The Evening Record, May 05, 1906

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The Evening Record, May 05, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



BWT ITttIUS DOdIoIEM UfE saroGE' Cut This Out
W '! TOTHE imiB

'" a m






»ve ScAmidt to Dytop mto Two Booood Trim for Mm Muedor of dot


MAon OfBuMi Alw Badto



tH* UlHIi* C—im>»WatO»VMiCr«Utt

Or WlTO to Itoi Bv«iu»i BmsmO.
W M strike of tto MiUirvHie ml


BF wire to the Kvenlng Meoord.
aanAe. K. J.. Mny L-A .wlW riot
e ottt thAs monlng; when SOO strik
tuttona auneked twenty-lve nonWRECK TRAIN ARRlVea
1 workmen. Ctnba. atoMa nnd r«s
?rs were freely md nnd th# porcrtWMUly fire Was FreventeA- lice engaged the riolem.
As ihA IMUU Of the TtoL OndUve
eader It le said to mmu that pmhahlr
BhmMll to dy ing and ef^t riotorm ni e
Wreck Occurred Near Ctover
tvmiT morr will not be able to
md. SnrgMnt OnUy nnd OCBcer One*
Creek Late LaM NIpAL




By Wire to the Rvealng Record.
Duna. Fa.. May L—The latoM de
tails from the Pennsylvania disaster wi
Clover Creek >uartlun tale last night
In which ten persons were reporte<j
dead, ahow that two hb'ni collldt-d
h«ad on wi ^dl sjmmkI. V^rKwm |ia«
•OARO RURLIC WORK* VaVORED seugeis aie known dead and from
liiily tt» gfty wore injured. yv»rtunately ire was prwjreuted hut the n seuer^
praetkwily helplesa until tie
wreck irato/arrtved The
hris of
iedns Js piled high uo and along
the right "of way.
The IVnnsylvanll ofOclals ewceEle
at l« ten dead and Thirty toJur«Kl
The cause was a ailsund. rHUndlng rf



Thawtoa thane PavaXd Letting the
'^Gounoli tattle the Matter tut Wat
\mpgotoad.^indup of the



PMhy le Htavy for Violation of the
OAAiia tami#1fio to HAMO or
Ttoo Yeww la rritaa Ono

Hew York. May 6.-The April ted

At the laat meeting of the board o(
public works, held last evening In lb ‘
council rtamts, action was taken npon
the awarding of the imvlng cualraci.
and John Scanlon of Saginaw war
ommended to the conncIl by the t
by a vote of three and two. as the con­
tractor. Metropolitan brick also being
MWJfneoded as the material for Ibc
liaving The vole stood as followH
Yeaa. Mcaars. Bennett. Waite and
Hopaa: nayt. Messrs. ShaM and SiniP'
son. The moetlng ndjoumod immedlaiely afteir the iwcdmiueiidalloit. mhlch.
however, had bw*n preee«l»*d
bUKliieas matters and a motion ofler%d
Thomas Shane that the matter beto the eoiincll without n'coronot seconded and overnidation was n<
by A. II. lh>uru^l by the one t
neli\m1 carried it.y a vote td ihn
The first matter to Ik* taken «p by
iCtmllnued on Third Tage.)

oral sratid jury la meludlnt He Ubors
reaterdar haadod dowa aovto sealed
lndlol»riito to the sa«ar rrbaitof
twem, TAo todlrtmrms are a«aH»sl
, the tonoadag.
^ New York CeolraJ .raUroad,
Amerleaa Bagai' ciim|»ny. the Near
York A Itwiaao River Raltroad oocn
pair ABd NaiAan aullf.»ra. Vlci- presl
TAo Aarertoaa Sugar Uennluc com
paar of New York and C. OiSHlIoe. JCd
gar aad Mwln Marie, the latler
bHtig wAiol|pale sussr d*«len of
The Now York Ontral A lliid»on
ntrer lUllrogd ooWfNUiy and Nathan
Was Built Foriy Year* Ago And Was
OalffoM. rtoo pfoMdaat. and K
One of the Prettiest Places
on th«* Peninsula.




«r l-l


AmiimI iaaguet of Campaay M.. Apaa-tok Amarican War Vetarana Will
Bs Htld^Es ioldiers Invited.

Aft<*r standing for nearly half a cen
luiy, tlM* old Oarland homestead on
tm* |•eulusula, jon the >mple C.rove
farm, sss ttdally drsiruved l*> fire
Ibis morning, the blare rvsolilng
fiom a def»vli\e flue Tli. ire wa»
dlsEHiveixM by ihe fsiuil) of J.*hn
Hular.who was living in the Iioqm\
vas loo far ad\anci*d to U- slo|iped
I.) the Ineflieleiil means at hand. The
hooae was owned by Koliert Uailand
wini roi*v««d Into the city last fall.
The place Is situated on the CEmler *
road alsml nine mlle^ from tl^ city
and U one «i( the moat towmtlfal spots
lietwi‘, n hetx* and Old Mission. The
hints.* was IwUl by John Garland
father of Hamuel Garland oMhe fUni
hank, and HoIkki. who owm^ it.
John Garjiand dh d a few >cam afte
building the largt* fatm house and his
aoa. Robert, continuist to make hU
home there until last fall, when he
motwd to this city and rent(*d the
Maple Grtne farm to John Kutoir^ who
anTodwnb • pimltm
his furnln

At a meeting of Comimny’M tost
avMlng the report on Ihe mroApts
from the rntman baU was heard nnd
protad Alghlr saiUfarmo. The pro­
reads M used fur cKariiahle pu
YV annasi bangoei will be held
Stay 11 the anniversary of the compaliy's deiMUtntv far Utond Lake olgAt
yearn apo and nil who>have
have borne arms
Ihe trnr will he* invtted
tovttrd to attend
bin aa It wlH be Impoaslble to raarh
oreryoae thopa who ivr«-lve mme will
Bmotog Cifoto a-d Ymmg Pooplo's Bo>
tie prtivlded with them on appileath
, cioty Cntortainod Ay Mr. and


■pidfoirt MnMdlnf. Fiimal Btnictiwt
to Kawhdlto. Waa Oetorayad
WfnmTHH Momlap.




\ —


Br Wire to fAe OeeiUfK RmrA
B Ut Mrm
mou%rnoH or tmi ocali com- taMfwmmwMrtoeTrMeritowriMiTTtc Aoorrcoi
mir cwtaHttMAtf ^
«AA rr»Mto
€» l—M TW Mem* My
rmivW Am Am MPOlAtod iMt «4»lt
WUi Wtk AfWl^ Tlif« tke AM AAtMtiM. H tke Tndm pm


to a Vordtot of OulHy.


, IW^ OtAm aim.

Rocolvad Queetot From AH Over the
Rsgion-Ovsr One Hundred Applications Made.

The efCelenry of one atoplo article
il.llhhed In the UcKn»rd about ten
days ago. stating that little Mary
Mori'land. a bright and attnudive child
of 11 was In niKJd of a home, has been
rated up to today, when ('oun
ly Agaat J. \Y. Himker sUled this
the Hts»rd that the ^re­
de brought over one hundred applica>ns. these not only th ing fn»m this
city iMit from surrminding village.*, and
. Maple CHy. Kik Itopid..
ska and In fact many other vH
held fsinllh's In neetl or willing
lu lake the y<,ung girl and give her a
mo. lb,I after The pub
lieation Mr. and Mrs. Davis, wbo had
liaU the littie girl- so long, changed
minds alH»tP letting her go and
she has since n maln«H] with them, and
the understanding is that they will
takecHit tnileinuiv pa|H‘is.


^ Wlr«- to the Kveolag Roeoid.
trial of Georpe Smith for the mhrier
of Joe Cawsey three yrntro ago and
which ended tost might in n vordict
of guilty. wna tallowed todny Ay n Ulr
aentenev- ni Jnckaen. Ho atm mnin-

WiUtoai Coon, manlier of the an^
(-r Sowiag Xk>« Mnntoteo, Is spending
4he day in the elty In ronmuUntton
with ihe>dlNrtct manager. Charles
A. Craoay.

I Took n Docldod

Stomp in the Local Mnriiot Of«pping as Low as S5 Centa.
Due to a Spodid oondltioB of tht
poiaio markets all over the oounlry.
the local Drice has slumped from 5Uc
io lielweTn 3ic aad 40c. Hesulllng
from this the rt*c«*ipts uo the market
hove diopped og aud there w ill not l«
over ISi, loadi* nK-elved for the week.
Theiv,«s»n bushels In Timverkf City bestdfs the Urge warwAousot
full througho.Ei Ihe country and non#
of the sunk has Un-u mored for sevfisl da.vs.
Ha> K ci.ailug in rcpidly and bringIII*; from fs to fii a tou.



Unton St Clothtora.

Itoeemk aAlmplo thing to
ask. l>nt It it often a d^enlt
Ihliix to ol4ain. for no one
can be at peace with their
ahoed noAeM they are lomfortidile, and no tboea can be
comfortaUe unices they fit


Order for
With Us.

Stock doors delivered same day as ordered. Odd
doors and wiadow screens in .three daya.
We'll send a'man to take the meaauremSAUt:~'‘

If you waul to have a per­
fect lit let ns fit yonr feet
next Ufiie.
AVe are auro we can give
you shoe natiefuctiou.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
•noH AAmdlm


Oxford. They are
choioett lefithem. di

o. c. MOrrATT

«» aMMw airn


Dn. Smyw t

Abstracts of TItls



^ by

clodea die popular Qnn Mettl, beantifni J Vtent Leather and the e*er re.
liable Black Ka Yon aMoordiaUr
inrited to inapoct theee new medeU
no* on view; priced to $2.50 nod $3.

■iaioKmnh to Rosepm


By Wire to the Kvenlng H»\x>rd.
New Yolk. Ma> ri.^.-The n'|»orl of
the seitlenieiit t»f the anthracite coal
strike caus'd a rapid up luni irf the
stork market u».la> Kven an unfavor­
able bank Kis'emeiit could not d. prea*
the 100% emeu I 1'he plt*H|KCI "f the
nptUin of coal operations is cans
tog a general Emtirauac toeling.





Even an Unfavorable Bank gUtement
Could Not Cauae Any Depresaion
Of the Movement.

.hiito. MdacMwr nnd
efniTthing in tnnUdas* that the
pnitieninr. nSned aad InaUM
dteaaer reqniiM. Onr (aoda «s
know have been amiiMRtb aaSalae.
to>7inqnalit7 nnd prioatantalHe.
and we propoae and ahaDaaa^amx
endeavor poNible not oobto keep
llkem*o,but to make iawfOfaaaaBta
whew it iein oar powwto do it.


1 liavo mtoli! i^ocrouf aolections of aiu^le jwtU rn nov.
eltioa for Aprin« anti aummer
wear, oml nhall enteem it a
favor to have the palilii* call
and examine the new elTecto
in WooleuB. •

I Hun ol, nM(


: : Our “BEST** flour needs
no eulogy, but speaks for
itself. . . In other words.

Ctol. '

Does Its Own Talking
Saves you a lot of trouble.


Hannah & Lay Co.

Turn Allagad FoatoMlcs RoAbera Ware
CsptoiBd-Over Fifty Shots
Were Exchanged.


Bj^Wlre to tho Kvtmlng Record.
Gtwheii, littl.. Ma^ 5.—The fight
wiiich eiulpd with the raptun* of
WaUh and Smith at the River
Breihrt-fi church wwi* » ded^pi iwtc tue?
In which oxer fifty abuts were ex­
changed without sejious woomU. The
men ntw rhargAd with the rtwchi MilIcrsbun powtoffire n.bbcry.

Her*'* th# New 1>#rby
new toe jwsi to by ctspraas-




ourj: ■:

^t hwm^^t^tu $3Mr. aad Mrs. Qus Bngiftrum entertaAnod tho Ladl~’ Bewtag Circle of the
Swodtoh church ml their home at ttot
Sant BtgAlh afreet yeatetday afternoon. Owing
nfiemoon •
n Uto.OwtoB the
iw Humatm

RoliM Of*.- All*«a oL.f.1 RMum.ti«h M Sii^M. ai«d RMM I. a.)ng
OtMNbutM; *MIM«t*rily.

Hbvb You 8#«n our caps at
;to$ Shirvs 50c tot*?
^ to soc? KoUrgm wml

8utta-Top Coats.-aK

'mt WIto to «a* erMtoa IUw«.
Br Wire In Ihe RA«lac Record
IBan. Mar a-r,i» «rty; eoorae SmdMh Saner nt wreMI.
8aa mactaeo. Majr a-The chief of
tWa Mannaa dounrod .too Ooawer- U too ownlas la# Swodlih Tong poUco baa iMMd an ordor |»rmliUiig
;•**«*•> •>«to»y gaihoeed at iholr.tho reauagUon of huhHaa and the
alao ho«a
a d«nghtf>l eroalag m« dWrthatloaat renarfaada ta |
tag eo aaMa*a«orUy ihal ■
Tha loM la Martr-a halt anaat. tWradhMrau of kc mao and

vX '




* '


lA «M of







Hat Comfortable Feeling
«oow« to OM M be gUM At kb mHiWI :
faMk book ahoviiw A faebMoe to hi*
m^iteleediljr groiriAg Igr tetwetaJ.
<Utiaw AAd leeliM thAt ehoAU «iAkr.
tAAo oTMtAke bia he ha* Moietiiiac
n^bUe to CRT him Aloe* AAta better
iiareeiaaevdA. Alt oer depobt. pe,. Able OB deaud,.iio Aotiee of with.



Of ehorao yen pay yocr moBcy.
The tm aaaeal baaeertof ibr MapOLKAlhNT AprAt to
poo gat pour woooy * worth.
•ooar dab ear held toM aldhi to tbf
dtatoa raoa €» lb. OoasrMab
Aheal TVMalp#l«r .ep»alrt Cejeired Fof what 4oaa auiiiay mmn to you
WtoM «oeksr toouBtala Toa t on
Wert*. It we. the dieal eveal la Ihr
Dane# at wanuarrae Cluh.
Kietol Ufe e( Ihr etak The Ublra
Tbr Srn daw* rla^ ibr l-danla*
were daeoraird with baagaeu c< Marof l.«al VMT brU at/lbr Wreaadoat
Borer arbetar. the B»a>er aad eatoia
dub tod etcalaa aad: oar aUradad hr
of tba dub. aad reded el ibr baBaar*
PW uhat dll you
lap oar atari ddtobUully rt«ni ar tto'
^ Mlubtor *€re Ibe araber. ef Ibe deb Boo, wr. to »»d eoedUloa a^d tbr
red Ibdf raetr, eladp-lwo la til.
ItotMtor-rl hat^ \hu- a -oai* for rr
Biwlr. funrtrltad 'hr Birwrii * Bidtarb arabar.bavlaa i»ra rniKIrd
|mIui. i-*i|iHap
Ira.' fonopleir'orrhe.irr. war of Ihr
famUom nud^lmt. rrall.v. I lUu.-t
ladla oa. seed.
•MMMer A BMItM Mtan
bed. d-vrral aew aombar-hdai plwrJ Udgk po« |t««^ It, fur tbrrr Uu t a
Tbe dub baa bad a Itoartobta* rd
a lie etHoa ef 0>* rbiioAtOhet iw
tutu «• ycur luilut »r bail can-l. uiul
MKo tar ibrre peon aad baa had aaar
HHIM* aaO WOTM raia It he* Am*
Tbr daw*. wUI probajilr hr a Id- tf pour Turaliunr wlllilu I* «• a|.Uk
•ompMtiam tmt •liarurabto eraaia bul aarar aurapi- Btauiblr fiaiura (roM ao* <• a} IhC and iggin—which ba duutu it bt-in*
«MtNl«e ell MrtM. a>lA> *h« prho rd aeplbleg «ullr er
a «• aaiiBir is m aWtnn' mb- aad-tbe dub uad Ibr awibrta «bo ro
• Hrarrulfu lidrar«Bil.<t Wivriuhd.
aw Oat
ttwejiw wnrt. «f troerabalr ardrtrd are la br mniiniTea w tor mh- b.v, b«if
«aOH« «■ I-------- - aaaabiy. tMW- •■uioa aa K*a* aad aaoerartal a bra
jtahro.. I duta arp lh,» uHl r«i,,r Ir
The ateatf aur ar
M* are hr Itw OlMitere. teevhgi oalr
haadp raota drr.-Tlt mu.
rabbaar Aatod.
UI*AM Aaneto for lb. i«t .rf tkr
Odd Haai aad Vrti iW.
arHnf l« fill* moot oiMieowftil
The fAlltaWe are aa alM« tlM> *uldaori-aad In the «amr ratio that the Ihr flo«»oi bhl’H
Wblla aad Urowa Bread,
rrrr kliwn It [b m homr treolfiMjl, nap ol l>r. King*# New Idfr l*Uls Ut^
Itfae to IM wner, ibe anerb pnb^
Irrn without publicity, deteitlon cmami. Th^y 9Tr yoa from dwRur
■altad NuIa '
lee Creai
i He batoe the r«alw- Tbr proturttse
hrtag gulck and painleM relrame
Areorted oeke.
ell bee eet «erreMe4 lo enr if**'
alMolttiely sinrutfwd it thu iltopto from oimsUpailen aud thr m« gn.wlng
' eiuat derleg the peat jwar, tl bu eoet
dUr«»c!lonit OB Mch box are falthfuli) put or It. Slnngth aad vigor always
Ibe beaquet. all Ibr
follow tholr uac (Juarautred by Johuap More lo pneip II end reBoe li. r«'
belBi raibudarilealiv nr poaltlrrly that Ihrr© to uot ■on Drug t:«i. K H. MraUi.. C. A Hur
auellM, vbirh e<iM In flve oIUhi or
I upon oanh no matter how bee Drug (kx. dniggUtJu -2%v. Try
arer lou tori peer In Timrrrrr Oijr edrad aad Ibr good polnir ami ibr
for llto rad H eeada. Ibir r»rr ndlr buawr baadllr ratoyrdwill fall to cut** Ro rrmarkaldr have;
HaiTT Wah. prerldeal of ibr d«l.. tirrn thr rhange* wrouRht for mifferr, tor n eeau. The rtrr la oil In cmrln

