The Evening Record, December 29, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 29, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






10 RAGB8



tteiCteateb, a Loop


MtMiOfM* M« MrtM
mtm M K wm




HM at

•r^Wlro to tte teaalat Eaoord.
<rait, Miab^ Daa. fb»kfra. Ollk
Pbtelapor. apod 2t. attead tbo attate
la Bod Odoo baoplUl at lt;90
tbia iDormiaff ate dad la b#r algbt
I waadarad aboat nnUI t o'cloek
tb# bom or Mart Siatar. two bloaka
awar. tea vai aaffatlof fron Maata

tetei aatead br bm tema.

ta»ri lo tbo
ttet JiflliM iM*
Mtt b«d MMTiJitd • Umm liarM
ttmmun mpTfiU npiMf. I« tb© mm
MMMftt of lb© ted VM «©1J
te«n »• lb© (botiMAte Br bUlilt li
bU rvAchte aillUaM; • Urg© MBbci
umm. «0d tb©r b»4-te«© b©4 it m
orteuiiT broodMi bos whit# o(b#rs had
It braas buaod. CMi# nun w#«i furtb
#r thMi tb# r«at and »iul# It of Irun
ate ao b«brr tbai a tmaa ot borani
dnmte It rrom tu knit jwatlBg pUr«
ate «MLbte It to Ibo hom« of tbe
fallpor. Aodfww iMObaeo.

ite vbol# Ibibg ourtte mr tb#

ctetet ter tnruif to -kid- bla attbll

I Cboeliole#

iJro .f Cb#








tmww. *«• k«« toUfci
AltkPWk «r

Mb M#« Warp Brawpbt to The
Haam la tbia Cilp-Mr. Emary
H« n Bte Cut an tte Tap

Citr man at WhU# Cloud Uhi rv#«Ing
Wteaar. a^ aaglaaar. ate Prank
Borr ar# tb# two maa.
Mr. Woasar jumped from bU loeo^
tootlv# la tb# Wblt# Ooud yard.. H#
abort man ate tb# drop was
few f##t. bU l#n foot atriklag a pile
of cladara dlr##tlr on Ibo Mda id tb#
Tb# umber waa terrlblr
apralimd ate Mr. Wuazar waa la great
Uw waa uk#o to a boCel there
and Mr. Kioorr. Who waa on tb# aamt
trala crow, waa aaalttlag in bandag
log lb# loot. He wa. teanlog lorwara
Mar te H#ld In Public Mall-Oal#a when hit footing gare way and he
Nat Yat Plate But Will Ba An*
fell forward- onto tb# aiove. A abarp
fiowfiete aa toon aa Commitedge of lb# Iron caught bim dir#ctly
taaa Maka *P«alr Baporta.
on top of lb# head. Inflicting an ugly
gaab. Both m#b were brought to ihk
Tb# board or dirartora of tb# Trar
#ra# ntr boand of trad# b#ld a i
lag raat#rdar anaraboo In tb# oftr#
aaldioi-dlaatlng. to bogtn plan.
Tor tb# anaite BaMlag of tb# team
waa daddte to hold a banquat and

» rwAn la amith

IN DISTRESS Women’s Warm

Need Nm Trousers?
We have aome very attractive offen jnat not in Men's Trontert
that are of okms Than ordinary intersat We know that we
have the
Talnes to be found anywhere and wint you to
know it too. Freahtm np yonr wardrobe with a new pair of
tioMis. C<Eni< ia tonight


H#avy W#athtr in tte IrUh tea and
tte High tea# Are Bcukiag Over

#1.60, 2.00, i.60, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 to 6.00


Ji wna daeldte that the beat Urn#
bold th# annual mtHHing and ban1. during the Utter paii of Ji
ary or tb# Ural week In kVbrunry.
waa eipemett to bold the meeting
earlier, but owing to th# dlffleuliy
rtng out.lde apenker. It hna b
d necw«aary to extend the time
.wbnt. The date baa
definitely fixed but will be governed
by Ih# ronvetilenre of thoae who
to nddreaa the'hoard from aome other
city. The makter of aecuring speak­
er# waa left wUh the officer#, to pro^
#ete Imrnmiately. and the matt
th# baoquet #ia# referretl to ib
tertalnnieni and banquet 4>>niiuittee.
a meeting of thee# committee#
wOl b# called Jo a few day# to begin
definite arrangement*
Beveral othfr very ImporUm mat­
ter# were dl#cn#»ed and two or three
very promtolng ImUiatrlea are* being
Uve#Ugnled. It I#
the annual m#etiii|
poriant matters of benefit

W#rt Peaeued by Tug* and Small
Steto Which W#r# Quickly Lowtrad by Ihr Deck Hand#—
terktr. an Oiler. Drowned.

By Wire to tb# Rranlog Rorard.
New York. IVc.
— Dell Barker,
oiler oo lht» ferry boat Paitcrson.
which Bank In the Ifudacxa river today,
wte drownei)
Th# ferry Ixiat was rammed by
tug In the fog nnd darkness. Mnn
pnaonger# tumbled overboard an
w#r# picked up by tugs and small
bonia whlcN were Qulckl>^ nowered
by th# dock hands.
Fifty passenger# nnd n crew of i
were on l»oard. aad a panic ensi
after the ooUialon. Twenty horsi*#

Ea PraMtent Cleveland la Again a
Victim oflndigaatloii.
B> Wlra u> the Kventag HaeorS.
Princeton. N J. l>ec. ZS.-«g Pre*i
Foiratr Waal^y M#ratent and Mill dent Grover CleveUnd hn# hnd anIher severe attack at Indlgeallon.
Owner Took Caitellc Acid
to ^m.
Tte todia# of the Baptiat church
rill #arv# dinner in tte aa##mbly
L. L. Wntten. a Piltoburg Attorney.
Wlra to tbb Branlng RMOH.
room of Who church Tuooday. Jan. 1.
’ Will Not Appear In tte Famous
Umarao. ^Icb.. IVc. •S.-Morton
fram 11:90 to 1:90. Tte procooda of
Mortem. Aged 4S. formerly a
thia Slnnar will go toward# fgmiah.
wealthy merest and mill owner.
Ifig the tany room on Front atrott
mr Wlra to tb# Braolig Record.
found d#4d In n barn ibl# morn­
tor tte Boy#' Unity L#agu#.
Hiuburg, Dra. » ~L. U Watmm, ing He had taken carbolic acid.
n PIttaterg lawyer. wlU pm •gpaar
^ »-lt
for Harry K. Thaw. H# tea cosaepi
«Hl to advtoeTbaw # irngber pHratidy
tut wUl not go to New York.
Qto#t Wedding at Ftrat Mathodlai
Paraaaag# Thia Naan.
Th# wedding of Chnrie# Orotb of
cm# tnm-nahhi to Mr#. Martha Kate
Knight# ate Lteloo of Moeoab#oo Ai^ Dorst of 83k Rapbld took >lac# at
ranged for Inttailation-^haHoo
n*xm today al ih# paraoaago of the
If |t is djronwisl
Forty Was PraonL
t Methodist chnrab. tb# Ret.
glvs it tea Holid^pre
ohoiild be Good
A jcilni toOoUiir^ tb# Knlghtn of
tba Macrateaa and tb# Lady klaecoDEATH LIST It TEN.
tea# waa bold la tbHr ball Mat #rmiIng. Tb# principal hoalnaa# tmaabet- That Many btoalcana Were Killed hy
#d was the netting of th# dmte. Jna. 14.
tte Vaqul lndi#ii#L
for a tolnl Instnllatiun. Sir Knight By Wlra to the Ermang Record.
Cbarle# Perry, depoty atat# command­
Btob##. Aria.. Itoc. M—It fow ap­
pear# that ten oxen. woak«n aad ebUer, of Cadillac waa praeant..
ditm. all Itexlcaa#.'were killed by
tb# YaqM IndUaa.
ai>te.d.Bc^t>;^ if it
lag and espl
JuL 1. 19SV.
don't Miil., at
Stote of brtogtas
Tte fnaana of Martia Boa# waa
yoMSg laOee and g«uto«a#o mi
M St lUagg^^a l^ a#ar Hoara#
tb«lr beat fHmid. AH Bbatara Burs
to fha olty ara ooidUlly Uvliad.
Mrs. Q. g Jewett aad rblld went to
telllac TbU mcralag to rbrtt her



Drug Stwe


By Wire to the Eventag Record.
London. Dec. 24.-A larg# steamer
If reported In diatrew near Scarbor­
ough and ha# been aeadlng up racket#
fllef for ##varal hours but the
#en I# #o Muigh that 4t t. Imponalbl# to
lunch a life boat.
There U heavy wrather fn the Irish
»ea and huge wave# are breakinc over Yon will want a pair
Th»- flidi guard breakwater and
of these if you did not
liUh mall servic# I# conducted with ifel a pair at iChrisimas lime
Ktvat difficulty.
and we have a good assort­
ment of them at

Our $3.00 Boot » the Skatin. Boot -for
women. It ii staunch, warm and comfortable and well adapted (or ’
storm wear.

Bachant & Roscoe.

Complete Housekeeping

The finest Flour is an absolute essential,
especially (or cakes and pastry. Our
"BEST" brand is a flour that never yet
has been surpassed for all round baking.
Its flavor is fine add delicate, it has fine
body, and is full of those nutritious qualities
so desirable in a family flour. TRY IT.

1 New Piano
I Kimball Organ
I Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap



' ------------------------------ 1 ^ ■ i

Lay Co

Smith Realty ' Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager,
' -


Telephones, Office, Citizeni 82; Bell 169.
Evenings, Citizens. 290

,BU«.oeof pur «.mple
line am) a (ew additional from our rvim-

To a«^


KUonK. dumUo sboM (or men alao. .Inst the thiait to boki
the abate. SS.M or S4.M.

