The Evening Record, May 01, 1906

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The Evening Record, May 01, 1906


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





, WBEpra^
IMM MU« w *m

^ •, * oiaitti It mi
ftjtw 4T MTlft ftOHM.

M fOflMOi «t Ttlit OvI*
MOM tot 6mm U|k

akmd ttel tw tot^
UM« WM tu«
tm.Ot.7t of
pt or OM«
> ttttjMrtt tet ^


A V. FHMieli. myor. aiM BOrt H
Water Wtfin.
TM rapMt of H. a /oral. MiiMrto.
(M voter vortn. olKHriM
tett tIM M Mte o aMo OMT oprrOMM otiMteo of
•TCiNtCIld kubCK,
I 004 tbo
Mrte Pofo.)

^ FIIOM Hit Wirt.

' oad iM/yopofi of tea olty of
rteONf^MoUMilMittiad. TM

IMr jMoUoc Mtt Mioy mimlmg.
no roport of Um AteM AtMtt oom
pte PTOr^Wfl UHikiOt ood
Cteto via hvo Moote) aoo
I oForo til ooetpted vMh
m teo hoord of pohllc
.vovU^thte bteMntentdI hook te
It bo
itiititpro tPtePtek. mmnx ttoteo, tt
M»t 4te. hotel ptetliol/
* .

floa tt

WhU Abram Haitte vaa not
to katro boon oortoualy lit ho vaa fooiid
la aa alarmlai ooodltloo yaatorday
aCtemooo by
hy a aoighbortep
ooighbortep family vho
■Hwonood tho 00
oonriooa of a phytertaa.


daya. Thuradaya Saturday a. afterbuuus and eireolnsa. Tburaday afterboon
for the laiUea. CUrk A Haaklua.
CootlfHiod ter Four Hours WMI# Hoat
third floor oev (!ainpl»ell Mock,
In tHo LWinp Roomo aoeomo AL
moot Ufthoaroblo tut FIro
D4dn*t tnauo.

boated eaipty bolter la thr Stelaberp
block aivcooaidorod.^
About t o’clock la the eronlny
labo- Wloate aoilced aparka Ilytnf
from tho flblmooy of tho Stelnbert
bteok. la oompooy vllh Chlof of the
Fire Oopartateos Murray, a Tialt vaa
made to the bkiok vhero the

O. Joyet;

iyiasjmac-eUm-bara, doaib ondoaUy
oferaemlaa the maa white ho vaa at<
ftoattead toblocboroa. Kco
of hit ooedStlpe >(ho eoroaar
MMTtM mu ««rr COBPIM* art
It kept

iwtaM anr *»»••. *k»


mtloool BiipjiU**. or» fortbcoodoo Iw
niMlmtfb. Mayor 8dteilU ooy« tko
Hl> U in dMtrr and la taoo
morae off than A ««0 1^ 8
hun«1r€Ml earkauU oT food oiM tetpUft;
hav«- brm rowirtHl aod dlalfttml^
« April It and tte tmtlvay oftciota,
they have aolr IQt aoro oo Uie
tray. Both qioo«t and sopplin

Nothias ema Otwad vroop In the fire
poU of etUter of tho Stelnberf fur^
aaeaa. ea they mtumod to theb duttea
asala. Ifr. StaiBbert. who did not
fool oatteSiAe ovlas to tbo praratence


TREADEASr Shooo ho>v three
(liatioot aouroea of tupertoiiij.

- Cct 11$

Thml^he character of labor
Treadeeey eboee are petfeoi ahoee.
Foraale only by


Ferlbe OrO

I hbTs made graMofos ieleotkme of single pattern novnov.
and aummer
•.and ahall eateem it a
fayo^tobave the public oaU
and examine the neweffeote

Fiiat-Tbo beauty of Hoe nod proportioii, which
oomtm through the Ite&d of a maalM deaiM«
8eooDd-Oork ctiahloii iuaolef and fuU^ubbar
heek, the two apeeial featuiea that hare made

pur^fete. They sre light,
ht wcj! and arc comfortable. ^
We think our prices
are a little better than at
other stores, too.

{■onuiUia luti-Mdacpiii
mciiUyOTr attMUoato

MAY t nm.

■ t

**• M* kMrtf* •tifP



cu fix yon. up
MW you tom moB-y.
OuratoctUM miwt
taxve sverytlitac you wiH
o^in the fiaSng tackle


I^W^BI&CEST Assoftitieq

m fw mmm l»r#
\ Come in and aee the
dhtoi^Wto tor «yto«a. MrwDib-

IMi mA •» WKiiN M ^ «D k«





M totoy. w* tot*

UythMt I

Ml tttM

If Ito CMMNtel dto «mM4 aM'M^

We have a

Vtaol l» to Ito be* prtototolto «f cod


iM li AMM
«# M WMkW
Mib af iMi WrmtiMm t»i ai tM
IHM al kb aMtna, wib • bMar ta
M cMMla ttaMi; tba laaMt W
tn fMMBM. OaMvaac#
MalMUib «a aapar a
«r M
MabMial klaa% fwaM Ub

They will look good to

_____ aptioa.^ to
Itrowtog ehHdraa roknat and glr<'
alrapMk pad vlgar to tha aM* aad to
Make tka woak aUtbg aad tka alck


M Mba toMiftP to brtb a bfttor 1
jpto# ka raad to tka Mwctara af tkt
dajr at tiM' Mkaoa Dnig Co.
Wkra Mr*. Umikard oPmft to ratv
»^«rr «M»
aalM It • MM la toali tifttiM tofik kar pbaa la artor MBtoaai Mba Itbpana «a bar rrbaa«
atiM. Tk# praiTW wJU ka aif toit It bbkt bi lEorballr MtM Mia tr am imabaharaka wraa koaaat In kor
«bk toMtoto imb wowma. kot^
Mblft koto toOto orklcMw of boaadly
M# afiM
fla Maaa to tk
?**%> **«bl try p«* Blmp
■•■.' to***M rafMMIy t» ibr** of h«
gam «i ika ipMimkna mi ika KMf
la tka bMIMaf of to# Mto! to aa ffbPda wko wora <«llUic o«Mk kar
PiwKay aft tko OrM ogara I
day. ‘Wa aiM* a pM Uttb kudy
•ast Martay Mgkt. Tk# MartM
anl ao aafortitoate! Har oil raotomm
porty of tka oo»My
tko OyaM
hato Ptoppad at M ky an# tui tkmi
fIboU. Ha kaa t«M koik MMMM
aibtoaly a patoao^la tko atrlgkbot
tor a Mibkor of yaara aad tkit aMooa
-At 1 oCtoa toy to my bnabaad,”
tlatod Mra Loaiban witk baata. aa
cbaotJka boat bjrattfy
aba tov abaa af mqxOn <* to toaa
tof lllaaftM tkai kava am kaaa pkt
Jbr Crbtob.‘toiMKwa aka tSoaai
*•» Sw^ 1« to
»4 miad la tkb aoaatry. Tkoy «i#y
pf Borabttaaa aa folbwa Myft My wrU. That dtwan't altar tka fart
tiitXr VMM Ml w to 4dm. Mk tkib a eobpaay of wall aalMM ckapbr
a apmi dbpatck fnw Aadawoo. lud Mat aba kaa aa luvalkl brotkar to au|H
»• gtoMl HIM* (m4 *St Ifeto to aaftlPiklft to aid ik#» la koop
and tftbt akr tfftrd rftayrtkiaa **l*a,
to tka tt Loab IbaMrtapatcfti
tkair byotortaa aoHiaf wblrfc ara Mm ^And 1 aiaad ipoa tka apod of
too otato«rapky to mtotog. and uoU
ar tka laiaat Wamaaa aoralibft ikki ■Maodaawakaaatrbaap oatartbt took op towtag aa a bat rraon aud
ito kartag atroo koada aod tan borttoV jtiat kataa rrary atltck akr t.kra and
fw « IMI MU of l«M Ito. MM* •**
taa ctowaa, and , m*wMj§
alwaya kaa Now,
Now. do try hor.
bar. aome oT
aM tlpoo kb koraa too
otor-MtoUto toptoi*. Mcdt M af tflaalnat aad ara tka raault» of itotbtobaMatkoaoba
I ptto ik#a kora wHk nr for to laat
yagra of alady. Tha aoUra productloa
to aiy Jim
ttuiw M toir «»D«f>lM DDrtJoftolr tkb Mao4 trill ka qnlia HP to
booat wklek I oaw waa uao a toot days Biaklag a
aad kb loat wort aa tka rm Doaa b toot aa pacboLatM It aa ran
iaad It 4ooa MU aurpaaa pravlot
af a boar* aad kb ooiitk aa to oootk ha tkoagk WO T. had It aU to pb^ea
»IM fit ailf PMa aat^
tkiwo tlioaa ”-Yootkb c\»mpauloa.
If tka poopb aalnra Ika aaaia
laa carrad oot to woodea
oaita lllbklltMtkMl ka tka paoi


yto biSLlTS !T



A. j; WlllElM.


TiiNieiiT sii^Kbi
Ridgeway Co.

Nifib SctaH Imture Cniise


Black Taffeu. warramed; 19 to
inches witlr. at all prices*

Peau df. Cr. |M. White.. Hose, Reseda
and While aiul Black Si«|.e., $1 per yard.



f?L fMM af flb tra
tM to# dbitriMoat kaa
M Tka Marl'
I M tM« MftoTtlHtoanr Ml K
ft to M tlMlw Mmtwi tka
tabk mtoNgti#***’


of amaia akowa tkat tka eity
toga ftoto Mtoa. Tka fiaaiar aobi

r If kMto wara tor toWlk Mb «b>
*4 4tUtff trkfb tka edbaa of a ooilooo
‘ itm ara my tow. ifca boat aartoiu
. toTittotogt to burttor Tka twaaty
i m Jntaki farhMa tfampa. oto.. aad


. All tka Mkar iwporu of ofMb wMa
jtoltoikiftarr Mi M# Haioaad to wkk
totiiMM. Tko ragoit af tka baard of
««tia akowtaf kow tkay kad
tobMdoi Ika toty a fiwida tad tlw lb
ijTtoaiitoi Mkia akeSM tkM tka


l%« D«to Df Hu etty pntorfr *M Ml
ipto TratoMy MDM ■Mor .itlrM
Mtn oMUto to iM tWMl Iwi u>
«kMto(r;a*y-«H> to HMtoM vtoa
I4D »*M»t DMM* M«*_ _


of Otranfo aaUuaU.
___ ___________ (!bb IM homa act
aa to back of a ckalr. aad to crowaa
aiw aa to gaard rmH of a ckalr whftdk
b labMbd for Ur. Lakano* dog. Tko
rw taatoao b palatod a brlflit yattow
capt tor to comfaliiatkia aalatal

aatbaooa of tka aoaaoa wl
ika« la la ikatr appaaraar# k
Mariay algkt. BAt aab

and 41 Itot PtotiM Vaor
kava kaan racobmaadl




to WaaklMgtoa

I of tka
b aoaral
laf tot

of k. 1. ball k Mb’ dnii aloro. “ft
ludflai ftt>» tka aala wr kava oa l
kraad aaarly aaary abakar In Tr
am Ctty b todto •
of Chbc
Tkara may ka. bowarar. a faw ra
4^ of tka Roaord who kava mM if
Jka Chlfo, If aa wa waat thab to
ama to our alora aad M tva of tkoja

A pocaBarity of fnhuluato of wee-'
ewT ta tot It praMtoo • toeh tW'
wklek all other aaboUocea are oet
me. and lU anprama ralo. aa an ,
pftoolTa mote in tkb fket and In t

■ haa ernclt^ a factory
II 5k‘lM*aaing for lh«* nia nufaclurA <rf
tl«* and l>nfhllnK blockH
CarHuR Raly A C*» . of W«wt Branrh.
vlll HuMit' a bank at Twlnipk.

It’S brook Trout You Want
■ j, ^ ,

... . ^

.......-- -

- And the finest spotted beauties that swim
■ these northern streams will be^yours If you
use OUR I^ISHING TACKLE and----- a lit'
tie skill. We have' the greatest stock of
■ ;v ;
everything needed by the fishermen, in
Northern Michigan. Ask for what you
will and you will find it here.


pbaioaa Tbew b a curreM af aymim-

> ku^aoaa oorornl Inlb maettag ooo olgkt. tolttog tot wkUe
tka city waa a iraad aad boantlful oao
that toy woce U daUy danger rrotn

piwdaee explOnkm b to rapid g«
tbo of great beat along with Urge
qnaatlUM of oxygoa. la gunpoadef.
for Inatanco. to nitrate of potoah
(■npalen. which b to chief Ingro.
dbnt. to praetlrally Imprteoned oxygen,
and Then It to decompooed along nllk
ctoareoal aa ftmmenae beat to devalopeil.
wklek caiwaa the gaeoa to expand

cU white peopw not
la koUd any atractwroa wore than two
ilprba kbk. In coofonatty with to
-Juii put tkb aoilda ta M Rat
tiadltloo Ur. Bond*, awwpaay orretM
and a« will kava Ika am dapaba
a wnrekouao two atorbo high wiib
voady to aall Woftbwortii Broa.'^k
boaay kaak If aot dUUad* walb two foet thick.
Jnat yet I’d ratkw etay at
Uotbor^Toa wtiot remeankor, ae
It la IniM a pboaare to aar tka waa do aoft wtok oleTer wivm. Daui
drama at lalY ewergUig from Ike atate tar-Bat aU taon art not like papa.
^nggbk taalpkllty. At tbr Prince of
Mtoolor tor af aar MOM ta«M
A Crappad rat may eaoHy be tamed
mom mow pby a gnmr of footI oo fbr atmgr. ta to eoatar af by Mbwlag ka water bat tot oOerad
_lck Ml»* Ualuielb Roy kUka Ika ta a toock. for to creature aooa toarua
kaU tato to aoiltoHum. Wo daokC ta taiiagilM to band which aoppltea
tali aUtataiifl MTcwteuy.
w to tlno


tinesT <=omAt-'iOc. 40c. $U)0. lip tc
binalion Steel at $7.(Kl.
Bamboo Poles
Best quality at Sc. 10c and 12c each.
Bait Boxes
Big and little. oWong and crescent
shaped, at 15c and 20f.

For either trout or bass fishing. Cost
55c thb dosen to $1.40.



Fly Books


Fish Baskets
Th^ very b«t <»f Woods. Sell from SOr I
to $1.65.’

All manner of shapes—soiUc
shapes—soih entirely new
patterns—10c to S5c each.'


jjc the dozen up to
big Ones at 5c each.

minnow Ptails
Either the patent floating
the sinking

Tfw A MMoto wAirr AO4



; sym


tte State tr




r ^
^ ^^

A Wc^st^k to !ehct from. Pric« 6c

Fly SpoonsA big st^k of these important articles at
lOc and 15c the spoon.

Grfwtl ta kiMSlts

Tiy Reconl WAk


kiK» b* «* «M into wy bMi** **or

koaaagitM wWralk»4|abaad
to la koatoaMtab WIm km

mS!^ b«iW

tftful oquipogo waa aoea drttlojr about
Paib wdtk an ooeatokoaa ta tko topa
or acoraotaadanopaafiatr ofacbaora
mtoM Ikliiga .wllartag aa
ta to Blddb patatod on the panel of
kakkUk Boaa aouM b» bar# aa fkaa
aaek door. That waa KkototMwfa «wt
or anaa. aod H told Ita own lair, lie
Ikatof a
was a ftmltis In kb way and owed
wncceaa ckbdy to kb aklll In dbg
•«MND «r rMiMWiy
EXPERT TO INVESTIQATE. tag albkt drformlttra'aiul brtnglug
to bmM atttotivo ckarma of kb fair
gMMDlly tototo. toto DM Of «U*b
He iwpklly
MMi • DmMI h»»«»»«lto »r MrU*.
rnmma^ oo Mapyarr gwaotaooa, j «im1 bft hb koln an ananal Income of
Tte ftoll
•« »to Mb
U ator tp IgtiiPidli to MIort af! a0.000 fiaoca. l*iider to firaY empire
•M •MUMto ID DD «lbD». tod
to oartbqaak* toeka ta ban rraocta I and to roatorattoo Leroy aoppibd tko
blMt MtoM wHb iIm- tot* lad tto aa oa ooamtop aad Mkor ocfweniral
otfweniral am- dreaooo of to
Mto. «f lb* Utob ftu« «blfb II *t«M. tortab. Dlroctor C. W. Wabott of tka
It to« Mbto ui««*to ••» iw»Mtf oi«
ta to Boo Kickelbu. An of______ jooomlnm waa wrlttsm ni»»a
: »t iiB,tg Awatnmaborof to,

ibto d« JW* IMI *rbtolci»l« tor


boff. to aon of a Bavarlau iiruwiut




Drinking Cups


Came Coat»


mu fumWt it

Bansab A Slay Mqxantifc ewnpaay.


AAd Atototor aaA
toUAM drtrtof tmAtok «tod A. B Wt A M ftOft. totomto »y»to am
AftW. dLBAirtotoiAtAtortol AAftgtolwatoA to Mtoiw lA# Afkw aaM Ia aM M M ftAi ftlmiA rlta* and
«AiiitotototottoAft<Ato:**AAgnftJ«r ftWftnroftftft wAftiw It *w« AOi dtft rft* Ato AAft tto aaftowt torwww ftfaa «Ad a



thing iawr«*ycoo> ^
aected with the eywt


R. W. RASfTALU - Optician
Orik Sttonbtoff*ff Opmim Houm.

•«# rmrm

u» to t itwTtr. •»

Him PattonoftA «y«w t
W«U M to
If yoft aiwaoi
dnad. yJ U has Am prorad I
that to tto aalmal klit
f« aoma rrady made wAim|»»^*
for tto ctdklreft vritA bhick rib- ]



togWr on tto


kW Ik*


kM k*



Mtoto AfMnmiA Mftiktoetoi tot

▼Ice priideiit and Aftorral wuui
of tto lAMlftat Bock Island ftjra
flOto tob pUthm he went to tto I
Ito of ton Cnltwl AUlea anaerAA

lAtor tor lAftAlftt fttftin ftto to fly# toft
9 to Mftjftift. Tkft 7«AAf towjftr

4 to toft pftmir. (%ftrtM a. mw
Aftft. tor fti%toft ftftd iftM««r toft toooto
H m»]j,
bft » tofttoftA toftl*^
tenmt liftftM Mft Ateiltad I# tk# Vtotoftr
toft AT—ftui AftrftTftftf of ffts
M «♦!•
fttoft c^sctftAto to bft toftt or Bot to toft
iktl iMj to. H#
ftftftftr ftlftiftA. toit ftt ftftj toto to AM
#f lom«f Oatto
AftMtod toft «M0t ma ftMtto toft ftr
itoto vf
B» !• ft «f«dtoi« «l tototoiirt
Hli work to tto iftw otor*
Wto^fo «toft ftftA fttoftMve itot tt
Mto«M» iMtoto ito tovft kftMl
totOft ftt Tft<«tiiiii Um ftto. ttoM
to tftr«4rto M to <#®u ft tojr. wft*
toftWft •• ft Amt rlftftft -toftd.- iilft



ptmg A Atf mftft to hta otkw. Om tctfttoA Aftft It that tto aiUD waa ft cow
trftctofk AAfttoftf reifttftft Itot to wfta
A ooftl Aftfttor with ft r«d AcawL Tto
thhdftftyfttowftftftbhukiwiltor. Wblrh
of tto thrac hi correct dct»jucut aaiUi
not IWbly lAcy all are. Oate tAhtg
m fftirljr (^cftaiQ-SlioBta Hckad

ft ftvMXi

•TftrjrltoU •■/» to dom tkiafs ftiid toft
toto Aftiftt tkftto ftU klft Ufft.

