The Evening Record, December 15, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 15, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






cnDMiL msr mvE TRAINS ARE ^ I

,: W i 3.

niw WITH

mmm m watb


uraa oag lamatoa of i
Domiimry Won Aloo




aodiod Cardinal lioeat io lean
polan wftbla oighr daya. Tbo
of Arrma was oapoRod from

WHI RMthr*
fr «h#
yMi «aUr to ftim. Afiw Um dopori
»Mt8 for
oro or tlM Mikop tte ^tkoHUoo b«>

KpoSata or tko imotoo ot tho



Flfm Soma Slarm ef tho Soodoii.
Many Sboop mU Sovorbl
HofSom Wort LooL

•omtaanr oT Amt'

^oopol** IMOt
proridwit oo co«D
m gmod oad nm ta** vUh bin
vtUMtaroT fOMiu. TIU8Uabibo
artdiroo dob bMfot Md tbo wrw.
popM- ftmtoroStjr Ukof oU odTMU««
of tbo tlcooof. OfBdol WOabodtoo
otm At Uogblv ot tbo Toroo wtib
vbleb tbo proddoBt WM boltod at tbo
Alooor or tbo ^or orMliig. Tbo
ooM vtt Mt to tbo olr of *‘Ho Wolbod
Rlfbt lo. l%m Torood Arauid Md
Walkod Right Oot Agmln.** ond tbo
proddMt a romt trip to Pmaam* wa.
iUoacoaou Tbo cbonaa raa:
**Ho Mllod tight to aad torood aroood.
tboo aallod Hgbt boOM agalo:
nia iHp oetoao tbo lotbBwa otrtp tmik
blot joat boon too:
Ho oakdd bla guoatloo oo tbo flj.
Aod oeond/ atoppod tp agy good

By WIro to tbo Bronlng R«
81. Paol. Mian.. Doc. IL-Tbo tworat
snow storm in years U reported by
all railroads running west. Some of
tbo Orml Norths trains are compUtoly snowed uador. tbo snpw In
aomo pUcoa betag twenty-foot Wgh.
Many Shoop Lom.
Kanaaa C^y. Doe. 15.-Th« Sftb
snow storm of tbo OMOon has swept
oror aortbem Now Mexico. | One
atockBUB at Oaaboa reports the loas
of 6.SP0 sheep and Sve borders. W. H.
Long, oo tbe Elysoo ranch, lost one
border and IJlll aboep.
Coal Famine.
THAN S100 monthly.
Minneapolis. Minn.. Dec. 15.-^Wtth
the cold wsTO signal flying tbo coal
Emplro Stool Cowpooy. Roguoot Iroo shortage in tbo northwest becomes s
serioos matter. Olenbum. N. D.. is
company and Raaaott On and
cooiidorteg an appeal to the gotemor
Iron Company Will Alao
of North Dakota and Minnesota to etn
Oront 10 Pof Coot RaJaa.
^loy tSo state milHU to force the
roorlng of coal trains.



Ho aollod right io tboo tanod aroond. By Win to tbo Bronlng IRocord.
Now York, Doc. 15.-^Tbo Standard
mod aallod Hgbt boioo again ”
Prooldoot Roooorott Uugbod heaiti Oil company will Incro^ tbo w
Ip At tbo oQOg and Applaudod tt Ttgor. of fiOOjDOO omployos lO' por ^nt
Jan. 1. XbU will alfoci all
boao neelrlng loas than 1100 per
Rioofo Olid Harborm.
•*Uodo Joo** Cannon, tbo tall and Boatb.
Tbo Bmpln Stool company, the Re(OoMUnod oo aixth Pago.)
qnost Iron company aad the Baaadt JURY BROUGHT IN SEALED VER­
Oro and Iron company of Oxford. K.
DICT AT 2:J0. a. M.
J.. ban alao posted notlcos of a 10 per

GIVEN $5,000



MEN will handle

STOCK IS $»a000

Alnady Own a Trad of Oak ai
Hickory In Northtm Arkanaaa.
Will Ruy. Soil and Mam

Tbo BfaUamln TUnbor and Land
oyndioato waa organUod In thto city
UMt OTontng. Tbo oyodleate baa a
capital dock of Wjm oT which $10.
OOO baa boon paid In. Tbo artldoa of
Incorporation will bo Slod with the
aocrotary of auto in a tow daya.
Tbo following are tbo offleora of
TdbTono Clty'i nowomt corporation:
ih^ont. J. W. CIlBo.
tbso ptWBldont and gonoral managor.
J. G. Banjamln.
^rotary aad traimror. H. R. Ro*»,
‘ Tbo dlnctora an J. W. CIlEo, J, G.
Boalaaln. H. R. Rota. John Rennio
and Ooorgo K. Brooka
Tbo 6b|d^ of tbo la<
to buy. ooH aad
tlmbor. Tbo company baa a tract
narthorn Arkanaaa conddtng of oak
aad bkbory thabor prtnclpally and
tboy win Inmbor tbia Ard. Tbo bead
gnartora wtU bt te Ula dty.
Tbo Moibora of tbo ayndlcato
all wall known bon. Mr. CUiro
prealdaat. U tbo managor of OHnnoll
Braa.* Aoeal bmneb dnd Mr. Benp
tbo win proddcBt and genocnl
agor. la a tonnor TrnTono Oty noidone loarlng bon about aoron yon
ago far Grand Rapids. Ho has boon
Inmbor man and has had practlcaL^paHoaoa tn tbo boslnaaa. H. R
tbo aoentary and tronannr. U a well
known Maakogoa Inmbonaaa. bo
^dia Raaalo has boea a tamba
all hU Ufb aad Ooorgo M. Bndka of
Maatoa la a Slrbctor la tbo bat


Ray AndruA Who Confeaaad to Forptry Waa Placod Under ths Cars
of Frank W. Wilson. Who V^ill
Act as Probation Otflcor. |

-We^the underrigaed Juror< Snd
damage lo the extent of $5,000 for
pUlDtiff.'* <
The above was the verdict ^ the
Jun* in the Barco-Loomls brea^
promise cOp which was opened o
Dot Largt Pioeo of JPulloy Wont read at 9 o’clock this morning.} The
Jury retired at 6 o'clock and were out
Through tho Roof and Haa Not
until 2:30 this morning when they de^
Ytl Daon Fouod-4ia bUn
llvered a aaaled verdict. It is,
Woro In Dangor.
that the amounts In the first ballot
ranged from fl.OOO to flO.OOO and that
W. Fairchild, who Is looking fteverat bung on for the limit unUl the
after B. J. Morgans Intorosls oo
Cross began bU argumen
Sooth Maattou Island, waa In tbo city
today and tow pf a soHpos accident at 4:45 yesterday. He took the cas<

at tbo ablnglo mtU Tbnr^ay by which
at loaat one n

At Just 9:4S tn the moving a spring

iCoatlansd on Third Page.)


on tho goTomor gave way. the appar­ Half Blind EnpinMC. Who. Lost Soil
atus struck and tbo engine
Legs In a Hand on CMIIalon.
There wore ala men In the
Haa Paaaod Away.
danger rone at tbo time and live of
By Wire to the
tWom. bearing tbo machinery
Menominee. Mich.. Dec. 15—Jack
Ing. ran out of tbo mill. Walter
Veodor. tbo ablnglo sawyer. aUyod In CUrey. the half blind engineer who
lost both legs in a beadon coliUloo
4 ho bnUdlng. boweror. la
tho big bolt flow to plfces and tbo In Martnetta yesterday, died, last
next the .largo puUoy about which it
had bM running.
plocoa atmek Mr. Veodor but none of
thorn wore Urge enough to injure
to any extent. Another largo piece
craahod through tbo roof and baa not
yet boon found. This must bavoj
passed near Mr. Veodor as bo was al­
most In a direct line with iu doorae.
Another largo fragment atm^ the
pick-np boy^a chair which bad been
racatod by him but a moment before.
Tbe damage haa boea r^lred.



By WIro to fba Mronlag BoeorS.
MaaaSeld. O, Dec, IL-Aftsr robbtag a hardwaro storo of sight reroi
i nl.
Ten last might Bert Homagtbaad nm
amuck aad held up throe men. wonading one. Police Captain Marks tbea
shot him tbrongb tbe bsart.
but am aim loaalui In
tht WRhMm Mock.
not moved




Opoiatkms wm bo bogaa by tbo
adw eoaeoni la tbo aoar fntnn.



NathlBg bMUr for a 80
hsn a box nf flood cisaro.
fsrorite dgar can probably jbe
found la our line.
aucb well known brands as the
Ls Axora. Wm. Penn. Bsptna
La Integridad. Chlcos in boxes
of twelve, twenty-five or flfty
$1.00 to ISAS a box at

' Wairs
Drug Store




a^ to naan aaob 4mr by G. E. WaR.
Garomotor. riNng t9:9S.
Miirlmasi tompsratara for toot f4


At tlMCity BoiokSkm k, a« ito


rinuo But Not
Car Fbrry
. of Nortbpsrt.

By WIro to tbo Kronkag Boeord.
DMutb. Dec. If.-Tbo
Crosby romoTod tbe atsamor IroUad s
crew of cbirty-ano man wttb tho loss
of oM mam. The Irslaad coOldod witb
steamer Maaiaciquo but tbe tug
waa enable to Sad the MaaUtlqiie.
Later tbe waa reported sale.
Not the Cor Ferry,
Northport. Mich.. Dec. 15.—Tbe
earner MaaUUque which collided
with tbe steamer Ireland, was not the
car ferry. Tbe only Ume tbe ferry has
been off her regnUr run was when
went to SkUlagallee to pull off
tbe Hampton wbicb she aooompUabed
after forty boars’ work, resomlng her
run from hero to MaBlsUque Ust


Dolk thAt AI* Attnetiw AGd nGMM

See rroviANir Sure.



Hiey*rc Jwmt Oie
telAtlesI Ever.


They're made eort of moc­
casin shape in colors, white,
blue, pink, brown, green and
laTender with oolofed ribbon
bows iind litas to harmonise.

Ramsay, pioneer of Grant town­
ship. passed away suddenly yenterdsy
yesterday iborulng at his borne.. He
about 45 years of age aad bad al­
ways lived in Grant township. A few
days ago be compUined of pidns In
bis head and his death was due to


r. sister or
See them in oar window
when you {lass.

Famous knit top ipctt’icoata. Alaoj
furs and cwU on coata Jn stock. Mrs. ^
H. M. Tlmblin. 232 Cj Front.
doe 14-2t



‘ a man what would Y»ot be glad of an extra pair? Weare
le decidedly nobby styles at not the usually high prices.
1 many if tbo Ideas exclusive with us. MuSlerm and
many. Here yc
the correct Ideas In mufflers and tbe right
prices on both.
NECKTIES—no one thinks of buying gifts without giving amae
one a ayktle. You will find u* tbe proper ones to aatisfy your wanU
,ln this Ifce. we are ready to prove this siaiemimi.

Kubeck & Hoyt
Christmas Slippers

A pleasing gift

Bvangeilstic Senice Sunday even­
ing, 7 o’clock.
Two texts: (1) Bible. *'.\*ow Is tbe
day of Salvation.” (21 Business of­
fice. Do It NOW.” i

tosn and luked ni a thousand
usekftB articles.
“dly decide to
lo give -'HIM " SLIPI
our line of Men's Slippers U the finest assortment
can find
iieni you
Slippers for Beauty and EJegance. Slippers for Comfort. •

Bachant & Roscoe.

Complete Housekeeping

Thefe is No Magic
io the accomplishments of our

"Best” Flour

1 New Piano
1 Kimball Organ
I Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any pf the above cheap

It is made from carefully selected
Grand Traverse wheat, iu a good
mill by a good miller. Every
sack guaranteed, .


Lay Co.

Smith Realty Cd.

FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.


An Announcementl

Wool, Silk. Fur Lined and
Knit Gloves.

Cloth and Fur

Seal Gaps.'


Pajamas. Fine Neck­

Thru an error oti the part of some one
(not tbe orintent) our doll sale



nounced in some papers at 5Qc. in others

Half Hose.
Knit Jackeu*'

at 59c.


Colored and Initial

who purchased dolU at 59c will com^ to

Handkerchiefs. SUk Hand­
kerchiefs. IMumers.

the store we will refund the nine cents.


papers and we want to be fair with every





59c was the price, and if those

The fifty cent price was sent to different




what we


The price has been placed at fifty cents.

Lookihig List over. Wcassare yon valncs .arc
Best to he had..

Sherman & Hunter


Telephones. Office, Citirens 32; Bell lp9. j
Evenings, Citizens. 290

For the....



Piofiaef of Grant Township Paaaw
Away at HU Home Very Suddsniy



; '
v' ^




RocktfMr MSt

fbr MaEMdr as M» pmmAtkt Ma.


Ctet M «mi ««t mkmm fit wiSSi

M fe* mr boaiM fcaiar SikeE
Dm aati at ttepaOM erM-Mr at Iba

U to bi tee UTtat f».

I icmm at- itRlM (b*
Mr- ’-WbFtojaaFHil>h,- Tcirtaed tbt ot^ aa be coog
^ 1« saw away at Ms steak. ^

:IKW ^uir~lODGE

-C^fcaga Dally Newi.

ow« WAS fNSTmnm


Olive f wing. Stale PretfSaM.
by tbe Local Ledge. Sta
New OrgefilxatiMi.



Olive Ewlitg. prealdcnt of tbe Re-

. HMMy— mwvi

^ «s»»« I

■MowM D* Lmmt* «WNr rW
«tM«h at* Mat «h«R a«Mr «E <M
CvaaHiB Raiarsr
TiMaa ar* aMiMMy Rat »a #»aty
a^acHSar ar tha RMaal MSaa* atsaertall-la aaM.
ealla far Uiaaa aaaaaalta. aaS V yaa
hav* aa
has Banar «a a* at aaea. TSata la
aathlat laara baatillfM far
fkaa Uiaaa fifia. Tbay ara rWi aaa

Rebetalli lodge here In this city,
etltete^ a new Rebekah lodge
Ondar jClty Thnreday sight The t
lodge Marta off wftb nineteen ra
here add a good Hat of candidates who
were eimbir to be preaent at tbe fnall
tvtlng pf tbe lodge.
Tbe bfScera of the new lodge which
known aa Uwlanau Rcbekah,
No. 424. an-:
N. O., IJxxle Tucker.
V. O4. Dora Ormeoer,
R. h; Mary Morse. *
Virginia I-aihrop.
Trfsiurer. Mary lln»u-aa.
W.. Mrs. MeWHr.
C, bw. Bmltb.
I. n .jj. Bpooeck.
: ^
O. n\ Mr. Morse,
n. B. to S. 0, J. Roiiseau;
U S. «n K. Qv. Mrs. McPall.
R. 8. to V. n . Mr Ocuvenor.
U 8.
V. O, Mr. Tucker.'
Chup^. Mr. Mhaon.

Ms* saS fat aiaaila* af Uia *ri«li>al
aii aaiaUaM. Call at
'jRoa «Mta atiaeHaaa ata BtaS aaS Rick
Raaiaaibaf Uiayaacfyaa aaUila»
Every aaall aubaatlbar whi will aaaS
'la Uia ataaaaa af hit
•aativ* aaa at Ihtaa
mraffaahy ratarata
!W. O. SkOODGOOO;^ ;


Ectaa In sooE fnlUi ahrn hr ondirtciolc
to refbm tlie »peUlng uf the eountry
^ul Uie aid that be capocW waa denhMl him and af a molt the cauic he
rharaploned bai itonc down Into defi-at Cbninwas. too; turned affaioat
the projoct and now the prcfident baa
•baadonod It
Scbolara coofeaa that the ortboisrafhy of tha conntry la cumberaome and
- coofnaln* but U cannot tie
by aa ^let or order, the ebaafe nm»t
tie cradoal. It la all very well
Otj dhangiiMr **«1’ to n- in certain
word! but after yearn of atudy and
drill It la unnatural to expe^rt an edu­
cated taan or woman to make a

New Proprietor la an Experiaocad
Restaurant Marv—Mr. Sloodf
Wilt Locate in the West

Car\ idocilmnnn of Piwnkfort has
piirchns^v tho City restaurant from
W. D. bjoodgcKjd. tbe deal being made
yektenlsy afternoon and Mr. Muehlmann taking charge at 7 o*elpqk ,Uil«
momlngl Mr. Muehlmann Is an cxporiimcejl restaurant man and will un
doubtedlk give sxtlsfbrtiott * to . the
many piUrous of the place. He has
bi*en einployed In Chicago for some
time, having been a cook at the Pal­
mer hou^e and also working at Rec­
tor's nni other wall-known and fsah
lonahle ft-staurants. This experience
wilt enatile him to give Traverse City
an' up-toihe-mlnuie restaurant,
Mr. nioodgood has had charge of
the CItyj restaurant for the past two
years, through tbe rlK»rta of Jilmself
and wife' a large and constantly grow­
ing busi^aa has been worked up.
fast did the business grow that
eral tlmos the dining room had to be
enlarged; and more help added. Or
account of his health, however, Mr
iowd was ohllgtMl to giv
shun Jllme will leave
west. Until he gt>es west, however,
he win t^ke bis old poaltlon as brakeman on ^e Peer Marquette, believing
that the j>pcn air life will be beneficial


HORSE BftOKE ITS LEG Make your wif^ an or daughter a



Wat One of Team Which ffrojght I
Rapids Rebekahs to the City
Last Evening.