For Holiday Cooking











aftiriMioo ate la tb# #T#olni dror# to
tbo Jaoobm bon#, thr## niUoa aoiitb*
watt or 0«Ma ted aloiaat a tel#
frail ite a«ara#t Bolgbbor. Tb# road
MIm Mabel Ooodall Waa Hoateaa at
Utelag baeb Into Jaoobaoo’a prbp#rtr
Pleasant Affair.
wai but a iraok aad tb# bouot tta#lf
Mlaa Mabel Goc'^ll. P66 Barlow
apeakera to diacuaa tebN
appiars to bare bo#a drapf>#d ov#r
«tn*ei. ra# hoabuui ut a very pleasant
rad# work aad drlc prograoa.
tho #df# of a pradpleo. Tbo groood
evening: About twelve
laat banquet b#ld by Iba board of
rlof abrapUr on tbo aoHb aad oaat.
ytuing pet>ple did full Justice to the
rad# waa giren In th# Park PUe#
ao abmptlf Iter fbo bofteaalte
dellciou# supper served. The e%*ening
hotdt but tbtfa to a aaotbaaot at
m tewi tboTotei tte fte WMI maar of tte ioatoaai mao and work­
spent in gamea and mnsic.
rim iDPra prteaanr aad to tbo aoii
ing paopla Bbo ara iiiai»b#n of the
board that It phould b# held In i

arwtpapor nba atappod Into tb# kttch.
oa. Ifvtat Rate, dlalag room and par­
lor oomhlate. It wia oTlteat that
Iba Hmny ml ant aiad to ovaalai
oalkni.' Tbo poliit blank quoatlon
wbkh followte ordlaarr quaaUoaa
bronchi fttrtb laught#r an^ blutbai
r-two ^rciar old
froto Jullna. tb# twenty-ia
On# of the
Mrm bHI#fa of the Laalauau cminly
rvwNlaaU, to Hut a larg# portion of
tb# loot uten from Cblragi* at th#
tlmt or tbo gram lire. U bttricd In
thdto aaolloo of tb# country. Jullua
ted told .bla young brother ChHatopbar. lb# aiory of a wondeiful Had
b# bad mud# and th# yuungater
britoved It.
-Tab. eonebody. b# tell liar atory.**
.aald tb# father.
In tb# fall of IMIS, iwti 4n#o. #tI
diwtly. from their talk and acllno.
aartotw, dug np many place# on th#
P«i lalanda. They were watched by
two Sutton. Bay oren and took boorlug after bearing hut their aearcb
waa futile. . Thl. .tlrred tip mticb aacltement and It wa. hy no mean, the
Ural time that the atory of hidden


Ctowdy tomfHl 1




Clewdy. OaatU aautb tatte.


















' t

A Word lo Our

Fifty to sUty idto in
winter weight «i
msrs goods, nliosin^
snito in fsnt^ worttadfi

About twent}- to thirty




eoato two to threei

o(a kindkft.

6c( pries#

atOne-fcmrOi Off

hand early ;
Monday, morning'
. xi - lor .the

;'t' ?

irgis^iy. ■. c. i owmicE t
mm m mmim

in tmk crrv

New y. M. o A. {
fdtee A



‘'““‘""■■’Erz i:
fmn cd eoe Hn tew Tosnr Mm *
CbfMta asaadaftoM met St Katema
aeo yueUfday spd wld rissils o»er

ternday. Last oeetos mak W.
•niar sT AMwtoflno Jtea. Itew
dtp. Utasifaiada sterem
tbawtfktebnreleampa. Oeer
bars wstw Is tee cans d tea aaaw
dattoM or Ams^m tee pan aaaami
This aftemooa. jat
tear.. Mr. Ober aad tee Rot.
Rymi rtebasb n Dnmt aa

^••tv A mrw L*rr.

t«»M «l«tf


ekOl and thtems^oce as on the nur

IlMnqUUkUt U


^*wkrmhm^puii»1^aniim 9mk1 CM


49«MaeaMl«M»(cM iolkr in
the tm iMlMd pIia
rtUie ttoe cflWJ. * l>n




race fromltbe aew maty orfcaalsatkia receoAy pr
fan weiaty.
Tbe new Y M C
JackM will be pprned for putdic In
sp«^luo Jan. 1. \ This is the lliiest
holkllac m ererti^ lu the
It has n auMmlbceat Io6by. rr
celleot bate oullt with plunjre. line
buwllas alleym. ainple rooms for rdw


entire third floor !ef the huUdteg and



7^^ g:



E. F. cun IN REID


Think Before
You Spend

• • . •

• J? w-#^^ 5



,t O.M.CBU
ym wtvlh*
ol hMdlil« tk. ««<4
•Dd k.T« yoor koM. «Ma>

stoMT of ] BafoMM cowBly. The term
uf the pro lat teoumbaat expires next
fetter from Mr Duncan
July and
sutes that he to not
re-dectlun. The office is EUed by a
vote of the people at the spring ehsc
Lion and the Domination wiU be made
by towashtitecaucus and county con
eatloa as thU office vras not in
eluded tn the Rat to be chosen by tbe
new priRiary method.

THB BWT ta tee market. Rei.
tkias nra all CMspieted and tbe
Blha Rihboa, Umey’s aad Nirar
mittees today etemd up tee last of the
BwaeL* Jadtana’s. lOfi Rroat atraeL
that everything Is in
dec SS2t

OoMiaMdm tkU«<».

irsss -

Tom oaa do witbest i
win In.
«Mna yonr surplus. A few dol*
Inrs saved aystemattcally will
Man grow Into hundreds.
Wa pay three per ceal on aav-

The Im^s of tbe ancienU
of sklua The first iHvto resemldlng
msde of rashte. and totcr of straw.
Tbe use of festbers In making beds
has l>e<>n attributCHl to
sml Elssalialtts aielioga
to have nwvj an air cushion for a 4.11low tn 21K Feather beds were largely used during t
or Uenrr VIII
of KngUod-

tes tor SMi M in NRfwISg itomi

Rtsi Hiiiilai tail


a ta»-■



lyt fori5 taking inveotory the first of

year, fur one week we will make a lug

reduction on all our goods.

Ifrii;ul.4T,- nnoveii It
8toaiK^U•uc^ ai*«l uuuK? iireienU-

worth your while to call and *cr U4.

. Wo make a spec ally of K EGTLATINU
Dol <^lj ter
Children, but for all who fa
orookod, niifiiihily teeth. It requires akiU and paUooce to do it,
but it ia done altnoat weekly at
our office.

. Your Credit Is Good


It will.Ue";

• - Yo«r Reliable Furniture Store/ -

Slate Bank Bhudiae

Grand Rapids Farnitarc Co.
187 S. South Union Stn^



liil The Hannah & Lay MercantHa Co.
THE BIG STORE "-BealeR in EniyiMngi

GET A nice box of candy for New
Years presem at Jacksdn’a
dec 2$ 21


m-y. r 'S'





- t-;

WaiH Soim

Good solid CMCS .

- .

Good Funiture?

Then wc- have ^ r
better ones that
sell for 80c. t>5c.
and the ones with
‘ the copper founts
are^ $1.88.‘


) you did Dol wnnt 1

The Buirs Eye
Lanterns are especiallr handy \iyovi
take many long
Wood Beds. HmA ptece nicely cnrvmL f«r only
Rea ffoom SuftMT terse pisees. goMeo ask Rnto
hmHes Written Desks, wmrter sawed osk
Dtetag Y^btes, slit foot exte
Bide Bosnte. frepek beesl

dec SS^St

A NEW lot of those handsome burnt

fact home.


ptrt ^ nCKRTT oa that lot teat
xchaoB Is giving nwny.

Our MMU>«4uMUlt7 Mb W mw «■. •
FvH7Mti«n«l lanatm aad koM faiUMui
«iHbe«atto*i«to.tkU«)wUi|M««a fuumM
iadaUMUto Ike canM kuyar. SUa [US ka
r>ar«a«MiUtoataoba» «Hk aa» «r aS «l


i for the b|c event

leather goods at

JrW.aATI^ u


Reports are ecLing from the nort
^sceadnd tee Rmvieus Year by Eight em part of the stale whieh tell eg un
MMIan Tona-Rummary of
sportsmanlike cusioms of «Nm
the banters whleb made their anauat
tour te the north woods la anarx
wild game. especUUy 4^.
A young huuter was recently tr
s party of friends of the griat sport
derived from wounding a doe aad
lorturlug U oa purpose to see
bucks answer Its call and the fight
they put up for the vrouaded an
According to bis statemeot careful
aim is taken so as to only wound th<*
do»*. Then tbe hunter goes to
spot where the animal has fsllen aad
prods It with a sharp slick or (
other sharp Instrument that makes It
squ^. Tbe bucks, and there is
ways one and usually two or thr«»
theAiear vicinity, hearing the cries id
tbe iliK*. MMie put te an appaarance
and they kme no lime In putting up
light to get near enough to the due
Lmniber. H.00S feat, boiml
to protect her. Of courae the hunter
»«es to It teat the bueka do not reach
Wheat? tiushW V.*.V.V.’.*.’.’:’.S4.27i!»^
the doe. lie keepa^lhe bucks as far
Qeuersl . merchandUe. net
as poesible by dlscbargiag his
. . . . . .
150.MC away
gun. shooting over their heada VYhen
they show any tncHnatkm to glvt
the fight ihe ckn* is prodded again.

combined effurtli d her pabUe iplrltea
oa Boslneaft men telereated In
other cities will have a good oppor­
tunity to visit thlf .bulldlas at the an
nnal aUte conseoitton which la to be
held In Jackson. t^*edneadsy. Feb. 20.
Tbe proffram committee has Just se­
cured thp Rev. 8. Parks padman. U
.. pastor Central Consresatloosl
jurch. BrooklynJ K. Y.. and J. A
aedonald. editor in chief of the To­
ronto Globe, and 4ohn P. Meoio. rnllroed sMretary Internattooal comaattee. New York chy ns sotne of the
speakers for tklD convention. The
coaventloo wtO bk followed on Feb
tons ......................
n and S3 by n o^emce of the em
•Larps Namber of Raeasngsr*.
The paasengeru. caatUmnd. num­
ployed oficcra of the assoclstkms of
Hiohtean and oonfereoee of
del^ bered 51.0S5 and those westbound 31.tVL *^The total vlsael paaaages ware
patea from tbe student asaoetotkma
S2.Uk. the registered toanage of the
Is. 41.SS8AS4. Tbe Amertoan
was opeaud for traffic AprU 13
Very plaaaam Affato at the City Opara and cloaed Dec. 17, being in commU
alcm 24S days. The season at the Ca
House Lad Rveplfip Wat Att^
a canal was of SM days’ dura
ed by Fifty Ceupita.
tioa..ihls waterway having opcnt’xl
Tlie dance d'eii by the Ellle Danc­ April 14 and closed Dec. 22. The tnrt
ing club In the Clly opera house last Sc next season la expected to show s
evening was no p^Hasant that almost further great tecrease, probably ap
: the flfly cfHipleB prteent it^ proximatteg SO.OOo.uou net Urns.
n until tee. last dance wsi>
plsyed at 1 u'ducki This was the secs
oudl^the series atd was as eu)oy»hle
as the first party. The opera house
prettily decon
of Laelanau County.
tl»e music being so well liked thst i
Prof. K. P. Carr of Bmpire. ohe of
tW» members of the couaty board of
school examiners. Is a candidate for

a rraai deal, depends. An effirle
iramad anree to a srest aid to the
Phnlcton and of necessity to the ps
ttost That the public may ba proltwt.
ad from Incampatant people, this bill
ban been dertaad and framad.
The bia In no manner reaiiM the
rare of tba aick by membefs of Ua*
taasUy or by friMMto, bnt almply makes
It commitoory for anyone clalmlns to
be n trataad nuree to proee np before
a board appointed for that puneme.
No bardsblp wcmid be worked on
mnybody eaoepl the nnit by the biU
sad It to the unBt that the publle Annual Aflslr of the Renevotont and
temUd be prott^t^vl aimlnst
RrwtWtlve Orvtor
irdar of RUen k|Mt
lay Evsntes:
The annual ladles* aocW.i
Traverse City lodg^. Na Zsi] Betievw
Jem and Pn*tecllve Order of Bk
will be held at the |Bks club roams u
Monday evening. * Indkatlona poit


^ -ROCcIci^^ .


teite tehtentoten te* auSn te tee

Durtnr the comlnr eeaekm of the
Icflslalure a blH wiu be teln^ecad
te tea state leotolatnra calltei for the
terlstfmUoa ot v anieaa te MIchlKan.
This to aa toteortaai measure and the
too abosld be pnmed.



