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The Evening Record, July 13, 1906
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Partt. Jtlr U.-AII PtBMt to iotov
rttobratlac tke ttodtouto* «t Dni«w.
I pMto Itotoi
Wkto «WMf« likt a aauU «»t'*
Eagllah Wontaa Want to Eatramaa ta Gala PelaL
CRINKEU. ^8. Joat racelrto
,J i
' >
. —
tT.2S; tatost Sta; brery,
Wr n.-^WJta«t—No. I red.
None* TO
Barer wll h»4 tea ta Oc M. A K. E. M>e; con. SSc; oota. O.toc.
nrto Jtar IL #lor prtota tato Utof.' . Qicaao, Jt>T 1*-Wb
oorm. M*e; otaA IHkc.
No, these shoes are
not worth ‘ SS" or “sold
in other stores for S4.”
as some dealers adver
tise, iu/ they certainly
are the bed $1 Oxfofds
we have ever sold.
Wtf have an excep
tionally fine Grape Jnice
from W h i t
Grapes. The flavor is
It is made in Ohio and is
unfermented and strictly
Chest One
are not trash, but arc
made of good leather,
made to look like higher
grade goods, made
give each customer who
buys them one dollars
ZL'orlli oj honest scridee,
Pint battles. 25c.
Quart bottles, 50cl
^ Per drink at the soda
fountain, 10c.
R CflSl
is the Best Cest
AbMtractM of Till*
totece# GATiaPACTOBV
Off. Suffftr & PuhilliGii
Tkc Hobart Co.
Two OroMi't 3Howm
Our $6,18, SI0,SI2 8RliSI5
Suit Show
and aFree Tickei to Cote Bros.’ Greal'Ciicus
with each $5 purchase up to and includins
July 16. Get your clothes and tickets here.
KUBECK & HOn. Clothiers. 121 Union Street
Hot Vesther ii here for koo«1.
From now on will Ita sn Oxford
nub. Wo have everythinR in
Men’s, Women’s, Boys’and Girls’
Oxfords St prices mngioK from
•O e-V«. -to 93
Tan and Black, Vici Kid. Patent
Vioi. White Csnvaa. Tennis Ox
fords and Barefoot Sandals.
WitB tJs.
s’ll send a inan to take, the measureraentsl.
' —----------------- I-
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Every argument and you will
find that Hannah & Lay Co.’s
Is best for Bread. Pies. Cakes
and all kinds of pastry.
ALL grocers handle it.
Lay Co.
cnomiwo’ eroRwisrowc
^ They Tcll Thdr Friends
Those who profit by our e*cep«on>l,o®«‘‘
on Suits and StfaBT Hats, Negligee Shins
and other sunlmer clothing, can’t hrip
but tell their fritaids, and this keeps tha
ball rolling for HSto
Men’sit&s going at U
Remnants of
Straw Mattings
10c per Yaril
lengths 2 to 101'
Evading ti«sworti up
1% .
: '
-i.i- > vV;
City ^ok Store
Stoclt doors delivered same day as ordered. Od(
doors and window screens in three days.
Wc art- now tw-rntanmlly lorwtcd
ir% thc-WiUiHro hUu'k.
jBaMpopd. lad, JeU IE-One peracB was kttled aad amrofal aerioaMr
laJM la a paieeacw tfoM nriaek on
White Urape
t =■
Mr. on States nUM He Will Allcwr
m Opsfiinp if It OoamiY Intei^
Working of tim MlllPloaae Smith SMa.
* • =
Contractor John Monroe Is prepar
4ng plans and speciacation* for an
opening to the dam across the Board
man river at the John P. OU Lumber
To f^artirvotx. Petoakej-and Harbor
(CootiBued on Fourth Page.)
Springs and relnro. $1.00.
The Illlnob will, not atop at
Rapids going or returalng.
Leave $ a. m.. reiuni 10 p. jn. sbnri
-»-=WCAU. .
Gndc in and take a look
AbseluStely Wrmm
Mr Wtrs totbs Erenliii Record.
New York, July
Within the last
few waaka the queaUoo of woi
frmge has received a decisive setlisck
WG RUMP AT THE WATER WORKt on both aldas of the AlUntlc. In OreOVERWORKED VE8TEROAV.
gon a abort tlma ago. tbe iasm
ferrad to popular rote, and wa
In England also It fared no
better. The moat consp.icuous featun
m the Bngllsh bglUtlon wa* tbe exto which many of tbe adrtv
MaUON MORE THAN AT ANY rate* went. Some of them were even
bold as to raise a disturbance In
tmons, altboimh the
of the society prompTly
placed them under tbe ban. It was a
thing for them to gather lu
aarvaA Oraallc N
. Takaa
public squares of London and lUlen lo
Sta-Hour thut Doom.
well-known agitators much as Kelr
Hardle, M. P.. Mrs, MarteJI and Mm.
Parkhurat. The points for which the
I of England contend
Tba amooat ot wattr paiaprd at tor
vattr wottn ytattrday waa ibr Iai«*at are radical, tx-lng nothmg less than
M»a had art this year and far beyond the capsdf the right of reluming meml)ers ol
aad te
Tba^W^ Tbr of tbe pumpa Tbe wsnn weatbe their own choosing and even x u
towaabt,'Ttaadl- caoS4Mi people to bse the water In ex- parliament. An a last resort a depute
«a caaaed by lb» resslee qnantlUes for sprinkllSK lion, headed by Mrs. W’oUlenbolroe
I «ap(to*hy
lawns. Tbe loUl number of itslkm»i Elmy, the oldest woman suffragist,
pumpod was 4;216.000. or a million gsl went I'o the prime minister. Sis Henry
la ahdM fatty wUralat afltr the atana Ions inore than at any tlidb iWs year. Campbell-Bannerman, to plead theli
h«d bMS utiiMd IB. Tbe tel«p|MiB« Klcbt thousand stroke* of the piston cause with Mm. He ree<dved them
coldly, and althoiigh be expresae.1
oiblt of tb« aUsMt line w^ldl wan In three hours Is. the
nnepeiMSedoTer fbeodw^l
pump.. Belw
Between tbe bourn some sympathy with their views, hlr
Ify of the pump.
tvo nnd the winm of tbe BonMnun of € and t yesterday morning the attitude was such as to give the potiwna forced to go 700 slrokK iJonera no hope whatever of favorable
Rlvor Mnetrle U#it Bod Power com
paay'trara atoa daaatad to oat a.
ebrtdbt t^a aa« dt aad *>>•
again ibla morning K
'*3£4EaiUW«W waa Itkht or tot hen tbe extreme
•rt ■toht hare apttad faitbar thaa U only forty-arc.
■araly acroto tbt altoy aad daatfoytd City Engineer Caldwell, who has the
Or bouata oa IVa
superrlalon of the water works, said
It Is supposed tbe bor was plsyltiK this momliig that they are
ta tub horse's stall or neaii it with two Umea the amount of water thai
aatdmi and tbe bar sod straw
aulborlilea-consider necessary for
town of this alxe. If a are should i
cur when the iiurop* air orerwork
Id this manner the reaull* might
oxtremHy serious and unless people
sre more caiefnl abopt the use of the
HOBCflT BOCKWtLL CUT A DEEP water drastic measures wtll at
»H‘ taken to shut down the waste. The INVASION OF FRUIT BELT BY
hourri during which water can be uwm!
for sprinkling purposes are bciwo*
; HimH •ay#a Oat will Ha*ar Ri» Dot & and R in the morning and S and It in
Bing. Daring the past ^«w Brntton Harbor Man Struck l^ Live
Wira arc: Killed While or Hit
weeks th^ rules bare been entirely
Way to Work—Boy Died of .
egarded. but from now on
lockjaw From Toy Pistol.
pie can look for tbelr-strtct enforce:
Robrrt Rockwell of KMaataaon. who
: to rlattlnt Atlhiir Bacbaot of Ibla dry
The large pump was shut down orer
! -neidred a palulol Injury wblle «oUu
to the Evening Record.
six hours for repairs rcsterda, ^
-to the tre today. In compnny wia n
Detroit. July 13.—Prosocuior Hunt
1 «a«ber of boya he wna plnylng lennla had. U not Wd for this.-fafT^hr
of water pumped would nV proposes.to call a grand jury to In
<m nnh strset when they saw thf
iy have bei>n even larger than vestlgate the Ice trust which he Ik*
amoAe of tbs Ere. • All started to tbe
llrves exists In Detroit.
smme of tbe^cllement. Just brtore
Death to Private Car TruaL
Because of the Inability to get good
. rascblng tbs Era young Rockwell
13—li i%
is con.Mdoceii
Muskegon. July 13—It
Hre. Chief Hurray
agturslly stretched forth pressure* during a Hn\
ordt r this alieraoon that all here tW Ibe enir.-inre df the HnlN*d
bU band to kMH ^Hrm 'faliing clear
Expn*** cumiMiny Into tbe fruit
isument must abut off tbe suies^Exnn'as
unfortunately put hU band watA'r ctRpsument
upon n broken bottle, cutting sereral water during a lire. The order was an- traffic by running *i>eH*l trains meant
the Ri*curd just half an that Armour Icf d cars have seen Ihel^
ds^ gnaben In it. He immediately
1md tbe wound dfwssed and will soon hour before ihe Wn*£| .Front street lost days In this location.
bs snmn daa good ns erer
Touched Live Wire.
When the are timm was going down
Benton Harbor. July 13.—August
JYonl street s dog belonging to Hugh
Zlck. aged 45. wa* rtruck by a live
J. Boyd, the drsymau. ran out |o bsrk
wire wblle .walking under tbe Pore
St tbe tenm. He na* s UtUt
Maniortie bridge on bis way to work
Number Were Injured When Poll.
In getUag out Of tbe way. bowerer. the
and instantly electrocuted.
Charged Men Msrohing Tourard
bnfwsf Jumping oa him and
Fell From Car.
the Winter Palace.
bfm 4bwn. Tbe wagon passed ir
Detroit. July 12.-A man named IhH body, broke our leg and It
fell from the platform of.a
tkoiagbt broke hla back
Mr. Boyd
St. Petersburg. July 13.—WorkiniS Delray car ihU morning and died from
fciiiibtm away on Us dray but will on
men aad Uuelr advisor* marched tt> bis injuries on the eray to the hospllal
ward the winter palace lo«lay carryia from a fracture of the skull.
iga and singing revolutlouan
Died of Lockimw.
The poUce charged the crowd
DeliolL July lE«-\1ctor Kopptsch.
o men were killed and a number
aged 16. died last night of lockjaw,
resulting from a alight wound from a
toy pistol July 4
Reieetml Blda.
Jiricfioa. July 13.—The taimrd of con
Four Men Wens Klllod and Fifteen or irol of the prison yesterday rejected
More Injured in Btone Yard
aU bids for rebuilding tbe banieo
wagon chops on the ground that they
were not within the anproprtaUoci.
By Wire to the Broidng «MOfd.
Ckicagix July lE-Pnar M i
killed and Bfleen more wmiami?
loCkJo. J»ir iJ-C»ttiv-Tredv
Jared today by a dynamite exploak)
Ihrep «tal totab.-I.000;
itime woik* at BeUwood. Ul. i
itatL S8.»*L40: weatm.
(: «rem.'S4.75. H«
thM Mtj.
Mr Wife to the Erenlag Itoeard-
•lUnHMi la tta nar o( W. O. roott
* Baa'a ■raatrr wWefc Raatrorad
tbaifa «ataa« at 0M6 Maa(la(,M JIt XMUaU. «aaM«ta a ban aeroaa tbt
altor oaaad I>t Tfca^M Toaaa aad at■tr^aa feta alaraa titfcra wWcfc win
litOally amoit to **«0 aaa baraea
a BaUtary tow oaw»a by WIUIa»
I at IIM.
M *:M lUa
diaa raa lao tba ■raetry aUm aad
t \ «ol atJtot a . bey ate ilaaa aaar tba
atart vMh bto paraata baa aal tto<
bam a*m. Hooiar Dooibty. U»a adlTary aaa taahaa oet a( doora aad atV , ' tatoptad to aalar tba baralaa bonaiaa
pad tat Iba boiaa aat bei flia flamra
ha waa eoan>
to ataad aad |toar lha pRlfal crtea or
aiie* af Itotoy tote •«
By Wire to Oe Bratew BamC ^ ^
Upper Bteleaky, O. Joly IX^-W.^
MOVE WAS TURNED DOWN HARD Zda WM klltad fcere today by btoik
ptaered Oroatk wia a RKaaork g
wktok ke feD trota a dtoObee at loiW
feeL Ha palled Oe tcfk art. aJM
OaaaUea waa tahmMtd to PapuUr
I to the boiae tram ibe liai»
Vow ta Orageo aad Laat Ootbefore fallln*.
Bt Wirt to tk> BniriiC aMorl.
j. •£ oiixr
M«ek. I* ComMif •• l*r Mtr
/*|*l iUZC TB» AflERIOOl
'■ V/:'.
; Y^iiiM cnv. wewi««>*t
lUEEVEMNS RECORD ns Its lOT vyuaitaic
■ 1^/
tAM C«MWi»
Tk* mm «t4* «**« *«r
laeiaab gaami at a mar
mat hmi ewmmm aad dpnai the time
eery plmmaMy iadead. The picak
waaheMm amt hay aad iadaded the
lac of ahwat tea milea. aalateiK
tioaaUy. by two male ammbera of tbe
r. tbe hvoBkIag of the toacae of
one c{ tbe rtga aad the kmdiag of the
ealJre hbaeh lato the other, a heed oa
colliakm with a tree trwak aad a nnmMr of ether featarm which mare very
uaaaiac after they very pU omr.
^ Oa the way oat a aaady alreflch wax
H tAc 1i«tli
H U rtftii «i
K VmM.
d«y lb«r. •» a Iwim
, Mstar or bora IB tatbtac sad they
» aro foreo4to diarobo «i4 arwa ogBlB
I te frbaloaor plac* Ibey «*i ta4. Ea, pwlaUy latlils mniomStAt w tba woat
; oMa. tba Biniber tiMrc l»M»« larfar
tiMB tB Bur other poitloo pf the cfcy.
, Tlie water la now plewy •raroi etiooah
fi for Miiac bdi at the aame time of
• tea tt^oakable relief ^ftom ih^ bdc
Tho WoMBii a ImsRToif^etit bboocU.
Horn ooodooted a •Moral cleaB up day
: for the pBrpoae of ralalai fuada for
; theae bath •ouaea aad a coaalderaWe
• amotmt waa ralaed which la atUI 1b
the club treaaory and no effort baa
!f hoM laade to eapead ft. The ladle*
/.! gHa aa a reem the fact that when
1 the eleaa BP ffara wet« coadncted.
; thn eatpocled fhal the boya would
idam oaoaah faitereai te the matter to
J Mp, bet ooly^a few reaponded to Ibe
ij Ball. They were lead to beUere fi^
-j thia that they did aot care for the
' vt
r *\
Howtrer, tbe>oyaw|we are ao^ihe
ooly onet lateraated liM.Wr-i^tier.
Tb^ are a law auBiber of people In
Ito cliy who would he pteaaed to uae
die bay for bathing purpoaea but are
praeiieally barred from doing ao. The
Wo^ue^ong clbb membera are the ooJ ty .oDea that have a bath houfe aHmg
the whole bay front wHh the exeep' j tlOBTif B few prlvmte onea.
, i
The city U large enough to have
a pttbUc bath boaae. the malnulneaoe oC which wauld coat very mile
aad the expense of oonat ruction would
i BDt be greali'
bar abould be util' lead for bathing, aa it la a healthful.
; ylUlltlng amuaemem.
There are
I many people throughout the count rj
i wiM> would give a great deih to be able
' to live on the ahorea of Grand TravI wraa bay. yet Traverae CHy. with the
I beautiful ab^ of water right at Its
I Aoora, practically do^a not do anythlnR
; ao that the cltUen* may enjoy ft to
; 1 the fulleai extent.
If anyone donbta the fact that a
■ i public bath bodae would-be uaed. lei
‘him walk around the bay any warm
afternoon and he will m
. I or more youngrteta, enjoying them
: t nelvet. On the other band, be will aeo
{ few If any. gIrU or women. - A boy
I can adapt himaelf to exiting condl
I tIoBi but with a woman tMa tv mani
\ featly Imponalble. They ire forc»*d to
k alt on the ahore mad amteh ih*. moro
‘ fortunate, or If a little iMddt^r than
the real, to wade aronnd In ihc shallow
beta of the party pot oof to walk. Two
of them wore waamMtIoaa oo dldat
nm when the rtg paamd oa. No atop
BMde far them and tbHf little
walk took about an hour nnd a baft
»d iBdodcd a nice etroll down the
rang ttmd.
While the two pjtgHma were making
their procreM. the rMrt of the party
arrived at tbe beach, bnlti a Ere and
ted amrahmaUowx. the two way-
her talk araa that part where ahe told
of the army'a dtaiM la DHroit aad
the wart^ wMch tlwir are Mag there
among the poor aad woridag people.
The baOdliig haa been uaad now for
about three moatha daring wMob time
the arorfc of petfecUng tbe dctiartmeats tax IncnBaaMf woadeffUlly. A
diapeaaary for the poor la ooe of the
main featnraa and waa obuined by
only hard work but tbe nppreclatloa
of tt by thorn unable to boy drugs U
ahowa by tbe liberal paTrtmftge. All
the Detroit doctors give their ser
vices to tbe snny free and two xpeebUUU go out any time that they are
called for. Tbe basement Is equipped
with free shower baths which rwcolve
lllieml patronage during the summer
Uland wafem were aerv
off with Ire cream and the rrdl call
abowed all present nt that point.
Everybodv had a dHfghtfnl time at
tbe nmach IneladiBg the gaaK apidmd inaaqnlto*. ’The night was
peideet. ae thw retarn trtp wax aot
aaderuken unUI lUmt 11 o'clock.
When It wax Aoeided to go. it wax
dtxcoverad that ooe team had become
impatfeat and bad broken tbe pole of
one of the wagons. This pul that craft
out of oommtaxlon and the entire a*aembly crowd«*d Into one rig while
Tberon Morgan rode one borne and
dragged the other Into the cJty.
Becauee tbe moon vm* a late riser
the nmy home irai dark. In fact dark
enough even for a romance. Aftei
acveral ataila and aiooa. everything
going nicely when the forward
wheel on the starbonnl aide of the
conveyanee Inflicted n violent contu
sion on a tree, and almost telescoped AfANAOER LOOMIS WOULDN'T LET
the mrtr.
An anchor wax put out and emlssxridx sent ahead. W. W. >arr-wai
routed from .hlx alumbers and a laatem. together with a large namber of
matebea. there having been a great
dearth of the latter among the gentle
men, were necured. Thin ended all
further Incidents ax a bnkeman wax
sent on abend to abow the engineer
the right of way.
Traverse city was reacbed just as
the clock struck IX All hg4i n very
enjoyable time indeed and the trip
will probably be repeated in the near
future. Mra. J. W. Perry of Los Angeiex: Cal., who Is irfxiting friends
hgra. acted In the capacity of chaperon.
tiong famous for strange and curlIS forms of animals life to l»e found
In no other xixdoglcaT gardens, /Cole
hers- triple menageries this year
contuln an exhibit wnlcb is just now
CliP'-B WW*
^ Hii Milt In Mm Wwfc HWa '
of the •aivmiBh Army iqpdke iat\the^Uadermfied ef Now Ydrfc. who' haa
BiptW chardi la thU city teat
bc^ camping With biftr hoahaad In the
lac. hi^ mildect being. ^Tlm WWh of] Krndk HBla. owae.her Ufe to aonga.
the •tfeathm Army la Nichlgaa.^
I which eatad her ham a mbwataUi Moa
On the top floor lx n hotel for Work
tng giris with xleeping. accommodatlpps for forty which jx being
mpldly. The roomx are sQnlppml wi b
steam heat aad elecirle lii^U and
there la n parlwr sad reading room.
Tbe c<&t of rooms for n weejc la from
11.25 to $1A0. A free employment
bnrenu U ooadiicced at .the cludel.
The heatiliriil andltorinN will seat
too people. The officers hsve thVlr
headquarters In the building and there
will adbn be a gymnaalom for crip
pled chHdren.
Miss Cox also told of the Immigra
tion work which thes are doing.
Through offices In England. 6.000
worthy people were picked up last
year and brought to this cwtntry
where employmcuu was awaiting tbenr
only buck came] ever seen In captivity
and the only wild one ever brought to
thU country. Prof. Knnere. who hat
The bath houaea ahould Im* linltt given a frreal dtwl of study to the suband built at once aa the aeaaon la al- jMTt. rUlma be flnds thU n>
lieasi a descendant of xbo ft-w whlcn
ready well advanced. .
survived the *i6rmx whlcli about the
year 1700 overwhelmed the village of
the Gobi plateau and killed alLof the
IHHiple. At any rate Il ls a prtxe of
Two ef Laryeat Ever ^ulK Will be
which any show might Justly boast
Erected at Cincinnati—Work*
and yet It is but one of the many val
for 400 Men.
uable display* made by Cole Brothers'
niflied *howK. which are t<i bo sei-n
.By WIrr to the Evening Record
July n*. In Traverse City.
Cincinnati. Julf IX—Ar
ate nearly cniplHed for the building
here of iwn of the iargeat coke ovena We'ic all aware lhat Anna Held
eyet erecte*!. It la
Exactly what John Brew.
pend about le.nou.noo «n the oven* But what weH.Ilke to know is just
imd.emidoynient will be given fffabcnit
How much coin Kvrle iun« w.
400 men. Uoston. rallad< l|^i|a and IW Harkett cut the lee he did?
New York capHaliata ntx* liehjnd the
Doe* Tony PastorVa} ?
flewl. and the enU^ prtwpecilve output If you can't annw er theaa perhaps
Of the o%eii* haa been aold for a pe^
Our oM friend Bdna May.,
•rlod of year..
Does UUlan Russell through her lines
Later on a large iron furnace will
Is CiMy Lofin* tall?
be erected to be operated with the gma Is Sotbern cold by nsture. and
produced by the wke orona. It ia ea
When Primrose did he fall?
tlmated that when the ovena are In lx Manafield tract-able? If so.
lull operation over lO.OWl.WW ciihlc
Can he be called a p16t?
ffct of.gaa will bo produced daily.
Would Goodwin be K bad one If
Gillette him? Uuyh^ not.
At an clc tt-ui iin-i tliig recentl.v the Bnt all these questjontVlmple aro
Compared with this, to me:
eabdiihite u.i- i^uneuhat tmubW tiy
a mao In ibe audlem-r. who at length Wax Meyerbeer a relath^
tMHOmf tUTeu^’vely peraonal.
Of Mr. Beerbohm Tree?
• fl\ If
true that your me
—Frank Thompson Sonri|*t In Judge,
waabiw-- tie iKwn: luit l^efore
coqMI M Ibe word -cli4he«" the wUly
n. J. Itoveen. one of fhe portoeni
.fiddle eallfHl ont amarily: -Uf
hi the fsnion* firm of Ihi^ren Bros
ronrae ahe rtnea: w hy. don't .vour
Tbia ralaeil « Vwifl Mugb at the dla- fine art dealers. tsrsseMes s enibH-tio;;
taHwre exiuawe: but atlll ttndaouted, of sLxiups. tlie tVimtfwl value of whK h
I* eh.se to A-^aMki. U hiuks a* tte
lie remmeil to tlie attnek.
tlilnl liest eoikrtloa to tbe workL aud
*-Ymi <wn t nmy.- be mid. •
ha* taken Mt. iHirecti fiHirteeu y
jpor father waa a ragwnd4»0De
to gel together.
jibongtit anme oM Mothra off blm
thirty yeum ago.''
ONE THOUSAND new Bdlaoa rec-And I nee you're atlll wet
tbaair wma the caodldate'n llghtalay orda juir rec^red at Grianell Bros
corner Front and Cnaa,
Cancalec! the
fuxed to allow the New York Troulmdonrx to play last evening. .Mr. LoomU had heard some unfavorable reports
concerning the company and desiring
to protect the Traverse City theater
goers all within his power, made a
numlMT of elforis to c»t(*h the troupe
along the road. As he didn't know
their route. thU was imisuisll.HJ. so he
was obliged to let (bem come nnd can
cel them after they got here.
Thfs aeUnn will l>e apprecUited by
Ihe theater goers us it mesns that the
management will spare no efrorts to
k«H*p unworthy n|trartlon» away from
the house Mr. U*imls is lafhtr aboii
126 as the result-of the cancellation
tint U willing to lose t!ial. believing
that the people will appreciate It. ^
m't do a thing to
a fellow.** remarked a uu-ni In the
smok'ing ear.
•'Tbf^ do try to get all tbaPH «wnlog to them.*' said the oito-r nmu In
the same seaL
-All Jbat> coming to them.
ahou^d'^y UieyMlo. Why, they h« ld
me up for |12JiU for my travellug
■ -r>ues iNMitid that way, 1*11 admit
bnt It's a fact.”
-You miiKt have had It filled with
-Xope. didn't Imre a thing In If*
“It must jw a large one."
“Yi^. Its cny fo.*t In tlreum
Wh.nt*s.wb.*it kind of a
traveHnr Iwc do .von carryT
“Oh. mtoe hapiMn*** to be a balloon.^
^ tamed by maale aad
to idag.
As kmg aa she aaag Ahe animal
sumd hitmlwaa. bat>wheaever she
emmnd It gsDwIed and apiMared aa If
abow to kin her.
An alght long ahe kept up her song
and to the mornl^ When she was almo«T overcome by exhaustion she was
found by her husband wHb the Ikm
atoadtog mer her. Mr. Underwood
ahot -ihe animal.
Preacher aNcheinc to BuUd One
Akmt Chrttmn Lines.
Aev. Or.
vboBAid dwt wken Ae/c'aw*ad
ww put
you 5*ere
going to get A sew carpet ?
Have You Boro Looking Around '
geitinff price* ? If *p. let ii* show you wii*t we nn do
foryoud,un«gour cleaa-op otibon ends,
remtunu and all *roall rolla.
8 quart preterving
kettles................. 40c
4-qnart saiicepaas.>-15c
is'o. 8 teakettles ....&0c
If you aemi anythlag
in the line of Granite
Ware «e think we can
RIGHT KOM ’ We can positively save you » per cent.
Easy Payments
J. W. Slater
^ We also carry the pure
inum Ware.
80 milFHfiE HUlU
rapfnto Jnrk Crawford, the fj mnna
AUMtican “iniet at** ct.'* le'.la a ^tc^>’ in
bit bhun^phy «if the time when n
their Indliui cani]mlgii Major tlem-rol
Ge<tfge (>onk and IJeiileuam tJcneril
NH-mi Mile- wer^ rlvuU for the brig
adllT eimulelK.
F. BaO
n,.M «^IU.
tulles nnd MIlM tw-tke«*n yon and Hut
Prov ing star, ain't there?**
Crook ac kmerlwlgiKl the pun wMli
a ^hnuipb.** and ITauftKd imssrd eu.
Vodlsrouraged by the foreclosure
Half an hour Utey Crook tw-iU fcir him
procNKHlIng* against hi* t'kicagu-Texa* iiwl said:
Jmiid aud lAunlier coinimny. Dr.
Ueorar F. Hall, jmstor of tbe ludeTld* waa proctUwlly sure clcntJi bat
pendetit cUBgregatlon which worship*
to tbe Buab Temple theater, promise, Cniwfnrd said:
“Y.-S. *lr: and when | cd ihtre,
to rorry tbe euten.rlne to n successful
issue anti to huIKl In I'Wrago a “Clirt*- what then?'*
“Head him ooe of your iKMnux. utkI
Uan teiuph ' St a
of |5.noo.ou0.
Hut will kill him.” raarad Crook.—
a Chicago s|.ecial dispatch to tbe CUk^gu Tribune.
PL Loul* Pust-Dispairh.
At hi* office* in the Security building
DruinuoT^WharK the trouble with
Dr. Hall sjM»ke cnthUHlastlcally and Did Man fin>w lsl.r>
Rural 8toroke*i-r—Why. t.ne of
confidently of both imopoklttomi.
Tbe •X'brIstUu temple' I* to lu* an these wanderlug etKw dtK’tors came
ariuind and cured his |M*t e»*ni.
eighteen story skyw-ntper on tlie North
i.rnnmier—WHI. wl.it i* he grum
Hide In tbe vlriiilty- of Llnmla park.
bling iiUiut now?
Dr. Hall, who Is the originator of the
StorekeriMT -Why, lie I«
Idea, has pUniied a couipK-te,rhrbtlau gnimhlJiig lieenUHi* he hnsn't anything
city under one roof. The umlu pur t«> ;;nniihle
—Chicago Imlly
pose l» to provide gcHKl sc. lety f,.r the News.
working yooug men nml A\onieu of
Chlwgo who are now comiM*nf»l to
live In cheap room* and are deprtv«Hl
of all social diversion.
Five flcK.ni of Ute temple arc to be
devoted to a university whliJi W4ll ai-*
IXiRW puplU who miJKt
their ediHution nt night. If *t
I owiia
GBO. v. Xetram
7 ItOimoE a M<;WETHY
T. A. WILHELM ——«.-issj«.s=r-—
aiKM vwLoiayOMroB
Notice to the
•Tut Eafloit tint Jtan. .
J Have tw Aileitis
on the Trains
But when you
TVaverao City you will
alwaya find my Bus and
Hack there ready to
wait upon jou to all
hotels a II d private
houaea. Protmil ner
vice. Beasonable pricjs.
Kindly (;tvt) meu share
of your busiufii.
B. J. Morgan
eDr«* rk
Plw H..U-L Whiting
W.M.PAlfie ,Agt.
115 Cflss Street
What Ten Cents Will Buy
meu at a rote. |K*r ludlviamil. of $2.:***
a w«-k. Tbe'young iHH.plc will have
their clulm. lodgc-s, SiH-letW-s. pnrti»-s,
etc., all under one roof.
Tbe auditorium wlU be one of the
most wplcmdld In t'hlcago If Dr. Half*
pUo* aro carried to fuiiiliiucui. It %vill
St one time, nml will Inso arranged tb«t tlu» stage will In* in
the center of the auditorium.
lu tbe fdgtitecii story lem|»le there*
will be banuoet halls, restaurants, lunndrlea. rooms for werucut.H «ml aitemlama, a Imiik. cIouk-Im, r»vn*atluu ruomt,
tudy ro^m-s cxr. lu fac t, tlie young
need nut go out of .the temple
reivuUy and lalkod with a bond
ing firm, and was atisur<*a lUxt th<*
money w ith which to finance the Chris
tian temple would be forthcoming
whene ver b« decided to taunch the eu
tcri»rl*e. ________________
In the Crockery Department
Where a Little Money Goes a Great Ways
Clips, saucers, plaics./Stad di^bes, salt* and peppers, looibpick
holilcrs. jelly df'ijihcs. fruit dishes, spoon trays, crcain
pitcher?, fahey shaped colored glass vases.
i' :
Biggest glass vases for ten cents in thfl city.
Greatest stock of fancy glass berry dishes, jelly dishes, cake
plates, sugars and creamers, rose bowls, lemon squeezers, lamp
- * . New'linc of fancy jardiniers, *
* : •. *
Fancy dt'coratcd cuspidorcs.
Aremilm Im Mimm^nrU
Tbe Arcadia assembly 1* u-new Mla•oorl enierprixi*. aajx tbe MIssour
t*armeni' Herald. Robertua Love ix
the urgaiilrer. Aug. IS to III U the first
annual eitcauiiMaenL and the Rummery
seA lion of the state, where the brccii-x
blow ever from the luiuthw .trd. 1* to lie
tbe Kite. There are rhautamiua* with
out hnmlier. hut this Ijuw affair Is lo
lie tbe Arcadia, whhh lx t*utlr%*ly dlffA-rent The assembly would Ik* an Ar
cadia even though it was held at Hobo
ken or Kalamanno. It will be more so
at a place so iK^aatlful and iKiiiny a*
Arcadia. Rome sort of organlrallon
a city of flowrra and frol
Raoaaa City Journal. Ils'soft. equable
climate suit* Bot only tlie vegetation people to gel out of the clutcb of city
of tbv temi.enile tone, but many trop alavery and live the nuturnl life—the
ical plants alrj flourish there. It I* the rural or fbe alm|
only dty to >n*aouri whert' hananaf rougtia'oroed bax l>een adopted as tbe
«hU.lK>letlj of tbe J
haw been grown In tbe o^Hm air.
For Porch and Ont-door
,-r \
Bcauliful Shell Souvenirs of Traverse City
Something new in cups and saucer*.
i - ^'
Dainiy drinkini? u'lasscs with ‘Traverse City” etched on the • ,
side of each one.
Another ureal stock of those BEAUriFUL MATTED I'lCTURES. Some entirely hew novelties in mounting* and colors of
mats. Some have dainty ribbons all ready b»r hanging, others have
ea*el backs. Many of them are all ready for framing. The hand
somest pictures every displayed in the cJty. These iiainty picture*
are the photographic reprc^uctions *of the great'wt masterpieces.
Some are photographs from real life—the cat pictures* and dog
studies especially. These pictures arc suitable for any room in
the house.
“Take Your Blue Dishes’*
•It ten cents each and be happy. Big blutf plates, little blue plate*,
blue cup and saucers, blue oat meal dishes, blue bowls, blue salad
dishes, blue tea pot sunds, blue pickle dishes.
, •
White enamel curtain poles, ]flc.
Brass extension curtain poles, lOc.
'' I :
Brass extension sash rods, 10c.
\ j;-'
The Big Store with Big Stocks.
The Big Store with Big Bargains.
'KothiDR can equal—much 1<^ ex
cel-electric luting. lt*i not af
fected by haatToold, wind or rain;
wipetameiMily nm from place to
pUce,lan^ hung anywhae—for
aUwnparty. lor inatanoe, and a
toft, beantiffl] light teeund at
ti^floflt. Aak n8 all abobtenrrent, fixtunO, lampe and wiring.
®^.Ilic Hannah & Lay Mcr. Co;
i^K'; iV
told at the lavcatlsatiaa here of the tow to raD It Ptaer«e. OmU^ had
awthods of the aOe^ ke cnblae I wHttea that they did not live to Pine-,
Tiintoiaim i> tad
adder the ctreamatoMa.'*
bow be atoned
A GAS STOXTS iinc< Dot^cook the
• Hiem. a flat white
and a Mt of a
htM mM • AOirnil drmaiMl for lil% mUl be told of the roai of aMkini
Ire and tbr prlcm rbi.acd fhr It. Then
' Hr. Dtiragli Is n ftm Uflleier te th^ the Inreatlgauin readUy aaw that his
1d« tltft thr pm>pU 1»«ld mli- It tale ^ how fuitime «kUcd on blm **«
W9% at bCr
tb«t flu* rr
The «*«i of manafartofinx Irr. be
raw. was fivm 11.75 to $i.«^ a too. It
emit the small enasumcr $l« a ton.
and Mr. Uyems fHt aivrleTed ikmi the
ice dealers were
tlaild** lo force
the bla roasomcr* la ibe boidoesa dt*
frlct Ui pay somewbere the muoc
:& Mwmiy'aMtoa u.
