The Evening Record, December 28, 1906

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The Evening Record, December 28, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





NINE PEOPLE mm SATmiff JWK jieflMi Mna ms msm\

m fmfm am imt

IP TD $3S in m vm msn iwqvgr
-40MMT K omna.


■ - 'I

V«M>Tnnto Ttot Ut.
ba«« h«B «mM freto* to t««fc o*
to BNltood dartac IlM pMt
nn«74oar kean aat lha Hat «W
toatotoaa te toacb latraaaa* arbaa
eoawaalnltoa kaa baa laalotal aik


r* -

mm vf ! mmwy. Th^ npmrt
ttmi a
wm P|rafi€*i rdIA
S that 4a4aMwi. wHa N Mt M iMhady havin* haatd anythins aboat
at %yfst; aNMlaS «p M fli. tbafliNl.



Partian of Randolph Strati Eaat
Jfwwood Avanua May Sa
Sandad Saoavaa of Actiona
of tha Coaatara.


•tater.that J;h«v


By awamMOdtat m««<.

M.-II III wpo«»a
ibM.Wb. a«l MtmH tobcntw b.«
bMb IbitoLl by tb. mad Jury for
ooapllelty la the altofM fiaadi In
•h. aoadaet at It* N«r Taek Ur* In


■Dim IT


wna faadms hla hana. ht diaaev.
arod that^ana af them waa dead.
aaaHng IS away ap th« hack part of
tha laL
Yaaterday aa Mr. Nawhauaa waa
ahawt to glva the ethara their
hroakfaat he naClaad a hen making
her way ta the eeep wHh her hack
eavarad wHh lea and anow. Sy
IWIawhig her trncfca Mr. Newhauea
dtaoaearod that they lad to tha
pUwa where ha had thrown
body of the apparently a
chickan two woaka pravioualy. Tha
iDOdy vmn gone mvd .a close
apM^tiofi showed that tha
oovarad fowl waa tha name <
that had bean thrown away

**That s the end." aaid
he daahed the glaas lo the Soor and
then sinking into a chair aalA "Phone
for the doctor."
r. Laskey was excited by the
reallxatlaa of what his feUow workCoroner Prank Holdsworth viewed lan had done, but nuhed to the tclcthe remains of C^vin Benwarr. who booe and aunimooed a physician.
Charles EMsterday was at the then
tocjkhlsown life at the asylum yester­
dying man s side while l^skey teleday. and mfter'hearing the story of
Waller Laakey dcemfsl an inquest fan
Mr. Lnako aUted that Benware had the poison had done its work and In
called him to his room, where he was aboKit t«n mlDutea from the lime that
Laskey saw the glaas dashed Into
standing as If preparing to ahave.
-LWllver those lettefs." he said and fragments on the floor. Benwaro had
pointed to two addressed envelopes passed from this world.
The sad ness was u»ld Mrs. Bcnwhich lay on the table.
Laskey gUnced down at tha wuje by Dr, J. M. Wilhelm and a
P. Bums about L o'clock yesterday,
and she refpsed to believe It.


TMtaiSny aftai^oon Chla< of Police
Aahton lookad Into tha dmuar and
that tha aladB were eomlng Si
fnr down tha atr^ m Rtapnn'a meery atore or over a half mlla f%ai
One big bob aled made fire
aleigba giva them the right of way.
A police oftcer waa aiatiooed at the
hill mat eTantiig.i
Whan tha ooaMlng tarminataa. nt
ImwoQd nvcnue ^cre la not much Inmvaolance to driven but when they
nra forced to drive nt the aide of the will ghortly Leave the City to Prsctics Hie Profaaatofi In Grand Raproad for blocks the matter is different.
Ido and GifU Ware Tokens of
tha Lodga'e Eataem.


By Wlra to the Mreslng RmwC
Philadelphia. Dec. ».-PraaHtei
J. Onaaait of the PemraylvaBla
. road died at l o'clock thla after
day Sut Shewed MN Remark,
of imnri dlaeaae with which he had
nhla Nerve.
bees til for aome time. He waa hatter
kdolm aa a nllroed expert thaa any fipeeini to the Evening Record.
othdr man In the country.
-lUamabnrg. Mich.. Dec. 2*.Orover Hammond, aged 21. eon of
Charlea Hammond; eo badly cut throe
toes on his right foot that one of them
Waa Salsad WHh
had to he ampn^ted. Despite
In Vialant Farm
fact that be was anffertng grrot
he walked n half mUe to tha home of
WlUlnm Oopeinnd knd wna taken
'By Wire JU> tha Rvanlng Raeacd.
thero to wminmfharg. wbero Dr.
SL UMdA Dec. n-Adolphai B
>tnoe attended to hU Injnrtat.
war. la dying
Mr. Hammond wna choppinc tftaa tor
at hit hosm In At UmM.


noiiriag In the moal rlolant 1

ad nt 9 o'clock thU monilni

pr. I. A. Thompson.
■pooB. pat) exsUod nilcr of (l>*
s. At Ue cloo* of Dm r«irai»r
otookw Exalted Ruler H. O. Jop^t auaotmeed to the lodse that mriou.
ebarpea bad been preferred asalnxi
one of the prominent member., upc*
wbicb immediate action waa demaaded Dr. Tbompaoo waa than called
(OonUancd on Rmttb Pate.)

Our $3.00 Boot is the Skating Boot"tor
women. It is staunch, warm and com­
fortable and well adapted for
storm wear.

Bachant & Floscoe.

Sake on

YoawUl wont aiMar
of these if you did not
get a pair at ^Christmas time
And we have a good assort­
ment of them at


Drag Store

Complete Houscliccplgt
I New Piano
1 Kimball Organ
1 Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap

Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.
' _


' BalaDce of oar tample
lional from our

III mm
Special to the Breniiig Record
Chicago. Dec, 29.—The ttiarri
Mre. VirgtoU Lull and Dan B. Carter
of Traverae City. Mich
Moaday at the home of the bride's
iNtlMr hero. Mr. aad Mrs. Carter will
apHM the wlBler
tat Mooue
Motile ena
and New I
later m


Ur stock at



To dc»e
Goods ;
as •

Telephones, Office. Citizen* 32; Bell 169. .
Evenings, Citizens. 290

Mioe ami a few addi-

Onn E. Carter pf Thla City and Mra.
Virginia Lull Ware United In
WasRhy Oil Man Waa Blaain
Whllt Feeding Pnrwnea.
Ahlg. WRS kOM hr «n cuctrtc
By Wlra to the Bvanlnf Baaofd,
cur Rt Cteponl'a eroastag RMtr Farm*
rindlay. 0„ Dec. It:-Whlle p
At 9:90 tbU ■wnUBg.
coal la hU fnmaee laat night J
Kelly, a wealthy oil man. tosdM
electric light wire and wna tnatanlly
On nnMs and IM in Htock.*
Mro. H. M. THihNiv
RoMw 1A WUMrtMd RMcIl


Sirong, durable shoe, for men alto, dutt lUe thing to hold
the akate. SS.50 OF $4.00.



If there is some friend that you would like to
make a return gift to for New Year*' come
here: while our Christmas trade was excellent
we have some very snappy good things left
that your friends would appreciate.
Just now we are offering some exceptional
values in Suits and Overcoats that we know
will Jnterest you.




Make it a>ctuni Gift

Women’s Wi

of any store reveals a
Dumber of article* which
should be *old, whether
or no a profit can be re­
alized, in the sale^
We begin our inven­
tory today and we will
find such item*, and if
gains droo in on u* dur­
ing the next few day* and


alltfra that for*ory vaa coautt
by wbk-h lana blockt of ft
alack wart tmnaforrf>d to tha New
York Soraty and Truat conpahy. ao
that tha New York Ufa eould aeeninily coBply with the Oormaa Uw
proUkltliic a Ufa Inturaoca roopany
from owning atock. In thia deal M.
At the regular meeting of Traverse
M. Mattlaon. a elark. and a negro
City lodge. No 222. Benevolent and
madbnfar named Marahall an> said to
Protective Ord<‘r of Elks last night, i
hntra glTon notea for hundreda of
grant surprise was sprung on P. I A
thonuda of dollara.
Farklnt Indlctad.
Naw TorA
fk-fThe grand Ten Thouaand . People An Facing
Want Thl'a Winter In the Central
|yry today hrooghi in an indicimem
Part of tha Empln.
dgnMat C. J. Perklna. partner of J
Pfarpont Morgan for oompUe^ in the
New York Ufa Inanrmnee franda.
By Wire to the Evmtng Record.

Victoria. B. C.. Dec. *L—China tohaa
N-idad to appeal to ICnrope and
America for fl.2Sn.aoo for the relief
of anffercra la cenirnl ChiM, where
10,000 Chlneae art- fnctng atdrtratloo
thla winter.
naae Waa th# Caata—Waa
Knawn Railway
af the Country


Cailad Waltar Laakay. a Fallow A1
andant had Ocaifiad tha Fatal
Glaaa in Hla Prananca. Than
Aahad far tha Ooctora.





Tha ke which baa oorered the city
for the past week haa brought delight
to the heart of many youngirtera who
and they have indulged
In the fan to anch an extent that the
and a portion
of Randolph atrt^ enat of Klmwood


CtojPBto «to ■

Sfiaadally whara ha waa JM yaar.



I h* to toeatot to an

Aatnw ih, ttow

to tba wont la tbiny yaata. At)
mat ttart* atb lha aoalh aa« I
bafgfc to aoatoaMaly au>i>a«4.





A Word to j Our

Fifty to sixty suits in
winter weight CMsimere goods, sbo single
suits in fancy wonted*

▲boot twenty to thirty
dagle oopte, alao few
eoatp twn to three aiies
o(e kind left

atOM-foorOi Off




We know you will be repaid for a little extra
effort Ob your part to get down town early in

the morning.
‘ .r
- There will be some of the best bargains offered
tomorrow that have ever been offered Jn thisxity,
and of course the best will be picked up in a hurry.

^ .
?; j'




v,\- .

YWK avtiinMi mteoma, TmAvcass ctTV. mcHMAit



am pww


. ^1.

occsuta k '


try Ftsssaar ThM at the Home of


FIvt Tamil CHy PbgpU Wa^ Oa
Dm OragMi Wblab Was Km
at leant two ftfU sad a large
aack of caady. dms sad omggm
uaeboga. Owe of tbt bast gtbi was a
maimnfb b&c of Jobnaum^a'Btoe Kibbaa chaeolatda wbicb waa gtraa to

mufmam at rnmn at r.m


tf. lodga. lfa ga tadk gtoga laat

•la fUrtieaa Ware Qhma Owl bi
may Caaaa and game Raaahmd

umm Mmmrn m Lam
Them a Waal|.

eamdated of M. i. F, Uafbei
M. Mohala sad tbe
J. U

tlUbtgd focmad pan af a firy pffttj

pialB MMaalle of fb4 Ideal eaepa
of tbe Bafeailaa Armyjwaa Uttm
elenmd today by an Beeglag Reeord
■BMINdhi fogaid ^tbeaamdlof tbapoor paople to |be oUy. He
stated tbat tbe eaaeo of ogtertag were

Tbe Hub adjoamed at a tote boor,
girtag Ulsa amttb a vote of tbaaks
for one of tbe moat enjoyable tlroeu
to Itu blatorj. the a«rt meeting wUl
hr at tbe borne of Ulna Nmtie Wort

Ofitv A nw urrr.

Otr • fwm ^ mm
um^ mme wrn^ ufL w
ytt mwrntm —)

ym M mUM %» •«• frtt W «

M amt gad da bsfd maaahl tohar.
la re^rd to tbe wall ffOai tbe CadHlae Hews tbe capUJa waa of the ocObtbal tbe wrher bad lumped to


m am Mrtef li abooM r> u
iHibf nun raXhar ikm to tlio mu
ku vmir at IMw* mi Ui# b««y moo
M tUM tb 4o tbot wbMi U ubod
wbtta Urn tdla mu vlll be inmUuf
Ml mnme for tuA doUg it
hm iMfMd tbe rmu Moret of bow
to Mlm Umo boat Ib atarr mr
tbmo are otng* moamou u4 mUutei
bM tlm VB7 in vhkb Umee ore aimot
MormlM Oe ehoioeter of tbe
U mr ma spoot to tdlenem. tber
art wmm m If tbej ore ttUM for
mm tuk, tinr wIll aid tbe an
aibtoc a mmoeu in bU life.
la baolBbw tbia U oapet
aolfcmoble aa tberd are ibm «bo are
Imajr from tbe time tb«r
atom nntlJ tbe time tber bwre
friaptta tbla tber alware bare Ume
4o aeooBipUab extra work, to mk to
a Cftoaier. to aid a clerk. Other
ama mill ba aoUoad who aeapa to bare
a gitat aaMWBt of lelatra ret tber
mm baea time to keep tbeir flUfeni
oa tb^ dataUa
▲ ronat man aUrttaf out la life
bboald lean aartr tbal Haie li a
tblag arltboot prtet altboagb It i.
tmkf^rrnL He abooM imn that a
It oonalaU of |net ao
a inaar
and be should* me them to
tbe beat adrantafe.
Of eooraa there are tiroes when a
net U nseaaaary and tbe Ume Is appanaUr waited, but It is not. nature
la aalBf It to boUd up the worn

ecnaa. Idling U not wasting beoanse
tbf mind U genanUIr haunted with
tbt tboa^ of aomMblag that abould
ba ioaa ang wbmi It U tn that state.
It la wnridag just aa bard aa erCr.
vTba maa who wtwba bard, nsu
bard-wbon be woilca. he works and
wbaa be reau. be roats, but tbe Idler
mm neltbar weH. When be works be
does It half beartedlr abd therefore
nmm weU and wbmi be ream ha doaa
not ealor it like the b^worklng
A maa mar work bard and glre up
the beat that U In him uU his life and
atear aMompilab a giwai aacceaa but
wbaabagaallj lan dewa his load, be
dOM ao with tbe aaUafaetkm that
what be baa done, was to tbe best of

