The Evening Record, January 24, 1906

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The Evening Record, January 24, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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POK eomow





isliad. witbooi aar !

rvcnv KFFOfrr it Miwa


•MMMfty 0*l« H« laerMMt



Cap* BMit. aaar^vMT^tH ^



Nospeciive Wall Paper ;

' ZiSfleris Pall

tbe removal of an lafaeted femm.
1 tbe city elerk’u i
Lrid this afternoon at 2 o*clock from
tbe reaMonee of Mr. and Mre. J. A.
Mag tbe pm d imreota to chroal
Jaekaon of Bast Froat etreet, tbe Rev.
Halet Jaa.
tbe arrival d
L. a BiaaeU offiriaitng. The members
i beiagNled Jaa. SO
of bU Bnnday aohool and many otbNWHO WERE HANGED YEARS AGO plajmatat attandad tbe aenrleaa. tbe
pan bearers being members of hlfj
Sunday sebool class. Tbe Soral offer­
ings seat from tbe at tim
Boardman aveaae acbool where be al
tended, and tboee from tbe Janlora ^day by tbe pbysielaii. Dr. W. E. Moca.
on^ Sunday sebool of tba Presbyterian ' Mr. and Mra. C A. Ftees of 212 West
charcb testlSed to tbe tenderness with Ninth gtreet, are also booked with tbe
U of a little aon, John U. Freeu.
Which be was beloved by all who knew
him. Interment waa In Oakwood la who wa* bom Jaa. 22 aad registered
charge of W. K Andereoo.
By Wire to tba Brealag Record.



aongibala. Fa. Jaa. 24.-Kot
staee tba banging of tbe *^llollle Magnlrea** In oeatral Paonsylvania mnny
SUDDENLY FICKEO VP REVOLVER yean ago. has a more dangaroos gang

JNwtty poods for party droooc

«Hr c»W luM taeraaaai aad tk«« la
MRS moos will arrive In the city
Utito bopt tbat aar or tba ItO pai
or WaahlngCon county for Priday cwnlug.
•appoaod to ba Hill ob boart «aa b« Chsriaa Baalsy Waa Wall Known and
Mv«d. Tba auamw te IbH 0olac to
Hla Accennta Are Said to Sa CarftM. Tboauafaar Qmhi aad wr«ok
raeb-Waa Paapandsnt Over
tac ouaaHt Batror ara aMklag erar,
lU Haaltb.
WarraaU are out for thirty-fire others
tasoed by DUtrict Attorney Under of
Bpat^ to tba Bvenlag Record.
Washington county.
Grand Rapida. MIcb.. Jan. 24.-The
shows that it came from
crowd of eaatdmara In tbe lobby of tbe
the store that LEADS in
dSoent Grand Rapida National
prescription work, from
bank were shocked to witness tbe aolthe store where they
cide or Cbartee Seeley, general clerk
make a specialty of pre>
of tbe iDsUtotloo. who, when In bis
the store
and waiting on a lady customer,
.I^WttT^UTION TAKM NO 0>CN|. auddebly reached behind him. got a
where you find the prod­
revolver nnd shot himaelfl Ha baa
ucts of the laboratories in
m 111 two years and waa daapondent statehood BILL WILL BE DE;
their prescription roomSATED UNTIL THURSDAY.
tr bU health. He baa a wife and
such makes as PARKE
D children and U C3 yeara old. He
calie well known. The bank ofWYETH
Sdala any hla ncoounts are o. k. Seeley
CO.. MALptmviaifi ONLY in ccurAiN ot is In tbe hospital dying, there bring
The sbootlDg caused a Mg
leaders—the makers
BOlloD.iD tbe bank, some woro«-t» EXCITEMENT IN THE HOUSE CON
reputation for
lag. It waa tboogbt ai first l.y
quality is unquestioned.
tbe crowd that It was a murder.


M T«m mscumra




Loaders of Both SUso Repard th^ Sit­
uation as Gravo.Bvt Both
Factiona Claim a

And when you have these
articles of merit handled
by pharmacists who take
a pride in their work—
who are not even satis­
fied with their own judijmeni.but want their work
inspected before it jjoes
out. we believe we can
truly say


CeJebraxed Kno Wet
And so Is our Celcbraied
Trousers, Wfll
s warm in coldest
keep you
tlry in rain or snow, and
-------------- - Rusi
impeaeweather, also Sprague’s
trable by the cold. ^They
have a double breasted
__ , have
,. high Russian collar about
the neck, thus .
making them most f thorough throat and lung


The smartest and newest
things in Women’s Foot­
wear can alvrays be found
in the DOROTHY
DODD line of fine shoes.

anJ fur
.lulietua. UuitK>l.Ut$1.2.^.aud




And Many More

o. o. MorraxT

Abwu-actw of TiUol





Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber.

Craoerse City IHfg. Co.



John F. Ott Lumber Co.


Just ahead of us. Many lota closed out. Here
are a few more:
52 in Coats, with or without belt—new—one or
two of a kind. Must go—pric«., take them.


Bert’s Vour OoerewU
Oleatber and Pticesw* .;


Lot 13.00 to 15.00 for 9.00
* ":


Lot 12.00 for 8.00

• ;!, ? ;>


Lot 20X>66 and $22 from $ 12 to $ 16


BOC.-3L0M: t«l*e





Drug Store

13.000 ORE PESntUTI



fiTont linos is now on—
It's another opportunity
for you.



Ba>-ers are w*ed to
the new liapere eoon ti
be thown here. Our stodc h just arriving and
promiset to be the greatest variety we have yet
shown. Sttmingly, prettier patterns are created
each season and this year is a climax to any
previous showing.

Our annual aale of warm

«y Wlf« to tba »r«lac Baeort.
By Wire to tba B^toing Record.
Cbtaaso. Jaa. U^VbM Stales DltAND SANQUCT FES. t.
ilroii, at almost cost.
Washington. Jan. 24.—All was cv
Irkt AUoraer Morrieoa tbU moraine
iu-menl eafly In the house today. The
axpooodHl tb« conmoo law vb'icb pn>ISc to 75c
Cldes iBimnaltr for poraon. wbn l»r- More Prominent Public Men Will Se grJleiie* were ciowdtHl rerly with
>us speclalors hioking forwsr.i
Here Than Ever Before at
fW# aUls'a erldrae*. The expoaltlon
Any Ona Tima.
between the sUtchood and the anti
buod forces. I>romlnent among
Tba Lincoln club commitlees areiaU
timU, the defeadanu salnrd Immanltr hard at work preparing for the organ- tbe visitors were Mrs. UoofM-velt and
from promitloo. Motrtson* under- laaUoo and banquet which will tak« MU* AIIA. The republican whip. Wat­
son of IndUna. and the demtvcraUc
ataadlae of tbe Uw is defined as fol
^ on the anernoon abd evening of
lavs: -A wltaeas cannot cUlm Im Feb. 9. At tbe banquet. Oowrnor Fred hip. Uoyd of MUslssIppl. were In evl
ence up to tbe last moment. Doth
mnnitr imlea* wbeo be appears In M. Warner will be pfeaent. slate
coart and testifies tmder oath that be perlnu-ndent of puMlc Inatructlon. Pat­ regarded the situation gravely bui
Sivt Infonns tbe tribunal tbst be bc- rick H. Kelley. ex-Senalor Murfin of both claimed a victory. It was agn*«nl W mre mom p
that the debate would continue until
awdtatbwt llhwire blown
llmres his aaswer* might Incriminate Detroit nnd emo other speaker of
. m. Thursday, when the vote will Dffa SffwysE & PctihalleSiR
him. He mast claim tbe consUtotlon- tional repuUlloa who has not yvt I
iM? taken for final pasuage.
al prirlloge of refuelag to testify In wlded upon.
mil.** This mas not done by tbo
The inTlistion committee Is r«
The call for the vote on the rule
paekem. The attention of tbe coart
Ing many response* from prominent providing that the Mil l»e debated on
mad Jury was nailed to tbe fact that
mmi of the Grand Traverse region and until Thursday afternoon and then be
corporations are not msatloned In the
a large numlver from the county
pul to a final vote without amendment
msUtntkm. The protection of the
aide the city. The Invitation ooi
w4re made against Intense silence. It
canstltatlon eatends to eltUens bat not
ee desires that aU who receive li
the test upon wh'.ch the success
Iowa ^reqpoo^l as quickly as possible or failure of the InsurrecUon hung
so that tba number who will attend the The InsurrecUon failed and the organ
M bHBg hostile to tbd fosenuaent's
net can be determined In gbod
km of the house triumphed. 1S2 to
contMiRMta He dlsngrbpthwlth Mor
», 'After Feb. 1 all tbe repub- 16S.
• '
Ttew on tbe mala polats df qie^ter’s
a of Traverse, CHy will send thrir
tatorpreuilon of tbe law as tto Im­ aamaa to tba committee for enroll
munity and tbe necMStty oT^Ofmal menl. ll being desired to take care of
all tboee ouuMe tbe city BnL
Excellent Fiibllcstinn nf
The organixatkm and banquet
All Behalars In Schools and CclISffSS of Butt..
bring together leading republlcana of
tbe nortbem pari of the stath and also
•Stpdent Ufs**” the name of an
more preminent public men Uian have excell^t monthly magaxine pubU*he<l
ever been In tbe* city at ooe time be- St Detroit. The magazine U edited by
16 inches long. Will deliver
cords for $2.50
Gordon K. MacBdward and U pubrrf: '
------llKhed by tbe Btndeni Ufe Publlshlhg
any. 404 Wetb«i>ee building.
HaiMNns Were Bntlrsly Nnliied
The get-up of the tnagatlne U well
Wbieb Has lUsuttsd In Iducb
led and tbe contents are chosen
in sock a.imaer that every page Is
wire Csmo Ovsr to the
bright and>t«eaUng.* The magazine
BUr MooUng LMt^ffvenii
Nr Wire to tba Xrsnlag RecoctL
ve^ ambltkma and aeelu to cover
Beriln. Jam S4.~Adrleea rao
the interests of all the schools and
today atate that all tbe yiUagea on tbe
A sptrial nsriing wa* bold last collegea In the atate. thereby making
laland of aarall. ona «f tbe Samoan evening of the O B. 8. No. 147 at
or wide rirculalkm. The whole pub^
groap In Oermaa pamssslun in tbe which tune two candidates reoelred llcatlon Is very creditable to the staff.
Naclflc. baa been daatrorad by volcanic their Initiation, the event being wllnesaed by the Bast Bay chapter wbo
RELATIVES ARE HOPEFULlaland were rained aad UJNO native were guests of tbo locii chapter dur­
Inbabltanu are deatitata aad In.Tbe ing the evcvilng.
Twelve member* Although Gsesnsl Jos Wherisr Is Lit­
from Boat Bay availed tbemselres of
tle Weaker Today.
the opportunity to en)oy tbe evening. By Wire to tbe Evening Record.
New York. Jan. 26 —Oeoeral WheelFollowing the Initiation an elaborate
banquet was served by the ladles over
lie U a
a hundred members enjoying tbe feast
Hre. IMand B^^Wss ths ORi of good things provided eo hospit­ little weaker than yesterday but relaably. Cold menu, eeoalloped potatoes
$5.60, $7i0. 19.00. $11.25. 13JiO, $16.00, W6.S0! Ali
TIm Blddlos wore vwry ptesanUy s
baked beans, white and brown breed
bonght thU winter. Nothing in the lot that wm not
torulMd last evsali^ by Mias Gm
jetties, celery, pleklre. cakes In abond
wen worth tbe retain ptioe-Onr hankering after
■one and coffee were dispensed. Thr
Mini la boaor ot Mrs. Botai
ready caah gires you thi* oppottanity—worth $7A0
aoaidkum. wbo Is vlMtAag b«r motlM
•veelng was nee oC tbe most enjoy­
to $2200.
, 44%c: O.U. n*c: 'portt.
. J. A. Moore 1
viU leave In
able held this winter.

Wi Lud ii PmeriptiH Wok







A HUMAN ama UTtlUbLV um SY


m AM wwM. ttet rw7 am* ymn
mtrn% m «• A <«N«to IMA
pn« fw wtM MMOaRr « MV boAr:
ftet •T«7 m> jm vtev fM lim
VMM bf iiMiiiT MtMU brae
lb» ■irlH> AM— —d tbitm of
bMj. 7M b«v» giTM •» M M


ad dar** aald ib* cNc
ad iMCate a oatoiy. Pntmmu
tmm. •’WUIt yoB aiv loofctef a
■av I ali bcMf bWMd la.Mlwa.* «io*

breathliMr and la the act]
and by oiatal acffvHy. i
•*We sapad beat by t


oargy motloo.
pit of tbla Btata vUl be latavaated in
tba tet dial tbU atat* now ataodK
atea in tba autuar of proporiK
rahtma to tba atato ttaamiry on rail
road taatioa accoant. Not all tfe
daa to tba atpta on tbla Recount baa
aa yac baa paid by tbo railroad*, but
tba attatOBOa of a aolt to delay or eaoapa Back payntaoi In fall la of courso
BO Iluft of Uit tai lav from tbe ro4<HraMai PoUit of Hav. Attealiun
baa raeady baa called to tba fact
Cb^la Wlaoooaln tba ireraxc rata uf

r JI.T4 la 1
fy daddad. Tba statacaant that Mich-





tela to laeraaeodb paymmu.
A man may not have a cruel nature
. ad yat Inflict needle** aufferlnf on
. beait*. children and 'thoM with whom
ba cornea In Vontet. The people of
Orad TraverM* county are not of neoaaelty cruelar iban tboae of other
countie* but there I* need of a county
bnmaa aoclaty ad for that reaton.
the meellna at the city library toraor
row arenlny should have a lar*e attandan^.
A humane eoclHy acta a* an excel
)at check upon many people. A man
If be think* that he will be arreKtetl
ad knowa that there ia a active or
galxatlon roady'io proaecnte him. will
ba careful horn* he treats hla live stock
la the winter time. The parent 'that
is BO heartless as to mistreat a chIH
faerslly has a respect for the Uw
more so If It 1* backed by a effectl^lc
The society could accomplish much
ad betef once started, ahoald be
aeUvely and enthusiastically kepi up.
The work of suck a society canno;
help but oiako better men and
women put of those who*belon« to It.

