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The Evening Record, December 04, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tffi teVi)]S[[NG REO^
mmEssms jtfjlN WMITI PmurriNES
Of« > ALL
««UT mjunr^om.
mtonr. Ill B. TttmL
dec W
NOT MOVED hirt am stRI Inwiad In
ths Wllbelm Mock,
aav Ihtf
A. a Tylar. DaatlaL
tbeoboMMC.jimaile’k book* the maken eu prodM. the Bott nlMitas
’ liag •ttadbrd aad popular hooka
p«ay a bt «< ,fancy gift hooka a.
nrrMng frum the tar Eani Mura thnt
Your feet would fee
pretty good
these cold mornings
Japnn to praparing fm a esiriMt mfth greatly niarmnd over the
the United htotoa. The Jspansns fairs ragarMng the nehnei
m imn to CM WtmH9g lUeorC
WMktegtoo. Dk. %-TM pfwMcot t
■ till TO loM MCOro Um omU «t Negra Fwfsrmed jthe Act ef Kltnnf
. tm BtaMM oltor opMiM iM bodr.
the Cai
Mr. UtU. OMUtaat MervUrr to the
dMks by piiMt oM tb«
By Wire to tbe Evening Record.
Valdesta. Oa..
4.-J. C. Raw
Uns. white, and Atfjwd Moore, n negro,
were bdnged la thi jail yard ^oday at
10:45, tbe former f|>r plotUng and the
> throw! UP
w January When New
Ceniet In and He May
Net Preneeiite Him.
Case Mt
By Wire to the Mrenlog ltooor4.
: .Grand Raplda. Dec. 4.~Harry LewU
win probably not be triad tor the mu^
der of ICIka Ward as tbe case wU1
eome up after Jan. 1 when the new
pronecutor comes Into office. It Is
understood he will nut prosecute
t to Tell Why Three
By Wire to the Brenlng Record.
Dec. 4.—President
Rooserelt thU morning told several
aenatora that he wanted the Drotdse
and n»rmkar roaolatloo calling fbr infoniiaUoo about the discharge of the
three oompaaias of the twenty-fifth Infantnr paannd without delay.. He U
aaxioim to furnish InfonnaUon.
The U. 8. 8. Tusesrora Is coaling at
the city dock after lying at anchor off
that point part of Sunday and all day
yesterday. The boat U a revenue cutter of 670. toffs dlsidacement and the
complement Is fifty-^bt or sixty men
but the crew U slightly short at presiL
Capt, Thomas D. Walker received
an Bvenlffg Record repreaeataUve. In
his oabln this mornl^ and stated that
their visit to thU port was for the purpL. or ooiJIog u the more northern
i seem to be short of tbe product.
The cutler lay at Charlcvolt for some
time swaltlng tbe arrival of s schooner
loaded with coal but that craft was
evidently hiding In some sheltered
harbor farther north, not wanting to
ria the passage In the heavy winds
which have been holding up shipping
for the past week.
When questioned regarding, the fish
ing trouble among the Beaver Islands
Captain Walker said that be had re(Contlnued on Third Page.)
Alleged That He and Two Companion
Killod a Man and Rurood Factory
to Hide the Crime.
Tbe appointment of Loyal B. KnappmLof Oread Baplds as Jddge of the
UnRod Btatea court of tM district of
Wcotoni meidgaB has bcea sent to
the Moate and ondoubtedly wUl be
n. Judge Kaappen wilt
sumad the late Judge George Wanty
of Grand BngMa. He will prohnbly
take the bench warty to January-
By Wire to the Eventog Record.
Hillsdale. Mich. Dec. 4.-This Is the
escoud day of the trial of WOllam
Dunnlgan.- in isU since May 2. 1W5.
charged with murdering Joe Cawaey
Dec. 2 throe years i«o. It la charged
he and two co«Saalaoa burned a
door fhetory^to hide the crime.
Whiter Knox and Oeorgo Smith are
r senrtogUfo
r thisolme.
. CnlnalefartlilaumelL m E. Frsnt
•t, ftonns tl, up afinlra.
«sc 4gt
25 cents
Presbyterian Church
Shot Him as Ht
Sat In His Hama.
By Wire to thn Braaing Rneord.
New York. Dae. 4.-Jnlian Salvador,
md tf. a moonlraeper. TO ahot dnad
rough the wtodow of hto home to an
east aide toanmegt houae hy an un-
Detroit. Dec. d.^Wheat—No. 2 rod.
Tfic; corn. 60Mc; oau. 36tocChleago, Dee. 4.-Wbeat--December. 74c; corn, 42^c; oats. 33%c.
TMedo. O. Dec. 4.-Wbeat--Ctosh.
T6%e; COOL 44c; oath, 36c.
Weal Virgiato Man Was So Frihhtoasd
That Ha Jwmpad Through Wtndmu
of Fast Moving Train.
The Hofavt Oa,in|ia.
By Wire to the Bventog Raeord.'
Lagansport. laiU Dec. 4.-Fright
^ by a dream, R Hall of West \Trginla jumped through the window of i
PennsylvanU train In full motion near
Logansport and escaped serious
Sara Hllliksr Was Elec
at the Regular Meeting Last
Aa Ticket Sal
Door They Reoeme
BaUrood r«batM wore traated at
; Itactbaod tbaracooMtioa TO taken
■0 to CM diacaeatoa of lyoehinc. the
ITOldent adrocaUflff a "eqoaro dc«l REVENUE CUTTER TUtCARORA
. tor all** aod oayinc that the crimes of
necroec were not a racial Issue, but of
lodlrldiials. The soluttoa is In the
odMatlon of tbe««cn> and to naktoc
toMlee ewlfl be said.,
Tbe otoUoh ,of capital and labor
• TO dlBCUfead at length and the presi> LOOKING OUT FOR VESSELS THAT
dent thought that the limit of hour.
Of employment for railroad men
ahonld be tied. He tarored an Uk
berltaaen tox and adeooated an In- FtoWng Trouble at the Reavnra to Not
the Cnaas nf Her Appearance at
TM praeident*# meeeepe in Ml Mil
Thin FdfS-Wnlt^ SameTtoia
M fmifto M N«m 7 to lO.Wi Inane.
at ChartmrotoTor Collltr.
Books Make
Ptoasing Gifts
ctothes. m East Pveat atm
they nay. to aniy
By WtratotMETOlngl
Ofllcera Rut Mads Ea mps.
Union 8t Clothiera.
Men . 8li
Women’s Felt Slippers,
(iOc to 75c.
Shoes Of TSstc. When yoa eonae
otUiokofit,it'a awnciaingtoiiotethe
Pnoes |:i, $3.50 snd $4,
Bachaiit & Roscoe
For Sate Cheap.
There is No Magic
Wyatt Craitoton EntertsinMl Fellow
Employca In a Pleasant Manner.
Wystl Cranston of the Traverse
aty Gas company entertained a num
ber of the gas and electric company
employes last evening at his home.
336 Seventh street, with a f. o'clock
son dinner. After the dinner, the
lemen enjo>*ed s smoker snd after
ward acre entertained by singing by
Mrs. Hess and Mr. Cranston, the even
ing being very enjoyable.
Women’s Juliettes,
fur trimmed,
85c to 11,50,
When the steamer Illinois makes
this port tomorrow it wlU be the last
time that the big whistles of the
Northern Michigan Transportation
company%.fleet will sound in this barbor until navigation opens In the
spring. She left Chicago at ll o'clock
yasterday and will Uy up at Manistee
for the winter the latter part of the
The Missouri was In port last night
and U in East bay today picking up a
lot of potatoes which are scattered
about tbe ports there.
Brai^ kMw a poor TO or a^^
boy-to porarty bonawo of aecl4aut or m hsaltkt Know mo now
light bera to yoorwwB town? Want
to make two people happy—your
self and your lesPwMM brethar?
Qhre klm aa otSer ou us for a salt
or aa ovoreoat Braokteg jackete
and oiher comfoTta hare, too. fbr
Kubeck & Hoyt
The W. R, C. elected the followlag
offtcera yenierilay:
President. Sara Hflllkcr.
Senior vice prealdent. Maria Morse.
Junior vice president. Mina Maes:
Treasurer. Callie Thacker.
Chaplain. Bunlre Fairbanks,
Conductor. Maggie Murray.
Guard. E
Delegate . state oonvenllon. Lottie
Allernale, Arvllla Gardner.
By Wire to ths Evening R« »rd.
Chicago, Dec. 4.—Three policemen
and two hold-up men ^sd i revolver
battle this morning at the Western
avenue ststloo of the DoiLlas park
branch of the West Side elelrsfed rail
road after a hold-up of a staUon agent
who refused to obey
When ordered to throw up
His Name Sent to Senate tor Poothe dropped behind
maotor of Traverao City.
crawled to the
Among the nominations sent to tbe
onte by the* president is that of
Oscar P. Carver of this city for post
er of Traverse City. The nomi
nation will be confirmed in a few
Mlaaouri Is in East Bay Today Picking
Up Poutoas wt ths Various
Ports Thsro.
in the. accomplishments of our
"Best” Flour
1 work team, weight about 2,400.
1 7-year-old mare, good driver,
1 4-months-old colt.
3 cows,
1 last spring's calf,
2 sets heavy work harness,
1 light driving harness,
1 heavy wagon.
1 set heavy, sleighs,
1 power feed mill, new.
•Will take:approved nine months! note, without interest,
in payment tor any of the above.
Ttiis Weather
Lay Co.
Smith Realty Co.
Corner Lake Ave. and Tenth St.
Citirens phone 32
Bell phone 169
We can aavp yoa some
mon^on theae-lxmght
about twenty doaen asm-'
plea in addHion to oar
large Une regular gooda.aU aamplea go at onefourth off.
dec 4-tf
HAND MIRRORS at Miller's Pharaacy.
doc 4-tf
Thisisooe of tbe
“fi%"endit yon were
to see the Coat yon
would say it was a
No better vUuea in tbe
city—six or eight styles
fine wod goods $1 per
good ntws finergood*
at $1.25, $1^01.75 and
$2 per garmeat CombinatmundenMarattl
Wait's l^g Sion
You will »ee youraelfa good
many times if you look over
the fine line of Mirror, we
have assembled for the Holiday trade. We have Minors
of aU kinds, an siaea, all
ahapea, and lorallprioesfiom
five cent pocket Mirron to
fire dollar tripple Minors.
One of the dainty little ahav.
ing Minora, made to use at a
hand, atand or hanging Mir.
lor aakea a fine present for a
^nll«^ No tioable to
: hats fbr two weeks; very
VMaa. Mtoe C P. McCooL
They are certainly
the beet thing erer
offered in tbe city at
tbe prioe «>d ere
. ■ ■■ 1
Komiefakn iriien yoe get • coet front «•—it tits end
etapefit Oer hoe ia partiodhrtp ataoi« at from $12 to
geode et$at> to $22-fat« fittiiig. friU beck,
long or Aoit, ^ »e the ji^
Sheiman & Hunter
. .
“-TT a
J. W. Millikp'n
.......... ............. ^___
^ 1
«.Ma#aap awd gablih plitwra la Iba
\ M
ael«5t yourt NOW while
theaaaortiBMit ti
n baa ak dftba Impartabt
fasonaa af a Moka coa»nmli«
atora and they arc patented,
a ia poaldTely atr UdH nhd
cmaiaad ta nmala to as kmg
sa lt la osed.
It ia parteeOy elean. baring
ao door to aeattcr a*bc» and
dost efrcr year carpet. TbaPped
door is darn aa damoke proof.
U wfll bold tfc » boors
C*t your Kifts now. WVH
wait for the money.
U will keep your boose wM
with leea fuel than any
store made.
Oome in and see this bcaj^lng
» posnmsf nuiN
mtadwaagna. A helpleai. ^Ing
old amm ba waa carried away by hlf
M0roawaau enable area to pro>
Useful Gpte
rnim i
Rissa SumssM
Ji W. S!atef
H Discard Your Wood Beds
Toa Get the Benefit
ad fMtbral to tba last baHaring
that Dowda waa oT ditrina ortgia mod
he eoBYiaeod that be U no i
Here Is a Chance for You
M Mtar * w M «M». TW. I*
MiM«a MM mmMM fw fMtafl
«!*»** *••'<*«-•
F> ^ i.'rsrrsraSLts
Goo.1 Iron Bod, alt aizea and all oolora, a grol woven wiip
spring and a good cotton top mattreaa,
The dty eooneU i
orer, and daddad IR imor of progreaa.
The Grand Rapida Press resterda^r
two ertltiilili againat male
Tba plmi of tba poet haa fbUaa am
tUU mt daapila the prataati of
MMi WUtiMBb Riley. Lockerbie
lad la fniliMpalU w^Jl ba pared
with aapbaJt Riley made tbe itmt
fbmoaa ia bla paame a»d tba tababi^
ir tb# tkrlooa •••cirtc mUwbf «•
UrpitaH wm in an embryo fUU In
thin dty M figton fdl to cryi
nn4 take bn a tfaiaUe form, it i
:lwrrefor tho4
r ia odmr parU ot the
omkwr of eteam
» ear U oneb timapa
tnaamiieh as tba
povar bcmasa wttb the naaemmr
plfloma aio not BoeaMary and »
l« a kmc aa< mtpeaaita ayatam of trolIry ariraa. Bach ear «aaarataa lU own
power and the motom are gel
Hftmc aoeofli to accommodate (
atgga where they aiw aa reliable aa
alaplrlo motora ^ as toPt»
b^Im^^»JJer**for ^ery ^ten*hl!lrs of
aenrico. Wbcn the car Is at rmrtbw
expense coaaes. With an electric line,
it li^AinaaaBDr to keep up a cimstant
curfpnt mbalRer one or more carwbmre
Tba first coat of a gaaollne propelled
tnwUoQ Una Is aldalem thair ah elmv
trie raflwmy an the expensive dyaamoa.
are not ■aaaaaary> iha coat of tba car
and Ibe motor being tbe expenac out
side of tbe grading and iteel.
Ml a line ooald be operated In and
gbeottba cKy. to tbe-Sast bay resorts.
Oarp lake and on tke peninsula in
the su|nmar at a profit. In tbe wiaten
tbiwa or M ears would be enoofib Ibr
tbo city dw tbe oort of Iheee WonUI
be ao light that a profit on the investlirtiit wonld be reinroed even at that
Bridwitly the edMlr faaa.#yag up
hope of amaasii^ a foitima.
e estaam In sdilch J. G- Grown,
oew superintendent oX the Han*
A Lay Mercantile company. It
<MMJf WRirr TO WORK SIXTEEN .held in Tiffin. O. from whcrS be
comet to thU city. Is shown by the
Bta taken fn>a tba Tiffin Ad-
- -Vou leave behind .vou many per
aonal frieoda, both In and out of the
buaiaeaa world. We hope you wUl stlU
remembar us. ms your Tiffin frUmda
when far away from us. aad caaually
give us a thou^ be it ever so little.
“ In presenting this cup to you as
a token of our regard and esteem, we
trust you will accept U In the spirit
in which It Is given, that ll wUI be a
source of great pleasure In the years
to come to look at this gift and think
of the many pleasant days spenj
among us here In Tiffin.
•• 'Wtehing *you every success In
your new home, may the best wishes
of us aU follosr you aad your family.’
•The gift wa^ a complete surprise to
Mr. Brown, whose emoUoaa at receiv
ing such a splendid tesamonlal from
hU employes weU nigh overcame him.
He, however, succeeded In a few well
chosen words In expressing his thanks
and heartfelt spprecUUon, both of the
gift and of tSe spirit in which it was
-The affair waa a moat ha«»y one
and wlU long be recalled with pU-asure by those preaent."
rMsk That Seseeteea U Tao bhioh•arbtfia New Labor SevmiiyTsm
ing between Manager Brown of
murk Ev^ Wedn
tbe Griggs company store and the
force of sales people of that place, the
latter trodPred him a banquet and re
The barbers of Traverse City art ception at the Log Cabin diotel and
getUng lazy. On Saturdays now they Meadowbrook Tuesday evening. About
don't start oaMI 7 oVdook ta the moni- Ibrty in all were present ant during
tag aad tM alt they birWto do is to the evynlng Mr. Brown waa preecnted
work as hard aa Uwpeia drag a i
with a beautiful aUver loring cup.
or pash a pair of artsaora untU mld- ftilly two feet In'height upon wkich
One- half off on droas, r^y to wrar
niglit aad It tbo shop happens to be
aulUbly inscribed:
aad street bats for two weeks; very
full ml cMBg time uatll I o'clock or
•Presrnted te J. Edgar Brown
choice bargaina. Mlsa C. P. McCool.
after, generally aOnr, beeaase there U
by tba Bmptoym of tha ». U. Griggs leadliM milliner, IIS B. Front.
a certain amount of atraightenlng up
doc tet
that alsrays has to be done. Now they
Tiffin. O.. IP^.'**
have a notion that these ham are
"The supper, which was a-very elab-i
kNig. ao they propoae to dut U
■ate afii^r.'was serred at the hotel
down Sb hoar and close at ll o'cl
kt 6 o'clock after which the party ad
Saturday nlgbt instead of U.
At preaent. the Travwso City'bar journed to the pavilion where the fol
program waa carried out, Harber works seventy-two boQW> ^
-y Klophenstlnc presiding as loostatartlng at 7 o«etackr aad figlaMh
• o'clock ca weak diMs. mabbicw!
"Quartet. Sweet Adeline. .Mlsaei
hours he is on duty with two hours fbr
In our twenty years of
ineala Added to this Is the Saturday nna Miller, UlHo Hergenrather.
stunt of sevento» hours with plenty lUbel Barnhart. Anna Kramer; piano grocery selling we have tried
of chances for overtime. Tbe ordinary mdo. Silas Van Nees: vocal eoAo. Wes
cheese,, but
i Kro»er;.whiBUing solo. Thomas many Htintts
lb: duet. Misses Kramer and Karve never found any equal to
hart; violin solo. Miss Herpan
them only work eight hours or fortysr; duet. 'On the QulM.-Mlsses
elght hoots a week while their wages
niw not grsaUy below those who shave Hergenrather and Kramer; eda po Mr.
rn and family. J. R- Mdkmald;
It has that rich, creamy
. A. R jlasson;, presenUtlon
in light of the fact that the majority
flavor which distinguishes it
sb. Mr. Chubb; reapooea. J. E
of stores doee before 11 o'clock oa
Ratuidar night and that no one would
' We can buy other kinds
be very amloualy Inconvenienced by
a apeech by Mr.
*tTb« praaaa
fbe change except right at holiday Chubb WM a
happy effort and at alower price. buTwe would
time when the stores remain
rather have the satisfaction
IiHm aa Iplibws
Uta. tbe moveamnl to ckwe an boor
fiTr. Brown; I have once more that goes with every sale of
early oa Saturdar aighu U entirely the bbaaroCafifircaeiag you in behalf
of my fellow clerks, U la wttb regret
that we bare met on this oocaaloo to
To Cura a Cold ta One €>ay
bid you farewell, and again to thank
When you order chees
ypn tor the many courteeles extended
Id us during our business assocUtlonq mist on “Botternut.”
with you. w;e have always felt it a
THE BELLE. PLACE inLUN-EaiT Ideasure to wark fbr y^ aad trust
that your aueceeaor may have equany
1 hamirod trimmed haU from |E aa pleasant aaaoeteUons during his
to $4 fbe^ PI each. A iarga llae ftom buy.
to IPP at one-hiOr ofL lids
" 'We loss In you a valuabla mid In
dec P-a lime of need, which we always cordial
ly received from you. We most aaONE ON lit Pad or W and one on 4th
than you
laus OB Page 1.
dec 4>ft
Mave had in Tllla.
. ^Cheeffe .
to tnia a cbild
good habito.
habit of aaring
goMt ooa. and
ia a
g—a at a MTUga
maeemu intoreata a
child aa much aa a
mm imj. Supnaiag,
too.hov {aataoiqa o(
tht« HnaU acooaato
db grew. Opui ow
tod».ao mattor wfaat
^tate Hank Bun ting
We have aa o>-errtook of theso goods and we liavo got »
make roao^ for a oarioad of goods which wo have coming.
find a big cat on the other goodi aa wcB, for
rwe mnat have the room.
Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down, One Dollar a Week
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Fnmltnre Co.
yil S. South Union Street
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
"THE BIG STORE" Dealers in Evnythiiig .
More Good Things
fd)F Christmas i
IcatlKr, Ebony and Celluloid Novelties
and^^Sn’^Ebony aBd
Crepe I’aper Novehies in Clipping Envelopes. Laundry Lists. Broom Holders.
• Blotter Pads. 25. 50c. $1.00.
Dennison “Christmas Seals’
M IglU GfDoet
The novelties that sold like wild fire last year, over Twenty■ Minions
hWlions bcit
being mU.
Three entirely new ideas in Seals-100 in a box for 10c. Holly Gummed Suckera
for labelling packages. 12 in package, for 10c. HoHy Tags to attach $o packages, 10
in package, for 10c. Small Holly Tags, 20 in package, for 10c.
Tfoat andCmt*
Just the-things you want for your rnany friends. Every day
some new line Is uiipacked. The earlier you make
your selection the better you will
and then have it all off your mind.
Something of Intereot to the
For the next thir^r days wo will dwnwirtioto, at mmHorm,
thainetiioda ot im^
Fiist^latiMal Bank
(JuaranU-od eviry putit-ntj at this
office. IfB tbie Careful j Treat
ment which removes all taure of
dn-aiTtliet rminy Umid peo^Wlinre
whoeeTwth neetl CKvanib^r, Fillin(f. Crown or Bridge WoA.
If your twth are 'in laid comlition Uxlay. ar«pt our 1 Careful
And all higher gnubw will be aold aoooidinglr.
Start Young
!ii w i:i
<Mt aa honr. •
prtoca daw tbe aOdajPB. Oone in and by ityo
X & Palgfi ^BGltidOo.
T. V'tf
Christmas Dinner Favors
Can be used at any luncheon or evening gathering, Japanese P«P« Napkinswith the ring, and an exploding Paper Cap nmrelty. 50c a dozen sets. Create, any
amount of fun.
Dressing Table Mirrors
An entirely new line of beautiful Dressing Table Mirrors in^warrMU
plated frames, in most artistic shapes, priced at $1.00,1.25, IhO, 1.75, 2.2j, 2.1
3.50, 3.75.
Hand Painted China
ter ^t«Tll!oorLwSd?.Oa“^h^
Tbe C ■.eoctoty ef the Pnehyte*
TOOK THirrv niNum
-aoaia tnmMd witii aOrer.
Short tooili OoMbaior Men,
/ii f
pmf C«llt •• #f
ilMl aiMl MMi
TMMUfM. Mra. C. Kelly.
IW ummrm reportoi ft on hand
sM tit to the mtortoMry tond.
Tbe Toeng Ledtoa* eockty met wttb
mm m m osiriit mm rnm
to tba jaar to bring tbMr wrok betere
tbe paopla aad tbay bare jast oam
be proad af tbe paM yaaUa work.
r«e treawW a
esivad. atoo
Mao a
a Ust
Ust .of
Idtegs. tbe ofAclal orgna of tbe orgsntoattoa.
eral new members
three Ufc
W ltb the mtoslonarr sstm of tbs
moratog the day was a
to floatb Maaltoo Istoad to Octo^
bar aad livsd to a toat for some time
Mtoe McKay.
TMitr mlntUm
tiM IMS tvo rnmmw^ mm,t
Tbe society bee ratoed |dS tba part
Mtac tow with \k9 cHf commM m
111 to tbe treewy.
SMC aigbt CMy tnnmtm 1\ thm b«»>
CbarttoMe wom waa ptaaaed tor tbe
Emm mm mornm to ttou cJ««.
AC tiM MMCtaE torn crcBtoc M «rd|. anater and pot Sank anppM vlU he
MM «M pMMd Axtof Um torn ttoit held each Meath. Tba next amt
wm be with Mtoa Soeeb next Mo
PM tediMMd E7
me oUmt
>cESelM for poMto bts«. rwdDTTtog
jPiMwri toott M7 pout til Umt ekr
M tha nnralid fUttSoM or dodu biuI
froa tbe nUhoM ototloof or dock to
to tboair. thr mto oto
Mr. aad Mie. M. A. Umler Were Host
U CMU, tho osTtooi botog toctod
end Heeieae ef Papator Sectol Oc
ofCOior ctooM. Fbr conylng poople
Irofo Uie osytotn th« charge la SO ocoU
for OM phrooo. II for two, Ihw or
tbe Owls met nt the
fdor poopto aod SS ooota each for pa»ant Mr*. M. A.Umlorand
■Mforg oror four to oomber. The home of Mii nnd
tbeerentogwaa ph
y spent up to
foaorol rat* «m Esod at fSAO and
vhao hlnid br the hoar by aoc ow 10 o cloek playing
foor pMooa. IS for Uie flrot boor aad when light Ircfrenbmenu were aereed.
Mike Dooly won tbe Arrt prise nod
II fOroac^addttiooa] boor
Mr. Umlor]tbe conMtoUon. Serenal
The rate for canrlng baggage
flne rocal mtCtUrnM were rendered by
ixed at SI eeotj for tmnka leaa tbaa George Ho^jutb and W. B. Banker,
SOI pooBda to veigbt aad 10 oenU for with Mr*. Itormuth at the piano. Tbe
oaeb 100 addltloaal. aatebeli. etc,. party broke up at a late hour, all
wm bo oarrtod froo. The rata card agreeing they had been highly enter
ahall bo ptoeod oo the taalde of each talned. They will meet again in two
/caniago. Bttvooo the boora of 12 week* at Ue borne of Mr. and Mr*.
nldBlEbi aad S o'clock In the mom. Inrlng Ooold SIS West Twelflh atreet
W oao half more mar bo togaUy
ebargM. Vlototiaoa of tba ordia
are poaUbabio by OSS fiae or thirty
daya 1a jail.
(Contlnjtod from First Page.)
The ordlnaace was adopted oo Mr
red no orders regarding It as yet
GIlMl'a motion.
and all he knew of It was what he bad
Na Ambolanoa Ma
The etohe reported that be bad ad> read In the papers. -It would be a
rertlaad tor Wda for caring for tba fUte matter anyway.” be said.
Tbe Tusonrora baa been busy dur
amboUace but none bad come la. On
tog tbe fall months looking out for
Mr. onirtt s motion two wceka
TosseU" In lilatreas and tbU work has
' a INNE. hard battto'srttk coa
im. Altrod WsM. S4 yuan of bga.
ibad this moratag at kto borne
mrtaeatb street.
oa Kbst; TMrtasaui
■ary tor him to rotara to bis
L Stoca tbst tlma bis dssth bss
friends, worked for yesrs at B. J, MorON Hit RACK.
gaals Ihrery bare and in that time
made many friends who will miss his
cheery dlapoelUon |mAly.
Get Hla Veathsr and Then Went tack
A wife and one child are left to
Hema-^eek'Twm Days for the
mosre bis loM ijcstdes the many
Trip This Time,
Tbe funend of uU Clan
waa held from Bt, fftmacU t
morning. The oerrtoe wa
by a Urge number m friend* and their
oEerlngs of many flpwers showed the
love held Id many hearts for the de
ceased. Interment took pUoe to the
Catholic cemetery.
Winnie K. Hills ha* brought suit for
divorce against Asaph R. HUIs on tbe
ground* of cruelty.
Tbe will of tbe later William B. Wil
son waa admlUed to probate today.
A bearing of clalnu against the Wil
liam Huebel route pas held by Judge
Walker today.
CUlms against tile C. K. Buck estate were
tbdsy In Probate
Today to pensloo day and bright
and earty this morning Uncle Dan
Whipple showed np for hto voucher.
He explained to County Oerk Walter
that he had walked In yesterday after
noon as on account of the walking
being so bad he dldnt want to do It
all ip one 'day.
A lady offered me a fide." he said
• but seen* *s bow the wind was In the
north an' would blow on my back all
tbe wsy. I told her I guessed I'd walk.”
After getting his voucher he made
ready to go and in answer to Mr. Wal
ter s invltstlotj to wait a while, said
’•Oh. no. I guess I'd belter be glttln'
along so’s I ken git home in time fei
dinner Vn help an»und with the
chores,*’ snd he buttoned hto
P«H>a*»»ory to I
mile walk.
Traverse Bay
y siwlng
GrtNx-r to tlm-at«n(«cl with sn odd
meet with Ijrs. C.
atrike. At a pubib- nieetliiff tbe phyday afternoon. Dec.
Dec. d.
slcton* and Uruorist* of AI ben* di^
The Prlnuiry Sunday School Union elsred that tlieir professkins wotihi
will meet at the library Saturday after- soon be reducMl to *tarvath»n. Many
noon at 2:30 instead of W’edneaday
afternoon and this will continue unUl
farther notice as ii Is beUeved^a
larger attendance can be secured.
’The Woman’s Missionary society of
the Baptist church will meet with Mr*, j llrhineut of ellnlea nnd iH*rnilt» their.
C. 4lsrnKt tomorrow afternoon at «o fnrreaae their fee* from two draeb2:20. Mr*,
neciion of offleers’ at Companion of
Foresters tomorrow, j Lodge called at
2:30 sharp- Pot luck liupper afterward
Tbe annual meeting of the Orknd
Traverse Medical society*will be held THE BELLE PL.tCK MILUNERY
this evening.
One hundred trimmetl hats from |2
The W. F. M. S.
the Flrsl M. E
church will meet W^th Mrs. Joseph to $4 for $1 each. A large line from
Dutton. 54fi Webster street, W<-dnea 15 to $20 at one-half off. Tlllt week
dec 3-2t
day afternoon at 2:.-lfl. Answer to roll only.
<sll. -MlscelUneoua quqUllons. * "
The regular meeting of. the Rath- FUME? At Milieus pharmary-gooj
dec 4-If
bone Sister* will be | held Wednesday place,
evening. There will he the election
of offleers |||d all members are
dec 4-tf
quested to be present prepared to i
dues to tbe first of ib^ coming year.
has ^
tacMt j
de$4-2t CtouaonPam 1. .
. . j;. -
I t’
tuetitem. Examine the labfL
ta ocw mw waa.
Biz mils ndloa of HabeidaMief*’ balL
bed Iti origin In
£400 to be given to tbe preecber ef tbe
most etoqnmd eenoon withtn tbe above
nmtt Of tbia earn £1S0 now gero to
tbe cboaeo cleric, while tbe remaining
£2h0 la divided among poor cirnymeo
Evroy yror on Oct. 1C la preached at of tbe roat end.
Fetbapa. however, tbe most original
8L Calberloe Cree ebnreh to Leadenstreet tbe -lion •ermoo,*’ It comKiratro tbe escape, over two cen- pnlplt letbe‘‘
TW Lerky LomIm ClrrwTS
tnrtw tact of a then lorJ me.Tor, Wr j
lowed lUu to poniue hi. wiy tmmoIcied. lo gntltiHlr tor kl> niltanilooe
• tta worth)- citiu-n k-rt <JlrwIn hie will that . commcnior.Ur.
Krtnon-taonM be iwcrbed .nmielljr.
together with aullkieul money to carry
this bequest Into tff«vt.
Every Jan. 30 for 223 years has tbe
AMbetoD aermou” 1m*cu dcltvenHi lo
the t>sriab church of lAownbam. IjinUver two cimturies aluce Sir
Richard Aaabetou of Dowuham Uall
legacy of £4 a year.
lo be distributed amouz the inoot and
to iM* paid to a cietgyluual exfHHiltiou. ou tbe
date of the trototors death, of Job
xlx. 23. 2G. and Coloeaiaus ill. 3. 4.
Jbe ”Bi.l:al senuou.” which Is deliv
ered every Raster b»*forv the lortl may
or and con>roatloD of X.«oodoti at Uhrist
cbuiyh. Newgate slnvt. origlnateil lo
an old custom by wbicb tbe blsbup ol
ted some Icarued rlrrie
to deliver a sermou at St. Paul'*
Croaa oo Good Friday a* a |.rt lmle to
three sermons on *Tbe Rcsnm-ctlon"
The eni}icror's great bell in tbe Ca to be given at the pulpit crow In tbs
thedral of Cologne waa consecrated
ml on tbe folloirlup Jlonday. Tiieswith great pomp. Twenty-twe cannon
and Wedn«Klay by a blsbofi. a
token from tbe French were amlgned dean aud a doctor of divinity respec
by tbe Emperor Winiam for Ito mano- tively.
The following Hund.ny at 8t. raul’s
Dd more than
hVOOO was paid for tbe easUng.
It bears an InactipUon recvirdtog
that -WUIlam. the moat muguat em
peror of the Germans and king of tbe Toeeday been gsrlied in Sfwrlet at
Prosaians. mindful of tbe heavenly tended, ae ou Good Friday and Ratter
help granted to him whereby be con
lesday. rt»bed in violet gowns.
ducted tbe Inte French war to a pros Ere tbelr mlgreilon to Horsham tbe
perous iMue and restortM the German boys of tbe Blueroat school were al
empire, caused cannon token from tbe ways present at the ’spltal sermon.**
-nowro aerroomi’ are atill to be
French to be devoted to founding a
nrd In more than one church. On
l.ell to be hung to tbe woodertel caWhitson Toeeday at 8t. James' church.
Mitre court Aldgale. one of throe la
>n of the rburch. U oo tbe aide, preached, while at 8t. I^smartra
beneath which Is a quatrain to tbe church, Shoreditch, a botanical dise ta, to acconlance with tbe will
*t.vle of tbe mediaeval conceits, pray
boinas Fairchild, who died In
ing that as devout hearts rise heavenward at lienriug the sound of tbe bell 1720. annually dehrered. At Rtepoey
so m.TV tbe d(»orkeeper of heaven open church tbe ••bortknUtural sermon” ceU*
ind the long jNist dnys when towide tbe pates of the celestial mansion.
On the opposite side Is Inseribed a sex etrod of being surrounded by tbouOf bouses jhe rhurrh overtopped
tet In German.
Milk ^napaeiar'a Napprt.
Mant and Milk Inapector Dockemy greater part
rrportad that be bad asamtaad twenty- there hare been several severe storms
the ship has not found any craft In
need of asalsianee and Captain Whlk
er stated that the loss to ablpping was
uch less than that of last year.
one alaughter houae. The dalrlea were
**Our chief work is the enforeenieat
found la good condllloB eirept
wbicb were oaly fair. The cowa were of the navigation law* and helping
boau In dl*tre**,’* be said and went on
state that tbe former work was
Tbe nmat markaU warn dlann egoept
one or two nnd aoma of the amaller greatly light^ed by the willingness of
tu abide by
onea were modela of neatneaa. Alt
are ready aad willing to comply with the law and that very little trouble
as encountered to It.
the onllnance. Tbe report waa reAfter
leave for
r«*lred and fllod on Alderman Moon a
Harbor Spring*, where she has made
A petUloo from €ook A Young aak- headquarters rt<cently and will go to
Ing permUaUm to more their ware- Milwaukee In a few days to lay up for
The season generally
bouae aad hay houae from tbe preaenl the winter.
location on the Pere Marquette and close* I>cc. 1 but this year It will be
Front atreet to Front and Maple lengthened somewhat
The Tuscatrom la a model of neat
atreeia waa referred to the Jlre com
mittee on Mr. Glllptt‘8 motion. tbU re neaa and ahip beauty, apeaklng well
Nollro (o tbeYTaxpaycr* of the City of
QUlring conalderable partlamentary for Uncle Sam’a metboda used to his
Traverse city:
She baa a speed of eighteen
practice aa the petition had been
The tax roils for the collection of
granted on Mr. Goodrich*a nHitUm hut knots but only twice a year, when abe
IC stole and cotinty taxes for the
Is Inspected, does abe make this. In
waa rryxmaldered and then referred.
■r 1006 and for the delinquent
Paul \n^ck waa glreo penniaaloo to point of coal consumption, ten and ■ulfering wUh lyphol^ fever.
school and city taxes and special asmore a amall bam from Cedar aad one-fourth mile* an hour have been • The annual election of offleers will
nenta for said year have be^
Sixth -atreeU to State and Roae found to be the most economical and lake place at the | meeting of tke
placed to my banda for collection. .
thl* Is her rmlar croltlng speed.
Eagles this evening. Every member
will be in my office to receive said
Thirty tons of coal were supplied
should make It a point to be present. taxes from now until Feb. 1. 1007. on
The report of i
the boat by] tbe Columbia Transfer
The ladles of the Presbyterian each week day from « o’clock to 11:30
A F««y Teasat
rlalma and account* waa allowed on
At one time there lived In W<
church have planned to sene an oys
Mr. 011teU> motion. Tbe commUtee
o'clock to the forenoon and from
Mass., an old n-*gro who bad a tre
ter supper at tbe church partur*
bad cut out a bill of II for Mvery for
o’clock to 4 o'clock In the afternoon.
mendous Influem-e, rHigious and polirtWednrodsy from S to f.
the police department and abo a bill
On all state and county taxes paid
be ll%ed.
The Companion Sewing society will before January 10. tbe regular fee of
of I4AS tor repair* tor the chief of yxy Tremoot ■trebt was hit on tbe
llcw'g baraena.
meet with Mr*. Charlro Everett Thursby a brick wilcb fell
per rom for coltecUon.^ will bo
day afternoon. Busses will Irove Mr*. charged and on all taxes paid on or ly evaded the payment of rent for
ThecoinmlUeeon atreeta and walk*
McLaughlin's and Mrs. Frank Sbuter’s after January 10. there will
iticommended tha^ tbe 0. R. A I. aide
many years. No trouble came, bowat I o'clock.
ever, until the banker was nominated
track In the alley In the rear of Kaat
charged a fee of four per cent for coiThe Woman's Home and Foreign lecUon. Penblty on delinquent city to ran ter s political oAce. Tbe next
be Inveatlgmted by tbe
negro ceme hobbling Into
Misslonarj society of the Coogregs- nd school taxes and special assesscity engtoner and tbe compairy be
f. He caltod antfYacalred
tlonal church will meet with Mrs.
made to eompto with It* frantblae.
rw $100 bllla.
aenta. 4 cento on each dollar of the
-Well. Sam.** said tbe banker. **1 sup^
Adopted on AlddroMto Mnrcble's mo
much did you getr be asked. Frank Hamilton oo Washington atreef mount of said tax.
proe Ttm're come In to pay me some
tomorrow afternoon si 3 o’clock. Of
Office to room 202 State
The oommlttee oo atreeu aad walk*
**011. no. beea.** replied tbe old
elected ^t this
••I s Jost come to to eoy Ft glad yo* Is
recommeoded that tbe^Pere MarDated. Dec. 4. 190€.
nomiroted and wiU tell de iro* of droo
There will be
Qnette'a claim of IS07UH tor exceu
DO ‘rount nigfen to vote fo* yd* ai
baassr at the
frontage chargea for tbe South Union
mention to yo’ at de eame time dat de
Friday evening. Dec.
atreet paring be allowed. Adopted on
roaf of my bouro la a-lrokln’. en» If
cordially Invited. Omveyances fur
Alderman Palmer * motkm.
•tain t fixed HI have to move out di
(U ■!> adonblc laturtnished for those coming from the city
The roromittee on *treeU and walk* bit iwwtE. (On. dv bU moUMr.
rect ly.**~TJpptorotra
.( their
th»lr «U0B
.cUon Uk«
ukn pontab
pmiWi Wa.
bla. dfpdrcd Wa
bla w bl. Mt free of charge. ’They will meet at
at tbt top o( W« Wall's drug store at 7 p. m.
to regard to tbe M. * K. E. W4»ti»rk «t diia»r. Rr
From tbe
L Df mental etbThe Ladles* Anxlitoir of Grace
aeroro Hall street
K be
bo Anal.
teaL Adopted
Botogy New England la at
ebureb will meet sri^ Mrs. Munson
" on AMerman Qlllett’s motion.
frem the irot of tbe United Btatoe aa
Wednesday aftsreood at 2:20. Bos
Tbo oommUtee on claims and ac- jutobaaoad?