Oarp lake resorts ^re fcelias »br
flnu Impetus uf ibe snmmer tiUBlnmb
mad Ibe hotel at Fonntaln point
ba* a namber of snimaer «iursts while
the Iceland rottaam are lllllna raiHdIy.
It 1* so tbrouitbout tbl* seetlon of the
resort country' and It will not lie Iona
rompbilnina for lark
rooi^ to at
Ibe crowds.
B. M. rutcheon of Omena was
llir city yesterdsy and met Mrs. Fred
Cnlrheofi of Ri. l»au! and Mr*. Ib>«n:»'
M^errolh dUUrJrt by 6itTCi role, m
Hitler of Detroit, rHumlna to the rt'
(ki« aH^a all bln official art*, be ba*
sort this momlna via the ('olumhU.
’.labored w*My lu tbr latrrnda of the
No roasreaaaan lu Ifhblama
Mr. and Mr«. H. M. Atkinson of Jn
UMir fatereidi
Tbaac art* aoaie of Mr. Uarrash *
oflolal acta
!iave crcaHjd
orery moaty la tbe dUtrlct a atroua
III* anawmrJy devotion to bla con
HU |MWltli)b andl up un tbe rftmmtl*
Ire of
OarnftLr imwt lni|H)i*:*nl cnimnilM. c .
l*wt Rnadt./
lu rlmrar lh«*
rm»riuuus *|»
|ivoi>rUtkio rd
' 111* |k)n|
tloa oa Um- cmuiamw and wide ar
they, may visit tbe Omma and North
■rt resorts.
speat last iilK«if at
J. T. Wllmure and wife of Denver.
Park Place.
Mr. and Mrt John <latcs and family
ClnrlBiuitl ilasMfl tUnniaU th«‘ city
thh tuorulna on their way lo Ne^h-'s
Buolntanrr have anabW-d blm to nc
re«pn*h for bU dlHrlrl In rr-«rlns
Mr. Gates has come to the Grand
they will s|H*nd the smu-
wba( ba« l«^n *cri.:U|dUh.d b>
years and diul
few nibrr rrmfcnweiam In i» r rnlt.d
many rhauaes
rasb ibab ymrv tbeiv wetv but uim
Ibrre arr IW and every county ibat
bau rtnuidi i«>
liiiprm rmcn
bccurcd liberal
. lion* for the. ludlaa
of Cincinnati
John r
Miss lUilh of this
Ikivls and
will aim*
wn« due to bln unreatans labor
^^Ihal n fine imbllr bulMlns was iwi*u‘W
"*for Tiwveno City
A «tonu wanilnp
DavK 4tT rinelnnatl
f otatbui i^mbtiiKdotl »*n
He U i*nc of but tUrrr old noldlcrr
Ifft lu t-ourVes; fuua
allt biieau..
rel’irued i«»
Wayne. luJ.. afui
tlHMidlii;; a few *e«‘^ at Iceland.
wa^ mT-.»moanied by Mist; A. M. Ila
} and a cable bulU fn.m St. Jaii
rhailrxoK at a
Mh-. Fiia«*iiia l/«'eman
hrr »-.,no'
rh'vns. (inuua.
Hpend some time at Ibe point
‘ harbor.
lie baa
NunUisirt Point.
He ban r<- urrd 1
ea years ett ii iwuc tbftu It has In the
thniiiab the city tiMlay on her *iy lo
& county dclhcry,
■xiH'ctii to tvi- K develop In Ibe next
«x*a»fr^ witbln ibe
blab In bin pralHe of Traverse City and
’ Slaliw; Four jeara a«t» nh* n Mi
lor g|»s^..
Ctd. are spending a short time at tin
an rxtrasbni tif tb*- rural frt r drllvor'
the Park
tbia. toowte
where ahe will spend lb esummer.
iDtrffWt* by vmrr and by vnti-.
dtaaapolU art- at the Park Place. Ijiler
Mm. 9\yrd R!.ratrheoo of St. Paul
daei^ for bU raiHMotaaHtia:
Mm. A. L. Ilorobaclier ami'son Leo.
Mm. ICtl Tayinr and two dauablcn> are
Bpendlna the day at Basset fs Uland.
baa* brea a »orv faitbrul
)|c ba* at-eured nwny ficn-
abn» for dwrvins *n»Wlrn« and will
^ bavfitbrtr united snpfK>rt
A r,dr for vbw reonmlna.lon of Mr.
Hariasb on Kept. 4th la a >v.fc in ih»*
.. Intcfi.>i
Moi'Wh rourn svK^al uialrirt
trici and al lU rllUcna.-.Ad
new SMtb can do a- uniHi H»r t**c dis*
‘ .
>rty 1521
MnllH* hU itmmUni! .
! fr^uthe hutffT and 1
-ttmrk)U«r evrlaliurd Maud i
/ tie iatar. ' Who l* tUatr
itrby. br a a lr«*t o«. lal.**
pMtyad tbe ariae
-Hut why 4Hd he mnr
• -He tb^aht that rake .mo bad trt*
a smek rake.-Hiaikwaa Hally Xewa.
A never new confidence game 1*
Ing worked in Lancaster county. Pt^
and the operator* hare found not a few
nnim*. any* a lancaster tPa.t cor
rwpowVmt of the Philadelphia Poblhf
Udaer. A well dressed man stop* nt
a farmhouse and deOarea that he bn*
CbOBeetioas all (rcr.
letiem. Of eoarsr fherald hod foaml
bhi ttsual way oat of the dUBcnlty. He
bad hirr.1 KMoe PiBevUle^ t® do.the
bKivi Work, and be drew the.
It was like VtoraM. Buf ttw^
Beattlre. Bcatrlee making Uscalt. He
Wed at luT wifi, troubled eyes,
big endless vista* of Beatrice* making
t the ycarw
-Don’t yoa mis* New Yorkr
nitichr she said. “I’ll i
be happy until I get lmck.«*
“Have you gtren up^ yotiT
-Only Tor the time hHng. I ahall
take If BP again, of emirae. T shall
hnv.» to•
“You don’t vIve a fellow a very
coat wehwme after he's travel cl fr
IxitulAn to thl.s wlld"me** to s.iy c
Steamer Illinois.
A minute later nnd Bmd>*riek
the briihd roople on tie* whle vet
To C'harlevoix. IViu.Nkcy an<VHarhor
under the funny roof. Tlie bride wn.s Springb and r.*i urn. $1.00
tb- girl with tt,e Mnooth d.irk hair wls.
The lllinuia will not Mop at Elk
had tifu stamping leners, and sis*
apid:; g.d«g or rrfurning.
laughed at him.
U'ave R a. ra . n tum lO p. in.'rharp.
“I knew who
July 13-51
**d Gerald nil to myself, and 1 kii**w
Be.ntriiv would fake rare of mu.-She rtkl.” an*wer«l Bmclcri-i: bsp
plly. nnrt n* the n-st
bouse he paused to bl
Record Is Not Responsibis
flour from bU coat mllnr,
trk*e burned the biscuit.
Selling Prica.
.’Icar pork, !>♦ r Parrel____
.$ 15.00
The -Father «f LeprosT-t'lear pork, per pound------The gc*ko l.ck.T,g. to a fauiilT of Short cut pork...........................
thick tougocl Pr.-irrN. whirl, are wide n*aur. H. L d Co.'s Best.
Rye floor. H. L A Co.’s fk ■:
ly distrihuled over the ln»plrnl
Meal. H I.. A Co 's Beft..
snbtTOid.-al rounlrie* of Eur».pe
Feed. H. U A Co i Best..
Asia, and In all countrkw where 1
Egg.*!, per doyen........................
known be Is tliorongltly degdved
r«xlflsh. per pound.......
csu*e of his repulsive ^appenmnee be
lAsrd. per pound.
I* c*a!1e.l the “f.ntberof leprosy:- T»own
pr. per pound..............
to times omparatlrcfy modem It
Creamery butter, per pouB
ulr bel
believed that eotuaef eJtbe
Ch.-xc i*er pound...................
il.T or 1imIlnvUy with tbe little rep- Oat*, per bushel........................
tile was sure to communlrateHeprrwy.
ivuaumr. ifTt bushel...
The invcsfirnhon* of n.odem roolo Sail, per barrel........................ .
rists isTve pn^viNl that the little animal Braa. per KK)...............................
1* undescTTlnc of hi* name of -father
of leprosy- nnd that lie !« |nde,
Spring GhlrVen*!!!!!!*.!*!
most* liarmlcws and tisefol crea
Clover Seed ................ ...................
Rlucc Hie old l.ellef In the ahlHty of Timoiby fc«*d ...........................
this refdllc to eotninunlcatc Icpro^tr b> Buying Rates of Traversa City Dealers
any human flcsli wlih-h might come lo Wheat .................................................................. 75
Com. per boshel........................................... fid
contact with bl* warty, twn^e lot,
skin wa* expinded he has retalntH bis PoUitM’*^.. per buKhel................ .
; ..;J2
: 1;S
bar fare.
-He went to the poatefflee tor the
last mall.
Too most have mlascd
him <ooe to
Wc have pianos here to
match the furnishings
of mansion or cotta^^c;
pianos of the hif^^hest
dass; pianos that are ar
tistic from eveiY view
point; pianos that the
worlti’s ijrcal musicians
say arc the best.
Bplamlid fociliiicB fbr toBtUHt
oBoh ioBlniBieoi in boniB.
like condiuofiB.
Oar modem Bysttonrof piano a^lioR. maHnnE eaeh in.
Biraineat in plain hguroBon
amalJcBt fioBBilile margin «aiaistent with legitimate Imai.
nr«s iDotLidB. gt^’es mrh d».
tnmer greatcT w*carity for
faUralne than thc^ oh 1 way
of making the price ma^
the porkethook.
I^adicV anti NTisscs’ Corsi!l Girdles. 15c each.
Sun Bonnets, each. 12c.
Whips. 5c each and upChiWrens While Hose,
Sc pair.
New Aprons--Somc new
patterns this time.
Scwjn^r Machine Needfes
-for all machines, only
^ »c i»er package.
Fruit Can KuL^rs, two
dozen for 5c and 5c per
Don’t forget o*jr White
Muslin Underwear.
It pays to
Baigans in Slightly Used
PiaiiK aid Oipas
Ibis Week
Temw ch or $5 lo.$25
oMbwl yS. $7 lo $10 par
mootb bays any upright
Our Admail Payment Plan
makes buyini easy.
Kimball Music
J/. P. Hamer, Prop.
Either Ice or Wood
promptly if ordered
; ts|i
James C. Hopkins
.* « .Ti
Cit phone 711.
:;i; s!S
ohjecilooalde name solHy on saccouBt
Wie lie*!t.nt'd cad Ignghed, looking at of the bad apitenranct* be makea. HI*
her flonr^ hand*.
skin i* ooe ms.*.* of scaly ami tuber
-I ran t shiAe hand^ with yon. aud- colona excreacences that cover hi* leidy
and the bie-ult* an* lu the oveu.
1 fror> the tip of bl* tall to tt»e end of
shall ba«e to wnteh them.
I>o yon hi* nose. Every qnarter Imh section
tbe atmnter any* he will tettim
mind ronihtc out to the kltetirn?”
of this repuhilTe looking body has a
tr the pin la found wtll give a reward
He didn’t taind
There api>eared to
to tbe thickened.
of $1.V for Ita return
a few d.vra
be only three room* the studio slttipg
liter a tramp turns up with a pib, ptorthmi. tbe dlnhigmom and the kin he,,. tbe human Imdy to rases of lepfwsy.
fomthly a dhimood. wblcb he says be ro1lafW?lble ready In .n minute rindio dlOn this acrotml and no other tbebar^
ftoiBd. The fanner omoanr takes the
vaoa were In llic sltfhkc neuu-add dln- less little geebo was given tbe naiBe of
halt and «et* the pin fbr $2n or $Zk Ing room It, lieu of l»e,lrot»m*. It was lietog the profcBltor of tbe worst fdrm
expeettwr to get f LVt a* hU reward.
an rhannlagly. umki nncomfortabir
After rilnly waitlai for the loser hr •an. bixarre and 4vthemla».
Mama from some >eweler that the pin
••Where’s t>raldr* he asked when be
-Hfy drar man.- says
bad fbnml a ehalr In the kitrlten.
Hra trice kttett le«We the stove tc •fter a
pffHonged cxamlBandB.
lodk St ttw biscuit. He could not toc pain* me to teR von fhat ymj are gf.'
L^Art Nouveau, Colon*
iai and Inexpensive
Cotiai^c Uprights.
Hpesking of Secretmry Taft be
-3«ow. Hectetary Taft la tbe p
Ger.ild’* rooHicr Und said they werej
liennlless. Gerald’s faihephad remarked thgt^ie ilidn’t give a Tiip. TTiey
eonUl exist um*f>
More or b»*« for Iteatriei*'* sake atxl i
a little for fii.*mbrs. Gerald's brotlM-r
ba.l taken It npon himself to visit tlie
bridal couple and help Ora Id. Smidh
erliig hi* «»wn love. Im* had n«ade mi hi* 1
iidnd tiint as long as Bc.ntri.*.* hart
marrlid a Vniigtiau slie i^uld not stiffer from It.
There wa* no !•'!: at the door of tlie
little brown house with llw funny ni-,r
It wn* Ii»es*eiy a buiigalow In ue.iilier.
ed shliigli's. and he pdinrted on tlie
diKir rnstlly until It op**ned and Bea
trice stood iieror** him.
SlM» wax: not the !»le«sed rtn morel
typi* ycL* IbT siro-dh tlark hair wn*
wound nt->iit IiCr head in Just the Muje
ernW!i fnvhhiM. ami .she won* n s-Hort
dnrk blue bneu skirt and n white shirt
The stceves were rolled to her
elliows. nml fWM b«r finger tlp^ to eh
l*ow illoiph** Ilirre was flour rp-i:ikleiL
He had uot r n.v t.si to sc* l?er ;n.s»
to f.T'e so s«e». or, nlojov NvUher had
he »*xi.c te t li.T lo r.rx ok slic did. The
c.Ior rOM* In h-r .-tn-ks. lipping cvea
her ear* with p ;*k
It was an old hah-
Latest andNcfw»t
Designs, Renaissance.
to three
In ITsaMrnt Hadtay’s address bla
mala saacestloo. that Tale bare fewer
profeasor* aswl pay them latter, wa*
rreetved with sorpnar. but with some
entbosiasm. He raid ratlwr bluntly:
“Yale wimld l>e better off if one^balf
of the family wm* to Iw dropped tl
sHB Bot/say which halfi and the fisy
oC tbe oiher mprcsp-»ndlncly ml*c»LITrsldral Hadley lokl a new class
room story of
ITofcswir Thomas
l.<otmsbiiry iu amtouuHng the lattrr's
retirement frum llic f.t.*uJty. He said:
“I*n»fc»M»f I>wnt*!»ar> wa* icarblng
Bnvlcrtek’s tiamla flgl.teimi In » sod
an Inattentive cUs*.
He lump'd to
He walkfHl on dnuw. the flat while den grip. So ‘be wfla to wVwk «cam, them and s.nld: •«;«iaenMng Is^r'fHib
w«»udcm1 turn out her emlles* sui-«>wsl»n of HtUc me a few luinutcx. I have yet a few
whether N* would And her like tie* Wasli Ulustralkui* f<w serv»nd rate |>«r.r!« to cast.*’’
girU l>mkl had. always adi:t>rrtl
.k monthly raagazincs. t;enBd would not
lUbesomc. lUup. hlcwetl Oamcnrl ty:**. mind, would md see the |s.jnl.
with clofie Silky g'.wn* nnd 1* »s.. f1r»ipy would think be wa* lielng tuviadi
h.ilr. Unst stiinnief shi< lind o^.f l-sti ed nod Itnbmtiao to let bla wife carry
that t.rpe. H" tUonglil of tlie trim girl on her own art irrespective of blm
figure lioldlng the nslder of the Water But Ben trio* saw tbe is>lnt.
*1ffrvr was a-man:- lie said, -bark
llcTosi- from his <*bair suddenly. LI*
Uly that last day. «»e l»ad lieeiynuwc
with an
than the m.rt of .n girl to L:ll lu loi^
witli Slie had fv«eii n gml fellou-. a had smothered. Before lie could i^bH* adt er!ls.-mpfit lu the I s*a|
stanch friend. And n* Is* watHici! Imt himself the nords came leaplik: to bis hn wrote the fi>llimlug tcstUiKmUl let
he had sloH-d rowing.
they liad Hi»s
drtrte«l atowly iu the sunset glow that ' “W-ht did you dolt r
vrnld. guinc l
svav. stuintuc my
•iki uinrr '
flooihvl the lake while lie told her.
iKis* t!U th^y V *. J.M
np tn**r».. I rttll
Sfe* Si.«d ls**lde the nnje bare had l«l fall al-..„ ue
Thi»re had l»ccii no ncinal cng-igr
pf |.|«. julr,.
meut He lii.il nuthing to r.-pr.ioHi her kll«h»-u tafde. her face ralv»*d to lii*. r.ii*» C«vt»r%-U a,*•!'•.- l*-fl mi n*.>
in^.ned h. vot r vMitiini.- p.,p»r *t. «d
with, lletind not l•e.•n lu a isKdlkm to her eyes bright with startUil r.omler
lIuU I WA% Witttnv l« r. ikI fp.-#- a b«m-l of
-ask tier to Is* tils wife tlH*ii. hut be had ment at III* totie.
pl4k«d fmJU frr lri.i r«i*l in s4vao<'«> by
thought n girl like IVatrl4'e liad meant
••WhT did
marry flernWr
m*-. to ai y PI.-* who wm:W app!>. ib»rr
more by a U**. a hand clasp, a few
“Many Gerald! ir* Soaie one wa* t-Mfi#;. of roi»T,M». no » harsc for fbr tMirrvL
it, Iwt that lltU*.
rogue worda of undrrstarMling. than eomlnc along the white mndwny. FYoro You will hardiv
f«tnv <-nt «d. «i .4ro,l «?oi mrwhoV rtmk
other gin*. He luid tiiouaht she might tbe kltrtsMi window two Hguren eonW of appl- s and I mold
wait until next summer. And now. In lie seen, and sb.* iwiinted to them
April, he had n-iurmHl to .\.*w York -n>en* I* flemUl; am! that I* hi* wife,
to Icani that thrald twi* iu iJl-*'grr
rny sister Itartinra. I am merely at
had mnrrlel on
cJoiied to Hue 1 feudal,t star to tie* tmnej-moon
rllle hy tbe S’.n.
end his wife j hr»*ught me olon
Along to «».n. to make tli
wa* lieairb^ StafTonl.
| blacult.*’
Oil. Mr G-r M
wife? ir* a lirowTi
Ismse down m*sr Gje rhorc. with a
wldcVemndfl and n funny ro^f. AIkmU
a mile stmlclif down the., mnd.A wide veranda nitd a funny r^if
^at tswmdc«l like tVmld.
Ifc w-»n
der.v1 ho* Oerald*.*^ wff^ lik-^1 U
trim was artlsiK Hut icu firflstlcilly
She lind n h«uT»*r of things
ndrl. I»l*arr»'.
*nl!M iKdn -Mlan. and
yef site had msrrleil t>mld
An 1 ficr.
aid’s bwther knew f^af tb’r.nlU was
ofPwl.v odd. blMire and 1^.1, ftiou. so
Citv Gw Co
for him Onm MB. car towt in Tbm* Wsansw.
j of Umetositid
lime to Sltidy. and it's
1 JDeak
to* Mmwsw flwio YsW toe«.
bad smooth dark hair.
He watched tlie girl stamping letters
wilb Interest and wondered why some
one dM not tell her fo wear her tuioalb
dark lieir In two soft twald* nroutel I
head, ermm fesWon, as Ib nTrIrr did.
-Whete do
pleasor Im-««kei1 fluallr. when the
At iwpulttkm «mwt we mar
beetNue rofetaHant. nnttiatt and fni».
-WdL trbfit cTcr made
artoaa If fir tr> other rrastoi than that
dMblt the Mild la fhQotml to SDataln
one fltoB oil mfwt tbaii «o wheau saya
the Chkaitu Tithuoe. The time u approaetimg wbm the bumaB race win
Bioior peHec. perhapt live far thore lonely ob tbs
tbe acme of
>ala. Harm fnilttl of treto. A» acre of baBana
kiada of boata.
tkia for ail ki
tliae. trdohle and noMy. Oaremdiw
OoremdiNw ptolBtbm wffl fM twrooty-avs boman
arc all aadc of the hldheat crade #ia beltigi. wbUe i potato held of tbe tame
teriala by Ue aoat akiUod Ubor. We
kuaraatae o^ eactaea to i
BtUafhotlon. Hvery «H01
yield six
per acre at
bay cereal crap WHb the reetetai
pf deseH arao* date palm, baimaa i
httet ftwlt trees vHli te*«t Ib T tSj
mtoply uf read which will tvprvwrot
%m Wv«- Ht, tailiiaw. Mich.
EW Marine
twochly sbineletl. In tbe mKlst of tbe)-H*^ WHwcal
wimktaH know
nearest cterop of pines.
He atc]
into the prato«ce n* the cenfml spot
of Hntlraflon. Home ooe w»s stampfug letten. beMnd the gla** Ind'amre.
a irW with smooth flark hair. Beatrice
-1 Ihotu^ht r».u were in lx>nden.” i
^ hUn Ibe vetcian
e:rt friend.
d. -He baa lata
Ry« .................................................................... w
Butter, per pound............. ICklG
Egg.s P<*r doxeii................................
Order your
icoror-to the
C.B.TatlorCiialCo. HB^ Topis
Everything yon ne^
kena. spring.
Hens ................... ..
0»U .............................
Caitle .........................
Steer*........... ..
Red Geraniums
They’re going fast.
Fancy kelfBr* ...
Oewa .........................
CBlvra .............
flletcd with an tocurahle dbamae.TTlth a sigh of relleC. the patient
smiles bwav.
-You take it very plraraimy.- sajrt
orders now.
Shears for cherry pickers, .
Screen doors.
Extension window screens.
George Cams.
Josei Sleiler & Sons
-Tea. tlortor. I know ft hurt the
most cheering news , to tbe vnortd to
toM wbat yon have told me. hot
when I inflect that tWs will he tbe
msBBs of fairing that tasiHwwe man
off my tr«n I rant bMp belar gtod.
He hB* had me BMrfcgd tor bli prey
332 E Front St.
First'Claaa Butch«rm.
Packers and
Sausage Mb kerb
aboot Ibe pleaBnrro of -g* Wid uM M
a bottle,** Imtfor eterf dfey aad /'f
far •
Wbra BU to oBBUMd
' ‘
. ''
B mtai I
MM toto^:9M
wreBlwmyB W
irass toiaJka n
be» anlMb ud .
aha fneaatoMd Jitoa. When^ihe |
pp^^ ^ totom aw^^^^
Tile grim vmpar Is aOB gtobaring
bia hnrvoat nnd tbne motW nutoa bare
ri from tbto life within • day to
in Dutouel Mtod nt tbe naytom yew
tofdny to organic hrton tmhie to tbe
age to #9 ywa. He waa out to the
mitaa. mwt ha gtoan. the
oldast retod^f to Manerinna and bad
to tte naytom but a few y
wm abU «r dinm U aha were
asharntd to him. If she toft the foom He was tbe toCw to tone chfi
withont a word, be reaotved to
and one aoo waa to hla aide 1
lorn he felt ftoia hto heart and
death took place. The rematoa were
tt under foojL
ridpped by the Anderaoe Undeiti
Tided between the two peutosula
before tbe cmclal time came.'the mo> ceoapnny this moratog to Manc<
Of the territory to which the gorBest to the party*a ttotoa tocan the where tbe runerto arlll be held, u
table after toneb. bto no/detpB to
ermmem still hoWa UUe IM^X ^
Mrs. Eauna G. Hanaon. another to
located to tbe fifteen oouoU.
ate to the nayfem. died very aad tbe upper pentabula. and li^U <
tbe smwl on Carrtck*a forrhend and denlj of apoplexy at. 1:39 yeoferday
lie to twcnfy-olx,eountksa to the area
Bbe waa dfly years old and leave*
three cbildreii in Ha Raplda. Ralpl
In the regloo above tbe straits,
-If the UKmnuln wIU not go to Mo- Anderson shipped tbe body this mom Cbippesra eonaty baa 4TA2# acres
tag and tbe funeral will be held to
hnmmoA'j^be^ mtoh^.
eupled gmcmaaenl lands, to this
monriv from the Big tUplda Metborrapect ranktog first; 1
tj Is second wlth*22J€« ncras. and
Harry E. Hlnaell of Marlpu., Ohio,
olciaft third with 20,130
Wbmi 1 ctope to. But I ahan t^oaold
imw; rm leaving for borne tomofruw paased away to Green Lake lownsblp Lace has UMS acres and Kew
abd I p—diwd If ni aoe yoQ agriOn.’ St tbe home of Alexander Ma
where important copi
”J wih call totogbt to oay goodbye terday of consumption. Mr.
have been made the past year, has
be rtplled eagedy. -and 1 have socne- came north for the ihiiri time thU
Gogebic county has only
6dng Important to my. If I may ace summer ''thinking that the climate 12.6«6.
you Atooe. 1 thiak I’ve bees waning would do him good but ti waa all to eighty acre* of goverameai land, and
aU my life to say it.”
no avail. He was only 29 years old Hoogbton but «73 acre*.
At «P>t to flMM% gMH>r ChMI^
te «M tmto 4toternyMn. M »iy kt
mm pmt tW faet^fbat Un oparatap
to ■iiltinp to the tory fttimbar alma^J
to fto p«rrk« «i» iii«toM4 for tto 139
jritoB or rmd h
mfrmma mimj lo xm
to worto many ttows
Vrpoi^^'vU'fiio Blte4L ▲ pmr wrirt litrr r«r llie >bNiid to«
try to tbe worM. TIw oaly Mata to
Uw Ualoo to do aaytbtoa la tbia
U floaie Carottea. erbere torge Uo I bare a Ptrtoly »b dnrtaa tbe caMegt
Mda '^aad wbeie tbe todaatry to ytaw walW du tobto at ttooe par «ud
pnwtea.a.tbrietoi daceoaa. Tbe tea fdoad. Fvtbermafw. I have a 4raaa
•tot and ritobaa and tito and tbtofa
ortber yet, I have aa tovUatloa from
aiV all pleked bjr
blab. The leaf
y oomto, Tomwee Marahall. to apwto
ladlaa a while curl
baad aad after
wetoE wrttb him at gylran Cava, tbe
relleat rwwrt on tbto little old onan.It to now flatnrday togbf. Bepl^lS^ nad
‘ mthy locte. whleb f may poaaibly
; Miall 1 ao home, which to #00
SATU1UUT SPBCIAI^IOO do^ eiety ef tbe Latbcraa cburcb yeaterday
I away; to coUoge. wbWI to 460. or
om aad cake
to Rylran Core. whSrb to under a togafried cab^ elKlit cmtM ■ d<»fa at tbe aftemooo.
JoUrl5.U awwed aad tbe tedtoo epeni a aioetde-
iiy form tbe Byb
About lewrty arc ladlea of the J. C
D. lodae add tbclr trteada apcat yea- ran Core qmwtloq waa put and catftod
tbe bOF-ba
terday it Fouct’a. AH reported a good
tody and thanked her for her that September day at tbe acariiare.
Tbe oaae of tbe People ra. Boaeac
to voting wltb him. Then be
Fry waa at orer^bUl Thuredajr i
nn down the atalra of tbo country hoInitJuTyir
There will be a daacc for the pleaaore of the membera at the Wc^quoMrs. P. B. L. garl returned to .her
tong club bouae tbiaovcnlna.
borne In Manistee this morning after
Tha atteatloa of water takara it
coaOy.* but very plain, for tbe Core Hpendlug aome Umc tn the city.
iailad to thrfollowlag ni!a whloh will
waa Inhabited each aeaaon mainly by
Mlaa Bertha Aglcy of Keyaloue wm.
l» torictiy anioread:
wealthy ptople who had become ac in (he city for a abort time thU i
A Dantoh pniar cqmparaa 1-lore customed to their money.
lltoa tft. Haufaa for aprinklint-Wlll
tonanaaee. Hide are
On the flmt day of Ida otoy iUndmH
ba from 6 to t a. III. and tram 6 to 9 p. youMr. and Mrs. U e: Clark returned
led io hla cousin that he
m. Any paraona ullno water for aome of lh«ii-tbe Itonlab paper la our
lence FaiicbUd to be tbe to tbclr home to Greenville this morn
aprtokling lawfia aod^pantona. before only authority for ibelr corroctneiia:
Tbe Cbluaman aaya. **Uo ngml nl;** tbe
tog after spending some Umc to the
or after hoora. will bo llablii 4o bate Anncolan, •Hie alrom e* be*;” ^ prettiest girt nt U»e Cove, wbcfeupon
Torrence grinned and replied, •^tung. city
water ahirt off at main pipe. M a ArtbloB. very shortly. ‘Xetuibeeekr nicyoqr On tbe aecood day be leamO. P. Carver and wife are apendto^
aborfa of $1^ before aama will be tbe Egyptian. eliiiUafly. -N’acbkebr ed that ahe coold twim like a aeal and
the day at Summit CRy.
taroafnMi apafn. The wainfl of water
golf like a-Soot That evening.
Mrs. Jna R. Santo returned today
tne of four dances which abe generoua.
through hoea wltheut oprinkllng noa.
But orerwbelinlra to Uic declaratlou |y gave him at the pavilion party, bit from New York, where she ha^ been
ala attaehad. la etrictly prehibKed.
of lore of au Eablmo. who trice to win stock of knowledge wna augmented by attending a Bible conference. t)n her
W. ft Caldwell, toipt
tbe eh jaeu one by the pleaaliia eound tbe fact that Mias Ppdence danced return trip ahe came from BuBalo to
of tbe dainty little vrerd: •nrnlvUlga> like a fairy.
Detroit by water.
Hla approval of the tanned, red lip
W. N. Kelley returned today from s
ped and wholmomeyoongwomandeop. business trip to BulTalo and Detroit.
ened during a long aall the next momC, A. Grinhen of the Brinhcll Bros.*
tog. when he discovered 11
music house left today for Petoskey.
Aoatrton phyalclan. baa In books and tenpis rackc
Mrs. L.!». Rgmsdcll and Mrs. \V. R
atarted a new simple life colony to tlcal Aith hla own.
Chlcnan. «ay« a dtopatch from that formed him later, bowercr. that her fa- Scott of Manistee ire vUlllng to the
iOiT-4m«idry paebape between city
city. Tbearomen who Join tbe cohmy. ther. Rufus Fairchild, waa. credited
and Bdaewood. Finder pleaac Icarc married or atnale. win woib only elgbt with more mUllooa th^p there were
WilUm Oore'of North Elmwood ave
at Record afllce.
July 13-U boura a day. ^tarried persons with lettera to his name the ytomg man ex
nue left this morning for a short bui.
chlklreu are not wnutrd. The pUn to perience a novel and enUrely nnptona'
Incas trip to Bingham."
tofANTtD-Exprricncrd kJlchcn girl to cnOaUllab Industries, provide pure ant sinking of the heart
Maymc SuHlvan of Kingsley was n
nclal situ
: at, Pcfc Marquette EaUng Houle at food, catabllsh eotlng bouses and
l-ln fact be 1
Traverse City vl»illor> yesterday.
July l3-€t health ami Uthlng reaonm. fo one
J. W. Patchiu made a short business
win tof paid for hb tobor. One day mor In bis poverty. Mnrahaira fatbei
had been rlcb nntll an Induatrtsi Harry trip to Kingsley yesterday.
.bOAT-^amU rtwad ppeketbook on each wer*k each member of Ibc
; Froat at/eet between Spruce and inunlly oill find and rest. A strict reg- bad left him broken and pCunlleaa.
I»rof. W. A. Chalfond loft last even
Berkeley himself, a natural engtoom
UnloB. Finder pleaac leave at Mil- etarton tMct will pmrnll. Hr. Hluck and In love with the ]proCessloa be had ing for hla home to Springfield. Mo.
has R*.rcu bis fortnnr of #30.000 to tbo
liken'a atore dbd receive reeard.
nRcr visiting In Dcnxonia. Prof. Cbalsociety.
July 13 21
fond came here to attend the funeral
era predicted great things of him. and of his friend. C. K. Buck. He Is the
with the knowledge of Ida own powen head of the eonsenwtor) at Drury col
and his immlng dealre to achieve, fam^ lege, Sprtogflcld. Mo., and a «on in law
and wealth were merely nround the
of cx-OongtvsKman D. C. L«cach. for
merly of thla^ty. .
Yet tbe fact
Mrs. May Lncua and daughter. Mrs.
wealth depraved him. Tre
mooopollaed her since Fve been ^
John TilUc of Lake Ann. arc visiting
he told himself, “and ahc ll think in frlenda to the city.
the blooming money. I suppose hsll
J«»bn Nolan <if Cedar waa a Traverse
this bunch that’s hanging around hei
woold marry a Plggcr Indian for Uk rUy visitor today.
Erast Franebcr of Elk Rapids trans
old man s pile. I wish she were poorr
The latter aggrieved and sincere re acted business here today.
mark revtsiled to Marshall that be wai
Roy ir^lcborl of Fouch waa to the
Excellent values at,
dangerously near lieing In love,
city today.
i each ................
A certain senaltlve pride, for be hai!
O. E. Bi'mus returned from a short
a morbid fear that hto attitude mighi
or 3 for 25c
bnainros trip north todaq.
be misconstrued, kept Marshall out ol
Mrs. l.ynn McElIhenny of Kingman.
tbe girts presence most of tbe tinw
Kan.. %rfll arrive In the city tomorrow
thereafter. \|ayl*e she no
oftm for a visit with M. B. Harm r and fam
tbe povea#l« .or moiii
ily of Fifth street.
25c value, sleeveleis, ' •
| Jg
It waa a feminine desire to repay him
Samuel P. Todd of Bay
for hla aloefeess: at any rate. Mlaa City,; who baa been working to the
Ftoi^hlM contrived to give MnitOisll a nortborn part of the state to the IngUnce at parting, ga lie held her tool
college, returned to hla
little band, that thrilled hla every pulae.i
It waa like the song oC a nightingale; home in Bay City to*ay.
Worth lie.
or the acent of June rsses. And tbei Mr. and Mr*. C. Claik to Detroit
passed through the city oday on tbclr
choice at
that winter as he buUt theoretlcirt way home from Charlevoix.
re In tbe elBss room or delivered
Mrs. M. H. Tabor, who has been vis
able aoop in tbe hotel dining iting Mrs. Popal. near tbe city, re
turned borne today.