A horse own^ by J. I.. Warper of
Rlk lUpIds f. U «m I-hiKl Front s
and rusialmNl i bn .ken I rg. Officer
SalfiiKky shot ike animal. The burse
mid Its mate, ba I brought a of
the R«»liekah sfaff to this city t
f.toU the new order anil bad Isnm put
in the Coliimbln^h r comimny's
liarn. Shortly ijftcr niMnigbt ibe
pie preiMiri-d ffr ihoir rtdurn and
drove nut of thj- barn through a
♦Umr and then ^hrtMigh tho alloy
of Nelson's gr^*ry storo to Front
fclriH-t, Nell her of the, horses
shiMl iM-hind anltho rood had frozen
solid. Just as liiey worx- crossing the
walk, tbo "ntr'* horse sllpp<.d and fell.
The animal fiou|idered to Its feet but
was iin.'ible to procectl and exai '
Hon sbowiM thaii the ' nlgir Itfnd leg
was broU.n JuM ibo luK-k.
velerlnaiy was I snwmonefl who advIsih! shooting llio animal.
GET a nice soivenir for your friend.
’liaii.I nmde U-atber
We have a line
ng fi
fi.r Xmas,
go«Kls. Just tbe thing
rkson's IOC Front.
due U-Cl
TOILET WATERS at MIIIcFr pharmacy.
di>c 13-tf


but U» apcllln* of the country I*
tn a pruccaa of ernlutlou. Procram la
n.iw larrdy ahoni of the final ‘mo**
whllo quartet la atieUed aa It ahould
r '*; .
IfT. not •quartette." Employe rarely
appeara aa omidoyee and many other
wordf ahow the trimmlnp pro
mne we have not yet rt-ached the
niiri" or “tho- mate, we are trndual
ly trendlni toward (t
WANTED—Gooti; competent girl for
Knsland la alower than thlt country
general houK«*wprk. Mrn. C. L. OrolIn hrlnslns about the inuoTaUou aa
llck. 707 Monnie.
dec 14-lf
the old form la aUU largely rcUlmd In
that country. ^^Jr example the **u- In
FOR RENT—FUrhlhbeil room with .nil
honor, but even there, the potent Inmodem cqnmieucea onehalf block
fiueucc Is at work.
%oin »ir^-«t un Tulun street.
The ncwapapeiw are Icadera In the
Amil F. Nerllni^'r.
dec l^li
aiH'llin* reform which has boco tolat
on for years, it U the newspaper that
LOST—Seal ringy letter -M” set with
has clipped the words that occasion no
chip dUuuondaJ Return to Record
comment now and It la the newspaper Royal NeioM)ora of Amorica Held
dec Ml*
Thalr Election Last Night
that will conUnue to clip them trad
Queen City camp. No. E73. R. N. ol
ually until the p««ople accept the uea
of the pmiier ones.
fleers last evening as fololwa:
Oracle. Kettle Clark.
Kow If you have put off your Christ
Vice oracle. Addle Howard.
snaa buyinif for any reason, good, bad
Past oiiiele. Alma Imfson.
or indifferent, wont you aid tbe buay
Chancebor. Alvlrat4 Hlckerao®.
-clerks by tolng down town as early as
Laorg OoMrich.
RecordW. Laarg
. T-OMihlo
the mornings next week
Rrv-elv^. Lohle
Ui^lw ftknridL
and shopping, then? As the da> proMarshal' U-na '
sreasca the irtoret fill up and tbe exInner apnUnel, 'Ths^ West
Outer scmtlnel. Harriet PalselL
Muva for thr« jenn, u'e Hk-k
Ptiiralcl^. E. R. Minor. F. lloldK

Control Your

Monlrli). CairM Hrr*.
Installing ctfficcrs, Anna Kortt and
Mary Mcteaa.

I WLAKVK that MUlera Is the best
If you kheir that during tbe next
<«nbre mo^ your expenditures place to boy perfumery for most
dec IHf
nronld equal your Income, you would everybody goes there.
prant to change things—wunldn t you?
A checking account will give you^a
complelo nscord of each month's re•TilpU and expenditures. You will
have np-iodate knowledge of
flumdal affairs. It's a good plan to
pay all bills by HiecdL
We fumUh you a bank bci* and
Cbecka. We offer eyeeptlonal. advanAiaflrSMtatlhcMowligS^
lages for carrying ^eckliig nwwgta.



Traverse City
State Bank

Ruby Ware

Pocket Knives, HaxorsF
Bheari, ISciaeara, Oarring Bete
Treya. Chaffiiig
BaUng Diahea, in
fatstwecarryacxxnplale line
of the
ware. This ware it made of
henry coppeg. nicAfe pli^
cm the outside and silver platad on the ia^le. It is waiy
durable, may, to keep dean
and* • handsome nml

Cone In and let vs
stew It to yon

:SBf<r nami




said .Oakf»'SMfebsard.
StlidOakBwkCne. .flLTS
6 ft. Dtolw Tible.........taw
Lttray Tables............nM


AFewj-> ■'

Christmas Suggestions
at haad and you ft 111 ffhd :



i>tate Hank Huu-Hh^

nice Tui kiKh Krwker ur Moriin Chair, your liualand would apprecUte
wi much. We have aumc daudya from fi.75 up and lather Rockcra.
yon ought lu
them, c^ery style ur dcalgii you euuld think of. ,
the flneM line lu the city, and for your b^lXe. ntolhcr. or alatcr w«
ran fix you out Iben* to*. In Blile IViatdl Buffet.. China Ckiacta,
ninlDg Table., Ubrary Table.. Wr^ug Ueaka, Parlor Table
liundriMl other things at amarlng jow priroa If you wUI give on A j

Stop in and Contince Youreell that our Prices are f»(K , |

/ Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store.


Grand Rapids Pumltiirc Co.
127 S. South Union Street


10 CIS.
This list includct

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co
"THE BIG STORE" Dealers in Everything

• ' Tumblers,
i Cream Pilchers,
I Vases.
Pickle Dishes,

, Timely

i 'Jelly Dishes,
! Wine Dishes.



Front and Cass
DOrS LETTER (Contlnuad.)
Ms and me wn« over to Mr. McCormlck'a .tore today' and I acc yu
her a lot ov nu luvely dUbu. I
ceA‘u a lltcl cup and .awaer fur i
M-nt. and aum fur 10 aenU and ma
ah<i went 'atracktud bout aum
aneze cups and. «aa:aeni with
pum bin floora on them and so
di-er Santy Clawi, yu better bring
bar a cct.ov €. there not so 'apen
alve. only 2.^ ^enla each, and ma
she bat a biiteful caluiider to
tu ml ant jesy. with floura and
gold on It land It is in a box all h}
(Continued Monday.)


Turkish R<*ckrra. $2S to $52,
Mission Rockcra. $S to I2S.
Fancy Oak Rbekers. |4.76 to ftfl.
Sewing Rockers. |1.&0 and np.
Bedroom ^kera all prices.
Reed Rockers. $2.50 to fS.OO.
Dining ROm* Chalra, $4.50 .to |26ra

mcCorinich, of Course
STO E..I DgkOl Sirert.

I Don’t Forget

™ nsr

make the very be« kind of a presen t. We have all
Come in
of them in stock, at the fight prices.
and see.

Portable Table Lamps
J. 6. Paige Electric Co.


Ton«belMrblM*i*(bl«MMIiolidby noda.


to sell i2-‘<‘>^‘^"!niLL£g a SMITH
pieces of


O. F. Own
- . .
AiMri(MnDi«g8tara ”
Huiuk DnicBtm


(iuaninU<<d o«*ry |»li<nt it Ihia
T.11- OMest and Lar»st Rank in oflioo. Il*8 this a.n-ful Tn ntNorth. m MichVnmonlwliich rt-movie nil mufv <»f
tlrtuul lln‘t in;iuy tiiiiid ip't^plr linvo
If yon boy yonr HoUday whuM'Totlh ncwMl rivalling. FillGoods here yon wlU Burice in;;, Crown or Bridge Work.'*
a little go a ong ways.
If your liH'th are in Ixul rondiDishes arc a sort of side tiou t«lny, acHN-pt our Gan ful
line with u». We don’t
need to collect big prof______
its. For instance, VC are

When thihkinK about Xmas prereots that a chande­
lier, pretty sh^e, pocket flaalMr and '

J. W. Jaokm A. W. Jakirn

first National Bank

Obratmaa gift of a t^riDga Bank
lkx>k->nothiDg will give them
more pleasure.
If they are aliMwiy a di-poaiior
here, add $10 or mare to their aocount as a >urprise at the Ohristmas seam.
Three per cent iniert^at will l»e
The Siving\ TK^rtment cf this
bank is the drpoaitory of nearly
riOOdJOO. tlic savings of ottio/a.





C3onchet. 19 to 152.
rarlor Buitea, 922 to 97L
MlatScn Daveaporta. |20 |o $&0.
Morria Chalra. $8X0 to 924.
SWeboarda. 916.50 to 919.
BaffeU. 916^ to 936,
Dining TahlM 9«-75 to 96t<a»Uia Cloaeta. 916.75 to 925.
Comblaatkm Boolt Caam I13A9

,1 * i|K)

uecroom auicca, fiSAO to fiza.


MnMe (MUmM. n to flt.n.

iPii \ 1^/




: j iu








otv. i


. Ctgars
the ksirt Uaw wMkM.

«f a k0f» M OaMB^


Itavcrse CHy
Gas Co.

II ^

fl«Mru>tWgi«n4. A n^strtia W4
r«ilad a aranysB to tiM 4rtw aa4 br OMdtbd Hi
tW lisa tbo bor a body atrack tba work. Tbo<
Tba Ulila fillov



Here m the kind that are good all through^ the year
and quality the be*t.

One in a box; snme of the better grade* have
Sterling ailver buckle*. A fine aasonment at
50c, 7«c. and $2 00

at 50c. 1.00, 1.50, 2.00,2.50, and $3 00

Late*t de«igo*. fine*t silks, popular shades at
25c and 60c.

Fancy Vests:

1.50. 200, 2.50 to $8.00

1.00, 1.60. 2.00, 2Ji0 to $500

E. Wilhelm
Front St.

Tcilci end Manicure Set*.
Mirrors. Military seta. Jewel
Cases and many other valuable
presents. Compare our goods
and prices with others and
you will buy of at.





Frog RioMef^ Bay Hmd Narveur E
CbrNSipbsr ^ Nelaaa Was

PraHdiat Ewing- Tba work iwaa vorr
MtlafRctanr mad pHaalag uhI wma fWkmod by a baaqaat. Tba fOBowiac
a/a tba oMowa bC tba aev lodf«:
N. O.. Mr*. Laaa Oovar. |
V. Q.. Mrs. Kama McMoltak
Cbaslala. Mr*, Daa
R. 8.. Mlai Btta BUby.
r 8. Mr*. Wima« Uoltlatar. '
Traaa«rar. Mr*. Maad Maa.!



J. W. Milliken
^ i;


from tu ai^; rabaamod tba b
■Img «f tba afaetkm batwM the two
poopla: told or\M»mls- artl«t c
skip and pletitiod tha banrtnebM pf
Miss Barco whan aba found tbnl bar
lover bad marrtad another and
laaHy broken bar heart. As tha past
was again brousht bafora tba fair
plalntlf aba broke down eompl
Jama* A. Raid Waa tba duaat af and for almost an boar sat vttb bowad
haad wWle at ttmos bar slsndar f
Haoar at tba royrtaa«itb |8tr
was sbaliipn with sobs.
Wban Mr. Pnti stappad bafbre tba
Aboat oaa boadrad paople ^barad Jury bU flrst statamant was that be
la tba parlor
mriar ot tba rbartaaatAi atraat “hard tha short end of tba rope" and
cbarob laat avaalog to
• buawall
recaptlaa to Jaaaa A. Raid.
tba Jury Jadga Mayoa
Mr. Raid came to tbU Hty
af flowing tHbata.
Bontba ajio. He IdaaUbad lli
4 imprassad upon tba
with tba cburch Ufa at tba F\Dartaabth
atraat charch and baa asadt^ Imaalf twelve men tba almost sscrad rights
oarialn Itnea. Be
almoat a oeceaaUy amcas ^ pt
Whan tba youac paopla fooad that spoke of blasted hopes and tba shock
Mr Raid waa cotac away tbay aat of such s thing as happened to Miss
about to taaka him faal that tbay bad Barco on tha ninth of Augnst and said
that whUe tba right was gsnarslly da
apprecUtad bla praaanca
Bled s woman to cbooaa her life part
tban: aad tbf gatbadn* waa k
aar In so many words that she had s
ly a aucoaaa. It was alao tba »
rtght tb look out for her future.
for lotroduciac many of the;
Andrus Must Work.
who bad not baan able to lat aeqoalnt
ad Joat oomlnt to chorck.
Ray Andrus was brought Into court
A flna program waa randared after Ust availing and pleaded gHUy to tht.
whtcb tba paator In a few ; rnttac charge of forgery. On being queewords in behalf of-tba Rpworth tloned by the Judge the young
tad Mr. Reid pith a suted that lack of work and no money
flna allk watch fob aad an Bpwortk had caused him to resort to Illegal
Laaima pin. In Mr. Raid a reapooac means for raising funds. As this wai
be aUtad In brief that he should al­ the flrst time he has been In troublt
ways remember bla short acquaint Judge Mayne was Inclined to be rath
anee with this people with much ar lenient and thought that a flve-year
term at Ionia was too severe a
Then *11 ware Invttad to aMlp orar Ishment. ThU morning. F. W. Wilson
to tba booth **d bare * class bf lam- coosentad to become tha probutkm of
ooade and a wafer.
fleer for tha boy and tha latter wi
^ It was not until a late hour tto the struelad as to his conduct. Ha Is not
reluctance to enter saloons or drink Intoxicating
turned thalr faces homeward, every- liquors; neither must ha smoke cigar
one sayln* they had had a flne time eitra. He must be In bad at 5 o’clock
Tha pastor exlands a warm itnirlU- every night and must go no dtst
tloo to all who ara not worihlplns whatwer from *hls bourdlng b
rlsawhere to coma to the new little without Mr. tA*11soo's consent. But
church on F>ottrtaaoth street.
above all ha must work, work hard
and do anything that he U pot to do.
The Judge sufbd that the penal
lawg should be revised and some
vision made for Just such cases as
Annual CbsHty Rail and .Mi\ 8m^ Ionia was not tha place for a yi
man of Andrus stamp.
Oadsr of Elka.
Other Ruslnssa.
Tony MIkula was fined $25 for the
Tha annual chlrtTy ball and 11
session of the E3ks wUl be b>ld on violation of tha llqnor law. He will
the evenlnn of Dec. :il. This Is the pay In forty-eight hours or visit In
hlR event of the season and U fl^ays Detroit for two months.
Twenty five dollars was allowed for
looked forwsrd to with the
pleasure. Arrangements for t^e big attorney feet and twice that amount
for suit BDoney In the Sweers divorce
affair have been completed and an
ecuUve eommltlee has been appointed.
George Stewart secured a Judgment
[This committee will select the other
of I2M.40 against' Herman Hyman In
necessary committees.
their default case.
Default was set aside in the divorce
case of Cecilia vs. Arthur N. Homan
The dramatuaUon of Bertha M.
Court waa adjourned until Jan. 2.
Clay's novel, “Dora Thome.- dn
1W7. when all the cases that are
smsll house at the Grand laat eve
balBg held under advisement wUl be
The place was only fairly well pra-




Wc h»« just received the first shoWing of new Spring Waists
and there a e some pretty swell idea*.
Dainty Dotted Mull*, half sleeve*. lace.trim«ed.
; |
New Embroidered Fronts.
. > . The ae«:ideas in Mercerized Lin^tie Barred Lawns. These a e
Stoeedinglychjorming eaecta.

snow You niMc New waisto.

•Capt.- Oforga Webb, mate oo the
steamahlp llUoU returned home to­
day, the niinols being laid up for the
winter at Manistee.
Herbert Roach, who went to Rocky
Ford. Colo., laat fall, has been seri­
ously ill with typhoid fever since he
there. Mr. Roach letaraed to
the city last night to speaid the bsl
ance of the winter here. Mra. Roach
Is visiting in southern Michigan and
will Join Mr. Roach here uter.
H. T. Knapp left for^Orand lUpids
thU morning where be will^joln his
daughter. Mrs. Cady L. White, and
dson. Arnold. After a few days
they wlU leave for Allegan.
Oisd From Fall,
By Wlrs to tba Bvaaing Record.
Battle Creak. Dec. Ik—Alonso C.
Gregory, aged 14. died last night as
the reault of a fall oa the Icy pave-

The almighty dollar may Me taloed.
hat fbw ef as wm ever catch tbe la^

Priced trom flt sn fo $3J0




lo ^ HCJ lo.t|

row bALE-Two wood hmun mod
bar hooaiiM»ld ftrmllMa. m W.
Hub stmt
^ ' dor IMf



inifTm SIB in$ inaa

iS4 Mt M It



asioa RWKi 4S




. i‘^

H; ^- e^.

A wholesome cream iof tartar
baking pewdsr. Makes Ibe finmt.
bibtest, besf flavored biscaib betkemlscake^ pmbT;

Picking Rasit «p from among the
fragmsnu of tin mtnlature cutter, the
^ysar^ child of Pred RkAter
amased tbs borrifled bystindsr* wbo
sled in which the child was asatsd aad
wbo were prepared to pAck up Its
bleeding and ttfeleas body.
The boiwe bad run from the 81
bouse eoutb to BlgbU etreK na the
Umkm street aldewslk and seat
pedesttNns rtght and left while the
other teams on the etreci made for
placet of eafety. Back oa 8w
picked up aad taken caie of
belag thrown onto the frosea street
with tenifle force.
Mr. Ketoott bad started from Mor­
gan's livery bam with the hone and
cutter for the Anderson Undert
company's estabHsbascnt to which the
rig bekmged. The tugs were
and when the horse turned up Union
firaet from 8Ute lu heels struck fbe




der was the 0<
Banquet and Oanea.

eo. asw i|eaa.
After two fOeltmtions by MerrtU a
HoUey. the company enjoyed dancing.
foll«*ffd by a supper aad more dancIng. One hundred aad fifty partook
of the supper.
The music for the evening was fur­
nished by beanfe BBantoley*s orohea-

»S g-44, Uiisr psiHsium,

Traverse Oty tent. No. 871. K. O. t.
M. M.. with the Maccabees and Lady
MaocabM of the city as their guests,
evdebratad the birthday of Judas Mac
embeua laat evening. This oelebratUm
sras organUed by A. Lasarut two
driver evidentiy attempted to avoid years ago.
tke many teams which were oa Unloa
The evening opi-ned with a draraaUc i
south of Seventh and turned east on
wne showing the lent of Judss with'
the Utter street. The horse was then the ladles' hive, in costi
running at a furious pace and at every
about the hall. A. V. Fri
Jump banging lU beeU agatost the aented Jndas and a number of young
tetter and when the sharp turn was
made the cuttei
with candles which he lighted- A
Mr. Kelson to the ground. He Uy march snis then played and those
stunned for s nsoment and was then
present ahook bands with the progc
taken Into the Shllson house, wheie
nltor of the order after which Com­
was found that hU worst lajnrtm were mander Wilkin delivered a abort adsevere bruise*. The infuriated animal dress. This was followed by the
turned into the Pete Marquette park Isdies' degree team of Traverse City
and cJrclvd Smith A Price's studo. hive who gave an exci’lleal drill.
again starting south on Union. W’hen
The Traverse City lent degree leaiu
In front of the Shllson house the
then gave a silent drill and this wss
sway took the sidewalk. Several p«s followed by pboncigraph seleclkms and
deatrians wei
an address on the life and history of
when in front of Petertyl's meet mar
Idas Mscembeus by A- V fYltHlrlch
kei a bicycle
Uttle Miss ik-vere l^uinis made
Fred Richter had entered the dry the hit of the evening. After she had
qnods store of A. J. Wilhelm, leaving recited a declamation entitle,) “Santa
his 2-year-old boy in bis little cutter Claus.- she was prevailed upom to
sled on the sidewalk. The little fel sliig' “Die Wacht Am Rhein. * Sho
low might have realised Kk danger
consented on condition that she U- accertain extent for he watched the copipanled by her father. A. Laxarns
inaway bearing down upon him In
and Mayor A. V. ITlidrich. This was
fascinated manner.
consented to and the trio made a big
Crash! The people on the street 1
volunUrlly caught their breath as the
cutter caught the light sled
ed It into the gutter. Instead of
lying atm the baby. In a half scared
ner. rose to lu feet and stood
looking at the pieces of 1U sled with
% scratch to bear testimony to Us
narrow escape.
,The horse continued ta the corner,
where a mall box was knocked
and then turned east on Bightb street
where It was caught
The cutter

