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The Evening Record, January 08, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
■Mm W NMiMr IImm« Hr
WIM to tSt WMif BmmC
ChariM CepiMnd Filed Petttien Tedgy
fbr TlirM ttetheiliM ChlldMn.
Chartes OopeMnd Dei a peiUen In
ProhMe conn today making for n gnai^
dlnn for Out lU Amanda ILJ and
Lonia OoReinnd. throe minor dUldraa
BUT STANDARD WAS THE -MAN TMr Mtnte cenMefo of H.0SS Mnccn^ ing after the two weeks' ]
SEHINabee Inanranoe left them by their
JU>K for tlM tii-
•IttM orthos
t or
to CholrmAB StooU of Ui« Isthmloa
MMlWtoMd. TIM fwu teTt t«M to
ISfSt ts OM SObUMtlOO or tso •MM-
tlw Umltod StotM.*
morning, urging them to be nooTM to
ench other nnd giving ooMe good ndTlce m regard to New TenFH roroletiona.
Mtoa Rhen Martin reetted
FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS Riley'S “An Old Sweetheart of Mine**
in soch a pleaalac manner that she
was forced to respond with nn encore.
The latter part of next week the e*Republic OU Company Repreeentad by
Crying Need of the Country la Women amtnations <m the first eemMier'e
Hbn Wm Owned by the SUndard
work wfll be given.
Sot He Wm InetructM Not
of the Territory.
to Tell That.
TOCNO MEK3 onteoMa i«dM*d t
By Wire io tbe Brenlnt Record.
Kew York. Jan. 8.—In the Standarl
Oil mreot^atlon by MlMonrl today H.
C. Uardfnatle. a former Standard em
ploye. teetified that Walter Jennin*..
tbe domestic trade committee of
the Standard, took him to eee W. H.
TUford, who told him that the Stand
OAM WOULD SC USED FOR FOWER ard had just absorbed the Schofield.
Schnrmer A Teacle company and reAND OTHER FURPOSCS.
tlMd It under the name of the
Repoblle company. Tllford said that
Wowitf So Slaty Foot HlgK-L. 1C HardcaaUe must not be known as a
Siandard man. HardcaaUe traveled
OIbbo, W. E. Wllllamo and L. H.
throogb the territory where the Re
DaZoola of This City. Ralph
public sold lU pordocu. He went
Com pad J. O. OoWar.
tbroncb Iflchlcan. Iowa. Kanaaa. Mlaaourl and Illlonla. He said the Re
The board oT snpenrieora met at public acenta were Inatructed to rep3:20 thU afternoon In n January aea- reaent tbe foct that they were an In
alon la noeoe^oe wUh the new law.
The first tmil^eas to come 1
board was a peUUon from Ralph Case
and J. O. Crotaer of Klncaley. W. E.
Wllllama. Lawrence H. DeZoete and
U K. Olb’ba of Traverae City aaklng
Ury*» fottor to PrMliimt RoommH
vliki ibo liUtor ftpprovML It wm tiM
■mmamm |o vhSeii Um tnaMctkmt wwe
eoodOBted tkm S14 not aMoi wlU
prmi Md T^n Plioors that bf> toM
AodU to pUlalr. Om WMtlieMUiiic
of boMs hr Um rmllrood ooniMiiy to
■MOtobUgMM. Tbb WM done with
oot foSMlttag Ton or BoomtoII. the
besdt botaff ordMwd booibt bock. An
oUmt wm la ooaae^ioa with the eon*
eolloUao or a eoanlMary oonirmct
awmriod 3. B. lUrkel oT Otahha. beCOMO the railroad had been able to
furnlah food to Ita employee at lent
priDe than In the contract. Markel
pratemled the claim and r>t I10.74SJ7
wllhoot ooMltlac Thft or Rooaerelt
i la Joit^ howerer^aare
dam acroea the Boardman river, the
height to be ality feet for tbe purpose
of furnishing electric power and other
purposes. Tbe dam U to be built of FOR PROPOSED GRAND TRAVERSE
cement and earth and la to contain a
suitable chute for tbe passage of logs,
hardwood, timber, etc. It is to also
contain a flab chute for tbe free
egress of all kinds of fish. The com
mtIMNT PRAItEO CANAL COM- pany Is to be known as tbe Queen
City Ughl and Power company.
The eommunlcaUon was referred U
the commmtttee on roads aid bridges
and tbe attpenrlsors of^t Bay and
Club Will MmC and Organise in Stein
berg’s Grand Optra Houm on the
The only other buiiness of the after
CANAL WILL M DUO SOONER noon was the recepUon of a communi
Afteriieen of Feb. S-^anguet
cation from Charles H. KImmerle of
In the Evening.
Cassells, president of the state su
pervise*, association. calling attention
The executive committee of the pro
Aecounta of Immorality. Jobbery an! to the me^ig
l^ng Feb.-Sr^ 1and 9 and posed Lincoln club met in the council
Inomeloney or Mlaery Were Althat delates
delegates be asent. The
Saturday evening and transacted
local board will send two delegates, conalderabte business. Chslrmsn Haswaya DIeprovod to fMaoredit
tbe chairman and one other to be Ings reported/'on the work done, to
appointed. At the meeting the advis date by the various committees and
ability of Incorporating
By Wire to tbe BMPlag Record.
the committee appointed to draft a
8.-PTesld^l tion will be discussed. Amoni
constitution made a report. This com
Roosevelt this nflernoon Mnt £ com prominent speakers will l>e Oo»
mittee was composed of R. B. Walter.
munlcatlon to oongrcM In wlilch he Warner. William Alden Smith
J. H. Monroe. O. C. Moffali and P. C.
prmlsM the work of Uie Panama canal Hon. Charles A. Blsir and
Gilbert. The proposed consUtuUon.
I their de others.
which win be adopted on tbe aflerc work Is
of Feb. 9. with such changes as
being admirably done and great prog
be suggested or desired by the
FMs has been made. >^'hat has beer
membership U as follows:
accomplished gives us good reason tc
Name—The club shall be known as
bellere that the canal will be dug In a
as Grand Traverse Lincoln club.
aherter time than w^ anticipated and
Objects—This club U organUed for
at an expenditure within the estimated
the support and promotion of the best
nmoant F»t>m time to time Tsiioos
Intcresu of republicanism; to encour
publications have been made and in
THAT 18 MICROBE THAT CAUSES age attendance at the primary meet
tbe future various similar publications
ings. that honest and capable men be
doubtless will be made purporting to
mated; and to promote the cause
give aocounU of Jobbery. Immorality.
of good government.
InMdency or misery, as pertaining
Membership—Any male person wer
to the tsthmua. In every Instance the
18 >-ears of age shall be eligible to
aeouMtlons have proved to be without
membership, and may become a mem
fonndaUon. The aUlemenU of theM PEOPLE SHOULD BECOME MORE ber by subscribing to this consUtutlon
■ettMtkm moogera provide discredit
or In writing authorixing the secretary
only to those who originated and gave
to affix his name thereto.
them currency and who thereby ham
les—Does shall be 50'cenU a year,
per and obstruct tbe oomplcUon of •wuld Live Mors Sanely and C«re- payable on or before^ Feb. 1 In each
fuily-^ore Religion Rathor Than
Officers and ibcir dutlcs-The ofMore ChurchM Is the Need
(ConUnuod oa Third Page.)
of the Country.
By Wire Co the Evening Record.
ta «■»
UamUtoa CMhlng Oa.
Washington. Jan. 8.-One of the
oet crying needs of Alaskm is wives,
according to the annual report of John
C. Brady, governor of the lerrilory. He
appei^ to the young women of Amei^
lea to'come to flasks and get married.
He says there are many excellent op
CffidlUcns for Getting Out Timber
Were Never Better Than New in
Bj Wire to the Evening Record.
Northern Michigan.
New Yoric. Jan. 8.—Tbomay Darling
During tbe
j»art of the winter lou. president of the New York board
the lumbennen of northern Michigan of health, has made an exhaustive
were •erlouely handicapped In their vsitlgtUon of the snklde epidemic.
operatlona of getting out logs and Hi finds there U no suicide microbe
hauling to sidings for transportnUen and that the only germ responsible I
to the mills. Fbr a time It looked tbt many beaded monster catted **8ln.
rather aerioua and many camps were He says tbe remedy is foe the people
shut down oiring to sepreity oC mmw. Intlvldually and collectively to become
Now. however. coodlUoosim^hanged more moral and to live more sanely
and lumbermen are In clover. The ani carefully. He says Us more re
work of getting logs out of the woodv ligion. not more churches, that we
and to tbe saw mitts is being rushed
under the moat favorable cli
■Uneea. Kx<3ilef of Police John Ren
nie, one of tbe veteran lumbermen of
this aectlon. la engaged In getting out
timber this winter and la answer to a
gaery by a Record rgpreeen^ve he
aald that In hia extensive experience
In the bnslneu he had never known m
wtnler when conditions were as good
asatproeent The excellent sMghtag
nnd ravatahle weather la at this time
worth many tkommnfis of dollars tj
S#rvlc* Wm H«W From the Church
The fanenl of Mn. Ellaibert
MeereU wa» held from Uie church at
Solon yeetenUy morning at 10:30. the
Rev. 8hbll?y of Buttons Bay officiating.
Music was furalslied^y the church
choir. Owing to the large circle of ao^
itaaoM which the deceased and
ly held, a large congregation gath.
ered to pay their last respects to the
dMd. The fimrM were both In abundand beautiful. Burial in the
D cfoetery In charge of L. D. Cut-
Mine. -Merrto Waa ParaiWr
Ejaa»d From WWIa HaMa.
Br Vlro to tha Bvaalac BusH. .
WaahlBctoa. Jam. L-llra. Woor
Br wire to tho Bvaala* Record.
Monk, a woaaa who waa fordblr
Jackaoa. lOch. Jaa. S.—Wai
claettd troa tk« white haoM. Is la a
Vlacmt of the etato' prleoa hac reCUT to the «sldi-an orareoats.
Omt OMt wm Zttch
AX sic caifldiena’
Shoes, laoe, patent tipa,
heavy or light tolee.
Then we want to •oc
yon. We are prepared
to aell ydu a Chamois
Vest for a dollar for
which yon have been
paying $1.50 and $2 00.
AT 75c Women's Felt thoee
sole-flannel Uned.
AT 98c Women’s Warm
Jnliettea, for trimmed. seV.
era! colors to select from.
AT fL98 Women's Patent
leather droM shoes, worth
$2.50to$2.75-«a eitraordinary valoe
Di^Cwyn A fttMkg/m
The disry that hits fire yem is esUed
BOrt ingadpB. UtUe hook
« be NMd far f«
MeMtinIrorBotMdoriiod. Ark to oee wlMtveoai.
And so b our Celebrated Kno Wet Trooaen. WHl
keep you dry in rain or snow, and warm in coldest
wea^CT. ^ Spiaffue'i Rumian Ve«t. impene^le ^ ^CTOld. They have a double breasted
front, high Russian collar about the neck, thns
making them most thorough throat and lung
, protectors.
:oK Sa movt
cPMiOM m^mi
We Are Agents For
It’s the smaU saviiigt that
fill the purse—it’s right buy*
iugat the right place that acoompliahea this end. You can
save money on your bill if
you oome here.
Chamois Vest
We make
Turm YEAR itSi
lAlMStractD of TItIo
I Rmi SM DtM DwfiS MMtaiS
Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber.
traverse 0Hy Ittfo. €o.
16 inches long. .Will deliver IM cords for $2.50
John F. Ott Lumber Co.
CLonowG eruRinemNca
AnOoate np to and iadoding twetee dollar ooato
at abore dimoimt-Brakm maea oompel ns to make
asaerifioe to dleaanp stock. SOME 8PLEKDID
la the «kj todey.
*jon the purchase of an'
We w»h to reduce our
stock of
arire meaitagt was received by
k of Waartihigton street
Saurday erenlng
death of her aliler, Mr*. Mattie Leo
pold of BuEalo. No other Informuthm
was ohtsHiable and ms no preriouf
mesaage of her illness had been re
ceived. it la thought that death was
sudden, Mr*. Peck and .on. Oraoa W..
accompanied by her cousin. Mrs. Pittenger of Grand Rapids, who waa
gncrl in the famUy home, also accom
panied them to Grand Raplda yester^
day where the funeral will l>e held.j
The deceased was long a resident ofi
Giand Raplda W. Miller, .editor of I
the Cheaanfng Argus, a brother of the
deceased. wlU join Mrs. Peck
Gold Equivalent.
trw to bdp oMlco out • fnifal dlnoor
for tbo w^teren. Prtrr cootlnoally
One of the rarest ma wMl as nidett
tuVid Jicqori to Mok Mlratkm, eo- of bills U in pomesston of U K.
tfooun to wUcb the h«rdeo«d PrenebCtereland. This is a Spanish blU for
forty doTtara. and la dated Jan. 14.
Jooniey Jem frwiUj 1775. It reads: ”The bearer la en
titled to receive forty Spanish dollara
pej for the dinoer. hot
or an equal cum In gold or silver ac
gram throe
J.cq^ who cording to a rcsolBlIon of congress of
bad for oome daja t>eeo beai^IIj aick the 14 Jan 177!».”
or hla borgalii with IWtaft. oakod that
The paper Is smtl]. being only two
whoerer rtKrald aherwaid alt In the
chair when Jem had aat might not and one-half by four Inches In al*e.
be able to arine therefrom until be and upon the face a stem of a fern ii
aacqoeai abould ao wiU. The aecond dlsplay«*d with scattered leave* over
the paper. What the slgnlAcancc of
tblc is la unknown.
The algTxatnre. which origlnany In
alltjr or tha mohigftii tnbefiUiioo tax
"ThS bc.*t play here In a long time”
abalaoever aboold enter rei Ink. Is entirely oblleraicd wl’b age.
Uwa Boama to bare beec dUpoaod of
hla purae might not lea\'e agalnat the The n*llc U from the printsbop of Hall was the comment freely expressed after
bj tha racam dedalon of the Sopreme
A Sellem. A narn>w fancy border the perft.'rroanct- of the *'Wlxard of Or ’
wfli of the owner.
ookrt, which onrsed the dedatoa of
\Hien BaUn came to claim Ja»-qnf!« surnmnda the InscrlptionH but has no Saturday night at St.-lnberg's Grand,
tha Wayaa oooat/ probate court ta he waa given the cliair In whlrli Jem particular emblem. The bill has been j -nje ,-ork of Geurge A. Roek as the
tba matter of the Inheritance tax on had aat and waa. of roorae. beM aa In the family of Daniel Jenkins fr»r
scarecrow and f-Yod J. .Nice as the tin
tha proparty oT a non-realdcnt. who faat by tbe -.peU- aa though be bad
Aft) year* and previous to this wxs In wood roan would bring laughter from
owaad atock In Detroit banka and
poHsi-Ksion of a * warden of Jackson their proto?y*pc-s while the antics of
loaaad money In that elly. The 8u !
No further hlrtery of the Fro I Woodward a.s lmog».*ne. the cow.
to HImb tbe cberry triw. and Immeill prison.
prama aourt halda that proparty of the atcly they. too. were prtaooen* of the
relic In available.
inU Joe A. W<vM a* the cowardly lion,
idmiMor hamad moat he cxmaMered wily Jar«|ueii. Finally I.mHfcr
.njuld hardly have been rxeelJed by tho
aa bali« «a thia atate and aob|aet tn hub and all the mUior ofBren* of !»ell
■n a-. r,* of the pirls
tba InharlUnce Ux eren tboogfa it rame to look afti-r tlnHr ohlef and the
Tbo play Is hung on a very t;lendcr
aMit hot hare been aubject to other Iropa. Jacquea. Ylth punw In haml. The Rev. Dema* Cochlin Officiated at
thread. Just MifAelent to cause a slight
forina of taxation here. It la expected met them at the d.KW and permiaded
<cquenco of t vents. It hinges on n
that an annual arerajce of f400.000 will one after another to dire Into Its car
The funeral of Ike late >Ire. Garter Kansas cycloa** which irausttorted a
emoua depths in aearrh of g*dd. He
aooB ba^recelyPd Into the aUto treaa- then closed the purae and In full view waK ludil Ihi.c urt<-mooh at 2 oelork
portion of tbe letpulatkm if that sla’e.
nry on Inheritance Ux account. There of the helpless Satan and the tree bn from the hcVme on ih«' bay road we ,t
o fain land when' Dwro.hy Gale Is
V la Mia oppoalUon in thU aUte to the prisoned Imiw pounded It Aat on tbe of this city. The Rev. Demaa Gorhlln
glii n a wishing ring by which she
pimaipla fnvolred In the Inheritance atone threiOiold. Finally wtien the of thla city .JAriated. the mnslt^'l.eirg
‘.rings the rr3r.*en»w lo IIP-. Tt«e fur.
tax, but It baa aunrired all anch criti- second «rfnreni of the lafemal regions In charge of Mrs. N. E. Degan. Tin
nec^ wli. n Imogf ne attemp?r*
dam and oppoaltkm In New Yf»rk. Mmr. were Aattened out of all aemblnnn* to remains were laid to rest in Oakuool
e v.v lib parking and only ends when
aaahofetia and other eaHtom atatea. IniperUI Inqia of darkneaa Satan rail cemetery., the pall licarerK IK-Ini;
he M arerr.m li aves the htage. The
ed from tbe chair entrmting Jacques to
«4« Uw> U nrobal.1) no q.c.Uon u desist and promising a quittance from Mcaara. O. I*. Carver. J. A. Montagje varlouiT Foiigs w, re all w« Il gi\en and
to lU peiTOUirncy on the ataiute book* hla .obligations. Viion this assurance h>ank HamiUon. J. W. Pttehin. Will
Acre phi-ing. the solo by Alni«<tah
Jacqooa released tbe whole tnfema: lam Arms and W. P. CmtSor.
laAam being ca-i!\ the last from an
tribe, and since that time they have
artistic |>olnt of view while the duet by
Aa tacreaae of twenty-dve
to api>ei
the tin win»draan and tho scani-row
f dollara tn the l«nk depoalta of tbla they formerly did so fre«ju
Tbe Rev. Edward IJoytl Jones of was the best mirth protlucer.
^^#0*I during the paat year attga
Rsrcwtiwn PwtfClewl ntwnlm.
During ibe si-ennd and third arts, on
Mancheater. England, la credited with
pr.liCiMed earning and aavlng ability
In tbe reign of Charles II. the names hnving origlnalctl the phni.Nc “the vreount of the latcne.^s of the hour,
)A&M|<ha*part of many thouaan'd MIchl
of -milir' aud ‘Tory” were used for Grand Old Man” aa nppIlM to Mr many penple thought that the play wa.
gas people. And tbe beat reaulta of the two imrUcs which we now call
Gladstone. During the Irinli agitation end«;d and s-aiied to go. How vet.
Increaaed aaringa are tbe atrdnger .“IJl»enir and *H\>nser\otlve.”
It liecame ncMHWMiry that detective*
hopea and brighter expectatlona they " So atroug_wyuHhe ht»stlllly between abonld follow Mr. Gladstone for the •hey all c ame bark and were w« II n
paid for so doing.
proTlde for the years to come. The theNparrtmthat when the king sum
aom of oonientmenl and bapplneaa In moned his third parliament (lOSD he
hire, that eonnty. then governed
MIchlgiai next year will be the friuater waa afraid for It to meet In London,
beoauae of the Increaaed earnings and which was vety Whiggish. and be coorenrtl It at Oxford, where Toryi»m wat
Increased aaringa through the year atnmg. The \\Tdg members, alarmed
Tories in those day*, object t\l. wberejust closed.
at thla. rode Into Oxford armed with UIKMJ Llovdl JoDCH.
JODCH. who
Inter nt Illijy1. promptly calleil .an Indlg
Tha Woman's Chrluilan Temperance
In the reocUou which followed thla
meeting. lie nsketl
a lawyer
TJnlpn of Grand Raplda baa l»egun a display of force prominent Whtga weie who waa prwent to state whether. If
cruaade agalnat Imrooul picture*. pttmecuted on the evidence of jierjuped the life of a common tramp was In
€uth g movement baa a wide Acid and
peril. It waa not the duty of the county First National Bank Had
to protect him. Ttie lawycT said that
wlU undoubtedly.. If properly proarDuring 1905.
culed, win acrompllah much good. The Whig leader, was accused of blgli trea nmloubtcNlly It was. “Tlien.” shouted
son. but was acquitted. In fact, no Mr. Jones, “If It I* the dnty of thb
diapiaying of ohjertlonable of picture* Tors- June* would ctmvlct a Toiy. and
eonnty to protect the beggar at oui
on blllboarda and In other public where the WTilgs prodomlnat«*l no jury
doors, are we going to nllow tbe pre 'iiy Firsi National bank:
places la a practice that should bo wouW convict a \^•h^g. At last ftilug* clous life of that grand old man at Ha
“The deposit* of the First Nat
Btopped. vl^fnrmiKly an If necraaary
reached such a cllmnx that leading warden to g> unprotected T* Thai tank of Traverse City lnereas»»d nearWhigs, in despair, formed a plan to meeting nettled the quarter seaslons* ob
y iPMi.ooo during the year !!♦«*:..• Th'*
compel Uh» king to siuumon a free par Jectlons. and the title stuck.
rcoourecs total more than 1700
'A prominent real estate mim hnvlng liament. but they were uctniiuHl of liigh
•00 and It Is climbing toward the mlllBerctnl •‘good buys- on id* lUt bap- treason, and some of their loaders w ere
executed.-I^don Sal unlay Review.
on dollar class.”
peoed to niurt an oM r.rnnan. wb.i.
John Jacob .tator'r. income la cstlhh knew, had l.y frugal inetlusN ,.f
Dated at about Aki.taMi a «lay.
May Live 100 Years.
llvtng. acnminlnted n sntnll foHrnr
remarkable whni sliglil variaLiisitenant Gitieral t'lmfree contem
The chances for living a full reiiiury
nrhicb be kept In a snving* bank Tl.e tion thiTf Is ill the ti-mpomturr of the plnt«w lakking up
• re «*xeellent In the eatM* of Mrs. Jen
The n.iruial
normal tern- ‘ donee in l*ithtT lU
real estate man tried to iH-rsunde him healthy human IhnIv. Tbe
.lie Duncan of Hpyncsviile. Me., now
It 1* n fracth.a
fraction Cal.
to Invest Ms money In land, oml In I^tnre
70 years obi. She writo.M: “Kbvtrlc
Hitters cur*‘d me of Chronic DxMM-psli
•peaking of the many ndvnntapw of
ul.ll, th.. 'n»"TlnH,'m
«><> SI.-llWI.rhn. of 20 years standing, and made me
owning property he waxed warm and
as well and strong as a young
aahf. untbiHkingtv:
,irl.“ Eb-ciric Uifters cure Siomat i
•‘It U a One nest egg to fan hark
xnd Liver tliseases. HbxY.l disorderr
foNNl. fasting. exenlM'. all .ire f.^rinrul
, ,, ,
ind b«>dlly wo*
,U=h.,v vnr...,. ,hr .-nil-rni.nr... |r--Alnl.ni. ur..rs
Tbe old German thought seriously
itoo at Johnsoi
for a f»*w iHiniitoft. - rnd vhat vmild The great peculiarity mIm»ui
. r. A. nuglM t
Its eveniH'Ks undt^r*
: Fit»n*h. Price only HOf.
1 do ndt drr bn»ki*n eggs ”^he aski*!.
all conditions. Heatt or f'tdd i-nuses but i
1 keep tnv in«'i
alight variation, and in man leas than
in any other animat. In extremes that Vnlou I?«HAe. has l»een visiting Ms
would l»eifatal to many animals roan K.yhood homo at Uaeoon. Ind. I'orty
can enduie and tSiJoy good health wn- >«*ars agt>, it Is said, he waa known Mrc. Esther Palmer Was Laid Away
to Rest Saturday.
use Itucklen’s .\rnlra Salve never won der ihNWfce rlrcumstam-es. We read of around the town as “boy no atA large nunilK-r of friends nf Huder If lb will cun' etitf. wounds, biima. arrtle voyagers enduring a tempera- , count.”
Rnrl de Grey, although TCi years old. aged plomiu. Mrs. Esther Palmer.
•uwoa and all skin erupUons; they lure ranging from HO degrees to Jk> de
greea and ev«*n-lirj degrees below aero. ' muks qa the gri'nteet kUbM- of game
know it win. Mrs. Grant Shy.
gathmMl at the Bingham rbureh Sat
K Reynolds St.. SprlngAeld. III., says: while, on the other hand. In the troplea. in tlnyit llritaln.
Ilia bag to date
during tbe greater part of the year, tha ; amounts to nio.iTO bend.
In Yo:k urday afternoon at 2 o'ckx k to |oiy
their last re.*Gpec1s tn the depaned
hmiseki'eplng" Guaranteed temperature ranges from 100 degrees shire be otico'^h.)! T/JO grjuw;
by Johnson l>rug Co.. F. H. Mearm C. to 110 degrees above, and yet meo «v aiugle day.
The rervbN’ wa* in charge of the Rev.
A. Bugbee Drug Co., druggists. S6c.
Jot health In such varying tempera
Shelley of SuMonv Ikiy. Burial t.»ok
ONE TO FI\*E IXlUJVRa.Nived ... plare al the Bingham cenielcry In
the purrhase of an overcoat; depends chargeXif 11. L. Carter.
The beautiful s<»clety women leaped
upon tho price.
^ from her maroon touring car and
Hamilton Clothing Co.
It's an ea*;. thing lo lay.
sUrtod to ascend tbe o«cr building pome eastern ones down to the present iaa B 2t
time aalt has
And say It good and sti-tmc.
occuided exchttlvely by lawyers.
am of exchange. Ooamaa speaks of
And,say H pretty frequenL
-One moment,” cried a dapper little
■alt Cl
Push Rocky Mountain Tea along.
.. inpoiter with a green pencil and a roll
Johnson Drug Co.
of papeV. •‘What la your numberT* *
j.Tha benutlful woman started to
count on Ungers clusUTod with rings.
wrlttsti In tbe thlrtcoith canir
“Let me ace.” she said Anally; “I
. tells OB tbe TlbetanAbad none of
if tbli« it U 11.”
great khan’s paper money, bot used
naeren? Er-I mean tbe numlier
for new years present
f of yoor machine.”
”How stupid! 1 tbooght you meant
I the number of husbands.”
and rooad aboive. and erety piece frami
With a teas of her Bowing white the Bold welibed half a poond. On
^ wdl ahe disappeared In an
tb«e molds the prince's maik was art.;
Dally News.
and DOM tmt Ibe Tojml officers apedal-l
]y appofntad was pennlttad to roalDs It
Baata the Music Cum.
”To keep the body In tune,” writer Btgbty of thaaa molds ware rsckoMd,
m be equals A ^BagglooCBne gold.- ^
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
r Lilia pnia. They are th«
Ad plaaauBi laxaUre 1
tthg OauV. BuilaiiC!^c.^j
Drug Co, drugglau. Uc.^
ud la
aad to do so we hare
PRICE. If you want a
heating stove we can save
you some money. We
have !>oiae exceptionally
goad birgains just now.
Come in and see them.
It7MrbMtii«ah>Tei«aU aad won ud »looMmd op in
joints that yoQ have loct oaniMl of thu dnft, Uien
A prrl^t Air Tight, just Kke cut,
body made of boiler stod and bemrUy
solid out tup
hentT cast fiuiiU check dixfi with
qxirk arretter
OKLY $4.75
Same wove with cast sUrt has:
andnlcuefoiaers........ S.7S
Same stare with cast skirt base, nickle leaders aad Me
hearer cast ifiraat feed 4«ar..................................... .
:oiT im oooi
J. W. SL-A-TEfR!
Wholesale and Retail -YonrRaliable Home Forniaher
Dre$$ Goods
Special Prices During Our Hnnual Sale
All 40c goods for.............
A||50c goods for....... ....
* 1.00 goods for...........
All 1.25 goods for........
All 1.35 goods for......
A'M-50Roods for.........
All 1.75 goods for........
All 2.00 goods for...... .
Christmastidc offers no Ix tter opportnnily than can
Iw found in the Diamond
.1. cigar. One lino of these
favorites embraces all siztg,
anti there is not one but
what. would Ik? treasureil
and prized by any “lover
One lot of Koods worth from $1.00 to $1.50 per
yard, to dosv out at 5i»c per yard
n. }. aiilbelm
of the wooil.’*
Are aUays found in pur ixroccry department. That alway means the
best of thin^^s to cat. good
If you like Salmon fora lunch or for sandwichs, get some of these:
umbia River Salmon. Alaska Red Salmon. Coal Bay Salmon.
No other store sells solid meal green turtle.
ever canned, and sells at r.Oc the can.
This is the finest
Here arc some other good things -taste just like the article right fresh
from the water: Monarch Lobsters. Cove oysicrf. Lion Lunch Oysters,
Minced Sea Clams. White Horse Clams, Burnhams Ciam Chowder.
What is bctt<!r ihc‘-e chilly days than gootl soup for dinner.
The Van Camp Sorps aTC alwa>'s ready !io serve—just the ad
dition of a little hot NN’Ster—chicken, beef, boullion, vegetable,
r ^
Sardines arc oaten so much, so wc will sell four difcrenl kinds at 10c, 15c,
*J5c, and
extra fine at 55c a box.
These are the finest canned meals, all fcady to serve; polled
Ham. Potted Tongue. Corned Beef, V<^! Loaf, Deviled Ton
gue, Dried Beef, IJambcrger Steak, Roast Beef, Chicken Loaf.
Just received some nqw Scotch Herring, Tunny Hsh and King Oscar Sar
dines that are the finest ever put up.
Here arc same delicacies that will stifely tempt you; Chow
Chow, Sweet Mixed i’ickles. Pure Oli^e Oil, Tobasco Sauce.
Blue Label Ketchup. Monarch Mint Sbucc, Prepared Mustard.
Oj^ter Cocktail Sauce. Sweet Ghcrlins, (Juctn Olives, Baby
Olives, Stuffed Olives, Leicestershire Sauce. *
»NiHXAOTAa-at^Wi»w*a - Swmjjiw/aim «nma
i 1
> tmom, nuvuM cnr.
,-i ; i c%
itmd, «—«» «r
•ccm of tbie dub shall be prtfrtiemt.
two vice preeldenta froa en^ cowmy
having aMBbenklp to tbe dnb. eecretary aad trenenrer; aleo an egeetoive
coBBlttoe to cnadet of tbe pmaUeat.
to>t to to
tbOHdty todgy
A tatoi
B.i. FeekortatoMBK
Mhl R. C ftofdner and
wntomMMirg wem to tbe dtj today.
