The Evening Record, October 02, 1906

Dublin Core


The Evening Record, October 02, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



niMTs IF mm iehei" “ WIUHAtfE^





. TKI,^0«Am MWVKC.

& 0*CU)CK EOlTiON '





mtrnitm tmvrr K«pt

__ _




FOR A EVETSEI ■Miavad Tlmt EavacM Empiayat L0M
Their Lhmb-TbaiigM «a ■# tha
Work ar Incaodlarlaa.

«w AMnac Mi. C« to a^wt.«o



Oet V—Ot^ »alckle a srsek
■r'WImtotk.KTMtMRMO'A '
tas bm the arms* here for two
K«w TorX. Oct. ?.—Harry K. Thaw
Wmiaai tewm. si»>d ». ill probably never be tried for tbe NOJRTHEfUr HOTEL TO
nirtM Is** allht wttk aorpldap.
murder of Stanford White. His caae
U kio. 14 on tbe list of twenty-eight
he dlapoaed of by M. E. Cni WooT NaMld Hia Star* This
the dlatrlct attorney, and there Ik
Yaae-Wara Tmdva ruwa at Ooa
that a commlttion
Tima—WoHi of Flea Oapartla hiaacy wUI be appointed upon ap^
by one aide in^be cas< . It is




Htfh OfEMfS of tha Uslfarm Kaok i
tha CNy-«»« Parsda aM Campati- TWO CHILMEi/ LEFT AlOIIE
tJva Drtll Took Plaea This

Aftamooii With Taa Companlaa in Una.


o'ctock laat ctpaIqc In two niiP<-TaT oar# Sp**^**!


!*»«' Evening Record.

nr. omto <.vi-r tl«- O. R. A I. two^________________ ________________ J

vohitionary Laadar Say* Ir
I Had FuUy,2SJM> Men in

By Wire to the Rvening R«»cord.
Havana. Ori. ?.-8«-creiary Taft s
ompt action in landing the Be*
olne* new <»f marine* at Sant
*nvc*d the city from b< lng Racked and
the nelghborh.»o<! fmm 'h Ing devasted
t\l»en lAe vevM-l arrived a large force
of re\'olullonI*iH was within two :
of the city intending to loot the Iwnk*
Uore*. The forre numbentl fully
armed and organlxed men.
rroer President Palma and fam!lT



H E. GUI. loa* otT the drug, dry
gecidH. grijcery and hardware atock and
building. |U.!J<*o; Insurance. IT.5«0.
H. E mil. loM* on bam. »4i*>; in
surance. |?5r*.
H E. Gill. lo*a on house. f?Srt: In
*urance enough to cover.
H K Gill. Urn* on warebome and!
(Continued oo Third Paje.)


tendon. Hrat Ueut. John Mar. Second
Lieut.' Frank Hook. Adrli^n; Itvonty
four men.
Company No. C. Oapt. Floyd IKh^.

j 1-

Company No lO. Capt. Fred Gallop,
firar Lieut. Vanderwaiker. Second
IJeul. Bdward Rogers. YpMlnntl;
tw«mty-elx men.
Company No. 50. Capt. F.. T. Zeck.
nral Ueut. Jullu* Fisher. Second
Uent. W. H. Bankaoo. tV lray; twenty.


The fire »tarte«! In the Laguire hoiiRC
at fi o rlock The houat' wa* oecupl*^!
by Benjamin Stetaon and family
Steaon I* a railway employe and w.ns
awny from home at work T-he me
mepped arroKK the Ktreei for *a
moment*. Uwivlng her aoo. aged
<Uughtcr. aged 4.^ a
It i* supposed that the chlldmi played
with matchea. netting the hoaae <m
Ore. They made their way out all
right. Tlic darnel
houac* on both aide* anti there being
no fire protection and no water
than the lake nothing could
d*me to
pn'veiit their burning.
Sunday. Pranda Bonh^'a hou*e.
mile* from the vlUbge. caught die and
wae desiroyj’d with all Ha cont«Hit» ex

*“U 7T year*
ipany No. 2, Capt
no Inwirancc.
Mr. Borden
Flrat Uinit. Webb Mitchell. Second! old and the fire destroyed all hi* prop­
Ueut. R. ChOatlan. Qtmird Rapids: erty.
- *
twenty4oar roe^.
JoM'ph Sbira. formerly of Laks Ann
CoaUNmy No. its. Find Ueiit. K. S. but now of Coo* Harlvor. Oregon, rekaaoa. 8ecood''Ueut..W. J. Klngalmry. turnt^l last night after visiting old
OremiTiUe: ten men.
d* and neighbors here
Oonpaay No. n. Capuln. M. C.i

Baed. ^Irirt Ueut. Joaepb Ford. Sec-I ,^^^
mud arrived and furnlriuxl roualrj
lurtag the morning. At the same time
[he fieNBaUon arrived from the Soo
MmaUdlag of seventeen mep.
Ante Ride.
^ slow, lower; ebedee lambs, fT.7Se7.>0.
fS.76e6; ewe*. |4.7&ff6.2S.
The rial tor* wcnvnexi given ^n auto
160; slow; lovrer for llgbl
ride about the city, several local
intolats donating their machine* and grades:' Yorker*. »«.wee.a5; , pig*.
$6.«>©C.«S: heavy. |USSD7.
lervlees from in/>>lock until noon.

were srlth them:
----------------------G. C, C. A. Palmer. Maniatee;
V. C.. P. L Abbey. Kalarearoo: G. P, wlM he hold at
(Omitlaaed o* F^rth Bag*.).


By Wire to the Evening Raeord.
Sauli St.v Marie.. Mich, Oct. ?—
Trans Ste. Marie* Traction company
romm*-me.| work this morning on an
fXtfUiilou of the Kiret I rallmay ayiiem
•ncluding nearly two mile* of track. It
must \h' finished Ufon- *now fll. * and
ih«-cost wIIMh’ S30.CKM)

It is the general topic among
Trdveree City p-oplc that
fcaal nice thoes can only lie
hxd here.
By iti(v ve mean styliah,
up-tc-date in every way.
Shoes that atld to the beauty
o! a pretty snit or dreai.
XS'o know how to fit tb» m.

New York Coiwer Is Inclined to Doubt
the Suicide Theorj^Thlnk*
False Friend Responsible.



i in the Future With Dr.
Reign ^ Scoville. Well
I in Yhi* City—Leave*
Many Friend*.

At a *pcciaj meeting or inc oinciai
iKksrd of the Church .0T-t?i>rist l**t
night a d«?cldcd M-nsstion vL sprung
when the Rev. T. P. niom off*u:cd_^
raslgnailoo a* p**tor of the cimT^HTj
For « long time Mr. rilom hs* felt a
divine call lo other field* of lalwr and
hlB action last night wa* Gte reauU of
long UemH Tatlor'on the MibJ«'ct. He
win close hi* lalHH>; imre Nov. 1 and
after a short rest at hi* home in
(Continued on Fourth l*agc.)

Wfibave a ureat many ape-


On. Sarrv & Piikilligai

Ito BOuiCl pna

Your Taste in Clothes
^jbe ooDterrstiwe or extreme, y«t we belien*
wecaa aatigfj it ooopietely from oor lioe o£

. L Uter Bros, i Co. SBitsani Overcoats
Thif great eaUblisbment makea clothe* for men of aH
taatea and ^ ahapea—the taU. the abort, the alont and the
alim. lU de*ign» are nercr copioa. but alwaya origioaU. It*
work it hooeal With it ropnution oomre before sU eke.
Pf Ices $tS f« $25. Wehare excluaire tsk.

y price can there be built amhrter
Not at any
•hoeathau the
m of tho«
tile problem
thoe perfection workwi out in
choic<*fl leather* ami original, tliat'nclive atylea.
Women who are fastulious aa to srbat they wear,
ch.ioae the -lyOROTHY DODD’ for elegance
rather thani economy.
Bee our window display for Fall stylea,

Bachant & Roscoe.

Indestructible Roofing
Wears as long' as the

I o. c. MorrfKTf

had, a dbtaatroM* fire thi* morning.
« houaea bidonging to Mr. Adplf.
Peter Uiinilrc and Isaar’'Bemngt U ing
royctl. The hies Is 11.?**' with no

Tbe Manlatee delepaHon arrived at
ll:tt on a sp«lal train. Thv^ were


Tract cn Company of th* Two Soo*
MMt Have It CofnpleUd Before
Snow Flie*.




Smart Shoes


Bflgsdlar Oonefsl rommandlnn Michigan Brigade miform Rank. Knights
of l*j thlaa.

Tb Tint our atonaad tdi« ■ look at emt aMortaant of pnitfy
gibt. SoaTaunaadpdatoatdawUeb am jaat ri^t lo taka

KUBECK & HOYT '"tiS.hP.r*

ary leader luiys the Insurgent* had
By Wlri' to the Evening Record.
fully ?G.0(Vt ram in the field and
N. w Y.ick. Oct. ?-<oroncr Julius
aay* there will Ih« no more upn^in
ll.irlmg.T is not satlRfit-d with the *uit ide tlnniry in im* ea.*e of AI Adams,
the policy king, and i.- making a Ho*e
investigation. He believr-* a false
iMend.s of Adam*, who was under
great (ibligationK. c«inmiitte<l the dcej.


iKNtn uter. Tbe visiting knights m. r-(
not by UlO Qii««ni cit.v h;m.l and the
tooal uniform rank ami .M-nrie.i to
Park Place hotel front ah«re ihry
wi re aaalgnpd to the various lodging
place*. The companies arriving ‘ last
alght. the numlH‘r of delegate* and
their eonipany offleere were a.s fol­

By Wire to the Evamag Record.
Aahtahiila. -O. Oct 2 —Fire brake
out thia moralag in the anarter* of the
Hreas owaad by Walter L Mala aad
aeorea of aalmals are baratag up. Bareral employea are also beHeved to
hare loat their lire*. Incendlarian I*

Loat Both FaaL
By Wire to the Rveolng Baoord.
Charlotte. Mich, Oct 2.-Harvey
Norlliport. Mkiw. OcL L—Torty-two Gault had both feet rut off while try
tbopwad OM huadrad a»d thy doUar* ing to board a Grand Trunk tmln this
waa tbe amouat of damage doac by
Hwterday * fire In thl, village The
fuliowlBg U the acy^dute r< losses and
the insurance:
Northern hotel, owned by Cant. W
Itobertson. loa*

and Villapars Mad
coodHAiMui, pmramag ’ No I
tiM Kalgkta of PyUilaa graod lodr*;
to Watch tha Otnaliinpa Ouni
aesMos sad EeM dsf Piica»T«n«»t of,



Wc Invite all tlie
L of P. Brothers

I AlMtroctB of TIilo

BatabllaNad S**«
■ ■wssa BM tmtm 9mnh DefMIsM




rraverse City Mfg. CQ/^
Cor. lOih and Lake Avc.
Telephones: .Citizens, 32; Bell, 69.

There is No Magic
in the acgomplishmenu of our

“Best” Flour
It t* made from carefully selected
Grand Traverse wheat, in a (food
*' mUl by a good miUer. Eveiy
sack guaranteed.



Lay Co.



Fall Opening 1906

Oct. 1, 2 and ^
^OU are most cordially invited to
1 be present af our Fall Opening
on the above dates. Many spe­
cial prices will be made in the various
dcparimcnis throughout the -store.

do aa weU.

Stove Pipe Enamel,
Bath Tub Enamel.
Screen Enamel.
Bicycle Enamel.
Floor Finishes,
of othw ttoiot



)^• AttOTSSi^Sd&Snf. ‘

Every’one guaranteed—Beat in
quality-Lateat in atyle-$l.00 to
$3.0(^Seeonr window.




crrr. mmhman. tuuoay. c

Plain Storetalk
Yoa are ootdUlly Inrited to osU
and see

Ihc MilkaUe Sled BiUC
in operation at our Store
^ PTtUi. .o Tf.T«» CUT •
PMM» U Ml UUMMck w tbr nty
»« •«« tad tfc» pl««r»
FREE-Three-miontQ bigemU
m itar tadf <d m ttaa U ataMibldd
and doliciota coffee aertod ersiy
taw tdfiy l«r
i»o a»y.- tairtlta.
Tfce rtty council teat evening
day FREE.
Tbr c*rdln»l WWn** «f '*» pealed the vwtlons of the franchl*?
FREE—To evaiy purebsssr of
KillAu of PythlM »>l *0 '«> »«>«•
crmntiMl the Tiwrcrwe City Oaa
The Malkable Kangn this
OMWbrr » btflw mwi uid s hnttr ril
Jan. 7. l»oi. whkh prohibltod
onbr, we will pi TO nlmolntely F»e.
IKO tad II U Iketa kM ot-peoi*- (l»>
■ooking tjtengiU»»r uiiMt swwsr
ri»T»Tta aij U'dtod to tar'tali
proval of the council or
mtwok h. kbucy if u-fc* lordrf. 1. idod to «.lrrt.l« tad I
dlrlakm of
iw SwWiiT if •*•?territory with any oCber company. By
•MR&B a. raSMOTT i( TW- itata »t l«o« win b» » ploudd with this actloo. the HaaldFtetreaa comIta. cur th«'
»* **>>; I»any of Grand
C*1^ _________
rfHuru for % rH.ii to tbr rUy bat
I Old PoMoffioe Banding
chaaera of the company, am •nabled
b*^- •!»« nuke It tbfir boo^.
rSAMC A. SLAZim if eMM.
to condnet the thro conrenu with one
norlH6 tbf* Mttjr It. ihr rtfy the pw*- oorponuloo.
pir will flo fhHr ui»o*i to mak^ Ibr
The matter was nreaented In
I B. WtAOLSV if SMM R«ta MtUnr* fe-l at bomf ait.l make Ibair
fonn of a peUlloo aaTlng that aaci
Mtar a pltwnt our. Tmvrrw CHt I" Ih and U of the ordinance be repealed
noiod for lu hoepliamy an.l fa alwaya
that prerent
C. R. McCoy.
ready to Allow ii. It la r^ife to aay that
and section 71 the First Uoutrnant Traverse City do..
the kalabu will nfrt (^\ loncwttn.* ime ih.-u forbid a>^ wltH^ol
No. 6G.
flMrinit thf lr tlalt hero
proval of the city. The petition was
Wbllf the convffUion is a imie Into rerclrefl and tied. The
(er takluk advantage of the lioautloa
aecOana of the 1»01 ordf
passed cm Alderman Ijir*
UmtSA I. WWOHT if irotwtata of Orahd Trarersp l.ay. allll It la ^rfy
enough for th.^ weather to be exeellent.
,tan. tain, .0 .l^tan..
Ata «.«taf «- Sta«l .« W^But l«id the convf inhir. been earlier in
totaling .t.l.)«-t
BtlCTSA M. «AI»Y. JS of 0-wl*. the atwaon. fh. rlaltora could bare
A. 0. rtlrbtaU mml J. 0,^,'“^’
been entertained w«h boal ridea ore.
pHIta the mouth of Ih.
one of the flneat lK>dlrs of water In the
no.rrt.nan rlt.r «-vr» .ubmUlod to iho
The people of Traverw City like to roi.nrll by Ihc- ho.rrt of paUb- worVa.
cnterialn conventions. It Is a pieaaur,. ar. Fnirtanh.- Wrt w.» %i.U a fr«.
^1,0 Womnn'. Konlnn Mi«ion,ry
to them and the hope has been freely .nrt Mr. Monro,.-. %2K . fool. Mr.
exprtaaod that In the future, iho I..rrtlo Ihousht th.. ,ber« dtoulrt bo .
on th. coo.rtat, ...ting
r«nk Eldrtal. «7
knlghlB win see lit to come here akuln.
mo c. wrmoRfc
Mr. Monro, had .11 th. tap.i«<u« r,.,,
w«ln..s.l.> ntfernoon .t
nnrt I. night Mr. Tklrbanta .om. ,
tlm.. to grt r..dy. Th. city .nginoor
nld th»i IMO ««ilrt b. MiTWl hy wait-1 There will be a quari-rly lui'CiInK of
nnill npring anrt that th. piling o( the lAdles- Uhrary asRorinuou Satur­
h. rlv.r w»« not worth anything from day afternoon a* 2:.i0. a full ialtendI sanitary pdint of view. He stated
const ti el ion l< to be
hat by walling fifteen per cent of ihc
Mayor A. V Friinlrirh is on the sirk
Mjniraci could be saved as It was Im-


to be in a position to offer you a Ijetter price on any
style Stove or Range tliat you are contemplating
the purchase of. Come and tee if we ate not right.

