The Evening Record, October 28, 1901

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The Evening Record, October 28, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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the evening



• UpTvMmt




Tba tonaral of Oanega M. BleuM
eeurndallBOo-oeek ibla aftarwoon
Wofhia latber. Oeo
A Btcarna Mra Sleorna arrived yatterday with tbe body from Ugder,
Cmh. where Mr. Btaanu bad gone for
health. Baeidm tbe wite and a
Uttle ooe wbeanoompanb-d ber on tbe
md Jooney back to tbte dty.deeeaoed
lenvM a daogbter It yean of
3t age. w
ba* been living with ter
July, when her f*lber

la Tiew of tba fact that tbe izsek
Hr* of th* Tisrena City Drtviac hrk
Lord Roberta Lons* for South tbe baa* of Charta Boaestbal Tliar*. Juds* Advocate LamleyQue*- Aaaoelation wa* pot la ftret darn
w». aaploy*d
tloft* Admiral Schley
eosditliB for tbe borae aeaa vhloh
African Fialds
u a dowatle. baa toxafd np. asd aU j
did net oemt off and the fortbor tmat
tk.t tbe
ah. bad bcaa
haaM the
ttu, TieUa
.iaiin '
faan that
that Ibcta baa bma {raotlcslly
of foal pla, « aa. otbar^a ^l|l£e*Rp||lG
cycle lacing here thli yaar, there hat
MRS 10 BE SEBI THEBE aartoa* troable i
been talk amoeg the local derouoe of
racing of pnlUag off a race maet
In the city yeaMia. Jaekaoa a
Mr*, j Received by the Latter From | here 4pen
Ins to Report* In ton- wrdar aad a
iDleretllng progiom eoaid ba pnt np
Roaethal Biktac her to faidea all
Sampson at Key Weet
don Official Circle*
aad there i* a probabtlicy that tbe
laat offretM aad to pack ap and remerement will be got Into ehape loon
lan Mia. Jaekaoo'a elochiat aad ocbaad that a meatlng may be arranged
baloafioct. Tbr aM* hlalad
for in tbe bear fatare.
atroetlf t^ lhare had boea or waa
I Ceereaa'* rteai w
Baoide* tbe* loeal rae«n lewell
aooa lo ba a waddlar to arblefa Mta.
known In tbe pait. Obarlea Oarrer. THINK OF BENDA'S
Jaebaea vaa to b* a maeb Intcraated
Baltfii Haatinga. CSmtee Back. Will
Benaia, Oharie* Renfite aad mvatol
Vaablngton. Oot. «-When iba otbera, there te ooite an array of new
toadM Oot. ib-lt itraponad
aon^ of Inqolry roanmad ita work to- taieel. laeleding Toay Bokoa, who
offlolal elrain that Fiald Maiabal
tey Admiral Schley again look tba look-the Lnbor Day road laee eo ItandBobarta U auloai to latan
Baynar-i qaaaUon* were dl- ily. and aevaral men from tbe Aiylnm
City Opera Housewlll f
TaBamal and bfain taka
reeiad toward throwing light on the who have ridden Inotbtf day* and
tba BriOMi fareea. It U aatd ba hat
a Scan* of Beauty
rermlion* reported lo have taken wo^ be glad to get into tbe game
aakad loco.
Schlay, Bran* aad again. A meet eoadaeted apoo tbe
LattdoB. Oct. »-* le«« wrlttaa
line of the reeeat field day wonld te
by a»-IWd*Bt tJu-yo to Klubeaat RMW Taata DMataim la TWnaelar • Sharp. Schley’* vareionof tbeaein- a tneoem beyond all qoeatlon.
tarrlew* differed cootlderaby from
Hapt. IB and pabUabad hara today aa
JodgeAdvoaart* that tbe Bopn’ poalUoe It bow
Gate Lesley then began ble
battaa than It waa after Oeotnd^t
nt tbe doori of the Oily Open
which it U expected will
Friaaleo'a aamadar a yar a«o.
• While roar 1»0- Heoaaare throws open for tb* Ual eorer qoile an .-xtended ]«rlod
tattar eooelodea
CotiB Bask Fair toaomw . fesiBK lime.K..
Ionia Senator Acouaod
The atteadanoe wa* large today at
Here’s a 1.50 shoe shot
praparad to ditenae terma with tbe
hiwtre win eoefroet the rl.itnra ; tei been ever *in<- Schley
from o(ir store that will
wndarataadlnf that bo pear r will be
of the Ksvhtt of PytblaiL
certainly bring relief to
aoaapMblt Is which the lBd<
of tha lapabllet and die
many overtaxed purses.
tb«|oomamDdera are SOI auistain
Orand lUpm* Watm V
THIi BEST $1-50 shoes ;
ta.obief." wae a^ed Schley.
for ladies' in all shoeNothing except; an order
LcBdoe. Oot iB-0*«a*al Klh*aD*r
dom—made in new fall :
reporu tbe eon*!* ofBoer laax«r will add to tbe beaoty of tbe ansBce- ceed to Clenfn^oe and iba ee
Batarday afterseoa and tioB 1 tere already ontUoed. He aald
shapts -style, comfort
Urand Rapid*. OcL 8-Derelopand the oa^aore of ooe hendred . thtrand Hurability are not :
teen prlaaeon takoB, uielBdlBe three reeterday, and all day today the deoo- be woald take the ^blockade of tbe lenli in tbe Salabury Uxtdle caae ba*
ratlBK ooamlttre were bo«y in com- north tborr of dote and
.jiplicated Senator NichoU of looia.
He mid be tboogbt the jwru He I* charged with the bribery of
KilMMuaralaorepom lhatOolooet plating the n
KU) SHOES with light. |
trimner of tbefioetoa Store, ba*
qalte heavily fortified aad reIMpIe'f wltiif-taea Pnweentor
Behtos'i rear raard baa bees aliaoked
medium and heavy
by OenaaBaaBta Orraaet and Kiaa
soles. Box Calf shoes,
exerllaBt adrantagt. nnlil tbe hall. deiwrtmeot that tbe ihipe thoold not >oanl of hi* acting a. Saltbory t
pretty bootba preeente a rery te expeeed to the fire of tbeee fotta toroey.
mannish shapes, heavy
ontil Admiral Cerveia'c fleet writ desoles
Leonard, wbo wa* aireated on Fn- j
veaterday Mr
dayia eonneotion with thi* bribery!
Eddie AotllB aad Claie lagrlg, dan«t opi. :
roted their beat eherglee^to the daoataa-Paawal will (wear Toratlona and tcoighl tbU will be eotathe tiroiwcBtor i« now after vigotoo*”
■area- Arwroa^.
Mlaa Helen Saylor, the aereni
Tbe riallon In fwaaing Ihroogb tbe 8HIICharact*rlzeB Conducf of
TMT old daogbter of Mr*. Mary A. dohi of tbe hall will paa* tbrowrti
AsaasBln CzoIbosx
Oao. Hoyt reiBincd thi* morDing
Baylor, died at fi o'clock iMi
where he tia*
> which the had booth* manlag coat and weat along
making a diapUy of olotldDg for WilbMB a nfferer for the pact thnw
tldee aad enda of tbe ludl.
b'lmBroa He had a good trade, a
year* Srorythtng had;baaB tried that Orertbe alob U diaplayod the lily
Mr*. 11. B Ou.
eoaid ba door lo obapk Uie dlaeaae.
m-celor, red. yellow -and
BT, an S«< poobn boy.
hot to boatbIL She
bine, the Inaignia of tbe Oniform
*4, lb*
There will be a «|iecial commaniir lo California orrr a year ago, Rank :the bootba are eonatraeted with Hj
and fot a line eeeme>l to gain in the view of artiatic effect aa well a*
AaboRi. Oct. 98—With the ^dow mttoi tbU evening of Tracer** City
lieallb, bst at laal it waa fonnd that rram. and tbe Irinmlnge'arv in tbe of death over bin, Cxolgoax main­ Lodg.-. No. WV. r. aad A, M Work
tbaolinate eoaid not>>lp bet and Pythian oolot. mingled with tbe na tain* the mmb ilolid indifference tbi* in the oeoen d degree.
Polaloe* opened on Abe hv«l market
tbay relarned to be tmeiig ihi-lr tiooal color*, while flag, of all aa. morning wbicb ^ cfaatactenied bl*
trioMa in tbit city.
decorate tbe balcony rail. Tbe aetion* unce kU reoeption at the pria- todar at 50 oenti and oold aa high at
For the paat three monlhe abe haa npper boaee are enclooed for E*rof- ontblny-one day* ago
-The liVI Ht>n.l
Tbe coancU will aieel'in adjoarned (ft Pu|*iUr
bean oonflned to the hoaae, bat hat Haerie. tbe islmut and for Miaa Uaot offleiaU are iBelined to think be will
otily ecMBplalely girea op daring the the foriBue teller. The centre of tlie
tea*iou thi* evening.
death withoBI any nnosaal
paat three week* Sb<- waa a girwi lull will be oceaplrd by booth* con- eldest. He doonol eeem to >
D>*triet SaperiDtendi-at Malone of
farorita among her aehoolmatea, and UiniBg tbe latger article* lo be dl.. wbetfata be teee bie brother again or tbe Anp Saloon Leagac *poke in (be
'bar gaaUe, lorieg lUapoaUion aodMW- I<n*-d of aad the dacotslion* will be not, bo* aii)ar<-BtIy little deaire for ftecond Melbnliat ebareh but eveaUe will oocapy tbe polpit of
•d bar to aretrOBe who knew her. A itnUar in effect to tfao*e of the other epirlcnal eootoUUon and may go to
iMge clrale of friend*, old and yoong, booths Ereiy booth wiU be filled bU •leath witbonl tbe preeeace of tbe the Frii'Odt charch next Sunday even..
will Borrow with bar mother in the with aeefal and oraamenul artlelet clergy.
O. W. Tboma* will Icove
and tbe Indy atlendanta will eee to it
loM of her only obllA
It will te decided thi*
tliat tlie pnbhe doee O'
n will te made of tbe for Saalt St.- Marie with thirty-five
men whom he haa engaged for the
tie- artielee laiended lo b.- diepoaed
body, U the relati
From Oct I'lat to, and inMarkham Block. Mr* Snylor.jglll be Ttu- front of tbe «tage will be <
md for the r. maln* they will Michigan A Lake Sopenor Power Co.
clndingOct- :>Tlh. IJiOI, we
glad to bare the acbool frh-nda of tsngwl for tbe orebeetra while back of have to be tuned over to them.
throngh bit employment agency li.-re.
He hope* lo get enoagh moro by a
will make «reci*l inee. co
Helen mil Ihte ereuing after
the drop^’eartnin the refr«
e'oloA, or tomorrow motnlng.
week from today lo »end another lot.
table* wtifL- placed.
new and tecood hand Piano*
bringing tbe nnmbi'T ap lo fifty.
It 1* lafe to*ute that tbe City
nml OrgiuiP. Comi-and tee
Some of tbeoe Interetted ia tbe iaOpera Hoaae lia* nercr been *0
at and tee wbat we eon <U
Jonctioe com ogaioat the tmannee of
llfally trimmed a*' now aad all
Kaewa a* (Jama Cltr HeM.
for yoa. If yoo are thinkthe bond* for ibeOld Mittion railroad
enter -will get their
D. B. Newton, the depoly-for tte were in the city (oday. under thi
worth In what they *ee. let alone tbe
iiig of baying don'l mitt
at (-har«h br (be
above namaa
named irpu-rnai
fTplernal *oc(e(y^.wue
eoclely^.wbe iweoiion that tbe caae waa tooom
to be giren each ereti- aoove
tbit opporlanily.
ba* been here for tome time OTgkAz fore tbe conn a( thia time. Pratt Aing aad tb>- thing* they can •eeore
l^erentDgat tbe Oongregati
HOU The fair will
Davit, bowaver. alate tliat tbe cote
frer/fA('n^ im Miitical
Bemoee the pcoide In tbe Woodman ball and wico-eded in will not come np before tbe next term
ehnrab. at tbe lime of the regalar eerMarcAemf/se. Telh'ng Mtehinu
Tloe tbe Sanday School gare a nU- wbebare charge of it are baillere.
will te knoara hereafter a* the (Joeen
«Mf ffecerffr.
Mr*. William* Iia* s-oeived from
aloaaty oeocert that wa* meoh enjoy, and becaaae tbe merrhaat* of tbe city
ed. bmlde* being a rery |«oflUble ei- I are entered into the «p4rit of the oe- City benL W. J. Oarbangb, taprerae tbe gaeen Oily Royal Circle a check
Fape/er Sh-t Mvx/c f-2 O'ff.
•in. waa yweiwat and Ulaatrated the for WW -for indemairy toe ber reoi-oi
aretee. Prof. Hortf* Ju foUe orebeelion and hare amUled
Mr*. WllUami ii now to!
ITS farnlahed mntic for the oocnaii
Today the committee* are boay gel
ling tbe oootrlbntion* into tbe ball by thoae wbo were ptvaent. Tbe fol­ far TcroveTed aa lobe able to ait apj
them. They will be lowing olBeen were elected; of tbe time.
mIo by Mtae Carrie Earl and rio
Sire—A. B. Cam*
The body oT Mia* Helen Saylor will
aolo* by Coo*laaoe Hoyt and Loait h.rd at work Ihle erenlng and tomor
Baaker-L. Sloper.
HoluW werr olbat enjoyable mnaibefore the oiwnini
lie in itaM at the rooms of her mother
«aJ rmtorea. Famlllnr ml*»tonniy boar. T SOo oloek ^ m.. evirytlilDg
ia the Mukbam block thi* eveaing
Scribe. H. Lam*oo
wdl be In readlne**. The entertati
loreing. Tte acbool
aonga were tong by the eebool.
Ooard-Willy Witu.
an oddren on oieelona wa> giren by ment on ibe flret aveDlng will te eoi
Monitor-W. W. Fairebild.
tin laator. An offedog of «B waa tak
ited by U. Lot* Silver, in illa*a* for the mlmlcnarr work of the irabd -aong*. by Stewart & Steffen*'
—L D. Com*.
Lewia I^Ccre and MiMUxxie Mae*
onbeatra and hy Mi*<Robert* In vocal Board of 1
ere anited in murisge by Rev. H.
aelection*. The object o^e fair U a Wm. Moody. David Roote.
Of tbe fiS who had applied.*S0 were Reanedy at the Se«oad M. E. parson­
worthy oee and it it a ftir««oae ccsreaent. Tbe olbert will complete age Solorday evening in tbe presence
patroewtittcball Now ■
tbelT memterefaip a( tb.- next meet- of a few friend* They will reside at
trert. It it alao amnd tbal tbe t»l9SS Weet Seveoih street, were a neat
root of tbe enierprlae will te tally tog. Nov., a
Mr*. F. D. Mc.Avoy ha* charge of little bom-- 1* already foreisbeJ.
Mir* Alma aileb<-ll ba* began ber repaid for what (hey expenA
la oncanimUon of tbe ladiea' breneb Ed Boyer, whow leg Wo* tojared in
work In tbe Bmenon College of Ora­
of ibe order.
tory at Boelaa. where abe U aiadyiag
Friday's foot tell gsM. ia getting
oratory,elooatioii and Utnratair. Shr
At 9 o'clock tbU aftetaooo In tbe
along nicely. Be i> in acbool today
............................................i^fab- SbilaoD Hoane pulton. Hev. 'W. Kand will probably b>- ratdy for Cadil­
u for tbe Indiee' Home Jonr. Wiight {lerformed tbe
lac Satorday.
and ia grtidly oBjoylog her work. aoiled In marriafv Jobs 8. Ooopar of
Tbore will te a meating of tte Re­
today nde Oooattoa Boaoelt'* niai
tbit city and Mt*a Satie Andrew* of decree abaolol*.
tail Clerk* Union in Moolagae ball
tegrinaw. Tbe eenttaoting partUo
llii* eveatog.
were a^ded^^^J^ CoogCTot
(>f Wtll-EBaONAL
PrwomCooaoetMUaHtBate k
C. O. Ccrteti of Oedu Ron alopped PAT TOUR TAXBS-Oaly three day*
more ID which to pay taxes and
I tbe Whiting yeeterday.
avoid raymeet of penalty.
Jamm EUiott hat gone to Sanll Ste.
Oonntj Clerk Walter apent Sanday
Hatifav. Oct. 98—It ia koiwed today with hi* yaieau at Fife Lake.
Marie to work.
IBM tee Dake of Yotk. while teoe.
MltaSaUe Boael ud Mim Jeuile
UNDERWEAR *nXSlB0YS: SIZES, i3 TO 2...... SI.75
/n toMlvwt aevagal tfanateailac lelM*
oortMa trwt to Boyoe Falla today
from tee Called Stalea, whinb bod
.. make Itrelfknown by timely e
tee effect of eoartolUng tee program trtbaticKu to all Important coni
Mr*. Jao. Keboe rMnned Satorday
veniea Ftonk Mooa. to well kaewa evewlng from a lo^ viait ia Da*Motoeo, Iowa. Sba olao viaited to
ribato* -Maniotpol Mltgovareawnt and Oorreptioo: A Wan­ Oblcogo.
Mn Reaboo Ooodrieb will laave
ing w_Patriou",
_________ to tbi.
to tbe
aoe TUa ecaialdan a mrtou dlOeoI
«tor OaUfonto. to
••• te found
fonnd intn-intn-.
ty to a way tbu wlU
rsop. J. r. WT90XO. i
ealtog Bol cofy to New Y(wh(oa, bat
to tv at dent* of evtar put of tea Unit


mmqp mb Btautiful Goods
Baxaar Dmt.

eny Book Store
ean and su (teat FMit Bargahis n. eaa

«hM Vou.

.^.Bobart-Beecber €o.
The Weather





Mfii umioi
Pianos and

01.01. Kimball eo.


Bogtonlng Today we will give Ptm of all chaig* arilb every

A handaouie Oold Koameled .loe lltli

Brervlndy want. on.-. If yoo bate no money lo keep la il. trade
with V. and (be lafe will eoor. be filled.





next Monday Night, Nov. 4

Reliable Dry Goods,Carpet and Clothing House


132 E. FRONT ST.
S Door* We*t of Buel.v. Stor*

«Cbe Racket

Only Four $10.00
I Pr ce$ on Suits and
\ in our clothing department on main floor, and these
1 four prices buy the best values ever offered in .America.
I Perfect in lit. |.-erfect in nialce. newest cloths, newest

$20 Suits and goat* marked down l« $IS
$1* Suits and goats marked doum to $1$
SIS Suit* and goat* marked down to $12
SIS.SO Suits and goat* ruitS............ SW
$10 Suits and goat* marked down to 7.50
Durinp our New Era Sale.' Don't pass these chances
by if >-ou need a suit or a coat. Come in anyway.

Boston Store



^nnS*MUTTSm(^<? BaltleC





Good Shoes

Looking for you. Shoes that are made
well to wear well and look well. Made of
leather which will always stay soft and
easy, will not harden, crack or scuff up
and will wear like iron. Lace, in plain toe
or cap, or congress with guaranteed goring-Aa-OQ.

Parker Bros.

McNamara Block




Tbt Mia
•■mlB. WTil
vnii I


4tlark«4 lb* lova


TKtt. T. BATes;M» 1V. UMBi
J. W. HA^MPI. UI«or »nd H

mh. T««i7 lw» y«ats later U
H tolo Ita !«d tbat tbr ao«b prea
cnaler amartkiai. bat lo nctat rtan
M : H la* UTOfWl (be aul irtih Hi AMUa• >'<caabnl raoitdrradoft. tlufartbmba*

■kc !I iiai|4e tt Itfwa te
«r Oiaaba laarm.

rlt OTi-r ibr ri(bi of acrt»
Tb* fan tbit Ibetv to no w?b« rlrtr
la tbe L'DltaS Slate* vbkb rxMblli rasarto* aed ladolcea la ewb tMaaArrInc* a* tla lilaiovtl art* at aiosbi lb*
011110117 niln uf law to apponlot

of aerteticni and pottle* ibe coon* a*
to proper dtotrlbaiktui. la ooaa
,*UL4C«> ibr ibore line* of ptO|
At T a'eloefc
, bare rrtelred addltton* lo ibe exlrat
Imm OMlnai will maoi Aaatb la tb* of 4U0 to «Ui feel, a One bit of peottenp
oiootrlo abalrai Aabozs. R. Y., aad lo Befal orrr. emeetillj wbeo aonw
Ik* laal abafSer to tb* ttafedr vbieb ■ooalter rone* atong aid bulM* bto
toaa«afSto4 tb* saw roetary asd d«
fvtTod lb* Ualled Slat** of a lorod
B*a boa^ ekWf raaeati**, will Ibe l«el* of ■
bar* bMB «oaeiod. U tb* taardriwr
to rwMaiit of OTdtoary basMo toial- M>lot of toad eraaol her.
Uf«M*, bU Mffonan dprla* tb* past
Tbe wbok- ireoMe He* Hi ibe fact
•to W*ak* Bait bar* bees ialeoi*. tbol Ibr Mtoeourl euurw* tbR»cb
Tb* BOT* excitable weald liar* faror- ralb-r of itw vuUiratum noil wbkb.
*d a qalekar aad aor* rlatosl rad a* a nwult ef tbe de|n*ll of dtolasl
I emtortr*. )■ tontrlr of qnickiaod. Tb*
rorretit I* far alaire ibe arriace In
pMIlr. aod br re*Bin of Ibe anow*
Aartag Ibe lotedn bai bees cteator
Mas lb* Boaeetory pats of dealb br
▼totoat B«aa*. Re ha* had tlae to re
Mm ape* bl* eriB*. bat wbetbar be
tow axpuwleooi-d rrfrel aoee toil btoa
■aU ksowL Tl.e law ha* takeo It*
•son*, and loBortow tb* bigbni
•artbly peoaU; will hare b*w paid.