Brittany or Proreoce from tbe rest of
Will toave Mrs. WUktoson *. 202 Stale
connto raeommended that tbs city
France. Piedmont teem tbe rent qf It
-Nftstreet at 2 o’clock slmrp and wQl stop
clerk Agnre tbs fabatro-dus tbs Aouth
aly. Bavaria frron the rset of \3erat Mia. Tblrtby's on jsixth strest and
Union strsst paopls on tbs engtosar*s)p»
many. Tlioee features tbe exiateore of
ra Harrtngton’a on Klntb sUrot.
paving rotlasate. that tbe people pay
wbicb can be edentifleaUy proved and
The St. Eltoabeth |guiid win meet
otrot of which can be raadlly
their asssasmenU that tbe irrosurer
meaeured are a high birth inte of gen
tonight wMh Miss Spencm* at Mrs.
prepare a statement of the amount of
! .aALC.
ing a pnarion fro reaASng. a high dieach rebate and that they be andhed
One- haU oir oo dresa. ready .to wear Bailey's house. 42$ W ebster street.
vocro rate, a low natality. « WfR #Mtb
by tbe oouncU. Adopted by Alderman and strest bats ter two weeks; very
rate from Alaenaaa of tbe nervoos apeTOO LATE TO CLASSIFV.
Wlnnls’s moUoiL
choles bargniM. Mtoa C. P. McOool.
On Aktonnan Winnie** motion tbs toadtog rnimm. 11$ EL rrent
WANTED-Dtaitag rt)om girl at the
cisrk win Inatraot tbs Psre Mafqwstts
dec 4-tf
dsc:^ the cleaB to wrrtting a coaspoeitioii on
to repair the cross walk at tbs sating
The Rronlt of Laxtafea.
touA aachhet powd
■ bernyenrodaj. Today flgaU^-Yoong Clemeim. at the ead of half rOR^LK~A oombtaatioa waoTS?
lets. Temonow it will compere
hot blast coal atore la tret claae
r'a Pbaromey.
an boor, handed In ae his eoamorttfOB
and from them drolve laws.eoDdlUoa; jrarth |2te.$l#.cash ttkro
a t>Mnk *Ute."-Excbanff».
totsreattiif to nttls Mka. on ^
H. Oaa Oebora. $44 State St. CtL
- Sir. and Mra. Gao. Uablar aad IMMly
of Lake Aim spent Saturday aad
day with A. K Haellmaaisl
Mrs. WlIRam BartleU of Nortbport
to vtolUng to this city.
John Hainfceber and wife of Reed
aty returned today after visniag at
Mrs. John Qraxler of Krowtcji Was
to the etty today.
Mrs. T. Vouaar ratorasd fM fro
wick this morning.
Mrs. H. A. Nsargarth rrtufndd Ic
her home la Used Oty this motptog
after rtoittog nt KaswIrtL
Mr*. H, K Ryan of Nortbport wnb to
the city today.
D. A. Funrt and wife left fro Sooth
Manitou island this morning-;
L B, Huff went to Osborne
J. W. Jacitoon and wife spimt the
day at Frankfort.
Arnold Wahl want to LakS Aa^
buatoros this morning.
Mr*. A. StruWe went to Cedar Run
for a few days this morning.
Mrs. C Milbort of OladatODe waa to
tbe city today.
Mtoa Agnes Taylor returned
vlalilng friends at Nortbport.
Mrs. M. 8. Becker of Blm
shopped to tbe city today.
Mrs. M. MOls of Bingham spen
day to the city.
Mrs. R. Stefflns of Suttonb Bay
I^saed through tbe city today on her
wsy to Buffalo where »he will visit
her parenu.
J. Steinberg haa Just reiurnod from
Petoskey.* where be has been visiting
hlB daughter and Incldentolly helping
to consume a twenty-three pound
key, Mrs. Steinberg remaining for a
few days’ longer visit. After Monday.
Mr. Steinberg’s addrroa will to
Watson street. Detroit. Mich.
A wlidh^me craam of tartar
baking powder. Makes die fmert,
BgfateiC beet flawned bi>Guit,hotbreads, cake and paetay.
It.' detk tae teeo eorereg wifli
artleiM. of tba natv* at wbleti
V. ha, taea kept In Igaortnce. all of
.rtdrh ar. aentlnucd In tta BIMa On
u,... be le
„ peqnlrvd to deflrer an ex
tempore eermon. fitting them all with
apt text and Biblical llloatretiou.—
London Staudaid.
Tho temoua IJberty bell. wMch has
ben moeb exhibited and wrtttib about
was oriftnally cast In Iroidoii. fro tbe
English government restricted tbe in
dustries In tbe American colqplro to
such an extent that there waa no place
on tbIa aide of tbe AtlanUc where aocb
s bell could Iw made. The beil’a weight
waa 2.000 pounds. It arrived In FbHadelphla to 1732. When hong up and lirtog
tried for eoond, *1t wa* cracked by a
stroke of the cUpper without any other
violence.** It was recast to Pbiladelphis snd this prophetic motto toscribed:
••ITro-Ialm lll»erty throughout tbe land
and to all tbe InhabltauU thereof.”
When the British tlirreteoed tbe dty
this bell, together with those belouflng
to CTirist church and 81. Fcter'a, eleven
In all. were token to Allentown. Pa,
to prevent their falling Into tbe hands
of tbe enemies. When the war coded
tbe beU was bung again to tbe plaen
whence It bad rung out tbe DewB of tbf
Declantleo of Independence.
*'I get 110 marks salary; then I don’t
pay my rent, 40 marks; that’s 130 ,
marks; 1 owe tbe milkman 30 marks.
Ibat's 100 marks; my butcher 40
marks. 220 marks, and every month I
raise 30 marks out of -my friends,
making an income of 230 marks a
month.’”—Fllegende Blatter.
ADdarsnow ]pU^iDKontale •
Urge itiToicr of
Johteer fine
In HoUday Dress
rlage prroebed to aci'ordaoce with tbe
•qocro of a lord of tbe man
manor, who
They arc tbo finest to quality a^
171& left e nqm of mooey for this
The prroeber him- etyh of package that can bo hid and
eelf receives £L tbe parish dertt 5 abU-1
<j,|,rty half£8 IQa. la divided
n. I ooDoe bottle la pretty Christmas boxes
tbe congregatSon, who last yaar
at 2S c»nf* ti> the more elegant cut
bored eeventy-ooe.
la add polished bottles which are guaren- '
Tbe bandeome fee of Ifi guto
paid to tbe preedwr of tbe ”accroekm teed by thHr name. Ughtner pereermon” wbicb rocb yror on tbe eniii- [f„„^,y.
of more than a
quarter of e century, manufacturittg
$eeak» may be baard to Durham catbO'
only tbe finest American perfnmea.
draL One unaaual and. aa some ml^
Kindly favor n* by an early Inspec
tacbteg 'to tbia dtocourse is that tta tlon. We desire that you ahall see
L not exceed fifteen mto- these good* while the variety la com
plete and any eeiection you may wish
to make will be laid away for you.
Vrmebm ct the-golden yennoo.- which oct 4-21,
E. E. Miller. '
Deer Banly CUwa.
1 waa over to Mr. McComick*a
Store today and 1 seen lota of
tbtoga yu have there for ehltdren.
ao 1 tbot 1 wood rile aad tell yu
what 1 want I want a_^ that
[ abuu lU toe and got a
Jt ,
McCormick, lit
W!:r" ■ ‘SW: V /
Hm md Mks it Hum
*»MM«rc*«MiM«f «.ei^ ’SUTTr-T...........pxjmm
Take «U kiads
tr: :9U0kmmm4-
tpoK af tka vmya aiM MM cora*
■:^p ' ' Dotiatb>rttt tbMX I J«w
; J ihoe at abaot half the jprioe
’ 1
A; : I
*»y **“»« »*“>
BOBEST Hmclf. Sptldw
H«ivy Trtir«Uer»—Klad %\r. OBttld
ran trfi vw 4tie di»l«orc froia t»crt to
«. e. MOFFATT-Ab.tr.eU ct tttj..
Bwwii to t#«
tlocon IlkUi^ te laOJO
0«. lAlU. & TTLeK^SWiMU IM
Ppnoor--:so. law t<«.
• fM HMMMl laawar OH
m4 riTTiNaor.
Ht WUtelB bkicl
Sy rS iSSSr......
-By the shade oC Napolrao!
rhnt does rnmooM^ OHsanr
•T^de Bwwy» To the woudi
yonrs! Are yon oo7 R*hy. tbeyll
4miM yoo s leimon. They-**
Rut the* tided fordiner had find.—
Cbleago DsUy Nf*wa.
d. B. MAJITtN—Pkjoieten and Bar
gaoB. Oftca tm Bait Proot lUool
Mckt gatoola mad tnmkA OOetj
at aty Book Star*.
i0<«. a. Jarvii
JiRS. R. t. RONNRRW half droaatms
parton. over City Book Stora^ Boon
t tha MIM MM
damilaru Sala
W asiM thra aSIO 4c dcMi
...f _SjM
301 fr«nt S«rtti
REAL estate AHO LOANS-Grand
rraTOTBc LamA and Loam Oo, F.
TbttFtall, Maaager. OfSot. rooa t
Haodhom 4 Milllken block.
SARA T. CHASE, «L It-Ofik)# Wttk
Pr. O. fi Ckaat. Suto BMk block.
Both pboMO. msr. RofidOBOOtfi
W.BlEbtbBt ata.phoooTll.
DR. F. HOLDSWORTH—Speolal ab
taatlcm to dlseaaei of the oye. oar.
nose and throat GlaaMS fUtwd.
Over Jakmaoo drug alorob Both
Office 605 New WUheUa Block
3itiMiu’ phone 681
aorst’s bandiic Academy.
Praf. P. H. Oioee. Imtniotor
■SOS From Street
ChiWren’. cIam Setordey. 1012 B. m.- Adulte’ cIam Monday,
i;:iO-<.»p. m. Awembly, Monday
light Tolepboiie Citixon. 1134.
DR. f. R. MINOR-OrSca error A»oH
can Drag Blore. Spedal atUmtlot
to eye. tor, note, and throat Glaaaoi
.fitted. Doth phooea. Realdoooe 111
6Utb atreoL
of P., mset every Tkuruday •ran
log. New Munaon block. C. B, Wal
ler. C C.
National Protective Legion
meet In Woodman hall on the third
Tuesday of each month nt 7:30 p. m
Abram Ectth, prealdeni; Gayle
Grlawold. sscrelary; Nettie C. Gray
Oct 2S4I
4 A. M.. meets on Monday evening
on or before the full of tke i
nt 7:SSkp. m. M. B. Haskell, ssora
Ury. Elmer E. While. W. M.
No. 7-TJO a m -Por W
MOON—Pbooaa. office
aiB.. 107: BeU n. Realdeooa. 71C
WaahtBgtob st^L CUa. pbomo 111.
Dr.W. J. Higgins
T. W. TMIRU.T, nenilM. Orw BMBun * Barr, lewrtrr .tor.. Both
Porcelain Work
pbODM 10*.
ARTHUR HOtUOAY, M. a-Pbj«cUa and Burgeon. ReBOved
fioet tn Munson block over Barnmai
4 Birra ClUtoni phono III.
HARRY R. HARNER-Eipcit plapo
tuner nnd acllon leguUtor. Batlo
ImcUon guaranteed. With KlmbaU
NaakUonM. CiU^Vhoae ili.
SMM. Kivla.a«t.
, D'. p. CIArVEII A UrO.
Tin Insurana
For Sale or Exdiange.
icliue. with povOT to uc
uekool baUdfac be lafi w4tk tke
Ladita* Aid fiactoty of the Methodlat
Charah WUl Open One In the
14S* thay wll laak for hida.
Montagna and anpportad
After sU montlu of planning pre
M.M by Hoyt ttet tka day aRar *rhmmkaglv paratory work, iba Ladies' Aid society
ing. ackooM m this dty ba V'
of tbeJ^Vst Methodtol ckurck will
^ m eonatdaraUan of ti^s axU
open s Ckrtouaaa baser to Ue CamptiS tka aa^ Sa kapt opag on
tom's birthday.
ImUdlng on Union stjwrt Friday
noon and aell tkelr waraa for tka rest
by Mmdm mad anpportad by
, 1. Ikal wkan tkte board ad of tka weak.
The fcooda will be sold from booths
journs. n adjonra to maet tka third
Tucadsy in
of wklQk tkero wm be eight, and
everytklng from ^broidery, drawn
be sold. Tke groater part of the goods
Moved by Meads and supported by have been made by the todies and
ime very artUlic work Is the result.
Hoyt that the hoard adjourn.
CarriedThe room Is being beauilfuUy decorlA*
T. H. CILUS, aerk.
ated In Christmas greens and music
Will be furalskod aneb day. Suppers
will be serred, beginning nt & p*clock.
14A6 Orrins WH4 Dsakroy AM- 0
Whlakay ar Bear.
A Mkfhlgan druggist. M. O. Odeman Derire Pevwillte Terta
m* Wot mt
has made a thorough study of tbf
Aar D^lred J
various cures for the liquor kabit.
nwd In the scc<
mad giras this as a result of bis in
‘Before taking the S* by Harry W'. Weat of 5 IVnwell
:y of Orrinc, I went to n consid
erable trouble to learn about It mad StreeL Victoria. British Colombia. This
John Rde^kw to ao arranged as to give any debeoome confident that It
\V. I IssUngs 4 Son,
art to the trelh. and It ako comwood .Avenue,
i a vise Id wbbk tbo blades may
It by a reliable firm,'
Write for free book on the our
be mctirrly held wblh* tbo tsetb are
V *
r Oo.. Wash
kbollsm t
, D. C. Mailed saalei
The saw set consists primsrily of n
II per boat.
frame, wbleb may be secured to a
Trine U sold and
bench. A bqavy craeebar at the
Johnson Drug Co.
apper and of the frame aervee ae an
anvlL sgslnat which the teeth may be
aeL Far this porpoae the faiw of the
tmr to beretod. as best shown In the
wni Vmm%m
■•w Dertee
section view. Fig. 8. Ab*>ve the anvil
Columbia Trans. Co. Mgkt
Tbs Ulagrapbons Is.n now lastni are n pair of javra adapted to damp
aw blade. The Inner jaw Is idvmeat that la coming Into uas la tka
otadat opposite ends In the frame and
operaUon of railroads.
may. be adjosted to any desired angle
from the verUi-al by means of a aet
ecraw. Tbe other jaw to also adjusta
The iDstnimrat
record of all train dispatching onlers ble, being pivoted to tbe side membera
sent by the telegrapk ticker or over of tbe frame and similarly can be set
WItkop. *82 3-4 cords
#f 12..5. Central....
lbs telephone wire. Ika aaoad waves nt any desired nngle by means of an
I>m Bingh4m.
aei op by the tlckaract npan tka dla adjustment srrfw.
ft 11.00. Ell
Fig. 1 akowe by dotted lines tbe po^
pbragm of Ike transmlMar att
sUlon of the sew btode when tbe teeth
cdl-ds. toonvillc. (?r 11.00..
_______________ and am thaaoa .
veyod to a tkln steel wire, whem they era to be eterpened. It will be noted
that tliese teeth project slightly nbene
re stored.
the ctoiuplng jaws to convanlant
By the use of the
KNikl any misUke occur, the respon- tiofi to bf filed.
In ng 2 we show the i«*ltloti of tbe
Moved by Meads mad aupportad by ■Iblllty could at once be located by i
bUde when tbe teeth ore to be set.
ereoce to tke storage machine, an
Mootagae that the bUls be aU
tog oo just .whnt porUoii
and aiders drawn for tha various
of the srtre any p
*“°^2Jiptoota, HoyL Mcmtagnc and boM madoL TUe i
laadlag milroad Itoea to tba
Aa MOO as the record of the orders
Truant ofleer's report for the month has bessi alectriqaU/ made upon the
of November was presented and
wlra the tralb dispatcher places tbs neTraant ORlears Raport
atUcked to tke tekgrapkooe
For month of Nov^bar.
him ear and Immodlatoly bears tke <
of haBM
fissalMiaa they warn glvaa. Braor
of ansaa
taken bafore Jodga
1 mv te fwpoatod ae oftM ae may
koUces aarved-.....
S 4g4ra4>|t as afoQ aa tb«aa to na furtbar M»d to keep them tfiay may be
"•ss- 'r?
One &ngle Buggy, nesr.
boats, building
Try Hocking Valley Coa
and dock.
In your *oh co»l bcrnei Cotu^lM-Fouch, lot 44x100.
you will be delighted with th< 830fumsheil.
feet. Garp Lake frontage
resuUiu Burn! free hokb th<
heat and lasts longest. Phone at Pouch.
Sne retort property
us about it. We are the Best
ci^ipped of any body in the near Nbrthport. ■.
c ly to handle your orders.
Dee. 10. to ana of tba moat
apsrkling oosMdlae aver caoatrnelad.
It to pra^mlnadMy a toa^ piwdaear
and a play to plaase the pakUc: Fnll
of brtKkf UMA ^Ur
also a pretty love story and a Iratkful portrayal of life that adds a ckam
own. The datety ooaee. Mtos Ckariotte BuraatL to the
end partlmnaily snltad to pUy
tka ckangeakla. faMtoallng karotna.
8ka has tka areknaaa. tke
coquetry, the dancing ayea ^ OMia.
tka gnlck, Ugbi touch la bar work to
.inr aeants simply oapUvatlng to tbclr delickws enmady. Tba
pathetic portions are played witk sack
Uy and glritoh lovaUnsM^
that she endears herself to every In
dividual In the audlrac*. Too mock
cannot ba anld of tba supporting com
pany aa it conalsu of a carefully aalected cast of wall-known and raoQgnUad nrUsls. Tba-oosiumea are gtwgeous and neither money, nor egort
baa been spared to make the prodoclion one of the beat leaving New York.
The theater goers of Traversa CUy
will remember Mtos CbarloUe BureetL
who playcxl here last season to Twelfth
The Trable Clef chorus, made up of
score of Olivet girls, delighted a
fair audlrace at City opera bouse last
Ing with a varied musical pro
The chorus Is made up of an exorptloually good lot of voices and shows
h careful training and study nnd
every number was hearUly applauded.
Bertha Anna Cooper sang a soprano
solo. **Awake Fairest Maid.** la soeb a
pleasing manner that the was ealeosad
twice. Her rotoe to of remarkable
strength and very good qaalRy.
Grace Louise Beoit. tbe reader, gave
a brautlful eeleetkm MUttod. -Music,,with Btoao aocompaalmeaL which was
greatly enjoyed. Mildred Oossar aciad
aa aeoompanlat and director.
Tbto chorus has l»era in extotracc
for three years but this to tkelr first
time oo tke road. They sang at Mus
kegon flsturday 4lgbt and ml two Sun
day eerrices t^nd weal to Petoskey
where they wlh at^ tonight Tto-y
return to Olivet' Friday. The boya*
glee club Is toartog In the aoulbeni
part of the state.
Man/ fichelara Wera^NaHher Akeeat
Nor Tardy Owrinf Maatk.
Report of the.Stooy Beaok school
for the month begiontog Oct. *f and
ending Nov. U.
Number enrolled 42.
*ToUl days' altcodance 737M.
Avermgs dally auendance 36%.
Per neat of altendanoe *7.
Nellher absent nor tardy during the
Mth. Eva McManus. Emma MeManaa. Beatrice McMaaua. Arley McDoaakL Bosle Hawklaa. Margarsl
Wllaoa, Isabel Wltooa. Big BawmU.
Dsato RoeselL Marjorie MoacagM.
Dolly tonikh. Daisy Orabb. Ullian 7FUMcKMley WUsoa.
ovtr the wlra, wblcb acts aa a
«W0tSe4br ejeanser and mU« the storage wire
recelvad nnd ready, for MS again,
lbs ckleC MS of the new derico U
t Ikt.faapenalblllty for errar may
TraMnrer*s repert for the manlh
ba leemtod beyond dispwe. It to also
Novamber was praaentad and road.
tkonght that dm
• Truverae City. Mieh.. Nov. *7. IM
wiu be noted ihutbrldkda to damped,
with the teeth rfatto4«fiMltot tha fact
oftheanrll. A rod extanda
. can be ttnMCmad tkto,to.Aj
4 wkkk may hawwimf
» by connaedkg tka
for fti
MW taeth.
i the trails'
raertrarar 4
as to foroq tha alternata taeth of fbe tloa were Floyd Gray, eighth giaka:
It to said dmt tka rsesaE givss sock a saw agmtoit ,iba snriL ttfis batog pm
gaad sMTofiaedan af tka^UqmtcbeFs mttted awing to tlw. fact that ths
jratoe that after months bars eiapaad pnneb has free Isteml movenro
the rod on which tt to maonted.
After tke alterMte teeth bare aU
been aet tbe Made to mDOv^ and re
placed In tka Tiae. with tta oppoMto
fwu tndsrhatoaloagt!»egrtt!iigtoalev<»idtata taatk ara act by means
In a hotel be had at laat got
af tbe pomk. By means af the set
aeresrs tbe jnwa msqr be adjMted to
artaep whm a load n
One 6 h. p. Wolverine Gaso
line Stationary Engine.
h. p. Wolverine Gas
TOT. Prloetreaaonabla, OfficowlU
oline Marine Engine.
O. P.0anrtr4Bra. BoU phonoa. One lSx5 Unneh 8 h. p.
engine* i
One OldHDobile Runabout.
SSf ImaSuttVH.
Plued on me.
L. L. A. aUlLOtNQ
tor aals
Odo to dlaoaaaa of ok
4M Btalo Bank bldg.
—. serst^.........
OMtnBttf 4Mr nsrti s*Ml MUIatt
Bamiim & Earl
10K a 1. CHAiK. mooTod frooi 404
m WUlMte Uoek to U7 ood 4W
mew 8Ut« Bank koOdlag.
DoonB twfoix*
duo.*.•Tw«ty-tlir«? AE4 ^
Piil^ TUNtNCke-W. K. ICUterd, M
mrt oKporloM Now kMMiUd vlU
put la ■ortgagw. Hoe
Ingalra of B.
foUowIng bms. n
raoL Md tannaim
ba aOoMd ost €f (
Lcr-s Rocky Momataln Toa
purifias the
Tea. regulates the bowels, aids the kid
neys. enras atomach troubles, builds
op ike nervous force mad repairs the
They mot oaly imakr m mk* prooeot m elfecls of over eat|mg^ **'*^‘"
kitt arm a good lawsMia^L Kor tke lets.2Mcenta JokiMOo Drag
paM eUfat or Ira years dlamaiids hate
Ipera adraaclm* la price mod under ai:
proliablHty they wll! ooatlnue to do ao
ma Puhorml. library work.
ms the mhiM are pradadag leam eock
year amd roguire more labor to pro^ Nftico.te All I
door them.
We have a irood stock of fine dlalion of a trank sewer in
tnotids which wo would be pleased to
show you U you wUl call to see Utem. district No. g. keglonlBg at tks IntersecUon of Board man river with Wcltington street, running thence on Wel
lington streeL Front street amd Rail
Front St
road aveatke to Blgbtb strraL thence
on Eighth street
DKS. J. 0. ii lUIT J, nUEBLOm mow In my bands for collection, the C:o1umbla Trans. Co, trL and «
third inslallment to
ir. Bvdetta 4 Oo.. books
fora the lOtk day of 1
Ginn 4 Co., books .................
Ofiis BBMWlfisMilidy t a. » Be 41
tstw s. f ast
moad Pnk.
City Treasurer.
Office, Room t02 State Baak build
nov 21-171
i for
Christinas Presents
riM>: OIU. M»-t rlaaA
>R. W. E.
THl IM> of » AIBM
fit cn aQ fluecr. Z* <
«r/o*d me to
4ms tl^ word »)ildoo] aron. kiad
A. jitaMiAtU D««IH. Otm J*h»
M 4tm
bm> FtaM aM4
Of Travaraa Ctty
the Kpautkmof bdegopti*
nt aiM Bufc bdidiag. .
awoke him.
••Wlmra wmntedr
TaHagr dmrM&Un for ra*-”
-Wta tt (sa wiut un aMndac.
*^STb^ departed, tad after ■ km«
Ua* the aiaa nt aaoxd aidctp Mala.
HANNAH A uYsaaca
- 8. L WAIT A SONS. -
to give the aaw
teeth the dasirad set.
i\ oaOL
, WAirm-l»
ii •»» «>r
oog fco,. I, l«ni
WtOAUI-uni-Latw aigbt tM
baaaa. ewaar at CAM pad laik
kMa* aafl^tataS; oa
fr»r fnv nd
m M4 K.
roo OAiO—lan-flaa kaadiad aai
•Ittjr me fra CU aOcs fm city
WANTCO-Olrl tor gtmen^
vflvk. laws^l&stoa. Boi
hm£«^herir* **^***hme
ooet; cpite^^boraMr°fwo^M
term tooU. Itelf omh. betem
terms. Ae A Ka 1 frcit ssd dsln
fra. Price $8800. Wsdo Bm.
817 Cnioo stmel, CltA phm lilt.
vork u»4 cm of tevcUd Icdj. Mn.
Wm. tJcTklcoii. 418 W. NIaili 8t.
WANTCR^Mcfmr for brmaeli ofBcr. we wish to ten te here la Tr»?*
Monte WhoteMlc Koom. CpkcteBiUl. Ohio
loT 8401
WANTEO-To cxcbia
1 J!*8!
ftth etreet. sod i«e of the best os
the street. Prtce sshed Is spot ecsh
Priee $4JS0.
tesde Bros., til
Unkm street, CUi. phooe lilt.
FOE SALl—147]—18 seres two mflei
Bute Bsok botldtsi: flh««t locaUas
tor ssbsrbSB residsmw to this re
floo. Price $3,008. Wsde Bros., ill
Union street, atz; phone lilt.
OEtALl-1468-27 seres two snd
ooe-hslf nillee city market; 1.08C
I street. OU. phone
»e lilt.
FOE BALE-1467-81xty seres hall
mile west of Monroe Center. WUl
uke city property. eQosl value.
Prtoe I1.0UO. Wsde Bros.. 817 Un
km street. CIU, phone lilt.
rt *Mf
WOOD WAHTIO-Wortd IOm to bv
OnHO'or tMBtr oopia of Wwfcat
bouse. Urge lot,
close is.
price $1800. Wsde
Bros. t17 VM stiwet. atx. phone
tEE HAVE hard ware stocks at Qrswn.
Hotel and Bar Furniture stock and
WANTKD-Tow mIM ganBaaia to trade at Lake Anh. lance flooHug
; daaa aa< atka Ilka «a«. Utflar mill si CopenUh. one of the larsest
«otk a apaetaHr. Pailalaa Dja. and best botelR. idl fumi«bed. In
WOika. til K rroat Bt. Call M> Korthem------rnimoo feet of 1
au. pboaa aad wa trill 4o tba raat.
_ and plbc In IMtehUcao: U
bam fully equipped In Trsr
art tal
City. We have R. R. and saw n
also a few choice locations In
voald rot to ridht paitp..
Bbarmaa A Reatar.
ort XHi
HAvk a flna plaeo. good .at opw.
that I win aall at a baiptia. Call
at the PalatWk ISO B. FPont, aad M«
aaioa and gat full partietilanu J. O.
We hare gold and allrsr mines in
Odorado. in fact, we hare proper^
ty for sale slaBoat anywbere yon
want it: Bat ire hare toChlEg w«
can offer you that wlU equal the
Grand Trsrbme R8|tion for safe,
sure pmflisble inrestnient. eitbqr to
1 have a number of (food
tamu, an the way from 40 to
160 acres, for tale, br if you
have any good property. I will
t^e it in exchange and make
^u easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy It of any
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
for SALB-S here nome
elmir,. appl.., jn barrela for nle: FOE RENT-134 LsJte Am Inquire
Eighth Streep.
nev 2(Kf
anm..- Golden.. Ualdwlna. DrceeIng.. Telaphhokkl«L lewauhl*.
Talnian Swieu. Wagonera. B. J. FOR RENT-Ono nice furnished i
nor IS-tf
4rc Your Collections Stew
Hue yga accoaiis ttat
You Ha?c QycB W
r you tare, let me collect
them for yus.
. OM aoooontg VompUy attended.
o and I oan make money lor yon
A, Pohoral
Traverse Cny. Mich., SepL 10, 1888.
1 hsvo placed a number of accounU
nth A. Pohoral s agency for cmiec
on. many of them teng ouUau^ad;
lUaWad; U
sat tbe aame Mr. Pohoral
laUnquenta to Umo and
FOR BALE-14sr_<kSd new aerelhonar. Wh
rioae to
Dr. K. Lh Agbtoa,
8.^ cut.
n rOE BALE-1484-POurtwn . it»m
house. Etb St
dose to schexU.
fsrtorles and ptwlofncei central
part of 8th street.
Prtoe IlSOO.
Wade Brtw.. 817 Us on 8t.. CIU.
pbime 1118.
A{ Taste Of These is Sure
to Please
with junt the
F^E BALE-14M-On4^bundred hud
rtxty sere fsrm 12 mUes south of
enty acnes Unproved;
FOR SALl-1482-81xeoom b
Boyd avr-nue. close to Bose atiwet
price Itto. Wnde Bwa. 817 Union
street. Clti. phone 121!».
Cit. phone 774
a*sys have the i
esMutoa aad cteaam of
Finns for Sale
rOA BALE OR RENT—HoaeeoniCaae
airwt. near Tweltib etreot. •eight
TO EENT—Offlee
se roo^ WUbolm bik.
!«*•« and furnace; new. 81
One suite of threej toomt; several
A Hunter. .
nor 104f
single roonjA
FOR BALE-1478-niie new ten room
hoaae. comer lot, ooraer of Unios
, and 14lh streets.; nriU take $1,000
. In good value, free and otonr <d en
ae City prodoc
live. Cash price $2,000.
. $lMfnlon
. CUx. Phone
, '*'lSfaL°effEr“ft.*sS£
Sir F. Treves recently told s health as enlisted inen or officers. ‘-rhpyYe
society meeting to London |hat as re no account for soldiering.*' he would
gards the irestment of onr meat before bluster in his tremendous bass4i
we eat it we have made no advance on “They pant, they aheeze. they snort,
the habits of our ancestors the cave they choke, iney grunt, they groan,
they waddle, they slouch, through the
The king of Italy's hobby Is the col world. Not a particle of gtjod on earth
lection of coins. In his collection are fat soldiers—would not have one of
more than 50.(»0 apeclmens. Strangely *em around if 1 could help it.** Br
he is not musical, much to the er—you would not exactly—ei^-call
regret of his musical subjects, of ytmrself slight, would you. Colonel?*'
horn there are so many in that land a ventureiwjmc major once asked Rhaf
of sunshine and song.
tr-r ofti*r ore of theve ontbunds
Henry A. Burhtel. the recently elect-, •Slight? No?** thundered Shafter to
Ntw Cure for ^ilapay.
J U. X^'atormau. of Wateriow
ed govi'mor of Colorado, will not
re ply. * Tve In-eu a fst. bloody old nulRural frt‘e delivery, writes:
side In the executive mansion, but will mnee ever since the day I tipped the
Itlsughler. afflicted for j^ars
ttoiie to live to hU bungnlow in team at over 2«t> pounds, and right
. cured by Dr. King
University Park* In order to bo near then 1 ought to have been conrtmar- Ibis cotmiry the lawyer I
She ___
baa I
fartnr. Th* JmlUI.rj,. of j for ovof two rraru." 'licTrTMrt^dkii;!
the Univeraily of Denver, of which he tlaled and cashiered for outrageons I
will continue chancellor.
and mallcldiiB adlpo.slty.
sfr—for I OOIWP. U alioituluT i-onit«wi.1 of nwm- U»ww and llf<- alrlBB tonlr plili<,Ki <4rth.
I liers of the pri*fesi»i«iu. In ex«wtiyre
at Bugbee Drug Co.. Hannah Drug
Enrique Cone*, the m^w Colomblmn M^ndaloua corpulence ,o the prejudice offl^wand legislative halU the law L.ns «tore. fYaUk H. Mreda. drug ature*.
^minister to the United States, who has of military discipline.“
priHluminatetl and still preJ.MnimileM
-----------------------arrived to Washington, has spent most
For a good maqy years speaker Can- ort-r every bnsiuesH and ull otUT pro^’O DANCER of typhoid If you us#
of hlH lIfo to the financial world of non has bad ctitlrs galore, but the^ fesRlona. Yet tin public life of this pasturUt*d milk. Queen City Dairy
don. For a quarter of a cenlur>- he |K*rson on whose Judgement he over, <*>mHry has Imh'h of tlie hlg! e<t char- company, CIU. tel. 67fi.
nor l$-lf
een af thq hand o^me of the depended Impllrlllv was his late wife. ’
Afttns f.n* the i.ut.ll,- n* tl„*
-----------------------TWo-Daagwr* «r b«o.«.
lutqklng Mrs Cannon was kladiv but severe'hare done to thcw» vartoii..
>uses In thill dty.
to her criticism. Msny
The retiring lord mayor of l^indom si»eech to the house Uncle Joe. dlsre- proved true to tbeir employment, ao<l I er«-r g<i to.** PMnnrke.1 Mr John Mutr,
It may safely lx* luild that tbe ecan • the fun.ons mlogist and iwlunillst.
Sir Waller Vaughan Moody, doubtless gardlng all other opinion, went home
funnd He was o,l tin. train n4und„g fi.._.
is glad to lay down the civic and social to hear what she bad to say. Some.- m o*rtal life fjAxe seltloai ntUibed to I Arit/mn to bis home to Marilo4a. C4U..
cores of the office he held. Out of 337 tlnu s it was unstinted praise and con- them. Hpw ran this tx* ae,-.,untod for after the enrtto|ftoke. ”.Vs long as I
as lord mayor he dined nWay gratulatlon. but again there were times <teeept n^oo the tbe*.ry of a geueral fjuup <*at in tli^ mountains, wliliont
from home 237 times. These functions when Mrs. Cannon would begin “Well. Personal integrity? It U no siimHent l‘*m or fdankefs. l^^got akmg rery well:
in many cases were formarnnd of the Joe. that was very good, but not near- •Maitolton to say that, although the but tbq minute I ^-t Into a bouse and
osi dreary character.
ly as good a* you are capable of doing. ffeat mass of the profession to cor- ^»«ve A wane tosl and liegln to live tm
Jo«l Chandler Harris has a horror If you had given that one point a little rapt, there are a few who are reliable. ! flne f^sl. 1 g»i .into a draft und U»e
and they are the ones whom the public i>»t thing X know I am <*ouglitog and
of talking ttlK>ut himself. If an enter more atudy and Investigation you
oUlclul Ufe. Tlie Irulh to * »ni*erlbg and threatened w Ith pneth
prislag reporter undc^es to InleV ouM not have floundered aboat sa
i.rt.iul.« h.-e In publir UfcJ ™onla nnd altourtlier ttlemible. r»nt.
view the creator of -Uncle Remus” the In th«l tairi coll.«iiiy you hart.” or “Joe. tbeir fldeUt} to tbe tn»ii therein lai•* ••» natmal pl»<» f.a- a man.
latter wHl wheedle the young man out
dras|!<-<l mlwrubly In jrtKir ai>eech. poaed. la ••vldi-iio- n blrb tannot be le- j ‘ '<'«ll! wbi-ro you pJeaiie. when yon
side to look at bis r^. divert
That Ian «toi*,you told was ao drawn nored that the i.mf.a.lna ha. and I "'t'' "»*«b
>o«r time. The moanto any way. but nothing will Induce on, that you auUe loa. the point yatu
him to ten Just where he taf. bow he were trying to make. MXlle i knew
oc<-aRloo,,Ily « little
fell, whether he had his coat on or off what you. were driving at, I beUevci 1
I tired h. n SRc-k for the
the day he wrote the first of his
was In a hopeless minority in your
xg to N»ii water to. and
les. He insists upon reserving his own audl«ihe.“
-Home U the must dangtsruua idare
life and the Ufe of his home from the
I ever go to.“ remarked John Muir, the
public stare.
famous geolqgiMt and natnraltot. He
I.ETTER to Santa aaua i
John Davenport, an Sl-year-old dtwa. -rilrtir Howe, alway. looklnp for
To'L-"lnctd! toterepttag |o little folks, on page 2.
Iren of Wllkcsbarre. Pa., a year
chance to ,wrfoou de,-d« of valor,
earthquake. “A. lone na I
married a 3^year-old wife. The other .nlways liocistlilug or Ills <-:>nruge, ana
moumnlna, without
daj* the had him in court on a charge reilly Xwvlng more sand thanQ judgbhuikeU. I get along very well
of asaault and battery. Mr. Davenport inent.
Inn the minute 1 get Into a house and
declared: “I only married her to keep
-------------------- n1 and begin to lire on
tog tht*rr
^^<1 the
my feet warm.** His wife gave a prac
tical demonstration of how John slered
her around the neck and ahook her. As
great deal of noise. -Tiglit- aontolmd
she did so they both toogbad gad some halted his admirer, and said: “Boy^ door, la tbe natural pU.r for a man. ^
one to court called out: .”bh. ktot aad stay right here and ni go in there unA
pkaae. when you like. H
up.- The couple alopted tbe throw *em all out.
one of .von
count* em as tber com*?Idea on tbe spot and left tbe
In be went.
^ ^ ntw Joe exposure. Why.
arm Ip arm.
In a few mtontee out came a m.ni j ^an live out for $3t» a year for broad
I:S rm KaUonal
and tea and occasionally a lltito tobac
Bismarck bdd that three was the through the window, assh. Fto**
[(Over millken-s Store.)
ail and one of the crowd yelled wli
All I need Is a sack for the bread
perfect number. Hto own assoctotloas all his might. -One.**
ng, Marcel Waving. 1
tberewltb were remarkable,
From tbe guUtr came -Tlght*a voice,
-World’s Work.
served three masters. He had three arytag: “tUop counting: Stop emmtDying.
k. Bchoenbausen and fng. you damin fool: B*s roe that came
Dg. Pedicuring.
Mmtoa !■ orteaud Bw.
Lauenburg. The anna of his fassily
Not only the dcsigD but the colon of HmulfnEArmM
are clover leaf and three oak leaves.
the ruga woven to the ortent are foU
oCaigniflcaaea. They rapreaant aatloti- an^ator Massage. Scalp
He was ocmcemed la three wars and
There*s a Hill at Bowie, Tex., thai'a
signed three treaties of peae^ la the wioe aa hig as last year. This wonder al or iadhrldiial traditioas and stand
be bad three U W. L. KlU. who from a weight of $0 for Tlrtne, vices and aocUI Imjfortance.
MMb^ bad4(oderJk|r
Bed waa regarded by the EgypUnns us
borsM kiUed under htos. Me brought pounds has grown i
symbolic of fldeUty. Bose tints signify pllam^ na^.
the mrettog of three emperore aays: -f anffered
gave me up to die the highest wtadom and tOack and in*
and was responsible for the triple al
was redoned to 80 digo aottow arttb the Pewtena. Prefliaaoe. He bad
Halb goods and toilet
taking Dr. erences for dnner tones or color gmoag
the Petilana give to
their emte8»ldr
king's New Dfacorerr for
4!oneeTntog the Hair,
tk*. Coughs and CoJda. Now. after cries and other products of the loom a
tokteg 12 baUlaa, 1 hare more than
doubled la my weight and am com- OAT Only «
aa rayaL* Green hre bean tfimaea hf
a Blutfter. bimsHf a
the Tttfk aa bla gala color, hot he
bad a prowonia not approve of Its ase to mpg auawtd •avalopt.
I fortet aoltUera, eitber
whecRritreteild bo-troddan bFtbntett
Botl pbn*,.
for sardan; good buikUnga; aU la
first<test condition; cash . price
|5.W)0w Wade Bros., 817 Unkm
«rcs‘t. CItx. phone 1218.