TWs Week. OcL 1 to 6

Basics! Kill] of Easy Paynegls

Your Reliable Home Farnttber

Frank Trud^ Premiums Given Away

Kuwlble to get good price* on timber
jow. He anld that the whle object in
filing the river was for the conveni­
ence of boat owners ana that the seaFRANCIS 1. SROWN.
ton was practically over now. Mr.
Moon wrwa IneUnad to agree with him
FlitdM. ^lUTT.
In regard to the aauiiary conditloua. ^
M|. Lanlle thought that the sanitary
rueatlon was the vital thing of the
whole mater. H« dldni believe lum­
ber would Ih- nny ehenper In the
ipring than now tint that It would be
etfowK Court Commltaloirtelust ns high If not higher the way
prices had been adrsAoed lately. Mr.
nnielt though! it wcHild be well to
hofthforts lesson.
refer the matter to the committee on
TSo proily lUtle rlllase of Northpotl
tmitod a aarerc blow reaterday in
Mr. Winnie alaled that he dldni
Col. L. A. CTO, A. A. C.
agree with the city engineer In regard
IlM lOM of Jia beat hotel and one of
Sta Ur«eat commercial coneema by
to the sanitary benefit. He said that
the liai wn* rinse to the beach and
Sro. Alao In the loaa of two good real4eaCM and acveml oiber atruclurea.
the refuse from the aewera was acatWYLIE
C. ». Weller.
Thta blow win be deplored not only
tercHl along the shore Instead of being
Chancellor Commander Tiaverse Ci»y
carricMl out. \\'hlle the piling
hr tbo p«>ple of N’orihpoii. but by
- Ixjdge. No. 73.
benefit the boat owners. It will also be
tbopoople of Traverse dty who find a
W>llc, Mich.. Oci. I —Mr
doopibtereat In Nortbport and H* auc J. Wills an- the happy juircntK of .i a good thing for the city. He believed
also It would be just as cheap
cwaafol progreat. In the »val oI th. baby boy. who airivnl Sop» 2*’
rmaio in Ita ri'ceni i»rganU«t?on and. Marie IlHirh of Mllwauki-e. is vihltChan** oFtHna Norther
Inoorpormtioa. and its i»ubllr Imp.we .ing
her imrints. Mr. and Mr*. D, ' Mr. Falrlianks stated that he couldn't
tell how long it would take him as he ^nntpofUmm
vwftn, one of the most vital maitera
hadn't had time to find out where he
; In town WiMlnescould get the timber and spiles.
.Monroe said that he could do the work
rnort. The <
urday 7jb
in Mrty days.
of m arly 150.000. It U
to UsI Ttllage
ArqiNCTrtirefaa City Monday and
Mr. lAniie-moved that the board c
ta «P«».ITO l..~«t bo' on'- •W';''
Hen Miller of Monltowfic. U visitlufi public works enter into a eontracT^it Friday/oi m.
will doubtless have good n^sulls. No
coamunity should exist without some friends in town
whichever of the bidder* they deei^
nmans of fire protection. A hlpplr
The lAdles Aid gave a social at ih« best able to do the work the qulckes
bucket brigade fa not enough. The fire
The moUon carried without distent.
Anffa CblMOo Friday and Tueodsy.
Thw committee on aewera reoon
Hand la too sirooiL i , bo met •wlH} any
The first eHsenmended that the sewer in the alloy UeH Patterson while fisliiug on Grcei tween Siaie and Front atreela be
lake FYiday caught a fish wi ighlnj tended to Pine street, about 180 feet
nineteen pound* Thi* maj^ aoun. in all. Accepted and adopted on Mr
neven below* Palmer's motloa.
The committee on claims, and
t weighed.
count* reported bfUs aggregating 17.If the Rhnli of Persia werv* tft v.o de- 054.33 which were ordered p:.ji. K r
prheil of Ills !m-ome he eouM Nii'l councilman was pro.^'.:* at ! e r
r ir-ike sun* of lK‘iug one of the rieficst meetings last month and mn.r
mni In the work). He would only- lioard of puhllr wniis xv-t.. Cu l I
Matinee and
b:iki* to si'll hU orncmentK, ireui* nnd «*ithcr.
ptvH'iouii sttuies to lM*eome iK*sM'x!.T'd'i>f
The eomnUUee on pIUEfe i:.c rl r
iUHiut KtTi otaMaai. the sum at wbifb recomneftded that the abutment at the
dost more IhAn cut yenr coal
Ibc niagalDixn*. collecMon U vulneU.
Park street bridge homo fixad that the
niK' tvyjnn l>earl fi'hUig sraSfUi sewage nuisance be abated, the cost to
|;i.ita threi' IS four wroV.^. bu*
twlnwr^ with no Other store.
Bob^ Shennan’*
hroughi to Ihc taUrfioT be aboat $30. Accepted and adopted.
There is no shirerinp
(Trent Comedy Di»m»,
Tbe city treasurer reported the cash
Ih-I I
sronna a cold stove in the
on hand at 843.C19.C7. The report was
morning, for iht' fire is never
received and filed.
The city clerk reported that it would
only requires i
be necessary to make a transfer from
reetuDOsadsysSo 700 cn: the conilngORt fond and alao that two
rUfe instead of i
j paving notes of 85.441.C7 and 8-3J»35
I wro' due. On Mr. Winnie's rooUon.
ji^e tiansfer was authorized and the
Anintasfptuig story Shuman
' ma.Mvr and clerk given pormipsion to



hold fin 35 born sritb .
*B*fcro you buy


u mnmK mm»

nfake new notes.
I The chief of poUce was given perA. W. .lAhraut i nis>dt»n to build a sheet Iron bouse in
ihe rear of Barnnm A Barl’a, Ifizt.
AAaiaw Farm^
, Tbe tliy RtsAids the expenae, about 8»,
A. OotmUa
Fuifromnieginmng toeod. and the chief has to do |he work. The
Donn fsH to see it
thed Irf a shelter for hla ^rse.
Mr. Mnrehic reponed that It was
necessary for WUIIam A Manrtn %e
AmrtiMDnig Store
* ■
SeeUcoirie Fridqr, Oet.6,>t
move hls confectionery store on aoutb
Hunab Drugstore
lUAAOA street beceuee he was In the XOo’cfcxA.
An t« S* A Ita raltartps B*m

P. n«BaRwi

wiib ev«>rj-

Heating Stove
for th.’ next

30 Days


Come and aee for yonrWna whal w*e have* to

^ Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

Fall and
iWintar Garments
Time to select your garmcnls. Our ‘stock of high
clas?. faultlessly tailored

Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, Rain
Coats, Suits and Skirts
is larger and better than ever. Gray checks in all sixes and
the solid color arc most popular. Have some coats
in medium shades of brown tljpt are handsome.

The Fancy .Mixtures in all the popular shades
of plaids sell from $7.50 to $22.50.
The Black Broadcloth and Black Kerseys, with either braid
or embroidery trimming, are priced from

$9.00 to $27.50


Misses’ and Yoimr Ladies’ Coats

Satunlay, Oct. 6
] from


l‘J7 South Union Street

i k* I


We3 bare the larReat rmaortroeot
im«.t of HEATING
STOVES that wf over
corned in aiock. Tite
heavy trade we have m*.
cored tbii teaton gnaran
toei U8 to onl§r heavy 1
the fall trade, ond ini
der to teenre your patronaf:o w© shall not only offer
yon these poodt otn very
rpa*onuble pritv. bat will
pive away a

its. Johnson Ihu;; Co.


Cole’s Original

Are You Going to Need
a Heating Stove?

in tbe Fancy Mixtures, from

$5.00 to $18.00

' ,



CliildreD’s Coats in Astraeban or.toskio
in white and colors, sell from -

$4^.00 itaip

Hannah'& Lay
Mercantile Co.


“The Bie store”


1 ’





to You






CoMite ko« 0« OaM SM GmhM I>atee«
to ».
to dcBtoy «(e aad k food «te.






Mtofsa. Rtcdi boa toe OKI.
I ia • toto ti^ OKMtaie proof
oMl of «bkh b aSaed lUi tadi


A reiaarttahlr epitaph U ou a tMb>
atone In Rr^hton ehorrbyard In Enr
laud. It rfsi*l#: In memocy of rboobt

ns-1te OMko. Ml



Kl. i :K3. I .1*0.1 1K3. /
.T------- ^



Old and young, iteb and poor, all
seem to bare braoam beside them«elve* over an Uultridual who was a
stranger to St. Louis until two work*

ibe rmr
yror. a. a |uivaie sobiier Is lb*
rifth mrunrat of foul la dllNraA
parts <»f Bnrotie. and lu tbo yaar 1^

Ohlo?*JSr 1* at' preaent Introducing
bis preparalkm* In thi* city for the

TkO SoMlt •! M Ll*r|to«. M nOtokte« «to« tof MtotoilM.
A Ufg9 |Mrt of tbr porerij of tbo
vwW »• • dlMMf. ibo rmilt of era
of bod IfTlni. bod tblnklor Ottd
W# bBOW tbot pororty to

W 1

Mt At ObY bamau tiolDtr'o ronotltutloo.
It nmlrodlcto Ibo promloo and tbo
propbory of tbodhlnclnmoa. Tbrro
oro pJonly of oikloui-o* tUal obuo*
donro of oil that to fowl rrmm man a
loborttattoo. that If bo Haliav It otoot
ly^kDd otmf»to* porviotratly io«anl It
bo orlU sain itTbo fovt Is ibat a l.rr?o i«ri of tbo
po\rrt> of Ibo world 1% dw lu doom
risbt la*UH*f«. sblfiloiisoes*. an un
w Ullnsiuwa li make the cdTort. to flsbt
for a
It du:^ not mottor


otmy lo use It It will atrophy. Laal*
0Mi will ruin ibr srcatp.t 8«*nlua, It
wottU bill (bo atubUlou cf mi Atoxaudor ar a Na|*olooii. .No ain or lalcui 1*
srrat raoasb to wlthataikl ll.
lota of ooao ba* wrockM loorr caroort
tbao anrihlns oUo oioopt dlaaliiotlou.
and Uclnoaa and t ii-o uvoally go lofolbor. Tl.. y .arc inUi*
Tboro oro .vrtain t.-.:!:* of a atroag
charanor whh-b arc Imuunwliblo with
ptmouldo pjiia iy.
irlluncr and nro foundation
I elui-a. |oc*. Wo dfton
find HMD inrsofy ilotcItK-d in tho
man nb« U inior lu -piu of all bl* offoil* 10 got or ay Irom liN |..ivoriT.
who i* Uio vlrifai of ia:<..rumo and 1«. .-...M ...I .-..uln.!.

liuko of c>mberUnd at the. liattle of
Fdnteuoy. where *ho rreoirfd n Uayonot %^sMuuI In her anu. Her toK life,
w bieb commenced in die limoorgueen
Anne, exteudixl to the tvHm «f ileorge
IV.. by whoe u,nuiH.s-n.v she U'.-oived .-onifort and -«pi-»rt lu her latter

Itotrrtor *f That Croaafi^ Cto«»rr«
Wllb ritoto I oretot*.
Tbo tbreoteued iJ*iik*:iou of llir for
o*t« of tbo Ctillnl KI«!m r.iMl tli* In
rmiBlac ilomond for luinlirr of rve.’j
'oriolT boro tunml tbo Miouliuu
llbooo inlrreotod iu luiuhrr
IQ Ibe oocoaslty^ of ^orkiuB
aourrea of supply.
To many truer* a-eolvod by I'nitod
^laAionsul H n. WckhI of iVilui.
Ilondura*. bo ropllcw lu a rojiort to tho
buroan of commortx* and labor:
‘Tn tbo Intorior of ihl* «•o«lll^y tben*
aro larso trarts of plno bind* of %lrsln

1 from Ka»tern cUies that
Ibc young man here were of
aurtling nature.
.Many of

aged lOK y.-at-<"

H. H. Cu-tia.


MIcb.. Coloovl


Allaalle nillow^
ITj- uutliorsii^ of the Vim**d Slate*
lydrograjdiie lnire.iu have eiideavorod
tbo -srra* of the .Vllautlc
rnmi .v.roMil o»MT\atiims
they le;mi lint i3 iH'ight the wave*
usually average alswit thirty fi«ot. Iml
in rough weather thrj- attain from
forty lo foriy^cight fe<-t. In stonn*
they are oSleu fni.n 5.-«» U ilUO tvi'i
long and e.-uUnuo (« mote aiwut Ion or
«b le the brngeu yet
.ii um: tueastua-<l liai.' a mite and did
.«»t exiinn.t ii.-elf for frraty. t’lt'oe *cc

uall amount only of tbc uia,..^^y, cedar ami otlu'r bard worJ-*
| ha* boon cot near tbr rlvwi.
Coruiln liamrJK cirv reiuarkaWe for
; ,^„c,,,iUiua for oxpU^llna ii»abo?niiy
the fragility «f tUdr tails altbougb
i„ u,j* lUsIrt.i have l»ccu Kmntotl
tbia woakuo* i-arht glways tbo draw- troieler> t»mn n «mi ;„m. ‘ lo lieglp
xin* Homluraa r»vcnimcut, and short i
lauk that uuij l*c Imagansl. The dia­ with, if not so -.i-wlvili loi-urntr. nl
< i^niwara air U Iur planned to ccl out
mond inlleil gi-^kn. tur Uistams*.
;hmgh that by iia maion-r of mean*
, ,h^
|,;,i tbosr will do nothlus with
queuilj- oue^ It* oxl«tem-e to the roadi- tfollowv. the;, are mon- r.iieat in tuo=l,he tn*t forosia In the* Intorlor. al
,,e** with whK-h It* i^udal ap!H;ndagc eru laii*.:na;:e. ..'They eliattiT bi them,
j though tbo exiwrfatlon of mahogany
con IK- Miapi*^ off. llil* rrpiile, whirh say the luaie tlmms.
Lrg.. they arc
jahoul.l show a doHdod Incroaso in the
will |H‘nh u|*on a twk bead downward ;lie uuin* eail Hi«;al. llie naiUer io cirfew tear*,
! *
pn^nt tboro doo* not appear to and tail lu iho air. l» liable to be prey­ «-uuiVCiii the wile., and extorlhms of
ed u|K>u by hawk*. One of these for­ kellm r or of gan*uu.-la>ndou (Iculle
any way to mlllao the pine timber
' rrmmirvf* of Hooduraa-a* tbo plno la midable blnla will swoop down upon woman.
nlin.i«t wlKdly In tin* IntoHor- a llrard and soi=o what It lake* to l>e
the head, but la n*ally the tall. Tbo
until tlio i^mntry
*'\Vhm kiiid id a ilog ii ihal?** ask
brittle tail snaps off. and lh»» g.vko
tiurUtlou by mil
wrUrglea away, uul mu« U the wor*.e. lo the iu.iUjsithe man.
• I dual. I
s’ v.l
grow an It her___________ _
Is.*’ aa^tren-d Mi
1 vi.«. tn n.y t.y-u... inllLlng aorra
Prrelso. bat IcIO.
• hut he’-i gilt g-isi -i.s’k ill •iui
I ►at
MUlng and evening and filing
The women xvith thin 111*- and raspy dog is «o Lin N of .! »g !nt dar’<
I the farm ull tUy. I made favotitea
voa'f Mepiied U|. In-fom the languidly g-»l to U‘ cskI i!og >u;up\’heiv.”miiv nml a iiurh.ani < «.wludifferent ticket sailor iu the railway \> n»hh:gtim Star
M..I1V niMl Ifsv
Talk yuur
phyaiml mmpatliv! Wlit. it uas pa
Tlir Trnll..
• Where do you wa:it to guV he askm„5,v vav u.* ^.uh^e Imr^-. a
Khor !n cMdalulf.g Iho diffcrcul
«s| iis his jeweled lingers riffled a bunch
A lead
klmri. of ssMileUi-i?*
uf pasleUiardv
U* if sh - • I am
•No.ieid y*mr bu^liu-- m beta* 1 waul »v!,.,i ir
} tein* Into the .......... forbidding
to gi‘!’ she KuaiMKsI -Jnsl you sell me I.sdiiii fiir a nia!!.**
Old lU i.. ,di.
• 1 don’t know.” said the Ik>v nt the
|.ul l..r f...t U. I
i vc ;:o:
Hs. “hut 1 ih.!i'; It would
iunt to.' -Washingn,,.
. ........, i .

:irr;r,:*:.r ru*;

baa l«*t bl* o.urarr. 1
aolt. ui iN-vaUto- iHJ
• 1... I.M 1
tbo prl.-ojo:
and U
iiineh lo.^<
ehataeiori o:u|»oro-l with
Ibo man v J,.. ho. dmelo,-Hl |..morful
m.mtal and moral muM-le In hU onergoth*, |•or^l«tnlt effort* to gain a «imipeteiieo and lo make tho must of blm


^•beu >ou umkr up
rty fiovver. iliat
dhillg UJ
Well I was slisent | _______1
Ion of a ihildW..1L
It. that ymi are going
ye.irs aiiil re
----------- «------trace i*f It from y.iur dr
turning found ihm «f all iIh'
your netUm*. your li«nu«-. Ih*t >on aiw enly M.dly oml ll.‘*s ivniain
givug to show the worl.l y.iur real
-ngine my dt'ln‘«s wh<*ii M«dl>
mettle, that you nn-^tm longer golus to
til imtl.v me jit all! While w
pa** for a raitim'. Unit .Hi»u linxe set
at this l.iss of frlendi^hlp 1 frit
ynur fa.e |*ormtste«lly lownnl IsItiT
ra>pljke tiling g-lng oter my hand,
things, a .■..mjK'iema'. sn tmlepr^rHlem-o.
whi h wa.^ U-hliid luy b.n k.
gbd that nothing .m earth eitn
I oar. dear old Itc**. Wlthent imluw
hiu. y..n will be
Mho had t'.mio lo Ihk me
If ever nutw tiai a n'cnfon iag
i.» >..n fmm thl« In
power wtn .
t seeing me again
.11.1, n-r
e au.l
resjoi. t. ihiug alxnd fov\hHms iifteu lieAune
... II ltd take
I.k. it ft»r granle-1
|tr.t.l.-l «'
th.t It 1. tholr f,,..
B. .....
emnuot keep i:p aiHuvirn.-. and ll»o In 1
the «ame *iyle a* their more we.dlhy
IT*. PXHpxH- ps»p
ps»ide often
aged nod d..
shipping lines in tlie |«tlniy day* of onr
the best of what th
maHue wa* the t'uts* line. wl»teh
tmi >ot tlHdr Im'M
ty^ween Phihidelphla nml I lven».Kd.
rndeavtw with all H
*aTs the author of * Mem«»lni of t’liarlo*
ll. t ramp.”
By this line Itan
la anyth
doliib of Uoauoko deirruilmsl to go t«
the effoi
r.ussU when he had l*«'n npi»olnted
unbwumgte onrlronment luM.vid of i
n)luI-*tor to t-ouutry by lYesideut
gnnimg ft a* .abimsjttal *n 1 trying
j Jackson.
F.otcriug ihe omcoto.or the
get away fnnu It.-Sceeoss.
eomiutny in rhlladelidiU. be *aW to a
A VsIttoM# Wltto^
1 bis usual,gran
A snntheru Uwycr tclU of a e*
In.^' “
that cwttie to him .at the oui«i t of I
I “itlr. I wl*Jl to see Tbamss I\ Cup*'.”
cariW wheio.n hi* prlncliml wltmwH i lie was shown lo Mr. Of>e s office. .
-I am John namlelpb of IToanoV."
was « ttnrky r.amiM la. kvm.
"I wUb t » tak ' iwsstge to
to have kuowWgr of cenatn ftau>ae- be Mid
ttoit* not at all tmho fTr^lIt of hU em- LlvrrTK*ol In one of your ship*.*'
If b^eviss-tcl to
tendered a paffa
plover: llie dorrnda».r.
-aid tl ‘ Uwter. -I he was gr’M'vou«Jr dl oipiM»lnte<l.
-I am TlHimas t oito.” retdied the
want vou tomulrrstand the Iwponam^
Of lelthiff the tn«h Wivm yon are imr head of Ihe line. ’ If thee goo* aboorf
rm Ibe ataut^. , Y«u know what will
happen if you ^lon't ten tl»e truib>'*
wg* Jaekaon’* reply
Bat tw»e 1 rvpeets onr aide wUi win
Hainan lugeauirr is a plague to inodde ca*e.‘*--llant‘r‘a Magatlua.
rrn Ufe. aud ibcnr I* aome excuse fpr^
I the view of a gUMl man who regatded
I Ibe int^tor of railway* as a Curse tn