Now. a look soch aa that from a girl
who Is not a flirt dwelU In her memory
tdoc Mlaa PahehUd’a eiieeki were hot
to ttand
to the answering glance of bewildered geiwer Wmms Piwtceta Her CUerrtM
avtfn TWe Wen nmleea Pets.
joy that llaabed from MarrimlTa bto*
Mrs. Baase of Mlddletowiu N. J., baa
cyua. -Hemlghttakendrantagrtolt•be aald to herself In brief, dcllcioua bit upoo a novel plan of protecting ber
panic when the Invltatkio of a ebumj cberrie* from eattorda and robins, nays
Kell Burrows, to come for the Jkuuary a ap^ from Radbonk. N. J.. to the
bop to tbe aeulora at Marabaira eol- New York Time*. Some eberry grow
fece ranched her. But sba arent nerer- ers have adopted tbe ptan of eo\*erlng
tbe trees with moiMjuito netting. Mra.
plan to much easier and lem
hlcb be eenflaq
:e. ' fibe baa trulned ber two
on her card at
at ........................
tbe ball showed that Marshall remem rat*. Tomtey and Jlto. to do tbe work.
mqt:nl]^£ riio takes a Imiom
bered. They aat out two. whkM wba
V . $2.60 White Skirts
and. vra vlng it at tbe cats, orders Ibsm
little said, and the allacc betwesn np the cherry irera. The caU have be>
ruiPf wo wi^ trained that they now
aa they see
Hdtiee to berebr toreo Uiat all Vatof
^ mmmn^ mmt abut off tbelr topa,
pydraiiU and lawn tpiinblera darlna
a tre.
Tboma* Murray.
^ Oder of nre Departflieat.
:|8ly iMt
Another Special Number
Vega Silk Vests
.. ......
f :’ Mudin Underwear
and leaves a wife and three children.
HU wife and the oldcsl buy w
cm when death ensued. The
arc to charge of Hervey A
wll Ibc shipped tomorrow ;
The funeral of Alonzo Totten vras
held from the Blair school bonae thU
The funeral of Virginia Forton will
be held from St. FraneU church
morrow morning. The arrangenu
arc to dmrge of H. U Carter.
iisiTa iiidiBKiEChief Murray WItnesaod Fire There
and Saw H>s Friencto Work.
Wore No Calls Here.
Chief of Fire Department Murray
rj-turned from Milwaukee yi?st<-rday.
where he and Mrs. Murray spent a
week. The local department was not
out of the house on a call while he waa
Mr. Murray w!tne«*ed a Are to MUwaukee where a large number of hl»
department friends were at work. He
alM InsiH-cied several departments to
towns rating In sire with Traverse
City but M>s that the local depart
me^ is far* their superior.
Ycnlng at the Home of Mias
Ella Smith.
The Twentieth Century clilb waa mtertolncd last night by Miss Ella
Smith of West Eighth street. A short
business meeting occupied the fore
part of the evening, after which the
nicmlkers were entertained with music,
games, etc.. During Ibe evening light
refnshroenls were FiT\ed. The club
is planning for a party which they in
tend to give BomeUme to the near fu
tore. The next meeting will be helu
with Miss Anna Meries of Eighth
Brothera* Trained Animals
Coming Friday. July 20.
Sedbol Bros’ dt»g and pony shows
arc l>elng billed for two performances
to Traverse City. The press represen
Utivc of the show mas a visitor to Iht
Record office this afiorntxm and has
made all necessary locii: arrancoraimls
for the appearance of the four-f.s>todfun-makers. and thc.v will arrive, via
special train. 200 strong, early Friday
morning. July 20.
Improvements, as Rt. I’mil said of
oclenee. to often -falsely su calleil.” If
Ibe real estate men would l»ut forget
the rtM*ekerlioord Idea lu laying out a
new town and would take a pood landacape gardener Into their confidence
aiid,1he contour of tjje Inutl Into tbelr
conoiderntlon and ptoqt'tnr* oocord-
i. W. enfie is manufur. Mr. GrtnneU
found overythli^ in - aseritonc abnpo
nni ,wns very waB jfiilnnafi w^
abowtog made liy the laenl atm Bo
left for PHoekey tbla omralng. where
be win visit the branch there.
fiiis a bendqu^fea me to DetraR bnt
counUea with 40.6S7 acres: loaoi
37.251;. Montmorency. 18.714;Pr
Isle. 11.965.-and Akona. 9.>11. *
win baa only 360 acre* cJf govoramom
land, and Arenac. Newaygo. Wexford,
Antrim and MeeoaU eonnllea
atnaller acreage than that
The decrease to the acreage of the
puUUc domain ba* been uniform for
the part five years. 20.000 braea being
taken by oetUera last year, which Is
about the ratio maintained since 1901.
Acreage to tbe upper peninsula coo
Ulnlng hardwood and hemlock Umber
has been materially depleted. Of the
20.000 acres taken up during the paw
year 12,000 acres were selected to the
upixT iKninsula. and It to worthy of
note that nearly all of this territory
was secured for graxlug purposes. Ihl-s
being eapt-clally true In Ibc western
porU«m of Ibe peninsula. Wuere cattle
raising Is now an artive Industry.
Until this rear that part of Michi
gan above^the straits- pooseoaed of
greater area of unoccupied govern
ment lands, but this distinction has
now fallen to tbe lower peninsula.
Tbe receipts of the offle during the
year amounted to approximately |5o.
(Continual From First Page.)
company mill. This dam caused much
much dltcuBBlon last season and a»
one time .the board of BUpiTvtooni cwdered It rt-roove<1. but when Jt waa
Been the hardship It would work upon
the Ott
action waa rcclnded.
Now Mr. Mniiroc.* comes forward with
a h9l of pI^JK mhlrh he claims will be
Kailsfaclory Trr Mr. Olt and enahl.*
the opening to to* made. His plans
to to make the opening twelve feet to
width, spiling to be put to for some
distance up stream. The entire work.
Mr. Monroe thinks, will not occupy
d\.*r two days*, time. When seen ye*
trnlny aftt rncioxi regardtng the pro
poseil plans. Mr. Ot« expressed hlmacdf
as entirely willing to carry* them «nit
prmlded they arc not a detriment
to his buslfibss. No one is mure anx
ious than he that the launch owners
should be able to pass (he dam. and he
will see that the company docs gll to
Its power, conslatcm with bttatooaa.
to bring the propoaed change about.
The action Is entirely voluntary on
Mr. Olt’s part.
Not many people realize what this
change woujd jnoan lo the laanch own
ers of the city. They could ‘run the
boats u pas far as the Union street
bridge, from which point It to only a
few minutes ran to the bay. If an
opening rbould be made In the dam
there woultj aoon be a marked Incroaae
to the number of boats. Last season
when the question was being agitated
there waa a gfeat deal of Ulk about
new ctob and^boat bouse at the foot of
W’adsworth street.
...... 98c
,i 90e a»d$100Dt.«r.
---------«ma « oer txmmr. mumua ^
?2' kJI ^
• a very enjoyable i
Mr. Ortonell wmi called apoo and
gave a very Inlereatlng
waa one to
of Ibo
civic efeetotlnroa He was
Detroit cRtoesa who srere burtranmn;
tal to cloantog up Woodward avenue
and he explained fera this wna done,
bow tbe ebtomittoes were nppointpa
and bow tbe work waa flaaUy nceompllabcd The talk waa very Interototog
and was listened to with clooe atten*
to honor to Mlaa Mahal Bates, •‘tha
Six- spent a MBoat fifiUghttol Cveutag
at Bdgewodd yeatarflay^ -TTia sLT
ale Mtoa Bates and fire tMbers vfeo .
were dose girlbood frteftds and. core
irary to custom, the husbands to tha
married ware to. atlendance.
The following menn wa» ferred at
the Lathrop cottage;
Cold Tongue.
-Cold Hagi, ^ •
Rose Radlahra.
Cottage Chraar BalM.
Tomato SaUd.
lee Cream Rokcb WMIi Natural Leaves
and Stem*.
^ Cake.
BOn Bona.
The Ubie dfe»ratioak‘4rUra1tllto^' .
the name cards were wkter color pateL
Inga to rosea aad on the hark of safe
was a toast approprtair to the OM
whose name It bore.
After supper one of the vacant cot
tages was thrown open to the party
and the remaining hours were spent
betwii-n there and the BllUngi eol-
KXCURSION to Marion tolaad Fri
day evening under auaptoea to Aabnry
Joraph Morland Waa Thrown From a
Wagon and Suffered a Broken *
Rib at the Aaylom.
Joseph Morlaud was thrown from .a
wagon at the asylum yesterday aflarnoon Bhortly'to-fufe 5 o’clock and was
picked up tinronadou*. It waa at fim.
tbougbi that his tojuriea were vary
bcrloiJK but on examlnaUon It Vaa
found that be bad snatalned only a
tirt^ken rib.
Mr. Moriand waa haifilng aooM hoaaa
and was sitting ou ona of hem. The
ton.« slipped, atrlktag the hora^ and
frightening them. They atarted forward very quickly and he waa thrown
to the ground.
Harold Ltopalc of J
Frtandi Yaalarfiay.
-i’; '
Harold Lelpalc of Detroit who to tha .
gocst to* hla aunt and vneie. Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Steintierg of Eighth alreal,
. *
waa 12 yeara old yesterday and in
honor of the event aatertalned a num
ber of friends to n very happjamanner.
Refreshments F«ro aanred .and Master
Harold was the radpfent of ma^
pretty preoenU whleh wHl serve as
souvenirs to hla Traverse City visit.
^ .
fried cakes, night oenu a doaen at fee Palace,
July IJ-ll
Kidaey, Blood,
Rheanuttc aod
Stonueb Disease
Ml« Mabel Batoa Waa tha Quoal to
Honor at Ci^avaaod LmtL
TheBegtCare (or
Hotel Keeper-What dW tbe stran
ger nay wtmn yoo gave him tbe bill7
Walter-IM moOTtroo* prlcea be nereroaw. We vrera an abomtoable gang
to tblevoa. Hotel Keeper-Good. Bn
be didn't becama abootre, tb»7-FUe-
wax 9hm Twk Mtaiu
Mtober-Why <Ud yon aeoapt Chartto Sptlag. aad ratnra. tlJN.
Tbe nuaote vUt not stop at Ok
have paM yrai aticstloal DaagbterRapMasoiacorretanlag.
Beeaara Ibe wa# tbe only one feat
hmn S a. a, retm 10 p. m. abaip.
^ kiootwI tb. «U tok*- K fee good taste to propose.
Smith of the City School to
evening a reeftaj urai sj^
rnttbcftadlo to ProfrascM
It was an tovlutkm afiair aad
ber to Ibe locaj
tm wmma
Itw MtH wn W Mi Ut m M<
SK tai NIMI. M BiiUMi ii^
«%; m fM NN Bm. m iM M
OfWVi, ttt M wi IM iOif. If iiM
Mhn jftr UL me li a «mat
FOE EAUK-14iT—M loot tnmi m
It TWeli
tlot toOo
MM CiB lor Wkw. WM
Brae^ ItT fMt ft. Tteowm City,
*r* *y *"
«fll tato put pu-
, m »wrt «, Tm»«ru
WAUm MKloNMennc to aa tm
— —>
- rr
Miiniftr flidlalfcr>
«ar HflA IM
iTAlit MTAin
^iULYU—L ^-''':"-‘*'r^^
Jodgt Lobbaw i. WMot. attorwn
Bd Statoa Mart to
oqmctedly to take ap tbmr oew po
la to roplaot to a torw meaaaro too
». The pareot, won awan that
jMga wn
aoo* had tort aae n wa. deeldml
uSU Yot 80i
My io fM 8t LMa
beta deeoratad by tM pope MUi too
r of at CMriT far laatota
at N coafereBeo of laodkal aiea
boat caiw to rtapaa la a rtatt 4o
Lonrdaa raad too aae of too Jjavm
TO* MLC-CMU thru tow top
it $11 OttoMlI Br«», eon
Ml uto Cou.
Jdr IMt
The lato Hearfk Ibom waa ono
ikod IM iMa of Aaeertcaat. ^«n;
aald Ma. aiatltoCp
to aiy Mca
ron SMJI-A foot uoBd
that too aaoraga Anerieaa baby dre
bone. II r«m o»i; wo «»e lor
or aU mtHa old alu to bto no
$M Uku bUD. worth «IM. D. J. top and oyto bto owa cradto to aoo U
Ctolaul. l*k* r««t fom. BoPt Bw. he caa*^ inTetrt p better ooe or at least
OomoUna VaaderbUt. to toe aa
rOB PALI—1«$—Thirty tut
bto totoor, Md Alfred C. to the aame
out« hoK toltoi Ootoo otiwoL Thru of hto notooTt nade appUcatloa for
thouaad baartopliwH trew;
nenberobip to the Rhode leUad So
CSftatuM Inin toll. ClI for price. dety of the ClnclimaU as toe reply
Wtd* Broo. in rroot tlreet. Tru- •enlaUre of the VaaderbUt family
UM CHy, MIeh.
]<u>e U-tl The aoctoly decided that Cor
IhRTeASMliReot Mddkl
wortdag aid* aad atoa la beeow
■tod with the wctol WTlrooa
imhB’a mm. dM Not wto
which aaiToaoded them. He to.
work mtil Friday. Hla tv
that (he gnat malorttr o( mea la the child died TMidMr rifiiit <
beet a«M* wen good oU -no. M
nrt- from Detroit aad Otleaga He
Mrs. 0«mr HUka has been TO wtth
mad the boy, at work la ibett typhoid fever, but U now on the gain
bm etothe. aad-dowB oa.lbctr »
ag as tboagb tbey aecded the
ter place Frtdny nd\l Non by a aoore
fy. The bar. wen albiw.
rtay. bat the eai.bto. In the cam
”‘jSnS®Hiff w^ In Traverae dtr Frl
not prtSi'r to be ap to tbclr maadard.
o Boyne,
■ad U arm. toaned that they b.
ulng wln-
Satbtaction guaranteed
or no charge
Northern Michigan
Transportation Company
good" with toe home cooking.
Mrs. Rose
I children spent a few days
According to a reoort compiled by
mu WANTED ON tem. G.H. 1
St week vislUng retoUvea In 9Un*
Harry H. Ryarse. chief fire warden of
June 12th te Eept 25to, VL
the state, there was destroyed bv foi
^IMt Foil EALE-14tf-Hard«mfi eUKk to
M« NtorM tow. wttoto too I
tst fires in Michigan during the month
TXn Lambkin and wife of Empire
TMAtM .trtEi«T wMtod. bo
«r TtoTOTM city. Oaly bardware.
of May property to toe value of are vlalting hla parenU, C. C. Lamb*
EWi. ImoffcoiH M CR. or c*H 111 mm !««•> Omr to otM M
1359.357. with toe loss In Dickinson kin and wife. They were accom•a... Gan tor tefotoo o4 M*
w. mrtb...
: .
waa toe gropfr repreasntaUce and he county. where,conridermWe havoc was
lYllIlaihs of Walton
........Toea. 1:00 p.*:
tALl-lUl-Four aad ohobalf
Wa4o Moa. UT FMl itia^ Tnr FOR
done, aa yet uneatlmaled. T3ic great
jther, Mrs. Jim
all Inprored; good .toroae.
I to pHtau ImNIt for araa Ctty. Mkb. GUliM pboe
i has gone to 11
small bam. anall otdtord. All good
Herbert Spencer waa a boy cst loas occurred In Luce county,
Him. Mowr. bn n. itlf.
tardea grooad. Two cowi, ooe baa- J>la totber scut him away from horn where the dam^ amounted to iTvbr where he has a j.»b of cameniei Arr. Traverae CUy..Thurs. 4:00m
A number of Chicago men have
July ll4t^
d-d aad tfty cblckeoa. ibree bop. to acbool. The youngster became
la Preaque IsU- county. work.
purrbasod farms near toe Boardmaa
to 175.075 was and are.erocUng nice bouse for sum
lit My.
bomeal^ and with 2 ahranga in hli
oook tor FOR EAtE'^-Oottoge a(
$C7.2<Mi: in Del
North Round.
'IT par
Anspach ataria today for Germany
Mr aad Aagaet; w
boys It. J.W.yackaoa.
milea. la three days, walking moat of ta. I59.400. and In Marquette. 841.775. to visit his fat
.Mr. Aimparh han’t Lv. Chicago .................. Fri
lie. The
I tint lo a food prohL With
Ontonagon auffered to the extent of «5en t^-e fatherland
hcriand for 18 yi-nra and
spot of the way. He did foity-elght milea toe
|5Ji25. Baraga 12.200 and Iron |1.<KM». no doubt will enjoy hU visit
u 8:miB.
groand will cam toe salary of aa first day and forlr^K-»en on toe aecPOn PALK—Two piaao cat» wmI
Uev. Hahnebcrg has resigned hla
On the third day a friendly The fire warden reports 160 aeimralc
eper. clerk or me
WANTIO MoiyMy to brtof tbolr
au; dwlee If at Oiiaoell Broa.
chanic. Owner got the "roama.- coach diircr took him moat of the way and dlailncl fires during May. The position as pastor of the Gc
etoaatog aM prawlag to too PariArr Traverse City........Ran 10:00 p.m..
Joly JP*t
expe-nae of bis department In figbllng church here on account of III h
hcfice offer at km pijro. Wade Bw^ for nothing.
atoa dyo worlu. tllB. Froto atroat
and left last w«-ek for Ann Arlwr. Lv. Tnivi-rse CUy........ Bun, 12:00 Nl.
127 Front alreet. Trai-ecue CUy,
....Tucs. i:80a.m.
WllUam James Connors, the Buffalo the flames was f867JiO.;
where be will Ukc irealmeiit Mrs.
irrtTn— r---------jolyMBK) FOR PAL*-14$t-loa cream partor,
Mich. CUlraaa phone 1219.
Expert knowkdge of the labor laws HahnelK-rg will visit her parents In
21-lf oowspat>er proprietor and freight con
aoPa fnaatala, opiulyHaaklng toola.
put a young Grand Rapids
an o4bu.PztaraA all rtoek. Good POR PAW-4Jo«M fomUy or ^
the edge of the city, /its bouse ts
Fi»cnd a few
. trau. eeatral hMtloe ea Frtmt
imart-d at lin^ooo a came
borte; 6 yeara dd; welfht aboot surrounded by many acres of lawn. A
n. Mrs. Lena
weeks with
North bound steamers m.____
■trot! One of lha PiArt eoalao-.
1100: aoond and aafe. Bert Oage year or two ago his gardener planted year. The yofing man Is Waller Iif4 W. Ovcrholt.
timis at .Mackinac Island arlth all
turnery, tee cream aad caady «a
au. phone 110$.
JalylO-lIt foliage plants on a sloi>e on the lawn who baa been secretary of the
steamship lines st«wmers for polnU ** **
aaUbUibmenti ta cHy. CaU
on latke Superior, l^c Huron, Lakw
ploycra’ assocUllon f<»r some time
prtoa. Wad# Broa., m Froal itreel. POR PALP—8ta oeUve orpnn. ^fh
Erie, Georgian bay. Lake Ontario and ...
r aad bar TiaTaiaa CUy, Mich. Cltlieaa pboi
top: coat new tits, now $4$. Grin James Conners." "Dear roe.’’ aald one qualntcd al Washington with some
of the social leaders of toe town an
-V *4^1
Jaly 11-et
ncll Btoe, comer moot and Cnaa.
the big men In the structural Iron
July l$<t she waa driving by. peering through lAidr. who wero la WMblostoa froa.
to her home In Oneka
her lorgnette, -the poor man muft
days' nst before going away
FOB CALC CHBAF-Om Pootoaalai
Air Infennatlon regarding. connep.
New Tork to look ■■lu i nemo loKitU- for a few weekt* course of alud) in
PAUR-I4JTISSO VFRIOHT FIANO. almoal pew. Think he It a railroad aUtlon."^
Ml air taniaoo..No ttJ. Mra.W.H
ttons and lake tripa cheerlnlly fflvm:
Uon. Drew wm polmod out to ihcn*
aptoMtd inatmment: bnatoeaa foro
uiion application to . .
fbatar. iU Waabi
half mllae north of Orawa. aoabalf lag me ip leare the city; w|U sell at young riergymen to beware of tedious i a hrlsht younc m«o who but auKto Earty*^i:Scri1ea are ripe and arc a
■pccUlty of tabor taw., .nd he w..
mils Fbore front on BUeor 1
EALt-lg4adi C
a big sacrifice; ptaao atiU to Trmr sermon.. By way of emphaaUtiig tots
North, aooih and worn of Bart% ra* erue CUy. WOl acU ow time to re* eautlon.he telU of a church near Phil- wot out by woe of tbe Iron worker, yeiitcrday d« his bicycle to ihh- liL
roraa CHy Jlfg. Co.
Both phtmea -He. S6. Dock aad <<• ■ t
•Cl. In oth<ir wife, who lii staying there for mod
aortp aaa of toe prettlaat raaorta to liable party, licre’a too cl
adelphla whose i»aator was noted foi
fire foot Union alreeL
al lreairo4-nt; she Is ui» b< tter.
nialn.t the union. In tltat
FOR lALE-r^Praporty ill W. TmOi
yon’re walled for. wMle G. R the dr>*ncss of his dlsroursc. One
Mrs. Johle Uisard is having quite
atraai; oaoMlf Taluaikm. laqulrf whole farm to Wrel and extn dMr- Veedcr. 114 E. Wealcy 8t.-Jack«io. Sunday morning too old geuUeman’ bnincb of trade. So .uceeialul wma serious
trouble with her lungs. Mrs.
Mr Drew, and « v.lu.bic did hir John Blsard i« btaying with htT for a
Julyl'Wif able aa a resort piopoaUlon. Could Mich.
July M2t preachcvl a sermon so amazingly lon^
Ti*dge of the latior laws become, few W(*eks.
be haaily ptoltad toUS oawHfto acre
and dull that the congregation dim In
for PRLP-One nere lot.. Tow
loU or ire lou to too acre, or lire FOR SALE—141S—Eigbty*acro farm, Ished one by one tmin dnly the janitor that he was offered and accept»Hl an Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Klon Cor
21. tsri
•11 and Mr. and Mrs. Dunham vlslte^l
cfenaee to got a Urge lot at tb<
licDt poaHlon with lue Iron men
bondrad and alghiy-R^a tota, wbkh
and himself were left. But the clergy
at G. McCombs.
pilet of a nmnll one. Fine tocatloo
with a rary .small amount adr
Mabel Canute Is siiendlng the week
man. api»arcnlly unconKclous of a!i which fiicods bay wdl net him $10,000
W. «. Oordaa. Wt W. Serenth 8t
lug would aaU for at toast $50 ground all f^vel. Low price. CaU this, kept right on until the Janitor, a year. ,He malntalnb an office- In at her uncle’s near Traverse City.
price. W'adc Bros.. 127 Front
Tlicre was a pleasant party at
Jaly H mo*
New YoVk city, but siili re-talnn bis
per lot. FM natural adraatogee to* for
alreet Trmvcrm CUy. Mich. Clt seeing no proapocl of relief. Hually
of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllla Hat
office In Grand lUplds as secretary home
cation can not be beaten. In eom> Uena pMoc 1219.
last Friday for their little daughter
June 21-lf gave in also and. bimdlni: the keys to
FOR PALR C44IAF-I aei« good
partooa with other property aad the
the mlnlFtor. aald: "I m oil. You can of toe Employers' association, a po- CaW. It iKlng her sixth hlrthda) aiv
cropa Oomu Haaaah aronoe and
prtee naked, toll farm to offered at
nlversarj. There were thirteen llUle
lock up the church when you rt Flilon that Is said to pay him about guests. roemb. r8 of her Sunday wiiowl
. m! JidyWif
rery low figure. There to Umbw
$1,500 por vear.
KcIreshmeiitH of Ire ertaro.
enondb to pay for toe whole farm at lost—Brown, black .ad while »hci>- When Governor Head was In office As the rcHuIt of ji ’’Joke.’' someone Clas^.
titrawl»errlcs and cake were served
price we aak for It If yon want a hord dog: tip of ull white: .todded In New HampaWre, Colonel Barren, pouring acid on his legs while he was by Mrs, Ramsey, who did everything
. H9U>..FUirNITl
possible to/ptease the children, who
bargain and a money makai
cottar: aaswer. to^aame of Watch. an eitimable momiHT of the go%em alrctched out after a spree. A. F.
Chain, tabtoa. dreaaen. after ibto. * Wads Bros. IH Front Retuia to T0« E. Front or calt Cll. or'B staff, died and there was an nn- Pierson, an aged homesteader of'On
scH-mly hcramWe of .would l»e succchb loergon. died Wetlncsday In terrible soo^and wife^pent yesterday at II.
iboardp ceach. domeMlc atm^t Tiarerae City. Mich. Cll
3U and receive reward.
any SHI
July I At- ora for the office even while Ms liody agony. It wts two months ago wht-n
aewlmg madhtpa. loe box. gaa range, Ixena phone mt.
Mr. and Mrs, H.
waa awaiting burial with military hon- the act was committed. Pierson't Traverse Clt A and
eooit atore. carpets: ate. Call at
toe iK-nlurula
One candidate, somewhat bolder legs were burned In a shocking roan last Ttiursday.
Maha wraaiaga after f:a0 aieopi FOR EALE-1432-Forty acre farm.
H. Blsard and
than the rest, ventured to call upon ner. Death'was merciful in relieving
Wateaaday and Siturday. or at cloM? lo city; well watered, fine gar*
den and truck land. SmaU piece of FOUND-Ladlea’ wlTeel. left al 920 E. Governor Head, thinking to ascciiMn him of his sufferings. No one know* went to Ihe ball |
last Sunday.
who lb responsible for hlb death
meney Ukea tola. CaH forFprice.
Eighth Bt.; owner can have same by the bent of the governor's mind
Mrs. C!ak I
krd Imvibcst ASBemasty. _
Locked in a ‘refrigerator ruf.
|o .
Wade Bros.. 127 Front atrert, Trar
claiming property and paying for toe Important question. “Governor."
her. Mrs. Bre
only Icc to eat. Carl Karrey. n holn..
RoU-rt U-vell. wlm has bad so ee*
arse CUy. Mich.
Jane 11-tf
this noUce.
Jaly 12*2f he asked, ’ not to ajieak In a ma
rkms a time ever since he broke his
FOR EALt—Two aemted carriage al
malllve, do you think you would sa>-s he almobt sianrbd m death
leg. U In the hospital at Traverstmoat good M new: aell It reawa
have any objections If 1 was to get mas picked up by Ihe Jackson polit-a.
FOR EALE—1438—Ten Hkm
«Mi. «. Hyman. 240 Washington.
Into Colonel Barrelfa placer" The He says he crawled Into the c^r
and Mrs. R. Parker went t».
eight hundred feet on Stole street.
er came promptly: "No. 1 don't D«-« Moloeb. la., and was not releasetl Kingsley last Friday and when they
Value Impoaalble to eatlmatc
until he Tcsrhcd Goshen. Ind. He pre M-turnt^ youterday Mr. Parker's moth
ler. gsA elcrtric lights, atcam think I Bhottld have any objectlona if
way abore price arked. Thlt to ofie
isented a pitable apeparanci-. being er and niece came with iBcm for a
tt. balfi: People's Savings Bank
of the moat dealfable pieces of prop
half btrrved and ,af-hlng In ever>*
L. Hog
'* W*. Cook's family visited
Julr 12-11
erty 10 xdiy. Aa a bualncaa kxmtUm
joint. The car In which he
lot Would trade for desirable realcannot be beaten at price aaked. A*
fined lorty-elghl hours. con^alncHl %tar*'^£Ioni« Beni.cn luivluit
deaoe property. Baqulre tS6 Bast
an iDveatment. will say that with MOUSE TO RENT—Bath and furNotice te All Feraene Int'eraated.
celviHl Ibe ni€»t voles In Grant,
fnfll but Harvey aald he coulUn t
bnlldtoga now on the pro
given a fine gold watch by Four
The apeetol maacaamont Ux roll for
euai ride for IS per month. W. L.
East when the contest closed ln.t
which conaUU of four frame atmethe grading and paving of South Union
Rev. M. Woodlock or Standibh foun-J store last Monday m
m ^RM wm bay W 110. Hannah turaa. corerlng about one-half of toe Brown. 315 W. Teonto street
Mrs. R.L Dixon has l»oen staying wW
Jaly 7-«f street from the uouih ride of Twelfth himself in a very embarrassing posb
mm&K Oah Haights anbarb. Maltt ground, n ahowa fire per'cent on
street north to the south end of toe lion while on his way home from San
Vi. Dixon, the last two a
iMtptf aoU biiora Jaly Ut Apply ten thousand doUara. With a
firet time she has l>een to hi
aooto bridge on Umlon'atreet. Is
tlago. a boar disputing bt« right
may Mf •m. up-UHlate brick tralldlug. It wUl MOUSE TO RENT-18.00 per bk
nee her return from Ci
W. H. Ebucf. 123 Cmia St. July 9-tf in my hands for oollecilon. the first travel on the lUghway. ’Hie revirend
health Is vety tssir and sht^
Installment to be paid on or before gentk-man. being a man^trf peace, wax
rat sufferer, as she W heea
Mfi OAEM wm buy lot in, Hannah •bow at least three times that
aummop Onh HtlghU auburb. lOglM amount on the toTertmcnt. CaU tor FOR RENT—Six well furnUhod July 31. 1906.
unarmed, but not weaponless. With for yeai
price. Wade Bros., 127 Front alreet.
gas lighting. ^
IMC If ioid bMtoi July lat Apply
ihe quick wit born of a close aitualion
City Treasurer.
May Mf Trarerae Oty. Mich,
he raised his umbrella, pointed it at
Jnly S-if .Office. Room 20: SUte Bank build- Bruin and advanced lowaTl him. smit
tw CASH win bay lot 2M. Qimat for AAkl—l»l-BUbly-two lect oe
ing him mightily across -the snout as
FOR RENT-AttfucUve cottage
•tiwM. Oak HM$ht* aabarb. IM1C3 BUI* mmel. ooe haairnd u
he came within itriklng dIsUnce. The
lena; fnmUbed ocMuplete for
proper acUon with
' imt. « PoU hefcm JeJjr $*t. Apply (wt <tecp. .11 coreted with twortory
Hotel bear growled. Argument failed, tbi Ufc Pills; the plea
aad row boaU for fiak
standing up and pawing al biro. effective cnr. for
afTMCtovers.- Addreas Eaimh E.
Bnt don Urery oad uk.
t appendicitis
Then toe mlalster In despeimilon
*rstcm. 25c, at Johnson
Alw forty bom. ud dl Bccen.ry Graham. 128 Lake avenoe. Traverae
for* stuck toe Up of tol umbrella undc.-^ F. H.
Bngbee Dreg Co.’i
waipmeot. ImgdeA eMten. hwhi. City. Mich, ;
to Washington, who broln’s nore and popped toe rnlnsheU- drug %
Good and* Prompt Service.
drayw ftotglu. htmeenA w
I kU -prtimotkm’’ to der Open with a noUy riam. Tbe bear
robe* ood oU pemod property la lOUEE TO REHT^E Dr.
Madrid, first arrived la ihU conntry
•bow todUtag. TbU to oae of the
his command over the EngUah Ian Into tke ditch, and the minister took
Uiwt ttemy aad (de. bam. la Ibl.
guage wna, to put It mHdlv. very fet- to his heela.
regtoaf eeotiaUy keatad,.«
ble. so when a reporter not long after
OMtnM. Oannot ba-Cur
Onirtke Leebnan.
ward waa sent to Interview him In his
) to re
faet, prewet owaw *
FOR •AUR-rTww to»<toto,to •«>< '
prlretc anlte al the Waldorf-Astoria
Good TrfAe. Fii
Firat-eJaro A
Urc aad eojoy the o
the coavereatton laagnUbed from the
modaluiqa. Fiiutea. made ta tbU i
t. At last the Rtttsian’a patience
$9 ptir
Thto. nadw. lt you j
Hmt »4t
«»«tag Ja o badaw. ef tola kind,
lakeklmpaUently. The acsrapapei
isle. CaU tor
tour, forty eerm wtM tto**r. OMl wtnpayyoita
regretted thgt he did aoc Tbe
Wad# Broan m. Front atreeto toa tnm IttFa kimoiF. Over ill
Ac vttoo. W»4e »o«, $« rttmt
Mandrel eye fiaahed. *1Svery
0. p. CARVER a BRO.
gimrt. Ttamtoo Olty, Mtoh. CK
sg man ahoaUi lean Fremsh." bt
Jana 1141
Immll-tf 1219.
7Bveiy Mi dlpio
sgliah." qnlrtly re>
FM EALt-1489-Ma
twanty^cre term, rix milea weri of tM «t m
Sttamer Illinois
I. C. BOMIS,JNFirl. , :
■:»- =3::
Paving Tax
IM eMahROrkW
hem let to
CUmaey Sweeping. Cle^
1« and General Werk 1.
Dr.W.J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work Tirtlnsuram
• «lty. abotri amraniy aetaa aadar culU-
5 t -
S V'r'-
li» *llSnrr^ —
femii srs.“js-5?r¥xr5s
*r Ihnnr Ob. or |u >■!«■<; fiMlM.
bevmr, that !• Aw th, QaMa Ohr
BwtMe Ushi * PoMT Oh. « tth (iM.
Tnw^ p»r,
- 7.,,..™. --*-a5rx".
wf^LAhh^ hM ahitiiiig.
|W ^.Plchefl. ^hlhg:,.
rsS'A.rJSKSSs; i.'ssycts.'s
TkhMM cnhiwi
Mr. turn. SBiwr----- ----- 1
tl tm. feacbr
frelgirt oa IH ears ca^
•S’Sci stsKSiurffiaT. S^-HS~j?S
oidlaaBM. safedocc ko*«Ter, to all iht
fiar impoaed aad all ordt-
*^or»d hr PalBor aa<
Uat the pailfi
taMULfST^?*!? i3Sni^»?*^
DMaakatloa frcNB U F. Tltm.
»r ac nm MaUooai tiaak.
U?a to laflaff aoiM gad lataroat la».
Interfere; with «Sy
conduita,of with
aay public or private aewer now or
PalBigr. that the aaifor aad elert ho
laidnieied to take up aaeh aoten a« the
Sec. IIL All maala. towera and
« at preofot aill penalt.
>lea erected by aah! compaay ahall
le—AMenaea Ahboct. Sr
Igtftlle. GlUeit, Goodrich. Morclile. Pai be Srmly net ia the ground, and ahall.
be placed in the
u. the
chamber at the lime of voUn
^tru- light
UOi god
ud cllNar«—Nooe.
batoae aad In anch places and In
such maaaer aa shall be approved or
mated by the conncli. The aald
ffaporta of Committaea.
id hf Oill*M
I^IMK, IM U»* !•
;«l iM 4fM etif off
Id to a
io ^Uy tiH* ••UwrllW *1
r-SSSTic nmof
iiwnSniTii T iiM ■•dmtcMd.
maau and lowera. a heiher of wood or
tea—We. ycwr
\ priming reapectIulJy report that city aa now dettned by ordinance or
aa aald Are ifmlu may be changed or
extended by otdlnance hereafter from
printing af the ordJaaaeea aa apeci time to time, or to prohlMi ihr^oac of
Mlea. maata and lowcia within aald
aed by the cjijr atior^y.