Kov. the daUy av



Hiat quantity of .

ow Is this 2.a0O pounds of energy
t by eacb baman body? It vUl
sarpriae yaa. perbapa. to ba told that
nr moactilar woeb done in a day
reqnlraa about S15 pounds <»f this
2.300 pounda and that the rvoqiloder
bacooMa. aa It were, eraporated and J«
r constantly thrown off by the
body In the way of beat.
-We lltanUy Ur# by bslDf burned
aUre. Energy and beat combined help
lied by nature. Just aa a new
lag la built on the alte of one
vtdeb has been burned down.
-You Ure beard uf the ma wbo
gala *wartued to bis worh,* and that
being ‘warmed,^ everything goes on
natlsrictorily. *Uke s bouse on fire.*
That Is literally what happens to ever)*
bumsn cnwturc. for bis *boose* U mllys OB nre. tbougb tbe teal meaning
‘ Is not nhvaj s
I by tboae who ntler
rightly 1
The phase ‘getting up steam.* ao
often used tn a Jocular seose. la nnotber
truth Iml 111 tie undealood. Our body
Ter done gHtlug up steam, and
thto ateam U our pnopelHuf povw. by
which we are able to get about our
work and by which the bain Is able*
to keep up Its rush of Ideas. Let na­
ture stop getting up steam and we
are a nervous collapse.
**W1th plenty of stem we an tre
away; without It we ruu down. There
dblng to keep our body warm.
Dg to wmrm:our food, nothing to
warm and render molal tbe air we Inapla and thea is nothing .lo iworlde
for the radUtkm and evapoatlon of
dlfferettt motsturrs from the akin.
**Braln workea giro off a gtvator
amount of heat than physlal workea;
hence they are more liable to coUapse.
Their ezpendl^re exceeds Income, aad
the result Is bankruptcy. They arc
obliged to lie up till they ran obtain
more cnpttah-ln otbe^ words, they have
been enusumed by the fire of tbe body
at a quicker ate than It takes ature
to supply a quanUty of fresh tlasoe
and muscle.
-The ages of twenty-ooe. twentyeight. thirty-fire and forty-two are tbe
most critlal periods of a peaon's life­
time. for at about tbeae ages nature
wUl bare fitted tbe body but with new

ya from those
I born. Thte * tbe pi^f.Yark News.

P Major Qenenil Trotskl. wbo was re\ teUy made <xmim«iukf of Sf. IVter*.
i bhTf. was born on July iM. 1M7.
f ^Dr. Samanbor. the lurcwtor of Ea-

^ b^"St

Herbert de Htern.
a |w. Is a JewUh Unk
0. and Is a sou of Haror

J fatly made

rUm Be«l Itelor.
The real Malay Is a diort. tbickaeC.
wwU IMUt man. with atraifbt black
balr. a dark brown complexla. thick
nose and Upa and bright, tntelUgent
eyes. Ills disposition U gencrslly
kindly. hU manners polite and.
Never cringing, be Is reeerved with
strangers ad sneplcioas. though be
doe* not show it. He la courageous
aud trustwowby in tbe disebarge of an
undertaking, but be Is ertraragat
food of borrowing money aad very
slow la repajiag it. He U a good talk­
er. s{>eakB In parables, qootea proverbs
and wise saws, has a stroog sense of
bumor and la very food of a good joke,
lie takes an Interest in tbe affairs of

^ IWr bklwln Cornwall, chairman of
^ 4he I.oodoo county councIL ba* prot>tei an tatmatloual congress of rai»- tmii baring over BOU.OiiO population, be U raiely an plum smoker. Bnt .be
• ta tmti annually for tbe dlscUssKm of . i, food of gam lag. cock fighting aad
He is by ature a
lAunocll \nison. a memiKT of tbe
Kbatucky RfMature and known as tbe
••♦ralklng man.” has annonced hi,.
te way to Washluron.
^ ten bis rajahs and bus
l*riuckWB Eos €»f Battenhurg. who
Is tv|«c1ed to be engaged to tbe king
of SiMiiu. la tbe an|y rayal rblW bom
In tb-otlaud for more Than
—that Is. slutw tbe Wrtb of Cbale* I,
May LIva 100 Yart.
Tbe ebacas tor living a full
n years old.
iWllm cured

Bba writes;


atHka a waamu. tet yaT
tey-W«U.ltetkBte. Kaeow.
1 teold tee ta atrtk* mjr maCksr^
The Bosid aC Trade e€ Ba Jdatetk
on, has amad ft -Flaial CUy- and
a-cwoimmee ha been

that It Uvea up to the iaair^ , ,

B cssexsu ST AU.iBAKt IZratn VSK ' Tax BXST aASCk SaiLT

Has DaM Rtes and Twa Unalype
aa otf y*fr CanfiSBlM.

lb* Ml* M revr tec twt vtet N pr»r-


R Illicit lEir IT

*jKt Teo Cneeiimln Hr' 6m
H* Mayly TMcMtf
on the Eaily Hbtey.

mi to tbe Braving Raoord.
lao. muk^ Jav. M.-Thvogb the
»ay of Bagteaa MaaaMr Hand-

-ainreh Htetory- was tba subject
blab bad baa aaalgaed to tbe Rev.
CbarieaT. tent far dlacttsalnn btere
tbe Ma t dab of Qrnee Cbarch last
evalvg. The Rev. Mr. Stoat gave a
bow tbm Uttla village atandily grows axMnat addraaa bat owlag to the
pooiMlltles of the subject aad
1^ ia ao proaperons wba unHke Its
abler VQIors. li Md no grant timber tbe fotlUty of attempting to cHacuss It
eau or tectarlfia sBd the soil Is witbln tbe Umlu of a siagb nddrms.
very bad Ur tni prafiubly. Yet the confined bb tnik merety to tbe begin
raaaa b raadtly apparat when one Inga of ebareb bbtory.
Tbraa great aatJons prepared tbe
ttapa tato tba prtatlng establlabmenf
way for tbe adreat of the ehurrb. said
of the Plalab people.
Tbe plaat b oquipped to a modem the speaker, tbe Greek, the Jesrish and
Roman. In course of time thraner. baring a duplex prtntlns
praaa and two linotype machine*, tons Greek natMn reached tbe highest clvl
of type ana other paraphernalia iwh lisailan ad eultnre known. While the
y for romliictlng a modem nows- people accepted the gods of mytholoo'.
r. This publishing company was the educated men and the philoso^
I saw the fallacy of such a belief
tofmerlvc located In New York but
owing id a ambition among some tif ad as a consequence three schools
tbe FtaUh lenders to eataUsh a Wn sprag up. the Bphnirra. the Stoic
Platonic. The Bpk-uroan*
nlsb seuieroenf in a central locaftion. •«**
^ maiertallsts believing that
tbe site of the miage of Kale^p/a was
braght ad pUtted Into lota. 8t«rt‘«I*»MPln«*waajhe highest good. The
Stoics believed that man had no dis­
tinct pcmnallty while the Platonic
school acknowledged one SMpremo
being and was the nearest' to actual
Chrlstlaally. Tlie philosophy of these
schools took the place of reilginn.
But there was a new factor com In x
It too light. There are no saloonu ut
Kaleva but Innlead a very thrivlni; to the front. The Jews were
iTsnre organlxailon and a len.- traders and In fidlowing commerrisl
pursuits they traveletl all over the
pcrincc t»Alx‘r.
The Flnnhh paiwr baa alioal n.2»«* known world. Whertwer they went
taders scattered all over the rnlted they carried with them two thlngw. thr,
States and Canaa. The pubHshmx truth of the nnlty of God and the com
‘ prlntR books and orher current ing of a Messiah.
The Roman empire was the third
reading matter and all who are cot-.nected with the ctmijiany ore c.-uigt-nlal greet agency. The Greek clvillrjitlon
had pavcHl the way and the Jtnrs bad
and enthiiHlaittic workers.
D. W. HIchmtind of Itear I-ake has spread tlm message. The Roman emrecently oiw-ned up a drug siorc at Ka- plrt* then conqiierc-d the world anj
lera and repetrts a Rf»*atllly growln; broiight It under one government. -A'd
roads lead to Rome" was the old ray
^g and great highways stretched out
Kaleva> new
to the furthest copiers of the ihen
known world.
The nnnif h Young People’s soclet
U creeled a new ball for social rcf
reatlon and pleasure mecis.

makes Isttndty work with salt water
possible. Now oceon stcaniships will
nH hsve to carry frtim rsi.tsio t,> ksi..
UOO ideccs of ited atul table linen to
last during the entire voyage. Wrsblug can 1« done aboard.
Half tha World Wandars
bow the other half Uvea. Those who
use Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve never wooder If It will
wlll (cure cuts, wounds, bums,
sores and all skin erupGons; they
know it will. Mrs. Grat Shy. 1130
K. Reynolds St.. Springfield. III.. i
“I regard It one of tbe absolute n
aUies of housekeeping.” Guarateed
by Johnson Drug Co.. F. H. Hears. C,
A. BttgbM Drug Co., druggists. 21^
nr. Zanoeubof. tbe inventor of Es­
peranto'. the -universal langnsgr.” was
bam at Hlalystok. a PoliRh town on
tbe l<.txlcr of Germany.

teachings of the Jews because the pe<,
pie of all nations traveled o%*er them.
Then Jesus Christ came and In all
his teachings he used the kingdom of
God and the church synonymously. He
claimed to be a king andjor this
convicted pf treason and put .io df
After the crucifixion, death ad rt
rection of Christ, he remained on e
forty days and he then ascended Into
heaven. On the day of Pentecost, 120
disciples were endued with and
the ChrisiUn church was Inaugurated.
The first effect was that 3.0OO Jews
were converted. The Greeks followed
In the acceptance of the new religion
but It was not until the reign of Consun tine that Rome became a ChrisUa at ion.
Mr. Stout closed by staling that
kings had come and passed on but the
church and chrlstlaity still remalnetl.
The next meeting will W held Feb.
13 and will be addresse<1 - by j. W.
Hannen on the board of trade and in­
dustrial matters,

OALMAN*fi latarlav Bpar Vamisb It
To keep U
, 20 Lafayette place.
Mrs. Mary Br
Y.. -I take Dr.
Kings New Ufe Pills. They are the
most reliable ad pleasant laxative I
Men are judged by the compay they
have fouad." Beat tor the Stomach.
Uver and Bowels. Gnarateed by keep, but it Isnt so eay to size up n
ohnson Drug Co, F. H. Meads. C. A
a by her hat. Judge her by tbe
Bagbee Drug Co, dmgflata. 26c.
ant of Hollister’s Rocky Mounuln
Tea ahe takas. 3S cents. Taa or TabTHE COMPANIONS of Foresters
Jobnson Drug Co.
wUl give a masquerade ball WedncAday evening at Forester’s halt. All
Foresters, their wive* and sweethearU
Jackson Hill Washed Nut
ad Compalons of Foresters are in­
vited to be >rcsent. Admission 25
cents each.
ja a-lt


N. B. Truth. St. Paul. June 31. *08.—
I ve lived ao Kmg I remember well
when the Mtsalsalppi wa a brook. My
good health and long life came by tak­
ing HoHlster’s Rocky MoanUIn ‘Tea.
mts. Johnson Drag Co.

Is one qf the best coals
mined; it burns free and
clean, with the minima
amount of soot and ash; you
will make no mistake in
giving it a trial.




J. B. Paige Electric Co.

suits for five ycbri with
any other range •n^h.
fnei consumption aad
roMlta for tbe same
period a»d you will
have to allow that it is,
as tbe St. Louis iudges
said at the late exposi­

A. J|»hn«oa’. Noi»CKi«i
Skee. « g«.U, nd«»d


Ject lina at a veiy low price
We alao haw Skee binding.
piiahaticka.aiow ahoea.elc.
Come in and kx>k them


_ iM A cliis: tr luaF
Gi^ the gold medal the highest possible award at
the St. Louis exposition,
-rmvr oiwm on waov WAvrMWMTW

J.W.: SLAI-Kf*

WI>ol<..le nd Reuil. You, RdiaU. Hck RonUef

An Overcoat, a Fur Coat, a P.iir of Pants, a suit
of Underwear, an Oversbirt.

Call in and see what

we can sell you for little money.

in the hopt* tliat you'll pick tip
a Kootl cijcar lien* or f!ton\ Gel
hold of a rijrar you know tn la*
Kcxxl—ont* that «*v«t3*oiic who is
a jutl*^> knows to lie a liptopor.
Short of tliat ailviro is: Smoke
tho Trav»‘rs<* Belle and oIImt
hnuids will concern you no
loader. Tliat’a a cigar to stick
to ami the .price won’t “bliek”
you. Dt^apito it’a t*xcelh*fiee.
the Traverse Ikdht m-lls for only
5 ctuits the one.


We arc over­

loaded on a good many lines o witcr goods; that
is why we re giving bargains. Call and see; it
won t cost you .mything to look. Do not let anybody else tell you that he can sell you just as cheap
as we can, but convince yourself and come over
here; we will be glad to show you our offerings.