, bU capabmtr.

krialmaa Day wadding
land at Dm Hama ef t
r4paela] to the Eveaing Record,
i latertocbea. lllcb.. Dee. M^Ftank
K Morford aad Mlaa Com May White
ware anlted la marriage at tbe borne
' of the brtdeb pareou CbHstams dar
by tbe Ber. B. W.

m at poor people m Ml »wmy
pounds or beef at one altflag. hudeadoraamacfaeaMla
gave oat oa aa auamM. provWoi
lb to laat aerural rtoya mad I
ml oaaaa eaongb to laat a weak
oae aam tbat of a widow who
wren eblldtwa sad Fbo mal
r living by washing, two big
■ of meat were put Into tbu bas^
«Mdd«« a aoup bone, tnsklag d»eat
enough for al Kbe meuls of tbe week
least amount of meat pot Into
any one basket waa aeven and
half pounds and this waa for a tomlly
sting of two paafle.
AbiMt one hundred aM thirty bai
keto were pot out. ao^urate count
lout beeuuse of the fact tbat R
got so dark tbat tbe driven oouldut
the boom aambon Md Uwy
brought back guHe a numb^. lliwe
waa only one plaea of mobt left
upUln lataadM to nae tbat for
and bis family but toda,
waa discovered tbal an old soldier i
looked and this aftetnooa tbat was
mt out also.
That the baskets were iatended for
more than oae meal Is shown by the
ing aummary of the contents
of each oae:
One-balf buahel potatoes.
One peck of applet.
Two loaves of bread.
One pie.
One large guart of beaaa.
Oae pouad of pork to go with tbe
About nine or ten pounds of bwf
on an average,
One Obiistmaa g'ar Cry.
Ia addition to this there were also
number of lltUe things, such as coi^
fee sad isa. which were bicluded as
kmg aa they lasted. ,
All the Invalid! on tbe list rece«vc<l
cblekea mad there were quite a
number of tbaae given out.
Aa wRI be area from tbe list It
would be Impoaatble for even a large
and very hungry famny to dispose of
b^Hs to one meaL A great
number of the rwHptenu of tbeee haskcu were people^ who. while not
actually In want, yei only ivked out a
exUtenoe from day to day. The
ma>Jrily of them were people too
proud to ask for assliUnce and who
would never have sbosm themselves
•d there been a public dinner
On the grst Saturday of the new
•ur. tbe junior uoldtors win be eoiollrd, the ceremonies Uklng place In
the evening On Sunday evening tberr
wlU be tbe dedication of the bablea
n Monday evantog the cblldien's
demonstratloo will take place, conI of a proghun by the ehlldren
and It to expected tbal then* will be
also glfu for the young folks.

MASQURRADK skating party. New
about twwty gveaU and amo^ tboee
pneont from out of town were Ur. Tear's Bre. Julius Campbell.
dec a-moo wed«at
and Uba. Jeaae Johnson and Ur. and
Mn. WbodnB of Uealok. Ur. and
Un. UeUagblln and UUa Gladys

MUiaagbltn of Tbm
Aflar tbeoafOBOB
Mr was aateol the wnW oake
bilag beautiful Indeed, the
frienda of Ur. and Urs. Uorford wlab
them much bapplneaa and Joy. Ur.


,K%.m c.


to Cedar GRy on Tueaday. lan. S.I
IM7. at 10 a. m.. aU are cordially to*|
yitod to attand.
Jobn Batoagtr. Pruaidei




ili±r iJiSSs
iiiss 1b“S2u,

The riauds bartog been diai
of Toastmaster R. B. Flood euDe
aasembly to order sad aa eueelleat
am was giren. On the pragrmm
were fire Trarenw Crty people.

Wrebner. who appeared to a
antoa. making a big bit by rendatlng
one while he played bis Own aceom
pagtoseat oa the ptano; XL B. Holley,
wbo gave rMltaflons: Mrs. K. K.
Horat to voeal aoloa; Farm C. Gilbert,
wbo gave a very intereatlag addreas
oa **Tbe Ftood of a OoaT and Prof.
The fallowing was II
», every number I
rtru. •Criterion

We would rather j[et




OoM w Md M tki* MmbMtar.
WcateoMU tb»


I Ihvento^ Slule

Tbe ^asam know Mm and appcoclaie
btowork,andaodoMaMlawcfmftoman. but tbat to alL BwMd tbam ba
la unknown, natboogbt or. Bis work
gDsa out Ittto tbe world to dellgbt and
to ho admlrsd. but It brings to Mm
SritorsAby DmS
wbo waar with pride a garment be
made than tba map to from whose
back tba wool was abaarod tbat wsat
to Ml maklag.-Amerlcan Tailor abd


Come ia and look them over.

J. W. SLAlUt


and now tbat tbe -Christmas
bnytog It over you'll have time lo i
tend to tbe needs of your TKKTH!
Banquet Toast, R. B. Flood, toast
Come here for Filing. Crown or
dataa befo^ gtotaf tbtm to ebSdren.
or. far tbat matter, to any one. Tbeir Bridge work-an examination does not
•olo. aalected. Mr. SkHcher.
awoetneas attracts Insects, and tbeir neeesaarlly mean that you must have
Solo. -UfFa Lullaby.- Mrs. Horat.
work done, but Ifs well to have tbe
Oothat nolo. -I4«rie.- polka.
teeth examined reguUriy.
Yet SMri people mam never to think
Reading. -MehUabla Byrd.- Mr. of tkto at aU. Waakliig wlU not Impair tbe fla
On tbe contrary. It
Cde to tbe
OrcbeMfi. -Battle of tbe Waves.right and touch as weU aa to tbe
-Tba .tdMbakto-. W. B. Campbell^
Solo, aeioctod. Mr. Skelebor.
-Tbe Udlea,- W. a Johnston.
Oolfl^*cnDcUtocod bad tpt ttia tomSokl^’-^Vng Tbiwugb The Rye.' pw.J^eren oa a golf comae one wiU
Mrs. HoiuL
Siait Bami St^ulinc
-Tbe Grlp,Vlolln solo. -Ave Marla,- Prof
or goto -bunkered- be may throw
club about atkl use a little bad ton-A Square Deal.- Prof. J. F. Math- goags. but be will not accoae tbe op­
ponent of cheating and raTnaa to apeak
Solo, selected. Mr. SkHcher.
tbe nnfortunate pereon for tbe rest
Reading. -Fbur Travelera.- Mr
tbe day. which a croquet player freHolley.
Comet aolo. selected. Mr. Klrcbner
AWv* toto tacMMw
-coin.- the Rev. J. a Deels.


f VUfiW January 1st ?>. *

before Mkinginveotory the fint of the
yeiir. lor ooe week «e «n| luke a Ug G) r f reduction on all our goods. It Will be
worth your while to call and lee ui.


Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store.


Grand Rapids Furniture Ca
127 S. South Union Street

Tha Hannah & lay Merpantile Co.
• THE Bit jSTORE ' -Deahfs in Ewiyiliiiit

•Soyoo have decided that Tallatera
■nnet mairy your daughter.-.
-XIoat aaanredly not; wunUtot ^ra
aucb a and Feaaant.*
-^ra t^tmnbto? la bo dlaripat^

Solo. Mr. Skelcher.
-The F\Jod of a Goat,* Farm C. Gn


Be baa an admen de
lose opinion of bimself. but Is In reali­
ty only a paper backed copy.--New
Tbe old aoMlcr had been telllnf his
nephews terrible atoriea of battle, and
they bad Itotened apHlboand for tu
niebard Qaniett, who died rer^utly.
boor. Then tbe eldest said:
after «rrlng In tbe BrWab mnaenm
la many cnpaHtlea tbrougbout Ida tons
Ufe, was ooe of the roost learned men
ly boy. If yoo live long enough England has ever bad. and bad a
jon'U Sod out tbat It's never wuO to
Ooe who had vainly nought for tortin^wsy from dauger-mo nmtter
what; but you will probably meet with famatlon coocemtng a cerUln aujeet
dons when you'll see wbat a giand
on tbe eonttoswt met DrJ it la te rigbi-abom-fseo and Uamrit and told him bto needs.
charge la tbe otqmaUe direction aasfsst
-\Vc have only ooe bosk In the
as you can go.loseum touching upon that You wUl
find all you want on imge MO.- replied
Dr. Oamett. naming tbe title.
XUrie Cabin and Eugene Cowles
Demerara. In Riitlab Gnlana. waa at
reiw chatting while off stsge during
•e Ume a regular peat bola. RIO of the
ne of^the performancea of •'Marrying
Rogrml artlUery barinff fftod tbrne to
But. owlqg to Irrigation,
paid CowRg -coUirea serv.
all.tbe latest sanitary Ironta are funny. In my study at 1^
la. aa the sdvertlidng gag
have nmnoiwua ptetufua of tbe «Bua.
to now a bealth^
mlaiis* bung
One looniig my mkn Csrsar was fuaslnA alKHtt
nd totog np, triilM
wbOt II waa
wma at
at work.
work. Be
lookid over tbe pleturea.
as be
ItotnbeffDmldtff riTC ChiMbtr.
done a tnouaano vimra bedora.
ItiR’tOMrb Reme«y
•Say. Mr. Cowlea, did yw F
rrs« It is perfectly
sing de -Messiahwhen yoo











WantlSwiie ^
Good Fuoitoro?

r *M

THOSE tbat use spring wheat floor
ir bread will be coovlaood by <ma
IDBAL blended spring trial of IDBAL spring wheat flour
tbat R ia superior to any on tbe markeL

side Boards.

bevri mlrrorm. three tarfo drawer*, two silver

Eton’t Forget
Wbea thinking abou^ Xmas presents that a chande­
lier, pretty shade, pocket flasher and

Portable Table Lamps
make the very best kind of a present. We have all
of^them in stock, at the right prices. Come in

“ *J.B. Paige Electric Co.


...... .


• you wtU ba eobrinoad.


• i



.................................................................. ................................................................................................................... ....................... .......................................................................................... ■ ■

& F.



nto«*B»c« fiiiri Irfrr «l flw Bceorti cvoy FMi^. nilstolwipyMiMwMk
ymm aatitey tayticnidwc htUew* yom wH appredaiell cMSfli lobvy IhMe Ital


taT* *^*^*'^ ****TL?^iyj i"f7

HtTf^iyLit l« SPfJS!||}!i lo«aw3L^ wmA ytm rto«M five Omm «m« pap^irL
■ pM4aatlwtalilD •• «Mva towa piMW la stmt «r«cn aai Owy wH ke 4dlvcre«




l . ^ ., ;
bi^ On


Spring Chicken. . . ;
^ _

Youwtirfindthis ell fresh

Tlia!| the Bread of


J •

TheBay Packing Co
oil. :ri7

Bell so

Bot for s pan. hnUlifal
cream of tarUr hAing pmr.
tier at a raasoosble price wc


411 S. Unioo'SL

4Cai$ef-ft«1tr • 2Se
4CiitofCtif8r • 28c
But why boy a poor


1-lRSTThey are of the highest

‘kav* CaaBcd
They are made from the
choicest grain.
ai on
THIRDIrcak bbA »cw, at
We use the very latest
improved machinery.
prk«« e«ttlatart ^
Tbcy are pure and hon­
estly made.
Ask your grocer for them.

1. 4:-


of Glen Arbor

H la.
town tndny.
Mnt. I>r. Burke U Alavlng wll
BTof>m Af |»rp»fmt.

Reasons why the sale of

are increasing every day.

profile to dance srere tbe Cmwtea who
adopted dancing aa a maik of rejoldag

to VAr. a c.



ST^id! R t. $»w.

O. Crotae aad wife tl Val
In eerly times the Greeks csanblned
to. eec. 1. Tjrs. R
danelac with the drama, and In 23 a entlne Unden. parrela.
TO. t€25.
a pantomimic dawea were IntrtMluced
ontbeKonansUge. At tbe dlsrurery
of America* the Awericgn Indiana ^*110.
srere bolding th«4r rellgloas. martial,
Auditor Oeneral to Dnvld Bow
and loctol danrea^Ksebange.

Tbe Mliieee Hattie and Oeorgh
i attended Ih©
eruuud the e«lge sboold be s decoratlan
er Siam for each state In tbe Uakm.
When the rblaa arrlt^ and the bar
rareree aty callern Met waelL
fvto were opened It sraa foond that
Dr. G. rralick waa in town fTneeninny more stars had been used than dayon profeertooal bualnee..
tbe order demaaded.
Mre. Robert Brofwn to on
Ihe denorntor was esiled. and srhn tot. Her many friend
asked vrbat It meant replletl eooUy:
MereFs regime la lUly
set t»f itilns to be need

■a.I I’nion


liltam MltebeU to Ada Mlbebell.
The refMtl Df the rMaUm to ui wsm»s. W. 14 md M. bik. 4,
asll^Dd of tbe pablle to boy a product, P. H.'« md. tlMS.
UKiad, n«kwtth to
however 0erltorieiia,\5hlcli bore the
-tfwat taint" was too. moeb for the
promoters, and tb^ hire annomwsd
Lnate M. Part* to Syfreeter Brown.
that they have foond their pkao of eH Of lot t. and all of lot 7. bik, 1. P.
eeoDmrlc comblnatloo -anworkabW*' H.*» 3rd. Iltte.
Jay C. Yotoig and wife lo SylToMer
ahd that U has Isern tertnliialcd.-PhU.
Brown, lou 17 and 18. blk. 4. P. H.'s
adelphto Ledger.
3rd. 812t0.
auveeter Brown and wife to frank
People hath danced for thoaaanda
of ymrs, awl will prabably eantlaiie
to do so for ages to rooie. Thia eaa>
Ibner and wife to IctioL
ton to of aneient ortgla. The Irat'sus- T-'

Prime Rout Beef.