Are llmiLi. ggd to order and require all
mains and wires wlflun aald Are JimItK lo^he hdd beneath the surface of
groond. Before opening any all?y
Wo H. A^l,
or atreet or fMibRc place for the pur
tWc li aow la froat at,
fMTkiMS^htM •>«>W «* «o«. to
Twrerae Clly.
im^^SSu^ea—I am aaklng you of chle. Patoncr. Shut,
H. Paige
for»M^ owaed by
ideeaaatdl. aov oaraaa oy myaeu
K. Paige. 1 am charged with 32H
<t fiffi Ig-lfMl. aad I hatre only
IP S4 M. I have had the city
^oear. (W». CaUlweUi up there
Srtaa a^ theae are^tn fUnirTa T
r.T&. of frh
..n«r wr pro«|.t .tt.i.
Tniverae City. Mich.. July t, lOOG.
o the Hooorahle. the Mayor and Cit>
Council of the aty of Traverae City
2420—Gc^emen—W>. your
tee oa dalma aad accounla.
fully report that weaecommeod the
paying of the 0alm of the Potato Im
plcmcot oompSy of $300. .
Reapectfully auhmltled,
F.R, Goodrich
Mored hr Lardle and aHp
I*aliiHr. Ihpt the report he
and adopted.
Yraa—Aldermen Abbott, Kverett.
Goaocil of the City of Traverae.CUy. Lardle. Goodrich. Glllctl. Moon. Mar
chle. Palmer, Shuler oad Winnlf
S«24-^aeiBC«-We iad that it u not
ao« Inpefative that ve provid
ig^ at^ city eemelen. »<1
SSgwcdeem It a matter of «
To the Honorable, the Mayor i
to hoy the tract of
Mw"SlS«il hj
puuih of the
2431—Gentlemen-We. your
report that
arMtratlon Co be ooastltoted ss
rinafler atatOd: nrovlded aald dty
than givi* to Mid cMporatImi. tta^c
ceaaors or aaMgaa. alx montha notice
uf lu Intention to make such purchhac.
snd shall proceed aritn and eomplete
said arbltmtl^
arbitration. Said hoard qf arbl
iratlon shall he appolnied aa followa
rs by
»r aaaigna. *wo memt
lell. «me member by the
by the counel
rs Ihns appolated. but in
case said lour members of said boar»i
uf arbitration
nrih member. satU Cfth
be apriolmed by the circuit >dg«
an adjoining drcnlt Ja-vhMAlJaid c
Is localtHi ar such time,
shall n^gVior
IKdrtt two
•hMvtmml. MBltntloa
b, s«lr
t^ the council for g permit therefor.
Sec. TV. All operating and conduct
ing mains and wires of said corporatkm sbaU be thoroughly and securely
lasulaled with u material pf sufTlclent
thickness and durability to protect
them from abrasion-Sr^otlier mechau
leal Injury, and Impenioiis to water,
and shall be so placed and.strung as
uoarer than two fee;
«r any Heciric light wire, telephone
or telegraidl wire, or the Are aJari
>w erected, and ahal] not b
n thirty (30) feci above^h^
of the ground at nil point*
except. %rhere connect ionj, are mad
When laid
beneath the surface of the ground. g|l
mains, pipes and conduits shiUl Ih> Isid
In siree
such distance from the curb si
here the curb atone should
shaU be designated by the council, and
► a depth not to excctNl two (2> feel.
Sfc. V. At least twenty fouc (24)
hours before opening a.iy siri^ct; alley
or any other pobllc pUtse. the
tion shall mnlfy the boanl of public
works In wrUtag of such Intemlon.
autlng the place m here and the obsuch opening
i reAllIng of all o,H-n.ngs madas aforesaid. In relaying the pave-
- •'.nd‘^rir^-2;
«le^ ap aad plaited, ready for oac
ffcer^fulg^ ^
By Clerh T. H. OllUa.
aiovad hr Wwile aad anpported by
• patmer. that the maUer be r
to the committee oa ways and
Hoaorahle. the Mayor and aty
Ooaacn onbe City Of Traveree City.
vooi «rawM>» tk« •llry «<»ik of
FMt MnM. >lK> te the «ller bhttaMod a»fl 8|Mm>; troB the
wtf iStTni
eowoHlfo oo .*»
an equally good rondition as when
Biendeni of ihv water wo
<Hstnrl>ed. the aald corporation, or Its
*ted to aak for bids at on
iierlol necr«i«ar> to do the work servants or einployeea, shall be'under
thf awpenlaioo nf the boartl'of pub
lic workR.iJr Us authonxed agent, and
W E. Mooo.
ly comply t
Malcolm Wlnale.
dnuem of aald
W. li. Abbott.
agent, or Ihe coouelL
Moved by Palmer and ttuppone
or anjjmW
oon that the report be adopted
Veaa-Aldcrmen Ald-ut. Everett.
period than ahall be ueceaaarv to exe
Lardle. Oooilrtch. Glllelt. Moon,
cute the wqrk tor which the name has
chle. Palmer. Shuler and Wli
been opeuod. and the board of public
the question of auch neceaaHy. It Is
Traveme City. Mich.. July 2, mc. especUlly provided that In all caaea
where work require# the exercise of
skin, as In the Uylng or relaying of
pavements or sidewalks, the corporal«—Gentlemen—We, your
o on atreet* and walk*, reapecifnlly tloD shall employ skilled workipw fa
gMin that pre recommead the tmOd- minar with the indention of such
tng of a cement walk on the we^i
rei4i able wo^. It shall'be opt*onal with the.
council to restore the earth and relay
of Cedar atre« from Wayne
Reapectfiilly auhmltled, .
Malcolm Winnie.
P. R. Goodrich.
Gto. W. Lardla.
Mmrecrby Olllelt and anpported
^Irner. that the report be adopted.
Yeaa—Aldermen Abbott. Bverec
ball be appointeu on lu bahalf
by the circuit Judge of an adjoining
cirenit in which said city is located ml
such lime. In arriving at M fair price
which said pnrehase shall be made
by aald city, the board otiMtWrMtkiD
Shan not take into coosidemtlon the
of this franehlse or grant, but
shall allow a fair value for the prt^
erty actually naed by aalff cbmpanv in
Its bu«it.eHr acd shall take l^fto
conaldcRilon as an element* of value
the earning capacity of the said prop
criy siKi business, as then estkbllshe*!
8 of sale
The price.
times of
aald iKwrd of arbUrmilon, or
of the mcmliers
me the basis of
the city of Tiaverse City and
corporal ion shall
tlon* heroin contained,
aecnpuhee with the city clerk
8«.-XV. The council of t
dty expiwaaly reserve the right ta nl-
mittee be reoe
and that the
~~Y«u*^Aldennen Abbott. Everett
Laidie. Goodrich. GllleU. Moon. Mur
eJile. Palmer and Shuter.-(SLi .
Moved by Momi AM WMil«nod by
Goodrich, ihal.the iwport be adopted
and the dty clerk M'Inatructed to
draw orders In farm*of the several
panlea ms rcoommetided by the dty
clerk, and that the mayor aad etork
U- Inatruded to dtaw an order
dty depoallory forV---------|CW€.I to to
bnraed by
city JJ^urer
In the dt.v
the funds therein named.
Yoaa—AMermen Abbott. Bv
Lardle. CtooUtlch. GlUm. M««n. Mur
chle. Palmer. Shuter and Winnielio.l
Can led.
Reptota of
Reiiort of the cHy treasurer for the
month of June, was piesenied and
W. R. Caldwen. city engineer.
C. Dnt>; city /attorney/
ime .........-----............. .
F. Winnie, weighmsster, June
4.J^|4ai^ hfalth officer.
Wr «. uinioV. jidW
Traveme City. MIeh.. July 2, l*a«.
ro the Mooorable, the Ma.ror aad City
froviM Ihirtber,
*422—Gentlemea—We. your commit
it. whHber opni Qrow.^ver
ee on atreet. and wnlka. reapectfnlly
deal work or eoncoaled wiring, ahah
*“ ■«»» Mf ao- aiAMMow^ BUB- •eport that me reoommewd that the be done In fuA
Stqwmrc A Steffens orchMtra.
mard of puhUc trorim mad (he city
g-13. 06........................... .
>Miaaer he |aatnicfe(l Jg IhPiKlgatc
Oouaty treasurer, taxes, Mrs.
qf Wajrae atreet weei to
**^Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Reniamla aad
two chlUlm* of Grand RapMa aad Mr.
Ulogtam an*l mother of Timversc City vltUed with Mrs. UxxW J^le-
- *
chk*. Palmer, Shuler and Wlnnlt—
( Ntw Bualnet
10443 yMov«f to Lardle aad
Id a 171,10 year or morethe dtys rmplrtf for on#
171.1C week's vacation
T^rr mayor presenuni the niauer of
the Han
a cement walk to be built by Un
nah A Lay'Oo. on Slate ao3 Park
142-20 streets, around the Park Place hotel.
that the extra width of walk
55.95 staring
would coat $20.20, and the toUl cost
to be 9109.90.
Moved by Mooo and supported by
Palmer that the matter be referred
to the streets and walks committee
with power to act.
City (reaanrer.Cd I
Yearn—Aldermen AMsHt. Everett.
Laitlie. CKJodrich. Gllleii. Moon. Mur
chl«L Palmer. Slater and Winnie25r.ee
H.’ A? iSeirc.nolTs.’ci*.
. Min ed by Pi^er and supported by
nalis. 5-29.OC.9 41;
Mm that tbe'clcrk to and U hereby
gafborix«d to oaab time order* to the
191.70 extent . or one hundred
beuroea pay roiu:
uo.es (9HM.06)
Teas—Aldefwmo Abbou. Everett.
I.ardle. Go6dr4ch. Olllett. Moon. MorV-hle., Palmer. Shuter and Winnie—
Moved by Lar^ and fmpported by
A u M^i co/'iiMi.';
P^er, that whan the noanel) ad
to adjourn to maet Mooday
9L1C.2S journ.
evening. July 9th. at 8 o'alock.
Carried. Chief, pav roll ...r.l............9 KC-M Mr: Mayor and OenUenmn of the
L. K. Wolcott, transporutkm
of gypaiqs out of city............
1-OG 243G-I am rmeated to nddreas you
. J. Brown. 3 trips tor grap.
of Trav
U of the
erae City, the
IMS. WIMidiM TMli Mmt Sht TM Ly«g
E. WihhAB’t VUltlfcii tWUlAi IsH
When women are'troubled with A
ikm corpofa
of (kc
■1 bu Mm calM la IM anmtioc
eacea. May 1. Uf. June 23.
RUSE m A man ibkk
Lay C
have free egress and tagreaa to out
hay—that exatrskma and pleasure
porMoilw _fc«* ^rtmle
peoaoa,A^I2 0G ............
. and Mrs. Henry Kilchek. Br..
mean aad a lady fram Chicwffn
are visiting at the home of Jt^n
K roups. Sr., for a lew liay.s.
Mrs. Cornell uf Sherman Is hen*
visiting her sister. Mrs. Wm. Ay era.
^rmre Ghering. who U working
other side of Tra^etm- City this
nmer. spent Sunday with hta folks
Ralph Jamieson aad
tlangbter Margar-i of. Traverse CUr
^pent Sunday nt B-n Ohering s. Mr«.
Jamlesan staying for a few days' vBIt.
Mrs. Rllla Hookfer and two Hildrea Itpent the 4th with her ppreMa.^
J. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Ayers of thU pUce. t
R. Goodrich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Root of Tiat^rae
Cliy and Mias Ports King of TI|omp.'
.‘*5^Lartli^ aidernw June
soovUle spent the 4th with David |U>
V K. Moon, alderman. June
Report of the city derk suilng that man and family.
J. M . M
'• r. p
bonow from the eooUngenl fund
P. U Shuler.
A*af.7B to balance the various Innda t»:
Mrs JuUa Jcaell of Cli
f* H.Winnie,
McOongh. l>oard public
.1 MG.23 Miss 1>ena Uck and liiqMird
Fire ............
works. ...........................
BI2.24 Tiavenu* CUy -ore vixiilag Ik
Salmies '..........
Thos. Shane, hoard public
9.4:. enih. Mr. and Mrs. A. Udi
works .....................................
HM.42 Jewea will rema
8t. Dial. No. 2
. w Walt. imnrU pnhilc
63J»5 Louie and U*na
St. Dial. No. S
unes Id a fe
General street
Mrs. J. Uict* Ik »ery |oW.
' •
Police .......... .
Mrs- Seymoiire tif Monroe Center is
Printing ......
siting her father. Mrs. Chappie, and
Ughiing ......
Ubrary .......
Cnak street‘ext
cm paving AAGIG
Union street ei
-Sow don't ask any laoro qiwHu.
Uttle boy s abuoM not ba InqnlitCiVA”
Moved )>y Mtsm ane <
$ 169.A3
-Whafa tnqnlaittre. par
Palmer, that the nmort of the dty
A.%?. IpSSiH^h.* imiyorV Jiihe
Sec. XI. That said graniee shgl
not sell, transfer or dispose of the
Iranchise. right or privileges granted
and conferred und#*r and by virtue of
the provisions.of this ordina
out the pievloua. approvai of aald
council of such sale, transfer or dlsAtraet Dlatr
such apinoval ty
n. pay roll .
equlre the afflrmstlve vote of at
least iwo^thlrtls^of all the roemlter^
>r said council then In office.
. 2.
Sec. XII. Said rorpi»rstion
within two years fnim January
IM17. construct its electric light and
jsiwer plant and ahall be furnishing
8trr«l District Na a,*
light and power by means of
St. Com. pay roll ..,,
iricity therefrom in agjd cpy of
ersc City, or else a|l rights, privileges.
Intereal. (ranrhlae. permission and au
Btraet District No. 4
thority hereby granted ahall thence
I. par roU ---------... -. -<
forth cease and l*e forfeited. See. Xin. The said grantee. Iti
* F
street Dlatricl No.
Sec. XIV. ' Said company shall with
In UilrUr 436i slaya afiorwhe punaaRi
Lay Interoi
The mayor ao a
Moon, onieu and Winnie.
Moved by Lardle and supported by
aimer that the coundl adjourn.
.‘ ’
City Clerk.
ffanfcal tamnr.
AceeuM Caas Strast .Bt
engineer, pay roll........
I M0mi
I 11CJ2
Total ....................... ...........M.
tUe Co. and t
Julv 2. 190G. •
To the Honorable, the Major and Com
9 336 29 aware, are the
mon Coundl of the Cl4 of Travotne
Inal Arm ^
fumaMaed Evening ReconL »H«..............I 4€A6
the following bills, report the same Eagle Press, h&rd of educa7115 Tfc, Areetorr o» Uw
a. 93.90; mlac. A«35...
oonect, and recommend that Ihe mme
be allowed oqt of the aev^r^l tw
here stated.
>>ie. Palmer. Skater and W
The Maney Go.. «r
Moved by lAmTt aad'
JIMUhat the report be
a‘^IL*K”ll * P. Co,
I. •«.
See. X. The -elfy of Traverae City
ahall have the right to porehaae at aay
Pere. Marquette R R, frsiMt
tUae after the esp
on 7 cars hrldt. fllATt;
yearn from the SR^^SelaX**^
this ordinance, all of the poles, mai
Colby Bros., kauUag. 41
brick .........................
the business of said corpomtkm locatfd aad bHag wMhia said dty at a W R. Caldwell, expenaek
•V, JULY ■«.
•ML 'Pom
metec ^f^ to
Stop cirrsu
vM.wcil sp
to cisa^ vttb wood rsctoc to «seii of
Tosrrrsat. TIm ttack vat btcur
CMa«i, nU isUr IX-Ab swb
ftM» iyiBB thr
^ llHas pipmisaof
a«to aas a«rt«d toa day
nrtoc the rs^
Laba Erto orgaaiaatloa sm aMrad to
tbc Maektaae cmtotog taw sT Ibc Cbl> malader of tbe amwltot.
la the t :17 pace May Pam was a
csfo Tscirt arf».
now farorita. 8am Jod« took Aba
fmr. Tbe amt will be tbe tbbd a»
nf beat, to tost drirtog and tbew
■aal rasa to ib« aortbara pdri.
thm an ladttoUloaa bU» fair to balbe May Peoi onsm atoong to tba oast
autb Vildmas baiag aarood to
giaataat aoataat af iaa btod
of tbaaa Tba fmrnb aad last
sailed am troth watar. The At
beat, as It tamed OaC was tba ton.
. m aitlea, atofcaa tbe. ftsiare «
ttwa of Ibe day. May Fern. Locky ilm
jtofaraUy wfib (ha loss ocaaa t
and Reib M*ildamn caiu» oadt aad
mUtk raesatly haaa aiiraetad <
for tba last handred yards, and
yacbttos world,
to data toctoda iwrtre It was only to tba last conpla of yards
that May Pam mmed oai tba daeidlng
dm by s bare'couple of Inches. Lucky
was aaoood end Ruth Wlldman
third. •
Bant) Wllkaa w^s tbe popular
ciiQlcsa,ln tba 8:0 pace, but R was
not tba Mqproa paoetb eay. PlfibWas
Tba wtoaar wttl be batd'to pick
all W'ilkas conid do to abe first boat
fraa too Idfb Oom Md. as tbe
and two seconds and two tfalrdii were
tba tt|o CMcago
that Drirer Gray could ncenra In
bare b*a soaMaatad. A pfomlaeat tba nipet four heats. , Darld K, dHren
win ba Vaaaadof. now
by Keltic of Baidla. was tbe wteiiar
owaad by Oeorse Tn«al. aad oatarad
aflar uktag asoond la tbe first beat,
ftwBi tba OohUBbto Htfb. Vaaeedor.
fourth to the aadpad and then 1
wbaa owii«I by Fred A. Pflca, woo
firsts. Uttia Ted was aecood bast.
tba im Macklaar race In lt03. the
wUh Beauty Wilkes third.
toward Ttoto acf by tba sloop* being
Osll won the 2:lfi trot In ^ three
It Is not aspaciad this timr
straight heau. Leeward Grarm took
wtU ba appRMMibad In tba coming racr. second money and Paceolet third.
ad tba boats to tba li|lttol araai ware
The running race was pretty much
fsabred by a fair wlail during the an* of a surprise, altbougb the tororite
ils, trip. Vaoaaaa. owned Hr W. P.
Koanlgln Louise, ridden by Nech
OMtonm of tba C?itea«o dub. gar^
ly. was left st the i»oat on Tuesday
Vaaoador a baid race aad was beaten
and by many was regarded as out of
by tba aarrww otonla of four minutes the running In today s race. But the
tmd forty aaoboda. VaiaSna again U wise ones went to her all the same.
--- ---------v
MHoria also carried a lot of money.
bitich latarato irairoonito/lBfr-itotry Koenigin Louise was an easy wtoaer.
of Omusodor^ Afflacka big yawU Nearly |84K)0 changed bands on the
RaMar II.. of the Toiado chib, which
la sow oo lU way bare. Tba yacht
: .iapi aad a dangerous ooniaodar. i
admr food one will be ibe Adama
ms Widi WMr «
Has WM
, l|
M Yta4
«1H »» •“««>
Ur M (kis tmet. The kicatton l« Lpair ^«ttr KOBL like. Oo Labor <IM
tte Mol*
etob will V4d Ihrtr
U^i^d Mra Franle Monroe of Bern
nrala are vIslUng retaUves at this
»"» *"
ybarc-s no gm W natth or aky.
Wbtob your rick Mnimi withhold.
to tba tanck or Bfa to me.
City and Mayor
of the party,
manshlp was tbe
sublect of the toasu'and aongs during
the day. Doriag ibe after-luncheon
apeaktag a cablegram was prepared
and aent to M# la LMtoan. ms foUows:
Upton dinner mptee^Urd
» a^ MQwaakee etttoe^ both
premi. request yo^r presence
Coiambla Yacht dab Upsoa mens.
/•C. W. ScblekrOommodom.
A short-jawed man with i retreating
chin Is hard to hit on the | Dim at all.
But aside from cooatructlon there
liist be something in a flghter'a nerv
ous mako-op that enables him to with
wbo can 'tolce It” Is uau
ally BtoUd and lacking In nenrousness.
Helbu no quick Intelimonce. kl«
nerves are not alert—they seem to be
low order. Jeffries is like a*grix
sly bear. You can shoot a gristly 1
of bullets and he’ll keep going until
he gela you. A buUel would not otop
Jeffries , nnlcis It went throngl
Joe Grim, wbo has taken more
tgs. without balng kno5hed ijul,
any other living illan:, has UtHe
intcillg^ve than a mule. He can
hardly string two eentences log<1her
The only thing be ever rci*U off
atcreotyilld speech: **1 Joe Grim. 1
fight any man ina da worl*. I noila
fralda anybody.” Grim U so -thlck^
that bis skull might well be
lump of bone-and he can't be
knocked' out by an ordinary blow.
^tiling Nelson Is almost aa silent
am Grim, although when he does loosen
up enough to talk he dfspUrs good
visited with her
and wife. Thursday.
Mias Mae Wealch returned to Petoskey Sunday after a week’s vacatloo
oida «l one windlair, btol
■awwt aodel
Model repradarer;
^otormof; obaer; l»r|^e
TERMS—’Cash. or $4.20 down and
Biweekly. .
on. M. ». QREOORV-CItUm |*<M
Ml. 'ottB, t .uMi 4 sathMta* ' ‘
block. RckUcoM »S Vdaut SL
:______________ jbly T-tt
De Mt mla tM. MXW4H <m><»t.Dtt7 tf
Of bnyiag n PHONOGRAPH. In ease yon cannot cnR. write or *plMne
aa end onr repmaentotlro will be plenned to rbdl yon with faU pm^
ticnian of tbto craat offer.
bare the best kind of
toinment testonlly araltabi^ fbr nay <
Music House-ISO E. Front St.. Traverse Cily
af tho Mona lake nummer rceort. to
. Marreff Burch for the building of the
•peedWay wbldb wlU be nearlv
half mile to length nnd will cost ap^
; proxlmaioly $10,000. The track
he for lhe am of the Muid^egon Moio.
Cy^ cinb nnd tbe b‘.g racing
wbtob mm held every Sunday aad ih^
Uit iht oomitrjr wOl br km
Kelson. Y
Eddie Hanlon. KM
Slcott Grim and mnny of .............................................
Jeffries. Walcott
tbe oUer figbtera wbo can take tbe
gaff bare laws exactly like Fitx'a
McGovern's Week Jew.
Terry McOorem baa a kmg^jaw.
but Terry, eren to Ws best days.
he atopped a good blow
with hU chin.' When Terry first bebackward tbe rumor
first that he was geUlag a
Although be rallied apl
Terre Haute .....84
I often staggered by a clip that
wouldn;i hurt him before. Tommy
Murphy of Hartem has a tag |aw
Terry put him out wUb a pttiich that
wouldn't bare Umched'l
A doctor said that Murphy would
fUinee Today.
always be easily knocked out by any
Grand RapMa at Wlieetlng.
one wbo could land on his law lieTerre Hante at Hnytom
cause the long distance from tbe lip
of tba chin to the hinges of the Jaw
Eransrllte at Sprtogfidd.
the blow such tremendous levAMERICAN.
ebaaed to the cast. 8cbo*>mo6k w^
oae of the most noted of ibe eastern BRIOOfi LOST IN GRAND RAPIDS
cruisers and will carrr the burger of
tbe Columbia club.
Manlwa. formerly a Ctonadton yacht,
aad nopr the propoitr of Giarer and
Jobnaoa of Ibe Colombia club,
la to be reckoned with. Other good
•^nnes from the OaiumWa will be Jukh
Ito. Ptod Pricea enod yawl; U J
erand Rapids. MIc., Jdly IS.—After
.Ibold s Widsltb. R. E. Uuplesals's 8a
die and Moore and Baker-s Itoatrice ten rounds of dean, fast fig
Opposed to them will to- Dwight Law Harry Lewis was glrei the dedalon
fence's ocbocmer Mlsirnl. McClurg and over Jimmy Briggs last night.
Briggs storu-d the fight as the ng
Walt's eehooncr Alice, the McConnell
Clinch Fds oebooner Hawthorne. C. R gressor. vainly tr) Ing to find a weak
Soule's )uwl. Nalkd.
ComnMXk>re spot In the Philadelphian's front but
Baum'k yawl Arcadia. O. 8. Siocro's was helpless when away from the
; ynwl Vaaadh.. R. H. Artaimi yawl rangy fighter's bo<ly. Tbe first i%*e
Kaymdik. J. a B^ryman's >awI Tan- rounds here furious and then Briggs
nls^-Slewart. MeCtad and Conper> weakened, ccming'om of the fifth with
g$-footer Blrea. C. T. Bailey s jloop an ugly cm under the right eye
Itaa. and W. A. Merrlrtan's IB-footei from* then on'took awful punlshr
The decision was wt4t accept^ by
Aooepblne. all from the Chlraipj club,
tbe crowd
r The CUP llaclT Is one of tbe
dlatoimte ercr put up for comp«Hltk»n
between yachts oo the great lakes.
lU raluo to said to be fl.Soo. Wbea
Commodore Baum and the rest of the Sunday.
Mrs. Tucker and a
committee selected dcsigna for
Ceti.nr were In town *i
• trophy the Idea was that It should he
emblematic not only of water-sports,
but of the loriUlly whkh It comroemoraten Kacktnac Ulnad. whlpb for
yeara has beca the great trading poln:
of the ladtoM and aboiinda to Indton for the
WiMlnesday morning burial aenricea
lore and roimce. Cansed H to aeem were
held over the aon of William
appropriate that somethtog commem- Denio and f>iday morolng tbi
orallm of lU history should tos ‘perr of Mr. l.amme wa!^ laid to
petuatqd In the trophy. The dt-slgn
Preparations are Wing made tm tbe
acociNtPd brings out this Ulna. It rojH enlargement of the cimveni. Ltmiber
upon the ground nowt
rcdania n war canoe. This is flanked Is Mr.
and Mrs. Scott toft Saturday for
on^ sMea by massive Indiaa heads.
anittce and from there they will
ake an mrtended yisli to their chil
dren In the weaL
MiMktffOfi to Hava New Track.
Mrs, Horton left Baftirday evening
Musltogon. Mich. July IX-Muske- lor an Indefinite stay 4Uh out of town
goB to to have tbe fiaost motor cycle friends.^
nd Mr*. Heuss have a little
.Hack to tbe weal. Tbe^wiiract was
tot ytoterday by Prank Bcott. mpnager
4sycretMaik» toss.
Or Thosaas Llpfan
UpCoe dwrtag
*ntos tbe
tiic uptoa
There to jme &tog noticed mb
aU tbe figbtera wbo atom abOt^
They bare fOl wide
laws aad abort, rermaung cbl^ This
It a direct contrmdicucm of Ibe oM
theory ibat tbe figbtlag man
Cbia that sticks out like the
ram OB a
FltsMmmons* jaw to rery wide, hot
bto cbto Is ubbet. IgRriaa to tbe only
r ancccadsd to
Pits by a blow on the point Bob has
often pnrposelr token rbard swing
caller here today.
Fred Brown axade a trip to Trkvfirae
CHy last week.
Dell Fairbanks and daughter of Elk
BapidH csllod here one day last week.
C. Bofsmior drove to Traverse City
one day last wwk.
Wall Watson and family sjient tbe
4lh at Skegamog point.
Almost x-veryone here spent tWe 4lh
at Round lake.
Moses Underleaf and* family ol
Traverse City spent the 4th with reU
tIv«-« here,
MUs Jessie Harris .
u»L .1^.. r'”* “
Ing to the city Sunday.
Clint and Tom Pray plaved ball at
Traverse City the 4lh.
Grover Hammond. Hrlian Bolsmler
and Ora Brown went to Kalkaska and
s|M*nt the 4th there.
July S.
if i
Only 82 Yeara Old.
“I am only 82 yeara old and don't
expect even when I get to be real old
to fe«-I that way aa long as I can get
Electric Ritters." aaya Mrs. E, H.
jnaon. of Dublin. Ga Surely therms
hlng else keeps the old as
and makes the weak as strong as this
grand tonic mofllclne. Dyspepsia, Wt
pUf liver. Inflamed kidneys or chronic
cunstlpatiun are unknown after Uking Eloctrin Billers a reasonable
Guaranteed by Johnson Drug Co., F.
Meads. C. A. n.tgbee Drug Co,
rugglstn. Price M)c.
Chicago at New York.
ResulU Yesterday.
Pittsburg S.^rooklyn 6.
8t. Louis 7. Philadelphia C.
New York 16. CtaJhinali i:
CblcakO 44i. BoRlon 1.2.
Gamos Today.
Boston at Pi^sburg.
Brooklyn at CIntdimatl. New York at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
malic and Indlffereni to pain.
ffries Is as stolid as ^e rest,
etlmcw be will loosen up and Ulk.
but, not often. He Is nevcless. He
doesn't feel pain. A iKsar onw* bit
Jeffries on the log. tearing a big hole,
ntx Hewed It up with a sail needle ana
piece of string and Jeff laughed all
through the operation because Fiix
The 4th passed^!! quietly here.
found It so hard to force the needle
Rev. I*ettiboo» Is able to be up
attending to business.
through the tough hide.
Rudolph Larson and wife of Cat
WIK.. are visiting here at pm;ci...
Maple city.
Master George Gilbert and sister
Ids of Traverse Cii>- are having
the 4th Jn Mani
good Ume rislUng their
to Tisittog relatives In cles and aunts.
Augutt Portner started for Marlon
A number from here went to Empire Ohio, oo business this morning.
Henry Wichern went to Traverae
the 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Alien went to Travof Grand Rapids, a con
VC. wbo came here to spend
There will be an tow cream socUl
mmer. died last evening. Un
given next Friday evening by the C.
R aoctoty at the hmsom of Mr. and less other arrangeacnis are mado
Mrs. AlUngton. All are Invited to at
A. H. Fisher and slater Lottie wen v^DBuiDeniB uuiciauog.
•Mrs. Herman Sleater spent the 4th
to Cedar Run July .4th.
Mrs. Warren Steamy of Glen Arbor with her son William at Arvadia.
was In town Friday.
Louis Wichern and sons. Chrlslun'
Mr. and Mrs. F. Totlen aad Mri
Winie mnd Johnnie, spent tbe 4tb with
Mrs. ABdrew nsher i
frlemto and relaihrea at ArtmdU,
dren'a day exercises at
Bpmetml bb
toma Druff Storm. Bp
to mym, mmr, moms mmd t
Northport Point.
Grivin« (ix houn at'Marion
Imlaml. an ic!^ plai-o to
the .lay. with p vilion and
OR. A. H. HOLLIDAY, Ondwto Tto
itMxto Dmlvmntty. OfSem tai MoMi ,
rbuiid Dip.
::: rs;.;;,
Pere Marquette
TucftUy, Thursday and Satur
day evenings—Marion Island and
N4*^h-ta-wnnta, at 7,110 p.
Horst's orchestra’ and dancing.
Muskegon, Rate $2.00.
Grand Rapids, Rstc*$2J».
Train will leave Traversi* City a
0:30 m. m. See posters or a-sk ageni
for parUculars.
July 10.:i
'H.F.M<KlIer.G. P. A.
SUNDAYS- Excursion to
Marion Island, aflorabon and
evening. Horst’s orchestra.
Daily connections at NorthCharlev9ix, except
anteeff. F. D. Iftohoto, til floMk
umon. atBRluAmllN. mprlMt
O. P. OmrvT A Bwl BsUi ptasa
IR. ff. L.^IRLBVl^taetal mttmm
omoPATMie mvaioiAMs
iM. tam-tott
msass. fiet<
A Short Cut to Success
to a iwotjtfnjml pump.
1 pmimtomm cure iUr palm. Ooe'm palms
Marion Island.
livery barn. Parties wishing to breed
win do wen to see this horse and In .Mornhy. WcHlnesday and Friday
vestigate his breeding,
Returniii«, reaching Traverse
jnly 11-Ct
H. R Cowles. Prop.
finger could have
le a rntooua break,
entire province of Holmanner Kenneth MeMe, permitted a
€f VanoMKxro.
niue cold to go niiBOticed unUl a
model. Ttie patent c
tragic finish was onlv averted by Dr.
to exaihine the maehine In actoal cfw- King's New Discovery. He writes:
atta. bnt thto tbe ©are rrfmutl to da *^rbrce doctors gave me np to dto of
lung tnflimmmtta. canaed by a necTbe attontoy, tbcferore. poUp
lected eoM; bnt* Dr. King's New Dtoa 'berm ton pontp t» the paU
from Trenton to satisfy a ckeptiral rp>
Morrtaab^ over 8un- nmlaer., Twenty-one
Drug Oa'a, F. H. Memda. C. A. Bugqutoidtogel lr Intot
bee Drag Ga's drug storea. fiOc aad
fLOO, Trial bottle It.
Steamer Columbia
Will l«save .Traverse City at
8:40 a. m. for
atalllon. T. W. W., will aland Mon.lay. AfternOOO fc'XCUrSlOnS,tO
tbe rigon of patent oCwhich
Bast Front stroeL
L Btudto No. Us
down stain. Clta.. pbooB
Ma i04.
A Tragic Fialah...
ca. v„.
on the Bay
aebool. Teaeber. Mr*.'naaeai S
Smith. Ofadwata pupil of Prat VraA.
arkk Horace Clark oSCbbrnta H4
Notice to All Persons Inlewted.
The special assessmi nt lax roll f«ir
Five liQure and a half at No-mhfrom the south line of Suic sln*ei
the grading and paving of
smt l lawaiiU Faro 2-> cento round
south to the bridge
In my hamis for conectien
first inrnallment ti
Oc/fiirAlI day ride to Northport ARTHUR HOLUDAY,
fore July 31. 190€.
and \ Norihijort Point, without
Inaviritf the boat, for 50 oonto.
City Treasurer.
wisUtn^; <fan m^care dii
Tbo8<' ^Bbtn^'
.Office. Room 202 State Bank huIM mlioanl the boat
Ihg.Keturniiit', boat
j Traverse City at 4.15 p. m.
notice—The high-bred trotting
Ited at Wm. CanTs Saturday and
SARA T. CHASE. M. D.-PbyStoliR
and Cnrgmm. Officca m-S itoto
Bank block, wHh Dr. O. M CbaaB.
CItx. phoaa 28G 8R. RfridUMto fSl
W. S^enth street, wtth tba Minn
Carroll. Cits, phone lU.
isto worb with ihc right nt
Bny yonr frnit preserving a
at Saxton's and von will have tbe
satisfactory kind. We have ibe
best kind that's mode i^keitles.
•anoe^Df, fruit and jelly jars.
Wbai we rerominciKl you c
pend OB. Therefore soooes
crown your efforts and you will not
loese your labor or spoil your fruit
hyustugiboae weoifer.
DENTISnOffloo606 New Wflb«im Bkck.
■le 683.
C D. Micuxy
8a)don Hardware Cc.