All the ladles who have promlaad
srtielea for the fancy and baked goods
sale tn be gtvea by Grace cburch
guild Wedaeeday afiernoon, Dec. l».
at Mra Wllklnsoal. 202 8tatn strent.
are requested to have thalr goods
there by Toeedny evenli^.

be toy dogSL Lap dega are worth al-^
meet tbeir weight in gold.
A ttay
a few days ago saM
awn weight
franc ^cro



A iL '
We have jul raoetrad s niov
Imoof these from tbewost.
i M,k<w s nieo pieseot for
tbr wife, mother ami sister.
Call and

them at Uic

j Old Reliable
Sboe House

242 E. Front Street,
TrsTerw- Cir>-.

Walter Benton gave fourteen of the
Royal Entertainers a slelghride.
lowed by a supper at his home Thura
day evening.
The Shulers defeated the fl
SIdera Thursday evening by a margla
of 7* pin*.
An order was made yesterday ad
mining the wUl of Agneu Peart tc
Stephen Laulner was appointed ad
mlnlstrator In ihe’ eaute of John
Leece by Judge Walker yesterday.
The Rev. A. E. Wells of Holland,
formerly pastor of Grace Bpiaoopal
church will bold aervicea at Grace
church tomorrow.
The masquerade glveh by Profeaaor
Cloae's Monday and ‘Friday night
claaaes at Horst's academy laat even­
ing was a very pleasant affair, all
present having a moat enjoyable time.
Nelson Dunham, one of the oMeet
pkmoers of Weatord township, has
sold his farm and bonght a home in


There's nothing In bis.
thing's In his wife's.-

Why not let you?
Christmas Rifu be
osef q1 nod so mnko
them moro acoppt.
able? Fifatofnllg
yoo osnnot please
l«tter than by
ing a CuiTHOKAFT

•nit or orercoai.
We have also a lot
of amalier gifU.
snch as Gloves,
Neckties, Under,
wear. Hosiery,
Snapendera, Mnf.
and one other
up men's
young men’s


Osr Prices Arc Always the Lowest


Unton SL

So«a SMe

At every yolat Onr Goods md Prices Arc Best

. Cranberries, Grspss,>
VcaelaUcs-CsIery.OsiToOB, Bests, Parsnips, Hwest Pots.
toes,Osbfa^ SqiiMb. Beggas sad Tnmirs.
PICkIcs-Swsst. Soar, Mixed. Dtllsnd Mnateid.
Cider, new Nats, new Figs and Oates,
new Dried Fruits.


■ip'.- ^ I". ,'i
n •i—





I ‘

Uuery Bam.
Daalel hnmm ta bade at bit old
aad. after aa atoegw ef tea taeatot
om boeteeto. aad the tiuvellag pab^

toctaSt Btotj «%( an* issMBy o»
owTOTSara ar. LpMa baa aparat pA
time and tadaey. Mr. Lpama alao mas
feed stable sad aalee ban la conHctiOB with bta boatadb.
Tbe barber jtaw of J. M Bbaw al^
ao pr^aaata a vety aeai aad pretty apuice. Mr.:Bbaw Is aa artist of
aperiataaal abdbty and bis ever pleasmaaaw' aad amiable aatnre has
I itaelf felt ta bis boataeM. nntil
f be. inUke tbe barbers fooad
elsewbere. Is oftea wompeltad to work
la ptoee of ten boors eecb day. about
14 to SO.
Rev. Paaaabeoker Is eertaialy a
wy beay amn. bavb« threw polplta
to Alt each Boaday aad two Boaday
oils to loeb after amkiag It aecdssary for him to hr streaaooaly active
oo tbe day other people look f<^ to

Order y9V > .


I. O. Swirris
T«d and ofiee Nortim
Michigan dock.
Both pboMa W.

Horses and Cows
For Sale
1 good, haa«y. aoand work
^goodooriitioe, eav
l MOOIb.9y«a ild mara.
Make 6rat-cla i team f*
Inmhar wooda.
WUl aeU


IheaotUoI. a^ndani brad
lirood mare, aore breeder
aadinfaalbyT. W. W.
1 atyUah-gaftadaaddie borae,
a toppjr driear.
2 good oowa; bo freah early

ta A^apriar, wiU adl awy


^ sit in a colS room
“tile money 5|>cnt
when a tin
will keep it oui?
Storm sash arc {;^aranlcc<l to pay for them­
selves in two years io
savin;; of fuel.
Get our piiccs.
All kinds cif lumber aod
’ interior finish.

South .Side

Lumber Co.
OiL 808

BeU 890

;.FQR 1907;.




wideawake village ta Letaaau Cooaty.
aad Ma Ideal loeatkm op the bair wbicb
beao^ Ma aama. aad tbe apimidtd farmooBtry aroaad IL make It ooe of
tbe baaket vOlagcs of tbe Oraad Trav.
regkm. Orlgiaally U was but a
ertag Iowa, but as that commod­
ity beoame scarce bondrsds of laatoer
camp fOHsfwers. bought up tbe lamberw
od tracts of
aad by hart work
eoBvertod tb«4 tato large piiodacUve

Mooer to looB. 212 »Ut|» BuU(
Thm two sMiml stoivi «re ovMd
bolUilMf. CUi»«.plp4eMr
by Ijrvig Wdy Md LomIb La Cmf.
ty. U one of tbe o
Mr. Way's ctors It tilad fr«B lop to
fouad.ln tbe regkm.
The ^Itagc Itseir. was but a iradlag
Ifla. ».
TrsrtrM Li»4 ud
itat at first and gradually grew.
TiMmn. iCaaMV. <
aivajr atoat aeraa fdet froai Oa store
tetng fortunate In bavIkior. makiBc
to toad the
barhor facnities and the
tbalTM a» to Ilia ealllaK aod altacatb•AHA T. CHAtl.
T, C. ^ L. rallr^ to transport lu proCT yraaeattog a rarjr naltae aad aoral
Dr. aaohaae
dnee aad farm oommodlea on It. be­
imtm m
Both abeaea. StSJr.
arwee. Mr. War. forttarly had
came oae of tbe moat active of lU
laaa tatoraau te Trararaa Ctty,
W.UgMkBV ORa.yb«e
site in this regkMi.
and wHb Ms ysara of exporhate, to
JJ^w^at*^rwator. Mabel aad
Bottons Bay, was also fortsnate la
aethor with his tmoMAse stock of aaw
m. r.
Rapid aty. and has a Sunday achool having wideawake, public apirlied
tilhtodato ncrtdundlse. wni bo a
at Mabel, which was recently ortmntess men within Its midrt and to­
Icfd and from an organlmtloc of a day tbe village oootalns several Urge
Orar Mimmm drag
dosen or ao bks bow acarly fifty mem­
anUle coooeras. splendid pnbbe
ds. besatifal ebitrebes dad aoorro
Mrs. Sebastian Hooper from Prince of pretty residsaces. Also has a light­
er Of thU glaco. aad oarrtaa a
nearly ready
Itote llao or norcbaadlaa at bis Albert. Canada, has moved to Rapid
aty. where ebe wtU make her home. and will soon have a waterworks sysJ. Vllat has r«eotly porebaaed a
Bv^ry sue
John Wrifbt Is tbe hardware aiaa resktamee la tbta ptaoe and Is very
and Ita beautiful shadet* trees, and takr
busy, ixiag k up at Uila writing.
rovem^t. togej
F. ^ Mwpby baa reeeatly purobas- tng all Its pi
tloaoMhm taaptoMts. abcMwmra.
to fin4 a vUli
tker It would
as aad iabtag todtle. By bSa at- ed tbe dray llae of Oeo. Thomas aad
DIt W. t. MOON-noaaiL .dttoa
tly built and
of Ms stae ao moderaly
pong a growtag boMaeia.
oa atitaUy to baaiaeM aad fair
Oil. 107: Ban M. Baaidiaei fit
C.A*. Pitman U tbe man tbe rvraf
hd wftb aU has laade bis place
WhabiagtoB atraM. Otta. ftaa 111
Three large gnoeral stores are localB ©f actlrlty oa acarly ewBry day realdents of Rapid aty are glad to
aee. He beln^ Uw rural mail carrier. ed bare, and are a credit to tbe comof the year.
Mrs. Irwia Barger ta tbe Reeord mualty. Lars Bogge. Ts one of the
Tbe Rapid City hotel, ma by WIIr. W. TMimAV, Dtoitlst
aad Herald corrimpeadeBt here, aad it knstllng owners of ooe of these aod
saw A Wurl^ Imtry
les ta addition to his mercantile
aad adds vary U hoped all tbM Ilviag la Rapid City
aad tbe territory aowad tbta vUtage lines, farm produce.
attraodveaeaa to tba bus]
K. J. Clark, atao baa s geaersl store.
wUl aee that the Rapid Oty
section of Uils
It has a laige. ionriSblag businem aad
Dr. Boad Deebw U tbe village pby- of aews U filtod to orerfiowlag from
from a small begtaalng hiss grown
>w oo.
te «A
cUb and Barteoa. BaM
Maa. Tbe ooagtalal doctor tora
until today U carries a stock that
Beae ta lfwiaoa Meek a«i
lived at Norwood where be eojoyad^ B. y. Oaander. the repreesataUve of
would do credM to a buslUeM estab­
A BuI'a atlMoa pteaa
. bat for teas- a gas light ooaoem. espocts to ^ out
lished In s town twice tbe site of
ae to Rapid on tbe rpad for hU eoaocm In a^^ few
this Place.
aty aa a aaccaaanr of Dr. Boyd, who
U E. Bayle, Is another saterprlalag
ia Travaraa aty special demoastrmtor and
merchant of this place, a^ through
( a itabbtag boalaeaa and reports great aucoeas ta bU pariptaadM treatment of; the public,
sHeeaA au. yhoae SM.
and aaya be wdoyw Itvlag la this ae<- tlcuiar line.
B. Pickard Is aaataUag at C. E. Van -----coosenratlve buying | tklD; has
Uoa of fbe eoaatry vary aawb.
been able to build up. adsrge floarlihy laoeatty In- Borea s btackamttb shop at this writ
hustneas. He alsb handles
pot ta awwlBaira- Heeee. for «!«. inrod bis baad very badly. Is slowly tag.
William VolghU secretary and treas
ame and
laaeite ef K MeNamim, Prak
Ladies In Buainaaa.
urrr of tbe stave aad bOop mill, says
Place hoUL
mar pectB aooa to be at work again.
The feminine bnstnewi wpMi of BtfMm. B. J. HarbMd and aoo bava
as Bay. 'has also madejlUelf mai^
sbort Ume again. Aim miya i
receally latanaed rnofa Heoom
where she has been enjoying a visit aeulad tepairs are hetag made on tbe lest. In tbe personages of Mrs. F. F.
TOT. PrtcOT reraoBaMc. OtBeiwItt
Smith who conducts m grocery and
mUl at this time. with her klster.
O. P. Carrar A Bro. Both phoara.
dry-goods store. Mias Bmma Otto,
E. W. Burch U the man who mlsaes
has Mao demonstrsted that the milllaC E. van Barca Is tbe mtage b
DR. t U THIRDBYi-Speelal attaa smith and alao doea all Mnds of wood
ceaatat bme. aad baa a milltpery par­
tlea te Ataraaes of cUMiea. Bote work. Mr. Van Boren enjoys the disregtao. for he ft-the drspateber
4M Blau Baak hMs. BeU pheMa tlnetion of baring bam tbe Snt bolld at tbta fkmot, aad aa.bigh as Itae lor that looks very fascinating aad eacbanttag te tbe fair eex. tas they pass
ing that was built la Rfpld aty. near trains Arnold be oBiyisd *bere all at
tbntagb 11. aad see the counttaaa
oae Ume oae day laat week, depend
ly 21 years ago.
aumbars of bat creatkms ao dear to
C. M. TIakbam’t dmg store pre lag ntxm bta telograpble work foi
tbelr hearii.
seats s veriUble beeblve of mcllvKy. tbelr depaiturw to other potato.
Mrs.' Oorollne Klein looks after the
Mrs. R. D. Oordoer win mere In
His complete line of drugs aad toOai
reetaurant business of thip ptace and
noveltlea aad t^s are ever aoagbt tbe near fpUiin to Btrattovd, wborc
tboae livlag la tbe vitluge and
IT basbmta ta at proosat etaptayod.
Martha Hoyt, ta CBb^vjDtagk BrygIn tbe oatlylag eoantry. Mr. TIakbam
Fincy Boxes ojt Cigan
Aftor a briof sojoorti at Rapid aty gli{ aad calnrlei a totaji^td Itab of
additloa to bit butlatos. It the viL *Tbo RasUer.** kaowa aa tbe village
drugs of evatr dtoeripdob. Atap ku
Genuine Meei>chAum BBd ta
fade paMmaaier. aad alao ta rapiaaea
sitad to aus- OM of tbe iaest and moM uHodate
Briar Pipes
taUve of tbe talepboae eooipaay.
It la aatortoaato tor the vU- prtoerlptkm departmoaU toofid la this
Cigar Holdeta'
lagera to loto Ibto valaabta adjunct, aeetkmof Om ommiry. j
Tobacco Poodles
P. M. Beaaawy It tbe meet dealer aa It dtai oah of the aewsitot aad
iobfi Mllitabf ta tbe Watek rtoalr^
ita papers ^blMbed la this er aad'jewMfr of tbe Vlltage and
Full line of Smokers' arti- •f tota gtaea. aad euppUee tboto Bvtad ta^tbe tmage aad rural dtatrleto _____ef tbe eoaatr. lEd wfll be a ries a very exteu*ive line of watebea.
wiUi BWb aad wbotatome aMata UN tfckt Irtfi IN grraur wt bx t*. doeka. cut^gtaaa. aad allterware. ta
Don’t fpigetSkidoo Cigars tbroughoat tbe yeer. Be alao boy* tOTWraU u ua. iAotn.
coogntal aim atari, and by bta'fair
Hre ttbek. bMea mad poultry, tbna of­
with M B««Wlhp«r tt r
fering an aveiitie by which tbe farm­ Whr Mt 0T* «T«7 tuw «(
ers can ditpoae of tbelr live tiock and
to.fOTOAdItOTUUN Ttt tonaorlal artiata hbve toand d
Jtacalloa bare to pmeUee tboir gKa and

Holiday lifts

Birdiell i Owen

loMpii Slllir 4 tai 'llSHT


all have targe SpnetonB -partort wltb
fine furalsbtaga. Their aames am
Then BtoBei^ Beery Lute aad ioba

and tbaaa la ebarg
oork are Fr. Mtol
Maabaatod. Bav. Tbomaa taanbitt aad Rev. A. A RaftaboL ff. Mta
giamaaa. It fbt v^lrlbisl adbtaor oi
tbe Bt MkboM duiftband baga awrw
r^eoagrofiBltaa to took attar. TM
years ago bis ebureb was barood awd
after tsro years of befcutaaw
work oa tbe part of blmself aad apw-’

aad ta her place can be found at all
seasons of tbe year, a pleatlful aopply
Tbe Dark Hotol, managed by Mrs.
Oeo. BUaml ta one of tbe moot attrac­
tive and moderaly constrocted bolld^
lags ta tbe village. It Is equipped
With steam beat, and gas lights, ta
targe and airy, and has r«eatly beea
refurnished and decorated throughoat.
The traveller from this hotel can gase
rpon tbe beautiful waters of Oraad
Traverue Bay. and with a few mteuten
walk, one can reach tbe trout streams
that ao Interest those who love to
indulge In this interesting sport. Ole

but recently, he has not spared money
to make it complete and modern In
every way. He has a livery In coo
nectloa with It. and renU out at rea­
sonable price, some wety* Myltab turn­
outs. Alao operates a dray line la non
nectloa with tbe Other branebes of
business. Mr. Larso^ same to Buttons Bay. a number of years ago,
and by bta constant opperallon has
built up a hustneas tiiat is remarkable
and in the growth of the buainaaa. Mr.
Larson baa also buUt op ptaces of
bostaemrthut-wTW a credit to the act
Ive vllUge.

ttfU! edibee toMb^ la tba aUgb»d
tva tboaaaad doRan. fba
aitao ef tbe aaam was a aotoblp
eroot In tbta village, laot aammor.
i clergy moa from all over tbta

e ta tbe event wkieb ceased on
much hard work, oa tbe part of ito
e moral wMfare of tbe vlilugt.
Rev. Jno. Maakeeted Is ta ebarga of
the First Lutheran church aad baa a
very Urge congrotatlon to oEktate
over. A grsai aumbar of bta peHshlaBI are of Norwegtaa dagBsoi aad M
field of activity covers a wido am.
havtag btmatoea aa far as tok Raplia/Y
Rev. Maakeeted ta kept very bosy ga4
ta spoken of in highest terms by tbtoe
who have tbe ptaaaart of irnltag
whk Mm
Rev. A. J Rafishot ta tbe pastor of
a very thrifty and targe
chnrch. This alao has a large I