Forthese winter mornings, just touches the spot. Use "H. & 1.. Co's"
Buckwheat or the Self Raising Buckwheat and "Pure Gold" or Golden
Drip Sjnip and you have a combination a king could not refuse.


Mince Pies—from "None Such Mince Meat"
can not be equaled. Ever try any of otir I’ie
Fruits. Apple, Peach, Apricot, already prepared; saves your canned fruit, and they are
so good.



‘ *



Canned so nicely, they taste like the
fresh fruit right off the trees. Green
Gage Plums, Monarch Pears, Peaches
and Apples, Morcllo Cherries, Lom­
bard Plums. White Cherries. Then
there is Monarch Asparagfis, Sugar
Loaf Red Kidney Beans. Blackber­
ries in Syrup. Apricots, Peaches,
pears and plums.
^ Best of Baltimore Oysters—Fresh every’ day,
" so many appetizing ways of serving them, and
these wintry days they make you ft el like a
new man. they taste so good. '

From our enormous stock. “Beech
Nut” Grape Jam, Orange Marma­
lade, Mangoes, Preserved Ginger.
Marschino Cherries, Snider s Oyster
Cocktail Sauce, Chili Sauce, Pimicotos Morrbnes (Spanish Peppers),
Blue Label Ketchup. Stuffed Olives.

Nothing more refreshing than a
good hot soup. The Van Camp’s
^ups are all ready for the hot water
just a moment before servingchicken, bief, bouillon, vegetable
and bean.

Are so good, or the solid meat Sal­
mon for lunch. We sell tbe Colum­
bia River Salmon, the Alaska Red
Salmon and the Coal Bay Salmon
and we hav« fonr kinds of Sardines.

Ready to serve. Potted Ham. Potted Tongue,
Corned Beef. Veal Loaf, Deviled Tongue.
Dried B^f. Hambcrgcr Steak, RoasT'Bcef,
Chicken Loaf.

'I ^

- ^ *


« a II • m 8 u

m Cl rs'f
pmCAGO 1


8 8 8 « 8 tt »
iWl » i. n^wm |8M 8k
MMU Mmt tte ami at wttkfe 1 «ai
k» * tatid Jmbk «r Imgalar rm




llMm k 8io of totorflaeoitaMh Afl*
ktoim toBttoi8 ««h foofwafl stnncib
;;1SW mib Ito prabltoi of tow k



K k tto*bem p


Tha ooHr mlkg »«k immd wberat^^
mot taking la tto deihee Of coorte 1
Bot inalty. lodoeed to
■V km mlaelle. a «*onk of specimen
gMA 1 PBobod It deapairlagly In db
tact lko.lrm»m that dktaocol could
Imar tto imtik It made opoo tto On
tiBtog a few feet from where eto was
mandlag. Tto wwtuaa gmaed ladlgoaoUy aboot. atook tor Ikt In an en­
tirely appomta dbaetlaa to where 1 wae
jrara. air to8am at
ggd diaappearad dawn tto acoUle.
By tbk tkia 1 bad bacoma miff and
tKok raklolim ooek aa oacomfortOn totariar. tto
pmaat raar. 1 vaa gtvaa a caaa whMi abkpaottkmaawalli .......................
terotvad air taldac a atoll Janitor
kword and shutdown tto winwayward. 1 praparad a naMaadoai
atoUag ttot I waald to back ta aboat daw. Baottwhat grimly raflaetlog that
mato myaeU aa coma traak aad wafatad It npaa tto door
or my aatar oAaa. Aflat locktag op I fartabk m Ito drcumataiicca pernmdaaceadad Id oaa ar Ito aktatacA Oo kd. 1 tonmd on tto ataam In tto fmdtatartattafoBamfma.
In a eacr UttW
tto mala tear, aa 1 ktodad tm tto
wblk tto room wae warm again, and I
tfct Bommag batldl^

to Yiftoto tfiCrUUjr. I8t tto laaar om tod a dllr
iiaad wladoar girtag ttpoa a aatrav
aiiatoft. H raa ftodto to namtaai
ttot tto autt wu aot aa amckltj da>
alrabla ana. tot tto rratal aaltad mj



-I an galof to to atray far about a
traak. Doogbartr.- I aald. -and I toot
orant aaj claaoara or dostara or any
body aka to aolar «y o8to tlU I gat
back. Tbata^a a lot of Important po­
part acattorad amad. and I totant
ttam to pot tbao atray.**AU rtgbt. Mr. mmla'A** to rapllod
'^'I'totoad bim and Imrrkd off to
trord tto ralkray Mallaa. Bot t bad
ooaftoly goaa awra tima a atop
bkeka tofora I coBuaanfiad to wmir.
-I daat banaaa l*d bator go off and
koto ttoaa daada akltblBfa acati
anmnd tto ooiar room.- 1 motltr
trjMlf. *Tta got tIma anongb i
back and atlU maka Ito train.**
Accordingly 1 turned aboat and boi^
Had back to tto Boomoraag boll
to my floor la a car operated by a
atrange akratar man. 1 baattty onkrkad tto aoiatdt daor of my officae.
taking cart bot to dtotorb the wafartd
memorandom. and Mammod^tto portal
abut babkd ma. Hanrtag ibotatepa In
tbr balltmy. 1 kahad tto door from tto
laalde. for I bad oo tima to apart and
did not want to to 1
• Now I II pot tboaa papara In tto Inakla offlra and lock Ctom op tbere.- I
Haatlly aattlog tto aprlof lock ao tto
roonacUog door. I fottoetd op an armrkl of tto docomarna and dartad tnaide
witb ttom. Aa 1 did aa tto prakcting
oCPAIM coagbt tbe
and brought
uSammtof*^? balAltan It
ooly by ao Inrolooterp Map for
ibat 1 aroklcd being atriK^ In.tto
•*That*a a good. big.
'my flrtt tbongbt aa I dumped tto paiwra mto ao opao drawer. -^V^l»n I
bare a ckrk. tbaia^ to littk dangm- of
IdBorerboarlag-At tto iaatant anotber Idea flatbed
tbaoogt my brain, and 1 ran to the
•‘I.octod mr 1 ejacolated as 1 pbUad
jbard otoo tto onylaldlBf knoM Tbao
,1 commaoced to Ungb at my own Momtloeat. But leugblng out kod wben
tkme It not an orerctoerfol thing, and
1 toon detlttcd.
It did not taka me many aalootaa to
rraliia ttot 1 vat In aa awkward
plight, to tay tto least Uka aB ma<P
era otBce^MIngt.

tonda. Next I tamed oa the electric
Ugbta.florUwaaraphUy growing dark.
Ttoo 1 gtancad at the marble topped
waahaland In tto comer and cried ex
I am

badly off at


.C •

m UT

tokfly my pofidoo and coot ttom out
from tto wtatow. troMke ttot aem
Oto bmeto ttom mkto mae tb tto

The dnr of days at ka Asbanr Metbdim cbarcb. where for tto pam tbraa
raaks rkrlenk toto been eondamnd.

aooi la the pariors to which serenty
topkg ttoi key klgbt attract attentka. Botaalyaaeakdlaeamtotocseed la makkgaa Imprimtoa opoa tto
tafle an abaat ma. By
cam^ kaortkg aB tto pkeea af
string 1 caald Bad together. 1 abtniaed
a Ike twaaty odd fleet la kogth. To ooa
eod i^tolt 1 gttaebad my woadea ruler
and carefally lowered it out of tto wlnBow down to tto full length of the line,
Ttoo 1 eammeaead rwaytag it geatly

Tbe service was eapocklly prepared
rbr the aged -ston-laa.- who ware
broagbt to tto
k rigs provided
by membara. where for a day. lactaflkg a morning and afiernoon aerrtee.
they entered Into the work with aptrit
and faUh.
The aflernaon service was eapeckny
Interesting to these aembera who Sat
(round la easy chairs and ItoHowlaa
a one of (to lowar the ■ernwn delivered by the Rev. A. T.
bad 1 weU bigoa Ferguwm take% from the text RHr.
oolae aa of a Saab j y>. -Behold. I ataud at the daoTand
kmK-k.- came an Interesting testi­
mony service. Many of the pllveryhalre<l vlsHora ttailfykg with trem­
bling lips of a walk In faith of from
forty to silxty years.
Among those who were privileged t«i
enjoy tbe sanrlce were: The Rev. A.
J Eldmi. over 80 yearn of age. a for­
mer presiding aider of this dlstrift
who has-been k the ministry sixty
years. He ha# not been able to fill a
pulpit for over a year.
The Rev. Willard Heath, a Methodist
minister who has spent all the yeari
id his ministry In the north.
Mr*. Reynold*, mother of Mrs. W.
W. Snfib. who has been unable to atleml church for three moatha. and who
has the reettrd of being the oldest

Tided In Uraltkaa qoaoUty.
km bnagry. I think 1*U get tome auiv
%ida iaat remark was merely Intend
ed as a Jmt for eery few boslnem ofteas bars krdtra attaatod. bot ntrei'
ttokm 1 proceeded to akembk the fotag op bekw ma. tto cord waa
kings adibla If aot aznctly toottooom. aaa tubed ooi af my graap aad a toIcc
*‘Qolt that ooneenae. you Infernal
s. There waa nutriment In tlila-of young laacat or 111 go op there and
Id. Nea^ came two plecee of stale give you a wannlngr
y. rery^ooariy aa bard aa ftint.
Aad even while I waa Interrupting
fftbelcoB to me they seemed like a him with frantle yells the aasb doaad
down agak. and 1 waa left wltboot my
atgaallng Une and apparently unbeedetL
m gam arable; a large bottle Very evidently the Irascible old geng a few dooes of cod Urer oil tfleman was coavinced that be bad met
, and a Tial of boaeapatblo ed oot summary Jnstlce to a nolay and
diets completed tto spread. mkchlevoat oflkt boy.
Bot Jam wben 1 tod flniabed tto saAnd ao anatber kog day di^w to itt
aembllng and wae grtmly dabatlag at ^oae. 1 ate the last of my food aam
to which tboold firm senre om
besaktng my fam opmi my mto
Tsrted to a eertala books la tto kwer taking powers of the dubious oficc
drawer of my desk.
aupplles. And after that. If no help
-Horrab.*** I abaotad. danolog op and came, what tbcnT My sltaatloo bad
down wiib gkai -Wbafa tto matter become tragic: When 1 look back open
with all those aampka I got at tto food It now. 1 can hardly Imaglna bow I
stow a few wsaka ago! 1 lotend
managed to keep oo hoping for speedy
express them tomA lt*e mighty lucky relcasa. It waa a peculiarly gaUtns
ttot I*re been aa boey and ocglacted situation to be k. Separated by ooly
a few feet of wall space from doseni
I quickly 'produced and apaom
package. Out rolled tto nsoal ai
bloge of mlnlatnre etna, jara and ]
figured It
•*rTs got to to <
bandred knaa. Ttora waa tba mem
-or cl»e before 1 get out of orandum oo tba outside door of my
offlcca. and I hsd told the Janitor 1
koold not be back for a week- He
would oot coosWer It any of bis bnsl
nres tf two or area three weeks weol
by without seeing ma. My rent wai
paid to tba ciMl of tto mouth, and my
credit was good with the agent, li
might be tto middle of February oi
eren tbe begtnnlng nf March before
eiy door would to forced open. An<1
wtot woaM they And? Not my lirlag
body by ttot time, at any rtle.
1 did aot sleep ao aoniidly on the
third night of my captivity. Perhaps
S o’clock k tbe morning X i
ly op on my elbow. 1 was ama I beard
roless In my outer offkc. 1 could not
tomlatakeo. Next moment my prison
door opened srttb scarcely ao macb as
a dick and awnng nolaelaaaly back. A
abadad Ufbt streamed In.
-Come on. Jackr growled a voice.
-•Takt no om. Its only a young



toktraoMAdomfOraa. NaBetowk
Mdk. Tto «totak ■aaiBMBfil ffte
craw. -Xo OM jaaal kave tto ahipc'*
ipt vka I m nMr ••
totoUtpBedjr. -atoBkealaka We
Mara ke fate af Ito vraad tte
ra was aa ttoktog Ttoy aaag
keirMtIonil take, ctoewd krirem
pkar aad MiBir. dnwa op la dM to
rmmd mlBMa to mteaie aatil tto
Many War* Nratont Wba Had Nal
raatdawm. Xaarty 400 Hraa were
Bsan ta a Barvka 4m Manks
. BH«
troto ■laamev. waa wrecked off tbe

, toir way out at the

fbK 8a cmiri J! SmmTl Urn




■t I.woa mmgombly mM
ipd boor few ortkkt ttoreto
fbbk of tokg oMi Ito Mgm


aad want. The ootaraOcT'kinTcnmg between the one where
flatd Bud Ito hallway, woald caaoe sty
etke to be oaekoB In that direction I
carefully examined tto door sod the
. lock, at least na macb of tto tatter as
ooa dlstlogulabbUe. Tto door wae of
oak sod eery nolMly made, os I tore
said. The only tools In tto ofllce were
my penknife and a steel eraser. I I POUD aaoB AimcLm as one •oi'
could not tore eat mock more tbu a
•quart loch of tto woodwork away In tore I may bate to ftOl back on the
a wbok daya chipping. Moceorer. In pasta and modlage. Cgh! Let me
IMTiug aroood Ito keybole I snapped sac,- aaamlaing the little packages one tod DO terrors for me k thaVmomenL
the single Made gf tto knife k twak. by ana. -1 tbkk kls wOl do. ©x taO 1 thought only of my possible rdeaae.
The window ksmed k to my km aonp. Nat aa bad BDder the clrcam- file anaak tblavaa bad no time given
and brat bops. Kokkg but tto bare mancea. And bete'a a newfangled kma for ommMsratka. They most
party wwll of tto alnhaft amt aty ekw
toTo tboogbt key bad aB nawtttlngly
at flrsL Bot. altboogb It waa bitterly
earn# upon A teaatlc. tXoppiag their
t'uld outdoors. I raised tto sssb. Abort
and took, key toek to keic
^^tbSiS!y*toiSS’ lantern
and brlow were almOsr windows to my kg its co
took and flod and may to numiag yet
w»wo. I knew, hot widt tedfss kite- ,ble upon
for an 1 know. I did aot chase them
veoed. and ks tigtttf ckisd saabes of dainty, altoft
bot a T«y few feet only to tto thtoahmeal
wiotry wsaksr mato a poar ssgod
cimdoctor. I ytikd and abookd oetfl .np oooTeakoUy to the slacirta Ugbts
1 was boarm without maklag any ytsl- ^
With ttookftunas. I Cto^lmj
tie Impreoalea. It was one of Ctoso refrom tto dusty shdreaps^ a Vk oo ka now apsn door and i
ceeord slrstaftt. ood I was abk. told
« mguobybskbakismttos8|.klmB