In BfiMnl Wfliit Ails|
Partt. Jtlr U.-AII PtBMt to iotov
rttobratlac tke ttodtouto* «t Dni«w.
I pMto Itotoi
Wkto «WMf« likt a aauU «»t'*
Eagllah Wontaa Want to Eatramaa ta Gala PelaL
CRINKEU. ^8. Joat racelrto
,J i
' >
. —
tT.2S; tatost Sta; brery,
Wr n.-^WJta«t—No. I red.
None* TO
Barer wll h»4 tea ta Oc M. A K. E. M>e; con. SSc; oota. O.toc.
nrto Jtar IL #lor prtota tato Utof.' . Qicaao, Jt>T 1*-Wb
oorm. M*e; otaA IHkc.
No, these shoes are
not worth ‘ SS" or “sold
in other stores for S4.”
as some dealers adver
tise, iu/ they certainly
are the bed $1 Oxfofds
we have ever sold.
Wtf have an excep
tionally fine Grape Jnice
from W h i t
Grapes. The flavor is
It is made in Ohio and is
unfermented and strictly
Chest One
are not trash, but arc
made of good leather,
made to look like higher
grade goods, made
give each customer who
buys them one dollars
ZL'orlli oj honest scridee,
Pint battles. 25c.
Quart bottles, 50cl
^ Per drink at the soda
fountain, 10c.
R CflSl
is the Best Cest
AbMtractM of Till*
totece# GATiaPACTOBV
Off. Suffftr & PuhilliGii
Tkc Hobart Co.
Two OroMi't 3Howm
Our $6,18, SI0,SI2 8RliSI5
Suit Show
and aFree Tickei to Cote Bros.’ Greal'Ciicus
with each $5 purchase up to and includins
July 16. Get your clothes and tickets here.
KUBECK & HOn. Clothiers. 121 Union Street
Hot Vesther ii here for koo«1.
From now on will Ita sn Oxford
nub. Wo have everythinR in
Men’s, Women’s, Boys’and Girls’
Oxfords St prices mngioK from
•O e-V«. -to 93
Tan and Black, Vici Kid. Patent
Vioi. White Csnvaa. Tennis Ox
fords and Barefoot Sandals.
WitB tJs.
s’ll send a inan to take, the measureraentsl.
' —----------------- I-
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Every argument and you will
find that Hannah & Lay Co.’s
Is best for Bread. Pies. Cakes
and all kinds of pastry.
ALL grocers handle it.
Lay Co.
cnomiwo’ eroRwisrowc
^ They Tcll Thdr Friends
Those who profit by our e*cep«on>l,o®«‘‘
on Suits and StfaBT Hats, Negligee Shins
and other sunlmer clothing, can’t hrip
but tell their fritaids, and this keeps tha
ball rolling for HSto
Men’sit&s going at U
Remnants of
Straw Mattings
10c per Yaril
lengths 2 to 101'
Evading ti«sworti up
1% .
: '
-i.i- > vV;
City ^ok Store
Stoclt doors delivered same day as ordered. Od(
doors and window screens in three days.
Wc art- now tw-rntanmlly lorwtcd
ir% thc-WiUiHro hUu'k.
jBaMpopd. lad, JeU IE-One peracB was kttled aad amrofal aerioaMr
laJM la a paieeacw tfoM nriaek on
White Urape
t =■
Mr. on States nUM He Will Allcwr
m Opsfiinp if It OoamiY Intei^
Working of tim MlllPloaae Smith SMa.
* • =
Contractor John Monroe Is prepar
4ng plans and speciacation* for an
opening to the dam across the Board
man river at the John P. OU Lumber
To f^artirvotx. Petoakej-and Harbor
(CootiBued on Fourth Page.)
Springs and relnro. $1.00.
The Illlnob will, not atop at
Rapids going or returalng.
Leave $ a. m.. reiuni 10 p. jn. sbnri
-»-=WCAU. .
Gndc in and take a look
AbseluStely Wrmm
Mr Wtrs totbs Erenliii Record.
New York, July
Within the last
few waaka the queaUoo of woi
frmge has received a decisive setlisck
WG RUMP AT THE WATER WORKt on both aldas of the AlUntlc. In OreOVERWORKED VE8TEROAV.
gon a abort tlma ago. tbe iasm
ferrad to popular rote, and wa
In England also It fared no
better. The moat consp.icuous featun
m the Bngllsh bglUtlon wa* tbe exto which many of tbe adrtv
MaUON MORE THAN AT ANY rate* went. Some of them were even
bold as to raise a disturbance In
tmons, altboimh the
of the society prompTly
placed them under tbe ban. It was a
thing for them to gather lu
aarvaA Oraallc N
. Takaa
public squares of London and lUlen lo
Sta-Hour thut Doom.
well-known agitators much as Kelr
Hardle, M. P.. Mrs, MarteJI and Mm.
Parkhurat. The points for which the
I of England contend
Tba amooat ot wattr paiaprd at tor
vattr wottn ytattrday waa ibr Iai«*at are radical, tx-lng nothmg less than
M»a had art this year and far beyond the capsdf the right of reluming meml)ers ol
aad te
Tba^W^ Tbr of tbe pumpa Tbe wsnn weatbe their own choosing and even x u
towaabt,'Ttaadl- caoS4Mi people to bse the water In ex- parliament. An a last resort a depute
«a caaaed by lb» resslee qnantlUes for sprinkllSK lion, headed by Mrs. W’oUlenbolroe
I «ap(to*hy
lawns. Tbe loUl number of itslkm»i Elmy, the oldest woman suffragist,
pumpod was 4;216.000. or a million gsl went I'o the prime minister. Sis Henry
la ahdM fatty wUralat afltr the atana Ions inore than at any tlidb iWs year. Campbell-Bannerman, to plead theli
h«d bMS utiiMd IB. Tbe tel«p|MiB« Klcbt thousand stroke* of the piston cause with Mm. He ree<dved them
coldly, and althoiigh be expresae.1
oiblt of tb« aUsMt line w^ldl wan In three hours Is. the
nnepeiMSedoTer fbeodw^l
pump.. Belw
Between tbe bourn some sympathy with their views, hlr
Ify of the pump.
tvo nnd the winm of tbe BonMnun of € and t yesterday morning the attitude was such as to give the potiwna forced to go 700 slrokK iJonera no hope whatever of favorable
Rlvor Mnetrle U#it Bod Power com
paay'trara atoa daaatad to oat a.
ebrtdbt t^a aa« dt aad *>>•
again ibla morning K
'*3£4EaiUW«W waa Itkht or tot hen tbe extreme
•rt ■toht hare apttad faitbar thaa U only forty-arc.
■araly acroto tbt altoy aad daatfoytd City Engineer Caldwell, who has the
Or bouata oa IVa
superrlalon of the water works, said
It Is supposed tbe bor was plsyltiK this momliig that they are
ta tub horse's stall or neaii it with two Umea the amount of water thai
aatdmi and tbe bar sod straw
aulborlilea-consider necessary for
town of this alxe. If a are should i
cur when the iiurop* air orerwork
Id this manner the reaull* might
oxtremHy serious and unless people
sre more caiefnl abopt the use of the
HOBCflT BOCKWtLL CUT A DEEP water drastic measures wtll at
»H‘ taken to shut down the waste. The INVASION OF FRUIT BELT BY
hourri during which water can be uwm!
for sprinkling purposes are bciwo*
; HimH •ay#a Oat will Ha*ar Ri» Dot & and R in the morning and S and It in
Bing. Daring the past ^«w Brntton Harbor Man Struck l^ Live
Wira arc: Killed While or Hit
weeks th^ rules bare been entirely
Way to Work—Boy Died of .
egarded. but from now on
lockjaw From Toy Pistol.
pie can look for tbelr-strtct enforce:
Robrrt Rockwell of KMaataaon. who
: to rlattlnt Atlhiir Bacbaot of Ibla dry
The large pump was shut down orer
! -neidred a palulol Injury wblle «oUu
to the Evening Record.
six hours for repairs rcsterda, ^
-to the tre today. In compnny wia n
Detroit. July 13.—Prosocuior Hunt
1 «a«ber of boya he wna plnylng lennla had. U not Wd for this.-fafT^hr
of water pumped would nV proposes.to call a grand jury to In
<m nnh strset when they saw thf
iy have bei>n even larger than vestlgate the Ice trust which he Ik*
amoAe of tbs Ere. • All started to tbe
llrves exists In Detroit.
smme of tbe^cllement. Just brtore
Death to Private Car TruaL
Because of the Inability to get good
. rascblng tbs Era young Rockwell
13—li i%
is con.Mdoceii
Muskegon. July 13—It
Hre. Chief Hurray
agturslly stretched forth pressure* during a Hn\
ordt r this alieraoon that all here tW Ibe enir.-inre df the HnlN*d
bU band to kMH ^Hrm 'faliing clear
Expn*** cumiMiny Into tbe fruit
isument must abut off tbe suies^Exnn'as
unfortunately put hU band watA'r ctRpsument
upon n broken bottle, cutting sereral water during a lire. The order was an- traffic by running *i>eH*l trains meant
the Ri*curd just half an that Armour Icf d cars have seen Ihel^
ds^ gnaben In it. He immediately
1md tbe wound dfwssed and will soon hour before ihe Wn*£| .Front street lost days In this location.
bs snmn daa good ns erer
Touched Live Wire.
When the are timm was going down
Benton Harbor. July 13.—August
JYonl street s dog belonging to Hugh
Zlck. aged 45. wa* rtruck by a live
J. Boyd, the drsymau. ran out |o bsrk
wire wblle .walking under tbe Pore
St tbe tenm. He na* s UtUt
Maniortie bridge on bis way to work
Number Were Injured When Poll.
In getUag out Of tbe way. bowerer. the
and instantly electrocuted.
Charged Men Msrohing Tourard
bnfwsf Jumping oa him and
Fell From Car.
the Winter Palace.
bfm 4bwn. Tbe wagon passed ir
Detroit. July 12.-A man named IhH body, broke our leg and It
fell from the platform of.a
tkoiagbt broke hla back
Mr. Boyd
St. Petersburg. July 13.—WorkiniS Delray car ihU morning and died from
fciiiibtm away on Us dray but will on
men aad Uuelr advisor* marched tt> bis injuries on the eray to the hospllal
ward the winter palace lo«lay carryia from a fracture of the skull.
iga and singing revolutlouan
Died of Lockimw.
The poUce charged the crowd
DeliolL July lE«-\1ctor Kopptsch.
o men were killed and a number
aged 16. died last night of lockjaw,
resulting from a alight wound from a
toy pistol July 4
Reieetml Blda.
Jiricfioa. July 13.—The taimrd of con
Four Men Wens Klllod and Fifteen or irol of the prison yesterday rejected
More Injured in Btone Yard
aU bids for rebuilding tbe banieo
wagon chops on the ground that they
were not within the anproprtaUoci.
By Wire to the Broidng «MOfd.
Ckicagix July lE-Pnar M i
killed and Bfleen more wmiami?
loCkJo. J»ir iJ-C»ttiv-Tredv
Jared today by a dynamite exploak)
Ihrep «tal totab.-I.000;
itime woik* at BeUwood. Ul. i
itatL S8.»*L40: weatm.
(: «rem.'S4.75. H«
thM Mtj.
Mr Wife to the Erenlag Itoeard-
•lUnHMi la tta nar o( W. O. roott
* Baa'a ■raatrr wWefc Raatrorad
tbaifa «ataa« at 0M6 Maa(la(,M JIt XMUaU. «aaM«ta a ban aeroaa tbt
altor oaaad I>t Tfca^M Toaaa aad at■tr^aa feta alaraa titfcra wWcfc win
litOally amoit to **«0 aaa baraea
a BaUtary tow oaw»a by WIUIa»
I at IIM.
M *:M lUa
diaa raa lao tba ■raetry aUm aad
t \ «ol atJtot a . bey ate ilaaa aaar tba
atart vMh bto paraata baa aal tto<
bam a*m. Hooiar Dooibty. U»a adlTary aaa taahaa oet a( doora aad atV , ' tatoptad to aalar tba baralaa bonaiaa
pad tat Iba boiaa aat bei flia flamra
ha waa eoan>
to ataad aad |toar lha pRlfal crtea or
aiie* af Itotoy tote •«
By Wire to Oe Bratew BamC ^ ^
Upper Bteleaky, O. Joly IX^-W.^
MOVE WAS TURNED DOWN HARD Zda WM klltad fcere today by btoik
ptaered Oroatk wia a RKaaork g
wktok ke feD trota a dtoObee at loiW
feeL Ha palled Oe tcfk art. aJM
OaaaUea waa tahmMtd to PapuUr
I to the boiae tram ibe liai»
Vow ta Orageo aad Laat Ootbefore fallln*.
Bt Wirt to tk> BniriiC aMorl.
j. •£ oiixr
M«ek. I* ComMif •• l*r Mtr
/*|*l iUZC TB» AflERIOOl
'■ V/:'.
; Y^iiiM cnv. wewi««>*t
lUEEVEMNS RECORD ns Its lOT vyuaitaic
■ 1^/
tAM C«MWi»
Tk* mm «t4* «**« *«r
laeiaab gaami at a mar
mat hmi ewmmm aad dpnai the time
eery plmmaMy iadead. The picak
waaheMm amt hay aad iadaded the
lac of ahwat tea milea. aalateiK
tioaaUy. by two male ammbera of tbe
r. tbe hvoBkIag of the toacae of
one c{ tbe rtga aad the kmdiag of the
ealJre hbaeh lato the other, a heed oa
colliakm with a tree trwak aad a nnmMr of ether featarm which mare very
uaaaiac after they very pU omr.
^ Oa the way oat a aaady alreflch wax
H tAc 1i«tli
H U rtftii «i
K VmM.
d«y lb«r. •» a Iwim
, Mstar or bora IB tatbtac sad they
» aro foreo4to diarobo «i4 arwa ogBlB
I te frbaloaor plac* Ibey «*i ta4. Ea, pwlaUy latlils mniomStAt w tba woat
; oMa. tba Biniber tiMrc l»M»« larfar
tiMB tB Bur other poitloo pf the cfcy.
, Tlie water la now plewy •raroi etiooah
fi for Miiac bdi at the aame time of
• tea tt^oakable relief ^ftom ih^ bdc
Tho WoMBii a ImsRToif^etit bboocU.
Horn ooodooted a •Moral cleaB up day
: for the pBrpoae of ralalai fuada for
; theae bath •ouaea aad a coaalderaWe
• amotmt waa ralaed which la atUI 1b
the club treaaory and no effort baa
!f hoM laade to eapead ft. The ladle*
/.! gHa aa a reem the fact that when
1 the eleaa BP ffara wet« coadncted.
; thn eatpocled fhal the boya would
idam oaoaah faitereai te the matter to
J Mp, bet ooly^a few reaponded to Ibe
ij Ball. They were lead to beUere fi^
-j thia that they did aot care for the
' vt
r *\
Howtrer, tbe>oyaw|we are ao^ihe
ooly onet lateraated liM.Wr-i^tier.
Tb^ are a law auBiber of people In
Ito cliy who would he pteaaed to uae
die bay for bathing purpoaea but are
praeiieally barred from doing ao. The
Wo^ue^ong clbb membera are the ooJ ty .oDea that have a bath houfe aHmg
the whole bay front wHh the exeep' j tlOBTif B few prlvmte onea.
, i
The city U large enough to have
a pttbUc bath boaae. the malnulneaoe oC which wauld coat very mile
aad the expense of oonat ruction would
i BDt be greali'
bar abould be util' lead for bathing, aa it la a healthful.
; ylUlltlng amuaemem.
There are
I many people throughout the count rj
i wiM> would give a great deih to be able
' to live on the ahorea of Grand TravI wraa bay. yet Traverae CHy. with the
I beautiful ab^ of water right at Its
I Aoora, practically do^a not do anythlnR
; ao that the cltUen* may enjoy ft to
; 1 the fulleai extent.
If anyone donbta the fact that a
■ i public bath bodae would-be uaed. lei
‘him walk around the bay any warm
afternoon and he will m
. I or more youngrteta, enjoying them
: t nelvet. On the other band, be will aeo
{ few If any. gIrU or women. - A boy
I can adapt himaelf to exiting condl
I tIoBi but with a woman tMa tv mani
\ featly Imponalble. They ire forc»*d to
k alt on the ahore mad amteh ih*. moro
‘ fortunate, or If a little iMddt^r than
the real, to wade aronnd In ihc shallow
beta of the party pot oof to walk. Two
of them wore waamMtIoaa oo dldat
nm when the rtg paamd oa. No atop
BMde far them and tbHf little
walk took about an hour nnd a baft
»d iBdodcd a nice etroll down the
rang ttmd.
While the two pjtgHma were making
their procreM. the rMrt of the party
arrived at tbe beach, bnlti a Ere and
ted amrahmaUowx. the two way-
her talk araa that part where ahe told
of the army'a dtaiM la DHroit aad
the wart^ wMch tlwir are Mag there
among the poor aad woridag people.
The baOdliig haa been uaad now for
about three moatha daring wMob time
the arorfc of petfecUng tbe dctiartmeats tax IncnBaaMf woadeffUlly. A
diapeaaary for the poor la ooe of the
main featnraa and waa obuined by
only hard work but tbe nppreclatloa
of tt by thorn unable to boy drugs U
ahowa by tbe liberal paTrtmftge. All
the Detroit doctors give their ser
vices to tbe snny free and two xpeebUUU go out any time that they are
called for. Tbe basement Is equipped
with free shower baths which rwcolve
lllieml patronage during the summer
Uland wafem were aerv
off with Ire cream and the rrdl call
abowed all present nt that point.
Everybodv had a dHfghtfnl time at
tbe nmach IneladiBg the gaaK apidmd inaaqnlto*. ’The night was
peideet. ae thw retarn trtp wax aot
aaderuken unUI lUmt 11 o'clock.
When It wax Aoeided to go. it wax
dtxcoverad that ooe team had become
impatfeat and bad broken tbe pole of
one of the wagons. This pul that craft
out of oommtaxlon and the entire a*aembly crowd«*d Into one rig while
Tberon Morgan rode one borne and
dragged the other Into the cJty.
Becauee tbe moon vm* a late riser
the nmy home irai dark. In fact dark
enough even for a romance. Aftei
acveral ataila and aiooa. everything
going nicely when the forward
wheel on the starbonnl aide of the
conveyanee Inflicted n violent contu
sion on a tree, and almost telescoped AfANAOER LOOMIS WOULDN'T LET
the mrtr.
An anchor wax put out and emlssxridx sent ahead. W. W. >arr-wai
routed from .hlx alumbers and a laatem. together with a large namber of
matebea. there having been a great
dearth of the latter among the gentle
men, were necured. Thin ended all
further Incidents ax a bnkeman wax
sent on abend to abow the engineer
the right of way.
Traverse city was reacbed just as
the clock struck IX All hg4i n very
enjoyable time indeed and the trip
will probably be repeated in the near
future. Mra. J. W. Perry of Los Angeiex: Cal., who Is irfxiting friends
hgra. acted In the capacity of chaperon.
tiong famous for strange and curlIS forms of animals life to l»e found
In no other xixdoglcaT gardens, /Cole
hers- triple menageries this year
contuln an exhibit wnlcb is just now
CliP'-B WW*
^ Hii Milt In Mm Wwfc HWa '
of the •aivmiBh Army iqpdke iat\the^Uadermfied ef Now Ydrfc. who' haa
BiptW chardi la thU city teat
bc^ camping With biftr hoahaad In the
lac. hi^ mildect being. ^Tlm WWh of] Krndk HBla. owae.her Ufe to aonga.
the •tfeathm Army la Nichlgaa.^
I which eatad her ham a mbwataUi Moa
On the top floor lx n hotel for Work
tng giris with xleeping. accommodatlpps for forty which jx being
mpldly. The roomx are sQnlppml wi b
steam heat aad elecirle lii^U and
there la n parlwr sad reading room.
Tbe c<&t of rooms for n weejc la from
11.25 to $1A0. A free employment
bnrenu U ooadiicced at .the cludel.
The heatiliriil andltorinN will seat
too people. The officers hsve thVlr
headquarters In the building and there
will adbn be a gymnaalom for crip
pled chHdren.
Miss Cox also told of the Immigra
tion work which thes are doing.
Through offices In England. 6.000
worthy people were picked up last
year and brought to this cwtntry
where employmcuu was awaiting tbenr
only buck came] ever seen In captivity
and the only wild one ever brought to
thU country. Prof. Knnere. who hat
The bath houaea ahould Im* linltt given a frreal dtwl of study to the suband built at once aa the aeaaon la al- jMTt. rUlma be flnds thU n>
lieasi a descendant of xbo ft-w whlcn
ready well advanced. .
survived the *i6rmx whlcli about the
year 1700 overwhelmed the village of
the Gobi plateau and killed alLof the
IHHiple. At any rate Il ls a prtxe of
Two ef Laryeat Ever ^ulK Will be
which any show might Justly boast
Erected at Cincinnati—Work*
and yet It is but one of the many val
for 400 Men.
uable display* made by Cole Brothers'
niflied *howK. which are t<i bo sei-n
.By WIrr to the Evening Record
July n*. In Traverse City.
Cincinnati. Julf IX—Ar
ate nearly cniplHed for the building
here of iwn of the iargeat coke ovena We'ic all aware lhat Anna Held
eyet erecte*!. It la
Exactly what John Brew.
pend about le.nou.noo «n the oven* But what weH.Ilke to know is just
imd.emidoynient will be given fffabcnit
How much coin Kvrle iun« w.
400 men. Uoston. rallad< l|^i|a and IW Harkett cut the lee he did?
New York capHaliata ntx* liehjnd the
Doe* Tony PastorVa} ?
flewl. and the enU^ prtwpecilve output If you can't annw er theaa perhaps
Of the o%eii* haa been aold for a pe^
Our oM friend Bdna May.,
•rlod of year..
Does UUlan Russell through her lines
Later on a large iron furnace will
Is CiMy Lofin* tall?
be erected to be operated with the gma Is Sotbern cold by nsture. and
produced by the wke orona. It ia ea
When Primrose did he fall?
tlmated that when the ovena are In lx Manafield tract-able? If so.
lull operation over lO.OWl.WW ciihlc
Can he be called a p16t?
ffct of.gaa will bo produced daily.
Would Goodwin be K bad one If
Gillette him? Uuyh^ not.
At an clc tt-ui iin-i tliig recentl.v the Bnt all these questjontVlmple aro
Compared with this, to me:
eabdiihite u.i- i^uneuhat tmubW tiy
a mao In ibe audlem-r. who at length Wax Meyerbeer a relath^
tMHOmf tUTeu^’vely peraonal.
Of Mr. Beerbohm Tree?
• fl\ If
true that your me
—Frank Thompson Sonri|*t In Judge,
waabiw-- tie iKwn: luit l^efore
coqMI M Ibe word -cli4he«" the wUly
n. J. Itoveen. one of fhe portoeni
.fiddle eallfHl ont amarily: -Uf
hi the fsnion* firm of Ihi^ren Bros
ronrae ahe rtnea: w hy. don't .vour
Tbia ralaeil « Vwifl Mugb at the dla- fine art dealers. tsrsseMes s enibH-tio;;
taHwre exiuawe: but atlll ttndaouted, of sLxiups. tlie tVimtfwl value of whK h
I* eh.se to A-^aMki. U hiuks a* tte
lie remmeil to tlie attnek.
tlilnl liest eoikrtloa to tbe workL aud
*-Ymi <wn t nmy.- be mid. •
ha* taken Mt. iHirecti fiHirteeu y
jpor father waa a ragwnd4»0De
to gel together.
jibongtit anme oM Mothra off blm
thirty yeum ago.''
ONE THOUSAND new Bdlaoa rec-And I nee you're atlll wet
tbaair wma the caodldate'n llghtalay orda juir rec^red at Grianell Bros
corner Front and Cnaa,
Cancalec! the
fuxed to allow the New York Troulmdonrx to play last evening. .Mr. LoomU had heard some unfavorable reports
concerning the company and desiring
to protect the Traverse City theater
goers all within his power, made a
numlMT of elforis to c»t(*h the troupe
along the road. As he didn't know
their route. thU was imisuisll.HJ. so he
was obliged to let (bem come nnd can
cel them after they got here.
Thfs aeUnn will l>e apprecUited by
Ihe theater goers us it mesns that the
management will spare no efrorts to
k«H*p unworthy n|trartlon» away from
the house Mr. U*imls is lafhtr aboii
126 as the result-of the cancellation
tint U willing to lose t!ial. believing
that the people will appreciate It. ^
m't do a thing to
a fellow.** remarked a uu-ni In the
smok'ing ear.
•'Tbf^ do try to get all tbaPH «wnlog to them.*' said the oito-r nmu In
the same seaL
-All Jbat> coming to them.
ahou^d'^y UieyMlo. Why, they h« ld
me up for |12JiU for my travellug
■ -r>ues iNMitid that way, 1*11 admit
bnt It's a fact.”
-You miiKt have had It filled with
-Xope. didn't Imre a thing In If*
“It must jw a large one."
“Yi^. Its cny fo.*t In tlreum
Wh.nt*s.wb.*it kind of a
traveHnr Iwc do .von carryT
“Oh. mtoe hapiMn*** to be a balloon.^
^ tamed by maale aad
to idag.
As kmg aa she aaag Ahe animal
sumd hitmlwaa. bat>wheaever she
emmnd It gsDwIed and apiMared aa If
abow to kin her.
An alght long ahe kept up her song
and to the mornl^ When she was almo«T overcome by exhaustion she was
found by her husband wHb the Ikm
atoadtog mer her. Mr. Underwood
ahot -ihe animal.
Preacher aNcheinc to BuUd One
Akmt Chrttmn Lines.
Aev. Or.
vboBAid dwt wken Ae/c'aw*ad
ww put
you 5*ere
going to get A sew carpet ?
Have You Boro Looking Around '
geitinff price* ? If *p. let ii* show you wii*t we nn do
foryoud,un«gour cleaa-op otibon ends,
remtunu and all *roall rolla.
8 quart preterving
kettles................. 40c
4-qnart saiicepaas.>-15c
is'o. 8 teakettles ....&0c
If you aemi anythlag
in the line of Granite
Ware «e think we can
RIGHT KOM ’ We can positively save you » per cent.
Easy Payments
J. W. Slater
^ We also carry the pure
inum Ware.
80 milFHfiE HUlU
rapfnto Jnrk Crawford, the fj mnna
AUMtican “iniet at** ct.'* le'.la a ^tc^>’ in
bit bhun^phy «if the time when n
their Indliui cani]mlgii Major tlem-rol
Ge<tfge (>onk and IJeiileuam tJcneril
NH-mi Mile- wer^ rlvuU for the brig
adllT eimulelK.
F. BaO
n,.M «^IU.
tulles nnd MIlM tw-tke«*n yon and Hut
Prov ing star, ain't there?**
Crook ac kmerlwlgiKl the pun wMli
a ^hnuipb.** and ITauftKd imssrd eu.
Vodlsrouraged by the foreclosure
Half an hour Utey Crook tw-iU fcir him
procNKHlIng* against hi* t'kicagu-Texa* iiwl said:
Jmiid aud lAunlier coinimny. Dr.
Ueorar F. Hall, jmstor of tbe ludeTld* waa proctUwlly sure clcntJi bat
pendetit cUBgregatlon which worship*
to tbe Buab Temple theater, promise, Cniwfnrd said:
“Y.-S. *lr: and when | cd ihtre,
to rorry tbe euten.rlne to n successful
issue anti to huIKl In I'Wrago a “Clirt*- what then?'*
“Head him ooe of your iKMnux. utkI
Uan teiuph ' St a
of |5.noo.ou0.
Hut will kill him.” raarad Crook.—
a Chicago s|.ecial dispatch to tbe CUk^gu Tribune.
PL Loul* Pust-Dispairh.
At hi* office* in the Security building
DruinuoT^WharK the trouble with
Dr. Hall sjM»ke cnthUHlastlcally and Did Man fin>w lsl.r>
Rural 8toroke*i-r—Why. t.ne of
confidently of both imopoklttomi.
Tbe •X'brIstUu temple' I* to lu* an these wanderlug etKw dtK’tors came
ariuind and cured his |M*t e»*ni.
eighteen story skyw-ntper on tlie North
i.rnnmier—WHI. wl.it i* he grum
Hide In tbe vlriiilty- of Llnmla park.
bling iiUiut now?
Dr. Hall, who Is the originator of the
StorekeriMT -Why, lie I«
Idea, has pUniied a couipK-te,rhrbtlau gnimhlJiig lieenUHi* he hnsn't anything
city under one roof. The umlu pur t«> ;;nniihle
—Chicago Imlly
pose l» to provide gcHKl sc. lety f,.r the News.
working yooug men nml A\onieu of
Chlwgo who are now comiM*nf»l to
live In cheap room* and are deprtv«Hl
of all social diversion.
Five flcK.ni of Ute temple arc to be
devoted to a university whliJi W4ll ai-*
IXiRW puplU who miJKt
their ediHution nt night. If *t
I owiia
GBO. v. Xetram
7 ItOimoE a M<;WETHY
T. A. WILHELM ——«.-issj«.s=r-—
aiKM vwLoiayOMroB
Notice to the
•Tut Eafloit tint Jtan. .
J Have tw Aileitis
on the Trains
But when you
TVaverao City you will
alwaya find my Bus and
Hack there ready to
wait upon jou to all
hotels a II d private
houaea. Protmil ner
vice. Beasonable pricjs.
Kindly (;tvt) meu share
of your busiufii.
B. J. Morgan
eDr«* rk
Plw H..U-L Whiting
W.M.PAlfie ,Agt.
115 Cflss Street
What Ten Cents Will Buy
meu at a rote. |K*r ludlviamil. of $2.:***
a w«-k. Tbe'young iHH.plc will have
their clulm. lodgc-s, SiH-letW-s. pnrti»-s,
etc., all under one roof.
Tbe auditorium wlU be one of the
most wplcmdld In t'hlcago If Dr. Half*
pUo* aro carried to fuiiiliiucui. It %vill
St one time, nml will Inso arranged tb«t tlu» stage will In* in
the center of the auditorium.
lu tbe fdgtitecii story lem|»le there*
will be banuoet halls, restaurants, lunndrlea. rooms for werucut.H «ml aitemlama, a Imiik. cIouk-Im, r»vn*atluu ruomt,
tudy ro^m-s cxr. lu fac t, tlie young
need nut go out of .the temple
reivuUy and lalkod with a bond
ing firm, and was atisur<*a lUxt th<*
money w ith which to finance the Chris
tian temple would be forthcoming
whene ver b« decided to taunch the eu
tcri»rl*e. ________________
In the Crockery Department
Where a Little Money Goes a Great Ways
Clips, saucers, plaics./Stad di^bes, salt* and peppers, looibpick
holilcrs. jelly df'ijihcs. fruit dishes, spoon trays, crcain
pitcher?, fahey shaped colored glass vases.
i' :
Biggest glass vases for ten cents in thfl city.
Greatest stock of fancy glass berry dishes, jelly dishes, cake
plates, sugars and creamers, rose bowls, lemon squeezers, lamp
- * . New'linc of fancy jardiniers, *
* : •. *
Fancy dt'coratcd cuspidorcs.
Aremilm Im Mimm^nrU
Tbe Arcadia assembly 1* u-new Mla•oorl enierprixi*. aajx tbe MIssour
t*armeni' Herald. Robertua Love ix
the urgaiilrer. Aug. IS to III U the first
annual eitcauiiMaenL and the Rummery
seA lion of the state, where the brccii-x
blow ever from the luiuthw .trd. 1* to lie
tbe Kite. There are rhautamiua* with
out hnmlier. hut this Ijuw affair Is lo
lie tbe Arcadia, whhh lx t*utlr%*ly dlffA-rent The assembly would Ik* an Ar
cadia even though it was held at Hobo
ken or Kalamanno. It will be more so
at a place so iK^aatlful and iKiiiny a*
Arcadia. Rome sort of organlrallon
a city of flowrra and frol
Raoaaa City Journal. Ils'soft. equable
climate suit* Bot only tlie vegetation people to gel out of the clutcb of city
of tbv temi.enile tone, but many trop alavery and live the nuturnl life—the
ical plants alrj flourish there. It I* the rural or fbe alm|
only dty to >n*aouri whert' hananaf rougtia'oroed bax l>een adopted as tbe
«hU.lK>letlj of tbe J
haw been grown In tbe o^Hm air.
For Porch and Ont-door
,-r \
Bcauliful Shell Souvenirs of Traverse City
Something new in cups and saucer*.
i - ^'
Dainiy drinkini? u'lasscs with ‘Traverse City” etched on the • ,
side of each one.
Another ureal stock of those BEAUriFUL MATTED I'lCTURES. Some entirely hew novelties in mounting* and colors of
mats. Some have dainty ribbons all ready b»r hanging, others have
ea*el backs. Many of them are all ready for framing. The hand
somest pictures every displayed in the cJty. These iiainty picture*
are the photographic reprc^uctions *of the great'wt masterpieces.
Some are photographs from real life—the cat pictures* and dog
studies especially. These pictures arc suitable for any room in
the house.
“Take Your Blue Dishes’*
•It ten cents each and be happy. Big blutf plates, little blue plate*,
blue cup and saucers, blue oat meal dishes, blue bowls, blue salad
dishes, blue tea pot sunds, blue pickle dishes.
, •
White enamel curtain poles, ]flc.
Brass extension curtain poles, lOc.
'' I :
Brass extension sash rods, 10c.
\ j;-'
The Big Store with Big Stocks.
The Big Store with Big Bargains.
'KothiDR can equal—much 1<^ ex
cel-electric luting. lt*i not af
fected by haatToold, wind or rain;
wipetameiMily nm from place to
pUce,lan^ hung anywhae—for
aUwnparty. lor inatanoe, and a
toft, beantiffl] light teeund at
ti^floflt. Aak n8 all abobtenrrent, fixtunO, lampe and wiring.
®^.Ilic Hannah & Lay Mcr. Co;
i^K'; iV
told at the lavcatlsatiaa here of the tow to raD It Ptaer«e. OmU^ had
awthods of the aOe^ ke cnblae I wHttea that they did not live to Pine-,
Tiintoiaim i> tad
adder the ctreamatoMa.'*
bow be atoned
A GAS STOXTS iinc< Dot^cook the
• Hiem. a flat white
and a Mt of a
htM mM • AOirnil drmaiMl for lil% mUl be told of the roai of aMkini
Ire and tbr prlcm rbi.acd fhr It. Then
' Hr. Dtiragli Is n ftm Uflleier te th^ the Inreatlgauin readUy aaw that his
1d« tltft thr pm>pU 1»«ld mli- It tale ^ how fuitime «kUcd on blm **«
W9% at bCr
tb«t flu* rr
The «*«i of manafartofinx Irr. be
raw. was fivm 11.75 to $i.«^ a too. It
emit the small enasumcr $l« a ton.
and Mr. Uyems fHt aivrleTed ikmi the
ice dealers were
tlaild** lo force
the bla roasomcr* la ibe boidoesa dt*
frlct Ui pay somewbere the muoc
:& Mwmiy'aMtoa u.