CftBftl coumlaaimi Ur. AAouta wa« proft'
toaat of tAc CtoTor I^f rullivxid. U
flftct, aonft of ito acutitur*. ar%* objecttl« Itot to la atlli drawing a aal.n7
fiwm ttoC road, Tbia I. nut the oul.v
crttlctUA Buulo of hliu. tovrral large
fAUIlftilMi tore gone la hia dinvlk« of
Iftto itot erwyhody who Aa. dona or
aMAtod big thlnga bftft tod the vlaka
of irmth poamd orar bb beaU-niivftii
Qftorgft WafthlDgton. It reuialua to to

Hr. to«ftU pft|ft IHto ftUMittoi t«
to»m.Mtoto|toNigtoAttolito lift
toAtotofttotwMftftftto* Utotmmftftftft
fftUfftto to toft HOC ftdmhtto It lift toft
toft tomttr of mwAUqi tonto—, too
Mtoft tt to AtoMMt Aftftltoto. Hftiw
iwato toto tofttift AM tod «iftfti jito
Ml toUMto toft Ato to AOAT toM

Wtttol TtooAom F. M K Ift Aftsmy

l»e r»dft
ftBong them Fanl UorIftB. wto Aftft workto with him, ftftjr to
OUL. Ona tAAig b certiiiu Mr. Mboota
•towad blmaalf to to a hmi ebaa mlA
roftd bulUlgf. Hft waa e*ftf?rwA«re at
Hft ftAforced dlaclpUiio fttnong


cttok« AM ftiiA tofttor tomtoftto iuu
ftftftA AftftiMi AIa» ftf bftito COfttoft. toft

ailiih. ftBd ftto wma glad tto obcftalun
And nitoftn to prow Utaa Pattarwm far
from perfect Tom UgAted a tnwh clgnitotoftAdtoatond wAbA toaMaway
tAft match pftttod Ab abM Aand In
-And Aow baa your tolyabg) been of*


M ito ItoMlir to Ctototoi litoM

^fgam Bilftft would Aftto oAjftCtod
to any wftAiftA Aar Aiwto«r Mkt Aaeft
mtortftd as to* uAJoet of AIb atlantlaAft
Uar lot* Aar tAe aU looted ktocAohm

Ml M #e iMfraiHiii
M «#m u#i. Mmht. w «i «

ttot to

Rb tftWwgMwiw ftf piwlty wm
•TWra |uat WAY Ito oomplalBliig.
Wtto ftft mftA> pmttT gtrta Aacw I dmi't
•ee.why jon aAoidd derolft youraalf to

f uf tto moat dMirtin fftafa of
lag W toe world Kmaa

•MiVftA M ft torttor tftr«k« to I

ViSfiiriai m 9nmtm\m\
Ml te -tlW Mnb** •M-m# !!►
Mi. UiMi M
41i «

Denrer and

•md^Pwlfti Md

r WallftCftof tto I
WBfti toftigBM). and Btevewa n
MB liBBMdlntaljr In hb atand
MM Al SitoPilt Whitojr I
Two atortto are told of to*

at hid art up ft fttock ouUJda tto right
of Wftjr where the law lamld not gK at
him. Hft Wfta deqifttoltaM tto bwa
and malUBg money Aaml ovwr flat, toeanal ftforta tod bftto AMmIo to shot toe
place, but without atrftU. AtoveiM ttoa
took AiftUftra into bb own haoda. l>rop
tag In on tto Joint koapw one moraioft.
tto ftngineT aakad Ain| wAmi to waa
»diigloinoto. Tto man-of tto drluka
■ftid to would go
go When
when be
be got
got -good
•»-«» j1
-Wall, 1 am going right now.- aaWl

rnmm ftft to iigAmd too fuse of ■ j

Another hug Juice man wdd from a i

hlA tmlAi Of

Adnd and fAmfttttoiwa that to bid

k toft tod otAftr
Iftwyftn. W. 4.

S J.

I Tvmmtj a. M. 1

The big ibree at iWma are literal
hftftii Judgft ftdTocftte gcuanil of ito
Ijr big. I hey are all lb the neighbor
Xebnuto aatlooaJ guard,
to «mclodad that the title mlgbi lick. hood of six feet and are buMyr and
muftcubr. They ara aU werteru men.,
tM ~ ®o
u«d of ft iftw oil It fttiKk He b called
ow tor kiftttlftr ftffftlr* be wft« mad< than he b •tJkivonior '.evea to ibta vucy though About, wa. bom la l•mnsyUa
uia and Sieveii. in Maiuft. They are
tor toft Pftttftmft cajiaI oomiuk*In bia proaent ^Itkoii Mr Magooo 1ft the prime of life, aiv Indoffttlg^ihb
hftft provtHl iNipular and eOh leut. In workera and good organbera.
Jniglug from the human end of the
additluu to bb other complex
AoAy fttwitod Wftfthloroo, ftto blft OMiD acting duikw. to baa bad charge of tto •quatiou. It b wife to aay that the ca
uai will be built.
mt of ArttiilA tto Uflr hi ftrunb tell dlAcult problem of tto
lu» Aftcmtonr Mftitiftjoto gave It lu
lu which great progreea I
problema hare beou

I to tto L'Airftlsigr
ftf Xtoiwtog

ftto rmd Iftw Mrr
ooe of tbr pum\
iiftAttoiAft ftf Uocolo. Tto ftftiM dftjr
. ftftor to to«ftb to* fttAiljr Oft* of toft
I blni rver.vwberft aa
iwtoft toftAonA. When tto two WMV
fttouft tto ynnumfT m^n amlud
-Wto. to toftv«ii‘> name, ileorift. did
rou tolroducft nift ft* Judgrr
•B«muftft,- rtvUrd ito rmuk - ,
tar.v. 'VAft wlfAt •• vftd be iii taAtoft
wtto a hPotoA tock »• Ui W

New StKk

fishi^ Tackle
Emwtk SaM

MAAoft nuaaaokftd
«M, c^f e«gliie«r.
jftto y\
Mg to toft bicfttomft iyi*ft
of AnwriM wto da tAtofft. TAklug
tAtoi ftft ft toftift. H l« poeftihift to ftiTlTc

I, Cu/Tri.'ZnJf't «.e

i la^ made
ihiue and
eudid phyahjoe.
and during hb re*
Lt vbit to tbb tHmutry apiawred la >
Ho .aYa to fewra'


■**** brfore excavatiim can go for*

ldfoa».“^ of (heee problema are well lo^
than to would

grip at home.

One ftthar thing b alao naceaaary-to
Nmr Tnak tto M TM.
cot tto red tape.
J. A. eik;ekto.n.
John F. Slewia waa for a namber of
year, the chief engineer on Jim HUI'a
aln of Q
could not bring an much 1
Mrs. {,ucia Wilko of Caruline. Wiit..
did one 2:;c >>ox of Buckleo’a /
nplelttly cured j
- j
leg. which ha
lured her
tiw‘ptic healer of pile.. woundR.
aorea. 2Sc at Johnimn Drug Co. 1
Mead.. C. A, Bugln-e Drug Co.

•t ftOOlft UUglldr tail,

form lu ftomft ftort relli
tor the future, lo lAAi vurM tto
uifto fftctur to the liaikurtftiit ooft.
%uiu ift atlli ft Sulu even lit Lav

•ltd ft Yftfthftft to ft Yftftkre thouto to

Ok«.u« u» U»

aanilailuu and trauNmrtathm.

^?ir.^«trramLrr^ to! I*»-r mu be Imd men moat to able to


Tto right ftAd to bftfift tto ftttoto A(
Matfbesra think,

AAliian eud. tto tneft who tore It ,1b
ctorcftL Ito t»Ay»ir«l cuodlfioaft aivrouuding tto work itaelf muftt not, Af
cuuroft bft oveilftutod; but. guan laAft

tbeftiricftl nudiencoa ana jokes
quickly than they aaed to and that thU
proud and
has cojsc abont *'becaitoe the atage of

ftC MtetoAt AAifPOfte. ftAOitr ftAd ftAfttw


today is so well lighted ihgt all the


spectator, can follow the changing
cxpithtsluoa on^hecountenanceaor the-

Central Lcajjue*.



pnaalbb In toft |wx.blem llaetf. All who
have atwdbdUagiY«aa to that Bwm
Poultncy Bigabu aftft*wta toftt tto eg*
nal can to made- Granilng that toia
wa tto man wto can do 111 ThbhrM
us to curtalg deflaite gmwid, Wa
hart ft hnowg qaantity to tto ftqwa*
Uon. Tto work to to doua haa now

rw t;

--------- -


' You only p»y Cor.


Pipe to tke bouse and inside to the stove aU' free.




spftise oil iaaipa to aerv
by w%lcA It may have bM difficult to
see A Joke.**

i -


twa *.<

f«« CMMtllNB

qoairuling couple,

(righteenih century the theater WAk ":


hat ft tliftiftaa wort
Be afftitftd aa «>


road, whkA wm


tofttt lULb ft

CilTY. OAS- «Ca MTaTaa


-Ytm'know Jim Gmao. the man who
baa bofto on tto tooch boot far two
aftaanna. died laat night. AU the board*
ara knew Aim. and of course we looked
light Into toft matter and found out
tout to bft hb famliy alinoat panidbaft an we are going to iflve a fair for
thftir iH-ncflt Wc asked Mb. i^atteraoD
to make mimetblug for It. and idle suiid
■to waa too busy; tom we aaked her to
praakb at one of tto tabba or to ralBft
off tto ftinhroidefwd aofft i-uataloB Mw.
MaiwhaJJ b going to donate, and abc
toil} ato didn't beliere lu raAea."
-My opinion of Mba Pottenum im

Thft Wftxt llftften mluutea were I
OAftft for Grace Pattersoo. She
roaalderaUle dUBcwIty in aterriug
*tw«y r«om lace trlmmeil lawn ftdrta
Bie alniple Uttle idqwrft. Tom pick*
•d up the tomdiaa aa if to ware prwad
ftf them.
-Where nextr b« aaid cheerfuffj.
-I luuat bare ihb packagft at tto
irsaamalferX and then wWk ihartW
raalb Butbiug else you can do, thank
-You are goliag to ace Mm. Oraaftf
XftH I’m guliig too.••
From the drmsmaker'a they Yrmikfd
down the iteacii road to tto bumhto
(citad Yolem
hYowxy Bclgbhora
were gathered on the frunl porvA ^ra.

rew that dtod fftiim aJEwto^ cMto
tomger. ftBd otoer aM cowdHM

thalr likM. Tto mt la


qwcodHaa are omwAmany gikAliff AT
thalr pftxmita or at iBMt Ay Mk toM
•to. Warrlpr ftWlB dftvftto to a m toi
watch«*d in luli*r.-*t.*d faahiou while anta they hara kltoff to Aattto.
A certain famous caaa to a fupdli
UratY- brougiit order out of chaftft
One by one ll.c in^-kVH udgbbors took hooaft of ft aoftlaglcftl gaisiau tni ftrttheir dtiu;.Turc. Tto chUdn-n were drutly not one of geouina rannIAatlagu
coaxed into the shmkm of an upturn but aorpenta hata been guUty ftf Ito
IftfanilcUla. putrlolda. mtoftoliB
to play store with mJ iMokiea, act.
and ruUlus which Grace pro* and rralrtchto ate aggniYBltog clRM
dncfd fnmi the depths of her Itosloft ■unces of tounibaliam In tto aAltoBl
bag. niftl Mrs.. GiYHii,
Grtsii, comforted with world. There are crimes known to ftto
if w bK-h tto ftoly or tto CAM
uud her aching bead and '

many kind words, %vns Induced to llc.moilnr apiwars to bo tto iBWfttotwift
down. Then Grut'e pk ked Up t!te baby dblike of doe ludlvldnai (tto ■■■■IAIBP
and cnrrleU hliu ar.mnd to the .b.ady for ^otb«- (the awialilted), and tbaftft
•hie of the bouse. Tom followed, drag- atrautfe antipalhifs exist In tto ato
r In wbl< h he, loaJ world and btc the CBuae of BBMit
ging a big rocUug
UUe be sprawl- and Uttery and often of Ito dmilli «f
cd til the sand at bftc fi-et. 1b the lUlle
***^‘ ***^*^‘
plonae r.iom whoae sbulUfs sene cUisisl Just keys furnish Umay
behind them lay tlie man who had of .1
ten rbkisl bb life that they might i The sudden guata of
make luerry In tlMi water. .\ so.tow rage YrbU-h Imjiel the Malay to run
k l*ntt
that was not |*ers..iinl fell tn)*m them, amuck through hb ualive high strftK
.be knew ctioUKh to »Uwr a boat
and the man by quite siUl Imblng ^mt' seize nl times upon the gentltof dflA*
•rees h when it aliipped Wa*
aerviss the dan. lug water and think!ug Imab, and Ih- cwults are much tto
•urloOH desire to
of many things.
same aa In the
girl with tender
Shhldtmly above hb bead sounded the «Jbiect of hb brief. torrUito i
eycA KUii a
In her chin
the aoft, melting nw” of a lishy s
miviy beW dtvkfcJ todnlim. on .iich
f On*
of ujitmab iiroverlibl far
witliom shifting hb iMMitiou.
grove umlters ua lioU-1 lieuellt. and
fir piiticnce w hU b may be goaded In*
1.-st he should hn-uk the . harm, -lorn
rathe. lUii hUl- was u d in sight at tin*
a fur>.
nw dromedarj. ordluaHty
lisik In tb*
The hiughing
preeei.t lu uii.-ut 1 heu he recalled that e.ves of the girt w. re llquJd and leu a luodi-l of good liebavior. b soiBftCimaa
hb KTi.tSiUiTv uecde.l rcpletibtilug. and der ns she watched the baby on h.-r teased by hb drivers uutU they- ftW
be sturlvd for ll»e t lihige store. Ifwu. kuisfS. The dlrni»J.*s d:-«ip|»eat>*.l AwmpeUed to lice befoto hla ragat to to
a eliejp hiril.ition of the city de|.art- auil the tips were . nrx.-d in n srriouH strip off ahd throw him their garmatttft
n^eul be waa phasing the sweetness. Tlib w:.* m>t the girl who that be may tear and irampki tAft-U. to
CrywH K-^s ciH^riU-r ou bb way to U>e had IkW aurh a j.illy r»Jd tvimrad.
Evro one knows to what a
»u;;u:.t ry di ;»..riaical L. L*«ifd
on tlsiang and. sailing jaui.b.
Thb puss the docile eh phant wUl carry
was the woman he hud bci-n h>olili.g deshv for revenge when his dignity Ua
“L. that the
quality of nun'a for all tliese x.wrs. .\ud to Jhink Uwi b<*en iMdIy in«U4Ued or hb good iiBtWfB
xftlUu.,'y.ui Iraki ;•••
he had nor re»%u;nIzcU her at once:
•'Wa «:»<*ugh U*;ter than auclhlng
Her sh-nder white hand was so
sbe-.H l).*u m
1. b.iv:nj:,** said tto close to Ids that
hardly ke«*p
luWdl-* w aniaii biUind tto
from clasping i& He pulkd himself
thWr origin In the passion of Ioyo. ,
together and .askM lu a vul.« that
Tu:u Uli«.x st.;p|M*d rdrort. an. nuius^ Bounded rather*han»h by toasou of hia Jealousy bums lU-rvely in
•s iKiwim. and nheu alfftcted AltA
s;ulk- vn hb Ups. fur Ur wuld are that ccrort at self .-outtol:
milvcrsnl distemper of locft** tto
.Mbs I*att. r<a:i was flushing InUJg
-U you will do aU thift, why Ywm't
ly ct tto womaL!*. rudeue-a*.
you help with the bcnctlt up ut tto whole animal mwtiou. from dm fM
e Uoic. Is capshhr of any Utt'ftm
‘-.Mm. Grifii may uot to able to buy hoteir
iU dbturocra. wlnrttar ftC M*
anottor black dreasi «oau. and
Graco started.
She had been wan­
or tto human kind. Aaaftctetlto
U sehvt i*u.iiethlng that will wear well dering whetlMT the imi^iulift Id her
and not turn rusty•'*
lap wuuW some day‘ grow up aikl light (to delJ
la not rare among animals both of tto
Tom woke up.
men. Greenr Why. against thft sea fur humatt Iries.
that was the name of* tto man who
-Oh. they're such silly Uiings. you WglKT and the Uwr order of tolnttl'
WbY know: Exervbody luttes you for aak
bad handkMMie life uviug
or hw lug them to pay tmo or three Ujoca
waa Grsi-** Palt»*r.iou shopping lor
widow? Hedr.*w ( la^er.
wltat a thing s worth, and by the tltaft
-I think the h**nrH‘tl:i iloth b totter. you hnie paid all the expeuacs the
You can give me ten yards of that and beneSc-bry doesn't get very miKh: beXhTw yards of the crape; alft> four
It would b* two weeks before
the thing rame off and Mra. Green
yards of that li»je.le».i hlaik ribbon.
needed the .iothes ahd thft BMM7 bow.
Sto turn id audUenly. almost booi]
I anppo^- a great mnuy paopto tblok
lag bito Tom.
• Wont you kt me hHpr* he aaid. It's ver> queer, but fathar baa always
r my alwith a note In hb voice that ato did losbuxl on my keeping Inaldc
n't. help
not tecognUe,
liiwaiK-f. and-well“.\*u. thank yau,- *be aald. bloahlng wilh the beoeflt and help Mti. Green
today ” Bite was llounderliig along al
prettily under hb cnmciit gaxn
few copit* were In exiataBea* waft
think we l|ave everything.”
Ha no- moat blindly under the hen* light that
gtowed lu Toma eyea. -And aft>-aiid among Adam Smltb'a hooka*
tksd the -we- ami liked It.
h .J«vUoed. and rery mctnmXtr* to
-But the ebUdreu.’
to un
his copy to Sir John Hlnciatc, wim
Tom hsd utterly forgotton what aim
-oughtn't they to have sometlliBg; aay.
aakad tor tto loan of .it, willtlg
waa talking aboot. Her haad waa caMine black frtK-k.r
iMlng Uio baby's face. The man ra«: that-U any DcehA
rXo. ttote woukl to no Um« to i
book the lomil
on one kn«-e and drew her hand ftway
them. The funeral b tomorrow.
from the i-hobby cheek, bokttug It dmtbeym auch bfthi
.Mhim kmith clearly ralnad his taftto
ly In hb own.
aa Mm. Grata did, tmt to
-Gracw. dear. I’m not half good
-It would Ptoftae tto. mottor,:* bo
mouiib for you. bto do yoo think you
could love me juat a littler
She hmlwtl at him tcndftrty. T think
I c6uia lore YOU a great deal.- And
the baby -cooed” and dimpled as to
looked at the two hernia so doa ^
gftUicr above hb owu.
tAblL ’
wG ’t
-aa rKwrnod.