Becord Want Ads Pay

LIT U2 t S'
LOT 103

anaad aa dock, aafl la fail drem
ftoir peak. 400 of them. Tto *

gpktoMapMI. OfaSltoaldp.
gatiorad ta ke battle shaped harbor of
•amaa ke Baglkh Oalttope waa tto
aa|y one able to flaiee Ita way oat ta
Ito face of tto harvicaae wbkb awepc
ito waters. As abe crept past tbe Van
Ma. 8tag atotiervd oa a reef, the
TaakM Cfww maaaed tto atfles. tto
hand plajred -Tbe Btar flpaagtol Ben
rtar.** and (to brara men about to die i
d tto brave men who were •ght ]
elr way to life and safety,
re k a quality of ^rage fh siu-h
ntera with IneAitable death ttot
be ranked alurve tbe liravcrr
i In tto irortteroent of active bar1th a toumm foe. He h nat the
•t man adio has no fear, but
rather be who. feeling It all the time,
erereomes tbe Impulse fi> i-orranlli-e
OMves steadJIy forward to what-

tto men oo the doomed ve^-H
kept steadily at work without fiaiUe or
ler until admiral and all went
tnCHber. It was to this ealastropbe KIpttat referred when to wrote:
mites jrcKi think better o* you an*

Froe ta AH Mifitetera.
I win send one bottle of War
While Wine of Tar^the best rough
remedy on earth—fre«* to all ministerwho win recommend It to Iheir friends
Mr*. R V. Davis, who resides with after giving It a fair trial. Addrers
her daughter, Mr*. I^»irks. probably Dr. C. I). Warner. Coldwaier. Mich.
has not been able to aHend church
for a year, waa in attendance and
GeuernI I ee. eoninaudiiig tbe degrsatly enjoyed the two senrlocsirimeut of Texas. telU a g»»i-d story
Mni. Calkta Phillips of (W GUnwood
Miu hliuself.
av(%tue. was brought to the Ker\ice
leaving tils oOiiv one aflirtfion nftand remained all day.
eloslug hours, be was ^ «t
Mrs. Mary Slnyter. 412 - West
jaeventh streej, was able to'attend tbe mlly'iiari by owe of a large
her of visitors nttra.-i.-tl to .San
for the first time in three months.
ulo by the recent fair.
Mrs. King of North Spruce sinM-.
“Will von i.i.-aM* tell me t hal
was brought to the mominj; service
to take to the S|.rii.g<V n-ikid the
and remained all day*.
Mrs. Avery of MonrtK* street, who.
Tbe geiicnil luiu^sl. .-nd. v Ith his
though very feeble. wasAble to 1m- ont eusloiiiary ««->y. removed his hnt
for the service and cunsideretl it ;i iM-fore replyinj; that lie was i ot %t*ry
fan lUar with the d«-<ttiiMti.»u< *>f t*ir
great blessing
Mr*. Young of West Front street, various car llm-s.
“Bui .v«u ought to klinw “ vald tl e
who. being very aged and unable to
f."lr Imtuislt ir. alliwii:g Mmi-thlnc ««t
reach a church for weekly attendance, lUiiuilleiiee to njiiM-ar lu her tone
atteuded during tbe ilay and was •Ain't yon n jiolhs ainnr*
brought both ways by a rig furnished
Tbe. griirniUiv-idiid sadl.r that **rt
by the church. She has not l>e,-n jp one time ill bis life lie liad asplra
tlous to IxHvuue a meud»er of tbe fonc.
to a service since late lost fall.
It be f.arcl It was too late."
Mr*. Mary MlUer. an aged wWow
llie tualden's look of iiii|iathMi<e
who has been unable to attend for six gave
way to one of ndmiiatloii ns ^lie
montha. enjoyed the privilege yester
uiplatisl the general's llgun*. And
with a sigh -be said: “Well, if you
Mrs. WlnterlK>than of Tenth stree»
a |M>lh-<*man. you sure oug
enjoyed a service again, having been
unable to attend for several months. *
Mrs. E. L. Kellogg, a member of thr OumberUiA's Piii BtUn U an taUFirst Methodist church and wldom- ol scptlc UBimeBt ebA is oBcqianefl ts
circ lor cflU, hnises,^prtiis and
an ex-prealdlng elder, attended the
ke iflJiirieE.
service, being taken there by a rig.
Aged 1* H- Snow was able to attend
tbe all-day service with hi* two sons
«b*rt SpM-k Csagfat tlir 4sry.
Bert and Frank, who attended theii
Wii. ti l».-.r.m Hniuiv.ell u;!S
altJliig • n 111. . rowii side ou the South
The evening service was largely at Wales eireiiit. oumel for the def<
tended and the sermon delivered by in n 4vTt:-.i:i e.,se asked Uwvo to
the Rev. A^T. Ferguaon taken from dn-ss the jury hi W«-Ish. Tbe case be­
the aermon oa the mount. “Strive
ing a simjile one. [s nnlsslnn was given
• at the straight gate.”
without deninr. He said tint ver>* few
wonls: the barm also dW not t
Tto Bast In tto World.
mneh emument was nreessury. but
I>r. J. W. Hai^lton of San fTancis0. Cal., rays: “I have sold Warner s somewhat st.trib'd by a prompt
Hi It e Wine of Tar Syrup for year, diet of anpiftlal.
“What wus It.“ be afterward
t is the beat cough remedy I ever aaw
ind. “that Mr. L----- Mild to tbe
nd has no equal for aatlima.*’
“Oh. to Jnst said: This case
Mis* Miriam MJcbelsou. tbe novelist. llcmen. lies tn a nutshell. You »ee
yourselves exaelly Ijow It stand*. Tbe
said Jtidge is an Englishman, the prosecu­
ting counsel Is an KnglUhman.
had good luck. I was complainant Is an Englishman,
I good stories,
rued to^gi
you are Welah; and I am Welab, and
them well, aud therefore 1 liked the file prisoucr Is Welsh. Nw-d 1 tay
more? I leove It all to you.* “
“Once, tboogh. a k
It U acaiwly ne»-e«giry to me
tare befell me.
*•1 had Interview a I
and. k tbe lady had
and obliging. 1 wanted. In my arilHe.
to any only things as wvnil
“In one iiaragr^ I j

r V-': '■■■



LOT 181

LOT 23

Lots 23rj. 230. 237 as advertised are now sold

LOT 196 " ^
4 LOT 203
' :
LOTI 120
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

These arc all early selections and arc the

Handsomest Lots io Oak Heights'
not easily obtainal
rately. excepting 182. 183, 1S4. uliich must be sold to­
gether. All must go for spot cash, and the prices

The whole bunch of

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be



As the price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Gome quick for choice
of lots.


Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
Fronting East Bay 8^s and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
v^Of^d^ra^ lot in this beautiful subuiban spot.

- Immem.#* diamonds sparkled k
-There.- rigiied tto dytog million,
alre. feebly. -a#w ttot my MM win
Is eompktad i feM bkter. My family
will to eared for Ihrongbtllfe at I
-But kn t there ooe thing you have
fotMitto ta meouonr auked tto
-What Is thatr
tV atl t aali excof^g!^ toattk
-The setikg aride of a fOIfiW
Which romto with Bodky Moaafak toKUtoe fox the chorus girl.-—MUwau
tlrug On.
hare been Ul. ar



123 Fwal Street








thmy M a feat wtdeb has Saeo aeewpHM gt dm d agri^

rM PTMturfiM «bmk «acM
Tfc» timt flBUJ
M<. I


WUey s -polsoa swi^ ae tbe u
bd^rdoae by a sp^lally iavmrtad macUaa. -Tbis macblae la fitted op with

ar UabMm

M tk» horn OC J. a lAMWB
or Monm
tJMM mniMd la tko dir tUo MlorBOM to TWt friflU.
.Aitkor SnMoUiol kao ntaiMd tiMk
• ton »•«*»• kMtoM trip to

: AbMhrtBlyPur*

A OrMm of Tartar Powder



a. and tbe draft ^ givep V
■m mrraagemem canned by a Jet
•ter. Ibe macblae baa net




Kta N«nie WUte or SMm.
kao bMB la Ike dir as.U» grnm ct
U. reuined kOM tklo Mimlas.
>. Jtaee OdoMo ot 8ok«. who
kubeaolo the dtr u the
her ehUreii. lln. Hmtt StenUe ud
Mn iahBTotel.retnnedlolierboBe



OB at tba Hbrvy 1
bring: Meadamea J. H. IflBOoi^ C.
F. ReM. Baa LoaAoa. W. ffi Mait|a. A.
L Baetaau J. M. BMkaalae. T
Doyle. There wiU be ao pivgrmm

mqnbevmta of tbe In
■ Of tobacco are amt to tbe la paariag a firmerh team oear the

ama teaiperatufe and mdotiire
up Into dgBm*'for dm auu
The dgar la tben fed to tbe mac__
bad dm burning la noted. flbouJd tbe
dgar bm evenly, wttbooi flaking or
^er eVectioaable featorm. the
fram tbe particolar plant receh
fkvoraWe report. SbouVl tbe cigar
prove to be of tbe -llreprooT rarlety
dm eeal la mcemmended for tbe
Tbe official la ebarge of the experllenta baa adopted a metbod of test­
ing wrapper leaf grown In tbe United
States. This abonld be completely con­
sumed la tbe bnralug. Tbe wrapper
Imf te placed on a dgar shaped mold
and lighted, aad if ft bom. properly
die OBcde from tbe plant from which
tbe leaf waa taken are carefully laid
aside for nae next year.
By this medMd of selection and ellmtaatioo tbe offioUla expect matertallv
to-improve tbe quality of tobacco and
to redtKw to a minimum the growem*
Uwa oa onaalable tobacco leaf.

MOUMt FOR RENT-4L00 per moatk,
Inmrtre W. L Brown. 315 W. Tanlh.

White OaK Ld^



THim W4Rn

.•bfioM eee Shellfiiaii. Say thie <
yttM* ayee ya

iims. Wiooa wJU arrive la tbe city

Cammaay will Take Placse at S:fi0
This Eveaiiig.
, Tbto malag at t:M u tb« bom. of
tbe btMe. Mia. Ada. daagbtar of W.
W. Saltb. wn be uatted U aarrlage
•Ub Spragae Pratt. Ml« Bwltb ba>
bemi tbe gaeet of booor at aereral very
eajoyable fnactiooa given for ^r
pteanare daring tbe paat week.


E. L PttXPATRICK. tfoined nnrae.
gradnata of Military Aeaderar. Angil
Ialaad. CaL ReaMenro CIS Wabator

praetlcal articka that have reecatly
bamiaddafitolbeUatofbooafooldaovI la a metal atepladder that la said



saminTMi '

Traverse City
Motor Boat Co;
Phono Thon. W. Stanton,

Oitz. 716or 974.


M A A. A.


f .--fC i


CoDBistpnt with high elan
workmansliip. material mul
power dert'lopetl.

We are never with­
out them, but on Sat­
urday. Jan. 27th. we
commence a-TWO
SALE, when we will

Save your money and
attend this sale.

Walter M. Paige, Agt.
Ommm rnx.

Will J. B. Pilce Electric Co.

'I tun mre I havp got
jnat what you are




' The Gt of Hickpy A
Fnxman Co. Clothing
ii what M-Ili thorn.


Thia ia the laat wcelt' After that cornea inventory.
Vonr laat ehanoe at the gieatnt baivain of the aeaaon.
Tour choice of oil our $25.00 aotl S«.00 COATS.
Some'ailk line-1, othera For liuetl, with Fur ooUara, nfl
the very beat matfiiala and the Utoat, up-loJate
atylea. and YOl’R CHOICE FOR


. ■

rire^ af
Wioas w«l amee In the t

vobn POORByB >«MeBB >.Mroctad actofitfocatty. fibafonaiy tiio ap-

be preeeat taalakL Ha daMree to
the mepibeia «t the PrtmMe chart
«:« p. m. ia the ptayer meeUiic room
of the Priead, ehareh.

For home decorktioa.

