The Evening Record, December 13, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 13, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



^ wif* W tk« arMtac ItoMrt.
Mw Twt. D«. U.-I« tk* •ti-ter
Met* NM at IMIm
«M at Tjr«M tkla aMratas a cal-


tka Manaaa (aaa «aa aaokaMr <aul• W«atafa<aMalakia(karalMttaoM
alnaalr 'Tka iMata vara aakw at
«kk Matt Itovaar. Tka olkar iMara
laa a*ea tkaa aa« aU «aat «ovb la
:a kaa». A «IM aaala mmmt aa4

mum USD icgnia

olvMM mnm4morn4 mmm
C#npl« W#I»
•r yw#i—tint ••Hit py


fei.. sanMNwaMm

ba yardkt wa. raaebad at 7:10
Tba oaae baa avakoaad maeb lataraat aad tba frlaada of Mr. ABOaraoe
boH«f liobo. IB a ipaaeb loOay. iirgad vara nacb rallerad whoa giaArarOtet
tbai M «Mlb ba 4Ht« fM bit


I sr^„£srn»r-*r

that he wonld be more
pleaaed with them
than ai^thing you

There is No Magic


"Best” Flour

It will I
•Christmas gifts free of dmy coming
from Cuba to thU country, on account
of tbe present urtff laws.


ipUshmentt of our


«aa« *r Rakkaia kauMU by MlaMcan
eaatPM oniaara.
Mr TTlra to tbaMaaalBC Baoord.

MaaMMat #a ,#*1 far •yMamatte Rawnlaar Rfaetia* a* Th*r Can

:' '


Ike toU)
abato Mad bM«*aa lebban aad a
akarir* reaaa 'iatt alcht Tba caac
I* aacpoaad to bar* nibbad a tialcht ICtolirHlhl. 1*0«. tor W. a Haa«l >
car « irraadott* aad obarcad with KnlnBaioo. Dne. 1A-Th*r* to
unament tkreogkMt tba ematoy <
kidlac A larm atoouat of r>«to to
■an laratoer WMUe* oa
part of
ainw Mack bwa and aoae to Tolad
DirtiON, Doc, U,—Wbaat-No, S rod,
V%c: com. 4fHe; oats. S7.
Cblcago, Doe. II—^T>«at-D«c€
bar 74We: oora. 0\kti oats. U%c,
Tolodo. O, Doc. 11,-^Tioat-Caah
JTc; oora, 44c; oats^ J«%c,
lOov. ilaady. Wkttp aad lambo-lO,
M; MOv; cMMdasba. iT.TbOTJQ:
arotbors. HJO0AJI: ovoa.U.S&9SJ0.
Hc«s-U00: acdlTO. atoadyi To(
mM and boaoy.

.h* nolle*. At tkla eto to a r
•cht batvean lobbart Bd palio
thirty ahou war* trad at ctoa* raam
ao oae vaa tarlooaly hart. At
,___ nnt there to ao practlc* c( rareL
ear atwottoc aaMiei tha poilca of Kal
laioo. but CblaC Alloa aad tho com
•Man have ts^ up tbe anUer sad
hh Is UDdontood that sborily then
win be s blaM provided tor each pvao
tkse aad ibe ofbeen vtu be caDed oo
duality as experts vttb tbe nvo4
r. Bpodsl PoUoecsaa C i. Kleta
lek has otersd a nags oa bis tsne
_ju- Katsamano. aov uaod by a mm
ury oftaalsattoa* .tor tbe use of th<

TvaiMr^libt loads of poutotv vers
malfvd aa tbs local marbot yeoii

4My aad tbo artce vas SI coaU
boabci. Tvdairtvo loads of bay at
fid aad lU a tea.
Wbrtar Wepiber Dean Mol tsderf^
WHb Pleaiun oa Hit Bay.


la a tbMbi »n~ of fBTopc a
arcM aboaroar aav bat oat n----icaa-aoMi eid actal eaas at Carta-

•aMto Mto Maayfcoatoat a«»*l
MMWktiiA ara kttag pM to.

Per Beulah Heme Boys.
Coatribntioos of an>*thlitg that will
help the Benlsh Home boys make s
happy Christmas may be left at the
■ring blacas oa the east alde^ next
Dr. OaontletU 7S5 Washlngtcm.
Dr. Miller €04 State.
W. 8. Bowen. 50€ Webstetk #1;H. King. 215 Ri^rdmsn.
Tbe Palace. Froat street.
gives voelebntloo to t
sad Lady Maccabees of Trsrerue aty.
Supper IS per couple; 8 o’clock sharp.
dec 12-21



nils weatber


4^r»iov« m%.

I Slippen that
oltDPers in fan anu
ric-a., mb 7m,

ut. u* <uhi va.


No TaHir on Cbrietmas Pnosnte for
(Oopyrlghta IMC. by W. R. HeanU
lablagtoo. Dee, IS.—The governmeot baa decided that Christmas gifts
Intended for the officers and mon of
the United Sutce army and navy sta­
tioned In Cubs shall be admitted free

rua of dlYOfoa
m also gnated In dlTur«,
of Marrln D. f^nsl
Mr WIM to tk«
Mary A. Crala aad Mabel rs. Wystt
Omul RMite, Mkk, D«. IS - DeWltt
(toorm B. HDrtMjwM r»tt«M4 »ml*r e( Um Mato Owaa* todar. rtottr- Tbe case of Ray Dunn vs. J. V. Milkea vas settled out of court. ‘
lac M p«r oM ad Ik* *otoa aaat
Tho-oaee of Cbrts Dreves ts. B. J.
Moian vss takep op this moralag
sad went to tbe jury at t:f0. The
•Martiit latotolr rram Naan matter ooooerns s ooolraot rogardlaf
ame sinv.
Traukto tbaarah to 77 '
The breach of promise suit brought
vaara OIA
oy Mise Belle Borco of Benton Harbor
through Hattie Gay of that lace
Mr Wlra to tka Mraalac itoaard.
Btlciada. farala. Dm. 1L—KIbc sgalBst ArUur C, Loomis of this city
OMvr d Swa«*B M aolaitac a**aral7 vas Ukeo up si 3 o’clock. The two
troB baart Utoabto. Ha la 77 jaara ladles arrived thU moralag aad wen
oM aad baa lalcaad tblrtr-toar yaata. the only onee of Ibe weaker oex preseat In the court room si the------—
I trial.

How Marty DoURtb Aro YouiOolriBte Spond
tier how many or how lew, wo have aometHiii; to intar_____ . We know ol nothing that would make your genUemen frieii^ay more happy than a gift £r^ ow alore, beoanae ereiything is toew. anappy and np-to-datoL We are expeoting the beat Ohnatmag trade we e^ had, bi gmuae we hare
the beat linea to aelect from. If you mtend to f reahen up your
own wanlrobe^ Mr. Man* or are thinking of getting a anit or
overooat for some friend, do not get the idea That beoaiiao we
are not on Front atreet yon cannot get 6tted out hero. We have
the goods and tbe prices. Can yon aak for more?
The ftneat lute of Ohria^ fnmithii^ to be tod in the



Oo..prapa, -


Imter «f iu*t RrMt* RMaliM «
j H*MI

•mYLAND” Sure.


iCajtomolc A


BlOoi tba Mabo MOfMoai im tba laat Hooilbaa VM ebaned vltb tbe rtola‘ aiata aMloo. Dabdto elalM that tioo of tbe lldoor lav by aeUtag tatoa.
blayobi MOalad blm for ravtaettoo iceau oo Menortal day. vaa ttfca to
the Jury about I o’clock laM vfcalas
sod they returaed tve boon later
vltb a oerdict of aot r»«ty. lu hU
bofore tbe Jury ProeecoUnc
Cnee prals^ tbe, police
I* M MwimMiw
tba maaaor In videb they
von takliif bold cf tbe mootkm la
V! BrVli«tollNMtaiK«Mord.
BMpMa RmtM. Om. U^t b r» • Tbe dJroroe esse of Margaret n.
»Mt«< tkAt • kUtto tMk pbM b Ik* Michael mipetiiclt vas hoard last
CTCalBg aad a decree grated. Tbe
obarge vas deeerUoa and the combislaaat tasUded that dbe bad llred
skme aearir six yean aad sopported
boracif by tbe vork of her baadr Tbe

DoUathataraattoaetiTeaiidnMaDabie in

eto.. that^n can mh for is heri\ bnt not at any fancy price.

War VetMvn Died in His Chair.
one oUied by Jsmee Purvis Was By Wire lo the Bv^ng Reeorl
Met Returned.
New York. Dec. IL-John LaFcmnUlae. a civil war veteran, died In bis
Chief of Police Ashton wps nollfled chair In the Arlington hotel of MiddlethU morning by James PurvU that town. N. Y.
one of bis bones which bad been
hind last algbt had not b«m brought
NbT HOVKD but am etlN loeated la
back. After a little vork the chief the Wilhelm block,
loeated tbe animal near Carter’s mill nev IMf
A D. Tyler, Dentist
vlMcv It bad spent the algbt on s sawdostpUe. Some person bad found aad
tod IL bovuver. Tbe robes vtn lost
but a farmer brought them in this



arc the most
popular shoes
ever known.


-Nat fullty.- WM tlia rertlet of 4b#
jury la U»® torfrj com of tbo Poopit
T*. Barnay Aaderw* altar thay ra-

W«Hi 1M %ttmH DHvwi Wfm
fty WHO to UM

for Men

for Poa4 on U. B. Vaaoala.
Jopyrtgbf. IPN, by W. B. HbanU
Wasblagtoa. Dec. IS-Resr Admiral
8. Oovlea. Obtaf
tbe bureau of
xunmiods In his annual
report that la fuUreWl battlesblpa to
be eoostnicted have double bottoms,
By Wire to Ibo Br«dac Reeor^
with a new to carrying oil in thorn,
Paris. Dec. 11,-By actloa;of the
that necessary pomps, pipes and
rteacb rwament tbe UUe lb Cath­
lances for bumlag oil be placed
olic ohorcb property to tbe amooat of
fSOO.OM.OOO is tamed orer 4o the to the report, has directed that tbe
state, the church la Fraaoe Is dlses- raoaltor Wyoming be prepaxed for
aad It Is a eonplete dirorce
I fuel oU and plans for placing oil
betveaa ebareb aad tbe sute. The tanks tn the bunker spnees have been
otau oao rcBL sMI or destroy erery made. Mxpertmeats will be made with
Catholic bondlof lo the laad.
t&e Wyoming to determine the pmoUcahlUty of conslrucUng a veeeri
; lines which will provide tor the
sole use of oil as fuel. The report
however, says that as fuel oil can be
obulned in a wry limited number of
places as compared with coal, aad as
the general use of oil would aoon rtw
J. M. Blskeelee hss sold bis Sixth duce the supply lo such an extent as
mot resideaoe property to Jscob to make the price prohibitive, the mu
e purchase will be s big reau belferes that tbe designs tor new
■urprlae to Mn. Bteiaberg. vbo U ris- vessels should be lo aceordsnee with
lUng la Detroit. The aev ovnen will tlie present practice with regard to
Uhe possemlon Feb. 1.
the alloimeot of space for the storage
of coal.

Am yon aae woadarftil meohaiiloal lojg


Lay Co.

We oaa aave jon tome
mowyoo tbeM^bokght
about twenty doien aam.
plM in addition to onr
large line itotnlar good.aU aaapleB go at one.
fonrtb off.

Complete Housekeeping
^----- r

I New Piano
1 Kimball Organ
I Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Toole
Will Sell any of the above cheap

Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.

Telephones. Office. Citizen, .'{2; Bell 169.
Evenifigt, Citizens, 290


at MUIer-s phsrdec 13-U


baa a box Of 0oed rigars. HU
tovwlU cliar ega probably be
tovad la our line. Wb have
•uek well known brands as tbe
La Aaora* Wm. Poan. BMdaa
Ln lategrtdad. Cbleos la boxes
cf twelve, tweaty-Sve or Sfty
€1.00 to IIAO a box at '

Drag Store

No better Tkinw in th,
dty-*i* or eii^t atyle,
6ne wool goods $1 per
ganiMBt - perticnlarfy
good Talww finer good,
at $1.86, $1^0. $1.76 end
n pm gennaaL Com.