II 6dtt$ral Hews
','S •
FOOTE’S Of cour*
*FOR BALB-HBghly acre farm two
^ miles west KorrisvITle: foor miles
• past offlcw Trsverse City; sixty
«hka fc<A aiA ablu a*rt aa taoa,
tmoithtr tom
ggmnfbr^tbo Me. tbe oRknr sma inkkw mi
Oraar caa tera aaM
paartag wbtebbnfe
pfapanp at B. L. aaaaaaB-A Baadt- metwewL 8sytec Omi tbey woiBd
«aad dalrr tana. K. r. IX Na a. Md
anyway, wbetlmr they mnmd the was inatoat reeognitkMi on botb fidea.
enalsba or not. State Game Warden Tbe doctor accompanied the oEleor
Ctibpmsn raeeiveE a meaemge Satnr tmila
mmo bnnttog deer with a party
day ofianmm teom a dapoty Rbo <>■
% aeaimjmf Eiaalraom tbat^tbe in tbe wooda near Grayling. Pmak
isberaan win be drtfen off tf teree snot, of Tetemaba. became insane,
Wot liimlr rom w. u
HI# ectepnakma were obliged to «n$A
Wla.T««UA.fMMhf Msalfltttrth. B baa tobanaod.
him eonatontly. fimriag be wwaM inwrtiaa; -The awsBtag anERprcMaa Ininre bimaelf or aoaM of tbe party- He
MAe my MSS was teMfhL till I bm*
■ppift&g BMklen’s AmlenRalre
was bnmgkt to Teknnsha. where a arrsore mirteee: this qanaad tbs mm
and a tdg bspcli of oapald bills gkal opemckm wUl be performed to
and aweUlag to dtaapper. mar to re> will ba brought into the UmeUgbi by] tbe hope of reatortog bis faciliUea.
tra-' Bast salve lb rndMoa. tie at
the laanaace of a warrant tor Kama He raeenily obutoed an appototmcnt
Jamiogrodaky.-a Kew York Ufe Inanr* at rmBraad brahmaan.
Manager Green, of tbe St. Lduit
anee ageto. wbSck to foar In poaaaaBWBBT CRBAM. larg« or amail akm of Proaacetor Orr and Ohtef of Table Ol. one of tbe lendtog induatriet
are of that busy lUUe city, aays that be
qnastUlea, delUered to aaj part of Pollee IDirpky. Tbe two
eneugb orders booked }o besqitbb
oitjr. Qoeaa aty Dairy Ca Cits,
phone «$.
nor 8041 g^ky. Tbe wanmnt anoges that fnetory reantog to iu fullest capacity
Janogrodskr rared $1.4$d from Ber- until May 1.
naid Sempltoer, a Bay CUy tailor, oa
An Baoch Arden esse with new and
falseguvtensea. Jasnogrodsky Induced peculiar featurea U disclosed to the
Sempltoer to todorap note* for that application for divorce of Mrs. Martha
li . very brilliant b^by,- mkl aaKNmt,tttoalleiead.
Brigga of Charlotte. Mr. and Mtsl
tbs pnmd motbfr. -He m^Uy todTbe recent diaooiery of oU In Mid Joseph Briggs of Sunfleld were mai^
over to the tmokeMt and opens land county to creatbig ooasldemble ried Deraber C. 189E and lived U«e*
tee^orka of all cC Um grad
esottoment in that neck of tbe wooda. ther iniUl April i. 1882. when eriggt
left home. For 2t> years Mrs Briggs
**Then rd call him BhakeaiMfe,** ad*
over S.ood aeraa of land from termere knew nothing of his whereabouts and
▼Bed tbe friend of the family.
o thea^ acreage. They she supposed him dead until about a
-Bte hr N sock a queer baby no ana
have now gone to tadlllac and are year ago when be came into the neigh
•*CanX ah? Tbeo Td «in
making laasrs in that aectioo. Proe- borhood where his wife was living.
fy 3a»ea.-^-Chlcafo Da
peeting for oil will begia In about In the meantime, believing Briggs to
Tke laaeors pay erne- be dead, Mrs. Briggs married Perry
eighth of the value of'lbe product for Gillett and has grown up children by
Toyalty aad^will alao pay for natural Mr. Otllett. who died In May. 1»<4.
Is said Brigga will not oppose tbe
gat IX It to disco
Separated for more tbaa a quarter
MO Wsahington,
817 Union Street. Traverse Ci
FOB tAkt-Canlago (artotr. SOaSO.
Mich.. Clti. phone |21». Call tw
with powrr. Buchinwr ana tooU;
by phone, local or long cIlKtam
alt lighted hr oleetrtcUr; good dr.
We par the freight.
protocunn. to a gno plaoa of UOO;
tbreo rallroada aad a gtoat opaoliig
f.ir a ganatal iwpalr bntlaoia; ao
opiH-iiloo; .will tell for tlSOO; a FOE RENT—Funilshed
anap tor aoBM one; owner la poor
Markham bUx-k.
health. Addren 3. 3. Horlek. Oiford. MIeh.
mm 741
teyi 01
A. hte Rgbt Is to
TtetaltT «C Bara
MK: «.A.a MM«
I to Mn. J. r. on. «M WaABt- 4»r * tf
Josapli tMer A Sons
4s boottd to be a good one If Santo
aaw gm tt at Sledor'a; bot^dt wOl be
mn adVantoge to yoo to order'it In
■dvmace. ma tbay may 'be an goBe belore Sir Bnnto ooaion^ to town.
base them an aUea • also choice geeaa.
in r±oiet
. [
i __________
Harry Lamia WIIJ Sagto Cmwar Agidn
Ar* IM» 0« «M LM
-Dick- la pUnatag on n
efmaayboma. Plrat. Levis
dMmmd fsbibitlon at FhIL
U) tbe BeeBtob BmotA
addpbla wltb aa opponam to bopMSad
by tba Kntloaal AtbSatIc dnb of that CblCMO. D«. «■—Ae tbe Unie
dty. TblaigbiUaebaddadtorl>U. imeribir tor tbe CUeaco »Mor boet
toov to be bel4 at tbe OolltoMi
baBMw darlas tbe brat week ot Jaawis and DIckamen wm than pn
Kaw Orleans, wbam tba PblMddpWnn mn. It aivtoia that tor tbe Orat
will partldpnte in a
bafora Par^ ttae la tbe bMotr ot tbe motor boat
SOB Darlas* dub. Prom tba aootbani ladaatrr aa erpoaltlao U to ba bald
fm U« orfMtottlMi ak«g wHli U
—■■HT a
tlie UtoMapolli ctab mad Ljdlard wma
tht amurr.
dty tba pdr wUf go U Ortpda Creak,
Tla ctab ovwrt ofHi# ortaalialkMi
w LawU U aebaddad to meat
rloa TbompaoB. Ha baa already
m TiompM. bet tba waaUm
IM M at tlM^rwd
TW MlmBMpaii M war* Wdaini fkgbtar is bot for raranga and tba pro•aar by balaf
attention to tba weatara cHlea.
TW vMoT tb*
Prom Crtppla Crawk Lewis Intends
: QaorgcT*
MiiM City: to » to Im Angelas, wbara. If poadbla. a boot wUI ba arranged wltb
Jimmy Britt, Dick Hyland or any otbar
LMHMii.0t. Paal
of tba landing Mgbtwdcbta.
We: Charlaa»
W. B. AnMar, Wado. and W. R Wat
Tba laaolatlops wbldi pot Kalley
aad Lydiard dovB and o«t ara at fol
**la aoaordaaca wltb tba Aodlasi of
teat adoptad by lAla aaaodatloci. U A.
Lpdiafd and M. J. Kaiay ara baraby
daolarad laattglbla aa owner,
player or tor any olbar poi
fW AaMTtaaa Aaaodallon of ProfW
ataal Baaa ball CSabe or wltb any dub
wkidl 4a a Mabar of aald aaaoda, non .•
Wban Kallay and Lydlard
.Oiair cbarpaa that Umpira Owaoa biid
bean fplK/ of battlaf Malnai tba MiaMap^ dob laat oaauaar. tbay back
ad np tboir aaaorfloiii.anib awom af>
idaTln of man wbe aatd tbay had
naan Owaaa wapar money ApUnat tba
Mlnaaapoilf dub, Acoor^ng to tba
riadlaia of fact** tba afddarlu
piwvad to ba falaa, one of tba afikanu
badaf aaafOaood ^ ba bad
Add tao to make tba atatomaal
Tba aaaodatloa made no attampt to
blackUat Kallay from baaaball. but It
waa tba oanteant of tba club ownaru.
that fbo onlaliauoo would ba better
ot wUb blm out of It.
Kallay baa apparontly no objactlooa
to gatUnt out. aa ba put up no dafanaa.
It te nndoratood that ba will manage
a dnb la tba Saturn Uaague tba com
ing aaaaon. Paaddant Pat Powera of
that body bartni bean after him for
mirord woaka. aad now that tba aaaodatloa ofuabblf la ended tba proapacu am that Kotlty wfll turn hto at
tantlon io aa SMtam League club. At
laaat bU frlandt aay that be baa ao
ibe btat
eonntilee are aprl>lB( for tpaoe In
lane floantttlaa,
Bpadal tatae with rallioada bare
baio eeenred tbrouch the aetlrUT of
iba-Motor Boat auoclattoa at Wlnnlpag. irnd the Caoadlaa torer. of out
door l^oru wlU bo oo band In laige
Tba naexpaetad teopi of tbe ihow
la IndleateA bjr appUeaUaaa tor apace
OB tbe paA ot mabora of aubmariae
boata. wbo win not oaly exhlhll torbKCTSAtU TCAM WILL elcn modela but will bare oo aabtblPLAY HCPK.
Uon complete aubmartne life boata.
Tbe laUer bare beao erolred by »iceoe Poirier, a Frmieb en«lDeer .wbo la
DaU WUI Be tat for tba Vary Near eaplolUBS bla Inrebtlob amooc tbe
Ptftura and Game la Bam to Ba
oaral departmenu of Buropeoa mooarcUoa and be bdteana flnnly In hit
aftamooo from tbp QrmBi Raplda Hlgb
ibout aereoty-Bre per, cent of the
prasacd sobalantlally the same view,
saying: -While I bare not
tbe matter with specUl aUanUon. 1
onderaund It is declared that only^an
end may raceire tbe ball while In poslUoB on the acrlmmnge line. *Tbmt U
the InterpretaUoo of tbe rules under
which we have been pUylng here.
Snpant oofen.
yonr ndeotionMriy.
Order your
I. O. Burn*
Tard and office Nortbern
MicbiKan dock.
Horses and Cowsf
For Sale
hlamaak. Laeb to ear wtedsw.
Both pbonea S8.
—Denver Poet
Fbr brip tbe coloolal womak bad
rimoae bet^ewn an Indian who might
scalp her If tbe mood or fancy ao dk
tated. -blackamoors" not yet outgrown
African aavagery. tbe town poor told
to tbe blgbeet bidder
transported for crime or Ignorant eras
turoa wbo bad been begolkd to board
■hips that carried them off to vlrtaal
BICKARO WOULD MAtCH alarary and "frae
tmder aad Impatient for tbe end of tbe
compacts which bound tbom. Occa
alooany ahe had a chance to engage a
Mads Big Offer In New Vork-taya respccUMc young woman wbo had
NoUn Must Be Left Out This
tomtkmi day« is Msfsl a arils
TUnOAY CVENliia Qaa. 4. UAB
A Masquerade Psi^
wBI be glram at CAMPBCLLt mNK
There vUl be a prUe gtvea Am tbe
& & Wan A Baaa vast os to coaAdeotlally tall every vooma reader of beat makswp and alao for tbe i
Record that-the proper thtag to riiegloua.^
Wnitar Caaip af Yd# BByu That lira Trim.' the «m that will he sore
No skaters allowsd only those
-Homy Up- Wan
leaked nnUl after the grand march,
PaniiW Tnakla CarryUf Ball.
bkb takaa plaoe at f:IO o>eloek
ba beat judBea of rlgara ia frav- Aaip,
New Haren.
Dan. L—Wato
A 1^ time to guaranteed to all
Clty.- aald & S. Walt -bave
Camp. Tala a lootbnn
Priea » cento.
war NMt
giraa thetr apdoraaamst of tha f
tbia coantry-a landing nntboHty an tbe by amokiag nocbtag atom Tbay
gnman bnA bean Intanrlewad In re- meriy smoked tea and ifteam eaat
gnrd to ToatW proUat aBalnat Penn- cigara. but aow nothing wUI do them
^Imnin a uakla cmnyto* tba balU bot the Cbieow even tthough It la not
travbrm emr MAmerrs
ngraaa wltb tba lOeblgan lender that,
an aapesatve amdke.
aaeordtaig to tba ralaa tbe sod
Although we have Just, recetrod a
tbe only men gferni that right
tana shipment of Chlooa, tha ChriM
If rale lA aaeapdon L seen
trade la taklag them oB thraly. ao
aeure It Blight be added tUt
we would advise bnylng at tmee. We
playing to tbe line of scrim
win help you ia eelecUag the shade
otimr than tbe ends, may be nl
and strength that wUl please him.
to cwrry tbe bnU.if they are dr
bnai Are yards bafora tba ban Is pot
in plnjr. tbaa bringing them behind tbe
A inrat wbo bad Just registerod at
sertmmngn Una tor that
a hotel waa approached by a boy wtth
a tekeram. It had |1 chargra on it
-Whatr aald the guest batore open,
Ptoster RockweU. bend
be could tee ao raasoo for any mis^ lag It -A doUar ebartm! I wont pay
•mderstsndlng of ibU part of tbe it Anybody wbo cannet pay for hli
wbaa wiring me la oerta
game, lie and: -Nooe but an end
xni Just
a (heap one. Walt a *
may nm with tbe ball from a ponl- let you report this oncoUected..and tha
tkm in tbe Une of acrinunage at tbe sender may pay tbe ebargea."
time the. ban U p«t la play. If
At that be tore the anralops open.
men U tbe Una ara oaed they must ba AS he rrad nemlle settled on bis teem
par 100*n^.^nua«nnn*nun
standing Ate ynida babhd tbe acrlm- and. poUing a BoUar from bla pocket
mmge line before tbe ball Is pot In ba baadcri tt to tbe boy.
8prt^ ebidiir...'...."......
-Ifa all right- be aald
Then be threw tbe meeaage oo the
W'sUer Camp, member of the rules
cotmter. -Read ttr be aald to
committee aid athletic
a aaaU
» noiAartol nho-ln«^«nd nnnlfwu
Uon of intertot oon«ldeHn« «he Toutti
of lh« motor boot indastrr- Th»l Ihi
the T. H. 8. tre In this dty In tba rary «otlr« mhow upuce of tbe Colleeom will
near future. Tbe date wUl probaMi be corered with uttimctlve esbibiti
be about tbe litb.
when tbe .bow oven. U beyond que.
Tbe local ire Is training bard and Uoo. and the rtiow iJjould prore cmh
wilt be prepared to gire tbe Kumlturr of the be.t eductloomJ expoettton. ol
City boys a bard mb althoogb they aw
tbe yenr.
oaid to be
On oeeiy bepd Intereei In the derelopmeol of the motor bo.t U found,
New York, Dee. 4—*i wUI give a
and tho next .«aooa promiwe to .how
• marfcMl mlemice tn tho oto of .11 $40,000 parge for anoCher battle at
kiDde of croft thioushoM th. United GoldAeld between Joe Oans and Bat
Nelson.State. «>d Cnnmto.. The rery Hn.ll
Tbls was tbe introductory aUiemeat
Before tbe O Biien-Buras Agbt at let expMiw of th. .port In eompartoon to
who made
jigales O Brten annoonced that b< automoblUng warrants great activity of Tex Rickard, tbe
elf tbe most famoos premotor of
bo»t bnlldlnp when the pobwas looking for a language lastractoi ta
to perfect hlmaalf in aeveral tongues Uc hw been edncH*d to the fall roc- AgbU in tbe world in 15 minutes by
when be
Another Agbt lUe tbe one beW put QSBlUoo of tbe .port to be hml for
Kl on Broadway ^turday niglit. "I
op and what be will be looking for It IIUI. money.
One of the onterUInment fonturee didn't ^me hero UTtoll you fellows
job aa a ditch digger.
Paid efAclals for football games, of the cornln* JHiimty .how. aooord- tbat."*be wf*nt on to the newspaper
like the corps of umpiraa tor baaebalU Inc to recent nrmigemenU made by men, who nailed him In a "dash alley '
Is tbe latest Idea as the outcome of Mnapser. Coebmne A Payne. 1. a cafe.
-I came here on mining business.bat
the squabble between Yale and Hgr- lemk motor boat race. .Imltor In Ide.
rard over ofAclals. When a collage to the automobile r.ce. .bown In wt- that goes. I can guarantee that amount
aport It getting down to aoeb a plant HBl «xnUe<J automobile play, oo tbe for another Uttle between ,tJio two
lightweights In tbe world.
that the pUyers cannot tnist tbe boo- Hate. Tbe boaU. bold by ch»ln«. win
No. I don't think that there U any
IWddtni (PBrUn pradded at the esty of their rlralt nor ibe ofAcInls. reH la water aad their eatlne. will
meadiii Md nftW tba^CeUey case had one cannot blame Prwaidrat Blot tor be tnrned oo at toll apedd. the llluHon immediate chances of Its being ac^
of . race belat aBected by'morlnt cepted. There is a strong cry for an
baen dlappiad of be announced that bis stand against tbe game.
Charlie H^iery. An appamuu will be coo- other battle between these men. But
the annud bnalneas meeting of tbe
there U a alrong dislike to Nolan. I am
league would ba bold at Cbloago Dec. O Rourke In four rounds In New York.| atrticted. by tho UM of which
Judging from thora names, both aie ludm oan tell at tbe cad ot tbe iwce afraid that 1 would have to Insist that
which of the boau corered the treal- Nelson woold bare to break away
Tba credantinU of M. E. Onatlllon Turks
Alec Smith, national open golf cham Mt dlatanoe In the tlren Ome. ThU from bla manager for at least that
and W. R. Annour. tbe new prmdd
win be tbe Br«t Indoor motor boat race battle."
of tba MlnoenpolU nod Toledo clubs pion. Is at AtUnu for the winter.
Fbr tbe Oans- Herman Agbt at Tono- erm- held.
resprctlrely. ware praaented and they
TOBHtrr with the dUplay of »nbTotad in tba meeting.
be built. Wonder If any of tbe money mattne bonU of rartou. InrenUve
aent by lubacribera for stock In none Idepa. the motor boat Hiow will prore
Danny Maher, tbe great American
of those famous gold mines near there
attractlre etlertalnment a.
Jockey, wbo baa been the sensation of
will help build the AgbUng. bouse?
rrell a. an oduc.UonH almw.
the Ebgnah turf tbe past season, has
Tank the Weakly Bawtlng
at the
Tommy Bures, wbo fought Jaek
arrived in New York.
WpBwmUfiA Club Last Cvani
O'Brien to a draw at Los Angeles, la a
"I rode this season." be aald i
phenom la some waya. He is €7 tnebefl
asked to talk about bla experiencoa
tall and hU reneb should be tbe same.
tolHd High Soma at ths Wsskly Con- abroad, "tor Lord Derby. Yes. 1 was
Alfwd Moora was high In tbe bowlInstead of that It H 74 <4 Inches. Jef
mat an Wllkinaen A floaam- Alleys
lag eooiaat at tbs We^oe-toag club
successful Anlshlng drst 103 times out
fries. wbo Is 74 Incbss tall, only baa U
Last Evening.
bowling oonlast Inst eraning. taking
of 500 mounts and second and third ao
on Burns a half Inch, bla roach being
.Ike «Mdr print with lttX-1. Three
often that I lost the count
75 Inches. Jim Oorbett's reaob Is only
Briggs look Arst money In the wee
games warn raUnd and Moora negoU
-The chief event In which I took
nted IM. IN and tit. Dr. 8 8. Bmllb
part was the Derby. In which 1 piloted
was sacoid with an nramge of INS 1-3Spearmint to victory. There were 12
kiddng over 4«7 all told. Hale
He railed 17f. INI and IM. the'111
entries and I will toy it was the moat
WM dose behind with 473 add avergame potting him out.
exciting race In wblcb i ever rc
Permsr National Polo Loobim Stara
aged 1S7.
Tbana prtaat will be rolled for
touch and go from the start to almoat
Oo to Lot Anpoism
weekly, tba ala man baring the high
the Anlth of tbe mile and a half «
Grand Rapldi, Dec. 4.-Rlecber and
Morra la Ut mmk btlag aoiltled to Eerboa. tbo two star raaboa oo tbe
-1 thought tbe race was in doobt op
OO.M tor tba prise
to the laat goarter. when I gave Spear
BatUe Creek team ot tbe Nntl
mint hia bead and be dalabed tws
Polo'league laat aeaaan. have left Aor
lengths ahead of bU AeM. It m
He's thinking of getting bold bf Los Angeles.' where they wUt play in Tex Rickard
far more exclOng race In every way
<nMoe theatrical company that be may the Southern California Polo le
under O. W. Lethy. jr.'. of Detroit, wbo
.manage tbh winter.'
New York, Dec. 4—There ia a good ban that of tbe previous year, when
-Bliy. be Isn't Atted fsr that, la her
running the Los Angeles Are.
ebanee that tbe next contest to be held ny moumt tome U aaoomd.*
, tUi. yea. a rifii reUtlte Ated rePolo entbnalaau will well reme
"Are fbtra any Amaricaa bor
tn Nevada after tbe Oaaa-Hennann
^rantlj and left him • for4lBed o^w- Rierhar aad terbea as tbe two m
Agbt has bean aetUed. will be between ronalng akfoad tbU yrnrr Maben
wbo set tbe Natkmal league aAre 1
their eefimiattog play with the Bi
"Nome; and eram If tbera wmh tbey
Rlekard. tbe Agbt proaBOtar, W
tie Croak team. '
offacBd a good porae tor a boot be- irottld baldly abov op vfcb tbe tboi^
rth of the men are from RacB
ougbbroda over tbarm. It baa to
great year aU gkmg oa tbe Mbgllah
Rtahard Is moch tmpriaiad by tarf. Many two-ymaPoMa eaase to tbe
Behrock's dghtlog abUtty and tgurea front and abowed exceptlooally good
torm. AmoBg tbom U Polar Star.
Burma. 8chrock baa accepted and Blck- adbyW.aWaM. laaaotbaryear
be wUL 1 beilevs. be tbs beat to kls
crawl beivaen tore potata tea test ard li walling to bear from Boras.
claaa. Bd la a gmad berw aad a
apart Baact time vaa kapt froi
one. Tbe beat tbroe^rold la Cb
atari to tha Aalab. aad thus Ibe
tha boat tSe
age pace waa laareeC Tbe A
made. Wa want yea to try H and
vara tbra pat lato taMra of tost
AN FOR lOe at BariNt*! drag eto<
yaiBs and fartoagSe aad it waa toaad aflor thb weak only a tSa aaka far
that It woald taka
1 Tea^Tatoeu. $8
*1011 Bmr! whoTiM me glra bimr*
amkaas the Msh sC away a wami
Travaraa City tbe. gstt two wi
kraM. dr poratoly
!^i I ^
«MT T0 «fl ••■ir
B. K. Walt dt Base Hpm a CanBdai
TbBt .NSrtoi Tlrwaraa CHg wemi
n* rubw •! An »«.u.
L (mat branch of lltcruton
Bbtedlr tbe ino.t wtdeljr pbpalar and
, la wblcb Eactend abowed tba
to tba wnrid. U tba noral te tba xaar
1740 nndeta were daU^t^ wltb a
Uad of book, a proaa tomanca
not of lagaad. bot ot Ibair own dajr
and manneiB. It waa tba plooaat
I. waa called TanieU.' tba work
of Bamacl Hk-bmnUon. a London print
er, and tbe preat aocceat U
It met
OMt wll
•oon broMbt forth a boat df others.
"Let ns have some dinner on tbe
ermnda," aald a nenmns young genlemnn during tbe Arat stage of bis
Only, sir
"Er-wMla- unld tbe yooug Benedict,
wbo waa anxious to Imprtoa bla wife
with bla Uvtob expendltnro. "bring us
some of both, plesaer
On tbe death of tbe Duke, of Welllnf
ton tbe belto of Trim, near Dangnn
aistle. hto father's aest tn IreUnd. for
which when a young B»n Welllngtoo
bad sat !n tbe Irish parliament rang a
muffled peal, when tbe tenor, a baauftfnlly toned belt aoddanly broke. It
waa found by a corlotis coliicldaoca to
bare bean cast In 17A0. the yaaf of tbe
doka'a blrtb.
VTbeae ebureb people ara ao Incog-
.......................................... ...ajia
J. N. Martinek
Now is
the Time to Buy
Stook is oomplete and the
and yon
finest I everr had
.will find just rbat yon
^are looking for for your
many friends.
IJYon are nnre to be bet
ter pleaned to bny now
than to wait nntil the best
things are gone.
Tbere is no better Une of
to be fonnd in the city and
you will always find niy
pricosto be right.
friends silverware. No
matter how much they
have tbey will always welcome another piece.
We have somethin/ for
•very member of the ^fam
ily. Our time is yonrt Bay
time you want to look.
1 good, heavy, sound work
hoTM, good oQoditioiL easy
1 1600 lb. 9 year oJd mue.
Make 6rat-^laai team for
lumber woods. WUl aeU
1 beautifol, standard bred
brood mare, sure breeder
1 stylisb-gaited saddle horse,
a toppy driver.
2 good cows; be freeb -eariy
ia tbe spring; wiUseUvary
cold room
Why s« in
whenaQittle money spent
willkecp it out?
Storm sash are guaran
teed to pay for them
selves in two years In
saving of fuel.
Gel our prices.
All kinds of Itunber and
interior finish.
Soutb Side
Lumber Co.
be next to godltoraa, yet here they are
kSeklAg becanse I want to tmfld a soap
factory joext door."-Loutorilto Oooiler-
Too can't fbsl bliM IT you walk
with your bssd up. TVs imodc of carrings liA^rasses tbs wsftd that you ur;
My heart and hand aaothsr dalmed.
His plea had come too tote.
It's ever thus with psqpis wUbout
pluck and rim.
Take Rocky Mountain T«a. dont get
left again.
OUR HOUOAY UNI will be «
■mmi 004 o^tog. Both woo4o end
prises ant popular. BaM's drag
B. r. MOtitor.a P. A.
■ii L:
Christmas Candies
Ou OhriabMw candies
bare arrived. Ton aU know
their sfodi^ quality. For
PUBmr thereare ao goods
offered oo tbU aisrfcei to
compare with tbeoi. while in
iOc per jxmiid
we distsaee wD -coapetitodk
Sundsysoboob aadall ao-
foatg^eos bsfcse
AD who_______,______
..FOR 1907..
. 'ANh T
II Waherit
: J^gifc^^,^-..,——~^ yin —wt mi
ilBirOinrilPO f
Ini KXiilra I \ 1
lilLwfyLni V
ijidiilf ItKissel at
Lea^th as a Na-
i«l« i ua «®nw
til I
in ncwB m itiAKw
Umu U* mi UUbMMaSboiilaty.
As a aattoa wro atlll <
partly, and It Is ptubable tbat arty
itkm and dton«ard of
toft unfirtabfd at your
hvwMar. wblub I meat
to ywi will eotuidrta tw-
to tba mmpalgu axpanaes of any party,
fiuch a bUl baa already paaaod ooe
bouse of cougreaa. liot Indlvlduato contrtbrta as they dealrw but let us problldt In affactiva fashion all oarp(wattotts from making tnutrlboUapa for
directly «w iirtid's
Abarttor. bin wbl
M boM of the
propcmid that to any case a verdkH for
Mt. tait wannaj tottVT ••« li«il awiKfl vIlBtlMr s Uw aM*- jwrtii^ aMl
tola parMBs tor conpplracy to connec
tion with rvbatw t^c court anatalned
the defendant's daniumr. w hlk In anolbsr lurtadicgon an todlrtiiHint for
conspiracy to obtain rt4wUw has been
austalucil by the court, lonrirtlous obtotort under It and two detondaats
•cnlrtKHsl to Imprisau&u-ut. The two
caaes referrf>l to may not l« In n«l
ronfllrt with each other, but It to iinfiu-tuusta tbat there ahouM even U* an
uppurent conflict At prvsem thore to
pa wv by which the government can
CUM such a conflict wU*u It wxntra.
to ba aol\wd hy nn apiieal to a hlgto r
court and tba wbacls of Justhv are
blacked without auy real detHsloii of
tba quesUon. I cauoot too strongly
tto pamage of the bill lu quosUon.
tollnn* to pass It will resuH to aariMly haiaiMwlng the rnvrnmcnt to lU
lo obtain JustU<e. eapectoUy
agrtm waolthy individual* or cotporattoito tbnt do wrong, and may also
pratrant the gi»rarumeot from obtslntog JUMlce fiw wageworkers who am
not thcoiaelve* able effei Uvely to enntaat a case where tto* jiKlgment of an
tetortor court has bccti against tbi'm.
I have apadficaUy In view a nn-ent dtctoton by a dtotrbrt Judge kwvlng rail
way emplapcrs without ixiuady for
riatotkA of a certain so called labor
autrta. It aaams an ab,^imllty to |ktlalt a ahigle diatrirt Jihl|n\ against
what atay be tbe Judgment of the tm
osM inajortty-rt bto colleagues on
tbe banch. to dacUro a law sok^mnly
aoaetod by the cougttw* to be *ninconrtltutkmar aud tto*n to deny to tbe
govaramaat tbe right to baxw the sa
lt Is well to recollect that tbe real
aWrlsncy of the law often depend* not
upou the pAoage of acts a* to which
theca to great pubBc t^tnnrait, but
upaB the isMsga of
of this patuto as to which there Is not much
puhttc excIteiucBt, beeausa tbera to Uttts pubUc /tadersUndtog of their Impartmace. while the telerested partiea
course offers a reasonable chance of
aucceos. At fiimt. as w’as profier. every
e«ort waa made to onfuM tosot lawa
tgr civil ptoceodtoga. twt U haa bocotna toccoonlngly evtoart that the nctM of the govwriMrt to
doortI to undcfCrtce orim-
y ^ y«rca It
aMMiteg «n tba f«it «f baCk to tbo^thr beoHIt
beortit of
of ttieot
tlMM odiMaa bas patocmcT. aaa to baa aa»e« «m
tMi to «bHr coloMd iwpito «&d to ttto ^i«rr aralb aoUda« vtaaattr If wo
coNtffd pMiila. It to-j traU br «aoa* aoremb to the odwr. latbornttba
tko tadlvMnl «**»***>i
ia wbctbar^ folat tet
t«t tba *ir^
wboto ♦*—
fob ^«T*»*Ag botbiag or riae
tbe Indlrldnato
Indindnato «-)
but era who 1
ly. from erU trai|Mr. tnan giM for notbtog
l»c«. U attoctal tbe laaolt
lonit to to
lo aM- iy.
the mob to plunder tbe rich, as from
aAce or to a aplrU
safty cmrnptlontot wtaTfor bto
la tba
armild pmnlt tbe common
lag wttbbMt Ml aa witb wblto mi; toMdiary apeedtoo and wrtttoga wbicb people to be coploUad by tbe T.ty
It to tba oamo rato that maat bo #p- tend to aroM moU and to bring abort wealthy. If we erer let this goremgUad to teltog with M miMI poor tynrbtog not only tbaa rgolte tbe mob, ment fall Into tbe bands of men of
M-tfaac la. to tioat aM aao. wbat- but atoo tend by what crltoinologtoU either of tboae two classes we shad
onr bto cofar, bto cmd or bto.aocUl call •wuggeatlon- greatly to tncnaao
false to America s past
pobltlaa. wltb avao baadad Juatka ou the UbeHbood of a rtv^tUm oC tbe
bto real worth as a man. W'blto poo- my crtaie against which they are Intbli citir to ttotratt. It to ootloo macb
pto oare It <iQlto aa mocb to ibnoaelrea oalgbtog. \Tbea the ibol» to composed
totogr, b| aoj oftelona that If tbto boil*
aa to tbe colond raco to treat welt
Mi waa coTTtod on for
tbe aotorvd man wbo abowa by bto Ufa lynched to of another race, tbe ipm
ISM on tbit boato-tbat to. If tbla dtotbat ba daaarrae aacb treatiaoot fur It wbo to tbc4r^ajieech«i and wiitlnga
crtaitoatktt to faror of tbto partkolar
to aaraU Iba blgbeot wtodooi to ao- cltber exdu or Justify tbe action lead, late tbb law or wbo acebs to make t
of couroe. to excite a bitter nice feel
ablMMir waa luaito witb aa rigtiton
coarnga to tba colond race all tboae
of tbe pobUc
ing and to cause tbe paegde of tbe i>|>toatoad of a twanty^braa rml rata
ladindoala wbo aio hooeat todaatri.
twideus aaVfftor eton aore rt^jeettonpoalte race to lode sight of tbe aboma4 out aa mocb to Ibo Ja«ga who falto beMoiidi
tbe tariff rala
tna. tow abiding, and obu tberofOre
than tbe rtoleto
elolent agitator wbo
to M U boldly wbtn Moaaary aa to tUnaioly not Uieir detonae opon tbcjn<
BMko good and safe netgbbora and cU- In addition, by the iiromtoence they boMlsoatliemabtoi
• tbe rldi.
tbo mdgo wtio MO It araaiMity or op- batont mtmxgth of tb» o|>tokcia tbcy
iam. Bowaid or puntob tbe IxuIItMThere to nothing to cbooae between
prooalvoly. Of couror a jodga atn»g
Mt for UHr coochi- Itol on bto tuerita aa an todU iOital gtre to tbe hideous deed they undoubt
such an agita
edly tend to excite to other brutol «ad
aMib to bP fit for bto oOce will eo- ^V\!^
EtU arUl auioly come to tbe end to dapraved natures thoughts of commit tor. Fundamentally they are alike to
Joto afij raoort to TlotoM or lotiBl.
tarth racaa If we aubaUiule fur Uda ting It Swift, releotleas and orderty their selflah dlwregard of tbe TtgbtB of
iaat mto tbe baUlt of tnotiug all tbo punishment under the tow is tba only others, and It to natural tbat tbcy
otrr a roHnlfbt otopaod batwmi tbo mattrr wbat bla optoioo may bo of tbe
ahouM Join
Dto to
to.oppodttion to any morememban of tbe me. good and had. way by which cHmlngUty of this
dato of ralmer^a iHter roqoaadng tb# rtcbti of tbe orlgtoaJ noarret Tbera
which tbe rtin to
Tbeto to no quoatlon uf *Wocial can pmnanently be snpiweesed.
and tbp amwor of the moat be BO baoltotUm to
do exact and eton Jnstlco to an.
doaiioatlon- totabeu toto Jbootmt by 4bo rattoBtydertdilf to trrant It dlaotder. But then muat Uhowtoe be
and light
and then
months afterward tbto no aueb abmm of tbs Injuucilvc power ^
wtto cany a sound iwop- ^tod. ^ ^ uoostloa cof relmtkws.
Hour Law.
biistocas was carried on and tboae as to Implied to forbiddtog
oalUoo to an excess to objecting to any *ly punishing bad mm and
I call your attention to the need of
2ISL for~ 1.:^^
Mtostrtv.fortoTS!;fSc^^ «Ulctomofa|udge-.dw.l.loa. Tbgto. to
gucxl man tbe right to las life.
passing the bill Umltlng toe number
after moatb and rbecks to payment of
e to sound to thU matter. They ncaa as his own <juaUli«» of heart, bead bftolte Hanu Dm by **Prcacbers uf of bouts of employment of railroad emtoJunetJon be us<d merely to Aid
them drawn month after month, finch
in csrrrlug out
subacflbe to tbs doctrtoe that and baud uDable him to achieve it.
ployinw. Tb© measure to a very mod
big corpo,
a rtototloo of tbe tow. In my opiiikiQ.
In dealing w Ith both labor and cai>- erate one. and 1 can conceive of no ae*
Svecy coloiud man aliouU xealtoe Oiat
udtoemcat. »**•'*
aer^wut to to be above all
for lu
to Its essential nature Is a very much scbeimw fo
If the bmt citiaans. tbAe< tbe worat eaetuy of his race to the,ne Itol with the <iuestloiis affecting both rkms obJecOon to It Indeed, ao far
more heinous art. tluiu the ordtoary It must be remenaiersd that a luaMmlgro criminal, and* abuve all. the m«ro corporations^ and trades unions, there as It is In oor power. It oIgMdd bo oor
oasnmon. vulgar crimes which come be nary Injunction to a tobu^ case, if
fore criminal courts ronsUntly for pon- granted wlt|ioot adetiuate proof, even ment to auch’motteri. and. above all. ertmtoal who rtwimiu the dreadful to one matter more important to re aim atoadily to rirdoce toe «Mber of
tshment and which arise from soddeo when authority cau Iw found to sup- those batoning to tbe great and bon- crime of raj*c. and It should be felt member than aught.else*, and that to hours of Ubor. with as a goal toBganpamloa or t«uptatl<m. ThU crime to port the conclusions of tow on which ormble proteeaSon of the bar. so pro- as In the highest degree an ofTenm- the infinite Ininu done by invnehers of eral introdpcdon of an eight boor day. /v
foondly tofiuerttol to Amartoan life. against
_ whole country and against
There are Industrivs In which It to /
lok*nt cla.« not iKisslble that tb© boats of labor
w ho seek, to excite
UkelltoiKrttionxhattberealtoUbetm the colored race to particular
‘ parties, and 1
edtxwtJon and of large Imslneas experlIf improperly granted map do Irrepara criticism of a Judge under any dTCumto tall to to lp the iOhevrs l^hatrid against all men of wcaltli. Tto y abouhl be rxducfd. Just as tht*re are
moxcble wrong. Yet there are many Judges
of the tow to hunting down wita nil
wma such that they might
communities not far enough advanced
UKpected to set an cxamide of obedl- who assume a matter of course grant by the American iieople as a whole. In possibl.i eamcatuesH and seal every meals fur the better control of cor-. fur such a movement to Is* for their
rent the people
ing of a preliminary Injunction to be
much infamous offender. Moivover. lu iHMutlons and fur doing away with the good or. If iu the tropics, ao altuated
to tow. tijion the aui
Which alone lu this ci>antry the seenri- the ordinary and prx»|»er Judicial dlapo« Joaiittoble the inlam- niy Judgment, the iTime of rape sh«>uld abuse-* count-ried xxltb wealth lulu a that there to no aimlogy between their
cMUiloign of hyKtcrlcal excitement dud neede and ours In this matter. On the
of such cases, and tbera have un- l^ato and improper crttlctotn
ty of their ilroperty depends. It waa
always lie inmished with death, as
‘ It to a tbe twoe with murder, .\asault with fttlM.*hood lu which toe aim U to lu- tolhmua of Panama, for Instance, the
committed («i lichalf of a gnwt rail doubiedi> been llagroiit wrongs com ^ unworthy
leave to such critics a Intent to commit ra]ie should be made flaiue to madnr** the brutal imsidous
road corporatloii. which. Uke otlwr raU raltted by Judge* li| counoctiou with mlmfortune
ctHtdUlon* are in every way so differ
rigtit to ItseJf. which they a capltaV crime, at least in the dlsen- of maukiud. The iilulnter demagogues
dbqmtes wen wUhUi tbe UM few
road cori*uratlaus. has rei*clvod grato
certain to abuse. Just aud temper- turn of the court, and i»rovisloo sho^l and foolish vUiouarie* who are always ent from what tbcy are hero that an
and vain- XMrs. altlmugh 1 think iniKh leas often
criticism, when necessary. Is a be made by which the puuiahntoot may eager to nudertakc such a camjialgu eight hour day would be absurd. Just
than to former years, fiuch judges by
as it to absurd, so far as the tothmoa
venlcmce niul Its own. which performs their unwise actkui Immenselv stnmgUi- safeguard against the accspUnce by follow imuie^UaU-ly upon the Itoels of of dratructiou sometime* aeck to as- to concerned where white lat»or can
•Kx*late them*elve* with thooe w^tog
of that
^Bl puUlc functions and which to en tbe hands of those wbo are striding ^ p«>pie aa a whole
whrthf»«ani thm W.
while the trial oh^ukl U‘ f‘>r a genuine reform to goxcrmnenlal not be employed, to bother as .to
cntiivly to do away with the i*ower of
with the highest
«»rtuchNl li^it the tktJm^M uel uud
iry work to d^e by alien
er tim necessary
I to troat
How men. But
k'tvUto tmti- masquerade as such reformer*
In black men or by i
lug n^n
man M
ana wL^h.
wmcn. If
ir ^
------- poasllKo pub
dike and uaa of the Injunctive process tends to
business with unjust tbrentiw Its vicy exbtenoe, for if the *t became wkle*|wead among t
the cause tbcy profera to advo<«tc. are of so high a grade that alike from
'tween dlffenmt cl\l- American pe»»|)le ever Itecome couTlne- P*® ^ torge. would cuustituta
Tlie tiwjubecs of the white rac-e. oo Just as the purveyors of seusatlouol tbo merely industrial standpoint and
of cltlacns. ed that this process Is habitually abus- menaca to tbe rdpubhe.
the othar bund, should umlcnitatal that slander In newspoper or magsalne urs ftom the civic standiioint It should be
to mattera affecUug labor
avery lynching raprsMU by 0ust so the worst enemies of all men who are our objevt to do. wiul wo can In the
affectipc corporarionsrit
done with secrecy and proof of which or to matters offectlpg,
banda of civ engaged In an honest effort to better direction of oecorinjr the general obwfllbaw^rtgh
It to vary dlfl|crtt to obtain.
