The Evening Record, September 01, 1904

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The Evening Record, September 01, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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>iiiituiNO jAro ABC mBMiNO

OfMli EmmnUm Bttt Wat CaiifM in

• Onto Ktonr Vnto.
By Wire to Um BriMlac Bm
IMW V0IO Ui4a7 ud captM fvciiurAre paople w*r# droiraed.

Unn Vn^ Lnnt NI9M Con-

Hr Wire to tlM Brentan Record.
Ttikio. OepL-l.-KMro renehad h«re
todnjr Uttt Uio Rarelno rinht nod oeoter. defenditts Uao Tans, are retrentIns. Tito Jayaree are In imrealt.
by Oeoeral Kurokl. citiiaed the Tal
Tm» Hver. After fbniinf |be eti
the. Japanee# advaaeed tpward Uao
Yana In two bodlee. one marehlna due
we*t and the other by way of the Vontain mlnee. After the Roralane* 1
flank wan tarned the etar*n troope
Illy retreated toward Uao Yana, fol
lowed by the Japaneee. who

81. Peternbura. Bept. I.—The battle
at Uao Yaaa lant Bight conUaued until
inldniaht with fHghtfol niaughter. The
Japanese nuoeeedi^ In getting
• column acroM-ihe^l Tee river nor
east of Uao Yang, and General Kun><
patkin gave ordern to fall back on the
mala work, but owing to Japany
piwMiare thia movement wan not
orated. The armlee niept In their pev
There ware Mvy ioey oh both
nldon. Oeneral Stakelberg. In command
^ the Pint Rant SIberton corpn, nun
^ed oQOtankmn In Weddendv'* bat
Ue on ibe aouth front, but he remained



Ciflilt Himdred Police Are Oi


■rcnlhnc tkat U awM far icteol eotk to na«r at tkta slM

Ckarlee B. Bpakr. editor of the Oatlook aad.Cam

VoB^oqweUaroMMriac «sd o«hw ssesat kaa«’sAM
»«*». 8om ««n TshMo la ollslitlr
*oca aa< oaeoaa kaad
kookaarelwta. dUoaity.

from A steamer la the Btogltoh chanael. No trace Ytos been found of him

By Wire to the Evening Record.
Jackson. Mich.. Bept 1.—The repubcan legislative convention, which asthto morning, nominated

: tito Stock Yartia in Antici.
bn of Trouble an Reeylt of


^ A nerloun wr^k on the Pere Mar­
quette road wa* narrowly averted lant
night about »:30 o’clock near Eighth
I oroaalag,- when two englnex BOARD OF EDUCATfoN COUl
crashed togethpr head on. As It war
two engineers wore Injured but the
real of the train crow jon
^ftar a Two-Hour Session Matter of



won poctiOB FMdar.




CHy Book Stm


Eugene Haley InetantJy Killed at Mar
ahall Today.
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Marshall. Mich.. Sept. 1—Eugene
sley. aged fio. was struck by a west
bound Detroit. Toledo A Milwaukee
By Wire to the Evening Record.
passenger train while staiiding on a
Chicago. Sept l.~Elght huadred
bridge over (he dam on thP Katams
poltoo are dtstribated about the stock
rive at iioou unlay and inslanily
yard in aatlcipatlon of trtMible an a r^
nuH of the employ of the Independ
cat packing planU ntriktng. Fifteen
rS. TIMBLIN will
t a specitlred independent butchers are ty of fine grades of dress goods in
cleaning np today and will be out of white and colored broadcloth. Line
OTHER ENGINEER WAS ONLY work fly thin evening. By tomorrow It
ccmpicte than any shown In the
In expected the Independenu will prs';- city.
tically be out of business and the start
of a meat famine accomplished. Pres­
Light Engine Wee Coming Down the ident Donnelly said today that he
1 tome a call for help from all
Main Une Teward the Oepol and
nnlona allied to the butchers’ work
Struck the twitoh Engine^
$200 Damage.

Warren Cooper, an engineer. wouM
obably have been klUed if he had
sought to eeoBpe by the doorway lint
instead be went out of the window and
Inod a badly bruised back, shoul
ders and other bruises. One of his
^ was also badly cut and the little
linger was cut nearly the entire length
to the bone but will be saved. Dr. G.
Qlllday was called and relieved
the Injured man.
Lloyd Niggs. the other engineer, re­
ceived slight Injuries; the fingers on
ADMITTED TO. SAIL BY JUDGE one hand being very liadly amanhed.
The accident was caused by the switch
engine coming out of the yards at the
freight depot while another H^i etT*
was coming down the main line
Jkfida Ware Fixed at •2©,00a-lndlcted
the depot. The light engine
- for Murder ef Caesar Young In
running at a fair rate of speed
a Cab Uat June.
the switch engine was almost
>ed. The damage to the two en­
By Wire to the Evening Record.
New York. Sept. l.—-Justlct« Amend, gines Is estimated at ISOO.
sluing In Supreme court this mon
granted the application of lawyer
Abraham Levy, etnmsol for Nan Pat­
terson. who in ondw indictment for Suoeeede Leeter D. Welch at Pfwaldent
the murder «f Ca^r Young In a cab
of the Methoaiet Epworth Leegue.
last June, fpr the mimlhsion of bis
Buelneee Meeting.
client to hall. The anunmt of bail w
fixed at 120,000.
The regular monthly business meet­
ing and social of the Epworth league
of the First M. E church w’sk held last
evening at the home of the pastor.
Rev. W. L. Laufmsn. About forty-live
young people were present and a re
l»ort showed that |17 had been cleared
Selected Strong Ticket
lu* siercopllcon entertainment.
Afit-r the regular business. Prof. R. L.
Rpeclal to the Evening Record.
Nye was elected on the first billot.
Kalkaska. Mich., 8ei>t. l—The fol
of the league until Jan. 1 10
lowing oflicere we^ nomlnattMl by the
republican county cooven lion held Huroivd Lester D. Welch, resigned.
Mr. Welch s^ioke briefly, thanking
hen^ yesterday afternoon:
Judge of probate. W. W. WTilpple. . the memlwrs for their support and as­
sistance during hla term of lifflce. The
aherlff. Charles W. Sherwood.
Prosecuting attorney. Chauncey C. league has had good attendance and
good Inten-st mil summer. He closed
by wishing abandsnt success.
Treasurer. W, C. Hewitt.
Mr. Lsufman then spoke briefly
Clerk. James M. Flsgg.
thanking the league for the support
RegUler of deeds. Jorn ^Inbow.
him mnd the church. The bust
Circuit court commissioner. Wa)nc
meeting cUwt'd with prayer.
Simmons. .
Afterward refreshments of w^ier
Survey. W. 8. Morrtll.
Ooronefm, A. O. Kellogg. O. J. Legg. melon were served. Two new mem
Delegates tonhe stale ctmvenilon. bers wer«v added, making the total
William Ttoiten. Wayne Simmons. J. eighty-eight active membera.

Heating and Ventillsting New
Building Still Undecided.
The board of education held a spe­
cial aeaalon laKi evening which lastc<!
oyer two hours bi^ noibiug was no
Itahed other than another meet­
ing being called for Friday night. The
eg and venUllatlng of the new
fourth ward school building was the
bone of contention and the time was
spent In discussion of the matter.
Montague moved Uiat the mayor
and city clerk be auihorixtHl and Instrncted to enter Into contract with
Arms S Cole to furnish the hesilng
and ventlllatlng plant fur the new
building in accordance with the vote
thd last meeting. Mr. Thlrlby
moved as an amendmrat that the
board Uke a fifteen minute recess.
The Btotlon as amended carried.
Mr. Garner, after the recess, moved
that the action of the board in letting
the heating and veniillailng confraci
considered. The chair declared
the modoo lost. Mr.*Thlrlby appealed
from May Ffilghum'a ruling on the
tMtnd that the motion only requiretl
majority of members present. The
appeal was not susuined.
Mr. Fairchild moved that the l>oard
Uourn until Friday evening. Carrie^l.

Divorce Case of Edna ve. Herbert
SlyUr Taken Under Advisenvent.
Orellkk Co. Vi. Smith Ceee On,
At the adjourned term of Circuit
court held thU afternoon testimony
taken In the divorce case of E
Slyter v^. Herbert Slytcr on the
Id# of desertion snd the case ats
taken under advisement by Jtufge
The lira labor case of the J R Greillck Oo. Ys. Maude Taylor and David

Smith to BOW being tried.

I Every In.Mrumeni jssiaranued tu
E'aelury pru-ts ami
very' generous terms.


mmiist K.astroBc,S(T.


Hoar pBMOfl a good
Ra.T.P.DltaBraUBMtUt mura- this
MMl UMUt o( I.C troB WtaMBA UBw toE. wlMre
H*Ukll* to obow UT ho MtoMoa tho BIMo tmtaOMA The
atlo hi onhoiUi M he gram no
^ woe atleoM hr «*w tSM



..y<,ur<.n.pric. W.


are ^oing out of the
US. WeaiepnMdofthis tepuutioo and intend to keep it.

childrens line and want


to sell quick. School
suits sizes 6 to 16-Moth­
ers: it would pay you to
see us before you buy.


:itoOA m 00.

I You Should

I The best when you buy a piano
! or organ. You will be well
: ploaatHl If you plac*^



You knra we liell the bat





styles, new toes, new
heels. J ust received our new
line. Wc show tmany new dcsigns.

Sliocs that fit. «l oci that wear.


The Old Reliable Shoe House

Abstracts of Title
BataMIshsein isee


Room 210 Stato Bonk Bids. '



Cor. Lak« Av«.mnd lOth

New Stand, 242 Front Street


fall eiotb^
What arc they gpinjr to be,
where are you going to get them,
and what are they going to cost
If you want the veo’ latest ap
proved styles, the widest latitude
in choice, the best fit possible and
a wearing quality that you will
remember with pleasure, all
within the reasonjible price
range of

UireHra at the Home 4 Mrs. F. O.

A dellghtfttl anrprtoe was given at
he home of Mre. F. D. Ransom last
rvralag te honor of her atoter, Miss
Badto Klagdocu who has just relui
frtNB a trip to 8t. Uwto and Valpiffmtoo. Theerralngwaav^pleasaiuGROWS NO WEAKER.
ly epofUn playtng games and reft
mS HMde Thoredny of the mir
I of ioa cream and cake ^
Yet Senater Hoar Shews No Geln in pointment of Wui Orey. former lord
enior general of Oamada to anoceed
By Wire to the Evening Record.
Worceetet Itaia.. SepL l.-dBeaaior
L Boyd.
Tlu re^Were BO

By Wire to the B% eahig Reoorfl.
New York, Sept L-A meaesj


Don't ask yourself "*What sort of a Hat I shall- wear
Ask us. We know just what tluL.«o^
•shapes are. We have
arc shown iiL.Ncw V'or


Come to our store aiid ask us to
show, yon our new models in L. Adler Bros. & Co’s
Rochester ma<e suits and overcoats. What we know
about these, garments makes us «)nfident that they will
please you.

i EwnmM

Gonicr Front







MWla«*l- TOai


asai^ r*

la tbe

. .
H mtm nuutas to tU amOV■:-...^.-Ueun !• tonUtoc • (plntold
" ta» Jor to. ftodtoto c* to. ton* mi
«rtoanli 01 to. OiMd Tratora. r*
tit:' ««»- n* MV«r i.
V- . too«tIMptojto.'T>.»nUtirto
ato M* MOt iwt bwM ud con >i«
>-. la jnat abaatoan. TO. I. oa. of
<"> '• tooat UdBfUto. toat win gram aod
^ laanM. la onadto a. to. jroan fo
*» “<
*“* li aot oaljr of «mi
iw»a, jv»ltt0U>gi«|ftnMraMioUi0cl<j.
CMdi4al« Fcrrlt >ia« h«*ii for
oondurilnt • rAmn«l«n of odo-

i|tKm in Bic Know*,

Now It rr nmtni^ to
h9j^n <s}ucuw the I
df tkO it»U IBIO
IBIOItht^ Uohri thOt bo 1
wmkm a bottor r'vn.or Umb
FM M. Wbmer. It I not tfwi
flood oelwolmwlor « ho omn ma
•oeoM ot flovornlnf a iqato. Tbo roOOMSmm of Ut oioto alii not bo like.
If toUko«iUiMw« ibUXall.
Tbo ooot lafllrtattiro
wrtli bo oUooot oolldir rw
a«r. prtaioiT f«ono tow which wiu demooI ' oliwio thoi tbo domboroit ore not tbo
» :
«Ujr pooflle who 1^ the lotoroo


p»nld^7$^to. «fcai would
toa eaaqftyro^ <■» « tt». demo^
coal«o.oaia»MTOfilto« .)ato? TO
nton of MlOhlau tooold. Mew wide