It ofUu «
iftactiioo, but ytm iMgr
tAke it Rt t foMiA rule
w t adfke, it U worth


b«M r-kwed Friday

e yoo It
money.cfwt yen any
tree at £aat KanKm laat
niEbt and all report a good time.
It has doubtless occurred to many of
Ud Tremaln h^d Ih© misfortune to us that the stiff surched collar could
hurt one of hU feetbe dUiw&ned with, w Itb all accessories
Mildred AlIlDfcton la on the alck of studs, buttons. bf^Uonbooka. and
laundry. It to a» nnoomfortable ad­
junct to tbe rfotblng of tbe civilised
©me City Yialtora ThurmdAy.
Ous IxMiE and wife of D. H. ^ s man, anyvray. and now we Icam from
rbltodelphto that Alexander Akom. 40
camp were In low
Trareme City visitors from this years old. was found ddhd in bis chair
place Saturday were the Misses Grace stmngbHl 1o death by a Ugbt stiff col­
Klnjt. Minnie Brown. Bertha Doll and lar which be wore. Mr. Alcorn was In
Ida Dull.
a weak state of health, and the iftiyMrs. Purkiss It here raHnjt
her Rlctou stoted that the presstue of tbe
dauEiiler. Mrs. Bert Md^ughlln.
ir on bis neck while sleeping
Ussl© Ryker and bottle Fisher are tight kjoltar
s to spend the hoUdays.
•Chiarie. Borough to cutUng logs for
P. 11
laitantly answwed
-He who
able.** remark^ the Ob- bad bm arreatfd for flghtlag.
“A packer? Hogsr
•rrrer of Krents and Thlaga.—Toe-Some of ’em are begs, your 1
ker. rnateaman.
rm a street ear rooductur.*’

Traverse City Mitiing Co.


Cma« eve at the M. E.
Ily Inv
and M

on Tneeday Uet. a girt.
Mr. and Mrm. Owmr Price and tnfanl daughter Dorothy, atd ^r^ur
Buxey. left PrWay for Milwaukee,
wl^ they wUl .pend tbe bolldayi
with retaUree.
Mr. uid Mr.. R K. Ch«»n«-!*eot
to Trsrerw Cty to «»od Ibj d»y

____ _______
C. Netooareturn-

The finest Flour is
absolute essential.
. especially for cakes and pastry. Our
‘'BEST" brand b a flour that never yet
has been surpassed for all round baking.
Its flavor is flne and delicate, it has flne
’ body, and is full of those nutritious qualities
so desirable in a family flour. TRY IT.

to. Refreabmaou were nenred
and all report a Jolly time.
Mtoa Teaale. mid her molbar. Mrm.
Mted at Jofin Broom


&. Lay Co

JMlili Sielir & SmsYMrOMly livlRB


expenses a-on't mount up so
latgnifyour meat bill bear*
our name and address at the
top. Meat b an expensive
item, to be sure, but we keep
it as small as possible consbtent srith the serving of choice
cots of tender meats.
RemembeB we handle every­
thing in the line of meats.



Mr. and Mrm. Floyd Seibley of thto
place mtaitod Salnrday hmlnt tot
the month part of the mlate an<| the

For Holiday Cooking

In loU of COO and 1.000 to aupply the eaormooa
storeiL In thla way we aecure prleea Impoaatble
we offer a number of 8PI9C1AL BABOR1K8 In P
taken In trade daring
c; they are Y«T doMrable and for
at nboat bal/tiwlr A
-A good beginning mak« n good endlmr-ai«ke your Aral act
in IM? tbe pprobaBO of one of oar anperlor iHanae and U wlU bo n
year foil of plenanre nod happlnaea Ibr yov tamlly. Under onr
But PnyRMnt Finn yon may bare a pUno at obet and pay for It
Come and talk the matter i


TrawrsB Olf Slore:»^

WlU na.

159 fkFittit street

Tbe children
were very
Banu Oans waa not there to help
dlatribnU the preaenU. aa during tha
evening a telegram, waa received from
him aaying hi. reladeer had ran
away aad .mwhod the enUw. Ma|- .
Ing It Impomilbe to get here.

Next Sunday evening tbe Inarterly
comnumlan aerrlce. will be held.
There la to be a church boMnem
BmclUtloo—TlMlrtmaa In Heavcn.meeting, held tn tbe church this
Marle Bndrtclu.
Bible execetoea^-Nameo of Cbrtot
Mr. and Mrm. Cham. Obok aad danghGreen, Imabel T Rbeau. of Glen Arbor. pamMid
trough tomm on their way to Trav*
wed Name." mrhool
me Clly laat Thurndajr' fvturnlng
Amea. potato bey^. left f»w
Chkneo laat ThitoAmy lo be gone n
tatkm~-lf I ml
Clyde Groen.
g of the teom
lo tbe poblle ecboola In Chicago, to
ig of tbe Wind." BlUabeib 8orbome-mruii her paimta. Mr. aad Mm
Kellie Lambkin.
P. H. Mahn. tor the boHdaya.
long of tin
D. H. Day and family of Glen Haven
FloMle Green.
were gucts at Mr. and Mrm. Jerry
Harvey Sulllrmam last Thunulay.
Mrm. Wlllamm nf Uidlnginn wbn ha.
Reriutloo^-PMWW. Lore and Good been vUiting Mrs. lUonoi of M.pto
Will." Anna Dablgren. Nellie
aty, named through here on her way
kin. Oaudl© Putnftn.
Song—-Chrtotmac. Joy."
8anU heune. imt Tuesday.
Ml.. Mlnol.- Brown, prtm.ry learhClan.. Chrtmtmaa Sprtteo
er .t* (*Hy. pamed ihroogh
town last Saturday enronie to her
home at Northport. where abe will
spend her buliday racatloo.
Bd. Culver and Pred Demarm mrere
The funeral ibervlcw of Mrm. Emma Trsverm City rUItor. la.t Saturday.
Croaa Leonard were held at the
Mr. aad Mr.. Flank Vuman*. spent
chuieh here yeaterday mornlng in Cbrislmaa day at Honor.
Ktead of tbe oaual church
Mr. and Mrm. Albert FImber of Maptb
and the body wa« Interred In
aty. paeoad ihroogh town last TburmBiite Vinton. Cora SeoSeld day. enroute to Traverm aty.
and Mary SeoSeld are borne from
Irrtog Balote. who 1. aUendtog
tbeir acbooto for ibetr ChTtolmam
tbe Ann Artwr UniTermlty. to homo
amryn Hill took a car of potatoem with bla paronto, Mr. and Mm J/
to Baldmrln MM Batarday. which wer
billed for Booth Oaraltna,
Mr. Md Mn. Jtw VMek ud mo.
8. R Taylor baa mored bto famll
Spent Outotmaa la Traverme Oty.Into O. P. Marmb t honoe.
Herhert and Mnyme Solltoaa who
are attending ecbool In Traverw aty
are home for the holiday*.
Perry and
".pread" fumtohed
MIe. Grace King, teacher to the
MIm Soott la the
grammar department la the Mapl©
ocboo) until after New Y<
and then there mrill be ooeMoo. 1
aty mbool. pnamd through Uiwo,
the foUomrlng Saturday to make np lart Saturday enroute for Traverme
for tbe Monday M.
C. B. Gardner of KeymtoM vi
Harry Palmer spent Christmas to
with hi. niece. Mrm. Bwyn HIM. tael
week. Mr. Gardner expecU to leave Traverme Ctty.
noon to mpend tbe reamlni^ of the
Mima Bertha Dull cf Maple C4ty wmi
winter In \Trgtola.
a Trarerm© City vteftor tost Saturday
What might have been a eei
accident occurred on the Ice taet Fri­
day, when Roy Waugh skated Into
bole. Aa It was be eeeaped mrttb a
tbofoogb wetting and tbf Ices of one
UI for the past two nmsha. to name* Mr* and Mrm. Wm. Corry and
C<»4. uid h«r brMMr



OMAb MkAUIater baa mnrod
family Into Mn. BwartooUo b
I of town,
of the fricto
A merry
Dr. C, W.
borne laat Satnrday ereolng to rmnlnd
him that the faUomrlBg day waa tbe
annlveimary of bto birth. They report

Grimiell Bros.
If you RT© Koiug to blurt the N©» Yewr with W PIANO U wUI be
decidedly to your RdruDUge to com© Rud kec us.
We have tbe World's leadlRg nmkcM. Inchiditig tbe 8TE1HWAT.
tbe 80HMSR. the BTERUNG, tbe KRAKAUBR. the WBGMAN. tbe^
guRutoe PIANOLA PIANO, etc. etc* We are rJro Ptoao MaimfRctuiecsRRd our own make, the ORINNELL BROS, to regantod by moalckum mod ertUca aa being one of the vw flneat and aaoat arttotic

•: -i

--f- I


«d Saturday ereolng from their TtoIt at Chicago and Milwaukee.
Archie Lederte went to Tr^rerto
Ity. returning In the evening, j
Mr. and Mrm. Bnil Admit of Traverme
CHy are mpeodlng Xma. with her
Mr. and Mrm Z. B. Rlnnbaw.
Ribble of Ba« Jordan H
mpendlng a few days with bto parent.,

■us. VnlMk


^ UOa placa. tmt lo Monroe laat
Batarday, to apend the hnltday Aacntlon.
Pied Bmot and wife of Bnrdickmio. did oboplng tn Tmrorto aty
laat Monday.
Byitm Marrln of Weal KaaooM
naa In Trareroe aty last Briday.
Next Soaday ©ventag at the hour
for the Ghrtotian Mbdeavor. Mrs.
John WhUm of Bokm. will giro a
port of the BabbaU ochool cooTentkm
bold at JaxAmm.
Tho OirioCmaa oxoftdom wbkA
wefh held to tbe chmth on Monday

-Hbka. Ma 1 and t. bik. 2. OiiffW A
Mrm. JoBa CkappaU to Haiton Awtoor. lot tt. Tillage of BtocAwoo«J|7«.
Fotot Conrtnde and wife to Joka N.
kMtnade. umbor on ewM of nti| eee.
» T 37. R
ka O. Tatmaa aad wtfetoB^H.
[k. lou 18 and It. Keeto Mttoewu

Baking Powdor



T », R It, ntti.
Bui Brito of MapM Ottn to hripiag
CUra M. Gordon lo Pmak Volhiha.
IM 12 and 13. Wk. T. H. U A Onli dib noaal oenta ef ncttrlty and
In the Bv^ alara. mnu Mr. Maoon.
ekoer. La«» mwwAo nttoadod tki
who wag hnnod on badly Mot wook,
Ttota and tbe tnlotnot in the proginma
abla to bo In the more agMn.
wna komi. Tbe pngnma aro r
J. P. White, of M«le CUy wna tn
John BMiiMk and wife to Flank
Trarerao aty laM Briday.
Kotea. lott.Mk. AH.L.ftOo.>trd

coUtoloo while BkatJag on the pond

tootl n eery good time.


tk« toMtar ud «bool. A. lb« ««rein* cMld not to told ia th« fnrratBc
Wm nmoo dkitoMd Ito mm wd;
d»IW M
l7 nodtoid uid cmtlr mlorxl br Mi;

TluycM cmr.






ttmmr PfM Mmm €#'■


A daitofy


sMTi mils

li—kwyin wo «lw»t« t»

Doiuld »«. ih. lJ r~f-otd ««

Tha tittto fallow hoA a MMibar ^
bM eompMUrcIf frw vtohUloi
ClM» Manor law bat ibooa wbo mi
Uthic the MUor tbtlik tkat vkUa tkr
clranUf out U brtft* done bottled

kla ffioiidt In to a ChitetiiiaMifaa Miri
dnwtad aa tbe nMrrr aiint kte

Out Of thiftJ wr forty

of tem oporing from Kalkaaka. Bbar
man. Manlatae. Patoakey and other
potau. Tbe drBaaatSc work U being
reviewed by the team and one rebearaal will be held
night. The degree work wDI be given
In StetoberTk grand opera house and
the Idg banopet at tbe Oty opera
iMMie. under the auperrlalon of C. 8.
Carla, who U an expert In mnklng np
tee baaoaeta. . Brery mamhar of the
Older of which there nra upwarda of
300. Is looking fOrvnrd to this avant
with grW antk^loiia for a good
time. The executive commlUe
vltca all of tbe members to egop
to make this ooe of the biggaat fra­
ternal aaeeaapra ever held In Trav.
eraa Oty.
Tbe committee Is gelttag vak

Tonlad te tart that there wna hardly
n fraak coonttY egg ta tha <
One graosr i
In George Oralkahnnk’e OteibuA a
abmt ttvad pariadieij fditad hy teman

