The Evening Record, August 27, 1901

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The Evening Record, August 27, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


t'hE evening


Yddfdiys ]m U25
riFTs rmAB-Ko. ia*4


AthMIC Events

r 10 wedw hta tor W* o«m.

Afurlbrr •dpicWiU
„ ____ %enr«M a* CWrW-.
«ad «be OupMMn' UbIm.
Tl>i« WlU a M BTB.I aaM «M MB
inirforJ M alM
r Th, pud boU IB tte OTWlBff B(
Hio otv B|«*B INWO «m ekao B BOM

riic p*MDE n fpitwooii

opposition on Paolnsula May
PlEht It



Satutos Authorito tho Proceedlnea Adoptai

Whksh will B« Pollow*(l by
SpBBch— <ft School Grounds

Uo> UnWBl
Later UbIbb «s« tetdJsa «r»iBg.
I vhia
TwylrlH for a» Labor Roy oolrlmUbb. a te brid boro bosI Hnaday.
Wia mek 6mj a*!
for tte tamt tim* of tl* fiar
brlyfabwlBg. »»4 aoro.ii *>t"7 *<
raer ttei a« MirbniUoB will boo
«itmt portleiiUr.
nwUadly Bwiiri 1 test
slflwot orrry Mor* a a« etly «ni
claw ot lM«t Braarly M 1> o'clock ta
a* aomlor A DBolar of ihooi will
Bot o|«o Bl b11 OB labor lloy.tet will
ctTB a»lr clwki U-- oot.r». day to
tboBMlrM. Tbwr- iBoy bo b fow asl
will TBtoBlB OtWB Bll My. bol
hardly Ukoly.
The fiTtenUD for ao ay Bl alrtod:
•BBOBBOod Id ao Rreord will l« <ar
rtod oat
Th« blryelo r»<*. In whia aoro
WlU te BB BBttBBW fw of *fc OOOlB.
Will Irwin lowBiSly Bt V AD o'clock.
Ttetseowill tefraai ae oomrrqr
UbIoo BDd rroBt Blrwu oo Union .to
l«a«a«i toClnar'BailnoratoacIlBUh
Marac BBirlBn hoaar. Tbo |irl>M
for air iwrnt will br: KUwt.
■wwkI, a; aird •!.» Mcyclc tell.
Thtr wiH be followed i<J acvrlroM
PM a FroBtrowt brlw^ Una.
BBd Port. The rrosnuB. ^la a.
yrlw- will be bt foUewr:
Fm Hwi'r HBOe-PIW iwlto. •*
MooBd. »l i au<. K> orats.


• / •


A|M«r«tfBMai V)U br iB lla oltr
au otoBisc la s prlTBlr ear
O. K. A 1. lo Uupoel ar propOBod
tobU- TbO 1B«7
will eoorlrt of R R Urtteany. we
fBteiy Md BBdiler oT a* O. a A 1
IBllKMld. Nsau KoBffBIBBWf Mvqoeltr and llBOSvl KsnffiBBn of ChiosThe two tatter are
erabta dtenetal teaOBrecB. who
dlBlbe project
BBd an lookfnr ii ap wia tl»» intoBUoB of dolnc borlBerr U iadiesti.
are that U>e ciooBUT reacted will jDr- (he aconey fb
«ly tl
lay a
i%e party will leave
BBdetoly I
S. Manay. and they will jco o»er the
mte of the propjml mad carefallr.
They will retani tomnkTow crenlay

Strikers Uoslnp in the Mills
nt Pittsburg

.Plttabont. Aar :^-The PmrInrK
niiu aowr a rliltbt chance in favi
of tte krnW today. Palnterr' ir roi
ainp about tb« ramr ar wbea tl
ctHLe Ctanexl. There la do tmhir at
llsqaenc.’ in HeKooport the tabe
work* omeialr haeenrked the rtnkinc
undertake^ repair*

1 iiBici sBrrLWP lit rt'i.i.

iVW« O n*u* Raralete te TewaaMo

tied iB fall yrttortey aftonooB. the
ad'aatoiw for the
JohB HiffteB.oocct the owDoraof
tbeptaDLWBr bore to'-eel tbe adJartort
tbe Balter war aeOtad in a
Work baa alnady bece
elaau ap tbe deteia created by the ttre
aad a* coce a* themosad la '
work OB the eoBatracUoD of a


day. and tboor oppoeed to Itedlai the Belwaen France and Turkish
fvMD.OOO toaid ta tbe----Government
ctrsetieB of aa etaelrie rsHway. ex­
erted every effort to defeat the propo
lOB. Kveryoor wa* aurprlaed
the baary vote polled, aad while ibo CONSTANS HAS WITHDRAWN
aamw tnajorlly of three vote* esrTied the
And Turkish Arnttassador Will
Ueve that it CBB te dentared VoidMajor SewcoBb who wa* Qoe of
Not Return to France
•Bted to the Reoord ibl* Btominc
that tbe vote waa invalid, that
ptaeed hefora the people of the town
ah>p.and that 0«- lawlnc of the boadi
woald te foocht vicdcootly. He «alyoee naaiML He aaid. however, that
te waa in faror ofa ratlnsd it t*operly proeoredand pot in the ricbl
ptaee. Tie Bain ocntoBtloo of Ow«
oppnnenU of the

looka^ np the atatter of lc«allty
flndt in tlw Mlehlcao taw* oom|Hl.d
In IHWe. relaUiw to elecfiou*. Section
iXI. the toUowinc extract, which appiwr* to apply 10 anch a oaae a* the
one Id point.
JJo tooney ahall te rmiaert by tax on

d'ACalea will KM teee>n »
Br T>4wma te Ue- Iteote
I'Brin, Anf. K—The anltan baa fail­
ed to falBM hli twtnaiaeto M.tlooataa*. iuid tte aitnatioo ia more rritleal than ever. The foruen office here
By* ttei Conattant left Oonataatino(tie nader orden when U <
that the aallan waa not civlac Btia
factioD.and that tbe cliante d' affaii
will not oonCiiiiie DeceiialiOBi. hnl
aimly await the^ltaa'a dcciaion.
Obostantiaople. Any. dl-Tte Forte
diplomatir retatlon* w>Ui|
Franee brokea.
Noiair Bey. the!
Tnrki.fl ambnaaador to France.
.way oa a vacBtion. bol lia* been
atraetod sot to letnra to Faria. Tl.o*
A |BB|<nrt


S Ctaais Ban* and Raau*t*<
eolfBanaaiideiata. ;
Baa* Ban* and SuapHrs.
Indiaii Baskrts and SauMnir Baods.

I Are yoe mUMed that they are
I a* cond aa can be FOttoa for
I your moBeyl U yon dre aet
re'airhere we can aerve yoo.
«'e kaow jaai hew atroac aehool
abo^ abonld te. jnal how nextI ble. jnat what laau aad taakea
I moat te carTtoa in atock to bl
j the feet jcoperly ; aad we Uenre
cloaii oB price* that oor
I achool ahoea ooel oo more than
I poor noea Briay »" the buy*
1 and cirta for t^ir achool ahoea.
Von take ec riaka. every |ialr

I $1.00 $1.25

Good Shoes


S If yon
TF nil
haven't one. tell on or addrcB

d iromiSiT.
,h ae aliall tevotod fotJ»l«lfc
New Vork. An«. K--J. I' Morgaa
the hotel Manager, and he will
«*', to te set forth and CBtoted
arrired tiiia mominc. ll i» Bid
tin- rteord* of the towaahlp,
plain tte varion* form* of service.
steel circle* today that In- woold
MOOBdAl: atrd. WoeBU.
fsaeto dlacoB the atrike with the
Tsy of War—Hot of «ood elitBtr
peace emiaaariet.
nny other porpoaK.

Air •
ae wlBBor*.
Tha property owner* who fdVbred
tIO Yard Harh-PlrW,#!.®; Berwad.
the hoada aeem to teBliafled that Urn
Oiinago. Ang. j;-IA>toettve 8er j
$1; aird. M
electioB wa* atrictly In aocopAaaee teOl Uanuer. apem Wl>oae allegedi
The rtreet rbbhb will te followed
by ae Topr waUlB* iB ftonl of ae Will BelhoComing Race Moot with tlie taw. Uteoae the retioire- oafoBiaB ehargea of wbolcBle"graft
menta provided in anch taaee were oh- lag" ia tbe p
IIbbbbIi a lay Mercantile Oo'a Mine.
ing Uctobor 2. 3 and 4
aerved te the offioen. who nUnnded U eating (%ie( of Itotoetivra (lollten
tte matttor. The reqn.wt to the town and fataaBiatant. Lleatomuil Jovee.
10 jrfo'clock, will ocenr the
aliip board to call a special election to Wt« made, retuaedto toWlfy ta-forr
between the Aaylamt a
vole oiKKi a peoiioaUlnn to bond tte Uui oivil aeiTlce conuatBion today.
peedeala. Thla will te the I,
townabip (or gso.troforimirov.
of the easBOD. nnd admission to the
Dtau the highways of the lownahip
liarher shop* will cloae at I'f o'clock
groBBd* will be free to all. The Aar
waa signed by » freeholder* and the onUtorDay. Septembers. All tlie
• hold

ABoUmr meeting of ihe^Ttavc
bBrter* att<-naked to te al C S >* ! Hotel, saloon. Hounes anOLoi*. Va*
call iaased by tte board
Of the city. ImvloB woo U la the Oity Drivisg Itark Asaoclalioo
gaae oa Field day. It will bow te held last evening, at whieh arrangethe Travtrae Oily,
BDBtoatod for by the mbba that ha*
tor the
IVninsnla & Old Hiulnti Railway Uo
twice played them to a aUndatill. tte
- held liere Uetoter .t and
Aaylama wlanlay by a aeore of S to s
nghi and tlmt tliere will -te oo dlffi- l•unr. J. F. WYsOnti. In.«rn.n.» ..T
Bteh time, teqotrlny ton tnalair*
tlie porste aaaignod
wia in tte Ural ipune. Tinney will porwB for the varioo* rri-nt* will ag­ cally alKWt tte laanaaee of the bonds VWllB AmI i'ltB-. *
be U Iba box fcB tte Aayli
gregate •lini .
n-tained Pratt A Davia to look after
Stetlte will natch. Htove lBr.lie, the
In aildltion to the imlting. pacing
oU ataad-te of tte litoepcrdeBta, will
the legal intorcatt ot the towB*hl^ In
ad nmnlng racea. itere will be
be behind Uw. tel tor U.em for the alloon aatenslon on .«eh day of tte MmneiotlOB wltli the propoaed project
and to see- tlmt the iwoper form of
•rat time (h>* ymir. and
iral. by Frof. H. Mcl'Iellan ' Thi*
XxrnA i* |*e|Bred. aa well a* to adrlae
. Will throw to him as of old.
te one >of thi> Bne ftetnnw of
• . Iteae Mm* are na.|oe*tl.mablj tte will
- that win iirovea tte boani aa to the | rdp-r legal oc
tmel. a
■U<inc««tio the city, aad it will hr
to ailoirt in the premiaea
dnwing card.,
(he beat yamc of the year. Aa tl wil 1
tleauW IhJA. tben-.will te hleyele
be tree to all.tlirre will an doohl te a rate*, foot mote and otter fine f»large BttoBdaaoe at the Twelfth street
that will add to the miereat of
ytBnad* (o see It Tte Oeatml iobec
(TaloB will give a tB*h i»i*e of gl to
The track will be pat in the very Elphteon VepSBla Sunk In the
ttewinnlag Item and a tei of good
btwtof cnndrtion before Uir teoe*.
Haeborof Flume
anion rlgsrn to tte laaen.
Tim anaoeiatlan will
At'l o'clock tte imradeBllI fonii, able moBcy in making it faster than
sad after marching throngh Uic imn It erer Wa* Ivdore Horoi- of the huHd■ Hpal aoeel*. the apeedua Will tak. tag* are being mored to nuke way (or
I ptaee OB tte Oentnl arhool groanda. tte bonding of the fence*, and to jwo
Tbeonlerof (mrade will be aa (ol
vide for tte belter view of tte rmeer
by the *i«-tator. Ilml will dcnbtlcB llYTW.ct»i*i..Ah. B.-r.irrt
PtrW IMvMsn.
. .eBDB. Ang s;-A eyclooe attoadthrong to tbt*.
EalkaMa Hand.
ed with heavy damage to ab.ppm aad
.ever hebl in thla part of the tUte.
Kite depulaeBt.
Tte work of boilrting tte (eniw in loss of life |B**ed over FlnB»e - today.
(rtmloftlie groand* on Kronl atreet Kighteen coasting veaael* anchored in
will heglo at once. The eooMct Ima the harbor njybe aaak and J* penoo*
Palnleni' Hnlnn with FICRbeen awared to J. W. Colemai
ptan* for the triple eotraner.
hr F. B. Moore, have been approved
br tte aaaoetatiem. aad tte entraooe gw r«r Tiwa* wtd Trr Tbeir l'e« n
Otgar Maker*' UainB.
will te very aHitttc.
Rtarkaaitha- Paloa.
I. Ibe 1-ilr of lawk* ••adar
Th* taoiDg pragtam forthe three
ea'B UeioB.
dayaerrau will be aa follow*
^ nierka- I'ai
lo.'^mea llarber.' Umoa
a ilDetaa*. trot or rare—Parte Plsa tetegram from tte 800 aakiag for a
<Tbtei IM.IUoa.
S .311 eUaa. trot or pare—Parse •I.’®. wrie* of two game* at that pUoe next
- vnten City Hand
Snaday and Moaday. Tte IndepeodHalf mile ma-Hnrw. SI.V
FraMBBl Hoeielle*
lUir mile bicycle tBOc-Pnrae. tia «au hare a game 00 with tbe Aij• Fltetaof Merchaal*
Balloon A*r««alon aad aerial tor­ Isma for Mtaiday. aad they tamed tte
tte apeeehra, the pedo exploalcm—Prof. B. MKYIeltaa telegram over to the Vaeen City Mm.
athleltr ereata will take
Tte tatter have arraaged to go. aad
4 i^lti^the Twelfth otmetjiatk.
Ftee (or All. tror cw paMe-Pnme. WiU Iteve the city Sataidayfi
A^od|le(e |iragraBi ha* tern artnnged.

“Cbe Crisis*

and an at ibe atiwr aasnlar baaks at


ClK City Bookstore





that you cannot buy elsewhere at any price—the fact ik
you would not think of lookinjr for it outside
- ol this store.
SILK HOSIERY for genilemen, pair at........... $1.50
SWELL FAJAMAs. new pattern, suit. .4.$3-C0
Cheaper kinds $1.50. $J. $2.50.
pretty...................................................................... »OflO
Better quality at S«o.oo.

Sorida & Co.
What will Benda Do NokIV

See Window

Come in To-Night
un s WK have just unpacked
and not ready for you. The styles are pretty
the ifootls are serviceable — and the pnees
are temptinKly low — gsc and upwards. We
can til any boy -so brink them along, for we
feel certain the goods plea>« you.









SHOES IN PARTICULARDon't appear in the. parade September 2,
without wearing Union Label^ shoes.
Our stocks of union made Rhoes for men,
women and children is"by far the largest
in the city-we cater to the union trade.
Ail the new styles and leathers are found
here -they all bear the sUmp.




Special Bargains ITHE boston STORE!
jiMackintoslies Special Fur Sale
We find jn stock too many Mackintoshes
and have decided to reduce the stock. ^

TOc r^lar $6.00 Mackintoshes for $3.69
The r«ular $3.98 Mackintoshes for $240
The r^lar $3.00 Mackintoshes for $225



Black Underskirts
Good quality mercerized sateens, deep

^aszsasHsasasEsasB tasHsgsBSHSHSBszsasasasEbiisesa^

It will .pay you to attend our Special
Fur Sale now on. SPECIAL DIS■ COUNT for
weeks. Select your
fur coat for winter now while you
can save money. New goods, best
, line ever shown in this city.

J, W. Milliken

accordian pleated flounce, nine rows
white stitching--the

Best Value ever Offered for $1.00
Black Skirt, special value, 69c

Ask to see these two numljers.

