «ttk tW crUpy fall -Cbaar ap!
ttetli Miy Jwt togw.
Tbaapirti. wa^ aa vJtb fbta.
tern to bn nplmd if own woiUd bnye up
it ala*t til* Mwll of powM m
Tbarall aotea a brlsbtar boar.
>^clMMKMi OBd ckwro
nmnl) member of Ube hoiwebold.^baarap* Tbaagb yoa art aad.
AM MMDW ftiiffod vlUi 1
AM baAad waoia aakUtea.
imM a-MMAlB* oo Iko irtovo
Of labor yet yoall ae<* iba sted
TMI iSM aboM the air wd ui
AM boaatiful fniltkMi.
la rarytklai
Pmornu Meet «M BefL
AM »akoa yoo kiad of fotd a. If yaur
***Pile with plenty of pHlows* is bn
:i^ap! Tbetlaiafabrfaf. at l
ri»M4 0r«.a«w«Mly-nn.
m mm
^ h»IBM kwri
* *Wl
tnm vmrn «.k» tk. to
kor* utf (toW Bw. M m*
«Ur tkl. to . wwicOi. «kfck k*««____ ^____ ”
BUlT VlMk«»oMJlMoUwlr»tUi
• SU «f tak*nra mum ki ^
mm the bem. Wash.
Mpto Wh, to
acaM them with their own
'. ‘ J
to. BptoMtlm M Mi
oa papw. ooror #tih catotoM
ptaro aaotMr pMr ororto. «af|
Milter, moro lightly te w
pat H away Mwhaa toolaavos hi
wttkMt'tlwt Bjr .Ktchlcr
next morateg turn «ut uu
tor two or thrro
fioui^ad hoard aM mmrid teto
man. I Ml ta . tk. {ktekw «<
It aooit Is a rittmai
mf tM anmm.aat gin
tk. mImt
tea. adding as liato Boar us possi scatter tbe powder, aad Ite
foow teUKjrug k«:
. that is. having the 4oM as soft
throads are as frtah aM ctoaa
can he coaveaieatly haadled. Lei
Mr inana Uk. tkk'
) to double the. stee aM hake three
tlwr« rwr; «hU. kbe ml at tb. quarter* of an hour la a motMu
teaagwmmit has hhaa taMM
dm. «u paiekMl iBjBur pim.. ^It
If this te the oveu of a gas
^•ironteg. naMdrop.altetaaa
^ or OM placed .over gas. set the hath wlU effectually draw M the aM
I oa the upper grotteg the mo If Bot quite gone, wet the ptete M
•teat the burners we lighted: r«tem- rub laundry soap oa H; than lay te tha
the beat ooc^hatf after ten minutes
aad the bread will require no forthm
but the butter ahouU be as
a mmtim oT.ywry hot graaulated aag.
■r: mir hard uaUI the sugar dianotvw;
ihea akJm agate and boU hard for two
mteutes.* Drap a Uttle te ke wausr—
the mteute this hardens take Uuff tbe
M aM poar teto hot gtesset.
Bpiced Ptmas—fW seven pounds of
8conr doabttes aM daapalrtag!
Tbe battle te tba flaal leal:
Ifa aatiuaa la a baadk-arwi bif
About Thickening Food.
The virtoni are tbe dariag.**
pvem Meeviuc wepto rerYW Week
appiw iM aa wlao.
If any of our young cooks find trow
• AM arapao all faU of parplo jaloe
ble te keeping out the lumps when
M fogte tniution. **but where
Cara af ChiMren in Travalinf.
ing creams, soft puddings, saueeq.
do tkmf Ibtek one te to get them
AmH abolibark bIckVy outi aad baws
la which we PM IM
Sumaier Joomeya te tbe b<«t aad frvip? .Ok. |«a. I know you can buy
etc., 1 can assure them aH that such
AtrMHa* oa ibe alopM.
dost of crowded railroad tmlna are
may be avoided by thorough
rs ready staffed for tweaty ivt
Aad avaat polatara. raaioad Uruwo trying eeen lo grown up people, aad
ceala. hut after a^ew weeks Jacob'x
aad yaUar raat^paa.
they are atlll BMire tiresome for tbe
tally. »ltb Ch» «ugmr; then «
Itevld aM
lone would be aoft te oemparteoa."
aeUre abUd to endure patient
add to the beaten eggj (if egg. are to aM. They
Here are a few of the desirable and
It'ai daya a rbrowia* baxr aad oan la l^llaay a aolber arrirea at ber das
be usedj. after which stir thU smooth bat they aever carriwl the traih af - ,
lexpeaalve ways of illteg piUows
, btaa aad yallar acuda.
jfm thof
imtl^ complaiely worn out by tb* j which the wise woman who heard iht
compound into the hot milk or water. God to forelgo peoples
fraai ^ ovarbowU* tabn carv of the children under btr ebarge
If only the yelks of eggs are used did stand for God and fur the truth of
above remark suggested:
aaplaablo’ allvar^avdaGod aa agslnst the urror* of tha aaWhile traveling with children cannot
lid a mile cold milk, as It makes the
Tbe irst te a somewhat tedious and
aM tha
Ob. abucka. I eo^ldnY t«U y
»« th.* beauuiean.
hole easier to mix smooth with the
palastakteg process, bat one which
Paul Oviatt Roest—Age S Mouths.
Aaaat klad of rhym«.