* plnc^’c deafne** of years' t
Ith ooo of hU prepai>UoQ
i.vslclan* of Ibe East

• out Ihe I
V did »o.


dramatic aeaaons was Robert
dock. |oW; no lusuranre.
man’s production of the Tour-aci
Car ferry dock and *Hp. loa* $lo.t»oo.
Property of car ferry stored In warc- cijroedy drama “My Prkrod From Araw ’ It is again meeting with tho
houae. dlahea. life proervers. etc.,
same aucces* thU svwson. for the p«>11.000.
ih» witm-^slNl it before are approStanley Wilson, nets, fishing tackle,
dating l*i(t r aud dlocoverliig new
etc.. |2iu; no Insurauci-.
iirvkcnUUon. Thl*
John Nelson, residence. 12.000; In­ iK'autles In'll*

surance. 11.000.
John Nelson, furniture. |25<». Insur
ance, 1500.
Carl Shroc-der. lumso and cemtents.
y Hit If
auenlbm was paid lo Ibom. Hardly 12.500; Insurance. n.wHh
bad the young man arrived, hawetxr.
Mrs. A. E. Ruennnver. hones dam
liad be began dcmonslrnUona. as bo aged
Insurance wHll cover
call* them. In public, and daUy met
jwsiple nfaici«*d with dcafneta. and
with a tdngle application of one of
his pnuiarailon. actually made deaf 150. Insurance will
*^n addition To thl* work. Cooper ad­
Captain Uobertson
vanced the thwn- that stomach trouhie was the roumlaiion of nine out of
ten disease*, and claimed to have a
pi^paiatlon that wotild restore the
stomaeb to working order, and thaa
gel rid of such tronhloH as |-heuma
Ham and aflcctkma of the kidney* gnd
liver In about two weeki’ time.
Thl* Btatemi-nt neems to have been
Iwrne out hy the remarkable results
obtained through the nse of this prepara’ioiu and now all 8t. Ix>ul« Is apjiarently mad over the young man.
Hi* headqiianers resemble a vtrlfable Hanipede. Thousands of people
aro visiting him each day. and the
druggists are selling his mediclors In
enormous quantities.
to make Osiper Mtlll
more popular is the fart that he prac
tiers exuiialve chaHlable work, and
hae already dispensed a small fortune
aanjug tin* poor of this city.
■ How long tho tremendous Interest
iu Cooper will last U hard to estimate.
Al present there wt-ms U» be no sign
of a let up. Physicians claim it to be
« fad that will die out a* soon as
Coop. r leaves.
In justice to him. however. It must
he said that ho alraady aeems to have
accompU.sbed a great deal for the kick
of this city with hl» preparations.

_ weth fire,
nffeetioii.** The worl petrol (or pelreob
diMppearod fro® Kogliah gnd did not


ly Int.TeMlng. “My Friend From ArkanMaw" b full of hrarCs Interest, rich
iti comedy and |kiw*4-sm-s strong dra­
matic Kcem*.
It tells a pretty and

notified and returned, a* soon a* pos
He sUted today that he would

hi the dalsirate play which l»aol
Kewter hay so lngenlou*Iy devised out

id aa soon as he could.
The Northern wa* an all the yroi
around hotel, lie .mb om In North
jiori. and was dorng nn exrelknt buM

of Charles

Mapir s dellgbUul

suits her to iierb5Ctioo.
h.vause It Is

Mr. Gill Won't Rebuild.

ll suits her

tbo embodiment

ffords opportunlUea for

rehulld thlh year. The |H..Ktoffire. ml

Ihe frw display " of ibotse gifts wUb

whKh Ihe
Ing. ha.s hM-n moviv
the Wurrhurg block and Mr. GUI will | dow.*d
mg Moro there but will dl*

charming acirosa Is


the play pf ''Ikirpthy Verhis other lln«-* nt preneni
MU* Gallafln ak
The Clllrens Tdephont
_ disUuec .phone in the Wur^‘►^ MUm what similar to that fflh
burg building, but 'has not yet dt-lded ’ U'* d from eoiitemplallng a painting of
where the switchboard will be pla«tl.|»M e «.f Hlr Joshua Reynolds' great
Will Build Water Worica.
of the romanii* pciiod. In a
Step* are on fool now to hulM . ^ Iran:,-aiq.roj.rtale in the subject. Ilia
the village »?•» ,n fciK-aklng llkenei
it 1* destined to en}oy
yeslerday ,i dU'sM-r w*>n’t he re n.undtngn. and It
a U>itng iM.pulanty.
MU* Gallatin Is to b<' congratulated
While then- wr-re no live* lof't and
1 one wa* Injuivd. ll U due to the niK.n having st-cured such a fine play,
fact that the wind went down that the and the author upon having hla work


Inu-rpreted. by such a *tertlng artisL


I>KwI lovers of the romantic drama ^
win have an opiKiimully lu paas judg­
Ings managed to extinguish them. ment on Miss Gallatin In her hew
role when she will appear at the Grand The wind went down alKiui 4 o’clock.
Tbnrsdky. Oct. 4.
Appreciated Asaiatanca.
one time there were a* many as a doz­
en fires going but the r»wneni of the

The work of the Traverse City fire
departiDont was appi^lati-d fully hy


every cUlzeu and totbay many expret
of grain ode weni heard. They
icd their labors about 5 o'clock
last e«enlng and before their return to
Traverse City, they were tendered a
supper by H. E. Gill at Kehl's restau­
rant. The depkrtmenl remained until
8 o'clock, when li wa* ccrUln that
Ir aervlces would no longer be need­


are making ex
Hoothem imri of Mex

walnut wo,Ml* aud that only part of
then. h«ve *<, far been considered rslnable from a rommen-Ul point af
Now the wbemc la to make
In Bad Place.
ih«rc«. ir^ vsluaUe or worthlM wal­
The fire aiartetl In the rear of the
nut* .-.m.nierrlally valhable. The procNorthern hotel about 1:SU p m.. he
r-M Is a curiou* one.
tween a doable roof In u place w here ft
In eousists of opening tbe roots of
impoaalble to gei at ft. The ffue the tr*-*-* and Inserting one or »of»
ed out a few da>a ago and U I*

ed. Mr. Gill alko t-nderad them a liox
of cigars to smoke on the way home.

nothing could be- done. Mr. Gill, the
tbe Parts Figaro sought tbe viewa
Tillage president, wired Traverse City
of n man who had the repntattoo of aa
for help.
expert m the field of faooor. He at
The aottlhwwit wind aprrad the
once began to rail at duHg with ptatola
He eouHl not bear even to apoah of sparks ererywbero. the ferry dock
I SOO foot away but the sparks
them. The fact was that be bad once
hlmMlf at an eorouater of that kind
carried there ontll it look fire.
roeelrod a ball lo tbe aboolder.
»er the Tillage, the dllxena were
“^nira joo disapprove of fbein simply
lag the burning brands.
becooae you were defantedr
Masonic hall. Swatoah'a reaUurant.
“MTtj. I was ftot deTcated.'*
(Mrthe'a mBUnery store. Thomas'meat'
Let and numerotta other* were oa
-No; I was a aensid. Too may weU
ledleee that I promloed ntyntU nerat fin and if them mid bean a high wind.
again in iltaifw of Ibat aort DO fire dapnrtmeol coold have saved

»1k> »iqr «>«w fcp trifd for-Oe »*i*r ^ «to.
. •
.- ' -

of a

j high spirited.

Mr. Gill said today that he would

ihe tinagt.
Today, the rutoa arc atill aullrab
BdkknB. hot there is do danger of
nM oommg to We again.

Hany K
tool Wl.iu. •


♦ |>oioiUy Vernon of Haddon Hall.**
MI*m AHii-rta Gallatin baa a part that

fully M-aled In with wax or a stiff
waterproof *toiff»r. impart a new .or
dnoer grain-and eolortug to tbe trra.
Tbe aoothern lodtana of Mexico hayh >
for ceutorles been In tbe hsUt of aecorins rarlou* effects in celoriag oa
hue woods by Inserting In fhe above
manner nnta of other tree* lots the
root* of tbe living tree*. An «rtenwU-—,
lag fdanter In Tabaaro has Bam tot
lowing om this Indlaa Idea with earl•
ooirraolta. lie mradooed this to otV
er baciendadoa. mad oowaarrerii of

them are expertmehtlng dith tiyt
caaraer Uada of wralnnt tree* with «a,









lo Henry rir«
(Irrlved from

•nil hhawted IV
by llnsh. «A1 i
rtm, lie I



strong hitny In a simple, Ulrtsct man­
ner. and certainly those who enjoy
heart-reaching Hf^rtea

(Santo b.rm cannot afford lo mlsa It. The
above play will la? aeen at the Grand

Cfil that the heat cracked the
chimney, allowing It to net fire to the
ing. Aa soon aa It wa* seen that

Mtiilrt Ijliaii

It It. a cl**an. healthy play and dedded-

was In Mauls opiia house, mallnee and night, Oct. C,
tlqne at the time of the ffro. hut wa*

whole town was not
Tbe first mention of petroleoiD In
Ameri.-n wu* m*do by Father He la
IbK-he d’.VJlleu. a Franciscan. In 1620.
^t may lie a am»rt-e lo many people to
know that both the prodoct Itaelf and
j the name** petrol and petroleum were
familiar at lem*t aa far back at tbe
inkhl»eoftbef«uriecuth«'entury. In the
blosne manuirnid (fifteeulb cratuiY)
mention U made both yf rock oil and
ttf the eorrei-t deriraiipn of the nama.
whi.h l« mediaeval LaUn ami of
course ba* DOthlug to do with Peter:
‘TelroVum. olenm «at factoro de petra.
Cfallieei. petroUle - I ’Pefroleum Is an
oil made from r«jck-ln French, potromc."»
The jwo]»erty of drawing
(fre had struck tbe imagination long

"ti:! -.T


(Contiaoed from first Page.)

pS^lkemiahtlL Uam^4



tmmn m mHiAS
fOnH—nn Wtmm

A iHwIetoiiie cn^ of tartar
UdaKpo«d«. Md»tbefia«t.
bart flannd fcoei^liotbnad^ cake and paafay.
BUtkem. Examine the labeL
\ pomon eo, «w ^



t glmn t<miiht hy I

fmttesmndMbtpttaa. Tha


OomA BaoMa; G. M. of A. I« G
r. Ovum; a O. Q. Fmna e

othbr saatm


iw MUM tele the Mnnlmna Me.
r tend Utet dtea atafcMIn^


Tim Bmr. Thtm^

. indlnn aehonl nt O Beon Onln.

aywteta bare ! «wo earrin! mm in Rent-





^CUc ha. -At —F
ST imop. 7u iS
____________.________ J In the etty .that:h«ra and they win mM Mm
thMerearrolr Macyhnder aand
mimcu vIsHam May la the lodge-hi thU new wtwh: He Mnrc« th*'«^:h VomtmM cerhenir acid gaa.
roonw of the locnl K. of P. Mge. the‘rt«i«h U good oondJtloa and «^ho- with a Mnall oU eonulncr at the hot*



trtU he he win find|

^momaprmnt. y^yjwettyap-! the work went. hmM for him.



A rednriug valve rouanrt* the afl



TJtohltoio “

Fomigi i Imrocr. w h:*h luu a raporiarr rouaistrt.|Mmionary «c$rl, uf the Orngmsa tag or a M and an nlr misiar rtMmwith aweet 1 tU»al charrh will mcri with Mra. J bar. whila the bunror u fittad with aa
irrM at which Mr. Palmer acted aa
for all ihrjC Miugan. 323 Sixth atrwe<: tomorrou
The oB Js forred from the oU coowry i afteniocm at 2 o'ciockrlsJM^ from out of town.
iniocr tn the kaporiser throogh the fbw
The Mlssioo arrlr of the BapcM tube by the
mm and bakers hare been carrying |
of ibe cfMlc
well filled baskeu up to the dining eh arch will n^et with Mrs E. Hugbaa. acid gam. On warhiiig the vnportxer
PT. H. Umrnl. of Crmad RapMs room all day and the'whole place ha* 212 Union street, Wednesday a
The death of Miaa Ida Cokm, aged
oa tha Pare Maruaette and a gay and frsUve air.
17. whkh occurred at the anrtmn pae[noon at 2:4i» )
srttb the air and thence to
md tha brlgaderolalf that would
turday waa cwpeeially aad- Mim Co­
This evening front 7 to 8 a recepthm
Work on living the alley |ust west
Itcmlaac* to the Erraiiig Rec
keen waa rmpkiyed at the state Inati
will be lenderwl the visitors by ihe^
C'fty dKig store was begun to-i
: ,ig«4|»g as follow.: Cd. C.
tntkm aa a atenogmaher and had come
local temple after which Alice Shan-ld^j. this being the first pared alley In
mr. Maaialce; Col. A B Ben
to rettere her ainter who had connon will deliver the address of wel-j Traver«- CUy. la order to allow tbej
DMmIt: Col C. O. Jennlron.
tracted typhoid fever and waa forced
cone. The evening win Iw occupied .Hey to drain tn the cutter the cement 1

to retarn to her home In Maniatee.
Miab Ida contracM the dlaeane and Adrian; Od. C. M Beers. Trarervu
deMe the beat of medical care aue- City; MaJ. C. A Durand. Flint; MaJ.
J McRae. Battle Creek.
cambed to the diaraac yenterday. The
The degree
team from
ih/ Soo

wilt lodge murk durtng which therejeross
wlll be an .v-mpli Heat loo of work by Uu^.y

walk 1. being removed
u* paved wUh brick and the itariv:*.

^ sminfU-

the visitor*. afUT which all will *lt perlng wll! tun to the sidewalk curb.

The six white hofwes ridden by the
poUre departmeftt In the parade today Ladle- of the Modem Maarihaea^ urUI
ever given In this city
hlch will coolest
tbU.etv-nlng l*
( by tha Rev. J.
The open a nimmagr sale to the CuOer
MM. J. MMWWN WAS SLIOMTTomorrow mt»rnlng and afternoon came fiom •Germ*lne * t>arn.
ma«re up d the fdlowlng knighu;
ila Mfl
graiid temple will white horse ridden by Brigadier Gen* buiUUng 00 Uuloo stn-et Saturday.
The Rev. A. H. Lord. A- E Sharp. S.
eninx the RathUmeS ral tav.mis
al«» came
from Ger1h> held
In the
he raaldence of m/ and Mm. Ah
ee of the iatr John G. Cartton. C. B. Wanur. Otto Supi--.
grand maitarv lutH maineV
ronirlbute aoytbitig
tn the line
Mark Sheplcy. T J Sjsters will give
Young of SUteenth atreet
Caro, were hcl^^on Saturday after R. T. Moron.
The Utte.-s -K pX stand for the j clothing,
Hf9P Hltci»*d to m Ufht Or*y IU«
♦ :Sb thU morning the Rev. J. W. Miller ouon in the eburoh at Elk Lake and Green. C. W. Hecox. F. L. Eveillng. B
for Kim book* and raagartui*^. r*l.s»e ti.itlly
A«My and Alniek H«r M^jr.
Among the grand tempi.* officer*
A. Ltml. Thuma* Watchoni £. F. Ikd
united in mneriagR- Steph^ U Oyde
you have
Want on tldowalH.
lender. W. E.
WelFer.-E J Guek present t Hiay are Mae Hutien. grand ball
and Miaa Maude Young.
E. Clyde,
lelepbone 413.
He ha* uUllretl ibU
chief t»f Sault Ste Matie. IkKahontas this morning
8. J. T. McKlnnej ami ^dm Collin*,
brother **f the groom, waa beat man
Hood, grand junior ofjThree Htv«rs. fact «l hi* d.*ct«ati..n*
and MUa Cva Youn
siselal train fp.m Kalkaska .ai
EwiDtef otrr • crowdod .Mcwalk l»
. is la the drill tbl* rrentng 1* thv Ethel A. Hendrick, grand M. oI R and
Mr. Thompaoo. M. E. mlniafer at Ell
Mr nydr la f dt
Manpi.-tt.. tUie
UMtac Ottt for tbe lar«tr arch on neaa man and Mrm. Clyde one of the
Valley CUy team conii«H.*d of Frcvl C-. Middlevllb ; Ethel ILibeoek. grand
brtmght the Kalla^Ua nil!;tar\ band
fttmt a&d Cmam gtrrtf. a horac hitched
Manv did not U am of the tdg Indues
yonng ladlea and
Mr. Carna. tolher of George and Utley. Oscar KlUtrum. U E. W Hart
.me hun.lnd ao.l fifty visitth a liKht dray bek»*tmt to the Fhnn"tnefir made .t! the Ato. rican drug atorr
•ucoaMtal chnroh and Truman Carne of thla city, uma one of well. Mr. B.'nneti. J. l^rmle. Fir<!