U church of ibta
potent laflaawco
tuns Bay, also ta
for good an4 Rev.
the pastor. Only a abort Ume «o
the numbers of the shove church pui^
rd a very beautiful parsonage
Christmaa Play.
< i^CbrUimaa play wUlAe g^vea by for him. Tbe membarsblp from a
the cblldrro of the 8t. MIebaeU Hull 8ra<B»i>c k*. «to*b raill
^uftbEl Watter'a Hall on Ontatmaa thair tare • laiat ■■ralUMM.
evening and are kept quite busy these
Tb. paMIe telMNl, ml SoIbNi R.r
days In rebuarslng for tbelr eatnrtatameat. A tree will be gotten up and bwMbOT «rtth tb* Bt. MkAMto MDMbooU «r^« ere*tt to tbe tHIQil
Fr. Bnglemaaa hopes to make It aa
occasion Chat will long be remembered Beveral very eVbJeiit tnstructors bgvp
by the youths la aad around Suttons been employed and by tbelr unRed: and thorough course of laotrace
Bay. All are Invited to attend aad
see -Did Nick- as he puts oo bis mer- tloo toey are aobtavtag a greto wPl1q|;
aeog Cbe youths of tbta ptaesi
Rufll aad Dsoala. are tbe propHo|ori*
Tbe pretty modern residence of J.
O. Duaoaa ta coosplntoi aad U s credU
to tbe residmice aectkm of tbe village. tbelr ptoee of boslaess Is gUed to too
Con. Lathers ud Rlcbsrd Oonderw utmost wRb cbMce aad politoblo
son are the village blacksmiths and are selections of every kind of menu
kept quite busy this Ume of the year known to tempt tbe human appoCRe
have equipped tbelr ubops with and by their cleaalness and strict at­
tention to bustaess they have boUt
necessary tools and parapber
necessary for good work and with op a very large trade.
L. E. Bayle 1s tbe village peotomMor
years of experience .they are high
class mechanics that tbo aorroimding aad he has been a life ktag advofiOte
out of town resMentj together with of repubUcanlsm aa weU as a boarflthe villager* tbemaeires oaa bo prood mt and imhlle spirltod clUsoa of Battoaa Bay.
BattonaBnyoajoys the dtatlacikm of
John Burgeeoa ta aBotber successful
bustocKs man of Buttons Bay. He ta having two rarml mall rootea. radlatengaged la tbe liquor kislness snd tbe tag from lu poitedBeo aad oappRes
funiiiblaga of Ms place of
would be envied by business men en- rural reoMsaU. Rvtag 1a Letaad. toat
LMaad aad what Is kaowa oa tbe Boenged In almllar lines in many i
Hrieo tbe Mae of Bottons Bay.
Tbooe Uvtagin tbe above locaUtioa toW. F. FarweU a Chicago real
gotber wttb a large perosotage of
man. has recenUy purebaaed tbo
ence form^y occupied by Dr. L. C. tboee Hvtag at 6meoa and tbe ladtoa
as Pesbabatovm, do
Van do Walker, now a rualdaiit of
KligMty tod baa kdtoeriid It toto a ttieir trading it gottons Bay. and oa
vkHtfiMe^taitoe. Oarpeatars aad do- Bat^y It Is Wost impossible to

oBtoMWe bava beta kept boar
Wtoia wki tba WtolL tiBUl R new
that wooM
rooM do
erodit to any dty.
art atora and
IlnHMMit dbaC iptobanU a my go«^
libbg cdbilthB Hr boMnaaa. Fbmlag
to toy ta evary dlradkm. BbMf
■half af batowala ara toaa tbitoi
tba la&ttb aad bnatb of bis apadoos
Baggiaa. bMwaaaaa, aad
rokaa bto aoattotad all ovar tba atora
aad U prostota a varltabla bawMva of

wfigens Ibat k» atabdlag oa tbe
ftrotts of Buttons Bsy. wbllo tbib

farm pradm tor the ototo^ of
J. A. Carson A Co.,
facturers of excelsior
beta find over five cor
slor are shipped each

are Uie paaiifor mstttom*
loads of excel,
weak to mat-

trtos toetorlit in dlffWtot parts of-tbo
Btoor Pait.r

' A WraAni^WrwMOT.

xauOs hra OT«*a to otot
. AT BHHtiTliAB.
at esaa foptoot srttb a toator. jntar
aad sweet at a aat a torkar. oM
Booee.dadLtbatwlBmakeyoaTTatatUetoaMnaotototaMBbar. toe have
aeearei everr dMtaa^ ii the Maa of
amau. ponliry. game aad oa
goods tor the boHdar ammoa
makes our martmt tsalptlag to tbe


8Ch BBd PlBBkllB.


toot beauties* at latoaeita. tH Fmt


A Large Tioor Rug 5f'’




tMt ivnuiM aceena TiuvKnK errv. mcHiMN, mtimoav. mcuiur

Oyspepsia Ci^.

Ua kM tW MttlanaM u riMk •■ ai
M« kU >*K Iwi tWalar mi *«
b* • cMikoM ct Mmt» tar « «kBa
Itarb hM ihir .^Mtaibr «r •> •«!««•«
PoHct ta Ik* Miekisra Haw aW
whlcn win k#lp
wolf m-B Ibe 400T wWJ# b«
I laid


Ifri. R. R. «rd

tompkls prapta-«cMtto e( On feed and eeikda fed
feed nuWBMBt tttwnh the Weed tateanvttfea/


conir Cba fort, of Mr.
MMb Min haxo to io war baBc mad
Tmm TMm.
7b# portmaKer wUImw to tefonB iH ap la tW aanMT Mown, aa ^ dma
lb# box rwn#r» tiiit box riot a»at
W piM oo or bMoro tbr ftrot of tbo
ar« woodwrtaa bow did It bappoa.
^Bortir (l«i. lit) aiwwtflii* to •
Hrmy ttfiekloa of Priryabari, Ol.
Bos» not paid for br tlwt dai«c«Mt baa hmm tbr fMat of bit aiaaa,
hH6 for IS Of J# ttan M bWtrto- Trmman MiteboU. for tbo paat wfwk.
Mr. Btdaklap m«rM to bit Qbk>
IMta Lnuta fVsii of Elk lU^di wax
awof« la cm WmtoMdajr, Dec II, aad


ImmbarMP pra ralolcias over tbe
arrlnl ^.aaow aad arr baattlag tba
taga to tba min jardi propafalorr to
tlm wtatar'a art.
71m lOoMapea of Joba Bebabrick.
twp mpaa ppttk of tba vtUaga. wai
doMMfad hr Aro oarij Wada^
moralmg. Tba oeeapaata maralr aacapad wllb tbair IItwl taanaa all alia

TtetfHMe an (b« Wit op aiW every eiCM M
Meet fe driven eat to'dtkjr eot—fee okairi


$me Mqg l(lBa|


These should appeal to the
men for they make ideal gifts.
and the choice is easily made and there it no woihu but what
wouM appreciate one.
We are showing some very i- clever design! in these in both
tbe blacks and colors.
They are nrell made and fin-.
ished and wUI be a delight tw i
your lady friends.

Priced From $5 to SI8


«tV. IWaill^H, SATUHDAV. I
Ml W 4TtTM to CB*



FCHt toe auk# ef Japtke
toe afla too tiM top. aM soar ham Artto BkM and isr to# B»ii cf humaalto.
mf rtdk end duty to tw.*nmend
Ma Md utosr aosAa Tb# gaiv
Monntala tbm Wa
ar# isMB #r #B rim
owe oar coaatTY>Md our filtowmm a
duty. Ten nr Ybdtoto 25 MBta. lebnmmDrwgOa
bal aa larps M a maa*a briri.
OOMS now aad aeleet to# MMt
tost win express ytmr MUhMto at
Imierts pharmacy.







Hw «Mfi M4 to Mm Vartc
• Mm M Wni

4#ektod ttet MImC ^bMa tbt ar
Mto BMk. M. J, D«. U -Th# COJ4 grtttor a^ aboati bat# tbt boat
iM MtMrf til# NoHji am
bW7 rtw at tlO« toto# wh# a sood
M« of 16#. vtodi ti ikkk mcmi
tW pnMctod town tor akatm. If tod. bat tbt igbi waa MBUa^td to
vm li# tot boattog.
■—tort «r Um Nora
m4 4k
ttiii^ j dab btitove Oty vill b#
iKii^ 0« tlttl maa^r. bdor# tht
laltoart. All ladlcattoat polat to a
mt UjMjr to# yaabtlag aaaaaa.
Tbraat that a a#w boat will mabt
to tbt WMlta of O# pta
tbat tbt tot rath! tetbodm ci nmeU
atv boat wni tab# tbt plaet of
lb# 07tr Drab, tortotrtj mraad hf Md
MM Winit aad Obarlta Bard, btr
MMtff. Tbt Drab vat told a tow
M« ago lo Mvard C. ntidtr oT Nov
Wb. aad tbt raobt will btrtafitr fljr
tbt ptaaaat of tbt Booth Bbivwtburjr


?Tbt Dmb It aadoabttdijr tbt faattat
i; raebt of btr Mat la Amtrtoa. aad
tipartt vtrt loatb to
a|r btr toatt bt...
btrt. Mtatra. Wllllt aad
bovtvar. vltbI VIbtlr ebaraettrta
Nto tot tachito build aatobtr boat to tabt Gtbt pitot or tbt
Ztttb. At both BMb
b^t boUdm It It txptotod that tot
BM boat, vhtob baa aot ytt btta
MibMd. will bt at tott. If Bot fatttr.
tM Ibt Drub. If tbt atv craft ratktt
good ibtrt vtit ba toaat abarp ooa
ttaia btfvtta bora tad tbt Drub.
A larit aiMBbar of racta art tebedVlad tor tbt ataaoa. Aaoag tbtn vUl
bt tbt foatttt tor tbt oballtagt ptaitaat of tbt North aad Bouto Bhrtvt.
burr rlrart. vbo tvo vlattra ago vaa
vtm frcM tbt Bautb Bhravaburr club
br-Ua Drab; tbt ooataat tor tbt dialItaga piBbaat or Ntv Jaiaor. aad tot
dMpptoaablp rac# cT tba Rad Baak
Boat BaaMaa tl^aaa toara vUI bt
grtat laoat vhtob. aiv opaa to all tbt
tot raebta oa the Hrar.


Ortnd flaptoa Flva Flayog Local Boyt
Off Thtir ra#L-E4glO Mf
far tha.LMalA

oadtrlTThat a vbat happtntd to tbt locai High tchool baakat
ball Bvt laat aigbt when they bumped
Ibt Grand Raplda ttam.
aowladgc of the guma togotbar vltb battar team work made
aooring for toe vlaltoru oaay vbito tbt
did not aegoUat* a ftcld baakat
aatlJ the laat baB when they laadod
Tba vlaltoia voio amdl fallova
via one eirtptlM. but vorkad like
The work of Ibt local boya vaa good
otptcUlly tbat of Ftllera. but the fact
that they had bttO praotlclng with low
Btandor. the
Orood Raplda ceaW brought much ap.
plaoM tor -■
hla oatoQUhlag
work an
did the whole Grand
team, to
rM<l Rapidi
a leaaer axteot hogrerer.
Grand Rapidt mUed Into the battle
uad acored two baabeta la tbt flrat.


or the local
extent. They
tbrto more


ttaU up with
free throva which
Btiotlatod tvo fr4e cbaacta.
The atcood half vat erto vorac tor
tbt local boya Uuia the Brat but along
toward the Uat. |bt SUaleya braeod
up and aecured three Add baaktts beewetn them while another free throw

Manr of toa old boaU of tbt local
dab bare bata oforbaulad. iDOlodlng
Nbvtoa Doremua* Atunu. Cbaritt F.
lAlaa Otorit. tbt Burllngtoo boat Ha and Burkt Wont BIx Fbat fttunda
V^. Wllitam Wl^ MUtml and
vrtBay NIgbi Before the LanBiagcl and OilUg^ WUard.
eaaur Atolttk Club.




Hfpa Bgaadtoi a Big Car Whan Froot
Ada Braba. ThrMag Him Into a
. Lake Ctvtrtd by let.

Ktv York. Dtc. U.~William K.
Vaadaitllt. Jr., bad a narrow tacape
fmip dWtb Thoradtr.
bit ebauttur ba vaa aptadlag
hla aiitr*h<^ povtr racing aatomo^
dto oa tbt abort of Uba Buceao
U vhaa the hoot ailt aaappad and
oar akiddad a ilgtag courat
momtot later a.vhtti tovamt dc^
taebnd. Tbt ear atrock tbt ground
and tort up iht rood for Bfittn feet


The Jar burtod VaadcrblU from bta
toe macbtac Into tbt tekt
vdl avajr from tbt abort. He aank
thin lot. but root
ly aad awam to abort. Tbt ftret with
which Mr. VaadtrbUt
from th%aaio vaa auob that, had bt
art vNb any obatacle he i
bata toataatlj ktiltd. Tbt
ctoug to hla aeat aad vaa not atrkma

Laacaater. Pa..-Dec. I6.~ln a alxround Aght btti^a Jack WAIltama
Lancaatir Athletic
club the
d>owtd'h|roaelf decidedly the
The opening rounds were tame, but
la the laat four Ihe men gnve each
utb#r bll toey had to give. Wmianit
nearly bowled over In the third.,
with t atlE Jtb on the Jaw. but after
that he landed often and hanlevt.
went tq hl« knees in toe
Afth on a slip, helped along with a left
awing of WllUami*. Both were at It
and lon^ when the bell
atopiwd the Anal bout.

Hak Bent to Order for

Tbe aaietlc club has Just ordered
about I JO worth [ of new apparatus
which win soon ^ here. Indoor baas'
ball aad basket tjall ouiAU wlU be in
use soon and in<^ quoiu. The totter art new to tbk city being made of
rubber. A new
of folia has alto
bM purebaaed. j
The club expects to organlte
several ball teaais aad wlU probably
meet tbe High school Ave la the near

A~Tp« cut 4a ato a groat faror;
bA-Wby ImpotalbtoT Too art a Hcb

l^sS*itoIrtK^^^IIld the

t tor
•a-To bt aurt, bot T eunnot part tbe rKhtts aad tcMiila.**
rtom my mpoty; It la a cbmtobad tow -Hew abtordr 1
Ttmlor of mr fatbfr.->1toiDbo.
**AbaardT Net pt aU. OjrMur abMIa


todint. Tboat am all «gc#Uant taolet.
Thu know how beat eat grtoad ayator
ahilla and aoa peodoct eggs wtto good,
thick, ubong dbellit WtB. aa the «g»M Ml powBer afta on iggtoiMi ao I
hate no Baoht It loctoB to the nriddla
on th# bMipg. ervmbBng boMi
oC tot ftekety.
atiMgto and

chuckle. Beoatcr PUm took m
to the twaapAgg characUr q^ i
Beeertdgt-a MIL aad ammoB#
he would o8#r aa awmdmmt t
Uler. la volciag his ohjcctloa. he
said that uader the tenaa of the meM
uie he utOQld not be pervdtted to
ploy hit own aoa to hla law ofBcc If
ra aad to a country week to toe delegatM toOe Naticoal tbe boy were under 14 years of N
-Would you put a aoa of youra
: aa a large-part of Rlvora and Hnrboru Ooagroaa conventkm. Aa a reuuh the bOl to be pasted
liy la.-It
opted tbe
oatoot tor tbe. to gm tb^ build
put torougb tor quickly.
lag mattftol without harlpg to drive
to many mUa# faithtr to obtain the
importance of tha work planned. It la Beaator Piles with dignity, -at the ago
tame thing.
hoped aat Boeae manna wUl be found of 13."
■dvard Maaatau la tot
laure a atnady approprUtkm by
"Did it belpr queried Mr, Bever­
BuHooa Bay Bw ttgbtlag j^t aad Ua
toe govoramaot h the future for idge. cauaiknUy.
owner. Mr./laMtM. bat
ruraya Bmrtlopment. NaturaUy. X "It did. I*m here."
mootht la puttlag up tl
no eoBgreaa oan pledge the aetkm of
Mr. Beveridge aat down.
tnrea and getting bla bailor ani
Us successor, but toe necMSlty existBnquato
mot la place aad the next few
for anfAcAeat funds to clesn up
-Olowlag" fa toe word to apply to
will bring quite a change la tbt
groat amount of work mapped out the letter sent by PreuMeat Room
or Buttona Bay
by govemmeat eoglneeru la ao great
Frcalng. Tvo large arc Ughta will be
that tome uray may yet
head of tbe tiMsury oa hla tnh and
placed oa Mala gtrert and aereral
steady progreaa. Aa tbt um umual rMort. In hla letter Mr.
tor oota dlatrtboted^ tbrougbout
•Itaatloa atenda. polltlca virtually baa Roosevelt expresM to Mr. Shaw hla
the dlfertat parts of iff village.
by the aroat. The queu- eery profound appiedalloa of your
Nearly all tot ntrchaat| have bad
tloo of an auxiliary system of traaa- U^rricea." and declares that uvciy
their placM of boatotaa j wired for
portatioa has become of aneb vital fm- year since tbe lowsn took charge of
electric light. Mr. Maaaeao hat bato
tbat business intereau all the governmental pocketbook he baa
tlrttoat to hit efforta to! InaUll one
over the eouatry are aroowHl. If the met Anaactal crises and averted t
or the beat pUaU poaaible In bla borne
now beuring on congreua U m meb manner that prosperity was
vtllage aad Wa oEorta ahould be deepMl. there Is little Aoubt Uat | unsEected and business maintained
ly apprtelaied by those whom It will
The prealdeat
ends bU leUer with tbe words. "It la
It wot the ptoaaure of toe Record
s remai>kable ahowlng. aad 1 ooi
praouatatlve to viaJt ooarly all tbe
Although If Is s little Wrly In tbe Iste you upon it." Despite toe i
farvtora Itolag la the Sfttooa Day
farming dlatrict and It la with a feel­ aesaoa{ the dead letter ofA(^e la he^ Mr. Shaw Is just the same unal
ing of rogret. tbat we cannot note ginning to receive Its openUig~^lnitan Individual he ever was.
itoljr all tbt dlEerent Improvt- ment of the -Santa naus" iHiers. As
There Is Joy unconAned to d#
Christmas approaches >bis class of
t by the sturdy fanaerx of thla jimll ,wlll grow In proportlooi. naill mental life here to the capital over
President Roosevelt s announeei
m. jrot la falmeaa to all. for all the hard wording clerks will be flood­
that the government clerks should be
the tormort to tola dUtrtot aa far aa ed. The letters are all written by
ing children, and eome of tbe en­ given an tocreaae to aalaiies of som^
I bt toamed by tbe jRocord and
lid ropraaentatlTt came to tbcae velopes contain money. Such letters where near 20 per cent. There
thousand clerks In ae.differ­
paru whoa the country wUa a wlldercent back, while tbe others are ent departments, and the IncreaM
and only toe lumbered tracts of
land lift by tbe timber barooa. who destroyed. Tbe government has ruled cost of ooodoctlng tbe government
will be heavy. However, toe clerks of
had And tlaewhere and told the land solemnly and ofAclally that no such
Uncle Bam are notoiiousty undecpakl.
lo them, was there for them to make peraoo as BahU Claus exists.
and If the same effortM were expei
thoir tiqaattful farma from. And that
-*No quarter for the land grafters." for private employers toe pay vronid
each who now lives In fhla locality
tbe burden of the report of Sesre- be tar graater than tbe governmaal
haa doBO hU part weH Is clearly
has given to the past. One pecullat
vhaa ooe obaervei toe beauUfuI tary Hitchcock of the Interior depart
t. He declares that the govein- phase of departmental Ufe U the greal
farm bouatt. their large well Blled
i will pursue relenlletoly the pros^ number of husbands and wives work
bama. ibelr over-AUed cellars and
Ing side by side In the service of the
grain abeda and their coanOeaa num­ ecutlon of all person conspiring to de­
The departments
ber of well bred and welj fed boraea. fraud toe government of Its public
», Up to date, according to the great hunting grounds for Cupid, and
cattle, sheep and other live stock.
rt. thd depanmeat baa secured ae chubby god to always active. The
The boauUful school iioaaee. the
clerka are paid practowering stteplea of their chnrchea 4W Indictmenta. AA convictions and
tlcnily on the same scale aa tbe men
and the wtU gravelled and well kept 402 cases are still to the courts. The
report asks that coagrewi authorlie tends to make toe woman cling to her
the department to lease toe unpro­ poaiUoo after she haa dropped toe
Mlaa for toe Mrs., and aa her poritlop
dlatrict are toe moat up-tcMlate mod ductive Islands of Alaska as breeding
often proved a reason for marriage
em and pracUoal found to any'region, places for tbe arcUc^fox. which since
lb they have harmonlouab im has been proved a proAuble in- (becanae she could help in providing
a home) the bride does not desert hriworked togetoer legardlew of nation dustry for northern for dealem. The
allty or creed, to make thla one of the Aeld work of the geological survey,
beef farming aecllona tofnd to the mays toe secretory, wax elaborate durcountry, and the Record nod HenUd tng the ye^. Parties have been in
Company are glad to hemld their nearly every section of toe country
■plendld advancement Injan agricul- gathering data for'toe great'geologic
atlas of the United States, and many
special Inveatigatlona ^f natural re­
sources have been made.
•q want a bualncm ault nov.*» laM
Leagne. south of Glen OotambkUla. |s
Big War Balloon.
Blopay. -I vaa thinking of aomet
Uncle Sam Is Agniing with manu­ a anpsrb totrodnetkm to DooegalSI
to the way of a amall ptald “
facturers. boa at borne and abroad, coast splendors. In lees than half
• And I.- replied tbe tailor, -cant
mile from tbe see tbe moontato rears
help thinking of something In the vmy
its height of nearly 2.000 feet In tba
of^ uman I'btck.- - plladtlphU poses. ft U to be a.coal gas bag. and island of AchUl off the weri coast of
will have a ca^clty of 2.200 cubic Irelaad. the cUffa of Croffban
metera. If it Anally Is ietarmtoed AcblU Rand, riep abeer from tbe vraWMted A«rtc^
upon, the balloon will be twice the torts odg# to tbe dtoay height of ROOD
A beauty adviser says.
tender aUe of anything now to toe aervlce. feeL-Loadon Btondard.
eytt make an tofnslon or-^ Ob. both! The United State# U making exhaoatKvtry girl kaqv> »wv to make temtor
Ive experiments to this espedal de­
eyes without advice from pay tptclalpartment of military science, and beMto-MlnuMpbUi Tribune.;
fore long it will have a formidable
A^. The ^expeiWloto nre
The autMU. I
Tom«y>Doat year ma bit yoor toot belng^condoctA at Fbrt Omnhn. auBr
oadtr the table when you rs had Omaha. Neb, but testa also ai# bring pipe drawl *Tle tbe way. I'm thinking,
anoughT Tuntoy-.No; tUfe wbeo I made at Beneria barracks. Oallfomla. that rithar 1 havent the right kind of
hartn-t had upeugh. TYbea 1 have ah# The signal corps recently bought a glaae oc rise Doolcy’a boea fooitoi
-London TU-Blta.
aagda for thtMtor.-Baiper*a Ba
new hydrogen ballooa of 300 cubic
aaeters to Parti, and Its arrival aj
New York Is expected wUhto a week
or aa
the hnebanda present who had ari
spoken a hasuh word to thrir wives for
THE FINEBT UKB of ijand mirrors
Theannual rqpM of James Rudolph a month to stand ap. He shook h
to toe cliy at Bugbee aj City drug
wta tboes who arose and tota 1
•toea. ' ‘
dec iB-tt Uoas and member of the preatoenfi daced them to the rest of the andl"kitchen cabtoeL'- has aroused more enoe as the "tweoty-sevea biggest Haft
Interest than Is generally stirred uy
by a departmental docaptat. It Is
See me. I loan on per189 RAVE toe Aaeat Itoe of pack parial tatereat Has to the fact that II
AmU P. Nertt
ago puefootory la the city.* B. B. MU- eoatnias the aame tone of cautloa tbat
dec IBlt
dee 18-tf mark#d the prarideafs maeiaga. The
plaa-of Ueaariag big oorporatloaa. ai
W t< tb* pUee. 10n«rt
BRDBEtoB for the hair, th# t##a. advaeatad by Mr. OaiBrid. also has ai
thB MBpMBloa #epueiaUy >r Chriat- iU advocate Prealdeat RooeevelL and
both nrgo It oa the «ua# gioaada
T •
docBtf namely, that aome ayutom moat be
deviaad to briag to n cloao the rioni
OT8T1E8 at Jackaon-a; good
bee's City drug stmu and 1