April andJune of (aril pear. Tbe Urge
Tolunjr of water roailiig down al
llcnia ha* greet and rapid adioo opoo
Ibe Uuk. Where tlMre I* a depnell of
aolhl coll Blmve
quiekaaud I
waablog ont of Hie toiler oftr^ rau*
a aluutianivu* falllOB of grral *lret(
e* of the hri-r hank. In aoioe Inatanc
below Kt. Juerpfa and Alrlilnoii eating
up rellroad Inris a* H did Iwfore Ih*
railroad manager* became wlaer.
•t the bead -of lb* Meal barMS and
Where llie tow beeome* eoofuaed 1*
ihii the land ihnt tokeo from oa* eld*
to not dr|w*ltcd diiectlp apon Ibe oppv
(He bank, and no engineer ran. In fare,
d to glre
tell where llie fallen earth gore to. A7,
obow aaaaaii
tuT tooald itopon hlisMlf. Row hf lhal I* known to llial Un-re 1* a gradual
tlUIng on the r>il>er «lde. Once
ardar of Prealdeat RooaereU the ad awblle, a* In 1K77. Ibe rirer aeekt
eullrelp new eliaunrd. leaving large
are** of land araltohle for
aod U to groerallp
large toir*ull* <n
that the larger
be twoadbl down lo lu sonaal

a iraiA«>» of
l~nB toroaad
•p a atiBjtoR bard of eowa and refaaed a drink of eider iu paji
Prealdeat RooaereU'e atoter. Mra
Osweli. Urea al thl* place aad tbe
pnMdaBl. wilh eereni frtoad*. wa*
bare yeaterdar, Tbe part; wa* on *
Jaast, drirlag ap Tabiz Boutala
TU prealdeat *aid that be wanted to
get oat aad walk a while, aad he did.
^ Ob Um road Pmideet Bocaerelt
nawM apoD a Boeh periartoA iadlrid•aL Be wa* lopiag aroaad a fleld,
Vpaiaatlr wlgwagittoR with hit
to a buob of Bilch eowa
Pterideat Roowrrell looked orer tbe
faaoe and talllar to'iUeoera tbe game,
toentod. pleaiaatl/.
. "What are poa doing iheie:
"I'B tiTlag to tet tbeae cattle oat
MthtoflaU," aaidibe
"Well, 1
joa." Mid
•tardg flgare raalud the gate He no
Boaoer landed la that paMoie than he
bacaae a oMBbtoatioB of aatotnobile.
feotbaU. fl;tag wedge aad karb-wite
faao*. aad la a Jiff; three aabdaed
cow* were trottlag laeeklj into tfaelr
«Wb paatare.
"Baaa kinder earefal aboat thaae
oritoata." aaid the d.«ooo. as be Bop­
ped bU tovw. bat tb*T got amr
troB B* todaj. Maeb obliged
Toa. itraager, aad if jroa'll oobc
and bar* a taato of elder—70B wa
Oota' OB. *h? W*H. I b towcrtal
"If* aU right." raid tbe tceaideat.
"BarMi't had eo tnach fan io a long
Uwaraboal two boare later wbeo
Daaooe Berber, while eageged doing
ttee* anoad hli bociw. laused that
bl* able aBlrtul in roandlag ap hit
ettagtog oow* wa* tbe peeaidcot of tbe
Ualtod 8bh^___

F. Flaxliigluo Barker, a well known
Bagllah muaicton. lia* arrived al Btlltnore. N. C. He will al oaee aueteed
Caip'le Ftome a* urgaatot and eboir
director of All Soul*'. Ur. lieorge W.
N anderbili'* half mllln.n dnllar i-bnrcli.
al BUlmore.
la eagaglng Mr. Harker Mr. Yandetblll learard lhal there are tome Ibiage
that a man raooot de^wUboal dlOlndtp.^even when he baa
back. Some perwoaa. piesnaiablp ll*>
tag la New York, itroaglp eppoai'd Ur.
i'anderblH in bto effort* to briag Ur.
Harker to ibto eooatrp. Tbep bold
lhal Ur. VaaderblU cannot briag
organtot here tram abroad under c


bie. Tbe •
appruacbed bp aceret agent* wlib
klea of toaraing tbe hbbm of tbe orgaatot and ibe time of bto arrlra
bo|w of being able lo Interfere.
The Iter. Dr. B. K. Swc^h-. rector of
AH Houla’ ebareh. waa aaked aomc tlm*
ago Up toiler te lell whal be ki
Ibe mailer, bat It to naderdood that
be paid ao attention to the
Tbe ftrl Ibat Ur. Vaaderbllt
ptoled the ImportatioB of an organtot
U aald to bare been brought lo the *tCeatloo of Ibe immigranbo bomin
Washlagtoo aomc time ago.
rnand Hbrm* Per
A Pbitodeipbto poel, Irriialed bp
aomebodp'* d^ntloa ibat rrreideal
RouacTcU armi oaotuallp fortunal* la
that nc. rtpme for bl* name could b*
foanA baa proiidip aceepled Ib* Impltod cballeage aoA after earneat ef­
fort ha* prodsnd Ibe followlag od*;
Dm tka WUI* BaaH atrr* to otor.
Kor ml* to araak <to -hlaaa" to MX
Tto rtoM to aaa*k> to *id aot (M;

rrafoiMir Emorp B. Smith of SUSfurd nalretaJlp. prMldeat of tb* CaltforsU Floral aoctotp. to pceparlag a
- Hip illu«trwted book. *Tbe CoUeS
ippp.” which I* dealgsed lo eorct
e Llatorp. poetrp, boiaop aad Utara» flower
Callforato. He a*ki that anp oae for­
ward to him at Itolo AHo. CaL exceptioaallp good pbotograpka ar togesda.
pocma, ladtoa aamc* or proae queuSini H t^H’l Hbr Her. W. U LeefB** tlrn* rooeemUg tbe poppp, ao that
tbe coUecUoo map be as coiaplet* a*
Bar. W. L. Iwafawa of tbe Pirat
M. K. Oharch epcA* Um eeMriag oe
tb* eabtoct. "to it Bight to EtU Ctolesee. O. was fonad In • Held with bto
bnrned lo a ertop. Tbe mao to mildTb* oeeariOD «f tbe nmeai wa* ib*
luaoe aad bas been ueaMal with
•pptaaebiog *x*catloe ^ tb* aaMtala
n* on bto toft foot la bl* effort ta
toBctrcw. Tb* idea eear*7ed bp tbe
Mraca wa* Ibat tb*«»M**in'« pooUh- rid blmaclr of tbe troebto be made bla
' - Kire aad then rubbed pari* gr«*e
BMit wa* Joat aad that he had reallp
l>e raw flnh. He alao rubbed ta
eMlitoMned bliaaelf bp deUberatelp Mod. Not content with Ibat. be built a
foiv to hi* own deairaotioei ihel ere of fagnts and pUeed fool end toff
*M* to a ptoee to wfalch wicked bm<'
Mslea. even to thU wcrld, wbtre tbep
H* a oontast awaaoe. and cboald sol
be atlowed tbe pririlege of decuejlag The peoplaef Xonoa (toeMr had
1* plaaaBr* Fridap *TaBiag ef itothe good bp beiag is eoslaet wilh
tealag to a MBparaao* addraaa, fflras
U tbe Interaat of tb* ABti-Salees
Uacae bp Goo. & MaW Snob as.
•ddrcM wa* pcebafaip b*tct bMrd M
that plan. HU aifOBtawt were lUPAT TODB TAXRS-Oslp three dapa
Bore to wbieta to pap tazaa and
•redd paptodst of pMBttp.

inlimT.twxonB M, imi.


1* Itolttp-M^l iMaMatobatffbt ••«
thahahtotB laab talUr. Tb* <
M*a7 WM iBpMMlrc. Tb* bsU*
attMAad bp little BairiM BMke.*
pMto* oU. aad tSe groOB bp ala* ;
old Bob« W«oAm.
Oaatol OedffB. It pMt* old. who
aria *bM U tb* faaadat Far Reekwnp.
la p*V U FeMaarp. IM. asd wfaleb L. L. wbito ptopiag Vlllma Tell. U
ba* eoM*tb* ABaricBB^MpiMUk dead.' Tb* bop aad bl* coosU. Wala.«00. wUloattblB ereatsaUpO,. tar Frittai. were rebconlag part* for
n* Uadoi Vew* aap* Uiaa • wild bMft ibow. Oodg* pUeed
ou on bto bead *s4 hi* oeorio
. a^i te ri,A EogllafaBoo to tot
KMffsa gle* Um Booep.
-------- ---------A piMacalsM tbaiifeef tb* staabjalB aad a bellM eaiitered Dodg*'*
ef Porta Ma ben dlaeeeered. Tb* | bead. Westco ww am
n of Oo WMtopiraep war* lb* | Tb* IDlwaake* eitp baalth MBnr
'• two htotbara. the ffiasd rlaUr, bM
Asms, aad tb* ahab'i ae^law. Tb* two kretbm hae* been baatob*d fer Ufa lo ArttoblL
"PluMlaeBtMtlMaatreB thr** Mb- report taboreelert* oneea. Itottor* are
arta* at Ohleate won preant oe to be aeot to eoeb patieol edriaiag
howto care fer blBarlf. Ktoelag bp
Plata, a Bl. Bernard deg. at MalroM a eeoaaBpdTe ia proliiblMd.
Park. Tb* dMth of tba deg OMsrtwd
r*dse*dar aiemlsg. bsd aa cafc RESERVE MONDAY EVENING
a tfa* eeaatnetad bp ordaref tba
aw. Bawrp B*Usg. fer tba fasanl
loea- At 4 o'clock Otarlaa DoU.
iMBdsMI laBbcTBaa ef Kelrca*
Pari, Mood al tbe aid* of Ibe ca*fcei
•sd told of tb* BMlu of the anlSBl.
Six palltoarm froa Weal Mapwood
•Ml Uelre** Park carriwl tb* eaekel
to tb* bOB* of tbe oarser froB hi*
ptoe* cf baaiSfM. sad with bo* earTicket* axe alee oe Ml**Mhe
•Bcato* tb* ea*k*t wa* lowerwl into
*■»> f**' f^Mreing
tim grs*e.
|0f aMU will oceor at ibe Clip Upers
At Losdoa. aa ezirMrdiaa^
j Hocm, next Moodap evreiiig.i
u baMi -ifTi-fed ogoio.. lb* Lpooa o'clock- AU bolder* of 1 leketa xhocld
(MtaorasU In faeor of a a^ who!
«« Cltp Opera Bocae
Midb* Id hi* falBldb Oiroagh:»«*»P'‘»«‘»*“*‘«>"*®”*o^*
M»ge of oce of ibe eoubith
of ticket, ha* been alnad*
Tbe pUlatiff alleged he orBBttoa pie ia the ptoee Ooo- “*o*e who will eecnre them at odc'.


of tbe otp. con.
toned with tncwiH
Ur cetiag aad tadig^ble ditbe*

Tkere b oobadj qacsthalar the *kI|ib ud make a;
of aar steel curstmcteil cmckes, bat wbat
tbe; anlbe best oa Ute iiurtel.

ft W'
Exactly like cut—has J7 tempered sieel springs, sitting
on steel bands at boiiotn and tied with steel laiiice
work at top. so they will not cut ihrough the linings,
which are heavy canvas The couch is filled with moss.
OTUon top, SIX rows ol tufts, solid oak or mahogany fin­
ish. carved frame; covered with best velour in any color
you want. A couch that is all right for $i 1.75.

^-e|ghl caies out
oi tvrrj huodml.
•TbrpaMar I woeld Ukt to (iaa rear Catdae
tawtoi ptoCT-arr' I CBBeot na ta vorB or
omaed totr *•* fawad eu trier I tmar to ree
*>d 1 .a aral me * qteeuoa llonk lo XII ml aed
I dd w and ten thro a-Werd me lo ear I';
Fmcr . OaMre MtOlcal INKe-TTT ItooniliTar
kaiK-aedUrllaocoodlliat I atepteC-torU*
a- I tlnak. rar^ I harr eo oTWIKaeia of (aaUKtmuMrea i^ttToUon ooa IH. rietve'a Common Seoae Uedical
Adi iiei ia arnt /rir on raceipt o( aUfflps
to )M\ rxpentc of iniiling cn/r. Sen
ji oue-crnl auaipt for paper coveted
book, or -,| atamie lor cloth bonad.
Aiidfe* Dr R. V. 1>iefce. Buffalo, X. Y.


Are made la accordance witb ear ideas: they
are made or solid leather and well pni to­
gether. aid when «e recommend them «e
know what we are UlUng aboat.


peUiBgtbeptolDtifrMeDoaamellqaidi OM-M-gffW
food wad eaaalag him bodilp anffer-,
l-4a«-«e. Left TeCar toe Mu*
lag. Tbe eoert held that betlou* bad
Woma.*. <
.aprioK heel
soptooetatbaeeoaompofwellregn-; Un V. Poaad aad Htoa Ctois
vonr boggi
Infant’s Shoes. 6 to 8. wedge heel
toted ].ia bakerie* aad aaaeamri <d»- Bate* left fee Ana Arbor todap aa
age* la tbe ean of M5. an amoeal re- dalegate* to tbe Slat* Federation of
V. M. ^KTMKBWIOK Women's New Style Rubbers, 36c: Men's
gardedra sDActoat to bap a new lel Woman * Clnb* from tb- Ladle.'LI
Mirk. PbeeeXSa.
of teeth.
toarp Aviation, and Slio. J A.
Qalaaep. III.. Mli* Margaret Moatagae want a* delegate from tbe
135 Front Street
I’raciiral Shoeman
ieder. Ihpean of age. dropped -Woobb'* Club A flae program ha*
while danetag. pc wa* dane- be» arroaxed br tbe ladtoaof Abb Removed to Frank Friedrich’s
lag a two atep with a k Coleman, a! Arbor aad the Slate Federation, tnNew Block. 242 Front street,
eollege *tadeDt »>e .topped la the eladiag addreme* bp p
aOddle of the daaee. *apliig abe wa* ea.
ea. a
a aiait
aiait to
to the
Ibe 1Cm
.'nirerailp. aecep- 'Roofflsl, 2, 3. Wade Bros.
-ELECTRICAL ENGDCEERStired. Ooieaaa eoodecied her
rioa. ate.
•ML and •• tbe Mt down the toppled
terward into hi* araa. d«oi. The
rial Iron*. Cnrling Ireea. Jiieundi Mriii l*>in|e.
nindle iwwrr
to ton eaod le power—all rttaper and rolor*. luierior irl,,|ili.>Dr> for
eonoer b*ld aa iaqaeai and tbe jiirp trarkefltoa. Uaer* M. Moaep.ito- k>n
nlamed a eerdlet that dMtb bad nP.\Y Y'nUK TAXBS-Onlp three day*
■eUat.u Ih* l•aTrixlertoe I harrh.
more in which to pay uxe* anil
BBltod from bean dlewaa, broeght oa
avoid tayment oa penalty.
Her. Hearp U. Morep. ih* erangel
bp eeo-axartioo.
A nnlTanal alrike of 8,000.000 work-1 l*t »ocopi*d the
tbe i petterduT both morning and eveniag: Removed to Frank Friedrich’s
prapoaed bp tbe Oer-jaad alto ooodneted a maetiog. it'
New Block. 242 Front street,
and npproTod bptbeiwhieha chalk talk wa* a priccijal'
Rooms I, 2. 3. Wade Bros.
Rotoin.*., in Ibr attemooo Hehatal-'
Anarobiato In Spain are «aid to to- tbe' ready endeared blD*. lf to Traaeee'
, City and large aadieooe* will denbtAt lloaoDvr. Htoa Alice Uataoo. of [lea* beont to bear him ereip en-nlng
Saw Y'otk Oitp. wa* arreatod and llbto wei k- Meeting* wUl be held in
Onto! 18 ronble* for nVing Bogllab tbe afteraooa of meh 4*y alio.
wltboot a Ua^e. A* tbto i* which alls ■ invited.
a cTiBlnal offeoae under lb* Rnttian
law. Mto* Hataon eeeap-d with s r>‘markablp light aenUnee.
A tailor’* baiting neirtle wa* the I " aak-bsai Taeie will tie te Ibe t lam |
-eapoo witb which DaTl^netia*. :
few* x-ai waMar.
ged 18 pean. atobbed IT pMr old; Tbe High School football Kamofl
Harry HiinmeUarb to dMih io Cbioa- : tbi* city will bare Iti work cut oot
ft*. Yotuiger toothera of the boy* had next Saurday. wbeo the- will meet
aohlldlrt) qaamO. Tbe older bop. the CtodilUo
met and took np tbe ditpote. Hlm- groonds. The Cadillac team Ima thr
Belfarb. who u a east maker'* belp- repotaliOB of being one of tbe rtrengw. plunged tbe needle into yonng
tbtoYart of Ibr *tete. bat
BMsellne'* tbtgb and ran. Bi-matinr. ibep wl(l know that there baa been _
mad with pain, [nmed nlm and. - football game after Oi.-p bare met
drawing th* needle from hi* leg aa be {Trarerw City ', line, with Hilllkeii.
Miook bto adrerMrp be held Him-' Boyer. Lederle. Tbacker and Pound
Silks that you can depend upon for wear and are
'Uarb with one handrfalirwith
the ' irrylng the pigtkin.
thetiest values that are being offered.
be drcee tbe long needle into bto
hMit, the bop dropping dead where PAY YOUR TAXES-Only three day* |
Black TaffeU 23 in wide .......
mure ta which to iwp laxe* an'l;
* (tood. Beraetine we* aneHetl^
aberasn Potterf of Depun. aad avoid payment of penalty.





I Seasonable Attractions
I In The Dry Goods Dept



Km K. Brinkley of Weal Alexandria,
botb of dlmlnntiTe Atatnrv. were mar­
ried et tbe Broadway Metbodiit Epto-: Tlii-lr pn-i-i.i • ,r. Ii:
copal ^erch al DapUm. The groom at b.uU».<av a iU<





We want every one whocan to enjoy an inspec-,
^..tion of the many handsome patterns.
Prmted Imported French Flannels..............- $0.75
Embroidered French Flannels................ ....... 1.00
Plain, ail colors. French Flannels.-........... . • 0.50


or ANY






Black Taffeta 27 in wide -................................. 1.00
Better grade for..................................
Tuck Taffeta, splendid goods............................ 1.35
Tuck Taffeta, finest quality............................... 1.50
Black PeaudeSoie. 21 in --......... .,7..... 1.00
Black Peau de Sole, 22 in.................... Vr.. .. 1.50



. This year veiling is one of fashion’s favorite fancies. Dotted Chiffon veilings are the popular and
proper thing. Blue, black and white all sell for
40 cents the yard.





Is the proper and artistic material for neck wear.
We are showing some new colors and all are sold
at$l.25 the yard.




*TCCT ttoM."

BtoMla TIbm Tanlto A •. -WaH

Mes M Nlcs^

An Wrtk*d tw IbebOttocd ptopor. •* h*
Boau. MooBd tbe table. Thu to tbe





Every SthxJi in

draaaer In a foot
battery Of tbr I'Dltnl Walee anlUrry
' M one of tbr barbur |•a•la In
the east. His dra-rlptlre U«( ebowed
bla i tm 1 hM li bleb, aallov itmiINeslon. Ivown hair and tblrly.^z
liUa now. with
bis drum (Jona fn>ua bU neefc. bb> little
bl.'nie drawn up (o lt> fu|l belabt.
pruodly ■bowline lu bor. to maki- tbr
mu -tnlk."
-Tbl. 1. what we idayed st Mle»loo
BMae.- And then be would lieRUi.
One beard ibe Iranip of tuan-blny
•el. Ibe IbtUeW of y-annon: tb>' ranle
of uiuakelry. tbe abcMila aiHl bturaU* of
tbe.tiien. an-l. aimve alL Ibv mleadol*doll, tbe rubwdnbdnl’ of
draiu. It
sent the eobl alilvera down onr IibiIk.
the W(«I -Jonii.liic Ibrvucli nur vein*.
Tbeu I^n-e iIm- ►Imv aiHl ■oteoiii Int
of tbe miiBle.1 •Iniiu. tin- Iona. meUorbul.v. riniioil buuiaiu rvll. and w«
Inew (lint tlie l•■llle wa« over alnl that
II- e deed w,t>- l■einc tahl awa.v lu tbelr
■«l n-»t. Tlie irdre lo vuf eyeis a
bekina In onr throats. atHi Iben—

GanDCotfor Wo.
pot there for a porpoee.


itch has • tbonghl btiiiod it.

lew maker wonMn't pot

That a

the reasoa

U'ooltex garments are the

leading readp-to-near gannenta
for sromen sold to-day.