>'tour fair, and rnfflin.*’
Uargnret ruae angrily.
^ known rfie waa mah-

not hit OB bm -rmtopr tor Inaaitoff ^


Arifemnedy. No'
secrets to hide. , Your
^doctor or druggist c*n
get the fortnula by
wril«g u.

suit's to

Tliey »e«fte4 th» tfwory.
A^ivighi fti«um‘r one* coma Into
^kafiopoh ft port on Uia mm of-Aaor.
griikh had among Its catgo lilP pleoea
ofq^achliieiT »
100. WbeB tto pieces wrere i

that ttocB had bemi aa fttmr, tto ftmU

Borrowing has beam a ttotOto m all

I AriPCMAfM fff BHl



r to ePB» niBmBdto tod
tto ec tow* tto tot ttop etoi
isf an »eR

tm mi am^ rnmmr i. n. r.


a & CMto •» tk* m«l.n<»«.
«wn* A Mactkwa MTtrad ia IW «Mr


Ik, Odoipl%


FttSTWnE mm «A8 IT mmnm%


see sBch a ttow Mr. M
ibmw ssM OB tto toe la tto tortot (his did not atoei tto honr
ii«ofttotoM«. He called tto toe to
■MtoMst and M«n«m. Marmy. Wlaale.
PMghn» and Utaey sad tonlly Mr.
, —re called as tto ^pper
wlddlhad been bumlag were Ml
to tto acxi set brioer. tto beat
to sH tbe llaM to Increaae. ni
larolred the entire net of thirty-



fli» WMiktiBi tadkr
H»r mmn tfl^
IB somraBlloa ikte BHfBlaf i
Bmrd r^inrtsr Mr. Hi^lwn «ui«d
nl to tto RiresilBg Beoord.
tl»i til* UBloB Tr»M eoBimr «r IkiSlBg. MIcha. Mny 1.—Tto reputa
t»«li iMd bm BpBOtetBd 4m mkvr
alBle centml eomtalttne todny se«r ilM T r.. I. 4 M. rtMUl bb4 to
I Detroit for tto next conveo*
tto laimu of tto O. B. * 1
tIOBa Aog. I. Joseph W. Ftordoe>
IB • toPtoM iHp taMBBktlqii^
hi proBTWBliiB w#U.* setacced ns tempomrr chnlmsBB.
At a o’clock the oooTentlon was nilli
Mf. ItiMton sUito, ‘towl I kBo
«xecuUre sensiOB orer tto <|oestloo
tat« aiBBf pood friPBds In this cUy
wto vinh M w«« la tb« mnnnjr
to* to« nrtnWUtod on UU

The tolai
IB toe MM tad mpB
lag to tto wBta ta ta ta ta*
haciDBta mad fiarwaad. hata ta
tottaBaritapawa* tab tans and

am ito toai of ccsMlng to bspplBg
ttom one cmoedlle ta aatator* Tb tto

tto reMdeace portion of tto block
nooBta were tocomlng «a«ocnilBg
[to toBMc overpowering. Tto rags were cioned to Mr. Steinberg


the entire wladows were tbrowa of
Tto llue^ however, continnnd
catch the fever aad daeh fM tool
Igatted and added ttoir oar to
trouble already brewing.
•oiler White Hot.
The condition for »e>eral boom e
extmne. the entire boUer ceeoai

ha* aoMa* 0. tk* aMaalM
torliaelni with a total oCti
nix while 2B4 taaka hBi toMi PM IB Uia a—M*. Vg Moaai Mat tk* 4athe oBop to aoher ap. mpMBg B tolBl M mMM. «( mL moo. *C M-O-t.
akaaH k. ■•*«• ki tk*
at3S6 penoBB tolA of witoli U
boys, ten wnaaea and ttl MOBa
chUdMB hed been ta. t
I wheeta aiolen. ten lecweta BBd

ftovMlterOfBto BBpMsnrtUi tto
MBlto noutb btoBd Bt 10:46.

■s. met i. cool
Pmmt Stmt •» «.• mwm •» H«r
Daiilhfr. Mn. C. f. Smmm
•MarlMliMt Thl» momlnf.

gun* aw al tb* hoaM or her daofb
Ma. Mia. C. r. ga»afBB«». ml Inlerlapbaa thto BorslBC at t;M a. mu
4«lh Mat 4aa'U> amtalcla of ibe
iNan aad oU»r ewapJleaUoa^ Mm
*«M Cook Tomarty raMad at M
k«t apea tba daath at bar boaband.
tbraa yaara ato aba a«da bar bona
«tlb bar chUdraa who'ara tba tolloa
Via. Clara

Marlliat Mr*.

Ua TovMay. Tbo»p*OB«r|lla; Mra
>)a 1^. Tiarataa Cliy: Mr*. Berth*
W. Baaataaaa. latatlotAea. aad Aliaoiul
Oaok. Oiaad Uadaa; Edward Cook.
hrW Arbor, aad aidoay E. Ooak,

naagb tba boar la sot aaaoaacad.
fainlaoB Wadaaua «oaduMta
aarrloa* oadar tba Era* aMtbodI*
cboreb of wbicb aba «a* a imbi
. Tburaday ib* roiaalaa will ba taken
to HaritU arbare UMeraiam will ukc
place. W. 8. Andaiaoa baa toft for
lalaHoeha* u> praWa |ba body tor


lion. wIthoBt any feettng ta Rmm. Aa
a itoM« ^ ^
~aria and BHens Inside tto bonns Jang
aa there are
ton cf a Itaab mooh
!h mors pala
pain is frit
tttacked tbaa
when tto bone te attacked
m from tto Brob w
Natme adapto tto bony
rartona axamala to Ibrir

tto Hoes became red bdt and warped.
The ptaaklng under «bc sidewalk Btnggfih craatarm^llke tto sloth, have
aoUd toBto wbeiw tto bones of tbe
where tbe boltar Is nUiloned. became deer and tto aatelope are comparative­
Ignited and everything indicated
ly UtoL so that they taay fwa fast and
nerious Are. which, thon^. did not tto teg boam of the ostrich are hoUow.
Uke place, though the holler itself Is ¥00 wlU lliid ta tto boars of aay akrientirely destroyed through Ihe exces­ eton tto appUcalloo of mechanical
sive heat. Beginning at R o’clock the prtDclplm which bare oolj becoom
Intense boat la the flues did not subside unUl nearty midnight and during
all that time the chief of the Are dePERBONAU
rtmenl. and several othem.
Orlle Skriehw has gone Jp Acme to mained to watch the serious conditions
Tto flagrt pillory U «tfll praarrred
y hU new IlsWagi^ and his father which could not In any way be modi carefully In tbe perteh church of Ut.
Helen Ashby-de^te Zooch and te thna
didn’t go with him. He will vUlt with fled. At 10 o’clock this moralni
Mr. and Mn. John Hoxle for tbe next brick work was atill hot white the en- described: **An ancleut and lather elngnlar cartalj te a Unger iiUtery. 'Hite
two days.
loes and aurroundlag walls wer^ Inatrumcnt aecoia to baVe been need
Mrs. H. IC. Deoohsm returned to her demrayed. The coat of remodeling the for the ponlshment of dtoorderly per
home St Wllltamsborg this sfiemoon fttmaee will be nearly |4O0.
eon* during divine service. U cooatets
sfter a trip to this city where she stOnly Little Water,
of two upright iioets about three feet
tended to business.
it U slated by thoto who nnderstand bigb. which support a beam of nearly
tto same length. In wWch are bored
SItas Gsgnon of Northport passm the sltuaUoo that ihe trouble
through the city this nflemooo on hU caused by aeglect on tto part of the bote* of various dlmenalona, cut first
ray to Alden. where be will consider janitor who left yesterday for Pennsyl borteonUUj. then penwodtentevly. la
Older that tbe first joint of the finger
to possibility of sn opening in that vanta. Owing to the illness <kf Mr may be laeerted and tbe finger retained
lltage for a grocen store.
Steinbergs son. Alex. Mr. Stetober* in an anguter form. Tbe culprit te then
Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Burbick of Pitts­ staled to the Record, he had be« un­ secured by bringing down over the
burg. who arrived in the city yester­ able to oversee the work properly and totes another beam which to attached
day. left for Cheboygan this moralag. while he knew that tbe flue* should by a binge at tbe end to one of tto
where they will visit friends*
be cleaned out once a week, be said poets and fastened st tbe other by s
Mrs. J. N. HuelUaantol left this the janitor told him yesterday before lock.**~Londoi» Aca^y.
morning for Klngstay. where she will be left that he had cleaned them all
visit her mother, Mrs. E. A* Bnndt.
out and everything was In order. In­
It la a itoyrical ImpoeelbUlty for a
Mr*. Prank Hollenbeck returned stead of Ibis, the holler was empty man to kill blmoclf by bokltng bis
agsIn-io^hoMKilhc^at Pnllsion after and the floe* clogged up and the only brsath. Individuals differ greatly to
visiting friends In the city.
miracle was that the explosion did tbe length of Ume they can bold thrir
Mrs. O. E BemU left this morning
take place. This morning Mr. breath, and what practice and deter­
effort combined with natural
for lonls. where she U caUed on ac­
iberg opened the valves In the mined
great lung capacity, can do In this dlcount of the illness of her sister, Mn.
r and a little water dripped out reetteo te atown by the lon^ periods
Csrl l*ewls.
showing that there had remained a far which champloD divers can remain
W. E Campbell snd Wlltard Wun- small quantity during all the white under vrater. If a man succeeded In
burg are dangling over tbe brink of heated condition, but not-enough to continuing to bold his breath In spite
Msnseau's cre«'k today with alluring have generated sufficient steam to of tbe physical dtecomfort In which be
bait for the sfM^keled trout so abund­ cause an explosion. Pear* were en­ had placed himself tbe result would
ant there.
tertained during the excitement that simply be to Induvv a state of coma.
C. 8. Tnvis of Grand Rapids Is vis: Alex Steinberg, mho is convalescing Vrtmi this state was reecbed nature
would reassert herself, and tbe breath­
Iting his parents on Kaxt Ninth si reel. rom an attack of tn»bold would be ing function* would again reeumo full
He brought his fishing tackle with Injured by the excitement and gas activity, preventing a total tesoe in
fumes but he had dropiKnl Into aleep aplte of tbelr ow ner's desire.
just as the trouble ta‘gan and reBREVITIES.
led In sltH-p during all the excite­
Mme. Bcarroo. afterward the fai
The Prlmaiy Sunday School Union ment
Mme. de Matotenon. tbe wife of Loote
will luwi In the City library tomorrow
XIV., waa In her girlhood remaikably
VmUm't I
4-v> nlng at 7 o!clock. Mrs. Roxburgh
I of the aad
I Chi')

Yto ib« protorty toldert on Union
btowtoB Boulli UbIod ntnnH
«rldto m4 TMiiBPBlIi ntroet. nto Cbis
•NM totvcBB SiBte street nnd tto
•ortb BBd of Ctot BtiBel bridge.
Meetlag wlH be told <m Tbni«d
rreBlBi. Mny S. 1»M. Bt 7:S0 o'cloc
p. m., Bt tto ncbool bolWlng comer
Tfmih BBd UBioo BtmeU. for the purpone of deciding wbeCher the propert
boldetn nlong nnld ntrecU desire to
tove tbe poring of snld blocto done by
tto cUy tuider direction of tto bonrd
public works by day tabor or on o
Bonrd of Public Works.
Elbert H- McCoy.
Cleric of the Bonrd




society of the First M. E church will
meet with Mrs. Kelhigg. 617 Washing­
ton street. Wednesday afternoon
Answer to roll call. African
plorers. Lesson study in charge of,
Mr*. Cox.
Tbe Wcqnens Baptist Missionary
society win meet with Mrs. Miller. itC
Stale street Wednesday afternoon at
The Woman s Home and Poi _
Missionary society of the Congrega­
tional church win meet with Mra J. A.
Montague. 12.7 Bast Eighth street, tomorromr afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Grace churoh branch of the Woman’s
auxiliary to the board of misaloni
meet mith Mrs. Prank Smith. 407 Sixth
street. Wednetoty afternoon at 2:50.
Officers wUl to elected and reports
read. The program will to on tbe
work of Bishop Brent in tto Phil IpThe Woman’s Idtaslonary aodo
tto Presbyterian church wUl aseet
Wedneeday afternooa at tto cknrdi
Tto Youn Ladles’ Misaloaar:
clety of tto Congrogatlooal churd
meet with Mr*. E L. Bdwarda, 625
W’ebster street. Wedneeday evealng at
7:30. Work of the youag tadtes to be
At tbe regular eonreatkin of the
KalghU of Pythias lodge oa Thursday
nlghtfl there will to work given la tto

M mmw%^
»toto presented

^ JOBRSOR tatsa


^--------- --------------- -

Wt%pmA(toB(»Mlor^ltoM^ Tto lodge

’T»*Wo Msnufnrturvr. wno.
father * xvtehvs, lu«iAl«l U|Mm going to
Chltwgo to uiako Uis mwy. wberva* the
liarvm -desired that tbe son train blm#t*lf In the Toledo biisluemi. bouse.
At Jlimt tbe tod did very well in the
larger city, Imt It was uot vivy long
before be was making urg»-uL nppeai4
to bis father for flnan.'tel amistanct*.
To those the okl geutletuan. who bad
hlmaelf been m»Ui«l lu a bard acbool.
turned a deef ear.
piiialU the deepenite toy wired bU
father in throe •word*: “You wonT
■fe me starve, will you’; ' Tbe old
man's reply <wme In tbe form of the
follow liif lelegram:
•*.\o, not at tbte dtelaiice.”
Then the toy di<dded to return to
Tolfdo and go to work for Ute fatbe**.
-Harper’s Ww-kly.

tiwoedtnary to that age of gayety.
of her contemporaries said that abe did
jMrt smite once a year, and yet sbe
not gloomy, but only of a sedate habit

In Mexico are touna ruins of
cleDt Artec teocallte. or *‘god boa
some of which siw tbouaands of :
old. One of throe, near Cholula. te to
tto fortn of a truncated pyramid
Bach Bide of tbe baos of this pyramid
te 1.423 feet, which te twice tto teogih
of tto groat pyramid of Egypt. Tbe
bright of this Mextean wonder te 177
feeL and Its base covers an btob
torty^tMic Bcresa.

; That DeUghtfut AW to HealtK

Paxtine^ Toilet ^ Anti^’^^,
rgBSSS\ ^




P*w*M-t.b*4l««Ir*4 ta

aita umd ia local treataKirt
BaM.«aataaMaf(4ctloii*. .....
» coitt b»mI catanh. MeoiM jiaSwh
by feminine

«nu hods the
Yoo CBiiiiBt am tan mucta
troubles by doeiaf the tamach, botta ^
cum them by local trorimeat ta Ftata

Otax FUI7 C«M» a Ui0 box at



art peeatay tapM lata

F. H. MaadT dntaet boM Mill A
M toata BBd J* K. irgrig Bfl larMea

■tons Are That Marine Strike
Will toaome Oeneml.
By Wire to the BrealBg Record*
»II|I B iBB cBt«h Of Horn by four of
tmit. Mich*. May L-Reporta torc^
MoftMort's cUJmbb. Umlr enicb hat
ste that tto Btariae strike Is gentoilB tto BHIitortinnrt of n
cTBl and eBecUtre. lOtoO out la Chi
M tooeknlad boBottoi Bp to tto
cage and 400 at Erie. AtleapUtoev
or «to(Mtof of tto lfB» Bt i:M

IBP te Bt tu tom

•M Am* ■»

70 BBd property on heed
16BJ7. 8taty4ve atanse
apoBded to BBd B4H MM trmeaM
TtodtmenmeBt woikedl^ hom« Bt
Erw an^ tald »jm tat of
There waa a ta of
oB taUb
lags aad |S4M,C2 on eMb
lag a total of
In force oa tto boildtaga waa BlHa*
DefaeUve flues led to tto
cBiisea. there bring iwroity-eight ta*
reaulUBg from throe . Tto taart
meal has fltteeB rnOro of wirs In tto
sterm system BBd four new hones wars
added daring the y«Br. Tto efictoBcy
BBd dtoclpltoe BTC Bt B high MBBdBfd.