SHir-t \A4ais-ts

to the groBBita ot U oeote.
BaebotoM wiU hav# pataas to tbe
LaoBBt of M. ot which tbe wlaner
M^rreelreLMW. the aeoetid. |I.M<
TSd tte third II. .
Tte pnemm it aa tollowi
«:Wtmt«rS4tpBoi»-Plirw<. flU.
, Staadlag Brnad Jamfi Baaalag
J **. trot or teOf-Parw, Mm.
Bnmd Jamp; Pole Vanlti Shot Hal
I-mile mn-Parde. Pl».
Bammer Throw: lOP Yard Datb
Balloae AteoaaloD aad aerial torataadlagHigb Jaiap: Baaaiag High ^
Ja»p: Staadlag
Step BBd J«»P:
Tte advaate
«r aoau far"McEaBBlw Uiqi. Step aad tamp.
Aflac tte athletic Ivnata. tte Oartby’* MtMmpa" will open tomor•MBtwatttebea-eMte at Bteia^■asad pig will tev IB te capkaiad.

To close out all the Summer Waists
we have marked them 19c. 39c. 49c.
Tex.. Aag. »7-Twe
________ __ . m kUled today by tte
gnat gaahing oil WDllMnek MDSday.
wblDb BBBd two daalte at tte tlM
They were MtBmptiag to itaBl off tte
ImmaBse oatpat ot tte weUaad
> of tte I


Silic NA/ais-fcs
What we have left of this spring'sllne.
sold at $5 and $6. now $2.98, $3.98.

J. \A/. JVlilliS^eri

“€asf’ Shoes for Women
If your feet are lender, if you have corns or bun­
ions. they ll Rive >-ou more satisfaction than any
shoe you've ever worn. Made with very flexible
turned soles, uppeniol a specif unned velvety
kid. on lasts having wide easy-toes, low broad heeU
and extra full measurementa throughout. You for­
get you have feet in Minor s ' Easy” Shoes.

Lace or button. $2.B0.


McNamara Block

Front Street



BWHUttWaft MAHM Unri tUMi,' tUliafiJti dCotM M, IMl.
Mra. BoMbho. ai HbU Owyan tte


chM chwMlerla-AedkUKhtfal re-

Tte UwetBBntI CVhoIIh elab ww
nniiliiiil at tte aoolofteal K>rdH
with a Buabv of rminlBruit otMmm.
WluU it wlU
terc aoeial hu otter* tbai
ate BM H pUnataK in tte »THt- of
death. The twin aay that a Hbaber
of tte ornanlwtioB acrMa that la eaw
1 tear

D« 'evtniBK- A«k. aeth.
Qwyaa. tte Kinc'e Fhrarite. wa* Bm
■x^ of tte Uak koya. ebnir

TMQS. T. lAtis AIB i. «■ MMB

and ten rmt ortf roMrot" Hid tte
vte tteacte ate did oat.
tetirre they an aa ntnafly ardteary noite arte at tte batloaa of
Itelr teorts do'tor* eorb otter ond
ate yet maaacr to ten amr rny bad
waya^iTiHBlnc itnra—tlkr mrytedy
atae.’ aald Ite KM who mlly did.
Ttey irm apeaddoK br Mr. and Hra.
Faantev. fcaova anuac timr h>
qaalotaBCH aa tte -Jodfr aad joiy-'’
»iotM>dy <julu- kopw wby ttej arm
ao caflari—Of. raliiCT.
ai:,^. Dolndy
Dolndy':TPIlirtenr ted orietuiily tecs
rtean rrauark madr by aa artny
mas- faarrWtr. vte ted aa .ddiy
rtrvrr trick of fcnorktnc cdT bb acUlllrcalcfe
Itkr tbia OH- or -toOgr and Jory.“
-Klir'a. tte lory, you knon -ia»By
Bfttlra rrrryTUBc. Itot te ImaftMO It
™e *i.w-rmn- KAILWAT.
ite earn drtnc and tn any caaa te
A* VTMM«*<-a( «lM fnpxMd alve- t(4a tte cradll or U. yoB fcben.*
Jodcr cirariy lond bla wUr. bot
: Me niiw ltM> from thi« elt; to Old teTbr
orrrr lokl Im ao. la bla oani cnlnd
'.HMm ten rMMB to <i« Knotted te hart acwrt that tte fact of bla bartteitteji
lac rhuM Iht fron a arortd of ctr1a-~
fovTolbd M 7«ol«vdd7'i
oketiao; tec it w^M tete teao bm>«
otHMootorr hod tte M)orl9 ten amt ttet imn tten onn- dutinc bla
• l■l«ar Tte Ma>artcr of ooif tlm ttei-f riicasi-mrtit. te dirt birr brr. aJad
; VOMO KiTM tte onailiaa oo op|iartB' niially Itailaz laadr brr bla aHfr-all
’ Bitr to emto dUnUefaeUoa, •!• (Ilia araa minWiiil.
RU- araa ratbrr a paaabnalc and alao
;«hof«k OBi> rote It u Kond M 0M> In aotte araya a vary proort Rreman.
, tetend 00 lowM Ite ororoary lacol IlDl ate tell no HiUiln-n. and. aliorr
; (moU
all. araa abr a arofnan tu a> boa not only
IM- am dll

by loComm-Dt I

, oUod tten Co ofanrao
0 (•qdicooHOt*, It b prMomd ttet tte
MMV to arlilcfa 'tte nuftte tea tete
oondMtod la oooocdloK te Uar to aoeli
ooaaa tnrbted.
--------Im, ten oppoaltili...
if ooeb 0 iloe. rrtm U
iU oppooeola. U onoraoL
tte teoda tero boNi


tte |boIii

' ooio poopU ateold oil poll lotetter
|o forthar U»a iatpronoMt. oolroa
tten ateold te » l««ol tec to pn^oot
of tte llaa aaaert ttnt tten la nciaio.
■ Tteoofon tten teoold te o« otatroo:
tloopkeMl Utte any of te oiiior■ prinwbtDbfomia not only-the teTKl'

t aa anil na « |>
'ofaut teMdL Tnnne CiiTUlci'
MfMMd te tte Unanoi! teu irtara aab■tenttel oiTdmoe of iU (ollh te tte

Ibr eii-n- fart of a kiMtis «rurd or a IIItk- aan-aa araa an alanlutr pirauaf*;
but, BtumTar. ate plnad-if ttet arord
all bi-r arortd
ahnulil an- and lirnr it. It araa a aprof uni-uoacloiui ronrrll. TttT «»»•
«mm.'dW Olio cmly knoar It. to tuaot
aroiiirn- Ofn-n dkl ate toll brr frioodi
boar Ite )udcr arould alaiuat hmon
ha-r lu front of proplr.'bpt • Ian lu- ful
Indonl ate tall Uhl aomr
km Bortn at tbr
pidev-a dock.
Hot yaUDRrr frtcaMln looked ai brr
kuirtiaDrt allh cnal arondrr. at brrartf
mry. and tbr }ury. nutlna IhU.
aaa ibon bappy. Rbr arouM moar
anUle mi brr Upa. cteaiInc brm-lt alimwc Into (br ta-IIrr ,ltet
lln- ]mkr n«lly lud ktemd ter arltb
•na to bla t-yi-a arbm. tn arry Iruth.
I- taao-oB tm-artlnc bad liol abakoo
haodJi. for. tboucb tbr Jodco did ucraaWiially and on auch orraaloiia rohran- bla artfr If tbry mrt aa Ibi-y bad
ib-n door. U-forr tbr arraanla be alaraya trralrd lirr la Ibla atraocrr faabTta-ra- araa om- partlrlr of troth la
UriL ('aiiatear s ramuiin-.
Aa 1 have before nid, brr yonns

prajMt oad lu naalU. Tbrr* eon te
no qnmtteti m to artet tbp nloA of
tte Itea arm te. nod inotand of dte
OoomttiBPDt it abould te cioooonKnd,
tte teoda iaonpd nod oTory nnltteBoi

And Ihr jodcr and jorr vent tbrlr
Klir. la-lOK a t-k-avr arotuB.
all I

tenoi tte remnlndpr of tte terita copttel fMialrod to binld tte taotd.


lb- tiiarn Ibla rmiidr llrrd In that dmd
diaraai- lyidiuhl feaa-r.
And uuc of Ite earlM to tako It araa
Mra. Kanatear.
At flral tte doctor tteocbl It arooM
la- a allclit Bllark, TIa- jury br(«4f
araa not anxkim. and tte Jwicr. aa uauaL Mhl nolliligt.
-iUrk." Mill ate lo him arlu-e atir bad
laaii m a fear daya. -if I atm rdns lo
•H-. and you knrai- II. artet voold you
-Von aia- not coloR to dir." «U tte

Ute'lnhii fiMieiiit at Woti-rliio. «-kteot*d brr liaMh blnluUy at llBOuvrt,
IkraaoT, oo Juno is.
Ja> r.«k.-. filianrUl BCrDt of tte
t'olli-d Hial«a sovcniui'Bl dortei tte
I'itil' arar ami a liaiiker of smto. nIll
rvipbnli- Ol- Wdb l•lrtl>dI■y on Auf. la
Jotiu W. ikm liT. enmal auinlelaudroi ami dlnvjor >if idijalnl tralntef
ir ■•nl’lli' Kymiianuni
te lb*
KrninnalBnt m
of UooPn,
amfilrd a Brp
baa arr^ilrd
Si ynr appototumU
B< dlnotorof
Totorof plirao-al
tnloluf at l>arTtunutb
b ndlitP'.
Tlir Jury Ml lU.
Tte ilirta' <-btl<lrp(i of (ho Ulr laaalrt
-1 i-auJMii Iniapnr. ny ^ror. aorb as
Addtea. IIi-aM of U. u.-lly II rarlt. K. iinte)i)ii aiRti- of tblncR IWi you
d., tear kIioo to
:r !->«• IIik you ted la-ttrr fo to aV'-p for a
. tea^ Ihr IIUtipj
n-r aa


>lik, a-oukl yon bid rer coodby
auit pay .you lorrd inrr tbc loaaUil
.................. ..
lu» >nu
alartod aakrd.
than rltter of tbrm
aniuoi; tu MonnHi of Kl. teuU
(or till- ralulujt of a fuml of tauCW fur
a Imuuu' iiioimi».'Ui III looior of llii- laui « ould iiol ollHTai l*r tear pm
Uabop Kinrli'L
"I IblDk uiy dror." tbr jaderra-prnt.
Id l>-)hnlt».i l.i.................................... ...
rd. rialuc from Ida rhalr pn-imralory to
jUateti Krairb-k naiSrinnl at Ite altar.
k-ai Inc Ibr rt«*m. “yam luid U-ita-TH Untliiuilial tbal S.% mic frow m-h
Mm. i-'aniluitr raucbl hold of brr
unliaaiil'a band aa tu- luran-d aarny.
•teMfUal anagrry
"Any n ay. Kirk." ate aakl Is a abrUIOer nteht ai-bou on- of llyram-a bit rr ki-y Ilian brr arunt araa to aprak In.
} libiillMnal fur "ri'vB If I'lu iKil culnc In dk-. and of
Ite Srat tlDip till', lUayaxiclit nt uul room- I'm not faa ite jodcr raailr an
te ffwit auaiHid tin- i-ritb-a.
>'t bun
Tte Bntt ami •.a>in<| a<-t>
Blaru. laavli-lnii «u<-li a|i|iUuia- frotu jual oma-.’ And ate pulkat nt Ida rail
tin- auditaxa- that Ite arcaal ■n—'-—- liaod and ptaa«a«l ter but eberk acalnat
«aa alaui|ir.l on cbf iilay fia


the {Bvemrat

Btenaaii llOier was

away, and ilir body waaMntterad for
IW feel alone the ttaeka
Brldcet DrUeoll, a woman 70 yrau* of
araa rxm down byanurryand oaanet r*eortir.

a#«*a Thhk
* Wa offai Um Haadnd Dcdten Ro-

aalon of kltolu-n mrohanica


I* Inn torraoil.

vretor*. who claim they wmi boncht
Iterr from rvrrv port of matrro lUna
mdet iromlar of c<md wnce* ami
employmrot from m-v-ral months.
About All from .Minotepoha and Da­
kota wy if they arrnokRlvrn work
or tree tranaportalkm ^toar. tliry will

A tercr <

OB asK-mbUd in

liUlr-achtsot hunar at Hprlnc Hill,
a., to witneaa Ibr mamacr of a
youBR eoaplr after the leBulareet.
vice. Tbr Her. KIkaaati Hwifl. tte
rnweter in charcr.had an obi silk tel
that lihd hero stored in t loft.

At tte

till- ooncn-cation.
Thr prrerhiv
wa* thr flr*l person to eamias. Ur
cloarly followed by tli- deeocso. whilr
the remainder


Ihroech thr door.




Few e*cw]R-d thr

■liBKi of thr ancty wane wliieli liaJ
madr a ne*t In tbr hat. Tbr marriace
of Ite yonne prople took plane at '
l•ndr 'a liomr in Use evrmoc.
nl Havnna.

Use third drotls


yellow frror reaaltiiiK from thr bite
itto oorued tiaturday rvrnInc. ThrricfimwiuMItaCbuwMaai
of New Jmey. wisow- diwth ocrarrrd

:rnlb day aflrr ate waa UkUr the ail prrwui* biUro by

montBiloea rreroUy in Um-

eoursr of

thr yellow freer oommiaeion'a rxperimrota. throe have died, and Ihr dor.

5IUDT BlUiill
{OHtsNMiia mm

lover, aad to neiebtra tte plHaerr
■vr the lovp of Ite Hnrtmn
iH^Oharitv LookIt is a deal
love et«y in wbioh Nell Uwyaa riar*
tte heiKfat Of royalty, takincOkar
Ity Lone with her. aad ate te* no

They rtay aloft with kiaca.

dakre. lords and tadir* in waillnc.

...................Slock to draw from and small profits
we are m shape »o furnish any and ever>' room in your
house for less money than any concern in this part of
the countr>-YOURS TO 1‘LliASE.


or Scranton. Pa.

'When Bnnry Prrciyoe wa* *rre

charl'es perhv cage. .
H-e-1 Wt-sisar
i—->1 R-pre.v>UUT..

hero but October, in thr pircr hr la
known tte world ovnr—Itavinc plajf-d
in both Kuropr and America fiir yru*
—Travrrar Cilr thMtrr-corrs rredilr '
aeknowIteKd him H thr rk-vm«l dr :


SevtrsI Buaind Psin
Just fftetioed-


liDHtor of rrfinrd Iriah oomrdy lhat
had rrer tern aero terr.and "McOar
thy a Mlabaps" as llie moal rolettaintne pUy of dhi* chararrr IhM ted
been luverotrd In this rity.
With all the brat frotiur* ol

Fire Insurance


BHaon't {BOdoctioo, and a bic honrii
of new once: with tte scronceat nwl

HiasVirRinU Knichl iJiRBU. witli a!


Dr. W.J. Higgins

sot, 7Se, 91.00, $1.25,
St.SO, 92.00.


larKor npportinc company than baa
iwrviookly bens ac-ro with Che pim-.


TroveTB- Olty

K,.»J IMir »lll I. M.l.l n.M lm‘lHtl-1




that Ite

WILL issue

here for two weeks Inal
Febroary. are -und<-r eontrnc-t wslh
Itulnbrrc to np|a<or hrrisin soon in a rria-rtoirr (sl plnulnc

Time Certificates
of D)'|M>ait, >>earinc inlereat at

Thr rotatpaisy la cnnaidi-mhly
it was



iana who



Commenclnc Juts* lat.,
neposIlR ol one dollar arsd ijp-

A larcr audh-uce witnessed tte i»-rmnanerof "Utsrl-Josh Rpruc-hy"

payalsle ors d-mand.
J. T. HANNAH. Cashier.

in Klesnterc'a Grand last iiichi. Thplay i* n rural r»itii-«ly dniniA of, eon


Fire Insurance


E. W. IU;tii{S'Achct.

AUwart.4 kl(hro

John R. SantoGEKRAL nsniAICE.,
Wonlmre Hlk.

Tro^rnr Oit)


na-c d


asderabl- merit and the maimci-nieiit
ha* c'lraen a eoininny nl v.~rT cisort
iseople Till- Ulh- rol- in Ih- luusrt* of
David Krnneily was wi-ll lnndI-4 and
1st* anitport wn* very areeptnMe. Mia*
Freddie Hookmats

to the Irodlnc fe

Him Conde asHallyimwented a pl-a*
iny jnvenlle eluuwner.