Mrs. Mn M. Bailey toft this noon for
Grand Rni^ Ann Arbor nnd DetrolL
«r »«Wtr fooMr, an f<«BMUd to BMi
at tte aaeari oflha Tk«n<iir cnalac ■Mbere to be etoctod by bnDot nt tbe
atf;». Th* paraoaa oC ai< BOcOac aaannl Beefing of the dnb. aad to to tbe city after spending ibe bolldnya
la to tom a aariMaiat lataaliailoa bold ofSce for one year aad katll tbdr
Mr. nnd Mra. Herbert O. Joynt spent
Snaday to Omenn with bto father.
lly of tbe ezecntive 4
mUtnaflmurmL TOaraan
ankar a( avaan la tba cttr Baectogg ahaU be beM at tbe fsaB of
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrtoa Barney of Lndt «i4 tka aaxas aaaaoa arfll
togtoa are tbe guests of her annu Mrs.
aaafkaaalatkaiaaka. Tka
Meettog»-Tbe aaanal meKIng eball 8. M. Riea of Uf East Eighth atreeL
Miss Gertrude Hawley, who has
be held at eoae time dnrtag tbe Bon|b
rom iB
taa«at vallaatkai
of Febtamry ae near tbe 12tb aa may been vtolitog her sister. Mrs. Mills of
be. at the call of the esccuUve cdB- Tblrteenth street, returned to Elk Rap
Mr. and Mrs. Cbrto B. Kehl of NorthA baagnet shall be held oa tbe eventog of tbe date of tbe aaanal meeting. port nrrivod to the city this morning
tTorlt^t to lb# Motor boat
where Mrs. Kohl wiU take medical
Tbe egeewtlve conualttoe ebaU have
M mM teOMUM lb* mtrrtot to
power to appoint such oammttUm na
Mya. M. I. Quinn returned to Bast
they deem aeceenary In tbe totereeta
"Gordon today after a two weeks' visit
of tbe dnb. nad to arraage for banquet
with Mrs. Charles of 12€ Bast
aad speakers for tbe aaanal laceiing.
Eleventh street.
ThU dnb ebaU not. pcwvioaa to bU
Judge Harris of Boyne City
Fftoar Wa« •• UtMtr On ••f Tbra* aoBiaation. endorse tbe candidacy of ’ nndMrs.
Mrs, O. W. Lnrdie left, today for
Bf^m LB0i Mto
aay caadidaie for office..
North Adams, called by the lllnei
Aaeadmenta-Tbla conaUtntlon may Mrs. Lnrdle's sister. Mrs. C M. Broaa.
W. P. Kenney left this morning to
Wbitt IbfUBf tisbar oa Jor Alibr-t be ameaded at aay aaanal meetteg
fra ib Ehb^ood towBBbIp. Aftbbf wltboet 4»edal notice: or apedal meet- resume his duties as traveling aalesWMto bid bto right tog fmeumd tog called for that pnrpoee. by a aa- mnn for the White Sewing Machine
company after n two weeks' vacation
raratbakMamiajraftontoDa. He jorlty vote<:of the membera preaenL
E H. Pope, who baa been spending
This eonatltatlon la not permanent
wmr Ubaa to bit bone mad a bbjtfas tbe organiaallon will not be ef the holidays with hto family, returne.1
elaa called to redoot tbe fracture.
WilUaB Pal»er bad one of the fected nnUl tbe afiemoon of Feb. 9 to bis dntles in the office of the *Trans
bdbM of bit left leg brokeu beknr the at the gieeUng of the club at Bteto- OonUnental Freight company. Chica
toat while worktag lo the woodt oeai berg's Grand when a general organlta- go, today.
Mr. and Mrs. Chariea Revolt of Buttlon be perfected. Those desiring
bla fatber^t fam RrlAax afternoon.
While baalteg logs fbrM Bike eonth chnagea nnd those who have soggea- tons Bay passed through tbe city to
of town Friday afiemoon. El Lawton tlona to make ahoidd communioaic day on their way to WebbenrUle^
iMd bit left band ae^r lojurwl. a with Secretary R- K- Walter, tbe pres where they will remain during tbe rest
ent conatltnUon being eimply n baale of the winter with their itoughter. Mrs
C. H. King.
on which lo work.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. W. Mebert of Kes
George G. Covell made a report aa to
the speakers, stating that in addition wick are Ip the city today, where
Tbfwe teehere After Ttidh at Aibury to Governor Fred M. Warner. Patrick later. Mr. Mebert will go to Grand
AtUr Leet Night.
H. Kelley and ex-8enaior Murfln. he Rapids to continue his studies in ih?
' Tbe revival aervicet at tbe Aabary believed that Congressman Hamilton Conkey Veterinary* college.
Miss Marjorie Salisbury of Deerfield
Metbodltt eburcb wbleb have been would also be present
who has been visiting her father.41erheM tbrongbont tbe week will conA motion waa carried that the chair
bert Salisbury, returned home this
tJnae tbit week. Dortng tbe paat
man appoint one membpr from each
week tbe aUeodance bat been large
morning. Miss Sallsbun’ made many
township and ward to aollcll members.
friends in the efiy who'werdAorry
On moUon the chair appointed a com
see her leave.
mittee of three on InvlUtlon with auMiss Celia Johns, who has been
flwnbUy weU attended, the Rev. Hugh
tborlty to collect for the banquet
Kennedy epeaklng froa tbe teat taken
resident of this city for a number
tickets and membership fees. R, E.
TroB Matthew v:tbS0: *’And If tby
years, left on the early train today for
Walter. F. W. Wilson and Fred Pratt
right eye offend thee, pluck It out and
Europe. She will visit first her old
was thexcommittee ay^lnted.
eaat It from thee: for It it profluble
home In Wales, where she has not
A motion
that a com been for twenty-seven years. She will
lor thee that one of thy meBbera
abonld perlab and not that thy whole mittee of five be appointed to arrange also visit England, Scotland and othe
I be catt Into hell, and If for the banquet, the chairman lo be foreign iwlnt^ before returning.
Itbeecot It off and catt president of the commillee. and the
tor ft It profitable for committee to have power to appoint
thee that one of thy mirobeta thojUd aub-romroittees. This eoromlltw is aa
follows: K. W. Hastings. Howard A.
peritb. and not that tby whole
p. Vine's ntbietir adabould be eaat Into hell." The aervlcc MussHman. J. W. Patchln. I. It. Gil. vis4'r. ill a dlsrussion of fuutUiIl rich's.
bottii at 7:16 with a half hour of aonx
He touglied irt.idi-nily.
A transportation commlit4*e eonslRtprwte which waa followed by the aer"That reminds me," lie s.nld. "of the
Mon Boat ably delivered by Mr. Ken- ing of C. E. Murray. W. W. Smith and children of a frlcml of mine
nedy after which an altar M-nice and J. W. Hannen waa also appolnUHl.
visited lu the sumnuT.
IfiatiBooy waa enjoyed, tl.rts^ wfkers
•Thesi» chlldreu. two boys, gut
The banquet will U* held In the City
after the truth coming to ih«- altar.
opera house on the evening of Feb. 9. none too well.
"‘Hero.* said their mother to tbe
The apodal committee met this
morning and appolnt«Ml the following older of them one day. bore is n
Divide It wHli your little
brother at>d siv that he gets the II
Mt Mreiigbl to Wind Up Rtel EtiMt
Printing—J. W. Mllllken, J. M.
and Oellegltofr Agency.
Blakealee. J. A. Loranger.
"The younger child, a few niln
Paper* In a chaacery ault were fled
Cloak Room—W. E Moon. C. K. Is ter. set up n
today by J. W. Patchln for Amtl P. Taylor. Frank Carver.
" ‘Mamran.* he idirieked, ‘John basn*t
JfeHlager praying for an amicable ad
Mu*dc—E R. McCoy. E E White. given me any Imminn.*
mother, hur
fnetmeat of the bualneaa affaira of Charles Beers.
AmU F. NeHInger and C. W. Aahtvn.
Decorating—M. B. Holley, 8. CItek. rying in.
“ -It's all right.* expInlmHl the elder
who formeriy conducted the Sun Q»|. T. If. Olllls. W. E Smith. Harry MonlK>y. -Lions don't eat Imuauus.’ *’
kcting Agency and the Nertlnger RbI
Rrtate Rxchaage. Mr. Aahton with
drew frcna the firm laat May and tie
More ti*au sixty years ago, when I
enU to h^ to clomr up tbe boalnew
Nine Attended the Meeting Hald Sat was a yhlld. a ymmger sUter and myself had an attack of scjirlel fever. \\'e
urday Afternoon,
living ou Montgomery place,
The regular meeting of the Teach
now Hamilton phu-e.
Dr. Holmes
ers* Reading drde waa held In Coun
• There ffin be regular meeiiug of thr
ll\eii a few dwr*« fr^m us, msl. being
ty School Commissioner Crisp's oMce
Order of Baaten Star toaorrow even
a friend of my im^tluTs family, be
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, nine
was tbe attending physkian.
tog. No. 147. A full attendance U da
teachera being in attendance. Three
1 had l>e»‘U very sick. ami. being
aubjecu were token up: ‘‘American
couvalemi-nt, was naturally extr
St- EUiabeih a guild of Grace cburcl
Llieraiure." the "Earth and Ito Story.** ly hungry. So 1 leased my mother for
will meet la tbe choir room of th«
and "School Management." Mias Mar Wfsleak. SlK* dkl not dare to give
church Tneaday evening at 7:30. A
garet McGarry of the Beltner school me any. but tokl me to ask IT. H.
fttU attendano
had the subject, the "Barth nnd Its when lie came again If I could have
Story" nnd "American Uierature" was
at the We-qne-toug dab. Seven
So the next day be came I aaid:
ip the form of a round table talk, the
teanw bare entered and a ediednl will
authors under discussloQ being Poe "Docltvr. 1 am hungry; can't 1 have a
ple^'e of beefsteak V’
nnd Hawthorne. The roll call was an
Tbe doctor gave me one of bis queer
aalnrday-Bifbtrwhile busy at hU
Bwered by quotations from these twv, looks and said: *‘I think you bad liet^barber shop. Bert Witmle^i -feet got
auihora. "School Management** wms ter have « piece of my coat-tail
Ured and be reUred In the back room
discussed by County
fried.**—Boston Herald.'
to change his ahoee. To hU lun
BIm D««« with rtmU TWtU.
Pbir of tan ogforda worse than he did
-1 will never forget my first experi
nafi no had nnneged them. What made
ence in hospital work." aaid Chief Sur
blm foal ao badly about the matter,
geon Millar of tbe Central emergency
wan that be bad just bad them half Of. H. K. Gantor Will Addraaa the boapItaL "Tbetw waa a green nnr
Men^ aub Tomorrow Evening.
aoM. A reward of two shaves and a
the detentloa wnid and ww had n very
Tbe meeting of the Meo*fc club of violent case to therr^ man in tbe
kaircnl U offwed for their return.
Tbe Queen City bowling team went Grace church tomorrow evening prom- worst stage of deUrium tremcna
to Cadillac Ithia afternoon to bowl a ioea lo be unusnally iniereatlng. Dr.
awakened to tbe middle of the
five from that city and even up for a H. B. Garner wUl deUver an addreaa Bight by the head name, who resn aanltallon which U nn Important Qttealrd me to come at once to tbe
Moat admtotatorod in Cadillac i
ind timely subject. A short musical patient.
When 1 got there I f«
turn aad Mn. CMorc •rogtmm will nlno be given. A full at him raring and J^cry violent, with
cew noiae acared out of her wita.
Vod win a<«tklB tke CMkolle tendance U deafoed.
Ladioa' Altar aootofy Wadaeoday after
" -Why did you let him get so far?
ma at Ibo borne of Mca. Riea. 6S9
I left you nome medlctoe to give him
tat ngbtb ntreet.
An importoot discorety of neolltMc ns aooiFaa be got deUrloua.*
-•Yeiy doctor.* she replied, -but you
rrmalDs baa been made near AIgbero.
In Saidluia. They consist of a aeries toM my to give that to him if he aaw
oI subterranean ceiU in which wete any m<w snakes, and this time be waa
seeing bine dogs with pink tails.* “
foood hnman remaiim, veaaels of term
cotta and aome weapons and imp)e> Exchange.
CHIU«»C8 orertoau all ga
metta evtoently bdooglng to a period
for beyond tbe pale of hlstoty. Scleotiftc examteation pronooncm tbe reniaita to be neolithic, and to almost
frinie npen tbe dawn of tbe Iron age.
Their antiquity to bettered to extend
to aisMit SjOOO yean befoce ChrisL—
lANtaiDe CSiib PlanMiK Gmt
"Home Coining Week.*
la that
Egyptian king, to oRtor that atones
might he dragged along It for bis pyra.
nskL In the optehm of the Greek trav
eler, the work of making the rood wan
an great aa that of bnildtag the pyra
• Kcmta«iLr» Dwirs m Ol mid. for It took ten years tocaostrwet.
rwr Wmnmmr aLmmtmektmmm tm Wtm with flgarea carved an them, bnt ta
WiU rn^mdmr m I
to a aute of i
by a young tatty born to Kentoel?. but
now living to Colorado, tbe LontorOto
Commercial dub to to hare a "home
<o«utog"forall Kentucktooa next June,
nays a DootoyUto racial dispatch to
the New York Globe. Tbe plana na for
na matured contempUte a edetm
mu^ more extenalre than any of tbe
"home comtog" weeks ever held In
New EngtoncL The dates ffxed are
June 18. 14. 15.1C and 17.
The first day w*iU be known aa "recepUou and welcome day." Every <
ty to the state wUl esubliah bead,
tort In the new armory at Doato
where regtotraUon of vlsltora will uke
place. This will be foUowed by a civic
and tnUlury parade. Colonel Henry
Wattcr*«m has b<»eu invited lo deliver
the chief address of welcome and for
mer Governor David It. Francis of
Mtoaouri tbe resixmse. Among many
others lurlicd to appear on the progranitna are former Senators Willtom
Undsay and John G. CarikOe of New
York city. AaaocUto Justice John M.
Uarlmn of the L'nlte<^ States supreme
court, former Governor Thomas T.
Crittenden of Missouri and fornmr Vice
rresideut Adlai E Stevenson of 11UDols.
Thursday, June 14. is to be "Foster
day * to honor of Stephen CoUins Fos
ter. the author of the immortal song
"My Old Kentucky Home.** The event*
of the day wUl Include brass bands
and vocal conrertR. it being planned to
mass several Iwnds to render ".My Old
Kentucky nome" and have a cboru* of
eh highly traiued sanuer*.
relieved every five mile*, could convey
messages a ilUtance of *200 mlh*s In
the twenty-four hour*. The roods were
kept lu Ijesutiful order, the* inhabitants
district U-ing ri**ponKible for that
portion of the highway which Iraver^etl their land. At the same time It
shouM 4i<* remenilKTed that there wa*
no whet-1 tmfflc to cut up the level surfaee of the hanl imvemeut. There is
tHmsldeniide Irony in the fact that it
was not HU the SpanlaidH forcibly Introducfsl their
Into Peru that the
gun to fall into disrepair. - London'
RoUe* T« HofM Ownn.
1 hevs Opsasd n bomd and i
Many Trevsree City Young Fsopio Rw
bnni sumuf Omu strestSBgtee 1
fsiwod This Mansion
^ Angus McOoEd >^**^^*
The eiodna of the eoDege sMents .hop. whe^i wttl bomd horsoa
from the city, which 1ms hemi going on rsnaonnble price. Atoh have n
tor serernl days, ewlmtontei todnv'room where 1 wtU wmah nnd
when the tost of the condngsnt I
for their respective ptoces of lenrntog. | jne vriiere'v^~Im being &ooo If
The following are among those wholMred. Hare secom!
left: Mia. Della Gine«.UnlTertUy of
Call on me.
W. H. Higgins.
m.; Heber Stout.
Olivet: Trix Ttokhnm. Uatverslty of
Michigan; Louia Heigao. rnivertJty of |
Mlehlgan: Alfred Kyaelkn, Universiiyjof Mtehignn: Ben Montague. Uniretrity of Michigan: Miss Edna Miller.'
Michigan aeminnrr. Kalamaaoo: Mlsa
Rhea Mania. Notre Dame college,
Notre Dame. Ind.: Mia* Minnie Voiru
ba. conservatory of music. Ann Arbor;
If you mut the fiuuhed
Alfred 'ft'ilhelm. Ann Arbor High
worit to look right mad jimt
achool: Miss Harriet Farrell of Elk
ordered, then oome here.
Rapid*. Alma: MU* Elvesto *Thoma* |
and Roy -Thomas of Norihport. Olivet
Fred Anderson. George Anderson of!
Omens, Alma: Hany
Willtom Fahrman of Old Mission,
ma: A. J. klcManus. Ann Arbor.
FOR RENT-Threr^ living rooms, fur
nished or unfurnUhed. 2«.7 South
e's bak«*r>.
Jan h U
FOR SALE—Hounc and ltd. close In.
Charles {.nneaster.
jan S-Ct
WANTEO-Work a* nurse.
Martha E. On*. 226 R. Eleventh St.
Phone 927.
jan k If
WANTED-Young man to learn Itarber trade. 2u9 S. Union.
jan S 2t*
OF MICHIOAR-Ooomy trf Onmd
These goods nr© made from
sjK-clnl selected clay poanasslng
certain heat
resisting proper
ties not found in the ordinary
cheap stone and earthenware.
They are the handsumewt
disheti on the market, having a
nice white glaring inside and a
beautiful terra
cotta brown
glazing outside.
We are now showing them to a
varh'ly of shapes and slr.es at
t!?Ut. prori
oe of Foster, to lie -unveiled ou this |
the small price of
da.v, to be later placed in the new cap- j
lilOTtiaina II I.
thsi Tunidn.tlir
Itol at I-Ynnkfort. The statue will
about f(1.000 and wUl be paid for out of
contriliutlons by the school chUdren of
Friday, June 15. Daniel Boone day.
will give lioth host ami guest tbe opSee thtnn In our east window.
porluulty of paying tribute to the Ken-1
tueky ploncvr. reviving the Ktate's ear
liest history, tbe trials and privations
of it* men .ntul women lu the elghteentD rentury. the fights led l.y Geimral
George Itoger* Clark. Kentuckians at
the River Raisin, etc. It is cxiH*cted
that the entire day will be spent lo tbe How Torn. Prmr Kmr the lonUels,
parks of Louisville.
The following is an exact translation
Follouiug the oratory there will be frgiU'Jbe Arable of Uie ofiirini prjiyer
given old fashioned game*, in which of Islam, whicii 1* u*td thrtiughout
I am euro I bn\*6 got
pri*e.s will be awarded. Other features Turkey and dally reiH*ated in thefalro
of the day will include sewing bet?*, Azimr university by 1(MRK» Mdiammejnit wliat 3R>a are
ainde paring* and com husking*, the dou students from all lauds:
looking for Ilia
"I seek refugi* with Allah from Satan,
day t'oucludiug with the Virginia reel.
d.nnc<d on a platform built Imddc a the nc«-ur*ed. In the name of .Vllah the
compassionate, tlie merciful; O Ixjrd
stockade to hold
The club 1* now arranging for the uec- of all creatures! O Allah! Destroy the
essnrj' obocks of com and iiarreis of infidel* and itolytbeist*. thiue «-neiuI<>a.
applt** to be used lo tbe basking* and the enemlen of the religion! O Allah!
.Make their children undious and defile
SiMH-lal ret'ogniaon 1* to be paid on their abod<ni. and cau*<- their f«>t to
tbl* day to all the klmlrcd of Boone
who attend the fcsllvUles. A luindMome medal will be given the person and their children .niul their relatlvi-s I
prestmt who can prove the closest re- by marrlnge nnd their brothers aniT^
The fit of Hickey ft
Ullonshlp to the great plonet'r. .\r- their friend* and their poswwlou* and
Fpoeman Co. Clothing
rangt'menta have been made with Colo thrir rare and Ihelr wealth nnd their
iKKity to the moslem*. O U»rd
il what tcUa them.
nel C. C. Bit kel. who ha. presented
the city of Louisville with a stafoe of ! «f all oreaturesr"
lu all the other .religion* of even
Daniel Boone, to have tht*
ou DanUd Boon^ day. Toe scmiclvlllred nation* of the globe there |
statue Is btdng plac*ed to a picturesque can be no prayer found to parallel this 1
aiip<-al of Islam to the spirit of
SIKH In Cherokee park.
Saturday, June 10. has been set aside
as Greater Kentucky day. with bar
A WwaOerfBl Moss.
becues. camp^re* and the liko-a day
One of the most wonUerfu! rag
when the speakers can tell how Ken
tuckians have assisted in making the mens of vegetable life known to the
fields of other states more prolific, the botanist I* the "life moss" of Jami^ca.
bench and bar of other state* more Barbados and other of the We*l In
learned, their press more profound: dian islands. 'There are several spe
how Kentuckians hare helped disclose cie* of iroiilcal plants which have re^
the hidden mineral tt ensure* of other markable teuacltj- of life, but the
slates and how they have contributed "life mom** and the Kiory of it* vital
ity are almost beyond belief. Its powto advanrement under all conditions.
Sunday, June 17. will be given over cm to live under adrerse cireuml»elug certainly beyond that of
to the spirit inspired by the soug "Un
til We Meet Again." All the pulpit, any other known plant
of t^ Lonlsrille churches wlU Ik? filled be absolutely Indestructible‘ by any
in boiling
The prettiest fabric for evening gowns, pink, OQ
by ministers of tbe gospel who are for mean* exceiit
«..er or tbe application of
mer Kentuckians.
pale blue and cardinal, worth 75c, special.......
The census of 1000 ahows that there Iron lo Us rooU and branching
24 inch Habutai wash silks, in Cream. Tan, Grey, Pink,
are more than 000,000 natives of Ken It may be cut np and divided into totucky now living in other common- flniteriroal i»art!cle*. and then tbss very
Lemon. Pale Blue. Nile, Navy and Red. the OQ
wealths of the United 8tat«. The smallest shred will throw out
regular 50c value, for............................ ;........
Lonlsrille uummercial club, while it soon grow and form new branehos and
bods. Specimens of this extraonlinary
19 inch fancy silk for Shirt Waist Suits in Changeable,
plant bare been suspended to the air
Blue and Green, also Brown and White, 75c RO
in a dry. hot room; they have been
and S5c value, at...................................... .
Maced to dose, air tight dark boxes,
without molstiire of any sort and yet
inch velvet finish Taffeta in Navy. Brown, »yK
they lived, grew and floortabed.
Green and Grey.worth $1.00, for......... .
*• «
hopes to procure a large percentage.
Tbe club expccti to get the railroads
WMat WelUaat.a W., Dwl»u.
of the Uivitcd Sutes to make a rate of
IR-ben Sir John Steell, the acalptor,*
one fare for tbe round trip for tliis bad tbe Iron Duke sttttog for a statue
great event It aleo expects to arraage be tried to induce him to look warllkeL
with the railroads to grant thirty and All bis efforts were to r
sixty day extensions on all ticket*,
ned. jndgtog by bis
which wUI enable rlritore to leave face, never to have beard of Waterloo
27 inch Soft Swiss Finish, 85c value.
Loolsville on tbe night of tbe 17tb for or Talavera. At last Sir John lost bis
aay point to Kentucky to stay for a patience. “As I am gotog to make this
time with tbelr friends.
36 inch heavy rustle finish, 1.15 value,
statue of your ermce." be exdalmad.
Tbe dob Is planning to make haad- -can yoo not tell me wbat you were
oome awards, to addition to tbe Boom datog before, aay. tbe bottle of Solaprise, to tbe followtog: Tbe foemv
86 inch Oil Boiled finish. 1.60 value.
roq not gallapmc nboot
Ibe Arid,
on TOOT D«i to
greatent dlataaee; tbe farmer Kcn- d«nd« of relor by word, and octhmr
tuckton wbo bas Uved larat potside
36 inch Oil Boiled (Bonnets), the Queen of all 1 OK
-Bd>r told tb« dote In .Tldeot
tbe state witbout baring returned: the ocoto. -at TOO mlly wont to modol
Silks, 1.75 value, at...................................... X.OU
former Kentuckian present wbo left no to 1 wu oa tbe monUag of Solotbe atate at tbe tenderest age; tbe forEvery number is strictly guaranteed; your moneyre-
Bveryihlng to quiet on the city mar
ket today, only two loads of poUtoes
fUr Arefcibald Qelkie, tbe
being brought to: They are bringing geologtat prMIcta oaotber di
between 47 and 60 cents, but farmers account of ttSh nnirenal deca
are bolding hack, waiting for 60 cant •urface of tbe laaid.
Tbe two principal roads In I>ni tan
frtmi Quito to the north to (\ncow the
capItoL the one along tbe sandy and
level atrip of const the other akmg tbe
plateau of tbe Andes, a region of un
paralleled enginrering dlfllculty. The
length of tbe second bas been estimated
at from IJiOOto 2.000 miles. It crossed
aierraa buried to snow, bridged ravines
with walls of solid masonry, mounted
and descended |*reciplcea by staircases
hewn in tbe solid rock and ran to to-,
terminable galleries along tbe aides of
W*bere riven had to be croasej
bridges were made with ropes of ttout,
pUant osier twisted to the thickness of
M man’s body and
feet. These rsbirs swung side by side,
fastened with plank* so as to form
* footway, were drawn through boles
_ coormoua buttressre of stone s|tecUlly constructed on Uch bank and
were areured firmly at esch end to
i of timlter. A raiyng of
aimiUr osier material gave the iiaasengi>r confidence as be crossed tbe oocllUtlng bridge that sank dangerously
to the middle and mounted rapidly at
tbe aides.
Tbe great highway was twenty feet
wide and was built with gags of free
stone wtered with
It was measured out by
at eviiy h-agoe. Carar
Silk Specials
$lik Crepe de €bene$
Extraordinary Ualues in Black
funded or silk replaced yard for yard.
n nqtfito lb* wwkn«arii»p at
twtolj- nta and tbe aa* or amcb 004Ijr MddBMJ
tido at Ib* I
€. Oinbclm r-“"
flf turn.
£dward H. Harrimao,
the Railroad
Pe»«uIHr •! Ae Mwi Wfc. Wkstod
Shan At
tkml flrv
CMy, Midi. uM teadto
M# wmk from dmt cRy. A U UHir
•r yrOL Bowmr. to m vIm km
thepMMcoR Jaa. It.
The mca will atart tratotog at oace
SwaMoa wlB do Ms work at Ma gym^
nastom at HdtouMar** bath s while for
•at haa haan charged that thraich
WAT fdatlosi with Mr. Odell you haer
laimeal todaeoca.
What wonld yaa
-WeB,- rapttad Mr. HantaimB. n
•hoaldOdnk Mr. OdMl bad ptoUlcal to-
Ad flUtflk
hurt W ABAWtJointly MdAmd to to*
cMft flsmto to tto- trr crMt nitwwT
•pUMw: WUHiui K. V«iid«rt4lC erf tli*
VAAdMbUt n»4s. 0««rs* J. Uoukl erf
The match to ba haU at
MM* ft* Is «toto*d to ttiase
vwds. If toty did Aoc make a atorary
Mtorf nm denra Eyan*. ai»toe. 1
ke la pmf A*atoat fear.
la aswUmc mtoer aarage dl
He haa a gmlcs for
Uls apectol
farte being to take a line that Is on the
verge of baokruptcy and turn It Into
a bmaWL He is hold to Ms nooeepto.
apea.U money Hke water to making impdoTcmciits and always wins out. He
atrrtgbtciwd out the l‘nk* I'artfic.
bridging Gifut ftalt Lake to the operatlon- It la said that when this dlfflcuH
feat of engtoeerlng was Anally aceomplialied the uanatly sedate Mr. llarTtman danewd a hIgUaiid ding. Yet.
ttomgh be acattens mliUooa ao
New TA Jan
have heea made to ohange tho emno
of the track this year, hut It haa tnal
mates wUl open In the oatatoriam cs
over the aamc old couree.
the New York Athletic dub Feb. »
' The mees will probe toy he heU once
Bi^triea are already assurod from near
ly every Mg athleik- dub In the Halted
tsea are ta favor of hoMlag taro mat
Inces a week and this may he dsaermtoed on.
Men's Chrisiton
Nat the ■■■Ipiig Ktoi.
There you bare IL ie ft aat reCraehtogt That Is almost as good aa the
atotemeot of the -IlerfecT Perktos
that he was tba whole tbtog to the New
York UfA
Perkins, hy the way. la
not la the New York Ufa at all sow.
He Ulkad and then realgoad. Ba did
McCurdy. Bat all thk la bealde the
poUiL Uarrlmaa will
feor^-or abaykl 1 eay hope?-of that.
He is Aot the rrelgntog kind. True, be
from the EguUable-eort of
•wowed** blmaeif oat. as It
Hot he
he a
only did that tocwiiie
DoUilng more wa. to algfat then?.
He weam a
l^dy. the chafapkm
Sperial to tie Brrotog Record.
BenduR. Mldu *!«■- t —MInnto
son of Troverae City to staying wiUi
her aunt. Mrs. Botolce Wilsoa.
IX-lbert Ri-ed la aptoMSlag a few day*
to e\
peeled to meet all the cracks of th.
in town.
other horsemen ariU have horses U
the races IhU winter and some eacit-
The Amateur Athletic Fnkm chan,
tag ereau are eipected among il»«*
beewnae Harrlmau made tom as
fur hts postage stamps. He U a
man. only, aboat five feet fonr. and
stoof. shoukleml at thaL His dr«s U
H. J.
swimmer of the Chicago Croiral Ycmng
P. O. Farre'.l^ Had Deeeb
A-^Tha «wlmmtof
and water polo champiaaaMp of th«
Amateur Aihleilc I'dIoo of the Halted
ly been deHded that the raeea wW he
a week hut maay of the loeai harae^
«tn MS matoiato Ma permmMl MBcw
at tbto^Moe. WbU# we «rc aorry la
toae tbe gentol Prod from war low*.'
•TO fftod to note t|m tocrmmtoff
tgmkr M Uiia home todlUiitoiL-
idonahlps will be decided as ftdiows:
local boraea. It te prohaMe that horses
Fifty yard*. !«• yiM*.
from outside towns will be hronght U.
«hU city lo race duHng the winter.
yards. Mu
yard*. 44«
Oory. jim ted Roue C3ory ore
spendtoff a U-w day* with relative* In
Trarerae Cltr, after wMcb they will
go to Wexf. rd to spend the winter
Lt>u Jacobs ha* retnraed to Mb toime
stroke. ISO yards bark atrole. one and
mile and a relay face at sue yards
mooih* with hU broriier. Dick, of In-
McKinley, the famous trotter owBel
apeadtoff •
L fnmiy little by the Boone brothers of HuUand. Is
teams of four men. each maa to swim
Hydr a stock becattM lir frawd
gxftee parted to the middle.
He Is one of the home* expected to to* here
Arthur Able of WatersUel haa bten
f.fi> yard*.
Tarttdm. a bard worker, with a gvnlaa this winter. Johnny Booae. the driver
visiting frb nds bero
Kntxk9 cloae on F**b. 1 wbh Chart.fjr details, looks ooi uullke Jay fkmkl.
of McKinley, win pmliably iwco other
Jennie 14w>k rrtnrned bome Satnrwas aifd^be aliaml to lliU appro*
E a-jrnbam. New York Athletic eluL.
aroldJi imbhrlty. has a bag for arience
borres here when the apert start*. A
lay after Mwxidlng the holidays wHb
baoaloo be aasirered: "No. air: tbm
Intercotlegiatc Boudera.
and travels much. He bat a bou«* to
lllty of a pauk*.