Aad eM I
rr.yU lurftt
TW »irl I Ml leluNl e>.
It wa> II ead day for tin' liattery. and
ftnally deeldwl to laror of the peopo- Jiarti-tilnrl.v t»uiiiiN'y, o lieii tbe
left cMir I.XI l.y trailsaiUoe of the Powler eatate. The eity
lifcai the eatire lower floor and haaewith i-hantes agni
■eot et the FowUr block for arm blniL>r<lruukrnii<-<.s. liitereessluu pnw.
At OUrel over oea hasdred atadeou yearaatthr aoooal rental ofH.lOO,
arsll the i-siilslx ws> d•■l•T•
aad elklaaBi were po:Headat a tapper which Inoiadea best. liitfaliBC and eraiiiake ail exsinlde nt tilni—hut
giraa by the l^dMa'. BraoralMl •»- ter. Thla will (ire the elty ofliciaU Itn- isnirt.was lenient; no After a
. eletyirf tbx Coe'cncatioeal efanreh. aaple noa in all deparUMnu. he- month's roirtin-uienl I>nm|M>y s-nme
It apfMan that tba ptaai d Bcai was ■idee a lart>w, well-rantllated and linek lu -tM. iHit nu nKetv.1 man. Xot
that Ills manner bail i-bauged lim-snl
prepared U tiadlibaa
frieud^bui bis
OUM hare darcloped a*
ho.vinlinee# and ilgblliess of ll••a^
.Mn. JawM Lewie DM
■eeiii'sl cone.
e wife of Jama Lewis of P«tneOOoiala of ll.a hwik» of Benton
Barbae aad St. Joseph report that the; key. formerly of this elty and well


Iterbwda lor the past six weeks. Wal

faraartof BoothwaitarB Hleblcau are known to a host-of friends here, died
la betMr otmaetaneea than they!

i-x-■ r S'*”,;




Jnst ns ih.-,r |.ns~sl us we heard

tewanl repl.-nlalng the lake. «*>d ■
stnams with flsb aod imleeting fish

,oJth wh^?
--------------- ----------------

"tVhal inak.-s bin: walk sn .inn-r'lli s.v::is !•• ts- limpiiii:.''
aad game dnring tbe eloaed aeaaon.
Takes on- book to where nleaaree
r.M'ry Isiy llt.'iv isniM have t.dd film
W Y. LeHle, a barber at thiCBatlle of haiipy ehlldhood are bloomliMt.
that It was tin- billhl b.' got at MUsi..n
Uldp-, whi.-li th.' bu.l n.-ver
Iwu nl'le to Ink.'. ut.
log pa seed bis llpi bat sraier.
stmnglh fell off 600 ponnds. by test,
•ad hU weight nine ponsda. He kept
M work tbe entire time. epen.Uog hi.

strong argnment in favor of lasting to
enie dUeaae ns the mao is in modi.

Uve to tbe looalioa of city <
wtaleh has kept tbe aldermen at log-

Uniform Hank K. of P. Tair
CempMe Cist of Coatribulhns of twerse City ttterch'
oats for Big Botaor to Btqia toaiorro^ Eotaing.
•re is a oomplete list of tbe liEvisI, • :i; b»as M. T. Dohasy. one Udles'
ooulTilmtioBsfor Ibe Uuifrrm Rank. I hat. glO. C. H. Bell. 100 olgart. V;
Knigbts of Pytbiai Imsar. to take'j. ‘T. Hmdle. all wool robe. tlD; V.
place this week, begisuiog tomorrow : J. Ilobbr, carpet sweeper. fl3: Little
Chief among tbe prixes lo• Tavern meal liekeia,
flS.SO; Oarl
be given awey is e nugtaiflwnt dia- Fieroe. IW cigars. tl &O; L. M. Benmend ring, parchaaed of Baroom & nett, gold lined sobji ladle.
Karl, aod valoed hi «l&u. Tbe addi
tional prises contributed arv as fol- UnfBtb. berbering. «l: «. A. 8o|>er.
one doten phofos.
Travvae City Oas Co., gas range.
•S6.60; HaniUton ClntblngOo.. toll. gS: Hotel Whiiiog. week's beard. $6
*I«;A. W. Jahraas. 100 Diamond J.
Cigars. Frank Friedrich, one
Udies' shoee. one pair gwoi s shoe.,
«K; Boston Store, merchandise,. X6.

! Fred Wnribnrg, lOOelgan. 16.60; J,
j K. Oameron. bnlli tickets. IS; dbarh
j k. Taylor,
year's tubseription I
Uunsey aod'Soooeas. gS : C. P. Hoad.

Fits like a Glove,
give you perfect
freedom of motion,
no Uncomfortable
feeling of too much
clothing around
the waist, no
drawers to support,
no shirt to crawl
up the back;
once worn always
worn. Costs
$1.25, $1.50, $^,
$3, $3.50, $4, $5.00
per suit. Step
in and let us explain
it’s good points
to you.
A fine line, heavy
cotton, silk and
and wool, — . pure worsteds,
all colors.

Irooi i.nn f.-et lombei

glO; Sew York T(« Co . 10 hand deeanted lewder ebatr. gK
pdBnds.MMha and Java ooSee; Tem­ Amerlean Sloam Imoodry gf lannderple of FasTion, Udi.-s'hat. glO; Slim ing; P. Kyselka. mereliandtae. $i
Wibg Kee. laundry tieketa, g;i;J.E.
Cbmeron. tawbering, gS: S. Benda &
Oo., overcoat or morcbaodiK-, glO; J.

rug. gL'O: F. G. Hen- ivr^, rtirving set, $6; Lewis A Lorn-

IB, tronsers. gtO: W- E. & F. P. ion. gL-; Nelson A Johnson, m.rolianBobgbey. nors.- blanket, g4..'i0; Whip, d.^', gS; Fran^ Broach 4 Bona, boiled
gl. newOantoo Uwp mo«r.g.'i. J. R ham.gS; H. E. Gibbs. Twin HiwdSaotu. *600 are insurance on boose ..r
hoBSchold gcK>di; S. E Wail & Sons,
i. gi6; Racket Store. ebamVr
eel,gS;W.W. Kimball Co.. taUmg

BT notice-bargains in wood««« I

, light bicycle lain|L »t; T Pteraoo.mer
ehiui.liie, g;'. J. Shalin.pair slioet. gS
Ca A Oo . niFrchaodlse, gl.60; J.
kilcbeu cabinet. gS.80;

machine aod record.llO; Wood Sisters ; Frank King.
docen bottles ketchup
ladles' hat. A. S. Fryman. |<air W. j w. Simms, menu. g3; Oral Wood
U Douglas shoes, gJ .Vi; W. C & B Oisli Co., ev- l«ds M >10(01 wood.
.A. Gannett, set of Rog.-rs Brow sllyerwve, gS.IS; Bello Place, hat. glO;



r Pslmlsi. gIvM mubags sod l.v.» is
paumslrr sltWauivatM. tin
Tin glw.l. 1ln.wll..nsol rbsis'i
T Bn-jU'utl.w. tor Sk- SI K P

- !^-'

Sawrer, gold crown, •«; Mrs.
W. O. Lawrence, ladies' hat. g.%.


piin KAUE-1-M^irsolasl.^.^^lak



ilgan Slareh t^o., one case l«.ta- j »ofi drink. |3, O. P. Carver glOOO Are
■s; E.
to floor. P. CUosen. lOO Pjg Tails
r fnmldwelling houae
E. MiUer. ooe-haU ponnd bottle-of
, Kboer Broa.. prim•ling. $6;
gl; J. W, JickMO. irw Eveniiing R««>rd. gt^; Eagle Press. gU. y^AJiniKH WAKTRO .1 idS Kiats^s’
I. gS; O-B. SchUpaeassee, one
£. Roland, one box;
A LAB(lg*l>Hvro.«i bw. wdllmMd
bucb twnaima: Bstnum 4 Earl, one Travene City Husie Oo. moslMl
ladies'gold wMob. giO; Parker Brim., merobandise. gis 10: A- V. Friedriob. I’sig.', '-'t niatr Hi
C-K« dw«UBS, gisd
one pair genU' Ralston Health doe. does, g'.; Campbell Bros., el.-otric ^AXTRlSpAT OKIW-tjut^lri^^^h
itsu-sii.. furasc-. Hly wi
dise. g6; A. H. Perry, faqpy
Smith 4 Ptiee, one dosen artUu
^i« HALg-CbH». U ATfs. lAiid. an frail
/•MKI. WAKTBk-OtSMval husww<ak. •issU
iwoota. t6; Jnllns Steinberg, pair porkj t.iuiir- *r..n..yaamim.4»pw^i^Hi.
iert, gI-60;
g:.60; 4
i Rozburg.
Roxbnrg. Jewel gu yi; Tony Novotny, 100 cigars,


ase!,| 6.76: The Fair, parlor lamp gS;|gs SO; PnlgliuDi Manufacturing Oo.,
. K. Martinek, goard chain, gS;R.W. yrond, tlO; A. B. Olobeiisky, farud
Uatall. mMcImndlse, gS; J. U. Hnel-comb set. g6; M. 4 K- E. R B ,

- - -SSttZ^

\A/Airi*I>TOta'V-Hoii*. Slid Uh.'bibm
Yw l••sl»»gala.^o..plAra4l. A. a Min*

2d ijs ts*3

Imanlel,'pair tronsers, gT; Cavil Oigarifioo mili-age book. giO; C. E. Taylor.
Oa; one meerachaSim pipe, g8; George I one yrai's snbsoripticn Evening PrMa,
F. Olt, jmit puu. g;; Dr. J- A. Sny-igj. wilbelm Baitak A C<l, one banvl W Hail-jsieepv Eye floor, t6; one barrel Uly
mranci-policy; «>1-i Wblte flour. g6: three gallon Enamel
cloak, glO: E. K. {Paint. gtl; six gallon floor paint, l»:
Moblo. one doK'i. oabinels, gt; J. H. < lo ponnds Mucha aad Jara coffee,
gb. one half ton baled bay. |r;; g3^^. ,o poanda Maadilbn ooffee, gl:

lasulb <g«

YOUR TAXEB-Only ihreedajs
men in wbiai to pay taxee aod
a^old payment oe peaalty-


meal boar. In wheeling, swlmmirg.
etc. while he look ezerelse every Te.n> lei:,-.lRii:n- iiieml.M-s
Bight as nsnaL The test u deeUnd a ' t‘Hse sr.- t.-niilned lu dls<'ar<l

bMter omildlloo now tbna wl«a be
began tlie test.
.t a epecUl meeting of the ootomon
laeil of ManUtee the qaestion rela.

The didi-iniles lu the |uin .kinivoaii <s>ai:ivss msiu Ii> aWiuMe ilU llie fit}'
or >t< will Is- tti'lisiBiisI to Hull n-pnlilh' hy M.-vi.s.'s emnd •■Id mnii. lieu
eral ■'• rtlrh' Itinz. nlm for s>‘teiii...|i> hn. Issvi lls- Mekh-nli cblef
exei-mitv. l-rohhsii Hlni nsvinlt •sd.-lo^ l.u . mlii.t iirsl

lueaul the •niilBln. '

nlOMiT dislike lu llie iiiu'l}' druniuiiv.
osra r of the Onsbaan Koo>e. -which Things wriil from Iwd to worse. Hula.
Ae far ae^AIgrr-eonaly
In ......
tble la aid to be the aralat aaaon was BiaiBRed fay her baslond.
Prsl fur one thins and llieii
erer known fa bleek been. Many of Lewis was foe ysars employed in tbe
vhU-li. Dioncli trivial eiioneli II their
the aalaala bare been aeeit, mpMUI- store of J W MUUkeo'of this city.
nay. tn-re rnpldlj l•ull>lluc up >> l<nd
. ly in the rtoiolty of MosislnK. end
lepntallon fur liiiii. nlileh h>- did not
Pbu Uabt in the .
areral hare bean killed.
cheeks with natate's eermillioo. Ions- iratl.r ikso-ne.
Tlie end ennie nlteii they found him
K. T. Bay, of Ooldwairr. it kHIIor ens tbe Mnslon of life, bnsbet eobThat's what drunk on cunr.1. Tl.e g.-iiersl isiurt
to be one of the brerlMt ablppen of Webs from yonr brein.
[s In MleblRao. Lat week be sold Boeky Moontalo Tea does S&c. Jax. «hleU Irhst him found hlpi giilliy and
O. Johnson
seiiteins-d liini to 1.. draninosl oltr of
twelre oarlsadf. a total of &.000
till' MTVI.S., Tlie isdon.d wn.le lo the
reeelrlnx for tlie mai tH.OOO.
The iaoloR of a mairlaRe lloenie
ffirieM-iiis nuihorlly mllxv stronclv in
At Tekoosha. UeoTRe Prior, atpxljto Jereaiab Honald. a well known Ids .......... but Iiuiiip.-y an. .U.miiisI,
10, took a reroleer to •ebeol aad {aioer of Lasriiia and Mrs. Oatiierinr Nutiiiiic •solid MIV>' him. and the neuaaased himself at Uileraileslon by j Meamer. is tbe eolmioalioa of a lore
tins duly is.iiilniiiHl.
Nrier illd sun shim- ■■rteldi-i. in-ver
sboMint at tbe children. Before tbe!
«biei, dated Bhek to tbe copper
laaeberwas aware of what was RO. | oonntry'e earliest days Tb.■prpspi'O- were skh-s bliii-r. m-ivr »us iintnntoRoahe had shot one of fats eom-' tire gronm UTS yean old and the mere lam.-roiis tlmii ou that dnudrul
May nn-rsilnc. "'«• liad all Isvn t<i los^loos tbrooRb the band, oanslut a I tride 4K.
DiiUiis-y at tue silnnllioiise the ultht
betuiv. NVe bail shnken luiiids with him
[makes tbe tnnsic and saws the wood;
•■alThsI him ain-h ls>yish gifts'ns
Lake ooe iilRlit last week eaw
won-I iifii one op in tbe snasliine of life,
lOiihl to assim- Mill of our l'•^:dl>
darfal meteor. aocordiOR to the Hoote site of; <*“•
___ _
tor. Tbe head was abonl the
bml lunied Ids fs
»<1« likeaehlld.
an oedloaiy floor barrel. Il was traeYOUH TAXBS—Only
rAXBS—Only threedsrs
It was
w« (til- first and only tliue 1 iiad
elloR at a tetrlflo rate and the whole
aiore -in which
par itaxes aad
blob to pay
drummed out of lb<avoid laymeat of fwoalty.
daiaUon of lU fllRht wbieh was eUisswhv. I 1-iui inwer ugaip ms- sui-h a
ble tiM-rewaa aboot thirty aeoaeda.
Bbw-kinc slelil nf iiian’a Inbuiuanlty tu
The meteor broke when apparently*
Jnst InaRliie a Cbrtstmas meminR
qntle nmr the eaOb aod fell lo a
tsiy tbi-ii; still I
when not one chtld in all this land
ebowOT of Moali balls of Ore.
A « ho hnoR op a stoekloR tbe olght be­ n nn-nils-r llial Ibi- sim was lirtglil an.l
anffied rumblioR was heard aboot flve fore eboold And It empty on awakentM- skli-s n.-n- Idin-. 1 n memls-r
till- iitr was sMfi niid l■al■lly. 1 r<~
Blnotes Uti-r whl«* If onneed
the IbrT Think of tbe joy that woold be
let looee in this old world / How can ii.i-uds-r Hint ibi* Itag. •■lll■>l••Ill of llls-rexploaloo Rtn-ttosbow tbe meteor was'
it be done)
ly and «snuillt>. Ihn-w uiil tU- chirj .if
a Rteat distanoe away. Tbe sky
U tbe Ociob r Ladies' Home Joar- Hr shirs nud strlls-s straiglit alnl
nal the preeldeot of tbe bonsbioe So111.' iii.rt-ulnc hris-i.-. 1 n-im-iulsT
,»r .«« « «.c ^.u—.
! olely started the ball rolUDK.
rt «•■ all M.m.) |..seUirr
walltnc nn.I lla-ii II .-nnn-i
bsroflbe HcKlnley Memorial aseo,o ,be coontty. Tbe "fempty
First llie dniiiis nn.I t;f.-“. Iln-ii twu
elation. Kebasaleo been notiOed of Blortinc Clab" Is a mtienmeoi lo a plnl.sHis ..r till'll fully iiniiisl nud .siiilis
1.1. eleotloo to membenbip to tb.-In-j man and a womui the world
|Hsl. Ihi-lr l.nyulM-Is dnsbliig nn.I s|uirneietr aOOO fOrROl—M. F. Woolf. '
kliiig In 111.' sniiltglil, aii.I Is'tw.s'ii
"”‘”-'!of the poor, aod Beth Ashmore, me them Hmuis-y. with b.-ad .-ru|u
wbirti wae ontanised to i»-i
itettieibeet friend tbe Amerlean girl erer
|sd and nil Ids Im.-k a Isuinl insrk.'d
sxposi. had. In Deeember,
Mr. Woolf
char- bad a pace of hU dtmwioRe lo Tb<-'
.Mid stlll-tln- sun sIh.ih-. the ski.-s
dies' Home Jotmal. Itat showed
, bitter dimppointmeniM two wslfs. wen- tliue nod lb.' Ibis OnplssI ga.vty
I who bawled oot of a forlorn bed to l.llTtll'Oll.
• find the TSRRed sMokInRa empty. This
Ibr.v .-oiue. tbe^ylrihiis and flf.'s
r pitlfal plelore broDRbt Km lo the lOs.rlns tin- "U.igtHw' Man-b. '
o Roth Asb
, eyes of tboosuds. bat
I>ss sM st-Iss. (ssr rJd s.UlM.
It more than t<
Tjf. J ...I |.,i1k™,I sn-l lUi. Cnaim-dMI
nod bBRRsda total of 8M place, "f tooooelrjS^ i,_____
llesss-l. ..sil Is'l Ley s4.<
Rame. ooDslstliigonObiartridRes. l»>:of 'Empty StookloR
Our benrt- u-uv In ..tir'llir.ails, but
aqnimU besides anil.', weasels. ,te. «le objeot
lo ijrorlde "flllJW w. c-Ilm->>.sl .sir lianils aiwL-lii'M eiir
•■< Ilk.-men.
Tbe member, of the cinbwm joined ¥S^-%,r“.?5n;'n{rTr,^K^;
Th.-re was no ninslr In tin- tiiar.-h II
ts the eraaiax by their wire, and
on Chn.ima. day. IWT.' many
ras a wwltlns atnl M.lil.lng .if
lady friends at tbe opera bonp-. where a little life was tilled wllb happiness,
th.' drums the drutns f. dniiii iHmiand
wea in order fo,.
IK.J- ..
mmi-'.r. Il
lowed Uter by a game enpper at tbe
the idea has been rerleed. Il ie eliami.!..:., Iln-lr li.T... Il ir kins.
Hotel Uke. where a bnndred pUle.
time to begin forming the elnba.
HutuSI ll..-y
were Utd. TbU aasoeUtion has done And wbal a floe thing It woold be If
mnob daring lU two

Union Underwear

street. Iwria-ring. g2; Hannah & Lay;
Dr. Uurl.-.v. one pair glaases. gJ;
.tt I'isl Ibey reai.^'d lb.- sally ]s>rt.
Flour mill.* barrels Best flour, gS; P. I Bingham Bro-. meats gt; L. Ooniwell
U..SS- !.• «u!4s'i i,*!.
U. Meads, merchandise. gS; Charles'ane i«.-mium ham. g»; Or. Kroupa,
tbe sltr'ieketl laii Hi.' Sifi-s. HII.1 a im.iiii-nt A. Lavrrenoe. talked gooda, g6: Jallns. dcotal work. g6; Ricb4 Halberg. 100
later !»iimis-y sl.ssi imialde tb.- f..rt a
Campbell, boiler, wriogi'f and tub. jeigsrs.gS 60; P. U Johnson, lOOcigan,

Tbe aceesce value of alJ the :

haliiiis. w.iundeil it-suldliy. wLu bad
the .r.viige mine of ■■layisl a man's |uirt tn tbe l.ltten-sl
war tl..- w.irtd has rviv kn.»ni. this
spends £s.ttif>.ni« a ,ve»r on dniukee |n,:i,|a.
her psiilnv.. SviMIsdiI CKSMUsV Ire tbi Isisrd itarfci
land Il.t
- Iisck. and. tiarhi: b!s i-lw rr..i>iwsl
.b.LiW ; France aiwods
heo.l Ie the nierulng
son. Jm>ked u|> tn.Ooo.Ol
; '
wnnlirKS ai.i) Idwvi'ly eriisl cat;
"Tluve i-b.-ers
slrils-sr1 have tterer roeB.dlen II.
Cod. I nei-er will.

Royal Baking Powder will
always keep fresh and of full
jtrength regardless of climate
or season. Every atom, to
the last in the can, does even,
perfect work.
Made from
pure, grape cream of tartar.
Makes whblesome food.