An Iriahmnn uma racanUy traveling
In n train aenomgo">o* by h min
when two vary stout lad las an

we get a gllmpae iff ftapoleon Bona-

llter2ir“*^rh'52 mIml Fto



idnee that time* haa been etoetad to
the- higheat oTAoe In the local lodge.
He la about to leave Trareree City for
Oraod. lUpMa to engage la hla practko V medicine whl the teetlmoolal
of lant nlgbC la behaK of the membera
waa In appiedalkm of hla nerrlcea In
the lodge and hla Muence In bolMlng
JtaptolUpraaenthVghatandafd. Dr.
Tkompm w«l .leave .next, week for
Grand lUfdda to make that hia permanem home.
After initiatory work upon one can
dldate. a beefatoak aopper waa aerved
In the dlnlnx room, which waa enjoyed
by the darg^. nuetber* of membera

And Not In tha Wild and Woolly West
Did Thaae Mild FaativlUaa
Last Saturday night, two of the
Walhina boja and John Brown of
camp 11. went to a dance at Ira
Siarkf. where Sam Watkins became
JeakHia Of a young man by the t
of Delbert Fbrdncy. who waa dancing
with hla clri. Watkins tried to Jlck
FOrdnry alone, and then hla broil
went to hla aaalatance, Fbrrincy m
put them out of Inialncaa. Brown then
drew n gun and fired six shot
Fordney. only one taking effect, strik­
ing him In the right thigh, ^makl
tisd wound, pr. Bca^-er waa c
and dnraaed the wound and Fbr
fa dolag well. A warrant waa laaoed
for Brown, but at this writing he baa
not been found. Brown la only
>-cara oW.~llancelona Herald.

care for me.
Mr. DeBolae from southeni MichYoung Hmband-Why. my love,
Tltlilng hU aunt. Mrs. Wm. what mn you be thinking of T You are
dearer to me 1
-It Isn’t to.
' Mrs. O. V. Holmaa made a trip to took xnaala gt
before we were marrlrd.' and yoa
Traverse City last Saturday.
Ella Brackenbery went to South aearcriy torched anything. Ma aaM
Boardman Friday to spend Xmas with she knew you were truly In love ha
auae you bad no appetite.BanneU from Soutbem
-Of eourae, dmr. but”Miphlgao comat today to spend the
-And now you are actoany eonq^lnwtoler with hia brother. Bmeraon
ng Just bemuse I torgo|,to-gat .any­
At the apAIIIng atdicol Friday even thing for breakfaat --rearaon’a Week
lUg.' George Hodge spelled the school
down twice out of five Umaa. Alice
Hodge twice and Willie Uodga ance.



Tbe merchant was. nevertek
highly indignant with hlo lawyer
having ^ tbe dme. and aaM to hi
-If 1 had a son born an MSot
make him a lawyer."
anotlHT oplnlon.7 repM yoi
Choato coolly.—Harperta Wackly.

Anna a Cate la home from her paymaut of allmoay.- ootnp
adkool for a weak.
V. W. Harriiigtoii waa up to Proven at ber desk on tbe mornlag
-When I waa wm
tbe da.ra were ^ and deadly, but
now that 1 am fiee and MIe migtd ba
W. O. Dickerman lost one of
work horse* last week, that l
tlm third one In two years.
!>. B. Cate sad wife vlaltad at A. J.
White’s at Cedar Rub on Bundny.
^ohn Ferguaoo la cutting loga and
wood wUb Tom Good.
The children In the OeMt
school liad a CbrtaUnaa tree Friday
aftomoon witb Um help of the taachwhie gi Clark’s camp Sunday.
• Mrs. Allle Smith of Solan to

In tU arroont of tbe
apeka Cnpltdr made a
to the officer*, who were
tbe effect that Wllllani Allen While.
bled on the deck. He soon aCtar*
X Plog
went forward to tbe forecastle an
bat on tbe ocemaloo of tbe feadrtUes.
the people, and 1 found him there
That this atlegatlan resulted la ex­
Teralng wHh thaae amaag tem
treme perturbation on the part of
nnderatood a Utlla Fraoch.**
White !i eridenced by the telegram be
It seems erldeot that Napoleon
ta alleged to hare sent hla colleague In
pains to IngratUte himself with
crew of tbe I'ndannted daring tbe
-IVeny alamlnlely story that I wore
^ from rrejoa. Lord Rosebery
plrg bat. Mob forming about office
Fberiir refuses protection. Wife
-When be (Napaleonl left te todauntwL which conveyed him ta Elbe, arrka aftorocy with view to dlvocm.
the boatswain, op baPalf of te ahlp^ Printers threaten atrike."
company, bad wished him long lllh
and prosperity in tbe Ule of Elba and
China undertook by artlcie 12 of the
better luck next tlme.protocol to reform ber foreign ofllce.
Tbe good wtehra of tbe crew were
probably stMimlatad by tbe very lib­ All that has been dooe la to change tbe
of Tnnigll Yamen to Wal-wo
eral'present Napa^ made on leaving
the ship.
^ pu, and to alter the abaiie of tbe mliiTbe article In tbe Omnibm. which' luter’a table, which was formerly
appeared to 1S42, ded
round and is now rectangular. We
as approaching bit aerentieth year and confess, howe^v‘r. that a Chioaman
as baring been aareral times woundc
might meet our criticism here br
quoting lUuon. wbo discusses with
rery popolar w*«b vlaltora to Margate, groat xmvlty tbe effect on business of
and ooe of bla admlrert presented him long ublea and square tahlm reai»eewith a fully eqtilpned aallboat which tU^l.v. and declares that though these
be called tbe Old Klend. on which I ^«*ero things of form they are tbtogs
frequently aafled oat to tbe Good- of kul>stance. -For at a long table a
I and back.P.Loodoo Notes and few at tbe upper end in effect away
Mrs |*hHps and Miss Hattie Borden
all tbe butlnma."—London MpecUof Kalkaaka am to the city t
guosu nf Mrs. Alice Dennis of Web­
tlcuUrty fom of ItaU
ster street.
day be and Dr. BHh
Ernest Miller returned li
Austrian aoigsoo, rlafted Herr Wkb- you have no time to waste. If ;
from a visit in Kalamazoo.
contempUte doing aomathlng. bO
W. U Wilson and wife of Kingsley mann to Rama and .were invited to
breakfast alU romitoa. Tba boat's ba at It -PlttObUTg News.
were fo tbe city today.
cook. Mora, did ber preheat and tbe
Mrs. C. A. Ashmun and children left
anppl«D«iledberettorta. Brahma*
this morning for Uvlngston. Mont,
gbts were on the rianda be bad
where they will make their futun Juat enjoyed, tn Xn^rhumor be raised
the question whether It waa not Wa

John Mooney returned to hto homi duty to take back with him to Gerwife wbo conJd provide ao ad­
in Paine. Ohio, today.
Mrs. F. E George left for Big Rap­ mirable a meal aa Motg. Flnafty.WIcbinn, with mock acdooanaaa. prdaeat-^
ids thlo^orniiig. UffisHf to Mora at n atftor for ber
,Mra. C V. Haipcr relorned to her
nd to batelf af a ffaxt Oe^a art-A lady on a sultry summer afterhome to Big Bapida after vlatttog to Irt. moreover, be la n moalcUn.- be noon called oo some frlenda,- said
tbe city.
-The talk ^boxaed al«
biiakly. fans waved and te daughter
an­ of tbe boose kept twitching ub
nil day. 'Wbat aty rtmT
ing after vtalitog ralaUvca la the olty. swer waa daaalc. SbfiJoaUdatWicb-. fortably. frowning and making
then at Brahma from top to toe amorhered exclamatlooa of annoy
Hie Rev. A. J. Roftahol of Sul
Fteally with an Impatient aigh she
Bay pappad'through the city today on and. with an energetic jjertuT^
rose and left te room.
hla way to Grand RapWa.
-*Yoor daughter.' said te visitor.
Mra.^tllc!|i Blue returned to her
L- n am a Roman, Weems to be anffering from tbe beat.'
borne to Six Lakes this morning.
- *No.'saM te haateaa. «8be Is Just
i near te Ptorta RM
will back borne'from coDege. and abe is
Prof. R r. Carr, aupertolendent of
pie of Verta atonda.
suffering from the family grammar.'a.-)
schools at Empire, la In the city to■^Milwaakro geotinal.

-At tbe ioaettai of toe’ dana] aad
GET A TICKET on that lot that
ackaon la giving away.
doc 28-21

knowledge <rf
but todlffemtly appraclatod by «n
, of U. paftoh..and anc day.
when enmag npoo aha of tern. bM
Miaa Locke, she reminded 1dm of te
exaVt length of tline that bad atopoad
Mr. Bpat-Xow. if yuOH Jnrt Brian since be teat paM ber a vIsIL -If 1
Mra8pat-Ob. yen rant aoa were a toadstool.- abe aaM. with grim
me! Mr. Bpat-PrabaMy M. Irony, -yoo’d have been to am me
It If weYe going to apend tha raat ago.-—Waabtogtan BUT.
.f the night in argsment J arant my
^#hara of te time.
Itaito-ftba’a qalte a UaMiac! 8ba
has fight toogoea at ber ftngecs* enda.
BUI--1. she to a rnmanml-^ Yerh

V been a i
-IndeadT Why Ao yoa say thatr
-Why. whenever be talka to me ba
ads behind blm.*

1CB CREAM and k
THE B59T to the marteL Rex.
Ite Rlbbqo..Lowaay’a and Nlvar
Jneksun’u. IM Fnmi atraat.

the city, tency cranm to nrd4
ephona na.^ wa datear te'go
W. laokaouj. both fhoMt. 144.

Qlrii and boys

be terooiMy drUlad to raadlag ahmd.
to develop the tma of their vVmal
organa, not only to reading, but to
spelUng and racittog. Ytmng ladicu
and young raeo you aboold pay more
more attention to tbe common rudi­
ments—Lyooa Herald.
Briber PUMer’a opinion to this maticr colncldea with that of evory toll­
man who attaaipla to use High
ol aludenta la bin. boalnam. their
tog speaks for ttartf. hat their
tog la a mera mahaahlft. Ask
i to read an ordinary quarter colnewspapor arttole and If they
ewaoe oorractly and clearly half
Lard, par lb....a.................... .12011
word, they
Bnaon.partb.................................... u
proof of this you have only th ilted
Fteh teh. per lb.................... .
of the pnbUe OclM
Spring chIckeBA par lb..........
Poultry, par lb...«............ . -«Ol2H not fraa
Turkeys ................................... .
New BMthoda are doubclaaa all righL
Itocka ........ ............................. .
hot when to rmtthi tkey naasare up
to tbe old does every coaatry nawaPotatoe. ................................. .38040
paper wUl bo glad to acknowledge. IL
Apples ........ ............................ .40040
City Oaxelte.
Celery, largi stalks................ .


Charlea rtvcretTwi OlH* afternoon
Frtu Belln^ waa riding around tbe
for Dnyton.jD.. where be wib inatall a city In bU White steamer today.
oaymity-flve bone power gaa prodocer
Traverae aty lodge, Na 322. F. and
engine In Urn Nin Bm BncftieiKMa. A. M. held the annual InatalUUon of
ciffUm Uxt
Px»t Oommai
by the Trnv^rw City Iron Works.
W. H. Abbott. W. C. Hull and B. B
White acllns as Inatalllng offtoers.
After the arork a banquet waa at
‘‘Maw told me to tell poQ noi.ty Id the dining ball. ’
forget to bring borne that cirt. gtesa^
Tbe Primary Sunday School Union
aaM wmie bvrr the tHdpbeoe.
-Tell your mother we cant aSetd Sfi;^ tomorrow afternoon at 3:30
tt Juat BOW.• anawered the bead of the IU| the library fiulldlng. Mrs. Oaek
family. -We can get along wUMout lt WUi knd the devoUooaU and Mrs,
w a while.Thfinma will teach tbe leaaoo. There
“M.W «]l* the »«d. ItUi. lUj. arill be a discussion on tbe Jurnlor
woTh aa given at the aute coovw
“Nw«»ltT. my ioii. to Ibe iDrraUoa
at Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Loeding of
West Sixteenth street gave a Christmas dinner to six of their friends, the
It U said that the time wh
followlDg being present:
H. Boa
brook of Bingham. Mr. and lira. Hush.
tlon vraa the moralnf
or 7
t>6 and aon nf Grand Rapids and Miss
o’clock until 16. hla bou
or tbb be did no moie for tbe teat of Mary Dunklow apd Frank Wright of
the day onleaa be bad to finish some this city.
mlar <bmpoaltlon at o giren time. . IndlcaUons ate that there will be a
rorkM rery irregularly. At times large crowd at the Elile Dancing club
ba could not be drawn from an idea party at tbe City opera house lonlgbl.
b poaaoaaed him.. At other times
be had a distaate for work. It once Btewart’a orchestra will fumlah the
happened that be put off^aome moale
which be bad engaged to fumlah for a
oort coocort so long that be bad not
Ime to write out tbe part which ^
ilmaeif waa to perform. Tbe Em
pepor Joseph, wbo waa peeping ererye. cast hla eyes on tbe sheet from
which kfomrt appeared to be playing
waa sttrprtoad to see notblngcbut
lines upon ft.
-M’bere'a I your partr ba Inquired
-Ufce.- replied Mosart. with a bow.