‘ luxation: that the Hdrlt of lynching xrbat to bad In our aoctoJ and r»vern- serxaiK*v of an eight hour d^y. Until
•Tba Intersute ivuuuen'o art was ftaaboUtloo.
Inevitably throws Into i«omto^w lu meaul coudltlon*.
Tc^^tly the eight hour toxv nn our
paaaed In 1HS7. iMMrly twenty yoata
Aa ta Public; Opinion.
the community all the foul aiol evil
To preach hatred of the rich man as fidenil statute books has been xery
ago. Ever s^mv tbat lli
It may be tbo higheit duty of Ondge
crcalUTV* wlio d%veU tbwvhL io man suc^i, to carry on a ramfiaigu of slan acanlliy observed.
Now. however,
^ tbe gnmUag «if ivbate* by railroads «t any given mauamt to dtoragan! not
der aud invertlve against him. to sc-ek largx ly through the laslrumcutalUy of
have been ctnnmon. urgent aud lustot- qjerrly the wishes ^ individuals of
to mUkad and linlame to madnews tho t)urL-QU of Ubor. U to hulus rigidly
out. and. nltoitogh'tbc orngreoM has re irrant polltleal or financial iK>wer. hot
______ __________
nature penmuiently ^wennl. honest men, w boss liv«w un* hard and enfonxd, aud 1 shall speedily be abto
IHsalodiy jissatHl ItrgisJatlau endeavor- the overwhelming thle of public sentl, autl, above aU. to ^'’*•*7 buching means Just *4 mot h wIk> have iK»t the kind of tm*ntnl train to say w bother or not there Is need of
. a plop to this evil, the <
nt. and the Judge who does thus dla- the epidemic of lynrtiing and mob vio- tnoral drterioraiiou lu all the <
ing w hi«di win iMWwit them lu ap(»ro- further legislation In reference thtuwK.
I. »
. lenew that spring* up. now In one part
Bave au^; kuoivk-dge of
clxite the d.tnger in tlw doctrines to. for our purpose to to see It obeyed
wrong^lm^ lushes ^de the Pk«^ of our countiy, now to arndher. Each therefore Just so much addition
irrached-All this to to cuiunilt a rriine lu spirit no loss' than in letter. Half
that ttila to the first
, any spacial interest
when .w
tbe .|
^ tie for the next geueratlon of
against the body j^lUc and to Iw false hoUdnys during summer should be eabaa ever been brought In this crtgt- to not founded on rlgh________ . , „ lU ovft fault*. No section can with cans.
to every worthy |.rlnclpk? and Irsdi- tablldnd ftr government etui.loyoos.
and. as I am InftOTnod. tlds case and forms the bigbost aerv Ice to tbe countioa of Arntriewn nathmcl fife. 3Iore- It U a* desirable for wugi*workers wim
one nHvntly bn>ught to Fhlladeh»l»la try
J^e to deaervlngX^f all
oxvr. whlk? soch pnarhlng and so« h toll wilh ibelr Lands a* for salaried
are the only case* that have ever l>eeo honor, and all honor riinnot be paid to te busy try ing to amend Us own abort- not the wild aud crooked aara
agitation may gfVe a liwllliood and a officiato whoso Ubor to mental that
brought in too 4usU»rn imgt ot till* this wl^e and fearless Judge If we per- comUigH, To deal w ith the crime of a mob.
certain notoriety to some of ibttse who then* should be a roasonabto amonat ■
in tocU but few cmaw of this mlt the growth of an nlwunl conxenV to' mxH>s*ary to have an
take part in It and may n-snlt in the of holiday.
Nsgro Should Be Educate L
kind iuiwp ewr Uh-o brought to tbto tion which would fiirbld
f.irbld any critlctoin awakened public conscieni'o and to
teniiwary poHUral suevess of oilwr*.
Labor of Wemsn omI Chiidrafi.
There is ^another matter w hld
countiy, cttkt or
. Now, uudar of the Judgv* of another tj-pe. who supplcmeut this by whatever l^gtola
In the long ipn every such -movement
The congress at Us last oesslon wise
Uuwe clrcuuisiHU
am f.uTvd to shows himself timU to the prosence of
will either fall or el*e will proxoke a ly i»rovided for a truatit court for the
the conchMduo lu
m*e lu whU-h the arrucant dtoonler, or who' on insuffi
calls a forth1 uul
proof to so ckwr aud the facts are ao cient ground* gronti an ItOanctkm with lynching
uUier violent roactlun. which will Itself re LUlrlei of ColumlOa. a marked step la
flagrant It to the duty of tbe court to tbat dors grave-tojustlce.
toe excase for sult not merely In ufldoing tbe mis- advance on the path of juoiHriy curing
who In A RMt WMar wWt. twn .re ImclKi. »j«»« «n‘->vli funxl
fix a iH-nalu whleh sluill to some d<- bto capaeltj^s a <'on<lnici__________ _______________
^ tiwiMiit In
twwAlie ertnio__
to _______
iitounoe. U to out uf the t|tm*tiuu chief wrought by tl»« demagogxm aisl for ibe chlldlWL Let mo again urge
mratc with tbe gravity foro to part a inakei*. of the law. in respect to black men. The greatest ex*» * »Bole jienuaneuUy the agitator, but also In tmdoiag the thaf the congress provide fur a thor
of the offeojM*. .Vs U twwu the twotU* flagrant fashion thwarts the cause of toting cum of lynching Is the perpe^
irvadiug down auy «|r their good that the honest reformer, the ough iurisstlgatloD of the coodittoas
fondants, to mj opinion, the principal decent government The Judge bos a traUon. espertaUy by bl^ man. of
i^umU-r. Even those who| them- tnie upboklrr of iK»puUr rights, has of child labor and of the tabor of wornpainfully and lalsriously achieved. •n In the United fitetea. More and
ixeoalgr ahonl^ Iw Imiiuaed on the cor i«Swer.^ over whkb n<f review can be
eonseertma of Me. the most
Corruption Is never so rife a* In com- n»ore our iieople are growing to rocogporaUvm. The tralbc manager to this cxerclkiL He hlmaeir sits to review
ibto In all thA category of
mnnlUcs where, the demagogue and ntoe tlur fact tliat the qaastioQs whldi.
cam* iuv*umably acted without any nd- upon tbo act* of boih the cxocntivo
agitator bear full suoj. betwuse In are not merely c»f industrial but of so
I WglsUtlvo branches of t
vantage to hlnuielf aiul without any In
couimunltlcw all moral bands be cial Importarn'c outweigh aU oihera,
to the fancied toUTcat of ut» class
tereat 4n the transartlon cither by tbt ment: fiave In the mast extraordinary this crime by tbcmseivaa torturing to
It. ton* to prevent the cdncatlon of aWber come loosened, and hysteria and sen and the*© two qn*«tlana most empbatible only at the
direct authority or iu acxi»rxiaoce with caoca. he
Ijestlal <*J“- The five public adhuoL the < hanva sationalism res*L'i^^ the spirit of sound Ically come In fhf category of tboee
what he understood to be the policy or of public Cfxtoloa. and It to tm
for each boy i»r girl to get a good ale- Judgment and fair dealing a* between which affect lu tl^* most far reachliA
matoUIn that pul41c oplnkm to reftei^
and reducing tbamaelrea to
the wtobra of his employer.
mentory oducation. li«a at toe fpnnda- man and man. In slwcr revolt against way the borne lUc of the narion. Tbe
-n»e aentem*e of this rourt to toto ence to a man with such power ahall lavel with the
hy what It feeds kton of our whole political sit^tloii. tbs squalid anarchy thu* produced horror^ Incident t^.th© enji>to!rment cf
neither l.e cxpressid nor led.
every cooununlty tbe i»oorcit clti- men are sure In-the end to turn tow ard young children la toctortes er at wotk
The be^t Judgtw hana cx-er been fere- upon, and srhen moha begin to lynch
tnoat to disclaim any, Immunity from for rape they apsmdUy extend tbe aens. ibo«e wbo need the acbouh^ moat, anj' JeadcT who can rwtorv order, and anywhere are u blot on our civUtoaof fl,000. malitog Alx finra. amounllng crltldam. This has betn true since the spbera of their msAtSona and lynch would be deprived of tbam if tb<^ arty then theJr roller at* being fxpe from tlon. It to true tiiat each state maoc
class hatrod. ulUmatety scttl-* tbe qMtkm in tta
to aU to tbe sum of
and the de- days of the great EngUsh Lord tTxan- for many other kinda of crlmaa. sa that received school /adli^ propprtiaa- toe Intolerable burdens
toe ^c* they paid. 'This to as vtolence and demagogy Is such that own way. but a thorough official Inftekdaat. toe New York IVntnil and eellor Parker, who saR' ‘Xet all peo>f one iiortton of our counkry as they cannot for some time be aroused veMlgaliou of tli^ matuv. with the re
pie be at IJU-rty to know wbat I fo
Hudson niver Kallrood coniixany
by sult* pobitolted f»r.solcasL would groat,
portion of toe indlrldiM
an* w*
of another. aIt» a
is m
as true
mmsm tynebed ufKArw for UJC;
my Judgment upon, that so when
each of the alK Crimea of which I
Oovenmr Can as for tbe
toe white man. The white
wbUs man. men of wealth, ao that they pannK a ly hc^» toward arousing the pnblic coin*
it to any ^aose
cjanoe othecs may tonooent of all crime. Oovoraor
been ccmvlciod be fined the sum of Ukva gtxvn *t
ecience and fcmrixig unity of atate
WaWtt. maktog six flnra, amounting to be at Uberty to Jndge of me,- The dler of Georgia stated on OdTocctalon to he Is wtee. wUl docUoe to alldw too new growth of the very abuaea which artloh In the matte.?. There to, how
years ago, “1 canI aa.v
SO.V of a verity h«’groe* to a maas to grow to uanbood were in part responsible for tbe origtoe aggregate, to tbe sum of |10S.Ouk propriety c*f the cost were act forth
1 have within toe Itost month aav- and womanhood wtthoot odntotlon. ' inal ootbreak. The one bo{« fur snr- ever. one law ou the subject which
and Judgment to that effect will Ihj ^th mlaguUir clearuesa and good tonshould Ije cnarted Immediately, bo*
per by Judge \V. IL Tsft when a Unit ed tto> lives of haU a Men innocent UnMuerttonably cdocstlon aachlas Is cesa for oor people Ilea In a resotote caure there to no need for an Investiga
coterrd iu this ca*e.“
Sotting Asid* of JudgnMota and Orart- ed fitaU** circuit Judge, eleven year* nepoes who worn prtMd by toe mob obtained to our public si*bools do* not and frartess bat sane and cool beadad tion to reference thereto, and the faO__________
to trial In a court of do evemhing toward making a man _ advance akmg the path marked out
to 18K
itxg of
vre to enact !l 1* dtocroditnbto to. tba
.»d pubucy v**.^ .**
- r»a citta-. b« k
<n* tost yearjby this very congTxraa. There
In conmMipn xviih thU matto T
Judicial ackum Id
of T«tly
«iacue ludl.«l
w »f
««t UmtoJ
most be s stem n-fnaal to tie mloted
wookl like to roll atumtloo to the very In, CTtOcise
tauattofai^tory state of our criminal hM impoctaiwe to ^ body XKdidc dbtatoo. that wblcb dtoclnguisM a thoae. for Instance, who commit tbe into following either that base croature be enacted for th© District rt CoHna*
who appeals and panders to the low- bia and the terrUortea.
low. rasulttug in torge part from toe than the Immunity jof coarts and
ity Bden wbo have bad ettoer no eda- cat inodnets and losslons to order to
habit of oettiig: aside tbe Judgments of Jxidges from unjust asbersions and at
Employerf' UabHity.
tack. Nothing tends [more to Tender
ention or very itttie. Just as they are aroM ooo Oft of American^ agaLnst
inferior courU on tet hnUwHtles abiioAmong the exreltont tours wM the
JddfM carefid to tl*o4r declsioas and
*«*« «iU la I nttlewhUalyncha almort Invariably men xprbo
no their felkrara or that other croattue. cengTM maead at the last smIou waa
Irtoty nnconnectod with the merits of g&xionsly aobcitooB totdo exact Justice white ass
Mof crtoM. Every
property, for toe man who puts imoey equally base, bot no baser. «wbo in a an emptogers* ItohOtty taw. It waa a
to Aaericn needs to
than toe couadonaacm that every act Christian
apWt of greed or to aev^otote or marked step to advance to get tha
hla vote* to tend and etaraal by cot of bto eaiBtoga.,nke the man
nrdhrtraiafobeBobJcrtedtotoelatel- lift np b
of anbotantia^ Justice. It iportd bo Bgant aeruttoy and tandld critlclsai protert agotoot the mob opirit that la wbo acqulras educatloo. to nanglly lift add to an alieody huge. fortM aceks rococnitlan of employers' liabHKy <m
to exploit his fellow Americotis with
weU to enact a law ttrotldlng aomeSuch criticism li throatentog tbe totegrtty of tols te ed above MS brutal crimlnalty. Of caJtoas disregard to their welfare of the atetute books, bat the tew did art
thing to tbe effei*t thateoorae toe boat type of education for
go far eaoM- la spite of all ]
as it Is fate.
the cotered man. taken aa a whole, ta aort and body. The man who do*
Ko Judgment afartl be set aside or
ion as is conferred la baaehes othen In order to obtain a
new trial granted to any cause, civil
or cttadnal. on the ground of mlsdk
If <X «yni4 ly
•«*>o«i»_in» liampton and Tuskegea. high oflko ataade on an evU aqaaiity
rortloA of tbejmy or toe Improper od- xtiMk xne comments made by
oya and girls, the yonng of oorrafitioB with the man who da*
mfcHlon or re^crion of evidence or for ed text wrticn and by the acute edi- ^
men and ymkng women, are timtond te- baaehes otoors for financial prafft. and Tbto Ineritable sacrifice of life amj
onor as Id aqy matter of pleading or tors of toe vartons Hyc rrirtewa upon
dnstrtoJIy an wefi aa to the oedtoafy when batRd to town toe cropc which ha rodacad to a mtohnain. bat K care
IM^ore imtoM. to toe opinion of too
hcmncM Tbe gradnatea flpeings op can only be ava
aoC he completely rtimlnated. It to a
•**'*^ “*
DMf. mi» 1
of tbM mtiooto tm ont wefi la the
- • ”
.Ir to 41. «bf > BMk-« umtde I«
groat aortal Injartice to compel lha
great majority of caw*, and hardly
I who thiak.-toa ma*
after an ovamtoatten of toe
any of tMn becoom
nwnt to amde te atob4 or fait on Its
aaertti and tons mpert! a ainmg taflu-
^ iNJCNcnoNs.
whkh hata
m a aaa Ua —aa a l«<mi« Ikia ZWS^\.kom. *» t«a *t.to to1
tba gow.ramrtit tba right of apiieal in
calmtnal easea on qoestkws of law.
tbla rlrt^t axlata In many «*f the sUtes,
It aslrta In the nutriel of (Vltiinbia by
l^m tMtmtr »,tmmMe,,t mimMm. u»mum
9b the SMto and UoM of JtaptfMt-
UM Mto
aaiMUy 1
fata your (
pmmMlii «f Wk —twift «if » tewki rw»ictl» wItt •»«? am mv rrltaK* « deftOTn • liOaWiniiitar'IHr cABi^'bk «.mm a■• «te w. tor Mzt t» MUar am t» ^waff br Jla«Cw
It ferlai
a»«—ra Ot eta «raaa»>aia >«*a< f a«i»ly dawn a a» aa- ^ *«?? Na*
«• <»■«»»• rtim U ^ ana «raa,
a«w» a ht» ■■wa ta«lt °«> «tM. |wp1»r »«lf«oaiaiiat
•“• *«y
*v ********
•**«•*** >—*»
l—*y «»
ar «r
»r »>«<«»»»«
a. 4«aM< ««at>tw
aat^ Tltfk
*T*.*'*!■• «4k»"mta,
«y»^ ?*•
«>»*«. «»««-.
«gaa« „„^a^
artrtta ^
»t» mrm
«»m mmr
aar U
Ma «U «ar
mahcdui faa to taolf a>
■ml htmAtmA amt aatf
I AlMaTMtarCW Sfaaftjr ^
Mmt or fti» ml-«|«Mr U
taa itrlMal ail^ii. a»d nMjr ««r»
rapKM calf tor Uia m or
Jmw. «>d fito or tbo raidon mo
kflML tvo wrr» voioM aod twidTo
captwod. tockHlloi ibo two woqdML Aa kaa Im veU and fioaij aaid. a
9W coptorod iMro oloet km Mod tMBtao nattoo la not uecoaaarily a dlaglBCNl OMOotu imt turn nattoa or m
la diagram If tka cidlssttkm to dafavd
ngkt to aklrtod.
Wa akoidd aa a natloa do creirtlilBg
aov U pad* tkai Its rofiaddoa will to *or povrr far ibc
■ot ka foipd pofttalilo.
for a nattou to commit a vruog npou
^mlooky Jam.
rofordlns aaothar nnlkin, airung cv weak, aa far
aa todlrldoaJ Ibuji i» vroog bla IBP
lovi. We aboold do aU to our povar
to kaatra tka day wkaa tkew akmU ba
paacr among Ike untkm*-o paaev bawd
upon Juafia and not upon coarardiy
W© ^ accomOb oor part, tbo gnand «i dio Ulaad
bla d/^ioo. but
WtU ko iDtroaord and brltcr
aad ofganlaad. aai a t»itor loroario
Conor fkatrOl owrW abaat fh# UUoda
almoat tocrltablj be to do
MU bo'aMatOWhaV Soxt ooaomi a
than ootkiug. for U moat Iv r*CalMl Man* war^rooM orlU aloo br
tbat fantaaUc catromtota
md mtioffl to M|otm—t. as
•tttO «r Ihli kind .bad km orkaBj
pdankaft for, bp aaek ptovMaD P
rah Grrat IIHt^o far adomta tmaortloa of tb^ oral
kardL mad
wltli Jam for
P# aame panm *ro In prom*.
4 JU law* for tlio protacflou of Ibo
trala trtthlD tbi. jurl«lkai<w of tko
tBUMl ktatea urod rrvtolou aud aiuoodPeat only Ihr Ulauda of Bt Paul
god «t iiransv ni* pow In Icriaa toaludad to «kr goxeruiMWit narration,
aad th9 otlHY UbmU'an* alao to tia
todadM. TUe landlns of alWa. na ^el!
M dUPUl UJ«o the UUimU witoout a
pamUt from the dt»|*arluieul <rf com
coarev and labor fur any punm^cxt*|4 to caw of airca- of arwiUior or for
valor abiNild U proUiUltad under ode
mto pmllloa. •i'Ut imvHi of vea•eU; for die cx«'ci.letl pun»oa4^ aU.mU
ka fogiilatad. Tl.i- nuUiurily of tUe gov
armmt agenU on tlia lalanda ahould
Jia anlargod. and the ciiU^ ngfktjdiouM
kara povrm of a couwnUltog moglatmla. Thm eotranca of a vmrl Into
tokmte with iBttdit toJjUi* eaato abould
be laatW a erlmtoal offeoM and oaiiae
crterfoltuiw. AutborUy tor eelaore* to
tuck OUKW ahould t.e given, and tbe
preeence on any aurh vraael of aeola or
MBtokloe or tire para|ibefualla fur tak
tog them *bould lie mode prlnm facie
tvidenco of suck toUmt. I rtHximineud
vkat kwtolaUuo Is newknl to nccumpllah tbewe ends, and I ctMiiincod to
ytw atloufloo the mmrt of Mr. Sima
nf tho defuirttmoit of ct.iumcrto untl
tobor on this aohje-t.
to fvaa we are txmiiwIUxl to Blian
floB tor hope of making
With Uher guTernuH-nU to put an cud
to the kideoua cruelly now liu Idcnl to
pelagic aoaUng U v ill Iw a question for
your aw^loua runaldcrutloo how far we
tkould continue to protect oikI iu&IulalB the *4.^1 benl oa land with tho
. iwBttlt of eonlUiulng such a practice
«Bd wlHtbcr It U not Utter lu end
Itor Itoty li a NsUbb to Fonher T¥b
to my last moaaagc I advlawl you
that the nuu>r*r of Kuaala hud taken
like lutlUnxc in bHuglng about a aecQDd pt'oee iKmfcrx«ncc at The Hague.
Under the guUlam<e of lUw^a the ariwugBaient of ttm prelluiluarie* for
Buch a confenmoo baa been i»rogrtoete
PB»1 >~r.
iw owing to
rli-s to be
fultod upon every quoatlon that haa
arisen. It to a matter of aatiafactlon
that all of the American repukkes Uve
Aow. for Ibe Am time, been tovUed to
The ctoae .^
•ghjocts to tw token np by tbe Ued
ce bdd at Geneva Uat
ito and tbe sutdecto which natuwould come before Tbe Uagne
renoe made it aKwrent that tt
leatrabto to bare tbe work of tbe
cenaktored by tbe different powm
fort tbe meetlBg at Tlie Hague. The
B*d Oroaa eavIBrivc* Baded tta latoirs
BB tb* 0th Of July, awl tbe rertoBd
nd BSMtoBd conemtien. wbWi was
BigBBd by the AnxrlcaB detogstea. wUl
be promptly Jald bafore tbe Mate.
By tbe apectol and bigbly apprecUted cBOtomy of tbeforerumaBto of Rusfvtbcr at
wbkb would coofilet with the
«t Rio d© Janeiro to Aagast was laid
Mld^ Kootov Ast© has yet been
tbe eoBforeaee has bean propoacd by
tbe pacaraaiant of Rnsola, and tbe
are not In raaUty laadarft of tka caitaaa
vblck tbvy eaponae. but are oedtoarUy
tboaa vim do noat to bamper the leol
toadera of ibc couaa nml to damage tka
caua© ltae:r. Aa yet tkera la no liktU*
bond of eaUbUablug any kind of Internatlonai power, of whatever aort
wklcb can eSectlvoly cback wrongdo
ing, am! to tkcao drcumatancoa it
would be bulk a foolUb and an evil
tblag for n great and free nation to
det>rtve lljielf vf the power to prolett
Ita own r glila and even lu cxccptinoftl
caaee to atoud up f«»r tin' rigbla of otbera. Nidldiig would iuo:-e pmmole In
iquity, uo'hlug xvonld further defer the
reign uiH-n earth of i»oniv nud rightvoomtmn. than for Uie fn^e and enUgUtened peopVa, who. ttmugb with muck
aturohllng and many abortropiloc*.
neverthoitra drive towartl Joatlce. dellberalfly t x nnwk-r thcmaclvea powrrIraa while leaving eh^ry dospotlam and
barbarian) armed and nblo to work
tbelr wIeUtd will. The ckane© Jor the
aetGetueni of dlapntea peet'cfully by of imsUm-rt. capac-lt.v who ore fitted to
fto well while young to the tower poby tbe aatiooa that Bltiana. but wbo are not fitted to do
well when at an advanced age they
come Into poaltlona of <'ommand
----------of grtNtt n'fixxu'^hlllty
the dr^
alre of three men to l»e pramoted
mted to
IMxdtiona which they are not competent
to fill sbouM not weigh ngalnet tbe toteni-ts of the navy and tbe country.
im-yrnt our m. u. ropecUUy In th,
(tor SBrea: Cnaraator #1 Peace t SbB^
navy, uro kept far too louc In th.
Juulor cradw nml thru. M much too udTbo i:n!ted StaUw navy la tbe aoreet
cmivdun nee. arc put quickly throu*h
guarantor of |a«cv w Idch tkla countiy
tlsc aentor gradre. often not attaining
la canuMitly to be wished
thiwje M*nlor gradre until they are too
oldtolioorrrat.ii»etotlH>mand.lf they
nn- of real use. being put tlirough them
and wise p«H»p»c will study Its own fall- stoiqulckly fUat little Uneflt to the
urea no toss than Its triumidia. for navy <x»uie* from tbelr having been In
there la wUdiun to bo learned from tbe
study of both, of the mUtake as well
aa of the succreo For this porpose over'the anny In tho foci that tbc ofnothing i-ould t>e more Instructive than fltx*ni of high rank are actuallyTralnctl
a nilloiul study of tbo war of 1812 as to Ibe continual perforroanoe of tlwlr
It Is told, for Instanc-c, by Captain duiire-ikat U. to the management of
Mahan, lliore was only one way In the batUreUlm and armored cruisers
w hlch that war <-ould have bo<*n avow UOtbi nM into fleets. This Is not true of
ed. If during the pitvedlng twelve the army offleers, who rarely have corjeara a navy rebtivciy as strong aa respoudlng chancre to cxenlae comthat whlA-h this country now haa bad mand ox-cr troops under
been built np ami an army provWed tloiis. The eonduct of tbe Simnlsh war
relatively at good aa .that which the shoxxTd tbe lamentable loss of life, tbe
country now has, there never would UM-less extravagance and tbo. Ineffi
hare Icon tlie slightest necessity of ciency eiTtr.ln to neult if durtog peace
fighting the war, and if the necessity tlie hid) officials of the war and navy
had arisen th© war would under sm^ dejtnrtmeuts are praised and rewarded
clivumstouees bare ended wUh our 0)Uy if tto'y
•y save inouey. at no matter
apeedy and ovorwholmlDg triumph. what cost
But our iwopl© during those twelve Icc. ami If the h5ght*r officer* are given
years refused to make any prepara- no cliaucv wUalexvr to cxcrclre
tlou. whatever reganling cathcr the practice command. For years prior to
army or the navy. They saved a nUl- the Spanish war tbe aecretarie* of war
Uon or two of dollars by to doing and were pralatHl chiefly if tht^y praetlosd
to mere money paid a bundrcdfoUl tor economy, which etwnomy. especially to
reeb mUlkw they thus saved during co:m«-tloo wttb tbc qusrtonttostar.
tbe three year* of war which followed commissary and medical departmanto.
-a war which Iwonght untoW snffertog was directly rr*TKx:iBible for most of
npon our peopto. which at one time the lulsmaD-gamcnt that occurred la
tbreatened the gravest national disas tbe war ItsoJf. And parenthellcslly^
ter and which, ;to apUe of the necBSSlty it obserred that the very people wbo
of waging It. resulted .merely to what clamored for tbe mbuBrertod economy
was to effoct a drawn battle, while the In tbe first pUce ware fomnost
balance of defeat and triumph was al
most even.
t do not ask that we continue to in
crease ©or navy. J ask merely that tbe lack of
It be malBtolned at Its preaeot
Cesst 0«fens©
strsngtb. and thU can be dene only If
There shoold so^
the number of men
fensre. These men sboold be of tbe
: any afloat to any navy. To
pe and properly trail
there sboold tlierefore be an
of p.ny for certain skilled grades, especlally in the coast artillery. Money
MwaM be appropriated to permit
DOW be of ilttle service In a atandap troops to be la.'tssed to iKriy and cxerfight wltb a powerful adversary. Tbe
old dcmbla turret monltws bare out
worn tbelr osefutoeas. while It was a
waste of maney tq boUd tbe modera
aliWktiMretMMmltats. All toeaa ahlpa
aboold be taplaoed hj otbars. »da this
con be dooa by a w^ settled proflwimme of providing for tbe bnildlng
aar that aa; aadaa U at tbe aaia,
tbae inlldtac. tbe anaaawnt fnumafatr *a«aetet of aa hue a mfiaber
It mtaror lie b«i>t la mlad that
I iwg li aot a»yt>r iyUflaVIe bat ba-
• Icnn nation, and to return the amideat
condderatlon akould be tbelra.
West Point and Annapotia alrMdy
tnni out cxwllent officera. We do aoC
need to have these achoola made more
■•bolartlr. Ou th,«Dtr«T.*o rtH»W
never loee-sight of the fact that the
aim of each school la to turn out a
man wbo shall be above everytklng
eUe a debting man. In tbe army to
iwrllcalar It la not n«w»ary that either
tbe cavalry or Infantry officer ahould
batY aiK^clal matbemalicnl ability,
Proliably to Imlh ackoola the beat part
•f the edoentluii t, the blch ««id.rrt
oTeharaHoraod of pnf.alOD.1 monte
which It eoiiffn.
nut lu both necTlm there 1. orsent
ne«I for the e.Ut,l|yhm«.t of . priudplc of selection which will eUmlnate
men after a certain age If they .-numjt
be promot.^ from the anbordtoata
ranks oiul whh h will bring Into the
hlglior r.inks fewer men nnd three!■ at
m possible of vary heavy guns af ooe
ealtoar. togatber with amallar gnu to
repel totpafio attack, while' tfarea
aboold be brevy armor, turbtoe.eii-
» of natural nui
jd.- It la related
two of kla Btudei
allrred by the aaplmtl^un rnd the calculate
actiecement* of hnm.na!ty atmsjrtlng
tbc worui
liberty nnj
«u« be iKt behind b. civnjxaticn m it« at the flftleiU n^. The qucatlon"
and bentr.Tal cilmnef.
mtorred to Euler, who dcH-lded to ipake
tb« clrotaBon. He rtkJ thU n««Wly,
to be cor11
toIt was not only to malhcmatlce that
fuwuaa of the ArmjrUmn confer- Eoler gate proof of a pnidigtoua mem,:ow m
Th -rciu nat cu« of ory. Ue was wcU read In m'oeral liternU our cx^mirtto that «anr>Ct U,f,3m the atuiw nod w na an cso-llcut claaklcal
ctl-T.. Tb.rr i. not me tliui cannot re- .ckoUr. Virgil wa« one of hi* favorite
cclv. Uai.nt friAm tlw othfra. There la
trritcra. It U said that be knew this
«h- ' »'» n„i c-m by ,h.. p™,.
-AeneU" “from U%tnnln« to end oithout bdUtlou oud tudlnte tbe Ibut
oo liutol
■“<» ta.t Hue of ev.ry |..Bo of the'idi.
^0.*”..^ tlo. trhleh he
pklffti«iii U to it
The acxcntcetitU century fumlebea
the muduct wf any state, hut raaar sub- Ibe other two toslanw to which I call
tk SeCItUf^ Of SCftt Of fbO
arc m u-< oia.aui. r^xl
agurd iha e*iuH-tel atlcnlion. 'llie first la that of
“___ iK-o^UUlty of rr-nobing barriers to lnt«-T- the Ualhtu «<-holr.r Antonio da Mtreo
3U1CS df
01 AseriCI
IMnr ©oenc^-. ef a*f-rrUPUnj: for th.^ common MagUalHN-hl. Mag.laU«<-hl was tbe litUnHit whnt ndvam-f. h.v« U^n
Uoyally hnd
dlstlngulslMxl iwHbnagea paid
CSOe fff AtoeriCIl. SfiftoUkS
Irfr ti mk
Icml atandmtoa. of iwrfee^ «ur knowl- con temporaries have aald
iCAMeire, JBJ Jl, jm,
and^ doing sway memory waa so pnallgloua that be wa*
nnd r
nf f!i«
***^ tniocvnccpUons. ih« mUundcr- able to rtdnln verimiltn moat of tbe
omndlng. and the reliant prejudice couleni. of bH • multiludln.us l«okg.7
.wmimratlv.dy nn^ent writer haa
llc*-l beg JO.) to K'llevo that I highly
d.H-lared tlmt M*gllalie.-hl could name
nc subipcts
iW>rcvlate and Urnnk you few tho hompt
xn.t thrre .re some
.uhj^t. In
in the pm^.d written upon
.ramr which Invite dl*w«*ion t
do me.
I hriug from my country
emMIuh to luu- eUl.T oh.t«. In tho dv
*» doubt to*. eiaggoratWm; but. oa the
IhAallou of America.
otUT Ijoocl. It ahculd U* remembered
Luhko » w« ntv In many rcs|H.-t.. “ » “
that tbe nuiulter of liotika on any aobwo aro alike lu thl»-tbat we ure >11
to.wrd ^ comiUcle rul. ^a t
c UAUcb fewer then than at the
engaged under-now coirdUlont and free
.nd peer .q^ nation, ta pres
day. liiddre tkU. there are
from the traditional forma nnd lliullaf jrt-- end v..r.
two stories that have coni© down from
tions of the edd world to wurklug uut
The usor-UitU^i vf no minr reata. nt thcw Magliabcclira time to our* that give
the tmme problem of i»opular self gar- tren all the rrunMics, kwd'm of cipirlon color to Its truth. On one occasion s
ho.-rHs; ihsifm-ndAdaps lual ,-,.utlcman of Fh»rcoce drelred to test
It Is A difficult nnd laborious task for
Magllabechrt ii*on»ory and sacertaln
clcncy o
akookl ewtabUak
abooilug gnlleric* to aU the large publie and military whooU. aboold mainuiD nattoaiU l.rpt »i>c« >■> dlCMMOt
iwrta of the country and abould to
every way eneourase the formation of
rtlle ctobs throughout all parts of ike
land. The Mule.rtyiWlc of Hwitxcrland offer,, u* an^lleat esample In
all matteixMiaidrt.sl with building up
an efflclent crtlaen aoldlory.
The White Uuu«. Itee. S. IWW.
--------------------- —
^ tk nw coof«^
troJ of a suimi^ aox erelgu, so long
aXuatxl neceasary to government, he
Tv*Jectcvl aud cfftvtlv© ©elf control by
tli© goveroed be |wrfi*ctcd In It* plnec.
|j„t fruits of democracy are. many
crude sod unlovely. Its mis
„„ ^muy. Its partial fallurci
few. 'Capacity for
aeir governmeut does not come to mau
by nalurt'. It Is an art to be learned,
and it Is nUx an expression of cksracter to be developed among all ibe
and* of I
p^l^og^ of nii»u«dcT«tonding*. ih© eahJble him a maunwrlpt to read; then.
tloa to a!l il
nro. propu. of ,hl. rome d.r. utter lu return. proModlDC
pc^reful nnd
lo.tlt. h.«ia;edMu«U.b«Wlo
fcrrlng upen
«n lie
asked if be
the grand duke of FI
>k for hl^
n>oM procure a certain book
Iw rreDonse* ‘'Na
alrc; It la impossible,
bcr-tflccni result* ih© g
and the pcopi® of the n niirl Staxicj. of in ii>« xrtvlA. ThatI U to tbe grand
f* no sclgnlor’a library at 'omtnntto^ri^
Amrrjc* gn
of r4acv. for nq urri- U the seventh book «n the seventh
rtciorlr. b.n
relgnty slwlf on tbe right hauAl a« .vou go la.**
The other Instonce In the aeventMth
eeutury is that of tbo Ilcv. Dr. John
u-h the goal toward which w© right* of t.’i© .n:n»r©t and weakest
the gox-eralng
^ w^toest
iK>*ev©r. as a tbeo-
from universal ©duration.
that foHdWa practk-al experi.personal Indc
and self
iw>Bfrtnff mo
to renlsce tbst
nup^elor. self control
rtiernShrontrol which a democracr rc-
the temple of fame, l-'Ut as a tnithaiBB
that rispiei th©. chW | guaraatj- of th© tU-lan, In inathcmaflcal WstorTb^
nisinwlri i of iii wnka aa the grrolret of Newton** Raffweak
U.h,«curo<A II,m..,urte4,rS:
right* or privik«<« or power* that w© tnathematlcal career by reading Ougb^
coased© to «*ry Atacricaa tred a T*Javlc MathemaUc*.- bat tbe
epec-lal bent of his genius esme from
Torricelli s writings on The Method c<
and toIndUlsIblre.** To this be applied tba
euually entitled to a
C^rt*^** analysis and produced bto
voice lu t^ state loyalty to that abmJaST?©
tbe “Artthmetlca Inflnltori2^7^^
nm---tbe most stlmulstlng mathe©« *h«t tomire to neroonal aov- growth that «© auy aU bocom© srretor matlcal work so far pnhfiafaed to BagHero be makes the soccaasfnl
IS By the
ty. Tbe
e. Now-
os U wiacunya,
whole cirOlad world. U swinging
away from Its old governmental moor
Jugs and totnirttog tbe tat© of ito dr
lUsatton to
that no pzrt of tb© A®f«ricsa coatlnwsta
to to be <b«n«S mh^t to cMontoatossi.
> oarodvre to aid
of th© duty to
power of coocantratloc and of memory
were both very strong with Wsllls-oo
strong. It Is said, that on one occasion
--wbllo to bed to tbe darti be extiad*d
mre root of a s
tba reanlt twenty days
that bad
idbntu. Ake
EuUt. *a
Is «
to nave
have uceu ^
able to
to rw
temi lo
I*™* »*T
aioriee foui or amcaitt^
almoal portentoiM lOMDory hare ber^
^l*ted too oftiu, to be^
^ them are
^to auttiority. Wmiain H. Pnw^t, wbo md Mat-aulay alwut Jsy\
*>“ told ua some Inlen-attag things «f
meuu»r>-. I tomli nuallan but one.
TUI, «r«. rrlalej to IT.-k-oU h, Unur
lUllem. trbo nld tb..I lamt Jeltny
h»d o:i,e told him-ll.;;!. 1 ,»1iurtrlM>ed ,
H' M«nuU, lu n .lUotutlon from •Pmr«1i« le-l.; .«o do,-. «fu;r M^.ulur
came to hUn and aald, ’^ou wlU nut
ujc again la the -Paradlats- * at
vhkk Jeffrey «lH‘il.-d the volume and
took him up to a gn-at many luumagoa
*t ramlom. to nil of which he went on
conxM i|y repoaftog ttu^ origtoaL Waa
It not a miraculous tour d-«*pi1tT Maalg or iwvcn booka of the ‘I'aradW to
caae they were lost.**
There can Ik. no doubt of the tmUt
of tkla and many ct tho other atortoB
told of Mncsulav'a inoniory. He WBS
a man of splendid talotiu^llls kJ?!!
edge of Engliidi history w.aa unsurhr
WUUam rerriu lu .New York Herald.
Th© BewB «C tb© Tab!©.
In tbe article on the tllengarry
brendi of tbc Mscdoaakla James Lo
gan, to bis *Tbe Clans of th© Bcottlab
HIghlsnda.- Bsys:
-At the cssU© of Aros tbe lords oC
the Isles lield tbelr parUsment and
IKiaaed the regal dwrees, whlcli distant
pi© form to which
which Iniiwrtaut
"'“‘"‘*0 *'’•
th© chief of dbe Maedeo^ the hUl of Dun Donald,
th© UacAodh
a full right
right to
to KU- i
from tbI. day till tomorre
tomorrow. J
focever.* A lesson was
5 *«■ of these lords wto
“*«i*t «reatly benefit some stlckkri
He had
*»«> I>i*«d by mistake at the bottom
Pairing wlikb com
BW^oW* «no(
wbo dreaded tbe eonee0BBIIOSS oc oie tuppoaed Imllgnlty. but
ibesd of Ms .
*I»«dlly allayed tbelr aiHNeben- I
-oc l»r c-lul-lnK capWlIro*,. ^
'^’bere tbe Mscdooald slta. know ya,
iwitlemao. toat Is tbe brad of tba
table.*------------------------Ortgfs of Mr. s*a Me*,
In earlier time* tbe ordinary man
was simply William or Jobn-tbat la to
say. be bad only a Christian, name
srllboat any kind of Imiidl©*' before ft
or suroame after It
disttognidilng one John or WlUlaai
foom soodwr John or W*Ullam became
nectasary. Xleknaroes derived from a
man's trad© or hU dwelling idsos or
from some pereooal peculiarity ware
ytt tbere were m
ung. Some Jobn
nwre reB»tb tbai tbe balk of Wa foP
prietor or sn fnplayar of hired labor.
lb« be b«MVbeniU»<l!>».»*.