Supply ouopaay atrttck the rl^ !a
so liav*- exti-ndiK] ihi* adTeitl»«d offer
rorkera. Mr and Mn tho old aetUera and emmmi and oper Voss. Richard Voae. Mr Adarah. H
»i.* annual s.«uth ls.i:nd* excursion
vi^lch Mra. J. Robcrtaoo of Garfield j
t«r a larg. Il iMittl-- of the famous Mt.
Clyde left on the »:46 Pert* Marqoett
mted one of the most hmtlful ninl Kleiar. Mr. ChrMtlan. J. DrClmW
the Maiquefte left at 9 .30
^nahlp waa amin* aad threw her to
neno n* Mln.-ial Salts for 3itc. The
for Klagara FaJIa and other
aluable fanna in Ue region- Ho buRt Cbarka DeWltt.
^ parrsieot injurtnf her elbow and _
quit ke*t Slid safesi cure for liver, kid­
pf imereat and jwlll be nt home the firat brick rcaWence-ln Grand
Continu.'-l From First Page.)
RegimenUi fitaffa
!icv and 221 iIckeiK were sold for
»«klly not aertoualy.
ney an.l h tnsible If you hare
to their many frienda after Nor. 1.
Tlrarcrao county.
The regimental staffs are In the cltv. *njth.a»t. ,m Ohio will .-nt-i th. . van
igo. m-»roit and O' isdni*
aThe hone ran down Caaa aireei and
Mr. Came alood very high aoclally
e most of them arriving last night. g. li-nr ft. Id wnli the nute l evangelist
I.K-al iKKjpb* icajk advanAmoil ml on Front afreet. It wa«
o Aireilran drug
aplritually and dnancially. aa waa cvl- Col. W. W. Waite of Jackwm U at ih«* ChaiU.- Keik*n S»-..vlM-. mui». tlm. duv
^denUy afraid to go under the arch
You nre then
denctMl by the very large •atlem
bead of the first regiment; U.Mit. Cul Ing th.' numih . f N.)v.*tiiU r
ag... Grand lUplds Iktrolt and
J It tamed onto the aldewalk In front
enlltletl to the large 81 Ujttlr Mt.
and the profuakm of floral tribal
Tljiy alnadr bav.- ihr.* eiirag.Heomaim of ihU city lias chaige of
Toledo this moniine
The train wa*['
af OrlnaMI Broa.* maalr atore. atrihing Were Given Out by the ^Wic Ubrfy
Salts for 3Ur Jow. as ndvj;i> memAry at the funeral.

the second In the ab^-nce of Col K. E
• eoat^ts and b-ft at
made np
During the Month of taptember.
.tb BotN^rtaon rig aa It turne.1. One
ort 2 3t

The death of Mr. Cara, la a
Brarkrtl of LnnHiug and H. H. Curtin
9 o cltx-1..
Averaged 71 Dally.
t|lU of . the Robertron buggy waa
Iona not only to hla family but to the of VermontvlUe U in chargtr of ahe and Huuitng-on. Im!
Among the visiting knights U Col
.iLheo and the hone aurled to nm
church and the csommunlty at large.
There will Ik* fc*:r In the eoni|iAny
H H. Curtis of VermontvlUe.
SkTwaa atopped by J. K Loogwell.
During the month of
of worker*
Ml. S«*<ivlll.^ having *
p.blUh.*r of
w w^o
Many Decorations.
a^rem! men grabbed the other hoiw 1.72S book. p er<* given out by the pub­
The hurUI of the infaift child of Mr
musical dlnetor aud a wrf.drt wlrt. Knichth.KKl. the uffleal ..late* paito-r of |
Traverse Oiy has never
dll before It onatlnucd far lic llbnir.v. the claaalflcallon being na and Mra. Frank Smith took place at 2
They ar.* at present H.islnu
the Kuirhts of Pythias and the Rath- ■
FlcUon. 1062; javentle fic­ o-clock thla afternoon, the Rev. T. P iM-amlfulIy decorated «» it U t.Klay.
tieronthr «
Kueceskful year s work In whnb 4 3
The Pythian color* and emblem* at"
|The atmaU weee crowded with peo^ tion. 463; phlloaophy. €; religion. 8; rilom officiating.
piKiple have b«*eTi eoov(-rt<*il.
on . ver> bami mingling with the star*
1^ and there were a large number of aoclology. 24: natural science. 16; ueeCame Here Years Ago.
The remain* of Judiwn Smith of Car- and strip***. Th»* big arrb. ut the coi
* 4a
That more people were nut In- ful arts. 4; fine art.. lO; literature. 7;
down to one of the daintiest banquet*




1729 noxs

Too Late To Classify.

The Kev Mr Uibim came j.. i
jnrd atrock the wltneaaca of the accl- hlatory. 32; travel. 18; biography. 18; son CMty. who dle«l at the a«ylum. were nor of Front and Ca*.* sinn l* presr-nt
ed a lieauUful sight la*t evening when niseipb church la ihi-* city five yia
Ixjund magarlnea. 72; daily average. .hipped home totlay by the And
i^nt aa rery atrange
the iTght* were turned on and could agti last ru eemu r aud found a tu.*
71. One hundred and elghty-two men Undertaking company.
-The young^»eople «»rttoil CUrfield vfritfsl the reading room. 138 women
be seen for many block* In dixltnct UTnhlp of about City ir-opb* worshipWlU give an eniertaiumenl
Fridy ami 336 chUUren. a toUl of C7€. or a
riub r
bu*lm*ss men
have plug In the«^ liall
The infant daugnu-r of Mr and Mrrt outline.
^t. Oct. f. at the Baat GarfieN dally average of 28.
^ Erra Knlpe. 425 East Eighth lUreM spared no pain* to make their build ablr- leadership and fivn-tfu! pn
fSnrab.' All are cordially InvUed

I Worn OBt

And Ho Good?



Loti ambition and don't
oare wbolher “•chool keopa
niidWlKE will make you
aU over again.


Uk-d Sunday afternoon. The funera! Ings beautiful and extend a lei-Ung of ing the linb* eongrega’lon k»‘*w i
w nlct* wuh held yerterday afternoon. welcome toward the visiting UiiigbtH larger quar«r* sere ueeess.«r. a:id
The Hannah £ Lay Mercantile con; the *»Tvio-s s»T*- take;; t.» the Gran !
L. Carter being In charge.
building i* gorgi-oU« in Its opera houM* and a few tiumths lat.-r tn
Mr aud Mr* V. Z. Cunningham of
colors. Slreanuiw of yellow, blur and the City opera house, T!»e .nn-ml»er- i
Miiis Stella
Martin, daughter
Old Mlaslon. pawied through
WUliam Marvin, was buried this after­ n^. the Pythian colors, are hung In ship of :he church increas* d In a sh*»rt j
ItHlay on ihelr wav to Athena. Alaba­
and ih«*n th. y se- o* work |
noon from the Advent church at 2:3U. long fluttering ^ow^ across the lop r»f lime to
ma. where they will make thHr future
tha Rev. Mr. Wmec. an Advent ,raln- the buUUlng: the Pythian emblem* are to build a new chiiiT h
worked In gigantic foim* with bunting
lirter from f»eto«key. officiatliu:.
Built New Church. .
Ed wittaum wvnt to IbHruit tbU
cm the front of the building while* thedenwu
It wa5 a h. reiilean un.U rtaklng for
eantrpy 1* a Iwwrr^of eoU.r.
Park the**- js-ojd<. the most of Jh«*m isK»r or
Place hotel 1* beautifully decx>tsVl laliorlng fK-opJo. to try to build such v
Philip HaiiM-u. age«I 32. fonneHy of and cohered lights on the veranda* churrh as the needs deman.h-1 but
Fiwnkfort. died at the asylum ye*ter- combine with the bunting to. make with ‘falib In God” as theiy mifitto and
d.v aud »a. burrietl here at 9 o'clock the building Imaiitlful. More ontslde an eiiergiiir leading Ih. in tb.y
IhL morning, the Rev. T. P. Ullom of wiring 1* Id lng done on Uh* building suerecKled and'io.!ay they worship In
By Wire to the Ev ening Record.
Every buslne** house ^dosm
Henrj Smith, an
Saginaw. .Mkh.. (Vl. 2-—A Iwo-year- flclaling.
old baby ,lrt*wned in a claie.rn Monday. Kr^kfort. wa* in attendance at the town Is tbTorated t.» more or less exThe Auden«oo Undertaking., *nt while many of the r.*sidenr«s
It w.s the child uf Jam«w T. Merrlam. funi*ra1.

V-JOBUSOD DltDG CO. I I a well Known architert


Our lioi- emlnoe* wuiKlit*
I.I.- for .11 kind, of weather.
We w»h to can yoar attention
to the famout

HratKl. Ko other make uo
for the pTaCf.
Children* Union tsiiits.
50C. $1. $1.50
Ladies* Union Soitw.
$U|1.25, tl.S0s|3
Men’s Union Suits,
$1.50, f2 5010 $5.50

Scpantc‘ tarments, 25c.

The ParadeTbe parade formed Is twc*. t. IVelllng


havk any

Effects or Displays ’
In honor of the K. P.’s next week
figure with us at once.

Don't wait until llit* !:t*l minuU*.

Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday.


- Parlor Stand

b^nx* the contests were putb-d off
-loara VO TOP nrigin or me
.seenalon with.
goTheJIne of marrli wa* lin**.! with
-'wsy up in Uie rlouRs.”
people who watebi*.! the parade m*)ve
limit that iMUld

xaclly liki* rut. 24x21 in. top,
:h Ciul.Ien Kiiyib of «iuaitor.
will ook. Ffruch Ifga.

knights In their neat unb

I to hug
bIX "



pranrlng and

Oar Price $1.48
Large Bent Arm Rocker


jlAuds playing gaily

niie little girls Lagbeg!. -but the la>yl Chief of Police Ashton led the march
Imke-l Kboeked. He evldeotly thought*moanteil on a black bonu* and was fob
acch iireverenee merited swift and,lowed by seven offietTs mount<-d on
terrible pnuishmeiit. for be said aiern-|^hlte horaew. After the squad of po}on 11 be h-etore eut^


exactly like itit. GoUlen Finiib,
very strong and durable.

Our Price »L69

followed by General Loomis aud


The Grand


, Traverse Cii.v, Manlstet- and Albion
,corapank*s followed in
Qg with Brit. -I c*a!k
City Ijand aud the Ypsithe Trave
PisTjeK* late' one c-veulng.- he said.
asosuaL,*“^ Orrcnville. Ixlray and Adrian
iVre wa^ Beil utedil
1 aKkwl!,companies, completing the prorxs>Hm.
Tk? .von never uki*
•Nut oft «n.' Ive reidiM.
Well, w liat s
CompeUtive Drill.
yo-ir gamer xsld 1. ‘I am guing to
After covering the line of march a>
ctmtrvd the w bole dtamoml ompnt be­
published yesurday. the* fiaradc wa«
fore I am mm-h older.’ be an-<nwred
asI be got off hrs
his stool. Tbat-s
Thai s ftnmy.’
. mHL -I have mode op »y mind to
do toe same.
We bad better Jim
bands.”* Join booJa they did. Unlike
Alfred Beit. Ceril Bbodea bad mmilk
ivatiemv with arifbairiical detaila
Owe this charaeteriitk: Inrolvad Mm

Lar,;.- assortnwDl of Kockera from

75 cents up


Loomi- “d *taff and then
proceeded to the driving park where
the drill contest was held. In ibU.
ApoUa cpiuiNuiy No 23 of AlWoo and
Furnliore City company
No. 2 of
crtod Rapids took part

marked and




diamonds exfibsed to the lalucnco oL
raillnni tnrn yellow, while otbnw re­
main white. One i»ale blue aappMco
was eolaced dark yellow after tW,
weeks' esposure to rudhni rayi.

Onodit: l», OoqcJ

Oor Pritt $3.48
n «


GeiteraJ Loomis aUted to a represeo^

--------'wlli (he raecpOoa (tran th. rtihon
t&Aloa «>u>.ti<«* »«B to h.«
.mii„»«u were


'ILia iarue 2-bm Kitchen
Calrhiel. exacUjr I I cul
Tjp 27x4-5 iDcbefl.




Free Hot Biscuits and Coffee

>o and Park street* on Front and at
Some small girl* were plarine la * 2:13 ra«»v*Nl up Welllngion aud thm
rfun awiiy:. w hile a Imy. a infie ..kli-r,
I west on State to I'ubm thence south
atood near wntchlug thedv.
to Eighth, counurwarched and lunte.l
maid said. ' I'm p»ing to swing so high
on Front-to the driving park



IK you

company bad ejiarge of the arrange- t iroughottl the city U-ar coh»rs.



>.li. r is.uMl a mat
afurmsm to Clar '
gcicl cistdiilon*.^ n*ar1y
Trave-%? nty and*
rt»oms and bathi al-o

Inn Bod* with Uut roil*
at head »<J foot 11 in
bniM TOM*, any »ia. any

Oar Price $3.98

SPECIAL—100 pain Baffled CaiUioa, good width, good length, good pottem
While they Uat, 29 cents a pair.

TTHctgUmi although be bad
[ be left

The Globe Dept. Store





the Ttaslnla Me^ Far tbr rreaetya- sgo am still

Ml iM At W llaiM Inr Wbx

nppnic^ gmdA

sr “

tolpmtMemrriictaemmertakenby t! «
department mi (
lbdetnlmrt»r«r«ljHser«te!^ them I. a dirlakm trf gisd
tmry af exksencr. Tbe amgnttade of
tbe srork can heat be appeertatnd ly and tbe work oanM be
rrdeetlnc an tbe fbet tbat in aU snlv cxperla abonM roaigrem

MmliM b UmM

ondertatsm an:«eber sorb extensire pro- natroM^ImwosTS*
jert. in ip«e af tbe erm
•^Hoontry -srai eppo.
Hnpmrr tbe pnbiic bigbsmya. bet with
fwn readily he
demdapment of motor cars and
trorka of erery dcscrlptloo tbere
tkm was raised from tfir sale of tstnU
wbole soMcrt la an intereattng
.«M t-y lb- f.r «i«Ul.ur ...t.- »f Vi^, ^
lo tbe bb^
tmm. Ibe Oomliu.UW f«ior m
,-B«berlMd-Te»leB. ro«L «Bd
UEeln ^ -eioeUI dar» -Vi iSh^
wMb ibe cnIeuUJ celegumlu of tbe U« ceoi^ ib.- r.D.? |„,tao,
.^e tora >leo( Ibe wey e
of tbe flbk> was fast filling with set-, eoocentrafloB of effort In the next coo
Ueta. mnat of ibetn frodglng wcM froza {
i, nntk-ipated lo support of a ns
Virrlnla Tbe Washington-Eniado.-- .
road. foUowiag sn Imluia imil cciv^sl
________ A
tbe moontalna. oaa ibf aoule ..f tl>e'
s.t— ^
pioneer emlgrent. A renersl «letnat)d» Tniaiee J. f. Hteele of tianta '
arose for better inroiia of co-mnauU-- Monica, t'al.. has suggested a onitioe
tlon lirtsm^ tbc old €omiuooweal:b: plan of atrrec Ugbting. whereby
anl the Ohio rallcy. atnl Virgui i
randle ___
agreed to .w.le to tbe federal trove,,,-1
^ ^ each reiidtice’.
ment hll tut part of her dontaln oortb j
nhrlate the use of arc lights and
of the Obk rlrer on cotKi.ihm ilia, a ^
lllamlnate tbe rtrretr.
peoreuiage of tbe mon
moue, dented fnmj
^tc residen.w. aa well, aaya the
tbW aal.- ttf land there ,

—,.Jteal 0ov^nuMi •«;
MM thm
I to 4^#«bIiio thm
.Otto. mr^mOyl

in* Nnr Vqrti P«» • ^

t the mmft tnvHtei


cor j

To fbb cod a aaoraorot baa already
bem started for tbc rrmoratlou of tbe
old Natkmal read from < omliertab 1
Md . to Vaadalla. m. fVo|dr who have
rrer baaid aaytblog alM tbls ibor
oacbfarc know that tt IsNboc of the
bktocica] laadmarka of tbc eomitry It
la 102 yiera alarc tbc flrsf steps were
taken tovanl boildhic tbe great Utsbway from tbe farther edge of A IrgipU
out throogb the then little known we»t
to Ibe frontier. There H probably ii»
oib«4 tboranghfare lo the whole roan
try tlui ran eompale wt|fc It for tbe
dlatlbrtion of beiog called the Anieri
can Atddaa way. No poMic highway
aave tbe llomaa military roads of m
tttrtes ago was erer cooatmrieil proba
\Ay on a scale «»f greater nohllltr or
designed for more enduring nwfn|.
ness. Tbe Idea waa a remarkable ous
In Its Inception and Inapiring in Its
propbec) of tbe eapanalon and pro.
perlty of tbe American repar»lic. Ukr
tbe faracelng plana of I.’Enfant for
tbe Caiaul fity of tbc nation.

Kror «<Orr tl»c rottodalioa'of th^\
SDTWMM^t oattooBl ro.4 beildluc i»>
bmm .dror*t«l ty nuioy pcM»« n «|
f«r fToolcf fmirtto. of tl>c srimi
tovmiMit fl»«
tfiocrilmtioQ mti

•o4 mp« inrrwttm la tbe um> of bor—
kM vckkk. oat .only for i.Umra
mekerK tiot a« a ho»luc«». tntrk* taklac tke pkrne of cldi» cry vacona of aU
4«vrfptioaa. baa uatwnilty aitractrd
new and atmac *urt>ort to the cood
reads vorremit. so that tbc cxfcat of
publtc araUiDcnt Hi faror of Imiirorcd
and ertl kapt di^eaibfarr. connert
lag fbe |*r1aripal citHe of l^coUDiijr
may rtse br bcitcrrd that ibe |»o»Milar
demand for or to date roads liettrccn
rttiaa la fast aprroartiinff that tioanim
Hjr of apHiloD wbtcti baa long roqtilred
city strwKa to lie kept lo a coodltion
as poas.hlc the
Homo >aara ago <;curral Nrlaoo A.
MHoa. tban tbc bead of i1»c Amrrtcan
army. Icel bis name to a morcirrn! for
tmlktlnc a broad ami direct antomoMk ttkoroochfarr acroaa tbe caontrj

ym hare, fcl ae calkct

md. Il> H-cr- f) ■DDittn of .nllgiril.T. II

of lb- opiDloo. of I


then ftf TSB.

Mno vritm. a hrast j OM aoeooata pnaptl* bUsod^.


A. Pohoral

midilie ages l.eli
of tbiee kinds of
white nnk-»
fare and bine eyrani In lengtb: tbe eglimerioo.
resemltlrsl a blgantlc deer and
very sharp bom growing fmm the midTravtw City. Mich.. Sept. JO. IfOC.
tUe of the forehead, and tbe
1 bare placed a number of acooapla
or t'oraman unicorn. 'The while nnl
com** bom was of three different cj»l ;
at tne lower i»arf. niant a«
, my of them kmg onllawrt; I
tlte middle and rM at the T'
> same Mr. Poboral bruulbt
bruu|bt Iha
' Ml.1^
eighteen Inebe. dellnqmmt. to lime and prom|d nets that they could tlcnienU.
Dr. E L Aihum. DentUI.

Grinnell Bros.


ii# ACininKP^


Fine New Pianos


Ketorael from Sqmmu- ReaUI and Mow oricrcd at.