.New York and an estate of otit SUtKlo « reenvUle h«»nu*mah ha* already made
An IntefvtilleRiate bowling tuuraa nieodt. al Ib-ndoo.
tliliik. rx«-pi Mr. Ryan
I bring bU bor*<^ bt re
Howard .^bn-eves of Oakland cote'
.\rJrn, N. Y., where most of ««
acTTs at ArJen,
mem is promUi-d for the west. Hnl
U vialUng al Ira Chtte a.
hi* time Is sprat There be breeds fine to race.
vcTsiiy ol Chicago Ikjw!«t« have sent
borors and stock and la • grand old
Wint-r Auto Carnival.
Mr and Mrs M. M. IK-ake nuar^
challenges to Mi( blgsu and WisctiDsia
Wm "*«'"«
• »»n . to.
farmer. At Arden he Is no tonger E.
Muekt^gtm. Mich.. Jan. k,—Mu-^kegon and inxlted th«-«i to m.-et ‘tin- mar
laJntil Joe MoixtM} and tomity New
too younger luaa paaaca mm
IL Uarrlman. rallroAd king, bnt -Pncle autciraoblllKts are planning tm boMlng
Id a iMiwl-ng mat<-h at th*- Reynolds Vearr.
He. U cffeitkinatoly greeted
Barrtmdn will Uw|> Cbr
one of the bIgK*^l winter auto carol
Vivian I)«-al;e erf Grand Rapids Is
cl jb at Chicago *4im«- line during
by this title or by the still shorter one
a baWt of kaeptod tolaga
He one*
vale* that ba* eve- tox-n held In the
winter quarter. It U believtHl at the «ls!tlng bto grandtiareata here.
of -Poir Harrtmau In all the region
•aid to a limK^i of aewspapaf m«i wba
Dr. C. J. Dove of this Hty. Hnlv*i>lt> of CTtlrago that the Invl
M. *raUer <d Green Jjtke was In
lie U especUlly paimlar Klate
came to qumUoa Ultn about the romor
Thum|«anvni«. Saturday*
with the children of the riUage. who p.-e«ildent if the AutntnoUIc club. I* lailnn will Is* acci-pied.
that Mopiaa and lllll had wiwstod from
gather in droves to greet his home t-om- tr>*lng lo secure the sanction of the
Belle Harri ba> l>e«n on the sick
Hnlverflty of Chicago siiidenti
tool too aanM of Uie rnloo l>acmc:
Inga. lie loads Imnches of them Into A. A. A. to hold the rntx-ilng
-r gwaa that Isn’t ao.
1 hare orsprr
cunsideral.le training In to.wllng on
his automobile and whlxwu with them
W llfrod iH’ake re;uriu-d tost WednroA flvi-mlle ftralghiawn) cutii^* will
yet kl da of anyOilng that 1 waoud
your life.
through the country, being as hsppv
aflor geutog It to mj poaw»wdoi»r
tlay from viritlng friends and relatives
: preoent owner of the Equitable of tri
lets nuythtog get away that he with t1>ese little ones as be Is wto« tah- Irt- laid out on Muskegon lake. It is
OrdlnarUy Mr. liarrlmaa does nat ! ding -with hUn. To a man with a llae wants, not If he haa lila finger.^
it rr%*moni. lit -prrla and Grand Kapplanned to distribute hot cinders along
tog a group of scientist* to Alaska or a
talk much, loitely lie hat beau mart ; point d hmior atatementa like dieee He wanta the rallroculs, and be has
junket of governmem oficlals lr> Jap.sn. the track which will sink into the le*<
Bcb Fitxsimmon- Hurt.
them to Ida grip. Bo ijg not toiagoic In New York, crisp and ccrLdli-latarlal and make a strung ruadlted. The meet
Bloux Falls. 8. D.. Jan d—Whil
that there U anything
and a human steam engirie for work. ing win iH- oren to all aotomobnist*
making souvenir horse-hoe* In
the cwlgnltig line by Edward Henry Mielng nobody exc<i.t by siieelal apand a large iiumlK-r of Chicago men
blacksmith *bop Satiir.lay aflenuH.!i
potmment; In his rtjuntry home be to are expected to intrilrlpate In tl,.<
Msude McLelisn and John Bush erf
Vthmt Oden thought of that testimony kindly, gencroti* and ac-ewalble to all.
Rols-n ntrslmmons w;
sligj.tly in
Traverse City were married hei>»
H|s.rla ttot ou recoed. i’erhapa It would nol Here to shown bl* human and larable
juretl liy the rollip-M* i f
• shop flCKir
Cfrliiimas at the home of the bride’a
Myaterion?; New Yacht.
lock weU If It were on record. lUrrl
throwing a iarg«- crowd oi kpertator*
side, and perhap* It to U-st that we lajk
Provldenc*. H. !.. Jan.
Tho pn^
man explained afterward that U was
him from thl* vlewiHi.'ut.
and Fllr.»lmroonK
aU a joke. He eveu gave a diagram
Etbeiyn Droke ndurned Saturday
cess of laying down a new racing
S«*veTul |MT*Mro* suffered arm* or leg*
of the Joke and seemed surprised and
from a two wee ks' visit with friends
schooner at the Herri'shoff sbqp* In
broken, but none was kllbsl
pained that anybody had taken St serl
In e.rand Rmpirt^. Cannt»nsburg. Fr>
Brlftol H going cm briskly and In s
Simmons was slightly cut abmit t!>«
orndy. -men the pubUc roared. It saw
mont and Brun-^wlrk.
the iwlnl.
But those high fluanciew
D* Flary TstU of Reauirkabir tiaiits
tjdn Burke u the proud posseaaor
toKmkl not spring tlielr playful bumar
Ma mt Great Ifratb*.
of a new argon brought by Santa.
have line* which will give her a pUr^
this way.
lliey ahauW furnish dia
A young naval eugiucc-r named I>e
among the KpeedU**t sad
gram* a* they g;. along. Uor. U any
riury. diving In coimccllon with the
unc to know whi*n to laugh? 'llicrc U
going on of the yacht*
dang.*r of breaking tolo* the moil sort
French Teasel snuk near Itolgoii. ha* schooner class. She will have a water
ous passages of icsUmony wHh un
made remarkalile dl^c-overkA cx>uivrn- line of aliout eighty-sevrti fc-et and wlM
•ecmb hilarity and Iwlng u dead blank tog the inhabllanl* of the ocvmiii at a
l e 12r, feel <i\er all.
when the really funny thing* are
greater depth than ha* ewr l»efore
In order t»» muk- rrs.m for the big
jFp«-dal to ixe Kvenlng Record.
thrown off by the wltur»*e«j. if tho o been reached, says a Pari* d-able dto
yacht work npmt w ri'-h is being nislitil
to Ibe chair could sort of preiwre u* patch lo the New* York World.
Wallin. MIrb. Jan. .v-Mr. and Mrs.
with unpr.-cerb-nud vigor tin- Hern-,- Seldom Have Such Harmonious Rela
ao that we might (Wthinuate at the
dm Winter ot
Ann wa* calling
l>e Plury-s daring ha-t Ih-cu made
tione Existed as Between Mem
right places It would aave a wlm> lot possible by hi* acixiutermeius. an hi
» friends In t4.»n iVlday and Baiurof euiUarrassmenL
After il*rriu:an
of hi* own. which are aruiored
made It plain that he was only iu fun with metal plate*, while by a chemical Mon be out of the luiuih lioat shop.
Ylarrii d Sat u> day afteroaon In the
even Lew IKxkstadcr. the uiiu^treJ.
respiration become* auto
The torpedo iKuit will be n-ady to
Tli*- Atlas. pabll^ht-J a! iM lta. Obb*. Lutheran chnr« h. Ole Jahnsuo, a pfoie
•aw the itol£l and came out vrltii the
Al a depth of l.OM yard* Ik« S.M1 early this w«-ek. *
last w»-ek had the foHuwing to sa.- perous >oung Ik-nzie county farmer,
offer of a handsome salary to tht' mil
Plury declare# that all *nbmari!ic man
Sp*‘eulatlofi Is .rife In Kristol as
concerning the Oval W«K»d IH«h com ami Miss Amm NVlls*m. lately from
road king to be an end man la iHxk- sters change to ahape because of the
whrT-uht- ciwner of the j*achl Is. On pany trf this city:'
stader** justly famou* show.
But If enormous pmtnre of Ibe water.
Th- groiun was attired'; In
Odell laughtd he went down to the taken to the surface their size 1* quad- Sept. 2.1 It was n iKuled that Augnrf
black dress
•Tho annual rao*-;ing *.f th- Oxal th • ionvontl mal
lont 4>f New York had placed an
haM>meut where no one couW bear ruplrd like a rubber bag luihued by air.
Wood iJlsh ctimpany was hold at tho Wht;*him.
And Hughes never iracLcJ a Bodies that sink to thetie deeper leveto order with the llerre*hoff lample. and
cr-am cra|»ell*
Th*- cerecompany's offices.
In tin- Uuco!:i
smile. He wa* in deadly earnasl any
have every bone broken. The ircature*
any think Jiiat th.- craft may be hU
was f- rfomi. d
hy the Rev.
block, this city. Tm*sday. anti th*- r*
way. He generally U.
that circle about them art* all camivTht- builders maintain a strict *<Fatlre#* of kYankfor’ and was wit
port of tho yirar’s business is quit*
oroua. and to a«- them fccfllag i.* to
f-y as to the ow n. r
The fag! that
Katl.-fariory to the c<»mt»any. and th.- nessed by ni*4«ut twenty-five• iDiimaic
exprvsalbly horrible.
Mr. Uarrlman i* given lo being play
Ki, (b rmans. both wMI dressed and
Wheu 1G2 feel U4ow the surfac... ibc
imoj.«*rt‘: f(>r !!#ur, are bright. Pres**ni friand* and rt lath-* of the
ful and humorous that way.
liitellig.-m p« :-*4.n^. have bi-4-n In llrbdiver say* he must go tbrongli maH*e*
a« tiM- m*-i ting wore II. S. Hun, pie*i- tog paribw. am4»ng OlHn
was omw when he tried lo take—or
of seaweed that euveloj) and waald
! dent. «»r Travers*- City, Mich.: A. L pramincui N* rwrgianK
everybudy supposed he Was try lint to
drag him down.
Beneath this wi-ed r»‘port that the Cerman kal«. r is the
Flack. , irav.-liag
rt-pn-senutlve. of town. Aft* r the c-ereTOirtiy a tomnfiful
lati—the Northern Pacific away frt>m
anakelike creature* and fish n«sc-ml.ling
was serred
at tbe
MoriTiU and Hill.
Wall street In all
Tiffin, and J. Yl. I. ingnerker. jMv-retary wfddi::u
dolidims surrounded him. anJ nut the
Honor for Elk Rapids Man.
lU Hireuoou* career has scarcely ever
n-r of thU city.
Folluwin,; h#me • I M: and Mr«. Nel* Bye. Many
least of his adversaries wer»* tin- giant
Yiwllaml. Mich.. Jan. K.—Ik rt Hoar.seen sut* a time as that. Ilarriman
;ih«- bu-4lne*s stKslun came the y«-arl> uK-fu! am valuable gins were rocrib* with tough shell* and hldejo*
of E’k Ranids has lx-4*n.^eh*ctisl rap
and his people ls>ught Northern 1‘aeilic
sorv«xl by Mr*. I»ngnecker. egiv* d by the bride and gn»om. Tbey
right and left and high and low-most
tala cf q.e If^or. .N'orraal cfdleg.* footAt thirty fi-et U-low the surfaf*- Ikat thi-lr l:«»me. and f<»r this ctners an wgll idt.e up their residence on a farm
ly high. The way that slock went up
Plury gi-ts odd effects in light.
Bi*u t*al! team. For twi. years he has be<*n laid also for tb.- wive* of tre nton* • •n.-d by tbe gruoia^ where they will
was scandalous and heart bnaklng.
throuidi the pale, moving water it as- right guard on tbe team and one 4»f Its
ta- at t ome to ihHr many friend* after
g.-nll* ne n.
Thta. when he bad all he wnuttnl. or
sumi-s strange rainbow hues.
.\t a
c*»nslsteT:t j»!ay»*rs.
He broke
ian. 1-'
The young fs-opb- bare ibc
thought he had. Uarrlman calUsl iu his
• The oval w.MMl dish to pun-ly a
depth of 112# feet tbe samly bomnn of Inlc the game playing on the Elk Rap
loaned slock, and there was more
le I vil^he ,»f the entln-fNii
Delta Pnaduci. burn and cradleti her-,
the sea In intense sunlight hvjkgtl like
idre and Lndington football teams.
whole bumii of |>eople
molten gold. Below
ftvl ilarknci^s
and twenty-two yi-ars figo. In Uxt.
loqaadocu. but lie coakl m>l Uoip that. \ tveuM be rcuanlrd as nolhtog leas weA- caught sbort. and Northern
Northeru l*a
Houie is ^ne of the lK**t bawkeiball
commence*, aud at 327 fcs-l pitchy
the pn-M-ni company was formed f»»r
all ou atvaunt of Hugiirt and thuu personal to«uU«, .k century ugj
bh the Stock Exehauge coiling »u»
blackness surround* one that mig;t lie pto.'ers In collc*gr.
the man ifacture of thU nualeat llttl
mraut'e tovi-Htigallou. A whole they would have iXilleJ fur cofftv auJ Uiinl that It almost broke the roof ouL
lllss M. M. Pupsicy Lett This Momlnp
Airship to Florid*.
Ulumlnatcsl to make lUD^Inp safe. Eh'cwlW acurrylng to keep r-oiue
dish, which has growm Into such i»op.
• Mof iorople whj wojid have pnrforiwd |
■w York. Jan.
To add lo the
trtc lamiw of 10.000 candlepower are
houiir gjiic oat of fndilon al*o? of the oWeat houses from going broke.
ular.ty and favor that toilay it take
, M!-s M M. Pug^b > of Chicago, who
u^cd by IK* Plury.
lai. n-st during the Ormond rare week
the i»mc rfasoQ. Home of these IJohu Skelton WllUams said things us For a time U looked like a i»anic. and
The diver say* that at a eertnln depth and at the same time Introauce th. Us place as th«- MiiKrior of all di>he; is ca^alog ilng th*- IkkiI.s a*, the library,
a |»oor tomb lost not only bU
high flunneier.^ are -ao nitxlwt and re- eevero coaixTulng Uy an. and they bore
fur like parpore to the land, and th< ief; Ihto fiKirnIng for
bodies are Lejit In a state of pcpagrr*
; was IxKky If he
airship as a spun in norida plans a-e
tiring Hint the ahrinklng daUy 1* bold loo the* very point that Uarrlmaa taOib
imi his
wool, but
t!an. bnt when touched drop away like
company ranks with the liading man
railed by a i. Icgram stating
being made U> have Charles R. Hamil
by cvmiwrtoou.
It to little IcM than
ufacturer* of Amej^*.
a* no rega
hat her niotb-r had n-jff*-r«id a stroke
Borne time af
ton make several ascensluaa on the
Pyan 1* a Virginian,
In testifying before the lutcrstatc
br apop:-xy. Ti c Mmke wa* very S4Orinond-Daytona beach with his per
■ow#e* la MIsstwa Style.
ton* are not In the habit of bearing merre commlaslon »atd that the pub
^en- an.i *he wa* in a critical condL
What a modern Mm. Miilaprup would fected aeroplane,
vhk-h holds
i such Impuutioua in sllcuce.
That lic bad iioen under a curious mUap
designate the quinine i-ottage land to world * record In regard to altitude members of tbe Ortjll Wood Uab
Although the m****age was re■ tlion as F. Uyan t>cwrs them anracs prohenalon as to that Northero Pacific
Mr. Harrlmau thinks so nu»Ully that
rcttlv*-! yesterday afu-rnocn. Mlaa
T>v prese nt rect»rd was made by Mr
one of two things, cither that be hn* a exmer. lie sakl that be had not tried
it to Impossible for him ta express him
has sad truth> baa a rival In modem
pugsVy was nnabb- to leave until tMs
Very rarely will
wonderful control of hi* temper or a 1| to
pet coturm
control <w
of the
Hamilton In his flight over the North the measure.
lo pec
uir- road
rwra at al
self to mere word*.
callouMfl Indlfferemx* to ethical
room In; «ni account of the train aer*
IdentlT another joke. Oh. but It
river, when he aticeBded to the bciMt'^ found a buiUneas partnership b**tw
This to the mission house. «ay* a writer
: <»f the Elia!
^bly both
fmmy. But those who lost their for
of S'JO feet, and the record for Europe three gentlemen that wil^ prove a* rite.
ao surcharged with burning
luto hto nitiitide.
attittiae. If
If ao
ao he
he to
to not
not tunca In the scrimmage may be par- In tho New York Prrox Three Imnd
4*. • n
Li 1 «-•«
•omc home* designed from the famHlzr is only lit* feci, made by a hYenchman barmonlou* an alliance, troth In a bu>
||»«iltar >» W.n «rc«. for to ,.Uy th. *»ed If tbrf do
.pprecteto tbo
ineas and a wocial way. as hos ihto
uttwom* to the
, tnudont r«iuo of hich
tom ,ido opHttUi* orntorf of tli* olfolr. ^‘aUfornla BpauUh model* are l»eiiig in a fligbl over the River S
Hac.. » y Hospiial Training Brhoot
built in B'aslilngtan. Tbe old i.lnn to :ha*. tbe Gciman wl o S
much io| 1 hesg three teen are all mo^: * 3tCi-U**u
1““" »®
•«“» tbox I Wh« ooo I* held tq. to a Ui«t alley
for Ners*'*. Muskt^cua. Mloh,
wh ot!
otb- r th
•K kiltoJ
WItoJ’ gentlemen and have in ^h
OaeulatlOB ^ frwyim
bav. to l«»me mllooHd to , ,ih1 relloTod of all bis vaHtaWes. _be- carried out to tbe Intscior a.* far aa ,nln:doci» the acroplaac, was
_________ _
_________ ___________
IKiring the yeard canif- ;.r. now liefag conaldared for iha
T*°. “
icoustdnattoos of ethl« ond hoaor.
beinx cltlbhed half to death. It compatibto w^Ith modem progres*. and while
atxrtlng a flight and while only
For farther In
Anybody «n_ reel off strings |
tw—' nort of lake* the tee edge off of hU tbe forotohlng* most be copied atriclly
of Its existence. Mr. Umgnecker ha4 F« l.ruao.
fifteen feet In the air.
of juUecthroB. but It take* a genius lo j
be funny to from the origlnato. Tbe son of Seiwtor
Mr. Hamilton mays that with the aid cerved as the secretary and irrosuref
Lodgr. Cxeorge Cabot Lodge, ba* had
of the company and haa irandled fof Clara W. Dj ring
a big okl fasbkmed bouse ta rennayl- cl a powerful auiomMHle lo atart klm
ian fi^lO-lMfi-n
rania avenue remodeled within and be wUI be able to aaomul 2,000 feet or t^ne concern optrait!* of twe-my mil
Atomst Broke the Rout OM.
lions, of dollar* and to tbe present day
more, as he to coafident that
Rcy mtoaloo
bs* obtatoad
haaglngs from California, and hi* bome
_____________ ____________
closely concerning this po-
forni of expi^lon Har- ’Urtcal InCue^
It aartag of bto breath. \nwn the game. Now. Odell and Harriman
for example. If be had done haxc long beoA dose Mcnda. It 1ms
anything to Thomas F. Uyan for tak-foven Iwen charft^ that the two hive
tog the EgnltaMe away from him tte played Into each other**
nyimd king
king aald. with'crisp eiaplia- way* la the pa*t: tba
round togs wUl give Um a batter oppor has never been nquewted to given a
tunity to ahow what his airship can bond or paper of any
Hamilton later may take bto tee of faith and the same confiJend?
to one of tbe most artistic in tbe capl- j
motor airship, tbe Arrow, to Florida has been repoeed In the other
The dining room baa great art- j
flight from Miami to Jackacne bera to their departments. *
tees, tbe ahclroa bold dark green ware,
•*|\Tietbcr It be a propositloa far
and the wide window Icdga are filled
bnsinroa or pleaanre their likes have
Will Oefeod Title.
New Ycrk, JaxL 8-—Oeorge Botbner been a naU and they have stood the
Oniiijt to tb» neeW* of tbe “no ttp”
pootdu- r«taii«*t In Pl«*llHr, London. o0i*r mtnonDt* «r» ntioot to «»-
wmrprltp iflWto- w«y. In Ibr |»,t; lh»l tlic rallroa* I Mr. BnTTtmnn M nt«« Mrty. *►
for «,nipl,. bod fart|»d tb. I body bnow.
nnddnaot ony bnlf ntiKnw Torb bono to sKblo nMMT nnt ilw won't ML Bn wnn bon to Stor ,
Ma title cf
•champion of tbe world against Alex
of Harlem on Jan.
“For the last aeven years Fred
flnLhlthe ofllees of the company, and hasl
mtc:^e>caxhh<m match, best two oat
had chai«e of the book* and
j Bpandem^.
Ftor come tlaae H hi
D post
The men met by appotatinent to
post; UKTOgnt
thooght mat
that we
she growum onwwr^ «
i «*.‘the eompmor mIgU he mom mpmh
Mad Uooaly ‘handled If the order*/ far
■laied dtohes eoMd be sent direct to th4 fhr-
forfeiU and aeaspc hMs for the
* Record W^nt Ads Pay
After plmteg oi
the match and to make the stlpMaied
weight of 139 pounds tbey were rotey lory aL Traverse Chy,
:o open the hWU.
Men «bo baw Kid MiWmm*
12. at j Longnecker ha* been connected a.
of three falls.
CAOtAfTB iRfarfar ^ VaroMi h
experiment Mong that line F5r*d
■bopn. c»n find iten^ nm.
plqyinent nnder jtoariy ^
tracU at ntrm —fl—IT tiM
Si.23 to $Ui0 p« dnyvith
faTMgytkm pMd.l7.dUfSS«i75.SONit.lli^
rmimtair. wcmmm
-Ma II a wsto «C teal.-hi aoU: H
la Mt ■■tofct. t wto tote gHL f
ta Ika'aatiaal
iMjlifMN aoa^ la Wiahtagiaa.«i^W
Oatad miSa aad tamdUp haaa a
tte nyiaaato htotoch aC tot wudu, •Ht to, IVt pfoptadi able
Bate af Iteglaad. ▲ fkrw 4aya altor
that tte piyaiinar itotovad a lattor
Ikito J. to Mmcm B Ow atolag Mitecv
I e H. * D
tte msark aa which drawn, bat Mt Thraa Sanaa bora, sob* .f pptaV
dm day. Aflra all tte haslikg orag tat
pad fS
then they had cone thtaatoi aadatte.
to ike «aBa. Itahcaaa chonk for
das lalo tta etanh to ilac tta
befl cm New tsar's ees. Tte boys are
•f foig«y eri
out and la tte I
llaraUl Mayor. Bsnnaa Bmto and
BidweU hrothen and Ogle, tte
■rry dxteu:
af Baglaadtmyto. Tte tocgwa had a WItbia a^tow dad:s of a^ir slaty
aC tte Btok af Bagtoad. la Loadato
aod praaentod tbctr accepted exchaagt
at six rnootbs. dnwa oa Bothachllds Ball of MMua^lundi. Mr. Bail dying at
latteelty. Tte drat bOM wm good. the age of to years. He was a Ma
fteitoatolaaaiftaadiMnt. U chtoitr sou for 4o years aad will te burtod by
fag ap thk last project they prasaatad tte order.
lkwgMpiparfor$5O0j000.btotoialaap- Mayor Lm of SaglBaw who to boy
|y laft out tbe date of pcraptaaoc. Tte cotted by tte physlclaas of the cHy.
maaeaager of tbe Bank of Bagland
braarb was tostrorted to drop Into wbo bare banded togeeber la a rMusal
Eothschdds’ and hare them aopi> tte to'accdpt HI. appolotmeat to tta
mJratagdale. He did .so bad la a mo- Maitli bberd. has bow aaorad Dra.
meat waa surrounded by tte bank of- Paapio aad Baitar to tta comnlMfaia
ieoa. In ten mloutra the newa of tte Ttaso ara the Pfth and sixth phrslforgery waa In erray bonk la MagUnd. clans to rernse. aa a protest against
Tbe forgera escaiied to America, wera
Iropplag of Or. KlicAen.
Til go
arrested, extradited aod aenteaccd to
t «d siitar Uta.
ttirt UpffHHid At tbt airsfd
teak la riitlirtrifitili did not tert •»
tittlM da Mdli«- A aiat*«Mr artwd
tte Mtor to teliac* hk tetk. ItWM
foaad ttet te ted a cndk for IABOOl
IwiUdmwIteL Otoaa»k^«idMa«»«oLoadoa.*teMld.
Wbea tiio teak teliaeaft 111 teote H
WM «SUX» teort tte Mto for vidck
ibi ctek ted wrtttca tte tobctenci and
vtilrk tte catetar kteatof ted aload.
MeaaUoM tte tajar oC tte csteaaia
tedamooitehtoff tflpateted for
vmidte tte bUl of .anuuMto tokto cor
rmpondMito la Loodan. tel aatu tte
teak mid loeato tteir mtoncr tter
mid aoc aacartala tot wtemteati of
tte nltotef draft AU that mid te
ID LtedooBottopaxItoface. Iteaxrteaar was pramtod la Loadta for
tte faU aaoaat aad pratottod. Utea
lU |«Rteaff abowtd ap te WM abk to
mikt a frato otoit la tte traaaacdoa asm.
Utotakat af tbai klad ara aot frr
qatat la ftaaartal laiUtiitiaai. bat ooe
took putt la tte dtfaact Globe Xattoaal baak la Chirac) that nrrer did
A case which partook aomethlng of
tbe nature of lioth good and ill Is re
lated of a lirokcr In New York who
found himself pressed for money at a
time when te had to pay a great aui^
time> realte oo hk aaaeta. Without
get otralibteDod out A cuitonier draw that time te mtwt fafl. 8o he faced
a c
setiUiig day with a calm front and
clerk wmi mt 1
coolly tent out checks to all hk creditora nasljiiad. In four days they aU
L apptaltd to toe catoter. who
the cteck. Itere
waa a Uao of paopkal tbe telkt'a wtadow wtea tte clerk returaed He
tbea Wfoto tte dieck for IIO.CDO laatead of fUXia Tte cathler*! laltiali
wera a guarABtoa. aod tbe check waa
paid wtlteat qaatoloa. Tte cleik had
k cbaaco to get a
large aum of laooejr waa too groat a
tomptatloa. Tte baak stood tte Int.
Tte oaao with which a lalaukt caa
te made U Uhiatntod hr a frwid la
)est that waa plajad upon WUllan M.
toagerlr of PhlladelphUu He waa.
among fak parthmlar frteoda were
rraak Horaa. the old aegro uUwtral,
and Rkhard Leonoa, a pollUclao tad
nerrtmat, aU of item members cf tte
BroeToleat aod Protectlre Onlw of
iOka aad full of prartkal jokes A
maa np Id £rk bad laaoed a facsmile
of a ctrlited cteck aa aa adrcolatlaent It waa for $500. dnwa tpon
tte -Baak of Good Will" aod lodonied
by tte caahler of tbe -Natloaal took
of Good rortuae.- It was atani^
aad looked. Uke booa fide commesrlal
wera hack agalB. By that ttom te ted
made hk bank balance gocA and arat
•ot checks Bignad thk time, with an
apology for tbe oreralcht-New York
Days *r niatarr.
To tell tte whole story of tbe art cf
making toys It would first be necessary
to dad a«M means of explortag tte
ages that antadate hlatoiy. Tte lore of
toys k aa InsUnctlre aa It k nnlreraal.
No barbaroos toad bta yet bm fouad
which was eo uoclrllteed ^that Its chUdm did not hare their
ahipeleto and clumay. pechapg but stlU
capable of fulfilling the purpose for
which they were created-aad there to
no rocoid of suj time when little ooee
baiW not poeaeaaed aome kind of pup
pets ^ which they might dlrert them■elves. AVtoaeokftetoJn-delrlng among
the tomha andent Greece and EgjTt
made the surprtolng dtocovery that the
art of toymaking was not only known,
but bad atUlDcd a high degree of dc^
relopmcnt as far back as .\000 years
ago. In those days both Grecian and
Egypttoa chlldreo bad ibelr dolls, and
they were Jointed dolls at that. As
compared with the magulficcntly attir
ed Kreurti contHiitlons of the prcaenl
time they were crude Inraotloiis. of
course. Tbclr bodies were made of
wood, of clay or of stooe. and their lit
tic limbs wera wee laths fastene'J to
f a wire. Tbe
Just betee
baaktng boon wore orerr and atoed
bhn to cmah It Mr. tongtolj. witl a
glance at tte amooat appaoded his inItlaU and. calling a clerk, directed tUn
to brlog him flra $100 btUa for Oie badly done, and many a child aiuce
cteck. Tte clerk took It to tte letor, that time has been glad to mother
who* coimtfd out tor monej aod re- a more unalgbtlj dolL
’ the dolto of tbe chUtaraod U to Blagerlj^ who paawd It to
ImnoiL Moran Inrltod tte praaldsnt
.to meet him at a road booae oa Wtlldren still lore to possess tte t
sahlckoo diire In two hour* and wait
aarajr. Nett morning In moklng ap fumliura. tbe utensils for cooking and,
what Is even more lulercstlng fraJ
antiquarian's point of tlcw. the articles
to Mr. Blagedjr. who almp)/ aald: -I usc'.l lu the making of aacHflees. clererthought Krank waa apemling a lot sf l.r duplicated In miniature, that tbe chil
ttfumj laat night. He gare us a dren might te able to conduct ihel
mighty good supper.- But the lo0|e dolls lbn>ugh tte ritual of tbclr reli
of Klks had fun orer that check it gious e*errl^.fl Hrcamatance that
gfsts that tbe woid •wacHlege-' had not
then the same meaning which It has to-
caafafd aqph a check for a coalomer
^It to a long step from the year 3000
A C. to the flfioeiith or slxteeulh cen
tury. but It was within that time that
the art of toymaktug was both lirought
to a hlgli state of perfectioo and
uucc more forgotteu. Uke otoer aria,
U couhl ntvt survive Ite neglect and
and tte amount tbe customer asked
for. but tbe fUnirm were for $5. The
grocer took only a cursory glance at
the ivaper and tte nett day asxU It one can only surmlie. but It to m
With other ctecka to hit bank, where say that they found* things to play
tte making of
It was accaptod for $&. In a like way!
diM tMr ck«*>. r«wll7 ID* tank
will Mpplr tta dal* on un.lt «lwrk.
oa currant acoMaat.—bnt oo important
aary. attaehtd to tte
te plunge^l into the renewed actintlra
of tte renaissance, but atoo for tbe
reason that, aa tte p^ologists bare
recently tiugbt us. playthings arc and
always bare been quite as necessary
Tte money waa tobewaad irj
•f Ite cruktr Boatoo. who ware to
bare abort tones at Hymouth. ft wgt
Indorsed by tte commander of . tbe ship
and tte Unitod Slatto consul at Plymmith. and tbe consul went to tte
liaak wtlh tte payatoetor for tte moufy. Tte manager declined to pay tte
ehatifd with
draft aatu It ms actaptad hr
8. kgamy. M to tte Jadge:
' Moraan * Oa.. baraoaa ka <1U not -UUk true I got mo' than ooe wlto,
■th. tint day's scattered.**
ttey toM&ld'be iated aa emanattag -Yra^ sub: aome's In Alatema.
fhia tte ahlto and altMctber te waa
b ^ranrasra. ea Miy oac to
irwy Mriy to tte ttaltora. A d^mlto ptorgM-wter I lire at. De only
any ter bara ijesee. Jetlge. wnx ta
make s •M-atterollonr—Atlantic Com
Straight through the dty directory be
fore I gel through.” said Mayor
-m appoint every physician named
there unless some two of them accept
before the list to exhausted.