We hav9 just that many beautifol dolls
that we are going to sell for about ONEHALF their worth. They are all kid
body, fointed eyes that open and shut,
and real hair, -either light or dark.
Compare these with any dolls you may
6nd anywhere at one dollar.
Oar price while idiy M Is

NomiatokewfaeayMiget • emit from na-it flto and
atayafiL OnrHneiapartiodariyetMBgatlrom $18 to

59 cents

$ia FSiiargDodaat$aOto nt-tom fitting, full back,
hmgok abort, yon am the jndgM

Sherman & Hunter







cmr« mcMiMN. Thursday, dcc

^ m ivBiBe


^ *•*******" ~'"-""'
%r~ «t tk« bMT4 ot mmciicm
4 MM Nfl .MMM •• «n


' ibU "KIMM ku IM poor
than Imh a oeore of alnien i
amaBw nod not as ma^ dapen
peer aa any other state of Ha ab
the nmaaL** wW pmUe n plM
ay ruAemicui for the people of
■eet state In the ndcML iM the
altuntkui to whkS» Or. Wyman calla
attentioa abonld be made the InceoUve of fartber actlrHy In the dl
tkma which have ennoarajeed aad aa*

«iMili M M« ihrtii
gvumt mi«i#f

proclalBi o«T good i

wkwm^r fim St


ti >aii, TSf» srt ipsiiit
••H. fir tteM
9 rm
IM M slfiMly fMirvi
f»W Mtor «• M «t «Mk Tliifi
at SOI
MMS9 -••• fc—«IM ftr
Sixth Street TeelpM.
Him IMm 0lf«A TH«y •!• fWi
mM is
linttM hi «•Tbe puplU of Mrs. ChaHes S. Halk
tipi aM fiM hhRlliiC «f Ihs •HfhMl SOI Sixth sireK. wW give a recital at
aHRiMaiA MIsItliillMNtl. S o'clork this evening. The program
tii Hliili ^Hilitai Bnm^Bmiphk will be:
Duet—Maith from “Tannhauaer.<Wagn«r>; Mrs. Hale. Mine Louise
Ky^mMnmamrttmwh9wfmw$md Hale.*
la Hit ummt af hit subMHfrtlMi will Squirrels at Play. Op. 4f. No. 1.
•Miiaa •!• af tbaM baamtfal awiv^ (Lynee); Beanor BarrlA
•hivfVMlty rataniMsU. Aitpronpl- Lovely Flower. (Qoulsod-Low): Hitt
Victorta Hsnaloraky.
Morning Prayes. Op. 101 No. I,
(OurlltO; Clara Amtabnchler.
It SMiM to be MP«s|ad t* ihr part
hemlan song. (Aletter); Miss
. of tiwee ia a RoaHloo to be laSueatlal Teenic Prashll.
.aad weU lutonawl oa Ibe wjbl^ tbH
(a) Valae Op. 101. No. 11. (Gurlttn;
aome port of a flwltad abip tabridy
.) L'Angelua. (Oounod); Josephine
bill will,be favorablr
To the Bvening Star from -Tannrldlag only for idilpa iradln* alib bauaer* (Wagner-Low); Matter How­
Sootli AmeHoa. It U better. perbaiM. ard Griffith.
that any noveoiwit in tbe eubfttdy dl
Valae Petite. (NeldUnger); Mina
Ethel Bell.
l\)lka de Conceri. (Walker); Mas
ter Hoarnrd Vader.
iBKa that lU sood rceulU would
Firth Nocturne. (Leybach); Mias
«Xuy yanore ah preJudlea ff»ln«t Uiy Morgan.
that policy. It baa been adopted and
lASIrcne Op. B No. 2. (F. Thome);
ti^w bHn« ntllitcsd by Bnylaod and Miss Cornelia Morrison.
Manaay and France. There U full
Liederbiine Worte (Vdkallcd No.
^wtlflc«tlqo. bowerer. for Ibo ireneral 22). (MetidelBaoho): Mias Louise
praMdIoa to tbe payment pf public
faada to ateamablp onmpanlea im auhaidy aoomnit and It will reqalre a ree
aeaabla dea^atranon of uUllty and
valoa, to make it aocopUble a. a na
Tpt Ladles Will Discuss tha Merman
Church and the Postal Syatam

SSS^ Va.^'^vaS

Bmr aknlea nnd Ibo iH» is
wvTj low. We sko bntre tbe


that tbe aubject of
* proYldlnt a ayatem of uniform
rountlnf for the raiioua cUttw.^ the
atate. under atate aupenrUlon. tP be
.niioded. If practical, to count lea
townibtpa and aeboo^ dlatrtcta. erlii be
CtYfn more conalderutlon at tbi^oomtns aeeaiaD of tbe leciiOature than. It
tma bwetofora received. Many cItW
and aoma of the oountlaa are mow pay lac bleb prteee to audillna ctunpanlea
to perform the work wbkb could be
l»eUer and- more economically perfetnnod under atate anapicca. aa la
true of Urn atate banka and state In
ptltutlont. That a uniform ayatem of
pubUc aocounUn* accompanied by peTlodloal tnapeetton U dealrablo for the
rlCteo and oonatlea of the atate U no
loM«r questioned by thoae who have
gltron moat thouBbl aad attentloQ to
thiaabJkt.. .

OaraiasftoiedH sysIsw aiakw
ithDeasy mntttf l»r ye* te »•
nwnVarywitW*"!^ Witt a Mrfnl holiday kUL Oor stock
«MBvv«r ID better oooditaDthia at tho present tiina. All
thatrwiaiMtohedokitthillyMtMheMMilyaid mtke
your sehwtioaa esily:^ will boU it for yo«.

SisrHS: iSSSr SS::

^ .V..


Pole’s Savins Bank
life wtU be continued. An indi
cation of tbe llmellm-ss of these remInISMnoes and the rewwskmod na­
tional Jnterett In Carl Sebum to which
tlwy have contributed, are the great
Carl Sebum memortil mewUngs held
reosntly In
dtles. and the memo^
rial.movemani started which proposes
to raise $250,000. and lo erocl a Carl
Sebum memorial ns a tribute to h!s
kreat service lo tbe prugreas of our
White. Samuel !tfo^
kins Adams. Bunoa J. Hendrick aid
Oeojpje Klbbe Turner will also con­
tribute to Mcaure's powerful artlcler
on present day topics, oomlitions and
of national Intert'S^, These writors'arb big men and the work of each
one; aside from Its literary achleve-

to. 4. n r

J;- W.
- iHE HomaiAKEn

On* «<». »ot *nr »i»......
Ot« $75 our rale* «ie Uitt of leM of Po*fc)fi<« or 'ExPM rah*. Oer orde*.
Kood Mywhcfo in the UaiteO
SllMorO.^«»dh,««re«i.tMdmaiL It <mn
b lort a dapKeaU evi bo bad wttboatMpoaae. Beael^ given.


Discard Your ^ood Beds
, You Get the Benefit

dancinq party.
Rathhmtt SAstees Had Very Plsamnt
Tims Last CvsvUng.
The Rathbone Sisters gave a veto
plensant dandng parly In the K. P.
hall last evening. alKiut tw<*nty couples
Refreshments consisting
of saner kraut, fraakforts. coffee and
doughnuts were served during the
Stewarfa -orchestra fur
nimyad excellent music.
HOT CHOCOIJtTE. tomato soup,
beef tea. flne coffee with.good cream,
at Jackson's.
dec 11-Ct

Here Is,a Chance for You
Ooo.l Inm BoJ. all siz js and all wJors. a goct woi
■pnnK and a gowl •'ottoa top mattM*.



And idl bittber giwles wiU ha soU aoe«dte)(ly.
We have an ovrrvtook of tbese soods and we have rM to
make room for a oarload of goods wbioh wa bare oomiag.

Gnaranteed cvpr>* patioiit al this
YKS. Uis U the


Its this


Yon will fiwl a big cut on tbe other goods as «sU. far
wc most baiy ibeToom.


ment which n niovcw all |au!k» of

dnuul tlii-l many tiiniil jKople have
In the regeneration which these
who84*T»vUj ni«ctl Clcani^, FillUnitpd BUtes are now undergoing.
U yM IHW y<w BMMay
inir Crown or Uritl^c* Work.
0<^« Kwun. «ho vroo hU .pUr. j GOOdS bCTC yO« WtU
If your U^'lli aiv in Iwil ctimliby hi. r«nwk.blr
o» 8lb..rl. , U|tle go a
aad Ri»Ua-» Exile Sy.tem ba. bwn
tion talay, nci-vpt our Careful
adM «o JlcClur.’. .laB. The r«ult,
of hia recent tnvmlgatlons and work
line with us. Wp.don’t
wUl appear at an es^ly date.
Ellqn Terry contributes an Intimate
need to collect bij^jirofhistory of the English drama of our
its. For instance, we arc
day. This writing teems with anecgoinji to seH 12 dozen
4ofes and Incidents from the lives of
pieces of
groat actors whcmi she knew Intimate^,
ly. From these droll, amusing and
State Dank Ifnu ting
Inlerosttog happenings wo can under­
stand why these men and women of
genius became Iwod and famoua.
Fur the story readers products of
all Mcaure-s fletkm favorll^ will ap­
pear and a large numlK'r of writers
who have -hit" recently. Such well:hi* listmcItHl** ‘

known names as Joseph Conrad, ^ary
Su«ar Bowls, .
Stewart Cutting. IVrccval Gibbon.
Viola Roseboro, O. Henhr. klyra
Olive Dishes.
Kelly. Rex IWach. Mrs, Wllscm WoodTumblers,
nnr and HeU« R. Martin give prom
The W’oman*s club wUl bold
Ise of as godxl stork-s of various sorts
Cream Pilchers, •
meeting In their roo*
as any reader could wish.
aflemo*m. Mrs. A. Oole will be the
Illustratom of note and merH will
leader and the subject U history. ^ alwi contribute theh share and add to
Pickle Dishes. •
•*tbH Growth of tho Mormoi the authors* prolvK^Ums and^
Church," by Mrs. C. H. Dorkcray.
Uu» writings and stories by a«»rt n of
Jelly Dishes.
Plano solo. Mlai MabH Gibbs.
picturvs and iUustHLUons In every
Wine Dishes.
, .*rrogrwa of Our Postal System.'
Mrs, J. C. MoJgan.
Piano solo. Mary Morgan*
To Cl____
Vocal solo. Mrs. HoiA .



. Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down. One Dollar a Week

Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Unk»n Sm«


Ruby Ware

Tli8 Hannah & Lay Mercantile CD

10 fits.

"THE BIG STORE” Dealers in hetfm-

'Oirlstmais B
sy * i«skiS“ •?«


‘ In tbe Jaauao' iiuiuU-r of
Clurv a will begin tbe life of 1
Uaki*r G. Eddy and the Hiaiory of the
Christian Science Movement For the
nm tmie a complete, impartial and
true story of Mrs. Eddy and (JhiiaUan
Science Is to be bad—U will run
throughout the year. Georginn MU
The Increase of more than twenty mine has written the atory-tor
ly three years she has purtuad her
study of the snbjeeta. Five t
wHtera of Mcaurea aUff have
worked with her to make thto^atory
aenrate. fair, unbiased aad eoO|^<^^
in view of the fact that Ihr some
months the press has been fhll of di­
verse and conflicting news and aUtements regarding Mrs. »ddy. It Is
dent that abcurate kaowledga concernlag her Is difflenlt to obUla in a
time., ConsequasiUy McClure's long
and thorough preparuUon nf its aeries
Oat Ink al9Me faiicH wH.h
will give ua for the Irst time a tfue
ymirSMimlal nffalm. Kaap tab
uBd'^xont of her aad her
•n avary oaut CMuIng In and
going out
Cart Scbfru'q RsmlnlaeoMM
YOU can do this aaoily.
•tart a chacking account with

OPEN EnIININGB until Chrietma
dec 12-61
The Famous.