toeaUltaa to ootaoMrm e|ib ibir.
Ing mlnlBtrra. charity worker# and
la order to eHU* Ibr mrlirr of dlr- rtwpoBdrd to B« fcdlovx
phltonthropliitm evenrw
-pjBBmurr wid Mmnl
ariadeailea to frelibi leirr aad ibo
mend thr treats
; ttolraedr harr preettoallr adaiurd Bbtl^n; -Whtt TbU Bummrr?- How
ninkr- .vtm ko atlngv
Behoem rrow the Wait/ rrmrdy. Tre.ilta on how lo curO|*'>;'‘l
. that Ib«e ermr dtoeftMlaaitoa laarYi.u kmiw \\f\i * toll t
rrimkcniu'.. free on Orrloo!o‘i'i .v.oir i.o.
aMMb an ebea ibe eomhlaalloo wr.
Co.. IMC—lUh rlrwt. \Va»hln*ton, tV t«ke uny with .volt to tbr ne xt Morbl. *
Ttir uiau iwuiMd wltU bi*. bimd o.i
dtoeoratad ibe rafre wrrr rrediutitd

r Chloeeo >oUI tbe dmtrkiiub. ‘ Yi to. Mr*
ptepnlr. Ibr prrrldrnt drrlre. ihnt lUrift^U
lb«i *r
•om» UfXi** of Oriint- In
km,!, -i.Ul .VOU IMUb
tofgar poerr. br ooolrrrrd oa lb. le- a W;: Bari Hanry; Thr Mayflower
d«v* and *ay. **Wr have every
totetole romewree oonalrrlon la Club iV"
Adenee In the world to rc
ordar tbai li aiar a^ei ihr obvioer
in need
aaada of ibr rtiaatlea.
word l<^ nay ainml
cure for the llQuor hwbltI a» we bave ^^""''
R IMt Boaiatoetoa. br tarmared
besrd many say that Orriiim- ha* cured'•berf wHghtptmr. can do rear w'lib lele dltcrini Athlatto Cluh Will Adcni a Charter when other remedies bavt fallf
taaUoa, aad ibe Biaadrid Oil roapaar
and It It Capactad Forty Mamhara
Omar I. la two form.. No I. the:
yn trOSUe* With SCUtlC*.
to aol Ih^ oalr forpotailoa «o favored.
Will Bt Cnrolltd.
or rtieiiiiiBttom?
It WoeM be alvee ibr errerrarr an
No. t in1 1pUI form for ihotoc who wish] ChamberUlB’s PbIb Balm a trtol
A meellag for tha purpose of aitoptIn every box U a reRib



m MOIMT iitiiT

;*^rc:u.Th*rJSo;i!ir:fLl"p.,t'.:::jit«^ back or rhoumusm? cue

TM l•te^lAtlo^lal watarwayi
MtoMog haa madwfta report n
MdlM that OsMUUk •aeltmle
tkM Md he allowed S4.0to> cubic
dtomloA from Klagaiw Falla and the
AMMOtto uae. Dntted Btaiet U.M0
euhte feat per aecowd. In addition to

idlsg the (^ktogo drwlnage canal. In
f««nrd to the BoOp both gmremmmitii
nrn to pmaerve auffteient watar for
We^ntton anTth^iifplui ^to fy dlwIMngually. Thane reodtoSMMhtIona
«MU apply tor twenty*Avr year*. Whilr
Whe Unhad Biatet «eem« to br grttlag
«hp VOMt of It lo the Niagara divtolon.
fhPTi vna wndoubtedlv gorsd reason
thr thla and If It will prevent thr rni«
frOM being ruined. It should receive
gng^ Indorsement.
Tbn board of public work. Jhat ewbM by a vote of three to two. roeom
M—dad that tbe pavlag of Daloa aad

Tkc business mao.

ta wder to ret aloec.
•uthsve cagtiaL It SaSa
neceuary that he have
credit. Credit comes
from acquaintance;
you caonot get credit
at the bank unless you
are acquainted.
^Wbon a man atarto a
hauk aowMat. he andtiw
haaker lieoiNAe aMoaintod.
Bo ootablioheo (vedit.
«A bonk Aoaoent to a bdp
he. makooit a

CSto bo ia a pooiUoato
^eredit whoa yo« wont




aaCyonviUbe <tlithUd with tbe
lag Ibe charter for the proposed ath jt^red guarantee which
toUf club will be held In the Boughey
^ ‘
building Uondajr rrmlng. Tbrrr to a form U II per \*o%.
good deal of lsierr.i brlag abowa la
Orrlne U for nale by Jobrntun Drua
*1,- tbundcrcBl tb** lull man wiUi :be
ibl. movMDrnt and « to probable (hai Co.
while ms-ktle, "jiiii In favor of the gl.tbrrr will br nrarir forir ebrner nain
Floods tha body with warm, glowing ikM Hieiitoc,**
brrr while Ihr rlab will »iirrl> lariaaM
• 8u IIm I.” v,‘ulu!»*U the iue*'k litt’.e
ar rooa a. II 1. oarr pul oa a ««nd
VHeboM circulation, restore, naiursl iiinti III tbe rear. -WlM-ii It iiuiii*. I.»
Igor, bakes you feel like one born 1
,u„.nKOto I-**
Thl. to a ran of a movrmeni that
gala. Honiator*t Rocky MoiinUln
Why. sir I sm
ha. brra Beaded la Tr..< r«- fMiy for
j .|ieaklug of ssloou llc-enses."
Tea. Sfi cenU. Johnaon Drug Co.
year, aad tbr youag mm who are Ihe
---------------- =-----; -Tbsl lUM.v be. bvl I *.»» «pe«klim of
prtaw amvaia la It Aould Ih- hornlly
yirosiw fTuulsvtt
Juiarrltose Ibeiiuee.
If »« lu'd*
■usporlrd by every one and tbe club
An toatame of invst pn-SBrnte of j
paMiad tliroagh uniU It to on a laulat mltul vvn# nsrrsted to me by John Ruv- j aullan* lo gel iiiarrlwl
I woiibl n *1 l»e
aeJl Young, ss.Vto s writer 1u tbe llrsud ^ tbe beiiiMs kM Indlvblusl I
Msgnxiui. Ou.e. ilurliig tlie civil wsr, | .\iMl fnmi to.nuevvbere ill tbe dltotsnte
When Orsnt w a# lu «nlM»rrtlu:ite *'om-. wuM
be«nl tbe •lenlorisii v«|. e »t
msud be wato m-Gniiolt^ing uloue' « Imvoin mulnn. eslIluR. Uim.i v btni.t
Tbs picture, of the Ssa Froncisco near tbe eiu4u.Vs lines. SmlJ.nly br ' to
*he. ditobev.- ntltai.'^ lui >
ewitbuuake And Are which will lie
fauna blm»t‘lf et*nfri>nte»l by one
■howD at Oiwnd operw house on
tba eonfedtratea* |.b keU, who was fnr j
gufferod. nor
Wedwssdny, Msv ». nrs the Arst genu­
nirestlng bim. ^
cure Vmi. IlnllUter’s
ine picture, msde of the ntrtcken city
nfler the dlMster nnd were sbeursd by
n reprewenutive of the Bellg Film'
eomimny of ChlcMo who was ml Tnca form? lK.n*t make a ool«-. I shall womanbissl KirouR sm! Iiesbhy.........
I cents. Tea or Tableta, Johunon Driu?
mw Womb., ml the time. \ThU mum lia bsi'k dheelly."
And be walked nuletly away until iCo.
Naked hto life lo secure ihste plct
not of tbe pli keiV uigbt: Iben ran an j
ost of them wore taken In the
nimbly sa be could.
henN of the snNhqt^ke illstrlct. ^
buildings wero burning niul with tot*
Postmssisr Robbed.
eHng wslU nil nbout him. He
O. W. Fouta, postmaster at Riverton,
eesdsd. however. In saeiiNng excellent la., nesrly loat his life and was robbed
negntUps from which these plnun of all comfort, according to bla letter, : AL SALTS comikound doea cure kid*
which •anya; “For Sb years 1 had j „
liver and Momach tnnilde. All
ere made.
chronic liver complaint, which led bM iKvwid trouble controlltHi In sevim to
The prices. IR.
S5 and W cents.
such a severe case of jaundice ibaij'*"^'
days to atay cured. Get rid
even my Anger nails turned yellow. j fourU'cn
What promises to be n most enjoy- whmi my doctor prescribed Blectrlc i «f yonr rhenrosllc pains with nslure*.
nhls evening to ihenter goers U the n|r
of the Nlcoli oompany nt the
for ItUlftnsnfsa. neuralgia, wesknoss I Clemen. Salta In a glass *>f drinking
Orand opern house tonight. Thl. com aad nil ttomach. liver and kidney nnd j water U the dose. F*)r saU* by AmerHmn very klfbly of !• nbUlr blsdder derangements. A wonderful j lean drug auwe, Hannah A l.ay’>*.
iaa and com* bate with ■ isnic. At Johnson Drug Co., F. H.
of more Umb plaMint The Mends. C. A. Bugbee Drug Co. drug
stores. M cents.
prinNpnl pnnr of this company to thr
great Nlcoa who has iour«d bpAh eon
tinania for a number of years hut will
gmnd tomr of America and will
■ama of tba most mystifyini
Hmt have over ieen preaent
ed in this country.
They carry with them i company of
vaU aetoaiod laaiaUats to lOd lo pre*


Guaranteed Oirect From Mt.

Rapid Progress

nie some of tbe totsM Saropann nmreV
tln^ tbat are mmceded lo be tba irqM
mysafylag of lUusioiks andaielberanult of ybars of study. Tbe entire pro*
Rnedpp ibto aaMon win bo twbe
M. hi«ap4. H does not sarpaas any pro.
109 nitoK. ^
FMemk It, IS. \ l aad » centA'
RsaJ antoiabn BnDmgOo.*

(ellai )ww aUwtte totkeJ
proe«aaiiMd ia mbUtete

Wbrn you wont your bom*'.


•~>MThe BIGGEST Aesoptniinit

i omitted to
that the iA,
U Aiaile of atrietly pne Sooth
AAMiioan RAbtNr.gfovA hf
the Aiaker. It is Aot omda
of oU «ora oAt imbbar Bhoaa.
faooto, nor old rahber of aoy
kind. IfyoBAiethiokiAgof
faoyiAg any Oaidao
»iU say you to boy the
bcand that I mQ. Oome in
and aee the tee cat aaaqilm
that «« hare. I will gAAiah.
toe above boea to give you
■atiefaotion op will rufoad


: ai 9 y

May S





tj. w. m%mSkirmm

eU PttlKflK HUM

ever shown in the city b how on exhlbi*
lion on our sales floors. All the IhUtot,
styles and colors in ail grades brtoto.
bronte, dei^ black and everything in tintt.

Bath Towel^

The Only Towel worth a Name

The United States Coverriment granted a patent
RUBDkY llath l oweli becauaetliey were the
result of time, brains and experiment
, and a benefit to mankind.
1 l.ave you I ried them.'


Buy. ibf ni at the

South Side Store

dmer^ M GrmUet
*riiU»ur with Ilia


I'lfS. Iitiiii; ihi- nil. I s, J.Itt^l.HII S^f

Vvor wi-n in Ami-ric.i, flispUjiiiK liiu own

Orijloal Creations

Prim:. 15c. 25c, 35c, 5€e


Tiy Record WantAdt

From the Carpet and Curtain Dept.
Something You*Can*t Let Pass.

An Extra Sale of Curtain Materials,
Portieres and Upholstery Goods. ' . }


! Hr-r^*


Ypu an-making many chanR.*s- new flraperiev are needed-chairs to be up^
holstired-window seats inade library and "den" to be refurnished-new por*
iirrc*s hiinj; a jt:cneral dLTnj:e about.

w«'. »vho\v you an enormous slock lo wdcci from, and ofTc.r as our
SVKCIAL*' any of our


$4.00 Portieres for $3.00^
$3.50 Portieres for $2.75
$3.00 Portieres for $2.50
$2.50 Portieres for $2.00
$4.75 Rope Portieres for $3.75
$4.00 Rope Portieres for $3.00
$3.00 Rope Portieres for $2.50
Btauiiful Persian Stripe Draperies in four different designs-a regular M)c value for
2‘.lc the yard.' Most excellent for curtains, couch covers or window seats


A beautiful two-tone red or green drapery—

50c value for^4d^

85c value for 75c

And a special price on <;verything in our
great stock of beautiful upholstery goods

iFor Monday Only

• «tvryou...ta,j.

J. A Palfe Electric Gs.


CPmuMij pCTalcsUd AuUtiils

Hannah & Lay McrcanfUc (^mptfay.



: ^ . v.l-;j||§PiP- Ull 'l
I McoRBk TMVMae env, nfnt>»w. »*tu»oay. «ay k. i

AiEjre Spc^ to IBjt




MtM CUutetU Pray Is also Providad with Pour


' lr.r.A.«Mfr, Br.lkl.HvhM

VOto^ aik-


Opera House


-Piva Oanaratlona


Very tare W Ow aoiol<^ssl tr.'.^f'resww.autlr. of lb* Sft«
Jsak frttk MhS cgr*
In anwstinai thrtn aaS | Tbc tetr •ooMloy. oho U
’ opoa h«r. B<alul*s »tU the ywua-!
tk I wo
to lo$d$9 a^j^est fraatlfaUter. Koeaootk Stttes of
fbUovteg idKKo lakea a!wUh'li^iTaL7Jrh^Tl5W^!“^*~»lt*^^
ahutt tl«e aeo ahow. the Hoxate fiua.'itolalge
eooaldeiwd Iik^p * BThaf! Vfttatoahurg, her toOther*B
motherh fkUor.
dalge U II-oooaltojiwd
«7 aad the iTwgeoeratloa bi
____ ________
lh««. of_ this babe,
who bak abc fttl coaoa fret; thea her father-k fhihcr.
which U renreaented by Ue ag^ blooded grakdMbeie mad ga extra Andrew PihT.
M. of Mabol: thw
beonard Hoxale as the oldeci. | oae wfco caBa hanetf ‘ adogted gtaad. C. H, Bst« of Bate*. f[Mt «rahALeonard Hoxile wax bora Uarch 26. | nu** and as saeh has the dfittnctloa of father, and agad Usaaid HffnSe of
lf13. maklag hlai gaai »S years of age. i havlpg the UiUe tot aaned af^er her. UU dty, great great graadlhther. The
He rtsddca
the winter wUh bis Suck U the case la the
of WU- fo!loarliig U a cohBplete Hat of the
daagbte:. Mrs. A- 4 Hsriisnd. MltUato Pray of M Bast From attwei. graadtocthara. bt«laatag with the
Bute street, this city and the bHgkt ehoae hahe. Olaaetia umc. 4a named;
aiuameta ar# agent with hia aoa. John . after her adopted taoiher. Mra Uilkl Mra. Aadrea Pray of MaheL aged
Hoxfle cl Acme. The aoxt member . Myers of Columbus. If<ss.
j IT years, patenua traadmother; Mrs.
of the genealogkal tree U Mr.HoxMe s
ThU little daughter. Giaaei*a Ullte KHsabeib SUtes of WUllamsbarg. also
daughter. Mrs. OaroUne Bates of Bate^.; Pray. Is the last limb oo the family j IT years of i^e. materaal giandwbu wUl reach her slxty-^reaih binb j tree aad she Is just gre monihs and j mother: Mrs Caroline Baiga af Bates,
At an okexpeefed Interroptltoi U» aw =
day next Jul>. Mrs. Estes- daughter, i one week one. She Is bright, pretty j paternal great graad|nolher; Mrs. after dbxnrc sjweih Rcoator Mala.


fc: ‘ n






Before & After

ir J


A realiti’c rt'proJacliou of
Uj(» <k<«tnicU<m of
il City of 1^0 Go'iliti

into the hall
-•Well Maude,- sbt* aald. -did ytu
Und Miur
*-I'here w«« no ImniedUle reply to
her queatlon. Tliere wax a *lbu-r, a
imnillar iditMu-e. a alleuce with a cer­
tain Htralued <|uality la IL
Then a
miliuline volte rvjdiiM;
- *8110 tUd '->-Xou York Tribune.


Only a few Gardci
St t di left. Call quick ui
you loke them.

jSylvester Brown No Two Alike!