The Yaasar high aboool had a total
of 332 atudenu enrolled during De
cember. Of this number 226 wen
poaltora in ihc High School Savings
bank, and in a period of 26 weeks
they deposited a toul of 1593.22. 01
this amount $16.32 was withdrawn
leaving a balance duo depositors of
|476.$o. This system of aavlags wait
Inaugurated by Supl. W. Sherman bus
SrSillrtaM. taJTta w^’kTAta w
FU. M. .. b.i.>
itoeaTMM HakuMMd. to Pmm to toigotr
> «k%p>rtata
■BallbMlBMiMaataMaMaaB: Aftte jUUuJTtfJf Snar »»dT optatai
catty age af fbar te Mowed a mat ck- to bant nd M hr ttata. U ta rttraoMtoaiT atomy Ite catoatotlM. ten to «lre hi. tothndBtow tta tan
wbkk wish Mtokt atebtiunf friiai aa
kvlBter wester a teneseeker tes sst travel
sbMttesttcelslBsetrck k a k«ae la reaL M ,
laatoteaacktevaatcaiaaa Ike Eveaias Recort. Taacaafetacaadteatatkyadvertblaf.
WAinWO—At once, competent g!ri
for general boosework. Mrs. Robert
E. Walter*. Ml Webster street.
Ttera to oonsIdOTnbto now tliM
and plenty of wood tttopw dk tkk
load. Sod good.
Atoo aevwal ikt-adge tond eotenoM.
ifhatonind men between agra of 21
aad »: cRtoeas of toe United
Stales, of good character aad tem
Hm*. Yw
perate hablu who oaa speak, real
At conaldcrable expense we have
and write BaglUh. For informalkm filled up a prncilcnl aad up-to-date op
apply to recruiting officer. Hotel tical room. We karo instaltod tb#
Whiting. Traverse City. Mich.
inra ihnra sat tf
long would It te pcTformtog
toe Journey, alloarhig It to take sixty
hops every minute without latenstoakm! Answer. 56.713.0)» beps and 1
year. $14 days. 13 hours and 20 mis-
41ve for an
established bustoeas hoase to n<
western Michigan with hetelquartcrs
to this city. Ample opportunity for
advancement. Addraws H. C. Cox,
stonally a wife reakts and If physkally
4HM11 Houseman buUdtog, Grand
stronger toraabee toe husband. PolygRaplda. Mich.
Jan 3-tf
amy prevalto to a limited extent. Fre-
Tte following question was aolrad
by blm in forty werouds: Suppose the
liaU at ll»e to|» of St. Psurs cattedral
.j. 1
to be six feet In diameter,
tte gilding cost at 8U pence P^*^**** and treated as a aervant to tte family
tnchl Answer. £237 10s. Id.
Tte following to one minute and
twenty seconds: B«in»oee a eity to te Uwith 94*0 tomirn. each lamp her disadventages, she has a voice In
• ooe pint of oil every four l«th vUtoge and fnmUy affairs. Tbe
hustend neither mskes an Import
. wlthont ron-
reading part I
Dartmouth Bept. 20, 1S7S.
Another of these extrnordlnary children. between whom nnd Bldiler bonow wera nlmost equaUy divided, was
Zereh Tolburn. born at Csboi. Yt.. Bept.
1, 1H04. Signs of his wonderful |»ower
sppeare*! nt a very tender age. The
diieovery waa secldentally mnde by
his father, who was much surprised
ooe day to bear him repeating tbe prod
uct of several numbera. although at the
time he ted received oo otoer Instnictloh than such aa cmild be obtained at
Iting or cipherarlety
markable facility i
the age of eight the boy was able to
•oire most aimcult qn
mere operation of his
persons of the first eminence for their
knowledge In mattematlcs made
IMJtot of seeing nnd conversing with
him. and they proiwsed to him
variety of quostlons to test 1
vekras powers. Among them were the
Give the square root of «»,«». After hesitating a little he replle^l fl9f).9n0.0Q0.001 and oliserved that he prcaluced
tots nault by multiplying the square of
ST.0fl7 by the square te 27. He was
then aaked to multiply tbe Answer
twice by 40 and once by 26.
tteaiU tte answer consists of seven
teen flgnrw.
Name the cube root of 413.098.848.CI7. To thk be ga^ the correct an
nwer in fire seeoods. How many times
wonld a coach wheel twelre feet to
elrcitmrwenM turn around In 230 mllea.
aod how many mloutra In foriy-elglit
ysara? To the first te replied to two
ssexods 112.04a and to tte aecMd. bkfore tlk ooratloa coaid be written
What are tte fms
tors te 247.483? To thk te rtplkd DU
and 2CS, which are tbe only facton.—
llice a week's Incarceration nilber thin
pay tte chnrch tax In Beotlsnd. He In ooe of bis lett
bad no property wbich could te dto- Sold tells bow at i
tra!nfd apoo. and oa the form vblcb ^ bid to give an exan.----------4ie racelTOd oo which to state wtet he oeleoce. ”What wot 1 to do?
waa wimng te tend over to he sold be nototog about hydrogen or oxygMi te
wrote: ”Self.” In the next cohnnik j any oto«r •gem* So 1 net them a papW
In which te waa required to state tbe! which I called kppUod science.* Ol#
v«loe of tte goods, be Inserted: ”IVire te my qoeteloos warn. *Wbat would jdh
do to cura a cold to tte bead r Ayooig
lady aitoirtrid. ‘I dbeold put ay fete
tetobot vrator tillYou wtratos pro-
other InatltnUon te ibto kind to tola
port of toe rouniry.
We open an optical room to the pub
lic on Mooday. Jsn. Kth. Prof. A. I.
Shellman. the celebrated oecullst and
npMclan of Grand Rapids, from whom
we have been taking special Instruclions. will le present at our optical
opening for a full «*wk. Jan. 8th to
WANTib~2t> men at once to 001^4 H 13th. B> courteously extend an toviwood. Apply at Traverse City Brick taikm to the public to attead Ihto
opening Remember that we eaainlnc
Co.. KeyMrine. Mleh.
Jan 2-61 and test all defective sight absolutely
free. Prof. Shellman mill be pleased
WANTED-FurnUbed rtxjm* for light to meet any dlffleolt aad brretteora ob
hcMisckeeplng; any number, though stinate roses of defective vision and
no less than three. Communicate will treat them property. Remember
with on nnell Bros.' music tetuo..! ^be tete
corner Pron
ront and Cass atreeis.
dec 2Ftf
ts such that they sometimes de WANTED—Girl for
stroy Ihelr offspring, particularly If tte
work. Mr*. T. A
child l»e a girt. If a family to very
Sixth street
ters mllltoei
Ajv. J. V*- nsaiituJB m omm rrmauw-
Rtete Mountain Tea does. 33 CO, CaL. tayt: ”I bare ated Waroer*a
or Tableta. Joknaoa Drug Wbke Wine te Tar figrup for year.
R. W, RaataU.
IVm't h-t >Timr fare grnm old. sallow,
liolkim and wrinkled. If you care at
all for beauty, take Holltotcr’s Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tab
WANTED-Work by day of any de lets. Johnson Drug Co.
scription; prefer nursing. 8h2 E.
dec 12-.f
. to lie adopted
Its, tte usual
market price of a child being a soa
i to Oil and po'.-^
bag of oil or an old atiU of clotora.
Tbe i-blJdren ara given names of rarl
ous animals, bird. fish, sectlouaof conntty. wtods, tides, heavenly Iwdles. etc.
Somettoies they have as many as six
names, rhildren are rarely iHinUhed.
They geoemUy bare tbclr own way L08T-Lace collar with gold ho
aad are usually treated with great
shoe pin set with pearic. betmi
klndncM by their own or foster parEighth street and Foresters hall on 1
Casa. Return to Angus McColl and j
Free to All Miniatara.
I will scud one bottle of Warner s
fine of Ta
Tar—the beat cough
m earth-f
earth-free to all minis
FOR RENT—A furnished
who win recommend U to their frit
U ,8 fair trial. Add
g'jod KK'ati«»n. For particulars apply
to John Armstroog, Alden, Mich.
Jan 6^1
I.anriDg grocers have 300 pounds of
nlro colored oleomargarine on fielr FOR RENT—House tor reaL Inquire
hands^Vhlch. of course, the state dairy
208 W, Ninth.
jan 2 tf
and food department won't let them
sell. They orderaJ it Wednesday from FOR RENT—House on North
a well-dre.asrd man giving the name of
wood avenue, F. . Goodrich.
R. J. Curtis, representing the Crystal
Lake Creamery Co.. Crystal Lake. Ill
who gave a lew price and discount for HOUSE for rent. 901-State street, 7
rooms; small barn, $8 per month.
cash which appealtnl to the grocers
B. J. Morgan.
After It was delivered and the money
paid it was discovered that It
OFFICE ROOMS for rent, Wllheto
crcxmer> butter but oieo. Tbe pollct
block, corner Front and Uniofl.
arc after the
A Modern Miracle.
“Tntly miraculous seemed the
ct>verv of. Mrs, Mollle Holt of tl!l^
plarc." write® J. O. R, Hooper. Wood
ford. Tean.. ••she' was so wasted by FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for city
proiM-rty a 6.? acra fnilt farm 6H
oougMng up pus® from her lungs. Doc
tors <lec!arod her end so near that her
miles fn.m city; morth 13.500. An
family had matched by her bedside
so-acre farm 10 mil's from city
forty-eight hour-; when, at my urgent
morih 11,350.
John Armstrong.
reqtRWt Dr. King's New Discover}' was
Aldcn. Mich.
jan f. at
given her. with the astonishing result
that improvement began, and conilnuml until she Anally completely nFOR
No. 1 oxen, 4
coverad. aod to a healthy woman to
J. Mor
day." Outraniced cure for coughs and
colds. 60c and $1.00 at Johnson I>ru«
Co.. F. H. Meads. C. A. BuglMR> Drug
FOR SALE—Honse and lot. tern oa
Co., druggists. Trial bottle lOc.
Thii fpbH la I
»lip tetly. Tha Bs
lot. 442 West ElgbJ atrete. Prioa
$2,400, ona^tolrd
balance to
■olt purchaser, tteoire US Baal
Ninth ■UeeL. or addiw John auae,
Cheboygan, Mich. I ..
Jon 9*
true ittB't btotory.
faMk >rapH9 Nr M
. ^ MW wd o8«r nr Md« tta M
alM MaUdiag oa aaara to now uaof
aamdroteaai^ ite can ba orad ta
Pt tb m
loTta^PWtWfc M. «Mt «
itampod on every 1*0^
It makes you well and
III, That's 'what HoHls-
•OY WANTH>-1>d do errands aal
wrok about prlattog office. Herald
and Biacord Co.
Jan ^
aoau attracted ge>
pose tte earth to consist of 9174*04)00
tobahltanU and suii|>ose they dU: In
thirty jean and four months, bow
mnoy have returned to dust since tbe
A -victim” of ' the St. Joe Gretna time of Adam, computing It to l»e .%4Cio
Green marriage mill has asked for
ycara? ;jiiltlply the answer by 00.
dlvonce. Grace Krchcr applying f(
Duriiig one of his exhibition tours,
a separation from Harry C. Kraher fortunately for the lad. Mv perform
They were married Doc: 31. 1901. and ances attracted tbe attention of emi
echoinni. who. after making In
separated fou** months later
quiries. sulisequently undenook bis
John Sbarwlck.
edueatioo. He was attached to the
young man who has Just come over
from Germany. Is frantic over tbe dis
appearance of his sweetheart. KUxa pbenaon. tte great eugiueeSome years after be entered parlla
both Rahn. who came over with him
but who was detained kt New York ment and cunierous stories are extani
aa she had not toe req.u'lred amount
of money fo enter the country. Her
tIooB. whereby he waa often enabled to
lover oamo west* Inlending tq send her upset an opponent s case, or at otter
same money at pn^ but during his times be would establish hto own ra.se
absence a strange woman, thought
by arguments based upno mathemnt► been a procuress, paid the girl's leal data, possibly only at the momimt
entrance fee and carried her away ptoeed before him. It is said that on
loppoxlng eouusH asked
Only one letter has been receive#!
that h*
lot be alloweJ to remain
from her and her a bcrcabouts arc un In the
The rmted* States Supremo court
has acted favorably upon the stated
request for an early hearing of the
raUroad taxation cases, and they will
proceed at Grand Rapids Feb. 19 The
talk of a postlblllty of a settlomeni
between the state and the Michigan
Central railroad of the two cases
In the supreme court Is said by state
officials to be mere talk without a postlblUty of being followed out. as n*
Slate offloer could lake the responsi
bility In too matter.
James Maxwell, tbe notorious crim
Inal received at the Jackson prison
from nerrlen county for larceny
fled the ofTIccrs. l>ecmme abusive and
had to feel the heavy hand of authoi
Ity. Maxwell Is a cocaine and mor
phlne flend and was under the In
fluence of these drug* when to came
to prison. He win be treated until
stiffirlently braced np to go to work.
Port Hurtm U going to make an ef
fort to gel the headquarters of the
------------- of the World, a fraternal'
order iw having Its jiead office at
Neb. Acordbg to a decision
of the Nebraska supreme court the or
der to required to pay an annual tax
cumulation, and this
executive offlcera of toe organliatlon
to cast about,for a new home. If lo
cated to ihU state the fund would be
exempt from taxation. The officiato
are understood to be In a mood to en
tertain a propoalUon to locate at I\>ri
Huron, that city's reputation as a fra
ternal aoclcly home being considered
as a fketor In Influencing its selection.
The Wkshlngion Life Insurance Co
of New York to the flnit life insurance
enmpany to notify Commissioner Barry
that It will not ask for a renewal of
business privileges Ilf Michigan this
'& im^
t JM OB ItavDod aw. tnvBta
Waw* Bta flkT an.
rtaTMaad Bar flr
B«tk PX«Mt R*. 44.
Tbinfs Yon Need to Know
A lio»y aori>l tlih
Imt;- ap*. -W,.
on all Ihinixsarouml
ns—too bnsy
then' are thingn we nwl to
kn«»w. In tbe matUT of purchxiAinK your piano yon are
tiK) busy to shop Hrouml awl
l(K>k the mnller up. Tlw
simpleet way is the KIMHALL WAV. Itsavco tinus
it aarea your nervi'S. Ko '‘palienee in^l" in tlio Kiml>aU
I aad fMiUUTatth I.
Simply this:—f*nl ont the
above eoapou and mail it to
ns. and we’ll tend you uwful
piano information that you
con look over jukI study in
the quiet of your own homo.
You want U> know ahotii
repntalion and wearing nualily; you want U* know about
ihc piano that U Ix-st suitod
for this parficulnr climate,
abont the KaArantoe and what
it moons. Voii want to know
about our *'lilUe payment
pUn that makes fnano buy ini;
easy.*’ aod al>oTO and beyond
all you want to Lnow about
If9«en Syftta of l^toiio
Drop iuai^ day iuid hteir
tho Ureot KimbaU Piaik>.
oJa.i«K Urtfc
UMta m4 M* Mton el Hvitalts
ta** kM* «wuas Meeie teumetor
. Ik« 4ar* put Ml*. !«• TmMe
r^ ;
fn» OUmee. mhen Ae fm Ut
”Ltor4 Cta««^ l*n Mo.d.r tor M.MI-
Om ura mmU4 lir Fnuik Cf**.Mr.. Cla. fkisMM d HolU«<l bw
taM tWUm *ltt Idr H«a. Hr*. Bd
■IM. fbr lb. »Mt !.« dV>.
Mr. uM M»^ ThoM. OMper tor.
aor«l from tl» HhMm. bold tat.
tb* boMc onei br Mr*. Ud. Olorw.
Wllbw aemtr monel to tab* ap
hi. etmllee .Mhe M. A. C. tad. Tae*
Italltar “ratatwd Sdardar
eoftftolled ft
regftrdlsg Wi
Mks PbftWt Pnirfte reUirsftd Iftftt
Mosdsy fw« ft few days* Tlslt ta TtftTcm CUf wUb relfttlTet ftod friends.
Illftf nme Wllsdo returned Iftftt
Mosdsy frosi TrftTerie City, where she
•pest ber QidiUbftft TftCfttUm wllb
relfttlres ftsd frlesdi.
Iflas *stber Parker relumed to Mt.
Plftftssst last Tuesday where
ftttesdliis the norwftl.
Alfred Doyle epeut Kew Year's with
relfttlres la this place.
MisB Or» Hooper returned to her
' bone la Battle Creek last Tuesddbr.
Miss Rbodft Sturtevaat returned to
ber"bmne la Owosso last Tuesday,
after spending ber racfttlon with relatires and friends In this place.
H. B. Btarteraat relumed home
Tueaday after ependlng a few days.ln
town with frieadi.
B. J. WOlmaa returned to take up
the work at the nomal at Ypallanll
last Tuesday after apeodlng bla racatIoD wllh Wends In town.
Miss Vena Ooldsnltb to Bagnal
Tueaday. where the Is teaching scholo.
. T>f. Bcmc awl brother. WlUard. rlaItod friends In Timrem City Sunday.
The aacred eanUta. entitled ^utb
and Boas, will be glren In the Metho
dist church Frtday erenlng. Jan. It.
W. H. Sharer Is conductor of the
ehorus and J. C. FUust of Wetford will
acewnpany tliem with the rloUn. The
cantata Is hone talent with orer thirty
Tolces In ihe chorus. The prtnclpsl
chametars are: Ruth, the Moabliesa.
Grace Anderson: Nnont. Rnth s moth
erm-Uw. Mrs. Perry McDougal;
Orpha. Ruth's sUter ln-lsw. Mrs. Hsrry
Youker: Boat, a prtnee In Israel. Vlncent Wall; Orerseer to Boaa. Bnmet
Pry. The proceeds will bo uaed to re^
pair the Methodist pareonage.
Sanford Onaaer has purchased a new
eora busker for his own use. Mr.
Gasser has a ftne gasoline engine with
which to ron It.
The mnnual Jubilee on New Yoar's
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8.
Walling, was the largest yet held.
One hundred and aeren took dinner
there. A fine progmm followed con
talnlng literary and mualcal numbers
wan very much enjoyed by all.
B. B. Irwin, principal of the school,
returned-from hli vaesUon last Tues
I society of the Coo
held their annual
or Mim. Rose
Rogers Frlda>
The aflemoon
was pleasandy i^t and very much
enJoyeS^ by a« present.
Sllsa Ul^^Mter. who has
t|u|ej!l f^^%w days. Is able to be
^ AuSCTj^ was given at the
jMUwrof Mr. and ibvCaiter
uitlayTivenlng In hoo^SS^yd Cas
intyJjibn iMft Monday for MeanvaUks
to ^Tlkach school. The evening was
pleasantly spent in games and o
saUon. Pop com and candy
served for refreshments.
^ ^ Archie Pntyne returned from a few
^.^ays'visit In GadlUae last Tuesday.
^ A flinch party waa given at the
home of Miss Beatrice McManus Frt^
evening. A very
^was enjoyed by all present
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. McManna went
R pMig poUceM fresh from Scetlind. writ on duty la LMMkm. and had
to atop the teBlc. a« royalty was eapectod. A lady who was unccteoMMileaMy *iMM op” on her way
to the epsrm p«t hor hood out of tho
wlndonr. and callid te tho censtnble In
at • tnMk Wl* I. Mmt Tarfc cttr. Hr.
Ataxaatar I* lata to bra bMB tb* rte^
MM aata aol worlb tb* m
B*t. Itarey «. Oraat at tb* Cbarerf
et tb* Airtaitna. Near Torb. t« ataW
barrM. m tbara! TbI* I* vbat |ta
add to . aaaia; -Aay •«
aaa* Mtat. paadar. toy aratbarAitl-
nmmnMLarnd. Bke
a proaMant
BfmteMliMhratal&ieClIHL Ha
on hla wax to Ftanes en a aacM
m. Aftar balBff BKatoed la XBNUB Jan for some Gme be was gt
I rwaovd.- wUh
wag to Port Gem
I while on Ua way IhltlMr that he
Is BOC ft miy hftir Is bis besd. Tb«
iNrtsd eoplea of the fUOmi
gftsft^^prws^ be
^ ^
which was rvearded aa a p
«r his rctam to toTalty:
Bryan* the latter of whom taten
him •tnmgly.-' Bo declared Uewls
Ntam. the Aaerteaa ah\pbailder.
recently has been bondlag torprdo
boau to replace those smashed by
Benator Joe Blackimim. the I
toeky flre^mter. who waa defeaUd for
re-eleciloo after twenty-flve years
nans, refuses to stay down. B
; to run for governor now. This
is what he says:^ *^1 am not aoi
My defeat does not impair my
Icyalty to my party. I will tell the
truth. That element la Kentucky pollilea whlfh compassed my defeat dlJ
rage War on me. 1 waged the war
on It The people and not an oligarchy
rule. I began the war on the admlaUtraUon. and now 1 pay the pen
alty. *I waged the war to save the
democratic party of Kentucky, and
I dedicate the balance of my life,
be It abort or long, to the proaeculloo
of that war.”
Speaker Cannon, umbrellaleaa. slop
ped up the walk to the White House
Vh» Mabnn
For 9M*
OaMTBtoaad CMy I
d. M. nuatlmantel
he royal bsimere
iiefeat end ruin
For pfa<
work; for saving
time; for long'
scn’icc and com
plete satisfaction,
no other type
writer quite equals
Tdiht AiliMplie
6>^ Smith
tabbvvB W M « mfmm.
*«• Ba*t rr.«l •*.
fohn R. Santo
General Insurance
W*totaH*< tod told w
A. A MaPHAIL. DeoUst, Room 201
Wllbaim block. Ciu. pboaa 116.
SALE ■-a-Ma
This is the time to buy weddiDgRifUSSptr CBBI ilf.
CBUtall ihrouKh the stoie
P. S.—Remember our opticul opening, with Prof.
Sbellman of Grand Ra^
Jantiarj* 8th to l.'Uh. .Eyes
U'Stod free.
Sroto^SuSoi!!* “”**•
mm. *. L. BONNUTB talr ItTIMtoM
21^ om Ctt7 Book Bton^ BMto
Ototo km*. bkMk. IMto L
llew Wlttelm Bit.' TniTene City
Notice to the *Taxpayer8 of the City of
'Travenie City:
year 1905. and for tho delinquent
school and city Uxea and apeclal as
aessments for said year have been
placed In my hands for collection.
I will be In my office to receive said
taxes from now until Feb. 1. 1906. on
saoh week day from 8 o*clock to 11:30
o’clock In the forenoon and from 1
Oft B. B. MiNOB-omes Mt AMT
C4f Jtwtitr
av, uvaaaatw.
OnStota xw
Fine Dental Work
eas Range
14 50
2.00 Down
1.00 a month
8pooiai .tUmtion Kiven to
dituasc. of tbo eycL
with Dr. I. A. Thomp*on
•lor, with Df*. ■.WTto eel ]
Sto*r ud Ktlaa nvotator. ' SittotaetlOB Stonottod. TTUh Btotal
S^Boto*. OU.pta»*lM.
saa cnuaauinr, w
ma City* Mich.
AMSTRACTS or TITLB—<3. a te*.
m. Pric*.ftotoMhta, OAtawMi
Tlio hanilsonu^t and most conven
ient HlTCaEN CABINET on tho
market. Solid Oak fronts, Mouse
and dnst x^ioof KoUor boarinR Hour
|). P. 0»rT*r *Dd Bto. oBU fk—to.
oft. k. F. CHASE—HoawvtobtaL O*.
(k E. L. THIRLBYjuoD todl*«*M« otckUariB. 1
4M Stata beak bid*. Belli phto
We manufacture them and.make
low prioes.
dr. TULLER CU taUmalc your III
Rtf. rcnc* Tr»vrr.c City Utg. Co.
*t «l GIO.WK) worth of ttotow
boucht durioK Norember ud De
cember. $i * d«y. InterlodieB.
ton J-lrr
Its. J. 0. 4 MART J. TtUBBWOB
Wood! Wood!
m. 1U90fm
Tin Jttsuranet
^I.SS r»ER 1.0AD
^2.00 l»ER 1-0AD
^ StatoHtoto.tataM.1
Jn*. SmlO* Ptotototer
Tri»»wrlt«r Co.
Screened and pre
pared especially ‘for niAVBiiBB CITY LmoN Na
Ranges and Cook llaM^IWauttvaLMfiBwinMil
Stoves, from an ex Bay
Mth ar T:il fu m.
cellent quality of Calm 8. YMar, piMMit; >0ayi«
aaeratary; Nattla C Qrmy,
Hocking Valiey Coal. OriswoM*
not IMf
It is easy to handle
and a good burner. TRAVEBBC
A A. M.. moKa on Monday avgRiaf
or htfora tba full oC tha maoR.
Try a ton and be on
atT:l6p.m. M. B. RaakaO. saoraconvinced.
tery. BRncr B* Whlta. W. M.
4ts WIST ntMT SmiT
country, but the kins.
Confusion to his odloua rKgat
operaUon and at the same time rid
ding the country of undesirable
Plnanoe Minister Uroantour said the
high price of stiver enabled the go\-emment to accomplish In less than
two months whst would have required
two ypars, adding that the new
A PlMaukt SGf« NtiklM
eury system is now firmly established
and -at tho present time we hsv
Courtis tna colds yleli etsily to
ing more to fear on account of fu CtanberUUi’s Qmrti Remedy. RIs
pletiut to take tBd cokums so iiture white mclal."
sBbstoce. It;tlwtysciits
Augustus R. Prentice, a wealthy
•es quickly. SoldbyAmei
New York lawyer, wllh offices at 155
Iway. has been committed to an cufl Drur Co*
,e asylum. About one year ar>
Mr. Prentice's father died and he In
“I see they tinv*» diiK-overed a new
heritod a fortune of more than %2, romel." rrui:»rk«Hl the |.«*i.enicer wbo
000.000. No socmer did he obtain this It interarted In SRtronomy. -In olden
money than he began to worry about days the people %UM-d to rejhcrd
taking care of II. He Imagined that appearance of a comK as lod luck.”
“And I fttill legard-lt as bad luck,”
his private secretary was not doln
the work that he wat supposed to be replied the Throop street man.
“Why sor
doing and ordered him to report at
“Welt the night the comet was
5 o'clock in the morning and work all
eover^J we lost our rook.**-Chkaie
the time, not even allowing him to go Dally News.
out for meaU.
omaa Ridley of Wilsburg. formerty an engineer on the Pet
vanla road, was retired on a pension
two years ago. When Andrew Cameglo was a poor ytmng fellow Ridley
helped him once or twice, and the two
have been close friends for
years. •‘Old Tom. " as he is called
IsUed the multi-millionaire recently
The latter presented him with a book,
on the flylenf of which is the Inscriih
tkm. -Old Tom Ridley, one of my first
and one of my best friends. One of the
few. rapidly growing fewer, who called
me Andy, and have the right to do so
New York. Dec. 15. 1905. Ai
Carnegie.** Ridley, who U 60 years
old. carriea a 65K gold watch, wllh
74-pennywelght gold chain, presented
TMAVntK CITY UOOOB, Ms. ft. «.
Mta wfary Thaiaday sraa.
eollecllon will be
charged and on all taxes paid on or
after January 10. there will he
charged a fee of four per cent for col
lection. Penally on delinquent city
and school Uxea and apeclal aaaetamenu. 4 cent on each dollar of the
amount of said tax.
(Wfire in room 202 8Ute Dan!
Froucls at these building.
Dated. Doc. 1. 1905. .
words seemed startled and anawersd.
aa Albemarle thought, with emoUona of
dec 441
City Treasurer.
•TTou have made w«
es, air* In yonr life than that'
The “Rights of Maa“ and coma
DstaU and min sKss tbs cause •
OC PraaM. Its Ubertlss and tawst
If fhe above Unca be lead emil
•oaly. they seem to esprsM very 1
aaBUmeota. bat If yoa road the
line of the fliat verae and than the flrst
line of the Mcoad veiae yea will fli
tbit they bdhtbe the spirit of rampai
The pomp of eoorts sad pride of ktafs
Arthur O'Connor ulUmatelj made his
WSJ to Prance, where. In IfWT. be mar
ried the daughter of the Marquis da
He eiiteesd the PreDch
___ , „
le to the rank of geneiml.
X feet down the drive he stopped His dasth took place In April. 1«2.
and oarefully wiped his wet and mud
be was eighty-seven years of age.
dy shoes on the wetter and muddler
) and emptied a pint of wat
In Lord Uollsnd's
from the brim of bis hat Then he
stepped Inside with the complacent .jere ta'a stocy told on the snt^rity
of Ixad Albemarle concerning fbe sucUon that ho had been properly tborahlp of the ••Junius*' letters,
neat ”lf 1 had an umbrclU when F bemarle was present at a dinner where
left my house to walk up here." said a conversatloh was rtnrted
Mr. Caunon. -I wouldn't have It now Dudley North and Rlr I*hlllp Francis.
The umbrella habit would be mighty The former rsUlod the Utter somewhat
expensive for me.*' Then Uncle Joe rudely as the author of
ikl it was TSln to dev
ntrat In to ace the president to pay
FrancU grew angry
ilemnltj than was usual cxcUlmed:
Sha^of Bryani^cxlco. on«
•‘Do you mean to tell me seriously that
model sMver^untry—the very para 1 am a acoondrcl
rcl or lUr? 1 have d«^
dise of 16 to 1—ls actnally prospering nled dtetlnctly ray 1lM»ing the author.
. who believe X r
on the gold basis. The new gold coins and trier that they
entered Into circulation during the must belleie me to be a liar or
past week. Owing to tho high price of scoundrel, or both.” Dudley North then
At last
silver the government has been able
to ship from the country flfteen mil
» all. in truth, know how
about It.
lion old pesos, making a profit on the
Itet Ddhfatlbl Aid to HMlth
147 6IISW0U ST.
I cenld
bandf ilaa* Partb tb* ador o( Mcar."
-Tba eiar iMed araet at a aoldtar
abnabatalbad'forlNriraBboar. He
I* to p«f*ct pbrdeal eoadlUoa. Tbere
n emn Mp that
i «f hM eanmin and lor
V to f«a bin train hMa
lataB «■ My J3. XtH.
Bnanhy awirtnf or
IK hor carrtMe paaa.
-1 eanna do It ma'am." tho
. Hr. M« Kn. K. L
Oval Wood Dish Co.
It. 87. SOTS raftns
OBoe 606 N.;* WilheiiB Block,
Cititoo.’phone 63U.
Relo. Hr 3ar^
201 fron.t Strttf
ISftOWP WAIIX luklii
■Mm W NMiMr IImm« Hr
WIM to tSt WMif BmmC
ChariM CepiMnd Filed Petttien Tedgy
fbr TlirM ttetheiliM ChlldMn.