Tto drtta>^ toad of Bdwmid E
MfBer with E i. Morton bM
BtodteaeaBrriSBacanrted. ,
Tto boad of Tracy H. Qilto aa
clerk for toJta was acceptad. tto
Use briag tto United Btta PldoiU]i

ertato ta Itata.

tart » M IBO paaato tta i

to aboBt twilva tak

As H. O.
had BakBd that Mb
oIgBBtloB tato effect May 1. OB Mr.
OUtett’e motiPB it WBB sccBptod BBd ■ ■iitod It ctoHCmca tmma agd daale
aty Bngtoeer W. E CaMwril w
polated by tto amyor to ill tM
tkm temporarily. Tto (sayor
that MV. Joywt said that be wa
tag to stow any appointee aaythlBg
thpt to poeeibly could about the
aad hrip hha to any way.
City Depositary.
|to>; root. 1140: dothlBg. I6E65: modiThe throe Imak* of the city luid PBt
Mfl-M: medical attendBiire.
dta “yoB OBB lamp BB N. IVBM
In bids tor cUy depository aad ‘
1104.50; funerals. $45; oUmr Hems.
night those wore rwad. Tto ta
MB BB it* hat II wBI aama BP mBRNl
Ravings and tto State bank’s bid
__ tamo. 2H per cqpt latoros
W. E Caldwell, city engtoeer, re­
B. B. WaR A Brnm* Travataa
ported all the principal bridges to fair dally balaacoa aad 5 per coat
y loans. The Hrst Matiooal ofL All have bad new planking
fOrod free exchange and
per orot
the roadway* to the past two
ally balanooe and ^ par (sent for
. Tbe culver* ob Bixth strset te
tomporary loana. thrir bid bol
unsafe and the walk on the culvert on
DIvIsloB wtreet te not safe. All others CBplod.
Qthof Boalnoooa.
(to asylum creek are to fsjr
Tto apodal committee appointed to
lamiDO tto dalm of the Wlalo ImB^fd of Public Wofka.
^moBt eompBay reportod that ibev
Tbe board of public works reportM
were untote to agree to aa to the Ua
tbe various street ImprovemenU
Items, For Interior and exterior blllty of tto city. The'company of­
iiy *». tm
to oottte for $300 but tto oomat walka, , $17,71$ had beOB ex­
pended and of this $$,605 had been mlttoe roforrod tto matter back to the
paid beck while $5,265.01 bad been cooacU for tortbor conaldoratlom
ahafilng; good locatloo
Tbe moBlhly pgy roll amounting to
spread on tbe tax rant. The ofl
aultmble for almost any kind
tto city waa $4.$62.23. Bridges, alreet* $7^01 w ordoted paid.
facturing. Call tor price. Wide
Tba ordtnaaoa of tto Qbooo City
*wl. paika. etc., were reporte"
Bros.. 127 Pronl 8L aUseaa phono
and also tto Gaea and UbIob etreei
apr 3Ptf
paving, tto board eUttog that they Mr. OWett a modon* waa told <>ver
bad decided lo >>ld this matter over unUI the next rogalar mpfftlpg. »
until May 4.
Attached to this report sraa the
FOR BALE-ltarJO tc
ditlon of the varloua funds as 4.
dty llmlla; three the
In the city clerk’s report and also th-?
twenty-ibrro hundred p
city engineer’s deulled report 00 work
flnrot fruit orchai^ to IhM vldoU
Call for price. Wade Bro*..
a Inventory Included a mlHceltoProoiSt. atlxeos phone 121$.
Winiam Jaaalais and FrM H^rii
neouB collection from a steam roller
• may 1-if
to a rake but on Mayor Prledrlcb * era appolntad spactel police.
A petition from Fifth ward reaidaBta FOR BALE-1442~F1ve aero* Oarflrid
suggestion it waa referred back for
asking that State alreet be graveled
avoaue chrop. Call for price. Wade
further llemlrlng.
from Railroad lo Garfield avenue
Bros.. 127 FToOl St., atteens pbooa
Licensee Crented.
may 1-tf
The committee on llcenees reported referred to tto committee on streets
favorably oa tbe five bonds that had and walk*.
been withbrid because ci doubt as to
tbe sureilea. They had made a care- corner of Case and Ftourieenih streri*
InvestigatloD and found
tbe was referred to 4m lighting commit
property Haled by the euretle*
ct and recommended - that
FM AALE—14$f—One hundred aad
council act favorably upon t
mty acre farm tahalf mile,
There had been aoam changes In the ephooe pole on hte terroce be lynuned
•ar aty; elghly acre* under culbondsmen, tbe list m»w being as fo!- waa graatad 00 Mr. Gllteti * motloa.
The company baa ten day* to move It
W’illlam Ilea, ^irick Burden an*! and If they don't do it to that time.
meat; ten-acro orchajA. Thle M one
Mr. Walker has parmla>^ion to do so.
Nicholas HueUmantel auiwtle*.
of flnrot farms ^ Lariiiiia cpflnty.
The committee oa ways and meaa*
ones Brother*. Alfred Orolllck and
Call for price. Wade Bna.
A. B. Huellmantel, eurotta
8ALC^1427-One htAdM add
John Kaner. John >. Matron an 1 oarialn aewar funds. Th»* report was
sevent.-<-n s(^ farm, one atoT a half
Praak Wfltolm anretlea.
miles of Grown; about three
The committee 00 rtnt-i* and walk*
Frank Broohmeyer, Hcery Wtechdred thousand feet good log Umper;
newsky aad Orogor Qerrt. aareUea.
sixty acre* improved; good buJMHarvey W. Pierce. Tboatoa Young Utnooad for 00 tto north aide of
lags. (HM-balf mile uhaae frent an
atroet batwaea Grant aad
and E A. KUdeo aurollca.
Sliver lake; aU level sfld stT good
Tto committee also reported tovor- krw etreaU be buUL Accepted and
Call for priaa. Wade Bros,
ably on Peter Boslrum with John N. adoptM OB Mr. Wtnaie
ir Front 8t ClUsens pItoPf
Hopkins and N. A. Nelaoo aurailos.
Aiioorta to a cakmUtloo made by
the council mocepdng and adopting the
the Bi^tiCh Tempanuice Adv
a change had been made te Giles tbaro are 11$ Baglish, twenty-six FOR BALE-14JB-P1Ryta
Brothers' bood from Jasso Wells to WoMha twantjNtoa Bcrtch and iw
farm rigbi mites aootli Traverse
nlaa Irish maeahers of tbe booi
Nicholas Huellmantel as surety,
Qty to midst af Bne {analng Bounaction of (he cxmacil tto week previ­
try; good bulMtoga; grota ^ level
ous to approving the bond.
afl under cumyation. WhRa^ros,
WeMh M. P.’a, of wtom the leatptolerj inProotSt. Ct4xana pltal2ir:
The bond of the Traverse City Brew­ form !€.€ par cent of the total I
ing coaxpany with Howard WhlUng eentatkw. Tto Scotch peroenia
2$.la tto Irish 2SJ. while the E>
aad Gregor Gerrt as sarotiro was
cne mite earn vtitoge of Baodoo; all
Indodcd In tto oomsatttee report a^ show the amaltest proportion, which te
level; good ItoBdiBgs CMU for price.
teteoded to de 26.4. Altogettor tto 1$4 teetotal 1
Wade Bros.. 127 rroet 8L ClUsans
so. There was some quoaikm aa tp bers are 2f per cent of the whole aaiiWbly.
phooe 121$. :
may 1-tf
wbatber Oiegor OoroL being
of tto ffrm. eoBid sIgB the hta but
FOR, BALE~$4$B-Oood si$ r«»
tto dty attorBoy stBtod tlM aa tto
WalBrewing company wne g eomoraUen Mad fnrtto parpaaa of taking over 1
BMC Tta taring effy. ItoliU tar
to had a right to ala» H as aa tBdi- two Jhpaneat rtWMwa Jaat compW
The twnd was aPBrwvwA (to M ■tab fata waro tbe IteB.
Mr Wllhetoi’h motion. Mr Wtopn>
Te tbe sbooU of
to amend and have tto bond ''Beaaal!’* which grata them o
referred back to tto eootaUaa oa 11- rival limy rtad -HAor
Ea* Mn**«Mta-*( dqr; M A So. 1
anaea vedvlag no second.
CHy Ucenaac
' Frod Chadwkk. aa Mevro-yaaita
Tto followtog dty tteaneas ware hap of Karth VhiCiolE. Maro. M aerontad: Traverae aty Broarlag comFOB BALl-4migc
r. 8cl
fMMto Bl ItaB. 6
Oraad BapMa Brewtag company. Rich
LoaOcte. Jtota
A Hallherg. H. W. Plerot. Anton Ta^
pinkn. John Raner, tadtonnd ]
nm^, Palar Wnrahnn, FAU tai

■MT ua


. ’



ejvenings record


f>Mir tw».

Mnie Tails H

«r 1
w la M as iW
7 wnte Ifl DI
EM litkanHiMikiMiLcClila
Hm la. A paar tM Ataft M f««ra
iupa. «Wa «te tfw «aa a »ara aap>
flPBicb. Tte tm Siw Will tfe*

♦____________________________ $ awrtafeM vfw^aMa«Mi lMU2:

Ifftt to to tovas !■ tteeity oa WarT rMltolB ■ u% Oilto ^acrrt Bwi


*r «-





Tto body or Bom PtoU
laraa wto tod toaa aUtytoar y«an
a tto oanrteo of aa Bb«ttab Urn

orOM w»«aC Th*

graao ito oitor day by low aoM of
tto ftoOly. all or vtoai ato tod

amkricaw ubaoub.



a^Wi« MkkvwAfaai-


;sTfrai:tiTa'^^'rih. Kii.a..iii.

bU. nwHl Md •r»|«tlirli.. .nd
MW hra twa oifed* and aold
Umi ajqr otW fw»», fur aUi^vr

Ko awtUr wkit jrua arr otei
w f«H IWt wa ar» ftwfmi to 4to

lorjr coal ta y«aar vary boat ■afr-

SNit /mmsMinhflH
Oar aaaall payaw


wtoor with hit

OriPttl CitaUNS
Mm: lie. 26c, SSc, 5br

dletloo aUlod ttol the tToltad Siatisa
oraa oo tto
of oo« of tba gTaalaal
altw rvrr raoordad la bWory
tto nart aatora van aot ctaarty
nt, foot probably an «artb«oakc. la
kto lalaat prodlrtloa Prof. H. ft. Allan
leu : Aaaaaalnatkm of tba czar of
Raaata aad omtlirofr of tba RoaaU
wmmetd baforo tto ead of tfoo
: fObolUoii in Bpala: poaaJfola a»^
■aaiteatloB of tto aasltaa of Tortiay
by tlid ,Red Hand aoclaiy; death of
. IIIHtlgtomaiMwialaeiit In potltleal olrel^ 1u Waabiagtoa. D, C.;
t flood* In the United fliatea:
I raoa war In tbo aouib before tba
aoil of iba year: great loaa of life at
ibroogh ablpwrack; more labor
ablan. Profaaaor Allen predicted
aaiuiMlnailon of rrculdani UcKith
lay. bit death, and tba clone of tba
dub baa Injured a
Menominee. Arfor
tbe rrmoral from Chicago of the Contibental Bagine Oo. Tbe company will
Meaomlnee with a
capital of 140,000. every doIUr of
wbleb baa been init.«ci1li»d. and at ihe
flnr akilled mectonica and alactrl.
he tbe name of a
lo to platted by the Vila*
County I.Aimtor Co. on tbe Mercer
watera Miuih of Marenlaco, In tbe Qogeblr country. Tbe company owns a
big tract dr timber land In that dto
trlct, and baa ballt a Urge nawmlll at
the bead of Homehead lake, the alte
of the propoaed town which la to be
bcdlt the coming aummer.
Work cm a dam alz mllea from New.
aygotoa toon commaaced
Qimnd Raplda A Uuakatoo 1
About 400 men will be employed In lu
ponatroctlon. TbU dam It to be thirty*
five feet bigb and will have eight flood

Booth Bend
4 • 1
Ouyion ...,. ..........3
Springfield . .......... 3.
Wheelta* .. _____ 1
Canton........ ...... 1
Evansville .. ...^.. I
Terre Haute ...... 0
W’on. 1.0SL
Philadelphia^....... g
Cleveland ..
Washtagton ....J. 7
7 ■' .b33
Chicago ....
Iktrolt.......... V,... S
Boston ..... ...... c
St I^uls... .......... 8
.New Yqrk .. .......... B
Woa, Lost.
New York... ......12
.• 3
PUtobtifg....... ..
f .
Chicago .... ......10
PbUadfllphto ...... 8
Boston ..... ...... 7.
aneteaaU .. ...... fl
Brooklyn ... ...... 4




Athena May 1—In the final 800
meter race, Pilgrim of New York,
on; time. SSl-fl aeconda yealerday.
In tba final of tbe 1^00 meter race.
J. D. Ugblhodf. Chicago univeralty.
waa tto flrat ; llcOongb. Boglaad. aec
and HelUtrom. Bwaden, third.
Tima, four mlnntaa. twelve aocdnda.
tbody woo by two farda.
Tba only tomplalnt yet madaagalnat
the managemant of the Olympic garner

oordlng to method* of 3.000 yearn ago?

Plelaas diet for the Maroons U the
doubU the capacity of the Rcgam dam
order now. In spite of the ban on
fwoeotty bum near Big Raplda.
Tbe knitting fbetory eaUbllab^ a tialning tables tbe Chicago faculty bo*
couple of montto ago la Hanoock by neve there la no ethleml vlolatkma of
tbe coofofence mlea In requiring atb*
to take a pledge agalnat the uae
neaa. aad tba famltnre. amchlaary and
■tock are being removed to Chicago, of lobater a la Newburg. raw rmdtehes.
where Mr, RockofeUer will resume WeUh mrebiU and IndlgeaUble pie.
So the Chicago track and bate ball
man are d^ng their beat to getln
in tbe plant of the PenlnauU Bark A shape tor cbampionahlps minus tbe pic
the other dyspepaU makers.
Lumber Co at the 8oo. and when tbe
mill aiarta cutting tbe annual supply
At MlnneaoU Dr. Williams will reof timber May 1 tbe company will to
main. And bis saUry will auy at
In a position to <k» better work than
lltofl a year. Tbe college faculty
ever before.*
council nndertoak to cot the pay to
The Ormyllng Bute bank, which was
tl.5d0. tod a howl went up and It be^
an old wooden structure, .baa been
gan to look aa tboogh the doctor were
moved and In R* place wiH ba built a
the whole worka In athletics, the In
new brick mnd stone block. In It will
be the qoarters of tbe bank.
aad all looks lovely for Urn coming

IMlcs’Fast Black Hose, - lOc
CUUtai's Fast Buck Base. lOc
Her* ere 2 Exceptionally Good Tbinss
l«l>«'hoMM • good*Me mae
and we of a> «mmmD7 good


Mr. C. U VkKMT Mm

lac dotaila of tto gloat dbna
Wbltoay la witb tto DobiW :

r umlaa aio eoMiBg ta. Ml of
Ttoapaaa emmtt -____________placo waa Ito *aeh adwrfiMd CBaa teod aad cMUag. otoeb ara takoa la

The bibtalM
, Jarrlai la
la ttot tricteHy. Oaa tmaa
tlmrvD oot or bad and oibara
badly frUbtaaoTL
Oa Harrb U. ProfaooDr H H Allao.
ctad tba


FOrmM TmvMW City PMpI* T«ll of TiMir

The childres’tare the best «e e\ er offered—
fine ribbed, all nres and of good quality.

See Tiese Two Ifinben.

ta tk« nlUeaalaia the lion and the
lamb are to be pals, we arc told. But
It s going pretty far along that name
road to aae mlaiaters and tto aodety
hunch Vmklng to with the pugllUt^
all for sweet chartfy'a abhe. It look
tto PHco catasiropto to bring this
about and reporta Indicate that the
s. wtth Jim Jeffrtaa aa prlma A
made a treaiendcma seaaatloa.

peoUny uBMUig tto ladlea tod tto dl
Vince who hU never etmn aaythlag
like It hctore.
Oreat regret is expressed by lovers
rf n high dees hormi over Jhe III
Qt the great Bysoaby.
The toea of tbe horse’s senrieea will
le eoallr to his owner. James R.
waa la Ito Metropottua,

talklag for pubIleaUan. he burst forth
wUh tlto slUtsraihre aulocr.
she Is iaat tto flaeet. fhlrest. flnfliest
fiagmept of famtoatiag f
that ever flashed acrtms.tbe f
of this fugnailous footatooL*
AU lovera of DIckeaa wUI be Inter­
ested to learn that tto original o< LU*
tie Dorrtt U aUll aUve. She ta Mrs.
Cooper, the slater of DIckeaa* school
chum and hi* playmate In the days
when she waa Mair Ann MBum. She
has Uved for mom than half a eehtary
Id the Baglay aad. though
now more than M years of age. eto
atm malaa foU poeaeaakm of all tor
ESlIott Wood*. soperlnteiuleBtor the
capltol building In Washington, the
other morning noticed ttot
of crows were founding theli
to the cnrvtags around the ^
remarked on tto ctreamslanee while
talking with Speaker Caaiioa. saying
Tboee crows are becomlag too famll
Ur. 4 than send a man up there to
drive them out.- “Oh. no. don’t do
that.” aald Mr. Cannon, “we muat con
ccide aoaaethlitg to the democrat*. Let
Item have all the crow they want.’*
They are atlR debating In Washing*
ton aa to whether Senator Bailey of
Texaa pot Senator Spooner of Wlacoo
sin to rout with hla speech on tbe rale
“Oh. yci.- said a mpublican contamn. **BaUey had the best of It
ne aa tbe fellow who had
with tbe hackman. He wma
about U wheo his friend* aaw him In
ibeboaplUl. 'What WlH-nedT* they
asked. ’Why.’ said the man. *I called
the hackman down.’ 'Yesr And be
came down.’ groaned the Injured man**.
Tbe venerable Professor Alexander
Stephen* M. D.. of tbe New York Col
logo of PbyalcUns and Burgeons said
In a recent lecture to bis
clast: “The older pbyslcU
the more skeptical they become of the
virtues of medicine and tto more they
are disponed to trust to the ;
nature. Notwithstanding all i
ed improveraenta. patients suffer an
much aa they did forty years ago. The
reaaoB medicine has advanced no slow­
ly U because physicians have studied
the writings of tbe
stfwd of nature.”
Mayor McClelUn of New York has
taken to old-fashioned quill pens In
signing public documents. ThU it not
to to regarded as a spasm of Jeffer
scmian hlmpliclty. for tbU is tbe
pUnailon given by hU honor:
happened that every Ume I sigoe
bill some one Interesud In tbe meas­
ure was sure to ask me for the pen
which did tbe trick. I gave away sev­
eral gold pens, but when tbe riqoeals
came too thick I switched to pUtn 6cent pens, such aa are used In the pub­
lic achooto. No one seemed to want
cheap and unromantlc-looktng pena. I
happened to think of tbe pen of oor
forefathers and discovered that we
could get them very, very cheap. I’ve
been signing city bills with quill pens
for the last few days and they aeem to
be very acceptable to the people who
want to save them as aouvenlre.**
Twain was one of the specu*
> evenlag at the blllUrd
ta New. York. He dec
that tto game of bUlUrda had soured
bis n
naturally sweet dUpoaitlon and he
i^ld of tbe incident which brought
l thU result.' When be was a re­
porter ta VlrgtaU City. Nev.. he was
^tber load of the game, but totag
rather Impecunloas In those days be
usually looked for “may marks.”
stranger came to town and opened
billiard parlor and Mark after looking
him over proposed a game. “Just
knock the baUa around[ an
so 1I can
can see
yoor gall.” aald the stranger.
ren^. After
Mark had done so his new acquaint­
ance aald. ”1*11 be perfectly frank
with you. pi ptoy you lefl-lmnded.”
Mark felt hart at this and deten
a lesafin. tot tto t
gerwim the brook, rea not and peeketodfto half dollar wMch had tore
red. “If you caa play like ttot
your kft toad.“ oald Mark. “I’d
tike to ree you try with yoor rl
“I eaaX- aald tto toooomer; Tta


Hli Mm^fl tftel
t waiyUwULU idlfMK vtti fke

day. wo mftoted apmlaa. thlaklag to
OUT hrettofu aM MMa ta tto hatotafl
Mtortek pata, hyo^thiiat.