. rftogiTOdH-wdiiil took, toinc* bun
1 fM to. oppwiunUy.
Mr. end Mr%. A. U MeBetn Have Boiwmed to the teat
A farowoU picnic and party wa* tonflmwd Mr. and Mr». A. U McG
Kaw York city at the Halftcwd
ataad oa Thuroday. Aug. X5.
they luva bdoA vUltlng their bnither.
">15toworth HaUtead.
tbo picnic and party wan a great
M . inirprtoo to all coocemed apd a very
plaaaaat time wa. enjoyed by the m
aaighboni and in who attended the



woiw* Mre. McDatn. formeriy Min Ida Hal
95J; ataad. eami to bar tfid home with her
atotor. MIm Un(an Halstead, on June
It. for the benem of bar health and
•*** : the return to her old hame has greatly
Blraagthened her as well as her
amw^i IttUa glrU who have greatly benefltod
by the Ufa «f freeilom they have en
Joyed while here. * Mr. McBaln has
bemi with hU wife the past three

weeks and in that time has received
B8 Indelible Impreskm of the aoctobllm
Mr and klndners of the western people
* . in general. He haa e«rn «.ed an In
------to rtMurn.tu thli. neighbor
settle down.
The neighbors nnd frl. nds regret
the fact that Mr. and Mrs McBaln
must return to thair home in New
York dty.
Mias Ullton H tl I* $ Uu^ .v^cepted
the “aparllng »chm> M ill remain
here as t«>arher M i • HaUiead has at­
tained great s nv.^.. . jtnher In
the Bast. haMng tas^i • »( .\t amit
City and dtber larr ^ » U



THIS M. A X. E siii
so excurSion to MsnUtee
^s>. Special
drain w'lll leave Trsv<r><* OHv at &:U
a. BL. returning, leave Manistee nt 10
p. m. Special round Crip rate of I1.IS
wttl be made, good going on B: 40 train

to«ickton*e Amka Salve.
fa^ fur marvelo.
aurpaaaes any other aalv
liMat dr balm for cot
Mfi^ tottor. lalt rheum,
ebappod baada. abtn er tptloua:

SStoH WR TOWM Iwlto-Rwto.

:^:-niv A’i»60iwwAirr ab.

Labor My, SejiL S.


Mihnin tho^PMr cf map in the emmbMtoaiitaftbbbmmiTf ty.themraraflehitogtX nghttaM
wacc’dtommaed to thin towMhto
mverwd JM acres ssMto. One
iitoy tatoroMing Sfl. they
apw was emflioyeg by the month nnd SS
bythadnr. Th«4rnvaenfleIneomewns
IM jwUli thiwe ngmwe mmto a dny
•wMrti coat the amployar |84i a week.
Yhk or the n«Pl09^ had Ummm a^
the avarkge mi^bar «f mionlhn to feed
aneh day wim tour. The eight man
towaablp of Acme Svn fermt

oMMon clmirK~ hard to am eamof acfoa la MOb Cana wan M.4. mse
petoiit term tobor. five of them embaad waa omploynd by tbn pear and
ployod female domestic lahor. ps
•ve by the aMmth. Tbiwe were ea^
therefore ea average of 8148 a t
pleped by Cbn day aad tbe av«
agd eeUmaUng their hoard nt nn averag;of8240.
The eomMtor of the atatlstie|
week, two Of tbe emplofea bad 1
stopped leac enough to get fo
llee. four belag tbe avemfleaomb
eaeb. ftmr mporied a ecaretty of la- from awveu teima tn Farndtoe. BmA
borenk oae employt^ feamle labor aad one nvamgnd 1884 ncres to Farm
tbe average weekly wagee of tbe fe- and seven men were employed by
matoe. lactadlag board, waa |UM>. month, while ala labored by the day.
They worked 74 months n year and
wblle tbe ^ dwae eatlmated at
were paid an avernge of 823.08
a week. Tbe average moatbly w
of malee. laclodlag board, wae mJC month, their board ooaUng their <
Blair towaahlp bad ato tarma caa- pfornr424iaweek. Three bad teml
vaeed. the average acreage being Has. ^ an avernge number of thr
lOf.5. Five malea were employed by to the family, one man tnrnUhed
the moaU. eevea by the day and they tanamant hoone fkwe and aU^ but one
worked 7 J moaths a yekr. Tbe aver iwportad a aearelty of term labor. Two
age asoathly wagea srere 11241. In employed female domeatles. paid iham
eluding board, aad the ooet of hoard 82 a week aad apeat 82.76 to fewl
at fl4d weekly. FV»r
employee bad famlUee. tbe average
aumber la each belag three Tbe en­
ure ala canvamed reported a act
the year, twelve by the month nnd two
of toborere and three employed dc
the average weekly wagea. in- by the day. They worked on an aver
ciudlag board, being |240 and hoard age of 9.2 months a year aad received
823.16 tL month, their board averaging
being eatimated at 1348.
.Berea fanna wlUi an average acre­ 83.09 a week. Three ha dfamllles. four
being the nverMv. All nine of those
age of 1834
eanvnsaed reported a scarcity of farm
Bay towaahlp.
year*| contract, eight tinder a lahOr. Five employed females as doiShnth'a aad three tohorera were em mesUos. paying them a higher aver
wage than anywhere else in the
ployed by the month. The average
Ume worked waa 84 months n yenr county. 8240 a week, thfir board costand the wagee were 82443. InclndlJig 4ng 8240.
Only one farm waa canvassed in
board, the hoard being eeUmated nt
83.04. Three employes had families Union township. This contained 110
and the average number In the family aerea. one man was employed, working
was four. One employer furnished n by the dny nnd receiving 826 n month
free tenement house. Seven reported besides hU board, which cost his em
a sourtslty of labor and no females ployer 82.50 a week. The one man
seen said there was a scarcity of farm
were employed as domentlca
Pour farms, with an average acre- labor. He also employed a female or
age of 1394 were hanvaaiied in Fife a domretlc. paying her 82 a wt*ek. her
Lake townghlp. P^ur hands were em- board coating hlm4l.r>0 a win k.
Whllewnler ha^ ten farms can­
ployed by Uio month. They worked
ejght monUis In the year and the com- vassed. The average acreage of these
Sensation per month. Including board, was 1324. Twelve men were emidiiyed
was 826. tbe hlghoat amount paid In by the month and ten by the day.
tbe county. Only dne man was em­ They worked 7.1 months In the yiear
ployed by the day. ‘Board was estl- and were paid 823.73 a month, their
mated at 83 a week. Two of the em- boaM averaging 82.50 a week.. Four
ployea had famlllrti. and three was the had families, «ve members Udng the
nverage number In each family. One average In each, three employers fur­
employer furnished a free lenero^ nished frt*i* tenements, eight said thefe
bouse and four reported n acarclty of waa a acarclty of farm labor, two em
labor. One employed a female as a ployed female domestics, paying them
domestic, her wages being 82 a wt^yk. 82 a w«vk and their lH>ard, averaging
including hcrieep. and her board was 82.50 a wei k.
Seventy-seven farms were canvassed
Mtlmated at 82 a week.
In Clarfleld township live farms of in the county, the average acreage
an average acreage of 169.8 were can being 144.4. Seven men were em­
by the year. sIxty-nIne by the
vassed. Three men were employed by
tbe rnootli and nine by the day. those month and nlnety-three by the day.
working by the month receiving 825.18 They worked on an average of 7.3
nnd tbelr board and working C4 months a year aniTtbe average wages
months a year Board was estimated were 824.5C. Ikiard cost on an average
at 83 a week. Five of the employes of 82.1*8 a week. Hfly of the em
had families, the average number In ployes hsd families and the average
number in each famHy was 3.8. Thlreach f
te«9n furnished free tenement houses.
Id farm labor was
free. Four' said labor wapwearre and
H*. twenty-eight employed females
four employed females as domestics,
the avertgo weekly wages. Including as domestics and the average weekly
tomm. being 82.37. while board was es­ wages of these were 8210 and the
average cost of their board 82.50.
timated at 82.60.
In Grant townshtp four farms with
reply to the question as to the
an average acreage of 220 were can- cause of the scarcity of domestic labor,
vnssad. One man was employed by tbw answers were various and somethe year, four by the month and three tlBies amusing, although appa.-^'ntly
by the day. The average monthly given to all candor. The concensus of
wmges. Including Isiard. were 825 78 opinion seemed io be that girls pro
and they worked 5.9 months In the ferred working to factories, hotels ar1
year. Board was climated at 32.71 a std^; Jhat they received better pay
week. Three of the employes had with a shorter woiV day and can bo
families and the avernge was four to mor« independent. Borne aeem to
the family. Two employers furnished think that education makes the aver­
free tenement houses and four report­ age girl feel above dotog houaework.
ed a scarcity of labor. One employed while others Intimate that girls are
a female as a domektlc and her wages
were 82 a week, while her board wa*
feel above
eMimated at $2.50.
work, they do ^esen^j
resent being looked
Three farms were canvassed In upon as a servant.
aervant Bqtoe farmers say
Green Lake township. They had an
y girls are educated to
average acreage of 240 and four men teaeh school.- This argument loses
were employed by the wsoath. while Its forof when It to known that the
one worked by the day. They worked supply of tcuchers does not fill the deeight months In the year, raoaivad the
badtoitod that there
highest oompenaaUon In the county.
acarclty bf woman to supply the
824 a month and their board, the totaatlc work, and that
ter being estimated at $3 a week.
1 causes which have
Three employes had famlltes. twQ
this eooditlou. The
belag the- nverage. Two employers eolvtog of thto problem requires tkc
fomlilMd tlM homn ud two MkM
thought of thoee who
toM turn Itoor WM oeuve. Om oa- are studying the Important queailous
Ptoyod • foMle to • doatoUe. pMd of domestic economy.
hor »ZA0 • wMk ud MtlaMod fc« It haa often been charged that many
board at II.
famert give employmciit to boya under


nabt famia. avaraMac 101 ao«a
aaeh. wara caaaaatad la txoc Lake
towartip. Oaa baad waa aaidurad b]r
toa mr, foar bur toa aoRtb aad
twaaijr-two lor toa dar. Tbar wtwM
M aaatoa a fmt. TOOMtod «IM« a


The Tmvetee city Oannlac company
to now mteg up to fan capacity with
about tl8 peopto ^ployed. Beans
are the prtaclpal product at praeaat.
there hatog move heaaa rmtoed thto
year la thto rtflion than ever hefoce
owing to tha maikat created for them


Oom will he plemiful thin year aad
the tedlcatlona-petot toward a crop of
aaeelteBt qoallty. For the purpoee bf

The canning of winter apples will
be begun later to the season but other
frulu are scarce. Vegetables are not
plentiful either, there being very few'
tomatoes. Despite the acarclty of
fruits and vegetables. Manager Harry
Kneeland nays that the outlook Is that
the factory will be run the entire sea­
son to lU foil otpaclty.

ing bouses In a reii
nod tbe argument turued ou tbe com
parattve meagemeas of tbe uble
tMMrd provided by tbe Undladles. One of tbe party wbo bad Itotoned quietly to tbe talk now simke
“If any of ;
fellows really want
to put yourself on a rigid diet. ' be
saw. -go to Mrs.------*s boarding
bouse In
■errant waltaed up and asked me if
rd have bam -or eggs. 1 said t didn't
want to be grasping, and onlered ilie
yolk of an egg-aald I d bare me
If It for luiu U ’ —Uuri.Lr a

law. Abuse that law even Kllghtly.
pain resullju Irregular living means


K geiHle. yt (
Only 2r.c. At John8on*s
Drug Store. 8. K. Wall & Sous and F.
H. Meads.
I rinsnrUl