Chartes OopeMnd Dei a peiUen In
ProhMe conn today making for n gnai^
dlnn for Out lU Amanda ILJ and
Lonia OoReinnd. throe minor dUldraa
BUT STANDARD WAS THE -MAN TMr Mtnte cenMefo of H.0SS Mnccn^ ing after the two weeks' ]
SEHINabee Inanranoe left them by their
JU>K for tlM tii-
•IttM orthos
t or
to CholrmAB StooU of Ui« Isthmloa
MMlWtoMd. TIM fwu teTt t«M to
ISfSt ts OM SObUMtlOO or tso •MM-
tlw Umltod StotM.*
morning, urging them to be nooTM to
ench other nnd giving ooMe good ndTlce m regard to New TenFH roroletiona.
Mtoa Rhen Martin reetted
FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS Riley'S “An Old Sweetheart of Mine**
in soch a pleaalac manner that she
was forced to respond with nn encore.
The latter part of next week the e*Republic OU Company Repreeentad by
Crying Need of the Country la Women amtnations <m the first eemMier'e
Hbn Wm Owned by the SUndard
work wfll be given.
Sot He Wm InetructM Not
of the Territory.
to Tell That.
TOCNO MEK3 onteoMa i«dM*d t
By Wire io tbe Brenlnt Record.
Kew York. Jan. 8.—In the Standarl
Oil mreot^atlon by MlMonrl today H.
C. Uardfnatle. a former Standard em
ploye. teetified that Walter Jennin*..
tbe domestic trade committee of
the Standard, took him to eee W. H.
TUford, who told him that the Stand
OAM WOULD SC USED FOR FOWER ard had just absorbed the Schofield.
Schnrmer A Teacle company and reAND OTHER FURPOSCS.
tlMd It under the name of the
Repoblle company. Tllford said that
Wowitf So Slaty Foot HlgK-L. 1C HardcaaUe must not be known as a
Siandard man. HardcaaUe traveled
OIbbo, W. E. Wllllamo and L. H.
throogb the territory where the Re
DaZoola of This City. Ralph
public sold lU pordocu. He went
Com pad J. O. OoWar.
tbroncb Iflchlcan. Iowa. Kanaaa. Mlaaourl and Illlonla. He said the Re
The board oT snpenrieora met at public acenta were Inatructed to rep3:20 thU afternoon In n January aea- reaent tbe foct that they were an In
alon la noeoe^oe wUh the new law.
The first tmil^eas to come 1
board was a peUUon from Ralph Case
and J. O. Crotaer of Klncaley. W. E.
Wllllama. Lawrence H. DeZoete and
U K. Olb’ba of Traverae City aaklng
Ury*» fottor to PrMliimt RoommH
vliki ibo liUtor ftpprovML It wm tiM
■mmamm |o vhSeii Um tnaMctkmt wwe
eoodOBted tkm S14 not aMoi wlU
prmi Md T^n Plioors that bf> toM
AodU to pUlalr. Om WMtlieMUiiic
of boMs hr Um rmllrood ooniMiiy to
■MOtobUgMM. Tbb WM done with
oot foSMlttag Ton or BoomtoII. the
besdt botaff ordMwd booibt bock. An
oUmt wm la ooaae^ioa with the eon*
eolloUao or a eoanlMary oonirmct
awmriod 3. B. lUrkel oT Otahha. beCOMO the railroad had been able to
furnlah food to Ita employee at lent
priDe than In the contract. Markel
pratemled the claim and r>t I10.74SJ7
wllhoot ooMltlac Thft or Rooaerelt
i la Joit^ howerer^aare
dam acroea the Boardman river, the
height to be ality feet for tbe purpose
of furnishing electric power and other
purposes. Tbe dam U to be built of FOR PROPOSED GRAND TRAVERSE
cement and earth and la to contain a
suitable chute for tbe passage of logs,
hardwood, timber, etc. It is to also
contain a flab chute for tbe free
egress of all kinds of fish. The com
mtIMNT PRAItEO CANAL COM- pany Is to be known as tbe Queen
City Ughl and Power company.
The eommunlcaUon was referred U
the commmtttee on roads aid bridges
and tbe attpenrlsors of^t Bay and
Club Will MmC and Organise in Stein
berg’s Grand Optra Houm on the
The only other buiiness of the after
CANAL WILL M DUO SOONER noon was the recepUon of a communi
Afteriieen of Feb. S-^anguet
cation from Charles H. KImmerle of
In the Evening.
Cassells, president of the state su
pervise*, association. calling attention
The executive committee of the pro
Aecounta of Immorality. Jobbery an! to the me^ig
l^ng Feb.-Sr^ 1and 9 and posed Lincoln club met in the council
Inomeloney or Mlaery Were Althat delates
delegates be asent. The
Saturday evening and transacted
local board will send two delegates, conalderabte business. Chslrmsn Haswaya DIeprovod to fMaoredit
tbe chairman and one other to be Ings reported/'on the work done, to
appointed. At the meeting the advis date by the various committees and
ability of Incorporating
By Wire to tbe BMPlag Record.
the committee appointed to draft a
8.-PTesld^l tion will be discussed. Amoni
constitution made a report. This com
Roosevelt this nflernoon Mnt £ com prominent speakers will l>e Oo»
mittee was composed of R. B. Walter.
munlcatlon to oongrcM In wlilch he Warner. William Alden Smith
J. H. Monroe. O. C. Moffali and P. C.
prmlsM the work of Uie Panama canal Hon. Charles A. Blsir and
Gilbert. The proposed consUtuUon.
I their de others.
which win be adopted on tbe aflerc work Is
of Feb. 9. with such changes as
being admirably done and great prog
be suggested or desired by the
FMs has been made. >^'hat has beer
membership U as follows:
accomplished gives us good reason tc
Name—The club shall be known as
bellere that the canal will be dug In a
as Grand Traverse Lincoln club.
aherter time than w^ anticipated and
Objects—This club U organUed for
at an expenditure within the estimated
the support and promotion of the best
nmoant F»t>m time to time Tsiioos
Intcresu of republicanism; to encour
publications have been made and in
THAT 18 MICROBE THAT CAUSES age attendance at the primary meet
tbe future various similar publications
ings. that honest and capable men be
doubtless will be made purporting to
mated; and to promote the cause
give aocounU of Jobbery. Immorality.
of good government.
InMdency or misery, as pertaining
Membership—Any male person wer
to the tsthmua. In every Instance the
18 >-ears of age shall be eligible to
aeouMtlons have proved to be without
membership, and may become a mem
fonndaUon. The aUlemenU of theM PEOPLE SHOULD BECOME MORE ber by subscribing to this consUtutlon
■ettMtkm moogera provide discredit
or In writing authorixing the secretary
only to those who originated and gave
to affix his name thereto.
them currency and who thereby ham
les—Does shall be 50'cenU a year,
per and obstruct tbe oomplcUon of •wuld Live Mors Sanely and C«re- payable on or before^ Feb. 1 In each
fuily-^ore Religion Rathor Than
Officers and ibcir dutlcs-The ofMore ChurchM Is the Need
(ConUnuod oa Third Page.)
of the Country.
By Wire Co the Evening Record.
ta «■»
UamUtoa CMhlng Oa.
Washington. Jan. 8.-One of the
oet crying needs of Alaskm is wives,
according to the annual report of John
C. Brady, governor of the lerrilory. He
appei^ to the young women of Amei^
lea to'come to flasks and get married.
He says there are many excellent op
CffidlUcns for Getting Out Timber
Were Never Better Than New in
Bj Wire to the Evening Record.
Northern Michigan.
New Yoric. Jan. 8.—Tbomay Darling
During tbe
j»art of the winter lou. president of the New York board
the lumbennen of northern Michigan of health, has made an exhaustive
were •erlouely handicapped In their vsitlgtUon of the snklde epidemic.
operatlona of getting out logs and Hi finds there U no suicide microbe
hauling to sidings for transportnUen and that the only germ responsible I
to the mills. Fbr a time It looked tbt many beaded monster catted **8ln.
rather aerioua and many camps were He says tbe remedy is foe the people
shut down oiring to sepreity oC mmw. Intlvldually and collectively to become
Now. however. coodlUoosim^hanged more moral and to live more sanely
and lumbermen are In clover. The ani carefully. He says Us more re
work of getting logs out of the woodv ligion. not more churches, that we
and to tbe saw mitts is being rushed
under the moat favorable cli
■Uneea. Kx<3ilef of Police John Ren
nie, one of tbe veteran lumbermen of
this aectlon. la engaged In getting out
timber this winter and la answer to a
gaery by a Record rgpreeen^ve he
aald that In hia extensive experience
In the bnslneu he had never known m
wtnler when conditions were as good
asatproeent The excellent sMghtag
nnd ravatahle weather la at this time
worth many tkommnfis of dollars tj
S#rvlc* Wm H«W From the Church
The fanenl of Mn. Ellaibert
MeereU wa» held from Uie church at
Solon yeetenUy morning at 10:30. the
Rev. 8hbll?y of Buttons Bay officiating.
Music was furalslied^y the church
choir. Owing to the large circle of ao^
itaaoM which the deceased and
ly held, a large congregation gath.
ered to pay their last respects to the
dMd. The fimrM were both In abundand beautiful. Burial in the
D cfoetery In charge of L. D. Cut-
Mine. -Merrto Waa ParaiWr
Ejaa»d From WWIa HaMa.
Br Vlro to tha Bvaalac BusH. .
WaahlBctoa. Jam. L-llra. Woor
Br wire to tho Bvaala* Record.
Monk, a woaaa who waa fordblr
Jackaoa. lOch. Jaa. S.—Wai
claettd troa tk« white haoM. Is la a
Vlacmt of the etato' prleoa hac reCUT to the «sldi-an orareoats.
Omt OMt wm Zttch
AX sic caifldiena’
Shoes, laoe, patent tipa,
heavy or light tolee.
Then we want to •oc
yon. We are prepared
to aell ydu a Chamois
Vest for a dollar for
which yon have been
paying $1.50 and $2 00.
AT 75c Women's Felt thoee
sole-flannel Uned.
AT 98c Women’s Warm
Jnliettea, for trimmed. seV.
era! colors to select from.
AT fL98 Women's Patent
leather droM shoes, worth
$2.50to$2.75-«a eitraordinary valoe
Di^Cwyn A fttMkg/m
The disry that hits fire yem is esUed
BOrt ingadpB. UtUe hook
« be NMd far f«
MeMtinIrorBotMdoriiod. Ark to oee wlMtveoai.
And so b our Celebrated Kno Wet Trooaen. WHl
keep you dry in rain or snow, and warm in coldest
wea^CT. ^ Spiaffue'i Rumian Ve«t. impene^le ^ ^CTOld. They have a double breasted
front, high Russian collar about the neck, thns
making them most thorough throat and lung
, protectors.
:oK Sa movt
cPMiOM m^mi
We Are Agents For
It’s the smaU saviiigt that
fill the purse—it’s right buy*
iugat the right place that acoompliahea this end. You can
save money on your bill if
you oome here.
Chamois Vest
We make
Turm YEAR itSi
lAlMStractD of TItIo
I Rmi SM DtM DwfiS MMtaiS
Maple, Hemlock, Ash,
Basswood Pine.
Cedar Shingle Timber.
traverse 0Hy Ittfo. €o.
16 inches long. .Will deliver IM cords for $2.50
John F. Ott Lumber Co.
CLonowG eruRinemNca
AnOoate np to and iadoding twetee dollar ooato
at abore dimoimt-Brakm maea oompel ns to make
asaerifioe to dleaanp stock. SOME 8PLEKDID
la the «kj todey.
*jon the purchase of an'
We w»h to reduce our
stock of
arire meaitagt was received by
k of Waartihigton street
Saurday erenlng
death of her aliler, Mr*. Mattie Leo
pold of BuEalo. No other Informuthm
was ohtsHiable and ms no preriouf
mesaage of her illness had been re
ceived. it la thought that death was
sudden, Mr*. Peck and .on. Oraoa W..
accompanied by her cousin. Mrs. Pittenger of Grand Rapids, who waa
gncrl in the famUy home, also accom
panied them to Grand Raplda yester^
day where the funeral will l>e held.j
The deceased was long a resident ofi
Giand Raplda W. Miller, .editor of I
the Cheaanfng Argus, a brother of the
deceased. wlU join Mrs. Peck
Gold Equivalent.
trw to bdp oMlco out • fnifal dlnoor
for tbo w^teren. Prtrr cootlnoally
One of the rarest ma wMl as nidett
tuVid Jicqori to Mok Mlratkm, eo- of bills U in pomesston of U K.
tfooun to wUcb the h«rdeo«d PrenebCtereland. This is a Spanish blU for
forty doTtara. and la dated Jan. 14.
Jooniey Jem frwiUj 1775. It reads: ”The bearer la en
titled to receive forty Spanish dollara
pej for the dinoer. hot
or an equal cum In gold or silver ac
gram throe
J.cq^ who cording to a rcsolBlIon of congress of
bad for oome daja t>eeo beai^IIj aick the 14 Jan 177!».”
or hla borgalii with IWtaft. oakod that
The paper Is smtl]. being only two
whoerer rtKrald aherwaid alt In the
chair when Jem had aat might not and one-half by four Inches In al*e.
be able to arine therefrom until be and upon the face a stem of a fern ii
aacqoeai abould ao wiU. The aecond dlsplay«*d with scattered leave* over
the paper. What the slgnlAcancc of
tblc is la unknown.
The algTxatnre. which origlnany In
alltjr or tha mohigftii tnbefiUiioo tax
"ThS bc.*t play here In a long time”
abalaoever aboold enter rei Ink. Is entirely oblleraicd wl’b age.
Uwa Boama to bare beec dUpoaod of
hla purae might not lea\'e agalnat the The n*llc U from the printsbop of Hall was the comment freely expressed after
bj tha racam dedalon of the Sopreme
A Sellem. A narn>w fancy border the perft.'rroanct- of the *'Wlxard of Or ’
wfli of the owner.
ookrt, which onrsed the dedatoa of
\Hien BaUn came to claim Ja»-qnf!« surnmnda the InscrlptionH but has no Saturday night at St.-lnberg's Grand,
tha Wayaa oooat/ probate court ta he waa given the cliair In whlrli Jem particular emblem. The bill has been j -nje ,-ork of Geurge A. Roek as the
tba matter of the Inheritance tax on had aat and waa. of roorae. beM aa In the family of Daniel Jenkins fr»r
scarecrow and f-Yod J. .Nice as the tin
tha proparty oT a non-realdcnt. who faat by tbe -.peU- aa though be bad
Aft) year* and previous to this wxs In wood roan would bring laughter from
owaad atock In Detroit banka and
poHsi-Ksion of a * warden of Jackson their proto?y*pc-s while the antics of
loaaad money In that elly. The 8u !
No further hlrtery of the Fro I Woodward a.s lmog».*ne. the cow.
to HImb tbe cberry triw. and Immeill prison.
prama aourt halda that proparty of the atcly they. too. were prtaooen* of the
relic In available.
inU Joe A. W<vM a* the cowardly lion,
idmiMor hamad moat he cxmaMered wily Jar«|ueii. Finally I.mHfcr
.njuld hardly have been rxeelJed by tho
aa bali« «a thia atate and aob|aet tn hub and all the mUior ofBren* of !»ell
■n a-. r,* of the pirls
tba InharlUnce Ux eren tboogfa it rame to look afti-r tlnHr ohlef and the
Tbo play Is hung on a very t;lendcr
aMit hot hare been aubject to other Iropa. Jacquea. Ylth punw In haml. The Rev. Dema* Cochlin Officiated at
thread. Just MifAelent to cause a slight
forina of taxation here. It la expected met them at the d.KW and permiaded
<cquenco of t vents. It hinges on n
that an annual arerajce of f400.000 will one after another to dire Into Its car
The funeral of Ike late >Ire. Garter Kansas cycloa** which irausttorted a
emoua depths in aearrh of g*dd. He
aooB ba^recelyPd Into the aUto treaa- then closed the purae and In full view waK ludil Ihi.c urt<-mooh at 2 oelork
portion of tbe letpulatkm if that sla’e.
nry on Inheritance Ux account. There of the helpless Satan and the tree bn from the hcVme on ih«' bay road we ,t
o fain land when' Dwro.hy Gale Is
V la Mia oppoalUon in thU aUte to the prisoned Imiw pounded It Aat on tbe of this city. The Rev. Demaa Gorhlln
glii n a wishing ring by which she
pimaipla fnvolred In the Inheritance atone threiOiold. Finally wtien the of thla city .JAriated. the mnslt^'l.eirg
‘.rings the rr3r.*en»w lo IIP-. Tt«e fur.
tax, but It baa aunrired all anch criti- second «rfnreni of the lafemal regions In charge of Mrs. N. E. Degan. Tin
nec^ wli. n Imogf ne attemp?r*
dam and oppoaltkm In New Yf»rk. Mmr. were Aattened out of all aemblnnn* to remains were laid to rest in Oakuool
e v.v lib parking and only ends when
aaahofetia and other eaHtom atatea. IniperUI Inqia of darkneaa Satan rail cemetery., the pall licarerK IK-Ini;
he M arerr.m li aves the htage. The
ed from tbe chair entrmting Jacques to
«4« Uw> U nrobal.1) no q.c.Uon u desist and promising a quittance from Mcaara. O. I*. Carver. J. A. Montagje varlouiT Foiigs w, re all w« Il gi\en and
to lU peiTOUirncy on the ataiute book* hla .obligations. Viion this assurance h>ank HamiUon. J. W. Pttehin. Will
Acre phi-ing. the solo by Alni«<tah
Jacqooa released tbe whole tnfema: lam Arms and W. P. CmtSor.
laAam being ca-i!\ the last from an
tribe, and since that time they have
artistic |>olnt of view while the duet by
Aa tacreaae of twenty-dve
to api>ei
the tin win»draan and tho scani-row
f dollara tn the l«nk depoalta of tbla they formerly did so fre«ju
Tbe Rev. Edward IJoytl Jones of was the best mirth protlucer.
^^#0*I during the paat year attga
Rsrcwtiwn PwtfClewl ntwnlm.
During ibe si-ennd and third arts, on
Mancheater. England, la credited with
pr.liCiMed earning and aavlng ability
In tbe reign of Charles II. the names hnving origlnalctl the phni.Nc “the vreount of the latcne.^s of the hour,
)A&M|<ha*part of many thouaan'd MIchl
of -milir' aud ‘Tory” were used for Grand Old Man” aa nppIlM to Mr many penple thought that the play wa.
gas people. And tbe beat reaulta of the two imrUcs which we now call
Gladstone. During the Irinli agitation end«;d and s-aiied to go. How vet.
Increaaed aaringa are tbe atrdnger .“IJl»enir and *H\>nser\otlve.”
It liecame ncMHWMiry that detective*
hopea and brighter expectatlona they " So atroug_wyuHhe ht»stlllly between abonld follow Mr. Gladstone for the •hey all c ame bark and were w« II n
paid for so doing.
proTlde for the years to come. The theNparrtmthat when the king sum
aom of oonientmenl and bapplneaa In moned his third parliament (lOSD he
hire, that eonnty. then governed
MIchlgiai next year will be the friuater waa afraid for It to meet In London,
beoauae of the Increaaed earnings and which was vety Whiggish. and be coorenrtl It at Oxford, where Toryi»m wat
Increased aaringa through the year atnmg. The \\Tdg members, alarmed
Tories in those day*, object t\l. wberejust closed.
at thla. rode Into Oxford armed with UIKMJ Llovdl JoDCH.
JODCH. who
Inter nt Illijy1. promptly calleil .an Indlg
Tha Woman's Chrluilan Temperance
In the reocUou which followed thla
meeting. lie nsketl
a lawyer
TJnlpn of Grand Raplda baa l»egun a display of force prominent Whtga weie who waa prwent to state whether. If
cruaade agalnat Imrooul picture*. pttmecuted on the evidence of jierjuped the life of a common tramp was In
€uth g movement baa a wide Acid and
peril. It waa not the duty of the county First National Bank Had
to protect him. Ttie lawycT said that
wlU undoubtedly.. If properly proarDuring 1905.
culed, win acrompllah much good. The Whig leader, was accused of blgli trea nmloubtcNlly It was. “Tlien.” shouted
son. but was acquitted. In fact, no Mr. Jones, “If It I* the dnty of thb
diapiaying of ohjertlonable of picture* Tors- June* would ctmvlct a Toiy. and
eonnty to protect the beggar at oui
on blllboarda and In other public where the WTilgs prodomlnat«*l no jury
doors, are we going to nllow tbe pre 'iiy Firsi National bank:
places la a practice that should bo wouW convict a \^•h^g. At last ftilug* clous life of that grand old man at Ha
“The deposit* of the First Nat
Btopped. vl^fnrmiKly an If necraaary
reached such a cllmnx that leading warden to g> unprotected T* Thai tank of Traverse City lnereas»»d nearWhigs, in despair, formed a plan to meeting nettled the quarter seaslons* ob
y iPMi.ooo during the year !!♦«*:..• Th'*
compel Uh» king to siuumon a free par Jectlons. and the title stuck.
rcoourecs total more than 1700
'A prominent real estate mim hnvlng liament. but they were uctniiuHl of liigh
•00 and It Is climbing toward the mlllBerctnl •‘good buys- on id* lUt bap- treason, and some of their loaders w ere
executed.-I^don Sal unlay Review.
on dollar class.”
peoed to niurt an oM r.rnnan. wb.i.
John Jacob .tator'r. income la cstlhh knew, had l.y frugal inetlusN ,.f
Dated at about Aki.taMi a «lay.
May Live 100 Years.
llvtng. acnminlnted n sntnll foHrnr
remarkable whni sliglil variaLiisitenant Gitieral t'lmfree contem
The chances for living a full reiiiury
nrhicb be kept In a snving* bank Tl.e tion thiTf Is ill the ti-mpomturr of the plnt«w lakking up
• re «*xeellent In the eatM* of Mrs. Jen
The n.iruial
normal tern- ‘ donee in l*ithtT lU
real estate man tried to iH-rsunde him healthy human IhnIv. Tbe
.lie Duncan of Hpyncsviile. Me., now
It 1* n fracth.a
fraction Cal.
to Invest Ms money In land, oml In I^tnre
70 years obi. She writo.M: “Kbvtrlc
Hitters cur*‘d me of Chronic DxMM-psli
•peaking of the many ndvnntapw of
ul.ll, th.. 'n»"TlnH,'m
«><> SI.-llWI.rhn. of 20 years standing, and made me
owning property he waxed warm and
as well and strong as a young
aahf. untbiHkingtv:
,irl.“ Eb-ciric Uifters cure Siomat i
•‘It U a One nest egg to fan hark
xnd Liver tliseases. HbxY.l disorderr
foNNl. fasting. exenlM'. all .ire f.^rinrul
, ,, ,
ind b«>dlly wo*
,U=h.,v vnr...,. ,hr .-nil-rni.nr... |r--Alnl.ni. ur..rs
Tbe old German thought seriously
itoo at Johnsoi
for a f»*w iHiniitoft. - rnd vhat vmild The great peculiarity mIm»ui
. r. A. nuglM t
Its eveniH'Ks undt^r*
: Fit»n*h. Price only HOf.
1 do ndt drr bn»ki*n eggs ”^he aski*!.
all conditions. Heatt or f'tdd i-nuses but i
1 keep tnv in«'i
alight variation, and in man leas than
in any other animat. In extremes that Vnlou I?«HAe. has l»een visiting Ms
would l»eifatal to many animals roan K.yhood homo at Uaeoon. Ind. I'orty
can enduie and tSiJoy good health wn- >«*ars agt>, it Is said, he waa known Mrc. Esther Palmer Was Laid Away
to Rest Saturday.
use Itucklen’s .\rnlra Salve never won der ihNWfce rlrcumstam-es. We read of around the town as “boy no atA large nunilK-r of friends nf Huder If lb will cun' etitf. wounds, biima. arrtle voyagers enduring a tempera- , count.”
Rnrl de Grey, although TCi years old. aged plomiu. Mrs. Esther Palmer.
•uwoa and all skin erupUons; they lure ranging from HO degrees to Jk> de
greea and ev«*n-lirj degrees below aero. ' muks qa the gri'nteet kUbM- of game
know it win. Mrs. Grant Shy.
gathmMl at the Bingham rbureh Sat
K Reynolds St.. SprlngAeld. III., says: while, on the other hand. In the troplea. in tlnyit llritaln.
Ilia bag to date
during tbe greater part of the year, tha ; amounts to nio.iTO bend.
In Yo:k urday afternoon at 2 o'ckx k to |oiy
their last re.*Gpec1s tn the depaned
hmiseki'eplng" Guaranteed temperature ranges from 100 degrees shire be otico'^h.)! T/JO grjuw;
by Johnson l>rug Co.. F. H. Mearm C. to 110 degrees above, and yet meo «v aiugle day.
The rervbN’ wa* in charge of the Rev.
A. Bugbee Drug Co., druggists. S6c.
Jot health In such varying tempera
Shelley of SuMonv Ikiy. Burial t.»ok
ONE TO FI\*E IXlUJVRa.Nived ... plare al the Bingham cenielcry In
the purrhase of an overcoat; depends chargeXif 11. L. Carter.
The beautiful s<»clety women leaped
upon tho price.
^ from her maroon touring car and
Hamilton Clothing Co.
It's an ea*;. thing lo lay.
sUrtod to ascend tbe o«cr building pome eastern ones down to the present iaa B 2t
time aalt has
And say It good and sti-tmc.
occuided exchttlvely by lawyers.
am of exchange. Ooamaa speaks of
And,say H pretty frequenL
-One moment,” cried a dapper little
■alt Cl
Push Rocky Mountain Tea along.
.. inpoiter with a green pencil and a roll
Johnson Drug Co.
of papeV. •‘What la your numberT* *
j.Tha benutlful woman started to
count on Ungers clusUTod with rings.
wrlttsti In tbe thlrtcoith canir
“Let me ace.” she said Anally; “I
. tells OB tbe TlbetanAbad none of
if tbli« it U 11.”
great khan’s paper money, bot used
naeren? Er-I mean tbe numlier
for new years present
f of yoor machine.”
”How stupid! 1 tbooght you meant
I the number of husbands.”
and rooad aboive. and erety piece frami
With a teas of her Bowing white the Bold welibed half a poond. On
^ wdl ahe disappeared In an
tb«e molds the prince's maik was art.;
Dally News.
and DOM tmt Ibe Tojml officers apedal-l
]y appofntad was pennlttad to roalDs It
Baata the Music Cum.
”To keep the body In tune,” writer Btgbty of thaaa molds ware rsckoMd,
m be equals A ^BagglooCBne gold.- ^
J. B. Paige Electric Co.
r Lilia pnia. They are th«
Ad plaaauBi laxaUre 1
tthg OauV. BuilaiiC!^c.^j
Drug Co, drugglau. Uc.^
ud la
aad to do so we hare
PRICE. If you want a
heating stove we can save
you some money. We
have !>oiae exceptionally
goad birgains just now.
Come in and see them.
It7MrbMtii«ah>Tei«aU aad won ud »looMmd op in
joints that yoQ have loct oaniMl of thu dnft, Uien
A prrl^t Air Tight, just Kke cut,
body made of boiler stod and bemrUy
solid out tup
hentT cast fiuiiU check dixfi with
qxirk arretter
OKLY $4.75
Same wove with cast sUrt has:
andnlcuefoiaers........ S.7S
Same stare with cast skirt base, nickle leaders aad Me
hearer cast ifiraat feed 4«ar..................................... .
:oiT im oooi
J. W. SL-A-TEfR!
Wholesale and Retail -YonrRaliable Home Forniaher
Dre$$ Goods
Special Prices During Our Hnnual Sale
All 40c goods for.............
A||50c goods for....... ....
* 1.00 goods for...........
All 1.25 goods for........
All 1.35 goods for......
A'M-50Roods for.........
All 1.75 goods for........
All 2.00 goods for...... .
Christmastidc offers no Ix tter opportnnily than can
Iw found in the Diamond
.1. cigar. One lino of these
favorites embraces all siztg,
anti there is not one but
what. would Ik? treasureil
and prized by any “lover
One lot of Koods worth from $1.00 to $1.50 per
yard, to dosv out at 5i»c per yard
n. }. aiilbelm
of the wooil.’*
Are aUays found in pur ixroccry department. That alway means the
best of thin^^s to cat. good
If you like Salmon fora lunch or for sandwichs, get some of these:
umbia River Salmon. Alaska Red Salmon. Coal Bay Salmon.
No other store sells solid meal green turtle.
ever canned, and sells at r.Oc the can.
This is the finest
Here arc some other good things -taste just like the article right fresh
from the water: Monarch Lobsters. Cove oysicrf. Lion Lunch Oysters,
Minced Sea Clams. White Horse Clams, Burnhams Ciam Chowder.
What is bctt<!r ihc‘-e chilly days than gootl soup for dinner.
The Van Camp Sorps aTC alwa>'s ready !io serve—just the ad
dition of a little hot NN’Ster—chicken, beef, boullion, vegetable,
r ^
Sardines arc oaten so much, so wc will sell four difcrenl kinds at 10c, 15c,
*J5c, and
extra fine at 55c a box.
These are the finest canned meals, all fcady to serve; polled
Ham. Potted Tongue. Corned Beef, V<^! Loaf, Deviled Ton
gue, Dried Beef, IJambcrger Steak, Roast Beef, Chicken Loaf.
Just received some nqw Scotch Herring, Tunny Hsh and King Oscar Sar
dines that are the finest ever put up.
Here arc same delicacies that will stifely tempt you; Chow
Chow, Sweet Mixed i’ickles. Pure Oli^e Oil, Tobasco Sauce.
Blue Label Ketchup. Monarch Mint Sbucc, Prepared Mustard.
Oj^ter Cocktail Sauce. Sweet Ghcrlins, (Juctn Olives, Baby
Olives, Stuffed Olives, Leicestershire Sauce. *
»NiHXAOTAa-at^Wi»w*a - Swmjjiw/aim «nma
i 1
> tmom, nuvuM cnr.
,-i ; i c%
itmd, «—«» «r
•ccm of tbie dub shall be prtfrtiemt.
two vice preeldenta froa en^ cowmy
having aMBbenklp to tbe dnb. eecretary aad trenenrer; aleo an egeetoive
coBBlttoe to cnadet of tbe pmaUeat.
to>t to to
tbOHdty todgy
A tatoi
B.i. FeekortatoMBK
Mhl R. C ftofdner and
wntomMMirg wem to tbe dtj today.