10 lo 40 feei^long: prIcM
S15.M MftSM. OdiTeml
to J. K. areiliek Cu’i aaw
mill ^

r uii. ^

k .

n not cana*a „
EMWkE UJlffiER C6;


doaped iiito the aaow with the overtnraed cutler, the horse with thiUa attaehed thea made a dash up Union to
Front aad aroiad to »^te. then down
frdefrom alum or phosOnes to Ftoat, where be feU dlrecUy
in front of Belfo bakery, rolling clear
phatio add
acrona the street to the bakery door
where he became no entangled in the
harMaathat he was aaableto riae aad
Mm. J. K. Ormbam aad daughter.
WM oanght. A mule waa seen racing
Mina, of this city lefCyaatortay for an
on the track of the runaway horse but
extensive trip to Vaa Wert, Ohio.
up the ch^ aad was caught, too.
Mm. F. E. Bobbin left yeetorday for
Robert E. Walter, who was taken
Kingsley, where she wOl be4be guest
•or. «it1t
bate Patch at OtyOpana Haimi
seriously 111 two days ago with a recur­
of a frleada. Mrs. ^ Jamemm. po«.
,Prbl.y Evtniag.
*: TtnoAV ArrenHooK,
rent attack of appeadiciiU la reeing
mUtreae of the rrilage.
quietly today and much Improved.
“Mm. Wlgg^ oftbi Cabbage pattfli"
Mrs. M. W. Hoyt and Ada Case of
The Desmond lot on the corner of
will be at tbe aty opera booae prlday Cedar Springs, who have been in tbe
Wat OliMVfi an41
aple and Eighth streets la being
erenlng. The ebarmteg; elory ^11 be dty atace laat Friday, returned borne
flooded this afternoon by the fire de­
exceilimtly told aad portrayed by a yedetday.
partment fbr the Third Ward Skating
aad lira. If. J. Bouter of Glooling aaaoclailoa:
oeaier. lUasa. who have been guests
The special revival services of As-.
Tkd Boaintm lot at the poiw of
Miaa Locy Aloolt, GeorgetU Bbner of tbeir brother. Captain Boutem of
bury M. E church will continue this
Vtemi ABd Park atraau vaa flaodad
Mr. Robert Redding. Olircr Waters this city, left today for Kalamaaoo.
excepting Saturday evening.
IMI mnlBc aad BOW Uie Pint Ward
Mr. Reddings Friend. E. T. Henry. where they will remain a short time
program for thU evening at the
naUBg Hiok aaaoclatkNs la buay
Mlaa Hmxy. Miaa Anba Campbell.
Uter cbnUnulng to Battle Creek aad
Clyi opera house will commence sharp
teplBf for a couple of cold Bl«bU. they
Auairalla Wlgga. Rena Carter.
oclock with a aelectioo on the
,«».«««.nr.oco«pM. .t. pn.
Aala Wlgga. Jeaaie Caldwell.
ipes by J. McIntosh of Kalkaska.
Bunopena Wlgga. Carrie Alwmrd
Pbotograidilc apparatus has-been so
Lhbone Slaters are requested to
BlUy W’lgga. Tmn Dean.
Tte aaaoeUtSoa got Imay on the rink
Norellata who Have writtci
much improved and simpUfled In leiTSit
at 7 sharp. K. of P. hall, this
jMariajr afiamooo aad put K ln(u
Jimmy Wlgga. John Alward; ,
years tbat it la now po^bk* for tbose
for InataUaUon, Parly will
i*apa. Qnlta a crowd waa prwaent
Chris Hair. Chubb Brana.
damoof tbat U not real. We are led Inexperienced lu the art lo take pl^foUow. All Knighu of Pythias are InI with succ
Pete. Howard Morgan.
aad tlMdw waa aoch tatmt manf
to Infer from works of fiction
f«tad. «U^Pyiedricb becaaieaboy
Kelghbom. Waller*. Sunday-school mooiiahlSer makes whisky and refuse,
UjP First Methodist churoh toI of the huperfivt
BfBla aad got down on bla kaeaa to
to pay tax on it purely on iKlDciplc.
? by the explosion
>w afternoon a meeting will be
Um bkw witb bla montb full of cold
He does It to show that he has a free of ^blight powder, but because of the
held for prayer, banning at 2:30.
aatla and poC boarda In placa to prolike Qulltin*. you orter and untrammeled souk atwtlli
flaa^ to the operator. A Chicago In- Those whovieslre are Invited to bring
' TMilftoodlBgortba BoatruinbaiieMt keep the piece and do away with the the writers. And be Is alwsy
rdW baa patented the apparatus
‘ Vine OCBoar-Babe** Wladfc abed moat scraps." The Wlgga Home.
•eased of a pretty daughter. As a mat­ abown bjtre. Which be claims wUl create their lunch and aUy to tea and the
or bla blue clotbca and imed an aa
Winter. Mm. Wlgga drllla tbe Sunday ter of fart, tbe moonshiner makes an InataaCsueous and brilliant light, evening service. At the meeting this
' aVacihrely on tbe wooden aldei
achool claaa.
whisky and avoids the Uv for revenue producing good, clear aud shaiply de­ venlng a aolo will bo given and tbe
^v and his daughter Is a "fright. fined pbotographa. Besides being port­ Rev. Mr. Cox will apeak on **Thf Soul.
OHaf or Police Mton with aeaen or
Scene II.—-Bealdea
able aud a^e lu ofieratlou. the parts Us Greatness an«I,What I.s meant by
t oo,-Is
eigbt other bopi. worked Ibe
that the liillammable
maker ta a nicer perron iwwder used for producing the light will Being Saved."
amaper bad bpllt embankmenu while
Tbe Wlgga borne
Truman Kelchman of KorfhpoFt
than the moonshiner: be Is not so bv protwted from wind or dtsptacement
tbe boya tbemaelrea dbbreled and
Cbriatmaa Ere, The Wlgga* get
arerie to water that he never Ukes a aa well as against accidental Ignition, pas.sed thrpugh the city this morning
awred the debria.
Cbriaunaa basket.
on his way to Ann Arbor, where he
rdlntry matefaea bring used.
Scene III.—The Wlgga* Home. Tiinc bath and be does
A large anaiber of new memh
a laatlme.
Tbe plate which supports tbe fiowder win undergo an operation In the Uni­
MW admitted laat erenlng and there ten days later. Death of Jimmy.
end him to our writers of romance aa pan la attaclied to the top of tbe handle, versity hospital.
Scene IV.—“Vou would not hare me
arw a aumber of^iber appllcatlona.
worthier subject than his monn- tbe latter tiring hollow and made of
The Twentieth Century club girts
Tbe boya decided laat night not to luin him down for that. Heliaa a big Ulner prototyjH*. He Is more acresslmaterlsl. The flrbig mech- will meet with the Misses Neasoo nf
heart." Reception Hall—Alrott Hom( ble aud safer aiKl in time can make
. aak any
131 North Spruce street Thursda
Mr. Redding calls o
^ and to rote on each appUcani before
plcturesqae flgure.-St. Louis Globeevening. All members are requesle
tbe Chrialroas Lady.
to be present.
II. Scene I.—"I recken vba
orgaalfatkm U an excellent
Companion Forestere will charge 25
thing for tbe boya U nbown by the ever you vu got to do you kin do
The fact that n.!is2 sulHdes were re­
cents each for both ladles and gentle­
»>y lawa prepared by three lada who Miaa Hary*a Sitting-room. Time— ported lu tbe I'nltod Ktstes last year.
at the private masquerade tonlgfit
•era appointed a oommlttee. Tbe by­ year later. Tbe Advent of Cnby.
figure aunmssing the total ot any
at Porester*8 hall.
Scene II —"Do you think I*d Uke previous twelvemoi
lava enphaalaad tbe fact that there
is a lark pk>
There will be a special meeting of
mnat be ao aVeartag. fighting or ualng and go to a show when Asia aad .
turc. but t^icre-s a mildly bright aid#
Knights Templar this evening at 7:30
An exikaudlng suicl^ rate u a
of lobacco vblle on tbe rink. Aa tbrae trmlla haven i got n decent aboe
for drill.
lava vere piWad by the boya them- thrtrlmck." The Wlgga* Home. Time part of the price paid for au |^dvai
Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. LenthoUx. a
aehrm vitbent anggeatlon or auperrl- «mc. ProparaUon for tbe theater. civilisation. Suicide follows rivllisaboy. nine pounds. Tuesday morning
Scene III.-"For apeed and durabil ffon aa n-gulariy as trade follows the
akrn. it abova tbat In goTcmlng themat 4 o'clock. AH doing %ell.
And the re.nson Is plain etu
oalrfa, they baTe act a moral atandard Ity they broke tbe record
About thirty friends of Mrs. C. Col­
The more highly orgnulsed the social
vbkdi they vlll follow out auictly aa* Cafe. TIme-aame.
by, *227 State street, surprised her last
T lietiomos the greater Is the nntnof-lbe organlxatlon aa-‘ Act III. Scene I.—"Seems like when
evening by giving her a pedro party.
of man*-s want* and desires and
to Ibe br Uwe la full ud future'P'*"'" P^“"”'>-|«ht
Mrs. Frank Ncaaon took first prixf
pri; an
greater gnms the likelihood that
ra Bail acree to obor ihrm orl'“
" The Wig*.' If they are unsatl»fl<*d
Mr. Bena-are the booby pri: . A Dutc
will prefer
laaot Ida the arcuiutlnn
Tim*—Spring aflrmoon. Bu- death to continued life. Morrove
lunch a-as served and all had a
iropcnr.'s Miabap.
riviliutlon moves forward tbe i
—--------------- ----8<*^ne III —"Seems like everything
UboDor. of remorse aud of dlsapAt the meeting of the County
rment becomes kieiier—aud tliese
aiMixx.' BUT furx axd i
mane aoclty in the City library Thi
Ikma frefoently incite sHf-de^
■ MitiV mnnii uiua
waft long enoogh." The Wlgga Homof
8tm further, high rlrlllxa- nnism is lucwaed In the small box se­ day evening at 7:30 a program will be
Time-same. CbrU Ha*y*a broken leg
cured to the supporting plate and is given which consUla of music by Mrs.
orand tbe benefit dance
provided with a deuchable cover. An
and consequently eiiK>-es ordlnaiy match la puabed bead front Germaine and Miaa^ Miller and reeluTicket! on sale at City News
the Individtul
oal to a greater liability to luu»a amaU opening in tbe firing meeb- tions by Ruth Bougbey. Alberta LehPrices 35 and 50 cents. Qenenl ad
(C'onn.t anlam. and tbe .posMer U ereulj dis­
Bernlce Colo and Misa Kate
Tie Baeood ward boya now have a mltalon 25 cents.
tributed over tbe ixiwdcr pan. By push- Dockeray. AH are Invited lo attend
ahatfok rlBk aamarlatkm,. having oring a poab botton In the handle of tba and alA> become a member of tbe
WM laat evening at the Elmwood
Few peraoos have any Idea of the apparatus .the mechanical parla In tbe club.
avvwmncbool. The foliowhm officem
•qulrementa demanded of private ski­ tiollow handle are set In ^ion by a
The Primary 8und%p School union
ers lo some hranebea of tbe regular spring to fire foe match. ^ flames I will meet tonight In tbe library , at
Elmer J. Fitxpatrick Hat Locatad
escape forongh toochboles Yn the bot­
the City.
tom of the poaaler pan. caosing the C:45. Mrs. WHIaon will tearii the lea^
Elmer J. Plupairlck. a gndnale
powder to Ignite. It can readily be tea.
_ ,
Hjalmer Nelaon. the Military Academy, altnated <
aean that the flashlight can be accurate­
Mr,. Hmiutn. mother of Mlu Mary
ly regulated, which la absolutely ea- McCarthy of thI. city, who has been
•kriMt at. arms. Walter Hastings. | Angel ialaad lost off the harbor ^
i the ordinary
Tka board of direetom cooalsta of| San Fmadaco. arrived In thlg dly
here for the pn.t «ve week, on a vtolt.
mnk^n ritt
LrcSIa Alcbarda. MJalmer Nelaon. Uo ten days ago for the purioee of locawt tMten »riou.Iy ill wTeral day,
Tbe practical wor
Itwley. Walter Haatlnga and Praak tion. Mr. FlUgemJd U a name, bava«o and tbi, moraine ramored to the
iangnUtioti. the n*
tng gtmduaied from tbe Inatltotioo two
O. R. R I, in the emboluce. where
A oommUtee was appointed to ne-! yearn ago. aad aftifr a canefnl caaraa taking of elevation. <
Ax a reaolt of recent acientlflc Invee- Uter ,he wn, aoeompanled to her
we gravada. eeveral shea belag In
tigatlona It may be pooaible lo revlae home to Bl( Rapid, by her danch
oarfoeix of tbe barrenness of foe 8a- and a eon who arrired to autot her
Tmveme Chy. Aside
barm dererLalDce It baa been found by home.
traininc . which tbe go
entaUa npon lu pupOa In a tbm foe rank of cotporml« iKrgeant.
Heetlni, erery nicht at the n
conree. Mr. Pittpatrlck hao bad In additioo be most be abl
chnrch. comer Plfth aad Oak Mreets
Wadaalre to pabUdy Ibank tv yearn*
who ao|j
at7;K. Not Mnoe the rtolt of BeUier
tmrelcr. batrlag been aitaad the world
I’tatae hare the people of Uito city
I tbe driirate mechanism of
or oar bdovad wife aad|*^.
wrnek arakiag a aeries of deep t»
had «> opportnalty to Itoten
tbe vartoua aorta of projectiles.
Sngx. aooe of wbicb are aa dsep aa Qoaker tody wraa,«UM. Manatet
5 mmhrn aad alsb to fbaak tbofe wbo
Paris. Japan, the HovaUaa
SAOO feet. In fola way rontl^ble Carter of Maatoa to praachinc each
‘ remembered ae with the
aad China. He gmdaat
bora, at Raotatra optical parlor. Eyra
go aad is the fimt male i
nicht at the Fttaade ehnich. Come
le In the north.
aadheetrber. Meetto*. he«ln oa Ume
aad Maae early. Tbe Hew. J. P. While.
MR8. WIOG8 wUl arrive la tbe rity
Friday evenjng.