Iter •lanrinK

rxln-maly irood a;iil Ite an>biuMwhich creeled her sper-iallh-a te*lilli<d
IP their torrll.


D-rrr K. Itrnteii r

Luke Fay Rave a v.Ty goal iKwlnkyal


average of lltal cUa* of aUrarlion*.

w ij. Dm (01;
SMjUiBiitllKiifMiDaMlMl Core at ICJminSN's Drill Store

Some are hehnstitched and- ^9me are drawn
work. They are I and 2 yards square.


50c TO S5 EACH.

2i yards long by 2 yards wide, $3.00.
3 yards long by 2 yards wide, $3.75.
3-4 yd. sq. Napkins to match, doz. $3 !

wialted to beooinr immanr.
-'Johann Marten. " for IS yean a
waiter in a hob-l on the Hehllrraer. in
Um> Alpa. ha* faliro la lore and
aoen to be married. ThI* rovrol* Ibe
tarl that-Johann" >s a woman in disK«Ih
When ao SncUah cardaer

and won tte ohjeel of Im choler.
Tte Hirof tte Danish West Indlro,
it ia onoBdrotly expected,will te


~TraV.TL-'» *>. *"**

rammauil before the eleae erf tbr
etK'jrar. Tte klnc. and thr new robInet have boUi ooaeladM that it Is abrolatoly nrrrsHJT for Denmark to dlepoer (rf thr islands; anl a majority of
tte ricadac favors thr mira, .aa
doe* aUo the



of thr henvT rhnrarirr
Tin- ren
of bis wife te wore tte tel
derof Iteroat wa* worUiy id fn\or
to tte school hoesr. At the close of
able comnienl. Tte Inton awlnirini;
Ite arrvioc a denoon picked op tbr
act of Harry LetMark reerm-d Inud I
tel and tveeived tbr offrrinc. wlieo
Hie |doce wa* well sL-ipi-d '
sooro* bf wa*)w rmrtsed from thr rr
a|«D Um-whole wa* equal to ith-j j
laea Of thr tet and liistanlly ntlark


Tte only dia-

Id tte UUnda of Near Britain h
anal not aprak to bla nuHter-U-tear. tte price. $3.;s(USb>. belaK oonsU
Not only U a|mb fortilikk-o
UiosamlL JfWrv^.ite final ap|-..
rrlallrp. Iiut ate anual te aroklrd. and al of ^ riffadat I* telUvadl. jo br a*if by any riianre tte lady la jort tte
rared; and it is oxpeOted that tte Uff•
IomU or COTMtataUve lattBcnttoo will be Kioro in

Wo, tte Bodatalfwid. tear* knoara
.F.J. Ohaory for tte tea It ytuvaod I Hotter* write that iter bore Mirad
tte HobtoM of keoptBK tMr cdiir'
well Ulra th« Boeky Mew
. A blaoalBC to ■otter
'.a Tbo«|aon. dro«-.
Wate A Tt^ Wholaak Draviate.
TMaS. a w3diw. KteMm A
aria. Whclatelti OnuDrUte. Totedo. O.
BaH-a Oalarth Oon la takaa Uu«■ally. aetdi« dlnetly •«» tte blood
' oad moeoM mateom JtOm mmb. crop of Bn.nik<kn bnahrU.
nyraralUa la •rteatlBcwlly atmUed
Mao nc Hr tetUr. Bold te all
gf tte rtmrb Brdlcol cel
. dTMtbte, TaaUnruilali frtn ^I'a la *on>o ef
. FiSUy Pllb an tho teat.
Tte better oetpn a<
Who Oral Wood Dteh tetdnq wtU ha tepaervateuMAthat
atend aU tey ao Loter


To make a nwerd royal lo memory
of poor IKek Harraden. brr link boy

'aanapiawlto tte American eon.

rived, and she fell the throb* of the
Under paeeion. eltr cave op the rnevet





lr» «y Um- oihrr three are «ulh-rinc

woAltex tte otbrr day
prartrr oSmaK* arm
vblrb ted lava omutbA la Uoni

well and Kell eoeU daner. over tbr
raiaa nf Onentraa Oaatlemain. Knatcn

Ohleaco boDarwivoa ttik of formliiR
miattHaea' union, to elfaet tte last *ren li<»r,

from Ucht attacks of thr diaron Mia*
Maas wa* a nurse at leu Animas

tMrteti anted artet a

|''fl* ttolld Ual Oaae. |mU*te4.
' «l» ttolld CMk Oare. poUaM.
Ished. now
. «*B ill ftolid Veartrord Owk hso.
pnlisted. now
i ««.«> Solid (JmaArrod Oak Oami.
politbal. now,,..
I KM.CD Mabrnwny Frost Cte*. pol-

neonree. eonnMtr. drepair aad determlaatUn, Mie made, bet He danrod H

CroDDd lo atoms by a Hurllnctou
freifht. Tte liMd was fennd 4Ui fret

nut tte juder dM not atetm ter

Day aflrr day-tte jury cranr w«rM
and arurnr. ami froRi ih-Urtum ate HDk
unnaiua-louiinrBa' and from BBroOlaorM Into dcRtli.
4 Ite Jodcr araa k-fl aleer.
• arooM Ilk- for
km- y.a I kirr you." br kobbed
yonlinually. tert H xraa teto kOmer te
no tona than SO •pnki-.
The rouit M» rmpty.-Fno UtOCn
tnadr. avo

ao to tte Uadiiic

la^'kteeH and Bnlly to ttektnc't
palace. I wm a froramar jonnry, .
buUd beneath an arahuiete of wit,

MoOartby-a Misbaje" will br aa-n
Peoria, ilia. Bawnlay. Walry Uory.
at Hb-liiterc'a Grand acnln nrxl Fri­
allBetnao. was rieelroceted in-midday. Auk aoth]
n thr.moruiiic. aad f-U V fn-t to

and ptao-Btiy k-ft tte room.
______ ______ r, and tno „
TIu- next lunrailne tte da-tor knkrd
bratitei. ntlll th- >lpial
of Ite nrtBlii mi am 3
craii-r. and Ihm- ilayi after tbr poor
tten P0o|4■0o|4- la-can
l•wn lo iaroBrtor at Ite- jury araa tarhac la deltrluis.
•UMB aall. atnl Kynin i
AB.I throucb It aU alu- araa harlnK
kaav bia frhiHia amt co I
imaahiuaii- lore armni arltb ter boaliai-il. or. arnror atlU- for onar Ihr jndee
dill ih4 k«vp termlilit or <Uy -«hr xraa
. of tte fiiolllctali.
aay bi- lo\^ brr. and
• •^•tefatteiraakrdMH-ofthrliai-.
O. oddmalBs tbr now autkaia roQld not UHh-nUad arten br did do

-1-te mir.-- !• don’t km>*—tmt
tterVo cuitinc out Oh- ilibal ai l.*' a
ByniB'n nul. i njulmlcr.

I epidrisic of aecldenu

in* desk combined, exactly like
cut. It has a Freoch plate mir1 ror and is number i;6. Pp you; want one of thrm ■■ Hep-- some
-------lepe IS
; more good values:

A faHaiy etMte ia earU

BdarinKMU^ Batue's brtKbl
iHma, Bell Owyaa qairkly won
tte way to the gnm teem and mil

Jack OHfiHill.

Bev. Lewis B. Appleton, a aia
letedloKat Elkhart. InA. hae teoejaal
Utter flea faU fatter, Kdnad B.
pputen. wfaoa te beliered dead
troB tte tiw of Ite eifil wu natil
reoMtly, when be leaned lbn>a|rh tte
penMoB -bBTHa ttet te xna.alire.
Edaond AppUtoa. now B4 yean of
wae a blaoknlib id lewinapnrr.
jeel bi-farc tte Brine on fett SanMu.
Ur rallMi-d. bet did net write back to
hU family. Tte mother and oljiht
idiUdien, tte eldcet Ik ynn of ae*.
Ktadaaliy aHtlerrd.
At PiUaten. Pa. tte- heroine of tte
eooK. "A Motber'a Uood-by to Her
hen, ’' la dred need (4. She was Ura
MaryKrlly. When thr Chiarer ootbrnk oeearrrd, ter son Miolurl xru
'memU-Tof thr Ninth United'StaUa
infantry, which was ordi-rod to thr
front. tUu-lrenie>l iJiat Ihi-rrftiDieai
a1 train would
Utroaith u>etr. bei
would not atop rxeept at Uouoa, five
alUa north. Moontinc a locomotive,
thr old moUu-r cot tte «Bc>arer to
take her to Uir atoppiac plaor. when
tte hade her boy tamnll and Oodapamd Tte taeiilenl^OHaed tte bnata
or tte teiUd.

dor to arvrml tlieaannd ascry lutr-

pOMlbte nndwod to Ihoar arte nn U

n mi labhU atenf tte floor* of
Old Drory.

aad WHriBK a Hlr ef feel aad anklm

board of Drory.

ahall te placwd laaD-ero. Tte era
■hall te plaoad ta the oenter of a tenqoM table, and afeaM Atall te iadalfodia byaU tteawMboatf/lte
elab. after which tte rntealni will te
tte dead meaiber-a
tnBily. Beronl appileatloni fer


matte idRy. -Tte Ktw'a Faverite'wlU anKH at fltelabarK'a Qtaad to-




Going at





WKtl S3JKIIi$5;50.


Pashinctoo in Deoembm.


IdnoUom, tte Plliptnd Mil

• to IHVO tte coantry



ForaPl aii» Trie.

J. A. Baydcr and (amliy


today for aa oatinx that will Hke la
PMoAcy. Harbor 8|M>wa. Mackinaw
aad Ml PUaaantL Ttey will te f<m*
for a weak. rotanin« to thU otty





Theflannah & Lay
....Mercantile Go.

Tbi Mkwri^ nSiTt^ twriibcaic «. a relw ol awly dark. The Kt'MD
i the gnaOtiibet of J. M. Tbunaa ot Urn ciir.
Appri^l to the errlibal(% m a^dittoo«to
(be --------------of the
principalf to the <
the nataes of titirty.aix witaeate^ <rh(i were (ireient ait tbe avptiah.
were rrijnired to a^ their naaief to the (V>nas>eM. The certificate diffeti
lo a ctnai(ierabk extent, eapeculh as to (urm, Iraen the Mamaice certificate
MxtUKU. Tbr afplicaM
IdU th« of today, aod will .thcrefiwe be «<uiie nuercMiiig:
in niefa nukSBlartiD* he iBaU
Wbenaa. Fiaaek Thamai, aoe of John Thomaa of XartbomEb Dktriet.
wtta the lev •ormtec the
MiiQIBrtBniMC >* U*ec«SDCT«ai»twe. «» Senth Cteoliaa. and l^db Woodard, daacfaue of Lake Woodard. Wayne
bHntr e nlMtate
totaan»; Ihelhv
inaa nsVetf. iriTr bad and e> ta. end
Ihel tb- riffUMM, wba naW, bM be
pa-fcttl. aeieini.
end lelieh'd.
exanir a» tb- VifauRx. ncuWlce. bdtm
tb «i>T.ns>ret v<aU eehiHlia tfartr tv
tnurel rroB tbr taodvr Ur leb
dMm|>(iuM ..f the be n*enor ban baa {VtDted, UU tba> bare
«red in (b |romu|aka Ibal the lea
vae tek« m add. ndbd «p ia a papv
aadavAed. Tb. v.^ b fnattrellr
iatueaUe. M the ahaip (dre<d the Ua

T» tuab'lb t<a eicanete cae taka a
icrali- <a grvtt, i.a wbtrti boa bol littb
dot. b-WK rti(uj>w<i id mslnkfa kef.
eud ilaBi|a«a it rendollj, jo« launffh to
pmnH tbir- kana t*. b- antidlud withcat bins brukni. end aj e< Cm b- Mt
tillaUe aod (viable uf b ins anXfd tn
tb- )a{PT ryliixk-r. while the daui|aea
k na raflkMWl to «ieUi tb- pa|MV. Tbo
eisen-CM an bdd a4dr fiv a feV dajra
end an- tbn rmdj tii b- ■ot'ikiiL '—
Tb- fii'liiiK id a t(« eicantte ia tbe
ttKiUb k la-nJiat. Tbu taatv u not ao
dbasn^aUe a. tuisbt be aaH>need. bat
tb- (-Si-ct la tbeljiM bsanwid tbkb-

gniVERY old maxim dccUmthit it isn’t economy to sick ^ pins; the time is worth more
j^gthanthT^ SimiUriyitis npttrue economy to do without Ivory Soap: yow heaim
iWts the dally removal ol the bodily excretions
whiit are dtoehatfcd throu^ the pores oi the s^
These tifly mouths .most be kep* open, and they
should be opened only with a pure soap.

Oaaaty. SMte a( Marth Oarollaa. hariac l»M tbetr laleaUea of mamace k»fore aereral Moethly Keellaia <d the |«n>le called V<ukm. in the eoanty ol
Wayae. afCMnld. wboce taneeedins* herein, after deltberair eoadderatioa.
beUw dm had
> toll a.
one UwoMnd rdRtal haadred and aeree. 1^. the Mid PiaDHt ThoMar and
Lydia Woodard, apprared at a paUtc BMCMbly of lb- afaeeeaid peofdc. met
tacetber at their Meettag boaar at Coaleob/. and he. tbe Mid Ktaacit
Thnaiar lakiac tb* Mid Lydia Woodard by tbe hand did tqwnly deelar* aa
tolleveUi. to tbi* rffeel:
■'Priendt. <raa are mr trUaaaaw thalJ take Lydia Woodard to he My
wife. prOMkiaK throosb Divine aMiataooe lo he lo bM a tme and lerias

Thoiaaa by the bud. did deebt* aa followeth. or lo tbi* effert
"Pnead*. yoo areiay viineaaee that I take Praaci.'ffhoBMa lo be my
hnilmad. fwniBiains tbrobgli Dirine aauctaon- to he (•> him a tine mad loriag
wifeoBlil dMlhaepaiakaaa-‘
Aad for a farther aad fall eoaBrmakoa thermif the M>d Kraaei. Thoma*
aad Iiydla Thoorna. hi* new wife, did then and Uiere. lo lixme pre*en(. ert
tbelr1ouid*,andwe wheee naiaee are hereunto .alaCTilwd. iwmg |weeeal
aBtao|t*l other* at the aolemolraUon of mid Marriace.
IWMenl. aabaeribed oar aaiaee tb- day aod ytar


OPM-Of Mr. ItUir'e former wife

her d<«th Mrm
real ol

Kddie Klein, a

■rapher lot Ma.r-

m bUjrbaiT of Ibtrolt. aw<
aatl; boar with aa rtcrarlaUwt |ain



lb- tb-n tb- tblrkeuiiui


il<- ia now marrlot to iiu aro•anl Wife. The fimuo awma lo he to
Ihe Rlaaa. aa it oannot be (.roaed or

Mde amdaril that UieWlib-ot wai
iaaaed b/ the earelroMMwa of one ol

The reunion et tlie Mldim and aall-

the riotliaa,’ who .throw a malch wio

.ja: aaMcialinn of HtaennlK^ aod
WeiJItid eoonlioa. one of the blR aa-

the lwok.>l after HablinK bla I'if*'
All tiie Inmatei of tlie luola refortn
atorr who had not Iwen -railiy of
latramoo of lb- mUa for llie iwin


foar voekawrire allowed lo aloj* work
aa'hooreulier (iuta nnml. tlie other

naal erenk nj. uillio*. dissinra.