Ibe vexation attending such tripa
hot milk, A point here: Tbe^miik of God toauch a way as to iariada la
Not ban tba Iblata that lologla la the- could be avoided by preparing for the will commend Itself to country read
Son €*f Mr. and Mrs. John RtSMii.
ers. who are supposed to have moro
maall of pl<4ciln‘ tiibf>.
for Isalsb saUb. "Fur eo hath (ha
journey with apeclaJ reference to the leisure than tbe vUlage and cUy wo
ble wRtemt doteg so. that Is. it mnd
us.aayli|g. Ihaveaal
oomfort of the little ooea. A car
begin to show little bubbles wound
sum. with her temputkms to squan 1**“*“*
three and tmebalf pouud | was unfit for a begggr!
planned trip wlU lone much of tbe dia- der time. When game or fowl* are! ^
the edge of the dish. Many fail te
' iuegar. | I luld her Uiat
rort that la generally auppowd to being prepared for tbe table, put aU
velvety cream h>
cloves. alUjiUe and j have no n-speei.
•*Tbe haaii that truat a forever
laavoMable. and that therefore
slIiTteg In the tegnfdl* uts when the
cinnamon, pin- j and sftjer ;
1 atega.*
.'be small, flaffy feathers Into a large
mUk Is ter from being hot: then, tired
thin muslin hag I ami disssttefied
M fbala a« tlgbt aa If It had
bag. and the larger feathem into a
n . wtopa:
pdn. Armed with a-4^ and sharp Cook slowly until the juice is s ihiek i This woman. alwj> lady like and of waiting for It to thicken, leave ii
The ir*t Item to be conaldered
e Muoe other duly te being at
inielk-ctusl. had worixRd bard to earn
VlteU of peace within It aprlnga; '
setesors aM a quantity/of leisure time, syrup.
srael * uaUoosl bmiro w^ maa af
the clothea of the Utile folkm. Thla
BtuffvMl Peaches-Select
piano for her daiihier. How was tended to. wrtih the result that It thick tellh. They bellcvadlnGodamlhaaad
-OPPM* good or III
take these tetter up one by one and
ahuuld be conaldered from, tbe ataadat the bottom.
er a word about the
paid? After
Uielr Jives upon tbelr faith te Oai.
snip out the middle rib. leiUng the steed peaches, wash and uke out the j *<bv
point not merely of appearance, but of
They were men "who throogh faith**
feathery part fall teto a bag. You will stones, cover with salt water sn.l lu ! boy. he
Tbe dreaa choaen should it so
rmed fliedeeda attmmtad to thate.
mow that hte
It U liU wiU.*
flii4 materials for a pillow accumulate them stand over night, lo tbe inon; j He *
oosry berues mairt have tellh.
that there are no bands loo tight nor
One of the most Mful nuisances te
1. because he
te this way much faster than you teg fill the center with grateJ htu>e i mother
must believe te (tod and lialtera
8 that slip. Preferably It should
temper. Ills mother the world U sooi-ihe kind that dogs
would have supposed possible. Cure radish, mixed.with a llUle celer> .need bad Ku luiJ
»tbera ms<d to
Utei aM ha>
nob be white: fur a white dress caanot
thorqtti)ily te the sun.
Uevc te Him te ordiT to Iw asvsd. 3Ca
be expected to be lit lo be seon at the
I can do^uoihink with Willie**—
half hearted fsltb w ill suffice for a mto
A womaa who has a brood of young each peach with a string and pack ;'n
end of a railway Journey. Borne light
then thr**c* years uldh-“be has such a chintnry Is being cleaned.
ry. our will any cuamromlstoff
cklldfwa to provide with amnsement
tint, or aomeUiteg with n white ground
Th.'own on the ground in the cardt*n
Cucumber Sweet Pickle*-Pick the temp»*r. 1 am afraid
^iH throw a
well as food and mimeat. and who
■Hare la p Md «Ue a«wmoaetie for with diSs or stripes of color, will pivMit Is a splendid :fertU*xer-belief
possesses a poultry yard. sUrts cucumbers, wash thenr and park lb a ktilfe at me."
tmsy daya wbea one Dc*eda all serve tu aiu.taram'e longer 4han a them out each momlog with IliUe jar.- Tu a gallon thruw on a tiandfjtl of
l.au-r on Ih** chilli understo**! her ran t lie bought fur garden stuff. Sifted
oae'a aereally lu gel through the huura plain while dress could. But If nothing
vines, pea vine*, tomaiu
bags, teto which they put the feathers ■alt and pour enough iMiiliug pai.-r tu fear ami dbl thn.u U'knlf*- at her. eon
that aeem hardly long enough for whal hut white will suit the mother'a taste
^ are
^ , cover. U' stand twenty four boi!n*. seq.i. iiily bis Isng.igg*- and manni i^ tees, dower plant* and bean planU.
that have been dropped. These
. la to he done. The UTiler who aa>'v Tor her darling, ahe should take with
sure death to pofsio beetle*, in
^ drain off water and reiK-ai the process now match his t.-mij-r.
always of the small, soft kind.
her little aay In the k'arni Journal her another dress that can be sllpp^
and worms of all kinds It will
The daughter for s’ long lime scarce
HPuUry runs are thus kept neai. four or five niorniugs. *>r until the eu
on when nearing the journey's end. It
bolda forth tbua:
three birds are killed with one stone. cumbers taste “sally." Thm drain tdJ ly sp«jk** to her mor^tT. and. against kill paraslies on ras^ and rose bosh
-it la aaid that an old Friend would Is very important that the shoes of the
and dispatch.