Long l.akc
ho has atinouncrd hiinst lf
jas a candidate for the Kt}publican nomination for

County Clerk
i »vr>ihiiiK
ival. Kt^imluc stsuiUiy. (hiuiiKmI with
mtvUratf prlcfs. vou ttUsiu a uiaxltilum tif saiisfanltin
t»iu nul v. r>
miHlcra claim U that
n auiMuy
yuu wUh an>thiii|; ami eventthing in
ihe haruess Hue-i \er>lhlUK thai -*

Quten Clly Implement Co.
('ll. i.lione 751.


t T.a..r liB.iro,.tl..u- rium
IMk. I
l:.n»n,u Or. < lwrli.< A. ^:4l.Uuall. »J,.d ,i,elr . u|.. aiul lU. oulrkueu with '
he pa.tsln,-'
Indian, lu:- letuumsl ni»ie lh«n, which ihty put Ihein down again to
relb the l»>Us n tbounuml
uUh family keep the mouHter imiuiKooed. It waa
nanus.. In ,aV.*i to make ll»e In oa!y when the hostess noticed that
We liHVo
lUife ilepoiiit J
IttTii.iiuv of land mo:e viiuple and a<-j none of tbe guests drank tbeir tea that
11 was roctd\*v.l and flUa <-iin*
1 the\i Ui'oeptiou waa dlacovered.**
Uixea ft»r r«»nt. Tljt*se <
, rnmi M. n. I’lark asklhg Tor appdntl»jxi*8<or atfcd) ari tU- 1
Wkat*. <
[ «‘vui tu the jobbing .'•nd ifl»alrim; tji
t peoide.
8i^lu^l for tin* atoraj»<‘ of
hidl•\valK^ Wltblii th<' clt>
granted that the best potatoes are tbe
vnlualflo ’ piporff.
( Hirit* . 'riiii,
r*deM«ti to tlie slivct
••Wl.ite IU*ar." on ones that <*oalaiu tbe most aUrch. On
twoJi>v*l.B are alike, uu*l
e f;*!U )y of that . •def.
S*»:m*tlme'< tbe <<ontrarr. it Is tbe ones that coo1* i .u ibinaiiai, uf I i nlfe's aiiie
lu was ickcn to rcdl
the most gluten, because gluten
you k(M*p the key. Wo
lias injiili
,a ,iIbumlDoua food, and
rn MIrhtKaii asylum !
n'ul these lioxcs hy the much cheaper than albumcBL. Flrat
d« livercU a!
ckf nl ro;
year nt 12.01).
row •.‘lie who tn.
tba akin .of tbe pouio. lu a naw
wbUli l*r. EUst
1 It ig thin and clear, while a
Refuse Receotaclea.
akin IndUwtcs a mature potato
DC more likely to be mealy. Sec­
j The board «»rd« ud six reCA'ldacU*- •tb.NjIlOUSC.*’
l’o:t by far tlic bardi *t lick U In ond I.S a thin layer varying from ooeOur l»urb;kir-prtH»f viuilt
'lor .sin.-t lef.jM- sjieh a. f» vh r. 11.** .
lindiug new name* for tbe ab*tiidllie« elghth of an Inch to half an Inch In
is locatixl in the only
I I he same »t* be i»la»*«nl at the e inter* •♦f Indian mmiciielantre.
Talb d thickness. This U tbe gluten. Third
strictly lin-proof liuihl\ul State and l*ark iieir tl.i- foyote* wni* a y/>ui:g InilAu who has
roraes tbe Urgest part of the pouto.
»l*aiK IMart*. rnkm and From fa * «o;„|. to pn fer biiii^ If jis -Rol
int: ill Norlheni Michithe starch. If this la very dense tbe
|a<ul Kipnt. Slate und Vnloii and rath WpIL"
.*i long s.’riicgie with potgio will be mcaiy. but If nonuui.
E:a*tiuan hs'i form the poutw will be of poor quality.
♦ 7.nd l-'ront. while uno will bo plait ;1.
rninj.klu.Fimrth la tbe very center of the tuber.
on the south Hide. The purcba.stm; et ln*l »eer*rded
Il llltJ
f lurch and a great
which conUint
i..f, io n,.v
LM*r CK.W..11
iM ,m rnuKuli <1.. la.lM . 1nt. r...tu i»;
onl into
pUriny tbi M! iM-foie didni; so.
t a good cooker.-Garden Magazine.
Tho“^ ceujei«T> scxtoii <;e*.r;:e Rur-^
■- ■ Harvelswalr Cowdewseg.
row*. aiUK HMd tie/ore the b lat d and ;
Bull Jn Ihe Adlro.daek..
A lawyer of the good old southern
:ot.ed for 9-nunile; of!on
ihir*um in Ids tesil; uiKui eartht.rpe
bad argued for three court days
i.s. the ••.ingleworinK* of boyliood.
l hose the hSTi o boiUK !i*'od Inter by :
pause. HU brief waa a roasterbn’ubb- iiicgers the credit
i and an order allowed l.y ihvln'ard
piece of classicsl lesming and legal
— •for
erodlikm. but It was tiresome.
, Inc the H *11. Appan n!l.v
Wgabee.- aald the wearied,
['ity Kuplnei rOldwell. who Had the'Vmtt th«y are fiUiid in all parts of tbe
judge at last -wltboui wUhlng to InU_______
_ liter of the-biiddlii? of the nv4V vide- wurUI.
riKbcmicn in the Adlrondaeka know ipate in any way that tbe court wookl!
U-ion AcvUea Outside Car-'
In the dly. im* m me^l to '
not tie delighted to listen to your whole
viTbAl iei»o:t of Ho .I'aditi . J tba; 111!' »1 not the eiise. In tlial recloa. argumenL I roust suggest that the
fertile enough when there ti
enil of Ihv location^ wbria* nes w hieh i
docket U admewhat crowded, and that
the It
room 1
would be Imllt. V'rs'nkltn st.-er: ifl.M iv n
If .vou could condense a little it might
April 20.
\ Mr. KdJ’or IVr
c AimHally c<»a>idtMed
considered ami
and tf.c
: vas CAiHvdally
boxvever. taken pains to •i>Uur help ypnrcUenl-a cause •
iHUierH InlendlnM
The attorney smiled hla ncknowletlg• grading neces^arr tolar a gtxxd walk, j ^ „nuv in eonveidcnt open pateben of
to work 1 will1 nay that there Is
nent. “Yo* bOBoh,” be exclaimed. “tl»e
dillac now than there; Mr, CeldjM‘11
Celdyell raid the rcHldenU smilli soil iie.>ir ckkI flAhlug country. The
fd the walk ralxcd , worms thrive, so there are always plen- thought was In my mind when 1 proof meruldle and car ; of the alb*y
roy argument! Hnh. fob the next
It knrired ' ty to eaieh halt Hah with, but they do
tf^vl. mcroi«j |»‘>t sproad through the foix*st. Gtw



12s K. Front St.

fliaverse Cily - i
Stale Bank]
Too Many Carpenters

0«e AtsrMMwa of 'thiM *rinr«Mfi
nml Uaru what il imsm* to -it a i.ual without
clothe* »,n.


«ke Saarers.

-A feat attrtbuted to many erntnent
anlau of painting on aidalu surfaee a
fly or bee so llluaivelv true lo nature
that the Innocent obeerrer wouKl attempt lo brush It away Is nut so dlB^ Center. Leonard HMtle< Traverse City; at the right. Mrs. Caroline M}fp* Bales* his daughter; at hit left, Mrs.
enlt as Is generally suppoaed." remark­
A^Mlrew Pray cf Mabel. Mra. Estet. daughter; extreme left. William Pray, 605* E. Front atreeL Mra. Pray’a aon;
ed a painter of aUll life. **Tbe art lies
in making the Insect stand out from
Gianetta Lillie, rged 5 months. Mr. P.-ay’s daughter.
the background.’ Once a patron brought
Wn., Andn-w |>r»y td !4«Ih-I. iviir;*llh «ibura and *k> l.lm- rjes 'Abaiatl Eaton of W^Tam.burK. boro me baff a doaen aaocers and\a eanl
which was pinned a bouse cenllBcnia the ihiid geiit ration and she wa.*, ami :bough her'cot'kcy iwith bar no! i
.April 2.T, 1K2J*. maiemal greatgram}Iied or -tbouMnd legs.- requesting me
IT vitars ol ape l;*s! Ma-ch. Her son. yet arr v. il. ll.e pusaifimies of visits mother, ami Mrs. Rebecca SUtes of to copy it exactly upon each of tbe sau­
Wiliam Picv
1Y«»cr*e Citv. com to * lx gvinlne siamlmtilUer’s Ci>oke> Williamsburg, aged su years, maternal cers. so that the base of tbe cap wodid
pKlea the tonrih Uitk, tils a«v‘ ladn.! Jars !•> fconu’lhing to Kk>K forwart! to.
great great grandmother; Mrs. Lucre- <*over It. 1 did so without expreasing
25 years, am’ his lUtle 5-raonU!fc-c!iJ j N
ot only afe ihe gran imiKheis in
tia Pray of Mabel, paternal great any curiosity. Afterwahd he told me
that he bad given a little tea |»arty and.
daughter, (•i.vm tte l.illu , iy the s i! • • » vl<lin. ;' btil fo ir old fa.*«hiom* i grandmother, aged 75 years.
without tUe kiuiwlcdgo of bis w Ife. bad
substituted the paiuteil saucers for the
plain oneiL HU auiu

NEW Girdle Corycii,
only 15c each.
NEW Up-io-daie Skirt
Supporier*. 10c.
NEW Turn over Collar*.
, 5c ami lOc each.
NEW Wa*h ». It*. 10c.
•NEW lira** Exicntion
Hod*, each 10c.
NEW Telc*c0pc»,
’ •
Ca*e* and Vali*e*.
NEW Aprons.. Must l>e
sfcij to be appreliaicd. '



Xrmvwrsm Olky Ows


Slnsle Oylimh-r*. 1. 2. 8.V, «u.l
7 IIof*o Powvr

FarnUhod eomptctc. with •baft
retvniUo propirllor


Al«> a 8. r Cj-liudrr Motor*

Gas Esetae Repairs a Specialty


Yours truly.
Ptobabl^frc^ one to |
John G. Car:.AOK.
t on- and a half f.*ct
Carpenters rdnu i
vbiting the k»catloh au l look j------------------------______
j lug inlo\he condltiona.
' There is no loss of*tiroe about


f'otica to All Fecnie Inte
Tbe asseuxim nl roll for il
line "t'
of From street frrtn
frrta the east
the east line of Park! ------------ ^-----------irokm irtrci*’
ad from the north iBawnro of Otnt
street and Fnlon ttree
fifth subdivision of Traverse
City, to the north end of Ronth Union Jsw
street bridge, are now <n my hands for
the collection of the fifth lastallmenL ^ ,
together with the accrued interest on

WM. JACKSON «'t;s,“,'sr:s r, tsj:

ntavEKse orr, nkbigan

“An oMM ot pmwiUMi.*



.StainbMcV OpM Houm.

CandidAtc (or FepubUca#
Nomioation for

•hockn They eanto with % ahiK-k Ilka]
tliat which a ywogg girt kf Ludt recelred mie bight.
-Thta rouiig gin sat tu her bed*’
fktott with a novel
Her hair waa’;
dawn ami her feel were tu red allp-j
pent. Now aud then, extemllng Imr
white arm*, she yawned.
**You i«e. It waa xery Ute aXMl doWA
•talni In the parlor btr elder
a^as eotenalnliig a yimng uiaii. 8he
mktnrally felt a dec|» Interest lo the
mtertalnaient. 8be waa xvaltlng tv,
hvur bow U wofUd tetmliuiie.
*-Aud at Uat ^re was a aound In
the hall-a cmah a« of a eloalng doOr.
klid it waa plain to the imjiatJeut girl
that the young man bad goocu
-hbe threw down her novel and. iti»-

S« Fraeisco

' '' --

Examination Free.


0 Pint GENT'INK MotioD riotuM of

Play Salts
for the

thM «r M*-adMber yot


lln*works are let off. Including a lante
nnm*w sf mckers When rnimdent
sen made to waken the
from hu Meep the
ga^Jes thro
hrougb the nervlce. the
and briaefittom take tmo WtMe
of wine, and the fliliik U done,
are aa legally man and wife ra If a day
haB^bsm taken over the cerewonj.
It U cumudered proboblh that the
British T>ar]hMuettt will Iximww tho
tax on motor earn IhUjMa *. Ii
be UviwI on the pari4ij^firice

Frank M. Hamlin
Of Monroe Center,
Blair Township.
15 years Justice of the
Peace; 7 years Township
Treasurer; present Super­

proverb runs.
A f(»riune you may plainly see.
In taking Rocky Mountain Tea.
Johnson Drug Co.
Lo*kl»a After
Kallors aro never uioro than children
In many respects. Of ail lives theirs
Tbe jKKjr tarn have more boriaon Umn
la a
lai*a. Uut a. Ir
r all. When they ar­
rive lu New York harbor. aft**r many
wc«*ks or mouths st sea. and start out
for a good time, this oott of Doticci InS4-r‘.«*iJ In marine >oumala aud bulletluN of commerce by agenta. stares
them lu the face wbe
r r>:
•RrttisU steamer Mookwr^em. Balliea
roaster, from West Africa porta, is
dbv hargiug at phT TisMskt. AH per­
sons arv hereby ,-auliom-d against hariKiring or trusting any of the errw, sa
no debts of tbrir con trailing wriU be *
paid by ibe t-apiaiu. owuero or qnlttaL
Herby A To., ngents.* How would
every |v»n> Thonr isxir li
? ucvaiit-.New York Pn-ss.

There 1a iiolhing roo‘re
than Ibe IntrrKlmtlbn of stories Into
conversation. uiU**ss short, pelatod and
qiille apr».jK». -He w Ikj dcaU in them.soys Swift, “roust either have a wery
larg»* st«K*k or a g'»<»d UM iuory or must
oft. II ehance bis <H>mpany. - Home Uavo
s H« i of th<*m strung tvgelber like onlirtiA. Tliey take |•osse9«ion of the coovcTwatlon-by an early iutrodurtldo of
one. and then you must have the wbolo
rojH*. and tlu're'n nii tmd of ererytWtig
else iK*r!uitw for that iiwcllng. tbaagh
you may baxe l*“aid all of them twenty
Do,. ..

Mum-huria d.« niiidog H pra^
d. upon pr^ h.v much Ibe same seaM
as sht-eii farming In Austntlla-prv
porikmale tu |H»puUilioH. of course. A
bride does voc take Intr dowry In afkecia
or in Und. Ikigs ere tbe dow^-r-sls
If she lie tU<w.laugbt<T of poor parwta,
more If tliey be wealthy. The anlmaU
Their nmgnlravnt <-oats are converted
Into rugs add what not. Forty to fifty



Oar Funiire Dept.
Kilchm ,C^Mt
hum tt>44 ia. vlite
wood tom two UiBo Soar

ttlSSr IkflTS

Fir $4.29


cantata «v noarmian

Thin Hait SSJsalH^

OIWM at ths araai TMs Aftmaa
m m
tl Pmm


•flwnm In
OrsM operm I
vltncn- tW bMiitlfal -*Otni
nowera'* whkA tor thc^past
kM Uca In ArepmikMi um

M B Hnrner. local vwpnmM
ttf thr W. W.KlmhaU Plaiio nad O
wiMjgr. to»


Track was In Ooad Bl
a Try Otit for th? j

Willi ^.ia. top, beaatiral
iadlatiaB qaartoral «ak.


. 8V FriN $1.69


HDor price* aooo conTftice the way to buy
fonkareuior cash.



Oir HICIS2J9 .


<««..............W 75 UM.M

tka pabllc JaocH
carp, of taAebm <i tbt
•cbool. IVe sUMK M tte euiv
U|ta aw was aiuratas for cn
la teloUc tetUaf wm orer a liw
poplls who ro#eM»Ukl afld fl<
gatkored to p«jrfKinafe to iketr^iaoca,
llainuitU. who «m» repreaeated by
MIm BHsabeU«artliaaUe. Raymond
Ott. manly in lOaek velvat. Introt
amreb waa ibaa begum, the beautimi
queea daiaty la flowing dimperics
teflBl aad belag seated to the center
apoa a divaa. sarroondad by her at*
teadaau. a yellow MaMlaci. t
UlUm. blue and while voleu. a broese
or two. a few little green leaves anl
mated into actual life by the pulsating
hoari beneath the garb, and many
other peraoBlflcatlonk. specially In
tereatlng bdng a sw^ and loaclt
looking strawberry. ^
Richard Hull In a dear and ring^g
voice annodboed/^tbe second i------which was og^ by a pretty no
the queen herself. The whole eantata
wss most bMMitlfuUy given and
much credit cannot be given to each
Indlvlduml who In sny way too^ psrl
and to the beauUful little fairy i
The cnicrtalnment. while simply for
the eniertalnment of the parents aad
friends, was secondly for the purchase
of art materlaK If anything above the
expenses were^leaned this ^eniodh.



flays Thut Police a*^d Circuit Court
RecorcTs Support Chargos Against
Brookmaycr't Salopn.


Boston Store Old Stand.



r.aurriff Charlwi
U wpartug
fc ^aUrriff
amllc tiowndayn.

a wide and
and vlillp It U atlll vUlMt\ tlu- rvaMHi
. U funnd Hr bU Itack yard wbert^ nbc
brick wall* o( a fliip new county bam
i am rapidly inweiins upwardn-a new
.bomr for iIk? apab of bar* which be
mar own« will homi be pmvbM.
Tbp atcam tarpe Hytfuey (). Ntff U
loading at the OU dock.
TtM^re will Ik- o pail) pt roii-Hterp
-ball m-xt WtKlnw-aday iwaihig for the
Amirfll of the AHniNUiiuii drill team.
All K^mu-ta. coropanitAa and tbotr
V moada are Invited.
The yonng ladle, td the iHefb^t-t
tan church i*ia*i>ed a home raade can­
dy aalr Ihb afteiiHK.ii in the west
fpMoir tif the Johnson Dmc ('.o. ami
many^ paaacraUy took advautace of the
taaty iihum'U to Mep In and provide
the family iucmU*r« with 8uitda> iMn
f«*l lom-ry.
The taa( lieKel wan Kold fraui the
Cedar liun dciiut on the M. A K. K
Yontenday alu-nuKin. and laM ulpht
the atatiua waa^cio^d^bir the •uniiuvr.
Harry Tborap*oB. the am ht, ttrt» nKwn
log ofPciied the tlc|'»»t at Kuurh« and
that ptopKlar rwinrt will Ik- the merca,
for tbi* ubori trip run from Travera*^
City n^iB novi on
JuHua Core of IliUKliani arrived In
Ibr city ihU momlog with a l«d eye.
doe to aomc foreign particle which had"
blown If) and n-fowMl to giH out. He
wraa obliged to vUit a ph>wlclail In or,
der to^havc the paritdc mnioved.
The' Ice cream imrlcr# of I>«m!
Aberm. cor^r of .Frant and Park atrnd
wrUeb JmTc Ifcen rtanudaliHl. now are
' in rMtfiBfwa for ibi-- viablng puldL*.
Eight tabifn are In thr ixaun which
opeua «NI the atret. and also the coofodloiiexV atom In front.
Edgewoud. the Inmuty i*i»ot of the
Went Bay ahorc. I« alo-ady aMuhiinn

While it last*, wc arc of-.
fcrinji a Kood toilet soap
for every day use.


air and acUvItlea are nm
of the outtajioa
already b«u occuiHchI. Mlaa
Abboil of England and Miaa Agm4 Ab
bott h^ve arrived and are occupylm;
the ilaihlln collage which waa pnrchaaiti l^at fall. The AUIkhi colUgo
mu iK* InY-adlneaa -to occupy koou.
MIhh Ixiwla of Jackaon., ban arrived V
KdgewtKMi. alao Mi>. Harriet Itactiu.
Id iJmnd Rapldk.
Mr«. l^ihrop of
JackMui will arrive next Thursday uiid
the m-Uh.m then will really* be oik-u