BUT too : beet ca^ and Boat the Utogal Aria of a few. la aaoMlag
toalm tofi uhBdron aksk. Oet tham at n» M rapori oa too Beoariag plaa
iackmm-8 aad they ara aora to ha Mr. OarBrid aaya;
*Earii a law WlU afford a moMt fm
Bee llBt
thtogi fdr tfott chtUroD toBay. They
galalag acoumto tefbematkm. ao that
woold atwwgtoan the framB toeriaai
OTBIEEB at Jackaca'.;;good coea. the people of our eo«mtry may torm
the nppadto and hlirt a wpMIfl ttfect

I - Bee U4t aa totohliMt opialoa of' laBarirta]


mES Mdutrignsd hoab harbm
Notie# to toe Taxpayun of toe Clly or
f Tiavare# CWy, Bo barahy agrs# to
Aooo oar ibopa nt 11 o'clock 9. m.,
Tbe tax foils tor toe eolleetloa of
ack BaturBsy. rnmmeartog Nov. 1st
and tndlag April 1st of eM year. tbe stat# and eoaaty axes tor tbe
ItM and tor tbe deBaqueat
Tbit to take eflUri Jaa. isL 1A#7.
and city taxes and apedal aamodt A D. Bqriraa. 8. H. dark.
neau tor arid year have been
G. BtoleEsl. J- TuaaaaL O B. Holplaced la my bands tor eonectioa.
I w^H»lamyulBeetortcelv#aaM
Bset Wlialc. Paul Wls#W. H. A. Job
taxes from now iiatU Fob. 1. 1A07. #a
betL M. H. QttfAO. A. LaagworOy.
each week day Dom 5 o'clock to 11:20
o'clock la tbo terMOoa and from 1
o>dock 10 4 o'clock In toe afternoon.
On aU state and* county taxes paid
before January 10. toe ragala^ fee of
oae per cent for colleetlon will be
charged and m all taxaa paid oa or
after January 10.
wfU bo
led # fee of tour per cent for col.

IIJ5 at the South Side Lumber Co.
Dec, 14 «

and acOool taxes and|speclal aasesaia. 4 cento on eech Mlar of to#
amount of erid tax.
OfAco to room 202 State Dank


Dated. Dec. 4. 1005.
11.26 at the Booth Side Lumber Ca
Dec. 14 6t

AFTER trying a small sack of TRAVERBE CITY LODGE. NO. Tl. E.
ef P, mint #very Tburaday ermiIDEAL buckwheat Boar you wUl want
tog. New Muneoa bloto. C a Wel­
25 lb.. 50 lb. or logo lb. aaclL
ler. C.C.
On his visits to rnmury eadamp- TRAVERSE CITY LEQIONt Na
National Protaetlv#
eats the German emperor is accom­
panied by a porUblo bouse of asbestos
moot to Woodman hril oa too third
to which he lives durtog toe maiMo- Toaaday of eachmonth at 7:M p. m.
Abram Botto. prerideot; Gayle

A A. M. meeu aalMoaday tv«aing
oa or belDt# too fi^ of the moo^
at 7:20 p. m. M. a Hatoell. neefn
Ury. Elmer R White. W. M.

_ JpivlT*



:|b3;5S::::: S



Rov.ntm PewiBiffasa.


SJriJTbSS'::::::::::: .«
Salt, per barrel.
Bran, per 100...



P^topi: per bu.. long whll#.

^Trminunirmmx TrsvsrasOttj naadaysriy


Buttor. per pouad..^............. lb»



Kt^aa-= I
Ftor ae Chrlatmas and New Year
holidays Peie Marquette tlckri agents
will seU tickets ns follows:
Christman HrilBay.
Dntsn of sale Dacomber 22. 22. 24
and 25, Good for return up to Janu­
ary 2ad. 1AA7.
Dates of sale Dsetmber 2t. 30. 21.
lAto. and January 1. 1A07; good tor
rsuirn up to January 2. 1A07. Ask
agents for further pnrtieularm.
H. F.
, O. P. A.

Bcdcr Xmas Present
F« youi BoyorGlilthHi*

We Expeeted Tou
to be ill; before thU time to
make your eejoctiona for
ChrietoxM, whi^tbe eeeortmemt is comSSete. Make
them tiow end a JOB wish
wewill bold them lor poll mi*
tU you are le^y. pst*i
worry off your miiid nod you
hnfe the beet to pick froo.
There are eo menir chnming idese in jeveliy that
•^^•vMldlika that are here
tbntarep^WUli to your
; advantage to eea Iham.
You M make the ^ ex.
or Boi, jual Bi JOB
oomethiiiR lor
every Nuiie mod for all your
Alwiyn ^ to ebow jem
bethur you aim ready to ^

or jQatfeokim{.




houBo tonight.

J. Jl. Martinek


fiHmtrtAM fHOfAvbit"

pirn ymr

hmm 4mM i


am irnbm9, 9M tte m mun

t^ ammmrnom^ UM« M mr

iU tna, M M, ta
lo ttefeMWi aMttd ^ Bk

trwM urn to *J1 iMMa hl«
CMMTa tetk ftr tto fVsHA. It wm
wm 90 Mck aii 6mxh tkat akpaala ta
«B aa tka etmI tratk tkat lla diaa r«r
m. **Ua vaa apiaakart for av tikaagfMtkiM aa« kralaod far aar tmlq^
tiaa.**. Tkia la wkjr Bla tetk alaaia
aaf a« Cka aapraso araat la Ula
alaa to Ikla m«d. M iro kara
lak kot oaU tka 4aatk at CMat. tm
alia iUa aatlra Ufa. aa4 it aU a
a»ai«l la aa. far Ula daalk la aalr ap.
piartatafl aad fa«y andtaalood tk
Ula aaittra UIol Wa akould tw famillaf
I tka Ufa of Ckrtat tkiwvkaat aad
paik ta aa. Wa akaald

ttar Urad. It la ika warWa aalj I
Ufa BMaaa aatura la araak al
boat aid wkaa wa aaa am*a pfaaaaaaa
rr«B Gad aad kto aafaitk^
lit la ko aMll
thlkg to kara at
(aka Ufa to
kaata ftaw. Nar
■kakid wakkly taoiaaibarit It
ka aMr IdiaJ akd oar tkapiratloii. Wa
akikld koc aalr adailia Uto Ufa akd
rkarartar. kvt at
2. WaakoaMr
tWflat Ha did kot Ura ao Idla Ufa kj
kkjrmaka. Ha waa ar«r jalkt akaot



' 5




T .CANNOT think of any tfift
^ To^ leave this dear old bo.x«
Who, WhUe his hair fkUs white and^swift
Is tfput’s ecstatic toy.
His finders warped, he cannot
The I marble On its course/
And al^ his joints *twould quickl
To ride a rocking horse. |
His teeth are gone and he can chop
■ No ^andy with his gums.
He*s deaf and cannot hear the
That whistles while it hupks.
A big tin horn would aurebn pump
Him] out, and very soon.
And ort the chairs he couldn
To ny a toy balloon.

ytir, «• MJ Ml W aUt |» sr

L Wa I


'pHE picture book he cannot con ^ >
Because his vision’s dim,
H i
And he’s too trail arid feeble bi
-A bicycle to ski
■ :
And. whUe on skates
tes he’d soiriersault
And land upon hks^^icavi,
hikhead. 1I He never could the bunker vault
Upon a scarlet sled.
Lead soldiers to his) whim no moreIn any way appeal.
Nor trains to run around the floor.
Nor lambs that squeak arid squeaL
There is no plaything 1 can hand
Unto this ancient boy
To make him skip a saraban^
Of eighteen carat joy.

Thu fact ^rim fau m€ut rud^Jy
i^rim ^aU. the cruet Jade —
A.liU» there are no chitdUh
Tar second childhood made.


a«cou.r« Ihi^ fact fate rudely fUnft—
ThU fact none can e^ade— |
^la^, there are no childuh thit\ie
For eecond childhood made.

WP-^ H

nkaL^ww^ af\
^ dar. wkak ao maigr wooM
wttk tka koparaataral wa ai
atakd oar grauad. AU wa know of
Jaaaa Ckrtat la told aa ta tka Mp.
twdA aad tiMT daalara tkat Ha pirfornad nilractaa If tka taatlmonp aaa
raralkf tka aoparaataral U falaa. can
wa aceapt tkat cakcaratag tka aatwalT



y«ii? ikkaataataa aaa atakwiy tkat
aaolkar ekaptar. akaald go? What la
tkitofaia tka raaklt? mmt^ that tka
Ucrtatnraa aU atand or all fait Tka
' tka taitaclaB of CkHat
inM or wa can ktatava notktag alao
WTtttan akont Him. for Hla only kla.
toruna racord Hla mlrmclak And wky
akonld U ba tkoogkt Incradibla tkat tka
Ron Of God did a raw tbUupi tkat an
I faw

Coakl God errata A volvenw and
imt new Ufa into a aincia kuman
tkat kad tirconia iwraljaed? Wkat ab*
aurdltjr! Lot u> aecapt all the wofta of
Ckflat and by HI. m
foortacTd of nii.dalty.
«. Wr akould rNkambar tka wordtof
Ckrtat Wbat gradooa worda fell frooi
Hla Upa-tuatc'klaaa paimklao on Ood^
>ra and knmau dnUaa. tender woida
of tartiatton to tka aittwr «»d tlw
fatlao and tt'oida of comfort and good
ebaar to tho waary. tka ben^rad and
tka dlwNmragad! -Narar man
Ha apaka.- Tkarafoia let na
Hla worda and ba baiped knd
ad by tkroL
A Wa akould raaminbar. ahore erorytktag Maa. i^irw-a deotbtkr m, Ba
^ ^ Inoocfat tor the pillty. ttN
fnat for tka nnjmt, tka rltNa.)ua for
tkaatafnl. Wa wara among tka miltT.
Ika iHdnat tka Hatat Tharafata Ho

In the fc>uth >e.ui uud In Ibo
rr^njpii! Of bUnds bi\he Jndlaa otean
the naUvM shoot tk*h v lOi the bow aa<J arrow. ’ Tba art Is vanAdlttcolt. and It
take* long prscilca to arrive at r«rfsctli.n. Tii im Is because the archer must
aim at aa object under water and most a3low fo|■ rafractlon. If be w ere to aioP
at the flsk a» ba eera It. ba would miss.


Aa tagaakats toveator has rwaatlT pataatad a toidlag bad that may ka
carrtod tio a momr car. Tha bad atwaa tsallia ^klaa. aa amr ka aaaa tram
tka cat. aad wkta ckiaad kolda a matttam aad ptnamattr pOlawa Wkaa oem
It aaa ka aaad as a takla. aad wkaa akat It na



: cmr. mna%mA9i.


mUSEHOU) DEn^^ Rhi^nlteilMB
htattoto. : :

n^hriig the the g« of ^Nua and
etoonelute; and eaheittutlik a gBI of
Km tmnmtAB are aado by putttog
into the choBlate
alstufw a

wtvwoay, i
Watmmtmr. 7: 3» p.m^wrmr _


If ya. want a,get haivalas. shop
If yoa have aaff tagad itor yaar awB
Whm th€ ml^ turn tk» iMsms caaisrt as4 tor iBe wiaftm a^.yoar
How creataesa. shop aariy.
UOm 4fmn.
itoi iPf teM^ ttgfct te tto wlA4av» If yoa have any kaaaalcy for the
poor arerworhag iarsaa. who. la rate
c# cte IM #r W 4MHt. aad saow. over kf paveacau. hi the
taech af tha wlatn htoata. aast Cak^
yoar patchasas tof yoa. asan right la
■ tkt Mni Movf
utarv fiw today oa yoar han4ay gm hoylag caapalga.
f f« Um r«l nm. a tfril* Make awt yoa 1^ aad ill «p yoar
I tte •«*».
psneu The shops Wl do Che naL
I0 th» gardm tUt MpM for ay And when tha ^st days come aad



Uitiw 'o

kartor froa ervr th«

the shop, an thkk



WIMI tlw ««y kM bM Horay aad
ly and by nalisiag the greataesa of
wisdom. Ko^ one nr us to above
tajoyteg the atlsfar^ of feeUag
OflMMBOhankfal that we ."are not as othen
Tko llikt or tho loro or ay diaila.
othen are tooHsh and unABO unro to tia lldm lUco Ua klooa

Ak4 Lore to tk« tiskt la tba wla6owi

froa tW Misbt.

to tla bright
la tJa farOoBii that blooB for ay

Tbt Mrd to tbo aat aad aa boo to tbo
Aa4 aaror a aigbt ahaU fall droary
WWlo tbo fighu la tb« boaoUful windorrs of boa*
Aro lit by tbo lore of ay dearie.
And Lore to the light, like a bird from
tbs Bight.
Whore aagols to tlllea Unre a Utaaloa
Aa^ a kUa froa Ihf crlaim. a smile
from the whKo. /
- la tho gardm that IMb tor ay
fVaak U BUntoa la Harper's

• Wad out aon's ohaU and mil
• and moot tkoa there. All world• ly joys go leas to the oae )oy of

If all the weary, hurried wc
who ooae op to Chriatmas ao nerve
wmm thai tbs heewtital epiiit of tbe
U alawt ipstgight of. would read
by II. it would rerolutlooire matters
for them and set In motion a ware of
Chriataaa Joy a»d harmony- which
->rould be felt Umnchoot the length
and breadth of Ibo laat!.
How about ChiistBaa> shopping?
All doao? No? What! Not eren


Why. don i you know that ereiT
hour you delay yon are making troub­
le for yourself and others? Oh. .1
know rery well there are two long
weeks until Christmas. buLtsro weeks
win lly -n mpUliy you can't keep pace
with them.
Glance back over the past two
weeks. It a^»nis only day before yesf*nts>. Tl... wise woman Is out about
h* r Hh..,.pjng rsHy these days. She
knows fhs» It dfHwn’t need Santa
nans and mlstletae and holly to put
Christmas gifts In the shops. She
knosK )u»t as lovtiy things adorn
the <s>uute» now as will two weeks
hence and^hst she stands an infinite
ly better chance of getting what abe
wanU today than tomorrow. Besides,
abe has a much finer chance of exchanging what she gets if she finds
she doesn't want it. And between
you and me. i»otb of us being women,
half the pleasure In shopping Is the
knowledge that the exchange system
Is in order.
it Is cruel to put off shopping until
the elerenth hour.
It wears the shopper out. mentally
and physically. It wnsles her money.
It cheats the people to whom the gifts
are going. For they deserve acre
than a ralnutc% condderatlon when
^aoaetblng Is to be bought for them.
It srorrles and frets the aaleswomen
oatn they canaot properiy fulfil their
duties. It adds to the burdens of th^
a«B and hones who drive the hones
and deliver purchases. And. in fact.
It makes a generally disagreeable
state of affaln all along tbe line.
If the" shopkeepen of the' stores
would join in a great petition to the
woUMa who are their largMt patrons
Jk woBld read acmiethliig like this:
-Desr Womea-Plfw^ do youi^
a^res and i*; the JusHoe to do your
Christmas bnytagi early. It mil save
BMaey fbryoaandfnr oa. It will save
tronble Ibr everyoae. It mil esaose as
to fee! for you s greet ^Itade. which
will be to ytmr everlasting advantage."
Tbe greatest trial of the merchaafs
me Is bow to handle boUday crowds.
Tbe shopplag public aloae can solve
tbe probtoa fior him.
Bariy baying would turn tbe trick!
Bo. dar. good woman, listen;
; If you want to be Mad. al^ early.
‘ If jraa waal Ip be li^py. shop aariy.