Front and Cass


Sanunr wanU a Botcrmobll and

•Mohn DouKh and
One of tbe most interesting Itooka for young peo­
ple, with a myslciy to
aolve wbotber tbe <*cnib
U a toy or girL Sell* for

a flyen siachtee. n». with a chane
on. tnie cb«t. rober prtnUa tlpc.
t«ck. csiiakn pl« with a man on
|hU back. same, wrol Mw tu cot'
' oat br»k«, with, and I tblak Dere!

Pay by

Cvary ohoak to m rwcalpt
Altour US to anptein ka diaali
tng aystam to you moru fuHy.

Enf Piqpnls



n u


£TSI»—...r:^:^;;::-.™ ••,»««,«, ™ «1. „i* « *.


A per at ahab* m aa^to



• Adrontorob of Mr.
ia, tbe, newnst book after
the style of the fampnt
•Ox” books. IWd in
Fmiik .Banm's best manu«tr. Bells for 50c.

• Bsndit Jic Crow,’'
I one of stg figw jareoilq
Uytkt with eolorod inas*
tfitioiit. Sen for 90e
emch. Kothinff b«Uer for
UtOeoiiet poSiflM.
‘•Petqr lUbbiC
RBOtbflr 6ae book Iot ike
littk ooeg, with oiiored
piotuAW. R&4 sells for toe.

Joe” are alweyi good.
Sell for doe each.

Banty moat eartWn* that nuke. ^
soya Uke t««. arhlrot «nim and
s boater Brown mt^ orsan. that
la what boya like aak


•A Roe’e in the Bakic." Robert Barr. .
• The Lady Fvclyn," Max Pemberton.
‘•D^c Gwdo?**MSy

Of eoili#

STC EMiEiglilli SMI. -



Don’t Forget.

: -'5SiE _

Portable Table Lamps



“Rezenov,” Gertrude Athertoo, ^ - •


ste. Bs snm aad aie it

Rfit Ibitaal Baik
a% auMWiT

“"T. a i^gs Eiecw&aa

UhCteBt ;





1 mmBsmimm

m cumh
OM Ctpwii
p»rv. A
tl«« toy tii* nm. T. r. AJ-ftoiir
' j mwmhmr at totir—fltog iiMfMM «vt«
IglM •• 4i«*T«rt ptoM« «f tto# «■!»•
^ ftt ttocj


Tto> ir—lag totMlwi wW

gtrta ta

‘o.“'Si jorasoR wwG CO. |

Ckrtstj^avd «r Mla^ku T»»
«|p !>• glYM. tA*
i/JL OMltoT d
tkteellf totod tlr 1U^, UO. Dr««« «U^

MaM tot PW piaa

HIM ■*»
» •Miol IcoMdr. -mMlI
- TWi «t»»* !■ MM

W.«. Hi !>■■». Hg.

K. T, *na cnad Menaa. Tba on*laal (oaipaa; *U1 eiaa ibat* fnaa Oaaad r«tam to Or^ Baida mt
work aooU. Tlte Uaaa art ktflnaal aad taoHiaale catch;. Two daja
Uter -A Mad Lose" wIB be preeeated
aad OB ttoe t^foaty aeeoad **Haama
Hearts^ wW atomr tom. Tkl* play haa
appeared lattoe city bafova aad was
Tery favorably recelvad.
Oa ttoe
twfutydlflto Lady MacaW irfll preasat
**Mlsaatod'* aad ttoe aiegt week win
be oecapled toy Aagel a eoBBediaas. •

I o( >Mt atM ud lb* b0M« et tboM
l|w>0 fc~> •nmtki tx. »d otbrn lo»*maMr joiMd ta ta* aMrcii. Ktii •>-

A man who gave Ma Mme as HenTtoa faaaral aarrlaaa of Caplaia
waoa tried to apead ttoe toigtoi la ttoe
iatoa Laaa vafa toald ttofa amraitoK at
sow near ttoe conmr of BiaU aad
L.«r. M. a»«M. •fco wt«M tw Old MMoa a| 1# oclock. ttoa Bar.
Mudmam aamae. He went to ttoe
yi» c. a. «■•»—IK* wd weMiij *1 Mr. Warrato oftociatlag Ttoa body waa
tofOBtotot to tba iclty ttoU afianMMO aad
Ttoe ttoaw to totoowitog ap tto* graaa
tolmmd la ctoarga of ttoa Aadaraoo
nw*>pMk«r «f ilM
%»w. T. P. Aitkmr a< L««a «"« Uadartatotag ctomgaay. Ttoa Mi
ariU aaaort ttoa jtoddy fr«»m Itoara tto ttoa
^r«h.Onad RM>d«. took
|r4. -Tfc. lrr*pn»IM« CcBIct. - Tke trala. wtoara It jarfll be tooat to Moaroa.
I la s fwrdu> aad Mkiu for tatafnaat. ttoa Maaoaa UkThe Girts’ Athletic aaaocUtloa of
lag ctoarga oT jitoa body itoara. Mni.
ttoe High acbool wfll glea a
Lao* aad daogtotar, Mr*. W. H. Bm
tk vtolHi^
Mr*. M. 8. JotoBBOB 4*4 Mra. D. H. tn Stewart’s academy ftir ttoe
^drd ttttto ttnli)'* vhlek to* taaftot mora. will acoonimay ttoa remalaa.
Huater of Bpeaoer are gmMs of C. H Grand Rapids See toatorrow mrenlagibm* -*fl wtmj BM b* my vay. ft may
Ttoe Boyal Malgtobora wlU have a
Hunter aad Caarily of fWalaal atraat.
M to# ttoy w; tout aoma ^y or
aUdek ivpper aad electloa of of*
kaovB. toaeaaato ao oaa drHraa tbara * J. M. BUkeslee made a baalaaaa
fftoar ftoa Lad vfli pmld*.- .
vittooat toarlng a Ula cord aroaad ttoa trip to Ctolcago ttoU morning, from
Ha ^wad Itoa eodUat |Oli
George B. Lackey of Webster atraet
Back of tba aataul. maa a horaa ttoere be goea to Detroit and will reJk^tiimpad aad aataa. toatwaaa good
ft this morning for HIlltoiaabBr*.
atari* to mn ttoa cord la pnllad aad
toad toad. a« a taniftc atr.ggla wklcto
Mr*. A. Hepry of ^iaakegoa re- V*. He *ccompanled a car of good*
ttoa bor»a stop* as aooa aa |t feels
waa littia toaadad toy itoa arortd. Ha
igiag to A. E Bralnerd of Yuba,
tomed to her borne thl$ monlng after
tha-praasara oa ttoa windpipe.
togpaalad to mra to aatar ttoe etorlatUa
a riait at the tocNBe of Jotoa Thacker. who has Just moved there.
Btoht. aot toacanaa of iha owwiiaaliy
The W, R. C. Sewing aoclely ylU
Mr*. Dr. Smltto left tiila momlBg to
In San
to do aad to aaorftea.
with Mrs, Hllllker tomorrow
able salt mounUln. a maas of ciyatklteraobo at S:S0.
Mr. and Mrs. Tamplf of MiiMtagoe.
Itaa aalt almost foor miles long, said
W Itoa warfirr* «am
ctortatlaa. tba to coataln awly WfiOOJOOO too*, aad who have beea apeadteg a few days
Mrs. Wm, Hymm of Keystoae was
inbla and ttoa etoarcto.
with Dr. and Mra. Munaoa at ttoe asy­ brought to the city today on a cot and
Tfmftoday adanfilag.
was taken to the aanUartum to be
AFTBR trylag a amall 'aack of lum returned home thla moreing
* Ttoa nomlag aaaaloa wma earrtad IDC^ buckwheat Bour yon wUl waal
Mra. Charles Holman and three operated on for appeadichto.
a tritorwJ lb.’or 100 lb. aack.
The Rev. Mr. Lewi* of Frankfort
children left this morning on the G.
dec S^lf R, A I. for South Boardman. where was in the city today
lard of
at the First M.
they will .make ttoelr home.
Of»BN KVKHWQ& until CliTiatmas.
to baalaeM aaaakm.
Mra. Caraten of Blag^ I* rlalUiig a candidate for the ministry.
dec 12AI I
. Ttoe Ftomoua.
I^Ttoa Ratr. C. W. Clark of Cadillac adA small boy. a snowball fad aa In
her Bon. A. Caraten. on Park atreeC.
furlaied man with a boraewhlp ere
F. L. SliaUT made f
ated a littie excitement on the east
TbompauaTllle thlsj----------R. Floyd Clinch of Ctolcaga to la Bide this noon. The mlaaHe tourted by
the city OB buslaeas toaaacted with the boy totoded squarely on the man's
head. Ttoe man whipped
the Hannah A Uy i
as Belle Burco and mother of Into a run and then took after the
on Harbor are gnesU of Mrs. C. youngster oa foot. The latter's know
ledge of barns atfd other outbuilding*
E. Bennett.
made the chaae Interesting and be
Never in the histtMy of tht* wore ■ have we
It it aatlafaclory to bote the growdone kuch a large bunnen in Cloaka.
ig demand among the natlTe^laeae
The great variety of style* and superior

r fe

loi«, aad aevaral plaem ef lamartatol*
r. toMda aad
toBT* toami taken om. Ttoe beae*
eramble toadly alrnom aa aeea aa ttoey
la ttoe open air. Ttoey are
aa ttoat It to
irytag grott
rooS. *TMt*r la watMii aad mtn
twO; prMerrad tkaa aa;
lAir tto* toaMB of facto of th* aad*ad were fdaad piacaa of pott*ry. toeaaatto tto*
A Little of Everythlfif.
oi4* of
Oveaa of elay are used la Egypttoa
of wtolck would easily tooM
ith one skele­
s. I
two gallona.
Sheep,draw little exprras wagoas
ton was a enriou* bowl, in the center in India and Petaia.
of vtooa* baMa was ttoe well-faahlonOPEN E\*ENIN08 uatll i
Ttoe Japs have toud a proeaaa for
•d Agare of a king aoatod upoe a 1
dec 124t
The 1
taklag a aatoatRate fbr taattoer out of
aad U ta ttoonglit that ttoeae bones i
to* ttoa** of a great leader of the r
HANDKBRCH1BF8. Ic each aad ap
Ttoe first preactoera of the gospel In
ttoat oaee rnled this portioo of
wards, fine embroiderwd oae* Ific to
Germany were Irish priests.
Many women and children are em­ Kceach. The Btonomy Store.
&te lA5t
ployed la the mining Industry In Mex-

Special ON €l6aks
values mre


distinguished by



Some late purchase* at under value to which we add
all odd coat* in stock of fancy mixtures, making about
40 all together in this lot. Values $7 50. $S. $10 $12.

Choice at Only $5.00


Coats of high grade Mixtures, also Brown. Navy
colors in this assortment. About 35 of them and ha
Value $15, $17 and
two of. any one style.