Vetwor rraae
issbary. Aaa Arbor, sad Wrtfht
r. iadmeo. Mr. Oraae was
I of tee fun opofemiee. Tbe
b amoriatloa bore* dm>ort- TRARRIC THRDUOH CANALS WAS
loe for tw«J years wOa ibe later

for tha boya*
bsaqoet ball anil thirty four
YlteOty wmM be ettivcted. teeir rf
Ms lo rsiRie IJie tes furalshteK
tes nimeeMit. T«ls vss cooUnns as
losg as tee fHfhteoed aniissl «
ttutee 4U fea*^ and atuof ksown.
tetch mHoos abov bow team
s aiaii earn become aad allll bs called
a man. Tbs mas vbo wosM eosase
1a sa anioa like tMrte Mi at to be a
baibaad or laOmr. be to not «mw
to tee lore of a womaa or the aff«^
tern or little cbtldreo. If be were Id
tee areas aad aome oae was iortvrias
Aim. It tea apectalore knew bto own
.rrMl aalure. their ibuate w^ld on
AoMtadlr be down.
A mab or ten Mbd teeelfee nd de•arm tee ooatempi af erarr true
•poitaama aa a maa can stm be a
IbfOr of aport wllhoot bis seasibimies.
bmwmliig ao bwumbed tbn ha can
triao ertlh the beaiiUtuI telngs of
matere without a i»snr

start right


eased ter tbto

il eop ter pidtetoacf to Wbte
A laive Artecatloo «ai at tbe

ter tBpluted te Mm hmui Irai
ten A te Ml tnteiM m atfMN
ten ma te« bmu? crtnkMi show



dec 2^2t

Don’t Forget



V When thinklus about Xmas presents that a chande­
lier, pretty shade, pocket flasher and

Portable Table Lamps
of them in stock, at the right prices: Conte In .
• andsee.
.. . -v

thn^ Ptecs^MeksgaDy Psilor M
of TuktoR BoefcSf^ ssmag from
I St sH tetersstsd I nVlnlMu
tors. It Is not so muck the pfioe
ee you
TM pay for aa
■■ utM*. « U. easuti
1 gee Tbto> tea stars whsvs pas


minrs Mll iKETS
iamadumiTte Tin taoal
toete. and towafete no Jew sme
aDosrai to partlripato ta tor munMiml
ntetaletfatim untfl now. owing to a
opm to one of tbe |4dltlml portke. one
» a IhOe brighter at tbe
«d toe Jewa a maadate ta nrder
mcday.nboatotibtami to gala toe Jesrtsb vote.
kmugbt to. TMa waa
ton mo
af aa «

\ be STS* reminded
i lovo of art for art's sakA






her. Tic; com. 4H4c: onto. »Mc.
814 amimst Waiob. The two mm
bara bad UtmMe befort. aad. U Is
aald. Ian Satarday Weleh was driran

IM 0

HANNAN « LAV LANMMOW NB- aelf. armed wltb aa aa. Ha baa
sowed be w«l ooUeet tba money or
• j , . .., 7
bara.nardarmr hit reranga:
Mane Mnr^Ma>l«a (
Wat Miwf^ Mr Wi *
mwm WM rmiM 4M^
; Ammg A^mutft leva gawU wm$ fnna awi|lac of Ika MmA a Uy
m. rnM Mn. fMMI. llr.«»i Un. i
Wefidtac wmt
4 <MMr. Mr. mM Mn. MUn Me.
Mag oaa of
&iOor. Mr. Md Mn. MMer
u to Wa
Tklt aarulog
•atf Mf*. & A.
aadOMin for
•n «r KlMPHtf: Mr. mmd Mn aboot twaaty-tbralyaara. ktrlag bean
KM0Mif nM Mr. «M Mn 8
tba Una tba mi
^ ilUMMv M
wa. pat ap. It ^t btaa Inprartd
fron tint to
IMIom aad bB baoB a taTortta
liar fron tm|aaa aad rala Ibr
Mt aonlag fron tba eoaatry. more
Wat Mtntat
many for imjladlam.
«a Har rnaait at Mar ^«ant aa
Id tbi. a raaiMly apoL Tba raral of Ult air^lag. botrartr.
I a great tnprnannt la 4ba
dtag. atofdlagjgrmMr Ugbi b
a aad nacb bWtar diaplay to
t rary
»mmi auMr. tk* Ulr aiaf la ^^abow wtodW
iw alikMMlk klftk Mr. Tbt
oonplidloa aai «baa aatJrely ta^ «m* »nuDr ««»MM
#r«M m4
4«liM Ito am- Mbad vlll pteaaat tba non aUracUrt
froat of aay amra. la aoit^ Mteblgaa and folly at MtraeUre at aay la
nrr mutuuat. m»
hartaiiii ««f*.awTM *M a MiUta vbMi'ins a thtaibla.

*ri< Mn. wnilMi MM*


m :sr»srr:X‘:

M M(3*to*|lMinLi'^ *!5«1

Oaoar bmpaoa waat )o Klaj
iMMtlatot.arat .alaa
Wtat %at iW-'i^dMaat' aT a
aapWar W atfr'PtaMy kmwM.
MUa BMweterafl it Uw Atagblar of
Mr.>d M|t, Oirta B<Aoqkntt aad
amagad tha party arkkA

Mta 'Aattlitr Mp f Thtir Al­
ready tarfe Celitttlaii 8y D«•lit 8miU SMan added aaoUi.
tmir atrliicior rletortea at tht Wil
iOmmm A Rotaer alleyi laat aveoloc
by dtftatlBg Uia Olldart. Tbe plat
laUltd »7I and 2212.
. Tha ttmaiarlM:



lit 141
157 I5«


fit t07







rnATlRNAL MYiTiC ailCLl.
AitMial tlaaiiaa af OfUctn Wat HaM

Mn. o: M Banaa wtot to ttg BapIdt Uilt amrtag ta rltlt
Mn. A. O. Blaa m^la Um. «bo
hat btta rMUatibtr tta, Fred A
aae of tm Watt Side botat. raUraad
rr been la fife Labt tbM noca
U M. Gage «to< to Harbor Spriaga
tbli moralag to r^t bit notber.
Mn PVaak King wmt'to Sbefleld
tU moralag to vltlt.
Mlaa Boaalt Maaa of Oimnd lUpIda
rMAUag bar pneWa of TtM Watt
Froat atreet for a waab or teo days.
Mims Kate A. Ooebery. bookkeeper
for J. W. Slater a boose furalsblag
. wbo has been sfieodtag Christ
mss at bar home at Bsrker Creek, rr^
turned to the cHr yesterday.
Mr. aad Mn It ]L. Mclatyre and lit
tie soot. Harold and Keoaetb. retanied
to their bone la Grand lUpim.tbla
ling. While In Uia aiy tb^ ware
ta at tbe bone of Mr. and Mn
John H. Flsbrr. ! 128 Meat Oghtb

j '
Ooorge Hoyt left this morning for
Grand RapUa. wbara be will apend
New Yaare with Mn Hoyt, wbo Is t\slUag there.
Mr. aad Mn h: D. Sklaaer of Spo­
kane. Wash, are] the goetu of the
fanlllee of Jerome BlodgKt and M D.
ey. Mr. Sklaaer Is an ancle of
Mn Blodgett. He Is a raal aatate
dealer la Spokane, baring baao there
since tbe town Bnt startad. Mr. Skin­
ner thinks there la no plaoe like Spo­
kane and nays the opportanltSas me
greater tbate Unn la tbe aait
They are naktag a aM nontbt trip
▼iBUlag frlanda aad ralaUraa la Maruiaa. They wm ntera la aboot

must go away. Italy?! U bla
prment eoudltkm ho noodod aa toTiroameat taat obouM ows« aa a tonic
Mtok U too twlUgbt of mtbeiMbaB^eakea srUb
bla top door atntlo ba tank Into a cbalr
aad mrbM ontjmgnaiy for an
both srere oo far tram MaUlt! Tba
dear old Canadian woods It abauM bo
and cigartCMa. Bcm wtto those
tor Rgbt and sttnnlaat be maaat to -the placo wtoea aa a bey bo bad
nay UR ton gnat liaa llaalf sraa cMar been sraut to apend hie ■mamim.
A. G. Bnebnaa. wbo baa bean an batorabim.
Now that be bed bom tbara Mr
tdoyei tor a<^ tune at tbe Annlcan
rrninUy toa partem parted. P<a- many BMOtba one mmaecy la bM part­
drag non. baa raalgaed
Mr. tot old family bMte. stood la toa ing from ble srtto oUR hurt Mm and
^and will go on tba road tor i
daorsray. Ho gaaod Soottagly at bla aersud as a aort of oeemga. Tbe taal
yoengmiator. srbeao bmd bad dropped srardiapoken berwcon them bed been
friendly enoagh (Erelyu srae too padrag pdbipaBy of Datrolt loHa Goes
trtelaa Mr anytblag etae). bnt hie artwUl in .lba poaltlon made mcaat
lefa eya of aaraMating accurmy ObosrTbe toiTltery srbkh Un Bnebmaa
od btm that abe looked omitteo. • • •
wUI oosee i
Ak. la the bcyfimlng bow bo bad losad
her. bla Josral eyed glri bride! **Oaeketa of bmyt topos atal taple leauR.”
Patar aald grarely. -Ibafi srbat too be bad beeu tonrd to call her eyes.
And bow bo bad dreamed that too coot
anme Mila ma."
foMod petala of bar aotare sronM one
Bow la Mra. day. undm Mo ablDfui bandMag. un**Wbow-w-wl A