Whea looklag few a aaall gift for a
boy or ana. why not give him a twine
•box for his desk?] A really good ooe
will be acceptable. ’ li may be round or
square, of wood or pasteboard, mad
deconted la sny way which you are
able to caapafis. But if It to strong
aad has a geaetoos bole la the top
through which at any time its owner
eaa pull as aoeh string as he wants,
and if a tervIceaWe little pair of sets
son Is tied to the box. he wUl "lore
the giver." A twi^ bsll will unwind
rmoothly to the tost yard If one
gins to mnd at the inside.
A useful gift or contrllmtion to a
church fair Is one or more covers
for the rubber toot water bags now
used so extensively. Fbr tbe two-quart
bag. which U the most popular slxe.
take a piece of figured flannel or flan­
nelette twenty-two Inches long and
eighteen Inches wide. Fold lengthwise
and cut rounding ;st the Ijottom to fit
the robber bag. Stitch together, leav­
ing at the mldde of the lower edge
an Inch and a half unstitched to allow
the little flap at tbe bouom of the
rubber bag to slip through. The space
left nnsUtchod should be cat-stUched
down to prevent fnylng. Turn right
side out and stlteh near tbe edge all
sroond. Ifwvlng the same space at the
bottom unstitched. Pink or cut In
small points the top edge, turn down
four inches, stitch twice across aad
Insert drawmriagr of Upe or srsab
? •
A really handy Up writing pad
makes a useful prehent. A thin board.
Bueh as silks sad woolen goods arc
>ped arouBd. In the tmlt. about
ity-four by twelve or fourteen
cs. roverfd lightly mth pay col­
ored cretonne. At one end of the cov­
er Is a pocket, the entire width of the
d. and eight of ten Inches high,
which forma a receptacle (or writing
materials. The cover is whipped on
*8t the top and a ring sewed on for a
:er. Tbe hsppy owner of s slmlUr
pad says she considers letter writing
joy now that she has this convenlent pad. She keeps It hanging toehlnd
base-burner, and when "toasting
her toes" finds the letter writing mooA
comes very readily since she Soes
hare to go Into a cold corner, to
the desk, nor use up the time getting
things together. For an ln%*aUd or an
elderly lady It would make an ideal
gift and one easily made.
A practical, useful and inexpensive
present for a housekeeper is an everready cloth for deaulng sllrerwarc.
It is nude of two pieces of thick, soft
woolen cloth. Cut them about eight
inches square: pink the edges-you
may feather-stitch them, too. If yon
--and give wsch piece a-coaUag. on
one Bide only, of some good silver
, Place the pieces tgether—
ed sld»»s in—and fasten at one
comer with a few stitches, at tbe
same Ume sUtching in a loop for a
hanger. A piece of taratohed silver­
ware. dipped first In hot water, and
then rubbed between these cloths,
is cleaned and polished very quickly.
Something nice for a gentleman's
tie case or handkerchief box Is a perfnae stick, looking like a stick of
candy. It U new and very pretty. A
sachet pow­
der. Tbe koverlng to satin ribbon,
tworshades. red and white being used
In this model.


( end Mrertoa taf-

l«:3fi n. te^ BotntBg won

ifcill. oMnum oUlgnnen,

the BSlxture he^ to arelt sUr
Uk« it at OMC tnia ikej »t*. Han
r«a4r a ah«*t oMoolaeap ilper.alUWIr olW. Take tk. matapti la th* left
haed aad yoar candy
la the
riebt. Poar the candy ta_4copa nbnat
the itae or n larc* pan In iclow nwn
down the paper, using the handle of
the cuady-dipper to cot mf the drops,
that each any be the aaae>xe. When
theee drop, are cold dip a We4wosh
la warm water and brush the anda*
side of the paper, theo m4 a apatals
remove them ^ quickly, place oo
sieve la a watte ^lace to ^ry.
The alwmys-popa|ar Bvertoa taff
may he made by putting three ounce
of butter In a bowl of loe ^ter. Rinse
the hands la warm wmtcrHhU to to

00 Heater


tato a uaan^graa^ yae^a 9


prnJoMend. Mfliet-

fwl Of the matters Intrusted to
him, or otteriy Incapable of the


Rev. Denmn Oochlln, pnater.
Church phone No. llfifi.
Our church is a borne for. worship
Id senrice. If you have no ehnrte
in Traverse City, jroo are ear»


withom the Perfectioo OU Heater..
If not St your dealer's write te oar
ncnriM sgCKy kr deecriptnre

and work
wr» wan
ten them wite fruit nlrap, pinee on
indlridual pto^ nod heap any kind
of preserved fruit or Jelly on them.
Lay a tablespoonfu

in tho


10:30 n.

12 m, Sondny tebooL If prevonted
chopped beeta, one quhn of raw chop- attending, jots the home department
b:46 p. m. Young IVopto's Soetoty
* of Christian Kndenror In the parlors.

A cordial Invitation te nttend nil
tnrriona n&d ten rundlng room.

room.'Evct^ Unpwsrrsmc^ Write te«ar ncaissC



Fine M. K. Church.


has boiled five minutes. Brbea dine
turn into a shallow tin pan and stand
in water until cold aad hard. This
taffy, like chocolate carsaeto. may be
marked Into squares when partly cold.
Cherry Moriagueii-^ny meringues
are very easily made and msy be
Icfl In many different ways. They Took
very dainty In lltile paper cases with a
bit of cryatallixed fruit or flower on
tbe top. They are usually much liked
when made of cocosnut.
whites of two eggs to a aUff froth,
and stir In lightly two ounces of pow­
dered sugar and half a grated cocosnut. Drop In small spoonfuls on sheet
of paper, place a bit of glace chenr on
the top of each, and bake In a moder­
ate oven until they begin to
Place each meringue in a tiny
Sugar Du tea—Make a silt In the side
of each date and remove the stone, replacing this with a lllile roll of soft
cream candy about the
and rixe with a blanched almond press­
ed Into It.
Anothatsort of confection to made
pressing s quarter of a walnut
ttto each date la place of the stone.
Stuffed French Prunes—For these
you require some fine French dessert
prunea Cut a slit in the side of itoch
prune and remove the stond nnd In its
place Insert a roll of almond paste
and set aside an hour or two for the
paste to harden s little on the surface.
For tbe paste take four ^ounces of
sweet almonds, mixing in with them
throe or four bitter almonds and six
ounces of powdered sugar. Blanch the
almonds In boiling water and rub the
skins off. then soak for two
three hours in cold water, after which
pound them to a paste in
adding now and then a few drops of
white of egg. making
•iroall hole In
the end of an, egg for tl
After the almonds are ground to a
paste, add the sugar little by llttla.
Knead well writh the bands, and sei
asidefor a abort Ume. It tooben ready
forshaping into small balls
pressed Intp^ nUfii
nUfs in thh tpoinqs
If prefem^ tondsnt may be
place of almond paste for "stuffing
the prunes.

Joseph Dutton, pastor.
teelr sldns on until dark In col
Morning swrice. 10:30.
nlmost burned. Thah slip the
Sunday aebool. noon.
ont of these bcown'7ackr>!ft Into
Kpworth Lsugue. < p. m.
eUble ^h. pour ovg^ them
Dventof evangeUstlc servlee. 7
butter ^d sprinkle with salt,
Prayer meeting. Thursday evening.
at onccj to Che Ubde. <
Ham Toast—To one teacnpful of
finely c^oppM cooked ham. , add' ooe
wellWten egg. small bit of buUer,
ajittle cream, pepper and c«
Rev. George Lockhart, pastor.
Have ready a warm Slew pan. Uws tbe
Morning. 10:30.
mixture Into this and out again al
7:00 p m.. evening worship. Gospel
ffliMU immediately. Spread the mix
lure on slices of breml about a quarter
of an Inch thick and fri«*d
Thursday. 7:30 p. bl, pmyer and
conference meeUng.
butter. I '
Friday. 7:00 p. m. Mayflower club.
Potato Bargin-Om'fourth pound
First Fresbytertan Church.
fat Irtiepn. one quan Irish potatoes,
Cor. Washington and Fork ntitete
Rev. L^ B. Btonell. PaMor.
one pint onions. Put into a pot the
service. 10:30 a. m.
meat cboppiy] into bits about the size
Bible school at noon.
of the end of your thumb;
Christian Endeavor, f :30 p. m.
Bvenlng service. 7:30 p. m.
brown: add the.poUtoes, onions and
W. M. 8.. first Wednendgy In
water enough to cook It done. Dou’t
mash, but stir occasionally. Season
SoclM hours, second and fourth Wed
wlfh salt and pepper. Serve hot,
lesdays In the n»onth at 3: 30 p. m.
AU are welcome to nB the serviow

Comer Boardman avenue mnd Wash­
ington alreet, Rev. C. T. Stout, metor.
Residence. 3ifi State street
Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Except
on the first Sunday In the tiionth. then
at 11:30 a. m.
Mom^ servlte nnd oermon. 10:30

Fourteenth Street M. B. Ohmlh !
Preaching service. 10:30 n. m.
Sunday school at 12:00 m.
Epworth league at 6:30 p. m.
Evening nerraon, 7:00 p. m.


Prayer meeting. Thnndny qmtefi
nt 7:30.

Lndies* Ubrmry building,
street, near Cams street Captain and
Sunday school nnd Blbla class at Mrs. Bouters in charge. Public mM
ings every night except Monday. So
12 TO.
Evenlnf service snd sermon, 7:00 p day. 11 a. m.. holiness meeUng.
2 p. m.. Junior meeting.
3:30 p. m., chriitton's prmlM met
Week days and holy- days as ap­
pointed. »
p. m.. red hot salvation meeUnp.
A conilnl inviutlon to nU thoM
^ur standard: Hollneat onto I the
Our battle cry: Sinner, there to
vatlon for you.
All are welcome.
Church of the Imnmcntote Concep­

tion-Comer Division, and Second.
Christian Sclenen.
Low mnsi. €: high mast. 20:30; ven
Sunday morning sarvSoe In Modem
pers and benediction. 7:30 p. m.
Woodman hall over posteflee.
St FhmeU Chimfi»-Comcr Tenth
evening. Testimony
meeting at 7:30.
and Caas streets. Somlay-Low i .
Reading room. No. 314
ai 7:30 a. m.; high mass and sermon
at 10:30 a. m.; vespers and benedic­
day) from 2 to 5.
tion at 7:30 p. m. -Week ^aye-Serw
vices at 7:30 a, m,


Friend. Chdreh,
Comer Oak and Fifth streets.
Rev. Tmnklln Meredlttu Rev. Mary
Meeting for worship Ssbbmlb
Ing. 10:30 a. m.
Sabbath school. 11:45 a. m.; John
Tremaine, superintendent
Junior C. E., S p. m.
Senior C. £..5:45 p. m.
Gospel meeting. 7 p. m.
Teach*eri- meeting Tuesday evening
7 p. ro.
Prayer meeting. 7^30 p. m..
Preaching oh Sabbath both morning

icy Olshsn.
Every hounekeeper has road stories
in the magazines telling of unexpected
company and of the skill with which
tbe writer has concocted mar>*elous
dishes, after going to tbe cupboard
nnd discovering half n turkey's wing
some caviare, a quarter of a slice of
stale bread and a tin of French n
rooms. The articles found are always
of tbe Impofudhle kind, which no ordi
nary woman is apt to keep on her
shelves, much less buy In tbe first
place. Tbe fcdlowing recipes are prac­
tical. and are given with tbe hope
that they may be n help in Unros of
Rev. W^R^^rwin. pastor.
Brown Hash—Take any kind of c6ld
meat you may bare, add ooe cup of
cold bOUed poutoen nnd one cup of
Mpworth league. e;30 p. m.
bBsnd emmba. Chop nil together until
Evening service at 7:00 p. n
fine. Beaaon with salt and pepper and
a little onkm if preferred. Place on a
frying pan with <toe tablespoooful of
L oordinl wteeomn te thtet I
butter and fry unUl a delicate brown
When ready to nerve turn out on chop
Church of Christ (Ptoeipton.)
plate. Uking care not to break tbe
J. Allen Canby, minister.
Sunday, 3:30 a. m.. quiet boor.
crust, and plaoe oo It one ponebod
Sunday. ipiSO a.
nomlng wor­
egg for each peraon to be nerved.
ship. sennao.
Bmergency Salad—If you hale a
Sunday. It
Sunday school.
cupful or minced chicken or venl. or
Sunday, 3:30 p.
Junior C. B.
Sunday. 3^30 p. m., Intemedlate C.
anything else, tbnt is enough for two
persons and not enough for the unatoday. 7 p. m.. evangMIatle ntnrlce.

Chocolate and Other Caraaela-Pnt
Into a granite saucepan a quarter of
a pound of grated, uasweetea^ choco^
tote, four otmcM of butter, one pound
of brown sugar, a gill of aotossea. a
gill of cream and a teaspoocfnl of van­
illa angar. 8Ur the whole over the
fire until thoroughly mixed, then boU
slightly until it cracks or hardens
when dropped into Ice water. Turn
into grsaaed shallow ^s of a depth
of half aa Inch, aad ataad aridu to
oooL When nearly cold grease a sl^
knife with oUve off and mark the oar^ hardnndt lop up with the meat, nerve
res. coUtag part way
lenvea» with mayonnatoe
taru. When eold biuak
WedoMdar, 1:S0 p. m, ertry Meond
wrap in waxed paper and put in
PVuli Sllcea Take allcea of any
>ad foorth
Dora*. Aid «Kl«tr
sue to koup.

CmiiM Engltth Plum Pudding.
Half a pound of fln«-l> mlnr«-<l stiei.
fre*‘ from skin, half s pound of well
washed and dried currnnta. lhn*»^
quart.-rs of a |N.und of stoned raisin*,
four spo<mful8 of freshly grated white
brund erumlis. ihrec spoonfuls of dried
and slfietl flour. fl»*e ounces <if sugar.
Ihri-e whole egg*, enough milk to mix
these Ingredients, three minre. of fine­
ly chopped citron p«*el. one-half <»f a
nutmeg (grated) and a spoonful of
fnih Juice ThiH can to* lioiled either
In a cloth or a mold. It should tola.lliMl steadily Tor «-Ight or nine biMiis.
and It will then k»t*p for a eonsldeiable iH-fhi.1. When wanted for mu- It
must to- boiled ihrc-e or four hours,
arctjrdinirto the time it was flrvt cook­
ed. As a general rule, to to- good, a
plum pudding requires altogether
twelve hoimi* steady cooking. It should
be remembered that It must not gooff
the Ixill the whole ilme It i* c^rK.klng.


-----------------------Holiday Cake.
j ninnch.three-qianiters of a pound at
•heUcd aiBKinds. ftob slice In halves;
rjbop lislf B pound of citron; "mix
Quinctt Pudding.
^jent together and roil In sifted flour;
Cook 004 half mpfurof |M-a
ijdd six* well bMtea egas nod thrt-iters (jf n.fnimd of angar; mik
boiler, for ^aWim hour. Pst «n« ptoi quarters
dHt In n pmmtl of Hoar. Bufof canned qiflnc^ In a* pudding dlrtj. waH.. nnd
ti-r kmik shallow cake pans, put tin*
add enough sugar to sw«-< i*-n the sago,
luitti-r in them, and bake in a qpilrk
w hich to to »*e turti4-d over,!lie qulnr<-9 Cjven. When <lom-. fake ont. roll In su­
and baked about half an hour. It can gar and finely poundeil almof»ds. Put
be' senr«;d hot with a butter sauce, but •way in a light Un tiox.^and those
jenke* w ill keep bir n year.
If to better se rved cold with cream.

To Be Frank
you have really never
. eaten a true soda crackes
until you have eaten

Uneeda :


The only soda cracker
‘which is all fiood and
always good, protected
from strange hands by a
dust tight, moisture JEC
proof package.

7:30 a. m.. Religo-Uterary society.


A Sugffsqtton ter Christman.
A Christmas brids of tost year was
the rt-rlpb-nt of a preseat which has
iproven u never ceasing oi^furt to her.
Ud which dally hpUu
|gard to the though (.fu tores of ^11^ .
giV4-r. The gift was a complete set of
4g* for her new house, comprising
laundry tiag. a bag for soiled table
bapklns. and dollies, a dust tag bag.
catch air liag of gi-nerous dlmc-niKion^. a hhcM- bog. darning bag. button
Ug W4,rk Ug. bag for soiled handMTchb-fs. and a bai
bag for stocks and
jpidton-t IThe iust4»rial M-lectcd for
bulking the 1«gs was batcheris Itanle4l with ibe/Y
bride s m<iimogram done In pink nnd
idiie wash embroidery silk, and a sim^b- d«-slgn of scroll w-ork —Table Taljc:


7:30 a. m.. Social service.
11:45 a. m.. Sunday school.
7:00 p. m.. Preaching by Elder W.
p. Ellto of South Boardman. All are
welcome to attend the services.
Church Brevities.
Church of Christ—Sermon to chrislisns St 10:30 s. m.; subject. "How to
Uve the Christian Ufe." E>angeMHtlc service 7 p. m.; subjocl. "The De­
structive Power of Sin." The leading
bought will be Just bow and why sin


Learn Telegraphy

dren. babies.
Mince Mast.
two pounds of lean beef, one quart
of apples, three cupfuls of raisins,
one-half pound of citroB. one-fourth
cupful of candled orange peel, onehalf cupful of mostoanes. grated rind
and juice of one lemon, two teaspoonfull of salt, one-half teaspoociful cloves
a cup of boiled cider, one pound of
suet, one cnpful
fourth cupful of candled fruit, onefoprth cupful of candied lesm peel,
cupful of sugar, grated fted and

Chop the beef nnd suet very fine,
nnd mix. Add the chopped npples Seed
the mtoiBB, chop the enndled fmlta.
peel, and
slice the citron. Add to the meat and
with tbe curranu, spices and
aalt Mix aad add the sugar, molas­
ses. lemoe and orange Juice; when
weU mtoed ndd the cider.