For plaxxa and hammock pillows the Iho water. In a kettle puuihree pinih shat mother'.-; wishes, married a “re- es with neatness
oftca Hae te meeting and aolemnly d«- [*hlld should be easy llttlng-Hlo not be
short grass clipped by the lawn mow of vinegar tor If very strong cl-ler vlij tpcrtable drunkard,*| whom, it 1s ru- Dropi>«l on aqi hills It is a sure ex
alaiw tbeca words, lb. thy te^l and guilty of putting on the ttmder littte
terminator. Wfcicr bugs flee from It.
er makes, when cured.^vt-ry sweet fill egar. URK- cuje-thlrd water), lour cup* mor.-il. she te slK»ui Ito leave.
teavP tbe real.- That wg* all of bU riH*l a pair of “nice new ah(Hf!.“ (VrThe.ve ar.- tin- children that put par- It is death to plant 1lce and others.
ing. and If renewtsl everv gummer. a sugar and a little bag of mu*Un ruu
■emuNi. Any expatlailon waa unnec lalnly tte- shoes worn should be per
laining a Ubk-spoon of mixi-d spices e.nts into the poorhoii*.>. l^iKm whom It will kill fleas.
soft one as well.
eaaary^ After the dolagjt la the leav fe<-tly whole and fresh, but let them
It should be placed in an Insect pow
If you live te the vk-lnity of a piue Let come to a boil and pour over tht do.-K the blame resil if not upon the
teg tbat given peacH*. T#m> many bear be those that have Inmi worn long
d.T puffbu. ..d „«d dry. ,u.. « any
woods, you should have more than one pickles. Re|K»at two or threi* iime> parents?
a dotthle burden—the n^l and the fan enough tu adapt themselves tu the
^ ‘
Be companion a l»b-J U- chr-*Tful. be ..ber ,«adcru««d.
ptBow aired with the pungent pine twenty-four hours atiart. Iterk In glass
^ one. Not only today a weight of shape of the fooU A journey U not |
confidential, praise [your children—
needles. They are heavy, and must jars and heal vinegar and pour
ku fflManair ljbate.ror<r aad atetai.
care, bat yeaterday a and ionM>m>w‘i the time nor place for breakings In new |
Guard Aqsin-t Mildew.
overprsiM- is rare. Above sli. give
not be made too large. Their odor will 1
te ever wUb him. They are not cou shoes.
Hoi:seki«eiKTs should look carefully
tlM-m as line an ♦•jlucaiioo as your
oflea give relief te asthma,
tent to eeat off the load of unneceaaar}
In order to
the child's face and
A Imrael's natkmal heroes waro mmi
means aBow.
*w. but do not ruin your chii afU-r their laundry during the monib
sides, really sleep Inducing.
mgk and wwr and real In tbe i
hands clean. It te well lo be provided
A novel enterprise, that »>f rsi-iug dren by too
Uru much |*eir-«acriflce and of Augiiht. Ic is not safe to sprinkle of aeG denial, Thcw«g(i aeir aaerlM
The odor of a pillow stuffed with
and soffering they sosintewl nM carthat -atf thy day te. ao ahatl thy with a ndl of small squares of noft
vlothes for Ironing more than*
everdoing -Ladies World.
^weei fein speaks of the “forest by dishrag*. is being exploli«*«l by a
riad forward Gud'a wock. That «tow
shite eli.thK, like minualure utiatronglh be.*
slow stream or pebbly spring.'* and If
mocked. iK-onrgwl. bound. Imprteoaad.
•*Theiv la our neighbor. Shihenmosl Uhle napkins. One t.f t
this month, as there U w» much damp stooed. aawn asunder, slate with the
termsn Pr.ve*
rightly cured there Is considerable teU. who'recA'ivea the iu>pirutio:i foi J How
bowed down with a weight Of bor moistened, is u.s4h1 to wipe off the face
the scheme from OhsrU** Rlcbardson
ijey> in the air they will mildew quick sword and driven teto ealJe. Itoiw la
au ha* a hen
**g!ve“ about It. Gather only
rowed trouble. Wrinkl.-a and gray and hands, and then thrown away;
the berok ndsslonary spirit. Hmrm ^
*bv iWkes ho’d
youngest sprigs and dry in a dark wbetee g^en.s in Psssdena hn* bocuiu nlo I he coop, she
haired before ber time, ahe la in
It is alKt. ne<M.^rary to see that Ih • got It? Do we deny
Idrts with both hand;, shakes them
routu. The actelsabHIty of putting in
spread of C'brtat'a kingdom? Be gawa
continual pickle alK.ut thla. that oi
ami haw. rlorhe.s after Uing Ironed are thor Uls life for ua What ara we givteff
no Urge or aplky twigs wUl suggest ductlons. .Mr. RIchanIson ha* success jnbtiy at the
the other thing. Any move whaU?ver
fully raised many growths new to 'Sho*>. there!" Tbt- hen takes one oJighly dr) beftM-e putting them sway. tor UlAo?
Ils4‘lf u> you.
te nure to bo a dlaaatroua one. If her fer lo Its hands and sleeves.