•Geoteb and aeltam. Peter-Scoteb
Speda) meattog of Uie Gtanplooi of aad aaMaer: tbat*a aU.”
Foreaters tonight at 7:20.
But srbaa tbe gool oM butler bad
Thera wm ba a apectol
sanlte Ftltoir bmwa want togotoer.
.-A gW! By Jore. srbat do
tbe Modem Woodmen tonight to make
pmparatiqna to attend tbe‘ fannnl lof srlto a ginr
Ha sraa ooddenly cooacioua
C. L.
aoma Ume or other be bad eatertslnod
Makma of a boy. stoo toould ba bU
Some people bare gotten the date of am and beir-a atiaag. otordy Uttlo fHthe late* aodal aeaalon of tbe
Mw. born Into toa srorM with tbe pow•am Tha parly la on New er to srbMtle aad srblttle faU
a ore. which la Monday night Bat a girt!
and not on New eYars night m aomt
•nwa waa MolUe’s adraot Into this
d by ber fa
The aeoood guaneriy eommualoQ toer. unit ty Rttle. bowerer. toe sroo
»nrlee win be held at the First M. bm way straight lato bla boait. From
K. church on Sunday morning at tba day wbia. bondiag orer a Raff of
perturbed Uce. a tlay pink tat had
}. rresldlng Bder A. T. Fergu been thrust up. by chance caressing his
800 will preach.
face, and be bad Uld it mgslnat bis Ups
A watch night aerrice will be held -frnen tost day bad dated Mollies
la the rtm M. E church on Monday srttebory osar bar aba.
night. New Years ere. from 10 o’clock
Daddy sraa tbe name Mrs. Feltns
the old year dies and the new bad uugbt tbe child to mil him. buu
baby faahkm. abe bad twisted it Into
year begiaa. All pastors and jh
This tiUe alsraya fetched
not engaged in similar aerrlces
FHtiis an oaquIsKe pleasure, aueb as
cordially larttad. Tbe Rer. A
could bare scarcely bare come tc
pyrguaop and others will g1r4) short bad be been dubbed an K. A.
prayerful preparation
At first ll seemed that MolUe sroold
for tbe
aea of the N^ bring them together agaUi-tbeoe two
young people srbo In tbHr married life
Year will be bdpfal tor mH.
leoo than a ocoro of moatba
Lamy C. Wrldit oi Calbbuo county
aad Mlaa Mary M. Hoeflin of Klngs- drifted so far apaA.
-laa’t that pretty? And bow derated
ley.were lloenaed to marry by County
they are. not only to tbt cblW. but to
Clerk Waltor today.
oecb otberr*
Frank Smith of Grant township and
Tble sraa srbiMte naslde" from
aude D. Allen of rarmdale. Ohio, one of the Feltaa aunta to an<
ere united In marriage at the court They bappeood to be calling oo tbe
house by Judge of Probate Walker

1 badacto
► with oM John Atlagala. then a patriarch among the
tow auMrom of tbe ACasbpee Indiana.
Be bad eftao been Mr. P
gnlda aad compaaloa on bU
aad mnenbimd Hearty many of
bappeointa. It waa wltb a glow
we and admlrauoo ameunttng to
blp that be ralatad bow tbla gnat
Bslgbty atro^ and Ana to that flab and
MM him w^t a mMaka ba bad made
and what a fool be waa to take that
ty and that ba wnnM bare baan aR
right If ba bad left It alen%**
Wbo can Aoobt that patient search
aomowbno ta Mr. Web.

A***tJSr bSb^toSt

lag stamped upon Molllea memory
With a gay llt|M cbockM abe bad
town .off rrpm te Mgiltbce of ber
nmoe. boMlXte nightgown froo
feet and sraa about to burst into
dy*a studio to kJn him good mm

Artbnr Garland and notbar. Mn
Janaa Oailaad reUnnd today from a
tat ante. Mlaa Maty Poko- Malt lo Grand Rnplda.
MFbne^ be atrack by tbe aatoj
■ '
Mr, and Mnlmi^ Plaggert n •obiler^aaked tba oorantr.
**At tbe InocUon of tbe dorsal aad
W«tl» MMiWr. Mra. OoCar.
imed today fm^ M^bmpn. wbera
Wortty traawirar. C. J. JDtMr.
»ey apenl Cbit^nm.
Wartky nrAn. Mra. PkaUa.
FVm Rmnor
tbU afUnoon for
•Will yon pleaao ps
worthy tecAkal aaaiaar. Dr. O. B. CaUtornla. wbera,be win jeta bU par tbe napr ate ton
enu. wbo base man tbme acme time.
Worthy rnni. J. K. Mtrtlkak.
Mn Pmnk Dean of Sanmtt aty
Iia. Oaotto Ikrdte. waa la tbe Mty boday.
D; K. Wyakook. B.
mSeaa"^ **®*ms was la tbe
Mr. Spat-Npw. If pom jnt Ratm
oonjtteteMta la snM rattas. Oateg. B.
Pbttip Miller of KtagMay waa M tba *amo- Mla. 8|Mt--Ob. FN
*»ea an: Mr. Rpat~Probab|y aoC.
■ayt; altataata. lOaa Pokotal.
dty on bodnam.
rt If we-ra giaiag to apoad the rsM
f tbe aMbt la argnment I want my
4tato of too Ume.

always low and alow and eren. Tbit
sroman’a strtce sraa nono of tboaa
toinga. But by aad by mothar bi
cams out Mollte half stretebod i
bar band to H«cb her aklrt aa
paemd. but withdraw It afraid. Moia
era band sma hiM aa bMb. abe walked
like too angry prtoeom la too tony
book, and there srea e bright rad spot


<ih (Aka •rMga WIintara Orta Mm.
ji at a 9. m.
■k Laha ArakM «» Md a avadal
ateatteg at 5mt h^ Tkaraday. Jaa.
I «( l:|». «aa U CD**, dalagata »
Mta grtMi wtR ftea ragoM aC awatMB atea teaMatk* tteMhaate aad
aaBaa «at ka gariM aad aU teasbera
ara ragaiatat to ko'giaaaal.

r >' i-


Itaptog your dtota M aa axpensiru
way «c gmttag cammarcMI modlt. but
mriato pm art rich HU gbmt tot mir

Deft aa bit
Ula aklllfnl
tngera were wltb bmsboa. how they
bod bunglod srlto tola sromaa*B lott
If toara bod coma a gradual hope to
Feltm* braoet that Erelya might lacall Mm. gradually, too. It tad gooo.
Uar Mlance sraa aa coM aa tbo Cana­
dian srlnter. Bnt just aa toe Mat
saatige of bop# ooote to base saalabed came a talagraa:
**MolUe rcry lU. Waata yon. Ooao

tag m s couriA. WRb btif rttte.

Mght bmk up to tbo aky and sea
yao can dlaceru It If you do aae
JOB can raat oentmt ta tba knosried
toot your uyeMMlt la not deMctlvo.

..... ....



........... »

*'MolUo-my bobyr FHtoa bml orer
hor. bla gain bturrad srlto leora. One
of ber quaint beaming little amiloa
graHedblm. *1 Jas* knowed you'd tmn.
r abeertw
•tbeftrat 1
-I want a JornMo Oats, per bu..


““•r.S'r.i*:::;:: 1:S

Hsy ...........^...........110011
^’We moat hamor ber.** murmured Apples, per lOO Iba........................20
■reljn. srlto dosmcaat eyes, -Even
toou^ It is a fooUab game, we can praPraamtly. with Inflnlte emtent tbe
child fen asleep. That la what toe pbyalclana had aald abe needed. Hereto­
fore ber rest bad aU been uneeay deaee.
dominated by her unaaUeAed srtab for
ber father.
Tbe -^me** was over, bat Feltua
ottll kept bla arm about Erelyii.
*Gbe might srmken. you know.*' be
explained, nodding dosm at toe baby
cheeks on which toe long laabei rested.
Bow atlU It waa lo toe room! Bow
loudly too cable cara clanged: Pieeently toe man spoke again :
-Dm*t you think-may be-for MolUe’a sake-- It sraa then that Evelyn
broke In. irrevrrenUy. Incoherently perbapa. bol be uodmatood:

Moma*** ^
Aad ifoIRe alept-n aound^ rafrs
sleep. An InHpimt dimple ebowed ta
ber cte and a pretty emJle on ber
baby Rpa. aa if ta aome MaMo

Beveral late aat la totir Hub a
few ermlufs kgo dlsHmalng tbe vdrtoes of tbHr bushaiida.
-Mr. Ulngtefon.- aald one of t
referring to ber life partner, -never
drtnfcs and never
has no had baMti.

-What a tot matttr aermi tbe way r
ate tbe tailor of a byrtandcr. as too
te np to tbe door of

Pa TwiddJro-Well. whafa the mat
tar now? Tommy Twaddlm-Ma aaya
I muatat never aay s srsed srhfle toe's
ta toe room. Ms Tsraddlaa-Why. na 1
dIdnX dear. 1 aald you mustn't Ibterw
cupt srMle I’m talkl

^SjTv viv.;; :X

........ Tr

AU waa atiU la tot atndM. so tba pose, on an average, bt 4otm*t am«
nre than once a month.**
ebUd ran M. Mtot sraa padai
Some of her frtmda langbto. S
abd down ta bia welsot knickmbot
tot dWu't m^toundwaund wby.
and amtotag jatet hM band to

tasyun.*At tot baby arms Hate Mm FWm tank into a chair, aad toa cRmbad
o Ms braaat There was a aclltomi
itetpt Mr toe maa*a bard, trvmatana
t one and af tot raam
toamai^ Bvm ta

be bad by ebaerutag Ursa Ma|oi^-too
Great Be«^-m n Hear starlit nlgbt.
Not every one U asrare that Mlaar. ton


-On tto amall srMto bod la too dim

Bui tbe beppy domeetkrlty waa aU
la tbe teeming Further and further
they drifted apert-two srarUng tomperamcota: be srith bis srarm. Impulsire nature: abe with ber cold. Jewel
eyed aloofnam. 'Rbe bad ber white
-You did not underatand me. sweetaaibltJona. bar mobile llata on tbe poo- heart. Yon never did.** Feltua aeld alaselbUlte of
ply. Buttbemsraanohlntof reproeeb
bla arUat’a srork and tbo habit of de- to tot Mg. protacciv
soUon to It.
At leat It became latoMrable. and

srorda reeebad

ralar, Mn. Maittaak.
-»k» rater. R. O. PaaUa.
ohaplala. Mra. A. A. Mc­

walking upland*dosm toa room roproeebing bhn orrmed not to. bt


bty aCTMif and Sne** talk addrsan
at to the Sib at
r by Qiwm


1 ...