Positions Guaranteed Graduates.

A oon^ at tbe IBAIN DISPATCHEBS' SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHV (tbe only school of the kind in the I'nited SUtea) wUl «t
yon to earn from S50 to $ 160 a month. The facnlty of tbe
■chool an men of yean of experieooo aa practical train dapatebefs.
Write for booklet on this anbjeet and special rates for those shb
enter at ODoe.
rnsMT 0/Mofekarf' Setotf af Tilaffmph/. Ottnit. Mki.

tf LH»r tbe gnat Stonmeh.
EidneyaiidLiTerBegiilator. PHcpVjOO.
WmmuTt "9U afUhr immediate onre for Orarn'iii. WboopiagOragh.DeafneM Slid Bbenmatiam. 50 CMft.
rnHfmm’t MtimM
and Shampooing, 10 mat,


Eeeema, Daadmff, Sharing

fiii-H •

' Ijhll


. whmi in tbecoaiae
I IHM %«la b«rii« b«« rtmm mm


ABd gM tlBt *m l» U^r WMS
«•« l> • Ml o( «M> mama eltkM
doald* or oiatlr M row fury
dieiai*. Brtit d U» tBMi ort
lM«d iMtSM. Mdr sad ■KWOtM is
tko «MT bM MTl*. Wd corry aim •
widplrta IM d vhlpt. plMh roMa.
biaakau aad oTMTUtiW ta tfe* vajr of
horao «Mda aad tuMe awpIlM.

la Che gaBerp. A friend of the painter
I l« b«UrTW <kat tfcr wufi l»<

»l« Ortfc O flw »Hg —< i«—h ■B4*tak1t tats*,Mae rtw

preoeat to the Pplato anp irork which
the cwminr was deligbted and went ia
search of and found one 6f the moat
MMtod parte te an
the Hrar haaatifal enmptaa^ Monet, whlci
bp the
t%y noald waaClj bare
to the dtp I

I d M Bactteh tertar. P

kw« r«aaUaS W aar crta* alace 10*
CooCr Mr. akM CtobrMI* Baai|wnl. (ke Marawaa. arko annaainl
to laad-ia Aaiertra. atm fcer inmallSa fM artooa a aoapto of r«afa
aan. Alik tka aM ar aa aceoaiMaa
HUM Pm. baUki Ooafa aad kM kli
tkf4y te M tniiilc.
Uito thm
ibr f*rt fbst
troMD Oii«rte. «ko*» rf^
1» V«fW
PWii^. *r# Umpiiemu
Wd to
m M( anM to
Wf b*T* •
Tbrr* U no
nsr 4o«t»! tb«> Dr
JotofHiiBd alMintjr tonrtoc for
Am^cM. Muf fbo poUc*- »r# caHinead
that ihMt nan iht moitvr of tW ol.
If baa bero prot#^ that Or. H^b^n
In rotopanr vlrb thf C^broom. n.Ifi^
puntorotia vUIia in thv aaburba of
Part* wUh a vl^-ar to rt«tlnK thriB.
A rrirtoun fan In cnnarclUni with
Ibt^ vtfttu
Ibaf Gui^rin atoavR
Inquired wbeihet Chare wm« a nHl
la the ipirtton. It U auppoaed that tbr
IntaiUlon ara» io mardar and throw
hit bodr down the well. However.




iteaadoa the
hr CeateoB and bit naaonplice
Hlaa Marr Smith, the beanttfwl
BmgtMi fXrl with wboat the doctor
wna to lore, and whoai the Ooerto Special Cabin to the Brentng Bnoord.
wocaan aapa Oaabroa alao admired.
II to tbondht that ^Coppright. ipoe. bp the Hearat News
lor Amerkn oa the 8i. Paal
London. Dec. 15.—Buckingham pal>
Mary WDaoe.
Are. the Ung havtog ord^ that
Mr. Dodrr a pooai
aaitouated Are . and aaliAg« apto an attache of the
parauts kept tm the premtoes should
parthMii of the ateiiatrp ct Pine Arts
be modemtoed.
haa told how he wraa dop^ hp the
A staA of three professional Aremen,
Crabom. He taps he mH the Oaerto
cbcjsen from the jnetropollun **brig
ade- has been engaged, and tbep will
riace vtfb a
be retolbreed bp the exlating palace
tiah clH. the ward of
jiilTate Are companp. manned hp tor
London and traa totrodaead to the ro>wi aerrmnts.
The improvements Inelooe an to
beaottfal Siarp BmUh who was not on^
It lorely to look upon bat highip ac- creased narob^ of hpdranis to and
coOMdtahed as well. He showered prmH abooi the palace, hand-pumps placed
enis opoB her. bat Just wbcii the en> in even corridor, and »Hl water piool
ftacemeot was to be ^toteillHp ar­ aheeu dUtrllmtcd>a. dUtereat parti
ranged the ftlrl disappeared and be of the buildtog. rntli King Bdaafd
wms anable to get track of her. Event- ordered these reforms, the ropaJ req
ually he lodged a complalot with the idenre Io Iwoothm was hopelessly out
police. He was aummoned to an In of-date in Ita Are equlpmonu.
Thi king himself haa had exper
apectors* oTBec and learned of another
similar complalni which had toen lent^ In Aghtlng the fUmrHi. Oa oni
lodged. Th.- poung girl In thla case occasion when Arc broke oat at Marl
was called Mias Lawrence Northmpe. borough, his' rcsideooa. when he wui
When abown the photograph of Mias prlnw of Wales, he took off his coal
Noijihrope he was astonished to rcc- and worktHl atrtnuuusly to aave hit
ogntoe In It the idciare of Mias Marp furniture and valuables.
rnptond rewards the herpes of th»
Dr. HcImtI to progresalng sallsfaclorllp towards recorerp at the boapl rrirkM Acid with money In IU-« o!
al. and toe police are actively seeking j laurels. J. T. Tyldesley. l.jincashire i
Marp Smith, aa thep. bellCTe aha holds best ptofcsslonaJ cricketer, has Juki
check for I15J.25. the ne
the clue to the myaterp.
ptocewla of a match played for hii
All fhuis to astonished at the gen­ benefit.
No' other Inncaahlre rrirk»“ter ha<
erosity of an unknown American who
much fpjm a In^nefit
has Just given a magnlAcent rarople ever received
or the work of Claude MoneL the Im- but Gf^ige Hirst, toe Yorkshire play
preaslontot. to the Art Oallerp of the er.‘ r<-^ IvtMi fI7.:.o0 two pears ago.
Anolirer cricketer. Walur Lees, o
city of Parts. This gentleman aaya
that be will give other works of nrt the Surrey Club, has been handiM
to the gallery, but only on the a>uA\ llb.fiOO ns the proceeds of his lienr
tlOD that his anonmitp shall be strict
ly maintained.
The young Duchess of ^xburghr
The wap the gift waa matle to mrioaa. The curator of 4he Petit Pa (who was Miss May GoeleO has bcei
tala was dining in the bouse of an odmltied to the charmed circles «

• • •



1S8 a .fmit St.

nlar to ihdr

lie maniage of the ^ineen of
haajlefi her mother. Princcf
of Banenbcrg. a lohelp reel
has retired altogether from
and she even declined toe king s |nvitaiioa to Windsor, to meet King Haak­
on and Queen Maud of Norway.
In her Ule of Wight home ahe ia
devoting herself to her llterahr work
and to her sons. Maurice and Leo­
pold She U engaged on a book alK>ut
the Ule of Wight and her visits to
London are simply for the purpose of
tiding up her subject to thb Brit lab
Museum Library.^
The widowed princess to thtia not
without resources to console her for
She is

the first woman to BagUnd to aspire
to the dickey” of a hansom. Miss
Jones applied to the Kingston police
for a ncensc. which they rc»fusej.
She then applied to Scotland yard,
the headqoaxterw of the metropolitan

sireeta from toe top of
She to DOW waiting to kne
SeotUnd Yard will create w
for her.
In rehearsing her csb drivers, Mtoa
Jones wore s fetching costume, con­
sisting of the tebman-s tgMlItlooal
bearer and a
buttoned ap«»rttog

A NSW Way ot Distributing Prestnts.
U \ one cxirner of the room where
the Christmas feallrltiM sre to take
place l»e fitted up as a poat-offic«\
and anolher comer made to lepresent
a lisnk. Have ready to the post-office
vnveloiies. «wch bearing a name of the
The duke of
one who to to receive a gift, and In
tion from his Amerlcsn wife seem
each envelope a •cheek” in favor of
have a strange effect uiH>n him.
(he chapter of the Order Of the (Tarter the one to whom the ^velope U ad-^
for the inveatiturc of King Haakon dressed. This check may read
at Windupr castle, the duke was ob
North Pole. Chrtotmaii. mT.
vlously, ill at .wm*. He mure his gor
Snow. Frost A Co . linkers.
geous gartir robes awkwardly and
Pay to the order of Hairy Hawthorne
bor^ himself very
King Edwaril gave him some tactful I one pair of skates.
Santa Claus.
advict*. The public sensnilon made
has Jnst n*t :m* .l^to New* York after a su
Also have n»ady to the bank the
n for IS.oo^i feet, ajnd
over his matrimonial nffalVs has ob­
exploit in PeiII. wbrrt‘ kJh* rUnih»Nl Ml. Hus
viously lHM*n v-t'cy painful to the duke. presents which are to be given, each
hei IndUn'guides
tinned Uirk from Its
suiiiMd* li
one prtiperly designated. On the even­
Miss Clementina Jones of Newj ing of the festival fyt the postmaster
. ' ' ' _,7 I call oui the names uixm the enveloifea
(Lady fleil herself for n cab driver’s dlcense.j
• ich child or person,
King E«lward s wonu n friends whrwejMi-. Oeorce Cornwalll
qualificallons muKt.t*e uit aiorpowt r j R.i;id«dph
but has failed lo convince ihc local as blK iiain** Ik called, go to the office
to amuse hia Majt^ty. The king made 1 br.H»k»‘. and Mr.**. C.eorgt*
police thnt she woiUd to* as R.H>d or and nreive hL check. He may then
take If IO the bank. and. pr«*sentlug It
aMHHdal request which WH.-*. of course j whose sochty the king de
iM-rier a Vabby” ns any man.
taken as ti command, that the Dak* ! to-cause they are the reverse
Slie knows. lnd»****l. more al»oul to the cashier, receive bis gift.
and Duchess of Hoxlnirghe should lie j Th** * c*iuiitVy r»«*ople’" t>f Rt^xbiirghe borTM*P and driving than many m**n
To Curw a Cold In Ono Day
nriil fsuli siih the duke and duchess w ho are granted Hcenaes. as she forai- me
(UlO OolatBs mtou
erly owm d horseK. and Jish tosni mm
for only inxitiog outsiders l> I'
ctu»le. Thi- lesser nobility knd gcnThe latest American duchess thus tr> “ living around Kelso arejloft out ing. Rhe ch*»M* cab drlvlifg as the vo-j

- ■ ■ - —
lakot her pWee amqpg.aucb brllllanl ib«* *|iira! « nt**rt.nlnnients and so the cMlon she would iM* iH st fittci for. ] TOILET WATERS at Miller s pharUndauntwl by ihe fart that she was! mscy.
dec 13-lf
are inot popt the Duebejas of DeviHislurc.iyo.jng diik** and

Ilie Hannah & Lay Mer.

Every want


of Yonr



Suggestions Ibai arc roost opportune for the shopper.

Novelties from the Dry
Goods Division

Christinas Shopping at Its Best
Our great Store while in a s* enilng state of confusion
find the Anetl tot of novelties.ever bnmgftt lo F^e cii.v. I-;:arb
the shopper and it does net take long to make dlcirlons. There
.von have oh your list, and NOW to the time to buy. Don^t wait

mix up Is yet the place where von
division bn.- -omo things that appeal
are b-i-.uiiful
for every person
until ih** I;im momenJ.




loaa what to gel. cousuli this ll**t. It will help you and the ■rtlcles are
just what Tie” wants.
A nice .Muffler. $1.00. $3.50. |3.oo. $2 'A fjod. fl.SO. $1.00.
A Silk Umbrella |8.b0. $7,Oo. $c.00. $.«l.A0. |4.5<v. ff ’.OO. $3.00. $2.3(1.
A liewiiilful Seatokln Cap 123,00. |20.00^ lU.ftO. $12 00. f 10.00.
.AT»ox of half a dor.eo linen handkerchiefs 44JiO. f4 Oik fS.50.
I.-. O0, $2.50. $n-». I1.5U. ll.tK). 73c. 50c.
A nice Necktie, ell tor Four In-hand. Ascot or English Sqnarc.
$2.30. $2.!Hk I1.13U. IUH‘. 73c. 3«c.
. A nice stvltoh Hat $5.00. $3.00. $2.50. |2 tk>. $1.50.
A nice Sweater |C 00, fS.OO. $4.30. $3.50. 12.50. $2.00. $1.50.^
A nice Knit Coat. $5.0tt, $4.50. $3.50. I3x*0. $2.50.
A Ane SmoUng Jacket, dlffetmt colored collara and llnnlngs.
$4 00.13.00. $tA». $7.00. fh-OO. $0.03. $10.00. $12.0©. $15.00. $20.00.
A Ane Bath Robe, $3.00. $fi 00. $7.00. $S.00. $10.00. $12.00.
A good warm Pajama. $1.*M». $2.00. $3.00. |4jOO,'$S.OO. '
A Ane CkAh Cap. $2A0. $2.00. $1.60. $1.00. 7Ec. $0.
A nW Blue FUnnel Bhlrl. $SA0. $2.00.-$L60. $2A0. $1AQ. $1.50.
A nice CordiiTop ^tl’$2A0. $2.00, $1A0.
A pa|r of nice Cnltoed Glorea. $2.50. $2JhO. $1A0. $1.00.
A nice pair of Uned Glorea. $2A0. $2.00. $1.75. 11.60. $i.00. 76,
A palr.cC nice Fur Uned Cloves, $10 00. $sA«. $T.50. $C.OO. $6.00.
A pair of Gold Otir Bultoha. |7JM». $6.00. $5.00, $2.50. $2.00.
$tJi0. $14>0.
A pair t^ Silk Half lloae. $3.00. $2.50. $2.00. $1.A0. $1.00.



You Will And here all toe Table Necessities, and the goods that ai* the lH**:t ot Christmas gifts. Curv­
siiecially priced
ing Sets. In thtr-e pieces. A Are aai »nm« nt to si*leci from, ebony and born ban
this season, from $l.:»n to $9.ts) a ac
T^ach.-Hacli a nice rase, 'ai ?2.*»t’.
K#^C5 and Folks, in sets of
. Tabic. SiKxnis. OyMer Fork.-*. Baking l>i<b*‘s. Fmli
Disb<*s. jpie

that was
Tbeao make Ihc Ane gift, and the CyeoHearing Swee per Is the
lal” at $3ik*. ito'.- HiM***1l”
There are three kinds to select from. The 'Gobi Meda
$2.30 and the -Standard” at $2.23. It Is a


sell at 75c.

ered Linen Collars

The neweKl designs at 23c, and the i

in cMJdleas variety, in twlb solid colors and Kiripes for neck ribbons.
fa-hcH. hand bags, companions, and hiiiidretls of to*auiiful Chiistmag
gifts that are so eakily mad**. Sell in dlff*r«*nt wldthK. at 25c, 33c.
40c. 30c. 75c.

*r tint on the mar!
itb nbkb* trimmings

The newest novelties in Side and Rack Comlis. articles that
highly Sell at 23c. 50c. 73c. and $l.(^.
w*9man would prize


select from. Surely no Ijelt l*eari handled ejnv
would be prized by any one.

Mak*e useful gifts
yon .give than some of this niei' were for the kitchen
*r prpae
I at like J
*We hRve absoltiielv everything that to lieedc-d Jor (he use in the kitchen
to thla almost; indestrurtlbb„ ^ould aurely be •m happy thought
tbuughl fo rr membor the people who
do ao much woih in the kitchen, 5^ ^jeUing them acme of there articles.

Black Embroidered in dantlesst patterns 75c. $1.00. $1.23. $Ui0.
Fancy Black Silk Hose at $1.23 and $1^.

Never had so large and Ane assortment as we are showing now.
and such values, ic. 2c. $c. and 5c.
The Colore<l border* at 5c. 10c. and 16c.
Ikautlful IniilalH. iinUundered at 25c.
The same style laundered al 23c.
The Fancy Bordered, each In a nice box. at 50c. 75. and $1.0$.


Just a Suggestion for Your Convenience
When roo «re (oiBf by o»r .tore tn eUhrr dtmetlon pleue pm ihroul* It either froin the Dro*
Stole entrance ior tfaniasta IbV new entrance In the Oracery. nntl not out In the «rect. j
The archea are aJl talahed uni It »iv» Ton n hronil nlale fonrieen feit wide for yonr eontreolence
In Imaalnp from one dltrlalon lo nnotheror dltwsly Uro^fc fhc More.