dgonjr Is over. Wtot traa ohoa flan
l^tonelaao la a atana of ndaa. Haadreda are dtod and thotoandi are daa-

tovo to have It to got
olata and tto terror has sutoltoA attl
gooda. Tto bakers wUl treat
everybody Utoa to to aa hrato to foa- i
No yoaat to be bought, and floor, po- Bible. AU tato toe httototo. gad totof. V
tatoea. etc., are scarce. AU tto meat
body to tolplag.
we could get was beef and n little mut­
”Aa 1 wrtto thb tt to ooid tod talay
ad. Mntiance to ttoas paaid—i
ton. We have been called upon to
an caremuy hhldan ttot only tto tato give away clothe*. All remaanU of bat wa caanot haOd aay flito yot“
acanC tto tonga, wto naad tto damp goods have been asked for by circles
Frem 0, T. fltaaii.
doageons for pincca of mesttng i
Mrs. Fraak KMy toiil Waal flerof glrU and women who are making
plottfaa daath of a Tietim. know n
them into children’s clothes. Tbe local enth rtreet. has ncatoad ito fbilowtaff .
taay wore.
tor hrothar; J. T. Dtoon,
Ooo of flan Ftmnctoco*a akrt d
one has to give what she has to sup­ forarerly of thto <4ty tod weU.knowh
ply the demand Bedding for the skk here, bat notr toeatad la Loa AagMaa.
U exceedingly scarce; pins, needles, CaL Tto totter to daiad April to. flto
“For yoato 1 tovo brnn tiytag to thread aad buttons are ta grrel de taasfoUows:

reach tto tunnels which 1 know to
”1 receivto yoar letter this oraataff
mand. Clothes are taken to the Wo­
lac nndsr this Chtnsoo city- What goea
dub. sorted, and given to girt*, and a* there satoaa to beJhIngs doing
down ttors can only to conjectnm
to enlighten
who deliver necessary articles to the
you n lltUe aa to tto rent alumtion. Aa
far aa San.Fmnotooo la ctmeeroed. It
would open tbelr bomea to tto rrt- ta a buBch of nitaa. the moat perfectly
ugrea. and we prepared to taka ta flva. ruined city ite world has ever aeea
Later It waa found that tto slam class with tha exeeptloa of PompelL The
erillre buslneaa portion of fine steel
flan Franclaoo’a ponce force, for evsry waa coming, many of them alck with tkyacrapers are ruined and leveled to
man ta tae department was watched cootagloua dlaeamo. so they had to
All refugees are exam­ the earth. The steel frames are lean­
when to eotorad Chinatown, and the
ined: the sick are acurfo the vartotta ing badly and aaay fall any mtauto.
lions, mud the well are aeot Hundreds wnd probably tbotmands of
to the several shell ere bended like cat- people are dead and hundreds dying
tocracy. auttoned tor poUtlcaJ
Clarence has charge o^ tbe roller for want of necessary food aad caiw
ta Ito Chtoeae legatloo at tto o
The streets are
skating rink, where one hundred sleep for tbelr tajuriea
Pwh, was a mmaber ta high i
lined with dead men. a-omen and chil­
ta a society of cunelderable poUMcal lu- on straw, all klmM.^Itallana, Oreeka.
colored and whlu-ri. They hate to take dren lying in the gutters. We can’t
- "
charity and he has to force them lo care for the Uring. let akme the dmuL
• Dead horses and mules are lying
white men to tbe theater lu Chtaatowu
for necessary clolbtag.
aad boastfully declared that the real
night the streeu are patroled ail around; the city 1s one ragtag tursecret of Chinatown bad never been re- by college men In uniform, carrying Brt». It will probably never be known
vaaled. He cooducted tto men to tbe
bow many have perished as they lay
rear of tbe stage. aUd a secret door guns. No one U out after 10:00 p. m.. beneath the burning buildings FkUlr
tock and mottonad for tto men to tol all lights have to be (eft iHirntag. Can’t
build any Area ta atovea until chim­ 200.000 people are without care yet,
low him.
800,000 betag wltbouCliaBWa.
For one bour, stooplug untU tbelr ney* have bene examined. Yesterday
backs were strained, tbe
I went over to the campus where 1 I* an awful task to keep act.irtiaB^
toliowed a guide, to look
found women and ebUdren under sltles in ver>- meager quanilUes for
plete new Chinatown, thq^tWMtlcadr armc*d guards ataUoned ta Hie footbaU them. Uitle cMMren. from hhbles lo
tag past scon-s of doors to
field. In tent*. Men have a camp ta their ‘teen*’ are aufferlBg for water lo
against tbe bare of which aesne onfora grove of oaks In the care of one of drink and clothes to wear. Uitto
the professors. The men’s gymnasium codgers. Hke yours and mine, with
tock from the ilar« of
Ik used for a bath hoiiae and laundry, nothing to wear but their nlgbt dresser*a Ught-which Tslug carried.
and some sleep there. Tbe woman’s es and bsrWooted at that. They alaep
Under thU C'hlnese city ws
dreda of women and chUdiqn. Their gymnasium la a hosplial. men down- out ta the park with nothing ovir
volcea mingled In glad refrain or echo stairs, women up. College men In tb»m. suffering Intensely from tto
ad tbe gtaomy murmun of aonm who uniform act as gnanN on the campus. cold, damp fogs. The soldier, are die- .
College women ta white dresses, wear- tributlag the food and water aa ^at
tag yellow badges, go about among Ihe as It comas to them, also blanketa,
poor refugees like ministering angel*. clothing, tents and tbe like.
merchanta who tod returned
“The auldlrta have orders to ahoot ♦
tbelr shops on tbe street level to these Tenderness and kindness Is tbelr chief
holes in tto waU to plot and Sment. characterlRtlc. One houae la uam! as • anyone caught stealing or tryf^j to axTto odor of opium waa naoaeatlng. maternity villa. Thev said that yes tort exorbitant prices for service or
Tto renilakm of feeling waa o%er- terday there were sixty blrtha on the necesslUes; a aoore or more have bean
powcetag. When the street waa reach campus. There will be more every shot. We ta Los Angeles bare sent
ad. aftar cttmhUig a flight of
lirteea carloads of food and clothing
the kitchen of a chop sucy
the day. and they can t Jet enough Infant and medicine today,
br«atl40f foul air, even ta this bole, clothe*.
• I have given away everything we wlU sail tonight with
waa rchMilng. •
Hundreds of men went to tbelr had that we could possibly spare. with same. Los Angelana are turalng
deaths each year ta Chinatown with Ev ery old aht*« i Is gone, and today we Ihelr pocket* inside out lo help tto
out an inkling of tbe tragedies being are boiling alt our spare cotton clothes suffering people. Our elore sent today
known to the police. It was ewy
and when they are dry will take them 1800 pairs of blankeu, besides piles
bory tbo dead mato tto tnnneta. ]
over to the hoapUal*. Berkeley now of other stuff and $10,000 ta money
faet daep. In Chinatown. Membon
also. One half of our store force,
tonga marked for death left frianda be- baa about all she can take tore of well headed by our tiosa. have been worttand
tbe Southern Paclfle and ftanta
hind, men who
ing hard all day helping lo get stuff
tto local authorttlea. but* who Instead re rallwaya are taking otbar* to other
oonght revenge themaelvaa ta tbe place* ta the state free of charge. San off lo Frisco. Several hnndrqd of n*
aamo fliodlah manner ttot death bad Franclaco will be rebuUt and It will loaded three freight cars with stuff In
bean metod oat to their feUow mem- then be a beautiful place. All the old twenty minutes, that had been haatod
den* and dive* of vice are gone^ China­ right Into the heart of the city by etoeFor yean battles waged. Scores town Is no more. When It 1* all re­ trie power. Traina are laattag hera
and aooree were kUled. even ta the
every three hours, with a ctoar track
atreeto. nntU tto cttlaeoa of flan Fran- built It will tie a model. There la a for Prtaoo. taking povlalona. AU aontlithirty-day legal holiday', so aa to give
the banks time to lake out tbelr safe* bound trains are alde4tacked for thano
relief apeclaU.
So^thTtacirS Frtaro?**?lila had Its and count tbelr coin.
**Loa Angeles people are ai tto nxaffect Tbe war was carriad below the
“You will read a great deal ta fbe
streota, where dying
papers: no one can Imagtae the terri citemeot climax, as wa had a aarare
ta agony and not to beard. Tto alavp ble calamity. Some of tbe detail* are shock here rerterday at 12:to p. to
tralflc has
Bchools were ordered cloaad yeatafsuave merchanta who led simple Uvea too dremlful for word* Tbe earth- day morning, also aU public buUdtaga.
above tto Btreet. but who retired to tto qo^e was tod; the fire waa terrible, A great many people became panlobut there are woree feature*. The
aubtemnean paaaagea and ttair
going about Of people like maddened stricken and rualred out of tto offloa
marts to put upon tbe block tto
•St arrivals Jrom tto slavs market ta herd* of catlle. the thieving and rob­ butldlDgs and stores; over 100 wooton
rushed pell mell .out of our store and
bing of the dead and llvlag. tbe aortOamUlug baa always eztatod tore. ing of women by the bundreds. ex could not be Induced to rrtoni again. ' • *
The gamblare compoeed the ‘ ‘
Quite a few have not raturnod yaL
ceeda imagination. Hundreda were
meat Ttoy fooght for ona i
Large bulldtags qhook like twigs and
shot down by the .*oldlere and one man
grrmt cracks apfmared ta aonre of
lost hia life for washing hla bl^y
m oever wUl to seen a i
thA, Ww hava bad three dtatiaet
hairda ta a small pall of drinking
1 ta flan Franclaco agata.
and a numbed of oto paopto
peopla wUl to aent to a dlstrli
water. The campus here ta Berkeley
living ta hourly dreadL 1 think tto
from tbe heart of tto new city.
took! like a g>*pay camp. I aaw fortoro
worst Is oear, but wa can’t taU. Mrs.
home ttot prmtici. of tto part wtU to
Japs, itallana. Mexicans
topped whea they togta. P»vtelon ^
tto tonga for nto Spaniards. They are oarryliig the
wtU to mada to sotn
aU tuna. If this can I
No ona wlU ever ki
presf^wagona. Sometlmaa they tore
“The buUdlng wherflUg Offlea was
Uvea were loat ta Chin
be<4 hurt so they cannot wmik or
is shakea down and bureed. aad tto
morel eactataty that
stand. Automobiles are full of the
dtatrlei wtore to Uvad ta art burned
4tangM^ many a haplea. wreieh
over. He ta althar dead or amongst
“The ChristUn Aaaoclatloo bulldtag
ftom morphlaa wore kUlad
tbe bomaless who are betag taken
of the university Is full of those who
cam of ta the parks and oemetartaa.
have lost tbelr minds. Berketey baa
1 sent you a paper thia afternoon, giv­
done and ta doing noble relief work,
ing you a small Mea of tto catomlly.
and there ta more to to done for
If we do not have WlU send you more papers as soon as
tto rfturns come Hl
any Area and diseases do not spread
**We have sold oor hoare and are
wa wUI got along all right. Wa have
hunttag ta what time we eaa find for
to to thankful for and nobody
rtmther ptace. 1 am folag to atoa0>
ton afford to bo nnytbtag but hopeful.
dent toarerrow for tan lota la on*
Two n^fbU we walkto tto floor with
fltona aad one ta aarttor. Wa toft
tonru. Itatenlag -to the
not toild tart at ptm^rnt. WUl wik
of onanoo and tto tailing of
tUl this imak to over. J. T. |toon.“

-r« Froi Mi8S0«fl- yja.v=!
Hb¥€ to ^ Her


«i»K. > w » J*i>


MM. te
Ifawr H- *te> >•
mt0rn •• 0r immm
toMaw ^ t^C o«* sacc w* a* STer toe fMIte- If Me smMi «ri>M

0m STtolLlS

M ft ftorim toopn. ImiC^ «w rcrrtoi

M «7 torro tec m


tout paa. Vtoeg to»>


ao teteto. niitoMMteteto}^

_ ^____

a lo 00

tocCkittoortefftoOttolntotteJokoo. Ho
li te
tof coni toittote tool tot <teM
tefWKC Ite ftotoi 0 tte^tel. Ito too te
Btteod tbit too ton. totoikte ttoo Invto
tn>lo tolftk.
lttw4itony ttot «t. Kofto totetmtetoto
btote BddM nrfallo Boto.
torooy to^wA to CO. TTteiteltor wto btotete, tototH«otot /«rtertolcb toMto'
HMto tood tototo Mto Ctoilr tetoUiMilote
tedM toe rrio. of ttoo
m »tom to
teli. to.t ta. H too tdgb
•f tlM>
‘ toofl. Tto oou
Wb« Mr. *n«ri vn «• Ibt Mand


Itot «•

k( (fln fMtfcw rirtMiwi *tor br

|MCM7 0«wr.l Badtrr *
wrr fllrttofU/. JkUmamm imriMm
Bi«H« rif ■< bD-a—ww. “«> »dvl»

, a^tor ttel 111. MM

dMga • nply iwrt tr^Nd

£.*•»■= SI :-.”».-sr:
teofra o Vte Bteoti ooco. tet te



dfod. Wbott roqoM to ctre tbo Bitot
teBo bo fteM ttoat H wto Moilto

too HI btoknoM. yH too U popalnriy
<MM wtto ktewlac iDoro nboot toat
btolpto. tote any mtn oa
tecoDdac iotoa D. Botoetofl
a. to CM af too

feb^ Mr ted ttonte ttoo imt toto
tok Ml te te otnM Into 0 riU.
Mto elite 0 UtoTly rtttedtet alBM
te B«1 U
ao Irt? ‘lid Id t'arrto
Tbo oU umdr otetnrt
10 on mite bool. CHbrro X.tlOB.
niteilnf ■ rtforroct* ti tUo .oiM-oiDe
ttoo outo. M
totet te toldtte or wf.ktpiiod
bl4 oil inoo wMt. conn of MteooH. Hi. «i:n..nrr wa.

tor Itekofoltor

If you want Low PricM


; , ^


At tbe aac3c lime Hadley 1. roadort
luf bl« Inreitlgatloo Oominlttloner
iJarllcld. by dtmnion of tbe pttetdeot.
oUHuff anotbor Inquiry lute
N^rttor mrtbod.. It la pnjd
flint toi. rtporr will bo rOndy b.r klarrb
1. and eteUfb of It hba leaked out
ibow tUat it arUI make ikmuc Hartllug
dlM^keiim. Mr. lladley ba. bad accte
to tLN trotUnony to aaaist blm la mak
luf bit own ctae. Mr. QarBeld 1. aald
to 1» fonowlof oteoctalty tbe rabaldl
ary concern, of ttoe Standard. Tbe
ramlBiTitloo. of ttoe •^y.iem** are ao

THI Ttotoer.

Gome and See US

J. E. Oreilick Co.
Lumlxr. Lath and Shingl

Plata and Window Clots


7Hoim IWr



emtok tor tall timber. Hadley Item

did get nerrlco oo H. H. Rteora. mow
kaoM na -Ha-Ha- BofereTbSt Bocke
tollir aad moH of too other Mf to»
-Ytot Mm H MyHHT.**
Ytoe man cbleBy wanted wta Htery
CUy Pkreo of ttoo Wntora Pierce com
paay. Ho baa Urwl nt tbe Waldorf Aatorln betel for a number of yearn,
wtomo ta. oedualaa and oocretlvoaoo.
bare canaad him to bocallod -tbe mao
of myotery-** A procoo. aenror went to
too float magaato'. rotem. which coo
Hat of two munptooo. nHta la aM
lb. WftoeH priced tootHte teilh. How
tbe man arttb tb# aabpoaoa fH accom
to toe apactmaata la dH relatad. but !1
h a oubterfage. At
r him Bm and fM
__________ Ttoaro be locked Mm
la. Ttoe proeaoa aerrer cobMj


Piirnithednnnplete, with »h»ft awl aate mamtoMd aometolas. Ml ttoe wnaeab teair aad wfitooH no maeli an a
-by yoar laare- dad from atoo room.
After ooe dayto touartoif Bogma took
too mpoitfte tato torn cteddoMW aad tetormad ttoem that toe nrbole' InqHry
araaftor a kHBMirimipMa. ta «b|m^



ouvaasE orr. aaarcaa

Til M Wait Ms

M t 3tol ^ ItaMry.
BBSlcy blmaclf baa taken tbe mat­
ter mom ecrtoualy. It la mf a Joke
Vito tolm. aad toe ertacte a datantom-

at Ciif I

toalr drtoHuB

NonrioK 1

IMIAL estate AHO LOAHB-4lT«al
Traver... tend and l^a Ou. f.
Tburieii. Manarer. flfSea, raam i


Tire Insurance

A fearl-a.

I pboaa SN5.

geoa: ofBcte In Wllbolm bloel
Boor with Dre. Bawyur aad 1
HARRY B. HARNER—expert Mate

lauer and action rognlator. Batto
faction guaranteed. With KlmtoaB
Music House. CIU. phopa W4.

PIANO TUNINO-Batlafarllon gua^
niitrxd. F. n. NMchoU. S» Bontk
Vnhm. Citr. phone 1198.
apr 1.3 if


Ycr. I’rlcea rea
O. P. Carter A Bra Both phouaa.
DR. C. F. CHABE-Homeopatblit OI


geo'? W.



Thla rapart It mada up Billy. Tba Ha
Mcd la imt roapoaaltota tor abaaiM

Hu«unl Oiaqiuitai MMl


ftre U«arM«» Ouo.pMy

reb.m,l«B. Rohh .n
RaNan iwty k« Uea
I.T Tr«r*r»« nty. &aua 1.. I« f.e iti
|> m



*!• it J HI V S II HI

DR. E. L. TH IR LBV—Special attem
tloa to dlamwes of childrte Boom
409 Btata Dank bldg. Botk pboaea.
yuur y
I wa
ny offlc«* nnd get rate, before rm
Ing. A. H. Curtis.
mar 19-1 yf



Otow te T4 Wllhete »daf a

JTp ILs.’ auLiri!2r«.****~

U A»m 111 teaiM Hidkl lu Orart.1 lUpWl*.


a a. arKUAv, Afn,t

Ulk la flva yearn?
AU iMa may be a Joke to H
ere, hut la K a Joke to the
J..A. EDGl

Wo paint or paper 57cr carpoU
a-ifoty from


()Bi<«r>05 New Wilkela Block,


A cyuUal man of the world was en
imfvd la a i'urlanoue ruuverM.ntlon with
a former army chaplnlu, when they
acere JHned b> a iwUmt werrons l«oktuf ladIrMual Tbe tonnor ctoaplaln
hitnidneed tbe ncrv«ma luan lo tbe
cynical pereou lu this maimer.
Mr. Smith, irflow lue to preaent to
C'nptnln C'aptnin
A. tbe aap
man of tbe world
right Haml

Boos K«L LCSty Often HtemVM

Dr.W. J. Higgins

Fine Dental Work

Tohn R. Santo
General Insarance

new Wflhrtm SIL., 1 IniTeru CJly


Up Btalre

An Every Day



At W




aprlk tf

portea aa aartog that -Rockefeller to

Beware of Ointmente for Catarrh

DIL O. B. CHABB. remoted tram BBA

__ _


1. colid. Wkor. -4loat
•taOcperiDd. Iain


Walter M. Paige


Gas Eactae Repairs a Specialty


coumo there U." declafed tbe
glna Supplift,
:eou. -Our Aroertcan rnUroadi Dattorite
kill, on tbe nveraife. nAMi iHH.ple a
rairtuui Carhhla OR. F. H0LD8W0RTH-8paHal ab
Bpaito CoUa
year himI lujurr «<MXhi.
With tbe
ttetloe to diaeaMi of ttoa ate aafa
killed neve nolbluf to do. hut tbe In Bpark Plaga
note and thrtiat Qlaaate BttoA
Ua x.lliMi r.auRte
luNHl. at 40»mo |H-r anmnu. run uj. to iKultcra
Room. T aud t, H. A U UarteaCdB
Co. block. Both phoafk
tbi- eiMirmmis fatal of 2«¥Mam« In ttre
f) Under Oil
I ur tUi.’PPi III ten
lean Ibui Bio
to eye. eer, ni
lus «u\e flic jirirtll of luUhlleim u'r
•'The >'taui1nr»1 tUI «tnu|iau>. iOil Oiina
rcate«t eou^imuT of bnrrelN. h:i«
Meml INdlah
ivu harnl warl.a. With the mi
IkM-k Plate.
” gi*y
m lw1«m,;»u.e of «Mir rnUn.: d«. In .1.1
USiiil ••siM-U'-ew. hiive tlieir,' 01
.leu h^ uillN."—riucluujll I
StPH*Hi.f; Wheel,
lirnna 'rrlinnilnga
A party of vlaltora to Waahlnirtiiu
wa* taken to tbe anpreme <-ourt
I'oVlInr Anchor.
I a 1th awe on that dl-tiuiniUhe.1
lUIru Pump*, etc. T. W. THIBLIV, DMittot rOtm B»r.
lH<v. -What do you think of th
Afcnl for the Cmalify
i.uyr aiskesl tbe r»md papa In
:y to UU non. -\t*hy.** Johnny
I. -I Think they look like »
Ilf on N "

<>«» at.

ru. phone M3.

wIBe a. to be aliuuat baffling. For c
ample. It owua tner 40.WW mllea
pipe Iluaa. aud along every Hue U
tidegraiih wire. Tbo company ht^ Ita
own operatora, ao It poamwiwa a tele
gnsph lyvtem of Ita ow-u. It rarua an
auuual proBt rartoualy ortliuated at
frun. 40 to SO iwr cent on Ita arlttal la
wtetmtet It baa Inr-aded tbe ateH
Ikdf. tbe copper Bekl. the railroad
Bekl aud other det«rtmeuto of hual
iMte. It baa a apy ay.teui morv exleualve thau that of tbe guvemiucut It
lias a atriug of banka aenwa tbe c un
try. and It la lucreaalng In wealth and
poancr by leap, aud bouoda errry year.
Bv«b bow Btaadard men have been rh-


you lose I hem.