The eAdala vavtad «a mike aa IvTHdsatlM Of tbe bvndag saalttSae af

«M«a u4 tk* MM m4 i

nTi ***—• **•



ika Bm. uTataTtf


^.vi -? .•■■;■;•'-

aad death af ovr

bmoot. WViwte SL-maea


MRS. WlOOflwffl arrival
Friday avraiiiiff.


8HCLLMAN. ttmitmmm


€. OHINlm s


MMi orr^fMan
» !• tka fMN m4*
t A. OtfMO. af K«t

Ifav Tartu JM.SA-^1

. inAvcM cmr.

A New Cure
For Paralysis

ioa fcOi got lowi agaa gi tag goat at

OSplOf M
««»aUia «i
wtur kg agff. **oai tkor 4o ■»»
%orti Iktt «M oror 4M brtart. m to
akooTB kf fiW i«w«g Tkaaartiicto
toa eofa to Sooktac ofior
tk# mtto lklo«> ctet eoM op rtcht
atoof vkota a mm
wwMw ootoia k« to owoCrt.Ok rrtdV !•«
OiiaoUu •
' oonMl libinaaa of Algoao. «ru
awotoad okoriad witk terl^ Ukao
ffo» Laka Hofoa vlUi mu tok* troat
ofur NoMkor 10. tba wuiiuaratnam
or tka rtOMd OMOPa, Ha pUMad not
VOtttjr oad kto trtol irma oat for Jaoa
•nr mm.
». IfaUrttkolMdlM tkto arraai a
I wdoa oa Satnrdof
Bojr City ood Itoday
o tortloi to Bojr
Uooak of Bi^ atj oralgki
, Md woB okoot to Uka
Tha Mot timlfi
kk. to Boy ODMty^
I dM MC toatr* till 10:M. bowarar
L of
oorfos. TkAJMa
tourart fran tba
wwdtoB looks to toy tka cow so for
•way, oaaa oflar omit hod kaan nsda
M AlpiM.
Jstoii Hsthsvs|a

M-i: .





tog at C:M p. u.. ka was ca^orad at
by DatacUraa Wllkto.
to. to. I
MO ood Biiulf St tka Hotal Cinipaa.
wkau be was to bad mdlog s maga
stoC Hatkawsy wapt when ha found
ka bod lost his fraadom. tka first after
olgktoaa yaors; wbao ba was san
tioeid for toordar comtolUad in Montistarad at
. bat woi
bock to prison again Monday night, nc
loogir a tnuty.
Roekal Ikitar. ogid t. fell Into tbt
watkr wktii ptoytog on the bonk of i
CTMk Mor tka lUa sartog station at
Port Hnrop and was droiroed
Burglou Inrodad the jawalry itor<
of Nawton Cbsttau at Oolnea* BtoUoc
Saturday nIgbU sacnrtng booty to tbi
otooant of oboot |106.
Sem wau mliad by the state
board ol military axamlners Monday
The raaulU will not be oni^oncod foi
satarol days.
Afvar baring been without a bote]
for tki post tkrae yiars. Orand Blanc
to to again bars one. It will be built
tka oototog summer, and will be i
Btooi and brick building, coating |10.
Pater Ansyn. on employe of the Sag
Inaw Plata Oloos works, caught bli
foot baneatb the wheel of a ironifei
cor. beavUy laden, and the right lei
was torn in frogmenu nearly to thi
Frank tore, wboaa ten yaar aentenct
at Jnekaoa prtoon aspired Monday
was taken Immidtataty to lonli t«
■mri out two yiau. which remained
of a flve^yeor sentence In the lonli
prison at the time be escaped, pre
rions to bis sentence to tbs Jacksoi
Mrs. Mary Bayne, of near Flint, boi
e^mminoid n suit sgotost AUen J
Itooch. a prtnnlneni young buslnasi
man of Flint, alleging that she woi
permansnily Injuiwd by being run to
to by a bicycle ridden by-lbe defend
onl lost summer.
. Oi ,
The Jefferson club of Oanesee ooun
ly win moke sn effort to seedtw Johi


Washlngtoo. os lh«
Uy at Woyhli
crsllc 1
'star speaker at the ft«t annual ban­
quet of the club. Woodbrtdge N. Ferris
and Wm. C. MaybunTtoM also on the
list of prospective speal^ra.
The Ann Arl>or W. C- T. U. wrote
Janimry I to the Curtis Publishing
company of Pbltodclphla, protesting
against the appearonoe of cigarette
•da In their papers. An answer has
just been received from the odvertU
lag manager sutlog that tkeee ads
wobU be discontinued at tba exptraUun of tke present contrscU on March
AM Arbor white ribbon women
I. ^
ne Au
■ the reform in tbU one
T take oredlt fort

At th# >enh uairmtij oC Ifc.
Kora) B0rt»W *>f
m 1.™.
am. I>r. W. 8L Cm»mh.*. old ttot


l«»4 «t »tar»» d*w» to o aw



wfn prokokUr ka kiM tkto jroar. 01 for^
bOf tut
Tka Wtoord

and to tke iS4 Bilto
pito and bock ike got
iteg bMtaa by the
nmptos n. tki tottaris time tor the

DKtMS PuMi Prplenon Ammm*Tmt tb« Smxma
d Dr. Ch«M*« TMUwot la Coriar PatMa
Tboactit lacaiaM* ud <li*«a Up to Dte.
P.nirri* U the nadt e( « voriac-od or ia}»y to KKDC TBt


wee to I

roity faat long and to agnlpped w
tklrtrborsa pcrwir aogtoe. Store tbtf
moe lost Saptamber. It to sold
Mgtoa bos daealopad mock grMtar
speed, and tke boot Is axpeeted to ba
one of Ike toodara In bar ctosa.
. ^Oms Bandy tor Nataan.
Mllwankea. Jon. 24.-Joe Oans* offer
to flgkt Bottlteg Ifelsoo for tke light
weight ekomptonshlp bos glean the
[tone, who to now showing here
other opportnnlty for the toterriewer
to get to bis work Nelson, or utber
bis,mouthpiece. Billy Nolsn. soya
will be nocommodoted. but the weight
most be IM pounds it the rings!
**Netooa wHI be the dictator of the
weight becopse he Is the llghtwelgh*
chomploa.” Jfolon sold this after
-It mffst be lU pounds at the ringside
and nothing else. If Cans likes this
ho con take It. Otherwise we will
elsewhere for a match. Cans Is not
the only fighter In the world.When It wnl suggested that the
weight might be Impossible for Oans.
Noun only smiled and oold he did not
know about tbfit part of It. But. be did
know about the NelMn end. and that

PontUc. Jan. 24.—The directors of
the ^tem Michigan Fair hare made
no application to the stewards ct the
Michigan short ship raring circuit for
dates, and as the fair is the only or
gonlsatioo which bos attempted racing
for pulses In Iota years a meeting this
year to Improbable. The directors
batre not yat daddad to bold m fair this
Te Heap Hoppa Buay.
New York. Jan. 24.—Two ImporUnt
billiard toumamenU have already been
oronged and several others are cootempUted. Willie Hoppe, who defeat­
ed Vlgnaux for the 18.1 balk-line cham­
pionship of the world, will soil for New
York neit Wednesdsy on the Kaiser
tAnihelm de Orosse. I>ools Cure of
France will sail cm March 14. and
\ngnaui Is expected to compete In
the world’s championship tournament,
which will be held during the week of
April 9 at Madison Square Garden. In
addition to Hoppe. Cure and Vlgnaux.
the oomewtanls will Include ; Jacob
Schaefer. George F. Slosson. Ora C
MomtogsUr, George Sutton and Albert
Cutler. The toumamnot wUl be 18.2
Imlk ll^e for fkO points. Two ^mes
a day will be ployed.
A Buffalo writer has discovered
Sounds like a< new breakfast food
but Hasn't. >\’ho Js Noxo? Read this
and leom.
-He Is a Seri—an Indian. His
feet Incased to scaly horo Instead of
spikes of steel, which protect J
from the cacti, thorns and sharp st.
of his native heath, his slender, sin
limbs could push eight yards of dsyttght in 100 between him and Arthur
iiMffy the best day that runner ever
’•Noso must not be mentioned.In the
some breath with snallllke sprinters
like Duffy. Schick. Owens and Wefers.
On Tuburon. on Island on the Califor­
nia coast, be runs to earth the deer
and the Jock-rabbit. He con ootarlp
the flaetast horse.
-Noco's feats ore not fiction,
fact recorded by Professor McGee In
the archives of WoohlngUm.
-Uke Deerfoot. the American Indian
who astounded the world In Lo
forty years ago by running eleven
miles In on boor, all records bet
100 yards oad 100 miles ore believed
to be at the merqy of Noso.
••6u a cactns-Btrewn conrse Note did
the dash for the govemmeat expert I
nine aecon ^s. His speed In pursulK
gome Indicates that he can run a mile
Inside of four mtonies. The fleetest
dog coonoi run down a jsek-rm
Noso CM.
-Noso to six feet toU. weighs
pounds stripped. Ha narar waors say
clothes at all.
-Noao Is now erosstog tke deseris of
Arlsona and New MaiJoo. His advent
to the east wtn be tke athletic sens
tkm of the year.--New York Worjd.
New Bawling Raeenl.
Ckicogo. Jaa. t4.-Holltog a grant
Sanaa In tbs Monroe Isogue Monday
night tha Anaou taom sat a new
workTs bowling record for

Ck4se*s Blood oad Nerve Food sriU assto
remedy, but It <
epiae. bladder «ad tke bowels sre oliecicd.
tthcI kidneys,
MS Dr. CksK^Kidaey Food and liver Food shoald

“^You tkau htra a complete buildi«f-op treatmeat tkat gives
new vitabty sod action to every pari of tkt body.
liacme* don't fail to wrnte
If yon hsve «,y sy«pto»s*rf tl^ di
elpkU. Ps.. and yon wiU
Dr. Chase. 934 North Tenth Street, Fkltodel,
fwcHve special advice free, writh tcsriaBoaials, aad mote i
on this subject than you hsve ever had.


3M NwtfeTMtkM..




■id to prtrtds tor tbt nttetleg of
llto and tbt prevMtkm oTlrM to tbt


Oty of TmwtrM Gtoy. Mtobtow

t sbtU btTe

of Tmversa Oty nkoll coutona.
1. It Shan be the duty of tke
of fire deportment to assmtoa
eoch electrical cqriinBeBt kamirftor
erected, and moke o detailed pepoct
of tke some for tke kee of tke sold
eommlttee, os to whether it to toymlance with tke nilee and regulntSons
ferred to to BecUen 1 herwoC. end
a record of nU eoch reports shoB be
kept on file to the ofllce of tke City
nerk. and when on eqnlpcnent to
found to conform to tke rules and reg­
ulations and the terms hereof, tke sold
Chief of Fire, department shall Issue
certificate In duplicate tbst tke
ms of this ordinance have been
eomplled srlth. but no ouch certificate
Stoll be granted unUl such equipment
to made Co conform to the rules pre­
scribed hereto, and It shall be uoUwful to use any such electrical equip­
ment or to fumUh electrical current

TNcsaagiukeyov waits kMwntotke warid
byshesttsffrnB tte bwisetsiis. The Kccod want
calim wffl aocaoiidish 7M desires at a wst


BANTCB-lmdy or cMttoaM ol
*rMe veiMt le iMrte
Mir. The III
good cbMMtor for XMltJoa wttb i«eefd le net reefMietole for ebMffea
Itobletrm; fll por week Md booiA
Con or oddrsM UmtoMu hotel. D. U
BANTCD—Work oe noree.
Martha E. Orr. 421 Bartow St. Phone
Job 8-tf
WANTED-Wortc by day of any deecrtpUoo; prefer nursing. W2 £
dec 12-tf

FOR RENT-Ho«se on North

I to oooordMce with t
terms of thU
Sec. 3. No person. A™ or
itlon shall equip any bnlldtog with LOST-Block cocker spaniel, tog N<
2132. Return to 506 W. Tento'or 24
wiring or electrical apparotno. or
string any wire or cable In or oo My
E. Front and receive reword.
buUdlng. street, alley. hi|fhway or p^
Jan 22-31*
lie place, or'moke ony'^slteraUoo of.
Chongs to. or addition to My wire,
cable. elMtricol wiring or
in the dty of Traverse aty wUhout