Choice at


E. Wilhelm
Front St

are to better dlaplay tola aouvenir
The counters have been
It is estimated that ^boat $1,000,000 been moved Into the Ice cream parto
for the display of Christinaa goods.
Ur postal order* are
ar. imoatly
country to Norway eTcry year.
George T. CampbelU editor 6f the
as gifts to relatlres and friend*.
Owosso Argua. md grand
A statlsUcUn haa calculated
bearer of the Knight* Templar, was in
there air In Europe at this m
the city last night Inspecting the local
0.500.000 men under arm*. If they commandery and this morning calling
were all lined up the line would be on local newspaper friends
1.500 mile* loag
The ladles of the Baptist
An inch of rain equals 11 1-3 inches win serve dinner In the basei
Of .now.
the church tm New Year’s day.'
It has been claimed I that the only
Queen,City camp. No. 573. R. N. of
klly per­
. wm meet at Woodman ball Frt ;
books which are typ
fect aie an Oxford edltlro of the Bible, day evening- Every member requeato attend, .Election of offtcera at
this meeting.
of Oxford
Twenty-five friends of Mr*. Hall.
toad a standing offer of a guinea for South ITnIon street, surprtoed her
each error thll might be found in the Tuesday evening and helped celebrate
flr^t menUoned of these books. Many her flfty-aixth birthday. The evening
year* elapsed and no one claimed was spent In* pjaylng p^. after
thf' resrard. But recently an error was which Ught r^raOimeaU were served.
discovered by a reader ud the reward
The Ladles^ Aid society of the A*^
paid. The error wa* 'fcorrected and bury cbarcto. held a taxaar in the
to be typo^ church hooae Tncaday evening and
the book Is
graiOiically perfect.
made a neat sum rttwn ttoe lal* of
Some time ago a bro^ bear in the ftoacy goods and uaeful handiwork.
ronx Koologlool park. New York, was The rooms were ustily decorated do
suffering from toothache. It took the holiday style and light refreabmenu
combined strength of four aaen to pull wore served during the evening.
the molar, after which the bear’s form­
Another of the big display windows
er amlabltity returned. :
In the Hannah A Lay McrcantHe com
pany’a store is In c
It Is
tiled' with men's

1. Grand Opera House;


DEC ,14

C S. SsUlvaa Otters jlhc Brightest of AU Plays

”D"ora Thorncr*
tattoo ol Bertha M.CIay*s Most I
Novel hy E. Laoreaee Lee.
NSrealesI Love Story Ever Wrltteo,,
Interest and Rich la Comedy.




75c, 50c, 55c, 25c
Teleidumei U2-S rtaiffs.

I ':

Fred Gross, who la awaiting trial
a being a dtaorderiy'person, wa*

YOU need a tonic ttoat wfll put the
sap of life into yoor system and for­
tify you from all dlaeasea. HolIister*a
Rocky Mountain Tea to rocogalzed as
the groateat atrongthener known. Tea
or Tablet, 36 eenta. Jotoaaon Drug

product of boom digtesthd in ml* phnric add) or of stain (which a
ooe-tUtd anlphntic add) mbatan>
OM adopted for other bakinc pow^
dets becatue of thdr

or them evMoatly
or weavteg.
found la the mound of a atraai
rial, almoot white, and poaalt
from ttoe hem of potter’s clay.
Forty of ttoe greater pieces fouad tn
the mound were taken
town, where they are i
ly In ttoe poaoeeaioa of H. C. Ren.
postmaster. Oltoera will be taken
ttoere to be kept unUl the final dto^^
tkm u decided. One of ttoe plecea Is
aheU-ahaped dtoh with a wbir* head
the work on which leave* ao doabt
ttoat it was carved, evea ttoe teeth of
ttoe wolf gleaming from U. aa exqui­
sitely done as tome of the Ivory
tng of the Japanese and aome of those
who have seen the piece believe It
toe Ivory. Ttoto and what to ttooogtot
to be impletaenle of bamboo at
caused Interesting apecalatloiL
Hundreds of people from 1
Sterling. Coopersiown and the
try around for miles have bee
tracted to the scene of the excavaUona
by the new* of the wonderful find.
The toll of the mound has aev.
fore been dtoturbed. and to ttoto Itoct
Is attributed the marveloiia pro
Uon of ftringa taken from it. The
mound Is oae of a series along ttoe IHIDoto river hill*, which a noted archa
ologlst pronounced would one day
solve, when fully explorod. the mys­
tery of the mound builder*.

saakes turn
The fang* of r
OUR IDEAL spring patut Boar to
on binges aad lie flat when ttoe moatto guaranteed to be uaaarpaaaad by any
oa the markec A trial wUl eoavtoMW
Is cloaed.
dec Wl
la China there to a tree which pro­
duce* oil. Recently about 1000 were
HOT'^lOCOljfTK. toaiwnoup.
planUd from Chin* to California
beef tea, flae coEee with good cream.
and at last reports were doing well.
dec llAl
Sllestoa gtoaamakers are luinlag out
glass bricks for all klpds of bnlldlag
Mea and glass hbuses of a very
subauntlal kind cu now be built.
APRONS, fancy white one* from
36c to $60., gingham apron* from Me
to 60c each. Ttoe Economy Store.
dec 1041
GET a nice souvenir for your frlqad.
We have a line of band-madaAealher
goods. Just ttoe thing for Xmas,
dec 1141
Jackaon a 10$ Pro
rOR FANCY work basket*, waste
paper basket*, lunch boxe*. etc., try
The Economy Store.
dec 1041
HAND PAINTED candy boxes, perfeet beauties, al Jackson**. 10€ Pron
dec 114t
dec 1241
Ttoe Pamou;


I wOl toa at Knmga Broa.*
Bowera Hartoof. Tharaday. Dee, fifitto
dee 11-it at H. M. Lardle’e atore, OM M
Wedaaaday. Dac. Mtli: at nrst KaBUY the heat eaadlas aad daat tiaaal toaak, Traurae aty, Batnrdir.
make the ctolldrea Mek. Get tham at Dae. tt aad fit.
Jacksoa’e and they are aure to toa





of some exi. Apply at
once Globe Dept. Store.
dec 13 tf



city and Greillckvlllc
oae boraehlde robe, one street blan
kec marked Purrl* A Co. Return


pinion b
Wellington street and 222 State,
Finder reUrn to 222 SUte.
c 134t

FOR RENT—Houae opposite Jail; $12
a asoatli and water taxes. Dr.
Ttoompaoo. Inquire 620 a Union St.
dec 13-tf
FOR SALE—Jersey cattle; :
. ymuw old. bred from registered
stock. 81. Laatoen airala; 1 bull
exile of Northport. 13 moatto* old.
regtoUrred; 1 ball calL bigli grade,
nine monthe oM. well bred, eolid
color, good sige. cheap; 1 coyr. Tl
Tolla Fanny aeooad, regtotored;
heifer 15 month* old. Daisy of
Northport. registered; tami
cows to sell, also young toelfera.
Golden Rod Farm. Byron Woolaey
dec 134l»

We. the naderalgaed boas bartoera
DONT WORRY a minute about an of Jraverae Oiy. do hereby fiffree to
Xmas present when you can get a fine dose our ehopa at 11 o clock |l m„
each Balurday. commeartng Nov. 1st
and ending April 1st of caoto year
Ttoto to take affect Jan. 1st, lf07.
JaekaoaV 10$ Proat atroeL
Signed: A. D. Squires. 8. H. Clark
G. SctolegeL J. Tennant, O. B. Hrt
WE HAVE the flaeat line of pack­ brook. J. E. CamarDa. O. B. 1
age perfumery la ttoe aiy. B. B. Mil­ Bert Winnie, Pul Wtaeler, H. A. Joir WANTEO-All kind* of odd Job*; orders giten prompt attention. 122
dec IS-a beti, M. R Ortftth, A. Laagworthy.
Cans 8t„ over Arms A Cede.
dee 134t*
tor the hair, the teeth
loa mgaciBlIy tor Ctortot

OT8TBRS at Jackion'a;


t. C. Wail A fioo* offer OuggebUoo
That Is Sure to Fleaat.
Nothing is much more perplexing
than the question of what to get
man for Chrlaunas. yet 8. R Walt A
Sons have a suggesUon to offer ttoat is
very simple and aallsfactory
“If a man Is a smoker.** says 8. E.
Walt, -nothing will pleaae btan
than a box of good cigaia. Mind. 1 say
’good cigars,’ cigars made to be
smoked hj those who ki
tobacco really to. aot cigars done op tn
T foil, with iold bands, that
made for Cbrlaimas gift* only.
”In the many brand* we carry we do
not know one that we can recommend
with more confidence lhan'Wi
Bros.* Chico. While not expensi
is a cigar ttoat Is smoked by oor best
trade, lovers of a good smoke
have already sold a good many
for Cbrliima* gift*, and expert to artl
many more, eo those who want ta get
a gift for a man ttoat will really
him, atooQld be wtoe and buy ttoelr
Ctoleo* DOW."









Beauty Parlors.

Rooms. First NaUonel Bank Bnlldlag.
(Over MUllkn*! Stone. Phone fidS^,
. ;
Halr-dreamag. Mareel WaviaiA, Btoempooing. Dying. Bleechitog. BUigeie&
Maalcarlag. Pedicariag,
Hand and Arm Masm
Treatment. [Eleetrolyale
Up4o4ate Mettooda aad Modern ay

Hair goodL aad tottei reqatoltea for


lohii g 9^

sur hpre teen fof«d Into
of tptetretiueaeangtheni



, were herd hit hy the Bse Free

€e so^ perfect tu^ y&k


»Ui «»»

oMvwri «Ud» »«M tm» tke
, .C %<WMwr • IM 4w> MO.
■im. eoapMT ••mt/m fci-» «
••n^ IB tfe. sm madHo iw.
Tbe North OmuB Hi» laawMM TItelM Be fo^the Oy
ur of New Toik hae alM cow Tyien4y>1fope nr-^nendy-FIte
h* buh. of • iwMteai; K h. Etohr of New Toch harlw bMW h|>|iolah
•d. Tke K«tk Qen—■ ef Fiwoft
e. ».-A ta
mgl.WI. knt .ttelr keel
do for .the
tee teea utea op hr Ike Rorml leThle
ee eoaipeiir oC Urerpoel aed eat.
toed to<
Uemeau to fan win be toede arttb the Tnft. who torwnided tbe.reports of
ett9 telkm e( jtkU eoiMW. Jut tte board of engtoners. to bat one re­
tet eectletoeate VIU te M«f
done the report fhror tte protte otter BPtoiiilto 4e aea a a>
leci of e deeper wsierwey. lecom-


[uneeda ^if

Cracker. |n»

Order *>o»r


f.* O. towirns
. YhrtI Aihl oSee Nortbmi
MiebiKho dock.
Both phone* 3&

Horses and Cows
For Sale
1 Kood, b*hT7. *oiiDd work
hon*. K*»d oopjition, ««*7
l’l&001h.9rM ]UWe.
Mhko finU-lA j te«m for
ln«hM wood*. WiU tell
1 tioaatifak (Uiidud fared
farood mate, tore fareeder
1 ttyli*b.«eited*wldte
. t..gei^*
a‘ Utoppjr drieer.
2 8Dod oowe; be freeh early
io Uio ipring; will tdl nay


Why sit in. a cold room
when a little money s|>enl
will keep it out?
€torm Hash arc guaran­
teed to pay for them­
selves in two >'cars in
saving of fuel.
Get our prices.
All kinds i,f lumber’and

South Side
Lumber Co.


..FOR 1907..