IlN andftar ahuddered,
-ll.nber ftiaatly. that.’*
“llhtalty hi a way." Ilic enrrete od<
niUud. -hut •eu.iuie, te.. 'Hiv raB
I arc M tor tbe UrK«»t rjusnmern
tiod*-n i«wa. Why. ibcti. cUoulAn't
they tiuvc tbrtr omm mu4idcii lew* toi'lurUr
-There*, .omclhlng In what you

SHADE TRI5ES .old. Rarden*
cleaned and ploughed. H. J. TWiyd.
drayman: ofllre Barton’a hnr.Uar.-

m from kileaoori. Ho
Ufa at borne, bnt foimd all tmilt
» toe tuodard oIBp« la New York
deiL Tbe chief dIBcnIty tutblapTofiammowaatoBiidtoetDn. Iftberela
aaytblaf ttoat will make tbe Btnadard
ktoif of bonata ebaao blninetf oat H a
atate. It la tbe approach of a proeom
w^rrwr. Ho can omHl a nnhpotea Cor a
mOe. mad wM that dreaded OreatfTtefi fall aoiblla be makeo an Hly


with the J. n. IMIKO Weetrlr C«.

A. on tb. world kaotra. tb? nofor.
JoM wrro opmof nt tbo lorootlfitloa
tando by tbo otato of Ultemrl Into too
•itoHdinry cooronu of ibo Htaaflnrd
OU compnay. Oorrrnor Volt and At­
torney Ooarral Tl.diry of that Hate
fOt na Sdon that tbo Wntcra-Pbreo OU
rompate. the KepnbUr OU
and tbo Btnadard on comtiany pf In­
diana wort aU ow nod by tbo Standard
Oil company of New Jmey. •
tbry Mo pootnf na IndepOiidt
conm. TbI. would ctetUtnto a cno•plrtry In rtetratnt of trade, wbhii la

m. h



Only a («•*► Garden
Setsdslefi. Call quick or

. O. W. h'oiita. poirtmaalnr at Riverton
la., nearly 1o»i hla life and wan robhe l
of all comfmi. accordlnR tp bln letter.
which nay*: -For 2t* year* I ha.l
Int. which led to
chmnir liver romplalni.
aae of Jaundice that
Ruch a
nailfi turned yelhiw.
doctor preacrllM'd Wi-ctrh
me and have kep’
Bit ter*, which cured
yr-orn.- Bure cueme well for elev
for blllouaneeii.

I yon bf
world and It I. strafflinf to frt nwty.

Aa O&r SMk


«r*H. W«M. «nwt K«Mf
•*:>\rr:.l rrliioadN In llji« co
• inke llit lr oau wuudeu Irga.** aaM a
bore to toe templlpd wttto or
Hlil be CniOMo. He may aH to.
an oM aad deft a. toe bifb priced
ntiiBrid atuirooya. bat be la in earitet. UorooTor. te baa Oorenior Kotk
and tbo fteat atato of SJteeoitrl Ublnd
Mm. tteiite bHnf miiiported by pulv
UcapltotomtorotetooHtbeootetfy- Hr.
Ifadlte H a tetber tall, amooto faced
emu. an nccomplltord npeakrr and la
oae wbo 1. not to be buUdoard. over
awed er lidlcnM fnmi foOowlnf a
teorw that be brberee to be rlfbt
tn before toe teprom. eoort of
. and tot piopaeM Htbrr to
r Btnadard OU company obey
tbe law or cmmo doluf bimiaea. In toe

ito.acL '

NEW Gird!.- Corsrw,
•mly Iwcrarh.
NEW Ui-io date Skirt
Sn|ii..rirrs 10c.
NEW ..v, rCo«ari..
6c anil lOc carli.
NEW Wa>h
NEW tiram Kxirnsion
KimIs. each lOc.
NEW Ttlrscopes. Suit
Cases and Valises.
NEW Aprons. Must be
s« n to l«“ appre*

rt^x u om- to ttoo tobo.
“Ato, M7 ooMWte yo« llko.« told
ite f»r«|^n*llw’.
-H.jr rtoMd tbr tonorr. -AfO
tbo c:-irt« !Mr. I'«roo:i* of WnUtetovlUo
-Tor.- toki Ibr o»te oyoljlro. nbo
g^vAu oro itod>, tout o.>. MV U^Um i^
oU oktuBlui ui». Wr fhlnk U U Vtod
.4 >.!i4*V¥. - H«»fTab> Tlmv».
>f MWtoo yte Itojr rmr itenojr.
Btot 7«m M Tter tooon'o w<u^
'tor vhat dOM nonor moon to jrte
\Mite Booky MbUIo To^s <m

ottooMMiteomM toftewortd i,

MtVil tto» l*w

«*A opwklte tto^** teM ttoo
tor. -i^tek to otoiio ote tetoolro ted
0.0 tote II wotte.**

liMfctnr ttet te umm mnm
ncnir. Atod «tei> tot teld ^Me
Iwtetoto CM of too iMwtete M

tm a evtaat totefi^ tecket^


cot too to.M tof

uoobm Mb


f Few

-Wtet onu I Oter told too itof»or,

Whm te too^

rAsrKTsSLS 5TSirt.:2.*s:r:£;


TBAvcfiBK emr

Ilo to toqr t wn of cM. tor W.
lUr Mtoo, Aflor fiMdrCtoM
----- .MMUoteiWteforMM?
to too iMod too teCM ortOTal tote

Mk o linimi. ttoo two «IIM oto.
ipomrf. A»MlU>«r«Bodto9r«U ortolW toU
iiflanitoH tor ibo oAc».<« ottorMT tote nod too otoi
Atllio^teotl^ioitfttia ttetttotteteto



0^Mrnm «iKttito Wii* •» Q»rtm«r

teto «i«||^^ii

rn>0m mo w. «.

mtmet rn laA



^ » l>«ri>y III* AiTMTk Ni*i^



► ten. wM roMl kj
• tote nod » M

ma4 to^pto apiwotiBo

J. E. latEIUCE ca


tMr Hftrd ttrusfl* Mad* EMi*r-ln
MMtt fer « Vmhc Uidy li



' M Vi
mmd .boy t»—f rtn—111


Wttt> AniAld <J«T
ivwiKd. Ihth
tank of prufilD
^mtr. tirtr reUtkiUi had out rhansoiL
■ C4>«Mitlx oQ li^ XMirm7 h«a*e had
coo# Iht MuedOon to h#r mind whnhn
hr voitf hod In 1^ wotuuii of tvrmXf-

Uiat mnla#

bac4 and
tirrd aha
ataad tiD,
imln, ihr

But ni t»OT«r l«ini to alns lovr moat%
If I hart* to fall Tb lore arlth him dnrtr
-Do rou
him M Imrkossiblr
of too aa a iiThwo wtrh an ludlrlduaH
ty. To him I am a roirr. If 1 couldnt
flue IM brdirrold of Intrrrat in hla
ar«. HrmgardamaaaaaiJroUatdow
dy. n«vrlr

and makM Idm to ^-nll
Hr had dow ao. and
dcfmrtuar. «hr mat brfon*

hear any of Ida mm

and wh«i ahe came wtihta tba |»rr>
rtacta of the corporation); the paatl
fword. Trom the tuturc of ita onia
rnratm, whVh ta carried before the lord
mayor da mH ocraakan of «erwoooy or
f«-aMrUy; a award placed at the cam
tral crlmlual omrt aN»vr the lord may*
or a chair; a black aword. to hr uard
In LruU ou Oa\^ of poUlic faat and oa
rtic death of iiBT of tb»- mx al family.

hMd ara aohtav* ah« la ao
caa hardly drac hboai or
aad rrary moraarni caa
oricio of which U dac



we aakad her. -Well. baja. yoa agk t
haven't gut much longer to Bra. aad
there are good country farms ta Cah*
_____ a»
Aud aha tunnid ovi*r oa her to*«rati
and was aoob aakep.
PeculUr Things Men Noticed “There were all the flae caniagaa af
the rich peopk* driving aat to tha pailk
While the Fire Raged.
with children <m the «M>i hr tW drlvaf
and the Iieojile liulde with their Itpa
&^&£W801li: BUEDEI piled hish
alont. Then* were ao rich or poor; wa
all met on the Jowel of a teat Boor, aid
one was Just as rtCb aa the other for
the time. \Vlwe X lefr. the Mttre cftT
was wiptid ont from FlltaRore street
to the water front.**
Srdney I*. lUrri*. compoorr of maale.
mKably nmoag his piccea twiag -Tbl
ata from Han l-'ran %'nvaller“ came In with the rrfuissa
to 1414 Anjmlca rv eom|*elliMl by the aoldlers to gi*t down
A ima^'iaplc. wtoo out the ruin* sumdent to extricate fba
my* Ulc
York oven* or tbe iiakerle* lu order to tiaka
tile iMiiilc or Irtciit*id fur the rnmlsbed peapJe. “If
was terrible,- ssld Mr. Harris. “Ilotnofda of ia^i;ile lu the tim.-. it was Impossible to get aeroai
►x'k. 1^* tlnct aiTl. tbcdutce fUsures that the eartbqaaka
had funr*sl in the Greets. Wa bad to
Vbi.nlh uKl pbinks to walk upon. Bom#
of Uie hreaka in tbr paremeota art
Hjrhtecn aud twenty f«wt wide, aad to#
heu toUl me tie had
€ tiM> bulldliu; iMrxt
Tli« nrl R«tlee«a Fee
ig:worth hank. Th»
Tlw guvrmwrut of liaiil tiaa grautod.
i»aM-oient of tbe*
wmpauy the rtgirt t#




haa tUco which rtae aad fall aa rwruUrly aa do thoae of the great Atlnutlr.
UMmy m called artewlOc
of tots mlaiatore ocean's Iml and sup
madliig baakK have tieea made, but
ao far no tenable exnianBtlon of the
i ever Issm liven hi tbe

tendon of
after tbe t!
al atory roes
holdinr him hr

:z: i

I. .21 e.n.«lljr ll«-0 looi^HT h. «..]
toe maItTe artls
hsd his o^ HLalw>n. The ground door
was his aBop or workal^: above waa
hla bedroom, wbkh waa atso tbe altHag nud eating rxemi; a amaU room ad*
Jol&Jue actsimmodateil bb ihMdM. and
aWe waa a garret where vnrhma
«-WoHiaial Workers.’

V.>» .=.1.

b. n.u.t lor. ..

woudiord If
I Beth cared for lilm.
hlag in tbe glH's manrt.lldr.s.,- FlUgemlc
KI1.-O...U. luui-r.
; »«■ to lodlcot. .that abe had anything
more than an ordinary attertlou of a
pupil for brr tracber. l»ot tbeii cbe waa
and her innocent lirari bad
'Tk> riony not t-. ii«ve beanlyeurjy
lecture mat night “ said tbe heiotoona probably not yet awakened. Edith
conaunml with an In­
ladv. “I know I lulswd n treat, towr-!
body saya it was t:^\r
j tense coHoelty to know more of Ar
“How did ibev hud cum«akii Ur i Bold’a young protrere. ^leldliig to a
rru<''.;i'ool. “Tbe Win
! sudden Impulse, abe seat Beth a note
I asking her ta spend toe following day
wilb her.
n. I»lr. Olid 10 lan.





waa a mocm«ntary silence like that
rbhb follows a beoedk-tion. Edith's
are was ablate wUli passion.
•Tlic music divine.- sbe said in a low
Arnold rose and crossed the room,
bis face iiair with excHemrul and agl
“Tell me.“ be aakX to Etlltb. ami
in his vpii'T that
her beaiVbeat quickly, “what
yon think of li.“It is hard to dissect such music as
that." she liidied softly. “Tberr was
color tone In every note. 1 felt as
r 1 were in a vast garden of flowers,
vereoroe by a thousand scents.
Arnold looked at her curiously.
“1 did not know." be said, -nbat yon
rere poetic or imaginative, not did 1
ream.- turning to Beth, “that your
Cngers could be so exiiressU-e *•
*T have sat in the dark many a time
tlstenlBg to you as von played If* she
aakL “I conW bare piasvd it from
mory without tbe notes. It Is Ap
d himseir.- she mnnnured In an
de to Bdith, “Arnold as be lets no
> see him. He compooed It In broI fragmtnts, one day a snatch of
gaj melody. tbAi a weird little rsdenaa
i dainty gav«t, at'cording to by
d. but always be played a jaoat
itlful little melodj thut seemed to
bs ever arilh him. Tlie •song of the
wabrT Then be bleod«1
an these rompaidUoan so sklUfolIv
thst s Ixwmiful and c-umplete harmony

ber loug. slender tmi 81 8 'fltofWe. -^Wlto
the tough filler «>f a paravltlc pUmt
Sbimdaut lu the trupU-s. a* a thread
kbe seww a dead leaf taken from Uiv
end of a slender auti haugiug brnoeb.
and between these leave* she ImlkU
her nests, where nettl^r monkey nor
snake can approach’ tioeause tbe
branch will ut4 liesr lu wHgbt. .


In ids I

win <

In C'.rand
olaiit at a cost of $iO.O50.


_______ _:-i;i







be tnoted «li«cl>:tdy
whHi BBdcT bood with

bea abe had Itolabed tbe ceotoOil
her haada waadend lily #v«- to#
Bilk kxM ap

/ JohnsaiilhNi^ C#.

.N'ew fuuudlatid dog and carrj ln

A prlrg of r-‘.<wu bsM lieeo Awardsd
by the I’arls Matin to the anonymoM
luvisilf>r of a im*w iucUkkI of getting
rW of boose files. Tbe method Is strictly scicnlliic snd. It U cialmed. wllicompietely destroy tbe eggs, which art
usually deposited In drsin ptpsu. Crvi#
|»etrol mixed with water to nasd.

an old lady,
ily. scntlly
scnnllly dressetl. puKhiiigj *
a m-wing machine up tbe bill. She
would iHogTwea a little, and llieu liettr-.ftlmts of VimJUl
caujc exhausted and n<wt. To task
n-y m.
t.y the
she went again. That sewing luarhlnc
inmiiluatc.1 f.miitaia. wblHi
From ail esieeiue»l imd re?>iH rtah)c was b4-r world.
tin- iurg*-si and finest la th#
' When I got to tbe rmrk there was w,*rld. It will stand on the Bchwar*
con!cnn>orary in the t-ity of*c!li
1 *....,Hwpla;r. .me
we derive the *\i)*Jolnetl nc'ir* uT more a man tolling in carrying a
than local interest:
ful .M»‘*u In the Hty.
“Tlie men's meeMng at the Vonne
Tile m.n. liimrr for pumping aud ei«Men's CTirlstl.-ui ns*,xLntlon will liavc dow a on tbe graas a* if it had been
b licb!«ii:;
now 14-tiic'lnsUlb*d ta
two si*enkers tnuiormw
nicl his wife or <child.
r. t. cb;.iul4 r umVr tbe fountaia.
'Tt seemed as if every person
tbe KUbb-t-t w 111 l»e: “HHl: It's tVrami tbe lHmoln.nlhi-4 |m%%er will t jual*
talnty. W'hst Sort of a Flan* It is and carrying a ptanograiib, with the
.andb-^. Jt InHodcs tweutrutnix-t tueki-d under the arm. I nevlitM* to K«wi*e nflc tcra raiuiMe of
ao uiany phonographs in my gSiitg >« v>-itv viiristloiis 111 lisht sf“The nju-bal part .»f
will be verv r;tn*ct!vr. atul will 4-0.1- life, liidn't know there were
f«'-!< every »4«\» 4:!ce|i S4‘COUi'.s.
slst of a liaryl.'tK* «ela by Walter ,T. many.
“Tbere were two men who bad-taken
two bkTcies and. placing them aids
tVe earnestly lif*i*c tb.*it tin- lDf«»nii i by aide, had put a matlress on lop.
fiou afTonied by the Cr<! i»art of tbe On the mattresa they had a sewing
program le»l tbe w on by l«r> i..iic to re. machine and an #Q ^UnUng. TOa
they were paabing aloic toward to#
consider—New Yort Mtiu.

M. RONGw’ia^
of thW OM tioias I «M wMrMy outwL-

MuNiailMi AgigfcVTtt,Y

•• -V,.

ttok tlM-re wTiH mi>
• p urlil. I NJW otic I
B nlght^rov II nr. cr j
#08. calmly w ilkliig
: atn>l. mrryfug a
I %U nrnm and the
Tlic man!
ns if be

* “1 got to ranhandle by evening, nag
there the soldiers bad tenU for oa.
Our group found an eighty-year-old
woman, and wre gave ber shelter. She
told me abe bad
J anvk-ty south of Market street, and of cq
tad for the they were gone. ‘I have not a
cuastlttnkni and 1
tive ia tbe world,' abe aald, ‘and now |
toaa port wine.—LotidaQ ijueen.
I hare nothing to lire on.’ Bat that j
old lady was tbe roost ebeerfal one to
the park- She cracked Jokes with as.!
toogbed Arnold, “you are a
told stories and teagbed at our fbeblej
very precorluQs ghlkir*
afforu to make mertr.
Tbe precoHons <*hlld gave further
-•How will I liver sbe saKl wbta 1
rvid^jce of her claim to tbe appetb
tvm by aaaertiBg'toat tor music bad
ka ctaarmi when based at a distance In
it tbe very first thiog
toe dark.
you want in butinett.^
* Tf ymt aad Edith will letjre to the
vbea i-'p ifiK arrircs. and in antiai
JIttfc rending room 1 wlU play It —•“ ’
you I am right.
pttinn o( ;onr Sb^iieaiMita we bar
Ttwy acted 1
again reoderod ^ posi
^ aoiUtng arflly to VtasIC.