Mrs. Mn M. Bailey toft this noon for
Grand Rni^ Ann Arbor nnd DetrolL
«r »«Wtr fooMr, an f<«BMUd to BMi
at tte aaeari oflha Tk«n<iir cnalac ■Mbere to be etoctod by bnDot nt tbe
atf;». Th* paraoaa oC ai< BOcOac aaannl Beefing of the dnb. aad to to tbe city after spending ibe bolldnya
la to tom a aariMaiat lataaliailoa bold ofSce for one year aad katll tbdr
Mr. nnd Mra. Herbert O. Joynt spent
Snaday to Omenn with bto father.
lly of tbe ezecntive 4
mUtnaflmurmL TOaraan
ankar a( avaan la tba cttr Baectogg ahaU be beM at tbe fsaB of
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrtoa Barney of Lndt «i4 tka aaxas aaaaoa arfll
togtoa are tbe guests of her annu Mrs.
aaafkaaalatkaiaaka. Tka
Meettog»-Tbe aaanal meKIng eball 8. M. Riea of Uf East Eighth atreeL
Miss Gertrude Hawley, who has
be held at eoae time dnrtag tbe Bon|b
rom iB
taa«at vallaatkai
of Febtamry ae near tbe 12tb aa may been vtolitog her sister. Mrs. Mills of
be. at the call of the esccuUve cdB- Tblrteenth street, returned to Elk Rap
Mr. and Mrs. Cbrto B. Kehl of NorthA baagnet shall be held oa tbe eventog of tbe date of tbe aaanal meeting. port nrrivod to the city this morning
tTorlt^t to lb# Motor boat
where Mrs. Kohl wiU take medical
Tbe egeewtlve conualttoe ebaU have
M mM teOMUM lb* mtrrtot to
power to appoint such oammttUm na
Mya. M. I. Quinn returned to Bast
they deem aeceenary In tbe totereeta
"Gordon today after a two weeks' visit
of tbe dnb. nad to arraage for banquet
with Mrs. Charles of 12€ Bast
aad speakers for tbe aaanal laceiing.
Eleventh street.
ThU dnb ebaU not. pcwvioaa to bU
Judge Harris of Boyne City
Fftoar Wa« •• UtMtr On ••f Tbra* aoBiaation. endorse tbe candidacy of ’ nndMrs.
Mrs, O. W. Lnrdie left, today for
Bf^m LB0i Mto
aay caadidaie for office..
North Adams, called by the lllnei
Aaeadmenta-Tbla conaUtntlon may Mrs. Lnrdle's sister. Mrs. C M. Broaa.
W. P. Kenney left this morning to
Wbitt IbfUBf tisbar oa Jor Alibr-t be ameaded at aay aaanal meetteg
fra ib Ehb^ood towBBbIp. Aftbbf wltboet 4»edal notice: or apedal meet- resume his duties as traveling aalesWMto bid bto right tog fmeumd tog called for that pnrpoee. by a aa- mnn for the White Sewing Machine
company after n two weeks' vacation
raratbakMamiajraftontoDa. He jorlty vote<:of the membera preaenL
E H. Pope, who baa been spending
This eonatltatlon la not permanent
wmr Ubaa to bit bone mad a bbjtfas tbe organiaallon will not be ef the holidays with hto family, returne.1
elaa called to redoot tbe fracture.
WilUaB Pal»er bad one of the fected nnUl tbe afiemoon of Feb. 9 to bis dntles in the office of the *Trans
bdbM of bit left leg brokeu beknr the at the gieeUng of the club at Bteto- OonUnental Freight company. Chica
toat while worktag lo the woodt oeai berg's Grand when a general organlta- go, today.
Mr. and Mrs. Chariea Revolt of Buttlon be perfected. Those desiring
bla fatber^t fam RrlAax afternoon.
While baalteg logs fbrM Bike eonth chnagea nnd those who have soggea- tons Bay passed through tbe city to
of town Friday afiemoon. El Lawton tlona to make ahoidd communioaic day on their way to WebbenrUle^
iMd bit left band ae^r lojurwl. a with Secretary R- K- Walter, tbe pres where they will remain during tbe rest
ent conatltnUon being eimply n baale of the winter with their itoughter. Mrs
C. H. King.
on which lo work.
Mr. aad Mrs. A. W. Mebert of Kes
George G. Covell made a report aa to
the speakers, stating that in addition wick are Ip the city today, where
Tbfwe teehere After Ttidh at Aibury to Governor Fred M. Warner. Patrick later. Mr. Mebert will go to Grand
AtUr Leet Night.
H. Kelley and ex-8enaior Murfln. he Rapids to continue his studies in ih?
' Tbe revival aervicet at tbe Aabary believed that Congressman Hamilton Conkey Veterinary* college.
Miss Marjorie Salisbury of Deerfield
Metbodltt eburcb wbleb have been would also be present
who has been visiting her father.41erheM tbrongbont tbe week will conA motion waa carried that the chair
bert Salisbury, returned home this
tJnae tbit week. Dortng tbe paat
man appoint one membpr from each
week tbe aUeodance bat been large
morning. Miss Sallsbun’ made many
township and ward to aollcll members.
friends in the efiy who'werdAorry
On moUon the chair appointed a com
see her leave.
mittee of three on InvlUtlon with auMiss Celia Johns, who has been
flwnbUy weU attended, the Rev. Hugh
tborlty to collect for the banquet
Kennedy epeaklng froa tbe teat taken
resident of this city for a number
tickets and membership fees. R, E.
TroB Matthew v:tbS0: *’And If tby
years, left on the early train today for
Walter. F. W. Wilson and Fred Pratt
right eye offend thee, pluck It out and
Europe. She will visit first her old
was thexcommittee ay^lnted.
eaat It from thee: for It it profluble
home In Wales, where she has not
A motion
that a com been for twenty-seven years. She will
lor thee that one of thy meBbera
abonld perlab and not that thy whole mittee of five be appointed to arrange also visit England, Scotland and othe
I be catt Into hell, and If for the banquet, the chairman lo be foreign iwlnt^ before returning.
Itbeecot It off and catt president of the commillee. and the
tor ft It profitable for committee to have power to appoint
thee that one of thy mirobeta thojUd aub-romroittees. This eoromlltw is aa
follows: K. W. Hastings. Howard A.
peritb. and not that tby whole
p. Vine's ntbietir adabould be eaat Into hell." The aervlcc MussHman. J. W. Patchln. I. It. Gil. vis4'r. ill a dlsrussion of fuutUiIl rich's.
bottii at 7:16 with a half hour of aonx
He touglied irt.idi-nily.
A transportation commlit4*e eonslRtprwte which waa followed by the aer"That reminds me," lie s.nld. "of the
Mon Boat ably delivered by Mr. Ken- ing of C. E. Murray. W. W. Smith and children of a frlcml of mine
nedy after which an altar M-nice and J. W. Hannen waa also appolnUHl.
visited lu the sumnuT.
IfiatiBooy waa enjoyed, tl.rts^ wfkers
•Thesi» chlldreu. two boys, gut
The banquet will U* held In the City
after the truth coming to ih«- altar.
opera house on the evening of Feb. 9. none too well.
"‘Hero.* said their mother to tbe
The apodal committee met this
morning and appolnt«Ml the following older of them one day. bore is n
Divide It wHli your little
brother at>d siv that he gets the II
Mt Mreiigbl to Wind Up Rtel EtiMt
Printing—J. W. Mllllken, J. M.
and Oellegltofr Agency.
Blakealee. J. A. Loranger.
"The younger child, a few niln
Paper* In a chaacery ault were fled
Cloak Room—W. E Moon. C. K. Is ter. set up n
today by J. W. Patchln for Amtl P. Taylor. Frank Carver.
" ‘Mamran.* he idirieked, ‘John basn*t
JfeHlager praying for an amicable ad
Mu*dc—E R. McCoy. E E White. given me any Imminn.*
mother, hur
fnetmeat of the bualneaa affaira of Charles Beers.
AmU F. NeHInger and C. W. Aahtvn.
Decorating—M. B. Holley, 8. CItek. rying in.
“ -It's all right.* expInlmHl the elder
who formeriy conducted the Sun Q»|. T. If. Olllls. W. E Smith. Harry MonlK>y. -Lions don't eat Imuauus.’ *’
kcting Agency and the Nertlnger RbI
Rrtate Rxchaage. Mr. Aahton with
drew frcna the firm laat May and tie
More ti*au sixty years ago, when I
enU to h^ to clomr up tbe boalnew
Nine Attended the Meeting Hald Sat was a yhlld. a ymmger sUter and myself had an attack of scjirlel fever. \\'e
urday Afternoon,
living ou Montgomery place,
The regular meeting of the Teach
now Hamilton phu-e.
Dr. Holmes
ers* Reading drde waa held In Coun
• There ffin be regular meeiiug of thr
ll\eii a few dwr*« fr^m us, msl. being
ty School Commissioner Crisp's oMce
Order of Baaten Star toaorrow even
a friend of my im^tluTs family, be
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, nine
was tbe attending physkian.
tog. No. 147. A full attendance U da
teachera being in attendance. Three
1 had l>e»‘U very sick. ami. being
aubjecu were token up: ‘‘American
couvalemi-nt, was naturally extr
St- EUiabeih a guild of Grace cburcl
Llieraiure." the "Earth and Ito Story.** ly hungry. So 1 leased my mother for
will meet la tbe choir room of th«
and "School Management." Mias Mar Wfsleak. SlK* dkl not dare to give
church Tneaday evening at 7:30. A
garet McGarry of the Beltner school me any. but tokl me to ask IT. H.
fttU attendano
had the subject, the "Barth nnd Its when lie came again If I could have
Story" nnd "American Uierature" was
at the We-qne-toug dab. Seven
So the next day be came I aaid:
ip the form of a round table talk, the
teanw bare entered and a ediednl will
authors under discussloQ being Poe "Docltvr. 1 am hungry; can't 1 have a
ple^'e of beefsteak V’
nnd Hawthorne. The roll call was an
Tbe doctor gave me one of bis queer
aalnrday-Bifbtrwhile busy at hU
Bwered by quotations from these twv, looks and said: *‘I think you bad liet^barber shop. Bert Witmle^i -feet got
auihora. "School Management** wms ter have « piece of my coat-tail
Ured and be reUred In the back room
discussed by County
fried.**—Boston Herald.'
to change his ahoee. To hU lun
BIm D««« with rtmU TWtU.
Pbir of tan ogforda worse than he did
-1 will never forget my first experi
nafi no had nnneged them. What made
ence in hospital work." aaid Chief Sur
blm foal ao badly about the matter,
geon Millar of tbe Central emergency
wan that be bad just bad them half Of. H. K. Gantor Will Addraaa the boapItaL "Tbetw waa a green nnr
Men^ aub Tomorrow Evening.
aoM. A reward of two shaves and a
the detentloa wnid and ww had n very
Tbe meeting of the Meo*fc club of violent case to therr^ man in tbe
kaircnl U offwed for their return.
Tbe Queen City bowling team went Grace church tomorrow evening prom- worst stage of deUrium tremcna
to Cadillac Ithia afternoon to bowl a ioea lo be unusnally iniereatlng. Dr.
awakened to tbe middle of the
five from that city and even up for a H. B. Garner wUl deUver an addreaa Bight by the head name, who resn aanltallon which U nn Important Qttealrd me to come at once to tbe
Moat admtotatorod in Cadillac i
ind timely subject. A short musical patient.
When 1 got there I f«
turn aad Mn. CMorc •rogtmm will nlno be given. A full at him raring and J^cry violent, with
cew noiae acared out of her wita.
Vod win a<«tklB tke CMkolle tendance U deafoed.
Ladioa' Altar aootofy Wadaeoday after
" -Why did you let him get so far?
ma at Ibo borne of Mca. Riea. 6S9
I left you nome medlctoe to give him
tat ngbtb ntreet.
An importoot discorety of neolltMc ns aooiFaa be got deUrloua.*
-•Yeiy doctor.* she replied, -but you
rrmalDs baa been made near AIgbero.
In Saidluia. They consist of a aeries toM my to give that to him if he aaw
oI subterranean ceiU in which wete any m<w snakes, and this time be waa
seeing bine dogs with pink tails.* “
foood hnman remaiim, veaaels of term
cotta and aome weapons and imp)e> Exchange.
CHIU«»C8 orertoau all ga
metta evtoently bdooglng to a period
for beyond tbe pale of hlstoty. Scleotiftc examteation pronooncm tbe reniaita to be neolithic, and to almost
frinie npen tbe dawn of tbe Iron age.
Their antiquity to bettered to extend
to aisMit SjOOO yean befoce ChrisL—
lANtaiDe CSiib PlanMiK Gmt
"Home Coining Week.*
la that
Egyptian king, to oRtor that atones
might he dragged along It for bis pyra.
nskL In the optehm of the Greek trav
eler, the work of making the rood wan
an great aa that of bnildtag the pyra
• Kcmta«iLr» Dwirs m Ol mid. for It took ten years tocaostrwet.
rwr Wmnmmr aLmmtmektmmm tm Wtm with flgarea carved an them, bnt ta
WiU rn^mdmr m I
to a aute of i
by a young tatty born to Kentoel?. but
now living to Colorado, tbe LontorOto
Commercial dub to to hare a "home
<o«utog"forall Kentucktooa next June,
nays a DootoyUto racial dispatch to
the New York Globe. Tbe plana na for
na matured contempUte a edetm
mu^ more extenalre than any of tbe
"home comtog" weeks ever held In
New EngtoncL The dates ffxed are
June 18. 14. 15.1C and 17.
The first day w*iU be known aa "recepUou and welcome day." Every <
ty to the state wUl esubliah bead,
tort In the new armory at Doato
where regtotraUon of vlsltora will uke
place. This will be foUowed by a civic
and tnUlury parade. Colonel Henry
Wattcr*«m has b<»eu invited lo deliver
the chief address of welcome and for
mer Governor David It. Francis of
Mtoaouri tbe resixmse. Among many
others lurlicd to appear on the progranitna are former Senators Willtom
Undsay and John G. CarikOe of New
York city. AaaocUto Justice John M.
Uarlmn of the L'nlte<^ States supreme
court, former Governor Thomas T.
Crittenden of Missouri and fornmr Vice
rresideut Adlai E Stevenson of 11UDols.
Thursday, June 14. is to be "Foster
day * to honor of Stephen CoUins Fos
ter. the author of the immortal song
"My Old Kentucky Home.** The event*
of the day wUl Include brass bands
and vocal conrertR. it being planned to
mass several Iwnds to render ".My Old
Kentucky nome" and have a cboru* of
eh highly traiued sanuer*.
relieved every five mile*, could convey
messages a ilUtance of *200 mlh*s In
the twenty-four hour*. The roods were
kept lu Ijesutiful order, the* inhabitants
district U-ing ri**ponKible for that
portion of the highway which Iraver^etl their land. At the same time It
shouM 4i<* remenilKTed that there wa*
no whet-1 tmfflc to cut up the level surfaee of the hanl imvemeut. There is
tHmsldeniide Irony in the fact that it
was not HU the SpanlaidH forcibly Introducfsl their
Into Peru that the
gun to fall into disrepair. - London'
RoUe* T« HofM Ownn.
1 hevs Opsasd n bomd and i
Many Trevsree City Young Fsopio Rw
bnni sumuf Omu strestSBgtee 1
fsiwod This Mansion
^ Angus McOoEd >^**^^*
The eiodna of the eoDege sMents .hop. whe^i wttl bomd horsoa
from the city, which 1ms hemi going on rsnaonnble price. Atoh have n
tor serernl days, ewlmtontei todnv'room where 1 wtU wmah nnd
when the tost of the condngsnt I
for their respective ptoces of lenrntog. | jne vriiere'v^~Im being &ooo If
The following are among those wholMred. Hare secom!
left: Mia. Della Gine«.UnlTertUy of
Call on me.
W. H. Higgins.
m.; Heber Stout.
Olivet: Trix Ttokhnm. Uatverslty of
Michigan; Louia Heigao. rnivertJty of |
Mlehlgan: Alfred Kyaelkn, Universiiyjof Mtehignn: Ben Montague. Uniretrity of Michigan: Miss Edna Miller.'
Michigan aeminnrr. Kalamaaoo: Mlsa
Rhea Mania. Notre Dame college,
Notre Dame. Ind.: Mia* Minnie Voiru
ba. conservatory of music. Ann Arbor;
If you mut the fiuuhed
Alfred 'ft'ilhelm. Ann Arbor High
worit to look right mad jimt
achool: Miss Harriet Farrell of Elk
ordered, then oome here.
Rapid*. Alma: MU* Elvesto *Thoma* |
and Roy -Thomas of Norihport. Olivet
Fred Anderson. George Anderson of!
Omens, Alma: Hany
Willtom Fahrman of Old Mission,
ma: A. J. klcManus. Ann Arbor.
FOR RENT-Threr^ living rooms, fur
nished or unfurnUhed. 2«.7 South
e's bak«*r>.
Jan h U
FOR SALE—Hounc and ltd. close In.
Charles {.nneaster.
jan S-Ct
WANTEO-Work a* nurse.
Martha E. On*. 226 R. Eleventh St.
Phone 927.
jan k If
WANTED-Young man to learn Itarber trade. 2u9 S. Union.
jan S 2t*
OF MICHIOAR-Ooomy trf Onmd
These goods nr© made from
sjK-clnl selected clay poanasslng
certain heat
resisting proper
ties not found in the ordinary
cheap stone and earthenware.
They are the handsumewt
disheti on the market, having a
nice white glaring inside and a
beautiful terra
cotta brown
glazing outside.
We are now showing them to a
varh'ly of shapes and slr.es at
t!?Ut. prori
oe of Foster, to lie -unveiled ou this |
the small price of
da.v, to be later placed in the new cap- j
lilOTtiaina II I.
thsi Tunidn.tlir
Itol at I-Ynnkfort. The statue will
about f(1.000 and wUl be paid for out of
contriliutlons by the school chUdren of
Friday, June 15. Daniel Boone day.
will give lioth host ami guest tbe opSee thtnn In our east window.
porluulty of paying tribute to the Ken-1
tueky ploncvr. reviving the Ktate's ear
liest history, tbe trials and privations
of it* men .ntul women lu the elghteentD rentury. the fights led l.y Geimral
George Itoger* Clark. Kentuckians at
the River Raisin, etc. It is cxiH*cted
that the entire day will be spent lo tbe How Torn. Prmr Kmr the lonUels,
parks of Louisville.
The following is an exact translation
Follouiug the oratory there will be frgiU'Jbe Arable of Uie ofiirini prjiyer
given old fashioned game*, in which of Islam, whicii 1* u*td thrtiughout
I am euro I bn\*6 got
pri*e.s will be awarded. Other features Turkey and dally reiH*ated in thefalro
of the day will include sewing bet?*, Azimr university by 1(MRK» Mdiammejnit wliat 3R>a are
ainde paring* and com husking*, the dou students from all lauds:
looking for Ilia
"I seek refugi* with Allah from Satan,
day t'oucludiug with the Virginia reel.
d.nnc<d on a platform built Imddc a the nc«-ur*ed. In the name of .Vllah the
compassionate, tlie merciful; O Ixjrd
stockade to hold
The club 1* now arranging for the uec- of all creatures! O Allah! Destroy the
essnrj' obocks of com and iiarreis of infidel* and itolytbeist*. thiue «-neiuI<>a.
applt** to be used lo tbe basking* and the enemlen of the religion! O Allah!
.Make their children undious and defile
SiMH-lal ret'ogniaon 1* to be paid on their abod<ni. and cau*<- their f«>t to
tbl* day to all the klmlrcd of Boone
who attend the fcsllvUles. A luindMome medal will be given the person and their children .niul their relatlvi-s I
prestmt who can prove the closest re- by marrlnge nnd their brothers aniT^
The fit of Hickey ft
Ullonshlp to the great plonet'r. .\r- their friend* and their poswwlou* and
Fpoeman Co. Clothing
rangt'menta have been made with Colo thrir rare and Ihelr wealth nnd their
iKKity to the moslem*. O U»rd
il what tcUa them.
nel C. C. Bit kel. who ha. presented
the city of Louisville with a stafoe of ! «f all oreaturesr"
lu all the other .religion* of even
Daniel Boone, to have tht*
ou DanUd Boon^ day. Toe scmiclvlllred nation* of the globe there |
statue Is btdng plac*ed to a picturesque can be no prayer found to parallel this 1
aiip<-al of Islam to the spirit of
SIKH In Cherokee park.
Saturday, June 10. has been set aside
as Greater Kentucky day. with bar
A WwaOerfBl Moss.
becues. camp^re* and the liko-a day
One of the most wonUerfu! rag
when the speakers can tell how Ken
tuckians have assisted in making the mens of vegetable life known to the
fields of other states more prolific, the botanist I* the "life moss" of Jami^ca.
bench and bar of other state* more Barbados and other of the We*l In
learned, their press more profound: dian islands. 'There are several spe
how Kentuckians hare helped disclose cie* of iroiilcal plants which have re^
the hidden mineral tt ensure* of other markable teuacltj- of life, but the
slates and how they have contributed "life mom** and the Kiory of it* vital
ity are almost beyond belief. Its powto advanrement under all conditions.
Sunday, June 17. will be given over cm to live under adrerse cireuml»elug certainly beyond that of
to the spirit inspired by the soug "Un
til We Meet Again." All the pulpit, any other known plant
of t^ Lonlsrille churches wlU Ik? filled be absolutely Indestructible‘ by any
in boiling
The prettiest fabric for evening gowns, pink, OQ
by ministers of tbe gospel who are for mean* exceiit
«..er or tbe application of
mer Kentuckians.
pale blue and cardinal, worth 75c, special.......
The census of 1000 ahows that there Iron lo Us rooU and branching
24 inch Habutai wash silks, in Cream. Tan, Grey, Pink,
are more than 000,000 natives of Ken It may be cut np and divided into totucky now living in other common- flniteriroal i»art!cle*. and then tbss very
Lemon. Pale Blue. Nile, Navy and Red. the OQ
wealths of the United 8tat«. The smallest shred will throw out
regular 50c value, for............................ ;........
Lonlsrille uummercial club, while it soon grow and form new branehos and
bods. Specimens of this extraonlinary
19 inch fancy silk for Shirt Waist Suits in Changeable,
plant bare been suspended to the air
Blue and Green, also Brown and White, 75c RO
in a dry. hot room; they have been
and S5c value, at...................................... .
Maced to dose, air tight dark boxes,
without molstiire of any sort and yet
inch velvet finish Taffeta in Navy. Brown, »yK
they lived, grew and floortabed.
Green and Grey.worth $1.00, for......... .
*• «
hopes to procure a large percentage.
Tbe club expccti to get the railroads
WMat WelUaat.a W., Dwl»u.
of the Uivitcd Sutes to make a rate of
IR-ben Sir John Steell, the acalptor,*
one fare for tbe round trip for tliis bad tbe Iron Duke sttttog for a statue
great event It aleo expects to arraage be tried to induce him to look warllkeL
with the railroads to grant thirty and All bis efforts were to r
sixty day extensions on all ticket*,
ned. jndgtog by bis
which wUI enable rlritore to leave face, never to have beard of Waterloo
27 inch Soft Swiss Finish, 85c value.
Loolsville on tbe night of tbe 17tb for or Talavera. At last Sir John lost bis
aay point to Kentucky to stay for a patience. “As I am gotog to make this
time with tbelr friends.
36 inch heavy rustle finish, 1.15 value,
statue of your ermce." be exdalmad.
Tbe dob Is planning to make haad- -can yoo not tell me wbat you were
oome awards, to addition to tbe Boom datog before, aay. tbe bottle of Solaprise, to tbe followtog: Tbe foemv
86 inch Oil Boiled finish. 1.60 value.
roq not gallapmc nboot
Ibe Arid,
on TOOT D«i to
greatent dlataaee; tbe farmer Kcn- d«nd« of relor by word, and octhmr
tuckton wbo bas Uved larat potside
36 inch Oil Boiled (Bonnets), the Queen of all 1 OK
-Bd>r told tb« dote In .Tldeot
tbe state witbout baring returned: the ocoto. -at TOO mlly wont to modol
Silks, 1.75 value, at...................................... X.OU
former Kentuckian present wbo left no to 1 wu oa tbe monUag of Solotbe atate at tbe tenderest age; tbe forEvery number is strictly guaranteed; your moneyre-
Bveryihlng to quiet on the city mar
ket today, only two loads of poUtoes
fUr Arefcibald Qelkie, tbe
being brought to: They are bringing geologtat prMIcta oaotber di
between 47 and 60 cents, but farmers account of ttSh nnirenal deca
are bolding hack, waiting for 60 cant •urface of tbe laaid.
Tbe two principal roads In I>ni tan
frtmi Quito to the north to (\ncow the
capItoL the one along tbe sandy and
level atrip of const the other akmg tbe
plateau of tbe Andes, a region of un
paralleled enginrering dlfllculty. The
length of tbe second bas been estimated
at from IJiOOto 2.000 miles. It crossed
aierraa buried to snow, bridged ravines
with walls of solid masonry, mounted
and descended |*reciplcea by staircases
hewn in tbe solid rock and ran to to-,
terminable galleries along tbe aides of
W*bere riven had to be croasej
bridges were made with ropes of ttout,
pUant osier twisted to the thickness of
M man’s body and
feet. These rsbirs swung side by side,
fastened with plank* so as to form
* footway, were drawn through boles
_ coormoua buttressre of stone s|tecUlly constructed on Uch bank and
were areured firmly at esch end to
i of timlter. A raiyng of
aimiUr osier material gave the iiaasengi>r confidence as be crossed tbe oocllUtlng bridge that sank dangerously
to the middle and mounted rapidly at
tbe aides.
Tbe great highway was twenty feet
wide and was built with gags of free
stone wtered with
It was measured out by
at eviiy h-agoe. Carar
Silk Specials
$lik Crepe de €bene$
Extraordinary Ualues in Black
funded or silk replaced yard for yard.
n nqtfito lb* wwkn«arii»p at
twtolj- nta and tbe aa* or amcb 004Ijr MddBMJ
tido at Ib* I
€. Oinbclm r-“"
flf turn.
£dward H. Harrimao,
the Railroad
Pe»«uIHr •! Ae Mwi Wfc. Wkstod
Shan At
tkml flrv
CMy, Midi. uM teadto
M# wmk from dmt cRy. A U UHir
•r yrOL Bowmr. to m vIm km
thepMMcoR Jaa. It.
The mca will atart tratotog at oace
SwaMoa wlB do Ms work at Ma gym^
nastom at HdtouMar** bath s while for
•at haa haan charged that thraich
WAT fdatlosi with Mr. Odell you haer
laimeal todaeoca.
What wonld yaa
-WeB,- rapttad Mr. HantaimB. n
•hoaldOdnk Mr. OdMl bad ptoUlcal to-
Ad flUtflk
hurt W ABAWtJointly MdAmd to to*
cMft flsmto to tto- trr crMt nitwwT
•pUMw: WUHiui K. V«iid«rt4lC erf tli*
VAAdMbUt n»4s. 0««rs* J. Uoukl erf
The match to ba haU at
MM* ft* Is «toto*d to ttiase
vwds. If toty did Aoc make a atorary
Mtorf nm denra Eyan*. ai»toe. 1
ke la pmf A*atoat fear.
la aswUmc mtoer aarage dl
He haa a gmlcs for
Uls apectol
farte being to take a line that Is on the
verge of baokruptcy and turn It Into
a bmaWL He is hold to Ms nooeepto.
apea.U money Hke water to making impdoTcmciits and always wins out. He
atrrtgbtciwd out the l‘nk* I'artfic.
bridging Gifut ftalt Lake to the operatlon- It la said that when this dlfflcuH
feat of engtoeerlng was Anally aceomplialied the uanatly sedate Mr. llarTtman danewd a hIgUaiid ding. Yet.
ttomgh be acattens mliUooa ao
New TA Jan
have heea made to ohange tho emno
of the track this year, hut It haa tnal
mates wUl open In the oatatoriam cs
over the aamc old couree.
the New York Athletic dub Feb. »
' The mees will probe toy he heU once
Bi^triea are already assurod from near
ly every Mg athleik- dub In the Halted
tsea are ta favor of hoMlag taro mat
Inces a week and this may he dsaermtoed on.
Men's Chrisiton
Nat the ■■■Ipiig Ktoi.
There you bare IL ie ft aat reCraehtogt That Is almost as good aa the
atotemeot of the -IlerfecT Perktos
that he was tba whole tbtog to the New
York UfA
Perkins, hy the way. la
not la the New York Ufa at all sow.
He Ulkad and then realgoad. Ba did
McCurdy. Bat all thk la bealde the
poUiL Uarrlmaa will
feor^-or abaykl 1 eay hope?-of that.
He is Aot the rrelgntog kind. True, be
from the EguUable-eort of
•wowed** blmaeif oat. as It
Hot he
he a
only did that tocwiiie
DoUilng more wa. to algfat then?.
He weam a
l^dy. the chafapkm
Sperial to tie Brrotog Record.
BenduR. Mldu *!«■- t —MInnto
son of Troverae City to staying wiUi
her aunt. Mrs. Botolce Wilsoa.
IX-lbert Ri-ed la aptoMSlag a few day*
to e\
peeled to meet all the cracks of th.
in town.
other horsemen ariU have horses U
the races IhU winter and some eacit-
The Amateur Athletic Fnkm chan,
tag ereau are eipected among il»«*
beewnae Harrlmau made tom as
fur hts postage stamps. He U a
man. only, aboat five feet fonr. and
stoof. shoukleml at thaL His dr«s U
H. J.
swimmer of the Chicago Croiral Ycmng
P. O. Farre'.l^ Had Deeeb
A-^Tha «wlmmtof
and water polo champiaaaMp of th«
Amateur Aihleilc I'dIoo of the Halted
ly been deHded that the raeea wW he
a week hut maay of the loeai harae^
«tn MS matoiato Ma permmMl MBcw
at tbto^Moe. WbU# we «rc aorry la
toae tbe gentol Prod from war low*.'
•TO fftod to note t|m tocrmmtoff
tgmkr M Uiia home todlUiitoiL-
idonahlps will be decided as ftdiows:
local boraea. It te prohaMe that horses
Fifty yard*. !«• yiM*.
from outside towns will be hronght U.
«hU city lo race duHng the winter.
yards. Mu
yard*. 44«
Oory. jim ted Roue C3ory ore
spendtoff a U-w day* with relative* In
Trarerae Cltr, after wMcb they will
go to Wexf. rd to spend the winter
Lt>u Jacobs ha* retnraed to Mb toime
stroke. ISO yards bark atrole. one and
mile and a relay face at sue yards
mooih* with hU broriier. Dick, of In-
McKinley, the famous trotter owBel
apeadtoff •
L fnmiy little by the Boone brothers of HuUand. Is
teams of four men. each maa to swim
Hydr a stock becattM lir frawd
gxftee parted to the middle.
He Is one of the home* expected to to* here
Arthur Able of WatersUel haa bten
f.fi> yard*.
Tarttdm. a bard worker, with a gvnlaa this winter. Johnny Booae. the driver
visiting frb nds bero
Kntxk9 cloae on F**b. 1 wbh Chart.fjr details, looks ooi uullke Jay fkmkl.
of McKinley, win pmliably iwco other
Jennie 14w>k rrtnrned bome Satnrwas aifd^be aliaml to lliU appro*
E a-jrnbam. New York Athletic eluL.
aroldJi imbhrlty. has a bag for arience
borres here when the apert start*. A
lay after Mwxidlng the holidays wHb
baoaloo be aasirered: "No. air: tbm
Intercotlegiatc Boudera.
and travels much. He bat a bou«* to
lllty of a pauk*.