■ball get a divorce.
lirnis'ki fhnmblyi—I wish, iny dear,
you would get me one loo.-Town Top
Notion to Taa Pavora.
TV tss rolls for the r.41settai at wdioul And

gC; Sqnlres 4 Bonner, faarbering. gf: g4.60; R E Weaver, oae box cigan,
Hannah 4 Lav HenanUle Co . oak'|j.rS: Or. W H. Loekhart. dental
china eabiaet. gSO; Eliaab Bros. 4 ; work. g6:Browo, Sehlet & Co . Grand
Amiotte. a« ponnd sMok of oandy.
[Rapids. robegS; J. M-



“ “IBS


Arms 4 Oole.oopiwr hoil. r,g5 ;Riley ager United .'Itales Hyallh 4 Accident
- - for
-- y
' ; Insurance Co. 112.60 [Evening Reourd,

glasses or treatment. glO; Boanlman Broa 4 Amiotl. cboooUles, g5.
r El-ctric Light Oo.. ligbtlngi B. J. Morgan.ead, g6: A. W. Peek,
.hoese wed of fair. g26; J. O. | cash, $2: J. C. McCoy, oae pair box Uy yuonrnwasid. PHr«
an4 8on, barrel sweet cider, go;'lag gloves. gS 60j E. M. Dailey, 100
E. Hagadom. a barrel floor. g5; J. cigars. g4 60y--Otl t«tmW Oa, flve
10 pounds Mocha 4 Java loads wood. g:.50; Wells-Hlgman Bas­
coffee, gs.60; Carey 4 Sullivan, mer- ket factory, five loads wbod. g;.60;
duadise. g3: J. E- Oreiliek 4 Co.. Geo. B. fOarpente^ Cbloagil. by M. C.
glO; F. Stepan, three Peeinan.
amitme ban. $2.te: An-1
tcaToplnka. 100 oigara. $460; Miller ;

$30; Barney


teL 100 cigan. g6.60:
mandolin and

Si'rvla. fiteere and


OBs atrtog

The fwnvnisBe of fliltentes il largK. E. Btiung. I ^ ',' the umls inpioatlue .if
f vollpg
ar-^ M :,\rw llani|sdilrr "

Sarlags Bank Basar, cine nmbieUa
faurriraae Mewing a
bolder; Bert Bma,te0oigan gS.60;
miles no buut
m wfl] V SS^^uTaTure rs- Wilhelm Bariak aad Oo.. one phuh suimiv f<«l of
robe. glO; Jaa. O. JcJiotrm. tuenM- half pouods.
ter. g(. aad l«nd and oomb aet. gl;
.Vserly all tbe larg
.. llrery, g(; Olf
- iladriphUn, are
r la
of President Bocaw
Talepteme On. 'ptocma amrieo tme yonr

rwMwd vruboai isiDiwliai fnw, %ad .w sll



osis are

4 Mnme. one rocker, gt; Ounion 4 low Bustnn
boiled ham. g.*;Am-:iiol cmw.
erieskn Candy Co. "Bex" chooolatoa. I Nurwa}.

Cainum*g Intmrior 8p«r ts ttf
k. taa ww£Eui sT..aEw n

iT-aiutv.sarnwt w. I
Rg^U^i BBf^l


bella. gS; Rlokerd 4 Brodhagea. tme
Pem Leaf Uwn chair, r; Pred
linsn'e|.s!klii cVf.asoGue A^fnas luVks'k


" -* •-------------


« T*ai?'gJgEB3^“J5a VI


wwma fffTi um*


PAINTER'5 P1EH:£’£H:“£^^

M Tear «r tbe Ph
DAia o(on)iTmBi

aie msd.

a»t iMtaOBf «r «W eeniani
mHDd« of tl« lun. tB tU* ncksalac
kBOVB BJ pBotoovOT—that kt. thB a
•Mrtlcht-lt If latmMlag to Mr that

Urn. Sparfca tat In tb« frtiidov ef tte
Sttlr flat flanlBfl. Tobuoj Sparki.
MnS roar, bad bwe aUowtd ta «B
ttooc t» plar to tbr KMt yard that
IW bMvmi tbr
r. Bparka vat at bit
n tbr yotiac Sparbata. barriBX ToBBiy. wrre at tebooL Ftob
Hra. flparkf raatafr poMt la tbr Uttir
lay alBdo*«ir could

both la t-BBibrldir and at Arrsa)pa.

iTlac' aloes
of th
arisfabor a ooWurd aort of red
. Mra. Bparka ««• dreamily woadrrlBf wby tbr fuoDdalloa. irbk-b bad
brre prrtty In Ur nntural bur. nrrdrd
lalatins at all. wbru Tommy Bparkf
toddled tn Ibrousb ibr doorvay leadrom tbr kUrbm. Tommy had
ap from tbr yard tbr Ijack may.
Tommy bod aomr airfakr of red runfamotu AiabUB and Uoorlab arlrc
alBs dlaeoooDy down from racb cormm. wbb-b In one form or aaotbrr
a llnra dm
aaa tbr worM'a aUDdord for Btaily
tblrtrm rrsturlra.
lucoe of Turbo Brtbr.rtbr laol of (be
ommy Bparka" drmaBdrd
UMiltetal or tbr Oral of tbr modrcB aoprr. -what on earth barr yoo
Ip IbW war Ibr latt Impor- railBsr
rolaincoe prod need wItboBt cIm.
Tommy eUmbed Into a ebtir. awnns
aUof ibr Irbaropr.
bif ksa la bla lofaDillr way and Mid.
It |> ■IsiilBeaiil of Ibr Bfeorapllfb- "Mamma, palnier'a pir s«>«l^ '
itrol of .Viorrlraa anronomy IbM. In
Mra. Bpaika sarr one burned, hot'
>1 of modcni rlAod sUBcr tbroosb tbr window at
ark. Ibrrr
brre war no unlr
tbr red palat wbleb war helns daabed
Irm of pbotobn
«0 tbr Bclsbbor'a bouac ami ibrB turn
nntll llie puldkutloii of
known a* tbc IL..
-II. I'.- la it I. famlllariy ealird by
-Tommy"-hrr rolce war n ph^dins
Tblr Ir CDBIalnrd
wull'-dld .vou eal Ibr palnier’a atuff
tbe annala of tbr Uarrard out of Ibe lalir
uberreatory. a atamlrr volume sHHC
"Veil, out of lall; painter'* pie *ood."
a IM of JAIX run Id Ibe nonbers aky anrwerrd Tommy.
rlalblr to Ibr iiakid eye In Ibr latltudr
UnT Spark* *bHekad. Tbe maid rwb
of (•aml>ride<- and Inic
ed lo from ib.- kllcbni. "tJrt «be d.wall atara not falnirr
Ibe druscUl and Mr. K|ark*r
uasuIttKlr brtweru tbr Donh pair and
* Kiwrk*. "T..mi
thirty drcreei aoulb of llir cel^tla
rdualor. To tblr orisliMl Hal anotbtr
roluinr St of tbr annala. hta aince brcB
Tblr Uarrard oruDooiclria. ar socb
ealalosuc of the "naked rye atara”
cBlIrd. wta an rlalmruic and so ace
ralrly dour Ibal li liar lircii practically
arcridrd ererywberr and tbe masnl
lude nf all new atari St^rn on Ibe liar

td bb datiM at tbr war drpart- <‘rra.<aad tbr rranRa of tbr work
t afttr aa abanier off arrrtml ablcb tt baa i
acerptrd ar ouadard all orrr tbr verM.
Tbc flrit star catalofnr. Blrlut IvOfln
be Hblltpplara. raya
ura. wa. {wuiobrd by Ulpparcbaf
I root.
Urfcrrlac to
tbr yrar IS B. C. It baa roar dorra to
■ U tbr l>blUiiplacB.
Bi tbrouflb Fiolnny or Alrzaudrta. i
Dearly 3U0 yc*ia Itttr. la 140 A.
coarat I dltrctrd my attralSoa
t cstlrrly to tbr affaira of tbr prodaerd bb 'Mrcalr Kynuxla."Alaacroi.’' or “tlrrat Boob.'' ot
' toaad
braU (omllllOBf rery lalltfanoty.
war Tory ma>b owvdard to dad that
la tbr lowUodf wbicb arc drrotad to
net ralturr tbrrr I* romiantlrrly lit1 frm-. fllmlUr locaUUta
U ov oTB ooaibna
- maeb morr UDbralthfoL t( tbr paddy
flitat a)o<« tbr bar of tbr^lmcapaa
railroad wrrr la Loulalaiia or Mslb
(tarollaa. Ibrre U bo doubt
Ir for wbitr
a to lire la tl
aa Bccouat of tbr arrrn- fonna c

ocfown w.

alowiy from atoor t

ly prrrall In tveb lofullllra Mclerta'
(rrrra are aemrabal morr iirrTalrnt
at blsbrr Irrrbi. bat tbr rupimltf of
fba moBBtalh lai
-------------«Blte bralUifuL
•Typhoid fner Ir pirrairni ai
moat pana
(ana of tbr I'niird Btatra.
k ia la moot
and tbr moruuty frvm llmt
ro baa brea much leaa
ttea it war In our campa Iu Ibe I'ullrd
BMtea durlns tbr Kpaclab-lmrTicao
r la tbr moat arrloua
diaaaaa with wbleb wr bare to ranleod.
but wbre tbr troopa are oupplled
para wkter and oot rxpoard tc
• atirediBs a 'blkr' Ihia dlaMaa doaa Dot prorall. No doubt aa
dlllOM breomr more favotublr iDd (ba
troopa an prorldrd wllb aultaUr bartacka Ibe isurullty from tblr
will lia eery much rrduerd. IMlmooary
rtiMnmpUrr Ir quite preenlrBI In Ibr
PhlUKilDca. aod a eon*lderaUc numlwr llie oar to wbleb It Is Dow
• bare derrldpcd aomns anr lart aiwlux wbi-li llir ' n
awB aoMIm. Tbror raw-* arc at
iwnreil lo tlir <oi*attUath» «*—Kla.'
- mt to the I'nlled BUIra and ate tieal- Amonjf'.Tr ^tServrra wbo sarr Ibrir
rd la oar Mnitarlum at Fort Bayard. rranlla on tbr Uarrard scale were NIJk. H. Tbr pucor conliouca lo ptryall Uud and liyllraakold of Sweden, lyrelto aoraa rxtrot in ManUa. rlctlmr bHns rm of llie I’urtusncor observatory la Ibr
•BoatJy Cblnrac or nallvra. At ibe llmr .\xom. Ibr alalfs of Ibr Brlllafa Astro-'
I left Manila ^ut Ibrrr cutvw bad
nuniliul asroc-lallon and tbr
CBtrrd amoDS our aoldlrr*. I do M
•Irly of France and ibr oOerra of
tldtiatr any rxlrealon of llir dlaram tbc lUdclIRr otirerralory si Oxford aa
amoBS our Ireapa
wv-n aa pmrileally all AmrrleaB aatna“I found tbr supply d.i>ol loaded
wtlb auppllea and tbr bospHal*
prilrat condltloB. Certainly no troopa
ot aay country or Id any part ot tbc
warW hare ever been ao llla-tully snpBpala rtslta Amrrira.
pUrd witb rvrrytblns nnvaMry for tlie
ITIncc dH nrasoa. wbo baa ]uat arttealnieot awl <*re of il« alek.
female boraea aro .loins cxerllcnt rlvp.1 lo tbIa country, aaya ibe socirly
wrller of tbr Nrw Vork Junmal, bna
(. and all with wboui I
wrra conlrnted aod .Iralnni* ..f irmaln- royal blood la bli vcloa. bclns a srandlas In tbr arrv IO-. Our voluni.-cr medi­ aou of that old gurcB Cbrlrtllia of
Slwlu wbo wa* prior lo her marrlasr
cal oOecra. whose eniidoy weal
apriD.v-a* of Ibeaovrrrlso bouse of Na1 by tbc
ph-a. Tlie priacc h no atruDser brer,
fur be was amons Ibe auUors for tbe
liSDd of Anna (lould, and when ibr lat_nrr taer heart and brr fortune lo
fraslaoaUy aad
-dalles. Tbr bus|>ltala. wbleb weer built v'oint lluol de I'aairllaoe tbr prince
in a meaaun- lunaoled for blr dia­
by tbe SpanUnl* and wbleb wr now
occupy, arr well bKUied. and well
ndapird to tbr elimalr. They have been lu tieoisc Uoul.I a tnaenIBreot Jeweled
wbleb bad brtonsed to Quern
pat ia food aanllary condlUon and ate
la rrrry way aatlsfaetory. At many t’briailiia and wlilcb bad 110^ aaalssrd
places we bare been obllsrd to make lu blni a* luirl aod larvel of tbe fortune
saa at conrrnia. hanucka or privata of bla crandmoiber.
Tbe latter wa* a moat extraordlnarT
boMra. Money Ima been ap(troprtated
for imtUns throe bulhllns* H tbr beat woman.
poaalblt sanllary condltloo.*tnd.------bail teen a clfvu* rider. »be_korw Delu.rrod Dor write when abr
ls for tbe alck.
"Tba roaexleacent boapltal al Corrr- iiuiiTiod old Kins Ferdinand of Spain.
iBuenec over bim
Cldor laland U wrU loctird and wta
probably be SDlarsed- U bad Iwrn my tlial Im ebauerd Ibe order of
favor of bis iwo dausbter* by her.
InleathKi to tUU IWipBet for Iba pur­
pose of areertalnli* wbetber It was a ellnilnailns bla hfotber. Don Carina,
aattaUe locality f.-r tbe ntabliahment from Ibe line aad Ibereby orlstnatlne
a convalracml boapl'taL but 1 fouud Ihoar Carllal wart wbleb bave been
Impracticable lo yo tbcre durlns tbe ibc lillshi of 8|wln.
few year* of widowhood and
time I was la ManlU. aa tbe Itasupao
railroad, bad been waabrd away and n-S.'oey she took a fancy to n bandaoror
Ibr mountalD trails weir reported prac- xvardaman of Ibe name of Monos, ralstlraUy Impaaaabir dnrins the ratuy e.1 blui from ibr ranks to br n svandre.
aod a dokr of lltai
. Tlw ri
w baUdlns a road lo Ibe nensuel re- and faerol exile fur blr sake when, after
stoo and bo|.ra lo have il complded luaiTv Ius him. abr wlabrdjo iDvrstblm
wtibbi flvr or all oionih*. Tbc qoro- wllb Ibe oSee of miDlaler of war.
tlon of lorallns a aanltarlum lo Ibal rriner del Drasu's moibrr la Ib* dausbmonolaln dlalrlct. wfal.-h no doubt pos- ti-r K<t QueeB Cbrlstlnn by tbia second
aamea a cool and Inrisoratins illmatr. liuslwad of beet, aod tbr prince It
cannot be drlrrmtnrd until lb« protect­ ib.-rrforr n nr|>brw ef QoerB Isabella
ed road la corapteted. We hare siren of Spain. On hi* faibrr'i aid* b* ta a
V oor bMplikl >0 Manila and will RoBian panicIan. Ibr Del Drasos br­
probably do the same with tbr BanU iny dewTOded from ibr Imperial %'lcnr
Macro boaHtsIafrer awhile. Cooalder- iludolpb del Dnsonlbua. who brkl ofOr* in Home In tbr twelfth ceolury.

tl ayalem on ao economical basis
wbUt I was In Ibr rhlllppinra. but ibal
matlrr baa alrrady been publlibrd."
manaser of tbr
Bclilllrr Block tympany at tbr Lycomaa-s naarralro.
Ids Opera tioimr. aaya a Wllkrobam
Brrry llmr J. I’lctponl Morsai
(ita I dispatch, ba* aDDOUDcrd bit anabroad br maker It a point to acquire a
io Mils Ella FooBUinrbItaii.
aambrr of raluaUc aourenlr* of tbe ill* leadliis lady. Mias FofiDtaloabkaA
trip, tlrccfilly. l.roldpi a number of wbo bad sniiied quite a rcputitloB la
rare palntlnsa be purrhaard for blm- (tpaln. made aiHillrotion. but wbra It
srtf a Pmlan rue. probably Ibr rarest came 40 slenlos a Iwo yean' csBtract
ef lla kind In rtlaienre. Tlie ms mrov abr ol<>-eie<l Iweatiae It conialned a
um 10 fret C Incbet -br li) fret, srat (•arocrapb forblddlus ber lo marry
made of reraUn silk In Tabrlt. Pmla. within Ibc period roreied by Ibe cubaod wna worm by Muhamiordan frlara Ira. t. but finaUy alpned- Kbe waa tbeo
UO yrsra ts« for a almb. II took alt- ensacnl to marry Adnlpbu* tiarcla of
taro year* to wnrr tbe nieit>rp* at Madrid. In
July. iwnn. Garrla nme to iblaconolty,
ntappii OS ts Mahe, a MUIIm.
but Brblller headed off bl* marriasr to
Sx-Goreroor Hose of Texai raya Ibc actre** by Injunction, n'bro Mb*
that about a year asa- wbllr on bla way
to New Tork. Iir slopped off at Bran- Ibe .vuugwo.v tUrebi w
moot. and. harlns made a mUIloo or ao dec Mhi* I nunlalneblron'* coolroct
tbrrr. tar will bow rrauat hta Journey ftchllU-r blmMif eanoot marry btr BBtO
ta New York.
Ibr rgreeme... etnleea.___________________
LsBdOB ta BOW roBaamlns mw
COB teas of lee a da.v.

tatdoman alnsle-baDded'! I nr
anythlns bravre In my life."
"That waaa't bnrary. That wa* d^
roiloii lu •clen.-r. He wa* afraid Iba
other *oldler* irould kill tbe fetMw,
Ike damand for rlerlrtcnl reBtfl*and be wanted lo make-a oMdp.«(.
MTO in IndU la abrad of tbr aspply.
bUu. lie used 1* tw a prof.
PUsrlma do sot klaa the Foptfs m HrolOB."
face bBt the maa worked oo tbr allppar that tar wron.
am pmh

■M flylac Bp-tb ibt
dark to irirpboor Ur. 8|«rki aad tbra
art «« ea a rfaait far tbr donor.
U tbr BMaatlor Ut«. fltarfcf
Maainc orrr TotoBy. wbo war taMac
br UBwaat rotoBMIoa vhM br bad
nraird aa UaDdly a* vooU iDtat foorycai
r laainrd on o
ly irUrTallas that "palalrfr pir mat
food.- and at racb
rolbrr'r bran oaak.
Tbr drassM ™»b*d -......................
■irti palDt. Ilratka aloar knowa bow
garb. II mnot barr bad aosar of lead
t «. and that'* owm and tbat'o wb>
br Btr tt.Tbc drussirt snbbrd Bp Tommy.
; half tbrrw bim op to a loOBsr and tbra
mnwid to Ibr moibrr.
t'oiiirol yourrrif. klra. flpaikr. Ufr
drpradf on liu.lanl anloB. Crt mr«alt^
poiorb and «ofi map." ImikUy Ur*,
ftparkr bad all ibr^w ortlHro In tbr
boom, and rbr mrbod to tbr klirbm
andtimosht llr-cn la>*. Tommy *» yet
obnaTd BO aisti of cotUpm. Tbi' .UusSiM poi two lalilFrivxaifnh of rah In
sUm of 1^1
forced Tomtu.c to awalkiw It. rlHlIPTItiS. TbIadcMc war followed up wllfa a
brrole otic of f»ia«b. and tln n T<
ira* made to swallow a larce .x.ffe.- .-up
mil of aoft ai«p. With tbr ausp dow u
and'Tommy * eye* hanelns ■ni .'f bi«
bead and arrll .1..wn ..vro bla clevk
bone*, tba drvmpl»t turned Ha- yoiiiie
alro uver on bl* alniiiaeb on ib.- eoo.-li
an.l Rbook bim.
‘Hie only Iblnc abftiu Tommy tbat
dUn'i iwNi at tliU treatmeol was bl*
atomacb. Tbat b.-ld on to li* una.x-u*lonn-d bw.l wlih a |*-nlua.-Ji.v wonliy
of *oinethlnc l.-ii.-r. .\I tUI* Jiin-iiirCbe iwlDier apia-an.l .-n ilie ■■-eiic lie
admitted l» Ibr tearful Mr*. Hark*
that he 1.D.I left bl* IWlUl ja.1 on Hw
Sroim<l wb.-re Tommy .v.uM have II r.e aUiUl five mlaut.-* while
b- wem aroond Ibe roro-r to yrl a
SUta of beer.
At tbia iiiinnie tbe iloior fell In at
tu- <I«W uti tb.- Ij.x-U of Ibc niah*. tl-

Sm to tt a litxr door of IprCBC. Cstblr la<( a<Urd bormr Tommy'o
Jocb tnd opiHi Uab parr way.
Ukr Ibr yr-naerr l.i«wfBl to -Urlrol
Dabira.- br pla.rrd whalr. and. while
br dktnl cart up Jonah, br caat up
prrtty near rrefriblBs rtar.
tVbllr Tommy wao to tbr Ibrora Mr.
flparla arrirrd. orby lt|ip«] and abak*
Tbr donor turned to bIm. -|
iron. Mr. markr. that If wr cau keep
bIm al It ftutt n mlotiico morr wr may
urr bU life." loniiuy krj.t al II.
Tbr painltT. a bo rrtrraicd be­
fore Ibd rtrtrkr u rounteBoner of Mta.
flinrkr tHm reapptnrvd. Ur wa* cur
tylns III oar baml a dinner palL wbleb
mwlde down 1o rbow tbcM aaa>-ml>:r<l ibal II war abnuloiely riupi:
-tVlieii I came lo wnri'ibla luor
Inc." mmI tbc yalnier. "I bad three
plerea of l■elT}• He iu tbia (all.
cut any now. a f.vt 1 jud dlaccvemL
1 ctHwa uuyW tbc youncatrr ki
wfactv It went."
Tomui.r. jiut out of a iBIozyriu.
.'tuned lil« in-ad tfid eapcbt llcbt '
Ilnnor icill. 'Taliilar'a
Mr>. 8|Mrk* rank luto a ebalr. lansbi).l .r;.l:is h.val.-ricaHy. A flrlfl
apl*-ar.x| on Mr. 8|«rk*' face. Tb*
dotiiw ni.d Ha- .lrucc'.*t l.oked dUsusttt|iaeks save Ibr |wliilor a
low ivaioorani aiH mi a


ttgiwb- u-Mcvaiawo miuiion*. "wimi
slmll we ilo with Ibal U.yV'
"ttVIl." airmwenxl Henry a* be *U.-ve.v.vl Tommy a
pnir.»l.iu.vl c-ntlenicii luiv.- Just et> .k
bln. Hull If we vvuld luro bin. Insld.nul l*-'.l mnkr a Bou.1 iidv.-ril*eiueul
for *..aH- bnud of aotp*' Cbk-offo
Tbe luewcaiser boy Isn't mm-b i
forr. bni be bolds tbe revxird a

fhe few items are knockers, more to follow; not an item
in any of our Departments can be matched anywhere; al­
ways in the lead, others must follow, as we will never
AL.L.OV^ anyone to come down to our prices.