Great. Reductions from Regular Prices
Every summer we do a large Piano Renting business to Resorters and Cottagers, and this year we fur­
nished more Pianos than ever before. Now. at the height of the Fall trade, when our stores are already^
filled with new Pianos, back come the rented instruments by every train and boat. Whereto put them--"
that is the problem which confronts us. We can do one of two, things—either store the Rented Pianos at
great expense and risk until we can accommodate them ln“ ur wararobms. OR SO REDUCE THE PRICES
the latter course and are now conducting a


Gigantic Ten- Day Clearance Sale

‘sciiiiueot alone ahoiild l»e tile prlniarr
conviaeeAl that If
movement ami
[)u Is onew Itnmctit liefutv
this light it will tie swell!
In Mary land. IVttnsylvanin.. Virginia
and Ollier st.vtes have given their ap
la^AViil to the projeet and are aiFfbcal
lug the iMssage by congress of some
smh «»lll as that Iniroilui’cl at Ibe la«t
Mwsion by Hepresentaiive <bs,rge A.
,,r ,hi* \alUmal n»ad


i have kept on '


nae ««tu or w.rt.ius.ou, i... a.ifu. I 'x~nrconJfd

midate the de |
movement They
llgii! »»f roUlng over a smooth tb«wough
fane leading from tbe okinreaque tnd'cr
over tbe
fort If bla two cars wi.uW stand the legUantes at;d«down tbe western
atrain. Ha waa aoccrasful. but whatj
and town* of Ibe <
be Haime«l about *iiow m»i to ke,xpl tbruugli cilhw
tliat would undoulffedly

,a';,p.Tf.*o«H I. V.;




fooad'ng. Otl,..Otlier
who argue that
tbe beat section of

noiif'e the
colupiwIwnalTe hulkbng ami would help along
rndjeme for onMrneting national tbor-!
of goo.1 luada ibroagboct
•mbfares on Ju*i as broad ideas n«j «ttlre country,
tbe trunk liiw* oihI feedem of tbe rail |
Mack of It la Goad tcgair.
for lomertHstamw* recently bare
but Ibe wreak point in fbHr advocacy
to find so much of It in good
baa alwaya been that they coutempUtv snrprM
rrjialr. alrbongb Its cooatmctloB
ad taking federal fond* to Imikl tmprored raadwaya In out of tbe way aec begun more than a century ago. Tbe
Uoag af tbe country where at preseat
Ibe vaadi are Uttle better than moan
tala tralbk BaflkHeot opposition would
alwaya aprtag ftp oo the part of conmen would airue that if tbe bill went c^»cted 1


fleeadea. tbl. aatlooal
highway reverted to the .tale. tl|roiigb
tto iMth
it nma, and. vibUe aUU kept In
re iwcwm develop f^j
repair. It la not aa well
fibttUdlag plana baa maintained a. in tbe day. of private
that oppoaitlou

\ ar aa^.

lb- >i—ol

Uorlor ear . «r b- oW.m-1 Id >.or | Ins I. •
■4i<md a. ooU as la any otb-r psUtMU ; arr-nl af ibo old


thmugti seicral of the eastern states.
biMb a plan has l»erii re|»e«tc.ll.v urge<l
10 join Baltimore with Washluctjn. a
.dlataore of forty mile*. Within the
last few days the agUaiioti has Ifcen
renewed, and enlarged couiiuertHal ad
.vantages have Iwcn nrgeil as sufttcient
reOMUi for whnteter expenae U In
Imst spring Tlioma* A AMi o • . nme
nooth with Ills touring car cud an ar
roropanylng baggage Awrrvinc nuToiu»
bile. He luletubHl t» make i«m:c exp-rua-a.. la -a- of tlH-Vmih-n.
and by tbe I Hue lie bad n-a<lied M'asb-

or t^ baaM

^. Yon Haw GiTcn «p>


dvocates of tbe


waat M aiold lali ak~

Are YMrOUkdlMS Slow



1 when the? j
-s lo the sumW. tn tlH-1
Slates b'C is a «*u!t. AMienrrrr tbr:
traveler may U*. et«*n If he
In the I«. he linds j,-e. Bui Ina Fur
F-ng ;
«, I.or.
I tkt'd ni<m as an !
laud ilw tMijc U Jotkt'd
way con:;orllng tbe fringe of \ irginia j
would coat the city Utile more tha>i
luxnry, iHi. no. |
aettlemcnts with what was then the i
ring paKk u wonio iigm sir. «r
wcatem ftouiicr. ttflirl.-l rr»vnls abow i

tter than under the pre*. j drink w
wn- rraliaerl In Ibla
nent. It is bellevel ' sr «♦ t»o
way this lujurd lli'wougb
r.loU-, will
prot ldetl by the Lous;rboWers. nie wire rltaehmenl will he
irn dc in t.n-h tar.nn-r ihat the dec



I ■‘rSf'L.”!!;'*:____ _

on rartom.

betng delivered at Ibe
imlver^ifVa of Leifsde. Bertia ami Bel 1
deOierg s« well aa at the Terbn^ai »
high arliool of lianxig and at tbe eoim i




Pulling a price on each insirument ihai will undoubtedly
quickly send ii lo someone’s home.
In addition lo ihc Rented Instruments we .also have quite a number of
^oo<l used Pianos, of standard makes, recently taken in exchange for STEIN­
WAY PIANOS, GRINNELL BROS. PIANUS four own make i and the
together with all shopworn and sample Pianos, are included io the Sale and all
marked at Astounding Redtetions. making them undoubtedly the


Biggest Bargains Ever Offered

fact, most of them were new three months ago and the little use
they have received has not harmed them a..par tide. Yet, because
we have no room and must dispose of these fine iinstruments at once.
wc are forced to offer them at

at no advance in price. A few dollars will do to start; then pay by
the month, as'>*ou can afford.

The Lowest Prices Ever Heard H
. of in Michigan
In fact, we do not believe the equal of
the entire counlvy.

Notwilhstpding the extremely low prices at whith' these
Pianos are offered every customer will have the privilege of our


Sale was ever known in

Elegant Upright Pianos will go during this sale at
$115, $125. $142, $155, $165, $178, $197, and up­
wards. repfesentins savings, in many cases, of $50,
$75, $100, and mere. Square Pianos at $25, $35.
$48 and up to $80.

During this Sale we will furnish, without extra charge, a fine
Stool and Drape with each Piano; will also PAY FREIGHT to
any point in Michigan.


exactly as represented, and our Guarantee is backed by a capital of
over One Million Dollars. You take no chances whatever when you
deal with us, as our business record for the last quarter of a century
will attest.
very insirument at the price marked is such a DECIDED BARGAIN that we fully expect to close cut the entire lot inside of te
Visit our store-.VT ONCE This is your golden opportunity for money-saving and we make it easy for you to tak
days. %Uon’t[delay!
advantage o(fii.
it. STORES OPEN EVE.NINGS during this sik.

GRINNELL BROS.’ is Music Houses
Headquarters at Detroit, Mich.


. , traverse City Store:

159 E. Front St.




r THAirtlM CITY.

The Hall-Rooni Boys.
THteY DO iV ohl 4*.ite PER.


ate. Tt. Ami




ttorr. jev^ cr wortboccc or hOM of
torrf^l-m of cold cHj. to tbo dtofrotiiii of too eotot or OMiitotroto bolero
ntbmm too oflortoCtoo tocj bo bod. tor

mmA ta3> mgrnnd cr M fc»r Mb

CM-jCtoSoo c»4 teat Oil ■»
to mammime emch cod, «r emma me4 by mmtk 4
Ddoctof loilk. for ootii dtoler to proWbItod 1
toA aoeb mooottro tmlooo aiampod ny ad i
tosi Milk Iroportor. cad from ootocliotrlea.
Man ^ cant or other voooelo tor too ioUrary
tor,of milk or rroom. unk«a too aamo
tbo proo- ebon hold both too fdJ amonai
itooraeyimllk or crMtn they are ropraoentrl

0mtfktmrm4 for mI« er fiiwy



•ri tor m1« cr cecmi|«licB to tcH
elty. mmA to etoH cIl UtoCM Md tctoclM Wtcrr CMCI er M fnr bwncc
iM a kept or oCarcd for «U«. ca l
to tmpect cod ctoertcia tbc coodltton


as eoeb toepcctlen mmA
I too toipoctnr to boroby»


ilc. After coob OKcaUacttoD ood
_ ettoo of too dcljy cod ddry
loo of tolc or acy borto cc bofolabotoro prortdod. be
cbcll ct too roqooct of too owoor uf
ceSd bordt Uc oceh cod orery cstacl


eben ro^iprrcto with too lioord o! eontaclouo or InfocUona
of bcclto of odd city to oil tocttorc
portcUtoc to toe cboiooml of ooiao heroin prodded with
ccooto cod the presenrctlon of toe the ectioo
aiy aork. which report ohaU
date what dlfepooKlon. If any. haaboofi
or the poroou
reeofro ooch per dM oocipoasctloa
cc toe oooBoU Bwy dotonoloc. to bt or rream. oLAbo dodor
found to be Jnfocied with any eonui:loao or tofocUoua dlaoaca atC
whether or not any Cmto dio
for the prodocUoo of milk or cream tor Cato and
ttopcSttoo of raSrSTc^ oocts. too coooumptJon in add city. The aa*c
ocun mey mefco c fortoor oootoooo applicant abdl notify
In hte location cr reddof any change
oaea or In milk aupplted.
Sec. f. Any poraoa ao recetelmt
ouch a permit aoaU cauoo hi». her or
todr namoa. place of budneoo and tbe
aoot sbcll pot ecoood too period of camber of too permit to be legibly
placed and kept In a conopicuoua pteoe

tbV doborrby cerilfy tool the fore•Otoe ordiBCCco wee pccood by the
<«oitoo& coonell of toe dly of Trav
«r*c aiy oc Moodey. September 17.
City Oerk.
oet l^t
Ac Ordtooneo to Rogwtotc tot Stlliftfl
of bulk cod Cfocm Within the C«y
of Trovoroe City. »r.d to loon Per
mits to the Vondero Thoroof, end
for too Inopoctien of OolHto. Dclry
Horde end Milk end Croom, end
Pfovidint for tko Oflico of MUk In.
•poctor end Defining Hit Ootloo

ttto-^rSdeleed by the couocJI of
Trtreroo CUy:
Section 1. No pomn or pormiiu
ohcll toll, herter or traffic in milk or
croom witoto the city of Trarrrao


8oc. ». Any pereoc or porcooi do
Urtas to ooll. benor or traffic to milt:
or emm within tco city of Traroro'^
City. npoB bU. bor or toolr cppllectloc
to too city dork or odd dty. ebcU bo
ponciUod to do too came oi heroin
provided end ebeU bo cranUd c per
mlt toorefor upoo oomplytoc with too
proTtoloce of thto ordlecnoo.
Sold permit ehcll net bo tren
forrablo by the holdor thoroof end
ohcll ooctlouo cod bo operatiro oetfl
too flret dey to May cezl oaett
of tbc came, unleco

80C.51 The add city dork cl
to wHtlaf which chdl cUto fully and



arc kept
11. All milk cans doUeored to
erieo or dealera in tbo dty aha:i
rcred with dr-tlda Udi. end
wasneo chad
I wbUe boto2
bo oovorrd with i
aa to bo ke^.
bo ooaveyod: odd
dean by frequopl waablajc.
All caaa. botueo or rcssdv
of any aorl uood in too oalo. dellrety
earn toihi
or dUtribuUon of milk or
cod ater.looDsamer mud be deaw

ked. acalded or atoomteed (bolted,
od) by
I the milk deder botore tooy arc
mod again fer tbe aamo purpooo.
See, i:. No dodor In mUk or cream,
or hte agimta. ohcll tonro milk to bbtileo to any dvoUlng honoe that baa In
a any oontaclom diaeaoe or ilioeaoev
cocoa, nnlll add placard hn boon
from anch
dwelltoc honoo any botUe or rooepUde which h&s been or to aoed for the
tmrpooo of reeolTtoc or otorln* mUk.
Ko perooo oaffertoif from, or who hen

* \Vooy\ MAD wt NHCSAionrl



T. H. GILU8.
Cltj aerl.

ott 1^1

iu« the we«e APmteer
%•( nr-j*« I »rd»‘ a iie-l in Hr#
dark r»vnii '.f c
te«t KUtnrner. Ai
f.r/t the party
iomhI the rweu di||
i-^it r.*ll*l4 tiSrir t-xjc.pen.v. bin for <truUi r;-aauu« lir> did npl iuot>*>t tbrm.
I> pnld no clfeotlop 11 tbo little Imsx.‘p5, aid ttiey »-:iine nml tvert at their
cmii Kweet n ill. .\flrr n Time he l-egan
I.. Mud.r them aiMl e«ia .-me to the
.•umhoiJon \bal they trerr gradoolJy
iHa-ominc aoiitolii il vriiU him. h‘«
u-i.vK omi hiM »lark ixmm. One day n
MniugeT wan aeated on Hie wlmlow »lll.
The flret w«*p entering the room paid
no attenllou to him. l»ut made for the
old <rark in tbe wall. Then out came
a Mg fat fellow who darted through
tbe open wlmlon like a boUet. Within
flv« ninutea half a d<»aen vraapa eame
with & nwb at tlte etrauger and two
of them lo, jtfMl him. But the w^H,t
\iT.n never U-eii luin-lied by bla wa*p
vohmy.—Oinlng Magatlne.

‘ SI

nater*. aall.U««t. «»4 lairk..
Whri i« a r.4ti-r. a •aiUliunt. a lark.
!« a ,jue^Ho»i i-miiiionly UeaM among
tho-e nut fnuiiilar with .va<ht« mud
wvhuhwl ro.irg terma.
A rater M
lliirty-rtghi feel .-vaU ••arriea tbc
rig and Jib
tall b.v.
c»nB«.W*bl« di;^^, ruul.h*
h. if laier i» thiiiy ln,, f,-et U»:iS «arand I

oonopletioao place
I ,-x 111.* *aim* «,tyi,- vaiU mv tli«* rater
MlJrt milk
«r mi.l usually get* a five minute haudithe room within wh
to can^
P^^dalr^ ddry fSra who oappltoc milk ,.ip ill rater imx-i. The ^.-ilUliont
^ 11Travorao aty.chall rira n ».ing)e large sail ami N built ou
vermlt any Doraoa coffer- grncvfiil lines, with rounded aide* ami
yeor when ouch llconoo wat iosueu
^ expoo^ c» cfc
I work end*, while the lark haa M,|uare skies
To discover fbi^ licuri of au oyster
on their ceno,

jor codol to or about odd ddry
ami emla and carrleK the single mail.
RallrrRI,-* Tlist 1.1%r en rUh.
»e fold of flesh which o.vstrnupn call
fer or exj ddry 1fenu.
Soc. 7. No perwm cheU offer
Few larka are built now. Most of the
llic liutfreily %
i*i".» ... l i.-an-oir
s for ade^or
1 8ec
ya«-bts rei-euily built have the double tbe -mantle** muKt !«• n-moved. This
A* ihi.mxh -In., glsss 1% tin;
faUl to the oyster, of .-oursc. but In cnl
hlK agenu.a
Tbe awnterboard pro-,
1 or not, any uhIts
of Bcienee and for the ben- hCMl CTOtti: b- s—«
vent* drifting sidewise, and the alngle
anbealthy. unwhol^ hla pooocosion with Intent to :
-c ; Ml -t n- »
boartl Is often entirely ont of water efll of ihe “nirious** It Is occasionally
imllk frcpi which vream haa been
«.-:pT arii.h. HinMig., i% low’r bluduring heavy winds; hence tbe use of done. When tbe manUe bas lieen rewing*.
mored the heart, shaped like a <Testbe double lioanl.
Ii j
In a coaaplcoouo place
ceot or homed moon, is laid to tbe poda. a M,v’;!erta;Mvui
for male or ooc-------------------------. ,
nil It, toi-ric arc it»ws of j
I of the vehicle
view. The oyster's heart Is made up oa,^ fish
Traveroo City la an overcrowded con. | on
C*rUa oharks.
noliitcl h.H.‘;s, Thrr mu-, c .ns i.s-cli
milk la fold the 0
dltkm. or la atableo which arc not arm
of two parts Just like that of a liu
Sharks luf,*st Hie waters of <>y
properly ventilated, or which rre filthy i "Sk
e of whirl, nN-eives the
and the pearl dlverwof that region
an accumdaUon of animal ro-|bly
blood from the gill*, and the oJher Us im-c •: a g.mlci, of
In deadlr fear of these wolves of
bm il would feast c.-.?rtl.-.nlly uik^u a
his agent or agenta. sell deep. The divers are mostly Tamils apd drivan It out through tbe arteries. The
pmrld crl Now a;i l th ii ,n ptcroiKria
mUk any milk wbkh oi3 Moormen and display marvelous em liver fa found In the immediate vicin­
which are tbemaelTea in a conis
Falifority of the heart and stomach and la a
QUga of tpiaaln and aalu Ax^nlu^ and pluck. To protect
proteet them
diUon of .filth
uncloanlineas. or
filth or
nla roast. Il I* only abundant, though,
which are affected with ___
selves against tbe ever present danger
in the M'niitcrrauraii.*
a or any other form of
tbe presen.e of Hie sharks ex
eaae or from animate wirhln'lwenly ] “ ‘
of a blood filler. Every oyster ha* a
______ ,_em the .diver* carry c-bann*
aelldays prior or ten daya after
SWEET CIDER; cold storage: 15
given them by recognised -shark bind­ mouth, a heart, a liver, a stomarb and
Hon. or from cowa which arc
other neoeasary Internal organs. Inante per gallon. J. C. Morgan A Son. j
and every vessel Trom which fce aella, ers** who receive a small govemrjent
ly or In part upon distillery
chMllng a set of cunningly devised Inthe waste of viDOgar lactones or have atteehod In front and aide a fee and s dnsen oysters s]day from
Owing to thtj «-on«tant teatinea. Tbe mouth is at the small
brewery gralua or refuse from brewer­ notice stating In legible leltera toot each boat.
noise and splashing, the ^liark* are end of the oysieria Iwnly. near the
ies in a fermented condtuoa. or upon such akimmed milk U for sale.
Sec. 16, All daJrira from which milk generally kept at a dlstain-e. and srcl- hinge of the shell. It I* oral In shxpe.
and. though not readily dlM-orers-1 hr
to offered for sale in the city o: Travau unpractloed eye. It may W en-ily
located by gently pushing n l.luut 1*0,1rswows KUia on.
klu or similar instrument along the
Og. the famous king of Hu?Uau. mm
folds of the surface of the l*o,Iy at ih?
tinned in Deuteronomy, bad a liedstesd
or about sixtem and place mentioned. ro„ne,ied with tbc
See 8.
So person suffering from|*
mouth Is the canal whl.-h tire oysler
M**» !
uses In conveying food to tbe stomach, Clear pork, per barrel..?
aear pork, per pound...,
from whence It passes Into tbe <-urioui
otbera suffering from say contagious I as
little set of lielted and twisted Intea-

d.H«. cr«»er.» .nd mo” *'L^7/v'or"rrti.“-


They Gc Back to Work aoi Gel Wh^ft Comini: to Them.


in u..cur

IN-r .Maruultc agents
uum) trip excursion tickets on Octoi, r 3rd to difTcrcut points In Ohio at
rate of
lo T•ol,mo and return
iwinfa Tlckcu to Tolt«lo arc gocl lo



i for full partIr,dan, ;
cr. G. P.
I. 1-2.