.New York and an estate of otit SUtKlo « reenvUle h«»nu*mah ha* already made
An IntefvtilleRiate bowling tuuraa nieodt. al Ib-ndoo.
tliliik. rx«-pi Mr. Ryan
I bring bU bor*<^ bt re
Howard .^bn-eves of Oakland cote'
.\rJrn, N. Y., where most of ««
acTTs at ArJen,
mem is promUi-d for the west. Hnl
U vialUng al Ira Chtte a.
hi* time Is sprat There be breeds fine to race.
vcTsiiy ol Chicago Ikjw!«t« have sent
borors and stock and la • grand old
Wint-r Auto Carnival.
Mr and Mrs M. M. IK-ake nuar^
challenges to Mi( blgsu and WisctiDsia
Wm "*«'"«
• »»n . to.
farmer. At Arden he Is no tonger E.
Muekt^gtm. Mich.. Jan. k,—Mu-^kegon and inxlted th«-«i to m.-et ‘tin- mar
laJntil Joe MoixtM} and tomity New
too younger luaa paaaca mm
IL Uarrlman. rallroAd king, bnt -Pncle autciraoblllKts are planning tm boMlng
Id a iMiwl-ng mat<-h at th*- Reynolds Vearr.
He. U cffeitkinatoly greeted
Barrtmdn will Uw|> Cbr
one of the bIgK*^l winter auto carol
Vivian I)«-al;e erf Grand Rapids Is
cl jb at Chicago *4im«- line during
by this title or by the still shorter one
a baWt of kaeptod tolaga
He one*
vale* that ba* eve- tox-n held In the
winter quarter. It U believtHl at the «ls!tlng bto grandtiareata here.
of -Poir Harrtmau In all the region
•aid to a limK^i of aewspapaf m«i wba
Dr. C. J. Dove of this Hty. Hnlv*i>lt> of CTtlrago that the Invl
M. *raUer <d Green Jjtke was In
lie U especUlly paimlar Klate
came to qumUoa Ultn about the romor
Thum|«anvni«. Saturday*
with the children of the riUage. who p.-e«ildent if the AutntnoUIc club. I* lailnn will Is* acci-pied.
that Mopiaa and lllll had wiwstod from
gather in droves to greet his home t-om- tr>*lng lo secure the sanction of the
Belle Harri ba> l>e«n on the sick
Hnlverflty of Chicago siiidenti
tool too aanM of Uie rnloo l>acmc:
Inga. lie loads Imnches of them Into A. A. A. to hold the rntx-ilng
-r gwaa that Isn’t ao.
1 hare orsprr
cunsideral.le training In to.wllng on
his automobile and whlxwu with them
W llfrod iH’ake re;uriu-d tost WednroA flvi-mlle ftralghiawn) cutii^* will
yet kl da of anyOilng that 1 waoud
your life.
through the country, being as hsppv
aflor geutog It to mj poaw»wdoi»r
tlay from viritlng friends and relatives
: preoent owner of the Equitable of tri
lets nuythtog get away that he with t1>ese little ones as be Is wto« tah- Irt- laid out on Muskegon lake. It is
OrdlnarUy Mr. liarrlmaa does nat ! ding -with hUn. To a man with a llae wants, not If he haa lila finger.^
it rr%*moni. lit -prrla and Grand Kapplanned to distribute hot cinders along
tog a group of scientist* to Alaska or a
talk much, loitely lie hat beau mart ; point d hmior atatementa like dieee He wanta the rallroculs, and be has
junket of governmem oficlals lr> Jap.sn. the track which will sink into the le*<
Bcb Fitxsimmon- Hurt.
them to Ida grip. Bo ijg not toiagoic In New York, crisp and ccrLdli-latarlal and make a strung ruadlted. The meet
Bloux Falls. 8. D.. Jan d—Whil
that there U anything
and a human steam engirie for work. ing win iH- oren to all aotomobnist*
making souvenir horse-hoe* In
the cwlgnltig line by Edward Henry Mielng nobody exc<i.t by siieelal apand a large iiumlK-r of Chicago men
blacksmith *bop Satiir.lay aflenuH.!i
potmment; In his rtjuntry home be to are expected to intrilrlpate In tl,.<
Msude McLelisn and John Bush erf
Vthmt Oden thought of that testimony kindly, gencroti* and ac-ewalble to all.
Rols-n ntrslmmons w;
sligj.tly in
Traverse City were married hei>»
H|s.rla ttot ou recoed. i’erhapa It would nol Here to shown bl* human and larable
juretl liy the rollip-M* i f
• shop flCKir
Cfrliiimas at the home of the bride’a
Myaterion?; New Yacht.
lock weU If It were on record. lUrrl
throwing a iarg«- crowd oi kpertator*
side, and perhap* It to U-st that we lajk
Provldenc*. H. !.. Jan.
Tho pn^
man explained afterward that U was
him from thl* vlewiHi.'ut.
and Fllr.»lmroonK
aU a joke. He eveu gave a diagram
Etbeiyn Droke ndurned Saturday
cess of laying down a new racing
S«*veTul |MT*Mro* suffered arm* or leg*
of the Joke and seemed surprised and
from a two wee ks' visit with friends
schooner at the Herri'shoff sbqp* In
broken, but none was kllbsl
pained that anybody had taken St serl
In e.rand Rmpirt^. Cannt»nsburg. Fr>
Brlftol H going cm briskly and In s
Simmons was slightly cut abmit t!>«
orndy. -men the pubUc roared. It saw
mont and Brun-^wlrk.
the iwlnl.
But those high fluanciew
D* Flary TstU of Reauirkabir tiaiits
tjdn Burke u the proud posseaaor
toKmkl not spring tlielr playful bumar
Ma mt Great Ifratb*.
of a new argon brought by Santa.
have line* which will give her a pUr^
this way.
lliey ahauW furnish dia
A young naval eugiucc-r named I>e
among the KpeedU**t sad
gram* a* they g;. along. Uor. U any
riury. diving In coimccllon with the
unc to know whi*n to laugh? 'llicrc U
going on of the yacht*
dang.*r of breaking tolo* the moil sort
French Teasel snuk near Itolgoii. ha* schooner class. She will have a water
ous passages of icsUmony wHh un
made remarkalile dl^c-overkA cx>uivrn- line of aliout eighty-sevrti fc-et and wlM
•ecmb hilarity and Iwlng u dead blank tog the inhabllanl* of the ocvmiii at a
l e 12r, feel <i\er all.
when the really funny thing* are
greater depth than ha* ewr l»efore
In order t»» muk- rrs.m for the big
jFp«-dal to ixe Kvenlng Record.
thrown off by the wltur»*e«j. if tho o been reached, says a Pari* d-able dto
yacht work npmt w ri'-h is being nislitil
to Ibe chair could sort of preiwre u* patch lo the New* York World.
Wallin. MIrb. Jan. .v-Mr. and Mrs.
with unpr.-cerb-nud vigor tin- Hern-,- Seldom Have Such Harmonious Rela
ao that we might (Wthinuate at the
dm Winter ot
Ann wa* calling
l>e Plury-s daring ha-t Ih-cu made
tione Existed as Between Mem
right places It would aave a wlm> lot possible by hi* acixiutermeius. an hi
» friends In t4.»n iVlday and Baiurof euiUarrassmenL
After il*rriu:an
of hi* own. which are aruiored
made It plain that he was only iu fun with metal plate*, while by a chemical Mon be out of the luiuih lioat shop.
Ylarrii d Sat u> day afteroaon In the
even Lew IKxkstadcr. the uiiu^treJ.
respiration become* auto
The torpedo iKuit will be n-ady to
Tli*- Atlas. pabll^ht-J a! iM lta. Obb*. Lutheran chnr« h. Ole Jahnsuo, a pfoie
•aw the itol£l and came out vrltii the
Al a depth of l.OM yard* Ik« S.M1 early this w«-ek. *
last w»-ek had the foHuwing to sa.- perous >oung Ik-nzie county farmer,
offer of a handsome salary to tht' mil
Plury declare# that all *nbmari!ic man
Sp*‘eulatlofi Is .rife In Kristol as
concerning the Oval W«K»d IH«h com ami Miss Amm NVlls*m. lately from
road king to be an end man la iHxk- sters change to ahape because of the
whrT-uht- ciwner of the j*achl Is. On pany trf this city:'
stader** justly famou* show.
But If enormous pmtnre of Ibe water.
Th- groiun was attired'; In
Odell laughtd he went down to the taken to the surface their size 1* quad- Sept. 2.1 It was n iKuled that Augnrf
black dress
•Tho annual rao*-;ing *.f th- Oxal th • ionvontl mal
lont 4>f New York had placed an
haM>meut where no one couW bear ruplrd like a rubber bag luihued by air.
Wood iJlsh ctimpany was hold at tho Wht;*him.
And Hughes never iracLcJ a Bodies that sink to thetie deeper leveto order with the llerre*hoff lample. and
cr-am cra|»ell*
Th*- cerecompany's offices.
In tin- Uuco!:i
smile. He wa* in deadly earnasl any
have every bone broken. The ircature*
any think Jiiat th.- craft may be hU
was f- rfomi. d
hy the Rev.
block, this city. Tm*sday. anti th*- r*
way. He generally U.
that circle about them art* all camivTht- builders maintain a strict *<Fatlre#* of kYankfor’ and was wit
port of tho yirar’s business is quit*
oroua. and to a«- them fccfllag i.* to
f-y as to the ow n. r
The fag! that
Katl.-fariory to the c<»mt»any. and th.- nessed by ni*4«ut twenty-five• iDiimaic
exprvsalbly horrible.
Mr. Uarrlman i* given lo being play
Ki, (b rmans. both wMI dressed and
Wheu 1G2 feel U4ow the surfac... ibc
imoj.«*rt‘: f(>r !!#ur, are bright. Pres**ni friand* and rt lath-* of the
ful and humorous that way.
liitellig.-m p« :-*4.n^. have bi-4-n In llrbdiver say* he must go tbrongli maH*e*
a« tiM- m*-i ting wore II. S. Hun, pie*i- tog paribw. am4»ng OlHn
was omw when he tried lo take—or
of seaweed that euveloj) and waald
! dent. «»r Travers*- City, Mich.: A. L pramincui N* rwrgianK
everybudy supposed he Was try lint to
drag him down.
Beneath this wi-ed r»‘port that the Cerman kal«. r is the
Flack. , irav.-liag
rt-pn-senutlve. of town. Aft* r the c-ereTOirtiy a tomnfiful
lati—the Northern Pacific away frt>m
anakelike creature* and fish n«sc-ml.ling
was serred
at tbe
MoriTiU and Hill.
Wall street In all
Tiffin, and J. Yl. I. ingnerker. jMv-retary wfddi::u
dolidims surrounded him. anJ nut the
Honor for Elk Rapids Man.
lU Hireuoou* career has scarcely ever
n-r of thU city.
Folluwin,; h#me • I M: and Mr«. Nel* Bye. Many
least of his adversaries wer»* tin- giant
Yiwllaml. Mich.. Jan. K.—Ik rt Hoar.seen sut* a time as that. Ilarriman
;ih«- bu-4lne*s stKslun came the y«-arl> uK-fu! am valuable gins were rocrib* with tough shell* and hldejo*
of E’k Ranids has lx-4*n.^eh*ctisl rap
and his people ls>ught Northern 1‘aeilic
sorv«xl by Mr*. I»ngnecker. egiv* d by the bride and gn»om. Tbey
right and left and high and low-most
tala cf q.e If^or. .N'orraal cfdleg.* footAt thirty fi-et U-low the surfaf*- Ikat thi-lr l:«»me. and f<»r this ctners an wgll idt.e up their residence on a farm
ly high. The way that slock went up
Plury gi-ts odd effects in light.
Bi*u t*al! team. For twi. years he has be<*n laid also for tb.- wive* of tre nton* • •n.-d by tbe gruoia^ where they will
was scandalous and heart bnaklng.
throuidi the pale, moving water it as- right guard on tbe team and one 4»f Its
ta- at t ome to ihHr many friend* after
g.-nll* ne n.
Thta. when he bad all he wnuttnl. or
sumi-s strange rainbow hues.
.\t a
c*»nslsteT:t j»!ay»*rs.
He broke
ian. 1-'
The young fs-opb- bare ibc
thought he had. Uarrlman calUsl iu his
• The oval w.MMl dish to pun-ly a
depth of 112# feet tbe samly bomnn of Inlc the game playing on the Elk Rap
loaned slock, and there was more
le I vil^he ,»f the entln-fNii
Delta Pnaduci. burn and cradleti her-,
the sea In intense sunlight hvjkgtl like
idre and Lndington football teams.
whole bumii of |>eople
molten gold. Below
ftvl ilarknci^s
and twenty-two yi-ars figo. In Uxt.
loqaadocu. but lie coakl m>l Uoip that. \ tveuM be rcuanlrd as nolhtog leas weA- caught sbort. and Northern
Northeru l*a
Houie is ^ne of the lK**t bawkeiball
commence*, aud at 327 fcs-l pitchy
the pn-M-ni company was formed f»»r
all ou atvaunt of Hugiirt and thuu personal to«uU«, .k century ugj
bh the Stock Exehauge coiling »u»
blackness surround* one that mig;t lie pto.'ers In collc*gr.
the man ifacture of thU nualeat llttl
mraut'e tovi-Htigallou. A whole they would have iXilleJ fur cofftv auJ Uiinl that It almost broke the roof ouL
lllss M. M. Pupsicy Lett This Momlnp
Airship to Florid*.
Ulumlnatcsl to make lUD^Inp safe. Eh'cwlW acurrylng to keep r-oiue
dish, which has growm Into such i»op.
• Mof iorople whj wojid have pnrforiwd |
■w York. Jan.
To add lo the
trtc lamiw of 10.000 candlepower are
houiir gjiic oat of fndilon al*o? of the oWeat houses from going broke.
ular.ty and favor that toilay it take
, M!-s M M. Pug^b > of Chicago, who
u^cd by IK* Plury.
lai. n-st during the Ormond rare week
the i»mc rfasoQ. Home of these IJohu Skelton WllUams said things us For a time U looked like a i»anic. and
The diver say* that at a eertnln depth and at the same time Introauce th. Us place as th«- MiiKrior of all di>he; is ca^alog ilng th*- IkkiI.s a*, the library,
a |»oor tomb lost not only bU
high flunneier.^ are -ao nitxlwt and re- eevero coaixTulng Uy an. and they bore
fur like parpore to the land, and th< ief; Ihto fiKirnIng for
bodies are Lejit In a state of pcpagrr*
; was IxKky If he
airship as a spun in norida plans a-e
tiring Hint the ahrinklng daUy 1* bold loo the* very point that Uarrlmaa taOib
imi his
wool, but
t!an. bnt when touched drop away like
company ranks with the liading man
railed by a i. Icgram stating
being made U> have Charles R. Hamil
by cvmiwrtoou.
It to little IcM than
ufacturer* of Amej^*.
a* no rega
hat her niotb-r had n-jff*-r«id a stroke
Borne time af
ton make several ascensluaa on the
Pyan 1* a Virginian,
In testifying before the lutcrstatc
br apop:-xy. Ti c Mmke wa* very S4Orinond-Daytona beach with his per
■ow#e* la MIsstwa Style.
ton* are not In the habit of bearing merre commlaslon »atd that the pub
^en- an.i *he wa* in a critical condL
What a modern Mm. Miilaprup would fected aeroplane,
vhk-h holds
i such Impuutioua in sllcuce.
That lic bad iioen under a curious mUap
designate the quinine i-ottage land to world * record In regard to altitude members of tbe Ortjll Wood Uab
Although the m****age was re■ tlion as F. Uyan t>cwrs them anracs prohenalon as to that Northero Pacific
Mr. Harrlmau thinks so nu»Ully that
rcttlv*-! yesterday afu-rnocn. Mlaa
T>v prese nt rect»rd was made by Mr
one of two things, cither that be hn* a exmer. lie sakl that be had not tried
it to Impossible for him ta express him
has sad truth> baa a rival In modem
pugsVy was nnabb- to leave until tMs
Very rarely will
wonderful control of hi* temper or a 1| to
pet coturm
control <w
of the
Hamilton In his flight over the North the measure.
lo pec
uir- road
rwra at al
self to mere word*.
callouMfl Indlfferemx* to ethical
room In; «ni account of the train aer*
IdentlT another joke. Oh. but It
river, when he aticeBded to the bciMt'^ found a buiUneas partnership b**tw
This to the mission house. «ay* a writer
: <»f the Elia!
^bly both
fmmy. But those who lost their for
of S'JO feet, and the record for Europe three gentlemen that wil^ prove a* rite.
ao surcharged with burning
luto hto nitiitide.
attittiae. If
If ao
ao he
he to
to not
not tunca In the scrimmage may be par- In tho New York Prrox Three Imnd
4*. • n
Li 1 «-•«
•omc home* designed from the famHlzr is only lit* feci, made by a hYenchman barmonlou* an alliance, troth In a bu>
||»«iltar >» W.n «rc«. for to ,.Uy th. *»ed If tbrf do
.pprecteto tbo
ineas and a wocial way. as hos ihto
uttwom* to the
, tnudont r«iuo of hich
tom ,ido opHttUi* orntorf of tli* olfolr. ^‘aUfornla BpauUh model* are l»eiiig in a fligbl over the River S
Hac.. » y Hospiial Training Brhoot
built in B'aslilngtan. Tbe old i.lnn to :ha*. tbe Gciman wl o S
much io| 1 hesg three teen are all mo^: * 3tCi-U**u
1““" »®
•«“» tbox I Wh« ooo I* held tq. to a Ui«t alley
for Ners*'*. Muskt^cua. Mloh,
wh ot!
otb- r th
•K kiltoJ
WItoJ’ gentlemen and have in ^h
OaeulatlOB ^ frwyim
bav. to l«»me mllooHd to , ,ih1 relloTod of all bis vaHtaWes. _be- carried out to tbe Intscior a.* far aa ,nln:doci» the acroplaac, was
_________ _
_________ ___________
IKiring the yeard canif- ;.r. now liefag conaldared for iha
T*°. “
icoustdnattoos of ethl« ond hoaor.
beinx cltlbhed half to death. It compatibto w^Ith modem progres*. and while
atxrtlng a flight and while only
For farther In
Anybody «n_ reel off strings |
tw—' nort of lake* the tee edge off of hU tbe forotohlng* most be copied atriclly
of Its existence. Mr. Umgnecker ha4 F« l.ruao.
fifteen feet In the air.
of juUecthroB. but It take* a genius lo j
be funny to from the origlnato. Tbe son of Seiwtor
Mr. Hamilton mays that with the aid cerved as the secretary and irrosuref
Lodgr. Cxeorge Cabot Lodge, ba* had
of the company and haa irandled fof Clara W. Dj ring
a big okl fasbkmed bouse ta rennayl- cl a powerful auiomMHle lo atart klm
ian fi^lO-lMfi-n
rania avenue remodeled within and be wUI be able to aaomul 2,000 feet or t^ne concern optrait!* of twe-my mil
Atomst Broke the Rout OM.
lions, of dollar* and to tbe present day
more, as he to coafident that
Rcy mtoaloo
bs* obtatoad
haaglngs from California, and hi* bome
_____________ ____________
closely concerning this po-
forni of expi^lon Har- ’Urtcal InCue^
It aartag of bto breath. \nwn the game. Now. Odell and Harriman
for example. If be had done haxc long beoA dose Mcnda. It 1ms
anything to Thomas F. Uyan for tak-foven Iwen charft^ that the two hive
tog the EgnltaMe away from him tte played Into each other**
nyimd king
king aald. with'crisp eiaplia- way* la the pa*t: tba
round togs wUl give Um a batter oppor has never been nquewted to given a
tunity to ahow what his airship can bond or paper of any
Hamilton later may take bto tee of faith and the same confiJend?
to one of tbe most artistic in tbe capl- j
motor airship, tbe Arrow, to Florida has been repoeed In the other
The dining room baa great art- j
flight from Miami to Jackacne bera to their departments. *
tees, tbe ahclroa bold dark green ware,
•*|\Tietbcr It be a propositloa far
and the wide window Icdga are filled
bnsinroa or pleaanre their likes have
Will Oefeod Title.
New Ycrk, JaxL 8-—Oeorge Botbner been a naU and they have stood the
Oniiijt to tb» neeW* of tbe “no ttp”
pootdu- r«taii«*t In Pl«*llHr, London. o0i*r mtnonDt* «r» ntioot to «»-
wmrprltp iflWto- w«y. In Ibr |»,t; lh»l tlic rallroa* I Mr. BnTTtmnn M nt«« Mrty. *►
for «,nipl,. bod fart|»d tb. I body bnow.
nnddnaot ony bnlf ntiKnw Torb bono to sKblo nMMT nnt ilw won't ML Bn wnn bon to Stor ,
Ma title cf
•champion of tbe world against Alex
of Harlem on Jan.
“For the last aeven years Fred
flnLhlthe ofllees of the company, and hasl
mtc:^e>caxhh<m match, best two oat
had chai«e of the book* and
j Bpandem^.
Ftor come tlaae H hi
D post
The men met by appotatinent to
post; UKTOgnt
thooght mat
that we
she growum onwwr^ «
i «*.‘the eompmor mIgU he mom mpmh
Mad Uooaly ‘handled If the order*/ far
■laied dtohes eoMd be sent direct to th4 fhr-
forfeiU and aeaspc hMs for the
* Record W^nt Ads Pay
After plmteg oi
the match and to make the stlpMaied
weight of 139 pounds tbey were rotey lory aL Traverse Chy,
:o open the hWU.
Men «bo baw Kid MiWmm*
12. at j Longnecker ha* been connected a.
of three falls.
CAOtAfTB iRfarfar ^ VaroMi h
experiment Mong that line F5r*d
■bopn. c»n find iten^ nm.
plqyinent nnder jtoariy ^
tracU at ntrm —fl—IT tiM
Si.23 to $Ui0 p« dnyvith
faTMgytkm pMd.l7.dUfSS«i75.SONit.lli^
rmimtair. wcmmm
-Ma II a wsto «C teal.-hi aoU: H
la Mt ■■tofct. t wto tote gHL f
ta Ika'aatiaal
iMjlifMN aoa^ la Wiahtagiaa.«i^W
Oatad miSa aad tamdUp haaa a
tte nyiaaato htotoch aC tot wudu, •Ht to, IVt pfoptadi able
Bate af Iteglaad. ▲ fkrw 4aya altor
that tte piyaiinar itotovad a lattor
Ikito J. to Mmcm B Ow atolag Mitecv
I e H. * D
tte msark aa which drawn, bat Mt Thraa Sanaa bora, sob* .f pptaV
dm day. Aflra all tte haslikg orag tat
pad fS
then they had cone thtaatoi aadatte.
to ike «aBa. Itahcaaa chonk for
das lalo tta etanh to ilac tta
befl cm New tsar's ees. Tte boys are
•f foig«y eri
out and la tte I
llaraUl Mayor. Bsnnaa Bmto and
BidweU hrothen and Ogle, tte
■rry dxteu:
af Baglaadtmyto. Tte tocgwa had a WItbia a^tow dad:s of a^ir slaty
aC tte Btok af Bagtoad. la Loadato
aod praaentod tbctr accepted exchaagt
at six rnootbs. dnwa oa Bothachllds Ball of MMua^lundi. Mr. Bail dying at
latteelty. Tte drat bOM wm good. the age of to years. He was a Ma
fteitoatolaaaiftaadiMnt. U chtoitr sou for 4o years aad will te burtod by
fag ap thk last project they prasaatad tte order.
lkwgMpiparfor$5O0j000.btotoialaap- Mayor Lm of SaglBaw who to boy
|y laft out tbe date of pcraptaaoc. Tte cotted by tte physlclaas of the cHy.
maaeaager of tbe Bank of Bagland
braarb was tostrorted to drop Into wbo bare banded togeeber la a rMusal
Eothschdds’ and hare them aopi> tte to'accdpt HI. appolotmeat to tta
mJratagdale. He did .so bad la a mo- Maitli bberd. has bow aaorad Dra.
meat waa surrounded by tte bank of- Paapio aad Baitar to tta comnlMfaia
ieoa. In ten mloutra the newa of tte Ttaso ara the Pfth and sixth phrslforgery waa In erray bonk la MagUnd. clans to rernse. aa a protest against
Tbe forgera escaiied to America, wera
Iropplag of Or. KlicAen.
Til go
arrested, extradited aod aenteaccd to
t «d siitar Uta.
ttirt UpffHHid At tbt airsfd
teak la riitlirtrifitili did not tert •»
tittlM da Mdli«- A aiat*«Mr artwd
tte Mtor to teliac* hk tetk. ItWM
foaad ttet te ted a cndk for IABOOl
IwiUdmwIteL Otoaa»k^«idMa«»«oLoadoa.*teMld.
Wbea tiio teak teliaeaft 111 teote H
WM «SUX» teort tte Mto for vidck
ibi ctek ted wrtttca tte tobctenci and
vtilrk tte catetar kteatof ted aload.
MeaaUoM tte tajar oC tte csteaaia
tedamooitehtoff tflpateted for
vmidte tte bUl of .anuuMto tokto cor
rmpondMito la Loodan. tel aatu tte
teak mid loeato tteir mtoncr tter
mid aoc aacartala tot wtemteati of
tte nltotef draft AU that mid te
ID LtedooBottopaxItoface. Iteaxrteaar was pramtod la Loadta for
tte faU aaoaat aad pratottod. Utea
lU |«Rteaff abowtd ap te WM abk to
mikt a frato otoit la tte traaaacdoa asm.
Utotakat af tbai klad ara aot frr
qatat la ftaaartal laiUtiitiaai. bat ooe
took putt la tte dtfaact Globe Xattoaal baak la Chirac) that nrrer did
A case which partook aomethlng of
tbe nature of lioth good and ill Is re
lated of a lirokcr In New York who
found himself pressed for money at a
time when te had to pay a great aui^
time> realte oo hk aaaeta. Without
get otralibteDod out A cuitonier draw that time te mtwt fafl. 8o he faced
a c
setiUiig day with a calm front and
clerk wmi mt 1
coolly tent out checks to all hk creditora nasljiiad. In four days they aU
L apptaltd to toe catoter. who
the cteck. Itere
waa a Uao of paopkal tbe telkt'a wtadow wtea tte clerk returaed He
tbea Wfoto tte dieck for IIO.CDO laatead of fUXia Tte cathler*! laltiali
wera a guarABtoa. aod tbe check waa
paid wtlteat qaatoloa. Tte cleik had
k cbaaco to get a
large aum of laooejr waa too groat a
tomptatloa. Tte baak stood tte Int.
Tte oaao with which a lalaukt caa
te made U Uhiatntod hr a frwid la
)est that waa plajad upon WUllan M.
toagerlr of PhlladelphUu He waa.
among fak parthmlar frteoda were
rraak Horaa. the old aegro uUwtral,
and Rkhard Leonoa, a pollUclao tad
nerrtmat, aU of item members cf tte
BroeToleat aod Protectlre Onlw of
iOka aad full of prartkal jokes A
maa np Id £rk bad laaoed a facsmile
of a ctrlited cteck aa aa adrcolatlaent It waa for $500. dnwa tpon
tte -Baak of Good Will" aod lodonied
by tte caahler of tbe -Natloaal took
of Good rortuae.- It was atani^
aad looked. Uke booa fide commesrlal
wera hack agalB. By that ttom te ted
made hk bank balance gocA and arat
•ot checks Bignad thk time, with an
apology for tbe oreralcht-New York
Days *r niatarr.
To tell tte whole story of tbe art cf
making toys It would first be necessary
to dad a«M means of explortag tte
ages that antadate hlatoiy. Tte lore of
toys k aa InsUnctlre aa It k nnlreraal.
No barbaroos toad bta yet bm fouad
which was eo uoclrllteed ^that Its chUdm did not hare their
ahipeleto and clumay. pechapg but stlU
capable of fulfilling the purpose for
which they were created-aad there to
no rocoid of suj time when little ooee
baiW not poeaeaaed aome kind of pup
pets ^ which they might dlrert them■elves. AVtoaeokftetoJn-delrlng among
the tomha andent Greece and EgjTt
made the surprtolng dtocovery that the
art of toymaking was not only known,
but bad atUlDcd a high degree of dc^
relopmcnt as far back as .\000 years
ago. In those days both Grecian and
Egypttoa chlldreo bad ibelr dolls, and
they were Jointed dolls at that. As
compared with the magulficcntly attir
ed Kreurti contHiitlons of the prcaenl
time they were crude Inraotloiis. of
course. Tbclr bodies were made of
wood, of clay or of stooe. and their lit
tic limbs wera wee laths fastene'J to
f a wire. Tbe
Just betee
baaktng boon wore orerr and atoed
bhn to cmah It Mr. tongtolj. witl a
glance at tte amooat appaoded his inItlaU and. calling a clerk, directed tUn
to brlog him flra $100 btUa for Oie badly done, and many a child aiuce
cteck. Tte clerk took It to tte letor, that time has been glad to mother
who* coimtfd out tor monej aod re- a more unalgbtlj dolL
’ the dolto of tbe chUtaraod U to Blagerlj^ who paawd It to
ImnoiL Moran Inrltod tte praaldsnt
.to meet him at a road booae oa Wtlldren still lore to possess tte t
sahlckoo diire In two hour* and wait
aarajr. Nett morning In moklng ap fumliura. tbe utensils for cooking and,
what Is even more lulercstlng fraJ
antiquarian's point of tlcw. the articles
to Mr. Blagedjr. who almp)/ aald: -I usc'.l lu the making of aacHflees. clererthought Krank waa apemling a lot sf l.r duplicated In miniature, that tbe chil
ttfumj laat night. He gare us a dren might te able to conduct ihel
mighty good supper.- But the lo0|e dolls lbn>ugh tte ritual of tbclr reli
of Klks had fun orer that check it gious e*errl^.fl Hrcamatance that
gfsts that tbe woid •wacHlege-' had not
then the same meaning which It has to-
caafafd aqph a check for a coalomer
^It to a long step from the year 3000
A C. to the flfioeiith or slxteeulh cen
tury. but It was within that time that
the art of toymaktug was both lirought
to a hlgli state of perfectioo and
uucc more forgotteu. Uke otoer aria,
U couhl ntvt survive Ite neglect and
and tte amount tbe customer asked
for. but tbe fUnirm were for $5. The
grocer took only a cursory glance at
the ivaper and tte nett day asxU It one can only surmlie. but It to m
With other ctecka to hit bank, where say that they found* things to play
tte making of
It was accaptod for $&. In a like way!
diM tMr ck«*>. r«wll7 ID* tank
will Mpplr tta dal* on un.lt «lwrk.
oa currant acoMaat.—bnt oo important
aary. attaehtd to tte
te plunge^l into the renewed actintlra
of tte renaissance, but atoo for tbe
reason that, aa tte p^ologists bare
recently tiugbt us. playthings arc and
always bare been quite as necessary
Tte money waa tobewaad irj
•f Ite cruktr Boatoo. who ware to
bare abort tones at Hymouth. ft wgt
Indorsed by tte commander of . tbe ship
and tte Unitod Slatto consul at Plymmith. and tbe consul went to tte
liaak wtlh tte payatoetor for tte moufy. Tte manager declined to pay tte
ehatifd with
draft aatu It ms actaptad hr
8. kgamy. M to tte Jadge:
' Moraan * Oa.. baraoaa ka <1U not -UUk true I got mo' than ooe wlto,
■th. tint day's scattered.**
ttey toM&ld'be iated aa emanattag -Yra^ sub: aome's In Alatema.
fhia tte ahlto and altMctber te waa
b ^ranrasra. ea Miy oac to
irwy Mriy to tte ttaltora. A d^mlto ptorgM-wter I lire at. De only
any ter bara ijesee. Jetlge. wnx ta
make s •M-atterollonr—Atlantic Com
Straight through the dty directory be
fore I gel through.” said Mayor
-m appoint every physician named
there unless some two of them accept
before the list to exhausted.