Tbe Roeton aiaa ate;
-Haveyon eour aacdtod to write mffthtag. Mr. Crasrford. that srlll live
after you ere goner*
-My dtnr sir,- rapUed Crawford*


FOR 8Al.*E—Two
. 413 Wcb<rt«
i08T—White fox hound with yellow
spot. Reward at 817 Bay atrr-H. W.
H. nsm»s .
dec 28 51
L08T-!‘cwkoiUK»k ctmlalulng hlUa.
Reward If rvlumcd to 21C *\VWrt.
dec 28-31
FOR SALE—Stork In one H the beat
min*'* in Colorado, not a prospect,
but s paying mlw% one In which
returns are sure, pnillls large; no
-goldllHd fake- hut a subaUntUI
Throw in
fifteen dollsm and get a hundred
shares. We arw handling this for
the benefit <if the small Invertor.
If you wish to make a go6d sUed
Investment take Traverse Clly
propc-ny or Traverse regioo fanas.
Write or call on us for particulars
and InfcMmsiloo in regard to in
vestments. Ws<k* Bros.. Traverse
aty. Mich.. 817 Union 81. Citizens
phone 1218:
dec 29-tf
roonni sud liosrd. 142 Lake Are.
dec 27 12t

-©BT Spedal-

Cloak Sale


aber of ooste aokl Opto tbe pre»nt time
in‘Oor Siiei-ial Ooet Sale” Uee more than
our ezpertatioaa.u,

We receive nothlNg bat pi
M Oic valocs wc
wc arc olicriao.

Aa we aaM Seiorc,
la aad aee wfeal
we caa to lor yen.

MR to a fit and totr


tot tailor, tr
to get a fit

THB BSKT ta tot marimt. Bag.
Blut Rlbboa. imwmrh and
fiwMU. Jnekam'A IN Fkmt atia



^ E. WiDieliH
raoNT ST.


■ MfKilSCHOttS

.0M 01# SiffMiS
.i .


K'f: - _

ito M. TtoM M EiaMe # WiMt Dcter^i;^^
Coanne «a< hdwtiy M AccofM .

WaMstmi. D«. #
<# IW ta#iU

Mwitoc. Wki Ah| M . mio Nr



teMt. To #» tM. <C«oUr«4r #M
Wrttol* .fto Mm
4mi«. M
01 Ua Mtaa
M wM,

mm w

€0114. Mkii MMau to MM IS jirr


•« Ito ««M Mi
^IM «Mi an tk. Mir

r Mton TtotoTa dtoitos «J toa

Atotom^ ky^^

Itx oot of bar work, hwka at lb

to 00)0, M
or odanoiWio gniiitrd lo
•• CO ilto tlM«ry Ouit tlm

3 pnbapa roo prafar *
If TOO aio a pertot-Mo

Uto Hi4l
M loMo^^omi ofAroiHig llto |k4i
4km ^ M lakt-B

-end «f C»oM0*df 0M* AltmctM a
0t9 Cr#M ,0M m «MMr Cam.
0«faio «ka mrnrn
rnmm 0^
WM J.>W. j!uIM'. clivks ar
lx Lefcao TiJO
ottiaM# 0f ttto ^ M aon7#MM
aaler 0lMf arHvotf M#ra Ik# atom
OMed. TlMaUto»waacmMtoca
parlix all mwwiia# and aa a coom^
Otmm th« clMto frill frolcmna ckia- dMf aiaka Iba aMmatar wim tba oaerr.
log lima toalatit.
prodMkm oT tog. too. alaap tbar do
All or frIOcA goao to .how that #00 not cauaa It to loar doUara. awl that
Itotix. ngbtlx u.Ml. para aad paga

CiRT A mra ho« or eaadx fdr Nfw
Yaar. pnoMt at JackaooV
dw* fP-n
loaaa an aoa or ina
tba t*ra%w kulgtita of old went out to
alar a dragon they did not do It wltb
a dirdooary anA an lokfuud. imt
awatbliui their lltnba with a few bendrrd (KMiDda of liollfr plate, tbry took
a tonca. a award, a nwat ax and •mam




M to ye^wp^tba women of tba

oo 1

tontoiptotoi to ram# War tm m
towttoftonitowiMn Itoapwe
wo. otoMto hg an odbr aC an
tobipon tot Cbnotongoan Mfn*
ttoo a nnnn ptototntlon nt iSStoa fwnntnad wito It tor f|Mt

t''?ansass:rs!siL'?i.‘^s^ r^ie-«5gfl?r*-s
1 .s?r?LrrsK:ST=rr',£'s=st2= TSiSliiSSSJ^

Ml# tfHMiy M


L-. >w

' ..

toga at Mandriito. M Mn baoaaton
toatkw to a ■■■toiry tor two yabm
jyto tor pn^^ yM tow to



E --

IN (kM wSSkMMMMt Mtr if
tt* ptMMI «v. M iCAMI Ms. b
brt. *. k
sair SM.

r Ml, Mm N«iMk VMIr *i«

It to a 9dU«r
(Ito I

M ftoC 0to «»#•

. ar':r:


Provo A
ono io you. ainl And you
roiolvod to have #n Abatraei of
T.Uo to your iwoperty »ximpllod at
Ihit office tmlay.
No other roaoluitcm will i^ir©
you aaoh pit^ih.o, ool only for
1W7, but for all time,

o. o. Movrmaa.

ep ihr aartb la a ripping,
alaablng dragon dghl.
Tb. NM of Mt.
llto pen mar 1m» mtghttor than tha
■word, hot the onlj way to «at a thief
to to go after him with a gnn and a
pair of bandmir*. The great tmrt
fortieaa wUI oerer l»e knocked doa’n
by pnhlkity paper pelleU. Might aa
we« attack aiUraltar with a poionm.
Tha campaign of expoaiife ha. It.
plane, hot ooly In getting iweople nerrod
wp to the pitch where they wtU do the

ftoltiiaa. Hard name, oerer made ■
brigand raaae from la-ing a rohiw*r. hut
with aoch people the atrong wall, of a
)all are a powrofto nrgVMt for de^
eeary. Ctognnlaad aeliahnaai will oot
aoecomb lo hot air. It 1. coming time
to taka tooli adapled to tbe/wtok la
hand. Tbwa to no coll for going daffy
age and common
deM. We certainly nM dtodAb^
Yat the tnraaMntkma and ptoach-.
panta am mewaary jpreliiden, AU

Give Them
a Start

The NEW YEAR td mpidly
npfwoaohin^. Tbu would U
n Rootl timewfor yon do •tart
your yoQDK folks on the rood
to anooesa. Have them open
n Iriavini^ Aeooant at this
In ^na duin*: you
encctuia^ tEHft and babiU
of eronoaiy. We most Rladly jusiit yonng people in
floe Dollar will open aa
Wc PAF a per cent internet
comptHimied eeminaniially.

m Mmaw de MneL flb. next took
np a WndT of Mme. Aotond. By tola
tlma toa wa. ao deeply hitomotod to
■Meet and to toe Francb htotor
methed that abe detmntned to go
ifto wito a deftotta ptopom to view.
PMwoe wna nathliw tem toan to
1 toe Ptooto way of handling toe
napbg of bMary with the Inlaw
tlan of totradoring It to Aroertoa. Peo­
ple do not dewNne big micceoaea who
ennool dream tag dnwma. To bare an
Maat. a tMtolic ptoa and work to It
coTWtmjle the only road to the b«»lgMa.

to fw
rar all mat
atm It to worth
tbloga. tiwaka In a tow. we4l toodtila^
rwl to faltoro If tba pfeaa la
ad rokw, esjora apcndlng her efeotnia
r wen ibonibt oot and Ilf tbe
at tba Ibeator, rand, norvla mad poetry,
at Ion and ability are
to food of toonc and dowia. and. pot behind It. MIm Tarfaell ba# tbot^
grrotmt toat of all. Mt dote, on rata. ooghly matared her plan and hid tba
win and capacity to pat It Into ficcoplated derotlng her Ure to mlertoroptr lion Thu. fortlfled for the race toa
work. Tmer aba speiit tkiee yaav* »«» could not fin lo reach the goaL |
Pari, aindytng htotortoal meMto. toffl
^ Har f%it it Sneem. |
later aba devoted oa tong • time to
detrtof brio eonvt reeoida and togkda
In Part, toe remained three years,
lire loreatlfttlan. of a great todoarteoding lectaiea, ratmcklng fba
fvoat Mbrary and learwlag bow to dig
oat facta mod ta piearot tbrna. To pay
her way abc contrllsited nrtlclea|ta tba
Amariran newta>apara and magaalnea.
attroetod the nl■■la^■f^■■ of towysw Ona of tbaae articlfo feU ander the eya
of «. a McTHiie and todarod^M^
age reading po
It to art that

mafnalna ha wa. then aurtlak. Ua
MM to «toi TWTheU to Paito and
•»ked her to gather rome nneedatro of
-M. * to Mto. Tarbeira
namt Kapalron. Itoa wn. tba moro rekdy to
da tbl. a. toe wa. into tntoblhg her
tor Mlnerra. and
atory of Mme. Boland, and aU her

Tiro portrmita of.the bisiutiful C
the e.rl; h^r husband. Girtsi
jewel, vslued at from ah Amer­
ican mmionslro ibarby caurod them to .cparaie but it 1. now imiIU that
King Bdward.ha. affected a recANurlllaiuai.

od to lead her toward tbe I
an. I.ater Mr. McClara w
write a Ilf. of tbe Preoto ei
tog tor ttmt the drat 1
be in the onxt mootb. Tbe aodMty of
thing approlad to tbe reeolite wo­
Ity 1a only a tofto of akTMvMI ramiy tbe
man. and Sbe agreed ta do It] That
and the ahoeoee of the wna Mllty nct life of Napoleon wa. her l^t Uf
ronato ftr the ahnroce of the otora. tooctllfe
talk, of her broke ood Me wifh
At Ibl. time toa rotaraed ta Africa.
of their


tor that awitode also.