.M:in-h, the
oou-d I.liilologtst of I.ufayette. is all
oltiiTr of llie IMii ll.-la Kiippo fralem
Ity, und «t ono of- tlie fraternily s
meetiUKX. ni.lHoiKis of rtiiqouiry. Le
“All old friend of mine told me tbe
otber dny of a remark IhnI a young
man find nmde to liim. .*nils reiiuirk
IlluRtrnUs tlu*
ImpiidoiH-e. that
for w it uiiiong a t-ertalii elnsR of yuuib.
“My fi lend is rich and be said to tUivoung inuii:
“*S;ive: l•ronolnir^^ I laid the fo indailuu of my fortune by wring stroet
*-ar rnres.*
“ I UUlnT know you Imd iWer la^en
a romlotlor.’ the y«ung man nnswfntl. And lie additl: *It tH»ul(Iii*t
be tn lliese days. an3l*uw. tui or
rouul of Ibr fare-reglRte.“*ng urncblnea.**’—Cbi«.nigo Jouruai
8100 Reward. 8*100.
Thr readers of IhiK pajH-r will he
pushed to l.‘ani that there U at li>a«t
one dreaded dlRease that science huM
been able to cure In all Its slage.s. and
that la Catarrh. HaU's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional diRt«Ae, requires a
constitutional treatment. HaHs Ca­
tarrh Cure Is taken Iniernally. acting
directly upon the blood and mucou^-j
surfariM of the system, thereliy lUstroylng the foundstlon of the dlsea^‘
and giving the patlem stnngth b>
tuilWHng up the cunsiitutlon and assltst
W nature In doing its work. Tbe [
proprietors have so much faith in lu
curative powers that they offit One
Hundred Dollars for any casv that it
falls to cure. Send for list ot tesUmonlals. Address
F. 3. CHBNTIY A CO., Toledo. O.
Bold by druggtau. 76c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for consti­
The Ch


See oar dispby of dress goods. Wethosr
a big Une of Mohair Suitings at 50c. 7&c,
$1.00. $1.25 and $1J»5. For a shirt waist ^
suitthey are jttst the thing. : : :: •! -j-♦

Nap^FMI Gaoda- nff«vbig
^aily. It will(pay youtokmaatigata tha ,lraatart hargntoa
avar afforsd jharatofora In dry
foeda, clathiiLahcaamidtei^
istohifiga at Ttha Globa.

A delicious d4sert or a cup of hoi
amber coffee, and one. or all oC these
can be had by pepping Into the Littie Tavern and
counter. Our I
ill be

Special ^le on school
suits this! week. The
Boston S
Caa.s btrtH-t. down
south of Mllllken-s
WiU>eIm and K. L.


TravmrMCitf to St. .Lowin'®*^


TUswin iDdud. Mbsod
bcfAbcIsrea TtsvemCity sad


226 EM Fml Skill

All pupils entering Iho High scluxil
he first time are rethe supertntendenfs
ifflee at the ci nlral
LADIES! Sample shoes that save
and enroll thin w*»ek.
you irom 50c to 81-60 per |ialr at A.
B. Gilbert, SuiH-Flntendenl.
V. Friedrich s.
_______ .V
Dry. Hard nnd ^ WoM. South Alda
SeiPna out s4ool Suit*—Benda.
Lumbar Co.
SIda Lumbar Co.

■nSMwaiwai MltcoB.
SuDdsy. 10 p. Ok. nd
Tlimsdsjrs, < a. a.

All pupils entering the High schooland grndea for the first time gre re- ,
quested to call at the supertotendant'a-1
or principal s office at the ecnlrnl
building and enitill this week.
LB. GUbert, Bnperiotendent.
That tha Hat ^bringa
hava curad THOUfiANO* IN 'TRAV­
ERSE CITY. Thay can cure ytoi. For
■ale by all first claaa dniegists.



By having tlje proper furniture. It don’t coat much more to get the best—the most convenient, and your
work can bejdone in half the time, and with so much more satisfaction.’



Kitchen Cabinets

Nothing was-ever made that so helps the housewife as a good kitchen cabinet. There are so many things
needed in baling and cooking—they should ^ right at hand. It is surprising how many steps can ba aavad
when your falaking materials are within reach.

Kitchen Cabinet Tops
The handiestNot of drawers ever made.
have the “pei|fect whole."

Every cabinet ought to hlsve a top •Ho put things In.- Then you

Kitchen Cupboards
A place for every pan and kettle and spidar and all the little kitchen utensils. An hour a day is
saved when you
,.u.know where things are. These are the best and they sell for 88OG

Kitchen Chairs
: six hf them you should own for convenience sake. They will coat you 83 for the alx.

Kitchen Tables
Ar. M n.cMfiry. Good bl« dravmr ai.d w<d« top. S*IK for tl.75.

Spice Cabinet
Always know whara your apicaa

l good drawers. Atlls for 75c.

Medicine Cabinet
Always kaapja good supply of tba almplar remedies Tn ths house where you can put your hand on thorn at
a momanfa jnotice. Thaaa ara the finaat'we have ever had. A fine mirror in front goad took qnd kty,
mada In both poUahed and flamlah^oak. Thay are an ornament anywhara.

ataa aome years ago tbe Duke of Edin­
burgh called to plain cloibea ou an ad
tnlral. who rebuked him with tbe stiff
greeting. “X should have been very hap­
py to receive yourwoyal highness on
nay other occnaton, but unhappily at
this moment I aim expecting n vWt
fromtbeettototoof tbsqatoten.- The
dnke went bnek to hla nhlp and pat qn
hla uniform.

milta n^Mieanatt

We ^11 the Bradbury, Jewett and Henjning
Pianb, and the Famous Farrand Organ’s


wmioi mcrnk kM ft M Mt 9f«r
Mi^ ftfft IfttffUd bjr ft ftftpft.

•hxilw. iMl ftVMilfts. TkfttnMbtekft
twmm Mr, proKh ftsd tke wgio ftt>
Ifft0lft4 ft coftrtdtrrtif cmvd M
fov IkMU er Ufftofttoi wm hwd.
TiMlabv tfVMftt Iteyttoft* ftftd tod
toift ^rtftklftft. H« WMt tftU
BraMk Ml Mli«t IftM •vmlBft aM

or tto •ftfd. to MW hto dUp ft cto of
toftoft iftio iilt poekftt. lU told ftlai
tofwUwBltftftdiftftveitopIftOft. The
Bftftfo Iftld the Mil \mek os the oouBter
ftftd tooftse ref7 ftb««lve. Mr. Broech
eurtto for hto In order to mnko him
lag fOftM beer wae lying oe tto oono
ter aad the negro pichMi thie up end
etraeh him fuet over the left eye
WhHe the Injttry U not eertoae. had It
been half »n inch one way It would
hare blinded him and half ftta lach an
othto M woald hacp eau^ death. .
The negro ran' from the etore and
Mr. Bfoeeh pureoed him. After run
alag east on l^t etreet eome die
taaee. the negro fell and wHnemuw al
lege that when cloee to him Mr
Bioaeh aleo elipped and fell and they
They were eeparated by byitanderH
aad the negro wan taken In charge ol
bsr Chief of Mice Bennlr.
Brbohf wan arraigned in Judge Rob
eru* oourt at 1:30 thU aftcmoanrTit
claimed that he had been drinking
nad wan not pepiUant of hti action*,
but pleadeO^j^ty
tenr. • He also aald that be did aot
ateal aaythlng. He la 3f years old aad
ton a wife and child living at Key
atone. Aeeordlag to the story of two
wllaaeeee, they thought that tho pack
age to picked up wan one

nofli aa be daparted ato gave It to
Tnbor'e wtfau .
It wa. thie tomey that eaaUad Mfw.
Ihtbor aad her two UtUe chtldfwn
leave the city laat crvei^. Had
aot beea for tto foretight of the captalB'e wife they would have been pen-

ytlll with hM eompnloa. aad aake
his mtoey. Oa advice of Mn.
scllc. ilre. Tftbor rtturrA to give It to

Bert Brigge has returned from a two
weeks* vacation at Hudaoa. Hillsdale
Ohio. He t
the funeral service of hU sister
Tom lieuss and wife of Provemont
wtmt to Manistee this morning for a
short visit.
Prod Hsgo of {^lrt Oncdls Is In the
city for a short visit with friend* and
Mrs. George Jithhaon and Mtm
in went to Ne^ u wanta this
ing for a visit
William L. Wilson of Kingsley ar­
rived in the city this morning for
visit wlUT his son. Register of Deeds
F. W. Wilson.
Miss Daisy Shadek arrived from Deolt last night to spend some time
with friends and relatives.
Shsdek leschcw music hi Detroit aad
Mt aemens.
George AbUdt and wife of togtnaw
arc visiting his brother. Will Abbott
W^cst Seventh street
N. P. Stevenson of Charlottesville.
Vo., returned home this morning after
a two wcelcs’ vlstt with hts brother. L.

•lUve. Brooks
9 here fioia Mecoeta,county where
rae eeotenoed to-a term In the rr^
^^Ilbur Nichols of Detroit is fhe
ttlory for truancy. He was given
ah altenuiUvo
$10 aad coau. guest <»f Mr. and Mrs. Prank Alvord.
Mrs. Kitty Bu Miller left this mori
amouatlag in all to SU.33. or thirty
for a few days' visit with friend*
days in |all- A friend of his furnished
In Grand Rapids, aad from there Brill
the money and he was released.
1‘a. bob
Ills friend* say he did nbt strike Mr.
Broach with a wtopon and he says
Donald K. Bates of Lansing Is visit
that he used bis flat.
Ing this week at Rev. L. B. Blssell's.
William Perth, wife and gr^son
turned to Colorado this rdorolng
after a visit In the city with Victor
Mrs. Mary 2iiinakl. Mrs. Isabel Ren- Pcicrtyl and family. Mr. Perth ha^
nis end Mrs. Wilber Loveland
not been here before in six yoam
Buried Today.


Tho fimorsi sonlce of Mrs. Mary
Zlllaakl wsH held ihi* inoriUnR at
o'clock from Rt. FVancU church. There
waa a very large aitt>ndanr<' and the
funeral was in charge of U D. Ciinis.
The ^^nel:al Kenrleo of Mrs. Isabcd
.Rennie was hetd.thb artemiMMi at
o'clock from the h«»me of J*ihn Rennie,
ms Jegerson avenue, and burial took
place in Oakwood eeimtery. The
.(funeimJ was very largely attended.
:Rcv. L. a BIssell of tho 1‘resbyterlan

The funeral service of WIUht Ixjveland was held at the imrenU home ihU
mornlag at ift SO o’clock. Rev. W. t
\Voodhoaae of the Baptist church of
Belated and U D. Curtis conducted the



lietrolt. Mich. Sept. 1.—Wheat—
September. $1.14; No. 2 red, |I.I4;
No. 3 corn. 64He; No. 3 while oaU.
Toledq^ O.. R*>pi. l.-Whtwt-Caah
and SeptcmlMT. II.13H: U'cember.
•I.14H: May.ll.l5H.*
Chicago. Sept. 1.—Whiwl—Old Si-p^
91M%; Com-Septembcr. I31sc; May. bOHc. Oai»--8ep.
tember. 33Hc; May. 36Hc. Piwimlonf
-October pork. 11125; lard. |7.lo;
riba. 17.40.

Hard Hans weirt to Big Rapids
this morning, where he will Ukc a
course In the PerrU Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. William Isles left IhU
morning for Toronto. Niagara Pall*.
Bifffalo and other points for a two
.weeks' visit.
IjiBar of Fife toko rt^urnwl
home this morning after a business
trip In the city.
Mattie Baker went to Flint Ibis
morning for a visit wBb frlenda.
*. A. F. Fraser of Blkton, Mich..
Mrs, John Smith <»f Cass City
to Beulah this morning for a
visit with J. G. Bvaaa. after a vialt in
the city with K. T. Evans
I). O. Hutchins of Fife Lake arrived
in the city this morning on a business

Mm. E. Wilhelm wont to Yuba thU
anernwn for a visit with her father.
Mi>. lYank Gannett has returned to
the city from a short-visit at Inlcrk>cheu.