The acbools ao too^ give tbe oommoa rwte«ta Iba attanUon tey

him ao
placed. aaSd. -Are yao awe you ara cloaid weak; ehtoea latoha. $7.nff
comfortable. Patr
7AS; uretbera. fS.»O&A0: ewaa. $»•
S.25. Hoga-10.200; acUve: au
Yorkera and plga. iiAf#«AS; mixed
tn Frejna bay artea >«Poleon amba
heavy. fCJOeil-U.
ad from that port for Elba. The
Detroit. Dec. 2t.—Wheat—No. 2 red,
dele la moatrated ky two drawings
Crtdkabank. ta ote of which Na|a>7d%ic: corn. a\%c: oato. 33c.
leon la repraaantad leaning ago tint the
starting out to practice law
leulned by a ahopkeep
«Md br «btoi»ttoK«t Xoatoo. wh^ once
fend him In a antt for
brought by an employe. Unfortunate­
ly for Mr. Choate, hla cUent lost bla
teUlng FriesA
Oaartwdc perk, per bW..... -•13.00
anthar ratotoa teurte lalanrltwad an
aid Mafgam>natman named Bmi
who bad aerved aa the Hjraclatb

tifw. Donald had mat tamed around
kk off h prgaeni when the eottoe
on one aide of hU coat Ignltod fhm
oneof thehlaaingmmitaa. ‘IW ffanK
ahot upward to hla face and neel
(Oontiaoed from nm Pw)
upon Ui« carpet and the exalted ruler and but for the preeence of mind d
Bber in the room who amotherad
after a neat addrwu. prcMCitad
doctor wUk a very iraioable oealalOii the blase be might have met a terrlblf
i. Hla face was badly burned
cap and a bearllf ^old noonted
from Pythlaa utroagholda In aU the with tbe aallaia to wtatte calla a
but farther than that bf la safe.
anbrtUa with aaltable eo«n
aon of Ihito which may have bcaa
northern portico of tha state. It la
apoa Ike kaadle. Dr. Thompeon
faragona oDoduskm that this celebra- luUan or heoch. or perteP* • ■»**•
taken areally by aurpHae ao<
tmeefboth. It la certain thai Kapotion wUl be ooe of tbe red letter
apooded aery feenngly.
,Wb«B the BIka* lodke waa flrat la* Charles Kveratt Left Am Dayton. O., events In tbe history of Lalla Rookb bTk^ ^iiiSThf
affloted In tkla city. Dr. Thom
read the narnl and millUry newt In an
to InaUll Machifia fdr Travema
waa cboifn ha Aral exalted mler
City Iron Works.
oncnpladtbackalrtwo yoara and twice



wbo aaek lastroctloM
tteography aad typetgh of good abllHy and


thM Vtfk «M «r two
a> M«M« «ailB< to «o •■ fo«M«d.
a* «U tkat VMM Uw aao tko (0

;r sr-rtrxsrrrt

UM MWMnmr asm iiiBaa
-r« rater sorry yaa have Im aa
Ul.- nai a PirtMM liMy aakaj to he
raeommradad as a faafhrr af jFtooch

Paying yonr. jdabta Ja nn.jBxpenriTa

BEBT tn te mnrteL Max.
Uhhon. LowanyW and Nhrnr
teekoon^ IM Front ntraoL

know l liad.-

ICE CREa“m and loea. the heat to
the city. Fancy cream to order. Tdepbone ox. wc deliver tbe gooda. J.
W. Jackson, both phones. HI.
’ dec 2azt

Hxy ............................ lioeu



LOfT-Whlte fox hound with yellow
spot. Reward at 317 Bay slreH. W.
H. narrow.
doc 28 M
LOfiT—Pocketbook ronialillng blfto.
Reward If returaed to 2lf Iteat
dao mt

**0iir SpedaT

Cloak Sale
to ecrtalaly amvli« the cardtal.
coasMcrate bsycra.
The nmnber of ooaU aokl ap to tbe preaeot tLe ia “Oar Spac»l Coat Sale" baee moie thaa ezo^
oor enwetationa.

We receive
ivc BoOdiHI Sot pratocworlky
OB Ott vataes wcarconcrlBi


A* wc Mis Scforc. COBM 1B oaSlMC wM
we eaa So tor yea. j


Tl» itytMllt MCOM4 TlwirtfwK Otv, ■tCMWM. *WT. OttiKIIWII


V --'' .'f • V

----- -------------•-4'pi»«n_ T.

mm Mt wmrnm WhiWilif Mr. amt M H. U

PiememeaeS tor en^
heat wa ever had. The tree was 4idy

«ur «Wi Mn. Um. • ptaMOt a«tMMk
«Hk M-

mS* ^

Mrs. oea Pepler has her mmOmr

grist cf
Msday. aad dn caUed ca Wends

coal was the htoch cat srhich had

sad take op her
The state central

«•*». iraa am
Tktr mrnm. k* wom4. U ^ k>v«

WAHT10-T« .DOd' U>ow to ^
■•■■. win tanl«b •Msk* u4 9.J

FOB SALS OB BSirr-HtoMS oa Oao
TvIb MMauia or of mak Lakra ftreecaear fwaliu atresC eight
rooam sad famaea; hew. flm
« Oohnikia Tnaafor ban.
4aeS4^ B Hsstsr.
FOB BALK-14SI-flee hease. cotmt
cr Boyd aad Froat; large lot; aew

WANTt»~A mk M l
CItr RMUarmat

■rtloiltfi can SSI B.
C. A, CfMMjr.
4k. n St
WAHTtCK-WoM oook tor I
crrw to taArSlAK Imim; «ouM klr«
•K M wltoADd Sire wum work
out 144#, aj IlOfM. 4k. S7^
WAWTtCk-BipfiKM eook mt P.r^
Mtrswtto BkUai Ho«kl
4k SMf

with hU daaghtor. Mrs. Qlatoa Ftob
cr aad tomlly.
Mrs. WalkK teforacd Taeaday af­

TOR «At«-»ltl rnaaa


SfiK ANoa Porter, a tahchK in theUhkh saw to dhow
AM Aihor phhUe achf»oU..aad cf De. dcoT know whw they
pottor. cf Bay dty, 4lei at am At- Oriad Rapids Pr4ps.
ber Taeaday evenlBg. Sha hsd hasaj Mlaa Man Adapm
ver Bfty'sace
la the Asm coop on Jwr father s
a reaidaot of that dty for over
farm at Mdlaii. aad wMt cot to sec
of Bay Iiwnax
what waa lae
the SMoer.
emltor. Throagh the
I la pcBce coort of steal- wladow ahs Kw aldg
ewiflly Wh to the hooK
tag gss Tram the Bay dty Oaa Co,
waa givoB a nmfal Chrlatmaa praaeat
hy tha conadi la the shape cf a dla-

.FOB SALB-Ohrrfsga iMIory. MM.
th power, toachtasry aw tooli: poratkm did act
lighted hy deetrleity; good Sre saM dty Attomei
Beetkm. la a tae place cf IMt; While digglag I


the effcaaa. feat 1

I tip to flpt

gravel pU on Oco. Kpiley
Walbridge sUKt Oraad Rapida. Char- Mias Bail# Hddea. Tha pair were
las Smith nnaarlhed a valuable col-1 steaUag a march to U* preacher
ffl edl tor MM
lecUoa of silver, wrapped up la aa|whaa ihdr horse sumbled. thiowlng
I aw; ewaar la
oM blue apron. Tba staff Is believed; MIsa Mdten from the boggy, breaklag
M J. X Boftok. Ox. to have beec ’'plaated^ there by some, her left arm between the elbow and
hwfdf thief. There were thirty silver plated ths wrist Kelley was also badly toapooas cf dtffereat styles and sixes. Ijo-ed aad fhe wedding was postpoaSAUI-10l-«x.rcom houst. a silver platter, baking dish, cake ed.


mm bumm
41m M MlM mm mtm. U
FkMu Dt«
SIS I. rm 8t otii Mi
i CWi. fkoM M4 «• wttl 4o tiM rwat.



rrK4 M4 OAk aCfKti: i
bwlMK loesUMi: iat n
wkW im to rtfjkt ptrts. 3


kNi •trKC. dU. pkOM mt.

ity acre tona two
allK wwt Nc Tlivlllr; four mllM
port oCflcw Ti iroTK nty; atxty

•crM toiproTod: six scrrt xsitsbie
for csrdMi: good balldlsgs; sJl Is
trstTlsas cosdltkm; cash pries
Wsds Bros.. 117 U&km
FOB tALB-HIP-Oood MW____
m kooss. tth street, >eloM to
(OdI. Asrkrt iuu) church; sssy

ABFLBS fob BALB-I hire
choice spptos by bushel* for wlo;
GHrms* Qoldses. Bold win*. GrsMiUfs. TslhFAlioiacleBa Pewsu
Tslass BwMlA. Wsfoeers. a J,
. vhoT Sl-tf
FOB tALt-MW-Ose huodied sod
sisir sere tsm is miles south of
citr: Kresty senes Iraprorod; new
houK, hsra. windmill: all fenced;
rrlK ftww. Wsde Bnis.. il7 Uskm
street. ClU. phone 1211
FOB •ALB-llTI-Fjny eers fsitn
quarter mile os.t of MsyfMd; good
iouk; gODd bars.
Bros.. flT UeloA
Street, at*, phooe ISIf.

euBbrsnuK Trsrerse CHy prodK
tire. Gash price $1100.
Brrn^ m Uskm stieet, OU. phone
FOB BALC-lin-Lsris eight rms
home, corosr of Cms sad ifth 8U.
Isrgs lot. house well Sstshed, on


I General llews

had the chair of phlloaophy tor six
years at the New York oalverslty. has
also a few cholos locations fo ces- bought a seat on the Coosolldstad
y. Wc Stock BExchsage of that city.
la the
: to the worid Beaslor Carmack. whoK term ex
rict, Nersda. plras with the dose of this congress
la [fact, ws hare proper- U March wDl take up the practice of
kTw at Memphis and await the next

-^xl wlB eqasT tbs toll conEdwme of hti frwmds that he
Grand Trmreiw Rsgloci tor stfs.
Burr profitsbld
to will return to the senate.
. -------------------------.
l. citber
Whenever the dowager queea of
purchsKr or 4s sccurtty for loan.
We always hsre a gilt Kgsd ss- lUIy drives her new sutomoblU- it
cniity for yoto mooey and sre at* carries; mounted on the radiator, s
way* hers thfmoacy for gUt edged
smsU sUtutette of her patron saint.
8t Christopher, to which Is attributed
Trarsrse dty. the fKt that up to the presen the
121f. Call us up conveyance has escaped ordinary scby phone, local or I
We pay the freight
Walter B. Gould, tre weU-hnown
ingor. lie., buslnem man. has sjsolu
collection which probably .can not be
duplicated In this country. It conHOUtCa TO BKNT-Bast Tenth 8t; t4»t* of about 20,000 of the old-fashion­
also one comer Kront sod Rom
ed eopper cents, dated from 1703 to
r. HucllmsnleJ.
dK f U 1856. They are kept In a huge glsss
>sr and measure a full slihpecka.
If Hoary C Frick builds a houK
la Ndw York r-qual to the cost of the
laqulie WD 8. Unloa St Lcaox library site which he ha* purr
doc ll-tf chaaad. the cost of hi* residence would
be almost $5,000 OOP. and it ha*
listed that this would Involve an
SBBUSI rental charge, including Inter
it. taxes. malnlensBce. etc., amountMOUSE TO bentg to some $400.($)0 a year.
Mrs. Mary B. Farrell of Montcalm.
N. J.. Is 103 year* old. A party in her
honor was given the
other night.
Among the gueKs was her son John,
who Is In his eighty-third year. In
LOST-nto oaa of the stores Dec. 24. s the funmaking the .soa made a joke
roll of Mil*. ; Soluble reward will that bis mother did hot like. Tun»lng
be paid for rdum to Record ofSee. to his sh^lf she said: ”John. if you
dK 2S<R dont behave yourself I'll have to pet
tOST-OpId loc>et ChH*tmas ere on you to bed.”
James B. Mcllh«oey. the Loalstaas
ih sMc. Leave at Record ofSce.


dec 27-3t*
HO DANGER of typhoid tf you aw
milk. Queaa dty Dairy
cut. tel «75.
dec IFtf

hose ISII.