Oarp lake resorts ^re fcelias »br
flnu Impetus uf ibe snmmer tiUBlnmb
mad Ibe hotel at Fonntaln point
ba* a namber of snimaer «iursts while
the Iceland rottaam are lllllna raiHdIy.
It 1* so tbrouitbout tbl* seetlon of the
resort country' and It will not lie Iona
rompbilnina for lark
rooi^ to at
Ibe crowds.
B. M. rutcheon of Omena was
llir city yesterdsy and met Mrs. Fred
Cnlrheofi of Ri. l»au! and Mr*. Ib>«n:»'
M^errolh dUUrJrt by 6itTCi role, m
Hitler of Detroit, rHumlna to the rt'
(ki« aH^a all bln official art*, be ba*
sort this momlna via the ('olumhU.
’.labored w*My lu tbr latrrnda of the
No roasreaaaan lu Ifhblama
Mr. and Mr«. H. M. Atkinson of Jn
UMir fatereidi
Tbaac art* aoaie of Mr. Uarrash *
oflolal acta
!iave crcaHjd
orery moaty la tbe dUtrlct a atroua
III* anawmrJy devotion to bla con
HU |MWltli)b andl up un tbe rftmmtl*
Ire of
OarnftLr imwt lni|H)i*:*nl cnimnilM. c .
l*wt Rnadt./
lu rlmrar lh«*
rm»riuuus *|»
|ivoi>rUtkio rd
' 111* |k)n|
tloa oa Um- cmuiamw and wide ar
they, may visit tbe Omma and North
■rt resorts.
speat last iilK«if at
J. T. Wllmure and wife of Denver.
Park Place.
Mr. and Mrt John <latcs and family
ClnrlBiuitl ilasMfl tUnniaU th«‘ city
thh tuorulna on their way lo Ne^h-'s
Buolntanrr have anabW-d blm to nc
re«pn*h for bU dlHrlrl In rr-«rlns
Mr. Gates has come to the Grand
they will s|H*nd the smu-
wba( ba« l«^n *cri.:U|dUh.d b>
years and diul
few nibrr rrmfcnweiam In i» r rnlt.d
many rhauaes
rasb ibab ymrv tbeiv wetv but uim
Ibrre arr IW and every county ibat
bau rtnuidi i«>
liiiprm rmcn
bccurcd liberal
. lion* for the. ludlaa
of Cincinnati
John r
Miss lUilh of this
Ikivls and
will aim*
wn« due to bln unreatans labor
^^Ihal n fine imbllr bulMlns was iwi*u‘W
"*for Tiwveno City
A «tonu wanilnp
DavK 4tT rinelnnatl
f otatbui i^mbtiiKdotl »*n
He U i*nc of but tUrrr old noldlcrr
Ifft lu t-ourVes; fuua
allt biieau..
rel’irued i«»
Wayne. luJ.. afui
tlHMidlii;; a few *e«‘^ at Iceland.
wa^ mT-.»moanied by Mist; A. M. Ila
} and a cable bulU fn.m St. Jaii
rhailrxoK at a
Mh-. Fiia«*iiia l/«'eman
hrr »-.,no'
rh'vns. (inuua.
Hpend some time at Ibe point
‘ harbor.
lie baa
NunUisirt Point.
He ban r<- urrd 1
ea years ett ii iwuc tbftu It has In the
thniiiab the city tiMlay on her *iy lo
& county dclhcry,
■xiH'ctii to tvi- K develop In Ibe next
«x*a»fr^ witbln ibe
blab In bin pralHe of Traverse City and
’ Slaliw; Four jeara a«t» nh* n Mi
lor g|»s^..
Ctd. are spending a short time at tin
an rxtrasbni tif tb*- rural frt r drllvor'
the Park
tbia. toowte
where ahe will spend lb esummer.
iDtrffWt* by vmrr and by vnti-.
dtaaapolU art- at the Park Place. Ijiler
Mm. 9\yrd R!.ratrheoo of St. Paul
daei^ for bU raiHMotaaHtia:
Mm. A. L. Ilorobaclier ami'son Leo.
Mm. ICtl Tayinr and two dauablcn> are
Bpendlna the day at Basset fs Uland.
baa* brea a »orv faitbrul
)|c ba* at-eured nwny ficn-
abn» for dwrvins *n»Wlrn« and will
^ bavfitbrtr united snpfK>rt
A r,dr for vbw reonmlna.lon of Mr.
Hariasb on Kept. 4th la a >v.fc in ih»*
.. Intcfi.>i
Moi'Wh rourn svK^al uialrirt
trici and al lU rllUcna.-.Ad
new SMtb can do a- uniHi H»r t**c dis*
‘ .
>rty 1521
MnllH* hU itmmUni! .
! fr^uthe hutffT and 1
-ttmrk)U«r evrlaliurd Maud i
/ tie iatar. ' Who l* tUatr
itrby. br a a lr«*t o«. lal.**
pMtyad tbe ariae
-Hut why 4Hd he mnr
• -He tb^aht that rake .mo bad trt*
a smek rake.-Hiaikwaa Hally Xewa.
A never new confidence game 1*
Ing worked in Lancaster county. Pt^
and the operator* hare found not a few
nnim*. any* a lancaster tPa.t cor
rwpowVmt of the Philadelphia Poblhf
Udaer. A well dressed man stop* nt
a farmhouse and deOarea that he bn*
CbOBeetioas all (rcr.
letiem. Of eoarsr fherald hod foaml
bhi ttsual way oat of the dUBcnlty. He
bad hirr.1 KMoe PiBevUle^ t® do.the
bKivi Work, and be drew the.
It was like VtoraM. Buf ttw^
Beattlre. Bcatrlee making Uscalt. He
Wed at luT wifi, troubled eyes,
big endless vista* of Beatrice* making
t the ycarw
-Don’t yoa mis* New Yorkr
nitichr she said. “I’ll i
be happy until I get lmck.«*
“Have you gtren up^ yotiT
-Only Tor the time hHng. I ahall
take If BP again, of emirae. T shall
hnv.» to•
“You don’t vIve a fellow a very
coat wehwme after he's travel cl fr
IxitulAn to thl.s wlld"me** to s.iy c
Steamer Illinois.
A minute later nnd Bmd>*riek
the briihd roople on tie* whle vet
To C'harlevoix. IViu.Nkcy an<VHarhor
under the funny roof. Tlie bride wn.s Springb and r.*i urn. $1.00
tb- girl with tt,e Mnooth d.irk hair wls.
The lllinuia will not Mop at Elk
had tifu stamping leners, and sis*
apid:; g.d«g or rrfurning.
laughed at him.
U'ave R a. ra . n tum lO p. in.'rharp.
“I knew who
July 13-51
**d Gerald nil to myself, and 1 kii**w
Be.ntriiv would fake rare of mu.-She rtkl.” an*wer«l Bmclcri-i: bsp
plly. nnrt n* the n-st
bouse he paused to bl
Record Is Not Responsibis
flour from bU coat mllnr,
trk*e burned the biscuit.
Selling Prica.
.’Icar pork, !>♦ r Parrel____
.$ 15.00
The -Father «f LeprosT-t'lear pork, per pound------The gc*ko l.ck.T,g. to a fauiilT of Short cut pork...........................
thick tougocl Pr.-irrN. whirl, are wide n*aur. H. L d Co.'s Best.
Rye floor. H. L A Co.’s fk ■:
ly distrihuled over the ln»plrnl
Meal. H I.. A Co 's Beft..
snbtTOid.-al rounlrie* of Eur».pe
Feed. H. U A Co i Best..
Asia, and In all countrkw where 1
Egg.*!, per doyen........................
known be Is tliorongltly degdved
r«xlflsh. per pound.......
csu*e of his repulsive ^appenmnee be
lAsrd. per pound.
I* c*a!1e.l the “f.ntberof leprosy:- T»own
pr. per pound..............
to times omparatlrcfy modem It
Creamery butter, per pouB
ulr bel
believed that eotuaef eJtbe
Ch.-xc i*er pound...................
il.T or 1imIlnvUy with tbe little rep- Oat*, per bushel........................
tile was sure to communlrateHeprrwy.
ivuaumr. ifTt bushel...
The invcsfirnhon* of n.odem roolo Sail, per barrel........................ .
rists isTve pn^viNl that the little animal Braa. per KK)...............................
1* undescTTlnc of hi* name of -father
of leprosy- nnd that lie !« |nde,
Spring GhlrVen*!!!!!!*.!*!
most* liarmlcws and tisefol crea
Clover Seed ................ ...................
Rlucc Hie old l.ellef In the ahlHty of Timoiby fc«*d ...........................
this refdllc to eotninunlcatc Icpro^tr b> Buying Rates of Traversa City Dealers
any human flcsli wlih-h might come lo Wheat .................................................................. 75
Com. per boshel........................................... fid
contact with bl* warty, twn^e lot,
skin wa* expinded he has retalntH bis PoUitM’*^.. per buKhel................ .
; ..;J2
: 1;S
bar fare.
-He went to the poatefflee tor the
last mall.
Too most have mlascd
him <ooe to
Wc have pianos here to
match the furnishings
of mansion or cotta^^c;
pianos of the hif^^hest
dass; pianos that are ar
tistic from eveiY view
point; pianos that the
worlti’s ijrcal musicians
say arc the best.
Bplamlid fociliiicB fbr toBtUHt
oBoh ioBlniBieoi in boniB.
like condiuofiB.
Oar modem Bysttonrof piano a^lioR. maHnnE eaeh in.
Biraineat in plain hguroBon
amalJcBt fioBBilile margin «aiaistent with legitimate Imai.
nr«s iDotLidB. gt^’es mrh d».
tnmer greatcT w*carity for
faUralne than thc^ oh 1 way
of making the price ma^
the porkethook.
I^adicV anti NTisscs’ Corsi!l Girdles. 15c each.
Sun Bonnets, each. 12c.
Whips. 5c each and upChiWrens While Hose,
Sc pair.
New Aprons--Somc new
patterns this time.
Scwjn^r Machine Needfes
-for all machines, only
^ »c i»er package.
Fruit Can KuL^rs, two
dozen for 5c and 5c per
Don’t forget o*jr White
Muslin Underwear.
It pays to
Baigans in Slightly Used
PiaiiK aid Oipas
Ibis Week
Temw ch or $5 lo.$25
oMbwl yS. $7 lo $10 par
mootb bays any upright
Our Admail Payment Plan
makes buyini easy.
Kimball Music
J/. P. Hamer, Prop.
Either Ice or Wood
promptly if ordered
; ts|i
James C. Hopkins
.* « .Ti
Cit phone 711.
:;i; s!S
ohjecilooalde name solHy on saccouBt
Wie lie*!t.nt'd cad Ignghed, looking at of the bad apitenranct* be makea. HI*
her flonr^ hand*.
skin i* ooe ms.*.* of scaly ami tuber
-I ran t shiAe hand^ with yon. aud- colona excreacences that cover hi* leidy
and the bie-ult* an* lu the oveu.
1 fror> the tip of bl* tall to tt»e end of
shall ba«e to wnteh them.
I>o yon hi* nose. Every qnarter Imh section
tbe atmnter any* he will tettim
mind ronihtc out to the kltetirn?”
of this repuhilTe looking body has a
tr the pin la found wtll give a reward
He didn’t taind
There api>eared to
to tbe thickened.
of $1.V for Ita return
a few d.vra
be only three room* the studio slttipg
liter a tramp turns up with a pib, ptorthmi. tbe dlnhigmom and the kin he,,. tbe human Imdy to rases of lepfwsy.
fomthly a dhimood. wblcb he says be ro1lafW?lble ready In .n minute rindio dlOn this acrotml and no other tbebar^
ftoiBd. The fanner omoanr takes the
vaoa were In llic sltfhkc neuu-add dln- less little geebo was given tbe naiBe of
halt and «et* the pin fbr $2n or $Zk Ing room It, lieu of l»e,lrot»m*. It was lietog the profcBltor of tbe worst fdrm
expeettwr to get f LVt a* hU reward.
an rhannlagly. umki nncomfortabir
After rilnly waitlai for the loser hr •an. bixarre and 4vthemla».
Mama from some >eweler that the pin
••Where’s t>raldr* he asked when be
-Hfy drar man.- says
bad fbnml a ehalr In the kitrlten.
Hra trice kttett le«We the stove tc •fter a
pffHonged cxamlBandB.
lodk St ttw biscuit. He could not toc pain* me to teR von fhat ymj are gf.'
L^Art Nouveau, Colon*
iai and Inexpensive
Cotiai^c Uprights.
Hpesking of Secretmry Taft be
-3«ow. Hectetary Taft la tbe p
Ger.ild’* rooHicr Und said they werej
liennlless. Gerald’s faihephad remarked thgt^ie ilidn’t give a Tiip. TTiey
eonUl exist um*f>
More or b»*« for Iteatriei*'* sake atxl i
a little for fii.*mbrs. Gerald's brotlM-r
ba.l taken It npon himself to visit tlie
bridal couple and help Ora Id. Smidh
erliig hi* «»wn love. Im* had n«ade mi hi* 1
iidnd tiint as long as Bc.ntri.*.* hart
marrlid a Vniigtiau slie i^uld not stiffer from It.
There wa* no !•'!: at the door of tlie
little brown house with llw funny ni-,r
It wn* Ii»es*eiy a buiigalow In ue.iilier.
ed shliigli's. and he pdinrted on tlie
diKir rnstlly until It op**ned and Bea
trice stood iieror** him.
SlM» wax: not the !»le«sed rtn morel
typi* ycL* IbT siro-dh tlark hair wn*
wound nt->iit IiCr head in Just the Muje
ernW!i fnvhhiM. ami .she won* n s-Hort
dnrk blue bneu skirt and n white shirt
The stceves were rolled to her
elliows. nml fWM b«r finger tlp^ to eh
l*ow illoiph** Ilirre was flour rp-i:ikleiL
He had uot r n.v t.si to sc* l?er ;n.s»
to f.T'e so s«e». or, nlojov NvUher had
he »*xi.c te t li.T lo r.rx ok slic did. The
c.Ior rOM* In h-r .-tn-ks. lipping cvea
her ear* with p ;*k
It was an old hah-
Latest andNcfw»t
Designs, Renaissance.
to three
In ITsaMrnt Hadtay’s address bla
mala saacestloo. that Tale bare fewer
profeasor* aswl pay them latter, wa*
rreetved with sorpnar. but with some
entbosiasm. He raid ratlwr bluntly:
“Yale wimld l>e better off if one^balf
of the family wm* to Iw dropped tl
sHB Bot/say which halfi and the fisy
oC tbe oiher mprcsp-»ndlncly ml*c»LITrsldral Hadley lokl a new class
room story of
ITofcswir Thomas
l.<otmsbiiry iu amtouuHng the lattrr's
retirement frum llic f.t.*uJty. He said:
“I*n»fc»M»f I>wnt*!»ar> wa* icarblng
Bnvlcrtek’s tiamla flgl.teimi In » sod
an Inattentive cUs*.
He lump'd to
He walkfHl on dnuw. the flat while den grip. So ‘be wfla to wVwk «cam, them and s.nld: •«;«iaenMng Is^r'fHib
w«»udcm1 turn out her emlles* sui-«>wsl»n of HtUc me a few luinutcx. I have yet a few
whether N* would And her like tie* Wasli Ulustralkui* f<w serv»nd rate |>«r.r!« to cast.*’’
girU l>mkl had. always adi:t>rrtl
.k monthly raagazincs. t;enBd would not
lUbesomc. lUup. hlcwetl Oamcnrl ty:**. mind, would md see the |s.jnl.
with clofie Silky g'.wn* nnd 1* »s.. f1r»ipy would think be wa* lielng tuviadi
h.ilr. Unst stiinnief shi< lind o^.f l-sti ed nod Itnbmtiao to let bla wife carry
that t.rpe. H" tUonglil of tlie trim girl on her own art irrespective of blm
figure lioldlng the nslder of the Water But Ben trio* saw tbe is>lnt.
*1ffrvr was a-man:- lie said, -bark
llcTosi- from his <*bair suddenly. LI*
Uly that last day. «»e l»ad lieeiynuwc
with an
than the m.rt of .n girl to L:ll lu loi^
witli Slie had fv«eii n gml fellou-. a had smothered. Before lie could i^bH* adt er!ls.-mpfit lu the I s*a|
stanch friend. And n* Is* watHici! Imt himself the nords came leaplik: to bis hn wrote the fi>llimlug tcstUiKmUl let
he had sloH-d rowing.
they liad Hi»s
drtrte«l atowly iu the sunset glow that ' “W-ht did you dolt r
vrnld. guinc l
svav. stuintuc my
•iki uinrr '
flooihvl the lake while lie told her.
iKis* t!U th^y V *. J.M
np tn**r».. I rttll
Sfe* Si.«d ls**lde the nnje bare had l«l fall al-..„ ue
Thi»re had l»ccii no ncinal cng-igr
pf |.|«. julr,.
meut He lii.il nuthing to r.-pr.ioHi her kll«h»-u tafde. her face ralv»*d to lii*. r.ii*» C«vt»r%-U a,*•!'•.- l*-fl mi n*.>
in^.ned h. vot r vMitiini.- p.,p»r *t. «d
with, lletind not l•e.•n lu a isKdlkm to her eyes bright with startUil r.omler
lIuU I WA% Witttnv l« r. ikI fp.-#- a b«m-l of
-ask tier to Is* tils wife tlH*ii. hut be had ment at III* totie.
pl4k«d fmJU frr lri.i r«i*l in s4vao<'«> by
thought n girl like IVatrl4'e liad meant
••WhT did
marry flernWr
m*-. to ai y PI.-* who wm:W app!>. ib»rr
more by a U**. a hand clasp, a few
“Many Gerald! ir* Soaie one wa* t-Mfi#;. of roi»T,M». no » harsc for fbr tMirrvL
it, Iwt that lltU*.
rogue worda of undrrstarMling. than eomlnc along the white mndwny. FYoro You will hardiv
f«tnv <-nt «d. «i .4ro,l «?oi mrwhoV rtmk
other gin*. He luid tiiouaht she might tbe kltrtsMi window two Hguren eonW of appl- s and I mold
wait until next summer. And now. In lie seen, and sb.* iwiinted to them
April, he had n-iurmHl to .\.*w York -n>en* I* flemUl; am! that I* hi* wife,
to Icani that thrald twi* iu iJl-*'grr
rny sister Itartinra. I am merely at
had mnrrlel on
cJoiied to Hue 1 feudal,t star to tie* tmnej-moon
rllle hy tbe S’.n.
end his wife j hr»*ught me olon
Along to «».n. to make tli
wa* lieairb^ StafTonl.
| blacult.*’
Oil. Mr G-r M
wife? ir* a lirowTi
Ismse down m*sr Gje rhorc. with a
wldcVemndfl and n funny ro^f. AIkmU
a mile stmlclif down the., mnd.A wide veranda nitd a funny r^if
^at tswmdc«l like tVmld.
Ifc w-»n
der.v1 ho* Oerald*.*^ wff^ lik-^1 U
trim was artlsiK Hut icu firflstlcilly
She lind n h«uT»*r of things
ndrl. I»l*arr»'.
*nl!M iKdn -Mlan. and
yef site had msrrleil t>mld
An 1 ficr.
aid’s bwther knew f^af tb’r.nlU was
ofPwl.v odd. blMire and 1^.1, ftiou. so
Citv Gw Co
for him Onm MB. car towt in Tbm* Wsansw.
j of Umetositid
lime to Sltidy. and it's
1 JDeak
to* Mmwsw flwio YsW toe«.
bad smooth dark hair.
He watched tlie girl stamping letters
wilb Interest and wondered why some
one dM not tell her fo wear her tuioalb
dark lieir In two soft twald* nroutel I
head, ermm fesWon, as Ib nTrIrr did.
-Whete do
pleasor Im-««kei1 fluallr. when the
At iwpulttkm «mwt we mar
beetNue rofetaHant. nnttiatt and fni».
-WdL trbfit cTcr made
artoaa If fir tr> other rrastoi than that
dMblt the Mild la fhQotml to SDataln
one fltoB oil mfwt tbaii «o wheau saya
the Chkaitu Tithuoe. The time u approaetimg wbm the bumaB race win
Bioior peHec. perhapt live far thore lonely ob tbs
tbe acme of
>ala. Harm fnilttl of treto. A» acre of baBana
kiada of boata.
tkia for ail ki
tliae. trdohle and noMy. Oaremdiw
OoremdiNw ptolBtbm wffl fM twrooty-avs boman
arc all aadc of the hldheat crade #ia beltigi. wbUe i potato held of tbe tame
teriala by Ue aoat akiUod Ubor. We
kuaraatae o^ eactaea to i
BtUafhotlon. Hvery «H01
yield six
per acre at
bay cereal crap WHb the reetetai
pf deseH arao* date palm, baimaa i
httet ftwlt trees vHli te*«t Ib T tSj
mtoply uf read which will tvprvwrot
%m Wv«- Ht, tailiiaw. Mich.
EW Marine
twochly sbineletl. In tbe mKlst of tbe)-H*^ WHwcal
wimktaH know
nearest cterop of pines.
He atc]
into the prato«ce n* the cenfml spot
of Hntlraflon. Home ooe w»s stampfug letten. beMnd the gla** Ind'amre.
a irW with smooth flark hair. Beatrice
-1 Ihotu^ht r».u were in lx>nden.” i
^ hUn Ibe vetcian
e:rt friend.
d. -He baa lata
Ry« .................................................................... w
Butter, per pound............. ICklG
Egg.s P<*r doxeii................................
Order your
icoror-to the
C.B.TatlorCiialCo. HB^ Topis
Everything yon ne^
kena. spring.
Hens ................... ..
0»U .............................
Caitle .........................
Steer*........... ..
Red Geraniums
They’re going fast.
Fancy kelfBr* ...
Oewa .........................
CBlvra .............
flletcd with an tocurahle dbamae.TTlth a sigh of relleC. the patient
smiles bwav.
-You take it very plraraimy.- sajrt
orders now.
Shears for cherry pickers, .
Screen doors.
Extension window screens.
George Cams.
Josei Sleiler & Sons
-Tea. tlortor. I know ft hurt the
most cheering news , to tbe vnortd to
toM wbat yon have told me. hot
when I inflect that tWs will he tbe
msBBs of fairing that tasiHwwe man
off my tr«n I rant bMp belar gtod.
He hB* had me BMrfcgd tor bli prey
332 E Front St.
First'Claaa Butch«rm.
Packers and
Sausage Mb kerb
aboot Ibe pleaBnrro of -g* Wid uM M
a bottle,** Imtfor eterf dfey aad /'f
far •
Wbra BU to oBBUMd
' ‘
. ''
B mtai I
MM toto^:9M
wreBlwmyB W
irass toiaJka n
be» anlMb ud .
aha fneaatoMd Jitoa. When^ihe |
pp^^ ^ totom aw^^^^
Tile grim vmpar Is aOB gtobaring
bia hnrvoat nnd tbne motW nutoa bare
ri from tbto life within • day to
in Dutouel Mtod nt tbe naytom yew
tofdny to organic hrton tmhie to tbe
age to #9 ywa. He waa out to the
mitaa. mwt ha gtoan. the
oldast retod^f to Manerinna and bad
to tte naytom but a few y
wm abU «r dinm U aha were
asharntd to him. If she toft the foom He was tbe toCw to tone chfi
withont a word, be reaotved to
and one aoo waa to hla aide 1
lorn he felt ftoia hto heart and
death took place. The rematoa were
tt under foojL
ridpped by the Anderaoe Undeiti
Tided between the two peutosula
before tbe cmclal time came.'the mo> ceoapnny this moratog to Manc<
Of the territory to which the gorBest to the party*a ttotoa tocan the where tbe runerto arlll be held, u
table after toneb. bto no/detpB to
ermmem still hoWa UUe IM^X ^
Mrs. Eauna G. Hanaon. another to
located to tbe fifteen oouoU.
ate to the nayfem. died very aad tbe upper pentabula. and li^U <
tbe smwl on Carrtck*a forrhend and denlj of apoplexy at. 1:39 yeoferday
lie to twcnfy-olx,eountksa to the area
Bbe waa dfly years old and leave*
three cbildreii in Ha Raplda. Ralpl
In the regloo above tbe straits,
-If the UKmnuln wIU not go to Mo- Anderson shipped tbe body this mom Cbippesra eonaty baa 4TA2# acres
tag and tbe funeral will be held to
hnmmoA'j^be^ mtoh^.
eupled gmcmaaenl lands, to this
monriv from the Big tUplda Metborrapect ranktog first; 1
tj Is second wlth*22J€« ncras. and
Harry E. Hlnaell of Marlpu., Ohio,
olciaft third with 20,130
Wbmi 1 ctope to. But I ahan t^oaold
imw; rm leaving for borne tomofruw paased away to Green Lake lownsblp Lace has UMS acres and Kew
abd I p—diwd If ni aoe yoQ agriOn.’ St tbe home of Alexander Ma
where important copi
”J wih call totogbt to oay goodbye terday of consumption. Mr.
have been made the past year, has
be rtplled eagedy. -and 1 have socne- came north for the ihiiri time thU
Gogebic county has only
6dng Important to my. If I may ace summer ''thinking that the climate 12.6«6.
you Atooe. 1 thiak I’ve bees waning would do him good but ti waa all to eighty acre* of goverameai land, and
aU my life to say it.”
no avail. He was only 29 years old Hoogbton but «73 acre*.
At «P>t to flMM% gMH>r ChMI^
te «M tmto 4toternyMn. M »iy kt
mm pmt tW faet^fbat Un oparatap
to ■iiltinp to the tory fttimbar alma^J
to fto p«rrk« «i» iii«toM4 for tto 139
jritoB or rmd h
mfrmma mimj lo xm
to worto many ttows
Vrpoi^^'vU'fiio Blte4L ▲ pmr wrirt litrr r«r llie >bNiid to«
try to tbe worM. TIw oaly Mata to
Uw Ualoo to do aaytbtoa la tbia
U floaie Carottea. erbere torge Uo I bare a Ptrtoly »b dnrtaa tbe caMegt
Mda '^aad wbeie tbe todaatry to ytaw walW du tobto at ttooe par «ud
pnwtea.a.tbrietoi daceoaa. Tbe tea fdoad. Fvtbermafw. I have a 4raaa
•tot and ritobaa and tito and tbtofa
ortber yet, I have aa tovUatloa from
aiV all pleked bjr
blab. The leaf
y oomto, Tomwee Marahall. to apwto
ladlaa a while curl
baad aad after
wetoE wrttb him at gylran Cava, tbe
relleat rwwrt on tbto little old onan.It to now flatnrday togbf. Bepl^lS^ nad
‘ mthy locte. whleb f may poaaibly
; Miall 1 ao home, which to #00
SATU1UUT SPBCIAI^IOO do^ eiety ef tbe Latbcraa cburcb yeaterday
I away; to coUoge. wbWI to 460. or
om aad cake
to Rylran Core. whSrb to under a togafried cab^ elKlit cmtM ■ d<»fa at tbe aftemooo.
JoUrl5.U awwed aad tbe tedtoo epeni a aioetde-
iiy form tbe Byb
About lewrty arc ladlea of the J. C
D. lodae add tbclr trteada apcat yea- ran Core qmwtloq waa put and catftod
tbe bOF-ba
terday it Fouct’a. AH reported a good
tody and thanked her for her that September day at tbe acariiare.
Tbe oaae of tbe People ra. Boaeac
to voting wltb him. Then be
Fry waa at orer^bUl Thuredajr i
nn down the atalra of tbo country hoInitJuTyir
There will be a daacc for the pleaaore of the membera at the Wc^quoMrs. P. B. L. garl returned to .her
tong club bouae tbiaovcnlna.
borne In Manistee this morning after
Tha atteatloa of water takara it
coaOy.* but very plain, for tbe Core Hpendlug aome Umc tn the city.
iailad to thrfollowlag ni!a whloh will
waa Inhabited each aeaaon mainly by
Mlaa Bertha Aglcy of Keyaloue wm.
l» torictiy anioread:
wealthy ptople who had become ac in (he city for a abort time thU i
A Dantoh pniar cqmparaa 1-lore customed to their money.
lltoa tft. Haufaa for aprinklint-Wlll
tonanaaee. Hide are
On the flmt day of Ida otoy iUndmH
ba from 6 to t a. III. and tram 6 to 9 p. youMr. and Mrs. U e: Clark returned
led io hla cousin that he
m. Any paraona ullno water for aome of lh«ii-tbe Itonlab paper la our
lence FaiicbUd to be tbe to tbclr home to Greenville this morn
aprtokling lawfia aod^pantona. before only authority for ibelr corroctneiia:
Tbe Cbluaman aaya. **Uo ngml nl;** tbe
tog after spending some Umc to the
or after hoora. will bo llablii 4o bate Anncolan, •Hie alrom e* be*;” ^ prettiest girt nt U»e Cove, wbcfeupon
Torrence grinned and replied, •^tung. city
water ahirt off at main pipe. M a ArtbloB. very shortly. ‘Xetuibeeekr nicyoqr On tbe aecood day be leamO. P. Carver and wife are apendto^
aborfa of $1^ before aama will be tbe Egyptian. eliiiUafly. -N’acbkebr ed that ahe coold twim like a aeal and
the day at Summit CRy.
taroafnMi apafn. The wainfl of water
golf like a-Soot That evening.
Mrs. Jna R. Santo returned today
tne of four dances which abe generoua.
through hoea wltheut oprinkllng noa.
But orerwbelinlra to Uic declaratlou |y gave him at the pavilion party, bit from New York, where she ha^ been
ala attaehad. la etrictly prehibKed.
of lore of au Eablmo. who trice to win stock of knowledge wna augmented by attending a Bible conference. t)n her
W. ft Caldwell, toipt
tbe eh jaeu one by the pleaaliia eound tbe fact that Mias Ppdence danced return trip ahe came from BuBalo to
of tbe dainty little vrerd: •nrnlvUlga> like a fairy.
Detroit by water.
Hla approval of the tanned, red lip
W. N. Kelley returned today from s
ped and wholmomeyoongwomandeop. business trip to BulTalo and Detroit.
ened during a long aall the next momC, A. Grinhen of the Brinhcll Bros.*
tog. when he discovered 11
music house left today for Petoskey.
Aoatrton phyalclan. baa In books and tenpis rackc
Mrs. L.!». Rgmsdcll and Mrs. \V. R
atarted a new simple life colony to tlcal Aith hla own.
Chlcnan. «ay« a dtopatch from that formed him later, bowercr. that her fa- Scott of Manistee ire vUlllng to the
iOiT-4m«idry paebape between city
city. Tbearomen who Join tbe cohmy. ther. Rufus Fairchild, waa. credited
and Bdaewood. Finder pleaac Icarc married or atnale. win woib only elgbt with more mUllooa th^p there were
WilUm Oore'of North Elmwood ave
at Record afllce.
July 13-U boura a day. ^tarried persons with lettera to his name the ytomg man ex
nue left this morning for a short bui.
chlklreu are not wnutrd. The pUn to perience a novel and enUrely nnptona'
Incas trip to Bingham."
tofANTtD-Exprricncrd kJlchcn girl to cnOaUllab Industries, provide pure ant sinking of the heart
Maymc SuHlvan of Kingsley was n
nclal situ
: at, Pcfc Marquette EaUng Houle at food, catabllsh eotlng bouses and
l-ln fact be 1
Traverse City vl»illor> yesterday.
July l3-€t health ami Uthlng reaonm. fo one
J. W. Patchiu made a short business
win tof paid for hb tobor. One day mor In bis poverty. Mnrahaira fatbei
had been rlcb nntll an Induatrtsi Harry trip to Kingsley yesterday.
.bOAT-^amU rtwad ppeketbook on each wer*k each member of Ibc
; Froat at/eet between Spruce and inunlly oill find and rest. A strict reg- bad left him broken and pCunlleaa.
I»rof. W. A. Chalfond loft last even
Berkeley himself, a natural engtoom
UnloB. Finder pleaac leave at Mil- etarton tMct will pmrnll. Hr. Hluck and In love with the ]proCessloa be had ing for hla home to Springfield. Mo.
has R*.rcu bis fortnnr of #30.000 to tbo
liken'a atore dbd receive reeard.
nRcr visiting In Dcnxonia. Prof. Cbalsociety.
July 13 21
fond came here to attend the funeral
era predicted great things of him. and of his friend. C. K. Buck. He Is the
with the knowledge of Ida own powen head of the eonsenwtor) at Drury col
and his immlng dealre to achieve, fam^ lege, Sprtogflcld. Mo., and a «on in law
and wealth were merely nround the
of cx-OongtvsKman D. C. L«cach. for
merly of thla^ty. .
Yet tbe fact
Mrs. May Lncua and daughter. Mrs.
wealth depraved him. Tre
mooopollaed her since Fve been ^
John TilUc of Lake Ann. arc visiting
he told himself, “and ahc ll think in frlenda to the city.
the blooming money. I suppose hsll
J«»bn Nolan <if Cedar waa a Traverse
this bunch that’s hanging around hei
woold marry a Plggcr Indian for Uk rUy visitor today.
Erast Franebcr of Elk Rapids trans
old man s pile. I wish she were poorr
The latter aggrieved and sincere re acted business here today.
mark revtsiled to Marshall that be wai
Roy ir^lcborl of Fouch waa to the
Excellent values at,
dangerously near lieing In love,
city today.
i each ................
A certain senaltlve pride, for be hai!
O. E. Bi'mus returned from a short
a morbid fear that hto attitude mighi
or 3 for 25c
bnainros trip north todaq.
be misconstrued, kept Marshall out ol
Mrs. l.ynn McElIhenny of Kingman.
tbe girts presence most of tbe tinw
Kan.. %rfll arrive In the city tomorrow
thereafter. \|ayl*e she no
oftm for a visit with M. B. Harm r and fam
tbe povea#l« .or moiii
ily of Fifth street.
25c value, sleeveleis, ' •
| Jg
It waa a feminine desire to repay him
Samuel P. Todd of Bay
for hla aloefeess: at any rate. Mlaa City,; who baa been working to the
Ftoi^hlM contrived to give MnitOisll a nortborn part of the state to the IngUnce at parting, ga lie held her tool
college, returned to hla
little band, that thrilled hla every pulae.i
It waa like the song oC a nightingale; home in Bay City to*ay.
Worth lie.
or the acent of June rsses. And tbei Mr. and Mr*. C. Claik to Detroit
passed through the city oday on tbclr
choice at
that winter as he buUt theoretlcirt way home from Charlevoix.
re In tbe elBss room or delivered
Mrs. M. H. Tabor, who has been vis
able aoop in tbe hotel dining iting Mrs. Popal. near tbe city, re
turned borne today.