Men’s fastcoIor^Turkey Red Hand
Men’s Wool Socks, sale price per
Men's heavy Canvas Gloves^“tno
slimsy cottonfiaTinelt pair........... aW
Men'sKnit Gordiganjackets, sale ,00

llhoSF ta M*Man





nm tramprta made of coBCt ahMia.
tbr tip* belns Ukee off. tbw fermlas
•^v—ii.r ‘

A. B. Willard l
In iba eity.

I' ull size Comforter--Sale price
each................. ..............................
Handkerchiefs—Sale price. 2
Best Cambric Skirt Linings, all col- OL
ors-Sale price yard...............- - A lot of Corsets, worth ep' to 75c, QQ
—Sale price, 24c and................... *XdA/
.$0 doz. Ladies' tine Kid Gloves, in all
the new shades, two clasps—Sale *7^



Daa KoOiary. vifa aad family Ml
Thay - aspr«i to aaka

tbair bema




The boston STORE


laiBT orchard, aboM flCD.OOO

Mn<t laeit all laeal laaah ajuisaa
L Low irlee. Prlea |150a

J. W. 8la*ar and aboa Mim SdmL
aprat Sanday la Blk Baplda
Falsa maty

FOB SALS. »4l-LotaT<A bloek >.
IL L. A Co'i Mb addldoe. « fool
MOb by 16ft foot drop. Blmwood
BToaur. Jnat tenth
aonlh ef
of Fnat atrrat
160 fart. Low fwle* for both lots;
II* feel frost cm Elmwood maeen*.
ee* third doare, balaDoe loes time.
Fnoe »UD,
daya after tb* arrlral of bU bretbrr FOB
«t;-Larflr. modern
boupr. elore in. furaaer, >rar»r eoabrforo be koetr bUn. Be will proba­
beeline. lUme walks, flelubrd dn
bly be boBM for a ran in abMl Mum
Mk. floe laaro. el^ arater and feed
Well. Isslde and oulaide atairaray
Dr. OiUMlI of Oopsmtafa U U (tar
frawn laofa-rtT. Vlll rent il for «IB0

br left bla bntb,ar Jallna mneb Improred,
tUUaBable lo alt upJnliaa
welftaa but TS ponsda. It waa


eity OB buitnrm today.
Dqmly Oil iBipaeUr B. O. Bnlalar
FOR MALE. WW-Oood IH flOa^l^
ef MaatOB was le tbr eity today.
Cr^r street.
> Front I
_T>od farPOINTCD PAftAfillAPMS.
rot altrr till* qatd if
want tl: it araai ataj I«r
PraUlive a rival mav !*■ xmI OiTlta
Uanlijr. Iml 11* |«»r pulltl.-s
K3^ arrro *ix mllaa
Mom* UM-u |*T*1*I In runnlufi for of FOB SALE. W63—to
aoath ot eitpr. Jual iiorvh o' Wnhp'a
floe nutll tb<', umlrnakia- vvertakra
*1 frame lioD**: land all
level aad all lm|irovrd. Prior **ns.
t'vfiHablM iirrrr abow
arrr* oor half
splmilur n|iul lu tbr rbrumua »
Ir-Dorth e Tatra: fair bulldinin.
a<rvl koxro. .
" two wn-k a varolloD fioro abr
qnlrklp a* tbr dar to paj tbe moaiblr
IvSt <viun.

acre* black aoiI. ronuort*
all feorrd.
Will ■
Wilt gelt tbr 72', ■
ttm. In tbe laat profuaitJ
IT t.«
la B«a>d■ •borer
t<om. I
vatron. all farm laplrrarn
(rood oow Will Ukr «ood etty p
Hutuillip lati't B*oro*arll]r a vinun
erty for part to nobaoRr.
Tbr b-wlp onloD w.mM brJuBt a* rank
If II crow on a in*FUR MALE. Bra-«D acre farm abonl'fl
milr* aootbof city in Krunle nrifiliborbnod. larm' modrru hciuae, aCotie
foBudalicm. >loor iBM-mrDt. wind.
mill. UdL In II

* arntittnc <tar 1i laok#4 forarard
lib |.lro*brr bp wumaa and
flrml bp mm.

Yes. 'course it would, but
that's what
it you nee
need these
dark momings-OUR A*
wake up anybody who is
not dead or stark dcr f.

Not an unsatisfactory one
in the lot—that’s the sort
we have—^don'i cost much
—get one—and be
it’s fr

Ristirs Jmkj Sion

Citz Phone 358.

Removed to Frank Friedrich's
flew Block, 242 Front street.
Rooms I, 2, 3. Wade Bros.

....................... * • ^

Cheaper ones for zSc.
Men's all silk tecks, band bows and 1 Q
Extra good tjuaiily Golf Gloves - Qfta
4-in5hand Ties, sale price i7c &- •
Sale price-__ ___ '.....................
Boys’ Knee Pants, union cassimeres and
wool cheviots. 35c values-sale 1 R Ladies’ Ribbed Fleece Underwear 1 K
......... ..............• X V
-Sale price..................................
Men’s Union Cassimere Suits— Q KQ Ladies' Flannelette Waists .stripes QQ
$5.00 values—sale price..........
and plaids—Sale price...............
Men’s fancy Worsteds, plain Worsted I I-adies’ Wool and Flannel Waists. »75
Cassimeres. Cheviot
suits worth ;
up-to-d.-ite—Sale price................. • *
up to $6.50 each — Sale^^gQ Ladies’black flerce lined Hose-*- A'y
Sale price........................................•
Men’s Shetland Wool Chinchilla Beav- j Ladies'wool and cassimere Hose. 1 fl
er Overcoats. Sale price $i.qS Q Kf\ 1
3SCvalues—Sale price
$2.50 ank.................................. w*t^v ^ Linen Damask. Huck and Turkish TowMen’s blue and black Beaver Over- I ' els. worth up to :i<;c—Sale price 1 Q
trimmed—Sale 4*52 i ' 4c.Sc. I2C and...............................
Ladies' Percale Wrappers, some with
Men's all wool Clay Worsted Suits, high­
flounce, nicely trimmed—Sale QQ
ly tailored—worth up to $13- ^ KA • price................................................
.50. Sale price $7. 50 and ... Ladies' heavy fleeced Flannelette \\^oMen'sPieavy R^pdom Underwear— OQ
pers. full sweep.elaborateiy'trim- 0Q
Sale price.........................................‘V/vr
med Sale price...........................
fleece lined l^"dcr-^g^ $i and S1.25 all wool Eiderdown Dress­
ing Sacque. nicely trimmed-Sale ,00
Men’s heavy cotton and wool mix- QQ
ed Sweaters-Sale
lie price
A lot of Children s and Missm Tam-oshanters
values. Sale price, QK
Men's Winter Caps, up from
each............................................- An excellent quality Dress Stays AK
Bi^lcctwn of Men’s all wool 50c
assorted colors Sale price, set •'■'1/
Men's black and blue fleeced jer- QQ Curling irons
sey Overshirts—Sale price
Men’s Cotton Socks—Sale price AQ Hooks and Eyes. 4 doz.
per pair.......................................... ‘vefc/
Men's fine and heavy W'orkinft Suspend­
ers worth up to 20c pair—Sale
Men's Gloves, consisting of Mule 1 C 2C in. Cold. Taffetas, all colors (PciSkin, Goat Skin, etc—Sale price *
gram & Meyers) the "Very best.. * • ^
Novelty Silks for waists, including Plasse
Stripes. Lace Effects. Cords and KA
Persians, worfh $i aod$i.25. for
Extra heavy 6c Brush Binding, all AQ 30 in. Mohair Dress Goods in bro' AQ
you wan at per yard.....................•
cades and cnecks. worth 19c. for
2 papers full-count Pins
36 in. English ^shmere tn all col^^infor'...
200-yard spool Thread—Sale price
42 In. all wpol Camel^Kair-.^hcviols. all
Featberbone. in all colors, per
for ................................. ............ *
----BeM nickel-plat^ Safety
.QS 5$ in. Venetian Cloth in grays. RA
browns, wine and blacks, al ..
wool Ederdowns in all colors. QQ
Ladies' Leather Belts—Sale price AA
35c values for....................... .
each........................ ........................ ...

laa; larta modrru twaar. atuaa foaadattaa. ataea baaaatrpt. esa bbU
troam taoum, two maall tmiu WiU
taka farm In Oiasd Trarma oonaty
part pay. Prioa bkaaO.

morulas •f*ot apaadlat Saaday ta Urn
FOB BALK. »U-I10 aerua (ana twa

Full size 10-4 good tleece Blankets


DartBS tbr last

B o iba M. dk I. K.
palpilalLoaf Uka y




— Two (Ml Mbm
WUl taka pood baaarpaft
». J. KUlw. teoMrly In . .
PMoa raieS tStflO
ia «Ua aMr.kWMd tatatiraa ban
Saaday aad latl dt^ Mnli« tar tta FOB BALK. M8-00 oett frail farm. ‘

ir tick rroelTlim '1

*M of mru.
lu Tteb am
are treated.
Yoo Deed_
nr*- '1^
____ _
ey aj oootulUtlaa and advice arr
All tbat la aakod In rrtsro for
treatrd will ataM Co......................- .
rrooll obulnrd by their new iTairm.
All wbo call
" D{um tbe
doelora 'beK.Norrmber Vod arlll reccive tbe bmrf I
of their M-rriero qolil
cored free of

orebard. Aifeo^ will, inowiy Irarl. Thig ia the onlv >*) lot in tbi* '
Tleinity tbat oao be tmuchl for an*,
wbrrr urar Ibr |Wtcv
Prior (a.ftOO.
room*, all Rood n
rd. nraer a auile veront Uoot
tioo. Will lake part trade.
FOR MALE. Mt—Uood hnese. 6laiira<-'
room*. Rootl wrR water,■mall iBni.
larRe lot. Kichlh Mrorl. Ponh ooat
over oar half jirlce aakrd for projiIravitiR cilT. Ilpooo
Prior llfta
FOR MAI.S. mi-Oood fl room bouim
let North M

acre farm S mil*^
from pneiomoi'. rranly line. B.D
tRwriDR fruit; all Rood toll; meetly
level: flue view of city and liav.
Price SJonu.
-37 acrq* one.half
mile Maplrt.
Prniuiola. 4U0 b^r-

toil: Rood location
Price fifton.
FOB SALK, wr—flfi feci Front on
Front atrerl.Jual eaeinf Park *trri-t.
BuildisRa rent fnr to dollar* irr
b FrnntBRe bell <0 llii* Iwld at
1! let Ihl* «n al
Sl»ft I*r I
about i, wlial I i, *vorth.
• l,iot Froo
!ALK. VK-Unod lltc 1
laTRe lot,
KiRhIh «lr>wL
S^Tfra.^W'-nt «>o’tn).
• ru. Price
Wr-Hevenly-flvc fret
front on Hnlou »trr.-t belwc-n M*-vceth aod EiRlilb •««t -ide of etrret,
Sft fcx'l vnranl. *-*> fr«'l larRe etuic
bolMiDR. il- feel email l.ouN . Pi«|>• rty i* rented for S»l l-ct mouth, b
well worth .■t .Vki dollar*, hot awo>-r
wi*he* to ■rll. hence lo#
Price S2fton.
FOR SALK, Wn—Six room bonae.
■torn- foondatioo, *touc bexrmmi,
Wret Ninth sirrri.
Ka*y l<-ra*.
Price SMO.

No tick BUB or woonD abould fbit
lo eoDtnlt tbeee eminent rpneUI
It it tbe Rieauel opportnnty uf
10R8ALK. W-KtRlit room boaae.
.iek mnn'a life. OfBee boon V a
and lot fidxlAt. Bixih *tr>«t. Jut
to 8 p m.
aerou LDivUlun.
Room fnr
or Hirer mote hnaaea. Low
|wiee. eo*y irrm*. PrieeSIlOO.
FOR SALE.twO » aerro limber land »
1-t of M. W. >, Sen. n'W-IO: will
ZftO.OOO hemlock, Sfto.ond, maple
crl a.........................................
70.U» elm and ba«>wood.
' Ilevel rvmd
all tbe way lo <i. K. A I..1
8. W. MayneTd.
• vonr eve*, hrlievr what they
: 'don't take the irord ef local
Uiai are
partiroI that
me- Theywill trllyoa a
fairy ule.
Price *1600.

Removed to Frank Friedrich's
New Block, 242 Front street.
Rooms I, 2, 3. Wjde Bros.

We have a nomhrr of faanraina in
ity and farm property that will par
to iBvrotiRa

(ewrai ifci. nMit'ea ea
*w) e.*M>cter iMr eltlei
lwi.4 U*. zmdar^i
I >4 Brvwe aM) E,aa]i**i>‘«i.

I Removed to -Frank Friedrich's
: New Block, 242 Front street,
Rooms I, 2, 3. Watts Bros.


______ new modern ImaiDraa block.
ernirally localrd, that ran* not the
Ulh dav _______________
of Nhvember. Weiuve
thefwoprriy at SK.UOO. It u <
and flood Invrolment at Uiat |*iee.
We barn endeavored lo (el aa eztanoption
time, benoe offer.
lhe*<ql«tro to^hnnde<i
Bode'i dollar*
. . next -................
three deye
-ye anlr**
anlree toonrr
• • Tbe
idrniiiHi Ilo
d ocr 0|itioti
I* 111.*00. Jt i* our optnleo when oor

mk .Ha. |e<vv.
____ _______
bave oMlon o I Tf. feet
ffoot, Jolt mat
of Park atreru will afaave v<
veiy eloee.
aa oor time ia almoet np.
[>. ai
nod owner
rofoaaa to extend. A fltrwl ■____^
mvaarou ar<- i-ontrmidaled far neat
MoaoD thnt wilt ioerraar Ibe valae of
aJI propert.v in thla rexion. 1«ih city
ODd farm protr-rty Wr dn not believe
\ Jbat at anv time doriaR tbe exiatene
of Traverae Oily there baa baa aa
brlflbt proaprou for a raiae In valae
BOOMS 1, Sand a
of read ecuu. both Imiwoved ana aniafvarad. na there ia nt tbe preaenl
FOB SALE, ea—ModofB tare
la^ taawBUtat. I
OOee t^D every evenlsfl tiU 8 p.—
rtnb «Mt, eloaa In.


FOB SALE. ers-Forty acna.
^ Bad laka. Baa*, .waur
artdrr: wraty-flv_____________
-lea* (ban ooa th«uaDd dollan 19

• JfiM dm
— Oarter'a mllL----------------------ud alaafffaurboaar; aboot Ova
all I
A Ko. I eankro apoR. PriM SIHO.




FOB SALS. *n-Tire food lata. Bmaab fiTtmae. batwnrfl Batro and
Omt atTMU, Borth fid* tl n------Irra), eorarod with oak abaWa 1

Always on the hustle, elwiye
glad to see you. Wake mera
ssifs, have larger lists tbeo all
the rest put together.
We have moved our office to
242 Front street, Rooms I2, 3,
Frank Friedrich's New 81^
242 Front StrMt
Renogred to Freak Friedrich’s


rmu mrmtmn ssooid. tsat






■ cRT/noB^ MOSrsAT. ooconKtt. im

. laeaiva the aarllcst eaatald- Gravel. I lead at
GraM finite * tadtosa Br., «ml
eratlea a*d to abeat the (oUewlaf or­ Row *tre« aesrei—
8. Ubm amcc. CMaB totam asc.
ISOfeet lAdn pipe.. .WAS
Bigtath atrm maniga of U« iVn der. or each bloeka of rach aa may
or (to cm cmco mt tt» cm
maa. halt day. ....
he deame
deemed expedNat
the couartl:
MarqmdU R. R. in yoor
Jute : poaeda..... IM
- *t atreet
Thla muter vUI be takva ap to tb*
Lead. IM pogada... TAb—«
toloa itnwL
ngnlar order of bualMUi and will twBwnlar »wUu of citr Cmu
Rodmaa aervlcc*. • daya.....<
■ire pfompt attaBUao.
to comcil nam OctMivr tl. IMl.
Work at cemetery,........................
An toapaftloa of the cromtoi* alll
to orOfT in J-.W. Pitcfcto.
^vel to (rmaat
urdoubUdly be made by thla departwalk
at M. A N. Z. depot...«