FOB •ALt-1175-Ose husdrsd sad
sixty sera farm six miles from dty. Notice to the Taxpayoro of tha Oty of
TravecM aiy; ?
thlrty4hres acre orchard; large
hsasmmi bsrh; good houK; six
The tax rotu for the eoUacUoa of
c^vs; SMB borsw: two hutU: all tha aUta aad onuaty taxca for tho
Half eaah. hslsace
IfOC aad jfor tha datlaqoant
aad dty foxes aad opKlal as^ atT^lse stresl, dU. phose 1211.,
for add
placad In my haalds
roBAALK—140—27 acre* two bad
< will be la my icfSce to receive paid
Mj^lf miles city market: lAhl
IXCO from aow Ifotu Fab. L lt07. on
each week day fr^ I o\doek to U:M
kiastieet. Otx. phoM 120.
oetock U the toroatgm aad from 1
odoek to 4 o'clodk ta tha aflecMoa.
FOB •ALl-1472-rHis mo4era hooss
Oa aU state aad.couaty Uxe^ paM
Sixth street, sad ooe of the best oa bMe Jaaoary 1$. the regular toa ef
the gtreeC Frtot ashed le spot cash. CM per cent ffo coUeetkm win U
Price 1410.
Bros, »17
chargad aad oa ^ foxes paid ca cf
Luloa PUMt. dta. phoM 1211.
^10. thare wm he
ehaised a foe or ^ PK eeat for cd.
Psaaiur oa dellafueat dty
sad ached foxto aad apedal asssaw
gloa. Prtai $2.10. Wh4e Bnm^ $17
eaU. 4 cMta ch sack deUar cf foe
Uuloa street. dU. pboas UO.
OfSca la loofo 2dt State M
also s i
Dated, Dk. 4, IP$«,

> t ^5n*£Sai.'^aS;’‘£SZ


drnthbmn j atjTtmmum.


two Plato* and thlrtcea of th# n4a
tress' best turMsr **'Thcre. there.**
said the shopman soothingly, here'.
sBother dollar for yon. And don't
you forget me, you know,” be ended
with a wink.
The shopping of Baroness Heagel
moller. wife of the Ausiro-Hungsrlan
ambasaador. is always sa affair of
state awd wther aaetal^ IlghU of the
Americas capital are following her
methods Mme. Hengaimuller always
drive* down In her most pretentious
equipage, with a liveried coachman
aad footman and the trapplnga, ga> .
with color* of a dual empire. Before
madai^ alights a trim elderly maid
descend* and proccedUg to the
counter which. Is to be visited she
Informs the clerk wbsl to have In
readiness. ’B'bcn she has prepared
the way the madam proceeds to In­
spect. The maid «nu solomnly hands
the gold-mounted lorgnellc and, when
necMsary. her purse or M*l of pur-


SpecUl to the Evening Record.
Rapid City. Mich.. Dk. 27.—Mr. and
Mr*. George Kinney returned Satur­
day from Ann Arbor where hl|s. Kin­
ney was treated for kidney trouble
Otha Fisher df Rapid CHy and Ida
Dodge of'Alden ware married at Aldcc
Tuewlay evenlag.
The wedding bdU were
Christmas for Mr. Ratery and Miss
Ante Peck of thU place.
Irwin Harger 1* wearing one of
thoK broad smiles nowaday*. becauK
•top at hl^ place
Charle* and Brneet Ooy aad famil­
bar of the
ies spent OhrlPtmas at WUl Voghrs.
Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Wilson of 8.
Erm as a ]
Mlttdn took dlaaer Chridoma with Mr.
tW4 fodouls of Santiago, owns and Mrs. Pred.RIcket.
on the planK.
Muml Mlt n
”I never atm the gospel gun atwnyited on Areo
I salt mine is
Islaad. just off foe Mast of Louisians, at the devil aad If I hit aayoM It's
and It* raw prodeet I. said to bq bocauK they ars sUUag k dose to tbs
practically ready for market Jad as It devil I cant shoot by them.”
U taken from the bed.
The above atgtomeni was made hy
Dr. WllUsm Duane, picfesaor of foe Rev. Mr. Laaeastor of foe Hafo^
physics la the University of Colorado 1st church Snaday evewlag whea a
since lt»7. has restgned to accept a young man left the choreh bscwnK d
podtkm under Mme. Curie, the rad- somethlag foe mtalsfm aaM.
lam expert, la Paris. Dr. Doaae studE. Rooney aad Pearl Unaon w
fhd under the two dairies previous to married Chrtkimas.
the death of M. Curie. l^TilIc in Pari*
Mrs. Dostoy wnat to Aaa Arbor
Dr. Daaae vtU have a positloo in the be treated for tobereokwls of foe
the Uhlveraity of Paris, the salary
Mrs, Laaaqn of Grand RapMs
belag paid hy Andrew Caxwegle. under vMUag with Mr. and Jdre. Chss Kel-

the eohdaifolp toeadai hr Md.
Jed bef^ foe depertare for Japad
BIshgp roas was dMeaaalag foe prsaeat hoUday asesoa. He pefotod out
thet foe caly aceepuble ChriaiaMS
gffU were tho-e aeeofapaaled wHh

for ymra



Dr. W. J. Higgins




Porcelain Work
The Christmas *
tbs church Saturday

Ob floor vitliBMinM eoUrg«i;
OMI. —

charge cf
cdleat. Redutkma
were wdl
dl laadcrsd
Id Doom hava Sal
which .!waa given
the UmbK M the forty
appUuK by foe audience,
raa >aell laden aad a large
r of glfU occnplRd tht Uhle aad
hare four hundrad hciatock and eight
hundred hard wood logs ready to haul
whem sleighing .comes.
Mrs. & C. Wtatere of Trevenm City
IVrry Baylagtoo has two gangi
aad Oeoar AmUbochler of Soloo
ting hardwood. They will hive
were present at foe ChiiXtama tree,
for all wlater.
aad were eatcrulimd at the home of
Jim Avery of Trsre
Wm, Blight,' returnlag to Traverse
bur gangs to work cuttliig
*re swamp
ber oo the
to Kie
Ing to the Traverse City Lnmhertag to Tra
with his i
Mrs. a M. Bright rUlled her sons
OcUve Domtne has thrK gangs get­
ting out oedsr oo the 40 bought of W. M. and /. D. a few days and reFrank WUaoa. He baa n targe num­ tsrncd with her daughter. Mrs wm
ber cf cedar logs on skids and also tore, to TrevecK aty. where she Is
two thousand cedar fCace po
We are gUd to bear that
aure. whoK mill U nror the Taylor
AFTER ALU U U quality, yva qusl
corners, has sent word that he will be
ready to do custom sawing mftor Jan. Ity and unlfonnlty that wins in the
end One trial of IDEAL producU
Leon Courtade U oo foe skk list.
will convince you that they are the
Word vras ree^vod from Apn Arbor
that Frank Whealhers. who went
there for ireatmKl for his eyes, has
fully reemrered foe ok of them and
1* loob expected home. We are aU
glad to bear this.
rrom a weight of »0
Bert Maynard has moved
We are glad to see that H. R. Thay­
, and doctors gave me up to
er has cut the great unsIghUy Hm
: was reduced ti
near foe big creek not far from foe
Buck road. Mr. Thayer I* taklnc
all the wood and Intends to n
tton. Coughs and Cplds. Now, sRer
this n Unit class dairy farm.
UWng 12 bottles. I hare more than
Miss Susie FQrton. after spending a doubled In my weight
am com
few weeks vUltIng friends and rels- pletely cored.” Only sure Cough
Ure. In Trsveree City. Is home again. Cold cure. Onsrentoed by Bugbee
l>ec. 24.
Drug Co. Hannah Drug Store. Frank
H. Meads. DroggtsU. Me and $1.00.
A large number from here were
Traverne caller* the past week.
There U an all day meeting at the
Pay schedule water on* or before
chapel today.
Miss Ollle Shorter of Traverse City Dk. 51. 1004. to save discount.
I* spending the bolidsysjwlth her par­
W. R. Caldwell. 8upl.
dec 22 61
MIm Carry Rosa went
day to spend Christmas.
D. O. Shorter attended
encampment Friday nlgt
The committee on grounds and
A number of young folks gathered bolldlogi of the board of supervisors
at the home of Min Ollle Shorter of Orniid TrevKK county will re
Xmaa ere and spent the er
Wds at foe offloe of the
music and game*.
county clerk for furnUhlng 160 cord*
Miss Nina Mycre. who hi
working for Chss. Darts. Is spending of four fool beech aad maple bodj
a few days at the home of ber grand­ wood. good, ciqsa. round stuff, down
mother. Mrs. Harvey.
to four inches in dUmeler being scThere was a Christinas tree and en­
tertainment at the Green Briar school cepted; the same to compare favorably with wood now pUed In court
hoiiK Saturday afternoon.
School closK last Fridsr at the yard: wood to be dcIlveiYd at and
Green Briar tor a holiday vacation of piled on court bouse grounds before
two weeks.
April 1.1007.
Miss Anns Ruthbardt who I*
Also 26 cords eighteen loch liKch
log the dressmaking trade in Treveree. passed ihrougli here Satnrday and maple block wood, free of knoU.
afternoon on her way home to spentT to be delivered at jail.
the holidays.
Bids oo wood to be made Kpsrelely.
• Dk. 25.
The bids will be opened Dk. 2f at 2
TRY a sack of IDEAL buckwheat p. m.
graham, rye and whole wheat flour oi
The commlttK reMrves foe right to
granuUted meal. You will be pleased reject any aad all bids.
and gel your money's worth.
dK lF»t



Tirt Insuranct

8(0. R. Jaroi,

201 frsBt Xtrtsi

Order jyour


I. O. ffiumw
Both phooM 3(1

rnmm Rs. 1. iXl7 0pw*ll«MsMK

John R. Santo
General Insurance



Farmsfor Sale
have a number of good
farms, all the way from 40 to
160 acres, for sale, or if you
have any good property. I will
take it in exchange and make
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy it of anybody clse.| I have farms
which are l^^cated from four
20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
If you hnire good level farms
1 will'buy tbm

4S0 WMbingion.

Oit phooe 774

Some Valuable Hints
by the Kimball Musk Houk. We represent three of the largest
fllrms In foe Irede; W. W. Klmbnll Ca. Lyon 4 H ily. aad foe Bdi•on Phonograph pa
Hint No^ 1—Buy your ptaao from some hoere that
most Kll good
Hlat No. 2—Be sure foe hotme yoe deal wHh hi
really Is. and does not consider it MmplT • ptoce i
therefore sU right if It dom not come ongioed.
. .
rho maykhow absolutely aofolag of______
Get a pisM wHh a flrst-otoM retntatioa
Hint Na 4-rlaverti|Mto any *tonadMrfer dffera very carefslly.
BsmembK there ta ao Kvhig la bnylag ehKp. taferior goods ter a
tan price foaa you most pay for Maadard gooda.
Hlat Na 6-Bewaie of the ”|edgMg-a-p Imo- la-yoor- own-home”

New Cure Ik EpUspey.
daughter, afflicted

mat Nol (-Bar a KWaLU. Haao. If roa waat a plaao that

sn&r-^s.z.'s^ s.-arA.-s STS sssr —sT.nswsi‘s!rc:i^5i

tag hoer ca CM oooashm. whDe In a tor over twn years.” Best body oleaacrechery ahopi ha aa4^ tha propriator
head a pialalj dreaaad woasaa a $2
bin. M^lockad at foe hUl aad said
bluertyi rU this all? And damVthe Tfc. vor(
lad fMr 1 atal WchM folrty-tve Mu« • ■mbn' ei Ue irib* o(


Va«m atatmias kaom la Iba anwic botiaaM. OOOM aal aaa



Its. Bunn. „


for Christmas
Claea lidUM and l^Ms
Staad aad Dresser Spresds PU
low Tbps, etc,
loeledlag talUal goods, aim
Lndtas all pore Udk at 6e eKh.
New Silver MsUl Kntrm
Forhs aad Spoons, best aad
ebsapest. sabsUtotc for aUve


Aad It waa Nad wkpl
IHUa girt iar bto and ObnrttoWith Ito glatoaas of tbIa new

I that Ito toUartty wajgM to tat
ta tor ttotagw baad
atom :Mtot Utoto ttoegbi
II ttreagt tbto tto tad aai tall Tom
that Gbartla Oibbama^wat ta to