Now. a look soch aa that from a girl
who Is not a flirt dwelU In her memory
tdoc Mlaa PahehUd’a eiieeki were hot
to ttand
to the answering glance of bewildered geiwer Wmms Piwtceta Her CUerrtM
avtfn TWe Wen nmleea Pets.
joy that llaabed from MarrimlTa bto*
Mrs. Baase of Mlddletowiu N. J., baa
cyua. -Hemlghttakendrantagrtolt•be aald to herself In brief, dcllcioua bit upoo a novel plan of protecting ber
panic when the Invltatkio of a ebumj cberrie* from eattorda and robins, nays
Kell Burrows, to come for the Jkuuary a ap^ from Radbonk. N. J.. to the
bop to tbe aeulora at Marabaira eol- New York Time*. Some eberry grow
fece ranched her. But sba arent nerer- ers have adopted tbe ptan of eo\*erlng
tbe trees with moiMjuito netting. Mra.
plan to much easier and lem
hlcb be eenflaq
:e. ' fibe baa trulned ber two
on her card at
at ........................
tbe ball showed that Marshall remem rat*. Tomtey and Jlto. to do tbe work.
mqt:nl]^£ riio takes a Imiom
bered. They aat out two. whkM wba
V . $2.60 White Skirts
and. vra vlng it at tbe cats, orders Ibsm
little said, and the allacc betwesn np the cherry irera. The caU have be>
ruiPf wo wi^ trained that they now
aa they see
Hdtiee to berebr toreo Uiat all Vatof
^ mmmn^ mmt abut off tbelr topa,
pydraiiU and lawn tpiinblera darlna
a tre.
Tboma* Murray.
^ Oder of nre Departflieat.
:|8ly iMt
Another Special Number
Vega Silk Vests
.. ......
f :’ Mudin Underwear
and leaves a wife and three children.
HU wife and the oldcsl buy w
cm when death ensued. The
arc to charge of Hervey A
wll Ibc shipped tomorrow ;
The funeral of Alonzo Totten vras
held from the Blair school bonae thU
The funeral of Virginia Forton will
be held from St. FraneU church
morrow morning. The arrangenu
arc to dmrge of H. U Carter.
iisiTa iiidiBKiEChief Murray WItnesaod Fire There
and Saw H>s Friencto Work.
Wore No Calls Here.
Chief of Fire Department Murray
rj-turned from Milwaukee yi?st<-rday.
where he and Mrs. Murray spent a
week. The local department was not
out of the house on a call while he waa
Mr. Murray w!tne«*ed a Are to MUwaukee where a large number of hl»
department friends were at work. He
alM InsiH-cied several departments to
towns rating In sire with Traverse
City but M>s that the local depart
me^ is far* their superior.
Ycnlng at the Home of Mias
Ella Smith.
The Twentieth Century clilb waa mtertolncd last night by Miss Ella
Smith of West Eighth street. A short
business meeting occupied the fore
part of the evening, after which the
nicmlkers were entertained with music,
games, etc.. During Ibe evening light
refnshroenls were FiT\ed. The club
is planning for a party which they in
tend to give BomeUme to the near fu
tore. The next meeting will be helu
with Miss Anna Meries of Eighth
Brothera* Trained Animals
Coming Friday. July 20.
Sedbol Bros’ dt»g and pony shows
arc l>elng billed for two performances
to Traverse City. The press represen
Utivc of the show mas a visitor to Iht
Record office this afiorntxm and has
made all necessary locii: arrancoraimls
for the appearance of the four-f.s>todfun-makers. and thc.v will arrive, via
special train. 200 strong, early Friday
morning. July 20.
Improvements, as Rt. I’mil said of
oclenee. to often -falsely su calleil.” If
Ibe real estate men would l»ut forget
the rtM*ekerlioord Idea lu laying out a
new town and would take a pood landacape gardener Into their confidence
aiid,1he contour of tjje Inutl Into tbelr
conoiderntlon and ptoqt'tnr* oocord-
i. W. enfie is manufur. Mr. GrtnneU
found overythli^ in - aseritonc abnpo
nni ,wns very waB jfiilnnafi w^
abowtog made liy the laenl atm Bo
left for PHoekey tbla omralng. where
be win visit the branch there.
fiiis a bendqu^fea me to DetraR bnt
counUea with 40.6S7 acres: loaoi
37.251;. Montmorency. 18.714;Pr
Isle. 11.965.-and Akona. 9.>11. *
win baa only 360 acre* cJf govoramom
land, and Arenac. Newaygo. Wexford,
Antrim and MeeoaU eonnllea
atnaller acreage than that
The decrease to the acreage of the
puUUc domain ba* been uniform for
the part five years. 20.000 braea being
taken by oetUera last year, which Is
about the ratio maintained since 1901.
Acreage to tbe upper peninsula coo
Ulnlng hardwood and hemlock Umber
has been materially depleted. Of the
20.000 acres taken up during the paw
year 12,000 acres were selected to the
upixT iKninsula. and It to worthy of
note that nearly all of this territory
was secured for graxlug purposes. Ihl-s
being eapt-clally true In Ibc western
porU«m of Ibe peninsula. Wuere cattle
raising Is now an artive Industry.
Until this rear that part of Michi
gan above^the straits- pooseoaed of
greater area of unoccupied govern
ment lands, but this distinction has
now fallen to tbe lower peninsula.
Tbe receipts of the offle during the
year amounted to approximately |5o.
(Continual From First Page.)
company mill. This dam caused much
much dltcuBBlon last season and a»
one time .the board of BUpiTvtooni cwdered It rt-roove<1. but when Jt waa
Been the hardship It would work upon
the Ott
action waa rcclnded.
Now Mr. Mniiroc.* comes forward with
a h9l of pI^JK mhlrh he claims will be
Kailsfaclory Trr Mr. Olt and enahl.*
the opening to to* made. His plans
to to make the opening twelve feet to
width, spiling to be put to for some
distance up stream. The entire work.
Mr. Monroe thinks, will not occupy
d\.*r two days*, time. When seen ye*
trnlny aftt rncioxi regardtng the pro
poseil plans. Mr. Ot« expressed hlmacdf
as entirely willing to carry* them «nit
prmlded they arc not a detriment
to his buslfibss. No one is mure anx
ious than he that the launch owners
should be able to pass (he dam. and he
will see that the company docs gll to
Its power, conslatcm with bttatooaa.
to bring the propoaed change about.
The action Is entirely voluntary on
Mr. Olt’s part.
Not many people realize what this
change woujd jnoan lo the laanch own
ers of the city. They could ‘run the
boats u pas far as the Union street
bridge, from which point It to only a
few minutes ran to the bay. If an
opening rbould be made In the dam
there woultj aoon be a marked Incroaae
to the number of boats. Last season
when the question was being agitated
there waa a gfeat deal of Ulk about
new ctob and^boat bouse at the foot of
W’adsworth street.
...... 98c
,i 90e a»d$100Dt.«r.
---------«ma « oer txmmr. mumua ^
?2' kJI ^
• a very enjoyable i
Mr. Ortonell wmi called apoo and
gave a very Inlereatlng
waa one to
of Ibo
civic efeetotlnroa He was
Detroit cRtoesa who srere burtranmn;
tal to cloantog up Woodward avenue
and he explained fera this wna done,
bow tbe ebtomittoes were nppointpa
and bow tbe work waa flaaUy nceompllabcd The talk waa very Interototog
and was listened to with clooe atten*
to honor to Mlaa Mahal Bates, •‘tha
Six- spent a MBoat fifiUghttol Cveutag
at Bdgewodd yeatarflay^ -TTia sLT
ale Mtoa Bates and fire tMbers vfeo .
were dose girlbood frteftds and. core
irary to custom, the husbands to tha
married ware to. atlendance.
The following menn wa» ferred at
the Lathrop cottage;
Cold Tongue.
-Cold Hagi, ^ •
Rose Radlahra.
Cottage Chraar BalM.
Tomato SaUd.
lee Cream Rokcb WMIi Natural Leaves
and Stem*.
^ Cake.
BOn Bona.
The Ubie dfe»ratioak‘4rUra1tllto^' .
the name cards were wkter color pateL
Inga to rosea aad on the hark of safe
was a toast approprtair to the OM
whose name It bore.
After supper one of the vacant cot
tages was thrown open to the party
and the remaining hours were spent
betwii-n there and the BllUngi eol-
KXCURSION to Marion tolaad Fri
day evening under auaptoea to Aabnry
Joraph Morland Waa Thrown From a
Wagon and Suffered a Broken *
Rib at the Aaylom.
Joseph Morlaud was thrown from .a
wagon at the asylum yesterday aflarnoon Bhortly'to-fufe 5 o’clock and was
picked up tinronadou*. It waa at fim.
tbougbi that his tojuriea were vary
bcrloiJK but on examlnaUon It Vaa
found that be bad snatalned only a
tirt^ken rib.
Mr. Moriand waa haifilng aooM hoaaa
and was sitting ou ona of hem. The
ton.« slipped, atrlktag the hora^ and
frightening them. They atarted forward very quickly and he waa thrown
to the ground.
Harold Ltopalc of J
Frtandi Yaalarfiay.
-i’; '
Harold Lelpalc of Detroit who to tha .
gocst to* hla aunt and vneie. Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Steintierg of Eighth alreal,
. *
waa 12 yeara old yesterday and in
honor of the event aatertalned a num
ber of friends to n very happjamanner.
Refreshments F«ro aanred .and Master
Harold was the radpfent of ma^
pretty preoenU whleh wHl serve as
souvenirs to hla Traverse City visit.
^ .
fried cakes, night oenu a doaen at fee Palace,
July IJ-ll
Kidaey, Blood,
Rheanuttc aod
Stonueb Disease
Ml« Mabel Batoa Waa tha Quoal to
Honor at Ci^avaaod LmtL
TheBegtCare (or
Hotel Keeper-What dW tbe stran
ger nay wtmn yoo gave him tbe bill7
Walter-IM moOTtroo* prlcea be nereroaw. We vrera an abomtoable gang
to tblevoa. Hotel Keeper-Good. Bn
be didn't becama abootre, tb»7-FUe-
wax 9hm Twk Mtaiu
Mtober-Why <Ud yon aeoapt Chartto Sptlag. aad ratnra. tlJN.
Tbe nuaote vUt not stop at Ok
have paM yrai aticstloal DaagbterRapMasoiacorretanlag.
Beeaara Ibe wa# tbe only one feat
hmn S a. a, retm 10 p. m. abaip.
^ kiootwI tb. «U tok*- K fee good taste to propose.
Smith of the City School to
evening a reeftaj urai sj^
rnttbcftadlo to ProfrascM
It was an tovlutkm afiair aad
ber to Ibe locaj
tm wmma
Itw MtH wn W Mi Ut m M<
SK tai NIMI. M BiiUMi ii^
«%; m fM NN Bm. m iM M
OfWVi, ttt M wi IM iOif. If iiM
Mhn jftr UL me li a «mat
FOE EAUK-14iT—M loot tnmi m
It TWeli
tlot toOo
MM CiB lor Wkw. WM
Brae^ ItT fMt ft. Tteowm City,
*r* *y *"
«fll tato put pu-
, m »wrt «, Tm»«ru
WAUm MKloNMennc to aa tm
— —>
- rr
Miiniftr flidlalfcr>
«ar HflA IM
iTAlit MTAin
^iULYU—L ^-''':"-‘*'r^^
Jodgt Lobbaw i. WMot. attorwn
Bd Statoa Mart to
oqmctedly to take ap tbmr oew po
la to roplaot to a torw meaaaro too
». The pareot, won awan that
jMga wn
aoo* had tort aae n wa. deeldml
uSU Yot 80i
My io fM 8t LMa
beta deeoratad by tM pope MUi too
r of at CMriT far laatota
at N coafereBeo of laodkal aiea
boat caiw to rtapaa la a rtatt 4o
Lonrdaa raad too aae of too Jjavm
TO* MLC-CMU thru tow top
it $11 OttoMlI Br«», eon
Ml uto Cou.
Jdr IMt
The lato Hearfk Ibom waa ono
ikod IM iMa of Aaeertcaat. ^«n;
aald Ma. aiatltoCp
to aiy Mca
ron SMJI-A foot uoBd
that too aaoraga Anerieaa baby dre
bone. II r«m o»i; wo «»e lor
or aU mtHa old alu to bto no
$M Uku bUD. worth «IM. D. J. top and oyto bto owa cradto to aoo U
Ctolaul. l*k* r««t fom. BoPt Bw. he caa*^ inTetrt p better ooe or at least
OomoUna VaaderbUt. to toe aa
rOB PALI—1«$—Thirty tut
bto totoor, Md Alfred C. to the aame
out« hoK toltoi Ootoo otiwoL Thru of hto notooTt nade appUcatloa for
thouaad baartopliwH trew;
nenberobip to the Rhode leUad So
CSftatuM Inin toll. ClI for price. dety of the ClnclimaU as toe reply
Wtd* Broo. in rroot tlreet. Tru- •enlaUre of the VaaderbUt family
UM CHy, MIeh.
]<u>e U-tl The aoctoly decided that Cor
IhRTeASMliReot Mddkl
wortdag aid* aad atoa la beeow
■tod with the wctol WTlrooa
imhB’a mm. dM Not wto
which aaiToaoded them. He to.
work mtil Friday. Hla tv
that (he gnat malorttr o( mea la the child died TMidMr rifiiit <
beet a«M* wen good oU -no. M
nrt- from Detroit aad Otleaga He
Mrs. 0«mr HUka has been TO wtth
mad the boy, at work la ibett typhoid fever, but U now on the gain
bm etothe. aad-dowB oa.lbctr »
ag as tboagb tbey aecded the
ter place Frtdny nd\l Non by a aoore
fy. The bar. wen albiw.
rtay. bat the eai.bto. In the cam
”‘jSnS®Hiff w^ In Traverae dtr Frl
not prtSi'r to be ap to tbclr maadard.
o Boyne,
■ad U arm. toaned that they b.
ulng wln-
Satbtaction guaranteed
or no charge
Northern Michigan
Transportation Company
good" with toe home cooking.
Mrs. Rose
I children spent a few days
According to a reoort compiled by
mu WANTED ON tem. G.H. 1
St week vislUng retoUvea In 9Un*
Harry H. Ryarse. chief fire warden of
June 12th te Eept 25to, VL
the state, there was destroyed bv foi
^IMt Foil EALE-14tf-Hard«mfi eUKk to
M« NtorM tow. wttoto too I
tst fires in Michigan during the month
TXn Lambkin and wife of Empire
TMAtM .trtEi«T wMtod. bo
«r TtoTOTM city. Oaly bardware.
of May property to toe value of are vlalting hla parenU, C. C. Lamb*
EWi. ImoffcoiH M CR. or c*H 111 mm !««•> Omr to otM M
1359.357. with toe loss In Dickinson kin and wife. They were accom•a... Gan tor tefotoo o4 M*
w. mrtb...
: .
waa toe gropfr repreasntaUce and he county. where,conridermWe havoc was
lYllIlaihs of Walton
........Toea. 1:00 p.*:
tALl-lUl-Four aad ohobalf
Wa4o Moa. UT FMl itia^ Tnr FOR
done, aa yet uneatlmaled. T3ic great
jther, Mrs. Jim
all Inprored; good .toroae.
I to pHtau ImNIt for araa Ctty. Mkb. GUliM pboe
i has gone to 11
small bam. anall otdtord. All good
Herbert Spencer waa a boy cst loas occurred In Luce county,
Him. Mowr. bn n. itlf.
tardea grooad. Two cowi, ooe baa- J>la totber scut him away from horn where the dam^ amounted to iTvbr where he has a j.»b of cameniei Arr. Traverae CUy..Thurs. 4:00m
A number of Chicago men have
July ll4t^
d-d aad tfty cblckeoa. ibree bop. to acbool. The youngster became
la Preaque IsU- county. work.
purrbasod farms near toe Boardmaa
to 175.075 was and are.erocUng nice bouse for sum
lit My.
bomeal^ and with 2 ahranga in hli
oook tor FOR EAtE'^-Oottoge a(
$C7.2<Mi: in Del
North Round.
'IT par
Anspach ataria today for Germany
Mr aad Aagaet; w
boys It. J.W.yackaoa.
milea. la three days, walking moat of ta. I59.400. and In Marquette. 841.775. to visit his fat
.Mr. Aimparh han’t Lv. Chicago .................. Fri
lie. The
I tint lo a food prohL With
Ontonagon auffered to the extent of «5en t^-e fatherland
hcriand for 18 yi-nra and
spot of the way. He did foity-elght milea toe
|5Ji25. Baraga 12.200 and Iron |1.<KM». no doubt will enjoy hU visit
u 8:miB.
groand will cam toe salary of aa first day and forlr^K-»en on toe aecPOn PALK—Two piaao cat» wmI
Uev. Hahnebcrg has resigned hla
On the third day a friendly The fire warden reports 160 aeimralc
eper. clerk or me
WANTIO MoiyMy to brtof tbolr
au; dwlee If at Oiiaoell Broa.
chanic. Owner got the "roama.- coach diircr took him moat of the way and dlailncl fires during May. The position as pastor of the Gc
etoaatog aM prawlag to too PariArr Traverse City........Ran 10:00 p.m..
Joly JP*t
expe-nae of bis department In figbllng church here on account of III h
hcfice offer at km pijro. Wade Bw^ for nothing.
atoa dyo worlu. tllB. Froto atroat
and left last w«-ek for Ann Arlwr. Lv. Tnivi-rse CUy........ Bun, 12:00 Nl.
127 Front alreet. Trai-ecue CUy,
....Tucs. i:80a.m.
WllUam James Connors, the Buffalo the flames was f867JiO.;
where be will Ukc irealmeiit Mrs.
irrtTn— r---------jolyMBK) FOR PAL*-14$t-loa cream partor,
Mich. CUlraaa phone 1219.
Expert knowkdge of the labor laws HahnelK-rg will visit her parents In
21-lf oowspat>er proprietor and freight con
aoPa fnaatala, opiulyHaaklng toola.
put a young Grand Rapids
an o4bu.PztaraA all rtoek. Good POR PAW-4Jo«M fomUy or ^
the edge of the city, /its bouse ts
Fi»cnd a few
. trau. eeatral hMtloe ea Frtmt
imart-d at lin^ooo a came
borte; 6 yeara dd; welfht aboot surrounded by many acres of lawn. A
n. Mrs. Lena
weeks with
North bound steamers m.____
■trot! One of lha PiArt eoalao-.
1100: aoond and aafe. Bert Oage year or two ago his gardener planted year. The yofing man Is Waller Iif4 W. Ovcrholt.
timis at .Mackinac Island arlth all
turnery, tee cream aad caady «a
au. phone 110$.
JalylO-lIt foliage plants on a sloi>e on the lawn who baa been secretary of the
steamship lines st«wmers for polnU ** **
aaUbUibmenti ta cHy. CaU
on latke Superior, l^c Huron, Lakw
ploycra’ assocUllon f<»r some time
prtoa. Wad# Broa., m Froal itreel. POR PALP—8ta oeUve orpnn. ^fh
Erie, Georgian bay. Lake Ontario and ...
r aad bar TiaTaiaa CUy, Mich. Cltlieaa pboi
top: coat new tits, now $4$. Grin James Conners." "Dear roe.’’ aald one qualntcd al Washington with some
of the social leaders of toe town an
-V *4^1
Jaly 11-et
ncll Btoe, comer moot and Cnaa.
the big men In the structural Iron
July l$<t she waa driving by. peering through lAidr. who wero la WMblostoa froa.
to her home In Oneka
her lorgnette, -the poor man muft
days' nst before going away
FOB CALC CHBAF-Om Pootoaalai
Air Infennatlon regarding. connep.
New Tork to look ■■lu i nemo loKitU- for a few weekt* course of alud) in
PAUR-I4JTISSO VFRIOHT FIANO. almoal pew. Think he It a railroad aUtlon."^
Ml air taniaoo..No ttJ. Mra.W.H
ttons and lake tripa cheerlnlly fflvm:
Uon. Drew wm polmod out to ihcn*
aptoMtd inatmment: bnatoeaa foro
uiion application to . .
fbatar. iU Waabi
half mllae north of Orawa. aoabalf lag me ip leare the city; w|U sell at young riergymen to beware of tedious i a hrlsht younc m«o who but auKto Earty*^i:Scri1ea are ripe and arc a
■pccUlty of tabor taw., .nd he w..
mils Fbore front on BUeor 1
EALt-lg4adi C
a big sacrifice; ptaao atiU to Trmr sermon.. By way of emphaaUtiig tots
North, aooih and worn of Bart% ra* erue CUy. WOl acU ow time to re* eautlon.he telU of a church near Phil- wot out by woe of tbe Iron worker, yeiitcrday d« his bicycle to ihh- liL
roraa CHy Jlfg. Co.
Both phtmea -He. S6. Dock aad <<• ■ t
•Cl. In oth<ir wife, who lii staying there for mod
aortp aaa of toe prettlaat raaorta to liable party, licre’a too cl
adelphla whose i»aator was noted foi
fire foot Union alreeL
al lreairo4-nt; she Is ui» b< tter.
nialn.t the union. In tltat
FOR lALE-r^Praporty ill W. TmOi
yon’re walled for. wMle G. R the dr>*ncss of his dlsroursc. One
Mrs. Johle Uisard is having quite
atraai; oaoMlf Taluaikm. laqulrf whole farm to Wrel and extn dMr- Veedcr. 114 E. Wealcy 8t.-Jack«io. Sunday morning too old geuUeman’ bnincb of trade. So .uceeialul wma serious
trouble with her lungs. Mrs.
Mr Drew, and « v.lu.bic did hir John Blsard i« btaying with htT for a
Julyl'Wif able aa a resort piopoaUlon. Could Mich.
July M2t preachcvl a sermon so amazingly lon^
Ti*dge of the latior laws become, few W(*eks.
be haaily ptoltad toUS oawHfto acre
and dull that the congregation dim In
for PRLP-One nere lot.. Tow
loU or ire lou to too acre, or lire FOR SALE—141S—Eigbty*acro farm, Ished one by one tmin dnly the janitor that he was offered and accept»Hl an Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Klon Cor
21. tsri
•11 and Mr. and Mrs. Dunham vlslte^l
cfenaee to got a Urge lot at tb<
licDt poaHlon with lue Iron men
bondrad and alghiy-R^a tota, wbkh
and himself were left. But the clergy
at G. McCombs.
pilet of a nmnll one. Fine tocatloo
with a rary .small amount adr
Mabel Canute Is siiendlng the week
man. api»arcnlly unconKclous of a!i which fiicods bay wdl net him $10,000
W. «. Oordaa. Wt W. Serenth 8t
lug would aaU for at toast $50 ground all f^vel. Low price. CaU this, kept right on until the Janitor, a year. ,He malntalnb an office- In at her uncle’s near Traverse City.
price. W'adc Bros.. 127 Front
Tlicre was a pleasant party at
Jaly H mo*
New YoVk city, but siili re-talnn bis
per lot. FM natural adraatogee to* for
alreet Trmvcrm CUy. Mich. Clt seeing no proapocl of relief. Hually
of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllla Hat
office In Grand lUplds as secretary home
cation can not be beaten. In eom> Uena pMoc 1219.
last Friday for their little daughter
June 21-lf gave in also and. bimdlni: the keys to
FOR PALR C44IAF-I aei« good
partooa with other property aad the
the mlnlFtor. aald: "I m oil. You can of toe Employers' association, a po- CaW. It iKlng her sixth hlrthda) aiv
cropa Oomu Haaaah aronoe and
prtee naked, toll farm to offered at
nlversarj. There were thirteen llUle
lock up the church when you rt Flilon that Is said to pay him about guests. roemb. r8 of her Sunday wiiowl
. m! JidyWif
rery low figure. There to Umbw
$1,500 por vear.
KcIreshmeiitH of Ire ertaro.
enondb to pay for toe whole farm at lost—Brown, black .ad while »hci>- When Governor Head was In office As the rcHuIt of ji ’’Joke.’' someone Clas^.
titrawl»errlcs and cake were served
price we aak for It If yon want a hord dog: tip of ull white: .todded In New HampaWre, Colonel Barren, pouring acid on his legs while he was by Mrs, Ramsey, who did everything
. H9U>..FUirNITl
possible to/ptease the children, who
bargain and a money makai
cottar: aaswer. to^aame of Watch. an eitimable momiHT of the go%em alrctched out after a spree. A. F.
Chain, tabtoa. dreaaen. after ibto. * Wads Bros. IH Front Retuia to T0« E. Front or calt Cll. or'B staff, died and there was an nn- Pierson, an aged homesteader of'On
scH-mly hcramWe of .would l»e succchb loergon. died Wetlncsday In terrible soo^and wife^pent yesterday at II.
iboardp ceach. domeMlc atm^t Tiarerae City. Mich. Cll
3U and receive reward.
any SHI
July I At- ora for the office even while Ms liody agony. It wts two months ago wht-n
aewlmg madhtpa. loe box. gaa range, Ixena phone mt.
Mr. and Mrs, H.
waa awaiting burial with military hon- the act was committed. Pierson't Traverse Clt A and
eooit atore. carpets: ate. Call at
toe iK-nlurula
One candidate, somewhat bolder legs were burned In a shocking roan last Ttiursday.
Maha wraaiaga after f:a0 aieopi FOR EALE-1432-Forty acre farm.
H. Blsard and
than the rest, ventured to call upon ner. Death'was merciful in relieving
Wateaaday and Siturday. or at cloM? lo city; well watered, fine gar*
den and truck land. SmaU piece of FOUND-Ladlea’ wlTeel. left al 920 E. Governor Head, thinking to ascciiMn him of his sufferings. No one know* went to Ihe ball |
last Sunday.
who lb responsible for hlb death
meney Ukea tola. CaH forFprice.
Eighth Bt.; owner can have same by the bent of the governor's mind
Mrs. C!ak I
krd Imvibcst ASBemasty. _
Locked in a ‘refrigerator ruf.
|o .
Wade Bros.. 127 Front atrert, Trar
claiming property and paying for toe Important question. “Governor."
her. Mrs. Bre
only Icc to eat. Carl Karrey. n holn..
RoU-rt U-vell. wlm has bad so ee*
arse CUy. Mich.
Jane 11-tf
this noUce.
Jaly 12*2f he asked, ’ not to ajieak In a ma
rkms a time ever since he broke his
FOR EALt—Two aemted carriage al
malllve, do you think you would sa>-s he almobt sianrbd m death
leg. U In the hospital at Traverstmoat good M new: aell It reawa
have any objections If 1 was to get mas picked up by Ihe Jackson polit-a.
FOR EALE—1438—Ten Hkm
«Mi. «. Hyman. 240 Washington.
Into Colonel Barrelfa placer" The He says he crawled Into the c^r
and Mrs. R. Parker went t».
eight hundred feet on Stole street.
er came promptly: "No. 1 don't D«-« Moloeb. la., and was not releasetl Kingsley last Friday and when they
Value Impoaalble to eatlmatc
until he Tcsrhcd Goshen. Ind. He pre M-turnt^ youterday Mr. Parker's moth
ler. gsA elcrtric lights, atcam think I Bhottld have any objectlona if
way abore price arked. Thlt to ofie
isented a pitable apeparanci-. being er and niece came with iBcm for a
tt. balfi: People's Savings Bank
of the moat dealfable pieces of prop
half btrrved and ,af-hlng In ever>*
L. Hog
'* W*. Cook's family visited
Julr 12-11
erty 10 xdiy. Aa a bualncaa kxmtUm
joint. The car In which he
lot Would trade for desirable realcannot be beaten at price aaked. A*
fined lorty-elghl hours. con^alncHl %tar*'^£Ioni« Beni.cn luivluit
deaoe property. Baqulre tS6 Bast
an iDveatment. will say that with MOUSE TO RENT—Bath and furNotice te All Feraene Int'eraated.
celviHl Ibe ni€»t voles In Grant,
fnfll but Harvey aald he coulUn t
bnlldtoga now on the pro
given a fine gold watch by Four
The apeetol maacaamont Ux roll for
euai ride for IS per month. W. L.
East when the contest closed ln.t
which conaUU of four frame atmethe grading and paving of South Union
Rev. M. Woodlock or Standibh foun-J store last Monday m
m ^RM wm bay W 110. Hannah turaa. corerlng about one-half of toe Brown. 315 W. Teonto street
Mrs. R.L Dixon has l»oen staying wW
Jaly 7-«f street from the uouih ride of Twelfth himself in a very embarrassing posb
mm&K Oah Haights anbarb. Maltt ground, n ahowa fire per'cent on
street north to the south end of toe lion while on his way home from San
Vi. Dixon, the last two a
iMtptf aoU biiora Jaly Ut Apply ten thousand doUara. With a
firet time she has l>een to hi
aooto bridge on Umlon'atreet. Is
tlago. a boar disputing bt« right
may Mf •m. up-UHlate brick tralldlug. It wUl MOUSE TO RENT-18.00 per bk
nee her return from Ci
W. H. Ebucf. 123 Cmia St. July 9-tf in my hands for oollecilon. the first travel on the lUghway. ’Hie revirend
health Is vety tssir and sht^
Installment to be paid on or before gentk-man. being a man^trf peace, wax
rat sufferer, as she W heea
Mfi OAEM wm buy lot in, Hannah •bow at least three times that
aummop Onh HtlghU auburb. lOglM amount on the toTertmcnt. CaU tor FOR RENT—Six well furnUhod July 31. 1906.
unarmed, but not weaponless. With for yeai
price. Wade Bros., 127 Front alreet.
gas lighting. ^
IMC If ioid bMtoi July lat Apply
ihe quick wit born of a close aitualion
City Treasurer.
May Mf Trarerae Oty. Mich,
he raised his umbrella, pointed it at
Jnly S-if .Office. Room 20: SUte Bank build- Bruin and advanced lowaTl him. smit
tw CASH win bay lot 2M. Qimat for AAkl—l»l-BUbly-two lect oe
ing him mightily across -the snout as
FOR RENT-AttfucUve cottage
•tiwM. Oak HM$ht* aabarb. IM1C3 BUI* mmel. ooe haairnd u
he came within itriklng dIsUnce. The
lena; fnmUbed ocMuplete for
proper acUon with
' imt. « PoU hefcm JeJjr $*t. Apply (wt <tecp. .11 coreted with twortory
Hotel bear growled. Argument failed, tbi Ufc Pills; the plea
aad row boaU for fiak
standing up and pawing al biro. effective cnr. for
afTMCtovers.- Addreas Eaimh E.
Bnt don Urery oad uk.
t appendicitis
Then toe mlalster In despeimilon
*rstcm. 25c, at Johnson
Alw forty bom. ud dl Bccen.ry Graham. 128 Lake avenoe. Traverae
for* stuck toe Up of tol umbrella undc.-^ F. H.
Bngbee Dreg Co.’i
waipmeot. ImgdeA eMten. hwhi. City. Mich, ;
to Washington, who broln’s nore and popped toe rnlnsheU- drug %
Good and* Prompt Service.
drayw ftotglu. htmeenA w
I kU -prtimotkm’’ to der Open with a noUy riam. Tbe bear
robe* ood oU pemod property la lOUEE TO REHT^E Dr.
Madrid, first arrived la ihU conntry
•bow todUtag. TbU to oae of the
his command over the EngUah Ian Into tke ditch, and the minister took
Uiwt ttemy aad (de. bam. la Ibl.
guage wna, to put It mHdlv. very fet- to his heela.
regtoaf eeotiaUy keatad,.«
ble. so when a reporter not long after
OMtnM. Oannot ba-Cur
Onirtke Leebnan.
ward waa sent to Interview him In his
) to re
faet, prewet owaw *
FOR •AUR-rTww to»<toto,to •«>< '
prlretc anlte al the Waldorf-Astoria
Good TrfAe. Fii
Firat-eJaro A
Urc aad eojoy the o
the coavereatton laagnUbed from the
modaluiqa. Fiiutea. made ta tbU i
t. At last the Rtttsian’a patience
$9 ptir
Thto. nadw. lt you j
Hmt »4t
«»«tag Ja o badaw. ef tola kind,
lakeklmpaUently. The acsrapapei
isle. CaU tor
tour, forty eerm wtM tto**r. OMl wtnpayyoita
regretted thgt he did aoc Tbe
Wad# Broan m. Front atreeto toa tnm IttFa kimoiF. Over ill
Ac vttoo. W»4e »o«, $« rttmt
Mandrel eye fiaahed. *1Svery
0. p. CARVER a BRO.
gimrt. Ttamtoo Olty, Mtoh. CK
sg man ahoaUi lean Fremsh." bt
Jana 1141
Immll-tf 1219.
7Bveiy Mi dlpio
sgliah." qnlrtly re>
FM EALt-1489-Ma
twanty^cre term, rix milea weri of tM «t m
Sttamer Illinois
I. C. BOMIS,JNFirl. , :
■:»- =3::
Paving Tax
IM eMahROrkW
hem let to
CUmaey Sweeping. Cle^
1« and General Werk 1.
Dr.W.J. Higgins
Fine Dental Work Tirtlnsuram
• «lty. abotri amraniy aetaa aadar culU-
5 t -
S V'r'-
li» *llSnrr^ —
femii srs.“js-5?r¥xr5s
*r Ihnnr Ob. or |u >■!«■<; fiMlM.
bevmr, that !• Aw th, QaMa Ohr
BwtMe Ushi * PoMT Oh. « tth (iM.
Tnw^ p»r,
- 7.,,..™. --*-a5rx".
wf^LAhh^ hM ahitiiiig.
|W ^.Plchefl. ^hlhg:,.
rsS'A.rJSKSSs; i.'ssycts.'s
TkhMM cnhiwi
Mr. turn. SBiwr----- ----- 1
tl tm. feacbr
frelgirt oa IH ears ca^
•S’Sci stsKSiurffiaT. S^-HS~j?S
oidlaaBM. safedocc ko*«Ter, to all iht
fiar impoaed aad all ordt-
*^or»d hr PalBor aa<
Uat the pailfi
taMULfST^?*!? i3Sni^»?*^
DMaakatloa frcNB U F. Tltm.
»r ac nm MaUooai tiaak.
U?a to laflaff aoiM gad lataroat la».
Interfere; with «Sy
conduita,of with
aay public or private aewer now or
PalBigr. that the aaifor aad elert ho
laidnieied to take up aaeh aoten a« the
Sec. IIL All maala. towera and
« at preofot aill penalt.
>lea erected by aah! compaay ahall
le—AMenaea Ahboct. Sr
Igtftlle. GlUeit, Goodrich. Morclile. Pai be Srmly net ia the ground, and ahall.
be placed in the
u. the
chamber at the lime of voUn
^tru- light
UOi god
ud cllNar«—Nooe.
batoae aad In anch places and In
such maaaer aa shall be approved or
mated by the conncli. The aald
ffaporta of Committaea.
id hf Oill*M
I^IMK, IM U»* !•
;«l iM 4fM etif off
Id to a
io ^Uy tiH* ••UwrllW *1
r-SSSTic nmof
iiwnSniTii T iiM ■•dmtcMd.
maau and lowera. a heiher of wood or
tea—We. ycwr
\ priming reapectIulJy report that city aa now dettned by ordinance or
aa aald Are ifmlu may be changed or
extended by otdlnance hereafter from
printing af the ordJaaaeea aa apeci time to time, or to prohlMi ihr^oac of
Mlea. maata and lowcia within aald
aed by the cjijr atior^y.