t. aad ym will be adrted M the
elaylBg pan of walk arrooa
iUoe or othervlie.
died for Buefe inweettoB. to orfraal oa Park.............................
. that the rtly he property reprer Afafally cea
ravel to croaasralk........................
«Agu* ot lut re.
uy kind* of paveme - Ualoodlag stone cniihlr aad
rem««tfally yoora.
were read aad oppr^^.
gleaning up tool bouae.-----Csaiic 8. OoBOB-V.
' coadltloo. lead o*
reiaiOM -and oohhl'mcathe condualon reUtlve to the kind of Grading.tor coacreto walk... ■
be plarad upon tbeie aeV- Gravel. Ilfi Isodi atlOc a toad.
Moved ^AM. Glllrtt that the 'lame
ffoeoroMr JCofor, «ad CUr
a lollowi
ptoied OB &!' .
Bonding SIS rods of aldewolk
e f«ol*
- ' - FXrrrrr rtfy. H(<*.
on BIxteeeth atreet at SOe a
Kroni atreet—Pram Vnion ea»i ic
o Ike Moaor kir Mayor, and Cifp Park, with vltrlOod brick; from l-nlor
CoBBrU of 'rarerte City. Mtrk.
to Oak Bireeu. with macadam:
r»eldror» uo ««« ■:*
Park atreet eaat to O. R. * I
i-WIth thi* wr hkBd
trr»t lirterr* Tweini)
you the deed pf <r<wt tide t'Blon Chapel
Ireotb dtreru. It {wmlwli
•nclrty. All Uiv legal requlmneBU
lldlog aidewa'K for H. * N.
KTUili-d I ecrce to ctnapir «Hi>
here been ronpllnl
Caw atreei
qu««t Ibet yon pey the .
ridge, with vUrlBed brick.
d!re<ilr to the rlly Itbrary tniMoee.
labor 00 Rose atlfct.
State street—Prom I'aloa alrefet ti
MiLUkrir. Secretary.
going Into hay..............
Jen» 'i
Boardman aveaue. with vlirfBed brtbk; General cleaning..............
S fiS
“. W IU»
Bd L
that tt
Hored by Aid. Ronsd
Kallraad Oeanlng rrooawalka. .
IS 61
. Woi*>.
tU< l» rrsDied.
e. w-lib maradaa
leanins up from ron Crete
r« Ikr HvmofUr Mtvor. «»
Moved by Aid Glllrtt that the mayor
elaylDgcndt of ctoaswailu b)
t usau-tj «; 7r«t«r*e
. the last polni upon
ipiiolBl a eommlilee to work altb IIronrrvtr walks. .........................
■rary truatee* to repair diaprl and the corngiltlee were to report.
Drawing plan and laying floor
"Mrlhodi of AstesameoU," tbe com­
In tool bouse..................................
to ny reeid*iice at »1 W, Berealh um over Ibe balance of the purrbaae mittee have carefully examined the
Drawing grave! oner ssatet
ir petniMlOD le granlod I price :o the libr.iry
plans adopted In tbe various munlclC'jrrIM.
ma:o 6b Waablogton streeC
1 «
»eree to '«IM arrordlng to ordlBaarea
palHlHi and conalderlng our rondlnullng over sfooe........................
The mayor ai icoli
govemlBg the aaine.
00ns. win resrommeod that the city
mltlee. Alda. GUI and bio. king walk on
pay for paving all atreet and alley
I nlon and From Krvst*.........
Inlersertlots only, and that prtqierty
rosswalk* acraaa Eighth on
_______ jg Crrr. MUh..
bolclera pay for laving to Ibe middle
Ort. :iu. IMl.
t'ass. Uav atrret by crmnted
(he /foecroble Mapor. and City of the nre.1 line fronting their proi
'c/BiHI ol Trarersc City. Mic'A.
t.-mh. alley Uiwnva From
To thr llomumble Jfoyor. oad TUr
The rommlltee Is alio of the opli
0>viiJ.w>.\—I hereby submit
roearU of Traieree CUp. Mirk.
approval of jour honomble body a '.on and ret-ommead that Ibe property
street, ...............................................
US. Oeeruatax-We. the naderalcii'
of land Ijing wllhin the limit* holders lie glveo I wherever desired) Uigging
up and .lowering
od, pelllrfM
hoBorable body to
•liy whirh wish to c haagr by the privilege of the five-year annnal
gravel over aatrr main by
order a aMroalk built oe the veal
-nlngg Pioot atreet 17 feet un the payiDeDt plan for tbe payment of Un
Kyselka'i .-md drawing aanu
aide o: 4‘aae atmt rram Elerenlb to
sod i.arrowing the alters proportion of any paving ux. and «
I'lriteBtfa atretdt.
if Front utrrel and cast of the city's portion be annually rala
Tawiiig gravel to cvoMaalk
RoaperiruOy eebnlllrd,
Ivni^w'u Ilrnt from U lo 2i feet In th- slrrft district fund according
ct. Hay street...............................
P Ilerrr II. Vranw. Mra Bnnia. Mra.
amoving the alley aa dns- In the provisions of the charter. The nn.liing and dlgglog up wewUratlniton. Mr*. J. 1>. Bnrkb^. 8.
tgnalrd of aald f.latt between and par­ flv- year pUn wll! not make the burden
K. OreeyMi. Mr*. E. Mrt}lU. A. 'W.
allel with dray and C'lUnge avc nue*. cxecasive and Ihe pruvlslnn entire will
Yonae Hr* Ne.bonar. Hre. J. N
lead to early and extensive knproreHoping that au.h rhangea will
SIrkIra. R Cnln
•ur approval.
whtrh I hients whli4i from the present appear' all nf.wl
u'rP^hVk^'oD Slat-’Moved by AM Olllatl that the peClnre nf our alTe-Ts. »ui-)i a plan would
lloe be referred in rOBlDliMee on atreela
leet a-lib universal faS'or.
U a Bar.
and nalka.
The rammlltee wll! say li
Moved by Aid. Gllloll Ihul the
on wllb this report, that it e "sueet
To iSr i/.m.«fcle M^r. oad fi/p
district fund" raised
il* yrar
D BtreeU aod wtlkr.
up ronruearil of Trorrrtr Vilp. Mit*.
ie<l lo be tuneleoi
.1 win in.
*«. OrkTia.Nf.*—We. the undrra-Kfii-ash purchase o,
0 fAe McaoroWe Mapor. oad-CHy
walk tiinlirr.................................
f>d oBrera of the Modem Woodmen of
r. engine and < riishcr and alao an
ruuaHI of Trorrr*r City, MirA.
Asierim hi^br petIUon yoor honor­
ml sufflrien* lo pay the city * pro­
in. c;,*„.,M>:*-lB tbr malirr
O, I» C.vao*. Cbalrman.
able braly for lb ■ uae of ativrta on the
portion on the "Inlerserllon" plan as
aicr pipe and newer whlc* was 1
M, Clerk.
.ren'ni of Nov. t. 1»0J. for the above
herein te.-omiuemlei! for a forly-llve
-rreri lo thi* board, we would tepe
M iv.nI i.v Aid. Ibiagbey that the ae
naneri aoeletv’a rlreet parade, rreallier
1 nriy ibousand dollar "permaneDl
> follow*:
juntN la- bUow.nI and warrants -Irawn
permllllng. olbenriar the
uae of
treei exi>enOiti
We rtc-ommencl the Jajing of wal
■r III- »"n-ral smoiigl-.
vrelk*. We (lau agree lo keep good
.The rommlltee have
ipc on said »tr—t a* noon a* aewer
be povlnx qiielllon an 1
Reapertfuily MibtoUted.
gem Invi-Mlgatlun. ami hereby i
-n. Hough'-y. Cn'inlngbam, Hound
JiBinrii Sums. Clerk,
mend that the .-arllesl action
actioo b
■ the lioai
loll* O. 8raiu a. V. C.
hciae siipcrv|*lnn tbe work would to the end that thi- work of pa
Moved by Aid. nilletl that the pHI1 prner<-ss In the early s
i.d-ably lie donOct. II. IM
lloj be granted.
Slgne.1 liy the paving efi lAe lt..m.rohtr Mapor, oad r'tly
• twrriad.
C'licH.vl ..f rroiwrsr <Mfy, Mic-A.
.o f»e MoNomUe Mayor, and CHy
V, F. Ilorcm v.
I.. • .kitauiv—rieose pay the f.
roaarlj of Traivrae rilp. Mirk.
O, I*. Caaiix.
to the .11
SSr. C.KVTIiiUN—I. the uDderalgned.
munlc-atlon uc- adoplc-d.
ur honorable body
We a<k to haV.' this plared on file.
M0V.-.1 by AM llumnton that the
Yea*-Aid*. Maialltcn. Sleder..,0i1
a half and remodel
del my bouae
loll. Itouahey. Cd.-inlngham and Koubd. rejort Iw re.* ive.1 and placed on ble.
li. Johnsi.r
c:i. ID the r
uoalilA) M-r.
Ac Mon.>roMc Mapor. and dtp
eel i)> I
l.l.iX.vii T.-Uu.b..t.
•■.an. if of Tcoc ric rifg. Mi.'A,
dir W.
It K I. A I'ow
Moved by AM RIeder'tl
1 was referred thi- plat to the AhHon lie graded,
OoSji resort, presenieil by the East
Gr.nin Iii'j
«t II-----earned.
a—Aid*. Hamllloa. Slccjer. OH- Hey l.uniler fo.. will report that the
letl. Beughey, Cu.intrgham and Hound. .w-nor* simply desireil lo pla.e the
in: l‘i•i«MiM"- d.iys at (I'.cu .
.baellh oOrlal.
Dt> on sail- ami g-vc a title by lot
ule ValDiw. r.'.dars nHl.ui
IB Ann Arl«r. rii.ira.|i.y and Krldciluml. r. Th.- i-haHer. bow-ever. doe*
»1, Clover, r.-: days at $1.60
Nov tl and
rAe M»a»rolilc Moyur. ond City ini require the a>->epiaa.e of such
. fjn.-k.
1 r. .uevN n> |1 r,o
To m.-h Mayor. Meaiber of Coaiaaoe
s l»- the ritv tint It dAe« require
Cnuartl of Trarc-ric Clip, tlirk.
.i..l,Hu.IhiK. i:-.lys atfl-bB
CoaB-lf. Pr. i(d. a< oaif Trtttrr c.f
at th.-y IH- flbsl with Ithe .liy elerk
iltwu.ut * Voui c-omniiitre np•m. M.-c.nvI
I1.IVS. at lift.
<1 VIIMpr. r;ert c»*,rr and Mr.-.
Id regis^.-r of beds prc'
ntc-d at a regular mci-liOR held In
..n Krmiw.sD, .la>-y at
hrr of o f.o-ol
of f/eaKA in
< rouocll rooiD*. to iaveatlgntc and
clay* ui
rc-iwrt upon irtrccl invlng, beg leave;
Tbe .eiumltl'V■ have so adviw
Itv:... ....
l>»:»u Sia—The Hfih general eonferFassK lUuim
I rciKirt iLs folluwa:
Im M.-Cime, :. t ilys ai ll..:o
enrr of the lieallh ofBeeri and ci '
i.»kl-|l Sl.llH.U.
Immediate atcp» *erc taken to oaT.1TO F..II y, <: b'v* it,
benllh offlrlala m Michigan wll
!■, Hoi.jiii
naln Ibe feasIblUty lif rompMlnc
John Tulinan. * 1 - dys at tl.ft
held In Ann Arinr on ThniMlay
]> work during tbe rummer muntha.
8tr.s-<* and W:
fte-r due consldemllon. tbe cummllllamlllon that
Hesaw. : - (JnysTil
ameallr ‘lopcd :hal your Icoard
on I-- adople.1
lee found Ibu murfa |>rrllmlnary work
era*-. : J da}-* at
win Arrange to »ond ymir health onc­
I Smith. '
er. or at leaat one delegate to thla con
Veae-Alds H.-ml.lon, Sled.-r, Gfl
water pl|>rs on Front urect: tbe plao. Stein. 1 day at ll.fti____
V. H-iugh.-y. Cutmii.gliam and Koand. Frank Skder. I ..'ay* nt ll.ft>
■legmph and lelepbouc |>ele»: the
3^i hours at t>kThe object* -if the ronfeirnie arc- lack of proper mirhlnrry and material.
» lAc ffoaoroUc Mayor, aad CUp
lobn vTr^
day at ll.fti..
The prraenlatlnh of fart*. anS the gen
r.HiN.-il of Trorerse City. .MirA.
e'ceaoary mrvey*; all oervej lo
eral comparianti of v-lew». on aulijec-i*
13. C.» \n I.MI N—We. your csimmlllei-.
ccmvincc Ibe c-ommlttce that It would
relatlig to public health work, by the
> whom was r.-t.-rml the recommrn
lie imiKiiwIble to rompletr . any work
health offlccTa md other ebdegate* of
Ibla aiveoB. The coDmlttcc, however,
Grand total.................... .............I tIS C
local board* of hedlb among them
■latlvc lo the piiri-haar nf two Inis
as welt as other memlicrs of the coun­
aeliea. and niih the membea of the
cil and Hoard of l^ihlli- Works bars en- adjoining the tool house on the west
;J. W, UiljiKVN. l•f.■s..Ient.
Slate Bmrd of Health. *
deavcxred to ascertain adl the neres- ilde. h>>g l.'ave to r.-|mn In favor of
. J. Fii».iii u. SerrMary. 1
ThI* will not he n inodiral ranvrn
sary Ipformallon obtainable In tbe
Move.| ihy Aid. Garrison that he rame
Cion: It I* for all health oarer* and
abort time allotted them, regarding
. allowfd and warrant* drawn on the
delcgtalea. profe >» and noo-profe*
the kind of paveinnit beat adapted lo
n'.T fiin.l for iV amounts.
atonal. It i* hoped that all pfaane* of
our use. and the methods employed lo
pnhIlc heaUh work will lie dealt with
Committee on Rlreet* and Walk*.
other rllle* which have proven aali*
by nermin* artually engaged In ihMoved by Aid, Ibitighey that he re
factor), and the eommlilee will en­
tt, Ibmgbey,
aork and propo«IHon dla<^lr|tc^t aUi.-h
net In' .adopte.l and Ibe mayor and
deavor Id Incorporate herein and from
will be to the advantage of every roni
lerk In- aulhoriretl to purebase the
me to lime r-port such suggeatlcin*
mnnlly repreaerted.
• they deem proper.
Thla eonferenco of health offirlal* I*
Tbe kind ol pavement lo Im- used fn'
held for the benefit of every looalllv
le airrcl* of TravcTSe Clly should
Voas-Alds . Hamilton. Sbder. Oil
i-ifrc d. 'I'hal the rouncll grant
ped that many
. :,i.d Hound.
cfbpend largely upon Ibe present and •Ut. iN-iighry
>n to J. W. MllUken to vulU
eIrfBie* there, pro«p<TtlriC travel on rai-h atreet or
dlreet braefll*.
wall OB the east side of Cass
block, nr the klod nr klods Icest
Bverv atatc nlicl Ica-al oBlrer will prol. adaptnd 10 our uae lo order lo gel the
if Traifrar
e feet f
.vbly learn mart, thv will enable h m
beet results- obeicu-ratlons In the dlfferlot Un.
tp io belter aenloe In guarding the
■d the petition for
bom was referred
Moved by Atil. Itodghe.v that the r
pnliUr health. '
.rth side of F.a*t
... that 00 one hind nf pavement I* fault- sidewalk
It I* believed that any rlty or v
■n Grant
and Kobe iluilon Ik- adopted ns trad.
c*». A well rnnstructecl pavement of Eighth stiwi b.-iw.-en
Mov.nI I !■)- Aid. HamlUoD. at 1
lage eon legally nnd properly aend
ireel, W lea'
.. . .
kind is. perhaps, tbr flrai ronslderimendmcmi. that the rssiolutlon
delegate. Tbt* lewrd bollrve* this
build a .e
1 and It will be the aim of the omrhe Ime or It yrnuld not have railed thi
we believe, lo abaelulely guard
II 1*
I* hoped, alao.
1st r«'r. cheap mainHal or meth-- mende<l that no more orders In> taken
many township* not lea dlauV.
ind we ran only recommend that. SO
even distant one.- II spM-lally rBpo>ed
cinerlls of the many kinds—the eom far as hnllding a <emcnt walk, but It
id. Itoughey that when
to Ihr InlrcJurtlon anci spread of dt
rlttec are* of the opinion that tbe city .■huuld be postponed until another year.
o adjourn.
e adjourn to me«-t Ocahtnild adopt, and hereby recommend; Wc hereby iwommend that 11 lie built
iInm- Jx. at >
I early as niav be the coming spring.
Vitrified brick for the buslBeas por­
FakVK lUuiiP.v,
tion sod
anftrtenl prscilriil Impcrfanre to the
Macadam icruahed stonel for sealire a I
delegate*. In future work for their
E, I*. Ibifoiirv.
•nce streets a* the otandard paveaeretal loeaIn>*. to well repay the c>ir pf doga running at Urg
Commltjef OB RiVeets nod Walk*.
net* have
penae Ineunod bv their locatitlea In
Moied by Abl RIeder thal'ihe report
pood. br
aradlag them lo this conference.
le adoplid.
:o eighteen yean,
Beprracnuilces from the mediral de
the city win have no trouble In aecnrpartnrni*
wherrot it it tbe duly of all
Yeas— Hamilnm. Sledet. Gil:og a ten pierantee from rellsSIe
Navy, ai.i............
oar* to make applliation to tbe
tl. Boughey, Cunningbaij and Round.
roniraclora under bond. A hrlrk paveand from the Kureau of Animat in
Tk for a Ileenae (o faarlNir the
Aid. Gacrison now appeared aod look
I* aanllary. easily rleancd. snrduntrc r. 8 IVpvrtment of Agrlrul
esBily restored when broken:
lure are expect *; lo le present from
Tkrrrforr KrtoWed. Thai
nol require skilled labor: and we
Washington at thla ronlerence. and
the preoenl
preoent pound
th.- miyor requl
10 reason, why after the first aea- of Water Commlasioners. made 1 ver
to either read taper* or Join In the
foree tl
tbe ordld of master to at ii
|be work -sanot all br done by lial r-'i-ort In r.-gard
dlaeuaalon of the subjects to he pre
the imponndtni
e pumping ffacll-l
• people at a less cort fhan conkented. and thus aid la the aocceoa of
trari work. -We believe It more eeo- works.
Ibe codfetrnee.
K'r.i.-of ficnf.cT. That nereosary
Moved hy Aid Sleder that the matter
lOffllcal *ln Ibe end for buslnes* secYour boarl of i.ealUi Is utgently so
ppolmeo.1 he added to eomplete the
ion* than macadam and we are thereHcilsd to s*i)d SI least one delegate
ork wlibln tbe next thirty day*.
vrred to eommlilee on fire and scaler
ore inclined, in some dlstrlcta. to
lo ihl* eemferesre.
Moved by Aid. SMer that tbe reaolu
work with the water commission
.nl'cipBte the burlnrs* distriet for the
A program a lll be Issued later.
cr l-e adopted a*.rend.
lett ten yesr* and
and report at aomr folure meeting
By dlreelicRi of (be Slate Hoard <
For light tn«c.
Yeas—Alda. Hamilton. Sledrr. Gil­
Verv respectfnlly.
len. Itoughey, Cugnlagham. Ronwl and
Ibe Moaorabfe Mayor, ond CU
ItrrcaT B. B>gga. H. D..
"oaaril of TroKrtr i'Hp. Mirk.
NTsTTVirxT nr nokgii or rvauc woax
Mirhlcaa Slate Board of Health. OOc
Its.—We do herliy rertlfy to Uif com
of the SerreuiTT-baaalag. On.
dcnce po.nloa as weU should receive cll of aald city that the followlag
Jfcsulred. That the F<
Immediate attention.
R. R.rCo. be ordered
St of r
ready to
aMre the tnc]
adorn, but
ae irark llnea, end 10 replank where
•to Sle
receltc. at at
eceaaarr the two Unes croaalng Bay
and tbe c
■railgaUtm. W
tre.1 we« of the water worLo.
or place where rurb material w
Oct \i. IMI.
onitilon also that with o
Rcsuli ea farfAer. lhat the clly clerk
or labor perfermsd:
Hov. Jobs W. Panutix, May«r.
re aha ...........................
notify the company of thla action.
Traverse C<lr MIrh.;
rnsnetK-y atreeta w
Moved by Ala. Boughey that the
xamuAL t *gn.
SIT. Dcas Bib—I bau your Inter of
raolutlon be adopted.
labor on ceiaeat walk*...............I
October IS with enckwed ropy of rtso
lutloB recently adopted by the common
Year-AbJ* rlimlltan. Sleder. 011Coarae sand, S( toad* at
^ council of y<»r city, calling atteotioe
«. Boughey, Cnaatofbxm. Round aod
Tic per lead...............M
Flee aoBd. II loadB at
the B. Eighth
stroet Was
neper toad,............. T ?•
•ad B. Fnat street craostags of the panat ta oU. Tim tonstta Maad^








. _
Publk Wort* be^ortowd to tarild

duoro of th* puPtoaoar mi aaOse, th*
fctod or aatare of th* —irr'Tr or ________________________Jlr nnjMMfl
thing atod, the gr«M and nrt wulghta. the vmrtou tod* ag Mtowa;
tSLscKOM' ssuvaiaa pcira.
and the ntooun; of feug

biBUoB be adopted.
Yeas—AJda. Hamilton. Stoder. OUtt, Boughey. Cot Bingham Rnsiad

Jaaltors- pay roll for Oetoher. ___
iBctBCXTsi. gxfgnag rrxa.
t peewoe frua vhea Fay Dawley, ctaoalag BoomurfoTtoed. the foOovvtlle arboM hulMlBg..............I
Jaara Averr. clsaalng fnranet
and rhiaaey at BonoevUlt.
Frank Lahym. frel^t and

;| Rcsolreir^rul^ Btard of I
r Work* be ordered lo grade aod
gravel gneh perttoa of the new market
file aa will, in iheli
the proposed needs
Itrioirrd farlkrr. That the Board of
Fubt c Works aak for bids and parrhase a set of I-'nirbank* arale* to br
placed on or near, the preaeni
lie to >» known ae clly acalee.
Moved by Aid Garrlaon that tbe reglutlon be adopted
Yeas—Aids. HamiUon. Slodei
•tt, Boogbry. Cnanlr-ghim Ronnd and

:5I. Ifcsuft-cd. By the Common Coua•II of the city of Traverwe City, and
aald Common Council doe* hereby de
Clare that It is necaasarr. to pave the
several atreet* of said rliy of Traverae
City hereinafter named with
pavement. Of herrafier named, and
that tbr Hngrd of IhlUit- Worka of
laid clly In. and are hereby dlrtvled
to driermlne the particular klod. and
ewtimale the quantity of material
- used ib.-refor. and estimate In
11 the pruliable expense- and coat of
iih work, and cause to In- prepared.
flcailons. pi

hla oOce from ueven o ctoek
— —ruing until tlx octoek to the
errulng of eaeh areolar day.,
SecUon «
No persoa In charge of
any load or loads of hay, ‘
produce or other like o
Kk. ahall bet
aund. for the purpooe of tarter. .
any of the feltowlng named aireeu
ll^ld c‘ly to-wlt:
Jfcoat atreet from Vnlon street east
(^Boardman arenue;
Vnlon atreet
from North Vnlon atreet bridge -to
Roulb Vnlon atreet bridge: Coat ttieel
from Front street to Slate atreet.
Aad it shall be uaUwful for aay perto stop or detain tbe owaer or perbarlng In charge aay such lead or
loads of hay. straw, vrood, produce or
other commodity of like character. 01
etock, for the purpooe of aollcltlng tbe
purrbaae or wale thereof, upon aay of
the abore named atieet*.
Senioo T. AH load* of hay, itraw.
rood produce nr other rommedltr of
Ik* •Uaraner. or Block brooght npon
tbe market prorlded for in sertion one
of this ordinance, ahall aland thereeo
In such order nt shall be preacribed
by aald welghmaster. and onid weigh
ler shall destgaale tbe place* In
market where animals may be ex­
posed tor sale, aod all peraons ovrolng
or bavlok In chtrge any load or loads
of bay, atraw. wood, produce or other
ily’ of like character, or stic-k.
upon aald market pUce. ahall rotrlrtly
comply with the rule* and regulations
................................................... for

1 M
• M
St M

City of iraverae CUy. 1

Sllve’r'tbirdeu A Co., allm^
_ arrlea......................................
Oliver. HurdeAt A Co., ragnlar
music books.
Thomsi Charleharlre Co., drawing

41 fit
f n

lemas Cbarlea Co., kindergartcn supplies..........................
Appleton A Co., hooka fur
grade library..................................
N. iiiNM. aouks rvan.
emer R.-faool Hook*

f Tl

t »
lyaard. Mrrrill A Co., wort
I 4*
iVNi-axarg n xn.
O. r Carver, pteralaa*. .. .9 18 4«
n-o. rt'tra,
Larkins. I.OM-lb atrk .