BU-PtaMb ,( die <Ur tb. ImKMit. of dMH VOit-
Tffi teVi)]S[[NG REO^
mmEssms jtfjlN WMITI PmurriNES
Of« > ALL
««UT mjunr^om.
mtonr. Ill B. TttmL
dec W
NOT MOVED hirt am stRI Inwiad In
ths Wllbelm Mock,
aav Ihtf
A. a Tylar. DaatlaL
tbeoboMMC.jimaile’k book* the maken eu prodM. the Bott nlMitas
’ liag •ttadbrd aad popular hooka
p«ay a bt «< ,fancy gift hooka a.
nrrMng frum the tar Eani Mura thnt
Your feet would fee
pretty good
these cold mornings
Japnn to praparing fm a esiriMt mfth greatly niarmnd over the
the United htotoa. The Jspansns fairs ragarMng the nehnei
m imn to CM WtmH9g lUeorC
WMktegtoo. Dk. %-TM pfwMcot t
■ till TO loM MCOro Um omU «t Negra Fwfsrmed jthe Act ef Kltnnf
. tm BtaMM oltor opMiM iM bodr.
the Cai
Mr. UtU. OMUtaat MervUrr to the
dMks by piiMt oM tb«
By Wire to tbe Evening Record.
Valdesta. Oa..
4.-J. C. Raw
Uns. white, and Atfjwd Moore, n negro,
were bdnged la thi jail yard ^oday at
10:45, tbe former f|>r plotUng and the
> throw! UP
w January When New
Ceniet In and He May
Net Preneeiite Him.
Case Mt
By Wire to the Mrenlog ltooor4.
: .Grand Raplda. Dec. 4.~Harry LewU
win probably not be triad tor the mu^
der of ICIka Ward as tbe case wU1
eome up after Jan. 1 when the new
pronecutor comes Into office. It Is
understood he will nut prosecute
t to Tell Why Three
By Wire to the Brenlng Record.
Dec. 4.—President
Rooserelt thU morning told several
aenatora that he wanted the Drotdse
and n»rmkar roaolatloo calling fbr infoniiaUoo about the discharge of the
three oompaaias of the twenty-fifth Infantnr paannd without delay.. He U
aaxioim to furnish InfonnaUon.
The U. 8. 8. Tusesrora Is coaling at
the city dock after lying at anchor off
that point part of Sunday and all day
yesterday. The boat U a revenue cutter of 670. toffs dlsidacement and the
complement Is fifty-^bt or sixty men
but the crew U slightly short at presiL
Capt, Thomas D. Walker received
an Bvenlffg Record repreaeataUve. In
his oabln this mornl^ and stated that
their visit to thU port was for the purpL. or ooiJIog u the more northern
i seem to be short of tbe product.
The cutler lay at Charlcvolt for some
time swaltlng tbe arrival of s schooner
loaded with coal but that craft was
evidently hiding In some sheltered
harbor farther north, not wanting to
ria the passage In the heavy winds
which have been holding up shipping
for the past week.
When questioned regarding, the fish
ing trouble among the Beaver Islands
Captain Walker said that be had re(Contlnued on Third Page.)
Alleged That He and Two Companion
Killod a Man and Rurood Factory
to Hide the Crime.
Tbe appointment of Loyal B. KnappmLof Oread Baplds as Jddge of the
UnRod Btatea court of tM district of
Wcotoni meidgaB has bcea sent to
the Moate and ondoubtedly wUl be
n. Judge Kaappen wilt
sumad the late Judge George Wanty
of Grand BngMa. He will prohnbly
take the bench warty to January-
By Wire to the Eventog Record.
Hillsdale. Mich. Dec. 4.-This Is the
escoud day of the trial of WOllam
Dunnlgan.- in isU since May 2. 1W5.
charged with murdering Joe Cawaey
Dec. 2 throe years i«o. It la charged
he and two co«Saalaoa burned a
door fhetory^to hide the crime.
Whiter Knox and Oeorgo Smith are
r senrtogUfo
r thisolme.
. CnlnalefartlilaumelL m E. Frsnt
•t, ftonns tl, up afinlra.
«sc 4gt
25 cents
Presbyterian Church
Shot Him as Ht
Sat In His Hama.
By Wire to thn Braaing Rneord.
New York. Dae. 4.-Jnlian Salvador,
md tf. a moonlraeper. TO ahot dnad
rough the wtodow of hto home to an
east aide toanmegt houae hy an un-
Detroit. Dec. d.^Wheat—No. 2 rod.
Tfic; corn. 60Mc; oau. 36tocChleago, Dee. 4.-Wbeat--December. 74c; corn, 42^c; oats. 33%c.
TMedo. O. Dec. 4.-Wbeat--Ctosh.
T6%e; COOL 44c; oath, 36c.
Weal Virgiato Man Was So Frihhtoasd
That Ha Jwmpad Through Wtndmu
of Fast Moving Train.
The Hofavt Oa,in|ia.
By Wire to the Bventog Raeord.'
Lagansport. laiU Dec. 4.-Fright
^ by a dream, R Hall of West \Trginla jumped through the window of i
PennsylvanU train In full motion near
Logansport and escaped serious
Sara Hllliksr Was Elec
at the Regular Meeting Last
Aa Ticket Sal
Door They Reoeme
BaUrood r«batM wore traated at
; Itactbaod tbaracooMtioa TO taken
■0 to CM diacaeatoa of lyoehinc. the
ITOldent adrocaUflff a "eqoaro dc«l REVENUE CUTTER TUtCARORA
. tor all** aod oayinc that the crimes of
necroec were not a racial Issue, but of
lodlrldiials. The soluttoa is In the
odMatlon of tbe««cn> and to naktoc
toMlee ewlfl be said.,
Tbe otoUoh ,of capital and labor
• TO dlBCUfead at length and the presi> LOOKING OUT FOR VESSELS THAT
dent thought that the limit of hour.
Of employment for railroad men
ahonld be tied. He tarored an Uk
berltaaen tox and adeooated an In- FtoWng Trouble at the Reavnra to Not
the Cnaas nf Her Appearance at
TM praeident*# meeeepe in Ml Mil
Thin FdfS-Wnlt^ SameTtoia
M fmifto M N«m 7 to lO.Wi Inane.
at ChartmrotoTor Collltr.
Books Make
Ptoasing Gifts
ctothes. m East Pveat atm
they nay. to aniy
By WtratotMETOlngl
Ofllcera Rut Mads Ea mps.
Union 8t Clothiera.
Men . 8li
Women’s Felt Slippers,
(iOc to 75c.
Shoes Of TSstc. When yoa eonae
otUiokofit,it'a awnciaingtoiiotethe
Pnoes |:i, $3.50 snd $4,
Bachaiit & Roscoe
For Sate Cheap.
There is No Magic
Wyatt Craitoton EntertsinMl Fellow
Employca In a Pleasant Manner.
Wystl Cranston of the Traverse
aty Gas company entertained a num
ber of the gas and electric company
employes last evening at his home.
336 Seventh street, with a f. o'clock
son dinner. After the dinner, the
lemen enjo>*ed s smoker snd after
ward acre entertained by singing by
Mrs. Hess and Mr. Cranston, the even
ing being very enjoyable.
Women’s Juliettes,
fur trimmed,
85c to 11,50,
When the steamer Illinois makes
this port tomorrow it wlU be the last
time that the big whistles of the
Northern Michigan Transportation
company%.fleet will sound in this barbor until navigation opens In the
spring. She left Chicago at ll o'clock
yasterday and will Uy up at Manistee
for the winter the latter part of the
The Missouri was In port last night
and U in East bay today picking up a
lot of potatoes which are scattered
about tbe ports there.
Brai^ kMw a poor TO or a^^
boy-to porarty bonawo of aecl4aut or m hsaltkt Know mo now
light bera to yoorwwB town? Want
to make two people happy—your
self and your lesPwMM brethar?
Qhre klm aa otSer ou us for a salt
or aa ovoreoat Braokteg jackete
and oiher comfoTta hare, too. fbr
Kubeck & Hoyt
The W. R, C. elected the followlag
offtcera yenierilay:
President. Sara Hflllkcr.
Senior vice prealdent. Maria Morse.
Junior vice president. Mina Maes:
Treasurer. Callie Thacker.
Chaplain. Bunlre Fairbanks,
Conductor. Maggie Murray.
Guard. E
Delegate . state oonvenllon. Lottie
Allernale, Arvllla Gardner.
By Wire to ths Evening R« »rd.
Chicago, Dec. 4.—Three policemen
and two hold-up men ^sd i revolver
battle this morning at the Western
avenue ststloo of the DoiLlas park
branch of the West Side elelrsfed rail
road after a hold-up of a staUon agent
who refused to obey
When ordered to throw up
His Name Sent to Senate tor Poothe dropped behind
maotor of Traverao City.
crawled to the
Among the nominations sent to tbe
onte by the* president is that of
Oscar P. Carver of this city for post
er of Traverse City. The nomi
nation will be confirmed in a few
Mlaaouri Is in East Bay Today Picking
Up Poutoas wt ths Various
Ports Thsro.
in the. accomplishments of our
"Best” Flour
1 work team, weight about 2,400.
1 7-year-old mare, good driver,
1 4-months-old colt.
3 cows,
1 last spring's calf,
2 sets heavy work harness,
1 light driving harness,
1 heavy wagon.
1 set heavy, sleighs,
1 power feed mill, new.
•Will take:approved nine months! note, without interest,
in payment tor any of the above.
Ttiis Weather
Lay Co.
Smith Realty Co.
Corner Lake Ave. and Tenth St.
Citirens phone 32
Bell phone 169
We can aavp yoa some
mon^on theae-lxmght
about twenty doaen asm-'
plea in addHion to oar
large Une regular gooda.aU aamplea go at onefourth off.
dec 4-tf
HAND MIRRORS at Miller's Pharaacy.
doc 4-tf
Thisisooe of tbe
“fi%"endit yon were
to see the Coat yon
would say it was a
No better vUuea in tbe
city—six or eight styles
fine wod goods $1 per
good ntws finergood*
at $1.25, $1^01.75 and
$2 per garmeat CombinatmundenMarattl
Wait's l^g Sion
You will »ee youraelfa good
many times if you look over
the fine line of Mirror, we
have assembled for the Holiday trade. We have Minors
of aU kinds, an siaea, all
ahapea, and lorallprioesfiom
five cent pocket Mirron to
fire dollar tripple Minors.
One of the dainty little ahav.
ing Minora, made to use at a
hand, atand or hanging Mir.
lor aakea a fine present for a
^nll«^ No tioable to
: hats fbr two weeks; very
VMaa. Mtoe C P. McCooL
They are certainly
the beet thing erer
offered in tbe city at
tbe prioe «>d ere
. ■ ■■ 1
Komiefakn iriien yoe get • coet front «•—it tits end
etapefit Oer hoe ia partiodhrtp ataoi« at from $12 to
geode et$at> to $22-fat« fittiiig. friU beck,
long or Aoit, ^ »e the ji^
Sheiman & Hunter
. .
“-TT a
J. W. Millikp'n
.......... ............. ^___
^ 1
«.Ma#aap awd gablih plitwra la Iba
\ M
ael«5t yourt NOW while
theaaaortiBMit ti
n baa ak dftba Impartabt
fasonaa af a Moka coa»nmli«
atora and they arc patented,
a ia poaldTely atr UdH nhd
cmaiaad ta nmala to as kmg
sa lt la osed.
It ia parteeOy elean. baring
ao door to aeattcr a*bc» and
dost efrcr year carpet. TbaPped
door is darn aa damoke proof.
U wfll bold tfc » boors
C*t your Kifts now. WVH
wait for the money.
U will keep your boose wM
with leea fuel than any
store made.
Oome in and see this bcaj^lng
» posnmsf nuiN
mtadwaagna. A helpleai. ^Ing
old amm ba waa carried away by hlf
M0roawaau enable area to pro>
Useful Gpte
rnim i
Rissa SumssM
Ji W. S!atef
H Discard Your Wood Beds
Toa Get the Benefit
ad fMtbral to tba last baHaring
that Dowda waa oT ditrina ortgia mod
he eoBYiaeod that be U no i
Here Is a Chance for You
M Mtar * w M «M». TW. I*
MiM«a MM mmMM fw fMtafl
«!*»** *••'<*«-•
F> ^ i.'rsrrsraSLts
Goo.1 Iron Bod, alt aizea and all oolora, a grol woven wiip
spring and a good cotton top mattreaa,
The dty eooneU i
orer, and daddad IR imor of progreaa.
The Grand Rapida Press resterda^r
two ertltiilili againat male
Tba plmi of tba poet haa fbUaa am
tUU mt daapila the prataati of
MMi WUtiMBb Riley. Lockerbie
lad la fniliMpalU w^Jl ba pared
with aapbaJt Riley made tbe itmt
fbmoaa ia bla paame a»d tba tababi^
ir tb# tkrlooa •••cirtc mUwbf «•
UrpitaH wm in an embryo fUU In
thin dty M figton fdl to cryi
nn4 take bn a tfaiaUe form, it i
:lwrrefor tho4
r ia odmr parU ot the
omkwr of eteam
» ear U oneb timapa
tnaamiieh as tba
povar bcmasa wttb the naaemmr
plfloma aio not BoeaMary and »
l« a kmc aa< mtpeaaita ayatam of trolIry ariraa. Bach ear «aaarataa lU own
power and the motom are gel
Hftmc aoeofli to accommodate (
atgga where they aiw aa reliable aa
alaplrlo motora ^ as toPt»
b^Im^^»JJer**for ^ery ^ten*hl!lrs of
aenrico. Wbcn the car Is at rmrtbw
expense coaaes. With an electric line,
it li^AinaaaBDr to keep up a cimstant
curfpnt mbalRer one or more carwbmre
Tba first coat of a gaaollne propelled
tnwUoQ Una Is aldalem thair ah elmv
trie raflwmy an the expensive dyaamoa.
are not ■aaaaaary> iha coat of tba car
and Ibe motor being tbe expenac out
side of tbe grading and iteel.
Ml a line ooald be operated In and
gbeottba cKy. to tbe-Sast bay resorts.
Oarp lake and on tke peninsula in
the su|nmar at a profit. In tbe wiaten
tbiwa or M ears would be enoofib Ibr
tbo city dw tbe oort of Iheee WonUI
be ao light that a profit on the investlirtiit wonld be reinroed even at that
Bridwitly the edMlr faaa.#yag up
hope of amaasii^ a foitima.
e estaam In sdilch J. G- Grown,
oew superintendent oX the Han*
A Lay Mercantile company. It
<MMJf WRirr TO WORK SIXTEEN .held in Tiffin. O. from whcrS be
comet to thU city. Is shown by the
Bta taken fn>a tba Tiffin Ad-
- -Vou leave behind .vou many per
aonal frieoda, both In and out of the
buaiaeaa world. We hope you wUl stlU
remembar us. ms your Tiffin frUmda
when far away from us. aad caaually
give us a thou^ be it ever so little.
“ In presenting this cup to you as
a token of our regard and esteem, we
trust you will accept U In the spirit
in which It Is given, that ll wUI be a
source of great pleasure In the years
to come to look at this gift and think
of the many pleasant days spenj
among us here In Tiffin.
•• 'Wtehing *you every success In
your new home, may the best wishes
of us aU follosr you aad your family.’
•The gift wa^ a complete surprise to
Mr. Brown, whose emoUoaa at receiv
ing such a splendid tesamonlal from
hU employes weU nigh overcame him.
He, however, succeeded In a few well
chosen words In expressing his thanks
and heartfelt spprecUUon, both of the
gift and of tSe spirit in which it was
-The affair waa a moat ha«»y one
and wlU long be recalled with pU-asure by those preaent."
rMsk That Seseeteea U Tao bhioh•arbtfia New Labor SevmiiyTsm
ing between Manager Brown of
murk Ev^ Wedn
tbe Griggs company store and the
force of sales people of that place, the
latter trodPred him a banquet and re
The barbers of Traverse City art ception at the Log Cabin diotel and
getUng lazy. On Saturdays now they Meadowbrook Tuesday evening. About
don't start oaMI 7 oVdook ta the moni- Ibrty in all were present ant during
tag aad tM alt they birWto do is to the evynlng Mr. Brown waa preecnted
work as hard aa Uwpeia drag a i
with a beautiful aUver loring cup.
or pash a pair of artsaora untU mld- ftilly two feet In'height upon wkich
One- half off on droas, r^y to wrar
niglit aad It tbo shop happens to be
aulUbly inscribed:
aad street bats for two weeks; very
full ml cMBg time uatll I o'clock or
•Presrnted te J. Edgar Brown
choice bargaina. Mlsa C. P. McCool.
after, generally aOnr, beeaase there U
by tba Bmptoym of tha ». U. Griggs leadliM milliner, IIS B. Front.
a certain amount of atraightenlng up
doc tet
that alsrays has to be done. Now they
Tiffin. O.. IP^.'**
have a notion that these ham are
"The supper, which was a-very elab-i
kNig. ao they propoae to dut U
■ate afii^r.'was serred at the hotel
down Sb hoar and close at ll o'cl
kt 6 o'clock after which the party ad
Saturday nlgbt instead of U.
At preaent. the Travwso City'bar journed to the pavilion where the fol
program waa carried out, Harber works seventy-two boQW> ^
-y Klophenstlnc presiding as loostatartlng at 7 o«etackr aad figlaMh
• o'clock ca weak diMs. mabbicw!
"Quartet. Sweet Adeline. .Mlsaei
hours he is on duty with two hours fbr
In our twenty years of
ineala Added to this Is the Saturday nna Miller, UlHo Hergenrather.
stunt of sevento» hours with plenty lUbel Barnhart. Anna Kramer; piano grocery selling we have tried
of chances for overtime. Tbe ordinary mdo. Silas Van Nees: vocal eoAo. Wes
cheese,, but
i Kro»er;.whiBUing solo. Thomas many Htintts
lb: duet. Misses Kramer and Karve never found any equal to
hart; violin solo. Miss Herpan
them only work eight hours or fortysr; duet. 'On the QulM.-Mlsses
elght hoots a week while their wages
niw not grsaUy below those who shave Hergenrather and Kramer; eda po Mr.
rn and family. J. R- Mdkmald;
It has that rich, creamy
. A. R jlasson;, presenUtlon
in light of the fact that the majority
flavor which distinguishes it
sb. Mr. Chubb; reapooea. J. E
of stores doee before 11 o'clock oa
Ratuidar night and that no one would
' We can buy other kinds
be very amloualy Inconvenienced by
a apeech by Mr.
*tTb« praaaa
fbe change except right at holiday Chubb WM a
happy effort and at alower price. buTwe would
time when the stores remain
rather have the satisfaction
IiHm aa Iplibws
Uta. tbe moveamnl to ckwe an boor
fiTr. Brown; I have once more that goes with every sale of
early oa Saturdar aighu U entirely the bbaaroCafifircaeiag you in behalf
of my fellow clerks, U la wttb regret
that we bare met on this oocaaloo to
To Cura a Cold ta One €>ay
bid you farewell, and again to thank
When you order chees
ypn tor the many courteeles extended
Id us during our business assocUtlonq mist on “Botternut.”
with you. w;e have always felt it a
THE BELLE. PLACE inLUN-EaiT Ideasure to wark fbr y^ aad trust
that your aueceeaor may have equany
1 hamirod trimmed haU from |E aa pleasant aaaoeteUons during his
to $4 fbe^ PI each. A iarga llae ftom buy.
to IPP at one-hiOr ofL lids
" 'We loss In you a valuabla mid In
dec P-a lime of need, which we always cordial
ly received from you. We most aaONE ON lit Pad or W and one on 4th
than you
laus OB Page 1.
dec 4>ft
Mave had in Tllla.
. ^Cheeffe .
to tnia a cbild
good habito.
habit of aaring
goMt ooa. and
ia a
g—a at a MTUga
maeemu intoreata a
child aa much aa a
mm imj. Supnaiag,
too.hov {aataoiqa o(
tht« HnaU acooaato
db grew. Opui ow
tod».ao mattor wfaat
^tate Hank Bun ting
We have aa o>-errtook of theso goods and we liavo got »
make roao^ for a oarioad of goods which wo have coming.
find a big cat on the other goodi aa wcB, for
rwe mnat have the room.
Your Credit Is Good
One Dollar Down, One Dollar a Week
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Fnmltnre Co.
yil S. South Union Street
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
"THE BIG STORE" Dealers in Evnythiiig .
More Good Things
fd)F Christmas i
IcatlKr, Ebony and Celluloid Novelties
and^^Sn’^Ebony aBd
Crepe I’aper Novehies in Clipping Envelopes. Laundry Lists. Broom Holders.
• Blotter Pads. 25. 50c. $1.00.
Dennison “Christmas Seals’
M IglU GfDoet
The novelties that sold like wild fire last year, over Twenty■ Minions
hWlions bcit
being mU.
Three entirely new ideas in Seals-100 in a box for 10c. Holly Gummed Suckera
for labelling packages. 12 in package, for 10c. HoHy Tags to attach $o packages, 10
in package, for 10c. Small Holly Tags, 20 in package, for 10c.
Tfoat andCmt*
Just the-things you want for your rnany friends. Every day
some new line Is uiipacked. The earlier you make
your selection the better you will
and then have it all off your mind.
Something of Intereot to the
For the next thir^r days wo will dwnwirtioto, at mmHorm,
thainetiioda ot im^
Fiist^latiMal Bank
(JuaranU-od eviry putit-ntj at this
office. IfB tbie Careful j Treat
ment which removes all taure of
dn-aiTtliet rminy Umid peo^Wlinre
whoeeTwth neetl CKvanib^r, Fillin(f. Crown or Bridge WoA.
If your twth are 'in laid comlition Uxlay. ar«pt our 1 Careful
And all higher gnubw will be aold aoooidinglr.
Start Young
!ii w i:i
<Mt aa honr. •
prtoca daw tbe aOdajPB. Oone in and by ityo
X & Palgfi ^BGltidOo.
T. V'tf
Christmas Dinner Favors
Can be used at any luncheon or evening gathering, Japanese P«P« Napkinswith the ring, and an exploding Paper Cap nmrelty. 50c a dozen sets. Create, any
amount of fun.
Dressing Table Mirrors
An entirely new line of beautiful Dressing Table Mirrors in^warrMU
plated frames, in most artistic shapes, priced at $1.00,1.25, IhO, 1.75, 2.2j, 2.1
3.50, 3.75.
Hand Painted China
ter ^t«Tll!oorLwSd?.Oa“^h^
Tbe C ■.eoctoty ef the Pnehyte*
TOOK THirrv niNum
-aoaia tnmMd witii aOrer.
Short tooili OoMbaior Men,
/ii f
pmf C«llt •• #f
ilMl aiMl MMi
TMMUfM. Mra. C. Kelly.
IW ummrm reportoi ft on hand
sM tit to the mtortoMry tond.
Tbe Toeng Ledtoa* eockty met wttb
mm m m osiriit mm rnm
to tba jaar to bring tbMr wrok betere
tbe paopla aad tbay bare jast oam
be proad af tbe paM yaaUa work.
r«e treawW a
esivad. atoo
Mao a
a Ust
Ust .of
Idtegs. tbe ofAclal orgna of tbe orgsntoattoa.
eral new members
three Ufc
W ltb the mtoslonarr sstm of tbs
moratog the day was a
to floatb Maaltoo Istoad to Octo^
bar aad livsd to a toat for some time
Mtoe McKay.
TMitr mlntUm
tiM IMS tvo rnmmw^ mm,t
Tbe society bee ratoed |dS tba part
Mtac tow with \k9 cHf commM m
111 to tbe treewy.
SMC aigbt CMy tnnmtm 1\ thm b«»>
CbarttoMe wom waa ptaaaed tor tbe
Emm mm mornm to ttou cJ««.
AC tiM MMCtaE torn crcBtoc M «rd|. anater and pot Sank anppM vlU he
MM «M pMMd Axtof Um torn ttoit held each Meath. Tba next amt
wm be with Mtoa Soeeb next Mo
PM tediMMd E7
me oUmt
>cESelM for poMto bts«. rwdDTTtog
jPiMwri toott M7 pout til Umt ekr
M tha nnralid fUttSoM or dodu biuI
froa tbe nUhoM ototloof or dock to
to tboair. thr mto oto
Mr. aad Mie. M. A. Umler Were Host
U CMU, tho osTtooi botog toctod
end Heeieae ef Papator Sectol Oc
ofCOior ctooM. Fbr conylng poople
Irofo Uie osytotn th« charge la SO ocoU
for OM phrooo. II for two, Ihw or
tbe Owls met nt the
fdor poopto aod SS ooota each for pa»ant Mr*. M. A.Umlorand
■Mforg oror four to oomber. The home of Mii nnd
tbeerentogwaa ph
y spent up to
foaorol rat* «m Esod at fSAO and
vhao hlnid br the hoar by aoc ow 10 o cloek playing
foor pMooa. IS for Uie flrot boor aad when light Ircfrenbmenu were aereed.
Mike Dooly won tbe Arrt prise nod
II fOroac^addttiooa] boor
Mr. Umlor]tbe conMtoUon. Serenal
The rate for canrlng baggage
flne rocal mtCtUrnM were rendered by
ixed at SI eeotj for tmnka leaa tbaa George Ho^jutb and W. B. Banker,
SOI pooBda to veigbt aad 10 oenU for with Mr*. Itormuth at the piano. Tbe
oaeb 100 addltloaal. aatebeli. etc,. party broke up at a late hour, all
wm bo oarrtod froo. The rata card agreeing they had been highly enter
ahall bo ptoeod oo the taalde of each talned. They will meet again in two
/caniago. Bttvooo the boora of 12 week* at Ue borne of Mr. and Mr*.
nldBlEbi aad S o'clock In the mom. Inrlng Ooold SIS West Twelflh atreet
W oao half more mar bo togaUy
ebargM. Vlototiaoa of tba ordia
are poaUbabio by OSS fiae or thirty
daya 1a jail.
(Contlnjtod from First Page.)
The ordlnaace was adopted oo Mr
red no orders regarding It as yet
GIlMl'a motion.
and all he knew of It was what he bad
Na Ambolanoa Ma
The etohe reported that be bad ad> read In the papers. -It would be a
rertlaad tor Wda for caring for tba fUte matter anyway.” be said.
Tbe Tusonrora baa been busy dur
amboUace but none bad come la. On
tog tbe fall months looking out for
Mr. onirtt s motion two wceka
TosseU" In lilatreas and tbU work has
' a INNE. hard battto'srttk coa
im. Altrod WsM. S4 yuan of bga.
ibad this moratag at kto borne
mrtaeatb street.
oa Kbst; TMrtasaui
■ary tor him to rotara to bis
L Stoca tbst tlma bis dssth bss
friends, worked for yesrs at B. J, MorON Hit RACK.
gaals Ihrery bare and in that time
made many friends who will miss his
cheery dlapoelUon |mAly.
Get Hla Veathsr and Then Went tack
A wife and one child are left to
Hema-^eek'Twm Days for the
mosre bis loM ijcstdes the many
Trip This Time,
Tbe funend of uU Clan
waa held from Bt, fftmacU t
morning. The oerrtoe wa
by a Urge number m friend* and their
oEerlngs of many flpwers showed the
love held Id many hearts for the de
ceased. Interment took pUoe to the
Catholic cemetery.
Winnie K. Hills ha* brought suit for
divorce against Asaph R. HUIs on tbe
ground* of cruelty.
Tbe will of tbe later William B. Wil
son waa admlUed to probate today.
A bearing of clalnu against the Wil
liam Huebel route pas held by Judge
Walker today.
CUlms against tile C. K. Buck estate were
tbdsy In Probate
Today to pensloo day and bright
and earty this morning Uncle Dan
Whipple showed np for hto voucher.
He explained to County Oerk Walter
that he had walked In yesterday after
noon as on account of the walking
being so bad he dldnt want to do It
all ip one 'day.
A lady offered me a fide." he said
• but seen* *s bow the wind was In the
north an' would blow on my back all
tbe wsy. I told her I guessed I'd walk.”
After getting his voucher he made
ready to go and in answer to Mr. Wal
ter s invltstlotj to wait a while, said
’•Oh. no. I guess I'd belter be glttln'
along so’s I ken git home in time fei
dinner Vn help an»und with the
chores,*’ snd he buttoned hto
P«H>a*»»ory to I
mile walk.
Traverse Bay
y siwlng
GrtNx-r to tlm-at«n(«cl with sn odd
meet with Ijrs. C.
atrike. At a pubib- nieetliiff tbe phyday afternoon. Dec.
Dec. d.
slcton* and Uruorist* of AI ben* di^
The Prlnuiry Sunday School Union elsred that tlieir professkins wotihi
will meet at the library Saturday after- soon be reducMl to *tarvath»n. Many
noon at 2:30 instead of W’edneaday
afternoon and this will continue unUl
farther notice as ii Is beUeved^a
larger attendance can be secured.
’The Woman’s Missionary society of
the Baptist church will meet with Mr*, j llrhineut of ellnlea nnd iH*rnilt» their.
C. 4lsrnKt tomorrow afternoon at «o fnrreaae their fee* from two draeb2:20. Mr*,
neciion of offleers’ at Companion of
Foresters tomorrow, j Lodge called at
2:30 sharp- Pot luck liupper afterward
Tbe annual meeting of the Orknd
Traverse Medical society*will be held THE BELLE PL.tCK MILUNERY
this evening.
One hundred trimmetl hats from |2
The W. F. M. S.
the Flrsl M. E
church will meet W^th Mrs. Joseph to $4 for $1 each. A large line from
Dutton. 54fi Webster street, W<-dnea 15 to $20 at one-half off. Tlllt week
dec 3-2t
day afternoon at 2:.-lfl. Answer to roll only.
<sll. -MlscelUneoua quqUllons. * "
The regular meeting of. the Rath- FUME? At Milieus pharmary-gooj
dec 4-If
bone Sister* will be | held Wednesday place,
evening. There will he the election
of offleers |||d all members are
dec 4-tf
quested to be present prepared to i
dues to tbe first of ib^ coming year.
has ^
tacMt j
de$4-2t CtouaonPam 1. .
. . j;. -
I t’
tuetitem. Examine the labfL
ta ocw mw waa.
Biz mils ndloa of HabeidaMief*’ balL
bed Iti origin In
£400 to be given to tbe preecber ef tbe
most etoqnmd eenoon withtn tbe above
nmtt Of tbia earn £1S0 now gero to
tbe cboaeo cleric, while tbe remaining
£2h0 la divided among poor cirnymeo
Evroy yror on Oct. 1C la preached at of tbe roat end.
Fetbapa. however, tbe most original
8L Calberloe Cree ebnreh to Leadenstreet tbe -lion •ermoo,*’ It comKiratro tbe escape, over two cen- pnlplt letbe‘‘
TW Lerky LomIm ClrrwTS
tnrtw tact of a then lorJ me.Tor, Wr j
lowed lUu to poniue hi. wiy tmmoIcied. lo gntltiHlr tor kl> niltanilooe
• tta worth)- citiu-n k-rt <JlrwIn hie will that . commcnior.Ur.
Krtnon-taonM be iwcrbed .nmielljr.
together with aullkieul money to carry
this bequest Into tff«vt.
Every Jan. 30 for 223 years has tbe
AMbetoD aermou” 1m*cu dcltvenHi lo
the t>sriab church of lAownbam. IjinUver two cimturies aluce Sir
Richard Aaabetou of Dowuham Uall
legacy of £4 a year.
lo be distributed amouz the inoot and
to iM* paid to a cietgyluual exfHHiltiou. ou tbe
date of the trototors death, of Job
xlx. 23. 2G. and Coloeaiaus ill. 3. 4.
Jbe ”Bi.l:al senuou.” which Is deliv
ered every Raster b»*forv the lortl may
or and con>roatloD of X.«oodoti at Uhrist
cbuiyh. Newgate slnvt. origlnateil lo
an old custom by wbicb tbe blsbup ol
ted some Icarued rlrrie
to deliver a sermou at St. Paul'*
Croaa oo Good Friday a* a |.rt lmle to
three sermons on *Tbe Rcsnm-ctlon"
The eni}icror's great bell in tbe Ca to be given at the pulpit crow In tbs
thedral of Cologne waa consecrated
ml on tbe folloirlup Jlonday. Tiieswith great pomp. Twenty-twe cannon
and Wedn«Klay by a blsbofi. a
token from tbe French were amlgned dean aud a doctor of divinity respec
by tbe Emperor Winiam for Ito mano- tively.
The following Hund.ny at 8t. raul’s
Dd more than
hVOOO was paid for tbe easUng.
It bears an InactipUon recvirdtog
that -WUIlam. the moat muguat em
peror of the Germans and king of tbe Toeeday been gsrlied in Sfwrlet at
Prosaians. mindful of tbe heavenly tended, ae ou Good Friday and Ratter
help granted to him whereby be con
lesday. rt»bed in violet gowns.
ducted tbe Inte French war to a pros Ere tbelr mlgreilon to Horsham tbe
perous iMue and restortM the German boys of tbe Blueroat school were al
empire, caused cannon token from tbe ways present at the ’spltal sermon.**
-nowro aerroomi’ are atill to be
French to be devoted to founding a
nrd In more than one church. On
l.ell to be hung to tbe woodertel caWhitson Toeeday at 8t. James' church.
Mitre court Aldgale. one of throe la
>n of the rburch. U oo tbe aide, preached, while at 8t. I^smartra
beneath which Is a quatrain to tbe church, Shoreditch, a botanical dise ta, to acconlance with tbe will
*t.vle of tbe mediaeval conceits, pray
boinas Fairchild, who died In
ing that as devout hearts rise heavenward at lienriug the sound of tbe bell 1720. annually dehrered. At Rtepoey
so m.TV tbe d(»orkeeper of heaven open church tbe ••bortknUtural sermon” ceU*
ind the long jNist dnys when towide tbe pates of the celestial mansion.
On the opposite side Is Inseribed a sex etrod of being surrounded by tbouOf bouses jhe rhurrh overtopped
tet In German.
Milk ^napaeiar'a Napprt.
Mant and Milk Inapector Dockemy greater part
rrportad that be bad asamtaad twenty- there hare been several severe storms
the ship has not found any craft In
need of asalsianee and Captain Whlk
er stated that the loss to ablpping was
uch less than that of last year.
one alaughter houae. The dalrlea were
**Our chief work is the enforeenieat
found la good condllloB eirept
wbicb were oaly fair. The cowa were of the navigation law* and helping
boau In dl*tre**,’* be said and went on
state that tbe former work was
Tbe nmat markaU warn dlann egoept
one or two nnd aoma of the amaller greatly light^ed by the willingness of
tu abide by
onea were modela of neatneaa. Alt
are ready aad willing to comply with the law and that very little trouble
as encountered to It.
the onllnance. Tbe report waa reAfter
leave for
r«*lred and fllod on Alderman Moon a
Harbor Spring*, where she has made
A petUloo from €ook A Young aak- headquarters rt<cently and will go to
Ing permUaUm to more their ware- Milwaukee In a few days to lay up for
The season generally
bouae aad hay houae from tbe preaenl the winter.
location on the Pere Marquette and close* I>cc. 1 but this year It will be
Front atreet to Front and Maple lengthened somewhat
The Tuscatrom la a model of neat
atreeia waa referred to the Jlre com
mittee on Mr. Glllptt‘8 motion. tbU re neaa and ahip beauty, apeaklng well
Nollro (o tbeYTaxpaycr* of the City of
QUlring conalderable partlamentary for Uncle Sam’a metboda used to his
Traverse city:
She baa a speed of eighteen
practice aa the petition had been
The tax roils for the collection of
granted on Mr. Goodrich*a nHitUm hut knots but only twice a year, when abe
IC stole and cotinty taxes for the
Is Inspected, does abe make this. In
waa rryxmaldered and then referred.
■r 1006 and for the delinquent
Paul \n^ck waa glreo penniaaloo to point of coal consumption, ten and ■ulfering wUh lyphol^ fever.
school and city taxes and special asmore a amall bam from Cedar aad one-fourth mile* an hour have been • The annual election of offleers will
nenta for said year have be^
Sixth -atreeU to State and Roae found to be the most economical and lake place at the | meeting of tke
placed to my banda for collection. .
thl* Is her rmlar croltlng speed.
Eagles this evening. Every member
will be in my office to receive said
Thirty tons of coal were supplied
should make It a point to be present. taxes from now until Feb. 1. 1007. on
The report of i
the boat by] tbe Columbia Transfer
The ladles of the Presbyterian each week day from « o’clock to 11:30
A F««y Teasat
rlalma and account* waa allowed on
At one time there lived In W<
church have planned to sene an oys
Mr. 011teU> motion. Tbe commUtee
o'clock to the forenoon and from
Mass., an old n-*gro who bad a tre
ter supper at tbe church partur*
bad cut out a bill of II for Mvery for
o’clock to 4 o'clock In the afternoon.
mendous Influem-e, rHigious and polirtWednrodsy from S to f.
the police department and abo a bill
On all state and county taxes paid
be ll%ed.
The Companion Sewing society will before January 10. tbe regular fee of
of I4AS tor repair* tor the chief of yxy Tremoot ■trebt was hit on tbe
llcw'g baraena.
meet with Mr*. Charlro Everett Thursby a brick wilcb fell
per rom for coltecUon.^ will bo
day afternoon. Busses will Irove Mr*. charged and on all taxes paid on or ly evaded the payment of rent for
ThecoinmlUeeon atreeta and walk*
McLaughlin's and Mrs. Frank Sbuter’s after January 10. there will
iticommended tha^ tbe 0. R. A I. aide
many years. No trouble came, bowat I o'clock.
ever, until the banker was nominated
track In the alley In the rear of Kaat
charged a fee of four per cent for coiThe Woman's Home and Foreign lecUon. Penblty on delinquent city to ran ter s political oAce. Tbe next
be Inveatlgmted by tbe
negro ceme hobbling Into
Misslonarj society of the Coogregs- nd school taxes and special assesscity engtoner and tbe compairy be
f. He caltod antfYacalred
tlonal church will meet with Mrs.
made to eompto with It* frantblae.
rw $100 bllla.
aenta. 4 cento on each dollar of the
-Well. Sam.** said tbe banker. **1 sup^
Adopted on AlddroMto Mnrcble's mo
much did you getr be asked. Frank Hamilton oo Washington atreef mount of said tax.
proe Ttm're come In to pay me some
tomorrow afternoon si 3 o’clock. Of
Office to room 202 State
The oommlttee oo atreeu aad walk*
**011. no. beea.** replied tbe old
elected ^t this
••I s Jost come to to eoy Ft glad yo* Is
recommeoded that tbe^Pere MarDated. Dec. 4. 190€.
nomiroted and wiU tell de iro* of droo
There will be
Qnette'a claim of IS07UH tor exceu
DO ‘rount nigfen to vote fo* yd* ai
baassr at the
frontage chargea for tbe South Union
mention to yo’ at de eame time dat de
Friday evening. Dec.
atreet paring be allowed. Adopted on
roaf of my bouro la a-lrokln’. en» If
cordially Invited. Omveyances fur
Alderman Palmer * motkm.
•tain t fixed HI have to move out di
(U ■!> adonblc laturtnished for those coming from the city
The roromittee on *treeU and walk* bit iwwtE. (On. dv bU moUMr.
rect ly.**~TJpptorotra
.( their
th»lr «U0B
.cUon Uk«
ukn pontab
pmiWi Wa.
bla. dfpdrcd Wa
bla w bl. Mt free of charge. ’They will meet at
at tbt top o( W« Wall's drug store at 7 p. m.
to regard to tbe M. * K. E. W4»ti»rk «t diia»r. Rr
From tbe
L Df mental etbThe Ladles* Anxlitoir of Grace
aeroro Hall street
K be
bo Anal.
teaL Adopted
Botogy New England la at
ebureb will meet sri^ Mrs. Munson
" on AMerman Qlllett’s motion.
frem the irot of tbe United Btatoe aa
Wednesday aftsreood at 2:20. Bos
Tbo oommUtee on claims and ac- jutobaaoad?