To the Editor of the Bwulug Ue<ord—lu rt‘plv to sonic stater
made by one Mr. Bruokmayer. formerly
In the saloon buslncKS in Traverse
CU.V, w 111 hay that It Ir certainly very
gratifyUig to have Mr. Brookmayer
ackn(»wlcdge publicly through
press that he did not nupfiurt me for
mayor at the spring election. As 1 had
the reputation of being supported by
the low saloon and bum element, lbU
will have a tendency to correct some
statements made by the guotl iHHiplc
of Traverse City.
In regard to soliciting camiuUgn
funds Intm Mr. Ilnxikmayer would say
I ha\e ui» Knowledge i*f sollelllng
ruuUs or Mjp[»oit. and with all
courtesy due him. should i have been
eler-led with or wUhonl hU suj.|Kirt
should tiav4- used all lawful melboils
to have elose<l his saUxm.
hi roucluslon will say that the police
ami Cirruil ixmit records substantiate
all the asH-rtlons I have made ar
also warrant (lie artlon of the c-tiune
Ver> resiK'clfuIIy yourN
J. M. Olllett

Hr. A. H. Hollblay la ronflmxl to bU
home by an anoe attack of toii^imiK.
Wooilmen wUi ujeiu In their hall at
I o’clock Sunday afiemiMm to alieuU
the fiiueral of I'cter Ijiraoii
The Uoyal Nc!ghlKH> will uuvt at
\ViK.dman hall toiimin.w a« 1 odcK-k
to HtUiid the funeral i>I 1‘eter l^rMiu.
The Traverse City Uud ami (luii club
Ih makliiK elloru to aivure trout and
liauM fry. the latter eaiH'clally for
lUsaiilromii lake. l-\ir wimc time the Herbert MonUgue Is the Owner of the
m*curl)iK itf fr> for thU n-plon has
Finest Boat of Its Clam on Grand
Imh-11 ueglrrtecl but the club will tie
Traverae Bay.
deaviii to leno-il) tide.


man with a l»CRKlng iwpiT wa«
UerlH-rl MouUgiie lauiiehetl hU flue
taken Into rufttmly ibis afiernuon by
new. sailing cams'. MUKodi^-d. thlb
the poMrs- and hidd for further Invi-s.
morning. The lioat Is a beauty In
I Inal Ion. He wanted to 4akc out a iw-r
every .ivsiiecl. being, finishiM natural
mit to aell KhiH- atringK thU rournlng.
with mahogany trimmed decks and
brasR rafls. She had siifflctent sail
area for got*d work and with her spetnl
lino will umlouhttHlIy do things in the
sailing line.
Man wso Had
Paid Tern Much
Some l>me ago sailing ennous were
•y twe City Returned the^Monty
the tuvst popular form of small boats
Aftar Three Years.
on the bay but the launch has within
the last few years almost completely
The city Ik richer by fl.25 In an twld routed them. However, boats like the
way. YtwU-rday a ciiixeu called on MUkorleed will undoubtedly do much
revive the mus[ exhlliarallnK and
City fltTk McCo); and told him that
alx>ut thr^v ytsarK ago be had Uwn healthful sport known
ovcipald to the amount of $2.25. He
said that he had endea%or«l to rvlum
the mont'y once before but there wa*
tio n*cord <d the »»)vr payment and the
money wa»n:i takop. The man aiated
that the fiEt had lain heavily on hla
Ifcmacleiice an Mr. McCoy told him that
I he mould railour bli mind. The money
taken and was entered aa ofllce
recelpu. The boneat man retired with
aioaa worried look thu wbun be came


Katf BuSaio. May 5.-Cattk--2;
aumdy. Hogs-SO: ateady all grades;
ItnCMAb. Ebeep-<d; slow: dipped
Ismbs. $«.40; dipped waihors and
yearUngs. fSASaETS.
Toledo. May &.->Wheat-<Caah. IKk;
Uc: oats.SSHc.
Ddrolt. May k —Wheat~>No. 2 red.
i\%c: oau. 2i%c.
at. Sic; com.

alght. that aay of the dataaflaata «|Q
be anaalcd oa a wmitaai. hat all will
he aatidad by tha fedaral aathm
that aa ladkUaaat has heea R
and be refaired troluatarily to appaar
aad glva haU for aa appaaraaoe at the
aaaMd that the

paTMaal mm4 instr^kMi^ Mi


■M hy^ ratfaay eoM-

the Eftlaa antUram lav.
II A. aot prahahla. li^wM atatad laat
^ a Hh-nm- Mat Ctoood Ototr
mipf Bmy VMw Aaaombly fm*

«fMf «r tlM


•fa Nwvheref Yum
In the ireaenci of » I

ChMth dC Chihit ynM« peoflie who


tto tkat*. M« a ItoHr. *M Kin
Gta. S
Mrttc* IB aurtive to Oto-an.-T. P.
B Nij malto. tkecraealiB

\ i : • *1
i i


t aa* Xt*. McKto > •ctoM


U la prepreak&eat or aoere
II ajSmar and

has had thU contract. Ha wRl go to
Cbkngo Tuaaday to mako hM nrtactlona and a fnll enrkmd «rW
to thM Mty. flflocn of them for the Bay
View naaeniblj.
Mrs. J. B. Bryant of Provw
pasted thrwh the city this moi
on her way ^ CU-veland.
U C Place went to UaaUieo iblr
moralag on a abort bualaeta trip.
Mrs. H. Packard aad Mrf. J. VWch
are apeodlag a few days la Manlsi
Mrs. J. Tremaln. accompaakHi by
her mother. Mrs. E. SUnley. left-for
Homestead this morning.
Mrs. A. Griswold left for Hatches
Crosaing thU moralag.
MIm flora Cotton rHuraed to her
home in Twin ^oualaln thU moralng
aflpr apeadlng a ftfw days with friends
In the'eUy.
Mrs. a r. Holcsome left for
pire thU moralng to attend the funeral
of the Infant child of E. A. Yoke.
Samuei Crampton of Elk Rapids wa^i
In the city yesterday.
F. a t^HUamt of »k Rapids tranw
acted bnslaeas In the city yesterday.
a Rust and wife of Elk Rapids we
In the city yesterday as guests at Park
W. A. Walker of Elk Baphls was
Traverse City visitor yesterday*.
J. W. Higgins of ManUtce was In
the city yesterday louklng alter busi

The tryout track team meet at the
driving park grounds thU mfi
Yns an excollent moot and the track
was In good ahape but th« Mgb wind
made the time al6w. The
were the winners of the eventt wp
too Yard Dnah—MlUer. Unnt. .
aoo: time 10 4-5 aeeonda.
One-Half MIk Run-GItchell.
Garry. Pstchln.
Running Broad Jump-Ro^
Whiting: aeventeen feet.
Shot Put-Amlahiiclcher. rdlers;
55 feet S
22t-Yard Dnsh—MRlcr. HnnTce. John•on: time SI M^d>.

WIS ns iilTIlUT

•» CA«H ,m b«T «oi 11*. HBBBa
«T.«de. OBk H«tht>
brto« JoBc Irt.
U^TIm*. T. BkKm.

vm CA*M wm b«, lou IC. IB
i«<. Row ,lrw«. Oak HrtsbU raburb;.!» fWl OD R<ae. m f», o«
Orow. in twt Ob th. .toy. u
iBtow JoM Irt. Tbl. ta .
l*t*idiL AppJr to,Tbo.. T. B««*.

The Rev. J. J. Sheehan, pastor of
the Church of the Immaculate Concep­
tion. la celebrating as.his 4>lrthday to­
■to Mt
day and among the preaenU he re­
ceived was the arrival of his mother.
|12» CABH Will buy lot Iflk. Hannah
Mrs. Sheehan from Bay City. Later
avenue. Oak HelghU auhiirb. 6al€3
In the day he recrivad a beaq^llful
feet. If add before June 1st. Applf
token of flowers from the bk
to Thoa. T. Bates.
May 5-lf
whose arrival was ao timely. Mi
of oaraations and other foliage will
$125 CABH will buy lot 220. Grant
decorate the altar tomorrow aa a gift
straeL Onk Helghta nuborh. $0xl€5
feet. If sold before June lat Apply
to Thoa. T. Bates.
* may 5-tf
Funeral fl-rvicd of the Late Abram DIAMONDS MADE IN THE SKY
Harria Wrta Held This Mervi$260 CABH will buy n $1 acre lot In
That U thu Oalr Flaeu WhM
Ing at tO:SA
M timnmm Are Predared.
Blrchwood suburb, 100 feet frimtln^
The only really perfect dlaa
upon Bast
512 foet onNBrosch
The funeral of the lat^ Abram Har­ which are to lie found ou this globe are
street. If add by June lat Apply to
ris. whtwc death oocurre«l at the home tbosgwhk* fall from the aky Im meteorThoa. T. Bnten
nmy 5-tf
Itea. All dUmooda wbkh are mined
last Mondiay. was held tbU moral
in the diamond fields of the world are POUNC
10:30 In the Anderson undertj
only fragmenu of gems.
can have same by enlllng at 420
rooms, the Rev. J. W. Miller, who of
That la a startling statement, tu* •
Fifth alreel, proving properly and
flclaled at the funeral of the wife last still more startling one Is that all the
pacing for thU notice.
diamonds to be found on our planet
vice for the husband and Mr. I
have fallen on our earth from the i
took the approprUie text beginning and have not. aa moat of us thought, SO MEN WANTtO-BIk Rnpidi Ce­
ment Co.; good wages and steady eni• Be ye ready, for yc know not the hour been produced here like coal and <
mineral prodocit.
may 5-U*
when the Son of Man cometh. etc.”
Yet this la the latest scientific a
* The pall bear«-rs were Mc^rs. Ran
tion with regard to the world’a stock WANTED-At onee. a good man tor
som. Karris. Bryon. Ayers. Ranson and of tbla prwioua atooc. l*be whole stock
Ed Conway of Dear Lake was In tht
farm; steady Job. Inquire at J. W.
Taylor. Without a mourner exce|.t of the Klmberiey mines, with their un­
city yesfordgy.
Slater’s furallure atore.
may f>-2t
the fctep hton. J. J. Bunleu. the Femains known nwourcca. and all, the gems of
Hngh Beou of Koithport was a
were Uld to rt»^l in Oakwood by Under­ this chararier to be found In any
cunt >1 Uiu Wbitlog
of our planet, all have fallen from
taker Amlermin.
Mr. «n<l Wn>. C. R. Ducktray an.)
spare at some time or other.
for hatdilng $1 and $2 per thirterei
son have returned from an cxu-nsi\e
Somew here In tbe lllipiitable dUtance
I had the highest scoring pen of any
trip along the Paq<flc coast, bavin,:
that surroundt us there Is a vast dia
variety In the receat pcniltry
mond factory, the only place where
left this city Sept. 2«. While they con
SpeclaJ prk-i^ on Ida of 5<r4i
shier the west a llm- country. MIchl I's Saginaw B^ef Company** Bir, Ice l»erfiM-t gems are produced, and from
thN fa«tory we linvc m-elved a large
Chest Fi!le<J.-Work Begun by
\V. H. Umlor. 4U8 Fifth Si.
gau. at least for the pre-^enl.^U g»KKl
supply in the |iast and are still ores
enough for them.
slouslly receiving an odd cimsiguraent!
Mr. and Mrs. C. l>. Stank-y of Sut
The tnuiihU-r let- ebt-ri just ^m
HOUSE TO RENT-218 B Eightli 8t.
tons Bay. who Kjx-nt the winter in
pitted by the Saginaw Beef <x>mpan.v thU?
Inquire E. A. Seymour. 25U E. Tenth
Tesas. passeil through the city yestei
Tbe first piece of evidence Is that tbe
at the conu-r of Lake avenue and
may B-lt
whole of tbe rock in wbk-b tbe Kim­
day aftermxiii <»n tlu-Yr return home.
Eighth slrev-l. has U'guu receiving the berley gems are found la simhar to
Mr. anjd Mrs. Stanley spent januarv
let- ii^'ssary to complete its use. One nothing else on earth. It has bean glr. A
at WaiTco. February and March at Ban
hundml tons an* now being put lu by en a distinguishing name (Kimlierieyi.
Antonio and April at Corpus Christl
and U corresiioads exactly with tbe LOCATIUN-Soulb side of West Ninth
Jameti C. Hopkins and It will be
They an» prodigal In expnwtdng'thcir
street. licla<*<*n Oak and M^ple
ilpys iK-fore the filling Is compU-te*i. matter of which meteorites are comgratitude for the generous .hospitalliy
streetH. kVa blocks from postofflro
The* lev will be stored in the upper posedwhich met them cve-rywhert. Thr.\
Tn plain language, the whole of that
building, a ^Dice level sfiot. one d
t-tmi|iartment wideh has an opening all
left Tm*sdsy for the north and have
vast maiw of rock fell on earth from
the liest on the street, well ahaddd
aiouud Hie four sides down which the the skies at some tote period of tbe
Ix'en timveling (-unl4iiually.
in front, beautiful lawn graded io
cold air Mjshcb ti» the suirage ctunpart world's formation. This to rsthiM- stag­
Mrs. IH-Ibert Ji»> nt and sister In
pTdcwalk Hue and good gaidi-u lu
mem Itself. This Is ilghlisl by min- gering. but it must \v remembered
low. Hattie Joyni, arrived iu the cil.v
dows nn.l electric llght.s art- installed that there to a mountain In Arizona
thU morning from OmeJia. when- they
for night work. The air w hich la cer­ which to arknm^ ledged by all w'lentlsts THE HOUSE cxmrists of (.ailoi. large,
will ivturii on the late train.
dtopleasant sitlli
tainly chilly and the let- once aiorxsj
Miss Hattie Humpsch and sister. Ul
mondN an* l»eing fouud at that spot.
dining room,
win not have to lie reiit-wetl for
Hlanmlids are found*'?*raci lea lly In
lie. Ixith of Nonhitoii. an^ In the city
on first floor, two large bedrooms
su|x*rl1(i.-tl toyera of flie earth's mist.
Uxlay where they earoo this morning.
closets on »*con*l fl*x>r, atob
That to another proof of their celestial
Hugh Scott, of Nortbp«»rt. who has
A laige well jirotected ve­
A Remedr Fur Bum*.
origin. I*urthcr. the diamond crytUto
Ixx-n In the city for a month, left this
A celebrated tliM-njBii remedy for are formed like no other** that are of
randa on iionh and east side of
afteriKsm to H« nd Sunday‘with his burns has been found among -Grand- earthly origin. This to n-garded as a
boniM*. Uglm^I with gas, city water
motbor’s Sure Cun's. ” whirii may l»e strong proof that they fell from above.
brought to the sill, pnmp In kitchen
Mts Maude E KiIhh- and nitve. made In *junntlty and krpt txmvealenf
It to i-uriouR that our dlamouda are
furutohCK hj.l. ii.ll.l drtnlrfng water.
. Take llfteeu oumvs not jierfecl and that some of them
Alnta iKdim went to Ki-ysHiue ihii^
Stone foun.totion and cellar.
glue, break In small when first l«rought from Kimberley
morning lo six-n.l the day fisihing.
THE PRICE will Ik made known on
pieces and <xx»k lu a tfuar! of wclrr
Mrs. R. A. MUks left this morning until soft. Tlteu dlxsoUe by means of mines nnd exixM4*d to the air expldde
appllcauou. U to exoeedlagly low
crack Into several pieces. Now,
for Klugsh-y to spend Sunday w itfi her a water hath and add twoVuue,** of
and will o-rtaluly Interest anyone
tones which <-ome down In meteordangbicr. Mrs. Frank Fn-oinan.
gly.vrin and six *»ntmR of <-arlNdlc acKl tlcK also ex|i!ode w hen they are taken
desiring a cozy. low<ost home.
C. CorUn. n»pre.M‘nlallve of th« ContlDue ibt* brat niitll tborougUly dis­
THE TERMS can be arranged quite
F. H. Oil] compiny. Chicago, who has solved. i>n (*ODling this hardens to an
largF-I) to suit the convenience of
siH-nt a short time In the city. b-P ehnstlr moss covered nilb a shining (lecultor conditions
the purchaser. Partial cash pay­
thU morning for PetosKey. where he pan-hiuriit i;ke sktn and may 1m* kei»t where tbe stones ar
ment to desired with tmhUMxT An
for any length of time. \\*lu-u nsjulred these conditions cannot prevail on the
will look for brtxik croiit
m(*nthly payments.
for UHe it Is plat-ed for a few minutes In earth, as the oxygen prevents them.
as Mlldrtsl ix»ckeiay will leavt a warm tv.nter U-ith until suffieiently
In order to make a dlamood It to nee- This to a bargain that wU| aUnd dose
lay for Mai borough, where sht- llqnid and applied by means of n broad
InsjKrction by
isaiy that the coqatituenta should be
wlU accept a poaltlon with the Port­ brush. It forms lu alxjul two minutes very hot and tfaeo cooled quite awMenstHTulator for
land Cumoni comimny. Mfsa. Winifretl a sblning. amooth. flexible and nearly ly. Nothing etae will account for the
will be sold right away. B
tranpi*arent skin, which excludes the tiecultor shafie of the cryetels and tbe
Marvin U also emidored there.
today or aome'<
C. Carman and w ife of Grandvillc. sir and soon boa Is the soreness. This general formation of the gem. The
will profit by your delay;
prpparaUon costs but a little and Is earth did not cool eoddenly. and ao the
Ohio, pasat'd through the city tht*
Call at 521 West Ninth 8L
easily kept at all times ready for use,
ling on their return from a trip to and It Is much more rapid in Its heal­ gems could not hare been produced ou
this planet.
Norihport. where they own a summer ing properties than tbs uaoal bouatIn every spat where dtomooda are
cottage. They will return at a.later Aold remedies for horns.
dale and occupy the cottage which Is a
typkstl summer home. Mr. Carman Is
Tkr Twu Pair* of Fetters.
the secretary of the IkHilson unive.teme years ago a flenv war waged
ally and has spent many summers ab iu India bKwren the English and TipDds toward the south pole. .
poo Sahib. On one occasion several
Tbe nearer the sooth pole the more
T. G. Swanson and children, who English officers were taken prisiiuera.
chance of discovering diamonds, and
have been vislllnr their sUter-ln-lsw. Among tb4-ui was one named Baird.
Mrs.,W’. fi. Foster, returned to their One day a native officer brought In
fetters to be pot on each of the piifon
>me this morning.
rarera that It la not a non of Ice. I»ut a
Kled w*t excei»tetL I
Mrs. L. M. Hahner retort^ to Morc-ely woundt*d hod was plain of Mild Uod covered with snow,
ley this mmlog after spending sev­ suffering from pain and weakness. A then be will also find that It Is tbe rich­
Steamers leave MaaiaCee daity lexgray halreil officer aald to the native est diamond mine In the world.
eral weeks In the city.
7 This curtons fact of diamonds com­ oept Sundays) at 5:flflpym,aad 7:Mp.
Will Uber of CadilUr/ who liad ser official:
m.. Sundays ki TrOO p. m. fpr JLo^- '
?, t
“You will not think of pniUng chains ing to na from the aky opens np an
oral bnodrad ^osheH of spuds la win
equalhr--Atrange field of speculation. ton aad Milwaukee. * Airlve mt
storage at Omc^ pasaed through
There are Jost as many |mln of fet
the dtr this morning from Omena.
kee dally at $:flfl fu W.' Arrte^ gt^ «
u Umr .w wptirri- w,. ttoJ «
rx trr pKr mart b/ «'* hto»«W>«
Mantoioe at 7;0fl A m.\Aad>q$B A ». • U
to tholr nale. Ho also vlahcd his par- worn.
ikde artth
eaU while there.
-Then.- said the noble officer. Tmt •gaiaT-Pwrwa', liixutee.
r. M. Clnrk of Dale, who U located two palra on me. I will wear hU aa
tnm CbtaM». aiA 'an.
in thia city In busInsM, Mt toflny to w en as mj own.”
Air. r good* peotOe ot y*
ThlawaaAma. Rtrange to say. BnM
spend Sunday with hU fnmUy..
lived to resata his irkcedom-llved to grckt* town* mdo aik* to cone Pare MarqMtte raili^
-take the dty-hat hte noble fHeiid died •nd heu* y tomterf who wiU Bortli and east At MkBiMee nrAbi M; •