haul oi



fmi«iatheHeM«> HalMer-a< ihet .m

A rery iiileroaliiiR tBeeiiiiK
■ pUhertiiR of

Melon* wmn .limMawriHt and tlie cunMl life W(We not *n bad
Mr* Andrew Wood died

Ikve tail op ae/eral

liondred dollara in hard nub to'pa*
fm the {eittins down ol a Wt'aliaft,

derouring tb- Jutry nnwt aad map
ptnganeda Two l.nn.lriMl uad flflv
riok ihuughl *001.- thing* atmol |«i*


bilh-l for Ijtke (lit/ Tueada.r. Wed

.aBelon. Tlie bull ground VM *emi
oovemlwlih ni-n *eel-d on the gru«-


natt.lera. the /ouiU! Udiea' ukaiimary aociely of lb- tloURnimriunal

eliuroh. wlildi o«aTre<l4p the chorrli
The nieoUUR waa Rtveu
phold ferrw Haturrtay at lier home iRwr
Imlay Oily. Her hnibtad died from nrer lo lliree mlaaiouary wivlvrtu and
• aerv of ihrllbas »
the Mine diaeaae laal week., aim one
of Iblr employe*

from ly



martin & Evans

and vae iiahmed to

m *omi a* completed, Kltiui!. In liaU an lu>ar. a deae/iptioii
ba* been diamantled of nil ik marhin of the day’a work of a miaaiunary. It
arem.'d fairly to' tnuiaiaift lie- andl
ery uad will not be oi*«Bled.
to the aceue ol ll>.-•■- X-ilora. and
ThmeUugood cluume of Oedllbr
adding uaother factory to li.w alreml.i make Ibeu live for n nm- in that

the troal alraiwl

It ia a |daao arllnn fur

Uwy und ubould It come will give otu
ployareat to lu-nly-flvenr non-ex,
part BMwihantca
Mra Itamnel Virgo. Jr . nf MnlU
«*a. who vu* uceidenully *hot M

G-I?'Ki-fir'.s:-"7rx.s!F(Hl SUE BY All .DEALERS.




bU gun and *U|W>*e.l «« to be buIob.!
«d dhe vnu *iuing at u aeving m-i

n bctiiv-eUr ik-ii. A. II.

tb- high |■l■^-au foai tlic.-xii
rmiu-et <-ihI id Afri.-A >'b
tin*- I- till*- he Ib- warlike native

ehllM. with her buck toward biro. I'b
ebanteafabel entered her body Jaai
below the ahenhlrr.
ITof. Herbert W. Momt(Wil,whn ta»


IM Lets (>o Front atnwt.
wotal avcoac.**. .IcfT.-mun,' >
Madiauii aod Kcmmil atHwIa, iu ~
the Sectiod Ward.tJoodrich luwitt-




.OU* ITTL- r 2*1 t V. .


n-l ■M.4H-, IIWU. .ttou.W_i.lrtl W ayMIVk.«H


aommer camping aile*.
170 Acres hdj.Hning

tu.'t'- Ihanniuntaui their b.hl 0|x>u tb
(*•*(. un.l d1.>n-i«l .-v.ii tb fi-w (igk
ihcT h*l .-<lalrii<>Mil tb.vmn*- id
Hie Vbi'..l.-*i I" i-niiiiW. away.—Ihvv
fi-M.«.Jaiin«. ilryiY-. U 1’.. in ('culo

Steinberg’s Grand
lal. An* Atbr. I* o|>« fi» -ncM*MI*
tralaul aaei* I*------ —* ' •'----. IMJ uhutoSX Ike-U


iVrrr U*rr<*ia

been conneetc.1 with tbe farm dPfWI




,..|6 tikCmCtw


»t lOC

ptr toco mtttf.

Lmv- ,

FurrvlaheO by

lanan muol}’.
30 Acres OB the \*j shore uortti |
of C-urter*# mill, hair ijiifid limtier,:
fine KTore. fib rraorl propeKy.
SABBeOaUTT this aiileur Ctn
4 tnetiona iu Lamg lake town­

flU: (iKUIIN.kL


nntl.g nun.' rim.- ag-< neeircd a
aingutar <1411/11111.111.
A Imrglar lavdo
MM'htTwvn To., will .-nd iuhiliia b*»* audf-aind tb.manuwript
wui Chief ..f Ih.- exi-rlmenc alulion nl lavitufion. lo aev.iul
n..«-l. whK* b b*, h-aviiqUb
the Uuivcraily of lUlimla
I »teinity. uad there U ev.-ry indieutum f.dliiwing n-4<-: ”i<ir—1 bgan tu read
A umall Killpino urrlred as licnion j «•“« • delightful time will be enjoyed yiar ihu.-l. ai*l I w*» a.dn-fdy interHarbor Huturdav from the |.b„d of 1?‘he oldeoldler,-aod Ihcir faanl.e. •wed in It lhai I waa-Jdiged I-’ carry It
away. Inl il will U-faithfullr n-inrbd
Mingtng a
meamge frm
wbu flni«bd " The luannampl waa
Lieut. JoHitaloo. of Ihe United Stair, 1
xiTUt ATIfiN* «iiN..ll>RitItl*
duly wwl lock, with a n-ally cliwcg
army in Hw Phili|>i>lne*. to hi* brolY. miiiii*' •« iL-Alhn-agi- Aut-r Uxun.
ar. J. W. Johnaloo of thi* city.
Xe« act.
boy. mho i* l-S yeur. old. wu* a faemTalk nd <rt waited a
He with Ueut. Johnkon aad lb lal- j

FrlUy. Aupsl aim



i the aooth
Good fnrtuiog PM»Tty in

.d bd-luigi.uH—ib-y
•tn.-turv. cai»1
•quire un.1 tb intni.iiug Yiatl
<e. h'iug lb- vmly .•x-upaiite.
“( waihi le-t." wUrd tb- U|i|Uire,
“dinarh divine u-rvn 1- lij potling him
«mt ve-hYitlv
Th.- . niy thing I cmld
dowilhpri^iriiiy wa*<« hi* bat*'


Hie B»ml» tB tbe FoUowlsf
pnpertles of ibe Gwidricb


A capital *i-iry U Pild by u well
ksiiuti. hiah-qi
a inri-ili >d wiin-hb wa* fiaimrly vi
land. . ha<laiv«rt**l idij-vU.m
Mr. Honker loUowml with'a very
! to III* |*-W b-iug iiivail-d. jukI 0|>a i*>^
mbwealini; nreoniil of bi« -work among
at tb- iioclnju.a id a •-rrin-,^
the- l.larla.of ttootb .Afru-a.mid tiia ad
|.i tb- v*-ar with a binr ciaudr.wa alao wiu tialeued irr witli rloa-1
Iil agatn*l a *lrangi-r wbi.uii>i» iiH),
allenlion and macli pleo^Br.-.
,vi-niuitYl ill uiiroA.- uih. tb- i«-a,

her ba*kuid lu«t We.lnee.lay- died
tSaUtday womlag
lie w*» cleaning




biso. TorkeTiaiiokr of tlie work there.

Stiff, Crush and Fedora
Hats, from the 50 cent
Crush Hat to the $5.00
“Stetson.” Every de­
partment of oiir hat
stock is.complete. It
costs you no more to
have “just what you
want," and here is
where it may be found.

l5y#ei-sf'Gooil, Clean Smoke. Valuable Lots foMpes/^


uiuiotier/ offort in a rery abuKhinit

-l(Mon lo lb' way* of tru*k idmilaT to
lb* expMieuiv of varlou* ntbw Mlchi- murli tdeaxorr.
Miia Heaa.'^lely from Maraah t\d
gaa ettn-* Tlir Mg un ran fiteiory


whet yw*

dlaaion work, apukrof that htaneb of

good li*t.

. Ftaoeu Tlraaaa .
I Lydia Thoma*

m. m. WAi*r s. .sores. oruKKik^m«•*/ n.r. Dm* Xataieg to giptoM ar
ItotolM toe C—try. -’
U Marti*. U II
In the curly y«mi«..f tb-mticnlhccbtury. hag l••f.Bv- lb- And Hut.-b fort
wai. -nvi.vlat
Tioiii. IVaiugalhad
pbnt.d her laailen. at run.®* i>iink
ul.Mig Ih.r.-adecawt. foru Ikdag.* l>ay
to lb- 7.umU-xi un.l M.izaiubnpi.. Tby
ilut w<i»- Inuling III gi J.I a hI may with
the inlcrico-. liiid tby mvclukvl lb*
Zainl.ufiCA'v.^boD.lTnlmU.*. But
lb-pi«lihuiliale(rtp.if natgomlid which
^ tb- owbaM lb- j.lah-an
Ibir ibeuva' and threw nb
*lii. l.>. Ill iIk- way -f Iheir advaanc
Tby di.I lillU bi.-ziikm-and leilhiiig tu
rtv iliae tb inliriir.
Thrte reuiurina |*umvI. during wbk-h
uarkie>v.l.vlg.-.< eaiih n-ulS^ Africa
u-a> kcanvly .-Xl. mh-d. au.1 II u a* u>«
tlllta«i>-n» )vur> iig.. tlut lb-Dnl.-h
H.-m in ihcir al.-w wagiaw |>aM*l anaOr Uim
mutb-akwan) from Cai*- tvd.aiy lo tbo
»b-rv lli..inf..ui.-ia and I'r.-heia
etmal: n<K till le:.4 0 that David
LiviiignUaic made hu.« a.v lluxmgh b<-h'
uaiialaad t»tle- Veinru fall* nt
ZainU-xi and h.
bonda; le-i till l>o.W
lhat tb
ritori.e which lie U-tu.'-n ibraal
aal n-pnl.Hran<l
oUt. Tanganyika bylb'Maah<aiali
ii.a-.-r*. All ibw fanu.-t*. .-xidunn

Niea Uollowf. who ia iii tin-. KeUn-l

BMHirn llarlmr ha* Jual reeeired a

rmMitly lallt. which wa*' gobbled bv


It oan't help but do you good

The u*e

froM a Maguanl ■ireom i* Mid

lo tfioee

Til- k-rv.ean- iliniDlahvI natil |
iu.Arrf.v U iik-flymg. akin danr- i
bought that ui-.- (wly •ay
nay to e
cure tndlgeatlo* «M to
lag <r .| Ottiutliliis eb- euUtt-Iy idt J
Fauple oDoe tbougl
............................................. ... ..-eaUDUt •
BtopMUlDC. Tbelr.Hible,i
(/ the (VMU1B.U wav ThU kiMP- lack m
KUK>i. liTSPKmaCrhg bAiCl
teatopiiriBK. KuiK>i.l>r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------long a* the amb- nmnamw. wfiich u I.
of trcaUiM Uil* (Uiuidalob
all Uie
naturaldlgeetire IhiMi
ontlllhe teerti<a<i(lb‘ia.uiiBrh*ek in .
aod dlMia all you till without aid rn>m il.c you caa eat nil
W.eviiMiueg d»mU- li^ linal i-fftv-k n
tbetoM food you araBtatel b cured <>(y.<urtri>ul>l.c at the aaaie ttm.
id lie- nw rigarittr. The ag-ny of the ,
‘Tharebeetiiioabk'dwiih tDdlg.-«u.-iiat>ddy*rcii*4afor acrmlycnn
opium likul M a *b>duw n. tba ..f ihe '
nBdorteo*atd.>wnto«iatbit liad to cire it up aticr rating only two
aanaund vuiiiuuf tb-t.wfiguntl.v It i
tUca. 1 Bard two buttle* of K.itxiL IivaiTtma Ct wt aod am nlngbt
wiU b ban lefctv fm*) run lip l.aifcrd
-tbday. CannoweataiiytbinglwaDt. W. L.KagUHi.AudDboD.lon''’
yv-t tb-.ftrei iitrp tinrunl a nir>- ia a
enlMif leu. .\B bar afl.-rwuni ognia
Tb tl hmtlcrectoia.8S.tiaH*tbM-UM
tb- i-ruviug (b< l-a rigarvUi-.—Cla-.
oiunatt Trttauiv_______________
Wb.-o yiiu auir.-r fmni l-ili..u«i(w*«gfvn»itiuti-'n. tiiic the tanruu^iiUolircr
pllla Soown a* SdWtM'e Uttta CASkT StSCM.
Tiicy oercrgiltM.

iMwdaj and Thnnub/ of lliuweHr.
cxiaeiu are a» rertain llial
oral in layitis iinantilAanderhee the
Tlllaite Uiattiui.f

^ iwlaon yarda

VBlermeloo* i»ieed in the twi*M> in*rdeua vu* brought in. uad u* Die tuen
lataaad the wagon raob wa. glren bell


Dyspepsia Cure

Klair ie mid to

hie -life if V

waairrd away
It waa flrat aotioed b/
la hU
‘‘I* whieii vw evoU<a to
ualsbbor. The miparWaa u aot alaevml Uaee Ita nalaml aiae. He apwa/a the aaaie, anmetiraen aiqimrltis
tdied aooUitDC .lotloae and rellerwl
ataitdiBR poaition and flow Bjeain
Ike ^tn ao tlial be waa Daall/ able to
ailllBR poetare
At llioea it la
net lo alee|i asaln.bal whin he aaoliappareoll/(llfferrml/Blliml.
Hnahlaron Ibeilpvaa a. avollen'ao aa
drcdi of peoph- liare rUited Uiw rery
to alaioat fauBidptlr eloae the aoatni:
peuliOK idirnoinencm. and all who
bai the lain ,waa not ao apYere a> for
aeijaalBlrd with
Blair'a Aiat
Eddie barriod a«er h> l>l>
wife mj poallirplr that it k an «uel
|di/aielaa and waa lufonaed ibei l.<leaa of Ik«
AU atteapta to riil
bad beea bitten b/a *'kiiains biR.’'
the witidowa of (he Iteaae of tliiat4i'
bat liMt DO aerioDa roealk vere likHt
(atriliON liare )rorrvl Dnaraihns. .It
lo follow.
laa h»ii ot> wv/ral-diflereiil windowa
At <bla^ ihe keeptir of ll>e levU
in tb- hot)*'. Imt on out/ one at n
abere vliirli the ei|doaloj> of Rlatil
NolbiDR elae of. an ouaaaal
powder ocoarTMl W«dip4^/ yh.>u
eharai^r tina ta«« uonorinR alarot Ihe
thiae BltHwa were blown' lo iikMw lute



i« the like

bare aald that »he woolrt hannt bin



lb- U-ipniMT iinlk tlieta. that arttlie i
b- will out to tea cigarxtni agatiL U.'
k down and trire
Tl.e api«il on

Fall S^-Ie, 1901

boakand aatil death aeparatea aa "
Aad thea and there abe. tbe Mid Lydk Woodard: laklog tbe nkd Pnaeii



Lamson & Hubband

vweapiWDTedofby Mid Meetlat*. enooeBt of partcu asd partie. eoacenHHt

Wm. Coot, Supt.


ship. 2 in (iTiw-n Igtke.



Good Barcliiis in Tbese.

OoiTT Be Foolcdi

KINK CtlMCERT-Ifeat maaical <
of •ruaoni mtertainmeal Xt- Kanl
Ulee rlnb Fridav night. Kiral H. K.





poih^rof uni^.bS. i

W anal him ten thonmnd mile* with |




aehool* and

kbe letter a* a tc*t of hUtatclligenoe.j
Wbea he arrived tb>T* after hi. long '
« "teellng la*t evening nl which
Mlpbe huudml the meaeage lo Mr. !<•«» *«dio*tiOB. for the poallkm of
JohaatonwtthanurmrMlole. -Krom‘“'M'"'‘“"her of the Huh ecbool to

Special priceu



luis buta, 7-V-.
Ailraoiv aule
apeueat Imt uflii-e toiDorroW

Tclcphooe 112.

The Hannah « Uy Mercuatib Oo.

■bM ol M*«( Ibi wlainii iif tb uUleAoM tMMUtoS o'oloek Imber
a^doaoeowMdaS oMoptad byO. Day.