Walters Plige


ace taxed tbe
iaenctol cnpcMttoe of e

of thousands nw in use and gmnt perction. Perfection Oil Hemer*. equipped
mce, are all that the name hnptea. A
_ f the• roost
most skcpticaL Turn the tvick
w ick as
at high
or low as you can—there’s
icre'i no da-Tgcr.
da.Tgcr. GitTS
Gi%TS imtimr
imtBK heaL
tod japan. Brafe .oil fount

ondlng an enaUlery twenty-two foot
hnnnet to tte tower Detroit rlrer et
mt of BLmBM.
Tbe engtoeen oppose tte propm
Uon of sitter n tweniy-two or iwsni
foot weterwax. to -eccoie which
torssUgnUon wee started. The

biarm 9 hours. Every I
your dcatof*s write to <



t Repide. Dec. IE—It
i teet week ttet the
I te doeed for ttej eceean. on the
nfCh. !t bee etoce
;e pleee until

tbe li.t sll.rtniiuiL—m=a-yi

twenty-foot otennel has nerer been
secured. The cost of e iwcniy-lwo
foot chsnnei to estimsusl et nearly
Bt.000.000 end tte twenty.«re foot
d et neeriy W.OOkWO. In ed
ditlon tte engtoeers any esternl mll^
George Cetopbcll of Owoeeo. grand 1i<ms wDold here to be epeot In deop^

wnh to tte city taet evening ee
qpneted tte looil Kpigbt Tnmptor
meedery. Mr. Cnmte^ tegtenmittog
0. C. MOrgA-fr—AbetmeU fd titta.
tbe right
Mae of 140.000.000
210 Biete Besk bnUdlai.
In eddklan to tbe Inspection there
tmeot of 12.000 to the
of Alter Bocletr of 8e
I to tte temple degree fol­ nnorlctoell
1 of the United Stoles
OR. RARL C* TVLm-Otettot Boow ciZr^Henrt ere prepeiitap for e one lowed by a banquet.
(leperUnvm of agriculture.
B tint NetSteel Buk BMp. CRA
wblck ttejf will
To the rldddto. -Why to |he depart
MpkoMBBE . . MIM
mirnl of sgrlcallure?" tome scoffcr«
Per Cent Below the Norma! have been wont lo reply. “Juki
Om Jckw
They used to ridicule
dutlea ee clerk to |P. J. Hc«axi’>
Learning. Dec. IL—Tte elate crop sgrlcuUnral work of the .government
»cf7 .tore.
iestor Lnwie Moree. te niowlj r«- eport to that tbe aeteon'e yield of because they said there were no langi
But the lt8
wrtot tram pnenmonie wUb which
OR. r. J. MAC NETT-PrtorUee I
earhook for 1B05. comes to tbe front
ttet greet dIticaUy
Prof. H. r. Blodieil espeoU to *o to obtaining suEtcient cars for their with a "just cause- for its existence.
end mriNQ or OLA^SSS. G ~
ion to tbe fectortos. Tte What baalneas man io tjie Uolu J
New Mcslco doHng the HoUdey vnoe
m WUkPlB klock. ^ttoPM p
beet average to BB per cent or 14 per Stotoa. whether he fathers a trust or
t corner drug store, can point to
test Thnrndsy the fenetng toekJ cent below normal.
The extreme
An investment of
stock nnd penonil property of
drought hes prmrented nocb tote sow­ s profit like this:
flAltO TUNINO-W. N. Mmerd. M lete John Cams were sold on tte fenn ing. end that their tee Imea e marked U.QOO to UUjxow produces an annual
mre experleote. Now locetod with
m of liO.000.900. yet this Is one
OM to tte acreage sown this fell
Mrs. BhlP.of Osylord trriTPd Thursmtost ieet year. Rye has a per of the rcTords of the murh-rosligned
dey to onto for ter dteghtprdn Uw centege of 8* to the outtem oottaae* agricultural departnunL Tbe dei»artintroduced from China and
OR. O. LOHAtk rwDored Iron BOB- Mrs. Arthur Hkle. who bee been U1 end S2 In the northern. Ure i
MB WUbelm block to 4C7 end 401 for e number of weeks end Is repoKed such ee horeea. ebeep end swine show Frmioe in 1S64. a comparaUvely small
at of sorghum gl a coat of ILno better.
rcetsge of
end cettle'BB per
tew Btoto Bea^ bsDdtop.
000. Now a oonalderable part of the
L. R. Smith of this piece shipped
ises consumed in the United
ebout 2000 bushels of poutoes from
A B. MARTIN-^4>lirMetoB and
Stotea comes from this outlay of 12.THEY AIK MORE RAY.
Angsl lest week.
geon. Ottoe ihB Best Front itroM
000. and tbe annual values of the aorgMrs. FPed CoertnHer at Provemont
ers V
Would Receive bum crop is at least $40,000,000. But
bee, been sWUni st ibe jbame of Mr. New York Cannmnters
Lstonlablng work of tbe agricul­
MARK CRAW*a OKLIVBRV-UCkI Jpbn Ooartniierted fep^ljr
•Bn Day.

New York.^ Dec. IS.—Seventeen tural department does not stop with
thousand members of the United sorghum. Tbe branch of the departet ai7 Book atom.
.’a work which endeavors to find
Brothorbood of Carpenters to tbto city
new things for tbe farmer to grow,
WiU demand an tocrceec
MRt. R. U BONNIRW teir <
Cram 14.60 to |S a day. A conference and to make tte United Staes todeperiofs, over ORr Book Btov
of foreign oountrioa for gl1
Weehtaiton. Dec. IB-^Wben Mrs for a resdjuetmeal of tte
yestenley. George Genlerd* delegeto of Its cereals has been most prollBc
Rooeevelt meeto her -‘o^btoet*' erery
to tangible results: and iU success In
Toeedey momlns in ter boodolr ettte of the brolberbood. told the cerpeo
sptonUng alien gtalnr Is phenome­
White House the eociel ^rld Is ego* tors considered ttemseives entlUed
nal and Is flnsnclsUy a paying propto Icem wbst importent Ueme U the an Increeso in wages on account of
lon.-Dewey 8. Beebe, to Tecbnl
higher oot of lirtog and the general
subject of tbe conferences. But.
cal World Magazine.
cordtns to tbe etetoaaent of one of the prosperty.
pertldpnnts. only,on rere occssloni
Upd ted
ere importent thtoge dfecneecd. such

SR tbe gfoi mceUnge of tte winter, New York Oepgrlmeirt V<1ll Try an Inwhen tbe eociel progrem Is to be er, Philadcipbto. Ps.. Dec. 13-6nc
reeged. Mrs. Rooeerelt i^riy elweys
New York. Dec. IS.—The New York
Dr. O. m. Ch***. atal* awk Mock
Arc department to going to bare
tions of recent years was performed
Both pbODM. IlS-lr. 1M4«m* U le her bend, while theee confer
coflee wagon pt all tte big firen in the
in progress, nnd tbe hneteei
w. Bfhth Bt. c«i. phoM m.
winter time. Three firemen bare been on David Dodson of Saginaw. Camb^
county. Pa., by Dr. Charles H. Fra­
csbi^ bomes geaerelly Ulk on
sssigned to tte wagon. This
zier St tbe University of PennsylvsiUs
Uon will be watched in the expert
Itsl. in an effort to graft a nose
ner of women who meet to net
meotai stage and if successful otb
tenUon to dtoeeece of tte eje, cer.
on him.
hot,coffee comVnIes wiff be formed.
Mcc end throet Olencce itto<L
Dodson lost hU noao i
denoe or prirllegne or t|m duties of
Oecr Johnson drug ntoiw BMh
sleigh ride a year ago. It was frost
ofteere’• wires to regnid to
Taken to Treveree City.
• wives ere eroded es eedn
Baldwin. Dec. 12.—Mrs. Caroline bitten snd not receiving tbe proper
Iqosly by Mrs. Boonertot es Mr Carpenter, who lort her reason after altontion it fell off. Several attanpt.
OR. E. g. MINOR-Ofgcn oenr
•toms eU eltiu^ to
her eon, Frank White, was fatally shot had b««a trrwkHHrir «ad« to
cen Drng Stork SpecUl nt
leahecnlU to the tow
by bto stepfother. has been token to bla wUli a B«w Base, but to no avail.
to aye. cer. noek nnd thronk t
At preent he lle« lo.lbe
Rsoeipto sre exchanged end ten tbe asylum at Trarciwe City.
aund. Both plUee. BeMdci
ho.plul with hU left arm tied Kc
work peueme end etortot a
1) to bU face. Tbe rtump of bit nq*e
their Qgeprtog occtipy mack of
I. fltted In betwea the li^menU of
■Rh.n sprinkling of bewelllni
There are few plays In the Bigltob tbe arm and In tbto portUon wHl i»
tte nneertetoty of the Wnshnguage which poaseas the elements
, for another week. Tbe arm wa.
at., lOT; BcH it.
•Mp.** Thehoodoircnbtoetaet•elected ln.teod of the nneer.
Wnahlngton nt^ I
thing snore tanporfent than the of heart thrlUlag Into
tbe p«Be«t great pain. Dr. Frailer
Ben phone M. [
color of gowne to te worn nt tte of tte aympnihy for bar
-Dora Thorne.- Tbe a
bopea ia tbl. manimr to graft, anfflclat fleata from the arm to build
r. W. THIRLkV, Dentist. Ofnr Ber> the special recepUnoe. ifhaa n reel blUnd to nppoar at'tbe Orand
giglit to npder tbe nwnngei
question of precedence or prtrllece
nnm B BsrTs jewMry storn.
to be
fhonat Itt.
Is settled by tbe chief Bxecutlre one of the hert
will te found nnpi


enlarge oettoy of money
FOR tte ttke of Juetlco to the af­ play of -Dora Tborne" la of
Htng. temo^Vwtog kind that apHARRY B. IteiiNKR-Bipect plteo flicted end for the good Of hommnity. pento to aU ctoaeas of theater gw
it to my right and duty to recomamd
HoIltoterY Rocky Mountain Tee. We nbeorrtog tte latnreet from start


__ L

dnty. Ten of Tehtote. SSicents. J


ter. Pitoteteteondhto. Often wtth


ten to disennte of ehltoinn.
ilBtfapBMk^ BMh F)

nnSAL blended torn )Tor gei
IteMly wee l. nnperior fe any other
on the market. IWhan flne bread nnd
y. .
COMB now nnd eeleei tte

;Ku.. a IM.' Mm. Ib «lit.


B:VET~:SS:: aS iS!!

TrslssniTwiat Trar«^<nty.iiUMfa hasNurtlipirt lo i* a lo. •
Train oiTtT*« at Travona tnty Handay ooly

At every point Our Goods md Prices Are Best.

Frulte-Or»ge^B»«MM. Cranfawrie^ Gr*p«. AwJo*.. tc.
Veaelabres-e«ler}. C«rroU. Boot*. PardniiN,
I'oUfex». C*bl>BK«, Bquiuh.
ami Turnip*.
Plddes-Kweet. 5^ur, Mii«l. Dill *u.l Mu.tanl,
Ci(].T, u«w KuU. new FSc* and Dates,
now Drioil FruiU.

Twenty Pounds of Sugar,

Delivery Service

phone ^vlce






Now Is the time for you to join the pro­
cession thatis going tO'the Wrh. Hoolihan
Co. to buy Carriages. Cutters. Harness.
Implements and Hardware.

From November 24 to December «. IMC. we wOl glee awa) abrolulel) frt*. with eveiT $S0J»0 purely, ope of onr Orapbophonea.
Keep account of >-our purchaaea and j when you have traded 1604*
with ua yon wUl be preaented with the Grapbopboo* eaUrdy free.
What I. your aeod or fancy? Wp bay* tt at * price abd la gnalIty nerer before offered you. Tow dollar will ftreteb like rubbw,
doing eitn duly, when yon buy a Carriage. Harneaa. Cutter, Hard­
ware. ta fact anything yon pnrehaae of; na at thla Ume.
Now la yonr chance. Do bot negidet tbta greet opportunity. Make
yonr eelectlon gulck while onr stodc b Urge and before tbe best bargalai are picked up by the eert, buyer. Call and too onr goods even
tf yon are not la nMd of aaytbing. Ton wlU reoNre a great deaf of
ben^elal Infonnatlon when yon honrltbo prieoa we wUl *note yo*.
TtaU la the ptaon to boy CbrtMii* piMenla. Ton.nro cerdlany
inrlted lo come *nd eoe our complete line of 8UT*f*ar»

lui*i.l*rcettheN»ce,Mrttej*fler wetoTC Bi4ey*E
nth of real silk, to to be
I In Mexleo on a to^ •

Th* blow of a Wbato-* tall la tbe
tb* kkk «r • !»>••• la •*<»«
(be airob* ar • n**** paw th* thlTC

Dr. Shoop^s


Listen! Given Away
Absolutely Free!


aP.OtfterBBte^ BAptei




nur INK Welle, enisb Inn end
bnutee, cmm| irejri end aonpere.
cerd tmre. pep«r knlvae, pocluS vMtek
esfee. poetope i^mp bosee, pic., to tbe
beeuUfnl entlmcmr were nt Tte Hpoo*
omj Stora..
dec Sddt

Pte ito nyye^


« XrtXT Jo, de-/

CZtr Fbone 99.


ATOMinOlS at MIlleFa phaiMex.





• i '. ': •••.■


Tiuvmc errr.