RMKh. O^atral ladla. aad la at
oaafaito^ For aa hoar ato tpoto
oa rrbe SvM and Forolga MMatom”
aad bold tto atteatloa «f tor toaron
from ito Brat aaUl tto teat Her aft
dfwte wat followaft by Boor papora oc
"IftaaU.- ' Tto Brat waa tto “Ideal
Pledge Koepar.'* by W. M. Gordon of
TmverMi City. ThU waa followed by
tto “Ideal Atteaftaat.“vby Harlow MeConaangbey of BaaaoaU:
Jnalor Boelaty.“ prepaiwd W Mn- F.
R. Daria of Nortport and read by M Us
UbbU Qaatat. aad the “U|eal MUslon
Onaa" by Rev. M. P. Olmatead of Alba.
At 4 o'clock, te company with the
preaMent of the village. H. a Whalley.
the doUgatea want to the workshop of
W. t:. Freeman, where they made an
toapecUoa of hU alrahip.
la tto evening tto aonit aenriee waa
led by M. a HoUey of Trarerae City*
prayer by Rev. Mr. OlmL MUs Anna Clark of
a very pleasing solo
and the mddreas of the evening was de- j
livered by Rev. H. 8. Miller of Bon I
Dg “A Wet'k In
ho having been
one of the delegatee to the world's
Sunday school conference. The con
ventlon dosed with a consecration ser­
vice led Wy Jane Caroline Clark of
(ring the convention places of
honor were glveB Rev. Mr. McComb
of the BaptUt chnreh aad Rev. Mr.
Severance of the Methodist church.
Rev. Mr. Edward, former pastor of the
Disciple church, and Rev. W. C. Chlld^
former partor of the CongregaUoaal

Julia Gray, who wUl appear
tonight at Steinberg's opera house, ar­
rived this morning with her company
and are stopping
at the Park |^laco. Her Initial bow
before a Cadillac audience Ust night
sraa the occaalon of an ovation from a
crowded and fashionable gathering.
church choir rehearsal this
A number of young people enjoyed
very pleasant time at the We-quoug club bouse last evening, the aBalr
being a 'swimming party." A num­
ber of the gueaU took the Icy plunge
which gave them an excellent appetite
for the dainty lunch served Immedi­
ately afterward. The lunch was foldance, music, vocal and Instnimenlal. and readings.
The C. E. Society and young people
of the PresbyterUn church will bold
their monthly business meeting and a
com nmst on the bay short at the foot
Rose street Friday evening. In
cam- of sjorm the meeting will be at
Rev. L. B. nisHell fi. 427 Fifth street.
Tho name of A. J. Wilhelm, the
south side dr>- goods and clothing
waa omitted yesterday from
the list of firms who will close Labor
day. Mr. Wilhelm will give all his cm
ployes a holiday.
The seat sale for “The Hoosler
Girl." which will appear at Steinberg s
Grand for two performances Labor
day. opens tomorrow morning at tho
box offlee.
At the Salvation Army tonight and
morrow night Captain Johnson
Ueutenaat Munscllc of Big RapteiT
will have charge of the meeting. Good
music and a real soul saving time is
supreme ritlef rangers, have written
twenty-seven appHcatloos for the For
A class of thirty will be in

Two Young fHopM United in tho Holy
•onda of Wotflock by Rev. Hugh

Cliss leetoter on «lce|i-apa life
thU dty who aueoded tto wedding
I>onl jUlce Vanghan WIB
aad retamed with the bride and groom •sms flourlsbteg
flour^lm butcher shops
The aisle of a rhnrch has no right to
Mim. A. W. Bartak. Mr. aad Mrs.
There niT■ nioi
Ita fantastic speUlpg. The “s" haa
K. K. Bartak. Mr. aad Mrs. Frank
e%wry day la EngUnd.
toon thiwat in on tto mistaken Iftta
merva and Bdward Monroa
ahat It was connrctvd .with "isle" «r
-island.". It to really *^la." a wU«.
When people talk of tto middle ahde.
of Londoft describe* 'IL- they further confuse It with tto hYench
alke. hYonttoplece should be fronttoplce. Tto last sylhihle Is from tto
The ftrsam prince. Jwm nuder the
patronage of ftt Sera«m, who appeaiw
ad to the empreaa of RussU and ftewtold tha advent of an heir to a throna
Outrage has nothing to do with rage.
U looked upon by the peaaante of Rum
It to not out rage, but outr age, tto
■U with aacted awa and Jhey whlspar
•rUe EvahgHical church
root Idea tiring exroaa (5Yencb eotre).
tto story of tto emitreas' rUioa as Hungary has given taxpaying
not paaslon. Jaunty hi genty-l. e,
though It were a miracle of old. says the right to----be s.ime in tto
a St Peterabnrg dUpatch to tto New
The North German Lloyd has ftfty- comparative degree. A dressing dow n
one stcaimtw on fourteen lines la
la a thraahlng dow n. A toy who is up
Alexis, tto ciarowltx. besides being Hast AfclatijL- waters.
to larks to a Ik>v w to “lakes" or plays.
('ontnicts have U-en led by the -Laking" fur holiday making to still
a healthy eleven pound boy. U the
youngest colonel of a flgbUng regiment Gnind Trufik railway for a new 3U>- 3to usual w-oed In Yorksliir^ or Laiicaahlre. If you call a maiden “a bonny
In the world. Before b© was twenly- foot feny to be us«-d «t ToW'da
A song <^110,1 a Ilyiun to Apollo," bird," tto bird renlly means bride. The
fonr bourn okl be received Uls first
mUlUry honor, being made an honor 1, written 2W
. yeors B. t\. has just ticeO ftpHbet nnily ly <roas has notblng to
Witb rnstyRrou. It origiually was
ary colonel of the nnlaud Guards. The
grixried commander of the troops went
to Alexandria rlUa to ealute bis Infant
With a certain quiet, well-bred exoltatiou. tile master stowed os over
bts gnwt ^t.nte; the bou^. with its rake, is not a man
for Satan, bnl te old English rakell. e.. rtMh snd riotous.
bSto**lhir«iiie ^t^^
U-autlf^ horses: the launtliy. the Argosy has nutUing fto «lo with Jatto emptro will kneel to pay homage |
heating pUul. perfectly aon’* ship, the Argo but comes from
ni«d. ;
to tto heir to tto
ragoslc. a vessel of liagusa. The black
Tto dream which foretold the birth j At last
stopis^l tofore a masalvc art is wrougty named. It obviously
of an heir to tto cur ^came to the | structure, with a tell chimney at one obtained Us color adjective from m-groexarlna. about a year ago. Rbe uw cml. w Imncje the black smoke |K»uriiig mancle. But the low totln m-gromauIn tto dream one .of the saints < “ ‘ ‘
tto was itsrif a corru|»tluu of the Greek
RussUu church, who expressed sym-jwlihiu.
nekromantela. Divination through the
pathj with her deslrv* for an heir, lie
-tIic crdwislng trinmph of w eallh dead was tbe ktou The idea of btockdirected her to open hts tomb and re- { and dlscriiiihiatiiig liixqD*.'' said our
tolfiy to
move the relic* she w ould flnd there | host, with i suiHc, «A private digestwquid
are tlfty of u*. ser^Tto eurlna told
we are hearty f««o»ldream, and bo was very much tm-■ ers for the inost
inoHt |«irL
|iart. Is it m»t a great
prwBied. Sto coukl not reeogulu tto | thing to say tluil we digest our food in many hxislities for dirt, and gloigle
Mint that appeared to tor. The cur without go^ng off the
to go«i Siotcli for muddy.
■out for pictures of all the saints of
It was luH-ossiblc
lujiK>ssiblc not
lu to envy Liui,— Telegraph.^_______________
the church, and the ruriua rondilj , Life.
MISS COULTER of Detroit wUl
have at Bugbee's City drag store
Wednesday and Thursday. Sept. 7 and
I eanJ station Is stout to be creiied.
h. a display of hand decorated china
which she will be pleased to have >*ou
call and exaxuluc.

aTridte Voloaiik acrioft M
hte for anch pternmna. MapM Mt
thMD wtl) to noted on tto pilot Chari te
whatoa^^Mdjd^ «C Baton wmm

found. Some of this corn >
on which larBt
Laat falla citlaen of JameapotL
aemred a handful of thto corn
now baa a ftoaen hllto of It growli
bto garden. The grateft are about tto
usual rise of field eorn. bat are aft B

ttcreated in our plcturo i


can get n Uritot on tto ift^nroa
and when you hare Uadod I3.BB
you can then get any picCuro te

fife adftltlooai:

Wc now hair*

plenty of coiiiuin Uckote for all,
so come right along. Brat come.
Brat aorvod.
• Stop.

series of iiilen-Miiig tiring trials | -Selling oJt Scl
was reciMitly umlortnken by the SwchI- '
iKh goverimicnl. The puriH»M- of these j
experiments was to Examine the cffe^-l j
of shooting ug^lin^t pastcUvird. The
trials wen* condu< tisl on the whar\es
of the Swoillsh navy in Kariskron*.
and the target use<t was a preiwrcd one
Of inilltomrtl. against whl.h Ore from
n-iohers. rifles, carbines and mnchliic
guns was dtre<-1e»|. Ibe pastetioanL
which was thr»v inches lhi« k. n*slsted
coiu(iletcly the bullets tired from tto
small arms, but was |H>rronit«sI by the
projectIh-s from the machine guns.
The exiieriments may be said to have j
gBen wry Interesting results. Ifullets
from the cayidues umal ar<- al»le to jicn-1
elrate wooden plank* five Imhes in
thickness. Imt they could not pene/£tete fhe postelioard which was only
three laches thick.


wb«» say
the Inlmbltsiits «r this city think
Ih*- entire world is tonnded by tto
Hudson, the East, snd tbe Harlem riv- >
er. If a young servant of Augustus |
Van Wyck to a fair tm> of tbe Goib
amlte. tbe strangers arc C'ertainly
right This young man had never left i
the city up to bis 18ib year, and bad
never evliwed any desire to do so.
Tl»eii. however, some of bis frieiMls
pw-vniled u|iou him to lake a sliort
trip “up state."
He went—about twri»ty-flve miles.
After a week to came back. Ex-Judge
Van Wyck wanted to know what bis
man tbought of tto outside part of
tto world.
-Wbat kind of a trip did you bare,
John :" be cskt^

teatallatlon of the
City Shrine of
Jerusalem tonight
GeorgB Newman aad Mias Atfto
The supreme
'Tlioraoiil werc united In boly wedlock worthy high prieoteoa. Mrs. Heine of
last night at the home of Mrs. A. Lar- Bay City to here.
aon oa Went Front atroet. The cere­
There wore eight coaches oa the
mony waa performed promptly at 8
o'clock hy Mmr. Hugh Keaaody. John tto non
Newman aad Mksa Minnie Laraon tote.
k nsafte na extra trip to
Oeotge Alvle Bennett and Miss Bes- apectlvely. Tto bride waa daiatUy ar­ Old MtoaSon teat night to brteg tome
ala BaMwtn were married thU moM- rayed in a ebarteteg Ngbt bloe gown aililH tethto port lortto Illinois. The
teg at » o'eloeh at the leaideace of which waa faritor aot oE with ptek boat ftot 834 harroto at that port. Al­ .* ▼© goi lo SBT IS Inis3 II me worm
Mr. hto Mva C M Maavill. two and aad white ariara. A light teaetoaa
atrriehes as far smith y here ns It
oftotolf wmm west of tpwa. Rev. waa aorvwd aboat >:30 aad thoa tto ly MOO baro^ of topMa for thto trip 4toes north. Wu n m^htft big j>laiw."—
tlag waa devoted of tto lilteoln and haft moat of thorn Kftw York Timoa

at thto j^L Oa tor ragular trip
Mr. «ad Mrs. Newmaa will tehe yooterdny ato had ftto harroto that ato.

teote wwiHteg trip to Oraad kaplte

haa roepnoft from


. ■■'-'.I.