Tcb PoU. Flat Iroofc CnrJ^ IroMB. Ut«.
diMwnt iMmpa. J c. p. lo i«0 <% p-- bU abipas
and cokira
Interior UephoM for
factory or atoie.
W# enn wire aayttlag
(rocD a call iwll to a whole city.


ooiNO -ro mxj'T irM
gbWe gaarMbo oatm te be (Tee A


I | i fcgiiii a r* . W*i< Geiec**



g thuse vac*:

'Aat Baueriea. I’ortaUc titoTM. HeBtiag Pb4b,

I4« Front8tr—L

Uuat Johnatoo. Kir. ' be mid. Tb ;«K«"'<>
<-^‘>b wore ermrider*^.
--------- g KiUtubo will rumaib bre for! N« d»'l‘n“s' notion wu* tukeu a* only
one of. the toucher* applying for tbe

Igmre wWoh b plainly rl*ihb ta tb

tiNiniQ '

Vh« B Promment,Oshkosh Min bis 10 siy of

tog kwk t« tb-ir «|m>g* lib Ibt ruin,
ball flU tbut fall id p-fnubing: that
whirfa tb r-iuBtain aeod* fvath re
again tn tb fountain.—LuntrfeUoi

A* tb magaxliiwalked In.
ard bum- at :t a ni.. willing lianiU
p.<aition .tuted
tb- mI^ that be »i-k.*l him fcioi liciiliMl and itruggfd
Tb- member* ol tbe him opalair* Inlu a carrM naim. Tb
Moak^oo i* going to hang oal her would requite
uiga a* a bmlth maort Iweeuo- tb oommitkv arpeecaring Hie deal red ia- gsre-d him. and k>e afi.-r aiKRbn
dMtb rate of ttie city, aaahowa by
read to bllli lb MRS. he bad aent back.
Tb (illiw tried tu tweak hi* maur*.
the Hailed Ktatas eeaaaa. it Aewer
BCgrow to eoBftier tb mattrw
Iiat fliMhng ihiB lBi|>»wniic b iwayed
than that of uay othwcily
I fatly. They will moke tbir report to fig merry. Il wa« a h.4 night In Jnly.
iHit imc <|rlDC p.»-iii ahiT anollNW
r. HUluMb eooaiy. A Jthr iimrd of ( ni*«. hU car* until b fainted.
When cunwlunanrM returned b
aaaaBa*aloorloattylrithe*hupeofa‘«'»~‘»E- ---------------------------------



S. a Will h Sam Bat UtUa M'lottavrh. fincrMN tn


lakoktm H». 10.

w.->. MOI



Grand Trayataa ravorad
Potato Or^

ABifiR A.tM.
mmrn tt

Mhtotair. hhwnat.
fumt who wat emmlag ta with
thar NBoae
te vmktm tn Mr paMge. aa
ther antbtd the oatotna o*
oahasi^ kept thatr ]

I " II

r “*.?“*r“t!252r^i
. , amortto tot t «m toto toi to nwh.

" "^-^^^^ *****^^***-*^'****'**^^

btotor. toU^dM StortTmiMMi.*IiSTStoftw

ae iwy Bwah, MI sew tn n m4 ton se
Oa ^ war ia. aae titda Ihiag ae- Be. 4. W. Chial glMiy.Utw Fb. then
and to eallna the tripi They nn*
toe pboewhen a tamer had, aoeee


» a a—«w1 ■pwd '

aad they waet dnr the fbaee aad
doaeapteOB. Bat they eldnted
n the flavor wba they eat the *' nelOM’UpaUtUelato
ae at their trieadiwo'alnady


MianiDg wMrL
Evrlyn jBot. eontydrar, yon
am taj wbmi
Damit Ptm


C'm'hM.a-.MU («a tom «m> mS toto.


Mr. Jeospb Bsotoal of ObHOge.
who Us bsmi vbltlag tU Drank
family on Ttwlfa ssmet to tU past
Being Sent to Co
wmk. bora to his bosoe today
N«w York City
Dr. W.' a Moon Us goto to hb edd
oms at Aadaboo, Iowa, te a rbit NKW uo*r
Mt are astnct* tnm the dlepMotaw
with hb panals.. Mra Moon is with JUSTIN.,.
ha {anab. Mr and Mra J. Sehlsiirl
»-TW preepiete fare b-Tj ytold ot
of Sit Bailiead arsaae.
Glad to have you See them.
yiRltiei thli r>U are asnllMrt la the
Mbs OhiistlM Patoa. wU will
•eh U tU Osatial school again thb
•NM pptMo belt ti Uirt»K»m.ld vbkh
Oraad Tneow le U» Mater. Befnrto Mrs. DemMc Dunn Paaeed
Hew Y^. Aog. tr-Tbe
Hastling Jewela
tnm there mr the biUe an tairir
Ship Oomjaay'e Maeer Orinba nib ^mdlag ba vacatUe borne in
Away Lai
barOiay «Uh tab«»e oTlarp die.
t%a oalr daacee ii (leala. PMen are
W. P. Cbomw weot to Upeer yesilttoQS of wn aboard. The
. k%b, »l » lieiai .faid to ooe lot ef
• te Thb (Sr WMh Ito tteenee
material Is deotloed to the de- bMsy.
Maya PatehU b U Beodon today
eartr petatoea. wUle eaidde bajm
to lam-FeeenI toatheM(artnfol of Oaon, do the fbeifle
James MartUak, Jr., baa mtoned
an trplac to aake
of Oolaabla. when the ipbeb
from s loog trip of several week<
bare bees partleelarly aetlTe aad
Mrs. BUn Dana; widow
the bte
wfaieh U visited Obveland
Doniale Dana aad owe of thj oldeti oearfaL
the Pan-Amertsaa ekpoaKlon
Vlotota. Aag. »7-The Rritbh
pane of a aoriMl etvp Borers pro- pfoaeen of the Oraad Trarene n- ahip Amitoo fan takea ooa large
Dqatp Oil laspeeta. Botslrr oi
dtotoUaarop la totia o«u>tr. aad gioa, died at her haeBO, eil floath npply ot anmaolttoi aad it b nid I-"to" was ia tbe city today oa oA
an larlaK 76 Mate > bodtei a«alaet Ualoa street, lact evaolag at
lal basUssa Be drove over to Good
cfe. She wn TO yean of age. aad
40 at the Me Use last jmx. Bajen
d by the torpedo boaU Tim- Barba thb aftonooa
an aatualiy bnrUh. vfalle the fane Ins hern a mldaot of thb ooai go. Bpamw Hawk aod C
Prank 8aztmi and (hinilp Uve ntarnod from a visit to Pomona
> baea betil bit. the
Jol^. Umon hm gate to Oan
gnat Raatk talrir bablag the gioaad. arltb bar faBabaad ta IMS. Mr. Oaoa
> a IwB weeks-visit with nbiV
here to two years, and naad ralaiag both the earir aad
Kmd Johnson. Jr., ot Maplstoa. left
Ohioago. when they were
panto vopa Merebaab an Alp
thb morning to Obioago.
r CtoO-Tki JiieS. V
anrritol. oemlag to this city. They
than la frooi oatsUe ooaattoa
, W. A. Cblklns. mrmba of tU
U this neUoe
of poblle.worta end Aldeman K. W.
Hoand. Ure .gone ta Udingwa la
Mra DoaB^was the oMlber ot elgbt
■e leterrob of the city.
I PtniMbeo. Aag. t7-A marderocaditiaai to the pan two nopUM. ft (Aildne, oerew of whom an still IIt- ons atted was node receaUy on tlw
W. O. ObBoey ot the firm of Meb froeir pndioted ben Uart then will tag. They an James J. Oaao of esmp at Olaeier Clvek near Nome, by CInaky ft Olaaoy. has gone to Paw
be bet half a crop or leee of potatoes tbefUaitota « Up MereaoUle Oo.. a band of 7(1 armed men The onabb Pew Lake oo a plmsarr trip
The inabb b ettribelMi to tallore of Prank l>oim. VslenUae Dono. Ivan was eanmd by litigation ova m:
Mrs. W. IL Moom aad daaghler.
the and to grow, it belog too hot and Dal» ot Oedar. Wtil Daon of Utab, eUlsoa Riehard O\)tmaor.ooe ot Uw Mim Daiv, Ure gooo to Maskegoa
Mra. Howard flliltiog and Prwl Dbbo party asmefced. eras family woaaded. to B>iD Br. Moore, and srUI taakiof OarMld townsblpL The lale Johi
*OAcers of tbe simmer St; Pasl. their home there in the falate.
Dana was abo ooe of the ebildm of wbieb arrived from Nome my that at
Mim Uan llangerford of DowagUe
MaRegoe.-The aarlj potato orop Mrs. Daae.
least a.000 persons intend tc retnrn ta; I vistiog Mrs. II. McClaskey of West
Tbedeosand.was bore io Irebad tbe Uaited BUtee from Nome, dertng Front street.
thbaeotioa. then beiag.bat *5 per lo IH1H. Bbe ceme to thb eooatrp io tUIpresiwl smsoo.
Rer. .1. Pennington retarned yester­
ont of the ordioaiT oroji The tabers early life, and ihertip'
day from Maple City, where he oecn.
vtaleh an oo the oarbet an poor lo moved to CBiIngo, when she beoame
tbe polpll in the Friends rliarch
gaaUtraad mil la.ot^ £arlj po: tfw wife of Mr. Bona.
tatoee an oow eelllag fron^ 76 to »
Tbe faanal will V bald from the
Kev. Fannie BlioU retorne.1 yester
oeob a badMil. and the pnopeel
at t o'eloek ooder tbe
day ta Maple Oily. HI.A oocnpied tlie
that theee prion «iil aet anleriallj Cioe of W. 8. Aodenon. The aervloea
eltrfieemdaa UoLtUi
pnlplt -io till. Frieaiis 4^nrc)i liere
aoUl tte later petaUm an will be Id charge of Kev. C. T. 8tent
Iwpoelsg ranto Tttoer.
Haoday morning.
ptaood » the mrket.
of tbe Kpinopal chiireh,and a qoartet B, T-4.«r>ph f. tt>. It.v^
Mim Myrtle CollyerofKa Rapids
from Ahe sasn olmrofa will fBraiil
LoaisvlUe. Aag. S7^Thirty.thoasCALF AND KIP
amsie. The tell beamrs will be Itota Detroit.
not bog DO pDialoea Then b jmM beH Meolagoe, W. W. 8miU>. William and HIr Knigbts marrhlng loUiemaBorfred. Fay and Onrlia Ormr
ahoal Booagh growo benaaBiiallr to BellDer, B. K. MHlor, B. P. Wilhlem. sb of thrvie eoon beam IsMidf today
aoesofBditar On^l^. left today
' "honeooneanptiao." ^o root, then and John Renaie. all of whom have molted the fcrmal epening of the
ily-eighth triennial concUre of avtsiilo the Paa-Americau riposlb aot a ngobr ehipper of thb ktad known Jfra. Dann to half a eeatoiy.
tbe Utand Bnaempmenl of Knights thin.
TempUra Tlw weaOm ball tUi
Tbm fUrere-nie foor week*'
Died. Aag O, aged 8 monliix aad
Cht OU HHliUt
■ draath ia Bi Joeeph eoaatr baked the
88 days, Oilberj W.. only rhiUI ot Ur
groaed aad rolaed loth the early nd
aad Mrs. Wlil-Rashtan.of West Ninth
late potato cropa' Ttie tabers whleh
an befog harreetod In thb Tiotalir
Mr. aod Mra Pat Dana are the per
an Mil and of peorqaalltr. Mer- of Uie Western Ualoo Telegraph Oo.
enb ot a flee Uby Uy.
ebaab an shipptag then fa from olh In thb divbloo. arrived yntoday
. Vale te A merry-go-ronod has b^ act ap
er ooaattas. aad an paylag gi a bosh from Obveland oo hbaminal toor of
B West Fnnl street
lotpMiHaa of the oempany's liaca. He
el totbeaa
.Miss BdiUiHolcwmb. Mim Pranoee
oT Tbeir ( Ur.
ia oo hb way north. This afternoon
Rotoer and Edgar Eeilli
M} T>(.«ntph b. Ui^ awed.
Northicn this afternoon taatlend the
UM the ybld per aerr of pobtoee thb be went lo dDUons Bay to look ever
Vienna. Ang. r- Tbe Vicana 8neepear la Uiaego raaetr will be ae gmt titot line In view of iroposed fmirDre. makers Union has lost la >b tight district (^hrtitlaa Bndmror eonreo.
as that of aar prerieos rear. The “«»»a
against the opening of Amertean shoe tloa as debwrtee fttxa (he Oongregn
ih g.wy 1^ H •pt HsBdsr.
onp IS not as tar adnaoed la growth
stana la Vienna, la enosNiaenoe of tiooal society
TIMS W Ooodboarae and Fred K.
ae la looalltiee (urtlter eoatb, bet is
J. W. tUater. the V
diplomatic represmlgtloos. the chief
Uariiaf Alpeoa. aod O H Habeock
aaOeleatlr a
of police warned tbe asaocUtion lUt
eral maeafsotarers in bis line to take any attempt made lo hinder iho open- of AtbaU. reiweaeating tfw Alpena ft
tbe oomplete entpot of their factories ing of AiDorlcao shoe storm woold be Weatarn KailsrayCa. were at Park
Pboe Uiu morning. Uc left
Oraad Rapids-Potalon ranged snd:is going I
after dinner.. Tbe Alpena ft
(ram TSc lo Me in the city merket neas on a Urge soale.
has norebtiem to the Alpena. Uayloed
Pri^ morniag. B few baaheb of es ocBBpiete ootpal of the fselories >1
ft Western, which is looking fa
him paring tbe trarellag me
Bsoboloe brtaging aa even gl per
rights of way throogh here
ibsion aad erptm. which
BesM le (be Patel JeJarr of Tw
basbaL The early crop has beea a
Mrs Winnllrad P ;White, Miss
(allan At tliU time one pear ago po­ qoltasn 'ltem. Mr. 8Uler Us Ud
Oarrie Wood. Waytte L Waten and
tatoes srere briaglng onlp M to 80
H/tVImiS.!., lb. B»-nl
Carhaok. left today
.oaaU Heports an eomewhet eopHen Antaate, Aag. S7-Wblb the Nortlipart to attend the district
flleOagaBthe late crop Ute peu. eveateenlh Uttery of field artillcsy Chrtstian Kndearor eonventioo.
nseks' retoa MerSlas.
«en«n made or anmade late Id Aog.

The Udtes’ Aid Hociety of the Bap­
The ebrks' aaioa met last night
asl aad ia flepleoiber. Tbe looaool
horsa became namaimgeablo. (
tist (torch will meet in the choreli
talas sren favorabb aad the potato with a good attendance
tarning a gaa carriage. JamesClarfc. parlors tomorrow at < o'qloU
ba^naon is tswt.stm the bnt posted the firai msoting siaoe Jane
corporal, and Hriraiee Nix aad
Ttw ladim'of the (3oo|togaUnoal
potoo men do not look to over three, ter the boslnem was disposed of ioe James woe thrawa noder. tbe car­
gaartets of a crop and the pield map erram and cake wen served sad of riage. The two latter were fatally obnteh are iariled ta meet at tbe raeo( Mra 1) OoUlia
WBSts S'b-rtetU
vltb tSp
eoane the boys ate antil they
not be orer one-half Tbe acrea
<'r>„,DI nHurnlsf 1e TTmrM--- <Vl, a
1 aoeUI time oo ti e >«
liiO-s.m. Tbo •'<11 rv T»as |4.«witrvV
ligbto tUa asaal ta some sections perfeeUy satisfied with themselves.
sadfsia la-msJ<UwB. TUre b still abeatBU br-lig • 4 :• ■BiUxvi U»'
bat it is (Blip ap tbe Maodwd ia oib- Best eame the boziag gloves. This
Todar's )
of tu IIOOO which the ladles are rais­
ata ll b believed llwt the |«ea(«i
wOl nMiwrt viik ta«< rvtorajns u> Trsr
ing to tbe pipe Organ fand. aod s
pgiom will keep ap to two n
I 71 M:
eeUection will be takes oa thb occa
iMgm at bast and that potatoes will
«vty si
o<^ taV'tota ” ‘ *
sloB M add to theamoent. -An enjoy,
sot go below M crab thlg»ear Thb
able Bftatooon is aaUoipatad sad the Vllh
morel wltb.the.naioo
^a.^ a
prmMlehUua at tbs inseol lime
M7-«; oau. W I-Ei|port. •1A47 1.*:
ImetnS bp Tale.
IoMbsdo ft Bamlin, of tbe brt.
r forgeU the
a A. Oole, who'n
ted thoa of T. H. a TnM- ('.>riMr Kb Hum sim)
telephne girls, pro
___ _ always snxioaa lo
tU CiUsMs’s Bsc
rllh a baUet
m -soar 4«v«ar

Itwb patroas Ihs brat of ererythhrg.
Ure aot orsrlaoked that gnat------- lance com(SUiy of yeang fimds thb of flu applM and anMba of peaebea
tbi of batoiB Upfdtoss. good Ooffee. arteraeen la hana of her birthday today.
famoBS TAL
TUyara agoit to tbe famoas
TbU morning at St. Fimneis eboreh.
la sto a Uol eTf'ei
tXi^BMi, which are eemposad <
Jolly gaows at tbe Martiaek family
n»y thoagfat they wen not known tu flesst raiietlm grown, 'blmded
onl Ibera, bnt they were. And they aa aspert of thirty years en>tal(w«e home oo State stoet and ail of tbe wbieb toiled Paol Rim and Ida Faand toassed by an mtlraly new pro■ war eharmlDgly eatartalned. too. both af East Ray Tosraabi^ The
ttMfbt they eoaU keep tbs stop
ossa, i. a., by tbe tameai tor ramClag
sloas trfreshmrats sreta served ecmple hare gou to Pittabaig
mothed by which tbe aroma b preaasni, tat thop «•> M>k
tUlr weddwg loot.
Two vsep pepaUr pooag Udlas of aerrad-tB flw bean ta a gnata anent : daring tU aftarnooa. Bortato
A. S. Dofaaoa brings tU Raeoird
tUa b posaibla by. tU old style coke ocired many psMty giftt from ba
(Ms ottj waot lo tbs naU pasb
■tosa. wUsn ftrlvos nC la raastlag
aome flu mmples of tdoms of
«o sse a tristo of tfaeln.wbe had
May of lb Mstatbl qaalltiea.
BradsU'w variety.
Mr. Dobson's
vfslttBg tfaam. OK to bsr borne U UnWbUa thb aubqirislat firm has a
farm b ^oos to tta plam
. sang. Thep dselded that they woold
rids on the bain with their friend to
' ' [ a good cap of OtSae. they pUatnqgameof
ptevioas troerds and U mys tU amthawatohuik
mat itottaakrly the bbad of
SOI fau bean toasoally favorabb to
■ ft Java, wblob i
all klods of frait.