CHA& EBY. 8R.. of EUatwlh. tn,

I will be I



oeraa. It te located In orriustoa. nenr
Baator. and ita pccuIlarHy la that. a1

.1 ^
This Hue. ^

will Hlulnate tbe uc
tin;: alHiui by boot, wlib all the attsiid*
ivciiieitces. is the moat hapar•esalon ever rrtnled to focatga-

pad tka. vitk



tbe UstaMinmeat of gudoi toob to
be bad aBjrwbse. Made far w«k.
U>t7 are tbe moat datable aad wr.\
vioeUde kind. Uae oar tooii a«l

-Vm: be niU
But ni uerar kora to atag lore aongt
mtrti Arnold iSntvf : f I hare to fall fa lore with him linrtr
“Do yoo th
b«TiuitSIM IM Ack«f«.of tnMortli S«»
unt and tbo tack of ijruplD
M MPM^ JteMUo,
ikflr rcUtbMM bad not chanfcod.
l^jrftksl dkturteMi, Md tiM MtM W
c2«taiiily »a ^ ioomrr bonw had
comb fW qufsUoi to btt mind wbettwr
kMM of IMH^ MmUi.U.
teJltef Md dk^lMTUwfUl,4.f Itrcotj. I<bc had wrltlra tu
fdr a reply. Ue.'rtrtng
kha fd rumc, and aakcd Idm >lo .-all
that attpUitf Ua bad doiw «,. and
“DM you I r bear aay of bia uaalcaov. rflcrlilM departure.
oat hefoir
flfv muting un ibHr mcetfur
“Vea. They are exquisite.**
“They bare aU been daln
l»erJenpe l«d
maadoa. mod dlaplar—lat with aU ita rmd him
klo> wrung and lart^ted
tart«t« him with *:nie nembera. b«c bla last wort la far
It la
IJ««r dUlrMdiif to MW » wonaii
fflMTl Hlie thought Bbe wuuld almoat “Dae It
prrfhr Dot to inert him aanln than to
“Not yet He ha. )nst ^nlabed lU l U
aaftf the iiMB of her llluaiona. Rut tHI you what we ll do. He U coming
auw ler hraadened nature and wider
cht you know. When ww
exyrrten/f found him to Ih» all ahe had
thak0.t hlm-and more. Hhe knew
fhit ler yfmthfnl feeling f«ir him had
gidckl.v end anddenly l*ecome aotoe.
In the eveuing mheu Arnold caun
M iM r.OTMr, of 14 WormUMi BUooi,
tl*# elte-oometbllMr that w«« i
Beth told him that ahe had the matin
Bo^ U4U MOM bow to ondd M6b
gw for It* long dorathm. Khc n«n*er WTli.t of bia moBic.

m fHt quite mure of the place ahe oc“I am not In the mood to play It to
alghC* be said. lieBltatiug.
-Vou are not to |day It,** Intenwned
Beth. “I have heaiH It in all ita dWir
rot Rtagea of composJiloiuand I liax'r l!
not E MfeWi
St my OngerB' enda.“
Hl>e Beatcd beroelf si the piano and
rommenef*! playing. 8he wa* ni
artist In the rrnderiug of liiBtrumcntBl
of Thoador.
Ow of tto qw«fMt ibMU of «-it<r
tmtalc. but ahe liad'gnwt iwwer of ex
»ed liy tbo llghtuln; ^
la Knr 0>g)»mt or wWUn Ibr ItmlU of
preaslou and a wonderful fstniUy of to
U» t'olM Blauo. «r dw wDrtd for apnrk IwaUiig the air lo tu path. caua. ^
lerprttlng tbe compoaer'a ttiougUtB,
tng aoddcfi cxiMiBBlou and
Th«*re «raa a puwrr ami Nteeugtlj in
tbe opening twrs wldch niclTiM Into t
tR4^1 .t nurd beautiful ymiug girl.
brUltant vtTWcItv of executhm and thet
^ Of dS
prodooPd. If the i^uirh be atralgt.
*M1mi Wliimit.** lutniduitHl ilravea Anally gUdaCl lute son. rrUcctlvc inlticM
aamd^ and
-kt me |»iem.iit my tvnrd and pupil. wtraluB. PYom thU was evoked a phan
mare Hum Iseen
a century ^r. thot^ibf
MImh Helh rort-c*. I wont .vuii to
taBmagoda of all tbe hniuan psBakmB.
utile body
bode of
nt water U
bir *lng.** he rxplaliMHt tu Kdlth.
Dark, fletee, tarbld dnmma. an Hum
rr the other, with i
Tlteti. turning to the girl, he aake^l shuml redlatlvi*. a tbrillfng tragedy, a
her to go Into tl»e adjoinlug roam and graceful. Inainuating auhtlcty of
thouglil. n eoug of iw«ace. Joy. sorrow
fceik f H- a c*.ft.iin aria.
He ha.l written raaunllr of a distant all were exprrosed In the tendernew* <if
baa tldea whlcb rhm and fall aa regular,
cu(i«>ln o hu had been left to Irta guard* melody rofliied and suMued. The t
ly aa do tboae of the great Allaiitle.
lauBlilp. Imt obe had auwHiwd hU ward was noble, the «win|Hsatfoii strong, tbe
Many no called adeotUir exainloaUooa
to lie a mei^‘ child. Beth returned with emotion genuine and the Intrniilty dra
of this miniature oceaTt*B tied and anr
the tuuBlc. Hi! charmingly did rIm' reu
rwmdiag boakf^ hare lieen mnde. Imt
fler the aria that Rdith felt her hear!
. no ter IM> teuaUe explanation of the
go.iif out to her. thnogti wllh conflict eiml I
pbenoBMion baa erer bei-u given to the bohllng him by tbe borl. dlpf hI 1
lug BeoMUotts. Itkllug hoiue ahe sank tv beautiful strain that from
tbe river 8t> i to make him luvu
ground of *u»talned hanmmy
ll»lle»*Jy back Iti the cairtagr with
Me. rut Pitri. luOlc tcil u wuuml I
dull throb of palD In her heart K
proved fBlal on tlie lieel that hud
\riien the last note died a war there
pa**4Hl a rnoBt wretched day. fu’.l of
Tweire boora lu tClater aud fourteen been Imiuerard.
aliiHMMied duubta. It seemed to her wa. a im»n»entaiT silence like that
til wnrnmer Wao a fair nrerage doy*ai
whh h folltiwB a benediction. Edllh*.
that Hetb lacked uo charm and thi
work, baft In LyooB lu loTl tbe iirlfit* I
face wa* nldaae with pn**lon.
mau could oitbataml such lovell
the hair SB «L
era wnrM from 2 o dork In tbe mom.
•The mualc dhinc.” ube iakl In a low
rsa mnaic
Ing UN b or • In fbo enajlnr In «th« r at the dtRiom would li;ake it
for her voice tone.
Ik-iVruInly: Vuu tnke my i
from 4 In tbe
till U m nlgt.t! **•
blB fNce pale with excitement aud aglcared
or from :» lo III. Worker* In the iu^mel

“* ****"**
the glrl'B man tatl<*n. metier generally llviH
Tell me.” he aald to Etllth.
had suything
Imt tbe maltre artUan
there wa. aomrthlng in hla voiro that
atrectlou cf
bad bia own malwm. Tbe ground Boor
OrorOM I«.
pupil for her teacber. but then she was made her beaiV beat quickly,* “what
was bia sbop or workabop: nboro was
“8o norry not U have lieard |wr young, aud her Innocent heart had you thluk of It.”
bia bedroom, wrhirk was olao tbe aft lecture last ulgbt.“ aaid the loiirndma
“It IB bard to dlaaert such music as
probably not yet nwakimed. EdUh
ting and eating room; m wnalljwm ad. Indy. *‘1 know 1 luisoil n in-at Kwry*
fonnd beroeir couaumed with an ln< that,” she replied softly. There
dhWd>Mdr.«.aml iKKly anyB It wa* gJiHl."
tonae cnrloalty to know more of Ar- a color tone In everj note. I felt aa
“How dkl they And outr aakMjCr •okl a young protegen TleMlng to a If I were In a raat garden of flowera.
» l»y a tbonaand
-The bNiure, y*ni Mmr andden impulse, abe sent Heth a note
looked at her
asking ber to spend tbe following day
“I did not know.” lie saUL -ihat yon
with her.
were poetic or Imaginative, nor did I
dftwm.” turning to Beth, -nhal
flngera could he so cnireaah-e.”
“I bare sat In tbe dark many a time
UatenlDg to you as you playtd It,*’ she
aald. “I ronid bare played It frum









iMw mtrn na j;,







tbe lord mayor as tbeem
Mem of Ids drlc avtbortcy (this Is
ttir sword wbkb naed to be anrren
dcrea to tbe aarerelfn at Temple Bar
Ctecta of tbe corporatloal; tbe pearl
■word, 'from tbe nature of Its oroaMienta. wMeb la emtied before tbe loid
mayor do an ocroaiona of ceremony or
frsMvtty; a sword placed at tbe cew
tral criminal roort above the lord may­
or’s chair; a black sword, to be used
Ml Lent on days of public fast and ou
tbe death of aay of the royal family.

B w;liea Urord i
“If yro and Kdlth will t
Jltlle ipadlng nwm I wlU play II ngala ?
rx t u. rtgbbThey'acted npoo her 1

Peculiar Thincs Men Noticed
While the Fixe Raged.

* JASITOB’8 oBmrsoKi: Buu>a
Mew Torker T»U.

rain or ai*rlug wnier U mdy used for
tne knm. pore sea swter lieing exklotlrely employed for the maklug
no mineral or table sail rwiulrro to be
added, tbe natural salt water gtrteg
Uie broad tbe necessary degree of sa
Unity. But. though sea water does ad
luUybly Uw t.reudniaklug. when opplled to other culliiarj- pun»«»*ro the
result la a di«agre.*able fa«ure. Tbe
wheaten bread {inxluced by It. bowever, la excellent and «*f great hygienic
valua Tl»e <1ih»ride of mnguesinm.
which impart* tbe sctM taste to sea
water, la deconi|K»*ed In the beating
aud therefore dw* not ctuiror tu oflgl
nnl dtaagreeable taste to the bread,
while the romni<»u salt, of course, permanenily rotatua all Its characteristic
rollne propertlea. T!»e mineral substaneea left In the liaked bc-ad are cooed In lie of the nature of x-ery lulld
regulating mt*Uclnc*>-I.(rtidon >lall.
The Tsilor DfrA.

Pusklsg • aewlsg

Among the refugets from San PYanisco %t*bo arrind lu Isi4 Angsles rerotiy were several New \X»rk iTroons,
among them Mr. A. Duiiymnlc. xrho
spuke a* lulloxvs. says the .Nexv York
Sun: -Tliert* xva* little |iaiiJc or fright
shown lij the crow d* of istijde lu the
stretHs after the shuck. lYic first wrlou* Inddtnl 1 rx^aill xro* n mau, with
hlootl streaming from ctits on Isaid aud
ls>dy. canylug n (lead woruau hi his
He plac^^l the Inidj- un Hm- fiour
of the court aud then told roe fie had
been the Janitor of the Uuildlug next
lo Uie Crm-ker \Vt«lwo.rth liauk. I'ha
first he knew’ of the catastru|ihe he
found himself lu the lusimiont of the
three story tmlldUc. hi* dead wire In*
side him and nil tile Iwlongiug* tla-y
Inid ill their ruoni M-aitc-red nboul him.
to the «Ww Ktove. Tiie bulliiliig
and L
tile ihriT
stork** Into the ivllar.
•Tlirre xviTe other slghUi which 1 did
ot think fniiuy «t tbe Ume. but wJilrh
ain»ear rldUnilous noxv. During those
forgot tliai there xva* niiy
ly In the world. J spxx* om
!»lg fill man. xvlth 11 nlghtgov
lug hi* rouudcil fonn. calmly w.xlklng
un upiHT Market str»«ei. <*aTTying
huge bird cage hi hi* anus nnd
lisulutely eiiipty. The
was ns self |k>sm*s*.s1 u* if he v.cre
comph tely dni**si^ nnd a.i-nKsl to en­
joy looking at the wrecked hulldiugv. ,

we asked her. ‘Well. boga. yUM
hareoY got morb Iototn* te BTO. tafi
tbero are good cowitry tersM to Cgib
fomU and good people. Tharo^ M
good worrying. I-eft go i» atoapw*
And afa« turned over on ber flMttnte
and waa aoou aalrop.
There xrere all tbe fine carriafTO
the rich people driving out to the pait.
with rhUdreo cm the box by tbe dritrof
aud the iieople lUfMe with their lap*
piled high with bedotoibea and prorb
aioti*. Tbero were no rich or poor; wo
all met ou the hwel of a trot floor, aad
one xvas Just aa rich aa the other ter
the time. Mlien 1 Hft. the sMttre city
was willed out from tPftImofo atreef
to the water front.”
S,rdney V. Harris. eompoMT of mule.
coQipelle<l by the aoldters to gi*t down
In tbe hugt* hole* aud work, diggiug
out tbe ruluB sufllcleut to extricate fh*
ovens of the bakerie* iu ortJir to bake
I.r.*ad for the fatpUbed people. “U
was t«Trilile.” arid Mr. Harrt*. ”8om#*
Ibuea It was impossible to get arroot
the^np* iVsBurra that the eartbqaakt
hml forps!
psi in tbe atrocta. Wa had to
ubtnin < Id phinka to walk upon. BmM
«»f tbe break* In tlie parrairota art
elghtisn and tweuty ttft wide, aad the’
bottom* are luvlailiie.“ ^
The governmeut of Haiti has grantad
to^nn Anieri(*nu company the right ft
build an liupartaut railroad Uusoathat .
island Thi* Hue. whlcb will be a groat
ndvonlnp* to the trayeUng public, ter
n will Hlnilnate tlie neceaalty of get*
tiug filNiut by iKiat. with all the attend*
nut im'ouvenleocea. la the moat Impor*
tnnt <MUc**sslon evcrgraoied tofonrtgii-

The iM-llllantly plumeii bird* of the
tttiplcal forest* nr*. exp.iMd to many
If thej xvcr»* not gifted
with leTullar yd ii**cr«I lust hid* thej
il fall ready vldini* to Ihclr cue
TrHEMT tm AWIJsh Mttoa. *
mlro. t’bntrerliig inm.kcy* nnd big
.V prizi'.of rJ.oiBi ha* been Aat^rdtd
snake* steni and eat their egg*, xvhih
by the I'ariB Mntlu to tbe i
l.ielr offspring
iuveutur of a iiew’ met
metlMRl of getting
on e>-ery side,
es n sly niou
rid of boose flUT, The I
key or snake |.» p-t
I of the tailor
ly scientific niMl, It is da
clalmtd. will comblnl. a ainatt E.nst itMlIan sUigliig bin!.
pletdy destroy the
«»e hides Imt liest so skfllfuliy 1bnt her
canuof flnd It. no matter hoxv
hard they try. Thi* Khc d<*s by ushig
her long, slender bill h* n msdie. Wllh
r»r ;:wP|MT Co. of Shethe tough filler of a parasitic pUnt
lioypan. Wis.. lias purchased five, ao l
In the trupli-*. as a thraad
kbe sewa a dead h*af taken from the N>««i.<lr.iT}luic« y,. 1
In Or«iid RnpidK kn.|
” l''‘>'" •< n oo»t of tso.liuo
t«« In 111. nrm». IIh knpt tnlldiic to| •*"
the kltteu. Un Fell street I uotic»*d b will l>e lu oiMTathm August 1.
her nrst*. where neither monkey nor
old lady. sranUly drossetl. pushing'-----------------------------*. ,
snake can approach,’ I
sewing machlue ui» the hill. Hhe
Lmrmmt lUsmissiro r*«M«la.
branch will not Ixwr Its xv
xrould progTVsa a little. a|,d the,, I*-j
and resiMctablf

than IcHSl Intemit:
I’s meeting at the Young
Men’s <*hrUllflti aiwociatlon xvlJl lave
two *i>enker« tomorrow nftermsm. nml
bltHi ^will l.e: • Hell: If* Vvr
file subJiH-t
talDty. What 8011 of 1
It is .aiHl
How to Kacape It.”
The muMial part af tt^e program
win lie very rttnutlvr. and will ro »slst of a liaryi.-^M* solo by Walter T.
HriflUh. who will slug Tell Mother
ni Re 1'liere.'*’
We ra rm-slly ImiT I hat the.lnfunn’i
tion nffonled by tlm flr-l luirt of tin.
In an
iun I«1 the worthy luirynnie to n**
aside to BflItU. “iArnold
he let* no initisider.—New Yuri Pun.
one ero him. He
It. Id
ken fragments, one day a snatch of
■esllh erase*.
gay melody, then 4 weird little cadenxn
The purault of health, like the ruoror a dainty gavot, aceordlng to bia
fibU babU or drunkenness, ifrowa on
peoide till It really becomes a vice
nnooa tbougltt nod anxiety about
be erer wllb him. Tlie
bealth Is extremely bad for the
bean. iih%t wabrr Then be Mended
cottatlttitloii and vudermloes It quicker
all throe cop^sMltlaaa so sklUfUtly
that a hrootlful and v'umplete harmony
▼cry prec
Tbe pr orlons rtilld gave further
her cU!m to II


1< the very first '.hing
you want in butinets.

Tru.ted Employes

m«l wooden Jnimune Mntw. Tlint
« «. .11 be bnd. *nd be bild It .wrefully

rw*ifro?.^i?r “■


under the fouiitala.
“It seemed as If every person wa* a «^.iM’r.’t.
and the Mluuili.ritlag power will iqiul
mTiiIles. If Indudi-s twroer saw so
111 my ty-^rfweii lui:M r.-4* f* fle< !• rs rofinble «f
life. Didn’t
« that gliliig » vi.niy \iirill!lull*, lu light af*
f«tts every «.viiitiMn siTOUds.
“Tl»ere.x\ ere two men who had taken
tw'o hhTdes nnd. pladng them aldo
rrasp In the same ratio that the
by side, bad |iul a laattross on loii.
cf Dt Kfig’s Now Life Pill* III.
On the muttres* they, bad a aewjng
a*e*. They save you from dancer
inadfine aad an oH ->alntlng. Thla
they wero ptUlring algMg toward tha
-I got to Panhandle by evening, aad
there the aoldlers bad teat* for aa.
Our group found an rigbly-year-oW



loW mo ahe had owned two lit
aouUi Of Market street, and of coorae
they were gone. T have not a rela­
tive in tbe world.* she aald. -and now
1 have nothing to live ml* But that
old lady was the moot cheerful one la
the park. She cracked Jokaa with ua.
told atorlea aad laughed at our teeMe
efforu to make merry.
“•How will X ilrer aW aald wheu]





ML KUKt out

I wianfEiESTNa


when PpinK .rriTc*. and in untiei .
pHWw of yonr peqaimnento we bev
.. vl?
ibe lioitiwirtmentofKwdeB boU to
be Ind iwywbere. XUde for worit,
they ere the n.o.1 du»Ue nnd eer. ..
TieeO*. kind, llee oor took e«l
- gJt
yon w^ |„ve • meet eneeewfol

I crrv, wcMWMi. rvatoAV. may t, i

IOI9MWIN owii'.