There te Also wild thyme, lavender American soil, and this y«-ar i.s .-xc-«-eti !ot>k at the objw-t io assure hers«il A ucKlef-t of Hj.*.se precautions may
In planning the lunch It Is well to
Iv.* I P; ru MO; xm.2A a; I*
leaves, sweet brier, rose geranium and Ing all hte prt^vlous triumphs by rail* thar li is a woman, and then sialk spdl the clotlM-S
conMlder what not to Uke. Cake*
Isa. ri, lA;
rioMiing often gathe'r* dampness io 8^*•J4 2«; 111.
lemon verbena leaves, not forgiHtlng Ing thousandK of dlshra;:s. La.si yeax majestically into thi- co.ip. A mai
John 111. MO: Malt. X, 1-h; Lake g.
or the can* with soft fillings, such as cream, lem
the sweetust of all—wUd roses—which Mr. Richardson's string b»*aiis. whieh loesu'i do li in ihi^r way. He goe.^ oimmer while lying in ihVdrawers. Acts xlU. 1-0; 11 Cor.
on or jelly, should be avoidod; chooo
ran ovor him. just M t^ugh
•\en when pul away dry. it should
[ It's sini
nature llings over certain section* of measured forty-three inches in length >ut doors Having
tony yearn oobtenT be trusted tu lakv late. t.w. soon knaves undesirable
created a stir, but dishrag vine-* HAdy cau drive a h*Hi but me!”—and b«‘ shaken out frequently, and hung in
the country with such a lavish hai
caroof h|sown«^ A. for her ihre. trace* on a child's fare: coc«
which, with their pendant dishrags*— licking up a vtiek of wood.
X sunny window to dry.
sparing neither color nqr fragrance.
One of the students who sre pafnaigff
" chUdroa. they have U-*-n drowm-d crumbles annoyingly. Perhaps lh«
Of covers for these pillows no men twine about orange tre.n, palms, ever .he offending biped, and >Mls: “Get in
the ChrlsUsn Itodaaror cottroe nf tha
best form of cake to carry te the old tion was made, but I wilt ^ve one
kicked to death. jiookisJ by the
greens and peach trees, aad peek in at there, you thief!" The ben Immi
currespondence school is Mr. Iterld K.
fashioned cuukey In variety, or llUle the latter pillow, which w4s made
buBted by the ahwp. many,
the two-story windows, bid fair to win itely lo.ser. her reason, and *lash«-s
I have just cumplettNl a rug. made.of Bobertsou of Laogtesgte. te thq. fartimes In their mother * mind, but ihc> vakes baked. In gem Una. Tht«e do sot a friend in Californte and sent u
le championship from the beans.
the other end of the yard. The m
very shabbv ingrain c-arpet. . L cut ic awsy Trsosraal. In an esamihatloa
are still alive and well. If om> ha* a rtHiuln' cuuing. are easily baadlM. aad millionaire relative in the east.
veg.tsblc- Olunges afur her ishe c-ome» back on the bia.-* and doubled the rtrip-i. paper be gives the followliig eacpilaBt
ms why the Chrtsttea BaMvar
sore throat she Imwedlaudy sees be may be auule as rich nnd toothsome
loages. as thfv are fometijues called with her bead down, her wings out which are ync Inch and a quarter
It was a rose pillow filled with the
mieot is peeaUariF mwM M tha
fore hor a siege of dlphtherU. and lies as desired. Hard frosting, rtibor exqutellely fragrant petals of
are indigenous to Africa, but now li and foikiwisj b> a miscellaneous as wWe. slightly gathered them on a
charrb of today;
hlie or coUired and decorated, will France roses gathered in ber own
awake all night rehearsing the dan
has been demonstrated that they will ^ortment of stove wood, fruit cans. cuarHe thread, sewed them on burlap
df thai
ger. aeleciing the undertaker and plan add to their attfactivenesa. After tbe den. which te possible te few places thrive In tbte country they are bound -Unkers. and a very ; madf man' te tbe and fringMf tbe edges a VtUe; 1 made
try saodwlcbea. fruit U the outside of California. The cover was
Blag the funeral. wh»*u the child ap
•come a popular production. The rear. Then she skliqs under th^ barn. a border of black, green aad red wool j lue. Tbe OMAvnaeat prorlA
uportant item of Ibe liincii. tt of pink organdie, wUh a wide ruffle of graceful. weU-fuliaged vines are not And over a fence or two. and around
paarm te the morning a* well a*
s fringe of the carpet, cut on ibt
mue fruit cau be obtained. amaU tbe nine worked with a delicate little only ornamental, hot they bear in pro- •he house bark to ilje coop again: all «traighi and raveled for the ends: it
Tbete te one connolation te such j
.twvet pickles in a screw-top bottle,
WM abe imagines the wui^.
n a flbrot3 spon|$ that te emi tbe while talking as only an excited will be a joy forever, oo my bedroom
vine done to brier silichteg. In the
MMasihteg far UHter that realty hap iwotened lemon juice lo supply lemon- upper right band corner was n bow
I) useful Cor b^hlng as well a.- hen can talk, and all the while fok
>r. to step on
' pswa. But teatead of Udng hai>py and Ade. and nice fresh cucumbers, are all aad ends of the same material
cooring pans and kettles. Imagine •owed by things convenient for throw
y thick aad
te the pro.mri.dii,.