R. W. RlSTttl,

Kii IS:





lUSKV Tti UIAW te eeimeto «< tto ur


lAi.1 end l.«tn > «.________ U»ii—|

M°svs;isaiiiajar-MAKE MOME

25 per cent. Discount orf all Wall Paper.
50 per cent. Discount on ail Broken Lots.
All Wool Inrrain Carpets 39centsayand.
Short LenRthsat less than cost.
It cosle little to make your Home attrnctlvo
And comfortable this week. ■




7nnk 7ritdrtd)


: iiE






The rdbl notptrt Id Indbe Tettitaey
last year sras ijncum. and tbe year
ouo. raJSStad
before l.«ll>,44S.
Ue Mot iMlasil. that the pa
Clwwlng tu m»« «r ryn btvart to
by Onnaa experts cme of
ladUs did sot bare their baak be
■ •
wibaIrMaab poadUe with lb
rviof tu teeth.
gnUatki work fa tU q Italy
mp^M aot feel like nplag la I
(hob war book on a tmigbt. and tboy mssrtag of tu Prisstas ebar«h,>ased
mU not wall wash i£t^ «s a u»- throagb tU city yitoritay oa hb way
lom JasMas Tstly (Us afdtaiM.

TU foUowlag toUfBtm wu
yyaiTTKD-A ^a
olvsd hare thb afternam, from I
(Jadllbe, Mioft. Aag. 17. ■
^JaUas Stalatxsg, Tiavana City,








PRICES 25,35,50 1 75 CENTS

The kind for dress.


The kind that will wear well and
Stand the hard knocks that lively
school children always give them.
Children’s Wedac Heel Shtoes. 5’s to fi s
Misses’ Kid Sho(». SJi’s to 11’s


Misses’ Kid Shoes. 11 >^'s to a’s


............. 1.36
A New Pair If Not Good Wear.


to tfe. «Mlr »M««(


At to. ««
> to tba aMtd

M« tto Mfto«ir •»

>*^*^ "* •

f.r to. PM9

.4 by tor ptetaa

Cterr cmfc .«tow»ri u4 toTtoc •

B puty .f todikw». (VO .9HV1 ud «rmal yMOC
flfb. They frrrlj *l«Hb«lrd whltoy
Sms tbr IsdUM awl turn abrnmA
tom to.nrtoUy. 1W tbry pwtaA
MU tnTrrms tbr nsVa tkraqsb vhito
totoi f4far Hrir wd tbr rarr«{dor.
MM MSrtv. n.
toy. Md tor rMto. 1
vttk a noddy s««« tint
•or braM rootd rvdOM. It tioMio.
««h. ovtdror U a abort tl«e ttol tbry
Mil «4lbM sirr op tbrtrqoeM ror«U4
MR] puob MoUivard la tW UUk lirar
w tor ot tUrto. Alnvdy tbry had tuat
torn of tbrir U borm and vno baglasins «a .oBrrlbpn-r*'
; Al tUi tonc^vr* tbry 0
Mr ntnias tv harr rtdr toward tbm
and rruBi out uT ib<- vaMra sbtwd a
ymbC Indian, obon- Mmdly tdsnala
and Baa atMn'x*'
tbr® bopa
(tot la Urn tbry misM And a oida
wbg would Ml ibMD U rnvh wM.
Tb«r •dTrfrd lilnr oBlaky. bat to (*faarid H. Ur ipokr a bnifeMi BbtUab
and «aMI/ andrfdieod what tbrir
trooUr 'wao. TIm- torn vrrr gaant
ryrd. aroro wttb b«t aod tolrat: tbrir
borara wrr* tmaUliic la rrrry limb.
' *-Walrr.* aaid tbr' ladlaa. ■*Watrf^
•ba day-two daya-marbwalM tbrrr.‘
polDtiBc attaisht abtod. ‘’I>otr
watto. baap sold: wbltr mao nrrrr
ootnaa: Indtao arr ariro. Unto
watrr.** attTtrhlBg bli tobda wMa to
' Mlrale tbr staunty.
la tbrir mlnda tbr drtfd ap aovtbMntM ^w a BMHintalB atrram cuahlac
tarto prarty dropa by t>rda oT told,
ttoy prraard Ibr ladlaa to tatdr Ibrffi
apui and premiard blra rrary.
ktbd: or a rrvard. Ur robaratrd to
iaad ;tbrau and tbry look tbr ‘iraU at
anew, Ttoy followrd. a tatotaMo
toAlastot qr pttapmora. Tbr Iwrlt
(ado bard. Mr teak (bm wbMe tbrrr
waa aUpplas ahaW. wbllr lm-la blMrrlas witb brau wallova la wbh-b watrr
had but ruB for a yrar..'llr aramtd
Madr oT Irotu and ttoj^rrr fart tx>raufcis aa rrrda. Wbto nlcbt raale.
torra iDurr butors ortV gone, and of
- tor ail mra two cotdd go no fartbrf.
TWy dtrd donas tbr nicbl. and Is tto
Mamlix bat fuar rwlr on with tto
tUaal brara
Ur paabrd tau nrrrr toorblut Iba
bo Ktiiabnirat. Tbr way srrw botirr
and bollar. ruusbrr aud Mucitrr. Tw*
aaorr bmra vuot down, a tlilid
dnipprd. M atUI to wwtrr
'ntolfbt.*- Mid tto ladlan and
^ a*. Tto tbnw lirbhal Idm -rudr
toatb. It aaa Bliixwt aamrl wtoo
ttoy roUBpani Tb-y fMl ffua tbrir'
hetada aa l( ibot. toalra In too rac
aatrr. Tto btwk dU Ml ball tor
tom. Hr ooly ootlrrd that tbr tai
(allowliis btiu. Ibr^a* dual corrrod. Md
ryrO braaU. hipr.1 raally and dlalrndrd
tonr noainia Tlo-y know aa to karv
ttot oratrr wan arir.
WbM to kurw to waa Mfriy oot of
•Icfat of tor airtrkro tarn. Ibr Indian
tvraMd atoiviy from bla wratt,
eoorar and rudr math. Hr taiM to
Wbrn- tbr rurka nnu- from Ibr idala,
Wtora butto dand bottr anti Ibrrr wrta
abadr and ondiwiw or tiuHr kind. Tta
madn for a Barrow way Ibat took him
to a Jut line nb'dr or nn-k. wbrrr plaabrd a tblo airrwDi of wai<T. roul aa from
too kra or Ibr nurtlusn world. Hr
«na« hUnarir from Ida bom and
plnnfrd hla toad Into a baata fonnrd
la tto rork awl tlutl orrmio with
wataf. Ilia lUuw aborrd to brahla
horw^ aurvln^ <
patty, and ttoy drank Ukr Ixvaia thid
hkv«-(<M«bt loet with rariuotbrr.
It waa )na( aonait wbro borwa tad
hrara Uflnl tbrir 1h-b<U ftoni tto pool
wbrrk oat Ibrrr wnv tbr drad wbo
hour* brfoiv bad nddm artto tto ladtanlto Ulud ebaa. r.w watrr to urv<
totraalrd to trad tlnm to. Loos ba
tookad oat to wlirrr tbry l■l■wt to, and
torn to savr U..- «lU 'Ttalluo' and rail
af triDwph of hla racr, aud tto boraca
Ha had rtddra wrti to avrotr tto t»•alt stTM tOa |•ro^k• by bla |waa|wrm
Ha bad totmyrd tbuor wbo w.niW daUr aa ludlaa or an IndUin-a womaa.
B« rouM rvtom to I'o|<Ur rtrrr now
and Irtl hta atury to tbna<- of hla kind.
Ba Bbuutiki atatn, and tto horw-s rrird

tHw AMm waa katop triad to Foadato
0«Mto BBMa teto Alatbmi WeUM-4hlB la the wL
Mtoty. Imd bm> M ttot aa r
crOot <d Cmmau had oMitoM
iimmlrd1 thr c<iran
and daxlac'tto
Bakoko rWiW had •
poUe. Com Bs •
<d • kind whb^ a
wOlUtomto Aapaataa
Baa “a nlcfto." wh artoatd vt har­
ing attda a wauto Ur danlod tto
chart*, and Vto Chatoribw Widdaa
d him to mira M atrnfas of
otonMa kddr whip h. omapB
■taa. Wbtothlaaetomwwaa
thr toan'a body waa a JaOy.
Dr. VahmttoMld that", raw bnetod
totddMk WM Mhlas la o
A owk wlto kasMtoiT gatr
■ • toierny racMred

_________ iMBMT and ^ta. and to
oonM him tfca tl«r»an rkr rhawwnllnr

■ ■ - B’thlan. ktotod him ■>
and ■> eraoliy Ihni tbr MgUinT <d
iMtoan ahmuM KaebUsaU had to
away —any Vaapr to look
I Ito ai^t Tton Wi-falaB <odcnd
Mbn to ba admlnkmrrd t» Ibr
wtmwbd man. anffinally irarr inotrweharr a rupr U«d


to far artotd nod kllbd with thr twv
■ to doalh, "no WMpuoB til bo aaid.''. Tbry vnv ktdnid a^
thomind aniil half dmbwtoo their
mska wrar atnwk and tbrir bnada bWW«d In. Tbenapanwravtnariblydla-.
Igond. Daring 4to Hafcokn tnao
tbm TlllMn wrrr bonml to tbr gr
ami tto thnmta if brl|dm old wuomb
onl. Prinmmn wtoai tokmu which waa
tntto III

tto frUuw n-iard ty
wbulr walp drawn ixriT tin- fan- and
toad. “ Two (bwiuan go^l mlaakaarira hatUbd that Iban* wm- tin- luoal
<f lni{to>TlBg tto BigfiAFETV OF RAIUtOAD TfUkVEL.

In Thr LodHa' Hmiir J.aunal J(dm
GUiaar tl|w>d writn imirTtalnltigly M
jpmUonef railruMU tuah-r Ua-captiiai
‘KnnuijignTniiuaPKighf Hr|inf•
Wily wwTU that Ito i:
probably are tbiar which agorl tnnrrltag. maktiig U al iDiw qnink. luoifigtahl» aud ovrom Vr miw atMraaud
lomta al tto rata <f SO nilln
atagtouarhHi, aud arr har<% mti
wbtiu on Uw cMM, ouBifona nnkinnm in
tto palMa <f king* « ton uur grandfatton' gTBudfattoaa won< yining.
Darios thr ytwr«frxon iul>ntat>< a«nMivtiaanilaaiiia'a nv*t (<a yrarodtog July 1. IbM) lino panwi
klUNl fiw iwi^ i.oH&.ifts !■
eaiTtod. nnd lorvaa luyoird fiwrwity
large rtUm. Tto- ivpisl farther aboara
that a tnan'e rhamte Mfainat inftuy
win- each that be wuold bare to trand
4,4OO.a&0 Biilea U-ftwr (p-tUng hurt and
go-i;.&lUi.lW(l lullMbefim-bi-ing killed.
At tto- rair if So mllo an buer a

Anuwitwu railway* f>r ibl yi-an. witl>iMringltoranu tofirv to-lugkiUrd.
kith tto- Mini- aiuikuil >f Mk-nrity
Mralnat anidrat ho roold go nmod tto
tofon- toorliog bla
«it aud 176 tlnir ' '
getting hart.
In lun BIT fatto-r emu- .a> a rult to
AntwMp with my ntuttor aud uiy yimugeat ateUr. CUhk. Wtwronr uay faltor
treik np taU aUde. p««i teni|i>*ariJy. a
grand piano in (to tuttnial nmrw-cf
rmiU WilalJ graritato towani htiu and
wdret riR-h- <f art loTora would u*e
rgnmprdaroaiid IL Among (to frxnl*
1 (hr Antatrp rirrlr aw Van Lkniu.
tobma. Hanm Leya. Haymuana aud
k*um 'By aiotM at ttot tum- WM a
Irtghl aodhM47 cnatBiv. am l-ng >aU
if tow to-oa. full of b-pro. ala*! nrrtr
to hr rmllaid. audif tnlruu u-«<r to to
mataikd. Tbr Urg>- dark lyiu—ttoy
avMiMd tto- gift if bM rdmottor. ttouml. and a grand ufrano rvkv tpukiIta pkiWMftd laiignagr. Da Manrirr and
ato Wi-JT nan on a bnato-r ato aiourly
fiaittng, bimI ttoy rtrr nan
FtoU Moartodoa in iVutpry.