$3.75 1

This isjthe balance of our spring stock otsilk waists and are of^nnen Satw, fVu'
de Soiev and Taffeta, most of them in blacks and unfortunatdy for so^ AtmouM
- a|e either small sizes or very large, thm are some mediui ' '
if thattte you size w<e advise you not to wait until they
afewwyieoiies. SttUbUctmitreidt.

■ lliipti

tW trwtfwMtf


AiWk M Ik.
lk« MMlitkWww
kM* J
•Hi. «Mk* <■ kM». «i^ IB «k«

MB «WB w- it Orartv M A B. A.

vhM nhl^ to nn tlm good

Imu;- tmrs«u only:
M.*IUlnnrow. 11: 8nw.
K. BfOMh, 11;
; UwTti, 10; M«nd«.
«; Crmw. 7;
Meyer.41): MeGotush.
,r»; Oae^^Mur^UJ: L. E, Mey-

nod Ynnng nl the momiDg
Woke eren. »2 out of W.
&%nlklM of SpHngflcld. Ohio, won
but twenty out of
•totdedv. mleetag bi
f>Drd took high
.^^^SnKiyder nnd A. W. Peck arc the
of tkn home dub
night through,
one nrenl. the Inet

. He ttmeete |br Snynolds A
MdcMle hnrdwnm. He
to tkn M Jordon OuB clnh.
PhellU of Cmclnnna 1
in line with the profeMkmnte for Are
nnd to legionentnUrn of the old*
MTdnr Arm In the worM. the Du­
pont Powder coBpnny of Wllmln
The Arm hni been in
oeoi for IW yenra nod hoe nup
the nrmy nod onry ninoe ISIS.
W. R. Croeby. the vorld'e chomplon
ehol. hoe oerer befote ehd
water, or the recollection boa .
from hU mind, and he aaye It botheri
from hie mind, and he
at O'FalloB. III., they harent anything
pood nod he eaye they
don't eren drink water.
It O. Hdkee loet ten out of ISS
day. W. R. Croeby lending him by.
two bird* at night Mr. Helkce. aleo
In hie eighteen yeare of bird ahooUng.
hat ehol a great many time over wale;
and enjoys It, but In the enUrc trtp
and England
he nerer found anythingt but
but inland
O. M. Ford of Central City. la., came
>0 miles with a record of forty-five
atrmlght and has already figured in
thirty-two tournaments this year. In
the last 5.000 prior to the Grand Rap­
ids shoot he broke over ninety per
cent, but at that tournament they
> handicap rule, so good scores were

down ml «. nnd i
m abort order.
Mas lipneler bn. not been In gooJ among the professionals, has been Ur
^ Jjntitb or oynelght since tost
the ammunition buslneea for four
he won In the prel
years, but fh!» year alone has seen
powder added to his list and be to
grand Amerw quite jutdlant over hi* powder winning
the high average In yesterday's «
Croeby and Hclkce ere the two pr> also winning at tW Grand R
fmnkmnl member* of the ell American tournament last wet*k. He fv'pre
W that defeated Buro|K- last y*nr. the NolHdles Expk»lve tx>mpany of
nhooUng In Ireland. ScuUand nnd Lon­ Glasgow. Scotland._________
don. Througbout the imtlre tour
Crtwby wn* high man of the team.
Of the fall slock of any hardware
Mre*r«. Croiby. Helko* ami Jarvl. store Is the large stock of guns al­
were taken otjt for an auto .pin Tui**- ways on hand for sportsmen. This
day morning by Caref Hull and ok- year wc bare an especially fine line
pressed ihemselve* a. highly pleareU of boy s rifle*. 22 calibre. In addlUon
over their more than kind and courtt- to our guns, double and single barrels.
oue treatment here, n* did all the vl«dt> The men behind the guns also need
ammunition. We have lU & F. Sax­
A. R. lUm.ler of Hatth- Crwk ha* ton Hardware Co._________
seen thrt-t* year* at trap .hooting and
ea^ thww are Ideal .hooting ground*,
altbough the watw make, the flight of Of the entire summer stock of bats,
the bird docefftlve. He reprtvxmt^ both trimmed and untrlmmed. TbU
butchers* aupplles. Ou* V. IJrecbt of will make room for the new poods la
fell* that will reach the sbelret this
81. Ix»ul«. Mo., being hi. Arm.
Dr. r. C. Warne wa. the only vl.ltlng week. Watch for announoomcnL Mtos
member from Ba.t Jordan, the club Hcck. l-'ront street.
there haring been in exlntence for
Seillne out Achoot


trntton to mnde poeeible by the taAntton of mloee of peegerty. The AtnadaiA Ott man. he nitogae. need this decolds and grip prove lU maichserit for all throat and lung
M. Onarantoed bottles 50c and
Otoe In nil ports of the United Btatea
ItwQ. he writes, the funds of eech
imnk were ee mnnipntated by dq
tag those of one Inetltntlon wttl
Cansdiaa inauuf.rturcni ssy that
etber ne te ermte In an en npimr
place, for a«17 working moti. women
women and boy. arc vucaul in their
The jugflecy of the
Fearful Odds Apainat Him.
Bedridden, atone and destitute.
fTa.0O).000 of Ai
Untbe Such. In brief was the condlUon of an
old soldier by name of J. J. Havens.
Vernaiiles. O. For years be was
nrcood part was t
troubled with kidney dUease and
tap Into the City bank** IX
neither doctor* nor medicines gave
him relief. At length be tried Electric
Bitters. It put him on hi* feet in
tbe Amal
short order and now be testlfle*. ‘Tm
Tbc lawyers drew up 1^ paper
on the road to oompletei recovery.”
tbe oAtae boya and der^ alpiied
Best on earth for liver and kndney
First tbe papem certified that *wl
troubles and ail form* of stomach and
we (tbe ottce boya and darks) are
bowel complaints. Only 5Uc, Guaran­
teed by Johnson*. Drug Store. S Yl
alroua of Uktop ndrantafe of tbe
WaU A Sons and F. H. .Mead*. Drug
poratloa laws of tbe

Monday, SeijtStlL
The UncWir Siri|be *f T»e

In the Pastoral icomedy



and form ouraalTea Into tbe Amalpamated Copper company, wbicb will
Tbe Berlin Oim.fbu. company, find­
baves capital of fT^qoatXK) and wbldi ing that tbe hat. UM>d f^>r borwes are
will be allowad by said laws to own unsuitable in the ense of pairs, be* li»^ j
and other tbtaga. to mine troduenl sunahsdes for their proteiUon I
from tbe sun. These sunshade, cou.i.1
a wire
wU framework covered w ith can­
tore. boy. seU and trade In copper and of s
:o do numerous and rasand
other tblnpa and to
to tbe harucss. The adTSTlepated other things.*’
foc this novelty to that,
Tbe **ofllce boys’ bavtag thus bw besides protecting tbe animal, from tlic
0rmt ttoto open* tcoirow aioniiac.
come tbs Amalgamated Ctoppcr com­ aun. It allows a free correot of air to 5
pany. tor. lAwson tells how they went pass over their beads.
ou with tbe deal:
•H>ne of our number win purchase
Restful and quieting is the aftertbe entire capital stock of tbe
math, resulting from one of tbtisc cal»- TRIED THEM YETT |
Record Wmri A^ bring 8ifl
inel baths, followed by an alcohol rub.
cash we herewith certifr to have been that Mrs. R L. Bonner Is favoring her
Returfia far the ntoney lireeMed
paid In tbe form qf a check for $73.(WO.OOG herewith delivered to tbe treas- patrons with. Especially fine, too. for
nrar. sne of our number, by tbe clerk rheumaUc persons, are the dcctrlc
who Grew IL and tbe treasurer, here­ baths given In her parlors.
with certifying that be ha. received
tbe fTkOODARX). herewith dellvere onto CORRECT TIME FOR THE PUBLIC.
aald cirek tbe fTWWO.OUO capital stock
Baroum and Earl are the official
of the AmalgaiBated Copper company, inspectors for the Pere Msrquotte and
and we (tbe aald office boys and clerk.)
herewith certify that there 1. within Q. R. A 1. railway service, so they
a fine lino of railroad watches, as
tbe treasury of tbe Amalgamated Copper company f75.000.0uu. aud w-e (tbe well as ladles* and gents. Exqulsiie
aald office lK>y. and clerk.i vote that It In design, ^made In all metal*, also
(tbe aald |7:t.000.0Uf» shall be muni in plain prices to suit any pur­
tbe purchase of certain stocks and chaser.
preperttoa and said certain slock, a^
All^plls entering the High school
**Rockefeller^ and
ad grades for the first time
1 by them.”
dedcrlblug tbe procc. Mr. quested to call at
irinclpal*s office at the ct-niral
Dawnon abovto bow “we («kl office
boya and clerk.) herewith certify that building and enroll ihl* werk.
we hare pah! from tbc treaaupy m.1. B. Gilbert, 8ui>erlnu-ml<*nt
fXKUXMk that Mid fTfiJWlkOOO la In tbe
check, and said check I* the
one prerlously received or Its oqulva-

Hatinee: lOc anO 25c









ROMO TRIP 25Ci 50c, 75c
Butt Urn at 8:40 a...
Aal 2:00 p. ■.




C«, 0-.y



The stock of goods formerly owned by W. C. and
B. AJ Gannett will be offered to the highest bidder,
commencing Wednesday afternoon. August 31 st.
at 2 p. m., and will continue every

toot by our

. wlL the clerto^ referred to
r in three pepetn. ai^eeld fTb,0 bu been peld to>enry B.
Bogen for file end ^TOIam^BnekelM-

Afternoon and Evening
until the entire stock is sold. This stock consists
Iry, --------Silverware.
of Watches. Clocks. Je,—..,.
and Field Glasses, etc. A chance of a lifetime to
buy bargains. Samuel S. Levy. Americas best
known adctloneer will conduct the sale. Eve^
lady attending the sale Wednesday afternoon will
receive a handsome souvenir spoon free.