--'John F. Saato.


General Insurance

Sev wnkelB SIk,

TnTcne Cttr

w- A. D. TYLER

miik by duet from toe sireeta or other
ring charge or noatrol
uran which cows
kept to notify the health
cHy of Traverse CHy of the
of any contagious cr infeclloua dteeas^
among aach cows withinwenly-foar
hout* after toe dl«ox*ery thereof and
to tooronghly toolate any cow or
so dleeaned or which he may rt
ably believe to be Infected and
ouch ot

pUcent latomU to dlapoco of blc aUk
of milk aoUda or leas butter fat than
too with toe
3 per eaat or having a apedfle ferav
sale or distribution
ity of tom than 1.0».
In tbe city of Trav
atiT bnt to
Tbe am of nay cnemlcato or oom- stead tooreof a no
Uckei tool!
peunda for ton pwpnm of preaenring
d. and each ticknt shau be
toe mUkogcmMi to pramt ton name
ind dltuoyed after balu

lotto Slidif & Soot »sar>r&.

Firmt-clAM Butohnrs,


Ata wr'll'ku
We d9 hereby ocrilfy that the foregoing ordinance was paaaed by the

« c~»-

^d!*'^*«!crt looaUoo' or place
frooB which toe ccld cppHocnt obutoi let fetrer, meastes or
hlc milk or crocm. cad It the appli­ come In contact with
cant le not a pTodocor of milk ton
r cream or mUk alea^
too name of venom or poco
whom bo obtclcc hb milk or
Srd. H too appUooLt U a
autotaoce of any character not g
of milk or crocm. the nnmber of cowi
of milk
la hli ddry hard, and If not a pro- or milk which hai
wholly or in part, of aay constltucnu
eoatalned in milk, or mUk which has
tmea dOated with water or whl^ con

poren from whom each appUoaat ob-

S X Is

common coancU of toe city of Trav«r-T- City on Monday. September 17.

Hoc. 10. No mUk or cream .ha!! be
bopt la tee botoa cr rctrlpoiwiora
wkleb are Ip aato'^^y ooanoctod with
—men or cooapooto. nor ahall milk or
evoam bo kept lo too aomc eompari
meat of cay tot box or refilperator in
which roeoU or other artlcloa oT food



tocjr bo omtoOQod to bo Itopriaoabd
to too
JeO of OraMTnroroe
ty. or of odd dto. iota too PC7of neb fioo cod cootc. for c
d of sot laoro toco ntooty dcyc.


ton, kmh,trcnL pork and poaltrr,
i-i bf tomW mild dnlic^ In
flavor u tervtd anywherp. No one one ob^ iri^t belter moat
than what toe have oontlantlj on
We tobnt your tebdl.

Any persoa who oOnrs tar
sale cream, or milk, akimmad or nth
ekimJnod. In tot city of Trawitne Oty.
than furatoh a aampto
scream to toe Milk Itu

es of tbe worM, and uninformed
people bastJly concluded that the
to whom Ibeee lione* were snp:
to have betonrsf must have iweu from
lo^lrty fe-t in he*ght
mains hare
proretl to be
those of the gignntW- etrimals existing
in a former era of the world s history

s there so much
the drains. This
i extension «»f e^
cation end to the sproid i»f n*ad*.as
among Ibe masJM*«. Poetry U
fashion of »n hour; H 1* an
need of the sool-a nee»1 that
larresses with tl»e Increa^ of Intel
lertmll Ilght.-Bdward Markham In
JtelletSl WM.
-Her L-hrtttUn miuc U Handel.- explalneil a witness at West llnni. *'lMit
abe dkln t like it ami took
Inatead.-Most people.- observed tbe maglstrate. -prefer a handle to their naires.B-bWi. eonslderNl Jmllrtelly. wonM
•ppeer a bi“im«it sally.;^^d«n Trib-

Tteii t yon thhik tier fatv rather too
name to be exaxhiaed and aaalyand.
Sec. 15. Tbe may or may piece in
-WelU I don t know. I can t see anr
i and the (Wunril may ap
same, n mltetle peraon as pUce wlterr H*» v.,»rti tlirwgh. Fan
Milk Inspector to carry oat tbn pro- yoor-roek.
Vteiaqs of this ordteanre and to pertona such otber dutlee mi may from
time to time be impceed apon klm by
a any otter rit
said MUk Inspector to be
ealdcoaacil. aalf
i put at 5.atw.
paid a per diem
ralton a* tteto


nSIr. HL l!!°? Co. i

hill & FraniUo moutoly on^bc audit of the


ttoct raferred to.-Santa Fe New Mex­ Rj-e flonr. H. U A Co ’■ Boat.
Meal. H. L. A Co.‘a Bant........
Feed. H. L. A Ca a Beat........
Tke Dec e-a tke Mirk,
Eggs, par dotmn........... ........
Preffwor-wniHdm Wumlt. the faCodfish, per pAnd.................
mona Oerman |»syrb«logisi. tei:
One day the professor rommandcii hb
dog lo Jump. Imi Ireld odt no stick.
At first the dog seemed surprised, and
on repeated ordering to Jump be Iwirked- At last he sprang Into tlw air and
plain of the absnnl atkf r
Dd to Jump when no stick was held

Creamery Bntlcr. per pound.

Umm'm Deteisisa Llseove.
•ThU African expteror whose exge
rtenoua are being published In some of
tbe papers says parrot* are delicious
eating. I always thought they were

Clorer aee4 .............................


Office 606 Mmt WiSmIid Blook.



Order your




'^Jt*b?rafer* to wIM parrot*. It's
their assoclatloo with men that make*
dost imrrou tough.-- Philadelphia


. ms am. Fm very sorry
that I didn't recollect 1


-Ttar, U b« «e »»od wife 1«
l« Or <

s!LH»t.k stocit

l;nv,iller & Smith
. Jiubete*. enrwts


•V '


Ste. h. yiuVif;:


aOI frssi Sirtsi


miM tfvMi

d|ia dMa tat oa tar taka;
tab. tab aai ta of Boft^ fo^


tb« iMkm

im pri-

A*0 F.

•«f mx


prtew aakat. cbta tana ta otad at a
aary taw ffara Tbara ta ttobar arerii aa foar fad la taataar. they at- wHbout an eoaetmem of tbe legUU'
aaeagb to pay tar tba wbota far* at tala tbe bdgbt of oaly a taoc. So tna tum.aty ofScialB in tbeir stel to
|Wet waaaktar tL If yoa wmata Ijeara mote than two Irarfo. aad three guard thf poblle aometimea tie thingt
a a Inmh af aix aad a breadth of
for the oooBing gteisratliina.
altar tala. w4da ta. in Ita
And It wasBl a densoetat. either,
atta. Trararaa ORy. MWb. Cta
ifbo upoo being defeated for a tosra
nomlnattoa. tald: -| accept my

tALt OR RENT—A lltU. oo^
tac« b«tvm ngkUi »nd Ktatk ol
Mr ad a ta tnier of tbe aoU.
UMVi* •tfart: water, tarn. doaH. «
FOR SALE—14»—Tao tbooaaad. Iiatta.ald raahtoOM) and uaroterprie^
• nwtit walk; furaUhwl tt daalrad. I»* atfbt heodrad faat oa Etata droat tap. 3lo haaoM war* oa jna^ In need
qatrv 425 WiHrt »«hth «f. Cbaap If
of rrpelr.. no aanleiw eo ill kept, no
a«iit »lf
way aUora prtoa aakad. This to oaa flekle eo orrrgrown with wred«. as
of tba teoat daalrabl# plaeaa of proF tbote of tbe oomU proprietor of the
FOR EALE-Naw Imm. thoroaghly
arty ta city. Ai a baalaaaa taoattoa
mo&9tn. Itet aa4 caM water, auwm
tmt, WiU a»tl cEaap U aoU at
eaaadbabaataaatprlotataad. Ai
«M. laaatra Cteo McWrthaj.
aa taTaataMot. win av that wttb
^ bandlafa aow aa iba property,
gbe-I hare not sera you for ct
wbkb aoaalati of four fraaM atnie- H«T Doctor, notwlthsuodlny that we
FOR EALt-l.®®0 pooad Carty aafa
taraa. earartac aboat oaa^balf of tbt lire only a few atreets aimrt here In
G. E Wolf. Cll Plaa «ir«et. CItx.
groaad. It abowa Ira par east oa BerUn. 1 leamed with mv'b rraret
arpt IMf
yoo're been IlL Herr Ikk-i.h- -\\*hi>
tea Cbmnaad doUara. With
ytiu that^ She -Mr
ant. apdodata bride bunatac. it will from ludla.-nietemle lUaiUT.
for sale—Oaa PorlUad cottaUte aprlDf alagla boffy; cbaap for akew at taaat Ibraa Uaiat that
Call for
Spaaktoff of the Ifooy vt Uie. why
caal^ or win azcbaaca lor dry wood.
priea Wada ta. m Preot atrrat, ft that a man * nrlend* .orjetimea f
tM Cai. 8t.
aapt lUt
lemles nerrrV Ter
Trarta City. BIch.
jima ll-tf

FOR EAtE-im-FlgbtyAcra tar*.


Broa^ m Froot




runaca. alactrlc licbu. la*.
4a A Ha 1 propoalUoa. Call
rtea Wada Bwa, m Froat
. TraTona City. lOelL
Maa 11-tf
fM 0A8N wffi boy tat 114 Bi
aaana. Oak
aabofb. S0al«
fad. U aold befora Nor. Itl. Apply
*ay (

tUI GASH win boy tot IM. Hata

ATta. oa Bdgbtf ■obofb. Italif
fed. If aold batara Nor. lat. Apply



FOR SALE-14#5-Realdenca Bad
Ktoth Bt.. close la; Urge roomi;
tarsa bottte; Urga lot; amall price;
A Ha 1 property; aaay tarma; call
for price. Wade Broa,. ir Front
BL ClUataa phooe 121$.
aog 2-tf

SALB—14$i—lea cream pnrtor.
taral loendon on Front
Owe of the Enad oota
lea tam and candy maktat
In etty. Can
Wbda Brea., 127 Froat atraat.

and fnmlFOR SEIE-IS
tarn, bar and tattmaa; amaB town
dote to TmT««a aty; ta.PVlai
placi of property; caU tar price
' Wnda Broa.. 127 Front 8U Trarersf
Citp^^llldb. emta phono mt.

FOR SALE-lttP-ftaty aera farm,
Stoat to dly; wan watarad. ina gar
dan and track land. Oman platad
teonay takta tbta. CaQ tor prion
Wbda Bran. Vn Froat dreaL Trar

nrw CRy. lOcb.

ta il-tf

FOR SALB-lCn-Sf taat tat oo

FOR EALt-ml-Rihty two fad oo
State auatt. oaa hundred aad Efly
tad deep. pU eomad with twodory
frmiaa balMto*. fitad throoiboot for
Em elaaa lltary aad aataa
Alao tarty borada tad aU aaor
aqalpoNat boggtaa, cattara. )
drmya. alatfbt. haraaaaa.. w.
robaa aad aU paraoaal property la
abara baildtaE Tbia U oaa e
tarsad Urary aad aalM baraa ta thli
ragloa: caatrally located, dolbc
laiva and profllaWa bnalaaaa,
tact. proMot owner laala able to re­
tire and aajoy the aoatfortabla fot^
tnaa made In thl» aama'baa
Thto. reader. U you coatampla
gaclnc la a bpalaaaa of thla Vlnd.
win pay you to inreetliate, CaU
priea Wada Broa.. m Front atrad.
Trmrorat aty. Mich. aUieoa phooe
Jna* ll-tf

FOR SALE—Two healing <

mm’s bzBdoc AcaSeaiy.

r and Isa wta «

low Bites low On
Trarerae City to Chlcapo aad re
turn $4.00 Tla.-northern MICHI

osar of danger ahead, a Kew York ex
cmln bound tor PhUaiMphU on
tbs Now York dlriaton of the Pen
asyIranU ranroad. rraabsd Into a
stalled Limg Branch express at Kd
dlngtoo. nineteen aUlea north of Phils

208 IFroot Stftet
ChiUrao'i clnto


m. Ataoblt, lIokadF
ugkt Totophoita Oitigasfi lliL


Hi promptly ,
• I use it In my
m. Mich. aa:
te. and all skin
perfect." Qulckaat Pile cure kt
«eat healing
salve made. 25c at Bugbee Drug Coh
Frand Meads and Hannah Drug Sture

df lpbla. wUh tbs rwanh that two p >
are dsad and forty injnrsd. ser
eral of whom are brllered to be faiallr
Senor don Gonzalco de <

the hero martyr of the Kevolutlon
My only rearei is that I have only one




in fancy HgurpH Eoods.
lo 14J4.
mih del
cuffi. nih«?ra with two
dc'achible collars.
Special price while ihii
ad. appears,

fiutiri-.b(d Ike kittliftj ilravTr.
Why. n*i;n.." xentuml il
holKu ">er -ee. 1 am one of lli
lor^ vn
r so mil, li .nhout
fb,-%*- fi.ny« •
"WHl. fl'i« J' nx *Ui«xHiter liouxe.
k.«t »b» sou erut I . iii.i**, IV
•Will. r,i Ukt- to lu*iie<t ilat bigJu:,j steak I smell broillng."

life to give to my party aa.l lo my

Only 39c

Wiley Wurner. miHotman oa the P

skwsid csiriagiplodding. RU
reseoUag ar as an evidence «»f any 111- The.,nbs<dui.dy no «-xcu« -mr i
feeliog tawnrd Ihesldent Roosevelt #»r as long s^ HtdllM.-r s Ibxky Mouii
T»-a Of tald, IK. sr. cents
the American administration, but that
Wiley enough tc/iet go of the thing be eonFidor»H| It hln duty to do ^o in Johnson Drug '
after tbe current started through hIs order lo facilitate the exeeutlou ,ir the
nreviaent M policy toward Cuha.
anatomy, until the eomlurtor Mle
Sir p. rsiUts drowned, eight g.Kvd
the trolley from the wire and reli-asei!
"It U ltii}v.rmnt i., U- ,tm»| .
sired vessels wrecked, aljout thirty
Why didn't ytm let go Wfore.
at th,- Isnrinning of j
F. A 8.. atlempted to remove a

light from the frunt of his ear wUhoat
shmtlng off the Juice
WarnCr u

the coudurtor asked, awl Wiley ws
too weak lo hit him.
Beveral aulomabtles

vTiialb r vessels tank or a.“horo and
property dalaags of imwe than a mil
lion dollsrs was the rr sult of the hurrl


u rites .me x^|„, ba. .-ommaiHl
in tuittlc. "As s,M.n u* tbe bn*
tired m-.-n
s4-riotts and

have pssssi
here tbe preseot summer. Therr seem cans in Mlstdsslppi sound
The t.nkfng of tesilinony in the trial
to be no fun among the passengers m
with ibclr thutfrtiii g
ni.ike ibe
of Ueut.-Gen. Rtoesel for surrendering
m,xt linprcssloJi on >«mig :u*d un-^*a
but a steady look stmight ahead as If Port Arthur to the Japanewte. began Muinl «ohlI,-r-. xvb.J,- sbrapnel ulTc-t.*
be|,.re tbe high military court Satur
gazing into futurity. 1 have see
Im old » .Id].-t> Ike IU.,%;
Those wh.i
The supposition was that the Imagiiii- that It U ysis-ible to see a
same look on the fares of soldiers day.
lu-H: twi men's f.os-s at a degeneral's resignation from the army
when going into Imitls. 1 should
as reeenlly announce,!, would end the -idve U5'mi,*t<t at-./,-..tuid. t.d; misUk
f«r salking any dtstane«' up to a t