Jewirabte addUJons.
thaahful Tor thla. abe soon conjures
r Store ruga, nnd cost nothing bui i when denomlnsthmaj boads have Mall
worked te the same maaaer. Bvery picking dishrags in one's gi^den jus' ing. and hy a man wtmsc coax U cm tbe
Besides the items of ckxbes and thing about It was washable aad it as one wonld pick blackberries, or Im
another frightful buttboo. aad
and a spool of coanu- thrrod-Bi••• «htor to
whose hat is on the ground
to chnrch aM MapcMs ber time ta th? presence
thoroughly usable, which was one agtee havteg' vines all taJen with and whojc>
aiHUher thing to be coasMcved tbat te of lU chtef charms.
these bldeons ooMtlons of ber ot
nfis ctembertog over oae's kitch
ite time
worthy of carHul tbongbt. though
Indows. no that ail one ne.<ds do
mind, tbm
II take a hand in the debate, and
oftca neglected. Any child teksoro te
nnd ovcfabndow the IM of others.
Is t<r stretch out an arm and pull one help dodge, missitesi the man vowt
Sliced pickles are easily baked.
•He of lookteg out of tbe window, and
Bat we have another oeighbor w1
In. Such an arrangnment would be that every bea on t^e place ahajJ he Slice them teto the jar la which they
dlveratea. yet I have hnowa
te permmlfied peooa U I. mmtbte, and
lUCk eaaier than going to the ragbag sold at once. puU qa ibis hat aad coat, ire to be kept, patting te a layer of
> to start on aa alMay tnp
for two days^ thus take r buyteg dlshrags at stores.
restful Just to be with ber.
and goes down town. The sromas the pickles and a layer of aeasoateg alprovldteg a Slagle playUteg
iW curious vegetables assume ceme* out, goes right to work aM has ternatoly tmUl they reach tba top pf
sd wipe thorn dry. Take out
from cm? side, ber life I
fur their ceatleaa UUle ones. Some of
the form and jtppoarance of cucauh every one of those hens boused aad
jar. Then pour on opid vte.» wa
inside of twd mtentes.
Wlmre the complaining
di they are covered, aat the W^ta tha
plied la tbe cramped quartern of tb< bruised mustard seed, aad sliced giii- greea eouts become brown and dry
hU ono trial, this ]
aM haka alowly. In thla ito.
parchment. At this stage They
noot, ecterv seed kad ouIml Tie
Triala that would vaa^ railrond coach are farnteked by pte
booka^ peMl. colored crayona
PMM toM with thrsM. and
•My ID hanrmt. After they are
Mb an ordinary apirtt. hot bring bar
No doakt MTCfT
r orur thute'doTW. hrakun cteaa- ptakM (he hroum coat te remorud and *■( a kM clou BrmO a iwtUe wltk «
to M addM nobleaess aM ttMM
; '
onbcrpaitw fiJ W of psM
aM *Mp Mse** on the window attl
. It waa butlahappyohange
a happy
and she must be a 0 IM trig to cp a Mt. i
che -center u( the
, aM sec the Jar III fi
r to tha mkattla eaa ha
r totowi,
Rite. The lime can ba
At HmiUuw, O.. Jaa« GUI of To
IMB WUTtod a Sirl vboM father
” tMiatai am Hartu her full bum ol
^iMirart ArkaaBM Napoleoa Vbar
i Haaif«4 MUm Below the Mouth,of
tmoptoa choru. will matt
' tha Ohio Abahar placed oi»a the iwc
^meb day apst week at 2 o'clodt.
of4a wbaa-tha Butirtatce UoeaBe war
Buaday kchoot. 12 o'clock.
Christian Badeavor. C:1S p. m.
Peateooatal prayer aad praise aer
vice Thitraday evening at 7:20.
ter. explalaed that ehe waa aamed la
Batnrday Bight, aalted prayer and
haaor of aa aaal who lived at Napo
laoa. aa the Mlaalaalppl rlwr. la Ar iiudy of the Buaday achool lesson
haaaaa, 40a allea below the mouth ol vlth the children.
Welcome to worship with na are
tha Ohio.
lUv. M. A. Wllaoa« the veteran paa itipagera. workingmen aad the poor.
Preaching at 2:36 la tha afternoon
by a H. Lambkin.
At 7:30 In tha evening. Bder a ATvin GtoOwtp. pastor of Salats ehnrch
of Cadillac will be the apaakar.
The taat aanrioea are reflaed and In
vltlng. All are welcome.
fVaa Mathodtot praachiag at* 21S
Bast Funrteenth atraet Sunday at
10:30 a. aa. Rav. a MUIar,
Va^ la raporlad to be dyli^. He wa»
paia la the clvU war. and throoshout
the ymn haa maintained an uadylnr
4eTotloa for the greateat ChrlatUs
eharactar. aa he believed, of history
He aald lo a aewapaper corTwapondent
la tha beglaalag of his tllnesa: **Well
It doamit aaatter how It goea with mo
It la tloia to fo. I am wuilng and walt^
lag. It ia literally true, aa Jaekaor
aall. that there U a paaslng over Uu
Hftr to fwal an^ the .hade of thi
itmm:** ^
tlm one hamrthdth aaniveraary ot
the death of Barbara Heck, the fonnd
; er of Methodlam In America, to belny
oommeamrated by a large gathering :>•.
Matbodtou from the United Buies am'
Canada at her grave in Blue Churef
eoamtetir on the Canadian side of th«
Bt. Lawrence, three miles from Or
daaahiirg. N. Y. Through her elTorl*
l---iha Biat
Methodlsr sermon w.