M s girt: siiS
iMMtm to uk# MPt
dim m4 oort oT toi »vkml4tto


Ik* itTMC Mm mM ii .pM a*.

fliM Htdi oormr tuto m4 Wto- IMh airara, ora. phM* un.
4-elMl MM SAU-Mms. Md k«rara: m*
M MV. iM^Ire ta m. rmu ML .
WAirrC]>-t« tMM to tool
«M at to emu per cord;
totom me sakaft Us vas«*: 1
■OH BALS-IMS-^ aetoa two and

" r. It»«»
r a T,m<rt tmfmm
Wiwrr«o-Thr*« tr ftiw t«HH i*
dimw ^ ^OotoM
UiN WAHT«Or<?oto fredtoU Bo^
toctorr elMvUr. tomlrtto «#0 aim
for ell dtmnaMaU. es eurm
teek weichms,
fmd Boom bma; |i
«1 rrpelr end Beadjr
r work et good wms« In

WANTIU—At oace; roeog me

1«m tm JtwUry trade. U M. Bm
dee IMt

) ta.

Ouh pHee SlSdE


POE EALE-Oood top bnssy and
PortiMd cutter. In««lre L. B. Trim
doc letf

, with power, aadhiMQr ana toUe;

dl BshM hr dMrteEp; «Dod Ere
pmtoottoa. hi a fiat lEaaa af lito:
otoeaftlcai aiU eUl tor ditto;

WANTdO-^roettlon ee dork la gro.
<W or dothlns etore, four mere'
ddreea a C. cam
dec f-U

aaap tor aoaso oao; owaer la poor
health. Addfeto J. J. Bortok. Ox
Cord, Ulok.
aoT 74f


WANTEB-Dliries leoie ffri et
at tlie p. U. Ketlns Uotoe.
BOT mi
ee Office


WANTED—Tow eoOed gersmt
euee ea0 etoke like Btw. Ledlee'
work a eperteltr. PafUtoe Dye
Wort*, m a Proat 8t GUI t4l
cm. pboM ttd «t wm do the red.

POE »ALE-^ftore end lot «
Proat end Oak etreeU; eeh
haUaem toeatim: Eat apu
eroold reat to Ngkt party. Sa
AerWae d Hnneif.
oot IWf
P^^ALl^imkD^ w
poet office Trareree 'city; sixty
acres Uaprored; six acres sulia
for strdea: good buUdlns*; mM -

. KtoO^W^S^*?^ iS?
etmct. Ciu. phoat lilt

POE EALE-im-^Oood new aercin
reom boom etk etreet. cleee ic
tfik: fitol
phono 12lf.

817 Union

St. ate
doc I tf

APPLES roll SALE—1 bir#
Choice appiee by bushels for sale;
OcW' Ooidm Bawwlaa. C


an ft
Price I4W0. Wad© Bros.. S17
atreet C4ta. phenellllV.
I HAVE a rood llye i
energetic man. \
Bast Pront,



aev ramrat Mock hoora; pood bara.

prira «»#. W«a* Broa, Ml Uatoa
■traat. Ctra phoa* m>.

hoeea. eomer lot eomer of UuUn
and 14th ntreeu.: wfll take fl.Sto
to good mine, free and deer of ea-

PrmiUi H. McmU. 4ms storm

wara. Ska ptaital kaara alBaa. aa«
vb«a aatr (ka WaHar Oa* fljlrara
aa Tas Baraa atraat aacoaaaaa a
raaa al kar aua: Ska PM aai afaara
vkta aka taraa* avia k^ **a Of Oeofie U. Bmwn. inemimr of the
m4 vllk Ms kar kaMhag. fish oninmIegloB. who personally aupnilnteafied the itoatlmi of Mto rmlabov la the Pore Uargnetie lirer
ai j
Mr. Brown has pUntnd neaify 15.ito
lya he wm a aMre hoy.
trout to that ylctnlty thU year. Utoe
ttle Creek kaa aappad qU a
county took the toltlatlye In coopeenttog with the slate boart! UU year
by anthoristog the sereral aopenrto
ratar. lkap «tU kara a ckaaoa to
to personally attend to the plant­
aatkr%«a*Stto MW* koysias ors
ing of game fink erery yenr at the
tka cttT for aoarir SIWAW. TMisoa*oonaty’s expmaa. At Unst one plantcU baara IW data U> a |1^ ^ A* tog each of trout and bass wiU be
uu »b w psdas kr tawoa ot
mads to ^trj towm^P. whlek should
bet tbsl oao of the ilotaM la the
tosure the life of Mlchlgnn‘s finest
laMBt propoaHlaa to boad tke; dtp
sport for years to come. The planting
lor **tu at Veroa* »»»: -Saw tk*
in and about Baldwin has thus far
rr to para the etiMte.- Settle
been done by local contrlhuUoos.
k BOV he* kre ^les of t
Recently Ana Arbor porchaaed a
tojtoO fire eaglhs and the ropreeenUTSMltir t*D toed IB the MtjooaU taUye of the eoutonny put Ap 8.4BO
eoeBt^eploa. bvlU eoora flfteea paare bond that tkert U no other atoamer
eao fraw SB lUple to the Sab Betcb- to the eoutry that can equal the
#f7 dd fPrtk. *w Toeedey made a work of their make In a public UuL
free jroaf Ik^mars aloec the line B. J. Kelly, chairman of the mad vai not malataliwd committee of Pontiac has accepted
to the >*. talaad a fond the challeage. aad says be win be
willing to bring over their
gine which was both in 1874 and
vaa tedtad to bear tba caae. After knock the spoU oE Ue modern ena two daya- eoaalaat ha wade the tern gIne which has bsen bought by Ann
At tke oMee ct the poor mpertoten
Because other deer refused kmger
deat at Katamaioo there are j «f«y to aseodatt wiU him aad for three
tor hdp. la erary months be has been exlle4 to dls
loce the eaaaa of Ik* dapea^ tant parts of the corral. Jim. ih<
brooebt aboa
oldest and biggest deer at the count
In eyery
ty home at Kalamazoo, and who has
Uy waa getting
been there for fifteen years, obmmlt
th© huaband left
ted suicide by stanrpUoo. He refuam
A noUce from the goyemmeo^ pow to toke drtnk or fbod for six wmks
tal office at WaahlagUm to the rted Md last night died. Suicide la the
^ly explanation that can be glrcu
that the reoUl pHccs of mall
by the yeteHnary.
to th© Lansing postofflen was

New York

■a. Ml*. Taller aptat the rraa-


T ,»



POE EALE-14»-81x.poaai U
Boyd avaaea. Hose to Boae atreet.
price Sito^ Wede Bim, SIT V
FOE SALE OR RENT—Hooee oa Caas
tog lour of the principal cities
etreeL amr Twelflh atreet. <
country, to begin to Rochs-rter lij Ja

Jo-teph Jerome, who has died at Kid­
derminster to his ninety-third . year.
FOE SALE-1480-Plne hoeae. eomer
the dde*^ carpet wcayer lii Bng
of Boyd and Pront: terse kd: new
kottue; easy terms; price fllOO. land, baring worked at the loom for
more than eighty year*. He witness
ed the tranalUon of the, old ha^d to
,c steam powtfiklooia.
VE HAVE hardware stocks at Orasra.
Lyman K. Boas, who has Just been
Hotel and Bar Pumttare stock and
Uedc at Lake Ann. larse ftonrlng nominated hy the president as United
mill at Oopemtah. eeeof the tarseat
district atomey for western
and bow hotola. all furnished, la
Noftbem Mlcblsan; one thooaand New York. Is the aM of a ft>niH|r Uw
tnirnm feet of best hardwood, hem* partner of Qrorer. Cleveland. ! His
lock and phie to Mlchlsmn: llwy mother, after thn death of his father,
bare fully equipped In Timi
married the late Senator tXlwi^ O.
aty. We hare R. R. and saw i
also a tow choice locations In c«h Wolcott. She lire* at present to
tra! pmUcm of Tmrerse City. We
hare soM and si hrer mines In fbe
Mra. a T. Rorer.* the cooking ex
pert, told at a dlnaer In Wilmington
of a young houackeeper^a mlaadvroIn feet, we haye proper­ tnie. -Thto hooaekecyer.* she said.
ty tor sale almost aaywhere you
her slater to do a part of her
want It Bet we hare nothins wc marketing for her on Satnrday morn­
can oEer you that will equal the
ing. On the slater** return ahe said:
Qmnd Trayeme F
•And. Laura, did you order me a leg
tom pbolltable toy
parrbuser or as aeeurtty tor kma. of lamb at the butcher*r The butch­
We always hare a slE edged ee- er was out of legs of tomb.* Mlaa Laum replied, -and so I told him to aend
you up a leg of benf Instend.* Wlaslon ChnrehltL th* Royellst. deStreet. Trayerse aiy.
117 UUon Street.
phone ins. Call ut up aerlbod at a dUiner in New York the
difference bHween renliam nnd romantlcism In ficUoii. To if
meaning clearer.** Mr. ChurckW end.
FOR BALE—Oae pair stogie alelshx
gd. ‘I will take tke
nearly new; also good single work
mam and a girl—sweethearts. The
hnmeee. Oitlaens phona. O HT7.
young mam. a roamntielst* aaM paw
dee IM
gtonately to his girt: Dnrilag. It ahaU
be my Ufe * on*
you with erery comfort and to anUrf.
pate and gratify your erery .^*k.
Mouses TO RlMT-BUt T»tk St: The girl, a reaMat* attmd fiktotly «i
alao oa* ootaer noat tad Rom. A.
she answered. *OB. JacB. bow good of
P. HoMlmutel.
you. and all oa 89
Joha Wsalsr Galas of Tennessee
HDUBE FOR RENT-Dr. Oaanttott.
with the idea elaborated In the
president s message that the
are not shore ertUdam and d
Oatiiid gad Btaln. laqulm F. G. heatUto to carry ont hto ritwa. la
the course of the debate to the
Hnuaumn. m Cnaa,
due M
toe legal stotn of a game was to
question and to a coBaguy wHh Mr.
Mondell of Wyomtog Mr. Gaines gare
Cglaloo, Thr only difficulty about
toatpropetttton U that the gen
and the Bnprtma court do not i



HOUBE FOE RENT-Oa Washington tog. •‘Ok. weU. tkat 1* the cnae fn
stteeL Inquire af m WaahlniNon quently. beennee the suprmDe com
atreoL Mrs. WUklaa.
fiecl 10-tf l8 wrong.- iMortod Mr. Gatoea alily
Jonathaa Boufne. Jr., of Oregon 1
the first United States senator to hd
Sltoo. Wnde BrodlT Oahm dU
choeea by a direct rote of the people,
Cttx. phone mt.
LOBT or BtRAYSO-BlE. htoek An yalew the constltnUon la changed
gotn^ent with white rest nnd feet. wtU sUU be nuammry for Oregon. Hke
alaly acre_____________
Return to Miw P. a D«t*B UlC the otha^ atatoa. to go Ihiqngb the
Ikljty-tkwe adre omhard; targe
form of naming Its senators hy roit
dec Bit
ni bam; good houm; aU
of Us ISElilatnree but aa fiftpolskt of

CIU. yhont CTL

A B4»utifiil
WaD Poidcet
Thifi m
bogged kmihmito wmll pook.
M im Um BBteml color of
foBfligr and fa .gomelbtEE mA
ORlj itoefol* bol gooetbiiiE
We haTg always had sonm.
OilBg orthig kind atChriil.
mBi, bat this it the finest we
ew bad.
Those will be pivem away

Saturday. Dec. IS
vitha 25ep«dia*e<r mote,
ID addiUon to onr Kvekr

Sec window display

ths ntoccj mmnbsn of the leglMatnre
biR to
Tlewa. peraenal or

A Testimonial
coal that gaye him ths .saUafmHKm
ml Bocklag fsltoy dom. The maalom aamnt of heat with the mtol
urn amount of coni conamned. That's
the reaaon.
It's ths ssfi coal yon sh<
Pbogs la ahsnt K.

r. 8.UTL0» COilCO

hare a number of rooS
farms, all the wjiy from 40 to
180 aoes. for sah^ or if you .
haw any good property, I vrill
ttlre a in exchange and make
you cjuy terms. 1 can sell yon
[obd farm for less moMy
than you- can buy it of any­
body dse. I have farms
vpfaicb are located from' four
to 20 miles from Travow
City, all good impfored land.