The Yaasar high aboool had a total
of 332 atudenu enrolled during De
cember. Of this number 226 wen
poaltora in ihc High School Savings
bank, and in a period of 26 weeks
they deposited a toul of 1593.22. 01
this amount $16.32 was withdrawn
leaving a balance duo depositors of
|476.$o. This system of aavlags wait
Inaugurated by Supl. W. Sherman bus
SrSillrtaM. taJTta w^’kTAta w
FU. M. .. b.i.>
itoeaTMM HakuMMd. to Pmm to toigotr
> «k%p>rtata
■BallbMlBMiMaataMaMaaB: Aftte jUUuJTtfJf Snar »»dT optatai
catty age af fbar te Mowed a mat ck- to bant nd M hr ttata. U ta rttraoMtoaiT atomy Ite catoatotlM. ten to «lre hi. tothndBtow tta tan
wbkk wish Mtokt atebtiunf friiai aa
kvlBter wester a teneseeker tes sst travel
sbMttesttcelslBsetrck k a k«ae la reaL M ,
laatoteaacktevaatcaiaaa Ike Eveaias Recort. Taacaafetacaadteatatkyadvertblaf.
WAinWO—At once, competent g!ri
for general boosework. Mrs. Robert
E. Walter*. Ml Webster street.
Ttera to oonsIdOTnbto now tliM
and plenty of wood tttopw dk tkk
load. Sod good.
Atoo aevwal ikt-adge tond eotenoM.
ifhatonind men between agra of 21
aad »: cRtoeas of toe United
Stales, of good character aad tem
Hm*. Yw
perate hablu who oaa speak, real
At conaldcrable expense we have
and write BaglUh. For informalkm filled up a prncilcnl aad up-to-date op
apply to recruiting officer. Hotel tical room. We karo instaltod tb#
Whiting. Traverse City. Mich.
inra ihnra sat tf
long would It te pcTformtog
toe Journey, alloarhig It to take sixty
hops every minute without latenstoakm! Answer. 56.713.0)» beps and 1
year. $14 days. 13 hours and 20 mis-
41ve for an
established bustoeas hoase to n<
western Michigan with hetelquartcrs
to this city. Ample opportunity for
advancement. Addraws H. C. Cox,
stonally a wife reakts and If physkally
4HM11 Houseman buUdtog, Grand
stronger toraabee toe husband. PolygRaplda. Mich.
Jan 3-tf
amy prevalto to a limited extent. Fre-
Tte following question was aolrad
by blm in forty werouds: Suppose the
liaU at ll»e to|» of St. Psurs cattedral
.j. 1
to be six feet In diameter,
tte gilding cost at 8U pence P^*^**** and treated as a aervant to tte family
tnchl Answer. £237 10s. Id.
Tte following to one minute and
twenty seconds: B«in»oee a eity to te Uwith 94*0 tomirn. each lamp her disadventages, she has a voice In
• ooe pint of oil every four l«th vUtoge and fnmUy affairs. Tbe
hustend neither mskes an Import
. wlthont ron-
reading part I
Dartmouth Bept. 20, 1S7S.
Another of these extrnordlnary children. between whom nnd Bldiler bonow wera nlmost equaUy divided, was
Zereh Tolburn. born at Csboi. Yt.. Bept.
1, 1H04. Signs of his wonderful |»ower
sppeare*! nt a very tender age. The
diieovery waa secldentally mnde by
his father, who was much surprised
ooe day to bear him repeating tbe prod
uct of several numbera. although at the
time he ted received oo otoer Instnictloh than such aa cmild be obtained at
Iting or cipherarlety
markable facility i
the age of eight the boy was able to
•oire most aimcult qn
mere operation of his
persons of the first eminence for their
knowledge In mattematlcs made
IMJtot of seeing nnd conversing with
him. and they proiwsed to him
variety of quostlons to test 1
vekras powers. Among them were the
Give the square root of «»,«». After hesitating a little he replle^l fl9f).9n0.0Q0.001 and oliserved that he prcaluced
tots nault by multiplying the square of
ST.0fl7 by the square te 27. He was
then aaked to multiply tbe Answer
twice by 40 and once by 26.
tteaiU tte answer consists of seven
teen flgnrw.
Name the cube root of 413.098.848.CI7. To thk be ga^ the correct an
nwer in fire seeoods. How many times
wonld a coach wheel twelre feet to
elrcitmrwenM turn around In 230 mllea.
aod how many mloutra In foriy-elglit
ysara? To the first te replied to two
ssexods 112.04a and to tte aecMd. bkfore tlk ooratloa coaid be written
What are tte fms
tors te 247.483? To thk te rtplkd DU
and 2CS, which are tbe only facton.—
llice a week's Incarceration nilber thin
pay tte chnrch tax In Beotlsnd. He In ooe of bis lett
bad no property wbich could te dto- Sold tells bow at i
tra!nfd apoo. and oa the form vblcb ^ bid to give an exan.----------4ie racelTOd oo which to state wtet he oeleoce. ”What wot 1 to do?
waa wimng te tend over to he sold be nototog about hydrogen or oxygMi te
wrote: ”Self.” In the next cohnnik j any oto«r •gem* So 1 net them a papW
In which te waa required to state tbe! which I called kppUod science.* Ol#
v«loe of tte goods, be Inserted: ”IVire te my qoeteloos warn. *Wbat would jdh
do to cura a cold to tte bead r Ayooig
lady aitoirtrid. ‘I dbeold put ay fete
tetobot vrator tillYou wtratos pro-
other InatltnUon te ibto kind to tola
port of toe rouniry.
We open an optical room to the pub
lic on Mooday. Jsn. Kth. Prof. A. I.
Shellman. the celebrated oecullst and
npMclan of Grand Rapids, from whom
we have been taking special Instruclions. will le present at our optical
opening for a full «*wk. Jan. 8th to
WANTib~2t> men at once to 001^4 H 13th. B> courteously extend an toviwood. Apply at Traverse City Brick taikm to the public to attead Ihto
opening Remember that we eaainlnc
Co.. KeyMrine. Mleh.
Jan 2-61 and test all defective sight absolutely
free. Prof. Shellman mill be pleased
WANTED-FurnUbed rtxjm* for light to meet any dlffleolt aad brretteora ob
hcMisckeeplng; any number, though stinate roses of defective vision and
no less than three. Communicate will treat them property. Remember
with on nnell Bros.' music tetuo..! ^be tete
corner Pron
ront and Cass atreeis.
dec 2Ftf
ts such that they sometimes de WANTED—Girl for
stroy Ihelr offspring, particularly If tte
work. Mr*. T. A
child l»e a girt. If a family to very
Sixth street
ters mllltoei
Ajv. J. V*- nsaiituJB m omm rrmauw-
Rtete Mountain Tea does. 33 CO, CaL. tayt: ”I bare ated Waroer*a
or Tableta. Joknaoa Drug Wbke Wine te Tar figrup for year.
R. W, RaataU.
IVm't h-t >Timr fare grnm old. sallow,
liolkim and wrinkled. If you care at
all for beauty, take Holltotcr’s Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tab
WANTED-Work by day of any de lets. Johnson Drug Co.
scription; prefer nursing. 8h2 E.
dec 12-.f
. to lie adopted
Its, tte usual
market price of a child being a soa
i to Oil and po'.-^
bag of oil or an old atiU of clotora.
Tbe i-blJdren ara given names of rarl
ous animals, bird. fish, sectlouaof conntty. wtods, tides, heavenly Iwdles. etc.
Somettoies they have as many as six
names, rhildren are rarely iHinUhed.
They geoemUy bare tbclr own way L08T-Lace collar with gold ho
aad are usually treated with great
shoe pin set with pearic. betmi
klndncM by their own or foster parEighth street and Foresters hall on 1
Casa. Return to Angus McColl and j
Free to All Miniatara.
I will scud one bottle of Warner s
fine of Ta
Tar—the beat cough
m earth-f
earth-free to all minis
FOR RENT—A furnished
who win recommend U to their frit
U ,8 fair trial. Add
g'jod KK'ati«»n. For particulars apply
to John Armstroog, Alden, Mich.
Jan 6^1
I.anriDg grocers have 300 pounds of
nlro colored oleomargarine on fielr FOR RENT—House tor reaL Inquire
hands^Vhlch. of course, the state dairy
208 W, Ninth.
jan 2 tf
and food department won't let them
sell. They orderaJ it Wednesday from FOR RENT—House on North
a well-dre.asrd man giving the name of
wood avenue, F. . Goodrich.
R. J. Curtis, representing the Crystal
Lake Creamery Co.. Crystal Lake. Ill
who gave a lew price and discount for HOUSE for rent. 901-State street, 7
rooms; small barn, $8 per month.
cash which appealtnl to the grocers
B. J. Morgan.
After It was delivered and the money
paid it was discovered that It
OFFICE ROOMS for rent, Wllheto
crcxmer> butter but oieo. Tbe pollct
block, corner Front and Uniofl.
arc after the
A Modern Miracle.
“Tntly miraculous seemed the
ct>verv of. Mrs, Mollle Holt of tl!l^
plarc." write® J. O. R, Hooper. Wood
ford. Tean.. ••she' was so wasted by FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for city
proiM-rty a 6.? acra fnilt farm 6H
oougMng up pus® from her lungs. Doc
tors <lec!arod her end so near that her
miles fn.m city; morth 13.500. An
family had matched by her bedside
so-acre farm 10 mil's from city
forty-eight hour-; when, at my urgent
morih 11,350.
John Armstrong.
reqtRWt Dr. King's New Discover}' was
Aldcn. Mich.
jan f. at
given her. with the astonishing result
that improvement began, and conilnuml until she Anally completely nFOR
No. 1 oxen, 4
coverad. aod to a healthy woman to
J. Mor
day." Outraniced cure for coughs and
colds. 60c and $1.00 at Johnson I>ru«
Co.. F. H. Meads. C. A. BuglMR> Drug
FOR SALE—Honse and lot. tern oa
Co., druggists. Trial bottle lOc.
Thii fpbH la I
»lip tetly. Tha Bs
lot. 442 West ElgbJ atrete. Prioa
$2,400, ona^tolrd
balance to
■olt purchaser, tteoire US Baal
Ninth ■UeeL. or addiw John auae,
Cheboygan, Mich. I ..
Jon 9*
true ittB't btotory.
faMk >rapH9 Nr M
. ^ MW wd o8«r nr Md« tta M
alM MaUdiag oa aaara to now uaof
aamdroteaai^ ite can ba orad ta
Pt tb m
loTta^PWtWfc M. «Mt «
itampod on every 1*0^
It makes you well and
III, That's 'what HoHls-
•OY WANTH>-1>d do errands aal
wrok about prlattog office. Herald
and Biacord Co.
Jan ^
aoau attracted ge>
pose tte earth to consist of 9174*04)00
tobahltanU and suii|>ose they dU: In
thirty jean and four months, bow
mnoy have returned to dust since tbe
A -victim” of ' the St. Joe Gretna time of Adam, computing It to l»e .%4Cio
Green marriage mill has asked for
ycara? ;jiiltlply the answer by 00.
dlvonce. Grace Krchcr applying f(
Duriiig one of his exhibition tours,
a separation from Harry C. Kraher fortunately for the lad. Mv perform
They were married Doc: 31. 1901. and ances attracted tbe attention of emi
echoinni. who. after making In
separated fou** months later
quiries. sulisequently undenook bis
John Sbarwlck.
edueatioo. He was attached to the
young man who has Just come over
from Germany. Is frantic over tbe dis
appearance of his sweetheart. KUxa pbenaon. tte great eugiueeSome years after be entered parlla
both Rahn. who came over with him
but who was detained kt New York ment and cunierous stories are extani
aa she had not toe req.u'lred amount
of money fo enter the country. Her
tIooB. whereby he waa often enabled to
lover oamo west* Inlending tq send her upset an opponent s case, or at otter
same money at pn^ but during his times be would establish hto own ra.se
absence a strange woman, thought
by arguments based upno mathemnt► been a procuress, paid the girl's leal data, possibly only at the momimt
entrance fee and carried her away ptoeed before him. It is said that on
loppoxlng eouusH asked
Only one letter has been receive#!
that h*
lot be alloweJ to remain
from her and her a bcrcabouts arc un In the
The rmted* States Supremo court
has acted favorably upon the stated
request for an early hearing of the
raUroad taxation cases, and they will
proceed at Grand Rapids Feb. 19 The
talk of a postlblllty of a settlomeni
between the state and the Michigan
Central railroad of the two cases
In the supreme court Is said by state
officials to be mere talk without a postlblUty of being followed out. as n*
Slate offloer could lake the responsi
bility In too matter.
James Maxwell, tbe notorious crim
Inal received at the Jackson prison
from nerrlen county for larceny
fled the ofTIccrs. l>ecmme abusive and
had to feel the heavy hand of authoi
Ity. Maxwell Is a cocaine and mor
phlne flend and was under the In
fluence of these drug* when to came
to prison. He win be treated until
stiffirlently braced np to go to work.
Port Hurtm U going to make an ef
fort to gel the headquarters of the
------------- of the World, a fraternal'
order iw having Its jiead office at
Neb. Acordbg to a decision
of the Nebraska supreme court the or
der to required to pay an annual tax
cumulation, and this
executive offlcera of toe organliatlon
to cast about,for a new home. If lo
cated to ihU state the fund would be
exempt from taxation. The officiato
are understood to be In a mood to en
tertain a propoalUon to locate at I\>ri
Huron, that city's reputation as a fra
ternal aoclcly home being considered
as a fketor In Influencing its selection.
The Wkshlngion Life Insurance Co
of New York to the flnit life insurance
enmpany to notify Commissioner Barry
that It will not ask for a renewal of
business privileges Ilf Michigan this
'& im^
t JM OB ItavDod aw. tnvBta
Waw* Bta flkT an.
rtaTMaad Bar flr
B«tk PX«Mt R*. 44.
Tbinfs Yon Need to Know
A lio»y aori>l tlih
Imt;- ap*. -W,.
on all Ihinixsarouml
ns—too bnsy
then' are thingn we nwl to
kn«»w. In tbe matUT of purchxiAinK your piano yon are
tiK) busy to shop Hrouml awl
l(K>k the mnller up. Tlw
simpleet way is the KIMHALL WAV. Itsavco tinus
it aarea your nervi'S. Ko '‘palienee in^l" in tlio Kiml>aU
I aad fMiUUTatth I.
Simply this:—f*nl ont the
above eoapou and mail it to
ns. and we’ll tend you uwful
piano information that you
con look over jukI study in
the quiet of your own homo.
You want U> know ahotii
repntalion and wearing nualily; you want U* know about
ihc piano that U Ix-st suitod
for this parficulnr climate,
abont the KaArantoe and what
it moons. Voii want to know
about our *'lilUe payment
pUn that makes fnano buy ini;
easy.*’ aod al>oTO and beyond
all you want to Lnow about
If9«en Syftta of l^toiio
Drop iuai^ day iuid hteir
tho Ureot KimbaU Piaik>.
oJa.i«K Urtfc
UMta m4 M* Mton el Hvitalts
ta** kM* «wuas Meeie teumetor
. Ik« 4ar* put Ml*. !«• TmMe
r^ ;
fn» OUmee. mhen Ae fm Ut
”Ltor4 Cta««^ l*n Mo.d.r tor M.MI-
Om ura mmU4 lir Fnuik Cf**.Mr.. Cla. fkisMM d HolU«<l bw
taM tWUm *ltt Idr H«a. Hr*. Bd
■IM. fbr lb. »Mt !.« dV>.
Mr. uM M»^ ThoM. OMper tor.
aor«l from tl» HhMm. bold tat.
tb* boMc onei br Mr*. Ud. Olorw.
Wllbw aemtr monel to tab* ap
hi. etmllee .Mhe M. A. C. tad. Tae*
Italltar “ratatwd Sdardar
eoftftolled ft
regftrdlsg Wi
Mks PbftWt Pnirfte reUirsftd Iftftt
Mosdsy fw« ft few days* Tlslt ta TtftTcm CUf wUb relfttlTet ftod friends.
Illftf nme Wllsdo returned Iftftt
Mosdsy frosi TrftTerie City, where she
•pest ber QidiUbftft TftCfttUm wllb
relfttlres ftsd frlesdi.
Iflas *stber Parker relumed to Mt.
Plftftssst last Tuesday where
ftttesdliis the norwftl.
Alfred Doyle epeut Kew Year's with
relfttlres la this place.
MisB Or» Hooper returned to her
' bone la Battle Creek last Tuesddbr.
Miss Rbodft Sturtevaat returned to
ber"bmne la Owosso last Tuesday,
after spending ber racfttlon with relatires and friends In this place.
H. B. Btarteraat relumed home
Tueaday after ependlng a few days.ln
town with frieadi.
B. J. WOlmaa returned to take up
the work at the nomal at Ypallanll
last Tuesday after apeodlng bla racatIoD wllh Wends In town.
Miss Vena Ooldsnltb to Bagnal
Tueaday. where the Is teaching scholo.
. T>f. Bcmc awl brother. WlUard. rlaItod friends In Timrem City Sunday.
The aacred eanUta. entitled ^utb
and Boas, will be glren In the Metho
dist church Frtday erenlng. Jan. It.
W. H. Sharer Is conductor of the
ehorus and J. C. FUust of Wetford will
acewnpany tliem with the rloUn. The
cantata Is hone talent with orer thirty
Tolces In ihe chorus. The prtnclpsl
chametars are: Ruth, the Moabliesa.
Grace Anderson: Nnont. Rnth s moth
erm-Uw. Mrs. Perry McDougal;
Orpha. Ruth's sUter ln-lsw. Mrs. Hsrry
Youker: Boat, a prtnee In Israel. Vlncent Wall; Orerseer to Boaa. Bnmet
Pry. The proceeds will bo uaed to re^
pair the Methodist pareonage.
Sanford Onaaer has purchased a new
eora busker for his own use. Mr.
Gasser has a ftne gasoline engine with
which to ron It.
The mnnual Jubilee on New Yoar's
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8.
Walling, was the largest yet held.
One hundred and aeren took dinner
there. A fine progmm followed con
talnlng literary and mualcal numbers
wan very much enjoyed by all.
B. B. Irwin, principal of the school,
returned-from hli vaesUon last Tues
I society of the Coo
held their annual
or Mim. Rose
Rogers Frlda>
The aflemoon
was pleasandy i^t and very much
enJoyeS^ by a« present.
Sllsa Ul^^Mter. who has
t|u|ej!l f^^%w days. Is able to be
^ AuSCTj^ was given at the
jMUwrof Mr. and ibvCaiter
uitlayTivenlng In hoo^SS^yd Cas
intyJjibn iMft Monday for MeanvaUks
to ^Tlkach school. The evening was
pleasantly spent in games and o
saUon. Pop com and candy
served for refreshments.
^ ^ Archie Pntyne returned from a few
^.^ays'visit In GadlUae last Tuesday.
^ A flinch party waa given at the
home of Miss Beatrice McManus Frt^
evening. A very
^was enjoyed by all present
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. McManna went
R pMig poUceM fresh from Scetlind. writ on duty la LMMkm. and had
to atop the teBlc. a« royalty was eapectod. A lady who was unccteoMMileaMy *iMM op” on her way
to the epsrm p«t hor hood out of tho
wlndonr. and callid te tho censtnble In
at • tnMk Wl* I. Mmt Tarfc cttr. Hr.
Ataxaatar I* lata to bra bMB tb* rte^
MM aata aol worlb tb* m
B*t. Itarey «. Oraat at tb* Cbarerf
et tb* Airtaitna. Near Torb. t« ataW
barrM. m tbara! TbI* I* vbat |ta
add to . aaaia; -Aay •«
aaa* Mtat. paadar. toy aratbarAitl-
nmmnMLarnd. Bke
a proaMant
BfmteMliMhratal&ieClIHL Ha
on hla wax to Ftanes en a aacM
m. Aftar balBff BKatoed la XBNUB Jan for some Gme be was gt
I rwaovd.- wUh
wag to Port Gem
I while on Ua way IhltlMr that he
Is BOC ft miy hftir Is bis besd. Tb«
iNrtsd eoplea of the fUOmi
gftsft^^prws^ be
^ ^
which was rvearded aa a p
«r his rctam to toTalty:
Bryan* the latter of whom taten
him •tnmgly.-' Bo declared Uewls
Ntam. the Aaerteaa ah\pbailder.
recently has been bondlag torprdo
boau to replace those smashed by
Benator Joe Blackimim. the I
toeky flre^mter. who waa defeaUd for
re-eleciloo after twenty-flve years
nans, refuses to stay down. B
; to run for governor now. This
is what he says:^ *^1 am not aoi
My defeat does not impair my
Icyalty to my party. I will tell the
truth. That element la Kentucky pollilea whlfh compassed my defeat dlJ
rage War on me. 1 waged the war
on It The people and not an oligarchy
rule. I began the war on the admlaUtraUon. and now 1 pay the pen
alty. *I waged the war to save the
democratic party of Kentucky, and
I dedicate the balance of my life,
be It abort or long, to the proaeculloo
of that war.”
Speaker Cannon, umbrellaleaa. slop
ped up the walk to the White House
Vh» Mabnn
For 9M*
OaMTBtoaad CMy I
d. M. nuatlmantel
he royal bsimere
iiefeat end ruin
For pfa<
work; for saving
time; for long'
scn’icc and com
plete satisfaction,
no other type
writer quite equals
Tdiht AiliMplie
6>^ Smith
tabbvvB W M « mfmm.
*«• Ba*t rr.«l •*.
fohn R. Santo
General Insurance
W*totaH*< tod told w
A. A MaPHAIL. DeoUst, Room 201
Wllbaim block. Ciu. pboaa 116.
SALE ■-a-Ma
This is the time to buy weddiDgRifUSSptr CBBI ilf.
CBUtall ihrouKh the stoie
P. S.—Remember our opticul opening, with Prof.
Sbellman of Grand Ra^
Jantiarj* 8th to l.'Uh. .Eyes
U'Stod free.
Sroto^SuSoi!!* “”**•
mm. *. L. BONNUTB talr ItTIMtoM
21^ om Ctt7 Book Bton^ BMto
Ototo km*. bkMk. IMto L
llew Wlttelm Bit.' TniTene City
Notice to the *Taxpayer8 of the City of
'Travenie City:
year 1905. and for tho delinquent
school and city Uxea and apeclal as
aessments for said year have been
placed In my hands for collection.
I will be In my office to receive said
taxes from now until Feb. 1. 1906. on
saoh week day from 8 o*clock to 11:30
o’clock In the forenoon and from 1
Oft B. B. MiNOB-omes Mt AMT
C4f Jtwtitr
av, uvaaaatw.
OnStota xw
Fine Dental Work
eas Range
14 50
2.00 Down
1.00 a month
8pooiai .tUmtion Kiven to
dituasc. of tbo eycL
with Dr. I. A. Thomp*on
•lor, with Df*. ■.WTto eel ]
Sto*r ud Ktlaa nvotator. ' SittotaetlOB Stonottod. TTUh Btotal
S^Boto*. OU.pta»*lM.
saa cnuaauinr, w
ma City* Mich.
AMSTRACTS or TITLB—<3. a te*.
m. Pric*.ftotoMhta, OAtawMi
Tlio hanilsonu^t and most conven
ient HlTCaEN CABINET on tho
market. Solid Oak fronts, Mouse
and dnst x^ioof KoUor boarinR Hour
|). P. 0»rT*r *Dd Bto. oBU fk—to.
oft. k. F. CHASE—HoawvtobtaL O*.
(k E. L. THIRLBYjuoD todl*«*M« otckUariB. 1
4M Stata beak bid*. Belli phto
We manufacture them and.make
low prioes.
dr. TULLER CU taUmalc your III
Rtf. rcnc* Tr»vrr.c City Utg. Co.
*t «l GIO.WK) worth of ttotow
boucht durioK Norember ud De
cember. $i * d«y. InterlodieB.
ton J-lrr
Its. J. 0. 4 MART J. TtUBBWOB
Wood! Wood!
m. 1U90fm
Tin Jttsuranet
^I.SS r»ER 1.0AD
^2.00 l»ER 1-0AD
^ StatoHtoto.tataM.1
Jn*. SmlO* Ptotototer
Tri»»wrlt«r Co.
Screened and pre
pared especially ‘for niAVBiiBB CITY LmoN Na
Ranges and Cook llaM^IWauttvaLMfiBwinMil
Stoves, from an ex Bay
Mth ar T:il fu m.
cellent quality of Calm 8. YMar, piMMit; >0ayi«
aaeratary; Nattla C Qrmy,
Hocking Valiey Coal. OriswoM*
not IMf
It is easy to handle
and a good burner. TRAVEBBC
A A. M.. moKa on Monday avgRiaf
or htfora tba full oC tha maoR.
Try a ton and be on
atT:l6p.m. M. B. RaakaO. saoraconvinced.
tery. BRncr B* Whlta. W. M.
4ts WIST ntMT SmiT
country, but the kins.
Confusion to his odloua rKgat
operaUon and at the same time rid
ding the country of undesirable
Plnanoe Minister Uroantour said the
high price of stiver enabled the go\-emment to accomplish In less than
two months whst would have required
two ypars, adding that the new
A PlMaukt SGf« NtiklM
eury system is now firmly established
and -at tho present time we hsv
Courtis tna colds yleli etsily to
ing more to fear on account of fu CtanberUUi’s Qmrti Remedy. RIs
pletiut to take tBd cokums so iiture white mclal."
sBbstoce. It;tlwtysciits
Augustus R. Prentice, a wealthy
•es quickly. SoldbyAmei
New York lawyer, wllh offices at 155
Iway. has been committed to an cufl Drur Co*
,e asylum. About one year ar>
Mr. Prentice's father died and he In
“I see they tinv*» diiK-overed a new
heritod a fortune of more than %2, romel." rrui:»rk«Hl the |.«*i.enicer wbo
000.000. No socmer did he obtain this It interarted In SRtronomy. -In olden
money than he began to worry about days the people %UM-d to rejhcrd
taking care of II. He Imagined that appearance of a comK as lod luck.”
“And I fttill legard-lt as bad luck,”
his private secretary was not doln
the work that he wat supposed to be replied the Throop street man.
“Why sor
doing and ordered him to report at
“Welt the night the comet was
5 o'clock in the morning and work all
eover^J we lost our rook.**-Chkaie
the time, not even allowing him to go Dally News.
out for meaU.
omaa Ridley of Wilsburg. formerty an engineer on the Pet
vanla road, was retired on a pension
two years ago. When Andrew Cameglo was a poor ytmng fellow Ridley
helped him once or twice, and the two
have been close friends for
years. •‘Old Tom. " as he is called
IsUed the multi-millionaire recently
The latter presented him with a book,
on the flylenf of which is the Inscriih
tkm. -Old Tom Ridley, one of my first
and one of my best friends. One of the
few. rapidly growing fewer, who called
me Andy, and have the right to do so
New York. Dec. 15. 1905. Ai
Carnegie.** Ridley, who U 60 years
old. carriea a 65K gold watch, wllh
74-pennywelght gold chain, presented
TMAVntK CITY UOOOB, Ms. ft. «.
Mta wfary Thaiaday sraa.
eollecllon will be
charged and on all taxes paid on or
after January 10. there will he
charged a fee of four per cent for col
lection. Penally on delinquent city
and school Uxea and apeclal aaaetamenu. 4 cent on each dollar of the
amount of said tax.
(Wfire in room 202 8Ute Dan!
Froucls at these building.
Dated. Doc. 1. 1905. .
words seemed startled and anawersd.
aa Albemarle thought, with emoUona of
dec 441
City Treasurer.
•TTou have made w«
es, air* In yonr life than that'
The “Rights of Maa“ and coma
DstaU and min sKss tbs cause •
OC PraaM. Its Ubertlss and tawst
If fhe above Unca be lead emil
•oaly. they seem to esprsM very 1
aaBUmeota. bat If yoa road the
line of the fliat verae and than the flrst
line of the Mcoad veiae yea will fli
tbit they bdhtbe the spirit of rampai
The pomp of eoorts sad pride of ktafs
Arthur O'Connor ulUmatelj made his
WSJ to Prance, where. In IfWT. be mar
ried the daughter of the Marquis da
He eiiteesd the PreDch
___ , „
le to the rank of geneiml.
X feet down the drive he stopped His dasth took place In April. 1«2.
and oarefully wiped his wet and mud
be was eighty-seven years of age.
dy shoes on the wetter and muddler
) and emptied a pint of wat
In Lord Uollsnd's
from the brim of bis hat Then he
stepped Inside with the complacent .jere ta'a stocy told on the snt^rity
of Ixad Albemarle concerning fbe sucUon that ho had been properly tborahlp of the ••Junius*' letters,
neat ”lf 1 had an umbrclU when F bemarle was present at a dinner where
left my house to walk up here." said a conversatloh was rtnrted
Mr. Caunon. -I wouldn't have It now Dudley North and Rlr I*hlllp Francis.
The umbrella habit would be mighty The former rsUlod the Utter somewhat
expensive for me.*' Then Uncle Joe rudely as the author of
ikl it was TSln to dev
ntrat In to ace the president to pay
FrancU grew angry
ilemnltj than was usual cxcUlmed:
Sha^of Bryani^cxlco. on«
•‘Do you mean to tell me seriously that
model sMver^untry—the very para 1 am a acoondrcl
rcl or lUr? 1 have d«^
dise of 16 to 1—ls actnally prospering nled dtetlnctly ray 1lM»ing the author.
. who believe X r
on the gold basis. The new gold coins and trier that they
entered Into circulation during the must belleie me to be a liar or
past week. Owing to tho high price of scoundrel, or both.” Dudley North then
At last
silver the government has been able
to ship from the country flfteen mil
» all. in truth, know how
about It.
lion old pesos, making a profit on the
Itet Ddhfatlbl Aid to HMlth
147 6IISW0U ST.
I cenld
bandf ilaa* Partb tb* ador o( Mcar."
-Tba eiar iMed araet at a aoldtar
abnabatalbad'forlNriraBboar. He
I* to p«f*ct pbrdeal eoadlUoa. Tbere
n emn Mp that
i «f hM eanmin and lor
V to f«a bin train hMa
lataB «■ My J3. XtH.
Bnanhy awirtnf or
IK hor carrtMe paaa.
-1 eanna do It ma'am." tho
. Hr. M« Kn. K. L
Oval Wood Dish Co.
It. 87. SOTS raftns
OBoe 606 N.;* WilheiiB Block,
Cititoo.’phone 63U.
Relo. Hr 3ar^
201 fron.t Strttf
ISftOWP WAIIX luklii
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.