sake. dW It thorooghtrond wetpoa toe
rate of tberorohrea MnyWa'alk wmd
nart” rotmdi too fthrona, toraha cer
talntr tores Inr woto, mto no waik
thatwetomtoardMk. Asatomlaom
ming wp of ICim Tatoto*. toaentom;
thereto nothing miro to M. «betoiwt
a proeor. Proato^ women
not poro
na much aa men anyway." Mto thitwC

TratersB Citji
State Bank

In appwronro tbahtotorto|bnr 0tondaid ON la amkM--nrthar to#. 4#rk of
enmptoxion. with abneto Mto bntr
•nd bmadray ayga, Bba to oat a haow
ty In tba ordtoary odrod of tost toram
Imt giro, rather tha Itogwi.totai af

Oldest iBd Unest Baik
la Merthera iUcUfu

ntr of enbaro to aoa of tbamaat naiw
ble thing, .boot bar. Sw jptoka wto
tram 0w ptotlarto. to whtobdlto baa
appeared froqiiaator of AMr ygma. In
idrnto'eawftototlato wWto M to Me

Sto want aboat her grrot ffaak by In
vaatlgsttug tbe testimony ioecaro. tried
agaliwt Ihe tnmt. For tlie must part
toe depended on the strorn staiemenl.
of tta» onrl.l. of Iht' 'NNuqmny them
rohrea. Tbt. tave.t1g.tfcm w*» lAliorlnos and led her into many different
atatc.. but the work wn. Abme -ihuroogbly. She determined at the incep­
tion thnt Ihe work nmfit Ik? without
UncM. whVto toe aupplemented by a Wro and that both ridcH of the etory
complele Idography of the great; emaw muet Iw tokl. Mm> found Urn iiirhltect
clpator. In thl. ‘work her new hlator of the St
leal method Itogan to tell Ae t^imumotto thoi -nn In
or by letter with ab
riltollcm 1 bat Ibe lengthened sloidow
meet arery man and
of a m.n*‘ .he Interprvte*! tin? trust
known Unroln
tbroagb fbl. man, wIk» w.h its <^ ntor
mack new and
and train. Tbo ui*toot of irr whole
Inrerilgatlon lUtowiHl tint Ibe Stand
r erf taking
the Stand­ OTd on bod Irnen built up. a. lui. ro
many of the other
ard OU htotory bae been toM by I
that Imck of fUte
wetr. At an edltartal cotocajof
nmnapoly. great and opprerolve a. It
maiaslne tbe beri method of \

Mlm la, atanda a greater and OM»re op
preaalve <me. that of ainK lal firtvDege
In transportation.
The threatened reorganization of ^Tcmnrb mawatal araltobto . Her Iden MriTmc'a bin lake oot of the staff
of Itt best known members, kliro
wke anlty ndoptad, hnd toe berato
won Mtoad ko wfMM bl.^.^ TarbHl. Llneoto Steffen, and lUy
Stanaard Baker. It I* pracUraliy aaI start a new roaga***
1 tor glrBiood la
from the: farther
tact that vary early to her life ato
The practice of dntlug lettora and
bnd wriltan a novel woven aboot
BoeboMtor ant hi. method.; which legal Inctroaicol. “A. Ur wn* lerf lm
trod need Into llnsland uuUI the .rear

John t'amdcvi Nelld. whose magnimcent iKKjorot to Qneen Victoria aopIdlMl the fonda oot of which the prince
consort imlU the prrseut Balmoral awslle. deserve, a pUce among the grrot
mlacra and- was aa nanarkable a man
«• any of them. He was edmwted at
llaion and Trinity college. Cambridge.
i.nd was a bairUler at !dn<'oln*a Inn.
At the age of 84 his fatber’a death
plaiwd him in poawwidonI of a 1fortune
of i:i*:.o.nuu, ami rmiu that o
he iHi-aiiir a f'oiitinmd uilaer.
Xt lid Ilvoil ill r. (Tbeyne walk. Chels«T.
111a big houae was so uiroiily
fundshM that It did not even Iswat
of a Ih^. Two old wakucu. who did
Ids slMVca, and a hlack «wl wefe Ills
sole AXHUpnahina. Wlien he vUlted hla
IrirgM estates in tlie Midlands. w1drh
lie did frequently, he geie-rslly walked,
imbwa he r«uM gi-t a ll^t f.»r mdhlng.
and h<‘ was not <weti fi1>ove Inking a
gratuitous scat on a «Hiug cart. Pometiinea he was eomiielh\by the wroth
cr to take a SAnit on tliV stag.- camiHu
And there he would sit outshle. shherlog and drlMiIrig-^fAH* ho never wore
a grrotAKvit—aii A>bjeAi of A-ommlaeratiou to hla fellow iiaawngnnL—rroai
I*. T. O.
-The firot day be went out with bla
new auto he got pnlled."
^ .

“For stopping fast; he had lo hire g
fanner to haul him homo.**—Houston

After a TetHfic Fdll Hat Selling We have just Discovered



• • •

,that our hat stock Is in Arery bad shape ih^
much as sizes and assortment are pretty well
broken up. We therefore offer every hat In^\9^Sw the house at a big cut. If you want a good hat
as well do it, now. The famous
youv4 got to come here anyway, so you mlglfii




on bushes ;and wi$« heads will BUY



iUt*r C»ko—Two
-or cupful erf Uultor;
ir; oiH> oeoot cupful
ODOtul of «»dji; two
MM o' urur: olglii
ruvor to Ufttc.
Ic tlM wuM way out
AtooUdraelpo tor aoed'a food
pr«Ma thal ala* *n« auikca m Ur»r
- adl Uglil a loaf a» twdrr or tbirtr^p.
Vat a
for tbo tuiuiiiurma
rap aad b* coaaclcotloua la alfilot
tiM door aad praaoUted migar. Ilf«t
pan of lb* oo* aoMlI ica.pooiiful of
rioBM o' tartar la to tlw while* aa
yoB beat tbcai. thro add ih* rciaala.
ini croaai •'tartar. Thw» beat In the
ti«ife*ar «r aagar and laatly fold In
tba iour. Tb* oven mwat bepln alow: Iji arfrflaf beat iradually: bake Bfty
Bdaslaa or evea aa boar. Turn ibe
loaltipaMa down la a cuireat t'rf air.
: «baa doM.
Tb* yatba of tb*a* atta mab* delb
cloaa pdd Wtr cake*. BmlI totdibar iba ydka. one at a Mai*, whole.
Ida tba ceaawMd bait eapfal of bBtt«|
; aad aapfal of pttiar; add on* ball cup>
• ; ftd of Aoar. half a eapfal of milk, the
aaaoad baV of arilb aad a full cupful
I oI Amt aad aa* teampoontul of cfeafai
o' Ibrtar.'Bi^* a)owly.-<}ood House-

NO XUNQBR <rf typhoid If ytm aae
NMrttad Milk. <)aeea City Dairy
dapaajr. au. t*L S7&.
NjfHiinalraa are rather nmre
aoa at TuU amoa than at any other

W* fad two freat banrtdn. left.
RdNUr $Md Kaabo aprtsbt. food aa
mm. $4Sd. Alia aa* KUabatl apHgbt
tap llld. Mmj paymeau. Qiiaaeir
Biaa, oMer rraat aad Caaa atraeU.

vU(e. Tb* Newt plvea the
Bfuma aappHad by oa* of
-Tb* whol* aomhar of
hdxoM of fema ahlppcd waa III. oiuh
laialni la all 4^J00. The total
woiiht vaa ^JiO poaada or a Uuie
Tb* local oo*t of
feUlaf the fora* f
tb* eapraaa ofio* araa abemt fMM
aad tb*
tW* wdea aavaral paopU aaih
pk»y^ la salhiertaf and eartag for
them. Taro othaca wart
tb* fem pblppll^ kmf% bat tbair mi*
lat of Mr. TooaiW. Tbabaal
nr gatberlac and ablpfUbi Nnu la fattint to be cm* of ooBild*rabl* pedlK U
both.the mhlppera aad tb* plehwa.*
Them* ferae are abippad to HHoa

Baaat 0***a
(krt a y «ag *oo*A mat It. put
mo* bottl ig.whim la tbt paa aad
bake In a aodomte oven, haatlag fr«^
uuaatb. Car* a^ ha cakmi W
ta Am
It thoroughly ^mokad. A BQoaa It
uaually atutad
aag* aad oakmt,
the oBloa* beiad boiled, chopped Aa*
aad aaaaoued wAb tag*. aaH aad papper. Tb* gIbleU of tb* gooea are to
U aimmered fmf aa boor or two aad
the liquor added to tb* gravy.
Sraaoued Pwddlag-Oa* pound of
stale bread without cruet, aoakpd tttl
aoft. la enough ^14 mttk to aover %
Buoeeec ell the mUk out. Add eU
ouaoaa of finely chopped b*i< auet,
three ouioo. boO«d and Chopped; eea•eo wllb eali. agge. manoram. tbym*
aad a UlUe grated lemoa peel. Add
three well beatmi egge. Bah* la a well
Aveuaed Aat puddbm Ma. It will tab*
elmoat am hour |o bake aad aboald be
alkely browned wa t.
with th* goo*** bad 1
poured over It,

,ir YOU have been .Mag a
BAL prodocta-m of the blfiiMrt wheat fiour yog wUI be mom
pleamd with IDBAL blinded
«P If poor proeer doeo not fnJ
and winter AadP. |lak« Au*
i can ap tb* adlL Both pht
and paalry.
QBT A T1CKVT oa that lot that
[adtooa d ftrlai away.

81----- ■

Ttau WEA along ta the rarty fortU*
wllb eniMbA abaklat out all that do
aof adhere. In tb* botioM pat a thia
lapar of bbaved pork, tbea a tbiek
lapar of BMbt. aea*oa*d vHk ekapped
paraley aad colon, salt aad pepper;
tbaa more pork aad meat. Cover tb*
top arlth crumb*, aad poor la eooutb
gravy to moUteu vary well. Bake at
leaat two houra. covered uatll nearly
If you 0*0 meat tkat U not
tough, aa boar will b* enough to hake
Nicely MOoaad attacad mattoa can
b* mixed with maahed poUto. add­
ing a bratca ugg. if liked, aad mad*
> fat cakaa. wlUck are fried la butt«roratoa«rtppiag. turalugI <car^lly

The Horn* laalde aad Out .

..MU* Jennie Buell

Do Ohlldraa Pay.........