Front street—from fnlon east
I'ark. allh vitrified briek: from I'ol
to bridge with talck. from Vnlon
lo Oak a:
Moved by Ur Pope that the iwpert
t to G. R. A
■ adopted and cnlrrs drawn oa the
illroad crusilng. w ih macadam.
Cnlon sireet-fron
Bay atreet 1
Section ». II shall In- the duly of
.-nth slreei. with vi rifled brlrk.
ic welghmssier to pay Into tbt r«y
Taxvi-as* Cinr. Mich..
Cam strroi-from
easiiry on Monday of earh week, all
Oct, II. IMl.
rblge-' wwh vltrlflej
moneys received by him In Ibe pnrau..soruMc Board of Edaealto*
State Nire
Ihe prerloB*
u.rne fH|r. Mlfll:
rdman avenue,
with v
:nrn from Ibe
t Cramer barfrom Hoar.1i
treasurer a proper receipt for the Ing paiisaed the required 1
gnterslgned by tbe for cll;
■ We would reopMrl—from Park street bridge .mount thereof, countenlgiied
ibr aame-lline rerlOetl brick,
three yean.
rlstin that the
tailed sutemri
ring tbe Bourre
V.-ry ^M^eetfully,
am. If suoptea.
from which auch money,
ey* were tecelrCarried
he Iwoki kept by aald welg'jk’ H RviiCB.—AI'l* ll.imilton. Sleder.
open at all time* for
Tll.uts II. SlIBMUI.
•it. Hnnahcy, C.innlngham. itoon.l
Inspection of the clerk, treasurer,
- Itro- of ihf.
Ihe council an
Move.1 by Mr llamratfod that th#
-solution to inspect the' ■l~in In- received and adopted.
in.- ffe*..|ie,f. That Ihc city cler
rang atBinb<.rl*e,t to ask for sealed bldi
shall In- g
taking n
icam r<«.l roller*, i-a.-h weighing
more fees than Jt presrrIiNNi In tills Estimated numle-r of mllestraveied. IM
reive an.! fifleen loos
said bl(
ordinance, nr wlin shall In- gollly of Sumlier of. hnm. c visited, where
.- In and oiN-a.*] Monday at
toy frnud or pc-ulatlon In his olfire.
.hllUirii were nut of arbool......... 41
cl.N-k. 1" tn..'NovemlN-r lith;
shall, in addition lo the; punlebmenl
Niimbir of tliiK^ vltlted. schooliun.-ll in n-wrv.- tin- right to r
. lie removed
hcii -c*. ... o
.................................... U
cv an.1 all bid*
om oBlce by the Common Connril
Mnv.Ni l.y Aid. Hamilton That
8e.ilon 10
Any violation, or fallElmwood
'S..lnM..n ty adojrte,!
ra la r-omply with the provisions of
Hos rdman
OJk I-ark
Y.Bs- Abl., I
line exceeding one hundred doltl. Boughey. C.
Ur*. anil ccua: and In Ihe Imposllioo
r »r pa.1.
fine and coats. Ibe court may
further senlenre that the of- Siimlier of inicnii taken befors
fen.ler Shall be committed to the eoun
Juilxe KulN-rts .....................................
Jail of Grand Traverse county, until NumlN-r If irusMs token to Jail.
i.-if ..f Triice same In- paid, for a iN-rlnd not exiimlN-r of iriiama out i» anate-nil-Nl w-ot.-n.e...................................... I
-NN-dlng ninety «l*ys. II.
This ordinxo.e sball
F th HsBvnr.
if premb.-s within the llmlU
ke .-ff.N-1 In twenty d*)-s afler'lts
Moved by Hr. Hnmi.iood that Ibe
<‘lty. to w-hirti
1DI' IN. acii-ptiNi anil pived on file.
-chn.).- nr
-es ahall iM-tong
Mov.nI by AI.l Sleder thwm-llon l»
and ’
b shall Is- standing ur growRupi -Horn rep«rtr.l collected
rsiINined until next meelKg.
ing 1i
ly street, alley or public
Carried. nonr.aldent tullion fo- October.
■ bin Ihr .-nrporate llmlta of
Moved I.v Mr. I'ope that tbe
Alll .il>, rhall at all time* k.-cp safd
A land cnnlra.-t l»-tsreen the llanla.ed 01- file.
h::.:- Ire-s
idmme.1 that *1) limb*
ih A 1.ay Co ami the city of Trav
in.l bran, liro thereof shall l«e at l"**t ■Tse City for market site was read
Hu.- fn-i from the siirfs.-e of aji
Moved by Abl. fuBotngham that the
provldi-d. that
aynr and clerk and city attorney be
It shall ii..t InniNiw.-rert to i-otnplete the roDlncl.
shade trees to
Y>as— Hemillon. 8b*ler fflt(l"-rt or refusal of such owow
it noiigbey. Ciinningbaifi. Roand an-l •mpowered t
:o so trim such shade tree* on
111. 1st day of May.’A. D..
s-ilhin fire days after recelvn th'. plan of tear!
-blag th*
iiond of James Avery a* rlly acavnotkr from the council lo trim enger was presenled aad read.
Urn Oak
such shade trees II shall In- the
Moved by Alll Itoughey that the
of tt»- Hoard of !*ubUc Work* to
Moved by Ur
and he arcepled
- sii.-li shade trees to lie trimmed
of the sui-erlntr
e manner herein required, and all
De.Nl of alley to'cliy. In the rear of Oak i ark klouergarten be sccupteo.
end exiN-nse of trimming auch
he Traverse Citv Wagon Works was
• tre«-s iin.l.-r the direction of the
Mox-d by Mr. Ho> t that we adjourn.
resent'd and read.
BnaM of l* Work* shall be rhargCarried.
-Moved by Aid Sleder that IheAeed
Inst the lot or premises for the he ac-epled hy the Hly.
_ Cuss. M. Bran*, aerk. ,
l»nelll of whl.-h such se.rvlroa are pek
formed and ahall In- a Hen thereon,
-r1aon that we adMoved tiy A
As I -iig ag.. as luTU iljr silk loduslry
d shall In- collected In the same Jouro.
In Ksly -iii|.l.iv.-d HDsii men. IRLnner as other apeclal aaaeatmeBU
iss. H.-nxm Rii.l T.;nisi ct.lhlrru.
r collerled.
«. H. Bms. City Clerk.
T-'rll.le r-e.-t flr.t ban- raged la
Section I This ordlna
oil.) I«irt« Ilf Norway and Rwedeo
effe.1 In tw.
orririAi. viwm-eedincu
>1. romnier. .-au«;ng heavy liaises.
JLgl.1 mlllLNi five hundred tfaooaalid
Moved J.y Aid. Garrlsoa that the or
lisve ilnHr lives Inanredt
Inanre In- adopted.
oord or EdwrollMi of the
(fir «
1st Is. m iNT .* Bi of Uie |■IItnllltoa.
All ..i.ii.-e of giftl was worth fifleen
Yea.—Aids. Ilamilloii. Sthder. CllRegular meeting of Board of Edn •ipore. ..f Sltver In y«- y*wr IMO. It
■tl. Gougher. runnlagham. Round sod
iilon held lo raunril room Ort, IJ
would buy I u-»Nity-one nurxNw In IMO.
Garrison. '
Then- sre iiM-rv lO-wspaper* pubMeevlng rolled t- •order by J. W: l.-tHNl la luw-a. In lo tti*
16. An ordinance designating a markatrhlb.-pmldenl,
rhalr. ,
for the sale of hay, Mraw, wood.
Isquilntl'P. than lu uuy other ouie of
Hammond'. Foote Ibe Fnl-.n.
Ike rommoditle*. and
inn, Hoyt,. i'ope and F’sircblld.
provide for a wrlgbsto-'k. a
S'HudsN II !• a vnraeloua reader,
and J W Paicbln.preal.1. iiullke hi. twcd.NN-sa.ira oil lb*
Minutes of last r>'gular meeting were
Jtr If Ordatai d bp lAc Visacif of Trar
nme .d II...Nta. a luau of twtlmlto
read and approve.1,
Section 1. That t • following de ~o Ih- Honorablr Board of Editaliom
Of TrartTtr VHp. MlcA:
-ritiod preinisei and ortlou Of Trav
rse nty Is hereby
ulldings and grounds beg leave to
. market therein, for
lake tbe followlDg report:
thereon of hay. straw, wood, produce
Owing to new sewer at Oak Park
immodllles of like charan-'r.
ulldlng being from II to U inchei
igber then for


Section I. There shill be an officer
1 and for the clu of Traverse nty to
r known as w-elahmasier. Said oficr shall In- appoinled by the i-ounrll on
ir first Monday In,May. In ea«|i year,
r any sulr«qVtl regular meeting of
ie council, and shall bold office for
one year and UBill hi* aucceaaor It ap­
pointed and quallhe.i. and shall receive
such ralan as the Common Council
ball pi
■ing upon tbcnilNfr of bis <
shall exe-ute.g’'bOBd wlltrone or 1
.ulBelent sufetlm. to be approved by
:be coworlt. to tbe rlty of. Traverae
Clly. In the sum of ...............doUara.
condltlonvd for th< faithful 'g*rformanep of the duties of his oOec.^aod the
obserraoce of such rule* and regulatloDS at the council nuy from time to
Ume preacHbe.
lection- 4. Said welghmaster tbsll
■e charge of the market provided
In oectlon one of this ordinance.
I of all acalrq that are now or ahall
hereafter pUced therein, aod It
:II be bli duty, when requested, to
Igh hay. atraw. produce or 1
• commodity, or stock, which may
brought to tbe pnbllr scales under
) charge, and after dedocUng the

xlse all tewer
I’eheve also found that common sewer
.;le had been used tn former work
this t.uildtng making tl neeeaoary
new pipe in closeu
connefled all conveyer
pipe* from top of bonding l(
putting all water from buildi
aewer and making belter vet


aouldlnga In Boone-

Ibt purrbaae of .
wheelbarrows for Central
good heavy
hnvy a
pue arbool*. Alao
and Boardma
—................. Boardman avent
*>-bool aad one dote* transom rods f.
vrral bulldltto*.
y respectfully.
Of». E. Hott.
W, O. Foofi.
Committee on Buildings and Grounds.
Moved by Mr. Hammoad that the rereceived and the comn
authorised to make the levcroJ pur-

CA tried.
Taavamr Cirr. Hl^..
Ort. M. I»01.
0 tkr Roaorobtr Board of etfscottoa
of Trarme CUp. Mick :
OKXTUMX.V—We. your con
way* and means respeetratly report'
e aad placB at real- that we have uxaaxtoed the fotlowlac|

• S70

lo Ffiok Frie4rieb’s •
Row Nock, M2 Froot straot.
Room 1.2.3. Wode Brat.


qui:»v«nyo»MnoBi^ rtLArmaMm cm, micb^ hokdat. octobss ss. i«n.



Tbe Mr tree keepa Ita yowtb Mr low
r*r Ibaa may of lla aelcbbora. Meat
aatrer Art aie edd la (belr areoad or
-1« the Tiuklab bath knowa lo T«r- tbUd ceetciry. plaea In .betr fourth or
kry^' Tbla rwrleoa qacatlon la not la- fifth white tbe Me Dee. pvwlac bcaMe
fmioeaily pst to tneeleea frocn tba them. U RIU la the bhium of ha youth,
CM by pc-opie la tbla eonntry. U la jurralle la erery taatun-. at tbe a*e o<
wrt Palaaar enar baM aeit true there la not DBcfa rearabUkee br- old plaeo and cwnaoi be aUl to attaia
d Ua wifa not ctjIbc aa boaayiblBc like prUae olxe and beaoty betore lu cfleeu hundredth year or uader
e ae calM TWklah facoratde cirTWattaai-eo tatvBe old be­
<«IM ikto monimt.- tiatk lo
aad tb«*» of tbr
fore ha three tbonaaodiL- Uapy ao;
' , mU. ~n4 I bar* trnalint cs da( san Is Ttokor.
doobt are Borb o«er tbna tbla. Oa.
■ fur Um Bt Mn. CaaptaO',.''
Omvanllj’ tbr busn
one of lb* Kinc'a rierr ciaatn.
feet I
•Ahr b, aBBvma with bb «nifMBl<iB
, 8 taebea ta dianwoer. ex.-lc-lve of bark.;
*Al^lWLj IMMIJ WbBnn.
iDdiBrtTVtB. BBd » bt> «rtt« BtrM± ap
Catary Kla* baa cures bo at ktdaey da.
oftb ibr am Uw Bo<F« b, omtimd to donM4 M-pokfanl
Of Ibr Utile I eouaied upward of d.tawaueual wood
mmrwf. «mt-I
r a few word*
of which berk

! 5^


biMdf. -^•wfuBod Copula LoroUr
Idoiaea or raimUi iibli-L artae trois lU
.............................. ......
■ >P*al*> Loren
; roof that la tbo middle > U» bl*bM«
------ - -P«i prfOT Mfm. l»ad u art wltb luauy aiuall artadon
roluer. aad tbee mber crotleaeB diaeorpun—- *»f Uabt tit Iho hath.

‘Salle: Baaa <r^ acBiB. I daelaror
airtilaitd Ur. Dob Taliarr. awldnJr
caaalat hJa linlr wblnlr aa be OBtend
__ ____ ji oa rMBinioa fruM hk___ _
w ao«.
H-hal-a the aultar
aow. NHUe'
NHliel Caaarr
Mfaaid la alsc or
________ ___ la jrooi..............
Bob. b..w CBB rua!” aobfafd Kolafroab.


amlaf dovB apoo
^ Bwu mriamlTb«Dr tbal jeer •T'*
ar* M rad aad
aoUra wHb rrjiiia.
Wbat bare jaa tc rrj aU>«. 1 •boulj
10 iBMitt to Br lo ae
nlrrllaa aboet (be boav atler Ibi, fi
ko aad taupiaa awaj la nmm. kxikiaa
aalko aad talaerabk. a* Jo« did laai aicbl
at Ufa. UarfcllBV
Wbj. pe.i|>tF will
tUak Be a prrfrrt doBMir ijraatr
‘Ah. Boh dooS oprak an: I rao't bHp
U ladool. I
oo BlaaraUF. Voe
‘i: WeU. that It hrb: rrrhapa roo'U
be coed rooaab to IH Be kauw of wbat
taocBlIj I're teea anillj Ibat baa tamed
jea iBte a Bodera Niuber

brake doira afilh Mr. l‘alBer-a e
•peard rwj wide.
‘W'bewr wbietled be. ~!f thli b
raallj abaord; fto ab<', }eaIoaar

ol'lSf-o'S,.......... ....

rise ber bsiIt ber wltb affeeftooI aad mpert
j <«e. or bow II b
ir to be Declrele.1 bj k
rlrala. Hka laabel Badeo."
Ur. Bob falBer lauebed oolrtsbi. aad
tbea be crew aaerj.
-Voo'rc as aUuid lillle fool NeUie.'
be aald. ‘Aa If laabel lladen were aajtUac lo B« brjeall a ideaaaBl bimI acreeaUa JOOBC woBaa to aiuuie ooeadf with
at a parv. Koaarwer“Sba doewi’t tblak ao.“ aald N.
*^~aod Ibr* lObero doa i tlUak
n«r all thiak jua are cellinc tired of
pear wife, aad liabrl datiera brraelf
that *e baa rut,me oal and U Irjinc U
'**-nd?lw^r tald Boh rbOac hapa.
tkatlj troB tbe Imiace. -J'm aaloakbed
at JOQ. Nellie, aad bbd reollj drra
credit for Bora aeaae ai well ai tear
be added arrerelj. “I wUb joo’d amoae
Joararif la aoeietj, ai I dn. iaetead of fola« Bopiac aUiurii. ibi. fa.bkai. Yoa
caa't eipert lo hare Be ll.d lo your
apruo alrlae*. aad I'd morb ralber ore
yoa fllnlac a linlr joarx-lf tbea ikalklac away ta bole, aad oorarra like a aplder. watcblac your butterfly «f a baabaad. lo ere If you rau dHret bim ia do-

5^ *”*l*d«ir’**'*''^ aobamed
ur’*i’alBier'li>ok b>, bat aad walkd
oet of tbe rooca wiib aa air of BiosIcd
dlcBlty and iujuied iaa.oeace. Hb <(ife
aat Bp. wiped away ber irare aad tnueed
awbile with rye* Baohlac aad ebeck,
•nabed with woooA.1 .n.t loHlei
' ^Vea.“ abe aald to brraelf. ________
baa faqpeaied it. I will amaar oyarlf aa
be dan aad are bow be llkea it. Aihai
ad of Be. U be? Aad be dhl pot saed
be ao wbeo'I was pay aad happy. 0
Boh If yoo oeij karw bow I loml you
Aad otx« Borr. doapile >ef reaolalriy
doalBC her eye, and prafaloc ber fiacera
•a them, tbe Irara waulil coor.


>ok partirelar palai In dnwaiae beraelt
for it. Bbt bad U.B of lot
leaa OB tbla point aocl wa*
for ber extra care by I
cUaca of appraral and hi> remark tbal
that plak allk waa h-comius to ber. la
coaaaqaaaca ber ryra mod cbeeka were
bricfaler tad ber.aplritt more luioyani a,
abe entered Ura. doboaoo'i rroaded
drawiac bob.
Seamly bad they paM tbeir nwiierta
ad. or. rather. *a« src«aeil. by kiln lUdaa. a brllllaal. conUJenl pri. wbo tried
lo aeaaara bin Wfore bi, marriap. aad
at tbe aaaie Binteoi a pwikaiia addritd Uta. ralmer.
Khe aamwored
Bacbaalcally. imalde lo withdraw ber altrailua ratfn-lj from her buelwnd
aiitil. >«-i
l ine wneth
Ulaa Uadea'a cUi
b.-raeir whi
W ao^to. b« |iro^

■I ber nidi'.
■eat cooer to the town. very. |Ji
d btadaome.. aad
. Nellie I'alB-r Tonbtry aad make brrnelf aerm-Ur iook.-d I.. iik-awd and
waa UnaHf ao apreaUe Ibat it w
ber ao effort to murerar. aad tl
aU llrely apWtu rnenml aad. to ber
aarpriae. abe found that abe wa, enjoy
taC brrarif. ll.e homband didn't i«.-h

tta chans now

MliereCora :
cat. and Ur.
to look after
boUac eear I
talkla« to del

iI*7^*Bin.l4r^“2d ~
wm. m
few werio. Ura. ralmer wi
ber bumbaad wai aneodlac
ap»o. aad iodeed be cooU rarely pt a
word with bet at all when at tbe py aw
wnWiea wbkh they raaRaaily freqiieat.
■d. He MoeCiawa pee ber a hiat that


1 pan of bet tlBc.
rad with bin; *be re*
. and ao fiequeni *
.1* rialU. ao
•ntioaa. lb»t al laR Ur.
Hol-ect |•allneT'a wraih bnrR fortb,
-LIlea." be *ald. a. be one day rioted ,liner.', e
• door on tbe dr|>aniiis raplala. -1
really eanni.t pennit Ibi, to p oo any „.„tnil do......
hnpr. Voor o.n.liirt tn Be 1. isoM 00- \

MWI by ber aide.
‘An.1 you really rare aotblnc for thb
ocll Nellic-r
”No more Ibaa t oncbi to do for ny
'Uidn l-aura'* aSaaee.1 bad-aBd.” aba
“AIDaneedr 1
"TheM- ux B00lb.rhefore I met blm;

Id bare told you • ••
Hbe *1oT.|N-.t a
led half archly la
I. face. Heun
.d ber aa.I. taklaC
ber lo hi* a
. Ilol

"Necer Bin any morvY'
•euriau Ibo CMaelrhre.
nr all ber rurioua eu.ioui. Load.4 nat b-wR of a ttior.. *inplar ooe tbna
It f.dmerly ao Hlrieily adbeml lo at
Idlaad IIOUM-. ..DC Ot Ibr do>i biRorie
I maB*luo* lo tb. Ilrili*b enpiitl. The
tt of Ibe Ixwd, ll-.IUcid abol bimarlf
duHne I . fit ot de*p.,nd.-ney; ererytbioff
llolUod family
Id aecet 1
I from tbe a.itl
bat Ibe o
yewr* It wti t^e c-oslum f<w c«c
imily to po t.i the rear of ihw
- at 11 o'.'I.Kk aad fi:
pu for Ibe i-unwra-. It i* *110. of ‘mb:
Ibe cnaaeirDee" of tbe Borderer,
(wrioui prariiee i* a relie of Be<li
day* lu .•uuliacatal Nua'pe. an.l
■a*e lo .point I* | lb* waly
n.w wberr It ha* l*-en notierd Racw
tbe daym of the enua le».

yet uot wi
Ohio State

It lay Icdlber?
I did Doi; I’bny Od
R yet bad writ ht-



aikni ifTPt T Orififttpag^



Rinefa liilereal.


Bt tlte dtr of TraYcrse City,
a qiuntity of stone snltable
to crash lor street purposes.
For partlcnlArs enquire at
the City Clerk's dflee.