Brittany or Proreoce from tbe rest of
Will toave Mrs. WUktoson *. 202 Stale
connto raeommended that tbs city
France. Piedmont teem tbe rent qf It
-Nftstreet at 2 o’clock slmrp and wQl stop
clerk Agnre tbs fabatro-dus tbs Aouth
aly. Bavaria frron the rset of \3erat Mia. Tblrtby's on jsixth strest and
Union strsst paopls on tbs engtosar*s)p»
many. Tlioee features tbe exiateore of
ra Harrtngton’a on Klntb sUrot.
paving rotlasate. that tbe people pay
wbicb can be edentifleaUy proved and
The St. Eltoabeth |guiid win meet
otrot of which can be raadlly
their asssasmenU that tbe irrosurer
meaeured are a high birth inte of gen
tonight wMh Miss Spencm* at Mrs.
prepare a statement of the amount of
! .aALC.
ing a pnarion fro reaASng. a high dieach rebate and that they be andhed
One- haU oir oo dresa. ready .to wear Bailey's house. 42$ W ebster street.
vocro rate, a low natality. « WfR #Mtb
by tbe oouncU. Adopted by Alderman and strest bats ter two weeks; very
rate from Alaenaaa of tbe nervoos apeTOO LATE TO CLASSIFV.
Wlnnls’s moUoiL
choles bargniM. Mtoa C. P. McOool.
On Aktonnan Winnie** motion tbs toadtog rnimm. 11$ EL rrent
WANTED-Dtaitag rt)om girl at the
cisrk win Inatraot tbs Psre Mafqwstts
dec 4-tf
dsc:^ the cleaB to wrrtting a coaspoeitioii on
to repair the cross walk at tbs sating
The Rronlt of Laxtafea.
touA aachhet powd
■ bernyenrodaj. Today flgaU^-Yoong Clemeim. at the ead of half rOR^LK~A oombtaatioa waoTS?
lets. Temonow it will compere
hot blast coal atore la tret claae
r'a Pbaromey.
an boor, handed In ae his eoamorttfOB
and from them drolve laws.eoDdlUoa; jrarth |2te.$l#.cash ttkro
a t>Mnk *Ute."-Excbanff».
totsreattiif to nttls Mka. on ^
H. Oaa Oebora. $44 State St. CtL
- Sir. and Mra. Gao. Uablar aad IMMly
of Lake Aim spent Saturday aad
day with A. K Haellmaaisl
Mrs. WlIRam BartleU of Nortbport
to vtolUng to this city.
John Hainfceber and wife of Reed
aty returned today after visniag at
Mrs. John Qraxler of Krowtcji Was
to the etty today.
Mrs. T. Vouaar ratorasd fM fro
wick this morning.
Mrs. H. A. Nsargarth rrtufndd Ic
her home la Used Oty this motptog
after rtoittog nt KaswIrtL
Mr*. H, K Ryan of Nortbport wnb to
the city today.
D. A. Funrt and wife left fro Sooth
Manitou island this morning-;
L B, Huff went to Osborne
J. W. Jacitoon and wife spimt the
day at Frankfort.
Arnold Wahl want to LakS Aa^
buatoros this morning.
Mr*. A. StruWe went to Cedar Run
for a few days this morning.
Mrs. C Milbort of OladatODe waa to
tbe city today.
Mtoa Agnes Taylor returned
vlalilng friends at Nortbport.
Mrs. M. 8. Becker of Blm
shopped to tbe city today.
Mrs. M. MOls of Bingham spen
day to the city.
Mrs. R. Stefflns of Suttonb Bay
I^saed through tbe city today on her
wsy to Buffalo where »he will visit
her parenu.
J. Steinberg haa Just reiurnod from
Petoskey.* where be has been visiting
hlB daughter and Incldentolly helping
to consume a twenty-three pound
key, Mrs. Steinberg remaining for a
few days’ longer visit. After Monday.
Mr. Steinberg’s addrroa will to
Watson street. Detroit. Mich.
A wlidh^me craam of tartar
baking powder. Makes die fmert,
BgfateiC beet flawned bi>Guit,hotbreads, cake and paetay.
It.' detk tae teeo eorereg wifli
artleiM. of tba natv* at wbleti
V. ha, taea kept In Igaortnce. all of
.rtdrh ar. aentlnucd In tta BIMa On
u,... be le
„ peqnlrvd to deflrer an ex
tempore eermon. fitting them all with
apt text and Biblical llloatretiou.—
London Staudaid.
Tho temoua IJberty bell. wMch has
ben moeb exhibited and wrtttib about
was oriftnally cast In Iroidoii. fro tbe
English government restricted tbe in
dustries In tbe American colqplro to
such an extent that there waa no place
on tbIa aide of tbe AtlanUc where aocb
s bell could Iw made. The beil’a weight
waa 2.000 pounds. It arrived In FbHadelphla to 1732. When hong up and lirtog
tried for eoond, *1t wa* cracked by a
stroke of the cUpper without any other
violence.** It was recast to Pbiladelphis snd this prophetic motto toscribed:
••ITro-Ialm lll»erty throughout tbe land
and to all tbe InhabltauU thereof.”
When the British tlirreteoed tbe dty
this bell, together with those belouflng
to CTirist church and 81. Fcter'a, eleven
In all. were token to Allentown. Pa,
to prevent their falling Into tbe hands
of tbe enemies. When the war coded
tbe beU was bung again to tbe plaen
whence It bad rung out tbe DewB of tbf
Declantleo of Independence.
*'I get 110 marks salary; then I don’t
pay my rent, 40 marks; that’s 130 ,
marks; 1 owe tbe milkman 30 marks.
Ibat's 100 marks; my butcher 40
marks. 220 marks, and every month I
raise 30 marks out of -my friends,
making an income of 230 marks a
month.’”—Fllegende Blatter.
ADdarsnow ]pU^iDKontale •
Urge itiToicr of
Johteer fine
In HoUday Dress
rlage prroebed to aci'ordaoce with tbe
•qocro of a lord of tbe man
manor, who
They arc tbo finest to quality a^
171& left e nqm of mooey for this
The prroeber him- etyh of package that can bo hid and
eelf receives £L tbe parish dertt 5 abU-1
<j,|,rty half£8 IQa. la divided
n. I ooDoe bottle la pretty Christmas boxes
tbe congregatSon, who last yaar
at 2S c»nf* ti> the more elegant cut
bored eeventy-ooe.
la add polished bottles which are guaren- '
Tbe bandeome fee of Ifi guto
paid to tbe preedwr of tbe ”accroekm teed by thHr name. Ughtner pereermon” wbicb rocb yror on tbe eniii- [f„„^,y.
of more than a
quarter of e century, manufacturittg
$eeak» may be baard to Durham catbO'
only tbe finest American perfnmea.
draL One unaaual and. aa some ml^
Kindly favor n* by an early Inspec
tacbteg 'to tbia dtocourse is that tta tlon. We desire that you ahall see
L not exceed fifteen mto- these good* while the variety la com
plete and any eeiection you may wish
to make will be laid away for you.
Vrmebm ct the-golden yennoo.- which oct 4-21,
E. E. Miller. '
Deer Banly CUwa.
1 waa over to Mr. McComick*a
Store today and 1 seen lota of
tbtoga yu have there for ehltdren.
ao 1 tbot 1 wood rile aad tell yu
what 1 want I want a_^ that
[ abuu lU toe and got a
Jt ,
McCormick, lit
W!:r" ■ ‘SW: V /
Hm md Mks it Hum
*»MM«rc*«MiM«f «.ei^ ’SUTTr-T...........pxjmm
Take «U kiads
tr: :9U0kmmm4-
tpoK af tka vmya aiM MM cora*
■:^p ' ' Dotiatb>rttt tbMX I J«w
; J ihoe at abaot half the jprioe
’ 1
A; : I
*»y **“»« »*“>
BOBEST Hmclf. Sptldw
H«ivy Trtir«Uer»—Klad %\r. OBttld
ran trfi vw 4tie di»l«orc froia t»crt to
«. e. MOFFATT-Ab.tr.eU ct tttj..
Bwwii to t#«
tlocon IlkUi^ te laOJO
0«. lAlU. & TTLeK^SWiMU IM
Ppnoor--:so. law t<«.
• fM HMMMl laawar OH
m4 riTTiNaor.
Ht WUtelB bkicl
Sy rS iSSSr......
-By the shade oC Napolrao!
rhnt does rnmooM^ OHsanr
•T^de Bwwy» To the woudi
yonrs! Are yon oo7 R*hy. tbeyll
4miM yoo s leimon. They-**
Rut the* tided fordiner had find.—
Cbleago DsUy Nf*wa.
d. B. MAJITtN—Pkjoieten and Bar
gaoB. Oftca tm Bait Proot lUool
Mckt gatoola mad tnmkA OOetj
at aty Book Star*.
i0<«. a. Jarvii
JiRS. R. t. RONNRRW half droaatms
parton. over City Book Stora^ Boon
t tha MIM MM
damilaru Sala
W asiM thra aSIO 4c dcMi
...f _SjM
301 fr«nt S«rtti
REAL estate AHO LOANS-Grand
rraTOTBc LamA and Loam Oo, F.
TbttFtall, Maaager. OfSot. rooa t
Haodhom 4 Milllken block.
SARA T. CHASE, «L It-Ofik)# Wttk
Pr. O. fi Ckaat. Suto BMk block.
Both pboMO. msr. RofidOBOOtfi
W.BlEbtbBt ata.phoooTll.
DR. F. HOLDSWORTH—Speolal ab
taatlcm to dlseaaei of the oye. oar.
nose and throat GlaaMS fUtwd.
Over Jakmaoo drug alorob Both
Office 605 New WUheUa Block
3itiMiu’ phone 681
aorst’s bandiic Academy.
Praf. P. H. Oioee. Imtniotor
■SOS From Street
ChiWren’. cIam Setordey. 1012 B. m.- Adulte’ cIam Monday,
i;:iO-<.»p. m. Awembly, Monday
light Tolepboiie Citixon. 1134.
DR. f. R. MINOR-OrSca error A»oH
can Drag Blore. Spedal atUmtlot
to eye. tor, note, and throat Glaaaoi
.fitted. Doth phooea. Realdoooe 111
6Utb atreoL
of P., mset every Tkuruday •ran
log. New Munaon block. C. B, Wal
ler. C C.
National Protective Legion
meet In Woodman hall on the third
Tuesday of each month nt 7:30 p. m
Abram Ectth, prealdeni; Gayle
Grlawold. sscrelary; Nettie C. Gray
Oct 2S4I
4 A. M.. meets on Monday evening
on or before the full of tke i
nt 7:SSkp. m. M. B. Haskell, ssora
Ury. Elmer E. While. W. M.
No. 7-TJO a m -Por W
MOON—Pbooaa. office
aiB.. 107: BeU n. Realdeooa. 71C
WaahtBgtob st^L CUa. pbomo 111.
Dr.W. J. Higgins
T. W. TMIRU.T, nenilM. Orw BMBun * Barr, lewrtrr .tor.. Both
Porcelain Work
pbODM 10*.
ARTHUR HOtUOAY, M. a-Pbj«cUa and Burgeon. ReBOved
fioet tn Munson block over Barnmai
4 Birra ClUtoni phono III.
HARRY R. HARNER-Eipcit plapo
tuner nnd acllon leguUtor. Batlo
ImcUon guaranteed. With KlmbaU
NaakUonM. CiU^Vhoae ili.
SMM. Kivla.a«t.
, D'. p. CIArVEII A UrO.
Tin Insurana
For Sale or Exdiange.
icliue. with povOT to uc
uekool baUdfac be lafi w4tk tke
Ladita* Aid fiactoty of the Methodlat
Charah WUl Open One In the
14S* thay wll laak for hida.
Montagna and anpportad
After sU montlu of planning pre
M.M by Hoyt ttet tka day aRar *rhmmkaglv paratory work, iba Ladies' Aid society
ing. ackooM m this dty ba V'
of tbeJ^Vst Methodtol ckurck will
^ m eonatdaraUan of ti^s axU
open s Ckrtouaaa baser to Ue CamptiS tka aa^ Sa kapt opag on
tom's birthday.
ImUdlng on Union stjwrt Friday
noon and aell tkelr waraa for tka rest
by Mmdm mad anpportad by
, 1. Ikal wkan tkte board ad of tka weak.
The fcooda will be sold from booths
journs. n adjonra to maet tka third
Tucadsy in
of wklQk tkero wm be eight, and
everytklng from ^broidery, drawn
be sold. Tke groater part of the goods
Moved by Meads and supported by have been made by the todies and
ime very artUlic work Is the result.
Hoyt that the hoard adjourn.
CarriedThe room Is being beauilfuUy decorlA*
T. H. CILUS, aerk.
ated In Christmas greens and music
Will be furalskod aneb day. Suppers
will be serred, beginning nt & p*clock.
14A6 Orrins WH4 Dsakroy AM- 0
Whlakay ar Bear.
A Mkfhlgan druggist. M. O. Odeman Derire Pevwillte Terta
m* Wot mt
has made a thorough study of tbf
Aar D^lred J
various cures for the liquor kabit.
nwd In the scc<
mad giras this as a result of bis in
‘Before taking the S* by Harry W'. Weat of 5 IVnwell
:y of Orrinc, I went to n consid
erable trouble to learn about It mad StreeL Victoria. British Colombia. This
John Rde^kw to ao arranged as to give any debeoome confident that It
\V. I IssUngs 4 Son,
art to the trelh. and It ako comwood .Avenue,
i a vise Id wbbk tbo blades may
It by a reliable firm,'
Write for free book on the our
be mctirrly held wblh* tbo tsetb are
V *
r Oo.. Wash
kbollsm t
, D. C. Mailed saalei
The saw set consists primsrily of n
II per boat.
frame, wbleb may be secured to a
Trine U sold and
bench. A bqavy craeebar at the
Johnson Drug Co.
apper and of the frame aervee ae an
anvlL sgslnat which the teeth may be
aeL Far this porpoae the faiw of the
tmr to beretod. as best shown In the
wni Vmm%m
■•w Dertee
section view. Fig. 8. Ab*>ve the anvil
Columbia Trans. Co. Mgkt
Tbs Ulagrapbons Is.n now lastni are n pair of javra adapted to damp
aw blade. The Inner jaw Is idvmeat that la coming Into uas la tka
otadat opposite ends In the frame and
operaUon of railroads.
may. be adjosted to any desired angle
from the verUi-al by means of a aet
ecraw. Tbe other jaw to also adjusta
The iDstnimrat
record of all train dispatching onlers ble, being pivoted to tbe side membera
sent by the telegrapk ticker or over of tbe frame and similarly can be set
WItkop. *82 3-4 cords
#f 12..5. Central....
lbs telephone wire. Ika aaoad waves nt any desired nngle by means of an
I>m Bingh4m.
aei op by the tlckaract npan tka dla adjustment srrfw.
ft 11.00. Ell
Fig. 1 akowe by dotted lines tbe po^
pbragm of Ike transmlMar att
sUlon of the sew btode when tbe teeth
cdl-ds. toonvillc. (?r 11.00..
_______________ and am thaaoa .
veyod to a tkln steel wire, whem they era to be eterpened. It will be noted
that tliese teeth project slightly nbene
re stored.
the ctoiuplng jaws to convanlant
By the use of the
KNikl any misUke occur, the respon- tiofi to bf filed.
In ng 2 we show the i«*ltloti of tbe
Moved by Meads mad aupportad by ■Iblllty could at once be located by i
bUde when tbe teeth ore to be set.
ereoce to tke storage machine, an
Mootagae that the bUls be aU
tog oo just .whnt porUoii
and aiders drawn for tha various
of the srtre any p
*“°^2Jiptoota, HoyL Mcmtagnc and boM madoL TUe i
laadlag milroad Itoea to tba
Aa MOO as the record of the orders
Truant ofleer's report for the month has bessi alectriqaU/ made upon the
of November was presented and
wlra the tralb dispatcher places tbs neTraant ORlears Raport
atUcked to tke tekgrapkooe
For month of Nov^bar.
him ear and Immodlatoly bears tke <
of haBM
fissalMiaa they warn glvaa. Braor
of ansaa
taken bafore Jodga
1 mv te fwpoatod ae oftM ae may
koUces aarved-.....
S 4g4ra4>|t as afoQ aa tb«aa to na furtbar M»d to keep them tfiay may be
"•ss- 'r?
One &ngle Buggy, nesr.
boats, building
Try Hocking Valley Coa
and dock.
In your *oh co»l bcrnei Cotu^lM-Fouch, lot 44x100.
you will be delighted with th< 830fumsheil.
feet. Garp Lake frontage
resuUiu Burn! free hokb th<
heat and lasts longest. Phone at Pouch.
Sne retort property
us about it. We are the Best
ci^ipped of any body in the near Nbrthport. ■.
c ly to handle your orders.
Dee. 10. to ana of tba moat
apsrkling oosMdlae aver caoatrnelad.
It to pra^mlnadMy a toa^ piwdaear
and a play to plaase the pakUc: Fnll
of brtKkf UMA ^Ur
also a pretty love story and a Iratkful portrayal of life that adds a ckam
own. The datety ooaee. Mtos Ckariotte BuraatL to the
end partlmnaily snltad to pUy
tka ckangeakla. faMtoallng karotna.
8ka has tka areknaaa. tke
coquetry, the dancing ayea ^ OMia.
tka gnlck, Ugbi touch la bar work to
.inr aeants simply oapUvatlng to tbclr delickws enmady. Tba
pathetic portions are played witk sack
Uy and glritoh lovaUnsM^
that she endears herself to every In
dividual In the audlrac*. Too mock
cannot ba anld of tba supporting com
pany aa it conalsu of a carefully aalected cast of wall-known and raoQgnUad nrUsls. Tba-oosiumea are gtwgeous and neither money, nor egort
baa been spared to make the prodoclion one of the beat leaving New York.
The theater goers of Traversa CUy
will remember Mtos CbarloUe BureetL
who playcxl here last season to Twelfth
The Trable Clef chorus, made up of
score of Olivet girls, delighted a
fair audlrace at City opera bouse last
Ing with a varied musical pro
The chorus Is made up of an exorptloually good lot of voices and shows
h careful training and study nnd
every number was hearUly applauded.
Bertha Anna Cooper sang a soprano
solo. **Awake Fairest Maid.** la soeb a
pleasing manner that the was ealeosad
twice. Her rotoe to of remarkable
strength and very good qaalRy.
Grace Louise Beoit. tbe reader, gave
a brautlful eeleetkm MUttod. -Music,,with Btoao aocompaalmeaL which was
greatly enjoyed. Mildred Oossar aciad
aa aeoompanlat and director.
Tbto chorus has l»era in extotracc
for three years but this to tkelr first
time oo tke road. They sang at Mus
kegon flsturday 4lgbt and ml two Sun
day eerrices t^nd weal to Petoskey
where they wlh at^ tonight Tto-y
return to Olivet' Friday. The boya*
glee club Is toartog In the aoulbeni
part of the state.
Man/ fichelara Wera^NaHher Akeeat
Nor Tardy Owrinf Maatk.
Report of the.Stooy Beaok school
for the month begiontog Oct. *f and
ending Nov. U.
Number enrolled 42.
*ToUl days' altcodance 737M.
Avermgs dally auendance 36%.
Per neat of altendanoe *7.
Nellher absent nor tardy during the
Mth. Eva McManus. Emma MeManaa. Beatrice McMaaua. Arley McDoaakL Bosle Hawklaa. Margarsl
Wllaoa, Isabel Wltooa. Big BawmU.
Dsato RoeselL Marjorie MoacagM.
Dolly tonikh. Daisy Orabb. Ullian 7FUMcKMley WUsoa.
ovtr the wlra, wblcb acts aa a
«W0tSe4br ejeanser and mU« the storage wire
recelvad nnd ready, for MS again,
lbs ckleC MS of the new derico U
t Ikt.faapenalblllty for errar may
TraMnrer*s repert for the manlh
ba leemtod beyond dispwe. It to also
Novamber was praaentad and road.
tkonght that dm
• Truverae City. Mieh.. Nov. *7. IM
wiu be noted ihutbrldkda to damped,
with the teeth rfatto4«fiMltot tha fact
oftheanrll. A rod extanda
. can be ttnMCmad tkto,to.Aj
4 wkkk may hawwimf
» by connaedkg tka
for fti
MW taeth.
i the trails'
raertrarar 4
as to foroq tha alternata taeth of fbe tloa were Floyd Gray, eighth giaka:
It to said dmt tka rsesaE givss sock a saw agmtoit ,iba snriL ttfis batog pm
gaad sMTofiaedan af tka^UqmtcbeFs mttted awing to tlw. fact that ths
jratoe that after months bars eiapaad pnneb has free Isteml movenro
the rod on which tt to maonted.
After tke alterMte teeth bare aU
been aet tbe Made to mDOv^ and re
placed In tka Tiae. with tta oppoMto
fwu tndsrhatoaloagt!»egrtt!iigtoalev<»idtata taatk ara act by means
In a hotel be had at laat got
af tbe pomk. By means af the set
aeresrs tbe jnwa msqr be adjMted to
artaep whm a load n
One 6 h. p. Wolverine Gaso
line Stationary Engine.
h. p. Wolverine Gas
TOT. Prloetreaaonabla, OfficowlU
oline Marine Engine.
O. P.0anrtr4Bra. BoU phonoa. One lSx5 Unneh 8 h. p.
engine* i
One OldHDobile Runabout.
SSf ImaSuttVH.
Plued on me.
L. L. A. aUlLOtNQ
tor aals
Odo to dlaoaaaa of ok
4M Btalo Bank bldg.
—. serst^.........
OMtnBttf 4Mr nsrti s*Ml MUIatt
Bamiim & Earl
10K a 1. CHAiK. mooTod frooi 404
m WUlMte Uoek to U7 ood 4W
mew 8Ut« Bank koOdlag.
DoonB twfoix*
duo.*.•Tw«ty-tlir«? AE4 ^
Piil^ TUNtNCke-W. K. ICUterd, M
mrt oKporloM Now kMMiUd vlU
put la ■ortgagw. Hoe
Ingalra of B.
foUowIng bms. n
raoL Md tannaim
ba aOoMd ost €f (
Lcr-s Rocky Momataln Toa
purifias the
Tea. regulates the bowels, aids the kid
neys. enras atomach troubles, builds
op ike nervous force mad repairs the
They mot oaly imakr m mk* prooeot m elfecls of over eat|mg^ **'*^‘"
kitt arm a good lawsMia^L Kor tke lets.2Mcenta JokiMOo Drag
paM eUfat or Ira years dlamaiids hate
Ipera adraaclm* la price mod under ai:
proliablHty they wll! ooatlnue to do ao
ma Puhorml. library work.
ms the mhiM are pradadag leam eock
year amd roguire more labor to pro^ Nftico.te All I
door them.
We have a irood stock of fine dlalion of a trank sewer in
tnotids which wo would be pleased to
show you U you wUl call to see Utem. district No. g. keglonlBg at tks IntersecUon of Board man river with Wcltington street, running thence on Wel
lington streeL Front street amd Rail
Front St
road aveatke to Blgbtb strraL thence
on Eighth street
DKS. J. 0. ii lUIT J, nUEBLOm mow In my bands for collection, the C:o1umbla Trans. Co, trL and «
third inslallment to
ir. Bvdetta 4 Oo.. books
fora the lOtk day of 1
Ginn 4 Co., books .................
Ofiis BBMWlfisMilidy t a. » Be 41
tstw s. f ast
moad Pnk.
City Treasurer.
Office, Room t02 State Baak build
nov 21-171
i for
Christinas Presents
riM>: OIU. M»-t rlaaA
>R. W. E.
THl IM> of » AIBM
fit cn aQ fluecr. Z* <
«r/o*d me to
4ms tl^ word »)ildoo] aron. kiad
A. jitaMiAtU D««IH. Otm J*h»
M 4tm
bm> FtaM aM4
Of Travaraa Ctty
the Kpautkmof bdegopti*
nt aiM Bufc bdidiag. .
awoke him.
••Wlmra wmntedr
TaHagr dmrM&Un for ra*-”
-Wta tt (sa wiut un aMndac.
*^STb^ departed, tad after ■ km«
Ua* the aiaa nt aaoxd aidctp Mala.
HANNAH A uYsaaca
- 8. L WAIT A SONS. -
to give the aaw
teeth the dasirad set.
i\ oaOL
, WAirm-l»
ii •»» «>r
oog fco,. I, l«ni
WtOAUI-uni-Latw aigbt tM
baaaa. ewaar at CAM pad laik
kMa* aafl^tataS; oa
fr»r fnv nd
m M4 K.
roo OAiO—lan-flaa kaadiad aai
•Ittjr me fra CU aOcs fm city
WANTCO-Olrl tor gtmen^
vflvk. laws^l&stoa. Boi
hm£«^herir* **^***hme
ooet; cpite^^boraMr°fwo^M
term tooU. Itelf omh. betem
terms. Ae A Ka 1 frcit ssd dsln
fra. Price $8800. Wsdo Bm.
817 Cnioo stmel, CltA phm lilt.
vork u»4 cm of tevcUd Icdj. Mn.
Wm. tJcTklcoii. 418 W. NIaili 8t.
WANTCR^Mcfmr for brmaeli ofBcr. we wish to ten te here la Tr»?*
Monte WhoteMlc Koom. CpkcteBiUl. Ohio
loT 8401
WANTEO-To cxcbia
1 J!*8!
ftth etreet. sod i«e of the best os
the street. Prtce sshed Is spot ecsh
Priee $4JS0.
tesde Bros., til
Unkm street, CUi. phooe lilt.
FOE SALl—147]—18 seres two mflei
Bute Bsok botldtsi: flh««t locaUas
tor ssbsrbSB residsmw to this re
floo. Price $3,008. Wsde Bros., ill
Union street, atz; phone lilt.
OEtALl-1468-27 seres two snd
ooe-hslf nillee city market; 1.08C
I street. OU. phone
»e lilt.
FOE BALE-1467-81xty seres hall
mile west of Monroe Center. WUl
uke city property. eQosl value.
Prtoe I1.0UO. Wsde Bros.. 817 Un
km street. CIU, phone lilt.
rt *Mf
WOOD WAHTIO-Wortd IOm to bv
OnHO'or tMBtr oopia of Wwfcat
bouse. Urge lot,
close is.
price $1800. Wsde
Bros. t17 VM stiwet. atx. phone
tEE HAVE hard ware stocks at Qrswn.
Hotel and Bar Furniture stock and
WANTKD-Tow mIM ganBaaia to trade at Lake Anh. lance flooHug
; daaa aa< atka Ilka «a«. Utflar mill si CopenUh. one of the larsest
«otk a apaetaHr. Pailalaa Dja. and best botelR. idl fumi«bed. In
WOika. til K rroat Bt. Call M> Korthem------rnimoo feet of 1
au. pboaa aad wa trill 4o tba raat.
_ and plbc In IMtehUcao: U
bam fully equipped In Trsr
art tal
City. We have R. R. and saw n
also a few choice locations In
voald rot to ridht paitp..
Bbarmaa A Reatar.
ort XHi
HAvk a flna plaeo. good .at opw.
that I win aall at a baiptia. Call
at the PalatWk ISO B. FPont, aad M«
aaioa and gat full partietilanu J. O.
We hare gold and allrsr mines in
Odorado. in fact, we hare proper^
ty for sale slaBoat anywbere yon
want it: Bat ire hare toChlEg w«
can offer you that wlU equal the
Grand Trsrbme R8|tion for safe,
sure pmflisble inrestnient. eitbqr to
1 have a number of (food
tamu, an the way from 40 to
160 acres, for tale, br if you
have any good property. I will
t^e it in exchange and make
^u easy terms. 1 can sell you
a good farm for less money
than you can buy It of any
body else. I have farms
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse
City, all good improved land.
for SALB-S here nome
elmir,. appl.., jn barrela for nle: FOE RENT-134 LsJte Am Inquire
Eighth Streep.
nev 2(Kf
anm..- Golden.. Ualdwlna. DrceeIng.. Telaphhokkl«L lewauhl*.
Talnian Swieu. Wagonera. B. J. FOR RENT-Ono nice furnished i
nor IS-tf
4rc Your Collections Stew
Hue yga accoaiis ttat
You Ha?c QycB W
r you tare, let me collect
them for yus.
. OM aoooontg VompUy attended.
o and I oan make money lor yon
A, Pohoral
Traverse Cny. Mich., SepL 10, 1888.
1 hsvo placed a number of accounU
nth A. Pohoral s agency for cmiec
on. many of them teng ouUau^ad;
lUaWad; U
sat tbe aame Mr. Pohoral
laUnquenta to Umo and
FOR BALE-14sr_<kSd new aerelhonar. Wh
rioae to
Dr. K. Lh Agbtoa,
8.^ cut.
n rOE BALE-1484-POurtwn . it»m
house. Etb St
dose to schexU.
fsrtorles and ptwlofncei central
part of 8th street.
Prtoe IlSOO.
Wade Brtw.. 817 Us on 8t.. CIU.
pbime 1118.
A{ Taste Of These is Sure
to Please
with junt the
F^E BALE-14M-On4^bundred hud
rtxty sere fsrm 12 mUes south of
enty acnes Unproved;
FOR SALl-1482-81xeoom b
Boyd avr-nue. close to Bose atiwet
price Itto. Wnde Bwa. 817 Union
street. Clti. phone 121!».
Cit. phone 774
a*sys have the i
esMutoa aad cteaam of
Finns for Sale
rOA BALE OR RENT—HoaeeoniCaae
airwt. near Tweltib etreot. •eight
TO EENT—Offlee
se roo^ WUbolm bik.
!«*•« and furnace; new. 81
One suite of threej toomt; several
A Hunter. .
nor 104f
single roonjA
FOR BALE-1478-niie new ten room
hoaae. comer lot, ooraer of Unios
, and 14lh streets.; nriU take $1,000
. In good value, free and otonr <d en
ae City prodoc
live. Cash price $2,000.
. $lMfnlon
. CUx. Phone
, '*'lSfaL°effEr“ft.*sS£
Sir F. Treves recently told s health as enlisted inen or officers. ‘-rhpyYe
society meeting to London |hat as re no account for soldiering.*' he would
gards the irestment of onr meat before bluster in his tremendous bass4i
we eat it we have made no advance on “They pant, they aheeze. they snort,
the habits of our ancestors the cave they choke, iney grunt, they groan,
they waddle, they slouch, through the
The king of Italy's hobby Is the col world. Not a particle of gtjod on earth
lection of coins. In his collection are fat soldiers—would not have one of
more than 50.(»0 apeclmens. Strangely *em around if 1 could help it.** Br
he is not musical, much to the er—you would not exactly—ei^-call
regret of his musical subjects, of ytmrself slight, would you. Colonel?*'
horn there are so many in that land a ventureiwjmc major once asked Rhaf
of sunshine and song.
tr-r ofti*r ore of theve ontbunds
Henry A. Burhtel. the recently elect-, •Slight? No?** thundered Shafter to
Ntw Cure for ^ilapay.
J U. X^'atormau. of Wateriow
ed govi'mor of Colorado, will not
re ply. * Tve In-eu a fst. bloody old nulRural frt‘e delivery, writes:
side In the executive mansion, but will mnee ever since the day I tipped the
Itlsughler. afflicted for j^ars
ttoiie to live to hU bungnlow in team at over 2«t> pounds, and right
. cured by Dr. King
University Park* In order to bo near then 1 ought to have been conrtmar- Ibis cotmiry the lawyer I
She ___
baa I
fartnr. Th* JmlUI.rj,. of j for ovof two rraru." 'licTrTMrt^dkii;!
the Univeraily of Denver, of which he tlaled and cashiered for outrageons I
will continue chancellor.
and mallcldiiB adlpo.slty.
sfr—for I OOIWP. U alioituluT i-onit«wi.1 of nwm- U»ww and llf<- alrlBB tonlr plili<,Ki <4rth.
I liers of the pri*fesi»i«iu. In ex«wtiyre
at Bugbee Drug Co.. Hannah Drug
Enrique Cone*, the m^w Colomblmn M^ndaloua corpulence ,o the prejudice offl^wand legislative halU the law L.ns «tore. fYaUk H. Mreda. drug ature*.
^minister to the United States, who has of military discipline.“
priHluminatetl and still preJ.MnimileM
-----------------------arrived to Washington, has spent most
For a good maqy years speaker Can- ort-r every bnsiuesH and ull otUT pro^’O DANCER of typhoid If you us#
of hlH lIfo to the financial world of non has bad ctitlrs galore, but the^ fesRlona. Yet tin public life of this pasturUt*d milk. Queen City Dairy
don. For a quarter of a cenlur>- he |K*rson on whose Judgement he over, <*>mHry has Imh'h of tlie hlg! e<t char- company, CIU. tel. 67fi.
nor l$-lf
een af thq hand o^me of the depended Impllrlllv was his late wife. ’
Afttns f.n* the i.ut.ll,- n* tl„*
-----------------------TWo-Daagwr* «r b«o.«.
lutqklng Mrs Cannon was kladiv but severe'hare done to thcw» vartoii..
>uses In thill dty.
to her criticism. Msny
The retiring lord mayor of l^indom si»eech to the house Uncle Joe. dlsre- proved true to tbeir employment, ao<l I er«-r g<i to.** PMnnrke.1 Mr John Mutr,
It may safely lx* luild that tbe ecan • the fun.ons mlogist and iwlunillst.
Sir Waller Vaughan Moody, doubtless gardlng all other opinion, went home
funnd He was o,l tin. train n4und„g fi.._.
is glad to lay down the civic and social to hear what she bad to say. Some.- m o*rtal life fjAxe seltloai ntUibed to I Arit/mn to bis home to Marilo4a. C4U..
cores of the office he held. Out of 337 tlnu s it was unstinted praise and con- them. Hpw ran this tx* ae,-.,untod for after the enrtto|ftoke. ”.Vs long as I
as lord mayor he dined nWay gratulatlon. but again there were times <teeept n^oo the tbe*.ry of a geueral fjuup <*at in tli^ mountains, wliliont
from home 237 times. These functions when Mrs. Cannon would begin “Well. Personal integrity? It U no siimHent l‘*m or fdankefs. l^^got akmg rery well:
in many cases were formarnnd of the Joe. that was very good, but not near- •Maitolton to say that, although the but tbq minute I ^-t Into a bouse and
osi dreary character.
ly as good a* you are capable of doing. ffeat mass of the profession to cor- ^»«ve A wane tosl and liegln to live tm
Jo«l Chandler Harris has a horror If you had given that one point a little rapt, there are a few who are reliable. ! flne f^sl. 1 g»i .into a draft und U»e
and they are the ones whom the public i>»t thing X know I am <*ouglitog and
of talking ttlK>ut himself. If an enter more atudy and Investigation you
oUlclul Ufe. Tlie Irulh to * »ni*erlbg and threatened w Ith pneth
prislag reporter undc^es to InleV ouM not have floundered aboat sa
i.rt.iul.« h.-e In publir UfcJ ™onla nnd altourtlier ttlemible. r»nt.
view the creator of -Uncle Remus” the In th«l tairi coll.«iiiy you hart.” or “Joe. tbeir fldeUt} to tbe tn»ii therein lai•* ••» natmal pl»<» f.a- a man.
latter wHl wheedle the young man out
dras|!<-<l mlwrubly In jrtKir ai>eech. poaed. la ••vldi-iio- n blrb tannot be le- j ‘ '<'«ll! wbi-ro you pJeaiie. when yon
side to look at bis r^. divert
That Ian «toi*,you told was ao drawn nored that the i.mf.a.lna ha. and I "'t'' "»*«b
>o«r time. The moanto any way. but nothing will Induce on, that you auUe loa. the point yatu
him to ten Just where he taf. bow he were trying to make. MXlle i knew
oc<-aRloo,,Ily « little
fell, whether he had his coat on or off what you. were driving at, I beUevci 1
I tired h. n SRc-k for the
the day he wrote the first of his
was In a hopeless minority in your
xg to N»ii water to. and
les. He insists upon reserving his own audl«ihe.“
-Home U the must dangtsruua idare
life and the Ufe of his home from the
I ever go to.“ remarked John Muir, the
public stare.
famous geolqgiMt and natnraltot. He
I.ETTER to Santa aaua i
John Davenport, an Sl-year-old dtwa. -rilrtir Howe, alway. looklnp for
To'L-"lnctd! toterepttag |o little folks, on page 2.
Iren of Wllkcsbarre. Pa., a year
chance to ,wrfoou de,-d« of valor,
earthquake. “A. lone na I
married a 3^year-old wife. The other .nlways liocistlilug or Ills <-:>nruge, ana
moumnlna, without
daj* the had him in court on a charge reilly Xwvlng more sand thanQ judgbhuikeU. I get along very well
of asaault and battery. Mr. Davenport inent.
Inn the minute 1 get Into a house and
declared: “I only married her to keep
-------------------- n1 and begin to lire on
tog tht*rr
^^<1 the
my feet warm.** His wife gave a prac
tical demonstration of how John slered
her around the neck and ahook her. As
great deal of noise. -Tiglit- aontolmd
she did so they both toogbad gad some halted his admirer, and said: “Boy^ door, la tbe natural pU.r for a man. ^
one to court called out: .”bh. ktot aad stay right here and ni go in there unA
pkaae. when you like. H
up.- The couple alopted tbe throw *em all out.
one of .von
count* em as tber com*?Idea on tbe spot and left tbe
In be went.
^ ^ ntw Joe exposure. Why.
arm Ip arm.
In a few mtontee out came a m.ni j ^an live out for $3t» a year for broad
I:S rm KaUonal
and tea and occasionally a lltito tobac
Bismarck bdd that three was the through the window, assh. Fto**
[(Over millken-s Store.)
ail and one of the crowd yelled wli
All I need Is a sack for the bread
perfect number. Hto own assoctotloas all his might. -One.**
ng, Marcel Waving. 1
tberewltb were remarkable,
From tbe guUtr came -Tlght*a voice,
-World’s Work.
served three masters. He had three arytag: “tUop counting: Stop emmtDying.
k. Bchoenbausen and fng. you damin fool: B*s roe that came
Dg. Pedicuring.
Mmtoa !■ orteaud Bw.
Lauenburg. The anna of his fassily
Not only the dcsigD but the colon of HmulfnEArmM
are clover leaf and three oak leaves.
the ruga woven to the ortent are foU
oCaigniflcaaea. They rapreaant aatloti- an^ator Massage. Scalp
He was ocmcemed la three wars and
There*s a Hill at Bowie, Tex., thai'a
signed three treaties of peae^ la the wioe aa hig as last year. This wonder al or iadhrldiial traditioas and stand
be bad three U W. L. KlU. who from a weight of $0 for Tlrtne, vices and aocUI Imjfortance.
MMb^ bad4(oderJk|r
Bed waa regarded by the EgypUnns us
borsM kiUed under htos. Me brought pounds has grown i
symbolic of fldeUty. Bose tints signify pllam^ na^.
the mrettog of three emperore aays: -f anffered
gave me up to die the highest wtadom and tOack and in*
and was responsible for the triple al
was redoned to 80 digo aottow arttb the Pewtena. Prefliaaoe. He bad
Halb goods and toilet
taking Dr. erences for dnner tones or color gmoag
the Petilana give to
their emte8»ldr
king's New Dfacorerr for
4!oneeTntog the Hair,
tk*. Coughs and CoJda. Now. after cries and other products of the loom a
tokteg 12 baUlaa, 1 hare more than
doubled la my weight and am com- OAT Only «
aa rayaL* Green hre bean tfimaea hf
a Blutfter. bimsHf a
the Tttfk aa bla gala color, hot he
bad a prowonia not approve of Its ase to mpg auawtd •avalopt.
I fortet aoltUera, eitber
whecRritreteild bo-troddan bFtbntett
Botl pbn*,.
for sardan; good buikUnga; aU la
first<test condition; cash . price
|5.W)0w Wade Bros., 817 Unkm
«rcs‘t. CItx. phone 1218.