.Mrt. A. C. UdghUm

nectloa of OfllcerA

plat of atack or waten aad a pibt of
araat ent la amall
. add th* Aour,
butter la a frying

or water, aad aUr natU It bolU: i
on to uat* with aalt. peppar. aad a
teaspoooful of aome^le* tahl* aaaoe.
a ate* Aluli of mlaaad meat ThU U tb* redp* for brown m
U1 acMd a cupful of thick gravy and If made with atock It forma a
lloaAoil. AddCoUtwotuM* gravy to aa* tar any recipe. Of oi
Ma of .muam.or mUk. aad oa« th* ranaonlng depend* on ladlvldanl
taate. For th* ragout, add th* meat,
and almmer geaUy tan mlantoA A
Uhtaapoeaful of currant Jally emi b*
added luat betoc* aerrlng.
aa tb*** are atlrfud la. add th*
mlaead meat, iMthgatamokmghot.
A detkkma aaUd may b* made
but do aot allow
atk it to bcgl. Heap la a
In thU way:
hoc diah. aad garaiah with trtaaglea
Take oa* part hickory nntA on* part
of fHad brend.
celery, and two pnrU apple*. Chop
Chop iwaenaau of lean cold mattoa
th* naU and celery very An* and cut
tae. atM oa*-fourth aa much ta balk
th* apple* into tmaU plecra. Pour
uC atal* bread cramkA a beaten egg.
over them a mayounaUe draealag. pre­
ptach of maoA a MUl* grntad Hum
pared thua: MU oow egg w0h ooeon p*fl and chopped paraley to taete;
thirdcupvinegarBne Uble*poon butamo a tuaapooufal of currant NHy;
tm-. a aaltapoou ench of anH and caywell and add enough gaud Udek •an* pmtper. and a UbUapoou augar.
gvnty. or drawn batter, to make it aa Ptac* la a double boiler over tb* Are.
and aUr conatanUy uatll It UIckenA
tandA bm JMkna aait ibat4i wtt Lac cool, then add two tabmepoona
Make It tato a roll tbrau thnaa ae wblppad cream
Select aa many
kmi aa It te brand. Aoar weU. and lay
It la a graaaai baking pan; eovar aad you bara gaaaU to aerve. cut oC tb*
a*c la th* ovun until amoklng hot. tops of appta* and aeoop out U* rantbea take oA tb* cover, aad brown term. Oarmlab tb* aalad plato wHb
gukAly. Bnrnb over with whitn of
mmai* to glaaA aad
aerw* Wa a hoi dl*A with hot gravy
It. aad with triad brand aa

I la ea
abUng tb* arrant of crimlaaM.
TK tbU U what rrceotly m
urvunm Ml pbetegrapba fa
eat paaea ef the aam* mUalai
bad emnpad fram ptama wwr
out to an tb* rammuara of I
From th* may*r of *ao ef th*


and th* **rty fiftle* of ttie U*t century,
that from the wild* of Svraan and
Brown couatU* hunter* would bring
T*otaou to pinrket nud *eU* It moth
lower ttam pork wna aofct In that day.
pork being preferred by tbe lioooUr
then to tb* red doer of tbe wooda. It
wa* U tbat tlm* that an entire wlW
turkey, fan grewA would **11 at a
price far below tbe prroent appralaemeat of a ncrawny spring chlchea. amT
a dooea quail could b* bought for lem
moauy than U aow take* to buy a
ncraa Uaka of

dark brown. Make a cuaUrd of * ptot
of mllk.tkreoeggA and aagar to aweeten abundantly. Take from th* Ar* aad
set away to cool, than add lb* Jaat*
pr«-pared oaramm aad' a quart of
cream. Flavor wltk vanilla aad frimi.
Scoop almoat the eaUre rauur from
Urg* oraagoA cutting tb* top earafbl^
ly ao that U wUl b* praranrad totaot.
and aprlnklr the fruit rematotog to tb*
piwl wllb a goodly amount of powdMcd sugar. Then fill tb* orang* wllb
th* Ice erram. pock well, amt replaoo
ihe lop. Leave to the rafrlgwraior
Kew York city spend* f:*1J]an.0no an until time for srnrtog. the* reomro
noally on education.
top. take out a spoonful of cream
Pumtoe* >a Fraaee are nenrty double fniro curb, aad to Its place add a heap­
the price of last year.
ing spoonful of whipped craom Place
grant* land In .New York to one f*- a candled cherry on top of eorh and
verve toMMdtalely.

Mesko Imfioru moat of ber pig Iron
LM.a r,mmuu, FMM.
becauoe of the lack of cUrap fuel fur
Fbr twenty years W. L Bnwto of
photograph* yoa aeat have alraddy making It.
Commercial trnrelen* Ikwnaea to tl»e 3elU. Tana., foimbt aaaal catorrb. H*
nrftlah Bomb African (mIouU-s ami writes: “Tbe owelltof aad aoreoeaa
l>rote(Tor«te* amount to about fam a
inside my noa* waa fearfal. U1 I be­
________ _
gan applying Bticklea * Aralcn Balv*
to the aor* surface; tbU caaaod tb*
•8* you went around to
neror to reUra.- Beat aalvo la aalatwhat he oappoead

H* pot them la bU
‘•tVhy. I mlrred up a tempem. Thera eacc. 25 cent* at Dugbe* Drug Oo.,
kH t* enrry them homo aad mu
Hannah Drug Store. Prank 11. MeadA
; with them a* to tbelr batch- wni n clood on her brow and ber rye* druggUtA
flashed lightning.
TlraeloUA-Then ber mother atormed
“Whew.The quarterly meeUni
“.Vnd tbe old man thandered.*'
county A. 8. of R. No. 44. will be bHd
“Orrat bora**
Trouble rrrtalBly In Cedar City oo Tucuday. Jan. i.
IkOT. al 10 a. m.. aU are cordially to­
ri led to auend.
of th*
John BeUng^r. Praaldent

Mta to AfA leal to **al M ef amet **tbU* Mgbm

km* ta evIL Many

It va* tb* Arnt p«
of thorn oreradrert

fimmfriwiSy UmTC
raraM of tara* too* hra^Akt ataUr
oar tailmn nag pewur. UC at bmp

Tear'a Br*. Ju
of battar aad ana «d



Tils v!Bbe the Last asdBtoSikaf itaA iptU.:


■ Win tamxjtam AAtar%*imy,

moSB that oa* spring Wheat Aow>
>r breed will b* rauTlnc*d by uu*
rial of IDBAL aprtog wbeai^Arar

ICE CREAM aad k«a. th* brat to
lb* city. Fancy cream to order. T*l\tr he rapUid a* h*
-I bemd ephon* UA w* deUv*r tb* goodA J.
to tb* amUenra aajr Am W. Jnekaou. both pborau. 144.
dec U^U

ai'~ '' SI
Ju Mr! Ilka.





The Hhnnah & Lay MercantUe Company



GhoiI Ummi Sih

Every Dhbhn ^(Un^ of car grett store*is edh>dy ertgeg^ in sorfir^ and deaning up his stock, getting ready for our^Annaal hflf^ory^
not intend to carry
anything of the winter goods or Broken tines, therefore l»e gibe you the benefit of this g^ dtan-up of the various
stocks mentioned in this ad, Thb witt be the biggest bargain Sak that toe tp3l offer this season, for it vM be the only ^ that wSi have prices cut
so deep. These goods mast be mcfited, b wilt be to your interest to read every word of this ad., for each item is a bargain St the price that we
have put on them. We propose to make this the\crowrung success, the dbnax, not to be soon .forgotten as one of
the greatest bargain sales di>er conducted in the city.

Sale Begins Wednesday, Janury 2
Rugs and Crockery

GoOdS Specially PrlCCd

MR. LOUDON hu gone through hh stock and hat
» found many lines broken iand wants to clean
them up. He makes most exceptional offers.

1610 lor.............
27,00for ......

lYlcot Hannel in PfnlL Green, Gray- !

$!5utSlueflo?.?!^.$3 76 $a.75
3ii0 values
1.60 values
1.26 values
I Ul values

for............ 3.00 276 for................
for....... 1.16 2 J5for................
for............. 1.00 1 75 for.................
.85 1.60 for.................

Uffhi blue Turquoise. 27 inches, for ... ... ...
............ .. ......19c
A fob lot of Kid tUoveii. for per pair ... ... ... ...
........ ... .50c
Cimluroy Velvet. |l value, fw,......
.. . ...
Primed Velvet, for .... .......... ..
... ... .... ........ .40c
Flannelefle. loc valor for
nunneletie. 12c and 15c value. f.»r
Kmbroldery Silk, 10 yaid apoo
Roi»e Silk ....................................
One table full of Val Ijirea at ooe half i
Silk GH»vea. 25c values, for..................... ..
One lot of round and square Tama
One lot of Cornets, dollar vc!ih*», br<
ImitatloB Jewel Hat Mna. 2 f«»r.................................. ..
....... ...... ......
.......... .....Sc
The blKeat item of this aale are the doaka. They are all the best s,f doth and will idve iIm* beat of wear,
but they are allxbtly out of style and are odd sizes. If voq do hot rare for lbe*e facta, you ran not |cet
more a<-nlceable doaka. They are nally the ureal eat nna|u ever offered In doaka and Jackets. Wje haw
placed them In three lota at

Remnants of (Carpets
. • y«rd
at half price.
I of MatUagii fnMn a tblnt to
ricture* make a bwiullful aifi
aVm miuuH
tlmaa thia pric
dalBly am Booka. each erne 1q a aoat yox. Your

OaTto?* o? flwBciiiraold'fori^^^

choice noa far ... ..........................................................

* 00
.. 3 15
..2 50
. 2 00

•&.W vahifa for
l&.OO ealuat for
iM.10 ealnaa for ...

50c, $1.00, $5.00

neat relrel and
. now prlcvil for..
In AmWan. IrUh.

rtaln«-«nc or two palm
DniasH. and RufOM a

iS.Tt raloea for
12 ealuea for ..
11.60 ralnea for .
II 50 raluea for
11.00 valuea for .

/.These Ktatda will not be excUanpiNl. Theae cltvaka have H^ld all the war from

$1 73
1 40
. 1 10



Azle Soap .
.......................................................... ^
................5c cake
Maradllea Soap. 4 c........................................................................-..2 for 7c
Hard Water Caatlk- Snap ..........
Zoo Zoo Soap ... ... .................... Cold Cream Soap ........................... .
Senate Soap.
Chow Chow. ptnU ... .:......... .........
Creem Pilcher Mustard .............. :
Xdery Stone Mustard .......................
A. 4 E. 8 ounce Muatard ....