im-i 5S5f5f:ir~ —•


W. M. PAI^E,


At the birtb of a jJapaame balqr A



‘ The tax toUa foi^ the
Arssa aad Cols, lb© plumbers, have wM teta farattmTUrUeb ta <mM
aad city taxes aad special aa>|
the regtUar Moot aad 5%-fooi hath
for tbe Ave ^rards of tbejJ.IrTS
taba. poreetataed Itaed. that ahotAd be
city of Traverse Oly. Mich., have Imea ’ coil
a part of every household. laatalled
placed to my haads for ouUectkm.
dm dMal ta gharantaslag thla attrac- Qomplcte wlU ataUoaary bowl aad hot
1 wUl be ta Bij efflee for the par-1 y>n»h
Oba ta^ a
dramatic treat, and aad €oM water.
me cf coUeettag said taxes every;
Oty. was ooBVlelui la poHee aaBft on
r fkkt pn hrftaesatag It toolghl
Taaaday of aaaBBlt aad hattary. Tim
wtllte dtalldhtad with the prodactloa.
Hyamti Oaaa ta the jn^ af the Dta- from S o’clock uatll 11:30 o’clock
h^y ta only thlrtaw y«a» oM aad Po­
lice iaatloe Kelley, la ovdar to beep
6m Oohaa. theO^man oousedlan of
rrh caaaot be 4nred by the aac
Mm oat of Jail. ImpoaM only a
*Thh Hmmtar Olri*^ oompaay. which
. liquid medld^a and aowalled
All taxes paid before Sept. 1st wUl;
•ae of M. hat Urn tatimr halhml
system toalca. Uad^ each treatmeat
ts 40 8tataberg*a Grand for two
rMaaed to pay. ptuMrHag. he «al
the germs of the dtae^ will aUn Mve bs received wUbool oollectloa fees. I
la the air paamges aad tocrease and aad on mU taxes remalalag nnpsld
aee the hoy go to jell. Not a me
SepL 1st snd unUl OcL IsL a penalty
of the fkmtly ealtad to aee the y<
! tbe t’B
of one per cent for collet
star, althcmgli he was |a jail as
In the air, passages. U oa- charged. On all taxes remsinlng im-'
bos and equaUjr far from
ud with’tbe
with I the aaygea. de- paid on Oct. 1st and until Nor. 1st a'
The BMI Telaphoaa Oo. at Mai
town of Detaware. aays Julius Cham- ten tbe bluud
Icrobes a the blood and penalty of two i»er cent for coIlecUoa!
tan ta UsipePs Weekly. Thejourofy stroya the micj
has atartad a rata war that ta Ukely
Ives frota tbe gyatem all will be charged.
from hla tiome was made by l^tlrbanka effectually drlv
to make InrM* tm the aubaerlptkm
irrbal pe^.
ta a farm wagoa. Tbe village ta no traces of catarrhal
OBce. Rooiq 202 State bank bldg.
lists of the Cttlsea company. The lat­
tbe sti^geat evWeaco
larger today than to the oenator'a twy- that can be offered qs lo the powers
M. E. Haskell, City Treasurer.
ter oonoem was organised four years
hood, whaa It coaatated of thrse atorsa. rtf Hyomel to cure edtarrb ta the fact
Dated July 25. 1904.
ago. and by a cut la rates aaarly pot
a blaekamith’aatiop. pootoBce and ksa that 8. K. Wall A Sons will agree to
the Bell people there out of basi
than a doaeu dwellliig h<^. The refuad the money if ^oo way Hyomel
Falrhunka farm waa on tbe north bank has not cured you.
A deUvery man who aatakaa <
«f Btg Itarbj creek, a fovder of tbe
The complete llyofnel oniAt costa To every woman Is a hand shopping J’ P2J}^5"2!
ettes cauaad a dlSO tra In the rail*ts of an Inhaler
Bdoto river. In the aeuator's day kig
A apt to be pn»- ■toadm* tSw.
dence of B. B. Thompson at Lea
n!tho vest pocket, tided with porki-ts. hence
houBss were numerous, lie waa bo
The delivery man dropped his paper
and a botUe of
ally of a shopping bag for the |M»cki-tpipe in a can of gasoline.
Ihiiing hla frtebmau year young
book. handkerchief and small belong
Fklrbanka made hintseir generally and If one bottle doesjnol
The-anonymous letter dead ta i
Ings of the fair sex.* lUstall. the jew­
known lo the rittaeiw of Delaware. He tra bottle of Hyomel ^n <
at work at 8t. Joseph, and the
eler. will close out hi* entirt- sbirk of
aad hta chum enjoyed the excitement for 50 cent*.
munity ta highly worked up. It Is un­
Aug 23 Sep
handsome ones this week at cast; —
of attending Am. Tbe town ownwl
derstood the postal antborlilce as well
two hand engines, largely inanued by'
as the city onoers are looking Into
to' e
atudeut vulunteeni. Wbene^r Uie
the matter. The latest victim ta Pr
in I criin. blit iiiukI l»e held
oourt houae bell was beard tbe coUe- w«v
gtans would promptly turn out. An old In tli.-lr muster's lap Und paid for a*
Michael Bsper. pastor of Bt. Joaeph'e
If you have ne\« r UTbsl our laundry
8ax mill was s frequent offender, but If tbev wen* hnumn iiawM-ngers.
church, who Is forbidden by the m
;end lu a parkag*- of geu. ral houstIta Arm occurred In daytime. On one
mouB writer from smoking cigars and
occasion, however, s seriou* conAsgrs
riding hiB bicycle.
tion broke out at night in a cJoiwly
No more home than la rabbit, live Ir ly pleaw you. We wa^h by Hu« iwund
Ur. C. ii. Hubbard, dentist and spirit
settled district, and when tbe foreman a trunk That's what | resorter* do all tnd Iron Hat wock. How aUiut Ihosu*
iialist. at Port Huron, was told by. Ur.
of tbe company did not spiwar Fair summer. Vutruha. thq harness ntaVt*r lusty lace etirtain* hung all summer?
banks took command. Tbe studeuta,
Angus, a ‘ medium,” where by digging
making a 10 per c|*nt. discount on
under hta dlrecUou. put out the Are
oa a farm he could find a pot of gold
and iwacocd eeveral wunien and ebU- all Iruaks and suit cw* until Sept
snd Hubbard paid Angus for the in15th. Prices In Uunks from A5c to
formation, he says. He dug. but all he , QuaGohan In -The Heoalsr OIri"
125.00. and in suit cases |1.T5 lo $25.00.
found was dirt and a few fish worms. heaven. When 1 approached the gale
A rUbermaa*. Cateh.
Then he told the police he thought Petar said:

The outline of a Itab oa a Ume table
there was something wnmg with An­
“'•Whem do you wish lo locaieT
and tbe Imprint of a < lsiu niarn Uve
In crayon, water ciilor or sepia. In
gus's “system.** The |M>llce thought
**n hardly know,* said I. Tve alwaya dollar bill on s inistal <-arU wen» found any Kiro or shape. Thud's what wc do
among ^tbe ronteuts of a |»ocketbo3k
so too. and Invited Angus to get out understood that heaven was a
Ashed out of Fox lake the other day. Po<»ple have an Idea ihat In order iv
place, yet 1 don't want to dv*clde
aays tbe C'hleago Tribune. The |KX*kei have mirh work done It is necewsary bi
I see both place*.’
send w ork aw a.v, bul I no Arm*'In the
. Ebbott o
Is a good time to look up your beating
*• 'Very well.' replied Peter. *ni give
stale Is iKller eqnippeil to handle this


• ii

i tOUf of 4M YOlM
«»BA iDT tlSr
OM WM eariM •! • #Mtel •toctlMi
iQrftM^tjroril. Vk«
cm in* bowU will te OMd to rotalrarM
Um Mmm mi mho uador tbe i
of tko Oorumaa Itoet Co. fmtood i
tiM for the OvaMo factorjr tett
aad kMt aolte heavily. The tmapaar
put up the artuaieat that tu actloa ta
raialac the bm
tmia far the BOW ftOO.OOO court houae
BOW belBI erected la Coruaaa.
Jbtteaalve eoai mlalac te foioE on
wUhla the llmlia of Weet Ba> City
The oouacll has taknn steps to prohlhIt 4tll work under streets or public
plaoee and the ordinance Itc^ a pen­
alty of 1100 fine
tor the members
flne not less that IIW.. The aoeaUoa
involved has never been seized In this
-state aad will doubtless reach the

the heat and the he% la her atrunles.
struck Mrs. Wanless In (he hand with
a daw. The blo^^ polsunina derH
oped from the scraldh
In folluwlBc the 4Bures of the fed
oral census, the staio census, the
•chuol oeaaus. the
llsu and the
record of births. JjiLOoe ward, an
Mountain man haa dedneed that In the
ward there are no women, married or
elnile, there are nodiablos under live
years or over one year old and then
are no non-voters.
A man In Rtk Rapids owned a calf
in iw’hw nir.blp s.n«H.I
on the areensward. He drove a stake
Uh* ©eater of the lot. Then he hnl
by a chain to thelitake. His
became Unjcled In the llnki^
ihe^jcalf gave a. jerk and the chain
severed <me of the man's flnaers. The
man has sold the calf.


Ktshina lor carp is a larac Industn
at Msiibitt'C. The best way to cook
ran’ (Ids: Clean the llsb nicely and
dry fur two da>s la the ann. Then nail
the fl8h to a pine boarti and let li
stand ri»r sis days In aalt. Put In
and. hske foh elKbt hours. Them
the nnllh out. throw the carp
away and eat the nails and the board,
i which an> Ksid to he the
part of
; the Ish. lf
eat one of the carp
As ••skool" U ttUmi to k«M*p sKsIn. It
should be bonie In n.lml hy luiren
and . school boanU that the revise
truant law aiakes the apiiuiuiment of
a truant ofllcer obUnsiory on the
, school board and he Is commanded to
arrest all children betwi'en the axes
of etiEht aad 14 ymu*s in rural c«tm
munlties and In cities from seven tr
1C years, who fall to attend srhmd
and lake them before some bald h<>ad
«h1 JusiUv. uT If there be none su.-h
then one with hair, and eicept on i
prtHHT Bhuwlnx for absence, flturantinx from' 15 to 150. or ImpHson
meat from two to (U» days shall be Im
liosed. In case of allesed lUnea
iHiard ma) detail a physician to feel
the pupil's pulse, examine the tonfue,
and If necessary deal out some nasty
powders. It ts his duly to report the
ability or non ahtlity of the scholar
attend school. Ttiese |K>ints should
not be candtwslv dis remembered.—
Ib-troii Tribune.
Calumet oAcers art* carrylnx on a
who are In the habit of selling liquor
to minora.
Cht‘boyf*n bai Beveral ct»ment build­
ing block factorl^ and a grvut deal of
building U.being done with this mateiial.
An applicant for.a pnaitlon on the
t Grand Raplda fmhm foroe was turned
down becauae bis wame was Dream
He betoBgs la Battle Creek.
It la reported that the state iaaaar
' ; ^maylums ars ailed to their utmost ca
paolty and the alata oakials are glad


rurnt fhe haaahaB ueaMm ta nearly at
9M «Bd.
to he ail advurCtaCMit
la » Boo paper the €NNr day. m
ruMity pBwdMor^l pita lor the mala^

___ ___________^


Many Men QMtlng a genalble Habit
In the last few days it baa become
the impular thing to step In 8. E. Walt
A Sons drug store and get a pocketful
of Utadswoiih Bros * “Chlcos,**
cigar that has caused many m<
get what may be calU*d the “Chlcos*'
It Is far more sensible lo smoke>
good 5c. cigar like the *X?hlco‘* (imd
there Is no other 5c cigar like III than
lo pay double the price and get no bet^
ter smoke. It 1s made with a clear,
king Havana llller. and ta especially
pitwsing to the. man who has been
smoking a 10c. or two for a qt
cigar. U burns freely, and tastes good
ch-ar to the stub.
Try a Chico." and see If you.
do not get Into the habit of frequent­
ing 8. E. Walt A Sons' drug stoi
your supply of cigars.
sept 1h>cU6

you a iiass down below. You can look
around there and If /yon don't like
you can come back and I'll see whst
can do for you here.'
“That suits me.' said I. taking the
ItaSs. which got me through the j
of tbe other place. After inv»-stigaliun
I returned to the vicinity of St IVter.
who saw me coming.
“'Hello!' said tlu* saintly gate ki*eper. I'm glad to see you're l»ack again—
^ “ *Vou'r« not st«eing my hack.' said 1
•for I don’t Intend to turn It on yoti
again—i:ve decided to come here and
*' That’s good.’ said Peter. ‘l»ut what
made you decide t.» stop here? Show
business 1* fsr l»elter In the <ith*-r
place. Don’t yon like the company
down btlow?'
*"0. yet,’ ssld 1, ’the company 1s
line—but ibert* Isn’t an asbesliui cur­
tain In the whola blamed place.’ "

tom of tbe take alnee^W**b». Ibu3
When C. B. Chase, a AorUt of Chicago,
who was Ashing for tass. rwh*d in his
line, be found that tbe fiog Iwlt had
become detached from the hook, and lii
lu pUce was a tattem! wallet, ’fhe
purse contained IdenUAi-sUuu earda.
flO In money snd mllrooU tickeu. Uu
a time table is the distinct outline of a
Ash two and a half Inches lu length,
and all through the paiKTs were found
tbe ootlines of a clam Awll.

do you know, when I told
her wl«a l had ipught. slo* didn't asy
a word, but went right over t
atatne with teers in her eyes
wrapiHsI s mg anmnd IL Now. wbai
do you
slic meant hy ihair
and his fiirud assunsl him It was rntirriy iM-yuud his expUtiisttou.>-ClilThe srivams wbicb wero Iss
from the mtir bouse Were truly brort
rending. It seemed tbst a terrible
tragedy must l»e In progresa, and an
anxious Uttle knot of people gatbeied
In froitt of the house, and wond
why the oth4*ra had but suAkrlmt«
age to enter and rescue tbe rlctl
youth <

rili/.em« stove. We oell the old reliablo «

Is a quick and certain relief for Hie
acute pains and cram|is of colic and
summer complaint,
the result of
dumach and bowel dii^rders, so prev­
alent at Ihl* time of the year. No dan­
ger will resulL however, from partak
Ing of a dish of otir delicious Ice
cream, as It Is nothing .but pure cream
A favorite method of suicide in Ja­ and the Aavors are piirf* fruit and frul:
pan lately has been to leap over c-eruiln Juices. Plpeapple I* iespcctally Ane.
waterfalls. So fret)ucut Iwve such oc- also orange syrup. Johnson Drug Co
currence* become that ih»1Uv are uowconstantly staUonevt lu their ueighluirTENDER M^ATS
hood, and taege notl.e board* ore erect
At this season of the year are ecoed bearing Inscripllou* in large Iciier*.
numicel aS well as palatable. Oas b
jwing tnnvHh
not drowu >our**elf the summer fuel and a> tender broiler,
here: Intended suicide* are warned lamb Slew or roast, either In leg or
that bewven dtaapproves of the utilisa­ loin, can be cooked In half the Ume it
tion of Kegou waterfaU for the pur­ takes for nearly any other kind of
pose. This ta cetHded to ou tbe best
priestly authority. aiMl serious couse- meal Brosch Bros.