II 6dtt$ral Hews
','S •
FOOTE’S Of cour*
*FOR BALB-HBghly acre farm two
^ miles west KorrisvITle: foor miles
• past offlcw Trsverse City; sixty
«hka fc<A aiA ablu a*rt aa taoa,
tmoithtr tom
ggmnfbr^tbo Me. tbe oRknr sma inkkw mi
Oraar caa tera aaM
paartag wbtebbnfe
pfapanp at B. L. aaaaaaB-A Baadt- metwewL 8sytec Omi tbey woiBd
«aad dalrr tana. K. r. IX Na a. Md
anyway, wbetlmr they mnmd the was inatoat reeognitkMi on botb fidea.
enalsba or not. State Game Warden Tbe doctor accompanied the oEleor
Ctibpmsn raeeiveE a meaemge Satnr tmila
mmo bnnttog deer with a party
day ofianmm teom a dapoty Rbo <>■
% aeaimjmf Eiaalraom tbat^tbe in tbe wooda near Grayling. Pmak
isberaan win be drtfen off tf teree snot, of Tetemaba. became insane,
Wot liimlr rom w. u
HI# ectepnakma were obliged to «n$A
Wla.T««UA.fMMhf Msalfltttrth. B baa tobanaod.
him eonatontly. fimriag be wwaM inwrtiaa; -The awsBtag anERprcMaa Ininre bimaelf or aoaM of tbe party- He
MAe my MSS was teMfhL till I bm*
■ppift&g BMklen’s AmlenRalre
was bnmgkt to Teknnsha. where a arrsore mirteee: this qanaad tbs mm
and a tdg bspcli of oapald bills gkal opemckm wUl be performed to
and aweUlag to dtaapper. mar to re> will ba brought into the UmeUgbi by] tbe hope of reatortog bis faciliUea.
tra-' Bast salve lb rndMoa. tie at
the laanaace of a warrant tor Kama He raeenily obutoed an appototmcnt
Jamiogrodaky.-a Kew York Ufe Inanr* at rmBraad brahmaan.
Manager Green, of tbe St. Lduit
anee ageto. wbSck to foar In poaaaaBWBBT CRBAM. larg« or amail akm of Proaacetor Orr and Ohtef of Table Ol. one of tbe lendtog induatriet
are of that busy lUUe city, aays that be
qnastUlea, delUered to aaj part of Pollee IDirpky. Tbe two
eneugb orders booked }o besqitbb
oitjr. Qoeaa aty Dairy Ca Cits,
phone «$.
nor 8041 g^ky. Tbe wanmnt anoges that fnetory reantog to iu fullest capacity
Janogrodskr rared $1.4$d from Ber- until May 1.
naid Sempltoer, a Bay CUy tailor, oa
An Baoch Arden esse with new and
falseguvtensea. Jasnogrodsky Induced peculiar featurea U disclosed to the
Sempltoer to todorap note* for that application for divorce of Mrs. Martha
li . very brilliant b^by,- mkl aaKNmt,tttoalleiead.
Brigga of Charlotte. Mr. and Mtsl
tbs pnmd motbfr. -He m^Uy todTbe recent diaooiery of oU In Mid Joseph Briggs of Sunfleld were mai^
over to the tmokeMt and opens land county to creatbig ooasldemble ried Deraber C. 189E and lived U«e*
tee^orka of all cC Um grad
esottoment in that neck of tbe wooda. ther iniUl April i. 1882. when eriggt
left home. For 2t> years Mrs Briggs
**Then rd call him BhakeaiMfe,** ad*
over S.ood aeraa of land from termere knew nothing of his whereabouts and
▼Bed tbe friend of the family.
o thea^ acreage. They she supposed him dead until about a
-Bte hr N sock a queer baby no ana
have now gone to tadlllac and are year ago when be came into the neigh
•*CanX ah? Tbeo Td «in
making laasrs in that aectioo. Proe- borhood where his wife was living.
fy 3a»ea.-^-Chlcafo Da
peeting for oil will begia In about In the meantime, believing Briggs to
Tke laaeors pay erne- be dead, Mrs. Briggs married Perry
eighth of the value of'lbe product for Gillett and has grown up children by
Toyalty aad^will alao pay for natural Mr. Otllett. who died In May. 1»<4.
Is said Brigga will not oppose tbe
gat IX It to disco
Separated for more tbaa a quarter
MO Wsahington,
817 Union Street. Traverse Ci
FOB tAkt-Canlago (artotr. SOaSO.
Mich.. Clti. phone |21». Call tw
with powrr. Buchinwr ana tooU;
by phone, local or long cIlKtam
alt lighted hr oleetrtcUr; good dr.
We par the freight.
protocunn. to a gno plaoa of UOO;
tbreo rallroada aad a gtoat opaoliig
f.ir a ganatal iwpalr bntlaoia; ao
opiH-iiloo; .will tell for tlSOO; a FOE RENT—Funilshed
anap tor aoBM one; owner la poor
Markham bUx-k.
health. Addren 3. 3. Horlek. Oiford. MIeh.
mm 741
teyi 01
A. hte Rgbt Is to
TtetaltT «C Bara
MK: «.A.a MM«
I to Mn. J. r. on. «M WaABt- 4»r * tf
Josapli tMer A Sons
4s boottd to be a good one If Santo
aaw gm tt at Sledor'a; bot^dt wOl be
mn adVantoge to yoo to order'it In
■dvmace. ma tbay may 'be an goBe belore Sir Bnnto ooaion^ to town.
base them an aUea • also choice geeaa.
in r±oiet
. [
i __________
Harry Lamia WIIJ Sagto Cmwar Agidn
Ar* IM» 0« «M LM
-Dick- la pUnatag on n
efmaayboma. Plrat. Levis
dMmmd fsbibitlon at FhIL
U) tbe BeeBtob BmotA
addpbla wltb aa opponam to bopMSad
by tba Kntloaal AtbSatIc dnb of that CblCMO. D«. «■—Ae tbe Unie
dty. TblaigbiUaebaddadtorl>U. imeribir tor tbe CUeaco »Mor boet
toov to be bel4 at tbe OolltoMi
baBMw darlas tbe brat week ot Jaawis and DIckamen wm than pn
Kaw Orleans, wbam tba PblMddpWnn mn. It aivtoia that tor tbe Orat
will partldpnte in a
bafora Par^ ttae la tbe bMotr ot tbe motor boat
SOB Darlas* dub. Prom tba aootbani ladaatrr aa erpoaltlao U to ba bald
fm U« orfMtottlMi ak«g wHli U
—■■HT a
tlie UtoMapolli ctab mad Ljdlard wma
tht amurr.
dty tba pdr wUf go U Ortpda Creak,
Tla ctab ovwrt ofHi# ortaalialkMi
w LawU U aebaddad to meat
rloa TbompaoB. Ha baa already
m TiompM. bet tba waaUm
IM M at tlM^rwd
TW MlmBMpaii M war* Wdaini fkgbtar is bot for raranga and tba pro•aar by balaf
attention to tba weatara cHlea.
TW vMoT tb*
Prom Crtppla Crawk Lewis Intends
: QaorgcT*
MiiM City: to » to Im Angelas, wbara. If poadbla. a boot wUI ba arranged wltb
Jimmy Britt, Dick Hyland or any otbar
LMHMii.0t. Paal
of tba landing Mgbtwdcbta.
We: Charlaa»
W. B. AnMar, Wado. and W. R Wat
Tba laaolatlops wbldi pot Kalley
aad Lydiard dovB and o«t ara at fol
**la aoaordaaca wltb tba Aodlasi of
teat adoptad by lAla aaaodatloci. U A.
Lpdiafd and M. J. Kaiay ara baraby
daolarad laattglbla aa owner,
player or tor any olbar poi
fW AaMTtaaa Aaaodallon of ProfW
ataal Baaa ball CSabe or wltb any dub
wkidl 4a a Mabar of aald aaaoda, non .•
Wban Kallay and Lydlard
.Oiair cbarpaa that Umpira Owaoa biid
bean fplK/ of battlaf Malnai tba MiaMap^ dob laat oaauaar. tbay back
ad np tboir aaaorfloiii.anib awom af>
idaTln of man wbe aatd tbay had
naan Owaaa wapar money ApUnat tba
Mlnaaapoilf dub, Acoor^ng to tba
riadlaia of fact** tba afddarlu
piwvad to ba falaa, one of tba afikanu
badaf aaafOaood ^ ba bad
Add tao to make tba atatomaal
Tba aaaodatloa made no attampt to
blackUat Kallay from baaaball. but It
waa tba oanteant of tba club ownaru.
that fbo onlaliauoo would ba better
ot wUb blm out of It.
Kallay baa apparontly no objactlooa
to gatUnt out. aa ba put up no dafanaa.
It te nndoratood that ba will manage
a dnb la tba Saturn Uaague tba com
ing aaaaon. Paaddant Pat Powera of
that body bartni bean after him for
mirord woaka. aad now that tba aaaodatloa ofuabblf la ended tba proapacu am that Kotlty wfll turn hto at
tantlon io aa SMtam League club. At
laaat bU frlandt aay that be baa ao
ibe btat
eonntilee are aprl>lB( for tpaoe In
lane floantttlaa,
Bpadal tatae with rallioada bare
baio eeenred tbrouch the aetlrUT of
iba-Motor Boat auoclattoa at Wlnnlpag. irnd the Caoadlaa torer. of out
door l^oru wlU bo oo band In laige
Tba naexpaetad teopi of tbe ihow
la IndleateA bjr appUeaUaaa tor apace
OB tbe paA ot mabora of aubmariae
boata. wbo win not oaly exhlhll torbKCTSAtU TCAM WILL elcn modela but will bare oo aabtblPLAY HCPK.
Uon complete aubmartne life boata.
Tbe laUer bare beao erolred by »iceoe Poirier, a Frmieb en«lDeer .wbo la
DaU WUI Be tat for tba Vary Near eaplolUBS bla Inrebtlob amooc tbe
Ptftura and Game la Bam to Ba
oaral departmenu of Buropeoa mooarcUoa and be bdteana flnnly In hit
aftamooo from tbp QrmBi Raplda Hlgb
ibout aereoty-Bre per, cent of the
prasacd sobalantlally the same view,
saying: -While I bare not
tbe matter with specUl aUanUon. 1
onderaund It is declared that only^an
end may raceire tbe ball while In poslUoB on the acrlmmnge line. *Tbmt U
the InterpretaUoo of tbe rules under
which we have been pUylng here.
Snpant oofen.
yonr ndeotionMriy.
Order your
I. O. Burn*
Tard and office Nortbern
MicbiKan dock.
Horses and Cowsf
For Sale
hlamaak. Laeb to ear wtedsw.
Both pbonea S8.
—Denver Poet
Fbr brip tbe coloolal womak bad
rimoae bet^ewn an Indian who might
scalp her If tbe mood or fancy ao dk
tated. -blackamoors" not yet outgrown
African aavagery. tbe town poor told
to tbe blgbeet bidder
transported for crime or Ignorant eras
turoa wbo bad been begolkd to board
■hips that carried them off to vlrtaal
BICKARO WOULD MAtCH alarary and "frae
tmder aad Impatient for tbe end of tbe
compacts which bound tbom. Occa
alooany ahe had a chance to engage a
Mads Big Offer In New Vork-taya respccUMc young woman wbo had
NoUn Must Be Left Out This
tomtkmi day« is Msfsl a arils
TUnOAY CVENliia Qaa. 4. UAB
A Masquerade Psi^
wBI be glram at CAMPBCLLt mNK
There vUl be a prUe gtvea Am tbe
& & Wan A Baaa vast os to coaAdeotlally tall every vooma reader of beat makswp and alao for tbe i
Record that-the proper thtag to riiegloua.^
Wnitar Caaip af Yd# BByu That lira Trim.' the «m that will he sore
No skaters allowsd only those
-Homy Up- Wan
leaked nnUl after the grand march,
PaniiW Tnakla CarryUf Ball.
bkb takaa plaoe at f:IO o>eloek
ba beat judBea of rlgara ia frav- Aaip,
New Haren.
Dan. L—Wato
A 1^ time to guaranteed to all
Clty.- aald & S. Walt -bave
Camp. Tala a lootbnn
Priea » cento.
war NMt
giraa thetr apdoraaamst of tha f
tbia coantry-a landing nntboHty an tbe by amokiag nocbtag atom Tbay
gnman bnA bean Intanrlewad In re- meriy smoked tea and ifteam eaat
gnrd to ToatW proUat aBalnat Penn- cigara. but aow nothing wUI do them
^Imnin a uakla cmnyto* tba balU bot the Cbieow even tthough It la not
travbrm emr MAmerrs
ngraaa wltb tba lOeblgan lender that,
an aapesatve amdke.
aaeordtaig to tba ralaa tbe sod
Although we have Just, recetrod a
tbe only men gferni that right
tana shipment of Chlooa, tha ChriM
If rale lA aaeapdon L seen
trade la taklag them oB thraly. ao
aeure It Blight be added tUt
we would advise bnylng at tmee. We
playing to tbe line of scrim
win help you ia eelecUag the shade
otimr than tbe ends, may be nl
and strength that wUl please him.
to cwrry tbe bnU.if they are dr
bnai Are yards bafora tba ban Is pot
in plnjr. tbaa bringing them behind tbe
A inrat wbo bad Just registerod at
sertmmngn Una tor that
a hotel waa approached by a boy wtth
a tekeram. It had |1 chargra on it
-Whatr aald the guest batore open,
Ptoster RockweU. bend
be could tee ao raasoo for any mis^ lag It -A doUar ebartm! I wont pay
•mderstsndlng of ibU part of tbe it Anybody wbo cannet pay for hli
wbaa wiring me la oerta
game, lie and: -Nooe but an end
xni Just
a (heap one. Walt a *
may nm with tbe ball from a ponl- let you report this oncoUected..and tha
tkm in tbe Une of acrinunage at tbe sender may pay tbe ebargea."
time the. ban U p«t la play. If
At that be tore the anralops open.
men U tbe Una ara oaed they must ba AS he rrad nemlle settled on bis teem
par 100*n^.^nua«nnn*nun
standing Ate ynida babhd tbe acrlm- and. poUing a BoUar from bla pocket
mmge line before tbe ball Is pot In ba baadcri tt to tbe boy.
8prt^ ebidiir...'...."......
-Ifa all right- be aald
Then be threw tbe meeaage oo the
W'sUer Camp, member of the rules
cotmter. -Read ttr be aald to
committee aid athletic
a aaaU
» noiAartol nho-ln«^«nd nnnlfwu
Uon of intertot oon«ldeHn« «he Toutti
of lh« motor boot indastrr- Th»l Ihi
the T. H. 8. tre In this dty In tba rary «otlr« mhow upuce of tbe Colleeom will
near future. Tbe date wUl probaMi be corered with uttimctlve esbibiti
be about tbe litb.
when tbe .bow oven. U beyond que.
Tbe local ire Is training bard and Uoo. and the rtiow iJjould prore cmh
wilt be prepared to gire tbe Kumlturr of the be.t eductloomJ expoettton. ol
City boys a bard mb althoogb they aw
tbe yenr.
oaid to be
On oeeiy bepd Intereei In the derelopmeol of the motor bo.t U found,
New York, Dee. 4—*i wUI give a
and tho next .«aooa promiwe to .how
• marfcMl mlemice tn tho oto of .11 $40,000 parge for anoCher battle at
kiDde of croft thioushoM th. United GoldAeld between Joe Oans and Bat
Nelson.State. «>d Cnnmto.. The rery Hn.ll
Tbls was tbe introductory aUiemeat
Before tbe O Biien-Buras Agbt at let expMiw of th. .port In eompartoon to
who made
jigales O Brten annoonced that b< automoblUng warrants great activity of Tex Rickard, tbe
elf tbe most famoos premotor of
bo»t bnlldlnp when the pobwas looking for a language lastractoi ta
to perfect hlmaalf in aeveral tongues Uc hw been edncH*d to the fall roc- AgbU in tbe world in 15 minutes by
when be
Another Agbt lUe tbe one beW put QSBlUoo of tbe .port to be hml for
Kl on Broadway ^turday niglit. "I
op and what be will be looking for It IIUI. money.
One of the onterUInment fonturee didn't ^me hero UTtoll you fellows
job aa a ditch digger.
Paid efAclals for football games, of the cornln* JHiimty .how. aooord- tbat."*be wf*nt on to the newspaper
like the corps of umpiraa tor baaebalU Inc to recent nrmigemenU made by men, who nailed him In a "dash alley '
Is tbe latest Idea as the outcome of Mnapser. Coebmne A Payne. 1. a cafe.
-I came here on mining business.bat
the squabble between Yale and Hgr- lemk motor boat race. .Imltor In Ide.
rard over ofAclals. When a collage to the automobile r.ce. .bown In wt- that goes. I can guarantee that amount
aport It getting down to aoeb a plant HBl «xnUe<J automobile play, oo tbe for another Uttle between ,tJio two
lightweights In tbe world.
that the pUyers cannot tnist tbe boo- Hate. Tbe boaU. bold by ch»ln«. win
No. I don't think that there U any
IWddtni (PBrUn pradded at the esty of their rlralt nor ibe ofAcInls. reH la water aad their eatlne. will
meadiii Md nftW tba^CeUey case had one cannot blame Prwaidrat Blot tor be tnrned oo at toll apedd. the llluHon immediate chances of Its being ac^
of . race belat aBected by'morlnt cepted. There is a strong cry for an
baen dlappiad of be announced that bis stand against tbe game.
Charlie H^iery. An appamuu will be coo- other battle between these men. But
the annud bnalneas meeting of tbe
there U a alrong dislike to Nolan. I am
league would ba bold at Cbloago Dec. O Rourke In four rounds In New York.| atrticted. by tho UM of which
Judging from thora names, both aie ludm oan tell at tbe cad ot tbe iwce afraid that 1 would have to Insist that
which of the boau corered the treal- Nelson woold bare to break away
Tba credantinU of M. E. Onatlllon Turks
Alec Smith, national open golf cham Mt dlatanoe In the tlren Ome. ThU from bla manager for at least that
and W. R. Annour. tbe new prmdd
win be tbe Br«t Indoor motor boat race battle."
of tba MlnoenpolU nod Toledo clubs pion. Is at AtUnu for the winter.
Fbr tbe Oans- Herman Agbt at Tono- erm- held.
resprctlrely. ware praaented and they
TOBHtrr with the dUplay of »nbTotad in tba meeting.
be built. Wonder If any of tbe money mattne bonU of rartou. InrenUve
aent by lubacribera for stock In none Idepa. the motor boat Hiow will prore
Danny Maher, tbe great American
of those famous gold mines near there
attractlre etlertalnment a.
Jockey, wbo baa been the sensation of
will help build the AgbUng. bouse?
rrell a. an oduc.UonH almw.
the Ebgnah turf tbe past season, has
Tank the Weakly Bawtlng
at the
Tommy Bures, wbo fought Jaek
arrived in New York.
WpBwmUfiA Club Last Cvani
O'Brien to a draw at Los Angeles, la a
"I rode this season." be aald i
phenom la some waya. He is €7 tnebefl
asked to talk about bla experiencoa
tall and hU reneb should be tbe same.
tolHd High Soma at ths Wsskly Con- abroad, "tor Lord Derby. Yes. 1 was
Alfwd Moora was high In tbe bowlInstead of that It H 74 <4 Inches. Jef
mat an Wllkinaen A floaam- Alleys
lag eooiaat at tbs We^oe-toag club
successful Anlshlng drst 103 times out
fries. wbo Is 74 Incbss tall, only baa U
Last Evening.
bowling oonlast Inst eraning. taking
of 500 mounts and second and third ao
on Burns a half Inch, bla roach being
.Ike «Mdr print with lttX-1. Three
often that I lost the count
75 Inches. Jim Oorbett's reaob Is only
Briggs look Arst money In the wee
games warn raUnd and Moora negoU
-The chief event In which I took
nted IM. IN and tit. Dr. 8 8. Bmllb
part was the Derby. In which 1 piloted
was sacoid with an nramge of INS 1-3Spearmint to victory. There were 12
kiddng over 4«7 all told. Hale
He railed 17f. INI and IM. the'111
entries and I will toy it was the moat
WM dose behind with 473 add avergame potting him out.
exciting race In wblcb i ever rc
Permsr National Polo Loobim Stara
aged 1S7.
Tbana prtaat will be rolled for
touch and go from the start to almoat
Oo to Lot Anpoism
weekly, tba ala man baring the high
the Anlth of tbe mile and a half «
Grand Rapldi, Dec. 4.-Rlecber and
Morra la Ut mmk btlag aoiltled to Eerboa. tbo two star raaboa oo tbe
-1 thought tbe race was in doobt op
OO.M tor tba prise
to the laat goarter. when I gave Spear
BatUe Creek team ot tbe Nntl
mint hia bead and be dalabed tws
Polo'league laat aeaaan. have left Aor
lengths ahead of bU AeM. It m
He's thinking of getting bold bf Los Angeles.' where they wUt play in Tex Rickard
far more exclOng race In every way
<nMoe theatrical company that be may the Southern California Polo le
under O. W. Lethy. jr.'. of Detroit, wbo
.manage tbh winter.'
New York, Dec. 4—There ia a good ban that of tbe previous year, when
-Bliy. be Isn't Atted fsr that, la her
running the Los Angeles Are.
ebanee that tbe next contest to be held ny moumt tome U aaoomd.*
, tUi. yea. a rifii reUtlte Ated rePolo entbnalaau will well reme
"Are fbtra any Amaricaa bor
tn Nevada after tbe Oaaa-Hennann
^rantlj and left him • for4lBed o^w- Rierhar aad terbea as tbe two m
Agbt has bean aetUed. will be between ronalng akfoad tbU yrnrr Maben
wbo set tbe Natkmal league aAre 1
their eefimiattog play with the Bi
"Nome; and eram If tbera wmh tbey
Rlekard. tbe Agbt proaBOtar, W
tie Croak team. '
offacBd a good porae tor a boot be- irottld baldly abov op vfcb tbe tboi^
rth of the men are from RacB
ougbbroda over tbarm. It baa to
great year aU gkmg oa tbe Mbgllah
Rtahard Is moch tmpriaiad by tarf. Many two-ymaPoMa eaase to tbe
Behrock's dghtlog abUtty and tgurea front and abowed exceptlooally good
torm. AmoBg tbom U Polar Star.
Burma. 8chrock baa accepted and Blck- adbyW.aWaM. laaaotbaryear
be wUL 1 beilevs. be tbs beat to kls
crawl beivaen tore potata tea test ard li walling to bear from Boras.
claaa. Bd la a gmad berw aad a
apart Baact time vaa kapt froi
one. Tbe beat tbroe^rold la Cb
atari to tha Aalab. aad thus Ibe
tha boat tSe
age pace waa laareeC Tbe A
made. Wa want yea to try H and
vara tbra pat lato taMra of tost
AN FOR lOe at BariNt*! drag eto<
yaiBs and fartoagSe aad it waa toaad aflor thb weak only a tSa aaka far
that It woald taka
1 Tea^Tatoeu. $8
*1011 Bmr! whoTiM me glra bimr*
amkaas the Msh sC away a wami
Travaraa City tbe. gstt two wi
kraM. dr poratoly
!^i I ^
«MT T0 «fl ••■ir
B. K. Walt dt Base Hpm a CanBdai
TbBt .NSrtoi Tlrwaraa CHg wemi
n* rubw •! An »«.u.
L (mat branch of lltcruton
Bbtedlr tbe ino.t wtdeljr pbpalar and
, la wblcb Eactend abowed tba
to tba wnrid. U tba noral te tba xaar
1740 nndeta were daU^t^ wltb a
Uad of book, a proaa tomanca
not of lagaad. bot ot Ibair own dajr
and manneiB. It waa tba plooaat
I. waa called TanieU.' tba work
of Bamacl Hk-bmnUon. a London print
er, and tbe preat aocceat U
It met
OMt wll
•oon broMbt forth a boat df others.
"Let ns have some dinner on tbe
ermnda," aald a nenmns young genlemnn during tbe Arat stage of bis
Only, sir
"Er-wMla- unld tbe yooug Benedict,
wbo waa anxious to Imprtoa bla wife
with bla Uvtob expendltnro. "bring us
some of both, plesaer
On tbe death of tbe Duke, of Welllnf
ton tbe belto of Trim, near Dangnn
aistle. hto father's aest tn IreUnd. for
which when a young B»n Welllngtoo
bad sat !n tbe Irish parliament rang a
muffled peal, when tbe tenor, a baauftfnlly toned belt aoddanly broke. It
waa found by a corlotis coliicldaoca to
bare bean cast In 17A0. the yaaf of tbe
doka'a blrtb.
VTbeae ebureb people ara ao Incog-
.......................................... ...ajia
J. N. Martinek
Now is
the Time to Buy
Stook is oomplete and the
and yon
finest I everr had
.will find just rbat yon
^are looking for for your
many friends.
IJYon are nnre to be bet
ter pleaned to bny now
than to wait nntil the best
things are gone.
Tbere is no better Une of
to be fonnd in the city and
you will always find niy
pricosto be right.
friends silverware. No
matter how much they
have tbey will always welcome another piece.
We have somethin/ for
•very member of the ^fam
ily. Our time is yonrt Bay
time you want to look.
1 good, heavy, sound work
hoTM, good oQoditioiL easy
1 1600 lb. 9 year oJd mue.
Make 6rat-^laai team for
lumber woods. WUl aeU
1 beautifol, standard bred
brood mare, sure breeder
1 stylisb-gaited saddle horse,
a toppy driver.
2 good cows; be freeb -eariy
ia tbe spring; wiUseUvary
cold room
Why s« in
whenaQittle money spent
willkecp it out?
Storm sash are guaran
teed to pay for them
selves in two years In
saving of fuel.
Gel our prices.
All kinds of Itunber and
interior finish.
Soutb Side
Lumber Co.
be next to godltoraa, yet here they are
kSeklAg becanse I want to tmfld a soap
factory joext door."-Loutorilto Oooiler-
Too can't fbsl bliM IT you walk
with your bssd up. TVs imodc of carrings liA^rasses tbs wsftd that you ur;
My heart and hand aaothsr dalmed.
His plea had come too tote.
It's ever thus with psqpis wUbout
pluck and rim.
Take Rocky Mountain T«a. dont get
left again.
OUR HOUOAY UNI will be «
■mmi 004 o^tog. Both woo4o end
prises ant popular. BaM's drag
B. r. MOtitor.a P. A.
■ii L:
Christmas Candies
Ou OhriabMw candies
bare arrived. Ton aU know
their sfodi^ quality. For
PUBmr thereare ao goods
offered oo tbU aisrfcei to
compare with tbeoi. while in
iOc per jxmiid
we distsaee wD -coapetitodk
Sundsysoboob aadall ao-
foatg^eos bsfcse
AD who_______,______
..FOR 1907..
. 'ANh T
II Waherit
: J^gifc^^,^-..,——~^ yin —wt mi
ilBirOinrilPO f
Ini KXiilra I \ 1
lilLwfyLni V
ijidiilf ItKissel at
Lea^th as a Na-
i«l« i ua «®nw
til I
in ncwB m itiAKw
Umu U* mi UUbMMaSboiilaty.
As a aattoa wro atlll <
partly, and It Is ptubable tbat arty
itkm and dton«ard of
toft unfirtabfd at your
hvwMar. wblub I meat
to ywi will eotuidrta tw-
to tba mmpalgu axpanaes of any party,
fiuch a bUl baa already paaaod ooe
bouse of cougreaa. liot Indlvlduato contrtbrta as they dealrw but let us problldt In affactiva fashion all oarp(wattotts from making tnutrlboUapa for
directly «w iirtid's
Abarttor. bin wbl
M boM of the
propcmid that to any case a verdkH for
Mt. tait wannaj tottVT ••« li«il awiKfl vIlBtlMr s Uw aM*- jwrtii^ aMl
tola parMBs tor conpplracy to connec
tion with rvbatw t^c court anatalned
the defendant's daniumr. w hlk In anolbsr lurtadicgon an todlrtiiHint for
conspiracy to obtain rt4wUw has been
austalucil by the court, lonrirtlous obtotort under It and two detondaats
•cnlrtKHsl to Imprisau&u-ut. The two
caaes referrf>l to may not l« In n«l
ronfllrt with each other, but It to iinfiu-tuusta tbat there ahouM even U* an
uppurent conflict At prvsem thore to
pa wv by which the government can
CUM such a conflict wU*u It wxntra.
to ba aol\wd hy nn apiieal to a hlgto r
court and tba wbacls of Justhv are
blacked without auy real detHsloii of
tba quesUon. I cauoot too strongly
tto pamage of the bill lu quosUon.
tollnn* to pass It will resuH to aariMly haiaiMwlng the rnvrnmcnt to lU
lo obtain JustU<e. eapectoUy
agrtm waolthy individual* or cotporattoito tbnt do wrong, and may also
pratrant the gi»rarumeot from obtslntog JUMlce fiw wageworkers who am
not thcoiaelve* able effei Uvely to enntaat a case where tto* jiKlgment of an
tetortor court has bccti against tbi'm.
I have apadficaUy In view a nn-ent dtctoton by a dtotrbrt Judge kwvlng rail
way emplapcrs without ixiuady for
riatotkA of a certain so called labor
autrta. It aaams an ab,^imllty to |ktlalt a ahigle diatrirt Jihl|n\ against
what atay be tbe Judgment of the tm
osM inajortty-rt bto colleagues on
tbe banch. to dacUro a law sok^mnly
aoaetod by the cougttw* to be *ninconrtltutkmar aud tto*n to deny to tbe
govaramaat tbe right to baxw the sa
lt Is well to recollect that tbe real
aWrlsncy of the law often depend* not
upou the pAoage of acts a* to which
theca to great pubBc t^tnnrait, but
upaB the isMsga of
of this patuto as to which there Is not much
puhttc excIteiucBt, beeausa tbera to Uttts pubUc /tadersUndtog of their Impartmace. while the telerested partiea
course offers a reasonable chance of
aucceos. At fiimt. as w’as profier. every
e«ort waa made to onfuM tosot lawa
tgr civil ptoceodtoga. twt U haa bocotna toccoonlngly evtoart that the nctM of the govwriMrt to
doortI to undcfCrtce orim-
y ^ y«rca It
aMMiteg «n tba f«it «f baCk to tbo^thr beoHIt
beortit of
of ttieot
tlMM odiMaa bas patocmcT. aaa to baa aa»e« «m
tMi to «bHr coloMd iwpito «&d to ttto ^i«rr aralb aoUda« vtaaattr If wo
coNtffd pMiila. It to-j traU br «aoa* aoremb to the odwr. latbornttba
tko tadlvMnl «**»***>i
ia wbctbar^ folat tet
t«t tba *ir^
wboto ♦*—
fob ^«T*»*Ag botbiag or riae
tbe Indlrldnato
Indindnato «-)
but era who 1
ly. from erU trai|Mr. tnan giM for notbtog
l»c«. U attoctal tbe laaolt
lonit to to
lo aM- iy.
the mob to plunder tbe rich, as from
aAce or to a aplrU
safty cmrnptlontot wtaTfor bto
la tba
armild pmnlt tbe common
lag wttbbMt Ml aa witb wblto mi; toMdiary apeedtoo and wrtttoga wbicb people to be coploUad by tbe T.ty
It to tba oamo rato that maat bo #p- tend to aroM moU and to bring abort wealthy. If we erer let this goremgUad to teltog with M miMI poor tynrbtog not only tbaa rgolte tbe mob, ment fall Into tbe bands of men of
M-tfaac la. to tioat aM aao. wbat- but atoo tend by what crltoinologtoU either of tboae two classes we shad
onr bto cofar, bto cmd or bto.aocUl call •wuggeatlon- greatly to tncnaao
false to America s past
pobltlaa. wltb avao baadad Juatka ou the UbeHbood of a rtv^tUm oC tbe
bto real worth as a man. W'blto poo- my crtaie against which they are Intbli citir to ttotratt. It to ootloo macb
pto oare It <iQlto aa mocb to ibnoaelrea oalgbtog. \Tbea the ibol» to composed
totogr, b| aoj oftelona that If tbto boil*
aa to tbe colond raco to treat welt
Mi waa coTTtod on for
tbe aotorvd man wbo abowa by bto Ufa lynched to of another race, tbe ipm
ISM on tbit boato-tbat to. If tbla dtotbat ba daaarrae aacb treatiaoot fur It wbo to tbc4r^ajieech«i and wiitlnga
crtaitoatktt to faror of tbto partkolar
to aaraU Iba blgbeot wtodooi to ao- cltber exdu or Justify tbe action lead, late tbb law or wbo acebs to make t
of couroe. to excite a bitter nice feel
ablMMir waa luaito witb aa rigtiton
coarnga to tba colond race all tboae
of tbe pobUc
ing and to cause tbe paegde of tbe i>|>toatoad of a twanty^braa rml rata
ladindoala wbo aio hooeat todaatri.
twideus aaVfftor eton aore rt^jeettonpoalte race to lode sight of tbe aboma4 out aa mocb to Ibo Ja«ga who falto beMoiidi
tbe tariff rala
tna. tow abiding, and obu tberofOre
than tbe rtoleto
elolent agitator wbo
to M U boldly wbtn Moaaary aa to tUnaioly not Uieir detonae opon tbcjn<
BMko good and safe netgbbora and cU- In addition, by the iiromtoence they boMlsoatliemabtoi
• tbe rldi.
tbo mdgo wtio MO It araaiMity or op- batont mtmxgth of tb» o|>tokcia tbcy
iam. Bowaid or puntob tbe IxuIItMThere to nothing to cbooae between
prooalvoly. Of couror a jodga atn»g
Mt for UHr coochi- Itol on bto tuerita aa an todU iOital gtre to tbe hideous deed they undoubt
such an agita
edly tend to excite to other brutol «ad
aMib to bP fit for bto oOce will eo- ^V\!^
EtU arUl auioly come to tbe end to dapraved natures thoughts of commit tor. Fundamentally they are alike to
Joto afij raoort to TlotoM or lotiBl.
tarth racaa If we aubaUiule fur Uda ting It Swift, releotleas and orderty their selflah dlwregard of tbe TtgbtB of
iaat mto tbe baUlt of tnotiug all tbo punishment under the tow is tba only others, and It to natural tbat tbcy
otrr a roHnlfbt otopaod batwmi tbo mattrr wbat bla optoioo may bo of tbe
ahouM Join
Dto to
to.oppodttion to any morememban of tbe me. good and had. way by which cHmlngUty of this
dato of ralmer^a iHter roqoaadng tb# rtcbti of tbe orlgtoaJ noarret Tbera
which tbe rtin to
Tbeto to no quoatlon uf *Wocial can pmnanently be snpiweesed.
and tbp amwor of the moat be BO baoltotUm to
do exact and eton Jnstlco to an.
doaiioatlon- totabeu toto Jbootmt by 4bo rattoBtydertdilf to trrant It dlaotder. But then muat Uhowtoe be
and light
and then
months afterward tbto no aueb abmm of tbs Injuucilvc power ^
wtto cany a sound iwop- ^tod. ^ ^ uoostloa cof relmtkws.
Hour Law.
biistocas was carried on and tboae as to Implied to forbiddtog
oalUoo to an excess to objecting to any *ly punishing bad mm and
I call your attention to the need of
2ISL for~ 1.:^^
Mtostrtv.fortoTS!;fSc^^ «Ulctomofa|udge-.dw.l.loa. Tbgto. to
gucxl man tbe right to las life.
passing the bill Umltlng toe number
after moatb and rbecks to payment of
e to sound to thU matter. They ncaa as his own <juaUli«» of heart, bead bftolte Hanu Dm by **Prcacbers uf of bouts of employment of railroad emtoJunetJon be us<d merely to Aid
them drawn month after month, finch
in csrrrlug out
subacflbe to tbs doctrtoe that and baud uDable him to achieve it.
ployinw. Tb© measure to a very mod
big corpo,
a rtototloo of tbe tow. In my opiiikiQ.
In dealing w Ith both labor and cai>- erate one. and 1 can conceive of no ae*
Svecy coloiud man aliouU xealtoe Oiat
udtoemcat. »**•'*
aer^wut to to be above all
for lu
to Its essential nature Is a very much scbeimw fo
If the bmt citiaans. tbAe< tbe worat eaetuy of his race to the,ne Itol with the <iuestloiis affecting both rkms obJecOon to It Indeed, ao far
more heinous art. tluiu the ordtoary It must be remenaiersd that a luaMmlgro criminal, and* abuve all. the m«ro corporations^ and trades unions, there as It is In oor power. It oIgMdd bo oor
oasnmon. vulgar crimes which come be nary Injunction to a tobu^ case, if
fore criminal courts ronsUntly for pon- granted wlt|ioot adetiuate proof, even ment to auch’motteri. and. above all. ertmtoal who rtwimiu the dreadful to one matter more important to re aim atoadily to rirdoce toe «Mber of
tshment and which arise from soddeo when authority cau Iw found to sup- those batoning to tbe great and bon- crime of raj*c. and It should be felt member than aught.else*, and that to hours of Ubor. with as a goal toBganpamloa or t«uptatl<m. ThU crime to port the conclusions of tow on which ormble proteeaSon of the bar. so pro- as In the highest degree an ofTenm- the infinite Ininu done by invnehers of eral introdpcdon of an eight boor day. /v
foondly tofiuerttol to Amartoan life. against
_ whole country and against
There are Industrivs In which It to /
lok*nt cla.« not iKisslble that tb© boats of labor
w ho seek, to excite
UkelltoiKrttionxhattberealtoUbetm the colored race to particular
‘ parties, and 1
edtxwtJon and of large Imslneas experlIf improperly granted map do Irrepara criticism of a Judge under any dTCumto tall to to lp the iOhevrs l^hatrid against all men of wcaltli. Tto y abouhl be rxducfd. Just as tht*re are
moxcble wrong. Yet there are many Judges
of the tow to hunting down wita nil
wma such that they might
communities not far enough advanced
UKpected to set an cxamide of obedl- who assume a matter of course grant by the American iieople as a whole. In possibl.i eamcatuesH and seal every meals fur the better control of cor-. fur such a movement to Is* for their
rent the people
ing of a preliminary Injunction to be
much infamous offender. Moivover. lu iHMutlons and fur doing away with the good or. If iu the tropics, ao altuated
to tow. tijion the aui
Which alone lu this ci>antry the seenri- the ordinary and prx»|»er Judicial dlapo« Joaiittoble the inlam- niy Judgment, the iTime of rape sh«>uld abuse-* count-ried xxltb wealth lulu a that there to no aimlogy between their
cMUiloign of hyKtcrlcal excitement dud neede and ours In this matter. On the
of such cases, and tbera have un- l^ato and improper crttlctotn
ty of their ilroperty depends. It waa
always lie inmished with death, as
‘ It to a tbe twoe with murder, .\asault with fttlM.*hood lu which toe aim U to lu- tolhmua of Panama, for Instance, the
committed («i lichalf of a gnwt rail doubiedi> been llagroiit wrongs com ^ unworthy
leave to such critics a Intent to commit ra]ie should be made flaiue to madnr** the brutal imsidous
road corporatloii. which. Uke otlwr raU raltted by Judge* li| counoctiou with mlmfortune
ctHtdUlon* are in every way so differ
rigtit to ItseJf. which they a capltaV crime, at least in the dlsen- of maukiud. The iilulnter demagogues
dbqmtes wen wUhUi tbe UM few
road cori*uratlaus. has rei*clvod grato
certain to abuse. Just aud temper- turn of the court, and i»rovisloo sho^l and foolish vUiouarie* who are always ent from what tbcy are hero that an
and vain- XMrs. altlmugh 1 think iniKh leas often
criticism, when necessary. Is a be made by which the puuiahntoot may eager to nudertakc such a camjialgu eight hour day would be absurd. Just
than to former years, fiuch judges by
as it to absurd, so far as the tothmoa
venlcmce niul Its own. which performs their unwise actkui Immenselv stnmgUi- safeguard against the accspUnce by follow imuie^UaU-ly upon the Itoels of of dratructiou sometime* aeck to as- to concerned where white lat»or can
•Kx*late them*elve* with thooe w^tog
of that
^Bl puUlc functions and which to en tbe hands of those wbo are striding ^ p«>pie aa a whole
whrthf»«ani thm W.
while the trial oh^ukl U‘ f‘>r a genuine reform to goxcrmnenlal not be employed, to bother as .to
cntiivly to do away with the i*ower of
with the highest
«»rtuchNl li^it the tktJm^M uel uud
iry work to d^e by alien
er tim necessary
I to troat
How men. But
k'tvUto tmti- masquerade as such reformer*
In black men or by i
lug n^n
man M
ana wL^h.
wmcn. If
ir ^
------- poasllKo pub
dike and uaa of the Injunctive process tends to
business with unjust tbrentiw Its vicy exbtenoe, for if the *t became wkle*|wead among t
the cause tbcy profera to advo<«tc. are of so high a grade that alike from
'tween dlffenmt cl\l- American pe»»|)le ever Itecome couTlne- P*® ^ torge. would cuustituta
Tlie tiwjubecs of the white rac-e. oo Just as the purveyors of seusatlouol tbo merely industrial standpoint and
of cltlacns. ed that this process Is habitually abus- menaca to tbe rdpubhe.
the othar bund, should umlcnitatal that slander In newspoper or magsalne urs ftom the civic standiioint It should be
to mattera affecUug labor
avery lynching raprsMU by 0ust so the worst enemies of all men who are our objevt to do. wiul wo can In the
affectipc corporarionsrit
done with secrecy and proof of which or to matters offectlpg,
banda of civ engaged In an honest effort to better direction of oecorinjr the general obwfllbaw^rtgh
It to vary dlfl|crtt to obtain.