One lot of Pillow lopa. 25c valoea for ...............
One lot of nilow Topa. 50c values for .,, ....


I^R. SCOTT wishes to clean up many lines in his
Division and the prices put on these goods should
sell cver> article so priced. They cannot be equalled.

Tobaccos, Soaps, etc.

' 25 per cent off on all new Jackets ^ Cloaks.
One quarter ofTtm all Fura,


WR. DEAN wants to clean up several lines in the
** Grocery Division and has priced the following
goods to move them before they begin inventory.

$5.00 to $20.00

Odd rnrtalaa at JSc. tOc. 76c. II. aold for ihn^ tlmea that amount.
Curtain Net from oae fourth to one half off.
^>ur fmiira line of FANCV'CHINA AND BRIC A BRAC will
be IncJoded In ihU moat remarkable aalc.
The kuDdreda of plaaaad cuatomera and vlalior* durln« the bolldajra know thla la the flnwt atock erer dlaplayed In the city. ThIa
aale fflvea you an_opportunlty lo own tome of them* beautlfut aooda.


c _.
1 set Gold Aluminum 5 o’clock Teas.
...12 50 for $i-C
.i.. 1 50 for 1 |6
1 »et OoW Aluminum Tea Spotma ...
.i..3 50 ft>r 2 50
4 nets Oold Aluminum Table Spoooa
5 pr. alze K B. 4 B Oema’ Skalea ..
1 pr. alze 84 B. 4 B Oenla* Skatea .
2 pra. aUe S. B. 4 a OenU 'SkalM
L. 1 00 fur
.!.. ISOfor
1 pr. alze |14.
4 B. GenU* Skates
.i.. 100 for 75
1 pr. alze 94. B. 4 B. Genii’ Skates
10 for 05
1 lot of Scrub Bruahea..........................
15 fur 10
1 l€>i of .Scnib Bruahea ........... ,
20 for IS
1 lot Scrub Bruahea . .......................
10 fur 05
Rnmmellne Cake Stove Pollah........ .
for 05 /
Climax Stove Pollah ..................................L ..
1 00 ft»r
1 PH double bit handled Axes.... .... .. ..
4ft. oomb Bench and Step l.adder ... ... ...
1 Drtftdl lM»t bloat t^I Stove........................... ...U..14 00 for 9 50
00 for 14 00
1 Wonder soft coal 8tt»ve
.......... ... ,.
.J...21 00 for 17 00
1 Moore'a soft coal Stove............ .. ... ... ..
35 OO for .’Ul 00
H. hole ^nne. with hUh doaet and reservoir
1 aiTond higid JewH Wtanl Store...........................« O®
1 second lyf^d return flue w<a>d alove......................i.. .
10 OO
1 second hand PenlnauU Sonsiove.................... U.
10 00
1 aaooQd hand P.alnauki SoSft Coal Heater, prarilrally pood aa new................. w» II J«J 00 ZZ
................ .............
1 dnxle lop buRxy.............................................................. .90 00 f«»r 72 CiO

20 dozen 20x5S C<»ttoo Towela
......... .............................. ............................... . ........................
25 dozen 11x30 Hem atltched CoUon Towels
...... ....v....lie
50 Inch blue and black Ser*e, |i value lor ....... ...
41 inch SulUna. i;5c value for/;.......... . .. .«....V
3C Inch I>rviu» Goods, for
.......______ ... ... ... ... ......35c
Ladles* While Wool Veau and Draum. «jW tor |l and |1.5p. price now
... ...

. HXK) 6.00 tor
. itSO 4G0ifor

br until

Bargains ^Hardware

WR. WILHELM has gathered many ihinjpi that will appeal to the women, and ('
• * every article must bi sold before we begin our inventory.

$28.00 viUiM for.
• laOA) $7.G0 for.

and Will contlnae for ten
.... ftie^ goods are s


.WR. lUFKA has csrcfaUy arranged his eatlre stock of CloUilag. Overcoats, Far Coals, Men’s and Yoong Men’s Sall8.HalaaBd Capa and oMera to tWa Great Sale
the Best Bargains of ap-to-date high class Clothlag ever made to the city. Never a clothing aale like this sale. The greatest opportnalty ol toe year. ^
Sites 3t». 31. 32. 33. 31. 35. 36.
116-00 Idr. . . . . .
.. ..:....$ 9 00
$15-00 for . . . . . . . . ....... 7 50
•13,50 for ... ... ... , . . .
6 75
$13,00 for. . .
.....1^ 650
$12,50 for. . . . .
......... 625
$12,00 for. . . . . . . . .
6 00
$10.00 for .. ... ... .......... 600
»0« for. . . .
... . .V.. 4 50
$s iHi for. . .
. . . .
.. .. 4 00
17.60 for ...... ;. .
....a '3 75
$6.50 for ..._ _ _ ..t........ 3 25
•6J00 for. . . . . . .


$3.00 Stiff H.-IU for
3.00 Son Hnta for ...
12 50 Soft lUta for ...
2.00 Son
lAO Soft liata foi
Any hat In the iMwtae



. . .
$3.50 for . . . . . . . .

Shoe Bargains

li '<"-P

|MR • KOENIG has arranged his tables
attlSctions Uiat will call the crowd.
Womn’, Ml BUivrrs. r««iiUr $! SO. a«<r ........... ..............
WoiDM>-« F»n Slippm |B browa. ||A0, W>«...........................
rat Wlppm, r*r,l«r»l.«ow!... ............... .......
M*0-» Tm ConiUer mtppen. ttM.noir /.. ...
Men-, Tnn Boneo mippen. ISM. now
.......... a aa
Men-* Blnrk Brenwi SUppen. fias.
... ... .i. ...........
Men-* Oote SUppern, wit* Indian or Ok Mend auftocnai. IM
«“■......... ..^ .............................1. 3.. ...........................
M,a^ mica KM BrwoM BMppern.
>o« ...
Men-, anoi^ AlUtntor Wlppen. *JM. aov............... .
Men-, IwNnUon AtUtnlar BUppen. TJe pom ...
Mmr, fMt BHppen. MMIict note. yiM. BMr ...
WaM«<, Battan Bbon. Mn aoU trow M.M to $ZM. an
prteod no».iW........ . ...----- ....;.................. .We aM
If m en and rovalteo MB aerer bea^ totter niaon.
Mto-I raiWM aanaM. KM, Votoar or BoA CaR Btoen. iMWer
Prteo StM aad $4, aoa prieod (ortatainlent ...................
WO aalW aroBieB-, rouat Lnitor. Kid or Calf Btoo,. ttot

i 30
i »
* oo

Yomia Mm’s and Boys*


-110.00 for



Mea’a Salts
123.00 for............
•22.50 for ... ...
f90.00 for
• iro for .
• U50 for .......

2 25


lUiiO for ... ’. . . . .
...$12 00
$13Jio for ... ... ... . . ... 10 00
$12.50 for ... _ _ _ _
... 9 00
$12.00 for ... ... ... ... .; .. . 9 00
$10.00 for
... 8 00
$9.00 for_ _ _
$SJi0 for ... ... ..:. .
$7,50 for ... ..: ... ,..7... a. 5 50
$7.0 for. . . . ... ... .... .. 5 00
$6.50 ffir...
. 4 75
$C.OO fur ... ... V.i' ,
.. 4 23
$5.00 for
.. .3 75
$4.50 for . . . . . . . .
.. .3 25
$3 50 for



60 •

»<;.«) for . . . . . . . . . . 4 73
Any overcoat In the hooae at above

Knee Suits
Slzea 3 to 15 year*.



* K *2

,-J« lor . . . . . .

1 la
j 1,
1 *•

illJO for ... ... ..................... ...II I«
UWfor............ ............
73c for .
Me for................«•

$3 fK» for............... ..........................$2 25
$2 50 for
•225 for
$1.U0 for
$12.00 for............;.......................... $9 5fl
•IB.Off for............L .............. .... 8

Men’s sakMnfacrs

................ «

Drag Dlvfsloh

' Na 127—Dtalag Cbalr. aoUd oak. bnaed arm. cane aoat. for «et

^R. McE^’bY fanoi this Dirioion faao soom batgaia* not to
n oTorlooked, prioM hare never been ni^ before in the city
Colgale* Tooth Powder .................................

No. il5-Offlce Chair. wid« carved amu..................
No. C04—Child’s Hiffh Chair, red. for..........................................


;! ?JS

12Hk-,Chin*iT. goM« o tetek. tv .Odd 4«««

• J *00

Bad Bqom Saltca. three pieee. coldea cak teMi ...............

Cbactoa. tkree tone (imb or red nloar.


; Men's and Boys* Winter Caps

Furniture Attractfons

itoia,-i^Moa.ndi atafoot

............ $70
....... 50
....... 48

Mea’s For Overcoats

WR- blue u offering the biggest list of real Big Bargains ever given to yiu for
. * * high class, first quality furniture.

^ ;^orria Chair*, ffohtaa oak. geaahte hair eoahkma. iplendidly mad
**th^awiri. fall alar. goMcn oak flatoh. Z larxe drawer* ...
Dreawn, fnU atae. oak miah. awrll fraot....................

for .

-1A nice black fur coat for . r .. ,$17 60

;• tH

Men's Soft and StiflMiti

Men’s For Lined

Meii*8 Overcoats
14.3.00 for. . . . . . . . . . . $34
125 t»0 for . . . . . . . •. . . . 20
$22.00 for
120.00 for
... 13
. ,2
115.041 for
:: 10
113.50 for
$12.00 for

'' i 2
" i« M2

.. 7 60
.. 12 00
. . 7 60

’ * -i * 2

Cottouo Talcaai PoaMor........... ..................... j............... ...............7e

Toilet Boopa. apMMM Boodo ...................... ,.i.7e. Me. Uc and *ee
rafaaMTTlB boMteawini Itaaar to* for .....i........................ U«
Booth Bratoto
*e. l#e aad Ut- i
To9ot Born. Manlcaro Beta. Bnuh and Coaib BjeU at » tor cml dio-

Balna. Fir aad ^ Cam$b Cora ..................j..................... ............. »e

Atolo Jaieo la plat bottlos.......................... .f......... ................IM
AltHtlbfo BOror PMUh ................. ........... ............................ .Ke
PraU-s PeaMr, Pood................................. i............ i..l........ itc
Hot Valar Bottlaa .................... .....J
for Ttc
Hot Water Bolttao...:...i.... .....«IJf tapete

■ i •


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