:J pi«im|md In Hew York In mi. After
ward ahe and her husband removed
from New York to Canada. At thh
maiBorlal aervice funds are being anb
scribed to build a memorial hall neai
the cemetery for religious services.
flekley B. Coxe. one «rf the wealth
lest mine operators In the anthraclu
region, has declined to accept the dem
He to a nephew of the late Kckley B
Cote, who. after being elected to th»
aUte aenate In 1K70. refused to lak*
the oath of offlee. iKcsuse he was re
qnlred to swear tbst no money wm
used to bring about hU election. Buh
cegueatly he. was Inductn! again to k
a candidate for the same o«ce. an.
was electod by an overwhelming ms
Jorliy. It was thought* that yuuni
Cote would follow lo hia uncle's fool
steps, but hts love for political purit:
to no great that Ae dm-s not care t.
Uke any part In the game as It t*
pto^ In Pennsylvania.
Captain Andrew Rowan of Atchison
Kan., made quite a ropatstlon whIU
serving In the Philippines, cbletl:
from the eommon senlH. and Infonna
way In which he performinl whatevc
duty tkme to hand. He was stattonrt
at a pLWt In one of the rt^nole prov
Incea of the islands. A backward sea
Mm had been disastrous to crt»ps, an<
the prices of provender had gone sky
ward as a result. About this tlm«
aererml wealthy Chinese merchanr
had baaB arrested fur smuggling. Row
an |Mt the Mongols at work cuttlnr
grass, •nils brought forth a protest
that tnalty found Us way to \be chle;
guthoritlea at Manila. In due coursi
of ttma thr foUowIng telegram reaches
Bowaa: -Why are you compelHm
i>ii -
Morning aervice. 10:30.
Sunday school. 12:00.
Baraca Bible class. 12:00.
B. Y. P. U. at 0:46.
Bvenlng. 7:30.
Prayer meeUng on Thnraday evenng nt 7:30.
Rev. Haary McKiaiay. paator.
3:41, Sabbath achool.
11:00. I
3:00. Jualor 1
Oliver Beaaon
to especUIIy Invited to
Ooraar State aad UaloB atraaU.
CagUlB aad Mrs. Moaaalla
Sunday. 11 a. m.; hoUnaas maadag,
2 p. m.; jualor maaUi^ 2:20 p. m.;
ChrtotlaaB* pralaa maaUng. t p. m. A
real batUa for souls.
All are welcome.
Rev. Leonard
Comer Washington
Morning aanrioe. 10:30.
There will be no servlees at Blreto
Rev. D. OochUn. paator.
All services In the church parlors
except senior department of the^^nlay achool. Entrance on I'ark atreeL
Morning service, music and sermon
It 10:30 m. m.
Sunday achool at noon. Primary
•nd Intermediate claaaea in thepvlors.
U1 other classes In the court house.
Vssemble in court room at 13 o'clock.
Young People's Society of Christian
Sndeavor at C:15 p. m.
Sunday evening gospel im^Ung at
/:3U p. m. Bring yuur friends with
C. B. meeUng. 6:30.
Song and preaching service. 7:30.
Seau free.
AU are welcome to all the services.
Sunday morning. 10:30 a. m.
meeting. 7:30.
Reading room, room 314 new Wil
helm block, open every afiemoon ex
cept Sunday from 2 to 5. Thursday
evening from 7 to 9.
A cordial Invitation to extended to
all to attend all>ervico3 and the read-
Rev. R. M
10 a. m.. 1
Succ^ul Until Ht Reac
1«:30. morning woi^hlp.
Traverse City.
Sergeant Smith, who will be
bered here as having been one of the
Scripture reading.
to join the Rough Riders, was in
Singing by chorus and congregation. drat
town yesterdsy. visiting old friends
for the first time in many years.
He said ihsi U was odd. but In ail
Song by the chorus. “The Child of a his travels/he said he never found a
good 6c dgar until he went into S. E.
<lngOffering and
Song by the chorus, -He IWll Hide
6:30 p, m.. Y. P. A. meeting.
7:30. young ladles' service. A spe^
rial serinon to young ladles. Young
adies will sing and seau will be re
served for all the ladles who attend.
and Manila cheroots, but from now ob/
says he will have nothing but the
-Chico.- as it is a good, clew cigar,
witl^long Havana filler, smoking with
s firm ash and a regular S5c fragrance.
S. E. W^t A Sons have just securiMl
the local alency for the
to Ivy
lb to n
i good Judge of a cigar.
Ydu UtUe kaewv when first we met
That some day jam would be
Rev. John Foraburg. paator.
The ibeky fellow rh choose to let
Sunday achool, f :2® a. m. evary Ban. Pay for my Rocky^Moonlala Tea.
Johaaoa Drug Co.
Preachtag aenrIcM'at 10:30 a. m.
AM wil»crtb«* aetlrtM may ch»i>r
tad 7:30 evaaiag tha Am aad third
^radaya ia tha Mth.
Of tl)p entire summer stpek of hats,
botli triBOwd aad uatrtaiaed. ThU
rtoM OO. 0« or k«n>f« «*pt.
rauriaanth ttraal M. t. Owralb
make room for the aav «ood» la
Rav. J.W.MBIar. pastor.
falU that «ni reach the ehelre. thI.
Claaa maauac. itU.
athek. Watch for aoBouhcenieat. Mia.
Moralat aanrloa. 10:30.
Hack. Wont street.
' Sunday achool at noon,
iqpmitth imacas, 0:li.
hmwtar TO lUU
This baa been the banner year In
; tnm ft to 110.
Nir Mbieu aad our buaiaeaa haa la.waaedfifrenr month. Why? Because
0:30. love feast, led by the pastor.