Pere Marquette
Line Steamers I 'y j

Round Trib $1.60


indj*! Lumrira Hoowr and Tar Is
inlB,ttle aai hnnaitM nva flor

nrat MJ to yourself what yon yrotild
; then da vkat you have to do.->Eplc-

ruM UMyer ToyoM in y* Mig* o(
y* oldM tyoM *t Stonboig*
muic hta on }• night of y 11


A K ^ raUroad. M. A a R. iBlinmd.

K. a rssNCB. UMt.

" V,

T«AM«C city. I



Cbe €i^itfa IUcor<r$ Up>lo?0aie llltistrated F^tiiiPe
to Paris via iSerii^ Strait Cunnel
.fir a 4dM OpHl ft haa kaaw usUk-!


~ >»*■■■■! ^

wxt >€«

«Sart«~ to .tiOtot tMi' iMfIfW

«i?fo2r^a»d tte aBTorm
•»« U^STUT^SllS^^
tn- boq,.^ Tb*^c«-i.l. of
m- f U^ to to MBIOOC
miih-h U»^
M. m UM Mm M kMtag of the I Vmpsd hr the wew this to fairly sue- gkm
MMad ky .tkr worm aosaa
^ tkouakl
.emrstota that excaUent cropa of carsaBx 52LZT”
cktoaartcat . Ttoa van* lataai



«f lor Mi MM


daw M9Utr* it MOM esaka to aua- adaoCkto-a toaaatloa ta tbr Capa Hoca
CalB any powitaUsp that to Itksly tona- to.Gapa of CkmA Bo|ie railroad r^bama.
aambto thste. The native gnuaea art
Tkto rcNual the wood trunk'itaa i.
of a aaperior quality, aad coal to* atotody laora thaa half




^^T^WoSiL wt tht turn U mm
.li wQy MiMMi ud nm
dC /
IktifpcvtetiM. It It «•» if tkt M
kmUM of chM. H
Mk m
fkee tkit M kkt «h MMIIY kkt Ikr
Mk«r fh«t tkit MB IM m mmj

VlUiBC BBi dMrtBf tB teitotqr kit Ml.
Ir MM Oott tohm tokakt. bat pM

IM Tf*y wkMt UOWII hr GoA Mtm
Jartw M lb* M drraiMMat«( W»’
YbtM. SM to bedUr MBS tW UIM

«-«e« lb* totr uf* IX fb* wb«c


**“‘‘^ *” “*^
Tb* iwnbi* «r tb« UIM ecto* Jo.

n. MiWAii « MM.
It vw on lr«ry MtefBt
»M« to II lill—lll Mi TW
|f ito Ml MMI to ko toim
MTd or om Mvlol to Utot Myiroo«
mmL TIm tioo of o r—ttooow imOM» frmm PiM to Morte »l«lrt ter*
OrWwi oa Uto koatovorio or


d«rt^ mloM «B dtocipito* to the
cbotTh. Bat tbit cawm b* 111 itnm*5^ IKtrlpIluc It rlMi«r tabWt to
^ partbtoi <X tb* Beriptonb. nd
S» tbtt woold b* Ood oMtndMiac
HUortf. Vhkb It aa uttrr liWtMibU.
IW. It matt mton. tbto*r«r*. tbit
tb*r* man b* t pttint. tolrrtat n*1t
to tb* <li«nb Of ilxM bnooto «f tb*

A4toto. ot tlHi trooMrt Um ooO otth


oai'ftiMi to


tiwn. Intokirmticie always doM nick
bans than good. Not cmy inttet if,
be made a auh}att of dla-

M UM. Lioo/io Lokol to too cmUm who
tot lootoMtMo for tito ortoMM. Ho Imo

tkoivh. ' No atandatd
of perfection la to be aet op or M.
named. If ao iba chnitk wm|4 aSl\
hare no mentiera and no adbeckM
for no one lircu i
The weakneaa <
nan natore la ti ff
be taken Into cunsidenition
tion and Inatead
iMtead r
of the church being in a rontlnnal agltatkm by tbadlacIpllDemfot .of Ita n«^
bera It la to be raolloua and eakaeiA.
tire, forbearing and long aufferlag.^.
tag to win back by ‘ibe spirit of nMnaaa- all who hare gone aatray.' Tho
choreli ta not InfalUhle. Whit oaen^

It hm» toluT^to^o^^D^altota^^


f'MMljr olfri^ > afcooo OMthorUli^ a
rnitotoolia Co W aotooi by tko Rurtoofi mitoror rcmtootoctora ooi tlio

to It to be tana nay be wtaetU am;
what aeema to be wbfot ta rery often
fotmd to be but taim The apoatkiB
hare been an«ildooa of Joiaa.


ftoM liumtot to EOM ro^. Ofi Bmoc

M. n. ^ Utoto koo otfnuty mado
toto yyry ol « Mt of Mito. fur.
■totood by HMitoaii caiiuJtou. Thto ourvoy kr iko KrtoiHi <oiQ|«Jiy ombmoi^

ssTtorr^;;^ ?i;r?rr


•at ime* Cbitot dwtom tbbt vSM
•■d tor** are to b* altovMI to ^Hr

IStO tlM IM*

Hfi5“toiWM#r. It


—BSMSM——SMMMypBW ’[ '^r'


1to«r anitol for tkte yroot body of laud
mm h hmm to aSd to Ihr r.maln»rtion dl*ruit> II to aallmalad iluil It mill
of tkc rotol. Tko cmr. It mprmmrm, hum rnai lBto.aat.0to to mak« ihr tunnel
krartiralljr r—oftod and IHUr raaaJiui and Iha B,aot luUaa of rallaay. It to
kmjo^to^ oa Ik. wortt a. topklly a. aald tfiat more than half of that aaor.
mooa mum may ba tocurad to America.
Of rolitoa M. «» ttokal to aoC iba In.
Tha tunnal under Bcriny atralt aeama
raator of ih# mchmtm to lanaal Borina very formidable at flrat thought, but
vtoa-ad In tha llaht of paat
JLia^i-wTmiIi **** *f?*
^ manta In the aaine Una U to ej
iMtolhta. It to only about aa I
kora ■riaki I latoattoa to laaort to tha from N>h T^rk city l.•^>w Brun
tuaaal Whoa ko trtod flm lb toiatMt X. J.. dr ff
toUnd. In I
raiherllam exr«%atlon than haa baeti
macto tor the New York aubway* to
ofa toitao
watar arblrh aaftamito ih« rive i« l^rinr airull


that thane to ydd
riHila aufltoiam to pay for bulldinr Itia
road. It to a fart that man who know
abaolutHy aoUilnr about rnrlnaartor faltad with arHiuliurat iKumlbllltlea.
hare bean abla to dly foiiunaa almrwt Thl. to aaiHM tolly tha c-aae In HIbeHa,
any whara to Alaaka^ Thla to a*i.«tolly which to rapidly devaloptor Into tha
tnia of ihaVarioti in tha vlrlnlly of tha m.a.t prointolnr w baat rrow toy rcrlon
In the world. Wliaii tha atoteen inlla
the riimpany by the
imam falls Into the ]
allvar an
aettlars It will develop
par and .
apeadity |iiu> one of the richast sectlone
Hut that to not avaryth
of tha empira.



tiitr strait
tunnal tharr to no dlBlrulty that haa
not already been ^ivariMtme In iha ronatrmtloii «,f tha Trahjwibaiton nmla.
and modern proyraMi doaa not stand
ayho^’t over the contaniplatlon of the
It to a mirhty undertaklny. Imt ihaTe
|« avao* pixwipert that It will l>e ac

vajTi have baen made. It to to berln
at tha tip of the South American con­
tinent. follow the crest of the Andaa to
the tothmus of Itonania.' on ihrouth
Cantn.1 Amriica and Mexico. Into tha
United Kutes and throuyh l!a1Uda to
Ato-ka* Theme It to to * n,« over to
Asia by way of
Ketins saa tunnal
and on thmurh filherla and rantral
AMto to the Holy Land and KyypL
where It to to connect with the I'ape to
Caliw line i.rojec-ied by Ceiil Rhodes.
To do all this %vuuld recpilre only
half n blllhm doUam. rather less than
conrress apiHopitotes at every aas.
Sion. It took almost as much to
struct the Transslbertop line AtcordIns to the prnniot<
oney for tha
undertaklnr has
been subscribed and so <•<
Andrew I'amerie hiis expressed hto be­
lief that the road will be mmplated
within ten yeaiw. It to also stated that
Mr. ctomerle will dnan.-e the line from
New York to llumoh Ayres and that ha
has subscribed lio.OtM) for a prallmlnaiy survey.


church may have had tone tbrnbla ia
to ihe chararter of Auaniaa am Happbira. but It waited for Ood to etpoaa
them and to pnniah them.
The topic puU the quenkm of wkatt
and tares wIittc it should be put. Thete
always hare tieen and are today In oor
ebnrebea and l-tadeavor aoelethn two
claaaco of mrnilKTS the good am Ike
bad. And eedi oim sbiaihl anawer far
himself 4he question as to wbldh claaa
he belongs. >\ e onrsejres know or can
know by self examiualiou wbefber wo .
wheat or urea. Wc know oar lOO*
tires In confessing cnirlst. We know
that we are living and whether
beorU are really right w lih ftad or not.
bet oa acarrh ourselves deeply snd
pass jodgment only upon ourarltTs imit
leave ilm Judgment of others where It
belongs^with Ood. Ask yooioelf the
iiestlon lu the most searching way
nssible. Am I wbest or lares? If
beat, thank Ood and do more for
Him. If tares, do not even poll your­
self out of Ootra vineyard. God can
tranaforra tares Into wheat In any
field ho could make the ftubblea am
thistles gtKid-grain. Desire that l^e
trsnsform you. Aak Him to do no. and
He will do It. and you'll be no tonger
hindrance to Ihe growth of others.



la ■ *
[ M>*il.w«kaii^ fenateWiptahtts. wffi
V ^ WM»fl#Cartfd ht ^ and pleasant renwfy'for an
tMrns. ftacOdirecflyuponaUthedrticate.inflain^
CiMM. fiqrtfyifv the bkx>d. thr<mitig off tlKci^
matter md relieving female (Dsorikn such as irregular.
‘ acanty. profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc
Also rtfievea. headache, backache, dizziness.
; damps, dragging pains, nervousness, Irritability, etc.
yoo need advice, write us a letter, telling us all
. your symptoms. Wea4U send free advice (in pWn
j sealed envelope). Address: ladies’ Advisory Dept.,
-1 The Chattanoofs Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tepn.

tat aidMrte tespA fKtei
ata M arrow * fputtor

frta ta tao Ik a tar tarU
tau la tlw ata of M tatH

coa kllUoialrr Ha ta oSeta k
i mottf tataaoMot %a ta ta
aa4 mire, ta Ifra. POUj farafta to

By going 10 %:iOot.
of the troobla; They

produce > bed*fcy,
MtoQg. nonbil octloo
df bowels end lber.

tam H. Vakar. vke ta taa em
aeelod witli tW auies a«k>
treaaary at Boatoa more than forty
yrarv aad aaaiiy ikat taftk of tluo
derk. la tko tato fMurkataaad ae*
iota «tan la AuaHea.
0. If mar. oauala fa Ike


There a awmecdtohit seta hr lasB aisww

ttaiva wta ta aU taltSmata
fowark OpM
taaekaa. BiBa
Houto Btog.. Onmd Italia. hUeh.


M9. u. a

MM* Mh. ktBtoMu C*a ter tetaA

Vted* BriM. UT Fntt 81. CM
TO LOAM-ta ta daaaa
(feoM m*.
aiirSMa ISON8Y
pal *a mortsatag. Patou tor tala.
Itatrs of to tocNamara. Part
FOB BALB^Ita Bavaaty-fiva
Frtiat 8t, asosUy oeeuplad by targe
throeatory taldlag; power and
ter shafita: good loeadoa for fketorr: Bamamkar Ika fatmra Baa to pw
bpaaaworfc. Mrs. JUaad. CO. ptaa. wllaWe tor atmos* Aiy klad mann- hand, a aolaaUic nmita
- ‘ taiHag. call tor prioe Wato
Bras. 127 Fraai 8^ ailaaaa photo «ka traa tlto% kiilta ‘-Ofto BU
Uitoam. SkItaMxmtoa.
apr tMf
dea: a week or tea dta' work. Dr.
A. U. Holliday.
FOB BALt^ms~to am oto mba DO YOU ^ANT TO BUY A UtOiM
cdiy UaUu; threw (boaiaBd fribt; IN THIS CITY?
WANTtO-Clrl for
twcaty^hrac kuadrad peach; oae of If no. t kavc tka following for
work. Apply Mrs. nqyd Wh, 4»
ffarat frtUt orchards ta (kU rldaity, bargalaa, every oae of them.
West Tenth. Clu. jhoac Ito.
call tor . price. Wadu Braa^ir ONB IIOU8K on West Ehrvcolk St
Fraai 8t aUaakg pkoae lltf.
Would aaake a ^ie« hoaw.
amy 14f TMIUOfi H0USK8 oh Eaid Tctiih St


WANTca-Tir th« lutetea la
lac aad Ultet- CaBtOOl.