and nm tto grara bream gym agnla.
am them for on# happy toataat and

Itolcla. returning from ta
Ok. BO. ba^ tsaly a man.” wiu the yaUow-hairad latoto laggtog
si, -I forgot to give you at bar akirta, atoppad. amta. to bar
w wtoie yen II
“Anthy. dear—why. why-”
be aeceayr
•'CnnX you guess whyr the toil
‘till, no. Tom has alwnys been used
to It, Ha aevar mtoda.”
-Tta lei me remiad yowdtot ha
Midlieea to tto leportar. Mlaa should. ”rhU is tageteua for
toitobaaMatotkai tog Mt baewtoa! Aa4 tto ttw a m. t baad little agaataa. Itwaaio.)
I walked up aad gowe. Harea^ tto anpoaura to~to
ttoy. toiastcal atollt
totolt froai tor rtotoa tig actool mm wttli ato# oattoto tto
waa aot aarprta* but It laaX alectopa yoa have not/Ik
of dtoatoaatoKl himl bar toaa toll
eeya plaaaagi to to tabptalr
•Ob. yea i tova.” aba
baavlly aad tto t
toi; ato tooBdarad IT tto toakad |oa^
a Mlai girt witb rad bglr aal Aag pat MMa toatto wat t fva*
traahtot at aaa af ttoaa. aad Jatt itatwmgaa. .
ttmt get oat jtaaa. l thank you
waatortoc aboat tor tooto.
I aata talU aby boy with |
to tto apptr toll tto aloeg at Ito
-tae. 1 aan get oat aloael- She
__________ ItafTamfot
Tba lactorrr
Igrma cama aaii aad Mlaa toaito
to tto toll Datoto a atoitor tod dtod.
i ayaa Aaalaa aad caadlaa. window waiabtoc tba ata ta nftor
taaM. TMI>v Ksesto
Untba talked aad tably opta Ito door and
taartoff tto aiii a faw daltart aad tto loat tor moMtarr ooafaatoa to
laad iaaMto aa^ wattod oat nai Ito koete waa taL7 1L abataX polattog. but Ml
niw oUier dsv in a pubUc lllmiry in
for a nraeb kmger Old to fall to a forlotn littto bta oa
aottaaa by tto aaa. Dal^ tod vHitoa
tba wet c
ttoto lta fitotodbHaadadte. Wbaa
to Mitt toalJia for
Jatt at
•'Why. wbal U Itr Tom aato vbse girl snURng siu*iicUHia|y at ih«' bouks.
itat down tbb eldcks wore atrikgallery war* iaad ap to tto gtaacb Sowar, aad coca a valaoUaa wl
tog that tome woggib aaaapa
ha opaufd the ggor to admit m toll When be n%kcd the rmsou '4irwbrr .
to to Mba Uatba uklag ebana of tto ar'a foaa. gba mw w$m Itot tUgy ba> vanr tot bear! aad a trary plak capid After all. I wna wroeg- Mf poor lltUe lag twelva aad bar ewntega wm
strungr rtjmitiol nbe told liim frankly.-- .
a faulting waamn to
toa Ml wbp waa go
sniff at a l.oak," sto wM. -to see " ..
tbbglad la a drtfl of roaat. Jt bad lore Kory, bow abort and tamll It waa.
ma, -Why. Bit! U ato hart, alrr
If It imiflls of tnhaci'o. If It does then
trad brr to a aood teboot aad iboy all ygaag. A aaa with g iga. tbqggbttei aeanod t work of art aad too had It mutt bo-ob. I ^booid tike to be
I know ItV^a l«ok a man has tom
faaa aad balr baavlly atrtakad with kbowB wlUi Ibf coin ladlffareaoe to yoeagUta^Hto tob .Tbit^ ta
ml for awblb «acb ttouDar tc
entered bis car reading nnd that H'. a good noe.gmy. Datldi bla eat « atorik fairy yooU ttot It bag Qoat tto tall boy
obata «•
bagla|tog ta. I gar*
Thta to a novel lllorary lest. Imi n
llba atobtara wltb fiigy yailgw to|r
•ay k all com oto|be ebgta I
wise ane in some rrH-crta
. ?
aad a aitoatitg to vtolato aad aav
aever eoelgItaataataTiStolf
ctat to do
to^ parpla bowt. A waa. tott^.
to ocg
•ft too bsd to leave you. Anthy. dear,
and she was Inside,
all at aaea,
Mlat toatba crept away
By aa agort, MIm lantb^ eoapall It wat a »gg flUla pUea with ac
Wby^ii topmC atota wta tto toih aonly your poor spratoed ankle F\»r iwawly year*, IV I- Rawls af
-tot h ^ aaarty tto tome,- ato
Hka tto objaeta la tto
ed baroHf to llataa to tto aaraoa of tor mogiar** roraltoia to It It'
light abooe oa his fmw. ’ Ytm ara for company. Why.” glancing out the BciU. Tmn. fought Btal cstariii. lie
aalC btolNi baak frtai tto a
uw. ’’the doctor U coming aad be
very kind." aarvonaly.
-\>iy aoarir tto tana. Tbay ara all Wbaa It wat ovar aad ato wtototow
Wbaa ato eta tito bad wltb oaM
the loveliest rhlld with hlm-l
-Barely aot eapecially S.K The rew
to all to «arb other, aad 1 do feel aort
lads nad feed aba ramambarad Uut
ni<*ct him and watt.” And she
of bit out. It maid be baeauto I’ve ayat froai tto paw aadar tba gallery
lam he Ml down before her aba bad not been so Impredaai. stnoe eoa ol a drowalag womau Is-Ytm are
hurried out.
bar aa agttodad toad, Atobar’s little work table tod opened
tomldlatoradayorae. 1 aato bard
H lea BBiy coat In the carriage that
rrom the boll embe n cheery voter
work aad alaaalag and iklact to look aad the browa ayaa wm tianiag Into tto drawer. toQilBf the key very •low- tmllad off slaaply Into bar dramas.
No. ladaad. Jtiai let me put
forward It bad been yeart tinea tba bad
In tto morning aba glaieg ffarcdy
-1 am ao glad to add
1 mtppqaa the man thought he coiHd you to wUh ton the, my iirolhar's
iBMlda tb* d
8ba bad bad a goto daiU of that
tto face that kMkad oat from har
dutblag. -I bopa yoo aiw gotta wrll^^
batock In itme. ”
Wtotbe. yon know. They gave her the
at I btvca't bad Une.** the
tort to tblag Blaaa (toy bad told brr
irror. Tba fnea wna panltant aaougk
than than aaa yob titto.Ha drew a sqft rug from under the name to please me. Ypu can got a
biiby brtobar tii bar armt tod told her
have tooebed n border banrt than
hly.scat nad very oniefuJb'. and alaa, very that bar toolbar waa daad aad bar
hers, with Us sweet womanly month
slowly, wrapped It about her.
Uly (nim
tattor bagrt-bitonM. A good daal af way aad t a;^ abd baeoaUog tirliMwa inotber bad uaad Inal. A Mt of iinfia and grant grey ayaa. And ato might
bard work aad toanatog aad taoktog
tobed w«Ak wttb tto naadle la the have given U one approving glanee
forward, tor they ware tooa aloBa. to mtnbar “Yat. Ubok you.. Ton a»d I Italnly tom. a emtbad htadkercblaf.
the soft brown waves fell so
wUl be glad to aaa yoa.** Sto was faaw ^wlth the breath of vioieU tUll clinging daintily bta Cram tto whit* brow
a tottiblag btby. aad the a
tag wiib tba rlaap of bar byna book. to it. Mitt lamhe bent bar bead tnd but she wms quite ashamed of this
aarraat gl|l of gftaaa.
Sto bad raaebad tto kltto aow.
kitted the yellowed foldt She wtt
ily woman who hnd seen
It bad baaa vary baid. at flrtt, but
-1 warn to tetrodato m----crying toflly now. which wtt a very tooa raaterdar and dreamed dr
ato bad wgtoto biaraly am atadytag
nnntunl thing for Mitt Untba to do. last night.
wbaa aba ocmld, gaibeKag up grotoUy
woman indulge In few feml*
auQb fallto tbaavev of kaowladga at aag the went on. At tto door Mr.
-Ypu may ns weU praphta unlay;
44e4-«s^-4S4 . 44444444 «44 44 44 4 444 4 4 44 444^ f
lie to tba wwy of tbote who ara that Meltoo wtt waiting for her. He work nine luxuriet.
Ml are going to be n very misarmble
ad at Uia office wltb her.
-But it itat Uia tame, tom*
ottl frota tto torveat.
and worthlaM creetore if yon don’t
gay.- the aaid. by way of m
*i happened to tee you. and waited.
mend your ways. AKar tbia, ms
F>ar yaan aow. ato bad bad bar
drak to tba adltoHal raooM to oaa of Ton were talking to dratoan^ Know -Tblagt atom tort of finltbad op. now you majeh straight to your
that Tom It mairlad tad tetUad aad church each Sunday.”' Now gat to
him walir
tto gfwat daltlat. Her work bad i
i Oka a oompldtad ebapttr.
gnaat naf
baaa vary tmportaat, bot la wtt for
Wbtt tto nagt wUl tor
real snrgaoa inag an that, yoa
But alaa. aad akia, ato ttna scarce,
ly aaatad In her car when her ayes
patlaaUy aad wall tto mil# tblag kaow. What a toitarky tto Uttia ww
-tbtl Btoai leave uadoar or datplta. mm telBiflCbntoaMr pato Vary gnaw tkaf
tatlQto.- Wbo tot a ]
That waa waU. Nto a brilltoiir^awt.
werg. and cota Mto_____
paper woatta. ato bad yet doaa gob. to bar fiianA Tbay parted at
Mia. lantbe. being ntrtoUrk*^
alaattol work aad tor plaea wat aa> nor aad ato weal bma and ttood ba>
naaa woman, hag never laarwad that
> ribta and tto papara CeU i
fora Ue glnat a long liina. She nw ao
ato waa alao a very greolra octo B«
by owe ato opta them. Now more than one paaaaagar glanoad to
-Tat.- tba aaltl buttuotng tba prat beauty U ibe fine, womanly ftoa rw
tkra a ereabod todod Sower duat ward the woman wbo bowad wkb sneh
ly browa glova tangly about bar wrltl. ficctad tbant. Beauty meant yellow
lualf over bar pretty gown. J quiet dignity wbto the doctor vmlta
**I do faal a waa bit tlrad to aiy boait. balr and pMk ebeakt nad blue, baby
Kan magnolia paul aUll aboweC his hat totocr, Ha wna tolktog rmpld^
UOt aMralpg Mayto it waa tto ttapk eyat. She tigbad tnd went down to
the carafuUy tmeed words *1 lore ly to a groupa of tntorastad man. to
wa tod tor biwtktoM.-*
you.- And beiw-yan, here It i
Tom wna reading, lie
toalto’t l!to bad baaa vary pratolaal.
little old vnlanttoa with Ua
-1 doax baaw. Baitopt I aai grow- Whan tto aatarad. -| any. 8kk It tbit
could not ezptokL Mlaa toaito toll
Hka edge, and bHlllant rornw.
tog tod. Ttaa aaid tbia Mwlag that
Ito car before her corner wna ranckad
-A quarter of a century ago! I nm
I’d torgDUaa to. i told blail bwto't
and watted tto rest of tba way.
had Itoia. t data oay be tbooght that
’1 believe you ara Ured of tto ofpam
foHy yaart ought to have bean t loag
flea." Mr. Maltoa aato to hm. -toptot tbaai itaSir away aa I tgi
aaongb Una. ” gbb jtnilad tgd ttoqp- tto bit. Idgd toartad
bad Soaa. My Ufa lata ao
ad to pleb a gatoartoo that biota
by tba corbtodbt. Ika wind toot laatba aairmuefttuTto>««Mag aa ap- aafSta aool andgmy. ang-aad
u4 ffli

to tito toffwte «e tito ftm?* fc
ihm »to kto* totoc toto u«f»
aC« Urtto toUtopi. to kb 9Mto. ato Mto
daar Mfk Otebaai.- beta tba bam
TW wi^iTHiitoi ~ tomtof to »my> toto tJto to« uto Mto
Mtogtord glH. -kow iaealy you me
•r. IM» Itofttoe 4n»w«4 kM' toe* to Itto iton Vtoit fkmrrTtoC away tito to^L TtodaeUirtatoeDpreed
tototo. totf «h» ktot iki to«]Fto; toH 4Dr tomtfroto a vtotoc toi. jmi at orkrtotata»
•te «to tnrtoc to itotoitotoli I

I it Mb weta pretty tttedUy
to tto barwatt tor ell tbaea ycem.
bac-.-wtU. aba’a a womna.”
Tbat tat Mke laatba aabad tto


MU. u»V




down A playtol Kiirry of leavao fron
tba traao abav* bar.
Mto taatto tom bavaolf. likaa bk
of tbajAUBim
bntotp brava

throat abd bgbttM bnr tolr. Jtotg
ytan bag tok baaa ttoa aaoagk to
auto Mlaa toaito old. Har toca wat
tolr aad total aad bar ajraa grave aad
toiidar. «ba loobad eapabla tad naafnl
woito blaag^ Wlto>tow Uigk ato aw
topag tba tbawar of tovaa aad otaek
tto 4

^%to oarb goaar atoaald. Aad taa

m bad oottt. She went

.IM .


. .

-I leatamber Cbarlia Orahame.Hka laatba tald boldly, tovtmg ckaate
bgr apple and oomo over to Tqm.-Wa
oaad to go to acdtool togoUier bafbra
motkev died. I dare cty It It to.-. Tom
wont baak io bU papar. Dnlcia <s|otod
bar pretty eyea and
Mitt lantto
Bkad bar apple aad womiara*


ttoto lor
to^koar that aaw aatbaai today, aai
k airraa i$a right, oaa atoata a Mipd
dial by toapptog to loak baok.** 8to
latotod aiau aag ttoaad dot
bragg. aoaiy otraat wltor a i
aphto abatob at tto M cmar.

Uay bad beta U tba cottago only a
watot. tto abnild have to go to tbk
oingiia ckartb or nto a tanrtoa ab


IW ^ to .•

at vatoto wbaa Dr;MbStoa mat
bar to Ito kidta
am tay glad,- aba aaM. taj
tog tnUbhilUr. atoa. Wta aka laid ta
btatottotatoktodeet • I ban

ronad at a. Jada'a**
-Tea. rn go. I aaad roualng.*
.............. .
i^ioom for n kbir aofoam, or pu.” ato
/Bat ta apaU tbgt bifl earn* .gpoa ^ b^ tawtog wtot aba waa
Ska laatto waa not madly bo
‘i-TtoTta? Yow are onitatBd
to band tnekad m
wfUi Tto Titar Be tai. fiaegto
to bM
tk^ to let Mr hand go. *
a Nttie a^ bin i
ttoPL Mtoa tato ta tolf w up ufod to ptraeiii mt fo 0vw X| dp,,
Ito alg^a.bffta
^ ^ bet a hnay Itfo to beat Ygn wIB
come to sea na: we alMll feal^wo hoeamnaata to
iwbMb ato bad aateta tba m«
orwA Tom and 1. I sm ao ta IkBi
cm Wta ato waa aata and tbo Pntaa have been good to you.balpai bar wkb bar tat sad

Hare JM tried PAXTWEJ^^

ttoisi, u tba

tactic. Of tto paw undar tto sal.

A? • oioutfi trifli It bnrifiM

ttUKos k iMum;a swe«t «ad lUMk
^olcMMne breaUi ncztalornlap with no had tute.
M wna givan a aaai tar tto.ta^
Vh>nounced the 4itet a*Bci6«uy
ta ««Mnser obtminabk.
«u/ arMM kw «f«t «

U. « — -M.
Ha tk«
k amrt
oTcr k«r rMMr
Lbaaaad tor
. How ttojr ato wna aad

The H^ll-Rbom
the v do IT ON AM.SO PER.





0* ■ i \


annum januarv Claims

i-V^ V ■ :■ j


■ it;;/,-.,,■ :'

of Q|7 Ir^ds, Qp^
Linoleums, Lace and Tapestry Cspr
tains, Rugs, Cloaks^ Skirts and Fui^




Tld§ Sate Opens Saturday Morning, Dec. 29

«vtt teoMMllMhnyenal Traverse aiy and nearby'towMeaanolalM to 1^ Qar stock Is la food alnve
yel a^ sve can supply your .wants ahnost as wcU as we canid early la the laB. The worst paH ^ our winter Is to caiac,'
' and yannrlH aNd heavy gsais. aa#*paw we five yen a pr^ oiporinnity to pel than M a ira^ al flieir real va|i^
We fWMe a lew prices Oiat oaakt to tnicr^ every ataa or wonian.