10:20. aermon and quarterly com
Bunkm conducted by the gaator. as
dsted by Rev. A. J. Bldred.
12. Sunday school.
G:16. Bpworth League, led by Laater
7:30. Uluatrated service.
..•What the-Bible la Doing for the
World.- Uluatrated by a Bae aeries of
Meturea of Bible work la Home. South
\mcrica and Malayala.
Opening eong service led by choir
tnd orchestra.
The male quartet will sing -The
;^rd to My Shepherd.- illustrated.
BoUlftar^ Bocky Mona
-- -- mti^mor^
To A. L. Muxxy. W. D. Chancy. D. B.
Seer, E. C. Hitchcock. Prank Dolph.
FYank Lahym, Chaa. Cresay. yBert
JameMm. BenJ. Thlrlby. Peter Hormuth. Mnu A. K. ForrmU. l4a a Bab^
cock, N. H DeZoete.-A..Cha
Mercy Monroe. B. M. Daily.
Phelps, John Helfrich, Ed Rosy
Whiting. Geo. Demling. Alfred Cam
peau. F. M. Paine, Lester HublK-Il. W.
A. Watkins, J. Orvesunsn. K E Colby,
a E. Colby. A. H. BUhop. Seth Plough.
Hin. Mrs
Howard. Perry .Nor
rls. Ray A. Dunn. Geo. Clyde. U. W.
Stf-wart, E. A. NewUm. Harry Burr
Bert Kelly. R H. Ryan. Oll%^ Pierce
E. Scofield. T. H. Cnimlall. F. O Pratt.
O. J. Haywood. Marlon Black. J. Hqt
tenbury. Telhurst,' FU»yd Jameson'.
Chss. H. Smith. F. W. Wilson. A:/G
Stnmg. Chas. McMlchaH. Mary Har
vey. C. D. LaPointe. C. W. IVZoeie.
E. Hensel. F. H. Scofield. C. Vader.
Ange Farrant. Mary Ingersoll
Mahn. J. W. Ciiffe. Eliz. Evans. An
Ihuny S<nd. August Sill. O. C Moffatt.
W. D. Tompkins. Geo. Burrows. Wil
cox. Columbia Trans. Co.. Susan Grav
el. W. H. Fife. W. Helm. W. H Corey.
J. H. Monroe. L. Mitchell. P. A Gold
hof. G. A. Johnson. Perry Hannah e*i.
and all persons Interested in the Igy
Ing of latersl sewers in the slley be
tween Ninth nnd Tenth stA-ets from
Wadsworth to Ik hernia street, in the
alley b<*tw«H*n Tenth and Eleventh
strcvls fn>m Wadsworth to iMdunila
fctr^«et. in the alley Unween Eleventh
and Twelfth si reels from Wads wort
to Bohemia street M her^nofore adop
ed by*the council of Traverse City.
Mich„ take notice;
r7v3.q.K F. O.
That the roll for the special a.<;.‘iess
ment for the laying of a sew«-r In the
slley between Ninth and Tenth str
fmm 'Wadsworth to Bohemia sire
in the alley l»etween Te*urh ami F
enth streets, from Wadsworth to
hernia: in the alley between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets, fn.ni Wadsw<»rth
to Bohemia street,
for public insihecti
NiUice fs also hereby givd-n that the
council and board of assessors of t
city of Traverse- City will meet at t
council r»K>m in said city at 8 o cliH-k
m.. September I2ih. I9u4. to revb
said assessment rolU. at which time
and place opjMirtunity will be glveu all
persons interested to l>c
Dated this 23th day of August. \^A
City Clerk
2273 141
Wm. Blarkmaii. John Lotharus. A. B.
Curtis. Cilf. ]'lvne. Morris Decker.
Louisa Ayers. M.
Poaynes. R. WledBtf--------------- -----------Haggard.
lu. Mrs
»I1B. Mary
A. Patrick. C. P.
r. G. F. Rowe, A.
Seror. >U Nasli. Crawk A Hardy. H. W.
. F. J. Sutherland.
Rose Webb. A. C.
Bates. F. E Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett. H
R. Burns. W. E. Moon. Nellie Johnson,
Th«»maji. N. W. Harrle. C. II.
Johnson. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter.
Mary E. Slytet. M. C. Miller. Harvey
Chinworth. John Danford. J. W. Miller.
G. P. Garrlsoi. D. L. Nickerson. Jay
Young. Thos.jMcCluskey. J. McAllist«»r. Biipesf Cmln. Alfred Ayers. O. P.
Hughs. A. R. flke. Wm. Raine. Arthur
Hadley. B. W| Butler. W B. Bi-nnrtt.
A. HuellmanUl. John Galdager, W. B.
Knmggs. Davidson. Mary Mickier.