•cen. No hrttrr irtfu out be
_ _
M>me of the aoect box SUtlonery
npuked. MCh bq,
. bMoty
»>■* «*•»" “









or odS Jeta: or
Mn gSvoa prwpt otMittoo. lit
o?«r Arms A Cols.
doe lt-3t«

fOK kALK-jtrtfr CMU*: 1 bon t

eao4 flfl: Urt
"nmpoiMit to toko dmno of diH4rm OM cort of booto w%»n lift lo
dttrfo: rslbrooeos rNolroA. Mrs.

old. : bro
•Mck. SI. Ldunbm dtisUj
•tUo or NtWtbport. It Booth, old.
n«>d;|l bod a«, Uck sndo.
Bln. booiiL old. «dU biod. MUd
eotor. ■aodjiiw. cboop; 1 oow. Tlw»n» rmp oceoBd. nviMmd; 1
bWf« It tooBU. old. lml.T of
Koftbport. i»«lMor*d; fbaUir r»d«
«im. to Mil. siM pooBs hottor*.
Ooldoo Hod' Pbno, Bprao WooMor



l| Pew^ el fflichloaii I
The State AaaoeUtiaa of Ibe Amer-1 tree, the t^ree feU hU war. ut
ma Society of Bqiiitg baa elected tbelblm a terrible blow on the leg.
10 oC the Whit? Lnmber Oo.
Boyne CRy wad the eceue of a
ry. B. riUlMa eerkwa.mflFhy the other night.
H: HoMridg©. Hebey
K. ^ Ana Af4r;|t
FOrmaaa Dow aside souNt of the
>«• A* -Jacka- wish they had paid more at­
K. Ptaerut, Barrytonj delegate to-wa- tention to the ruler.
Mr. Dow be­
kmal conremkm Charles Huff, ^er ing abaem for the evening, none of
them todolged in a game of poker long
By a rem>lutioB inimdeced by Judge after the cloalBg hour. On hit return
arrimaa. the Ana Arbor icbool he dUcevered the culprits aad ordered
board bat pcmalsed kbat rif the pas- them to deaiaL Aa soon as he left they
torn of the city rna uimalmoiialy agree ■Uried a| tbU .tlme some loud
upon some dHInlte aeUtoe U will pro­ talk awakened Dow and he waded in
vide for lu use in all the public oa the boys, with the rsanlt that sev­
eral of tbesa are In ihe boapiul for re­
ebooU ta the dUtrict]
pair*. The shs^ff was aenl tor Jby
Capt, aad Mri^ I. JT. Palmer cele­ some who thought there was a rtot.but
brated Ibelr sixtieth wedding anal on bit arrival Dow ancceeded In con­
reraary at ibelr hM on PObrth vincing him there was nothing doing.
street. Manistee. Tbitrsday. He U
Mayor C. W. I>oe of Big RapWs.
elgbty-aevmi aad bujwlfe 1* eighty
eight years of age. iBotb are much who. T throe years ago. cpme Into po»stronger tbaa many yjounger persona seaslOB of a anug fortune from CalfAs a sailor he baa visited every port fomlm relative* and ha* done much
of Dote la the world, auperintending for the Improvement of Big Rapid*
the building of fhe first steel passen­ In the way of putting up new buslne«K
ger o» the laksu. A family dinner In blocks and line realdenct**. hat purthe evening was prMed over by ebaaad four lota oa which he wUI erect
a §13.000 opera bouse aad Y. M. C, A,
Their other sous. Samuel C. Palmer btUldlng combiDMl and a two-story
of Bast Tawaa, aad James O. Palmer brick buslae** block for the Yolan­
of Bay aty. and their daughter. EUta- da Springs company. The opera hoote
wm be a brick' and atone bntldlng
betb of ihU city, wem preaeuL
John Hartel. a pioneer of Potter 84x120 fert, fire proof and equipped
vine, died Wednesday night at the age with modem stage applUnci* Work
on the Yolanda building will, begin
of 81 years.
Geo W. Johaion A Co., of Lancaa loinorvow. the contract having ' been
ter. Pa. have pufthaifd 380 acres of K t mday to A. J. White, formerly of
ftoD# land at Alpena ^or quarry pur- Grand Rapid*. The upper story will
be fitted up for flat*.
»aes.- -

WAirrt0-» UMoi to hstu com
trood at M Mts por cord; good
taaias can maka big vages; board FOR AALl--1d7§->Flae modem house
for Aoa mad tea»s eaa be faraUbod
fllxtb Streep aad OM of the best oe
To appir. itM oltbor Boll or CIU.
the street. Price eaked la spot ceah.
pbooo to Cbomleal Works at Car
Price $42UL
Wade BtoSm «7
Ualoa street, atx. pboae lilt.
tor. I rnOao voot o( BoaOoii. Hooor
brmai-b oo P. M. It R. or pboao to
r. C. DosBKNid. Trarerao City. MIcb. FOR lALl^Raage aad beater; good
as new. laqulre m B. Proat 8t
doc tIKf
dec 10-fit
WAWTID-Tbroo or totif it
FOR •ALI-ll71~lf acres two mnet
flute Bank bonding: finest local
for Boborbaa restdeace ta tbU re­
gion Price gS.OOO. wade Bros.. §17
Union street Cltx. pboae ISlf.
MIN WANTID--Corn PfpdocU Ro*
■aiag eornpaar. Waokogan. flllaoU.
win open a aov glaeoM aad otsreb
fbetory aborUy. roqolrliig 5d0 tarn
lor aU dopartmeaU, as surch pad
U V. Curry who hap l^^n in bu*ldim. aboralort. taak watcbcio. ronesa ©ontlnnously in Pinion for fortyiBory aad food boos# tnea; pomp.
four years, has eold^ hia hardt^arc
goBoral ropair aad baody men FOR lALI-lies-Urge eight i
bottae. Urge lot R. Ninth street,
Steady work at good wages for reeloee In. Gash price |3§00. Weds
liable Bwa. Write Waukegan of
Bros.. 817 Ualoa street Cltx. pboae
of a ga» plant in Boyne City baa been
doe iWt
granted to O. 8. Heyden and W. H.
WANTIB—Pooltlop aa clerk In gro- FOR fiALE-<V>od top buggy and Selkirk, aad construction work will
Poniapd cutler. Inquire U K Trim­ begin shortly.
foiy or clothing store, four years'
eipwieiioe. Addreaa R C., care
X. A. Strong, a btwlnes* man of
dee 7 tf
Baton Rapids, arrived | home Wedoe^
FOR fiALE-OarrUge factory. fiOxIO. day from hla lumber camp at Caffrvy.
WANTID^lOO men aad boys to learn
with power,
MlchJ with a broken |eg. While he
plumbing. brtckUylng and plasterall lighted tar eleotridty: good fim was watching some tn^n i at down a
tag by^ actual practice la three
proteetloo. ig a ftae placa of 1100:
three raUroaile and a great opeaiag
for flee eaUloiue. Goyae Broe. Oo..
tor a generkl repair busiaeae: no
S3M4I N. Aablaad Are.. Chicago.
Uoa; Wm aaU lor 11800: a
aaap for boim one; ohraer la poor
health, Addram*?.
"J. J. Rorick.
Bortek, Oxlord. Mich, t
aoT 74f

"l^l manufacturer* are back of a
movement to make Holland a port of
entry, and an attempt will be made
to have congress pa** a bill to that
effect. The Klnaella Gla*» rompany.
which annually Import from 3S to 40
car load* of material on which It pay*
a duty from 83S.OOO to §40.0o0 la one
of the leading advocates. The Cappon
A Bertach Laather company, the Hol­
land Sugar company, the Holland
Willow works and other concern*,
who are large Importers, are backing
the project.

General Dews

FOR tALE-1484-Fourteen
bouse. §th strvet cloae to school,
as office girl.
factories arid postofflee: central
part of «th (street
Price $1600.
Wade Bros.,i8l7 Union St, CIU.
phone ins. }
WAMTIB-Toor tolled garmeota to
daaa aad i^e tike atw. Ladlee*
FOR «ALE-|4fS~8lx-toom boose.
work a apaeMKy. Partslaa Dye
Works. Sit B. rroat Bt Call SIfi
pi in.
gtreet. Cltx. phone lllf.
ONi. phoat aad we vtU do the reef.
FOR SAtE OR RENT—Rouse oa Cass
street near Twelfth street el§ht
rooms and furnace: new. Sherman
A Hunter.
nor id-tf
^POR lALI-Itore aad lot eeraer
J^Wat aad Oak Mreata; apleadid
OR fiALE-UhO-nne house, comer
mi flat npetalre;
of Boyd and
; large lot; new
Teat to right party, Baqalie
bouse; easy terms; price flfiOO.
flbermaa A Huatar.
ocl SWf


►or lALC—BIgbty arre farm
-miles west Norrl.rlUe; four
poet office TrsTerse City;
garden; good buildings; all In
flmt-claas coadlUtm; cash price Wade flraa. tl7 Union
ntreet. CIU. phone Itlt,
POR flALI-ltSfi-Oood new sevenroom bonee. tth street, close to
eebued. market aad church; easy
terms. Price IldOO.
Wade Bros.. fi7 Union St.. Cits,
flbime ISIS.
dec 1-tf
APPLIt FOR lALC—I have some
choice apples by buihels for sale;
^ OHmea' OoMeaa. Baldwins. Green
IBH. Talapahokklea, Pewanklea.
Talaimn SweeU. Wagooera. B. J.


HOT Sd-tf

farm It mile* south
ed; new
Price I4W0. Wade Broa. fill Union
atxeei. Clu. phoae 1H9.

ri HAVE hardware stocks at Grawn.
Hotel and Bgr Puraltuie atoCk and
trade at Labe Ann. Urge flouring
mill at C<q»enilsh. one of the largest
and best hotela all furalshed. In
Northern Michigan; one thousand
million feet of best hardwood, hem­
lock and pine In Michigan: llTery
bam fully equipped In TmTeme
City. We hare R. R. and saw mills
also a few choice locations In cen­
tral portion of Traverse City. We
have gold and silver mines In the
greatest mining district In the worlfi
—the Ovid Field District. Nevada.
We have rdd and allrer mines la
Colorado. In toct. we. hare properiy tor sale ►imoat itaywbere you
waal It. But we hare nothing w*
can offer yog that wlU equal the
Grand Tmrefee Region for aato.
tune profiUble investment, either to
purchaaer er aa security for loan.
We alsraya have a gilt edged se^
curity for your money aad we al­
ways have the money for gilt edged
§17 Union Street.
Mich.. Cltx. pboae 11 If. Oill ns
by phone, local or long dUUn<
We pay the frelghL

new cement block house; good bam.
price lltOO. Wade Bros., §17 Ualoa FOR kALE-Oae pair single sleighs
etiwet. Cits, phooe ISlf.
nearly new; alao good single work
baraeas. CUIxen* phone, 'G 117T.
POR IALC^147K-niie new tea room
boaae. comer lot, ooraer oC talon

wior*$»S? ' wid.

*17 UB10« ttra^yciu. phoof

large lot. bouse wen

also one comer PVont and Rose. A.
P. Hnellmanthl.
dec 8-U

War ship* equal In iall respect* to
lose built In private |yards may be
instructed In gcvcinmlr'nt yards, sayjs
Rear Admlml W. I. (^piis. ^hlcf of
ruction burea i of the navy.
In his annual m|>on.,
A hearing on |'re*ld< nt Roosevelt s
suggestion that coal lands owned by
government should hereafter be
Hi Inatead of being sold wll! be
held Dec. IS. by the House commite on public land*.
Favorable report* wefe ordered yes­
terday by the Senate'commltteo on
Interstate commerce on the norolnation* of C. Clement* of Cnnir
gia. James S. Harlan. ^ Illinois and
Edgar B. nark of loifa, to be Inter
stale comroeree commissioner*.
Chri*tma* boxes and parcel* for the
enlUtcd men erf the navy *e ving In
Cuban water* will be delivered with
If marked ‘‘ChriKt’ma* pack
age" and addressed In cliahce of the
depot quartermaster. Newport Near*.
John H. Perrin, of IndlanapoUa. ap­
peared before tbs House committee
on banking and cnrrency yesterday In
auppon of the American Banker** as­
sociation credit currency mea»ure.
He urged the aoeeaaltr for fSOO.CKM).fiOO more In bank noieii
in the bonae of
den. liberal member for the Tottenham dlvlaloa of* Middlesex, asked
whether the United 8ti|tea bad
bad prom
laed lu full auppon tq the plan for
an International conconsider the situation In
the Congo FYee Sute*. and whether
Great Briuin In conpinctlon with
the United State*, wotild take steps
toward the summoning of tho conference. Sir Edward Grey, foreign
•ecreUry repUed that no plan for the
of a cogforeoce bad
mi<^ bat the
Unliod State* had expressed a desire
to contribute to the rcallxation of re
gmdoQ dUpatch. pdhlUhed In
New York. «ay* a correspondent m\

FOR RENT-Houae opposite Jail; $13
a month anil water taxes. Dr. HOUtE FOR RENT-Oo Waahlngtoo
straet. laqntra at 338 Waablngtou
Thompson. Inquire 830 8. Union 8t.
atraet Mr*, Wnkln*.
doct 1041
dec 13-tf


FOR IALt->147§~Oae hundred aa<! TO RENT—Ropma in People's 8arsixty acre farm six mUes from city
thga Bank builAag: ateam heat, hot
aad cold water, gas aad electric LOfiT-WenjuMotig ptakm bcCwsm
Welllnroo street and 333 State
lights^ bath.
dec IS-tf
tov«; tpu borM«; two bidU; *11
Finder return to 333 State.
dec 1341

*17 UoloB

OIU. pbOM 1*1*.


km otTMt. au. plMOC 111*.

RENT^rCheap. ©

Oaitad aad
laqairs P. G.
Bombb.. l*i|^
tee *47

LOfiT-Wblic and black Bngllab aet
ler bird dog with leather collar an4
iron lock on hit neck. Reward ii
retnmed to F. C. Desmond,
dec 144i


who ha* Ju*t finished a *lx month*
ficnUHicc In jail for a political offense.
Throughout hU imprisonment night
md day a phonogiaidi fixed In his
•ell unremiitingly ♦ground out Ihe
iusHlan Nallomil anthenn -To teach
ilm pairiotliim." It had tho de^lretl
‘fftHTl. He U now a hopeless idiot Oth?r prisoner* have been confined In
•olU Illuminated by a blinding blue
Ight with the twilt that they were
nade ImbtH'ilea In a few monthsv
Frederick F. Nugent, a New York
awyor was put on trial on connection
rlth the Equitable Title Guarantee
ro.. which had some trouble a year
mo. Percy C. Vandewater. wjtio made
he complaint against Nugent, said
hat he gave .Nugent $300 In cash and
ITtHt In note* for .dock In the eom[liny which he said Nugent told him
had been Incorporated. Vandewater
found out that the comiumy had nevpr bew lncor(K>rated. In addition,
ho name* of Ini G. Darrin, a former
Jisirlct attorney of Queen* oountr.
sod David a Sickles, were used as di­
rector*. and they say that t^r name*
arere used wltaourauiborit^
A Berlin diJfcatch. published at Kew
York. aa>** (hat 8tc>phen Kotx. who I*
dMcrlbed a* a proap^rou* young car­
penter of Cleveland. Ohio, has ju.*t
bben married by proxy to a farmer**
pretty daughter, his childhood sweeiheart. Koix emigrated a few year*
ago aad was \oo busy to come bahk
to be married. He asked a former
comrade to give undertakings at the
altar on his behidf.
IF. for any reason, your grocer doe*
not furnish you with IDEAL product*.
get It. Both phone*.

Arc Your Collections Slow

(g the law department of the tdUvsrsity carried oE aU hooora. The ^ual
was one of the best allteaded or Tablet. 35 cents.

tor over two yaan.** Bast body dean-

e chlMrea sIrk. Gat t£em at
a aad they am sma\to be

Ton Hare GiTcn Up?

I ten make mooc^foryoo

A. Pohoral
Aseocj^cmir Hminnioi
Trama Ctcy, Mleb., Sapt. 18.1M8.
I bava placad a anasbar of aaoc
vltb A. FoboraTa agaacy for an
laa. aHUU af tbam hmg ootlavad; bat
laat tba aama Mr: Fahorml biaatb
dallaqMata ta tima and flramflt

Farnis for Sain 1

drug Stoma.
qnantitias, dalhrerad to any part of
dty. Qotaa CHy Dairy Ca Clla.
phoat €78.
DOjr lO^tf

Pere Marquette


0PEN,E\T:NINGS untU ChristmaiL
dec 13-Ct
The ranjMiaL
OUR IDEAL spring patent flour t«
guaranteed to be unturpaaaed b^ any
oa ihe market. A trial wIB coavtnee
HOT CHOCOLATE, tqmato soup,
beef tan. fine coffee wltb>good cream,
at Jaekaoa'a.
dec li-€t


at k»fller'a pharmacy.

Ifeiv ^ork

I have a number of ROOtr
Viilii »»M.

all the way from 40 to
»ak^ or if you
I have any good property. I will
take it in exchange and make
j*o p.A.DHMv you easy terms. I can sell >-ou
a good farm for less money
[than you can buy it of any­
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
One customer told us he ncv<-r. hstl to 20 miles from Travcrsrt
n coal that gave him the satisfaction
City, all good improved land.
that Hoclclng valley doe*. The maxi­


' A Testimonial

mum amount of h(«t with the mini­
mum Amount of coat consumed. That's
It's the soft coal you should use.
Pbono us about it


r. B. TAYLOR COAL CO 420WB»hington,l
A BeauHfal^
WaU Pocket
Tliia ia a hanaMmo embgasetl leatherette wall pock,
et in the natural color pf
Icmther and is something not
c»ly naeful, but aomithinK
We hav(» al* ayi had aoiuethingof this-kind at ChrUtmas, but ihia is the fincat wo
ever had.
Thtjae will bo giveh away

with a 25c pnrcba»« cr more,
in aclJiUon to our retnilar



0eoB Hb 3arpif

201 freat Sirssi

W4irt*h <rf GANt»Y will
in the Uult.-d States thU y»-ar.
Some df.nUTH
of rpnme
wll tnon* than olhvr>.. bjt tlu-ro
U a n*3»on for thl*.
The ab*oluU»(l»rRITY of (h<>
Bottnomy Storo Catidlfwi ct»mbined whli the unusual luw price «rf



MOlfROE a MeWfetHY



Dr.W. J. Higgins
See window display


R.G. Paulin, prop.

Porcelain Work}

21o E. Front.

CiL phono T74


10c per pound
are the two principal reaiutna
fur cwr tmmrn*^ candy busliuia.
If you w4Hil<I glv«- your children
till- ptin-Kt and lx At candies ubtalnal.le *1 ilu- i.iU;. y4ui slimild
buy tlu-iii ai (he
.Sunday and all church
SiKlelles will find It to their InU-n^t to buy Economy Store
, . .


Ou floor with Bp


Banuim & Earl’s
Diamonds from $10
to $300

FiBe wMte. perfect stoMS. They
make a good lavcstamat as
weU as a nice preseaL .

We have ihe Hamilton, Illinois, Bock,
fold. Elgin ami Waltham, aDdcas»s
for ihe name, from niekle to' solid gold,
all at the THjy lowest price at which
they imnbeaold.

BaTcyn accoHitt tkit

If 70S bare, let me collect
tbeffl for 7<HL
OldBpoMmto^ptly attanded

,.1 Ik. MM. M HMi. U

Jobasoa Dnig

A line assortmenl ol Clocks
from tl to $S0.
Sterling Silver Knives. Forks, Spoons,
Berry. Snoons,
Co!d Meat Forks, Butter Spreaders,
Fruit Knive«,
Cream Ladles,
Gravy Ladles, Sugar Spoonr.
Butter Knives,
0>'stcr Forks.
Berry Forks.
Car ving Sets
. and various other line*.

sever and flMmy Bnisbes.
Combs, mnrdrs.
Military Bmshei
Manicnre Seti,

TraveUng^ls. etc.
Umbrellas. Ladies’ and Gents’,
from *4 to 112 each.
We h«.Kllo the Pickard!
rtilM, the fioMt that ii iiuulfv A piece ol
thi,, or Ot tho Hawks Oat Glass woaU
make a fine pretent
Ring,; Broochea. Braceleta. Bcarf Pina, Keck
Chain, and Lockets. Cbaina, Channa,
Coff Bottona.
FotmUin Pena.
Opera Glaaaca,
Fi^l Glaawa. Sp^olaok*
of which win
and ,-ariooa other artklea. an)^ one of




This store will be opt n ^-enings ontil alter Chnstmas.

Barnum & Earl


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