60in^ 8IIIIIIS
»T PA '^



Cloak Deparfment



1 piped If iBcbea. TSc kind................ .....................fSc

•r r

We have only a very few of theoe tefi and «0i
cloae them out ..haap.
One SJxitoC tappptry. was $12.60 will sell fdr IMO



1 piece 27 Inchca. 75c kind...........................t6c

One WiHM; Elecira Axmlater. was $26.00. now $1tJ0

1 piece 2€ Inoh. regular 11.00 kind for..........7K

One $^,104 Smith Amlnster. waa $11.76 for $14JO

Wool niankets

1 piece 2€ Wb, guaranteed. $1.00 kind for...,..tfc

t g All Fbts Re^pced

Room Size Rugs

Cott<m Blankets

Black TaHela

da^al ■

< '

«Inch, fumatped. $1.26 kind for.......... $1.15

1 pleoe 8$ iBcb. tb€#beat made for $1.60. very
pof! and only.......... ...$I35
r 1 pipit Wnch* prpTOied. $1.75 kind. for..... $1.50

Oni fiiz Tapestry Bruaaato. waa $19.50. npw fUjOO
OiM- 9*12 Tapestry Bniihaela was $t$.00. ppw $1E0$
One Axmlater 9x12. was $22 00. now........ .....$1M0

ThppI Sllka are tbe beet tbat money ena buy.' |



Ladles’ Dress Skirls


1 Nenr 8enL all bUck. araa $2W. «UI aeH lor $2t^
1 Aatrarban Skinner Satin lined, vaa I2S.50.
prill aeU for..................


............................... ....$21Ji


: ' E- ' i|iik^t7ln^prdi7fel6r.

___ $5c

4 plepp. 1$ livcb. VM »e for.


11.00 vslnep for........ ............


9x12 Velvet, waa $25 00. now.............fli


One lot of rtx(A) Aimlnlater Rnga. during thia
\ jnie pre prill nell ibem at .........................$2J0 aaali

: ^ Fancy Silks 4

Fur Jackets



aothlng Dept*

Tbe bent aif w«»ol Inuraln. Pre only handle th ‘

To aoee Omt UO Heavy Weight SuHa.
tJftOft Suita at....,....:..,...................... ....ftJO

one Near Stod Bo, CP.C prltb BHye> Beaver
^‘ J
. ColUr and Cufft. a beauty, waa $66.00. for $41J5
One Near Seal, all Wick, tbe best mbde; Praa ‘
$4IA0. prtU ppil for ....'..... .4, ........$3046

Onto Nenr Beni Ulopap Jacket nitb Japanrae

All 70c and 75c kind for.....

We ebon la Ibla lot fPney Check*. Siripea, plain

112.00 Suita at

$20.00 Suita at................... ...v........................ fttJO
Broken lota, oap and two of a kind we will sell
regardlpps of coat. We have too many SulU atee 35.

Shirt Waiata la Ootlon and Silk at.OFF
Cotton Granite Carpeta. 2Sc kind for....2$c per yard

Pul a tape roeaaard aronnd yosr ehe*t under the
armn. If you measure 36 Inchea then come here aad

• ^ 2rL“"

rioae out for............................ .......................... I
Tbe bent quality heavy Unoleum at

TaMe Linens and Napkins

Special low prieep for all Lmm and Tapeatry

Tfc»* »rr ft» \o*rn piVr. jroi
r»d a.p«d«w<> ftii*.

I Jit for.....................

SJJT. M- * to

$0 FEB CENT OFF cPi all TWelt. Luneb C^l»
and Opnb by tbe



II5J0 Suita at....;.......................................... $1U00
tJood heavy half wool, prortb S6c aad 6^ In
tbi* aale for........................................... 46c per ytfd

donbi* braiutod Norftalk mod » ptfcc ralu or co«',
P..U or «««./. OFT.
Amow tbo aro aboot W HcMIUaBb BaUa, U

laFlnded In Ibie aale:

at.............. .......... .......fie yd


12i4c Flannelettea at.^..,.....^..............Up yd
Uc Flpnnplpttpp nt;....:...........yd

AM coiid. ««ctli Me tor........... .............................Ate

iu :::3: rs s:

Here are a few extra t^edal valnea we wilt <
at tbla ante.
One pile of Chlldren a aoaka worth up to
$$.60 for. ..........
$1.9$ each, all 1
3 Pieces Jamestown Dreaa Gooda in Brown.
Blue and Black, worth $1JM per yard la
tbU aate at......................
........ He per
These goods are 62 Inches wide.


Onp Ut of Flannel Shirts at % OFF.

^A AU of onr Lsdtea- Wrmppp^ worth $1.00, |l J6.
J $U60. to dose 11 ..E::;^.;......v....^..iic anch •


One pl^ Nnvy btim SnlUng. wan $6c per ^mrd.
42 Indiep fUt al..,,..,....He per

-i >;;■

Mato ’««nr ipnAif.. i...... .W


Ow lot o( OreM SkliU. n* »LM tor....$S.U i

'OM tot or CklMrao-* 'Tum. trartb Ttc uid

CMldren a Overcoats tit % OW.
All our Hen's aad Boys* Sweaters at % OFF.



I^,^ CoptA Mp^wp nt H
And many other thinsa nl radnesd. yctcpL
We havp the exctualve agency tor Maifllettf

The Pnnu naUa nt..:.
The OM nt:.,........
TteyVe the heal
|a tha eftj, ft hnva an
plppp X3to4l wniPt
ACpB and look os neer nni ne# If wn naaT ants

••wt Mt •y*<
•■ Mil II> U kBM^ to |k« Autn


•My tliat lift It Mfe la making Mi
lania tkronrt Kmigkton,
BMwwr i
«•!# w oC«
of IMMMIO far ■ coMMt la April with
iHhAm loUtalraa a few tfaya ago aad
latt «l«M'a iwpiMiaa mo gouM^ aa
•war to tha aUMak neat out by Skin
aer- K It ap lo Uc RhyoUta pitK
aaiiata to gaclda wbatbar thay are
praparad lo-pay hU way acroM tb«
Aa Squltwa did oot parfom orar
itly aoma of
thr local critict hare decided that a
Bqnfrae^effiiaa match would not ba at
good a drawing card hari. If any Ban
Praaclaeo promotara ware ooBtldarlag a achama for briagiag Bgolraa aod
JaffHaa tflgMhar eommaat of thia
kia^ woald detar than. Tha Naradaaa. ho#vm. team to fix tha prtca of
anyfhlag thay want and rathar bold
out Ibf It ragardlapa of all oplnkma.



'itarnmy** Morw. capuia of the


Tala football taam thIa aaaaon. baa
declared blmbelf la favor of tba pan
fool^ll rulea. wftb opa aKoapUnn.
Ha voold arty mock Ilka to tea the
lima of halvaa Incraaiied from 30 to
Sli or 40 mlnutaa.
Caapar WbUnay a annual farra la
now before |bt public. Kckeieall.
Maroon qoartarbark.. la favored with
a place aa fullback.
PblladelpbU reporta aay that ibr
Italvaralty of Pannaylvanla and Cblcago foot ball taama are Juat aa good
aa acbedulad to play on PrankUn field
In IptW.
The Aloierlcan Bowling aaaoclatkin
mia In New York laat Saturday and
drew up tba plana for the blggeat re
gattm aver held wa Amertcaa wateru.

Detroit. Dac. 9$.-Nevar baa tbla
city fait an mneb the need of ^ capodooa aaa^My hall aa at the praaent

Both laat year and tba year hatere
the manageadm fait aa It ware, tba
pinch of apace hunger, but la^gnMt
baa tba local indpatry grown that tbU
aaaaoa tba promotara will do well to

in tba
Hop at tba Ugbt Onard armocy, wblla
Boma oibara. owing to limited sp<M«.
will be aoaMod to carry
a>w of
tbalr modala. Tba FV>rd. at atatad bafora. made no effort to gat In and tba
Da Luxe waa unable to
allotmint. Aa a conaati
will be a greater tendency than aver
toward private abowo In local rauH

CMcapo High tahaM FaeChall Taam.
hound for taattla. %ack Out

to Ue Kvenlng Record.
* ' Mich.. Dec. 37.—i
orrow U <*o the alck lUt. .
to kMA^na Moof near tba fag and of
Mra. Dr. & H. Cornell U quite alck.
the aeaion tba aeeood dlvlakm blubo
Mr*. Will Clark who ba« been quite
bmmiy diww Mg anougb crowdv to pay
nick U able
t^ axpanaam of iba vialUng tenma.
John Bgau of Neaaen City was rail
the Aaya of the abort aaaMm moat
Ing on frienda here Thursday.
tba dttbt cleared maaey.'*
J. J. Love. danUat from Manistee,
baa locntod bare In town.
Rlckanl Brlmroer vUlted fiimds at
eaaen City over Sunday.
Mra. D. H. McLaughlin and Mrs
R. Cram ot, Tbompaonvllle vMied ARTHUR HOLUDAY. KL Dr-PhyMfrtfnd. Jn igyn

elaa and hnrgeoa. SmBovad ta tffMr. and li^ Oraon Haxard and MV.
flofta in Mnnaon block prfr Ban
^ Mra. bm 8bMl
A Bari t, atlaaaa pboaa m.
naml ofVjUiiheua Ramaav at Crant
ipeord for a half mile at davaland.
O.. Bapt. 17. 19P4. in :5844.
HARRY B. HARNlR-piptrt g(
Tankay held tba trotUng record In
Noel Wilkloi of Big Rapblii aWed
inner and action ragalator. Bi
im at 9;&».
on ftd. BrlmiBar and Ralph I
tacUoa gnaranteM. With Kia
wrnia Hoppe in Ztii In 18.2 balk
MoMcHouaa. OUs phono 984.
line bUllarda
Chicago May
company from FYankfort this week.
iamea Coypa of Nosacn City visited
C. Mrl.ean bolds the'record for put­
ting a 2: pound abot at 37 feet 8 Ralph Simons and famUy Monday.
Haoca Morrow and daughter Br
left Sunday for a weeks vlalt with
relailvea and Elands at Fenton.
Mias Myrta Bahr of MarilU
calling on friends here Monday.
O. P. Carver A Bro.

Why sit in a cold room
when a little money spent
will keep it out?
Storm swh are guaran­
teed to pay for them­
selves in - two years in
saving of fuel.



Mina.. Dee. 2«.Wlth more than an hour **lay. over"
acbedulad la thia city batoip leaving
OR. C. L. THIRDBYfor Seattle, the North DfvUloa High
»unty Traaamwr Knibner aad
tSoa to dlaeaaaa of cbQdrea. Room
school football alcvao. wblcb gM In
Udand arrived yeaterday to apeod
489 htaU Bank hldg. Both phonw.
Wedneaday morning frtwn CMoago.
Cincinnati. Dec. 2«.~The National Chrlatmaa with their aoBs at thia
surpriaed aome of the dly folka by
hunting up a vacant area to tpka r.
foT'r^^l^l** ***’•
little Umbering up axerclaaa In tlgnal meat of George o. Bell, who
work under the direction of Coach vied on tba Wnre Hat of the BrookMr. Sullivan of Cedar Cily and J.
Walter Steffen.
llyn Natkmal league club for 1988. but Tremaln calfrd on J. Krabner tost SatTRAVERSE CITY LODGE. NO. 79. JL
"Rvery time the train
‘I who refnaed to alga the contract tea- urday.
J. MusQ waa a*Traverae City callof P.. meet every Thnraday
reaaoaable length of lime on thia long dered btm or report .to the dab dur­
Mb New Mnnaon block. C. B. WallAp.” said Steffen at the sutlon to­ ing the paai acnano. BeU'i rdaatate- **^TSm"Srt'of anit Pier la aklddlng
day. **1 ahaU iwoneat the boys to
■met U conditional upon bla paying
Moat of the tormera have all their
and go tbrnogh fenaations and teat afine^lfOO.
loga oa aklds now aad are waiting for
la the lad case of a almUar charac­ more anew to draw then to the mill. TRAVERSE CITY LEGION. No. 199NaUoaal Protective Legion
ter before the commlaaloo a fine of
Tim acbool la doted for one week a
*:T. A. C.. wqi eod«nor to lower bla
meet la Woodman hnU on the third
1198 waa Inflicted and the .announce­
OWA rwcord of 20 94 aecondn for the
,Prmnk Muail aold^ part of bis
Tneaday of each month nif:98 p. m.
ment la made that hereafter the floe land
t(f J. Sum
Bcttb. prealdent; OayM
wm be tocreaaed from time to time
The Mla«^ Btonora Skalda and
Ortowold. awirdary; Nettie C, Gray,
with a view of breaking up the prac- Hattie Bebober were Maple City calldeputy.
Oct t4tf


A A. M.. meeu oa Mo^ erantog
oa or belora the fun bf the i
nt 7:98 p. aa. M. K. Ha^ i

Get our prices.

Shoe Boom.

All kinds of lumber aod
interior finish.

A. Grellick & Co.

South Side
Lumber Co.





in your Cbristnuu giv.
ing; or soowooe yoo
had forgottM reBMobfctwl yon.
Never mind.
Von esn w,nue Uuit. sH
right. Msk. s retnm gift
We hsve plenty of gUta,
snd yon osa nuike it oipensire or ioexpegsive. Either
way we have the goods.

ItaWne aiy
Gas Co.

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