A eerinin tuaii In Phihidelphia who
“81 Plunkard.’’ headed by the young
goes tubing two or three timi-s a yenr
quencea in the hereafter arc guaran­
and lirliigs home uu»re M«irlt-« than Yankee wimcdlan. J. C. Lewis, and
teed. To drown beiv is nUj forbidden
Ilsh. was talking to a Irleud not king talented company of stam, w1U appe
by the prefectunil outhorltics."
after bis hist trip.
In this city at the City opera house
•'.Viid wimt did your wife ksy." ta
qulred the friend. “wln*«
u told her
•nml wife of
an." was the rell«-tlve
know the statue yf Truth we bad there
j‘*^»“rtor without uigr clothes onP'

work than Smith & i»rlce.
phiuie 20k. Z‘2:> Union St.

We Make and Fit
the Roani 0*k Fimace M •*
urduUr and eood at «c do the
wtU knowaPRoond Otk Store.
Ecoaomy of foel-dotobiUtytremendous hsatinf power—
pnftct eontrd of the fire—


hard or soft
coaL coke or
itAHifct that Ate ntakiog the

R Dtltll’0


stoves, every one guaranteed to give TAy^^^’friMwcnMseHag malm Was Wwtsi


We.h»v« them
combination !

soft coal,

wood and

• WW.I«.W<..

and airtiaht. with or

without ash pant and the prices are

C U LoatWOOP. 0._F. Wg. A-.

' “-‘-““AUSSkw.

very low. Come in and make your se-1
lections and we

a & L E. THE

Frank Crude
146 Front Street

I ApplyTrmv*ri«CilyCMbin|^Co. I
All pupil. miorlUK thu High kcPooI
nd grades fi»r tbe Arst time are reut-sted to call at the snperlntendenl’i
r principal's office ail the ci‘niral l-M TALKING YET
liuildlng and enroll Ibis week.
1. H. Gilbert. Superintendent.
227C21 have cured THOUAAN08 IN TRAYERSE CITY. They can euro you.
salt by all Arst cissa druggists.
IjirgCKt piano factory In the world
forctd to raise ready money, hence
they sold to Grinnell hras. for spot
cash an even hundred pianua. 25 per
1 Ih*Iow factory royt. The Arst car
load now In the store.; corner Front
Colgate’s is whnt we push.*
and Cas* stn-eu. No bargains ever
shown anywhere equal jlo these; $15
As there is no better
» $20 down and |C to |10 per month.

J '



qiri B*ll.iro.T ^
tJia.m.aaA •


Skilled hand Iroaers to ibaiMle ladles’
garment*, so that they' are property
shaped and Iroasd to gull all. bar
Ironing department ta second to none
la the state and aatlafactioa will aursly
be the outcome If once you employ oa.
Wright Bros ’ Star laui^. Park 8L

toilet soap made, the rea­
son we recommend them.

219 American Drug Co.

Has just opened to tbepabli2. aad A bnmd new meat mar-







mm, «MM rn-mm Mto feMto IMM

watrs mai



Mrauru. Ooex M. Stt. N. W. BQL Msa.


tr kttfaw « ddim dinet

, F. O. Pratt.

1st warn
n^ ^


Mary S. mytor. M.

e df Sm irmactoea Mr. than,
now la hto vtoptfiMevd fMr« hM a

. C. D. LaPolate. a W. Didoete. C.

•N*»# lift ^

i^r fcirtottijv

Id at IMto. Amoas ton patiwaa
Urn tola Bmwa NflUmMild flf Laa-


fbr maay years be has baea s
pUsad aatborlty aa afl mailare

f^iMM^fftakt 4MtfM «r PMteiiH
«MI«Im> to Hmt Tom. Oklo. IMnMka.
Vmrnw. Woto Tifftoto. MImH ooi
Abm 4mk %
pak •m m H9m
. To* TOitoiMa MV Van vatktef
o«fi to Tvwur-ifiii itfvoi, Bfvr nm
(umm, fltrrftaf a rtvolw to oM
M aito • i?oll of fope to tlio
fiM ptotaotou am«4 auv viiorv kc
«Hl tlM M fMUed ttoU bo
WM oo bto war to Moot bit vtfo mod
tv» >(M4ioii.
vofo drovoad or
bto^ to Mto Sloeooi ditoi
onto toto bo Imi4 fvortrodo
ftoib bto «lto ^ tbo o«oet tboi the
bimif dototood at tbo botton of
tba rlror aad It vrai hit totoatlpo to
•boot Caidala Vaa gcbaick vttb the
rofolvor aad roMoo bU wife aad cbll4ioa vttb tbo rope. The pollcMaao
took tbo laaa to Bollevoe botpiui. He
Mid bo vaa Joba Drobor. f l yoart oM.
of.tld Bbat TvtotyTdftb* ati^t.
Tbo amabora of tbe MoxUm oolooy
^to Nov Tom torn loaraed aaotoelally
r . that Ooa. LaU Temuat. govemor of
IbO ototo of Cblbaabna aad tbe teeood
HcbW toaa to Jloaleo. to to rlttt New
Tom aad otbor paiti of tbe Ualted
Maloa. a four laoatbi’ learo of ab^
aoaee bariac booa graoied blv by the
jMfOnuadat The wealth of Temuat
la ooaaorrtolfoly oatimated at IlM/
•MMO la told, but It may bo maay
flooio of iboto who
la clote touch
with btobMlaoat^ flaancial affairs
•ay that $WO.OOO.OOO it near tbe cor
yvM aamaat of bit fortune. Terrazas
to fl yoam old, bm be to still full of
auatal aad physical vigor.
A aorlot of nomiying rcvcltUone
bat dost been made coaceralni the
lortnres to wblcb prtoooert In the
•paalab iallt are tubmlUod. The re\
. tflrred up public


> by aaarchltu who were
I gi tbe time of tbe Alcala del
Valle ooirmgM. aad who. having
. have just been

Clare that among tbo other tortures to
wblcb they were tub)ecUHl was that of
ffagollatlon on tbe soles of their feet.
They were bound aad gagged and then
beaten with tlonder rods on the soles
^ their -feet ont'n the blood flowed
-Troely. Tbit was done In order to com­
pel Uem to betray the namen of their
atoociates whom the i»oUce had been
unable to capture. Several of the
turtooners died from 111 treatment, aad
those who survived wUl go through
life terribly nsalmed. One of the sur
vlyort tells of a belt which was set
with sharp meul polnu and tightly
fastened with a padlock around bis
hare waist Thjs be was made to wear
ti hours at a time Every movement
be made while wiring this belt
caused him fearful agony, and It was
only lahon off when be bad fainted
from cxbaustloB and loss of blood.
I>r. i<'rances C. Williams has ob­
tained control of all the coal lands In
tbe Coaldato district of Nevada. She
has organized a trust capital of |6.OOi.OOO and the railroad companies
that are depeadeni upon tbe Coaldale
btikton for foel will have to make tbe
Ml arrangeinenls they can with Dr.
George H. Allen, a leading English
advocate Of vegetarianism. Is planning
a ^alk from Uad's End to John o*
Groats. HU object Is to break tbe rec
ord of twenty-four and • one-quarter
idayi held by a meat eater. Mr. Allen
iegpacto to rut four days from this
time and IncWaatany to give nlghUy
lecturos en route on •’The Simple
-■'j .-..'LBe.-;


I ha tfto coattoatoi, baa


Maha. J. W. CHffe. MUa. Bvaas. An­
thony Scad. August BIH. O. C MoffUtL
W. D. Iknupktos. Goo. Burrows. WU- KaaggL Bavidsoa.1 Maty Mkklar.
Fraak Voge. Ji. B. Loitos. G. a Xaaaey. 8. a Howard.
Smith. Ray
J. H. Monroe. L. MttehslL P- A. Gold- Moartw. Petry Haai^ eM. N. T. NalaoiL 1ft.. Ubhle K^toy. a a Goto.
Jtod. Pitch. D. Romaoag. Wm. VaaJlad.
L Stocking. Caivto U
aoa. Al Heollmaatri. Wm. L. S

Oaa cf tba rwoam toTtba Hbrary af
be Mliaanrt State aalrarsHy to a
toorie Q. Vest: mamoital la the ftiU
of IMS be wfwto to tbe trustaes:
bava a copy cf ptrary eatoahla pabUeaataee IfTi. whea I aaleced the
aaaau. aad have coaeladad to praeeat
» hooka ta tho uatoorsliy. The

be obuiaed. as they are
t.' la thto/oollectJoB to a em
act of the Od
Iha meeiiag of tho Brat c
e present tli^.la the near ftiiure ma
some paru of |h« United
ptobably Bad tot
»to one of the devenvt rifle abbu la Bagtond-Mtoi
annual British
booting competliloo this yesr have
ttracled wide aiientloa all over tbe
rorld. Miss Lewes, who Is a grand
niece of George Henry Ijewes. ex
plained, Just after she had made S3
out of a possible S& boU’s-eyes at 200
yards, that abe took ap shooUag not
abe lateads to eml
ihortty. 8o her ap
pMrmace on Am'oricaa ranges is llkp
General Felix Agnus, who recently
received tbe decoraUon of tbe Legion
of Honor. Is one of the few survivors
of that picturesque troop. Duryee*s
zumves. one of the first New York com­
panies to go to the front In tbe early
60s during the civil war. General An­
gus had served to tbe French army In
Algorta previously. He is a MItle over
60 years of age and the proprietor of
a newspaper to Baltimore. For a
greater part of the year he lives on
bis Maryland farm, wblcb has tbe odd
name Naclrema. which to the name of
I publication spelled backward. Tbe
ibon which he received from France
ihe Algerlaa decorattbb and be U
ooe of tbe few men In this country to
Pedro Alvarado, the Mexican multi
Ultonalrc miner who a few years ago
as working In a mine, for 85 cenu a
day. has ordered a train of live Full-"
roan cars. In which be will make a
tour of Mexico. He will be accompauIcd by a bodyguard of armed men. A1vanulo hu J«it built Bt PBnWi tbo
«ne«t rMWenoe IB Meilco. More thBa
M year ago he offered to pay ihe public
debt of the republic, saying be had obUlned bis vast wealth from the ground
and therefore that be ought to donate
that much of it to the government.
This offer was declined by MlnUler of
Finance Umantour. Tbe only lime
that Alvarado has been out of tbe Par­
ra! mining district was two yearn ago.
whim be fchartered a special train aad
took his family with him to the city of
Chihuahua to have a gold fllllng
placed la one of bis teeth.

Mrs. C. D. Laadtob. HoJIaad-Was
1 run down; could not cat. sleep, or
ark. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain
Tea made me strong and robust Great
ioulc. 35 cents. Tea or TaWeU. John
Drug Co.
Cdlego will open Sept 5th.