Tirt Tasunne*

ecBs Jls aarrif

I freat filrtti

MS. X 0. a aixT J. nuBAbow
■ ii If imigB MSi tarn «s0
w ^ f w • sei^Si^^BMmsssi

XILMMIMB aao.w.McwETin


S46 K. Fnmt.

Dr.W. J. Higgins
IM rrkMftBf

FOE BALE—1477—Large elskt room
house, comer of Cam and Ifitk 8U.
large lot honae wUl talahed. on
stone foundation: eno term*. Price

tit UaSoa atiweL Ota. phoat mt.

^ -“jry&rs5r‘S!tti^

itofl haamK wHh outMtot am aa,A i~lt

Ml*. L. flu TUBra, Mlraralur an.
wra IBMte Ora«b M k
«Mrtrara Umtmr
viS a kl*-

house. 8ib Uy
reet, cloee' to
WANTED-100 nen end liojre to leere
phitnUns. brtcklejnes end pleetor- pa« of Sth street. Price I
Wado Bioa. SIT UnkU 8L.
tns bf aotuel practice la t

BKMiae IHMiUoat eteared. Wrtu
tor free oeteiQcm ceraelUm On.
toM4C N. AeUend Arn. CUeegoC

WM^i ■’la^^FiiiiBibfStli



wo^ of CANDY wtn he mid
ta |he
ihe Halted State.
States tkU year.
Sotos dealers mill of cfmrse
thaa othera. but there
m for this.
iolutn PURITY of ths
Store Candlea combln•d^Utl
ths unusual low price of

|l8e per
are Ue two principal reasons
for our Immense candy buatoesa.
If jtou would give your children
the’purest and best candies olh
Uliiahlq at the price you should
buy them st the BoMocay Store.
Sunday schoolannd all church
soctotlea will find It to their toter^l to buy ttronongr 6^^*

• OoUeB»

t wmms jjjjpi, 3|g^r & Sons

register the choice of Ur people
there Is hardly a posalbUlty that Mr.
Bourne will fall of formal election.
While a republican. Mr. Bourne naive­
ly remarks: -I shall wear but' one
collar, and that ta Ue people* cd3BC, BOo and $1 a Bottle.
! .
Umfbt SmcssM tcoSwMsM'khcatf MinaaM
The American vlrit ot Ihh yoanuer »M MSSrtod M« «• C«m as4 m MS8 fM > MSB IMS
Irving recalls to literary folk the as­
sociation hpiwen Sir Ifien^ ilnrtng
and Tennyson. It will be remember-

THE traditional boars HEAD
WC call nplacv with a tender.. Julry
and sw-^ a* a nut a turkey. rblckcD.
KCA»M>. duck, that win make your YiUotide fca*t 4inc to remember. We have
siTured every delicacy to the line of
m«-*u. ^poultry, game and canned
goods for the boUday soaaon that
make* jour market tempUag to Iho


pUys. aomet tones with notable auc
One of the fliql of tb^ vrn
tures waa ^The|Cup** and Tennyson
was hugely pleased with the financial
ime. but Hot a little hurt when
tdlng a performance, ho found
that many line* had been -cut,** But
Inrlng Uoughi quite a* much of hla
art of the actor as did Tennyaon of
that of the poet. -Yes.** be said, dry­
ly, -we have cut several lines. Wc
find It necessary to do quite as much
cutUng to Shakespeare.- And Temiyson was silent.
A Wsstem Wonder.
There's a Hill at Bowie, T«. G»al*a
Rice aa Mg aa last year. Thiawouder
I W. L. HW. Who I am a wtdghtwf 90
» over 180. He
with a terrible
cough, and doctors gave me up to die
of Consui^loo. I was reduced to 90
lion. Cou^ aad OOlda. Now. after,
g lylStUea. I have more than
«d fa my weight and am eom8d.- Onlv aure Cough and
Goaraaleed by Bugbee

your grooar does
not furnish yos wUh IDBAL prodi
hat you
call bp the mill, ws will ass that
get It. BoUphonea.

Arc YonrCollcctloos Slow

fiHA'L • • • • 78 fiM 72 fTSH STIUT

Hannah Drug Store

Sth ao^ FrankUn.



^ PoKbral

4ES.*K"vita A. FMkonr* k*rac7 far '
Ms aallavt
Mt th* rara* Mr. manl anrat



Bamuih & Earl’s
Diamonds from $10
to S30D

FIM wfcitc. t>Mlca sltMics. IScy
make « ©ood iavcMSmtl as

We bare tbc Bamiiton.IUfaiois. I
fold. Elgin and WsItW t«d
from BicUe to solid gold,
for the
all at the
ry lovMtprioeat wWdi'
thi-y can be sold.

BaTe,M aconatt that

Tod HtTC GItcd ^
U 7N mve. let me collect
them m JOB.

Both phoaea.

Sterling Silver Knives, Forks, Spoons,
Berry Spoons,
Cold Meat Forks, Butter ^readers,
.Fruit Knive*.
Cream UdUa,
Gravy Ladles, Sugar Spoons.
Butter Knives,
Oyirter Forks,
Berry Forica,
Cvviog Sets
and various other lines.

Bwiuiii &

g»Al---------- Tm____________________p—_______

tJmbrettHl. tsdlto* asi C
troinfi to m each.
We habdle the .PtdcaM
Chtoa, the finest that iis made, Apleee of
this, or of the RawllB CW 6 laas wonU
Eingi, Bt opohea, Biaoeleta. Scarf Pint. Neck
Chains aad Lookala, Chaiaa, C»ianM.
Ooff Bottom,
Rmataia Pem
Opa» Olaaaea.
PieU Olames, Speetades
aadrarioos other artklca. any one of vfaieh vtU
maks.iae (ament
This ttore srill be open evenings un­
til aher Chriatmaa.

BUT fto toM

-------------- —•

imr m

the gmie


dobo Oawoildo Tovtap^Hot Tbwo
WRbVaoAoainddbobom. WHO

Am MMf Mm fm «i
mtmmm IM^A—Mm OimIi «
two or loot ooooooY pooaiat wlooori
iNw Y«Mt Mtf Om|»«t i^Hii§.
bam proloolod obKo tbo Maaoo
eloflod. allogbw tbat OaoMl baa' oot
apoarod op wttb tbooi to foil.
rot coma Obootr Vao Aoda, wbo.
biiof dgood br Baitteoto. lot
oot a Toll tbat woold amko a Odom
Udlaa bloab. daMoc tbat Oao«U II Mr rmijr for tk« m
oal dbroo bla an la all wmr IdO boaaa.
^ dldoT pbiT a tbfedkU^ part aflor
tbat olBloi of Yaal. bat bopad to abow
Mf MMM work M timr I
Joat wbart tba braaty boy pot oil tbat
waa eoolai to bloi aad a lot mora
or oomaa aitr Orobaai of St.
a. mcb.. wbo moat barn twtilod
r aicbt paiaao for tba loeala last
mif «M Md TOOM»ek or nov ooogo baaaoo. wttb tba alloprfloa tbat Oaoroot abr abooi ^0^ wbaa ba waa
lEo Mdmu for
paaatap tba cbaaia to blm. loba waa
told tbla Mooday otgbt. Ha loot laodad oo tba oarth agmla at t o'clock yaatarday mormlap.
Com ^ Old •!( tm roodr.
WodT^ cMfi. om o»d oIU
ror «M«1i 9Mt to bo o M tUM
Wkii^vb iter taokotbon.
raeahrad all tbo coUi tbat waa
TiModll bo omiora. orodi ood looloro. barsaload fbr. boaldaa a mry fklr bit
•opbo ood MlM bj tbo oooro
Aod voU oot tbo oM bon rteftag
la tba maanwhUa Vaa Aada and
Ap n oooof MV bddm
Graham ara amaihlac racorda aa yall
ripllo on ortn sotbor 'bm ualfbu
To olM tbt ooAgs that thrUl oor



by a mab
tbat tbe
Graod RapMa. Dac. lE-Orood Rap- open tba 1
Ida la to barn aa aoto abow.
not attempt to toock any nagnttoflwii
tbat may be ba^ to mpard to tbe
B. and It to Itoaty that tbay will
fbr tbo
a abow for tbo Tariooa
mabao of maehlaaa aold %ora. It D
plaoaod to bold tbo atolr aoM timo
la Marcb. paat ofUr tbo Dotrolt obow. wHb Michigan.*' aald one of tba
Boaldoa tbo teblMtloo. of Srma wblcb
da,** but tbat does not affect tba
bare mmcloa bora otbar ma&ofbetar.'
oaa of a Tala panm With seven
m an our acbadala. we oonld play
ora. oopodoIlT tbooo wbo aoll la wbat
b koowB to tbo uoda aa Oraod Rap- Mbtoipan. Mtonaaou nnd Tala, toI one other game nf fair atoa. We
Ida torHtory wW bt aOkad to asbIbR.
push tba game all we can. oven If
It b DOC aa ret kaowa wbat baU will
ba bold for tba bbow. bot aamral ara tbn ebanem doeT appear to ba aabotof oQoaSdarad. It may ba tba Audi- padany bright now.toriom. If it la largo aeongk aad caa
ba aacnrod at tba time. AU tba doalora axkd maaiifacurara of accamoriaa.
Boeb aa lampa. boma. toola aad gao-



AIMm. Mieh. Dm. 13—With tba
AU-Waatara aad tba All Ainafloaa foot
Tbar ara racing tor tba next two
ball obToea pickad. U la Umo tkal an weeka at tba City park track In New
t bo oalactad. Oriaana. Brarybody paya tba taHB
TbolbaU -dopootora- bara bam plr- gladly, too.
oa tba taaottoa of cbooaUp aotb an
Oro. 2:0614. and Norman B., 2:0€%,
olofoa ooaaldirabb atioatloa aad may ba drtmn to pole by tbelr new
imra plebad tbo toltowiap. who It it purchaser. Samuel McMillan of New
tba bast tbaro U oa York. He paid $4,000 tor Xba pair.
Central. Waatero. Delray and De­
troit college, with the pooolble addlUon-of a G. a or Baateni. Iwtll form
the b«kcy league wblab wlU compete on the D. A. C. rink tbb year.
Vp to date only 116 men hare bean
picked up by the axpert# for the AllAmericaa atoeeo. SUll. full retoraa
are not yet la yot. aad tbla probgbly
aeoounu tor tba Mump in nkm^

rvt back~Doty. M. A. C.


Knctly thirty years ago last Mon­
day, tba opening day of eonproaa.
Henry M. TMlar became a mambar qf
tba Dahad Stales aanatn. Ha and J.
B, CbaSan. the Srst senator from CM-

nnlon. Ootomdo bnd but one
aeptaUve tbim fames B. Batford. wbo
used to ba eallad **tba bad-baadad
roMtar of tbn Roeklaa.'*
Omni always addramnd Mr. Tallar as
**Oenaml.* OnnAay tba aaaator aakad
why ba pmtarrad tba sMStarr iRla to
tba aanatortal tltla. --Bacmnaa -gmonT
to a batter tWatbaa.YMtor; rapt|ad
tbn Aid noMItc. |

tap bald Tneaday nlpbt
Luback of tba Lubacl
company. Cbariaa V.' and rrmnk V.
Dean of tba Dean Broa. oooipaBy., J.
r. Jobnaoo of tba Bmck-Jobnaoo eompaay. Mort Luce of tba Uioa A Banka
oompany. A. Rlehmoad of tba Rich­
mond A Jarvis company. W.‘ a Vandecar and George Hart ,of Adams A

Played Sip Crowds.
The Carnal# Indian football eleven
waa tba beat drawlnp card In the

team, and never known whan ba to
beaten, and to always urging on the
members of tbe eleven. Ha was easily
tba atronpaat dafanstva back player
Uto year, aad tod ka bean placnd at
hto natural poaltloo-fuUback--would
have excallad any^man tbl|^draar play­
ing In this i^ltloo.


piayad to larpe crowds. They play aU
Coetaet TanIgKL
Bolt tba crowds are much Urger than
If Ibay idayed siqtncr alemfia. They
Tba McCaskeyTt^ aaotber cooatoo taka to the big ritlea to play tbair test la tbe Mg bowling aeries last
waning and pot tba Olivers away by
One reason that the Indians dmw ao tba narrow margin of atety-nlna pins.
wen was because they took to the Tba foDowtof ara tba ooorea:
new rules aa so many ducks would to
..176 160 171
sratar. Tbe wily redskin aborigines
.,163 J62 111
are anoMally fast and naturally liked
..188 165 117
the new itilea. aad got more oot of
..170 162 111
ikem than any other collage. People
..167 187 111
kaowtop this woold flock to see them
oat loose aome of tbair aUr playa.
818 766 702
and tbU they always did.
• It to aatimated that tbe Indto&a,

wem omr $$OjDOO. Tto Inill
ad aeveml Atber larpa games
tba adtoltoinns wm naarty as great
as that to Ito three tamas iast ann-

118 171
181 171
116 161

BRING TOUR bottle and tove b
HO DAHOBR M topboM If ytoi Sto
latonritod milk. Qeean C»y Dator SBad wttb patfemmy, we tome tbi
Ate IM
BPT XStf baiL S. miCQtor.