M 8* Cm

mm Tm Ptmim. 1 HkW
A mat tfl. It Is • grsst mag ta

- A. t. HIMi

ThcreaasMRClMlfei Mdaollr MUaOwr^


Two Amerkmt Wk6 Nobly Rose to the I

stawi win





l» .s Ali-rWJi «-l

r\ m§ am- it is • tai^rmm
warm ai trMtiA* taA VM^

bo rwbnUt brftor Ihsn before and ha»
wortwl elglit awl dS7 to 4<»
Md ASd «0 tbiBIS Itat tm SlttMtlOB
ds«sBdfd-iB a won dw imj Iw bsa
mam blMdr o««sl to « Ktmx orcsM
<taut>r fWiM* •» f *mmnm ua .-boo •ttrartod farorabW oomawnt lbs
It mt*m pteto to m eoonUT over. Tbis ouo Is lUyor Ha0mwF. BcbmlCL aotao wNbsoCtbs
OoMn Oslo dtr mad, tboosb oiUr a
Aimm. ttet oor povk. Y%m ctM littla iwst forty, lo aarrbw blp third
term ao head of iu tuiaiuft Oos
wpma^aAtm oIm-i
h«Jtaiikr<«OM.l>otM<>»»«l>«>«k. To
■mo qaamiM la tbo Aiawbaa
rafolsr party xnrsAlks
a K ««nb »«. ibaa aU oar
ho for, glrao tha fight klod ad

• . amm O Mm AmMO.
> U IW Ptfooot «Mo UororM
1m tbown UlamU pcwMM «od_____
Mtie. Ui.ot«ft» loMoot«U|M«IM
mmt loatioc. to ««y«to tho pmior0 or tkoo* dMm *oi«iM
out prl<*i, bio droftios oroty «klobodM dttton to Mbt fco ami pmttm
imt onool taM at tbo
w^W^'i^llooRTtiis qoM Old od
Aor dorioc tUo wont calonHp tbdt
•ror bofou OD AMitna ctiy. Hlot^
fiUM ooat all oTor tbo coatrr aaklac
toata aad food aad th*
oaicloat aiaoaor la wbkb bo piaoUad
bo dtetrtbatloo or all ooppUoo boro
tad the daaorr of faiolao. It

L'm'cSa* W ^nt»'



PM tALS—M4»-C<ot




YtttA ec piafWty


IhB daap; oorMr FHBt and Mt;
hotol all foralshgi; htf Mi Utatn
(Mil for pHea. Wada Bvaa^ Iff PMt
flt. at. pboM 111!.

hOM hook, boat IlHMlfwM; » par
eoht prafli to atoMa: frslcht paM:
eradtl fllvea; oattta fraa.
twiMMt staapa for nostaiis. Ad. POfl iAHiHM -Pa M tsetkm tm
IwBitraU Mwth flifla waot; ahoal
draaa Cooper d Co, 114 Uks sIM.
BB BiukB oa^. tamiMk, plM
^Chlra^h liL
.. gpr iMt*
black aah. haskMlb Otn tor prtaa. *
WANTtD-Nlfhi claii at ^
Waia Bim ilT fToirt tt OUms

Ml. ar

WANTtO-Party who haa h thtog^ PCfl PAUI-^d oak i^mag had. Ia«
Bill to go to Boath MoaHooi
goirt ni M PktBV OP atalrm.
eat out ahteglaa; I
bar of daad In tha ralna and i
tha acatwhtia mlliloiMlra ant *s girl
liccanusa. B. I.
the atnwta. Hafore tha Ifw waa oot that a raw daya a^
ha aant out raaaaurtng pradama
to tha cUlaena. and no nnonar wi
WANTIO-Actlre maa la c«ch
told that tha damaa tram ondar ooo________________________ apr la-lart
- . 4
ty to exhibit, demoBatrata as
md than ha waa ulklng of a new and
graotar flan Frmodaco lo arlae w
Tortlae line; salary Ilf wasiriy. |S
aahaa of tha okL All thla aooiida aaay.
per day for expenaea: No capital re^
ooa la worn oat Iqr thraa
paired. Honesty and soiiHaft|r bmhw
ndaa or rramkr them if daatioyad; lilaraUly. Another ooubla tiling abo«t daya* loraaaant Ubor. with thraaeaaeattal than expertaaea. Mattoaa
can prodtKW rtpiul and pfodocw inara Mayor MmJts la that ha U tha sou of foortha of Iha dty. for whoaa walfmra
CoiultUaK of MO aorta. •
v ..
Co. 710 Cheunui 8t. Phllada>|ihla.
ha U rsapooaibla. In ralna, ft U not aa
If that I* awaiK away. Mao df
a Uaitnsn Ihthar and an Irish mothar.
apr 27^f
Fraadaco may halp lo laacb
no acTM all dMr o( atoiapa.
tar af* tha ImDorUnt thlOR. IN Ithoat a ro«Wiintkm. liy Iha tray, that baa aaay aa It aaama.
" mm laj^ln*. With them all glran Iha connlrt soma of iU atroogatt
aiw iwaalbir. To a giaat
mao. Mr. hchwltt. Uka bla fathar. la •
and Intalllfant propU Cha Um. inualHan. harhiR bam at ooa lima dlro arm arood tloibar.
pla of lawffws oproi all Ita doora. Tha iTCtor of tha ortratm at the Colombia
Work on the conSroctloo of tll^
Mftb and tha fnUnaaa of tt ara thelra. tbeatar. Ua ^ras alao praiUdeiu of tha
rmy poat at flan Fn
Larga ftrai bouM. good
road to the oommlc of Mont llaflc.
ban Kntortwt, haa ikfi faUan. for lU Moalclana* nnUin of llao I'tmnclaao.
A. W. Qiaely. who
Swttaertond. hat bagna. Alihou^thls flOY WANTCO-To do erraada and
ppopir yri lira, and thay ara tha city. UU falroolHi aa an amployrr and hb eotnmand of the whola Paelfle roaat dl
learn printing trade. Only one who
» . • > , .
road will be leas than twelve bDb
EartlMituka and lira toay hava oblllar ability aa a apasker mada lilm po|>ular alaUm. bad atartad eaat to attend th«
will appreciate a good opportually
Umg U will take ire or six yaM to
Jlranary, co» rrib tad Wnttoe^, "
a,ad wHoa
with tha labor forcaa. and whan they wadding of hU danghtar jnat bafofa
need apply. Herald aad Reeori Oa
hara not damoUabrd or ronaomad tht
tha aarthguaka oecanwd. ThU lafi
6oww itilt
•ipirit of Man rraodaro. That 1^ dacidad to mu an Indopandant tUM Fanaton In nol# comaand. Bo prompt
FlootU the body wttk warm. irt^K
rttm blfher than before. Almoat with they mmad to him aa thrlr laadar. ft was he to meet the alliwtloo that be
BiaaU orchiid.
V aiw* • waa the taamaiers* atrllte and Iha 1
had thrown hJa fonwa Into the atrlcken ritfclliy. makes the aer
oot mtirnmr tha
fsewd eir •«»*
lumber: good wages; write or phooe
ptoAoue loan. In tha mldat of the tal manoar in wblcii lba men ware I
city. had.begun to dlatrthute tenta. quickens clrculatloa. rwHorea nMtgtl
Carp Ukt Lumber Co., BlaghaaL
• -'died by tha diy aathorttlaa that
Sssof thaalamanu lhay ma
bedding and ratloua and had biwn at vigor, liakea you feel like one ha
ddad the workluciueii to go Into poll work aeveml boars before he had time
. Homsier*a Rocky Mouata
ties and aolldlfled them ao that thay •o telegraiili lo Waahington for ordera.
the-beart of
hare carrlad flan Frandaco erer aloce. While prnlslug bliu for Ills energy and Tea. K cents. Johnson Drug i%,
WANTIB—Lacs curtalna to cleaa at
aafa whUt (
AccMpikhsd VMtolit
They ara aoperlor to a
the Partalaa, ZU to 7C cena pm* pair.
For partlcuUra Jpqulra of L. 1^
Hllk la obtained from a aiHHUO
Mayor flehniltx !• tall and lOhlattc In
TapMtry curtaiua 76o to |l.tK
CMbba. Traverm City, MIcko. or of
annanraoca and of a bearing thnl that be always seems to be on tbewpot shHinsh known as the pinna. foBlI
ParltUn Dye Workt, 312 E. Proai
Frank lUrnlln. on premlaaa.
In the Mediterranean. TUf
here there Is anything to do.
A man may be lucky who baa oppor- his the iKtner of aplnnjng
hlcb the HlcUlans make Into
bla way. imt It regulraS
WANTED AT ONCE—Two girla. com­
luck to grab the BiMlsome fabric. The silk
opportunity and snake tt Into camp be­ the ahplinsh In the iral Instance
petent cook and second girl; best of
fore It gets away. There are eome pei^ moans of nttachlng luelf to the
Mrs. W. N. Kelley. Stale
pie who do not know an occasion when
apr 20-tf
FOR RENT-TWO amall housei,.oaa
It bumps Into Uiero. There are others
can riHOgntie It a mile off and
comer Uacola aad Fhni, other 9t0
FED—OIrl for general
rbaae It down and make It their
Wacom. IOQaliw2.T?Bhraa, Ml W.
Dr. Uwton. 439 Webster Bt.
Kuuatou of these others. Grayavllle. Mo., **tbroe of my enstt^
nth Bi. Pboae 344.
Tu canal • A.
apr IC-tf
He la a little, sawed off Kanaau, red era were permanently cured of
apr to thuraEaal-lf
heeded and a llgliter. He Is about the
. aa Mayor flcbmltx and. like
BTANTED-Two good
RENT-Nlce large houae. coraer
tndlker. Likewise.
apr Mf
Eleventh and Division streeta. Pheme
Ueurral Fred has been a achoolteaclMr, Discovery a short time be found 1
a reiKtrfrT. a tmimu rvrolnUonlat and a necessary to do ao. I regard
MANTEO-Hardwood boUe. All kinds
soldier In tlM« l*hlllin>lnea. He fought Kings New DUcovery aa the
of farms for tale. Frbard Btrohm
for t'ulia Ubre” iwfore
- - medicine In exlstc
thi» blowing up of the Malna Induced
place. 160 acres, clay loam. Timber
igh and Cold cure
.rncle Ham to get Into the game. Wlien Throat ami I^ng hnaler. Ouarant**^
imater and supplier. W. Taller,
orchard. Other cou
r waa deilared lietween thla country
Johnson I>rug Co.. P.
hen. Mich.
mar 2Uf
Norris. Norriavllle.
and flpaln. h'unstoii le
made colonel of a Kansas rrglHull wetil to the riiillpplni
FOR RENT—My rMldanoa raowig ad­
be distinguished himself I
•cording to a Cermaii mlHlnryl
joining SlelnUrra Oraai opara
•ALE-Bmall place two miles
lag the Itlo tlraude river on
ual. the Itritlih soldier wears
houae. furotahad or aatonilabad.
bamboo raft Iu face of a galling fire helmet wlilch weighs nearly 1
I city; good frame hulldlng: Just
Julius BielnUrg.
' mar 24-tf
«tabllalilng a rope furry, by imrnids.. The helinrt of the FruaaU
I place for a country home. ll. K
All work done in a aatiafacof which the Ainerlcau army Infantryman weighs only a triBe o'
at First Nailonal hank.
d and won a victory. For ibli fourteen ouiicea. while the Itslian
apr 27-tf
[ Fnuston was mode a brigadier
I iK-tter «.fr with n kepi. w liU U turun !
That aeeuis tb be all there U of the
scnle nXyU% ounces.
t-flood'drivliw baraeaa. 31*
ed to.
MATOR Kl'tJKNK F. pri!MlT7.
OEXEIIAL FHKDKHirK FrNdTO.V story of his awlmmlng a river, wblcb
apr 37-lf **DESTRUCTlON OF BAN FRANCttwas quite genemlly rlr
CO"—Best book: large proEU; act
lealth Is wealth and money talks.
a bamltoo raft Is not qt
to them lo their affllnloa our prkto
ALE—Uor«-> at the BhIUoa
quickly: sample frata, OloU com­
goes out tu them likewise for tbelr
baro. tun Crerello*. *31
pany. 723 Chestnut Bt., PhlladalphU.
At the lime of the strike o
; Rocky MounUln T
fartltUih*. llidr faith, their liot»e. It
Cl'. 705.
apr r-tf
apr 2Mt*
I uol. tlH, wag auiarartt* lulu. r. M«,«c a.t.nilu wa.
rottaie sad lot
tha ixnmtry i
In this m^
qually dnngc
U. SMITH—Detective Borean. De­

♦ninmU-ss train loads
lircbwood. tngulre Aagaa Mctclenllflc.
Then* wa^ ii fn»wu on the
of provUlons. disi«!HiUig iite-sngea of
Tariid (he Trick.
the bank bnrglnr.
ditwrand sympaUiy until Hie l.urdeoed tra and played a violin solo. The
biaaebes. Suite P-M. Fowari Operfl
Fuuatonia exploit In capturing Agul• t his scheme of hnvlng lianks o|*«« FOABALB CMBAP-Onr
wires could not carry |l>eiii. it Is of over fJkusi w aa rals4‘d.
House Bldgn Oraad Sapliik Mich,
oil night U nil to thi^Ud." be
worth while to have lived to liehold
apr IM mo
UW' * horae po«. r. 1 alngle wom
tlMwe sliruttl evident^* of strength w»d 1 caused one very dismal pivdUnlou to this that made him a brigadier general bled. •'Tlihik of two sets of ra
aa. 1 salt boat. A. W. RIckerd.
brotherly kindness With team of lie made when he was Brat a candb m the regular army. He has uut e^ keei.lng tab on each other, ai
A lawyer In a •i^rrrh agalaat the caped cTUlclsm In connecllou with bis kn>t out of ft Job entirely. I tell you.
ay street,
.Ihsukfulneas we cwn say: l»einw
tofltsal AprU l.lwS
asail honest man s gtit tio show.*' .
23-1 mo.
party having my Mwa roller pleaee
latMl lim-rty are
PIMBS Mafe Psameas aw as fallsws I
aeiilog that he Uaely deceived the Mb
Was he wholly to blame that
p«.plc. Hclf goT-1 lh*«
forwani by such
return It II. Moatafue. apr IM
ipiuo leader and all that. Perhaps he went Into the pnmiothin husluen
I-My home ar tSl
rum ram. Tralyi^b)}^
crumeut haa not been
did. Anyway be turned the trick, and IMillmlclphlu Litlgcr.
llieee are Americans.
Detlrsble loeatloa; raa- MONEY TO LOANr-Mo tag plaMi
that Is what couuU with the world.
kaelM and Mllwaakes. m, one man the blow to the western dJlng when Han 1
Way la not exactly a Buuday school afpat famortgaffM. HoMW tor Mifl.
.Now that flau
X Bellalfs. Ohartovsia ‘ *u« l«polls has fallen with eapecinj aad HrtiadUti dola* .«i7«»iIb* «(»pf fair at beet, and ao long as men fight
Wr care not bow you aaDered,
apr 17-4f
looalffl at M ItoW—art. Vflrk
ta thlnga are bounds occur that will what fatted to onto yoa. HotMal*r-a

**“■ IlddMac. that Uwj-er has
Place bofeL
»TKm AjaS^
i '**'™‘*
imrdcn. has preasTted order. raiur. to l-v. lt» i.rat4i«7 »*»— shock aensltlv. paople. We all bo,w for oReky Mouniala Taa natiM
LE-Furalture. Ur roofig. toto ItowW and ita- w«ith.r dapartiamt a time when the kllUng basUieiMi will puBleal. weakeai apwloita of au
1 butlaaas of Hotel Vetaae
Tt» atoTT la told with « bf Uu be ended for good and all. but until
ad Wlthr »
apr 14-tf PALI|trrRY-<toflf«lt Viifiap fltoeiF
fiememur tm totm ttep Ifl ftoif
Fraaclioan. ttial Hchialu a al.t»r-la- that happy day ramea It la Just aa well ernts. Tea or Tabteta. Miai
haad, a idegiUfte
wtB rami
Uw waa oner a «T«ut. «-h«. tlra. to Iw charitable lo our brother who
-No, 4 Smith
wa. alartod abo ».>» noiltv to her beam the “Iwunt of battle.**
Iha trot IttFt kltton. OfOf 121
almoBt naw. ,W.B. Willulairaaa that aha wo. goiag to tiro : U waa also cUrgwl that rnnajon
with bor brolhor III Uw, th. majror.aod
Invilod (hr waudalteod wooun lo call
HI Bros due hill tor
M her Hair rram-U.-o U too doiooINTHIBCITYT
airing this al
; comuoully to o,tnd a
' thliw liter that. Too tnaior o( Iu h»
I Itocori office,
apr 14-if
If ao, I have tu tenovtog
naiiaa kln«. and bhrh ao- trljr |»^.)a
argalaa. evarp cme of CUMrawo from tb. iwolrurUt tbamaotraa
on Sixth SI.
ONE H0U8E oa WeM Btoveatk RL
atich an opUoda dUlurb Ibau
apr 234t*
WbuM make a aloe-home.
Tbrr ro«ard It oaty aa a gaod Joi".
THREE HOU8B8 M Eaat Team 8L
vtiUii Inrtult It la '
► and fifty foot
Maror Bchmltt himartf u a aaolr ad8L A Urgaln. Nicely iDoated. ,
joaiad oma. barlag atadlad laodlcliM
I 12f N. Bprucje Bt. Clt
ONE HOUSE oa Roae Et., aaar ear.
for two roan, bat dactdlaa lot to w
apr 2€4l*
tbo practico bocaaoo of ID boatth.
waa thU arhtrt. caoaad hha to «o
ANOTHBIl noom aa' aar. Praot
iBto tialBla* aa an athloto. It ^ ^




!trss^iss.s 3«"-.7S,rr-s;

Oikilal roDPics/

10c each




V/m. Champion


PslMcr. Paper Hisrer
isd Decorator.


“*%ro‘S2nVromptly attend­


fieo. a. Sands

SCI frsat ftreei







_ ,;


Tm South Side luoihet Co.


TfiWMCity. Mieli.

Tara St BaaMoDaam.
no mlaon at nawmm Mt ap t^

rsuoievUla eotartalaaseats with aaca
SraT aa Ike |0ara
gchmltt waa aakad to ptoy for thasw





John F.0tt Lumber Cit.

Om uiottoi Beat Ctioaa, Orr 8Uwk,

•I , RoaCttoiiSW



MI3M 7


MU. tend aa a.Boor, tS Mllaa treat
. m south Wrialofl towB at BM.,
ANOTHSR 4« ACISS aot am, BiM Mad of iiouta Max mV
■IlM irpte aarket w4 ^aeOtr teraL
BfltelkaRMT tafM trtl.ka aada M
tt-w J

i r' mmEMi EU

rw iw.

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