One of tke boykood toacbera of Da
Id UriBtaoB, Ike Africaa «Moo
A Jipatowe woodciitler. who had a
ai7, U atm alive aad oa active tariee. disfiguring wim on his right cheek, wmt
He ta Her F B. Oddwel!, a mmker eaugUl one day In a rloleot stnn
cf tka Laaeavhlre aad CbcUc-a prww
Uavta taght stater la a boltaeiy la Enflaad. U yesQi «T ta- low trve. he feU fast aalsrp. Wta kis
Wta A .vooac taa ke was a loackfir awoke he found it was night, tmt the
ai a aciiocl la tke adebboroood ol darkness was Ulnmlnated by a Ibow. WANTVO-BoaUkn aa
J Nicely located.
aand tiny tamps." By ihU light tbs
by woman with child;
FOB SALE—1442-r.fh I
Blaaiytc. Laaartabire. aad iincnis bis
wuodetmer saw. in an open apsce Just
ferrod. 112 K. 14lh 9t.
avenue chcaii. Ctall tor prire. W'ade’ ONK II008B oa Rose 81, near cam. '
pupils srat ytnaa David Uvlninitoa<\
hy kia tree, a snaber of tengu. or
Bras, 127 Ftonl 8t.. aUtens phono;
Prfkalc MdBildt of the Twcailotb falrtes, who had br«n Indolgtto In •OY WANTED—TO do
ta'icn, Uaited 8UU*s artillery, in r Bkke. the natisml drink of Japan, aad
laara priailag trade. C
who were now la a very merry mood.
TVIi NpNt H M«t ■» Miy. tlMli; thrtfly Wddlrr aad hioU forwart to rrenenUy anaie struck up sod a dancs
will appraciaie a gM opportmlty FOB SALE-1441-Large lot Soulbl**^ ^'**'*^
the titae whio be auy rcili< irca the
i«iM«i»li Hr
aoad apply. Herald aad Bocord
ooord Col , Cedar St; good buUdInga. Call tori ^ ACRES CUT OXKB, hardwiMHl
army. HU batt^y U alalionod at l\u^ ed from kls place of com
apr 2T4f
price. Wade Bros, 127 >Yool St j land, level as a Soot. 2V4 miles from
niley, Kan , aifl be has JujU iccurad fell to darning Uke mad. The fi
CitUens pbonc I21S.
may 1-tf j tom n uf £S0. ?
WANTED-Four kaary taams to draw
e femr OMiUtlu’iuiiough. which he wil! laughed end cbeend till the woof
Imdbcr; good wages; write or phoae FOB SALE-lUS-Oae hundred and
spcuiKca hU Cfo am- farm land *ti orlKisd. and when morning dawned
ANO'niBR 40 ACRES cut over.
U«;ga «»uii6. MrBrhle parrheaea ibU they dertaml that be had diverted
carp Lake Lumber Co, Btogbam.
.twenty acre farm onchalf mile Deal kind of potato taml. «.nly two
land MJlne time aad will pul In t<WJ them exceedingly and mtwt come again.
apr 23 if
Cedar City; eighty acres under cul miles from market and perfectly level.
aeter c)l wbiwt. He look with him -And.-* said their leader, an important
tlvalion; Urge fourteenwim boour,
a»Uri.ciPrjf lerm. wUI be ra»ilr lo
little tengu. "as a pledge that you will
Ihiec htirrei and the neccUary farm
all modcra; large Irnru. stone baao any who wiah to buy. Would arcept
liar ns another visit we take this wen." WANTED AT ONCE-Two Urta. com
petrel cu*>k and *cct»ml girl; best of
roent; ten acre orchard. TbI* Is one city pro]iarlr> «taaage tor land.
Tlie words had seanwiy tan spokm
wages. Mrs. W. N Kelley. State
Tljf memoir* of general Krjn»nalkiii by the fairy chief when the wen fell
of finest farms In l^tanau couatv
apr S04f
a %‘olumTuunM work eoverln*; the Ru*>- from the wnodeutter a cheek, and U bet:an for price. Wade Bros.
133 E. Ninth 81
to-JatancM war. arc betas p«b|l»h.Ml enme .s smooth as a Utile rhUd'a.
may 1 tl
Now, It m happentd that a neighbor
rhcmciwtg. •
Traverse .City
ARii for genersi konae^
tl Moacov under the anpcrrielon t*f Ua
Ing woodcutter, who bgd a buge wen
. Lawton. 43b Webster St.
pulbor. The volunea sive a defeaae on bis left cheek, was Oe\ onrtd by
seventeen acre farm, one and a hail
apr Id If
for Kuropaikln-s anateay
all tbs* enry when he taid bow his frUuw
mile* of Grawn; about three bun
importa^l tiatlles of the war and ciit- tabun'r hati l>eeo cured. Having learn­
' dred tbou.sand feet goo^ log Umber.
icisf! to fiwly the lack o( auppon ed the sc« rcl. be set out for the spot WANTED—Two good
f;Uly acres improved; good build^ INTELLIGENT WIDOW, with mean*;
girla. lloltl Whiting.
Kfn*d the seocral in blab qkarter* in w Ijcre tiK* fairies met, with a new pair
onchaU mile shore front on
sage 5S. affcciionaic dtapoeltlon. dt^
St. rcterabura and tbe ounduct of ctsr- of straw sandals on his fret, fully di^
Silver take I all level and all good
*trr»- correspondence with eldctly
lain of hU aubordlnauw that the no* leruilnrd to show the tiny |wo|dc wliat
dauduB really mintut. On reaching the
Mill.' Call for price. Wade Bron.
widower in good standing socially
thor ihouaht eorlouslv of publiahlns hollow Uoo be carefully conreakxi him127 1-Yonl 81. Cilltens pUunc 12Ik.
ami finauctally; object, matrimony.
(he work only poatbuinoui*ly.
toif and breathlessly awalU'd the FOR SALE—Two tiC R lots on East
,Addrea* * U W ." care of Becerd ofSome of the ncaly elected memUem tarae of events. In due time the umiAll work done in a satisfac­
Slate 81.; would take some carpen­
moy 4-2f
of ikarlUment Ond dliriciUty In remem- gu aasewliled and at onev began drinktory manner.
SALE~143$-Fiflyfour aert
ter work In lari pay. Inquire $10 FOR
bertna thr »ona<^tablUhi>d cuBloma of litg sake aad dancing. ^ Then wood
farm eight ijtiles south Tiaveme
All orders promptly attend­
State St.
may 4-€t*
that body. Oeeaaloaaly one ef them cutbY No. 2, thinking, ibe right time
City in midst «f fine farming coun
ed to.
will beam bU remark* by saylna. *^JIr bad conu% dasta'd Xrom hU ptaiv of FOR SALE—Small place two miles
try; good buildings; ground all level
hiding and cssaycil to mnij a leg In
Chairman." or -GeuilcBicn
all under cultivation., Wade Bros..
from city; good frame building; Ju»l
turn* to the music, llui, sins! tlie
of ‘Mr. Speaker." Othtrv. \n eplt^ id cbcerlng dhlch gn^ ted bU first apthe place for a country borne. II. E. 127 Front 8t. t'Ulrou* phone 1219.
warning. paa« between the chair and l»e.nrancc soon died away, for bo could
may Uf
Perrin at First NaUonal bank.
THto FswMOEffto' 1
Iho naember^who la addrewalng the nut damv with the apinty of the
houae. It baa been difficult to tU^ friend w bum be envied, and lie .ended
FOR SALE-A fine new row boat, or
many of them ikai they mual alt down kta effort* amid ehilllag alienee.
The chief titogn #KV«ied up to ibe
will exchange for a good pony. W.
ben the apeaker arise*, ond a \ntfec

B. .Nelson, 315 E. 1-Yont St.
* level; good building*. Call for price.
n*imWr seem not to know when to errstfaUen womka^rr ^1^1.
^atlrU-al Iww. “Thank youT* be said,
Wade Bros. 127 Front St. Clttacna
apr 30-lwk
Uke off their bau
••and aa you have Irtetl to amuae nr.
phone 1219.
may 1-U
Senator Foraker ha* bi*cn In couinv we will pay you wllb ihH!"
wr*y with the Ohio U'sUlaturr in reAnd AO speaking, he ^ppid upon the FOR SALE—Good drlvlag hnrneas.
Franklin St.
npr 27
p^u^ It. the- rale blU. In b|Haktug ui envious woutkiittcr's right cheek the
house> cornercomer-of
of Prospect and Wal
tbU measure the o‘her day he ^ered w en be had laken fniiii his fellow suf- FOR SALE-^Horscs at the Shllson
nut. party ic.ivlng city, h.-nce
an ameuUment. saving he fell »me no fiTcr. and the wretebt'd nirm Tciunie.1
bouse barn. Han Crcvcllng. 924
lui.-c. Wa.Io nrtm. 127 Front SI.
fair-minded man could oppose ll. He to ItIh Ikhuc uirrylm; two ghr.-.ntle wens
Washington. Ci». 705,
apr 27-lT
CHI/cns phone 1219.
may I If KHI ar* Dot MtwM with rarik
Instead of the one with which he bad
addisl that the lefcislatun* of hla
ten his but
FOR SALE—Summer eSuige^a^'lM FOR SALE-r1432—Fort) acre farm
favored It. *i km glad to hear.* *»al-;
at BIrchwood. Inquire Angua Mcfive
A Ny. I
Senator Halley of Texas, -ihat cor tlal
Spar aiMcy.
npr 19 If
forty. Call f«»r iwice Wade Bros..
reUulcuH tmre m<»re exist hetki*en th •
In the chuitta or .Kugtand foruHTly
127 Front 8t. Otlixas phone 1219.
Ohio hglslalure and the Ohio seu- the levying of spot: money by tin* choir
may Mf
'* Mr. Foraker Bald grimly: *’Oer boys was an established custom, ta­ FOR SALE CHEAP—One ganoUni- on
glne. g horac |*owcr. I single t
letaihms Bie moiv than cordial. I ker tells the gallant of the seventeenth
Wo pafiit or |»per over oara^
eemury that when lie goes to Ht. Paul's
harness. 1 sail boat A. W. Rlckcrd.
mliht *ay that they are warm."
end Kuanujtoe th«r erfety ftoa
cathidral lie is to “be sun* your silver
Grand l>uke Alexis U «> dlscourased
beinK toiled.
April 23^1mo.
by the mw*curlty of things In Russia
J. J. awiMOKN
swarm about y«ni like «»
r-r»™ 1 mitte BorU
Vopi BENTthat be has wbaken the dual of hU while butterflies. W1»cti toU ere in
native land forewr off hla feet and OBou quire you shall draw forth a |*er-. FOR SALE-My borne at 131 East
Eighth SL Desirable locaUoa; rea­
orchard. Olher coarcniOMC*. Cb»a
has nurrha.-od a permanent residence fipucd embroidered tmrtK- - the glorious
J.H.M0RR08 6E0. W. MeWerST
sonable price. E 11. I'ope.
NorrU. Norrisvllle. *
apr 9 tf
In Pnrls. lU* new home, a aumpiuoas sight of which will entkw many iv>uuapr 17-tf
141 lace at Pare de* Princes clove to the tO'»<*n from tbeir devotion to wonderfortlflcatloas. will when eomplelcxl. ing-and quoit sliver into the boy*
fob RENT-My residence raomi ad
that It may Ik^ tawra slx,ve U,e
SALf-n.rnl(u;e. bar room, fixwith the possible egcepiion of the Tri­ first lesaoTt.
Joining Steinberg*! Grand opwn
nltbougb it be read in a |
lure* and buslneaa of Hotel CoUimanon. be the wLatellest private resl- voire as big a* one of the great or­
house, furntahed or nntomtahed
apr 14-if
p in the k>encb capital. Alcx^^i gan*." The custom woukl appear toj bla. A. Hebert.
Julius Steinberg.
mar 244f
■1 ksw^w^^bTSTlock
has always U^eo a Parialau at heart hav'v originated from tbe dlMurbauiv {
RENT—Ten room house. 120 N.
and Is said out of sh^r disgust with Of dlrlno wrv lie In tL-e catbedraU by ! FOR SALE-No. 4
Spruce St, phone 356.
may 1-ff
k«i.. wire foocinK at JOo period. I sIm
typewriter, almost new. W. E. WilL
>wn c<junlry. ai):l dbole all with th^ jinglln;: of the spurs of iK-rsona
lams Co.
mar 2I-tf
a kw'
hU iBiierinl nephew, to have mem* walking within ihrlr preclm-ts. a tri­
fling lln>-be!ng imposed
fenro at 21te i er pS***^roultry
tban.onci' expressed a dcaii^ to be­ called "Spur moi»vy." the coliecliou of
FOR SALE-Grianell Bros, due bill for
lowi«t prices. Alto come a naturtllted rrenchman.
whk*b was left to tbe beadles and sing•
ISO. Anyone desiring this should
W. Slater.
dew wnkda Hk.. Trmrse C»jr
AttenUons have bhen tbbwsretl wihj ing. boyn If. Iiowevcr. tbe youngrat
toqulra at Record office.
apr 14-tf LOST-Ladlcs* gold watch on Second
on the officers and sailors of the cboriatcr prevent fa ilea to render Ida
or .Bay streeU between Divtaion and
French fiket now in New York harben gamut c«>rrccttr upon being challenged, FOR SALE—Han Bailey coH. 2 years
business college. Reward If
and the visitors arc ftopondlng wiyh
turned to C. H. llaoalovsky. cor
old. albo fine cactus, tree seven
tbe proverbial French gfinantiT- Thi*
Ladlet. ^ ta Iwnqron K. tram- feet high. 9H State tlreei.
wa* Illustrated In an amuaing manner pit an IL hut It will eoma up amlllng
jNm tong Wta tag
«• If
mky 2-$i^
when the scow Dorothy of Haventtraw tvary tima.** Calman*a Elaatle Flow
iryutata.* —"***^'"**
Ml the flwt. It wan washday Varsilah. ‘to to Walt A Sens. Travaraa FOR SALE—Choke lots on Sixth 81.
aboard ibc^Trench eh ip and It hap- CBy.
inquire F. H. Meads.
apr 2$4f
I to be waahday aboard the scow
I oiU carry a complete Uuc ul the lullawiut
Coagressmau Cushman of Washing- .FOB •ALE-Three houiwa in beat loborothy. B’hen the bouiewito. who
calkNu ID dti; <ne.hatt to ala Mecka.
Aiitttotala, LatmcJi atol Qaaellaa to-.
lives with her huabafld on the eeow. ton was talking of the i>anlc yean;.
Imm posloticc: mjr anaitwr boae
tbe great lloea of French striped 1W95. “U was fortunate for me." ho
at BIrchwood: Bloc blocU te dtr
clothing flatteriog tn the river brme* said, -that I Uved ihea In Tacoma,
IlmUt; too IroU treea. kBOwa aa Ua
minediately loosened one end of r^r Tarama U ph the aeaooaat and oa
Outim; to BCTM IsBd la Loat Lake
her own wank line and swung hec good the aoacoaat there U always an abun
towaahlp: real cataU teoncac* U
OaaollM Qaaiaa
man's rc*k flannbls In the air. Tbe dance of clams. When the tide la out

I iku It 01 f too tonus



TaAVBiiea on^




Wm. Champion


Painter. Paper Haai^
aad Decorator.

“YOU*r MONgl U
ttr. „opD-


e««. n. Jarvis


kOI frsat itrcci


HLOOD cuki;



||ijito l«lPIOS I IjpiMU R'Y

OTER41 BCTini^



fohii R Santo
General Insiiraiics

Mt$. J. a k |U*T X noEstPOB

New Stock



Fishing Tackle
, Enough Said

CyltatrOO /

Atota« MtUrt

Oil 0«aa
MolAl FoUah
Dock PlaUf

cfflcer in cemmaad of the deck of the
Marselllalfic nottoed her modrai'saViio
with tnie French pomeoess to a
AM Mitme^iatol.v orderad the bo$‘n
to reply. The boa'n ploed an order
In a mlnuta one groat tlae of


National. /


^wn la hoo
or ot *1^ ioawbodi ct ik- ko« Dor
othi oc Harmiraw.

Central Leagues.



(he tabic ta net. I aaaurc yon that 1
ato clam* and ate clams and ate clam*
until my stomach rora and fell la petfe^t harmony with tbe ebb and flow of

the ucir
^Wta I vna a druBgtolt fit Uvonla.
ta." vrliea T.
wnr of
QmywvUle. Mo, "Itat of mj ettatomand attag today.
was trying to neQ hM praperty _


Waa tka J. &

OMrie Oa.


23S fast ta StfM

C. A, Dogbee l*rug tVx

city; auney la Al coedttloa: «ood
cook atore. Or. B. L. Aihtea. lU
Caaa 8t.
»ay Mt

ht Jhbaam Drai; Co., r. II. Ueada. r,
A. Bairtw. Urns <V.^dni«iau. Me

aMn. Titei toUte.i*»

8. H of 8 8 U Of Bee. 1*. T. «. N.' It. * W;-S* ierra,

N. Hof Nt *ot Bee, II, T.n.K. B.*W.-BSaer«;

Cad for vrliv. WaBelhaa.. m Fvnail
Fhoao ins.
a»r 3»^|

' \:

fcs S712 S2: St ?. S: J; it. U


••Bi aneea for tIM. J.
teOCMB k Sote tn kMte OItMM

a«! Mahia: Aoloa tocaOea. Whd*
Broa. in rraM St. vCMaof phaoe
Fhr t»tt



FOB «At*—While Wyai
;laa atrala. prtae wU

teB BALS—MW.-W MM tr«Bt Kt
teat «a^: edrate Vroat had t%ik;

KMg mn.


tuic ta to tactaa tt Wto ta icihitsa





Md^2*a?0?J!£'w^toTi&L’ **

iobn F.Ott


■ Tfliwm Oijr. Wtate

: ;

orttHv M m hloiiM tut tW tM



Mi 4 lUt#

iMt, trrtui, pmi

HM h
M fiu.
MMU. Mi mH

i «ilMit.t ftiilfnur
/ (OrUtifMT)'
ttift tlufK !•
iMiM, m
H( iar M fU vrtiC vtt W
li tUir uulirtt, win
• mival dr tU hneM.
OiUr **f^ltaU** tjw

« M ««A ter. ^ lU wiu.

• if« illiiiai l«riM iwligt
• U44 It aat brnm witi aamw.