■Byaim." Mld tto aged man.-m
yen an- now atoml to mur tto great
wwld thia Uttlr bit if adTlcr may to- .f
gTMt aor to yi«: Wbinrvcr yin mafcr
*nactor.“ Mid Ibr latimi In a plidah BlUmitlnRduM-. atom adulUrdown
trr tonr. -yw know you aakl 1 inlcbd carebaaly oat tto cuaatfw ia paysMax.
SMokr attrr rach mral.''
la thl* way yua mv mxiairr a rrpota-Vaa. bat I
fitm fvw brim a wbuh- aoolrd frllow to
ton duarr.wtoan aoury U a* naaghi at a mlftfaty
-IWfa tnw. bM It U aU
I hSTrat alo|>l>rd
md with WkW, tore in tor achuul
bran taaght. aa on- twoogh to uweraudlm«M and make aabitkm rrtn vlih
(to frown favtod the mnllref foRoM.
tpiMn Ah! parhapa yon hata
aatoy to hod. tbrnT
fn Utosit in Itola to fnieaelt
Kkoa-No. ira l•r<wuar I nrrrr Irad
gberamtrea IPoenta a day toe Ubertost I don’t harr to be
tog ftoM dawn ontU dark.
An SafUBi aatoriaUaa

. adXtoliM toMtlyhMdt«^
Vhaaa «• faMatital Into Iw aaamM

iST “



Jy and eca^toly ruaOTM^Shla eem^inL ^t
tbwa the Uted etnaiarh parfeet raat.
Oietlag won't raat tto atmuaeh. Natare raeairea Mpnlira tram tto food
va Mt The eMoibla way to tolp Ito
etottooh U to Bar Kadtd Dyapepato
Oara. whieb dlgaaia what yoo eat and

moT. HABBtt. TUK
; will glra toadtoga aU i
418 a. Ualea Bt. Be eh


Atem .tomaa hmm
■m totobsM
totomm Mfifia
cf thepemu^dto

The ■ofdaiM gcMtfiUy kMkrrthat
hr to a mardeew. Tto Vais mas. wto
ftma tto aerial pelat of new B frra Bean la AM Ah gaeedly thr grran* risae*. aerM ki
by Itota. ti
thm to la tola nhBM wmbody
(drew la ttoiAlal tmiiiiiliMi totom
"Tto^mtaef ttopMOAredM*'
mewl arr fmMtod xmh tto uamm ato
d to to tsaaUr BMmrd Farral. ■ddriMie a|om Imeta and <<tor ariitow
btoie to atoutenr Umto Hawaii
<f mail mottrr A* thi- anb- pm-— B
euahltag (bra to taake drlmay tbeeoof
o«*f hU lawfal tarld daraBaMto
lotto pmLWa miiwded. duck iwMa
(htogthal-wmato be dreply roatid to
and oddeima are to to ngaeded to euuttohamaateeaaL There are faefmhmal
Adwidal. ato thu twiMc* mat to
amaggbre. bW tto larger prr end. I
>trb to got ihrangfa It.
rtar: are ttowr who, briag <m tto Tto aatoral Rhoda eamr ihreugb oar
Among thoo* to whcM thla wga tentw
fhnadlSIi aide cf tto line and ftodi^ night at a danre vtoa IVrtml aadr (amlatoaa praarrtna gainst nnlarirguoda Toy ctowti.eB^ acton the mnl>- brr angry wttboal Introdlag It. ITbrn afah- Htratow arr .imr who hare (rittolun to try h> get (hm amaw.
a boy. raddroly lMt« eg Ito botlag toorcid tto Aratdaa i noliM of whwtly
BMwora Maine had tto Ihuiah pea- gktvra and wlatoa'tfi ra '
fUwlimt away aftev dret-ildlag cf tewta
bat hare owiutrd tn arith- with their
maw i. to oMwmnatoy leg atitoto to fiats, tbrrr lagrMallT
banudary line, tod psBuUiag H ta«w- to stq|> blm. Rot lie** haj>iwa*d to be
tiielyoat <f tto qmtofam. bat atUl. with notedy to step ICtKola. I duabtlfaayaU (bi4r allpB (to reudumatoban do oc- body could harr atonwd to*. A moIWore ato fase toro stuiling and
etokamlly ir> h>4d to a rlaw tod nai U
. lag (to twaal (btam. And iWure with this rule ato'rriirr fruai (to
to tto gnmnd—unirtimM with malts
ararh toAd. An Ingrehaa man. howthat are m* u> pkwaant TUa wm tto (Vml cxxild grnip what
Mr with tbr lAnr wbun aamy 1 a waa. iboagh she soon udd him. abr evi*. vbM- honimwi la Iharif a eulloettnnbfal. ataeo- 1* if oorh ih-bu. baa bit uiom a mrihud
abiatflrU. AtfawwhaliwrtkfOBkf ioiH*ing iwl tbm mudiat and ntirtlam'a farm line It catorradnaedato lati-ly mrrrilnw. alwrintrly brotaL
He bad tm epraking of Lucy WyP lag Dconto*. ato bm prw-nrrd it with
to told. Tie-aiiry toarta apno tto Cnentxxwk Hia plan ia u. oM earhif
nadian ride at a wgtoded ipto in tto llae-T’a .
tbnn a riimlar toarii«a tototiw vbito
ed (0 find
wood*, wbm- a man,
tmptMks that to D h
tl aa ato had do UMeutlia of trillBE rt|a<xit that to ha* a parkagr few
Briklia makr a break fur tto Aaerteto
whtrh to l« anaUr toiiritvi* few lack rf
■rral aaifttoliite. In aaur wayaa uOmr
knowk-dgr If bu jamitt addn-m.
tahl that i
haa gid wind to tto attmpted 4
. t piqna might whirh It wiU Iegliag. ami with a otUI te-ttn bum to
tixx-ipl -f tto n c iiu 17 (nformatiim.
atarta at (nil a|inrtl aftiT tto myswriaaB :’jr Ibi- rsiilaiiatlim. "In fart.” br
Tliia rirealar la dini*rd bi tto fi«mr*
trnnk.nnd He- dnne if tto him alto. addixl fstuoinly. -f harr lenrd ItIt waa out uilil aaw- dtotann- amaa bintixL though II Is ridiculotu ronugh. Bd<lnw</f tto- iaau wte> la'^vaalrd."
aud u tto-ci Rdirertid aod f-maided
(to ttnr a|>mlto Awrnuau aHh-tbat Ito that I am loUaar.*’ .*
drine to de- b-m alto dianemto that Tto e-m-ial niauiM* atlD bcU. "WTut I7 lie- potman V< that which hm bow
do you UHwnr' ate- asked. "IHd yee eiafidid to ito pMiAre. Impind by
wild b-p-K aa lotto- poodbl.-valar cf
torlar her In aa)- wayT" .
tto- larkagr. tto ik-bli* takiw tto wily
“ho. Dot that.”
anthur if tto- cyreSUr alao into bla conBboda'a rytw fisahed..
“ttOBw-yi-u arv so fond af explana- Adrocr. sneto him hia m-w fiddirm and
alia Into and .«t to "Ibauk yemarm” boto. I will tell yoo <mr or two things awaiu tto- arrival <f tto myatrrluas
in a way to maki- iwr'a hair riwv bet Uwl yno tod betti* know- things abeal bimiilr. tally to find l.u lau- that
tocray. H-rrerivew a eallfnau hiai
tto dnvtr Larw erry wfll that to roold reurw-lr.”
■ npciwaitauvr.-with demaDil
wd mrape bkiagoTMtakm.. Hru^ch- -Ikrilfhtrd.” Mid I’mal. who tod
(texttan- .-tthworbt •* Ihn-ot <f a
d'to got .n-.rtto wat hilltop aod Mt graoped tbrallutloo.
got if eight fis a mimeiib Wbm
rbm-orw -i'l* lostann-. I ttduk yoo do nut Igwanli. Tbaa An* (hrcxumiiig tail
itobniwto (tohilt. to eedilHiIy pnllto BOW that you arr tie- rwmxuon >i*r of •f (to-ift flinnigd-howlwingtoBaagbl
op, Vmfc tbi- trunk ap In hla arma, Ito w* that, by no lui-ana for pun- Mko. tto- augBot mandalr if tto guveana
cUmfaid ua lop if ibrriecniuaa ba on atin toirrain ynh. t lia>r Mx-n you —New y.«fc Tnlaiuo.
thr alto, and b-dding ibe trwnk a* high treir pxiplr whom you i-i hlmlty
aa to maid orrr tie- <idi< 4np|ad it ia- lieniglil (hat your lirasglng lad luitu a Mg lueiwdrifl. wle-n- It aank uan- inwnrd nilglitlly.'and I ha\r l.x-u aorry
plru-iy ool to oij^L Tton tto rwie be­ (lull you dUI leg Iwar wlwl «aa,aaM
gan again.
1 akgiiaiiir yog
"It'a hard f-wlto lailinar* trareirr to
Bark M itowimmilof tbahwl hill iwuMt Iwdp K. It la enruf your oat- realta-tto- tirT-re-f thr ai>*agrrailappooRd Ibr CBotiaiia tane in hot por- unt dlMdtantagi-x: It l« our
itinny. nAil yard." Wkid an old and rxp*ii«exxl
aolt. and now hi- yelhd to tto- man Voo nn-d led atai* at mr. I Vieiw !■*• tmimiun at nia- if tto- i«g Jrreey thty
atowd tooli^liat thal indiridual ap-' frHly ni41 (hat 1 lair hait my (rui|a*.
uiuaU townv'ri'T- 'Tto- cuamatcr
fwarto adikAUrly deaf auil in a grral I |hi|.- I Khan how- uiy li-uiiK-r again If
.. wwa* tto.- yard* daily a» to' to
harry a* w<-ll lb- kept bU tom at bp rvi* again I Iwar a rad ty ing aUait a
>•4hly riding rhr-ogh ito-nioalutalljr
apfto, and luufctd ontto-r to the ridht WMiian to oaUafy hla ellly vaully. It I*
ogh fail* to Bpt4xx-isl<- tie-maw if
to* lofi.
all in tie- ilnthw of tie- noxi who are
not lll«-ly ; oa-- la gi-u- rally nm-ful teit
A haU mile near and ttoqdkerhnd to uewl yiMir tyi>r. If g wi-maii ta)ka mi}d- yixl to«wit<-h him Mfdy inU<tto
drawn ap*liur la-huet. win jatoMwc lo you at iHiim* to oallify ixuni-ntliiM ■41UI-4L (tr R4iT.-1l>r n«linrw>*fc ire
to not heviiig hiapnAie- calU cunld aa-l Ih* leoklr—, you llillik Itisl abr la A-. frwnghiikiiti ri-q>imil>ilitT amltlanBO h«ig«» to- inado_^. drill* to tto In loll- wall you. If y-uu tad ih4 lavn
ae 11 Is UnOU'w uorhane-wl itew|dl
aim gnud barkwa^ on* hi. atomldr*. aa lU-u— aa a ndlUloie-. yon louat haiiu> Ml line .'hul tle-n- u lao-ihingi
and Ue-o. is upiiikfMilly groat aurfaiw.
U-n- all wxMiMH. and Ml— WVl- 1 Kavf nnx* lax-n aldr to A- with r
to- poUi-d tf|^> auddi-tily that lie- .«• llng.* iiarili-ulBii;. e'rrki.1 ntel |•lottr4
in all tto yroiw I hare latwi
»d y-ur.~Hli4>. Klrnll iM-ar . , xl ton . ami tiui i- (-•maa-Uila
to-wl fioeneul inU> U
Illy- w lial tte-y aay of )<ai. of y our xn «*• f tracks al night. Tto'•-xp-ptaww
B'ha-wha-whai d'yr «-a^" diavbd aiprarnwx-. y-Mr malux-re. y-ur hal4( if Tlrsaa* [inkt*. tto fn-igbt rlrrk at
<f dHiiklng loo! ni^-li. your Uundi-rw. tto Dhigli Volliy WolhBi inOwuueSiTto- nply to tto iflbe* w ttoally aa- your l-rag and yiiur fme-lnl anxiin- ]iaw, <x yin>i( ihql I am n>4 Ito laily
eaiiwl r-w pahlttwlhw. "I ea'ar b> jn-, idr-iliuiiHil*. Yen do 0-4 rkrn kiHiw liord-ti'xl niilnwd't afni>*rd in that
1 haiu't giN a thing toto" aaldtb- lie- nlciimaM- h.-i' whtrli oi-ry luily ralle wa.*. ILaiki* vTo« run d-'wo ly on radriVk* of (ho tom idnl k.
11 you-alall kie.w It: you ar* gite*lax'au-a- Ie- gi4 bru ilA-red la tto>
. "TbM 1 demld Uko t« know wtod ia food of rtidanslhua. Afti-rward k>ro masc -f ine ks I Ao>>t hlaaoc hUu.
hadea y.« wan- trying to p< away fruen
vanity win ie4 Iriui4 you to aay Bliy. ir< rteiogh |i> glirankon towrt
mo f<*. " aald tto-• Aar.
Mb. WylBagrt or arybudy rlar di.ww' to allraipt to ino. omh on og"Uil away flxmi y<-f" mU ttoothi*.
Ctiwatloiiif rail*, with a li« <f beadyou."
"»"y. gvaih 'mighty! 1 got lergit tom waa lii.lo\r.wllb
lad goer vi-rg whilr. “I cSn
's' milk right cwKWa ohau ilark, •> 1 M- that I luk* otti-ieM ytai. but 1 wx«is ig la-IU aiel whiotbw naging
hain'l pa lei tine- ter to- a-l>wfln tai tho- think
tle-rr la a inUusdreatandlng. 1 hterwiK
•<^1 ■Lv.ry tine- that I am manpoilad to
did mil aay tial Uloa Wylllngrr waa In
, yud }aa( haol am " lepllrd tto
ke owch a
eollrrtiwto rnrir .Saiu'a date-*, "a^ loir wHh mr. : 1 crrti rxireyaukl my
radar, wtoI’ll harr a l-.ik. I know weU etomgh upiuloii that Ihrjliliw W4* rtdU-alon«.”
tie lay .f thr landwrll Inniy mind
"You dM m-l .ay itt No. Uxwmr
fast what yim'rr gut thw.’'
ie4i< wlitrli
“Trll yr 1 hain'IgiS a thing here tat JT*D (iNMigbl II would lnii<n-«* lie- iieitr which are ie4. Imt it i* .f ie<
>u said llial olle-ra .aid If. atel you
thla old elnl ‘ii ha." protreti-d thr i*hjumI'm in tie middh- .f ttocr: lal thr miOk-to |•t\'b'«•’d lie-Dear _ . 11-4 UKWU an- 1.. IhiiiV you ridirutoml
t« IQ a whirl, tto le-adllghu
ceruui taa-anii-hu paraorr that to had louk. You an- kmualng wh<n yon try
- ilanriiig all ar-*md iie-. and I akip
onnlrebanil gi.ela mteabli-d in Ito big Id ii4| your lirag. Yi>i> nlwaya do It a<> audd'idg.- anpnd frWhla-wlly until 1 grt
too. Itoi -inly «|a*iiiig b> which wwa a rhimally. Hut I tlenght yoo wooU aafrly
tie- y4h.* anh- U«ually dmM
makr aomr aie-h *]>lrlllra rtrun-.
(to- l-.xnAme arr otaaduig ottU in
Writ V-l uir li-U y ou aiMiH-'lrur alorii-a kf
tto- mm atoxL bat it'* haiit to b-lirve
—(lilngB you bavr ihue- aud ■■•lug. utb- Uwbrti y<w arv in front <f ttowi. toicuw
r pooptr harr Mkl of you."
epuinuinw who w iirk in Ji-rwy Oily
Ttot wa. w-U rr. to tidd bItnaeU afl- haw- a (nrk if walking inh- tto- aUtea
tto loneat atowd. Hr iiiirBid thr lltUr rward. to alextkUmvr b-fl tor. bm ba frail tto- yard 0> ^vr Ihr trtwbto -f go­
ika* in Ito ix<or andhakixlthWith hla had a uK-ridd ilralrr now to know the ing on and hj tto- regular way, twt
, irr.4
lyra hlimkai by tto- glare
,f tto- Uight vrry woraj. for all th.- valte-at ae-o wtoti 1 con 1 aiwA*« w-orti ihmi «f th
lire on (to ixlgi- of a iim-lpl-v of ai-lf tengrr if Athg ak’ —Now Yurt (ten.
•>* ie*hta
noth^ bnt
bat Mygian
• • Ok*