The beat prerions figures on tke
books of the American Bowling con­
gress were IMl L-3; mode by the Bedsinger team tost year in the Chicago
league. The Anson quintet went over
the four figures each time and a?u*r
: eo a resolution of the City
scoring 1.020 to their second venmrr
wju beaten by two pins by the*Hc»ff.
mans. The other two games went it»
the Ansons.
Improvement, viz:
. To grade and pave Plfih street
Jimmy Britt says be will quit Cali­ the east line of Division street U
fornia and open a hotel ip New York. we-*i line <»f Wadsworth street, to
and the speciflcallons, plats and
Jockey DeMy Maher has ahoan the diagrams
end estimate* of cost have
way to wealthy sports who arc seek iMxm filed by the Board of Public
Ing on outlet for their surplus capital. Works in my office and are open to
In the good old days wealthy pugilUU IM.ldic examination. That the City
has designated the distri
opened ooloons. Now they are farm Council
Ik- assessed for «aid Improvement,
era or hotelkeepers.
Lot* I to 14, block IT. H. L. A Co.’s 6tb
Imve Cross declares he will still be adition; lots 1 to 21. block 10. H. L. A
playing bosetwM when he is 5<» yesr.n Co *s 6th addition; lots 1 to 21. block
4. H.
A Co's 6th addlUon; lots 16 to
old. How much further ha* he to go? 28. block 16. H.' K A Co.*s 10th addi­
Chicago fane are still complaining tion; lots 22 to 42. block 11. R U A
because Billy Maloney was permitted Co.*s loth addltbm; lota 25 to 42. 1
3. H. I.. A- Co *B 10th addition.
ge-: aawy. They Insist he
The City Council will meet In the
given a fair chance and that
coMncIl ns.m on the 5th day of Fehruin time^ a second. Hamilton. The orr. A. D. 1906. at 7:30 p. m.. and conclub managemem ctmicnds that Ma sbler any objections thereto.
loney was a potir Judge of fly bells, and • Dated this 15ih day of January. 1906.
mode easy catches look dlfflculi
Jan 23 to feh 5
City Clerk.
cause of misjudging the distance.
Freckmon. the horse that -was s<
tmislvely used for “ringing** purpose*
iMt season. Is to be sold at public sale
In Madson Squaro Garden. .New York
Jan. 29. As the horse ha.s In en to the
hands of the Pinkertonl since
the following publl
frustrated attempt at rluglng during
the Jamaica mc-ellng. it Is 'siippust^ Improvement, viz
To grade and pave Cass street from
the animal Is being put up by
the south line of State street
fl sou
tective agency, as the owner never the bridge‘ on Cas.s street In-said city.
q>eclficatlon.s. pftis and dlacame forward to claim the animal.
estlmatos of c
Yale-i athletic reserve fund
196.325. The money will probably be
used to build a new l>oath
the football stands and make other improvements in athletic arrongemenu
There has been considerable criticism
le tillage, now city, of TraviMTmusc such a Urge reserve fund was
se City and U»t 1 and n. 90 ft; of lot
. block 7.. original plat of the village.
acumuUtcd. but lU need Is shown by
iw city, of Trav
the condition of Yale * boathouw. her
The City Council will me
meet In the
stands and basel»all cage.
h€) 5th day of F<
LoJole of.the Cleveland team, who an'. A. D. 1906. at 7\:30 p. m.
>t a bod case of blood poisoning
his stockings lost season. 1* thinking |
of discarding the use of slocking* al­ Jani3 to fob 0
J City Clerk.
together and wearing sandals Instead
at shoes.
MUs Amanda Clement, the Routh
Dakota girl who gained national noorietyXthrough her ability as a batNball umpire, has derldc-d to qqtl um
piring and attend to her studies at
Yankton college She won't be ifiUsod
The female umpire, the bloomer girl
ball player and the dodo bird con Ih'
to expand—swan and puff up
spared very nicely. A woman
agamst tbs heart. This crowds
blotimers Isn't an Inspiring sight, anythe heart and intsrfsrss with
iU action, causing shortnoss of
Il ls sold wnile Hoppe will offqr to
breath, polpiution of the heart.
bock hi* cUIm to the world** cham
plonshlp for 110.000 on his return lo
America. Hoppe bos long sought to
meet Slosson and now that his star Is
In the xenlth he will add a few core*
to Slossoo’s share of trouble


“ Kodol

Dyspepsia Cure

As a mau-of all wor’.;. however.
Uneoln did not prove .-iltom-tber satlsfactory to hi* empboeiw. He was t«x.
fond of mounting stumps In the field
and pra«-Uclng polemic* on the other
farm hand*, and there was something
nncomforialde al>oat a plowman who
read as he followed the team, no mat­
ter bow otralghi hU fnrrowa mn.
There la a w ell-known atury about a
fanner who .found “the hired manlying in a fbdil lieskle the rood, dreund
In his not ti»o Immaculate farm cloth­
ing, with a book Instead of a pltcbfotk
to his hand.
“What are yon readtogr Inquirsd
the old gentleman.
Tm not rMdlng; I'm studying.-msweied IJneotn. hla wroodcrfol mytm
sdll on lb« pages of bis book.
•f»todytog whntr
-Law. sir."
^Jbe old m^^r^^^spookM
“^rtat-God-Almlghtyr he motfared as be passed on, tboktog his
bisA—From Fiwdorkk Tiwvor HUTa

runcoln, tbt LMnrtr« to tba Jtim.

takes tbs strain off the heart.
strength and health to every
ergon of tbs body. Cures Indi-

with todifasttoa so snek that
I WM to OMttoHl frto. Aflar
esttog my bsort WM oiscbfl
Mfl 1 bed smstbwtof ssMstlsM
Twe bsdlsa if Kefiel cmefi ms.

I906KM,111]8U•casiZOOTor CUeatar
Swu be acBt S«e aa itettvt


KTlptioa of the work to be «oo*. »o
ih>t MnpJe opportunity for Inupectloo

no'Se‘“-trk“/«SC^n‘ t«


running order and In the best of coo
dlllon; owner wanu more power;
snap fur someone os price Is low for
a quick .sole; engine gives speed of
8 miles on hour In 22-foot boot with
4Vx-foot beam.
Addreoa Mn
core ilecord.
Jon 23-U

in Section 2 hereof.

FiM.lns fer'at>**p In fity.
FOR fiALE—1 offer for aale my cigar
When shwp were first Introduced In­
^x factory; good paying buslnesa.
runs every day in toe year; good to Cornwall a flock which hod strayed
the uplands on to GwUhlon
chance for someone; you con gel It
Band* were caught there by the tide
rabies and apparatus now In or on any
now; but pro*bobly not tomorrow os
have had several Inquiries already. and ultimately carried Into 8U Ivea
. reason for seUing have got other bay during toe plght. There the floab
business to look after. Write or call ing flock was observed from the St
at factory. 416 E. Eighth St., or City Ives fishing boats, whose crew*, never
Reatauronl. 181 Front St. H. E. having seen sheep', took them for some
new kind of fish, and did their besVto
Gibb*. Traverse aty, Mich.
notify the owner of the building or
Jim IMt s«*cure them Uvih by hooka and Itoes
equipment that said electrical equipand by netting. Those they secured
meni is to a condition danger^ to FOR SALE-Horse, bugjry and hor­ they brrmght home triumphantly next
life and property, and to have the dfr
nets. 1024 Webster. Cit*. 705,
morning as a catch to which even pil­
Jwa 17-61 chards were os nothing.—Pearson*!
and If. after the
explratkm of the said t« days sold FOa^ALE—Two nice cows, one fresh
^"in^plember. the other not milk
Mng; will be sold ch^ap. Dr. A. H.j
Dotifv said owner In writing to ceoM
Jan 17-tf
using the electrical
ing such notice.
Said cominUtee on Fire
and Water la mlao authorized to give
Written notice to any person, firm or
corporaUon furnishing electrical enrcease to suppl
are repaired
lion issued

FOR SALE-Several car loads of dry j
block wood. Win deliver in any
quantity. Inquire at Farmers Sup­
ply Co.
Jan 12 tf


f Inspec- MY MAGAZINE. "InTMting for Proflt."
said Chief of Fre
(which I'll send free) Is worth |10 ji
son. firm or
copy to any man who Intend* to in­
_ twenty-four
vest any money, however small; who
hours after service of such notice In
which to cease furnishing sold elec­
has money Invested unprofltobly. or
trical current, after which time It will
who can save $5 pr more per month,
be unlawful for such person, firm or
but who hasn't learned the art of In­
corporaUon to fnrniah such olectr^l
vesting for profit. It demonstrates
current. In a prosecution of the riolaUon of the provUlons of this sejthe real earning power of money—
tion, each day's neglect to comply
the knowledge financiers and bank­
therewith shall be token os g separate
ers hide from the masses. It shows
how to Invest small sums and . how
Sec. 5. This ordinance shall not be
to make them grow Into fortunesconstrued to relieve from or lessen the
—the actual posalblllUes of Intolllrespoosibimy of any party owning, oj*
or InstoUing any
prating. <
gent Investment*. It reveals the
al equipment for damages to
enormous profits bankerc moke and
one Injured^
Injured by^ny
by any defect
def« Iherwln,
shows how one can moke the same
shall the city be held os
proflt* safely. It explains bow stu­
any such
lllty by
horized herein or cerinspection
pendous f<^unea are mode and why
Ufleates IsaueA
toy are made—how^ 11,000 grow* to
Sec. a. Any person, firm or corpo­
822.000. To introduce my magazine
rally who ahaU do or attempt to do
write me now. menUon this paper
VM construction work, whcthei
orlglnawork dr altemUons, without
and I'll send It six month* free. Ed­
giving tMice in writing loathe commit­
itor Gregory. 81 Jack*oc Blvd.. Chi­
tee on rtre and W'aler and obtaining
Jon I8-501
a permit to do auch work, shall, upon
conviction thereof,
fined in the sum
of not less than twenty doUars not
each offense, and any person, firm or
corporation who al^
Place HotoL
wise provided), and any occupant or
owner of premises where electric wlr
Ing or apparatus is used or to be used,
who shall refuse to allow Or shall prm
th* -tTM Ut«‘f htnotr Orm H
vent or Interfere ertth any person In
discharge of his duUes under this
Inonoe. be or they shall, upon coo
vi<;tloo. for each offense, forfeit and
pay a fine of not leas than five doRon
nor more than one hundred dollars
Lord CoTxon. former viceroy of
in the dlscreUon of the court, and It
toe imposition of any fine or costs, the IndU. has declined all offers to stand
court may impose a further sentence *s a iMirllmentoir candidate for the
tost toe offender be imprtoooed ta dty of lx>ndoo.
the county Jail unUl toe paymeol
The sultan of Turkey ha* taken to i
>f. providing that toe term ol photography, but as the Koran forbid*
taking IlkenestMW of human iM-ing*.
Adbnl Hamid U confined to landscape
and orcbltectnre.
explmUoii of twoitT
Sir Edwanl Elgar,
Eng., honored at the age of
conferring «i him the freedom of the
city. U one of tboM fortunate com­
are In the prime of Ufe and sctlrlty.
Miss Mlnnett* Taylor, of Crerticostle. Ind.. for years professor of
romance longnsgro to De Pauw nnlvendty. speaks fluently twenty-two dlftbm admlto that the cn|y rtostog act. ferrot longnagea. U aWe to convwrse
fairly weU to ntos otoeto. mad cm

SsS““t rt-u »<* ««-


TJiIn8:s You Heed to Know

A boBy world this -and a
VLTj' busy ajfo.
We cannot
be posted on all thim^aronnd
us—too busy.
there are IhinKS we need to
know. . Ill the matter of pur­
chasing; 3’our piano yon are
hK) busy to shop around and
K>ok tlie matter up.
simph^st wav is the KIMBALL WAY. It saves time;
it saves your nerves. No “pa­
tience tried” in the Kimball

M-t me s Mipx <|T tbs Msdosl HmtsII. ouaUintne tiMfol fA*
*opifor»s«km sDd Stolaffsrtli'.

Simply this:—Cut out ’Ihe
above coupon and mail it to
ns, and we’il send yon nsefnl
piano information that you
can look over and study in
the qniet of your own home.
You want to know about
reputation and wearing duality; yon want .to know about
the piano that is best suited
for this particular climate,
aboDt the guarantee and what
it means. You want toitnow
about our “little payment
plan that make) piano buying
easy,” and above and beyond
all you want to know about

player. Free oonoerts dai^.



to toor

gf iNv
K '.

I4« «M *tW yliiM


A. Boteyg ki^tefaar wwk
^ Baumi^ g. arttagw. item

^ w^m^4rn «igteir; n» to
^oncatw vKMMi


deraoa farm tbto aMa of a
will atari a rrvlt fkraa ICr. and Ilia.
Manmii are old ttedatei of
port ate w«a known both tte
la Trartraa air, aad* thMr
frtend. weiopmo tbem baxA.
A au^pber ctf tte jgaag paqpla pf