That are

for lonr pnaaaAgars. and twenty-five

For earryteg each paaaanger
and ooa-baU mllaa or nnAar. and not
to Of from any railroad aUtkm. hotel,
dock or tto Notibern Mieblgan Aiylam for tba loaana, not eiom
Iwanty-Ava canto; lor carrytog each
and not to or from any '

For Wome^
Warm Juliettes mat
much appreciated ' as
spends nearly aO her
time in the house and
the gift that adds to
her comfort it most ap>

Warm .


- #

Notlea to tto Tbipayors of tto ORy to
Tto tax ftola tor tto oottartlon to
tba stntownd oomMy tons tor tto
yoar iMt and tor tto dattmmsnt
aetool and cky taxm
I yoar bavo bcon
aammanto tor oaM]
placnd to my tonda fisr ooUacUon.
I wm tolnmynflobtoinontonmld
taxns from now nntil Fbb. 1. 1887. oa
each weak day from 8 o’etoek to 11:88,
o'cioek to tto tornnonn and from 1
o'clock to I o^oloek to Ihn aftomoon.
Oa an ototn aad oo«ly tmaa paM
toAwo Janoary 18. tto mgtoar toa to
ona pW' cant 8or ealtoction wll to
ekargad aad oa an taxes paid on ar
after January 10. tbaro wffi to
charged a fee of four par cant ter oollaetioa. Penalty oa dottnaaent city
and school taxaa and apaclal nanmamaats. 4 canto on each dollar to tba
amount of mM tax.
Offica to room 808 Stola Bank
Dated, Dae. 4.180C.

Aaylem-fOr tba toaaae. not mot
fifty cants: cbildTen under five ]
of age. tn charge of any other pn
shall be carried froa; chUdron
between five and twelve years toall be
carried fbr half prica.


less than ona hundrod pounds, twenty
five cents, and for carrying any
heavier place of baggage,
for nato additional hundred ponnds or
part tlmraof.
Hand boxes, satchels, bags,
boadlat aad grips In charge of
gars being conveyed, shall be carried
free of
ing or
of sueb passengers, tb# sum ot two
dollais and fifty cento.
For aUaodlng a funeral and conveyance by tba hour, for not more than
four persons, and with tba privilege
of going from placa to place and stop­
ping as often aa rofiMrod. two dcllara
for tto first hour and ona AoUaf for
each additional boor and for fraeUooal hours at tba rata of ona dol­
lar per hour, aad for each additional
passenger twentyAve cants per hour;
for tbe use per day of such convey­
ance. five doiUrs.
Seetioo 2. Every carriaga. back.
cab,.hackney coach,
use. for
ette. or other public

to P, mast after Tknroday arom
tag. New Manas block. C B. Wollar.aC.

tbe provisions of tbe ocAtnaneae of
this city, shall at all ttoma have to a
coDsplcoous place. In tbe Inside there­
of. and where tbe same may be readily
eaaa aad read by any person or passangar oltUng therein, a card cooUlntog. to large printed Bnglisb letters.
aad tbe rates of

Seetkm A Wbai
ance U used beU
twelve o'clock n



TRAVERSE CITY LESION. Ha. 188Hatlooal FrotooChra Ugtos win
mast to Woodman ball a tto third
‘ TMadaytoaacbmoatbat7:88p.aL
Abrom Smttb. proMdat; Oayto
Griswold, oaerttory; NeCSe C OroyAapaty.
OcL tdto
A A. M.. meou os Monday ai
at 7:80 p. i
tory, XlBMi

We Expected Tou
tob«in btfon thi* time to
make yoor aeteetMoa for
Chriatmaa, while Ih. aacortwawill
B win bold
tbMt far 700 nntil yon MS rssdj. Test's
worry off
ham tbe
There sre ao wmbw chfinning idea in jei^ that
woold like tbst MS hsie
tbat ws KNOW it l8 to your
ndoBtif;:! to nea them.
Yon CIS moke tba giftsi.
gw^ve or not. j«t aa 70.


Alw.7a ^ to abow vo.
whether 700 at. ntdy to bay
or j«t looking.

The Best Part of lUs
They Don’t Cost inch
Good one* for
Genuine Beaver
all colors. $1.00
All leather, warm lined
fur trimmed. I $160
AH felt slippers, 80 to 75c

Section 4- Every vioUtion of or
fsllore to comply with tbe proviiiona
of this ordinance, shall be poaisbed
by a fine not exceeding twenty-five
dblUrs aad tba cost of prosaculkm.
aad In the ImposttJoa of such flnaa
aad costs, the court may maka a fai^
tbar sentanca tbat the offadar, ea

J. N. Marlinek

At the Sooth side Stores

for Men

asiortment is so

"What shall I get?" right
Tto Sontk SMara and Sbetora wm
bowl lonlibL Tto tattar torn baas

ebarga tto/AMtowtag ratoi or pekna «C fbm. W no


Wo Ao bmoby corOfy timt toa dtoagatog nritoinat wot gnitoi to tbn
oomman oonneS jA4to CRy to Tmr^
atM GRy on «toi<W> ttogmstor W.
; T. H,fllLL28. Cioik.


ttoa of,peaawig»
atoQ to antkJadto

to or from any potol to tbe city,
except tba Nortbarn Mieblgan Aaytam
Aw tto
Fbr carrytog pniaeAgaiTtn or trom
tto Horibere MlchlgaB Afylem far tto
Imaana to or from any potei
tto llmlto of aald city aa
Fifty eanu for ona panaang
cento for ona addRIenal pnawi

three Umaa. Tba tost tUna a toUlot
was taken Folwell waa ao anxlona to
dadde tba aleetlon tbat ba anptontad
that tbe toaa of a cola datarmlna the
captain. Oracna called a tom and
was declared elected.
Folwell to a natnral leader, bst

Took Cloooly Fought Contaat From

tbat^pmbably no other team has evar Auna to one saMOP- Tto Carflala
aebool U 'girm large snms of money
onto yanr by tba fboCbaU atovan. It
to a money-making macblna Itor tto

I tor^tba OwtofO ot Ttov-


Haa Made Ooad In AthieUca In Oanar.
al-Won Hla -P" In WalphtoTanrsy Will SUlf Coach.

In tba bektotong of tba aeaaon be
aa pat In at tackle because of tbe
scarcity of good linemen, but went to
left halfback whan Draper and Zieg­
ler reported for fhclr poaUkms. He to
now a Junior to tba Wharton school
and to one of tba beat students In
tba university. He also won his -pin haavywalpbt wraaUlng and for bam
ar throwtop.
Tbe ooacblng system will remain
te same, and Bob Torrey will be tbe
active bead of the field coacbe..
Itolwell waa tbe nainral and togfcal
candidate for tbe position. Last year
be was In tbe field for tbe place

G. R. H. I. tbo otoHloo towo
Wbat TOO oolof to do wbm tbo ball
Wbat TOO aotbf to oar? How too
Toon aofop mako a baokot Ull tbo


417B. Vioat.


Bobari C. rolwell waa bom at Mullk« Hill. K. ^ and to 23 years of




Mt i
Ob. Urow ma tba ball

, r ■

Xmaa Oltl Hr Yomr Boy or OkL

la tiolob Aftar Oatro^ Sbaar.

Too koow. I kaow jr«wi1l go'dlppUrlop.
Oor bon iber'n alwari oo top.
G. It K t^ tbo olAUiv town.
Wbat TOO oolai to do wboo ibe ball


Istoad StotoHaL AM ntoaa.
Pfftoa tIEI tod np. Tto Bast
ilcnpa Dac. lA-Maroon aM
and ainmni. bWaat over Cha rmort
tbat a TalnCabcnpo tootban game may
ba armnpnd flor n«t ton. warn tortbar

alao to aaod oxkibica. Tbo da
IloB to hold a abow b tba col]
or a loop dbeoaaSoo aa to t
■aaoa of boomlnp tba aoto
aod aacorinp the eaofldaoca
laraot of tbo gaoanU poblle.

fbr Nkn.
, erm Ctty:

^todalpbla. Dec. 12-Robert C.
BolwWl wni eaptala Peon's football
I tor next oaaaon. Hallenbacb
and BenrIatL two of tbe four oandL
I. wtfbdrew at tbe last moment
and itolwaira only opponent was Oui
%a flrst ballot cast was
nnanimously In favor of Bddle Green,
wbo capUUmd tba team tbU fall, bot
Gmeae touBidUtaty withdrew. On tba
next ballot FMwnn was dactorad tbe

Tbmw R ridbt lato tba baakoC Stan1W.
Doftt lot It loocb tba prooDd.
Wa foombaa ablp oo aa oooaa oCIOT.
Wd loat wool to boVar oot loud tor
Bipalow win eaptala Yale. Ha pbya
oor bora
rlpbt tackle.
yvw two moro poliiU wlU help oot our
Tba aaaoolatad bnskai ball Icapua
Moa lU maon Tburaday nlpht.
Aod maka Oraod Rapldi feel aoroChleapo and Near York will pull off
a bip Intor^ItT bowttap maUb aoom
time tbla winter.
W. H. Edwaida. Oia tormar Prlaeo.
toa oaputn and Nebmakm coach, la at
i» point of death with appaodicltla.
Ybty Rbk aa AlMdicMpan Taam but
OItvat Mara Than
OaoT Olva OItvot
J. W. ^rp. Howall. Mlclu baa poi^
cbaaod tba Stallloa SUrer Hal. by

toto o^ to ikifty AM nllir ttn



>ort. Ob worn. tW boooori gollood
uofon dM wow ood Dooor draw
tiM boOb.
Ob! worn tlM blgb fbr a JollT Umi
Wboo dm Blfb oebool plara baabotr


MA to paid, nto ntoaodlng tto partad

MMton to Cam Mi.


Ob! OM tmg M oboot fHtb oil
TOOT Mlfbt
TbomPlI bo o boi ttao wboo wo ptar
boobotbon tflolsbt


Am U-it


■ tioeal

todtoa mi AtoT tkBmo to pto ^ tto snl <
tok. OMItomnt MtoR to imprtamM to tab atty I
am anm to to or to tto ootoliriiS of lHM


Fancy Box Stationery.......................... 10c, 25c, 89c, 50c
Fancy Hone Support^ one pair in box..................60c
Box Rndiing, 6 pieces in box.......................... .........26c
Neckwear, 1 in box............. ............... .............. 26c, 60c
Belts at.•..•••«.•••••••••••••••••••• ....•»«• 26c,60c

Handkercbieb. .2c, 4c, 5c. 10c. 15c, 26c, «6c.60c, 76c, $1
ChHdren’. Fur Set........ ............................. $1 to $8.60
Untbrella., black and colored.............................60c op
Silk Hote«««.••••••••SI60> $276
Fancy Mrie Hoie................................................80c. $l

Felt suppers. 60c to 76c
Leathw S ipper^, several

•"Ifec $1.7.


RibbbaO. HoUy. MbUetoe and Yuletkfc,
pretty for t^g packagex \

aI J.



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