• teiii

atm cm imm



itilHt. a»M> ini

* Tatf te* tteite

tea ite irat la fakk aai ai«m;*jter womi ao laaiar raaag. aai art
All tut
Mti unit
« mute fu aaj atair, #artpt ate
Ht tua tmtitai wm amte
mum ar namte
•#•••••••••• fji^ artattM atrit k ifjrlat la i

---- -


Itf. aair a taacataa aaH: bakt a taw
ita la tellow aaii.
naa aa tear ar twa baton
^ klet la amtew Maai
Iba Hca tor aaoblaa: alk
ar watar to aat iwaTal a# Hm», aatt a
UtUa^aai wbaa bfUag nat la tbt rk«.
te H tolaataii. tela daaalr. aH tb#
^ a kuk am Aba bat at raak. aad
Buaai 1i M^taa wHb Iba Hi oa
Wbta ioaa tmr ki

aaai koka taaUj wall la a prlaoiHia
gewa. aai a towa at aait oa)y kak
«»H at a Ickraial atalr. Ii U aat a ntobPi tbroagb a tiraia#r. tbr#« oitp
fnk. Waib oo# eapful of rk# ibroogk
a#T#fil wai#r« mtll U k r#r/ H#aa.
fata a toiaapaa put tb# He#, loi
Not oalj art OP# aeapt uiaapoopfal of aalt. oaaor a tamoMfil of papHka. oo# i#aaift lat te. ttto m te. 0 «i
bit tbay wtor twte# at lau at to Iba apooaral oT iaal/ oboppti mu boiled
allteek oaaa. If rat waar oalj bigh hato aad rwo tabkepoaarak of but
KbOM. cbaoaa atocklaga with wkito lar.' Noll tor ire toUnite# ib#d draw
tbo te bank ao ikat tke mieata will
fttt; bat B rot aotottUaaa waar
Aai tor «W1 bat aambt u aaaar. part, or low tboaa. agji for tb# #iock baiwly ktotoor tor tbrea-iiwHm of aa
tote. Tbaaa will hour. By tkk Um tb# rk# abould to
No taanOaat wart u tbt toir lltik lagt wUk
t#ader »iul act brok#a. Uft
gift rtu att fba ootofbrt aai aat
ikpaQ/ froto tb# botton of ih#
WU itaw tot fidai atair ta ter: Uoa of wbik toac. wbMa aoat of tb#
aaaaapaa wlib a tork that tb# rka May
Na ftoiral, rte it tba baairai a^ wbitt wttl abow abora tbt tbot-l
Pot atkk. Turn out oaiwtoUr Ipto a
Ptotkaau of acHati aatrtaokt
Wbo fttotlU tot ftoter ani w: to bt t#aa ti tbt tbopa witb dm ae> baatoi ikb aad aanra aa a ragaiobk
Na tatot to tbt to«kar I tola Mdi
pkltai team ar
Rk# Ngg Balta-BoU bard Hi agg..
la^to.i^i te boitoto wHb two twaMO# tb# ab#lk aad put tbroagb a
akra wItb aa eqital anouat of bolkJ
rka. ##aaoB wUb aalt. p#pp#r aad bat^ tbpat^ wbototo tebraliafad tigtog. laat#ai c.
MTtr. k ua#i fiw attar of tb# llag#r
tar; tor* lata balk, dip lato
liait tbk raar. It tak#« two
twe wMtb«. #ggi. tbea tato hr#ai minba aa<l fry
Aai teira aat f, aar. bat a 7«t:
No wort, fboatoi 1 baow 1 ratotaibar
tbt totUopti tigm ar# ittad to. la bot fat; irala aad pUr# on aaall
|te#r aoroti tb# top_ tf
ar tb#
lb# crowa.
pktoa of btttiared toaai. 8#rr# bot.
Wbkb I armc tt I aaali. a>r uaT;b# a#w#fli iblag
Iblag la abirt ^waitu U
riih and RIc#—Pm Into a a;#wpi
aaa^ wbtl# Itea wUb soft tiira^owa half a nip of cold boU#il He# aad oa#
Dirt tot kr« tet to# jar. o tor mUaKaai elbow «l##T#a ialibtd with tabkapoonful of buiirr. 1^Ti#a hot.
I iari^ ear H t# Caalaaei to front add lb# aato# atoouat of cold cooked
far Iba aatNara that laalai all dar! lai bat a pocket. Wura wlib t ntvr
ad ink. mt aad pepper;
I .
-A, U T. Wbitaar. feilua or rad »llk Ik It k #ae#«ilagir Ibrea agga t^'^ tolautea. aad arUa
eool take-off ib# »hHI. chap #gg« v#r>
fk bara baib b#aa iawalag
Mott ekarakg atooag tb#
ia#. aid to i»h aad Hq#; a llttk awir#
Aaoibar bliia iar:
# m.r b# addfi; aenr# with
Tbiak wlUtbM Ittlt

Mit art tivta Im hut if mac
tor *-ttiar.** wbkb mat ttary taf

Iktoii tm tor kte te m of au

‘<te» .

•lla aMltto awarT
am# OMilft of laittatloa baby Irlto
lam ara kaartai am iba butt on
elte tea of tbt fcaat. wbIk two ocb
art art Jalaoi artlttkaUr at tbt iiM.
ikof Hkbaek.
tb# #ig«« of tba mt aad tba bobbing
#te tieerat. A ialatf toaab aoi
thk wKb tooat aT tbt aaamb Hm
oBarlagt U tb# iateKloa af tbt aery
barrowoit baaite
^ "tea at
lb# Juactor# of tlatm aai ^

Rka Waffka~M#awif# a goat
Ilk. U«# a parttoa of It to aoTtan a
ptot of cold bolki rice, baattu uatll
aU luaipi bar# ikappeatai. BOr lato
H tb# baat«a yoika of ibr## a»«. add
tb# f#toilii#r of lb# Milk, op# tabl#-

ittotihkg toffamt to Ilka,
It k a mtk too lat# to gat tbt b#at
tmitt frm wtatar ragotabka. aai
ikciardlr too teir for
tbm **b#i w##a dart*- irr Hco la aoai#
Tbai toaratbaU ate»telatoa? of
lit mtar tart
^ Wbat to# laati fact or frkai abatl
good 1b aoiuto at a #mteit or |a lu
akty roftot «■ a iaaaan. Hato# Cbm
gtvaa a auBbar of good rao4p#fl
Rk# and-Bark/ Broib—Wb#a boik
I oolr bop# to tai
tog a kf of ButtoB, aid to tba wat#r
k tote.
Tb# Ilk I toaiwi bara pataai awar. la lb# pot ma oaka atuek with
ooupk of ck«to a
Tba «Q0i k kft babtoi-;
two or waab#d rk# aad a toi
ftor. naiaitor. aataflai br iftai
pmmmB tkd la a bit of tbta
or aaaaaa toaa aka« tb# war.
a aarrot am alab b# aitoi.
I wteai k toubi. air b#art la twap tb# total U too#. a#< tb# lifw
or turt tbal MW art i#i.
uainmtiar. B#aKwa te Igt aa tb#
auitot#. Ntet. »tti a#am. aad ib#
Btata toi frato aaatotag tU u woa.
rtauh la ai #xir#Bfl/ good broib. Barto TJik Ita tart.
am b# aa«t if profnrrad to He#.
Utai. vbo wsn lu bariaa tbara.
Of tt toa/ bb eaokiHl eaparat#!/ aai
tTalll tba iar k ioa#.
—HaUk e Bkapto. aiiad la r#b<«Uag.

to bot. wall giaooti watk IroPt.
Rk# naff-4toak op#4blri of a bot
of gaktta la op#-tblrd cap of cold
Bilk. Pkk orar aad waab ooe^alf
ruptal ar rke. irala It, plan# la a
ha boikr. witb OP# aad a half
of toOk aai oo«w|aan#r i#aiful of aalt. Cook aatil t#od#r.
told lb# mkad gelauii. «tlr gaatl/ aatil
dift#otr#d. then add oa#-baU of a cupfiU af sugar pad aat aalda. Wb#n cold
aai imtelag to ibkbra add oa# tea
iM or raalHa aad oa# cupful of
creuB whipped to a .Uf froth. 8Hr
Hgbtlr uptU gait# tklok. Turn tato a
i mold aad an aaU# tmtil ira
aaougb to tarn Oat.
Crook KIce-Waab aad phit aom
ce c*rcfulk. jay, a third of a cot#*'
cup. aai putMt la two aai oaMalf
Plata or Hcb toUk: add a trace of salt
bp atoaUaat atomt of mgar. eo
■pwem* Itobtlr. Put la aa orea.

ricto oM^uart ar tolk. oa# labkaptoa101 or aalt, oaa tabkapobafil of W
tar. to b# aaai to battorlag tba paiitogikb. Watotbt rkata.twd wa.
tea Mi pat lata tbt ikb; aid tb#
ate Mi baka to a alow ami two
Hata Waft! Ttowgb eteto a^rlroa Bom. It toatt awoll aai b# a grai
mat. If tt browaa toa fbai oorar till
. Aai gkiatta bitoi bto toot k gaarlr i«to m4 aanr# bat; two laig#
apooarak af gitei rbam ara aam-

open the oven aad .atir well. Repeat
ibU B tfieea Blauiaa. agmia la fifteen
ClotB tb# ovfw for any time
rroB tortJ tetotta to an hour and
Bom. aad ib# apoen win immmJa# If
It ahouU b# soft. bU not
i ukia shonM bare formed
at tb# te n Bay imt b# aaaaoaed

TMt aaw te U bora
laio Nutalir..
' I
At aigbt, brill ftiara

v .

r Battotonrortm.
I 1
rma all #rta k bU.
Kara batb beta iawatog
I .
Aaotbar Uta te:

Bkeve# wbkb ar# full « tto top «;
b a puff sbomi m
way* be Bad# o##r n Itotoff
it to be innwni agi Gto toUnesa to
abk for akte aayibJag.
IT a nkeee k awi# witb a teff enff
Nacb or tba otOet of Val. laea ia. nf Be# M k bMt to momv It near a
Mia apoo tb# eboka. Tbmarr
of white *aUn. but If a UM*•ral varktka. kaowp a» rrtpeb. C#r- parent tert k wantod Hriffoa should
»aa. Konpaair aai Mai i# Park. b# wsid tor the lining, aa tt Bake* tb#
Tbt two kat aami ar# aat ao dabln
abk aa tba oik##*, aai w# atodl ao* Tb# same rule applies to a lac# i
#«nte ibm b#r#..
Loosely woven Bsatertala or t
M Val. oaa to rerogaiatd by whkh ar# im#ty to fray telly am ^
liTiM M *• le
tb# m#ab, wbkh k rouad; wblk tb# often a soar## of trooble to lb#
lenli of tb# rraacb rarkty k ag
perlenrei ir#ssBak#r. tor boi
r dkBGOd i4ap#i. Both aMkaa bar# much k allowed for seama lb# ibi
rang #if#a. wbicb aaak# tbaai i# ar# apt to bneoB# untofnled al
alrakk tor wmib tobrka. Wblk 0#r- dowu to Ih# a«aB stIteW To
am Val, la ua#d oa allk aad #ottoa #dy thk lb# raw klg# should to
gdoia allk#. fmeb VtL atitoa more cast directly tb# garmeat k rul
for coitoaa^ aai k uato oa before say seam I* sewed up By thk
menat.ib# necessity for wide lurt
faatt* etolbea. auderwear. lawn aad k avoided.
Ckorw ekotr
tm —-itil
An easy and aatisfactorv way of
Vak. or aar making the baadrun tuck* to to mark
that ar# to
the fucks on the sewing Bichln# with
wbkb have (b# atroag bcN^ tb# atiacbBimt wbkb'pomes tor tbnl
along lb# top edge. Many cheap vaose. using a eoame needle, but n«
H«fle« ihow aa ekborat# pattern aloag ihrend and afierward runalng by band
ffHtiia Chwmiv
the edge aad tke Bo*t unaubntanflal in the bole* msile by the machiu**
lop. and Ibev are not worth the
ie. In this way Ibe siltcbe* may
Naming for worship. li:St a. a.
troQbk of sewing on. Cboone pnttem*
tade perfectly even, abd the meth
ofHBltomi atrearh. preferably In the csl of creusiag lb# tucks k Boto slm
patterns known a* -real Val.*’: for tke pier than that of Betsurtag each tnek
lac«a used la aoch quantUle* are ma
chio# Bade, but *ome of Ibe* copy
iltWM and ilbowt.
Bspming. f p. B. imii
(b# icaign* used for year* la tb# hBadMun# raKhkm predkts that tb# #1
aoM# goods. They can b# bni to all
widtbB.Swo or three qualUka, and In
t during the coBlng season, so i
both lanertkm and odgtng. Tbea# pa'tema are atandard aad cna alway* to ptetly pair of elboqr* *hoaW to culil
bad at any regular dealer’*. Bo. tt yoa vaied by every woman Nothing de
more from sn otherwise chirm
have a plec# of lac<> kft over, you cun
alway* Batch H and um It tu advan- Ing njlli-1 than to see an ugly pointiHi
ls*w peeping om from Inmei
emaa CooblB. pastor,
taao. wbkb k nut tb# came with «ain*^
pbon# No. ItM.
ilniy kc# sleeve.
new pallemit hrt»ughf out fron ilme
Onr church la a pom# tor wtete
There Is real!) no necesi^lty for thk.
and *#rvlc#. If yon bav# mb ebteb
i elbow, respond very quickly to home In Travers# City, you art torto
German Va!* are desirable in every
pnqier care, and none k beyond r#way Their toaa|j U a lasiiag on-,
for German Val. look* Ju* a>< well
Heom# to all. latrodocwfoitr fHMia.
Tn tb# first
many a woman
Greet the arrmngem. If a atnBffar. Waft
after waablag a* l»efare. It k a atroog
goe. through Ilf# dUflgured with ugly
kce. too. and stand* much wear. It 1*
flou* places on her Hbows simply
BMi B tbt
toamlful combined with heavy ema* the reaulf of a careleaa habk of
broidery or lace, and %ery effective on
continually resting on her elbows. It
may k- a graceful position to affect at
It k not generally known, perbap*. limes, but If* total to the preservs- Tltn*.
that a cord or thread, woven aloag tbc lion of g round, non elbow.
12 «
etlge of almost all Val lacee. may be
If you are blessed witb a pretty pair
a* a gathering thread, which of elbow*, guard them well, and if
Of »Jktlaa Bate
make* It quite easy to -full’’ on. Tbk your* are not all
yon.would d#method U of great help where tb# lac* Hrt‘, set aboiit Improving their
meeilag aad evaagHlaUe aafirte
ift pm on la curve*, circle*, etc., la pearaace at once. If they are *haro Choir under directloa of Or. Smitlk
PPrajrir tel
aertion being much u^#d In that way



Tbiak wm 4IHMI kt tt
Blip UMiato awarr


Wbai te btrtai that faitteki im

‘ batter tbln #aougb to |
Hebor. Now aid tb# whitea.
wbippai to a.atlt fralb. aai oat tea

motel or baklag terte. aai bake

tete tokt--Cto# amll euptol of

Tbar# aiw tbraa kaaoat I waaH
wHtaTbraa wofto. a« wlib a buraiag p#a.
Opoa Iba Itoarto n toato

PatmtbatetefratotbrbiowItoalglKUi batb tot atora.

eap or wall wanati rka. oorar ektair
bdilbaBaabaor LaraUlawbaaaaaa la ifa pah. poor ot#r %hm mi
iekai bot wattr to co»#r tba boitom
or tba pan aad bak# la site/
Ul toft tabout gfieoa aUautfai. Co##r
an te# witb tb# warn bon#i
rk# aad pia## na ib# top of a baked
boaaaa froay wkkh tb# «kla ba« Jaw
##a rmor#d. B#ad lb# baaaaa tato
aeat elrrk. oa lb# ric# aai pta## a
Mall te# or bult#r la tb# caaior
Barra bot.
Notblag la tb#

aubk. aad to tbk #ad am# ak#
■atice k helpful. Wbat to Rat dre*
to# followlag;
Bplced Itojd Baoce-Cruato togotbra
oae capful of powdoeod eugar aad oa#half rupfu) of biittf#. rub la oa# i#a
apooBfuJ claasBoa. oaeguaHer
■pooaful dorea. a geaeroaa graiiag
of Butam: Bold, pet aaJd# a few
boom; uaaold. dpcorai# witb a can
died cberr/ with Im#* ^t of ettroa
or angelirt. A pkla T»ard aauce ia
rored with orange Juk# or uberry win#
k ake.
A pkamt ebaag# carbe aad# by
uBlpg toowa tugaf taatoad U wbU#.

Napk Bauc#~Boll ooo cuptol #f
toapkayrup uaUlit balra. Roar atow
ly orer te oMtb.bteM wbUaa of two
«gSK. beat bard tor a tew Blaui#
Another Ntple Banco-Melt oa#
cupful of Biapk Iiigar k very lUlk
water. Remor# fro* ire. aad poor
over two egg yolk* b#a!#B ikick. add
the urbH#» beaten until foany an.I
•enr# at ooc#.
Maple sugar can to grated on
hot rk# and rkh rnwn paiuied.

A Pew Kgg Raete
Raked Rgg»-.Drop mix egg« Info a
«hanow cake pan, laklag cam aoi tc
break tbcto. Give each a thick spHak
Bag of grated cb##o# and cover th«»
eatir# dUh. lacludiBg tb# eggs, with
bread aad cracker rrumbe. Tb# pan
Id to well battered before tb
egg* ar# placed la It. Bak# tea bib
ut#« in a very bot om.
Scotch Egg*-Mak# a paiu# of oa.
half of a cupful of aUk bread croBb*
cook#d uatll nofi la opc-tbtrd of a cup
ful of Bilk; Blx wttk oa# cupful of
ei bam aaaaoacd with
aad Buaurd aad one raw egg.
in# *tx bard boikd eggs and *tir into
the Blxture. Mold Into balk. roU In
ia# bread crunbe and fry la»bot fit
to a nk# brows.
Her# are two ak# way* of tenriM
a poached egg: Bmak an #« cai^
folly lato a ooCee cup and uprtakhe It
lightly wlih *ab And peppor. Have
ready a «BaIl mewpaa coataialng
bolllag beef tea whkh has been
nicely aeaaoaed. Carefully sUp the egg
tato tb# pan aad poach It tb# oeual
way. When It k done. ploM it oa a
rather thick round of buttered ioa*t
Tkkkea a amall quantity ofbcHMeu
qukkiy with a lun# coru iour and,
poor It over (be egg.
Another way of aervlag a poached
egg k at tollow*; Break a newly laid
lg lato a battacfd teacup, ecaeoa It
itb aaU aad pepper and place the cup
la a atewpai; ooataJaiag muriclmt
boittog water to reach rather
half way up tb# cup. A* aooa aa



aroand them with a good akin food
mday. 7:00 p. m .
twice a day. Thk wilt ill out tb#
rounding IImuck
that the angle*
will dkapfiear.
If there are hard, calloa^ apou to to
removed, try the following trcwia
which. If perservered in. wOl anrely
ror. <:3tpiB.
bring aaikffclory resalts:
W. M.
Every night before retiring *Qak
each elbow for about five mlnotea In
warm water In which a pladh of borax
hAA been dissolved. Dry carefuUy aad
they rub a soneaiag cream well la.
All am wuBom# to an tbo oofttetN
Of cotirne. It goes without saying
that If you have already formed the
iptmfi# C#na ftoma.
Fowrtamtlh itrmt M. S. CImmte
babif of coniinoallT leaning cm
Rev L. B Carpenter. paqt#r.
One leacupful of flour, one-batt tea- elbow*, you must break It if tbk ti##i
oupful of comracal. onebatt teas
meat k to be bmieiciaL
ful of aalt. two toaspooBfuk of bakldg
Sunday school at 12:30 m.
powder, oae egg. one-fourth of a teaRpwonb toaffu# at fitSI to B.
King Edward ha* ordained lust
capful of sugar, oae Ubleapooaful of PHoeewi Ena of Battenber*. tbe future
Evening .<(eniiom 7:30 Pl m
molted butter, one teacupful of milk. qu«ru of fliwln. shnll luiMVfortb .m
Mix the first four lagrtHlIent* aad sift •tykd ber royal higbacw*.
twk<*. Beat ibe yolk of the egg. i
and bnltcr toge her, then add the dry
lagredteats and rnUk. and lam the
stiffly be#tea white of the egg. Baku
In te irnnt, Thk amoimt make* one
do*#n.-Tal,le Talk.
Comer Bqprdman avenue and WaabIngtoa atraeL Rev. C. T. Stout, metor.
Hickory Nut
H—li—CO. aa stau atmef.
tb# egg k cdokBg ban a aamll gnaaMake a frosting with white* of eggv
, p. », r»l bnt nlraMaa ■Mtm.
Holy ePBBmabm. 7:30 a. m. Except
ernuB In a aaacteA mmmmii a* for cake. To this add en
Otir Maatet,: lloUsa«^Mte
oa tbe imt Sunday IIn tbe month.
at 11:30 a. «.
IHtle ctery ink aai pepper ground bkkory nat* together
Onr hattla e>7:
aad aid a^ toaaponafal of fsboppei ground aUspIce aai autmog. to i
paiteytoff. Pour lb# Cfcam over the It coaveakai to baatfle. Fkw the
Sunday school sad Blbte clai
BB aad sent# at oace.
baaia. and make t be mixture tato 12 m.
Ermteg aenrlm and mrmom, 7:30 p.
balk about the alae af a ammeg. Lay
them OB tbm, grewaed urltb
days aad holy day# aa apa cupful #r grated ebnoao and mm waaboi butter, aai gtv# ibw mo
To get tb# best and dalnUe*t ef­
fects. Val. laces should be sewa by
band, and car# must to exercised no.
to us# too much bluing In knndering
any garmenis trtBmed with laoc. Vat.
lac# look* best when tt has a ”cmamy *
tint, and k ntteiiy mined wb#a bltui
In color. A very weak solutloa of blue
Is enough; In fact. ual#«* (be gars ar# very yellow, (be blue may
kpeaied with altogether, and a
color obtained by much riaslng
and sunning.