As-r lOo
ru&.M«Bia> PY

••so ura *

Buiini lllw BkMc


monthly payments



Iwoke lu Ibe brtsbl little

l|IA» a.<«l bn* pranrij fw rak m

bis tree- I
BM-ertsi Hie atnert llttl*
■k orWwwed
lb* •Ilc1ile*l nied of deca.v. It Urei
•Yon know who ibe nIdeR InbaMon Ibruusb Indcflolle iboutaodt «1
yrurs ubill burned, {doiro down, nn- tant K" rej.ated the fatln-r In *ur
denuloed. or nbalten'il by Mime tre- prlM-. -W.dl. wbo |, It. KUi.'l?"
-If. Hie man w tm .II.-* *0 often.”
tnendou* llsbinins eiruki-.—Joba Uuly
inHwer.-.! the l.rlelil little plri. ”Vou'r*
la Aibiollc Uooibly.
itw«.H read.iip at....... Iilui In tbe pahtV
• OMIltea.
-Hlibr ela.-ub'l.'.l the aniart little
n wbo I* trarel'
An AtBiTl.-an «
H.j H.,H-iifuli>. "I ct'.*'. y.u 'don't
las in Turkey wrl
bl* to a friend ia
New York eity;
he fellow III*:'* :ilwu> • remember
Ibwailfid faial.arura fm*
"I win I'oiiii.ialn no tavre of car roane Iile.itt .-.dd Wimer, ami but *umlotu* Dttl.-lalH. Tbe ciber day I tent a
D. MoftutooKlart ft> O
uer* u .1 'll Hie ix-.iiber'* l>*.l.~
larce dull t.i Kwlixeriand lo a mend.
i a. IHvl.k* 1 .-ra«d Ilaald*. *1
It w-a, dreoM-d'earefiilb' In a Turfclab
bM-* Vawr rara tVoMbt
cMRiiiur. It pt no fanlier iban tbe
'SeiAriiin.w a fortaae. but nevro. if
CVM..IU boUM- lore In OonManllauple. TOD have a allow ootnplexioo. a janawlierv It w:.« •iop|N'.1 by or- dicad look, moth ratchet and blotolie*
detw. P it WBH iml xiliH.l.T.'il 'Htllu| cm the Min-wll .ipni of Urn
that a .bill nboold b.- .In”med a, a Turk- Trouble. Bat Dr. Kiuff '* New Life
Pilla pive lUear 8kin. Koay Chrwks
l*b lady.’
-TbI* waa tiad eum.^11. but I beard Rich fon-plextoil. Only to cvnl* at S.
of a Wiir~' ■■a"c. .k friend w liu I, to n.- E. Wan ft Soot mM Jus U. Joba



I 65




k bauaw'a UeBarkable JoararjlBB.
lu tlie bud cviitury a ('bimndt Indian
rouian kio.ivu to I'ntber lliic. n preat
rntc-ler and mb-.-i.nuuy .ff ibat |wrb*l.
.bile be w a, w iib tlie In.Ilan* on wiml
laiiy jiuir* l.y him la
*ia. TUruneb iuni^Icl**liiid.-« and
inince oS]cerieiBeK
ol]ceri<-i*elf alie bail |Hi*«nl
froiu irilie lo lrll«- and piaev lo idaee.
alnii}* Rioiinc noRliwar.1. iiiiHI abe
n-aeia,! llc-rlUK alnill. and llaTe. Uavlus com oul In cuie ufllie larpe •tinea'*
OMsI by file arafar
irinp Indian* of tbal
IVKl.rti I
It Hi.inWibey w.-re
dnieii BCTOMC the Rralt l» wreck ami
deutli Inal! »ave her. and *Le wandercul
cut uiiill Hi.' not KatloT Hue In Ibe lat.-rior of -tHia. Slo- not auncbl In
return: liul. followliu; tbe aplrit of ad­
venture bred in her l.y Inr •tranpi' expern-ii.-e. abe wetit .-u to eev new land*.
To Macaetlae a »

aboct'L With a twlr of tons* held flrnily In the bau.l nil. tbe Made visoroualy
and always In tbe aaiue dlrecHoa frum
polm to U-i*.-. Tuni*Hii' blade
oow and Ibeii. »i. Ibat tb.- fri.tloo may
Ve apldled to bulb Rdra. Ari.rarele
bins of from forty to llfiy mt-ond* the
blade will be mBpieHa'.l and will
csiKiblc of lifUns a ii.'cdle with wb
u 1* placed la eonlaet. |Kilot to pol
The masnetlxation will la«i a lone lime.
Thu cxperltiMTit. wblcb I* not put
down In w.irka on pbyales U very lotrt.'Htlnc and wuriby uf atudy.—Na-

Tbe widow of a eboreb beadle died
la a vlUace lu the suveriiment of
reuca. liBVinc cX|>re*iied Ibedealretbi
IhT remain* Iw ]*» by ibuer of b.
busitiii.l. W'beii Hie crave of the IlHer
tv.i* .awned- Hie waa not fonad.
On inreRicalloo It wa* dlteovercd that
lb.' iHtis.iil* of the vHUse had Rolen
tbe tvdy uf Ibe dead beadle and sank
It ill a' anyinip. There bad been
^ruucbl In Ibat dUlrhl last year, ai
tb.' la-aaants brlleve.1 that If tbey tank
the U*ly of a ncbleona man In water
rain would rome. TbU aupercUtlOP U
aald in U- prevalent amons tb*
BID iwoplc In that recloP.




fnua I'. rala s.ine lor.-ly ive«l<in ■■at-

In- hfl H.nalil.w uf
Ibe tuno.'Olui.wl nia.I.' Allab.' and the
ra**.nfn. lale ibpi It I* l»puH*lble lu all.iw H..- nunie of <:.*1 ID a
I* to I.' irmblin on.'
eanwe w hlrli
-"1 will
IV auythins mure
abuut our a|H>iaiMr>. Ylnee I will

li U Mild. HI.- «i*.il.d by U'luc
erl.uHT.~.-a on ............. .
RimdH. ......................................................
foM'. ia- kept, lu ra. LH. .............. lb.' l--*t
Of Iti.rnry laM.- 1- .•.■U"lrmye.l af
the R.i.ji.' uf lU.M.- ii«*l III
brarle*.’ It I. a laid.- eur.- .•nuucb
li>|i. I.ul M prml.I.R with elHdcs
ncalb, Kbelv.-H *u arraiic.,1 lUai
a 1*uk U put leul|KiBII
leui|Kiiairl]v n
but *taud>
But be uid I .1 uu It.


for Bfifficaffe and Ura-c all
iraia* Uaku oil* f«w laaranRert a.-id
tMffttaffeiu any pan of Hu. chy and
II limea.
Fioeii Itoe of

rhlt i.. li.'.,ai-4.T..,
"If. a m-anlilul pbi.-e. iMi'l
i.k<-.l a sii-t.
-A'.-.'' -aid lb.' I'M.' |i. bill If II w. r*
I e..i;M
.| pul!
Hi.' b.-u«e end
I.. lenul n.Ui It. Tlmt <
(«.. vt.j.-. lluu»”

Mow <*TbUr
We offer Ooe llnoiired Dollara Re
Bril for BUT eaoe of Oatarrh that car
It be cured by Kall a Oatarrh Cate,
r. J. Olieney. ft Co.. Propa.
Toledo. O.
tb.' oade«ijro.-d, have known
I. Oheoer for the 1*R 16 yaara
y piv)|«'i
o him |»TfectlT,liooorabl*
;l..Te'■( ia all boaineiM li
ix.l hi.
! dally able to cwy
. ....
-. any oblijra
i.iHn-r r I.'pm. le fur I.H.k*. U.H111
their Arm
iODi^ mad.'
iIhI. nhli-li la d.-Rcm'.t lu
VcHit ft Tl II. Wholeiwle Dtacsi.ta
iill di.yiuiarie* of forelcn
moan ft Uar
lausuoc.'* and ..llier refen-u.-e IhhiL*.
__________ _______ ____ I. Toledo. O
Tbi. 1* a COM- uf tine. *inii>l,v i*dl.l..'.l
Ibir* Catarrh Core UYaken lot.-r
bartl wnud iiad I* r«|iecially adapted to oally aetiiip directly
ctly apon the blood
the man'* llloiiry.
and iDDooDf .nrfacea of tbe aynem
I'ur ivodli.c Ihh.'-* .if bUH}' nmboTB Prie* 76c ^ bottle
Sold by al
the mur.a'co l•>uuJ iK.ik lii.iek* ap- at
OD.V UM'ful and ortuiuiriilaL Hmueb
Iberc I* s.iurililui; iii-ber and rather I
more .b-coioHx' lu it* abaiM' uf a
iwlnted or .'iicniie.! l.-athi'r n-xilvloc
fcWIIHTiv •>(
aland, wbl.-h, tir ii> I.iuh* bniidli'. ran 1I..W Lri:i:
be lUuvecI almul Hie r.aiui at the cuDveali'U.v ordhe P-aib-r ami m-ivw<R In­
olntl.v will,
to Ibe arm of lb.- new Murti* n-a.lias
r lleM.. U
chair, oril .-an U^uuhlus.'d and folded
lierf.ifly flat fur.iu.-kiuc.
*tiH| in many year*.
Tbrae d.'lKWlla lle W

.Sir llamphry li.-ivy. It I. »al.l, "raivly wa.Iicd liiiiiM'if. aod <iu ibe id.w of
Horn ovet
LDown l.i
•bin. an
Il.-iv U I
femiee u

U- yXllAKA hl*>'k-....F IWrkra. 1^ffl e...i. v.uli«,l .>!• *.U-iai.byMi AMI


.•.:i.,l U|-in.

■ vniiwn'.l to Ih.-M- Turk* ami ulhera
York Tlui.w.




it.-- |mi1.

Id tb.- cilT. Be aare and rom<- burr
wlien in n.-ed of a orriaffe and OCT


U. Harvin. M I>

k H Kr*,.. M

niartin & Evans
■ Hfira.aarjr.'.iei


'YYae.*Fli#,lBle.iBrit«-tiH* a> It«.


.ad *>wiirBrui*ri ai—— tM Pb.
^ew an r>-aa..a.w*Uuara_W.>*k^

that three •le|*.e|i* are a i-onilnuntlo
a’ui.el el.l-.ei:* on !he_ Ihipll.l. <•.'.«*
Nex-Ii >< ati.-n.|Ulnp to form a n.n
peny.t.. .'X|d.-;i a .,.ii.,'«i1oti. He bi
airc-ml.v aecnr.-d Ilnille.! I lvix-li eilp
p.«. an.l m.w pr..|—e, to api-'a! fu
further iBn*.i"lat aid




:se: js::

, ik.ii.*.



* Warn 2^''* ,


TraTra»aV *t «:

lu w.H-kil B iinl.T.
Yd wa« mu Sir
Huuii.bry a im-iv H.nen. .'onient at «U
time* with III.- llrR iirilrie of . lulliins
Uimii wlilcb U- mipiil lay bU Laud?
Tbuiipti be wa* M. rm-U.-Mi in tin- mut­
ter uf Hlilrts (ilM.ii .•uiuwuu.ue.'aHlu^u.
wimli be mmd t>. £■■ ti.-iiinp "lie would
am much a* iNamll.le. *u that the truut
mlfilil have M.IIK. dlfll.'iiltf in dUllDsuublns Hi.. hliK-d from tbe mere rooU
of the fleUl. =nd when i.boqllns be wore

<'. a Mr*
Id I bnraed my f
Titea W. H. Eads
"which eanaed horri
ble leffHOriS for 80 .years bot Book
tve wholly
leo'a Araiea 8al<
' " cared me
elte failed." lafa'"

" 7?

I ft Soof sad Jas O.

ElUa Hue


I A niukpUON.U L' Uttoia Baal
1. ^MULMbioA Uean. a M. II A w



dt-*«y^a2S»r^ ^w'buww^iviall ‘



, ( 1*

ft I*


Si.-u.'.-r folk bapaluied a Rniemeoi uf Hint fan ua
board .ten eiplilecB f.-et nguarc.
tbal *11 the paaarrR.y In the tralaa of
the DwIod amJ Albany rwllrvad
ad may
are It. Tb.. aisn ti-ads
n in tte
valley iM'low KlU* Howe. Jr, I3x-ntor of tbe aemius mn.Hiiue and an
crf riimucer. wa* bore

cJonelka ...
CW.. 1»rraot*mt.Tr.*«*Cltr.Maft.

/“I a. CBAitft M U. riijanaa aadHo**LJ. oa nuraialaimatNii aina to Kniil

........ -it

B’-'Z'' Si’S;"

yOoBM I lOdiT. lU. oae* Ml.


Via. p. H. B. B. X*. Ndneraa

T.rJ5'.'5?^'7sr-"" * OABriU ft IfWASTON. Bpnaal at


Fire insurancbuAb attaefc waa latoly mad* on O. F.
Cherokee. Iowa. thM b«w-

olUor of
OrittOBdrw. Kf., ’'it
lid attsaffl* bafore w«
wtor. io we abt* it Dr.
DiaooTary. whiefa ffavc
quick roliof aod permaiwDlly cond
it V* alwayt keep it in tba beoae to
prot««t our obildreo froa Oroupasd
It euKd na of a
ebreaio bramhial trouble tbut bo oth­
er remadr would raUere." IntoJliblt
far Ooufhs Golds Threwt aad Lug
ttnuMcu. Me aad ll-OO at & S. Walt



wubi.iii ff;

■ui ball under tbe cmcetH'rtil.v three larce
la two little cbaiafafrt.
ub bo mid ebambera
• alMpe of a hair beinluteliie a r.'W liny fflao*
cbleh 4a joined to tbe

_____ _________ -^jfiria

are rem-acd eccry year, and m alaa .
They u«*w 1
are tbe <i(b.-r mcotlal.orpu*. wood.] -Here'* anottier «io
routs, bulk and bud*. Moat of tbe 81- :<>ldi-«i liihJi'iimil."' be
erra irvea dW of dlnea*.'- Tbua tbe ! jng
i,|. ,„,.er.
alleer fir* an- decoDtvd
be*~ ebe 1 ifke.1

rgiuc be Mwreely left your 1
n MD.d for MX. boar, the renter of a iPM-tolxl with b«i and .-.ild water taps I
mp of etaatirrinx. crinninc popinjays ! Areuial IU>>o- Iw^ln* ’'i*niile Rt on |
e liim*elr.‘
luiarUe or t..«*leii tu-at*. wlileb an-]
you yi.ur*elt Uamc
pUyin* wallflower and Wtrider
tbe fl'>.r. mill Healed Ibereun Ibey have
Mid >on were anbamed uf Die."
tbeir loilli. Tile lltfle . btiiiln-r* ran Iw
eiipsid iiri.nte mm on apiilb-ailon.

rauiv Imll t* lumntv abaped
pllen.M ninnlns alouK on
yon tell Be that I ,
. 1-1 wbb b an- uiniiy lasla.
ploaw you by e•djoyia*
. .
myarlf ted
lac a little? You ki r yew did.” added ; The liaibkecper
alway* to he aei-n
Nellie rapraaebfiilly.
|.bliv <'l»He lu tin- ilo.r. auiliklllj:
oh jiox jou you Bri jenloia.”
• j
|d|>- or iiarsile aii.l milutliic the
‘Jralou,? Not 1: lint i am offeaded
.>iii..-r* who .-..III.- ami
In the
i> a fuuu/..f w-lilch
faud lUl la.cell 'leawl.-Mly ,i.Ia>lihis lul.i Hwanarblc
lltr to tboiwihal I beard ia regard
m yon aad Uiu Badea. I peraumer .aid lank. Ill IliiH water, fn»b fnill* ami
iHittle* of leimiu *.|unHli arc ke|* .-aul
‘tVbai it Yli«, lladee to Be?" be de- In anmin.T tUii.' f<ir Ibe mm of cui.t.*nlanded aapily.
ri*. 'N.'ar It a man tuny I*- wwii alwayt
"Aadwbit i>
Ikihv imakiiii; .-..ffec tw Hie .dlbn-ual
fire, fo
peoide are en-r ready to
tiny . 0|. of .«».•«• at altuoat any
lo with Imthrl HfletL''
mie of the clay.
mai may ilo ahti i. noTpei
Many of tb.- Tnrkl.b Iwib. are hulU
Lie in a ,
iellie. wilb ber doiil'I.-. one i«.rt1..ii Iwlns aiwlsned for
old *icb. -You
'You men
orckci a wife, Hie nee of la.llcM. Ill nviiie |dnmi ladlet
..lit ber bgart
and life with CO lo Ibe I«H|. ................... ...
daya of
e her to tbe pity or tbe week, wbirb an- roino'ertM to
yab..w- llo-ui. c'.Ttaln ImiiIih. aplu. are uaed
lac rirrnlioB In atorfber.
l.y Hieiii i-xty clnj- until T u'doric lu
•larr. mn>t B..I pr.-.mue li
tb.' c-rciiliit:. afl.-r wbi.-b tbey ate uiadr
•a tbe Iramplnl w..nn. 1
in meek eik-pe.-, iH-tcr <
■mi.l.ni0B ox-r for Ibe uhi- of men. The ebargra
1 bn lord. Hot I
hare bad enoueb
Ibi.. H..k and DOW a <-.Mii|iiete Iniib and may Ray on tbe
do to me will II do to
lo yon.
If yon prviiiiecM of ib.‘ eelal'rt.bnteiii a* Ions
f on fliniac. *o will 1
I know you BH be I.I.WMW l.y paylni: nlwut Is M.
don't rare a |.|I more dor luUI liadco t-Kli.-* |.iiy iiimli b-w than tbla euin.
I d.. for l-aplain le.r.11. Iwt I will Tbclr cx]Mm*c* ■■an liardly U- mu.b
Iw erslrcled aud ia tbe
.. a. tbey taV
eisht of the wbyle worl.l. I am not a
an lean.
eiave. bat n wife, and di-mand the Iraaor own Miniis towel*
doe to n
Her u
new unr to b<T bn*, auil a |M-iiViy or iw.. for ilu' niteiidaut.
n nail pruml looklns
-V ti.-w f.-uluiv Wbl.-li ba-i Iweu Inlruduee.1 inlo tlii- ..1.1 T.irkidi bntb I* llhwbov- .1
ruld water clou.lm. wUl.b It I. tawme
Inc cnR.imflrj f.w Hw |m..pJi. v
after tbeir led
t ball!.'I
looked at ber a nintueui a, »Ie*di1y a*
*be at bim. ami tbea be roK an.l look a Week.

A r.Huaihal.le ntury of tbe TeaceaDCe
wrraoebt by piceoua la told by a ptpm
at iCun.-b- write* a eoRenpoadRit. Two
plrcn* built a iMWt tu a tree flttuted
lu a well ato.-ked canlen of flowm and
cepetat.Ioi and ibcre ralaed a bnaod ot
wbirb tbey we.-e very proud. Tbe otber
lay tbwoM Idnli iefl Ibe oeat. and la
tbeir ato«a.v mHne o^^ eiptured tbe
“WTbat oa earth can they bare bei
yonne ones ■ m tbedr mure Ibe feoal*
talUac about all tbi, wbik-?- Tbea ni
wa* much u|*Bt at ber bias Tb* Dal*.
dtaly. BTRiu bit wife'* eye. be ,aili
buWFver. went and fetebed about flftj
Bad whhperad.-klnjoylnc yoi(iwlt..\eir
olLc-r plceons w bleb aetuany dcrastat-OhPaa.dear.dHi*Mrally; IMYtroacd Ibr ptdrn. tbe \*c«taUea aad fiowHe yoaraalt about Be. pray.en brine deitroyed in wbcleoale qu»
Kallia ralBur bad aere
avactly or danced Bore (racefaliy Ihaa
■poe tbit rrealac.
-DoBt you tblak. Nell. y«'»* daaced
Tbe liay of I'uady TartDa a eul-de-aac
• for oar nicblT' aald ber bwbaad
at wbkii the .tilaotlc ocean'ompa to
doar of
toward the
__ _____
- tbe crcala*. Tor A
have takem a >iwelal apllr and at reivnarrM wsBaar be added,
IntefvaU.iuura Into It an ewortouta
amouui .If water. Take the baKer o.
8t. John'* a* an inuRratlou
wanaa aad fell like a pri acala-’'
tbt* I'llabty H.b- (iin*i be. In me-,
-Aad betared fce •ne." be oaM. ratbu part* of ll.H wu;ld a tide uf ten feet in
tbal fellow that baa
euD*icler.d ccoiiwtbiiia almonual. but av
ipoo yoa aD tbe eeeaSt. Jobua it tiMw twenty to *weutytmtr be iaqaiiad ., they walked dows
four feet in cwod wc-atlier. lo atorau
-That fetaarkaUy baedaoBB naa aritb wcalbrribe immcnony U varied by ta*
bleb water umrk IbIus puBbedwpuvwa
tastwOflMi (ret UghtP.
At that lonaat a little lancb at b
bow aurtlrd bim. and. Innriuc. be
Naille. farlfbt and flaahrd. lalkiae
rery baadwaae man. wbo appeared to be
qaite abaorhed lo ber. klr.-raltaer Rated

“•J^bi^l.*^ Bbaolute bmll to tbe ex
taieun-ofaaytrra Tbeir death U do*
. bi aivMeol*. uot. a* of aalmabi. to the |
wearinc out of orpn*. Only tbe
Iravid die of M ap—ilw ir faU I, fore-

MrM tb^t^u
juiaaeia to cod
IS? «.
«Mbe double d-or. of the paaaap
and felt beraHf amre a belk than erea ) wbiib lead* to llic cool eatraoce ball,
wbea a pirt—which wa, true, becanae | Ktcry imiw aud iLeii tbe aueiwUBlB
■be bad Bot flirted then. he*o« abaorbed. j bore fraiikli.ceniie lu tbe Interior of tbe
luitb. with tbe Idea uf pDrifylnff tba

•t bi, wife
_____ ...
jeabm, and that people

J Ur. Brawn, aor la
ad eoraefn" wbieh the
u firquraC be liecai

I’T* >««*“'.■ wall, that foTO the aldea
Of tbe baiamaiu bate ao wladoWA
It la tboucbi tUai If tbe walla were
| pierced tbe outaWe air would petwtrate
Into tbe Inlerlor and eau»e variatlnoa
! la tbe ereniieui uf temperatate whiefa
11, j, prld d<»lral>le to inalnula. Tbe
„f,,o inewue* eery clooe.



ft ItDt ao lame that
aor ail in a etair. «so*pt raoppod by
eaabioBs Ro remedv helped him asUl b* aried Beleetrto Binara which

acte a»d kldnaT trouble, pm
Mood aad ballda ap your
Only fide «t a S. Walt ft Sou
Jas a JAftaoft'a dra« atm

RemovMl to Frink Friedrich's
Kew Block, 242 Front street
Rooms 1. 2, 3. Wsds Bros.

OoNT Be Foolcdi


lOTCaBLL. 0.r..>-

Pere Marquette
TiidMlaa»t Trnewa* uvwtallaw,-'
wOnad Barida. DeWWi. TMMo. CMraaa
aad wtBt-taea >a.lltoB.w, Iftt* ai.
wVaA^*a.BByCnr.PwtBBw. toM.,
p*Mt aad awt. *flia
II « a. w.

Removed to Frsnk Friedrich's Removed to frsnk Friedrich's
Hew Block, 242 Front stroet. New Block, 242 Front street.
Rooms 1. 2, 3. Wsds Bros.
Rooms I. 2, 3. Wsdo Bros. HOreODAot^cftm’a.

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