Floral besigas

there Is among a wagon load of people

e<* good for return paaxage 15 da>»
proceedings again*t him, but this ap
sand miles before getting onto ni
Til - St niggle
from dale of tale. For further infor­
li.rJ I.K.k nl.nit
those things, for one gets a little fun pears to la- lncoir<*ct. The general *
tvliu-h I* goinc on xx'ilhiu tlwm
mation and panlcuUra Inquire of
akle-de<*amp said that the former‘s
even in walking
However, we
by tt.u n,-rv..i,- l,a-te ,
1. C. Bnmx. AgOBb
not all alike.—Country Corre.spondeni famHr had ,ietermined to pres*^ the "
Doth •phonea No. 3$.
aept l$-tf
Cheboygan Dcunocrat.
After haviitg l>oen ntn over by
Charles Dell of Pori Hurtm has gone
uter ill Lu: .;.e ili ..- ;.iv in^ny bay,
wagen. faJtet fiom the third story
iOHane over W. J. lir>an s stat.
slrable locailoo. Phone 6SJL
government railway ownership ptuia h*T home. b«ft, n by .* mad dog and
f' u,*i,T ti,-nid :ii»*l, th,* tnlw .M
gnnda and plans are b<lug made to struck by n train on th,- .\li4'gljrn>
T.iu;» ,l.,ii'l ,^re ;i
ub.nt il.,- 4**11
Valley railroad at F,iutiecnth vtr*',-i uM-o:.! mnrls-t
FOR SALE~8araraI honaaa or wDl M-nd him to the P»m».ar .-tsvlur
P-*.t 5a Aut,*rl,-z ibr
wl.h'U .-uu ,-kim» t.» U
rwoL Howard Whiting.
may Stf
Mull-'rry alW-y. Plttsbun; artdi-,1 an
roent owner.slilp of rail way
he de
rlnred to hi.< neigbbor: In a wild other accident to h-r list of mishaps I»e:iv,-i IS one oi tl»,*iii. .oi.!. .r.:^!.'.* to
voice,/ They telepbonM the sheriff when she was >mick by Hkvomflelrl *ay. «;r.iud Rsm ,!• V.h a., tmly \ snon
When the sheriff arrive,! he wasn't car Ko IMK .it Penn and Fourteenth ,vav the gmii f;. tw-un.-.s of Lake
.'iurM-tior. is a*j
'i'a,* , Md-.»atk.m
PQR SALE—14«4—S8 feel on Slate.
• be was JustlAod In taking tlw streets, receiving severe Injuries,
is ibjt tb,‘ elty l< 1»»:j1i «u h ll.s-k*. of
1C5 feet on Park, directly opposite
i. but he slipped the 'hracelets' was tak, n to the Penn avenue poliri ,’nn t-and
♦b-rt* nu(\ v., ilr..dy
Park Place hotel, comer lot; salt
where her injori**s
» Dell when he repeated hU derlar station,
tint tb,n- ai, ' >rt, i.i-.isiur.- Id;,FOR SALE----- m$-^ne hundred and
able for any clam of baxlnsss; for
tlresscl.' Tbe child was Inter remove,! tUMM* pajMT. siaglia!il M.ilei •’•**- uvt
twanty-acra farm. a!x mllaf weat of
livery and sales stable could not be
get a gli*>*t of a eb*ilHV lo :*.,-* .imul.:te.
"Win you take this man for bettor to her home. That the little g
dty. about aerenty acrea under cumbeaten; central location; frooi and or worse?" asked the mliiiKter nt a her brief span of life should stinlve and lu »*.|Ult H-- hr;*.,- * aiTi,-l tbeir ear
Tattoo. Good hooae. Urge bam. with
k.l msr
aide entrance; best location In city colored wedding tn Bsltle Creek. ' Ah the injories she has received . Is re go of mlerob,-. 1- more
haaamaaL reUowlag crop: Ten
kets -Health r.dtmr
for'first class hotel: hard to edi- wni take him Jos' as he U." r»*pUril markable.
^loth arms have
acroa rya. four aerea wheat, tea
mate value but U offertd way below the bride
"Kf he gels any belter. broken, her apine Injured. h«‘r maw
aeraa aora. aaraa aeraa potatoes,
what it U worth at present Urns; Ab am afraid be'H die and ef de glu broken and she has suKtalaed niiroerUolf I- the
:;11 gauie^. It
foartaan aeraa oata. aeranteea acre*
call fbr price.
Wado Bros.. Trav- any wusser. Ahni kill him myseff."
ou* other minor bruises. At tbe time i-, the only U nt -.ue .nml
bay. forty acres wild Umber. Call
erte aty, 127 Ftool BL
A Jusllee of the peace of Three she was IsRt hurl she bad bev-n put of lUc snirt,' Hu:,- healil) gi'iug niid a
tar priea Wadq Bros. 127 Front
phono 121$.
nng 2-tf Oaks Ulely fined a merchant 17 for West Penn bosplial but a short time. ,-;,mpU*t,* pn->^niwtl-,ii
dmat. TrtTeraa City. Iflch. CitUeai
Hm I
keeping his pUce of business open on She bad licen token there an^r hav­ unduly phyM.nlly ,-vl,.v.!* 1211.
Junall-tf Hfs CASH win buy lot
an. t.mfouudly ,
H al it I- far
Sunday. Now the merchant talks of ing her head seriously burned by the
better for 11 n,nl. « lixpf tl.nt hr should
having the iustice legaUy "pulled- for explosion of a moving picture machine.
play a iKK*r *.:ai..r a go-*! oih*. I
FOR SALE—1431—Four and onnhalf
building a chlmuey on hla office an
know from is-r^.uul ev|s-ri, n-r lint It
acres all Improved; good bones.
Is far Is-iUfT t«*r t-a* Ii\,*r t„ j,by a
i. 81
Wrlt(«-K •• • SUte.
parddi grobnd. Two co'
.N>thins rIus np ;be
Qcuerul Lew W.*»llacc wrote I'k* first really bad gaft •
liver like tin* Irritation, tb,? ezrlt, UH-iit'rough drafu of "Ben-Hur" ou a slate,
an»l tbe p-.r>Vl>U>t of a really b-ad
siring as his reuswu that erasures e<mW
ThU la Jad the
gnine.- Ia>nd.,:i t;rapli. *.
more readUy Ih> m.-ule. Afi,-r »uillsfyparty that a
ins Wnteclf with a t^ L,-,- xrritten In
cloaa to the
.^Mrw^^Evcryihiiig ohe ,<ooks she Ihia way he would, with a sofi pcnell.
tmoafer ibe vrrihug to (isikt. utid final
gronnd wlU earn the salaryj Of an
"Yea. and nuue of the family will L.'. wben everything id**a«M*4l him. he
ordinary book-keeper, eleilt or
UOST—Umbrella between Traverse
rsifiied the entire mauuii,.T:i,! in ink
' Cltr and Ne-ah-ta-wanu. Return to thrown away .**
ivlib Ibe pr,* ision of an eugm-slug
"No. they aiS not. She gives tbrnn to ,-lerk. Il 1» de< Urwl ny those who xvere
J. A. Montague's hardware store and
IMTsoually a,-,i«aiiat,a with tleurral
receive reward. $1
ocl l-2t»
"Hub: What good <tote that dol
WoUace Uist "Ben Hm"* wa<
"We are getUng rid of Uegiars."
and rewritten at least thirty lim,*s. and
LOST—Red knit shawl on State street.
that wlK-a tbe fiual ,-opy wa* >eai to
lOASH wmbny a « aera tot tn
Finder return to Mrs. O. P.^anrer.
The HMimat nwmta.
neither a '
Ibe pubUMwm there 1
trehSOd anhaili. m tad tattng
^te street.
ort 12t
ne-What'wookl your father do If I
lecliwi nor an ,*rasutv tbron-thont
tan tat hay. m tad OB Branch
toW him I wanted to marry you? Bbe
The printer m.i up
resL If aold by Ncn. Ut. Apply to LOST—A fox hound, with tan eara. - He'd refer tbe matter to me. He eo|»y exactly oa it vms written, and
black and white body. Finder leave (hopefttllyt-And wbat would you «lo';
author hlmM-lf ne\-er eonvried n pi
, with Tksron Morgan and receive re­ 81k—I'd refer the matter to the young before file »nm»L w.r *ent to |we^.
who proftooed to me and was ac
acpl I8df
FOR SAUE-14»-Ona hundred and
.-epte.1 while yon v etv* trying to make
twenty acre tarm one half mils
ymir mlnd.-Bo lemian Magazine.
A Young Mother at Seventy.
Maple aty; Snad farm to Ttaanau LOST-Pocketbook cteUlnlng ra
"My mother has auddcnly been a
ceipt. meal Ucket and allrer betwedh
eoenty; good locaOoo; owOta to
Twentv years of int
24$ E- Front 8t. nn*d Post Office.
Mr. Tyte-WiUi-Motc inooey? What
other buatnaas; win taka part pay
Return to Itoeord oMca
Ang. 24-tf have you done with fhat dollar I gave disabled ber. uniU aix mootha ago.
mant ta ranubto dty property.
aben abe began taking Elt^ric Bit­
Tyte-llihaWade Broa, 127 tat 8L. TrSrarte
That’a In tbe mrtngs bank, but 1 can't ers, which have completely etircd her
CRy. Mteb. Ctttotea phona Ulf.
ind restored the strength and activity
draw Ibe Interest on It till next Jan­
• ,
the had In tbe Trime of life." writes
T<^ RENTy—Two uary. I want another dollar to nm Mrs. W. L. GUpatrlck. of Danforth.
tbe b,mae oa lu the meanilme.-Ohioa
Me. Greatest reslorailve midiclnc oa
FOR SAUE—1441—Harawaia dock to
he gtobe
Beta Btomach. Liver and
. phooe
Mrs E..H. Salisbury.
ta market town within tan mttoi
Kidneys right, purifies the blood, and
1 SerenthVd Oak.
Sept. 2$-€f
MU CoatrthotUfi.
cores Malaria. Uilooanesa and Weak-'
. at TraTaraa City. Only hardware
t did that ol,I miser imt down
■ny tormn Ownar to otbar beat
aakwLhlm to eo^bute lo Price 5<kr. Guaranteed
mwl Can tor terolea and tarma
Drug ro,. Frank H. Meads andI Hannah
Whda Bran 117 tat atraaL Trwr
TopeTSSfL *toqSlrc*(6M
Drug Stores.
> .%n-et1can.




When in need of anything
in this line don’t fail to
send your order here. Ssttofaction guaranteed.



Hn.1 <u ■*«.

■jiug. -p-A

Trmtn Imtm TrsswM Oty. cso^rt Bswdaj

iniD oTTirr. at Tr»r,-r»- Ctlj dallr \lXpm
Train »rnvr.»*. Tr»r«r** City


'r raiDUTtrcnni Tn%«rav City Monday <jsly



Pere Marquette
TRADfd nr»tTn

Doily *xo»pS Monday



Walter M. Pai^e





L. u a. BuiLomo

acM aty. Mlok.. CWaans phons
int.__________________tar 14^

. 2J7 ftant RU Tnrarsn Gtty,

I Atitar Ste4

Tbs crdW> the haniaaip MtoauarC
Mek tbs peaaMent had tat tbs
ea ar aa bdm aa ■
ehssrad tbramslTea baaras at
aai ae at aB.** aaidi
ba left tba ship of 1 :te tor Jhey had
-It la mealy ibe ai
m honor paid to them which oe
crew to the aavr had ever reI. Tbs preataent aad hU gaed.
aat down to dtoaer with tbe iackstn
ri- J. Caapau of Kew Vork. denies
^hta ta ata that tala pawar U rx
the raport pnbUahad In DetroR to tbs
Tbs Saginaw. KUa tapany baa Sled sEset that bo had Jotood the movr^
ta dSafca ta iMooa of dalter MW artidca of aanoeiaUon with mcp
anx ta make Heard tbs Democratic
tan ta ate aad lb
MBinca tor praaiaam to iPdE Hs add
tmdtaeta OktUfaJ artor “->>w
r pOikntkMi: **Tks report that 1
iva jidnited to deRver the MMflnan
tatloa ta Htm In Ite* In falsa
ata particular.'*
ataaOltela wwb
af Africa. Tbei


ruimitHKO ROOM

wbcto.ta ta tatal aid adim dadfw
•btaaa aiaaortprapoiitsaa. Ooold
ba oaiOy ftattad ta oaatftb aera
lata or ira taU to the aera. or tfo
baata aad otabtrEra lota, wbfcb
wttb a r«T ita aaNMUK adrarOP
las waata adl fcr d taaat fW
ptrloL Fbr aataral adtMia»aa la-

ome the doi maitaas ta
tebalagFdnwnynBaL Itaairi]^

FOR SALE—14S7—SUty-acra tarm
oeabalf mile wad Monroe Cantor;
forty aerea under cnKlratkm; creel
and apring; aU good
ta ta
tloa; doM to aebooL chardi nn4

W. Bevenih St.


tepi 20d

Iw taes iMf Os
: RENT-lnqulrs K. A

Traverue aty to Chlrago nnd r«tnrn $4.00 via NORTHERN MICHL
Tbe most awkward and ungainly wo­ GAN TRAN8FORTATION CO- TkAman can be tranatorased fato a bcoutl- ota food for return passage 15 days

ful lovely CTtetute if aho
the hrata
ttokts. bath and steam heat. Orai power to aboorh the tact that Hot*
HatfT^ Rocky Mountain. Tea will do
Kabeek 4 Hoyt's Amil F. KerllA too btelaeua Ten or taUcts IS eetna.
ta247t JohntenDragOa

from date of sale.

With the J. B. Paire
- Electric Cs.

For further Intor-

atkm aad vinsUcaXan Inquire of
L C. Burns. Agent
Both 'phones Ko. 2$.

sept X$4f







Boating 1

aooroMJL comnmgMcm mrr





A the inch aefioed'UMi ta a
I eoatMt tomorrow af^lPaooa.
a hard at vort setttaa the
m dm aad bow thlak that
heaMe to ahow chair oppo
wh«t to fM off. The High a
•Ohd «a ja« aa eapAdoat. hoa
a»d ace la the beat mpe that
thtf MgeptS^fM. mm mmA hare bm thla aaaaqa. The 'saBa
be called aito otoch.

aev Jim Tim
burnt te U» Angelaa tonight Two
w«lta Mer Ftad Oooloy amd A1 9na^
■an hoali np tor twaniy
.. Trtaeo. they
Frodbe. the Three I lea_
who wna piched np hy 8t. Looia bece» of hi* wtahiBg tor a Three I
leagae team la a gaam aghlnat tie
ChSeapo Caba. ahnt ooc the New Tortc
Oiaau la New York on Saturday and
Joe Thamaa af Frlaeo ffaat tlit PMIa. Itt than down with four hlta.
dhiphlan Ovt In ffia-ffaiMd ffaut^
JCot a nlBiite wna lakro ont I ro InLawia ^ma to Fiidah.
Jarle. aad nmgh playing wna almoat
entirely abaewc la the 7 to d rletory
for Harrard orer Wllllaan at Cam­
IQ Kraoeiaco eaallr beat Harry bridge oo Saturday.
1.4-wU of thla city In their ati-round
bout at the Katfbpal AthMir dob.
that me I
uu wa» eaally a winner, ‘in the the Central league would Ipae nooer
•rat rotmd Tbo»aa bad an oaly faH.
be *ea*oo.- but the club «n
but wan on>l# fen m an inatant and
announce an attendance of U.f>oo
to the aurprlae of ibc apectatora aeni and profit* of $3,060
ripping left to the Jaw. There waa a
In the third game of the aerie* be­
i*lhich and. altbough Tboinaa waa tween the- Buffalo champion* of the
allghtly winded byahU fall, he man­ Ea*tem league and the Oolambut
aged to aend In another to Ijewia’ jaw
ptona of the American aaaocU


nt*pung to rrftr
hftek to Ihr rvUft coo---------mHk a reqiif^ thmt Ihry forwart a
wrtlfre explaaatiMi to the

trlliaa mcUjr wlut ther


^ Coadl wmian T. UtUL |r. of Har
%ard mgSMtad that cha ralat be taken
up la regidar order. Thla vaa done
and oatJl Ute la the moralag the dia^
emaloa coatloned. The roofaretiee
pforea that rootfaall expena nM over
the eooalfT urt mierlf roofuaed I jr
. the new mlea and foreeaala that fe*.
tl any of the big fEamea would U
plajriid to a Mtlafartory reaalt becaiii«e
Of the ailaaadmiaadlaK of the nli.,,
Raeh of me nperta
ncperta preaeal had a

Ukm for ererTdfce of


TIeLllaa timmmm % mmltr.
Few penpie ivniirr b >w pn.OfnWe tha
trade of Ik-ktUig lintoflii vniiiiy I* jitMl
bow many dlff.Ttiit t«»rur» It rniplor*.

|.ruvlde good lie iuie. tlielr
u|khi iviiter

the mlfw. aad It 1* doubtful If the new It la «julte tx>uiUMio to 0U4l
- .
fonthaJI code will he fully aeitled be­ ------- .
fore the end of this football year.
,Urdy of fuUome j>urr«.


eioli. .-^vw-atloti nti<
ha* li« lllirary of rfu-uiar^
eou« of lie- kliu’ wiMi.
phnw. were <Teat<'<l to
%hurid. TIk* writer



one who would apply, lli.-rr l,^inu. of
«^ip»e. no rluirg* for I be Iwirrvi Vnu
win hanlly .nsllt It. but tUat tittle W
1 ad t lea red ont my whole kI.n k of
apple*, and
Ubl have diKiHr«4<<l «f
lie* the qiinufftr on Ibe same
••-.\nierbun Spertnicr.
A Ttuielr Shake.

A Tree «r Haag P«er
Tlie asb tree I* rl«-b with *uii
The obi ebarlatdn.-. of the mk
anrieut time* l*eliev«-d that
it wmuW euablo ibom'to m.nke Uielr
aweeUn-art* true and help ibem to di»<x*ver tbeir futun- bUMlaiuU*. Tbe lubabiUiiita of LvKiul *tiU look xvilb
dread ujsrn Ibe u*e of ihonutaiu a^b us
fin-1. Tbeir U‘llef that It will make
enetub-* of all who gather round a
bearthstooe on whi.-b II bum* l*.d.*-p
kesteil awl wa* oik-e almost universal
In Kunnw.
Hupt-rKtltious seeker* after good kick
may still be found Invoking the spirit
of tbe rtfn leaved a*b. nft.-r tbe man­
ner of tbe aucletit tiSe wondilpcra.