Hhr.gavr him rLa|rtrr and
-i-rar, dniy «and hlltrriy. Kbr must
arirk with which to prnia-'lto Isl .
for a long timr and
heior. Sl-itir walla ww bendr tto toad arr lalixl hi
"What i« jxair fav<*iu ookwr' Ito
nad.- >m4i-« of ililng. In hr* mind. Tto
aud u-ahiug -'lu'.
Tto- aan*i<ker if wnaatlitol «wa a Ineu.-* of hUnarir aa ie- had auppoard
an if ai-teiii. Ttoei- was leithito: rtoe biiusidr mllapaixl In fragne-otOL Out of (IM-I ttarirr reyoiieri.
ghaotly ngun—falioai-lf
to do. a. to Wiiuld rnwl m tto- toa and
"h>T—I ah-aitn think •'to’a favorito
that hr
rz)>l-««-tto inlrrii*. lie diduk wtoo.
«J-w w.ald to Ito- >a>u-\a< al! timea."
•I Ie- had
lad a okwor of Injua' aa a ftooh. tto- <h*r Ih-w lu. (to
'*l>ria.xily>^>t. into' UiwwiMly
11- had takl aB aUty
ailty thfig fruiu a ant. N-iw. if I haii|>'ii b> til-aitmiring a
batbu tuned, and tto tom in fnadxf
tto old iM to*c intoarenthalthnwl- kliul of Imutiirllvr raidty niul witlH>ut saiuH. my Urtaitoodi* la rwl an yid'planning It ronoriouKly.
l-ot did K tnrrit low an wau'-thlng if that *n*L But if
Ihl. lirulT-iii p
I tVhat did It Uahmild ha|pm that 1 am i-ngagi
mani*l Ito-mily to wa. dote- and finfriiaelly gocm- with a w4i*( rirrlr tf
ftorfnUy and jumping into tto air al re- lohi-d. Rboda t>wlrnngi- wmiM rut
1*7 trap rf thr tom-. ’Tto man baddu hUii. and ale- would takr gra.l rare not
1 bare a »«*y atreum' |av)adi»
WM like prwa in abladdi*. In to slum- in U* arllon Ur found
er uf Siae.*'—Wwhingl
atareling up. a|>x*hlrwi. Ur
tto-.mau iwtoidi- all tto while plyliw tto
whip ate^ otoatiug: "Wtoa! " "tfalt gill out .iiiH-lniw.
Afli* the laet rarrUgr had rolled
your nmulng awayl"
"Hi. than"
"And shall 1 q*wk li> year (otJ
"Mbp!" and rari>aaotto*roaiarfcab«d- away to tto iwrl.r morning to waa allU Hkad tbr young Bkon.
awaha. Ili- aat ami itoucM orrf thr
antualnl ItorNm* mind ahoni papn."M8
roniparalli-r raitew of etilridF. tbr
aagwataiL "nifiihim."
Cathollr rhurrb. artire amlrr. Ito Ufr
Fi* tto- fin* timr to le-riced tto
of a arhular and a m-liur. I'mlt*- width And aqaansew if hi* inferiiw
wtoe tto drier* at'laB M«1b ibm all wraa ito Mra that to
got hia tom under eunttnlaad a adny bad to gri away from Itooi. but pri­
looking utTri* mwled lat if tto littie marily br had (a grt away from blmIt di*w nut ore-m to to griM*
•O-wh -mighty." Wkid tto Airrrcf
A few meoths ten* to. left Rngtead known that Krw Cnatlu. Fa., haa _
•tomaled. "it emz h-whad tto tore fer Krw Vock. Hr rriaranl ihia* Unpwt tin plolr mill in tto wia-U. TM
abkold taki- it inirw hia bred b> ras years afterward ahy. qnlrt. aserifiah thatia&rfact. It haa S« milla ~
w'la yiw was in than"
and wrallbr. He than married Bheda Bcnrewt owr to It ia in gwanwo. Wi
which hM lb milU—I'hitedel;
- mluea if thr Uw wm lee Lretrangr.
And. If ible areow rarioBa, reurember Time*.
ehagriard for atb*aoce, and to limped
elowiy bat* a mile to where bis team (hat ranlty la a rW with a rognate
Ttopdntaof amwiliill'a monf
atandim; That night (to truk Tktoe which la Imngifiathm and that doBo(m«<<.bBtmtof<ach.i(bm. This
UfMdtrximiM bed of wmwfaylha
paeoliarity ia if grant aMTier lotto feM
light of tto
In fmi-u« ipas ib^ pine torn, do tto
away. *
la of lAkih it feato.
1 week 1


I aaiirer of years ibovs

apb iwlohaa and bloiawa
" r tremble: bat pllaid Bunk ten's Aratenttelvr to grant
BoekyltMUias Tea Bel ----------- - ---------------Pills regalate sorea ea tor hand ni^ (nee. nnd nilten
Ito liver, ym^ the bkwd. give elaor its qslcA core aseudaa aU.hcw Iwynn.
It WWU WmodMS in 8mm. tetean.
Uoly ^at& K. Wn?a md'jal**a. Skin teihicMA
MURB FINB t/UTft-Pmnk R. Oeedawl Pitea. Sfin. Onre
rieh baa laid (wt fifty fine Iota near
8. K Wait and dao.
Raat Bay.wem of tto pBt which toa TODR XBT PIAKO er or^ will
meewUy bean dtoiww-dtf! These
beanUfnl late fer enamu* homea
yea want tma apaafc goiek.
LAdlM. *>ou CAD jump on -Hs
trampla a* U. tot H Vu aama ap

* * esc APE.

IfAT fflMfirtW fcBOtBW
A nteour* touCHi

* XUC tlm. IXm IteKB WM M.
perad to to a member, netthtewaeh
■Htter af doobt. Our day Uc«tto AMO
te TlwmboD ami aaktd Wm W AMfiy
The rani myAntea
inflfig pamef erw*
Aipcf ^isiKitAigMe tobafMfid
tetwopHWef YhnAIpwhkh rte'
MB ertdcM ahte to gc« oL
"Bera te the we erator «f
" aeld (be ettcto ae to mapped «pea cAcar cm WMC*. dMtog ovsey
a that toa la bAst way. pemad
a Md aU* with •

kiBMdania bring otoyed tnraptlyhy

■MT ttoomtirof' tto lirldfr.*^- _
etertrie arrangcrariit I7 whteh w*

■------ ------------ *— tottoetwiDeruOM."
tto derieo opuB whirh to laid his hand
was cf Iwaas ami wm riimMl like a.
drum. BBppMtod im lu aide •« a r
■andord. la pteM> cf (to draml
wsrepUtMcf glam, and behind thraa
wore lattcnd dtate. cm which wm
nattadttokBdenif (tornginre*. HandlfB MSBB Bp‘to'Bdb. •bna in tto top of

"It to net for oiynelf I env aa mreh.
Xr. TrnmhfiU." Ilerum aaU la a buaky
kr. "it's grand news fc* tto fotbs
botor. (er mot eh* and my-nttteaia- '
a. And It's gmal news for
hi. I mom
klr. Ttomboa far. as 1
are a partam. lad.
-Ten aer. I'm wriklac tore far the
BanU lUrta RUvt* Yllab« exUBpaqy.
aedtbenilaraareJaattweafleaacTkmi .
tto border In Hrzkxi. omklac ttoai
right adlea Prom t'artaa I'Hy. My
taste !i« is to gnard tto aUver Ingeu
are ram at tto mine ami arat over
to rsctaa Oty rrmy day la a
mule wagon, laekm op in • btg rhratThe rilver gucs (ntu tbr AteetnfrtBir..
bank, and I gel my rnxHpt far
Every crruing I gurixl that rhent e(
Ingvts tm K te Iprirel np lu tbr LankJ

"Empty r Bra aakreL
-No. not raii«y.“ llerioa replWg.
priBM HCmnd tto faea of tto diate.
-FlDed With ctomkata qub-kafivc*. aU
"Oto cf tteM diala ctorlM onto
tto iBiiri lumiie cf tto’purt loghw." eald
itoiAoM. "oml ima (or (to atari
fsiginr. Mirre tto hamUre fwxrard <f
r, wLiir lie- luokw Were
Ito OCBWT and ito advn an- few gcftlg
Ttot vaa
afaradi emree them tto'«to* way ami nrarty two mootha ago. hot I'Ve not
tbiy rriele to tto Mureiuriua cf (to «m- brr« anre tIU
tto rral aiuff. fur I
"Hul ooppoar tto wino are tenkem
my mmal aaM>m te-re lo iWna (Kj.
lberht*rtrcBn*Bt iha a ni4 wiith—whet ASybuw. 1 (■•ugl'l tie- land f<* a acMig.
tfaimV' (to rvpwti* mkrd.
It's Jum on* lie- iemh-r tu Ui-sIm ato
'"Yon IX* Iba wxxmd m* if indimiMa
banlly U-Urrr nra m>- that tTo
imttoduDr'to re-plML "When tto an irre-.wigiurer gw* an redir. to ret* a nailal
dial in tto rnginn re*«a tn the mark hi
dimt'-d, and that atxxmd indiranw la rcaaa U-fore yem atari In tie- 11
uor dial g<a« aruand tod m<q. at tto IkkUi'l fall ne-; will }<Ki> ll'a very Imaigual Tboa wefcuow'ni aglamw that orlant f.* • haa ie4 imly gut tto covk*. fani thal
Ilortnu promlwxL and aburily afis*
to haa gi4 it nwrex-lty.
da}ilght lie- le-U newutap to wns »"Wc lucre. hoarmTODiJtbiTtiMihmtar
farre."aiel brl'octexl a botum whkh "I'm griBg (o B*k yuB Bu do a vrey
artwiriug Kilng fur ne-, old Mhra."
ii-B oael. aiuliu: up lb lexi Tiere's a
■wUrfa trite na at c-rery m> oncat Jori lerxe-il and |w|>* on (to talA- '( want
what .tto rogim-a are A nog."
fuU to Bi-U<l a Doti- to (hr <'ai-(lai .CTIy
- ThtedUlwMprehBpasf<>*lamiend bank pixi4>- raying lint yim nre nut
narreiw. with Inde-nr* putnl rearing at
tto tine-lit am-romark atliaixmo*. alitr lu go lu (hr mire-* l-.hi}. aud timt
On rule* aids vrer gitouaird reaha tbry BiuxI wxid KMie-laaly ri»- In ywu* ,
with uutubi-re. "Tto nnmle**." tbr'f- ptore.”
-.\o( a(4r logo (ode- tolnear tlurUm
tici* MuL "rvpovwnt Ito re-TnlatVau
p* mlnote vfaHi tto artww u making. rxi-teliiexl -Why. (ad. you Lauw"-Ibdd on.” lira li.(.-nii|-rel again.
TU iwl II amale* aay. You Ihluk a
great dreil of nx4|u* and alaimi. 1
r r.* ile-lr uLix all iluWB ami
abrek. Here ia Ue-otl
itoottorrerew. All ih' kignal appa- Write lie- n-4i- ■■
Wcaeb-riugly linnra >4*-)«xVato In a
ratn* U IB dnplicate atea"
Turning ttocL b- p'indvTtiraB rire- frw lulouira tie- ea> mrtlltxi Bad
tnr bottou ia tto freait if tto |iUiS •PHI. llrararefuU} rlirexl ibriioorato
h.4ire. —TbatlAiwa ltowhtetK’’to BUfohlrd hie |ui|.*1ant I'ltximwa
"I an. g.4ug lo glir you a |4an. iltwarid.
, Thto he poinuxl aft i> wbfva tto (OB." Mid te-. ~ltial will |en i«unt-y IMo '
kf our lee-L.-i* I .uiq.M- yoo
whiwlr ataads in (real •
r ibal. altleeigli Ito peverert valoefnam-l and indlcatexl Iwuehvtre'-mtoCK-tik, whe-h. wton tto corr-xd gmw of sill.* U v.*y h.w. Brill a «Um* d-dter
■ hniogli ttoir wirew. draw ipm (to te ««nh liai rnit*. It yon w41 (to
whMlr valve and let tto menu tnto ita ailru* froBi your |ieo>x-l.xl inlnr. Iiy
Wright, you will gri. say. •» rewie sn
(eon* threat
' Uiuv f.* tt. t(yiai.<x4a U lnb> iluHara
Within tto pilot hemre to
nurarif. you gri (I an .miwe"
Arwrd aaotto* rlertrv- emitri
"(int thsi wirikl la -Inirrwhiefa. In (xnnac4i<ai with a ri>rh neivt^
tiw lea reecoda in rv.-ry minalr during
Ucaidr that Was a art if aio« rterCrio
asnlcbcw "Thtw." to aaid. "ai
ttoahlp'aligfata. Ttoar are - fi* debrad lights, and Ito udetx fiw ihr port

lamp U mvitcbnl into rirrall at uore."
ttere-pc fur th- carefully-aho.hxI rtertree lij^ts in lb>- pibdtousr. this waa
all kf Ihsi sort if opporataa tbrM tot
Ito BtfxTiiig w hrri aud tu manre* kf
opwotem wm w Inlrcwstiagla amstor
Here, with hareily on rif.R. cm. man
can con(red tto gnat raddrr of (to ship
with thk- cx*tainly and ixcia- with wbu-h
Ie- mif^t that if tto amollrat MilUal.
It u a otmpli- thiqg Tto wtorl nwrely
kip>*at'W a pump, w^trb in turn injerta a
rkduaiBkf glpxsin ibreaigfa laBalltoaai
pr].* hi aryluMb* aft. wtore lie-rod•b* brad cuBM up.amt tto plunger in
Uiu cylinda* upeoa and rloww a
Juat brek <f Ito oArv*a' cinarwte
otnada amtilator. vfakh cxmasctawilfa
tb-irequarton. OUe*a: like it. bnl Mggv*. ah^ Ito obip'a uiqaT ito-k temare*
with and aupidy air to all parts cf tto
^ip rsrrpt tto bidlc* pnoo. Tbra
hare tie-ir own plats ahafin Ip ra^O
tie- T.-nliUUmt rikifts is an *lM«nc<^Bo
n* drmng a fan. laawnd tf trariing
fur tto rotry cf air lo tto wuri UcMtim
into tto old faohhMciwvb-kpeD nerntto
if Ito vrotilahwa Here m-w nom (<»**
tto air down Jn*! oa It may hr waobxi,
fay ttoVhrtrirallydriTni (ana Ihrewth
tto foea again arr reiUa if olram pips
and in redd wraUw* tto air la wanned
byttore it rafeta Ue- aaJ.*«ia.
man-ruksna ami utber lirtng torta cf tto
*‘^^Down tohiv. Mid tto oScst final­
ly. "ttore are many Here use* eo which
rlrexricity te pul un.^tto^p^^ thaw

-llkdd 00: lirar mr latt." lira remII00.XI. -TliBlwouUl-r.afiilrrfririBg.
gnyx^nVirealuii luray, eira (bough
we inoib- ito ilullani wllli i-urr ailirr.
U nuuld to in ihte ixMitilry. wle-re
Tbere la a law'agBlnri IL Hot }»vr
allkiT lira Jual *.*•»« lie- lemlrr M
Mrxhxk. wbm- .\u--rt,ali drilpre cxmld
to made nllh roi.iiatatiir earny. Wr 1 makr iImiu al tie- mini-, an.1 tle-a
rirry itey yv>u «x*il.l leing oirr a He-ri
nur ««o «ll>>* ■h4lBra inrirad if
. deidy rhe-'a ellirr lng-4«. Juat
think tiow «r ixaiU b-ap Up lie ow£r}!
Tbtok tf It. inanr
; Fi* luore than a uiloinr Huctua did
OmLan-ne*. Tton Ie- ralwxl.hle toad
-No. Ur ‘Trunbafi. I re«ddn-| da It.
apd you nMino'l riito*."
-Ilurii4i. ..1.1'rHb.w. you're Oa gaed as
grid. I wa« Klin- tf K tofure-. iMf oUm*
I'vr trird j.m I am Arildy eiiiv.tbo wrat to tto srltouw and.lotdwd
-.Now. I don't hare te b; niyaleriomi
aay haurer." !-■ mM -Is-* al (hla
rdtnito Mreri. 'He y ore-foliowing
(tot'ociua I'll) l«nk |*nph-. •(N.-hai-e
Jum torn arrrolrd. AU (to propb on
thte aWlto lemb* who lA<l suyihlfig
to do with Ito Kama Maria, ii'lnrlaivvrarlug hand.-uir. rcrri.t yiwirx.4f
eDuidel to ycMigu out and (* am-elsd.
Tlorion. edd Miow -Arreotedr lloricm ecrislnexl
“If# for cnamerfritlug. There te to
BaaU Harm mlm-. Iluoicia. Your, en­
tire reMuiwny Ie Dribliic lait« gong cf
haasP-d rmiurh-a ago, ato all (bey
tonr tbere now I. rork. |nai fur aptwarc. t ought t« know, fur I -hfre
worked In the miBe (hm- da|k thia
week. Ato tto I'artu. rity Imnk to
only a bUod. AU Ha itoecra are bwm•yva open j

for tto tern

) with yonr
hare bees doing hUndiy

giem wbore 1 am as nnaix|nilati'(l aa yia
Tomonvv I am off fur tl
are-. It tokm iuom
g rmmgh
raungh turcoa
fur coa to gM
etopvtsef amsfaatfg to rater enpital to open up Urad MhN .
knowahoat I have Bogton'a ato my vllver mine ato mk*.*
nabnoidtto ttt. Fanlr- faeeeat money (<» na l*f b "
tkoi 1 deal kaew yet. rath m wtora la
find, oaythiiw in a bstvy in hm moran She tea great mup, loan aril
••-Kew »«h Snm
It WM a ciaA thlA *«• drie eeramaaire that onet
na 8. K. Wait and J. U. jedmaem m-

It la arid that Canada, with teas (bah ,
•kOOU.«ki pruplr. bnya nmre from Iba
mited Rtatn tton tto OU.UOMUl pew
pis of Mrzlro. Crattri ato Bontfe .
‘Aramten ato tto Waat Indten.


hmgMficrlag frara

vigor ato raffeeto grao* fitetlim
daefel rpraady ttot toe aMrtlad tto (ram tor maraaoli. bat aha Mad Benwerid by ite MrvrioM emna. (to
Bteton wUah halpto tor M
(nnr of onth^^ •rar it toa fanM
ed ttoir torniim aa tor rtaraaal for I
te toraatoe. They give fear Mnl faM


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