We are poaotively tbe ^
In tbe city who mauufacture c
Utaa and Mil boa bout. Our
Ml deUgliM to btickwbeat cakes ehoeolates are capaetolly dellcioua. So
.Mpb WaWo Bmarocm reveled la plum arw all the fruU Bavora. Juices aad
pto. Dr- O. W, Holmro prized peaches
atoive all other rrelt. Cbarlea Sumaei
bad a -waakaeas** I
the mtfttad Son cream left over can be
creams. Andrew Jackson raved
used for coffee. UtOrwtU Oaady Od^
lee cream and OsorgeWasbtogiOB eras 2Sl Froat8t. Bothphoaea. Ot U5.
noted for his foadaess for hickory Bell 245.
‘ AftffVOUMANfllKOr
, Oou.l&ltM. Hlf
Are you happy? If no go to Barama
«k«a k. wa M • Mt to cae for year wife Md have it
Mki ailL :ilb Mun b no. « M •m to ptoaae her taela. xtoteh to sure
to he right

josjssfisswa.-* ~


- 1

streets from Wadsworth to Bohomia
strest. la the alley between Eleventh
mad Twelfth streeto from Wadsworth
street as heretofore adop:- berL A. F. Howard, knd aU parwms laterosted la the laytak of a sewer la t
od by the oouBcll of Traverw) City. alley between Nintmand Tenth aivM
Mich., take Botlce:
-?7v3.qJC F. O.
That the roll for the I

wm the paroaU of chUdrea who are
deaf, or wvea partially deaf ao that
they, hava difficulty to following tho
work la tho pnbllc achooU. kindly scad
their address to Rev. C T. Stout. 248
Bum street

Idto/ bKwSi^to Md* Tenth slreeu
from Wadsworth to Bohemia atreeU;
In the alley between Tenth M Elev­
enth streets, from Wadsworth to Bo^
hernia; In the alley between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets, from Wadsworth
Bohemia streeL to aoa to my ofllce
T public Inspection.
NoUoe Is also hereby given that the
council aad board of assessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet at the
codncll room in said city at 8 o’clock p.
m.. September 12th. 1904. to review
said assessmeat'rolls, at which Ume
and place opportunity will be given all
rested to bo heard.
Dated 1 I 25th day of August. 1904.

CHy Clerk.

Tbmt Bsh could sing? They’ve mil
liad their scales since they’ve been
**la tbe swim.** I’m la the swim. too.
with a pcale. but It’s a scale of prices
oa real osUlc, loans, mortgages- Also
one house cm B. Tenth street. In fine
condition, freshly papei^. for rent at Notice of Sewer Assessment-Third
a reasonable price. B. McNamara.
To J. A. Nickerson. John Wood. T.
A. Monroe. Warren Finn. John Bartz,
Chas. Howard. John l^awronce. Wm.
moth balls and camphor during tbe Adsit. H. O. Joynt. E. O. BUI*. J. J.
sammer moatlis. Instead'of having Dunn. C. W. DeZoete. Henon Squires.
W. O. Dunham, Adventist Church.
all that worry over wool carpets, try Win. Ingeraol. Robt. Hewett, Fred
the new ’’Bberette.** made of bard, Colby. . G Coppt. J. W. Morse. F. O.
double twisted cotton thread. In fast Minor. J. B. Hmwley. Thos. Boudrow.
oolors and many beautiful designs W. L. Brown. R. A Lowrlr. A. B.
Dunn. Wnisrd Cary. G. R. Newman.
Tbe effect would please tbe most fas^ Henry C. Gore. Thos. Helm. Luna
Odious, J. W. MtlUken.
Paris. Goo. Scott, Geo. Newberry.
Sarah J. Calkins. James Slack. Neil
Livingston. Fred Smith, MJIm Hill.
Is here. With weeks of poUlo haul Clyde W. Finn. Lucinda Fox. Frank
Ing from great distances, over rough Waldls. A. C. Eller. Chas. Easterday.
Nelson Gore. V. A. Patrick. Wm.
roadi. ^ky not zav^ trouble and use Blackman. John l*athanis. A. B. Curthe new road wagon you have so long tic. Clifford Clyne. Morris Decker.
thought of buying? We keep the sUnd Louisa Ayers. H. D. Poeyner. R. Wledoeft. Samuel Stover. Cha.s. Moulton. C.
ard Olds wagon. Barney Anderson.
E. Kent. J. M. Hs
Dlsler, Ely Cb'de. C. P. Ta>'
n.. G. F. Rowe. A. Secore. Al Nash.
To take cduuin's roMrding^tbe safety Ciaw
'A Hardy. H. W. Smith. C. I* Da
of your valuables? Your home, your Ms. F. J. Sutherland. M. L Lyons.
offleo or your safe may be robbed— Mrs. Rose Webb. A. C. RoVley. P.
jt»u can’t tell. Belter foreotall the loss Paris. D. E. Carter. Robt. Waller. F L
illh. Lydia Jameson. Josephine
tbo most valuable things by keep­
tes. F. E. Saxtonf Geo. E. Jewett.
ing them In the safe deposit vaulU of
R. Burns. W. E. Moon. Nellie John
the First NaUonal Bank, where safety son, D L Thomas. N. W. Harrie, C H
and convenience arc permanent, |2 Johnson. F^ Dt'xn. O. L Coulter
Mary E. Slyter. Oeo. Helm. M. C.
per year rents a box.
ler. Harvey Chlnworth. John Danford.
Elder. J. W. Miller. G. P GarINDIAN BASKETS.
D. L Nickerson. Ja>- Young.
J. W. Jackson, tbe confecUoncr.
McCluaky. J. McAllister. E
AI Ayers. O. P. Hugh*. A. R.
aside from having a complete Une of
choice candles, creams and pure fruit Pike. Wm. Ralne, Arthur Hadley, E
W. Butler. W. B. Bennett. A. HuellJuices, has a beautiful line of Indian mantel. John Gallagher. W. B. Knaggs.
baskets, and novelUps to birch bark Davidson. Mary Mlckler. Frank Voge,
and black ash splInU. fragrantly dec- M. B. Louks. Q. D. Kenney. 8. B. How­
ard. Ray Monroe. Perry Hannah esL.
orated with sweet grass.
Mrs. Ubby Kelly. 8, B. Cole. Andrew
Pitch. D. Routsong, Wm. VanSiee. A.
B. Curtis. Fred Stocking. Calvin GIL
By not looking over our large stock of son. Wm. Hendricks. W. J. Noble. Cal
cblldrta’s slippers and oxfoids before vln Gibson. A. Hsnnsford. Z. T. Swan.
Henry Canfield. Warren Salesbury.
purchasing. Have a full assortment of Bert Mullen. Jane A Harry McGinnis.
vlct Idd oxforfl. patent Up: patent ooU F.Neason.F.F. O'Neil. R.O.PauUn.E
Mary Kelderhousc, John ProF. Howard, and
strapped sandals. In two or three
?d In laying of a i
straps, also many other pretty sty les.
It a polul
Rowland W. Douglass.
and 9ih
streets and running south to tbe alley
and 113lh streets, as hereuviwt-vo 12th wnu
ed Jjy the
eoitocll of TravOfstoves. that's what we sell. They loforej^led
ewe^dly. Mlchlgan.
MIchlga: Uke notice that
are clean, inviting looking, with oar- thfe-^11 for the
marks of prosperity and nine out of
I for the purpose <
tea boar this mark. ’’Brand's Stoves
-----part of the cost which
and Raagps.** We also have the full
the couflcll decided should be> borne
variety heaters, ranges M kot blasU. and paid by special assessment for tbe
sc. Bast Front streeL
laying of a trunk sewer on Division
beginning at a point at the alley
between Eighth and Ninth streeU run^
That Is what the Flebrich. Fbx. Hll- olag south to the alley between 12th
and ISth streets. Is now on file at my
ker Bhoes are. Manufactured only for ofllce for public Inspection.
men. but while the kl^ to limited, the
Notice to also hereby given that the
d of assessors of tbe
alyto to aoL We hare^l etylee uud
aty wiU meet at the
gimdas..CgJl and laep^ our atoto
cll rooms to said city
and you wiU be cure to be aultod to her 12th. 1904. at 8 o’clock p. m.. to re­
view said asaeasment roll, at which
time aad place opportnalty will be
given all persons Interested to be
taking Holttoter’e Rocky Mouatato
Tea. 15 cents. Tea or TablcU. John-


to do away with
facie Msmitoes to a week’s tisM. Keep
oa tokiw Holltoter'b Rpeky MoubUIb
Ton. TouH have a lovely oomplexloiL
25 oaM Tea or

‘tint ckMiM. Ikfw doc*.


It the roll for he special assm
heretofera ma la by the board of
assessors for tbe piirposa of daftoytiig
that part of the co t which the oouacll decided should bh borne by apaetol
lessment for the laying of a sewer
the alley between Ninth aad Tenth
StreeU from Wadsworth to DlvUlon;
the alley betweeh Tenth and Kieventh slreeu from Wadsworth to Dlvlslon; In the alley [between Eleventh
and Twelfth streeU from Wadsworth
to Division
cm file m
my ofBce for pubi
• Notice Is also heijehy given thst the
council and board <if assessors of the
city of Traverse City will meet September 12th, 1904. |n said city at the
council rooms at 6 ^ clock p. m. to re­
view said assessmhnt roll, at which
time and place opportunity will
all iK?rsonSj Interested lb

Srr lo*
rat 1000 VATIS ^




Dated thU 25th day of August. 1904.
City Clerk.
•OM), and yodVa Utn vMtd. •.■•ct yaur

At the sides. Thatjs what a good corwin nevcT do. break down at the
sides. Just so with a good pocketbook. Aside from] there being Aral
class goods a specUl price to pul on
them, to make roon| for holidajrgoajtoEverything in stbek. coin purses,
gents’ and ladies' i^ketlxKiks in wmlalligaior and icai. BugU-c. City •ILVKRWARI.
Drug Store.
Wa can aatanlah you at th.
dteii look those sample
shoes over while
le there Is a good asaenl. They’ll pave you from 50c
RA8TALU tha Jeweler.
to 11.50 per pair. A. V. Friedrich.
R. «.-Wc flimleh handeeme card
The New York Tea Co. to this week
offering two flnsprpof cooking crocks,
balls, and holding « and 4 quarts re­
spectively. worth
cents in actual
value, but being given with a 50-cenl
can of baking powider. Call and you
will surely Invest.


luxun*. It to economy, for a good mat­
tress win outlas fix cheap ones and
give you rest and |oomfort. The Pal­
metto is the beat pdade of two layers
of palm fibre and three layers of felled
cotton. The fll>er [gives the elasticity
the cotton ^ves the softness.
Only 18.50.

J. W. Slater.
YouriHome Furnisher.
Than a small payment down and there­
after a small weekly payment? In
I way you will acver feel the drain
your household economics and at
the same time you can enjoy the use
le of tboae hindy kitchen Ubies
DOS' In stock at PYank Raub's. who
also does repalrlnig and revarnlshlng
at hto store. East Front street

loss of employment
or other mtofort e. But If one has a
reserve in hank
proverbial Talny
much of lu dread,
day” Is robbed
Tbe People’s Bar
ST^ bank offers an
absolutely safe Ptoce
plhce In which to ac­
cumulate such ai r^r
r^n-e which can be
drawn whenever
.ever n^ed.
A little aaved ekeh week or month











■ R I O »C*



Prompt 0.11 vary..




gjipcf 6R0CEIHES

Beauty Remeilios




a p. eARVM a i





TUmd this 25th davTff August. 1904.

Fortunate is tM irooery atoce
has the repautlop for depi^l
Fortanate to the mhUc that hn
a atore to iu mld^ Mutual coal
between a store ahd iu bnyteg
Tto J. A. Nldmrsoiu Jolm Wood. T.
sseAs growth. T^to store has
.[Just these Itoes. No
ambiUoa higher tian pceseeslng yoar
mafldeaoe. other Utogs are hoaad to
tome. We want ^ trade tiaBiais
at amroh. W» lagswaoL fo
doa to be aatlsfyiiff aad If It It pot we
want yoa to ten ^as about tL L* R.
1W Boadrow. W. U Wsm. R.”A.
3tlekaey, 4UItola8L Both itees.


TM the Hat tprli«a awMaw

KBBff CITV. Thw Bin MftB JMB. Pm
1 aale hy.aB M Maw BfubeMb

■' ■ ■ i..f‘


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