Are llmiLi. ggd to order and require all
mains and wires wlflun aald Are JimItK lo^he hdd beneath the surface of
groond. Before opening any all?y
Wo H. A^l,
or atreet or fMibRc place for the pur
tWc li aow la froat at,
fMTkiMS^htM •>«>W «* «o«. to
Twrerae Clly.
im^^SSu^ea—I am aaklng you of chle. Patoncr. Shut,
H. Paige
for»M^ owaed by
ideeaaatdl. aov oaraaa oy myaeu
K. Paige. 1 am charged with 32H
<t fiffi Ig-lfMl. aad I hatre only
IP S4 M. I have had the city
^oear. (W». CaUlweUi up there
Srtaa a^ theae are^tn fUnirTa T
r.T&. of frh
..n«r wr pro«|.t .tt.i.
Tniverae City. Mich.. July t, lOOG.
o the Hooorahle. the Mayor and Cit>
Council of the aty of Traverae City
2420—Gc^emen—W>. your
tee oa dalma aad accounla.
fully report that weaecommeod the
paying of the 0alm of the Potato Im
plcmcot oompSy of $300. .
Reapectfully auhmltled,
F.R, Goodrich
Mored hr Lardle and aHp
I*aliiHr. Ihpt the report he
and adopted.
Yraa—Aldermen Abbott, Kverett.
Goaocil of the City of Traverae.CUy. Lardle. Goodrich. Glllctl. Moon. Mar
chle. Palmer, Shuler oad Winnlf
S«24-^aeiBC«-We iad that it u not
ao« Inpefative that ve provid
ig^ at^ city eemelen. »<1
SSgwcdeem It a matter of «
To the Honorable, the Mayor i
to hoy the tract of
Mw"SlS«il hj
puuih of the
2431—Gentlemen-We. your
report that
arMtratlon Co be ooastltoted ss
rinafler atatOd: nrovlded aald dty
than givi* to Mid cMporatImi. tta^c
ceaaors or aaMgaa. alx montha notice
uf lu Intention to make such purchhac.
snd shall proceed aritn and eomplete
said arbltmtl^
arbitration. Said hoard qf arbl
iratlon shall he appolnied aa followa
rs by
»r aaaigna. *wo memt
lell. «me member by the
by the counel
rs Ihns appolated. but in
case said lour members of said boar»i
uf arbitration
nrih member. satU Cfth
be apriolmed by the circuit >dg«
an adjoining drcnlt Ja-vhMAlJaid c
Is localtHi ar such time,
shall n^gVior
IKdrtt two
•hMvtmml. MBltntloa
b, s«lr
t^ the council for g permit therefor.
Sec. TV. All operating and conduct
ing mains and wires of said corporatkm sbaU be thoroughly and securely
lasulaled with u material pf sufTlclent
thickness and durability to protect
them from abrasion-Sr^otlier mechau
leal Injury, and Impenioiis to water,
and shall be so placed and.strung as
uoarer than two fee;
«r any Heciric light wire, telephone
or telegraidl wire, or the Are aJari
>w erected, and ahal] not b
n thirty (30) feci above^h^
of the ground at nil point*
except. %rhere connect ionj, are mad
When laid
beneath the surface of the ground. g|l
mains, pipes and conduits shiUl Ih> Isid
In siree
such distance from the curb si
here the curb atone should
shaU be designated by the council, and
► a depth not to excctNl two (2> feel.
Sfc. V. At least twenty fouc (24)
hours before opening a.iy siri^ct; alley
or any other pobllc pUtse. the
tion shall mnlfy the boanl of public
works In wrUtag of such Intemlon.
autlng the place m here and the obsuch opening
i reAllIng of all o,H-n.ngs madas aforesaid. In relaying the pave-
- •'.nd‘^rir^-2;
«le^ ap aad plaited, ready for oac
ffcer^fulg^ ^
By Clerh T. H. OllUa.
aiovad hr Wwile aad anpported by
• patmer. that the maUer be r
to the committee oa ways and
Hoaorahle. the Mayor and aty
Ooaacn onbe City Of Traveree City.
vooi «rawM>» tk« •llry «<»ik of
FMt MnM. >lK> te the «ller bhttaMod a»fl 8|Mm>; troB the
wtf iStTni
eowoHlfo oo .*»
an equally good rondition as when
Biendeni of ihv water wo
<Hstnrl>ed. the aald corporation, or Its
*ted to aak for bids at on
iierlol necr«i«ar> to do the work servants or einployeea, shall be'under
thf awpenlaioo nf the boartl'of pub
lic workR.iJr Us authonxed agent, and
W E. Mooo.
ly comply t
Malcolm Wlnale.
dnuem of aald
W. li. Abbott.
agent, or Ihe coouelL
Moved by Palmer and ttuppone
or anjjmW
oon that the report be adopted
Veaa-Aldcrmen Ald-ut. Everett.
period than ahall be ueceaaarv to exe
Lardle. Oooilrtch. Glllelt. Moon,
cute the wqrk tor which the name has
chle. Palmer. Shuler and Wli
been opeuod. and the board of public
the question of auch neceaaHy. It Is
Traveme City. Mich.. July 2, mc. especUlly provided that In all caaea
where work require# the exercise of
skin, as In the Uylng or relaying of
pavements or sidewalks, the corporal«—Gentlemen—We, your
o on atreet* and walk*, reapecifnlly tloD shall employ skilled workipw fa
gMin that pre recommead the tmOd- minar with the indention of such
tng of a cement walk on the we^i
rei4i able wo^. It shall'be opt*onal with the.
council to restore the earth and relay
of Cedar atre« from Wayne
Reapectfiilly auhmltled, .
Malcolm Winnie.
P. R. Goodrich.
Gto. W. Lardla.
Mmrecrby Olllelt and anpported
^Irner. that the report be adopted.
Yeaa—Aldermen Abbott. Bverec
ball be appointeu on lu bahalf
by the circuit Judge of an adjoining
cirenit in which said city is located ml
such lime. In arriving at M fair price
which said pnrehase shall be made
by aald city, the board otiMtWrMtkiD
Shan not take into coosidemtlon the
of this franehlse or grant, but
shall allow a fair value for the prt^
erty actually naed by aalff cbmpanv in
Its bu«it.eHr acd shall take l^fto
conaldcRilon as an element* of value
the earning capacity of the said prop
criy siKi business, as then estkbllshe*!
8 of sale
The price.
times of
aald iKwrd of arbUrmilon, or
of the mcmliers
me the basis of
the city of Tiaverse City and
corporal ion shall
tlon* heroin contained,
aecnpuhee with the city clerk
8«.-XV. The council of t
dty expiwaaly reserve the right ta nl-
mittee be reoe
and that the
~~Y«u*^Aldennen Abbott. Everett
Laidie. Goodrich. GllleU. Moon. Mur
eJile. Palmer and Shuter.-(SLi .
Moved by Momi AM WMil«nod by
Goodrich, ihal.the iwport be adopted
and the dty clerk M'Inatructed to
draw orders In farm*of the several
panlea ms rcoommetided by the dty
clerk, and that the mayor aad etork
U- Inatruded to dtaw an order
dty depoallory forV---------|CW€.I to to
bnraed by
city JJ^urer
In the dt.v
the funds therein named.
Yoaa—AMermen Abbott. Bv
Lardle. CtooUtlch. GlUm. M««n. Mur
chle. Palmer. Shuter and Winnielio.l
Can led.
Reptota of
Reiiort of the cHy treasurer for the
month of June, was piesenied and
W. R. Caldwen. city engineer.
C. Dnt>; city /attorney/
ime .........-----............. .
F. Winnie, weighmsster, June
4.J^|4ai^ hfalth officer.
Wr «. uinioV. jidW
Traveme City. MIeh.. July 2, l*a«.
ro the Mooorable, the Ma.ror aad City
froviM Ihirtber,
*422—Gentlemea—We. your commit
it. whHber opni Qrow.^ver
ee on atreet. and wnlka. reapectfnlly
deal work or eoncoaled wiring, ahah
*“ ■«»» Mf ao- aiAMMow^ BUB- •eport that me reoommewd that the be done In fuA
Stqwmrc A Steffens orchMtra.
mard of puhUc trorim mad (he city
g-13. 06........................... .
>Miaaer he |aatnicfe(l Jg IhPiKlgatc
Oouaty treasurer, taxes, Mrs.
qf Wajrae atreet weei to
**^Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Reniamla aad
two chlUlm* of Grand RapMa aad Mr.
Ulogtam an*l mother of Timversc City vltUed with Mrs. UxxW J^le-
- *
chk*. Palmer, Shuler and Wlnnlt—
( Ntw Bualnet
10443 yMov«f to Lardle aad
Id a 171,10 year or morethe dtys rmplrtf for on#
171.1C week's vacation
T^rr mayor presenuni the niauer of
the Han
a cement walk to be built by Un
nah A Lay'Oo. on Slate ao3 Park
142-20 streets, around the Park Place hotel.
that the extra width of walk
55.95 staring
would coat $20.20, and the toUl cost
to be 9109.90.
Moved by Mooo and supported by
Palmer that the matter be referred
to the streets and walks committee
with power to act.
City (reaanrer.Cd I
Yearn—Aldermen AMsHt. Everett.
Laitlie. CKJodrich. Gllleii. Moon. Mur
chl«L Palmer. Slater and Winnie25r.ee
H.’ A? iSeirc.nolTs.’ci*.
. Min ed by Pi^er and supported by
nalis. 5-29.OC.9 41;
Mm that tbe'clcrk to and U hereby
gafborix«d to oaab time order* to the
191.70 extent . or one hundred
beuroea pay roiu:
uo.es (9HM.06)
Teas—Aldefwmo Abbou. Everett.
I.ardle. Go6dr4ch. Olllett. Moon. MorV-hle., Palmer. Shuter and Winnie—
Moved by Lar^ and fmpported by
A u M^i co/'iiMi.';
P^er, that whan the noanel) ad
to adjourn to maet Mooday
9L1C.2S journ.
evening. July 9th. at 8 o'alock.
Carried. Chief, pav roll ...r.l............9 KC-M Mr: Mayor and OenUenmn of the
L. K. Wolcott, transporutkm
of gypaiqs out of city............
1-OG 243G-I am rmeated to nddreas you
. J. Brown. 3 trips tor grap.
of Trav
U of the
erae City, the
IMS. WIMidiM TMli Mmt Sht TM Ly«g
E. WihhAB’t VUltlfcii tWUlAi IsH
When women are'troubled with A
ikm corpofa
of (kc
■1 bu Mm calM la IM anmtioc
eacea. May 1. Uf. June 23.
RUSE m A man ibkk
Lay C
have free egress and tagreaa to out
hay—that exatrskma and pleasure
porMoilw _fc«* ^rtmle
peoaoa,A^I2 0G ............
. and Mrs. Henry Kilchek. Br..
mean aad a lady fram Chicwffn
are visiting at the home of Jt^n
K roups. Sr., for a lew liay.s.
Mrs. Cornell uf Sherman Is hen*
visiting her sister. Mrs. Wm. Ay era.
^rmre Ghering. who U working
other side of Tra^etm- City this
nmer. spent Sunday with hta folks
Ralph Jamieson aad
tlangbter Margar-i of. Traverse CUr
^pent Sunday nt B-n Ohering s. Mr«.
Jamlesan staying for a few days' vBIt.
Mrs. Rllla Hookfer and two Hildrea Itpent the 4th with her ppreMa.^
J. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Ayers of thU pUce. t
R. Goodrich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Root of Tiat^rae
Cliy and Mias Ports King of TI|omp.'
.‘*5^Lartli^ aidernw June
soovUle spent the 4th with David |U>
V K. Moon, alderman. June
Report of the city derk suilng that man and family.
J. M . M
'• r. p
bonow from the eooUngenl fund
P. U Shuler.
A*af.7B to balance the various Innda t»:
Mrs JuUa Jcaell of Cli
f* H.Winnie,
McOongh. l>oard public
.1 MG.23 Miss 1>ena Uck and liiqMird
Fire ............
works. ...........................
BI2.24 Tiavenu* CUy -ore vixiilag Ik
Salmies '..........
Thos. Shane, hoard public
9.4:. enih. Mr. and Mrs. A. Udi
works .....................................
HM.42 Jewea will rema
8t. Dial. No. 2
. w Walt. imnrU pnhilc
63J»5 Louie and U*na
St. Dial. No. S
unes Id a fe
General street
Mrs. J. Uict* Ik »ery |oW.
' •
Police .......... .
Mrs- Seymoiire tif Monroe Center is
Printing ......
siting her father. Mrs. Chappie, and
Ughiing ......
Ubrary .......
Cnak street‘ext
cm paving AAGIG
Union street ei
-Sow don't ask any laoro qiwHu.
Uttle boy s abuoM not ba InqnlitCiVA”
Moved )>y Mtsm ane <
$ 169.A3
-Whafa tnqnlaittre. par
Palmer, that the nmort of the dty
A.%?. IpSSiH^h.* imiyorV Jiihe
Sec. XI. That said graniee shgl
not sell, transfer or dispose of the
Iranchise. right or privileges granted
and conferred und#*r and by virtue of
the provisions.of this ordina
out the pievloua. approvai of aald
council of such sale, transfer or dlsAtraet Dlatr
such apinoval ty
n. pay roll .
equlre the afflrmstlve vote of at
least iwo^thlrtls^of all the roemlter^
>r said council then In office.
. 2.
Sec. XII. Said rorpi»rstion
within two years fnim January
IM17. construct its electric light and
jsiwer plant and ahall be furnishing
8trr«l District Na a,*
light and power by means of
St. Com. pay roll ..,,
iricity therefrom in agjd cpy of
ersc City, or else a|l rights, privileges.
Intereal. (ranrhlae. permission and au
Btraet District No. 4
thority hereby granted ahall thence
I. par roU ---------... -. -<
forth cease and l*e forfeited. See. Xin. The said grantee. Iti
* F
street Dlatricl No.
Sec. XIV. ' Said company shall with
In UilrUr 436i slaya afiorwhe punaaRi
Lay Interoi
The mayor ao a
Moon, onieu and Winnie.
Moved by Lardle and supported by
aimer that the coundl adjourn.
.‘ ’
City Clerk.
ffanfcal tamnr.
AceeuM Caas Strast .Bt
engineer, pay roll........
I M0mi
I 11CJ2
Total ....................... ...........M.
tUe Co. and t
Julv 2. 190G. •
To the Honorable, the Major and Com
9 336 29 aware, are the
mon Coundl of the Cl4 of Travotne
Inal Arm ^
fumaMaed Evening ReconL »H«..............I 4€A6
the following bills, report the same Eagle Press, h&rd of educa7115 Tfc, Areetorr o» Uw
a. 93.90; mlac. A«35...
oonect, and recommend that Ihe mme
be allowed oqt of the aev^r^l tw
here stated.
>>ie. Palmer. Skater and W
The Maney Go.. «r
Moved by lAmTt aad'
JIMUhat the report be
a‘^IL*K”ll * P. Co,
I. •«.
See. X. The -elfy of Traverae City
ahall have the right to porehaae at aay
Pere. Marquette R R, frsiMt
tUae after the esp
on 7 cars hrldt. fllATt;
yearn from the SR^^SelaX**^
this ordinance, all of the poles, mai
Colby Bros., kauUag. 41
brick .........................
the business of said corpomtkm locatfd aad bHag wMhia said dty at a W R. Caldwell, expenaek
•V, JULY ■«.
•ML 'Pom
metec ^f^ to
Stop cirrsu
vM.wcil sp
to cisa^ vttb wood rsctoc to «seii of
Tosrrrsat. TIm ttack vat btcur
CMa«i, nU isUr IX-Ab swb
ftM» iyiBB thr
^ llHas pipmisaof
a«to aas a«rt«d toa day
nrtoc the rs^
Laba Erto orgaaiaatloa sm aMrad to
tbc Maektaae cmtotog taw sT Ibc Cbl> malader of tbe amwltot.
la the t :17 pace May Pam was a
csfo Tscirt arf».
now farorita. 8am Jod« took Aba
fmr. Tbe amt will be tbe tbbd a»
nf beat, to tost drirtog and tbew
■aal rasa to ib« aortbara pdri.
thm an ladttoUloaa bU» fair to balbe May Peoi onsm atoong to tba oast
autb Vildmas baiag aarood to
giaataat aoataat af iaa btod
of tbaaa Tba fmrnb aad last
sailed am troth watar. The At
beat, as It tamed OaC was tba ton.
. m aitlea, atofcaa tbe. ftsiare «
ttwa of Ibe day. May Fern. Locky ilm
jtofaraUy wfib (ha loss ocaaa t
and Reib M*ildamn caiu» oadt aad
mUtk raesatly haaa aiiraetad <
for tba last handred yards, and
yacbttos world,
to data toctoda iwrtre It was only to tba last conpla of yards
that May Pam mmed oai tba daeidlng
dm by s bare'couple of Inches. Lucky
was aaoood end Ruth Wlldman
third. •
Bant) Wllkaa w^s tbe popular
ciiQlcsa,ln tba 8:0 pace, but R was
not tba Mqproa paoetb eay. PlfibWas
Tba wtoaar wttl be batd'to pick
all W'ilkas conid do to abe first boat
fraa too Idfb Oom Md. as tbe
and two seconds and two tfalrdii were
tba tt|o CMcago
that Drirer Gray could ncenra In
bare b*a soaMaatad. A pfomlaeat tba nipet four heats. , Darld K, dHren
win ba Vaaaadof. now
by Keltic of Baidla. was tbe wteiiar
owaad by Oeorse Tn«al. aad oatarad
aflar uktag asoond la tbe first beat,
ftwBi tba OohUBbto Htfb. Vaaeedor.
fourth to the aadpad and then 1
wbaa owii«I by Fred A. Pflca, woo
firsts. Uttia Ted was aecood bast.
tba im Macklaar race In lt03. the
wUh Beauty Wilkes third.
toward Ttoto acf by tba sloop* being
Osll won the 2:lfi trot In ^ three
It Is not aspaciad this timr
straight heau. Leeward Grarm took
wtU ba appRMMibad In tba coming racr. second money and Paceolet third.
ad tba boats to tba li|lttol araai ware
The running race was pretty much
fsabred by a fair wlail during the an* of a surprise, altbougb the tororite
ils, trip. Vaoaaaa. owned Hr W. P.
Koanlgln Louise, ridden by Nech
OMtonm of tba C?itea«o dub. gar^
ly. was left st the i»oat on Tuesday
Vaaoador a baid race aad was beaten
and by many was regarded as out of
by tba aarrww otonla of four minutes the running In today s race. But the
tmd forty aaoboda. VaiaSna again U wise ones went to her all the same.
--- ---------v
MHoria also carried a lot of money.
bitich latarato irairoonito/lBfr-itotry Koenigin Louise was an easy wtoaer.
of Omusodor^ Afflacka big yawU Nearly |84K)0 changed bands on the
RaMar II.. of the Toiado chib, which
la sow oo lU way bare. Tba yacht
: .iapi aad a dangerous ooniaodar. i
admr food one will be ibe Adama
ms Widi WMr «
Has WM
, l|
M Yta4
«1H »» •“««>
Ur M (kis tmet. The kicatton l« Lpair ^«ttr KOBL like. Oo Labor <IM
tte Mol*
etob will V4d Ihrtr
U^i^d Mra Franle Monroe of Bern
nrala are vIslUng retaUves at this
»"» *"
ybarc-s no gm W natth or aky.
Wbtob your rick Mnimi withhold.
to tba tanck or Bfa to me.
City and Mayor
of the party,
manshlp was tbe
sublect of the toasu'and aongs during
the day. Doriag ibe after-luncheon
apeaktag a cablegram was prepared
and aent to M# la LMtoan. ms foUows:
Upton dinner mptee^Urd
» a^ MQwaakee etttoe^ both
premi. request yo^r presence
Coiambla Yacht dab Upsoa mens.
/•C. W. ScblekrOommodom.
A short-jawed man with i retreating
chin Is hard to hit on the | Dim at all.
But aside from cooatructlon there
liist be something in a flghter'a nerv
ous mako-op that enables him to with
wbo can 'tolce It” Is uau
ally BtoUd and lacking In nenrousness.
Helbu no quick Intelimonce. kl«
nerves are not alert—they seem to be
low order. Jeffries is like a*grix
sly bear. You can shoot a gristly 1
of bullets and he’ll keep going until
he gela you. A buUel would not otop
Jeffries , nnlcis It went throngl
Joe Grim, wbo has taken more
tgs. without balng kno5hed ijul,
any other living illan:, has UtHe
intcillg^ve than a mule. He can
hardly string two eentences log<1her
The only thing be ever rci*U off
atcreotyilld speech: **1 Joe Grim. 1
fight any man ina da worl*. I noila
fralda anybody.” Grim U so -thlck^
that bis skull might well be
lump of bone-and he can't be
knocked' out by an ordinary blow.
^tiling Nelson Is almost aa silent
am Grim, although when he does loosen
up enough to talk he dfspUrs good
visited with her
and wife. Thursday.
Mias Mae Wealch returned to Petoskey Sunday after a week’s vacatloo
oida «l one windlair, btol
■awwt aodel
Model repradarer;
^otormof; obaer; l»r|^e
TERMS—’Cash. or $4.20 down and
Biweekly. .
on. M. ». QREOORV-CItUm |*<M
Ml. 'ottB, t .uMi 4 sathMta* ' ‘
block. RckUcoM »S Vdaut SL
:______________ jbly T-tt
De Mt mla tM. MXW4H <m><»t.Dtt7 tf
Of bnyiag n PHONOGRAPH. In ease yon cannot cnR. write or *plMne
aa end onr repmaentotlro will be plenned to rbdl yon with faU pm^
ticnian of tbto craat offer.
bare the best kind of
toinment testonlly araltabi^ fbr nay <
Music House-ISO E. Front St.. Traverse Cily
af tho Mona lake nummer rceort. to
. Marreff Burch for the building of the
•peedWay wbldb wlU be nearlv
half mile to length nnd will cost ap^
; proxlmaioly $10,000. The track
he for lhe am of the Muid^egon Moio.
Cy^ cinb nnd tbe b‘.g racing
wbtob mm held every Sunday aad ih^
Uit iht oomitrjr wOl br km
Kelson. Y
Eddie Hanlon. KM
Slcott Grim and mnny of .............................................
Jeffries. Walcott
tbe oUer figbtera wbo can take tbe
gaff bare laws exactly like Fitx'a
McGovern's Week Jew.
Terry McOorem baa a kmg^jaw.
but Terry, eren to Ws best days.
he atopped a good blow
with hU chin.' When Terry first bebackward tbe rumor
first that he was geUlag a
Although be rallied apl
Terre Haute .....84
I often staggered by a clip that
wouldn;i hurt him before. Tommy
Murphy of Hartem has a tag |aw
Terry put him out wUb a pttiich that
wouldn't bare Umched'l
A doctor said that Murphy would
fUinee Today.
always be easily knocked out by any
Grand RapMa at Wlieetlng.
one wbo could land on his law lieTerre Hante at Hnytom
cause the long distance from tbe lip
of tba chin to the hinges of the Jaw
Eransrllte at Sprtogfidd.
the blow such tremendous levAMERICAN.
ebaaed to the cast. 8cbo*>mo6k w^
oae of the most noted of ibe eastern BRIOOfi LOST IN GRAND RAPIDS
cruisers and will carrr the burger of
tbe Columbia club.
Manlwa. formerly a Ctonadton yacht,
aad nopr the propoitr of Giarer and
Jobnaoa of Ibe Colombia club,
la to be reckoned with. Other good
•^nnes from the OaiumWa will be Jukh
Ito. Ptod Pricea enod yawl; U J
erand Rapids. MIc., Jdly IS.—After
.Ibold s Widsltb. R. E. Uuplesals's 8a
die and Moore and Baker-s Itoatrice ten rounds of dean, fast fig
Opposed to them will to- Dwight Law Harry Lewis was glrei the dedalon
fence's ocbocmer Mlsirnl. McClurg and over Jimmy Briggs last night.
Briggs storu-d the fight as the ng
Walt's eehooncr Alice, the McConnell
Clinch Fds oebooner Hawthorne. C. R gressor. vainly tr) Ing to find a weak
Soule's )uwl. Nalkd.
ComnMXk>re spot In the Philadelphian's front but
Baum'k yawl Arcadia. O. 8. Siocro's was helpless when away from the
; ynwl Vaaadh.. R. H. Artaimi yawl rangy fighter's bo<ly. Tbe first i%*e
Kaymdik. J. a B^ryman's >awI Tan- rounds here furious and then Briggs
nls^-Slewart. MeCtad and Conper> weakened, ccming'om of the fifth with
g$-footer Blrea. C. T. Bailey s jloop an ugly cm under the right eye
Itaa. and W. A. Merrlrtan's IB-footei from* then on'took awful punlshr
The decision was wt4t accept^ by
Aooepblne. all from the Chlraipj club,
tbe crowd
r The CUP llaclT Is one of tbe
dlatoimte ercr put up for comp«Hltk»n
between yachts oo the great lakes.
lU raluo to said to be fl.Soo. Wbea
Commodore Baum and the rest of the Sunday.
Mrs. Tucker and a
committee selected dcsigna for
Ceti.nr were In town *i
• trophy the Idea was that It should he
emblematic not only of water-sports,
but of the loriUlly whkh It comroemoraten Kacktnac Ulnad. whlpb for
yeara has beca the great trading poln:
of the ladtoM and aboiinda to Indton for the
WiMlnesday morning burial aenricea
lore and roimce. Cansed H to aeem were
held over the aon of William
appropriate that somethtog commem- Denio and f>iday morolng tbi
orallm of lU history should tos ‘perr of Mr. l.amme wa!^ laid to
petuatqd In the trophy. The dt-slgn
Preparations are Wing made tm tbe
acociNtPd brings out this Ulna. It rojH enlargement of the cimveni. Ltmiber
upon the ground nowt
rcdania n war canoe. This is flanked Is Mr.
and Mrs. Scott toft Saturday for
on^ sMea by massive Indiaa heads.
anittce and from there they will
ake an mrtended yisli to their chil
dren In the weaL
MiMktffOfi to Hava New Track.
Mrs, Horton left Baftirday evening
Musltogon. Mich. July IX-Muske- lor an Indefinite stay 4Uh out of town
goB to to have tbe fiaost motor cycle friends.^
nd Mr*. Heuss have a little
.Hack to tbe weal. Tbe^wiiract was
tot ytoterday by Prank Bcott. mpnager
4sycretMaik» toss.
Or Thosaas Llpfan
UpCoe dwrtag
*ntos tbe
tiic uptoa
There to jme &tog noticed mb
aU tbe figbtera wbo atom abOt^
They bare fOl wide
laws aad abort, rermaung cbl^ This
It a direct contrmdicucm of Ibe oM
theory ibat tbe figbtlag man
Cbia that sticks out like the
ram OB a
FltsMmmons* jaw to rery wide, hot
bto cbto Is ubbet. IgRriaa to tbe only
r ancccadsd to
Pits by a blow on the point Bob has
often pnrposelr token rbard swing
caller here today.
Fred Brown axade a trip to Trkvfirae
CHy last week.
Dell Fairbanks and daughter of Elk
BapidH csllod here one day last week.
C. Bofsmior drove to Traverse City
one day last wwk.
Wall Watson and family sjient tbe
4lh at Skegamog point.
Almost x-veryone here spent tWe 4lh
at Round lake.
Moses Underleaf and* family ol
Traverse City spent the 4th with reU
tIv«-« here,
MUs Jessie Harris .
u»L .1^.. r'”* “
Ing to the city Sunday.
Clint and Tom Pray plaved ball at
Traverse City the 4lh.
Grover Hammond. Hrlian Bolsmler
and Ora Brown went to Kalkaska and
s|M*nt the 4th there.
July S.
if i
Only 82 Yeara Old.
“I am only 82 yeara old and don't
expect even when I get to be real old
to fe«-I that way aa long as I can get
Electric Ritters." aaya Mrs. E, H.
jnaon. of Dublin. Ga Surely therms
hlng else keeps the old as
and makes the weak as strong as this
grand tonic mofllclne. Dyspepsia, Wt
pUf liver. Inflamed kidneys or chronic
cunstlpatiun are unknown after Uking Eloctrin Billers a reasonable
Guaranteed by Johnson Drug Co., F.
Meads. C. A. n.tgbee Drug Co,
rugglstn. Price M)c.
Chicago at New York.
ResulU Yesterday.
Pittsburg S.^rooklyn 6.
8t. Louis 7. Philadelphia C.
New York 16. CtaJhinali i:
CblcakO 44i. BoRlon 1.2.
Gamos Today.
Boston at Pi^sburg.
Brooklyn at CIntdimatl. New York at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
malic and Indlffereni to pain.
ffries Is as stolid as ^e rest,
etlmcw be will loosen up and Ulk.
but, not often. He Is nevcless. He
doesn't feel pain. A iKsar onw* bit
Jeffries on the log. tearing a big hole,
ntx Hewed It up with a sail needle ana
piece of string and Jeff laughed all
through the operation because Fiix
The 4th passed^!! quietly here.
found It so hard to force the needle
Rev. I*ettiboo» Is able to be up
attending to business.
through the tough hide.
Rudolph Larson and wife of Cat
WIK.. are visiting here at pm;ci...
Maple city.
Master George Gilbert and sister
Ids of Traverse Cii>- are having
the 4th Jn Mani
good Ume rislUng their
to Tisittog relatives In cles and aunts.
Augutt Portner started for Marlon
A number from here went to Empire Ohio, oo business this morning.
Henry Wichern went to Traverae
the 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Alien went to Travof Grand Rapids, a con
VC. wbo came here to spend
There will be an tow cream socUl
mmer. died last evening. Un
given next Friday evening by the C.
R aoctoty at the hmsom of Mr. and less other arrangeacnis are mado
Mrs. AlUngton. All are Invited to at
A. H. Fisher and slater Lottie wen v^DBuiDeniB uuiciauog.
•Mrs. Herman Sleater spent the 4th
to Cedar Run July .4th.
Mrs. Warren Steamy of Glen Arbor with her son William at Arvadia.
was In town Friday.
Louis Wichern and sons. Chrlslun'
Mr. and Mrs. F. Totlen aad Mri
Winie mnd Johnnie, spent tbe 4tb with
Mrs. ABdrew nsher i
frlemto and relaihrea at ArtmdU,
dren'a day exercises at
Bpmetml bb
toma Druff Storm. Bp
to mym, mmr, moms mmd t
Northport Point.
Grivin« (ix houn at'Marion
Imlaml. an ic!^ plai-o to
the .lay. with p vilion and
OR. A. H. HOLLIDAY, Ondwto Tto
itMxto Dmlvmntty. OfSem tai MoMi ,
rbuiid Dip.
::: rs;.;;,
Pere Marquette
TucftUy, Thursday and Satur
day evenings—Marion Island and
N4*^h-ta-wnnta, at 7,110 p.
Horst's orchestra’ and dancing.
Muskegon, Rate $2.00.
Grand Rapids, Rstc*$2J».
Train will leave Traversi* City a
0:30 m. m. See posters or a-sk ageni
for parUculars.
July 10.:i
'H.F.M<KlIer.G. P. A.
SUNDAYS- Excursion to
Marion Island, aflorabon and
evening. Horst’s orchestra.
Daily connections at NorthCharlev9ix, except
anteeff. F. D. Iftohoto, til floMk
umon. atBRluAmllN. mprlMt
O. P. OmrvT A Bwl BsUi ptasa
IR. ff. L.^IRLBVl^taetal mttmm
omoPATMie mvaioiAMs
iM. tam-tott
msass. fiet<
A Short Cut to Success
to a iwotjtfnjml pump.
1 pmimtomm cure iUr palm. Ooe'm palms
Marion Island.
livery barn. Parties wishing to breed
win do wen to see this horse and In .Mornhy. WcHlnesday and Friday
vestigate his breeding,
Returniii«, reaching Traverse
jnly 11-Ct
H. R Cowles. Prop.
finger could have
le a rntooua break,
entire province of Holmanner Kenneth MeMe, permitted a
€f VanoMKxro.
niue cold to go niiBOticed unUl a
model. Ttie patent c
tragic finish was onlv averted by Dr.
to exaihine the maehine In actoal cfw- King's New Discovery. He writes:
atta. bnt thto tbe ©are rrfmutl to da *^rbrce doctors gave me np to dto of
lung tnflimmmtta. canaed by a necTbe attontoy, tbcferore. poUp
lected eoM; bnt* Dr. King's New Dtoa 'berm ton pontp t» the paU
from Trenton to satisfy a ckeptiral rp>
Morrtaab^ over 8un- nmlaer., Twenty-one
Drug Oa'a, F. H. Memda. C. A. Bugqutoidtogel lr Intot
bee Drag Ga's drug storea. fiOc aad
fLOO, Trial bottle It.
Steamer Columbia
Will l«save .Traverse City at
8:40 a. m. for
atalllon. T. W. W., will aland Mon.lay. AfternOOO fc'XCUrSlOnS,tO
tbe rigon of patent oCwhich
Bast Front stroeL
L Btudto No. Us
down stain. Clta.. pbooB
Ma i04.
A Tragic Fialah...
ca. v„.
on the Bay
aebool. Teaeber. Mr*.'naaeai S
Smith. Ofadwata pupil of Prat VraA.
arkk Horace Clark oSCbbrnta H4
Notice to All Persons Inlewted.
The special assessmi nt lax roll f«ir
Five liQure and a half at No-mhfrom the south line of Suic sln*ei
the grading and paving of
smt l lawaiiU Faro 2-> cento round
south to the bridge
In my hamis for conectien
first inrnallment ti
Oc/fiirAlI day ride to Northport ARTHUR HOLUDAY,
fore July 31. 190€.
and \ Norihijort Point, without
Inaviritf the boat, for 50 oonto.
City Treasurer.
wisUtn^; <fan m^care dii
Tbo8<' ^Bbtn^'
.Office. Room 202 State Bank huIM mlioanl the boat
Ihg.Keturniiit', boat
j Traverse City at 4.15 p. m.
notice—The high-bred trotting
Ited at Wm. CanTs Saturday and
SARA T. CHASE. M. D.-PbyStoliR
and Cnrgmm. Officca m-S itoto
Bank block, wHh Dr. O. M CbaaB.
CItx. phoaa 28G 8R. RfridUMto fSl
W. S^enth street, wtth tba Minn
Carroll. Cits, phone lU.
isto worb with ihc right nt
Bny yonr frnit preserving a
at Saxton's and von will have tbe
satisfactory kind. We have ibe
best kind that's mode i^keitles.
•anoe^Df, fruit and jelly jars.
Wbai we rerominciKl you c
pend OB. Therefore soooes
crown your efforts and you will not
loese your labor or spoil your fruit
hyustugiboae weoifer.
DENTISnOffloo606 New Wflb«im Bkck.
■le 683.
C D. Micuxy
8a)don Hardware Cc.
In BfiMnl Wfliit Ails|
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