ii B itocw ite. bot er enU and UK. i)Drtoarslkestffbriaitok#oa«^
ipr«ai- Baba te a quick mmw.
without «nuc#. tor tb# toN#- There baMpBtornMIkmadmmagg. Beat

toaiitrai toko-Tbk k a ato# mi* me two way* #f ualag a part of tbto tb# cftff #aoagb to mix aad aid tb#
On# k:
BDk. Dip eacb alkt ^ tend B tim
Wbtowbr tbr bark k Otar atom: BtU fkt to tba woaal
wbr Md arm iralatog woQ imt Ntoa Bwtericb-Tb# Cmoto rke mtotam ibag lay oa a greaaai itoh.
wblk warn lato a bowl or mli. Bay be abate to a elite. B wbkb Spriakl# ovm lb# gteai «Mte aai
Ntot te tora It ato ototoaBr ate a
a naTttro kft to ntoai B a cool
fla plait aai an to a gakk ovaa. pBe# to b# firm. Tite an cat B balf
Vbaa bkboi aBtoiatetew to tlB.botiBBiany. Tak# paaob praate*
doer ar tba otaa aai baliar abaatoataat.|abd arte Otely on ib# kw«r teg.

te «m;
tor* Uvil m
W JNmteM


-i i

.'srir'ss.'""* "“*•

ar:7i“^Jag- —


pordlal tavtoatloB to an them

LawBioi, itaaitritt

HIgb BUB. ftiO aad ~
yaa^ T:33_p. m._

-Moital. aM taMTtaH- Tnt. -Art
<*«• AOI baa ararlaauac. Oh. Lard
Ur «a«. a*a Bdlr Oaaf «• «kaU




Eat More

atJUflflM; wfla wm iiiitb mm^^tmmmmnm

«i the Mat aakilioai «f floor

aoc floalM to aet « tfle
Jory. Tb# law prortflia tbat
I bo 4fow« from a tloi oT pomo

Earn More
Save More

doTB. A aarttaa ad tba iMda. ki
fti tba Baoll traal. are leeaiod o
or Nawbarry. la FoMtaafl tarn
Tba rataatairr. onaipriatM abaat:


Wi41« whbtorer y<m wmat ifl udod
makera* took nd anndricfl, if tboy
•bouU be fooiKl in a well-alocked
hanlfranv atare, they'n* ben«^hore in
vrieiy, bwn* of flood (jiiaJiijr, beta at
modorab* ooat 8o ve aro life in
-What jon don't aae. aak
fc,r'‘-«w6’ll fiml it.

S. F. Saxttti Hardware Co.
210 Front Sr.

If yOQ want Low Prices


We Can Get Your Business.

Come and/See US J. E. Gr^ilick Co.




Tne South Side Lumber Co,<

^ BlSUtelm.


Tnws8Cltf. m

the kind that .
' ■

t*> ’ 'ri'’4
‘ ‘ • ’4 [;.*

, ,v.v


(it your door* and window.

• -at t>e»t price. Dealer, in all kind.
of building material, (let our price, and consider



our Jk Mor. baying.


K.timaUw fami.bol.

Ml 390


■1"; im


i.'.:ixi*i »«t®5S5KV*8S«..


wlU ba foaoMorad tba ftaiaaM^ <
tiMtaad or tba oigbtb raflt ao batata, New York
tore. Tba daoo tbia yaar madoto oT
two papOo. Mlao Jaaola Ajrlaoa
aad Matica Volet.
oro tba etacuoo oT Majfor Lai
Muokafoa'bao baaa *praotloaUy a wkta
opaa Iowa aad tba aabiMia bava aot
boibarad. YeotanUy. bowejrar.
;e flaaidoaa, oT tba drciiU ooarL
gave notice rhat tba lioaor lawa wooW
be eaforcad hereafter or ba would
r why. Vbor aalooakeapart were
before hlBi cbafiM wUh baapliig open
afior baara, bad la taipoalac boaay
flaeo OB than ^ba judge took oeeaakifi
to deliver bb dlUBMttsai. **Tlia aalooBO
wlU bkve to Obaerbe tbe law.;* be aaU
‘and V tba Wllee wUl aot coaipBl tboai
will be called apoa.**
We are lafonaed by Ooobty Clerti
WC. Id-L
Hlaohaw that a llcaoae to wed waa U*


fromn M
Mia 70

will i^i^ly^^uSw

was vo(4h1 Thursday to !>oo1
Muniting for |30.ou0 for the erection
i»f a new school building.
Port Austin Is iemiK>rarlly witbont
saloons, most of the liquor dealers
having been unable as yet to furnish
t.Miids in the sum of $4,000 as required.
cretaiy Bhumway of the state
boatd of bswlth, has been called to
Hadley, lApeer couBiy. to Investigate
an allegtMl uuilireak of smallpox.
Jautes Rolison, age<l ,77 years, a
wealthy ploniMr farmer living four
miles east ^ Yal^. dropped dead
W«slnesday from heart failure.
Ooveraof Warner has accepted the
Ids. to l.e present
rises of the Kerris Industrial
school. «»n June 2K. and diilvtT an ad
ness, ,
Tbe First Cliurcli of Christ, flclen
list, at Battle Creek, has purebaaed
the Kingman residence on Maple
I. and wll convert the building Ingt. Johns lodge, F. fl A. M.. baa.deelded IB favor of/buUdtng a Maaoalc
temple in 8t. Johns, tbe work to be
- fenced at oace. Tbe site chosen
was on gtaie street; opposite the Mcib
odist Bpikcopal church.
Trank Carrier, former poaUMmter
It An Train, and Carie MoaeripL
mer postmaster at Waiertmeei, pleaded gnmy to charges of misuse of pub­
lic funds. Tbs former waa Hard $*6g
and seaicared to two years* Imprison
mem. aad the latter tned $100.

* YEAR or INTKNgg .urrciiiNfr
Mrs Carrie Asley. Cnaibertaad
Wyomlag, had a tore thrwai aad tJe$

(Um nd <ooU

We are the Uige.t Miuuge
maker, in tbe city.
Omar BigbUt aad AaaUia Bte. ocidrwfni.
Bothi- ^



Srsr-.;;;:;’. 1

be bellevea. ever married la tba Grand
Traverse n*gloa. They were, led
ibe groom being kC y^m of age. and
the bride, blushing beneath tbe (an.
declared that she had neen 90 sum.
mem. They Informed the venerable
clerk that they had beea iMirtyKl a
long UmclnUlau fashloa. but a preach
er told them It was no good, and they
ranted to book up Uke wWle folka.-^
eelanau News,
Another record-breaking year for the
goo customs office will draw to a i
June 30. when It la expected that the
total receipts for the twelve monllis
amount to about $105,000. This
be an Increasi* of something like
I1X.0O0 over the business of last yeai
The ra|>id development of the palp
and tanning business Is the cauu
the greater part of tbe Increaae.
Tbe school board of Ludlngtoii U In
excellent favor with tho taachers of
the pitblia echools fust at present
owing to tbe fact that they have just
allowed tbe teachers a general Incu^ase of srages for next year. This
increase will amount lo two^pd t
tlollars per mouth addlliona^ for each
scher. The cuncabslon is pae tba'
o trachen* fully deserve aad tbe
sdom of granting a salary kci
this time Is demonstrated "b> the
avowed declaration already made by
several Irachers that they wlU
take unto themselves “a man" as was
intendeil. but remain In the pubMc^ervice another year ami enjoy tbe addl

^ r»ra«i.
. H. J. Boyd.

Phonograph gfsrrSjg

^ vaa held UML wbfla be viWiMd
tbe letter of tbe ooaMreaos one year

. Tbe atbMc board decided, bow. upon the stHrt niHng.


«^Pbltadelpbla. Pa. May
Waddefl. tbe AtWetlea^ aoa>w pli
er. appeared aa dafeadaat M tbedei
2 d
tloa court Thursday, "flabe" |
1 € 2 dueed from kls pocket a contract w
the Atbledcs. ncordiag to Ibe ter
of which be wiU rece^ $1,SM


mg 1.41 Atf tkki.
^ wmktKntr9»fpmdu^^

M WSlfW hMI <i«h« IhMTm*.

” '='i“

Tbo taptre oehool U aiaktag pfwp- •(.ixml. ..c.,..;.,;..........
ratfoao for eoaiaioacaaMiai osar
ClevelaadAlcagp: rm^L
lo ba bold aboat tba t«at of Joba BaKAnOKAL uuoint







il BO food lO


Tbis Is a severe Wav «o MtabWia

far el^ potau at tbe anafWears. flra
la tbe abet pvt and ibrwe ta tbe diaewa.
...............■■’;. Ooe cMapeted Mr OOord, CaWaad. a
year ago. and waa 4m la soMsfle Mat





Boston .................. .. t

“ErNew York. May
The board i»f
review of the Nsiional Trotting asm
cist Ion has dismissed tbe charge of
“doping*’ made against E. T. Smathers
in the famous Memphis gold cup case.
It was charged by a Memphis turf
maa that Mr. Smathers. who drove his
borm*. Major Delmar. against t^oii Dil­
lon. bad knowledge that the latter had
beea drugged. The board ordered
riglil jnvesUgation of the alleged admlnistratloa of mercury lo the great
mare, and set LexKigton. Ky., as the
place for .the hearing
None of the attorneys of (he Memphis
Tro(tlQg aasncistlon mppeared lo press
the charges against Mr. SmaiberK
Mr. emathers Hied tbe following af­
fidavit with the hoard of review
1. That said charge U wholly, in all
vwspoeifi. false and untrue, and defend
am denies each and every’ sinleraenl
therein contained.
Z. That said charge Is vague and
Indefinite and ho does not k
srhat pretended acts of mlscon
bis pirt the same may be based, but
whatever they an\ nr ma> l«e. he abaoluiely denies them and slates that
no fraud was committed by him in the
race between Major Delmar and Lou
Dllioa Oct. IS. 1S04. and that he did
not, either personally or otherwise,
tamped Jn any manner with Lou Dll
Ion with Intent to slop her In Kahl
raea^ Instigate any other person or
so lamK’r with said lx*u
Aa affidavit signed by OrUndo D.
Hammond, a Memphis attorney and
son of the Uie Judge Hammond of
tbe UnHed Btales District court, also
was submitted to tbe Isiard.
Thl^affldavlr was that of a wit ness
and ran as follows:
“1 wUnessed the race between Lou
DiMoB and Major Delmar on the Bil
lings park (rack. MemPbif. Oct. 18.
lf#4. After (be raep, I was standing
near (be judges* ataad wkea Mr. Bllllnga, owner of Lou Dnkm, came fnan
tbe tiack Into tbe ^mn space^n from
of the grand atand.
"It braa Immediately after the race,
and several of/Mr. Billings* friends
crowded around him to express (heir
regrets at (be defeat of his horse. I
qerehaard him say to the gentleman
standing near that the wun bad been
aader the weaiber for rsevaral days. I
bad ao direct coaversailoa with Mr.
BHIlags. bm was aaiwraUy Inleresled
aad disttactly bmtfd tbe reo^rk above
rtobed. J Maol ewaar ibat tbew are
~ iaT^Se maiwii bj;;
Tbp board ibea
an order In
which, after rwpcatlac tbo obargva
Ijaa IgJUmlt
“The falliirw of the McvipbU
(km ID bring

A. J. MePHAlU OwtM.

ily wants and needy
one. U teaches the
children to know music
played anutically and
blended correctly.
BECAUSE-Itt present
valu^ is worthy of
much self - denial if
need be to save the

ing to give her bWr tbU i
Mrs. Waddeflwad bsreouaael Mveed
0 tbU and aald they woald aee that
waa paid reguMriy every |
ymy day. -Rube" was not put to the 1
indignity of having to enter
Mich.. May A—U Is set
forth la the articles of Ibcorpormtion
of tbe Detroit Rsetog assoelatioiu tied
today In tbe seerHary of stales of
ice. that tbe assoeUUlou la Iboned for
the pnraoee of breedtag and raising
blooded horses, providing fdr tbe Improveasem of breeds of horses by giv­
ing exhibition irUls of spaed for
purses and pribes and buying and sell­
ing brood mares Tbe capital stock of
tbe compaay consists of a PO-acre iraci
in Filrvlew frontbig on the Omaiie
Polnie road which It valued at $25o.000 and the g.' vilnailua above
the capital slock of
Is said to
lie taken mre nf by
The company wll
born si KblrvU-s ami tn 8t fjoals.
Mo., which Is tbe home oi C. 8. Tillt-s,
who holds nil but four of (he 2.(mh)
sliartw of stock.

Sold on
Easy Payments.


noo. onMiM]

Montreal. May 5.—The Montreal
Amateur Athletic aasoctetlon. Canada’s
greatest athletic body, and the one
most strictly amateur of any athletic
liOdy in America, decided Saturday
night by an overw helming majority lo
allow lU associated clubs like lacrosse,
fooiball and hockey club* to hire professioual non niemb<*rH. and lo fiermlt
OnrmiM foi^ehsn h sod Homo
Its amateur niemberH to play with
them on the saroo team $nd to play
against profcHsionals that ay be hlm.1
by other clubs. It Is iindersiood Ibat
other Cansdisn asHoelatloiiH will Im­
"Judge." said Mrs. Start cm tu the
mediately follow tbe b»mil thus giv«n.
magUtrate wImi had reeouily iwme to
l»oi»rtl with her. "I’m partU-nlarly anx. \ linn of l.ouiltiii florists employs a
stuff erf mllllm-rH vvhti will trim auy
hilt with iinturpl flttwctw from $1.2Ti up. Irate, “cind u\y declulou Is that the
cbkken has proved au aUbl.”-iniilaaccortllug to (In- ld<M<soius unetl.
delpliia l^rwts.


Women jn Our Hospitals
Appedltng lrtcr»a*e3 in the Number of Operations
Performed Each Year—How Women May
Avoid Them.

CRAW-t WUWgY-jtigt



Each Week
Maobine on earth,
One thouaand new reoonU
to aelect from. CoBie in and
hear them.


fliadal ab

tean Drag Atom*


DR. A. H. HOLLIDAY. Oradttta TM
roaio Ualvaralty. Offioa la Mtnm
^ Mtphoaaa.
lU; la*
To W. THIRLflY, DaotML Over Bai^

AI^IUR HOUJDAY, «L D^PItyaSeUa and aurgaoiL HMaorgi to offieaa ta Maaaoa block ovMaaraaa
4 Barra CltlMBa phono Jtt.

LAWTON—PhyMolaa aad

xs‘ssrs:sss ‘iliS


PIANO TUNING—Satisfaction guar­
anteed. F. D. Nichols, 32$ South
Dulun. Cits phone 1198.
apr 13 tf
ver. Prlooa laaaooabla Office with
O. P. Canror 4 Bra Both pboaaa.
Boa ovar Bugbae’i drug atora atStoaa phaDa-Retldaooa, $3$; oMoa
nog 81-amo
OR. 1. L. THIRLflV-flpaetal attM*
tioB to dlaeaaes of ehlldraa. Room
409 Bute Bank bldg. Both pboaaa
doc-s >tiur Fire losdranoe Policy ex­
pire? I want your boatnoM. Call
at my office and get raloa before re­
newing A. B. Curita.
mar 15 lyr

Dr.W. J. Higgins

Fine DcntalWork


o. p.

Tirt Tusuranct;

o. iW »ow..h.U b«U wSl
and girU, who are altber awsltii^




dvea. remale I
i Um lacreasa i
thia oouutry-tbey
but ^ery one of tboae

of tlm back, dlaain^ flatuMaaj, diaplacemenU of the orgaas or irrt^larHka. AUof UmaaaympUNDaaretiidleatloaa trf aa nnhaalUiy ooodiUoa of
femala organa, and If IaM

carver:* bro.

OOoe SOS New Wilhelm Block,
BerryhlU. of SIS bSjo. CitiMM’ phone 689.
BtTMt, CbotUDOof,, TtU., wrllc*:

C. D. NfLUk

Ut remaaibar that l^rdM S. Pink-


Mvablar'wlth ti-

NATIONAL ocMnere •

M the otgaaa. that baarfag^dovn laalMf./ “

IMO to write b*r lor odTlee. Brradriec

j.4t aouuiaRrtL
HtTAIT rustic







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