Frank Voge.
i'oge. M. E. Looks,
Looks. G. 1D. Ken
Ith. Ray
. T. NHMrs. Lilibie Kelley. B.
i. fi8. Cole
And. Pitch. D. Rodisong. Wm. Van
Stec. Fred L. jSlockIng. Calvin L.. Gib
sun Al Heiilimautel. Wm. L. HenU
L. Han
•i Bert Mullen Jane A
Hattie McGlbnis. F Neai on. F. F
O'Neil. R. G.jl»aulln. Enoch L. John
son. Mary B. I Kelderbouae/John Probert. A F. Hotaard, and all persons In
terested in the layUig of a sewer in the
alley Im tween Ninth and Tenth streets
from Wadsworth to Division; in the
alley betweeii Tenth and EloVenfl
street* -from Wadsworth to Division
in the alley] between Eleventh an<
Twel.ih Bireeu}. from Wadsworth in
Division Ktrt*dt. as heretofore adopu-d
by the council of Traverse City. Mlchl
That the rdll for the siiecial assessment heretofore made by the board of
asses.sors forjtbe purpose of <
that part
cll di-clded Hllould be borne by special
asKt-hfcmeni for the laying of a sewer
In the alley Iw-tween Ninth and Tenth
streets from iWadsworth to Dlvleion:
In the alley betwe«ti Tenth and Elev
enth striH-ts Irom Wad.sworlh to Dlvly between Eleventh
reels from Wa.lswt»r«h
to Division streets. Is now «.n fib- at
my office fori public insjiectlon.
Notice Is a|so hereby given that the
council and lx»ard of a.ssessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet SepNotice of Sevirer Aat
temlKT I2th.il9U4. in said city at the
cfiuncil ro<jmk at 8 o'clock p. m. to re
. To J. A. Nickerson. John Wood. T view said aisessmeni roll, at which
A. Monroe. Warren Finn. John Bartz.
opportunity sill be
Chaa. Howard. John l^awyence. Wm. given all 4»^-rKuns interested to
.VdKll. H. O. Juynt. E O. FTllls. J J.
T>unn. r. W. DeZ.>ete. Henon Squires. ^ D^ti-d this
hlsUlh day of August. 1904
W. O. Dunham. Adventist Church.
Wm. Ingersol, Rubt. He
I_____________ City Clerk.
rat 1000 WATIS
•OOP. ond you*vo boop invltod. toloct ymm
NA8TALL. tha Jowolar.
P. S.~Wa furnlah haiMtooma oarfi
Ut. J- B. Hawley. Th(*s.
[iwrie. A B
L. Brown. R. A. Utwr
_____ Willard Cary.
Can G. R Newman
Heury C. Gort*. Thos. Helm. Lun«
Paris. Geo. Scott. Geo. Newberry
Sarah J. Calkins. James Slack." Neil
Uvingstoo. F>ed Smith. Milt's Hill,
giyde ,W. Finn. Lufcinda Fox. Frank
Waldis. A. C. Eller. Chas EaaU-rday.
Nelson Gore. V. A. Patrick. Wm
John Lathams. A. B. Cur
tic, CliffordI Cl yne. Morris
rs. H. n. Poayner. H. WleH
Louisa Ayers.
ooft. Samuel Stover, tChas. Moulton. C.
E. Kent. J. M. Haggard. Mrs. Mary
Dlsler. Ely Hyde. C. P. Taylor. Palmer
B.. G F. Rowe. A. Secore. AI Nash.
Craw A Hardy. H W. Smith. C. L. Da
vU, P. J. Sutherland. M. U Ujons.
Mrs. Roae Webb. A. C. Rtmley,
Paris. D. E. Carter. Robt. Walter. F.
Smith. U’dia Jameson. Josephine
Bates. F. E. Saxton. Geo. E. Jewett
H. R. Bures. W. E. Moon. Nellie John
aoMt D. 1* Thomas. N. W. Harrle. C. H
Johnson. Fred Dean. O. L. Coulter
Mary E. Slyter. Geo. Helm. M. C. Mil
ler. Harvey Chinworth, John DaiUord.
A. C. Elder. J. W. MlUer. G. P Gar
riaon. D. L. Nickerson. Jay Young
Thos. McCluaky. J. McAllister. E.
Crain. Al Ayers, O. P. Hughs. A. R
Pike. Wm. Raine, Arthur Hadley.
W. Butler. W. B. Bennett. A. Ht
mantel. John Gallagher. W. B. Knaj
Davidson. Mar» MIckler. Frank Vi
M. E. Louks. G. D. Kenney. 8. B. H
ard. Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah t
Mra. Ubby Kelly. 8. R Cole.
Pitch. D I^tmg: Wm. Van 5tee A
B. Cortlr. Fred Stocking. Calvin Gib
ton. Wm. HendiickB. W. J. Noble. Cal
1. Z. T. Swan.
Not^ to ft
The Ux rolls for the o
collection of
school and city taxes and special as
sessments for the five wards of the
city of Traverse City. Mich., have been
placed In mi hands for collection.
I will be In my office for the pur
pose of collecting said taxes every
week day from now until Nov. 1, 1904.
from 8 o'clock until 11:30 o'clock In
the forenoon, and from 1 o'clock unUl
4 o'clock In the afiemoop of each day.
All taxes ^id before Sept. 1st will
be received' without collection fees,
and on all tkxes remaining unpaid on
Sept. 1st anb unUI Oct. 1st. a penalty
of one per ^nt for collecUon will be
charged. Ob all taxes remaining un
paid on Ocb 1st and until Nov. 1st a
Wo can astonish yov at tbo
c h:^
Prompt Delivery.
That the Hot SfMings medlcUiaa
have cured THOUSANDS IN TRAV^ .
ERSE CITY. They can cure yen. Fdr
i sale by all first ciaas druggiata. _
Claua Warner. Prot>rleSor
The officers of the Grand Traverse
ind Arizong Mining Co. report that
he stock neceasary to procure a power
olanl and sinelter wrill soon be placed.
They WOU14 like to Gave R aU LeM by
Rant*. CeM^r VMM JlM
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