■ tf f^VMP. M4 hk
#Mm« for iJb*
br terl»k M»«»4iun
^Klilb Uhrt. H«


; ^ if


Womanto Relief


TftAVCItflB CITY 1.0yE._Ha
M. F.
A A.t^te^a on




«w beW. at the town hall ererj Wed•eadgjr eveniag tad lOgblr enjpr«d bx
Mmier PMUtf «r Atetewt to so tt
^tindtedii»KcL C»M«I
Od » oocMimi a
The Odd Frtlows «r Mortkpon wlU
*‘dnHli«p«iod.~ adbuOdivyar.
•r <a tba dMDo««Ur iWa er tba MMto
kofld a new ball on the lot wem of tte
At at dn«gWs Id 0.00 betXM.
»k*««4 DffM of uMtto^M whm thm
towa tell, which win be a grte
tkutUrUaM to »4}o«ni at 7 to.tbr
«eai to tte riltogn. Tte I
•••itoMr. Mtoc goMtor ftottoa «at«r
■111 be two .torte blgb. wRb
ba aikai tf Ua a«iau aa.aoia.ia.
lodge room above ate dining room tad
lo a4jooni m -Whtr acted tte
» below, tte front part of the
afCdAlateaaa. Tte doaiteaaar teat
•tofT betog iweied for a ttore
taiad lor a amrat aad ttea uld
building. Work win beglii at once.
r»akt7; 1 ter. a pokar j»ft, oa.
The meeUng held at the town ban
' aaaMP* TJIt, | m. Wall. ni
evening in charge of the
lEi. Ctea. F. Brown, Vtce-Prw
aftet I eaa do.- H. Mitaiad aad took
M. E nte CongregsUonal ebnrobea
hi. aMt. tet roM lawadlatalr. -Mar
ifB, Ark., write:
waa a decided noceel Mr.Mmiferof
tnih ref^rem>e to tl.e dfira tmen:
I lalamipi tte awafor -tea
Ret»fH*Tv«n wmt tnte a shop ta
Detroit I. an tatertkfnlng ipenker and
UiRlmoF. riul a«hl be waut^ to of Ml- .KIhe Ro*»evclt. t!.^ lAi flui.
tte orator abo bad tb« flow. -Tte
■poke on the AnU-Baloon league.
a Dalnmtlxn du« to take a!ir.Mrf Exinew say.: **lu tlw l*i lud .^'tatc^
baor la
tb. MCtor deNearir two hundred people wero in with him. •IVrtalnl.r. air.- -Id ,h? Miss UooaeveR lx known Jls fj* “.\m«*r.> ate. to cooclud. htoW^ area,
tant. -Dve gui the very iiiing,* Ican I*rln.vsa.- and her dolt rm >cvopy
more S|uice In the .vew York paper*
tag tf M^ma to aia ttei tt mtiht v«lJ
•inaricr of an hour he bror-bi
te ooailnuod toniorrow.- *T jleld to
outabe animal; the customer xmkl^i than Is needed lii-re to reeonl the acCLTUU® ' ■
, tte awaior for a notloe to ad>aura.“
and de,,arltHl. Ib^foro bl. tmft tlonx of the entire royal fanilb .’*
Mimy milHaniic^ bare been
>apllr<l Ibr orator. A mumcot Ut.r
^e. boweAvr. a heavy shower fell
pImtKl n. fnnl for making soiur
^e gentleman return^ with the do*
Tuv A aecoao want .
. tte doorkwprr va. on hi. war r.xurgory. *?n. h subKtiuii e< :m oj to pos In a «iate of great Indignation.
waa iHx ulinr i.ruiH-rlleA. wbleh are not
at hlmr be cried; ‘Von told
Joha n. Rookrfdl.r A frw day. ajo>
naedlty fou.KL laitely an Ainerhuu me he xm. a Imirnatlan. Give me my
aaal bl. check for lU.oOou .10
to uamooi
phyalHan. I»r. C. T. Kleffer. baa
If. Ikiwcr.. nne of bU UtetenaaU.
mended a new material of tb!a kind,
with a l.tlcf cxproaeing blab
Igb apprecl.. teoallng {cr flataleacek dlqOaomi
The proprietor anoloctzed
the tendniifc of the leg« of cmnes and
thjt .hipw f.«r, mlrt.,.tte ^ Mr. nowcra* aerrlco. dniioa ibc
M. Ilia exiwrimenta have at
n» cllwl «n III. anUtant. ‘Jamaa
rear |uat ended. The recipient, who
well siimHi for
•: I. aatd to draw a malarr of
nae. iney dM r«n »ll that .lor to il.l. m„,|o
manr ~v„. air.-.-.Woll. .r„»
form fxiellent
year, baa abown eap<elal eklll In px
readily alMUirheit after fbe wouinl baa l« t-,..^ of youna lf. J..« t y,m
motJac tte Bockefellrr tni.t achemc
healed. A wrtmr In a Krooch aclen- know an nmbrella goes with that
one being Ibr IIdmhhI oil tru.l.
JmirnaL comu»entlng on Dr. Kief. dogr-New txrlmna
The bitberto unpubtlibed love let
fer*i cxperlmeula. remarka* that thia
Ur. lo Kim. IV b«mI u> n«iU.n>lu
will l»e liod new* for the emue* ond
0«.Ulit. whkh .r«> be prided
bwma.—YoutL’a Companion.
■ooa, proa toe to awaken Intereai In
tba legat owneahlp of letter, of Impor
taaoo in the worid of lUeraiure. The
Mrmbl. proper nte moat be .oM
publicaljoii W.tbe letterp In queetiou
ne for prtet.
baa beea autborUed by the ilarone..
Bav.Bt.. ODPoelte OnTTOw**
ford. Twin., “ate waa ao wanted by
He N^de. who i» a daac^ndant of Con Special lo the Kvenlng Record.
Idlbg on same to now tut
Fife Lake. Mich., Jan. IB.~Mm. coughing up puaa from her lunga. Doc “ eutta
aiailt^ wife, the llamneae Von Mah
but can be ^ Uy
lUBu ntbal of We*t Branch wax the
beobolti; but tba
Bn»glle family.
»r the, oollecUon of
Lot n.' • cur. I6tb ate Rtaato flea
the state and c anly taxes for the I.H.M0RS0B 6E0.W.XCWETHY
Mma. De Jtael'a direct desceodanu. Rueat of lu r aUUir, Mm. P. Bcnutalae. foriy^bt hours; when, at my urgent
f n. on 16tb 8t
year 1005. and for the delinquent
are aald to be alrcmglr opiiow^d lo ll. one day laat wwk while un her way to request Dr. King s New Discovery wax Kc^tW ^
ktb BL, earn o* school and city taxes
xea and apectoJ as
Jndge Breaer la.reapon.U.le. for the
said year bare beta
Houae «nd loL «l fllxtt flu
J. R. Burkholder returned from an iliai lmpn.vement began, and con
followtoi: -Aa aaiu.lng thing took
placed In my hands for collecUon.
extended vlalt in Canada laat wc*ek.
I will be In my
— office
-„ee to 1receive eald
place la Wa^btt
Mm. A B Upton, who baa Ihh« the day.* Guaranteed cure for coughs and
1 from now until Feb. 1. If0€. on
with Ibe aupfen
> t o'clock to 11:80
Rueal of her ■later, Mra. Delbert Flnok, colds. 60c and |1.0# at Johnson Drug
baa gone to the 800.
o'clock to 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Geo. Chaufly of Kiagaley waa a
On all state and county taxes paid
Inexa caller In town Tburtear.
before January 10. the regular fee of
'tSpocikl attention ^ven to
or aurrouadlng oouatry for boma. 4 one per cent for . collet wlU be
Frank and Will ' Kimball moved
diieaM of the eye,
and on all taxes paid on or
their famllim back from 8eamen>.
after January 10. there wOl be
with Or. I. A. Thompoon
ate te Mllb That I. the .upreme Prof. Young, erf South Boardman
It to 14 aerw land la Binwood u>«a charged a fee of four per cent for col FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK
^ a^ot 1 mna from cltr Umlt. lection. Penalty oo delinquent
ctoirt of fte Itoliad Blate. la there? aiKmdIng a few daya In town
and school taxes and special ai
lather gel after you noUxly In the Born, to Mit and Mm. OU Hutchln*.
afrid Vo0d telp you oat! Notonly Jan. 17. a daughter.
winl^of^ted Ux.^
H. E. Co«lU aaa a Cadillac'vlalio.Tbcre to

^ ^

wrwilt! MITIOW


(Jtrf. Ckai,eih^^mm )

PIANO T0NIN«,:-W. Nrimir“» ■


CRAW*8 DflLIVflllV—Ugkt

'i .



nynNO or OLAtaBB. OMcaW WUhalm bleok. autaoa vboaa

lU It.


MMh mm Fa sat

>R- F. J. MAC NETT—PnwUcc ItmtI.


Traverse Land and Lc«a Oo- F
Thunell, Manager. Offlce.^t;
Hamilton 4 MlUtken block.

tention to
of Ue eya. «
noae and tbroaL Qlaaaaa fill
Rooms 7 and 8,di. A L. Maroul
Oo. block. Both phones.
>R. E. B. MINOR-Dfflce over Amer

fn. w. a. moon—Pher
CIU.. 107: BelL W. Res)


10,: rol.

tb* 3*mtlw







Mlaa Jaiulac Buck of TraveriM' City
L*l her mualc claaa aa uaual Thumdav
fe’Dllam ll. Perry, a blind lawyer .17
old. baa beon choe4<ti city attor and Friday.
J.^> Meyem hax^e to Pioneer. O..
of New Bedford; Mhm. teet fall
» apt^d the remainder of the wlnier
tte cUten. ihi
Amtl Nerllnger of Traverw City wa.
Milt Vtecb bad

rtetcdly fur ft

in town Thuredar.

and nboiK

cclter. The new caocutlve wa« ex
liken'd to appoint a« city attorney
•te*’ Jaay w who bad teen active In

Mra. F. James la vlaltlnR her daugh
r. Mrs Ik‘h»Hs Hilton.
I*m Hart went to Cmnd Rapida FrI-


kH bahau dating the camiMilgn. but
hi ebunt, Mr. IVrry and the council
cAflnncd hi. aeUvrtlun Uy a Mibatan
llbl mOortly.i At hto l»ar examination
•iflti jrWrt ago the alghUiHMi lawyer
Pteakd with mure h«m»r than any
t»i^er (g
«if more than I0l»
I0i» 4candlalea,
the lunelleat^n
Itf ibe world, on anI lu
laland 70ix yard
bite In the remote artjUr regions
BfHb off Labrydor.
Labrf dur. Hev. K. J. W ha*.



ON ORua CO, TRAvaRaa
r. «nV.KlCH. : ,

J*, - * ■ ■

Only Knew
fl»t PiDD-tilM would tuUero thoM
UrribI, ache, and pain* aeroM tha
back aod throueb tha kidnara aha
would taka them at once.
Thera are thouaanda of maa and
woman free from araty ache aad
pain baoauaa Suy have taken


SpeclAl to U« Kvonlas Record.
RApld CUj, Kick. JM. S4.-K.I
Chancy went lo Kalkaska FYlday
Alice Wiiulpurt trf Kalkteka paaaod
thn»ugh here Monday on her way to
Rlk Rapids.
MUg Rachel Fox of Kaikaaka vialteii
In totm flalurday and Sunday.^
lAfw Way waa la Traverse City over
Mrw. Tlnkham was in Traverse CIt .
Oro. P^y of Kaikaaka was In towi
BskJmo. pa> .Kraxlcmai
Ytet^ eome of them romlug all thr Mcmday.
IT from the Behring aea.^ in sp
8. M. RobU^ went to Traverer
vatlota Mr. Peck and hts rolleaguV City Monda)'.
. Bnby. gave regular teaching to tb.v
owlr n— Msrs—s.
•klmos tad translstc;i
A aeries of grewsome InchWnta bad
tertinrdanEugUsbneigbborbiwid. B iia«
made these iacidcuts pcinilUriy bhi
^WOMAN’S HEALTH Isl waa their tragic myateiy. Nobody
d^nds upon a per<ectly nor. ronhl evidain tht*p. gteer whI touiba.

PCatarrhal conditions caused
b» inflammation of the femitAc ofgans undermine and
waken the t>atem.
Have yc
you ever tried hot
itotiaepdc 1for this?
If not, you
yo ou^ to, for its
X M)HH«aUysurpns«siH,and
X ! kucritarasafoodUtiag
we took the agency for it.
Wewill Mfioa^^emoney

■t & I. L riMlGARtl



dm. Of tdfKHL Ghouls add vamidroa
borrora were
r ootatryaide
I up. Tte*
twnttaaed. ate
ingle ulRlit a fanner bad fourteen
out of twrnfjHitw toml- klll^. gpd
* «MYb«seo the next
were tUwtruyTd. In the earty peep of
day the slryerx wme discovered, all tl:t4r sangnluair wwk.
They w«Tv nrtthfr mm nor mbostera.
but a couple «.f pine martroa, which,
Itaxing routed « pair of magpliw fituu
their ueat. ha^l there made IbHr home.
------------ nljtbuy aemiite fht ms
be«..--' • '
a:-A.;.r: ;* ■

Thst awful crindlDE. atabUi«
pala la tha back-thst torturinf
Rcha la your rhawnatio JotnU or

Anr paraon haTiac back
kUnay palna or Uaddar troubU
who will taka two or thma
Ptao-olaa upon ratirinE at nl^tt
absll ba raliavad ba^ra momiiw.
Diwovarad by Ptaa^da Uadicina
Co.'ChieaED. and oSand to tha
public to
THE Hannan



!nrou4 Monei
^oo■id wfl be .etu
fio fos tf
lag half a bottle of





Dated. Dec. 1. IPOfi.
tee Ut
dtj Treasurer.

The haadaomeat and moat oodtbd.
ient HTCNEN CABIXET oa the
mi^t Solid Oak fnmta, Monae
^doat proof Boiler beaiinR Flour


We maaolactaie them and make
km prioeg.

BtAXO XAKlXb 4 lXV<a»4

TSAvnu om.


Wood Has Declined
For The IftdU TUrty bays we WiQ DeUver


------- *


clxn and surgeon
over nrst Nntkmni bank, atb



lunw And Actloo r«p,i,tor. 8.H*
mnd counaolor. Wilhelm block, Traverse City. Mich. Cltlrenx phone 106.
ver. lYlces reasonable. Office with
O. P. Carver 4 Bro Both phones.
^ E. F. CHA8E-Homeop.Ulta. Olfle* over Ilui;l,.e ii dru* «tof«, CIUwu ph0De-K«IJenc«, SJ6 ;onM
“F __________________ «ut tl-Aino



THIRLBY, DontlsL Over Bta
teri stowelrystoro Doth

tion to dHcasos uf children. Room
409 Bank bldg Both pboiHm.
W.TULLERcan estimbteyonr Umber.
Rf*f«‘n nof Traverse aty Mfg. On.,

<f. NX. nuwllmantw I,
ail Beet rrwat Bt

Ue Btexre

John R. Santo i
General Insurance

New Wdielia BIE, Ttaverae City





Tire Insurance



Tbo. luda ooai. « u .to,., of two conb

Office G06 . New WUhaim BiOeki'
Oitiaeoa’phone 639.

Oval food DM Co.

0eOa Hal Jantii:

201* ffSdf

PXasa Taw Sriais Stok rXMM X7




'tfb. J. u. h JUFT J. ntOfiBtLOQD
oarauHATHic PHYflioiAiifli





De.J. w. mG(UNs DD^ENTI®
i :ntTytI .


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