Some year* ago the |»uke of Tou
naught VUM«1 Japan and wj* taken
by Wr Edwin AnioM tound tlie baimr.
of Tokyo. Wlien* be liougbl nuuiy ^ uri
.m* toy* and sim-liueu* of Jaiwn-*art. In tbe evening be tvmnrkwl
Sir Edwin that be bad Mvn u.ovi of
tbe sight*, but bad u *t exi* rieu»nl
any of tbe eartb<inake* whirti are so
eommoo In Jaimn.
•I aujipose you .-.numd *4iow me
oner sabl tbe duke Je*i:ngiy.
Imm^llately tbe- bmis,. Ua*
Kvrn ajdi, I d*. pluck thc>c.
ebttudeller awayrd l«a<^wanl nud for­
Ilopm* Uua^tv meet good luck;
ward. tbe thina and gbiv> «.a tla- table
mttknl. nml the door buiNt upr-n.
-Wby. Sir Eilwlu. you at>- a lunglTk« PhUMukn^-. •p.n.
eianr remarked tbe duke a* the *bm-k.
1 trip^
*eo*e uf
wbkh bad liaiianxil at m> eurUni* a
moment, sulwlded.
a Iwiutlfnlly ,*en ur feellug of
new fcom- men and tinmoine manec*.
lalMMl «s H.rt
a t-ont««pt for tbe i/tmlnr** of Hirth
* Joseph fhaails-rUiln u«* ou.i- do- and au ^ubonuded *en«K- of *oi4abIllty
Uvrxinr a you*lng -i-er, b'hritinnlnjp and twmaraderie wUb iboov with
.luim tx. an audletiee *«. tigbtly i*arked whom one U liaskeled aloft in tboot
few iK)^re feet of wb-ker. It Is a
il.r In the middle lOiUoM^W* Joy. balloooliu:. tbe^iMt
*iww|luK man. of .tbe wieotiBr, and tbe idew Uwl tt
H-bnt did klr.
GUdstoue say in lS7-jr iwovbles « new thrill or curdle* the
‘Tnm bim outr slotted Idood of Jaded and *inful botlertle*
men burled the uujy Iw m»od enough for tbe Ualfpeuay
pre.*, but-nol for tbe wiseacre* of the
Aero <-liib.—BystaudCT.
upon blm later I. tbe day.
Wbtf did
Mr f'.Udatuue may in IKTJ aakiM tba
There U a right way and a wrung in
frirnd. “I don't k
*aM ibf- man. Ibc piekiog o|. of a borseeboe. 1 waa
n havto't a natkm. tmiy I d got 41 walking with a cottDtry bred Iwywloug
tarrihla taothat-hr and
butt s kotuerm Une and ww ooe lying In.
«sy way throngh me m*wd, au tba Ibe crumUine amumer rut. There la
s iHUwwhoe.- .aid I. Tbe lad *jimug
■Uy way wni to gK thrown am..
-------, forward, hot atopped snildenly befort
Afler tbP Tonr.v-Alexawirr mission Ul* flngers tow-bed tbe iron. “But I
etonnff In mttadel|ihla. n number of
pk*i It up." aald be. lor I aball
riiriatJaB men and woipen bandeii »PoU yoor tnek.“ It a»v perbapa have
f liHndHre* tofKber to bold orven nerv. I
Hbmette. bat be
lew. a week. They go aboot hi a!
• b*n«d»e of my
■Pgiel wntnn. never take n|» • eolke^! mmuf eonkl bring Inck hHtber to him
tiop. sing the Torrey-AW-xander bymiit, i «»r to roe If he toMnd it lieforo inc.And are all penannl workers.
j larodoo Statid^.

te forenoon, nnd teto 1 e\teit aam
4 o'cioek to te ntemoon uf nneh te.
AU tow paid hofom 8«vc lit wOI
be moHvto without ooPnctlon Iw.
nnd all tow rawtotog* wnpaid on
8*rt. itt and anm Get. lit. • potej
On an 1
paid on Oct. lat and nnta Nor. tot 1
penalty of t^o par cent te conaete
wni be charged.
OfBcp. Room 702 State Aaub hide.

ffteona the ndbinet aad hla viea*. comrmm a pcncdcal famirr and na
Ale mUhino|*er of no lllile rek win ba fund wtth cnparial Inter-


of tbe New York Tribune.
“I have rend Mr. UlU'a artJrte.“ aaU
•Mveinry Tl.'Ilaou. and 1 regard li na
g complace and ntntnnmanllke p
He ootbnea ilbe altaatkm with mx-uracy
nnd an nbUhy that nobody less fat
witb tbe natiooai intrrewU could have

be height of building* to. say. *ij
Boors and laske it no longrr an ol.j.i;l
to huUd them of iron. Thou we w!l
draiv on tbe soil with ft* Iiicxhamui
We clay aud stone for builCIng m.ntc
lx>ok at uor new bulldiug foi
Ibis department-five *torit*< high and
not enough iron to make a set of bnm-l
hoops In It. re-enfonx-d ixmcretc «-on
it will last for ccnturle*.
and 00 iron stnniure could be so at




Qrtj^mo. cu^


ami* i* f.nvon^l by a place In
:.mi;s iig *uu-y Af uu AiLintnn who ihc Paris *aU,i, thnmgh Hie eff.wt* of
ife with A sharp longue.
Gustav Wolff, known In Ht. lami* is
J«.m> li.-ut
ImiiwnUMU L* in the
pnintcr .md Idll |h*<tcr. but In
nitl.c! tl„. wor-H- I...- a f.-w
n-«-ugiil*4«tI a* .nn able painter of
„< Uv
'vl,.-.. gmiin* ha* Imx-ii 4e
.. .n <N.

... ,b.. ,.r.,..b,

the riairs, win-rv she
.,ln :i^cnt. starfliig iij,braid
Jom-s w. iit to Ihi«. and M lu-n he w:i*
nli-imt iislecp ....ukl
hear Pm
s.-. ldlng liitu unmert ifully. He
<.n 111
.and .-twi.kc sfirr :i . tnij.ic
of luMii>.. onlv III bc,ir‘ Jj.* wilt- re
“1 lioiw> all the women don't luivc to
pnnup will, *mb ,-ondurtM* tlil*.“
miic." said Junon^ -ar,. y«u i.Hl.igaiti or yitr—.Mlantn t:eui-

tXblrl. llr-a. Iff
Tj*- wn^
i-re.*' he *.iid. luruiug lo hi* private
t ,*-re|«r>. "t an .VtMi iHl me ubdlicr
ihi* note .-uiu.-* iruiu my tailor «r a,y
legal adviM-r?
Thiy'rc ImiHi
The i,ot.‘ wa* ,1* follow*:

One Night Only

Thursday, Oct. t

& Co.

produce as

I system of rotation I be
know many fi
lu Iowa that ve
today tban they
did fifty years ago. There need l»e no
foara of tbe ca|»aclty of tbe soli to feed
an ainu*«ng stor>- of an Atlantan w ho the |>eot»le Mr. Hill expects to sec here,
br. a wife with a sharp tongn?.
and 1 don't question bis figure* Htber.
Jones bad ,-on.e home a'boot 2 In the We Will havB them. But we must
morning, rather the worxw for a few have different famiing metbud*.
hIgbbaU*. A* soon os be opened tbe “Mr. Hills ubserratiomi ou tbe sub­
door his wife, who was waiting for ject of farm liHp are cturect. bm
Lord to du much for t
biro in the arev
of the rta;**, where nbe eouW wal,h jKrfnf. Help i* expej
hi* uncertain aat-ent. starting upbraid­ but bHter appliance*
A year aga traveling in the
ing bim for bj* t-ooduef.
Jones went to bed. and when be w as southwest. I aaw this well Ulnrirsted.
ilcK»*t asleep twou Iwer her sUlJ In Arkansas or Tennessee I would nee
•wkllng biro unromHfmiy. He dropjMil a mao cullivaltaf behind a single
»ff to slcefi and awoke aficr a t-cmple horse that might weigh 800 or Siuu
9f boora, onlv to Laar bla wife, re- poond*. Going on te Oktaboma that
man would be working with two
“I hope all tbe y.
don't have to! boraea Up in tbe ^om ooontry of
Knnoas or Iowa be wooM have tbiwe
fint up with such .woduri a* ih'«.“
“Annle.“ said Jones, “are yon lalk- or four LOOU pound horses, la old
ng again or yet *r“~.\tlaata Geor Times s man and two horses would
handle a ten foot harrow; now « man
and four big boraei drag a twenty foot

“We win IrzJgata 1

f governi-------------- ------- -% ..
for the
land wbJcli Una Ulow te level of tbe
OoDais Bswnrdfsr;<litch. But what of tbe land that lies
sa»st to sntsd by .bovs tbe ditch, to which water canlsaa.ia
not lie UkmJ Well. ^ are working

Jpj5J^^!atllI«o«teIt. We n^r finding-crop.
AiTKS; thui will frow on It; we are searrhlng
J the end. of te nnith tor them.
j “Ere^ acre of this domain I* good
f Mojave dneert nnd toeding cattle mi H
}to deteonlne toer te remilt. ctajen \
^wllhtene in/noro favored aectiono.-

6 Tirsi Nnuonal Bank Bldg. Cld* ^
ten. phonn III.
«, ^
A. J.McPHAlu DcaUat, Ov« John,
•on drug atorc. Bell phono Wfi-I
rings; Cltr. 6€$-7 rings.

Alberta Callatin

In the CbannliirPonunce

Dorothy Vemoii

Mow Tiw* Ar«- BaUsr«-«l.
A lice grow* in iK-rle.-t l«ilau.v on
WLci « large lirau h *
shoot* om on ou- *i,?..
of ,*pr;l
►ize or two *mallii .niijn-ru ou the otli.-r.
Ihe riHifs :m- l*ilnt,.xxl ii. the *aiee
way. a I;irge brnu li on uiic side bcJrg
Ui:ttH»e<l by a large r.K.t. Tfie «-eiii. r
of gravity i* tiui* «!wa\* iH-rfoi-lty

Prin-x for tbie i>erforman
Parquet, fint five rows, II.
I balance Panjuet, $1. Firxl I
'rowi Balcony. $1. Firnt six n
of Dreot Circle,

r»r I'rrdrriek Hegnr the foiximi*!
I.n'* iviired frm;. publife ;,fier for*y ytuiV a.tivity

3R. M. 8. ORCQORY-.Boto pbOMi
Offloo t and 4 fftohortoBi
block. RotodOMO til Wntort 8t


jTheN.Y. Lyric Theaters
inclmlinn a ccmipany of
Kotalile Players.
Complete S,-enic Riuipmont
Orijfiiial i:S-ctric;tl KffecU.

-Toledo Rl:ule.

tlono." be resumed. “Tbe fdaut gr »wtag In It. the animal living on II. It Is
Mr. Hill gay*, that the British
grow an average of thirty busheU of
wheat an acre to our* of less than fif­
But we «-au get tlilny If we
adopt tbeir iiietbod*.
They fertllixe
for a root i-rop every four or Bre ycahi.
and then grow wheat the next year,
and that only on Ibe best laud. They
grow lurley and oat* on the |»u..rer
Unds. Wheat grew twenty to thirty
Bfty yaam <ago: now
because tbe farmer*
find storki growing mure profitable.

diet Ibst I. eiJUsllr

J. M. HoeUmanirt. aty Tmnanmr.
Dated inly 74. Itof.

PEltFECnON Ofl Heater

ten hnnn ineolTlag I

rd there for aJ<-ohol and slock fu
It la like the ordinary cdl»*k- }M>tato we

nLe Increase the
« heiJ^e
ben be may
to ibe
tbe Jie
egg i
crop 5 per coni. TL
___ __
billloti more egg* lu o year th4ctjontry
over, soiuethlog te. agrlcultnral Uertfuent beHavne la wo

1 win he^ W9 Ollce te te pffw
ten of collhedhff nnid tow tovy
dnyteMBBPwntl] Not. 1. IfBt. *

ftei t oVtodi turn ll:M <^>Btek to

Erer ainee the potoeattoo of the
amhatpaaaimdc addraa* made by
aldewt of
at^ J

ffrst at«|i In graoUng free akuboL and
this dcfNirtmeDt U at work learulug
what can ba door to dnt ebip
nlbillUa.. The cbemista aiv working
big cmBnery In Hhnols lu learn
how to prodnen alcohol xhe-iply frum
The rincmnaii Red* of me Kaikmal the bybrodneta of that bmdne^. and au
league were deflated by a acoce of 5
bas t>een sent to Ecrope
to 1 in Albany. K.'v.. Sunday py a
being back suptdici^ of seed
picked tea of New York State league
loctlin of the big siw-k lK>tat.

will feed fowU onYUffemot dieU and
watch the resulU. It Is bofied to abow
that by using certain dleU the egg

B - f

lWr« We KwM Bet VW

by a score of 1 to 0.
with Rube KJaalnger. the Adrian prodi ucl. In the box
VeU pitched fot^CoI ai^ made t^ only error of the
a wild mrow< which fare Buf
inniBgrun. Buffalo won the
of the aeriea and the second

Bgurlug on the wealth nud resoim-e* of
tbe nation. I.m last winter S^iivtarT
Wilson gavn some figures thwi oftened
every one's exes. He sbuwtHl that the
farmer * ben w.i* rapldl.v becoming a
worlby eoniiMinlon to bi* <i>w and that
Ibc iiumial pnaluctlou of egg* is now
no less than Ju.oui.uakuuu.
>Ybat tbe department uf agriculture
Intends to do now is to tesi.tbe food
of beu* and Bud out on what they
thrive best and lay tbe most c^gm.
IHmllrymeu have long quarrHed over
whether mash fed to bens aboald be
mol*t or dry. Tbe lutr^uctloo of tba
boplH-r feeding system ba* also caosod
iloubt and uu<n-rlainrj a* to whglhfr It
U nffei-tli e.
Robert R tilocum. an expert, baa
been nddixl to tbe staff of tbe animal
oOce to give bis attention
tbeoe p'robtems and others


lu ail £xtm

m ^
Vr< J IfeAt?^

Petmty dlar Hat tlx "Conr-^n Hit
•houldert Which Ha WIU Prob­
In the -luwt rtHim • of n reowte farm-1 VUln Nova college Horen Saturday.
ably Nat Sa Abit to Raiaa.
uiue U|K>u tU> uniabllitii-*
easitu-oa abom tbe prus|Metlre k-u k of
Pblladelnhla. Oct. 2.-Bdward L. try, wbb b .-lutalm-d a biogrnpby niiil i
coal and oil.
«-u*:ravetI pirn
ImrrihUI* j AnHealtaral IW-yartMest Hire* Bn*
Greene, captain of the Univervity of
“A* to tbe approactilng eabauMiou of
Tbe orL'inol V(duut«**r<'4l tliel ^
pen teAhtkv Usr Lay Were.
Pmoaylvaala football team, may not 1 ii,f„tui;iilciu
Iron. I would not add to what .Mr. Hill
Uie Ij^wl i In the mid*i of It* arilvUie* ou meat
bas said. He I* an ex|H-rt In \hat line,
be able to play. becau*e he‘ha*.to IMiifbem bnd .
make up a deflcleniy of »lx condition*.
Greene wa* far back in his studies and
ling iHime time to
l tile serk»«*u.-*s
waa given opporumity to «atch up.
must lull of iron, but his chief
but it aoema It ha* been imix>«aible Wilbur Ijirrr!,;«re
T. t.'aliowaj of the biir.-an of
for him to do so. and hi* fellow-pUyIndustry. offered an imcrcsiuii
Tlir nramslle X'Uvar of XI
•een great pueslIdlUie* In the national
* r* now fear he uHl U* placed on the
It \s tbe *1*11 ubl live nh\
Iheligiblr U«t Action on his case will Mreei tliat uioM r.pi*etl* 1.1 the lain;: beu. lie bas ai-i on hx*t sume ex|*eri“We bulk! our oi!,«i of iron. " he said
meat* to make ber even more valuable
he taken by the faculty athletic com-and make them uugainly. unsightly
ilua. If 1
th.iu now,
uatx-oiHmjk-. tkKne »lay wc will do ai
mlflce before the game with Lehigh.
e of Wall
Stuiisib-lan* do not usually make
Kept. 7$.
f«r autbeulh%ittil iilM-* uf blirb dru
luucb of the plalu. everyday .-hlrken In
matb- llav.w. uk, |„r ejr.ui:i*le. tbnt ol
a youth of eighteen wbo wn gj Inic
Nark y«ala •• AUvartltlaf.
In a few luontb^
Mark Tv.nlii. In tb.- mi.Ut of a a fortun# of
rnii.-o-rie 01. uoM rtwIttg. tul.1 a ri- and xva* la*t beanl of ti^ia;; to
bi* wife'* engagement riug
piurkalile «u.rj.
“Tlien' wr* n nmn.** lie ^.nld. -b:u t or that of tbe farmer win* mi
in I««« H.ny. win %vn^ ».» plraw^I witli oral million* of d-jllar-. -from a >-ery
modc*i l*egluulug. *lipi*d a ebcvk for
an niherll-”meiii In the iinal
$»*..»**) under tbe bmikfuH plate «I
ll-t:! ! ewrot.‘tlief..Il..wln*
<ffcb member of bi* fauiWy one mum
- ilr. y>liti.r-Hi!: ,.\rtrr
Mtbe ebeek* up Ukiium- wllbio
Wbnl I •■onld. Bulng barrel* nwny
Hiitnnc my lnur< imi ib.-v weiild ejt m an hour tbe m-be* bad l*ci-ome a mat
nio.e. I still bad. In.l rnJl. niHHit l-lS ter of domi-Mtic strife and wa* bi*l
beard of wIk-u one day bo brousbl a
load of bay acneei tbe feriy fram Statvnliuabfe lyj er nil nd lb:il 1 wn« irll' eu Island to .Veiv York nnd liejrged bis
brokeiw to tala- it in lieu of maxglua
Inc to m iOl a |«,rr« l o
for one more “trade. -Stu-ii-** Mugafrt»lg!i| pnkl In mhniin*

IMHnn to
tht tox rang
the eAMHoa dt
■M end diy inato Bhd ittotol a»lentoientn te the Am w»Ap «d te

cenU. Gallery, 25 cto.
Beat tole opoDB Wodnooday at




MRfi. K. L. BONNEfrt telr te
mate Bonk building.. Cltten. pboaa
•ARA T. CHASE, M. 0<-Offlce with
Dr. O. E. Chaae. State Bonk bJopk^,
Botfi phones. 775-2r. Reridwice i$4
W. Eighth SL CItx. phone 7$1.

Piano Offer

‘ greatest ever made. Cut out this advertisement and bring it to
our store, or send it to ue by mail together wi
to your home at once our handsome Hinge
Drth $2S0 for
$190, with fine .tool and *;arf.
Try it thirty day* in ymir -)wn'home, have yotir friends try H
and If at the end of thirty day.^ yon are not sailsfled that It Is a bet­
ter piano than yot, can get elsewhere for 1230 yon can return it lo u*
and we wfll give you bark your money. If yon find after trying It
thirty day* It is the piano you want. yi>ii can then i»ay n* $6 roorw ana
continue to pay $G monthly until the VERY SPECIAL FACTORY
PRICE that we make yon on thi* lirsuttiful insirnnu nt is paM in full.

Wc extend this offer lo all -eader* of the Record, no matter wheth­
er you live In Traverse aty or a thomarad miles away. All we want
to know is that you will deal fairly wl^Us. a* we shall deal honestly
and filrlr with you. Don't fall to call fr write at once. If you don't
send the $10 simply nay. “send me your thlrty-day-free^rUI and In­
troduction offer." and our enilr,- plan of selling, catalogs, prices,
tenr*. etc., will be sent to you at ontx*. free, postpaid. ^





ftsvri. <atiMM>koM(H.
■i2ri!:22l‘555rcsMONCY TO LOAN-Mo tu

- If onr great Imroduciicm off :r of our new style Hinre Piano is n\
plain to you. a arraieh of your pen will gel It. on a postal card or let­
ter. Simply tell uu to send yott our thirty-day-free-trial offer and
mooeywavi,ig plan.
Bring or send ibte advert U-riw-nt. We want to test the advextlring
value of this paper, and we w.vnt every one to write or call and nee ua
nbont this great offer who is in any way Interested In the purebnaeof
a piano, whether now or In the near fnture.

U«M» at m MaHamma.
A*rr*ACT« or Tms-a o.

Our Small Payment Plan M kes Piano Buying Easy ^ ^ -

Kimball Music, House
M. B. Harncr, Prop.

J. tL BuniJuam

^> „

lOTAIT ririLic


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