‘ luxation: that the Hdrlt of lynching xrbat to bad In our aoctoJ and r»vern- serxaiK*v of an eight hour d^y. Until
•Tba Intersute ivuuuen'o art was ftaaboUtloo.
Inevitably throws Into i«omto^w lu meaul coudltlon*.
Tc^^tly the eight hour toxv nn our
paaaed In 1HS7. iMMrly twenty yoata
Aa ta Public; Opinion.
the community all the foul aiol evil
To preach hatred of the rich man as fidenil statute books has been xery
ago. Ever s^mv tbat lli
It may be tbo higheit duty of Ondge
crcalUTV* wlio d%veU tbwvhL io man suc^i, to carry on a ramfiaigu of slan acanlliy observed.
Now. however,
^ tbe gnmUag «if ivbate* by railroads «t any given mauamt to dtoragan! not
der aud invertlve against him. to sc-ek largx ly through the laslrumcutalUy of
have been ctnnmon. urgent aud lustot- qjerrly the wishes ^ individuals of
to mUkad and linlame to madnews tho t)urL-QU of Ubor. U to hulus rigidly
out. and. nltoitogh'tbc orngreoM has re irrant polltleal or financial iK>wer. hot
______ __________
nature penmuiently ^wennl. honest men, w boss liv«w un* hard and enfonxd, aud 1 shall speedily be abto
IHsalodiy jissatHl ItrgisJatlau endeavor- the overwhelming thle of public sentl, autl, above aU. to ^'’*•*7 buching means Just *4 mot h wIk> have iK»t the kind of tm*ntnl train to say w bother or not there Is need of
. a plop to this evil, the <
nt. and the Judge who does thus dla- the epidemic of lynrtiing and mob vio- tnoral drterioraiiou lu all the <
ing w hi«di win iMWwit them lu ap(»ro- further legislation In reference thtuwK.
I. »
. lenew that spring* up. now In one part
Bave au^; kuoivk-dge of
clxite the d.tnger in tlw doctrines to. for our purpose to to see It obeyed
wrong^lm^ lushes ^de the Pk«^ of our countiy, now to arndher. Each therefore Just so much addition
irrached-All this to to cuiunilt a rriine lu spirit no loss' than in letter. Half
that ttila to the first
, any spacial interest
when .w
tbe .|
^ tie for the next geueratlon of
against the body j^lUc and to Iw false hoUdnys during summer should be eabaa ever been brought In this crtgt- to not founded on rlgh________ . , „ lU ovft fault*. No section can with cans.
to every worthy |.rlnclpk? and Irsdi- tablldnd ftr government etui.loyoos.
and. as I am InftOTnod. tlds case and forms the bigbost aerv Ice to tbe countioa of Arntriewn nathmcl fife. 3Iore- It U a* desirable for wugi*workers wim
one nHvntly bn>ught to Fhlladeh»l»la try
J^e to deaervlngX^f all
oxvr. whlk? soch pnarhlng and so« h toll wilh ibelr Lands a* for salaried
are the only case* that have ever l>eeo honor, and all honor riinnot be paid to te busy try ing to amend Us own abort- not the wild aud crooked aara
agitation may gfVe a liwllliood and a officiato whoso Ubor to mental that
brought in too 4usU»rn imgt ot till* this wl^e and fearless Judge If we per- comUigH, To deal w ith the crime of a mob.
certain notoriety to some of ibttse who then* should be a roasonabto amonat ■
in tocU but few cmaw of this mlt the growth of an nlwunl conxenV to' mxH>s*ary to have an
take part in It and may n-snlt in the of holiday.
Nsgro Should Be Educate L
kind iuiwp ewr Uh-o brought to tbto tion which would fiirbld
f.irbld any critlctoin awakened public conscieni'o and to
teniiwary poHUral suevess of oilwr*.
Labor of Wemsn omI Chiidrafi.
There is ^another matter w hld
countiy, cttkt or
. Now, uudar of the Judgv* of another tj-pe. who supplcmeut this by whatever l^gtola
In the long ipn every such -movement
The congress at Us last oesslon wise
Uuwe clrcuuisiHU
am f.uTvd to shows himself timU to the prosence of
will either fall or el*e will proxoke a ly i»rovided for a truatit court for the
the conchMduo lu
m*e lu whU-h the arrucant dtoonler, or who' on insuffi
calls a forth1 uul
proof to so ckwr aud the facts are ao cient ground* gronti an ItOanctkm with lynching
uUier violent roactlun. which will Itself re LUlrlei of ColumlOa. a marked step la
flagrant It to the duty of tbe court to tbat dors grave-tojustlce.
toe excase for sult not merely In ufldoing tbe mis- advance on the path of juoiHriy curing
who In A RMt WMar wWt. twn .re ImclKi. »j«»« «n‘->vli funxl
fix a iH-nalu whleh sluill to some d<- bto capaeltj^s a <'on<lnici__________ _______________
^ tiwiMiit In
twwAlie ertnio__
to _______
iitounoe. U to out uf the t|tm*tiuu chief wrought by tl»« demagogxm aisl for ibe chlldlWL Let mo again urge
mratc with tbe gravity foro to part a inakei*. of the law. in respect to black men. The greatest ex*» * »Bole jienuaneuUy the agitator, but also In tmdoiag the thaf the congress provide fur a thor
of the offeojM*. .Vs U twwu the twotU* flagrant fashion thwarts the cause of toting cum of lynching Is the perpe^
irvadiug down auy «|r their good that the honest reformer, the ough iurisstlgatloD of the coodittoas
fondants, to mj opinion, the principal decent government The Judge bos a traUon. espertaUy by bl^ man. of
i^umU-r. Even those who| them- tnie upboklrr of iK»puUr rights, has of child labor and of the tabor of wornpainfully and lalsriously achieved. •n In the United fitetea. More and
ixeoalgr ahonl^ Iw Imiiuaed on the cor i«Swer.^ over whkb n<f review can be
eonseertma of Me. the most
Corruption Is never so rife a* In com- n»ore our iieople are growing to rocogporaUvm. The tralbc manager to this cxerclkiL He hlmaeir sits to review
ibto In all thA category of
mnnlUcs where, the demagogue and ntoe tlur fact tliat the qaastioQs whldi.
cam* iuv*umably acted without any nd- upon tbo act* of boih the cxocntivo
agitator bear full suoj. betwuse In are not merely c»f industrial but of so
I WglsUtlvo branches of t
vantage to hlnuielf aiul without any In
couimunltlcw all moral bands be cial Importarn'c outweigh aU oihera,
to the fancied toUTcat of ut» class
tereat 4n the transartlon cither by tbt ment: fiave In the mast extraordinary this crime by tbcmseivaa torturing to
It. ton* to prevent the cdncatlon of aWber come loosened, and hysteria and sen and the*© two qn*«tlana most empbatible only at the
direct authority or iu acxi»rxiaoce with caoca. he
Ijestlal <*J“- The five public adhuoL the < hanva sationalism res*L'i^^ the spirit of sound Ically come In fhf category of tboee
what he understood to be the policy or of public Cfxtoloa. and It to tm
for each boy i»r girl to get a good ale- Judgment and fair dealing a* between which affect lu tl^* most far reachliA
matoUIn that pul41c oplnkm to reftei^
and reducing tbamaelrea to
the wtobra of his employer.
mentory oducation. li«a at toe fpnnda- man and man. In slwcr revolt against way the borne lUc of the narion. Tbe
-n»e aentem*e of this rourt to toto ence to a man with such power ahall lavel with the
hy what It feeds kton of our whole political sit^tloii. tbs squalid anarchy thu* produced horror^ Incident t^.th© enji>to!rment cf
neither l.e cxpressid nor led.
every cooununlty tbe i»oorcit clti- men are sure In-the end to turn tow ard young children la toctortes er at wotk
The be^t Judgtw hana cx-er been fere- upon, and srhen moha begin to lynch
tnoat to disclaim any, Immunity from for rape they apsmdUy extend tbe aens. ibo«e wbo need the acbouh^ moat, anj' JeadcT who can rwtorv order, and anywhere are u blot on our civUtoaof fl,000. malitog Alx finra. amounllng crltldam. This has betn true since the spbera of their msAtSona and lynch would be deprived of tbam if tb<^ arty then theJr roller at* being fxpe from tlon. It to true tiiat each state maoc
class hatrod. ulUmatety scttl-* tbe qMtkm in tta
to aU to tbe sum of
and the de- days of the great EngUsh Lord tTxan- for many other kinda of crlmaa. sa that received school /adli^ propprtiaa- toe Intolerable burdens
toe ^c* they paid. 'This to as vtolence and demagogy Is such that own way. but a thorough official Inftekdaat. toe New York IVntnil and eellor Parker, who saR' ‘Xet all peo>f one iiortton of our counkry as they cannot for some time be aroused veMlgaliou of tli^ matuv. with the re
pie be at IJU-rty to know wbat I fo
Hudson niver Kallrood coniixany
by sult* pobitolted f»r.solcasL would groat,
portion of toe indlrldiM
an* w*
of another. aIt» a
is m
as true
mmsm tynebed ufKArw for UJC;
my Judgment upon, that so when
each of the alK Crimea of which I
Oovenmr Can as for tbe
toe white man. The white
wbUs man. men of wealth, ao that they pannK a ly hc^» toward arousing the pnblic coin*
it to any ^aose
cjanoe othecs may tonooent of all crime. Oovoraor
been ccmvlciod be fined the sum of Ukva gtxvn *t
ecience and fcmrixig unity of atate
WaWtt. maktog six flnra, amounting to be at Uberty to Jndge of me,- The dler of Georgia stated on OdTocctalon to he Is wtee. wUl docUoe to alldw too new growth of the very abuaea which artloh In the matte.?. There to, how
years ago, “1 canI aa.v
SO.V of a verity h«’groe* to a maas to grow to uanbood were in part responsible for tbe origtoe aggregate, to tbe sum of |10S.Ouk propriety c*f the cost were act forth
1 have within toe Itost month aav- and womanhood wtthoot odntotlon. ' inal ootbreak. The one bo{« fur snr- ever. one law ou the subject which
and Judgment to that effect will Ihj ^th mlaguUir clearuesa and good tonshould Ije cnarted Immediately, bo*
per by Judge \V. IL Tsft when a Unit ed tto> lives of haU a Men innocent UnMuerttonably cdocstlon aachlas Is cesa for oor people Ilea In a resotote caure there to no need for an Investiga
coterrd iu this ca*e.“
Sotting Asid* of JudgnMota and Orart- ed fitaU** circuit Judge, eleven year* nepoes who worn prtMd by toe mob obtained to our public si*bools do* not and frartess bat sane and cool beadad tion to reference thereto, and the faO__________
to trial In a court of do evemhing toward making a man _ advance akmg the path marked out
to 18K
itxg of
vre to enact !l 1* dtocroditnbto to. tba
.»d pubucy v**.^ .**
- r»a citta-. b« k
<n* tost yearjby this very congTxraa. There
In conmMipn xviih thU matto T
Judicial ackum Id
of T«tly
«iacue ludl.«l
w »f
««t UmtoJ
most be s stem n-fnaal to tie mloted
wookl like to roll atumtloo to the very In, CTtOcise
tauattofai^tory state of our criminal hM impoctaiwe to ^ body XKdidc dbtatoo. that wblcb dtoclnguisM a thoae. for Instance, who commit tbe into following either that base croature be enacted for th© District rt CoHna*
who appeals and panders to the low- bia and the terrUortea.
low. rasulttug in torge part from toe than the Immunity jof coarts and
ity Bden wbo have bad ettoer no eda- cat inodnets and losslons to order to
habit of oettiig: aside tbe Judgments of Jxidges from unjust asbersions and at
Employerf' UabHity.
tack. Nothing tends [more to Tender
ention or very itttie. Just as they are aroM ooo Oft of American^ agaLnst
inferior courU on tet hnUwHtles abiioAmong the exreltont tours wM the
JddfM carefid to tl*o4r declsioas and
*«*« «iU la I nttlewhUalyncha almort Invariably men xprbo
no their felkrara or that other croattue. cengTM maead at the last smIou waa
Irtoty nnconnectod with the merits of g&xionsly aobcitooB totdo exact Justice white ass
Mof crtoM. Every
property, for toe man who puts imoey equally base, bot no baser. «wbo in a an emptogers* ItohOtty taw. It waa a
to Aaericn needs to
than toe couadonaacm that every act Christian
apWt of greed or to aev^otote or marked step to advance to get tha
hla vote* to tend and etaraal by cot of bto eaiBtoga.,nke the man
nrdhrtraiafobeBobJcrtedtotoelatel- lift np b
of anbotantia^ Justice. It iportd bo Bgant aeruttoy and tandld critlclsai protert agotoot the mob opirit that la wbo acqulras educatloo. to nanglly lift add to an alieody huge. fortM aceks rococnitlan of employers' liabHKy <m
to exploit his fellow Americotis with
weU to enact a law ttrotldlng aomeSuch criticism li throatentog tbe totegrtty of tols te ed above MS brutal crimlnalty. Of caJtoas disregard to their welfare of the atetute books, bat the tew did art
thing to tbe effei*t thateoorae toe boat type of education for
go far eaoM- la spite of all ]
as it Is fate.
the cotered man. taken aa a whole, ta aort and body. The man who do*
Ko Judgment afartl be set aside or
ion as is conferred la baaehes othen In order to obtain a
new trial granted to any cause, civil
or cttadnal. on the ground of mlsdk
If <X «yni4 ly
•«*>o«i»_in» liampton and Tuskegea. high oflko ataade on an evU aqaaiity
rortloA of tbejmy or toe Improper od- xtiMk xne comments made by
oya and girls, the yonng of oorrafitioB with the man who da*
mfcHlon or re^crion of evidence or for ed text wrticn and by the acute edi- ^
men and ymkng women, are timtond te- baaehes otoors for financial prafft. and Tbto Ineritable sacrifice of life amj
onor as Id aqy matter of pleading or tors of toe vartons Hyc rrirtewa upon
dnstrtoJIy an wefi aa to the oedtoafy when batRd to town toe cropc which ha rodacad to a mtohnain. bat K care
IM^ore imtoM. to toe opinion of too
hcmncM Tbe gradnatea flpeings op can only be ava
aoC he completely rtimlnated. It to a
•**'*^ “*
DMf. mi» 1
of tbM mtiooto tm ont wefi la the
- • ”
.Ir to 41. «bf > BMk-« umtde I«
groat aortal Injartice to compel lha
great majority of caw*, and hardly
I who thiak.-toa ma*
after an ovamtoatten of toe
any of tMn becoom
nwnt to amde te atob4 or fait on Its
aaertti and tons mpert! a ainmg taflu-
^ iNJCNcnoNs.
whkh hata
m a aaa Ua —aa a l«<mi« Ikia ZWS^\.kom. *» t«a *t.to to1
tba gow.ramrtit tba right of apiieal in
calmtnal easea on qoestkws of law.
tbla rlrt^t axlata In many «*f the sUtes,
It aslrta In the nutriel of (Vltiinbia by
l^m tMtmtr »,tmmMe,,t mimMm. u»mum
9b the SMto and UoM of JtaptfMt-
UM Mto
aaiMUy 1
fata your (
pmmMlii «f Wk —twift «if » tewki rw»ictl» wItt •»«? am mv rrltaK* « deftOTn • liOaWiniiitar'IHr cABi^'bk «.mm a■• «te w. tor Mzt t» MUar am t» ^waff br Jla«Cw
It ferlai
a»«—ra Ot eta «raaa»>aia >«*a< f a«i»ly dawn a a» aa- ^ *«?? Na*
«• <»■«»»• rtim U ^ ana «raa,
a«w» a ht» ■■wa ta«lt °«> «tM. |wp1»r »«lf«oaiaiiat
•“• *«y
*v ********
•**«•*** >—*»
l—*y «»
ar «r
»r »>«<«»»»«
a. 4«aM< ««at>tw
aat^ Tltfk
*T*.*'*!■• «4k»"mta,
«y»^ ?*•
«>»*«. «»««-.
«gaa« „„^a^
artrtta ^
»t» mrm
«»m mmr
aar U
Ma «U «ar
mahcdui faa to taolf a>
■ml htmAtmA amt aatf
I AlMaTMtarCW Sfaaftjr ^
Mmt or fti» ml-«|«Mr U
taa itrlMal ail^ii. a»d nMjr ««r»
rapKM calf tor Uia m or
Jmw. «>d fito or tbo raidon mo
kflML tvo wrr» voioM aod twidTo
captwod. tockHlloi ibo two woqdML Aa kaa Im veU and fioaij aaid. a
9W coptorod iMro oloet km Mod tMBtao nattoo la not uecoaaarily a dlaglBCNl OMOotu imt turn nattoa or m
la diagram If tka cidlssttkm to dafavd
ngkt to aklrtod.
Wa akoidd aa a natloa do creirtlilBg
aov U pad* tkai Its rofiaddoa will to *or povrr far ibc
■ot ka foipd pofttalilo.
for a nattou to commit a vruog npou
^mlooky Jam.
rofordlns aaothar nnlkin, airung cv weak, aa far
aa todlrldoaJ Ibuji i» vroog bla IBP
lovi. We aboold do aU to our povar
to kaatra tka day wkaa tkew akmU ba
paacr among Ike untkm*-o paaev bawd
upon Juafia and not upon coarardiy
W© ^ accomOb oor part, tbo gnand «i dio Ulaad
bla d/^ioo. but
WtU ko iDtroaord and brltcr
aad ofganlaad. aai a t»itor loroario
Conor fkatrOl owrW abaat fh# UUoda
almoat tocrltablj be to do
MU bo'aMatOWhaV Soxt ooaomi a
than ootkiug. for U moat Iv r*CalMl Man* war^rooM orlU aloo br
tbat fantaaUc catromtota
md mtioffl to M|otm—t. as
•tttO «r Ihli kind .bad km orkaBj
pdankaft for, bp aaek ptovMaD P
rah Grrat IIHt^o far adomta tmaortloa of tb^ oral
kardL mad
wltli Jam for
P# aame panm *ro In prom*.
4 JU law* for tlio protacflou of Ibo
trala trtthlD tbi. jurl«lkai<w of tko
tBUMl ktatea urod rrvtolou aud aiuoodPeat only Ihr Ulauda of Bt Paul
god «t iiransv ni* pow In Icriaa toaludad to «kr goxeruiMWit narration,
aad th9 otlHY UbmU'an* alao to tia
todadM. TUe landlns of alWa. na ^el!
M dUPUl UJ«o the UUimU witoout a
pamUt from the dt»|*arluieul <rf com
coarev and labor fur any punm^cxt*|4 to caw of airca- of arwiUior or for
valor abiNild U proUiUltad under ode
mto pmllloa. •i'Ut imvHi of vea•eU; for die cx«'ci.letl pun»oa4^ aU.mU
ka fogiilatad. Tl.i- nuUiurily of tUe gov
armmt agenU on tlia lalanda ahould
Jia anlargod. and the ciiU^ ngfktjdiouM
kara povrm of a couwnUltog moglatmla. Thm eotranca of a vmrl Into
tokmte with iBttdit toJjUi* eaato abould
be laatW a erlmtoal offeoM and oaiiae
crterfoltuiw. AutborUy tor eelaore* to
tuck OUKW ahould t.e given, and tbe
preeence on any aurh vraael of aeola or
MBtokloe or tire para|ibefualla fur tak
tog them *bould lie mode prlnm facie
tvidenco of suck toUmt. I rtHximineud
vkat kwtolaUuo Is newknl to nccumpllah tbewe ends, and I ctMiiincod to
ytw atloufloo the mmrt of Mr. Sima
nf tho defuirttmoit of ct.iumcrto untl
tobor on this aohje-t.
to fvaa we are txmiiwIUxl to Blian
floB tor hope of making
With Uher guTernuH-nU to put an cud
to the kideoua cruelly now liu Idcnl to
pelagic aoaUng U v ill Iw a question for
your aw^loua runaldcrutloo how far we
tkould continue to protect oikI iu&IulalB the *4.^1 benl oa land with tho
. iwBttlt of eonlUiulng such a practice
«Bd wlHtbcr It U not Utter lu end
Itor Itoty li a NsUbb to Fonher T¥b
to my last moaaagc I advlawl you
that the nuu>r*r of Kuaala hud taken
like lutlUnxc in bHuglng about a aecQDd pt'oee iKmfcrx«ncc at The Hague.
Under the guUlam<e of lUw^a the ariwugBaient of ttm prelluiluarie* for
Buch a confenmoo baa been i»rogrtoete
PB»1 >~r.
iw owing to
rli-s to be
fultod upon every quoatlon that haa
arisen. It to a matter of aatiafactlon
that all of the American repukkes Uve
Aow. for Ibe Am time, been tovUed to
The ctoae .^
•ghjocts to tw token np by tbe Ued
ce bdd at Geneva Uat
ito and tbe sutdecto which natuwould come before Tbe Uagne
renoe made it aKwrent that tt
leatrabto to bare tbe work of tbe
cenaktored by tbe different powm
fort tbe meetlBg at Tlie Hague. The
B*d Oroaa eavIBrivc* Baded tta latoirs
BB tb* 0th Of July, awl tbe rertoBd
nd BSMtoBd conemtien. wbWi was
BigBBd by the AnxrlcaB detogstea. wUl
be promptly Jald bafore tbe Mate.
By tbe apectol and bigbly apprecUted cBOtomy of tbeforerumaBto of Rusfvtbcr at
wbkb would coofilet with the
«t Rio d© Janeiro to Aagast was laid
Mld^ Kootov Ast© has yet been
tbe eoBforeaee has bean propoacd by
tbe pacaraaiant of Rnsola, and tbe
are not In raaUty laadarft of tka caitaaa
vblck tbvy eaponae. but are oedtoarUy
tboaa vim do noat to bamper the leol
toadera of ibc couaa nml to damage tka
caua© ltae:r. Aa yet tkera la no liktU*
bond of eaUbUablug any kind of Internatlonai power, of whatever aort
wklcb can eSectlvoly cback wrongdo
ing, am! to tkcao drcumatancoa it
would be bulk a foolUb and an evil
tblag for n great and free nation to
det>rtve lljielf vf the power to prolett
Ita own r glila and even lu cxccptinoftl
caaee to atoud up f«»r tin' rigbla of otbera. Nidldiig would iuo:-e pmmole In
iquity, uo'hlug xvonld further defer the
reign uiH-n earth of i»oniv nud rightvoomtmn. than for Uie fn^e and enUgUtened peopVa, who. ttmugb with muck
aturohllng and many abortropiloc*.
neverthoitra drive towartl Joatlce. dellberalfly t x nnwk-r thcmaclvea powrrIraa while leaving eh^ry dospotlam and
barbarian) armed and nblo to work
tbelr wIeUtd will. The ckane© Jor the
aetGetueni of dlapntea peet'cfully by of imsUm-rt. capac-lt.v who ore fitted to
fto well while young to the tower poby tbe aatiooa that Bltiana. but wbo are not fitted to do
well when at an advanced age they
come Into poaltlona of <'ommand
----------of grtNtt n'fixxu'^hlllty
the dr^
alre of three men to l»e pramoted
mted to
IMxdtiona which they are not competent
to fill sbouM not weigh ngalnet tbe toteni-ts of the navy and tbe country.
im-yrnt our m. u. ropecUUy In th,
(tor SBrea: Cnaraator #1 Peace t SbB^
navy, uro kept far too louc In th.
Juulor cradw nml thru. M much too udTbo i:n!ted StaUw navy la tbe aoreet
cmivdun nee. arc put quickly throu*h
guarantor of |a«cv w Idch tkla countiy
tlsc aentor gradre. often not attaining
la canuMitly to be wished
thiwje M*nlor gradre until they are too
oldtolioorrrat.ii»etotlH>mand.lf they
nn- of real use. being put tlirough them
and wise p«H»p»c will study Its own fall- stoiqulckly fUat little Uneflt to the
urea no toss than Its triumidia. for navy <x»uie* from tbelr having been In
there la wUdiun to bo learned from tbe
study of both, of the mUtake as well
aa of the succreo For this porpose over'the anny In tho foci that tbc ofnothing i-ould t>e more Instructive than fltx*ni of high rank are actuallyTralnctl
a nilloiul study of tbo war of 1812 as to Ibe continual perforroanoe of tlwlr
It Is told, for Instanc-c, by Captain duiire-ikat U. to the management of
Mahan, lliore was only one way In the batUreUlm and armored cruisers
w hlch that war <-ould have bo<*n avow UOtbi nM into fleets. This Is not true of
ed. If during the pitvedlng twelve the army offleers, who rarely have corjeara a navy rebtivciy as strong aa respoudlng chancre to cxenlae comthat whlA-h this country now haa bad mand ox-cr troops under
been built np ami an army provWed tloiis. The eonduct of tbe Simnlsh war
relatively at good aa .that which the shoxxTd tbe lamentable loss of life, tbe
country now has, there never would UM-less extravagance and tbo. Ineffi
hare Icon tlie slightest necessity of ciency eiTtr.ln to neult if durtog peace
fighting the war, and if the necessity tlie hid) officials of the war and navy
had arisen th© war would under sm^ dejtnrtmeuts are praised and rewarded
clivumstouees bare ended wUh our 0)Uy if tto'y
•y save inouey. at no matter
apeedy and ovorwholmlDg triumph. what cost
But our iwopl© during those twelve Icc. ami If the h5ght*r officer* are given
years refused to make any prepara- no cliaucv wUalexvr to cxcrclre
tlou. whatever reganling cathcr the practice command. For years prior to
army or the navy. They saved a nUl- the Spanish war tbe aecretarie* of war
Uon or two of dollars by to doing and were pralatHl chiefly if tht^y praetlosd
to mere money paid a bundrcdfoUl tor economy, which etwnomy. especially to
reeb mUlkw they thus saved during co:m«-tloo wttb tbc qusrtonttostar.
tbe three year* of war which followed commissary and medical departmanto.
-a war which Iwonght untoW snffertog was directly rr*TKx:iBible for most of
npon our peopto. which at one time the lulsmaD-gamcnt that occurred la
tbreatened the gravest national disas tbe war ItsoJf. And parenthellcslly^
ter and which, ;to apUe of the necBSSlty it obserred that the very people wbo
of waging It. resulted .merely to what clamored for tbe mbuBrertod economy
was to effoct a drawn battle, while the In tbe first pUce ware fomnost
balance of defeat and triumph was al
most even.
t do not ask that we continue to in
crease ©or navy. J ask merely that tbe lack of
It be malBtolned at Its preaeot
Cesst 0«fens©
strsngtb. and thU can be dene only If
There shoold so^
the number of men
fensre. These men sboold be of tbe
: any afloat to any navy. To
pe and properly trail
there sboold tlierefore be an
of p.ny for certain skilled grades, especlally in the coast artillery. Money
MwaM be appropriated to permit
DOW be of ilttle service In a atandap troops to be la.'tssed to iKriy and cxerfight wltb a powerful adversary. Tbe
old dcmbla turret monltws bare out
worn tbelr osefutoeas. while It was a
waste of maney tq boUd tbe modera
aliWktiMretMMmltats. All toeaa ahlpa
aboold be taplaoed hj otbars. »da this
con be dooa by a w^ settled proflwimme of providing for tbe bnildlng
aar that aa; aadaa U at tbe aaia,
tbae inlldtac. tbe anaaawnt fnumafatr *a«aetet of aa hue a mfiaber
It mtaror lie b«i>t la mlad that
I iwg li aot a»yt>r iyUflaVIe bat ba-
• Icnn nation, and to return the amideat
condderatlon akould be tbelra.
West Point and Annapotia alrMdy
tnni out cxwllent officera. We do aoC
need to have these achoola made more
■•bolartlr. Ou th,«Dtr«T.*o rtH»W
never loee-sight of the fact that the
aim of each school la to turn out a
man wbo shall be above everytklng
eUe a debting man. In tbe army to
iwrllcalar It la not n«w»ary that either
tbe cavalry or Infantry officer ahould
batY aiK^clal matbemalicnl ability,
Proliably to Imlh ackoola the beat part
•f the edoentluii t, the blch ««id.rrt
oTeharaHoraod of pnf.alOD.1 monte
which It eoiiffn.
nut lu both necTlm there 1. orsent
ne«I for the e.Ut,l|yhm«.t of . priudplc of selection which will eUmlnate
men after a certain age If they .-numjt
be promot.^ from the anbordtoata
ranks oiul whh h will bring Into the
hlglior r.inks fewer men nnd three!■ at
m possible of vary heavy guns af ooe
ealtoar. togatber with amallar gnu to
repel totpafio attack, while' tfarea
aboold be brevy armor, turbtoe.eii-
» of natural nui
jd.- It la related
two of kla Btudei
allrred by the aaplmtl^un rnd the calculate
actiecement* of hnm.na!ty atmsjrtlng
tbc worui
liberty nnj
«u« be iKt behind b. civnjxaticn m it« at the flftleiU n^. The qucatlon"
and bentr.Tal cilmnef.
mtorred to Euler, who dcH-lded to ipake
tb« clrotaBon. He rtkJ thU n««Wly,
to be cor11
toIt was not only to malhcmatlce that
fuwuaa of the ArmjrUmn confer- Eoler gate proof of a pnidigtoua mem,:ow m
Th -rciu nat cu« of ory. Ue was wcU read In m'oeral liternU our cx^mirtto that «anr>Ct U,f,3m the atuiw nod w na an cso-llcut claaklcal
ctl-T.. Tb.rr i. not me tliui cannot re- .ckoUr. Virgil wa« one of hi* favorite
cclv. Uai.nt friAm tlw othfra. There la
trritcra. It U said that be knew this
«h- ' »'» n„i c-m by ,h.. p™,.
-AeneU" “from U%tnnln« to end oithout bdUtlou oud tudlnte tbe Ibut
oo liutol
■“<» ta.t Hue of ev.ry |..Bo of the'idi.
^0.*”..^ tlo. trhleh he
pklffti«iii U to it
The acxcntcetitU century fumlebea
the muduct wf any state, hut raaar sub- Ibe other two toslanw to which I call
tk SeCItUf^ Of SCftt Of fbO
arc m u-< oia.aui. r^xl
agurd iha e*iuH-tel atlcnlion. 'llie first la that of
“___ iK-o^UUlty of rr-nobing barriers to lnt«-T- the Ualhtu «<-holr.r Antonio da Mtreo
3U1CS df
01 AseriCI
IMnr ©oenc^-. ef a*f-rrUPUnj: for th.^ common MagUalHN-hl. Mag.laU«<-hl was tbe litUnHit whnt ndvam-f. h.v« U^n
Uoyally hnd
dlstlngulslMxl iwHbnagea paid
CSOe fff AtoeriCIl. SfiftoUkS
Irfr ti mk
Icml atandmtoa. of iwrfee^ «ur knowl- con temporaries have aald
iCAMeire, JBJ Jl, jm,
and^ doing sway memory waa so pnallgloua that be wa*
nnd r
nf f!i«
***^ tniocvnccpUons. ih« mUundcr- able to rtdnln verimiltn moat of tbe
omndlng. and the reliant prejudice couleni. of bH • multiludln.us l«okg.7
.wmimratlv.dy nn^ent writer haa
llc*-l beg JO.) to K'llevo that I highly
d.H-lared tlmt M*gllalie.-hl could name
nc subipcts
iW>rcvlate and Urnnk you few tho hompt
xn.t thrre .re some
.uhj^t. In
in the pm^.d written upon
.ramr which Invite dl*w«*ion t
do me.
I hriug from my country
emMIuh to luu- eUl.T oh.t«. In tho dv
*» doubt to*. eiaggoratWm; but. oa the
IhAallou of America.
otUT Ijoocl. It ahculd U* remembered
Luhko » w« ntv In many rcs|H.-t.. “ » “
that tbe nuiulter of liotika on any aobwo aro alike lu thl»-tbat we ure >11
to.wrd ^ comiUcle rul. ^a t
c UAUcb fewer then than at the
engaged under-now coirdUlont and free
.nd peer .q^ nation, ta pres
day. liiddre tkU. there are
from the traditional forma nnd lliullaf jrt-- end v..r.
two stories that have coni© down from
tions of the edd world to wurklug uut
The usor-UitU^i vf no minr reata. nt thcw Magliabcclira time to our* that give
the tmme problem of i»opular self gar- tren all the rrunMics, kwd'm of cipirlon color to Its truth. On one occasion s
ho.-rHs; ihsifm-ndAdaps lual ,-,.utlcman of Fh»rcoce drelred to test
It Is A difficult nnd laborious task for
Magllabechrt ii*on»ory and sacertaln
clcncy o
akookl ewtabUak
abooilug gnlleric* to aU the large publie and military whooU. aboold mainuiD nattoaiU l.rpt »i>c« >■> dlCMMOt
iwrta of the country and abould to
every way eneourase the formation of
rtlle ctobs throughout all parts of ike
land. The Mule.rtyiWlc of Hwitxcrland offer,, u* an^lleat esample In
all matteixMiaidrt.sl with building up
an efflclent crtlaen aoldlory.
The White Uuu«. Itee. S. IWW.
--------------------- —
^ tk nw coof«^
troJ of a suimi^ aox erelgu, so long
aXuatxl neceasary to government, he
Tv*Jectcvl aud cfftvtlv© ©elf control by
tli© goveroed be |wrfi*ctcd In It* plnec.
|j„t fruits of democracy are. many
crude sod unlovely. Its mis
„„ ^muy. Its partial fallurci
few. 'Capacity for
aeir governmeut does not come to mau
by nalurt'. It Is an art to be learned,
and it Is nUx an expression of cksracter to be developed among all ibe
and* of I
p^l^og^ of nii»u«dcT«tonding*. ih© eahJble him a maunwrlpt to read; then.
tloa to a!l il
nro. propu. of ,hl. rome d.r. utter lu return. proModlDC
pc^reful nnd
lo.tlt. h.«ia;edMu«U.b«Wlo
fcrrlng upen
«n lie
asked if be
the grand duke of FI
>k for hl^
n>oM procure a certain book
Iw rreDonse* ‘'Na
alrc; It la impossible,
bcr-tflccni result* ih© g
and the pcopi® of the n niirl Staxicj. of in ii>« xrtvlA. ThatI U to tbe grand
f* no sclgnlor’a library at 'omtnntto^ri^
Amrrjc* gn
of r4acv. for nq urri- U the seventh book «n the seventh
rtciorlr. b.n
relgnty slwlf on tbe right hauAl a« .vou go la.**
The other Instonce In the aeventMth
eeutury is that of tbo Ilcv. Dr. John
u-h the goal toward which w© right* of t.’i© .n:n»r©t and weakest
the gox-eralng
^ w^toest
iK>*ev©r. as a tbeo-
from universal ©duration.
that foHdWa practk-al experi.personal Indc
and self
iw>Bfrtnff mo
to renlsce tbst
nup^elor. self control
rtiernShrontrol which a democracr rc-
the temple of fame, l-'Ut as a tnithaiBB
that rispiei th©. chW | guaraatj- of th© tU-lan, In inathcmaflcal WstorTb^
nisinwlri i of iii wnka aa the grrolret of Newton** Raffweak
U.h,«curo<A II,m..,urte4,rS:
right* or privik«<« or power* that w© tnathematlcal career by reading Ougb^
coased© to «*ry Atacricaa tred a T*Javlc MathemaUc*.- bat tbe
epec-lal bent of his genius esme from
Torricelli s writings on The Method c<
and toIndUlsIblre.** To this be applied tba
euually entitled to a
C^rt*^** analysis and produced bto
voice lu t^ state loyalty to that abmJaST?©
tbe “Artthmetlca Inflnltori2^7^^
nm---tbe most stlmulstlng mathe©« *h«t tomire to neroonal aov- growth that «© auy aU bocom© srretor matlcal work so far pnhfiafaed to BagHero be makes the soccaasfnl
IS By the
ty. Tbe
e. Now-
os U wiacunya,
whole cirOlad world. U swinging
away from Its old governmental moor
Jugs and totnirttog tbe tat© of ito dr
lUsatton to
that no pzrt of tb© A®f«ricsa coatlnwsta
to to be <b«n«S mh^t to cMontoatossi.
> oarodvre to aid
of th© duty to
power of coocantratloc and of memory
were both very strong with Wsllls-oo
strong. It Is said, that on one occasion
--wbllo to bed to tbe darti be extiad*d
mre root of a s
tba reanlt twenty days
that bad
idbntu. Ake
EuUt. *a
Is «
to nave
have uceu ^
able to
to rw
temi lo
I*™* »*T
aioriee foui or amcaitt^
almoal portentoiM lOMDory hare ber^
^l*ted too oftiu, to be^
^ them are
^to auttiority. Wmiain H. Pnw^t, wbo md Mat-aulay alwut Jsy\
*>“ told ua some Inlen-attag things «f
meuu»r>-. I tomli nuallan but one.
TUI, «r«. rrlalej to IT.-k-oU h, Unur
lUllem. trbo nld tb..I lamt Jeltny
h»d o:i,e told him-ll.;;!. 1 ,»1iurtrlM>ed ,
H' M«nuU, lu n .lUotutlon from •Pmr«1i« le-l.; .«o do,-. «fu;r M^.ulur
came to hUn and aald, ’^ou wlU nut
ujc again la the -Paradlats- * at
vhkk Jeffrey «lH‘il.-d the volume and
took him up to a gn-at many luumagoa
*t ramlom. to nil of which he went on
conxM i|y repoaftog ttu^ origtoaL Waa
It not a miraculous tour d-«*pi1tT Maalg or iwvcn booka of the ‘I'aradW to
caae they were lost.**
There can Ik. no doubt of the tmUt
of tkla and many ct tho other atortoB
told of Mncsulav'a inoniory. He WBS
a man of splendid talotiu^llls kJ?!!
edge of Engliidi history w.aa unsurhr
WUUam rerriu lu .New York Herald.
Th© BewB «C tb© Tab!©.
In tbe article on the tllengarry
brendi of tbc Mscdoaakla James Lo
gan, to bis *Tbe Clans of th© Bcottlab
HIghlsnda.- Bsys:
-At the cssU© of Aros tbe lords oC
the Isles lield tbelr parUsment and
IKiaaed the regal dwrees, whlcli distant
pi© form to which
which Iniiwrtaut
"'“‘"‘*0 *'’•
th© chief of dbe Maedeo^ the hUl of Dun Donald,
th© UacAodh
a full right
right to
to KU- i
from tbI. day till tomorre
tomorrow. J
focever.* A lesson was
5 *«■ of these lords wto
“*«i*t «reatly benefit some stlckkri
He had
*»«> I>i*«d by mistake at the bottom
Pairing wlikb com
BW^oW* «no(
wbo dreaded tbe eonee0BBIIOSS oc oie tuppoaed Imllgnlty. but
ibesd of Ms .
*I»«dlly allayed tbelr aiHNeben- I
-oc l»r c-lul-lnK capWlIro*,. ^
'^’bere tbe Mscdooald slta. know ya,
iwitlemao. toat Is tbe brad of tba
table.*------------------------Ortgfs of Mr. s*a Me*,
In earlier time* tbe ordinary man
was simply William or Jobn-tbat la to
say. be bad only a Christian, name
srllboat any kind of Imiidl©*' before ft
or suroame after It
disttognidilng one John or WlUlaai
foom soodwr John or W*Ullam became
nectasary. Xleknaroes derived from a
man's trad© or hU dwelling idsos or
from some pereooal peculiarity ware
ytt tbere were m
ung. Some Jobn
nwre reB»tb tbai tbe balk of Wa foP
prietor or sn fnplayar of hired labor.
lb« be b«MVbeniU»<l!>».»*.
BU-PtaMb ,( die <Ur tb. ImKMit. of dMH VOit-
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